Five years of peace... [TheDarkerMe & Kaziel]
Kakashi let out a slow groan as he felt the entire world swimming around him. His eyes were closed, and he felt himself laying down, but it felt as if everything was moving. Slowly cracking his right eye, he was assaulted by a flood of brightness, and he clamped it shut again, letting him adjust to the light by seeing it through his eyelids. In a few moments he tried opening it again, this time much more ready as he looked around for the first time. To his right he could see the window of a building, but it wasn't the view from his apartment. He began to look around, and recognized the bed and the room from Konoha's hospital, a view he had become far too accustomed too as of late. Glancing to his right his eye went wide as he saw a blond haired person next to him. A long flowing robe sat on his shoulders, spiked golden hair sticking out atop his hitai ate, his face smooth and unblemished as he sat there with his eyes closed. "Sen... sensei...?" Kakashi's voice cracked from disuse. It had to be some sort of dream... his sensei, the Fourth Hokage had died years before... but this person was a dead ringer for him. The eyes of man next to him immediately shot open. "Kakashi sensei! You're awake!" It wasn't his old master, but Naruto... but wait, Kakashi thought... his cheeks were smooth... what had happened to the tell tale stripes across them? And where did that robe come from? Looking at it again, he saw it was red with black trim instead of white with red trim that Minato sensei wore. "Naruto...?" his head swam as he tried to think back to the last thing he had seen. He had just finished fighting one of the Pains, and Choji was running... then he had to use his Mangekyo to save the younger ninja. That... that should have killed him. He had no objections to dying, but suddenly he was afraid he'd failed. "Choji... what happened to Choji?" He asked, his voice a little panicky. "Choji? What about Choji? He's fine." Naruto replied, eyebrow raised, and Kakashi let out a very loud sigh. "Thanks to Tsunade sama there weren't any casualties," he clarified with a sad sigh, "And I got here in time to defeat Pain, once she ran out of chakra. She was using her summon to keep everyone safe. That's also how she saved you." He said, grinning wildly. Kakashi nodded, and hid his surprise over what Naruto said... Tsunade sama? He never used honorifics like that. What had happened while he had been recovering. In fact... how long had he been out? "Okay, Naruto... could you explain what's happened?" Naruto's smile slipped from his face, but he nodded anyway. He started by going over what had happened during and after the fight with Pain, where he repeatedly called on his newfound Hermit Mode to defeat him. In the end, triumph had been his, and Pain had been fully defeated, even his original controller self. Then he went on to detail how only about a week had passed before the next attack struck. A few of the less injured shinobi had joined him, but only Naruto had really been able to go all out, thanks to the healing properties of Hermit Mode. Naruto's voice broke a few times as he started to explain that Sasuke had been at the forefront of the second attack. Naruto was light on details at this point, but Kakashi could understand. Naruto had loved Sasuke like a brother. He had always been trying to get him to come back to Konoha. He ended his brief description by saying that Sasuke had used some very powerful Genjutsu to distract him, while he snuck past him to get into Konoha. At this announcement Kakashi was worried, but Naruto continued by saying that before he could find Sasuke, the Akatsuki member in the orange mask, Tobi, had attacked him. He reached up and ran three fingers along his cheeks where the three marks had always previously been. "I'm sure you noticed that these are gone, right Kakashi sensei?" He said, grinning. Kakashi nodded and Naruto then explained that, somehow, Tobi had ripped the Kyuubi out of him, bringing it to life. Kakashi became visibly shaken at hearing this, but Naruto smiled. "Nothing to worry about, Kakashi sensei." He then took a quick step back in time in his story and told Kakashi about the issues he had melding with the two elder frogs due to the Kyuubi interfering. Despite one of them dying, the other was now able to meld with him seamlessly, giving him almost unlimited access to Senjutsu Chakra. Grinning wildly, he went on to tell Kakashi about how he was able to subdue the Kyuubi, sealing it into the ground, and without the Kyuubi, this Tobi guy panicked and disappeared like he had before. Finally, by the time he made his way back to Konoha, Sasuke had already attacked and killed a number of the elders, but had been chased away before he could get anyone else. Since then, he'd spent the time here at the hospital, watching over Kakashi as he recovered. Kakashi lay back, his head swimming. So much had happened, his head began to swim. Looking over at Naruto, he was struck again how much he looked like the Fourth Hokage. Eye wrinkling from a smile hidden under the mask he always wore, he nodded at Naruto. "I'm really proud of you. To defend Konoha... even to fight your best friend like that, shows that you've really grown up a lot." Naruto let out another short laugh, scratching the back of his head. "You really think so, Kakashi sensei?" Despite how much he had grown, Kakashi could still see a bit of the child still in him... that was good... he was only 15... he shouldn't be forced to grow up even faster than he already had. Even with the defeat of Pain, with Tobi and Sasuke, obviously both enemies of Konoha, still out there, Kakashi doubted things would get easier... "Oh yeah, Kakashi sensei... when you get out of the hospital, Tsunade sama wanted to talk to you about something." "Okay, thanks for letting me know. You should get going now that I'm up. You're probably going stir crazy here." Kakashi said, and Naruto nodded emphatically. Hopping up off the chair he had been sitting in, he made his way out waving back to Kakashi. He stared up at the ceiling... so much to think about... Naruto had gone wandering, enjoying stretching his legs. While he hadn't been idle while watching over Kakashi, he had longed to go wandering in the three weeks since the fight with Sasuke and Tobi. He'd used the time he had spent there increasing his ability to store and control Senjutsu Chakra. He just began wandering, enjoy the outside, the sounds of nature and let his mind wander. He hadn't told Kakashi... or really anyone some of the truths that had happened that day. Like what had happened with Sasuke. He breathed out deeply. Yes, they had fought, but it hadn't been a Genjutsu which had defeated him... in fact every ability that Sasuke threw at him... Genjutsu, Ninjutsu... even his Sharingan enhanced Taijutsu were no match for him in Hermit Mode. Genjutsu he had known weren't real due to his connection to nature. Ninjutsu he had just plowed through thanks to his healing abilities, and the power difference between Sasuke and him in Hermit Mode was too great for him to defend against. Within minutes of starting the fight, Naruto had Sasuke on the defensive, and soon he had him pinned to the ground, about to deliver the finishing blow, he found himself crying... Why... he had asked... why attack Konoha? What had we ever done to him? He didn't want to kill his best friend, but he couldn't let him destroy his loved ones, even if Sasuke was one of those loved ones. Naruto hadn't been expecting an answer... before Sasuke hadn't given him real answers, but Sasuke shocked him by explaining what had happened to Itachi. The order to destroy the Uchiha clan, the lies Itachi had told Sasuke for his own protection, that because of those lies Sasuke had killed the brother that loved him more than his own life. It was all the fault of Konoha and he would avenge his brother and his clan. Naruto was stunned. Sure, he knew that people kept secrets... but nothing of this magnitude... Sasuke made a break for the town when Naruto was distracted, but he intercepted him. Sasuke had backed away, looking for another way around Naruto, when Naruto asked him why he had to destroy the whole town. Sure, some people had been in on this, but the ones behind it were the Elders. Naruto suggested that instead of killing everyone, that Sasuke just take out those responsible for the tragedy. And for the first time in over three years, he saw the old face... the hardness slipping away to be replaced to a face that only they shared. He knew he would never forget what they had said there after. "You never give up do you, Naruto?" Sasuke had asked. Naruto stood tall at this comment. "No way! It's not my Ninja Way!" He was grinning ear to ear. Sasuke returned that smirk, not one of superiority, but the only genuine smile he'd ever seen on Sasuke face. "I know all about your Ninja Way." Sasuke then relented, and agreed to target just the Elders... those who had wanted the removal of the Uchiha clan. But he also added that few in Konoha would understand why he did what he did. He could never return after he completed his assassinations. Naruto had nodded sadly, but he would rather have his friend at peace somewhere out there, then having to kill him. So with that, Sasuke had rushed passed him, and Naruto had let him. Before he could even sigh a breath of relief, Tobi had arrived. Much like that he had fought with Sasuke, he hadn't been lying about the Kyuubi being freed by Tobi some how, nor that he had defeated the Kyuubi, impossible as that might seem. He had sealed it into a crater in the ground that had been created during their fight. Tobi had retreated then, obviously wary of this new power that Naruto had gained access to. What Naruto hadn't mentioned was that at some point during the fight Sakura had found her way to where they were fighting. The power from the fight between the Kyuubi and him with unfettered access to Senjutsu Chakra was creating huge amounts of collateral damage. Sakura came inches from dying due to some of that collateral damage, but thankfully Rock Lee had been following her, and intervened, saving her. At the time Naruto had been so caught up in the fight that he hadn't noticed Sakura, but when he later found out about it, he had been horrified. Thinking back over it later, he had realized how hard it was for him to control Hermit Mode like that, and if he did it again, especially in a team or a populated area, people would die. Innocent people who hadn't any way to defend themselves. So he had decided until he had a better grasp on it, he wouldn't call upon a frog to assist him in Hermit Mode. Since then, he'd noticed that Sakura showed up to check on Kakashi with Lee in tow... he might not be the brightest Shinobi in Konoha, but he could see the signs, even if Sakura denied it... or maybe she hadn't realized it yet... she was falling for Lee. He was happy for her. While he had always chased after her, after almost killing her, he didn't want to be near her... he would be a constant reminder of almost dying. The final thing he hadn't fully been clear on was why Tsunade wanted to see Kakashi. After the defeat of the Kyuubi and Tobi, Tsunade had asked him what he'd always wanted. She felt she couldn't properly defend Konoha, but Naruto... Naruto could. The Hokage should be someone who could keep safe the entire village, and Naruto had not only done that, he'd done it amazingly well. He had been shocked, but the memory of the uncontrollable power of frog enhanced Hermit Mode almost being responsible for killing Sakura was still fresh in his mind. He had shocked Tsunade by turning her offer down, saying he wasn't ready yet. Honestly, a part of him was shocked, but the reason he had wanted to be Hokage was so everyone would recognize him. In the aftermath of these two fights, plus his changed appearance after the Kyuubi was removed from him, everyone knew him... he was the talk of the town. He hadn't given up on being Hokage, but he just didn't feel ready for it yet. But he did have someone else in mind... Five Years Later... A member of ANBU walked slowly into the Hokage's office, his face covered by the mask of a Fox, blond spiky hair sticking out behind the porcelain animal. Despite the mask hiding his face, there was little doubt that it was Naruto. He had grown taller, around 5'11" tall, what little fat was on him five years ago had burned away, giving him a lanky, muscular look, plus he still had Tsunade's necklace around his neck. No one had called him by that name in the three years since he had joined ANBU, but everyone was thankful he was there. Some ANBU removed their mask, but he hadn't, so when he removed it in front of the Hokage, his intention was quite obvious. "I'm retiring from ANBU, Hokage sensei." He said, his term a bit different than most. From under the wide brim of the Hokage's hat a lone eye looked upon the former ANBU and former student. "Understood, Naruto. It's good to have you back." Kakashi said. Two months after he had awoken, he had finally been in good enough shape to be released from his stay. He had been told by dozens of people to go see the Fifth Hokage, and he made his way there before even going to his apartment. He had been utterly shocked when Tsunade said she was stepping down from being the Hokage. She explained why she was, and he could understand that... but he didn't get why he was being picked. Sure he was a powerful Shinobi... one of the most powerful, no doubt, but what about Naruto, he had asked. Tsunade then explained her talk with Naruto and that he had recommended him and how Naruto said he still planned to be the Hokage some day, but wasn't ready yet. Kakashi had shook his head in surprise... Who was this blond haired boy and what had he done with Naruto? He had grudgingly accepted the position of Hokage, but despite his earlier expectations, the attacks from Sasuke or Tobi never came. Yes, he had let Naruto join ANBU once he reached Jounin rank , but they always needed ANBU, even before Akatsuki. In fact, the following five years had been a time of almost frightening peace. The Raikage had come looking for Sasuke, but once they had revealed that he was a missing nin of their village, they had offered to help find and defeat him. This joint effort, which hadn't proven to be successful at all, ended up strengthening the bonds between Kumogakure and Konoha. Few other forces would dare to strike the joint power of three major hidden villages, which had surely accounted for much of the peace, but it was still strange to him, having lived a life of almost constant conflict. Shaking his head from his reverie, he nodded again to Naruto. "So now what, Naruto?" he asked. Naruto interlaced his fingers behind his head, falling back to his classic pose of relaxation and contemplation. "Well I was thinking a little time off, until the next graduation of students from the Academy, then taking a team on for myself. Gotta continue the tradition." He said, grinning at Kakashi, thinking back to when he had first begun his training under the Sixth Hokage. Kakashi nodded. "Well, I'll look over the students for the next class and see which would be well suited for you. Anything else?" he asked, to which Naruto shook his head. "Alright, dismissed." And with that Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke. He leaned back in his chair, signing. How things had changed since the old days, he thought. Naruto appeared inside of his small apartment, dust covering the surfaces. Joining ANBU meant that you cut all ties with your previous life until you retired or died. He had done just that, even not coming back to his home for three years. He knew he had missed a lot, including the marriage of Shikamaru and Temari, and Lee and Sakura. He especially was sad for missing the latter, but being ANBU had it's prices. So he planned on going out today and getting them both wedding gifts. He stripped down out of his ANBU uniform for the last time, and walked over to his dresser pulling out boxers and his old orange pants. He slipped into them, but found them a bit tight around his hips. Looking down, he was shocked to see that instead of coming to mid calf, they only went down to his knees. He knew he had grown, but he didn't realize how much he had grown... Well, looks like he'd be stopping by the tailor as well as getting gifts for his friends. He pulled out a fishnet shirt and pulled it over him, it stretching to accommodate him. It was about the only thing he was sure would still fit him, and he took to the street, carrying some of his old clothing so that he could get them redesigned. Chika dodged the attacks thrown at her. Flipping and then lashing out with Kunai and Senbon. But none of it was effective, her ANBU unit was dead. How that was possible, she didn't know. They had guarded the retreat of all the civilians and Genin and Chuunins. With the exception of a few. Her red wolf mask pressed to her face tighter as she dodged another blow from the Pain before her.It seemed like her life was melting into the fight. Then next thing she knew it was nearly over. Tsunade was exhausted and everything seemed quiet. She saw the look on Chouji's face, and Chouza's. Her heart falling through her feet, as she looked around for that familiar tuft of silver hair. That announced the arrival of the annoyance to her life. "Tsunade sama... where is Hatake?" She whispered softly.The blond woman looked to the side where the male was stretched out. Chika's hands shakingly released the catch on her mask. Her hand going numb as the mask fell and shattered. Tears streaking down the females face. "KAKASHI!" She screamed, her anger her hurt. How could he be such an idiot and get himself killed.Where all their years of playful banter back and forth worth NOTHING. She ran over, fighting against the restraints placed on her by Gai and Raidon. The females green eyes widening further as Tsunade approached her. "He's dead..." Tsunade whispered... tears in her own eyes before she walked past Chika completely."No... I won't let him die...." Chika hissed between her teeth, each word was punctuated with a hiccuping sound. She gathered herself and bolted ahead, crashing across his body. She ripped a kunai from it's holster, and ran through her mind. She had a chance to save her, it could kill her. But she didn't damn well care.Konoha needed Kakashi more then her anyways. She ran the kunai down both of her arms, letting the blood flow. She would be light headed soon but she didn't care. She carved a symbol right through her black ANBU bodysuit, right over her heart. Blood soaked her as she painted her lips with her blood. It was a quick ritual. One that had to be done rapidly. She painted his lips with it, and then held her arms over his chest.Pouring all of her chakra and energy into the blood pouring from her. She wrapped him in the healing energy and prayed for the best. Darkness consumed her soon, and she didn't feel bad at all. She let the darkness wash her away. Five years Later It was five years since the peace had started. A year after the fight that had changed Konoha forever, Hinatas father had a fatal heart attack and died. As the Heir she took over. She had thus far prevented marriages from happening. Her heart was still holding out for... A pang raced through her chest. The Jounin female hadn't seen Naruto in three years. He just vanished one day.The female had broken down that day, she finally realized he was gone. She had gone to the ramen stand every day, looking for his familiar blond hair. But he was just gone... He was gone. Three years she had grown into a regal woman. In control of herself and those around her. At least in her clan.She had watched Neji marry off to a young woman of one of the feline handler clans. Had officiated the marriage herself. She never thought her cousin would get over TenTen's death, but he had. Koneko had delivered the Hyuuga clan three healthy children. They where named accordingly after Hinata's father and Nejis. As well as Hinata's passed on mother. Hizashi, Hiashi, and Hikari.She turned her head to look around the town, in so many years... things had changed. She noticed then a light in a familiar apartment. Someone was in Naruto's old place. She ran up the rickety steps then and stopped at the door. Rapping on it lightly. She was still the same old Hinata on the inside, but she was a Clan leader now so she was a bit more forward with things.Her pale eyes widened, as she waited for the door to swing open. Had the place been sold to someone else, or was Naruto Home? When the door opened, if it was him he might get a bit of a shock as well. Hinata really wasn't the child she had once been. Now a full grown woman, with a womans looks. She was matured in her looks, and her hair was nearly to her knees now. Pulled back from her face with a clip. Her eyes where their same color, and she wore something new.She wore beige slacks, with a black skintight shirt. Over that was her Jounin vest her headband resting around her neck. She looked... she looked hot. As she had heard Kiba so firmly state. Chika jumped back from the male swinging his katana at her. She had retired from ANBU a year after the day that had changed her life forever. She had to train new abilities, the trauma of what she had done had ripped her mothers bloodline from her body. No one had even been able to touch her for a few months. While her body was thrown into a stasis slumber, incased in the Yukikana's Healing Ice.She had awakened two months later, when the ice melted around her. Her eyes had changed, now being completely like her mothers had been. The Green ice with a dark green ring on the outer edge. Her hair had to be cut, she found it an annoyance now. She wasn't a child, it was time to grow up.She had cut it that day, to her shoulders. Let it grow over the last five years. It was now at her waist. She usually braided it. Because her students... yes her students... found it fun to pull on it otherwise. She dodged the blow of the Genin, and then swung around. Catching his two teammates legs and then incasing his legs in ice. Hiro, Nika, and Baro, where her students. Two males and a female.She stopped and then sighed as she released them. "That's it for today. Go over what you did wrong and try to figure it out." She stated as she vanished in a puff of snowflakes. She reappeared on the Hokages window, leaning against it for a moment. She now wore a red bodysuit, short sleeved and short legs. She wore a white pair of shorts over the body suit, and her jounin vest. Her hair was free for the moment now, falling around her shoulders like spilt blood.Across the inside of her arms was thick white scars that ran the whole expanse. There was a red dripping pattern around them. Testament to the ritual she had done, that had nearly killed her. "It's time Hokage sama..." She said softly as she slipped inside. It had been five years... Five years of watching him get better. She would never admit her feelings to him, with him being several years her senior... and Hokage.But she knew he knew, it was another one of the games they played. But neither really had touched the other ever, before. Probably never would happen. Memories flashed through her mind of Gai comforting and cradling her. Stroking her hair and telling her that her youthfulness had been an honor to all of Konoha. That was right after she woke up. Kakashi had still been in the hospital, from what she had heard. Kakashi turned his head, looking over at Chika. He smiled again, his eye crinkling. He stood up, then planted a palm against the Hokage's desk, his body shaking. Turning away from her, he pulled down his mask, coughs wracking him. Bringing his hand up to his mouth, a spittle of blood spattered across his palm. Tsunade wasn't sure what had happened to either of them. He had been dead. There was no doubt about that in his mind... he had gone beyond and even met his father there, before he was pulled back. He also was fully aware of the Jutsu which could bring the dead back to life, but it cost the user it's life. If Chika had used that on him, she would be dead... but that's not what she had done. No one was really sure, but Tsunade's best guess was when Chika had been trying to heal him, a portion of her soul was used to power the jutsu she had used. The effect was a double edged blade. The upside was that Chika could heal him from any wound. Once he had his arm completely severed off at the elbow, while defending the village from a roving monster, and she had healed him, restoring him to perfect form. In fact, as near as anyone could tell, she restored him to just as he had been right before he died. She couldn't fix his scar on his face, or any other wound he had gotten in the past, but anything that hurt him afterwards was essentially reversed. The downside was that she was the only one who could heal him, and she could heal no one but him. Tsunade had tried to heal him once, and it had been like she was trying to heal a rock, or a pile of sand. Whatever had happened had intertwined their fates together, forever. Reaching into his robes, he drew out a cloth and wiped clean his hand before he replaced his mask. Turning back to her, he let out a short laugh, trying to defuse the situation suddenly created by his coughing. "Guess you're right." he repled, letting his hand drop down, his sacred copy of Icha Icha Tactics that he had gotten from Naruto so long ago, fell from the sleve. He looked down, then quickly back up. She always hated it when he read this stuff, not that it stopped him... and he was due to be healed, so there was nothing stopping her from exacting some punishment first... "Calm down, Chika san..." Meanwhile, out in town, Naruto approached the door as it suddenly was knocked upon. He took a cautious step back... no one knew he was here... He hadn't even told Kakashi he was going home. Years of being ANBU had removed his recklessness, and he reached behind him, grabbing the hilt of a kunai, his body tensing as he reached for the doorknob, unlocking it and quickly pulling the door open, ready to attack whoever was there, if they proved hostile. Instead of some sort of hulking monster that he expected, he found... Hinata. He let out a loud laugh, his stress finding release in that form as he loosened his grip on the kunai, leaning up against the wall, laughing a bit more. "Hello Hinata chan!" he said loudly. "You are not what I expected!" He stepped close to her and before she could react, he wrapped her up in a big hug, not realizing what he was wearing. Releasing her, he held her at arms length, looking at her more closely. She wasn't a lot taller than she had been three years ago when he joined ANBU, but her looks had changed. She looked older... but not old like aged, but in a more attractive way, her long hair giving her an exotic look compared to what she had looked like before. She had also filled out very well, becoming very womanly. Suddenly Naruto realized what he was thinking, and felt his cheeks reddening. He spun, letting out another laugh to cover his embarassment. He began thinking... he had never really noticed Hinata like this before... she always blended into the background, not talking much to him, always acting shy, so he hadn't really seen these things before, but being separated from his friends for three years made him more attentive... that and he was far less immature now. He stayed there for a moment, his musclar back to her, visible through his fishnet shirt, as he tried to regain his calm. Some called it romantic, the life that she and Kakashi now had. She braced her hands on the windowsill, still perched there like some sort of bird. Over the last few years, it seemed like she and Kakashi had become what Konoha called the perfect couple. But they where far from it. Sakura and Naruto knew, the true relationship behind the two of them.Chika had made the ultimate sacrifice, when she went to trade her life for his. She had given up her dream of being the head medic of Konoha. She had gone and seen him there with his father. She had gotten to meet the White Fang of Konoha. Screamed at Kakashi for leaving when his village needed him most. For leaving her alone, with no one that understood her.His father, the spirit of him had been shocked at the young woman. But she had dragged Kakshi back. After that, when they both started interacting again, everyone noticed the change. Chika was no longer the Maiden of Blood, but the Princess of Ice. Everyone noticed her lack of ability with her blood abilities.Over the years things had happened, injuries had been healed. Nearest anyone could tell, the only reason Kakashi was back was because of the strength of the females heart. Tsunade herself had told Chika that the heart created the strongest of Jutsu's. Nearest that Tsunade could tell, Chika had turned back death's hands...But at a heavy cost. Now Kakashi needed her still, his Sharingan was causing him problems. His body was wracked by coughs, but as long as she saw him once a week or every other... and healed him... He would be fine. She would never let him go, she had decided that the day she almost died. She wouldn't let him go, because she loved him.He might not ever hear those words from her lips, and they may never have a relationship... But she did. As much as he annoyed her, and she hated him for it. She approached him and sighed at the book, not caring for the moment. "Shhhh... It's fine Hokage Sama..." She said lightly as she braced her hands on his shoulders.Chakra lit up around her, icy blue tinged by blood red. Her blood abilities where coming back. She let the healing chakra wash through him, her eyes closing as she remained quiet. Hinata had so many things running through her mind. When the Hyuuga clan leader heard sounds on the other side of the door she tensed. She was not prepared for what she saw. The door opened and Naruto wielding a Kunai was on the other side. She almost felt like bursting into tears.Then he grabbed her up and was hugging her, the breath left her. Her heart felt like it was literally breaking in her chest. She was well past the point where she would have fainted in the past. She was a grown woman now, and she only fainted after a lot of things happened. She looked up at him as he held unto her, and then smiled weakly when he released her."Uzamaki san... You're back..." She whispered softly. Finding her resolve breaking. All those years of training to be more outgoing, to be more open to others. All those years, where slipping away. She found the tears coming more, as the memories came back. She had thought him dead, there was no word of him. He was dead or in ANBU, and being in ANBU was pretty much the same thing as dead.Not allowed contact, with anyone from your past. At least in the aspect that you knew them as a person would. She bit her lip when he released her and spun around. "Naru ... Naruto kun?" She whispered softly as she stepped forward, her hand pressing to his back. He was real... Naruto jumped as he felt Hinata's hand against his back. He spun, snapped out of his moment of shock grinning at Hinata. "Ah ha ha ha." he laughed weakly. "Sorry about that Hinata chan. I was just surprised to see you here." he said, rubbing his hand through his hair. Looking at her again, he couldn't believe how much she had changed. Suddenly, Naruto realized he had felt her bare hand on his back and he became acutely aware of how little he was wearing. Five years ago, he wouldn't have given wearing this a second thought around anyone... but in the years that had passed, he had matured a lot. His pants were too tight and he was only in a mesh shirt, his muscled form showing. "Uh..." he began "I know this looks really bad, Hinata, but I was just going out to get new clothes... all my old ones were too small for me." He closed his eyes, cringing. If this was Sakura, she'd definitely hit him across the room. As Kakashi felt Chika's hands on his shoulders, her eyes closed, he relaxed. He used this time to look at her. She was the one who had saved his life. Sure he had been willing to die, but that was to save a comrade... she had brought him back, and in the years since he had come back, he had done so much more good for Konoha. She was also stunningly beautiful. He teased her when they were together because he wanted closeness with her, but a small part of him was afraid to get too close... His sensei... Obito... Rin... everyone who got close to him died. He even made sure to keep his beloved students at a distance, lest they be reached by his death touch. This was also part of the reason he became Hokage. Everyone liked the Hokage, but no one was close to them. It ensured that everyone would be safe. It was a lonely life, but a necessary one, he told himself. He felt his muscles renew themselves, his bones strengthing, the cough in his chest subsiding. As it went every week, he was back to normal. All thanks to Chika. He wished he could let her know how much she meant to him, but he didn't dare... Hinata was a little started as he suddenly spun. Her body coming closer to his. Already that blush was starting on her cheeks as she kept her hand right there in the small of his back. Her lips parting in surprise as she listened to him speak. "It's alright Naruto kun..." She whispered softly. Finding herself slipping easily into that old name for him. "I saw a light on and came to see what was happening..." She whispered softly.She let go of him then, and reached up to rub at her face. The tears that where falling. He was so concerned about his clothes, and all the girl could do was laugh. Laugh and cry. She was crying because she was happy, and laughing because the situation was just so funny. He was back, and she wouldn't let him get away this time! She was going to do what she never would have done before.She hugged him then, pressing herself against him and burying her face in his chest. "You're back, please don't leave again..." She whispered softly as she pulled back and then cleared her throat. "Allow me to help you attain more clothing." She said in a soft voice. Slowly slipping back into the mode of being the leader of her clan. Chika was always described as being a beauty. Carved of ice, and so delicate to those that looked up on her. There was a small black teardrop mark at the corner of her right eye. A tattoo she got when her mother passed. A puckered scar ran down the length of her chin, from the corner of the right side of her lip and down.Across her cheekbones, he could see because of how close he was, starting at her tearducts, was a snowflake pattern. It extended from under her eyes, to over towards the outside of her cheekbones, and then scooped down and ran down the length of her neck. Over the tops of her shoulders, and then down the back of her arms. It ended at the tip of her middle finger, having gone down the back of her hand. It was a tattoo seal her mother had set up with her when she was younger.But Kakashi would know it was there, because of how close they got each time they had to do one of these healings. When she was done, she pulled herself from him. Weakness showing on her features for a moment, as she leaned back against his desk. Watching him now, sadness showing on her features. "I reach my big Three Oh... tomorrow" She whispered in a sad tone. Her birthday, the anniversary of when he died... and she became something else.So many things falling on one day. She shifted forward a little, and tentatively she reached out. Reaching out and running her hand along his cheek to cup it for a moment. "I'm never going to let you die, of anything but old age... if I can help it..." She whispered softly. Leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his forehead. Then yanking back as she realized her actions and turning to leave. When he felt Chika's lips on his forehead, his eyes went wide... not just his right eye, but both. He was momentarily overwhelmed by the different perceptions of both eyes before he snapped his sharingan eye shut. But in that moment Chika had jumped away. Quickly shedding his Hokage robes, he was only wearing his normal garb, save he no longer wore his Jounin vest, he lept to the window, looking around for her. She was already rushing away at a high speed. She might be fast, but he was faster. Quickly switching to his deep red eye, his other closing, he lept off the building, landing gracefully as he gave chase. "Chika san!" he shouted out after her. Much like Kakashi, when Hinata pressed against him, her tears splattering against his chest. She was crying... why was she crying. Had he done something wrong. He started to fret, and he reflexively wrapped his arms around, then she said asked him to not leave again, and he suddenly realized they were tears of joy and relief. Hugging her closer, he whispered in reply. "I won't Hinata chan." Apparently she never realized it was him the few times she had requested an ANBU mission and he had been chosen for it. From behind his mask he hadn't really seen her, so he hadn't know how much she had changed. Feeling her body pressed up against him, he was again aware of how womanly she had become, another flush crossing his cheeks. He wasn't allowed to talk about his time in ANBU, so he didn't say where he had gone, he just held her close. Then she became more formal, and he smiled, realizing that she had really grown up from that shy girl into the leader of the Hyuuga clan. "Thanks. I'd really like that. Kinda embarrassing walking around dressed like this..." Chika raced away as fast as she could, her form blurring. She used her light from to give her a little bit of an advantage. When the wind burst past her back she spread out her arms and let it carry her further. She was surprised she had done that, her mind running with all sorts of things. Her fingers rubbing across her temples as she ran. She would close her eyes, but that could be detrimental.She couldfeelhim in pursuit. But she knew he was faster, he always would be. Years of experience over her. She sighed eyes slipping half closed, as she ran faster. Taking the rooftops as her new street. But she knew she wouldn't be able to outrun him for long. Hinata pulled back finally, the tears drying. She had been held by him, and he said he wouldn't leave again. She cleared her throat and tilted her head back. Staring at him like the proud leader of the Hyuuga clan she was. "It will be a gift from my family, one that should have been given in your younger years." She stated in a formal voice. Stepping back from him and turning her back."You have your old jacket still? Perhaps you should get that." She commented as she walked down the steps from his apartment and made her way back to the street. She had to regain her composure, had to keep herself from doing that ever again. At least in a public forum, where someone, anyone, could ever see her. SHe looked back towards him, and smiled softly.Mayhaps, her chance with him would come. "Actually, I wanted to replace my robe first. I had it made in a style similar to my fa..." he trailed off, "The Fourth Hokage's." He laughed at his near slip. "I mean, he was the one who saved the village and I want to be great like him, so I made a robe similar to his." This was close to the truth... while no one had ever told him, when he had been reading Jiraya's novel while training something clicked. The Fourth Hokae was Jiraya's student... Jiraya considered him like a grandson... The Fourth Hokage picked him of all people to be the vessel of the Kyuubi... It wasn't until after Naruto got back from training, after he had defeated Pain that he'd been able to ask Tsunade. She had confirmed it. After that he barely ever removed his robe, only when he had joined ANBU had he been forced to put it aside. It wasn't directly from him, but it was something they both had in common... bringing him a little closer to the father he never knew... And he had decided to not to tell anyone of his lineage because he wanted to be known as Naruto Uzumaki, the greatest shinobi and Hokage in the history of Konoha. Not as Naruto Uzumaki, son of the Fourth Hokage. And with his history, people might be thinking he was lying and he didn't want anyone to think that of him anymore. People's opinions of him had changed after the fights with Pain, Sasuke and Tobi, especially after he had defeated the Kyuubi that he had represented. A lot had change their mind of him the moment he was no longer the vessel of the Kyuubi, and he liked being viewed for who he was, not what he contained, and he had a feeling that would apply to being viewed for who his father was. He respected his father, but wanted to stand on his own two feet. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts and smiled back at her. "And thanks a lot for this, Hinata chan." he said as he stepped out of his apartment, closing the door behind him, locking it and he started walking ahead of her, looking behind him, he grinned again. "Coming?" he asked happily. Even had he not been more experienced, having the Sharingan at his disposal gave him a powerful edge. Any time she decided to change direction mid air, her body would prepare for this shift, her muscles flexing underneath her skin, subtle shifts in the position of her head. The Sharingan picked up all of this, processing it faster than even she knew. With this he would start turning to catch up to her, cutting corners before she even had landed. As fast as she was, he was quickly overtaking her. Before she could get half way across the town, she suddenly saw something out of the corner of her eye. In a burst of speed, he lept in front of her, landing and blocking her further running in he direction he was. Then two more Kakashi's appeared to her left and her right... they spoke in synch. "Stop, Chika san." his voice was hard, giving little room for her to disobey. Hinata waited down on the street for him. His words echoing in her mind. His... Was the Fourth Naruto's father? It would make a lot of sense. There where pictures of him in her family Shrine. A dedication to the man whom had saved them so many times. Perhaps it would be a good idea, to look into the records at the office? She had access to the birth records of Konoha, as a medical assistant.She stopped and looked up as he returned. Her eyes widening for a moment as she jumped ahead to keep up with him. Her mind really had been running a mile a minute. "Yes, Naruto.." SHe said in a quick voice. Jumping almost and landing beside him, as she walked with him. How many times when she was a young girl, had she wished for such things.She knew that her young dreams where full of him. She had gone sullen and dead almost, the perfect Hyuuga Leader, when he had vanished. Her eyes closed as she released a soft breath and clenched her hands in her pants pockets. "I don't mind at all Naruto... mayhaps a bowl of ramen as well?" She commented lightly. Chika did her best to create a pattern that would be hard for him to follow. Even with the sharingan. She knew he would still overtake her, but she used this time to harden herself. She couldn't let emotions really show. She really couldn't, it had been a mistake back there. She couldn't have him, the village needed him more. That was her new motto. She may love him, but Konoha needed him more. The need of the people, came before her own.So thus, she would heal him whenever he needed it. He had a part of her, that no man ever would have. While she knew things about him that no one else probably would ever know. The image came to her eyes as she spun rapidly, and tried to prevent his goal. But it was to no avail, she was surrounded. She crouched low, panting for breath, eyes overshadowed by crimson bangs.How amazingly amusing this was. The Fourth Hokage, Kakashi's teacher... his lifepartner had crimson hair. Kushina Uzumaki, Naruto's mother. It was amazing the things you figured out over time. Other people saw it as a blessing, that Kakashi would be just as great as the fourth. It was Chika's curse, to be compared to a woman she couldn't dare to come close to. Kakashi was Konoha's, he would never be hers. That sharp command made her stop, she stayed in her crouch panting faintly. Kakashi stood and took a deep breath in and then out, calming himself. He had caught her, on the roof behind her, another Kage Bushin ensuring she didn't try to run to escape. Kakashi slowly approached her, switching to his other eye now that he had stopped chasing her and bending his knees so he was down to her level, looking into her eyes. "Why did you kiss my forehead, Chika?" he asked. He had dropped the honorifics, and he said her name with much more care... like it and she was a treasured thing to him. He placed his hand down next to hers, the tip of his finger brushing against one of hers, this simple contact could have been accidental, but he didn't remove his hand when they did contact and for what felt like the longest second, she could feel his skin against hers and he had iniated it, but still he didn't withdraw his hand. Naruto's eyes were slimmer than they had been when he was younger, something he had grown into as he became an adult, but at the mention of Ramen, it was like he was a kid again. "Ramen! Ichinaku ramen? It's been years since I had any! Absolutely!" His grin was blindingly brilliant. They began having small talk, and Naruto carefully avoided the subject of where he had been the last few years, unable to speak of his time in ANBU. Before long they were in front of the tailor's, and they walked inside. He began picking clothing, and to the shock of Hinata they weren't just orange clothing. Setting aside some gray slacks, a black longsleeved shirt, he brought it up and then talked to the tailor about making him a custom orange robe, much like his older red one, but even though he didn't wear exclusively orange clothing anymore, it was still his color. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out his small frog change bag. One of the few real remainders of his childhood, he opened it, then suddenly realized because he ran into Hinata, he had gotten distracted by her new good looks and had forgotten to go to the bank. Laughing weakly at the tailor, he scratched the back of his head, he asked the tailor "Umm... I seem to have forgotten my money... can I pay you back later?" Dark ringed eyes lifted and stared at his singular black one. His sharingan eye was closed. She panted faintly, mouth opened as she tried to regain herself. She knew that running so fast after healing him was bad. She always tended to take on a lot of his injuries when she healed him. Her eyes slid closed as her head dropped. He was asking her a question she couldn't answer.She opened her eyes and looked at him again. Then her head fell as her shoulders shook. "It was a lapse of judgement..." She whispered softly. The contact was still there, what was he getting at? His hand was so near to hers, she could feel how much warmer he ran then her. Hell he always ran warmer then her nowadays.What was she supposed to say to him. She tilted her head up completely now and found that her face was scant inches from his own masked face. Damn mask, she never could tell what his lips where doing with that thing on. What she wouldn't give to see him smile. Hinata watched him, as her lips quirked into a smile. He reacted just as he would have when they where younger. "Yes Ichiraku Ramen..." She said in a cheerful voice. Her eyes lighting up at his reaction, he was going to let her buy him food, that was a wonderful feeling that he started in her. She giggled faintly and braced her fingers to her lips, grinning even more as she watched him.They talked as they walked, small talk and nothing too big. She avoided talking to him about things she had felt while he was gone. But as soon as they arrived at the tailors, she happily watched him find the things that he would enjoy wearing. He had good taste, despite what others always stated. She had missed him, missed him so much.She looked at the outfit he had picked and grinned faintly. When the problem of his money came up she stepped forward, resting her hand on his. "It's alright Naruto kun..." She said lightly as she reached into her top and withdrew a fabric coin purse. Undoing the strings and pulling out a roll of bills. "This is for his clothing, thank you." She said lightly."Shall we go get Ramen now?" She said softly. Naruto breathed out a sigh of relief as Hinata offered to cover him for the new clothing. He smiled at her as she placed her hand on his, and he turned it over, giving her hand a squeeze. As she started walking away, he snatched up the clothes he had set aside. "Hold on real quick, Hinata chan." He stepped into a changing room, quickly discarding his old, too small clothing, putting on his new outfit. It didn't feel quite right being without his robe since he had been wearing it pretty steadily for two years prior to joining ANBU, but he could make due. Reaching into his collar, he pulled out the necklace that Tsunade had given him. It was the only thing he always wore... sleeping, awake, in the shower... he had even kept it while in ANBU, but had made sure to keep it hidden. Now that he didn't need to do that, he drew it out and wanted it in plain sight. Stepping back out, he summoned two Kage Bushin, the real him going off with Hinata, smiling at her. "So how do I look?" He asked her as they walked down the street. The other ones went off to get money from the bank and to deliver his clothes back to his apartment. Kakashi wasn't, but later it would seem like he was reading Chika's mind. "Then what I'm about to do is a lapse in judgment as well..." He reached up, slowly drawing the mask down, revealing his face to her... really to anyone for the first time in years. The scar which crossed his left eye continued down his cheek to about where his upper teeth would be. The brownish red of the scar tissue was a sharp contrast to the rest of his face. It was like someone had taken pure white marble and carved his face from it. Blemishless and pale, sharp and angular, his thin lips just as pale as the rest of his face, the entire appearance a sharp contrast to the lazy, sleepy right eye that was the usual look for the Sixth Hokage. Before she could really do anything, he bent his head to her upturned face, pressing those thin lips against hers, not forcing it upon her, but just letting himself go with the moment. Hinata smiled softly as she stopped and waited for him. She held her hands patiently before herself and hummed lightly. A grin spreading across her features. She watched and waited, looking around the street. Her hand still tingled from where he had gripped it. She looked at her hand, with a bemused expression on her features. That old crush bursting up through her, like a flower seeking the sun.She sighed softly, her head tilted back, she would change into better clothing later. But as of the moment, she stopped to look towards him as he came back. Her eyes drooping at the corners as she gave him a closed eyed smile. "You look wonderful Naruto kun..." She said cheerfully as she walked with him then down the street.She pushed up the curtain to the ramen stand and waved. "Look whom is back!" She exclaimed to Ayame. The ramen shop girl gasped faintly and started whipping up a large bowl of ramen, while crying. Exclaiming how much they had all missed his exuberance at the stand. Chika's breath caught in her throat as she watched him. Her eyes shimmering faintly with worry and confusion. He spoke, and then she felt as if she was going to fall through completely. He pulled down his mask, revealing a face that she was sure no one had really seen in a long time. Her heart thudded in her chest, her mouth going dry faintly as she looked at him.He was, before this, the most attractive man she had ever known. Even without seeing his face, and now that she had... she knew she was lost. She bit her lip faintly, as she watched him, he was leaning down, and then his lips where on hers. They say that when you kiss the person you are meant to be with, it sets off a major reaction in you.If she wasn't reacting to Kakashi's kiss, she didn't know what was. She tentatively returned it, her lips pressing against his. Cool, and seeking the warmth of his own. Her hands reached up tentatively and then cupped his cheeks. Unbeknownst to her, that simple action opened a flood gate in her. Tears now silently coursing down her face, from closed eyes. Kakashi kept one of his hands next to hers, flexing his finger and lightly rubbing her hand as his other found it's way to her forehead, running his fingers through her long red hair. Feeling her press back lightly against his pale lips, he pressed against her harder, letting his emotions take over kissing her deeply. Taking her wrist, he pulled her up into a crouch before pressing her backwards so she was laying on her back, with his keens between her legs. He let himself fall lightly onto her, his weight pressing against her, he let his hand trail up her arm then to her cheek as he brushed the tears streaming down her face away. Breaking the kiss, he whispered, "Chika... there's no need to cry anymore." Naruto grinned at Ayame. He hadn't dared come back while he was in ANBU, but he had kept tabs on the place, occasionally having someone get some ramen for him, so he already knew that Mr. Ichiraku had passed a few years back. He opted not to ask where he was, lest it bring up bad memories. Sliding into his old seat, he grabbed some chopsticks just as one of his Kage Bushin's tossed him his wallet. Catching it, he turned and looked at Hinata. "Well since I have money now, I'll buy the Ramen... not that it's close to the amount you paid for the clothes... I'll figure some way to pay you back." He said this and smiled, taking her hand and pulling her down onto the stool next to his. Turning back to the counter, he found a full very large bowl of ramen before him and he started to chow down, glancing over at Hinata between bites. She had really become a beauty in the past few years... or maybe she always had, he suddenly thought. Up until five years ago, he'd had nothing but eyes for Sakura, so he never really thought of anyone else by his side, and in the aftermath of the fights with Pain and Tobi he was too lost in his thoughts to really notice anyone. Now that he wasn't wrapped up in that, he thought back through the years, and she had always been a cutie... And she'd always been shy around him... calling him Naruto kun despite them not knowing each other until the Chuunin exams, averting her eyes to him or hiding... maybe she had... liked him? He quickly looked back at the bowl of ramen, his cheeks blushing. She had, he thought, and he'd never noticed. He felt so stupid for not realizing it... Chika flexed her fingers against his. Rubbing back as he rubbed hers. Her head tilted as his hand stroked back through her hair, and her eyes fluttered open. Staring up at his features. He was kissing her deeply now, and that just made another wave of sorrow pass over her. How long could this last? How long?He grabbed her wrist, and pulled her into a crouch and then pressed her backwards. She was on her back now, and kissing him. It was... it was so nice. She sighed softly against his lips. Wrapping her free arm around him as he leaned in against her. Her head jerked a little as he brushed her tears away."I'll always cry, Kakashi..." She said softly with a weak tone to her whisper. "How long can I have you for? How long before something needs you more... I made a promise to myself, that you where needed by Konoha. The need of the people before my own..." She whispered weakly. Voice choking with tears. Hinata smiled softly as Ayame began the process of feeding Naruto. Tears coming to her eyes for a moment, as she remembered the years she had come here and eaten alone. Thinking about how he was doing, if he was alive or dead. She tilted her head down and smiled, and was about to sit down, when he yanked her down to a stool right next to him. The contact of his hand, making her shiver faintly.She smiled softly at his comments and gave a soft laugh. "It's alright Naruto kun..." She said softly and looked away. Biting her lip faintly she began to eat her ramen. Choosing to pick out the part of her ramen that was like named to the man she loved. She smiled softly as she watched him, while he ate.It had been so many years since she was a child. Now a grown woman, she recognized that she not only loved Naruto, but she wanted him. As only a woman could truly want a man. She wanted him to be her partner, but getting past the Hyuuga elders would be like Hell on Earth. But now that his pedigree was known, mayhaps they would scrabble for him to be in the clan?She could only hope. Naruto was finishing off his third bowl by the time Hinata was finished with her first. Ayane reached out to prepare another bowl for him but he shook his head with a smile. He could have eaten more... heck he could have done with at least twice what he had eated, but seeing Hinata was already done with hers, he didn't want to keep her waiting. He laughed softly at this... him, Naruto, giving up bowls of Ramen for anything? Who knew? Standing up, bowed slightly to Ayane before paying for their meal and stepped outside, looking back at Hinata. "So... I'd like to do some more, but I kinda need to get some rest... it's been a big day for me." he said, smiling. "Would you care to walk me back to my apartment?" he said, offering his arm to her. Looking into her eyes, the sorrow therein truly cracking the ice he perpetually kept around his heart. "And what about my needs?" he asked. "Yes, I need to become the Hokage for the village, but that doesn't mean that the Hokage is all I am. The same went for every Hokage before me... and the one who will come after me." the latter said with someone obviously in mind. "But when I am not the Hokage, does that mean what I want doesn't mater...?" Saying this, he held her chin with both hands and stroked her cheeks, his normally lazy eye filled with purpose and emotion. Usually this type of face was shown only in the heat of battle, and while this was a battle of sorts, it was something entirely different. Hinata smiled brightly as she cocked her head to the side. Now this was utterly amazing, she just saw Naruto not eat as much as he could. She shifted a little and bowed her head with a thanks to Ayame. She smiled faintly as she shifted from her seat and stood. She smiled brightly at him now, her shyness fading away slowly.She looped her arms in his and leaned against him. "I don't mind." She said lightly as she stepped towards him closer. Her eyes lighting up as a blush crossed her cheeks. She was close to him, and she could tell that he just wasn't being nice to her. He was really interested! "You should make sure to get lots of sleep, many people will wanna see you again." She said lightly. Chika bit her lip hard, her features wavering with emotions she usually kept locked up. If only her team could see her now, they would probably be freaking out. Their teacher pinned on the roof, beneath the Hokage. It wasn't a fight, wasn't a spar, and she was starting to get more then a little aroused. She shuddered and sighed as she bit her lip.She had never been intimate with a man, and had never wanted to be after what happened that fateful day. "When you are not Hokage, you are free to be whomever you wish to be." She whispered lightly as she leaned into his touches, her eyes lighting up faintly. "I'm sorry... really I am... I just did what was best for Konoha... and followe the rules... locking up my heart..." She whispered weakly. Kakashi smiled, his pale lips thin, as he nodded. He understood what she had been thinking, but she was wrong... He finally realized this, and it applied to himself too. He had been there when the Third Hokage had sacrificed himself for the entire village, but until now he had kept himself locked away, completely missing the lesson he had been taught by his master's master's master... "Keeping people at a distance, not truly caring for them, locking up you heart is a safe way... sure... but it robs you. It robs you of time that could be better spent with those you lo... care for. For too long I've stayed locked away up in my tower. I'm no longer one of them." he said, waving to the entire town. "It also robs you of a source of strenght. I realize now where you found it in you to save me five years ago... it was this feeling you've kept locked away. Maybe you won't be able to go back to being a full med nin, but don't you think that not acting on your feelings is a disservice to the sacrifice you made for me?" Naruto smiled as she took his arm and they began walking slowly through town. His acute ears heard the occasional whisper, probably some of them about them, but he cared not. He made more small talk, asking about what had been going on in Konoha the last few years. He had been here, but he hadn't kept close tabs on everyone, so it was good to hear about how things went. Shikamaru and Temari had finally followed through on what everyone had expected of them, becoming a couple, and they lived in both cities, moving back and forth. Talk about the town was that marriage was sure on the horizon for the mixed village pair. As they arrived at his apartment, they were still talking, so he smiled and raised both eyebrows, "Care to come in? I don't have much to offer since I just got back, but we seem to be having a good time talking and would be a shame to stop now." Chika stared up at him, watching him now. Her arms wrapping around his waist , and just staying there. Her eyes watched him, like two chips of green ice. She watched him, and waited for him to speak. When he started she remained silent, and bit her lip just a little at his words. He spoke with such truth, and such feeling that she couldn't help but watch him in more then just awe."Kakashi..." She whispered as her hands cupped his cheeks again. "You tell me that it's not right to keep them locked up, then fine... I love you." She whispered softly as she kissed him. This time pouring in the pent upyearsof feelings that had built and dammed themselves up inside of her. Hinata happily walked beside him, it was a dream come true. To walk beside her beloved in such a manner. He was so sweet and caring, he was watching out for her. She smiled as he began small talk, and she returned it in kind. Telling him of all the changes in the Hyuuga clan. Then going on to talk about all the new things that happened while he was gone.Like Neji's marriage, and the deaths that there where anniversary's for. When they finally reached Naruto's apartment, her stomach fell through. She would have to leave his company now, did she really want to. She nervously fidgeted, and then smiled brightly at his words. "Oh I would love to come in!" She exclaimed softly. Naruto smiled as she agreed to come in, hopping up the steps quickly, then hurrying to his door, he unlocked it. Looking around quickly, he quietly groaned as he realized he had only a single chair. When she entered he pointed at the bed. "We can sit there. Sorry, only have one seat... not used to having company." He scratched the back of his head, embarassed. "Just gimme a sec. I just remembered I have some tea." He stepped into the kitchen, filling up a kettle of water and putting it on the stove, getting the bags of tea ready. He glanced back out into the main room, a grin on his face. He only had a single place to sit because before now no one had really ever come inside. Sure Jiraiya, the Third, or Kakashi had come in, but that was more of a visit to a student or a ward than an actual friend. Even when someone who he considered a friend had come over... Sakura, Sasuke, Shikamaru, they hadn't come in... just knocked on his door to get him to hurry up for whatever was needed. But this... this was the first time anyone had come in. He was so happy about it he could barely contain himself. As Chika kissed him, he couldn't help but notice the difference. Before there was some feeling behind it, but then it was tinged with sadness... like a final parting kiss, instead of their first real one. But this... this was like someone had unleashed a torrent, the passion rushing from her and into him. He could either get washed away by it, or return it with equal fervor. As he intertwined his fingers with hers, he returned it, looking her in the eye for a moment before he closed his one eye, surrendering to the moment. Squeezing her hand with one of his, his other slipped down from her cheek, skipping past her hitai ate, he reached the zipper of her vest and slowly unzipped it, her attractive form appearing as he snaked a hand across her side and around her, pulling her against his toned body. Hinata smiled softly as she watched him. He seemed as nervous as she was. She stepped up to the door with him, and nervously stepped inside and slipped off her shoes. She tiptoed barefoot, and did as he ordered. Sitting down on his bed, her cheeks flaming with color. She bit her lip and nodded as he commented about getting some tea made. It was amazing how things went, finally she mayhaps be getting somewhere.She watched him silently, and then just listened as he moved around. She was kind of nervous, all of the sudden. Waiting for him to return, and wondering at what he was thinking. She looked around his house, her head cocked to the side as she smiled brightly at the condition of his apartment. It would need a bit of dusting, but she couldn't wait to help him get it cleaned up.He had been gone for so long, now it was her time to make up for losing time with him. She wouldn't let him slip free as easily as he had in the past. Chika kissed him, like there was no tomorrow for her. Like all she had was this one moment to make it all known to him. She laced her fingers with his, and hung unto them tightly. Her whole mind focusing on showing him exactly what he meant to her. Her lips locking with his more, her tongue darting into the caverns of his mouth as she kissed him with full intention of making him want her just as much as she wanted him.Then his hand slipped from hers, and then slowly slid down her body. Her vest unzipped and fell open, her slim form revealed to him by the tightness of her body suits top. She wasn't wearing any chest wraps, that was quite obvious, which meant she had some rather perky breasts at her age. He yanked her to his body, and that cause a gasp to tear from her lips.She returned his attentions, but slipping her hands free of his. Slipping them under his shirt, she braced her hands on his lower back, and arched towards him. Kakashi was vaguely aware that they might be seen, but right now his brain was too far gone for him to really care. Kissing back, hungrily, he was finally realizing how much they had both wanted this. He took her lower lip between his teeth, tugging it for a moment before he kissed her again, drawing her tongue back into his mouth, swirling around it with his. Finding himself pressed against her as she held him as close as he held her, he found his other hand free. Sliding a little to the side, he pulled her vest further open, one of her breasts coming free, the thin fabric of her body suit all that was covering her. Taking it in his hands, he tried to be gentle, but the rush of the moment made his attempt much rougher than he intended as he began groping her tender globe of flesh. Naruto walked back in, carrying to small cups of tea. "I hope you don't mind the flavor... might be a bit strange tasting... three years old and change." He gave her a soft laugh to try to break any tension as she sat down next to Hinata, holding the cup out to her and she took it. He dropped his hand and found that it fell onto her leg. He froze, wondering if she would object. He wasn't really experienced in this at all, so he wasn't sure if he was rushing things, even though it was an accident. He panned his blue eyes over to her, looking into her pale lavender ones, a small hopeful smile on his face. Chika's breath left her in a rush. He was kissing her so hungrily, like the wolf his ANBU mask once was. She shifted a little, and pressed closer to him. Allowing him to do as he pleasure. That little nibbled pulling on her scar. Making the tissue pull a little, and a small ache start. But it was a good ache. She whimpered softly in pleasure and then nuzzled her lips against his.But then he was kissing her again, and drawing her tongue into his mouth. She growled and challenged him back, swirling her tongue with his. She sighed softly as her vest was pushed open more. Her wrappless breast clad in only her body suit came free, and then his hand was upon her. His hands massaging and rubbing skin that just wasn't quite used to it.The heat of him seared into her mind, and her body. Like liquid fire it worked on her bodies now natural chilliness. "Ah... Gods and Demons Kakashi." She whispered as she yanked her mouth from his, gasping for breath. Hinata smiled softly as she watched the male come back. He was speaking to her again, and she couldn't help but blush. Like she always did when she was younger. "Ah... Thank you Naruto kun..." She whispered as she took the cup of tea from him. She smiled thankfully at him and sipped the tea. Watching him now as she drank. His hand was on her leg, it was on her leg!A thrill raced through her, and she continued to sip. She wouldn't stop him, so many years she had dreamed of being closer to him. She wouldn't let her semi shyness get in the way. She bit her lip faintly and looked towards him, a small hopeful smile gracing her own lips. Before he could reply to her, Kakashi heard a loud bang and a cloud of smoke appeared next to them. Then out of it lept Gai, the man who considered himself Kakashi's life long rival, and he was holding a female blow up doll... Chika didn't even see it, but suddenly Kakashi's mask was back over his face. "HA! Don't think you can get ahead of me just because I don't have a woman! While she may not be real, my feelings for Plastic chan are just as real!" With that statement of intent, Gai began dry humping the doll and kissing it. Kakashi just laid there for a moment, his one eye open in shock. Sure, Gai would go overboard on their "contests" , but this... this was a new high... or would low be a better term for it. All Kakashi knew was he wanted to be as far from where he was as possible. Quickly covering up Chika's chest, he leaned close to her, Gia's noisy making out with the doll making what he said unhearable to any but Chika. "I'll meet you at your apartment in five minutes..." he waited to check that she was okay with this plan before disappearing in a puff of smoke. That she didn't freak out to his touch and the smile on her face urged Naruto to continue. Not wanting to rush things too much by getting too physical too quickly, he leaned in, closing his eyes. His heart thudded in his chest. Sure, this wasn't his first kiss... that was to Sasuke all those years ago, but this was the first one that really mattered. The first time kissing a girl. He paused, milimeters from her lips, not wanting to go too far, his breath coming fast and warm against her lips, waiting to see how she would react. Chika just stared in shock, at the bang. Her eyes widening as she realized what was happening. She was glad Kakashi yanked back up his mask, as she quickly yanked her vest closed and zipped it up. She stared at him, as she looked back to Gai and then to Kakashi.She made a face of 'WTF' and then shook her head. But then she knew what Kakashi was going to say, before he even vanished. "I'll see you there..." She whispered softly as she shifted and made a few handsigns, vanishing in a puff of smoke as well.Inside her apartment, she made herself ready for what was to come. A quick clean up and a cup of tea to calm her nerves. He would be here soon. Hinata watched him slowly, a bit of nervousness showing on her features. She still smiled, but her eyes shimmered with a bit of uncertainty. What was he going to do? She was so worried over this predicament, would he kiss her? Would he? Her mind ran in circles as she waited to see. For now he was leaning in.He was leaning in, and she felt the breath leave her chest. He was so close to her lips, so close, she felt that old blush seeping up from her. She could feel his breath against her lips, and a squeak slowly rose from her. Leaning in, she decided to take the first really brave step of her still young life.She closed the distance and pressed her lips to his. Naruto felt a momentary rush of relief as he felt Hinata's lips touch his. He had been worried he was reading her wrong, that she wasn't interested in him this way, but her reaction showed him otherwise. Pressing back as hers touched his, he let a smile crease his face. He reached over, setting the tea on the dresser next to his bed, then reached up and placed his still warm hand against her face, cupping her cheek. He slipped his other hand up to her hip, holding her there, as he deepened the kiss. Kakashi reappeared inside his office, and quickly stripped down, jumping into the shower. It quickly calmed his nerves and washed off some of the sweat he'd build up chasing after her, and using the Sharigan. Stepping out, he picked out a different outfit, similar style but this one white, and he suited up hurriedly, pulling the white mask over his smooth face. With about a minute to spare, he again transported himself, this time to the window right outside of Chika's apartment. Clinging to the wall, he looked inside to see her sitting at the table, then he rapped lightly on the window to get her attention. Hinata set her own tea down, and leaned in just a little more. He was kissing her in return, it was wonderful. It felt so good, because it was so many years that she had waited for this. When his hand touched her cheek, and then the other her hip, she sighed against his lips. She kissed him back, her hands resting on his lap.She shifted forward a little more, happy to allow the deepened kiss. She sighed softly and wrapped her arms around his waist. Pullinng back a little for a breath, and blushing faintly. "Naruto kun..." She whispered softly. This felt good, it felt.. it felt right. Chika was silently sipping her tea. Thinking about what was to come. When she heard the wrapping on her window, green eyes didn't even dart over. A few handsigns, and the locks on the window where released, as she continued to sit where she was. Sipping her tea still as she looked up towards him.A weak and nervous smile crossed her features then as she slowly stood up. Setting her tea cup down, and turning towards him. "Hello..." She whispered softly. Kakashi grasped the window pane and slid it open and slipped inside, closing and locking it behind him. Small smudges of the oil on his skin were the only signals that he had passed through. Now safely inside, he reached up and again drew his mask down from his face, a small smile on his pale lips. "Hello, Chika..." he said. Walking across the room, around her bed, he approached her chair and stood over where she sat, he took her hand and drew her to her feet, pulling her close to him, wrapping his arms around her waist. Their faces were inches from eachother, and he found her scent intoxicating. He just held her there, staring at her, wondering what had taken him so long to act... so much time wasted. When she broke the kiss, he realized he had been holding his breath, not because anything was wrong, but because he was so caught up in the kiss, in how perfect it felt. He suddenly breathed in deeply and he saw she was saying something to him, but all he could hear was the pounding of his heart in his ears. Luckily he recognized she was saying his name, and smiled at her, replying with a whisper "Hinata chan..." He just took a moment to look over her face. She was even more beautiful up close... her pale lavender eyes glimmered as the sun set, her face blemishless and breathtaking. He didn't know what he did to deserve her affections, but he wasn't going to question it. He leaned back in, kissing her again, this time initiating it since he was sure that she did want it. He tilted his head, his eyes closing so that he could get closer to her, this time making sure to breath. The second kiss was just as good as the first, and he found himself giving off a small groan. Chika watched him, as she finished her tea. Then wrapped her arms around him as he pulled her against him. She laughed softly and then pressed her face closer to his. Kissing along his scar, and then shifting her hand up to run it through his hair. "I can say it now..." She whispered softly as she pressed her lips to his. Then pulled back and trailed them down his throat, resting her face on his chest."I love you Kakashi Hatake, I have for many years. Despite my exclamations of hating you, that's why I hated you... because you made me feel what I shouldn't... "She whispered as she looked up at him. "These are testament that I did something, and survived something I shouldn't have." She whispered as she pressed her fingers over teh raised and pale scars on the inside of her arms. The dripping blood marks, permanently placed there by her chakra. Hinata smiled softly as she watched him. Her eyes shimmering for a moment with tears, but clearing as she blinked. This was what her girlish fantasies had drawn her too. This male, that she loved so much. She had watched him suffer, and had cried on her own. When she had been about to give up, he had been her strength. He had always been what she was trying to reach.He whispered her name and then leaned in again. She kissed him back as much as she had before. Her fingers tangling in his shirt as she pressed closer to him. Finding herself not getting enough of him. She whimpered softly against his lips, just from the sheer feeling of perfection. She was so happy, this was one of the happiest moments of her life.
['Choji', 'Kakashi', 'Konoha', 'Naruto', 'Hokage']
The Zangoose Girl. (Myself and Zennarion)
Slowly, conciousness came to her. Her eyes gradually fluttered open, exposing the world to her for the first time. Oddly enough, it was filtered through a green haze. That was when she noticed something attached to her face. Panic began to grip her, and she flailed, knocking off the oxygen mask. Her fear began to escalate as she couldn't breathe in the emerald fluid she now realized she was in. Desperately, she made her way to the top of the tank, coughing up the liquid in her lungs and rubbing her eyes as she broke the surface. Though her vision was still fuzzy, she could tell that there was nothing but darkness in the room as she threw her legs over the top and landed on the floor. An investigation of her surrounding revealed a door.It took her a little while to figure out how to open it, but once she had, she made her way into a barely lit hallway. A noise alerted her to danger and she fled in the other direction just as a night watchman turned the corner. Barely excaping notice, she began looking for a way to escape this frightening place. Another door, this one clear, showed through to the outside. Instinctively equating the greenery outside with safety, she pushed it open and made a break for the treeline and kept running until the noise from the alarm was no longer audible.She wandered around for a while until a burning in her throat made itself known. She did not know how to relieve it until she heard the sound of a stream nearby. Quickly she made her way towards it and dipped her cupped paws in the water to bring it to her parched mouth. That was when she saw her reflection. She was covered in a white fur with red markings here and there. Mesmerized by her own image, she couldn't stop studying her own features. Zane let out a soft sigh as he walked around in the darkness, the only light around him came from his Infernape. He let out a soft yawn, and then looked down at the Infernape by his side. He knew that they had to find some cover for the night. He had seen how dark the clouds where before the sun went down, and he knew that it would start raining before morning came, so they had to find a place where they could sleep tonight, since he didn't want to get wet or anything like that. "Do you think we'll find a place where we can find some cover and then sleep, soon?" He then asked it. He heard a sigh escaping from its mouth, and he then let out a sigh as well.He had no idea where they were at the moment, of course he could use his pokenav, but he prefered to use it, when it was a real emergency, and it wasn't exaxtly an emergency at the moment. Why had he chosen to continue, they had found an inn just before dinner time, but they had only stopped to get something to eat. The inn owner had suggested that they shold stay, but Zane had refused, since he wanted to get as far as possible, before it got too dark.Of course he had a sleeping bag big enough for two, and one that could be used to cover himself and one of his pokemons from the rain, but it would probably still be a bit cold in there, when it got wet, thats why he wanted to find some cover from the rain. He heard the sound of a stream not far away, before he then looked down at the Infernape. "Lets go..." He then told it, and it then nodded at his words. He then stopped as he saw a creature nearby the water, it looked like a pokemon, but it also looked like a pokemon, it was impossible for him to tell what it was. He returned his Infernape, and then walked a bit closer to it. The girl's head snapped up as she heard something approaching. She immediately jumped up, ready to fight if she needed. Her tail twitched nervously behind her, and her fur stood on end, making herself look as menacing as she could. Then she saw the trainer, and she relaxed slightly. Confusion set in as she tried to decide whether to run or attack. "Zangoose," she muttered to herself in a worried voice. Unlike most Zangoose, though, her voice was soft and melodic in comparison. Frozen in indecision, she just stared dumbly at the trainer. "Zangoose," she repeated making it almost sound like a question. He sighed softly as he saw her reaction to this "Shh.... I don't wanna harm you.... Only talk with you... Maybe you could even lead me to a place where we can get some cover for the night... If you do... I'll give you some pokemon food, you want that, don't you?" He then asked her. Of course he would try an catch her, but not now, first he had to win her trust, he would have to protect her, and he would have to walk with her, that was probably the only way that he could win her trust, and he didn't mind doing it in that way. He closed his eyes for a moment. "Please.... Just trust me...." He then told her in a calm tone, as he then slowly approched her, since he didn't want to scare her away from him. He knew that she was probably scared, but he wasn't going to harm her, atleast not yet. "If you lead me to a place with cover, i'll give you a place with cover as well..." He then told her. Zangoose looked up at him, she only came up to his chin, and took a step back as he advanced. Hesitantly, she looked around for an escape root. She was sure she could get away, but he didn't seem to be threatening her. Warily, she took a step closer to him. "Zangoose," she told him. Suddenly, a scent coming from his pack caught her attention, and in a flash she was behind him. She pulled the bag towards her, opening the largest flap, and dug around till she found the food she was smelling. She hadn't realized till just now that she had been famished and started devouring as much as she could as fast as she could. "Zangoose!" she exclaimed happily between bites in a happy voice. He smiled a bit as he felt how she she pulled the bag down so she could get some food, and then put the bag down, before he then looked dowon at her, and put a hand at her head, and then scratched her behind the ear. "Lets say you get half of the food thats left if you find a place where i can get some cover for the rain, it'll start raining soon..." He then told her in a soft tone, while he watched her. "Dosen't that sound like a good deal?" He then asked her with a slight smile upon his lips. He let out a soft sigh, and then kneeled down beside of her. He wouldn't mind sharing his food with her if she could show him a place that could cover him for the rain. He pulled his bag up again, and then closed it, so she wouldn't be able to eat more before she had found a place where he could get some cover for the rain. "I'll let you sleep under my cover with me as well..." He then told her. "Zangoose?" she replied inquisitively with a look of extreme confusion at his alien language, but continued eating what food she had managed to nick from his pack before he closed it. If her cheeks had not been covered with fur, it would have been easy to see the blood rushing to her face as he began to scratch behind her ear. Still, she leaned into his hand with a contented smile. When she had finished her food, she found a nice nearby patch of grass and sat down. When she was satisfied that it was comfortable enough, she pulled her bushy tail into her lap and began preening it before leaning over and using it as a pillow. It was so warm, she unconsciously curled up into a ball and began purring softly. He smiled a bit as he saw this, and then walked over to her. "You don't understand me...?" He then asked her while he watched her. He then walked over to her and sat down beside of her, as he then began rubbing her cheek, before he then let out a soft sigh. He then looked around, it seemed as if there was enough cover for him to sleep here. He put his bag down beside of him, and then pulled out his sleeping back. "Wouldn't it be better if you sleot in here with me.... So you won't catch a cold..." He then told her, while he watched her. He closed his eyes for a moment, and then pulled off his shirt, before he then got down in teh sleeping back. "If you sleep down here your fur won't get wet, and we'll be able to keep each other warm..." He then told her, before he then pointed towards her, and then the spot between him in the sleeping bag. He just hoped that she would join him down there, so he could make her trust him even more. Zangoose was a little torn. The sleeping bag looked really warm and comfy but it also looked like it could be a trap. "Zangoose," she said in a worried tone. She sat up and moved as if she was going to get up, then hesitated. She looked around in confusion at nothing in particular before finally deciding to climb into the sleeping bag. Once she was comfortably in, she snuggled into his chest and wrapped her tail around the both of them. The cloth lining felt absolutely wonderful agianst her and she sighed happily. "Zangoose," she told him softly with a small smile. He smiled a bit as he fekt this, she sure was warm, now they could keep each other warm through the night. He then moved his hand up to behind her ear and then started scratching her. He wouls win her trust, and then he would capture her in a pokeball. She probably wouldn't mind that as long as she was with him. He looked down into her eyes. "Hey.... Zangoose.... Maybe you would come with me, if i give you food, and if i promise to protect you... Then maybe you could also get to sleep here, in the sleeping bag together with me..." He then told her with a slight smile upon his lips. Hopefully she would say yes, and then tomorrow he would capture her, that is if she said yes.
✖ midnight and mina - POKEBOYS !
" Fifteen thousand and five hundred dollars for a herd of Rapidashes not bad. " Chason grinned, patting the heavy suitcase that was propped on the cushioned seat next to him. Even though he planned out the strategy himself, it was his Pokeboys who did most of the dirty work and carried out his scheme. Then again, they were his willing vessels, ready to do anything he wished of them they were the reason he made a living. While the other Rockets kept loads of Pokeboys to increase the number of their party, he preferred to keep two and focus his attention on them so that they'd be at an advantage in the face of outraging numbers. It was also his efforts that brought them to where they were Kaiden and Damien. He picked up his fork, then stabbed at the strawberry in his served fruit bowl, gesturing for the boys sitting opposite of him to finish eating, too. He treated them to a meal after every paycheck, and since he was in a relatively good mood today, he was up for taming them both, too at the same time. He rarely spent quality time with his Pokeboys, just because he simply had no time. But when he did fit it into his hectic schedule to occasionally express his gratitude, he did it effectively. The Rocket member loosened his tie and sat back on his chair, hanging one arm over the backboard of the other seat adjacent to him. " Eat up all you want, boys you two deserve it. " he kindly offered, taking a swig of the can of beer he was served. Even though he filled up nearly half of his stomach with alcohol, he wasn't so lenient with letting his beloved boys drink any, mainly for health conditions he was fully conscious of. And beer most likely guaranteed a better fuck. He had a lot more stamina, and he would need it when fucking two. Chason popped a grape into his mouth, glancing out of the PokeCenter's window at the darkening sky. It looked like they would need to room here for the night. They were wanderers most of the time, but they had enough money to let them roost an entire week here if they wanted. Kaiden, the more reserved of the two, warily glanced at their tamer becoming more and more drunk by the passing second. He didn't mind it at all, and knew very well of what rewards that'd bring later in the night. They so deserved a good fuck ! The Houndoom morph ran his gloved fingers through his pitch black hair, fingering the rusty brown highlights that were streaked there in some areas. With his teeth, he tugged off of his gloves, then cautiously brought up, " We are being tamed tonight, right ? Dinner doesn't settle it at all. " He uneasily glanced around at the colorful Pokeboys sitting around them at different tables, looking just disgustingly adorable in their own fashion. They sort of stood out amongst the Pikachus, Azurills, Swablus, and Vulpixes, really. With a sigh, the Houndoom lifted himself off of his seat next to Damien, then rounded the table, plopping down comfortably on Chason's lap. The tamer was quick to wrap his arms around his Houndoom's back, even going as far to poke his fingers underneath the other's waistband. They kissed, and Chason drew away first, leaning forward to plant a peck on the middle of his Pokeboy's chest. " Mmm, of course. There's nothing you two deserve more than a good fuck I'll cum in both of your asses this time. " he promised, ignoring the strange looks they received from the other customers. Damien was helping himself to most of the food provided to him, alternating between showing his hands in the large claws and simply picking up the food with the pincers on his wrists. The redheaded pokeboy had played a big role on in aiding his master in capturing all those pokemon, the red blitz wasn't called that for no reason, he was easily able to incapacitate them himself. The pokeboy sat close to his master, pressed up against him really, the black cloth that normally covered his face down so he could feast on the various berries that were his favorite food, preferring the strawberries. He occasionally made a show by aiding his master, lifting an item of food to his lips. The boy only drank a little but quickly demolished the strawberries, his attention sliding around the room, all the people looking at them, or just going about their business, he could really care less, unlike Kaiden, who seemed to care what others thought about him. Damien found it amusing, all the colorful and well groomed pokeboys all around, barely trained and probably badly tamed, Damien however had his wild hair and dark eyes. he looked completely out of place in the pokemon center, along with his comrade Houndoom.Damien gave a glance to the side as the houndoom climbed up in his master's lap, his master promptly wrapping his arms around the other, Damien looked up, a jealous flare in his eyes. He was well known amongst the rockets for his temper, though he felt that even the houndoom deserved his turn. Still, the Scizor let out a low growl when their clearly intoxicated master showed the houndoom a lot of attention. Damien turned his head towards the two, his sharp eyes aliting on them when their master admitted that he would be fucking both of them that night, at that Damien smiled. It was likely that by the end of the night he would have a lot of cum in him, he knew the houndoom probably would help, maybe even gang up on Damien, being doubleteamed by both his master and his comrade was his favorite sexual activity.Damien waited a moment before he moved, pressing into his master's side and pressing on the charm "Master, when do we get to fuck?" He was a lot less inhibited than Kaiden, and proved it by leaning in to kiss Kaiden full on the lips "I am in the mood" Damien smiled seductively, pecking his master on the cheek, his actions were primarily to embarrass the more reserved pokeboy, Damien had no problem with public displays of Affection, making out with his master, or even being fucked or fondled by his master, in places where they could be caught. Damien made his effort to get into his master's lap, pressing into Kaiden as well, a gesture of affection from the fiery pokeboy.The fiery haired pokeboy smiled at Kaiden, he was a horny one, and they would both be being fucked, maybe even Kaiden would have a turn with Damien, or even get to have him Maybe Chason would sit out for the first few minutes of the taming session to allow for both of his Pokeboys to be a bit intimate with each other in the beginning. He personally loved seeing his dearly beloveds get at it, so he would be more than willing to let Kaiden take control of the reins for a few moments until he'd step in to the scene. Besides, they seemed to like each other very much when they weren't indirectly fighting over his attention. It was obvious that Damien had some sort of an attraction towards his only partner in crime, while Kaiden was somewhat inexpressive, but held the same love for his comrade as well. He often put them together, but preferred that they stayed apart most of the time for specific reasons regarding attachment and the neglect of their duties. He also didn't tame them very often, because it felt much better if they weren't doing it on a regular basis. If one or two weeks were given to let their asses sit there for a while, they eventually grew tighter, giving him more of a thrill to penetrate those rears with the added pleasure. Honestly, Chason couldn't wait to get this moving. He was already on the brink of being totally tipsy, and he wanted to use his stamina before it'd completely burn out in a matter of a few hours. He caressed his Houndoom's back, drawing imaginary shapes on his finely shaped body and the angular spine that curved along, too. The tamer knew that Kaiden loved the riding position, so he kept that in mind as he groped the Houndoom's ass affectionately. Kaiden was rubbing against him, and the master willingly responded by grinding his crotch against his Pokeboy's, smirking against the other's shoulder. Kaiden blushed, nearly throwing his head back in sheer pleasure and ecstasy as he was forced to imagine just how amazing it would feel to be bouncing on top of his master's full erection ... Then, Damien kissed him, and he moaned into the slight peck, already turned on with the flow of events that happened. Unlike Damien, he was a bit shy with public displays of affection, and he despised being exposed in the midst of prying eyes, but damn he was horny tonight. If Chason wanted to do him on the table, he'd eventually give in to his master's request and go along with it. How long had it been since they had a threesome ? " Hm, eager, aren't we ? Kaiden, why don't you be a good boy and pay the bills ? Get us a key while you're at it, too ... " he murmured, pecking the other's cheek and giving a prompt slap against his Houndoom's rear to spur him into action. Kaiden yelped, nodded, and fished out his master's wallet to pay the waitress and claim a room key for them. While Kaiden was absent, he tugged Damien onto his lap, kissing his neck affectionately to make up for the times he hadn't been able to spoil his Scizor. " I'm so proud of you. I promise you a good double penetration tonight. " he promised, probably hinting at the fact that Kaiden would join in to fuck Damien, too. " You want that, baby ? " he grinned, arching one eyebrow as he pursed his lips over the other's smooth jawline, " Want both of it stuffed in your ass ? " Damien watched his master giving his attentions to Kaiden, thinking for a moment, perhaps deciding that it was time to get moving. Damine had a crush on Kaiden, he didn't keep it secret, even though he kept it under wraps when Master was around, mostly because he was busy vying for his master's attention, he loved it when Kaiden fucked him too, their sweating bodies writhing, pressing into eachother, Kaiden wad very energetic in bed. Damien also liked it doggy style with him. Of course they didn't fuck that often, especially not as often as Master fucked them both. Damien looked up, tilting his chin and leaning back, both pincers closed at the moment before he reached over and grabbed a grape, popping it in his mouth. The pincers were surprisingly dexterous, but for things that he needs softness for, Damien was able to use his hands, located inside.Damien kept helping himself to the strawberries, as the master lavished Kaiden with attention, not paying attention to the pair. The boy occasionally glanced over at the two, fidgeting as he watched Kaiden moan and groan in his master's lap. He was becoming aroused just by watching them, his master rubbing his crotch into the other while Kaiden moaned. Damien's kiss had even more of an effect on the houndoom, bringing a particularly malicious smirk to the redhead's lips. The Scizor watched as Kaiden was sent off by chason to go pay the bills. No sooner had Damien peered over at his master when he was pulled into his lap, his master's lips on his neck. Damien practically melted into his master's arms, his neck was one of those weak spots on his body.Damien blushed, mostly just from hearing his master tell him he was proud, he would easily bend over for his master in a public park, but still being told something like that brought a flush of pride to his face."Hmm, master, that sounds great" Damien smiled, rolling his head back, giving him access to his own neck "That sounds lovely, I want to be so full tonight" The thought of being fucked by both his master and his fellow pokemon made Damien quite noticeably aroused, the thought of cum covering his body or being poured inside of him always got him going. Damien 's sharp teeth showed as he placed a kiss on his master's cheek, pressing his body into his. Damien noticed people were staring, and that simply brought a smirk to his lips, he liked having people watch.
['Kaiden', 'Chason']
A life romantic...possibly (CommyfluffyXSoftspoken))
Kagome stood on a rock face next to a waterfall as it over looked the wonderful country side of the world that she lived in. Turning back she walked over to the hut that her and Inuyasha had gotten to get away from the rest. It was nestled in the mountains to avoid the confusing things that went on in the village that they used as a safe haven a long time ago. Now it was just her and him. The way she liked it and with Kikyou out of the way she also felt more like Inuyasha was hers. Thus nothing can go on to distract him away from her. She walked into the hut to see him sleeping. It was morning and she had gotten up early to get some fish for them to have in the morning now. "Inuyasha get up.", She said softly hoping the half dog demon would get up and get the fish. She had him or had taken the beads off of him a while ago. She thought he didn't need them since if they considered lovers why would she use that? She thought she was controlling the poor man so she took it off and put it in a mantle in the hut they shared as a thing to the things they had gone through to complete the jewel shard or now jewel that now sat in the village under strong wards to keep demons away. Though she had heard of other things that might be approaching on the land and she frowned to the idea waiting for Inuyasha to get his breakfast and possible they eat together since she was hungry. Inuyasha lay dreaming peacefully laying on his back his legs and arms sprawled out. His mouth was practically wide open, and even a little drool was dripping on the floor. Not like he cared about what he looked like in his sleep. He was only with Kagome after all. So much time had passed since they finally completed the jewel, and Inuyasha and Kagome destroyed Naraku together. The only problem was that there were still those who seeked the jewel, but it had it's protectors. Miroku and Sango took on that job seeing as it was more the peaceful life for the couple and their children. Inuyasha never wished on the jewel and Kagome had stayed with him. It was all he ever wanted.When Naraku was destroyed, the well that tied Kagome to her world had completly vanished. She never got to say good bye to her family and friends, though it seemed that she happily left that world behind. He couldn't be more lucky. Though he always wondered if she missed it. On their daily trips to the village he always caught her standing there watching the spot where the well was. It seemed to much to just be happy to be with him. He always felt guilty. It was one of the reasons he was always hesitant around her.Inuyasha mumbled something in his sleep kind of like "Take that you bastard!" He was dreaming he was slaying a monster demon, one that Mioga and Totosai were claiming that he would be killed in an instant. After his triumphant win he gave both the old geezers an good thumping for ever doubting him. Kagome of course had cheered him on the whole time and he had grinned from ear to ear as she ran and flung herself in his arms...At the moment Kagome had told him to get up Inuyasha rolled over flinging his arm up over Kagome taking her down with him as he almost rolled on top of her, one lag swinging over hers pinning her and he berried his nose into her neck. Kagome blushed, "Hey Inuyasha wake up!..." She said slightly louder her eyes focusing on his body and face as she blushed as the fish sat in front of them waiting to be cooked. She didn't want them going bad as she looked at him more intently as she had listened to his dream and noticed that he was still his cocksure self. He hadn't changed his way of life at all. She wondered if he would tackle another adventure if it called for it. While they thought of this a figure that was scentless which was able to avoid Inu's detection sat in the tree above their hut. "I am not the only one after you Kagome and for this I will turn you into something like me.", This being said as he had looked like a demon and wondered how he would mutate that body of Kagome's into something possessive that he would mark as his. The thoughts flew through his mind as he watched the hut intently waiting for her to leave out again and waiting for her to appear again this time for something else so he could pounce.
['Kagome', 'Inuyasha', 'Miroku', 'Kikyou']
When your alone [light]
Lexus sighed some as she woke up that morning the new morning in Tokyo and she was nervous about going to school not knowing that there were some bad guys around school but she just didn't know. Getting up she looked around the apartment she was in and she growled some. She took a shower got dressed into that school uniform which she liked and hated at the same time. Her hair being a light bright blonde with black highlights in it she smiled and looked in the mirror then was off to school. Looking around as she walked past the people she listened to her Ipod and swung her head side to side knowing soon she would probaly find a boyfreind or some close friends. She was the most popular kid back in the United States and she loved how she looked. Smirking some as she got to the school she looked around at the big building that looked like a collage or somethin else but she knew it was a school. Sighing some as she went in and looked for her locker she saw some guys looking at her and she got a scared look in her eyes but just ignored it not knowing what they thought of her. Opening her locker she grabbed her books and put them in her skater backpack that she brought from her town and what her close friend gave her. She slammed the locker door then started for her class. She shook her head and dragged her feet on the floor her head swinging side to side still while she listened to her music. She didn't know what or who was looking at her but she didn't give a fuck it's when she got to the class and looked up that she froze seeing the hottest guy in school and she blushed some as she saw him looking at her. She quickly looked back at the teacher as the teacher yelled at her but she couldn't hear since her Ipod was still in her ears. Taking the earphones out of her ears quickly and starting to put it in her backpack she smiled then went in the class room then went into the back were there was a seat next to the window. Looking back up at the teacher as she started to teach class Lexus didn't know what the fuck she was saying. Growling some she got her books out of her backpack and put them on the desk and just looked out the window rolling her eyes as she wondered what the hell was going to happen today. She hated this moving away from so many freinds and so many close family members and it pissed her the hell off not wanting to do it. She was pushed into it after she got into a fight with another girl over some stupid thing and she was kicked out of the school. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Light Yagami, was his name. Light is written with the kanji for moon and Yagami for night and god. Just the name screamed success and that is what he was. He was born to be on top, to win, to get whatever he wanted. Why else would he be so perfect? He had everything, yet still wanted more. If you only saw Light at first glance without actually knowing him you would label him as a spoiled brat who never seemed to be satisfied no matter what he was given. This male was blessed with so much. His looks were almost god like with his short thick but soft dark brown hair and bed room brown eyes. The type of eyes that just seemed to look right into your soul and manipulate you to his will. He was perfectly toned and thin, soft firm body and a chiseled yet angelic face. He was tall, standing at 5'8" and weighing 119 pounds. Of course looks wasn't all he had if that was it then he wouldn't be perfect, or at least the closest thing to it. No, he also had talent, skills that people would do anything to have. Then there was his stunning intellect. He was very intelligent, his mind was something not many could compare to, always being top of his class. A hard working honor student who's considered to be one of Japan's best and brightest. That was the title he thought himself to be. There was more to him then that. he wasn't Just Light Yagami. The son of Soichiro Yagami who was chief of the police task force headquarters. No, he was someone else in secret, unknown to every human. Light was also Kira. The biggest thing that has ever hit the world. History in the making that what Kira was. His goal was to eliminate all the criminals, one death at a time until his world was complete where he reigns over as the new god! Even if it meant sacrificing his own soul it was worth it. The world was rotten and it just kept getting worse. Everyday he had watched innocent people's announced death on T.V or another rape victim. The world cant go on like this anymore he had to make a change and with his new found power it was possible. He could do it, create a new world of peace, a world everyone desires. He was the only one who could do it, no one else would of took the responsibility of doing anything in their power to make this a better world..only he could. Sure he knew killing was wrong, but it had to be done. Those who cause suffering for others don't deserve to live, they don't deserve a trial. That wasn't Justice in his eyes! Day after day criminals got away with what they've done because there was no evidence in their crime, but not anymore. Now he was the one who could judge them, he was the one who got to decided who lived and died regardless of physical evidence. And his decision for doing crime was second chances, no trial..Either a simple heart attack if they were charged of worse crimes and dieing of disease or accidental death for lesser crimes.. Those were his ideas when he first became Kira, a dream of a perfect world, but it showed more and more he was losing control. The ability to kill he was given was taking over his mind, making him a different person then who he used to be. He wasn't justice anymore, he was evil but could never accept that fact, or rather he was too blind with power and thoughts of being god to care. His goal was no longer for the world anymore but for him. He had grown selfish and wasn't just killing criminals but those who got in his way. Innocent or not, it they messed with him, interfered, or knew too much he would eliminate them and without hesitation. His heart was a dark place and his thoughts were cruel, in a symbolic since, he wasn't even human anymore. Death Note, that was the power he had found. A note book of a shinigami, death god. It enabled him to kill any human as long as he had a name, a face, a pen and that specific note book. He could kill them quickly and painless or slowly and painfully. When and how he would do it was entirety in his control, and once a name was written, it couldn't be stopped.. Light was sitting down at his desk with his arm propped up and his chin resting in his palm as he gazed outside. He sat by the window on the right toward the middle to back area of the classroom. The lesson the teacher was given was old news to him so he didn't feel like paying attention. All he really had to do was get the home work done, he didn't have to participate because he already knew the subject. His eyes moved from the window to the door once he heard the teacher stop talking and everything going silent. He looked at the girl that entered. He had never seen her before, she must be knew. He could tell that she wasn't Japanese, if he was to guess by looks he'd say she was American. His eyes followed her, turning his head when she got out of eye sight until she sat down a few seats behind him. He didn't know why but something about her caught interest. Maybe it was because she was a nationality that they don't get much of so it was something new. After a few more minutes of watching her he turned his head back toward the window. An annoyed look then appeared on his face as his gaze looked to something else, but what he was looking at was a mystery. Light growled under his breath and looked back to the window, waiting with pure boredom for class to end. Lexus looked out the window as she saw Light looking at her and she whimpered some as she saw everyone glarin at her as if he was the most popular guy in school and they hated her for him seeming to have an intrest in her. Sighing some she shook her ehad and looked out the window seeing Light look out it to and she tryed to see what he was looking at but she saw nothing. She looked around the classroom seein tons of girls glaring at her and she looked back out the window. When she heard the bell ring she quickly put the books in the bag and she slung the bag over her shoulder and quickly walked out of the classroom. Feeling eyes on her she whimpered some puttin her earphones in and she turned it up loud and started to walk faster. Biting her lip hard she shook her head and starting to walk faster she thought she felt more eyes on her and she looked around seeing almost everyone looking at her. Whimpering some she shook her head and turned the corner walkin out of the school and then she started to run hoping that no one would try and come after her right then and there she just wanted to go back to her apartment and cry her heart out. She felt left out felt out of place in this city in this country and she hated it. Biting her lip harder she started to run and she looked around starting to go down a dark alley and she sighed some slowin down as she started to calm down. Turning her music down she sighed and looked down at the ground and walked calmly. She didn't know why she was walking down the dark alley and she looked up at the sky it already getting dark since school was so long and she didn't know anything the teacher said. She was so confused and she didn't know what to do. Looking back she leaned against the alley wall and looked up at the sky. She didn't know what to do feeling confused and not knowing anything here she just felt like falling down on her knees and crying. She balled her hand into a fist and she slammed her fist into the brick wall and she glared at the wall her hand bleeding and tears rolled down her cheeks and she stayed looking at the ground "why am I even here?? Everyone hates me and I hate this place..I DON'T FUCKING BELONG HERE". When school ended Light stood from his seat and packed up his things. He tossed them into his bag and swung it over his shoulder then left the class room. His mind started to go toward that new girl it seemed a lot of his fan girls had gotten jealous that he looked at her. So what, he made eye contact that doesn't mean he liked her, stupid girls. Why are they always like that? With a sigh he shook his head and walked past the group of kids as if they weren't even there. It was now getting late as Light headed for home. He wasn't one for taking main roads so he decided to take the ally ways. They were darker and if he stayed in the shadows more safer then being on the streets. Light stopped at the sound of a voice talking in the distance and listened. Being curious he started walking toward the direction to check it out. He walked from out of the shadows to see the girl from before. She was crying and..her hand was bleeding? What was up with her? Light looked the opposite direction for a second as if contemplating on whether or not he should held her. Oh what the hell, its not like he was in a rush to get back home, well he was but still he couldn't just leave her alone it wouldn't be safe, she could get attacked. "Are you alright?" he asked walking behind her with his hands in his pockets. It seemed to be a habit of his. "Do you need some help?"
You WILL be Mine (Me and Mono)
Today was the day he was going to try and get the new girl. He didn't know why but he had found such a uncontrollable lust just by looking at her. She was cute and American which made it even more exciting. Just the thought of him screwing her made him so hard. He had to have her no mater what. Not that she would reject him anyway, I mean he was the most popular guy in school. No one ever rejected him so why would she? He was better looking then any of the guys in school. Having short but soft and thick copper brown hair. Dark brown bedroom eyes that could easily manipulate any woman just by making eye contact. He was perfectly toned and leaned. Standing tall at 5'8" and weighing 119 pounds, not to mention he had a perfect package to go with. Looks wasn't all he had though, no. He was talented in everything he did and tried. His skills were extraordinary and rare. Then there was his intelligence. Being top of the class and always Valid Victorian. Oh yeah he got everything he wanted, basically he was a spoiled brat that tending to act very unlike himself if he didn't get what he wanted. Light Yagami was leaning against his locker as he thought over his plan. He would ask her out and work from there. Now the main concept was if he would keep her afterward or would it be a one night stand. Well, that really mattered if he liked her enough after the first night. If he had fun then yes he'd keep her for a while. A smile came on his face as he saw the girl go to her locker surprisingly just a few away from his. When she opened it up to get out her things he had moved and was now behind her locker door waiting for her to close it and see him. Lexus looked around as she walked down the hall all the boys cheering and whistling after her. Sighing some as she got to her locker she looked around and saw one guy looking at her and she went back to gettin her stuff. She didn't know what but her gut was telling her to get out of there before that one guy trapped her or did something she didn't like. Getting her stuff she closed her locker and backed up backing up into Light and she looked back getting a scared look in her eyes. Turning around she leaned up against the locker and gave a weak smile then looked around everyone looking scared. She looked back at Light and glared some "what do you want with me..I'm not going to be your girlfriend if thats what you want". She had a feeling he was a bad boy alone but she didn't know yet. She didn't know but after she thought about it he was pretty hot and he looked like the kind of guy she liked. Sighing some she looked back into his eyes her steel dark blue eyes starting to get a little soft ands she sighed some then nodded. Looking back around the school she wondered if her popularity would go up if she went with him she would probaly then be the most popular girl in school. She smiled more friendly at the thought of that then ran her hand down his chest "So what is it you want hmm??". She was just feeling his chest and damn it felt good she would love to feel that chest against hers and even feel his whole body against hers. Thinking at that thought she sighed some and backed up a little then stepped forward looking closer into his eyes. Her black hair was to her mid back and she smiled some her chest breathing normal for once instead of being scared. His eyes seemed to calm her down some and she wondered what was in his mind but she wasn't a mind reader so she wouldn't be able to do anythin. Backing back up against the locker she brought one of her feet up and put it against the locker making her knee bend. Sighing some she closed her eyes her black short mini skirt showing most of her thighs and legs and she wore a red tight tanktop her breasts showin through some. She really wanted a boyfriend but she just hadn't found one yet not that she didn't want one just all of them were either abusive or just plain assholes and she hoped if he asked her out that he would be a nice guy. Rough but nice and she looked back at him and smiled some "the school bell is about to ring so just ask me your question and I will get going".
['Yagami', 'Lexus']
Grave Matters: A Repo! Roleplay (SevenxKawamura)
She was struggling she was kicking, kicking, kicking, and the buckles on her boots were hitting the cement each time, creating a hollow, metallic rhythm that echoed through the otherwise empty alleyway. She had stopped screaming several minutes ago, her throat too raw for her to continue Valerine Neamt was in the category of the less intelligent patients that he dealt with, the kind that didn't know to stay quiet while running, who gave away their position with their panic.She'd nearly lost him too, just for a moment.But either way, he'd have found her they never got away from him for long, because there was no where they could go that he couldn't find them, and there was no stopping him.There were several Repo Men it wasn't an elite club, but it did require a certain type of person to do the job, and usually the sociopathic were the prime candidates. Seventeen years ago, the mild mannered Nathan Wallace would have been disgusted by the very idea, but things had changed.Initially, he hadn't been driven by blood lust he wasn't sure if that was the case now, it was hard to tell he had been driven by the need to keep his daughter safe, safe from the truth, safe from Rotti, safe from GeneCo. He had signed the contract because he couldn't go to jail and leave Shilo alone in the world, there was no one else who would take her, and he knew there was no where safe in the city he'd had to do it. Starting out had been difficult the first one he'd killed was a man who was in his twenties and had his whole life ahead of him, and Nathan had brought the heart back to GeneCo and vomitted afterwards. He'd hated himself, but at least Shilo hadn't been old enough to recognize there was something wrong and that, perhaps, had been his sole comfort. He'd held his baby girl all night after that, clutching Shilo close to his chest, realizing that even he wasn't good enough for her how could anyone else be? That was the night he'd decided he couldn't let her leave, he couldn't let her face what was out there, it would destroy her. After all, he was a man in his thirties back then, a doctor who had been destroyed in a single day what chance did a little girl stand in a world as twisted as theirs was?But seventeen years of killing changed a guy, and it had become second nature he went somewhere else when he did it now. It was just the job.He removed a glittering, surgically sharp knife and slit the back of Valerie's leather jacket, yanking the fabric apart to reveal her back, still scarred from the recent surgery when the air hit her skin, she began to scream with renewed fervor."Shh shh," he said, and picked up a bit of broken brick from near his foot and soundly thumped her in the back of the head with it. She let out a croak, and began to spasm as her brain hemhorraged from the hit, and once her death rattle was over, he cut into her back and wrenched out her spine with a disturbing finesse, whistling a sprightly tune to himself as he did so.He jammed the spine into a bag and rose to his feet, a dark, blood spattered figure with only one purpose.And he had a busy night ahead of him. Dead cities at night had a certainqualityabout them.Sometimes, he even forgot where the graves ended and the tenements began. Oh, sure, there was the lack of crosses, but dead bodies? At this time of night, you came across quite a few of them. Usually in the back of some truck, sprawled on top of rotting food and old magazines. Gravity spread the blood then, or sometimes, sometimes, there ??d be a victim that was still alive, still bleeding out their heart ??s own blood and clutching weakly at the cavity that used to house a kidney or intestines.Graverobber was usually kind enough to wave. Very few were polite enough to wave back.Tonight, though, was silent. Heavy silence, that pushed on his ear drums and made him whistle to chase it away. Even the, it was too quiet. This wasn ??t death. Death tended to fade into the background, static to the patrols, the constant announcements and the sound of his own heart underneath a scarred chest. This was ? something else.He hadn ??t really heard the screaming. Screaming was something else to tune out. People screamed all the time: maybe their noses were falling off after one too many rhinoplasties, maybe someone didn ??t pay them after they ??d been on their knees for the last half hour. Or, maybe, he thought as he heard the tune echoing off old, high walls, they ??d forgotten to pay a little too long.The dealer sank down to a crouching position, movements slow as to not alert the predator down the alley to his right. Down here it smelled of fear and shit, most people losing their bowels right at death, another thing GeneCo had failed to make designer. He didn ??t generally get this smell in the graveyards, but Graverobber wasn ??t picky. A sensible man might have run, but he ??d been doing this long enough that all he saw was the easy profits. He owed no money, and maybe Repo man because that ??s who the man strolling off with the latex suit and grisly package was, no mistaking it ?? would have professional courtesy.And maybe he ??d sampled just a drop of his own merchandise. Pure, liquid courage that was, injected straight into the body without having to go through all the pipes like alcohol. Unlike the scalpel sluts he sold Zydrate to, he had the sense to wait, counting up in his mind to twenty before rushing to the body.Graverobber kept his feet wide apart so he wouldn ??t slip in the blood. Ah. Spinal. She was dead, then. Whistling jauntily to himself, he set to work checking pockets and the body for metals and money. He had a few empty vials, his work night being cut short by a nasty tangle that involved a few too many GeneCo cops. Hmm. Two more vials, in fact. Repo would probably have at least one more victim.Still humming, Graverobber pocketed the vial and set to following the Repo man.Whoever said Zydrate gave people good ideas? Most of the time, Nathan averaged a few repossessions a week, or at least, that was how it used to be but lately, the GeneCo repo list had grown extensively, and Nathan had found himself being called in every night, hastily leaving the house late at night, throwing his usual excuse to Shilo.House call. Emergency. Patient in a desperate situation, no one else to do it. Life or death.And Shilo never questioned it, because she knew better. Of course, she had heard of the Repo Men before after all, she watched television and listened to the radio, so there were always the rumours, but GeneCo would never expressly admit to having Repo Men working for them, regardless of the law Rotti had ensured was passed regarding organ repossessions.Nathan, fearing that Shilo might somehow connect his work as a doctor to GeneCo, had managed to convince her that Repo Men were just stories made to scare people into paying their debts quickly.But lately, he felt as though his excuses were wearing thin the job had become more demanding, and he was sure that there was some sadism deep inside of Rotti Largo that was influencing him to call Nathan for so many repossessions when there were other Repo Men under his employ. Rotti seemed to enjoy assigning Nathan to the jobs, enjoyed the power it gave him sometimes he even made a point of catching one of the patients himself and bringing Nathan to the cold sub basement of GeneCo so he could watch him do it. Watch him kill.And though Rotti would never say so, Nathan knew it was because Rotti wanted to torment him and to keep him from spending time with his daughter he just didn't know why.So that night, instead of going home to Shilo, he found himself continuing on his way down the twisting back alleys it was a warm evening, so the GeneCo uniform was stifling, and he was hyper aware of his own body and the way the vinyl and leather was twisting around his skin. It was uncomfortable, he felt heavy and inhuman, and now that he was away from the body, he felt disgusted by the spine in his hand and disturbed by his own whistling.He thought about Shilo.She would need to take her medication soon he would be sure to call her.Another back alley, another side street, and soon the Repo Man was standing outside of a small, rundown home the place appeared as though it had once been pleasant and dreamy, but the world around it had become disgusting and grimy and had cast it in darkness.The white picket fence groaned open, and the Repo Man slipped through it, a whisper of shadow. He made a slow circle around the home, he established the doorways, the windows his target was inside, asleep on a beaten recliner in his living room, the television turned on.Edward Muth.GeneCo property for reposession: brain stem.Standing on the dimly lit front porch, the Repo Man flexed his fingers, and the leather squeaked around his hand as he turned the handle, marvelling at how some people never locked their doors.The sitcom on the television was filled with bizarre, cartoonish sound effects as the Repo Man hurled Edward Muth onto the floor like a ragdoll, and his screams were punctuated by the recorded applause as he scalped him, peeling away bits of him until the struggling ceased and the blood had soaked into the carpet, creating a wide red ring with both of them at ground zero. He cracked the skull open like a clamshell, cut through the membrane above the brain, and wrenched it out of what was left of the head, clipping off the spinal attachments and yanking away the stamped GeneCo brain stem.He dropped the rest on the floor, while a cheerful theme song played in the background, and an overly enthusiastic character chirped a signature line to the sound of canned laughter:"Now that's entertainment!" Amazing how the monster seemed to chase away every living thing within a block of it. Graverobber stalked after him, keeping to the shadows and the figure ??s own pace. It hadn ??t taken long to catch up: Graverobber had long enough legs and the Repo Man wasn ??t the six foot six the stories said. Sorta short, really, the masked figures always looked so much taller in the tabloids.The evening was warm, though he barely minded. Z did that, made all the petty little problems of the flesh dim in its cool glow. Plus, his job called for layers. He ??d recently just replaced his coat, having lost one he was rather fond of when he ??d been grabbed a few weeks back. Apparently Amber ??s boy toys didn ??t like their rough housing, even if their boss had been the one to offer Graverobber a chance at the new parts. The porch, rotting wood with little support, creaked under his thick boots as he stepped up, and he froze, listening for any sound that would say ??The Repo Man ??s heard you and his coming ??. A loud ??thump ??, though, had covered it up, and he tiptoed towards the door, every groan of the wood hidden by screams.By the time he had got into the house proper, the screams had stopped, and Graverobber was cursing the man for shutting up so quickly. Jesus. People couldn ??t shut the fuck up when you wanted them to, but as soon as you needed them to keep you from getting scalped by the Repo Man? They took that time to die quietly, not a gurgle or a seizure to spare. Lucky for him, though, that he was following the sort of murderer that took pride in his work, tacky music and all.The blood added color to the house, really, better than the peeling, faded wallpaper and mouldy carpet. Probably improved the market value, at least for the squatters who moved in after someone came in to get the body. He ??d have to remember this place, since squatters generally meant Zydrate addicts, and Zydrate addicts meant a wider consumer base, the man thought as he watched the death doctor go at the body. There was a certain art to it, you had to admit, the way he sawed through bone and tendon to get to the stem. Not like that part of the body was all that well protected, but it came with all sorts of fibers to pick out. This wasn ??t just some hack and slash job like they made it into in the movies and zines. No, this was precision most surgeons would kill for .Graverobber pressed back against the wall of the hallway as the monster dropped his victim. It wasn ??t fear that made him push back so he could feel the way his shirt stuck his back from the sweat. It was a desire to keep out of the Repo Man ??s way, like some sort of sick change over in shifts. This time, though, the man had lead him to a whole house of things to loot, not just a body. Made his life all that much easier.He knelt down, still keeping out of the way, and started to unfold his tool kit. There was enough room in the doorway that Repo Man would be able to go by him, even with the vinyl reproduction of scrubs he was wrapped in.It was rather professional, all in all, he thought as he reached for the syringe and empty vial, humming along to the jingle on the tube. When the doctor saw him, and Graverobber was sure he would being the only animate thing around for a few blocks that he wasn ??t contracted to kill, the man turned his head up and nodded, stained lips widening into a smile. Now it was just waiting. He wouldn ??t get in the way, not while the other was on the job.Professional courtesy and all.Graverobber liked the sound of that. And one GeneCo employee who wasn ??t paid to shoot him on sight wouldn ??t care. He was doing a service, after all, helping with the clean up. And helping the man stay in work, too. More Zydrate addicts meant more people brave enough to go for a surgery they wouldn't be able to afford. Kept them both in their jobs. Medication reminder. Medication reminder.Nathan's head snapped up from where he was busily packaging the removed GeneCo part, and he wrapped a bit of plastic around the rest of the brain stem, setting it aside before lifting his communications watch close to his face his gloves were covered in slivers of flesh and flecks of brain matter. Humans really made for ugly messes.Half kneeling in the thick, congealing puddle of blood, the watch automatically dialed for Shiloh,"Precious, did you take your medication?" he asked, his voice difficult to hear over the sound of the television."I'm taking it now, dad are you actually watching television?""No sweetheart, my patient is he's just resting now." Nathan said, and reached out to switch off the television, leaving the room empty of noise, save for the sound of his own voice, "I'll be home soon."He rose to his feet then the front of his uniform was streaked with gore and the legs were covered in a thick layer of blood he wiped the flat of his blade across the leg to remove some of the blood, and resheathed it like some horrifying, modern day samurai. He stepped out of the house then, and he'd only just stepped out of the door when he froze in place he stared straight ahead for a long moment before very slowly turning his head the masked face was pointed directly at the Graverobber, an expressionless, bloodied thing that stood in contrast to the smiling, laid back petty thief.The Repo Man said nothing he didn't even nod his head in return, but simply stared for an uncomfortably long moment before turning his head back towards the street, and continuing on his way.He found himself wondering if he'd had an audience for that previous kill but no, he'd seen that particular vagrant around before. Nathan made a point of staying away from most people, but from what he'd gathered, the man was a vulture possibly one of the dealers that littered the streets. Chances were, he was going in to take what was left.And Nathan wasn't going to stop him.He had one more stop to make that night. Uncomfortable for one of them, perhaps. Graverobber was used to staring into the face of dead people, just like he was doing now after having slipped past the Repo Man. The man on the floor was a mess, blood oozing every where now, slow as it became tacky, but that didn ??t matter. It was just as easy to turn him over and tap the needle into the nostril, giving it just enough shove to break through bone and cartilage.The Repo Man was long gone when tucked another filled vial into the various straps on his hips. Perfect. And now he had time to loot the place, checking the floorboards, drawers, and any nook and cranny with a practiced air. Whoever the doctor ??s patient had been, he certainly wasn ??t the richest of men, but it was enough to make the time Graverobber spent leisurely looking through his stuff worthwhile. By the time the first junkie had come by, noting the opened door and lights, he had already disappeared with the valuables.Old Ray was up when he got back to the run down apartment he kept when he wasn ??t sleeping in a dumpster on someone else ??s bed. No one knew how the old guy ??s actual name, but he was a former blind black man with thick sunglasses and the nickname had stuck. ??Rent ??s due. ? Graverobber rolled his eyes, pulling out vials and putting them down on the man ??s desk with a click. Ray turned his head from the computer he had been staring at, a protein folding sim throwing color onto his old face as he counted. ??This is too much, ? he said, giving two of the glowing vials a flick towards Graverobber with long, ashy fingers. ??I need information. ? Again, there was a stare that might have been uncomfortable for a man that wasn ??t used to seeing never closing eyes, then a soft grunt as Ray looked back to his screen. Ray knew everything that happened in the city, probably more so than anyone save Rotti and his cameras. Knew, for example, that Graverobber couldn't get a place for miles, and that homeless dealers would pay for rent in a mix of cash and Zydrate. ??There ??s a Repo Man. About this tall, with multiple assignments. ? Ray snorted. ??Repo Men all look the same, ? he said, blinking his eyes slowly behind thick lenses. His GeneCo bought eyes were paid for fully, maybe twenty years ago, and were starting to wear out, but a slow blink meant he was lying. Graverobber clinked down a third extra vial, and Ray sighed. ??Boy, if you ??ve got a death wish, I could just give you something painless now. ? ??You know when repossessions occur. I ??ve seen you take in the bodies. ? It was no big secret that Ray did back alley surgeries for those who needed them or, better, for those that didn ??t but paid well. Amber had come in once or twice because her father had killed her surgeons in a fruitless attempt to stop his daughter ??s habit. ??I just want to know when the man has another run. ? ??Tomorrow. ? Graverobber arched an eyebrow, and Ray shrugged. ??The one you described, it sounds like the one that Rotti ??s running ragged. ? The old man reached down into his desk, pulling out a folder of cheap printouts, nothing like the glossy things Rotti had thrown on his desk every morning. ??Most Repo Men don ??t do multiple hits a night. I can give you the repossessions we ??ll see for the next week or so. Most of those will be his. ? Ray looked up, ersatz eyes completely white as he searched Graverobber ??s pale face for something. Then he grinned, a big smile showing off teeth yellowed from too many cigarettes and caffeine drinks. ??Shame. You were my longest lasting dealer. Make sure you refer me to your replacement. ? By the time he got home, the sun was nearly above the horizon, casting a red glow over the entire city and reflecting orange off of the slick, reflective vinyl. His last assignment had turned out to be a runner, and Nathan had chased him for five blocks before he'd managed to back him into an alleyway to finish the job the guy had fought back, and eventually he had been subdued.With the Repo Man, this had consisted of stabbing the man multiple times normally Nathan didn't do it so messily, but he'd admittedly been a little frustrated at that point. It was purely due to seventeen years of practised aim that he had left the required liver intact instead of slashing it to ribbons by mistake, and for a long moment after he was done, he took a seat on an overturned milk crate in the alleyway, and simply sat there to try and collect himself again, ignoring the slowly cooling body beside him.Some days, he wasn't quite sure who he was anymore, and it was only punctuated by the exhaustion he was feeling.So he had dragged himself home just before the sun rose, tossed the organs into the freezer, and sprayed down his uniform until all of the gore had drained away, and the smell of blood was finally gone. He showered, he went upstairs, and for a few blissful minutes, he watched Shilo sleep like a little angel.And then he collapsed onto the couch, not even possessed of enough energy to bother getting to his room, and after five solid, undisturbed hours of sleep, he woke up with a stiff neck to remind him of why he should muster up the strength to get to his room next time he was getting too old for this.He appeared in Shilo's room for a second time with his hair sticking out at bizarre angles, and she looked up from her book, and did a double take."Dad," she said, her eyebrows high, "You look terrible."Nathan blinked sleepily,"I had a late night." he said simply, trying to clear the cobwebs."People on the radio were talking about the Repo Man again." Shilo said, her eyes pinned to his hair, watching as though she feared it would burst into flame at any moment she wasn't used to seeing him unkempt, he was usually precise and well maintained."It's all hype. There is no Repo Man.""But people keep reporting bodies.""And this 'Repo Man' myth is just a method to explain it away. There's never any proof, Shi." Nathan said, and Shilo pulled a face that indicated she had no argument left she just nodded her head, and Nathan gently ran a hand against her face, "Come on, you should have some breakfast."They moved down the staircase together, and for the first time that week, Nathan felt a spike of joy just to be having breakfast with his daughter. However, he froze for an instant at the bottom of the staircase, feeling his stomach drop when he saw an envelope sitting below the mail slot roughly the size of a reposession file."What's that?""Just some patient files." Nathan said, picking up the folder and trying desperately not to look grim it felt thick there was more than one order inside."Aren't you going to look at them?""It's not urgent, sweetheart. Come on, breakfast." The flat was small, cramped, and, like much of the city, bleary and grey. He saw no point in decorating it, after all, it was just a place to sleep and keep his clothes so they wouldn ??t get stolen by whatever man or woman he was sleeping with. The only thing that might have been mistake as a personal effect was a small, blooming plant with a long stamen and a waxy petal. He had found it once, a few months back, and the damned thing seemed so hardy it had lived in the low light and low care of his place. Sometimes, he remembered to water it. The little houseplant did better than most of the people he knew.The Repo Man ??s next target was a young girl of a dubious age. Well, not so dubious now that he had her birth date. She was a pretty little thing with large dark eyes, long black hair and a wonderful mouth, always willing to throw in a little something extra to feed her Zydrate addiction. Enthusiasm. And she always made her payments, at least, to him. Obviously not to GeneCo.But there was something odd. When the Graverobber showed up, there was no screams, no smell, no blood. There was just that young girl standing on the corner. When she saw him, her eyes lit up, and he returned the smile just as easily. ??I ??m so glad to see you, ? she said, pressing against him. Now he could see fear. She was shaking. ??I I got problems. ? ??Yeah? ? He traced her lip with a clean finger, the tip smearing the excess of lipstick. Like a snake charmer, he reached down, pulling out a bright blue vial, dark eyes never leaving her face. ??Does this help? ? She bit her lip and nodded, pulling out money with a shaking hand. ??Here, ? she said, pushing the handful into his own hands. It was too much. Probaly all the money she had on her. ??Just give me a hit, quick. ? Graverobber hadn ??t meant to actuallyusethe stuff on her. After all, Repo was going to be around any minute now. It was a waste of perfectly good Z. But she was so young, and she had been a good lay. With a flourish, he reached for the gun, popping the little vial in, then pressed it against her neck. She wouldn't feel a thing. He was exhausted Nathan had fallen asleep at the table, and Shilo had worriedly tried to prop his head up on a cereal box until he assured her he was just fine. He was just a little tired.But this was time he could use to spend with Shilo, and he wasn't going to let it slip through his fingers so he drank coffee, he splashed cold water on his face, he did everything in his power to have the energy just to be with her, and they spent most of the daylight hours doing the pointless things that fathers should do with their daughters. For instance, watching the inane television shows that she was so enthralled by, listening to her enthusiastic recounting of previous episodes of the drama laden story while he tried not to let his eyes cross.Playing board games with her, and listening to her shrieks of joy when he made the jenga tower collapse. Again.Visiting her mothers tomb with her, and making sure she wore her mask.And then night fell, and Shilo returned to her room, and Nathan got back into his suit, took the files, and dissappeared into the darkness of the city and his own mind.Elaine Summers.GeneCo property for reposession: lungs.According to her file, her place of residence had the tendency of frequently changing, but the document provided a layout of the neighbourhood she tended to ghost around another lost soul in the city, another girl who turned tricks for drugs. He moved through the area with ease, familiar with every twisting back alley and underground station in the city at this point, and it didn't take long to find her.And when he did, he had to stop for an instant to question how much caffeine he'd had that day, to wonder if maybe he was more sleep deprived than he'd initially believed but no, a second glance told him that his eyes weren't deceiving him. Summers was there, slumped against the side of a dumpster with her eyes half closed in a drug induced haze, but she looked just like Shilo.From her dark hair, to her pale skin, to the way she dressed, she was nearly Shilo's twin, and even the Repo side of the equation was stunned by it, enough that he found himself checking the file a second time. He was hoping, praying that he had misread it, that somehow this was the wrong person, that he wouldn't have to but no, it was her. She was older than she appeared to be, old enough to have signed her own death warrant when she signed for her new organs and the rules were the rules, weren't they?Nathan lingered there for a long time, leaning his head back against the brick he wanted to wish the night away. He wanted to pretend this didn't have to happen.But eventually, he stepped out of the shadows, and he moved towards her like a man walking to the gallows Summers barely seemed aware of his presence, too drugged up to even care that her death was standing in front of her, holding a knife that could have skinned a crocodile.Nathan felt his throat restrict as he looked down at her and he went down on his haunches he reached out and touched his fingers to her face, and she moved a little, her eyes flicking up to him, her pupils massive. He closed his eyes for a long moment he couldn't do this.But then, he didn't have to the Repo Man took the wheel then, impatiently shoving Nathan aside, reminding him that this girl wasn't his daughter, she was just another job.And she never even made a sound there wasn't a mumble or a protest, only a small gasp when she died a quick death from the knife across her jugular, but he did it so hard and so hastily that he nearly beheaded her with the single swipe. He worked in silence then, but he extracted the lungs through her back despite the fact it took more effort and required more bones to be broken while the Repo Man could do the job, he knew that Nathan couldn't have her looking at him while he did it.Just another job.And when he had clipped the lungs away, and the gaping, ruined body laid at his feet, he had to stagger out of the alleyway quickly, because his stomach began to churn. He wasn ??t used to sympathizing with his clients, Graverobber thought as he dropped into a dumpster. Bad for business and all. Usually they were just trash. The dealer rarely liked them, obnoxious, clinging things that they were. He had been waiting, watching for the Repo Man, and Old Ray was good to his word. The man always was. There was the night doctor, though the body language was different today, or, rather, his gait was. It was slow now, more like he was the one dying that night.The only sound he heard today wasn ??t screaming. It was the wet sound of cutting into bodies that bled and bled, and he could barely even make that over the sound of the Repo Man ??s own costume. Usually the sound of vinyl and sweat made him think of different things, but tonight, well.Professional, right.Graverobber propped his boots up on the side of the dumpster, not even noticing the smell of trash. Bodies got nasty real quick and dumpsters were easy places to stash bodies, so they were emptied regularly and often. In any case, the body he was leaning back on was clothed and fresh, much less decomposed than the average body he worked with. This might be easier, but it would net him less Zydrate: he ??d have to go out to the grave yards anyways. After all, how many repo ??d organs would the man have in one night? Two, three? That wasn ??t even enough for one Amber visit, let alone his usual customers at the addict support meetings. It wouldn't even be enough for more info from Ray.But this was turning into quite the hobby. Graverobber hadn ??t felt this excited about a run since his first couple of times diving into the graveyards to pay for a new respiratory system to replace his own flagging one. There was something about the Repo Man, the general interest every boy had in the boogieman, and here was the mother of all. Or father, really.The next footsteps were less steady, like a drunk ??s. Graverobber ??s streaked head popped up comically as he looked about him then he gracefully climbed out of the dumpster. He wasn ??t as quiet as he could have been, making sure he dropped with enough speed that his boots would click on the old concrete. The thief rested a hand against the dumpster ??s cool metal, looking back towards the figure at the end of the alleyway. Jesus, was he retching?Nowthiswas interesting. Graverobber circled the body slowly, taking in the odd path the Repo Man had taken to her lungs, his own aching in sympathy. They were long paid for, Zydrate dealing being an amazing way to pay off one ??s debts if they kept their ass from getting shot. Whistling a theme from one of the boring shows the Largos put on the only channel, the dealer crouched down, displaying his tools with all the flourish of a surgeon being watched at the operating table. Why had he done it this way? The Graverobber turned the girl ??s head toward him, the neck having extra mobility for being nearly, well, gone, and forced the syringe into the brain cavity. He left the alleyway and didn't look back he wasn't sure he would be able to take it right then, so he walked at a careful pace through some twisting side alleys, trying to get his mind back on track. He couldn't be distracted by this he had another long night ahead of him, and though he was wide awake now partly from his own mortification he still felt completely drained.And by the looks of it, he would have many nights like this one ahead of him killing people wasn't easy work, there was a reason serial killers only did it once in a while, after all. It probably lost its fun for them if they did it too often.But right then, all Nathan felt was guilt, and it was gnawing at him the way that his very first kill had not Marni, that was a separate hell in itself, but the first kill that GeneCo had forced him to do in order to keep his secret.So Nathan stopped walking, he paused in a back alley, leaning his head against the brick wall, the lens on his mask flashing under the dim street lights, and he closed his eyes, but even then he could see the girl's big brown eyes, and how much they looked like Shilo's. His mind was swimming from the pain of it, and his head and neck ached vaguely from the exhaustion he put his head in his hands for a moment, and briefly considered removing the mask so the night air could touch his skin, but he reconsidered it. No, it was best to keep moving, to get to the next target and get it done fast anything he didn't finish that night would creep into the next, and he could end up with an endless list.Thinking about Shilo helped remembering that she was safe in her bed, knowing she was protected, that was enough.So he kept going.Peter Mendez.GeneCo property for reposession: heart and kidneys.He found Mendez outside of the store he owned, smoking a cigar, and for the second time that night, Nathan had to make sure he wasn't hallucinating but no such luck. It turned out that the picture on the file didn't do him any justice, because Mendez was roughly six foot five and built of solid muscle, a man with a wide jaw, handlebar moustache, and fists the size of a normal human's head.Repo ran his tongue over his teeth, and he didn't show any of the hesitation he'd had with Summers no, this was the same stride that came with all of the other kills, the hard stepping gait Mendez saw him, froze for an instant, and then turned to face him, one predator to another.There were no words Mendez knew what was happening, and he knew why, and it became apparent that he had forseen it because he was armed, and Repo had to duck and roll to avoid the knife that was swung at his neck. He came up again at Mendez's side, and he jammed his knife into the man's thigh, a motion that should have put anyone down, but only seemed to irritate him, because Mendez swung the knife a second time, and clipped the Repo Man across the arm before the blade could be avoided.He dropped again to avoid a third swing, and tugged his knife back out of Mendez's leg the wound immediately began to gush, soaking the entire leg and part of the Repo Man's uniform in seconds, but Mendez had the pain tolerance and the adrenaline to grab hold of Repo and bodily toss him, sending dust and dirt flying up around him. Immediately, Mendez began to walk towards the Repo Man, but finally seemed to realize the extent of his injury as his leg gave out beneath him, the severed thigh muscle refusing to carry him.Forcing himself to his feet, the Repo Man approached with a swift and eerie grace, and with Mendez on his knees, he was able to access the man's throat it only took two swings of the blade, one on each side of the throat, the two cuts meeting up at the centre and making Mendez into an organic fountain, his throat jettisoning blood.And when he crumpled to the ground, the Repo Man straddled Mendez's barrel chest and began to cut, pausing only once when his own injury protested.The work went quickly, but the effort involved was greater than with any normal sized person the muscles were thicker and tougher to cut through, and the ribcage was a struggle, to the point where he had to brace his feet against one side to crack it open so he could access the chest cavity. When he had the body opened up, he snipped out the heart and removed the kidneys, wrapping them for delivery. Now the second one, the second one was a joke.Graverobber found the whole thing hilarious. Not only was the Repo Man not the giant monster of a man he had been lead to believe through the stories, but now he was facing up against the man he should have looked like.Repo Men probably smashed just as messily as normal folks. That would be the end of his new Repo watching hobby, that was for sure. Probably for the best. Graverobber didn ??t need an obsession. Wasn ??t good for business. Made him spend his nights like some creepy love sick stalker, following a masked murderer around the city instead of exhuming corpses like he should be.At least he ??d get a fight out of the deal. Graverobber didn ??t even bother pressing up against anything in an attempt to make himself less visible. He just watched, pale face turned to the scene in front of him. Too bad he didn ??t have anyone to bet with. He would have liked to put a bet on his pet Repo Man. Couldn ??t see a thing under that outfit, but he imagined the man was scrappy if he had lived this long.Not that he knew the average life of a Repo Man. He figured the job had a pretty high burn out rate live robbing graves, only they didn ??t get killed in the end. But seeing the Hulk, here, maybe that wasn ??t true. Especially since this giant of a man was also armed, unlike the little girl he had killed earlier.The fight didn ??t quite proceed the way he had expected. Repo Man had a certain elegance in fighting that was oddly attractive, even when he was hurt. It was like watching some big animal of prey, like he had been bred to do this. At first, the doctor looked like he really was in trouble, his victim not dropping even with that nasty wound to the thigh. Goliath probably didn ??t appreciate the finesse as the man downed him, carving into his torso with that long instrument he was coming to associate with repossession.His first steps were slow, hesitant as he crossed the street towards the now vacant corner market. A store like that would mean currency in the back and maybe even food. Gravel crunched under his boots as he came forwards, moving around so he didn ??t come from behind the Repo Man, crouching down near the giant ??s shaved head. The hyena was braver now, coming up to the kill while the lion was still feeding. Bad move, probably, but he had noticed the translucent guard over the eyes and wanted to see something that wasn ??t vinyl. Nonchalantly, he began to hum, repeating his ritual of Zydrate collection. He had barely finished he had only just clipped out the kidneys and bagged them, the body was still warm and pumping what little blood was left in it, spraying it across the Repo Man and the ground in a spreading, slowly congealing pool he had barely finished, and he heard footsteps. He didn't move from where he was perched on Mendez's body, like a predator refusing to leave behind the carcass, but he watched, his hand still clutching the knife it was the vulture from the previous evening, the one he had seen ghosting outside of Muth's house.Once was a chance meeting, but twice no, this was no coincidence.Repo realized he had a stalker, but he suspected it was for a symbiotic purpose he took the organs, and this grave robber took whatever the deceased left behind. It made him suddenly wonder if the man had been watching when he'd killed Elaine Summers, and if he'd seen everything that had just happened between him and Mendez. He watched Graverobber in silence, only his eyes visible through the red barrier of the mask visor, watching the other man yes, he was scavenging, but there was a surrealism to it, he was so bold that he hadn't even waited for the area to be cleared.Perhaps it was because no one was insane enough to come that close when the Repo Man was still in the area most were too afraid. But this one this one was confident.He cocked his head to the side, an oddly cartoonish motion with the mask on.Repo rose then, and there was so much blood collected in the front of the uniform that it actually splashed onto the ground when he stood, spattering his boots, and he went to put away his knife, only to falter noiselessly, nearly dropping it when his arm gave another protest. The cut had gone through the uniform, slicing the GeneCo label in half and cutting through the shirt he wore underneath, digging into tissue and muscle he refrained from touching it his gloves were too bloody.He put the knife away, and he watched Graverobber for a moment longer before turning and heading away he suspected it wouldn't be the last time he ran into the other man. The thief stopped in his motions too, giving Repo Man a crooked smirk as if the whole scene was no big deal. As if he often crossed paths with Repo Men, even shared the same body with them. Unlike the GeneCo employee, the entirety of his face was visible, expression accentuated with the white base he was so fond of.His easy self assurance had worked better than he would have hoped. Graverobber had expected some negative response, perhaps in the form of shooing him off or those eyes narrowing under the colored plastic, but there was nothing save for surprise from the other man. Obviously, carrion feeders like himself were rarely so brave. Taking the Zydrate from the corpse was such an easy task now, like breathing or pick pocketing, that he could watch his partner from the corner of his vision as he worked. Movement was especially easy to see.Repo ??s face might be hidden, but his body language was crystal clear. He was confused and hurt. Funny. You didn ??t hear about that in the tabloids. Repo Men were invincible there. Made for better stories, after all. Though the masked figure covered in his victim ??s blood was true. Who knew the giant had so much blood in him? Graverobber knew his own coat was soaking in the stuff and, unlike the doctor ??s vinyl, it would stain, but one extra stain on the natty faux leather hardly mattered.It ??d be like trim or something. Not that he desired to feel pretty for the whores he generally saw. Graverobber pulled out the needle with a little pop. This guy was big enough he ??d probably get two vials out, but the second would probably be of such poor quality he ??d waste the glass. Nah. Better to head to the graveyards. Besides, the GeneCo flunkies probably missed him giving them a good run. They ??d end up complacent, and he couldn ??t have that.Finished, Graverobber watched the Repo Man leave. This time he didn ??t say anything, but the man hadn ??t gutted him for coming close. Before he turned away, though, he did chance a raised eyebrow, almost flirting, the sort traditionally productive members of the work force did over water coolers or cubicle walls or whatever . He did manage not to add an ??I ??ll see you later, then ?? to the other man ??s back, knowing he was pushing his luck as it was.Next time. Now, he thought to himself as he swung his back over his shoulder and stretched his legs, now he had to make a trip to the graves. He had all night, if he wished it. Maybe he'd find a little extra so he'd have time for his new entertainment. Rotti didn't need to look up from his papers to know who was standing on the other side of his desk a small pile of frozen organs landed just by his hands,"Nathan," Rotti said pleasantly, looking up and finding himself almost taken aback by the sight of the other man as usual, Nathan was dressed in a crisp, clean suit, his hair carefully arranged but his face was drawn, thinner than usual, and his eyes were lined with a sort of crazed sleeplessness just behind the thick frames of his glasses. He was presently lurking near the desk, leaning his hands onto it in a way that displayed precisely how exhausted he was, and a closer inspection told him that the side of Nathan's face was bruised.Just behind him, Rotti could see Luigi watching his oldest son had always had a strange respect for the Repo Man, and he suspected it was due to the fact his son saw a kindred spirit, a killer just like him and Amber was lingering nearby, her eyes half lidded, lined with heavy make up, and she was looking at Nathan like he was a vial of Zydrate."You're looking a little rundown." Rotti added, and Nathan said nothing, simply stared at him with his mouth pulled into a thin line, clearly unamused, "Why don't you have a seat.""You look like you had a good night." Luigi quipped, laughter evident in his nasal voice, but it was in such a way that he sounded as though he wished he'd been there for it. He'd seen Nathan Wallace kill before it was a thing of beauty.And Amber slipped up behind Nathan, chewing on her bottom lip she was clearly high, because she began to run her fingers through his hair, and he had to shrug her off irritably, trying to ignore the lingering sensation of warmth on his skin, too tired and too angry to deal with the Largo children and their disturbing habits."How many more, Rotti?" he asked."It's been a busy month, Nathan." Rotti replied, lifting his shoulders in a shrug, and he looked pointedly at the heart and kidneys, "But you clearly did just fine, after all, you took down that goliath.""How many more?" he repeated, and his voice had changed in a way that made Luigi sit up, his interest piqued.Rotti gave a long suffering sigh, and reached into his desk, removing another file folder, which Nathan took silently he turned then, and nearly ran into Amber, who didn't seem to mind right then, watching him through her fake eyelashes as he moved around her. Luigi gave him one of his horrible, crooked smiles,"See ya at the next drop off." Luigi chortled, and Nathan left GeneCo feeling vaguely dirty from standing so close to the Largos, still trying to shake off the feeling of fingers in his hair. He was disgusted by the entire Largo family, including Amber Sweet, but her touch was lingering in a way that disturbed him, and he knew it was because of how long it had been since that sort of thing had happened.Not since Marni. He had barely even considered it since Marni.He slept on the couch again, face down with his arm hanging over the side, and more unusual, he dreamt. He dreamt about killing a man, tearing his chest open, and finding him filled with an overflowing pool of glowing blue Zydrate that spilled out over his hands, and he dreamt that the Graverobber was watching, his dark lips stretched in that same smile as he waited for the Repo Man to finish with the carcass.And in the dream, he stood, and discovered that he was standing only in darkness, there was nothing around them but darkness, and the body was gone, leaving only a spreading pool of zydrate, and he found himself stepping away from it as it reached for his boots something prodded him hard."Nhmgh?" Nathan burbled, and his head snapped up from the couch, and he found himself looking at a worried Shilo he hated seeing that expression on her face. He was supposed to be the one who worried about things, not her, "I'm fine precious.""Are you going out again tonight?" she asked."Yes, I have to see two patients I'm sorry Shi. It's been a busy month.""It's okay dad, your patients need you too." Shilo said, patting him comfortingly on the shoulder before moving past him, and Nathan watched her and felt his heart break a little. He had to wiggle the door and press his whole weight against it to get the thing to budge. Creepiest thing to open it and find a pair of metallic eyes staring at him, and this was coming from a man whose resume included robbing graves and stalking Repo Men. So Old Ray was up. The young man actually looked behind him, searching for whoever had come in after him. The formally blind bastard only stayed up for taking rent or bodies, and by the look of it, he ??d been waiting for the latter if his surprised look was any hint. ??I wasn ??t suspecting to see you up, ? Graverobber said, pulling off his gloves as he walked past. ??I could say the same for you, boy. ? Ray chortled and stood with an ??oomph ??. ??Got a few more targets. Might have a job for you if you want the pay. ? Graverobber paused in the door that lead to the stairs, glancing back. ??Or a reduction in your rent. ? The ass was actually smiling as Graverobber gestured for him to go on. Ray was the same sort of man as Rotti, not the Rotti on the official papers, but the Rotti that graced the gossip columns and tabloids. Man knew how to keep people working for him. Rarely, though, did any of his contracts turn out to be down right Faustian. Apparently, morals landed you in a dingy, run down apartment complex doing back alley surgeries for sick whores and scalpel sluts, while their lack got you a company like GeneCo.And kids like that. Graverobber ??s mind flashed to the Largo daughter who had come by, high as a kite and stitches barely holding earlier in the night, demanding more Zydrate. Maybe Old Ray had the better idea. ??I ??ll try and find you one of those old organ carrying units. ? Ray had come over to hand over his repossession files. The younger man took them, foot still in the doorway to the staircase to keep the door propped open. Unlike the usual fine print GeneCo was so fond of, these were in large, block print just like last night ??s. How many of his vials went to paying some addict in the company for these? Ray was sneaky. ??A few nights, I ??ll send you out and you can pick up a few parts for me. Give your Repo Man a bit of competition. ? ??Yeah, and then he leaves me on the sidewalk with his mark. Uh uh. ? Ray grinned toothily as Graverobber turned around, coat swinging out behind him. He could still feel those artificial eyes staring at him through the wood, though GeneCo hadn ??t added an X ray version.The next night he was early again. Perhaps it was because these were people he knew. Maybe not this one, a scrawny little addict with bird like movements that spoke of very little food, but he knew their type. Could see the scars cross his chest from underneath his stringy top. Damned guy probably had the works, probably was more GeneCo than human now. He kept scratching at them with long, damaged fingers that plucked along like he was playing a guitar not checking his stitches.Graverobber was almost glad to see him put out of his misery.Repo Man ??s target's lips twitched up into a smile as he spotted the dealer. His friends were there, too, about four young people that Graverobber ??s mind interpreted as a single, colorful whole. Rarely did any one of them think for themselves, rarely did any of them show some spark that made him catch interest.He was better off in the graveyards. Those people didn ??t disappoint you: they were dead. The dead never lived up to expectations, so there was no point in even having them.A crunch, like a foot had taken the wrong path on an otherwise silent walk. The thief glanced up from his little crowd that pressed up against him, lined eyes staring down the alley. He couldn ??t make anything out, but that was the problem with standing right beneath a light. Anything outside, in the partial darkness, was hidden, and they, they were on stage. One girl had taken to touching his multi streaked hair, her nose against his ear, high up in the stratosphere. The boy, the mark, was whining, pressing his hands under Graverobber ??s shirt to the scarred, hairy chest underneath. He didn ??t have the money, he ??d have it later, he just needed one hit, he ??d do anything. The night air was hot again, and he could feel the vinyl of the uniform sticking to his skin, and with the exhaustion wracking his brain, he found himself consciously aware of the weight of the knives he kept under his coat, up his sleeves, and in his boot. He felt weighed down by them, but they were needed equipment but at least it was only two marks that night, though the first one appeared to be extensive.Julian Treacher.GeneCo parts for Reposession: lungs, stomach, liver, spleen. Everything but the kitchen sink this guy was so far behind on his payments that it would take most people their entire lifetime to pay it off, plus interest due to the rising prices of inflation. Treacher was hopelessly in debt, as evidenced by the file that Nathan had been given.He stalked the area that Treacher was known to hang around like any other Zydrate addict, they tended to pick an area and stick to it, so it only took a few streets before he located him and he felt his blood pressure rise significantly when he did find him. Treacher was there, yes, a skinny, simpering thing with a map of sutures on his chest and stomach, scantily clad and hanging off of the Graverobber. He faltered in his step just beyond the alleyway, the gravel crunching beneath his boots, and he watched the Graverobber's eyes move to where he was standing he was in darkness, so he was sure he couldn't be seen, but the vulture was lit up like the central character in a stage show, surrounded by hookers and drug addicts who were clinging to every part of him.He would have to wait to get to Treacher there was no rule that said he couldn't take the organs in front of others, but there was more of a risk that someone would interfere when there was a group nearby, and he was already too sore from his fight the previous night. Besides, Nathan didn't want to kill anyone that he wasn't contracted to kill Repo was another story, though.So he hung back he climbed the outside staircase that clung to the side of the apartment complex he was behind, and he waited from a high perch like a bird of prey, backlit by moonlight and watching for the moment he could get Treacher alone. Graverobber didn ??t do well with charity cases. The boy was whimpering, whining, pleading, but he pushed him off. This was his own damned fault. So the kid hadn ??t read the fine print very few of them ever did. At least the girl yesterday, she had been trying . This one had hopped from operating table to operating table, racking up a debt that even Amber might raise an eyebrow at.There were tears, now, there always were, then yelling. The kid was angry, shrieking and kicking the ground. He might have hit Graverobber, but the look from the others hanging off him gave him pause. Boring. Absolutely boring. He ??d seen this very scene five hundred times before.The only thing that redeemed it was the killer waiting in the dark.It wasn ??t that Graverobber wanted to watch a man die. He liked to think of himself as a somewhat decent fellow, if one ignored the whole drug dealing, grave robbing, sleeping around bit. He didn't kill people, he dealt with them when they were dead. Or when they were alive and begging Zydrate from him, though, if he thought along that train of thought, hewasprobably hastening a few of them to their deaths. Not that it really mattered, he thought, running his hands through the short, curly hair of the man that had replaced the Repo Man ??s mark. Everyone was on the same path to about six feet below. Some of them just went a little quicker.They all left corpses, though.The whore jerked away from the herd, clutching himself and shivering even though the night was warm. No Z meant he was afraid and in honest pain, probably something he hadn ??t felt since he had started his scalpel marathon. Graverobber looked up, pushing the new kid ??s hands from his belt. Unlike their former friend, they were doped up on their cure, all save for one, but he changed that quickly once she had paid. Repo ??s bird of a mark turned his head back sharply to the group, glaring nastily, and Graverobber gave him a little wave.They never were polite enough to wave back. This one gave him the finger, his other arm still pressed to his chest, and it annoyed him that the dealer paid him little attention. No. His rimmed eyes were up, watching as if he could see what was going on off stage. Another shove to the kid beneath him and he shrugged off the ones hanging on him, fingers running through his hair and the fake, natty fir of his coat. Patience paid off he had only been watching for a few minutes before Treacher seemed to lose his temper with the Graverobber as something apparently sent him flying off the handle by the looks of it, he had been denied his fix for the night. He couldn't pay.And for an instant, Nathan found himself struck by the suspicion that the Graverobber was somehow trying to send Treacher away from the flock, trying to separate him, almost as if he was trying to make it easier, make it quicker for the Repo Man to do his intended job. Of course, there was benefit for the scavenger in it when there were bodies, there was Zydrate, and he suspected the Graverobber wasn't the sort with the stomach to do it himself. He watched the Graverobber for another long moment, shifting his jaw, and then he moved across the rooftop, his footsteps scarcely making a sound, and he dropped down like some phantom in the shadows, landing directly on top of Treacher.The man let out an ear piercing shriek that told Repo the new lungs were working very well but he just wasn't in the mood to put up with the noise, his head was already aching from the previous night, and he was feeling a little sour, so he clapped his hand over Treacher's mouth and wrenched hard, forcing the man's mouth shut, clamping the man's teeth over his own tongue in the process. Blood spurted up between Repo's fingers, and muffled noises of pain and terror continued to escape Treacher, up until the point he brought out the knife, and the man's eyes went wide and he fell silent.And that was precisely when Repo realized there was a hand on his knee, and it was sliding up his thigh, the goal obvious as though Treacher thought it might give him a chance. Repo froze only for an instant, confused until he felt fingers where they shouldn't be.Reflexively, he brought the knife down and ended up putting it directly through Treacher's eye, and the man died almost instantly with only a few short moments of spasming, leaving the Repo Man sitting on top of him, completely motionless for a moment, stunned by his own reaction and then he withdrew the knife and got to work.The ribs were easier to pry open then Mendez's had been Treacher was a good deal smaller, so they cracked with spectacular ease in comparison, and he began the messy work of clipping out the lungs, the spleen, the stomach, and the liver. The parts were so new that some of the dissolving stitches were still there. The screech sent Graverobber ??s informal little pre orgy running. They were whores, the lot of them, but they weren ??tstupidwhores. It was easy to figure out what was happening: the kid couldn ??t pay for Zydrate or surgery, and now the Repo Man was after him. No matter what the official stance on the Repo Men was, every hooker, dealer, and simple peasant of the city knew that King Rotti ??s elite guard was real and stalking down a street nearly every night. The addicts scattered like so many startled pigeons, flying off to where they ??d be out of the way.Graverobber strolled offstage and into the darkness. Ray was right: it was his Repo Man again, hunched over his kill as he began snipping away various designer organs. He was either very brave tonight or very stupid as he came around the killer from behind. As his eyes adjusted he could make out hair that was nearly silver in the dim light sticking out from under the helmet where his neck was exposed from bending his head forward. The thief looked over his shoulder, close enough that his hair trailed down the man ??s neck and whistled. ??I didn ??t know he had replaced itall, ? he said conversationally, than made his biggest mistake that evening.He easily draped a hand on the man ??s shoulder, just the slightest force there to keep balance for a second. Graverobber was already thinking about extracting the Zydrate, the fact that he might pull out two vials from this kid. He was surprised the body didn ??t ooze the glowing blue liquid instead. He was up to his elbows in the messy work, distracted as he clipped out each organ with expertise, bagging each one as he finished with it it was a lot to take from a single target, but there was no questioning the order Treacher had replaced a majority of his organs, the worst kind of surgery addict, particularly because he couldn't even scrape up enough to make the monthly payments and just kept getting replacements. Judging by the way his kidneys looked, they were replacements as well, but not GeneCo likely some back alley surgery he'd had done when he realized GeneCo wouldn't let him take out a loan on any more parts.He rubbed his hands against his legs to remove some of the gore that was collecting on his fingers, and he realized there was a residual touch still lingering on his thigh from where Treacher had touched him. He tried to shake it off tried to concentrate on his work but then a shadow loomed nearby, and the lights were dim, but it was enough to make out a vague silhouette, the long hair telling him who it was.Graverobber.Like a predator interrupted in the middle of a feed, the Repo Man froze, his back hunching his body language made him look as though he might even snarl. But then he felt something Graverobber's hair tickling the nape of his neck, and it was enough to send a small shudder through him, his hands clenching as he heard the man's voice just a little too close.And then a hand on his shoulder.Before he even knew he was doing it, the Repo Man was on his feet and had whirled around, rounding on the Graverobber, one hand securing around the vulture's throat and backing him into a wall. Nathan wasn't as big as the myths claimed, but his strength betrayed his appearance, a bizarre power coming from him, and his voice came out as a low, rasping growl,"You're stalking me." he hissed. He ??d pushed the Repo Man too far.This was a strangely familiar position for him, what with the Largo daughter ??s habit of violence. But Amber was never so strong. Her nails, whatever length she had chosen that week, might bite into his neck and leave marks, but she never had this raw force behind her well sculpted hands.Graverobber ??oofed ?? as he was pushed up against the wall, head connecting with the brick behind him. Not enough to black out, but he saw busts of light and that frightening mask. Thank God for the darkness: low lighting meant he could see through them to the eyes underneath.Not that it really improved things. Those eyes were hard, lines furrowing the narrow strip of brow and nose that he could see. ??I am, ? he choked back, raising his hands up along the old cement wall, the rough stone scrapping uncovered skin. Look, his body language said, or he hoped it said, I ??m not touching you any more. I ??m not a threat. ??Saves me a step in having to go dig up the bodies. ? Graverobber rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck, trying to find some comfortable way of holding himself. The vinyl gloves covered in blood and other fluids barely slipped as he moved, the monster was pressing so hard. And there was blood enough on his hands, though the thief was unsure how the kid had kept so much of the liquid in his scrawny frame. ??I wasn ??t aware Repo Men were so anti social, ? he said, throat working around the words. The eyes behind the mask stared hard at the Graverobber, unblinking and angry and lined with exhaustion he was tired and raging, and right then, the Repo Man in him just wanted to squeeze until the scavenger turned blue but no, he didn't have time for this, he needed to finish the job. The Graverobber was an annoyance, but he wasn't on the list he didn't need to die that night.Shame.If the mask hadn't been there, Graverobber would have seen gritted teeth, he would have seen a moment of barely shielded fury on Nathan's face, and he gave another hard squeeze, ramming the other man back against the wall once more before releasing him, letting him breathe again. Immediately, he turned away from Graverobber and back to his task, wrenching out the stomach and jamming it into a bag, his temper barely maintained at that point, and with Graverobber behind him, he continued his work, sawing away. This lasted for a few moments, and when he finally turned again, he was dripping blood, and holding Treacher's head like it belonged to a Gorgon with it secured in his hand by the hair, he looked directly at Graverobber, and spoke in the same rasping voice,"Go get it."And in hitherto unheard of display of humour, he hurled Treacher's head with incredible accuracy up onto a nearby roof, and began to walk away, heading for his next target. Graverobber sucked in a greedy breath when the Repo Man turned away. For a moment, just a moment, he had thought it was over, that some other dealer would be around to collect his own Zydrate. Made his nose burn just thinking about it.But Repo hadn ??t killed him. The vulture took another deep breath, preening himself, trying to get at least some of the blood out of the fur of the collar. The sticky liquid was already cloying up on his hands and even in his hair, leaving the ends dark and whole like some sort of grisly brush. But he was alive. Repo hadn ??t killed him. ??Go get it. ? Graverobber looked up, eyebrows arched on his expressive face. What was he doing with the ? ? The head sailed over his own before he really even realized it was a head, not that the blood and hair and the remainder of one eye wasn ??t a dead give away. The scavenger stared at it, not moving until the Repo Man had left fully.Fuck that. He had other work to do than chase down a single head. There were graves with bodies in them that wouldn't be on the roofs. He stepped over the husk that was once home to all the latest fads in surgery, whistling to himself.The Repo Man hadn ??t killed him.That thought buoyed him up as he worked, breaking into above ground tombs. People rarely got buried these days, the ground already being thick with coffins. Oh, sure, a few rich folks might get six feet under, but most ended up in a concrete box above ground. Or, worse, in the mass graves that were rumoured to exist, where GeneCo dropped off all their corpses. He ??d yet to find them once he had, he imagined it would make the job easier for awhile, till they stepped up patrols.Where he was working this evening was a somewhat peaceful area. There were a few large mausoleums across the way, and while there was a cop here and there, it was nothing like the numbers he had seen at more well to do corners. The last job that evening was one that would stay with Nathan Wallace for the rest of his life, despite his best efforts to forget it. Like many other repo assignments, he had to go to the woman's home in this case, it was an apartment complex on the third floor, and he climbed the staircase so he could enter in through the balcony door, slipping in noiselessly.Lilly Barber.GeneCo property for Repossession: heart.He found her in her living room she was a woman in her forties, possessed of thick, curly red hair and large green eyes, and judging by how stiff she was, she had been dead for several hours. On the table beside her was a Zydrate needle with an empty vial, and there was a large kitchen knife sticking out of her chest it didn't take much investigation to realize that the zydrate had been used for her to build up the courage to do it.The GeneCo heart was ruined the message of defiance left Nathan staggered for a moment and made the Repo Man let out a short, harsh sounding bark of laughter because what else could he do? Somehow, she had known he was coming, and had taken her own life rather than being carved up. Occasionally, there were write offs when an organ was too damaged to be of any value to GeneCo, but this was the first time that Nathan had encountered a target who had purposely made the organ worthless.He made his way back through the cemetary, carrying what was left of Treacher in one hand, and Barber's ruined heart in the other. He moved swiftly, swerving around gravestones with practised ease, having memorized the trail many years before, and he made his way towards Marni's mausoleum only to discover someone was lingering nearby.This time the Repo Man really did snarl, because Graverobber was in his sight again, and the very fact he was so close to Marni's tomb was enough to send his blood pressure through the roof, and he moved towards Graverobber with heavy footsteps, his fists clenched, shoulders hunched. This was more like it. Graverobber hummed to himself, crouching down the body he had just pulled out. It was ill preserved, but there was no sign of pain in that rotting face. Most undertakers tended to prepare the body like that, though, had all sorts of tricks to make even the most horrified look smooth out into one like sleep. Then again, most of the people that ended up buried weren ??t the sort that died horrific deaths like the one he saw earlier this evening.He knew the patrols with their simple, strict rounds. No one would come this way for about a good quarter hou ?? Graverobber rocked back onto the balls of his feet, listening. There were footsteps, loud, heavy ones. That wasn ??t the sound of a GeneCo employee on patrol. Neither was that snarl. He was only half up, his kit still scattered on the ground, when the fist connected with his face with all the force of a battering ram. Good God, was that hand metal underneath it all? He was down again quickly, the pre set vials scattering away as his hand scrambled to find purchase on the dusty ground.Not just a handhold. Some sort of weapon. A rock. Wait. ??The fuck? ? he snarled, covering his face with his arm, the one that still had the half full Zydrate vial in it. His nose was bleeding, as was his top lip from where it had snagged on his teeth. He could feel the warmth, especially in his nose as blood leaked back down his nasal cavities, his mouth tasting like someone had dumped a load of coins in it.Oh, God. He hadn ??t meant to find him now, not when he ??d angered him just an hour or so before, if that. The man wouldn ??t believe him. ??What, are you from here, too? ? he cried out stuffily. It would become very clear that the Graverobber had made some poor choices in the last few days his decision to follow the Repo Man, to stalk his job was a bad one, but even worse had been when he'd gotten too close, and when he'd touched him.But worst of all was when he had admitted to him that he was stalking him, because now, as Graverobber truly ran into Nathan by chance, he had no way of verbally defending himself or making the other man believe it was all some horrible, horrible misunderstanding. No, finding Graverobber again, directly outside of Marni's tomb was what had sent him flying off the handle, particularly with the implication that the other man had either been intending on defacing her mausoleum, or that he somehow knew more about Nathan than anyone should have.So he found himself entirely unapologetic in the face of the Graverobber's indignity Nathan was satisfied by the sight of blood streaming from the other man's nose, but the Repo Man wanted to see more. He advanced on the scavenger again while he was on the ground, leaping on top of the other man like an incensed predator, straddling Graverobber's stomach, his hands gripping the lapels of the man's jacket, yanking his upper body towards him,"You're becoming a problem," he hissed. ??I ??m the problem? ? Repo was surprisingly heavy on his stomach for such a small guy. Must be the uniform or the fact that he was a mass murderer. Both tended to weigh heavily on a man ??s chest, even if most of his weight was on his knees. ??You followed me this time. ? Damn. That could have been a lot betterwithoutthe sharp knives.He let his head loll as he watched his attacker, examining right where his body was. He ??d have one shot, and that was if he was lucky. Time to turn on the charm. Or what he ??d like to think was charm, though in more normal situations would have probably made people very, very uncomfortable. Graverobber arched an eyebrow, one corner of his painted mouth twitching up. ??I really don ??t need another admirer, but I could make an exception for you, ? he said silkily, adjusting the syringe in his gloved hands. ??Something about a man in uniform. ? The two men were exposed, right there in front of one of the large mausoleums. In a few minutes, it probably wouldn ??t matter what the Repo Man did to him. His tools were strewn across the blue tinted pathway. ??Maybe I can make you a deal. ? Silver hair meant the person above him was probably getting on in years, and this was a painfully physical job. He must feel it in every joint and muscle. ??I ??ve got good stuff. Probably make your nights easier. Fantastic high, too. ? If he could talk his way out of this ? Stabbing a Repo Man was a ticket to having his body be left out in several pieces for the trashmen to find, and Graverobber had gotten quite used to being whole. This was unusual for Repo he was used to people shuddering and wetting themselves with fear at the mere sight of him he was used to struggles, and screams, and kicking and cries for help, but what he wasn't used to was this faustian personality. Even now, the Graverobber was talking, he was boldly trying to worm his way out of the situation, using the only tactic he had his merchandise, the drugs he sold.As a surgeon, Nathan was familiar with Zydrate and its properties he had seen enough people on it to know all of it's effects, but being that he was one of the lucky ones, he had never needed to use it, he had never had an organ failure that required it to come into play. So, instead of being tempted by the Graverobber's offer like many in the city would have been, he found himself instead annoyed by it, irritated by the other's attempts to buy him out of his rage, and he made a point of refusing by securing a hand around Graverobber's throat.It was clear that the man's attempts were not appreciated, and right then it didn't seem to matter that Nathan was smaller than the Graverobber, because he made up for the difference in sheer experience, his strength seeming almost superhuman for the thin frame it was derived from. Right then, he just wanted to choke all of that smarminess right out of the scavenger, but he also couldn't help the feeling that he would get it all over his uniform if he squeezed too hard.The father in Nathan wanted to scold Graverobber for his behaviour and send him on his way, the Repo Man just wanted to make him suffer for a while to make his point, and the point was very clearly:Stop following me. Dealing with the dead for too long did something to a person. Everyone was dead to him, including himself, it was just a matter of stages. He let his eyes flutter closed as he tried to take another breath around the tightening hand at his throat. God. The man would squeeze and squeeze till his eyes popped out, and that wasn ??t the death he had ever envisioned for himself. He had imagined something ? quicker.Of course he had to find the only non addict in the city. ??You don ??t want Zydrate, I ??ll pay in something other than Zydrate, ? he croaked out, the words strangely familiar. He had heard the same deal at least once a weak, if not more. Most of them, though, weren ??t battering for their lives. Now he was starting to feel fear, but it wasn ??t the bowel loosening, quivering sort. It was something separate for him, like he was afraid for a character on the screen, not himself.So maybe he was a little more off his nut than he thought.Graverobber swallowed, working this throat as if that ??d somehow get him out of that grip. ??Now would not be the time to ask if you work out, ? he added, knowing earlier confidence had stalled the Repo Man, hopefully it ??d do it again.Or make him bash his head into the cobblestone pathway he was holding him up above. He was progressively choking the breath out of the Graverobber to make his point painfully clear to the scavenger, but he discovered midway through that it wasn't actually doing any good when the other man offered to pay in ways besides Zydrate. As though he had read Graverobber's mind, he suddenly removed his hand from the man's throat, grabbed hold of his thick, knotted hair, and slammed his head down once into the cobblestones, barely resisting the urge to slap some sense into the other man.The quippiness was starting to grate his nerves, and he nearly threw his hands up in frustration before he resumed choking Graverobber, his hand clenching the man's throat like a vice grip. All of the irritations of the week were suddenly seeping in all of the exhaustion and pain, all the killing and chasing, and the irritation of Rotti and the leverage he had over him, and Amber Sweet touching him, Luigi lingering like some horrible little rodent, and Shilo being at home alone for too many hours."You will not follow me again." he ground out it wasn't a request, or a question judging by the growl in his voice it was an order, "Say it." God, more lights. Graverobber cringed, preparing himself for the second slam into the pavement. So this was it, eh? He ??d end up with his brains and skull in a paste in some cemetery. Crap way to die.It never came. Instead was that horrible choking with hands as strong as steel. This was what the stories were made out of. Repo Man might not be tall enough to play professional basketball, nor was he built like a brick wall of muscle, but he was strong enough to squeeze every bit of air from his purchased lungs. He remembered fuzzily attacks he ??d had as a child, where, no matter how wide he opened his mouth, air simply refused to fill his lungs. ??I won ??t follow you. ? He got that lie out on his last breath, dark eyes open now to watch his killer. He had dropped the Zydrate to claw at the man ??s hands, trying to get him off, to loosen the fingers around his neck so he could gulp down another lungful of air. Now the primal panic was setting in, the fight or flight response that had been delayed. Graverobber scratched with stubby, dirty nails, trying to get at skin beneath vinyl or get that mask off so he could get at the eyes. There it was.Finally, there it was.It had taken getting to the last few ounces of air, squeezing hard enough to bruise, holding on and drawing it out, but finally, he saw the familiar look in Graverobber's eyes, the one he had been searching for it wasn't fear, but it was the survival instinct, the one that every human being ultimately had lurking deep inside of them. It didn't matter how cocky or tough they were, when it came down to their lives, humans were supposed to fight for it, and invoking the response in the scavenger beneath him was somehow reassuring for reasons he didn't want to explore.He felt Graverobber's fingers scrabbling up his sleeves for purchase, felt the man's hands trying to wrench off the mask, but he had done this so many times that all he needed to do was lean forward a little on his knees to put an uncomfortable pressure on the thief's chest, practically forcing out the last bit of air.And with the choked words, he held onto the man's throat only for a second longer, and then finally released him and rose from him all at once, wordlessly dissappearing into the darkness of the cemetary and leaving Graverobber on the ground to sort himself out.He listened to Shilo recount her television show that night, and fell asleep on a chair in her room. Bruises were the last of his concern. He was drowning. He was drowning in this damned, humid heat, on this fucking ground below some boogieman that got a stiffy from murdering.Deaths like this didn ??t happen to him. They happened to others, to fools that got themselves too deep in Rotti ??s lion pit, that sold away their soul to GeneCo for a pretty inside and a life of chasing the damned blue glow of Zydrate.Apparently, it also happened to graverobbers that got their noses in things that weren ??t their business. And the bastard wasn ??t even going to let him live after that forced admission. Maybe he knew he was lying through his teeth. God, what had he done? He ??d touched him, and this was the response?It was right then, where darkness started burning into his vision, that the monster let him go. The vulture turned on his side, taking in deep, shaking breaths, touching his own throat in disbelief as the Repo Man stalked away, his vinyl scrubs swinging with his gait. Now he looked taller from this angle, more threatening, and Graverobber felt strangely ? Alive.He closed his eyes, groping along the ground for his pack. He needed to drag himself out of the way. Into a crypt so he could collect himself, wait for the patrols to pass , then get home. The Repo Man had moved through the graveyard, and the beams of light from the armed Guards reflected off of the vinyl, but he didn't hasten his movements no, the guards passed the light right over him, knowing what he was and knowing better than to question his presence in the cemetary. He was a ghoul there, one of the few who would be allowed to be in any part of the city at any time, regardless of circumstances he had the unquestionable authority of Rotti Largo behind him, and the GeneCo insignia on his uniform was enough to send the most saged guard into the sweats.The guards did their sweep of the cemetary, just the way they did every other night, every hour on the hour but they did it quickly, some of them spooked by their sparing glimpse of the Repo Man, unsure of where he had dissappeared to. Luckily for Graverobber, their search wasn't terribly thorough, and he was bypassed as he tried to find his breath again inside the mausoleum.And the next day, Nathan woke up sore again, his body protesting the abuse he had put it through over the last few nights, urging him to just go back to sleep. A glance up told him Shilo was still asleep, and the orange light through the window told him it was incredibly early. He rubbed at his aching eyes with his palms, and he made his way to the bathroom he saw his own reflection in the mirror and balked at the sight of it at the very least, he needed to shave.He ended up taking a shower so hot that it nearly burnt his skin, and he stepped out of it feeling a little more human he took the time to shave and make himself presentable again, combing his hair so it no longer stuck out ridiculously, and putting on his glasses. He observed himself in the mirror for another long moment he had lost weight he hadn't needed to lose, there were dark rings under his eyes he looked terrible.When Shilo woke up, she expressed a bizarre amount of joy for the fresh pineapple he had cut up for her breakfast, and they sat at the front window and watched the sun rise high over the gates, and he tried not to think about how only hours before, he had nearly choked a man to death. He ??d never understood druggies or scalpel sluts. The idea simply didn ??t make sense to him. Sure, he attracted them like the pied piper of whores and burn outs, and he certainly spent enough time with them, but the idea of having such an obsession with anything barely registered with him.Most things were boring.Repo Man was not boring.There was something about a grey haired Repo Man that just didn ??t sit right with him. Grey haired, and he should be settled down with a family or a stable job. Graverobber snorted as he went through that day ??s gossip rags. Boring stuff, most of it, the same stories repeated a hundred times: jealous lovers, out of control rich kids, murders and robberies. He scared an older whore, out of her mind on Zydrate if the wide eyes and lax mouth told him anything, when he chuckled. Graverobber always loved the ads. They promised beauty, perfection, everything one could ever want.Designer organs looked the same as any other when they were ripped out of a still seizing body by a grey haired Repo Man, with hard eyes highlighted with bags and hands with a grip a man twice his size shouldn ??t have had.The weather didn ??t let up at all that week, temperature and humidity even rising as the days wore on. Graverobber was careful to stay away from the marks, but he did haunt the area around where Repo would be, trying for ? he wasn ??t quite sure what he was trying for. The man had made it very clear that he wanted nothing to do with the dealer, he still had the yellowing bruises to prove it, but that didn ??t change the fact that he was intrigued.Couldn ??t sit the man down for a talk, though. That obviously hadn ??t worked. What had him wound so tightly that a pat on the shoulder had set him off like that? Graverobber propped himself up on the fire escape of an old, long abandoned building, whistling as he leafed through a few magazines, a foot dangling as he mixed various jingles. They all sort of ran together in his mind, anyways, with that constant droning up above. He lacked his coat today, feeling it was too damned hot to work. Repo Men didn't get days off they were on call 24 7, though Nathan was sure he was the only one who did the job unwillingly the majority of Repo Men had applied for the job, the sociopaths and psychotics of the city who found immense joy in their work, the ones who would be out killing people if they didn't have the job anyways. GeneCo just provided them with a legal backdrop for their sick activities, official papers to support their killings, leaving them unaccountable for anything extra they did in the process.But Nathan didn't do the job because he liked it he maintained that, even to himself. No, he didn't like it Repo might, the night surgeon side of him may have found some twisted joy in it all, but he most certainly did not. As Nathan Wallace, he was a loving and dedicated father, and a perpetually mourning husband he was a reliable, caring doctor and a decent, law abiding citizen.But at night, things changed because they had to, he had no choice but to do GeneCo's bidding.He just wished the uniforms weren't so damn hot.He was aware of the density of the fabric again, but this time he could feel his own sweat on his forehead as he dug his hands into George Elder's abdomen and wrenched out the intenstine in a messy, bloody rope, tossing it aside to access the stomach. The smell of the city combined with the smell of death was almost too much, and he had to resist the urge to throw his mask off, or to peel off the uniform to try and get away from some of the wretched heat.The upside had been that the streets seemed to move slower from the heat, fewer people dotted the streets when it was so stiflingly hot, and it made his job just that much easier, even if the temperature made it difficult to stand. Oh, shit.This time, it was completely not his fault. He hadn ??t taken a good look at Old Ray ??s print outs, even when the man offered , and he was here, relaxing on the metal about a story above the ground, just to suffer out the heat.His Repo Man, though, was followinghimnow! Graverobber dropped the magazine behind him to watch, leaning back lazily. Repo ??s victim was a middle aged man today, well off if his clothes said anything about his profession. He must have been trying to find a loop hole to get out of paying, risking his own life to save a few bucks. He was dark haired and a little on the heavy side, and he screamed and kicked and begged as Repo began cutting into him. He even offered money, though Graverobber knew from personal experience how wellthatwould go.It was messy work and Graverobber didn ??t envy him. He was watching not for entertainment, but in a sort of appreciative way. It was gruesome, it was ugly, but his Repo Man had art. Probably would be a fantastic surgeon if he didn ??t kill his patients. The dealer lazed on the impromptu balcony, scratching his scars in sympathy.Now he really did feel like a vulture, propped up like that as he waited for the predator to finish his kill. The heat must have fried his brain, because he called out lowly, ??They make you work in that outfit in this heat? Rotti is a sadistic bastard. ? George Elder was a bigger man, overweight from an easy and overindulgent life that very few in the city ever got to experience his penchant for food and especially for drink had been progressively destroying parts of his body, and the first thing to go had, ironically, been the man's stomach. His old part had been covered in ulcers from overdrinking, so the new stomach had been a neccessity before the gaping holes hemhorraged and killed him sadly, the surgery hadn't stopped Merchant's drinking habits, and now his esophagus was going. He had even scheduled himself for another surgery in short order, but given that he hadn't gotten around to paying off his first one, it was looking a little unlikely.So when Elder screamed his terror, his voice came out as a rasping croak that didn't actually get very loud, his voice too raw from his alcoholism to really have any power behind it. It quickly became clear to him that his terror was in no way discouraging the Repo Man, so he turned to bargaining as his shirt was cut open, trying to offer anything he could money, stocks, power."What do you want?" Elder had shouted, desperate but there was no answer for him it took longer to get to the organs because of the thickness of the man's flesh, so the process was a little more drawn out than most. The upside to the overweight was that they were usually easy to catch, but getting to the required parts could be a task.So he had been tugging out the intestine, digging through the build up of fat that had surrounded the man's internal organs, and he'd had his hand stuck inside the gaping hole he'd carved out, when he heard it, a voice overhead like the devil on his shoulder. For a moment, the Repo Man froze, and then his shoulders slumped, and he brought one bloody fist up to the mask, pressing it against where the nose would be in a clear gesture of frustration.He wrenched his hand out of Elder with an unfortunate wet, squishing sound, and he stood, turning and looking directly up at the Graverobber, who was lingering on a rattling old staircase. The knife still in one hand, Repo held his arms out at his sides in a stance that very clearly stated: 'what the hell?'He dropped his hands back to his sides, slapping the flat of the knife against his thigh, and right then it was obvious that if he had the luxury of a gun, he would have probably shot Graverobber.Likely in the knees."There are others," he said, and his voice was like that of a parent trying to reason with a particularly stubborn child, a bizarre combination with the rasping tone, "There are others, follow one of them around." Graverobber pulled his leg up, managing even that with something of a flourish. Best to keep his parts away. Knives didn ??t have much range, but he could lose a dangling foot. ??You found me, ? he said simply, pursing his lips in aborted amusement. Laughing now wouldn ??t be a good idea. Blood from the chubby man ??s body glittered on his mask, catching the light and making the vinyl look wet.Well. More wet than it was.He curled his lips, unable to resist. ??You could always take the mask off. I can ??t really see you in detail, you know, ? he offered, still lounging back. Tonight there was a coiled energy in his frame, like the heat had kept him bored and he was restless. ??You could always just throw up the wallet. Weather ??s making me lazy, and I don ??t look forward to turning him over. ? Graverobber watched him warily, still unafraid, though. Fingers curled around the brittle iron so he could drag himself up into an upright position. ??Are all the other Repo Men grey haired? ? he asked, wiping rust on his pants as he spoke. "No retirement age?" Repo found himself tugging on the strap of leather that pressed against his chin, suddenly irritated by it's presence, and he unbuckled it so it hung down and out of the way, and he could feel some of the air on his neck but there was no relief in it, because the air was just as hot and sticky. He cocked his head to the side, staring up at Graverobber, suddenly wishing he could get his hands on the man's throat again, particularly when he got that smug look tugging at his painted lips again.He resisted the urge to do something childish like hurl the wallet at the other man's head, and mildly irritated by the fact he had noticed his hair colour he remembered then that his mask didn't completely cover him, that the nape of his neck must have been showing when he was leaning over one of the bodies in the previous nights it made him question which of the patients he had been working on when Graverobber had noticed.And how close Graverobber had been standing when he'd seen it."We don't exactly get a benefits plan." he replied flatly, kneeling back down to the body and continuing his work, pushing his hand back inside of Elder's open trunk cavity his hand came back out with the stomach, and he maneuvered it until he could access the medical connection, snipping the stomach away. Almost immediately, it began to leak out fluids and bile, and he let it for a few moments storing the stomach with too much acid still in it tended to make it more difficult to store properly.When he was done, he wrapped the organ, and then dug into Elder's jacket, yanking out the wallet that Graverobber was so interested in and jamming it deep inside of the dead man's body, somewhere near the ribcage. He rose then, brushed his hands off onto his legs, and gestured theatrically to the corpse as though to say 'there you go' before he turned and moved off to the side of the alleyway, stepping out of the streetlight and into the shadow, leaning himself up against the wall. Oh, the bastard. Graverobber watched, that same, amused smirk tugging on his stained lips, as the Repo Man took the wallet, let him have a good enough look from this angle to see that it was indeed the wallet, and shoved the designer accessory up somewhere behind what Graverobber was guessing was his lungs. The scavenger was gracious enough to give a little bow as his opposite rose.He felt a tingle go down his spine as he pushed himself forward, forgoing the ladder to hop down into a crouching position, face turned towards the shadows as he hesitated, just for a second. A few nights back, Repo Man had nearly killed him, had pushed his knee into the area right beneath his ribs and squeezed all the air out of him like a blow up doll. He could do it again tonight, easily, and Graverobber had heard the footsteps stop nearby, could see the outline of the night surgeon.No point in worrying now. He was already on the ground, and should the Repo Man choose to, he couldn ??t exactly get away at the moment. The man could just wander over, finish the job now at a leisurely pace and be back home for breakfast. Graverobber straightened some, strolling over to the body. Yep. Under the lungs. Wouldn ??t be able to hawk the wallet now. He rolled up his sleeve and plunged his arm into the cavity, all the way up to his shoulder and dug around. Ugh. The body was still warm. He liked it better when they had the chance to cool. Ah! There!Grinning, he pulled out the wallet and wiped it on the man ??s shirt before tucking it into his back pocket. The Repo Man said nothing he was so still and silent right then that someone may have mistaken him for a freakish statue, built against the wall of the dank alleyway to scare people away. He stood outside the radius of light that the dim street lamp was emanating, but some of the residual was reflecting off the shining visor and glimmering in the blood droplets that had spattered his scrubs. His arms were crossed over his chest, his legs crossed at the ankles, but his back was so stiff that he managed to make an intensely casual posture look formal.And even though his face was covered, there was a clear air of amusement surrounding him as he watched the scavenger climb down from his perch and sidle towards the body there was only the barest moment of uncertainty from Graverobber, a brief nervousness as he no doubt reflected on what had happened not so very long ago even from a few feet away, Repo could see the bruises on the other man's throat. He flexed his fingers, remembering the feeling of the neck in his hands, and thinking about precisely how easy it would be to do it again right then.But no, he satisfied himself to just watch the other man drop down to the body of George Elder and stick his hand inside of it. Nathan Wallace would balk at the image, fearing for the unsanitary conditions, for the germs and disease that the insides would be rife with, but the Repo Man was almost gleeful at the sight and at the Graverobber's willingness to do something that so many others would find intensely disturbing. It was a few moments of digging around, and he watched the scavenger's face twist with a multitude of different expressions, and eventually the joyous one that indicated he had found what he was looking for, tucked beneath a lung.It was like an easter egg hunt for the homicidal.He watched Graverobber wipe the wallet off on the dead man's shirt, and then a harsh noise escaped him a short, rough bark of laughter, and it's brevity was caused by Nathan's horrified realization of what he was doing.God, he needed sleep before he started using corpses for some sort of nightmarish puppet show.He turned then, heading down the alleyway and away from Graverobber this guy was bringing out the worst in him. Graverobber twitched at the noise, rocking back onto the balls of his feet. Wait. Was that ? Was that a laugh?He grinned crookedly at the figure as he stood, brushing his hands off on his pants. At least the Repo Man had enjoyed the show. ??Next time hide it in a more difficult place to reach! ? he called out after the man, blood stained hands cupping his mouth to project his voice. It startled some old homeless man who had been unconscious a few meters back and Graverobber turned his head towards the ??yelp ??. When he looked back, Repo was gone.The dealer did back off then, consciously staying away from the man ??s routes to give him time to cool down. Hopefully the bloody game of hide and go seek had ingratiated himself with the killer, but he had work to do. Like actually dealing, getting roughed about by Amber, then having to go crawling through the graves to get more Zydrate. That slut was getting more and more familiar with him, as if a few hurried fucks in front of her leashed pets was some sort of way to make friends with her drug dealer.Didn ??t work all that well.Regular whores, now, those were easy. Graverobber had a fairly simple outlook on people: there were three groups, whores, scalpel sluts, and others. Most people fell into the first or the second. Amber straddled the last two with legs wide open, as she did with most things. Repo was one of the few that fell solidly in the last.Shame. He would have liked to see a mix of category one and two with that man, if only because of his interest in him. Smirking, the dealer ran his hands through the gelled hair of his most recent customers, a nice boy with a face like a pincushion with all his studs and hoops. Nathan sat in the basement with his hands on his head, his elbows leaning onto a cold steel table, his wide eyes pinned onto the GeneCo Repossession mask that sat in front of him, staring back at him with its dark visor. It had been going on two weeks now that Rotti had been sending him piles of repossessions to do, and at that point the forty something had gone beyond the realm of exhaustion. Now, when he came home from a night of repossessions, he couldn't drop onto the bed and fall asleep, because now it was as though his overtired brain was too confused to realize he had to sleep to stay moderately sane. Instead, he would nod off for minutes at a time, and occasionally woke back up swinging his hand like he had a knife in it, the motion so ingrained and automatic now that he found himself paranoid of standing too close to Shilo.And Shilo, she was confused. She knew there was something wrong, so he'd told her he was coming down with a flu from one of his patients and needed to limit contact until he was feeling better he felt guilty for lying to her, and keeping his distance from his daughter was killing him inside, but he couldn't risk that he might somehow show her that side of himself.He stared at the mask so long that his eyes nearly dried out, and he had to force himself to blink, an action that should have been automatic but had somehow become a chore. His eyes shifted slowly to the repossession forms by his elbow only one that evening for the first time in weeks, and he found himself struggling against the hope that the numbers were finally waning, that maybe the sleepless nights would be over.Just one to cut up, one more squirming faceless thing that would screech and yowl while he did his job he'd lost his temper with one the previous night, because the thing had kicked and screamed and yelled for so long that it felt as though someone had taken a grater to his raw nerves. He'd cut the guy's face open from ear to ear and created a wide, gaping mouth that seemed to finally match the noises that were coming out of it, and there had been so much blood and mess that it had made him even angrier, and somehow he'd ended up sitting on a mess of flesh with vocal cords in his hand and that wasn't even a part he had been sent to repo. He couldn't remember how it had happened, but he knew he had done it.But at least Graverobber had stopped following him several days ago, in fact. It was one less thing to bother with.Though, for some strange reason, Repo was displeased by this. Nathan maintained it was a good thing the vulture had finally left him alone he was a problem, not quite a threat, but he had the potential to become one if he lingered for too long. He couldn't risk letting the Graverobber know too much about him, especially after that time he'd found him near Marni's mausoleum.It had been nearly a week since he'd seen Graverobber, now that he thought about it Repo wondered if someone had gotten their hands on the drug dealer and did something awful to him. It would be a shame, because Repo liked the idea of doing it himself.Time was moving in broken pieces for Nathan, because he blinked and found himself outside again, masked and covered in blood from a body he didn't remember slicing up, a patient he didn't remember staking out but he must have, because the removed eyes were staring up at him from his palm.You're losing it.He moved through the back alleys, knowing he should go home and try to sleep, but for reasons he couldn't identify, he wasn't heading for his home, he was going elsewhere, moving down side streets and through tunnels, down dark cobblestones until he found what he was looking for. Graverobber, lit up like a stage show and surrounded by supporting cast, eager whores and surgery addicts who were there to purchase his wares Repo Man pulled out his knife, a ten inch serrated blade, and he walked up the alley, scraping the blade against the rough brick wall, sparks flying up around the vinyl clothed monster.And they scattered like rats, they scattered. All of them except for Graverobber. The man stood there, watching as the monster stalked up to him, blue white sparks thrown off his blade. It was a nightmare come true.So why was he so excited?He was starting to wonder if he had developed some sort of death wish. A sensible man would have run away, screaming and whimpering. A sensible man would have begged and cried. A sensible man would probably be dead in a few minutes, triggering the Repo Man ??s predator instinct.Instead, he raised his eyebrow in a completely unsensible manner and held out his arms like a gracious host. Graverobber almost looked clean tonight, as if he had recently gone home and showered instead of spending the day at the side of some alleyway. His hip was alight with small, glass bullets of Z under his coat. ??And you seem so disinterested the other night, ? he said, that cocky, smug smile playing at his lips. ??Reconsidered my offer. ? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, he was in trouble. Had to be the only dealer on the street that had his own Repo Man. Maybe he should feel honoured. Putting on his best, oily smirk, he tucked a hand against his stomach and bowed. ??To what do I owe this pleasure? ? he said silkily, raising his head to look into those visored eyes. He had to be the oddest character Repo Man would come across, or he ??d be dead, another corpse to be thrown into the large mass grave they kept the trash.And that wasn't the way he wanted to find all those bodies. He had stopped expecting the Graverobber to supply appropriate gut responses to his presence where everyone else with even a thread of sanity left rattling around in their head would have run away, or at least shown some semblance of fear, Graverobber simply smiled and quirked his eyebrow as though he was getting an unexpected visit from an old friend. Repo couldn't say he shared the perspective, but it was interesting to get a different reaction after years of similar ones.But putting the fear into Graverobber wasn't his intention, regardless of the fact he wondered how the man's painted face would look contorted into an expression of terror no, his purpose here was much more straight forward, much simpler. He wanted to just return the favour and starting out by chasing away a night's worth of customers was somehow amusing to the Repo Man. Naturally, they would be back in a while, they would sidle down the alleyway again once they decided the need for a fix outweighed the urge to stay in one piece, but for now he was providing a niggling little problem for Graverobber.He rounded on Graverobber, moving in a slow circle around the other man his footsteps were solid and quick, but there was a sort of restless agitation to him now that hadn't been there before, where he was normally calculated in his movements, he seemed somehow twitchy."I was bored." he replied, his voice a deep, growling rumble that turned schizophrenically into a laugh, "You were so entertaining last time that I came to see what show you would put on tonight." Until they came back, though, he was left with this insane monster. ??Flattery won ??t get you a discount, ? he purred, standing still as the other circled him. He was like a damned shark, and Graverobber had no intention of putting any blood in the water to start the feeding frenzy.Well. Notmuchblood. ??Which part did you enjoy more, strangling me or ruining Chubby ??s wallet? ? Repo was twitchy tonight, filled with an unidentifiable energy. Maybe he ??d found some other drug to get high off, maybe he didn ??t have enough blood on his hands and he was going insane from some sort of starved blood lust. ??I have to say that I ??m more used to the first, though you ??ve got more strength than the scalpel slut that usually does it. Less in the way of nails, though, ? he added, rubbing at his neck. The bruises had faded, but having Repo circling him like he was the buzzard this evening reminded him of the five, very distinct pricks of pain.Stupidly, he reached for the Repo Man, pressing a hand on his chest to stop the circling. ??You get those scrubs off, and I ??d be even more entertaining, ? he said, white face mocking as he ran his palm up surprisingly clean vinyl. Oh, he was going to be in so much trouble. But now he was purposely going for keeping the monster on his toes in fear he ??d lose his head if he didn ??t. Looked like the Repo Man had a night off, and Graverobber didn ??t want to get a working knowledge of the other ??s skills. He hated when Graverobber used that tone it was a silky, intentionally smarmy tone that made the hairs on the back of his neck prickle for reasons he didn't want to explore, and he continued his slow movements around the other man, his fingers twitching and twisting and clenching as though he was itching to get his hands on the man again. He made it so easy to want to.At some point, it did occur to Nathan that this was ridiculous he didn't know why he had sought out a man who so clearly raked his nerves, someone who pissed him off to no end and got in his way and followed him around. He had no idea why he had gone in search of the Graverobber, because now that he was there, he wasn't sure what he meant to do but the Repo Man insisted on circling him like a predator would, watching him. He wasn't even clear on his own intentions anymore it was confusing.But then there was a hand on him, stopping him, and even through the thick vinyl he could feel Graverobber's fingers on his solid chest, running up it. Almost instantly, the Repo Man jerked back as though the touch had burnt him lately it had been a source of irritation to the poor doctor in the seventeen years since Marni had passed, his contact with other humans had been limited to the hugs he gave Shilo and the times his hands were sunk into chest cavities or yanking out bones. But lately he had been repeatedly touched by people in ways that weren't platonic and it was striking something in him that he didn't like. He moved a few inches away from the Graverobber to avoid the touch, like an abused animal would do."You're liable to get strangled again." he said flatly. Showing weakness in front of a man who preyed upon others was a poor idea. The dealer caught the signs of ? not fear, but a sort of apprehension. He didn ??t like to be touched that much he had learned the other night. Repo had actually fled from him in that moment, and Graverobber, sensing the weakness, went after it like the hyena he was. ??There are other things you can do to me, ? he said, arching his eyebrow slowly in response to that surly tone. So the Repo Man disliked being touched to the point that he ??d back off like that. Odd. So it was fine to touch people ??s insides in a way more intimate than sex, but as soon as he had a hand on his chest or shoulder he flipped out? ??Without the gloves. ? He wasn ??t used to playing this part in fact, he detested it most of the time, but there was something there, and he worrying that sliver of weakness like a dog at the last bit of muscle on a bone.Graverobber had feared earlier that he ??d get his balls chopped off for offering, but this response wasn ??t the sort he ??d expect from insulting the man. ??Come on, it can ??t be that bad to touch a man you aren ??t killing, is it? ? he asked, leering in a way only a drug dealing thief could as he took a step towards the night surgeon. He couldn't be entirely sure when the transition had happened he had gone for seventeen years without contact, but at some point it had gone beyond a self exile, beyond a punishment that he had sentanced himself to for what he had done to Marni at some point, killing had become easier than putting up with being touched. Yanking out someone's still beating heart was more acceptable to him than the idea of someone brushing a hand against his shoulder, touching his hair, or brushing lips with him.He couldn't pin point the time he had begun to recoil from touch, because he had gone so long without it that the change could have happened at any juncture in the time since his wife had passed, though the guilt had been there from the very minute she had stopped breathing.As Graverobber took another step towards him, Nathan could suddenly feel his own heart beating in his chest, and he felt as if it was so loud that the other man might be able to hear it why had he done this, why had he looked for Graverobber again, knowing how the other would behave? Nathan was suddenly incredibly conscious of the situation, and he took another step away, so hasty that his back actually struck up against the side of the emergency exit behind him. It sounded painful, but he didn't acknowledge it, he kept his eyes on Graverobber he had to fight back the urge to tell the other man not to touch him again, because he knew the scavenger would only be amused by the discomfort.He could feel Repo crawling into his chest and up his throat again, trying to take over once more, and though Nathan had always been aware that he wasn't the most stable human being alive, he was suddenly clear on what it actually felt like to go insane. He didn't fight it, he let the Repo Man take the reins again, because Nathan's stress levels were already so high that there was the concern he might actually pop a blood vessel. A chuckle bubbled up out of his chest, a surprised sound of near delight. The Repo Man was, shockingly, startlingly afraid of him. Him, the man he ??d had on his back a week or so before, choking the air out of him. This was the very monster that inspired horror stories and left people in whimpering, pissing piles of terror before they died.Graverobber took another step, pressing his body against the doctor. It was hard to pull most of his tricks when the other guy had a mask on. The visor was illuminated in a soft, blue glow so very like the drug he sucked out of the dead like some sort of cyberpunk vampire. ??If you take that mask off, I won ??t be able to see your face, ? he murmured, putting just a little weight against the other. Not the choking, deadly weight of before, though he had a feeling this was just as terrifying for the masked horror.The vinyl was smooth against his chest, inhuman and sterile. Graverobber was a little surprised: he was used to being pushed around a little more by now. It was true, though. The light above them flickered in its death throes and they were out of the stronger lighting just a few meters back. He ??d see no details, no identifying marks unless the man had some sort of glowing tattoo. His own, face, though, caught the light easily, the smirk stark against the white.This fear was something Graverobber didn't understand. Junkies touched, whores touched, that was part of the job. He was used to having foreign hands on his body, used to a stranger pushing her tongue into his ear or sucking on his fingers, either trying to convince him of a hit or so high she reached out for anything. It was simply a part of his life. That someone so feared would be so afraid of such a common thing, why, it was like finding out Satan was afraid of boots. Nathan couldn't remember the last time he'd been this nervous he pressed himself back against the metal staircase as though hoping he might be able to phase his entire body through the steel to get away from the Graverobber, but there was no such luck. He found himself suddenly trapped, pinned between the cold stairs and a warm body, and his heart was racing, and a moment of near panic welled up inside of him as he realized he could feel all of the contours of the other man's body, even through the vinyl, and that it wasn't repulsive to him even though he desperately wanted it to be.But the Repo Man was collected, calm, and maybe just a little more intrigued than he should have been, and one of his hands crept up Graverobber's shoulder and his fingers twisted into the taller man's hair, wrenching his head back just a little his other hand had slipped between them, still holding the knife from earlier, and he tapped it against the vulture's inner thigh, making a very obvious point."What do you think you're doing?" he asked coolly, his eyes searching the other man's face through the visor of his mask he could have gutted the other man in an instant, but he was telling him to take his mask off, a request that he'd never had before, and especially in this context, a request that was offering things Nathan Wallace had been denying himself for years. So much for having the upper hand.Something had flitted behind those eyes, something Graverobber couldn ??t quite place, and then the other was in control again. That ??s what he called it when the monster had a long, serrated knife pressed a few inches down from his groin. And he was making that knife very, very known. ??Seducing you, I had hoped, ? he said cockily, one hand wrapping around the metal behind the Repo Man, somehow managing an air of nonchalance even with that gloved hand pulling his head back painfully and leaving his neck at an awkward angle. This was some game of chicken, it was, and Graverobber hoped that tonight wouldn ??t leave him a eunuch. Repo was teasing him with all sorts of deaths he just really didn ??t want, and bleeding out through his missing dick was a new one he ??d never thought about. ??Never met a man so uneager to get undressed, ? Graverobber said, careful not to press against the other again. Push too hard, and this ??d be the end of him, here in some alley way chasing psychotic tail. Somewhere inside the body, Nathan Wallace was protesting very, very loudly. He was all at once annoyed, panicked, and indignant at what was being implied, and he wasn't about to be toyed with by some scavenger, and what the hell was he doing, moving his eyes over Graverobber's throat like this? Nathan protested, but the Repo Man clapped a gloved hand over the good doctor's mouth and told him to be quiet, because this was too interesting to ignore.He felt Graverobber stiffen just a little as he realized precisely what was going on south of the border, and Repo wasn't exactly being subtle about it, making sure the knife was pressed up nicely against the thigh, far enough that nothing would be cut, but close enough that the threat was a very real one."Mm hmm," Repo said thoughtfully, tapping the flat of the knife against Graverobber's leg a couple of times, a cruel reminder of who was presently in command after all, Nathan Wallace wasn't in at the moment, so the single weakness that the scavenger had sought to exploit had become temporarily null and void. The Repo Man didn't balk at the touch he was the embodiment of every vicious, nihilistic aspect of Nathan Wallace's personality, normal emotions and feelings that had been supressed for years, pushed aside and ignored until they came out as someone different and up until now, Repo had only ever been employed for his anger and blood thirst.This was something very different, and the Repo Man found he was quite enjoying it."And you're doing such a good job of it." he said mockingly, giving another tug on the thick ropes of hair in his hand, and he ran his eyes over the bruises on the man's throat, suddenly possessed of the urge to run his tongue over them, and maybe add a few new ones, just for some extra colour. Whatever had taken control was not afraid of him, unfortunately, so the game had evolved from Chicken to something completely different. He had no bartering chips now, only the fact that he fascinated the Repo Man as much as Repo fascinated him.Or, rather, he hoped he fascinated the other to that level.Or that knife would end up touching places he generally didn ??t even like nails around. Strange, though, that the medal was both entirely frightening and entirely thrilling, even with him being no scalpel slut. ??Thank you, ? he replied brightly, voice low, almost intimate. God, did this freak have multiple personalities, or something? He thought that only happened in bad television shows, where one personality impregnated some girl and the other had no memory of it. Graverobber had to go and find some bad movie clich ??s evil cousin.He groaned at the tug, gritting his teeth. Now that hurt. Even the man ??s grip had changed, returning to that other night ??s impersonal strength. But even this was different from before. It hurt like hell, little sparks of pain running up his scalp, but Repo wasn ??t touching him disinterestedly. This was touch for touch ??s sake, not to smother or stab. On a whim, he tried pressing forward, unafraid of the flat of the knife. No, when he turned it to the blade, then it ??d be a problem. ??I figured you ??d be the sort to like it rough, ? he quipped, almost coughing due to the pressure put on his esophagus in his position. Repo's head was cocked to the side, his eyes were flicking over Graverobber's face, drinking in the man's features and their reactions yes, there was some confusion, a modest amount of doubt in the scavenger's face as he realized the situation. Up until now, Repo had deflected his advances, balked at them, or responded to them with a savage sort of anger, all of which had been influenced by Nathan Wallace's feelings on it but with Nathan temporarily down for the count for the sake of his sanity, Repo was getting a chance to explore a little further.He wondered if Graverobber was starting to regret his choice to come closer.He heard the groan escape the other man it was pain, yes, but something about the noise piqued the surgeon's interest, and he felt the other man moving in, coming closer, and the flat of the blade stayed in place, sliding against Graverobber's inner thigh. When he'd come in so close that Repo could even feel the man's body heat, he shifted the knife, lifting it up, now pressing the flat of the blade to more intimate areas, and he gave a sharp tap with it,"You might not like it this rough." he replied. Another groan, some mix of surprise, pain, and other things he hadn ??t expected from this encounter. Repo was toying with him, he realized. Good. That meant he was keeping the night surgeons interest, and keeping him interested would keep him alive. Vaguely, he was reminded of a story from a long time ago, that used to be a book then was adapted to some cheesy show that kept the audience ??s attention, short as it was. Something about a woman who had to tell stories to keep her murder interested. Probably lacked knives to the groin.Graverobber let his head fall back into that gloved hand, trying to relieve some of the pressure as his lips twisted in pain. He was taller than Repo, to his disadvantage now, and the position was causing muscles in his back to protest, unused to being stretched and compressed this way. ??Try me, ? he growled, one hand reaching up blindly for the collar he had saw earlier. Dumb fingers ghosted across the leather, then into the space between outfit and skin. He let his eyes close, trying to focus on that patch of skin and the clasps there. Couldn ??t see a damned thing the way the surgeon had his head held back like that. ??I ??m always up for something new. ? If it didn ??t involve him dying, sure. He felt Graverobber twisting and shifting, muscles trying to adapt to the positioning, trying to get away from the ache that was no doubt being caused by the way his head was being forced back but Repo didn't give him any leeway, didn't allow him any slack to feel more comfortable. That would have been kind of him, after all.But the key difference here between their situation and the story that Graverobber was recalling, was that there was no story that the Graverobber could tell that would stimulate the Repo Man's interest more than the complex physicality that was surging between them. It was a bizarre, dark thing, and Repo wasn't sure he could truly give a definition to what it was attraction seemed like it was too simple of a word to describe what was happening right then, because he was quite sure he disliked Graverobber. He disliked him very, very much, and it made him want to do terrible things to the man, but not the sort he was used to doing.He felt Graverobber's hands advance on him, and for a moment he expected thrashing or a fight, but no the fingers were searching, looking for the buckles and clasps he was truly trying to get the mask off of him, the idiot. He actually wanted this to continue, and Repo gave another jerk on the man's hair as though to emphasize for Graverobber precisely how bad of an idea this was.And then he felt fingers ghosting against his skin, dipping just under the collar of his jacket, brushing along his neck, and he gave a small shiver at the sensation it had clearly been too long for the surgeon if his reaction to the tiny touch was any indication. The one hand stayed in Graverobber's hair, the other dissappeared from the man's groin for an instant, moving up to flick open the remaining buckles that kept the mask in place Nathan Wallace would never have considered it out in the open, but the darkness was reassuring.The mask hit the ground somewhere near their feet, and for an instant, Repo was motionless, and his eyes seemed to glisten even in the darkness and then he went for Graverobber's throat, a motion that was more of a bite than a kiss, right at the base of the man's neck, over his pulse. His fingers had twitched to a stop then, at that sharp jerk, the digits tightening with enough force he felt a few hairs go, ripped from his skin. Obviously, he was doing something wrong, had made the wrong move and angered the night surgeon. But the monster shivered, some big, viscious dog enjoying his touch enough not to bite at the moment, and that spurred him on. Repo ??s skin was surprisingly warm under the tips of his blunt fingers. ??When was the last time you did this? ? he managed to get out before the hand holding the knife to his groin disappeared.For a moment, he did see a face. Graverobber was used to working in low light and there was just enough illumination that the cruel eyes reflected it back in a glow, but he saw a face. The Repo Man was surprisingly handsome, with a tall, slopping forehead, grey hair slicked and sticking up in odd angles due to the way he had yanked the mask off. For some reason, he had expected something else, something hideous to match the job, something worth hiding, but outside of the nasty expression that face might have belonged to some average Joe who had never been elbow ??s deep in someone else ??s body.Then they were both moving, even Graverobber with his head pulled back like that. The thief yelped at the kiss, feeling more teeth than one generally expected from kisses, his own hands busy. One reached for the other ??s hair, yanking just as hard at the damp strands, stubby, dirty nails digging into the scalp. The other was at his neck still, calloused thump pressed against the pulse point there. Knife absent, Graverobber was brave enough to thrust himself forward, pushing Repo bag against the ladder with some force. He was heavier, after all, he should be able to give at least as good as he got. Repo had been enjoying an advantage over Graverobber their height difference meant that his access to the other man's throat was uninterrupted, his teeth working and worrying at the tender, pale flesh, moving around and sometimes abusing the bruises that already marred it. He heard the scavenger's question, and there was the briefest hesitation before he responded,"Too long," he ground out, his breath hot on the other man's skin, and then he felt fingers in his own hair, yanking, and sparks of pain shot through his skin, but in a paradoxical moment, he discovered the feeling wasn't actually unpleasant he wondered if all those years had unhinged him more than he'd initially believed. Of course, he was standing in a filthy back alley, gnawing furiously on another man's throat, so he suspected it was sort of a given that he'd snapped a little.He was shoved roughly, and his back and shoulders struck up against the staircase hard enough for a small gasp to escape him, and he felt some of Graverobber's hair give from the tug that resulted, a few strands wrenching out and into his gloved hand. Repo's eyes shifted up to the other man's face, which was tilted back at a painful looking angle from the abuse,"Seventeen years," he said, and his mouth was on Graverobber's throat again, teeth nipping at the spot just under his jaw, once even placing a bite beside the man's adam's apple. Right. Repo considered necking and hair pulling to be the unhinged aspect he ??d earned over the last seventeen years, not necessarily the killing part.There wasn ??t much he could do with his head back like that save keep his hands exploring what limited skin was available to touch. Graverobber found a strange power in that quick exhalation of air as Repo hit the ladder with enough force to send shivers all the way up the exit. He knew how the metal rungs dug into the back and shoulder blades painfully, had been in a position like that himself, and the idea that he had the Repo Man forced back like that was thrilling.Even better, he knew the doctor was willing because if he wasn ??t Graverobber would have been disemboweled long ago.Graverobber whistled lowly. ??Seventeen years, huh? ? he breathed, twisting his head as much as he could to give the Repo Man better access to his neck. If he was going to submit to this man, he might as well do it willingly. ??It didn ??t fall off? ? One bite left him shivering, the teeth finding the perfect mix of pain and pleasure. Unlike the Repo Man, who seemed to think it was odd to enjoy mixing the two sensations, Graverobber was very, very aware that they went together perfectly. Graverobber had turned his head, and it was enough to give Repo access to other muscles and unmarred skin, and he ran his tongue against the side of the man's throat, his one hand moving to grab Graverobber's jaw, directing him the way he wanted him, like some rainbow haired puppet, his thumb smearing some of the scavenger's dark lipstick.He tugged on the lobe of Graverobber's ear with his teeth, and abused the shell of his ear for a few moments, focusing until the formerly pale skin had gone pink from his ministrations and the blood rising to the surface his hand dropped away from his jaw then, and found the hem of Graverobber's shirt, the leather encased palm sliding up his stomach, rough and testing reactions.Again, Graverobber would feel teeth, but this time it was because Repo was actually grinning against his skin, apparently amused by the implication that his genitals could have popped off in the seventeen years of being unused. But no, he was quickly discovering that he was still very much fully functional, a fact that was making Nathan Wallace feel vaguely ill.He slipped his hand around to Graverobber's back, pulling the man up against him and planting one leg between his, his thigh pressing roughly into a sensitive area. For a moment, he fought that tug on his jaw, enjoying the way the tension hurt until the muscles gave and Repo jerked him the way he wanted.Graverobber started, almost jerking back away from that hand. The bastard didn ??t even have the courtesy to pull off his glove! The leather was impersonal, not cold, but slick enough to be sticky as it ghosted along his stomach, pushing up his stained shirt and leaving quivering muscles in its wake. He would have returned the favour, but it was difficult when your partner was wearing a heavy, vinyl apron in front of his vitals.Now he could feel lips moving against his skin, almost kindly. The Repo Man had better not be going soft on him no ??no, that was a grin. He must have found something funny in what Graverobber had said, as if he had touched upon some inside joke.He might have been just a little disturbed to find out the sharing the joke where in the same body, even though one found the situation much less of a laughing matter. Or a grinning maniacally matter as the case may be.He might have jerked again when he felt a thigh insinuate itself between his legs. This was the man who had bashed his head into the pavement for hinting at sex, right? Graverobber dropped a hand, pressing it between them and under that apron that was being pushed to the side, checking the thickness of the GeneCo issued pants around Repo ??s groin. For completely platonic reasons, of course. He could feel the Graverobber twitching at his touch the leather gloves were heavy, but he could feel the ridges and dips that formed the other man's torso as far as he was concerned, removing the gloves wasn't an option, the full sleeve gloves connecting at the shoulder, making it difficult, but also because Nathan simply didn't want it to happen.And he definitely didn't want to feel Graverobber's wandering hand but Repo didn't protest, he allowed it when the other man's fingers slipped downwards, and shoved aside part of the thick vinyl coat and apron, several layers of heavy fabric, to get to his hips. His eyes were half lidded, an expression that would have been come hither if not for the fact they were in the dark, and Graverobber was already hither. Very hither.He felt a hand against his groin, and he pressed his thigh closer to Graverobber, shifting his leg to create a small amount of friction, biting at his neck again, and this time latching on in a way that would undoubtedly leave a terrible, bruising welt on the other man by morning. How did he manage to strike terror and fear and chase after victims in this outfit? It was so hot recently, the temperature a miserable eighty that barely dropped at night and the air so saturated with water any more would have it raining. Graverobber should have come across the surgeon passed out on the ground somewhere, suffering from heat stroke. No wonder his hair had been damp, his skin sticky.Maybe he should have dragged the gloves off. He had seen the Repo Man ??s costume multiple times now and knew that those gloves where attached near the shoulders. If he had his hands free, he could fumble with those. Graverobber had developed a certain skill with groping around in the dark.Which Repo was learning about now.Graverobber ??s hand pressed against his crotch, the palm of his hand rolling. Even Repo ??s pants were thick, the poor bastard, though having to sweat a little in his uniform seemed like a small price to pay for ripping organs out of living, conscious people. ??There ??s no w way you can get out of that outfit, is there, ? he asked, fingers digging into the man ??s groin as he rubbed himself against a leather clad thigh. He was already trying to figure out how exactly this was going to happen with the doctor till in his getup. Knowing his luck, the man probably had leather and vinyl suspenders that connected his pants to his shoulders as well. When he finally released the bit of throat from his mouth, there was a rising, swelling mark left on Graverobber that would likely be purple the next day. Almost immediately, he moved to another spot the dip in Graverobber's clavicle and did the same thing, apparently intent on leaving the other man covered in painful welts as a souvenier from this peculiar night.The gloved hand on the scavenger's back was shifting, the fingertips raking down his skin, a rough, scratching motion that was made a little painful by the seams in the material. He felt the other man beginning to rub against his thigh, and he finally released Graverobber's hair so he could move one hand to his hip, not quite stilling Graverobber, but making a point of controlling his movements a little."No," he replied simply, but there was an amusement there, followed by a small, very human noise, a barely concealed groan when Graverobber began to grope him, and one of his hands moved to the front of the thief's pants, flicking them open it was simply Graverobber's good luck that Repo hadn't decided to just cut them off of him, "But you can get out of yours." Where Repo ??s mouth was, fire followed, his teeth and tongue and lips leaving behind abused skin thatburnedin a way that was surprisingly arousing. Graverobber was used to sex, to touch, but in the same way he was used to Zydrate: it didn ??t excite him all that terribly much. Fucking was habit.This wasn ??t. ??I can, ? he admitted, dropping his head now that he was free to, muscles protesting as he did. Repo ??s hand on his back was surprisingly heavy, almost reassuring, but the hand at his fly was everything but. Repo was enjoying himself, if that sound he had made earlier was any indication, and not because he was having one of his sick fits of humor. Graverobber grinned crookedly, never even thinking to kiss the other man as he reached down to undo the thick belt there, pushing his pants down like the monster had hinted. He dove forward, determined to leave his own mark on his partner ??s neck. Wouldn ??t be fair if the drug dealer was the only one to leave with a few blemishes, and besides, he couldn ??t resist the thought of giving a Repo Man a hickie in the shape of his own teeth.Really, the nights of stalking him should have given him a clue as to what would happen next. This was, after all, the man who had buried a wallet in dead man to have Graverobber fish it out for his own sick amusement. He was watching, his eyes flashing due to another glint from the streetlight, and his hand remained under Graverobber's shirt, the one on his hip moving away to allow the other man to divest himself of his belt, and then of his pants. Briefly, terribly briefly, one gloved hand ghosted over the newly revealed skin, hot and hard flesh, just touching for a moment and then Graverobber moved forward with that smile on his face, intent on giving Repo a matching mark.But no sooner had Graverobber leaned in, the Repo Man was gone, he had shifted, actually ducking beneath the other man's arm, where it had been levelled out on the staircase behind him, and he'd moved in a flawless two step, appearing suddenly behind Graverobber. Even in the dark, it was easy to tell that Repo was giving one of his maniacal smiles, and he cocked his head to the side, clearly taking a moment to look Graverobber over."Very nice." he said, before, weirdly, whacking him in the rear with the flat of his knife, just stopping short of calling Graverobber 'toots'.He stepped back and lifted his mask, wiggling it in the air for a moment, tottering it from side to side like it was a bizarre wave goodbye, and suddenly he was dissappearing casually down the alleyway, a soft noise escaping him that must have been laughter. He had time to suck in a gulp of air, expecting that he might actually find completion in that gloved hand, had been excited to feel those seams on the sensitive skin of his cock, but then the touch was gone along with the Repo Man.Graverobber hesitated, confused. His mind simply could not take in what had happened to him, simply couldn ??t process it. He turned his head fast enough that a few rainbow colored cords whipped around, staring, his jaw dropped and lined mouth opened stupidly.It was perhaps the first thing that had left him speechless in a very, very long time.The thief continued to stare even as Repo left, footsteps and laughter fading away to nothing. His stupor lasted a few minutes until some bit of trash shifted down the street, sending cans and paper scattering into the street. ??Fucking hell, ? he swore, jerking back into reality. Here he was, standing in the middle of a dark alley with his pants around his ankles and an erection due to some crazed GeneCo employee, make up smeared like some sort of cheap whore. In one fluid second he was pulling up his pants, redoing the belt there.Repo was freak. And coming from Graverobber, that was saying something. Unconsciously, he rubbed at his neck, cringing. Nathan's eyelids stuck together when he tried to open them, so he laid splayed out on the bed for several long minutes, rubbing furiously at his eyes until he could open them properly when he finally did, he had to close them again, because sunlight was pouring in through his window and directly into his suddenly over sensitive pupils. With his hands on his face, he tried desperately to remember the previous night, but couldn't seem to do so through the throb of a heavy headache but he suddenly realized that he wasn't feeling his skin against his face, he was feeling leather.His eyes sprang open and he sat up in bed he saw himself in the mirror across the room then, pale faced, hair slicked back, and he was dressed in his GeneCo uniform, complete with dried on gore. A glance at the bed told him that the blood had still been wet when he'd fallen asleep, because there were dry stains of it across the sheets from where he'd clearly had an unsettled rest.And yet he couldn't remember any of it.He stood then, intent on divesting of his uniform what was he doing with it on, he never wore it in the house and immediately regretted it, because it occurred to him that his trousers were bizarrely tight. Tugging off the leather apron and vinyl jacket, he realized that, yes, he was currently the sheepish owner of a truly raging hard on he immediately flushed with embarrassment, regardless of being the only one to notice, and made a point of trying to ignore it.And when he was in the shower, first with freezing cold water running over him, followed by scalding hot, the temperature brought back some memory, but it only came in bits and pieces, flashes like under a strobe light. An alleyway, his mouth on a pale throat.What did I do?The feeling of a hand pressing against him, his thigh pressing between legs, the feeling of something hard Nathan faltered and nearly caused one of the most unfortunate ends to a Repossession career by slipping in the tub, but he steadied himself. No, his mind must have been playing tricks on him. He hadn't and certainly not with a man he wouldn't He stilled his own thoughts, stilled his body, and stood wide eyed under the hot water, because somewhere in the murky depths of his head, he heard dark, cackling laughter.You did, you did.At the table, he told Shilo it was a fever that was making him turn that particular shade of red, and she believed him. Every man had a breaking point and Graverobber was quickly reaching his.Nearly every night, he encountered his Repo Man. Or he thought he did. He ??d be napping on a fire escape, a lazy cat in the heat, and something would come by and rattle the stairs, making him jerk awake. That something would be gone by the time Graverobber, who slept lightly after all his years on the streets, had jerked up, the only thing remaining of the monster was soft laughter echoing down the alley and Graverobber ??s own heart thrown into palpitations. Or perhaps he ??d be walking down a dark street or weaving his way through the poorly lit graveyards and a shadow would flicker the wrong way. He had never been one to let nerves rule him, but now he was jumping at every hint of the night surgeon.And worse: he was finding nothing. No concrete evidence that he was being stalked by the Repo Man, no image that couldn ??t be attributed to the heat, stress, and lights playing with his mind. Once, in a surprising show of anxiety, he ??d actually tripped, hitting his head. Usually, he was too light footed to catch his toes in some pothole that had grown in a poorly maintained street, but Graverobber was on edge.That particular incident had been nearly a week ago, but he could still remember waking up in Ray ??s make shift hospital, vision bleary from the concussion. The doctor, a SurGEN who had aged out of the system, had sent him packing as soon as he could stand straight.He had been informed that he was not to come back until he had lost the Repo Man trailing him , so that meant he was forced to spend the nights on the streets. And business was slow: very few junkies wanted to be caught with a dealer that had a GeneCo assassin following them. The rumour had spread quickly: even Amber had remarked on it during one of her slumming trips, the bitch actually sounding him out for a new dealer should her current one go missing. He had her pushed up against a wall, worn concrete rasping her skin to the point of bleeding before her man whores had the chance to pull him off.Without somewhere to crash, he was finding it hard to get proper sleep. Daytime meant crowds and noise, and night, night was filled with ? Well. Nothing.He preferred the quiet of the graves better. Started sleeping there, too, in the old tombs that no one came and brought flowers for. Best bed partners were corpses if you ignored the smell and the patrols of GeneCops. Certainly were quiet and didn ??t push you up a wall so hard that your back was scrapped and raw the next morning. Didn ??t leave you with a hard on, either, though Graverobber had talked to enough of his peers to know that wasn ??t true for everyone. Generally, he liked his job, but sleeping in the graves was a bit much.Certainly didn't take the edge off his appetite, though. The GeneCo lackies started coming across a bit more litter: empty take away boxes and used utensils placed in the least respectful manner he could find. Made him feel a little better and the dead didn ??t seem to mind his rather childish stress relief.But, after a week, his addicted followers started trickling back, their need for their cure overriding their sense. There was a reason Graverobber was called ??Graverobber ??. He was the best at what he did and most other grave robbers ended up dead in a week. The dealer was holding court from the lid of a dumpster, legs open wide as he watched the first shift of night workers go about, propositioning men and women on their way home from boring, stable nine to fives. They weren't the sort one would see affluent men purchasing: these were cheap, guady things, with too much make up and obvious surgery scars. These were were the sort of disposable hookers that usually ended up dead and faceless after some weird Large party.They were good customers. Plus, it was like a one stop shop of vices. Any mundane salary man could walk up, do things his wife at home would never allow for a few bucks, maybe even get rid of that miserable ache from his new surgery. It was the sort of image Graverobber found deeply amusing. Nathan spent the rest of the week uncharacteristically confused his days were sunlight and optimistic moments with an increasingly worried Shilo who he continually reassured, it was just a cold, that was why he looked so thin and tired and his nights were blurs of shadow and blood, organs strewn across filthy pavements, terrified screams from people he couldn't remember the faces of. He would wake up in different parts of the house, once on the floor beside his bed, once in the chair near Marni's memorial even once in the sub zero basement, half on the steel table, he'd woken up with frost in his hair and the distinct feeling that he had been deep frozen. He'd even left a body in the room with him, a man strapped to the wheelchair with his torso torn wide open, ribs prised out in a way that had made all of the internal organs collapse out onto the floor, and when he cocked his head to the side, he realized that the entrails had been positioned to look like a smiling face with little kidney eyes.And worst of all, he couldn't remember what he'd done outside images and flashes would come back to him periodically, but he couldn't place precisely when they had happened, his normally organized memory in shambles from the delirium of sleeplessness. He could only remember the feeling of warmth against his skin, the sound of a low voice, and places moments in time frozen in pictures, being on rooftops, in cemetaries, lingering in alleyways but not for a repossession. Half of them, he wasn't sure why he'd been there, and when he went back over his files, they reconfirmed that there was no reason for his strange patterns, lingering in a small area of the city when his marks would be in other parts.So Nathan did the logical thing or as logical as he could manage at that point and he decided to scout out the area. Dressed in a neatly pressed suit and clean shaven with his thick rimmed glasses, Nathan Wallace looked completely out of place wandering the back alleys, like a lost lamb in a lion's den. His gait was not one of an unsure man, in fact, it showed a confidence that betrayed his otherwise mild mannered appearance, and it was enough to keep a few of the predators away, though some of the hookers lingered, watching him for any signs of interest. Graverobber sat perched on his dumpster, half lidded eyes scanning the alley. He ??d always been observant, but after Repo, well, he tended to watch just a little closer.There was the normal amount of tired businessmen, grey figures with cookie cutter suits and slacks, their faces all blending into one stereotype. They were tired, they had a wife and kids at home, they wanted to feel alive for just awhile, and sex and drugs were better than surgery. Surgery, there were papers and loans and Repo, but sex and drugs? A dealer or a whore wouldn ??t give you their stuff if you couldn ??t pay, and that was that. No fine print that meant they could come back and tear the stuff from your body later.Graverobber perked up, seeing something odd. Most men wandering through here did it with a bit of shame or apprehension: he could see that in their body language, the way their steps faultered and their shoulders drooped. This one was just as mild mannered looking as the rest of them, but there was a certain confidence to his walk that hinted at his lack of desire to be bothered. He didn ??t want anything anyone was selling.So why was he here?The dealer slid off the dumpster, brushing off one of the nine to five addicts that had finally worked up the courage to approach him. There was something familiar in the way he held himself, something Graverobber couldn ??t quite place. He wasn ??t particularly tall, shorter, perhaps, than Graverobber in his platformed boots, nor was he all that interesting looking from the back, coat clean and every graying hair in place. A few hookers watched him, looks of surprise on their painted faces. Usually, people came to the dealer. He didn ??t go to them. This was different though.Quietly, he ghosted up behind his newest enigma. ??Lost, sir? ? he said mockingly, dirty hands resting on both shoulders to stop him. Nathan couldn't be sure what he was looking for the blur of images had left him with nothing more than the knowledge that there were a few choice areas he had gone to during his nights on the prowl, though there was little extra information he could pull from the foggy depths of his memory. He didn't know what he would find, but his outlook was grim it was nearing night at that point, the sun had almost fallen beneath the horizon and it had cast the dirty city in an orange glow that seemed to act as a signal to all of the night creatures. In the period of time it had taken for darkness to fall, Nathan had watched the change, like a shift switch the business men and women, the people dressed in skirts and suits, carrying briefcases and looking conservative they were slowly dissappearing, vanishing into their homes. In their place, people in dusty, dirty coats with wild hair were appearing, some of them even seemed to be popping out of dumpsters.It didn't surprise Nathan at this point, very little did, especially in the city he lived in. It hadn't always been this way, he knew that much, but the epidemic that had hit the world had changed things in short order with so many people in debt to GeneCo, civilization had taken a nose dive. People had stopped being able to afford being civilized and had taken to robbery and murder, drug dealing and larceny to get what they needed and it was all to stop themselves from being the next on the Repossession list.Though some of them some of them just liked life this way. Some of them were happy to sleep in cemetaries and spend half their life high on Zydrate, and judging by the vapid expressions on some of the faces he passed, a lot of the night owls in the area were junkies, and Nathan's careful, scanning expression only made him stand out more.And then there was a shadow looming behind him, hands on his shoulders, a voice in his ear Nathan fell still, and for a long moment he stood with his back to Graverobber, vaguely irritated by the touch. He turned then, a slow movement like he was on a turntable, and he stared hard at the vulture through his thick rimmed glasses, his expression indicating he was entirely unimpressed by the situation a flick of the eyes indicated he should remove his hands, thank you very much."No," Nathan said flatly, "I'm not."He lifted a hand, grabbing Graverobber's sleeve between his thumb and forefinger like he was lifting something particularly foul, moving one of the man's hands from his shoulder."But thank you." he added drily. This was frighteningly familiar.He ??d never really had deja vu, having slept like the dead for most his life, and so, never really dreampt. But the feeling of having done this same exact thing before crept along his spine and up his neck, raising his hairs like he ??d gotten a good fright. ??Really? ? he asked, dropping that one hand and moving closer. Graverobber had little concept of personal space after all these years of dealing with druggies. He slid his arm up Mr. Straight Edge ??s shoulder, leaning close again. So what if the man wanted him to fuck off? Repo had left Graverobber on edge so much that he was cringing at shadows. One strange suit could improve that, could give him the chance to blow off a little steam. ??Because you look lost. Now. Are you sure there isn ??t anything I can help you with? ? As if by magic, a bright blue vial appeared in his hand, the free one he had dropped under his coat. This was familiar, too. For a moment, his throat tightened and he had the urge to rub his neck, a new twitch he had picked over the week as welts healed and faded. Light from the Zydrate illuminated the space between them and threw shadows along Mr. Suit's face. Even colored his glasses blue, and for a moment, Graverobber could see visored eyes lit up in a face otherwise covered by vinyl. He couldn't have pulled away more quickly if the other man had gone up in flames, surprised recognition making his eyebrows crawl up his face in an attempt to disappear into his hair line. Nathan's expression slowly changed from being unimpressed, to being displeased as Graverobber ignored his appeal for personal space no, instead, the vulture had the tenacity to slip closer, leaning in and putting an arm around his shoulders, and Nathan simmered silently behind his glasses, his arms stiff at his sides and his hands clenched in the perfect display of quiet indignation. He held onto the fuse of his temper then, deciding it was probably best to let Graverobber get through his pitch before he turned him away experience told him that those lingering in the darker parts of the city tended to be persistant.Then Zydrate was being held level with his face, and Nathan barely had time to register it before Graverobber was suddenly jerking away from him, wheeling back as though he had been bitten for an instant, Nathan thought he had done something that he couldn't remember again but no, there was something startled in Graverobber's expression, if the dissappearing eyebrows were any indication.But, right then, Nathan decided it would be a good time to give the other man a good talking to:"Isn't it bad enough that you're already selling an addictive substance to junkies? Now you're trying to pick out others to get hooked as well just after a rehabilitation program was initiated, no less." Nathan said his tone was that of a parent scolding a particularly unruly child, regardless of the fact Graverobber was a little taller, and great deal sturdier than he was. For a moment, Graverobber stared almost stupidly, stained lips parted. Then a slow smile twisted his lips. His Repo Man waslecturinghim about the vices of addiction. ??You hear that, Graverobber! ? One of the hookers, a young girl with a face like a flower on a withered stem and hair that was streaked in more colours than one could count, called out from the side lines. ??Hey, man, maybe you should try the belt. Might do him good! ? The dealer smirked, wide face still turned to the Repo Man. She didn ??t know that this little man in front of him could probably kill the lot of them with his belt. Not that he wanted to see that. ??I appreciate the Support Network, ? Graverobber said pleasantly, stepping forward again. Repo, he had to admit, looked even better than that one glimpse in half darkness had hinted at. There was something very alluring in the way the killer cleaned up, in the fact that this soberly dressed man with thick glasses and bags under his eyes was the same that he had pushed up against the ladder some nights back. ??Makes it easier for my customers to find me. Ms. Lar I mean,Ms. Sweetwas quite clever in that regard: she rarely has to hunt me down now. ? ??Though the GENcops always end up crashing the party. ? The girl was a loudmouth, one of the regulars with long legs and a lattice of surgery scars she showed off with pride under a see through shirt. She leaned forward, multi coloured boa trailing along the ground, and the other girls snickered. ??We could have a party right now, if you like. Free of charge. You remind me a lot of my dad. ? More giggles. Graverobber shook his head, giving the stiff Repo Man a sort of ??girls will be girls ?? look before leaning in to whisper lowly, ??So who ??s following who now? ? Nathan's jaw muscles clenched visibly as a hooker to his left cackled crassly she couldn't have been much older than nineteen, only a few years more than his sweet little daughter, and here she was standing in some dank alleyway, eager to sell her body to the first person willing to pay and judging by her appearance, the money would be going towards more Zydrate.He wondered vaguely if he would be getting her repossession form some time soon.He had nearly taken his mind off of her when she made the commentary about how he looked like her father, and Nathan's posture stiffened even further, if it was even possible at that point. He looked directly at her then, his expression so dark that the hooker wavered on the spot for a moment, as though the space she stood in had been tilted backwards he said nothing to her, but it was enough to let her know precisely what he thought of her offer.And then he felt warmth body heat near him, and his eyes shifted back to Graverobber first, then he turned his head and found that the other man was so close now that they were nearly touching again, and something about the positioning brought back more flashes from the previous week. He'd been in this area, and the pale throat in front of him now was so strikingly familiar that Nathan felt his heart rate pick up and he felt his ears go hot, a sensation that intensified when he felt Graverobber's breath against his skin,"I don't know what you're talking about." he hissed, taking a step back and adjusting his glasses irritably, "You're out of your mind." The girl pulled back into the little gaggle of whores, suitably chastised. Probably, she told herself to soothe her ego, he was looking for one of the boys. Well dressed older men always were, and it certainly explained his discomfort around Graverobber.Who was currently enjoying it. ?? ??The lady doth protest too much, methinks, ?? ? he breathed, matching Repo ??s steps, still close enough that, muggy as the weather remained, he could distinctly feel the other ??s body heat. Those flickering eyes with just a hint of madness told him what he needed to know. They still had an appreciative audience. Women and a few long limbed men divided their attention between watching for customers and watching this odd dance. ??Don ??t tell me a man who murders defaulters is afraid of a little glow, ? the dealer whispered, leaning close enough that his chest was nearly pressing against his newest victim. Sleeping in graveyards had left just the slightest smell of death and decay clinging to his clothes and twisted hair, though he had long learned to ignore it. Better than the smell of fear and violence any day. His hands artfully manipulated the little blue bullet into the applicator, something stolen from one of the many street expos that happened under the warm glow of light strings and Rotti's approval. ??First hit is free, even. Best cure around for whatever ails you." Repo was in his court now, and Graverobber was going to take advantage of it for as long as he could. No matter how tough he might be under that mask, there was something about sex and vice that frightened Repo ??s more mild counterpart, and Graverobber found that fear fascinating. Kept even this killer like a little lamb that had wandered into a pack of wolves. To make that point as clear as possible, Graverobber lifted that hand with the gun in it to run the cold metal of the injector along Repo's neck, the only exposed part of him, really, in that conservative outfit. Lined eyes watched him, taunting. This was just a new level in their game. Despite his occupation, Nathan Wallace had a fairly stable temper he had always been good at holding back his rage on a day to day basis and releasing it at night, when it was safe to do so but every man had his limits, and right then, as Graverobber once again closed the distance between them, he could actually feel his fuse nearing it's end.At least Graverobber had the decency to be quiet about it likely for self preservation purposes but Nathan found himself irritated by how much the other man knew, angered with himself for letting it get this far. He quietly questioned how he could have been so careless, and as the other man pressed up against him, everything came back to him all at once he had cut off a patient's head and tossed it in a macabre game of fetch with Graverobber. He had nearly killed him in the graveyard, right beside Marni's mausoleum.He had left bruises and hickeys all over the man's throat, and Repo had wanted to fuck him.It was suddenly overwhelming, the heat of Graverobber's body, the more oppressive heat of the night, the smell of death, and the knowledge of what he'd been doing during the night, too exhausted to stop his alter ego from letting loose a little too much while he had been sleeping, the Repo Man had been doing things Nathan Wallace never would have approved of.The sensation of metal sliding against the bare skin of his neck, and the smile on Graverobber's face set him off,Nathan's hand snapped up, grabbing hold of Graverobber's wrist and pulling it away from his own neck, forcing an arm against the other man's elbow to bend it, twisting the man's hand to his own throat and aggressively pulling the trigger on the Zydrate gun. When it went off, he immediately let go and stepped back. He didn ??t have the time to react. Suddenly, there was a little sting, a shock, and his world went white, euphorically white.God damn it, he heard himself think somewhere in the disintegrating rooms of his mind. His inner voice bounced around, muffled, absorbed like he had stuck his head under water. God damn it, that man must have used the whole vial. That was his last care, though before the world went both dark and maniacally bright with color that he could hear and taste as well. Graverobber didn ??t notice as he sagged against Repo then slipped to the ground, head hitting concrete with enough force that, if his eyes were working, he might have seen splashes of color erupt over his vision.But he didn ??t feel it, no more than a dying man was aware of pain, nor did he really hear the shocked howls of laughter from their audience. Dark eyes focused on movement, on Repo, but he didn ??t see anything. ??Always knew he had it coming, ? the whore from before called out, cackling, though she was poised to run if needed. ??Stay away the faggot ??s dangerous, ? came another call, a dark skinned man with little on save for stigmata and a wide smile, that same coiled energy in his limbs, though he watched the dealer ??s prone form hungrily. Once the danger had disappeared they could get their fix tonight for free. Nathan had backed away he let Graverobber fall and he let the Zydrate gun hit the ground with a clatter, the now empty glass vial shattering onto the concrete. For a moment, he considered that he might have killed the other man but no, he was breathing, and he was almost certain that the scavenger was used to his own drug, enough that a little extra wasn't going to cause any undue harm.He heard the laughter surrounding him then, the hookers who were lingering nearby, tossing in their jabs, cackling at the fallen one in their number, as empty as the Zydrate vial. He looked up at them then, his face fixed with a barely subdued rage, and he was overcome by a sudden loathing for all of them, and the hungry way they were looking at the unconscious Graverobber, knowing they would be able to raid his body for drugs once he was gone.He didn't act on Repo's urge to grab the nearest one and make an example out of him instead, he leaned down and grabbed up the belt that held Graverobber's storage of Zydrate and dumped it out onto the concrete so every vial shattered, sending splashes of Zydrate across the ground, and it lit up the area around Nathan so that he seemed to be glowing. As an afterthought, he took the money from the case as well, and dropped the belt onto the ground, and he left without a word.On his way home, he dropped the money into the hands of a small, dirty looking child, ruffling his hair and continuing through the graveyard. ??Hey. Hey, thief. ? Graverobber groaned, the noise echoing in his skull painfully as he tried to swallow in a mouth that felt like it was filled with alcohol soaked cotton balls. Ugh. ??What do you want? ? he slurred, growled as he rested the crook of his elbow against his face. ??You wants to go home and start breakfast for Ray, that ??s what she really wants, but she ??s forced to wait for your sorry ass to wake up. ? The thief rolled over, away from the voice, and immediately regretted it. Tiny pinpricks of pain peppered his hand as if he had been shot by a teeny, tiny shotgun. ??Watch out for the glass, ? the girl said smartly. There was the sound of two small feet hitting the ground, then footsteps. Graverobber pried his eyes open.You. Ray ??s housekeeper and seeing eye dog when he played blind. She was young, but poor nutrition had stunted her growth, leaving her looking even more like a child. She ??d never grown out of the wide eyed look of starvation, even though Ray monitored her dietary intake like a hawk. Glass crunched under her shoes as You crouched down, her hair a wide, black halo around her brown, heart shaped face. ??Ray says he ??ll give you an extension on this week ??s rent. He heard about your ?? ?? she let her coffee colored eyes take in the image theatrically, relishing Graverobber ??s moan as he sat up. ?? ?? troubles, and sends fruit and milk. Though, of course, ? she added as Graverobber reached for the apple. ??It ??ll cost extra. ? With a sound of disgust, Graverobber managed to get himself standing, wobbling as if he suddenly was too tall and had no idea how to manage that extra height. You stayed crouched down, running a finger along the blue stain while the dealer patted himself down. ??You. The Zydrate ?? ?? ??Broken. What did you think the glass was? ? Graverobber grunted, shaking out his hair. It was sticky, like, well, Zydrate had dried and left a residue on the strands. He tugged his belt on irritably as You spoke. ??Krystahl says that it was a older guy that got you. Dressed like a shrink or something. Hey. Where you going? ? ??I ??ve got to take care of something before tonight, ? he said distractedly, not even turning around. You rocked back on her heels, shaking her head.Graverobber was prepared that night. He ??d only grabbed one vial on Zydrate between the patrols, but that was all that was needed. Last night, Repo had injected about three quarters of a vial into his system. Tonight, he ??d pay him back. Remembering how the man had flipped out before near the line of tombs, he stalked along there, only disappearing behind a tombstone when GENcops got too close. This was not part of their game, he thought as he sat calmly on a wide, double headstone. The man had cost him too much last night, and Graverobber couldn ??t let that go. Unlike the dirty warm colors of the city, the graveyard was painted in cold blues and blacks, light fog from the shores of the Island blurring all sharp lines. Graverobber whistled to himself, waiting, his little gun prepared and hidden under his coat. Three weeks of being run ragged had left Nathan in rough shape he was thin and worried looking from exhaustion, his body was aching from over exertion, and the cut on his arm was healing so slowly that Nathan was concerned his immune system really had taken the nosedive he had lied to Shilo about. He couldn't get sick though, because he was her sole caretaker if he was ill, she wouldn't have anyone, she wouldn't know who to call or what to do no, he wouldn't get sick. He would just have to push on, until Rotti got bored of this sadistic game he just wasn't sure how much longer it would take, how many more nights he would have to go on like this.It had to end eventually.It was one of his rare lucid moments, the first in many days, as he moved through the cemetary towards Marni's tomb in his hand, he clutched a packaged pair of GeneCo eyes, all of the roots and nerves still clinging to them they were in perfect shape, and there weren't many Repo Men who could get them out without harming them.But Nathan wasn't thinking about his work he was thinking about how, for once, he was getting back early. He had covered his two marks in rapid succession, it had been his good fortune that he had chased them down with little trouble, and now he could go home to Shilo, he would even have a few hours to spend with her before she went to bed, something that had become so rare that he found himself stepping up the pace to get home just a little faster. He just wanted to see his little girl.In fact, he was so distracted by the notion that he didn't notice anything out of the ordinary in the cemetary he neglected to pay attention as he opened the door to Marni Wallace's tomb and stepped inside, stopping so he could look down at her grave for a long moment. It was empty her body was inside, but the the flowers Shilo had left there last week were still sitting at the end, and he kneeled down to pick them up, touching the wilting petals with a strange fondness. Repo didn ??t have to walk silently in the graveyards, the only people who might ever hear him were either employed by his boss or shouldn ??t have been there in the first place and so would not make themselves known. Graverobber was usually one of the second , but tonight he had created a new, third category.He was hunting Repo.He had gone completely insane.As such, Repo ??s steps were different than the slow, hunched walking of the GENcops. Soon as Graverobber heard them, quick, almost as if he were power walking, he slipped down behind his tombstone. There he was, masked head turned in only one direction. The scavenger glided across the empty, cobblestone path. Grass grew up between the stones save for an area just outside the tomb Repo had entered, though Graverobber hadn ??t noticed that before. It was almost as if someone came down here, regularly, and maintained the area around it. Odd, since this area had been filled since before he had gone into self employment. He pressed against the door ??s side so as not to throw such obvious, Graverobber shaped shadows. Crossing his arms, he even managed to look blas , as if he often followed Repo Men home.Repo Men that had stopped to smell the daisies, as it were. ??For a psychotic kilter you ??ve got a fairly predictable route. ? The Repo Man's shoulder's sloped for a moment when he heard the voice behind him it had become so familiar to both Nathan and Repo that the sound of it made him automatically clench his teeth. He turned around then, a fluid motion that was quite unlike the usual harsh, aggressive movements that the Repo Man made but even then, he managed to look fierce while holding a small sprig of daisies between his thumb and forefinger.Nathan felt rage settle in his chest it wasn't Repo's blood lust or anger this time, it was an emotion that belonged solely to Nathan Wallace, and it was because of the fact that the scavenger had followed him into Marni's mausoleum it wasn't anger at being followed yet again, or because of the stress and annoyance that Graverobber had caused, but because of the fact it felt like he was disrespecting his long deceased wife.He bit back a slew of terrible things that threatened to leave his mouth, but right then, his exhaustion and anger were showing through painfully clear. He was tired.He just wanted to be with Shilo.But things weren't going to work out that way, he knew that now."Out. Leave." Nathan said, making an irritated 'shoo' motion with his hand if only it would be that simple. ??And why would I do that? ? Repo Man wasn ??t the only one at the end of his rope these days. Graverobber had gotten quite used to being able to sleep in a bed and shower when he felt like it. He ??d also gotten quite used to his reputation being secure and he didn't want to fight for it again. The dealer was also out a whole belt full of Zydrate, smashed to the concrete by his head, and earlier he had had the most difficult time pulling out little shards of glass that twinkled under the yellow light of a street lamp. ??I feel you at least owe me for yesterday. Part of that was my rent. ? He shoved off the thick entryway and moved towards the night surgeon, almost elegant in his movements. Hard to be completely elegant when one was still wearing the same close he had collapsed in, his motions were smooth and just a touch theatrical as he cocked his head to the side. ??What, a family member? ? he asked, motioning to the name etched in stone.Marni Wallace, eh? He ??d store that little tidbit away to ask Ray about. He turned up his wide face, smirking. "Did you or the whores take my money?" "Because I'll have to strangle you again if you don't," Nathan replied flatly it was strange, his voice coming out of the GeneCo uniform a smooth timbre, rather than the harsh, rasping one that belonged to the Repo Man who was currently fighting to surface, now that the Graverobber was in his sights again. But, incensed by the idea that he might still be able to get to Shilo early that evening, he found the fortitude to shove an eager Repo back down, even telling him to sit and be good.He watched as the Graverobber came closer, and there was a dark flash in the eyes behind the visor when the man gestured towards the tomb."I took it." he replied immediately, not one to lie he tilted his head to the side then, and looked at his glove as though he was checking his fingernails through the leather a strangely cocky gesture. He added:"I'm pretty sure it's gone by now." Oh, yes, because lying would beso wrong. ??Most likely. ? Graverobber said, calmly noting the change in personalities. This was the same man he had talked to yesterday, then, with the tired face and the cold eyes. He wished suddenly that he could see their colour again. The left one had a bit of brown in it, washed out by the light of the mask. A surprisingly sentimental desire for the thief and, he pushed it down.Another step forward. ??That much Zydrate isn ??t healthy. I ??d hate to develop a full blown addiction. ? Graverobber, after all, was addicted in the same way most adult were addicted to caffeine. It made his job just a little easier and his life just that much more interesting. Soon, he was close enough that his body was almost touching Repo ??s, much the same as before. ??You can take the mask off again, ? he offered lowly, leering. ??I ??ve already seen your face. There ??s not much point in hiding. ? Nathan felt his skin prickle under the vinyl uniform, a slow heat creeping up his spine, juxtaposed with the cold chill of Repo trying to climb into his chest again he found himself confused by the first, wary of the sensation. He blamed it on residual feelings from Repo's experience with Graverobber. The man that Graverobber had seen in the shadows of the alleyway, that had been Repo, and the previous day, it had been him he didn't bother to address this, it felt pointless because by that point the scavenger must have been well aware of his duality.Nathan pushed down his darkness the way that Graverobber pushed down his human side, and the two men were facing off there was a strange sort of electricity in the air that the doctor couldn't fully understand as they rounded on eachother, eyes connecting Nathan's cold gaze with Graverobber's too welcoming one. The leer made Nathan visibly uncomfortable, and he moved to put a large space between them, more skittish about personal space than ever."I'd rather leave it on if it's all the same." he said, and his tone indicated that, regardless of whether it was all the same to Graverobber, he intended to leave the mask on. The scavenger was used to watching Ray, after all, paid well for information when he had been younger in an attempt to train the boy towards vigilance, much in the same way a doting father might pay his son for good report cards. It had worked. Graverobber observed in the same way most people breathed. ??Now why is the Repo Man so afraid around me? ? he asked softly, curious, though in a voice loud enough to be heard clearly by the other. He was chasing Repo slowly, for every centimeter the other put between them, Graverobber matched it. ??You could kill me pretty easily. We know that from before. ? Graverobber reached out, ghosting a few fingers along the high leather collar. Of course the persona he was dealing with today didn ??t want to fight. Perhaps that was good: going through that leather and vinyl would damage the applicator, force him to find a new one. Because he was still intent on drugging the man after yesterday. Graverobber didn't usually play revenge: he let things go or he dealt with the injustice immediately. But this, this was different. He almost wanted to watch Repo's eyes roll up into his head, sharp edge dulling.Besides. He had a debt to extract. Repo would understand all too well. The light inside the tomb was dim, but it was enough that Nathan could see all of the details of the Graverobber's face, and though he had personally only met the man twice now, Repo's memories made him seem so familiar that it chilled him, like he was doing a strange and murderous dance with an old friend especially considering what Repo had done to him.What Repo had wanted to do to him, had been willing to let have happen to them.It was a concept that still ruffled Nathan, especially knowing that he couldn't trust his alter ego to behave at one time, he had felt that he had some semblance of control over Repo, but ever since the sleep deprivation had started, the control had ebbed away, slipped through his fingers, and only now when he was lucid enough, could he keep the Repo Man from being the one constantly at the forefront.He gave the other man no response, but he made a small noise almost a whimper when Graverobber reached out for him, and he felt the fingertips brush against the collar of his uniform, shifting the vinyl. He jerked away, and then took a large step back towards the door, intent on leading Graverobber out of the mausoleum and back into the familiar wide, dark grounds of the cemetary. Graverobber wasn ??t following that well, though. He herded, more like, attempting to maneuver the other leather clad figure into a corner.Mocking, the man said, ??Why don ??t you just get it over with and fuck me. That seems to be where we ??re going, wouldn ??t you agree? ? Another step. Against his wishes, Repo was managing to get them closer to the door, when all Graverobber wanted was to get him up against the wall again. ??A quick fuck to get it out of our systems. We could be done with each other. ? Not that he believed what he was saying. Their aborted make out session had left him more aroused than any of the cookie cutter sluts he ??d bedded lately, Amber included, more alive than he had felt for a long, long time.And here he ??d always been annoyed with those folks that needed surgery or Zydrate to get them excited.He needed to get closer, to get the man to stop. For a moment, that same part of him that had noticed Repo ??s exhaustion whispered that perhaps he should just leave the poor man alone. The poor man, he reminded himself, was not only a murder and monster , but had just yesterday destroyed every vial of Zydrate he had on him after shooting him up with his own gun. Angular eyebrows rose high behind the mask, and suddenly Nathan had put a much larger distance between them, incensed to do so by what the Graverobber was saying, and partly because he felt a warmth in his spine again, the tingle that was physically pleasant, but disturbing for what it implied in the back of his mind, he could hear Repo give another of his low laughs. The bastard was supposed to be on his side."No, that's not where this is going at all," Nathan hissed, stepping back until he felt the wall, and his hand began to slide towards the door, his eyes still on the ever advancing Graverobber the man had made no moves to attack him, but he could see it building up like any good predator, he could sense when another was on the prowl, and by the look of Graverobber right then, he wasn't just there to give him a hard time."We can be done with eachother now, if you'll just get out." he added sharply, and then his wristwatch went off:Medication reminder. Medication reminder.And the reaction was so automatic, so ingrained, that he didn't even think twice about looking down at the watch. In that moment, Graverobber struck with a quickness that his former theatrical movements belied. Very similar, in fact, to the same speed Repo had used on him yesterday. The instant Repo looked down to the watch , Graverobber reached under his coat for the set Zydrate gun and jammed it against the other ??s neck, slipping right under that collar of his.The watch beeped.Graverobber ignored it to empty the whole vial into the Repo Man, pressing him against the wall to keep him up. At least he was kind enough not to let him fall on his head like the bastard had done to him yesterday if the bump he had on the back of his skull was an indication. Not that he had any of his own selfish reasons, like wanting to feel the other ??s warmth. There was a reason people said cold as a crypt . Something about the image of Repo holding a withering spray of flowers reeked of a feeling he almost identified as pity. He realized he had done something insurmountably stupid the moment he looked down at the watch, but by the time he looked back up, it was too late Graverobber moved like a snake in what could have easily been a killing stroke, he jammed a Zydrate gun deep into Nathan's neck, and the initial pain caused him to jerk back, recoiling from the invasive metal. Almost instantly, he felt a burn in his neck, and it quickly moved through his throat, webbing down his chest in waves of heat, and simultaneously moving directly into his head.A small noise escaped him, somewhere between a gasp and a groan, but it was difficult to tell if it was pain, or something else entirely. For an instant, he struggled against the effects, but then his eyes rolled back into his head, his body went lax, and he slumped forward, held up between Graverobber and the wall, and the wristwatch continued to beep for a few more seconds before it lapsed into silence.And then, in the eerie quiet, a small, distant voice could be heard,"Dad?"A pause, then a little louder this time,"Dad? Dad, are you okay?"And even then, barely conscious as the Zydrate worked its magic on the exhausted man, he twitched, rasped out a single syllable, so quiet it could barely be heard, but spiked with an undeniable desperation:"Shi," Graverobber had no desire to kill him, however. Didn ??t even have the desire to torture him, really, unlike the Repo Man ??s boss. He glanced down to the watch then pulled the limp, leather gloved arm up, pressing the push to talk button. ??Your dad ??s fine, kid, ? he said gently, almost shocked. This monster had a kid? ??He just passed out. Over work, it looks like. We ??ll put him down for a nap. ? Yeah. A nap. In paying the man back, he ??d probably gave him the only rest he had gotten all week if he read the signs correctly. That, or the guy was suffering from some sort of sickness, but he doubted that: he ??d seen the thick stack of files Ray had pulled out.Carefully, he settled the Repo Man down, arranging him in a more comfortable position. All those layers would keep him warm even on the cold stone. That taken care of, he went for the heavy bag. Jesus. He could hawk this thing to Ray for quite a sum, and inside ? The low temperature air wafted out, condensing the moisture in the air quickly. Graverobber stuck his grimy hand inside, coming out with a wrapped pair of eyes staring up at him. Jackpot. Maybe he ??d sell his loot to someone other than Ray out of spite, but the man would find out. Probably end up with the eyes and bag either way and in any case it was best to keep on a man like that ??s good side. ??This, I have to say, ? he said, looking over to the prone Repo Man. ??Is better than Zydrate. ? The scavenger tucked the eyes back in lovingly, then stood, strolling over to Repo to check the other ??s status. Nathan Wallace was in unfamiliar territory his meticulous and obsessive nature had kept him away from any of the vices that could have tampered with his perception, and his experience with Zydrate had been on a strictly medical basis that was to say, back when he'd used anesthetic, it had only ever been on other people. He had never been the type to experiment.So everything was coming as a shock to his system his entire body felt too warm, his nerve endings felt like they were on fire, and there was an idiotic sort of sleepiness, a pleasant lethargy that had taken over his system and made it difficult to even think. He found that even if he closed his eyes, he couldn't stop the bizarre whirl of colours that were blazing in the edges of his vision every time something made a sound, every time that Graverobber shifted, or even a blade of grass moved outside of the mausoleum.Somehow, he managed to get his hand up was it even his hand? It felt like it belonged to someone else and tug his suddenly suffocating mask off, part of his brain still dazedly trying to sort things out, still determined to get to Shilo even though she suddenly seemed like she was miles away, while the rest of him was urging that he just stop thinking for a while. His normally cold, clear eyes looked drowsy and half lidded, his pupils enlarged a dark bruise had blossomed on his throat from where the gun had gone in, and he twitched visibly when Graverobber stepped towards him, the movement causing echoes inside of his head that he could actually feel in his teeth.Wow. I have a lot of teeth.Nathan giggled. Graverobber crouched down, smoothing back grey hairs to check for the pulse at his temple. A little fast, but that was expected for a gentleman that had a whole vial of Z in him now. And if that giggle was any sign, Repo was probably out of his mind with the drug. ??Welcome to the twenty first century cure, ? he murmured, then, in an act of kindness he couldn ??t quite explain , he stripped out of his stained faux leather coat, balled it up and tucked it under the man ??s head. Graverobber turned Nathan ??s head towards him with the slightest pressure on the man ??s jaw, looking into eyes that had suddenly been taken over by black, only the thinnest line of color remaining around the pupils. His pale neck was coloring in what would be an ugly bruise, fitting for a man who had left welts on the thief earlier that week. Other than that, though, he was completely fine and completely high. ??Like I said, the first hit ??s free. ? Graverobber straightened then wandered back over to the organ carrier. ??Marni Wallace ??, eh? Looked like those eyes were going to come in handy bribing Ray for information. Not too many else would be crazy enough to take in parts stolen from a Repo Man. His shadow, smaller now without the coat, lengthened and shrunk as a patrol went nearby, flashing their lights over the grate with only a passing interest, as if they really didn ??t want to see what was going on in here. So Repo must come this way often. Hmm. A kid and a tomb with a woman ??s name. Graverobber had a feeling he knew at least some of the information Ray would find on this man. Shame. He had hoped for something more than just a widower.Counting up to one hundred, the dealer bent down to pick up his loot. This was new territory to him as well, unused to mugging Repo Men as it were. Hell, he wasn ??t even much of a mugger. Too much work when there were bodies out there that didn ??t fight back. Not that this one was doing much fighting, he thought as he glanced over to where Repo was splayed out on the pale stone. Payback would be a bitch, though, really, ??Wallace ?? or whoever he was should thank him. At one hundred, Graverobber pressed himself up to the door, checking for cops, then slipped out, not even bothering to latch the door behind him. Nathan was out for nearly five hours, his entire system overwhelmed by the drug coursing through him however only a fraction of that time was spent in the mausoleum because after nearly an hour it was purely by chance that a GENcop happened to peer into the open mausoleum, his curiosity incensed. He discovered Nathan laying on the floor and initially his reaction was to call for a superior to help him figure out if he was supposed to shoot him up until the point he realized what Nathan was wearing and the GENcop went white under his own uniform. He didn't want to see this he didn't want to know who this guy was, so he averted his eyes to the ceiling of the Mausoleum, trying to erase what he'd seen from his memory."Uhh ohh shit," he said, and then called for a superior anyways, "We got a downed, um ""Yes?"" Repossession Agent?"There was silence on the other end, but back up couldn't have come faster the GENcops knew that the Repo Men, though rarely spoken of, were key players in GeneCo as well as being a source of fascination to many of the employees. The next GENcop who came in, however, fixed his understudy with a cold look before moving to Nathan, tugging his mask back onto him these guys wore them for a reason.And hours later, Nathan woke up in a very unpleasant way he had to force his eyes open and the first thing he saw was the swollen, bloated face of Rotti Largo staring down at him. Nathan's head swum and he resisted the urge to scream at the sight moving was still a chore, his limbs felt five times too heavy and the light was too bright, so he rolled his head to the side and found himself staring into the alternately drowsy, crazed, and vapid eyes of the Largo children."Nngk." Nathan croaked, and with the cold flourescent lights shining down on him, he couldn't help feeling like he was in a sick stage show."It's a the Glow," Pavi said brightly."You'll feel like shit for a while." Luigi said."Mm, but you lookso good," Amber moaned out, and her fingers crept towards his hair, only to be batted away by Rotti who gave her a sharp look that made her pout and cross her arms over her chest like a child would. Nathan decided then that he didn't want to look at them either so his eyes shifted around the room instead, groggily taking in the world around him it was a brightly lit, intensely sterile hospital room and he was wearing flimsy hospital clothes his watch was gone.Shilo.Suddenly Nathan was trying to jerk upright, but he found resistance halfway up and quickly realized his arms were strapped down Luigi roughly shoved Nathan back down, grinning like the animal he was."I have to go. I need to be somewhere." Nathan managed to rasp out, his voice rough, throat dry."You're in no shape to leave." Rotti said, and Nathan's vision pulsated with the words, his eyes nearly crossing the Zydrate wasn't out of his system yet and was likely to leave residual effects for a while, but hallucinations weren't a concern of his he needed to get home to Shilo, "Besides, you were attacked and we can't simply let that go, after all, we take care of our own here at GeneCo."Nathan made a rough noise that may have been a laugh, but Rotti ignored it,"Can you identify the person who attacked you?" Rotti asked then, and there was something about the glint in his eyes that told Nathan there was more to this."The package was taken, wasn't it?" Nathan asked, and he watched Rotti's mouth go into a thin line yes, there it was. It didn't matter that he had what was now a self sustaining multi billion dollar empire and had the world pleading at his feet when it came down to it, Rotti Largo wouldn't stand being stolen from. Even then, laying in a GeneCo hospital room with his neck aching and his head swimming, some part of Nathan managed to be impressed by the Graverobber's tenacity there weren't many who would be willing to paint a target on themselves for GeneCo to aim at.So Nathan was at a crossroads he had two options, but the soft laughter of Repo told him that it wasn't really a choice.Slowly, with his eyes pinned to Rotti's, Nathan spoke, and his voice was gravelly and dark:"I couldn't say." Graverobber drifted back towards the city, especially careful not to get caught. Self employed men like himself were targets in the graveyards, but tonight he had even more precious cargo: a bartering chip even Ray couldn ??t turn down. Two of them, in fact.The nightlife was only now really starting to come alive as Graverobber reached his normal haunting grounds. Word of what had happened yesterday must have spread quickly because quite a few of the multi colored junkies grinned at him then leaned towards their little groups to chatter. And there was none of the tell tale illumination on his hips. ??Getting out of the business, Graverobber? ? one heckled him, nearly falling over as slanted forward just a little too much. So some other dealer had been around. He ??d have to rectify that.Later.Tonight, no shadows scared him, no sudden noises made him jump and his heart nearly leap out of his chest. There was the soothing annoying constant level of sound from the omnipresent speakers, whispering advice and advertisements , but other than that, there was nothing on his way to Ray ??s. He jiggled the door open, shocked for once to not see the old bat at his make shift office in the ??lobby ?? of the building. Obviously, this was news that hadn ??t reached his ears.You appeared after only a few sharp knocks to Ray ??s door. ??What do you want? ? she asked irritably, lips disappearing as she pressed them close enough to stop blood circulation. Past her, Ray ??s walls were lined with shelves, each one stuffed with various forms of reading material, data disks, and other knick knacks. There was some mad organization system there, something perhaps only Ray and You understood. ??Ray said that ?? ?? ??Wake him up. I need information. ? ??Come back tomorrow, then. The man ??s asl ??What in God ??s name is that? ? she asked, eyes widening as Graverobber held up the night surgeon ??s bag. The question was entirely rhetorical: she knew exactly what is was, and disappeared from the door. Graverobber pushed it open with his shoulder, letting himself in. This time, he was polite enough to close the door behind him. The thief dropped it down onto Ray ??s scratched coffee table, that week ??s tabloids cushioning his carelessness. ??Jesus Christ on a damned monkey, where did you get that? ? Graverobber turned away from the shelf he was examining, fingers still resting on the spines of books. Ray ??s synthetic eyes had nearly popped out of his head, and it wasn ??t with admiration that he looked up at the dread locked young man. ??You attacked a GeneCo employee, boy. ? It wasn ??t a question. ??Repo Man, actually. ? Graverober took more than a little joy in the way the color drained out of Ray ??s face, and You ??s behind him where she poked her head out of his bedroom. His reedy body swayed then he plopped down on the old couch that took up some of the only non shelved wall. For a moment, he just sat there, not looking up at Graverobber ??s pale, smug face as he rubbed his scalp under his shock of white, curly hair. Then, he leaned forward, examining the case. Graverobber turned away, not even looking when he heard the soft click and gust of air, followed by a quick intake of breath. ??I need information, ? he repeated, finally turning around. ??Why? You ??ll be dead within the week. ? Ray wasn ??t looking at him: instead, his attention was completely focused on the bagged pair of eyes looking up at him from his wrinkled palm. There was a hunger, there, the sort he was used to seeing in the eyes of junkies, and Graverobber couldn ??t help but smirk. Ray jerked, glancing towards the thief. ?? ??Give a man a lever long enough, eh? ?? What do you want? ? Graverobber slid around, leaning against the shelves. They dug into his back much like the rungs of an emergency ladder would. ??Woman who died about fifteen years back. Name of ??Marni Wallace ??. Do you know of her? ? Ray gestured to You who vanished from her sentry at the bedroom door. ??The name is familiar, ? he said, tucking the eyes back lovingly into the sub zero carrying case. You reappeared, a whole armful of folders tucked against her chest. ??Ah, thank you, Helen, ? he said sweetly, the only person who had ever bothered to give her a name that wasn ??t also a pronoun. ??And my glasses, ah, thank you. There ??s a dear. ? Graverobber watched as he started leafing through now brittle paper, humming to himself. ??Here we go. ??Rotti Largo to Marry Young Bride. ?? And ??Largo Left at Altar ??. I ??ve also got an obituary here, for Wallace and her daughter. ? Graverobber came over and crouched down, letting Ray turn over the pages. ??Wait, stop. That ??s him. ? The thief pressed a finger to a much younger, much happier looking Repo before Ray shooed him and his dirty hands away. The picture was small, and professional. A wedding picture, then, with that white gown. ?? ??Nathan Wallace ??. Did they have more than one kid? I heard someone call him ??dad ??. ? Ray ??s bushy eyebrows drew together as he read. ??No, and the short lived rumor was she was poisoned. Her and the kid. ? He sat back, eyes closing. ??And this is the Repo Man Rotti ??s running every night. Curious. ? ??He does keep grudges, ? You spoke up, wavering at Ray ??s side should he need her again. Ray nodded, then turned half lidded eyes on Graverobber. ??You ??ve gotten into something nasty, boy. I ??ll keep your place for you until you extract yourself from it. When you ??re sure you ??re not being followed, you are allowed to sleep here, but if the authorities come, I know nothing. ? Graverobber nodded, stained lips curling. ??I ??ll make you a copy of this information so you can read at your leisure. ? Suddenly, Ray looked so very old as he stood, helped up by You. ??I ??ll give you something quick to keep with you. You ??ve been a good dealer. ? It wasn ??t the first time Ray had referred to him in the past tense, Graverobber thought as You lead him out. It wouldn ??t be the last. Now, he needed a shower. Rotti was displeased with the lack of information, but regardless, he motioned for him to be released and the Largo children all put disturbingly eager hands in to pull the straps off his wrists and legs, and he jerked when he swore he felt fingers slip unneccessarily up his calf though he was unable to tell whether it had been Amber or Luigi's doing. Nathan tugged on the clothes he'd worn beneath his repossession uniform, and found that there was something extra in amongst his things a ratty, faux fur trimmed jacket, covered in the blue stains of dried in Zydrate and smelling vaguely of death and decay. Apparently it hadn't been inspected too thoroughly by anyone because it had simply been folded up and placed beside the rest of his clothes Nathan found himself pushing away the disturbing question of who had undressed him he didn't want to know.He ended up half stumbling out of the hospital room once he was dressed, the Zydrate still coursing through his veins in a way that made the world tilt every time he took a step, like the hallway was rocking on a wave halfway out of GeneCo, he had to stop and cling to a pillar for a moment, seeking stability from it and finding none because the wall felt as though it was moving too, crawling and alive.When he got out of the building he found there was no relief in the air there either the sun was coming up now, but the atmosphere was still stifling hot and Nathan found himself wishing for a cold breeze and he closed his eyes against the sudden excess of visual stimulation, staying there until he felt something wrench on either of his arms. Alarmed, his eyes shot open, and he found Rotti's henchwomen on either side of him and being the amazons they were, it was easy for them to tug Nathan to a waiting car and he couldn't find the energy to protest.The ride went by in a flash of streetlights, and by the time the sun was over the horizon, he was dragging himself into the Wallace home, and suddenly Shilo was in front of him with her thin arms wrapped around his waist, her head buried against his chest, her ear to his heart. Neither of them said anything, but they stood in silence like that for a long time. Graverobber had the sense to wait till after dark.The mausoleum was fast becoming a familiar place to him as much time as he was spending in it lately. Journeying across the cemetery was no problem for him: usually, he did this a little more slowly, stopping to check bodies on the way. Tonight, though, he simply flitted from tombstone to memorial, evading the GENcops easily. They were spooked this evening, barely shining their flashlights into a dark corner or shadow before moving on.A patrol passed by, that same half hearted search repeated even at this corner. Maybe even worse than elsewhere, if he thought about it. Once they were gone , Graverobber strolled across the pathway to stop, crouching, in front of the door. Locked. Someone had obviously expected his return. Whistling to himself, ever the jolly thief, he reached down to his pocket and pulled out a pin and screwdriver to fiddle with the lock. He managed, even in the low light of the graveyard, to force the lock.There were no flowers tonight, he noticed first off, save for the remains of the daisies Repo had been fingering the other night. His coat was missing as well. Shame. He was fond of ??hello. What was that? Another exit? Graverobber glanced back as if to check that this wasn ??t a trap, then wandered over to the tunnel.Interesting. Now where did this lead ? ?A few minutes , he found himself in a laboratory. And not just any laboratory. ??Christ, ? he whispered, rotating to get a good look around at the stereotypical mad scientist lab. Botltles and canisters were scattered all over the room, and near what looked like it might have been some psychotic dentist chair on wheels, there was an array of knives. And hanging in what looked like it used to be a communal shower was Repo ??s uniform. The thief whistled, moving to explore. Unwashed hands skimmed over each surface until he got to what looked like the clich d ??secret entrance ??. Good God, this was a madhouse. Curious, Graverobber pushed his weight against the indention, grinning to himself as it slid forward just a few inches with a pleasant sliding sound. It seemed that recent events had been enough to finally force Rotti to stop the cruelty he granted Nathan a very brief leave of absence from his job, long enough so he could recover from the effects of the Zydrate and finally get some solid hours of sleep. It was the doctor's hope that, once he resumed his job in a few short nights, the list would have been whittled down to only a few repossessions a week, because in the last three weeks, Nathan had been assigned to no fewer than forty repossessions, three times as much as most Repo Men would do in the same period of time.Nathan took advantage of the time off he slept, and though the hours only ebbed away at some of the exhaustion and his appearance was still somewhat haggard, when he got up, he felt less delirious than he had in the past few weeks, and the Zydrate had finally vanished from his system, leaving behind only a vague headache and a nasty, stinging bruise on his throat. He made sure to wear a high collared shirt that day in the vague hopes Shilo wouldn't notice the bruise, and he assured her that he was almost better now, that things would be back to normal soon.He wasn't going to leave her alone like that anymore, so long as he was alive.And when Shilo was in bed, Nathan wandered the sitting room of the enormous home, pacing irritably in his housecoat as he finally took the time to think over the events of the last few weeks with a relatively clear head. He had done things in that time that he never would have done if he had been all there, and it left him feeling as though Repo was even more separate from him now, less controllable. It was something he would have to rectify, he needed to get a handle on himself once more, needed to keep that side in check though, thehowwasn't coming to him as easily as thewhat.He had been absorbed in those thoughts until he heard a familiar sound it was the noise of the fireplace shifting, slowly swinging on its heavy hinges, sliding against the wood of the floor. Nathan automatically crossed the room, one hand grabbing up a heavy, black iron fire poker, and he approached the fireplace, waiting silently until he saw the grinning face, and he changed his tactics rather than swinging the blunt tool into Graverobber's head, he snapped a fist out and struck the man directly in the cheekbone before grabbing hold of the front of his shirt."What are you doing here?" Nathan seethed. He hadn ??t expected to find a house on the other side. Graverobber recoiled, trying to move back into a better fighting stance, but Repo,Nathanwas too quick for him. Again with strength his small, weary body didn ??t hint at, that hand was yanking him forward, jerking him when his momentum wanted him to fall back the other way.The thief looked up into that grey, drawn face, mind trying to take in the picture of a domestic Repo in his house robe and all. ??I wanted my coat back, ? he said, recovering smoothly as his eyes ran along the scene behind Repo. Apparently the job paid well. The room was enormous, one of the fading Victorians in a neighborhood Graverobber didn't often visit. There was so little color though, especially compared to the garish night light the dealer often found himself a part of. He stuck out like a sore, brightly colored thumb. Glancing down, he noticed the poker and decided, really, the punch wasn ??t so bad in comparison. ??Trust me, I don't often make house calls,Nathan. ? Those eyes kept scanning, taking in his new surroundings hungrily. This was completely unfamiliar. Even Ray, who was better off than most people, didn't live in a place like this. This looked unlived in, as if Repo kept it to keep it, not because he had a home. There was none of the normal mess one would expect, giving the whole place the air of a museum or perhaps a tomb. Nathan's face was drawn, his mouth in a thin line as he stared at Graverobber through the thick frames of his glasses despite the rest he'd had, there was still no colour in his face he seemed to match the rest of the house, dark and gray with only the amethyst of his houserobe to break the dreary colour palette. He still clutched the fire poker in his left hand while he held Graverobber's shirt with the other, and he was clearly displeased not only had Graverobber initially invaded his job, he'd gone into Marni's mausoleum, and now his home."You've gone beyond any possible set boundary." Nathan said, releasing Graverobber then, but the way he looked at the man indicated that he was still considering what to do with him. In the back of his mind, Repo offered up a few choice possibilities, which were equal parts disturbing and uncouth, and Nathan had to shake it off,"Rotti Largo wants to see you gutted." he added flatly, and something about his tone made it very obvious who would be doing the gutting. ??I do remember something about grave robbers being shot on sight, yes, ? the man said, straightening his discolored, off white shirt. He wiped his hands on his pants, then turned his powdered face towards Repo, stained lips curling.Repo was still exhausted: Graverobber could see that in the way he held himself. But the Zydrate would have faded by now, so it was only age and over work bleaching the color from his skin. Free, Graverobber started moving, examining the room with his fingers. ??So Rotti gave you a few sick days? ? he asked, aware that now would have been the Repoing hour if the man was out. That ??s what he had come now, after all, hoping to avoid the monster. He hadn ??t expected to find Repo at home wrapped in a robe. All he needed was fuzzy slippers to complete the image.Graverobber through a smirk over his shoulder. ??Nathan, ? he added, fingers touching a vase of dried flowers on one of the conservative, though expensive, side tables. "You've gone beyond that," Nathan replied, watching Graverobber slowly make his rounds on the room he was aware of the man's penchant for theft, but found it was the least of his concerns with Shilo asleep upstairs, he just wanted the entire interaction to remain quiet, "Defacing graves and disturbing the dead, selling raw Zydrate on the streets it will get you shot, but stealing GeneCo property will earn you a much slower death."If Rotti found out, of course.He watched the tattered, rainbow coloured thing flit from spot to spot, and his jaw clenched visibly when Graverobber used his first name again,"Stop calling me that." Nathan said, discomforted by the sound of it coming from the other man it gave him chills so few addressed him by his first name, and the use of it created an intimacy that he didn't like. He hesitated for a moment, and then turned and crossed the room, picking up something that had been put into one of the hermetically sealed repossession bags it was Graverobber's coat, but it had clearly been washed and pressed, folded into the bag in the way of the truly anal retentive."Here." Nathan said, shoving it into Graverobber's hands, "Now leave." Graverobber grinned wickedly, playing the demon to Nathan ??s angel. That was rich. Keeping his voice low, intimate , he said, ??You ??re giving me grief for bothering the dead, taking what they can ??t use, and selling it back to people who are too stupid to not buy it? ? He chuckled, a low rumble in his chest. ??When you attack and brutally kill people because they can't pay for a body part." He snorted derisively. "At least have the decency to be good before you lecture me. ? He watched as Nathan stalked off, grabbing for the only other colored thing in this house besides himself. Taking the coat Graverobber stepped forward towards Nathan, invading his space again. ??Not yet, Nathan, ? he said, still smirking. ??Seventeen years, right? And no other woman after Rotti ??s stolen prize? ? The thief tossed the bag carelessly towards a chair so his hands would be free. ??And working for Rotti the whole time? ? Slowly, he reached out a hand to touch the other's bruise, amused by how easily Repo was upsetted by him. No, not Repo. This would be Nathan, not the Repo Man. The other man's whole body language was different now, so very tired and so very heavy. Guilt. "Damned good way of selling your soul. Man must pay in gold ingots." Nathan's eyes were downcast, as though he was simply accepting Graverobber's words without argument he hadn't disagreed, because everything the other man was saying was correct, and he had long ago stopped trying to justify it in his own head. The only reassurance he had left was his little girl, the sole thing he had to live for anymore if it weren't for Shilo, Nathan Wallace may well have simply laid down and died beside his wife seventeen years ago.But his eyes snapped up at the mention of Marni, and for the first time since they'd met, the cold eyes filled with a horrible, raw sort of pain, the kind that made it clear Graverobber was jabbing his dirty fingers into a sore, open wound. He turned his head away again when the other man approached him, and he tensed when the hand came close, jerking back reflexively when Graverobber actually made contact, recoiling as he had done so many times before, like an abused animal would do."My consequences are none of your concern." Nathan said sharply, and his hand clenched visibly around the fire poker, knuckles going even whiter, "Get out of this house." All this for a damned woman. Repo had disappointed him: he ??d seen this story a million times before, splashed across the gossip rags and the damned TV. He had thought that ?? no, this was his fault for raising his expectations. All he had was that misery to dig at, a kid wiggling a loose tooth for the almost pain the sensation caused. ??No they ??re not, ? he said, ignoring the way the Repo Man flinched away from him. So this was what Repo was when he wasn't elbows deep in a body: a broken old man, one of many Rotti had left. And this one wasn ??t even fighting. They were always much more interesting when they fought back. Graverobber pulled away, wandering back to explore what few things were out in this room. Empty. So damned empty. How did the man keep a kid here? Didn ??t a young person make messes, didn ??t even a widower leave a book open or a drop a piece of trash just a little away from the bin by accident? Graverobber rarely stayed at his semi permanent address, and he at least had a plant and laundry strewn everywhere.Nearly seventeen years of mourning. At least that was interesting. Most people had the attention span of flies, even with their ??eternal loves ??. Graverobber had seen probably fifty pairs promise themselves forever and, a year later, one of them was with someone new, their partner perhaps dead and disposed of, dropped off into one of those mass graves. ??So how does one go from a dead wife to Rotti ??s number one Repo Man? ? Graverobber turned around, for once giving Nathan space if not obedience. He crossed his arms, leaning back against a bare wall with a look of lazy attention. Like this was his house and Nathan the intruder. At that point, Graverobber had forced himself into nearly every aspect of Nathan's life, and the concept of someone else knowing that much about him it made him itch, made him uncomfortable. Only the Largo family knew about his double life and the only reason they continuously insinuated themselves into both sides of it was to ensure that his work continued to benefit them, that he continued to bring in the repossessed organs night after night and keep the fear running through the city.And in the case of Rotti and Luigi, Nathan suspected it was because they also enjoyed occasionally watching what he did, some sick sideshow for their sadistic amusement like father, like son.Sometimes, it made Nathan wonder if Shilo was going to suffer the consequences of genetics, sometimes he wondered if his sweet daughter had some dark thing deep inside of her, just waiting to come out. Nathan hadn't even been aware of his own, until Rotti had introduced him to Repo via the first order he was given he could still remember the first taste of that darkness, and the shame and nausea that followed it.But it was clear that Graverobber hadn't bothered to separate those parts of himself he seemed almost at peace with his own monster, a concept that still baffled Nathan. He felt the other man's eyes on him, and he crossed his arms over his chest the urge to hurt the other man was welling up inside of him again, but Shilo's room wasn't so far away she would hear it if he killed Graverobber.Nathan began to pace he imagined that most people handled intruders differently than this, rather than bouncing between the idea of killing or doing other things to them.He chose not to reply to Graverobber's question he had no reason to answer. Graverobber watched. Nathan was uncomfortable, even in his own home, that much was obvious. What wasn ??t obvious as much was whether that discomfort continued when Graverobber wasn ??t there: most men disliked strangers in their homes , but how many felt like they were strangers in their own home? The thief had the sneaking feeling that Nathan was one of those men that fell into the second category.And still no sign of the kid. That was also interesting.Seeing that he would get no answer, Graverobber pushed himself off the wall with a little grunt. Nathan, he imagined, would probably come behind him with a sponge and alcohol if he ??d figured the man out by now. How dull.He wasn ??t thinking such deep thoughts as he ambled aimlessly over to the stairs. Graverobber didn ??t see a monster in himself: he was him, he generally did what he liked and paid little heed to what others expected of him. It wasn ??t peace, it was just a simple apathy. Generally, it was the dead he dealt with and they certainly didn ??t care about moral systems. They were almost more interesting than the living these days.Nathan was certainly feeding his misanthropy, but, really, who ??s fault was that? Graverobber had been the one to raise his expectations, after all, he thought as he trailed the tips of his fingers along the polished wood of the stairway. The same, faded wall paper with the dated floral print continued along the walls: this might have been a handsome house, once, but it seemed like the owner cared little for injecting color into the place. ??How was the Zydrate, by the way? When I left you certainly looked like you were enjoying yourself. ? Nathan tugged unconsciously at the collar of his shirt as he was reminded of the Zydrate and the resulting, tender bruise on his neck from what he remembered of it, the Zydrate had caused what felt like hours of bizarre sensations, and all of the meaning had been wrenched from everything and reduced to a blur of colours and shapes, and he could remember being able toseesounds. If he thought about it hard enough too, he could remember the GENcops gathering around him and lifting him out of the mausoleum but nothing after that.He watched as Graverobber advanced through the room, and suddenly Nathan was moving too, showing some of the bizarre speed that occasionally possessed him and ducking around and in front of the other man, standing on the staircase in front of him to block him. His daughter was upstairs, and letting Graverobber near her wasn't an option. Nathan, not just Repo, would kill for that cause."It made me numb." Nathan replied flatly. ??That ??s about right. ? Graverobber had stopped a few steps down, noting how protective Nathan was. So this must be where the kid was. ??The watered down shit Rotti sells won ??t do much good. Pure, it ??ll blow your mind away. ? The thief smiled thinly, crooked as always as he leaned forward towards Nathan. The Repo Man was surprisingly attractive, even in that fuddy old house robe. ??Probably good for you, ? he added, just far enough that his eyes could focus. He raised a hand to Repo ??s face, almost touching his cheek but not quite. In the temperature controlled air of the house, he could feel the other ??s body heat, his hand was so close. ??Like I said, the first time is free, but the second ? ? Graverobber trailed off, seeing a flash of blue in the distance, and turned his head towards it. My. What was that? There seemed to be another hologram, like the one above the fireplace, upstairs. Maybe a second if the way the light flickered was any indication. Nathan held firm this time even when Graverobber came so close that he could feel the other man's breath against his skin, and when he brought his hand up as though to touch him, Nathan didn't move, clearly determined to stay in the way this time, his jaw set, the muscles shifting visibly. Up this close, Nathan felt his neck beginning to flush again, as it had done a few weeks ago when he'd run into a similar situation with Graverobber,"You've already over stepped your boundaries." Nathan said sharply, though rather than having the homicidal fierceness of the Repo Man right then, he had the sternness of an annoyed father it was likely difficult for anyone to see the darkness in Nathan, because the horn rimmed glasses and silver hair only detracted from the possible intimidation.Though, that tended to change when he was in the moment. That flush was almost endearing. Graverobber had turned his head back when Nathan had begun to speak to him again, that same stern tone from before. Again, he found it terribly ironic that Repo of all men was lecturing him about personal property laws and boundaries. He climbed the two or so steps needed to put him right below Repo. Now the other man was taller than him, though Graverobber wouldn ??t call the ??peeved teacher ?? look intimidating.Maybe if he was twenty years younger. ??I have. But you seem to let me do such, ? he whispered, deep voice low. ??For example. ? He had dropped his head to continue that not quite touch with his mouth and nose. ??Why did you not tell Rotti about me? We ??re both very aware he ??d let you be the one to punish me. ? Nathan may strive to be boring, but that response wasn ??t. Boring men didn ??t go against Rotti Largo. Maybe there was a little more to Nathan Wallace than met the eye. Nathan's body went a little more rigid as Graverobber came closer, and the jaw muscles worked harder now it was taking a clear effort for him not to create distance between them because the feeling of someone else's heat against his body was disconcerting, but he held his ground. He could hear Repo trying to reason with him, trying to urge him towards things he was resisting what harm would it be, really, no one would miss Graverobber if he dissappeared, right? He could make the other man go away, get rid of the problem right then and there.Or, at the very least,Repo urged,just dig your fingers into that ridiculous hair again and teach him a lesson he won't forget."Don't let it go to your head," Nathan replied, and the pink had crept up to his cheekbones now he found himself hoping that he could pretend it was from anger, "You're just the lesser of evils." Actually, Graverobber would be missed. It would be a terrible inconvenience for both Ray, one Largo child, and several blocks full of junkies. His plant would also miss him, having gotten used to a cup of water when he remembered, though that would soon be adopted by someone with a little more interest in its welfare and would flourish.So maybe offing Graverobber was a good idea. ??Must have felt good to disobey Rotti for once, eh? ? he breathed against Nathan ??s neck, right under his jaw. This was just as good as having a wall behind the other man ??s back. ??A few hours of numbness, a chance to get back at your boss. Really, you owe me. ? Surprisingly white teeth dug in the bruise with enough force to cause pain for the damaged tissue but not enough to make the bleeding under the skin worse.He was almost beingcarefulwith Nathan. So maybe the stern father act worked better than he'd like to admit. Nathan had been about to reply, but all possible responses dissappeared from his head when Graverobber leaned in and bit him. It was hard enough to cause a spike of pain in the already tender skin, but not enough to cause further damage, but what disturbed Nathan the most was that the sensation didn't register as being entirely unpleasant.A sharp noise escaped him, and almost immediately he jerked away from the other man and ended up sitting on one of the steps behind him, eyes wide behind the thick glasses."Are you out of your mind?" he hissed, and now the pink had reached his temples, and the bruise on his neck stood out more intensely, heat having rushed to it from the bite. He sat there, stunned for a long moment, before he went to push himself back up, adjusting his glasses unneccessarily, clearly unsettled. Graverobber watched Nathan, a mix of smugness and amusement on his wide, expressive face. That sound he had made, that wasn ??t one of pain. No, that was of someone finding they liked something and being, for some reason, surprised that they did. ??Consider it payback from before. At least I didn ??t leave welts, ? he said, eyes racking over the bruise appreciatively in what could only be described as a leer. Nathan was so much easier to nonplus when he was the dull old man not the killer that had threatened to hack off his nads .The other man never got a chance to stand up properly. Graverobber leaned over, hand lazily splayed on the wood to help him keep balance so he could continue their conversation in this position. ??You still haven ??t beat me to death with that poker. Why is that? ? His hair swung with his motion as he pressed forward just a little more, stained lips against the bruise he had suddenly become quite fond of. ??Nathan, ? he added mockingly. "That wasn'tme," Nathan reasoned, nearly on his feet, only to find himself being forced back down as Graverobber leaned forward, creating a barrier that prevented him from actually standing. So Nathan ended up leaning back on his elbows, sinking so far into the steps that the back of his head nearly touched one of them, but it did no good because the other man continued to come closer. The body so close to his own was incredibly warm, and Nathan was twisting to try and position himself in a way that kept as little of himself touching Graverobber as was humanly possible without enduring some incredible feat of contortionism."Because I don't want to get blood on this carpet," he replied, a comment that didn't sound quite like it should have been coming from Nathan and then there was a mouth on his throat again, and he his name was being murmured against his skin, and it felt so bizarrely good that it triggered the part of Nathan that told him human contact was a terrible, terrible thing. He shifted, grabbed hold of Graverobber's shoulder, and rammed his knee upwards, aiming for whatever part of the other man was closest. Toying with him shouldn ??t feel good, but it did. Nathan reacted in such a pitiful way, nothing like the man who had left him pantsless in an alley. He had no choice but to torment the poor man. For a moment, Graverobber thought Repo might actually be responding favourably to him when a clean, well kept hand yanked at his shoulder.But no. For some reason everyone and their bosses ?? daughter wanted to rough him up when things turned sexual.Unfortunately for Graverobber, Nathan ??s tweed clad knee caught him right below the ribs, knocking the wind out of him. With an ??oof ??, he jerked back, a bad move on stairs. He had yet to find a dignified way of falling down stairs while one ??s diaphragm was in spasm , so while he stuck out a hand to try and stop himself, Graverobber ended up in a general, breathless pile at the bottom of the stairs.Silently, though. Graverobber had some empathy, usually when it suited him, and he was aware Repo Man might not want his kid to hear him having a fight with some stranger on the stairs. The man would probably express his displeasure in violent ways. After putting down a tarp, no less. Nathan rose to his feet the very moment that Graverobber was out of the way, and he watched the other man tumble down the stairs and land in a writhin but silent heap on the floor, only the quietest wheezing gasps escaping him. Standing there, Nathan considered the other man for a moment, rubbing irritably at his neck where he could still feel the heat of Graverobber's mouth he did his best not to think about it, but the residual feeling was enough to send a shudder through him.He assured himself it was just physiology, he didn't think to blame it on seventeen years of pent up sexual frustration, anger, sadness, or just the slight possibility that some dark, distant part of himself may actually harbour some attraction to the dirty, make up smeared thing laying at the base of his staircase.No, it was just physiology. It was just sensation that had sent spikes of heat down his spine."Why are you doing this?" he asked. Graverobber finally managed a deep, sucking breath, though he didn ??t move from his position on the floor. ??You ??re attractive, ? he answered simply. Another deep breath. Once he was sure he had gathered himself again, he rolled onto his back and propped himself up on his elbows.There was no fear in those dark eyes of his just a terrible sort of curiosity. As if getting kicked down half a flight of stairs was not something he saw as all that threatening. ??I also enjoy how much you seem to resist something so common, ? he added, shifting his weight so a hand was free to rub at the area where Nathan ??s knee had struck. After all, sex was to Graverobber like ? sport or something. It had no emotional connotation to it after years of simply not seeking romance. Didn ??t seem healthy to ignore, though. Still talking, he raised the neck of his shirt, checking the skin ??s color. ??Besides. Sometimes you ??re even interesting. ? Yep. Already bruising. Graverobber dropped the material to smile up at Nathan.Or, he would have, had something not caught his eye. There was more of that signature holographic blue. Lots of it, in fact. Curious , Graverobber climbed to his feet. Without even a glance to Nathan, he headed towards the light glow, finding something strangely ? Weird. ??Eery, ? he muttered to himself, hands splayed on the wood. Down this hall was more of those holo portraits. Lots more. Like a damned gantlet of one woman ??s likeness, ghostly in their 3 D. And at the end, a shrine. This one wasn ??t blue. In fact, it was a strangely life like statue. The vulture moved towards it, lined eyes narrowing.He had forgotten all about Nathan. For awhile. It wasn't the answer Nathan had expected he had thought this was some sick game of Graverobber's, and he wasn't entirely convinced that that still wasn't the case, but the response was nothing like what he'd thought it would be.For a long moment, he stared at Graverobber, unable to come up with any response that seemed worth saying the very notion that another man was physically attracted to him made Nathan vaguely uncomfortable, moreso because of the soft laughter in the back of his mind, and the prodding reminder of what he'd done to Graverobber in the previous week. How good it had felt to take hold of the other man, to feel him and make those sounds leave his mouth Nathan had to shake it off again.And then he realized that Graverobber was on his feet again, moving through the house and towards the hallway that Nathan spent so much of his time in. In an instant, he was moving down the stairs and going after the other man,"No!" Nathan said, but Graverobber was already out of his sight, and he knew that he was standing in Marni's hallway, looking at the holographs seeing her. Nathan didn't even think, he came after Graverobber and all he saw was the white heat of anger, and he hit him soundly across the back with the fire poker. It was that woman, the one from the tabloids and newspapers.Graverobber felt a chill run down his spine. Suddenly, Nathan Wallace had gotten a lot more ? obsessive. Suddenly he could see the silver haired Repo Man wandering down this hallway for years, alone save for the eldritch wisps of his woman, maybe even the whispers in his head of the person he ??d become.And the girl? Was she just as mad as the father? Did he keep her imprisoned somewhere so she couldn ??t escape the madman? Did she know about all this, or did she live with an uncle or family somewhere? Ray was right, Graverobber thought, the soft light of the holos coloring his back as he stepped cautiously towards the central figure. His booted feet didn't even make a sound.Good god. He pressed his face to the glass, then jerked back. Graverobber knew bodies. That was a body.A seventeen year old body. It would have been impressive had it not be so seriously wrong. Preserved bodies in a museum, good. In Lenin Square or whatever it used to be called, fantastic. But in a home? Fucking weird. And this from a man who preferred the dead over the living.Nathan was one sick puppy. That thought was the last he had before the fire poker connected with his skull, knocking him out much more quickly than even Zydrate could.At least it wasn ??t the end with the sharp hook. Nathan wasn't sure which part of him was in control, but as he moved Graverobber's unconscious body through the trap door behind the fireplace, it occurred to him that this felt like the first time that he and Repo had conjoined into one entity, all going towards the one purpose of getting him out of the house, further from Shilo, further from Marni's body, further from all of the bits of his private life that Graverobber had managed to invade in the past weeks.And as he felt the reassuring cold chill of the basement, and as the stark white of it hit his vision, he felt that there was no place further from that life as a dedicated husband and loving father.In the sub zero room, Nathan knelt and pressed his fingers to Graverobber's throat he hadn't killed him, but he couldn't be sure how much damage he had done with the hit he could have easily turned him into a vegetable. As he manipulated Graverobber's body into the wheelchair and strapped him in at the ankles, arms, and throat, he decided that he would just have to wait it out and see there was a chance he hadn't done any more damage than giving the other man a headache he would remember for the rest of his life, but at that point he wasn't entirely sure which result he was hoping for.Despite the cool of the room, Nathan hardly felt it his mind was already wandering, being swept away as it usually was when he stepped into his workshop. He tugged on the leather butcher's smock, and pulled on elbow length gloves, unconsciously humming a tune. The cold was the first thing he noticed.His restraints were the second, but only very vaguely. For some reason he couldn ??t move, and his brain was so foggy he simply didn ??t understand. Maybe his limbs had decided to hold a revolt. But the cold, the cold he understood. It seeped into his fingers and made the air hurt his purchased lungs. If he could move, he would have stuck them under his arms long ago. There didn ??t seem to be feeling in the tips of his fingers.He flexed them, a simple, nearly uncontrollable twitch.No, there was. He felt how the tips trailed along wood, though the material was nearly just as cold as his hands.His neck itched. Probably dried blood, some part of his mind offered. Dried blood? Why would he have bled?Graverobber ??s eyes snapped open and he immediately regretted it. A hit to the back of his head like that, and his eyes were simply suffering. The pupils didn ??t have the chance to shrink, fully dilated from staring at the back of his eyelids for so long. When he opened them for a second time, his last try was still burned in red and green on his retinas, over lapping with his vision.The lab. He was in the lab. Graverobber tried to sit up and was confronted with the problem that he had examined earlier: he was stuck. Immediately, he flexed his forearm and jerked. No good. ??Hello? ?? he gurgled, the restraints on his neck making it difficult to speak properly.Bloody flying fuck. Nathan had probably left him down here to freeze to death. He was patient he waited, and it was nearly a quarter of an hour later that Graverobber began to stir, his body recovering enough from the shock to bring him back to consciousness, though the process was a slow one. Nathan stood behind him, watching quietly as the other man got his bearings, took in his surroundings, and ultimately realized his situation he had watched this process countless times before, and some of them immediately reacted with fear while others held onto the belief that some way, somehow, they would get out of it.That this couldn't be happening to them.In the end, though, they all ended up reduced to a waste of flesh, their last legacy being whatever part he stuffed into a bag and returned to GeneCo.Though this was different if there was one positive thing that could be said for Graverobber, it was that he was constantly engaging, always forcing Nathan and Repo to step into unchartered territories, and having someone strapped to the chair, someone who wasn't on his list it was new.He remained silent and motionless for several long moments after the other man had spoken, and then finally stepped into his vision the housecoat and slippers were gone, replaced with leather boots and the leather smock, high rubber gloves, and a deadpan expression. Graverobber turned his head as best he could, trying to take in more of his surroundings. He was sorry, now, that he hadn ??t spent more time exploring the lab: perhaps he there would have been something that could help him escape. He was resourceful, after all, Repo being the only GeneCo employee to catch him. Really catch him, not have him writhing under him breathlessly on the pavement , have him trussed up like some Inquisition era prisoner.There were first times for everything.He hoped, suddenly, that this wouldn ??t be the last time.Dying in what looked like a converted rocking chair was not his idea of a good death. In fact, there was something insulting about the image.He heard Repo before he saw him, frighteningly enough. There was the sound of stiff heels on the concrete floor , the unmistakable swishing of leather, and then Nathan.A very expressionless Nathan. Graverobber smirked in false bravado. No, not false, not entirely. That theatric boldness was as apart of the dealer as his tendency towards manipulation. ??There are easier ways to get me to stay, ? he croaked, slumping back in the chair. Nathan didn't return the smile, he just watched Graverobber for a long time,"I like this way." he replied finally, and then nudged the chair with his foot, sending it rolling slowly backwards, the wheels squeaking across the smooth concrete floor until one of them shifted into the dip in the ground that led to a water drain, while he walked in the opposite direction, actually turning his back to Graverobber as though he had other things on his mind right then. He crossed the room and stopped at a valve he seemed to consider it for a long moment before he cranked it on, crossing back over, and reaching up above Graverobber, just where he wasn't able to see.He turned his eyes back to the other man, still peering through the horn rimmed glasses,"I don't feel like digging through files. What's your real name?" he asked, business like. Usually long stares didn ??t leave Graverobber uncomfortable.Usually, he wasn ??t strapped to a chair.He might have squirmed just a little under that gaze. This was dangerous, and he felt it in his captivity. Graverobber hated to be trapped. He hated to not be able to get information about his surroundings. Repo was doing a fantastic job so far at both, and it annoyed him.The thief tried to watch, he tried to follow Nathan with his eyes, but there was only a limited amount of motion in the chair. ??Graves, ? he responded smartly, irritated. ??Robin Graves. My mother had a knack for picking names. ? Nathan stared at him again, and then his lips twisted as he said simply:"Hm."And then his left arm would appear in Graverobber's vision, holding a black rubber hose, and he promptly sprayed the other man down with lukewarm water, which quickly began to change temperature in the sub zero room."I have time, you don't, let's try that again," he said, dropping his arms back down to his sides, "Your real name." Graverobber sputtered, because, really, there was nothing else one could do with a sudden blast of water to the face. He squinted his eyes shut, trying to keep cosmetics and whatever was in his hair from getting past his lids.Water had a way of changing temperature when you didn ??t want it. One might have to wait half an hour for a pot of it to boil, but as soon as you were in a freezing room? Bam. It got cold, and quickly, taking your heat with it. A shiver went through his body at the loss of warmth. ??Why does it matter? ? he asked, tongue darting out to dry his lips. His name was of no importance but now that Repo was asking him, suddenly he didn't want to give it. "Well, because in the time it would take me to go look up your file and then get back here, you'd be a meat popsicle," Nathan replied promptly, and there was a peculiar look that was creeping into his expression, an insanity that was slowly glazing over the otherwise cold, clear eyes. It was a visible transition, though it seemed to be happening as a slow progression,"It just seems easier for both of us this way," he said, "But if you prefer I just leave you here, I'm sure with some effort you might be able to knock the chair onto it's side." Graverobber blew up on a single drip that was forming at the tip of his nose, mind working. What did he have that he could offer? He couldn't say that he would leave Nathan be: that wouldn ??t happen, they both knew. Repo had also expressed nothing regarding addiction, so Zydrate was out as well. And certainly not sex. Wallace seemed to be positively allergic to sex, breaking out in terrible cases of ??beat the crap out of Graverobber ??, not something he wanted in such a helpless position.There was one thing he had. ??If I tell you who I sold the eyes to, will you let me go? ? he asked, body tense against the cold. Damn. His coat was out there in that wall papered mausoleum, of no use to him back here behind the fire place. Due to the heat, his clothes were thin and certainly not layered. He hadn ??t, after all, expected to be hosed down in a freezer.He also hadn ??t expected to watch a man go mad. Like some sort of freak Dr. Jekyll slipping away, but Graverobber wasn ??t sure the good doctor wasn ??t also out of his mind. Repo was just a bit more obvious about it. Comically smudged eyes focused on Nathan as the shivers started, a quick rush through his body as he tried to clamp down the involuntary spasms. ??Surely you ??d be interested in finishing the job, ? he bit out, teeth gritted to keep them from chattering. Nathan frowned it wasn't a subtle expression, but rather the sort of frown that was made to make it unquestionably clear that he was displeased, and his eyes were on the ground, watching the water drip off of Graverobber and move towards the drain it was tinted with grime. Dirt was something that Nathan Wallace had little tolerance for as evidenced by the lingering scent of cleaner in every room so it naturally amused Repo to no end to see something as dirty as Graverobber in the house.As though he had just been yanked out of some reverie, he stepped closer to Graverobber, leaning down so he was at eye level he took in the sight of the dripping trails of eyeliner, and he could hear Repo telling him how nice it would be to run his thumb across that bottom lip and smudge the lipstick a little more, but he ignored it. He didn't, however, ignore Repo's urge to make the other man squirm, and he hosed Graverobber down a second time, soaking him thoroughly,"You'll tell me that as well." he said, dropping the hose and crossing the room, actually pulling up a chair in front of Graverobber, sitting down on it and propping his chin up on his hand, as though he was settling in for a long haul, "I have time off now. I can wait." Not having the ability to look down, Graverobber was unsure of what exactly Nathan was focusing on. Hopefully there wasn ??t something down there he planned on using as well.Suddenly he was at eye level, and those thick framed glasses were a bit intimidating now. Odd to see that same ??stern father ?? look from before down here, in his sub zero work place. The dealer watched him, body drawn tight in his attempt to keep from shaking. Damn, it was cold. Colder than he remembered from his first time through.Graverobber spit out a mouthful of water, wishing he had his hands free so he could wipe off his face. He waited for a moment, then, ??Marcus. Marcus Fell. ? It wasn ??t worth losing his life to a few syllables he barely remembered. And certainly not to protecting Ray. Now he was shivering, simply unable to stop himself. Graverobber was a mess: streaked hair plastered to his neck and forehead where the water pressure had blown it up, face stained with color, and clothes damp and clinging. ??The person who I sold the eyes to for information about you is an old guy named ??Ray ??. He ??s not hard to find. ? He sat there for a long moment afterwards, his chin on his hand, his eyes flicking over Graverobber's face with all of the foundation and liner washing away with the water, with his hair and clothes plastered to him, and him stubbornly trying to supress the trembling of his body, it was easy to see exactly how young Graverobber was. He wasn't a kid, but right then, he looked like one, and Nathan felt a spike of guilt but it was brief enough that he could shove it aside, a feeling he could inspect later when what he had done would undoubtedly gnaw at him.Finally, he got to his feet and kicked the chair away, a strangely aggressive motion for Nathan, though it was done without any notable expression, and he moved around behind Graverobber, unlocking the brake on the wheels, and pushing the wheelchair along, actually hopping a foot onto the bar on the back and gliding along with it for a moment, like a kid with a shopping cart.He pushed him past the wall of terrible, sharp things, and towards the door that led to the mausoleum tunnel opening it, a gust of warm wind from outside blew in and created a sudden heavy fog from the temperatures. He moved around in front of Graverobber and undid the straps on his legs, and then back behind the wheelchair, pushing it past the door and into the dark tunnel about halfway down, he stopped and leaned around the chair. He pushed a little of Graverobber soaking wet hair away from his ear and spoke very close, his voice low,"I could have done some terrible things to you in there." Nathan said simply, and one hand crept around to Graverobber's throat, fingers lingering there lightly. There was a long pause, as though he was hesitating with his words, and then he straightened up and unfastened the strap around the other man's neck followed by the ones on his wrists and elbows. Nathan stepped back then, and said nothing more. God, being pushed in this wheelchair was surreal. Graverobber remembered a time, when he was much, much younger, young enough to be the child Nathan saw in that moment, when a nurse pushed him out of his room. It was only a flash, but the feeling it left in its wake was uncomfortable.The nurse, however, unless he was missing a good portion of his memory, did not hop on the back for a ride. Nor did the hospital have sharp things hanging on the walls and in various jars of what he assumed was antiseptic . They kept those in pastel colored drawers so the patients wouldn ??t feel stress. Graverobber could almost appreciate the honesty in having all one ??s tools out. Then again, Repo probably cared little for costumer satisfaction.Graverobber shivered when he felt that first touch of warm air, his body starting to relax. He was still freezing, but now he knew it was almost over, that he could go back soon to the unbearable heat and be grateful. It wasn ??t from the cold that he shuddered the second time, Nathan surprising him with that almost gentle touch, his breath warm in his ear and fingers hot on his neck, just above the strap.Unsteadily, Graverobber raised himself out of the chair, hands nearly slipping. He turned to look at Nathan, clean face still surprisingly expressive even without all that gaudy make up. The smirk looked nearly the same without the dark lipstick, though he certainly looked a lot less like a corpse. ??Next time, find some horrible things I ??ll enjoy, ? he said, then, in a fit of absolutely stupid brilliance , the dealer leaned forward, grabbed a handful of grey hair, and pressed his mouth to Nathan ??s.There might have been tongue.Then he was gone, whistling to himself as he climbed back towards the tomb. It felt good to be alive, though he could have done with being a bit more dry. His clothes and hair were already sticking to him uncomfortably and it would only get worse. The dealer would have to head back and clean up before Ray found out what information he had given Nathan. Graverobber had the feeling that the two men would be making each other's acquaintance soon. Nathan had been watching impassively as Graverobber got his bearings, got himself onto his feet and sorted himself out he was dripping steadily, and the entire wheelchair was soaked as well. He had expected some smarminess from the other man of course from what he had learned, Graverobber couldn't resist parting shots, but he never saw it coming when Graverobber came closer.He had been just about to reply, had just parted his lips to speak, and then there was a hand in his hair, and he was yanked forward and nearly pulled right off his feet and into what was possibly the most aggressive kiss of his life. Nathan was so stunned that he didn't even move, he was frozen as Graverobber made quick work of ravaging his mouth, and completely silent as the other man turned and walked away, whistling a sprightly tune.Nathan stood there for a long time after, simply staring, and when he finally snapped out of it, he glanced downwards and actually rolled his eyes.He stood in the cold room for while afterwards, rinsing off anything that Graverobber might have left behind, and when he returned to the sitting room, he found the other man's coat still there and swore so loudly that it alarmed Shilo. You mentioned to Ray that she had seen Graverobber slink out of the building early that morning while the old man was dressing. He stopped, sighed, then continued with his buttons and asked her to turn the page. Ray had, of course, gotten used to doing mundane things without sight and the lenses in his current eyes were falling apart so quickly he was getting practice in a skill he had thought he ??d never really need again.Today would be the last day with those finicky things. It had taken work and calling in quite a few favours, but Ray had finally found someone with the skill to perform the surgery and the desire to do it for cheap. Lucky. But now, he wasn ??t so sure. Nocturnal creatures like his resident dealer did not get up early: they preferred to sleep the day light away and rise with the moon like the vampires in the movies he used to like as a kid. An apt image for Graverobber, who fed off the dead and the living alike. When he was a younger man, Ray would have never thought about dealing with the likes of dealers and junkies. Things had changed, though. Of course, he thought with a weak smile, he had also imagined that, come seventy, he ??d be playing golf, annoying his children, and spoiling his grandchildren.Some things simply didn ??t work out. ??The rat ??s leaving the sinking ship, ? he muttered to himself as You went to go fetch the charts for today.He had a bad feeling about this. Ray's sinking feeling was justified, because as You dissappeared, someone else stepped into the room Nathan's footsteps were smooth and silent, and he took in the sight of the other man Graverobber had been right, it hadn't been difficult to find Ray, he'd merely needed to mention the name to one of the many stoned bodies littering the backalley, and he'd ended up directing himself the rest of the way with ease.A single look at him told Nathan that the man had GeneCo brand occular implants, and that they were wearing out quickly it was an unfortunate flaw in the original design, and by the looks of it, Ray had one of the first prototypes installed. The newer ones like the ones that had been stolen were better quality, designed to last for decades longer than the old ones, so it was really just Ray's good fortune that Graverobber had staked him out on that particular night."It's difficult to find good surgeons these days," Nathan said out loud obviously Ray was in the process of planning his surgery, and especially for the eyes, it wouldn't do well to settle for one of the butchers that populated the back alleys the occular implant was too complicated, too sensitive for it to be done by just anyone. He hoped Ray had found someone decent, one who wouldn't just leave him on the operating table and take the eyes for himself, as the unregistered hack and slash monsters were wont to do."Especially ones willing to implant stolen organs." An old, thread bare lab coat had barely settled on the old man ??s shoulders when he heard a foreign voice. Unlike his visitor, Ray was tall and made of little more than bone and skin. He also did not dress conservatively, for Nathan Wallace ??s greys and blacks, the back alley doctor had on an obnoxiously loud Hawaiin shirt and clashing red blue plaid pants. Somehow, he made the long suffering look he gave Wallace not look out of place.Wallace was much more gaunt than those old wedding pictures showed: his hair was nearly free of color and there were heavy bags under his eyes. Rotti ??s doing, he ??d wager. Ray reached for his stethoscope and tucked into the left pocket. ??Yes, it is. Luckily for our patients, I have quite a few sets of skilled hands that work for me. ? He regarded Wallace calmly, ??Generally, I would not consider scavenged organs to be ??stolen ??. ? Ray shrugged thin shoulders, then continued. ??The bodies are left out for the trash, and if we can use the undamaged organs, we do. I hope that isn ??t a problem, Mr. Wallace. ? Damned thief. He had gone and tattled, and now Ray had a Repo Man at his door."Is there something I can help you with? I assume you're not here for a check up." Repo seemed dissappointed though Ray was a big man and judging by his reaction, he was prepared to defend himself, but he wasn't a killer, he wasn't even a predator. Despite the loud clothing, there was something incredibly old fashioned about Ray, and at the very least, Nathan could find some patience to appreciate the pleasantries."I'm not talking about scavenged organs," Nathan said, batting away the thinly veiled lie, his voice flat and frank, "I'm talking about stolen organs, GeneCo repossession property, specifically the occular implants that went missing two days ago."He didn't need to bring up Graverobber he knew that Ray would have already made the connection anyways, and there was no pretending that Ray wasn't aware of Nathan's by night persona either. He suspected that anything Graverobber knew, Ray knew as well so he would also know that as a Repo Man, it would be well within the law for Nathan to collect the stolen property and that he could easily do so after they had been implanted."I'd really prefer we by pass this part." he said, "And get to the part where you tell me where you're getting copies of my patient orders from, and why you're giving out my information." Ray blinked slowly. ??I know nothing about stolen eyes, though now that I do, I ??ll certainly keep an ear to the ground for them. ? The thin, mirthless smile he gave was discolored from years and years of poor food supplemented by sugar filled caffeine shots. Wallace would most likely recognize the lie, but Ray had a set script to follow. There was, after all, always the chance that his deception could hold under those harsh eyes. ??My coworkers would appreciate me not going blind on them. It would be quite the inconvenience to have to read everything to me. ? The old man gestured with one leathery hand for Wallace to have a seat as he sat down in another, mismatched chair. The furniture here looked like it had been stolen from the trash, though every thing was as clean as the Wallace household, the various tears and worn patches had been darned up carefully. He leaned back with a slight groan, stress making his joints hut. Stress, or anger at his stupid tenant. When he saw that boy, he was going to wring his neck. Ray ??s eyes narrowed at the word ??patient ??, and he sat forward again. ??Come now, Mr. Wallace. We ??re both adults, let ??s not twist words, ? he said, leaning his weight onto his forearms propped up on his knees. ??They are your ??victims ?? or your ??targets ?? if you would prefer that. But not your patients. ? His voice was dripping with disgust. ??It is offensive to us doctors to use that word. Ignoring semantics, however, I get your ? orders from a GeneCo employee with a nasty Glow habit. ? Irritably, Ray tugged off his thick, Coke bottle bottomed glasses to clean them with the hem of his shirt. ??Usually I pay that boy in other ways, but he wanted your information instead. He had me at a bit of a disadvantage. ? Nathan had never been fond of playing games, and especially after the month he'd had, he found that his tolerance for it was quickly draining but he didn't allow Repo to emerge from the neat, carefully tailored shell of Nathan Wallace it was easier to keep him down that day and he attributed it to the fact he had some sleep."I don't think you're in any position to try and take a moral high ground," Nathan said crisply, "And really, if you want to get into semantics when it comes down to it, only one of us is breaking the law."Nathan hated using that argument GeneCo's organ repossession bill was a thin excuse to kill people for profit, but he was also aware that he was standing opposite to a man who had no qualms with lying outright as far as Nathan was concerned, right then, using his position in GeneCo was a strategy. He could hate himself for it later, when he was sitting at home with a safe and sound Shilo, not worrying about the idea that someone might break in and try to exact some horrible revenge on her for what he did."I hope the new eyes are everything you want them to be," Nathan said finally, and the exhaustion was showing in his features again, and he turned away from Ray, heading for the door, "And that there's something for you in this city that's still worth seeing." ?? ??Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state has become lawless or corrupt, ?? Mr. Wallace, ? Ray responded calmly, unperturbed at having a Repo Man in his living room reminding him that, yes, he was breaking the law, and yes, Wallace was very aware of it.Damned boy. He should have said ??no ??, but the ability to see until he died had been so tempting Graverobber had held out them out like fruit in the Garden. The man was much too old to waste time lying to himself: he knew part of his agreeing had been motivated by greed, by the hunger to see, but he was just as aware of his own usefulness. Besides, Helen took too much care of him already. Ray simply did not have the time to be a decrepit old man.A cackle followed Nathan. ??My patients are always worth seeing, boy. When you get away from Rotti, do some honest work. You ??ve got the hands. ? Graverobber was smart to stay away, spending his day frightening old ladies who walked past the dumpster he had set himself up on to flip through the tabloids. Well, that wasn ??t what he had planned on doing, it was simply a consequence of being up before sunset. He did notice several women drag their children across the road before walking by.He made especially sure to smirk slyly and wave to them.Annoyingly, the day would pass like that: he was much too lazy to work, not that there was work he could do while it was still light. Oh, he could probably go and find a new coat, but he was fond of that one. Besides, it would be an excuse to terrorize Nathan, though after seeing that body, really, he didn ??t need one.There was the sound of a car in the distance, rare things these days. The rumor was that, after oil and the workers to drill it became scare and bodies became all the more common, those that could afford cars ran them on a rather morbid biofuel. GeneCo didn ??t sell it directly, but one of their many sister corporations did though, with Rotti pushing through legislation destroying prior anti trust laws, one of their sister corporations soldanything. Graverobber found it hilarious. The pop of a car door opening, then a slam, and Graverobber continued to read, drawing up the paper to look even more interested in the drivel.Staccato clicks came closer and suddenly there were well formed, pale legs in spindly heels in his sight, right above the paper. ??You are ??Graverobber, ?? correct? ? The woman ??s voice was cool and breathy with an affected British accent. She sounded as if she should be running one of those expensive phone sex lines. Graverobber grunted and glanced up. His visitor was in what might have started as a conservative suit set until she brought the hem up more than half a foot and added those heels. ??My employer ?? ?? Rotti, if that uniform was anything, ?? ?? has a job for someone with your ? skills. ? ??I don ??t do contract work, ? Graverobber said, turning a page in disinterest. Bad enough that he was already Amber ??s dealer he didn ??t want to be on Rotti ??s official payroll. ??I was informed you would say that. I ??m prepared to offer you this much in currency. ? The woman pulled out a fat envelope from under her thin arm. Probably not an inch of her was the same as when she came out of the womb, from her lovely calves to her perfectly placed freckles. Manicured fingers pulled out a handful of coins, GeneCo script , but he could see more twinkling out at him.Graverobber folded the paper up carelessly and dropped it on the lid next to him. ??What ??s the job? ? Couldn ??t be good: that was too much money for something simple. Barbie put away the money and gave a practiced white smile. ??My employer would like you to recover some of his property from a GeneCo employee you ??ve been ? interacting with. ? Graverobber arched an eyebrow as she continued. ??A cadaver of a young woman. ? It was a fool ??s errand, Graverobber thought as he stared at the Wallace house rising in front of him, one of the many old Victorians on that street. He had been given a key , the address, and the assurance that Nathan wouldn ??t be home to bash his brains out. Graverobber had thought to bring along one empty syringe, dismantled and in an old case to keep it from stabbing him in his pocket. After all, Ro ??rather, ??The woman ??s employer ?? wanted the body, not the Zydrate. The damned building was just as colorless and gloomy as the inside, its wrought iron gate protesting with a soft creak as he opened it. With a hidden tunnel, Repo probably rarely went out the front door, especially not in his GeneCo uniform.Inside was no better: it was quiet as a crypt, though that was something he had expected without Nathan there to nag him. His coat was missing, probably put into some color coded drawer somewhere where it couldn ??t infect the rest of the house. Graverobber slipped through the entry way and down that eerie hall. Like the rest of the Wallace residence, it might have been attractive with its handsome, dark wood and heavy furniture. The body was still at the end of the hall, behind what looked almost like a mirror. Graverobber glanced back, then turned and wandered into the main body of the house. There hadn ??t exactly been time for a tour, and if Nathan was going to be out, well, that body certainly wasn ??t going anywhere for awhile. Years it must have taken years to build these muscles hours upon hundreds of hours of work and sweat and exhaustion, proper diet and healthy living. The torso could have been used for medical classes to display every individual muscle group on the human body so it was strangely ironic that it should take mere seconds to slice through them."I don't get to use this very often," Repo said out loud, holding up a nasty looking item it looked vaguely like a pipe stripping tool, except it was serrated and had been obsessively polished even in the darkness, it glimmered and Robert Kingsley could only retch violently at the sight of it, eventually becoming so loud with his gurgling and gasping that Repo simply swung the tool into the man's face until he stopped making noise. It took several hits.He busied himself with cutting through the ribcage so he could pop the sternum off like the top of an open can he dug into the insides with the pleasant knowledge that, for the first time in a while, he wasn't being watched.And back at the Wallace home, Shilo crept quietly down the stairs dressed in the long, frilly black veil of her night clothes, she clung to the banister as she went down one careful step at a time. Her dad had left only half an hour ago, but she had heard the door, and Dad never made a sound when he came in her dark eyes shifted around the house as she got to floor level, and yes, there it was, there was someone moving in the house she had left her watch upstairs, and going back up the stairs seemed like a long journey now, with the knowledge someone was nearby. Her dad had always told her to call for him, that he would be there in an instant if someone broke in but now that she was in the sitting room, she found her fingers securing around the handle of the black iron fire poker, and she pulled it out of it's stand like a samurai unsheathing a katana. Ducking behind a red velvet wing chair, she peered around the fabric there was a man in the house.And he wasn't like anyone Dad would know he looked more like one of the people she saw from her balcony, one of the ones who lingered in the back alleys. His hair had about twenty different colours in it, and it only reminded Shilo of the fact she'd left her wig upstairs in her room it always made her feel like some kind of alien without it, when she saw the people on television.She waited she waited as Graverobber made his rounds on the room, and when his back was turned, she came out from behind him, clenched the fire poker hard, closed her eyes, and swung it at his back. Graverobber was a very tactile man that was one of the consequences with groping around graveyards much of one ??s adult life. Even with the gloves , he couldn ??t help but examine things with his hands. This felt less like burglary than waiting for a friend to come down with the lights on as they were. Must be to give the illusion of people being in, though Graverobber doubted most were stupid enough or skilled enough to come up here for breaking in. Unlike the poorer, more urban neighborhoods, Wallace ??s suburban area actually had police.He picked up the stethoscope that Nathan had left on a low table, turning it over in the light. So the mandidleave things out of their proper places. Graverobber almost felt proud of him. The scavenger opened a drawer, curious, and dug through various bottles of little, round medications. Huh. So Nathan was either very sick or a druggie. He slipped a bottle into one of his pockets, humming very, very softly. Ray would be able to tell him what that was, if the man would speak to him again.Old houses like these had creaks, and the little girl wasn ??t as stealthy as her father. Without any sign that he had noticed her, Graverobber kept looking around, calmly, whistling one of Blind Mag ??s songs. It wasn ??t that he was particularly fond of her sort of music, it was just that, as the voice of GeneCo, it was every where. And it pissed off Amber.When she swung down, Graverobber struck, the knuckles on his gloves flashing as he caught the little girl ??s wrist. ??Now what do we have here? ? he asked softly, pulling her to him to keep her from striking a second time. Shilo had expected to hear the thump of the iron hitting body, but her arm was stopped halfway down, and her eyes snapped open wide she found herself suddenly tugged forward, an easy thing for anyone to do given the size of her even for a seventeen year old girl, Shilo was small and thin, she hadn't grown much in the past few years, but she knew it was because of the blood disease. It wouldn't let her grow, just like it wouldn't let her do anything else like go outside, or live a normal life, or even have hair.She let out a gasp as she was pulled, her bare feet slipping easily across the carpet, and she found herself pressed up against the much taller form of the Graverobber, and she could smell the city on his shirt it was nothing like the scent of pine cleaner and bleach that she was so used to from the house, and it made her wrinkle her nose."Let go of me!" Shilo protested, and then brought one sharp little knee upwards, jamming it towards the closest bit of body, then bringing her foot down on his in an attempt to get loose. She was a tiny, sickly thing, the top of her smooth head barely reaching his shoulders. So this was what Nathan was protecting. This must be the kid that Ray had said died way back with the mother. Well, she was alive, now, and squirming. Quick, too, like her dad. Graverobber suddenly felt the sting of a bony knee just above the groin, and promptly manhandled her so she was facing the other way. ??Look, kid, I ??ll let you go if you promise not to swing that thing again. ? He dropped his head to whisper in her ear, close like he always was with Nathan. His hair contrasted strongly with her skin ??s pallor. ??Now why don ??t you just go back upstairs and forget I was here. I ??ll be gone in a few minutes. ? Almost kindly, he pushed her forward, away from him. After all, he had no interest in hurting Repo ??s kid. This was just a job.It was just bad luck for him that the stand near the fireplace, where the little girl had grabbed her poker from carelessly, toppled over in that moment. Graverobber jerked his head away from her to the sound, expecting a very, very angry Nathan. Shilo couldn't break his grasp, but given how thin she was, she had a surprising amount of strength, and she fought Graverobber the way any angered teenager would, and she jerked her head away when his voice came close to her ear, recoiling from his touch. It lasted mere moments because she felt herself pushed forwards, away from him, and at once she was overcome with relief that he hadn't tried to kill her, and anger that he was there in the first place.And that he thought she would somehow just let him stay in the house, that she would go to her room like a good little girl and stay quiet and scared while he did whatever he felt like. Her ears ringing with a bizarre sort of annoyance, she turned around to face Graverobber just as the fireplace stand fell over with a loud, metallic rattle and that was when he made the mistake of taking his eyes off of her for an instant, and with the reflexes of a coiled snake, she swung the fire poker a second time. This time, it connected soundly with his skull. For the second time that week, in the same house, Graverobber crumpled to the floor, unconscious.It was lucky, at least, that he didn ??t land on the side with the syringe and pocketed meds. Maybe he would appreciate that later, but now, now it was just bad luck for him that Repo ??s kid had that same ??I ??m tougher than I look ?? thing going on. That, and iron to the head tended to help.Repo ??s second target that night was dead by the time he found him. The body hung listlessly in the shower, strung up by an old, orange extension cord. In the sink, an empty vial of Zydrate oozed its last few drops down the drain, winking up at the GeneCo employee. Someone had supplied a cheap, one use applicator, and that lay on the stained porcelain beneath the swinging feet. It was the second time in the last few weeks that Repo had encountered a suicide, and the second time in his entire career that he had seen it. For a long moment, he considered the dangling body in front of him, and once even pushed it to watch it swing a few times, the extension cord squeaking rhythmically against the metal bar it had been looped around, the body creating a moving shadow on the wall.There was no other explanation it was the information leak coming directly from GeneCo that was instigating this sort of response, people who had realized the hopelessenss of their situation, and rather than face the Repo Man, they chose to take their own lives so that, at the very least, they would have control over their deaths.He looked down at the drain and discovered there was a slow whorl of human fluids, combined with the unmistakable hue of Zydrate, and something about the glowing liquid made him cock his head to the side, made him stare hard, and made something in his stomach twist.And then his watch went off,"Dad, someone is in the house."And it was Nathan that was running back to the Wallace home, and he ripped off the GeneCo uniform, tossing it aside into the bushes on the front lawn, and he came in through the front door, his forehead covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and he found Shilo sitting cross legged on a chair, and Graverobber laying unconscious on the couch, his hands tied haphazardly to the arm of the chair by way of a black extension cord.There was an ice pack on his head."Hi Dad," Shilo said brightly, and Nathan could have fainted with relief.He found the time to pull himself together, to clean himself up, and he stood astride the unconscious Graverobber, his arm around Shilo's thin shoulders, and they both looked down at him with their heads similarly cocked to the side. Graverobber swam back into consciousness, guided by the terrible way his blood pounded in his head. It was loud and miserable everywhere, but especially at the back where the little girl had clobbered him. Jesus Christ, was it with the Wallaces and taking their anger out on the back of his skull?Over the sound of own pulse, he could hear breathing, and not just his own. The thief tried to take a mental assessment of how many people he could hear, but it was useless. Counting wasn ??t coming easily to him, not with the thump thump thump of his heart pumping blood through the huge bruise exploding into being beneath his hair. Distracting.His arms were also aching, stretched over his head in some uncomfortable, awkward way that gave no thought to how his muscles might feel about their position. Remembering how bad of an idea it was to open his eyes quickly from before, Graverobber parted his eyes into a half squint, letting them adjust. There were forms ? faces. A little more, and he could see them, now, Nathan and his little girl, the latter with hair now.Groaning, he closed his eyes again. So much for not getting caught by Repo. They watched, both of them were silent as Graverobber began to stir, observing his laboured, jerky movements while consciousness seeped slowly into his concussed head. Shilo was still holding the fireplace poker in her little hands, her fingers alternately tensing on it as though she was prepared to hit Graverobber a second time, should he choose to breathe incorrectly. Nathan allowed her to keep it on her because of the very real concern that, had it been available for him to pick up, he would have finished the job.But for now, his temper was carefully locked away Repo was banging against the bolt with his shoulder, but was unable to get through, not while Shilo was there she couldn't see that side of him. She could never meet Repo, he couldn't let her know and Graverobber couldn't let her know either.Reaching out, Nathan readjusted the ice pack on Graverobber's head, pushing it perhaps just a little harder than he needed to against the tender, bruised spot."Hello Marcus, I see you've met Shilo." Nathan said, and Shilo's mouth formed into a small 'o' and she lowered the firepoker, "Shilo, this is Marcus Fell.""You know him?" Shilo asked."He's apatientof mine." Nathan said, and there was such a special emphasis on the word that Graverobber would know without needing to see Repo in his eyes, that he had done something very bad. For a moment, he didn ??t recognize his name. After all, he hadn ??t used it in years and being referred to as ??Marcus ?? while currently suffering from probably brain trauma confused him.He cringed at the rough touch, stained eyes fluttering open again. ??I ??m sorry to catch you at home,Nate, ? Graverobber said, twisting slightly in an attempt to free his hands. No good. The kid might be sick, but she tied knots like a sailor. Because Repo ??s kid would probably end up with an odd hobby like that, tying men to furniture. ??I left my coat last time. You were terribly distracting towards the end. ? A smile crooked one side of his painted lips Nathan was going to hurt him, maybe even kill him finally, and it was going to be Rotti ??s doing. There was something very poetic and very unfair in that. The thief shifted, long hair catching under his shoulders uncomfortably as he propped his boots up on the arm of the sofa. ??Now that daddy ??s home why don ??t you untie me, little girl, ? he said sweetly, turning his eyes to Shiloh. He could see Nathan in her, especially with that deep frown that was forming. Shilo's eyebrows rose when Graverobber addressed her, and there was something so terribly unamused about her expression that right then, she was the very picture of her father, all she was missing were the glasses. Her dark eyes shifted to Nathan only for a moment, and then back to Graverobber,"Actually," Shilo said, and seventeen years of attitude managed to pour out of the single word, and she put her hands on her slim hips, "Now that he's home, I thinkhegets to decide when you get untied. Or maybe we'll just hand you over to the cops they're always in the neighbourhood around here."She was about two seconds away from snapping her fingers and giving him the 'no you didn't' hand,"And I hear they like guys with long hair in jail." she added as an after thought, though in truth, she wasn't sure she only knew what she'd heard on the television and the radio.Nathan's expression was stuck somewhere between shock and bizarre pride, and he stared at his daughter for a long moment before kissing her on the top of the head and turning his attention back to the bound Graverobber,"I think you and I need to have a talk." he said, "Shi, would you mind giving me a little time to talk with Marcus?"She hesitated for a moment, as though unsure of whether she should leave her helpless father alone with this crazed burglar, but she finally nodded, and quietly handed Nathan the firepoker just in case and dissappeared up the stairs. Ugh. Teenagers. There was something so obnoxious about the lot of them. Shi might look like her father, but that attitude was the exact same one he saw in You. Get them past puberty and they started talking back to their elders.Though, really, if he wanted to be fair, he had broken into her house.Graverobber snorted at the long hair comment, knowing he probably wasn ??t going to make it to jail if Nathan had his way with him. Not Repo, but the loving father, would tear out his spine through his nostrils. After hosing him down with anti septic, probably, in his thick leather gloves to keep any of his grime from getting on the murderous neat freak.He ??d probably keep his glasses on, too, the jerk.The little girl, Shi, wavered at her father ??s side for a moment protectively before hading him the poker and leaving. Graverobber chuckled again watching the exchange. He had seen You give Ray that same ??I don ??t think you can take care of yourself, old man ?? look. Once she was gone, Graverobber turned his head to Nathan, limbs tense even though he attempted a lounging position. He hated being tied down, made him really feel the start of fear. ??I did forget my coat, ? he said pleasantly, fingers running along the cord he could touch as he examined his bonds with touch. Nathan watched Shilo ascend the stairs, waited, listened until he heard her door close, and then he turned his eyes to Graverobber he stood there, looming over the other man for several long moments. His eyes were tired, half lidded, and almost bored looking,"Yes, you did." Nathan agreed, and then said nothing more he crossed the room and sat down in the red velvet wing chair, leaning back into it, removing his glasses, and rubbing at the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. His neck was aching with knots of stress and tension, but he could bet he was in nowhere near as much pain as Graverobber was, so at the very least, that part was reassuring. He dropped his hand away from his face and leaned his head back against the chair, his eyes closed to the light overhead, and he stayed silent. Bored. Here Graverobber was, after having entered Repo ??s house uninvited and getting bashed in the head by his kid, and the bastard wasbored. Graverobber simmered quietly, still attempting to pluck at his restraints. It was futile: the kid had done a fantastic job of twisting his hands in a way that he had no useful way of moving them.He wanted out.It wasn ??t fear that made him struggle, not exactly. There was something he didn ??t like about being limited like this he never did. Permanent addresses, permanent women, it was the same thing, only this was much, much more literal. ??Planning on letting me go soon, Nathan? ? he asked mockingly. ??Never took you for a bondage sort of man. ? Nathan remained quiet even for several minutes after Graverobber asked his question, not even opening his eyes to look at the other man, so still that he appeared dead for an instant then he opened his eyes, picked up his glasses again, removed a small cloth from his pocket, and carefully polished the lenses, inspecting them under the light for any miniscule specks of dust. He put them back on, and spoke as he put the cloth away,"I'm sitting in this chair right now," Nathan said slowly, "Because I don't trust myself to stand within arm's reach. Right now, I would like to kill you, and I know you understand why. So I'm going to stay right here until I believe I'm capable of coming near you and not doing something that would finally,finallyget you out of my life."His eyes shone with anger, and there was a seething rage below the surface of the mild mannered father, and it wasn't Repo's,"Mychild." he said, and his hands were clenching onto the arms of the chair, "You came here whenmy child was alone. If you did anything if you touched her " Graverobber watched this ritual, recognizing the soft tremors in his hands as Nathan cleaned his glasses with a cloth that was just as grey as the rest of him. Repo as violent and deranged, but Nathan was frightening in a different way. A focused way, where Repo simply attacked anything and everything he was allowed to with a terrible sort of glee. ??I didn ??t know you left your kid here when you were gone, ? he said truthfully, closing his eyes and resting his head against the hard arm of the couch. He spoke carefully, choosing every word before he said it. ??When she swung that poker at me, I grabbed her wrist. That ??s all. I ??m not interested in children. ? Certainly not the ones with insane daddies, he thought but certainly didn ??t say.He waited, calmly, for Nathan to respond to that, doing his best not to fidget. The longer he was trussed up like this, the more uncomfortable he got. Especially since Nathan had the air of a judge, jury, and executioner about him, Graverobber felt he was standing trial at one of those makeshift courts he had seen spring up on the streets. Nathan's shoulders relaxed visibly he had no reason to believe Graverobber, but his story matched Shilo's, so at the very least, there was some relief in the knowledge nothing had been done to her. He stayed in the chair, however, indicating that he still wasn't trusting himself, his anger still balancing precariously on the edge, threatening to topple over and make him end the situation right then and there, when it would be so easy to do so. Graverobber was tied up, knots that had been done by Shilo it would even be poetic, and the threat would be gone, he wouldn't even need to make it messy, he was sure he could just break the other man's neck instead of cutting into him.Repo's hunger flashed for an instant, but Nathan held steady, his tone one of a structured, strict sort of calm,"Why are you doing this?" he asked, "You didn't just come for your jacket. What was it this time?"He felt like Graverobber was trying to torture him."I don't even know why I didn't kill you all the other times I had the chance to. I don't even know why I'm not doing it now." he said, and it was clear that he was now weighing the pros and cons with the careful, considered mind of Nathan Wallace and not the instinctive, Id driven Repo. Graverobber kept quiet, ignoring that first question. He ??d rather have something to barter with later if he needed it, though Nathan could just wring the information from him later if he really wanted it.His voice was low when he answered the second, rhetorical speech, the same intimate rumble from before. ??I ??m not sue why you haven ??t killed me, either, ? the thief admitted, wiggling somewhat in another futile attempt to get comfortable. He flexed his fingers, trying to keep the blood flowing through his digits correctly.A snort as he bounced one foot on the other, annoyed. ??Perhaps you ??re just lonely and I ??m the only thing that ??s put up with you. Or that Repo hasn ??t ripped apart. ? That made him smile again, the thought that his broken, insane man waslonelyand that ??s why he brutally murdered people. ??I ??d hate to think that the kid and I are the only people you talk to, ? he added, chuckling and glancing to the coiled spring Nathan had become. Nathan watched Graverobber he watched the other man tug irritably on the extension cord around his wrist, watched his rainbow coloured hair shift and twist with his movements, watched the way his lips moved when he spoke, emphasized by the black lipstick. He thought about the past few weeks, and how persistant the other man had been unbidden, he thought about the time in the alleyway, their bodies pressed together, the feeling of their shared heat, and the taste of the other man's skin. It sent a shudder through him that he wished he could have suppressed.A noise escaped Nathan, but it was a harsh sound it might have been a laugh, but it was such a strange, animalistic sound that it was difficult to tell.He didn't speak, but he rose to his feet then, and the lenses of his glasses flashed under the light as he slowly rounded on Graverobber, his head cocked to the side as he observed him, bound to the couch. All of the other times, Graverobber had instigated the touch, he had been the one to brush against him, to push him against the staircase, to kiss him.And that, perhaps, was the moment that had stuck with Nathan the most, when Graverobber, soaking wet, had grabbed hold of his hair and pulled him into a hard, harsh kiss, the first in seventeen years, and the feeling had been so human that he had been unable to shake the memory of it."It would be so easy," Nathan said softly, grabbing hold of Graverobber's jaw, wrenching his head up, looking over the other man's face, "To kill you right now." Unlike Nathan, for once, Graverobber was not thinking a thing about sex. Oh, ropes or handcuffs were great when it was the other person, but him? Not his favourite. Not at all. Not being able to escape his sexual partner was not a turn on for the thief, though he understood some people enjoyed that. Some people also enjoyed getting surgeries until their faces fell, off, too. Besides, Nathan had made very clear that he was not interested at the moment, had reacted violently more than once to insinuations that he might be interested.Something had changed.Nathan ??s fingers hurt, digging into the corner of his jaw like that there would be bruises tomorrow or maybe even later tonight. But he saw something in the man ??s eyes, something hungry, something that promised at a way out. And not in a GeneCo issued body bag. As he had done before, when Nathan showed that fear of touch, he leaped, reaching for that one lever. ??You could, ? he agreed lowly, a lazy smirk on his stained lips. He watched the older man like a hawk, though. Or, rather, like a fox, slyly biding his time until he could escape, perhaps with even more than he came in with. ??But certainly you can think of much more creative things, Nathan. ? More and more, Nathan realized how painfully long it had been since he had allowed himself contact with another human being in a way that wasn't platonic or work related. Graverobber, though crass, had been the first time he had allowed it to happen in nearly two decades though, it was ultimately Repo's doing, rather than Nathan's. Before, the thought of even touching someone else had left Nathan with an overwhelming guilt, after what he had done did he deserve it? He had told himself he just wasn't allowed, he couldn't touch someone else, wasn't allowed to enjoy it because he was a monster, and monsters weren't supposed to enjoy other people. He had condemned himself, a self exile from all of the touch and sensation and feelings of not being alone, because it felt like he was somehow betraying his long dead wife, and for the first few years, the idea had never even crossed his mind, he had been too busy caring for Shilo to think about anything else. But as time went on, the thought had occasionally entered his head, and he'd hated himself for it every time he thought about love or sex or touch or just not sleeping alone in a bed at night. He'd managed to push those thoughts away for so many years, to the point where sex and touch had become strange, foreign things to him, and Graverobber's touches and teasing had woken up things in him that he thought he had buried.But no, there it was, instinct rising inside of him, awoken in a way that was painful to think about, and Graverobber was laying there with that idiotic, lazy smile, and Nathan knew he was being used, knew that his sadness and loneliness and his fear of touch had merely been a source of amusement, a curiosity for Graverobber over the past few weeks. He had been an experiment for the other man, and the scavenger had ensured he dug his fingers into every open wound Nathan had so right then, Nathan was taken by a thought that came to him in Repo's hissing tone.So what if he used Graverobber a little too?The kiss wasn't gentle it was hard and wanton, enough pressure that it was sure to bruise the other man's lips. Graverobber knew he had Nathan before the even Nathan did. He could see it in the eyes, the way they turned inward as if searching, listening to some little voice inside.Maybe several.It was sick, but he enjoyed probing all those little festering wounds in the man ??s soul. He ??d seen them a hundred times before, but the sheer depth and age of Nathan ??s made them almost novel again. Unlike the Largo patron, Graverobber had no desire to cause more of them: he simply wanted to touch them, like he wanted to touch everything else, to examine them, to judge them.And maybe he also wanted sex with such a long term celibate widower. He found it thrilling, like making a priest break his vows. Not that he had met many priests he ??d like to fuck: the few good ones he ??d seen were ancient wrecks that came around Ray ??s for hushed conversations and last rights. Nathan, however, was in good shape physically, at least, Graverobber had been poking around the man often enough now that he was quite sure he couldn ??t say the same for his mental health.If he could change one thing, though, it would be to get rid of that damned cord. Graverobber bit Nathan ??s bottom lip with enough force to break skin, then growled, ??Untie me. ? The kiss was forceful, but it was clear enough that Nathan was nowhere near as aggressive as he could have been, some aspect of him still holding back, still telling him to maintain some semblance of control over himself and he did a decent job of it, up until the point he felt teeth, and Graverobber bit his bottom lip. Nathan let out a small gasp, though it was unclear what sensation he was feeling right then, because then blood was flowing between their mouths, hot and with the lingering metallic tasted, and it stirred the side of him that he'd been holding down. The very tip of his tongue ran along Graverobber's lower lip, collecting some of his own blood, and then his mouth moved down the other man's chin, then his throat.Nathan's voice came out low and gravelly, and it was difficult to tell if it was really Nathan anymore,"No." he replied simply, and bit down on the spot above Graverobber's pulse. So it was teeth that did it to Nathan. Or maybe , blood. Graverobber sucked on his own bruised lips, tasting blood. Nathan ??s. Nathan hadn't kissed him hard enough to do more than bruise . He closed his eyes as the man kissed down his throat. No, not kissed, not quite. More like that giant beast nuzzling him, and Graverobber barred his skin easily, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed.It was an extremely vulnerable position.If his hands weren ??t tied, he told himself, and if Repo weren ??t so close to gutting him , he wouldn ??t engage in such obviously submissive body language. The thief sucked in a deep breath, arching his body up as pain mixed with pleasure. ??Then don ??t be so soft, ? he spat out, bringing one elbow down in an attempt to strike whatever part of that grey haired head was close enough. If Nathan wasn ??t leaning over him like that, he might have tried to kick him. Nathan had been concentrating on the movements of the other man, the way his chest rose and fell, the way his throat muscles shifted when he breathed or swallowed or flinched he listened to the breath moving in and out, and felt the shudders running through Graverobber. He had been so focused that he almost missed it when Graverobber tried to hit him, but one hand shot up and grabbed hold of the man's elbow and he wrenched it up and over, to the point where it became a silent threat to tear the shoulder out of the joint.His other hand crept into Graverobber's hair, and his fingers found the freshly bruised, swollen part of the man's head where the firepoker had hit him, and he wrenched hard on the roots of the hair in that spot, forcing the other man to tilt his head back further, and he bit down on the soft underside of Graverobber's jaw, enough that the skin made a disturbing noise as blood vessels broke beneath. For an instant, he wondered how much force it would take to tear the skin right off the bone with his bare teeth, how much pressure it would take to get to a major artery, what sound it would make when he bit down on it.He swept the thoughts away and he raked his fingers down Graverobber's side, over his ribs and down to his hip, his hand stopping and grasping at the hipbone. Graverobber hissed, body jerking with the sudden pain of that grip. Nathan ??s nails dug into his skin even through the thin shirt. There would be five little bruises there in the morning, ugly, purple things that he could already see in his mind. And if he moved too much now, he ??d get his shoulder dislocated. The pain made it hard to breathe, the whole muscle quivering as his arm protested against the abuse.It burned.It was perfect.He groaned as he was jerked back by his hair, the pain bringing tears to his eyes as Nathan devoured his throat. There was something very, very arousing about the mild mannered father with the bleach fetish losing himself like this, the previously tamed hair starting to muss from where he ??d hit Graverobber ??s chin or jaw. His breath was shallow against his abused throat, nearly painful from his treatment. ??Much better, ? he wheezed, letting one foot drop off the couch. He wanted more touch than just the man leaning over him. ??Get on the couch. ? Graverobber was still trying to keep some control of the situation, trying not to lose in this odd dominance battle. Or perhaps he was trying to lose faster he wasn ??t quite sure. As much as Graverobber wasn't in any position to make demands, and Nathan was in no mood to obey them, he found that he couldn't argue with it right then the idea of more contact, more touch, the feeling of another body close to his own was a tempting one. Nathan managed to keep one hand on Graverobber's arm, still levelling the elbow up as punishment for trying to strike him, and he moved in a fluid, graceful motion that brought him into a position straddling the other man's hips.In most situations, this would have been a strictly erotic position to be in, but given that this was a position he frequented while slicing into bodies and wrenching out organs, it was difficult to think of it in a strictly sexual sense. Even as he leaned in to continue what he had been doing, he found himself thinking about blood, but it may have been because he was continuing to taste it on his own lip, his senses so keen when it came to gore that he could even smell it.His hand slipped out of the mass of knotted, rainbow hair and moved beneath Graverobber's shirt, fingers digging against his ribcage, his mouth working at a spot of skin just below the collarbone, right where he could see a thin pattern of veins that he could torture. Dark eyes watched Nathan appreciatively, taking in the line of his leg as he swung it over. There was a moment when he could see the other man fully: grey, tired face highlighted with color, his eyes shining with some sort of manic hunger, and those stern lips bruised and split. Graverobber licked his lips again, disappointed that he no longer tasted blood.Wherever Nathan ??s hands went, warmth followed. He cried out softly when fingers nicked his rib cage, pressing muscle and skin to bone in a way that made him twitch up, trying to press against the body above him. God, he wanted his hands. He wanted to give Nathan a good fight, to yank that hair with just as much force and attempt to wrestle him to the ground. So he could be the one on his back, the one with his arms forced above his head. ??Untie me, ? he breathed, trying for his most innocent voice. ??So I can touch you. ? Graverobber rolled his hips and folded a leg, pressing his thigh between Nathan ??s legs. That obsessively clean hand was near his head, holding his arm tight, and he couldn ??t help but turn his head to press a sloppy kiss to the wrist. Nathan's eyes were glittering with the same bizarre cruelty they had held in the alleyway a few weeks ago, but this time there was enough light that his eyes no longer looked like empty wells as they had then they were sharp and bright, lively in a way that seemed to go against both aspects of his personality.He felt a thigh, muscled and strong, push between his own legs, pressing up against him he felt warm lips kiss against the tender inside of his wrist, even as he held Graverobber's arm in that same, painful position, and he heard the man's suddenly more gentle plea, and he was struck by the strangeness of hearing the scavenger trying to use that tone of voice on him.He began to push Graverobber's shirt up and out of the way, moving the hem until the man's stomach and part of his ribs were visible, and he moved one hand over the bared flesh, fingers splaying out, palm sliding along in a way that was strangely gentle, but it was followed by the fingers raking back down again, blunt nails against sensitive skin."No," Nathan repeated, shifting his hand slid down between the other man's legs, giving him a rough squeeze while his mouth found the dips and arches of Graverobber's ribs and he marked him there with his teeth, leaving a nasty welt right below his right ribcage. God, he wished he knew what Nathan was thinking. His body was obviously masculine no one was going to mistake him for a woman unless they were terribly drunk and used to hairy women. Nathan was neither of those and previously completely straight. Graverobber stretched up, groaning as those nails scraped down his skin, and pressed that thigh up again.No mistaking it, he was enjoying himself: Graverobber could feel evidence of that hot against his thigh even through the Repo Man's scrub like slacks. In response to the squeeze, he jerked up some, putting almost painful pressure on Nathan ??s groin. ??Surely you ??re not going to do all the work, ? he managed through gritted teeth, Nathan having found a particularly sensitive patch of skin right below old surgery scars, ones pulled tight. Obviously, he had received them before he had stopped growing. ??You let me up, ? he whispered. ??I ??ll suck you off. ? Bartering, always bartering. Once upon a time, Nathan had been a gentle lover he had been so exceedingly careful with Marni that she had in fact needed to urge him, to assure him she wouldn't break if he was just a little rougher with her, if he was a little less thoughtful, if for a little while he would allow himself to enjoy his own pleasure and letting go of control had been difficult for him. Some aspects of that showed through, but there was nothing gentle or caring about what they were doing, this was need and lust and anger and frustration, all coming out at once.He had never been with a man, had never before considered it until a few weeks ago, but at some point lines had begun to blur for him, and the boundaries of gender somehow seemed irrelevant because this crass scavenger was driving him up the wall, torturing him, infiltrating his job, his life setting his nerve endings on fire. Nathan didn't know if he wanted to kill him or fuck him, and Repo told him to do both, his conscience told him to do neither, and his immediate thoughts told him to find a nice middle ground.A quiet noise escaped him when the thigh pressed harder against his growing erection, and Nathan's hand gave Graverobber a few firm strokes through the material of his trousers. He ran the tip of his tongue over one of the scars he encountered, and he tried to ignore the shuddering heat up his spine, caused by Graverobber's words,"No you won't," Nathan said roughly, "Because you're staying just like that." He hissed, fingers tightening and relaxing uselessly above his head. God damn Nathan for wanting complete control even during sex. Graverobber should have expected this, but then, no scenario he had imagined involved extension cords. Roughhousing, yes. Blood, probably. But starting off with his hands above his head?Damned kid. And damned Nathan. All he could do was tremble, muscles quivering under Nathan ??s tongue, making more noise than he wanted when a hand squeezed him through his pants. ??Fuck, ? he breathed, sliding his upper leg in an attempt to make Repo repeat that soft sound from earlier, that very human slip of control. ??Next time, ? he promised, flinching away from the over sensitivity brought on by Nathan ??s mouth. Seventeen years, and the man still knew how to use his tongue. ??I ??m going to have you on your back with your hands over your head. ? Assuming there would be a next time. Though he had a very good feeling that this would continue. A low laugh escaped Nathan at the sound of Graverobber's soft hisses and groans, and the promise he made Nathan's eyes flicked towards the other man, and though he said nothing, there was a self assuredness on his face and Repo was grinning at the thought that someone might try to subdue him. It seemed ridiculous, no one had managed it before.And Nathan, meanwhile, simply put forward the doubt this would happen again but then, he'd told himself before that he wouldn't allow himself to do this with Graverobber again, that the first time was the last time, but he had never expected this to happen. Repo was urging him to continue, urging him to do things to Graverobber that he couldn't remember learning, and he was fighting between minds, one that told him he needed this, the other that told him this was a bad idea.He tried to lift his hips away, but he felt Graverobber's thigh move against him again anyways, and a soft groan escaped him and he busied himself with the other man's torso to try and muffle the sound.He should stop.His teeth found the sensitive pink of one of Graverobber's nipples, tugging roughly while he pulled down the zipper on Graverobber's trousers.He should really quit while he was ahead.His hand slipped inside, his fingers grasping the other man.This was a terrible thing to do. His attempt at dampening the sound didn ??t work, if the soft, breathy chuckle from Graverobber was any indication. Conservative, no nonsense Nathan the Sexual Exile was currently hardening against his thigh.It was a good feeling.Even better was the teeth worrying his nipple, making him twist in an attempt to either get away or get closer, he wasn ??t quite sure. His mouth was more painful than pleasurable, but the scavenger ??s sick mind wasn ??t able to differentiate between the two at the moment, not when Nathan ??s hands, rough from too much obsessive washing, were down his pants. Graverobber made a strangled sort of noise, hips bucking into those abrasive fingers.This was further than Repo had gone last time: about now, the night surgeon had pulled away and smacked him. ??Get up here, ? Graverobber hissed, tucking his chin against his chest so he could watch Nathan. Nathan felt the other man shuddering and twisting beneath him, and if it weren't for the noises escaping him, it would have been difficult to tell if Graverobber was enjoying himself or not well, that and the hard length he currently had his hand on. Despite the clean cut, smooth appearance of Nathan Wallace, his hands were rough from his work, palms and fingers calloused and rough from the years of handling weapons, favouring the right hand for manipulating knives.He tortured the sensitive flesh with his teeth, stopping short of doing any actual damage, and shifted to the other one, his tongue circling it, followed by the same torment.The light hit Nathan's glasses when he glanced up at Graverobber, reflecting off them and nearly obscuring his eyes with the harsh slants of light and shadow, and it was difficult to tell who was at the wheel now his actions indicated Repo, but the subdued expressions, the controlled and fluid movements, told of the mild mannered doctor. He moved back a little, just enough that he could fully look Graverobber in the face, and while keeping eye contact, he used one hand to shove the man's hips down against the couch and prevent him bucking, and the other to stroke him roughly a few times, ignoring the other man's demand.And there was a smile, just the smallest tug at the corners of his mouth. Nathan Wallace had too much control. Where the light hid his eyes and his expression was that same, subtle shift in muscles, Graverobber was exposed. The make up he wore accentuated every movement so even the most understated of twitches were magnified.The bastard was even holding his hips down now, forcing him to be still as those dry hands wrung out even more noises from him: obnoxiously breathy, low things that Graverobber didn ??t want to think were coming from his own throat. Eye contact was too much. At this angle, the glasses did nothing to hide Repo ??s steady, lopsided hazel gaze, and Graverobber couldn ??t stand being observed like that, pinned like a bug to a board by a man who had his dick in his hand.Someone needed to tell Nathan sex wasn ??t something that should be controlled.Graverobber smiled slowly and kept his leg moving lazily, trying to shatter that control. He was doing a good job up till now as far as he was concerned. ??I could do better with my hands, ? he murmured. "Wouldn't you prefer that, Nathan?" There was something incredibly arousing about the sound of Graverobber's moans, the way his breathing had gone ragged, even the sturdy and solid feeling of his torso undeniably male, but so gloriously human and warm and alive. He leaned in close, his mouth at Graverobber's ear he could practically feel the blood thrumming through Graverobber's veins, and it was nice to be overseeing a body that wasn't opened or in bits and pieces.One he didn't have to tear apart.One that wasn't struggling.Though, there was a small amount of protesting from Graverobber, mostly concerning the fact he was unable to move his hands, but as far as Nathan was concerned, he was just being careful. Besides, he wasn't sure he could stand hands on him right then he wasn't sure how Repo would take it, or how he would take it just the thigh insinuating itself between his legs seemed like too much contact.He moved close, his voice in Graverobber's ear,"Why did you come here?" he repeated, and stroked him roughly, just once. Now this was better. Nathan ??s breath in his ear was uneven, so subtly laboured that he could only hear it now with his lips rightthere. Damned son of a bitch was wasting too much focus on keeping himself in check. Next time, he told himself, it would be different.Graverobber growled when he tried to buck up into that hand and found his hips still forced down into the sofa. For such a small, unassuming guy, Nathan had an annoying amount of strength. Instead of answering immediately, he turned his head, teeth finding an earlobe to worry. Repo may try to control this whole meeting, but Graverobber was going to make him work for it. ??It was a job. ? The thief managed to raise himself some on his hands, though it killed his wrists in this position. ??Someone paid me to steal something from your bedroom. Something obvious, they said. To weird you out, I figured, ? he lied smoothly, not wanting to give up that little morsel of information before he had to, though Repo could probablysmelllies, the creep. He stretched out and pressed his mouth against Nathan ??s neck, feeling the pulse under his lips. He could feel the scavenger's muscles twitching, his body straining at the teasing touches, trying to get more, only to have Nathan draw his hand further away to prevent the other man from succeeding in his endeavor no, he couldn't have Graverobber thinking he had any power in this. He kept his hips pinned firmly down, using the bizarre excess of strength he had.He felt teeth on his ear and Nathan let his eyes close for just a moment, another of those small, breathy sounds escaping him when lips found his throat, and his fingers gave Graverobber a small squeeze,"You're lying to me," he said, and his voice was a low hiss, not quite the good doctor, not quite the evil surgeon, but somewhere in between, a threat that he could turn into either. Graverobber thought, just for a moment, that he might have fooled Nathan, that the question would be dropped and they could get on with whatever it was they were doing. No such luck. His groan was somewhere between frustration and ? well, frustration of a different sort as Nathan ??s hand stayed on his cock, but only just.This was worse than the hose.That voice shouldn ??t spark warmth in anyone ??s stomach, but it did for Graverobber. He chuckled, pleased to have been caught even as he hardened under Nathan ??s fingers. No, that couldn ??t be a healthy response to that voice. ??I am, ? he whispered to his own Dr. Jekyll, dark lips moving against his ear as he spoke. ??Want me to try a little harder for the second one? ? Graverobber taunted in a deep, almost familiar tone. The laughter emanating from Graverobber was surprisingly warm, and it sent a similar warmth through Nathan, one that moved down his spine and settled in an area that he was only now realizing was currently intensely uncomfortable due to constriction. Ignoring it wasn't as easy as he had hoped, given that after seventeen years of ignoring that particular urge, his sex drive was moderately pissed off with him and urging him to get on with it.But if Nathan was anything, he was determined even though Repo was frustrated, he was managing to satisfy his darker side by putting Graverobber through much greater torture. The groans and shudders escaping the other man only lended to the satisfaction, though Nathan had to admit, it wasn't just the night surgeon who was investing some amount of interest in those noises.He could actually feel Graverobber's physical response, he could feel him growing harder, and the man's lips on his ear was too pleasant. He turned his head, and their lips brushed for an instant,"I wish you would, I'd just hate to have to leave you here for lying to me." he replied, and his thumb circled around the tip of Graverobber's cock, and he added in a low whisper, "Marcus." Graverobber would have been intensely glad to know he was entertaining both sides of Nathan ??s personality, though he was at least somewhat aware of that fact. After all, previously heterosexual men did not rub themselves against a man ??s leg while kissing him if they didn ??t at least enjoy it. Even with Repo around, but he was learning how to tell the difference between the two now.This was still Nathan. Sort of. Just a Nathan in very close council with his dark side. The fleeting touch of lips was proof of that: Repo had never showed an interest in kissing and Graverobber would have never thought to do such with him. Seemed like a good way to get one ??s tongue bit off.He fought down the urge to question Nathan ??s self control, if the man could really just leave him. After seventeen years of just leaving sex, that cockiness would just get him a thin, grim smile and probably another hosing down before being thrown out again. Not the night he wanted to have. ??Mm, ? he hummed as he felt a rough thumb against the sensitive head. ??Whoever it was. ? Graverobber mouthed at Nathan ??s jaw, that same teasing quality to his voice. ??Had access to your key, your schedule, and an awful lot of script. I wonder who that could be? ? Quickly, before Nathan had a chance to pull away or hit him, he nipped at the other man ??s neck, right below the line of his jaw and with enough strength to bruise. With no women in the house other than a very sick child, Graverobber was sure there ??d be no cover up in any of the bathroom drawers to hide what would become a rather visible mark. Nathan could feel traces of Graverobber's waxy black lipstick, some of it on his neck, some of it on his own lips from the brief touch, and the smell of the other man the smell of the streets, and sweat, had somehow become less atrocious to him, and more familiar, somehow comforting. This was, perhaps, due to the fact Nathan's socialization was severely limited most of the people he met in his line of work, he only got to know for a very brief period of time, there was no chance to really appreciate the nuances of another human while one was tearing them apart well, aside from the internal features.And the way they screamed when he sometimes twisted the knife for fun.Repo chuckled.It was Rotti then he had been aware the other man was harbouring some malcontent after what he'd been put through over the last few weeks, the gruelling and endless pile of patients, including the one behemoth that he wasn't sure he was supposed to have survived. While Graverobber said that he had been sent to take just anything, Nathan didn't buy it Rotti was after something, but it would have to be significant, and as far as Nathan was concerned, only his daughter was important.Well, that and the thought was snagged, derailed when Graverobber bit down on the soft skin of his throat, and a gasp escaped Nathan at the sudden sear of pain and pleasure. He had to struggle for a moment, getting his composure back once Graverobber had let go, and slowly, he sat back.There wasn't anything of significance in the house, no items that Rotti couldn't get anywhere else, no GeneCo files, nothing that could hurt the Largo family in any way all of that knowledge was in Nathan's head so it only left one possibility within the Wallace home, and especially considering it was Graverobber who had been sent Nathan stared at Graverobber, and his expression right then was difficult to discern, though it was likely a struggle between lust and anger. It was the little moments where Nathan Wallace lost his steely cool that made his stupidity worth it. If only he wasn ??t so close, Graverobber could see that quick struggle on the other man ??s face as he pulled himself back together. And it wasn ??t like there was anything he could do to scavenge the evening: Nathan had a good head on his shoulders and this wasn ??t the most difficult of problems. Rotti hated him, the good doctor had an unhealthy attachment to his late wife ??s corpse, and Graverobber was Graverobber. He might as well have given him ??2 2 ?? to compute.Now to keep him from killing the messenger.Probably best if he didn ??t find his tools. Graverobber couldn ??t play innocence he obviously hadn ??t come to warn the man, or he would have waited till he was at home. But he doubted that Nathan would find comfort in the fact that the dealer had been perfectly willing to treat his wife ??s body like any other he ??d come across. ??He must be paying close attention to you, ? Graverobber said, watching that bespectled face closely. Anger was winning, and he needed to direct it elsewhere. ??His flunkie mentioned that we ??d had prior interactions. ? Nathan knew there was no point in protesting, he knew that trying to argue morals and ethics would be useless, that there was nothing he could possibly say to Graverobber to make the scavenger consider that this was a poor path he had chosen, because ultimately it would become a debate about hypocrisy and Nathan just wasn't in the mood. Instead of using words as Nathan was wont to do, he conveyed his displeasure by remaining completely silent, removing his glasses, folding them, and setting them aside.Unconscious of doing so, he ran a hand back through his hair, pushing it away from his face, and suddenly his features looked much more severe.He didn't make eye contact with Graverobber at that point, suddenly it was as if the other man had become invisible, and he began to dig through his pockets, first pulling out the small case that he had been carrying around. Opening it, Nathan discovered a Zydrate gun and several empty glass vials he set the case off to the side and quietly continued his search. Ah, there was the change, the topple over to Repo. The man ??s motions became more forceful, more confidant as he started to go through Graverobber ??s pockets as though he were a bag or a jacket left on a chair, not a human being he was straddling. The same one he ??d just been giving the world ??s most frustrating hand job to, who had put the second bruise that was forming on his neck.Even his face was different, more pronounced, almost younger looking. Graverobber sighed and sat back, letting Repo search him. He lounged there, make up smeared and shirt pushed up crookedly, nearly to his chin, and watched. Repo pulled out his tools first, the glass and metal shining under the warm lamplight. It would be a pain to replace them, if he got the chance to, because next was the stolen medication, lovely and blue in its own little glass vial. ??Well, you ??ve caught me, you ??ve shagged me for proper punishment, and everything ??s back in its rightful place. Care to let me up, now? ? Next, he removed the vial of medication from Graverobber's pockets, and he instantly recognized it it was, after all, his own creation. It was the medication he had been giving to Shilo for seventeen years, the tiny blue pills that he had posed as being the one thing that would hold off the symptoms of a genetically inherited blood disease. He had told her for years that, once he found a cure, she could stop taking them but until then, she was stuck there.It was for many reasons one of them was Nathan's other guilty secret, the simple fact that he couldn't stand the idea of her leaving him. He'd already lost Marni, he couldn't lose his baby girl too.And the second reason was the outside world. It was a horrible place, and exposing her to the terrors of the world outside didn't sit well with him, she would never be safe out there, someone would hurt her, someone would injure her or break her heart or drug her or make her sick. He could deal with the guilt of poisoning her in those tiny doses, just enough to keep her there, because letting her go meant letting her face the unknown at least these pills ensured predictable results.Well, for someone who had been taking them for a while anyways after all, the human body was a remarkable thing, and it was capable of eventually adjusting to small amounts of poison, though the body wasn't as capable of being energized as it would be without the poison it was why Shilo was often too tired. Though lately, she'd seemed stronger.His eyes shifted away from the pills and down to Graverobber as though the man's voice had just reminded Nathan of his presence. Eyes still on the scavenger, he removed the top from the pills and tapped several into his palm they had been created with Shilo in mind, calculated for her weight and height and age with exacting precision one pill was enough for her to be weak."No," Repo said, and his mouth twisted into something that was likely meant to be a smile, "I'm not done fucking you yet."Five would do.He grasped Graverobber's head then, his fingers jamming into the hinges between his upper and lower jaw, forcing his mouth open, and he clapped his hand over the man's mouth, forcing the pills in. Not good.Graverobber ??s eyes narrowed as Repo opened the medicine and emptied a few into his hand. They were tiny things, but he ??d learned a sort of dislike for blue. And that expression did little to ease his fears: for all he knew, he ??d discovered Nathan ??s secret stash of rat poison.He wanted to point out that fucking was not something one did with pills in their hand, that Repo probably wouldn ??t be able to do such in their state of dress, but opening his mouth was a horrible, horrible idea. Repo made that choice for him, though, cruel fingers digging into his joints savagely. The thief had started to struggle, but there was little he could do tied up and those fingers weren ??t close enough to bite. Soon, there were five little bitter pinpricks on his tongue. Acidic things that dissolved in his saliva and, had that hand not been there, forcing him back so he had to swallow, he would have spat them out.Dissolving that quick meant they would be in his blood just as fast, and vomiting wouldn ??t work. Whatever Repo had forced down his throat was stuck in him until his body managed to force it out in other ways.Or simply lost.Graverobber stilled against Repo ??s palm, breath harsh above his hand. Smirking, he ran the tip of his tongue against the other ??s palm, already feeling somethingnastyin his blood. Repo watched impassively as Graverobber twitched and struggled, and he simply held his hand over the other man's mouth it wouldn't take long, the pills didn't even need to be swallowed, though it was ultimately better to mix it with the harshness of stomach acid than with saliva. He kept his hand there, counting down in his head he knew the moment the thin outside would have dissolved, and he kept his hand there so the remaining mix of poison and saliva would have time to work its way in.Given how many he'd fed to Graverobber, it would take a matter of minutes for the other man to begin feeling it, and another few after that for the side effects to really hit him. Naturally, he hadn't given enough to cause any organ failure, but he had ensured there was enough poison in the other man's veins to make him regret taking the job and, perhaps, to make him reconsider it the next time Rotti Largo tried to hire him.Of course, Graverobber didn't seem to learn lessons easily.He crooked an eyebrow when he felt the other man's tongue run against his palm, and Repo's eyes went half lidded like a cat's would he was still effected by their earlier activities but no, this would be a poor time.Finally, he removed his hand from Graverobber's mouth and sat back, considering the other man for a moment. He had two options he could toss the other man out into the cemetary and let him try his luck at find his way to somewhere safe before he started retching, or he could keep him here. The former was ultimately a more cruel option, which Repo heartily endorsed, but at the same time, even the monster questioned the results given the time frame, would Graverobber actually be able to get away, should GENcops discover him? After all, while Repo was a bloodthirsty monster, it wasn't often he found someone quite as compelling as Graverobber.What would be the fun of letting him die by someone else's hand, especially something as simple as being riddled with bullets.And besides that, Nathan protested the idea.He reached up and began to untie Graverobber's hands then, making a point of taking his time. By the time Repo had begun untying his daughter ??s knots, Graverobber was already tense, body starting to shiver. There was a slow ache spreading through him, crawling from his veins and down into his bones. When his hands were finally free, that same ache had clawed its way up to his skin and he was honestly shivering.He grit his teeth to keep them from chattering, and suddenly Repo ??s weight on him was painful, putting extra stress on his diseased form.Never anger a doctor, he told himself, sitting up. He wavered then, movements clumsy and unsure as he straightened his hair, wiped his face,fidgeted. ??What did you give me, you bastard? ? he asked through clenched teeth, form trembling.The medicine ??s effects were something like coming down with a flu on fast forward. Every joint throbbed with pain, letting him know that, yes, his whole body was affected. Somehow, even his hair felt like it hurt. Graverobber leaned against the back of the couch, trying to take a few calming breaths. His lungs didn ??t want to fill, not when every expansion of his chest pulled muscles tight and made him groan in pain. The scavenger tried curling in on himself for warmth knowing he couldn't rely on Repo to get him a blanket or his coat. Repo's head was cocked to the side, almost bird like, as he watched his prey squirm in misery yes, the poison was working quickly, and he knew that in short order, Graverobber would be violently ill. For most, the colour would drain from their face, but given the foundation and dark lipstick the scavenger wore, it was difficult to assess but then he began to quake, the chill setting in as his body was shocked by the poison and began to try and fight it off.He ran his tongue over his lips and then stood it was bizarre to see Repo's expression accompanied by the neat, tailored clothing of Nathan Wallace, and he crossed his arms over his chest, surveying the damage as Graverobber began to curl in on himself, at once trying to stay warm and trying to alleviate the pain that was undoubtedly wracking his body."The first hit is free." Repo cackled. Graverobber rolled his eyes as he tucked his legs in close to his chest and attempted to burrow into the sofa ??s cushions. ??Clever, ? he said, deep voice muffled by the fabric and his inability to properly control his jaw. ??Good delivery, b but don ??t laugh at your lines. ? He gasped as a particularly violent shudder ripped through his body and curled in to himself in a position that might have been described as ??foetal ?? if it wasn ??t Graverobber.For him, it was justmostlyfoetal.He felt his stomach begin to churn: warm, sour acid forcing itself up his throat, and he groaned. ??Tell Nathan, ? he said miserably, smearing white onto the couch as he hid his face in an attempt to fight his chills. ??That I am going to vomit on his sofa soon. ? Another shiver. God damn the man. All he had done was come into his house with the intention to steal a corpse. This was completely out of proportion. Repo continued to watch in fact, that side of him probably could have been pleased to watch Graverobber suffer all night after all, he didn't owe the scavenger anything, the man had stalked him, molested him, attacked him, broken into his home, scared Shilo, and accepted payment to steal Marni's body.He owed Graverobber nothing, but it was the thought of Marni that brought Nathan to the foreground, forced Repo back into his cage as much of a pain Graverobber had been, he didn't want the man to die, and despite his years of doing indescribably horrific things, Nathan managed to still have some miniscule amount of sympathy inside of him. As he looked down at Graverobber, he felt vaguely ill from what he'd done he knew how the poison felt, he knew the kind of pain the man was in, and that the suffering would worsen before it got better. It couldn't be helped now, Graverobber would simply have to go through the process of getting it out of his system.Nathan wordlessly put one of Graverobber's arms around his shoulders and forced the man up onto his feet, walking him to the bathroom, where he was bound to spend a decent period of time with his head over the toilet. Nathan was warm, much warmer than he felt, at least. Graverobber leaned against the doctor without any sort of hesitation, amused to note a second change. This was Nathan again, leading him to the bathroom so he could vomit up everything in a vain attempt to purge the poison from his system. For some reason, his body refused to listen to the knowledge that retching was useless, so he spent the next joyous minutes or hours emptying the contents of his stomach into Wallace ??s immaculately clean toilet bowl.Once there was simply nothing left, he leaned back against the wall, eyes closed. His muscles still clenched, but he didn ??t even have bile left. An image of a be smocked Nathan coming through in all his GeneCo issued glove, apron, and boot glory with a bright pink toilet bowl brush came unbidden to the front of his mind, and he snickered, then cringed. Bad idea. Everything still hurt, and it set off the shivering again. He got to his feet shakily to wash his face off and his mouth out, then reached for one of Nathan ??s perfectly matching and perfectly folded towels.He ??d leave it on the floor to make him feel better. Nathan waited outside the door while Graverobber remained half curled with his face stuck in the toilet bowl for nearing on an hour, his body rejecting everything he had eaten that day, and when the contents of his stomach were emptied, Graverobber had continued retching for some time after, to the point where it was just pure stomach acid, and then nothing.He waited until the other man stopped making the horrible noises, and then appeared in the bathroom, holding out a large glass of whole milk for him it was a bizarre thing, the sight of the GeneCo employee the man who had strangled Graverobber, who had left him half naked in an alley, and who had just recently poisoned him offering out a wholesome drink to quell the unfortunate side effects of the very poison he had given to Graverobber.He had long ago learned that milk helped Shilo when her stomach was upset from her medication the thickness of it helped to cut some of the sourness, and while it wouldn't taste very good to Graverobber right then, the look on Nathan's face made it clear that the scavenger was going to drink it one way or another. Graverobber made a face at the milk, then turned and washed his mouth out again. Nathan had that look on his face, the one that meant he wouldn't leave until his ??patient ?? complied. The man must be the most obnoxious father, he thought as he accepted the milk. Compared to the stomach acid, it was significantly less acidic, though still left a bad taste in his mouth.Without the cosmetics, he was back to the human, almost lively looking young man, not the character he played. He took another gulp, then started. This wasn ??t the water and powder stuff most people passed off as milk: it was honestly milk. God, he ??d probably be sick, his body not knowing what to do with something that wasn ??t first stripped off all water and boxed. Graverobber finished the glass in a few more shuddering swallows, his stomach protesting being filled again after so recently being forcibly emptied. It did feel good on his throat, he thought as he wiped his mouth off on the back of an already stained sleeve and passed the glass back to Nathan. ??Do I also get a story? ? he asked weakly. He was still obviously cold, though now that he wasn't vomiting, he tried to hide it. Nathan waited patiently while Graverobber swallowed down the milk in a few unsteady gulps, observing the surprise as it registered on his face real milk wasn't something people were used to, like most of the whole, organic products, it had become a thing that was only affordable to the well off, and with Shilo to take care of, Nathan settled for nothing less than the very best. He wouldn't feed his child the processed, empty things he intended on keeping her healthy, especially while he was poisoning her.And though he had also poisoned Graverobber, the fathering and doctorly side of him had taken over and decided that he was going to ensure that while Graverobber suffered for what he had done, he wouldn't do any further damage to the man that night. After all, tossing him out on the street without any monitoring might mean that actual, permanent damage could be done as a result of the poisoning, and Nathan could see a distant string of events as Graverobber would ultimately require an organ transplant from GeneCo, wouldn't be able to pay, and he would have to come and repo whatever bit of him had been replaced.And the idea wasn't one that even Repo relished."I can tell you a fantastic one about a drug dealer who died as a result of his own stupidity," Nathan replied, a little too brightly, and then took Graverobber by the arm, and led him up the stairs. Graverobber snorted. ??I ??ve heard a few like that. You tell surprisingly similar stories to someone else I know. ? The milk left an odd film in his mouth, something he couldn ??t remember feeling from the reconstituted stuff he ??d had before. He followed warily, though this wasn ??t downstairs into the basement or towards the door. Oh, Nathan could probably push him out a window, but that might wake his darling daughter.As soon as they were upstairs, he showed a little more interest in their surroundings. He hadn ??t been allowed up here last time what with having a rather insistent Nathan in between him and the upper floor. Here it was just as subtly well decorated as the rest of the place, though it looked perhaps just the tinniest bit more lived in. Still smelled of cleaner, though. ??And here I thought you slept downstairs in your basement, ? Graverobber murmured, voice low. The kid would be up here, sleeping or listening in. "I don't like the cold as much as you do," Nathan replied, a clear reference to their last meeting, during which Graverobber had been repeatedly doused in water in the confines of the sub zero room no, Nathan's room was upstairs, a large, warm area with a bed that was far too large for one person to sleep in. For the first few years, it had served as a reminder of the woman who had left him behind, who had dissappeared from his life and left an empty spot in his heart and then as time went on, it became a reminder of what he was, so that every time he fell into the empty bed and rolled over to find no one else there, he would remember that he didn't deserve to.Some mornings, though rare now, he still thought he would wake up and find Marni there, smiling at him, touching his face, pulling him to her and laughing when he rubbed the stubble on his chin against her neck to tickle her. The empty body that was kept in the house was just the shell of his wife, so cold and white that it never quite looked like her, but it kept his guilt constantly in his mind. But his memory of the subtleties of her had never faded, the dimples on her cheeks, the curls in her hair, the freckle on her abdomen. The smell of her soap and flowers, perfume and red wine, her slow and sure smile and the way she told him she loved him even when he was being self conscious and nerdy.The way the sun lit her eyes.So it was a step for Nathan, and a painful one, to open the bedroom door and allow Graverobber in, though he was sure the scavenger would have no idea of the significance Nathan told himself it was because Marni would never approve of tossing a sick man out on the street. Graverobber would sleep in the bed Nathan made that clear enough by shoving back the sheets and pointing, silently informing the other man to get in."If anything goes missing, I have more of those pills." he added drily. Graverobber managed to look hurt before he bent down and started undoing his boots. Nathan ??s bed was huge, like the rest of the house, and just as empty. He prayed to God and St. Sebastion that Nathan didn ??t drag the body up here some nights. He might have asked, but, then, he really didn ??t want to know. ??I don ??t get my own bag to sleep in? ? he asked just as dryly. Graverobber didn ??t really believe that Nathan was letting him into the bed without dousing him down with water and bleach first. The bed didn ??t creak under his weight when he sat down like the old, rickety thing in his flat did what with the frame being older than him and the mattress a few years younger.It was much softer, too, with sheets. Graverobber might find sheets on a whole rather useless ?? after all, what was the point in putting something between you and the blankets? ?? but these felt wonderful on his aching skin. He rolled over to the other side automatically so Nathan would have room."Careful. I kick in my sleep." "I could arrange for a bag your size." Nathan replied darkly and pointed once more to the bed, a stern look plastered on his face at some point he had put his glasses back on and the flush had receeded from his face and ears, his clothes were smoothed down as though they had never been rumpled by their activities and his hair looked as though it had been brushed back to normal.He watched as Graverobber slipped into the sheets they were smooth cotton, clean and crisp but not starched Nathan was a stickler for cleanliness and neatness, but he had never understood having hard, stiff sheets. At the very least, sleep should be comfortable.He pulled the covers up over Graverobber as casually as possible, and tossed a second comforter on the man,"I'm sure you do, but I won't be finding out." he said, and headed for the door, adding, "And you'll want to sleep on your side." Graverobber probably didn ??t even know that starched sheets existed.The young man grinned crookedly. ??Oh, come now,Nathan, ? he said. ??You wouldn ??t leave a dying thief alone in a cold bed. ? He sat up, multi colored hair coming out of the tie he generally left it in and pulled the covers down. Not that he was quite sure what he was doing. Graverobber should have been glad to sleep in the middle of a large bed, taking as much space as he liked, but it only seemed ? Maybe the word was ??fair ??. The thin doctor silhouetted in the door seemed like the sort that would enjoy not sleeping alone at night, if he slept. ??Besides, I need some sort of heater and this way I can ??t steal anything. ? Not anything noticeable, at least. Nathan paused in the doorway, shoulders slouching slightly and he turned his head just enough that Graverobber would be able to see his profile,"There's an extra blanket there." he said flatly, making his stance on it crystal clear he didn't trust himself to turn and look at the other man now, because the prospect of climbing into the bed with someone was almost too tempting. The idea of feeling the warmth of another human being, of curling up next to someone for something as simple as sleep made Nathan's heart ache, while Repo recoiled at the idea because it would be the equivalent of offering his throat to Graverobber.When it came down to it, after all, he couldn't exactly trust the scavenger he knew he was insane enough for even allowing the man in his home, especially with what he'd been planning but for now, he was incapacitated. The poison would keep him feeling weak and miserable through the night and well into the morning, and he would undoubtedly suffer side effects of it for another few days, though by then he would be his own responsibility, not Nathan's.He mentally corrected himself:Not that's he's ever been my responsibility.He closed the door behind him, and went down the stairs. He spent most of the night with his head in his hands in the chair at the end of Marni's hallway, surrounded by her holographs, her entombed body staring out of the glass panel, head cocked to the side. Some days, Nathan found himself talking to the corpse as though she was really listening and when he realized he was doing it, he questioned precisely how far his sanity had deteriorated. He had always believed he had clung to some semblance of it but he had no one else to turn to. There was no one he could speak with, no one he could confide in, he couldn't tell Shilo he would never make her listen to it, never tell her his problems. She didn't need to know, she couldn't know.It was just him, and Repo.When the very early hours of the morning arrived, Nathan dragged himself back up the stairs, and fell onto the fainting couch he kept in the hallway between his and Shilo's room, for the nights when Shilo was feeling particularly unwell, so he could be close to her, get to her faster. After a long while of staring at the ceiling, he drifted off, his glasses lopsided, arms crossed over his chest, bare feet over the arm of the couch. Graverobber ??s soft laughter followed Nathan.After all, he thought he was doing a good thing, offering like that. The man was clearly lonely normal, well adjusted and socialized members of society did not neck with dirty drug dealers in equally dirty alleyways. Nor did they generally keep bodies in the house. His mind was still working over that problem as he turned over, onto his side as Nathan had suggested. How was he going to get that body? And, failing that, how was he going to make himself scarce? Tell Rotti ??s bimbo that he wasn ??t interested in the job?Oh, well. The young man shifted, trying to get comfortable while the medicine made even the blankets a heavy weight. His last thought was that Nathan ??s bed didn ??t smell of Nathan , it smelled simply of cleaner: some light, artificial citrus scent. Entirely sterile and completely inhuman.That he dreamt that night was more a surprise to him than waking up in an unfamiliar bed. He jerked awake, brushing off the unfamiliar cobwebs of a barely remembered dream.Something about flowers.He rubbed his eyes, taking in the bedroom in the early morning. The smell might be sterile and unwelcoming, but the light wasn't. This wasn ??t the harsh glow of sodium lamps, nor was it the dingy, rusty color of sun light in the city. It was almost ? warm. Annoyingly quaint, like he should look outside and see a scene right out of the 1950 ??s, kids playing in the backyard and all. Graverobber wasn ??t quite sure how a man woke up to a large house and sunlight and still wanted to go out and kill people come nightfall.Oh, right. Dead wife in the house. He yawned, pushing the heel of his hand into his eye. Craziness would help, he thought, swinging his legs over so his bare feet could touch the ground. All the better to walk quietly. Maybe he could get a look around and deal with that body problem. Graverobber pushed himself to his feet, then sat back, muscles still weak from last nights poisoning.He ??d deal with the body next time. She didn't have the heart to wake him up with her thin arms crossed over her ruffled blouse, Shilo cocked her head to the side and watched her father sleep for a few moments. He thought she didn't know, but she was aware that sometimes he did it too he would come into her room at night, after he'd come home from work, and he would watch her for a while in complete silence. Sometimes she would catch a glimpse of him in the doorway very late at night or into the early hours of the morning and for reasons she couldn't quite understand, the moonlight through her window would catch him in a way that made him look like a nightmare. Other times, he looked just like her father, and once she was sure she he had cried not because of sobs or sniffles, but because of the strange absence of any sound, like he was trying to hold his breath but she couldn't be sure.All she knew was that sometimes, something was wrong and he wouldn't ever tell her what it was. Her dad didn't sleep much, and he ate even less and some days she wondered if maybe he had the blood disease too, because he looked so drawn and thin and weak that she questioned how he could get up in the morning, or find it in himself to help heal his patients.At some point during the night, he had ended up laying face down on the couch, his head off to the side, an arm dangling over the edge, legs at an odd angle so they hung over the arm of the chair. Even in his sleep, he was completely silent, but his hair was mussed and he looked relaxed in a way she rarely saw him, so she just couldn't wake him up he needed the sleep.She did, however, take his glasses from where they had been sticking out at an awkward angle and put them on her own face and then she paused, hesitated when she heard something from her father's room. For a moment she stood there, staring at the door, and then she approached it, slowly opening it and sticking her head in, her black wig draping partly in her face, the black frames sliding down her nose, and she goggled at the yawning Graverobber, her lips in a small 'o' of surprise. Graverobber jerked his head to the door, brain still fuzzy with sleep. He wasn ??t usually like this: living on the streets successfully made one a light sleeper and a quick waker. Right now, though, his thoughts, like his body, were still sluggish. It was Nathan ??s fault Graverobber wasn ??t often sick and couldn ??t remember the last time he had come down with a cold, let alone a fever.Ah, but it was just his little girl. Graverobber cocked his head to the side, smirking, then turned to grab the extra blanket Nathan had thrown on him last night. His fever had broken sometime in the middle of the night, when just the quietest noise in the hall had startled him from a fitful sleep to a damp pillow and too many blankets. Wrapping the thick material around his shoulders, he spoke to the girl. ??You can come in. I don ??t bite, kid. ? He pulled his legs back up onto the bed and scooted so he could lean his back on the headboard. Even that seemed like too much: it made Graverobber even more determined to know exactly what it was that he ??d had shoved in his mouth last night. "You don't look too good," Shilo said, shuffling in a little more, still gripping the door, leaning her cheek against it as she watched him over the top of her father's glasses Graverobber looked pale and sickly now, an ill pallor rather than the artificial white of the make up he favoured. The way his eyes were half lidded, and the way he tugged the blankets closer around his shoulders told Shilo how he was feeling, and she could sympathize she'd gone through similar symptoms for most of her life."Dad said you're a patient of his," she added, fiddling with the door knob, "Has he been your doctor for a while? He has to work a lot, and I can't go outside, so I've never really seen him with patients, and he's never brought anyone into the house before."That she knew of.She twisted from side to side, shifting the door with her, fidgeting,"Are you a friend of his?" she asked, and might have sounded just a touch hopeful. Graverobber had the strangest feeling that this child was trying to take care of her father. He had had it before, when she had hesitated before handing off the fire poker, but the thought was so funny to his disease mind his smirk grew into a full blown smile.It still managed to be creepy. ??Something like that, ? he said gently, knowing that was the answer she wanted to hear. Nathan ??s kid wanted to think her daddy didn ??t spend all his time alone, working though Graverobber was a ware that his previous non killing contacts were probably all in the Largo family. ??He ??s, er, a really good doctor. Fantastic with his hands. ? When he wasn ??t strangling you, of course.He leaned forward a little. ??So I ??m the only thing he ??s brought back home? ? he asked, not all that surprised: Nathan didn ??t seem like the sort that would invite his work up from the basement or one of the Largos over for dinner. ??I ??d think your dad and you would get ? ? He searched for a non offensive word, not wanting to chase off this valuable source of information. ??Tired of just seeing each other? ? Shilo lifted her shoulders in a shrug, and struggled to find the words to explain,"I don't know anyone else." she said finally for Shilo Wallace, her father was all she had, the only human being she had contact with, the only person she had to speak to she had never made friends, and there was no extended family that could come visit, no aunts or uncles, no grandparents, and from what she knew of them, her parents hadn't had anyone until they met eachother.Some days, she questioned why her father hadn't made any friends he could leave the house, he could go outside, but he only chose to do so in order to work, and when he had free time, he spent it with her. Some days, she wondered why he hadn't found another woman, but she had never known her mother and over time had learned to resent the woman for the disease she had inherited from her her dad, however, had never gotten over the loss. She wasn't sure he could ever look at another woman the same way. Nowthatsurprised Graverobber. He arched an eyebrow and leaned back a little more into the thick wood behind him before gesturing for her to continue. ??You ??ve got to be exaggerating, kid, ? he said sweetly, though things were starting to make sense Nathan ??s giant puzzle of a life was slowly but surely being pieced together and it was getting weirder with each connection he made.Ray hadn ??t known about her, and that man ??s big nose was in everything. She was obviously sick: too small and too bald, and those little balls of medicine were probably her own. And Nathan, well, he was Nathan: why not keep a seventeen year old girl cloistered away along with a dead body and a horrific night job? ??No school? He doesn ??t bring men or women home? ? His voice was one of affected surprise, but hopefully Shilo, in her limited social experience, wouldn ??t catch the falsehood.Truth be told, she looked exactly like her father in those over large glasses. Graverobber wondered, then, if Nathan fidgeted like that when he wasn't dealing with someone he wanted to kill. Did he hunt for words with that same look of concentration? Or was he always the closed off, cool individual? "I guess he's much too shy for that," he added, amused at tacking that adjective to a man who, last night, was molesting the same dealer that had just broken into his house. Shilo shook her head, her eyes wide,"No, he doesn't bring anyone here. Ever." she said, finally releasing the door and stepping fully into the room she was wearing a ruffled black skirt with her blouse, and her legs were as pale and skinny as the rest of her, adorned with a pair of striped high socks that appeared to be far too big for her, "You're the first one."She wasn't sure if 'shy' was the word she would use for her father, but she couldn't be certain having never seen him around other people, it was difficult to know what he would be like in a social setting. Graverobber's appearance in the home was a precident.And she glanced at the door for a moment, then looked back to Graverobber, her fingers twirling at the ribbon on her blouse, as though she couldn't hold still,"And he usually doesn't sleep this late," she added in a conspiratorial whisper, "He's usually up at five but he's barely been sleeping lately." If the kid never left, how exactly did she get new clothes? He had to shake the image of Nathan in the women ??s section buying women ??s blouses and frilly skirts. Maybe he ??d mention that to the old man one day, when he wasn ??t angry enough at him to drug him. The women down at the department stores probably thought he was some grade A weirdo.They were right but for all the wrong reasons. ??He ??s had a rough couple of nights, ? Graverobber responded, voice just as soft. It would be easier if the kid liked him and he was certainly not above using a lonely adolescent to get close to her equally lonely father. ??I bet, ? he added, crossing his legs in front of him and patting the empty bed next to him. ??That he collapsed on a sofa and is currently getting a nasty crick in his neck. Face smashed into the pillow and all? ? He hoped he even drooled. The man couldn ??t be prim and proper even when he slept, could he? Shilo nodded her head in understanding,"He's got a tough job," she said, "Some days he can barely make it to his room to go to sleep but he gets up early so we can make breakfast together, and play games he's really good at hangman."She eyed the open spot on the bed as he patted it, and then approached him with obvious caution,"Sorry I had to hit you." she added, standing next to him and peering around at his head as though trying to see where he'd been struck the previous night, her dark eyes inspecting him, "But you kind of broke into the house. I don't get out much, but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to do that."She climbed onto the bed then, sitting at the foot of it so as to leave a great deal of space between her and Graverobber it appeared that her father had taught her suspicion. She crossed her legs beneath her, and stared at his hair. ??Hangman seems like his sort of game, ? Graverobber said cryptically, actually turning his head to the side so she could examine it. Surprisingly, no ??dirty tramp proximity ?? alarm went off, no Nathan came rushing into the door when his daughter got within a meter of him. ??No, you ??re not. But I was feeling pretty sick last night, ? he lied mildly. ??I guess I got afraid. Didn ??t want to be sick like that on the streets. ? Women, he had learned, loved a pity story. Repo ??s kid might not yet be a full grown woman, but he had a feeling she would appreciate this retelling tailored just for her. He smiled weakly, pulling the blanket tighter around his shoulders.Nathan had taught her a little bit of caution, though, but the curiosity was stronger. That was the problem with keeping someone safe for too long: they forgot how hard the unknown and dangerous tended to bite. Curiosity would win because she didn ??t have a clear memory of pain and it was only lucky for her that the predator had no interest in her.Graverobber reached up, touching the top of his head gingerly, grimacing more than was needed as he pressed his fingers against his scalp. ??What, something in my hair? ? Shilo watched him pull the blanket tighter around himself, and she pulled up the second comforter that had been settled under her legs, scooting up close to toss it over Graverobber's chest and shoulders before moving back to where she had been, continuing to watch him with wide, curious eyes.It was a side effect of spending life indoors anything new was a source of ultimate fascination for Shilo, and especially another human being he would have stories, and experiences, he would have seen places, like the cemetary outside her mother's tomb or the park that she sometimes heard about on the radio, or gardens, or evenoceans."Well," Shilo said, considering his explanation, her lips pursed in thought for a moment, "Maybe next time you should try knocking."Her eyes were back at his hair, and she nodded her head,"Yeah, there's some leaves and it looks like a bit of a branch in your hair," she said, resisting the maddening urge to pull all the dirt and grime out of Graverobber's hair and clothes, "And a lot of different colours. You need a brush." A low chuckle. ??Good idea, kid. I ??ll try doing that next time. ? She had her father ??s same habit of observing people, but with those big eyes and the lack of constraints, it was a lot cuter on her. Though, with that look she was giving him as she eyed his hair, she was probably just as likely to turn the hose on him to get him clean.Graverobber reached up, tilting his head to the side as he started carding his hair with his fingers, dislodging a few dead leaves onto Nathan ??s pure white pillow and sheets. He wasn ??t even sure where those came from: nothing grew particularly well these days on this diseased island, and the few full sized trees he ??d seen were either skeletons or found in well tended parks with high entrance fees.For those that paid fees, of course. As far as Graverobber was concerned, fees were things that happened to other people. ??The colors are supposed to be there, ? he said, rolling his eyes theatrically. ??And not all of it will brush out. See? ? He fished out a thick cord of hair, holding it out from his head. ??I ??ll only get this out by cutting it. And it ??s not like I have time to comb my hair most days. ? She watched as he lifted a particularly pink cord of hair, clearly fascinated by the sight of it sometimes there were people on the television who had hair like that, but they were always the rebels and the bikers, the ones who caused trouble. As far as Shilo was concerned, it looked pretty awesome, though she wasn't sure she could convince her father to get her a different coloured wig she would probably just have to stick to the jet black."Why?" Shilo asked, "What do you do, when you're not breaking into houses?"And it was asked with such sincerity that it was clear she wasn't trying to be sarcastic even if the words sounded like they should have been coming out of her father. ??I happen to like the colors. ? Graverobber sounded a little miffed as he dropped the rope of hair. Ah. Now wasn ??t that an interesting question. ??I sell drugs, ? he answered honestly. ??People who get too many surgeries start falling apart, plus, all the new parts hurt like hell. ? He closed his eyes leaning back again and settling down in the warmth, doing his best to appear non threatening. ??It ??s a fair living. It ??s better than stealing, I ??d say. ? Though he did a fair amount of that, but usually from the dead, and they had no reason to keep things. Scavenging, then, was a better word in his mind stealing implied someone wanted what he was taking. Shilo stared hard at Graverobber, unblinking for a few long moments as though trying to assess if he was telling the truth, and when she finally blinked, she slowly cocked her head to the side, looking eerily like a pale little doll sitting there,"But drugs are bad," Shilo said flatly, "I thought people were only supposed to buy from GeneCo because it's safer, I mean, they say it's illegal to buy Zydrate from an unlicensed source I hear it on my balcony sometimes, coming from one of the floating billboards."She hesitated, then asked,"Do you work for GeneCo?" ??Oh, yes. They ??re very bad, ? Graverobber said, almost amused at his lack of deceit. He had a terrible hatred of Zydrate, after all, and the damned junkies and scalpel sluts that followed it like so many insects. The stuff was amazing, no joke about it, but the ways people could abuse were even more so. But after awhile, people started running out of new things to do with it, and all you saw was the same tired shells going for the same tired prize. ??Zydrate ??s never safe. GeneCo just waters down the stuff so you have to keep buying more and more for the same level. ? At her question, he actually laughed. ??Me? Not at all. I have some professional dignity as a dealer. ? He opened his eyes, taking in that doll like stillness. Kids weren ??t supposed to be still like that: even the ones on the street who were remarkably old for their bodies, tended to fidget and move. ??Always stay away from a GeneCo deal, kid. The fine print ??s deadly."But Nathan would never allow her near any surgery table, would he? Graverobber had a bad feeling about this: you kept kids under lock and key, and they turned crazy once they were let go. Slowly, Shilo nodded her head her father had barely spoken about GeneCo, but when he did, there was a peculiar bitterness in his voice she had never been sure why, but he always told her that there was no such thing as a Repo Man employed for GeneCo, there was no such thing as a surgeon who came in the night and ripped organs from people without anesthetic or sympathy. It was all a story, he said, made up so GeneCo could scare people into paying it was a bluff.Sometimes Shilo wondered what would happen if someone called the bluff.Her eyebrows rose at the mention of fine print, her eyes oddly bright,"So," she said, "Then thereareRepo Men?"Then there was a voice, sharp and even, coming from the doorway,"Did you take your medication?"Shilo started just slightly, and then turned and looked at Nathan he was standing stiffly in the door, his hair was sticking out at one side from where he had been laying, and he looked as though he hadn't slept at all."Yeah dad, I took it an hour ago." she said, and realized that he was staring at Graverobber, "I was talking to Mr. Fell. He's kind of "" you need to get something to eat, sweetheart." Nathan said, and then added through his teeth, "And I need to run a check up on Marcus." Graverobber parted his lips ?? of a normal color for once, not the oxygen deprived deep hues he tended to favour ?? just slightly, the skin around his eyes tightening as he took in this new information. Of course the girl wouldn ??t know. Nathan had a good reason to convince her Rotti ??s legendary brute squad was just that: legend.He never had the chance to respond. That rainbow streaked head turned quickly to the unhappy, under slept and under sexed father standing in the door. He looked skewed, his hair mussed on one side, the same that was slightly red from sleep.If he had slept. He appeared to have laid down, but there was little sign of him actually sleeping other than the black frames on his girl ??s face and the bare feet. Nathan still looked just as tired as before, though slightly less angry.Only slightly. ??Leave the glasses would you, kid? ? Graverobber said. Not that he imagined Nathan would need them poisoning obnoxious guests was not an exact science. ??It was good talking to you without the poker, by the way. ? Shilo's eyes flicked between the two men, and though her socialization was limited, she had the good sense to realize that she was directly in the middle of something she didn't want to be stuck in. She was, however, astounded by the look on her father's face in the doorway, he was silhouetted the way he always was at night, but this time she could see his expression and there was something about it that didn't look quite like her dad.She didn't like it.But she took the glasses off and set them down on the bed, hopping off and giving Graverobber one more sideways glance,"Yeah, nice talking to you when you're not tied up." Shilo replied promptly, and paused to look at Nathan in the doorway when he realized she was eyeing him, he looked back at her, and his expression immediately softened and he looked incredibly human. Forgetting for an instant that Graverobber was there, he hugged Shilo to his chest, closing his eyes briefly he would never say it out loud, but he had been scared the previous night, when she'd called him and said someone was in the house he'd been scared he would lose her, that he wouldn't get there in time, that something would go wrong.Shilo was his world and she would be until the day he died.And then she left and it was just the two of them again, and Nathan picked up a stethoscope from the bedside table,"How are you feeling now?" he asked simply. Graverobber watched this little father daughter exchange with sharp eyes, noting how the bit of the Repo Man was chased away from her like a shadow by a little flame. Even when she was gone, her slim frame slipping out through the door as her father came forward, she left Nathan much more ? well,Nathan. ??A bit like I was poisoned a few hours before, ? he said brightly, nestling back into the pillows and blankets he ??d piled up behind him. His loss for not wanting to sleep in the bed: Graverobber was enjoying it immensely. And there was no point for Nathan being upset with him: he ??d done the kid a favour warning her about GeneCo, probably something Nathan himself could personally appreciate. "But other than that, fine. ??How ??s your neck? ? His smile had twisted back into something more predatory now that the little girl was gone, but he stayed in his place, not wanting to bait the man too much while he was still weak. No, that was a bad idea, though Repo and Nathan both seemed fond of taking advantage of him when he was ill disposed. "Yes, that's generally the desired effect," Nathan replied crisply, lingering by the beside for a moment before setting himself down on the edge of the bed, putting the stethoscope on and leaning in he paused halfway, however, at Graverobber's comment. At first, he thought the man was referring to the pain in his neck from the awkward way he had slept on the couch that night, but then he was reminded again of what had happened, and he unconsciously brought his hand to his throat, his fingers touching to the large, hideously purple and black welt that stood out by his adam's apple, right where he was unable to hide it. He was simultanesouly reminded of the sting on his bottom lip from where Graverobber had bitten him, and he found himself recalling the taste of the other man.His ears went pink, but he carried on, pressing the stethoscope to Graverobber's chest, listening to his heart beat it wasn't erratic, and he touched his hand to the other man's skin for an instant no fever either, so he was out of the woods anyways."You won't die from it anyways," Nathan said dismissively, pulling the stethoscope away and ignoring the heat he was feeling along his neck and into his ears. Graverobber laughed at that pause and the way Nathan ??s hand when to his neck. Obviously, he knew exactly what they were talking about: the coloring on the tip of his ears was just as good of a sign. The dealer was fairly docile for the rest of it, though, letting the good doctor go through his peaceful check up, though he did hiss when the cold metal touched his chest. He had expected, for a moment back there, a little more violence.He wasn ??t quite sure if he was relieved or disappointed. ??I ??m hard to kill. ? Graverobber shrugged his shoulders. ??By the way, you ??ve got a good kid, ? he said, knowing from the few parents he had interacted with that the majority of them were pleased to have their kids complimented. ??Smart. I ??d be careful. ? Dark eyes were focused not on Nathan ??s own, but lower. Around, in fact, the level of a rather nasty bruise that had spilled across the skin of his throat. "She'll have you figured out soon, and that'll be quite the domestic disturbance." Nathan shook his head,"In the end, you can die like everyone else," he said simply, "If I'd given you two more, this would be a very different scenario."And if he'd hung onto Graverobber's throat for a few seconds longer in the graveyard a few weeks back it would have also been a different story just a little more time and he could have caused irreparable damage to the scavenger. Though, he couldn't be sure he hadn't done so, given that a majority of the time Graverobber behaved as though he wasn't getting enough oxygen to his brain anyways.Nathan's eyes moved to the doorway where Shilo had left through only moments ago,"The day she finds out," Nathan said flatly, "Will be the day I die."He turned his head back to Graverobber and found the other man staring at his throat he could actually feel the gaze on his skin and it felt so obscene that he self consciously tried to pull his collar higher, despite the knowledge that he wouldn't be able to make it cover the bruise. ??That ??s a little melodramatic. Been watching the genetic opera too much, have we? ? Now this was the Nathan he liked, not that he had much to complain about the one that had attacked him on the couch last night. But this one who responded so negatively to sexual advances, this one intrigued him, made him want to touch until he reached some random limit and he got slugged.So maybe he did act like he wasn ??t getting enough oxygen.Mawkish statements aside , Graverobber was becoming almost fond of the older man. Very few people, after all, were this interesting, he told himself, fingers reaching out to touch the bruise. The wrinkled cloth of his collar brushed against his knuckles, cold compared to the skin beneath. Especially where the skin was bruised. ??Why don ??t you, ? he said pleasantly, eyes flickering up to the door. ??Go close that and I ??ll show you how recovered I am. ? Oh, he knew that would probably be the end of this conversation at the best and the reason he was kicked out at the worst, but he couldn ??t help but try and spread that blush further, make the oh so very proper father squirm if he could. Graverobber was successful in his endeavor the flush spread to Nathan's cheeks and over his nose, and he hesitated only for an instant before yanking away from the other man. There it was again, that infuriating brush of fingers, skin to skin, heat and life that made Nathan think of things he had kept suppressed for too long, and for an instant, Nathan not Repo considered locking the door and doing things to Graverobber for several hours. All of their aggression and lust over the past few weeks had put Nathan on edge as he forced himself to remain perpetually unsatisfied, refused to indulge any further than the teasing and rough bites, as he found any reason he could to get away from the other man when they got too close to actually going through with it.So Nathan was tense, moreso after the previous night when it would have been so easy to have his way with the other man, when they'd both been eager and lusting, it would have just been so easy "Stop it." Nathan snapped, "You don't learn, do you? I don't want this. I want you to dissappear, do you understand that?"Lies. Lies. They were all lies, because the last thing he wanted was for Graverobber to go away, he wanted to do terrible things to the other man, and it frightened him."I want this to be over." he said. Graverobber sat back, an overly pleased smile twisting his lips. His expression was almost cruel: heknewNathan was lying. Knew it in the same way he knew that Nathan was clawing up some infinitely high wall to try and escape this but he just kept slipping back down. He ??d seen this before: some junkie that tried to get better, that went to every meeting of the Zydrate Support Network, that wanted, with all their heart and mind, to be well, to be free.He was patient. He always waited. He didn ??t even pressure them, not in any obvious way.And they always came back, always slipped back down into Hell. And always with only the very slightest pressure from himself. He ??d made it an art over the years, using only the bare minimum of force to direct his lost sheep.Even gave them a discount for trying so hard, and because that certain mix of loathing and relief in their eyes at that first hit made his insides curl in a way he felt nowhere else. Save now, with Nathan. ??If you wanted this to be over, ? he said, after a few moments of silence. For as much response as he had given Nathan ??s words before, they might as well not have been spoken. ??You would have killed me earlier. ? Graverobber leaned forward to place a finger on Nathan ??s stubbled jaw, putting just the slightest amount of pressure to direct his face towards him. ??Lying is very naughty. ? For a moment, Nathan looked almost guilty, like a child who had been caught doing something awful his eyes flicked down, avoided Graverobber's. Just the other man's words, the barest touch, and he felt his own pulse picking up a horrible, delicious thudding in his temple and throat that made him feel warm all the way down his spine and made him sick with himself for his own inability to just end this.Because, ultimately, Graverobber was right he could have killed the other man dozens of times before, he could have effectively ended his life and ended the problem, but every time the chance presented itself, he couldn't bring himself to do it when he spoke again, his voice was rough and harsh, it was Repo's voice:"You're more interesting than most of them," he said, "There aren't many out there who can compare in sadism without actually ripping someone apart."Nathan visibly shook it off, shoving Repo back down, and he leaned his head back to get away from the touch again,"Find someone else to torture." Nathan said, fiddling with the stethoscope in his hands, "You've got customers who are interested use them for your amusement." Hearing Repo come from Nathan ??s sleep mussed form so suddenly sent a shiver down his spine. Graverobber wasn ??t quite sure if he should be pleased or terrified that the night surgeon approved of him that bothersome little voice that he had thought he had strangled to death whispered that he should be ashamed, that this man was sick and hurt and he shouldn ??t aggravate the situation.It wasn ??t so hard to just push that little voice under a mental laundry basket and climb on top of it to keep it quiet. Though having sympathy rear its ugly head like that was infuriating: he ??d thought, after all, that he ??d gotten rid of it and here Nathan managed to rouse it from wherever it was that consciences slept when they weren ??t being used. ??I ??m not interested in them. ? It was a simple admission, but completely true. His costumers bored him: he watched the same, tired puppet show every night. The colorful, gaudy nightlight was filled with repetitive, ugly greys in his mind, dead in a way that even corpses didn ??t manage. And it wasn ??t even just his customers: everyone was dull. ??Besides. It ??s such a waste that a handsome man like you should just rot away in this house. ? He didn't reach for Nathan, now, instead watching the rather endearing display of nerves as he fidgeted with his tool, the obsessively clean metal invasive in this old fashioned room. Nathan sputtered for a moment at the bizarre sincerity in Graverobber's voice, and he twisted the stethoscope around his fingers, his expression stuck between one of confusion and misery he plucked up his glasses from the bed where Shilo had left them and put them on, adjusting them and running his fingers anxiously through his hair, pushing it neatly into place. Slowly, bit by bit, Nathan was adjusting his clothes and his appearance to achieve his usual level of obsessive, exacting cleanliness,"I have a child to take care of," Nathan said finally, "That's why I'm in this house. That's why I'm here."She was the reason he bothered to breathe."You need to find a new hobby." he added. ??Seeing that quite a few people have two or three kids, I imagine you can rear children and still have sex. ? Graverobber ran his tongue along his lips, that same crooked smile on his lips. Nathan composing himself just made him want to molest the well kept doctor even more, unfortunately.Maybe he did need a new hobby. This desire to disrupt one man ??s calm couldn ??t be healthy. ??Besides, ? he added slyly, reminding himself that Nathan was simply prey. This was a game he wasnotat all concerned for the man's actual welfare. Not at all. ??Surely you ??ve been distracted. You ??ll take better care of your kid once this is out of your system. ? Last night's slip, where he had asked for him to sleep in the bed, that had been selfish. It was to keep him warm and to highlight Nathan's loneliness. That was all. "Most of them don't have similar career paths to mine." Nathan replied promptly no, most of those mothers and fathers would spend their days in an office sitting for eight hours, filling out reports and drinking their coffee, talking to eachother around water coolers, going on lunch breaks and generally being normal. Then they would go home to their kids and make dinner, watch the television, and ask about school. It was simple.But Nathan couldn't remember a time where his life had been simple, and Graverobber's presence only "You complicate things." he said out loud, standing now, looking off at the wall, the floor, anywhere but Graverobber the other man had brought up feelings that Nathan had suppressed for many years, had awakened a part of him that he had been certain had been destroyed, and now getting rid of the aching need inside of him felt impossible but he couldn't just give in to Graverobber."I can't help feeling that your interest is due to the fact you're emptier inside than I am." he said flatly. ??You should be grateful. ? Graverobber knew about what was considered normal, and he detested that more than boredom. ??Normal ?? meant you pretended that everything was okay, that the world hadn ??t gone to shit and that people didn ??t bleed to death in the streets, that the garbage man that came by and took your trash away didn ??t also sweep up bodies so you didn ??t have to see them. People like himself and Repo, they were at least honest.When he stood, Graverobber thought, for just a moment, that Nathan would flee. But, no. The man didn ??t have the heart to run just yet. Instead, he tried a hand at understanding his tormentor. ??Is that so, Nathan? ? The thief sat back and crossed his arms as if settling down for that story he requested last night. ??And we ??re do get that idea from? ? he asked, leering. ??You could always try filling me, if you like. ? A visible shudder passed through Nathan at Graverobber's words, the familiar heat shooting down his spine at the low tone, a sensation he had come to associate with the scavenger it seemed that now, all it took was a few words from the other man the start that bizarre heat inside of him, a fact that was at once concerning and relieving. Concerning because of who was causing it, relieving because it meant that his job hadn't killed every human part of him."Because you spend your time following a broken old man," Nathan replied, finally looking at Graverobber it was the first time he had acknowledged it out loud, but he was aware of how he was viewed by those who actually knew him, including the Largo family,"Seeing how much further you can pry open wounds," he added, "To make you forget about how mundane and meaningless your own life is but maybe I'm just humanising you." He was very fond of that little shudder and pleased to see it showing up with some frequency now. In the beginning, that would have earned him a rather nasty smashing into the pavement or the side of an old building. Now it got him all of Nathan ??s attention, and Graverobber couldn ??t help but feel satisfaction at see those mismatched eyes turned on him.Maybe even more so than the pain lurking in them.That realization should have sent warning bells shrieking in his head, but he couldn ??t help but lean forward again. ??Very good, Nathan, ? he said, baritone voice warm with pleasure. ??But I was telling the truth when I said I found the ??broken old man ?? attractive. ? He cocked his head to the side, ignoring the ratty, rainbow hair spilling over his shoulder still half tangled from sleep. His gloves had disappeared sometime when he had been tied up, and his fingers couldn ??t help but move, taking in the soft cloth. ??You distract me and I ??ll distract you. I think it ??s actually quite a good deal for you, considering the amount of ? ? His eyes flickered over Nathan, through him. ?? ? Baggage you bring to the table. ? "Yes, well," Nathan said, uselessly shifting the lapel of his jacket where it had rumpled in his sleep he tugged at it irritably, trying to smooth out the wrinkle, trying to ignore the way the other man's eyes were roving over him, taking him in he forced himself not to think about the possible attraction that Graverobber claimed to harbour. He wasn't sure he could trust the scavenger, couldn't be sure it wasn't part of a sadistic plan to just deepen some wound."It doesn't become baggage until someone else knows about it, and you had to dig for it," he said, giving up on the lapel now the Largo family knew his dark secret, but he couldn't bring himself to count them in fact, the entire sick family seemed gleeful about his past,"So you know enough to understand you should stay away, I suggest listening to logic for once. I have to go make breakfast for my daughter now if you feel like eating before I toss you out, I suggest finding your way down the stairs." Nathan said, and headed for the door. Once Nathan was gone, Graverobber decided he ??d best take advantage of the man ??s hospitality for as long as it would last. He didn ??t head down immediately, preferring to take a shower and work through some of the tangles with a comb he had found digging through the drawers. He was at least polite to not use Nathan ??s tooth brush, though he certainly considered it knowing it would probably send the man into convulsions instead he used his finger.Even then, he felt cleaner than he had in a long time, the abundance of hot water letting him get warm right down to his bones. And wash away the remains of his activities: unlike Nathan, he had no qualm about relieving the tension in a less traumatic way than a cold shower and was doing the better for it.Unfortunately, the only clothes he had were those he had come in and he figured that the father would kill him for parading naked in front of his baby girl, so he came down to breakfast in yesterday ??s rumpled clothes, long hair still damp from the shower. It was a strangely domestic scene to come into a dinning room that smelled of cooking and cleaner, with said little girl sitting at the table with a large book on bugs out.It was damned surreal, in fact, as he took his seat next to her. "Light reading?" he said, arching an eyebrow at the detailed pictures of insects. Not the sort of thing he expected to find in front of a seventeen year old girl. It was just as surreal for the two members that made up the Wallace family neither Nathan nor Shilo had sat and had breakfast with anyone else but eachother, so having Graverobber there was bizarre for both of them. When Nathan came down the stairs, he found Shilo sitting at the table, a bowl of fruit already cut up to her right, her entomology book opened in front of her Nathan took a sparing glance at the book over her shoulder she had been collecting insects since she was very young, when she had first discovered they would land on her balcony. Nathan couldn't bring himself to disapprove, her passion for it had been striking, and something about the first time he saw her jam a pin through a beetle had made him smile.From time to time, he would bring one home for her, an insect he knew she didn't have, and she reacted to a spider the way that most children would react to a new game console."He's having breakfast with us?" Shilo asked brightly, and Nathan nodded his head."He was very ill last night, food will do him good," Nathan said, and when Graverobber came down the stairs, he would find Nathan at the stove, spatula in hand, quietly turning over pancakes complete with an apron, a striking similarity to the way he had seen Nathan in the basement the previous week while he'd been hosed down, but instead of leather, it was cotton distinctly home maker.Shilo looked up from her book, raising her eyebrows at Graverobber he looked more human now that he was clean."Oestridae," she said, pointing one long, pale finger at the picture in the book, then added brightly, "It's a bot fly. They get under the skin of other animals and lay their eggs inside of them. I want one for my collection, but I don't think they're ever around here." The young man leaned over, examining the picture she showed him, drawn in the very detailed, technical way he ??d seen in his science books at school and in Ray ??s impromptu library when the old bastard let him browse. It looked like any old fly to him. ??You ??ll probably be better off looking for bugs that lay their eggs in dead bodies, not live ones, ? he said, glancing up to the father in the kitchen. "There are a ton more corpses than living people out there."He was back to the dull old man, but when he turned his head too much, Graverobber could see the ugly bruise, darker especially where his teeth had bitten into the skin, and couldn't help but remember the soft sound Nathan had made. A little pain, a surprise, but mostly pleasure. He slid a hand over the back of her chair and leaned in as if really paying attention after that brief moment of distraction. ??How old ??s the book? The climate changed, right? ? Maybe he was getting too attached to his newest toy. Due to its novelty, of course. ??Might have moved. All the bugs and birds are different than when I was a kid. I ??ll keep an eye out for anything crawly, all right? ? Glancing up to Nathan, he lowered his voice. ??Some of the fashion and gossip mags, too, if you like. I know a girl about your age. Any requests? ? If You didn ??t help Ray bash his head in with something heavy and metal, that was. Nathan had always thought that dull worked for him it was to his advantage to keep people disinterested he didn't want to come off as being novel or even remotely interesting, quite in fact, he wanted people to keep their distance as much as was humanly possible ever since he had come under the employ of GeneCo. For seventeen years, it was a method that had worked, up until the point he had run into Graverobber but to be fair, Graverobber's interest had been piqued by the Repo Man, and not by the mild mannered alter ego of Nathan Wallace.Concentrating on what he was doing, he did his best to convince himself that the scavenger's interest was a purely sadomasochistic one, that he was only interested in the bloodthirtsy Repo Graverobber's supposed attraction was something he had made up, and that this would be the last time he would have to deal with the other man. He tried to convince himself of it, because the alternative was to acknowledge that, yet again, Graverobber would appear in his life and wreak further havoc, and right then he wasn't sure he could handle that truth.Shilo's round, dark eyes observed Graverobber with a peculiar clarity,"You can get those?" she asked, her voice low, as though she was bartering for pornography, "That'd be so awesome."Her enthusiasm made it clear that anything would do her father never brought home magazines, he was always sure they would rot her mind. ??Of course. ? This time, he made sure his glance up to her father was obvious, his eyes watching the man carefully. Not fearful, or if he was looking for the twitch of movement that meant they were caught, but in an appreciative way. He looked back down to the bugs to cover their conversation. ??They ??re cheap, ? he added, just as conspiratorially. ??Big, glossy things. I ??ll get you a few surgery ones if you promise not to even consider them. ? Now this was rich. Here he was, plotting with a little girl to get tabloids and warning her away from the vices of cosmetic surgeries. On a whim, he leaned in even closer so he was nearly breathing into her ear. ??Repo Man comes for people who can ??t pay, you see, and I ??d rather not find your pretty little self after one his visits. ? Graverobber pulled away to a more respectable distance. ??I ??ll knock next time, right? ? he said, grinning widely though largely tamely.Better that she was warned. Nathan might not think to, but Rotti was a bastard and Graverobber had the feeling that he'd failed to produce the proper sort of fear in his girl. After all, she seemed to like him, and that was a clear symptom of being a poor judge of character. He could see, though, the benefits of having this little unspoiled thing around: she must be like a balm to Nathan's fractured mind. Shilo's big eyes were oddly bright, optimistic at the prospect of new reading material, of course, her father would get her any books she asked for, he approved of literature and even of comic books he thought she didn't know, but he was too much of a nerd not to approve of them but he didn't approve of trashy magazines and distinctly teenage trends. Her eyes went wider though, when Graverobber leaned closer, and her ears and neck went red from his words a bizarrely familiar pattern of blushing."I won't get surgery," she squeaked out, "I promise."She didn't want the Repo Man to come after her it sounded awful.She nodded her head at his next comment,"Yeah, that way I don't have to hit you." she said, and Nathan turned around, setting plates of blueberry pancakes in front of them he paused for a moment, and then flicked Shilo's nose, smearing a spot of flour across the tip of it, a strangely immature thing to do. Graverobber nearly gagged over the overt display of domesticness. Good God. He was going to get cavities with the sweetness. This was the man who ripped organs out of living bodies, right?Again, he caught sight of that bruise, and he couldn ??t help but smile in a manner that wasn ??t particularly pleasant or tame. Graverobber had decided on being fairly good to the girl, but the father was a completely different story. Their faces and ears reddened the same way in embarrassment, but the kid ??s blush was nowhere as near as stimulating to him.His bend towards the theatrical was useful: as they ate, Graverobber launched into a fairly safe story about the Largo kids ?? antics to entertain Shilo. Somehow, he managed to strip away the more disturbing details that tended to come along with anything the Largos touched, focusing on the more humorous aspects. It was a story that had showed up in pieces in the more formal news sources, and Graverobber had filled in the gaps with countless tabloids. And all through his story, he kept sneaking looks towards Nathan, more when Shilo was watching him than her dad was. Shilo crossed her eyes and wiped away the flour with her wrist, and after a moment's hesitation, set into the meal like a wild animal it was clear that her slender frame wasn't from malnutrition, her appetite was voracious, particularly when it came to blueberry pancakes, to the point where Nathan subtlely placed one of his own onto Shilo's plate and watched with peculiar pride as she wolfed it down.She listened to Graverobber with obvious interest, clearly fascinated by their new guest, laughing at the appropriate times usually whenever he brought up Pavi, who had always made Shilo laugh during the Genetic Opera despite his bizarre and nightmarish face and gaped in disbelief at the appropriate times as well. Unlike Nathan, Shilo's expressions were open on her face, while he sat quietly at the table sipping at a cup of tea and alternately picking at some sliced pineapple.He did his best not to acknowledge it when Graverobber looked his way, instead keeping his eyes on his daughter or his English breakfast tea, or occasionally, his own hands anything to keep his eyes off of the scavenger. It was surprisingly difficult, but at least Shilo was enjoying it begrudgingly, Nathan gave the other man a little credit for that much."So do you know the Largos in person?" Shilo asked, and Nathan's eyes finally flicked up to Graverobber, almost warningly, though it was difficult for him to look even remotely intimidating while he was licking a bit of pineapple juice from his wrist. He certainly knew how to keep an audience interested, even if it was just one kid. Actually, he preferred this: Shilo was appreciative and she wasn ??t clinging to him. That was two pluses right there. A third, he thought as he caught Nathan in the middle of chasing that pineapple juice down, was little things like the doctor ??s pink darting out on his wrist. ??One of them, sort of, ? Graverobber said, unable to tear his eyes away from that scene. He remembered very clearly how Nathan ??s wrist tasted when he was lying there with his arm forced back over his head. ??Um, Carmela ? Amber Sweet, now ? he said, actually stumbling over his words as he looked back to the kid. Where had that come from? ??She runs the Zydrate Support Network. We ??ve had ? words. ? Not quite how he would describe what they did against the faded posters and brick of alleyway walls, but this was the PG version he was giving."I've seen the other ones, though. They come down for events sometimes." Not the sort he was invited to: Graverobber belonged to several groups the Largos found obnoxious: he was a grave robber, obviously, and competition, he stole like some sort of kleptomanic monkey, and he had no interest whatsoever in surgery. Not 'he didn't want surgery because he couldn't afford it', no, they liked that sort of man. He simply wanted nothing to do with being put down and cut up. Nathan's brows furrowed just slightly, a temporary expression of confusion when Graverobber stared at him and it was only when he heard the other man stumble on his words that he realized precisely what it was he was doing to distract him. Initially, his mind recoiled at the thought that he might be instigating something, but Repo gave another of his harsh little laughs in the doctor's head, and he found himself following the trail of pineapple juice back up to the tip of his finger, his eyes remaining on Graverobber to the end.Then, as though nothing had happened, he was promptly paying attention to Shilo again, sipping his tea as she spoke,"Zydrate Support but that's for people who take Zydrate and want to stop," Shilo said, "So if she's talking to you "Yes, she had been raised smart."Amber Sweet's not really off Zydrate, is she?" Shilo asked rhetorically, adding, "Mr. Largo'll want to kill you if he finds out." Now that wasn ??t fair. Graverobber was almost startled into dumbness with Nathan actually ? That was flirting, wasn't it? His tongue had gone all the way to the tip, and for a moment, Graverobber had wondered if he ??d pull the digit into his mouth, but now he was back to the prim and proper middle aged father, sipping his tea and listening to his girl talk.The bastard. ??No, she ??s not. ? Graverobber gave another of those little shrugs, eyes focused on her again. Baring any more fleeing fruit fluids, he ??d get through this conversation without being controlled by the sudden urge to actually grab that man and finish what they had started. That might be a tad traumatizing to Shilo. ??And Mr. Largo ??s a bad man. It ??s almost good to want him to kill you, ? he said plainly, voice free of any sort of deception. ??Not that I ??m all that good. But I know a lot of good folks he wouldn ??t invite to tea. ? Shilo looked a little confused this time, and she passed her eyes from Graverobber to Nathan and back again, but when she found nothing to inform her of what was going on, she came to the conclusion that she must have been imagining things,"Dad said Mr. Largo is a soulless corporate dictator." she parroted, and Nathan paused with his tea cup halfway to his mouth, his expression tugging between concern and sheepishness as he recalled that, yes, at one point he had most definitely said it, though he had been sleep deprived at the time and hardly capable of holding a coherent conversation. He supposed he would have to be more careful with what he said while he was delirious though at the very least, what he'd said had been true."And that one day things will be different without him around," she added as an after thought, and Nathan found himself suddenly concerned if he had said anything else to her, particularly during the time that had been blanked out in his mind, when the world had gone by in bits and pieces. It wasn't something he had ever really addressed to himself, what he would do when Rotti Largo was gone because it left him wondering how much the Largo offspring knew. Would they hold him to the same contract their father had? ??Did he, now? ? Graverobber glanced up to find a rather abashed look on the elder Wallace ??s face. ??It ??s a good summary, ? he said, eyes bright with laughter.At her next words, his eyebrows climbed up his face in a pleasant sort of surprise. She was cute, wasn ??t she, with her na ve beliefs in change. Sounded exactly like Ray and the nut jobs he sometimes hosted. Graverobber knew differently: the top may change, but humans had fucked up and nothing could change that, no matter what sort of cutting and stitching they did in an attempt to fix their world.Obviously, he wasn ??t the most optimistic of men.But, for once, he didn ??t have the heart to point out the flaw in her words, not yet. Kids and crazy old men got to have impossible dreams. ??He certainly won ??t live forever, ? he said instead. ??And there ??s quite a few human rights organizations that are looking forward to him croaking." Shilo nodded her head in understanding,"Well, from what I know," she said carefully, tucking some of her hair behind her ear and looking between the two men as though to ask them to bare with her, "Rotti Largo helped mass produce organs to combat the epidemic, but because he's the only resource, he marked up the price so that no one can really afford them, even though eventually, we'll probably all need to replace something, right? So he's got the market cornered and he's taking advantage of it, and sending Repo Men "She looked at her father then, who was frozen, staring at Graverobber with a look of accusation," maybe sending Repo Men," she corrected herself, "To recall parts from people who can't pay. He basically legalized murder, right?"Nathan couldn't have looked more guilty. ??He does worse things. ? Graverobber didn ??t do this. He didn ??t go about telling people what was wrong and right. That was the job for crazies like Ray. But this kid didn ??t know anything and she needed to. She ??d be a fascinating thing to watch, set out free with no knowledge of the outside world. Sink or swim, and she ??d sink like a rock. For some reason, he didn ??t want that.He was getting soft. Graverobber could remember Nathan ??s words, cloyingly sweet as they were, but just on the off chance that he couldn't survive without his kid, ??Murder ??s one thing, but he manipulates people. ? Oh, this was rich. Graverobber could make people dance for him, was currently watching Nathan ??s resolve wear down as he kept pulling him down, but here he was, talking to this little girl about Rotti ??s flaws. ??He makes contracts for everyone, things you can ??t get out of ever. This old guy I know, pain in the ass, says Largo ??s big sin is that he makes people into him. Makes them do bad things even if they never even meant to. ? The dealer shrugged. ??There are non licensed hospitals that ??ll do organ transplants. But those are natural, so sometimes the body rejects them. Or you get a disease from the donor. ? Ray was good about that: he always managed to find the good Farmers, the ones that knew what they were doing. Often med school rejects who couldn ??t get through the surGEN program before their conscience got to them. ??And you don ??t make enough to take care of a sick kid, ? he added. Nathan finished his tea in silence and despite being a GeneCo employee himself and one of the many being manipulated by Rotti Largo, he held back the years of poison that he could have unleashed regarding the Largo family. Instead, he busied himself by picking up the dishes and bringing them to the sink, his expression grim and drawn in a way that made him look too tired."So he uses people," Shilo said, considering it for a long moment she knew her father worked for GeneCo, but only as a doctor, and from what she knew he was only connected to GeneCo in the very loose sense he spent his time making house calls, helping people who couldn't get to the hospitals on their own. It had never once occurred to her that her father might be involved in the darker aspects of the company she'd never had a reason to suspect it, after all."Dad, what happened to your neck?" Shilo asked suddenly, and Nathan froze at the sink. Suddenly grateful to be facing away, he had to wrack his brain for a response, but then Shilo added, "That wasn't there yesterday.""I had to get up to date on my shots, Shi." he said hurriedly, "Influenza I'd forgotten to get it done this year, it's why I got so sick last week." Graverobber snorted then, in a surprising fit of politeness, actually got up to help Nathan.Well. Not really to help him. More like to pester him in ways that would probably end up with him on his ass outside or pushed up against the spotless counter. ??Hey, kid, ? he said, trying to find a way to get her to leave. She wasn ??t You: he couldn ??t just tell her to scram . ??You think you could find me a few pictures of bugs you want me to keep an eye out for? ? And if he brushed against Nathan ??s back just a little too closely as he spoke, reaching for one of the wet dishes, he was sure she probably wouldn ??t notice. Though she might have seen him lean over and whisper right in her dad's ear, ??A shot, eh? Thought that was the other one. ? Shilo did notice despite Graverobber's decent distraction, she watched as the flamboyantly dressed drug dealer moved towards the sink, observing him for the sake of sating her curiosity regarding the man and her eyebrows climbed high when she watched Graverobber move incredibly close to her father, speaking close into his ear.Nathan stiffened for a moment when he felt the other man move against him he could feel Graverobber's chest against his back for an instant, and he nearly dropped the dish that had been in his hand when the baritone murmured into his ear, warm breath against his skin. With the concern that Shilo would noticed, Nathan knew he couldn't jerk away or make any obvious movements to create space between him and Graverobber."Um," Shilo said, her eyebrows furrowing for a moment as she tried to figure out precisely what was so bizarre about the whole thing, but gave up, "Yeah, sure I'll be right back kay?"And then she was hopping off the seat, pausing only for a moment to glance at Graverobber again, and then walking out of the room wondering precisely what she was missing. So the kid noticed. Graverobber rested his clean forehead on Nathan ??s, snickering softly. Now that she was gone, he felt there was no reason to move from behind her father, instead pressing his chest against the other man ??s back. Oh, there were knives around, it was a kitchen after all, and should he will it, Nathan could make him back off very, very quickly, but he was enjoying their little game. ??I was going to leave you alone this morning, ? he breathed against a neck that was still slightly discolored from the Zydrate gun. Just the softest green yellow remained from a bruise that was nearly healed, but Graverobber had no problem noticing it on Nathan ??s otherwise pallid skin. The man really needed to take better care of himself. ??But you had to do that, didn ??t you? ? He had dropped the pretense of wanting to help as soon as he had heard footsteps on the stairs, so his hands were free to slip down to the man ??s stomach.This time, it would be his turn to leave Nathan dissatisfied. Graverobber kept his ears, trained to listen for GENcops , open for the girl's return. Part of Nathan wanted to whimper for Shilo not to leave because he desperately wanted a reason not to be left alone with the other man especially after his own questionable behaviour what was he thinking, looking at Graverobber like that but she unfortunately didn't recognize her father's discomfort and dissappeared up the stairs, leaving him standing in front of the sink, trying miserably to keep his attention on the dishes.But no such luck, because he felt Graverobber move up behind him again, but this time it wasn't an innocent brush up, instead, Graverobber came up close and pressed up against him, and Nathan found himself closing his eyes, at the feeling of hands against him, fingers splaying out against his sides."You must be imagining things." Nathan replied hoarsely, trying to force his concentration onto the tea cup but finding it incredibly difficult. ??What am I imagining, Nathan? ? His voice was low, sweet and much too intimate as he examined the smaller man ??s torso with his fingers. Even through the shirt, he was wonderfully warm and solid, muscles and form much more angular than any woman ??s. Graverobber liked to think of himself as an equal opportunity partner: liking both sexes effectively doubled his chances of getting laid.Nathan, however solid he was, was still too thin under those questing fingers. Graverobber might spend half his nights on the streets, but even he kept a little more meat on his bones than this. Deft hands pulled the shirt out of his pants on one side to slip over his belly, right below the ribs. ??Don ??t feel any surgery scars, ? he murmured, mouthing along Nathan ??s neck. This was much, much more touch than he had been allowed before, and Graverobber had the feeling it was simply because Nathan wasn ??t quite sure how to get rid of him without fetching Repo.And Repo wasn ??t the sort of alter ego you brought home to your child. There was a different sort of feeling running through Nathan now, it was a cool chill that ran up his spine and made the hairs on the nape of his neck prickle, followed quickly by a blossom of heat as he felt Graverobber shifting, felt his breath again and heart the too intimate tone that he was currently using to torture the doctor. Nathan knew he should have been shoving Graverobber away, or at the very least protesting, but he found his mind was swimming, particularly when the other man tugged up his shirt and slipped one wide hand under the material."How should I know?" Nathan asked, doing his best to sound indignant, "You're clearly out of your mind anyways."Nathan nearly dropped the tea cup in his hands when he felt the palm sliding slowly along his skin, a touch that was nothing like all of the violent moments they'd had prior this was incredibly gentle, and the simple touch was setting all of his nerve endings on fire. He wasn't sure if he preferred this passive Graverobber or the aggressive one, but he noticed that Repo was astoundingly quiet right then, as though the monster had chosen to sit back and observe this little interaction rather than being involved in it for once."Never had surgery." Nathan replied, and he shivered when he felt the warm mouth on his throat, "Never needed it."One of the lucky ones. A low chuckle, more breath than voice, exhaled over skin that was just slightly damp from his mouth. There was no waxy residue or stains now, and for a moment, Graverobber felt almost vulnerable. He was used to necking with men and women who were smeared with make up like himself. ??Whenever you say I ??m out of my mind, ? he said, resting his chin on Nathan ??s clean smelling shoulder to watch him fidget and fuss with his teacup. Again, he saw the same delicate, understated, but faded wealth in the cup, the same as the rest of the house, like someone had died a few decades back and this man and his daughter had come to live in their abandoned home. ??It ??s a lie. And didn ??t we talk about lying yesterday? ? Another soft laugh as he watched Nathan fumble with the cup, nearly dropping it, before he dropped his chin and pressed those same almost tender kisses to his neck. ??Lucky. ? Those hands climbed up to examine a fairly unmarked chest. Sure, there were other scars there from other things, life and work, but nothing like the deep, ugly things that surgery left behind. ??You might want to put the cup down, ? he warned, fingers creeping across the lightly haired skin. ??You might drop it. ? Nathan likely would have laughed at the realization that Graverobber was feeling vulnerable, because with his front pressed into the counter, the scavenger pressed to his back, and hands up his shirt, Nathan was feeling more vulnerable than he could ever remember, moreso because he wasn't entirely certain he wanted it to stop even though he knew that heshouldwant it to.Those hands continued up over his ribs, climbing his chest, and Nathan shuddered again, this time so hard that he found he couldn't disagree with Graverobber and he set the china teacup down, placing a hand onto the counter to try and keep his balance, because suddenly he felt like his legs might not keep him up. It seemed so ridiculous, the simple touches were nearly making him lose his footing. To make matters worse, he was aware that Graverobber was doing this just to tease him Shilo would be back in minutes, and Graverobber was just touching and caressing to to suddenly the counter against his front was incredibly uncomfortable, and Nathan moved to try and tug Graverobber's hands away, embarrassed by his own reaction and desperately not wanting to make it obvious. ??Very good, ? Graverobber whispered as Nathan managed to set the cup down, splaying his fingers across that flat chest. His hands were wide, warm and fairly tame: outside of a few brushes, he didn ??t give the nipples any attention preferring, instead, to use gentle, exploratory touches.It seemed to be working quite well, he thought as he twisted his head, if the way the pulse under his lips sped up was any indication. Until Nathan was pushing him off.Graverobber stepped back obediently with one last, quick nip to the skin under his mouth. ??Why don ??t you tell your daughter you want to perform one last test? ? he said pleasantly from about a step behind Nathan. The scavenger cocked his head to the side, leaning back a little to examine Repo from the behind. ??You ??ll at least be able to take the edge off. ? Nathan was characteristically quiet, even as Graverobber's hands skimmed so temptingly along his skin, though he had to fight to keep his eyes open the urge to just lean back into the other man and enjoy the sensation was overwhelming, but he resisted because even with the strange warmth flooding his senses and making him feel a little stupid, he remembered that his daughter would be back at any moment.And yes, there was the sound of her footsteps on the staircase again, just as Graverobber began to pull away and Nathan leaned his hands forward onto the counter to steady himself, to pull himself together. He was painfully hard from the ghosting touches, and every time he went through this with Graverobber, it became more difficult to ignore his body's demands for the attention he had denied himself for so long."That would be a bad idea." Nathan rasped, feeling the other man's eyes on him.And then Shilo was back in the room and Nathan was emptying out the sink, cleaning up the counter, busying himself as much as he could while his daughter put down a small pile of images of various insects primarily the flightless ones, given that she so rarely saw any of them on her balcony, save for the rare brave one that climbed that high only to meet their maker on the end of a bobby pin. Graverobber wanted to ask why after all, he thought it wasn ??t such a bad idea. In fact, he thought it was a fantastic idea though he was just as pleased to pull away and leave Nathan with an erection and a sink full of dishes.But the kid was there, and Graverobber couldn ??t exactly go about molesting her father with Shilo in the room. Not because he was embarrassed: not at all, he just preferred not getting his fingers broken or his nails pulled out. He turned away to bend over the table and fan the various pictures out across the waxed wood, streaked head cocked towards Shilo ??s own dark one as she explained, very seriously, the various insects she was looking for. He only spoke up to ask questions and remark on a bug or two he had seen, and promised to keep an eye out for anything particularly crawly.Great. Now not only did he have to creep through graveyards for Zydrate, he was going to have to find bugs. And try and convince Ray not to kill him. And steer clear of Rotti. And recover what territory he might have lost in the last few days. And get You to part with some of her very teenish magazines.Nathan had nerve saying that Graverobber complicated things. ??Anything else I should keep an eye out for? ? he asked, fighting the urge to look back at the father he heard bustling behind him. Nathan had to busy himself at the sink when Shilo showed up again he tried to occupy himself because right then, turning around wasn't an option he was so painfully hard from the brief contact with Graverobber that there was no possible way of concealing the problem, especially horrifying with the presence of his daughter in the room.Not to mention the fact that Graverobber was likely to make matters worse in his own unpleasant way so Nathan said nothing, he didn't turn around while the two spoke, he simply kept his attention focused on scrubbing the dishes to the point where he risked scraping the patterns right off of the fine china. Unfortunately, even long after the dishes were obsessively clean, he found that his problem hadn't subsided and he found himself becoming concerned that it wasn't going to."Fireflies," Shilo replied promptly, her enthusiasm making it clear how interested she was, "I've seen a few only I can never seem to catch them, they move so fast. They're so strange, they look like any other insect during the day, but at night they glow. They're different." "Do I feed them anything?" Graverobber wasn't used to taking care of things: he'd never had a pet, he'd never paid any attention to bugs like Nathan's kid obviously did, and his salvaged plant only survived because it was already particularly hardy. Nurturing was not an adjective he would ever think to apply to himself. And even though he'd seen bugs his whole life , he'd never thought about things like, well, if they had to breath.It was a lot of work for impressing one man.Speaking of said man, he had been awfully quiet for the last few minutes. "Nathan," he called sweetly, his tone with only a hint of mockery. "Is everything all right? You haven't said much." If the older man mustered up the courage to look back, he'd see a rather smug smile making the corner of the dealer's lips twitch. "Anything " And the emphasis on that word was perfectly clear. " I can help with?" "They eat other bugs," Shilo replied promptly, shifting through the pictures on the table, "Or pollen, but it's kind of hard to find a lot of flowers around here, and the soil is pretty poisonous for most plants. Dad has to get them from a florist to put them on mother's grave."As far as Shilo was aware, her mother's grave held her mother's body she had never seen the memorial her father kept in the house, given that it was in an area of hallway she had never been down it was bizarre that Nathan had even managed to keep a secret from his daughter within the very home she was imprisoned.And Nathan's shoulders stiffened for an instant when Graverobber addressed him,"No," he replied, a little sharply, "I'm fine.I don't need anything, thank you Marcus." Graverobber's grin turned feral. "All right, then. I suppose I'll see you later." The predatory look was subdued but still there when he turned to Shilo. Obviously the thought of Nathan sporting some level of a hard on was a little more interesting than he would have liked it to be.Though at least that nasty part of him that liked to get attached to people wasn't loud enough for him to not feel a sick sort of pleasure in having the man that turned on and without a way to relieve the pressure."And it was good meeting you, kid. Except for the bashing my skull in." He reached up to touch the back of his head, cringing theatrically. "Good swing, though." With one last, self satisfied nod to Nathan, Graverobber was gone out the door and whistling. He scared some poor, well off and normal family: a young man, his too pretty wife and their little baby in a pram on his way back to the city proper.And he had left his coat again. It took an astoundingly long time for Nathan to be able to leave the kitchen again, to the point where Shilo began to question his near obsessive cleaning habits between comments about how pleasant she thought Graverobber was,"Oh yes," Nathan said through clenched teeth, "Very pleasant."Because, as unfortunate as it was, Graverobber was in fact the first visitor to the Wallace family home since Marni's funeral, when Marni's best friend Mag had stopped by for a terribly brief time before being all but chased away by Nathan's erratic behaviour she had tried to comfort him in his maddening grief and at the time he just hadn't been able to take it. He was sure he had frightened her, but it was for the best he had told her Shilo died with Marni, and he'd never told Shilo about her Godmother.No, Graverobber was the only other person Shilo had met, and that fact saddened him in some ways but he forced himself to remember that the outside world was a terrible place, that people would only use her. She was safer without them."Dad, I think he left his coat again." Shilo said, and brought the packaged jacket over to Nathan, who inexplicably fumed at the sight of it. He might have set it on fire to get rid of it once and for all if he wasn't sure that Graverobber would return and insist on being taken out on a shopping trip to get a new one, thus introducing Nathan to a whole new level of hell. That he missed the first swing was pure luck.Graverobber ducked out of the way of the second, crouching to bring his center of gravity low. Unnaturally green eyes seemed to be working properly: the third go clipped his shoulder, golf club whizzing by his ear. For an old man, Ray was fast and angry, face contorted in a way Repo ??s never was. This was pure indignation, a sort of protective rage that sent every limb quaking with energy a senior citizen shouldn ??t have. ??You sent a bloody Repo Man to my door, you jackal. ? The scavenger hadn ??t even made it to his room: someone had informed the old man that he had come in and he had been in the process of picking his own lock ??keys in the pocket of his coat, after all ??when Ray had caught up to him. He cut an imposing figure for someone who was nearing eighty and dressed in pants the color of an under ripe banana with a shirt that managed to clash in both the background maroon and burnt orange details. ??Wait! ? Curious faces stuck their heads out of doors, watching all along the hallway. Ray paused, golf club raised over his head like some medieval weapon, eye sockets darkened from his recent surgery making him look like some sort of caricature of a villain. ??He keeps the body. In the house. ? He ??d peeked old Ray ??s curiosity if the way he lowered that nine iron was any clue. ??What did you say? ? he asked, cocking his head to the side. Ray sometimes had the movements, not just the fashion sense, of someone who was unaccustomed to seeing things. Now, he wasn ??t looking at Graverobber, he was looking somewhere past him and the natty little thing that was his most obnoxious renter in the way was just there, blood and bone and absolutely not his focus. ??Of the woman. He keeps it in the house. ? Graverobber straightened, wishing that Ray hadn ??t cornered him. This was twice in twelve hours that he had been restrained, and twice that he had been attacked with some sort of blunt weapon. Hopefully the week would improve. ??It ??s well preserved. Eerily so. ? Again there was that inward look and Ray backed off, anger subdued as he chewed at this new bone. ??She would be Evita to his Dr. Ara, ? he murmured thoughtfully. However, when Graverobber tried to slink off, he found the club brandished at him again. ??Hold on, you son of a bitch. The body, you know how it ??s been preserved? ? ??Not a clue. Only that, ? Graverobber glanced around, seeing an audience, then lowered his voice. The less information out about Nathan, even anonymous, the better. ??Only that Rotti wants it. ? The old man nodded, stepping back finally and letting the club hang at his side. ??Am I free to go, or would you like to hit me? ? ??You ??re lucky you ??re useful. But, as God as my witness, I will bash your brains into this carpet if you ever endanger me and mine again. ? Ray looked him over. ??Jesus Christ. You ??re actually clean? Who hosed you down? ? Finally left to his own devices, Nathan was forced to consider what he had learned the previous night Graverobber hadn't come of his own volition though, perhaps that was saying too much, chances were the scavenger had seen an opportunity to wreak further havoc and had leapt upon it but rather he had been sent by Nathan's own employer. Usually if Rotti had any extra information to add or felt the need to torture him, he would call or send in one of his spawns to stir things up but this time, he had chosen a vagrant, the very vagrant who had been engaging with him in a lengthy game of cat and mouse.This told Nathan several things one, Rotti didn't know Graverobber was the man who had taken the GeneCo eyes the previous week if he knew, he would have ordered the hit and Nathan would have been pulled into GeneCo to do the deed, likely with Graverobber hanging by his ankles in some chilly basement room. After all, Rotti wouldn't want to miss that show.He would probably have made Nathan take Graverobber's eyes first which Nathan now found himself acknowledging were very blue. How appropriate.He forced his mind back on track the second was that even though Rotti didn't know Graverobber was the thief, he was eager to have the scavenger killed, or he wouldn't have sent him into the Wallace home. Though, Rotti didn't know precisely how much Graverobber knew either, that he was aware that a Repo Man owned the home he was breaking into, and perhaps Rotti hadn't forseen precisely how insane Graverobber could be.So it left the question why did Rotti Largo want Marni's body? Was it just another cruel torture? Was Rotti just furthering his games, trying to find new power to hold didn't he already have enough evidence to hang him with?The taste of blood wrenched him back to reality as he realized he had chewed through the healing cut on his bottom lip, and Repo stirred like an eager dog, given false hopes by the taste only to be dissappointed to discover Nathan had done it, that it was his own blood, harder and sharper, and not as sweet as Graverobber's had been.Nathan shuddered at his own thoughts and rose from the chair with Shilo in her room, he slid aside the fireplace and slipped into his darkness. He had an order to fill. Amber Sweet was used to getting what she wanted.That was a fact of life in the Largo household: her oldest brother killed or maimed employees with an alarming frequency, the middle child tore faces off women, and Amber Sweet always got what she wanted. Amber was very much like Daddy in that regard. Her brothers didn ??t know what it was like to have wants, they had impulses. No doubt about it, she loved them dearly , but sometimes she wondered what sort of trash their father had brought home to produce his two oldest. It was no wonder he had to have a third child.She meant that as kindly as possible.Amber, as far as she was concerned, was the perfect heir outside of one teeny, tiny problem. She was smart, very attractive in a very modern sense , charismatic, and above all, had Daddy ??s bend toward deviousness . She also knew how to read people, knew, for instance, that she was Daddy ??s favourite, and the perfect heir.Save for that one little problem. And really, who could blame her? It was a necessary evil. She had to look good.She did it for him, really. ??Stop the car, ? Amber said to her driver, leaning over one of her scantily clad varlets. Absolutely useless as men: their specialized treatments left them with no interest what so ever in her though kept them whole in an aesthetically pleasing sense that conventional gelding wouldn ??t. The Largo daughter liked slumming, but she wasn ??t stupid: not having protection out here was a quick way to get oneself killed and looted.Long legs caught the harsh glow of street lamps as she climbed out of the car, aided by one of her eye candy varlets. Graverobber had become harder to track down these last few days, and if she had heard her father correctly, she might be in the market for a new dealer. If that was true, she would go home and throw a fit, maybe even break things. He ??d be sorry, just like after he ??d killed her favourite team of surgeons.But, no, he was there. She could hear the low rumble of his voice, sunk underneath the higher pitched tones of primarily female junkies, before she saw him. He as surprisingly plain today without that hideous coat and she could notice the lack of Zydrate vials sparkling from his hip.Amber was not happy. He must have heard the clicking of her heels, because that suddenly obnoxiously painted face was turning her way. She had him up against a wall before he had a chance to protest. ??Well, look who made it to the meeting, ? he breathed, stained lips twisting into a smile that earned him another shove. ??I ??m afraid I ??m already out, love, ? the dealer cooed, pushing her off. ??What do you mean you ??re out?! ? Her voice had the nasty habit of breaking when she was angry and she stomped her foot. He shrugged already starting to slink off when one of her men stopped him at her request. Graverobber turned, that same curl of his lips plastered on his face, and she was struck with the urge to hit him. Didn ??t he know how patient she had been? Here she was, using the watered down swill she bribed out of staff, and he was just grinning like that wasn ??t a problem. ??What the hell have you been doing all this time? ? ??Chasin ?? a bird, Sweet. ? The junkies got brave when it was just her without any cops. This one had come climbing down from a fire escape where she had been relaxing to grin at Amber over Graverobber ??s shoulder. Fingers plucked across his shoulder as she turned dark, vacant eyes. ??Should have been here earlier. He was in stock, then. ? Graverobber shrugged her off, too, though she couldn ??t have minded one bit. ??Not a bird. ? This ugly whore had a long, thin neck and too much color to her hair. Somehow, in all those colors, she managed not to match a single one to her outfit, something that should have been used for floss, not clothing. ??Older fag, I saw him. Well dressed, grey haired and all. Daddy can ??t buy you a dick, dear? ? ??You probably know each other. If there ??s nothing else ? ? Graverobber slipped by a shocked to speechlessness Amber, that stupid smirk still on his ugly, useless face. He was gone by the time she had her wit together and she could leave in a huff. So Daddy was right: Nathan Wallacewasspending time with that annoying, good for nothing vulture.She was used to getting what she wanted, and when she didn ??t, she was just as good as making the other person regret it.The Wallace house was a little more welcoming tonight, Graverobber thought as he stood outside the old gate. He had a few magazines rolled up under his arm, though no bugs: Ray had interrogated him for most of the day, and convincing You to part with a few of her magazines had taken up the rest. But he had got them, though she had given him a nasty look the whole time through, and only when Ray had asked her to.Still having Rotti ??s key, Graverobber let himself in the cast iron gate and past what might have once been a lovely garden but was now just a depressing plot of dirt. At the door, he actually knocked, feeling rather silly. He had the key, after all, but he didn ??t want a second concussion: he ??d barely recovered from the massive headache. ??Shilo? ? he called, peeking in through the ornately decorated door. Nathan stared he stared because he couldn't find any words when Rotti Largo tossed a glossy photo down in front of him, and it made his stomach lurch, made him grateful that he was still wearing his mask so the other man couldn't see his expression, or see the flush that he knew had blossomed in his ears. He didn't know why, but he found his own internal narration quietly begging that this wasn't a hit, that this wasn't Rotti ordering him to kill, because the black and white picture was of Graverobber, surrounded by hookers and looking distinctly Graverobber.Neither of the men said anything, but Rotti stared at him, waited. And waited.In the background, he heard Luigi and Pavi shifting, apparently trying to settle themselves in for a long haul."Well?" Rotti said finally, and Nathan just stood there with a liver in his hand like a kid with a lunchpail."My talents haven't extended to mind reading." he replied tiredly, and he heard Luigi make a noise that might have been a laugh, but it was so strangled and awful sounding that he wasn't sure he really wanted to know."What do you know about him?" Rotti prompted, only moderately off put by the other man's response Nathan Wallace was usually a man of few words, and those words had never before been sarcasm. He watched the Repo Man lift his shoulders in a shrug."He's a vulture." he said flatly, "A lowlife, sleeps in dumpsters. Anyone who goes out at night is bound to run into him.""But you've been running into him frequently.""I've had a busy month, if you recall. I can't really remember a lot about it," Nathan said, and then looked down at his hand, and tossed the liver onto Graverobber's glossy face, adding pointlessly, "Here's a liver.""Which, of course, brings me to the time you were found unconscious, Nathan. You had been injected with Zydrate when the delivery was stolen, and from what I understand, this is a dealer." Rotti said."Coincidence? I think a not!" Pavi chirped, and there was a loud thumping noise, but Nathan didn't have to turn around to know that Pavi had been struck by Luigi he also resisted the urge to thank the eldest Largo for that small gift, because he recoiled at the thought of creating some common ground between himself and Luigi.Nathan said nothing he had long ago discovered that playing stupid worked, even when the opposite party was well aware he wasn't an idiot it still frustrated Rotti he saw the man's round face briefly turn a shade of red, and Nathan whimsically wished steam would pour from the big man's ears like a tea kettle.It was then that he decided that he needed to stop letting himself be roped into watching Shilo's television shows, because they seemed to be melting his brain.He also needed to sleep more the previous night hadn't afforded him with much rest, and he was certain that night would be similar it was an emerging pattern, and he had gone long beyond the point of exhaustion and well into the realm of what could be described as 'loopiness'."Was this the man who stole GeneCo property?" Rotti asked, seeking the confirmation he needed to make the order of course, Rotti Largo could have anyone killed if he so desired it, but given that he was simultaneously using Graverobber he was reluctant to give up such a promising gopher, "What you must understand, Nathan, is that this a matter of security for the company letting this sort of thing go unaddressed could mean future thefts. Any information you can provide could be mutually beneficial."The liver settled on the desk with a wet, squishing noise and he had to resist the urge to cackle."Was this the man who stole GeneCo property?" Rotti repeated.And after a long time, Nathan finally, slowly, lifted his shoulders in another eloquent shrug. Shilo was armed and potentially dangerous when she approached the front door her movements were cautious and slow, and she shifted the firepoker into her left hand while she peered through the window to see who was outside. They never had visitors, so the idea of someone else showing up seemed unfathomable but no, it was Marcus.She whipped the door open and stared at Graverobber the poker was still in her hand but it was leaning against the floor, a lingering but currently unaggressive threat, and Shilo looked up at him with round eyes she was wearing a white ruffled dress bedecked with black ribbons that only added to the eerie living doll look that she always seemed to possess."Hi." she said finally. ??Hello, kid. ? Graverobber brushed past her smoothly as if he was a stray cat coming home to rest. Again, there was that lack of concern for personal space and for respecting the idea that not all homes were his own. He turned around, examining her in all her fluff and ribbons.He wasn ??t quite sure what look Nathan was going for when he gave his child these clothes. Sure, it reminded him a bit of what that corpse was wearing, but there was something so disturbing in dressing a young girl after his dead wife he simply refused to explore that thought. That line of thinking would lead him to wondering if the good doctor saw his child as a substitute in other ways, and Graverobber simply did not want to know. Just like he didn ??t want to know why that body was so well preserved. ??Thanks for not bashing my brain in tonight, ? he said pleasantly, pulling the magazines out with a flourish. He ??d wrangled from You the most color saturated and picture heavy zines he could find for her. ??These are fine, right? ? Shilo's eyebrows shot up when Graverobber slinked past her and into the house, and she turned to look at him unlike her father, it didn't appear she was about to protest the man's presence but the level of fascination from the previous evening still remained, her dark eyes taking him in all over again, observing the unusual features that made up the drug dealer.Ultimately, her eyes ended up on his hair again, something that seemed to be a source of endless fascination for Shilo, but her eyes snapped down again when like magic the magazines appeared in his hands, glossy and colourful, boasting ridiculous claims and gossip articles about celebrities Shilo had never heard of."Awesome!" she exclaimed, with the enthusiasm that came from seventeen years of being almost completely disconnected from the outside world, then adding in a true show of her naivete, as though Graverobber had stumbled upon some treasured rarity, "How did you find these?"And then she shook her head,"It doesn't matter thank you," she said, looking up from them and beaming at the scavenger. He was still playing the dealer, but there was something a lot more wholesome in finding the girl magazines that weren ??t likely to cause her any harm then peddling goo sucked from the brain cavities of the dead. Not that he truly minded his job: most of the time, he loved it. His career choice gave him that much needed sense of adventure and thrill, certainly better than sitting behind a desk for the rest of his life.Graverobber smiled in a way that was some mix of low life tramp and dotting older brother and had to fight the urge to ruffle her hair. Not only because he ??d probably set the wig askew, but also because he needed to ignore the rather human responses Nathan and his kid brought out in him.It was annoying as fuck. ??Keep them out of your dad ??s sight, ? he warned. ??He doesn ??t need any more reason to be upset with me. ? Shilo smiled up at him, and her eyebrows snapped up high when Graverobber rubbed at the top of her head, nearly spinning the wig around so that she looked like a reject from the Adams Family. She adjusted the hair and picked up the magazines as Graverobber offered them out to her, handling them with a peculiar care as though she was afraid of even causing a wrinkle in them, and she set them down on a side table, clearly resisting the maddening urge to flip through them, just so she could be polite.But she hadn't quite gotten a handle on the the whole 'not staring' issue, because she ended up with her eyes pinned to Graverobber's hair again, and after a long silence she suggested with, perhaps a hint of hope in her voice,"It could use being brushed." ??It could use being brushed. ? Famous last words. Graverobber was used to humoring women: that tended to keep him warm and well fucked. He preferred women over men most of the time, even if they all were annoying similar they were also very soft, which tended to make any annoying trait better as long as they kept quiet.He had never, however, gone so far as it sit on a little girl ??s bed and have his hair brushed.There was something very ? not masculine about the whole thing. Perhaps even worse was the fact it actually felt good: Graverobber was vain and certainly cultivated his flamboyant appearance, but he didn ??t have the time to actually comb out his hair or have someone do it. In fact, he didn ??t want the jittery hands of a Zydrate junkie anywhere near the tangles. He tucked a bare footed leg under himself. ??Enjoying yourself back there? ? At Graverobber's conceeding that his hair could certainly use brushing, Shilo got a strange sort of hungry look in her eyes, but it wasn't the sort that the scavenger was used to seeing this was the very specific look of a bored young woman who had just discovered she had been given a new toy to play with. A large, living new toy.And it was no less than ten minutes later they ended up on her bed, also not in a way that Graverobber was used to with Graverobber sitting at the end of the bed looking vaguely annoyed with himself, Shilo had settled herself in directly behind him, cross legged and armed with a series of hair brushes that had all been lined up neatly at her side like the tray in a surgery room. She took her time, painstakingly working her way through knots and tangles in Graverobber's hair, working through them until she was able to pass a brush through the rainbow hued strands without it catching on the strands or ripping them from the roots."Very much," Shilo replied to Graverobber's question, "But you really need to start using conditioner."She even hummed to herself as she untangled his hair, apparently perfectly satisfied to spend her time that way and once she was finished ensuring that it was as neat as it could possibly be, she brought out the final insult.Ribbons.Of course, she didn't tell Graverobber what she was doing as she worked the various colours into careful braids, ending each one with a silk ribbon, because she had learned that as long as she occasionally worked her fingers against his scalp, he remained as happy as a lazy housecat.And she had been so intent on her task that she hadn't been listening for her father's footsteps which were always so soft that it had taken her years of practise to be able to listen for them and thus didn't expect the door to creak open.And, naturally, Nathan hadn't expected to see Graverobber on his daughter's bed his intial reaction was a flash of horrifying anger, one that showed a side of him that even the scavenger hadn't seen yet, but it all but vanished the moment that Shilo peered out around Graverobber's shoulder, still clutching a bit of his hair in her hands."Hey dad," Shilo chirped, and Nathan had to consider the sight in front of him for a long moment Graverobber, cross legged on the bed with his hair in braids, some of which had been brought up into loops and whorls on the side and top of his head. Eventually, Nathan had to bring his hand to his mouth, because somewhere under the intense anger and exhaustion, there came a bubble of strange humour, and the part time Repo Man and full time father giggled, and snorted. ??Mmm. ? The rumble came from somewhere down low in his chest, almost like the large, lazy Tom cat she had compared him to, as those thin fingers rubbed against his scalp to distract him as she worked through another section of hair. At least the multicolored mane was clean today due to his rather long shower earlier there were no leaves or branches. The morally lax, predatory dealer lounged on her bed, letting Nathan ??s little girl turn his head any way she desired.He noticed the ribbons but, really, if it kept her happy and massaging his scalp like that, he didn ??t care. Graverobber hummed softly as she worked, absolutely boneless and eyes half lidded. Outside, the weather was still that nasty, muggy sort that made one ??s clothes cling to their skin and produced sweat in places that shouldn ??t have any, but inside the air conditioned Wallace house it was a nice, dry, perfect temperature.If one particularly embarrassing session was all he needed to pay for this comfort and perhaps even happy humping later, Graverobber was willing to make that sacrifice.Graverobber barely lifted hooded eyes as the hinges of the door protested and Nathan stuck his head in, ready to play the part of the angry father of a deflowered virginal daughter. Until Shilo spoke behind him and the clean cut man in the door way actually stopped to take in the scene in front of him.What did make his eyes widen and a slow, sordid smile spread over his lips was that little snort. Graverobber wasn ??t aware Nathan knew how to laugh, not when he was sober and not high as a kite. He certainly hadn ??t expected something that completely ? Well, not Repo ish. ??Something funny, Nate? ? Even Shilo paused to stare because of the rarity of her father's laughter in fact, she couldn't really distinctly remember a time he had laughed, though she had seen him occasionally smile when she did something he thought was sweet or charming. She contemplated this while she tied a pink ribbon around one of the braids she had painstakingly weaved, and considered that her father usually didn't even have many expressions beyond the inflexible neutral one she had only ever seen his anger rise to the surface once or twice, and she had seen him pensive when he thought she wasn't looking, but otherwise well, Graverobber's presence seemed to bring out something else. Shilo wasn't certain what it was, but suddenly she found herself eyeing the bruises on her father's neck with a new and disturbing insight. She tried to shake off the conclusion that her teenage brain had made, because surely it wasn't the sort of thing that should ever occur to anyone.Graverobber was a patient of her father's he had said that before.And Nathan finally replied, though it was only a shake of his head, followed by a lengthy silence as he remained in place with his hand over his mouth, tired eyes taking in the sight in front of him. He wasn't entirely sure what to do at that juncture, because he was caught between wanting to go to bed, wanting to tear Graverobber's jugular out with his teeth, and wanting to give Shilo an extensive lecture about stranger danger. Of course, at that point Graverobber was no longer a stranger to the surgeon, but that didn't mean Nathan trusted him."No, nothing," Nathan said finally, "You look pretty."The last word came out strangled, a choked and coughing laugh that had turned gravelly, as though he was fluctuating between personalities. It was difficult to discern whether he was amused or angry right then. ??You can thank Shilo for that, ? he said pleasantly and scooted off the edge of the bed. He was still quite a masculine form even with the cosmetics, braids, and ribbons, and the new hair style didn't seem to bother him at all as he crossed the room in a few, easy strides.Graverobber wasn ??t aware that Shilo ??s brain had finally made that connection earlier, she seemed ready to believe that her dad ??s neck was bruised due to an inoculation . All kids were like that, weren ??t they? They made up excuses so they never had to think of their parents as sexual beings. The dealer stayed an appropriately far distance away from Nathan, though he reached out and touched a forearm. ??Care to let me stay the night again? It ??s awful late, and I ??d hate to have to walk home in the dark. ? Somehow, he managed a rather wolfish leer even with all the mutli colored ribbons in his hair.He'd have to take those out soon. Graverobber might be able to pull a lot off with the simply ridiculous, but ribbons were a bit much. Nathan stared he did this for several reasons.For one, Graverobber was covered in make up and ribbons, thus turning him into the most ineffective transvestite that Nathan had ever seen. For another, the surgeon was exhausted and having difficulty drawing any real conclusions about the day, except for the fact he may have just given Rotti a reason to torture him for another few weeks, all for the sake of said ineffective transvestite. And last was that, after everything that had happened, Graverobber had yet again entered the Wallace home, and was now trying to coax his way into another night of free room and board, only this time the scavenger didn't have the benefit of Nathan's guilt.Or at least hedidn't, up until the point Shilo gave himthat lookwiththose eyes.It was terribly unfair, because Nathan found he was too tired to argue, too mentally spent to fight off the doe eyes that his daughter was fixing him with, and too stubborn to let Repo take over and end Graverobber's life in front of Shilo. He moved his eyes away when Graverobber leered, tugging his arm from the man's grip as casually as he could manage,"Alright, one night." he said, moving to the doorway and gesturing for Graverobber to exit, casting one stern look in Shilo's direction that made the seventeen year old duck her head, but he couldn't let her go to bed believing he was angry with her, so he stepped back into the room and placed a kiss on her forehead, quietly telling her he loved her before he stepped out of the room again. When Graverobber was out, he closed Shilo's door behind them and locked it, scowling at the scavenger.His voice was low when he spoke,"I don't know what you're trying to do," Nathan said softly, and there was an anger seething below his gentle words, "But you've chosen a very dangerous method."And then he turned away from Graverobber and began down the hallway his tiredness was showing in his stride then, in the slope of his shoulders and the way he put his hand out to the wall."You can stay for a night," Nathan re iterated, "But on the couch." As soon as they were out, Graverobber ??s clever fingers started deftly plucking the ribbons from his hair. He met Nathan ??s stare levelly, a shadow of his previous leer playing on his lips, though his eyes darted down to take in the keys. So the good doctor locked the kid in her room. Huh. Thatwasodd. Graverobber wondered what other thing where on his key ring, if perhaps the body ??s key was on there as well.Perhaps he ??d best ignore that job. The reward would be fantastic, but Nathan was much more interesting to him than an envelope of script. ??I ??m not trying to do anything, ? he said sweetly, running those same long digits through the unbraided strands. Nathan was exhausted from running the streets, he could see that in the way his shoulder drooped and his head seemed unable to remain propped up on his spine.The predator let Nathan pull away, fingers still undoing his girl ??s work. Her little fingers had left tiny little braids, and he felt he ??d be using a good part of his nocturnal schedule to get them out. ??Sweet dreams, Nathan, ? he rumbled, strolling off to go explore the rest of the house.Er. Sleep. Of course. Nathan watched Graverobber go and wondered vaguely if the final thread of his sanity had really snapped he was allowing Graverobber to spend the night in his home despite the fact that just the previous day, the man had broken in and tried to steal Marni's body. For what must have been the hundredth time, he wondered why he hadn't ended this it did, of course, mean killing Graverobber because the man was too stubborn to give up while he was still breathing, but sometimes it didn't seem like such an awful punishment for the scavenger. Certainly, it effectively ended his relationship with everything but he could ensure it was quick and clean.Though, if he woke up to find Marni's body gone, it wouldn't be.He fought down the well of paranoia that Graverobber had been hired by Rotti yet again, because even with his sleep addled mind he had to begrudgingly give the scavenger a little credit if he had a job to do in the house, he could have used his new knowledge of Nathan's schedule to break in and take what he needed. It would have been simple.So there was a good chance that this was Graverobber's attempt to simply continue being invasive.Unable to continue thinking, Nathan went to his room, stripped down, and changed into his night clothes dark, navy things that were reminiscent of a clean cutLeave It To Beaverera they were wholesome, wholly appropriate matching pyjamas complete with a chest pocket and lapels that seemed to be making an effort all on their own to be intensely boring.Given his state at the time, Nathan barely managed to slip under the covers before he fell asleep that night, quiet and motionless as a corpse. His very bones ached.It was a weird sort of feeling he had never gotten used to, this getting old thing. He ??d made a mistake of chasing that child down: the thief wouldn ??t listen to corporal punishment, no, he ??d simply get sneakier. The old man hummed softly along with the dated music player ancient songs, Helen would say, from the last century, and Ray couldn ??t remember when they had gone from avant garde to archaic. He also couldn ??t remember exactly when sleep had become something optional.Like it was tonight. He shuffled his reedy form around the main room, ghosts of memories whispering at him from the books and magazines that clogged his shelves. He had texts up there from his own school days: outdated things like himself from a time he could remember like it was yesterday.The problem he was gnawing at tonight was not so old: Rotti, over the years, had become a sort of an obsession, his Moriarty, and this, this newest bone he ??d been thrown was promising. No, not promising. It was diseased, foul, hinted at nasty things sensible people wanted nothing to do with. The whole thing should have been very simple: two lovers and a jealous third wheel. That sort of thing showed up all the time, was the oldest story on the books outside of brother killing brother , but there was something simplypeculiarabout the whole thing.Most unhappy love triangles didn ??t end with one man in servitude, a woman dead, and a hidden little girl.Ray had just settled down in his faded sofa, every piece of information he had about the Wallaces spread out on his rickety coffee table, when that ultra modern wrist com started to beep. He sighed, disgusted, then leaned over to reach it. ??This is Bankole, ? he said roughly, though there was little point in announcing himself.Rotti never dialed him accidentally. Grave robbing had a very natural consequence, and that was almost frequent insomnia. Graverobber was unsure if the inability to sleep at night lead to doing things people like Nathan Wallace disapproved of, or if doing those disapproved things lead to poor sleeping habits.Oh, sure, he could sleep like a baby the night he had been poisoned who, after all, couldn ??t sleep after vomiting for half an hour straight? But stick him in a quiet house at night with nothing to do but pick the braids out of his hair, and Graverobber found that he couldn ??t sleep.He hadn ??t planned on it, in any case. Exploring the Wallace home was much more interesting, and if Nathan had his way , this might be his only chance. It took him only an hour of quiet to snag a few of those gem like little pills, not a whole bottle this time, and only another hour passed before he found himself wandering down That Hallway, as he had begun to call it in his head. Eerie blue lit his white face, Nathan ??s strikingly pretty wife staring ahead sightlessly from multiple places along the wall. God, what must it be like to walk down this hall every day and see these images gazing off somewhere past you forever. Loitering too close to the main attraction at the end of That Hallway sent the hairs on the back of his neck and on his arms standing on end in a way a dead body had failed to do since he had first started crawling through grave yards.He wouldn ??t call his backtracking back to the warm lights of the sitting room ??fleeing ??, but it was damn close.Remembering the kid ??s words about her father ??s normal sleeping schedule, the dealer slipped into Nathan ??s bedroom around half past four, stepping out of his boots so he could cross the rather spacious room quietly. At this time of night, in cold blues of night and moonlight, the doctor looked dead, and after slipping into the bed beside him , Graverobber actually held a hand up to his nose to check if he was breathing. Like most people, Nathan looked bizarrely peaceful in his sleep the normally anguished, pensive expression was gone and replaced with relaxed muscles that made him look much younger than he was, particularly with his glasses off and his hair mussed up like a kid's. He was certain that his month of exhaustion would be his undoing, though, because he found his senses were somewhat dulled from sleeplessness before Rotti had decided to overwork him, Nathan had adhered to a strict sleeping schedule so he would have plenty of time to be with Shilo, to do his work, and to take care of anything in between.But that month had brought too many changes to keep up with, and sleep had been the option to be tossed aside, because he had to spend time with Shilo she kept him grounded, and he couldn't let her always be alone. That, and the near constant presence of Graverobber in his life ahd left him confused, unsure of how to proceed or even how to back pedal, because the scavenger just wouldn't go away.So it was because he was so exceedingly tired that he didn't even move when Graverobber slipped in the door, his breathing didn't even change when he slipped under the covers, or when the hand was held close to his face to ensure he hadn't died in the night. But after a few moments, he did feel the change there was new warmth and it wasn't from the sheets, it was body heat. Even in his sleep, this occurred to him as being bizarre, and he shifted, his brows knitting slightly, and he shifted a hand, pushed it outward and slid it along the mattress until he found the source of the warmth, his palm ending up on Graverobber's chest. This was a dangerous game he was playing, and not in the way Nathan would think. It wasn ??t dangerous because he might get killed: in fact, that's what drew him to this, he needed the adrenaline rush to feel alive . The idea that it could quickly turn fatal pleased him a way only experienced by this century ??s self destructive surgery addicts, and he had come to terms with that long ago. No, the part that was dangerous was that he was getting too attached to one person ??s life.Graverobber didn ??t like being attached: he liked to watch, to make snide comments and to survive after it all. Growing fond of the broken old doctor and his cute though pitifully innocent young daughter was the quickest way to get him shoved on stage so he himself could be judged as he went through every miserably similar motion as the actors before him. And he hated that idea.So he told himself, as he smoothly slithered close to Nathan, he was doing this just because the mild mannered father had wonderfully painful wounds, the sort that sent a decent fellow into legal slaughter. And a sleepy Nathan, he figured, would be an easy thing to seduce. Graverobber might not have any self constructed moratorium against masturbation, but every man had his limits, and the young man was past his own.Plus, the pajamas themselves, if not the lapels, invited sexual deviancy. No low life drug dealing grave robber could ignore spoiling that completely proper image. That was his excuse, at least, for slipping his long fingered hand down those miserably chaste trousers and his mouth along his throat. Nathan's fingers had skimmed Graverobber's chest, he'd slid his palm along the man's stomach, his movements unconscious as his muzzy brain tried to register what was going on while he slept for a short time, he was sure it was a figment of his imagination, a bizarre dream that there was a warm, inviting body beside him in the bed, that he was dreaming the clothing that caught against his fingertips, dreaming the muscle and sinew he could feel through the material.The distinctlymalemuscle and sinew, his brain provided helpfully.Despite his recent experiences with Graverobber, Nathan still stubbornly regarded himself as a strict heterosexual, so it did send off alarm bells in his head that ended up being what sparked the need to wake up. Given that this was still earlier than he normally got up, Nathan took a little longer to stir into consciousness, shifting a little in his sleep, his fingers still mapping out the chest beside him, his eyebrows working in an expression of confusion.And then there was touching, fingers on him, and he knew he wasn't dreaming anymore a low, uninhibited moan managed to escape Nathan's mouth before he opened his eyes muzzily, his brain trying to process precisely what it was that was making him feel so incredibly good right then and of course, it all came crashing on him at once, and he was immediately embarrassed and furious."What are you doing?" Nathan asked thickly, his head tilted back as Graverobber assaulted his throat, and Nathan tried to will his limbs out of their laziness, forcing himself to say something, anything, while he waited for his body to start obeying him though one part was already rapidly betraying him,"The couch I told you to sleep on the couch." he hissed. Graverobber watched, amused, as Nathan ??s brow furrowed and those sluggish fingers curled in his shirt. And that little moan, unfiltered and unrestricted by the doctor ??s nasty control streak, was worth whatever bodily harm this meeting should net him.Optimistically, he would enjoy the harm. ??Currently. ? Graverobber raised his unbraided head to breath in his ear, deft fingers curling around the stirring organ. ??I ??m giving you a hand job, ? he confided teasingly, dropping his head to run his tongue along Nathan ??s neck as if he were, oh, say, chasing a bit of refugee pineapple. He could hear the sleepy anger in the man ??s voice but refused to let that stop him.When had Nathan ??s anger stopped him before? That sharp response only made him squeeze his fingers tighter though he kept his same lazy pace. ??I didn ??t sleep here, ? he said truthfully in that same intimate baritone. ??I stayed downstairs. I couldn ??t sleep, Nathan. ? Graverobber couldn't help but taunt, but just a little. ??If you want, you can just pretend this is a surprisingly good nightmare," the thief added, then punctuated his words with a nip right below the line of Nathan's jaw. Nathan felt a little dizzy from the sensations that were jolting through his system though he and Graverobber had shoved eachother into walls and viciously attacked eachother with teeth and tongues and blunt nails, this was the first time that Nathan hadn't truly had the upper hand in the alleyway, he'd had his GeneCo uniform to act as a barrier, on the couch Graverobber had been completely at his mercy. Even in the kitchen the previous day, there had been restrictions, a need to be subtle because of Shilo's presence, but this was the first time Nathan had actually felt vulnerable to the other man, having been approached in one of the only times he would be off guard.His hips instinctively twitched upwards, and another groan escaped him but this time he clamped down on it, cutting himself off as he tried to establish some self control, even as his fingers dug into the sheets when Graverobber nipped at his throat,"No," Nathan said, trying to pull Graverobber's hands away from him, his voice strained and shaky as he struggled for some control over Graverobber now, "You're not. You're going to leave this room."He shuddered under the other man's touch,"Out," Nathan rasped, suddenly finding sentances difficult, "Now." And Graverobber relished the complete control he had. There were no knives here, no blunt objects Nathan could beat him with, and the doctor was still drowsy, reflexes dulled by sleep, though that damned self control was coming back faster than he would have liked. He rewarded that little pitch of his hips with a good, honest stroke. ??Relax, Nathan, ? he whispered, crawling half on top of the other man, careful not to leave his own private parts open to assault from a knee. ??Shh. Relax. Just enjoy it. ? It was pride, wasn ??t it, that made him try and shove him off. Graverobber would leave if Nathan continued to fight, but he wouldn ??t understand. Nathan liked it: the way he hardened under his fingers while his calloused hands tightened in the sheets could mean nothing but pleasure, but he was still arguing.Another nip, right below his Adam ??s apple. He thought he was being surprisingly generous, not even worrying about if the man beneath him would return the favour. ??Calm down, ? he murmured gently. The entire situation occurred to Nathan as being distinctly unfair granted, there were worse ways to be woken up, but for the sexually repressed widower, this was his worst nightmare. Not only had he been pounced on while asleep, but he found that parts of his brain were agreeing with what Graverobber was saying, and the man's baritone voice was bizarrely relaxing right then, enough that Nathan actually let his eyes fall shut when the scavenger stroked him, and a noise rumbled in Nathan's chest but didn't quite make it into the air it was almost a purr."Why didn't I let you freeze to death?" Nathan asked between his teeth, though it was difficult to tell if he was joking or not, because any expression or statement that may have followed was cut off by a small, sharp breath, his hips bucking up once, hard, when Graverobber bit his throat. What should have processed as pain was passing through his nerves as pleasure, and Repo was beginning to crawl forward now, taking interest in what was happening the feeling of a hot body, the touch, the potential.But Graverobber was making it so damn hard to think. Nathan was surprisingly malleable beneath him. Graverobber had expected a more violent response by now, and though he couldn't see his eyes close, he did feel that lovely, low noise sparking an equally lovely heat at the base of his spine.This was more like it. Graverobber didn't have any intention of giving the mild mannered Nathan the upper hand all the time .Biting was dangerous business, though, as he was very aware that Repo liked to rear his less docile head when Graverobber tried a mix of sexuality and pain and the thief was enjoying his position at the moment. But the way thin hips bucked up into his hand made the risk so very worth it. ??You thought I had more sense, ? he reminded Nathan pleasantly, tonguing away the pain of that earlier nip. The doctor ??s pale throat might end up with another bruise to traumatize his daughter.Brave, now, that he wasn ??t being shoved off, the younger man straddled Nathan ??s hips in a way reminiscent of his last sleep over, though he kept a hand down those boring pants as insurance. He sat up, then, propping himself up lightly with a hand on Nathan ??s shoulder . Dark blue eyes took in the scene beneath him, a smile quirking his stained lips. ??Those are the ugliest pajamas I have ever seen, ? he said evenly, cocking an eyebrow. As Graverobber slithered onto him, Nathan found himself hazily wondering precisely where his willpower had dissappeared to, because the pressure and heat of a body on top of him was doing things to him that made it more difficult to fight against, and coupled with the fingers that were manipulating him he was having trouble remembering why he should want to shove the other man away."Right, what was I thinking," Nathan rasped, and seemed to squirm a little once Graverobber had settled down on top of him, "That you might have the self preservation to juststay awayis ridiculous."One of his hands ended up on Graverobber's side when the man swiped his tongue over Nathan's throat again, his fingers clutching at the material of his shirt, and when Graverobber pulled back, Nathan regarded him through half lidded eyes,"You have rainbow hair," Nathan replied promptly, but his voice was shaky, "I don't think you're in any position to educate me on fashion sense." Nathan ??s wriggling earned a hiss, sudden and surprised, from his molester. ??I have attractive rainbow hair, ? Graverobber responded brightly, attempting to set himself up as the least threatening felon Nathan had met. It made the whole seduction bit much easier. That, and the hand on his growing erection he couldn ??t ignore the influence that had. ??I ??ll even let you use it as a grip, even after insulting it, ? he added, squeezing appreciatively then returning to his languid pace.He liked hearing that normally smooth voice falter while deceptively strong fingers dug into his side. ??We can get rid of that, though. Unless, of course, you still want me down on the couch. ? Graverobber had dropped his ridiculously colored head to nuzzle at Nathan ??s neck and jaw, accentuating his words with tugs and grasps. ??I ??d hate to jack off in your shower again, though, ? he whispered slyly, pulling back just enough so Nathan could see that crooked smirk before brushing their lips together. Nathan was grateful for the darkness of the room then, because he felt the now familiar sensation of heat creeping up his neck and into his ears, the burn in his skin that seemed to occur every time they did this though this time, the urge to maim Graverobber was surprisingly minimal, limited only to a mild irritation from the man's constant intrusions.He could, however, feel Repo lurking nearby like a caged animal, impatiently stalking back and forth as though waiting for something, restricted by the boundaries of the house after all, Repo had some limitations set, and that was specifically not to be seen around Shilo. The monster seemed unsure if this particular situation counted in the rules after all, Repo was easily tempted when it came to promises of blood and heat and pain and pleasure all combined, and Graverobber had the tendency of offering exactly that. Nathan was sure the thoughts weren't his own, but he could feel it he could see the things that Repo wanted to do to Graverobber, and some of them horrified him, some of them just made him even harder in the scavenger's hand.And with some shame, he had to admit to himself, some of the thoughts did both.Somehow, Nathan wasn't surprised to hear what Graverobber had done in his shower, though the obsessive part of him noted that he would absolutely have to clean the shower the next day.And then their lips brushed, and something about it seemed to set Nathan off, because one of his hands dug into the ridiculous hair and he yanked Graverobber close and hungrily ravaged the man's mouth. Things were much simpler in Graverobber ??s mind: his greatest concern was keeping Repo at bay, if only for the selfish reason of wanting to stay in charge of the situation. Oh, he was fond of fighting, but his sense of sexual justice was a bit miffed by how much power Nathan had had last time, right up until he poisoned him.He was enjoying himself, perched on top of Nathan as he was, and taking uncomplicated pleasure in teasing the man. The dealer had no dark side to fight . That ??s why he had kissed him, after all. Usually, Graverobber wasn ??t big on kisses, but Nathan, with his modest jammies and miserably out dated bedclothes, seemed like the sort that would want kisses.Not the hungry press of mouth and teeth and tongue that the good doctor, with his boring fashion sense and almost prudish response so far, sprung on him.Graverobber ??mmph ??d, startled by the sudden ravishing he hadn ??t expected that from Nathan and wasn ??t quite sure where the man had learned to kiss like that. But that was his last civil thought as he dug a hand into short, graying hair, jerking Nathan ??s head to the side to remind him who exactly was in charge as he attempted to wrest control of the kiss away.It might have been a little below the belt to use his weight and position to keep Nathan on his back, pressing his body down so he was nearly grinding against his hand and the bulge forming in those entirely wholesome trousers. It wasn't as violent as what Repo would have done, but the kiss was very unlike what one would expect from the more docile side of the doctor, it was harder, deeper than any sweet chaste kiss, and there was a desperate heat in it as Nathan worked Graverobber's bottom lip between his teeth and then pushed their tongues together, his fingers digging into thick cords of hair to tug the man close, to force the kiss on him so he couldn't pull away.And then there were hands in his own hair, and Nathan felt Graverobber trying to wrench him back, so Nathan tugged the man closer, nipped at Graverobber's top lip he shivered as more pressure was applied, their bodies touching closely now but the scavenger was fighting for control, so Nathan decided to make it more difficult, sliding one of his deft hands between their bodies, squeezing between Graverobber's legs. For an affair that was generally carried out against faded walls and a faded sofa, the two were in a surprisingly intimate position. Graverobber hadn ??t really expected this, no, he had thought he might get a few minutes before Nathan kicked him out to start his daily habits or perhaps he ??d get to finish that hand job before the man kicked him to etc, etc.This close , body to body session was not something he had previously thought the doctor was capable of. Not when, just barely a week ago, he would push Graverobber down the stairs for simply leaning over him. He groaned encouragingly into Nathan ??s mouth, leaning forward on his forearm in an attempt to deepen the kiss. This kiss was also something of a shocker: it was a messy, opened mouth thing that had Nathan forcing his tongue into Graverobber ??s completely non sterile mouth.Not that he minded, what with the way he sucked on the doctor ??s tongue as he pressed his hips forward into the questing, clever fingers. His own hand, though, was having a bit of a problem with freedom. Annoyed, Graverobber bit down harshly on the man ??s bottom lip, jerked back and attempted to yank those damned bottoms down Nathan ??s thighs.He had a good mind to make his mouth even less sanitary. The entire thing was messy, lusty, and undignified as the men pushed their tongues together insistently, but Nathan found himself unable to care about the cleanliness of it right then, because his head was buzzing with pleasure that was making everything else seem to fade to the background all of the anger and stress, all of the despair, it was being pushed to the background for those few blessed moments. Heat was moving through his body, and the sound of Graverobber's low moan only incensed him as he worked his hand between Graverobber's legs, kneading the sensitive area before his fingers sought out the clasp, his other hand joining in as he tried to undo the scavenger's trousers.However, his endeavor was interrupted when Graverobber bit down hard on his lip and it was enough to break the kiss, the rush of pain causing Nathan to let out a small gasp, which was quickly followed by a yelp of surprise when Graverobber wrenched his pants down for the second time he was grateful for the dark, because being bared to another person after so long was making the doctor feel bizarrely self conscious particularly with a significant and painfully straining erection. Almost immediately he made to wrench Graverobber back down to him, trying to use his upper body to lever the other man forward again, intent on assaulting his neck this time. Graverobber grinned wickedly. For a moment, just a moment, the drug dealer ??s sensitive eyes took in the rather attractive image of Nathan Wallace, shocked into stillness, cock jutting out obscenely as he laid, on his back with pants down around his knees.It was a good image. In fact, it was a fantastic image that went directly to his groin. Next time , he ??d have to turn on a light, because the weak light that made it through the shades was not enough.He allowed himself to be pulled down, long, pale fingers seeking out the doctor ??s erection again as he felt a hungry mouth on his neck. ??Fuck, Nathan, ? he hissed, the slow pace of before forgotten as he jerked his hand enthusiastically. And here he had been worried that the old man had forgotten how to have a proper stiffy. Nathan had felt Graverobber's eyes raking over him and though he felt a particular amount of embarrassment from it, there was also another spike of arousal that surprised him, and he set into the other man's neck with a furious passion, his teeth worrying at the skin just above the dip in his collar bone, his tongue laving along the pulse and then sucking lightly on the same spot until he felt the flesh begin to heat up and he knew it was bruising. He worked his mouth up to Graverobber's ear, tugging the lobe between his teeth and then kissing at his jaw, his hands back to Graverobber's erection, one hand rubbing at him while the other opened up his trousers.Again, there was an interruption and Nathan arched beneath Graverobber when the other man began to stroke him enthusiastically, his lips parting in a silent display of pleasure, hips thrusting up sharply, pushing himself into the other man's hand before he struggled to regain some control over himself. Shuddering, he continued his work at the scavenger's throat while one hand slipped past the waist of his pants, grasping Graverobber's cock and tugging roughly. Graverobber turned his absurdly colored head as Nathan ??s nose and mouth directed him, pleased to give the doctor as much access to unguarded, delicate skin of his neck and throat. He could feel the sharp, almost itch of damage, knowing he ??d be sporting a new bruise from the mild mannered father.He really shouldn ??t be getting stiff from the idea of finally cracking that colorless persona Nathan cultivated, but that idea was making him hard just as much as the clever, agile hands. And this was probably a safer way than trying to tease out the monster. The younger cursed colorfully in Nathan ??s ear, hips twitching into that merciless tug. Oh, now this wasn ??t fair. Graverobber knew how to thrust and moan he wasn ??t the widower that needed reminding. Fingers tangled in that short, conservative cut Nathan kept and he tugged that hungry mouth from his throat .Quickly, before Nathan could re latch himself to his neck, Graverobber ducked down, hands holding thin, muscled thighs down and slightly apart. The first lick was exploratory, from base to head, teasing. ??Try not to buck too much. I don ??t usually do this, ? he warned, lips curling up into a smirk, before he swallowed Nathan down as far as he could. Sucking dick was like riding a bike: sure, he might nearly gag, but he was getting used to it again quite quickly. Nathan had only just managed to get some of his steely willpower back as he tried to concentrate on what he was doing to Graverobber the solid feeling of flesh in his hand, the quivers, the way that Graverobber groaned and gasped, the taste of his skin he had been concentrating on it, pulling some of the focus away from the hand that was steadily jerking him off.But then fingers were in his hair again and Nathan's head was tugged back aggressively he shifted to try and regain the ground he'd had, but Graverobber was suddenly gone from the spot, and Nathan was propping himself up on his elbows and peering through the dark, and he focused just in time to watch Graverobber slide his tongue up along his length. A short gasp escaped him, and he went to reach for the other man again, as though to tug him back up, but then there was that baritone voice and suddenly heat engulfed him, and the noise Nathan made was strangled, shocked, and a little undignified.Nathan's thighs trembled under Graverobber's fingers, his hips twitched but he held himself back with soft, choked noises escaping him, and through his gritted teeth a single word escaped him, growled out under his breath,"Fuck." Graverobber glanced up, trying to make out that lined face as his artificially white cheeks hollowed. Yes. Just like riding a bike. It helped, of course, that the man he was sucking off hadn ??t been touched like this since the 2030 ??s, but the ever humble Graverobber had a good opinion of his skill .He hummed a fake reprimand at Nathan ??s gritted out curse, somehow managing to smile smugly around his mouthful. This was what he wanted, he thought as he scrapped blunt nails along the inside of those quivering thighs, tongue exploring the base of the cock down his throat. He was experimenting, trying to find the quickest way to get rid of that miserable self censure that Nathan was so fond of.Hell, he hoped he did well enough that Repo ??s little girl would give her father odd looks over the break fast table. One hand slid up to Nathan ??s too thin stomach holding him down as Graverobber tried his damnedest to coax more sounds out of him with tongue and lips and even a little bit of teeth. Whatever control he had managed to gain back was quickly slipping away as Graverobber teased and tortured him he didn't even have a chance to marvel at the fact the scavenger was using his mouth for something besides talking his way out of death, because thinking was no longer an option.The nails along his skin made him tremble, and the gentle hum that Graverobber made caused him to twitch, but the hand on his stomach kept his hips from moving the way they were instinctively trying to, and Nathan's breathing had become shallow. The lips and tongue working him over were causing him to grip into the sheets to the point where it seemed he might rip them, but it was the scrape of teeth that nearly undid him, causing him to twist beneath Graverobber, a sharp, loud cry escaping him this time as his brain practically unravelled.But, some part of him registered a reminder, and Nathan clapped his hand over his own mouth, wide eyed and struggling against the noises that he could barely hold back. Teeth. It was teeth that did it. The kinky bastard. Graverobber pulled back, swirling his tongue around the head. Why had he stopped doing this? The amount of power he had over his partner was thrilling and even Mr. ??I ??m much too proper to acknowledge my penis ?? Wallace had devolved to a mess of moans and twitches and, yes, one wonderful cry.Shame the kid was in the house and that he hadn ??t tied Nathan ??s hands above his head. Graverobber ran his tongue along the thick vein on the underside of his shaft like the whole thing was some lewd lollipop. ??Next time, ? he muttered, the fingers of his free hand pressing behind that tightening sack. ??I ??m not letting you use your hands. ? Another lick. ??I want you to be hoarse from the screaming. ? This time, when he went down, he scrapped his teeth just a little harder, adding ??Make Nathan make as many and as loud obscene noises as possible ?? to his game, which has previously just been ??Make Nathan cum as quickly and as hard as possible. ??He liked this game. Nathan had lifted himself slightly on one elbow, his other hand still over his mouth, his eyes wide as Graverobber pulled back a little, and he watched the scavenger's tongue move around the head of his erection, and small, sharp breaths escaped Nathan each time the tricky tongue moved against his length. Graverobber's words only sent more heat blazing through his body, spikes of pleasure along his spine that were all converging at the spot that the other man was paying so much torturous attention to.He couldn't find it in himself to argue about whether there would be a next time between them, after that day but then, every time he told himself he wouldn't run into Graverobber again, he did. The prudish, strict side of Nathan supplied the idea that, perhaps once this was done, Graverobber would get bored with him and the doctor was startled to find he wasn't sure how he felt about that.And then there were those teeth again, harder now, and another of those cries escaped Nathan, muffled only barely by his hand as Nathan bit against his own skin to try and control the volume, because heat had started building and his muscles had begun to tense as the spikes of pain and pleasure ushered him closer to the edge. Graverobber glanced up to those wide, almost startled eyes. They made Nathan look even younger, more so, perhaps, then the hair that stuck up in odd angles or the silly, now skewed outfit that he had worn to bed. This, he thought while humming tunelessly, was the man without the monster or the added years. Graverobber slid his hands to Nathan ??s hips then dug his fingers into sides that were much too ?? no, he wasn ??t going to think about his newest toy ??s bloodywelfare. Repo could take care of himself, he told that little sympathetic voice as nails bit into the skin.After all, he reasoned without much in the way of reason, Repo certainly wasn ??t paying attention to his needs: the main one being the insistent erection he was sporting due to those sharp gasps that escaped Nathan ??s damned fist. Next time they would find out all the sounds the good doctor ??s vocal cords were capable of.He could feel muscles tense and quiver under his hands. Graverobber grinned, eyes seeking out Nathan ??s face as he raked his nails down taut legs and relaxed his throat just a little more so he could bob his head easily. Some of his hair had fallen into his face, but didn ??t dare to move it, not when Nathan was so close and a free hand would end up on his own cock. Nathan stopped being able to support himself on his elbow at that point, his body all but giving up on anything beyond the sensations that were moving through him, and the polite part of him wanted to inform Graverobber that he was on the edge, but judging by the way the man shifted, by the way he had begun to take him it he was likely very aware of how close the doctor was.His muscles spasmed beneath Graverobber's fingers, shuddering when the man's nails dug in and raked down his skin, and he twisted beneath the other man he lost the remaining control he had and all of the sensation became too much to take. Another smothered cry escaped the doctor, his hips twitching against the strong palms that held him down, his eyes snapping shut, fingers digging into the sheets, and his back arching as he climaxed. It was all a rush of incredible, blinding heat, and for the first time in seventeen years, Repo stopped pacing, and the hissing and scratching voice finally shifted to the background and fell silent as the darker side of him was temporarily stunned.And the heat seemed to stretch on forever, until he finally came down from it, his muscles going limp beneath Graverobber, eyes hazy and a little dim from the after effects. There. There it was. The last little bit of control Nathan had slipped out of his clean, calloused fingers, and Graverobber couldn ??t help but internally crow over that loss. Just like Repo had dug out his often quiescent panic response that night on the pavement outside his wife ??s tomb, Graverobber had wrung out the doctor till there was nothing left but a man. And a man that was enjoying himself, no less.Graverobber swallowed greedily, the thought that the last time Nathan had cum had probably been before his partner had even hit puberty making the bitter, salty fluid almost sweet. He kept the lightest suction going on as Nathan relaxed, muscle by muscle before finally pulling away and wiping stray semen off his chin with his sleeve.He secretly hoped his lack of sanitation frightened the good doctor. ??Better? ? he whispered, crawling back up to kiss Nathan in that open mouthed, messy way from before. A few final shudders passed through Nathan as his body became oversensitive to the touches, the lightest brush of Graverobber's lips against his skin suddenly difficult to bear, but at the same time, something he had gone without for so long that he couldn't bring himself to resist it. On some level, he wondered if this was one of the few remaining times he would ever be this intimate with another human being, though he was unsure where the thought had come from.He didn't resist, either, when Graverobber moved up along his form and kissed him at first Nathan responded almost lazily, his tongue responding passively to the other man's, but after a moment, he brought a hand up and threaded his fingers through the scavenger's hair, pulling him a little closer into the kiss he could taste himself on the other man's tongue, but it didn't repel him. Again, his teeth worked Graverobber's lower lip, and he brought his other hand between them, slipping his fingers into the opened clasp of the man's trousers and grasping his cock, giving him a few slow tugs, letting his calloused palm and fingers slide along the length."Much." Nathan replied. Graverobber wasn ??t used to lazy kisses. He was used to rushed, frantic things that usually didn ??t last long enough to register as kisses and, if they did, made him worry about where exactly his partner ??s mouth had last been. And he certainly couldn ??t remember the last time he had actually paid much attention to the person he was fucking after the deed. Sure, they usually shared the same bed, but once both of them were finished, they might as well be in two separate rooms. Long fingers settled on Nathan ??s jaw as he pressed himself against the man ??s side.The sluggish kisses, the warmth, all of it was annoyingly intimate. He was almost glad when Nathan began to stir, injecting some of the prior violence back into the situation. ??Good, ? he breathed, hips rocking forward into that rough, strong hand. Their earlier activities had left him painfully hard and he pressed his lips against Nathan ??s throat to muffle his sounds, though he was a surprisingly quiet sort for all the noise he made in other situations. ??God, keep that up, Doc. ? He could feel Nathan ??s still too fast pulse when he smeared his lips against the skin. Though it had been a very long time for the doctor, his particulars about love making and fucking he wasn't even sure which this was, because the dynamics between them seemed to change constantly had not altered. He would always pay careful attention to who he was in bed with and had never exactly been comfortable with just relaxing and recieving, a fact which had been made painfully clear by his earlier insistent struggling against Graverobber's attempts. No, though Nathan seemed prudish and uptight, when it came to the act, he was willing to spend hours indulging his partner it was a side of him that had startled Marni, back when they'd first married. She had quickly discovered that her husband was as detail oriented with sex as he was with everything else because he'd been a quick study in finding out what she liked best.And though he and Graverobber had up until that point only engaged in brief, heated physical encounters, he had learned from it so he squeezed Graverobber a little, stroked him roughly, shifting until he could get his mouth against the man's ear, nipping at the earlobe, toying with the shell of it and following along his jaw. He moved his other hand down, his palm and fingers manipulating the man's sac, his fingers stroking and teasing while his mouth paid attention to the spot above Graverobber's pulse. Graverobber closed his eyes and rumbled low in his throat. ??Very good hands, ? he said softly, lowly, as he turned his head out of the way for Nathan ??s mouth. His breathing turned ragged whenever deft, calloused fingers used just a little more pressure than what most men would like.Not that, he imagined, Nathan was all that experienced in giving hand jobs to men other than himself. ??Harder, ? he said, though he wasn ??t sure if he was talking about Nathan ??s mouth or hands, now. Maybe both. The thief reached down irritably and wrapped his own hand around Nathan ??s, tightening his grip. He ??d been awfully patient up till now, he felt, if one ignored the fact that he snuck into this man ??s bedroom to assault him. Graverobber didn ??t deserve teasing. ??Like you mean it, ? he hissed, draping a leg over Nathan ??s to pull him closer. Nathan did something odd then, as he heard the frustration in Graverobber's voice he laughed. It wasn't the harsh, rough bark of Graverobber, but rather a quiet, soft sound in his chest as he tucked his head beneath Graverobber's chin and aggressively set into the man's neck, his teeth working at the skin there, bruising and marring the flesh that ran along the muscle into the man's chest. He shifted his mouth to Graverobber's shoulder, the triangle of tissue above the collarbone, and he focused on the sensitive well there, where the skin dipped downwards.He allowed himself to be tugged closer, though he wasn't sure he would have had a choice in it either way, and he felt the body heat and Graverobber's hand grasping his own. Without Repo influencing him, Nathan forced himself to be rougher with Graverobber, stroking the man from root to tip, squeezing roughly at the base, and rubbing his thumb against the tip, his other hand continuing to work at his sac, the callouses on his palm rubbing against the tender skin.Briefly, he considered doing what Graverobber had done for him, but also considered that doing so meant experimentation and tackling a subject that he wasn't sure he was ready to get to just then so he did his best with his palms and fingers, twisting his hand once experimentally around Graverobber's shaft, listening for the man's reactions, feeling the way his muscles shifted so he could file the information away. ??Something, ngh, funny, Nathan? ? Graverobber might not use his vocal cords much for coital moaning, but he did talk. No, that wasn ??t correct. He talked with Nathan. The others he was generally silent with after they had agreed on this form of payment.There was almost a shyness to Nathan, a hesitation to be rough that he found enduring. The young man couldn ??t remember the last time he had gotten off without some sort of pain but perhaps he ??d have to explore the more gentle version. It might be nice to not feel blood pulsing where his partner had been less than kind with him. The dry, almost chapped skin of a man that spent a good portion of his day handling knives and then scrubbing the hell out of his hands helped: Graverobber squirmed, sucking in a sudden breath when those textured finger tips brushed against the over sensitized skin of his cock.His hips pitched desperately at the twist, Nathan ??s hand wringing a guttural noise from his throat. ??Perfect, ? he said, letting his hand rest on the doctor ??s stomach. ??Sure you haven ??t been jerking off m men? ? Graverobber smirked, a blush spreading on his bare chest beneath the lose shirt Nathan was a little flushed himself, and he found he was also storing away the sounds Graverobber made, because despite the very recent orgasm, he found the noises the other man made was still sending spikes of heat through his body,"My memory has been hazy," Nathan admitted, his mouth against Graverobber's collarbone, "But I'm pretty sure I would remember if I had been."He felt Graverobber jerk hard against him, and so he did the same thing, but a little rougher this time, twisting his hand against the man's shaft and then tugging upwards before he pressed his thumb into the vein on the underside, stroking along it,"So no," Nathan said, and then leaned back so he could take a look at Graverobber, alternately green and brown eyes taking in the other man's expression, and he pressed his finger against the slit, circled the rough pad of the digit around the sensitive tip and twisted again while the fingers against his sac sought out the sensitive skin of his perenium, stroking it experimentally,"Just you." he added. Graverobber functioned in darkness: that was part of the job. He also liked dead things, morbid things, and stealing things, that was all part of the territory. But right now, right now he wanted to be able to see the details of Nathan ??s face clearly: those lopsided eyes, the color he knew must be still spilled across his cheeks, even the almost sick pallor of his skin.And he couldn ??t reach the damned lamp. ??Just me? ? he said, sharp tongue dulled with pleasure. There ??d be no wittiness right now, not when Nathan ??s fingers were exploring his cock with all the attention to detail he should have expected of a surgeon. For a man who had to be coaxed into homosexual sex, he was catching on quickly.Graverobber hissed when the hand that had been rolling his balls slipped back behind them. ??Fuck, ? he cursed appreciatively, eyes fluttering shut while his hips made constant, rocking movements. ??Don ??t have any lube, huh, Doc? ? Nathan made a small, wordless noise of agreement to Graverobber's question, and he heard the pleasant slur in Graverobber's words that indicated he was doing something very, very right which was only emphasized when Graverobber bucked from Nathan's experimentation.Continuing to twist his hand against Graverobber's length, manipulating the aching flesh, Nathan experimented with each movement to find the best way to wring those sounds and twitches from the other man. He didn't stop Graverobber from rocking his hips forward, though there was a soft hiss in Nathan's ear that told him he should be holding him down, preventing him from doing anything that he didn't explicitly condone but the doctor ignored it as best as he could.He was a little rougher when he felt Graverobber react strongly, and he ran his blunt nail lightly along Graverobber's perenium,"It's not exactly something I think to buy." Nathan replied, and then bit at the spot below the scavenger's Adam's apple. It was the bite that undid him. Or maybe the nail, Graverobber wasn ??t exactly sure. There was something very attractive about the much less violent half of Nathan being rough that made the young man stiffen, teeth gritted to keep quiet. A hand scrambled up to Nathan ??s shoulder, fingers digging in harshly, almost desperately as he came. Part of him, the little portion of his mind that kept track of things so a junkie didn ??t steal from him when he otherwise incapacitated, noted that the way his world almost ??reseted ?? during the white hot of orgasm was like before, when Repo had nearly choked him to death.That was an alarming detail he probably didn ??t want to mention to the doctor who, up till now, had been very good about not harming him more than was needed to get him off.Graverobber stayed still for a good few moments, cock pulsing into Nathan ??s otherwise clean hand, before he relaxed into a boneless pile of satiated dealer. Once his heart beat had leveled out some and his breathing lost it ??s ragged edge, he managed to reach for the dark, conservative cover and pull it over the two of them. He didn ??t get as far as pulling back into his own spot. ??Don ??t you have to make breakfast soon? ? he asked, draping himself half across Nathan lazily, unable to move his arm from where he had thrown the blanket over. Nathan's hand continued to move against Graverobber, still stroking him as his body stiffened and the doctor watched with a strange amount of fascination as the dealer arched and gasped and clawed at him when his orgasm hit he committed the image to memory, stroking Graverobber to the last shudder and twitch of his muscles before finally releasing him.He had expected that almost directly after, Graverobber would be leaving he had even expected a coldness from the other man, but it never came instead, he felt the scavenger settle in beside him, the covers tug over them, and the feeling of the warm and solid body draping over him. Nathan said nothing for a long moment, considering that it was possible Graverobber was just humoring him but he wasn't about to complain, because frankly, he couldn't help appreciating it.He felt a little more human."It can wait an hour." Nathan replied finally. This wasn ??t safe. This wasn ??t safe at all, warned the little voice of self preservation that Nathan seemed to think he lacked. He felt too safe in a Repo Man ??s bed: usually, he was the most dangerous thing around, but if Nathan turned nasty ?? Graverobber closed his eyes, ignoring that irksome train of thought. At the moment, if Nathan turned nasty he ??d die a happy man.He snorted. ??Don ??t tell me you ??re actually going to sleep in, ? Graverobber murmured, mouth seeking out the new bruises that were slowly coloring the doctor ??s neck. ??Nice shots, by the way, ? he teased as he stretched, catlike, until he heard his spine pop.There was another pitfall here but he simply couldn ??t be assed to figure it out. Nathan felt languid this was an unsual feeling for him, considering the last time he'd felt languid was when he'd unwillingly had an entire vial of Zydrate shot into his bloodstream though, really, that had been less like languid and more like flying high. He could still only remember bits and pieces of it, but the bruise was gone.Of course, it had been replaced by several new ones, also as a result of Graverobber, but these ones definitely had a different context, which he was being reminded of by the other man's mouth. He shivered at the feeling, the distant heat that was threatening to blossom yet again into arousal, so Nathan had to pull back a little to avoid the deft tongue, marginally embarrassed by how easily he was being stimulated then."I wouldn't call this sleeping," Nathan said, pushing a hand under the hem of Graverobber's shirt, splaying his fingers out on the man's stomach, simply mapping it out with touch, constantly questing for new knowledge of how the muscles would shift and twitch. Graverobber grunted irritably, not really having the strength or compulsion to chase down Nathan. Who knew a few centimeters could be so far? The spirit was willing and all, but he was still in that warm, fuzzy laze from orgasm, though less warm now that the older man had pulled back some. ??No, it ??s not really. ? An agile, rough hand moved over his stomach as if studying his reactions and he acquiesced to the treatment, giving the doctor unfiltered responses. It felt good, after all, and unlike Nathan he had little problem with shuddering and gasping when his partner did something he liked. His stomach tightened as fingers skimmed over a rather sensitive patch beneath his navel. He tensed, almost squirming.The graver robber gave a harsh bark of laughter and a hand jerked down, stopping Nathan. ??None of that, ? he warned good naturedly, brushing his lips against Nathan ??s own chapped ones to distract him. The way Graverobber tensed and twitched beneath him was somehow enthralling to Nathan, and he continued to touch and explore the movements until he heard the other man laugh, and his eyebrows rose high he looked up in time to find Graverobber leaning in, and the doctor's eyes were half lidded as their lips brushed,"None of what? This?" Nathan asked, and used his other hand to swipe his fingers across that same area on the man's abdomen, feeling for the flinch and the twitch of muscles, enjoying the fact the touch was making the other man squirm, and he dragged his nails against the spot a third time.The entire thing was surprisingly intimate, and while Nathan wasn't certain what was driving him to do this, he also couldn't bring himself to stop this was too much of a rarity, it had been too long since he'd even allowed himself to be this close to someone, and he couldn't help wanting to get all of the touch and memory from it that he could. This was a rare, warm moment in his life that he found he wanted to remember, because he knew that when night fell, the coldness and anger would be back and right then he just wanted to feel.Even just for a little while, even though he knew he would hate himself later, tell himself he didn't deserve this intimacy. Graverobber hissed, twisting under Nathan ??s hand. ??Yes, that, ? he said between clenched teeth. Depending on the amount of force, the nails went from shockingly good to horribly ? Ticklish.Nathan Wallace, Rotti Largo ??s main Repo Man and first class mourning widower, was tickling the dirty tramp that had snuck into his life.It was not fair. He laughed again, a sudden, loud thing that he had to duck his head into Nathan ??s shoulder to muffle, long body curling in an attempt to get away from those questing hands. ??Jesus, Nathan. ? Graverobber rolled over onto the scrappy GeneCo employee, hair swinging into his face as he looked down from his perch. ??If you tell anyone, ? he threatened though his eyes were bright before he even reached over and turned on the light. Ah. Much better. Nathan ??s cheeks still had that tinge of color to them and the thief couldn ??t help but smirk seeing how disheveled the prim and proper father was. Nathan had long ago acknowledged the fact that his life was abnormal during his more lucid moments, he would quietly admit to himself that his life was, in fact, completely fucked up. In his younger years he'd had an ideal for what he wanted for his future he'd rapidly become one of the best surgeons in the city, he'd found the woman of his dreams and married her, they'd had a child on the way but then everything collapsed, and the only thing Nathan had been able to hold onto was his daughter. He'd kept Shilo alive, and that was the only part of his life that he hadn't destroyed through his own recklessness.This this certainly wasn't how he had expected things to turn out. Even after the insanity that came from seventeen years of the self imposed loneliness, Nathan never could have fathomed this as he lay in bed with the man he had nearly killed three was it three, or had it been more, he had lost track times in the last month.He listened to Graverobber's helpless laughter and felt the man twist and jerk away, trying to escape the fingers brushing over him, and for the first time Nathan considered that occasionally, something completely fucked up could maybe be alright. He felt Graverobber move on top of him, their bodies pressing together, and then the light flicked on and Nathan's eyes shut for a moment to block out the light before opening again, the pupils dilating as he got used to the brightness. Nathan was still slightly flushed from what had happened, his hair stuck out at bizarre angles, his bottom lip was kiss swollen, and his top was twisted a little around his waist Graverobber, meanwhile, looked roughly the same as he always did, but with the added effect of the multitude of bruises on his neck, and the way his shirt was hitched up a little at the waist."Wouldn't want to tip off the junkies that their dealer's weakness is located right here," Nathan agreed, and scratched along the spot again for good measure, "You might lose your reputation. Though they might even give you a new nickname I'm sure they wouldn't mind buying their wares from a guy named Giggles." Graverobber groaned and not just from the way Nathan ??s touches made him shiver. Of course the good doctor would develop a sense of humor ??Cute, ? he said, hands pushing up that obscenely decent top, fingers plucking at the buttons to reveal the pale skin underneath. Not all of them, though: he liked seeing it twisted like that, but he wanted access to the older man ??s nipples.With lapels like that, one almost couldn ??t expect nipples, but they were there, lovely pink splotches of color that Graverobber couldn ??t help but trace with a teasing finger. Much like the same Nathan had used right below his belly button, but he doubted this would cause as much laughing. ??I think I ??ll stick with my job title. It fits. ? He rolled one between his thumb and forefinger thoughtfully. ??Very descriptive. Not the most subtle of names, though. ? A tug, and he could feel the nub pebbling in his fingers. ??No lube, right? ? He ??tsk ??d softly, dropping his head to run his tongue along the areola. ??Shame. I had a feeling we would have both liked a refresher in male anatomy. Well." He sat up so he could look the doctor in the eyes, his own very blue ones bright as he smirked. "A more advanced refresher." Most men Nathan's age would have experienced the beginnings of weight gain from a slowing metabolism, or the withering of musculature from lethargy, and while the doctor was showing lines around his eyes and silver in his hair, that seemed to be the limit of his aging. His job, his constant worry, and his overall restlessness had lent to his excessively lean frame, and it showed in the light as Nathan shivered slightly beneath Graverobber when the heated skin of his torso was revealed to the cooler air it wasn't an unpleasant sensation, but again, he felt utterly vulnerable.He jerked when Graverobber's fingers plucked at him, and the feeling went straight to his groin the tongue caused him to twist against Graverobber and he made a small incoherent noise. When Graverobber spoke, Nathan found himself staring at the other man given that this was his first time with another male, Nathan was aware of the mechanics of what could happen, but was uncertain of the actual sensation it would entail. Some part of him balked at the thought, but according to the heat in his spine again, not all of him was recoiling.The pink tinge in his cheeks was suddenly renewed,"I should get up." he rasped, groping for his glasses even as his eyes stayed on Graverobber. A crooked smirk twisted his lips as Graverobber watched the way Nathan ??s expression changed from one of pleasure to something very much like shock and a bit of alarm. The thief found himself running his hands along that much too skinny frame soothingly. ??What, don ??t trust me, Doc? ? he asked softly, fingers crawling up Nathan ??s chest again, the calloused pads massaging the skin. That was probably not the best question to ask: Nathan probably trusted Graverobber as far as he could throw him which, even with the odd amount of strength in that slim frame, wasn ??t all that far. So he changed it. ??In the realm of sex with men at least. ? He didn ??t remove the glasses once Nathan had managed, through all his fumbling, to get them on his face. Instead, he cocked his head to the side, taking in the man underneath him. ??Even better, ? he said, grinning widely, licking stained lips. ??Come on, you can ??t say ??no ?? to another orgasm before breakfast, can you? It'll only be one finger." Now he was teasing, fanning that blush as best he could in hopes that it would really take hold of the doctor. The thief leaned forward, tucking multicolored hair behind his ear to whisper in Nathan's own. "We'll work up to something thicker." Though normally graceful and fluid in his motions, Nathan found himself having some trouble with the simple task of putting his glasses on right then, his hands feeling oddly clumsy, his fingers refusing to obey him. Eventually, he managed to affix the thick black frames to his face, and he stared up at Graverobber through the lenses, managing to look a great deal more stoic with them on, despite being nearly bare beneath him.It didn't change the fact that he was quickly becoming aroused again, however the baritone murmuring in his ear nearly made him groan, but he swallowed the noise, unsure if he should allow Graverobber to continue on this route, and he opened his mouth to speak, but then Nathan's worst nightmare came true when there was a knock at the door,"Dad? Are you okay?"Nathan practically flailed beneath Graverobber, his expression twisting suddenly into one of abject horror,"I'm fine sweetheart," Nathan replied quickly, barely managing to keep his voice from projecting the anxiety from the fact his daughter was standing outside the bedroom door while he was laying underneath Graverobber with a hard on, "Just finishing up some work. I I'll be out in a few minutes alright, Shi?"Shilo had long ago learned to pick her lock Nathan was quickly realizing he would need to start utilizing his own. Graverobber, unlike Nathan, had no deep fear of getting caught by an underage girl. You was younger than Shilo , and she ??d walked in on him before when trying to collect rent. And he sort of saw the little snot as a sister, so she was almost a little like family.So he couldn ??t help but laugh, loudly at that, and roll off to the side.He had never been the one for quiet affairs."Yeah, Nate," he whispered, curling back up against the man's side and tugging the blanket over them. His fingers found that growing erection giving it a cruel squeeze. "Are you all right?" Shilo stared at the door she drew her eyebrows down in a very Nathan esque expression,"Dad, are you sure ?" she asked, and then heard his voice again, but there was something strained about it that made her consider stepping into the room anyways, just to check. She could have sworn she heard laughter in there, but there was no way it was her father he didn't really laugh often, and not like that. She wondered if she was hearing things."Everything is fine, Shi, just I'll be out soon okay?"Finally, she lifted her shoulders in a shrug and padded away from the door, flipping through one of the magazines Graverobber had given her.And in the room, Nathan scowled at Graverobber, but it was a difficult expression to maintain when the other man was touching him like that, and he let out one small groan before batting away the other man's hands he wasn't sure he would be able to survive many times like this with Graverobber. He began to tug his clothes back into a more presentable position, buttoning his top again, trying to keep his eyes off of the other man because he knew what look he would be getting. Fingers spasmed along Nathan ??s length as the man held a surprisingly steady conversation with his daughter through the door. Afterwards, he allowed his hands to be batted away easily, still snickering to himself.Graverobber watched Nathan preen, smirking perhaps just a little more than was necessary. ??What, you must have explained the bir ??well, the bees to her, right? ? he asked coyly from where he had nestled down into the thick, dark comforter of Nathan ??s bed. It managed to drain even more color from his artificially whitened face, leaving him looking very much like a corpse.A very, very amused corpse. ??You know, ? he said conversationally as Nathan finished with his buttons, every one in their proper place. ??It ??s very hard to look respectable with a stiffy. Mm. ? The thief closed his eyes, having no qualms about touching himself while the older man tried to compose himself.Nathan would be running these sheets through the ??boiling hot ?? cycle of his washing machine anyways. He shivered. "Certainly you're not going down like that." "Yes, well," Nathan said it had been uncomfortable, but he had explained sexual reproduction to his daughter in the most medically astringent manner he had been able to muster it was one of the times he had wished he'd told Mag about Shilo because then maybe she could have explained all of the other curiosities of growing up to her, minus the stuttering."But I hadn't quite got around to the point where the "He thought about it and recognized he really didn'twantto try and find an analogy about homosexual bees, so he just dropped it and focused on what he was doing, trying to ignore the way Graverobber was shifting beside him, trying to ignore the temptation of climbing back into the bed, back to the warm body that had been taunting him. He grimaced at his very obvious erection, as though mentally scolding it for being there,"I'll be taking a shower first," Nathan said, adding, "A freezing cold one."And then he rose, but paused a moment to glance at Graverobber, and his eyebrows shot up when he realized the scavenger was taking care of his own problem. A shiver ran through Nathan, and he had to bite back another groan before he headed for the door he was too old for this. Graverobber chuckled. His way was a lot less traumatic, he figured, and probably healthier than shocking his system with freezing cold temperatures. Plus, he thought as he took matters into his own hands, it wasn ??t often he got to jack off in a bed with the knowledge that there was a sexually repressed, somewhat sweet killer on the other side of the door.He made sure to wipe his sticky fingers off on Nathan ??s pillow. A habit addict like that would sleep on the same side every night.By the time the doctor had come out of his shower, Graverobber was up and startlingly pantsless, the trousers in his hands as he checked for any suspicious stains. He had combed his hair back a little, practiced fingers having carded out the streaked mane and his long, discoloured cream shirt hung low, hem reaching around midway down his lightly haired thighs.One of these days, he was going to have to bring clothing to these odd sleepovers. The shirt had a dark blue stain on the sleeve from where Zydrate had leaked under his coat ??s cuff, and he couldn ??t remember if he had washed it since Repo had shot him up with a full vial. When Nathan appeared in the room again, he wasn't just clean, he was completely sterile his hair was still damp and thus pushed back severely, and with his glasses in his hands there was that strange emphasis on the sharpness of his features, his cheekbones looking hollowed out, his mouth in a thin line. Right then he would have been the very picture of his darker half, though the clear difference was that he wasn't wearing the leather and PVC that was synonymous with Repo instead, he was dressed in slacks and a crisp, precisely tailored navy blue jacket, with a high collared black shirt underneath it, one that covered some of the marks Graverobber had left on him.Ultimately, the look was that of an ill humoured priest, though the pensive look dissappeared the moment he saw Graverobber, wandering around the room and distinctly trouser less. Nathan froze, and he stared at the other man for a long, quiet moment, taking in the sight of the other's bare legs for the first time, noting that they were fairly muscular. He thought about what they had felt like under his fingers, and quickly decided his mind was on the wrong track and that the room smelled like sex.Another small shudder passed through him, but he did his best to push it away,"Your legs go into the tube like parts." Nathan said helpfully. Of course they were muscular. Graverobber spent most of his nights running around graveyards, avoiding GENcops and playing a morbid game of tag with them when he was truly bored. He hefted bodies, lifted coffins and jumped into more graves than you could shake a femur at. Chubby grave robbers didn ??t survive. Hell, most grave robbers didn ??t survive, but he ??d gotten to where he was with an odd mix of luck, skill and a touch of insanity.Graverobber glanced up, arched an eyebrow, then turned back to his pants. The hairs on the back of his neck and on his arms stood up as the thought ??you ??re not watching a man capable of ripping out your throat ?? echoed somewhere in the back of his head.So maybe more than just a touch. ??That ??s, what, four jokes you ??ve made this morning. ? The pants obviously passed muster as he shook them out and slipped into them, one leg in each tube like part. ??Maybe you should start your own comedy show, a real comedy of menace. ? He ??d take a shower later. Right now he wanted to keep the smell of sex that was clinging to him. It was the dark blue jacket that did it: something about the vicar like outfit made him want to ruin that sterile composure. Preferably over the heavy, dark table downstairs. He patted himself down, checking his pockets. "Need any help?" he asked, making his choice not to shower very clear. "It would be short lived." Nathan replied drily, watching as Graverobber tugged his clothes on he was forcing himself to detach right then because he knew that they would be sitting with Shilo and a number of unfortunate questions could possibly come up. He was also aware that there was a chance of running into Graverobber on the street again later that night, and he wasn't entirely sure how Repo would handle it though he knew there was little chance his darker side would be kinder because of their was it intimacy?Was it a one time thing? Nathan wanted to believe his willpower would allow it to only be a slip, for him to have just needed it so desperately that one time that he could resist the next but he was less certain now. Would he fold, the next time Graverobber brushed up against him, or would he be able to ignore it as he had before?The aftermath was confusing, and he was sure he didn't want to think about it then no, he would wait until later, when he had the time to himself to consider what had happened. He left the room then, and went down the stairs, finding Shilo sitting at the table, dressed in charcoal and cream hued ruffles, black bows and stripes and the sight of her made Nathan smile, because she looked like a little doll sitting there."Is he okay?" Shilo asked, stirring a spoon through a small amount of yogurt, "Marcus, I mean he slept over right? But he wasn't on the couch, so he was in your room it's just, you weren't on the couch either."Nathan felt his throat suddenly constrict, and he had to sit down then, staring at his daughter as she stated her observations he saw his own reflection on the stainless steel refrigerator and recognized how pale and drawn he appeared right then,"And you came out late." she added, "Is he still sick?"The question offered no relief Nathan couldn't help feeling as though he was walking into a trap."I've been keeping him under observation." Nathan managed to get out, and Shilo looked at him out of the corner of her eye for a long moment, and Nathan froze under the gaze of his skinny seventeen year old daughter, feeling as though he was being picked apart."Dad?" Shilo asked, but there was much more in the single word."Yes dear?"Shilo hesitated, and then smiled down at her yogurt, continuing to stir it, and Nathan found himself slowly flushing."Nothing." she said. The world was a much easier place for Graverobber. Sure, he had a job that could get him killed any night of the week, and yes, he could think of at least three things he had done within the last month that would get him a slow and painful death in GeneCo ??s fabled sub basement. And he had currently seduced a man with more sharp objects than a broken mirror and more neuroses than a floor of a good sized mental hospital, but his mind was still blissfully clear of worries as he went about washing off his smeared make up.He looked up, hands pausing somewhere around the level of his chin to drip into the spotless sink. Now this was a little odd, looking at himself in the mirror without all the cosmetics. Graverobber sometimes forgot what he looked like under the oxygen deprived colors he preferred, and that was twice in as many days that he had seen himself.And then, and this was the reason why the world was such an easy thing for him to process, the young man shrugged and simply went back to washing his face.Graverobber managed to come down right after the father daughter conversation appearing, unfortunately for Nathan ??s weak excuses, very not sick. In fact, without the dead clown paint, he looked lively and perhaps just a little too smug. Nathan was red, he noted, so the kid had probably caught the two of them red handed. Well, Nathan was caught Graverobber, on the other hand, had nothing to hide. The idea of Mr. Wallace trying to explain whatever the hell the thief was to his daughter made him snicker internally. ??Sleep well, kid? ? he asked, strolling behind her father ??s chair to take his place at the table , not before running a clever hand along the side and back of Nathan ??s neck as he moved. ??Anything good? ? Graverobber asked, leaning over closely to Shilo to share a conspiratorial wink. Nathan's shoulders hunched as Graverobber's hand brushed against the back of his neck, and his eyes shifted towards the other man when he moved close, and Shilo didn't seem to notice, though her tiny, enigmatic smile did extend a little further at the wink before she grimaced down at the yogurt,"It's greek yogurt," she said "Dad only buys the plain stuff, he says the flavoured stuff has too much sugar in it.""It does." Nathan said simply, rising from the chair, not just to put distance between himself and Graverobber, but to also start making breakfast, pulling eggs out of the refrigerator, and Shilo sighed at his back, so he added whilst pointing a finger in the air, "I heard that."Shilo stuck her tongue out."That too." Nathan added, and Shilo cast a startled look at Graverobber, lifting her shoulders in a shrug to indicate that she had no idea how he'd seen her do it, "Eyes on the back of my head, young lady. I had them surgically implanted.""Well, make sure you pay or the Repo Man will steal your head." Shilo said, stabbing her yogurt for emphasis, and Nathan cracked the egg across the counter by mistake. ??Yogurt has too much sugar in it? ? Graverobber arched an eyebrow, unsure exactly what sort of yogurt Nathan was thinking about. Not that he was a big yogurt eater: the thief generally ate things that came out of Styrofoam boxes or, if he was high and really didn't care, things that came out of Styrofoam boxes he hadn ??t bought.And here he was, back in this domestic scene. Graverobber wasn ??t entirely sure what to do with himself, not having much experience with the whole home making thing: it felt like he was watching some sort of old television show, only completely wrong. The house was still crypt like and the man cooking the entirely wholesome and balanced meal was a repossession agent he had just sucked off less than an hour ago.The young man snorted into the literary review he had found to browse. He didn ??t know any of the names nor titles being that he hadn ??t been within two blocks of a new bookstore in years, but reading was oddly comforting to him. Not even looking up, he gave Shilo a quick thumbs up.She might be na ve as all fuck, but at least Nathan ??s kid had some backbone. "You okay in there, Nate?" Graverobber called sweetly. "Just fine Marc." Nathan replied drily.The sound of his name coming from Graverobber's mouth was still surreal to Nathan, and sometimes he felt as though the other man was using it as a weapon if there was one thing that could be said for Graverobber, it was that his voice was distinctive. It was a deep, rumbling tone that could make anything sound attractive, and hearing his name being said by him it did strange things to the doctor, but then, a lot of what the scavenger did was effecting Nathan these days, and he was aware it would be even worse now that they had he wasn't sure he could look at Graverobber the same way without finding his eyes on the man's mouth, which was usually emphasized by the ridiculous black lipstick.Nathan set the eggs down for Graverobber and Shilo then, and for the first time that morning, recognized that the other man had removed his make up. He had seen it once before, when he'd hosed Graverobber down, but it had been streaks of white and black on the man's face, but this was the scavenger with clean, natural features, and it made Nathan freeze for a moment, staring Graverobber looked more human now, he looked warmer, more alive.His fingers itched to touch him again.Nathan yanked himself out of his silent reverie then and had to swallow hard to get his voice working,"Shilo, did you ?""Yep." Shilo answered immediately, and Nathan smiled a little he'd asked her the same question for most of her life, it was a difficult habit to break even though he was well aware that she knew to take her medication. Graverobber grinned. It as a little easier for him, this little game. While he did want to bend Nathan over the table and finish up that anatomy lesson and while that almost breathy quality to his under used voice made even the driest tone very, very pleasurable, the doctor ??s use of his name did little for him. It simply wasn ??t something he connected with himself any longer, it lacked all intimacy and meaning. That had never been a problem before, of course: the dealer was loose but he wasn ??t the sort that generally invited romance.He wasn ??t also the sort to stay after wards for breakfast, either, but this was the second home cooked and completely non dehydrated meal he ??d had in the Wallace kitchen. For a moment, just a moment, Nathan was too close in his clean, tailored suit and Graverobber had to fight the urge to do something that would kill both father and daughter from embarrassment.Shame, though. He imagined Nathan would look fantastic hiked up onto the table.Talk of medicine reminded him, however briefly, that he had a few gem like pills rolling around in one of his pocket, and Graverobber couldn't help but smirk . The dealer had learned, though, that sometimes the easiest way to get information was the best. ??So what exactly are you sick with, kid? ? he asked, turning his clean face to Shilo. His knowledge of medicine was very practical: the grave robber knew what sort of bodies he should stick clear of, what sort of symptoms he ??d see on a fresh corpse that hinted at not an early death from poor financial decisions but something nastier. Nathan froze a second time, at Graverobber's question to his daughter, but he said nothing he merely dropped his eyes towards the sink and began washing the dishes. His appetite just wasn't there it rarely was."It's a blood disease," Shilo said, glancing hesitantly at her father's back for a moment, watching the way his shoulders had slumped, and her mouth twisted for a moment in an almost pained expression before she looked to Graverobber again, and said in a low voice, "It attacks my immune system, it's what made my hair fall out. And It killed my mother, I got it from her. It's got a really long name though, so ""Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura." Nathan filled in quietly, but said nothing else, and Shilo just nodded gravely, glancing once more at her father, who appeared to have stopped moving entirely at that point, staring off at the wall in front of him. His stomach was twisting in a sickening, too familiar way as he thought about Marni's eyes. Graverobber filed that away, mentally scratching out the name as best he could and folding it away in his mind to ask about later. ??Tough, kid, ? he said gently, though with a complete lack of pity. She was probably used to getting more than enough of that from Nathan. There was that look that he could see in You when she watched Ray stay up too long, the same one he imagined he gave his own dad once a very long time ago before the man ran out on his boy ??s debt. ??Hey, ? he murmured, voice low. ??Why don ??t you head upstairs? I ??ll go talk to your dad. ? The thief wasn ??t exactly sure what he would say: dealers didn ??t generally comfort. They sold drugs. It wasn ??t a particularly difficult connection. Responsible adults comforted. Certain professions comforted. Graverobber was a misanthropic tramp that spent most of his time fondling the dead.He wasn ??t used to comforting.Pale hands rested on thin shoulders. ??Doc? ? he whispered, pressing close. Shilo didn't seem to agree or disagree with Graverobber's statement on her situation she had lived with it most of her life, and didn't know any other way of living. Some days she felt sorry for herself and sulked about it, but most of the time she was bizarrely well balanced for a girl who never got to go outside besides, her father worried enough for both of them, always obsessing over her health. Some days, though, she worried about him.She nodded at Graverobber's suggestion and glanced once more at her father,"Be nice to him." Shilo said sternly to the scavenger before she headed for the stairs, padding up to her room.And Nathan seemed to be distant then, as though his mind had gone somewhere else entirely and it had, down into the basement room that now served as killing grounds, where he had taken his first life, and the memory of it was as fresh as the day it had happened, the wound suddenly seeming more painful than it had days ago.And then Graverobber touched him, and there was that familiar lurching feeling in his stomach he felt as though someone had dumped ice water on him and he immediately jerked away, sick with himself."You should go." Nathan said hoarsely, and he caught his own reflection in the stainless steel once more and felt so ill at the very sight that he had to look away, keeping his eyes downcast. ??I probably should, ? he muttered, fingers returning to squeeze kindly. Yes. Because the nasty part of him he had locked away long ago was telling him he should help and the sensible part of him was saying ??look, just eat your eggs and get out before he decides to let Repo take the reins. ??The thief pressed his forehead to the nape of Nathan ??s neck as he awkwardly slid his hands down to splay on almost bony hips. ??Come on, ? Graverobber whispered, unsure of himself and of why he was even doing this. People suffered and they died. That was part of life, probably the biggest part: Graverobber saw death every day. ??Ignore the cleaning. You could go, er, take a nap? ? He wasn ??t quite sure what the Repo Man did on his days off besides torture him and play hangman with his kid. Nathan was silent for a long time, standing in place with Graverobber's forehead pressing to his skin not for the first time, the doctor found himself confused the pain was there, sharp and twisting, reminding him of the thing he had become. But then, there was something different this time because as Graverobber touched him, he felt some of the chill in his body seeping away, a small relief from the anguish that he hadn't been able to get out from under in nearly two decades.And he couldn't explain it to anyone it wasn't as though the doctor had anyone to talk to, and those who already knew had made a point of using the knowledge to control him, to use him for their own purposes, rubbing salt in an already horrifying wound. He was sure his guilt would be with him to the day he died but as long as he had Shilo as long as she never knew then he had something to live for.Without thinking, one of Nathan's hands found Graverobber's, where it was resting on his hip and for a moment, his palm rested over the other man's fingers it was light contact, but it meant more than either of them were really willing to consider, and then he let his hand drop away again, and remained silent.He tried to cling to the tactile memory of Graverobber's skin then, because warmth was so difficult to find these days. Graverobber fought the urge to pull away and sneer when he felt the heat of a calloused hand on his own. If what they had done before was intimate, this was almost ? He didn ??t finish that thought: it was a train he didn ??t want to even consider, not with this broken old man, but he still found himself resting his hands on Nathan ??s stomach, almost holding him. ??What ??s wrong? ? someone asked lowly and it took Graverobber a few moments to realize it was himself. He cringed, tucking his chin against a lean shoulder. This was not how he operated. Graverobber didn ??t get involved and certainly did not offer comfort over something so very banal. Love affairs ended. Some of them ended badly. Seventeen years was too much, though. Fingers tightened almost protectively. ??Your kid seems pretty well, ? he offered, trying to chase away the sudden silence.Graverobber's world was simple because he didn't spend so much time worrying about what others were thinking and here he was, hands on a depressed widower's stomach, second guessing himself. The touch surprised Nathan the hands on his hips had been unexpected, but this strange intimacy from Graverobber seemed almost impossible up until recently, the scavenger had seemed interested in only one thing, the same thing that he got from all of the hookers and the desperate junkies that he sold to. Nathan had been certain he was just part of some challenge to Graverobber, the curiosity of fucking with a Repo Man, digging into his life, prying open wounds and invading his secrets and he had been certain that eventually the man would get bored with him and continue on.And, up until recently, Nathan had thought he would be fine with that. He had wanted Graverobber to get out of his life, hadn't he? Things had been complicated enough before he had stuck his ridiculously coloured head into the fray, and now things were even stranger, but the most bizarre was the fact that they were standing together in the kitchen like that. Nathan felt as though he was being held by the other man, and there was a comfort in the hands that crept around his waist and pulled him close, the chin on his shoulder. He wanted to lean back, if it weren't for the paranoia that he was still being toyed with, that somehow Graverobber was using him.And Graverobber's voice, the question it made everything seem surreal because of how utterly normal it was, almost like he shook off the thought. Graverobber wasn't his lover, and the scavenger certainly didn't think of him that way either, they were two empty, angry men who had found something dark in eachother that they could connect with. Nathan wasn't sure what else to call it, but he beat it into his head that the word wasn't appropriate for this. It wasn't romance.He just wasn't sure what it actually was."Shilo is my world." Nathan said, an agreement of sorts, "I'll do anything for her. Anything to keep her safe."Some days he wondered if it was even possible anymore.And even with his hearing, he didn't notice that Shilo's door had opened again, and he didn't hear her soft, calculated footsteps on the stairs, or know that for a long moment, his daughter stood clinging to the railing and watching the two of them in awe. Quietly, Shilo made her way back up the stairs, glancing back once and questioning what she had seen. Graverobber stayed still for a beat, unsure how to answer that. The major thing he had learned on the streets, that Ray had beat into his head from day one of their acquaintance and that he himself figured out from hours of watching people, was that information was key to security. To survive, one had to read the fine print, keep an ear to the ground and, yes, make it outside.Fathers didn ??t live forever, after all.That thought sent a chill down his spine. What would the little girl do when her dad was gone? He ??d seen that story a million times before, as well: kids turned tricks to pay for the cost of living, be it for food, Zydrate, or surgery. The ones that didn ??t got swallowed up by the city: Graverobber had extracted quite a few half vials from under aged corpses. Shilo might have spunk, but she ??d be dead within a week, probably at the end of some man ??s dick. He ??d seen those sort of bodies, too had to chase away frail, smelly old men with not enough teeth and their hands on their hard ons before he could get to the Z.He didn ??t like the idea of finding Nathan ??s kid like that. ??She ??s a good kid, ? he said gently, not asking the one question that was making his tongue curl. Would the father kill her to keep her safe? He ??d seen that, too, suicide murders where he came in on the stiff corpses of a mother and her kids. Graverobber had never been disturbed by that scene up till now but he could imagine it, now, starring Nathan and the little girl. Probably set up right in front of that damned body, father and daughter ??s pallor painted blue by the images of a wife long dead.Graverobber didn ??t like that one either, even when he reminded himself that Nathan would have some really nice things to take when he was dead. He preferred, for perhaps the first time in his life, the very warm body and the breathy voice over whatever he could loot.It was a paradigm shift he didn ??t want to explore.The thief pulled back, just a little, hands slipping back to Nathan ??s sides. ??I ??m going to go take a nap, ? he said coolly, shaking off the almost protective feeling of before. Now that the spell was broken on his side, Graverobber could smirk again then lean forward to whisper in Nathan ??s ear, ??You have to admit that I ??m much better than a cold shower and I have to find some way of paying you back for breakfast. ? Nathan couldn't find it in himself to protest Graverobber's intrusions at that point arguing with the other man, telling him to leave it seemed pointless, so he didn't reply to the scavenger, he simply remained silent, though a small chill ran up his spine at the voice close to his ear. Like Graverobber, he was uncertain of when this strange thing had formed between them, but some part of him was aware that they were both fighting aspects of it tooth and nail. Everything that was happening was somehow foreign to them.When he felt Graverobber's hands slip back a little, Nathan finally broke the contact by moving forward, away from Graverobber's touch, out of his reach. He looked at the other man for a moment, and he recognized what was being implied, he recognized the warmth that was being offered by the scavenger, and he simultaneously craved it and recoiled because of the twisting guilt that had returned without mercy.He tore his eyes away from Graverobber then, and headed out of the room in silence, and he found his body leading him directly to the hallway where Marni's body was kept, and he stood quietly amongst the empty eyed holographs, hating himself. Graverobber cocked his head to the side, watching Nathan leave. This was his chance. He could just slip out of the house or back upstairs for that nap he wanted. He didn ??t have to follow the Repo Man down That Hallway to try and pull him out like a drowning man.He told himself he wanted to for the entertainment. Naps were boring, after all, and sleeping in his run down apartment even more so.And there the doctor was, right in the middle of that handsomely decorated, dark hallway, his wife staring out from every angle. It was some mix of shrine and cemetery and Graverobber refused to tiptoe through it. ??Nathan, ? he growled, grabbing the man ??s arm. He was playing, he told himself, as he shoved the widower up against a wall, his own free hand pushing into one of the woman ??s projected busts as he jammed his face into Nathan ??s, kissing him before he had the chance to fight him off.He was playing. He certainly wasn ??t distracting. Marni's body hung in the tomb, her eyeless face looking out through the small viewing window preserving a body for seventeen years was no easy task, and her eyes had been destroyed by decay, but he could remember them as clear as the day he had met her she'd had the brightest eyes, blue green and surrounded by long lashes, and she would bat them at him coyly when he got embarrassed, or when she wanted to make sure he was paying attention.Just empty sockets now, but especially in moments like these, he felt as though she was watching him.And all he could do was hang his head, because he was ashamed of himself, angry with himself Marni had always told him he was the best thing that had happened to her, but the irony was that if they'd never met, she would still be alive.But then, Shilo wouldn't be.He had been so absorbed that he didn't hear the footsteps until they were right behind him, and then a hand was clamped onto his arm, and he hit the wall so hard that his head spun for a moment, his glasses going askew."What " Nathan began, but discovered it had been a mistake to open his mouth, because it was almost immediately covered by Graverobber's immediately, heat flooded him, and for a moment he forgot where he was, responding eagerly to the kiss and then he remembered, and Marni was watching and he had killed her, and he was poisoning his child and he was he shoved Graverobber back to try and break contact, his breathing shallow. He stared at the other man, speechless, but his expression showed the agony and the yearning all at once. For a moment, Nathan responded, all warmth and heat and passion in a hall dedicated to showing off a body that held anything but. But then he was pushing back, struggling, his expression that of a martyr while the younger man staggered and regained his balance.And something else. Something that was much more alive than the corpse on display. Graverobber didn ??t break eye contact as he stepped forward again, sliding a hand up into neat, graying hair. Nathan was the perfect widower father, the eternally mourning husband in his conservative outfits and constant love and worry for his daughter.Just, somewhere along the way, it had twisted. Graverobber felt, almost, that Nathan had pushed his daughter into her own glass display case while he acted as curator. ??She ??s dead, ? he bit out, almost irritated as he molded himself to Nathan ??s own body, using just enough force to try and keep him there. ??And you ??re alive. Take it from someone who ??s seen a lot of funerals: this is too big of a difference for you two to work through. ? Dark blue eyes didn ??t blink as he spoke, tone cool with an inexplicable sort of rage. ??Get over it, Doc." Nathan didn't break the eye contact, finding himself drawn to the blue irises and he shuddered when the man took hold of him again, pressing their bodies together so he could feel the other man's body heat, and anger flashed in the doctor's eyes,"Do you think I don't know that?" Nathan hissed out, trying to wrench out of Graverobber's grip, which suddenly seemed too strong, made him feel caged in, and Repo was stirring again, but this time the darkness wasn't being drawn out by curiosity or temptation, but this time by an anger that was shared with the mild mannered side, furious that he should be restrained like this. Repo wouldn't allow himself to be held down, it was something that happened to other people they were the ones who were supposed to be held in place and struggling to escape, not him."Do you think I don't realize she's dead, she's gone?" he snarled, trying to find the leverage to strike Graverobber to get him away, but finding there was none, not with the way the man's arms were clamped around him, and the way his body was pressing into him, and the heat and he thought of that morning, and the way that Graverobber had writhed against him when he'd jerked him off, and how he'd draped over him afterwards, and they'd laid together in comfortable post coital bliss.This was the closest thing to a human connection he'd had in almost two decades, aside from his daughter. This was the first person he had to talk to who wasn't blackmailing him, but for all he knew, Graverobber was using him. He didn't have anyone, and the warmth of another body made him feel like he was breaking inside,"She was dying she and Shilo " Nathan rasped out, but couldn't bring himself to say anymore. Graverobbers hand tightened on Nathan ??s arms, hard enough now to bruise as the doctor nearly thrashed underneath him. He was angering him and quickly, too, but it had to be do ??The younger man reminded himself while he slammed the thin form of the old man into the wall again when he got too close to pushing his fuck buddy off, he was doing this because it was interesting not because he wanted to help.He did not want to help. ??Then act like it, ? he growled back, lips curling in disgust.Something snapped, then, in the good doctor. Something that made him almost confess to whatever sin it was that Rotti used to keep him. ??Say it, ? he hissed, yanking that tired face up to his own. ??Shilo what? ? Graverobber wouldn't let go of him, and Repo wanted to tear out the scavenger's throat with his teeth for it, wanted to watch the blood leave him because of what he was doing, because the memories of Marni, and the sight of her blood on his hands and spreading across the floor from the gaping wound in her stomach it wasn't just hurting Nathan, it was making Repo ache as well, and the monster wasn't used to that kind of pain. That was Nathan's job.But then he was forced to look at Graverobber again, and suddenly he went very still,"Shilo was dying too," he said, remembering Marni's last moments she had been dying so fast, she had started by coughing up blood, but then it was coming out of her nose, and then her tear ducts and her body was being eaten from the inside he hadn't even had the time to inject anesthetic, and she was still alive when he got the scalpel, knowing she would be dead in minutes, even if he didn't but she'd watched him do it. Marni's eyes had been on him when he'd cut into her body. Graverobber sneered. ??That ??s it? ? he asked softly, loosening his fingers in Nathan ??s hair. His expression was cruel, judging, but his ever demonstrative hands were smoothing down the strands underneath his finger tips as if to sooth. ??That ??s your big secret, Doc? ? The dealer didn ??t pull away, keeping his solid body pressed against Nathan ??s almost as ? Well, for anyone other than Graverobber, it could be called support, but he liked to think he was doing it to keep Nathan from hurting him.Long, pale fingers that were nearly the color of the preserved skin down the hall trailed down from Nathan ??s hair to his jaw, still gentle even as his lips curled. ??If your wife was dying you didn ??t have a choice. Doctors make that decision all the time. ? Nathan felt no relief from what he had told Graverobber, knowing it was only part of the story he had killed Marni, that much was certain, but it wasn't just the knife that had killed her, wasn't just the shock of the pain, but it was the medication he had given her beforehand, the mixture that was meant to be her cure, not her execution. He had worked on it obsessively, he had been thorough and detail oriented, he had done everything right, he was sure of it it should have saved her, it should have ended her suffering, but not the way that it did.Somewhere along the way, he had made a mistake and murdered her in his efforts to help her he had gone over it time and time again, gone through the files and dozens of documents and trials he had made along the way, he had looked over the blood samples he had taken from her he still had some of them, some of Marni's blood slides, he couldn't bring himself to get rid of them he had spent months poring over it, trying to find out what he had done. Everything was how it was supposed to be, but he had killed her.His eyes dropped away from Graverobber's at the question there were things he couldn't tell anyone, and even with Graverobber's fingers running through his hair, and the body pressing against him, and the overwhelming urge to curl up against the other man, he he managed to make his voice sound cold and unwelcoming:"You need to leave." he said. ??I needed to leave about ten minutes ago, ? he said, watching his own fingers trace the line of Nathan ??s jaw. The eerie light of the portraits washed out what little color was in the doctor ??s face making him look decades older the man he had snuck up on earlier that morning. It was an amazing transformation: he could barely recognize Nathan ??s earlier pleasure in this drawn, haunted face.But there was something going unsaid Graverobber watched unevenly colored eyes which still weren ??t looking back at him. ??You don ??t have to tell me the rest, ? he said, voice not unkind as his expression softened just the tinniest bit. He leaned forward in one final attempt at comfort and whispered, ??Though secrets have a way of getting found out. Be careful. ? A quick tug on the ear with his teeth then Graverobber was pulling away, turning to leave.This time he did remember his coat. He would have no excuse the next time he showed up at the Wallace home.If he did. Rotti Largo stared at the paper on his heavy wooden desk. No, more like stared through it, right to the actual oak beneath the transparent film. He was dying. Across from him his two sons shifted, one with the nervous energy of a child that had just been found doing something very, very wrong and the other in his usual, preening motions. Carmela, meanwhile, was still.He was dying.Perhaps he had that one thing to be thankful for. Her dealer had taken to stalking Wallace and she had no where but the legal routes to get her fix. That was the problem with monopolies, wasn ??t it? Piss off the only supplier and you were left out in the cold or with some imitation. Not that the GeneCo formula wasn ??t good: in fact, if you weren ??t an abuser, it was perfect.His daughter, however, was a miserable abuser.And he, he was dying.The polished elevator doors slid open with a hiss, revealing two figures: one very tall and thin, the other shorter but nearly just as small. The young girl lead her keeper in, helping him past any furniture that had changed.Taylor Bankole looked as he always did. He had, perhaps, toned down the flamboyancy: with dark blue slacks and a non floral solid black shirt. The long white coat and feathers that had been braided into his white hair was, perhaps, something he considered to be rather tame. Bankole had gone completely native awhile back, the researcher barely visible beneath the slum trappings. Rotti could see his two boys give each other a look as Bankole ??s aid helped him to his seat. They should always be aware that every man could end up on the streets, insane like the old doctor.Not Rotti Largo, of course. He ??d made his fortune and he would end up beneath them. And this colorful scarecrow of a man who had turned milky white eyes onto him would outlive him. The little girl took her place at his side, leaned forward and whispered. ??Ah, Doctor Bankole, ? Rotti said warmly as he folded his hands over the report. Bankole lifted a hand to silence him and the owner of the largest, most successful company on the planet paused, eyes narrowing. It was days like these he wanted to kill the old man and he looked forward to when he could set Nathan on this husk. ??My Helen says there is a body on the floor. You should have warned us and we would have waited. ? He cocked his head to the side, motions similar to Mag ??s own slow ones. ??Is there something you needed? ? ??Several things. Stomping grounds for a few deliquent customers, mostly. ? ??Things you could have phoned me for, of course. This must be about either the missing eyes or the recent access activities of the public archives. ? A slim brown hand tightened on his shoulder and she leaned in again. The girl, unlike the empty headed bastard, was afraid. Rotti smiled for her. Bankole grinned, showing off discolored teeth in a way that couldn ??t be called mirthful. ?? ??Your smiling faces seem to say so ??, I ??m right, aren ??t I? ? Rotti fought the urge to gesture to his Henchwomen. It would be so easy and so very satisfying to end this man ??s life now but he was still more useful than he was dangerous. That was quickly changing. ??The latter. There have been some ? suspicious inquires as of late, ? he rumbled. ??Ah. I think that ??s our next appointment. ? "You're double booking quite a bit today, Rotti. I'd suggest you fire your secretary, but I've seen what happens to former employees, you dog." Nathan's eyes remained on the ground then the doctor was silent and still as a statue, his shoulders stiff as though he was afraid to move right then he knew he had made a mistake, telling Graverobber as much as he had, it was information that he had successfully kept quiet for years, only the Largos had known until recently. But now, he had handed the information to a man who worked on the streets, who indulged in drugs and was more than capable of using it against him a man who had befriended his daughter.He felt as though he had just given Graverobber enough rope to hang him with, but then, he supposed he'd given him that weeks ago, when he'd discovered who he was, when he wasn't out tearing organs from living bodies. There were plenty of people who would gladly pay for information on a Repo Man, some of the vigilantes who didn't approve of the organ repossession bill though, Nathan wasn't sure anyone but Largo himself and a few of the other Repo Men actually enjoyed the law.A small noise escaped him when the teeth met his ear, but he let Graverobber leave without saying another word to him, and he stood in the hallway for a long time after, until Shilo appeared and clung quietly to his waist, and went to her room without complaint when Nathan's wristwatch went off.And moments later, he was entering Rotti Largo's office the agony was gone from his face and replaced with his usual hard, cold expression, his stride was fluid and confident but there was the slightest hesitation when he saw Ray sitting in the seat across from Rotti, and his eyes swept the room, taking in You and the Largo children as well. He ignored it when Luigi sat up tall and grinned at him, and he stepped over the body that was on the floor, unable to help the feeling that something awful had been set into motion."I can come back another time if you're busy." Nathan said, deadpan. Nathan wasn ??t the only man with yards of rope around his neck. Ray shifted in his seat, sitting up taller as Helen leaned over to whisper to him. ??I know who it is, dear, ? he said softly. ??I remember those steps. ? The old man turned cloudy eyes on Wallace, face blank save for a small smile. Under his contacts his eyes had the just the barest hint of green. ??So you two have already met, then? ? Rotti ??s voice was laced with a dry sort of humor, and Ray smiled broadly knowing from the way Helen ??s hand tightened that he had earned a flush from Rotti and the old man chuckled. Largo tended to go the color of a tomato when he was angry, the fat old goat. ??That makes this a lot easier. Nathan, ? he said sweetly. ??I would like you to explain to Doctor Bankole what happens when an outsider threatens such a tight knit community as GeneCo. ? Ray snorted, resting his hands on the ornate armrests. Real wood and real cloth, too, the sort grown in fields or on sheep and not made in a factory. It was the little things like this that made him hate Rotti. This was money that could be put to environment and social programs and here it was being wasted on the corpulent devil and his miserable spawn. ?? ??Curiosis fabricavit inferos, ?? ? Ray grumbled before steepling his fingers in front of him. With the contacts he could barely see more than movement, though the new eyes worked fantastically. ??The data accessed was nothing but old newspapers and tabloids. Certainly not something the great Rotti Largo need fear. ? ??Why a blind man would want to know about events occurring seventeen years ago is my main question. Don ??t you think that ??s odd, Nathan? ? Nathan clenched his teeth so hard that his jaw popped so this was it, Rotti had brought him in, taken him away from his daughter, so he could frighten an old man. He looked over to Ray for a moment then, and he took in the sight of the cloudy eyes and it was reassuring to know that the man had the self preservation to remember that detail it almost made Nathan believe that Ray would live long enough to get some decent use out of the new eyes that were beneath the milky contacts.He was silent during the exchange between the two men, and at Rotti's question, he simply stared blankly at his boss, watching the man go from his usual pallid colour to the unnatural cherry red that tended to fill in his jowls every time his blood pressure went up. At times like this, Nathan felt a spike of hope that Rotti would drop dead in front of him he promised himself that if it happened, he would dance right then and there.His expression was blank after Rotti's question,"It's possible Dr. Bankole was doing medical research," Nathan replied mechanically, not giving Rotti what he was looking for right then and feeling a spike of spite towards the man, "I don't believe that's frowned upon by our tightknit community. Even for outsiders."He heard a soft, muffled sound behind him, and knew Luigi was laughing. The look Rotti fixed Nathan with could have melted ice or perhaps formed it from a glass of water. He looked to Ray who simply smiled vapidly before pulling his body out of his chair. Now he could feel age: somehow over the years it had crept into his bones and muscles and settled like the weight around his midsection. Where had all that time go?Just yesterday, it seemed, this very office was alive with peals of laughter. Marni had loved to laugh and even Carmela had adored the woman who took away so much of Papa ??s time. When had that changed?It was this damned man in front of him, the same that had forced him to kill Marni. And now, here he was, old, dying, and with these failures while he tried to keep his blood pressure low. Life never worked out correctly, even for the richest man in the world. ??Nathan, ? he bit irritably. ??I have a job for you. And I would like it if Mr. Bankole would accompany us. ? ??Oh, a show? ? Bankole ??s face brightened theatrically as the girl helped him to his feet. He leaned over to whisper in her ear, her pretty face going grim at his words before her hand slipped into his own. ??I do hope you have some sort of set up for the visually impaired. ? Hmph. ??Visually impaired ??. Not likely. Those eyes were top of the line. The man was probably seeing the best he ??d ever had. ??I ??m sure we ??ll be fine. Nathan, if you would go down and change, we'll meet you presently. I'm sure Luigi and Paviche can help you strap up." Nathan's stomach gave another wrench as he realized what Rotti had in mind, and he found himself suddenly wishing Ray was still blind over the years, he had become used to having the Largos leaning over his shoulders at the times he had been ordered to do a job inside of GeneCo even when they were younger, Luigi and Pavi had always shown intense interest in what Nathan had to do, acting as a disturbing peanut gallery when he was elbow deep in the torso of a still warm human being.Amber had never joined them he supposed Rotti didn't want his little girl to grow up twisted.He glanced at Amber, who remained motionless on the couch her expression was almost pained, and he knew right away that she hadn't had her fix lately. He supposed it had to do with Graverobber being otherwise occupied for the last little while, and if the situation weren't so grim, Nathan might have smiled about that fact."I can handle it myself," Nathan replied."Oh, but we insist a," Pavi said, appearing at Nathan's left."Wouldn't want you getting lost in the building," Luigi added, taking his right elbow, and the two Largos steered Nathan to the basement, even though he knew his way with his eyes closed. What had always struck Nathan as odd was this ritual the Largo boys, even when Nathan had made his way to the basement with no chance of leaving their sight, would sometimes insist on strapping on his uniform. This time, Luigi didn't even let Nathan take his own jacket off he unbuttoned it and wrenched it off Nathan's shoulders, and gave him a sickening sort of smile.He let them tug him around and yank at the straps, cage him into the uniform this one was different than the one he kept at the house. This one was somehow darker, and it was heavier around the front, so when he moved he acknowledged the weight of it against his legs, and he did nothing when his glasses were plucked off his face, but he drew the line when Luigi's hand moved towards his head, as though to go through his hair Nathan gave Luigi a look so sharp that the other man withdrew the hand, and instead tucked the glasses into his jacket pocket.And Nathan moved to the sink, going through his own ritual as he pushed his hair back, and wished he was someone else completely.But when he stepped into the cold, misty room, he was still Nathan Wallace, and he just wanted to go home. Rotti ushered them into the elevator, a meaty hand on Ray ??s bony back in the way of a gracious host. ??Our Nathan is fantastic with his work, ? he rumbled. ??It ??s a shame you can ??t see the details of it. ? ??Yes, well, I ??d probably close my eyes. ? Ray squeezed Helen ??s hand comfortingly as she moved close to him, the clicks of Rotti ??s twin bodyguards coming to a stop on each side of them. So much for playing the host.There was the near absent sigh of doors sliding open, then the slow drain of heat out into the colder, underground level. Damp, dry air was still a shock to the slum dweller ??s system: Helen and he had dressed warm since Rotti had a predicable stage for his threats, but it was still much too cold for those who were used to the sticky heat that still had yet to break above ground.The bodyguard on the left pushed him forward unkindly, starting them on the way to the refridgerated room. Rotti led, Ray could hear heavy footsteps in front of them and those same staccato beats of the stiff limbed Henchwomen behind them. A distinctly Rotti shaped blob was illuminated by the cool light ahead of them, then the sound of rustling, heavy plastic and they were being shoved into the sub zero hell beneath GeneCo. The old man didn ??t have to be able to see to know what it looked like: one trip down and he ??d had this place memorized, details burned into his mind ??s eye in a way no amount of time had yet to dull. The figure in the chair was a different story: he could see nothing but the fact the center seat was occupied.Beside him, Helen sucked quickly and tugged on Ray ??s hand. He leaned over to hear, ??They ??ve got Lazarus. ? Ah. Now the figure popped into a clear image in his head: the boy was a reedy thing, much like Ray, but there the similarities ended. He was pale complected, with blue eyes and a wide face. Long hair was kept in the common dread lock style, streaked and braided in some places. They ??d worked together before. Lazarus was the sort that trailed after the recently dead, scavenging what was organically useful to sell to back alley surgeons, one of the med school drop outs that had more conscience than ambition. ??I don ??t suppose you have my money, boy? ? Rotti had moved closer to the center sometime when Ray was thinking and there was a muffled response. ??What was that? ? ??I said ??I hope you rot in hell, you fat cow. ?? ? Rotti had removed the gag, then, and Ray couldn ??t help but grin. The fat cow bit out to whom he assumed was Wallace , ??Make sure you keep him alive as long as you can while you get the intestines. Pretend it ??s an emergency cesarean, Nathan, if you need the inspiration. ? The chill of the air struck Nathan's skin and crawled beneath the leather and PVC of his uniform, but it wasn't finished the mask wasn't there to complete it, and he knew that the Largos never gave him the helmet because they wanted to see his eyes, and the look on his face when he killed another human being. Some days he wondered if it was because they were waiting for the moment they could see him break, other days he thought it was because they just wanted to get a glimpse of his monster, so theirs wouldn't feel quite so alone.But Rotti he knew Rotti's game, and he knew it from the old man's words this was punishment, not just for the man in the chair, not just for Ray, but for him as well. This was revenge, because Rotti wanted more people to see what a monster Nathan Wallace could be, because he was aware that every human who knew about the doctor's darkness would just weigh a little heavier on his conscience, make him more unsure of who he was. Nathan didn't want anyone to fear him, or recognize his darkness, but it seemed every day there was someone who was more aware of the thing he kept inside of him, and let out only in the night when he had no choice.A monster that was never sated, never quiet, except except up until recently, when both Nathan and Repo had been given the taste of sweat, the touch of willing flesh, the smell a shudder passed through Nathan at the most innappropriate time, and he thought about the sound Graverobber had made when he'd come, because the thought of the way they'd been splayed together afterwards caused a warmth in his chest that fought the cold of the room he had been forced into, and he held onto the feeling for as long as he could, until he looked at the man in the chair and knew what he had to do. He allowed the cold to take him over again, as Repo clawed his way through the warmth and took over again, and Nathan felt the hair on his arms prickle beneath the uniform, because there were more eyes on him than usual.He cast a brief glance in Ray's direction, then back to the knife in his hands while the Largo boys chortled about their father's cruelty. He let his eyes stay on the floor for a long time after Rotti had spoken, and eventually Luigi came up beside him and forced the knife into his hand, giving him a small shove forward, and Nathan took a tottering step towards Lazarus like a kid learning to walk, before he straightened up.And Lazarus looked at him with those wide eyes, and he was young and his hair was striped with colours, and Nathan knew he had to end his life and do it slowly because Rotti had told him to, because Rotti knew what he had done, and it would never go away. He thought about Marni's eyes, and how he would never look into them again.Butcher.He wanted to go home. He wanted to be with Shilo, and hold her, and protect her from this, but he would always know that his little girl was being held by a monster, but he was a monster who wanted to keep her safe. And he would. And doing his job meant Rotti would be satisfied and Shilo would be safe.Keep Shilo safe.Nathan Wallace dissappeared, and Repo prowled around Lazarus like a shark, circling him once, the knife in his hand twitching and twisting before he settled in front of him and knifed open the man's shirt Lazarus was surprisingly quiet, though his breathing had changed now, hyperventilating. Scared.Killer.The first cut and Lazarus had given up being quiet, because Repo had sliced open the first layer of skin, exposing some of the pink beneath and the blood came a few moments later, streaking down the man's abdomen and sinking into his pants. A second slice went through a layer of muscle and Lazarus was shrieking and kicking and trying to get out of the chair, because the pain was too much for any human being bile climbed Lazarus' throat and made him froth at the mouth.When he cut into the abdominal cavity the man was still alive, and he sank one gloved hand in and wrenched bits of him out of the way, dislodging the intestine and pulling it out in a long, pink slippery rope that went across Lazarus' knees, and the man was still breathing."Finish it," Luigi growled out, too absorbed in the job, and Repo's face twisted into a horrible expression, a violent, predatorial smile, and he wrenched the knife across Lazarus' throat, spraying his blood across the room, across his uniform and his throat, speckling his silver hair with streaks of warm blood before he cut the surgical tie on the intestine, and then pitched the knife across the room so hard that it stuck into a nearby table. He closed his eyes then, straightening up, his spine cracking one vertebrae at a time, and he took in a breath that came out as a roll of mist from the cold and hot of the room.Done. Finished.Monster. Whoops. Seems I had a senile moment and somehow managed to put a post in the wrong RP. Consider this a short commercial break. Click to expand... "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Click to expand... And now, back to our regularly scheduled broadcast!The first steps were slow, almost hesitant. Ray tried to track the numerous figures in the room. Rotti with his solid footsteps stayed near Lazarus. His boys, the flamboyant one who moved so much his clothing gave him away and the nervous one that tended to have the sound of metal and leather, were close to Wallace. They had pulled back to let the surgeon do his work.A change. Ray cocked his head to the side, confused almost, as Helen pressed herself to his side. ??Close your eyes, dear, ? he whispered, covering her ear with his hand. There was a change, the old man thought as his surrogate daughter shook like the little girl he sometimes forgot she was: Wallace ??s stride had lengthened in a way he wasn ??t used to hearing. That sparked his curiosity. Why ever would one man ??s stride change so much. Was it the uniform? The fact that he wa ??His thoughts were interrupted by screams that grew in intensity quickly. The petite body at his side shuddered and tiny hands slipped under his own to create a better seal. Over the sounds of a man dying a gruesome death he could hear laughing.Rotti Largo and his brood were laughing.Ray twisted his face, teeth bared at one of the shapes that had come too close. He ??d lost track, couldn ??t be assed to figure out who exactly it was pushing him forward, but the cruel, high pitched and affected girly giggles gave Paviche away. Helen stumbled, but he kept her close, praying her eyes were closed along with her ears. There was a horrible, wet sound that wouldn ??t stop: Wallace shoving aside organs and other fleshy things to get at Lazarus ?? intestines, slimy, bloody cords that hit the floor with a sick ??splortch ??.And all the while, the poor boy was alive and screaming and coughing and wailing. The room smelled of all sorts of bodily fluids, worst of all from the gut that now simply emptied out once its lower partner had been removed. He registered Luigi ??s rough voice, tone like that of a man in the middle of making love not watching some child who had nearly his whole life ahead of him die a gruesome death, but he couldn ??t understand, not when his mind was revving uselessly. The noise died down suddenly: Lazarus ?? voice cut out to a gurgle, there was the clatter of metal hitting metal and soon the room was silent save for Helen ??s soft crying.A large, meaty hand smacked his back, restarting his brain. ??A shame you couldn ??t watch that, ? Rotti said pleasantly. ??Nathan does fine work. ? ??Hopefully he carves you up one day, ? the old man responded dryly, shrugging Rotti ??s suddenly hideous hand off him. His voice didn ??t sound right anymore, as if all Lazarus ?? screaming had left his own throat raw. ??Your threat was clear. I understand. No more sticking my nose into the matter. ? Rotti chuckled. ??I ??m glad we understand each other. ? When Graverobber slipped in that morning, Ray was gone. He knew that because he pressed his ear against the man ??s door and heard nothing even though You and the old man were early risers. Or they were dead, but he would have heard a lot more chatter if they were, so they must be out causing problems for someone else. The bastard might have become more of a homebody in the last few years , but the two went out sometimes. At least, Graverobber figured they did: he wasn ??t on the same schedule preferring, after all, to sleep when most contributing members of society got up and went to their desk jobs.He took a nap just for them.Not a particularly long nap he was, after all, a busy man with all the Zydrate gathering and cock sucking. Ray ??s makeshift office was still empty when he headed down and out, which might have bothered him if he cared what happened to the old man. Instead, he dug through the man ??s desk for some change and found a candy bar instead. Graverobber pulled it out and examined it thoughtfully before pocketing the candy.Nathan ??s neighborhood was a lot more lively during the day in its own sleepy suburbs sort of way. People who couldn ??t afford the requisite body guard at night could walk the dog or the kids while it was still light. Graverobber, with his ratty jacket and oxygen deprived complexion, got more than a few nasty looks from the miserably bland inhabitants as he strolled along. The doctor would probably be getting a strongly worded e mail from his local neighborhood watch, he thought as he let himself into the Wallace home . Shilo stared at Graverobber like her father did sometimes she was holding a banana at the time, however, so it was a little less intimidating that, and the ruffles took away from the expression as well."You're back," she said, and then realized she was stating the obvious, so she shook her head and then moved across the living room towards Graverobber, eyeing him for a long moment he was as dirty and unkempt as ever, and for some reason this was reassuring for Shilo. Reassuring enough that she took a step forward, and hugged Graverobber very briefly around the waist before stepping back,"Want a banana?" she asked. Repo stood there for a long moment after the kill, steam rising from the still warm body in front of him, the abdominal cavity split open like a gaping mouth, the cut disturbingly precise even with the wide, hard slashes that the surgeon had made he could feel the droplets of blood on his eyelids, and when he opened his eyes, he felt it smear across his skin, and could feel it rolling down his cheekbones, could feel the extra weight of gore and blood on his gloved hands.For a long moment, he felt as though he was standing alone in a vast, empty, cool space white on white, just him and the blood and Repo, and nothing else.And then the sobbing was the first thing he heard, and the sound of a woman's pain wrenched him back into reality so suddenly that he actually lurched from it, and he slowly turned around, his pupils in small pinpricks that made his eyes look unnatural, but when he looked at Helen, his expression was suddenly human again. He immediately dropped his eyes to the floor and something horrible squished beneath the thick sole of his boot as he walked, leaving bloody shoeprints across the pristine white he ignored the laughter of the Largo boys and jerked his arm away when Luigi patted him on the shoulder, as though congratulating him for a job well done.He couldn't bring himself to look at either Ray or Helen, but he paused near them for a moment, as though about to speak but he he thought twice and continued on out the door. He stripped out of the uniform, and Luigi appeared beside him again like a grinning little cockroach and Nathan did his best to ignore the Largo boy as he pulled off the boots, put his jacket back on but then he looked up, and found Luigi was holding his glasses out for him.For an instant, Nathan saw something strange in Luigi's eyes he almost looked human for a moment as well, but it was gone so quickly that the doctor couldn't be certain. He took the glasses and replaced them on his face, which was still spotted with blood even when he was ushered into the GeneCo car, and driven back to the Wallace home.His insides felt as though they had been filled with ice as he entered in through the gate and up through the front door. Instead of answering her, Graverobber ruffled her hair and plucked the banana from her hand, quickly replacing it with the candy bar as if he were some spectacularly odd Indiana Jones.The sound of delight she made was worth any tongue lashing he ??d get from the father, he thought as he peeled the banana carefully, adroit fingers managing to reveal the fruit though this was only the fourth or fifth banana he ??d ever seen in his life.Upstairs, Shilo launched into a breathless explanation of the magazines, summarizing and remarking on everything she had read. Her words got even more fast as she worked through the candy bar and Graverobber had to wonder if he had just given her more sugar than she generally had in a week. Thank God he hadn ??t found the old man ??s stash of energy drinks the kid might have had a heart attack. All of the magazines were marked with color coded stickies that she used to reference various fashions and celebrities. Graverobber mostly spent the time lounging on her bed, nibbling on the banana as she had a very seventeen year old sort of attack: he had, after all, managed to bring a zine with a special on Blind Mag, her favourite, and most of her unending monologue was filled with rather girlish squeals over what Mag was wearing and the rumors of her personal life.Neither of them heard the front door even though they left Shilo ??s door cracked for it. At first Shilo held the chocolate bar by the end of the wrapping between her thumb and forefinger as though it was something she had to inspect for filth before she allowed any more of it to touch her skin. She looked at it as though she was unsure if she was supposed to just hold it or actually eat it, but she quietly read the label, and her big eyes flicked from the chocolate, to Graverobber, and back again."This iscandy." she said accusingly, as though Graverobber had just tried to influence her to snort meth. She considered the candy for a long moment, letting it sit in her palm as she stared down at it, and her expression slowly shifted to one of curiosity this was filled with all of the ingredients that sent her doctor father into a rant about poor food choices and the need to properly fuel the body. It was fructose and corn syrup and chocolate and not the bitter, dark stuff that she was allowed to have sometimes, this was the chocolate that had been watered down with milk and sugar and cream.The label told her it was very, very bad for her, and her father had always told her to read the labels. And she had.As politely as possible, she opened it up and took an inquisitive bite of it, and her eyes bugged out.And twenty minutes later and halfway through the chocolate bar, Shilo was wriggling around her room like an inchworm, flailing and enthusiastically recounting the magazines that Graverobber had given her even though she couldn't quite figure out why she was so excited about it, or why she couldn't seem to lower her voice anymore. At one point she was even hanging off of Graverobber's back while she jabbered on about how awesome chocolate was.She didn't hear her father come in, but when he appeared in the doorway she was standing on her bed, bouncing around so hard that her wig had tilted on her head, and Nathan could only stare, his eyes shifting slowly from his daughter, to Graverobber, to the pile of magazines. And when Shilo finally realized he was there, she slowly stopped her bouncing, and stared back,"Dad," she gasped, staring at her pale, ill looking father, "You'rebleeding."Nathan slowly raised a hand to his face, and realized he still had dried blood flecking his skin,"It's not me, honey, i'm fine," he assured her, though his voice sounded strange, "Marcus, I need to speak with you." The whole thing was rather cute. You didn ??t reallylikeGraverobber and most women Shilo ??s age didn ??t hang on him quite like that, so the experience left him feeling like some sort of favoured uncle. He might have even given her a bear hug when she came too close, holding her until she giggled and wiggled away. Maybe. Though if she mentioned to anyone . His stained lips were curled up into just the hint of a open, honest smile.Even when Nathan appeared.The dealer turned babysitter leaned back, long body stretched out lazily on Shilo ??s very clean bed, a man shaped stain in Nathan ??s girl ??s otherwise very feminine and innocent room. ??Early morning house call, Nathan? ? he asked, pulling himself up into a sitting position. His coat made him look lankier as he gracefully got to his feet and slid close to the father. The look on Nathan's face was unamused, and his paleness seemed somehow emphasized by the smears of blood on his skin he didn't even blink at he watched Graverobber stretch out on the bed. Shilo stood nervously beside the scavenger, her eyes shifting between the two men as though unsure of what she should be doing."He looks pretty mad." Shilo said, out of the corner of her mouth, trying desperately to remain still, but finding her hands were twitching and shifting nervously, just the way that Repo's did when he was a little over eager to get to his work, like he had done that night in the alleyway while circling Graverobber like a shark."I'll see you downstairs." Nathan said flatly, leaving the room and heading down the stairs. The kid was right: Nathan did look pretty mad, and Graverobber wasn ??t exactly sure why. Oh, he knew the man had reasons to be angry at him. There was the fact that he had assaulted him just that morning, though the sounds the doctor made while Graverobber had blown him hadn ??t be that angry. There was also the fact that he had held him down until he confessed to some of his demons. And then, of course, there was the fact that Shilo was twitching and jerking like a crack head due to the illegal chocolate he had brought into the house.It was better to say that Graverobber wasn ??t exactly sure which was the reason Nathan was mad. ??He ??s probably just tired. He didn't sleep well last night. ? Graverobber bowed to Shilo then disappeared out her door to follow Nathan. An early morning repo job? Harsh. He couldn ??t imagine that Rotti had his number one Repo Man out in the light, so it must have been at the biotech castle. No wonder he was so cranky. Nathan didn't turn to the bathroom as he had expected, instead veering down to the basement lab. ??Nathan? ? he asked softly, confused as he moved past the fireplace and down into the doctor ??s sub zero hell. Nathan bypassed the bathroom he wouldn't wash off there, he didn't like blood in his house sticky, messy stuff that only belonged in the cold of his workshop, where he could hose it down and not worry about there being residue left in the sink for Shilo to see, to sink into the porcelain and wrap the house in decay. Blood didn't belong in the house with Nathan Wallace, it belonged in the cellar with Repo.He moved down the stairs silently, slid open the fireplace and stepped into the chilly laboratory he went across the room, wrenching the wheelchair away from the drain where he had left it last time, and he moved it towards the doorway, his expression stern as he waited quietly for Graverobber and he heard him before he saw him. Yes, the scavenger sounded confused, and he should this was a different sort of response from the good doctor, and he waited until he saw Graverobber's feet, and then he moved quickly. Incredibly light on his feet, Nathan took hold of one of Graverobber's arms, his other hand on the man's throat, and he practically threw the scavenger into the wheelchair, using so much force that the chair rolled back several feet, though Nathan was quickly following it in a few long, fluid strides.Deft hands grabbed hold of one of Graverobber's wrists and forced it against the arm of the chair, practised fingers yanking the leather strap over his limb, tying it into place Nathan was silent the entire time, his jaw set as he took hold of the man's other arm and strapped it down. Graverobber didn ??t even have the sense to struggle until Nathan had one strap on him and by then it was too late. He hadn ??t expected this in truth, he hadn ??t known what to expect. Had the good doctor gone down to let out his demons where his little girl couldn ??t hear him? To yell and hit things like Graverobber did when he was very, very angry and no one was looking? Or did he have another shrine set up to his dead wife to go throw himself down in front of and sob?He really should have remembered that chair.For a moment, he thought this would turn into some sort of rough, angry sex, something Graverobber wouldn ??t mind at all, but those rough fingers were put pressure on his neck, forcing him back into that damned chair. And Nathan ??s face was still bland, just like before, when he had hosed him down and threatened to let him freeze.Mini Graverobber did not approve though Nathan ??s long, confidant strides, the ones he usually associated with Repo only, were sending inappropriate shivers down his spine. ??What the fuck are you doing? ? he spit, too late to get away from those clever, quick fingers restraining his other arm. He twisted even though he wasn't completely afraid.He must have gone off the deep end. Nathan wouldn't kill him now, not when his kid had saw him mad before, even Nathan couldn't come up with an excuse for that, he'd only be able to punish him. And part of Graverobber was looking forward to that. Nathan silently pulled the straps tight, moving down to Graverobber's legs, yanking the hard leather binds around his ankles, effectively holding all of his limbs in place before he dissappeared behind the man there was the brief sound of cabinets opening, and then he came around in front of Graverobber again. He hadn't met the other man's eyes then, just like the last time, it was as though Graverobber had dissappeared while he did his work.In his hand, he was holding a stiff steel and leather neck corset, the one he had used on many patients in the course of his Repossession career he had quickly discovered it was effective in preventing the struggle that could come from the momentum between the head and shoulders, because even when the limbs were all strapped into place, there was still a great deal of power that could come from the rest of the body. He had also discovered it created a new sort of terror in his patients, it made them feel more closed in, and prevented them from seeing anything below their line of vision, kept them from being able to track where he was, what he was doing.He grabbed hold of Graverobber's jaw then, forcing the man's head back so he could jam the prop into place, moving around behind and strapping it into place, connecting it to the back of the wheelchair to keep him from pulling forward, just one of the many features Nathan had installed into his workshop. It had taken years to get the chilly basement to work to his best advantage, but he had learned from every assignment, until the basement was the most efficient death trap possible.He closed and bolted the door, pushing Graverobber away from it and then locking the chairs brakes into place he dissappeared again then, crossing the room, and there was the sound of the faucet running as Nathan removed his glasses and began to carefully wash his face and hands. Graverobber settled back when Nathan finished, flinching away from his bonds. They were heavy on his limbs and neck, and the last damned thing simply wouldn ??t let him move his chin. He couldn ??t even track the doctor as he disappeared to the other side of the room, though he tried to listen to keep tabs on the man.There was the sound of running water and Graverobber closed his eyes to hear better, to fight off that sudden wave of panic that started as a heavy filing in his stomach and clawed out to his limbs. He was intimately aware of how little movement he was allowed, how vulnerable he was and how even Nathan ??s little girl couldn't reach him now. ??This is what you get, ?? he thought to himself. He had no information to barter, no sex to allure the older man with. Graverobber cringed. Sleeping with the man had been a dumb idea: now that he ??d gotten his one sexual activity for the decade, he could pay the dealer back for all the other infuriating nights. ??Nathan, ? he called sweetly, voice only slightly shaky. ??It ??s not polite to keep your guests waiting. ? He took his time silently scrubbing scalding hot water over his skin, removing every speck of dried blood from his face and neck, and the few drops that had splattered onto his ears. He looked at his own pale face in the mirror and frowned at it while he ran his fingers through his hair, arranging it back to its usual, neat position.The cool of the room moved beneath the neck of his jacket then, and he found himself thinking about Helen's sobbing, and the horror on her face because of what she had seen he would have traumatized her. She had experienced life on the streets, but he could be sure that she had never witnessed a man being murdered, and especially not that level of brutality later in life, he was sure she would be a jaded woman, if she didn't break from what she had seen.He shuddered as he remembered the way the Largo boys had been laughing he knew that Repo had smiled too he had felt the horrible expression pulling at his own face even though he had no control over it then, he could just linger in the background while the monster did the work he couldn't bring himself to do.These days, he was feeling less like a human and more like a monster he felt like his control was slipping away, and there was so little he could cling to to stay stable. He couldn't keep bringing his misery home to Shilo, it wasn't fair to her.He just wanted warmth.He turned then, watching the rainbow coloured cords of Graverobber's hair for a long moment before he appeared again, his fingers sweeping along the back of the wheel chair, ghosting over the shell of the scavenger's ear, and he stood in front of him, crossing his arms over his chest, adjusting his glasses irritably. There was no sign of the earlier mess no blood, not a hair out of place, only the prim, proper father, complete with his dark, tailored suit."You've stalked me, drugged me," Nathan said flatly, "You've broken into this house multiple times, scared my daughter, took the job Rotti Largo offered you, and you've been pushy and innappropriate every step of the way. Even now, you're bringing trash into this house and influencing my little girl."Seemingly out of nowhere, he produced one of the gossip magazines that Graverobber had brought Shilo had left it laying around earlier, and he had instantly known where it had come from. To make a point, he rolled it up and smacked Graverobber in the side of the head with the magazine, and then a second time for good measure. The man tied up in the chair also wanted warmth, but for entirely different reasons. Limbs that were forced into stillness lost heat very, very quickly especially as his accelerated heart pumped blood all through his body in a vain attempt to prepare him to run. Someone should tell it to give up and conserve heat. Someone should also tell his body, he thought as he shuddered when Nathan ??s fingers just barely traced his ear, that this was not a good thing.His Adam ??s apple bobbed under the heavy, stiff leather that kept his head up. Most people, he imagined, were not as sexually attracted to their torturers. Most people didn ??t have Nathan Wallace tying them into chairs.Graverobber wasn ??t sure if he was lucky or not. ??Your little girl likes me, ? he started to say, but then Nathan was swatting him with the multicolored, glossy things he had brought for said little girl, and Graverobber was honestly shocked into silence.But only for a second. ??What the fuck is that for? ? he cursed, arm jerking in his restraints as he attempted to protect his face. No good. Graverobber ??s low voice devolved into a series of rather creative curses. ??Nathan, let me the fuck out of this chair right now. ? Graverobber had good reason to be nervous even after all of the aggression they had released on eachother in the course of the last few weeks, even after Nathan had strapped Graverobber down twice before, the situation had never looked quite this grim because the last time he'd had Graverobber in the chair, it had been clear that Nathan had no intention of killing him, just making him learn his lesson. On the couch, though it had ended with him poisoning the scavenger, he had never made a move to end the man's life but this was unpredictable, because Graverobber no longer knew what the doctor was doing, or why he was doing it.He watched the expression of shock appear on the man's face from the strike in the head with the magazine, and something about his struggling and swearing made Nathan bring his fingers to his mouth in an expression that looked almost thoughtful, but in truth, it was because he was trying to pin down a smile that was threatening to show."No." Nathan said, "But you're right Shilo does like you, even though you just fed her pure sugar."One side of his mouth twisted, his brows furrowing as though he was thinking that part over as well, and he whacked Graverobber in the head with the magazine for a third time, as though to make him pay for giving his sick child junk food.It was true, though, wasn't it Shilo liked Graverobber, if her enthusiastic chatter was any indication, though that may very well have been caused by the massive amounts of sugar in her bloodstream. It was times like those that reminded Nathan of how much his little girl hadn't experienced but she would also get to experience the crash that came afterwards, so he was secure in the knowledge that she wouldn't be quite as enthusiastic about that much sugar in the future.He moved his mind back to Graverobber, watching the way the man twisted and twitched against the bonds, understandably annoyed by the restriction.How awful for him.Nathan didn't feel the least bit guilty, however, because as far as he was concerned Graverobber deserved this sort of torment, and he moved around behind the other man, leaning an elbow on the back of the wheelchair, picking up one of the cords of coloured hair, inspecting it for a moment with his chin on his hand.This time around, he would have plenty of time now that he wasn't hosing the man down. He leaned in then, his voice in Graverobber's ear, breath warm,"You've cause a lot of trouble for me." he said flatly. ??It wasn ??t pure sugar, ? he responded indignantly. There were ? other things. Like anti oxidants. And fake sugar. And probably insect legs. Besides, outside of a few diabetics, too much sugar never killed a kid. She certainly seemed fine, all excitement and joy and everything. He ??d brought fucking joy to a child. Nathan should be thanking him. He was like Santa.A very dirty Santa that flitted between arousal, fear and irritation, though mostly the last one.The third swat sent him into another cursing fit that involved more of Nathan ??s mother than was probably possible. He bitterly hoped she was dead, because the doctor had snapped him right above the eye and nearly left a paper cut on his eyelid, even though he had cringed away from it. Unevenly colored eyes were still watching him with a sort of disinterest when he looked up, squinting in preparation for another whack.But it never came. Instead, Nathan circled around behind him, and his blue eyes stayed focused on the trim form of the doctor until his head hurt from strain. This was another time that he wished he could sit his body down for a chat because when Nathan bent forward to speak in his ear he couldn ??t help but squirm.It wasn ??t just the heat that did it, though the other man ??s breath was hot in this cold room. The doctor had a pleasant, breathy voice when he wasn ??t ripping people apart for their innards, the sort that didn ??t sound as if he always knew how to engage his vocal chords when he was speaking. It was a gentle, almost sweet voice that Graverobber wanted to hear turn hoarse from screaming not from Repo clawing his way back to the front. ??You liked some of the trouble, ? he responded slyly, fingers curling as he tried to talk himself out of the chair. ??I can almost still taste you. ? Nathan tutted softly,"Language," he said, his voice almost sing song, taunting as Graverobber snarled and cursed in the chair, a string of expletives that made Nathan suddenly unable to hold back the smile, though he was pleased to be out of the other man's line of vision at that point he was sure that there was a level of sickness to what he was doing to the scavenger right then, but somehow the doctor found he wasn't bothered by it there was something appealing about the way the man was squirming.Though, he could hear that tone of voice, the silky one Graverobber used whenever he was trying to talk his way out Nathan had heard it enough times at that point to know what it meant.He moved back around in front of Graverobber then, his expression back to the deadpan one, but there was a peculiar look in his eyes then, and they flicked over the other man's face."You're a problem." he murmured, even as his hand moved down and he moved his palm between Graverobber's legs, massaging him firmly through the material of his trousers. Living on the streets had taught Graverobber the proper way to swear if nothing else. But, then again, his parents had left him a precocious child and he ??d always had a certain skill with his tongue.The doctor circled back around, still with the same smooth motions of Nathan not Repo, his expression still that bored, flat one but there was something different. Something in the eyes that hinted that he wasn ??t as dispassionate as he would like Graverobber to believe.Of course, the hand on his crotch was also a good clue. ??Am I? ? he whispered lowly, trying to be as seductive as a man tied to a modified wheelchair could be. Graverobber let his lined eyes flutter closed as he shifted, hips pressing up best as they could. This was more submissive than even the couch, because on the couch he ??d only had his hands tied. ??More like I have a problem, Doc." The fear was leaving him, draining away as he realized Nathan wasn't here to kill him , he was only engaging in his extrapolated sense of self control. "Mm," Nathan said in confirmation, nodding his head a little at Graverobber's question, his palm rolling against the other man, stroking and teasing him through the material he watched as the scavenger's eyes fell shut, watched as he relaxed into the knowledge that Nathan wasn't planning to kill him. Of course, given their surroundings, there was always the lingering threat of Repo Repo, who was angry that in his territory, he wasn't being allowed to come out and play, but Nathan restrained the darkness.This control over Graverobber would be enough Repo had already had his pound of flesh that day, and Graverobber wasn't about to be thrown in as well.Though, Nathan decided, he was definitely going to take advantage of the situation he felt Graverobber lift his hips towards him, though the movement was minimal given his restraints, and he glanced down, suddenly feeling a swell of nervousness. It was just another reason he had restrained the other man this was new to him, and having the uninterrupted chance to control it was to his advantage. When Graverobber's eyes were closed, Nathan sank down to his knees, and he immediately felt the cool of the floor on his legs he tugged down the fly on the scavenger's pants, opening the clasp, one of his hands grasping the other man's bare flesh then, stroking him firmly a few times.He hesitated for another moment, eyeing Graverobber as he sat strapped to the wheelchair, and the thought of making the other man squirm helplessly was what made him lean forward, and he started by running his tongue experimentally from root to tip, along the thick vein on the underside. Limited access to sight meant his other senses were sharpening in consolation. Smell was useless at the moment: everything was the same sterile, metallic scent that was astringent on his tongue. Graverobber kept his eyes closed, listening. He heard the whisper of cloth as Nathan moved and then the much more pressing feel of his bare hand on his cock.Graverobber hissed, body jerking against the restraints as he tried to thrust up into the rough skin of Nathan ??s dominant hand. ??Nathan, ? he growled, voice tinted with just the lightest shade of pleading. The air was cold on his heated skin, a contrast to even the good doctor ??s hand .The tongue was an even stronger contrast especially as the moisture dried. Graverobber groaned, wishing that he had his hands free to force that grey haired head down. ??I always knew you were a kinky bastard, ? he joked breathily. He could see Nathan in his mind ??s eye: all prim and proper and on his knees with his mouth on his cock. God damn that collar. That image was making him hard even without much use of the surgeon's mouth. There was something so deliciously perfect in the idea of Nathan doing obscene things while still in stern, perfect father mode, and he didn't want to miss it. ??Doc, ? he rumbled warningly. ??I would appreciate it if you let me move my head again. ? A soft laugh escaped Nathan, breathy and barely audible when he saw the way Graverobber's hips twitched and he watched the way the man yanked pointlessly at the straps on his arms, clearly wishing his hands were free he could imagine what the scavenger would do with his hands free then, and there was a desperation and tinge of anger in the other man's voice that made Nathan shiver.The pleading sound of his name on the scavenger's lips made him smile he wondered if he could tease that noise out of him again, if he could make the desperation more apparent."I'll bet you would," Nathan agreed, and made no motion to remove the collar from the man's neck, intent on taunting him, refusing to let him see what was happening, refusing to let him have any say in it. He could feel Graverobber hardening even though he had barely touched him, and that knowledge was bizarrely arousing he leaned in again, running his tongue along the same path for a second time, and then experimentally taking the tip of Graverobber's cock into his mouth, doing his best not to let his teeth scrape too hard against the oversensitive flesh. Graverobber gritted his teeth under the bit like leather strap. It was hard to keep his lips from brushing against the apparatus and even what should have been a very dangerous feeling was strangely erotic. He didn't want to even know how many people had met their ends behind this thing, though probably none of them had been at the other end of Nathan ??s obsessive control.Well. Not in a sexual way.What would Nathan ??s tongue look like? Would his brow furrow in concentration as he followed the same exact path up to the head of his cock? The muscles of his thighs tensed, pulled tight enough that, when just the suggestion of teeth grazed against the tender skin, they trembled. ??Nathan, ? he snarled, trying to twist in his restraints. Just taking the tip into his mouth was causing Graverobber to tremble he moved a hand up the man's leg, fingers feeling out the shuddering muscles in his thigh, thumb stroking along the length of the muscle. He moved his tongue around the tip then, gliding it over the slit at the end, testing each sensation for the response he could pull from Graverobber he pulled back a little at the sound of the other man's voice, and another laugh escaped Nathan,"Marcus." he replied mockingly, almost playful, and he took the tip into his mouth again, tried taking in a little more, tested grazing his teeth lightly against the underside. He brought his other hand up and began to ghost his fingers along the base of Graverobber's shaft, touching and teasing. This was certainly wasn't a way he would ever thought he would use his workshop, or any of the items in it, but especially right then, he found himself wondering why he hadn't done this to Graverobber sooner. Now this wasn ??t fair. Graverobber wasn ??t the biggest whore on the block, but he was used to receiving all sorts of alternate forms of payment, though ??alternate forms ?? generally replied to sexual positions. He had received more blowjobs from sluts who had turned cock sucking into an art, and here he was, strapped down to some death chair, with a middle aged man barely licking him and Graverobber was already shaking.And, God, he wanted to see Nathan ??s face when he laughed, to see how his lips twisted when he was playful or how they didn't .Graverobber pushed that thought down, telling himself that this was just the sick joy of having someone previously celibate on his knees that made him twitch and jerk. He didn ??t have to watch: that mouth could do it all. But he found himself saying , ??Please. Just, undo the neck brace. Let me watch. ? Nathan paused for a moment then, at the sound of Graverobber's voice it was still that familiar baritone, but there was a new note of desperation, a near pleading in the man's voice that caused him to lean back, looking up at him and considering him for a long moment the sound of the other man even using the word 'please' was somehow shocking, and he wasn't sure he could continue to torment him quite as much after that."Since you asked so nicely," Nathan said.He crept up along Graverobber's body then, enough that he could get his hands on the neck corset, deft fingers tugging the straps open before he pulled it away from the man's throat, leaving him free to, at the very least, look around the room though, there was little else he would be able to do.And then he slipped back down, back onto his knees and he ran his tongue around the tip of Graverobber's cock again his glasses slid part way down his nose during the process, and he paused to push them back into place, eyeing the scavenger from behind the lenses for a long moment before ducking his head and taking him into his mouth again. Nathan would be the sort ??please ?? and ??thank you ?? would work on.Graverobber closed his eyes, soaking in the warmth from the body on top of him. Having the doctor between his legs and against his chest as he worked on undoing the brace was much too alluring and much too short, because soon Nathan was back on his knees and Graverobber was watching him.He saw, for instance, that pink tongue flicker out and trace the already angrily colored head of his cock watched those miserably plain and nerdy black frames slipping down his nose in a way that could only be described as cute if he didn ??t currently have his lips around his cock. That look he affixed him with made the dealer smile. He could see the OC doctor, there, almost as if the man were studying him with his erection at eye level. ??Just a little deeper, ? Graverobber whispered, teasing and teaching in the same sentence. ??You ??ll know when it ??s too much. ? Nathan could feel Graverobber's eyes on him now, and for some reason he was just now starting to feel vaguely embarrassed about what he was doing but he pushed the feeling away he was the one in control of this, and anything that happened would be on his terms. He ran his tongue around the crown, sucked gently on the tip, and when the other man urged him on, Nathan quirked one eyebrow but he found himself following the instruction anyways, ducking his head further, taking in a little more of the other man's length.He moved down until he almost gagged, the reflexes kicking in as he took him in too far, and he pulled back a little, his tongue moving along the vein on the underside. Both his hands were on Graverobber's thighs then, gripping the muscled limbs, fingers digging in and almost massaging him. ??That ??s it, ? Graverobber managed breathlessly wishing not for the first time that his hands were free. He wanted to hold Nathan ??s head down for just a moment, feeling his muscles flutter around the tip of his cock, because nothing quite destroyed the idea of control as gagging.Of course, that ??d also net him Repo unless the good doctor had a hidden desire for non Rotti based humiliation, and that certainly wasn ??t worth it down here in the monster ??s territory.He shivered, muscles tensing and releasing under Nathan ??s hands. ??Think you can try it again? ? the thief asked, tucking his chin forward so he could watch the older man ??s lined face. Nathan wasn ??t so grey now: there was just a touch of color on his cheeks. ??It gets a little easier if you ??re being jerked off as well, ? he added slyly. Nathan pulled back and looked up at Graverobber the doctor's eyes were still sharp as he inspected the other man's face, but there was an unmistakable lust showing through, along with the tinge of colour on his skin a hue that somehow always removed the extra years that had been piled onto him from his history.It was lucky for Nathan that he had significant willpower, or he might have done something stupid, like given in to Graverobber's sly suggestions and released him but no, that wasn't what this was about. He wanted to keep Graverobber held down, to establish some control over the rainbow haired deviant after all of the boundaries he had broken and while Nathan knew this was temporary, that there was nothing he could do to truly control Graverobber somehow there was a twisted satisfaction to this."You know," Nathan said thoughtfully, and swiped his tongue along the head once, just so he could watch Graverobber twitch, "I could just as easily gag you. I'll even let you choose which one I use, if it makes you feel better." And twitch Graverobber did, eyes closing as he swallowed, Adam ??s apple bobbing clearly now that Nathan removed the earlier leather corset. ??I wasn ??t talking about letting me go, Doc, ? he rumbled, watching Nathan with half lidded eyes. Even though he would love to muss that hair, to rake his fingers through the strands harshly so the other man made that breathy little noise he did when he found something that straddled pain and pleasure. No, he was almost enjoying his lack of control, enjoying the way that Nathan regarded him with those sharp, clear eyes even as he flushed. ??I ??m talking about you taking matters into your own hands. After all, you only need one to keep your balance. ? After all, Nathan would make those same breathy sounds if he touched himself though, sadly, he probably wouldn ??t use as heavy a hand as Graverobber seemed to think he needed. ??Or if you ??ve got some sort of slick, I ??m sure I ??ve have a condom somewhere in my pants," he suggested playfully. There certainly wasn't any sort of hunger in his voice as he eyed the doctor. There might have been the slightest hint of a smile on the doctor's face for just the briefest moment as he regarded the other man, his fingers playing along the exposed length there was a crassness to Graverobber that would never dissappear, and while Nathan wasn't the sort to be obscene well, it was just a bit difficult to take offense to much of anything considering what he was doing to the man right then.Though, taking care of his own developing problem wasn't something Nathan could seem to bring himself to do he seemed almost too embarrassed by the concept to actually do it, even though it would probably go a long way for the insane levels of stress that the doctor carried around from day to day.One step at a time, however.Another flick of his tongue, and then he took Graverobber into his mouth again, mindful this time of how far he could take him in, and he tried moving his mouth over him a few times, one hand going to his sac, toying and teasing him while he paid attention to all of the twitching muscles. Graverobber watched Nathan hesitate, just for a moment, and laughed: a rough bark that was several times louder than their current level of whispers. Doc was nervous. It was perhaps one of the sweetest things he ??d seen: the man who currently examining another ??s erection with his fingers was too shy to toss one off. That laugh quickly devolved into a strangled sound, more like a moan than anything else.Nathan was a quick study. ??Come on, Doc, ? he said impishly, twisting as much as his restraints allowed as Nathan practiced on his dick. ??Even ?? ?? The dealer sucked in a lungful through his teeth as deft fingers played lower. ??Even you can understand how good it ??d feel to get off doing this. ? His pale face was turned down to Nathan, pupils dilated as he licked his lips, then, in the same gentle, instructional voice from before whispered, ??Just slip your hand down, Doc. Makes this whole thing better, trust me. ? It was the first time that Graverobber had referred to him by his job title and for some strange reason, Nathan found the sound of it appealing coming from the scavenger. At the sound of the instruction, he made his fingers tightened on Graverobber's thigh, digging into his muscles he was doing his best to ignore the gentle urging from the other man, but he could feel himself flushing again, suddenly hyper aware of the ache between his legs.He shifted on the chilly floor, moving himself forward, trying at once to ease the pressure and make it easier to access Graverobber the hand on the man's thigh slipped up to his hip, and his fingers continued to stroke the delicate sac, fondling him while he took as much of the man's length into his mouth as he could, sucking lightly.Some part of him reminded him of how undignified this was, how innappropriate and foolish this entire tryst had been but he found himself batting those thoughts away, because the sound of Graverobber's moans outweighed any doubts or concerns that the doctor had. He didn't even know when he had started doing it, but he moved his mouth away to tug Graverobber's trousers further down his body, and he was leaning in and placing kisses along the man's hipbone, a strangely sweet motion, but it took him several moments to realize what he was doing. Almost immediately, he moved back to what he had been doing, engulfing Graverobber's cock in his mouth again. The wonderful thing about Graverobber ??s face paint was that it hid any sort of embarrassing discoloration, unlike the good doctor ??s bare skin, which gave away any sort of blush. Nathan probably didn ??t have to worry most days about his ears, neck and face reddening: he didn ??t have Rotti ??s temper nor, until now, any sort of lovers to coax his cheeks to brighten.It was such a shame, he thought as he gave an aborted buck into Nathan ??s mouth, that his current position didn ??t allow Graverobber to give the father something truly worth blushing about. Nathan was being so ? gentle with him, though. Warm lips pressed into the bump of his hip producing, for a reason he couldn ??t quite fathom, shivers that ran down his spine like a sudden current of electricity. He was over sensitive, achingly hard and absolutely at the man ??s mercy and each of those almost tender kisses were making him quiver.Nathan recovered first, swallowing down his erection again, this time just a little less hesitantly. ??Scratch me, ? Graverobber hissed, straining against the bonds in an attempt to hurt himself: he had to chase away the earlier kindness if he was going to get off. The bastard had to go and ruin a perfectly good blowjob by injecting something like affection into it. Moderately embarrassed by his own moment of tenderness, Nathan found himself behaving as though he was trying to make up to it, and some part of him wondered when affection had become taboo he had already crossed personal boundaries he had never even considered before Graverobber had barrelled into his life, he had done things with the other man that he hadn't even considered for nearly two decades, so he wondered why he was viewing such warmth as something he should avoid.And, even more pressing, why he found himself wanting to dote upon the tramp with such sentiment.But he knew that thinking was a mistake right then, and instead he grazed his teeth roughly against Graverobber's shaft, his fingers digging into the man's hip hard enough to bruise. Better. Much better. The doctor ??s actions now couldn ??t be mistaken for tenderness, which made Graverobber feel a lot less paranoid about the whole situation. He did not, after all, think it was a good thing to have Nathan Wallace spoiling him since he ??d seen how he took care of his own kid. He shuddered, his whole body pulling taught: the dealer was close and, in revenge for that earlier slip of kindness, he wouldn ??t tell Nathan.Not that the old man couldn ??t figure it out. He might have been in sexual exile since Graverobber was theoretically in primary, but certainly even the doctor could recognize the signs of an approaching orgasm. Graverobber had gone quit save for shallow breathing and little sounds of pleasant desperation when his torturer nicked him in just the right way, his shoulders rolled forward and his head drooped in his restraints though he kept his eyes open to watch.It was the image of Nathan on his knees, brow furrowed slightly in concentration and glasses almost slipping down his nose that pushed him over the edge with a choked cry. There it was Graverobber had gone quiet or at least, he had stopped forming coherent words, and he had been reduced to breathy noises, little gasps and groans. Nathan felt all of the scavenger's muscles tensing and beginning to shudder and twitch being inexperienced in this particular activity, it may have been wiser to pull away and finish Graverobber off with his hand, but the doctor had decided to go through with it in its entirety. After all, he knew what was going to happen his eyes slid slowly upwards moving to Graverobber's face, and there was a moment of heated eye contact, and the sight of the other man with that look on his face made Nathan groan a little himself.And then the muscles shuddered violently, and Nathan ducked his head down, swallowing it was thick and bitter, and there was almost too much of it. He continued to move his mouth over Graverobber once the shudders and gasping had died down, and when he finally pulled away he looked up at the other man breathlessly, flushed, and he had to run his tongue over his bottom lip to remove some of the excess.He could be ashamed of himself later, he decided, as he watched Graverobber try to catch his breath. Graverobber was very aware that, like every other human on the planet, the way his face contorted as he came was more than just a little silly. This was perhaps the greatest evidence that the good doctor was honestly attracted to him: instead of pulling away and giggling the dealer could hear him moan around his mouthful.Ugh. Graverobber hissed, body twitching every time that clever tongue slipped around his softening cock. The stimulation was too much, not quite painful but close and the longhaired man nearly whimpered, pale fingers curling against the armrests. He was sucking down gulps of air, lips parted as he watched the pale pink of Nathan ??s tongue trace his own lips, catching stray cum.The dealer couldn't help but stare, chest heaving, at the mild mannered father on his knees with the flushed face and bright eyes behind those square, thick frames. ??Very nice, ? he managed shakily, slumping down in the chair as much as his restraints allowed. ??You didn ??t have to swallow, though." Nathan wasn't quite sure how to respond a shrug somehow didn't seem appropriate, but after a long moment he finally rose from where he had been settled on the ground, and all at once he realized that his legs had fallen asleep, and that he was so painfully hard that standing suddenly seemed like a terrible idea. For a moment he had to lean a hand onto the wheelchair to balance himself, and once he got his equilibrium, he regarded Graverobber sideways for a moment,"I suppose I have to let you go at some point," he said, and decided it would probably be courteous to cover the other man, given that the temperature of the room wasn't particularly pleasant for that part of the anatomy, and he may have stroked Graverobber a few more times before he pulled the fly back up and arranged the other man neatly, even pulling his shirt back into place."But you seem much more agreeable this way." he added as he undid the straps around the tramp's ankles, and then removed them from his wrists. ??That would probably be good. ? Now that he no longer had Nathan ??s mouth to distract him, he noticed the chill of the room especially on his still slick cock. Nathan ??s mind was working more quickly than his own still fuzzy one and, before he could ask, the other man was tucking him into his own pants, a little more handsy than needed. Dark lips twisted as he simultaneously attempted to get more touch and to pull away because it was simply too much.As soon as his hands were free, Graverobber examined his wrists, noting the way the pale skin had gone red. There would be bruises soon though the bones and tendons already ached. ?? ??Agreeable ?? isn ??t the word you ??re looking for, Doc, ? he teased, leaning back as he took in the trim, well dressed figure in front of him. Nathan was still the perfect example of a middle aged gentleman save for one rather large problem. The dealer smirked, leaning forward so he could cup the rather obvious hard on the mild, older man was sporting. ??The offer ??s still open, ? Graverobber murmured lowly, fingers examining the clothed erection while blue eyes stay fixed on Nathan ??s face. Nathan shuddered visibly when the other man's hand pressed against his hard on, and he found himself locking eyes with Graverobber he watched him for a long moment, and the temptation was nearly overwhelming because the thought of a warm body against his own would be comforting, would make him stop thinking and Graverobber was so willing and vocal. Hearing something other than screams of terror and then he thought about Lazarus, with his rainbow coloured dreadlocks, just the way Graverobber did them, a young and filthy man, a scavenger just like Graverobber. Same wide eyes, same scathing attitude.Nathan turned away then, and he was suddenly pacing the room, his hand to his chin,"Hekilled you today." he said, his tone almost conversational, "Looked like you, anyways, Rotti Largo made sure of it."He turned sharply on his heels to look at Graverobber again, the lenses of his glasses flashing under the bright lights,"I'm telling you this so you can take it as the warning it was meant to be. Your landlord can attest to it." Nathan said. He wasn't entirely sure why he was telling Graverobber maybe because he felt the other man had to know, one way or another, that Largo's bloodlust was worsening, that maybe somehow Graverobber would learn from the warning, even if it meant staying away. He struggled for something to say, then finally added, "You might want to lay low, if you know how." Graverobber ??s smile spread lazily as he kept his hand moving. He had him. He could see the way Nathan ??s pupils dilated and his face colored, and he knew that the doctor would say ??yes ?? this time. It had been a long time since he ??d let a man do this: women and scrawny bitches were generally safer in that he could over power them if things started to go wrong. Nathan, under that conservative suit, was nearly as strong as him and better practiced what he lacked in raw strength he made up through experience. The older man was dangerous and the thought of putting himself in such a vulnerable position shouldn ??t excite him as much as it did.He ??d have to examine this obnoxious trust he ??d developed.But then Nathan was turning away and Graverobber ??s hand dropped to the wooden arm rest. The dealer cocked his head to the side, listening, not entirely sure who 'he' was, but that detail wasn ??t important. The bit that was important was the fact that Largo had hunted down a man that looked like him and had him killed, either by the night surgeon or in front of him.And Ray. Graverobber pursed his lips, eyebrows drawing together. People like Ray invited troubles like he did junkies. Being caught up with the old man in any way was risky, almost like, say, boning a Repossession Agent on Rotti's personal shit list. ??He hasn ??t killed me yet, ? he remarked smoothly. Graverobber was good at what he did, and he did quite a few things. He was Amber ??s dealer, he habitually stole from GeneCo sponsored events and more than one GENcop had seen his face, lit up in the low light of the graveyards so it wasn't as if Rotti Largo didn't know who he was. The GeneCo owner had even used him. He propped his elbows up on the chair, long, white fingers steepled in front of him. If Largo had found out about their interaction, which he had, and he hadn ??t killed the dealer yet to plunge Nathan back into solitude, he must have a reason. ??Besides, if I lay low, I lose my territory and my livelihood. And you yourself know how futile it is to hide in this city. ? "Yet," Nathan agreed somehow it was more worrying that Rotti hadn't tracked Graverobber down and finished the deed obviously he knew who the scavenger was now, given that he'd sought out a patient who looked like him. However, he didn't know if Rotti was aware of the extent of his current relationship with Graverobber, if he knew it was beyond a bizarre little working alliance, where Graverobber merely acted as a vulture to the Repo Man's leftovers.Was he aware that Nathan had allowed the tramp into his house on more than one occasion and more recently, into his bed? He knew Rotti was a twisted, sadistic voyeur so had he used the cameras to his advantage, had he seen the time in the alleyway, when he'd been pressed up against the emergency exit with Graverobber's hands all over him?Did Graverobber have a target painted on his back now?Nathan almost flinched when he realized how concerned he was for the other man, and with a sinking heart he had to acknowledge that he had allowed himself to become close to another human being, and that he was going to live to regret it.Deep inside, Repo cackled, because the monster had seen it coming when the human hadn't. Graverobber shifted so he could hang a leg over on of the armrests, letting it dangle as he sat crookedly in the seat. The chair wasn ??t made for comfort , but he managed to look relaxed the fact that he was still a little boneless from orgasm helped. ??Don ??t tell me you ??re actually worried, Doc, ? the dealer teased, letting his head loll, rainbow streaked cords swinging over the other side. The room was a little easier to manage with his coat on and that wonderful, warm feeling of a recent climax, but even as he lazily took in the details of the underground lab he could feel the chill set in.He couldn't really remember the last time someone had been worried about him. Sure, Ray worried in a very general sort, the same way he worried about all his tenants and prospective patients, and in a very specific way in that he needed a Zydrate dealer. And Amber and numerous junkies like her probably had that same worry but they could easily find new suppliers , though a few of the older ones might miss his constancy. ??I ??ll keep the warning in mind, though, ? he said lowly, eyes half lidded as he examined Nathan from head to foot, leveling off right about his middle. ??We ??ll worry about it later. Maybe we should get you upstairs. This place can ??t be good on your aching bones. ? Nathan did his best to disregard the smirk that was being directed at him, but found it was difficult, given that the only other visual focus in the room was the tools that he used, and he found that the last thing he wanted to think about at that moment was death. He didn't want to continue to think about Helen's sobs, or the digusting warmth of Lazarus' organs, even through the PVC and leather of his gloves and looking at the knives and bone saws, the clamps and the scalpels it was bringing his mind back to GeneCo, and he didn't want to be there.So he looked at Graverobber as impersonally as he could, but he could still taste the other man, and it wasn't unpleasant as he had assumed it would be, and the sight of the scavenger looking boneless in the chair, slumped in post orgasmic bliss made it difficult to feel entirely distant.Silent, he moved to the door and unbolted it again it swung with a low creak, and he moved to push aside the fireplace once more, stepping back up into the dull sitting room. There was a moment of hesitation, then he asked a question that made him feel awkward and strangely domestic:"Do you want a drink?" Nathan was one of the most infuriating men he ??d ever met, Graverobber thought body still pleasantly loose. Keep a man alone for seventeen years and he kept everything in his head. The dealer watched as he pulled open the door then the fireplace, the part of his mind that wasn ??t currently humming with satisfaction noting the way Nathan applied pressure so the heavy looking stone moved easily. Clever.What Graverobber was waiting for, though, was the expulsion. It had to happen. Nathan had finished with him, would probably hose down his lab and wash out his mouth and ignore that perfectly good stiffy while sending the dealer on his way.He hadn ??t expected an invitation to stay. ??You ??re supposed to ask me that before the sex, Nathan. ? The younger man unfolded himself, standing straight and stretching his back. ??Careful, ? he said, strolling over till he was much too close to the doctor, just so he could speak in his ear. ??I might take advantage of you. ? Nathan froze for an instant when he felt Graverobber come close, and he felt the breath and the now familiar voice in his ear, and it sent the shiver through him that he had come to associate with the other man,"Didn't you do that already?" Nathan asked mildly, straightening his suit even though it was still perfectly in order, and he crossed the room to a small cupboard, removing a hitherto untouched bottle of brandy. It wasn't the watered down, store bought swill that was sold now, but rather it was the genuine, sweet, amber hued alcohol but it had been left in there for so long that it must have been the only thing in the house to have been given a chance to collect dust. Dust that Nathan regarded with irritation, and he dissappeared to the kitchen to actually clean the bottle before he would open it.When he came back out, he handed a glass of the heavy, sweet, burning liquor to the other man he wasn't sure what had influenced him to drink he supposed it was because Graverobber was the first person he'd had to share it with for a very long time. The scavenger drifted over to the, amused that Nathan Wallace even had alcohol in the house. After all, the man seemed to dislike teen magazines and chocolate and sugary yogurts: alcohol seemed like it would invite all sorts of vices and health problems. Especially the stuff Graverobber and his ilk drank. That swill was made of sterilizing fluid and food coloring he ??d seen his own dad use it to clean rusty tools.He couldn ??t imagine the doctor being stupid or desperate enough to drink that.Graverobber chuckled when he saw that face of irritation, lips thin as he examined the glass, as if the dusty bottle had offended Nathan in some way. Considering where he had just had that tight lipped mouth, the man currently lounging on his couch couldn ??t understand why exactly he was viewing a little dust with that much animosity, but then, that was the older man ??s charm, wasn ??t it?He shook himself, sitting up. ??Charm ?? was not a word he was going to associate with the Repossession Agent.When Nathan returned, Graverobber was still slightly stiff from the mental slip: a piece of gaudy detritus in his otherwise clean sitting room. For a moment, he regarded the other man with a sort of thoughtfulness, took the glass and smiled. ??You ??re playing the host rather well, ? he tease, but not unkindly. "Get enough practice, and you'll be hosting very proper dinner parties." The vulture took a sip of the spirit then, in surprise, swallowed loudly. "This doesn't taste like it'll dissolve my insides." Nathan quirked an eyebrow at Graverobber, a small facial tick that clearly gave his opinion of dinner parties social gatherings were clearly not on the doctor's list, and even if he had ever been to a party in his life, chances are he had just stood around awkwardly wishing he was somewhere else.When he'd been younger, the only time he had attended social events was with Marni, who had yanked him around the room like the social butterfly she was, stronger than her little frame indicated. She would introduce him to people he didn't know and wouldn't remember, urge him to have another drink even when his head was swimming, and giggle when he stumbled over his own feet on the way in the door.Nathan eyed the liquor for a moment, then took a careful drink of it,"That's because it won't. It will, however, make you forget your own name if you're not careful," Nathan said, letting the brandy burn its way down his throat, a trail of fire into his chest. It wasn't the rubbing alcohol that they drank on the streets, but with little effort it had the same impact without the added urge to vomit violently or curl up into the foetal position. Graverobber grinned crookedly. His dark lipstick left a very clear imprint on the otherwise spotless glass, just another part of Nathan ??s bland, clean life he was infecting.It made him quite proud. The clean cut doctor had ingested both alcohol and cum in the same hour. Throw in a little Z and something greasy and Graverobber would have probably quadrupled the number of bad things the man had had in him in the last twenty years. ??You sound like you know that from experience. Don ??t tell me you have a sordid past filled with vice and substance abuse. ? The dealer, feeling that the whole situation was much too normal and much too quaint, rudely shifted so that he could rest his dirty boots on Nathan ??s immaculately clean armrest, leaving a stain on one of the embroidered flowers, his shins resting on the man ??s lap. ??Strong enough even let a sordid grave robber bugger you? ? Nathan had neatly settled himself down on the couch, and as he drank small mouthfuls of the brandy and felt it move through his system, he found himself mapping out his own body there was an ache in his shoulders and across his back from the repossessions he'd done, muscles complaining from lack of sleep, body telling him he had been abusing it lately, not eating properly, working too much. He had thought that at some point his body would adapt to the exertion, and while he was stronger and faster than most men half his age, he still felt it in his muscles, a throbbing ache that some days had him getting out of bed even when he was tired just so he could walk around. It reminded him of his age he was forty years old, and he was doing a job that he should have left a long time ago a job he never should have even started doing, he was a doctor, a scientist. At the core of him, he still was, but that was a lifetime ago.His thought process was derailed as Graverobber's legs went across his lap, nearly spilling his drink, and he moved his eyes along the limbs, down to the boots that were filthy and smudging on the pristine chesterfield, and he eyed it disapprovingly but said nothing, knowing that it would only spur the scavenger on.Instead, he lifted his glass to his mouth, and made a choking sound at Graverobber's next words, nearly coughing out the mouthful of brandy he'd just taken. He swallowed it down hard all at once, and he wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or the other man's words that were making his ears burn, but he looked at Graverobber sideways, stumped on what he should say but there was a low warmth in his stomach now, and a bit of the stiffness had left the doctor's shoulders. ??Careful, Doc. I know you had practice earlier, but you still might choke. ? Graverobber held up his glass to the light, inspecting the amber color. There was very little he could compare it to: alcohol on the streets tended to come in a variety of obnoxious, unnatural neon colors as if to distract the drinker from the awful taste and the way it burned from nose down to gut. This warm color was something subtler, warmer, handsome in its own quiet way.Still packed quite a wallop when he swallowed down the whole glass. If he was a man given to metaphors, he might have voiced his thoughts concerning the good doctor ??s similarities, but he ??d hate to have Nathan think he was intelligent or thoughtful.A large hand gripped the upholstered so he could lean over and set his empty glass on the floor with a soft ??clink ?? as ice settled. It was the oddest feeling to have that mix of fire and ice alcohol brought as it moved through one ??s body, very much unlike the electric kick of injected Z. Just as rough on the mind, though: for a moment he wanted to kiss the broken old man, tell him that it was all going to be fine.Good thing he got over that urge quickly.He used that same hand to pull himself closer, invading personal space as he was wont to do. ??I ??m not letting you take a cold shower this time, Nathan. That wouldn ??t be fair. ? And if Nathan had been one for metaphors, he would have found himself likewise comparing Graverobber to the moonshine sold along the city's edge the ridiculous hues, the distinct smell, the fact it could be found in back alleys, and its tendency to make people feel vaguely ill.He would have also giggled a little at the comparison.If he was the sort to think like that.He wasn't.And he certainly wasn't feeling soft and fuzzy from the brandy he'd just ingested and he realized he'd drained his glass, but wasn't sure precisely how he'd done it, because he'd thought he was taking his time with it. He set his glass onto a side table and sank back into the couch, revelling in the warmth that had spread through his body from the alcohol he hadn't had a drink in a long time, given that his lifestyle had always pointed him in the direction of caution when it came to altered mental states. He had found himself paranoid of being too relaxed by it and thus giving Repo an opening to come out of his cage, and he had been worried at the prospect he might somehow end up using it as a crutch. He didn't have an addictive personality, but he was a man in perpetual mourning with the sort of job that wore a person down.That, and he didn't want Shilo to ever see him drunk it was undignified, innappropriate a bad influence.He felt the couch shift, and he turned his head and nearly came nose to nose with Graverobber Nathan's automatic reaction was to lean away, and his eyebrows shot up as he looked at the other man, unclear on what he should say, but he slowly moved his hand up and pushed his glasses back up his nose. Graverobber smirked. There it was again, that endearing shyness. ??I won ??t bite, Doc, ? he said gently, reaching over to tug Nathan ??s glasses off. His face always looked more open without them, less angular and younger. The alcohol helped, of course, he could see how it slowed him down and how his shoulders relaxed. Why, the man almost had poor posture.His fingers were white against the black, conservative frames as he folded them then tucked them away in one of the inner pockets of his coat. He liked this younger looking, almost peaceful Nathan. Purely for contrast ??s sake, he told himself as he ran the back of his free hand along the man ??s chin noting just the slightest scratch of stubble, but he knew that was miserably incorrect contrast wouldn ??t make him feel a false sense of security.Maybe it was the alcohol though Graverobber didn ??t think it was that either.So he arched an eyebrow, attempting to break this intimate scene. ??You just had your face in my crotch. Don ??t get shy on me now. ? There was something bizarrely intimate about it all as Graverobber leaned in towards him and pulled his glasses away for a moment, Nathan's eyes almost crossed as his eyes adjusted to the change, and he found himself staring at the other man, frozen into stillness by the feeling of his hand running down his face. There was a moment of weakness and Nathan's eyes slid shut as he enjoyed the warmth of the skin against his jaw, and for an instant he felt a burst of warmth in his chest, and it was followed by a cold chill in his stomach as he realized he was feeling a surge of affection for the other man.His eyes snapped open again, and he watched the other man, face pinned into a carefully blank expression as he tried desperately to work it out in his head, but the gentle buzz of the alcohol was making things soft around the edges when had this happened? When he had first met the man he had been positive that the nature of the relationship was the sort shared between a predator and a scavenger but at some point they had crossed eachother in a strange way. It became violent first, and when it didn't scare Graverobber away like it would have with any sane person, it had elevated until the Repo Man had nothing left to threaten with, and Nathan wouldn't allow his darkness to take a life simply for the sake of getting rid of an irritation.But then what had happened? The hands, the mouths, the heat. Graverobber coming too close, insisting on entering his personal space, pressing their bodies together.And that was when it struck Nathan for the first time that, ultimately, Repo had been the one to initiate the sexual aspect, even if he had also left Graverobber standing in the alleyway directly after. He could have hit Graverobber then, but he hadn't. He could have broken the man's bones to get him away and keep him away for the time it took to heal but he hadn't.Some part of him had wanted to do this to Graverobber from the beginning, but he hadn't even realized it until that moment, even if he'd never thought it would go this far.His darkness giggled at him.Suddenly, Nathan found himself wondering what else he was keeping from himself.Before he could work out what he was doing, he had a fistful of Graverobber's hair in one hand, part of the man's shirt in his other, and he was pushing Graverobber back and their mouths were together, it was a mix of biting and kissing, somewhere between Repo and Nathan. Unlike Nathan, Graverobber ??s mind was blissfully clear. Yes, there was the problem of this sort of warmth he felt for the other man, something most men would call affection but Graverobber wasn ??t most men.He settled on pushing thoughts of that warmth away so he could enjoy it, though his sensible parts told him enjoying the deep, low heat of tenderness for another human being was a dangerous, dangerous thing. The dealer had more brains than that, after all: heat, had a way of flaring up and burning. People disappointed in ways that could easily turn fatal.But none of that really mattered now. He ??d gone and stuck his nose into things that weren ??t his business, dug his dirty fingers into wounds that were too old and deep, and he was trapped. For a moment, when they were both still and watching each other, the doctor straight faced and the grimy thief anything but, he had the oddest feeling of being buried alive.It wasn ??t the alcohol. No, it was the heavy knowledge echoing in the back of his mind that he ??d as good as signed his own death warrant with this whole affair. Sure, he could probably escape Rotti for a good long while, maybe even forever, but he wouldn't be able to avoid the eventual pitfalls warm feelings brought. He ??d end up doing something stupid to keep Nathan or the kid safe: he ??d seen that multiple times, had found it the funniest thing in the world.Had avoided it for nearly thirty years.And here he was, sitting in an old, faded house with an old, faded man who somehow managed to stand out against the backdrop of cookie cutter clich s that most people lived as , and he actually liked the bastard. Even past all the kissing and sucking he could get on the streets, he liked him and actually considered him human where nearly everyone else was simply a character.Nathan moved first with a startling quickness. He hadn ??t expected kisses, not any this hungry: he had expected to be thrown out with perhaps a very firm handshake on the way to the door. He wondered momentarily if the doctor had figured out the same thing he had, but that thought was chased away by a very un Nathan like bite to his bottom lip. Graverobber ??s fingers slid around to clutch the short hairs on the back of his head, pulling him down eagerly. ??Idiot, ? he breathed between them, unsure if he was talking to himself or Nathan as he pressed forward again to jam his tongue in the other ??s mouth. He could still taste himself there, underneath the sweet of the amber colored alcohol and mintiness that was probably the good doctor ??s toothpaste. This wasn't about sex Nathan wasn't even sure what it was about, but he was being driven by the heat in his chest and a need that he was having trouble defining as he crushed their mouths together. There was a small spike of pain as their teeth clashed clumsily together for a moment before they sorted out their position, and Nathan had settled himself with his body over Graverobber's, a small groan escaping him when the other man's tongue pushed into his mouth.One of his hands slid under the scavenger's shirt, rough palm sliding up the man's torso, feeling the warm skin, fingers moving up and sliding through the chest hair he noted there was a surprising amount of it, and then realized that despite all of their activities he'd never taken the man's shirt off. Everything had been done hastily, clothing kept on, everything had been rough and Nathan wasn't sure he disagreed with it, because the idea of being completely bare in front of Graverobber was unsettling it would be too vulnerable.Though he found himself unfairly considering stripping down the other man entirely at some point he also questioned why he was consistently thinking of putting the other man in restraints, even right then as he had the man beneath him on the couch, he found himself thinking back to the last time Graverobber had been in this position, wrists secured by a power cord.And it was around that time that he realized he was trying to keep Graverobber in the position of a patient at all times: defenseless. He didn't want to think anymore about the implications.His fingers plucked at one of Graverobber's nipples, tugging at the tender skin. The dealer sucked in a breath of air, Nathan ??s abrasive palm rubbing against the sensitive skin of his stomach. It was almost ticklish almost, but not quite, and the feeling instead bordered on something like pain, muscles quivering until his hands had passed by. He wasn ??t used to being touched like this: sometimes, when he shacked up with a bird that offered better lodgings that his own sad apartment, she might touch him like this. Most of the time, it was desperate or thankful hands on his chest or undoing his belt. None of them were clever, deft fingers, not like the doctor ??s.He kind of liked it.His own long fingers reached down for the lapels of the good doctor ??s conservative jacket, pulling him down so he could turn his head to the pale neck. Irritably, he tugged the high collar down, exposing abused skin so he could further discolor it. Nathan was still in too much control, even in this grey area between the monster and the surgeon. They ??d have to fix that, wouldn ??t they? ??Why don ??t we go upstairs? ? Graverobber rumbled against his newest mark, pressing his lips against where he ??d sucked heat and color into the father ??s skin. Blue eyes flickered up past them to the pale lights of holos and he tried to think if there had been a portrait in the bedroom. Probably. ??Wouldn ??t want the kid to get her education on gay sex this way. ? While Repo was the sort to enjoy the rough, hasty heat of a brief and possibly violent tryst, Nathan was shamefully still a romantic at the very heart of him taking his time, touching and mapping out the body of his lover was all part of the enjoyment for him, though he was having trouble dealing with the idea that he had just assigned the scavenger with the title of 'lover'. He tried to push that discomfort aside he wasn't sure what else to call the man.So while Nathan was the prominent personality, he was taking his time, enjoying the twitches and shudders that went through Graverobber when he touched him, pleased with the reactions. Given how long it had been, he almost felt as though he needed to experiment on the man, to take full advantage of the situation by exploring and testing him.The mouth at his throat caused Nathan to let out a small, pleasant sigh, which was followed by a hiss of air as Graverobber worried at an already tender spot it was a twinge of delicious pain, and his eyes bugged out for an instant because of what the other man had said. Graverobber was right what was he doing, out on the couch like that Shilo could come out at any moment and see them like this, and it wasn't a topic he had exactly got around to discussing with her.He sat back then, eyebrows up, and he looked pensively in the direction of the staircase, as though considering his options finally he gave a small nod, almost embarrassed by his own willingness. After another moment of hesitation, as though reluctant to remove himself from Graverobber, he slipped off of him, picked up the empty glasses and moved them to the kitchen organization and cleanliness were priorities after all and he began up the stairs. Nathan tensed under his lips, obviously realizing that yes, his darling little daughter could come down at any moment and see her father with his tongue down another man ??s throat. He ??d have to arrange that meeting one of these days nothing screamed ??Evil Repo Man ?? like a father stuttering as he tried to explain daddy ??s new boyfriend.Though the full blown blush he imagined Nathan would have during that conversation might be hard to not taste and that would just lead to more embarrassment and probably pain on his part.Instead, he watched the man think: that small nod was perhaps the most pathetic thing he had seen all day and, for just a second, it called up something like protectiveness . Nathan wanted some sort of warmth, and not the sort one got by being elbows deep in another person ??s torso. Graverobber pushed that thought down to head upstairs.He had work to do, after all. On the way up, he was already digging through his inner pockets, searching for ? ah, yes. And of course there were always belts. While Nathan was downstairs, he stuffed the raggedy blue scarf into a side pocket along with a few of those little pillow like packets of lube. Condoms he had, too ?? always prepared and all, being like a fucking boyscout of dealers ?? but he didn ??t think Nathan and he would need those. Not this afternoon. He paused, then pulled Nathan ??s glasses out and left them on the mantel. Old houses like this all had fireplaces, harkening back to time before the heater, and he gave the staring portrait of the old man ??s dead wife a lopsided grin before going back to work.Graverobber stripped out of his coat, leaving it on the floor to rest his boots on, and padded barefoot to the bed. With a few moments spent in the kitchen ensuring everything was in its proper place, Nathan moved quietly up the stairs in Graverobber's tracks and as he reached the landing, he found himself hesitating outside of the bedroom door for a long moment, suddenly nervous for reasons he couldn't identify he had butterflies in his stomach.He took a detour then, moving down the hallway to Shilo's room he peered in and found her laying facedown on the bed, the chocolate bar wrapper near her feet, her wig askew and magazines spread out everywhere. One of her legs hung over the edge of the mattress, one of the striped knee high socks down at ankle length, and she was snoring loudly. Nathan smiled at the same time as he disapproved but she was a kid, wasn't she?Unable to help himself, he stepped into the room and carefully piled all the magazines onto her dresser, tossed away the garbage, and put a blanket over her she would be asleep for a while anyways.He left the room again, closing the door behind him, and he padded back down the hallway, finally appearing in the bedroom, poking his head in first as though expecting something to be thrown at him before he moved in entirely. He cast a look in Graverobber's direction, expression difficult to read, and he removed his slippers, and as an afterthought, actually removed his jacket as well, leaving him standing barefoot, wearing an intricately detailed waistcoat, slacks, and a neatly pressed, high collared dress shirt."You've successfully put my daughter into a sugar coma." Nathan said conversationally. Graverobber was busy pushing away the heavy, dark comforter. Nathan had left the bed unmade that morning obviously called off by Rotti before the obsessively clean doctor could come back and change the sheets. There was still a smell of something that wasn ??t pine cleaner, just the faintest whiff of something very physical and undignified. He turned back, stained lips curled, hair slipping down over his shoulder. ??I only supplied the poison, Nathan, ? he said sweetly, returning to turning down the rumpled bedclothes. ??She could have very well thrown it out. ? Straightening, he reached down to rest long fingers on the still lit lamp, thick glass pleasantly warm in the air controlled room. It wasn ??t so late: they could probably open up the shades for a bit of afternoon sun, but that would run risk of omnipresent cams recording his and or Nathan ??s naked bum. Not that he generally minded, but having the Largos see his naked bum at the Wallace residence wasn ??t his idea of an enjoyable exhibitionist moment. ??I ??m disappointed, Nathan, ? he said, sharp eyes taking in the other man from disarrayed hair to bare feet. ??You didn ??t even change the sheets. ? The dealer held a hand out, beckoning to Nathan lazily. He ??d let the doctor stay in control to ease his nervousness. Well, until he trussed him up like some sort of captive, but ignoring that, he ??d play nice. Fair, maybe not, but nice. ??Don ??t tell me you changed your mind. ? "She could have," Nathan agreed, "But she's seventeen it's been a long time, but I seem to recall that being a time where a person is easily influenced. Especially since she seems to have developed a fondness for you, though I can't fathom why."The last part was said with the barest hint of humour, even if his expression remained unmoved he leaned up against the dresser, eyes on Graverobber, then falling to the bed that was in disarray he hadn't exactly planned to have Graverobber in his bed again, nevermind in his house again that evening,"I was somewhat short on time." he admitted, trying not to squirm at the sight of the mussed sheets, knowing that their activities were still on the material from earlier that day. In fact, when he thought about it, he could still smell sex in the room, though he was disturbed to find it wasn't an unpleasant smell to him yes, those sheets would be boiled."Just after you left I was called in." he added, and he watched Graverobber put out a hand for him, and the action was so strangely sweet for the scavenger that he found himself moving carefully towards the other man like a gun shy dog, vaguely suspicious until he remembered that, ultimately, it sort of came with the territory. It was difficult to say if there was actual trust between them, but there was something.He settled himself onto the bed, eyes searching the other man for a moment before he leaned in and nipped at his ear. It was another mask Graverobber was pleased to have. Who could say when he was being kind and not simply playing the serpent? After all, whores and junkies liked a kinder dealer and certainly those who were new to the whole scene wanted a friendly figure to hold there hand those first few times till they were hooked. Unlike Nathan, he had a whole range of theatrically kind motions that, when he coupled them with a leer like he was now, could be down right predatory. Nathan, for all the world had fucked him over, was still dangerously sweet and obvious about it.And for some reason, Graverobber couldn ??t bring himself to want to take advantage of that. He wanted, oddly, to simply enjoy it, to make Nathan enjoy their ? time together so he didn ??t approach every good thing the dealer offered like a kicked animal. He didn ??t even want to plant a catch, some razor in the apple he was offering.He was getting soft in his old age. ?? ??S good for you to have some mess, ? he sighed, dexterous fingers plucking at the edge of the doctor ??s tailored shirt. The material was soft under his fingers, almost fine and very unlike his rough, lose shirt. Nathan ??s skin, when he slipped a hand under the shirt to rest on his side, was warm in comparison to the cool fabric. ??It ??s unnatural and blasphemous for you to be so clean, Doc, ? he added, brushing his lips against the other man ??s Adam ??s apple. A bit of gentle necking and Nathan would be easy to tie down, or, rather, he hoped he would be: the man was scrappy. "I've got you in the house," Nathan replied promptly, and his stomach twitched when Graverobber's fingers grazed over the skin the sensation was strange at first, and he realized that it was almost tickling but the feeling subsided, "That's mess enough."A small sigh escaped him despite himself when he felt Graverobber's mouth moved down to his neck the scavenger was being uncharacteristically gentle, and while Repo quietly seethed at the affection being displayed for his darker side, this wasn't appropriate. This was undignified, he was supposed to have the other man held down, preferrably squirming or in pain, anything but these pleasantries. Repo was so annoyed by all of it that a sneer nearly surfaced on the good doctor's face, but he quickly shoved his darkness back into place Repo had been getting ansty lately, even though he had been getting his weekly bloodlettings it made Nathan wonder if there was something he wasn't seeing. There was usually a reason, after all, when Repo behaved strangely, and it left Nathan questioning precisely what it was that his instincts were sensing but not telling him."You only say that because you're filthy most of the time," Nathan added, his voice low as he moved a hand under Graverobber's shirt, fingers moving up the man's back, "If I hadn't done it already I might suggest hosing you down." ??Hardly ??filthy, ?? Nathan. ? Graverobber kept up the soft assault on the other man ??s neck, careful to keep things purely kind and not at all painful like he wanted them to be. Pain would happen when he wrestled the doctor down.But it was for his own good, honest. That the dealer got the sick joy of finding the uptight and very anal man, well, that was just a bonus. ??Certainly not obsessively clean, that ??s true, ? he admitted, a wide hand resting on Nathan ??s side as he curled a finger into the collar, hooking down so he could taste more skin. He felt less betrayed by his own testicles now that he had a somewhat insidious plan, so he could spoil the older man with tenderness. ??If it makes you happy. ? Graverobber sucked gently on the skin right beneath Nathan ??s chin, butting his nose against the bone and skin to push his head back gently. ??I ??ll bathe later. Maybe you can join me. ? He chuckled, using his hand to press Nathan back to the bed gently. "Semantics," Nathan said, leaning his head back at Graverobber's insistence, eyes falling closed for a moment as he felt the man mouthing his throat, motions that sent waves of pleasure through him it was a different kind of pleasant this was a slow and almost lazy kind of sensation that was moving down his spine, whereas everything else they had done before this had been sharp spikes of it. This strange and careful touching was unusual, but it had caused the doctor's shoulders to slouch a little, had relaxed him,"Your shirt is still stained with Zydrate from weeks ago." Nathan added, as though to make the point that 'filthy' wasn't entirely inaccurate, and he had to resist mentioning that he was going to either wash it, or burn it off of Graverobber, because he wasn't certain he could stand seeing that shirt, with that stain another time without cracking like an egg. When he wasn't in the throes of violent physicality with Graverobber, he found himself wanting to follow the man around with a vaccuum and spray bottle of bleach, just to keep everything else clean.The image of Graverobber submerged in a bathtub nearly made Nathan laugh, but the thought was derailed as he finally realized he was now on his back he had been so distracted by what the other man was doing that he had barely noticed. Determined to make up for it, both his hands ended up under Graverobber's shirt, and he ran his blunt nails over the man's skin, intent on creating as much distraction for the scavenger. ??That wasn ??t my fault, the Zydrate, ? Graverobber managed after stubby nails left ten lines of pure pleasure down his back. Not enough to scratch but just enough pain to leave him hissing in Nathan ??s ear. For some reason, his own mind was just a little fuzzy, just a little too slow, and he had barely even heard Nathan ??s res ??Oh, right. The alcohol. That would work for his advantage as well. The doctor was relaxing pleasantly, body loosening, and the ingested brandy would help him just a little more. ??I do think, ? he said conversationally, pulling back so he could run his hands down thin, muscled arms, pulling them off him, ??that you are currently resting on the same pillow I wiped my hand on this morning. ? His smile was positively predatory as he pulled up a hand, pressed a kiss to the palm then sucked a finger into his mouth, tongue swiping over the calloused, rough skin. He had dropped the other hand so he could reach down into his pocket, fishing out the scarf as his head bobbed. "No, not your fault at all," Nathan agreed unconvincingly, thinking back to the time he had gone in search of Graverobber, trying to sort out the snippets of memory that Repo had left him with Graverobber, even after realizing who he was, had still come too close that night and had gone as far as brushing the Zydrate gun up against his throat and the lingering threat had set him off. He still wouldn't say that he had over reacted, however.Nathan added almost chastisingly,"I'm not sure what you expected to happen."After all, Repo didn't take kindly to being made the victim.Nathan's eyes moved to the pillow that he was laying on, and a grimace slowly moved across his face, the compulsively clean part of him causing twitches of irritation at the idea but again, he found himself distracted by Graverobber, because his hand was being assaulted, and the simple motion of a tongue against his fingertip nearly made him groan. It occurred to him then that the brandy he'd had earlier might have been a poor idea, because his self control was being frayed easily by the scavenger right then. Once he had properly cleaned Nathan ??s finger with his tongue , Graverobber nosed down to press his waxy lips against the fine bones in the other ??s wrist. Unlike the doctor, he had had the time to re apply his make up: he had expected to be working tonight, and only the serendipitous find of chocolate had led him back.At least, that ??s what he liked to believe.Graverobber nipped delicately at the pulse point, fingers curling around Nathan ??s hand as he rolled the arm back. Not painfully, but as he brought the second one over the man ??s grey head, he knew the rough bite of old, worn fabric would be tickling his inner arm and wrist. ??Trust me? ? he whispered, pressing his chest against the thinner one beneath him. Graverobber certainly didn't expect an answer towards the positive, so quick fingers loosened that scarf as he attempted to hold the good doctor's wrists down with one of his own, much large hands. Nathan felt almost boneless as Graverobber kissed along his wrist he could feel the waxiness of the man's make up along his skin, the trail of warmth that the motion was causing it took him a moment to realize his eyes had slipped shut, letting the gentle buzz of pleasure and alcohol move through him. It was something the doctor would normally fight, but he didn't seem to have the drive to do so this time around.But then there was a cold sensation as Repo clawed and slithered along his spine, it was a feeling that sprang up as he felt Graverobber beginning to move his arms up over his head Nathan's eyes opened then, the pupils dilating in the light, and he found himself looking at the other man. He cocked his head to the side at the question,"What ?" Nathan began, but there was no time to finish, because there was one large hand gripping his wrists, holding his arms up above his head.Pinned under the other man, he didn't even think before he began to suddenly and violently struggle beneath Graverobber, overcome by the realization that he had allowed himself to be trapped, had given up the position of control in his inattentiveness. His movement was limited, so all he managed to do was flex one arm enough to bring an elbow around into the side of Graverobber's face. Graverobber spat out curses and blood from where the old man ??s bony elbow had connected with his mouth and nose. But he had expected struggling: he was starting to learn the man, knew, for example, that he would have to keep anything important away from those straight, white teeth. Nathan might be a civilized gentleman, with his pressed suits and drab colors, but Repo would be ghosting right at the surface, waiting to rip out the grave robber ??s throat in a way no civilized man like Nathan would ever consider.It was sick, but he liked dragging out that dark side. Unlike Rotti and his, though, he had no sick desire to torture Nathan. A cold chill spread out from right about the level of his lungs and clawed its way to his limbs.He just wanted the man whole.Lucky for him, the squirming, thrashing body beneath him distracted him from any more heart stopping realizations. ??Calm down, ? he hissed, pressing his body down harder and wrapping the thin wrists in a way that would have made Shilo proud. ??Relax, Nathan. I ??m not going to hurt you. ? He kept up a low litany of soothing words as he pulled a hand down for his own belt. God, that must look bad. His mind flashed back to thousands of similar images he ??d seen: some he had walked past and some he had halted. ??Let me get rid of that crick in your back, ? Graverobber whispered, feeling that he had to explain himself for the first time in years. There was a grim sort of satisfaction when his elbow hit something solid, and there was a spray of blood and curses, and the moment Graverobber reeled from the hit, Nathan's squirming doubled, but he was still unable to get any leverage from his legs to shove the other man away, or to shift the position or anything. Frustrated, he felt Repo trying to take over, enraged that he was being held down this just wasn't supposed to happen to the monster, even if Nathan Wallace was in control at the time, this body wasn't meant to be pinned or caged.Repo did not submit to anyone.His wrists were secured together, and the anger escaped him in a snarled threat, the gravelly pitch and rawness of it making it clear that, even just for a moment, Graverobber's old friend had surfaced:"Come closer and I'll relieve you of your throat." he growled, baring his teeth like an animal would when Graverobber reached for his belt but the expression dissappeared as quickly as it had emerged as Repo was shoved back into his cage, back where he belonged while he was in the Wallace home. ??I figured you would. ? Graverobber ??s belt slid out from the loops, worn leather easy to warp and bend. He made sure that he tied the side without the belt buckle to the cloth restraining Nathan ??s hands, not wanting to give the man any extra weapon to strike him with. Bone was bad enough, the heavy metal skull he ??d nicked from a body long ago would risk him another concussion.Being at the surgeon ??s mercy after pulling this stunt was not a healthy idea: he ??d wake up gelded if he did wake up.The old, heavy bed with it ??s dark wood and intricate carving looked like it was once a four poster but the curtains had long been removed. Perfect. ??That ??s why I ??m keeping my throat and my balls away from your mouth, ? he said conversationally, fingers testing his newest knots. Wonderful. They shouldn ??t give unless Nathan got a hold of one of the many knives in the house, but he had checked: nothing sharp under the pillow. Graverobber dropped his head to press a kiss to the inside of Nathan ??s elbow, feeling the warmth of skin even through the shirt. He took a deep breath, recognizing both the doctor ??s artificially fresh scent and something that smelled just a little of death. Strong hands started rubbing along the tight, lanky muscle of his upper arm, careful not to give him a friction burn. ??I ??m going to have to open your shirt and get rid of your pants for all this, you know, ? he said softly, attempting to wring out the old, settled tension in the man ??s limbs. Remnants of frustration lingered in the doctor's expression while he fought Repo back, it was a bizarre feeling, the adrenaline from his darker side mixed with the fuzzy warmth that the alcohol was still insisting upon him it left him unsure of whether he wanted to sleep or kill, but as the belt was used to secure his hands to the headboard, the latter option was looking like the more favoured one.For a moment, he tugged furiously at the bonds, showing a surprising amount of strength when his pulling actually caused the headboard to shift and then snap back against the wall, but there was no give in the ropes. He should have expected as much it seemed like the sort of thing Graverobber would be knowledgeable about, and a part of Nathan was appreciative of the worksmanship on the knots though he wasn't exactly in the mindframe to enjoy it."Untie me and I might be less inclined to maim you next time I see you." Nathan rasped, and he watched as Graverobber leaned in and pressed a kiss against the elbow that had struck him there was a small amount of blood spotting the otherwise pristine fabric, and now there was a smudge of black lipstick over it. Rather than thinking about how unclean it was, he found himself wishing he hadn't made Graverobber skittish about getting too close, because he wanted to pull the man's bottom lip between his teeth. Graverobber was more worried about the old fabric giving than his knots: one got used to disassembling tangles in his career, both accidental and purposeful, and working backward had given him a pretty good idea of what worked and what didn ??t. Often, he had all night to work at a particularly nasty one, laying on top of a dusty corpse in an spacious tomb. Ignoring the public service announcements, he rather liked the quiet.Tonight was anything but. ??Give me a quarter of an hour and you ??ll also be less inclined to maim me, ? the younger man said cockily, his voice going nasal as he pulled away to turn let his head fall back. He could feel the nasty mix of snot and blood running down the back of his throat, blinking away tears as the burn subsided to something more like a throb. That finished, he stood, careful to get out of range of Nathan ??s legs quickly so he could go to the bathroom dig up something to clean up the blood.There was the sound of running water, quickly cut off, before he returned, drying his face off on the discolored cloth of his shirt that sent Nathan into such seizures of the checked urge to clean. The dealer stood there for a moment, clean face impassive as he considered Nathan before rapidly grabbing a hold of the man ??s thighs so he could climb back up on the bed. ??Shame I don ??t have another hand, ? he said pleasantly, leaning down to undo the fly with teeth and lips. He prayed the man didn ??t have some sort of crazy all button thing going on: this skill was more novelty than useful, so he didn ??t actually practice it daily. Nathan looked unimpressed by Graverobber's cocky promise he was unblinking as he watched the other man and annoyance was the most obvious feeling being portrayed right then, in place of the usual blank expression. He could hear the bubbling, almost liquid sound in Graverobber's voice and he realized it was from the nosebleed,"He doesn't take being tied up very well," Nathan said flatly, though it was clear that the doctor himself didn't take it too well either, though somewhat less violently than his darker side did, "I can help you with that, I just need my hands. Nosebleeds can be nasty."He was trying to talk his way out of it with what, promise of medical attention? Fantastic. Repo gave a derisive snort at the doctor's sad attempt at negotiation, but the doctor politely reminded the monster that his particular attempt hadn't exactly gotten them free either.When Graverobber dissappeared into the bathroom, he began to yank on the rope again, tilting his head back in an attempt to view the knots in more detail, but finding himself unable to bend enough to fully view it. The doctor may have sworn under his breath once or twice as he tried to shift himself to see it it was likely a ridiculous sight, Nathan Wallace dishevelled, tipsy, furious, and trying to engage in a feat of contortionismm while tied to a bed, but it was the best he had right then.He gave a start, however, when hands clasped his thighs, and the muscles twitched under Graverobber's fingers and he jerked his head back up to look at the other man, eyes searching for a moment, only to find the scavenger was tugging his fly down with his teeth. The sight stirred a now familiar hunger in the doctor, but at the same time caused a bizarre nervousness inside of him as he realized he wouldn't be able to hold any form of control over what was happening."I have two, if you'll let me use them." Nathan tried. ??Sure, ? Graverobber said, leaning back to put his weight on the good doctor ??s shins. Not enough to hurt, no, he didn ??t want to actually cause the man pain, but enough that he wouldn ??t have that well dressed knee in his crotch. Even though they sometimes betrayed him, Graverobber, like most men, was attached to his balls and wished to keep them as intact as possible. ??As much as you let me use mine earlier, Doc, ? he teased, keeping his voice light. He was not a threat, nooooo, not at all.Of course, if he didn ??t convince Nathan of that, he ??d have to leave the man tied up while he hoofed it to safer ground. But the dealer had faith in his skills.Fingers ghosted up the man ??s torso, picking at polished buttons the color of the ocean at night. He hummed as he worked, revealing the pale, muscled chest dusted with hair that was even turning grey. ??Very nice, ? he breathed, examining where the light cast shadows on his chest and stomach with calloused pads. The thief was attempting to coax that low arousal back into the doctor ??s frame. ??Shame that I have to turn you over. Think you can help with that? No hands, ? he added before Nathan even had the chance to ask. Nathan almost grumbled as he begrudgingly acknowledged that the scavenger had a point three times now, he had mercilessly bound the other man twice, simply so he could take sexual advantage of his helplessness, just so he could watch him squirm and struggle, and hear him beg, because there was something positively stimulating about Graverobber's baritone when he was desperate. Even though the time on the couch had ended with a poisoning, everything leading up to it had been pleasant but he had been careful not to get himself into the same position.Up until then anyways.But this was a new territory for Nathan this had the option of being pleasant, for one. For another, it involved him completely conceeding his usual control admittedly the power shifted between them often, though Graverobber's seemed to come from the fact that Nathan couldn't bring himself to kill the scavenger, even though he'd had more than ample opportunity. Nathan had been used to getting the upper hand during their struggles despite being older and smaller so having Graverobber physically in control was unnerving.Granted, some of the nervousness ebbed away when he felt those fingers moving up his torso, the muscles of his stomach and sides twitching as the touch shifted over them,"I'll need my shins back, at the very least." Nathan said, eyeing Graverobber apprehensively. Repo helpfully supplied the information that, with a free leg, he could probably at least kick the other man once or twice. He had promised not to taste, not yet, not while he was coaxing, but for some reason the way the older man ??s stomach muscles rippled under his fingers made him throw that promise out the window like so much proverbial bath water. The dealer bent down to dive his tongue into the doctor ??s navel than across tight muscles. For an old man, Nathan really was in good shape, and he mentioned this as he sat up.It felt good, very good, to have Nathan on his back and he wished he had had the time to get him out of the vest and shirt. As nice as the material looked hanging off his shoulders, he would have loved to see the arms flex, long and lanky and very unlike the thin muscles of junkies and scalpel sluts, who did nothing vigorous save for sex. ??Will you be good? ? Graverobber slithered up the man ??s body, one hand sliding beneath him to splay on his lower back and angle him up. There was warmth, there, under his palm and it struck him as so very different from the PVC and leather Rotti dressed Nathan up in. It reminded him suddenly that Nathan was very alive and very present and, for some reason, that didn ??t annoy Graverobber. Usually, hands and voices and bodies frustrated him like some crap light buzzing in a recently vacated house: noise, constant and unceasing and ultimately useless. But with Nathan, he wanted to keep the conversation up, wanted to hear that gentle voice.He ??d gone completely off his nut. ??You give me a chance and if you really don ??t like it, I ??ll let you up, ? Graverobber said, slipping away so Nathan could turn over. A soft, audible breath escaped Nathan when Graverobber's tongue laved across his stomach, twitching and shifting beneath the other man to try and deal with the waves of sensation, lifting himself enough that he was able to see Graverobber though with his arms over his head he was rather limited in mobility.One eyebrow cocked at the question and he realized that the other man was mulling over whether to give him the use of his legs for the time it took to move which, frankly, didn't seem so unreasonable given all of the helpful tips that Repo was filing. If Repo was the one in control right then, he imagined the reply would have been somewhat crass, but given that the doctor was the one in charge, he simply gave a small nod after a lengthy hesitation, even though he was a little alarmed by what he was agreeing to. The very idea of having his back to someone was cause for discomfort, and it made Repo even angrier.When Graverobber rose from the bed to allow the doctor some space, he used his feet to push himself up a little more, and he warily eyed the other man, feeling rather ridiculous with his shirt wide open, but after a moment he managed to maneuver himself onto his front, ending up with a face full of pillow. He quickly remembered what Graverobber had done to the pillow, however, and turned his face away from it, mildly irritated."This is ridiculous, by the way," Nathan added, with as much snark as he could manage to inject right then while he was tied up, dishevelled, and slightly tipsy. Graverobber watched Nathan turn over with perhaps a little more interest than the good doctor would have found necessary. He was, after all, extremely pleased to watch those limbs in action and, for a moment, that little bum in the air. ??Only a little, ? he agreed, bending down so he could run a hand up the older man ??s spine. Sadly, he could easily feel every bump along the man ??s back and he clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. ??Come on, Doc. You should know better. ? He dropped his ridiculously colored head to follow his hands with his mouth, pushing shirt and vest up. Nathan had never let him see his back, certainly hadn ??t allowed him to tongue his way up his spine then down again to the small of his back. That was much too vulnerable, after all.It warmed his cockles, it honestly did. Or, rather, it certainly warmed something. He could understand why Nathan loved having control: it was thrilling to know that powerfully fucked up man was unable to do a thing.And Graverobber would never abuse that power.Well, not until he had him a little more relaxed again.Strong fingers started pressing into Nathan ??s back, searching out knots of a different sort to unravel. There were other reasons he hadn't given Graverobber access to his back, and they became obvious when every muscle twitched and spasmed at the light touches that were grazing along his skin. He felt the fingers move up his spine, mapping out his vertebrae and he couldn't summon a response for Graverobber's slight chastising because he knew the man was right not just as a doctor, but also as a father, he should have been paying a little more attention to his health. He was thin too thin, but he simply hadn't been able to bring himself to be concerned, he had other things to worry about,"Been busy." Nathan finally managed to get out, and his back arched very slightly at the tongue moving along his back it sent little jolts down his body, but it was nothing in comparison to the sensation when Graverobber's fingers dug into muscle. His eyes immediately fell closed when the man's thumb pressed into a tensed cord of muscle just beneath his shoulderblade it was a deep, burning pain that felt bizarrely good, a strange sort of relief that caused a small groan of appreciation to escape the doctor. So Nathan was sensitive back here. Graverobber couldn't say he was all that surprised: give any body part about seventeen years of no touch outside of clothing and the odd congratulatory pat, and nerves would ache for it. Least that was his theory he hadn ??t gone a week with out touch in his life. ??Right. Stalking an honest grave robber is hard work. ? He felt the muscles under his fingers tense, then relax, taking the lump of unfocused energy away in the unwinding. Nathan probably hadn ??t had the chance to relax since the kid was born and Graverobber didn ??t even want to know the years that had shaved off his life.Instead of doing that morbid mental calculation, he focused on chasing down every corded and taught muscle. He hadn ??t done this for anyone before, but the concept was simple: keep touching till the muscle softened, listen to the sounds the doctor made and try not to do anything that looked like it hurt. He even braved rubbing the back of Nathan ??s neck, half expecting that he ??d rouse Repo again. ??Still want to kill me, Doc? ? he asked, resting a hand on the man ??s back. The attention had drawn all his blood up to the surface of his skin and Graverobber couldn ??t help but admire the heat and color, surprised that the surgeon could actually drum up that much sanguine. The doctor responded to Graverobber's touches with a quiet sort of enthusiasm, his body twitching subtly upwards when the scavenger found a particularly sensitive or pleasant spot, small sighs and slowly relaxing muscles came from the brief moments of pain on the overly tense spots. He tensed only for a moment when Graverobber's hand slid up, but the feeling of the fingers digging into the hard, tight muscles in his neck and shoulders felt too good to resist, and Repo didn't surface this time.Nathan went to respond, but all that came out was a low mumble, and he had to take a moment to sort himself out and try to find his voice again,"Might keep you around a bit longer." he said finally, his eyes half lidded. ??Oh, good. I was very afraid that a man with his hands tied to the bed post would kick me out. ? Graverobber dragged his nails down the doctor ??s thin sides, noting the very faint protrusions: ribs, then. Nathan might not be deathly underweight , but he was pushing the limit. The dealer cocked his head to the side, taking a minute to let Nathan settle before he reached down for the pants.He spoke as he slipped the material down Nathan ??s ass and thighs, ??I don ??t think you ??ll want me around in a few minutes. ? Graverobber ??s voice was almost cheerful as he exposed the good doctor ??s bum for the first time and he could take in the expanse of pale skin. Obviously the man wasn ??t one for heading to a reclaimed beach and soaking up the artificially bright sun. ??You ??re a lot more agreeable this way, ? he quipped, tugging boxers and slacks off so he ??d be able to spread Nathan ??s finely muscled legs properly. ??It ??ll be a shame to let you go." A hand came up to rub right where buttock met thigh. With his head off to the side, Nathan cocked one eyebrow even though he was unsure Graverobber had seen it there was a new sort of boldness to the scavenger, undoubtedly because he had recognized that he was very much in control of the situation. After all, the doctor was relatively relaxed, face down, and secured to the headboard beyond using his legs for a nasty strike, there wasn't a lot of risk left for Graverobber.Though the man's words caused a stir of suspicion, and Nathan found himself trying to see the other man over his shoulder it was near impossible with his position."Why ?" Nathan began, but then drew in a sharp breath, surprised when the man yanked his trousers and boxers down over his hips, leaving him bare except for the opened shirt and waistcoat that had been pushed up and off to the side. Like the rest of him, Nathan's legs and rear were lean he was wiry from his work, and he felt himself flushing as his legs were spread, his thighs twitching when Graverobber's hands kneaded at them. This was a level of exposure and vulnerability that the doctor hadn't encountered before, and it left him wary. Graverobber smirked, watching the blush claim Nathan ??s ears and neck. This, he figured, was fair torture: the man could do with a bit more undignified sex in his life and, lucky for him, the dealer was there to offer that. ??You okay, Nathan, ? he asked sweetly, slipping a hand down to fondle him.Most often, he had found, men were a lot more malleable when you had their balls in your hand.He dropped his head down to press a kiss to the slight dimple just above the older man ??s ass, chuckling. ??You ??re quite flat back here, ? he teased, free hand coming up to rub at the doctor ??s lower back kindly. Graverobber, after all, knew very much how alarming it was to be trussed up while some psycho explored one ??s body with his mouth. He ??d just been in that position an hour back or so. Hands returned to Nathan ??s cheeks and the grave robber couldn ??t help but grin as he slipped a keen tongue down where the good doctor had probably never considered outside of the shower. "I'm fine," Nathan gritted out, trying to fight the furious heat coming to his face, and he jerked when a hand moved between his legs, touching and fondling him, teasing a small moan out of the doctor he felt the kiss at his tailbone, and suddenly his stomach twisted as he realized precisely how much control he had given up and exactly how much Graverobber had right then.Hands rubbing at his lower back, and Nathan was struggling for a response to the other man's observation, but anything he had planned to say suddenly turned incomprehensible in his head, because the scavenger had spread him and was currently using his tongue on a spot that Nathan had, aside from hygenic purposes, chosen to ignore his entire life. A noise of surprise escaped him, followed by a fumbled, breathy, and slightly angry response,"What are you doing you're depraved." he rasped, shocked this was completely undignified. After just the most subtle probe he could manage, the young man sat up, head tilted as he examined the surgeon ??s lean ass. ??For rimming? ? he asked, deep voice warm with amusement. Graverobber sold drugs, spent most of his free time with the dead and rotting and got off on giving the GENcops a good chase, and he was depraved for a bit of oral sex with the good doctor ??s star fish. ??I ??m the Catholic here and I haven ??t got a problem with sodomy. ? Sharp, blue eyes took in the details appreciatively as he tapped a long, pale finger against that tensed ring of muscles.A slow smile stretched across his lips. Maybe he could get Nathan to make that wonderfully breathy voice again. ??Just enjoy the depravity for a bit, Doc, ? the dealer teased, dropping his head so he could swirl his tongue across and down.He made sure to keep Nathan spread obscenely, drumming his fingers lazily along the muscle just to remind him how absolutely undignified this was. "Catholic!" Nathan repeated with a bark of laughter, and he very briefly considered saying 'Catholic my ass' but given his current position, he quickly rethought it. He supposed he had never exactly associated Graverobber with any sort of religious alignment, given the man's line of work and overall approach to life.Of course, it was an easy assumption to make just as people tended to assume that Nathan was a pious man because of his clean cut appearance, his strict adherence to politesse, and the general quiet that surrounded him but the truth was that Nathan had stopped believing in God a very long time ago.He squirmed beneath Graverobber then, twitching unintentionally as the man stroked and touched him, and he shuddered when the man's tongue laved over him a second time, disturbed by the sensation and the fact that it wasn't unpleasant as he was sure it should have been. He found himself yanking on the bonds again then,"Look," Nathan said, trying to sort out his suddenly swimming head, but finding himself cut off when the tongue slipped across him again, a small gasp escaping him. Graverobber was roughly as Catholic as most Catholics were: he vaguely remembered crackers and a lot of Latin and he certainly didn ??t mind muttering an odd prayer or two, anything to get him better odds, but he didn't have an honest religion. He was a Catholic because his mother and father had, when he was bald, little, and nearly just as filthy, given him to some old man who ??d sprinkled him with water and lit some sort of candle his mom had kept for years afterwards. Religion just didn ??t come up for most folks save old men.He arrowed his tongue down, probing, lapping and wriggling past the tense muscles. The taste wasn ??t all that great: he wasn ??t one of those giant fruits that lied and said they lived for the experience, but the idea of doing something so very dirty and physical to the good doctor made it more than worth any discomfort on his own part. ??What am I looking at, Nathan? ? the dealer asked mildly, digging a hand into his pocket to pull out a packet of lube. Graverobber kept a few basics on him all the time: after all, you didn ??t want to hurt the folks you were fucking, if for no reason other than blood spread diseases easier than a lack and he was a careful sort. He didn ??t want his dangly bits to crust over and fall off because some whore had gone and caught every disease imaginable. Waiting for an answer , he leaned down to continue with his mouth, cringing only slightly when he tasted the astringent lube he ??d coated his finger with. There wasn't any sort of response that Nathan could muster right then because Graverobber dug into him, deeper this time and the sensation of the slick tongue pushing into his body was disturbing, and the doctor's muscles contracted at the intrusion this wasn't something he had ever experienced, and he was unclear on how he should take it. The feeling was varying between a mild sort of discomfort and small, ticklish sensations that made him squirm beneath the other man.This wasn't proper, he had decided, and if he could form the words, he would be sure to tell Graverobber as soon as he possibly could. Just, it was becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate because, as much as he was ashamed to acknowledge it, a particularly uncomfortable erection had formed and was currently trapped between his own body and the mattress. Graverobber swiped his tongue across that puckered ring of muscle one more time before pulling his head away. Nathan had goneawfullyquiet the last few minutes, and he had to check and make sure the poor doctor was okay. Slick fingers pressed forward, testing the erection that had sprung up sometime during their improper and undignified activities. He smirked as he traced the heavy sac, letting a low rumble of laughter escape him. ??Very nice, Doc, ? he complimented, drawing that finger back up carefully. ??Think you can be a good boy and relax these muscles? ? The dealer pressed a glistening finger against his anus, trying his damnedest to neither laugh nor give into the urge to pull out something more substantial. He had to be patient, to be content with the lazy circles he was tracing out around the father ??s very prim and proper entrance.He grinned wickedly. ??Trust me? ? Graverobber asked hoarsely. Nathan drew in a shuddering breath when he felt Graverobber's fingers glide along his length somewhere along the line, the scavenger had put something slick on his hands, had he broughtlubewith him? Somehow it was even more embarrassing now that he knew Graverobber had already had this in mind of course, he should have known that his reluctance earlier that morning wouldn't have put the scavenger off anything he intended to do.He could barely trust himself to speak and so had decided that remaining as quiet as possible would be the best option though Graverobber's question about whether he would be a 'good boy' was cause for a small amount of frustration on the doctor's part, generally not one to be spoken to in diminunative terms, and particularly because Graverobber was younger than him by at least ten years oh god. Not a good thing to be thinking about right then.Then came the next question."About as far as I can throw you." he replied, equally hoarse. Later, should Nathan ask if he was carrying lube just for this purpose, Graverobber would laugh and tell him that he couldn't be running home or to the store every time some whore wanted to pay in manual labor. But that wasn't at all what he was thinking of.What he was thinking of was the way the middle aged man's muscles rippled, how the poor man tensed. Did Nathan think that he would still hit him? That, after getting this far, he'd pull out something nasty and stab him in the back? Probably was the most common response to the night surgeon showing a weakness, and Graverobber hated to do what everyone else did."Good," he whispered lowly, leaning over that warm, strong body to kiss the back of the doctor's neck as he slipped a well lubricated finger in past that initial resistance. After so many years of isolation and only having contact with those who were using him, Nathan had developed a reasonable distrust for people and beyond that, he was all too familiar with the darker side of human nature, and how quickly a person could turn from a respectable, law abiding citizen into something of a monster. Trust was an issue for the doctor, and it always would be and yet something about the way Graverobber leaned against him, the lips at the back of his neck, caused him to relax even if only for a terribly brief moment.Because directly after, he felt a finger push inside of him it was slicked with the same lubricant but the sensation was so alien that it left Nathan unsure of what he was feeling, whether it was pain or a bizarre kind of pleasure, because a sharp noise escaped him at the new pressure, and his fingers clenched into fists around the belt that was holding his hands to the headboard. His back and thigh muscles twitched visibly as his body tried to adjust to the new sensation, muscles tightening again. Graverobber kept mouthing at the back of Nathan's neck, trying to calm him down. He could feel, even through his own thin, worn shirt, the way his pulse sped up, and the noise that he'd let out was too raw to be pleasure. "It's okay," the dealer whispered soothingly, pressing his lips to the bump of his spine. The dealer knew no other way of doing it, though generally, he wasn't dealing with virgins. And even if the doctor had done this before with his perfect wife, her fingers would have been tiny, unlike the Graverobber's masculine, long digits. "It won't hurt much longer, Nathan."God, but he was tight, even ignoring the flexing of muscle against pain. Graverobber gave him another moment to adjust before curling his finger up, searching for the gland that would make this worthwhile. Pain pain was something Nathan could deal with. In his career as a Repo Man, he had learned to deal with the injuries that came with the job he didn't always get away unscathed, though he had been relatively lucky in comparison to some of the others at worse, he had come away from a job with a desperate need for stitches. Other agents that he knew of had lost body parts to the job eyes, limbs, some had lost their lives because their patients were just a little too strong, or just a little faster than they had been. Nathan had the benefit of being unnaturally fit for a man his age, and it was accompanied by the determination to stay alive for the sole fact he had a daughter waiting for him back home.Pain, he could deal with.But this was something else entirely, because it was accompanied by vulnerability, and a warm body, and a voice in his ear and a mouth on his skin it was a mix of sensations, and it was only made more difficult to sort through when Graverobber pushed his finger in just a little more. For a moment, there was only the raw sort of ache inside of him, but when the scavenger moved the digit, it brushed against something inside of him that made the doctor suddenly buck beneath Graverobber, a sharp, surprised sound escaping him. For once, he didn't actually want to hurt the man. This wasn't the sort that could cross with the pleasure parts of the brain, least, not in any man Graverobber had ever come across. He was glad he wasn't the sort that kept nails long enough to tear though now he wished he had started with something smaller. Or more alcohol.But then the body beneath him was bucking and, for a second, Graverobber feared that he'd nicked something, that he had caused enough pain to jerk the monster out of his cage and that'd be bad for both him and the doctor. The sound, however, that Nathan had made wasn't pain: it was surprise, and pleasure at that.The dealer chuckled breathily against Nathan's ear, leaning down on his forearm so he was closer. It was a miserably intimate position, but he couldn't be assed to care, not when he was that much closer to unwinding his anally proper gentleman. "And that, Doc," he said cheerfully. "Is your prostate." He curled his finger again, putting more pressure on the knot of tissue. Awkwardly, the younger man pulled himself up just a little more so he could press his mouth against the scarred temple. It was a motion just as sweetly vulnerable as the weak trust Nathan had put in him, as the earlier kisses against the bump of his hip. The first brief brush of the man's finger had been like a shock running through Nathan's nervous system and he forced his eyes open again, trying to see Graverobber as he leaned in close, but again finding it impossible but he could feel the man's breath on his neck and jaw his breath smelled like brandy, and it tickled against the shell of his ear.He felt the kiss against his temple, and it was strangely sweet, and Nathan wanted to say something, but that damned finger twitched inside of him again and it caused the doctor to spasm violently beneath Graverobber, a low groan escaping him again, he wrenched reflexively on the belt holding him there, and hissed out a soft curse. There was another low sound in Nathan's ear, somewhere between a laugh and a groan. Graverobber glanced up to the other man's hands, watching them flex and curl around the flexible leather of his belt. The doctor still had his dark shirt on, punched up around his shoulders now, but the sleeves were still in their proper places, cuffs buttoned and all while Nathan cursed and squirmed beneath him.And Graverobber couldn't help but tease. "Something you want?" he asked, eyes glued to the way rough, clever hands spasmed, clenching in ways that had only really been violent before. "You know," the dealer added conspiratorially, deep voice warm with something that wasn't quite tenderness Nathan's struggles, his hisses went down his spine and settled right in his groin, threatening him with another erection even though his body had yet to recover from the last. "I know men who can come from just this. Want to see if you're one, Doc?" If Nathan had the capacity to pay attention right then, he would have realized that, lurking somewhere inside his own mind, Repo was livid the predator was unfamiliar with this sort of position, it set his teeth on edge in a way that nothing else did and he wanted nothing more than to make Graverobber suffer for it. However, the monster also had to begrudgingly acknowledge that his more pleasant half didn't seem to be against what was happening even if there were some reservations, they were quickly vanishing because, frankly, Nathan couldn't process coherent thoughts enough to protest.But the bastard was laughing at him.Nathan's fingers sought something to hold onto, rather than clenching into themselves, and he hooked the digits into the belt, gripping it hard in an attempt to ground himself. He tried to steady his breathing, which he was just realizing had gone ragged, and he shuddered at the voice in his ear he quietly hoped Graverobber wasn't expecting an answer, because the thought of giving one seemed embarrassing, particularly since he wasn't sure he wanted the man to stop. Nathan, Graverobber had to admit, was much more pliable than his inner monster once you got past the feet of self control and polite stuborness that shielded his insides like lead. Yes, Repo had been the one he'd initially interacted with and, yes, the night surgeon had been the first to not want to kill him, but that seemed like the two were quickly switching positions on Graverobber's mortality. The thief continued to press tender kisses to the tensing muscles in Nathan's neck, almost nuzzling the line of his jaw, because he liked to keep things fair, to pay his debts before they became bigger than he could handle. The older man was giving him something here, something that he couldn't quite name, and he returned that gift with honest to God kindness. Not that he was entirely sure what that was supposed to be, but he tried his hardest and Nathan seemed to appreciate the effort.He appreciated other things, too, if that shiver meant anything.It made him feel good in the same way doping up that pretty little thing from before had, because she'd been good to him and didn't need to head across the river in pain. If he wasn't careful, he'd end up a God damned bleeding heart, bringing candy and Z to people who needed it, not those who could pay, and taking care of an aging Repo Man.His finger had started moving, rocking in Nathan's body gently just so the man could get used to the feeling and just to shake the idea that he was going soft, the grave robber pulled the digit out almost completely. If the man had the sense to try and control his breathing, he could speak. "Nathan," he cooed. "That wasn't rhetorical." The press of the finger inside of him was sending tremors through Nathan's body, shudders that he couldn't control every time Graverobber's fingertip stroked over that bundle of nerves, he found himself biting down on noises he was certain would come out sounding pathetic even then, secured to the bed and completely lacking control over the situation, he was stubborn enough to stop himself from beingundignified.Though, he supposed, this was fairly undignified already he was face down with his shirt opened and pushed up his back, naked from the waist down, with an attention grubbing, rainbow haired tramp doing things to him that he'd never even considered before.And worst of all, it felt incredibly good.Graverobber had begun a steady motion then, sliding his finger against the Doctor's prostate on every stroke inwards, but then there was the teasing request for an answer, and Nathan clamped his jaw shut to stop himself from replying. He pressed his forehead to the pillow, trying to focus on anything but the maddening heat that was rolling through his body, but found it was increasingly impossible to ignore. This was almost torturous, moreso when Graverobber stopped altogether, causing another violent shudder through the doctor's body."Ngh." Nathan articulated into the pillow. Graverobber nipped at the man's neck, right beneath the line of his greying hair and behind his ear . The long, wiry muscle tensed painfully as Nathan's jaw clenched shut. He sighed, pressing his forehead to the curve right below the good doctor's skull, almost as if disappointed.He was anything but: it'd be boring if the older man gave in easily."'Ngh' is not a proper answer, Nathan," he whispered into his skin, stabbing his finger forward, counting to five in his head, then pulling it out slowly. All the while, he kept talking, cajoling. "Senility set in? Forget the question, Doc?" Another stroke, exactly the same as before.This hadn't been in the plan: Graverobber, on the fly figured that he would give the surgeon a nice rim job, maybe a finger or two. He'd only planned on having the arms out of the way so he wouldn't get pushed off right when the assignation getting good. But Nathan was simply so stubborn, censuring himself even now with his legs spread and Graverobber's middle finger curled inside him. It simply wouldn't do.He'd always been flexible on plans. "Do you want me to keep fucking you till you come? Or would you like to move onto something else?" Nathan's jaw remained tensed, and it made a cord of muscle on the side of his neck stand out muscle that Graverobber took advantage of almost immediately, at the same times as he pushed that finger back into him, and the simultaneous sensation caused a small noise to unwillingly escape the doctor. He kept his head pressed into the pillow, trying desperately to hold onto his last thread of willpower but then that baritone was in his ear, murmuring implications that made Nathan wish yet again that he had his hands free so he could throw Graverobber down and do terrible things to him."I oh jesus " Nathan ground out, and his voice wasn't as hard as it normally was, and it was followed up by a low groan when Graverobber pushed his finger in again, pressing against the doctor's prostate, and Nathan knew then that at this rate, the scavenger would be able to make it last for a painfully long time. He wanted an answer from him, but it was a struggle just to accept that he was enjoying this, nevermind that the idea of more was suddenly appealing.He managed to get out two words, trying to convey it," Marcus,please." That desperation almost got him, but Graverobber felt he'd been a little too charitable lately. Even this, really, was out of the kindness of his ... heart, and he deserved the chance to torture the poor thing a little more. "That, Nathan," the dealer said pleasantly, though his voice was gravelly he was just as affected as this as the doctor was since he was the one with his finger on the stray thread, unraveling him row by row and enjoying every minute of it. "Is alsonota proper answer."Warm, soft lips on his ear contrasted with his rough voice as he stretched over the doctor to whisper, "It won't be so difficult." He propped his weight up on an elbow instead of his forearm so he could grab a cord of his own hair. After a moment spent examining the light blue strand, he took the frayed end and traced the flushed ear next to his lips thoughtfully. "After all, I would hate to do something you disliked, Doc." Graverobber brushed that same end lightly down the outstanding cord of muscle, penetrating finger still so he could concentrate on that slight motion. Nathan's torso was shorter than his and his arm span, but he was still almost over extending, the muscles in his shoulders protesting from holding himself up in such an odd position."I could even," he said slyly, mouth follow that brush of hair. "Add another finger if you wanted. You're tight," he confided lowly as if this was one big secret, "but I think I could fit one, two more in. More, if you wanted. You just have to ask clearly, Nathan." Nathan's neck muscles twitched visibly as Graverobber moved the cord of hair over his skin he let out a shuddering breath, trying to pull away from the sensation it wasn't unpleasant, but it tickled, and right then his nerves felt like they were already on fire, and the too gentle sensation felt like too much and not enough all at once.Graverobber came closer, leaned in over him the feeling of body heat was almost relieving, and for a moment he was able to see the other man just a glimpse was enough to tell him Graverobber was enjoying himself a little too much, and the gravelly tone to the man's voice only emphasized it. Nathan made eye contact with the scavenger for an instant, and the doctor's eyes were clouded with pleasure and the fading buzz of alcohol Graverobber continued to tease him, and the mouth on his ear made him shudder.Articulating what he wanted felt impossible, embarrassing but he was feeling his willpower bottoming out. The desire, the absolute need for heat and another body against his was taking over,"Will you just take your clothes off, for god's sake," Nathan hissed out. The eye contact nearly made this whole teasing thing too much: Nathan was enjoying it, wanted more, but he simply wouldn't ask. And the grave robber was just as stubborn. He wanted to hear that soft, careful voice go breathy and desperate while he begged.That wasn't all that much to ask, was it?"That's all you want?" the dealer teased, pulling away and slipping his finger out. He stripped out of his clothes quickly, leaving them in a pile near where he had tossed Nathan's pants and boxers, gleefully adding to the total disorder in the Wallace household. Best of all was the fact that Nathan Wallace probably didn't even give a damn, not right now. Before returning to his position, he took a moment to look the older man over: his conservative outfit hung on by a thread in the form of shirt and waistcoat pushed up right beneath his neck, more obscene than pure nudity. Slender legs were still parted, every muscle tensed into definition.Graverobber crawled back to his spot along Nathan's lanky body, a hand skimming down his back to rest on his ass. "Anything else, Doc?" he asked sweetly, pressing a kiss to that faint scar again and his naked body to the good doctor's side. Slick fingers tapped along his rear. Nathan made a small noise when Graverobber pulled away behind him, he could hear the sound of material shifting and knew that the other man was stripping down to nothing, and being unable to see him was maddening. He took the time to try and steady himself, keeping his forehead pressed against the pillow, trying not to think about how he must look right then, stripped and exposed. Even though he couldn't see him, he could feel Graverobber's eyes roving him.The doctor's body was in a slow burn it was unlike anything he had experienced before, different from the hasty touching and stroking that they had engaged in before, this was a sensation that was almost too much for him to take. But he was also aware that it wasn't just because of what was being done to him, it was the fact that Graverobber was the one doing it, just another detail that Nathan didn't want to explore.And Graverobber was aware of what he wanted, but the bastard was going to make him say it anyways because he was taking relish in watching the slow unravel of the older man's normally steely reserve of willpower. Frankly, Nathan couldn't blame him not when only hours prior, he had taken no small amount of pleasure in watching Graverobber squirm and gasp, had been driven to make the man come and be utterly helpless. He had done it because almost anything would have been worth forcing Graverobber to make those noises, and knowing he was the one causing them. Even worse, Nathan was aware that it hadn't been the monster who had done it it had been him, the mild mannered doctor, he had been the one who had trapped Graverobber, the one who had taken advantage of him because he had wanted to do it, had wanted to make the younger man buck and plead.Then there was movement on the bed, a hand slipping against his rear, and then the blessed touch of bare flesh against his side he could feel every part of Graverobber's torso shift against him, and he wished he had his hands free so he could explore him in detail and see what spots made the man needy all over again.Finally, the words slipped out before he could help himself, and Nathan was sure they sounded ridiculous coming from him, that his voice didn't even sound like his because it was too breathy and vulgar and utterly desperate: Please, fuck me. he said, suddenly grateful that he couldn't see Graverobber's expression. Graverobber kept his lips moving against Nathan ??s throat and jaw, cheerfully tasting the warmth of the good doctor ??s blush and contributing to it as best he could. The colorful hue to the man ??s skin made him seem so much younger, an illusion that he simply couldn ??t help but appreciate. The hair on his chest was wiry above thick, rubbery surgery scars, and he kept his torso against Nathan ??s side both because he knew from the previous twitching that the man ??s nerves were raw from over stimulation and because he wanted the doctor to be very clear that he wasn ??t his dead woman.The dealer didn ??t like to have others infringing on his territory, especially the dead.Fingers clenched, digging into Nathan ??s muscle at those words as he sucked in a quick hiss of air. ??Ridiculous ?? was the last word he would use to describe the surgeon at that moment. And, unlike Nathan, he felt no guilt in hearing that needy voice from the trapped man next to him: there was no sense of encroaching darkness on his soul, no fear that some internal demon was waiting to devour more of himself. No, this was, in his mind, simple, good fun.Very good fun. Fun that made him shiver against the man ??s thin side, made him gnaw at the muscle connecting neck to shoulder and kiss his ear gently and whisper, ??I would love to, ? as he tugged himself away from the older man. Those words had left an ache below his stomach that made him want to reach down and grab himself, even though he was no longer a horny teen that could do things like get his fourth stiffy in half a day.Graverobber reached down for his pants to pull out the lube he ??d stashed away. He didn ??t want to hurt Nathan, after all, even if he wasn ??t planning on putting something more substantial than a finger in the old man. But there was also the problem of his hands shaking: something in the way the good doctor ??s voice and control had broke made him want to be gentle, made him nervous to ruin this delicate thing Nathan had handed him. Graverobber wasn ??t entirely sure he wanted it and he certainly wasn ??t sure that he didn ??t want it.God damned ambivalence. So perhaps his fun wasn ??t as simple as he liked. What he did know, however, was that Nathan look wonderfully depraved and he had begged for penetration: Graverobber wouldn ??t pass that up. Clumsy fingers managed to get more lube on his palm than the actual digits before he calmed himself down, rested his re slicked fingers between the man ??s buttocks and kissed his shoulder. This time, he worked two fingers into the man, slow, careful not to do any damage. He heard the intake of air beside him and recognized that his words had made an impact on Graverobber he had expected the other man to laugh, or be amused by the utter desperation in his voice, Nathan wouldn't have blamed him for it after all, because he must have looked like quite the sight, the way he was right then.But that wasn't it. He felt Graverobber shift beside him, felt the teeth biting roughly at the cord of muscle between his neck and shoulder, and he had to quiet himself because he wasn't sure his pride would allow him to withstand making too many embarrassing noises.There was movement beside him again, and Graverobber's soft reply sent a small shiver through him it was only a few moments, but exposed as he was, it felt like an eternity while the scavenger moved behind him then there was the press of fingers, more this time, and it was both painful and unbelievably good. The doctor subdued the sound he made with the pillow because he was afraid he would be too vocal, his hips bucking again as the digits brushed against his prostate. Graverobber shifted back, no longer half leaning across the older man. Better if he stayed here, closer to his ass, so he had better control of his movements. Especially if the doctor was going to buck like that. "Just like that, Nathan," he whispered, resting his other hand on the man's lower back, rubbing lazy circles on the tensed muscles attempting to sooth away any lingering pain.And there would be pain. It was one of the few times that Graverobber dealt with an undrugged body and certainly his first with with a virgin. Well, male at least he tended to enjoy women more often. The dealer leaned back, dropping his hand to spread Nathan's legs a little further, rainbow hair swinging over taught thighs. There was certainly something very naughty in watching his fingers disappear into the good doctor, especially since he knew this lewd show would probably kill the older man if he currently wasn't biting his pillow in an attempt to keep from moaning.Next time, no pillows. He'd keep him on his back.The thief kept a lazy pace up, slowly pulling out and sliding back in. "You're going to have to talk to me," he said gently, voice surprisingly serious. This wasn't the teasing of before after all, he wasn't quite sure what to do with Nathan. Zydrate allowed him to be as rough as he wanted since the junkie wouldn't feel anything until it wore of and Graverobber wasn't in the habit of staying that long. "Tell me what you want." This was distinctly unfair he was bound, face down, gasping and bucking beneath Graverobber, and he'd already swallowed his pride to say the words, and the thief was going to make him do it again. A low groan escaped Nathan Wallace, a mix of frustration and pleasure as the other man slowly slid his fingers in and out.There was pain, small amounts of it, but as far as the doctor was concerned, the pain only made it better though he couldn't be certain when his masochism had developed, he just knew that it seemed to be highlighted every time he ended up in the same general area as Graverobber. It seemed to be a mutual thing, however, because the younger man didn't shy away from Repo either.Graverobber wanted Nathan to describe what he wanted to be done to him, and speaking right then seemed like an immense challenge, he wasn't even sure he trusted his own voice anymore because it had betrayed him several times now. Things that hadn't actually processed through his brain were slipping from his lips, leaving him wondering where they had come from because they didn't sound like things he would say but then, he'd never exactly been in this situation before.He had to tell Graverobber what he wanted, or this slow, gentle torment could go on for a long time, so the words came out in a single breath, very quiet as he tried to sum up what he wanted from the other man: Make the headboard hit the wall. he said.Soft wasn't what he wanted gentle wasn't what he wanted. Right then, he found he wanted the same bizarre, needy sensation that had happened in the alleyway, the heat and desperation. Nathan ??s words made the grave robber stop, staring at that pale, rigid back. For a moment, he thought that he must have misheard him, that his straight laced doctor could never have said that. Hell, curses were one thing, but this was down right explicit and that single breath of an answer sent a quiver down his spine that settled right in his groin. Suddenly, it didn ??t matter that this was his forth time: that barely muttered whisper, the idea that his doctor wanted it rough was getting him hard all over again.Two fingers would have to be enough. Something about that request sent Graverobber scrambling, scooping up the pants again to pull out a condom before flinging them back, fumbling with the shiny, foil wrapper and rolling the rubber on his dick . Earlier, when Nathan had been in the shower, Graverobber had gone through his bedside table, both for curiosity ??s sake and because he wanted to know with what exactly the good doctor could attack him. Now he used that knowledge to grope blindly for butterfly knife he ??d found earlier. His normally deft fingers were suddenly much too long as he tried to flick it open, cursing as he nicked himself on the blade.Graverobber leaned over Nathan to saw at his stained, worn blue scarf, unconcerned by it ??s destruction. He could pull another one from the trash or a dead body, but offers to fuck Nathan came around only so often. To give himself a little time before the eventual power struggle that would come with Nathan ??s freedom, he left a just a bit for the surgeon to tear through snapping the knife closed, Graverobber dropped it somewhere near the older man ??s torso to pump himself with still slick fingers. Rough, his doctor had said, but Graverobber knew fingers were smaller than penises and that he couldn ??t just go shoving in there and expect the man to enjoy it. No, he took his time here, too, positioning himself and pressing in with little, rocking movements of his hips. When Nathan was used to it, he could have hard and fast. There was movement behind him again and suddenly Graverobber seemed to have lost his dexterity there was fumbling now, and the other man had pulled away once more then the knife came into his view, and Nathan watched the blade saw through the cloth that had been holding his wrists together and to the headboard. A small amount of the material was left, and Nathan knew it was because Graverobber wanted to have enough time to get himself settled before the doctor was able to fully function again Nathan did make an effort to get his hands free before the other man could begin to torture him again but almost the moment the cloth snapped and his arms were free, he felt Graverobber's hands on his hips.He barely had time to feel relief that he could use his hands again, because the scavenger was pushing slowly into him and he had to press his palms into the mattress to steady himself there was more pressure now, the girth was much more significant and it was causing a low, dull ache and a much more prevalent scrape of pleasure. Graverobber was going slowly, pushing his way in little by little, and Nathan knew it was an act of kindness on the scavenger's part, and a show of incredible willpower that he was taking his time, but something sparked inside of the doctor that caused him to use his hands as leverage and he pushed himself back against the other man.He couldn't figure out if it had been a mistake or not, because there was the sudden and almost uncomfortable sensation of being filled more pain, but also a more torturous press against his prostate that caused him to jerk, and tore a groan from the normally quiet man. Graverobber hissed, lungs emptying fully as he fought to keep still. The move was so quintessentially Nathan that he would have laughed if he wasn ??t currently sunk balls deep in the tightest, most proper piece of ass he ??d ever had in his life. And the only one he ??d actually considered liking. ??Christ, ? he croaked, dropping his head to Nathan ??s covered shoulders. God, but the man ??s back felt good against his chest, the soft, conservative fabric slipping down the curve of the doctor ??s spine, the waistcoat ??s subtle embroidery teasing skin that was already too sensitive.The mix of sensations tore away at his control: Graverobber loved viewing the world through touch and all the little details, the smooth, damp skin and rough by comparison clothing, the heat and clenching, the short tuff of hair he pulled in along with the shell of Nathan ??s ear all made staying still difficult. Impossible, in fact, as he started thrusting, the hand that had been on a too slim hip coming up to tangle in the doctor ??s graying hair. It was funny to him, that this style, trimmed with an exact, obsessive hand to be the dullest, most average length on the planet, was just right for him to get a good grip so he yank the doctor ??s head towards him so he could kiss him, open mouthed and sloppy, with very little consideration as to where to put noses and teeth. It was possibly one of the most intense things he had felt before, and judging by the noise Graverobber had made, it was something of an experience for him as well Nathan found he could barely think right then, it was difficult enough just to concentrate on all of the sensations. First there was the feeling of Graverobber's skin against his, the man's chest pressing against him, he could feel the stomach against his spine, and the heat through the material halfway up his back. There was the hand gripping at his hip, the feeling of the other man's breath on his ear, then the mouth worrying at the shell of it.Then there was the feeling of the man pressing inside of him, and it was varying between a slow, heavy roll of pleasure and sharp spikes of it and the feeling of Graverobber losing his self control and beginning to thrust into him. Nathan's fingers gripped into the sheets for the duration of the first few pushes, eyes shut as he felt almost overwhelmed by it.Then there was a hand in his hair, wrenching him back, but it didn't register as pain, just spikes of more pleasure that made him make noises he wasn't proud of, but found them muffled by Graverobber's mouth as he was yanked up, up on his knees, torso twisted partially in a painful position that allowed their mouths to clash it was ungraceful, hot, needy. Nathan's hands went behind him to touch any part of Graverobber that he could right then, palms slipping down the man's sides as he found himself quietly grateful for his own decent flexibility. If he had the sense, he would have worried for Nathan's back, for the awkward way his torso curled up so they could kiss, but his mind was consumed with more pressing factor of the doctor's mouth on his own. Graverobber forced his tongue into the older man's mouth, mimicking his own thrusting motions as he swallowed those needy sounds, making more than a few of his own.Some part of him, though, understood the masochism, knew the man wanted to feel this fuck in his teeth. It was what sent him after Repo, that same urge, made him chase down a man who flitted between strangling him and biting him in a way that left him aching more than any of his customers did. There was something they shared that was horribly deranged that he simply hadn't come across before in another human being, not even in the self destructive desire of a scalpel slut. Graverobber dug his nails into the older man's scalp, jerking his head away so he could tear at his throat and neck, hard enough to bruise and just barely managing not to make him bleed."Drop your hands," he growled, rolling his head and Nathan's so he could assault the other side. He remembered, after all, the surgeon's hesitancy to touch himself earlier. "Jack yourself off, Doc, I'm not going to." It was less like a kiss and more like a painful mash of teeth, and the messy slide of tongues Nathan's hand's gripped at Graverobber's sides, partly to steady himself on his knees as the other man forced him up, partly so he could touch him the skin under his palms and fingertips felt good, and he could feel the shift of muscle as Graverobber rocked his hips back and forth. Each thrust was jerking Nathan forward slightly, but in his current position he couldn't get leverage to push back against the other man, leaving him feeling incredibly vulnerable again.Then Graverobber broke the kiss and began to ravage his throat, so rough that it felt like the other man was precariously close to breaking the skin and each bite and tug on his skin was sending sparks directly to his groin, and Graverobber's growled out demand had very much the same effect.When Graverobber moved to the other side of his neck, abusing the skin there, Nathan made a sharp noise because of the bite, and the thrust that happened at the same time, and he knew that if he did use his hand on himself, it would be too much all of his nerves felt raw from the biting and rough treatment, touching himself seemed like it would be torment."Fuck," Nathan rasped out, leaning his head to the side, unsure if he wanted to get away from that torturous mouth, or whether he wanted more of it, because the pain and the pressure was intense. The Graverobber growled again, this time in irritation. Of course Nathan wouldn't listen, not even when he'd been good enough to fuck him. "Fucking Christ, Doc," he breathed, tugging the good doctor's head back this time, more for discomfort and humiliation than to reach his neck though he kept up the cruel tear of teeth. Oh, he'd probably pay for that, later when he met up with a sharp eyed surgeon no longer dulled by alcohol and lust, but right now, while he had control, he was brave.Brave enough even to shove that head forward when he was done, because he wanted more leverage, wanted to dive as deep as he could into that tight ass. And he wanted Nathan to be out of his mind: if he didn't want to touch himself, Graverobber would. The dealer reached up to clutch at the headboard, knuckles blanching from a tight grip that did more damage to himself than the heavy would. His other hand, free from holding him up, snaked down to the father's crotch, wrapping around the surprisingly large cock. His thrusts were harder now that he had the benefit of the headboard and his own weight. His neck felt as though it was being hyperflexed by the other man's insistent tugging and wrenching, which was being done more for causing discomfort now than for better access, but the mouth continued at his neck for a few more moments, until the skin threatened to break from being worried too roughly and dark bruises had begun to colour the originally pale surface on both sides. It was for the best that Graverobber stopped when he did, because the presence and smell of blood had the tendency of bringing out the doctor's dark side, something that would be detrimental with the butterfly knife within reach.Graverobber released his hair, nearly shoving him forward, and Nathan ended up with his hands pressing into the bed again, but he barely had time to steady himself before the other man was roughly pressing forward again chest to back, a low growl in his ears that made him shudder.Then there was the hand that snuck down between his legs, and Nathan's fingers twisted into the sheets, another sharp sound escaping him because it really did feel like too much he felt over stimulated right then but he couldn't get the words out to tell Graverobber, and he wasn't sure it would matter if he could. Despite himself, he ended up rocking his hips back into the thrusts, eyes closed, shoulders tensed, soft noises were escaping him now and he couldn't seem to stop himself anymore, and the force of Graverobber's movements caused him to seek more support and he ended up pressing his hands into the headboard.And, if he'd been more capable of thinking, it might have registered to him that it actually was banging up against the wall now. Graverobber's own baritone mixed with the litany of soft grunts and gasps and little cries that Nathan seemed unable to hold back. He was talking, saying nothing, barely forming words and certainly not making sense but it didn't matter because he just wanted the doctor to feel breath against his ear and neck, to communicate the rumble in his chest directly to the bones and tendons and muscle that made up the other man's back.There was a distant thumping, the feel of metal digging into his knee and wood into his sweaty palm, but that didn't matter now: his world had shrunk down to Nathan and the quickly approaching cliff of orgasm. He could hear someone breathing raggedly and couldn't be sure if it was him or the doctor. Didn't matter. Close as they were, close as he was, he couldn't tell himself from the other at the moment.He kept his hand moving, jerking, twisting in time with the little rocking movements of Nathan's slim hips then devolving into an erratic pattern as he stretched further, reaching There. With a final snap forward, Graverobber grunted into the slender, bruised neck beneath his lips, remembering vaguely that he had to be quiet as he came, though his mind had been wiped clean of the reason, of everything but that burning pleasure. His thrusts slowed, became shallow and almost gentle again like his mouth at the abused skin. They were a mess they were rutting against eachother, both of them had become unable to do anything but focus on the pure sensation. Graverobber's rough thrusts were rocking the headboard into the wall and emphasizing every movement, and the combination of the hand on him and the press inside of him was causing a hot twisting up his spine and in his stomach.There was no controlling what was happening now, the heat building in his body was spiralling out of control, and as Graverobber's thrusts became more erratic and unsteady, he hit Nathan's prostate several times in succession, and it caused the doctor to lose his hold on the head board, ending up on his elbows. A few more strokes, and the sound of Graverobber's groaning and muffled noises of pleasure into his neck, and Nathan's orgasm hit almost painfully he could have sworn he went temporarily blind, because his vision sparked and then went white for several long moments.His breathing was unsteady, and he barely stopped himself from collapsing face first onto the bed, feeling the last few shallow thrusts from Graverobber, and the mouth on his throat.And he was silent for a long moment after, trying to steady himself before he finally went boneless, a small groan escaping him, and the soft rasp of:"Good god." Nathan's orgasm was nearly painful for them both: Graverobber gasped into the other man's ear, those muscles clenching around him much too hard to be pleasurable. The doctor had gone quiet save for his ragged breathing, which leveled out some before he collapsed.Graverobber managed to pull back, hissing when the now over sensitive head of his cock slipped out, Nathan's own muscles practically abrasive at this point. In one fluid motion, he pulled off the rubber, tied it off and flung it somewhere near where he remembered a trash can being before settling down next to the good doctor as a larger lump of satiated dealer. There was a ringing in his ears that he hadn't quite managed to shake off yet and his chest still heaved above a fluttering heart as he rolled over in an attempt to get as close to the doctor as possible without being in him again."Very good," he breathed, sprawling a lazy arm across Nathan's back the dark blue shirt was damp now with what he assumed was sweat, though whose exactly he couldn't be sure of. Seeing the way the doctor's pale neck was already discolored, bruises forming and spreading under older ones, made Graverobber chuckle and he couldn't help but lean closer and run his tongue along the splotches of color. Nathan could barely find the drive to move right then with his face planted against the sheets, it was all he could do to keep his brain together as he tried to sort out the series of sensations still rolling through him. He was aware that the ache would be worse later, but right then his nerves were so raw that he couldn't quite tell the difference between pleasure and pain.He could feel sweat on his skin, something he hadn't even become aware of until right then, and he realized his heart was pounding, gradually winding down from the extreme pace it had taken on during their activities he felt the arm sling over him and suddenly the material on his shoulders felt like too much, and he tugged off the now creased shirt and waistcoat, carelessly tossing them aside, relieved to feel the cooler air against his skin.He gave a small groan at the tongue against the bruises, not so much pleasure as just over stimulation.He would have to disinfect the entire room later, he was sure. Nathan's heart fluttered like a bird's under Graverobber's forearm, and he couldn't help but chuckle, body and mind relaxed in the warmth of orgasm. "Your heart all right, old man?" he teased, nosing short, grey hairs that managed to find the most awkwardly cute ways of sticking straight out from his scalp and froze like that, stiffened by dampness. He could feel Nathan's heart beat even back here, in the dip right beneath his skull, could feel it slowing down at near the same rate as his own.The younger man continued to press lazy kisses to the back of the doctor's neck, then down his spine and across shoulder blades. Nathan might be in good shape for an old man, but he was obviously unused to having sex and afterglow simply wasn't the same as being tired out from a long night of killing debtors . Graverobber chuckled again, pulling back his own sweaty hair from his back, tying it back carelessly."Huh," he said thoughtfully, taking in the expanse of Nathan's back, the gentle slope of spine, the masculine form of shoulders and hips that tapered down to that cute ass. "I don't think I bit you when I was down there." The low voice was mildly disappointed as he traced a slow finger down the trough of Nathan's back. "I'll live to see another day," Nathan said, muffled by the sheets and suddenly grateful for all of the occupational cardio he had been doing over the years granted, this was a more pleasant way to get it. Unfortunately, this also reminded Nathan of the painful fact he would need to leave in a few hours to do his job he had no doubt that Rotti would have an assignment for him in short order it wouldn't be like him to just leave it to just a kill inside of GeneCo.Nathan felt the lips down the back of his neck and across his shoulders, and it struck him as oddly intimate Graverobber had made a few affectionate motions recently, and though the doctor took it with a grain of salt and remembered precisely who he was dealing with, he found himself pleased with the strange warmth of it. If it wasn't for their bizarre lifestyles, there might have even been some edge towards normalcy.He shivered a little at the finger stroking down his spine, and he turned his head to look at Graverobber, finding the man looking intently at his rear he did his best not to be embarrassed by it, considering precisely how well they had just gotten to know eachother."Why would you?" he asked, raising his eyebrows, genuinely astonished by the observation. Graverobber glanced up, one thick eyebrow arched in an exaggerated fashion. "Oh, come on, Doc," he said sweetly, latching onto the hint of embarrassment and massaging the lean backside, lips curling into a smirk with more slick to it than his fingers earlier. "You must understand how good it is to leave a mark where no one else can see." He was sitting back, now, knees planted next to Nathan's side, and he curled around to mouth at the skin. Save for the pricks from his fingers on the hips, the good doctor's bottom was sadly bare.He clicked his tongue against the roof his mouth. That would simply not do.Quick as a snake, the dealer bit down then pulled in a patch of skin and muscle to worry, sucking color and pain into what would become a nice, very proper hicky. Hopefully one the doctor would feel when he sat down. He pulled back just as quickly with a 'pop' and grinned widely. "Better," he breathed. Nathan eyed Graverobber warily as the man used that baritone on him Graverobber was clearly more used to the post orgasmic glow than the doctor was, because while the thief was bright eyed and bizarrely energetic, Nathan felt like he could barely get his hands to obey him. He was vaguely aware that the other man would never actually behave himself he wasn't even sure that was a possibility but Nathan had held onto the vague hope that Graverobber would at least wind down a little after an extremely rough session of fucking.No such luck, because before he could even protest, Graverobber was correcting what he viewed as a problem by placing a sudden and sharp bite on his rear that caused the doctor to let out a small gasp, and Graverobber lingered long enough that Nathan knew the man had left a mark on him. He felt heat in the spot, and glanced back to see a red circle forming slowly into a bruise, and he cast an unimpressed look in Graverobber's direction.As though he wasn't going to feel it enough every time he sat down, he had to bite him there too.Of course, that was when Nathan's mind helpfully supplied the fact that Graverobber had kissed him with that mouth, and his eyes went round."I have to brush my teeth." he croaked. The disinterested, almost haughty look he got from the older man made his smile widen. Without his make up, face flushed and hair disheveled, there was an almost honest look to him: when he smiled, it was real, there was no predatory glint, no mocking.Well. Maybe a little mocking.Graverobber knew exactly what Nathan was thinking about the moment those pale, lopsidedly colored eyes went wide as saucers and he laughed, a low rumble in his chest that was more warm that it should have been, before crawling up to kiss the man again. "Give up, Doc," he said pleasantly, pressing another gentle kiss against the line of his jaw, then another and another. Sex had the completely unexpected tendency to make the dealer a little more energetic, at least, sex he liked, as rare as that was . "I'll have you know, your ass is fairly clean," Graverobber added wickedly. For a long moment, the obsessively hygenic part of Nathan wanted to drive him out of the bed and into the bathroom to sanitize every part of himself he had forgotten how messy sex could be, how intensely involved it could get, and how sticky things were afterwards. He had forgotten what it was like to have another human's sweat on him, and have the taste of their skin on his tongue.But the kisses along his jaw caused him to ease against Graverobber, and he found himself returning the motions, kissing along the younger man's throat, because as it turned out, seventeen years of loneliness and no physical contact, seventeen years of affection that had been limited to the occasional hug he would give his child, and only ever speaking to other human beings if it was absolutely neccessary it turned out all of those things had outweight the need to violently brush his teeth.Skin on skin, even post orgasmic, was difficult for him to deny to himself after having done it for so long, and when he had Graverobber in front of him like this he was giving into temptation without even realizing it at that point, and it was partly because he could never be certain if it would happen again. These moments were fleeting, and for all he knew, one of them could be dead in weeks.That was the moment he grabbed hold of Graverobber and pulled him into a deep, terribly raw sort of kiss, for once lacking the pain of teeth. Graverobber touched: that was simply a part of his life. He had foreign hands on his body in places that would make Nathan snarl nearly every time he met with someone else, he had sex and things very much like it against walls and dumpsters nearly every day and he dug his grubby fingers into tombs and bodies and pockets. This was different for some reason. When he touched, when he was touched, there was always an ulterior motive: he'd broken a few hands in his day stopping a thief reaching his or her needy hands into his pockets or for a little glass vial, he'd received payment, even given it, with mouths and hands.But Nathan, he knew, was lonely and for some reason he felt a twinge of pain below his lungs. Graverobber understood being alone: solitude, he thought as he continued necking with the older man, was being in the middle of a throng of people and hating every single one of them because they were just the same as the others and if they weren't, they were stupid, or they were competition or such a waste of space they shouldn't even breath. And here he was, falling into the same patterns they did, becoming one of them. He was so stupid.That didn't matter, though, when the old man kissed him. There was no teeth, no bruising force, but something about it was just as painful and he couldn't keep it up. He had to pull away, but he held on afterwards, face pressed into a neck that was hot with bruises, unable to identify thethingthat was gnawing at his insides. Fear, maybe, though he couldn't figure out why. After all, he was safe at the moment, and that was all that mattered.Right?Nathan would have to leave, though go out and kill people who certainly could do the maths, could arm themselves. Sometimes Repo Men died: he'd come across a few after throwing something at them to check if they were conscious. Had watched a little girl You's size crush a dead one's head with an old TV and the brains had gone everywhere, like the grey, wet innards of an over ripe melon. Graverobber gasped, then jerked away. "I'll have to work tonight," he said roughly, looking everywhere but at the doctor. Nathan was aware of the lunacy there was something undeniably stupid about what they were doing every moment that they spent together was idiotic for the sole reason that they lived two very different lives that had the potential to cross in a very nasty way. At any moment, one could be the other's target, Graverobber because of his tendency to take on any job handed to him, and Nathan because well, because of Graverobber's tendency to take any job handed to him.The fact was that Graverobber stuck his rainbow hued head into places he shouldn't, it was the reason he was in the Wallace home right then, but he was only alive because he was lucky, there was a good chance that any other Repo Man would have ended him by then. After all, it was a rare thing for a GeneCo employee to stop and think about loss of life as a negative, and Nathan couldn't bring himself to kill unless it was for the job, or, he suspected, if he had no other option. For Shilo, he would take a thousand lives it was a fact he was uncomfortably aware of.Yes, he was even aware of the stupidity of the kiss it was too delicate, too affectionate of a thing to survive between people like them. He knew how it must have seemed to Graverobber too lonely old man going soft on him after a shag, he hated how pathetic he must have seemed, but he didn't regret the kiss."I'll make sure I hold off dinner then," Nathan replied drily, though there was a sliver of humour somewhere in there he wasn't sure why Graverobber was telling him. It might have been because he felt obligated to make conversation, or he was just trying to find a way to break out of this strange too intimate comfort, to settle them back to their usual states. Graverobber rolled his eyes, climbed out of bed and set about gathering his clothes from the floor . "Maybe you should preform your comedy act for the Largos you might convince Rotti to put you on the giant blimp." The dealer stuck bare legs into his pants, eschewing, as always, even the thought of underwear or even a wash after sex. That would be too distracting, too tempting: he'd want to drag Nathan into the shower with him or back into the bed before he got his orders, then he'd want to stay in the warm nest of blankets or maybe go pester the kid until the father returned.There was something positively thrilling about not hating a person, if he could get over that odd fear like feeling that had settled somewhere in his stomach. He wanted to stay in the house, near him to tease him and make sure he was still breathing. Graverobber focused on pulling his boots on and lacing them, chasing that thought away with all the finesse of someone chasing away a stray dog."You took one of my tools before, a syringe." The dealer cringed as he yanked his hair free of the knot he'd hastily tied earlier, rainbow dreads and dirty blond hair swinging over his chest and shoulders. "I'm gonna need that if I want to get anything done," he said, voice muffled because he was pulling on that stained shirt, material rough after the press of skin and he threatened that longing with the same mental broom. "I think I've performed enough for them recently," Nathan said grimly, doing his best not to think about what had happened earlier that day and failing the Largos had invested far too much interest in that situation, enough that the doctor knew there would be a repeat in the near future. They were too entertained by what they had seen it would happen again, he knew there was no avoiding it, but it left him wondering what the Largos would do to make it more painful the next time.They were, after all, experts at making people suffer they just liked having someone else make it into a physical sort of suffering.He eyed Graverobber as the man climbed into his clothing, watching him struggle into his shirt which needed to be washed and taking a moment to appreciate the scavenger's torso, though he pulled his eyes away the moment he could be seen again."I put it down in the lab." Nathan said it was characteristic he wouldn't have something filthy from the outside hanging around in his house, he would leave it in the workshop with Repo, somewhere Shilo would never find it, "Along with the vials."And seconds later, his watch went off Nathan didn't answer it, but he didn't need to he knew there would be a message left for him, and that it would detail his next assignment. Graverobber chuckled and said, almost fondly, "Of course." It didn't surprise him. Nathan liked to keep everything clean and spotless, or he kept it down with his monster. It filled him with a certain warmth to know that he was slowly learning his doctor and he had to knock that thought away, too. "I pray to God you didn't clean them. Waste of enzyme spray if you did," he added, referring to the cocktail of organic chemicals that people like him used to speed up the break down of brain and blood, the same stuff that turned the Z blue in the first place. GeneCo had figured out a way of slowing down the reaction, which went on to feed on the actual Zydrate, but they weren't keen on sharing that with the street competition. Plus, a good dealer like him went through his entire stalk as quick as he could refill it.He had it down to an art these days now if only he could keep Nathan from distracting him with sex.Speak of the devil, the surgeon's watch had gone off, one of those expensive coms that could do anything from project holos to take the wearer's vitals. Graverobber arched an eyebrow. So Nathan would have to work, too, eh? The dealer swallowed, that thick feeling of fear returning for just a moment before he could chase it away and suddenly wished he had some Zydrate or, hell, even some of the alcohol from earlier to help him.Graverobber meant to turn and leave, but his feet had other ideas: they led him back to the bed, to Nathan and he leaned over, pressing a kiss to the old man's lips, the little brother of the needy one before: chaste, but just as familiarly painful. "Stay safe, Doc," he muttered, attempted a flippant grin, turned, and, as slowly as possible, fled the room. Nathan had been temporarily distracted, looking in the direction of the watch, so he had missed the brief flicker of expression on Graverobber's face, and most of all he had missed the footsteps as the man led himself back to the bed he turned his head just in time to find the scavenger in front of him, in time to be caught in another kiss. This one was restrained, chaste, but it was still such an intimate motion that it left Nathan momentarily stunned, and he could only watch as Graverobber tossed him a smile and headed out.And, a while after he had gone, Nathan took a scalding hot shower, dressed, cleaned the bedroom, and spent time with Shilo who had slept with her wig on and woken up with strands of hair plastered across her face. She looked vaguely hungover, and he supposed that at the very least, she had learned something about nutrition.At breakfast, he did his best not to wince when Shilo insisted he sit down with her he showed that restraint a second time when she asked what had been banging into the wall earlier on. He hadn't been able to come up with a reasonable excuse, however, and had ended up telling her she had probably dreamt it nothing had been banging into the wall, and certainly not the headboard of his bed because he was being roughly fucked by a drug dealer.He didn't say the last part.He thought it, but he didn't say it.He did put his head in his hands though, briefly, because he was most definitely not going to win 'father of the year' award.They spent the afternoon together, and when the sun sank below the horizon, he finally listened to the message on his comm., grimly acknowledged what he had to do and frowned at himself in the mirror as he slicked his hair back out of the way and felt the cold creep down his collar. Only for an instant, he allowed himself to be saddened by how distant the morning suddenly seemed, and then he put on his mask and Nathan Wallace dissappeared once more while the monster led his form through the dark streets. Shilo had stopped him, shortly after the lie, and gave him such a serious look that even though her eyes were glassy and her skin paler than usual, she managed to look very much like her father: very adult, very dignified and very focused. "It's okay, Dad," she said in a voice that was much more grown up than the one she usually used.Sometimes her dad, who was small and frail and not all that given to emotional displays, needed her to be the adult because if she didn't he'd run away and pretend nothing was happening. So Shilo drew her tiny frame up and said clearly, "Make sure you use protection."Graverobber, meanwhile, went back to his apartment to clean himself up: he still tasted Nathan's mouth no matter how often he swallowed, and the mix of mint and brandy wasn't unpleasant. That was the problem he didn't want to bring anything from that morning and afternoon with him into the graveyards and the streets. It would only prove distracting, and distracting could get him killed and what would Nathan do with him de The dealer growled and rinsed his mouth out again with an old bottle of mouthwash that had been left by ... someone.It took nearly half a vial of Zydrate, the characteristic glow already dimming due to age, to get him in the proper mindset for going out in the graves. He wasn't floating, but he was close, and everything in the world went high def, he could see every detail, feel every little bump and scratch on his hands from pushing open heavy tombs, but he didn't register the pain in his limbs. It was the perfect cure: take too much, and your brain blew itself out. But take just enough and you were in that state right before death when everything was sharp and clear and your mind grabbed for every line, every color because it thought it was your last. Graverobber whistled as he pulled out a body, wrapped clumsily and half mummified. "Hello, gorgeous," he teased, sliding his toolkit down his back . This was familiar, he thought as hands moved through memorized motions. The vial was cold in his hand when he pulled it from the syringe to examine it, bright blue illuminating his colorless face. Nathan had done his best not to think about it the look Shilo had given him at the breakfast table had startled him because the expression had been so frighteningly similar to his own but what had been more astounding was what she had said to him. At that point, he had known there was no denying to her, or to himself, what was happening not anymore.And he knew Shilo wasn't stupid she wasn't even truly naive anymore she was growing up but it seemed so sudden, and the last thing he had wanted was for her to know but she knew now. He didn't deny it after that because it would just be insulting, but he hadn't continued on the topic either, he'd simply given the slightest of embarrassed nods and quietly appreciated the bizarre show of maturity from his seventeen year old.He tried not to think about it because it inevitably led his mind to other places back to the reason behind the conversation, back to earlier that day when there had been the warmth of skin and the feeling of someone else's heartbeat, going just a little too fast and not from fear. He didn't want to think about it because this wasn't the time for it, and Repo was getting irritated, batting away the disturbances, the fleeting and near romantic notions that were swimming around his mind the monster wasn't interested.No, he was after only one thing blood.Theresa Harding was the unfortunate woman to have hers spilled that night Repo had been edgy, and the results had been messy even though the liver didn't require a terrible amount of gore to access but he'd still torn her open and wreaked havoc on her remains, becoming more vicious every time the memories of earlier that day came to mind, to the point where bits of her ended up strewn across the street. When he was done, he couldn't figure out where her head had gone to until he heard the sound of something crunching beneath the tire of a car, and the sound made Repo smile.Though, the smile didn't last to the next patient Gregory Crew because Nathan had done research he had studied their files before he'd left that evening, and while Harding had been fodder for the blood lust, this one couldn't be.He had seen the ancient scars on Graverobber's chest the scavenger hadn't done it for the purpose of body modification, but he'd had surgery before, a long time ago. Nathan knew he shouldn't have done it, but he had looked into it and discovered that Graverobber had undergone a lung transplant as a child nearly fifteen years ago, back when the surgery wasn't at its prime, back when mistakes were being made, back when organs weren't the best.They needed to be replaced soon he would be able to get another year or two out of them at best before they started breaking down and becoming a health risk, and then Graverobber would need to crawl back into the pocket of GeneCo but he was already being watched by Rotti, and going into debt could mean terrible things for the scavenger. He needed to stay out of the spotlight, he needed to remain a ghost.He knew he was doing a stupid thing, but Gregory Crew had replaced his lungs two years ago he'd paid them off, and then gone for a kidney transplant and had failed to make his most recent payment so now he was on the list, and the kidneys would be brought back to GeneCo, but the lungs they didn't need to be brought back. They would just be left in the body with the rest of the organs, left to rot, to be thrown into the back of a GeneCo disposal truck and dumped into a mass grave.He'd had to dig through his medical supplies, but he'd located a single vial of GeneCo zydrate, ancient and now an off, murky blue from age but it would do the trick. He injected the entire thing into Crew it wasn't something he normally did, as a rule, and he usually didn't fight off Repo at times like these, not when he was poised over a body and ready to cut but he found that he suddenly didn't trust his darker side with this, and he forced Repo down the way he did when he was in the house.Crew didn't feel a thing. All things considered, it was a peaceful death.He took the lungs out first, stored them in a separate container he'd brought for the purpose, took the kidneys second and put them in the GeneCo delivery bag, and he didn't realize his hands were shaking until he tried to seal the bag and fumbled briefly, because the gloves were sticky with blood and his fingers felt clumsy. It occurred to him then that this was the first time he had wielded the knife in seventeen years, the first time he hadn't let Repo do it and he felt a little ill.But it was done he'd needed to do it.The kidneys didn't need to go anywhere soon but he didn't wait to deliver the lungs. His feet took him in the right direction he scarcely noticed the junkies who scrambled to get away when they glimpsed him he just kept walking until he was in Dr. Bankole's office, dropping the container down on his desk with zero finesse. The door barely clicked behind Ray as he pulled it shut behind him, leaving the poor girl unconscious on his bed.It had taken Helen hours to fall asleep that night usually, she went to bed early and woke up early, taking her house keeping duties very seriously. She ??d woken up to make breakfast nearly every morning since she was a very little girl, even chasing away Ray as she got older. There would be none of that tomorrow ??well, in a few hours. Helen had followed him like a quiet shadow, like the baby girl had when she had been brought in at eight but looking barely older than five, and he ??d heard nothing more than a few sniffles from her. They ??d both seen death, nasty deaths, but for her it ??d always been the end she ??d only seen the results. Sure, she ??d seen people shot and stabbed, but nothing like what Largo had his pet Repo Man do. It had finally taken two hours of sitting with her and a small glass of whisky before the girl had managed to drift off.Of course, he couldn ??t: not only because he was an old man and old men were in the habit of sleeping little, but because he could still hear the late scavenger ??s screams in his ears whenever he stopped long enough to think. All those years stolen from that poor kid, from millions of poor kids Ray gave himself a moment to be angry, the hot sort that burned in his chest and made his limbs tingle, before he tucked it away, channeled it off to be used later. Anger was a fantastic source of energy, dangerous, of course, but the old doctor had years of experience in focusing it, cooling it and storing it. He had anger saved up like coal, potential anger, malleable anger. Seventy two years old, and he was a rather angry old man sometimes, he thought he survived on rage and energy drinks alone.Well. That and having Helen. And work. He ??d been running for several decades now and had simply too much work to die. Someone would have to kill him if they wanted to free up his schedule.Ray settled down in his seat with a sigh, bones creaking as muscles unwound. The hand that turned the monitor to him was wrinkled and leathery, his own but never the one he expected to see. Bodies were odd like that: you stopped aging in your mind after about twenty something years, but the house you lived in just kept getting older and older until it eventually ran down like a radio with old batteries. Ray measured his time not in years, but aches: the more he had, the older, he figured, he was. It was a pretty good system.The old man cocked his head to the side, confused. He ??d heard something over the low whine of the computer as it loaded his simulation. The office was dark but not so dark that he or any potential visitors couldn ??t see. It was too early for the dealer and he could think of ?? The door slammed open and his mind froze.There was something about a Repossession Agent, donned in full leather and vinyl that had that effect on most people. The part of Ray ??s brain that took care of such things as breathing, blinking and protecting Helen when the rest was panicking had him rising to his feet, grabbing the golf club before the rest managed to catch up. Helen, his mind said, was unconscious and unsafe. He had to protect her.This Repo Man, however, was familiar: the reflecting light on a mask that was somewhere between surgeon and gimp, the heavy scrubs. The action wasn ??t, though. Ray kept eye contact the entire time as he reached for the bag he recognized lungs before the first seven bars of the visible bar code told him. Even so, he asked, ??What ??s this? ? His voice was almost accusatory, as if Wallace had brought a bomb. The bloody, bagged mess on his desk was as good as any explosive being a GeneCo product. ??Why are you bringing me organs?" Unnaturally green eyes stared at him, golf club still up, feet spread wide. Repo Men weren't known for being the sanest things in the world, but this was just plain weird. He hadn't really thought this through of course, he had known what he was going to do when he'd realized that Gregory Crew had lungs he could salvage, that they were recent organs that wouldn't have the need to be traced, that there was no debt attached to them that would bring about a need to have them repossessed, they were simply second hand. Lovingly used. He had known he was going to take the lungs, and he had known where he was going to bring them but that was the end of his planning because he hadn't got around to thinking about the implications of the situation, he had only been thinking about the gravity of it. He had been thinking about how urgent it was that Graverobber get a replacement for his current lungs before he had to turn to GeneCo for it, of course, he had a year or two before it was no longer optional, but the knowledge of the approaching deadline had led the doctor to do what he felt was neccessary.He hadn't, however, thought about what would actually happen when he left the organs.He hadn't thought about the fact Ray might react with aggression, given that only hours earlier he had witnessed the very same Repo Man tearing a man to wet, messy shreds in the GeneCo basement. He hadn't thought about the golf club that the older doctor kept by his desk, or the young woman he felt he would be protecting from the night surgeon. Most of all, he hadn't thought about what he was going to say to Ray to explain himself, why he was doing this.Why are you bringing me organs?He took a long moment to reply to the question, clamping down his jaw until he could pick out the proper words, and only then did he get them out:"You're the only one I trust to do the right thing." Nathan said he knew that removing the mask would lend to the earnesty, but he didn't want Bankole to see his expression right then, he didn't want the man to know even though he probably already did what was going on."The scavenger." he added, looking pointedly at the lungs, but he couldn't bring himself to explain any further, couldn't get out the words to communicate why he was doing it, but all he managed to get out was one more word, and it had a pitch of need that Nathan wasn't proud of, because all he said was: "Please."And then with utmost care, he backed away from the desk, and then turned for the door. Ray stared, mouth open stupidly as his mind tried to register what exactly it was the Repo Man was asking. There were rumors, of course, that the thief had been seen with a Repossession Agent, that sort of information spread like wildfire and whores had loose mouths as well as other things. And the dealer had developed an unhealthy fixation.But this desperation, this was, were they ? ?The old man stared and stared and only managed to break that spell once the Rep ??Once Wallace stepped away. ??W wait! ? he stuttered, dropping the club onto the desk. He had heard so much simple need they could only be engaging in something like a romantic relationship, that ??s the only thing Ray could imagine would produce that response. Wallace didn ??t seem like a junkie, lacking the jerky movements and, well, the urge to hump the grave robber in public.A wide, toothy smile brightened his face and he was moving, coming around the desk. ??Wait, just wait. I need payment. ? He cocked his head to the side, taking in the other doctor, then nodded. ??You ??ll need a quick blood test if you two are sexually active. I can ??t get my hands on him other wise I ??ll send you home in street clothes, if you want. And ? ? Now this was difficult. ??Your lab. The grave robber said you had one. I need to use it and, if you have it, a sample from your former missus. ? Ray stood back, offer on the table best to start high in haggling, but he couldn't imagine Wallace would give all that for the bum.Though, maybe, if he was desperate enough to bring the old doctor lungs, maybe he was. Bartering Bankole was bartering with him for this the very fact that it was questionable, whether the organs would get to Graverobber it caused another of those bizarre wells of panic inside Nathan's chest, and he pushed it back down as he had learned to long ago, shoved it back into its place. Again, he was grateful for the mask and the privacy it provided even then, he did take a step back when Bankole came around the desk as though to avoid any possible contact, just as he had done when he had first met Graverobber.Some things didn't change.But Nathan had to bite back anger at Bankole's requests it wasn't the use of the lab, or the blood sample that bothered him either of them, he would give up freely if it meant the lungs reached their destination but "You want me to " he rasped, feeling the rage welling in his chest he wanted a tissue sample from Marni, and it made him feel sick, the very thought of he held down a shudder, swallowed down the bitterness,"At least do me the favour of not treating me like an idiot, Dr. Bankole," he ground out Bankole didn't want the samples to look for sexually transmitted diseases, or to do research on Graverobber he was looking for something else, he was digging for it and apparently Nathan had just given him bartering chips. The old man wanted something, he was hungry enough to ask a Repo Man for it, and Nathan wanted to know what could possibly come from removing a tissue sample from the preserved corpse of his long dead wife, what would drive Bankole to use Nathan's desperation against him. Ray stopped again to watch Wallace though his eyes were focused on something a thousand meters away. Sometimes he forgot that he wasn ??t blind, that his eyes were connected to his brain and receiving information and he ended up processing everything else but sight. Now there was anger: understandable, but wasted on him, especially if his theory was correct. ??I ??m not, Doctor, ? he responded politely, pulling away again so he could re group, renegotiate. The old man hunched over his desk, pulling out thin, faded notebooks: scavenged lab books, old lined binders and composition books, the sort one would find in elementary and middle schools and the bottom of bargain bin stationary. Most people used computers these days, but for information like this, well, it was best to have a hard copy.The notebooks might have been old, but the writing wasn't: clear, spidery black writing filled the pages as he opened them. ??I want your blood for testing: I worry what ? ?? he glanced up with a smile. ??Shall we say ??social diseases ?? he ??s picked up in the streets. ? Ray flipped through the pages till he found what he wanted, set that book aside then moved to another. ??That is complete truth. I don ??t waste lies on that. ? Another, this was filled with newspaper clippings. ??Your wife. The grave robber says you keep the body in your house. I ? I have a hypothesis regarding her death. ? There was a sudden chill in the air, and the Repo Man stood motionless in front of Bankole, so still and silent that he may have been mistaken for some bizarre, PVC shrouded statue he seemed to have stopped breathing for that period of time, because even the subtle rise and fall of his chest had dissappeared. For that instant, the world seemed to stand still as though the old doctor's words had hit some massive pause button but then Nathan was moving again, but he was removing his mask, pulling it away and leaving him making eye contact now. His expression was hard and cold, his mouth twisted in a way that suggested he was barely stopping himself from baring his teeth,"A hypothesis." Nathan repeated, "About my wife's death."He didn't need a hypothesis he knew the situation in detail he had been there, he had done it, Marni had a bad reaction to what was meant to be her cure, and he had ended her life without anesthetizing her, had cut her open. What use did Bankole have, taking a sample all he would find was dead, diseased blood, an illness that had its hand in unfairly removing Marni from a world that needed more people like her."Perhaps you should leave it as a theory." he said, and his voice was soft, but there was nothing kind about it his tone was as chilly as his laboratory, "You've done enoughdigging." Ray paused again and looked up from his notes. That... now that was not the response he had expected from Wallace. He stared through him again, thinking. The Repo Man's voice had dropped the temperature in the room a good twenty degrees and, if he wasn't careful, could turn fatal.No. No, it wouldn't. Not when Ray was the only person who had the resources Wallace needed.Now he was looking at his visitor. He had balled his fists up and rested his weight on his knuckles, head cocked as he watched the other doctor. "There must be a misunderstanding," he said carefully, vibrant green eyes glued to the night surgeon's face as he tried to figure out where exactly this conversation had gone wrong: Wallace shouldn't be protecting Largo, so there was something else. "Dr. Wallace, please," he gestured back to his door. "Come inside proper and speak with me. I think I have information you would like to know about. And the grave robber shouldn't be back home until, oh, four or so." Nathan's jaw was clamped hard again, the muscles working visibly as he observed Bankole the older doctor was rapidly approaching the edge of a cliff and with just a few more steps in the wrong direction he was going to fall there would be no going back, because Repo would be waiting. He knew, because he could feel the chill that was rolling up his spine, and he was holding it down solely because Bankole wasn't on his repossession list but the feeling caused a small twinge of fear in Nathan, because it wasn't the feeling that came with Graverobber. This wasn't playful, there was no urge to simply inflict pain on Bankole, no urge to just scare him into backing away this had gone beyond that Repo wanted to see Bankole's insides, he wanted him dead and in pieces, strewn around the office.Something about the older man had caused a switch to go off in Repo, and it wasn't malice he just wanted him gone, out of the way which meant Repo saw a threat.Nathan didn't want to kill anyone, he really didn't but now he couldn't get the unholy image of Bankole's bloodied, eviscerated corpse out of his head, and it left him disturbed by Repo's ability to project the image into his mind.They were treading dangerous grounds, and if Bankole's change of pace was any indication, the other man knew it as well."There must be a misunderstanding." Nathan agreed sharply, "You couldn't possibly be asking me to cut into my wife's body "Again. Oh god, I can't cut her again. Please don't make me do this, please, I can't." so you canchase a hunch. There's no need for a post mortem, especially not seventeen years after the fact it was a blood disease." he said, stepping through the door that Bankole gestured to, carrying his mask with him, fingers digging into it so hard that the back of the mask seemed to be twisting in his hand, "You've been doing medical research so you must know that." Unlike most of the scalpel sluts he and his staff treated , Ray had no self destructive desire hounding him. Oh, sure, he had little fear of dying he had lived a good life, had done the best he could for as many people as possible and had raised several children and Helen well. The old man had no regrets, and should Wallace and whatever it was that haunted the younger man kill him, he'd have little problem standing before his Maker. That wasn't the problem, though. There was something here, some truth they had found out and Ray couldn't stop digging. The symptoms were showing and he just needed a few more tests, just a few, and they could finally know the infection for what it was.Why couldn't Wallace see that? He was a doctor , didn't he feel the same urge to test and test and test till they found the damned cancer GeneCo's king had triggered? What was putting blinders on this man of science? Ray had diagnosed some sort of mental illness: trauma did that, the old man had probably picked up one or seven nuerosis himself if he had the time to sit down and talk it through. Was it that, then? He was close, digging his fingers near the wound: if he could just find the source, it could heal. And perhaps he'd have what he needed to destroy Rotti."If you like, you can get out of that... smock. It must be heavy. If not, the furniture has seen worse than blood." There was no need to tell Wallace to be quiet, the man, dangerous as he was, was as quiet as a mouse. A well armed mouse. "I have her records, yes," he said calmly, waving the younger man over to the faded couch. That admission wasn't the wisest thing to say to a GeneCo employee, but he was also staring at him with stolen eyes: he was already in for a pound, might as well throw in that last cent. "Records, too, of your research. Some, I should say. The bastard's made it difficult to get enough details." Ray sat down across the couch with an 'oof', irritated. In this God forsaken city that was filled with sounds, he'd learned to follow the silence, and this whole Wallace matter was barely more than an echo. "So you're telling me, young man, that you or any of Rotti's men never preformed an autopsy?" Of course Bankole had Marni's record he wouldn't have expected any less from the older doctor because it seemed he couldn't be deterred once he had set himself on a particular path. He was a man who liked to dig, who involved himself into things that he never should have even known about to begin with and seemed to be under the mistaken impression that it was his prerogative to do so that somehow, he was outside the laws that had been put in place to restrict the information to begin with. There were some things that were meant to go undiscovered and this was one of them this was something that had been kept exceedingly quiet for years, something that no one had uttered a word about save within the walls of GeneCo and, recently, inside the Wallace home.It left Nathan with an ache in his chest, a horrible doubt had Graverobber told Bankole what he had confessed? Did Bankole know Shilo was alive?Worst of all, he knew it wouldn't be uncharacteristic for Graverobber trust wasn't something they had between them, and he should have known better to begin with but he'd still let himself be seduced. He couldn't even be sure that Graverobber had said a thing, but he knew that this situation was a direct result of his involvement with the scavenger, he knew things would have been simpler if he had continued to ignore the man or better yet, gotten rid of the problem.Yet even then, he heard a tiny, timid voice telling him this was worth it, because after all, as imperfect as Graverobber was, the number of people in Nathan's world was shrinking every day and it was worth the fight to keep those precious few alive because they were his final link to a humanity he was precariously close to leaving behind.And since meeting Graverobber, he had felt more human than he'd felt in a very long time."I'll stand." Nathan said flatly, and it went without saying that the GeneCo uniform would be staying on as well, complete with the drying blood and gore. His fingers twitched under the gloves."There was no need for an autopsy, the cause of death was conclusive." As if hearing Wallace's thoughts, Ray remarked quietly, "I don't want to cause a domestic disturbance, but he did mention your kid. Way back in the beginning of this." The older man looked sympathetic: after all, the grave robber wasn't a trustworthy fellow most of the time, in fact, he wasn't a trustworthy fellow by definition. But he'd got this information out before anything like trust would have had time to grow between them. "He heard her voice by phone and mentioned this when I was showing him the obits that described both their deaths. If," he started gently. "It helps, I lost a wife and two children myself. And a grandchild."Nathan Wallace, after all, was not the first man to suffer. Nor would he be the last.Ray sat back again, eyes half lidded as he regarded the younger man. "But let me get this straight," he said clearly, fingers steepled in front of him. He was a tall man and had to slouch to have his head properly touch the top of the chair, leaving his long legs to stretch out in front of him. "You're dealing with a man who has destroyed lives. You take his woman, she dies, and he gets you as a Repo Man. Perhaps I'm missing something, but doesn't this sound a bit... suspicious to you?" He was treading dangerous ground, not only because he ran the risk of royally pissing off the Repo Man, but because he was making theories without all the evidence. That was a bad habit.But he had to give Wallace some reason to want to go through with this. "You never preform an autopsy, assuming you know the cause," he repeated quietly. "And you must have never heard the rumors." It would make sense when he thought about it, he could remember pieces of the night Graverobber had shot him up with a strong dosage of Zydrate, and that Shilo had called him in a panic, concerned it was the first evidence of her existance, and it could have come up in casual conversation, an absent minded mention of the girlish voice that he had heard, when Nathan Wallace was a man who supposedly lived alone.The scavenger didn't know when to shut his damn mouth.But he would deal with Graverobber later.He felt a twinge for Bankole at the mention of his losses but he also knew the other man was trying to create a bond between them, something that would hinder Repo's growing bloodlust. He kept that in mind Bankole wasn't seeking camraderie, he was looking for something else and somehow, he had some part to play in Ray's ability to get that information.He watched Bankole stretch out in his chair, and suddenly he couldn't help the feeling he was being interrogated and then the feeling that someone had just dumped cold water on him. Slowly, he turned around and met eyes with Bankole, finding himself looking into the green irises, taken from a man he had killed not so very long ago they seemed more accusing than usual that way.Nathan stared at Bankole he stared at the doctor for a very long time, completely silent, because what the other man had just said finally, the shock registered on Nathan's face, eyes going round, and he finally managed to get a word out but it came out so quietly that it could barely be heard:"What?" Nathan gave him more credit in the ruthless department than was due: it was easy, after all, to see the Repo Man as a pawn when he had been just that, a Repo Man with no family and no emotions. After all, the other agents he had dealt with had, without fail, been horrible people, nasty, psychopathic, the sort that should be locked up not given a knife and told to have fun. Wallace was different, sometimes. And now he had a kid and maybe even a lover.Please let there be a ram, he prayed silently. Just a tiny ram to sacrifice instead.Out loud, he said, and not unkindly, "The rumors, child." Nathan's eyes were wide, shock breaking through the mask of cold anger. "Oh, they were hushed up pretty quickly and I only heard them second, third hand. 'Poisoned that bitch', they said. 'Got the whore good.' No one likes Rotti, but most people thought it was the funniest thing." Now was probably not the time to launch into a talk about double standards for women and all, though he remembered being angry about it. Who in their right mind would want to stay with Rotti? Hell, he'd been gone earlier even if it killed him.And then they had stopped and Ray had forgotten about them for the longest time. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Follow the silence. He had broken his own biggest rule."That's why I want samples. I want a proper autopsy done. I won't ask you to do it." He remembered when his wife and parents died, all within the same week to the same mysterious organ failures, he hadn't wanted a thing to do with the bodies. To keep them for so long would have seemed the greatest act of self loathing. It had hurt even worse when they had finally made the break through shortly afterwards. "But I know Rotti. He destroys the lives of those he hates, who steal from him, who betray him. Then he tries to keep them on a short leash to do his bidding or he just throws them away." Nathan's stomach churned he found himself reaching out for the wall to steady himself as Bankole spoke he had never asked Marni, had never thought to question her past, to ask about her previous lovers. Before her, he had been a geneticist and a surgeon for GeneCo, a quiet and bookish man with no family and no lover, a man with no social life who spent all of his time working quietly in either a lab or an operating room. He had been given awards for pioneering genetic research for the company and at some point, Largo had even hinted that he wanted Nathan to succeed him as the head of the company though even back then, he had shied away from the idea because it seemed like too much power. He was a man for behind the scenes he didn't belong in the spotlight, he just wanted to do his work and had been quite satisfied to do so until the bill came along, the one that allowed organ repossession.He'd questioned it just like everyone else had, but he'd also known there was no way to stop it but at least with his job, he was able to help manufacture organs to save people, he hadn't known the extent of the bill back then, hadn't known what was being done to people but there had been rumours.And not long after the bill had been passed, Marni swept into his life like a hurricane he had seen her in the hallways but hadn't known her name, and she'd smiled at him in a way that had made him duck his head and nearly run into doorways. Eventually, she started appearing where he was, and she'd known his name no one else had, but she'd known his name and she'd wanted to know more, and her very presence had been enough to send him into a nervous fit, reorganizing his lab even when it was sterile, adjusting his glasses when they weren't lopsided, flipping through his medical texts without actually looking for anything. He had just been trying to distract himself, trying to keep himself from staring at her because her eyes were beautiful and her smile was infectious, and she smelled like lilacs. His behaviour had made her laugh and he hadn't been able to stop himself from fumbling things, his normally deft hands seeming clumsy and useless whenever she came near him.Eventually he'd found the confidence to ask her to meet him outside of GeneCo, and their lives fit together like puzzle pieces she had no family, no one she could turn to aside from a best friend Mag had been a wonderful girl with the voice of an angel, and Nathan had been the one to suggest the transplant. It was new technology then, the eyes that they were going to give her Marni had taken Mag to meet Rotti, to work out the details for becoming the first to recieve an experimental surgery, and in the end it had been Nathan himself who had done the transplant he had a remarkable delicacy of touch when it came to his job, a dexterity that allowed him to remove the damaged eyes and put in the new ones without damaging underlying tissue or even harming the original nerves. His operation on Mag had ended up being used for training videos and he shuddered to think that not only surgeons, but other Repossession agents had learned their trade from watching old, grainy footage of him.And once Mag had been able to see, she had become indentured to GeneCo Nathan didn't know it until later, hadn't realized his suggestion had resulted in Mag's slavery to Rotti, because back then he had never fathomed that his boss would be capable of such cruelty.He had never asked, though, he had never requested that Marni tell him about her past lovers, or even why she had spent so much of her time in GeneCo at some point, she had explained that she was something of a consultant within the company, but she left GeneCo when their whirlwind romance started. It didn't take long before he proposed to her they were so enamoured with eachother, and the passion had been unceasing though he had been shy at first, there had been days where they couldn't keep their hands off eachother and Marni had quickly discovered that her quiet fiancee was energetic in a way she had never imagined.And he'd asked Rotti to the wedding Marni had questioned it at first, but Nathan had never understood her doubt he had assured her, Rotti Largo was a good man, that he would be thrilled to attend as the best man and Mag as the Maid of honour. The wedding had been small and understated, scarcely anyone to bear witness, and Nathan had been oblivious to the discomfort amongst them, but only because he had never known he just hadn't known but then the pregnancy had happened and they were thrilled, but Marni got sick. He had spent most of her pregnancy trying to find a cure, and during that time, Rotti had worked him to the bone in GeneCo he had barely slept for those nine months, but nearing the end, he had found the cure but and then all of the blood, and the cries of agony, and the first shriek from Shilo as she entered the world in the most traumatic way possible. He hadn't known what to do, who to call he'd called Rotti, and he'd come with guards and they would have taken Shilo away, Shilo, who had her mother's eyes, the same eyes that were dead and staring at him from the operating table he'd had to put her on.He'd signed the contract because there had been no other option he couldn't leave Shilo alone in the world, not in a world that was so unceasingly cruel. He'd signed the contract and he'd become a Repo agent for Rotti, who was suddenly showing a darkness he'd never seen before, a darkness that spread and became more pronounced with every passing year as the man reminded him month after month, week after week, reminded him of what he'd done to the point where he couldn't go a day without thinking of Marni's dead eyes, to the point where he associated the smell of her perfume with the scent of death.Everything he'd known had been ripped apart, and one day while he was visiting Marni's tomb with Shilo, hours after one of the repossessions, it had occurred to him what could happen to his little girl in a world like theirs. The reports on the news, the articles in the paper children snatched off the street, torn from their homes, people being murdered, the drugs and the anger and the neglect and hatred and perversion, he had done what had seemed like the only option. He kept her in, he put the watch on her like a leash because he couldn't allow her to stray far or she might end up on an operating table with her front torn open and her organs displayed for the world to see, no mercy or anesthetic.And Rotti called some days, just to ask about Shilo, just to remind him.He had never thought no, it wasn't possible.There had already been little of it, but whatever colour remained in Nathan's face had suddenly drained away, leaving him the colour of a corpse as he directed himself to the nearest chair and took an ungraceful seat as though someone had shoved him down, his eyes distant as his mind sorted through the details.Repo stirred but rather than rearing his head nastily, the monster was shifting uncomfortably.No. No, this couldn't be right.Rotti Largo was as evil as they came, but he hadn't no, it had been the medication and the emergency surgery that had taken her life, he had done it. It had been him, the man she was supposed to trust. He wanted to tell Bankole that he was sorely mistaken, that he was looking to the wrong monster, but he couldn't seem to make his voice obey him "No." Nathan said weakly, but couldn't seem to present his argument to Bankole. Ray sat quietly, watching: he had a Repo Man pressed up against a wall in panic. It would be amusing if there wasn ??t so much at stake, if he wasn ??t saying a hunch, proposing a possible answer just so he could continue the project. If it wasn ??t hurting the poor boy.He ??d been aware of Rotti ??s cruelty for longer than Wallace, it seemed. Back then, none of them had realized how far the businessman would go. He ??d worked outside of GeneCo at that time, specializing in the body ??s immune responses to organ transplants, like so many others, he had changed his focus in an attempt to aid the search for a cure. Sure, the diseases would probably not destroy the human race: humans were funny like that, they tended to survive when even the odds were against them, but there were mothers and fathers and babies and friends dying, so they had tried. And his group, like many others in an age that treated scientific research like Wikipedia , had been part of the cure. They had found the solution: artificial organs, grown not with stem cells, but in a way that they were almost one size fit all. And, with the proper medication, the proper materials, most bodies could be coaxed into accepting the beneficial intruders. It had been genius. For most people, it would be inexpensive, would have a low risk.It had beentheinnovation of the twenty first century. Papers flooded journals, some even written by or credited to a T. Bankole, and they ??d had it. They ??d saved the world, all of them.But scientists and doctors weren ??t businessmen. Rotti Largo was. Outside of the medical and scientific community, he was the one known for the cure, because he ??d been able to finance it, his name was on the patent. That hadn ??t been a problem: very few of them wanted recognition outside of the community, they simply wanted their family and friends to stop dying. At that point, Ray only had his two boys and one grandchild, and he would do nearly anything to keep them safe. Even when his own eyes went out, his lab went in on technology so he could work with them, could still be useful.He should have realized. Should have known.Because shortly afterwards, when it turned out that one couldn ??t get rich from doing necessary organ transplants only, cosmetic surgery had started becoming big. He lost one son, his grandbaby ??s father, in one of those acts of violence that meant nothing, had been over nothing but money or drugs and his boy had been an unfortunate casualty. While Wallace was busy in his labs, right after GeneCo had come across Zydrate and surgeries could be come frequent enough that repossessions were needed, Ray was driven political.They ??d tried, after all, when the bill was first proposed, but Rotti had some sob story about needing it to keep organs available to children and, of course, he ??d lined the pockets of every politician available. While Nathan was accidentally wooing the villain ??s woman, they ??d been out in the streets, raising a ruckus. He saw a lot of good folks, most of them scientists who shouldn ??t have been involved but where because it wastheircure that was getting people killed, die in stupid ways that GeneCo ??s own personal security chalked up to self defense. His second child, too far in debt, had committed suicide rather than go under the Repo Man ??s knife, and Ray had pumped him so full of chemicals that no one could ever use those organs again. And all the while, GeneCo kept that patent, kept the composition of Zydrate secret.Ray ??s biggest mistake was digging down to figure out what Zydrate was. After all, it was a moneymaker for GeneCo: after surgeries, people hurt. Most wouldn ??t go through the flurry of cosmetic surgeries to replace their insides if the bright blue drug didn ??t exist to make all their pains go away. He ??d gone to Rotti Largo and threatened him in the only place that could hurt after his bride to be left him: he ??d threatened to publish the paper, breaking that hold, and he would make sure to have the information available to everyone. The old doctor would write it over and over again so even someone who had flunked out of elementary school could understand it. It ??d be like the meth of their generation, not from home labs and cleaning supplies, but the plethora of dead bodies. And it ??d be easy.Rotti had made his own mistake, then, taking in Ray ??s granddaughter. The abductions Nathan feared? Most of them were done by the fat cat himself. Ray had gone and published the paper anyways, then again underground. He ??d started a whole series of articles, the first entitled: Tips for the Grave Robber. He moved on to others: how to scavenge, how to process Z, how to get illegal surgeries. Resources, information, everything. Of course, this hadn ??t been only his work, but he ??d been the only one to put his name on it because everyone else wanted to hide behind the ??and others ??. He didn ??t blame them, not with Largo.He had received his baby in pieces: that was thirteen years ago and she ??d been barely older than eight. Every day for a week, he was delivered another limb, or her torso, her tongue and finally, her head. Ray had been free at that point: angry as all hell, so much that he ??d vomited up everything that was in his stomach, but free.If he was right, he could give nearly that same freedom to Wallace. ??What did he tell you? I saw pieces of your research, Doctor. Did he tell you that you were the one that did it? ? That would be like the bastard, but the problem with evidence was that you simply couldn ??t trust rumor and hearsay. Perhaps Wallace had killed his wife. But how many of them hadn ??t killed people when trying a new technique or drug or simply because they were stupid that day? ??Maybe you are, but even you can ??t be blamed for an experimental cure. ? Behind him, he heard movements: bedclothes and pajamas and the soft creak of his door as Helen stuck her head out.She gasped softly, but that was covered up with Ray ??s voice. ??Helen, dear, ? he said gently, not even looking back from the Repo Man he ??d nearly sent into shock. ??Would you please grab a blanket for Mr. Wallace. And perhaps some tea with some of that whiskey in it. ? Nathan had sunk so far into the seat that it appeared he was trying to vanish into the cushions he was sitting with his elbows on his knees with his hands on his head and the position had caused blood to smear into the mussed silver and gray of his hair. He looked as though he was precariously close to tearing out handfuls of it in his apparent shock, and he didn't even look up when the door opened, despite knowing that Helen was there Helen, who was probably still shaky from what had happened earlier that day, who was seeing Repo when she looked at him now.He could only stare at Bankole or at least, stare in his direction, but it was clear by his expression that he wasn't actually seeing the other doctor right then because his mind was somewhere else entirely.He felt his chest constrict at what Bankole said next had Rotti blamed him?"Yes." Nathan managed to get out, pulling his hands away, his fingertips trailing streaks of blood down his cheekbones and he dropped his hands onto his legs, a slow and boiling anger beginning to appear on his drawn features, "And he had every right to." You shivered and pulled her robe around her. Ray'd been taking care of her since she was eight, and that was half her life now, so she couldn't just ... disobey. He'd never led her wrong yet, though she was feeling today that he was getting terribly close to doing such. This was a Repo Man, a killer, she knew that personally from this morning. But she listened, because this was Ray and You couldn't do anything but.Her pretty face was pulled into a dignified, apathetic look as she brought the tea and blanket, all while trying to ignore the blood. Not Lazerus', but someone else's, someone who probably didn't deserve that death, and all she wanted to do was throw the scalding hot liquid in his face. He deserved it.Ray, however, kept quiet until Helen had returned with the tea. "Did he?" he asked quietly, sitting up some. "Is there something else you want to tell me, child?" The old doctor smiled gently. "I promise you, nothing you say here will leave this room. Is there anything else you want to tell me?" Nathan hadn't really even qualified as a child even back when he had physically been one he had grown up quickly in his tiny family when his father had fallen ill, he hadn't had a lot of time to be young but sitting in front of Bankole right then, he felt bizarrely like he was a kid again, like he was sitting guiltily in front of a patient adult, one who was waiting for his admission of guilt so he could learn some heartfelt life lesson from it.For the first time in years, Nathan Wallace thought about his mother he wasn't sure why.When Helen brought the tea, he took it with a quiet, distant sounding 'thank you' as his mind weighed the situation Bankole was after information that he would get one way or another, and he suspected that he would employ the very man Nathan had recently been bedded by to retrieve the information."You'll have to forgive me if I'm somewhat short on trust these days." Nathan said finally, his eyes downcast. Ray laughed slightly as Helen took her position at his side and slightly behind his chair. It was fear that did it. Normally she was a bright, often sarcastic girl, but they were currently entertaining one of Rotti's own personal monsters."Understandable," he said kindly as Helen squeezed his shoulder, index finger down twice. Worry. She was hypersensitive in a way only an abused child could be, and something was making her nervous. He filed that away but chalked it up mostly to the situation: after all, there were very few people that weren't nervous when one of the warped surgeons came to call and it simply was a bit much to have one in for tea."Remember, though, that you have information that would get me down in Rotti's basement easily." Ray gestured to his own eyes, a sardonic little smile playing at his lips. "You also know about my access to information leaks. If I in any way betray your trust, you can destroy me." The old man sat back again, ignoring the tiny little panic attack Helen was having behind him, though Wallace would see nothing past her bland expression. "I promise you, as a doctor, that this is a safe place. Consider it 'patient confidentiality'." The old man wasn't there. Graverobber stared at the bed, almost... not heartbroken, but lost. He'd taken just a little too much and he'd wandered back to the Wallace home , and Nathan wasn't there.He growled and dropped his shoes outside the door, a sign to the kid that he was spending the night so she wouldn't come in and clobber him, then wandered, barefoot, to the bed. The sheets were fresh and clean: that the doctor had found the time to strip the bed before going out and slaughtering folks for their organs was strangely comforting. He was just about to climb in when he paused, sniffed his shirt, wavered in a way only the high could do, and finally headed to the bathroom.The one thought in his head was that Nathan would have a fit if he dragged in the smell of bodies and dirt into that bed. Sex was bad enough, he thought as he dropped his clothes in the bathroom and vials in the sink, but death? Doc needed more life, not more dead things. Fumbling, he scrubbed everything until he was red, using up quite a bit of Nathan's soap and managed to wobble out into the bedroom. Bankole was right Nathan had enough rope to hang the older doctor with, and it would taken Helen down with him GeneCo didn't go easy on problems like Bankole, and he knew that Rotti would love to make the old doctor watch Helen get torn apart before meeting his own sticky end. Or maybe even Rotti would leave Bankole alive, and just take Helen from him, rob him of what he had left and make him live on without it Helen was so young, she couldn't be much older than Shilo and he knew, he just knew who would have to cut her open.And Bankole wouldn't offer himself up so freely like that if he was aware that it might not be him who ended up strapped down in a cold basement.He didn't say it, but he shot a dark look at Bankole.He didn't want to destroy anyone it was another thing he didn't say out loud, because it seemed like an empty thing to say these were people who had witnessed him tear a man apart earlier that day he was a nightmare, sitting in front of them with a cup of tea.Why hadn't he just been able to swallow his pride and give the lungs to Graverobber in person?Because then he would know what he's become to you.But now Bankole knew the man was reserved about it, but he knew what was going on between him and the scavenger, and now if he wanted Graverobber to have the lungs and to have the transplant he had to give Bankole what he was looking for. He had to spill things he had told himself no one could ever know.He started small he had to, because the words were unfamiliar, even after having said them to Graverobber."Marni was sick," Nathan said, "There was no treatment available at the time, not when she was pregnant she had days where she couldn't get out of bed, her hair began to fall out, even her eyelashes she lost weight so quickly that it scared both of us. Me, more than her I think she was strong. I looked for a cure, it took time, but she was nearing full term when I "His voice went strangled for a moment he hesitated, busied his eyes by looking at the tea it gave him no answers. He looked back up, and there was a bitterness in his voice," it didn't cure her. She deteriorated moments after she took it, there was blood she was coughing up tissue from her stomach and esophagus, she was alive but there was so much blood and there wasn't enough time. She was dying, and so was our unborn child I didn't have anything "He looked down again the blood on his gloves made him want to be sick." nothing but a scalpel." For the thirteenth time , the scavenger that had hijacked Nathan's bed turned over and looked at the clock. Was this late? When did the doctor usually get home? He couldn't sleep and the fear that burned in his throat like badly fermented alcohol couldn't be attributed to Z.He wantedhisdoctor home and whole the Z just made the fear easier to admit.For the fourteenth time , the scavenger turned over. Ray wasn ??t thinking that Helen would be the one taken in simply because she wouldn ??t. He ??d lost one grandchild, who would have been an adult now, and he wouldn ??t lose his Helen. It was one of those central truths: energy was conserved, i before e, and as long as Ray was alive, Helen would be safe. Afterwards, he ??d do his best, but there was only so much a dead man could do. Wallace could give him all the dirty looks he wanted, but the old doctor was comfortable in the thought that, no matter what happened to him, no matter who removed his organs in whatever nasty way possible, his little girl would be safe.And Ray was patient: he didn't have much time left, he was very aware of that, and everything he did these days, he did with a mind towards him being dead, but he had the time for this child. It had been a long time since he ??d done the math, but Wallace would have been the age of his own boys, give or take a few years, and that thought suddenly hurt.Damn it. He had hoped for a tool, for, for something he could use against Rotti. Instead, he ??d found the only Repo Man with a heart, the only one that was sick in a way that required helping. He would go and pick the mentally sick gazelle of the lot, wouldn ??t he?But maybe it was better this way, because then this poor boy that could have been on the same fucking soccer team as his kids, could get better. Maybe.The old doctor listened to the story silently, hands resting purposely at his sides so he could give Wallace the most open body language he knew. Of course Rotti had done this. Of course. Now he wanted to know, just so he could tell the poor kid ??it wasn ??t you ??. He closed his eyes momentarily, praying. Just let it be true. If everything else is false, let me be able to tell him he didn ??t do it. ??No matter what the cause was, you made the right choice, ? he said gently. ??Send me the scavenger tomorrow and we ??ll have a time for him. I would request samples from you for STI testing and from your wife for this theory, but neither are required. ? Ray slumped down in his chair, looking suddenly very, very old. ??I do ask that you be quick in whatever decision you make. I fear I ??ve prodded Rotti one too many times and you may have to ask Helen for the results. ? He heard the girl stir behind him, but continued. "If you want, you can stay here, but I imagine your... partner is waiting for you." Nathan could understand, at least, the sureness that a father should have about being able to protect his child that was always the way, wasn't it? Parents held onto the belief that as long as they existed, their baby would be safe, no one would hurt them but that wasn't the case, it never was. Children got hurt regardless of how fervently their parents wished they wouldn't, they still got abducted and terrible things happened to them and there was no way of being there all the time, no way of stopping it when the world was so unceasingly cruel even to the innocents.Especially to the innocents.Nathan had faced that reality he knew he couldn't protect Shilo from everything not out there.It was why he kept her in. It was the sad truth that the only way his little girl would survive the world was if she never went out into it, otherwise she would be lost in the fray, another victim in the bloodbath that the city was.But then there were days that he thought about what would happen if something went wrong, if she was left alone in the world she didn't have anyone else. He didn't like to think about it, not because he feared his own impending death, but because he feared the suggestions that Repo put forth on those occasions, dark whispers, a sly mention of the little blue pills it made Nathan nearly sick to his stomach. Repo cared for Shilo as much as he did, but sometimes their views on what constituted as protection sometimes they differed.He said nothing to Bankole he had no reply for the old doctor though Nathan's guilt was as deep as it had ever been, there was a seed of doubt that had never been there before, a series of connections that could be happenstance, coincidences, and it was difficult to remove seventeen years of self hatred and anger and utter sadness because of the suggestion Nathan rose to his feet he set the tea cup on a table, the drink untouched. He had to leave he needed the night air.He began out of the room, but he paused staring at the doorway before he finally turned, and he looked at Helen so young, just a girl, just a little girl. There was a despondancy, a sadness in Nathan's eyes even though his posture was stiff, his voice was hard,"I can't apologize for what I did, it would be empty and meaningless you know as well as I do that I'll have to do the same thing tomorrow." Nathan said, "But I'm sorry that you had to see it."He put the mask back on, and he left the apartment complex behind he changed in the basement, climbed the stairs, and discovered boots outside his door. He looked grimly at them for a long moment, uncertain of how he felt about their presence, and then stepped inside to find Graverobber, sopping wet, and rolling around in the sheets.It didn't take a doctor to recognize his expression, his eyes."Are you high?" Nathan gaped, somehow still managing to be flabbergasted. You shrunk back behind Ray when the Repo Man passed, because there was still blood on his hands and Lazerus had been a friend, or the closest she had outside of Ray. The man hadn't been bad, wasn't selfish like Graverobber. He had a big smile and tonnes of bad jokes that could make a grown man cringe in pain and he always remembered birthdays . And he'd died over money.The Repo Man gave her the saddest look, though, even as she tried not to shake, and it reminded her of Ray when he felt he was doing something bad to her. All the times she hadn't been allowed to be a kid, to do things that hurt , he'd had much that same look.Once the agent had gone, Ray had stood up with a heavy sigh and tucked her back in his bed. She'd gone to sleep with him reading next to her and dreamt of being little again. Graverobber smiled lazily. "A little," he said, stretching and breathing in deep. He could feel the cool relief spread to his limbs and now he cold just relax. He sat up, swinging naked legs off the bed and scratched his head, one red eye open the other squinted shut. "Was dealing with aging stock. Took a bit too much," he said by way of explanation as he let his head roll to the side. Waiting up for the doctor had left aches in his muscles from stress and fear. "You usually this late, Doc?" "A way to solve that would be to stop taking it," Nathan said as mildly as he could manage it right then he was tired, he was angry and he had just spilled everything to a man he barely knew, and to a girl who was so afraid of him that she had trembled just when he looked at her. He hated himself, he hated the world, and for a horrible instant he wished everything would just die because he was so tired of it all.But the feeling passed, and it was replaced by a miserable emptiness that made him look more tired than usual,"Some nights." Nathan confirmed Graverobber was naked Nathan's eyes fell to the floor, "You need to see Bankole tomorrow." The dealer chuckled. Of course he could stop taking it, but what would be the point in that? He'd just end up with aches and pains and irritation from a minor withdrawal and then what? Seemed like a waste when Z made the world just a little brighter, especially when he was out in those graves. dealing with the dead.Something was wrong, though, even his drugged brain could recognize that. "Who?" he asked, holding out his arms to Nathan. What had happened? Had he been hurt? Blearily, he eyed the older man and tried not to sound worried when he asked, "Are you okay, Doc?" Graverobber cringed.Had that been his voice? It had sounded so... unlike him. So concerned, so worried. He swallowed, and blamed it on the Z. "I'm honestly not so high, Nathan. I just needed enough for the night." The doctor should understand that Lord knows he probably took his fortification from his kid and maybe , maybe from the Graverobber himself. "You can come to bed," the younger man added lowly, voice rough from sleep and not from arousal. "I showered so I won't smell." "Bankole," Nathan re iterated, and then realized that Graverobber's confusion was because he actually had no idea who the hell he was talking about he corrected himself, "Ray. Your landlord. You need to be there tomorrow."One way or another, he would make sure Graverobber showed up.He ignored the question it wasn't something he felt he should answer."The very fact youneedany should be a good indication " Nathan began, but then let his voice die away to nothing not because he felt it was pointless to continue, certainly he knew that one way or another, Graverobber would continue to sample his own wares, but rather he had gone silent because of what Graverobber had said after. His eyebrows climbed high, and he looked the man over,"You showered." Nathan repeated flatly, peering at the other man over his glasses, "So you wouldn't "Graverobber had cleaned up to get into the bed. He had actually showered for him, because otherwise he would have just gotten under the sheets filthy. For most people, the act of washing was a daily routine, but this simple act was touching enough that Nathan felt that horrible, cold emptiness suddenly ebb away, and the way Graverobber put his arms out he's high, Nathan reminded himself.He moved to the bed wordlessly, pulled off his jacket and socks, and got under the covers, a little grim at how easy he was to win over these days. Graverobber pulled a face that should have told Nathan exactly what the scavenger thought of his landlord, but if it didn't, he said, "You sawRay?" Good God, what did the two have to talk about? Sure, he was aware that Old Ray was a doctor, and yeah, he had sorta gone to the old man for information, but they weren't getting chummy, were they?Oh, God, what if You and him started pestering about Nathan. He'd never hear the end of it.And the grave robber was not one to settle down.He wasn't. Not even if the doctor had a cute kid and the man was a good lay and he liked the way he tasted when they kissed. He wasn't one for something approaching a home and a family.He simplywasn't.But for a man that wanted nothing more than a decent fuck, he was being awfully kind. He'd never been the sort to let other's dictate his hygiene, either: he washed when he wanted to and no sooner . Yet here he'd gone and showered when his body ached with the need to sleep, all because he wanted to please Nathan. He snorted softly, and when Nathan got under the sheets, a warm, naked body was waiting for him. Hands touched him not with the desire to tease and excite, but checking that the older man was still whole."You okay?" he asked again, deep voice fuzzy with the drug but he was still alert. There was no slurring in his short sentences. Graverobber's body was still damp from the recent shower and rather than the smell of death and dirt, the scavenger smelled like soap it was bizarre, but couple with the warmth of his skin through the material of Nathan's shirt, there was something comforting about it all. He felt the other man's hands on him, and for the first time since they'd met, the touch wasn't sexual it wasn't platonic either, but it was different than what they usually exchanged. This felt close, intimate.Nathan said nothing about it, because he feared that he would somehow break this strange spell, even if he wasn't sure if he liked it or not."I'm fine." Nathan said, "Go to sleep, Marcus." As if satisfied by his check up, Graverobber grumbled lowly into Nathan's ear, pulled him close and settled his head right in the curve of the older man's nape. Beneath the smell of antiseptic and soap was the metallic tang of blood. His increasingly disjointed brain supplied 'all the perfumes of Arabia' and he had no idea where that was from, but it didn't matter because he was, for the first time in a very long while, safe and warm.He was awake before Nathan, because he had been in bed for longer and he was used to dozing the deep sleep had left him energized, fighting against the hang over like symptoms of a fading Zydrate high. Graverobber murmured, pressing himself against the older man's back. Yesterday, he had been good with keeping his hands to himself. This morning, however, large hands ghosted down and under clothing, checking to see if the good doctor had morning wood to match his own.The dealer couldn't be sweet all the time, after all. It took time for Nathan to fall asleep that night it wasn't just that he was bothered by what had happened, wasn't only bothered by the confession he'd spilled and felt no catharsis from though that certainly played a role in his restlessness. It was, strangely, also the feeling of another body against his own that made him unable to get to sleep because the feeling was still alien to him breath against his throat, the surprisingly gentle sound of Graverobber's sleep he had figured that, on top of everything else, the scavenger would snore, but he was quiet. It was one of the rare times that he was, so Nathan took it for the blessing it was and did his best to make his mind stop going in circles.He felt asleep a long time after he was completely still in his sleep save for the occasional twitch of his fingers and the side of his face buried against the pillow. He was sure that he had been dreaming, but for the life of him couldn't remember what it was about because the press of a body behind him, and then the sensation of a large, rough palm sliding beneath his shirt and another down between his legs was cause for him to jerk out of his sleep, starting his day with a throaty moan.Groggy from sleep and buzzing with a low pleasure, his hand moved around, seeking contact, and he found Graverobber's hip Graverobber's distinctly bare hip and then he felt what was pressing against his lower back."I thought I was an early riser," Nathan mumbled out, still half asleep. Graverobber, apart from all his other flaws, did not snore. Snoring was a dangerous thing to someone that often spent his nights in a grave yard. The dead didn't bother him, after all, but sometimes the living did: some nights, he'd rather sleep next to a dead girl than a living one hanging on him, gnawing on his ear, pushing a hand down his shirt and whispering in a high, breathy voice, "Graverobber, just a little hit." Snoring then would get him killed. GENcops didn't care if you were actually robbing graves at the moment for some reason, sleeping in them could get you shot on the spot, too, if you were known to go around harvesting Z.Entirely unfair, but he didn't snore and rarely slept hard enough anyways. That night, he had slept hard, had even woken up with his eyes stuck shut and had to blink a few times while he pressed a kiss to the back of Nathan's neck."Cute, Doc. I'm glad I'm not fucking you for your humor," he rumbled, teasing. So maybe he had a little sweetness left, while they were still in this warm, dark haven. Graverobber didn't want to leave, yet, to go back out on stage. He mouthed along the line of Nathan's spine, feeling that first bump of his back and clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "Did you even eat anything yesterday? Outside of the spunk and brandy." Graverobber pinched a nipple in admonishment, feeling he might know that answer already. "Really I'd thought it was my propensity for stand up comedy that got you fucking me," Nathan replied, and the curse still felt strange coming from his mouth it still wasn't a common thing for the doctor, he had always balked at the idea of being too lewd language was, after all, the very key to communication and he wasn't fond of the idea of reducing it to a few obscenities.He felt the mouth along his spine, and his eyes fell closed as he enjoyed the sensation though they snapped open again almost immediately when Graverobber's fingers pinched at him, and it sent a small jolt through him. It wasn't a spot Nathan had ever considered particularly sensitive, but it seemed that the scavenger knew exactly how to get a strong response.He couldn't remember if he'd eaten anything. He might have food hadn't been a concern of his."I'm sure I did." he rasped.Food wasn't a concern of his right then, either.He ran a hand down Graverobber's hip, down to his leg, long fingers digging into the thigh muscles, almost massaging he was oddly fond of Graverobber's legs, there was a thick collection of muscles, evidence of the amount of legwork that the man did, and Nathan found himself enjoying the feeling of them beneath his hand. Graverobber chuckled. Straight men, he had noticed , always seemed to forget their nipples, seemed to think it was only women with their soft curves and obvious breasts that enjoyed the stimulation. Even the doctor had fallen into the same trap, though he imagined medical school had glossed over erogenous zones.Shame. But he had a feeling his doctor was clever enough to pic up whatever he needed to know about the male body."Nathan. Such language," he mocked, catching an earlobe in his mouth to worry. There was a warm hand massaging his thigh, chasing away aches from a morning after just a little too much Z and running and crouching, and Graverobber shivered, pressing his erection against Nathan's back. "Know any more dirty words you've not been telling me? Any more 'please, fuck me, Marcus' or 'make the bed hit the wall's?" His hips were rocking now, just slightly, but the younger man had the benefit of a rather fantastic level of self control. After all, he spent most of his days with bodies writhing against him and Graverobber in general loved his money more than his fucks. If he hadn't developed control enough to be picky, he'd be as poor as some of his more desperate clientele and that idea just didn't sit well with the dealer.The pale fingers that had been pinching Nathan ghosted up to his throat, putting just the slightest pressure there to force him back against his mouth. It was a move he was used to using on more malleable whores , since many of them couldn't remove his organs with things as blunt as his own shoe. Nathan felt the other man rocking up against him and the touches and the closeness were causing a stir inside of the doctor, making him grow hard suddenly, all of the exhaustion from the night and the day prior had dissappeared though the anger lingered somewhere inside of him, he found himself thinking only about Graverobber right then."Those were in the heat of the moment, I can't be held responsible for that," Nathan said, and he pushed himself back against the other man, putting a little pressure to cause friction on Graverobber's erection, "You just bring out the worst in me."And he felt the fingers at his throat it was a gentle enough motion, but he still felt a cool in his spine that indicated his darker half was displeased, and it stirred a small noise from Nathan, his fingers digging harder into the man's thigh, dragging upwards slowly before his hand moved back between their bodies and he roughly grasped Graverobber's length. The scavenger hissed into Nathan's ear, fingers curling around that slender throat. The bruises under his palm were hot, warmer than the rest of the lined skin, and he was stupid for this little fight of dominance."W why do I need to go see Old Ray?" he asked softly, trying to keep a conversation up even with that tight grip on his cock. He wanted to hear Nathan's voice, especially as he was putting pressure on his throat. He might, also, want to stir enough of the monster in the gentle man to get a good fight.Maybe he wanted to be on his back this morning."If this is about a check up, I'd rather you'd do it," Graverobber managed, resting one of his legs on Nathan's so he could spread his further. "Maybe we should hurry with that. I'm looking forward to fucking you without a rubber." "He just needs to see you," Nathan said, and he stroked the scavenger firmly a few times he felt the other man's body twitching in response, privately hoping to distract the man from the topic he didn't want to explain it to Graverobber, didn't want to tell the man he was going to be heading to Bankole's for a life threatening surgery. He wanted to keep Graverobber from knowing until the very moment he went in, because it was just easier that way even with all of the advances in medical technology and organs, there was always a risk.There was always the risk that Graverobber wouldn't survive it.But he wouldn't survive without it, either.Nathan shuddered hard he wasn't sure if it because of what the man had said or because of his own thoughts, but the increasing pressure on his throat was causing that cool in his spine to grow, and before he could stop himself, he had torn Graverobber's hand away from his neck, twisted himself around in the man's arms, and sunk his teeth into Graverobber's neck like the world's most mild mannered vampire. Graverobber, though he didn't know it, was going to be operated on in a hospital that didn't have access to all the best. It was the problem with a non GeneCo hospital sure, you wouldn't get your organs removed for missing a payment, and yes, the costs were better, but the equipment wasn't top notch, the staff was over worked, and, while Ray and his were careful, the risks were much, much higher.Especially for someone that was going down for a major surgery, who used Zydrate enough that the main form of anesthesia might or might not work much for him. The only thing Graverobber had going for him was the fact he was cockroach like in his ability to survive.Nathan's fear, for some reason, was almost palatable. He didn't understand what Old Ray had told him perhaps the man had found something out that the doctor didn't want anyone else to know. In any case, he wanted to help chase that fear away. He also wanted that rough treatment, the teeth at his neck that made him gasp and whimper and squirm. "Fuck, Nathan," he breathed, hands coming down to grope the man's ass, grinding against him. "Harder. I won't break." Nathan didn't want to think about the impending surgery he knew his worry was ridiculous, that he shouldn't feel so much concern for the scavenger he didn't even know what to label this strange relationship as, after all but he was feeling a well of despair at the thought of the other man going beneath the knife. Suddenly, it was imperative to distract himself as well, to hear Graverobber's groans and feel him twitch. He felt Graverobber's hands grab him, felt their hips connect, and even through the material of his trousers it sent shocks through the doctor's body.One of his hands reached up to wind into Graverobber's hair he found that the thick ropes felt less gritty than usual, that the musty smell was nearly gone, and he attributed it to the shower that the man had taken the night before. He used Graverobber's hair, wrenched the man's head to the side and began to worry the skin between his teeth, laving his tongue against the spot once he had bruised it, his hand continuing it's rough and uneven stroking at the same time.He heard Graverobber's groan for him to be rougher with him, but the cool in his spine reminded him that drawing blood would be a poor choice, even moreso now that some part of his mind was informing him of how good the scavenger's blood tasted. It was a thought that disturbed the doctor, so he busied himself at the man's adam's able, teeth and tongue working at the dip just below it, then up to the soft spot beneath the man's jaw. He wrenched hard on Graverobber's hair to force his head back further into a more uncomfortable position, enough to give Nathan a decent advantage over the other man right then. Graverobber wanted that advantage. It reminded him, vaguely, of before in the alleyway, the first time the doctor had touched him in a way that wasn't deadly... but that had been the monster, hadn't it? He shuddered, breathing going ragged as he squirmed and bucked."Fuck," he growled, digging his stubby nails into the older man's ass, feeling the wiry muscles there. He wanted more. Not violence, not quite. Something a little darker that wouldn't draw out the night surgeon. It was masochistic and needy and he was entirely unsure of why he wanted it, but he reached up and slammed the heel of his hand into the other man's temple. It was a pulled punch, but it would hurt."Fucking force me, Nathan," Graverobber bit out, and he might have felt something like embarrassment , but he was hard in Nathan's hand and the old man wanted distraction. So did he. He wanted to chase away the fear he'd felt last night when the early morning hours had come and Nathan hadn't been there, wanted to chase away the desire to be gentle or to even help the doctor. He heard the rasped curse, felt the other man trembling and then came the hit, it was a hard shot to the temple, enough that it briefly dazed Nathan before he shook it off, a sudden well of irritation rising in his chest, and the cold had crept further up his vertebrae, rising to his neck now and settling around his shoulders, wrapping around like the beginnings of a noose. Repo was getting closer, he was tasting the air, flicking his tongue out at it there was violence, there was pain, there was the anger, and Repo wanted in on it.But then there was a strange sort of desperation in Graverobber's voice, a need that Nathan couldn't help but recognize because he'd felt it himself they were both fighting something that they didn't even want to acknowledge, and without even needing to hear it, he knew what it was that Graverobber was trying to distance himself from. He knew because he'd been failing to distance himself from it as well, as evidenced by the very fact he had done something terribly stupid, something risky and horrifying in order to ensure that, two years down the road, Graverobber wouldn't die from non functional lungs.The bizarre strength made an appearance, the one that Graverobber had felt before in the alleyway, and again in the graveyard when he'd nearly had his life choked out of him Nathan's fingers went around Graverobber's throat and he was shoving the man onto his back even as he pushed away the icy fingers of Repo, refused to let the monster be the one to do this, only allowed the darkness a small say in it just enough to drive him to give the man what he was after. If Graverobber wanted this, he would give it to him but he wouldn't allow Repo to be the one to make it happen, he didn't want Repo to touch Graverobber.The long fingers clamped down, half closed the scavenger's windpipe while he bit down on the man's collarbone, his hand tugging roughly on Graverobber's length once more before moving away, trailing down his thigh then digging his fingers into the muscle of the man's rear.He wasn't certain Graverobber knew what he was asking for. Graverobber had no idea what he wanted.His brain was addled, thoughts jumbling in his mind in a way he'd never felt before: when he reached out for them to try and put them in some sort of order, the bare minimum , they scattered from him like so many hyper active children.He tried again: he was on his back, warm, strong fingers crushing his throat and it felt so good his hips were still bucking even after the hand on his dick vanished. Nathan was still dressed and the cloth felt just as good, maybe even better than the mouth on his collarbone. The teethhurt, immediately discoloring an area that was mostly skin and bone, but the dealer was of such a depraved sort that the pain immediately went to his groin. Best of all was that hand, though, and he wheezed, letting his head drop back to give Nathan better access.The other man could kill him right now, finish the job from weeks ago and no one would ever know. Bone white hands reached down, grasping, pulling up that greying head as if he were going to give a fight, but instead he started pressing gentle, shaking kisses to his cheeks, his forehead, his jaw. Graverobber had fucked himself: here he'd been trying to run away from that feeling and yet he'd put himself in the most vulnerable position he could think of. Nathan could just squeeze a little harder and he'd crush his windpipe, end his useless life, and that wold be that, but he couldn't even bring himself to feel afraid.Graverobber groaned. He trusted Nathan. Oh, God, he trusted him. Not 'trusted him when they both had their hands at the other's throat and were at an impasse' but trusted him. "Please," he wheezed, wriggling under the doctor, hands cupping his face. "Oh, God, please. Hurt me." He didn't want to trust him. He wanted to be sensibly afraid, wary, and loathing of this monster. Hell, he wanted Nathan to bleed what trust he'd developed out of him, just to make it go away. "If you get soft on me again," he threatened weakly, unable to even finish. Graverobber was bigger than he was overall, his frame was simply built larger, but somehow the scavenger's throat felt almost brittle beneath his hand, it felt as though he could crush the windpipe without any real effort but that was how it was with most of them, every one of them was a human being until they were in his hands, and then they were just patients, then they were they were oh god.Graverobber wasn't a patient, he knew that. He didn't want to hurt this man but Repo did, and for some reason, Graverobber was encouraging it, he wanted this.But then there were those kisses, pressed against his jaw, his forehead they were shaking and soft, and suddenly Nathan wasn't sure he could keep crushing the breath out of him like that Graverobber made a thin threat, rasping for him not to be gentle, but he found himself leaning in and brushing their lips together. Graverobber shuddered miserably. They'd gone too far, both of them he should have just kept his hands away from the doctor's throat. The dealer had no idea what he wanted from all this. It was new and dangerous and, worst of all, frightening. Some part of him, beneath the self destructive urges people like him and Nathan had, wanted the other man to let up, to be gentle, kind and so very Nathan.Romantic might have been the word, but he wasn't quite sure he knew what that meant outside of flowers and over priced sweets.Nathan must have because he ignored the feeble posturing and that almost kiss sent Graverobber shivering again, frame tense in an aborted 'fight or flight' urge. His brain was screaming at him to stop this, that he was bigger and more desperate and that knife was closer for him: he didn't have to play this game, hell, he could probably even hurt his doctor. Instead, he relaxed, calloused fingers rubbing careful circles into Nathan's cheeks, his temples. Lowly, in a voice so quiet he wasn't even sure he'd spoken, he said, "I trust you, Doc." He felt Graverobber shudder under him, felt the man suddenly go from tensed to relaxed when their lips brushed together, and Nathan felt Repo's frustration as he shoved the monster back yet again, refused to give him an inch not with Graverobber. Repo got all of the ones out on the streets, nearly every night he got his pound of flesh, body after body, death after death, gallons of blood spilled by the darker side of himself Repo got to have them.Just let me have this one.Nathan moved in, tenative, brushed their lips together again, pulled Graverobber's bottom lip between his teeth and worried at the skin his hands shifted, one slid up the man's chest and mapped him out, his fingers found the scars from surgery years ago and they traced the deep, old wounds."You shouldn't." Nathan said, trying to ignore the strange way his pulse picked up from those words, and he placed a kiss against Graverobber's mouth, adding, "It's a bad idea." The good doctor was a little more cautious now but still so very gentle. Graverobber sighed against his mouth, just the barest amount of noise escaping as a whimper. God, he was in deep. The scavenger currently shaking under Nathan was perhaps not the most well educated man in the world, but he liked to think he was intelligent and sensible sensible enough, for example, not to trust others, to back into corners and, above all, start empathizing with people he met. He'd done all three with Nathan, had done them willingly and with no visible profit at the end."I know it is," he rumbled, one thumb smoothing a faded eyebrow. He had the sudden feeling, even knowing that the older man was strong enough to seriously hurt him, that Nathan wasdelicate, that unlike Graverobber with his large body and dark features, the doctor was actually something you wouldn't send chasing after debtors. No, he should be found in a library or a lab, working away quietly. Large, strong hands put the lightest pressure on his face, pushing him down gently to kiss that faint scar while the doctor touched his own.Usually, he was a bit self conscious about them. No, that wasn't correct he wasn't self conscious, he just didn't like advertising he had surgery. And though he was not at all bothered by nudity, he wasn't used to touching when completely naked, as stripping in an alley was a good way of getting mugged. "At least I like you, Doc," he admitted, lips following the line down to his eyebrows then down the bump of his nose. "So what has you spooked?" Back seventeen years ago, Nathan Wallace would have been pleased to be working in the dead silence of a laboratory or research facility, carefully measuring and neatly categorizing and cleaning focusing intently on the task of his work, no distractions, nothing but clean white and cool metal.But these years had ruined him long gone were those days because now the white and the metal stirred that nasty thing inside of him that made him think of blood and death, and even the memories of his previous life as an honest to god surgeon were destroyed, because he wasn't sure he could trust himself to pick up a scalpel without using it for something horrible. He had lost that part of himself somehow, or it was being overriden by Repo, he wasn't sure anymore, but he also didn't believe he would ever be a true doctor again there were days he hoped Rotti's inevitable death would change things, but then, there were always his children.And he wasn't certain they would let him go either.Nathan shook his head, mute for a moment while Graverobber kissed down over his forehead,"Nothing," he replied, refocusing his hands shifted, moved to slip underneath Graverobber, his fingers sliding up the man's back and digging into the muscle there, massaging it while he moved his head to kiss at the red marks he had left on the scavenger's throat with his hands. "You're lying to me," the grave robber said, arching his back up to give Nathan easier access. Oh, God, this massaging thing feltgood. It hurt in a very vague sort of way, the muscles burned as those deft fingers tunneled into aches he didn't even knew he had and left only a sort of heat behind. His mind was returning to him from wherever it had fled during the choking, since the inability to breath sparked a primal fear in him. He should be afraid, but Nathan had smoothed out the violence.Somewhere, he knew he would.Graverobber shivered, both from the kind mouth at his neck and the knowledge that he was safe. He didn't like this, this feeling safe, not when the man he associated this feeling with was ... well, Nathan. And it was the worst this feeling of security had ever been he generally felt safe in the graves and surrounded by people that needed him and, though he was loath to admit it, his own routines. Graverobber, for all his need to be excited, was a creature of habit: changes tended to shake him up.Like suddenly developingfeelings."I might not be the most experienced of men in this field, but I do think that people who are sleeping with each other like we are try tosharethings." There was just a shade of disgust in that word, but more amusement than anything else. They had, after all, actually slept together, not just fucked and left. It was an interesting precedent for the Graverobber. Nathan felt the other man arch up beneath him and he knew he had found a sweet spot,"I'm not lying," Nathan lied but pleasantly.He shifted to the side and put his hands on Graverobber's shoulders, urging the man to turn over and lay face down against the bed to allow him better access to the man's back he remembered when this had been done to him before, but he had no intention of tying Graverobber to the bed.If only because they didn't have all day, and he wanted to take his time with Graverobber during his next chance to tie him down he assured himself there would be a next time, that the surgery was routine at this point even though twenty years ago it hadn't been fathomed. Graverobber would survive it, he would heal well, and he would be stronger for it for the rest of his long, long life."I think I've shared quite enough about myself," Nathan added mildly, "You know more about me than I do about you. Seems rather unfair." Graverobber groaned, but dropped the subject. Instead, he focused on the doctor's sweet voice, not the lie he was telling, and the warmth from his hands. The agent might be nutty as a Snicker's Bar in some ways, but in others he had more control over his senses than any other man Graverobber had ever met. It was an interest contrast to know that those intelligent, clean hands were sometimes employed by a different entity.Not interesting good, but interesting. The dealer, who had been attracted first by the monster, was starting to dislike very intensely the other side of Nathan, the one that made his doctor upset, had probably put on the majority of those lines on his face.Moaning softly, Graverobber docilely obeyed, turning over. He did pause a moment to stretch, leonine and showing off his muscles. He was a little bulkier than the older man, not quite as streamlined and certainly messier. There were little pricks of old scars from rough Z application, more white tissue from fights long forgotten, when he hadn't been at the top of the pile. It wasn't a body he was planning on using all that long, afterwards, not when people like him had life expectancies half his age. Best to get the most use out of it while he could, especially with the thought of his lungs' approaching expiration date.He plopped down lazily, that same nasty trust making it so he wasn't afraid of what Nathan would do to him with his back turned. "What else could you want to know?" he asked, voice low as he settled. Graverobber had an amazing skill that most people would kill for: he could easily take life threatening worries and box them up so he wouldn't even have to worry about them. It was a necessary skill for someone like him, or else he might turn into a whimpering idiot as he thought about how close he was to death at all moments.He'd much rather think about how close he was to getting a rather nice hand job, either from himself or the good doctor. Nathan's eyes shifted over the scavenger's back, taking in the arches and lines of muscle, looking over the white flecks of scarring that marred his pale skin both of them were pathetically pasty, both living lives that kept them out of sunlight, Graverobber because his customers mostly came out at night and Nathan well, essentially for the same reason. Repo Men didn't go out during the day because that was the time when the normal, law abiding citizens were roaming the streets in mass numbers people who would be more afraid, people who would balk at the sight of a slaughter, people who might very well step in while those at night tended to step back and either run away or stick around to watch. That, and those who were in debt with GeneCo tended to somehow feel safer at night, as though going out in daylight would be dangerous for them though it was very much the opposite.Carefully, Nathan straddled Graverobber's hips and he started up at the man's shoulders, his long, deft fingers digging into the muscle there, working at the knots near the neck and moving outwards, slow and calculated motions, alternating between digging into the hard muscles and smoothing out the pain with light touches afterwards. Inch by inch, he worked his hands down the other man's back, moving to his shoulderblades and working at the cords of muscle that were just beneath, knowing it was a spot of particular tension for him and thus questing to rid Graverobber of any stress he might harbour there."History," Nathan said, and he leaned in and moved his mouth across Graverobber's shoulders, kissing and nipping at the skin, "Your history." Graverobber propped his head up on his folded fore arms, a slack hand reaching up to brush some of his hair away but that was it. His neck hurt, his body ached from Z and he was, all in all, too pleasantly warm to move.Even the doctor's weight on his hips was pleasant, an adjective he wasn't all that used to using. Very few things in his life, after all, were pleasant. Enjoyable, yes, sybaritic, perhaps, but notpleasant. Pleasant, apparently, was having a too thin, too worried man massaging your back while you attempted to coax him to speak, because his vocal cords were in such disuse the slight rasp made your heart beat just a little faster.Huh. Who would have known?The fingers wrung out a gasp from the rainbow haired tramp, then a soft moan as shifted. Unlike Nathan, who was old and given to going decades without sex, Graverobber was over sexed and under fucked. The feel of Nathan's trousers on his back and sheets under his hips was undoing him, keeping him tense even as those hands made his body say 'you know, I think I'm okay with not moving ever again'. "I don't have much of one," he managed, voice low as he squirmed. "I've been ... recycling for more than ten years, and before that I was too young to do much else." Nathan hadn't expected much to come from the question, he had been aware that Graverobber wouldn't have many details to give a man who sold Zydrate on the streets and slept in dumpsters, especially one as young as he was who looked as street wizened as he did it was pretty clear Graverobber had started young. He was roughed up by his life, and he didn't seem to have any family to speak of, something that Nathan had been able to associate with if it weren't for Shilo, he wouldn't have anyone. He was sure he would have lost his mind even more than he already had, if he didn't have his little girl.He heard the small noises that escaped the scavenger, and it made Nathan smile to himself the man was squirming beneath him, and Nathan knew it was because Graverobber was hard and pressing into the mattress, so Nathan decided to torment him by placing a little more of his weight on the man's hips to put more pressure on the already aching arousal. His hands continued their work, undeterred, his calloused palms moving down his back, along his spine, working through the knots at each vertebrae, down to his lower back and up his sides. He kissed the back of Graverobber's neck, and then left a hickey in the same spot, pleased by the sight of it.He wouldn't ask for any more information from Graverobber he found himself hoping the other man would do the same.He moved down then, shifting himself off to the side so his hands could access Graverobber's legs now, and he pushed the sheets out of the way entirely to leave Graverobber bare to his gaze, and he found himself looking the man over, appreciating every line. His hands moved to his calves, his fingers dug deep into them, and unable to resist, he leaned in and placed a bite at the back of Graverobber's leg, just on a particularly tempting bit of muscle. Nathan, when he wanted to, could be just as much of a sick bastard as his Repo Man counterpart, only Graverobber was willing to encourage this sort of evil. He groaned, hips flexing into the sheets, damning the older man and his expensive, smooth sheets. Why couldn't he have something like, like low thread count cotton that actually gave the friction he sought as he rubbed against the bedclothes. "You're a cruel man, Doc," he breathed, sighing appreciatively at the feel of suction.His pale skin was going to be covered in bruises and oddly he was looking forward to it. It made him smile, the thought of Nathan seeing the thiefmarkedand the entirely arousing image of him actually being excited by the little bruises.That wasn't helping his swelling.In fact, it was making it much worse. Once Nathan had swung off him, he rutted lightly into the sheets, trying just a little harder. Still pretty useless: his erection all but slid along the cool fabric, but that wasn't the whole point of that move. He glanced back to the doctor, grinning wickedly, then dropped his head and shivered. The fingers felt good, but the teeth, the teeth were better. It was probably medically incorrect, but he felt that he had a nerve connected directly from that spot Nathan had found to his groin, no stop in between for silly things like his brain.It must have found a switch for his words, because, hesitantly, Graverobber offered, "I don't think I have any family, not that I know of. My mother left early and my father ran out when he couldn't pay my surgery." He wasn't exactly sure how to go about this this was already more than he had ever told another person. "Grave robbing pays better than sucking cock," he added, closing his eyes in pleasure. A soft laugh escaped Nathan as Graverobber gave a groan of frustration from the pressure put on his hips, and he watched as the man's hips jerked against the bed, seeking friction that he wouldn't be able to find from the smooth sheets. He knew it was sick in a way, but the sight of the other man's sexual frustration right then was oddly stimulating as was the filthy smile that Graverobber shot his way. He had been ignoring it before, but now he found himself forced to acknowledge that he was hard as well because the way the man had looked at him had caused a throb between his legs that he couldn't disregard entirely.his hands worked up to Graverobber's thighs, digging in and having to press harder, fingers pushing more in order to work through the thick muscles that he had found himself appreciating before the muscles under his hands accounted for so many years of work, and the way they were formed was bizarrely appealing to Nathan. He ended up leaving a second mark along Graverobber's thigh, but he hesitated at what the man said next, eyes flicking up to run over Graverobber's profile, frowning.He'd been left on his own, a kid forced to pay for his own surgery. Survived in any way he could.He heard Repo make a small noise. It took him a moment to realize it was approval understanding.Nathan found himself moving up Graverobber's body there was nothing he could say right then, there was no assurance he could give that wouldn't sound useless and contrived. He wanted to tell the man that he wouldn't need to worry about the next surgery, but it didn't seem right to say it he just didn't want to admit he was the one who had brought the lungs for Graverobber, even though the man would figure it out instantly anyways.Instead, he placed a kiss, warm and gentle, onto Graverobber's temple, and then another on his cheekbone. Those two little kisses were almost chaste, as though he was trying to apologize for what had happened to the man through those tiny gestures, his hands sliding on Graverobber's sides in small, gentle circles but he knew not to let it stretch on, not to let Graverobber think too much about it. Feeling human was something Graverobber seemed to loathe, and it was something that Nathan sought one of those strange separations.So he slid one hand down between Graverobber and the sheets, grasping his straining erection and giving him several rough strokes. Graverobber sighed again, exhaling as Nathan pulled himself back up. The scrappy body on top of him was becoming so familiar, sowelcome he'd been fighting against it, trying to ignore this new routine he was developing, but it was no use. He'd known that the moment he'd wandered back into Nathan's house, high as a kite and unhappy because the man wasn't there. In fact, he'd been positively lost he couldn't have been more confused if the grave yards suddenly emptied of all their bodies.There was a gentle mouth at his temple, then his cheek, and for a moment, Graverobber hesitated, breath poised in his lungs and throat as if he had just been caught in the rays of a GENcop's flashlight. Why was his doctor suddenly so tender? He let out the breath with a shudder. Because he expected pain.The dealer knew he was sick in the head: some part of him told him that he should be upset, should be heartbroken to know his own parents left him like so much trash, but the pain simply wasn't there. He had liked his parents, of course, most kids did even if they did wrong by them, but they'd simply... been. The three of them had shared the same living quarters and genetics and that was about it. It wasn't as if he had been abused, no, more like simply neglected. He'd seen abuse in the form of battered women and fucked up kids, and he'd had none of that.Just... no one had cared. And he hadn't cared back either.He hissed, hips straining into Nathan's hand. The older man cared he knew that. Graverobber was a dealer through and through and he could recognize an addict the same way some mean could a certain vintage of wine. Nathan was addicted to affection, to actually being kind and taking care with another human being, and Graverobber could supply that. He reached down, slowing Nathan's hand, and turned his head back to kiss him sweetly. "Let's try it your way, Doc," he murmured, smiling crookedly. "No rough housing." He felt Graverobber's hand on his own, stopping him, slowing him down, and for an instant he thought he had done something wrong, or even hurt the other man he leaned back to look at Graverobber, and found the other man offering him a wry smile. He was nearly taken aback by the scavenger's suggestion and his eyebrows rose very slightly, he ended up hesitating a little, eyeing the other man for a long moment as he tried to analyze the situation. Was Graverobber toying with him?No, the hand on his and the passive position of the other man led Nathan to believe Graverobber was serious rather than the rough, aggressive touches that they had used previous times, Graverobber was telling him to go slow, to take care and be gentle in the way that his mind often urged him to. There were times when Nathan appreciated the roughness, enjoyed the aggression, but right then, and especially after what Graverobber had just said, he simply wanted to pay close attention to the man and this was the first opportunity to do so, the first time Graverobber hadn't tried to push away gentle affection.Suddenly, he felt nervous but he wasn't going to turn down the chance.His hand continued to move, but this time the strokes weren't the rough, tugging kind this was a slow, barely there graze of his calloused fingertips against the sensitive skin while his other hand slipped underneath as well, seeking out one of Graverobber's nipples, finger circling around it while he leaned in and placed a series of kisses along the man's earlobe, his body pressed to the man's back. He chuckled softly, more an expulsion of air than anything else. Of course. Of course Nathan would jump at it. Part of him whispered 'look, he just like the rest of the junkies, bed him and take whatever payment he offers' but that part was surprisingly small. The rest of him actually enjoyed the care, said that it was okay to be affectionate and gentle here when it was just them and this plush, warm world of darkness and blankets.Nathan was making him soft. And worst of all, he didn't mind."Just like that," he breathed, instruction completely not necessary. Nathan knew what he was doing more so than Graverobber did because, while the doctor could count the number of orgasms he had in the last two decades on one hand, the thief's knowledge of being kind and gentle was only slightly above his ability to match cheese and wine . He wanted to talk, though, and he wanted his doctor to respond.The grave robber shivered, not completely sure how such soft touches that could barely be labeled as such could make his body tense up and his muscles quiver, over taught with the desire for more. Nathan was a quick study: Graverobber moaned, reaching a hand back to run his fingers through the older man's hair. Like always, he was surprised at how soft the strands were as they slipped along his palm. "That feels really nice, Doc," he said, dropping his head to kiss the surgeon's forearm. He could feel Graverobber trembling the soft touches seemed to be working wonders on the man's body, likely a strange contrast to the rough housing that the man was used to though these motions were familiar for Nathan, just in a very distant way. For years, his life had revolved around violence and pain, using his hands to tear open bodies, wield weapons, rip out organs it was reassuring to know that he could still make them be gentle, he had begun to think he had forgotten how.His finger moved in a slow, lazy circle around Graverobber's nipple before he slid his hand up, hand going to Graverobber's throat but not putting on pressure, just supporting, lifting his head slightly so he could kiss at the man's jawline and up his cheekbone and temple, the feeling of the man's kiss still lingering on his forearm.His other hand continued to teasingly touch Graverobber's length, running a finger around the head, rubbing the pad of his index finger against the slit and brushing along the foreskin, not giving him any real friction, only touching him sparingly. Graverobber wasn't sure he could remember someone being this careful with him before, treating him as if he were something that one didn't want to break. It was an odd feeling, this kindness the dealer didn't know if he should sneer at it or relax into it.His body was choosing the latter. Graverobber let his head roll back easily with a sigh Nathan's mouth and breath were warm against his pale skin, the quiet sound of his breathing a reassuring sign of life in his ear. The whole experience might have been as bone deeply unwinding if it wasn't for the cruelly subtle hand at his cock.It felt good, though, even as he whimpered, hips pushing into the doctor's hand. He wasn't accustomed to this sex was like the poison that passed for alcohol on the streets. It was best to swallow it down quickly and try to ignore the way it made you burn. This was subtle and, to Nathan, should be savored, breathed in and agitated until just the right moment. Graverobber squirmed, fighting the urge to simply wrestle the doctor to his back, to inject more violence into their activities. But Nathan didn't want that. He wanted teasing touches in which Graverobber couldn't help but feel every square centimeter of his rough fingers. "Please, Nate. Just a little more." Syllables were getting difficult for him. Nathan's kisses moved back along Graverobber's earlobe, down the back of his neck his left hand moved out, searching alongside the bed until his fingers snagged hold of the man's jacket where it had been dropped so carelessly while his right continued the gentle, teasing touches. For that instant, he managed to divide his attention as he dug into the man's jacket, trying to ignore the various and questionable items that his fingers ended up feeling out until he found one of the little packets, like the one Graverobber had used it was convenient that he was so prepared anyways.He had always been something of a talent with his hands he hadn't done this part before not since medical school, and that had been for a different purpose entirely but he was sure he would learn quickly."What would you like more of, Marcus?" Nathan asked kindly, but there was was a teasing undertone, "This?"He placed a few more kisses along the back of Graverobber's neck."Or is it this?" he asked, and slipped a finger along Graverobber's foreskin, teasing at the oversensitive spot, then letting one finger graze along the large vein on the underside. Graverobber hissed, fingers digging into Nathan's scalp a little more roughly than he had wanted, but the old man was being cruel. He'd heard the sound of rustling cloth, recognized the almost unique sound of the heavy leather and ratty fur trim, but noises he didn't associate with the doctor. His coat then. The dealer's breathing sped up, the thought striking off a ragged edge to it. There were multiple things in his pockets, quite a few of them running the gamut from only frowned upon to terribly illegal and mostly drugs, but he still had more lube. Condoms, too, but he hadn't heard the crinkle of a foil package.He meant to somehow indicate that he wanted more of Nathan's hand on his cock, but somehow "Both," slipped from his mouth. Well, then, there was no hiding it now. "You're making me soft, geezer," he added through gritted teeth. "And if you don't f... grab a condom along with the lube, I swear I'll push you back and ride you." It was a lie, of course he was letting Nathan set the pace, but that didn't mean he couldn't try to hurry up the older man. Nathan gave a soft laugh,"That's odd," he said, "You don't feel soft."He gave Graverobber a firm squeeze for emphasis, smiling against the man's spine, though a small shudder went through him because of Graverobber's threat though, it wasn't particularly frightening, it only reminded him yet again of the throbbing ache between his legs. Despite what he said, Nathan didn't take a condom as well no, he wanted to focus entirely on Graverobber.He didn't go easy on the other man though, despite his groans Nathan's fingers continued to torture him with feather light touches and strokes that hardly touched him, drawing out all of the noises and twitches that he could get from the other man. Using his teeth and his left hand, he managed to open up the packet of lubrication, using his thumb to press it out onto his fingers the lube was cool to the touch, so he pressed his fingers together to warm it with his own body heat.He brought his mouth to the centre of Graverobber's spine, and he moved his left hand downwards, towards the scavenger's rear, one long, slick finger seeking out the sensitive ring of muscle, fingertip circling it a few times, a forewarning of sorts before he gently breached the tight opening to the first joint of his index finger, a small motion that was accompanied by another squeeze on Graverobber's cock. Graverobber's hips bucked into that suddenlytheregrip' he let out a soft 'oh' of pleasure, then gritted his teeth when the hand retreated back into the soft tease. "Cute. You're a sick bastard, Doc," he said fondly, dropping his head below the V of his shoulders. "Ignoring the, ah," he stopped to appreciate the feather soft touches on his cock, suddenly very sad that his doctor's mouth wasn't on him.God. It felt fantastic. Graverobber propped himself up a little more, remembered that he was saying something, and scanned his mind for whatever wrecked train of thought he could find. Ah. "Ignoring the whole 'being a sweetheart' bit," he said, proud of himself for remembering a word he had used perhaps twice in the last decade .His back didn't even tense as the man returned his mouth to his spine. It was a vulnerable patch and heshouldhave flinched, but he had lost that battle earlier. For good or bad, he trusted the old man, felt affection for him when he should have only been thinking about what he could con off him. The grave robber gasped, then exhaled, taking his doctor's finger easily he might not usually play the penetrated partner, but he knew what he was doing. "W what, no telling me to turn my head and cough?" he stammered, rocking back. He felt Graverobber jerking against the bed, twitching against his hand, but he still didn't offer the friction he was seeking, continuing only to provide torturous swipes of his fingertips and then briefly running his hand up along Graverobber's abdomen, toying with the ticklish spot above his hip that had made him shudder before. He nipped at the skin near the man's spine, but the skin was taut enough that he could only leave a surface mark that faded quickly, and he laved his tongue over it,"You could if you wanted to," Nathan said, noting that the scavenger was rocking his hips back, so he pushed his finger in further for a moment before pulling it back out again Graverobber was taking the penetration in a way that told him this had happened before though the man was tight, he was clearly more experienced with this than the doctor was. With that in mind, he smiled to himself and added a second finger, slowly pushing them both in, pumping them inside of Graverobber a few times before he experimented, carefully flexing his fingers inside of Graverobber, searching for the spot that would make him buck. It was an extremely difficult thing for him to get used to. The grave robber was used to quantity of sexual experiences, not quality. Normally, he would have come by now and probably be doing up his pants, leaving the twittering junkie to his or her devices. But right now, his cock ached and even that thin finger was sending lines of warmth up his spine and down, surprise, surprise, to his erection. His body wasn't quite sure what was going on.Only that it felt wonderful.The dealer's hips followed Nathan's retreating fingers for a moment, just a few inches but it was still a needy motion. "Fuck," he breathed, feeling strangely empty it had been awhile, yet the slim finger wasn't enough, not nearly enough. "Let me turn on my back," he rasped, muscles pulling in the doctor's two fingers. Graverobber ran his tongue over his lips in hesitation, then, "I want to see you." There was a hesitation on Nathan's part, at Graverobber's rasped request was it a request, or a demand? that he be allowed to turn onto his back. He allowed himself to consider it for a few moments, taking that time to continue his gentle torment, pleased to see Graverobber's hips trying to find more contact, to gain more penetration. He pushed his fingers in deeper, enough to tease Graverobber further before he pulled them out again, moving back so the other man would be able to turn over.He couldn't protest to the idea he found he would be pleased to see Graverobber's reactions the man's face was expressive, and having better access to the man's neck and chest was tempting. He kept his hands to himself for that short period of time, leaning back to get another appreciative, full length view of him. It was a request. It was completely a request. If Nathan had, after his long pause, said 'no', Graverobber would have listened. He might have asked again, perhaps with a little more of the desperation his doctor was so fond of, but he'd given this time over to the surgeon. If Nathan had wanted him on his stomach the whole time or his knees, he would have obeyed. Graverobber wasn't quite sure what that eagerness meant. Probably wasn't good, whatever it was.Graverobber sucked in a breath of air through his teeth. God. Long fingers. Wonderfully long fingers that were moving in deeper and out again an the dealer groaned, feeling the sudden emptiness again. God fucking damn. He spread his legs a little, muscles clenching around nothing, but Nathan was moving. Right. So he could move. The dealer glanced back, then turned, stretching as he did and resting a large hand on his stomach, where the hair darkened and started to widen out. Graverobber leaned back, propping himself up on one elbow, that same hand rubbing circles into his own skin. "Enjoying the view, Doc?" he teased, lips still curled in a smirk but not one that looked like it belonged on the face of a misanthropic felon. No, there was nothing more threatening than a hint of mockery and a twinge of color on his cheeks. Nathan watched the shift of muscle beneath pale skin in some spots, he could see the blue webbings of veins, particularly in the crook of Graverobber's elbow which he noted was flecked with scars, just like so many other parts of him, but he recognized those particular scars as being a result of repeated needle insertions. Nathan nearly tutted his disapproval but he stopped himself by leaning in and running his tongue over those scars instead, feeling the ridge of them before leaning back and looking Graverobber over a second time.He nodded in response to Graverobber's question, watching the man stretch out on his back, naked and shameless it was astoundingly attractive, the confidence with which the other man presented himself, and though Nathan's expression was roughly as deadpan as it always was, but behind the glasses his eyes were bright with a sort of playfulness, and they followed the trail of Graverobber's hand, looking over the dark hair that trailed down the man's abdomen.But there was that hint of mockery in Graverobber's voice and that just wouldn't do right then, so Nathan reached out and grasped Graverobber's length with lubricated fingers, stroking him a few times to pull a reaction out of him before leaning in and kissing along his sternum, up the cords of his throat, and placing another kiss on his lips brief first, followed by another, more enthusiastic one that had him tugging lightly on Graverobber's bottom lip with his teeth.And as he did that, his hand slipped back down between Graverobber's legs, moved underneath, and he pushed his fingers back inside of the man without any sort of warning. Bright blue eyes watched Nathan's, noting that his own gaze lingered on the faded red lines of scar tissue. He could see the scolding words build up behind the man's lips and imagined that his tongue darting out to touch the scars was all the more hot for it. That had been before Z, when he'd found the few other imperfect cures that still existed, because the glow was too expensive for anyone but the richest of junkies. Of course, Z and irresponsible surgery had swept all other drugs into second place, and you could shoot up from any part of your body. It was easier than trying to find a vein. Nathan had probably touched various bags of things in his coat, but Graverobber only sold Zydrate it was the only thing worth selling. The rest were just for him to play with.Graverobber's smile widened, crawling across his face like something skittering from the light. He was a smug bastard, intensely comfortable in his abused body and almost proud of it. After all, junkies might sleep with anything that looked like it had a glowing vial sticking out of it's pocket, but he was very aware he was attractive. Attractive enough in some way that he'd convinced this hermit of an old man to bed him . He let his hand drift a little lower, teasing both himself and Nathan, an eyebrow arched as he took in that almost playful look.Something in him cracked and leaked warmth. Those eyes were so bright, so much younger and there was no hint of the monster lurking in them. His smile softened, but Nathan might not have noticed, because he was soon dropping his head back, thighs tensing as a rough hand pumped up and down a few times. Nathan's dominant: he could feel the callouses, rough skin contrasting with the soft lips. They kissed until Graverobber was breathless, the scavenger letting his doctor lead even here until fingers were suddenly entering him again. Then, he had to pull away to gasp, pressing his forehead against Nathan's. "God, yes," he hissed, pulling up a leg so Nathan could have better access. The kiss went on until they were both breathless, until neither of them could continue it without needing to pull in two lungfuls of air, though Graverobber barely had the time to breathe in before he was grinding out a soft moan. Nathan moved his available hand under Graverobber's leg, lifting it up over his shoulder, using the change of position to push his long fingers in further and he began to move them inside of him again in a slow, steady pace.He kept himself leaning forward over Graverobber so he could continue to nip at the man's lips and place kisses down over his jaw and throat. Experimentally, he crooked his fingertips inside of the scavenger, searching, pressing deeper to find his prostate. Now this was a position he hadn't been in for a long time. The grave robber groaned, hips rocking up in time with Nathan's fingers. "Control freak," he bit out, laughing then groaning: those fingers were getting deeper, filling him, not enough, but a good start. It seemed that Nathan was content to keep fingering him instead of actually slicking up his dick and fucking him proper. No, he'd stay dressed and fairly under control, tweed trousers covering his sizable erection.That image really shouldn't make him harder, but it did. Graverobber bucked, tightening around Nathan's digits. "There, Doc." A strong hand came up to clutch at the surgeon's back as he pulled him down for another sloppy kiss. He managed, some how, to keep the pace slow, like the penetrating fingers, tongue exploring Nathan's mouth before he pulled away to gulp down air. "Sure you don't want to just " A hand trailed down the line of his jaw and his neck. "Slip on a rubber and fuck me till I can't walk?" His voice had gone oily, as if he thought the depraved purr was somehow more persuasive. He felt Graverobber's muscles tighten and clench around his fingers, and he marked the spot out, memorized it he allowed himself to be tugged down into a messy kiss, their tongues pressing together only for a few moments before they broke away again for air. He felt Graverobber's hand on his jaw and slipping down his throat and he brought his hand up to touch the man's arm, kissed his wrist he was unable to suppress a shudder at the man's words, but he didn't give in.Instead, he leaned forward, and he let a slow smile curve along his lips, eyes flicking over the other man's face, and as an answer, he pushed his fingers in again, pressing them against his prostate and massaging the spot intently. Very casually, he pushed the frames of his glasses back up his nose, the smile lingering. His wrists were unscarred, sensitive in the lack of prodding and poking he'd done. Of course, the thief was fairly sensitive everywhere, the results of a very high reliance on touch or, perhaps, the cause of it, he was never quite sure. All he knew was that he was distinctly aware of Nathan's lips and the moisture they left behind he shivered along with the older man, knowing he'd failed to convince him, even before he got that self satisfied little smile.Asshole.Graverobber jerked, one eye open in a squint as he watched Nathan. "You're enjoying this too much," he said softly, leg muscles straining as he pushed down and prayed he wouldn't end up with a Charlie horse. He wanted more and the bastard wouldn't give it to him. "Kinky bastard," the dealer murmured, stretching up to kiss the older man's nose. Another soft laugh escaped Nathan, and the smile looked just a little more genuine less cocky, and warmer when Graverobber placed a kiss on his nose. Something about the motion had caused a warm sort of feeling in the doctor's chest because it had been so astoundingly intimate."I could always stop if you prefer," Nathan said, his tone far too bright, a playful sort of threat one of the rare ones to escape the doctor that didn't threaten death or injury. He drew his fingers back, pressed in a third, began to pump them in and out of Graverobber then, suppressing another shudder at the heat he pushed his fingers in fully, stopping them just brushing against his prostate to emphasize his point, bringing his other hand around to toy at the man's abdomen, near his straining erection but not touching. Good God, Nathan was almost happy. Graverobber returned the smile, unknowingly feeling the same inner warmth as something in his chest tightened. He'd done that. His doctor ran around with Rotti Largo's breath down his neck to do his bidding, had some terrible secret the old goat was hiding, but he had managed to make his doctor smile.Ugh. Any sweeter and he'd attract ants. Or turn into Nathan, the Nance.Unfortunately, he meant that insult in the nicest way possible."If you stop, I'll bite off your ear." The scavenger pushed back against those fingers, squirming as he felt... was that a third? Now he was starting to feel full enough, but there was a certain greedy hunger that had him imagining the good doctor's erection and wasn't it a shame that it was going to waste? He moved with the thrusts, soft sounds of pleasure accenting every push in and then Graverobber grit his teeth, holding on to Nathan to keep from touching himself. "Ass," he whispered. "I'm not begging this time." "That's alright," Nathan said soothingly it was difficult to tell if he was toying with Graverobber while using that tone or not, "I know what you really meant to say was, 'no Nathan, please don't stop', so I'll let that one go."Yes, he was toying with him about as nicely as any person can be toyed with while naked and painfully aroused and he was quite clearly enjoying the situation. Graverobber's fingers pressed into his shoulders and he decided to give the man a break,"Even though you sound fantastic when you beg," Nathan murmured against Graverobber's mouth, and then pressed his fingers in deep again, moving them against Graverobber's prostate while his other hand slipped around his erection, stroking him in earnest with smooth, slow motions. Graverobber gave a strangled sound of relief, cords of muscles in his thighs tensing as he tried to impale himself further onto Nathan's fingers. He was aware of every stroke of the rough pads inside of him, twitching every time the good doctor's clever digits nudged his prostate. The scavenger arched up, torn between wanting to be filled and wanting to thrust into Nathan's hand, which was finally,finallygiving him enough friction. It was a steady, slick glide, timed to fall just shot of 'enough'. And all the while, his doctor was smooth, controlled.Bastard. He'd have to see about that."Please," the younger man said, striking a desperate note. There wasn't much acting involved. "Oh, God, please Nathan. Harder." His voice was still low, still very masculine , and though there was an undertone of teasing, it was an honest plea. Nathan found himself ridiculously tempted to use his mouth on Graverobber again, but right then he wanted to watch the man's expression and it was rewarding to watch him, to see the strain in his neck as the muscles tensed with his raised pulse and he arched up to try and gain more from the penetration. He didn't intend to give Graverobber what he was looking for, not yet, but then there came that plea, a soft, deep rumble in the scavenger's chest and it was struck with desperation that nearly undid Nathan for an instant.He steadied himself, gripped Graverobber more firmly now and lengthened the strokes, beginning to move his fingers deeper into him at the same time, making sure to hit the prostate each time, placing a few soft kisses and light bites on the man's collarbone. Graverobber clenched his jaw. Oh, of course he'd manage to keep himself under control. This was why they needed more restraints in their relationship. Or Zydrate.The thief pulled Nathan close to him, kissing him messily. It was a needy mash of mouths, absent of teeth and pain and any kind of finesse it should have frightened the grave robber away, but it felt so good he didn't even recognize how similar it was to the one that had sent him running that morning. He clenched around those fingers, trying to draw them further into his body. "Please, Nathan," he whispered against the older man's lips. They were slightly chapped, another sign of the poor care his doctor took of his own body, and he raised a hand to brush his thumb over the bottom one. "I'm not begging," he added shakily, "But I would love to have you inside me when you came." Another kiss, and again Nathan found himself marvelling at the fact it wasn't their usual aggressive clash and it was passionate in the way their earlier kiss had been, but without the hasty departure this time around.Muscles clenched he could feel how tight Graverobber was, and he'd had no intention of using anything beyond his hands on the other man that time, but there came the whispered plea and it sent a hard shudder through Nathan. As true as it was that he hadn't planned on this part, even the good doctor was occasionally willing to alter his plans he wasn't sure he had a choice anyways, because while he had managed to keep his mind off of the discomfort, the steady thrum of his own blood in his ears had become impossible to ignore. He was painfully aroused and he couldn't deny that he wanted to take the other man it was merely new territory for the doctor.His hands pulled away from Graverobber then, though his mouth met the scavenger's again while his fingers undid the buttons on his jacket and shirt he could do this while still wearing his suit, he knew that, but it seemed too impersonal, and the urge for skin on skin was difficult to ignore. Graverobber laughed throatily, recognizing the change in plans. Hadn't he done the same thing just yesterday? And then he'd had a virgin to contend with. He shuddered as fingers left him, that dull ache throbbing in him and reminding him why exactly the good doctor needed to return. "Wonderful choice," he muttered, pressing the older man back as they kissed, palm pressed against a slender , muscled chest. The skin was pleasantly warm under his fingers, pallor flushed from lust.Nathan had probably never gone and made a comprehensive study of his erection compared to others, but Graverobber had seen quite a few naked bodies in his time and he was very, very aware of the man's size. The dealer wasn't a virgin, far from it, but he'd much rather have control now when he was using muscles that hadn't been considered in some time. After all, he was a top through and through and taking it up the ass was something he only did when he was either very horny or and this was a new one very trusting of the man doing it. He reached over a long arm as they kissed, lazily searching for .. ah, yes. Thank you, Magic Coat of All Things Important in Life. "I don't know how your woman managed this," he whispered lowly, dragging a stubby nail down Nathan's stomach. "But I'm going to have you balls deep in me if it kills me." He wasn't entirely sure where his willpower had gone these last few days, but he blamed Graverobber for its dissappearance and for his lacking the motivation to find it again before the scavenger, his will had been steely. But then, before him, he'd thought his libido was dead, and that had turned out to be entirely inaccurate, it had just been resting.For nearly eighteen years.And now that it had been woken up, he was finding it difficult to get a handle on it again he suddenly felt like a fumbling teenager again, even though the deftness of his fingers didn't match up with the memory. That, and he distinctly remembered sex back then had involved softer, curved bodies, not the sort with hard lines and angles.Nathan felt the flush in his ears at Graverobber's commentary, a small shiver running through him when the man's nail dragged down his stomach and he counter acted the scavenger's distraction by grasping his erection once, giving it a rough tug to try and reassert some of his earlier control, his other hand flicking open the clasp on his trousers. He shrugged off the open jacket and dress shirt then, leaving his upper torso bare for the first time and he leaned over Graverobber, sliding the length of his body against the other man's, their torsos pressing together it was strange to feel Graverobber's chest hair which there was a copious amount of, he noted but it wasn't unpleasant, merely different. Graverobber was pleased to have the old man sporting an erection. Seventeen years without sex was simply unnatural, just like the lack of background body smells. Nathan needed more sweat and sex in his life and Graverobber was certainly willing.The scavenger bit down on an earlobe when Nathan tugged on his erection, deciding that such a below the belt move deserved another: he was very aware by now of the good doctor's new found love of mixing pain with pleasure, and the bite was nearly hard enough to draw blood. He didn't, of course. Calling down Repo now would certainly ruin the 'mood', whatever it was. "Lay on your back for me?" The words felt odd in his mouth. Graverobber wasn't used to asking permission for things, but some part of him still recognized that he had given this time to Nathan, that the doctor was the one calling the shots, and if he wanted Nathan on his back, he'd have to ask. "Please?" he added, tugging on that abused earlobe before turning his head and bumping noses with the older man. Pretending the move was as accidental as it was affectionate, he whispered, "Like I said, Doc, you're big and I'd really like a little control in taking you in. It's been awhile." A gasp escaped the doctor when Graverobber bit down on his earlobe it wasn't a gentle nip, but a hard bite that caused a brief, searing burn of pain that went straight to his groin and twisted schizophrenically to pleasure about halfway through its journey. Like Graverobber, it felt for Nathan as though the sensation didn't even need to make a detour to his brain first. He gripped the other man's hips for a moment to steady himself, his eyes falling shut for an instant before opening them again at the sound of Graverobber's request.The very fact it was a request was part of what influenced him to do it, but followed up by the 'please' and the brief bump was enough to nearly melt the poor old doctor, who was quickly realizing that he was far more easily influenced than he had initially thought he figured that soon enough, Graverobber would merely have to bat his eyelashes.There was the briefest hesitation, and then he followed along with the request, shifting beside Graverobber, though he took that time to work his tongue against the man's neck for an instant. Another chuckle, just as low but much warmer than before. Nathan's face had softened some from the brush of noses, eyes surprisingly clear behind those thick black frames. He could recognize the almost 'deer in a headlight' look , which in Nathan wasn't much more than a subtle raising of a faded eyebrow, yet still signaled hesitation.Then the man was moving, and so was Graverobber, crawling on top of him and pushing down trousers and boxers. The faint smell of disinfectant and blood still clung to the doctor, even after a few hours in the soft floral scents of fresh linens Nathan would probably be horrified to know that the scavenger was already finding it familiar, almost comforting, that when he leaned over and nuzzled the man's neck, he was consciously taking in that smell. He was also purposely slowing things down again, even though he was so very aware of the absence of Nathan's fingers in him."So, Doc," he said, pressing kisses to Nathan's discolored neck. "You're the one calling the shots. Condom? No condom?" Several thoughts went through the doctor's head right then the first was about how much he wanted to just have their bodies pressing together again, the second was regarding the sudden dissappearance of his pants and the sensation of air on his length compelling enough that his hips twitched embarrassingly before he could stop himself the third was the feeling of Graverobber straddling him and nuzzling into his neck.And the last was about how in a few short hours, the scavenger would be under a knife, getting his lungs pulled out."Condom," Nathan rasped out, not hesitating to respond to the question though the urge to give in to the moment and just go without was there, it was ultimately safer for both of them to use a condom partly due to Graverobber's questionable sex life, and partly due to Nathan's tendency to spend several hours a night clawing through human remains.He put his hand in Graverobber's hair for a moment to pull the man up enough so he could kiss him again. The pants hadn't disappeared so much as just been pulled down far enough to expose the good doctor's cock after all, while he might be appreciative of the man's legs, it was his dick he was thinking about most at the moment. Bit of a one track mind that was derailed by the kiss.And if Nathan thought that little twitch was embarrassing, Graverobber should have died from humiliation in the way he was rutting against his stomach, taking a moment to shamelessly enjoy the friction he'd been denied so far. But 'modest' wasn't a word in the grave robber's vocabulary and once his brain returned to him, halting and stopping along the way as he nipped at Nathan's bottom lip, he remembered what it was he was doing up there. "Good choice," he said, slipping down his doctor's body it hadn't really been a question, not when he had known the answer, just a very subtle way to get the man to speak. Nathan was probably unaware, but the way his voice roughened, taking on just a hint of the monster but not quite, was just as obscene as the erection Graverobber was now at eye level with. He glanced up, then, with perhaps a little more of a flourish than needed, revealed the foil in his hand.He was a careful sort, not one to go about tearing the packages open with his teeth and soon he was pinching on the thing, mouth following his hand, then stopping, lips circling the head of his cock. Dark eyes stayed fixed on Nathan as he fumbled for a hand to press on the back of his head. Nathan wasn't entirely sure the act of putting on a condom should be erotic everything before and after it, of course, would be, but the actual act had never been associated with eroticism for him, in fact for most people it was a slightly embarrassing, fumbling, and frustrating act, but Graverobber had managed to change that as well.Nathan had to dig his fingers into the bed to control himself, because the scavenger didn't just hand him the condom and let him do it he decided to do it himself, and to use his mouth in the process. It wasn't just the sensation and heat, but it was also the way Graverobber regarded him with those ridiculously made up eyes while he took the tip into his mouth that made Nathan have to bite back a groan and muffle a curse.But then he felt his arm being lifted and the feeling of Graverobber's messy cords of hair under his hand, his palm pressing against the man's skull as he realized Graverobber was encouraging him to push him down it went against Nathan's politesse, but the bold movement was enough to tell him it wasn't exactly something the man was protesting to. Nathan's fingers curled into Graverobber's hair and he pushed his head down further, a soft groan escaping him simultaneously. Graverobber was aware how out of character something like forcing a man down on his dick would be for the good doctor in fact, that was the entire reason for it. He enjoyed finding the older man's little quirks, like the way he refused to actually touch himself or how he could tie the scavenger down and suck his cock but wouldn't even think to control his movements now.His mouth was full of the taste of latex as he sucked gently, eyes never moving from Nathan's face. His head stayed at the level the doctor had pushed him down to, lips still pressed against the roll of rubber. He was waiting, watching the older man intently, a thick eyebrow arched. Somehow, Graverobber managed to leer up at Nathan with his mouth half full of cock.He was a very talented man.Long fingers tapped along lean muscle as if to say 'I don't have all day, Doc.' A soft shudder passed through Nathan when he felt the gentle suction and he found Graverobber's eyes pinned to him and was unable to look away, watching the arch of the eyebrow and the absolutely lascivious look that the other man shot at him which, given the situation, was appropriate but it still made Nathan feel a stir of embarrassment.Even more embarrassing, it took him several moments to figure out precisely what Graverobber wanted, partly because he was distracted by the heat and the pressure, and partly because he truly didn't understand but he remembered the gentle insistence with which the scavenger had placed his hand into his hair, and he took the cue. Propping himself up with his available elbow, he used his other hand to push Graverobber's head down further, and then pull him back up slightly, trying to prevent himself from closing his eyes to the sensation or collapsing back on the bed even through the latex it was sending shocks through him, but he kept careful control over the movement of his hips. The very fact he was pushing Graverobber's mouth onto him felt strangely depraved and losing control of himself right then would be unacceptable. The two men had entirely different concepts of 'unacceptable'.Graverobber hummed softly as Nathan pushed him down, relaxing his throat consciously. He used to be very good at this, what with it being a part time job once, not a hobby, and turned on as he was , Nathan's shaft slipped easily down his throat. The scavenger was careful not to use teeth, afraid he'd snag the rubber, so he was forced to do his best with tongue and stained lips.He made a soft noise of protest as Nathan tugged him back up, gently, of course, but he wanted deeper. His brow furrowed as he regarded the older man. Nowthiswas unacceptable. He rumbled low in his throat, sucking just a little harder but never dropping his head nor his eyes. Nathan could see smudges of black lipstick on the latex and for reasons he couldn't explain, the sight was oddly compelling his thighs twitched when Graverobber's hands gripped them, the muscles shuddering under the touch and from what his mouth was doing right then. Nathan's head fell back slightly when he felt the low rumble in Graverobber's throat and a soft gasp escaped him before he tugged Graverobber up further, forcing him away from the doctor's length it almost felt too good, and he found he was unable to trust himself right then.Having Graverobber strapped down, manipulating his body however he liked it was something he could do for hours if given the chance because it meant he had the control to make the man react however he liked but using the man to pleasure himself felt strange and foreign, left him with the question of his own reactions. He did his best to hide that discomfort by instead using Graverobber's hair to yank the man forward and pull him into a hard kiss that betrayed the doctor's otherwise placid actions so far. Graverobber was up on his knees, reaching a hand back between his legs awkwardly to finish the job of pushing down the latex his mouth still tasted of. And if his fingers lingered longer than was needed, well, who could fault him? Nathan's erection was hot in his hand even through the rubber, slick with his spit."You don't have to be so considerate, Doc," he murmured against bruised lips smudged with his lipstick. His scalp smarted from the yanking up still, but he only registered it as a sort of pleasure. He bumped their noses together again, smiling this time, it couldn't be passed off as a mistake. "I like a little abuse. In fact," he added, voice low in a conspiratorial way, the idea lightening up in his mind. "I want you to put your hands on my hips and decide how far I take you in." Graverobber was already pulling back, positioning the doctor's cock so he could sink down on it. Slowly, of course it really had been awhile and, besides, he thought as he tossed Nathan a flippant grin, eyes fluttering closed as the head of his cock slipped in, he'd hate to give the old man a heart attack. A shudder ran through the doctor when Graverobber gripped him for just a little too long and he kissed at the man's now swollen bottom lip he could taste the waxy lipstick, but it wasn't even remotely repellant it was something he had come to associate with the other man, along with the vaguely musty scent that always seemed to linger around the man. In a moment of whimsy, he had earlier found himself comparing Graverobber's general hygiene to a Charlie Brown character, surrounded by a constant cloud of whorling dust he hadn't got around to revealing this to the other man because, frankly, it was a little silly and he wasn't entirely certain he wanted Graverobber to know that side of him existed.Or to remind him that he was old enough to use Charlie Brown as a pop reference.Of course, those thoughts became far from his mind as Graverobber seemed to almost nuzzle him again, uncharacteristically affectionate, but Nathan wasn't going to protest and the genuine smile Graverobber aimed at him was oddly endearing.He should have known the man would do something to nearly make him lose his mind right after he drew in a breath through his teeth when Graverobber began to sink down on him. The other man was tight and hot, but the lubrication from earlier and the slickness of Graverobber's saliva caused the initial entrance to be smooth, and his hands moved instinctively to his hips, fingers pressing against the pale skin, but not yet putting on any force. He waited for a moment, long enough for Graverobber to get used to the penetration though, he was aware the other had done this more than he had, he still wanted to be careful after all, it had only been recently that Nathan had done this himself for the first time, and the feeling had nearly been overwhelming at first.He took that moment to look the other man over and it was quite the sight Graverobber was built sturdy, broad in the chest and shoulders his ridiculous hair was nearly to his elbows, and his mouth was smudged with the black make up. Graverobber's face was slightly pink, an injection of colour in a normally pale visage, and the sight of him slowly penetrating himself was an image that he knew wasn't ever going to leave him it sent a spike of heat through Nathan, and he watched the other man as he used his hands to push Graverobber down another inch. The scavenger shuddered, funneling his desire to tense to his shoulders and neck. It felt good, different from fingers both in size and in the thought that this was Nathan's dick in him. Graverobber took a deep, shaky breath, artificial lungs hitching slightly in a near silent wheeze. His doctor was in him, not with hands that couldn't fully appreciate the tight feel of his muscles, but properly fucking him. Something in his chest tightened and relaxed and, for a moment, he couldn't look Nathan in the face, had to drop his head so he wouldn't see those clear eyes behind dorky frames.He had thought, after all, that he could control the affectionate little moments, the few intimate actions like the meeting of noses and the painless kisses. But this, he thought as he leaned forward to stable himself, hands reaching for bony shoulders, this was even worse. Graverobber wasn't even sure he could call it a proper fuck, not when his heart vacated his chest and ended up somewhere around the level of his Adam's apple as he raised his head."Just a little more." He swallowed, trying to force the lump out of his throat. His voice had gone ragged in a way that a detail focused observer might notice it hadn't before: he was almost choked up. It wasn't his fault. It was Nathan's: the way the man was looking so intently at him, the flush on his cheeks and his greying hair fanned out on the pillow and sticking to his forehead. Nervously, he reached over with one hand to brush some of the strays back, noting how large his hand was against the older man's cheekbones. Nathan was watching the other man carefully, focusing on his features until he ducked his head, looking away he couldn't say why, but the doctor felt his own heart jump slightly, moreso when Graverobber looked at him again and his voice sounded strange, unlike him. It was still the rumbling baritone, but there was something new there, and it wasn't just lust, it was something else entirely.And he realized what it was when Graverobber's hand went to his face, brushed away some of the hair, left him realizing that the way the other man was touching him and avoiding his eyes it truly was intimate, not just Graverobber's attempt to give Nathan something he hadn't had for years. The scavenger was actually feeling it, the way Nathan was, even if neither of them wanted to admit it or acknowledge it, somewhere along the way this strange thing between them had warped and changed. He wasn't sure if this was the best or the worst thing that could happen considering their lives, but there was an odd sort of hope welling up inside of the doctor even as he realized the danger behind it.Hope was crushed so easily, where they were.He wanted to hold onto it though.He kissed Graverobber's palm and wrist, but he said nothing, not wanting to break the fragility of the other man's tenderness. He pushed the other man down further, slowly, a little at a time, another shudder running through his entire body, his thumbs moving in slow circles on Graverobber's hips. Graverobber swallowed audibly, gaze never leaving Nathan's face. The little kisses were spun of the same fragile stuff as the soft touch to the doctor's forehead and he couldn't help but stare. Worst of all, he wasn't chased off by these little expressions of affection, no, he actually wanted more.It was Nathan's fault.At least, that's what he told himself as the doctor pulled him down a little further, pausing for, he assumed, him to get used to the feeling. Instead, he was torturing the dealer, making him squirm and his muscles tighten in an attempt to convince Nathan to go deeper. God. The older man had set a miserably slow pace one that had him panting by the time the good doctor was finally sheathed in him entirely."Fuck," he whispered, head hanging as he tried to adjust. Nathan was large he'd known that from the beginning, but having the man's cock in his hand or even down his throat was not the same as up his ass. The stretching burned, leaving him with the feeling that if he moved too fast, his doctor would split him in half. He smiled crookedly, face tight with a feeling that was just a little too much to be pleasure. "What did your, ah." Graverobber rocked back, testing the motion. "Parents feed you as a kid?"Once he was a little more used to the girth, he leaned forward, pressing a breathless kiss to Nathan's mouth, hands massaging the older man's shoulders kindly. He felt Graverobber tightening around him and the sensation made part of Nathan want to throw the other man down onto his back and fuck him senseless, but the other part the over riding one right then wanted him to take his time with this.And he did he was painfully slow with easing himself into the other man, inch by inch, careful not to go too fast or push too far at the risk of hurting Graverobber, and by the time he was fully inside of him, the scavenger's breathing had gone ragged and Nathan forced himself to stay still, let the other man adjust to it. This lasted until Graverobber rocked his hips back, and Nathan's hips twitched up again in reaction, a short little thrust that had him biting back a groan,"Vegetables. You should try them some time." Nathan managed to get out, his voice slightly strained he responded to the kiss eagerly, and as Graverobber's hands went to his shoulders, he pressed his fingers into the man's hips and gave another shallow thrust into him, purely because, right then, he wanted to feel the other man gasp against his mouth. Graverobber ground down into that thrust, inhaling sharply. Sometimes, his doctor had a sadistic streak a mile wide, and that little thrust was one of them. After so long of just getting used to Nathan being inside him and the feel of being stretched to his limit, movement was a blessing. Besides, this was a good sort of sadism, the sort that Nathan could enjoy with a smile on his face.That shouldn't have made him feel good, but it did.Nathan's fault, he reminded himself, sitting back to put his full weight into impaling himself. He hissed, fingers sliding down a thin, lightly haired chest. "Didn't know vegetables give kids giant dicks," he bit out, rolling his hips backwards and forwards with a soft sigh. Nathan's hands on his hips were warm and reassuringly heavy, his hair tickling his back and sides and the soft cotton sheets felt fantastic under his knees. "You're in charge, remember," he breathed, muscles tightening as he smiled mockingly. The soft inhale of breath, the indication that Graverobber enjoyed the shallow thrust was enough to cause a small flicker of a smile on the doctor's face, though it faded into a gritting of his teeth as he felt the man's muscles contract around him again he closed his eyes, head leaning back for an instant at the gentle rocking of the other man's hips, taking in the sensation before opening his eyes again. Right then, they were startlingly clear, watching Graverobber intently and his hands put pressure onto the other man's hips to lift him slightly, pulling him up several inches, then pressing him back down, lifting his own hips at the same time to increase the contact.One hand slipped away from Graverobber's hip for a moment, just long enough that he could rub the rough callouses of his palm against the underside of the scavenger's length, a quick, teasing touch that offered a brief friction before moving back to his hip. Another hiss. It still burned some but nothing compared to how good it felt. Nathan managed to scrape along his prostate, drawing out a low moan of an almost desperate pleasure. Graverobber wasn't used to taking his time and the slow burn was killing him, especially since he seemed incapable of looking away from the older man's eyes, which were as clear as clean glass and lit up something he couldn't name. It was the same thing that made his heart flutter unhealthily in his chest.He leaned over to catch one of Nathan's nipple's between his teeth, sucking and biting until it was a healthy color and pebbled between his lips. "You feel so good," he rasped, trying to coax sounds from his lo his doctor as he pushed down reflexively. The scavenger simply couldn't keep still. A low sound escaped Graverobber when he pushed himself in deep, and he knew from the neediness of the sound that he had hit the man's prostate, but any attempt to hit that spot again was foiled when the man leaned down over him and bit down on his nipple, causing the doctor to arch and let out a shuddering gasp beneath him. God, that felt good but this just wouldn't do, Graverobber was distracting him, making things fuzzy he needed to gain back some semblance of his self control, and when the other man pushed his hips down again, Nathan used his legs for leverage, drawing up a bizarre amount of strength to practically toss Graverobber down onto his back. He made quick work of the shift, pushing his hands onto Graverobber's shoulders to stop any initial protest, pausing to look over the man's face.In this particular position, their bodies ended up closer, he was leaning in enough so their chests were touching, and he brought his mouth to Graverobber's throat to place a series of warm kisses to the cords of his neck and along his collarbone, circling around his pulse Nathan slid his hips forward again, aiming for the spot that had made Graverobber moan before, intending to take full advantage of his position. There was no protest. Graverobber lay there, not docilely but entirely comfortable with the switch as if he had expected it. And he had his doctor was not one to lie back and let someone else do the work unless he had his hands tied back.What he hadn't expected was that Nathan would manage to find an even more intimate position. He should have, though, he thought as the older man leaned down to press their chests together. His legs were pulled up almost painfully but not enough that he even considered moving, not when he could feel the flutter of Nathan's heart. The dealer shivered, Nathan's mouth having the odd effect of making him want to both relax and tense up at the same time though the cock moving in him was thankfully much simpler to understand. "Fuck," he hissed, reaching up to tangle a hand in damp, greying hair, hips rocking into the older man's thrust. Nathan was doing pretty damn good for a straight guy who hadn't, outside of this week, had sex since his kid was born, and it was unwinding the vulture. He was trying to get more without being sure ofwhatit was he wanted.Careful, nervous fingers skittered along Nathan's jaw, feeling rough hairs and skin lined by age, so very different than the soft, young, scarred flesh he was used to, and he couldn't help but pull him up again for a deep kiss. This. This was what he wanted more of. The grave robber shuddered, hating himself for that sudden desire, a horrific weakness he was becoming accustomed to. The muscles on Nathan's sides twitched in reaction to the nails raking across the skin and a small groan escaped him before he hooked his arms beneath Graverobber's legs, lifting so his hips would angle upwards, and he leaned his head into the other man's hand, enjoying the sensation of his fingers slipping over his skin and through his hair he realized just then that his forehead was slightly damp, that some of his hair was sticking to his skin. He also realized there was a dampness on Graverobber's chest, and he placed a kiss in the dip on his collarbone, then swiped his tongue along it, tasting sweat.The fingers on his jaw made him look up again, his thick framed glasses slightly askew and he was pulled into a kiss which he responded to enthusiastically and he leaned down over the other man, pressing their mouths together harder, more pressure but no pain, and he pushed his tongue against Graverobber's. Nathan might not talk audibly like Graverobber did, but the scavenger had figured out that his eyes were loud. He managed to tug the black frames off his face, clumsily catching them on the older man's ears. His dexterity was long gone, evaporated under that clear gaze and warm body. They clicked along the bedside table where he tossed them carelessly, then a little louder as they hit the floor, but the younger man didn't give a damn, not when Nathan was pressing him into the bed and he could still feel the path the doctor's tongue had taken across his collarbone. The idea that Nathan had actually tasted something so very physical and human as sweat was enough to make him squirm."God damn it, Doc," he grumbled in a way that might have been described as 'irritable' if he didn't immediately gasp. Nathan wasn't moving much, but his own twitching and twisting had sent his nerves on fire. He pressed kiss to Nathan's lips, then another to his cheek and his jaw lazily. "Hurry and fuck me." Thankfully Nathan's eyes had never been so bad that he couldn't function without his glasses he was aware he could get his vision corrected, of course, but some part of him wanted to cling to that physical flaw, didn't want to have any part of him altered by GeneCo so long as he could help it. It had occurred to him before, though, that his vision seemed to change at night, where normally the world was slightly softer without his glasses, when he donned the suit and went out into the night and let Repo take over he found he was hyper aware, and the details of his vision were intense it was as though the world had taken on a new sharp focus.But now, the slight softness on the edge of his sight was welcomed it meant he wasn't allowing the darkness to take over, that it was just him and Graverobber, that Repo wasn't crawling up to try and take over again.His clear eyes flickered over Graverobber's face and a soft laugh escaped him at the man's command, he lifted Graverobber's legs just a little higher then, and jerk his hips forwards hard once, aiming for that wonderful spot inside of him, and he drew them back with painful slowness before pushing into him again, this time far enough that their hips connected."I'm in no rush," Nathan said against Graverobber's lips, a small smile appearing on his face he was teasing, torturing the man the way he so thoroughly enjoyed doing. Oh, no. Graverobber heard the laugh and knew that he was sexually doomed. There was none of the fumbling from earlier on Nathan's part no, the man was all control, even when he was currently inside a rather tight dealer that was wiggling in an attempt to shake that control.The first jerk dragged a needy rasp of a groan from his throat, Nathan's cock slipping across his prostate with more force and accuracy than a penis should have. It was entirely unfair. Even worse was how he drew out the outward slide, keeping his movements slow and steady in a way the scavenger wasn't even sure was human. No man should be that serene during sex, not when Graverobber was on his back falling apart. Somehow, Nathan seemed even longer as he pulled out and Graverobber tried to think about how this could be in a pitiful attempt to pick up some of his own self control.That went out the window with the second thrust.Graverobber cried out, feeling the sharp angle of Nathan's hip bone and shivering at the older man's voice. "I I see that," he managed breathlessly, unable to suck down enough air to even try to kiss his doctor again. "Sure you can't speed up a little more?" His body was winding up, tensing as he anticipated the next movement of slender hips. God, that sound was wonderful the noise that escaped Graverobber when their hips connected was fantastic, and the way the man was shuddering and twitching beneath him told him that this particular pace, right then, was perfect."I could," Nathan murmured, and he was surprised at how steady his own voice was, because his mind was split between the option of wanting to keep up this agonizingly slow pace, and wanting to fuck Graverobber into the mattress but the doctor was a patient, strong willed man, and with the control in his hands, he would make this pace last until he saw fit to give the other man relief.He did, however, let one arm curl around so he could grasp Graverobber's length with his rough hand, and he stroked him with too gentle fingers, his hips rocking forward for a few more shallow thrusts,"But I think you would have to ask very nicely." he said, and the smile broadened as he recalled that Graverobber had made him break down into begging to be fucked he would like very much to force the same thing out of the other man. Nathan's voice was low, though nothing like the gravelly tone of Repo: no, there was humor here, and vocal cords that were barely used as he spoke, and Graverobber was writhing just because of that voice.Not good.He hissed at the sudden, gentle touch. It was too much and not enough and it was driving him nuts as quickly as that uneven pace was. "I think I've said 'please' enough, Doc," he responded cheekily, darkened lips curling as he pressed a kiss to that smile. After all, he couldn't justgive in. That'd be no fun. No, he knew he was already lost, but he had to at least give a good fight."Can't have you thinking begging is a normal thing for me," he added, tugging on the older man's earlobe with his teeth. "You do, do you?" Nathan replied, eyebrows rising, and he ran his tongue along the scavenger's lipstick smeared bottom lip, kissed along his cheekbone, "I can't say I agree."He drew in a small breath when Graverobber's teeth found his ear, and he pulled away enough so he could attack the man's throat again the skin there was abused from their previous encounters, and in keeping with the current gentleness, he only placed kisses and soft nips on the bruised skin, not enough to mark him further however. He rolled his hips lazily against Graverobber's, rocking against him with enough pressure to make him ache for more, but refusing to give him enough friction or consistency yet, anyways."But your voice is very compelling when you're desperate," he added, his voice heavy with lust now, a gentle murmur as he tugged at Graverobber's length a few more times, enjoying himself far too much when he knew he should have been feeling at least some amount of frustration after going so long without sex, he had thought his self control would leave him entirely, but while he was in control of the situation, he found he could stretch this out, though he knew his willpower would give in eventually. Just his luck. He'd get Nathan talking and all the man used his wonderful voice for was to get the Graverobber to beg. It was a low blow. Worse was how he kept coming short of giving the scavenger what he wanted, from the gentle kisses to the shallow thrust. He wasn't sure how the old man had done it, but he seemed to know exactly where his prostate was and exactly how deep he could go before giving Graverobber enough to make him see stars."Bastard," he breathed, body twitching in time with Nathan's hand. His doctor had figured out exactly how to play him even though tonight was supposed to be gentle, he'd been wrong in thinking that gentle didn't mean 'arousing because his doctor had decided to pull out the stops on sadism'.And that voice. Graverobber might have whimpered, only he called it 'groaning' and acknowledged none of the desperation that was actually there."Please, Nathan," he whispered, willpower disappearing pleasantly. He'd have to learn to fight for longer, because having those clear, steady eyes looking at him from a face that was flushed from exertion and lust was too good. Long arms came up to cross lazily behind the older man's head as he rumbled into his ear, only half teasingly: "I'm your bitch this morning. Make me feel it for the rest of the day." Another soft laugh from Nathan he was getting used to being called a 'bastard' lately, it seemed to be Graverobber's favourite term of endearment for him at this point, though he acknowledged it usually only came up when he really was being one sexually torturing the man at the time, usually. He felt Graverobber twitching against him and knew that he would be reaching an almost painful sort of stimulation at that point, so he stopped using his hand on him for a few moments to let him wind down just a little admittedly, because Nathan enjoyed the act of winding him up all over again.And then there was the whisper in his ear, the arms pulling him down close, and the breath against his neck. A shudder ran through the doctor because of what Graverobber had said, and he was thankful that his head was off to the side right then because he had to close his eyes for a moment to collect himself. When he made eye contact with Graverobber again, there was a new sort of lust in his eyes, darker than it had been before, and then he was lifting Graverobber's hips again, pushing their mouths together, and he thrust into the other man again, gently first, letting that thrust linger for a moment before pulling back once more and beginning a steady rhythm, a succession of harder thrusts into the scavenger's tight body. Graverobber chuckled lowly, feeling the tremble in his doctor. So he liked that, did he? The dealer filed that fact away, though he wasn't all that surprised. No, Nathan loved control and he secretly loved a little bit of improper depravity. And as long as he knew what the older man wanted, the dealer had control.It was his turn to shudder, not just at the dark look his doctor gave him, but because of how that thought slid like an ice cube down his spine. Where Nathan instinctively wanted to put Graverobber in the position of the patient, Graverobber wanted his, hisloveras a junkie, not an equal. And that would just lead to him despising the old man and his soft moments, and Graverobber didn't want that.The kiss gave him enough courage, or maybe it was the thrusts, he wasn't sure. All he knew was that he murmured in a voice that bordered on sotto voce, "Just like that, lover." The word felt awkward on his tongue and part of him practically panicked at the term. 'Bastard' was an okay endearment, so was 'Doc' you could call anyone you were fucking that . He clenched down around Nathan, hoping to distract him from the slip. He had been focusing on the wonderful twitches and shudders moving through Graverobber, had been focusing on the thrusts and hitting that spot deep inside of Graverobber each time, concentrating on the kiss and the way the man tasted the mix of lipstick and something else that was just the scavenger. He was stroking him in time with the thrusts then, privately enjoying the smooth skin against the rough callouses of his palm and then there came that slip. It was enough to halt Nathan entirely for a moment, though he jerked when Graverobber's muscles tightened around him, eyes closing for a moment before he opened them wide again and studied the other man. For an instant, he wasn't certain he had heard what he thought he did, that perhaps he had been mistaken, but no he had heard right.Graverobber had called him 'lover'.It was sudden a 100 watt smile lit up the doctor's face in a way he couldn't help, but Graverobber would only see it for the instant between that time and when he kissed the man again, bringing his arms up to go around the scavenger's shoulders and gather him up close, one hand in the man's hair while he began to rock his hips forward again. Oh, God, he heard it. Graverobber stared back, trying to cut down on the squirming and the panic that suddenly assaulted him. Maybe he shouldn't have said it. Maybe his doctor was angry after all, he had his wife and his kid and he didn't need some dirty peddler there save for the odd fuck. His heart nearly stopped as he watched that furrow of total concentration appear between his doctor's clear, clear eyes.And then dissolve into a smile that made his heart stop for an entirely different reason, a flash of light in an otherwise dim existence.Nathan saved him from saying anything else that was heart stoppingly embarrassing, at least until he uncovered the scavenger's mouth. Something about being held while being fucked was doing odd things to his brain, and Graverobber whispered the endearment again, hands splayed out on Nathan's back. The kiss lasted until Nathan had no breath left, and he broke it only because he would need oxygen before he could kiss the man again he kept his arms around Graverobber, one still in his hair, the other slipping down to the small of his back, fingers pressing against his skin. There had always been a strange sort of passion when they got eachother into bed, but there was a new element to it this time it was the addition of tenderness, an acknowledgement from both of them that there was perhaps more to this than either of them had cared to explore.And the sound of that simple word slipping from Graverobber's mouth for a second time caused Nathan to smile against the other man's jaw, and he kissed along it several times,"Lover." Nathan agreed quietly, his voice thick with pleasure as he continued to thrust into Graverobber, the rhythm steady again, earnest because he wanted to bring the other man to the edge now, wanted to feel the shudders run through him. Graverobber dug his fingers into the older man's back at the response. It sounded... sounded good hearing it from Nathan, who seemed to lack none of the awkwardness with the word that Graverobber had had. It slipped from his lips easily in that voice saturated with pleasure , whereas the scavenger still stumbled around the words like he was pronouncing sounds he'd never encountered before.He meant to slip a hand down, once he was able to pull his hands from Nathan's back, but the way the muscles shifted under skin, tensed and relaxed, distracted him. It didn't matter. The scavenger's orgasm snuck on him, made him hiss and pull Nathan down as he came, holding the man in a death grip, one hand still on his back and the other in his hair.His wide face was wet against Nathan's own damp neck. Nathan had meant to do the same, to move his hand down and bring Graverobber to completion that way, but he too was caught off guard by the other man's sudden orgasm he was yanked down, his body flush against the other man and the sensation of flesh and muscle and heat was incredible, and he could feel the scavenger's chest hair against his skin some part of him still told him it was strange, but right then it was just another part of the sensations, a part of Graverobber that he appreciated.He felt Graverobber's hands tense, one on his back, palm pressing into his muscles, the other with fingers clenching into his hair, and then the feeling of the other man's muscles contracting around him, and Nathan let out a low moan, gave a few more deep thrusts before his own orgasm hit him, and his arms stayed around Graverobber as he came, and he shuddered against him.And when he came down from it in fact, while he was coming down from it he was placing kisses along Graverobber's forehead and cheekbone, moving his hands up and down the man's sides. Once he could, Graverobber burrowed into Nathan's neck, almost hiding. It was too much too much kindness, too much gentleness, too much of something almost like romance and it was killing the scavenger. He sucked in a lungful of air, breath coming in a sort of rickety wheeze thathurt. No, it wasn't the air: his chest simply hurt, felt too full, like the fear from last night.Only this was different. It felt almost good, but it was just as dangerous, just as likely to tear out each of his claws one by one and leave him defenseless.Another shudder of a breath as he tried to slow his heart down. He could feel it in his ears, his fingers, his ass where Nathan was still in him. He shivered against the older man, keeping him pressed so he didn't have to show his face again. His eyes stung. A vein on his doctor's neck pulsed against his lips, letting the scavenger, if he wanted to, determine the man's heart rate and the hands on his sides only made the burn worse."Doc," he whispered helplessly. He was lost. He was absolutely lost. Nathan heard the gasp of air, and while part of him knew it was a sign he had impacted the scavenger with their activities and took it as a good thing, another part didn't like the sound at all it reminded him of what was to come, of the surgery that would happen shortly to replace those aging, rundown lungs that had been put in so long ago. His hands slid up to Graverobber's chest, rubbed at his pectorals in a slow, soothing motion as though to inject heat into the spot.He pressed the side of his face against Graverobber's Nathan found himself acknowledging that he needed to shave there was a small amount of stubble on his chin now, a five o'clock shadow because he had neglected it for a day or two he wondered how dishevelled he must have looked right then, but also found he didn't care very much.But there was a strange tone in the other man's voice right then it sounded almost insecure vulnerable.Nathan wasn't about to give him a reason to further that feeling instead, he leaned his head back enough so he could brush their lips together, heart breakingly tender. Like every other time, he found himself treating this like the last he could never be certain of whether this would happen again, given the nature of their odd relationship and their lifestyles, he wanted to absorb the details now, remember them because life was never stable enough to ensure that a person would be there the next day. If Nathan meant to chase away that feeling, he was doing a poor job of it. The grave robber shivered, his hands both tangled in the older man's hair. The kiss left him with a feeling of ... not failure, really, because some part of him was telling him that it was a fantastic feeling, but just absolute surrender.He didn't like it. Mostly because it felt too good, and he knew that anything that felt that good was bad for you. Zydrate, condom less sex with whores that knew what they were doing and greasy foods, all of it, crap for you. "What are you doing to me?" Graverobber asked, and tried to inject some of his characteristic cockiness to his words, but his voice was still rough from sex and that unidentified feeling.There was still the matter of Nathan in him the young man peeled himself away, hands slipping down to rub at the ball of Nathan's shoulders. The muscles there were well defined, just like the rest of him, and he pulled a hand up to kiss at a thin wrist. "You're not planning on getting up, are you?" he asked against the thin bones and wiry tendons, looking up with eyes that were even larger now from the smear of eyeliner and shadow. "I'm not sure I have an answer for that," Nathan replied, raising his eyebrows at the other man before leaning his head into Graverobber's hands, enjoying the warmth of his fingers for the moment they were there, and then enjoying the palms against his shoulders even more. He let out a small, satisfied sigh at the kiss on his wrist, and he allowed himself to relax against Graverobber then, privately marvelling at the sensation of a solid body beneath his own."Eventually," Nathan reasoned, and looked at Graverobber, finding the man was looking at him with what were suddenly doe eyes his make up was smeared around his eyes and on his lip, a smudge of black lipstick running from his bottom lip to his chin, and Nathan brought a thumb up to touch at the spot, but not to rub it away. For some reason, he found he liked it that way, possibly because he knew he was the one who had caused it."But not for some time." he added, his thumb slipping up to run beneath Graverobber's eye, then up to stroke over his brow bone. "This is the second time you've slept in on account of me, if I remember," he said, grinning wickedly.Doe eyes. He would have killed Nathan if he heard the older man describe him like that. Instead, he merely closed his eyes, letting the older man...pethim, a big cat without his teeth. Or, better, a hyena that wasn't giggling to itself. In any animal metaphor, he was quickly melting into a boneless lump that simply didn't care about the fact that he had nearly cried into Nathan's neck."Good," he added warmly, pulling away. That motion finally had Nathan slipping out of him, making him groan throatily, and he pushed up to get the man on his side. The scavenger managed to pull up the sheets, bedding down next to his... doctor, a little closer than needed. "It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make." Nathan replied drily, stroking back down to Graverobber's jaw before he allowed himself to be moved to the side for a moment, there was an awkward shift, and he managed to subtly remove the condom and dispose of it without needing to untangle himself entirely from the sheets. He was still going to have to get used to the whole having sex concept, because there were parts of it he had forgotten about, like the general stickiness of it all.Nathan settled back into the bed, relaxed into it as best as he could, and he felt the other man move in close to him the dampness on his throat hadn't gone unnoticed, when Graverobber had buried his face there but Nathan would say nothing regarding it.He was aware Graverobber would need to see Bankole soon, but they had some time just right then, it didn't seem any amount would be enough. "We're both making them, Doc," Graverobber said cheekily, flinging a lazy arm out over the doctor's chest, enjoying the slight stickiness of sweaty skin and the rough contrast of hair. "I'm going to be walking funny all day." The scavenger flitted between the desire to continue the nearly loving atmosphere of before or return to something a little more casual.The casual won out, but even then, when he reached down to grab the doctor, he pressed a few gentle kisses to the older man's neck and whispered fondly, "I told you I'd get you in." Graverobber sounded pleased with himself, as if being fucked by the other was an accomplishment. Warm, smeared lips and a chin that was just as rough with stubble nuzzled into Nathan's neck. "So what are you not telling me about, lover?" he asked lowly. It was a bit of a below the belt move, but the dealer was nosy. Plus, meetings with Old Ray never went well. "I did notice that," Nathan acknowledged drily and found that he had to struggle for concentration, even over stimulated and having just orgasmed, he found he was still distracted by Graverobber's touches, so his response wasn't particularly well thought out, "I was definitely in."He looked sheepish for a moment, then gave up caring about how articulate he was, because the feeling of the other man mouthing at his neck was too nice to ignore. The doctor let his eyes close to the sensation, one hand stroking lightly at Graverobber's chest, exploring the strangeness of the particularly ample body hair he heard the question and recognized the tone, recognized the sneakiness behind it, but he didn't open his eyes up,"I think we've established there's very little I can keep from you." he replied crisply. Graverobber chuckled in Nathan's ear. His doctor was not the most talkative of men, but these caveman like responses were a sure sign that the old man was enjoying himself. Maybe he'd find out how quickly his doctor could recover, but that was an experiment for another day, when he wasn't already dozing off. A bone white hand drifted up, back to Nathan's stomach, exploring the lightly furred muscles. Men Nathan's age were supposed to have a little extra around the waist and though he appreciated the doctor's trim form, he might have liked it better if it hadn't come from such a nasty job."But you are." For a moment, that fact made him feel... hurt. But that didn't make sense after all, there were many things Nathan didn't tell him, just like there were many things he didn't tell Nathan. It wasn't personal, hell, it wasn't even any of his business. The dealer was quiet for a few moments to let the subject drop , then licked his own bruised lip and said carefully, "So do you have family?" He had mentioned his own, earlier, but Nathan hadn't really responded and the conversation had died out quickly afterwards. Nathan did not reply to Graverobber's prompting he knew it would be a poor choice on his part to tell the other man now of course, in terms of someone with a medical license, he was doing something morally questionable by not even informing the scavenger that he would be going in for a lengthy and life threatening surgery, but the doctor found himself grimly secure in the knowledge that, in the end, he had done much worse things. It didn't change what he was doing now but at least his intentions in this case were of the good sort.A small sigh left him from the hand exploring his chest and stomach while his own found the scars on Graverobber's chest and traced them intently these days, the surgery was so much more advanced that it wouldn't leave scars quite like those ones the scars now were thin, barely visible things that vanished almost entirely over time. Perhaps Graverobber would barely have a mark from the new surgery, once the healing was finished."Only Shilo," Nathan murmured, "The rest are gone." Graverobber smiled lazily at the soft sounds escaping his doctor, unable to shake the intimate feeling of a good fuck. If he'd been smart, he would have run away long ago, but maybe, just maybe, the sighs and hands that examined his scars like they were memorizing their paths, maybe that was worth the inevitable pitfalls of caring about someone. It'd be nice to pretend he had a home for awhile, with folks to come back to.He would just have to be careful not to get used to it.The scavenger made a low sound of sympathy, though he couldn't really imagine Nathan as the sort that would enjoy a large family hanging over him. "Tough, Doc," he whispered in an attempt to keep the conversation open even though his limbs felt heavy. "Must be lonely." Oh, the kid was cute, no mistaking it, but you didn't go around confiding to your daughter, telling her all about your miserable job of murdering debtors. Graverobber wasn't a family man, but he was sure that was one of the first rules of parenting. He moved his head, bumping noses again so he could press a sleepy kiss to Nathan's lips. Unlike yesterday, the remains of the Zydrate in his system and tiredness from an honest night's work left him drowsy after ... Whatever it was that they did and if he had his way, he'd convince the old man to stay in bed all day. The kid would understand and it wasn't as if he and Ray enjoyed seeing each other. Nathan seemed to consider Graverobber's statement for a long moment, looking up at the ceiling,"I think it's worse for Shilo," he said he often felt guilt for not letting her go out to make friends like she wanted to, but he was well aware that people in their city didn't exactly make friends with eachother they built small alliances to keep themselves alive, and that was the limit of the kindness. Most of the population would turn in anyone to save their own skin, and letting Shilo out there would be the equivalent of feeding her to wolves, "She's young and the only future she can see for herself is within the walls of this house but she'll be well one day."Once he found a cure.A cure for the city, anyways to make Shilo well, he knew he would simply need to stop her from taking her medication she would go through withdrawal for a time, weaker for a while, but she would regain her strength. He was sure that when Rotti Largo was gone, things would be different, things could change because even if the Largo children wound up with control of GeneCo, they would never run it with the iron fist their father had they were too lazy, too inattentive and sloppy and they would burn through the company's earnings in short order. They weren't business minded, they were too absorbed by their own vices Amber's drug habit, Pavi's sex addiction, and Luigi's violence without their father around they would be free to be completely engrossed and controlled by it, destroy themselves with it.Nathan realized a nasty little smile had touched his lips, and he pushed it away.He returned the kiss, gentle it was tempting, the idea of staying in bed with Graverobber all day, but things needed to be done the scavenger needed to see Ray. "And if she's not, Doc?" Graverobber fought the urge to rest his head on Nathan's chest, won and laid it down somewhere near his shoulder. Surprisingly, his doctor radiated heat. Apparently the exercise was good for him. Outside it was probably still sticky hot, the sort of heat that weighed heavily on the skin and lungs, but inside it was a pleasant, controlled temperature, cool enough that it felt good to pull up the blanket and ...Not snuggle. Not snuggle at all. But move close to his doctor. And if he stuck his nose against the muscles of the older man's neck it was simply to warm the tip of it. Certainly not to take in Nathan's scent, the one hidden under layers of soap and disinfectant. Certainly not to nuzzle the little hairs a few centimeters behind his ear.Certainly not.But whatever he was doing, it felt good. The scavenger caught himself giving a self satisfied sort of sigh, the kind that meant everything was, for that moment, right in the world. It was horrifying. Graverobber wanted to run, but instead he said "We should just stay here. Your kid will understand if Daddy wants to spend the day in bed with his fuckbuddy." Nathan shook his head,"That's not an option." he said simply he guiltily acknowledged that Graverobber wasn't privy to all of the information, but there were things he couldn't really explain, things he didn't want to explain partly because he was barely able to face himself as it was, and thinking too much about what he had to do to keep Shilo safe, beyond the life as a Repo Man, it made him sick with himself, "One day, she'll be well."His hand slid up Graverobber's back when he leaned onto his shoulder, and he pressed his fingertips into the muscle around the man's spine, feeling the cords of it and admiring the sensation of skin."We can't," Nathan said, and regretted that he had to say it he leaned his head so his jaw was pressing against Graverobber's forehead, "Bankole has to see you today." Graverobber knew when a subject was too painful to continue with, so he dropped it for the moment. There was something there, under the surety of a father to make his baby well, and maybe for once he didn't want to know. But the scavenger dug his fingers everywhere, and while this may be more a personal issue than he usually dealt with, he'd figure it out.Eventually.Right now, though, he groaned and pressed a kiss to the patch of skin behind Nathan's ear. The hairs there were baby fine against hips lips as he examined the bump of bone. "Ray's used to me being late, Doc. Besides, he'll clean me out worse than Sweet." The man was an asshole like that he seemed not to care that Graverobber was trying to make a living and liked to take his cut at warehouse prices. At least Amber gave good sex when she couldn't pay . "I'll go see him later. Tomorrow." Nathan made a small noise of satisfaction, like a cat that was being stroked when Graverobber mouthed behind his ear and he closed his eyes to the sensation, his fingers continuing to gently stroke along Graverobber's back at this rate, they really wouldn't get out of the bed all day, and he knew he couldn't let that happen. The small movements from the scavenger's mouth were causing a warmth in his stomach again, so it was just another reason to stop it before it went any further it was almost infuriating how easily Graverobber could stir arousal in him."It can't be tomorrow," Nathan said firmly, and his hands moved to the man's shoulders to lean him back a bit, forcing Graverobber to look at him, trying to make it clear that he was particularly serious about the matter, "It needs to be today. Soon." This was another place where their ideas of what was infuriating or unacceptable differed: Graverobber got a pleasant sort of warmth in his stomach every time he heard the little sounds and felt the subtle shifts in muscle and skin that meant Nathan was enjoying himself in a way that wasn't completely platonic. His hand was in the process of slipping down to check the effects of his mouth on the good doctor's cock when Nathan pulled him away.That made him nervous, but the scavenger gave Nathan a crooked smile. "Okay, Doc," he said, leaning in to press a kiss at the bump of a stubbled chin. "You know, if I didn't know better, I'd swear you and Old Ray were in business together to get my parts." Not that he had anything anyone outside of a desperate Donor would want. Another quick kiss to the lips and the grave robber was pulling away, stretching and letting the blankets fall from bare shoulders. "Come on, Doc. You can shower first."Or, rather, get into the shower first. Nathan quirked an eyebrow and looked Graverobber over for a moment,"To be candid," Nathan said, "I'd really prefer to be the only one to have your parts, and rather like them where they're currently situated."He considered, for a moment, that all of Graverobber's parts were situated on top of him right then and that what he had just said could be misconstrued, but really, he wasn't going to correct it because as it turned out, he was also just fine with that. He couldn't help it when a small smile flickered over his face at the little kiss, and then he let his eyes run down the line of the scavenger's body when the blankets were pulled away, and then he considered the trek to the bathroom not about to do it naked what if Shilo was up? he made quick work of pulling on his night clothes.He did his best not to look Graverobber over again before he headed out of the room and into the bathroom where he brushed his teeth, carefully shaved, and got into the shower, habitually turning the temperature cold to wake himself up. Unlike Nathan, who feared for his little girl's virgin eyes, Graverobber had no such concern. Besides, she'd probably seen the male form, though only in Nathan's medical books and he couldn't imagine she'd be that interested. After all, it was just Dad's boyfriend.He probably shouldn't feel anything that could possibly be mistaken for 'warm' and or 'fuzzzy' at that title , but he did.Nathan was infecting him.The constant roar of falling water covered the sound of the door and his own footsteps. It was, he imagined, another blindspot for the old Repo Man: why would he expect an attack in the shower? Graverobber moaned internally, feeling the cool mist coming up above the curtain. Cold.Cold. Damn the man. Stealing himself against the low temperature, the scavenger slipped in, reaching immediately around Nathan for the handle."Fucking hell, Nate," he breathed into the older man's ear, voice barely audible over the water as he turned it towards scalding. "You always take cold showers like this? No wonder you look so drawn and grey." Usually aware of his surroundings, it was true that Nathan had never thought to stay wary in the shower under the stream of freezing cold water, he didn't think about much of anything except the fact that his skin was numb. He hadn't even heard the door open, or the footsteps he'd had his eyes closed, and it wasn't even until Graverobber was behind him that he jerked, turning around and nearly falling against the other man. He looked up at Graverobber, hair plastered down to his forehead, eyes wide with surprise but they snapped closed and his teeth clenched for an instant in response to the sudden temperature change, shoulders squaring from the difference.He only took hot showers after Repo had taken over it made him feel like he was burning out the monster, and usually afterwards, he would turn it cold again. He wasn't entirely sure why, but perhaps it was for the same reason that he refused to allow himself to enjoy much of anything."It wakes me up." Nathan said simply, blinking away the last of the cold water, which juxtaposed against the hot water that was moving down his body, beginning to colour his skin pink. Strong hands had reached for him. Even if Nathan wasn't going to fall, even if the old doctor was scrappy and could take care of himself, the scavenger had no desire to explain a busted lip or unconscious home owner should he fall. Besides, Nathan's skin was wet under his hands. You couldn't say 'no' to a chance like that.Once the water was warm enough , Graverobber stuck his face under the spray, spluttering joyously. For a moment, he ignored Nathan, pretended that he often stepped into the shower with his... lover, that this was an every day occurrence for him and not one that left him confused. After all, he didn't know what you did with people you liked, so he did the next best thing.Theatrics.But even then, the wide, false smile he turned to Nathan wasn't right. For one thing, it wasn't false. It even had a tinge of the painfully honest, like the sunny smile the old man had turned on him earlier that morning. "Yeah?" Graverobber pressed forward, brushing their lips together, fingers still resting loosely on the older man's biceps. "But what's the point of a shower if it isn't hot?" Nathan continued to look startled for a long moment after at this point, he had gone past being surprised that Graverobber had snuck up on him, now he was just surprised to see the other man showering. He wasn't about to protest of course, why would he? A clean, wet scavenger was not exactly repelling for Nathan, so he stepped back to let Graverobber have better access to the spray, only to find the man stepping towards him again a moment later, offering him a highbeam sort of smile that made Nathan suddenly aware of his own heartbeat.He didn't want to think about what that meant he was certain that he didn't want to know, or at least that right then, he didn't want to speculate."Well," Nathan said, one hand splaying out on Graverobber's chest, "To get clean, for one." "Easier to get clean if it's warm, right, Doc?" Graverobber butted Nathan's jaw out of the way with his nose. The man wasn't all that much shorter than him, but under the water with his hair clinging to his skull and his eyes wide from surprise, the scavenger felt a possessive, protective urge tighten something below the level of his heart. That was an okay feeling: he was allowed to own. Anything past that was dangerous."I'm the one that should be getting clean." Another kiss, along the damp line of Nathan's jaw. "I'll have you know, lube up the ass is an odd feeling." He reached pass to fiddle with the shower head, turning the water closer to them. It was warm enough that even his toes were stinging with the heat. Nathan was sure that there was meant to be some limit for them, that at some point they had each individually concluded that there was only a small amount of actual intimacy they would let themselves have with this strange relationship, but somewhere along the line, boundaries had been broken and their willpower along with it. The doctor couldn't have shaken it off even if he'd wanted to, he could only stay in place while Graverobber moved closer to him, kissed him, brought their bodies together Nathan's eyes closed for a moment at the press of the man's mouth along his jaw and he found himself putting his hand's on Graverobber's hips, thumbs stroking at his hipbones,"Hm," Nathan said throatily, "I believe I can sympathize." "You know what you're doing, correct?""Of course, Ms. Largo.""Good. The funds will be transferred to your account by the end of the week." "I'm sure you can." Graverobber's voice was a low, amused rumble. Just a few days ago, his doctor would have run and hid behind Repo for something this intimate. And Graverobber, well, he would have run in his own way, off to whores that didn't make him smile like Nathan did. Because Nathan made him smile, wide and open and in a way that crinkled his eyes and made himhurt."It's not a bad feeling," he added, steering Nathan towards the tiled wall, pushing the older man against the cold, smooth surface. Steam had left it slick: one of Graverobber's arms slid up, resting his weight against his fore arm. "Being stretched. Sore. I could probably stand letting you do it again." It wasn't often that Luigi Largo was asked for favours mostly because everyone knew better than to approach him about anything, but if there was one thing he was able to respect, it was the hierarchy of power. As the sort who craved to one day be in control of others, Luigi had learned that it was to his advantage to find it in himself to take orders from people who had attained what he hoped to achieve in this case, his father.And besides that, this was a good order. This was the kind of order that was tailored just to his particular talents.Luigi buffed his favourite knife he had to wait, of course, but at least this was a favour he looked forward to doing. Nathan let out a small huff of breath when Graverobber shoved him up against the wall, and his shoulders jerked back at yet another sudden change of temperatures the water pouring down on them was achingly hot, while the porcelain tiles behind him were damp and freezing on his back and thighs,"I'm not sure I could stand to," Nathan lied he had been doing his best not to get distracted by Graverobber again that morning, but this wasn't exactly something he could ignore the man had actually climbed into the shower with him, it was yet another unchartered territory for the doctor, and he found himself trying to sort out what he should be doing. Graverobber did need to see Bankole of course, they had some time, but "I'm not as young as I used to be, you know." he added, and realized he trying to convince himself as well, because God help him, he was almost certain he could go on with Graverobber like this all day. Graverobber's lips, pink without the dark blues or black of his lipstick, stretched, revealing mostly white teeth. "You're lying, Doc," he sang into the older man's ear, body following Nathan's so he could keep him against the wall. The feel of a wet body beneath his own was fantastic, good enough that he laughed in simple pleasure. The scavenger didn't understand why he was bordering on deliriously happy just to touch the old doctor, but he was the other man's body fit his better than even the soft curves and hairless chests he thought he was more fond of."No rubber though, or I could just take you," he said, sadly, teasingly as he sucked in an earlobe. The hand that was still resting on Nathan's bicep reached up, fumbling with the shower head and turned it to a sharper angle, more on Nathan, to highlight that difference in temperature. "And you are getting old. Hate to have you slip in the tub." That smiling, mocking mouth moved up, pressing little kisses to the side of Nathan's face, noting that he had shaved, and when they kissed there was the remains of mint. "When we get home. Back, I mean." Nathan managed not to look sheepish when Graverobber casually pointed out that he was, in fact, lying but he didn't deny or confirm it, there wasn't really a need to, but he found himself hoping that his body would just listen to him this time, because Graverobber's water slicked body felt far too good against his own, and the combination of temperatures was doing strange things to him that left him acknowledging that, in a very short time he wasn't going to be able to object convincingly to anything. They couldn't stay at the house Graverobber had an upcoming surgery, and explaining to Bankole that he'd left the surgeons waiting because they'd decided to fuck all day Nathan gave a small groan at what the other man said, fingers pressing into his hips for a moment,"Yes, I need to be careful in here, might fall and break a hip," Nathan agreed, and his eyes flicked over the other man for an instant, not missing the brief slip in words it was somehow heart warming to hear the scavenger refer to the big, aging victorian building as 'home', even if it was covered up quickly,"When we get back, we'll see." Nathan added, knowing full well that Graverobber wasn't going to be in shape for much of anything for the next few weeks. He wouldn't be able to be on the streets, that was clear enough it would be too risky and he would need time and rest to heal properly. Noise spilled out out of the make shift emergency room like a wave, cresting over Ray then seemingly dropping as he moved in, ears acclimating to the level of sound. The controlled chaos that was the hallmark of every good, busy hospital managed to distract him from his guilt of leaving Helen behind. He wanted to keep her safe and away from things that scared her, but she couldn't have the luxury of that, not with Largo breathing down his neck these days. For a moment, that thought made him hesitate, adding an odd, shaky step to his gait. With sudden clarity he realized he was a dead man, that he was now living with an approaching deadline.Literally.His smile was extra bright when he finally found Prana and the woman, near his age but holding up so much better , commented on this. "You're smiling too much, Taylor." Dark brown eyes examined him, noted the lack of his little shadow but said nothing concerning it before gesturing him away from the central activity. Prana was a beautiful woman, from the pepper and salt hair pulled back severely into a bun, to her delicate wrists that were often adorned in simple, gold bracelets when she wasn't at work to her uneven legs that left her with a limp and ended with feet clothed in colorful, often unmatched socks one could never see unless she pulled up the pantslegs of her scrubs. Ray stepped close, nearly resting his lined forehead on hers as she pulled out the paper work for the surgery. He might not like the grave robber, but his heart ached for Nathan who was young enough to be one of his own kids and destroyed in a way Rotti had hoped to do with him, so Prana was handling the surgery."It looks good to me. They'll probably be a little late. Save the lungs, if you would we'll use them as a quick fix for the other transplant until we can find another pair." As if he was objecting convincingly now. Graverobber tucked his head back against the older man's neck, the other side, and laughed again, low and warm against the line of Nathan's jaw. "I'll look forward to it, then," he teased, then brought his hands up to cup Nathan's face, kissing him again. His. His doctor. His almost family with the old man that kept holos of a wife long dead and a girl locked in her bedroom that couldn't have more than a few grams of sugar at a time. But his.Nathanwasturning him into a softie. But that was okay: weaknesses like this were hidden away in this ugly, dull, uncolored house like Repo tucked away in the old doctor's psyche."It's going to be tough being good at Ray's." Graverobber rested his forehead against Nathan's, unknowingly mimicking the old man. "Especially once he takes all my Z. I think I'll need some sort of compensation before hand." The scavenger rolled his hips forward, adding, "Especially since I have no idea what's going on." Nathan grimly acknowledged that Graverobber wasn't likely to feel optimistic about much of anything when they got back, in fact, he was quite sure the scavenger would have every reason to be furious with him for doing this so haphazardly but there really hadn't been a way to plan this out, and he couldn't have left the lungs in his own home because because he was trusting Repo less and less each day. He knew how the monster felt about the grave robber, and he wouldn't give it ample opportunity to destroy the scavenger's chance for a longer life.A small sound escaped him when Graverobber rocked his hips forward, and the image of shoving the man face first into the wall and taking him a second time was ridiculously tempting but there was no protection readily available, and he wouldn't allow those urges to overtake the need to be responsible.He regarded Graverobber through half lidded eyes,"Don't you ever run out of energy?" he asked mildly. "Sure, Doc, but you keep feeding me and letting me sleep."The grave robber kept a hand on Nathan's arm, pressing him against the tile as he examined their surroundings. Dark eyebrows drew together in concentration as he ran through the obviously very difficult logistical problem two men with long legs in a tub forced on him. His expressive face showed when exactly he came up with the solution, and he was still smiling when he turned his head back to Nathan.Another kiss, lingering, then a wide grin. "Stay under the water," he commanded, free hand batting at the shower curtain . He sat down at the edge, hissing from the cold on his ass and other private parts: Nathan had better know what he was doing for the old doctor. Hands slipped up slick legs, gripping his hips and pressing him against the wall just so the older man wouldn't fall and an eager mouth dove forward, taking his doctor's cock past his lips.For some reason, Graverobber seemed to think that the old man needed to get every single orgasm he'd missed over the last seventeen years and the scavenger himself was the one that would help with that. "Fair enough," Nathan murmured, watching the scavenger's face flit through multiple expressions in rapid succession, moving from a puzzled concentration to an expression of dawning realization the latter of which caused Nathan to visualize a lightbulb above the scavenger's head, the image of which nearly made him laugh. It was ridiculous he was certain that the scavenger had done something to his brain.Though, at Graverobber's demand, Nathan went to move forward as though his mind automatically told him to disobey, only to find hands on his hips, shoving him back against the tiles. This time the doctor showed an expression of puzzlement, but it dissappeared rapidly because there was no questioning what was happening now Graverobber had taken him into his mouth and Nathan gave a sharp groan, one of his hands falling to the man's shoulder, his hips twitching under the man's palms,"Christ," Nathan rasped, looking down at Graverobber, fighting to keep from shutting his eyes because the sight was too stimulating to ignore. The porcelain under his ass was still cold, miserably so, but the grave robber ignored it, focusing instead on Nathan's hips. They were lean, of course Graverobber tapped a finger in admonishment against the bump of a hip bone. Somewhere along the line, when the care for boundaries flew out the window, care for his doctor's health came in to roost. The skin was warm under his hands, body tensing into little involuntary jerks of movement forward. He was soft, still, but that was changing the scavenger was finding a new sort of delight in feeling Nathan grow hard in his mouth, as if he wasn't middle aged, constantly exhausted and strict enough to fill the stern quota for two priests and a father.Graverobber pulled his head away, shivering from the water trailing down his back. Damn. He should have pulled his hair forward or maybe gotten one of those stupid shower caps. There was a wide, stupid smile on his face as he looked up, one hand moving from Nathan's hip to wrap around his cock, jerking him off. "You might want to be quick, Doc," he teased, eyes bright as Nathan's erection slipped across his palm. "We haven't got all day." Graverobber leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the skin right below the doctor's navel. The doctor managed to be bizarrely quiet as Graverobber utilized his mouth, and he found himself almost embarrassed by how quickly he grew hard he was sure there was some rule that middle aged fathers weren't supposed to be so responsive, and some part of his mind clung to the idea that every aspect of this was wrong, so very wrong. He shouldn't be allowing or enjoying this but, god, he was.His eyes fell closed when Graverobber pulled back but there was no time to collect himself because a large, rough hand was grasping him, stroking him slowly and firmly and for a moment Nathan's knees went weak, but he caught himself before it became too obvious,"You just couldn't behave yourself," Nathan said, managing to sound admonishing even through the hot spray of water and with the scavenger's face level with a now painful erection he found himself wondering how many times he had found himself hard because of the man in front of him he had lost count, "Not even for a few hours."He twitched at the kiss on his abdomen, one hand slipping unconsciously into Graverobber's hair, fingers sliding through the thick, colourful cords. In response to Nathan's tone, which managed to sound more like he was speaking to an unruly school boy not a man that was currently using long, clever fingers to explore every square inch of his erection. A very angry looking one, mind you, that simplycouldn'tbe comfortable. Nathan should be thanking God for the Graverobber, who was more than willing to take care of the swelling his doctor had suddenly developed. That he was the cause of it never crossed his mind save to boost his ego: after all, didn't most men start popping meds around this age to get results like these? The scavenger pressed another kiss to the older man's stomach, mostly innocent save for the chin, prickly with stubble, rubbing against the head of his cock.Graverobber looked up and smiled widely, having been one of those children that responded to scolding in a mostly positive manner and Nathan simply held no threat when he was pushed up his own shower's wall."Why would I want to behave myself?" he rumbled, fingers slipping down Nathan's length then up again. He could feel the doctor's hand in his hair, a heavy sort of security that made him leer up at the older man as he licked from base to tip. A choked noise escaped the good doctor when the graverobber's stubbled chin rasped over the bare, sensitive tip of his cock it sent a tremor through the older man's body, and he leaned his head back against the ceramic tiles for a moment to collect himself again. Somehow, even with the heat of the water, the shower wall was still cool against his skin and the combination of temperatures and sensation made things seem oddly surreal, almost dreamy.He looked in time to watch Graverobber drag his tongue up his length for a moment, his hand clenched in the scavenger's hair and he found himself tugging on the cords to pull the man's head back, enough that his eyes could flick over the man's expressive features, and right then, there was a sudden flicker of hunger in Nathan's eyes, something strange and hungry that existed only for an instant and belonged only to Nathan, not his darker half.Then he was leaning in an accomplishment in the cramped quarters and he managed to clumsily move their mouths together and he tugged Graverobber's bottom lip between his teeth, one hand still in his hair, the other on one shoulder, tugging him in. The younger man hissed, one eye squinting shut from the sudden pain as Nathan yanked his head back into some awkward position that reminded him of that night in the alleyway. Only his doctor was naked, not in the heavy butcher's smock, and there was something so very needy that lurked in the back of those lopsidedly colored eyes before turning and vanishing like a kid that had done something bad. Graverobber's expression softened from something that looked like it belonged in that dark alleyway playing with Repo to a gentler, honest one that belonged to Nathan as much as that little slip.Graverobber chuckled softly, pulling away a little after their quick kiss. "Careful, Doc," he teased, face close enough that he butted noses and breathed in the same air that the older man had just finished with. "You'll slip. Or throw your back out." His lip stung from Nathan's teeth as he sucked it in, tasting just the slightest hint of pennies. The scavenger managed, some how, to get standing without cracking his head, an accomplishment along the same lines of Nathan kissing him. "Huh," he grunted, thoughtfully, running a finger along his bottom lip then pulling it away to look at it. Blood."Sharp little teeth," he murmured, pressing the finger to Nathan's lips. "It would be a good way to go, anyways," Nathan said wryly a fantastic end to a Repo career death in the shower, concussed while having a rough necking session with his graverobbing, drug dealing bedmate and dying at age forty two with an erection he couldn't help the amusement that flickered across his face. Undignified, embarrassing yes, it seemed like an appropriately ironic death, the only thing that would be more ironic would be something public, given his penchant for withdrawing from the rest of the world.But death, he supposed, wasn't a good topic right then.He watched Graverobber swipe at his bottom lip and for a moment Nathan felt a swell of guilt he must have lost control, and he was about to apologize for it, about to tell the other man he wasn't sure what had come over him, but then that finger was pressing against his lips and he found himself drawing the digit into his mouth. He didn't even think before he did it, his eyes on Graverobber and the taste of the other man's blood shocked some part of him, made some sick part of him squirm with delight while Repo nastily tried to have a chance but Nathan refused him again, and found himself both disturbed and sickeningly aroused by what he was doing.Blood. He shouldn't be reacting this way to it, it wasn't normal. He was sure it wasn't healthy. Sometimes Nathan's face was a little more open and the scavenger could watch his doctor's little smile flicker on then off.There was no point in wasting energy on squishing down the part of him that was showing up with alarming frequency, the little voice that was growing louder every day that tuned in now to say 'look how his eyes light up when he smiles'. It was annoying as all hell, but the Graverobber didn't reallywantit to go away because he really did like Nathan's eyes when they were bright with something like laughter.And maybe he also liked watching that face go from apologetic horror to something much darker. Graverobber chewed on his bottom lip, watching as Nathan sucked his index finger in, not even closing his eyes when he felt the older man's tongue on the rough pad of his finger. Of course. Blood. Just like before, on the couch, when Nathan had gone at him like some middle aged piranha. "Like that?" he whispered, voice low enough that the spray of water covered it. Didn't matter. Graverobber, leaned forward, finger still in the doctor's mouth, and ghosted stained lips over the older man's. Here Nathan had been so good not to break the skin that Graverobber had nearly forgotten the old man enjoyed blood and now they had an appointment with his land lord. They would have to blame the split lip on ... well, something other than exploration. Nathan found himself staring at Graverobber, watching the spray move across the man's face, eyes tracking the droplets that were following along the lines and curves of his cheekbone and jawline, and most of all, he found his eyes focusing on the way the water was moving over the man's bottom lip, dragging the blood with it and briefly staining his chin pink. He didn't hear what Graverobber had said, but he knew what the words had been anyways, and he felt some measure of shame because of the bizarre heat blossoming in his spine and his chest this was a different kind of arousal, something Nathan found a little startling.His eyes had flicked down to Graverobber's mouth, watching for a long moment before making eye contact again when their lips brushed, and for a moment Nathan froze, didn't move, mismatched eyes staring hard into Graverobber's blue ones before he swiped his tongue across his bottom lip, and then suddenly wrenched him in hard, the movement forcing their bodies together. Even with the soap, with the water running, he could smell the blood, and the scent was coiling something in him that had him maneuvering them, had him shoving Graverobber up against the porcelain tiles now, hard enough that their teeth clicked for a moment while his fingers dug into the scavenger's arms. He scarcely noticed doing it, but he rocked his hips up against the other man's, briefly absorbed by the sheer physicality. Graverobber let out a loud bark of laughter that was swallowed up by the kiss, if he could call it that. Nathan had pushed him up against the tiled wall, knocking the air out him with both the shock of that much cold tile behind him and strength that had kept him up when his feet threatened to slip on the wet porcelain, and was now attacking his mouth with enough violence to tear something else. The scavenger wasn't sure he wanted more blood in the equation, at least not in any sensible way a few drops, and Nathan seemed to go at him like a shark."Fuck, yes," he managed between kisses. Nathan's body was hot against his own and wonderfully hard and Graverobber didn't think there was anywhere else he'd rather be at the moment then in that old Victorian necking with an old nut of a doctor. Not when the water was mixing with sweat and blood and tiles that felt like particularly hard corpses behind him and Nathan's erection was pressing against his own. "God," the dealer murmured, then, a little louder, "Blood, Nate? You kinky fuck." There was a teasing sort of smile on his abused lips, his own eyes open as he watched the older man from a distance that was small enough to have their noses touching. He was slowing the action down later, the could explore, and maybe bring something sharp. Later, when they had time and Graverobber had a full vial of Zydrate to take the doctor down should the night surgeon show up to the party. He felt the vibration of Graverobber's laugh a positive reaction, at least but the noise barely made it out into the open due to the ferocity and insistance of Nathan's kiss. His fingers held the other man's shoulders perhaps a little tighter than they needed to as the doctor pulled the other man's bottom lip in and sucked on it, tasting the blood from the broken skin, combined with the taste of Graverobber himself.He heard the other man groan and the sound caused another stroke of heat down Nathan's spine, and he pushed his hips against the scavenger's again, the mix of soap and water creating a perfect slide of skin then he heard Graverobber's next comment after the kiss had broken, found himself nose to nose, and he suddenly felt a shock of embarrassment from his own behaviour and he realized his breathing had quickened.He had no way to explain himself, and wasn't sure he wanted to but the taste and smell of blood was lingering and for an instant, it had felt like his self control was draining. Condoms seemed silly the man had already sucked down several fluids from him, so what did it matter that they didn't have access to rubbers in the shower? Nathan was hard and pleasantly insistent, and Graverobber wanted the good doctor to shove him face first into the tile and have his way with him using no more prep than what he'd had earlier. After all, how often did he get the father, not the monster, tearing into his skin and rutting against his hips like an animal?"Later, Doc," he repeated, teasing as he pressed another kiss to the side of the older man's mouth, noting how the skin was smooth and tasted of something clean. From shaving, then, or maybe after shave, the grave robber didn't care: the taste was completely Nathan, especially when layered on top of his own blood. Another kiss, this time to the doctor's nose. His lips were throbbing with blood, bruised and sore but in a good way, the same sort of good way his neck was injured. Large hands rested on Nathan's trim hips as he grinned. "You can even bring one of your scalpels. We'll play doctor." Control.Self control where had that vanished to, these days? It seemed every time he had a moment like this with Graverobber, a little more of that willpower drained away, fluttered off somewhere that Nathan couldn't reach there was something frustrating and if the doctor thought about it slightly terrifying about the concept.A shudder passed through him and Nathan ducked his head, pressed his forehead to Graverobber's chest for a moment, took in a breath to steady himself because this wasn't him, he wasn't like this, he was calmer than this. His hands slipped down Graverobber's arms, releasing him from the near bruising grip that he'd only just realized he'd been holding the other man in."That would be a bad idea." Nathan said hoarsely, as the scenario moved through his mind anyways him with a scalpel, Graverobber at his mercy. All it would take was for Repo to claw his way up, so he added just as roughly, "No, can't do that." Nathan wasn't the only one struggling with control. Graverobber was smart: he knew better than to like Repo Men and want them to stand over him with a sharp instrument in hand, so why was he offering this? Even with a whole thing of Z, it'd be dangerous. Repo was fast and strong, could probably kill him before he lifted the gun. But there was that image of Nathan, eyes half lidded and scalpel held to his throat, that he just couldn't shake off now that he'd imagined it.He was sicker than he thought.Graverobber pulled Nathan close and rested his chin on the grey head, the rough voice making him shiver. Unlike his crappy shower, the water was still warm and combined with the man's forehead against his chest, was good enough to heat him through his bones."It's a great idea, Doc," he murmured, reaching over to turn the water off, ignoring the protest of bruised muscles. Damn, but Nathan had a grip he wanted to shake them out as if movement would undo any damage, but drawing the doctor's attention to his discomfort would only work against him. "I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself. You can just cut me and fuck me." His hands were pink from the heat as he raised them, cupped Nathan's face to get him to look at the scavenger. "I'll even listen to you. While you're doing it. It's a good deal, Nate. You'll probably cream your pants being in charge." Without the running shower as background noise, Nathan found himself concentrating on the sound of Graverobber's breathing, and the throb of the man's heart and he wondered how badly the organ had deteriorated over the years, it had been so long since it had been replaced, and with only a couple years use left out of it, he had to question if Graverobber had felt its effects yet. Did his heart rate go erratic some days? Did he have times where he couldn't breathe, where he felt like his chest was collapsing?Had the years of Zydrate use accelerated the damage?Was he occasionally blindsided by the realization that he could die any time soon, that he had only a borrowed amount of time because his heart was nearing its expiry date? Or did he ever think about what would seem like an inevitable, rapidly approaching death?Nathan felt the warmth of fingers against his face, and he found himself looking up at Graverobber, his expression arranged to be carefully blank, doing his best not to display his own thoughts,"I don't think it would be that simple," Nathan said, almost chastisingly it was a difficult tone to manage while one was dripping wet, naked, and hard, but by gum, the doctor could do it. His hands reached for Graverobber's, fingers slipping around the man's wrists, but only for a moment, just enough for a pleasant, affectionate touch before he took a step back, broke the physical contact, adding, "You need to see Bankole soon."He just managed to stop himself from saying 'we'. "What's not simple about it?" To Graverobber, the whole thing was uncomplicated. No, that wasn't correct. The whole thing was a complicated maze filled with booby traps that involved fire, large arrows and several species of poisonous snakes, but the scavenger ignored that. One room at a time, or something. He didn't get where he was by worrying about the big picture, not as it applied to him. Certainly not as it applied to him and Nathan, which was a whole 'nother level of bad and dangerous, even without the scalpels involved.The older man's absence was its own creature: some part of him ached with the knowledge that they'd have to go back out of the house and right up onto stage, and little touches and affectionate moments were forbidden out there. Had to be. Graverobber couldn't let his customers see him getting soft and neither of them could afford King Largo catching them.Again.Graverobber sucked in his bottom lip, taking in the older man's form, specifically that rather angry looking erection. Nathan could go the stern father route all he liked, but that didn't seem to ruin his enthusiasm. "Look," he said roughly. "Let me just finish you off while you ... I dunno, towel off. Do your hair. Sanitize your mouth." The dealer glanced up, grinning crookedly. "I'll behave myself afterwards." Nathan quirked an eyebrow upwards,"Now you're just being difficult," he said, trying to maintain the chastising tone but finding himself unable hold back the touch of amusement he wasn't certain hecouldfully explain the complications in what Graverobber was suggesting.Most people were capable of predicting their own reactions, of knowing what they would do when presented with a particular situation but then again, Nathan wasn't certain how common it was for someone to struggle with the decision of whether or not to bring a knife into their bedroom activities. In fact, the fact it was even in question was disturbing him because it wasn't just Repo who liked the idea, it was also the kinder, gentler half who had found some temptation in it, who saw a bizarre elegance and passion in the idea of watching Graverobber's blood streak against his pale skin. Nathan, the concerned father, the grieving widower still had the taste of it in his mouth and had to shamefully acknowledge to himself that the thought only deepened his arousal when he was sure it should have dampened it.But he couldn't trust himself, couldn't trust Repo it would only take a few seconds of being inattentive, or letting his control slip just a little and he knew he would be capable of killing Graverobber. That particular thought made it difficult to meet the other man's eyes, made him wonder if his monster had somehow stopped being contained.He shook his head, tried to keep those thoughts from showing on his face, but the worry came to his eyes anyways,"No, no you're right, it's probably best we wait." Nathan said, moving back, moving away from what he realized had become a comforting touch to him. "Your choice, Doc." The scavenger squeezed his hair out in the tub, drips drumming loud enough to chase away any thoughts that were floating around in his head. It wasn't fair of him to ask, not when Nathan liked to think he wasn't affected by blood, that gore was entirely the realm of his nastier half .Graverobber stepped out, surprisingly graceful for a giant goofball of a man. "So you going to tell me why we're seeing Ray?" Unlike Nathan, he was willing to say 'we' after all, he wouldn't stop in to see his landlord unless he had a very, very good reason, not when the man was annoying as all hell. "I'm not looking forward to telling him I'm behind in rent because I'm spending my nights with you." Hell, he didn't want to tellanyonehe was spending his nights or early mornings with Nathan, not chasing him down and certainly not screwing him. Nathan took his time with the question because there was really no pleasant way of telling a person they were going in for emergency surgery that, and he wasn't certain that Graverobber would be willing to go through with it nerves had a way of toying with people, after all, and Nathan found he wasn't willing to risk the unpredictability of Graverobber's reaction. He couldn't be certain another chance like this would present itself, and the sooner that the scavenger had the organ replaced, the more likely he would be to survive the operation.Pulling on his clothes and taking a particular amount of ease with the trousers due to a lingering problem he frowned at his gray reflection in the mirror,"I believe it's a personal matter." Nathan tried. Graverobber watched Nathan dress, eyes taking in what was quickly becoming a familiar body. A skinny one, too. The dealer had to suck down his tongue to keep from clicking it against the roof of his mouth over the last two days, he had become extremely protective of that body. Blue eyes sought out Nathan's own nearly colorless ones, examining the face in the mirror. His doctor looked older, like he was tucking himself back together, sweeping away all traces of color and disarray and life.Like he would have to do when they left. He didn't like it.The dealer slinked up behind him, placing large hands on Nathan's thin hips. "Could you be any more vague, Doc?" he rumbled lowly, dropping his head to nose at the older man's discolored neck. That part of him had color, at least. He could threaten not to show, after all, Nathan couldn't make him , but his doctor was spooked enough as it is. "I'm leaving the Zydrate here. I don't want to get cleaned out by whatever this 'personal matter' is." "I could be," Nathan reasoned, looking at Graverobber through his mirror's reflection while his hands busily arranged the buttons on his waistcoat, "I'm sure if you allow me to redo the conversation, I could be much more cloak and dagger about it. I could use codenames, perhaps you could refer to me as gumshoe."He felt the hands place themselves gently on his hips, not to instigate anything, but merely to touch it seemed strange to him still, the nature of a casual touch, and that alone made him realize how terribly depressing his life would seem to any third party. Nearly two decades of his life had gone by where the only human contact he had was a hug from his daughter or the scratching of nails down his arms from dying patients. It would be even worse for Shilo, who had never experienced much human contact at all it was their interaction alone that created the whole of her social life, and the guilt of that fact was something that had eaten at him every day of his life. Shilo had never had friends, never been outside, beyond the times she had gone to her mother's grave but only with a gas mask on, because even if some of his paranoias were extreme, the air was a real threat her world had consisted of the walls of their home.He continued to remind himself one day it would change. When things were safer, when Rotti Largo was gone, he could let Shilo leave, he could let her begin her life he would ease her off of the poison, he would make sure she was healthy, and he would let her flourish. She could go to school she was too intelligent for her own good, she could make something of her life and he had the money to get her anywhere.Just he had to wait. Rotti Largo needed to be gone.Shilo had to be safe.For a moment, Nathan's eyes fell closed when Graverobber nuzzled at his throat, and his hand back and found Graverobber's arm, fingers simply ghosting over the other man's bicep, warm and wet from the shower. He found himself praying for the first time in years because the last solace of a desperate man was God, even if it was a God he didn't technically believe in he found himself praying that Graverobber lived through the surgery."Yes, be careful with Dr. Bankole he looks like something of a bruiser. He might evenshankyou." Nathan said mildly. Nathan's fingers were warm, lively things. There was a certain deftness to the digits, a surety and quickness of movement that Graverobber had become very fond of. They reminded him of his own, then surpassed his and made him feel like some junkie with stumps for hands. The scavenger reached down, taking Nathan's hand and kissing the tips of fingers. He was allowed to be irrationally fond of body parts, after all. It was an appreciation of skill, human beauty and all that.It wasn't anything more.But there was something about that dry humor that showed up every once and awhile, spoken in a tone of voice that caused Graverobber to have the mental equivalent of a doubletake: he could never be sure if Nathan was joking or not, even if all the words put together were obvious."Way to make me feel like a kid, Doc," he teased, his own large fingers twining with hands that were nearly the same size but much more attractive to him. "'Gumeshoe?' Gonna start referencing the old radio shows as well?" He liked this, this touching thing. Oh, sure, he was still half hard from earlier, but the warm water must have made him lazy: he didn't want to take care of the problem. He wasenjoyingnon sexual touching.Some part of Graverobber gagged. Non sexual touching was for women and old men. Fine for Nathan, but he was still in his prime and should be ... well, not touching for the hell of it. The rest of him, though, was amused by that quiet humor, one corner of his mouth twitching up as he watched Nathan's face in the mirror. Somehow, the man's color was less than that of an old mattress than usual."I'll have you know, Nate, he nearly took me down with a golf club a few days ago. Now," he said, fingers pressing into Nathan's sides as he attempted to turn the two of them so they could face each other, "I should probably scare you by mentioning that I wandered to the bathroom naked." Nathan's eyes went half lidded as Graverobber kissed at his fingertips and he let out an involuntary, appreciative sigh,"I could probably riff off a line or two from War of the Worlds," Nathan proposed, fingers flexing lightly, and he brushed his thumb across Graverobber's bottom lip while his hand was raised to the man's mouth there was no waxy sensation left on his skin this time, which was strange to him now, but still nice, because they were the scavenger's lips,"I'm sure you would like that one. There are aliens and everything tentacles, too. Just do your best to remember its not real."There was a hesitation after Graverobber's statement, and Nathan turned around then. There was a long moment of silence as Nathan looked at the other man, his brow furrowed his eyes dropped down to Graverobber's very naked and wet body, then back up to the man's face he put his fists on his hips."You did what?" Nathan asked mildly, in a tone that suggested repeating the answer would be bad for Graverobber's health. It wasn't working.The whole stern, angry father look. Yeah, that wasn't working. Instead, it made Graverobber watch Nathan's face as his eyes dropped then went back up to his face, the scavenger's smile widening with every degree. He could practically hear what Nathan must be thinking, complete with the older man's voice .He's not that stupid, would be first, then yes, he is. If Shilo saw him I'll kill him.Only much more creative and vindictive."Relax," he said, stepping close again so he could feel the warmth of a just showered body even through the doctor's clothes. "She didn't see me. I made sure of it. Figured you didn't want me pulling on my old clothes just yet." That wasn't a complete lie after all, he was enjoying his cleanliness for awhile and Nathan certainly seemed to prefer him not smelling. "I read War of the Worlds, by the way. I can read more than Dr. Suess and Captain Underpants." The stern, angry father look failed to dissappear even when Graverobber stepped close again and he could feel the man's body heat he continued to stare evenly at the scavenger, adjusting his glasses on his face as he did so,"You're wearing a towel back to the room," he said firmly, "It's the 21st century but consider me stuck back in the era of censor bars. I want all the bits blocked out that wouldn't be allowed on television."He waved a hand in a general south ward direction to indicate precisely which bits he meant, even though he knew Graverobber was very, very aware of what he was referring to. He didn't want the man wandering nude around the house, not when Shilo could step out at any time and see him, it simply wasn't appropriate or orproper.His mind helpfully supplied thatnothingthey had done recently was appropriate and the remaining discomfort of his trousers was only a further reminder of that fact.He raised an eyebrow at Graverobber then,"Captain Underpants?" he repeated incredulously, reaching behind himself, hand patting around the counter until his fingers found a towel, and he brought it forward, pressing it up to Graverobber's stomach, his eyes drawing up to meet his again,"I'll be sure to get you a few books, then." he said. Graverobber took the towel with a giant, shit eating grin. The material was soft in his hands, nice, probably even real cotton that felt cool and fluffy all at the same time. Nathan was well off but, for some reason, he could bring himself to think about being glad that he was sleeping with the doctor for all the cozy benefits."Doc," he cooed, squeezing his hair out in the towel and never breaking eye contact with Mr. Fuddy Duddy Wallace. "I've had your naughty bits in my mouth. I look forward to having them in my mouth again. I also look forward to coming home and putting my naughty bits in your ass, preferably while you're bent over your table. Wandering around your place naked should be the least of your concerns." He draped the towel over his shoulder then leaned forward to press a quick, chaste kiss to Nathan's lips.Nathan's fault, he reminded himself as he pulled away to smirk."No time to read. I'm behind as it is."And with that, the scavenger turned around, whistling, to head out into the older man's proper home with an improper lack of clothing. Nathan's features were stern at first, but his expression gradually shifted to a startled, gaping look as Graverobber spoke even after the things they had done to eachother, the absolute raunchiness of the other man still managed to shock Nathan's more reserved sensibilities, as well as shocking other bits of him. The image entered his mind unbidden, of Graverobber behind him, pushing him down onto the table, baritone murmuring in his ear and dear god, he was fantasizing and they were still in the same room Nathan was sure it was just further proof that he was doomed.He stared after Graverobber for a moment, frozen as he processed it all, and then he practically leapt out of the bathroom, scurrying around in front of the other man and holding up the towel that had been dropped, walking backwards in front of the other man,"Look, you can't wander around like this," Nathan reasoned, doing his best to block the bits that he was positive needed to be censored, "Not because of me, if it were just me well, that doesn't matter Shilo might come out, and I really dont want her seeing "He gestured vaguely south," you." Graverobber moved one more step right into Nathan ??s personal space then stopped, wide mouth twitching with that same large grin. He liked this. It was vaguely domestic and completely innocent and Graverobber didn ??t think he had ever interacted with another human being like this. And with no one to see them, well, it was as good as not doing it. Least that was how he figured it when he leaned in with a wolfish grin, snatched the towel an said in a sing song voice, ??Don ??t know what you ??re talking about, Doc. She ??s seen me before. Maybe you mean something more specific on me. ? He couldn ??t help. Nathan was so ? not Repo at the moment that it made his insides warm like he ??d had something half rotten to eat. The old man ??s face was so serious as he tried his damnedest to keep the scavenger covered as if that was how he ??d keep the man under control. It was cute. ??It ??s okay to say ??penis ??, Doc, ? he murmured in that low voice, the hand that wasn ??t holding the towel below his belly button coming up to cup Nathan ??s face. ??You can even say ??dick ?? if you like. ? As far as he was concerned, they were playing, honestly playing, with no sharp edges to the conversation. His thumb traced Nathan ??s bottom lip.He didn ??t even hear the soft crack of a door than an even quieter gasp. The slam was pretty obvious, though. "You know precisely what I mean." Nathan said, somewhere between irritability and a frustrated sort of amusement he felt like he was dealing with an overgrown child right then one with the most ridiculous hair he'd ever seen, "Yes, well, I'm aware of the terminology. Sometimes even I forget it, but I am, in fact, a doctor, now I would appreciate it if you would "Graverobber's hand went to his face, and Nathan faltered at the tenderness," would " he repeated, but lost anything he was going to say as he found himself staring blankly at Graverobber, feeling the man's thumb trace his bottom lip.Of course, then there was the sound of the door opening, and Nathan's eyes fell shut in a wince, teeth gritted at the gasp, and shoulders jerked when the door slammed closed again. After a silence, Nathan let out a slow, long suffering sigh. It was a surprising moment of affection for him, but being alone with Nathan made him braver. The old man had him at an impasse here he had planned on feeding the good doctor little doses of warmth so he'd keep the scavenger around and Graverobber would get all the bonuses that implied. He'd had the upper hand in his mind, the same way any dealer did. He'd get food, sex, a good place to sleep when he wanted and a man with eccentric complications for miles. Graverobber hadn't expected to hand over a weakness, hadn't expected that the thin smiles and soft sounds his doctor made would give him his own craving.They were almost equals here, and Graverobber wasn't sure what to do about it. Hell, if he was being completely honest, they weren't quite equals because Graverobber was hooked and he wasn't sure he'd appreciate being cut off.Thatwas why he had tried to bury that damned human part of him, the part that flared up like some affectionate acid reflux when Nathan stammered, his expressionless face different than normal.Graverobber's head whipped around, paying no mind to the trajectory of his damp hair, stared for a moment, chuckled and dropped his head to wrap the towel around his hair. There was no point now in keeping the towel at censorship level: the kid would have already got an eyeful of pasty, grave robbing flesh. It was probably the old man's worst nightmare, up there with the kid getting a tattoo, a nose ring and joining a band of colorfully dressed adolescents. The Graverobber popped back up, gave Nathan a big grin, the dark blue towel now a wonderfully wrapped turban to keep his hair off his back, then flounced off to the bedroom like the overgrown kid Nathan had previously compared him to. Nathan was pretty sure that if there was some sort of Worst Parental Unit award, he would be the runner up for it, just after Rotti Largo though his expression didn't fully convey it, Nathan was mortified that his daughter had just seen his his what, boyfriend? Was that the word? naked. It may have only been the rear view, but that was more than enough to set off the censor alarms in the aging Repo Man's head.If it weren't for the fact he was disconcerted by what had just happened, he might have laughed at the sight of Graverobber practically skipping down the hallway naked, wearing only a towel like a headdress.He smirked a little, but pushed it down, sternly telling himselfthat wasn't funnyand that if it was, his sense of humour needed tweaking."You're not doing that again," Nathan called after him, half heartedly because he knew there wasn't a real way to actually stop the other man from doing anything he wanted to do. If Graverobber heard Nathan refer to himself as a ??Parental Unit ??, the doctor would be put in the running for ??Oldest Nerd Who Happened to Have Had Children ??.Parental Unit, indeed.But Graverobber, for all his people watching and studying, was not a mind reader and was fortunately not privy to that little slip. Instead, he pretended that he had conveniently not heard the command and returned to the bedroom to gather his clothes. They, unfortunately, still smelled of dirt and decay, sweet and earthy. Nathan was rubbing off on him because he noticed, for once, the way the material smelled, how it felt stiff in his fingers from grime. He stared at it thoughtfully for a moment, then pulled on the shirt anyways.Later, maybe once they were done with their little meeting with Ray, he ??d head by his place and pick up some more clothes. He did laundry every once and awhile, and maybe when Nathan was gone and it was just him and the kid, he ??d wash something, surprise him.Course, he ??d have to leave one set of clothes dirty: the scalpel sluts wouldn ??t recognize him if he smelled like fresh flowers or whatever Nathan ??s laundry detergent was. Nathan didn't follow after Graverobber he knew better, knew that if he had trailed after him into the bedroom, he would have found an excuse to keep the tramp around just a little bit longer before they left to see Dr. Bankole. As urgent as the matter was, he would have found a reason to linger there, found a way to convince himself that they could wait for just a few more minutes all because the paranoia was welling up inside of him.Surgery Marcus would be going for surgery, and might not come back from it.He took a deep breath, the way he had done so many times before, and resolved not to be distracted again."We have to go, Marcus," Nathan said aloud, heading down the stairs now, putting some physical space between them, feeling as though the distance had somehow cleared his head, like Graverobber had filled it with a pink mist.For the first time in a long time, Nathan exited his home through the front door and had to pause for a moment to stare at his front yard in the daylight. Graverobber could hear Nathan ??s feet on the stairs, not all that heavy but still not as quiet as when he was playing ninja Repo. ??Coming, Doc, ? he shouted, following the good doctor down the stairs as he fiddled with his fly. The one problem with going commando? Sure, you got out of having to worry about having clean underwear, but catching yourself in your zip was a good way not to have a happy day.But the young man was obviously a pro, and ended up out the door with nary a member in the horrible jaws of ? done up pants. He squinted then let out an elegant and precise, ??Fuck. ? It was too early. He couldn ??t remember the last time he had seen the sun at that height in the sky, mocking him, the damned ball of radiation and nuclear physics. Mocking him for being up when he should have just crashed in whatever dumpster, bed, etc that he would have spent the early morning and afternoon in.If this went any further, Nathan would have him on an exercise plan and drinking orange juice. Fucking morning appointments with Ray. ??What are you waiting for? ? Graverobber passed Nathan, giving his shoulder a good, manly, ??We ??re certainly not having kinky sex ?? smack as he went by for the benefit of the old lady that was peering at them from her barred windows. It might, however, have looked like the ??I ??m dealing drugs and setting him up with hookers ?? slap, though, if the look she gave him when he smiled at her was any indication. This was rich. Nathan ??s neighborhood was filled with the sort of people that freaked out when your azaleas didn ??t match your trim. Not that plants grew that well anymore, not out in the open. But the idea was the same. Ignoring the whole plague thing and the murderer standing next to him, the scene might have come out of ??Leave It to Beaver ??, a show Graverobber was sure Nathan had watched for tips at how to be as boring as possible, especially in the realm of sleepwear. Graverobber glanced to Nathan, dark eyes sizing him up warily.Or maybe, under the leather and blood, he was that boring.But under that, there was a deep and disturbing love of blood, so his odd onion like fuckbuddy couldn ??t beallbad. The manly smack on the back struck so hard that Nathan jerked forward slightly, and the action knocked his glasses askew for an instant, nearly making them tumble off his face before he set a finger against the bridge of them and shoved them back up his face from the corner of his eye, he could see his nextdoor neighbour, Mrs. Hubble, staring at them through her kitchen window. She and her husband had always been particularly invested people when it came to the rest of the neighbourhood, and had been around when Nathan had first moved in with Marni.Of course, Nathan had been quiet and unassuming he hadn't bothered anyone or really even made efforts to get to know them, beyond the meek smiles he would exchange during moments they happened to step out of their homes at the same time which only happened when Nathan didn't time it properly to avoid them. Marni, however, had been extraordinarily outgoing, making a point of loudly greeting everyone she ran into, and when she realized the Hubbles were always watching them, she had taken to exhibitionism in particular, she had enjoyed following her unaware husband out onto the front steps and yanking him into the most innappropriate full contact kisses that she could summon. It always startled the Hubbles, and thus always left her walking back inside with a self satisfied smirk on her face, telling him to have a nice day at work, dear.Of course, given the sense of humour Nathan was privately inclined to, he had decided to maul her while she was gardening one evening she had been a small framed woman, so sweeping her into his arms had been easy and he had leaned her back and kissed her in such a way that she had ended up sitting on the grass at the end of it looking impressed and vaguely alarmed. The two of them had ended up rolling around on the grass like uncontrollable teenagers, her in a sun dress and rubber gloves, him in his labcoat and tweed. The Hubbles had sent them a nasty letter the next day, which Marni had framed.Nathan had to shake himself out of the memory the garden had brought him back to it and probably the sight of Mrs. Hubble's haggard face. She looked at him differently these days back then, there had only been a vague sourness to her expression, but now there was something more like malice on her face, something nasty that sometimes left Nathan wondering what she knew.And sometimes, he hated to admit, it left Repo itching.Nathan quirked an eyebrow at Graverobber and for an insane instant he considered throwing the man down on the grass and finishing what they had started in the shower but he reminded himself of priorities, and scaring his neighbour wasn't one of them. The doctor moved along the pathway and out through the front gate, trying not to think about how foreign the world felt to him right then. The younger man wasn ??t sure what weird chemical imbalance brought on by years of drugs possessed him at the moment. Maybe it was just the way Nathan ??s eyebrows moved in the light, so faded during the day. Maybe it was the way his steps were almost unsteady. Maybe he was imagining it all, but Graverobber reached down for a hand, just as ghostly pale as his own and squeezed lightly.Graverobber didn ??t say a word, but he made sure they held hands until they got into his turf, where affection like that was deadly.Sometimes, even jaded drug dealers wanted a little warmth in their lives and letting go of the morning ??s heat to wander back into the cold of the fucking city was harder than quitting Z.Ray, of course, was waiting, in the form of little, baby You. She didn ??t shake this time, instead meeting Nathan ??s eyes with her own very clear brown ones. ??Dr. Bankole is waiting for you, ? she said, her voice steady and so very adult that Graverobber wanted to laugh. She was a piece of work. Ray had got that stick up her ass early on and she ??d seem to have simply melded to it. With a wave of her little brown hand, she started leading the two men into the death trap that was Ray's charity hospital. ??Dr. Singh will be the one preforming the surgery, but Dr. Bankole has requested you speak with him."Graverobber stopped dead in his tracks. "Wait, surgery? Who the fuck is getting surgery?" For the first time in a long time, Nathan felt genuine surprise as they walked through the front yard and out the gate, Graverobber suddenly reached for his hand and took hold of it, and the gesture was so uncharacteristically warm that all Nathan could do was stare at the other man, his expression somewhere between puzzlement and a sad sort of contentment. It lasted until the day gave way to the filthy darkness of the alleyways and they both released their hold on eachother and walked side by side, looking as casual as two men of their appearance could look together Graverobber in his grubby clothes and rainbow dreadlocks, Nathan in his three piece tweed suit and thick framed glasses.The walk wasn't long, but it felt like it for Nathan, who was experiencing a chill in his stomach, combined with the familiar edge of guilt he had spent nearly half of his life feeling guilty, but what he was doing now was a fresh lash. He was aware that he could be leading Graverobber to his death if anything went wrong during the surgery but then, if it all went according to plan, then he would live far past what statistics said he would.And entering the building, Nathan found himself faced once again with the small, dark face of You she looked directly at him this time, and there was some comfort in that fact. She may have still feared him or at least what he was capable of but he couldn't be certain.And then Graverobber was stopping in his tracks and Nathan felt his heart sink he had known this moment would come, of course, but he wasn't entirely certain he could have prepared himself for it. He did his best not to let the guilt enter his voice, but it managed to show in his eyes,"I saw your file." Nathan said flatly, "You've got two years left at most and that's pushing it." ??Uh uh, ? Graverobber grunted in his own articulate way. There was no way in hell that he was getting on one of these make shift operating tables. For fuck ??s sake, they were dealing with equipment that was already a decade old in some cases. The only people that came here were desperate or ? Or had pissed off GeneCo.Graverobber hadn ??t really done anything bad in his mind. After all, many a dealer and grave robber still went in for surgery, with the surGENs with the perky breasts that nearly popped out of their gauzy dresses and the up to date equipment. Graverobber could do the same thing. Only Amber was watching. And probably dear old Daddy Largo, too, because he ??d been boning his Repo Man. Going under their knives would be the quickest way for him to get his lungs removed, never put back in and his body thrown away in a big dump.Or maybe on the payroll proper.Bright blue eyes shaded with just the hint of panic turned to Nathan. ??Two years is still a fucking while, ? he snarled, but for what? Two years, King Rotti might still be alive making him still on the List of People to Fuck Over, right next to his Doc. And Nathan was right: two years was pushing it. Graverobber had moments where his lungs hitched, ached and he had to cough to set them right again, like jumpstarting an old car. They were on the way out and, if he didn ??t get them replaced, so was he. ??Fucking mother of Christ, ? he added irritably, moving closer to Nathan as they got away from the crowded entrance. ??Did you find these, Doc? Better than roses or chocolate for a present." His mouth was open and his teeth bared as if he was trying to smile, but he was failing miserably. Nathan's expression was grim as he watched the reactions flick over Graverobber's face it began with confusion, turned to disbelief, followed quickly by panic and the vagrant was trying to reason here, saying that two years was plenty of time, that maybe at some point during that time he would come by another chance like this and wouldn't need to face it so soon.Then came the anger, but it was laced with acceptance Graverobber knew that this was his best chance for survival, something he had always been good at, and turning this down would go against the very core of his personality. After all, given who he sold to, Nathan's grave robber had managed to be the only one in the entire city who had Rotti Largo personally keeping an eye on him not to mention that Amber Sweet was likely keeping tabs, she would always want to know where her supplier was, especially since Graverobber was the only one with a spine that allowed him to sell to a Largo. Or maybe it wasn't bravery maybe it was just because he was insane.Either way, he knew that he had to go through with the surgery, but Nathan couldn't blame him for being annoyed with the surprise."Yes, they were just laying in a trash can behind a Chinese take out I dusted them off and figured there was no sense wasting them." Nathan replied, heading down the hallway and eyeing the walls there was an attempt to keep the place clean, and it smelled vaguely of solvent, but only in a distant sort of way that indicated funds were so low that even bleach needed to be used sparingly.He peered over his glasses at Graverobber for a moment, watching him bare his teeth,"You'll be fine." Nathan said crisply, even though he wasn't so sure he believed it himself. Nathan was completely correct: survival was such an important part of Graverobber ??s life that it fueled his insanity. After all, making one ??s self valuable to those in charge, especially through their darling daughters, was how one stayed alive, especially when they did have a habit of insanity. And the offer was so tempting that even someone without Graverobber ??s cockroach like urge to stay alive wouldn ??t be able to turn away.A pair of nice lungs, so he could run and jump and play all he wanted. Fuck. That was familiar, wasn ??t it?Only now play involved crawling into a Repo Man ??s bed and sucking him off in the most boring house known to man and Graverobber found he wanted to be able to do that for a long time. He was pushing the age for grave robbers, but the idea of having more than a measly two years to explore the things that made Nathan curse and his kid giggle with joy sounded pretty good. ??Easy for you to say, ? he muttered anyways as You disappeared down one of the faded white hallways. Graverobber leaned in towards Nathan a little, dropping his head so they were almost touching. For some reason, the other man ??s warmth felt good, even if he knew he had to be imagining it. After all, the weather was fucking humid and miserable, especially in the city where the asphalt and concrete backed all day. ??You ??re not going under the knife. I shoulda known you ??d pull shit like this. ? He should have been angrier. He was angry. But his voice had a sort of amusement to it. He was learning his Doc, after all, and if he wasn ??t careful he ??d end up in a room just like the kid while he recovered, lock and all. Graverobber parted his lips to say something more, but Ray took that time to sweep in with some small, crooked Indian woman. ??Ah, Dr. Wallace, ? he said, his obnoxiously colored clothes sticking out even worse than the Graverobber ??s dreads because the scavenger at least knew how to match colors. Sort of. ??Follow me and Dr. Singh. I ??ve called two nurses to get you prep ??d for surgery, ? he added a sort of after thought to Nathan. Fuck. Somethingelsewas going on. Singh gave him a thin little smile before whisking away with Ray and Nathan.For a moment, Graverobber felt afraid. Nathan managed to look indignant, a man utterly insulted by the implications of 'pulling shit like this', but the closeness of the other man, though brief, was somehow reassuring enough to make the expression fade. Hearing the amusement in the other man's voice, he peered over at Graverobber and felt a sudden and powerful affection for the vagrant, and directly afterwards, felt a cold chill that told him he was in over his head.The feeling grew when Singh and Bankole entered the room and told him to get prepped for surgery.Graverobber getting prepped that made sense.Buthim?Nathan stared at the two as they began off down the hallway, and he shot a brief look at Graverobber before moving along beside him,"There's been some misunderstanding," Nathan said, bringing a hand to his chest, "I'm not "Well he was a doctor, yes. And a surgeon. But he hadn't set foot in an operating room outside of the one in his basement for seventeen years the street had become his surgical table."I don't do that sort of surgery anymore." he finished lamely. ??Which is why Dr. Singh will be supervising. ? Ray ??s hand hovered next to Nathan ??s shoulder just in case the man decided to bolt, tweed flapping in the wind. The old man couldn ??t understand how the baby doctor managed to keep from flushing in those heavy clothes, but it seemed that somewhere with the proper fashion came some kind of self regulating response to temperature.Ray preferred his painfully bright Hawaii ??n shirts, thank you very much. They brought out the color of his pain in the ass ness. ??Besides, I ??d like to keep the grave robber under anesthetic for the least time possible. I feel that you may perfect for getting out the lungs in record time. ? He glanced down to Nathan, bright green eyes examining his face. ??I ??ve seen your videos with Mag ??s eyes and the work on the lungs. Dr. Sing, with her better professional opinion, has as well. I don ??t want to see your hands wasted, especially not by Largo. ? The two doctors, used to the layout , managed to drag Nathan along in record time. Ray didn't like how quiet Singh was something was wrong, though it might have just been the idea of working with one of Largo's. He hadn't, of course, told her that Nathan was a Repo Man nor had he given a full name, but she wasn't stupid and she could read him as if every thought he had flashed right across his face in giant, neon letters. "Scrub up well, Doctor. We do our best to keep infection rates down." Nathan, though already pale enough to be called 'colourless', had somehow managed to go several shades whiter during the brief walk down the hallway if he was a god fearing man, he might have rolled his eyes skyward and askedwhy, but as a man of science, all he could do was grimly accept that sometimes things just sucked.Given Bankole's personality, he probably should have seen this coming it couldn't be as simple as bringing in the organs and paying the surgeons, no, Ray would have to get him involved in it well, more involved than he already was. Even worse, they were asking him to sink his hands into the chest cavity of the man he was sharing a bed with, and that fact caused his stomach to lurch violently by the time Bankole finished speaking, even Nathan's lips were without colour, leaving him a palette of slate grays and whites, with only the hazel of his eyes to break the ghostly colour scheme.That video."That damn video," Nathan rasped out Largo had absolutely needed to tape it, hadn't wanted to miss the momentous occasion where GeneCo did the first eye transplant, but why couldn't he have stayed anonymous? Why did Largo have to insist on naming him in the thing? He couldn't have predicted something like this even Rotti's power and money could only go so far, after all, but that goddamn video was going to trail along behind him for the remainder of his life.He hadn't done surgery for years, couldn't even remember what it felt like, because the last seventeen years had been filled with bodies that he forcibly removed organs from, and none of them had involved him putting them back in.Nathan looked ill and shaken, but he didn't argue Graverobber's life was at stake, and if he refused, there was a chance that Bankole would back out, and Nathan couldn't risk it. He did, however, give Bankole one desperate look before he crossed over to the sinks. Because that video had once been the crowning jewel in Rotti Largo ??s replacement ??s surgical crown, back when Nathan Wallace had just been an ordinary, but skilled, SurGEN. It was another piece of the puzzle Ray had dug up and the man was starting to feel he had at least a few of the edge pieces.Prana took her spot at Wallace ??s side in the sinks. ??Make sure you spend a lot of time on the mechanical motion, ? she said in her delicately accented voice, echoing Ray ??s previous advice. Back when the world wasn ??t a hell hole, she ??d grown up in the UK and had never quite shaken the mix of Indian and British accents. Last Ray had heard, the UK had closed itself off in a quarantine. Something about land reclamation, too, but he had a lot more on his plate right in the city. ??We have a lot more areas where infection can occur. Irene, ? she said to a middle aged woman that had slinked into the pre op room. ??This is Doctor Wallace. He ??s been out of the loop for a very long time and should something go wrong, I ??m going to move you from anesthetics to surgery, got it? ? The woman nodded, and smiled at Nathan. Lines at the corners of her blue green eyes crinkled in good cheer as she pulled on a faded Batman patterned surgical cap over short brown hair. ??So you ??re Ray ??s pet project, ? she said, voice a little low for a woman ??s as she directed Nathan towards the actual surgery.Graverobber was lying on the table, stiff lipped and, if it was possible, paler than usual. Someone had gone through and finished the happy job of shaving him and cleaning his now shirtless chest, revealing the old scars to the high intensity lights above him. That same someone must have told him to keep his dirty hands away from the skin that would be cut, thank you very much, because his stained fingers were tapping away on the cold metal and plastic of the table. Nerves. He didn ??t even glance over when the doctors entered the room, all rustling scrubs and gowns. Graverobber wasn ??t entirely certain he could take seeing those familiar pale eyes, one with a dark splotch of something warm like brandy, peeking at him from over a mask. Not when those same fucking eyes belonged to a Repo Man that might or might not want him dead and skinned for a shirt.Oh, god. Bad idea. Now he wished he had been to Church some time in the last decade, because he was pretty sure they ??d appointed a patron saint of surgeries sometime and he wanted to know the name to pray to. Ray ??s makeshift hospital wasn ??t giving him the sort of odds he would like. Nathan heard Dr. Singh speaking to him, he understood her words and saw the laugh lines that formed around her eyes when she smiled, but his mind was absorbed by how bright the world inside the surgery room was it was poorly funded, that was clear enough, but efforts had been made to keep it clean and the smell of solvents hung in the air in a too familiar way. An excess of lights hung overhead and cast the patient into sharp focus, an expanse of suddenly too pale flesh beneath burning brightness, every part of him highlighted in a way that made him look like he had died just waiting for the actual surgery.An array of sharp, gleaming steel was at the ready nearby pliant flesh on a table. Nearby, a GeneCo organ storage container.A mask on his face.Gloves.Repo lingered coolly nearby, awaiting his moment because as far as he was concerned, this was his territory he was the one who gutted things, cut them open and brought blood to the surface. That was his job. Patients belonged to Repo.Nathan's eyes fell onto the table for a second time, and he found himself following the length of the ridiculously hued dreadlocks all the way up to the scalp, then down the profile, over the long nose and the grimly set mouth, and he felt his own heart thudding painfully in his chest.But this one was Nathan's. This one belonged to him.For a moment, Nathan saw his own reflection in stainless steel, and hard, angry eyes stared back at him just before he managed to push the monster back down where it belonged, back into its cage and away from this, away from the white and the bright lights and the metal away from Graverobber, while curtly informing the predator:He's mine and you can't have him.It didn't matter that there were others in the room for a moment they vanished entirely and all that existed was the silly, foolish, ridiculous, filthy scavenger that he just wanted to take back to his home and keep warm. Not for the first time, it occurred to Nathan that he was doomed, but the feeling had never been quite as pronounced as it was right then when he took Graverobber's hand, squeezing it just once.He said nothing, however, because he knew the words would never be right, not even now."I brought alternatives," Nathan said suddenly, voice firm, "No zydrate. I don't want him relying on it through the healing process." Graverobber managed to have a whole huge paradigm shift without even knowing it.It started back before, when the old man had gotten soft on him and kissed him in a way that tasted of sour and blood, the same sort of taste he got in his mouth when he ??d been stabbed that one time in the stomach and had vomited up blood. Not that the old guy had been turning his guts out any time earlier than the day, it was just the dealer had a few wires crossed in his brain and stuff came out the wrong way, where pain had a taste and tastes like grave dirt had colors to them. The room had a taste to it, too, but that wasn ??t the important part.The important part was that he was watching Nathan ??s face behind the surgical mask over the talk of women, all women, voices like warm honey and hand sanitizer, and that he recognized the good doctor ??s inner conflict as something more important than his own. Because he wasn ??t inner conflicting so much as fucking scared of the monster that was going to have access to his innards, but for some reason him being scared shitless didn ??t matter too much. Not when the Doc ??s eyes looked likethat, so angry, like Repo was pissed like a mother fucker and taking it out on the doctor ??s insides.His own long fingers, surprisingly steady, squeezed back. Momentary show of weakness, but, fuck, it was all women so they wouldn ??t notice, right? Besides, chicks dug that sort of thing, emotions and all, but that didn ??t really matter either.Nathan ??s eyes were so washed out. The harsh, artificial light had gone and stolen what little color the man had left, made him look deader than usual. Graverobber usually liked corpses.He didn ??t like his doctor looking like a corpse.So he smiled: a twisted, sardonic thing that got a little more pained when Nate mentioned the lack of Z. Fucking Doc. For Chrissake ??s, he was going to have some charity surgeon cut into his chest, remove his crap lungs and not even give him the glow afterwards?What a hardass.Unfortunately, the very Nathan like concern of his mild addiction made him feel a little warm, warmer than he should feel in that sterile room.The woman who had taken up a seat near his head laughed, voice like broken glass in his mind because she wasstaringat his doctor in a certain when he looked up. ??Dr. Bankole said you ??d want that, ? she said under her mask, her pixie hair cut hidden under that stupid cartoon cap. ??Pulled out a general anesthetic we use on those that kicked the Z habit. ? Her fingers were warm and rubbery when she placed the mask on his face and it tasted of plastic and, oddly, yellow, and when she turned her head down and looked at him with gentle, pretty eyes he nearly panicked. ??Count to ten for me, ? she said, and hehatedher for ? he didn ??t know, really. Sterilized, Zydrate blue eyes rolled towards Nathan. ??Doc, ? he croaked, instead of counting, and the last thing he saw before his mind rolled off where those mismatched eyes, highlighted with purple and lines and set over a stale, white mask. Nathan nearly started when Graverobber's hand squeezed back in front of others, no less.But the tiny gesture held enough meaning for the broken old man that he might have smiled beneath the mask if he hadn't been so terrified of what he was about to do. Graverobber managed a smile or something like one, anyways, but it was a bitter and twisting thing that was so characteristic that this time Nathan really did smile, and it showed just at the corners of his eyes, and only for an instant before it was exchanged with a more stern expression.Of course Bankole had known the man seemed to predict everything correctly Nathan nodded to the woman at the end of the table and unlike Graverobber, adored her for the fact she was caring for the colourful idiot on the table.And then there was eye contact, blue eyes that made Nathan's heart wrench for a moment, his brows knitting as he watched Graverobber sink into unconsciousness, forcing Nathan to acknowledge that he might not open his eyes again.But then, Marcus had lived through a lot of things that should have killed him including being the bedfellow of a repo man.There was a final whisper from Repo, but Nathan stamped it out and his mind reverted to a time long ago where his world had consisted of clean, sleek metal and anesthetic, and patients that were meant to walk out of the building again."Well," Nathan said finally, nervously, "I suppose we'll be alright as long as we remember to put the lungs back in."Probably not a good time for dark humour. ??At least one, yes. ? Irene glanced to the near ancient equipment , blue green eyes expertly logging the heart rate, O2 rates, etc. Unlike Wallace, she ??d been doing this her whole life, all the way until she got into her thirties and had to retire. Well. She didn ??thaveto. She had the chance of getting copious amounts of surgery from that time forward to look like she ??d made it to twenty five, stopped, and simply never developed any further.She had never felt so good to say ??ver derharget ?? as she had then. Her grandmother would have been proud, both for the Yiddish and the general sentiment. ??He ??s completely under, Dr. Singh. ? One hand smoothed away an artificially coloured lock of hair, noting the general uniformity and the color of the clean hair. The dealer was in pretty good shape for a kid that lived on the streets. Musculature, too, was good. He probably got enough to eat, unlike most of the junkies that came through the doors. Low chance of dying in surgery, she hoped, because Wallace just didn ??t look like he ??d be able to take it. ??We ??re going to remove the left lung first. Have a care: these organs will be donated to someone else. ? Irene looked to Prana, confused. Usually she was a pleasant woman not the most talkative, but smiled. Today, today she was cool and biting off the end of her words. Irene ??s brow furrowed over her mask, very similar to Nathan ??s expression, as she tried to fit together her superior ??s recent bad moods. Ray and her weren ??t fighting, she ??d seen that there would be copious amounts of flowers exploding in the Indian woman ??s small apartment. It couldn ??t be Wallace. Wallace was too adorable for anyone to be angry at for too long of time. ??Scalpel. ? Of course, if what Ray cautioned her about was true, she thought as she watched one of the nurse ??s reach over and swab the skin as another handed off a shining metal tool, then he could turn nasty at first blood and they ??d have to down a Repo Man before finishing the surgery. Irene wasn ??t entirely sure that the meek, grey looking man across from her could really be a big problem, but Ray had insisted that she ??d keep a tranq on her.Singh ??s gloved hand was stable as she made that first, fluid cut. Blood welled up, scarlet against the scavenger ??s marbled skin. Irene watched the man ??s face, his muscles, checking for any twitch, tightening, some sign that the anesthetic wasn ??t working as they pulled back skin and bone. Even with the heavy smell of cheap solvents hanging in the air, there was no disguising the scent of blood from Repo the moment flesh was pierced, he could feel his darker half rattling his cage, furious and eager all at once there were days where he likened Repo to a sick child, the sort that spent time burning ants with magnifying glasses and pulling the wings off of insects.Though, that may have been too kind of a comparison.Repo relished the gore, but Nathan Wallace decidedly did not especially not when it was coming from Marcus. His brows knitted with worry for an instant as the blood came and flesh was parted, and he wanted to look away because he just didn't want to see someone else he loved split open and lifeless on an operating table.But he didn't he watched every movement with the hawk like focus of the obsessive, compelled in part by the surgeon in him, but primarily by the control freak in him even though he knew his involvement with the surgery would be limited, and even though he knew the surgeons had been doing their job for years, were probably more skilled than he was he just had to make sure. Irene was, as always, entranced by the blood against the sterile whites of the scavenger ??s skin, the cotton and the cool grey of metal. Part of her, her own part that loved to watch bleeding for bleeding sake and got it ??s joy out in renting particularly gory movies, was glad to watch. The rest, however, was aching to work. She was good. Damned good. And Prana had a man who ??d been in retirement for nearly two years helping.Ah, well. She ??d get to work next time. There were always next times, because the number of people who couldn ??t afford GeneCo and had the sense to stay away from them was always high. Irene turned her head, watching the grave robber ??s vitals, then back to the middle aged man he had come in with. Handsome. Very handsome, in a quiet sort of way, but Irene had always preferred quieter men. A few hours in, Singh actually started talking to him, walking him through a few parts of the procedure like he was some sort of grey haired intern.Irene ??s eyes moved from her work to Singh ??s so she could watch hands covered in latex and blood. She loved the color of the organs as they were removed, carefully, to be cleaned and re used in someone who had even less time than the man on the table, loved the way each of the state of the art GeneCo lungs was stitched in, one at a time. She couldn ??t help herself. Irene stretched her neck, catching a glimpse of the chest cavity and the movement of one fresh new lung.God. She loved her job. Maybe even more now, when she wasn ??t dealing with someone who was getting a job done for a show, when care had to be taken with each and every transplant because the organs couldn ??t just be ripped out. Nathan was quiet through the procedure, silent unless he was spoken to, sharp eyes focusing on the operation, mouth in a perpetual frown behind the sterile mask he wore. When Singh instructed him, Nathan listened with the rapt attention of the most ambitious surgical intern, regardless of the fact that his years as a surgeon were still with him as far as he was concerned, he could always learn more.At some point during the procedure, Repo made the strange, very quiet remark that they were being observed Nathan finally managed to tear his eyes away from the open chest cavity that he had been watching for hours he blinked, and the sting in his eyes told him that he had been forgetting to and he looking up, eyes meeting unexpectedly with Irene's.Nathan wasn't sure why, but the moment it happened, he found himself ducking his head, eye moving back down almost bashfully, a motion that brought him back years ago, back when he had been a lab rat, sequestered away in the GeneCo laboratories when he wasn't in the surgical ward, a man utterly incapable of socialization especially when it came to women.He reminded himself he was forty two, a Repossession Agent, a doctor, and a father. There was no reason for that sort of thing.Still, he couldn't seem to bring himself to look back up he refocused on Marcus, the worry creasing his brow once more. Irene arched an eyebrow. Adorable, yes. Expected, no. After all, wasn ??t the former surgeon sleeping with the guy on the table? That ??s what she had understood from that little exchange earlier: men didn ??t often share feeling by squeezing hands. Nor did most upstanding citizens hang with people like the grave robber unless they were buying drugs or engaging in some odd affair.In any case, the look, whatever it was, was over before she had a chance to properly analyze it. Who knew why the man was with the kid? Maybe it was a family member, not a partner. ??I ??m going to ask you to remove the second lung, ? Prana said in her cool, calm voice, the one that made it sound like everything was under control and nothing could go wrong under her watch. It was a good voice, from a good doctor. Maybe if he kept on, he ??d see that, too. Prana had a way with making people feel like the wouldn ??t, they couldn ??t mess up. ??Will you be capable of that, Doctor? ? Half done already and still a good pulse. No need for a mechanical breather, it looked like the boy's one lung was good enough for the rest of the surgery on its own . Irene, before Prana could even asked, reported, "It looks good, Dr. Singh. Heart and lung functioning near optimal and no complications at the moment." Thank God. Whatever the scavenger was to the strange gentleman, he didn't look like he'd do well a death on the table. Memory was a funny thing.On a regular basis, Nathan went through the routine of messily removing the organs of an assigned patient on many occasions he had retrieved lungs, but he had done so knowing that the intention was not for the patient to come out of it alive. His only goal during those times was to take back GeneCo property, and any death that resulted from said repossession as indicated in the contract was not the responsibility of the GeneCo company, nor any of its employees.Not that anyone could complain anyways.But as Prana asked him to remove the second lung and Nathan numbly nodded, he stepped forward, he wasn't possessed by thoughts of the filthy streets or the screaming victims, he didn't think about the gore and the scent of fear.Instead, he remembered the clean walls and the bright lights of a surgical ward, the sound of heart monitors and the smell of antiseptic, marking a time where Nathan Wallace had been a good man, a brilliant young doctor with a future, a loving wife, and a child on the way. Memories of anatomy books and biology labs, the nervous days of school where he always feared he would somehow make a mistake, even though he never did.And instead of the cold chill that came with Repo, Nathan felt a strange, calm warmth. It was familiar.Without flourish, Nathan clamped off the artery, veins, and air tubes he neatly and efficiently removed the lung, and it occurred to him that Graverobber looked just as pale now as he did with his make up on. His hands were good. Irene watched, almost pleased, as if he were her prot g . Maybe, if things worked out, he would be. She wouldn ??t mind a quiet, mousey man, a recovering Repo Man following her into surgery, not when he had hands like those. Another set of skilled hands stolen right from Rotti Largo, damn, that ??d be good. He seemed calmer, too, as if he'd found some inner peace or simply was too frightened to be afraid anymore. ??The lungs are pretty new, ? Irene remarked and Prana looked up, something odd in her dark eyes. ??How long will this generation last. ? ??A good portion of his life, if they ??re not defective, ? she said, and her tone of voice left little room for conversation. Prana was always like this, though get her to the second half of a surgery, where things were starting to look good, and she got quiet save for the terse commands. Not that there were many commands left. Once the second lung was out, Prana worked in near silence, not even needing to request tools because the surgery was so routine, so familiar. The only difference was she asked the other man to close up. Finish. Do exactly the opposite of what Repo Men did.And all the while, the boy on the table was still alive, heartbeat strong. Irene was almost proud of that, too, because it wasn ??t too often they got patients that were almost healthy. Nathan desposited the old lung into a storage container he suspected Graverobber's old lungs would be recycled yet again, put into someone with even less time than he'd had, give them maybe another two years three, tops. Living from payment to payment, though, even a week's extension was a gift of life, and especially in a city where the gutters ran with blood.He was aware that Irene's remark hadn't been directed at him, and that Prana gave a response, but Nathan found it spilling from him anyways""Twenty five to thirty years." he said, his voice oddly distant as he stared at the internal organs of a man that he'd had in his bed that morning a man that he had made love to repeatedly over the course of the last few weeks grimly, he added, "Longer than the prospects of life on this city's streets, anyways."He could have actually touched Marcus' heart, right then.At Prana's next instruction, Nathan stepped forward again, casting another sideways glance at Graverobber's face it was strangely peaceful, but he supposed that was normal, what with all the drugs being pumped through his system right then. Again, he went through motions that felt as though they were programmed into him the insertion of a chest tube, the closing of the ribs and muscle, and finally the suturing of skin stitches that were done with a near obsessive hand, perfectly aligned and carefully placed. ??I don ??t think I ??ve ever seen a sixty year old grave robber, ? Prana remarked darkly but Irene would have been disturbed if the old woman started being all sunshine and flowers at this point. Prana ??s mood was inversely proportional to how well a surgery was going at the end: after all, in a run down place like the charity hospitals, a strong kid like the one on the table could be doing fantastically until he got a simple pack of microbes in his blood. Then all that hard work would be undone and, well, Prana was a good woman. She wouldn ??t want to see even a deadbeat like this die because they didn ??t have the resources to sterilize properly. ??Hey, maybe that ??s just because he ??d be good enough to get the works. He ??d look younger than this one, ? one of the nurses chimed in, recognizing Singh ??s ??we did good ? dark mood as a sign to start talking without getting snapped at.The kid the table was still out, but vitals were still looking fantastic. ??Good O2 levels, ? Irene remarked because the middle aged man that had assisted with the surgery looked like he needed to hear it. ??Good pulse, good nerve responses. I think we have us a Franken Robber. ? ??Wonderful job, Doctor, ? Singh said tersely, checking over the stitches with care. ??You must have done a lot of surgeries before your ? retirement. ? ??Or you were practicing on the roast at home, ? Irene added brightly, moving out of the way so one of the more practiced nurses could start mixing the cocktail of painkillers and anti coagulants. ??We don ??t need to hear about your hobbies, Doctor, ? Singh responded dryly and Irene cracked a giant, crooked smile under her mask, her blue green eyes bright with cheer. Nathan didn't pull his eyes away from Graverobber, even for an instant his focus remained pinned to the vulture as though the man's very vitals relied on him continuing to watch. He heard Singh's thinly veiled animosity, but he couldn't blame her,"A few." Nathan said distantly, "When it all started, GeneCo had rules about only staffing skilled surgeons. It's more like a fast food service now anyone who can pick up a knife can cut into someone."Finally he stepped back he blinked and his eyes suddenly began to water as he realized how dry they had become.He turned his head to look at Irene, briefly puzzled when he was faced with her smiling eyes,"No, the roasts all come pre sutured these days." he replied, a strained attempt at a joke. And Irene, as all people interested in their conversation partners, grinned a little wider in appreciation of the joke, weak as it was. Hell, it was cute. The man was shy, no doubt about it, or else he'd been shut up for the last few years as one of Rotti's men. They'd gotten a few Repo Men through their little charity hospital, nothing like this one. Most Repo Men were psychotic and had to be put down. This one was well dressed, soft spoken and wasn't attempting to remove their fingers.Irene just couldn't believe the rumor, but what if it was right? What if this colourless, gentle manwasa Repo Man? ??Doctor, you will clean up with us. Afterwards, Irene will set up a cot in the boy's room. I hope you don't mind the lack of privacy. ? Ah, Singh. Always businesslike, efficient. She was already engaging in her end of surgery ritual, removing the gloves, the mask, moving towards the door. Irene looked back to man, the one who had less colour than his pale blue mask, and rolled her eyes. ??Come on. I'll get you a place to sleep while we finish post op. ?
['Wallace', 'Neamt', 'Shilo']
☠ strawberry jam ( BB & RAITO ) ≦mina and light ! ≧
BB and L were similar in so many ways. But, in a way, L's mistaken successor was 'out of his mind', or simply put insane. If Near and Mello hadn't inherited L's title, he would have been able to catch Kira without much effort. It didn't take a genius to gather obvious proof and narrow down the options to one naughty criminal. BB was highly intelligent, but the government preferred to put a white haired boy in charge instead. He didn't like the fame, though. He respected L, but he didn't want to continue on the alphabet legacy to waste time and chase after a culprit whose evil deeds were becoming rather boring. Raito Yagami. Murderers often thought alike and could communicate well with each other even detect another's presence. The serial killer fit into his own schedule to have a 'conference' of sorts with this merciless student ... to possibly teach him a lesson about screwing with justice. Maybe he could knock some sense into him let him know the real definition of an evil mastermind. In his bloodshot eyes, Raito Yagami was a total softie. The world didn't need a wimp as a new god. L wouldn't allow it. BB wouldn't allow it. All it took was a little drugging to have Kira seated on an unusable strap down chair taken from an actual mental asylum, locked away down in a dingy basement that ran on little electricity. His limbs were tied down with leather binds, and if that wasn't enough, his neck was also attached to the back of the cushioned armchair. Spare his pants, he was stripped down to the skin. BB sat on the opposite chair, sitting in the exact same position L would with his knees tucked to his chest and a thumb laying on his lower lip. There was something freaky about those odd crimson eyes that pierced into Raito's unconscious face, and when the other student stirred from his sleep, he fidgeted, too. He would have fun this afternoon. " Light ... " he whispered, slowly lowering his legs from the chair. He inched in just a little bit, tilting his head to show a fanged smile, " Or should I refer to you as 'Kira' from now on ? " BB grinned, then stood off of his chair, glancing around at the empty basement surrounding them both. Except for the two chairs in the middle of the place, it was empty, humid, and eerily dim. But then of course, there was a jar of strawberry jam next to the office chair BB brought down, and the door key was hanging from the belt loop of his jeans, just dangling there tauntingly. The armchair that 'Kira' was resting on was covered in fresh blood that had rusted away a little while ago. " I've heard many many good things about you, Kira ... how you managed to defeat L ... " he hissed, running his index finger along the back of Light's chair. Then, suddenly, he twisted around, keeping his face mere centimeters from the other's face before zooming back out again with an evil smirk, " You had fun with him, huh ? ... We're gonna have fun, too ... Lots ... of ... fun. " Everything seemed to go so quickly before his eyes. He remembered sitting at the computers with the task force next to him. Plotting, thinking of a plan to eliminate his next opponent. Near, the name the male so called himself, a successor to L. Well, he defeated L. Who's to say he couldn't take down more? Light was going to win no matter what even if it did mean killing people who got in his way, innocent or not. Light had left the building to take on an errand but he was so embed in his own thoughts that he didn't know what happened to him before it was too late. Seconds seem to pass by him as something was injected into his neck from behind. His eyes had then closed and he fell unconscious to the ground below.. It seemed to be hours before he started to stir and regain his consciousness. The first thing he tried to move was his hands so he could rub his head only to find he couldn't. Its like they were strapped down to something. His eyes slowly gazed down at himself and widened slowly until they seemed like they would fall out. He was strapped down to what seemed like a chair covered in stale blood. The only thing he was wearing now were his pants. What happened to his clothing, and who was the one that took them off in the first place? Fear was rising in him now, mainly of the thought that he was completely tied down and almost stripped of all clothing. Who ever did this to him was probably planning something evil. Light heard the voice and looked up a gasped escaping his lips. He was looking as if he'd seen a ghost. Right in front of him was the man he killed years ago. "L?.." No, this couldn't be him, he was dead! He saw him die in front of his eyes! He even went to his grave! L was dead, this was a fake, it just had to be. "What is the meaning of this?!" He shouted his eyes now showing anger but changed as the man he thought was L stepped closer. He looked at the male with disbelief, this guy knew he was Kira? No, it had to be a trap, he couldn't fall for it. "Kira? Is that what this is about? I am not Kira! And you are an impostor!" He growled. Light knew now this was not L he could act it and fake it but he wast L. L was dead he could confirm that. This was just some guy possibly using a disguise to get into his head. He blinked when the male ignored everything he said and kept talking. "I'm not.." He stopped in mid sentence at the male's words. This guy made it clear he wasn't L but he sounded like he knew him.."You..know L?" Light grunted in frustration and turned his eyes to the side. "Your disgusting. Let me go now, or I can guarantee, you will pay for this!" He shouted once more. Who knew Kira could be so noisy ? Scowling, BB withdrew from the chair a few inches, then coming to rest his elbow on the top portion of it. He leaned against the steel metal furniture, proudly grinning to himself as Raito continued to ramble and demand an explanation. He should have invested in duct tape, but BB was planning to put that big mouth to use sooner or later. Right now, he was going to indulge in a verbal fun, because nothing was better than to exploit and mess with the human mind. Cracking Kira's head would be difficult, but it was possible. He bent his back, giving the impression that he was just as crippled L was, but later straightened it to prove quite the opposite. He wasn't L. Sure, they looked strikingly similar, but L was defeated, while BB was left to remain in the match. Kira versus Beyond Birthday how fun. " No, not L " he teased, a devilish smirk creasing his lips, " But why go by alphabets ? ... You know his name. You're Kira, after all. " He shrugged, then waved his hand dismissively in the air, heartily chuckling to himself. Slowly plotting Raito's downfall was just amusingly entertaining. Who knew if he absolutely felt like it, he could kill him here, in this basement, and claim fame for himself. A criminal needed to be executed, but then again, his own hands weren't clean, too. " Disgusting ? " he cackled, rudely ruffling the other's hair with his lanky fingers, " And here's the kettle calling the pot black ! You and I are the same in so many ways, Kira " He grinned, tightening his hold at the top of his head. " Now when will you stop playing stupid and actually admit that you are ? I'm not Ryuuzaki. Never will be. We're different. " he murmured, running his blood stained fingers over the other's cheek ... carefully ... slowly. " And there's one thing I will promise you, Kira, " he demonically smirked, " You'll never defeat me. " Stopping at Light's chin, he withdrew his fingers, then bent over to pick up the jar of strawberry jam he left on the basement floor, idly cupping it between his hands. Without doing anything else and leaving Light to wallow in his own fear and misery, he plopped down on the opposite office chair, tugging his legs up to his chest. Then, he whipped out a butterfly knife from the pockets of his jeans and pried open the new jar, throwing the plastic lid over his shoulder. It clanked loudly on the brick floor. " K came before L, but B comes before K. " he chanted in an eerily sing song voice, dipping the rusty blade of his knife into the jam. He licked at it carelessly, occasionally sparing Light a few glances. " Do you want some, too ? " he tauntingly asked. Light listened to the man's taunts with gritted teeth. If only he was released right now, if only..Still he didn't know this guy's name. Even if he was released he couldn't kill him. "I already told you, I'm not Kira.." He said in a more lower tone. He growled and tried jerking his head away from the male's touch but his neck was fastened to the chair as well preventing any moment. whatsoever. "Get your hands off me.." Light looked into the eyes of his kidnapper. They looked so inhuman almost like..shinigami eyes..He shook his head, no way that was stupid this guy didn't own a Death Note,..Did he? He took a quick glance to the side at his shinigami waiting for a reaction. Ryuk was laughing? No way..His gaze looked at the copy L again. "Who are you? What business do you have with me? Are you seeking revenge for L because you think I'm Kira?" Light then stopped talking and looked at him with a raised eye brow. "What?..No, I don't eat strawberry jam.." He swallowed again his eyes spying the blade in his hands but tried to hide it by narrowing his eyes at the one across from him. With abnormally crimson eyes flashing at his kidnapped victim, a gargled laugh erupted from his throat, making him seem even more of an insane person. " Revenge ? This isn't about seeking L's approval at all. We're a lot different than you might think " he smiled, then coyly spun around in his chair. " Kira, I thought you'd be a lot more intelligent than this so stubborn, too ... I was thinking we'd have more fun together ... " he grinned, rising again from his seat to approach Light. He took the strawberry jam covered blade with him, but left the entire jar on the office chair, running his tongue across the sharpened edge of it. " I don't think you're Kira. " he teased, fitting himself comfortably between the other's spread legs. He rested the tip of his butterfly knife against the far left of Light's chest, deciding that a little pain would cause him to speak up and confess. " I know you're Kira. " he emphasized, digging the weapon into the other's torso, just light enough to make a bloody mark. He ran it down, slicing the skin along with it. Then, he lifted the bloody tool, then let it down to carve a 'K' on his chest. It was already dripping, but BB merely leaned in to lap his tongue across the slick skin, smearing the blood that outlined over the sloppy letter engraved on the other's torso. Light glared at the male as he just kept taunting him over and over, it was pissing him off. His gaze watched the blade that was in the male's hand. The edge gleamed even from the little light of the room. He swallowed hard as the male approached going between his legs to make him more uncomfortable that what he already was. When the blade made contact with his skin his teeth gritted tightly, cringing back the pain. "Ng!!.." He held his breath and clenched his fists holding back the urge to yell or scream until the male finished. Light breathed again taking a deep breath and panting. He looked down to see the K on his chest. The fucker had branded him with the first letter of his own alias and now was licking his wound, sick bastard! He thought bitterly. Light then looked away and thought about some things. This guy was a joke, he seemed like nothing more then some insane criminal which made him hate the guy even more. 'K comes before L but B comes before K' that was what this guy had sung a few minutes ago. B..B..why did that seem familiar to him? He remembered hearing it before but its been years. Who was the one that was refereed to as B? Or rather..BB..Beyond Birthday?! His eyes widened looking back at the male. no way, it couldn't be. "B? in..Beyond Birthday?.." He asked out of the blue since the thought has crossed his mind. As Light finally managed to figure out his alias, he smirked, then wagged his butterfly knife in the air, licking the metallic liquid from the tip of that, too. He rolled his crimson tinted tongue back into his mouth, then went back to pressing the tip of it against another portion of the other's clean skin, tainting it with yet another cut. " It's officially been proven that Kira's mind works slower than normal what a shame. " he evilly smiled, running his weapon straight down to make an 'I' on the middle of his naked chest. He withdrew and examined his beautiful handwriting with pride, blinking his raccoon eyes once, " So you've heard of me ? " His shinigami eyes flashed once as he collected information of Light's death at that second. He knew where it was going to happen, but there was that strong temptation that would prompt him to kill the trouble making murderer on the spot. But then of course, BB wasn't that dumb. He was a serial killer ! He needed to be a lot more conniving to achieve his goals and reach the finish than that ! Avoiding more chatter about his name, he pressed the tip of his knife against Light's flesh again, digging the tip in to draw the 'R'. " These'll take a while to heal, I assume you'll have to cover it up nicely consider it a gift that I didn't mark it across your face. " he teased, reaching forward ever so cautiously brush the other's bangs aside with three of his fingers. Light, he had to admit, was attractive. Though it would have been nice for such a handsome man to take the reins of the world, he couldn't let that happen. He'd die before Kira's kingdom would come to overshadow the universe, but for the sake of justice and L, he needed to stop Light's ambitions here. " I see, " he creepily murmured, focusing his crimson eyes on the youthful face before him, " Your death in a matter of a few hours. Two ... and thirteen minutes stabbed ... " Light narrowed his eyes this guy was B. How? He killed him! He wrote down B's name in the Death Note after hearing he was a major criminal, the killer of the Las Angelis murder cases. It was even announced. He escaped? No...the guy they showed wasn't him, this guy was the true B that was the only explanation, and he was alive..But, if he didn't care of L's death what was his business with him? He had a very pissed tone when he said he defeated L. That must be it he wanted to be the one who won against L and because of that he was exacting his revenge. Light cringed and gritted his teeth. He clenched his hands so tight they started to turn white and bleed from his nails digging into his palms. The pain got worse the more he did but he still fought it, he could not show this bastard any weakness. When the male stopped slicing his skin he looked down to now see a K I R..Light knew what the next letter was he was going to carve 'kira' on his body so that it would be there forever.. He panted and cringed from the stinging the blade caused. His gaze looked into the red eyes of the other, the male looking so calm about what he was doing, while it was seem Light was cracking by the sweat drops that were forming on the side of his forehead. Those eyes, they seemed to be looking at something, but what? At B's next statement Light looked at him with wide eyes. "What?.." This guy was going to kill him? No! He had to get out, but how? Come on think..think! After a few minutes he couldn't think of anything for now he would just have to try and stall the male. "In a few hours?..Why don't you just kill me now and get it over with?..That's what you did to your other victims isn't it B?.." It would be a white lie to say that BB was never associated with Light from the beginning. There was the incident where Kira tried killing him after listening to something from the television show, but he wouldn't be here, torturing his killer if that plan had worked. Light couldn't underestimate BB like he claimed, he was different from L in the way his mind functioned. He wasn't a softie. Ryuuzaki had been too merciful, and look where that got him he was now weeping in the afterlife, cursing himself because he couldn't grab Light by the collar when he had the chance. Proof and solid evidence didn't matter. One kill, and this whole Kira case would end ... " Now what's the fun of that ? I'd rather watch you bleed to death, actually slow ... painful ... " he evilly taunted, pressing the tip of his butterfly knife to the next empty portion of the other's skin to draw the last letter of his alias A. In a few seconds, a crimson 'KIRA' was written across Light's torso, dripping grotesquely with fresh blood. " Let's have some fun, Kira ... I've been wanting and waiting to meet you for so long. " he whispered right beside the other's ear, leaning in ever so slightly to lick the shell of the male's ear. " If it'll help spare your life by a few seconds, I'll show you a good time. " he grinned, pulling away with a sadistic grin plastered on his pale lips. He picked up the strawberry jam, then reached in with his bare hand to scoop a dollop of it. Then, without hesitation, he smeared it across Light's collar and neck, licking the remains of it from his bloody fingers. Blood and jam was such a delicious combination. " I've always wanted to know how stressed Kira was in reality ... " he purred, licking the sweet paste from the side of his neck where the metal wasn't strapping him down in place. Light's teeth gritted once more as the last letter was carved into his flesh. "Ng!!.." He fought to remain still until B was done, only to then relax his body once more and began to pant. He was losing a lot of blood now and could feel himself slowly growing weaker, dizzy. Light looked up into the male's big red eyes again with a look of disgust. "Twisted freak!" He spat with anger in his tone. He didn't want to admit it but he had a feeling it was winding down for him. After all no one knew where he was because he didn't even know. Not to mention the fact he's completely strapped down in front of an insane serial killer, a criminal that he couldn't kill! It all just made him so mad and filled with rage but he could no nothing but sit and let his bastard do what he wanted to him. His gaze shot to the side looking at the male who was now close to his ear. He clenched his hands tightly, he so bad wanted to punch that guy in the face for being near him like that. This male made his skin crawl in such a disturbing way. "Get away from me!" He growled and jerked his head away but was stopped by the trap around his neck that sealed him in place. "Fuck.." He mumbled with annoyance. The next comment made Light's face cringe with disgust once more and he felt shivers going down his spine. "Go screw yourself.." He hissed with venom in his voice. "I'd rather die then to participate in your disgraceful acts, you homo!" Light looked down at his arms and jerked and pulled them, but they still remained strapped down. He felt so sickened, disgusted, humiliated no..there wasn't even a word to describe how he felt at the moment. All he knew was he wanted to make this male pay dearly. How dare he treat him like this! Taunt him and touch him! Sick bastard, fuck where was everyone when you needed them the most? The task force and that stupid girl Misa. Was he just going to die like this?! No..not in this way, never, he had to get out of here. He didn't know if it was the fact he knew if he wasn't away from this male that he was going to die or the fact he was scared of what this man was going to do to him next, but either way he began to panic. Light growled and shouted in anger as he jerked and squirmed in the chair. Pulling, tugging, jerking, trashing, doing anything he could to try and escape this guy, but all his efforts still came out as useless attempts. All he ended up with was more exhaustion along chafe wrists and ankles. Now panting and sweating as his chest heaved in and out. Fighting and messing with Kira's mind was entertaining in its own repulsive way. BB found absolute pleasure in taunting his victims, and though he hadn't tried spending quality time with his previous ones, Kira, the supposed god of the new world, was too big of a prize to let by. The more Light thrashed, the darker BB's crimson eyes turned, until he was slowly climbing on top of the other's lap, reclining comfortably across it. It was so convenient that the other man was strapped down properly to the chair, too. Squirming would only result in him hurting himself from the coarse metal bands, and BB only chuckled at the sight as Kira's limbs reddened from the willing abuse. "You of all people shouldn't be criticizing someone of your own kind like that." he lectured with an egotistical grin, looking unfazed by all the insults that were thrown at him. He was accustomed to being called a freak, just because he was really abnormal. He was a serial killer, after all an insane bloodthirsty one at that. "Shhh ..." he whispered, placing his stern hands on the other's shoulders.Then, as Light continued to babble and cause him to feel irritated, he slapped him across the face with as much force as he could muster, still smiling sickly in self amusement, "I just told you to shut up. Maybe I should carve out that tongue of yours, because as far as I know, Kira, you're much more sinful and disgraceful than I am." It was true. Kira probably killed millions of people by now, so the weight of his sin was undoubtedly heavier than his. And here he was, the murderer himself calling BB a twisted freak. He grinned in pure excitement as Light continued to uselessly thrash, causing his chest to glisten attractively with new blood and sweat. "You're making yourself look so much more appealing, you know." he grinned, running his fingertips over the 'K' carved at his chest. Man, how could BB pass up an irresistible offer ? Killing him would be fun, but toying with his probably virgin body would also prove to be exciting."I'll make a deal with you, Raito kun." he whispered, lying through his teeth. But his eyes were zoned out, looking anything but deceiving as he reasoned with the other man in return for his freedom. "I'll let you live under one condition ..." he smirked, running his blood coated lips over the other man's jawline. "Cooperate. Don't make me slice your dick off which I could very easily and without the slightest ounce of guilt." he cheerfully chimed, "As you would without blinking, too." His eyes burned a bright red, then died down as he inched his lips over the other's, hungrily digging his fingernails into his shoulders as he dug into the other's mouth. Then, he withdrew from the kiss with a pant, chuckling almost insanely, "Show me how it feels like to be fucked by and fuck a god." The more B touched him the more angry and yet scared he got. He wanted to shout more insults at the male but after those threats he had thought it would be better to just remain quiet unless asked to talk. God he hated this, looking so weak, unable to do anything while this male does what he wants. If only he was released..Light's face cringed up in disgust and he clenched his hands into fists but dared not to say a word. After all he still had the knife in his hand and Light knew he would cut off piece of his body if he had to. Light's face turned slightly confused as he looked at B when he heard something about deal. Then without warning however, the male hauled off and forced his lips onto his. Light gave a muffled scream of anger and tried to reach at him but was stopped by the metal binds. When B finally released him he coughed, gagged and spit as if it was the most disgusting thing on the planet, and it his eyes it was. He looked to the male with narrowed eyes. "That deal is out of the question. I don't know for certain if your not lying to me..And I already said I'd rather die then to do that.." He kept his voice low so as to not anger B and cause his tongue to be cut out. He wanted so bad to say more, to throw more insults because of B's sick intentions for him but kept those thoughts in his head. " Who knew Kira was such an nonnegotiable man ? Anyone would be smart enough to take their chances with that deal. And where's the ambition ? If you die right here, you won't be able to 'save the world', could you ? " the demonic L grinned, wagging his butterfly knife in the air. Leaning forward again, he tipped the other's chin up with his index finger, rotating it from left to right to examine his facial features a bit more carefully, " Honestly, I'm not so much against the idea of you becoming the god of this world. I could even help you, but if you cross me, I could very well be the cause of your death. " He twirled the small weapon in his hand, then pressed the jagged tip of it right over Light's steadily beating heart, pressing himself up against the other man with a bit of a devious smirk on his face, " I'll give you another chance. How about we have some fun, Raito kun ? I mean, if you disagree, I could make your body willing. "Smiling faintly, he craned his neck towards him, licking the bottom of the other's lip with his blood coated tongue. Then, he trailed his kisses downward along Raito's jawline, neck, collarbone, and finally to the center of his chest where the knife was still lingering, his tongue darting sensually over the erect nipple that was to his right side. He suckled on it, then fondled the opposite one with his finger, even biting it from time to time to catch the other's attention. " You can't deny what your body says is good, Raito kun ... " he whispered, moving his free hand down to knead between his legs. Then, carefully, he pinched the zipper between his thumb and index finger, slowly moving it downwards. Without warning, he slipped his hand inside, not wasting any more time to wrap his fingers around the other's member as he continued to lick at his chest.
['Yagami', 'Raito', 'Bb', 'Mello']
Wanting to do a RP based off of Eragon, Eldest, and Brisingr
Anyone interested? I would play Eragon, and I would love to have someone play Arya, as well as possible other female characters, as minor roles, I would love ot have some replies Wanting to do a RP based off of the Inheritance CycleIf you are interested, send me a PM, please. Thanks. Wanting to do a RP based off of the Inheritance CycleCome on people, there has to be some interest in an RP like this. Wanting to do a RP based off of Eragon, Eldest, and BrisThis is the section for actual roleplays. Try in the sections dedicated for requests.
Misa's Deathnote (Deathnote Alternate) Nam and FMG
Misa Amane wanted to date Light Yagami and she was already have her deathnote.She wanted to make sure that she get her wish, and she really wanted to date Light Yagami because she's an idol, and she wants a handsome guy as her boyfriend no one else can do it, but Light Yagami. Misa only cares about Light Yagami and she is an actress and an idol of the public's eye.She always had her deathnote since she was saved when she was a teenager, and therefore she wanted to keep it with her at all times, and she will always be Kira in the eyes of the Kira's followers. Light was headed off to meet up With Mesa surprised she had asked him out. He'd been keeping track of the news about Kira while he agreed with the ultimate ends he had to wonder just how close he of she might go before it verged on a god complex. As he waited patiently he Read the rest of the news paper keeping track of recent events. Misa is still having a little faith of in the purity of the human society of being pure, and she wanted the crime rates to go down, but nonetheless she would love to make something happened to all the criminals, but without anyone to stop her. She been acted as a normal girl for the longest time, and she still wondered where Light wants to go. He gave a pleasant smile as he Saw Misa walking up "Busy day?" he asked pleasantly always like how she dressed having a bit of a thing for stockings "I was thinking Dinner first, how does that sound?" he asked letting his annoyance at the news subside so he could enjoy his date and Misa s company. Misa looked at Light. "Yes it was a busy day and the dinner date sounds great." Misa said.Misa would loves to being in Light's company, and she carries her deathnote with her just in case they ever met up with criminals, and she wanted to make sure that nothing interupts their dinner date. Light gave a pleasant smile figuring he d take her to a more laid back place that still wasn t too cheap. Ash he lead the way opening the door for her and they were seated. So what did you have to do today? he asked making conversation as they waited for their waiter occasionally looking her over amazed she asked him out. "Oh a happy sweets show man it was boring as much it could be so how was Light's day?" Misa asked. Misa wondered if Light believed that the world needed to be changed but then she got jumped by killers, and one of her death note books dropped to the ground. "Light pick up that book." Misa yelled. HEe simplydidas as instructed tryign to adapt ot th quick change of situation "what now?" he asked not sure why she asked him to grab the book hoping there was soem way to help her as he tried to remain calm. "Write their names their names are Andrew Hickerjames and Johnan Mackistringray don't ask me questions just do it." Misa said. Misa is trying to get him used to the deathnote and she can't do this on her own she needs someone to help her she can't do on her own not by a far chance. She is waiting to get older so that she could do something about this ideal world. He gave a confused expression doing juts that hoping it would save her already having a clue who she might be not saying it as he wrote the names hesitantly wantign to save Misa. "OK." he stated lookign over wonderign what would happen hoping just to save misa above all else. 40 seconds were up, and the both men are dead. "Congratulations Light you became Kira." Misa said. Misa wondered if this would be hard on him, bur she couldn't wait for that to happened because they had a lot of work to do. "I love you even more my dear Light." Misa said. Misa wanted to make sure that Light belonged to her. Light gave a surprised expression looking over to her Umm can we talk in private Misa? he asked trying to better grasp the situation hoping this wasn t as rushed as it sounded. Simply glad she was alive What ever the case I m glad you re safe. he stated Misa looked around. "Let's talk over there." Misa said. Misa knew that Light would have questions, so she decided to talk over there, and she really trust Light with all her heart because of big or small it is she trust him. Light followed cautiously Still gathering his So you were Kira all along? Do you ever second guess yourself sometimes? he asked wanting to know her exact motivation As he looked around And doesn t this deem like too much power for one person to have? Sure you can do a lot of good with it but it can easily be abused. he added . "Yes I do Light yes it does and it can be abused." Misa said.Misa knows all this, and a lot more, but she don't want anyone to get hurt.She just don't like to hurt any other innocent, but only people who tried to kill and rape other people. He gave a relieved sigh "We can talk about this later I m just glad you're alright should we finish our meal our head out?" he asked wondering innocently enough what she might be wearing under her rest of her clothes but figuring that would be something to keep in mind for later. Misa looked at him, and smiled. "Okay it been 39 minutes." Misa said. Misa wondered if the thing about the shinigami is true, but hey she isn't worried. She looked at Light, and smiled also wondered why he is trying to figure her out. Light walked out with her figuring held let her decide. So anything you were looking forward to seeing? Or do you want to call in a night after all this excitement? he asked partially jokingly figuring he d simply take her home and head back home himself after discussing the situation further Keeping his more hormonally driven ideas to himself. "I am looking forward of seeing you trying to do me, Light." Misa said. Misa looked at him, and smiled. Misa kissed him, and did feather like strokes onto his groin.
['Yagami', 'Misa', 'Amane']
Pretty princess Sasuke
A low groan came from the boy sitting on one of the beds in an Inn located in the grass country. Sasuke sat on the edge of the mattress, his elbows on his knees and his fingers rubbing at his temples, trying to sooth away the forming head ache. A scroll laid innocently next to him. A messanger hawk had sent him and Naruto this message in the middle of the mission. The Uchiha was supposed to flirt a bit with a perverted old man to keep him busy while Naruto went in to grab some documents. The only problem was, that they had been given the wrong information at the beginning of the mission. The man didn't like young boys as had been told to he and the blond, no, that man liked girls. And worse, was that Udon would be leaving in a few days, so there wasn't enough time to send a new pair of ninjas... No... Sasuke would have to flirt as a girl. A pale hand moved from his head to reach down and grab the scroll, and idly handed it out to his partner. He waited in termoil for the teasing and or laughter he was sure would come once Naruto read the scroll. Naruto blinked as he took the scroll, opening it up and starting to read it silently, his grin widening with every line. "Oh man.....oh this is just...." He snickered, then burst out laughing, falling backover off the bed and to the floor, curling up and clutching at his stomach, laughing loudly as he rolled around. "Oh man, we're gonna have to go shopping! Get you a nice dress! Some nice underwear! Oh we can get you the perfect shade of lipstick!" He looked up at Sasuke, then just began to point and laugh. "Oh I'm sure you'll be oh so pretty as a girl! The guy wont be able to keep his hands off you!" The blonde buy returned to laughing, unable to speak once again from his laughter.It was a good 5 minutes before Naruto was finally able to stop laughing, slowly sitting up and wiping his eyes. "Alright....alright....I guess....I guess it's time we went....went shopping..." He snickered slightly, getting to his feet. "Well come on, let's go shall we?" A slim eyebrow twitched as the blond read over the scroll, and when Naruto started laughing he let out a low groan, his headache getting worse. Lifting his hand back to his temple, he rubbed little circles over it, trying to sooth the pain away. As Naruto continued to laugh, Sasuke grit his teeth to keep himself from killing the other boy and instead thought of ways to murder him when they got back to the village. Because he couldn't do it now, that would compromise the mission. At the mention of a dress, underwear, and lipstick, the Uchiha started to flush slightly, a light pink starting to cross over the bridge of his nose. And Naruto was still laughing. So he moved his thumb and forefinger to rub at the bridge of his nose. When the whiskered male finally stopped laughing, Sasuke got up of the bed. "Fine, let's go," he grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets and sulking out of the hotel room. Stopping to turn and glare at Naruto, he added, "if you tell anyone about this. I'll kill you." Even as they left the hotel, Naruto was still snickering occasionally, covering his mouth as he did so. He figured Sasuke would get revenge later anyway, so he might aswell enjoy it whilst he could. "Well I'm sure we'll go and find a nice clothes shop, get you a nice frilly dress....maybe some nice pink underwear..." He snickered again. "Though I think we're gonna need to pad out your bra to make it convincing...." He glanced over at Sasuke and smirked, looking him up and down. "We're probly gonna need to shave your legs too of course...." Naruto stuck his tongue out at the other boy, then laughed and hurried off, down towards a womens clothing store down the road. Mission be damned... He was going to wring the blond's neck if this continued. Each word Naruto said made Sasuke's eyebrow twitch just a bit more, and by the time the other boy got to 'pad out your bra' the Uchiha's face had gone red against his will. Oh the pain he'd inflict once this was over... It was the only thing keeping him from turning around and walking home. He could take whatever punishment he was given for abandoning the mission. With a gruff grunt, Sasuke followed Naruto into the clothing store, and grimaced at all the clothing. Couldn't he just... Act like a tomboy? Apparently not. He winced at a frilly pink dress and hurriedly walked away from it. If he was going to do this, the dress would not be pink. "Apparently you know what to buy, so go pick something out so we can get out of here already," he grumbled at Naruto, trying to hide the blush still on his cheeks at all the looks the two were getting from the women in the stir. "Oh? You want me to pick for you hm? Well I guess I'll be kind enough to not get something let's see...." Naruto started to go through the various dresses, then finally picked out a short pale blue one. It didn't show off much in the way of cleavage, which would be idea for disguising a male as a female, but the dress was very short, barely covering the waist, leaving most of the thighs visible. "Here we go, this should be perfect to help you get that old man talking right?" He walked over to Sasuke and held the dress infront of him, smirking slightly. "Oh and this will be perfect!" He reached down besides Sasuke, picking up a red thong. "Oh yeah, you bend over in this once or twice and he'll be eating outta your hands" Well... At least Naruto was taking this seriously... For the most part anyway. Sasuke watched as the blond looked over the dresses, and was thankful he didn't pink out something pink and frilly. And it really did look like he was being serious, or at the very least practical in picking out a dress. It was a pale blue dress that didn't cut low, but made up for it in how short it was. The Uchiha didn't like it, not one bit but he knew he'd have to deal with it, though he could almost feel the air on his thighs now, and it sent a shiver down his spine. When Naruto moved next to him and grabbed something behind him, the raven took a step away in order to turn around, and what he saw in his teammate's hands broke what resolve he had, and the dark blush he'd been trying to keep hidden came into full view. Sasuke was about to yell at the other boy, but at the last moment was able to lower it into a harsh whisper. Unfortunately though, it also made his voice just a tad squeaky. "I am not! wearing that!" "Oh come on Sasuke" Naruto couldn't help but smirk at the boys reaction, the colour on his face....he'd never seen Sasuke come close to blushing until today.....oh if Sakura could see this she'd probably go insane. "Think about it, if you wear this then the whole thing will be over more quickly right? That old pervert sees you wearing this and he'll tell you whatever you wanna know right away I'm sure. Then after that you can beat him up and change back to your regular outfit. Besides, it'll still be under the dress, nobody else is gonna see" The blonde just grinned, then picked up the matching bra from the shelf besides Sasuke, holding it against the others boys chest. "Hm, we'll need to pad it out with something too......need to be something that feels real just incase he tries to get in a feel or two...." He hated to admit it, he really did, but Naruto was right. The skimpier the clothing, the faster this will be over. "This better work dope," he snapped in a low voice. Sasuke jumped a bit when the blond put the bra to his chest, and he was glad his blush couldn't get darker. "You dumbass!" he growled and pushed the other male's hands, and the bra away from him. The store clerks were looking at the pair oddly, and Sasuke was not happy about that one bit. "Like you even know what they really feel like. Idiot," the Uchiha grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest to keep away the red bra. "Hmph, who says I don't know what they feel like? I'll have you know I'm an expert" Naruto folded his arms and nodded almost proudly. It was no secret that Naruto had run into Tsunade 'by accident' more than a few times now, then again Naruto certainly wasn't the only one to have done so either. "So we'll just need to figure out something to pad it out with, maybe we can find something in the store.....stuff that girls pad themselves with to look bigger or something. But for now....." Naruto grinned, thrusting the dress, thong and bra into Sasuke's hands. "Why don't you go pay for these and I'll go outside to see if I can find something to pad out your bra with!" It was more than likely on purpose that Naruto wasn't making any attempt to keep his voice down, and the pair were getting more than just a few odd looks by this point. Naruto was boasting about his knoladge of boobs as if it was something to be proud of. He was sure the blond wasn't given permission to find out this information, so there was nothing to brag about. Sasuke looked down with wide eyes as the clothing was shoved into his arms, and the bright blush on his cheeks came back again at the words, and how loud they were. Oh.... He was going to do more then kill Naruto. Then, he got an idea, and he looked up at the other boy with a confused look. "What are you talking about dope? You're going to wear these things, not me, so you pay for them." And with that said, he pushed the embarassing clothing into the blond's hands and hurried out of the store before Naruto could retort. "Eh? Wha? HEY!" Naruto twitched as Sasuke ran off, then grumbled as he walked towards the checkouts, grabbing some padded bra inserts as he passed them. "Thinks he can make me wear them. Just wait until " He blinked, then grinned slightly as something clicked in his mind. Oh he had the perfect bit of information....something Sasuke couldn't argue with even if he tried. He'd just use the boys own devotion to the mission against him. "Yeah....I'll get him...." The blonde snickered as he paid for the clothes, glaring at the odd look the cashier was giving him, then practically snatched the bag as he turned to leave quickly, immediately setting off in chase after Sasuke. The town wasn't big, and even Naruto had enough tracking skill to follow Sasuke, especially when he wasn't really trying to hide himself."Aha! Found you!" Then again Sasuke wasn't really hiding out on the open street like this, though as far as Naruto was concerned he had won some kind of competition. "You forgot your clothes" He held the bag out to Sasuke. "And they areyourclothes after all....didn't you finish reading the mission scroll after it said the old guy liked girls? It went on to say he only likes girls with short, dark hair. Not spiky blonde's...." Naruto pointed at his own spiked, blonde hair, which was so lightly it would probably never dye black in time. "And lets face it, between the two of us, your face is way more girly than mine" A slow smirk formed on his lips when he heard the blond yell at him, and he just stood across the street from the shop, hands buried into his pockets. He watched Naruto look around with a raised eyebrow. "Great job, you looked across the street," he said in a patronising tone. When the bag was handed to him, he took it without complaint. No one could see what was in said bag, so it was okay. When Naruto started to spout on about the mission, Sasuke smacked his hand across the boy's mouth to keep him quiet. "Yes, I read the whole scroll. I know I'll be playing the slutty girl, and I know I'm a bit more slender then you and maybe even a bit feminine, but if you're going to try and piss me off by using mission information try to do it when people can't over hear," he hissed lowly. "I'd rather not have the mission compromised because someone under Udon over heard you." Really, he had only said that Naruto was going to wear them to get out of the embarrassment of paying for the clothing. Naruto blinked as he stood there with Sasuke's hand over his mouth, just waiting for the boy to finish before he shrugged and nodded, then pulled himself away. "Fine fine whatever, let's just get back to the hotel alright? You can get changed, and when it starts getting dark you can hit the town looking for this guy" He grinned slightly, turning to go. "We don't know exactly where he'll be after you'll probably need to try a few places before we find him" The blonde couldn't help but burst out laughing as he started to walk away, heading back in the direction of the hotel. Oh he was going to enjoy tonight....perhaps he'd stop off somewhere to buy a disposable camera and take some good photos to remember this occasion....and of course holding such photos over Sasuke's head would be oh so much fun in the coming weeks. Sasuke grumbled words of hate under his breath. He'd get his revenge on the dope some day, and it would be long, drawnout, and ungodly painful, he was sure of it. "Fine," he snapped, shoving his hand back into his pocket, the other holding the bag of 'goodies.' "You're laughing when I'm going to get molested by perverted old men," he huffed angrely. "And you call me heartless." They reached the hotel soone enough, and the raven pulled the key from his pocket, shoved it into the lock, and turned it. He attempted to slam the door in Naruto's face out of spite before stalking into the bathroom, flipping on the light, and closing the door. There was a 'click' that signified the door was locked. "I'm not shaving!" He added with a shout before the water to the shower was turned on. "You've gotta shave your legs!! The guy wont come on to you if you don't!" Naruto smirked as he called back, folding his arms. "Oh come on, you're not gonna get molested. You just gotta let him get a little touchy so he tells you what we need to know, then you can whack him across the head with something with the excuse you wanted him to stop!" Though the thought of the old man trying to get all touchy with Sasuke made Naruto snicker, the boy quickly covering his mouth to prevent Sasuke from hearing. "And....and besides, I'll be keeping an eye on you from a distance to make sure you're ok....though I'm sure a nice tough girl like you can take care of yourself...." This time Naruto burst out laughing once more. He just couldn't help it, the whole situation was just so hilarious to him. "You can't even see the hair on my legs anyway!" he retorted as he pulled off his clothes. The thought of the old man getting touchy made him want to barf, and he swallowed to keep any bile that tried to rise up down. "Right, you'll be watching, I feel so much better," he spat back, acid dripping from each word. The last comment made his eyebrow twitch as he stepped into the shower. "Go fuck yourself!" was his retort this time. Sasuke angrily scrubbed at his hair with the strawberry scented shampoo the inn provided, cursing as he did so. It wasn't long until he was completely clean and smelled of freshly picked strawberries, and he turned off the water and stepped out of the stall. The Uchiha hurriedly dried himself and combed his hair down to keep the spikes from popping up. He looked at the bag with a mixture of hatred and disgust, but he opened it anyway. With a definitely unhappy sound, he pulled out the undergarments, and started to pull the red thong up his legs. It was beyond uncomfortable to have a strap there but he dealt with it. The red bra followed soon after, and he stuffed it with a dark flush. "This had better fucking work," he mumbled under his breath as he pulled the dress on. The door to the bathroom was opened and a very feminine looking Sasuke came out of the room. His hands were at the bottom of the dress, desperately trying to pull it down a bit more with no luck. "Couldn't we have at least gotten a longer one?" he complained, trying hard not to let the uncomfortable whine show in his voice. "Maybe you can't see them but I bet he'll be squeezing your thighs hard enough to feel the hairs!" Naruto snickered, then burst into laughter again at the though, rolling around on the bed from laughing so hard. By the time he stopped he had to start wiping his tears away and gasp for breath, though a few moments later when Sasuke came out of the bathroom, he blinked and raised an eyebrow, then smirked lightly. "Looking good Sasuke chan" He snickered again, then shook his head. "All the longer dresses had a low cut, which would've showed off your lack of cleavage, so it had to be short so there'd be something to show off"Naruto hopped off the bed and stretched, then headed for the door. "Well come on, we'd better get going. You can practice your girl voice on the way too, you sound too whiney at the moment, he'll never go for that" The blonde snickered once more as he left the hotel quickly before Sasuke could attack him. "Come on Sasuke chan! You don't wanna be late for your date!" Sasuke glared at the blond, silently willing the daggers he was sending through his eyes would somehow become real and pierce the idiot... nope... damn. And though he hated to admit it, Naruto was right about the dress, but that didn't make wearing it any easier. "I'm going to gut you," he snarled low under his breath, but the threat seemed much less threatening when he was in a dress, blushing, and pulling the fabric of the dress down to cover more of his legs. The Uchiha groaned in inner agony at Naruto's teasing. That dope wasn't making this any easier either. With promises of death on his lips, Sasuke followed the shorter ninja out of the hotel, keeping his head down to hide his face with his hair. "We should try an open bar... or something," he grumbled to his teammate as they left the Inn. Without waiting for an answer, Sasuke started walking in the direction of a bar he had seen on the way to the hotel. He tried desperately to ignore the guys ogling his ass, and the few who even whistled in his direction. He really did make one hell of a hot babe. Naruto was staying well back so that nobody would even consider he was with Sasuke. The 'girl' had to be out by herself for their target to approach her, so Naruto made sure to stay well back in the crowd, though he couldn't help but snicker as he heard guys whistling, one guy even sneaking up behind Sasuke and pinching his ass, though Sasuke would have to restrain himself from doing anything to the guy. After all, right now he was just a weak, helpless girl. "Oh man.....I really wish I had a camera right now..." Naruto snickered again as he followed, though as he watched Sasuke walk....he couldn't help but catch himself staring occasionally....though after a few moments he quickly shook his head. "Geez...come's Sasuke....not a girl. Sasuke not a girl....." He nodded as he muttered to himself, following Sasuke into the bar and going to take a seat as far away as possible, though somewhere he could still watch. Oh this was going to be so much fun.... Sasuke made an indignified squeek as some guy pinched his rump, and he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from beating the living hell out af the guy. Instead he just walked away, and into the bar. He noticed Naruto taking a seat and moved to sit at the counter. The Uchiha couldn't help but tug at his dress once he sat on the stool, it kept trying to ride up! And imagine his embarassment when he found some more guys practically drooling over him. "Excuse me miss," was what drew his attention away from his dress up to the bar tender who las leaning over the bar just a little too close. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing here?" the man said as he leaned closer and touched the tip of his finger under the 'girl's' chin and giving it a gentle stroke. Sasuke tilted his head up with the movement. Oh god... this guy was trying to pick him up! He had to try hard not to throw up. "I..actually, I'm looking for someone," he said in a very good female voice, and even pulled off a shy blush. "And who might that be?" "A..A man named... Udon." The man sat back a bit at that, keeping his distance from the boy. "Oh, uh, he's in the back with someone at the moment, but when he's done I'll come get you," it seemed the guy went from being all gushy to buisness fairly quick. "Care for a drink while you wait?" Ok, back to the flirting. " thank you." Naruto leaned forwards slightly as he watched a guy speaking with Sasuke, snickering at the boys reaction. Oh even from a distance it was hilarious to watch, and Naruto had to cover his mouth to keep himself from bursting into laughter once again. But he managed to restrain himself, for the sake of the mission he couldn't blow either his own or Sasuke's cover. "Oh man...." He leaned in a little more to listen in on the conversation, though it was difficult over the chatter in the bar. Still, he picked up enough to hear that the guy would be out soon, that he was 'nearly finished' with someone out the back. Naruto quickly got the idea of just what that meant.....and it made his blood boil.He really wanted to just burst in there and try to grab the guy right now....but they had to keep their cool for the mission. Besides, it would be easier, and less messy, for the guy to come to them rather than for them to have to chase after him. Sasuke could just let the guy lead him somewhere secluded, then both Sasuke and Naruto would be able to pounce and take him quickly and quietly. "Just a little longer and we'll have the guy.....then I suppose Sasuke can get out of those clothes...." Once again though, Naruto found himself staring a little more than he should've been. His eyes drifted down to Sasuke's exposed ass, the thong barely covering anything, and the short skirt nowhere near enough to cover up when Sasuke was sat on the stool. Naruto quickly shook his head though, then rubbed his face to clear it. After a few more failed attempts to pick him up, the bar tender begrudgingly left the Uchiha alone. Sasuke would have sighed in relief if it wasn't for the fact that other men started to take his place one by one. He had been offered a drink 4 times, been told shitty pick up lines at least 7 times and had been flat out asked for sex twice! He was almost thankful when the bar tender came back. "Hey sweetheart," the man cooed, "Udon's ready for you." The tender reached out and cupped Sasuke's cheek, and it took all the boy had not to smack it away. "Don't fight back too much, it would be a shame to see such a pretty face covered in bruises," the man warned before pulling back. "Come on, come with me." "Ca..can't he come out here?" Sasuke asked, and at the glare from the once overly nice man, he faked a jump and a flinch, and got up off the stool. After pulling down his dress a bit more to cover himself up a bit, he followed the man behind the counter. Naruto was given a slightly nervous look... this wasn't part of the plan! But still, he followed through a back door, and up a stair case to another door, and couldn't suppress the feeling that this was a very bad situation. The door was closed and he was thankful he could see a window... Naruto could watch and listen that way. The Uchiha felt himself wanting to cringe his face in disgust at what else he saw. The room was actually quite fancy, looked almost like a living room to tell the truth, fire place and everything. It seemed the upper level of this bar was actually a home, but what disgusted him, was the man situation back on a leather chair, looking quite proud of himself. The man was kind of large, not fat per say, but definitely not skinny. His pants were down to his thighs, and on his lap was a girl no older then 11, barely awake. Udon turned to look at the two who entered, and a sickening grin grew on his face. "What do we have here?" the man said in a deep voice that sent unpleasant chills running down Sasuke's spine. "New merchandise," the tender answered. "Ah, then take this girl back with the others." Sasuke wasn't sure what to make of this... did he just get called merchandise? And what did Udon mean by others? Oh shit... The realization hit him in the gut like a tone of bricks... The mission scroll had said Udon was a drug dealer, but it had been wrong, or at the very least left out a very important detail... This man was in the business of human trafficking. Or at the very least, owned a forced brothel, because that girl did NOT look like she was willingly doing this. Naruto frowned as Sasuke was made to stand and walk away, but when Sasuke looked over at him, Naruto just gave him a reassuring nod to let him know he wouldn't be alone. After all, this guy was still potentially dangerous, so once Sasuke was out of sight, Naruto left quickly, moving around the side of the building, then discreetly scaling one of the walls. The alleyways all around the bar were guarded at either end, and whilst taking out the guards wouldn't pose too much of a problem, it would likely draw a lot of unnecessary attention, and possibly leave Sasuke alone and in trouble. So instead, Naruto decided to opt for a more stealthy approach, edging around the side of the building until he got to a window, looking inside just as Sasuke was being led into the room, though it wasn't Sasuke that Naruto was focused on right now.He was watching the girl ontop of the man's lap, and once more Naruto was feeling his blood boil with rage. This man was even worse than they had been led to was taking every bit of restraint he had to stop himself bursting in there and strangling the guy...but he couldn't....not yet. They needed more information before they could arrest him....they needed him to explain the operation he was running to Sasuke before they captured Udon and turned him over to their contact in the town. Still, if things got bad then Naruto was more than ready to screw the mission and burst in to help Sasuke....they'd just beat the information out of the guy if they had to. "Come on Sasuke.....get him talking....." Naruto was careful to be discreet outside the window, making sure he was shrouded in darkness so he wouldn't be noticed. The bar tender gave the girl a pitying look as he stepped forward. "Come on kid," he said gently and wrapped his arms around the nude girl, pulling her off Udon, the man's soft member slipping out from inside her, making the girl wince. She was put on her feet n the ground, and the man let her lean on him for balance. Sasuke had to try hard not to just slaughter the man in the chair, and to hide the more then shocked face, because the girl was looking at him with pity. 'Don't scream,' the girl mouthed to him, making him swallow slightly. When the two left and Sasuke was left alone with Udon, the man grinned at him. "Hey there sweet heart, come over here, I won't bite." The boy shivered but did as was told. ", could you tell me... who the others are? And where he's taking her?" he asked, motioning to the door. "oh? why would you want to know that?" "we..well I can only assume I'm... going to end up there too.. a and I'd like to know where I'm going." Udon laughed and leaned back in his chair a bit, pushing out his hips to show off his regrowing erection. Sasuke had to force down the urge to gag. "Well... how about this," the man started, "you show me what a good little whore you can be, and if you're good enough, I'll answer all your questions." The Uchiha by this time had gotten close enough for the man to grab his hips and pull him a bit closer. The boy paniced internally, if Udon kept groping around he would find something a girl shouldn't have. Thinking quickly, he did something he thought a female would do, and slapped the hands away from his body... and regretted it afterwords. A loud slap echoed in the room, and Sasuke found his head thrown to the side... Udon had just... slapped him. He had been hit before, kicked, punched, but never slapped, it was pretty degrading to tell the truth. Plus, the slap was hard enough to leave a red, hand shaped mark on his face, and would probably bruise later on. "Don't you dare push me away again," the man growled dangerously. "Or the punishment will be much worse." The Uchiha turned back to face the man, and tilted his head down. "Yes sir," he said softly, shoving his pride away. "Good girl, now, if you don't want to be touched, you can touch me." Sasuke swallowed thickly as the man continued. "Get on your knees sweetheart, use that pretty little mouth of yours on this," Udon moved a hand to stroke his member, "then I'll tell you what you want to know. Bile rose up in his throat, and the Uchiha swallowed to keep from retching at the simple thought. He should stab the man in the throat right now but... If he didn't find out where those girls were... Closing his eyes to keep out the sight, he lowered himself to his knees before the man and tried not to flinch when the man caressed his cheek. Naruto watched carefully as the girl was led away....the bar tender at least seemed to show some sympathy for her. He was probably only doing any of this out of fear for his life....still....that wasn't enough of an excuse. As far as Naruto was concerned the bar tender should've been helping to stop this guy, not covering for him. Still....they could take care of him later on. Right now Udon was their priority, and their only target. That thought at least gave Naruto some comfort....that they could get this guy and put a stop to him....but not before they got the information they needed.Silently, Naruto was able to prise the window open ever so slightly, just enough to hear what was being said inside, and just in time to see and hear the sharp slap Sasuke received. Naruto's eyes widened as he watched, the shock nearly making him lose his balance, though he quickly, and quietly, was able to settle himself again, still being careful not to get caught from inside or outside. But then....oh god....was Sasuke really going to....? Could he really be? There was no way...and yet.....Naruto was watching as Sasuke slowly moved to kneel down between Udon's legs, his head moving lower. Was Sasuke really going to go to such great lengths to get the information? Naruto would've favoured beating it out of the guy by now but....Sasuke seemed to be favouring another method. soon as they got the information, or as soon as Sasuke made the signal, Naruto would be in there. Right now though, he was unable to look away and could only watch with some kind of strange fascination as Sasuke lowered his head and parted his lips. Tilting his head down, Sasuke opened his mouth and let out his tongue to lick over the shaft, avoiding the head to keep out the taste of precum. He didn't like this, not one bit, and once again he had to ignore the urge to vomit... He could taste what he was sure was the girl from before, and it made him feel sick in more ways then one. Udon's hand moved into the raven hair and lifted him up to press the tip to his lips. The Uchiha shut his mouth tightly at first, but the harsh tug to his hair made him open his mouth again. There was no slow descent, Udon shoved Sasuke down on the hard member. It hit the back of his throat and he gagged. "Ung, relax your throat baby, or it'll hurt." The boy did as he was told, but it didn't prepare him for when the man shoved him all the way down, his nose smashing into a patch of pubic hair. But he had no chance to try and get used to it, because Udon pretty much started to face fuck him, pulling him up and down, making the dark eyes water from the stretching, and after a while a tear slid down his cheek, only to be wiped away by the man. "Unha, such a tight throat, hmmn get ready for it baby, swallow it." And with that said, he shoved Sasuke's face down again and let out a loud moan. Liquid shot down his throat, and his eyes widened as the muscles spasmed, trying to cough but not being able to. When he was finally let go, he turned his head to the side and coughed, swallowing to keep from choking, only to start heaving. The bile was comming up again, he was going to retch what had just been pushed down into his belly, but hands clamped down on the top of his head and under his chin. "Don't you fucking lose it," the man snarled, and Sasuke clenched his eyes shut, swallowing again and again to keep the vomit down. Naruto was staring with his mouth hanging open at the sight before him, unable to move as he watched Sasuke's head being yanked downwards. At first he thought perhaps it would only be for a moment, and then perhaps the guy would give them the information. But then he watched as Udon pulled Sasuke's head down forcefully again and began to thrust into the other boys head. Naruto wanted to burst in there and stop this but.....he had to remember the mission....still, watching as Udon groaned and was clearly cumming into Sasuke's throat, Naruto clenched his fists tightly, gripping the edges of the window, his whole body shaking in anger. He watched in silence as Sasuke stumbled back and coughed, though was stopped from doing what was coming to him naturally.All the amusement Naruto had felt earlier was gone....and now he was cursing himself for putting Sasuke through this....if he could trade places he would in a heartbeat....he just wanted to make this stop right now, but he looked at Sasuke and restrained himself. Sasuke was doing all this for the mission....and if Naruto burst in now it would mean all Sasuke's sacrifices were for nothing. And besides, he had a feeling that Sasuke would want to be the one to beat the guy down now.Come on Sasuke.....just hold it in and get the information from him.....then kick his ass.... After a few moments, the bile finally went down, and stayed down and Udon let go of him. Sasuke lifted a hand to his mouth and wiped away any of the seed that spilt from his mouth. "Will...will you tell me now, where I'll be going?" he asked, voice a bit rough yet still feminine from the rough face fucking. The man gave a grin that had his stomach churning again. "You were a good little whore, so I'll tell you. You'll be going to the Tea country, and you will be sold off to anyone that wants a piece of your pretty little ass," he stopped and lifted a hand to his chin, rubbing the stubble there. "Though I might just keep you here, I like you quite a bit." Fuck... that was too vague. "Wh...where in the Tea country?" he asked softly, looking up at the man with watery eyes. The Tea country was very large, and it would take far to long to find those girls. Another grin. "Well, if you want to know that, you'll have to do something else for me." "Wha..what's that?" he had a very bad feeling about this. "I'm going to sell your hymen, but that pretty little ass looks just so good." "No!" he yelped out before he could stop himself, that was taking it too far, there was no way in hell he would willingly let this fuck touch him like that. Sasuke's head jerked back as a punch was landed on the cheek he had been slapped on earlier. Yeah, he'd definitely have a bruise. In his moment of surprise, Udon had grabbed him and flipped him over onto his stomach and held his head down by gripping the back of the boy's neck with one hand. The other hand lifted Sasuke's hips before moving to carass an exposed butt cheek. "If you really didn't want it, you wouldn't have worn something like this," the man snarled as he moved the thong out of the way and thrust in two fingers dry, making Sasuke yelp in surprised pain. "I was going to be gentle, but you denied me, so I'm gonna fuck you dry wench." Not good! That was it. Naruto couldn't take anymore of this now. The information they had would have to be enough, and if it wasn't....well fuck the mission. Sasuke was more important right now. In an instant, Naruto kicked out the window, shattering it and sending glass shards all over the floor as he burst in, rushing at Udon before the man would have a chance to react and punching him hard in the face, the other hand reaching for Sasuke to pull him away. "You bastard!! Don't you dare touch my friend anymore!!" Naruto growled, then lunged at Udon whilst he was still on the floor, straddling the man and punching him in the face again. "WHERE ARE THEY?!" He punched once more, this time making sure to break Udon's nose, the loud crack echoing around the room painfully. If Naruto hadn't been so angry the noise alone would've made him wince."I SAID WHERE ARE THEY?! TELL ME! NOW!! OR YOU'LL DIE!!!" The look in Naruto's eyes showed how serious he was. If Udon didn't tell them where the girls were, then there was no point in keeping him alive. If this beating didn't get the information out of him then nothing would. Udon had little choice left now. Give them the information andprobablylive, or try to keep the secret and most certainly die. Another pained gasp left his lips when Udon was punched away, the extraction of the fingers quite painful. He was pulled up and away by Naruto and before he knew it, the sick man was getting pumbled by the blond. Part of him wanted to just let Naruto kill him, but his pride got in the way of that, and he moved over to the other ninja and grabbed him by the back of his jacket to pull him off the man. Was he trying to save the man? Hell no! He just wanted to be the one to beat him to a bloody pulp. Lifting his foot he brought it down onto Udon's neck and pushed down with a glare, his eyes swirling red. For a moment or two he said nothing, just spat on the man's face and pressed down a bit harder. "Naruto... Give me a kunai and hold him down," he bent down a bit to get closer to the man's face. "You'll tell us what we want to know in the end, the choice you have is how much pain we inflict before you do." Udon gargled and flailed his arms and legs, clawing at the pale boy, trying to get him to ease up on his throat, but he was given no such leway. At first Naruto was a little confused at feeling Sasuke pull him away, but when he watched the other boy start to crush the mans neck, he couldn't help but smirk slightly. Normally he hated hurting people unncessarily, but this....oh this was absolutely necessary, and Naruto was only too happy to pull out a Kunai, handing it to Sasuke before moving to pin Udon down. "Hmph....I think he wants you to ease up on his neck Sasuke....maybe he wants to talk? I hope he doesn't want to cry for help.....we'd have to kill him if he did that to stop him doing this to anyone else" Naruto glared down at Udon, growling slightly. "Sick think you're going to get away with what you've done? One way or another....we're putting a stop to this right now. It can either end with you rotting in a cell for the rest of your life.....or dieing slowly and painfully tonight. Time to make a choice think carefully" Sasuke was feeling a little... Sadistic? was that the right word? Yeah, probably. He pushed down a little harder on the neck, sorly tempted to crush the windpipe under his foot. "You're wrong Naruto, there's one more way he's never going to do this again." That smirk only grew as he backed up a bit and crouched down between the man's legs. "I don't care what you tell us, this happends anyway," he snarled, the boy could still taste the damn cum in his mouth. Udon's eyes grew wide as his neck was released, and he took in big gulps of air. "I won't tell you anything," the man barked, though he swallowed down a whimper at what Sasuke did then. "You sure? I think I could make you talk." He had watched his brother interigate someone once, and that was the only thing in his mind he was grateful to the man for. Though, interigation could wait, vengence came first. A pale hand reached out and took the man's balls into his hand and pulled a bit. At the man's pleadings to stop, Sasuke just chuckled. "How many girls begged you to stop?" He didn't wait for an answer, the raven brought the kunai down and with a flick of his wrist, those balls were seperated from the man's body. Udon screamed in pain, but Sasuke could really care less. "Tell us where they are," he snarled and positioned the knife at his dick. "Unless you really want to become a damned unic!" Naruto stared in almost disbelief as he watched what Sasuke did.....he knew the other boy wanted revenge go that far.....Naruto had never expected that from even Sasuke. Then again considering what Udon had done....could he really be surprised....? Sasuke must've felt incredibly violated.....but still.....he had to try and calm his friend down a little. "Sasuke....just hang on for a second....give him a chance to think before you cut off something else....I think he needs a few seconds to remember how to speak, let alone remember what we need to know..." Naruto frowned, looking back down at Udon. "You'd better tell us what we want soon. Even if I wanted to, I don't think I could stop him now until you tell us what we want to know. The only thing more important than making you suffer is saving those girls, so you'd best talk so our priorities can change" Whilst he did want to stop Sasuke...Naruto couldn't bring himself to do it. Sasuke deserved some vengeance after what he went through....and besides, this wasn't just for was for all the girls he'd made suffer too....this was vengeance for them all. He was so tempted... so very fucking tempted to slice this man's dick off and do so much more to this man, so many unspeakable things... But Naruto was right, he had almost forgotten. This wasn't about him, it was about those girls. "Fine," he snarled, tomoe swirling in his red eyes as he glared up at Udon, waiting 'patiently' for the man to answer. The sick, sick man did take a few moments to remember how to speak... hell, how to breath, and when he did, the first words from his mouth were. "Oh god please stop!" And oh how Sasuke wanted to slice him up. "I'll stop, when you tell us." Udon finally relented. "Aora! the city of Aora in the Tea contry!" The Uchiha pressed his knife down a little harder, making the man cry out. "In a brothel! It's the only one with the rabbit on its sign in the redlight district!" "How many." "I don't know!" Sasuke snarled and pushed down more, the blade cutting into tender flesh. "Fifty! maybe more!" That information made him sick to his stomach, more so then he was before. "Where's the girl that was here before." His voice was getting calmer, but that made it all the more frightening. If he could see his eyes now... so much like his brothers. "Probably on her way back there, please stop. Please stop!" The Uchiha pulled the blade back and stood. "Coward, you're not worth killing." So very much like his brother. It must run in his family... bloodlust. "Naruto, let's go, he'll die on his own." And with that said, the boy with pale hands now red with blood, and the blue dress stained just as much, turned and started to leave. "By the way," he snarled at the man. turning his head to look over his shoulder. "I'm not a fucking whore." Naruto bit his lip, the thought of just leaving the man to die really didn't sit well with him....and he knew that whilst Sasuke was angry he would probably regret this later on. He had to do something.....and so before they left, Naruto discreetly threw a Kunai at the door, thought a timed paper bomb was attached to it. Once they were gone it would explode and draw attention to Udon upstairs. He'd have to be taken to hospital for treatment, where no doubt the police would be called and he'd be placed under arrest by their local contact. Udon would be locked up for the rest of his life, and Sasuke wouldn't have a dead body on his conscience. "Ok....let's go...." Naruto moved to follow Sasuke out of the window quickly, before Sasuke could notice the paper bomb. "Let's get you back to the hotel....we'll get you a couple of bottles of mouthwash from room service" He tried to smile lightly, putting a hand on Sasuke's shoulder as they left, trying to do whatever he could to cheer his friend up a little. There was no lightening the mood right now. The hand on his shoulder was slapped away and a glare was sent at the blond, though it wasn't really directed at him, Sasuke was just pissed in general. Mouthwash... yeah, he'd need a lot of that, and toothpast, and maybe he'd get Naruto to hit him hard enough over the head that he just forgot this event ever took place... Yeah, not likely. The Uchiha kept more to the alleyways this time, not needing to be noticed for the amount of blood on him... or her as others would see it. They were about half way back when Sasuke put an arm over his stomach, and quickly moved over to a wall of a building. He bent over just a bit, more hunching really, and emptied the 'contents' of his stomach onto the ground. An arm was lifted enough to let him put his forearm on the brick wall while he heaved a few more times, the white liquid comming back up. Dark eyes clenched closed as he panted slightly. The raven didn't want this taste to come back, but it was, his body refusing to hold in such a repulsive substance. Naruto couldn't help but wince as Sasuke pushed the hand away....he really did feel for his friend, and as they landed in the alleyway he was about to ask what was wrong, though the question was immediately answered....well that was to be expected really....and Naruto wished he could do something to help...though he knew there wasn't. All he could do was walk over and slowly grip Sasuke's hair, holding it back for him, just waiting until he could feel better. "It's ok Sasuke....get it all up.....just get it all up.....that man will never touch you or come near you again, I promise...." He tried to smile softly, his other hand gently rubbing Sasuke's back through the dress, though the rubbing was perhaps just a little lower down the boys back than was absolutely necessary, although still not quite near Sasuke's ass."We'll stay here until you're feeling a little better, then head on back to the hotel. I'll buy you a really nice meal, whatever you want. I'm sure you'll be pretty hungry when we get back...." He was gratefull, he really was that Naruto was rubbing his back, it helped soothe the spasming diaphragm. He was gratefull to him for holding back his hair and giving gentle words of comfort, but his mouth was a bit busy to voice it. Sasuke's hands clenched into fists as the heaving continued, sometimes something would come out, others it was just a very painfull sound with no bile. He did this for a few minutes, eyes starting to water from the constant heaving, his body starting to shake just a bit. The Uchiha gave one last gag and what was left of the white liquid was spat up onto the ground. The raven stayed against the wall for a few more moments before he spat once or twice to get out the taste, and standing upright again. "Thanks," he told the blond, his voice a bit rough. A hand was lifted and he rubbed the wetness from his eyes before taking in a deep breath. "I'm alright now... And Naruto..." He was thankful for more then just the comfort given. "Thanks for interfering." And with that, he turned away to start walking toward the hotel again, he was never good with thanking people, and the awkwardness he was sure would come after the words were said were best avoided. Naruto blinked, then smiled slightly as Sasuke thanked him. That had to be hard for him....Sasuke almost never thanked people...he always preferred to do things for himself. Still...that was all Naruto needed to hear. He knew what Sasuke meant, whether he could say it or not. "You're welcome Sasuke...." He smiled lightly, then jumped to follow the boy quickly back towards their hotel. "If there's anything else I can do for you....please....just let me know ok? I'm here for you Sasuke...I'll always be here for you..." Once more Naruto placed a hand on Sasuke's bare shoulder, squeezing it slightly as they got back to the hotel, sneaking in discreetly to avoid anyone seeing the blood stains on the dress. "I suppose you'll wanna spend the next few hours in the bathroom then huh...? If you need anything, anything at all, just call for me ok? I'm gonna do absolutely anything you want to make all this up to you Sasuke" It felt nice, to be told that Naruto would always be there for him, not that he'd say that out loud or anything. They made it back to the hotel without much trouble Sasuke had felt the urge to vomit a few more times, but he had nothing left in his stomach, and his body knew it. The Uchiha allowed he hand on his shoulder and nodded his head at the question. Yeah, he was gonna turn the water on hot and burn away the disgusting feeling he had. Though, when the blond continued, he gave a soft sight. "Don't coddle me dope, I don't need you to wait on me, understand?" Naruto was given a few moments to answer before the Uchiha heir went into the bathroom, flipped on the lights, closed the door, and started to pull the offening dress over his head. Naruto watched as Sasuke went into the shower, then just nodded in response to what Sasuke had told him, before slowly sitting down on the bed, rubbing his face. "Geez.....I really didn't think things were gonna go like this. I thought a little flirting, something we could laugh about later on....nothing like this...." The blonde sighed, then flopped back to lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. For some reasons images weren't leaving his head....images of Sasuke in that room with Udon.....but for some reason....the image most stuck in Naruto's mind was the image of Sasuke all dressed up like a very convincing....walking down the street, sat in that bar.... "What am I thinking...?" Naruto sat up quickly, shaking his head. "It's's Sasuke.....not a girl...." But no matter what he kept telling himself, Naruto couldn't help but want to see Sasuke dressed like that again....and...he had a feeling about himself that he didn't just want to see it for laughs.... Once the dress was pulled off his head, Sasuke glared at it, silently trying to set it ablaze with just his eyes. When that didn't work, he growled and tossed it onto the counter before pulling off the other, horribly embarrassing clothes. Once void of clothing, he looked back at the bloody dress. With his luck he'd be made to do something like this again, so might aswell clean the damn thing, so with a sight, the Uchiha grabbed it and brought it into the shower with him. The knob was turned and steaming hot water fell from the shower head, making the boy hiss in pain. The boiling on his skin was ignored as he scrubbed at the cloth, the heat of the water and the fact it hadn't dried yet making it easy to remove the stains. Once it was clean, Sasuke wrung it out and draped it over the shower rod that held up the curtain, and went on to scrub at himself. His skin was rubbed at with a vengance but the violated boy, making his now red skin burn more then it already was. He was in there for at least half an hour already, and he still hadn't come out, still scrubbing at his skin, a growl in his throat. After a while, Naruto slowly stood, walking over to the bathroom door and knocking on it softly. "Sasuke....? ok....? If you need anything just say so ok? But.....I'm sure right now you probably want some time usually do when you need to feel better. So....tell you what....I'll go head into town and buy the supplies we might need for our trip home ok? Maybe get us something to eat should eat after all that to keep your strength up...I'll be back soon ok?" Naruto looked at the closed bathroom door for a few moments, and when he didn't hear any objections he turned to go, leaving the hotel room in order to head off into town and buy the things that the pair would need for their journey home, some food and water, aswell as a few bandages and several bottles of mouth wash as he had promised. Though on the way back he also planned to stop and get them both some nice take out food....maybe the thought would help cheer Sasuke up a little bit. Sasuke didn't reply to the blond, opting instead to close his eyes, tilt his head up, and open his mouth. The water burned his tongue, but it was worth it to get some of the taste of vomit and cum out of his mouth. Water was spat out, and the Uchiha scrubbed at his hair with shampoo before rinsing off. The knob was turned, and the steaming water stopped flowing. "I still feel disgusting," he muttered to himself as he left the shower stall and dried off. His normaly pale skin was bright red from the heat and viciouse scrubbing, but he didn't seem to care. Sasuke pulled the dress down and wrapped it up with the towel, squeezing it dry before leaving the room. The Uchiha heir sat on the bed as he waited for Naruto to come back, and after about an hour, the boy pulled his head from his hands and took in a deep breath. His ass was a bit sore, but it wasn't too bad, it was more the fact that some old pervert shoved his fingers in there... Did Naruto feel this bad when Kakashi did the 'thousand years of pain?' He wasn't going to ask. With a sigh, Sasuke looked beside him at the clothes he had put there. He wasn't sure why he had done it, but the female clothing was laid out beside him. The boy had been trying to convince himself that it was just because he had 'killed' Udon in them, so it would make him feel better. Another sigh was given as he stood up, the towel left to fall to the floor as he pulled on the clothing again, minus the bra, that thing was just uncomfortable. With the dress on, Sasuke crossed his arms over himself and ran his right hand down his left side, and his left hand down his right side. The fabric felt... kind of nice now that he had some time to actually think about it. His back was facing the door as he closed his eyes and ran his hands along his sides again. Naruto sighed as he looked down at the supplies and food in his arms. Was this going to be enough? Well....if not then it was a start at least right? For a little while Naruto felt he needed to take it easy on Sasuke...cut him some slack, grant a few requests he might have....just to try and help him feel better. Still....he was sure Sasuke would get over this....he'd gotten over worse after all. "Ok.....time to go take care of him I guess..." The blonde shrugged and resumed his walk down the now near empty streets. It was getting late after all, though in the distance he could see flashing blue lights around Udon's bar. Clearly the police were moving in to take care of him from here on. Still, Sasuke didn't need to know the guy was still alive just yet. Better to tell him that later on.Once he got upstairs, standing outside of the hotel room, Naruto couldn't hear the shower water running anymore, and he figured perhaps Sasuke had gone to bed, so Naruto moved to silently open the door, not wanting to disturb Sasuke's sleep. Once the door did open however, the sight that met Naruto wasn't quite what he expected. He blinked and stared, then suddenly dropped the things he was carrying. "S sasuke....?" Naruto could feel those thoughts coming back to him.....and seeing Sasuke posing in that dress....seeming to wear it voluntarily....Naruto couldn't help starting to feel aroused....which was becoming noticeable in his tight pants. Sasuke had really gotten into the feel of the fabric of the dress, his fingers spreading over his sides before gripping at it and pulling it a little closer. He was actually starting to feel goosebumps forming on his skin and a slight blush to form on his cheeks. His breathing got a tad heavier as he rubbed at his sides, the hands slowly moving closer to his middle, shivering when that caused a hand to rub along his sensitive belly. Unfortunatly, because of how distracted his was, Sasuke didn't notice Naruto's chakura signiture, and when he heard bags full of things hit the floor, he jumped and spun around. His hands imediatly stopped their rubbing and went to the hem of the dress, pulling it down over his thighs, the blush on his face getting darker. He hadn't actually gotten hard from his touches, but he was definatly flustered, his eyes a little glossy. "N..Naruto I..." The Uchiha was at a loss for words now. How could he explain this?! Well, he could change the subject. "Naruto, you're..." he started, deftly lifting his right hand to point at the blond's slowly bulging crotch. Naruto was frozen for a few moments, though when Sasuke pointed at his pants, Naruto quickly lowered his hands to cover up, cheeks turning bright crimson. "I....well....that is.....wait....what're you pointing atmefor?!" Naruto suddenly pointed at Sasuke, though kept one hand covering the area between his legs. "What're you doing wearing that dress again?!" He blinked, eyes looking to the bed and even seeing Sasuke's boxers on there. "....And you're even wearing the thong too aren't you?!" Naruto just continued staring, mouth hanging open as he stood in the doorway, just staring at the boy before him....though the dress really was making him look so much more like a girl right now....then again perhaps that was partially because of Naruto's current state too...he just wasn't quite thinking clearly. When attention was brought back to him, Sasuke lowered his hand again to grip the hem of the dress and tug it down futher. The boy pressed his legs together tightly as he tilted his head down to let his dark bangs cover the even darker blush. "I... I just like the way the fabric feels alright?!" he snapped, blushing darker. The Uchiha swallowed when the thong was brought up, and he clenched his eyes shut. "So what if I am?! You're the one getting off on it!" Pale hands clutched harder to the blue cloth, his pink lips pursing together tightly as he tried to come up with a better excuse for why he was wearing the dress, and another for the fact he was starting to get aroused too, knowing how he made Naruto react, though, his wasn't noticable. "I....that.....what it's doing to me is nothing to do with it! I mean....I mean it's not you that's doing it!! I just....I just saw a good looking girl in the hall that's all!! And she was wearing some nice clothes! It's not you!" Naruto's voice made it clear he was lieing, but he just shook his head, quickly moving to shift the focus back to Sasuke. "But whatever is going on with me, I'm not the one wearing a dress and thong!" He pointed at Sasuke once more, stepping a little more into the room and closing the door behind him. "I....I'm not the one who looks like a girl right now!" Though Naruto left out the part about it being a hot girl...." youwantto attract men or something?! that dress that's what you're gonna do!" Another thing Naruto was leaving out.....Sasuke was indeed attracting another man.....and it was the blonde standing just a few feet from him. "That's bull shit and you know it!" he snapped back, pulling the fabric down a bit more, the motion causing his shoulders to hunch forward a bit. Naruto telling him he looked like a girl made him flinch a bit, and he did it again a bit more noticably at the accusation he was trying to attract men. "That's not why I'm wearing it," he replied through grit teeth. Truth was, he wasn't completely sure why he was wearing it, but he decided to tell Naruto why he thought he was wearing it. "I still feel disgusting, and I thought wearing the clothes I killed the fucker in would help me feel a little better, alright?! So just drop it!" Sasuke clenched his eyes shut and continued to hang his head down, and in this position, shaking a little even, he looked kind of... meek, vulnerable, but he'd never admit to that. poke None
['Sasuke', 'Naruto']
Chuunin Exams (dhaze x Ryu_Momochi)
Hinata Hyuuga was now 15 years old, though still as shy as ever. She still found it difficult to talk with people no matter how hard she tried, but it didn't stop her from being given this assignment. It was time for the Chuunin exams, and ever since the incident with Orochimaru a few years ago, more examiners had been recruited, like her, to enter the Forest of Death and keep watch on the various Genin candidates. As much as she didn't really want the assignment, even she had to admit she was one of the best suited people for it. Her Byakugan allowed her to easily see what was going on, even from great distances, and she'd be able to intercept any trouble potentially before it happened. Or at the least she could react quickly. Still, it didn't stop her wanting to be somewhere else though....she really didn't like this forest, or the exams as a whole for that matter. But, whether she liked it or not, she had been given her mission and she would carry it out.And so here she was, patrolling the forest of Death, a little less than halfway from the gates to the tower. The exams had only begun recently, about 12 hours ago, meaning there were still 2 and a half days before the time limit came. She hadn't seen any Genin yet, and didn't expect to for at least a few more hours, so she came to a stop, sitting on a large tree branch and sighing softly, taking another look around. Nothing strange behaviour in some of the large and deadly animals, no people around that shouldn't be there.....everything was quiet. "Good.....the less trouble there is the better...." Ryu smiled softly as he sat by the tree. He could feel every ninja within a certain distance, and he knew what he was going to do. He smirked a bit,"This is going to be fun..." he said to himself. He closed his eyes, doing some handseals and opening them again. They came up like videoscreens infront of his eyes, every ninja within fifty meters,"Hmmm... lets see who's got what I need..." he said to himself, checking each one's chakra signiture. He had a gift, no, a unique talent. They all called it a Kekki Genkai, but he knew better, it wasn't something he was born with, it was something he had learned, on his own. His ice blue eyes looked at each potential victim, each one with different strengths and weaknesses. He spotted something different though, one konoichi, she seemed to not be heading towards the finish line,"Hmmm... could she be a proctor?" he said to himself, he could see she had decent chakra skills, but he'd yet meet up with someone who'd be a match for his genjutsu. He smirked a bit,"I'll have some fun while I'm here..." he said to himself, his mist headband shining in the sun as he cast the jutsu,"Now she'll come to me..." he said softly before leaning back against the tree. It would only be a matter of time. Hinata sighed and leaned back against the tree slightly, then stopped and blinked as she felt something.....odd. She quickly sat up and looked around, something wasn't quite right around hear...then suddenly she heard a loud crash, some muffled cries for help. She immediately jumped to her feet and leaped away to the next tree, following the source of the sound. Whilst she couldn't exactly help directly, she could stop the entrants from being killed and get them out of the forest if she felt it was necessary, though that would disqualify the ninja from the rest of the exam. "Just hope I make it in time...." It took only moments to reach the source of the noise, but Hinata blinked as she arrived, looking around, seeing nothing happening. No ninja in trouble, no signs of a battle, nothing. "What the....?" She blinked, then turned as she noticed something from the corner of her eye, like a reflection of sunlight from metal. "Hm? Is someone there?" He was leaning against the tree still as he saw someone come into view,"Hmmm... oh, hello..." he said with a soft smile, the bandages covering his face, so it didn't even look that way,"You seemed to be a bit lost, looking for someone?" he said as he pushed off slightly against the tree. He could feel her chakra, feel that she had potential, but just not the confidence to use it,"Well... I'm the only one here... and I'm not in any sort of trouble... in fact, i was about to eat, care for something...?" he asked, pulling something out of his side bag. "Hm?" Hinata looked around suddenly upon hearing the voice, blinking at the lone exam candidate, then slowly shook her head. "Ah, no thank you. I really can't take good from an exam candidate I'm afraid, but thank you very much for the offer" She took another glance around, not spotting anyone else in the area. "Hm....that's odd.....I thought....I was sure I heard someone in trouble....did you see or hear anything around here?" She glanced back to the boy, noticing he did seem a little older than her.....odd for someone so old to be taking the Chuunin wasn't unheard of. "Someone else?" he said, looking at her, seeming to scan her a bit with his eyes,"Nope... just me here..." he said as he pulled out a few things to eat,"You sure you don't want anything? I've got plenty to spare..." he said, trying to look friendly. He had learned how bloodthirsty his father had been, so he was trying to keep his image different. His eyes looked into hers, seeing the grey pupiless spheres,"Wow... beautiful eyes..." he said, starting to pull off the bandages around his mouth so he could eat. "I could've sworn I heard something.....someone in trouble....." She sighed and shook her head, glancing around. "Must've been an echo from somewhere of the other proctors should be seeing to it...." She shrugged and looked back to Ryu, then smiled and shook her head once again. "Really, I'm fine, I ate before the exam" She smiled, then blinked and suddenly found herself blushing slightly at the comment on her eyes from this handsome older boy. "Oh...well thank you...." Hinata rubbed the back of her head shyly, then turned to go. "Well I'd better be going, I have to get back to work" He gave a soft sigh,"Hmmm... well... this is dissapointing..." he said as he looked at her,"I figured since I wouldn't make it into the finals... I could at least have lunch with a pretty girl..." he said as he took a bite of a rice ball,"Oh well... guess today just isn't my day..." he said as he closed his eyes sofly, leaning against a tree stump as he ate. He knew he was taking a longshot with such a corney line, but, he figured he'd played it off well enough. "Well...." Hinata bit her lip, feeling a pang of guilt over his reaction....he didn't seem too confident about his chances in the exam, and with an attitude like that he probably would fail. Maybe the least she could do was cheer him up a little bit before any further disappointment. "Well.....I suppose just a little bite, but I really can't stay long....I need to do my duties as a Proctor after all" She smiled slightly to the older boy, moving over beside him. He nodded softly, handing her a bit of food. He had added a few things to the food, he wasn't affected by it, but knew she would be. He gave a soft smile, without his wrappings, he looked almost normal. Of course, he had the trademarked mist fish look, looking like a shark a bit, but not as much as would make him look unnatural. He ate a bit of sushi, offering her a bit,"So... you're a proctor?" he said with a bit of curiousity in his voice,"You seem so young though..." he said with a smile. Hinata slowly sat down opposite the boy, returning his smile as she took the food. She had to admit, it smelt good, and she was getting rather hungry....and someone preparing food like this for her was a lot better than having to catch and prepare her own meal, especially in this forest. "Ah, yes I'm a Proctor, I know I seem young but.....I suppose the Hokage thought I was suitable for the job right?" She smiled once more, taking a small bite of the food. "Mm, it's good, thank you" She took another small bite, eating only little pieces at a time. He chuckled a bit,"No problem..." he said as he moved, laying back a bit and looking up. It was rather late in the evening, and you could see the stars almost perfectly. He closed his eyes softly, thinking of his home, and how he wished he was there. He opened his eyes softly and looked over at her,"You know... I don't see you as the ninja type..." he said softly,"No offense or anything... but you seem a little too... I dunno... submissive..." he said, not trying to offend her or anything. "Ah....a lot of people say that....including my father....but....I work hard and I like to think I make a good ninja" Hinata looked up at him and smiled softly, taking a few more bites of her food. "This is good food, did you prepare it yourself? It has a few spices on it I've never tasted before, but they're good" She nodded, taking a few more bites, eating a little more quickly now. She was clearly more hungry than she'd been willing to let on, and was clearly enjoying the food. He chuckled a bit, watching her eat. He knew she'd be starting to feel it soon, with how much she was eating,"Well... I had some help..." he said as he ate some more,"It's a special recipe that my father came up with... works wonders..." he said as he yawned softly, laying back a bit and staring up at the sky. He knew that once the food was gone, she'd be a lot different, the spices and herbs ment to bring out the side of you that you wished you could be. "Oh? Your father helped you make this?" Hinata smiled softly, her mind wandering briefly to her own father. Things had started to get better between them not so long ago, after her first entry into the Chuunin exams, but in the last few months everything seemed to have started slipping away again. Her father had been getting more and more like his old self, once more pushing Hinata and Neji away, throwing all his effort into raising Hanabi to be the next head of the Hyuuga clan.....Hinata couldn't help but sigh, taking another bite of her food, about halfway through what he had given her now. "Ah, I couldn't trouble you for some water or something to drink to go with this could I?" He smiled a bit, moving and grabbing a bit of water,"Here..." he said, handing her a cup. He knew it would only be a bit of time. He yawned softly,"My father isn't around anymore..." he said softly, closing his eyes,"He went rogue... a few years ago... and died..." he said as he laid back, looking up into the sky. It was starting to grow dark, and he knew he'd have to find someplace to sleep for the night. "Oh.....I'm so sorry to hear that...." Hinata nodded slightly, then took a sip of the water. She figured it would probably be best to try and steer the conversation away from his father before the boy seemed to get too depressed. " you think you're doing well in the exams so far?" She smiled and took another bite of the food, blinking as she felt just slightly odd...but she dismissed it as tiredness. She knew she wouldn't be able to get any sleep tonight, she still had to keep an eye on the exams after all. He shrugged softly,"Meh, pretty good... I'm just not that good at this whole thing." he said as he stretched a bit,"I mean... not like the ones I hear about from here." he said, trying his best to sound like he had no confidence. He let his eyes look her over a bit, noticing the different curves on her body, the way her hair shone a bit in the sun. He couldn't wait to see the type of change that would happen in her, he knew it would be fun. "Oh you shouldn't put yourself down so doesn't help you believe me" Hinata knew only too well how it felt to have no confidence in yourself. For so long she had felt the same hadn't been until Naruto came along that she had finally managed to find some confidence in herself. "Besides, a handsome man like you should be more confident..." She smiled, then blinked and suddenly blushed. Where had that come from? She never said things like that out loud....and had just come out and felt so natural as it seemed the food was indeed starting to take effect on the girl, starting to finally wear away the years of mental defences she had built up around herself. He let an eyebrow raise as she blushed,"What was that?" he asked softly, acting as though he hadn't heard her. He could tell that she was starting to become more effected by the food, and knew it would only be a matter of time,"Anyways... it doesn't matter... I mean, it's not like a guy like me could get any kind of lucky in this world..." he said as he laid back, stretching under the sun a bit, his shirt lifting to reveal a set of six pack abs,"I'm only good at fighting and killing..." he said as he closed his eyes. "Oh um...I was nothing really...." Hinata quickly took a sip of her drink, then looked down at her food, eating a little more quickly as she tried to hide her deep blush. God she couldn't believe she had said such a thing.....though as she finished eating, she looked up at him and her blush deepened as she saw his muscles. "Oh need to be good at doesn't mean you can't be good at other things. I'm sure....I'm sure you're very very talented in a lot of ways....maybe ways you don't even know about....I mean....isn't there something you love doing? Or something you've always wanted to try but were scared you'd be no good at...?" Hinata just couldn't stop herself....she was talking a lot more than she usually would....normally she would've left by now....after all she had a job to do...but....she just found herself feeling so strange... He sighed gently as he looked up softly,"Well... I'm not too good at much... besides just fighting..." he said as he curled up a bit, closing his eyes gently. He was getting a bit tired of waiting for her to make the first move, but knew it would happen eventually. He opened his eyes a bit,"I've never been good at anything besides that... I mean, even when I was young... I just fought and fought and fought..." he said as he looked over at her a bit. Hinata smiled and moved a little closer as he spoke, setting down the empty dish from her food. "Oh come on, that's really not true....I'm sure there are all kinds of things you're good at..." She reached over to gently rub his arm, trying to comfort him, something she never would've done before. "You just need to try something else....something new.....try and do something you've absolutely always wanted to do" He smiled softly as he looked over at her,"That sounds like a good idea..." he said as he moved a bit closer to her, looking gently into her eyes,"Well... there is something I've always wanted to try..." he said as he moved his head, just inches from hers as he looked into her eyes,"I've always wanted to try... this..." he said as he moved forward, placing a soft, yet a bit passionate kiss on her lips as his hand slowly found hers, holding it softly. Hinata squeaked as he suddenly leaned in to kiss her, going rigid for a few moments. Normally she would've pulled away instantly but....she was hesitating...and after a moment she found herself leaning in just a little, almost returning the kiss, but at the last moment she did finally pull back, face as bright a shade of red as it could become. "I.....I'm flattered but.....I'm really're a very nice boy but I'm not....I mean I don't...." He smiled as he felt her lean in a bit before pulling away, knowing that alone was hard enough for her to do,"Please...?" He whispered softly,"I could never get a girl as beautiful as you..." he said as he moved a bit closer, taking her hand gently and kissing the back of it,"You said I should try things I've always wanted to do... well... you should to..." he said as he moved, placing a soft kiss on the side of her neck, right over a large bundle of nerves. Hinata squirmed uncomfortably, she didn't want to do this....the boy was older than her, yet was also something of a student since she was an exam proctor. She'd wanted to save her first kiss for Naruto but now this....and her body was almost acting on its own. In the back of her mind she wanted to stop, yet she couldn't bring herself to do so. Though when he kissed her neck, she gasped and practically fell onto him, her bodies sensitivity heightened aswell. "Th this is.....w we really shouldn' should wait for someone you care about...." He smiled softly as he continued to focus gently on her neck,"But... in the mist, we all have arranged marriages..." he whispered softly, wrapping his arms around her waist,"For once... I'd like to be able to choose... who I want to be with..." he said as he let his tongue slide softly over her skin, tasting the slight saltiness of her sweat mixed with the sweetness of her skin, enjoying the way she looked, overcome with both pleasure and uncertainty. "Arranged....? Do you....not like yours....?" Hinata gasped and whimpered slightly as he continued to kiss at her neck, feeling his arms move around her waist. She wanted to pull away, but instead found herself moving further into his grasp, almost groaning as he licked at her skin. "I......I suppose....perhaps just once.....just once you a little...." She tried to satisfy her mind that she'd let him kiss her, then maybe that would be enough, though she couldn't go all the way with desperately wanted to save herself for that...she had sworn to herself she wouldn't dothatuntil she was married to the one she loved... he shook his head gently,"I don't like... the fact that I didn't get to choose..." he whispered as he continued to kiss at her skin, holding her close to him as his hands ghosted softly over her sides. He could feel her resistance starting to fade, and knew that she wouldn't be able to say no to him for many things. He sucked softly on her shoulder, slipping her shirt down a bit so he could make a mark that wasn't visible. He smiled softly, her body warming from his touch and his teases, knowing she was enjoying it as his hands moved softly under her sweatshirt, ghosting over her skin just a bit. Hinata shivered and let out a soft, cute groan as he pulled her shirt downwards slightly to expose her shoulders, though her shirt and her thick jacket were still up above her chest, hiding its true size from him for the moment. "I......I'm very flattered you've chosen me but.....I....I really don't think you..." She shivered as she felt one of his hands moving up under her shirt and jacket, starting to stroke across her flat, delicate stomach, her skin rippling under his touch, the girl gasping and arching her back against his touch slightly. He smiled softly as he heard her groan, knowing she was enjoying it. He heard her words and felt her body arch into his touch, cutting her off mid sentance. He moved gently, kissing at up her neck softly,"Hmmm... so... do I call you Sempai... or do you have a name...?" he whispered as his hand slowly began to move up her stomach, threatening towards her breasts just a little bit. "M My name is Hinata....." She squirmed and gasped under his touch, arching her back once more, though this time it was to lift her chest slightly, her small bit of resistance trying to keep his hands away from her. "P please....y you shoudln't go any this is far enough for you surely...." He smiled softly as he nibbled on her neck, his hand moving slowly up still, despite her trying to escape him, his fingertip ghosting right under her breast,"Hmmm... that's a beautiful name..." he whispered softly to her. He heard her but didn't respond as he moved her chin with his free hand, gently placing a soft kiss on her lips. Hinata suddenly cried out as his fingers made contact with the base of her breasts, even that gentle contact had send her wild. Her breasts had always been massively over sensitive, and Ryu's drug seemed to have only heightened that sensitivity. Her nipples had quickly become hard, visible even through her thick jacket, whilst she was already growing hot and wet between the legs, unable to respond as he planted a kiss on her lips, just writhing beneath him, squirming to try and move away a little. He smiled softly as he let his mouth open a little, his tongue moving to ghost over her lips as his hand moved up gently, caressing her breast softly as his other hand slowly moved down. He could feel how hot her body had become, and could smell her arousal, thick in the air. He knew she wouldn't be able to deny him, and he would take his time playing with her. His fingertip ghosted softly over her hardened nipple, rubbing against it softly and giving it a soft pull as his tongue slowly slipped into her mouth, rubbing gently against her own. Hinata nearly screamed when he pulled on her sensitive nipple, her body going rigid for a second, then totally limp in his arms, shivering as she panted into his shoulder, the area between her legs suddenly feeling absolutely soaked. She had almost cum just from having her nipple played with and pulled. Her body had become so sensitive she wasn't capable of resisting him even if she wanted to now. "O oh god....." She panted as her arms draped loosely over his shoulders. She was probably trying to push him away, but to someone as strong as him he could probably barely feel it. He smiled softly, still kissing and nibbling at her neck,"Did you like that...?" he asked softly as his finger continued to play with her nipple,"Love to have these cute little nubs played with...?" He whispered as his hands moved, this time pulling gently on both of them as he moved, kissing her lips softly, but enough to make it so she couldn't scream loudly into the forest. He didn't want anyone to come around and interrupt them. Hinata whimpered in pleasure, then before her brain could think of a response to his question, her mouth simply began speaking. "Y yes....I liked that..." She panted heavily, biting her lip to try and stop herself from saying anymore. Her body was starting to open up more to him, her minds resistance was also starting to lessen to the point where she could no longer deny him, no longer deny herself the pleasures that her body was starting to crave. Her body was eagerly responding to his touch, her nipples hardened and the area between her legs growing hotter and wetter. He smiled softly as she said that, nibbling on her neck,"Tell me... what more would you like...?" he whispered, his fingers still playing with her sensitive nubs. His hand moved slowly away from her chest, moving down a bit, ghosting over her inner thigh as he waited for her response, wondering what she would choose. Hinata was trying desperately not to say anything, to just bite her lips and keep quiet, but her body was screaming for more, and what her body wanted was beginning to over ride what her mind wanted. She knew something wasn't right, that something had happened to her, but there was nothing she could do about it, not until whatever it was wore off. "I....I to touch me....down there...." She gasped as his fingers ran over her thighs, but still seemed to be teasing her. "Please....touch me....between my legs...I need it....I need it or I'll go mad..." He smiled softly as his hand slowly slid up her inner thigh gently, he could already see how wet she had gotten, and he nibbled on her neck a bit,"How about you touch yourself?" he asked, moving and taking her hand, sliding it slowly down her pants and pressing her hand against her panties,"Since you want it so much..." he said as his hand moved up to rub and toy with her breasts, enjoying the warmth of her body against his, and knowing that she'd be his for at least the next two hours. Normally that was something Hinata would never do. She had tried touching herself once before about two years ago, but she had been too scared after a few initial touches and had never done it again. But it was going to be the only way to relieve this pressure that was building up inside of her. She panted as she felt her hand on her soaked panties, though rather than rub through them she just lifted her hand and thrust her hand directly inside her panties, letting out a loud cry as she found herself rubbing at her pussy furiously. He smiled as he saw her, moving and grabbing her hand, slowing her down quite a bit,"Uh uh..." he whispered in her ear,"Slow... and gentle..." he said, his voice just seductive enough to make it sound like he knew what he was doing. He let his hands move slowly, caressing at her breasts as he nibbled on her neck, knowing he was torturing her with all this, but loving it just the same. He knew that her fingers would never be able to let her release all the pressure inside of her, but he'd let her figure it out on her own. Hinata whimpered as her hand was made to slow down, but as she stroked at herself slowly she started to shake her head. "It''s not enough......I....I need more....please....I have to have more.....I don't know what but I need me" She looked at him pleadingly, desperate for help, desperate for him to relieve the immense pressure that had built up inside of her. He smiled softly as he nibbled and teased her neck, his hand on hers as she continued to rub and stroke at herself,"Hmmm... how should I help?" He asked softly, knowing she wouldn't know,"I can tell from your scent that you're quite innocent... like an island in the middle of the ocean... untouched... pure..." he said teasingly as he let her hand speed up just enough to keep her so close to the edge.
['Orochimaru', 'Ryu', 'Hinata', 'Hyuuga']
(Me & Luna) Insane is an Understatement [D.N Theme]
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" They called him a murderer, criminal, serial killer. They thought he was crazy, insane for doing what he did. Insane huh? Insane was an understatement, but you could never go right up and say that to his face. Unless you wanted to die of course, and depending on his mood or how bad he took the insult, the death would either be quick and painless or slowly and painfully..He wasn't one you would mess with, anyone who crossed him always got the worse end of it, and if they didn't at first, he would devote his time in making sure they paid sooner or later. Light Yagami was the name of this man but only a few people know who is was in secret. Kira, the so called New God of the world. The one who killed criminals day after day because he thought he was upholding justice. It was his goal to eliminate the wicked, to create an new world free of crime. He was entrusted, no, he found an unknown power that gave him the ability to kill anyone as long as he had a face, a name, a pen, and a special note book. Death Note it was called, a power known only to a shinigami, a god of death. The Note Book even came with instructions for the one who first picks it up, stating specific rules and how to kill. Anyone would think it was a prank at first, but there is just something about the note book that makes a human want to try it at least once. Though after the first time of revealing its power the user gets rid of it. That wasn't the way for Light, no, he used it to complete a goal and dream he's had for so long. The dream of rebuilding the world into a utopia where he rules over as God. This man devoted his life, his own soul to achieve his goal, but many obstacles laid ahead in his creation. There were those out there who didn't believe what he was doing was justice. They thought it was evil, inhumane, and so they devoted their own life to stop him at all costs. He was so close, already eliminating one of the major problems that kept him from being God, all he had was one more game to play, one more puzzle to solve. But it ended in failure! No! It wasn't his fault, everything on his end was perfect, he just misunderstood his own proxy. He didn't think the male would go against his orders and do things on his own without his consent! That is why he failed, because he had to rely on others at the time, and all they did was prove to be worthless, pathetic. It was obvious now he couldn't have others help him, he had to do it on his own, but would be get a second chance or was it all over for him? On January 28th Kira was caught and apprehended but instead of sending him to death or a prison, the task force talked it over and decided on sending him where he truly belongs, an insane asylum. Kira wasn't just a murderer, he was crazy, mad with power and it just kept getting worse, festering inside of him to the point of insanity. It could of been all the stress, or he just couldn't handle the power he was given, maybe both. Either way he was stripped of his powers and sent to be locked up under high security in a insane asylum where he would live the rest of his life like a caged animal..Or would he?.. Light was located in the back part of the asylum, where the most dangerous people go. He was behind a big metal door with the numbers 666 embedded on it. They chose this number as a joke and also because they thought it that went along with his personality. On the side of the door was a small screen along with keys under it so that one had to type in a password just to open the door. They didn't know Light was Kira because the task force kept that secret all they warned was he was dangerous and should be locked up. He was labeled as insane, yes, but he could also appear calm and collected, even normal, but he was a manic depressant, one second completely normal, the next a psycho path, that is why he needed to be under high security at all times. The room he was in was like a normal bedroom in a way but plain. He had a toilet, sink and a bed, but nothing else. At shower time he went in alone with the guards outside until he finished. Light had to wear a band on his ankle that beeped if his temper reached a certain point. He was constantly given a pill to keep him calm but of course he never took it it. He was able to keep himself normal, but there were times he just snapped. He had to be monitored whenever he was allowed to be with the other patients but he wasn't monitored in his room, that was the only place he had full privacy to himself. Light was treated no different then a prisoner, his treatment was different from the rest, but still, better to know you were safe then being surrounded by the ones you've been killing for years, how ironic would that be. Light was sitting on the bed wearing a simple long sleeved black shirt and black lose pants, no shoes, no socks, nothing else. He didn't even have his watch, that was one of his prized possession and it was taken away as well. His eyes looked forward thew his bangs because his head was lowered. It would appear he was sulking in his failure but he was also trying to come up with a plan. He's been in this place for about a month now but so far hasn't come up with one idea of how to escape. "Uh..This is boring, there's nothing to do here.."Light's fingers fiddled with the chain on his left wrist that connected him to the wall. The chain was long so it gave him moving room but he could go no further then the line on the floor that left about 5 feet of room by the door encase someone entered and he decided to attack, but once they crossed the line he could reach them, that might come in handy later. "Shut up Ryuk..This is your fault also.." Light said turning his head to look at the creature that was only visible to his own eyes."How is it my fault?"Ryuk asked looking confused. "If you would of let me use your Note Book then I wouldn't be in this damn place!! I have to suffer, and so do you.." Light crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "Just be patient..I'll think of something, and when I do, I'm going to exact my revenge on everyone involved!" Ryuk laughed."I hope your right about that." There was nothing that Luna could do to get out of this one. She had chosen to be the best at anything she did when it cane working at the assylum. She was a good nurse and a good therapist. Depending on her boss, she'd be assigned to either or. But this was both. Apparently, she had to be both when it came to this certain particular man. It probably had something to do with the fact that they were short on hands these days. It was a budget cut, they said. She lost a few friends during that time. Friends that made her job that much easier.She needed the extra money her superior was giving her for this one particular job. Had she not, she would have said no. It required overtime and three hour sessions three times every twenty four hours. She also had to give him his medicine and make sure he'd take it..through a needle or a pill. Sometimes she'd even have to bring him food herself. So, in total, she'd be working thirteen hours a day. The sessions would only last till a month, depending on the mans cooperation. She thought it was thirty days too many.This would also be her first job working with someone in the back of the facility. Usually those didn't have any hope of ever returning to sanity, but she was told this one was different. That the police had requested this particular area for this particular man. They didn't even know if he was really THAT much of a threat. There was days he would snap, but who wouldn't? If she had to spend everyday in a cell with no human interaction, she'd go crazy herself. He was allowed no visitors, no nothing until the end of the year. It was almost sad.The twenty one year old nurse felt bad for him, but she couldn't let that interfere with her line of work. She looked at her clipboard. Her first concern was that he talked to himself...apparently he had an imaginary friend from what they saw in the cameras. Then it was his temper. But other than that..he seemed normal. Like the police over reacted. She watched him for a little while, and he seemed like a normal guy. Seemed. She would have to begin asking him who he talked to. Imaginary friends seemed to be the easiest problem to solve for her.She took her clipboard and slowly began walking towards the high security area. It always had that strange feeling. Like you were being watched by something. She was always extra sensitive to things like that. Usually, if the feeling was bad enough she wouldn't be able to even sit still in the room. She'd leave, or urge the others to go with her. Her eyes lowered when some security guards smiled at her. It wasn't the smile that is the friendly co worker smile. It was vulgar. She wasn't one to sue for sexual harassment though, and they had made no inappropriate gestures so she let it go.When she got to the room with the numbers "666", she felt uneasy. The kind of uneasy that made your stomach turn. She had to shake the feeling off. She would not let her hypersensitivity get in the way of her job. The guard at the door punched in the keypad code for her, but she had already memorized the number. The door buzzed and she opened it, then opened the second door that was locked by thumb print recognition. When she saw him in person, he seemed even more normal. She cleared her throat, that uneasy feeling still inside her and smiled."Good morning Mr. Yagami. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Luna Shikimori. I will be your nurse and therapist. From now on, I will see you three times a day, for three hours. Sometimes, I'll bring you food. Sometimes, I'll watch you take your sedation pill. If you refuse I'll have no choice but to inject you. We can do these sessions with you strapped to your bed or moving around freely. It is all up to you." The smile never left her face. She didn't want to upset her patient, after all. Light stopped messing with his chain and jerked his head toward the door when he heard it being opened. Lets see it has been about 6 hours since the door was last opened, maybe he could find a pattern. He looked to one that entered, it was a girl..His gaze dropping down to see if she was behind the line. Unfortunately she was so he couldn't reach her. A shame too, she was just a woman so using force would definitely of been solution to escape, oh well there was always next time. His gaze went to look at her again hearing her words he narrowed his eyes and looked away. Who was she to tell him what he was going to do. She could shove the pill down her own throat for all he cared, and he would be happy to volunteer. "Whatever.." He looked at her from the corner of his eyes, secretly looking her over thoroughly. She was shorter then him and small, she looked younger as well, not to mention weak, perhaps he could put a plan in motion now that he knew she would be coming three times a day. "Light.." He turned his head to look at her once more. "My name is Light. Don't call me Mr. Yagami, that is how my father was addressed before he died.." Light looked away with lowered eye brows sounding as if he was almost sad, but if anyone knew him well enough they'd know he was just putting on an act to get inside her head. "I don't see the point in taking those pills. I seem calm to you don't I? Its really just a waist of time. I'm not like them." He looked at her and pointed to the door as if he was talking about the other patients. "I don't need medicine. I'm not mentally unbalanced and I'm not traumatized. I wasn't an abused kid and I didn't experience anything drastic that would of made me schizophrenic. And I sure as hell wasn't born that way either.." He sighed and crossed his arms. "Me being here is a complete mistake, but I'm sure its nothing you would ever understand.." She sighed. Obviously he was one of the types that think there was nothing wrong. She'd begin there. She pulled up a chair and then crossed her legs. "Light..I have been told that you experience fits of rage for no apparent reason...Do you remember these fits?" If he was aware of them, then she'd have to rule out multiple personality disorder. They weren't quite she what his mental illness was. How kind of the police task force not to tell them how they should go about treating him. No sickness meant no therapy. She looked him up and down, seeing nothing but an ordinary man. But she knew he was here for a reason, and she'd get to the bottom of it. It was her job, and she wanted to help him.That was funny, usually when she dealt with patients it took her a while to get inspired to help them. If he was a man on the street she would deem his as attractive, someone she would want to know. He was her type sort of. It was a shame that there was something wrong with him...She shook off the thought. That was unprofessional. She let her mind wander and she ended up thinking about how attractive he was. That wasn't good. She had never thought of any of her patients that way. Why was he different? And then there was that awful feeling in the room. There was something wrong with him and it was best to distance herself emotionally from him. She felt bad... Light sighed and laid back on the bed with his arms behind his head. "You'd be pretty pissed off too, if you were forced to be here with all these other nut jobs. I can't play a decent game of chess with anyone without them throwing the pieces around..Its boring here, there is nothing to do. If I am insane, its because I'm cooped up here in this godforsaken place." He closed his eyes with an irritated expression. After some time he opened his eyes and looked at her again. "Three times a day, right? All you do is give me my medicine and food during those times? Am I allowed to ask for company? Its hard enough being in this room with no one to talk to but myself.." Ryuk looked at him. "Hey!" Light closed his eyes to stop from laughing. He then opened his eyes once more. With another sigh Light leaned up from the bed and sat on the edge. "No one has any idea what I went threw. They just assume I'm insane. Whatever.." He rubbed his forehead. "So besides having to come here for work reasons, can you entertain me on the side?" He could tell this girl was slightly cautious so he had to work slow and attack when the time was right. First he had to become friends with her, just like he did with L before he killed him. She crossed her leg and listened to his responses. They were normal, typical responses that a normal person would say. But there had to be something wrong with him and she wouldn't be getting out of this if she didn't figure it out. She took notes on his behavior, making sure she made accurate observations. She would go over this later. "Three times a day for three hours." She corrected. It was a little inhuman, she'd practically be living here. Seven am to ten am. Twelve pm to three pm. Five pm to eight pm. She sighed. "I don't know about entertaining you..But I'll definately be keeping you company. Now..tell me something else." She paused, hitting her clipboard a few times with her pencil. She had to come up with another question. Something that wouldn't upselt him."In the serveilance cameras, they show that sometimes you talk to yourself. Do you have a friend in here, or do you just mumble to yourself?" Everyone was guilty of talking to themselves at one point. However, if he told her he had a friend then that would be something that needed to be set straight. She purposely didn't say imaginary in case he assumed she saw him too.
The Feature Presentation: Princess Leia (Tempest & Nurse)
Jabba the Hutt ??s throne room was the most miserable place Princess Leia had ever been. It was made entirely of stone, and therefore was cold. Jabba, of course, couldn ??t feel the cold because of his immense girth, but Leia was near to freezing. The room was teeming with activity, soldiers guarding every entrance to the room, all on guard and ready to attack Luke if they needed to. It had come down to the final battle, and Luke needed to be exterminated.Leia sat on a bed of grey and purple pillows at the feet of Jabba. Her dark brown hair was plaited into one very long braid, not allowing her to hide behind her hair. She wore a golden bikini that barely covered her breasts and her bottom. There was a long red sash hanging from the front and back of the bottom of the bikini, but it did nothing to conceal her, it ??s purpose was only to arouse those around her even more. There was a gold bracelet around both of her arms, one on her upper right and the other her lower left. She wore a golden collar around her neck, the connected chain was held by Jabba himself. Though it did not look it, the collar was tight around her, so that if she moved even an inch away it would choke her.Leia ??s skin was pale and smooth. Her arms, neck, torso, and legs were all exposed. Her skin prickled in the cold, and she was glad of the golden bikini top to hide her nipples, which had hardened only because of the temperature. Every curve of muscle in her body could be seen, only what was absolutely necessary was covered ?? and even that would not remain covered long if all went according to plan.It was time. Luke was going to have his final battle with the fierce rancor. The rancor was ten feet tall, enormous and disgusting. It ??s chest was heaving and it was slobbering too. Luke gripped his light saber tightly and looked up at the horrible beast. He took a swing and hit it, but the beast was barely phased. The rancor stormed forward and lifted Luke up and threw him across the room at the stone wall. He hit it hard and slid down to the floor. Leia ??s eyes grew wide and she sat up straighter, her eyes glued to her brother. If Luke lost this battle ? everything would be over for her. Luke could not lose.But it looked as if he would. The rancor continued to beat on him, Luke barely got a swing in between poundings. Jabba was laughing at Luke, weak and pitiful. The soldiers were inching forward, eager to jump in if need be, but the rancor had everything more than under control. The rancor picked up Luke one last time and held him over his head for a moment before throwing him down to the floor. Everyone in the room could hear Luke ??s bones crunch. A few ragged breaths could be heard but in an instant, Luke was dead.Leia screamed when she saw that Luke had died. She tried to stand up and run to him, but she fell back and was choked by the collar. Jabba laughed louder, tugging the leash and pulling her back closer to him. ??No, no! ? she screamed, pulling forward as hard as she could, choking herself until her face turned purple. She collapsed on the pillows, her arms still outstretched to Luke. ??No ? no, ? she gasped, her chest heaving to regain oxygen. Tears filled her eyes everything was over for her now. She was a slave, a sex slave. She sobbed, covering her face with her hands.After a few moments she raised her head and saw that she was surrounded. All of the soldiers had encircled her, Jabba behind her. Jabba was still booming with laughter, he tugged the leash again, forcing her head to jerk back and look at the soldiers in front of her. They were all smirking at her, their eyes lustful and their skin hot with desire. They wanted only one thing: to destroy her innocence and satiate their needs. Her eyes grew even wider and the color in her face drained. ??No, ? she whimpered, her bottom lip trembling. ??No, no ? ? she scrambled up from the floor, drawing her legs up close to her. She ??d been able to evade them before, but now there was no one to save her from Jabba ??s wishes and the soldier ??s urges. The wide, expansive room boomed with laughter, laughter that resounded on walls of stone inside the desert cave on Tatooine. The main chamber of Jabba's Palace teemed with men, women and indistinguishable creatures alike, easily a dozen different species represented within the walls, and each of them dangerous, exotically alluring, or both. And all of them heeled to one master, their laughter resounding in part because they truly took amusement in what was before them, and in part because of a fear of offending Lord Hutt otherwise. The creature's short temper was near as infamous as he, and showing anything but the utmost approval of the provided entertainment was the end of the story of too many men.The large hutt could not clap, and his language was known by few, but the look he gave and the excited gestures he showed were echoed in the amusement of all. The Jedi had been slain, his bones crushed, and now the sound of the rancor enjoying his earned meal could be heard through the iron grating below. Bones snapped and sinew ripped, and those whose cheering began to subside only then took notice of the human girl, the once princess who was now a toy of their lord, struggling and screaming and nearly causing herself to pass out in the process.Some of the guards, perhaps, noticed a bit before anyone else, the large, green pig like men huddling around Leia on all sides. There were five of them that surrounded her, laughing to themselves in high pitched squeals, drool dripping from the sharp toothed lips of one and falling upon the perfect, porcelain like skin of Leia's bosom, dripping down like a disgusting slime into the right cup of her gilded bra. They stood around her, spears in hand, laughter in the air until it was Jabba who spoke, and it was all who ceased. His words traveled through three different translators until one finally spoke in Leia's language, a golden hued robot she had come to know well."Oh... oh dear. P Princess Leia that is, Miss Leia Organa I should probably only refer to you as now, I suppose his lordship Jabba would care for you to entertain the crowd. Specifically, he has requested that you join several of the other slaves and lead them in a dance. Oh, and I do hope you please him, Miss Leia! From what I can tell Lord Hutt does not seem the type to possess a great deal of patience. ...What? Yes R2, poor Master Luke, I agree, but be silent!"As the command was translated to numerous other languages the excited men surrounding Leia instantly backed off. Some merely stepped back, returning to their positions against the wall, spear in hand, while one of them approached Jabba himself to obtain the key for Leia's collar. It was with a simple snap that the device opened from around her throat, and by the time she was free the room had fallen to a deafening silence. All quieted. All looked upon her, including her new master. She was expected to perform, and she was expected to perform now or else. Leia cringed and tightened her fists when the green pig like man drooled on her. Her stomach heaved several times, her instinct to throw up from disgust. She forced herself not to, knowing that the result would only be laughter, disdain, and probably making her live with it being there until it grew even more rancid than it had started. She was still in disbelief that this was really her eternal fate. Luke hadn't really died. He couldn't have. But she looked over to the side of the room, and there were his crushed remains. Han Solo. He was in a dungeon here somewhere, surely he would escape. She paused for a moment, closing her eyes and listening for the sounds of him killing his guards and running to save her. The only sounds she heard were the labored breathing of the pig men and Jabba's deep booming voice.She turned to look at CP30 when he spoke to her. She felt a pang in her heart when he corrected her name. He was right, she was a princess no longer. She was just another girl. She probably wasn't even a Miss anymore, just a slave girl. There was no one to save her, no royal decree to stop Jabba. Her eyes grew wide as the robot told her what she was supposed to do. Lead a dance? With the other slave girls? Her body trembled for a moment as she thought of that. "Must I?" she asked the robot softly, hoping for some kind of reprieve. Of course, she got none, as he nodded to her solemnly. She sighed, she knew she must.She felt slight relief when the collar was removed from her throat, at least there was that. She stood up and moved into the space that had been opened. Several more slave girls, dressed similarly to herself , came forward from the side to join her there. Their faces were all expressionless, they were ready to perform as they were told to, no questions asked. She stood straight and began to move her hips in a circle slowly. She raised her arms above her head and twisted them in time with her hip movement. After a few moments she began to move around in a circle. She continued on with a classic royal dance she had been taught when she was very young. It was fairly provacative, but until now it had never held that kind of significance to her. Leia could only hope that Jabba was pleased enough with it. Quiet. There was quiet at first, and quiet as all only half watched the slaves begin their performance. The other half of their concentration, their second eyes, for the races that had more than one, were on Jabba, paying close attention to their lord's like or dislike so they could be quick to echo it. The cheering at first was minimal, mostly silence except for a few of the guards being more intoxicated than the others, calling out cat calls in their alien language of choice.Jabba watched. Jabba viewed each of the girls, two Twi'lek women, one with blue hued skin and one with yellow, a pair of blonde Human twins, a Gungan female, and now Leia acted as his entertainment for the evening. They weren't all he possessed, not by far, but they were the current girls he had chosen from his harem to entertain his guests. The rest, the less exciting of the girls were either recovering from beatings from their poor performances, or had become a recent meal for his rancor pet. Leia would learn soon that the flow of new women to replace those lost in his palace was a constant one.The din fell low and stayed there for the first minute of the womens' performance. Jabba could have been mesmerized, or he could have been asleep, the large, drooling worm nigh impossible to read even by those who translated his every word. Then, with a sudden bellow Jabba slammed an arm down on his large, lengthy stone throne, pointing out a finger at the women as he spouted out several angry sounding words."Shit!" whispered one of the blondes, this one directly to Leia's right."Jabba no wakka la tru na tu pei mok shoo'n!"The translators quickly went to work, one to another, that to a third as they tried explaining their lord's current displeasure to everyone in their own unique languages."Do something, do somethingquick, new girl," the generously buxom blonde continued in a hasty whisper, her body never faltering, never missing a step in trying to copy Leia's dance, though her expression was forced as to hide the worry wracking through her half naked body. "Jabba wantsyouto lead the dance, sowehave to follow that lead... and if we don't keep him entertained it'll be the end for someone!"
['Jabba', 'Leia']
Sunagakure Shinobis (Selo and Anjeru)
It had been a long day, and Yaku was finally able to meet his squad. He had been wondering when their Sensei was going to get there, he was one of the first few there but was obviously the last squad out. He sat behind a desk, his elbows on the table, forehead propped against his grasped fingers. He looked up at the two kunoichi still left and sighed softly. He would be in a squad with those two. One was a ninjutsu user named Aikou, the other a genjutsu named Sorelle. Yakusai was a Nin and Tai jutsu user, mainly based on a colse range surprise attacker. His style of fighting was to make people think he only used long range jutsus, and when they got in close to try and 'gain an advantage' he would counter act them and fight them with his exceeding Taijutsu barrages. He sat patiently, glancing at the door every now and then to make sure their sensei got there or not. He wasn't a very patient person, but he could deal with it. The next moment the window slung open and a slightly young women stood crouched on the window seal. "Evening kids! Sorry I'm late. Had lunch and lost track of the time." She informed and dropped down. She had on a crossing dual belt, a short sword on either side of her waist, both sheathed and her head back was wrapped around one of the casings. Yaku's own headband was wrapped around his leg, his hoody on over his head. Sungakure Shinobis Aikou had been sitting in the classroom for a little while now, waiting for her fellow team mates to arrive she'd much rather be in here than at home with her over protective and over bearing parents anyway. Her violet eyes watched as another young woman walked in that had to be Sorelle, the Genjutsu user. Considering she was female, that had to be her. Aikou knew there to be only one other female, besides the teacher. This one was odd though...she looked out of place, with the hair for one...and her eyes, for another. One Strange. Oh well. To each his own, she mused. Sorelle moved into the room and didn't really pay attention to the other girl. She wasn't here to make friends. The very lithe formed young girl made her way to the back and leaned lazily against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest. The one girl...Aikou...Ninjutsu user. Sorelle didn't see her posing much trouble, but her eyes then moved to the male member of their squad. He, on the other hand, looked to be more of what she was used to, ability wise. However, this was just all from her first glance assessment. People had proven her wrong before. Not often, but they had. Both the girls just sort of seemed to keep to themselves, Aikou more looking like she wanted to be out and about than sitting in here. Sorelle seemed like she could care less, her expression lacking any emotion at all, except perhaps boredom. Two pairs of eyes lifted, hoever, when their Sensei almost literally popped in through the window of the classroom. Sorelle didn't say anything lifted a brow in silence. Aikou tilted her head curiously, lavender strands of hair falling across her youthful face. Both the girls wore their headbands at their waist just a thing they both seemed to prefer. Sunagakure Shinobis Yakusai looked at their sensei and shook his head. Another excuse maker. He thought and stood up. "So, are we going to get started on anything right now?" He questioned with apathy, looking at the rest of his squad. It seemed he was the only male. A good thing was he had hardly much for a sexual drive, so it wouldn't bother him that much at first, or for a while even. "Why, yes. I was just about to say to introduce your selves to each other, and me." She said with a chuckle. "First, I will go. My name is Masohina, Kuya, but most of the others call me Kuya Sensei." She informed. "I am from the Maso Clan, and I excel in wind styled jutsus. I am your sensei for Squad 4, and I have been a jounin for three years now." She said and smirked. "My name is Sabaku no Yakusai. I am a genin of this village, and the rest I do not feel like telling you." He said, stating the obvious. His tone was still apathetic, and very brief. He put his hands in his sweeter pocket, his head looking down at the ground in front of him. Sabaku no Yakusai...his clan is the relation clan to that Kazekage many years back. He also resembles much of that one too, his apathetic tone and dislike to speak. I can tell this is going to be a fun group. Thought the sensei. "Alright, now you two. After that we will head to the training fields." She informed and sat down on one of the tables. Sunagakure Shinobis Aikou jumped up a little eagerly and with a smile on her face it was obvious that she was the over friendly and peppy one of their group. Her voice was soft and girly "My name is Aikou Matsudai. I focus mainly on Ninjutsu abilities. I was born and raised here, and am the only child my parents had." She smiled. "It's nice to meet you." Bowed her head slightly and then sat back down in her seat she'd gotten the impression that she'd get along fairly well with the teacher, but not with her team mates. They seemed more cut off and unwillingly to make friends, where as she was always wanting to make friends with the people in their village. Sorelle's brows raised at Aikou's introduction and grimaced to herself great. A cheerful, hyper team mate. Just what she needed. Her black and red eyes lifted back to Yaku and to Kuya sensei. "My name is Sorelle Kagirinai Shikiyoku, but Sorelle is fine." Her voice was almost the complete opposite of Aikou's emotionless and bored. "I use Genjutsu for the most part. I am the oldest in my family." And that was all she said, raising a brow as she watched the others. Sunagakure Shinobis Kuya smirked as Aikou spoke up cheerfully. "Good, good. Never knew how it was to be an only child." She said with a chuckle and then looked over to the other mood killer member of their squad. Couldn't they have stuck me with more cheerful people? She thought and sighed softly. "Alright, time to head to the fields." She said and then disappeared out the window. Yaku shook his head and walked over to the window, slowly forming into grains of sand and blowing out in the wind, looking like he was disintegrating as he walked. He would control the winds and push him self to the training fields. He then formed up in the middle of the one he saw Kuya Sensei standing in, his hands still his pocket and his head still slightly hung down, but looking up at their Sensei. "Alright, I brought you here to see what each of you can do." She said then made a hand sign and four of her clones came up. "We will have a battle royal. No rules, fight to the death. Us five and you three, all fighting each other." She informed. "Tell me when you are ready, and we shall begin this thing." She said, Yaku replying immediately. "Ready." He said, his hands still in his pocket, already made five hand signs in their hidden position. Sunagakure Shinobis Aikou was quick to nod and follow, as was Sorelle. Both girls decided to travel on foot, but moved very quickly and made their way to where Kuya sensei and Yaku stood in the training field. Aikou came to stand just a few feet next to Yaku, sliding to a stop, kicking up a bit of sand in the process. Sorelle did the same, but came to stand behind the two of her team mates. "Ready!" chirped Aikou as she brushed lavender strands of her hair from her matching lavender eyes. "Ready," murmured Sorelle quietly. Her red eye flashed subtly and the black one seemed to be hidden behind the black strands of her hair. It did indeed seem like Sorelle was a mood killer, more closed off than any of the other team members. However, she would most likely warm up to them...just not for awhile. She had to know for certain that she could trust them if she could, she would give her life to protect them. If she could not, she would not give any extrodinary measures beyond her abilites to save them. She was not going to be mistreated again, not by anyone. That's one reason she'd decided to do this she wanted to be able to hurt those who would try to hurt her or her friends...though she lacked those so said friends. Very much so. She cleared her throat and shook her head very slightly. "Ready, Kuya sensei." She said it a bit more loudly this time, to make certain she was heard and adjusted her stance to be ready to fight. Sunagakure Shinobis One of the Kuyas pointed her hand, "Go!" She called out as two clones charged forward, all of the clones pulling out their swords. The other two pulled their swords back and started to charge chakra. "Wind Storm Blades!" They called out and swung down. The wind blades went flying around the clones, aimed at each of the genin. Yaku leaped up into the air, sand following him up, and then he held a hand forward, sending foot long lances down at the clones. Each clone jumped out of the way and Yaku stood on sand, in the middle of the air. The real Kuya made more hand signs, "Wind Style: Gale Gust!" She called out, swinging one of her swords to the air, cutting Yaku's sand plate form down. Yaku started to fall down before he spun around and landed on the ground, getting ready to strike once more. The clones had reached the group of genin and got ready to commence their attacks. The other two clones charged up chakra once more and swung their blades, yet again. "Wind Storm Blades!" One called, "Wind Scythe Jutsu!" The other called out, nearly hundreds of blades flying around the two charging clones to his the genin. Sunagakure Shinobis Sorelle jumped back away from the charging clones and pulled out the sword strapped her back she sucked in a breathe of air. "Wind style: Wind blade!" Then, when she swung her sword to fight off the approaching clones, slices of wind would come from it. It was apparant that, even though she was mainly a Genjutsu user, she had other tricks up her sleeve. If she was determined to take on the world, and she was, she had to be knowledgable. She then made a few quick gestures with her hands and split her image into 4 parts, so to Kuya sensei and her clones, there appeared to be 4 of her. Aikou was amazed, watching as her team mates took the defense guess she had to show off a little too. After all, they were here to learn more about her and her team mates were capable of. Even though she specialized in Wind jutsu, Aikou decided to take a different route, at least to begin with. "Earth style: Sand lances!" the sand and ground beneath her and around her, then began to shoot up and aimed at her sensei and the clones. She then pulled three kunai's from her belt and aimed them, evem as she did her best to jump back and dodge the charging clothes. "Wind style: Wind bullets!" She sucked in a breath of air and released it onto the kunai's, before sending them straight towards the clones as she spun back away. Sunagakure Shinobis One of the clones spun around and swung their blades, "Wind Style: Air Vortex!" She called out and a funnel of air shot from her swords, hitting each of the kunai, dispelling the air around them and grabbing them in the vortexes. She then swung them around and chucked the kunai back at the original owner. She then pulled the swords back up and swung them down in an 'x' shape, "Wind Style: Wind Scythe!" She called out, sending blades at the genjutsu Sorelle. The other clones turned into air and the real one turned out to be one of the 'clones' that had charged in. She put her swords up and made hand signs, "Earth Style: Hell's Gate!" She called out, a clone standing behind the group of genin ninja, both the clone and the real Kuya slamming their palms to the ground. Kasu landed on the ground and saw this. He made a single hand sign and a sand clone came up, back to his. They both made simular hand signs and slammed their palms to the ground. "Earth Style: Gate Finish!" They each called out, sending quakes to catch Kuya's jutsu before it opened a gaping hole under the genin. He then pulled his hands up and slammed them together, the crack sealing up. Kuya looked with surprise to see a genin was able to reverse such a strong jutsu and was curious of the other's abilities now. She made hand signs once more. "Demonic Illusion: Seven Rings to Nowhere!" She called out, blowing into her fingers now as a whistle escaped them. It was a sound based genjutsu, and would affect any who heard it she was targeting. This jutsu would be one layer atop another genjutsu for a total of seven genjutsus, each different but all with a common effect: Torture. Sunagakure Shinobis Aikou jumped over the flying kunai's as they came back at her, flipping over to land on her feet, catching them back in between her fingers. She slipped them back into her pouch even as she saw Sorelle jump into the air to avoid the Wind Scythe blades that were crashing towards her. The illusion specialist Sorelle landed back on her feet as well and saw that their Sensei was making hand signs she was familiar with sound genjutsu was what she was going to use. The best thing she could think of quickly and at that moment was to go underground she moved to where Aikou was and whispered something to the girl. Aikou's eyes widened, but she nodded. As Kuya sensei released the Genjutsu, Sorelle quickly formed hand gestures and Aikou did the same both were forming and summoning a Shadow Clone. As the two girl's clones appeared, the two were quick to escape underground from the piercing effects of their teacher's attack. . Sunagakure Shinobis Yaku saw the other two kunoichi leap into the ground and could see the sound waves heading to him. Crap! He thought, slamming his palms to the ground once more, sand leaped up this time to wrap around his body, creating a dome. He could only hope he did it in time to avoid the genjutsu, holding it up until he heard any attack on it. He quickly thought other wise and soon the grains on the top layer started to run off, slowly covering the ground as best he could. When he slowly started to pull the sand off him, he could feel an immense pain to his chest and he next knew he was being chained up in redness. He looked around and could see nothing but red blood and the chains that was binding him. He then felt the chains slowly piercing into him, and crushing him. He let out a scream of pain, clenching his fists. He thought of the ways to get out of a genjutsu and soon made sand leap up and pierce him in the hand, blood trickling down as he lifted the first level. He dropped the sand and started to gasp, holding his fist closed as he did. He looked up and saw his sensei standing a slight distance away, darkness around them. Another illusion, it was just a little past mid day when this started and I hadn't waited that long. He thought and then made a hand sign, releasing the next level. He could feel his seals on his hands and chest starting to burn. I'm using too much chakra... He thought as he saw the true sensei in front of him. "Not so tough..." He said, starting to stand up, holding his hand still. Kuya smirked and made a dash at Yaku, pulling out her blades. She swung once at him, and he dodged easy. He then quickly started to wrap his hand in a bandage, taking the defensive, dodging all the attacks at him. He soon started to swing back, turning this into a high speed taijutsu combat, the naked eye unable to keep up with him and his sensei. The one thing that could be seen was his onslaught of attacks at her, with her only being able to block all of them and pull off two or three attacks at the most before defending once more. Sunagakure Shinobis Aikou burst from the ground behind the two as they struggled back and forth, attacking at speeds that normal eyes would not be able to see. Sorelle was quick to come forth as well, to stand close to the girl who seemed almost the complete opposite of herself. Sorelle's red eye flashed and she was able to slow down the movements of Kayu and Yaku as they danced across her vision. Yaku's chakra was getting low, as was Sorelle's and Aikou's this battle was becoming tough on all of them and Sorelle decided on a technique to possibly help them. That Kayu sensei was occupied with Yaku at the moment could serve to help with it. Sorelle's hands begin to move very quickly and she formed signs as she mouthed "Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing" sending forth the illusion that would, if it succeeded, have their sensei seeing visions that would horrify her and hopefully, send her off balance. Sorelle concentrated and flowed a good amount of chakra behind the technique to make it as powerful as she could and make it last as long as she could. Aikou took this as her opportunity to move in and once again took the kunai's from her side, this time taking out four for each hand, ready to throw a total of 8. She sucked in the air around her and blew it onto the blades, before sending them at Kuya sensei "Wind Style: Wind Blade!" And as the kunai's went to fly, Aikou pulled out her hidden blade from inside her kimono type clothing. She charged forward and began swinging "Wind Style: Wind Scythe!" moving around the forms, to send blades at their Sensei from more than one direction. Sunagakure Shinobis Just about when Yaku's chakra would nearly deplete, a sudden burst of energy shot forth from his body, sending a shock wave around him. The kunai would be hit and drop straight to the ground in their place, Aikou would be sent flying back, along with their sensei. Yaku's chakra suddenly went beyond any human normal, and even flowed from his body, leaking out of him as an aura of purple chakra. He stood looking at their sensei through demonic eyes. This was another side effect of his abnormal kekkei genkai, an unnatural balance of chakra, and mental stability. Kayu pulled her self up from her back and looked to Yaku and was worried of what had happened. She knew something like this would happen if the fight continued, Yaku's seals had broken. She jumped up and when she looked back to Yaku, he had already closed the long distance with out a single second past, even Sorelle's eyes might not have kept up, or barely if they could. He had the aura of a killer aside his chakra one, and Kayu knew this was bad news. She now knew why they set her with this one. He got ready to thrust a fist into her, but she had made her hand signs in time and pressed her fingers to his chest, freezing him. She then made two more hand signs and put her fingers on the back of his hands, the chakra aura dieing out now and Yaku falling to the ground. Kayu too in a few breathes and sighed. "That is all for today. You two go rest. I'm going to take Yaku with me." She said, remembering the secret clan's nickname: The Demon Beast's Clan. It was no wonder their clan was so small, they were being kept in check. Sunagakure Shinobis Aikou went flying back and landed harshly on her backside with a grunt the attack had been so unexpected she'd never seen it coming. Pushing herself up onto her elbows, she gazed at Yaku with a mixture with horror and amazement. She had never seen anything like that in her entire life! Never once! What is he?... she wondered as she stared. The same mixture of horror and amazement couldn't been seen on Sorelle's face, but it was there, in her eyes she barely made out what Yaku had done and that, in itself, was frightening for her. She was used to being able to see everything. He...that...that was amazing. The thought crossed her mind. Shaking off her surprise and amazement, Sorelle nodded. "Alright, Sensei." She then made her way to Aikou and offered her hand to pull the other girl up off her ass. "C'mon. Sensei wants us to go." As she said that, Aikou would nod and get up from the ground. "I couldn't even see that," Aikou whispered to Sorelle. "I know. I barely could and I can usually catch anything," Sorelle responded, looking to the frozen boy this group was definitely going to be an interesting one. Sunagakure Shinobis A day or so passed, and Kayu called the two girls to meet her at a certain building roof, and gave the destination. She would arrive about ten or twenty minutes late, standing on the railing of the roof. She had her hand raised just in case either of them wanted to say or ask anything. "Everything is alright with your comrade. He will be joining us soon. I just had him to a detour before getting here so I could run a few things by you." She stated and dropped to the roof and walked closer so she could speak quieter. "Yakusai, his clan is a fairly dangerous one, and possible the strongest weapon Sunagakure has beside any Jinchuriki." She informed. "Not to worry either of your two, but when he does the same thing he did yesterday, he goes for the most potential enemy possible, and everything becomes an enemy to him in that state. He can induce manually, or it can just happen. Normally the seals wouldn't break that easily, so I put an added one on to them. He will have to wear a certain pair of gloves, and have his sweaters fixed up by me before we leave any where." She informed and sighed softly. "What happened to him yesterday was part of his clans kekkei genkai. They were seen as monsters before, and so it has been hidden from the village's knowledge except on need to know bases. He has about three times as much chakra as a normal person and due to this it can potentially take over him as if it were alive." She said, trying her best to make sure the two kunoichi stayed calm. "We will be doing an escort mission today. The difficulty is a D Rank, so it shouldn't be too hard or stressful for any of you, alright? We have to escort one of the village messengers from the border of the Lands of Wind and Fire. Alright you two?" She questioned. She told them to pack for a mission, so they should be ready for it. Sunagakure Shinobis Sorelle was off to one side of the roof, leaning against it. Aikou had decided to seat herself next to her, sitting cross legged with her hands resting on her ankles. The younger girl was chewing her lower lip thoughtfully. Her lavender eyes bore a thoughtful stare into the ground, before they slowly raised to Sorelle. "So..." she started hesitantly, "...what do you make of what happened yesterday?" Sorelle's red eye turned down to her and the girl crossed her arms. She raised her eyes back to the sky. "Well," she tapped her finger against her arm, "I'm sure our instructor will explain it to us when she gets here." She had her own thoughts of what was happening, but she wanted to keep it to herself for now. "But !" Aikou's sentence was cut off as Kuya sensei made her enterance and began speaking. The younger girl seemed more panicked by the woman's words than the older one Sorelle didn't really seem surprised. She didn't really seem to be anything, just mute and silently digesting the words as they fell on her ears. Indeed both the girls were packed Aikou had her two pouches full of what she needed and also had a small side bag next to her seated form. Sorelle had a bag on one shoulder, but that seemed like that was all. "Alright," she said, kicking herself up from the wall, "understood." Aikou blinked and jumped up almost hurriedly, grabbing and sliding on her bag. "Hai! All set, Kuya sensei!" the younger girl still seemed to be a little nervous about what their instructor had told them. Sorelle just didn't really seem to care, least visibly. Sunagakure Shinobis She nodded and looked over the railing to see Yaku coming closer now. She nodded. "Alright, try and not act too much out of the ordinary." She said, looking to each girl individually. Yaku then leaped up, appearing on the roof next to their sensei, crouched and slowly standing up. He had on black fingerless ANBU gloves, with no village symbol on them. He looked to both the other genin and then reached his hands up, grabbing his hood and pulling it over his dirt blond hair. He then put his hands into his pockets of his sweater, and shifted the thing to fit more comfortably. "So...we going?" He questioned in his apathetic tone. Kuya nodded. "Just briefing them on the mission. You already got it with me at the Kazekage's office." She informed. Yaku knew what she had really told them, but acted like he didn't know. "Alright then...lets go grab this informant." He stated and turned to the edge of the building. He then put a foot up on the railing, hands still in his pocket, and kicked off. Kuya soon followed, the other two girls right behind them. It took a bit to get to the extraction point, but they made it in good timing. When they landed, there stood a skinny male, wearing simple clothing and sitting on a bench, looking paranoid. He had jumped when the shinobi landed and then sighed softly. "J just you g guys...or g girls..." he said, seeing the other three come up. "I I th thought....oh n never mind d." He said, and Kuya looked at him strangely. "Well, we better getting going, aye?" She said, and the male slowly stood up, looking one way then the next. Sunagakure Shinobis After Yaku appeared on the roof top, Sorelle could tell by the look in his eyes that he knew what their Sensei had been telling them about what he was. Even though she was playing it off that she was briefing the girls, not spilling information about Yaku. Sorelle glanced at Aikou, taking in the girl's reaction to Yaku being here after knowing what he was the girl still seemed a little off balance, like she couldn't even comprehend what power he held. The thought made Sorelle grin a little. Maybe it wouldn't be hard to excel in this group, after all. She wanted to learn everything she could she wanted power, to be able to fight off anyone who came after her. As Yaku and Kuya Sensei sprung off the roof, Aikou was quick to follow. Sorelle did as well, after a moment. They both landed and looked at their messenger Sorelle with a skeptical look on her face, Aikou seemed more curious about the man's jittery behavior. It was obvious the man was scared of something...or someone. For a lower rank mission, this really didn't sit well with Sorelle. He'd only be so paranoid if he was carrying something important, news or otherwise. However, both the girls nodded, ready to go. Sunagakure Shinobis Yaku watched the messenger with suspicion the entire time they were traveling. He stood in the back of the group, while the other two genin were on the sides, and Kuya Sensei was in front of them all. Yaku was meant to watch their back, leaving a small trail, but not visible one, of sensory sand. Kuya could tell something was very wrong with this mission, and was on alert the entire time as well. Yaku looked up at the messenger, "So tell me, what gots you all jittery." He asked. "Yaku!" Kuya exclaimed. Then the spoke right after that, "I've just recently started all of this, that's all." Yaku nodded softly. It was a lie, and any trained shinobi could tell he was lying. Yaku then felt his grains become disturbed and glanced back, stopping in his tracks. Kuya could sense them as well and stopped, holding a hand out to signal the rest to do the same. Just as the did, about twenty or so senbons would drive them selves with kunai and shuriken right behind them into their sensei. Spurts came out from the penetrations, and then in the next second her form dropped into a mound of sand. "Hmph...she got away." "Oh well, we can take out these lowly ninja just as easy." Said two different voices. "Remember, Boss wants the delivery boy alive." A third said. " " Alright, alright " " The other two said in unison. Two shinobi came out of no where, covered from head to toe in clothing and small bits of armor plating. One held up a short tanto in his hand, ready to strike, the other had a senbon in between each of his fingers for a total of eight in all. "Sorry, kids, but the fun is over." The senbon user said and chucked them, making them fly in an arch formation. Yaku raised his hands up, crating a wall of sand on either side of the group, and then dropped it. He had advised Aikou to dash out at them, to distract the two of them while he went around and also told Sorelle to ready a genjutsu for their third 'guest' The reason Yaku did this, was so he could get behind the two in front of them and pin them with a flanked attack on them. All he could really do was hope all went as planed. Sunagakure Shinobis Sorelle's sixth sense could pick up on the messenger's anxiousness without much effort at all this man was a liar and something was going to happen. She could feel it. Her fingers curled at her sides as she listened to Yaku and Kayu Sensei speak, Aikou was quiet, seemingly thinking as she walked along side the messenger. The younger genin didn't seem to be too worried off hand about the man's jitteryness. That, in itself, was troublesome to Sorelle. This genin had her strong points and, unless she was hiding abilites from them, she seemed average and a little of an airhead. Sorelle's thought process was interupted as Kuya Sensei signaled them to stop and for silence. Suddenly, their sensei was gone and Sorelle's stance immediately tightened up. Oh boy...I knew it. The man had lied to them and now our whole unit is in danger. Bastard! Sorelle thoughts were angry and she longed to throttle the messenger, but faced their attackers in silence. Aikou narrowed her eyes and nodded at Yaku's advisement she dashed forward. Her hands brought 3 kunai from each of her two pouches, and she popped up two doppleganger clones of herself, all of which weilded the kunai's. "Wind style: Wind blades!" And she released them, 18 in total, at their new attackers. As those flew forward, she sucked in a breathe, signed a formation with her hands and blew it out harshly. "Wind style: Wind storm!" this caused the wind to pick up harshly around her and the two shinobi, kicking up the sand to help blind them she was only a distraction after all and she was determined to be a damned good distraction. Sorelle shut her eye, the red version and sucked in a deep breathe, getting ready to release her genjutsu on Yaku's signal he was definitely the strongest out of them thus far, so she thought it wise to follow his direction. At least for now. Sunagakure Shinobis Yaku then made a dash around the two enemies, but when he got half way, he meet their third opponent. Yaku stood dead still, looking at the enemy, studying his figure and items. "You the one pulling the strings? Well, time to cut you down." The male said, and then sucked in air, Yaku didn't see any hand signs though. "Wind Style: Infinite Sand Devastation!" The male called out and blew out a gust of wind, the sand around Yaku lifting up and started to pummel it self at him. Yaku smirked as he held up an arm to block the sand from his eyes. He then used the other hand and put it out to the side. The sand stopped, but the wind continued to blow around him. "Dessert Coffin!" He called out, making an open fist at the third male. The sand quickly leaped around his form and picked him up, causing him to struggle in the bounds. "New plan! Hurt the other two enough to be conscious but unable to fight back. We need info from them." Yaku called out and held the third person in the air, his hand ready to crush in and kill him. "Tell me, why you after this guy?" He asked the male as he walked closer to the floating sand coffin. "I'm not tellin' you anything!" The male said and Yaku sighed. Yaku slowly started to close his fist, the sand reacting by closing in on the male, crushing him but not killing him. "Ahhhh!" The intruder yelled out and Yaku released the pressure just slightly. "Now will you talk?" "Never!" The male persisted. Sunagakure Shinobis "Got it!" Aikou hollered out in response to Yaku's new order of direction. The small lavender haired Sunagakure Shinobi sprinted forward after the Senbon user she'd used the tools herself when training, so she had a pretty good knowledge of the needles and how they worked. Just as she came into sight of the Senbon user, she put on a burst of speed and disappeared to pop up behind him, sliding out a leg to knock out his legs from under him. She was quick to pull out a kunai, aiming it for his throat, pinning him to the ground by slamming a knee onto his chest with heavy force. "The messenger!" she snapped. "Tell me why you're after them, or we're going to make you suffer to the point where you're going to beg for death!" Sorelle was quick to sign formations as Aikou went after her target "Demonic Illusions: Hell Viewing!" As images began to form to the attackers, Sorelle would dash forward, pulling a sword she kept at her side loose. She wasn't sure how long the illusions would last per say, so she was quick to slice at the other attacker with a burst of speed and precision so accurate that when, and if, he retaliated, she would be able to return the favor just as quick. Sunagakure Shinobis The senbon user looked at Aikou and smirked softly. "Wouldn't you like to know that?" He questioned as she went through him and his faded to mist and formed up behind her. "Secret Art: Paralysis Needle!" He said as he thrusted a senbon to the back of her neck. The other made a single hand sign, "Cancel." He said and then pulled out a dagger and blocked the attack. "You are truly underestimating us, little girl." He said as he moved his other hand and made a couple of single hand signs. "Poison Mist Jutsu!" He said, exhaling a breath of obnoxious gas at the kunoichi. Yaku looked at the other two then to the one he captured, a smirk on his face as well. "Pull back!" Yaku said, releasing the ninja and made a hand sign as sand leaped around him. He sank into the earth beneath him, leaving the dome where it was. He would come out the ground a few yards away, making hand signs. "Wind Style: Sand Storm Detestation" he called out, causing a sand storm to pick up to provide cover for the other two genin in his squad. He went in over his head on this one. He had already grabbed the messenger, pulling him up behind him, standing in front to provide any protection. Sunagakure Shinobis As Yaku's words hit their ears, both girls were quick to jump back and move away underestimating them or no, they both weren't ready to die yet. Sorelle's red eye scanned over the attackers as she landed next to Yaku, Aikou on his other side their sole job was to protect the messenger and that's what they were going to do. Aikou would be at the messenger's back, keeping an eye for the attackers should they come that way. Sorelle turned her eyes onto Yaku, eyeing him and his sand wall protection from under teal and black strands of hair. "What do you suggest we do, Yakusai?" She questioned, before turning her eyes onto the messenger, "or do you want to tell us why the hell you have such shinobi after you? I don't feel like throwing my life away if you're going to lie to us." She pulled out her other sword, so that she held one in each of her hands taking them, the slammed them hilt to hilt, locking them into place to make a 4 5 foot, two sided two bladed staff of sorts. Sunagakure Shinobis Yaku looked to Sorelle then to Aikou. "Stay still, that's what I want right now." He stated slightly blatantly, then made a hand sign and sand leaped up around them, creating a large dome around all three of them. There was enough room to move around, but not exactly too much. It was enough room to be comfortable, that was about it. "We need to figure a plan to get past these shinobi with out actually fighting them too long." Yaku said, crouched down holding the hand sign to hold the dome. "I can transport the messenger through the ground, but not too far if I take all of us." Yaku explained. "They are Kiri ninja." The messenger said, "paid by Orochimaru to hunt me down." He finished. Yaku slowly looked back at the male who was now speaking clearly as if all was about normal. "I never thought he would send such ninja after me." He continued. "If I didn't have to hold this hand sign, I would crush you with the very sand I am using to protect you!" Yakusai explained, then looked forward. "Why did Orochimaru send these Kiri shinobi after you?" Yaku questioned. "Because I have information about his latest creations." The Messenger answered. "His latest creations?" Yaku mimicked. "Yes. He calls them his Legacy." a silent pause, "Orochimaru's Legacy." He added, looking to the ground now. Sunagakure Shinobis Sorelle nodded, keeping an eye on Aikou to make sure that she did the same didn't need the peppy member to screw things up and, often times, the over enthusiastic ones did just that. Eagerness, especially in battle, could easily spell one's downfall. Her red eye watched as the dome came over them and she looked to the messenger with a clear scowl written across her face. "Oh you son of a bitch," she said with a sigh, watching with a slight hint of amusement as Aikou eyed her for her use of language. Really...what a child. Sorelle's thoughts of the girl apparently weren't much. Her fingers curled tighter around the staff she'd made and she nodded at Yakusai's words of "I'd kill you myself!" she agreed. She'd much like to kill the messenger herself. Though, the words don't hurt the messenger echoed in her mind. So stereotypical. "Alright then." Sorelle said, glowering at the man. "What exactly is this Legacy?" Sunagakure Shinobis The messenger sighed softly as he thought. "They are made to be able to use certain jutsus with out the use of hand signs. Or basically manipulate the reality of things around them. They each specialize in a different area of Nin or Gen jutsus." He explained. "So, they are ment to be demi gods." Yakusai questioned. He then made a hand sign and started to form a sand eye in the air outside of the dome. "I can't see them. But there are a couple blind spots from up in the air." He stated. "If we stick close we should be able to make it to the border." Yaku advised. "You three ready?" He questioned, slowly turning his head back to look at them over his right shoulder, his left eye closed. "Alright, lets go!" Yaku said as he dropped both jutsus and made a dash forward. The Messenger followed behind him, keeping to speed with the ninja. It was very odd how the messenger was able to keep up with such a fast ninja, though Yaku wasn't even close to full speed. Yaku glanced back and could tell something was wrong with this entire mission, the fact that those shinobi came after them, and even the messenger seemed out there. Sunagakure Shinobis The older girl could tell too, that something was all off with this whole mission these ninja's, the messengers, everything. "Alright, I'll be right behind you, no worries there." Sorelle mumbled and then turned to eye Aikou, "I want you to stay at the rear you do have a good sixth sense, especially specializing in Wind jutsu's. You will warn us if you sense anything coming after us, if we do not sense it ourselves." She said. "Though, that in itself is a long shot." It was almost amusing that these words were the most Sorelle had ever said to th other girl since meeting her. Aikou nodded, "Alright. Any shift in the wind should alert me." "Let's go!" Sorelle said as Yakusai and the messenger bolted off both girls kept up seemingly easy enough. After all, both were really fast themselves, though, just like Yaku, they're weren't giving it their all. There wasn't any need to at the moment. Her red eye's pupil seemed to slit into non existence and moved about the area around them at an incredible speed, scanning and searching for anything that would be out of place around them this was one reason she had told Aikou that it would be unlikely that she'd sense an attack before her. There were still many aspects of Sorelle that no one knew about, and she was determined to use those aspects at her discrepancy and leisure. Sunagakure Shinobis Yaku glanced back for just a moment and then forward, seeing trees come closer and closer. Almost there. He thought and then could tell something was wrong. He started to look back when he noticed the messenger holding a hand sign and a smirk on his face. "Combination Earth and Fire Styles: Lava Spikes!" He called out and large thorns protruded out of the ground in front of Yaku, him just barely dodging them. More spikes leaped from the ground around the group, formed by partially hardened lava. "Wind Style: Wind Blades!" A familiar female voice called out and blades of wind went flying, slicing the spikes into pieces and aimed at the messenger. Kuya landed down beside the two girls, holding both of her blades out. "We need to hurry and get to Konoha, tell them of the situation right now. You two go and grab Yaku and head out. I'll be right behind you when I am done here." She said, standing ready to fight. "Combination Earth and Fire Styles: Lava Shot!" The messenger called out, lifting his hands up as senbon of lava leaped out of the ground and flew forward at the Jounin. "Wind Style: Gale Force!" She called out and sent a blast of air to stop the needles from getting any closer. Sunagakure Shinobis Oh that son of a bitch!! Sorelle cursed. I knew I should have killed that bastard when I had the chance! "Alright, I got you, Sensei!" She snapped out as she jumped back, pulling Aikou with her towards Yakusai. Her free hand spun the staff up into a defensive position as she came to a sliding stop beside Yaku. "You heard her. We're obviously in over our heads. Let's get to Konoha and fast!" Sorelle and Aikou both jumped out of the way as the attack came at them. Aikou took her stash of Kunai's from her pouches "Wind Style: Air Slicers!" She blew out a breath onto the blades and as she threw them, they seemed to become a lot faster the farther they flew. These ones were definitely more deadly than the previous attacks she'd enacted, though, considering what they were up against, she wasn't sure they'd do a whole lot of good. Sorelle watched as the 8 kunai's flew towards their targets, then quickly made a few hand signs, popping up 30 40 more having doppleganged the originals to help push them off a little. She then turned, "let's go!" She put on her fastest burst of speed and dashed forward, expecting the others to keep up which she knew that they could. Sunagakure Shinobis The messenger simply moved to the side to dodge all the kunai and Kuya did the same. The messenger made an attempt to stop the genin, but Kuya ended his attempts short by distracting him. Yaku continued to burst forward, leaping into the trees when they got close enough. After a good while of running, Yaku stopped on a branch and held up a hand to show the other two to stop with him. He looked around, taking in a relieved breath. He then looked up, hearing a branch break. He then got in a ready position and looked in the direction of the sound. "Don't worry, I am with Konoha!" Called out a mature male voice. Soon after that a male landed down on a branch close by, visible to the Suna shinobi. "The names Mishunai Hatake. I am a Jounin, I was dispatched to find out about the commotion." He informed. "You three are from Sunagakure, aren't you?" He questioned. The male was dressed in a strange manner for a shinobi. He wore a pare of cargo styled shorts that stopped just a few inches below his knees. He had no kunai pouches and wore a black t shirt. He had on a pair of irregular boots, not the ninja styled ones but hiking styled instead. He also had on a bag on his back, that seemed full beyond measure with what was unknown at the moment. "Come on, I'll escort you three back to Konoha." he stated and turned to face the direction they were already heading in. Sunagakure Shinobis At first, as the shinobi spoke to them, Sorelle was very hesitant to trust the man, much less follow him she'd had enough back stabs for one day and, honestly, it was putting her into a rather foul mood in general, making her wary and irritable around even her own teammates, Yakusai and Aikou. Speaking of which, the two didn't seem too bothered by the man's presence. And really, if Yakusai didn't feel threatened, then Sorelle was aware that she could trust his judgement. He was rather adept, more so than she and Aikou. The two girls didn't speak, instead the just followed along behind the man, Aikou hanging more towards the back, Sorelle up almost by the man himself. Sorelle was watching him warily, even as she followed quietly today's activities were wearing on her a little and, as badly as she wished to drop her guard and rest, she wouldn't. "Do you have any idea what this is all about?" Sorelle questioned as they walked. "I'm not sure what to believe at the moment, considering almost everyone who's given us information has turned on us." Sunagakure Shinobis Yaku looked to Sorelle and started to think. As much of an aware ninja as he was, he could tell Sorelle was about as good as one as he, but Aikou was too open minded to things often. He looked up at the one called Mishunai and wondered if he had any answers. "No clue. I was only told there was much disturbance on the borders of the Land of Wind and Land of Fire and to check it out. A Sunagakure messenger bird was sent to our village." Mishunai stated as they moved on. Yaku then thought for a moment. Their sensai was gone for a good amount of time when she disappeared. "It must have been Kuya Sensai. She had disappeared long enough to send a message to the village." Yaku contemplated. He then looked around, feeling closed in while in this forest, used to the open dessert of the Land of Winds. He then heard a sound of a twig snap and bolted his vision towards it. "Don't worry about that, it was only an animal." Mishunai stated, glancing over his shoulder, his right eye pale and veins were protruding around it, much like a byakugan now. He then looked forward and continued to walk. Yaku looked at the male and wondered when he activated the technique. Then what made him wonder even more, his eyes when Yaku first saw them, were normal and not the style of the Hyuuga clan's natural pale eye. Sunagakure Shinobis Hm. The man was definitely interesting to Sorelle. He seemed out of place, yet very adept. Which, she supposed, wasn't too out of the ordinary to her. She glanced back at Yakusai and caught him looking at her probably sizing her up like she'd been doing to him and Aikou. She blinked, catching snippets of conversation. Then said, "I imagine it was Kuya Sensei. I do not think she would have left us alone for so long if it were otherwise. We may be better than most in our village, Yakusai, Aikou, but we were still in over our heads back there." She looked back at Mishunai he was definitely a cut above the rest, she surmised, being able to start a technique without her eye noticing. "What shall happen once we reach your village?" she asked him, crossing her arms across her chest as they walked. She kept her guard up still, refusing to let it down again until she was certain she could trust Mishunai. If she could. Sunagakure Shinobis Mishunai glanced at the three genin once more. "I was instructed ti take you to the Hokage's office. After that, I'm clueless." He stated and continued to walk then froze solid, bolting his view to his right. " Keep going forward, and do not stop." Mishunai ordered, pulling out a couple of square, cards what it looked to be. They seemed to be made of metal, and had sharpened edges. Yakusai looked to his comrades and nodded. He then got in a ready running position and bolted off. He could sense there were some ninjas in the distance, hunting them down as well. Seemed like these ninja really wanted them dead, or something. It was probably because they knew the secret the messenger told them. We should have never done this mission. He thought as he continued to dash across the path to Konoha. Sunagakure Shinobis She was as quick to sense them as he was and froze just when he did. When he spoke, Sorelle nodded her head quickly and looked over at her teammates to make sure they were going to follow as well. They had to get to Konoha and she was counting on the Shinobi to keep these persistant ass ninja's off their backs long enough for them to get there. They were really determined and didn't seem like they were going to back off. We never should have done this mission. Her thoughts echoed Yakusai's and probably almost at the same time. She glanced to Aikou who nodded and then both girls were quick to take off just behind Yaku, making a mad dash for Konoha to get to the Hokage and to really find out what was going on. Sorelle just really wanted to know what the hell this whole thing was about. Sunagakure Shinobis After a long mad dash in the direction of Konoha, they eventually made it to the gates. They were closed and Yaku was slow on patience at that moment. He focused his chakra and started to run up the wall and leaped over and then landed down on a building top and then leaped to the road. The Gate Guards pulled out kunai and saw it was a Sunagakure Shinobi. They then put the kunai up and Yakusai let out a sigh of relief. "Made it. Finally." He stated, crouching down and looked at the gates that were still closed, sure his teammates had followed behind him. "We need to get to the Hokage's office." Yaku explained. Soon after they had been escorted to the Hokage and was told to report to the leader. After words, they were told nothing of the situation, and were given accommodations to stay in while at Konoha for their duration. Yaku sat on one of the couches of the three bed room house they were given, looking out the window at the calm sky. "This is bull crap!" He blared out. They had reported their part, but were given no information of what was going on. He felt they had a right to know what was going on, and why they were being hunted by Orochimaru. Sunagakure Shinobis "Agreed," Sorelle snapped, idly laying across the floor, her arms crossed across her chest. A sort of pinched, irritated look was evident, but she kept herself as calm as she could. This damn day was getting on her nerves and thank god she'd sent that peppy member, Aikou, out on an errand or she probably would've killed her by now. Cheerfulness in this situation was not what Sorelle wanted to deal with. Sorelle wanted to kill the Shinobi who had dared to come after them this way, especially when she had no idea what was going on! And the fact that the Hokage hadn't enlightened them on anything, was that much more frustrating to her. She kicked up her leg, bent it at the knee, and then slammed her foot back down onto the ground. "Ugh! Seriously, this is such bull!" Sunagakure Shinobis Yaku looked over at his partner that was left there and started to think for a moment. She seemed more and more like him the more they stayed with each other, or he was acting more and more like her, or even both were happening. Either way, he felt weird around Sorelle. Most people he was ver with he just felt like he could kill with no remorse about it, but he felt he needed to protect this one if he could. He then shook his head and thought of something. "Sorelle, I figure we need to try and train more on our skills if we hope to even try and beat these guys." He stated and stood up. "Come on, lets go to the training fields here and spare some." He stated and started to walk to the door, some sand moving to grab a kunai bag and put it on the back of his pants, throwing his sweater over the pouch and walked out. "Come on." He said, holding the door open. Sunagakure Shinobis The girl sat up and stared at Yaku from her spot, the red eye of hers covered by the strands of her hair. She studied her companion thoughtfully she kind of got the feeling that he had been sizing her up as well, because she was almost like him. She got that reading herself when she was around him and it rubbed on her in a sort of awkward way. She wasn't used to it. "Hmm..." she pursed her lips as he spoke, then nodded and jumped up agily onto her feet. "I could always go for some more training. One can never be too over prepared." Sorelle then grabbed her swords and strapped them back on her lower back, walking over towards him then. "Let's go then," she murmured as she walked out the door, expecting him to follow. Sunagakure Shinobis Yakusai smirked and then turned to his cloud of sand and blew around Sorelle and headed to the training field as a fairly large cloud of small grains and formed back up at the fields, tapping a foot as he saw Sorelle come up on the field, probably having started to race after his cloud form. "Time to see which is truly better, my mixture of Tai and Nin jutsus, or your Genjutsus." He stated with a smirk, crossing his arms over his chest. "Ladies first." He stated, waving a hand and then put it back crossed over his chest. His gloves were off and hood was down, so his red hair was flowing around him. His hair was very familiar to the old Kazekage, the one he had gained his name, Sabaku no Yakusai, from. His seals on his hands were showing plain as day, and looked strong enough to hold through this sparing. Deep in the trees hide one of the Konoha genin, a female one. She was well hidden, most likely unnoticed by the two Sungakure nin, watching them carefully. This young kunoichi was training to be one of the best shinobi of her clan, her eyes a faded white, almost like the Hyuuga, but with a difference: she also had comas in them like the Uchiha, oddly enough. She had no form of odijutsu activated, but it almost looked like she did, and she practically could have, but very little was known of these eyes outside her own clan, other then they were believed to be the parent form of the Byakugan and Sharingan, or a form mixed by the two. Sunagakure Shinobis She came to stand before Yakusai, admiring his hair in a non chalant, not so obvious way it was unique, like her own. The half teal, half black always seemed to get her stares and she ignored it for the most part just because people just always assumed her an outcast, freak, outsider, etc. Which was fine by her because honestly, she didn't give a rat's ass what people thought about her. She was here to better herself, not make friends or change other's opinions of her. Though, she couldn't help but wonder about Yaku. He did seem so much like her in the same sense. She wondered maybe if he had the same problems. "What makes you think I'm a lady?" she asked with a hint of narcosistic sarcasm, a small smirk across her lips. "And I don't think it's really a matter of who is better, Yakusai. Or who's abilities are better. Though," she crossed her arms across her chest and raised a brow, "I have to admit I am curious as well. We do seem an awful lot alike. Our difference in abilites could prove to be as intriguing." Sunagakure Shinobis Yakusai chuckled as she spoke out and was about to reply but she continued to speak. She could tell she felt like an outcast, or was treated as one. He then started to remember the days training in his clan, being the on in his generation to build the 'monster chakra' ability. Only once every seven generations did someone in his clan built something like that. He was looked down at, as if he was a freak of nature, something that didn't deserve to live or train as a shinobi. He looked to the ground as he thought this, but still listened to Sorelle. He then contemplated about what she said. "We may act the same, but that may be the only similarity we have. Though, the Kazakage and others who choose the squads must have seen something all three of us could use together and make a combination with." He stated and then continued, "All three of us have only relative abilities the same, and great difference in our main areas, but that combination must work in some form or another. We just have to figure it out, or we already have and need to apply it better." He informed and then got into his fighting pose. He had one hand behind his back and the other up in front of him, standing as a general Taijutsu fighter. "Now, prepare your self. We have company." Yakusai said with a smirk as the ground started to softly tremble and a dust cloud was coming up from behind him. As soon as the cloud got close, it stopped right behind Yakusai and a male Konoha ninja was swinging a sweeping kick at Yaku's feet. The Suna shinobi leaped into the air and kicked off some sand, spinning around and was using an over head arched kick to come down on the Konoha ninja's head, who moved in an instant and got ready to strike again, his back to Sorelle now. This ninja seemed great with speed and Taijutsu, having gotten around Yakusai with in milliseconds. Sunagakure Shinobis Sorelle eyed the back of the Konoha Nin and contemplated quickly what she should do now Yakusai was more than equipped to handle this nin, even though their newcomer seemed to have quite a bit of speed percision under his belt. Was the Konoha shinobi wanting them both to take him on, or was he centered on Yaku? She couldn't be too sure. Her red eye had managed to slow down the man's movements enough to almost the point of slow motion, so she got a feel for his ability and speed. She decided to approach with words, before with actions. "And you would be, who?" she asked as she moved forward, coming to stand next to Yaku. Her hands were at her sides, resting casually near the hilts of her blades. The symbols of genjutsu's were sliding through her mind for quick reference she didn't want to let this newcomer get the jump on her if she could avoid it. Sunagakure Shinobis Yakusai quickly got out of the way of the Konoha ninja's attack and stood ready still. "Name your self and your purpose for interrupting our training." Yaku said in his dark tone. The shinobi smirked. "The name is Wetashu, and I am here to test out Sunagakure's best Taijutsu genin!" He said and charged at Yakusai once more with lightning speed. Yaku smirked and spun around, sinking into the ground. He then came up behind Wetashu and launched a punch at him. Wetashu smirked and then vanished. "Sand Armor!" Yaku called out and sand burst from the ground, grasping Yaku, but not before he looked at Sorelle with a smirk. He was showing her that he had it under control, but hoped that she would come in when he started to have troubles. Wetashu was coming up on Yaku once more, just as the sand fully covered his body, creating a shell around Yaku... Sunagakure Shinobis Ah. So the Shinobi had come after Yakusai specifically. Sorelle decided to let them duel it out, after all, the Konoha nin seemed determined to fight Yaku, no matter who was around. Or the circumstances in which he'd come into. He had interupted her and Yaku's training to initiate his challenge, so that only served to help ackowledge that idea to Sorelle. Her eyes watched them carefully, her right hand resting on the handle of one of her blade's. The red eye she was so fond of was quick to follow their movements not a single move escaped her attention. This included Yaku's smirk she took this to mean that Yakusai had this under control, that he could take the shinobi without her help. However, she would help if necessary. A true Shinobi would never leave a teammate to perish, or to even suffer if help was needed, help would be given. Sorelle watched as the sand closed in around Yaku and contemplated, eyes narrowing. She'd seen him escape from similar circumstances when they had been training with Kuya sensei. Should she interfer at this point? She wasn't sure, so she decided to wait a few seconds to see what Yaku would do next, to determine if he needed her help after all. I don't see him being taken down by Konoha Shinobi. Come on, Yaku. Show him why you're the best. Sunagakure Shinobis Wetashu made contact with the sand, causing an explosion of dirt to fly out. He held his stance for a moment, just before sand leaped out around him, trying to get a hold of him. "Desert Coffin!" Yaku's voice could be heard in an omnipresence, echoing around the training field. Wetashu was quick to move from all the sand leaping around him. He then started to kick and punch the sand as well in an attempt to keep it from getting him. Eventually he turned into a flash and was gone from the surrounding sand. A dust cloud was seen running to the tree line, then sand exploded from the forest, and Yaku with Wetashu launching an assault of fury punches at him came from the trees. Yaku was taking a defensive now as Wetashu attacked him. I need to try and finish this soon, or else I risk letting the Beast loose. He thought, and then started to turn the tide of the fight, launching his fury of punches and kicks at his enemy. "Sand Clones!" He called out as multiples of him started to form from the ground and run into the fight, being easily dispatched by the Konoha shinobi. Yaku wasn't aiming at over running him with a larger force, but only distract him and wear him down. Yaku creating the clones gave him more attacks to launch on the enemy, while he could only block the attacks. Yaku then leaped back as five clones went for a dash at the ninja. "Desert Graveyard!" Yaku called, landing down on the ground and slamming his palms on the ground, a large tsunami of sand lifting up and dropping down on the clones and Wetashu. Yaku made hand signs and held the last one, looking at the large layer of sand on the ground. After about a minute or two, a burst of sand was seen and a fist lifting out of it, and Wetashu started to pull him self up. "You're dead." Yaku said, still holding his last hand sign. Wetashu looked at the Sand Shinobi and sighed, hanging his head down, still half in the dirt. Yaku then stood up and walked over to him, but at the same time a kunoichi appeared next to Sorelle, and not even her eye would catch it until she was already there. " two are the new comers." The female said, her hands behind her. She was oddly dressed for a ninja. She wore a black and red kimono, not normally what a ninja would wear, and her forehead protector was covering her right eye. Her hair was mostly short, and was pitch black. "The name is Yuki, Yuki Limming. I am of the Black Rose branch of the Limming clan. You must be Sorelle, genjutsu user if I am right, yes? Hmm...I can't wait to see how you far in a real fight, it should be amusing." She said, and in the next instant, she was gone like she wasn't even ever there. Sunagakure Shinobis She wasn't surprised when Yakusai came out as the winner between the two of them. She'd seen him struggle for a bit the Konoha Shinobi had actually put up a decent fight. Suddenly, a voice speaking caused Sorelle to tighten her fingers around the blade on her right side. She listened and didn't say anything, but nodded when the odd girl Yuki she said her name was stated Sorelle's name. Then as quick as she'd come, Yuki was gone, leaving Sorelle a bit on edge. She looked back to Yaku, quirking a brow at him. "This is turning out to be a very busy day," she said as she walked over to him, standing next to him again. Sunagakure Shinobis Yaku looked back to Sorelle. "Yes, it is. And I need to take a break for a bit." He said, standing up and waving his hand, the sand sinking back into the ground, freeing the Shinobi. Yaku then held the back of his hand up at Sorelle. It wasn't exactly visible, but chakra was slowly leaking out of the seal, not much but still it was. "My seals are starting to wear down again." He said under a low tone. "Come on, lets go get something to eat." He said, walking off, heading to the village now. He looked at where Wetashu had been at, and the ninja was gone. He then looked to Sorelle and went to looking at where he was going. It only took a little while to get to a restaurant, and Yakusai pulled out a wallet, counting his money. "I have plenty to get us something." He stated, looking at the menu. He did have plenty of money to buy at least two things on this menu, no matter what they were. He may have a bit more left to buy one more thing, but that one would have to depend on what it was that was bought. Sunagakure Shinobis She eyed his hand as he went to show her precisely why it was that he needed a break she wasn't surprised. She'd actually suspected that maybe his seals had been wearing down. It seemed to happen the more he was pushed, and that seemed to be happening a lot. She nodded to him and followed as he led the way to the restuarant. She caught him looking back at her, but didn't say anything. As they came to the resturant, she took a seat and pulled her own wallet from her pouch to peer inside at its contents. She then set it on the table and picked up the menu to peer at it. "I have some money too if you'd like to split the bill," she said. "I'll leave it up to you." Her eyes swept across the menu's list, debating what it was that she wanted to eat. She had a good idea of what she was going to get Sorelle had a thing for ramen. To her it was unbelivably delicious and satisfying. A young girl in an apron walked up to their table, a pad and writing utensil in her hands. "How can I help you today?" she asked, a welcoming smile plastered across her lips she'd probably had years to practice the perfect smile to welcome customers with. Sorelle saw through it, of course, but let it go as she smiled back politely. "Bowl of beef ramen, please." She looked over to Yaku as she handed the menu back to the waitress. "What about you, Yaku?" Yaku looked at the menu and sighed softly. "Just water for now." He said, still looking at the menu to figure something out. Konoha didn't have his favorite flavor, so he had to try and find out what he did like. After a little bit he finally decided. "Get me what she has." He stated and set his menu down finally. "Sorelle, why do you think they paired us up?" He questioned, looking down at the table. Yaku was half in thought as he spoke out. Their ramen finally came out and Yaku started to stir his first before taking his chop sticks apart and started to eat it slowly. It wasn't great, but it was better then nothing. "What does the Kazekage actually see in our squad?" He questioned, more to him self than to Sorelle. "You know, I can't say that I understand why we were put together. You and I, I can see how we'd help each other." Sorelle was saying in between bites as she ate her ramen. "Our other companion though, she does have her talents, but she doesn't seem in, for lack of a better description. She is like Kuya sensei, in a sense of personality." She nodded. "What do you think, Yaku?" She was with him on this, she couldn't really begin to see why the squad had been formed with the members it had. As well as their squad leader she and Yakku on the otherhand she could see making a good pair, especially if they could use their abilities to compliment each other and to compensate for their weaknesses. Yaku then started to eat in silence until he finished. "I think there is something we are all able to do that no one else can do." He stated and stood up, setting his share of the bill down and walked off. "I'm going to go meditate." He said and then leaped into the air. He would move at high speeds, avoiding being seen as he wanted to be alone for a little while. Why did the Kazekage set them up? What was his purpose for pairing these three up with that particular sensei? Yakusai had many thoughts running in his mind, and he always questioned other's motives, having been a removed person he hardly understood why other people did things they do. He sighed as he felt the presence of another near him. "It's rude to stare." He said and the figure walked out. "You knew I was here?" The kunoichi spoke out, her voice soft but firm. "I knew you followed me from the ramen shop." Yaku said, standing up and looking at the female. She had some wierd eyes, faded like the Hyuuga, but had the comas of the Uchiha. "Who are you?" Yakusai questioned. "I, am a ninja adopted by the Hyuuga clan. That is all I can tell you." She said and Yaku scuffed at the statement. "It was all fine and nice meeting you, but I have to go now, and don't dare eavesdrop on my business any more, or I might have to do something unwanted by either of us." Yaku warned and leaped into the air, turning to a could of sand as he did. He would then head back to their home that was set for them, it starting to get dark. Yaku went to the bed he claimed as his and laid down, starting to head to bed now. Sorelle nodded as Yaku left her company to go meditate. The girl didn't leave follow and decided to stay in the shop for awhile longer, using this down time for a simple moment of peace. She knew it wasn't going to last. With a sigh, she pushed herself up from the table and left the building, wandering around the village. Her red eye was watching closely at the buildings and people around her. The boy that had challenged and lost to her companion was following her. She didn't want to lead him to their place of residence, so she stopped and turned to face him. "Stop sulking and leave me be," was all she said before she jumped to the roof and darted off faster than he could keep up with. The shinobi's of this village were being awfully pushy and it was beginning to make Sorelle suspiscious. Some welcome, she thought. When she made it back to the room, the younger girl was asleep in a bed. Yaku appeared to be sleeping as well, so she made her way to the corner across from the door and sat there. The girl's eyelids lowered and before long, she was resting as well conscious enough to be aware, but out enough to be regaining energy that she was sure she was going to need. Morning creeped over the horizon and woke the young Sunagakure shinobi. He rolled over and looked at the cieling and sighed. Another day on this world of existence. He thought, turning to a mist of sand and forming up next to the bed, new clothing on him now having use the sand to grab them and formed up inside of them. He looked to the corner and saw Sorelle sleeping in it. "Morning." He said as he noticed her movement to his noise. He walked over to the window and saw Kuya standing on a wire connecting two buildings. "Wake the others up! We got a new mission." She called out to him. He nodded and walked over to make sure Sorelle was actually waking and then went to wake the other female. "Come on, Kuya needs to see us on the roof, get ready for a mission." He informed and left out, walking to the roof this time. Sorelle nodded in response, having peeked open her eyes when he'd gotten out of bed. She was highly sensitive to sound, especially when she was in her resting state it was one of her conditioned abilities that she knew would become of use to her sooner rather than later. "I'll meet you up there," she said as he walked out. Approaching the other shinobi, she kicked the bed. "Hey! Slacker! It's time to wake up!" Then, without waiting to see if she awoke, she left and made her way to the roof. The younger girl was quick to follow, readjusting her clothing as she went having slept in a done down version of what she usually wore. Sorelle eyed her companions then faced her sensei. "New mission? It have anything to do with what we went through yesterday?" she shook her head, "I will not be decieved again, so I hope for everyone's sake that the issue has been at least realitively resolved." "It sort of does. We are going to be scouting out the area we last had battle. We will have two Konoha Chunin with us to help, and also in case we get attacked. We are looking for any evidence of who these attackers really are. You three up for it, or would you like an easier mission?" Kuya asked, looking from each of the three. Yakusai looked at Kuya with his killer's intent, his arms crossed over his chest. "I'll do it." He said in his monotone voice. He looked at the other two comrades and then heard some foot steps. "They're here." He said, looking behind him to see two kunoichi walk on the building. One was the female in a kimono from before, the other was the one Yaku caught on top of the hill the earlier night. Yaku then glared at the one with the faded eyes, not liking this team build up now. The two girls nodded in unison to their sensei's question of their courage and drive. Ai, as Sorelle had nicknamed her, was a tad wary of the mission given their experiences the day before. Sorelle, on the other hand, wasn't going to back down from anything. She just didn't want to be decieved as she had the day before. It made her feel foolish which she did not appreciate. "Ah, I see one familiar face among our new cohorts," Sorelle commented as the Chuunins approached to mingle within their group. "I suppose this is why you were so keen to watch us yesterday?" she aimed the question at the kimino clad konoha shinobi. Sorelle did not like the way this was coming together, but she couldn't do anything about it at this moment, so she let it slide with the simple question. Since Ai had stayed at the room the day before, she was a bit careless as to why Sorelle and Yaku appeared a little on edge. Sorelle was glad to see Yaku had the same vibes as she. The two chunin kunoichi smirked towards each other. "She wasn't the only one watching you." Said the pale eyed one. "I guess their tracking abilities aren't the best. But they will get better as time passes, right?" She added on to her previous statement. Her tone of voice was slightly kind and gentle still, but had that demand for power and firmness as well. "Don't degrade them so much, they are our comrades, not subordinates." The kimono kunoichi said. "It seems your four already met I guess?" Kuya said, looking at Yaku, Sorelle and the two Konoha kunoichi. "Well, these are Yuki," She said pointing to the kimono kunoichi, "and Yin. They have good tracking techniques and fighting styles as well, that is why they will join us." Kuya informed. "I've met both of them before already. Though Sorelle met Yuki only." Yaku stated. He then started to walk off. "The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get back, lets go." Yaku said, still speaking in an apathetic tone of voice. He walked past the two Konoha kunoichi, then leaped into the air, heading to the gates. The two girls reminded Sorelle and Ai of twins. They seemed in sync and beyond well coordinated. Sorelle knew this would be useful though she didn't appreciate the shinobi's snide remark about her lack of tracking abilities. That wasn't her cup of tea, so it didn't bother her to a large degree. Sorelle specialized in illusions, in tricking her enemies and turning their own senses against them. Konoha supplied trackers. As a sunagakure shinobi, Sorelle didn't see it as something she needed to become overly adept in. She was quick to follow Yaku as he departed, Ai close behind her. She looked over at him, curious about why he was acting the way he was. She then glanced to Sorelle, wondering the same thing. They didn't seem pleased. She just didn't know as to why they weren't pleased. The group made their way to the village gates and before long they reached the place of their yester attack. Yaku dropped to the ground and looked around once. "So, what exactly are we looking for?" He questioned and Kuya landed near by. "When I was fighting them I noticed they dropped something, or a few things. They weren't very organized with carrying things much." She stated and started to scout around. "Spread out, but don't get too far from each other. If they attack us, we need to be able to regroup and counter them." Kuya said, the two chunins nodded and leaped to the sides, out of sight range but had their own ways of keeping 'close' to the squad. Yaku sighed and walked off in another direction, his hands in his sweeter pocket, the hood pulled over his head. He would start shifting the sands around him, searching for anything out of the ordinary. This is going to take forever. He thought as he searched, until he heard some noise near by. He pulled his hand up near his ear to the com device they all grabbed, "I think I have contact near the sand needles." He said, refereeing to the large thin rocks the jutted out of the ground around him. Sorelle split up from the others, moving towards the east side of the battle ground to search for what Kuya sensei had said. Their sensei really hadn't told her to look for anything specific, so she wasn't entirely sure what it was that she was looking for. She kept her red eye steady and ready, to pick out anything that wasn't standard to the area. Ai was off doing the same, picking through bushes and trudging around the trees. The com buzzed and Sorelle tapped on her ear, listening closely as Yaku's words came through. She buzzed back, "where is your current location?" She peered around as she asked, not able to see him from where she was searching. Contact...that likely insinuated encounters, not objects. Perhaps the shinobi that the chuunin's had run from the day before hadn't left the area, but had simply waited for their return. It was unlikely since the chuunin weren't the shinobi's prime target, but there was a minute possibility. One could never be too safe, she surmised, her finger hooking into her strapped on kunai knife. Her red eye was steady with her other, analyzing the area as she awaited Yaku's answer, or an order from Kuya sensei. Yaku crouched down as the noise became louder now. "The desert patch with sand needles. The rocks protruding out of the sand like large needles." He said under a whisper now, pressing his back against one of the rocks. He started to focus his chakra into the sand around him, readying for a fight if needed. "All of my genin gather by the forest. Chunin gather out by where Yaku is with me." Kuya said, dashing towards the area Yaku described. She landed on top of one of the rocks, looking around and caught sight of Yaku sinking into the ground. She looked around and saw the two chunin coming towards her and could hear the noise Yaku was speaking of. She then caught glimpse of the enemy. They had been waiting for them, or it was some new enemies now. Sorelle heard Kuya sensei's orders to gather at the tree line, but she wasn't one to back away from a fight. She had to surpress her warrior's blood to cool as she did as her sensei ordered. As she dashed forward to the forest line, almost with uncomparable speed, her red eye caught site of Ai as she too moved to meet up with her."Kuya sensei, what is the situation?"Sorelle whispered, preparing her chakra for a doppleganger technique, in case she was attacked before the others, or attacked as well while her squad fought as well.Her feet slid in a skid as she came to a stop, watching as Ai did the same. Her eyed peered around, narrowed, from under the strands of her odd hair. She put her finger to her lips to motion silence to her partner, awaiting a response from her sensei, the chuunin, or Yaku. Yaku came up next to where he sensed the other two genin's chakra, crouched in front of them. He could feel the sands all around being disturbed. "There all over. I can't see how many, the sand is moving too much." He whispered to the two genin with him and the mic next to his ear and cheek. "I caught them, engaging!" One of the chunin said to the mic. A clashing of weapons was heard and Yaku pulled out a kunai. Yaku could feel where the fighting was going but it was odd, he only sensed one person moving. Are they floating? feels as if the fighter is trying to attack in all directions. He thought, not sure who the one person was. He could see a single black petal floating past him and the other genin. "What the?" He questioned softly, sensing chakra emitting from the petal. "Got him." Said the one named Yuki. "Got the other." Yin said just after Yuki finished her statement. "No wonder you two where highly recommended." Kuya stated with a chuckle. "Third is in the bag, you three can come out now." Kuya informed, Yaku nodding and leaping up to where the main fighting was at. Sorelle came out and headed to where Kuya sensei was stationed. She, too, was impressed by the speed in which the Konoha shinobi had dispursed of their enemies. She was almost pissed all her life she had wanted to be the strongest, to prove she wasn't the outcast people had labeled her as. Ai was the one to speak up first as they all converged upon the same location. "What did they want?" she asked. "Were they here because of what happened yesterday?" Sorelle nodded her head thoughtfully, studying the Konoha kounichi. "If we are here, looking for something they may have dropped yesterday, I'm assuming that they must be here to try and retrieve the same thing." She narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "If that is the case, it must be something of high imporantance to our attackers." Yaku walked up to the group, closer now, and started to think carefully. "Indeed. We need to find it, but since my sands are shifted, I can't " He started to say when a sudden rush of shadow clones circled the group. "Who the?" Kuya said, pulling out two kunai, Yaku lifting the sand up around him. The two Kunoichi turned into a cloud of smoke and were replaced by clones. "Got ya, didn't we?" One clone said, all of them of the same person. "Now, time for you Sand Ninjas to die, and leave our master's plans alone." The clone said with a smirk, all of them pulling out kunai. In that instant a bolt of blue electricity went flying through a large mass of the clones and a strange half human half arctic fox came out, about the height of a teenager around thwe age of 16. He started to randomly poke clones, shattering them with but a touch. Kunai went flying, aimed at the half creature, then it would turn behind one clone and was gone. The clones then started to attack each other, or one attacked the many, and soon it turned to chaos. The two Kunoichi came to the scene and grabbed the sand genin and then a teen boy came out and grabbed their sensei and started to dash out of the fray. They would soon be back in the forest line, the boy crouched down looking at the chaos below. "Hehe, so easy to make them do that. Clones are so useless." He said, chuckling. Yaku walked around the boy and looked down at him. "You can't be..." Kuya said, the boy looking up at her. "I can't be what? Charming, amazing, young, beautiful?" He said with a chuckle. "Are Selo?" Kuya questioned. "Yup, that's me! Selo Inuzuka, the teenage Sanin!" He said with a bow and smirk. "And I just saved your tails." He said with a smirk, "And finished your mission." He said, holding up a rolled parchment the size of a pencil. Sorelle wasn't really paying attention as Kuya and the new boy, Selo she heard, were speaking. She was livid. Mainly at herself. She wasn't supposed to be so damned weak! It seemed as if person after person was coming to their rescue and it was beginning to frustrate the young girl. Slim fingers brushed the hair from her eyes as she stared now. Ai quirked her brow at the young man as he held up the small scroll. "You must be good," she murmured, apparently in awe of the way he seemed so effecient. "Where was it? We've been out here searching for awhile." She added, noticing Sorelle's rather sour attitude. "Where are you from, anyway?" Sorelle asked, skeptic. "Who sent you?" they had been betrayed so many times since they had taken the original mission and she was beginning to be very hesitant to trust anyone, even her teammates. There was no telling who was against them anymore. She was going to have to become stronger, both in her ninjutsu and her genjutsu. She wasn't going to be fooled so easily anymore. Sorelle glanced to Yaku, wondering what was going through his head at the situation. Yaku started to contemplate who Selo was, and why he was there. A teenage sanin? That can't be right. Sanin were legendary ninja who mastered techniques nearly no one else could try to accomplish, and were also held in rank to become a Kage of a village, and telling by the clan name Inuzuka, he was of Konoha. "He is a Leaf Shinobi. But how did you become a Sanin?" Yaku questioned, looking to the teen. Selo chuckled and spun into a cloud of smoke and then where he stood was the Kazekage, "I became a Sanin by learning to transform my self into other beings." He said, and Yaku pulled out a sand kunai, holding it to the Kazekage's throat, "I can do that too, but I am no Sanin." Yaku said, and then Selo turned the sands on Yaku, picking him up into the air, "But you can only mimic their techniques, I can actually become them." He said, turning to him self and dropping Yaku. Kuya picked Yaku up with a stern look in her eyes. "I became a Sanin because I literally become other people, not a mimicry of them. I literally am them, only difference is I also have my own thought process. So I can work like my self, or act perfectly like another person." He explained. "I am literally every shinobi balled into one." He confirmed with a smug grin. "And The Hokage requested I watch over you all if you couldn't handle it. Now, shall we return this parchment to the Kazekage now?" He said in his playful tone of voice, leaping out of the trees and landing in the middle of the field. Sorelle watched as Yaku tried to well, confront the rather impressive sanin. If he could take the form of other people, or anyone for that matter, how could the know that this was really his true form. They couldn't, really. She was going to wary of this kid for now, she was certain. Ai was watching all of this with wide eyes this girl always seemed to be easily impressed, Sorelle mused. Though this man, or teen, was definitely something to be impressed by. "We should be getting back, Sensei, especially if the Hokage sent him to assist us," Sorelle murmured as she moved to follow the one known as Selo. Ai was quick to follow her female teammate. "So...Selo, exactly how old are you?" she asked, Sorelle did. "If you indeed can take the form of anyone, how do we know this is your true form, much less age?" It was kind of a stupid question, because she was a genjutsu user, so she could usually see through an illusion. She wasn't sensing any illusions right now. Ai just blinked and looked at her curiously. Selo stopped and looked at the two curious kunoichi. "Well, I am in fact only sixteen. And the way you know this is my true form, I wouldn't be able to do this." he said, turning into Sorelle. "If I stay in one form for longer than ten minutes, I'm stuck like that. Didn't you think that such a strong power came at a price?" He questioned in her voice, then turned back to normal and started to dash off. "Come on, no time to lose!" He called back, Yaku and Kuya following close behind. After so long, they would make it back to Sunagakure, and then the Kazekage's office. Kuya told her genin to wait out side while her and Selo took care of the details to the Kazekage. Yaku sat down on the dirt floor of the sand built building. "I don't like him." He said finally after a moment's silence. "He came just in time and defeated a mass of shadow clones with out even making a single one him self. I don't like those sets of coincidences." He explained, pulling his hoodie over his head. Sorelle wasn't talkative at all as they made their way back to the village, her brows crunched together in obvious displeasure. Her arms were crossed as she sat down beside Yaku later when Kuya sensei had demanded that they stay outside while Selo reported what had occured. "I don't either," she said, leaning back, looking at Yaku, then at Ai who just shrugged her shoulders. "He didn't seem so bad," Ai said, being the rather naive one of their group. "You weren't the one he was mocking either," Sorelle said, still rather peeved that Selo had been mocking her at all in the first place. "And it's strangely convinient. His timing. Why wasn't he there, helping us look to begin with?" she questioned, almost to herself. Yaku looked up at Ai, then to the door where the Kazekage was at. Just as he did, Kuya walked out, Selo not following behind her. "Mission complete. Your rewards are at your houses. We are to take a few days rest now. The only thing the Kazekage said was to stay near Sunagakure." She said, "Dismissed." She finished and disappeared. Yaku stood up and started to walk off, putting his hands in his pockets, leaving his hood up still. He would leave to the training field, not saying a word the whole way and stood in the middle of the field, looking at the target dummy. He closed his eyes and then lifted a hand and thrust it forward, sand lances leaping up and piercing the dummy, shattering after so many hit it. "To slow..." He stated, then did it again after raising a sand dummy. He continued this, trying to get faster each time. He was completely oblivious to anyone watching him. Sorelle watched as Yaku walked off without so much as a backward glance, disregarding their presence as if they were no longer there. Not that that surprised her, honestly. Yaku seemed to be rather cut off from the socialities of the world, as she was, but her hatred is what drove her. She wanted to become someone people would whisper about or proclaim about in legends. Sorelle didn't say anything to Ai, or Kayu, as she left and began to stroll the paths of the village on her own, ending up near the training grounds. She heard a good deal of racket, then found herself catching Yaku as he was training. Not that that surprised her either, she thought with an unheard chuckle. The young girl's mismatching eyes watched for a moment, before she turned and simply sat with her back to him, lost in thought now. "Enjoying the show, Sorelle?" Yaku asked, slightly warn out by now. He only glanced over where she was, it only being him and her at the field. "How long have you been there?" He questioned, dropping the sand around him. It was eating up his chakra the longer he held it up, so while he spoke with her, he would let go of it, save his chakra. He sunk into the ground and came up in front of his comrade, his hands at his side, the gloves still covering his seals, and his sweater on covering the one on his chest. "Tell me, why do you distant your self from others?" He asked, looking at her with curiosity, pulling the hood of his sweater off his head now. "Not too long," she reassured him as he sunk into the ground and reformed in front of her. His next question caught her a little off gaurd and she thought carefully for a moment. "Emotions make you weak," she said slowly, carefully. "Making friends...will only end up being a liability." Her mismatching eyes looked up at him for a moment as she leaned back on her palms. "And you? Why do you distance yourself?" She asked him, figuring it only fair since he had asked her the same thing. And, in all honesty, she was a little curious. Yaku looked to the ground in front of him. "Miss trust. Even my own clan disregarded me." He said, looking at the sand dummies. He quickly raised his had and the 'clone' shattered with nearly a hundred sand lances about two feet long each, all the sand dropping to the ground. "I'm a freak of my own clan. Something that happens ever few generations or so. I can hardly do the twin manipulation of wind and sand chakras, but my sand control if beyond that of normal. I'm nearly the same as the great Kazekage Sabaku No Gaara. I even have the berserker fury that matches his blood lust before he became Kazekage." He informed. He then started to walk off. "Not many understand the pain I go through." He added as he continued to walk from the field. "I don't expect you to understand either." He finished, leaping to the air and disappearing.
['Sorelle', 'Genjutsu', 'Yaku']
The Final Cry [Ishu x Xanatos]
Esthar Military and Scientific Database The Lunar Cry recorded a mere 100 years ago showed electromagnetic ratings that rocketed off of the charts. Now looking at the map we have found two crucial locations where the energy collects en mas producing an immeasurable amount of energy. We sent a crew of archeologists, engineers and technicians to check each location. In one location, we found nothing. Following to the second area we lost contact with our crew. Upon investigation we have determined the entire crew has disappeared completely. The cause of the massive disappearance is unknown to us. Galbadian Military Report Shortly after the Sorceress events 100 years ago we have determined that removal of all Guardian Forces is mandatory and essential to the lives of our people. We signed an agreement document with Balamb Garden and Trabia Garden. In the process of removal we stored each Guardian Force for a cool down time. During this time we gave them to inebriated hosts so they would not hunger for memories and become overwhelmed by their need to feed once the obtained an eligible host. When the time comes, we give a Guardian Force to our highest ranking officers, or those who may need one. Galbadia does not have all of the Guardian Forces, though we tried to get them all. Balamb insisted having all of the Guardian Forces in one location would be dangerous. Should a reckless soldier get their hands on all of them, well, the problems are considered numerous. Disheveled Notebook: Found Halfway between Tears Point and the Sorceress Memorial We found something something huge. It's giving everyone the creeps, especially those more prominent in the area of magic. I don't know what it is... but taking it back to Esthar is a bad idea. I can feel it. We've been here for a few days and the food has gone bad. The only thing that could've caused it to happen so fast would be a Malboro but none have been in the area. In fact, we haven't seen any monsters at all for days! I can't let anyone touch it. Every one wants it for themselves but I must have it! The rest of the Journal is illegible or torn to pieces. It looks like blood is splattered onto all of the pages. Balamb Garden Archives: Trabia The document is dated back almost 90 years. Without enough funding to pick themselves up, we retrieved the Trabia Garden from Fishermans Horizon. We're not completely sure how they got there but we assume a merchant came to their Garden. Many of the students stayed behind to help a small group of people. Now, Balamb and Trabia share the same Garden: Velidant. We've grown in size and in number. We do offer different classes depending on which "Path" each student wishes to take. In the end, Balamb and Trabia are one and the same. Our ideals sometimes clash but it would never be enough to drive a wedge between out people. Name:Age:Gender:Nation:Weapon:Magic:GF: Position: Appearance: Limit Break: Personality: Background: Galbadians Name: Evelyn Swane Age: 26 Gender: Female Nation: Galbadia Weapon: Military Issued Weapons Magic: Fira GF: Shiva Position: General Appearance: Evelyn stands at 5'6" 1 2 with an hourglass frame with a tiny waist. Her body is toned with a D cup and hips the same width as her shoulders. Her hair is mid back and pitch black. Her eyes are a medium blue laced with heavy, black eyelashes. She is fairly pale. Her attire generally consists of latex, spandex or leather. Limit Break: Super Combo Uncontrollable Death Magic Personality: Generally a blunt and harsh character, but she does know when it is time to be kind and supportive. She is not a motherly type, but she can be seen as a dominant Martyr. She doesn't take crap from anyone and is well known for knocking down those who oppose her, or just decide to piss her off. Background: Eve grew up with very harsh circumstances. Her father left her mother when she was only a few years old and never kept contact. After that, it wasn't long before her mother overdosed on drugs. Eve learned very early on what it meant to be an adult. She feels she lost her childhood too early, but chooses not to dwell on it. She entered a Galbadian military school and blew her way up through the ranks. Now, she is a High Ranking General of Galbadia. She prefers to train her personal units herself, being very picky about what they do or do not know. Eve originally had Ifrit junctioned but, against her will, had him removed. Shiva was put in as a replacement. She doesn't know why Galbadia decided to do this and remembers nothing about the process except the pain. Eve experiences terrible migraines daily and takes medication for it. Name: Evan Suuchi Age: 28 Gender: Female Nation: Galbadia Weapon: Claws, Teeth, Tail Magic: x GF: x Position: Major General Appearance: Evan *Warning: Nudity Her eyes are bright yellow and the whites turn black when she feeds. Her hair is long, thick and a red brown. She stands at about 5'9" with more curves than any many can hold. She has E cup breasts and hips wide enough to knock over a house. Despite her frame she is very athletic, fit and agile. Limit Break: Guinevere Slaughter Personality: Evan is arrogant, hard headed and she'll do just about anything to get a good lay. Evan isn't one to always follow the rules, but if it benefits her then she's all in. She enjoys being on the front line, getting a literal taste of all of the action. She is easy to cross, however she is manageable if Eve is around. Background: Evan came from the wild, living among monsters and had sometimes attacked humans. One had been able to befriend her in a way neither can quite explain, much less understand. She's been Eves' best friend since the two of them can remember and have been lucky to stay together in their job. Evan is the person the group sends in the take care of something they can't handle. All they really need to do is provide cover fire. While on the battlefront, Evan sometimes gets a bit out of hand. After slaughtering her opponents, she enjoys a small feast. Velidants Name: Ishu Mimosa Age: 19 Gender: Female Nation: Velidant Weapon: Magic: GF: Position: Velidant Student Appearance: Ishu is 5'6" with a small frame. Her hips are just slightly wider than her shoulders. She is a C cup. Her hair and skin are both pure white. Her eyes are a large, curious bright blue. Limit Break: Personality: Ishu is more of the quiet shy type. She doesn't go out of her way to talk to people in fact she tries to avoid them. She has the highest book scores in the entire Velidant Garden, but her field performance is very low. This has kept her from obtaining her "SeeD" Ranking for some time. Background: Ishu was raised in Velidant by some of the staff. She was literally left on their front door as an infant. The Headmaster as well as some of the teachers have tried figuring out where it is she came from, but they have found nothing. None the less, they all raised her as their own. She came to them with white hair and no one can give any explanation except the inaudible fear they all shared. They made sure to raise her to be fair, kind and gentle. They were a bit surprised when it came to her naturally. She is very intelligent but naive with relationships and fighting. The Headmaster considers her to be and addresses her as his own daughter. Name: Aimee Age: 17 Gender: Female Nation: Trabia Velidant Weapon: Polearm Magic: Aero Potion GF: Position: SeeD Appearance: Aimee 5'5.6" Brunette. Should Length hair in pig braids. Slender body. B Cup. Long Legs. Limit Break: Pike blast Personality: Aimee is a very independent person, always holding her head up high and ready to solve any problem the first person was too afraid to. She doesn't always like doing the work for everyone else, but she knows someone has to do it. When she isn't reading a book or doing her homework, she's laughing and having a good time. Background: Both of Aimees' parents work in the Garden. They both teach different classes and find any moment they can to bother their daughter or embarrass her in public. There is a very obvious bond between them. Aimee is fairly high up in her class rankings due to all of her studying. N A Name: Mei zha Age: 24 Gender: Female Nation: N A Weapon: Hand to Hand Magic: Water Thunder GF: Position: Mercenary Appearance: She has a pear shaped body. Her skin is super soft and a little shiny. Her skin is a matte brown and her hair is pale blond. She wears pink lipstick and white to honey wheat eyeliner and eyeshadow. Her attire is form fitting, making it easier for her to move about. Limit Break: Burst Your Bubble Personality: She can be a bit obnoxious most of the time. When she's given a job, she sees it as being in charge of everyone involved. She'll throw a fit if she doesn't get her way and walks all over people without even noticing. She's very immature, but a romantic at heart. Mei zha has a habit of having her heads up in the clouds during the most important times. Background: Mei zha grew up in the wild, just like a certain someone she knows. Feeling as though she'd been left behind to fend for herself, she now searches for this person to teach them a lesson. Meanwhile, she travels around doing odd jobs but only for the best of money. She does have a history of taking the money she's been offered with and fleeing with it. Ironically enough, she has a good amount of enemies because of this. Name: XanatosAge: 17 Gender: MaleNation: VelidantWeapon: GunbladeMagic: FireGF: None Position: SeeD Appearance: Xanatos is a tall man, standing 6'3". He possesses a slim, almost feminine physique, and weighing just under the average of his height. He's never seen in uniform, though can be recognized by those who know him by his trademark black trenchcoat and extremely long crimson hair. His eyes reflect the color of his hair. The tatoo of a Phoenix can be found on his left shoulderblade. Limit Break: Arainami Fenikkusu Personality: Xanatos doesn't have friends so much as, people he tolerates who for some reason enjoy his company. He is quiet, short tempered, and occassionally violent. No matter how anti social he may appear, his eyes betray him, revealing a deep lonliness and sadness, unknownst to even himself. Background: Xanatos' memories are fragmented and disorganized. Two years ago, he was found unconscious at the Garden gates. He was brought in, medically treated, and given residence. When he awoke, he bore no memories other than his name. He accels at close and mid range combat, as well as squad leadership, though he prefers to work alone. Name: Leo Caster Age: 36 Gender: Male Nation: Galbadia Weapon: Salamandra , Katana at his side Magic: Lightning GF: None Position: Mercenary Appearance: Leo Caster has shoulder length blonde hair, held back by a bandana. He possesses bright blue eyes and a strikingly handsome demeanor. He possess a toned physique, reflecting years of training. He bares a cross shaped scar on his right cheek. He often wares a fur vest, and baggy green cargo pants tucked into black combat boots. Limit Break: Reindra Personality: Leo Caster is a fun loving individual who is a little too aware of his combat abilities. He's cocky and foolhardy, completely convinced that no job is too large for him to accomplish. Though he claims to be a Mercenary all the jobs he takes are directly related to helping those in need. Background: Leo Caster began his training as a SeeD cadet though he couldn't bare living with all the rules. He now works as a freelance soldier, searching for clues as to the location of his comrade Gear. Name: Leviathan Age: Unknown Gender: Male Nation: Unknown Weapon: Nodachi Magic: Water, Ice GF: None Position: Unknown Appearance: Ice blue hair falls to the warriors mid back. He wears a tattered patchwork longcoat. His eyes are hidden behind bandages that cover the top half of his face. Limit Break: Hell's Gate Arrested Personality: Cryptic and enigmatic. He frequently appears to aid those in need only to vanish when another witness appears. His goals and desires remain unknown. Though he frequently refers to the letter "X". Background: Leviathan is as much a mystery as he is a master of his blade. What he seeks and why remain a mystery. Though he seems to be fighting for good of those who can't fight for themselves. Galbadia The Unit had been given a small recon mission: scout the surrounding areas and annihilate any threats. Evelyn was in charge of the unit and was currently filing for rations. They would be gone for at least a few days. She barked out an order to a few cadets and handed them all pieces of paper. They couldn't afford for their food supplies to run low, but they also couldn't get weighed down by cans of vegetables and processed meat. A vehicle drove up next to her and the driver reported in. She told him to park on the side next to the other two vehicles. The three would supply faster transportation for the majority of the soldiers. A fourth vehicle drove over. It was slower but bulkier and had stronger defenses. All it could really do is supply a shield and allow cadets to shoot out without dealing with the fear of being shot. Velidant Aimme tapped the eraser of her pencil against her lips. She was sitting out on a bench in the middle of the garden hallways. She needed to finish writing her synopsis and always found it easier to brainstorm when she was surrounded by people. Her paper was due within the next hour and she'd made the mistake of putting it off so she could participate in the Training Grounds the day before. This synopsis would decide whether or not she would be allowed to go on a SeeD mission. She HAD to pass! Leo Caster An old chopper style motorcycle pulled in behind the other vehicles. It's blonde rider gazing through black sunglasses in disbelief of how slow the vehicles were proceeding. A large wooden sword wrapped in bandages was strapped across his back and an elegant katana was strapped to his belt. The man gave an irritated sigh before pulling around the vehicle and trying to cut in line. "Hey!" The man shouted in an attempt to get Evelyn's attention. "I heard you guys were looking for some extra muscle!" He gave a wave to signify that it was him who spoke before giving a confident grin.Xanatos The young SeeD cadet strolled through the crowded halls of the garden. Giving an irritated groan as he had to push his way through the tightly packed cooridors. The young man was on his way to the training facility. Xanatos' life was consistent of three things. He ate, he slept, and he trained. He brushed his crimson bangs from his face, thus clearing his vision just long enough to spot Aimme studying. He gave a brief, and cold nod to acknowledge her presence before passing her in silence. He had no interest in a social encounter. Not when he was finally getting time to train. Evelyn The woman clad in what looked like a combination of latex and leather turned around. Her cold eyes swept over him and an eyebrow quirked up, "What the fuck are you talking about?" Her voice was harsh and left no room for defiance or tender care. All she knew was she hadn't asked for any outside help. If he was going to get anywhere with her, he'd have to show some kind of document as proof. Aimee Her eyes popped when she saw Xanatos walk by. The girl jumped out of her seat and raced after him, "Xanatos! Wait up!" She caught up to him and waved her pencil around, "Hey how was the training course?? Which one did you choose? Did you fight a boss? What was it like"? What strategy did you use?" Her pencil poised in her hand, ready to scribble down every detail he might sputter. Leo Caster Leo quickly gave a startled, not having expected such a harsh response. "Hey, I don't know the details. But your boss sent me an invite to this little costume party you're having." He said before pulling an envelope from inside his vest and waving it in the air. "I dunno, some kind of recon gig." He said with a smirk before offering her the envelope. "Wanna play nice now?" He asked with a chuckle.Xanatos The crimson haired youth sighed in disbelief. "Please be talking to a different Xanatos." He whispered. As soon as the girl came up along side him, he gave her a momentary glance before correcting his vision. "Training? I fought. I won. As per usual." He said in a cold, matter of factly tone. He stopped walking and gave a sigh. "I know I'm going to regret this, but, if you want to learn something, get your nose out of your books and follow me." With that, he continued walking, not waiting for her response. Evelyn Once he'd come up to her with the papers, she snatched them out of his hand and flipped it open. She scanned it over, her eyebrow twitching. What in hell made him think she needed outside help? Bastards. "Fine." She slapped the papers onto his chest, "Just remember you're under my command got it?" She didn't wait for a response and walked over to another cadet. She gave him and order and watched him run off. The woman turned around to face the new "recruit" and told him, "Go get some water. Put a package in each vehicle." Grunt work. She just gave him some. Aimee 3 "Those books are good..." She grunted and stuffed her papers away, "you think I can't handle myself?" She scoffed, "I did a course yesterday! Thank you very much!" The only reason she'd asked him anything was to get a contrast on strategies. However, now that she gave it more thought, following him and experiencing his fighting style first hand could be exactly what she needed for her synopsis, "But... a little more training never hurt anyone!" Her eyes lit up like stars from a slot machine as her intellectual greed went into overdrive. Leo Caster Leo gave a sigh as the woman's commanding tone didn't fade. "I'm on it boss lady." He said with a smirk and a half assed salute before he hurried off to begin carrying the water containers. To him, grunt work was just a more productive form of excersize, so grunt work was ideal. Though in truth, the sooner the fighting began the happier he would be. Walking up along side one of the cadets he gave a friendly smile. "Hey, is there any secret to getting on her good side?" He asked the cadet in a low whisper.Xanatos Xanatos gave an aggitated sigh before continuing in silence. It didn't seem to matter how much he ignored her, or how rude he behaved, he could never get rid of her and today it looked like she was looking to fight. "I was going to look for T Rexaur today." Xanatos said with a glance in the girl's direction. "The typical enemies aren't good enough." He rounded a corner and proceeded through the hall towards the training area. Galbadia The cadet glanced at the man and offered a few words of advice, "Just do as she says man. Everything runs smoothly as long as everyone follows orders." He shrugged, "No one is on her good side except... well.." He rubbed the back of his neck, "Nah, I don't think anyone is at all." Aimee :O "T Rexaur?" This could prove interesting. She already knew they were weak against the Ice element, but she didn't have any Blizzard spells. This would definitely be a challenge, "Have you ever fought one before? How big are they? Does it hurt when they bite you!?" Leo Caster Leo gave a short laugh as I pushed one of the containers onto a truck. "Yeah. I kind of got that impression." He rubbed the back of his neck before giving his usual confident grin. "500 gil says I get her to smile before the end of the mission." He said as he began walking back towards the containers. He gave a small grunt as he lifted another container and began walking back to the truck.Xanatos Xanatos looked at the talkative girl with with a bit of an irritated scowl. "I fought one once. It was huge, and it put me in the infirmary for a week." He said as he continued to walk. "To be honest I didn't feel much. I went unconscious almost immediately." He ran a hand through his bangs before approaching the training area door. "If you're scared you can wait here. I'll tell you all about it when I come back out." Galbadia "1000 gil says she'll stab you instead." The cadet held a straight face but greed gleamed in his eyes. He was overly confident that he would win this wager. Evelyn yelled at the cadet from across the courtyard, sending the man into a fear riddled jerk to finish his duties. Aimee "Wow..." It must've sucked an automatic knockout. She wondered how it was he survived after that. Was there someone standing around, watching to make sure the monsters wouldn't destroy their bodies in their unconscious state? There was no way a T rexaur would just walk away after that. "Hey! I'm coming with you!" She hurried up next to him, "There's no way I'm letting you go in all alone you need my help!" Leo Caster Leo gave a stiffled chuckle as the man was caught. "You got it, the winner gets 1000 gil." He said with a confident smile. He continued with the grunt work that had been given him, hoping to finish it asap. The sooner the combat began the happier he would be.Xanatos Xanatos simply stared at her in silence. The look in his eyes wasn't one of disapproval or annoyance, rather than acceptance. "Do what you like." He said in a low voice as he pushed past the door. His hand falling to the sheath that held his beloved gunblade. "Stay on your toes. I'd hate to have to carry you to the infirmary." He quickly unlatched the blade, drawing it from it's leather prison and resting the back of the blade against his shoulder. Galbadia The troops hurried to finish preparations as no one wanted Evelyn breathing down the back of their necks. They all knew it would only be a matter of time before blood gushed out their throats and soiled their own boots. Once everyone was ready to go, she put a few men into each vehicle. Two drivers, two men to man the rations and four men at guns. The rest of the troops would walk on foot. Once they were ready, Evelyn led them all out the gate and into the desert. Their mission was not very important as it was something they did almost every day but there was always some kind of excitement to be had. Aimee The girl walked next to him with an overabundance of confidence. It wasn't long before she felt shot down, "Hey! We'll see who will be carrying who after we kick some ancient dino butt! Got it?" She grunted as stuffed her notes away and walked a few steps ahead of him. It was highly unlikely they would find a T Rexaur in the very entrance, so they'd have to trek further in to find a hotspot. Leo Caster The blonde warrior walked with his hands on the back of his head, feeling prepared for whatever a recon mission could throw at him. Though he looked acceptionally cocky, he was remaining vigilant. He knew better than to invite an ambush. "So! You guys run into much action out here?" He asked in the hopes of stirring up a conversation with the cold commander.Xanatos The youth shook his head in disbelief as he cautiously continued deeper in. "Whatever. Just don't get too far ahead." He said quietly as he followed her at his own pace. He wasn't in a rush to waste his time with the common foes around here. Luckly it would be difficult for the T Rexaur to ambush them. It was large and it was noisy. They'd have a brief second to prepare. Galbadia She glanced to the side but did not look directly at him. Her eyes shifted forward as she answered him, "Sandstorms. The occasional monster. We've come across desert bandits before." The ran into monsters fairly frequently, but none that were too difficult for the troops on foot to handle. Aimee "So " She turned to face him and walked backwards, her arms crossed under her chest, "Do you come here a lot?" It wasn't a pick up line in the least, and it was obvious by her now serious expression, "I've noticed you skip classes," She eyed him as she adjusted her seeing glasses, "I'm guessing that means you're a higher level than most of the student body in our class groups." She smiled, "and I get to see you in action!" Leo Caster Leo Caster's face grew disappointed. "Aw man, and I was hoping to have fun on this little field trip of yours." He gave her a playful grin, though it faded when he noticed her serious expression. "That begs the question, why would your boss need me if it was an average recon mission? I'm not complaining ofcourse. Not everyday I get bossed around by beautiful women." His light hearted banter continued in the hopes of drawing the woman out into a full conversation.Xanatos Xanatos closed his eyes for a moment before inhaling deeply. "You never stop do you?" He asked in a rhetorical tone. "Yes. i come here quite often. Sometimes multiple times a day." He responded. His cold gaze looked past the woman to make sure nothing was behind her before sighing. "Can I ask you something?" He asked, in a serious tone. Evelyn "I didn't even know you were hired " something she truly hated to admit to, "so what makes you think I have the answer?" She couldn't help but think something else was going on that she hadn't been informed about but what could it be? She could always assume he was a spy or he was sent to take down information on their unit performance, but they usually sent a suit for that. Aimee She gave him a friendly smile, "Nope!" She nearly tripped on a rock as she moved backwards but caught herself and kept going despite her near fall. He finally asked her something instead, to which she gleefully responded, "sure!" Leo gave a sigh as he pocketed his hands. "Just thought I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter is all." He replied. He gave a shrug before falling silent. It was apparant that she wasn't much of a talker. The man began to whistle a catchy jingle as he continued to walk. He disliked awkward silences and sought a way to bring it to a close. Xanatos He shook his head when the woman nearly tripped. "Why do you do it?" He asked. Realizing the poor formation of his question he continued. "What made you want to come to Garden?" As he hadn't much of a choice in where his life had brought him, he found himself curious as to why such a normal girl would seek a life of chaos and bloodshed. Evelyn The unit trekked on for some time. A sandstorm was visible ahead of them. Evelyn called out a command and removed a thick shawl from her waist. She wrapped it around her head and adjusted a pair of goggles over her eyes. She turned around and gave out another command in some code. A cadet ran up to Leo and supplied him with a shawl and a pair of goggles, then ran back to his spot. "Put it on. We're going through the storm." The rest of the unit was in the middle of equipping the materials as well. Aimee She gave him a confused expression. Wasn't it obvious? "I was born here." She turned around so she could see where she was going, "Both of my parents are from Velidant the Trabia Faction. They were both SeeD members." She nodded to herself as she remember part of the story they told her, "My father is a technician here and my mother does some teaching. I think she's more involved on intelligence gathering." Leo Caster Leo Caster pulled the shawl on over his face before replacing his sunglasses with the goggles. He looked around at the other soldiers and gave a smirk that was invisible beneath the shawl. "Anything looking to cause trouble would have to be nuts to hide in that!" He said with a self ammused chuckle. He pulled his leather gloves tighter, gazing into the storm ahead of them.Xanatos The crimson haired warrior gave a small nod. "I... see... Does noone fight out of choice?" He asked quietly. He grew more distant than usual for a moment before collecting his senses. They were getting pretty deep into the training grounds. He needed to focus. "Be ready. He won't be far." He readied his gunblade, prepared for the worst. Evelyn She tossed him a radio device and spoke into one in her hand, "You'd be surprised what travels in those. If you're looking for a fight that's where you want to go." She put the radio on her hip and placed an ear piece in her ear. All of the soldiers in the unit had one equipped as well. Aimee "Well sure! Civilians from Balamb and Trabia are usually sent here for schooling but only if they want to take on politics or involve themselves in mercenary work. We've had some people come from other towns like Dollet and Fishermans' Horizon." She hopped over a large rock looked back at Xanatos, "alright." She checked to make sure she was junctioned properly for the fight ahead. She felt ready enough. Leo Caster Leo's face lit up immediately as he connected the radio. "All right! Than what are we waiting for?" He said as he cracked his knuckles and neck. He gave another glance at the other soldiers, seeing if they were properly prepared. "All right then! Let's get his show on the road!"Xanatos Xanatos walked up along side the girl, gripping his blade tightly. He looked around cautiously as he stepped out into a clearing. He closed his eyes as he reached the center of the clearing, listening carefully to the surroundings. He was hear. Watching them. Xanatos could feel it. He could feel the T Rexaur's eyes on him. This was his chance. This time he wouldn't fail. Evelyn The foot soldiers stared at him and didn't move a muscle. One of them just shook their head at him. Evelyn was looking at him as well. She didn't say anything and started to walk again. The units feet followed after hers. "Save your energy for the battle." Aimee The student adjusted her glasses and leaned in toward a plant. It was quite peculiar it resembled a Grat but had strange markings on it, "Hey, Xanatos," She reached out and plucked off a leaf, then turned around to look at him, "Is this supposed to be in here?" Leo Caster Leo gave a defeated sigh. "What a fun bunch. I should come back around the holidays and see how crazy you all get then." He returned his hands to his pockets and followed after the troops in silence. He was sure there was plenty of reason for caution, but the suspense was killing him.Xanatos Xanatos opened his eyes and glanced over at the woman without turning his head. His brows furrowed in confusion. "Doesn't look like anything I usually see in here." He slowly stepped away from the center of the clearing, being particularly careful to remain quiet. He knew T Rexaur was close. He just wasn't sure where. He slowly approached the woman to take a closer look at the plant. "Do you know what it is?" He asked quietly, his right hand still clutching his gunblade in case of an ambush. Galbadia They closed in on the sandstorm, sand filling any crevice it could find in almost an instant. They couldn't hear each other and it wasn't long before they couldn't see each other. Their leader stopped after a few minutes, a rumble spreading out through the ground beneath her. She paused and looked around, then yelled something and wiped her gun around her torso so it landed in her hands. What looked like a pillar whose color matched the sand lurched out of the ground right infront of her. It groaned as her bullet bit into it. The top of it swung around, knocking her clear into the storm. The cadets opened fire immediately. The pillar swung back around and tore open, exposing an array of spiraling teeth. Aimee "I dunno..." She felt the material in her fingers, "It doesn't feel organic and the coloring is too exotic. Maybe some of the plants are cross breeding?" That or someone was doing it illegally. Her glasses fogged up and she frowned, pulling out a cloth to clean them, "It got pretty muggy in here...." Little did she know she was being breathed on... Leo Caster Leo quickly drew the katana from his side. The wooden blade on his back was useless unless all conditions were met. "The guns aren't enough..." He muttered inaudibly. The fool hardy warrior stood tall, blade in hand. A smirk was invisible beneath the shawl as she charged the mighty beast. "It's about time!" He shouted as he leapt into the air bring his blade to his side for a quick horizontal slice.Xanatos Xanatos was a bit more vigilant than his female counterpart. His eyes looked beyond the flower to see the shadow on the ground. He quickly pushed her aside before leaping backward while casting a fire spell in the direction of the beast. He landed, sliding to a stop and taking a battle ready stance. "Damn it! I told you to keep your guard up!" He growled as stared down the mighty beast. "Time to finish what we started!" He roared, calling the beast out.Leviathan A man in a tattered long coat stepped forward. Long icy blue hair fell to his mid back and a particularly long katana like weapon was clutched in his right hand. He looked down at Evelyn through bandage covered eyes and kneeled briefly, lifting her by her arm with one pull of his own. He looked down upon the woman in silence before giving a quiet nod and taking his battle ready stance. Galbadia The monster shrieked and smashed itself toward Leo. It's skin was too thick for the sword to penetrate with ease it looked like a paper cut. More bullets hailed onto it's side, leaving small welts instead of piercing through. This would not be an easy fight. Evelyn found herself on her feet and looked at their new comrade, "I dunno who the fuck you are," She yelled at him through the storm, "but you better know how to kick some ass!!" She checked on her gun to find it was jammed and swung it back around so it strapped to her back. She ran over to one of the vehicles and crawled on top, manning a turret. She flipped a switch and waited for it to power up before pissing bullet into the monsters face. It shrieked and flailed around, slamming itself onto the ground repeatedly. It crushed a few cadets before shriveling into the sand. An eerie quiet followed before it lurch back up again, swallowing a cadet. His cries could be heard as the spiraling teeth tore him to shreds. Aimee Aimee yelled at him, "You didn't have to push me down!!" She growled and turned over, her eyes engorged with shock as a T Rexaur stepped out from the shadows. It roared at the two teens, it's spit flying everywhere. There was a pause after it's entrance, allowing Aimee the time to wipe dino saliva from her glasses. She gulped and mumbled, "Guess we found him..." Leo Caster Leo gave a moan of disapproval as his blade did nothing to the beast. When it whirled around in his direction he rolled underneath it's massive body trying for a second cut as it passed over head. Still nothing. "Damn it!" He growled as he rose to his feet, sheathing his blade. His hand finding home on the handle of the wooden blade. "I need your help now..." He began quietly as he lifted the weapon from his back. "Offer me your strength..." He closed his eyes in silence as his hand pulled the bandaged knot and allowed it to fall away from the blade. "Reindra!" He roared as his body and weapon burst into flames. Soon the flames died away revealing a dark skinned, crimson haired man clutching a massive metal blade. The look he wore on his face was one of boarder line insanity. He enjoyed the chaos, it made him feel alive. "I see Leo was too weak to destroy you. Perhaps my Salamandra will make the difference!" He said with a menacing grin as he leapt into the air after the beast bringing the blade down on it's hide.Leviathan Leviathan casually approached the beast. His blade at his side. He raised his head to see the crimson haired warrior sail through the air. "Reindra..." He whispered. His gaze returned to the beast as he drew closer. He quickly pulled the blade back to his side and brought it across in a swift horizontal strike followed by a raising vertical slice.Xanatos Xanatos gave the girl a quick glance to make sure she was on her feet before returning his eyes to the beast. "If I hadn't you'd be his lunch and I'd be fighting alone." He retorted harshly. The T Rexaur gave a loud roar before whipping it's large tail around in the direction of the two students. Xanatos rolled to the left, under his tail, quickly haulting in a kneeling position, his eyes shifting quickly to see if Aimme was alright. Evelyn Evelyn reloaded the turret gun before firing on the monster again. She noticed a new entity and watched as he lunged at the monster. Both of the men wielding swords were able to tear through it's hide. It would take at least a hundred strokes to cut through it and they didn't have much time for that. She called over the radio for the cadets in the vehicles to start putting together mini missiles. If they could fire them into an open wound, they would have a better chance at decapitating it faster and without losing more men. Evelyn distracted the monster by shooting at it's face again. She watched it flail in agony, thus giving the sword wielders more time to hack n slash. Aimee The girl threw herself forward and covered the back of her head as it's massive tail swung over her. She quickly got up to her feet and took a few steps back. Aimee used this time to cast magic, using Double on Xanatos incase he decided to use magic again. "Fire won't do much, but we'll have to make due." Reindra Reindra planting both feet against the creature, clutching his blade tightly. The blade was still trapped in the beast's hide. His gaze hardened as he thrust the blade deeper and continued to clutch the blade as he was thrashed around with it as it lurched in pain from the machine gun fire. "Alright big boy. Time to play fair!" He growled as he drew the blade, holding onto the open wound with his hand. While dangling from the beast he swung the blade rapidly just a few feet below the other wound.Leviathan Leviathan evaded the thrashing creature with ease. Though large and difficult to slay, this creature wasn't the worst he had seen. He looked in the direction of the vehicle that the woman he had saved was operating. His gaze narrowed as he looked at the sparratic and uncontrolled gunfire. They needed to focus the damage into a single point, an open wound. His eyes than turned to Reindra, seeing the deepening of the wound he was causing he quickly rushed towards the vehicle. The blue haired warrior leapt to the back of the vehicle before pointing in Reindra's direction with his blade. "Shoot." He said simply, before leaping from the vehicle and charging the beast again.Xanatos The T Rexaur redirected his body and attempted to lunge and Xanatos, who rather than dodge leapt into the beast's mouth. Stabbing his gunblade into the roof of it's mouth as a deterent to keep it from crushing him. "Attack him now!" Xanatos roared before taking advantage of the double that had been casted on him by firing two fire balls into the beasts mouth. The beast thrashed around, more irritated than wounded, and trying to spit the crimson haired youth out. Evelyn The edge of her mouth lifted in a half snarl. She knew what she was doing and didn't appreciate being undermined, but this wasn't the time. The turret jammed and she cursed, kicking at it with her foot. A cadet ran up to the side and called out to her, then tossed up what looked like a bazooka. She caught the ammo that was tossed up after it and loaded it. She didn't give any warning as she fired it. The missile lodged into the wound on the monster and exploded, blood gushing out like rain. It groaned in pain and slammed into the ground. t twitched for a few moments before shrieking and flailing itself around again. She loaded up another missile and shot it out at the monster, widening the wound in the process. It threw itself up and thrust more of it's body out of the ground. It let itself fall, crushing another cadet and throwing up a wave of sand. It was getting weaker and wouldn't last much longer. Aimee She spun around and threw her wrist forward, a sheet of metal bursting out into her hand. Aimee molded it into a pike and ran at the T Rexaur. She yelled out before stabbing the blade into the ground and vaulting herself onto it's back. Aimee tore her weapon out of the ground and spun it over her head, then twisted it and stabbed the monster in the side. She ground her teeth together as she pulled on the pike, moving the blade across the monsters side.
[KIRA] Bang---> making DAMN sure [KING]
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" The investigation. His assumptions. The ratios. His thoughts. The truth. The statistics. The bottom line. Everything was pointing exactly to one person, save for a few pieces that lay unanswered like shinigamis. What sort of code could that mean? After all there was no such thing as a death god, otherwise he would have seen one at one point in his life right? Scanning the screen in front of him, he had started to fidget toes rubbing against each other slightly as he attempted to figure things out. Mind shifting from one thing to another as he kept the same neautral expression to his face as he worked. Sitting as per usual to what he would do, he seemed to just stay there in the same chair forever well that was just something the others that worked around him had figured out about how serious the male that sat in their midst was. Thinking and calculating a manner at which he could finally close the case without any more causalities, though all in all anything that Kira did simply gave him more of a lead to understanding the male and his devilish practices. For the past few hours he had been thinking things over as usual, his body having consumed yet another few things of sugar this time yet another piece of cake followed by whatever other sugary substance was hanging around the place. Though now one could see a small amount of sugar cubes resting before him, they had once been in a pyramid shape, but now several had been taken away to be digested. Lasting only so long for the sweet craving male as his fingers gripped another before popping it in his mouth. It had seemed, that he hadn't even once pulled his eyes from the monitors that flashed before him. Not that the others around had really paid attention, some wrapping up to leave a little early today. That was fine, it simply made things easier for him as his black eyes slowly drifted to eye the male he was handcuffed with. A measure he had put upon the other to leash him, stop him from being out of his sight when he virtually didn't let the boy do anything alone anyway anymore. He couldn't be trusted, the evidence in his mind raking him angrily to get to the bottom of this. That and make it a very sound and solid answer so no others could question and so no other variables no matter what they were could question it. The other was sly, he knew this much of him. Considering the two seemed to think relatively close when it came to their own deductions on the case, but that didn't concern him now. Pupils taking in the sitting individual beside him as the sugar cube within melted away into a nice slosh of sugar. Listening to the sounds around him and the soft tapping of the other's fingers, he couldn't help but wait on the other investigators on leaving. To be alone with this one. To say that he was bent on getting the answer to this case, was a little but of an understatement as he tore his eyes away from the other and stared at the screen. He had been watching a few of the places he had tapped, making sure that none of the suspects that could possibly be the second Kira where doing anything to suspicious that would help draw this to a close. He could stop though, virtually all of what he saw was being taped for later reference making things easier for him in the long run. Evidence as hard as that was something very few could maneuver around. Drawing his attention to the sounds around him, he couldn't help but rub his feet together more as he heard the last of the others leave. Silence slowly looming on the two that sat in the room alone hopefully things would stay that way for the time being. No interruptions from Misa or any others as he drew forth his own plan of action. Simply waiting for the other to start the wheels of fate turning. Justice, a perfect world, criminals dieing by heart attacks, Kira... Everything was going as planned, soon, very soon it would be complete and he could have his ideal world. A world where he reigns as the new God! Just the thought alone made him anxious, but things like this needed to be taken lightly. He couldn't rush, otherwise there was a possibility of slipping up, and if that happened it would end everything he's worked so hard for. Light could not let that happen, this was his world, and he was going to be the one that decides who gets to live or dies regardless of what the others think. This world is rotten, and those who make it rotten deserve to die! No one else could have gone as far as he had and he was going to take this to the end! L could not stop him now, he already had a plan of eliminating him..Soon he would claim his victory.. There was another thought Misa..Such an unreliable girl. How could she forget his name so quickly? She was nothing but a fool, a nuisance. In truth she was in his way! No, he needed to calm down. Why get so worked up? So she didn't remember L's name? That wasn't a big issue. He had another idea to get rid of L. Still, Misa was the one who screwed him up in the first place. Not being careful, sending false tapes of Kira just to get his attention! What was she stupid? Didn't she know that with clear evidence like that, they would find you? Really, how more ignorant can a person get? But luckily Light was able to get himself out of that as well. Higuchi, he was the perfect prodigy to use. A selfish business man who was only interested in his company being on top, it was just too easy. All he had to do was have Rem find a man who's only goal was to be the best in the work force along with his fellow members, and if just so happened Higuchi was the right candidate. Fool, in the end it only cost him to die of an inexplicable heart attack. If he didn't kill for money maybe he would of considered letting him live. Heh, yeah right, if he did that then Higuchi would still be the owner of his death Note, and he couldn't have that. The note book was his along with his soon to be utopia and no one was going to take it away from him, no one.. Light gazed at the computer screen as he typed. His fingers moving with perfect ease across the key bored. After some time Light stopped and picked up his cup of coffee and took a small sip then sat it down to begin typing again. He waved off the members as they left only to give his dad a nod and a smile before turning back around in his chair. Though he couldn't get that stabbing feeling at the back of his neck to go away. Damn L, its as if he doesn't have anything else to do but stare. Light suddenly stopped typing and set his hands on the desk. He turned his gaze toward L. "Is something wrong Ryuzaki?" He asked in a more upbeat tone so as to not make it sound like he was getting irritated from L constantly staring a hole into him. It had taken the other long enough to question him, but at least it had happened. His mind reeled as he thought about how he would approach this this thing had decided to do to the other. Against his will, that was one thing that flashed through his mind, something that no man would wish upon himself, but all the same he was going to do it. It was a wonder that L hadn't come to terms with learning exactly which way he swung. After all with his sort of life style there was no room for romance, so something like this just seemed like anything else he did to discover information just another procedure, not something that would possibly scar both of them mentally. Snapping his eyes back to the other, he slowly turned his chair to face him. A slight smile hanging on his lips as he heard the upbeat of the other's voice. Was it real? Was it a fake? It was hard to tell precisely, but that wasn't the matter at hand for him. The Kira case was, he needed to stop it here and if it meant violating the other to get the right information hell. He'd do it! He had to make damn sure that his suspicions were right before moving onto another case of suspect. His eyes rested on the other's forehead before centering on his face, toes having stopped their idle movement that they usually did. "Light how do you propose one should gather information from another suspect?" He spoke out of the blue. Why not let the other get a feel for what he was going to do, though all the same he couldn't really escape him even after he knew. They were hand cuffed together after all, they would just have to go through one of their fights. From fists to feet, they'd most likely duke it out until one of them prevailed in his case he'd try his best not to tire out and simply restrain the other as best he could. Well without the bounds of not knocking the other senseless with how he was able to maneuver his legs. His eyes seemed to burn there way towards the other's center, waiting to see what he might say about what he said. After all, it sounded as if he was speaking about someone else not the one he truly supposed was Kira. The exact male sitting right before him. Until all suspicions where dropped to zero percent, Light Yagami wouldn't be allowed to leave let alone do as he pleased. He would be chained to L for as long as he needed, even if if it took eternity. Just as long as he got the right answer out of it all and solved the case. "What method would prove best?" he questioned, wanting to see the other's creative juices following before he did anything drastic. He wanted to recognize any change in the other's face and eyes, wanting to see that maybe he could crack the other this way first before trying at something much more devilish. Light looked at L to see him smile. Oh how he hated that smile of his, making him self look so innocent and clueless, bastard.. He always tries to look like the good guy like he's doing the world a favor by trying to stop Kira. He thinks he is justice. Wrong! Light was justice, he was doing the world a favor by eliminating criminals, if he didn't do it then they would never learn! Death was the only way to teach them a lesson. But L never believed it, no, he just wants to stop Kira at all costs no matter what, well try your best shot L.. L's words caught Light by surprise but he didn't show it. Gather information from another person? Was he trying to get ideas? Oh come on don't tell me the great L has run out of options? No, that couldn't be it, it had to be a trap, another mind game of his. Lets see if he gave L his opinion would be actually use it against him? But..if he doesn't say anything it might cause more suspicion against him. Even though he was so called proven to be innocent by his little events, L still suspected him and he knew that. He had no choice but to answer L's question. Light looked at L. "Well, if I was trying to find a suspect I would use any method possible as long as it doesn't end up killing the suspect of course, haha.." He closed his eyes and gave a joking laugh before opening them again and looking at L for a response to his words. He waited on the other, his large eyes resting on the brown haired boy. His mind calculating what the other might possibly say and with his luck he'd just affirm what he'd soon be doing to the other. With the boy's mind, he'd make sure to try and twist the other around into answer him, saying out in his own voice whom he was. That was, once things commenced. Locking eyes with the youth, he held the same smile on his lips as he answered. A hand went to his chin, finger tapping his lower lip softly before it simply rested there. "Any method possible... save for something that kills them...?" he said, fishing the other's words right out of the air to use against him. His eyes rested on the other fully before he tugged on the chain that connected them. "So even torture you wouldn't rule out as a manner to gather the information... Am I right?" he questioned the other, tugging on the chain more so that his rolling chair drew him right in front of the other. Eyes wide with curiosity towards what the other would answer. Light looked at L curiously watching his movements but was unable to read past the male's blank expression. Those eyes that seemed to hold nothing behind them, just a black vortex that went on forever with no end, creepy..and the rings from his insomniac made it seem even more edging to be stared at by them. Light's eyes raised at that question but he tried to make it sound he wasn't taken back by those words. "Well I suppose that would work, but Ryuzaki don't you think that is a little inhumane? Torturing has been against the law for quite some time now. They don't do that anymore because the methods were considered vile and wrong to be done on another human no matter what the crime they committed was." He looked at the male and down at the chain that kept them together, that kept him from escaping..He tried to back his chair up some as L got closer. He now felt a very ominous aura coming from him, something wasn't right. "What are you getting at Ryuzaki?.." He asked looking into the eyes of the other with a feeling of uncertainty.
Straight From The Whammy House [twisted + king]
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" L Lawliet amp Rue Ryuzaki The First L amp Beyond Birthday They had been with each other for quite sometime, which made things a bit more sketchy as time kept rolling. After all most hadn't even fathomed that he'd have a girl friend, so most would have thought the other just wasn't into it that was until AA had come around to the investigation area to see how he was doing. She was one of the whammy children, one he knew well of considering he had lived with the other among all the other children at the Whammy House when he was younger. So forgetting her was just something a little to hard to do. She had always been by his side, observing him and taking note of what he did that with the slight look of love in her eyes. It wasn't something he was entirely used to returning, but all the same he hadn't pushed her on her rump whenever she was around him, ignoring her at times while at others just listening to her silently as he contemplated other things. Sitting idly in his seat he had taken to 'reorganizing' the small sugar cubes that had been meant for his drink, simply arranging them into a small pyramid before plucking one from its side off and stating it. Sugar, it was just something he ate on a daily basis. The stimulant helping him when it comes to staying asleep through any case he combated, turning his head some to eye the other with his black eyes he couldn't help but put on a weak smile. She was always there, so why not smile at her? There was no reason not. Turning to look at her, he held his smile not entirely sure what to do next as he looked at her. L wasn't one for being a social butterfly everyone at the whammy house would know this well, that was just how he was. Antisocial to a very drastic extreme, so just initiating small talk on his part was something the other would be happy about not that that was what he was about to do anyway. "Time to go " he started, not entirely sure how he should go about this especially considering the others here. The japanese task force and Light, any wrong move he would have to explain later as he finally got up from his wheel equipped chair a first for quite sometime. Besides he needed to keep up with his work before letting other things get in his way like a love life. "Come back sometime later" he said in a manner that suggested he wanted her presence as he swiftly shoved her out of the place, not one of his finer things to do as he shuffled away from her. "We'll meet later" he spoke with the weak smile on his lips, eyes on her as he closed the door and muttered to himself. "...maybe" that was quite the given as he went back to his work, getting a few looks from the other's here as he took back to his post and started on his pile of sugar cubs popping one in after the last dissolved. It wasn't like anything bad was going to happen to her, right? He got everything. It was that single fact that spurred him on for his own reasons, not that mainly would come to conclusion as he waited in the lobby of the building, just waiting for AA to simply stumble upon him. After all, who would have guessed he wasn't L they looked practically the same well save for a few things. BB had red eyes, not the solid black the other exerted, but despite that the two seemed to be twins when it came down to it. If they really were, only their parents would no. Standing where he had for sometime he had gotten into the mood of slurping down small packets of strawberry jam in hopes that it would help him focus better, discarding the last small packet he eyed the steps anxiously. Knowing that L would push her out soon enough then he could snatch her up in his own manner after all, would she even remember him? AA, also known as Angel or just plain A was the third child taking in by Wammy's House. Her real name was April Amaryllis, though only two people in the whole world knew that. She was younger then L by quite a few years. She was one year younger then Light making her sixteen. However, age never mattered when it came to finding rare children of the world in hopes of one of them becoming a successor to the great L one day. She was completely American, having no mixture of nationalities unlike L who looked to be a quarter everything, though mainly British. She was 5'5" in height and barely weighted 110 pounds. Her hair was short to her shoulders and was a mix of light and dark brown with bangs that hung down over her eyes, having the right eye completely covered by her bangs. Her eyes were a dark brown matching with her hair. She was thin and cute with a nice figure, nothing obnoxious like some girls had, just beautiful with perfect angles and an innocent face. One of A's many talents was her quick mind, she had the ability to see things and come up with a scenario of what might have happened or will happen judging by the evidence and those involved with the crime. She was also a computer wiz, if anything that was her main talent. What she could do with computers was beyond amazing. Simple database hacking was like a piece of cake to her compared to the other things she could do. A could never amount to L though, he was too smart, too extraordinary to surpass, at least that is what she always thought. How could she ever hope to be as great as him, that was nearly impossible. She might be better then some, possibly Mello maybe Near giving the chance but never L. There was another subject, L, he had to be the most amazing guy alive, he was just so, and I know this sounds cliche, perfect. A had a secret crush on him though never showed it, L wasn't one to get into relation ships and she knew that. Besides, she wasn't one for just falling in love either, it was a waist of time and usually ended up bad in the end, but for some odd reason she could never get L out of her head. A shook her head, she was daydreaming again. That's going to lose her points on performance. Wateri bring her here to help, not go goo goo eyes over L all day. She reached for her cup of coffee and took a sip tasting the glucose coating at the bottom. Odd as it may seem she actually had a few things in common with L. Mainly the sugar addiction, but she did eat meat which was something L didnt do. So there were similarities and differences between them. Like for example she didnt like strawberries she had a liking for pears and apples more. The only sweets she did eat were chocolate bars, and pockey, not donuts or strawberry short cakes that he always seemed to be eating. She loved cake just not the flavors he liked. They were matched in the zodiac category, him being a Scorpio and her being a Cancer, but the Chinese zodiac didnt match. Oh well, there was nothing she could do about it, so maybe she would live her whole life wanting something that would never be, so be it. She would walk to the ends of the Earth for L. A snapped out of her thought again when she heard L speak. "Huh?" Her gazed turned to him and she looked over at the time. "Heh, I must of lost track of time. Sorry Ryuzaki." She stood from her seat and grabbed her computer bag that held in all her paper work including her lap top that had files from the Kira case along with previous cases, including the BB Murder case.. That was a devastating case to work on. Someone she knew in the past was involved, no, he was the one doing the murders. How could he have stooped so low like that, it was so unlike the old person she used to know. But that was in the past the male was announced of dying from a heart attack in prison, probably by Kira, at least that is what L and her were told. Once A was shoved toward the door she quickly turned around and smiled. "To be continued later then. Bye." She said with a slight wave and walked the rest the way out of the door. She smiled one last time at L before he closed the door. "See you later L" Her voice was low. With a sigh she turned around and headed into the elevators to the main lobby. When the door opened she stepped out and walked threw the main hall toward the double doors, not yet noticing the other male she passed by. L Lawliet amp Rue Ryuzaki The First L amp Beyond Birthday A socially awkward situation was bound to happen, then again he wasn't entirely inept with the way he knew how to operate, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to compete with L. Isn't that right? BB watched the other, his dark red eyes flickering over to the female that held his affection but refused to hand it back to him only holding any love for the male that couldn't hold as thing for for. Even if she was his girl friend, he didn't care. He wanted her, a pang of anger and greed all in one as he drew out his jealousy into one swift act as he slowly walked towards the other, his eyes showing an inquisitive expression towards the female he still harbored love towards. To seduce her, it wasn't that hard his features almost completely mirrored that of L's, so it was safe to say that he could easily trick her into thinking she was with him, it was as easy as that. Looking the other up and down, he put on a smile for the other. Whether intentionally or on purpose it was hard to tell as he followed for a moment before stopping and eying her. Took the stairs, she could guess that rather easily as he let out a soft call to her, knowing full well what L would have spoken to the female. He could remember how the other tended to 'promise' he'd meet her later that utterly leave her in the dust, not all the time, but enough to possibly hurt the female and make BB's hatred for the other's good fortune grow. "I said I'd see you later" he spoke, his voice mimicking L's exactly as he eyed her. Pulling out a paper from his pocket to read the contents of the page as if stating in his own manner that he was done with work for now. Not that it was entirely what L would do, it would make sense all the same he could use the other as an excuse to check up on a few things, a bit like how he could always use someone. Right? That was just a way he looked at the other, using and reusing others for his own purposes to see cases to the end. Not that it really bothered him so much, just as long as the other got what was coming to him that and that he was able to stump the 'great L' with his own methods, like the few people he had taken down and brutally murderer. It was just the way he liked to do things. That with the fact that virtually everyone had 'believed' he had died in prison from a heart attack had actually worked for him, his own case files closed since so many thought he was gone. Wrong! There was no way to check if he was dead now, but all the same it was rather hard to track down a supposedly 'dead' man when you had no lead on him, about anything but where he was now. Pushing his thoughts away, he kept his smile lingering on his lips, hoping to feel the kindness that she showed to L to him. After all, she would never suspect now would she? Pulling the paper away and stashing it in his pocket after folding it, he eyed her. Hoping to see her reaction, with this he kept in mind to hide his eyes somewhat, making sure she wouldn't see the red that rode in them so clearly. A stopped in mid step with her hand already on the handle indicating she was about to exit at any movement. However, the sound of a well known voice stopped her from doing so. She let go of the handle and turned around. "L..I mean Ryuzaki?" he said with confusion looking at him. Why was he with her and not the task force or rather Light? After all he was the one under suspicion of being Kira. L seemed more then set on watching Light's every move more then anything, this was unlike him. "What are you doing down here? Did the other members leave already?" Her voice was low as she spoke. Wait, that didn't sound right, they couldn't of left. She was the only one in the lobby besides L. Or was this man L? A shook her head blocking that thought. Come on who else could it possibly be? There was no other person like L, right? Realizing just how rude she sounded, A quickly bowed and apologized for her actions and words. "Never mind, I'm sorry, Ryuzaki." She looked back up with a small smile. "So, what is it you want to discus with me? Did you catch a lead on the Kira case..or.." She started to say as she kept her gaze to him. L Lawliet amp Rue Ryuzaki The First L amp Beyond Birthday For a moment, the way she was speaking indicated her doubt about him, but he wouldn't linger upon that as she gave a bow. Her own thoughts resolving any problem she had in her mind about him being L. Perfect. "No they didn't leave...." he said with a slight smile lingering on his lips as he eyed the other. His own internal desires already fighting with him as his plan was slowly strung out now. First gain her trust, walk her somewhere and they things would escalate from that. "I have a different lead at the moment that has taken my interest" he spoke, not even eluding to what it might be. Nonetheless, the other had to believe that it was something horribly prominent to get his eyes off of Light. "it will determine whether a few of my suspicions are correct" he spoke, slowly edging her into the lies that he woven to the female before him. Softly he let a hand slide into his pocket as he moved over to her, eyes hidden from sight as he flashed her a soft smile. Why not? He was going out of the way to be with her, that and the desire to simply have her. He was being nice, otherwise he could have based her in then dragged her off like any other animal would. No, not with A he wasn't going to do something so savage to her at least not yet. BB wanted to make this perfect, perfectly horrific. He wanted to show how great he was compared to L, prove to his love here that she should have always had her eye on him rather than the other whom he admittedly despised for getting everything in his life. It was like L had been born with a golden spoon in his mouth. Him? A silver one, stuck being second place for the time being to the one he loathed. "I'll need your help on this one" he spoke, walking up to her side ready to go out into the world with her in the most harmless manner that he could. Hopefully she wouldn't notice a thing about him until the deed was done. A looked at L with curious eyes but she couldn't hide that stupid feeling girls get. The feeling of butterflies in the stomach where it makes you all googly eyed and you look like your in a different world, god how she hated when that happened. But how could she control it L was so amazing, now she knew what Misa felt like around that Light character. No what was she saying? Misa had announced she fell in love at 'first sight'. She had been with L since their childhood. Funny, she could remember how withdrawn she was on first meeting him. She would not talk or make eye contact, but then again after just watching your own family being murdered, who would? That was how A come to being with L. She had a good family, a caring mother and father, and then it happened. Someone broke into the house and killed them. She was safe because the mother hid her in a hole in the wall, and she didn't come out until later. A was then taken to the Wammy house, gave food, a code name, and was told she could live with them until she was old enough to go on her own. Threw the years she was trained and she took that training to heart wanting to become a great detective like the famous L so that she could stop evildoers like the ones who killed her parents. Because of her devotion she reached her goal in becoming a great detective, not fully like L but dead close and she was thankful for that. A shook her head snapping out of her day dream or rather flashback and looked at him. She brought her finger to her mouth and started nibbling on the nail nervously. "Oh? So then your asking me to come with and help you on your suspicions? I'd be glad to assist you Ryuzaki." She smiled and swallowed hard, ugh..she was always so nervous and jumpy around him Then again she was a shy girl. She was timid and would never express her feelings on her own. A put her hand on the arm that was raised to try and stop from trembling. "Lets go then. I cant wait to see the new culprit. It will give Light a break from things, oh not that I'm saying anything against you. But you have been on Light like a bug and we don't even know if he is Kira. Of course it you were to puzzle together the pieces more there is the probability that he is, but that's thinking too far ahead." They had already exited the door as she talked about the case and so on and where already walking the streets. After a while she decided she should shut up, thinking she was talking too much and pulled a box of pocky out of her bag. It wasn't just for her files she kept junk food in there also. She opened it up and took one out putting it in her mouth. "Want one?" She asked looking at him with a smile on her face.
King of Yaoi and The Chickenbone~
Light sighed as he sat back in his chair further. He was getting bored with sitting at a computer screen all day. He stood and stretched wondering if it would be a failed attempt to actually get L to do something besides do pointless things to get to Kira. He walked over to L and rested his hands on the back of the mans chair hoping to get the mans attention. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" He had been at computer, thinking silently to himself as the other started to move closer to him. He paid no heed when the other had taken himself up by his side. Eyes turning to look at the other in a rather questioning manner. What was he up to? He wondered, eyes turning away for a moment to gather a sugar cube to taste. "Ryuzaki, do you ever get bored just staring at the computer screen all day. We haven't really got any leads on anything yet..." Light said as he looked down at the back of L's head. "We could... do something else you know." That was an interesting question, something that he couldn't admittedly answer the other after all he was working just like the other to take down Kira. His eyes turned to the other, not turning from his position in the chair as his toes rubbed idly over the other set under them. "Like what.. Light?" he questioned, somewhat interested in what the other would ask as he turned his head slightly, eyes on the other with a tight stare. "I'm... I'm not really sure, but I mean, It's nice outside today." He knew it would be okay for L to be outside, no one would know it's him after all they did play tennis once out in the open. "Is there anything you like to do besides trying to break a case? I mean... you solve other ones a LOT faster than this one." His eyes rested on the other as he spoke, taking another sugar cube and placing it on his tongue before pulling it in and away. He hadn't exactly thought about it, then again he was usually doing things like this. He didn't feel like saying what exactly as he eyed the other, slowly turning around to eye the other fully for once. "Nice outside...?" he said as if thinking about it as he looked up at the other. For once they weren't fighting, that was a good thing right? Light nodded, "Yes, it is. Wouldn't you like to go outside?" He asked as he stood up straight and walked around to look at L. He sat on the desk in front of him as he did so. His eyes hadn't left the other "I suppose...." he spoke as if lightening up a little, simply watching the other for an clues as to why he would be doing this. Then again a little break itself didn't sound so bad. The thought that quickly came into his mind was something rather sweet to him ice cream! Why not go out for ice cream, even if it was with his enemy. Light smiled, "Good. Where would you like to go? The park maybe?" He asked as he stood up. He was glad to get out of that place. It was always some what dark in there and not pleasing to be on days the were nice. He watched the other, no smile on his face as he watched the other. Ever taking in ever calculated move from the other. "The park...? Possibly" he spoke, slowly getting up on his feet with a slight stretch. He was used to the area around him, that was just something he was used to right? "Ice cream.. yes" he said simply, sweets on his mind for the moment, making him seem somewhat childish best way to keep his guard down, right? Light smiled, "So you want something sweet?" He laughed knowing he would. "but... there's one problem." He held out his wrist that had the handcuff that binned them together, "People surly will look at us strangely if they saw us like this." He pointed out as he waved his wrist around. Something he say? Basically when it came down to things, after all he got to eat sweets all the time, so why not out there? His pupils rested on the other as he yanked his arms, the handcuffs still connected. His eyes rested on the other. "Strangely if they see" he spoke, looking at the other. Why not go out into public with it? People would just think something rather kinky between the two. Light looked at him in disbelief. "You mean we have to wear these in public!?" He held his arm up. "They'll think we are..." He trailed off not sure really how to say it and gave L a pleading look all though he wouldn't beg him out load. Well this was definitely a way to get under the other's skin, especially with the look he was given. Just what he wanted. His eyes watched as the other held his arms up, maybe any other would have agreed to take it off or laughed at the situation, he just reveled in it soaking in the other's panic. His eyes rested on the other, seeing what he hadn't exactly excepted from the other a pleading look? This was new. "If we keep our hands in each other's pockets no one will notice" he stated easily, ignoring the look as best he could. Light stared at him. Everything that ever came out of L's mouth shocked him. "Ryuzaki... that... would look awfully strange..." He said as he tilted his head. He didn't see L getting any amusement out of what he was saying. It was his aim to unnerve the other, if this did it more then he'd enjoy it. His eyes rested on the other as he tilted his head, no smile or sign of enjoyment from all this. "Who says they'll look?" he stated, what if no human ever saw what they had on? What if it just went over their heads? "Just keep our hands close together" That was all he said as he tugged the other making for the door hey he got him in the mood for a 'little' walk. Light almost feel over as he was drugged after L. He walked faster to catch up and sighed, as long as they were no longer in that room. Outside seemed nice, but he still worried about being so close to L. Being forceful in his own manner worked, yes it did considering the other hadn't objected, not like he could really, right? Feeling the other come up by his side he gave a slight grin for a second before wiping it away. No need to show him one of his smiles. His eyes darted back to the other as he slipped on a pair of shoes reluctantly and made his way outside of the area that had been held up in for sometime. Pulling back so that they could walk besides each other, making the chain hide between their bodies as he clasped the other's hand. Best way to hide it. No objections here. Well he hoped While pulling the other out of the building they were cooped up and into the sun. His eyes adjusting after a few seconds in the bright light of the outdoors, one would have excepted him to come down with a headache from staring at a computer screen for so long, but no. Not the case as he dragged the other down the nearest sidewalk, making it seem like the two were actually lovers in the way he did it putting on a slightly eager face on so show some sort of 'happy' interest involved in their current act. Light squinted his eyes as they went into the sunlight and looked over at L when he finally could without being blinded. He didn't really expect L to hold his hand, but there he was with L pulling him along. He didn't know what kind of come back to make to him, he didn't really want to make a scene in front of everybody. It would look really horrible if he would do that. Everybody would then know he was a suspect atsomething. But then again... it looked strange for them to walk out of the hotel they used as headquarters with L looking like he did. Light looked over at him, yep, there was no doubt someone would think such a thing. Out a hotel, holding hands. Was there any other way to make the ladies and others around think about their taste in the matter of sexuality. It would probably take Light sometime to explain this to others that he knew who saw him, after all no would would have suspected that the two where going out, then again no one would suspect that they were really on the Kira case unless they where apart of the network inside, right? So a wrong idea about the situation was much better than the two being pinned into something they couldn't outright answer to the public. Better this way than any other as he tugged the other along like that of a love sick male who had found his lover being able to put up such a charade was probably something that unnerved the other, especially considering how L was able to pull it off so easily. Not that it mattered how he could as he tugged the other along to the nearby park, swiftly taking in the scope of the area before hunting down an establishment that might just have ice cream. Just the possibility was enough to make him crack a weak smile. That was considering he had taken the situation by the horns and was clearly 'dominating' the other even with the cute expression on his face. "I wonder if they have ice cream..." he spoke aloud before turning to eye the other, the smile on his face something he could fake rather easily, but all the same could be real. Right? Light looked back at him, "It should have ice cream."He knew L might have been talking to himself, but he knew the place would. He then smiled realizing the look on L's face. The smile looked so real and for some reason it made Light smile without even thinking about it. It was nice to see the man smile, although the thought that went across his mind on how L might have been smiling because of the fact Light didn't like how they looked at the moment, but no, the smiled wasn't a wicked on."You are smiling." Light laughed as he pocked at L jokingly. Had it been a nasty smile the other would have been able to pick that out rather easily compared to the way he held it, that and the look in his eyes. Though at the moment he seemed fixated with getting what he had wanted in the first place, ice cream. That was until the other spoke, eyes resting on Light as he confirmed his thoughts about the stall standing before him. Now all he needed to do was get some ice cream and pay. A bit of money on him at the moment as he eyed the other an his expression towards his smile. He eyed the other somewhat clueless as the other poked at him jokingly. "Is that a problem?" he questioned, understanding some of the meaning behind the jeer he was given, but all the same he didn't seem entirely equipped for such a thing from the other. Antisocial, yes that was one of the cases why as he eyed the other. Black eyes flickering as the smile dropped from his face, no need for it to be there as he went to the stall, tugging the other roughly this time as he took a few steps forward. "Ah.. I'd like to purchase some ice cream" he stated, eying the man operating the stall. "No, it's not... I like it." Light laughed as he went with him to get the ice cream. He cursed at himself and rolled his eyes, that was something he didn't really mean to say the way he did. He didn't really want L to get the wrong idea, but then again, if he acted like he liked being so close to L then maybe L wouldn't make him be so close. He smiled at him knowing L wasn't even looking as a thought went through his head. If L could act so strange about things then why couldn't he? He decided that it wouldn't hurt to play along and make other people think they were together, maybe soon it would get on L's nerves and he would stop acting. "What kind would you like sir?" the man asked him as he eyed the two men. He heard the other, not answering Light man who was in the stall. "Yes... I'd like vanilla ice cream" he stated, fine with any flavor really just as long as it was something sweet, yes? His eyes then drifted to Light, "Do you want any thing?" he questioned, possibly offering to buy the other something as he drew his hand into his pocket to grab the amount of money within. He smiled at the stall owner, hoping to receive his sweet soon before centering all his attention on him. Completely unaware of what the other might be planing, he would pick up on it soon enough though. "No, that's okay." Light replied as he shook his head. He didn't want any sweets, it was not something he craved when he had to look at it all the time. And watch L eat it all the time. Light would have the worst stomach ache ever if he ate like L did. He was slightly surprised L didn't just ask for all the flavors piled on top of the cone. He could imagine it, a very strange sight and very childish, but he could see L doing such a thing.The ice cream man scooped the ice cream and handed it to L. "That will be 2." The man said to him. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" He had never considered the fact that his consumption would truly unnerve others, then again he did it in his own way. Maybe next time he would get all the flavors, but for now he'd settle with one to start of his sugar craving. Later they could hit a cafe somewhere and have some cake while they where out, that would be a good idea right? "Hold this for a minute" he spoke, handing Light his ice cream as he pulled out a few bills and handed the man what he had asked for. With a nod, he turned away from the stall owner and took his ice cream straight from the other. A smile on his lips as he let his tongue ride over the side of the cold treat. "What would you like to do?" he questioned, content for the time being, but all the same wondering what Light might want to do. Even if they were handcuffed together. Light stared at him as the food was taken from his hands. It was even to fast for him to tell him that he didn't want to hold the thing for L.Light then watched him as he ate his ice cream for a moment before looking up at his eyes. He really didn't know what he wanted to do, as long as he was no longer in that dark room, envying the fact he could be outside enjoying the nice day. He hadn't enjoyed a nice day in a long time and he was glad he finally had the chance."Maybe we could just walk around the park." He said shrugging. He knew the park had trails around it and going though some woods. That would give them something to do for a while then he momentary thought about how L seemed like he could possibly not be in shape enough to do so much walking. The man looked as though he never really went outside.
Poor Alice, it's time to be played with...
Far away, in a world that was as twisted and bizarre in it's own way that far surpassed any dream waking humans could ever produce creatures frolicked in the moonlight. Here were things that transcended all logic, trampled all rules of the world most know and do as they please, coaxing and teasing at the minds of men when they do chose to venture from their proper world and here the Cheshire Cat resided with a quite purr issuing from him. From afar within the large tree he had decided to take his leisure he appeared quite tall stretched out the way he was with his hands folded behind his head, and odder yet was his appearance altogether. He looked to be a pure albino, with messy hair of a stark white quality that was nearly impossible to match and deep crimson eyes that now shown with the moon light. Stranger still, a cat he was with the large articulate ears of the same color pointing and flicking out from atop his head, while to his side a long white tail bobbed and twirled with the progression of the night. It was so beautiful, and yet he was so terribly bored with this land. There was little he didn't know of his world, and too few were his visits to that odd queer land the humans dwelt but something tickled his nose and perked his ears as the wind picked up again but this time towards him. There was a sweet scent in the air, of something young and delicious, but somehow out of place in his home. Could it be that there was a visitor to entertain him for the night? Why yes, there was a stranger to come play this night, and far below him he looked down with a smile seeing the white rabbit fly by. That young little fiend, he's lured another down his rabbit hole but that was for later thought. Maybe he'd reward the cad for his playfulness and teach him the pleasures of adult hood, but not before he had his chance with this delectable female. Leaning back and allowing his tail to droop it's full length down and sway and twirl, he made himself easy to spot for this poor little girl. The night was still young and there were things to be done. "Oh, Mr. Rabbit! Come back here!" Alice shouted in her light English accent as she ran through the woods, coming to a stop near the Cheshire Cat. She leaned over, her hands on her knees as she caught her breath. Seeing as she couldn't possibly catch up with the speeding rabbit, the girl was now alone in this strange world, wherever it was. The last thing she remembered was chasing a man through the park and down a rather large rabbit hole. Then she fell for what seemed like quite a while before she landed softly on her bum and spotted the man running out the door and she quickly ran after him. The girl sighed and went to sit under a tree, resting her hands in her lap. "How will I ever get home now?" She questioned herself, looking up at Wonderland's sky.Alice spotted something peculiar as she looked up, however. There was a long, white tail dangling from the branches and the tail seemed to be connected to a boy with cat ears! "Oh my!" She said as she sprang up, the bottom of her blue dress catching on a root and ripping slightly. "Bollocks." The girl groaned as she ripped the dangling material off, tossing it to the ground before turning her attention back to the Cheshire Cat, her eyes looking at his twirling tail. "Hello? May I ask who you are?" Alice questioned the man, hoping that this one wouldn't flee from her. The Cheshire cat's smile was fabled for it's disturbingly deep cutting effect on a person, and smile he did with his eyes gently roving the whole of the delighful female before him. That dress was absolutely arousing, even though it wasn't meant to be but her curves are what made it truly something to behold. A quick little plan formed within his mind as to how he'd have her for himself, but he heasitated for the slightest moment. She was young, but that mattered little with a body of her caliber but was it wrong to take and use her as he had planned? Maybe depending on what exactly he did with her but that was for later. Now was the time to push that torn skirt up over her hips and fully enjoy her wonderfully mature body. Who am I? Who are you? Your the one who sat under me, with nothing here to do! But I guess that's to be had seeing how lost you are, And you'll never get out or go vary far. But tell me little love, tell the Cheshire cat, What would you do to go back? That rabbit you might see some time soon, but he and the others would send you to your doom. The Cheshire cat was known far and wide in wonderland for his knowledge of his world, but he was notoriously known as the riddle or rhyme cat and loved to play with those who knew nothing of him. His tail bobbed about excitedly at thoughts of this woman in front of him, and he knew just by looking at her she had nothing to give or offer aside from her body but he wouldn't lead her to that yet. He wanted to know if she would offer it herself or if he'd have to force her into doing it but either way she'd be bent over in front of him soon enough. Little Alice stared at the male's rather frightening smile as he seemed to look her over like a piece of meat, sizing her up. This made the girl feel a bit self conscious and she began to pull her dress down a bit, trying to get what was left of the bottom to cover more of her thighs. The girl had a nice body, that much was true. She had ample breasts and a lovely hourglass shape to her, even though she was just a teenager, but she had never used those things before, never known how to use her body to her advantage, as it seemed she was going to have to do if she wished to get any information out of the Cheshire Cat. She listened to the male's poem carefully, finding it quite peculiar that he spoke in riddles and rhymes. She asked herself the same question he had asked her though, what exactly would she do to get back to the park? Well, anything!"Sir Cheshire Cat, may I call you that? I would do absolutely anything to get back to London, I'm quite sure my mother is searching for me!" The cat was pleased with the answer he got, quite happy to educate her in what it meant to be an adult, and the consequences of the actions and choices she'd make. He slipped out of the tree with an ease that bespoke of his inhuman nature, and stepped up to her easily with that same smile on his face. His hands slipped passed her waist and he continued on his way until their bodies touched gently. It was then his hands rubbed down her soft back and firmly found their place against that perfectly round and firm ass. The gently squeeze and the pull to bring her firmly against his own body cut away any doubt of how personal he was getting with her, and he'd enjoy every second of teaching this new little toy just how her beautiful body could be used for the pleasure of others and herself. His face dipped to hers, and his eyes half closed and shown crimson in the moon light as he gazed into her's while he brushed the tip of his nose against hers. "Anything?" Was the only thing he murmured to her before dipping his head farther and slowly, with pure pleasure kissed her shoulder before licking up her neck. She would find him even more cat like as his tongue held the same scratchy feel of a normal cats before he began whispering into her ears, hands fondling her round as and pulling her more firmly into his body. A pet I have been, but a pet you shall be, And such a delightful pleasure, I shall take from thee. Agree to be mine to play with, and home shall I take you when I am done with. But be warned, this night will be long. And when I chose I can be quite strong. If I wish it, you shall do, with me and whomever I choose to. The Cheshire cat was known for more than just his knowledge and riddles, but also for his love for seduction which he took great pride and care to maintain. Each word he punctuated with a soft caress or nuzzle, but more than that was his favorite pleasure which he lavished on the young woman now. His right hand twirled oddly behind her, and appeared there was a single ripe black cherry which he brought up and popped easily into his mouth while his head lolled to the side of hers before moving to face her once more. He wanted her answer, but he'd give her more than a few reasons to take his way as he kissed her fully on the lip. Of the cherry, he bit into and shared with his new playmate, right hand moving to cradle her head in their kiss while his left hand worked her ass and kept her close. It was naught but a simple cherry and a favored game he loved partaking in and he had to admit that she did taste wonderful in her own respect. His tongue moved to meet hers and he gave her the cherry before drawing back and smiling, the stem poking gently out of his mouth while the seed he rolled within his right hand and flicked away. How either occurred was for her to think about but it only helped his cause.
LOZ: Invasion of the Yami (Commy and me, private version)
Just copy paste your posts from the group version. The Ordon Village is a peaceful place. Twenty five years ago, tragedy struck the land, but a young man, Link, rose to the challenge and saved Hyrule from vertain doom. Since then, the Ordonian had settled down, married his love, Illia, and born a daughter. However, this day, the 25th anniversary of the Twilight Princess Midna's return to her own realm. Link was sitting on the edge of the bridge connecting Ordon with the Faron woods, gazing towards the sunset. Unbeknownst to him, he was about to meet a very special guest. "Princess Midna, I wonder how you are doing right now?" he thought aloud, making his daughter wonder who he was talking to. To both Ordonian's surprise, the Twilight Queen's voice spoke from the shadows. "It's 'Queen' now, Wolfy." Midna smiled from the twilight of the trees, and she had a small girl with her. The Twilii child looked exactly like Midna's cursed form, minus the helmet, and her expression was slightly happier. She was wearing a silver grey sleeveless dress, and her red hair was tied back in a ponytail. She waved shyly at Link, fully aware of who he was, though the Hero of the Gods had no idea who the girl was. Aurianha, The girl had grown up to have a slight resemblance and everything. Even his strong spirit and heart. She cared for those that she loved coming up on him hugging him. "I missed you! Where have you been for a couple days? I haven't seen you around the village.", She said happily as Rusl and the rest of them had spread out for the safety of the kingdom. Despite that they couldn't really tell what was going on that is how they prepared for any threat. Aurianha looked at where her father was looking. "...who is that?", She asked as she kept her arms around her father nuzzling him like a child would nuzzle their father. Her eyes didn't leave the little person's and she felt like she had some sense of kinship with the girl. "That girl feels familiar Father...", She said formally like she was in a trance. Her hair drifting in the air as it was nice and long how she loved it. Her hair glowing in the sunlight as she kept her eyes on the girl. Link tried to loosen his daughter's grip. "Aurianha, I'd like you to meet the Queen of the Twilii, and the Twilight Realm, Midna. Midna, my daughter, Aurianha." The Ordonian man hoped his daughter would remember Midna from the tales he told her at night when she was younger. The Twilii Queen merely chuckled. "So you and Ilia are lovers then? Nice to meet you young lady." She bowed, then brought the small Twilii girl behind her into view, and the youth blushed. "Link, this is my daughter, Fiena. This is her first time meeting a resident of the Light Kingdom, and she wants to spend the next couple days here. Unlike me, she has inherited from her father the ability to live within the Light with no harm to her." She then looked at her daughter and spoke with that tone most mothers have. "Fiena, go say hello to Link and Aurianha." Fiena quietly walked over to the two Ordonians, bowed politely, and quietly said hello. Under her breath, however, she added a single word that you would've had to be straining to hear. "H hello, Aurianha....Link....father..." Fiena prayed that noone had heard, but she was literally at Aurianha's side when she whispered the word 'father'. Aurianha looked at Fiena and blinked, "Father?" She asked as she looked at her in disbelief. When she said that and her eyes wondered to her father. Tugging on his garments of Oden, "Father...this girl said she was your child." She said to her father seeing a look of horror as if he was caught cheating or something. "Father, why are you getting that look? Something that you are hiding from mom?", She asked as she looked over at Midna and smiled though her face was the same in a sense. Aurianha knew there was something going on when the reaction was shared. Being 18 she knew what that meant and wondered where the child came and why her father looked like he had seen a ghost about what she had said. "Father...why did you get that look?...It doesn't add up unless you were bad around mother's back.", She said with more conviction as she was starting up more problems. Though her eyes never got harsh toward Fiena and she knew that the girl didn't have a thing to do with it and only was the reward from what happened. Aurianha's face was kind of red and angry looking. Her hair blowing gently in the wind as her oden clothes did the same. The sky was getting more into night as the sun was on the verge of sinking since the day had flown by but her day had stood still due to what her possible 'sister' might have said. Or half sister in some words speaking. Though her eyes never left her father's face. Link looked at his daughter, then at Midna, thoroughly and truly confused. "Uh...Midna? I don't know who this girl is..." He looked towards the Twilii Queen for an explanation. One which, once heard, Link would turn beet red and be extremely embarrassed about. "Well, since you asked so nicely." Midna began, Fiena once again hiding behind her mother. "Do you remember when you were a wolf running around Lanayru Province?" "Yeah, what about it?" "Do you remember that 'dream' you had after you turned back to your true form once you retrieved the Tears of Light?" Link blushed slightly. "Th the one where I'd dreamt I'd made love to you while I was a wolf?" Midna nodded. She also smiled coyly, holding her daughter close to her side. "Well, I never told you, mostly because I was embarrassed with what I'd done, was no dream. Link, during that hour of amnesia as a wolf, I lost my virginity to you. Fiena is the daughter of your wolf form and myself." Link's face turned a red deeper than the scales of the legendary dragon Volvagia. Fiena also blushed slightly, having heard what 'making love' was from her mother. The Ordonian was obviously in shock. "...Haaa?!" Aurianha looked at Midna with her draw on the floor, "...yo you had sex with..m my father." She stood there and blinked with a blank stare . Suddenly her face returned, "So that means ...I have a half sister..." She said softly as she looked at Fiena and blinked. "Does mom know this?", She asked as she eyed her father intently since this bothered her and Ilia probably didn't know of this. Link looked at his daughter, a look of pure terror on his face. Terror of what Ilia would do if she found out. "I...I didn't even know!" Midna giggled. "Don't worry, Link! I'm sure she'll understand." Fiena looked once more at Aurianha, this time she spoke softly, her angelic voice drawing an almost instant calm upon the girls' father. "Um...can...can I call you Sister?" Meanwhile, back in the Ordon Village, Ilia was sitting on the edge of her balcony with her best friend, aside from Link. The short child had grown into a very handsome businessman, and she giggled as Malo spoke. "Ilia, shouldn't Link and Aurianha be back by now?" Ilia smiled. "They should, but I'm guessing that Midna showed up." "Who's Midna?" Malo asked. "Oh, Midna sent me a letter saying she was an old friend of Link's, and she ad a surprise for him. I wonder what it was?" Link shook his head, trying to figure out how he'd explain. "I am so DEAD." Aurianha looked at her father and then back toward the village. "Ilia...I I mean mother...should be expecting us back....", She said slowly as she looked back at Fiena, "Yea your half sister." She said softly as she smiled at the young girl that stood with Twili princess. Aurianha took off toward the village direction before his father could see and when she got to her father's home and then turned the corner and then toward her mother. She needed to say this and it was important for her mother that she know that she had a sister. Ilia saw her daughter come running into Ordon and went out to meet her. She was going to be in for a big surprise. "Aurianha, where's the fire?" Midna watched the girl go. "She seems to be an awful lot like you, Link." The sunlight was beginning to fade. Midna turned to her daughter and smiled. "Fiena, I'll be back for you in three days. See if you can make some new friends. And be nice to Aurianha and her mother." "Okay, Mommy!" Fiena said, her voice ringing clearly throughout the entrance of the woods. "I'll make Father happy too!" With that said, Midna faded back into the Twilight Realm, and Fiena clung to Link's side like a girl half her age would. "I finally get to meet my Daddy! Can I see Light Mommy, too?" Link slowly crossed the bridge towards Ordon, knowing full well that he might lose his wife, unless she truly understood the situation....which luckily for him, she would. "I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead...." He kept repeating this to himself on the slow walk home. Auranha looked at her mother, "Father...has...another child." She said quickly looking at her quickly. "I have a sister...half sister.", She said quickly looking at her mom as she had a surprise on her face again as she nodded to support her surprise. The whole village came around when they heard and it wasn't only her mother that knew it was the whole village as they were waiting for the Hero of Time to come back from the bridge. Ilia looked at her daughter. "I see. Aurianha, please go make sure that the table's set. I your father." Malo feared for Link's safety, as did everyone in the village. The letter from Midna was in her pocket as she left the village to speak to Link. She soon spotted the blonde Ordonian with a small Twilii girl holding his hand and acting just like a normal ten year old daughter. She sighed, knowing instantly who the girl was. "LINK! YOU STAY RIGHT THERE!!" Link froze when he heard Ilia's voice. Fiena spotted her and knew instantly who she was. She felt it would be better to break the ice herself, so the Twilii child walked up to Ilia. "Um...Miss Ilia? I'm.....Fiena..." She bowed with the proper respect. Ilia surprised them both by kneeling down and hugging the girl. "I'm finally able to meet the little girl I've dreamed about for ten years now. Nice to meet you, Fiena." Link was shocked. Ilia expained that she'd received dreams about Fiena from Midna herself, ad was perfectly fine with having a step daughter. "In fact," she added. "I'm actually not mad, Link. I should be, but I'm not. Funny, isn't it?" Fiena smiled and hugged Ilia. She was happy, and Link's jaw was on the ground. Auranha looked at her mother and then her father. Stunned she just sat down and watched her take the other girl in hand and act as if father didn't do anything. It was stunning and she was struggling some but her eyes would focus on her father and then her mother. Drifting back and forth as her emotions fought her on how her mother acted. Does mom not care about what Dad does? She thought to herself as she looked over at them again. Her eyes trying to find a reason why her mother was acting so cheery about it. Something that bothered her though she now has a step sister that looked dark to a point and that had some spine like lines in her body figure. Auranha got up and walked up to them putting on a smile masking how she felt better then most of the village. "I guess I have a sister and I am glad that mom you aren't upset with dad. He apparently didn't remember it or whatnot and that is why Midna was able to...yeah.", She said blushing softly as she looked at her mother and father. They both had red cheeks and she knew why and that was because of the incident with her father as a wolf and Midna. Though she knew Midna through the stories her father told her she didn't think much of her since she never showed up much but apparently they had to go back to the twili realm and didn't stay long enough. Though now her sister is staying with them or her half and she must be special to live here she guessed. IT only made sense. Ilia noticed the look in Aurianha's eyes. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the letter that Mida had given her a week earlier. "I'm not mad because of what's written here. Fiena's mother sent me this letter a week ago, explaining everything." She handed the note to Link, who read it aloud, though softly.'Ilia. You may not know me, but during the course of the events 25 years ago, your husband knows me. My name is Midna, and I am the Queen of the Twilight Realm. What I have to tell you in this letter is very important, and I still feel ashamed for not revealing this sooner.'Link paused to take a breath, and Fiena wandered off, chasing a white cuccoo. He continued after pushing his hair out of his eyes.'During those events, Link had been transformed into a wolf. At one point, he'd hit his head and had had amnesia for a day. I regret to say that I, being selfish and thinking only of my own sensual longings, used his amnesia for my own gain. While he was sleeping, I managed to entice his body, and when he awoke, the only thing on his mind was propagation. I used him as a sex toy. Unfortunately for me, I became too entranced by the ecstasy, and kept at it until we both reached our climax. I apologize, not only for those selfish actions, but also because it resulted in me becoming impregnated. As a result, I gave birth to Fiena 15 years later. We of the Twilight have much longer gestation periods due to the absence of certain elements in our realm. I forget which ones, exactly, but a week from now, I will be bringing Fiena to the Light Realm to visit her father and you. Please do not hold this against Link. This was my own fault.'Link's face was like a beet, and he didn't bother to finish reading the letter, as it was more apologies and pleas not to blame the Hero of Twilight. Fiena laughed out loud, and when people looked, she had the cuccoo in her arms, and Malo's dog was licking the Twilii girl's feet. Link said he was going to the Spirit Spring to think and left without another word. Fiena, however, was oblivious to the fact that her father was so troubled. In an previously unknown region of the Gerudo Desrert, leagues away from the shattered Mirror of Twilight, a shadowed figure viewed the events in Ordon through an orb floating above his hand...if it could be called a hand. "This is most amusing. Perhaps now is the time to strike." a female voice responded from the other side of the orb. She sounded pleased."No, Ghidorah. We shall wait a month more. The Vessel is still unaware of her fate. Ironic that she be the offspring of the Twilight Queen and the Hero of Ordon. This should be fun." Aurianha walked off after her half went after the coco. She walked to the place where the mayor her grandfather lived and sat on the tall building looking out into the sky. Her eyes were slightly dull as she heard that midna used her father made her angry at the Queen for being so selfish. Now her mother knew that her husband was used back then, though it was before they got together. So it was better right? Her head shook some as she couldn't let it go at the time and thought maybe some time alone she could figure things out. I have this feeling that ...there is more out there...for me to discover. Though this was a mysterious thought that just appeared in her head she welcomed it due to the pain she felt for some reason. Though when the thought had taken root she forgot of the shock she was in. Just now enjoying the day she just watched the ones below play with her sister and she smiled down at them feeling more refreshed even if it had only been a minuet. She used to use this spot as a spot to relax her mind and while her father would go back to ranching she would just sit up on the roof. Her eyes always on the horizon outside the village and the want to go there someday sprouted in her head as she wanted to go on a adventure someday. Fiena saw her half sister up on the roof and decided to join her. She set the bird down and smiled at it. "Bye bye, birdie. I'm gonna go see my sister now." She wandered over to the building Aurianha was on and hovered up to her sister. When the Ordonian girl was in sight, Fiena spoke softly. "Um...Si ...Sister? Can I talk with you for a bit?" She looked nervous, and the blue ruic desigs on her skin glimmered in the fading light. Link sat in the water looking at the spot were the Spirit, Ordona, stood. The spirit was visivle, and his regal antlers reflected the light from his Orb. The spirit spoke with a low, gruff voice, almost sounding like James Earl Jones. "What troubles you, Hero? Is it the return of the Twilight Queen?"Link shook his head. "No, Ordona. I'm just confused and in shock about what Midna revealed today." The two conversed a while, then Ordona comforted Link in silence. For the boy, just being near the Gaurdia Spirit of the Ordon Province was enough to bring peace to his soul once more. Just on the other side of the Faron Woods, though, was a small group of four people. Three of them were guards for the Royal Family, and the fourth was a young male with jet black hair and ruby eyes. His outfit consisted of the Royal Family's own finest silk, and the Crest was embroidered upon his chest. In his hands he held a note, sealed with the Queen's own Seal, and he was grateful that she'd let him, the Crown Prince, deliver it himself. "Jethro," he said, addressing the red haired man with a general's crest. "The Ordon Village is just through these woods, right?" The older fellow nodded, his eyes and ears on alert for any monsters. "That's right Prince Zhertal. Ordon is through these woods, across a bridge, and past the Spring of Ordona." The prince nodded. "Alright. Mother's letter must reach Sir Link by nightfall tomorrow." He raised his voice so the two scouts ahead could hear him. "Form up! We camp here tonight. Tomorrow we reach Ordona." When Aurianha let her mind wonder to the point of almost with the clouds suddenly it was brought back down. "Uh...sure.", She said smiling though she had a lot more on her mind wondering what would be out there for her. Though those would be put on hold since she had another sibling to take care of. This one looked younger and she wondered why she wasn't older then her since she was conceived 25 years ago. Maybe Twili's take a long time to grow up? The appearance the girl had suggest that Midna had given birth a couple years ago yet she had sex with her father over ten years ago. When her eyes focused again she looked at the half twili again and smiled, "What would you like to talk about?" She turned her back to the entrance to the village and looked at her on the rooftop. Aurianha was normally scared of heights but this was different. This rooftop didn't feel so high up unlike the tree that grew from across the shop that sold the milk and honey. It was the only thing she bought regardless and why she only remembers those things. The sky began to get darker as the day was ending and she knew that too as the markings on the twili grew stronger knowing it must be the twilight that they would be getting into soon. Fiena sat down next to Aurianha and laid her head against her sister's arm, like any little sister would. "You're not mad at my Mommy or at Papa, are you?" She wrapped her arms around her sister as best she could for a hug. "I just want everyone to be happy." The sigils on her arms gave a slightly brighter glow as the last rays of the sun brushed across them, and then they faded to a nearly invisible dim glow, like that of a firefly. Ordona sensed that something was amiss in Hyrule. However, he said nothing. Link picked up on it as well, especially since his left hand began glowing with an image of a 3 in 1 triangle, with the lower right portion glowing brighter. "Ordona, did you sense that?""I did. However, I sense that this is not to be your adventure to partake. Your daughter Aurianha, she logs for adventure like your own. Perhaps this would be a good time to present her with the Golden Treasure you posess?"Link agreed, but planned to wait till morning. He had settled upon a gift for Fiena as well. "I'll give it to her at first light. But for now, I think I'll sleep here. Your presence is calming as always." Zhertal sensed the trouble ahead as well. His mother, Zelda, had given him the Golden Treasure as a coming of age present. He held up his left hand as the image glowed upon it. The lower left triangle was glowing brighter than the others. "Mother..." he whispered. Ghidorah noticed his comrade's left hand glowing with the triple triangle as well, though her hand had the top triangle glowing brightest. "The Golden Power shines, Nemesis.""Perhaps the time to move out approaches sooner than expected. Ghidorah, locate Tikal. She will be our first appearance amongst the Light Realm."The dark emerald green eyes of Ghidorah faded as he left to do his duty. Nemesis, though, was fully aware that sending Tikal was sending the slave girl to her death. However, Nemesis didn't give a Keese's ass. She merely chuckled as the Orb showed the Twilight Princess and her Ordonian sibling. Things were now set into motion. Only time will tell if Nemesis will be victorious or fall in defeat.... Aurianha felt something watching her though she couldn't put her finger on it. "No...I am not mad at either of them. Father didn't know what was going on...and ...Midna did something foolish. or just she didn't realize it sis. Don't worry.", She said softly hugging her twili sibling back smiling as she looked ahead. Something felt foul though she didn't realize it or couldn't figure it out. More or less a gut feeling as the sun finally departed and it grew dark out. Aurianha looked at her sibling and held her close, "You know, I have a feeling sometime we might have to look out for each other." She said softly giggling as she looked at her sibling. Though she might have been different then her she still felt family toward the half twilian. "Well, should we go to dinner now? I think that your 'light mommy' would like to feed you Fiena.", She said as she stood up and stretched. Normally if this was any other roof she might have been deadly afraid but not this one. Her grandfather built it and made it quite strong. She was sure it wouldn't come down on them. At that moment, before Fiena could respond, Ilia's voice called out from below them. "GIRLS!! TIME FOR DINNER! COME INSIDE AND WASH UP!" Fiena giggled. "Smells yummy. Let's go, One Chan!" She hopped down from the roof, landing softly at the foot of the ladder. She waited for her sister, giggling at the thought of tasting food from the Light Realm for the first time. "I bet it tastes as good as it smells!" Jethro noted that the boy's hand had glowed, but said nothing. Zhertal looked towards the sky, sighed, then began gathering firewood. "Miss Tikal, would you help gather some firewood?" The lone female of the group, Tikal, the very same that Ghidorah was set on finding, was shocked that the Prince would speak to her directly. "Y Your Highness!" She immediately blushed, as she had a crush on the dark haired bishie. "I shall. I'll search over there." As she wandered towards the forest Spring, she heard a voice in her head. What she heard was Ghidorah's gruff, deep voice. The Scottish accent didn't help any, either.'Tikal. Now is the time to act. Empress Nemesis has ordered you to...'Tikal froze, then nodded slowly as Ghidorah passed on Nemesis' orders. She felt regret at having sold her freedom to save the life of her brother, who died a week later anyway. Aurianha looked down and smiled sliding down the first hump and then landing on her feet. Sliding down the latter that Fiena had gone down she entered the house shortly after it had gotten completely dark. Kissing her mother on the cheek she sat at the table with her grandfather and her mother and some others of the village. "Oh I am so hungry. What are we having tonight?", She asked as Fiena sat next to her as she smiled at her and the back at her mother. Though with all this happening she couldn't get this feeling off of her mind. That something big was going to happen and that it was going to happen either tonight or tomorrow. It worried her though she shook it off as some of the feelings she gets during her period or some other things. IT was just best left alone and her father had commented of something special happening soon to her though she didn't know what. He liked secrets and she could see why with all the dungeons he had explored 25 years ago. Later that night, Fiena sat outside gazing at the moon, the white cuccoo at her side. She fell asleep, and she looked so peaceful as Link saw her. He'd decided to go back and see how the girl was, and he picked her up gently, not waking her. He entered the house that he and Ilia had shared since Aurianha's birth. "Ilia, Aurianha. I'm back." He set the sleeping Fiena on the couch and put a blanket on her. Ilia watched this and smiled. "So you finally made peace with yourself, Link?" she asked. All Link could do was nod. He'd begun to feel like a new father again, and it showed. His eyes, though like a proud feral beast, held a sort of kindness that Ilia hadn't seen in a few years. "That's good to hear. Leftovers are in the fridge." In Kakariko, the new mayor looked towards Ordon, thinking of his hometown. A sandy haired woman spoke from their bed. "Colin? Come to bed, dear." Colin looked at his wife, who had retained her slender figure, even after birthing twins nine years ago. "Beth, I'm worried. There's an evil feeling in the air tonight." The strongest of the four Spirits, Lanaryu, raised his serpentine head above the water. His elven like voice sang out through the Spring."....This evening bodes ill for all. The Hero must be warned by Nightfall tomorrow." Aurianha looked at her father and he had more calm features then he did when he left. "Father, I need to talk to you...", Her mother looked at her as she had an urgent feeling to her voice. "...I...feel or sense something...bad.", She said and her mother gave her a joking look as her face didn't soften anymore then when she made the declaration. "...I don't like what I am feeling and going to happen tomorrow isn't it?", She asked him as her mother looked at Link too in surprise though Aurianha thought that maybe her mother just didn't know *exactly* what she was getting at. Her mother loved Link and she knew that her mother would love her father to the end. Fiena looked over at the couch peaceful yet she was stressed out. The feeling had gotten worse and she could feel coming closer as if she was being caged in. It was so haunting that she was glad her father had come home tonight. She knew that he would go to the spring sometimes to go and rest and meditate on what he needed to do or to calm himself but she was happy he came home early tonight. She went and sat down at the table seeing them follow she looked up, "Please if you know something tell me, there is something in me telling me that I should stand up. Though I don't know what I am standing up to!" She called out excitedly though this was a dire feeling not good. Link sat down at the table. "Aurianha, listen. Those feelings of yours are right. I felt it, too. However, even Ordona doesn't know what it is. And because of this, I'm giving you your present early." He took her left hand in his and smiled. "Aurianha, my daughter. Unto you, who possess my own courage and strength, I pass on the greatest of treasures this world has to offer. I pass on to you the Golden Treasure of the Goddesses themselves. I give you the Triforce of Courage. Take it, and with it, my Blessing." When he stopped speaking, both hands glowed with the same pattern. The three fold Golden Triangle known to all as the Triforce. The symbol faded from Link's hand as it grew stronger upon his daughter's. Fiena stirred, but remained asleep. Taking note of his younger child, Link cotinued. "I want you to travel to Hyrule Castle in my stead. I'm fairly certain Queen Zelda will have some info, though I know not what kind." He released his daughter's hand and unlocked the chest in the den that had been locked shut since Aurianha was four. Opening it, he pulled out the very sword he'd used years ago. It was still razor sharp, sheathed, and had the Ordon Crest upo its hilt. He also removed a shield from the chest. This shield had the Crest of the Royal Family on it. Its luster was not lost after years of storage. "Take these. My sword and shield that I used to thwart Zant years ago. Also, take this tunic. It was worn by the True Hero of Time and myself. There are some silver rupees in the breast pocket to aid you, should you need them." He glanced towards Fiena and smiled. "Take Fiena with you as well. Her abilities as a Twilii will be very handy. Aurianha, you two will set out tomorrow, after breakfast, so get some sleep. I will present a small gift to you both on the outset of your journey." Aurianha looked at her hand it glowed with the same glimmer that her father's did. She now possessed the triforce of courage. Her eyes focused on it for a second and then she heard her father say that they set out for the castle tomorrow, " you think I am ready for this?" She asked him intently wanting some support from her father that just gave her a strong treasure. Her eyes focused on Fiena and nodded, "Yes father I will take her with me to the castle." She said as she continued to nodded after he instructed her and then looked at him some more before she went to bed wanting to know what was going on. Zhertal felt a nearby transfer of Sacred power. He recognized the flow of power and stood up quickly. "Jethro, I'm going on ahead. Don't worry, I have a plan. Meet me at daybreak." Jethro nodded as Zhertal ran ahead. He let the others know what had occurred, and then the three guards went to sleep, cycling watch periods. Zhertal, however, ran ahead to Faron's Spring. He paused there to offer a small prayer, the crossed the bridge. When he reached Ordon's gate, he paused again to regain his composure and straighten out his appearance. he entered, spotting the horse Epona. He rubbed her mane as he gently spoke. "Hello, Girl. Been a while. Sir Link is inside, I presume?" The horse whinnied a yes, and Zhertal walked up to the door. He took a deep breath, then knocked. Ilia was the one who answered. "Yes? Oh, Prince Zhertal! What a surprise. Please, come in. Link will be down in a moment." The Prince of Hyrule hung his silver cloak on the pegs provided and sat in a chair. "Thank you, Miss Ilia." He noticed the small bundle wrapped up on the couch, recognizing the Twilii sigils upo the girl's visible arm. "Lady Midna?!" He was shocked. He had thought the Twilight Queen had regained her true form, and seeing the impish girl brought back his mother's stories. Link spoke from the stairs as he came down, having only a towel around his shoulders and wearing his tunic pants. "Sorry to disappoint, but that is Midna's daughter. Her name's Fiena." As the Prince and the Hero spoke of the journey ahead, Nemesis spoke to another of her subordinates."Shakou! I have a job for you."A young Gerudo female with silver hair, a rarity amongst her kind, stepped forward. She knelt in front of her Empress."Anything you ask of me, My Empress, I shall not fail.""We'll see. What I want you to do is got to the Castle of Hyrule, disguised as a linens merchant. Learn what you can about the Prince and the envoy he will be traveling with. One of the brats will be the Vessel. bring her to me alive. I care not about the others. You have yet to fail me. Should you fail now, I will give you a second chance."Shakou knew that a second chance was extremely rare. Those who failed were usually executed on the spot. However, she felt she would not fail. Aurianha looked over at the man that walked into the house and then she looked at her hand. Father... She thought to herself as she looked over as they began to discuss the journey that she would have to take upon herself. Knowing that she would have to go through this she walked into the room with them. "Hello, Prince.", Aurianha said politely as she sat down next to her father looking at him as she had interrupted though she had been the important subject knowing that she would need to know the information and be more informed and possibly have the prince be involved. The prince smiled at Link's daughter. "No need to look so sullen. We were waiting for you, Miss Aurianha." Zhertal began to exlai about Zelda sending him with a message. He handed the sealed scroll to Link and waited patiently as he read it aloud.'Dear Link, My friend, I have had a terrible premonition. There is an evil arising in the West, beyond the Gerudo Desert. I only pray that your daughter and my son return safely to Castle Town. I will await them at the Southern Gate. I will personally inform them of what lies ahead. Take care, and tell Ilia I said hello. With love, Queen Zelda'Link sighed and leaned back. "I guess she's a step or two ahead of us, as usual." he said. He quietly re read the letter, but didn't notice that a small, dark, crystal shard had fallen out of the scroll. It had rolled to Auriana's feet, and it had two glowing symbols on it. One was te Royal Family Crest, and the other was the Sigil of the Twilii Royal Family. Fiena stirred as the sigils on the shard glimmered, making her own sigils shine a soft silver hue. She also mumbled two words in her sleep. "...Daddy....Ne Chama...." Aurianha looked at the shard and then looked Fiena and then the crystal. "Father, Why is Fiena glowing like that?", She asked as she looked at the Prince and realized that she wanted or the Queen wanted her to go to castle town. It would be a long journey and she hadn't been outside of the forest in a long time. "Alright I need to sleep...", She said as she got up and then bowed to the prince as she headed up the stairs toward her bedroom to go to bed. Link yawned himself. He stood and stretched. "Alright. We should all get some sleep. Zhertal, we still have the guest room down the hall. It's a little cluttered since Ilia made it a scrapbook room, but it should have enough room to get through to the bed." Zhertal nodded. As everyone filed out of the room to head for their beds, Link went to Fiena's side. He leaned down and kissed the Twilii girl's forehead. "Goodnight, Fiena. Sleep well." He then killed the lantern lighting the room, placing the shard on the hearth. The only light, aside from the moon, was coming from Fiena's sigils on her arm. They still gave a faint silver glow that resembled the moonlight. The next morning, after breakfast, Link had Aurianha and Fiena at his side at Ordona's Spring. He had two wrapped items in his hands. One was a rounded object, and the other was slightly elongated, but it was two objects wrapped together. He handed the double object to Aurianha. "These are the clawshots that I used years ago. They still work, and quite well too. They came in handy for those cave dives a few months back." He handed the rounded object to Fiena. "And for you, Fiena, an Ordonian Flute. Some people in Castle Town call it an 'Ocarina'. You can use it to play pretty songs when you get bored, and it can even call on an old friend of mine." Fiena wrapped her small frame around her father's waist and smiled. "Thank you, Daddy!" Aurianha took both of them and smiled, "Thanks Father. I will use them to the best of my ability." She said as she stood in the spring. "The castle good is it?", She said softly as she watched her father and the prince. "I mean I haven't been outside the village. This is strange.", She said softly as she looked at the horse and the other two. She walked over the spring to where the light was at and she closed her eyes and calmed herself from the light spirit. Her heart was welcomed and relaxed and then walked back and got on the horse as she looked down at her father and then helped her sister up on it. "Father are we taking Epona?", She asked. Link nodded. "Yes, Aurianha. You will be taking Epona. Fiena's small enough to ride double with you until you get to Castle Town, but I think Zelda might have another steed so that you can each ride your own." He slid the shard into one of the saddle bags. "Keep that shard close. Midna told me this morning that it's a protective charm for Fiena, but from what, she didn't say." Zhertal was standing at the gate to the spring, but he was slightly red in the face. The reason for this is that he was lost in a daydream One that would be deemed too mature if Fiena were to hear it. He looked at Aurianha's back, smiling softly. 'I wonder if she likes me?' he thought. He shook his head to bring himself back to reality, then spoke. "Sir Link, we should be going. Mother will be expecting us." Although Link, Aurianha and Zhertal were conversing, Fiena seemed to have vanished. This was odd, as she had not left the side of her father or sister since daybreak. The reason, which nobody knew at the time, was that she'd spotted a small golden butterfly and had gone chasing after it. This would prove detrimental to the party, as it would become the event leading Aurianha and Zhertal into their first dungeon, at the end of which awaited Tikal.... Fiena chased the golden bug all the way to the Forest Temple, not realizing it was a trap. As soon as she stepped foot into the temple, a magic seal formed around her, sealing her Twilii abilities and making her scream out in pain. "KYYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" Ghidorah laughed at the child's scream as he watched it through the Serpent of Lore. "HAHAHA!!! Your screams are sweet nectar to my ears, Vessel! Your pain is like a drug!" Nemesis let Ghidorah rant on. She herself found a twisted pleasure in the child's sreams of agony. She smiled as she watched the events unfold. "Let's see how you work this one, Tikal." Aurianha looked around, "Fiena!" Without notice she screamed and went down the bridge into the forests of furon and toward the forest temple. Her eyes focused on it as she realized that she could see her sister in pain. It hurt her as she dash toward the temple. When she got to the walkway she stopped and dropped off Epona and then drew her sword and ran after the little Twili half. When she entered the temple she suddenly felt a presence besides her sister, "This is a trap...for her. This has to be it. I will stop them and get her back!" She said dashing forward not caring for what awaited her and what the others thought, somebody was in danger and she wouldn't turn her back. Though she knew that others were watching she kept her pace up killing the spiders with her hook shot she continued into the forest temple to save her sister. Link stood doumbfounded as he realized what had happened, and who's sceam it was. Zhertal ran after Aurianha, swiftly chanting a guidance spell, one that would lead Aurianha to her sister. He also chanted an ancient protection spell, passed down by the Sheikah This one was the strongest protection spell he had, and it was directed at Fiena. "Ilsildur nurn kamtriin Secuto quntus est Lavo tisal nunc praetor. Quisel ozilra phara guardros kiil nun Twilii Sharanka telresuil todare mun est trikali hertu chilavo." As he finished his spells, a soft silver aura glowed around the two girls. Unfortunately for Fiena, it was a valient effort that came a split second too late. The poor girl was sealed within a crystal. The crystal was in the chest of a large mass of sentient vines, which Tikal had enchanted herself. Fiena's muffled cries could be heard on the other side of the door, but the chains and lock that was as big as Link made it clear that the dungeon's Big Key had to be found. Fiena cried. She was still in pain, and to further torture, and in effect embarass, her, Tikal had stripped her naked before sealing her in the crystal. The girl's clothes were in a large chest deep within the temple, and it was in the next room from Aurianha. But to get it, Link's Light Realm daughter would have to kill a Diababa, just as her father had years ago. "Si Sister!...I'm scared...Help me! WAAAAAHH!!!!!" Aurianha looked ahead, "I am coming Fiena! Hang in there!" She yelled as she went to the one to her right. The door opened and the monster that her father explained had appeared. It was huge and her mind wanted to flee but something within her told her she had the power and she drew her sword once again as she stood up to it as it sat in front of her. Her eyes focused on the heads and her eyes searching for something as she saw the monster like plants that explode. Aurianha looked at the monster as it attacked with a sweeping as she ducked sliding under. The next hour she fought for them sweating as she had managed to get the first one into latch onto her though it did succeed it didn't for long when it did that she had a bomb in her hand. She threw it into the throat and suddenly it let go as she had gouges on her sides to a point. Her face painted with sweet as it exploded as it screamed out but didn't die. Her eyes got wide as she dodged out of the other one and then when the first head attacked again she picked up another bomb and before it could latch onto her she threw a bomb down the throat suddenly another explosion erupted from in the throat as the head flew off. The explosion had tore enough tissue from the head as the head exploded and a normal chest popped out of the monster. Aurianha however was caught off guard as the monster got her by torso and lifted her up. Lucky she had grabbed a bomb when it swept her up and when it flung her she threw the bomb down into the mouth as it swallowed it she leaped off of the head onto the ground with a large thud. Suddenly like the first another explosion erupted from the monster. It screeched as it roared at her. Suddenly it swung its head and with how weak she was it hit her against the wall as her face had scratches and she was panting. I need to make this count!!! She thought as she saw it getting ready. The monster knew she was almost done for. The monster began to prepare for its meal as it lunged back and then out at her quickly. Like slow motion as her father and her mother plus her sister appeared in her head she grabbed the bomb. When it had caught her it had began to push her down however she managed to dig into the throat and when the bomb was about to explode she threw it down. When the monster felt something go down she quickly stabbed her sword in the throat muscles and climbed out. When she landed to the ground rolling into a mess of saliva and blood and sweat she noticed it. Suddenly a explosion rung out and its head flew form the corpse suddenly with blood splatting all over the place. A golding trimed blue chest popped out like the chest from the first and landed next to the other one. When the monster finally died she stood up barely as she was resting on her sword. "I need some healing...badly!", She thought as her mouth was agape to a point. Her eyes focused on the chest with golden trimming. When she opened it she noticed Fiena's outfit along with the big key. Aurianha took the large amount of money that was in the normal looking one. Her eyes were low though she hoped that there was some healing some where. Taking sometime she bashed some pots and found some healing items which healed much of her scratches and bleeding. Though she was still slightly weak. Taking the key she threw it into the lock and watched it spin and then unlock with a thud. Her eyes focused on the door as she walked up to it. When she had pocketed the rupee she had her clothes and walked through the door after she opened it. The door opened up with a grand sound as she walked through the wall way into the larger room as she noticed Fiena. "Fiena! I am here! I got your things! I will get you out!!", She screamed as she ran up to about where she saw vines and everything else. Her eyes looked around as she couldn't see anything besides the glowing twili half in the crystal. "Come out!....I can sense you....I can sense concentrated evil...", She said as she looked around hearing some type of sound though it sounded amusing she couldn't figure it out. It almost sounded like laughing though she didn't know. Fiena had tears streaming down her face. Her voice was distorted as it came out of the crystal she was trapped in. "Ne Chan! Get out, it's a trap!!" A woman's voice called out from the shadows. It sounded dark, malicious, and yet, it was familiar, especially to Zhertal, who'd finally caught up with Aurianha. He froze in shock when they saw the owner of the voice. It was Tikal. "So, the whelp finally showed up, and the Prince comes to aid her, how romantic." She hovered above them, eye level with Fiena. "If you want the Twilii Vessel, you'll have to kill my Marionette." She began to fade from view as the torch lights lit, one by oe, revealing a huge creature. "Venomess, destroy them." The creature was a large mass of vines, half of the body was a dark green, matching Aurianha's tunic, the other half were a dead brown. There was a large orange diamond shaped crystal jutting out from it's neck, just under the jaw, and the crystal that held Fiena was embedded in its midriff. It's blood red eyes had white pupils, and as it roared, Fiena screamed in pain from a hundred thousand volts of electricity. The Prince, due to an info gathering spell, saw the words 'Phantom Marionette Venomess' appear at the bottom of his vision. Zhertal recast his protection spell, targeting Aurianha. Then he jumped back by te door, out of the beast's range. "Miss Aurianha, I'll be back here if you need any help. I'm now good at offense, but I can heal and cast defensive spells." Fiena screamed again as she was electrocuted a second time. The sigils on her arms and thighs shone with a shaky, faltering silver red. Though she was naked, the glow from the sigils was enough to hide her body with proper censoring. Unless you were to look straight up at her. "NE CHAN!!!!!" Venomess took one step, shaking the room, and the vines from his boot like feet rooted down, attempting to ensnare Link's elder child. "So you use your Venom Marionette? Interesting choice."Nemesis was interested, and viewig the fight through the Serpent of Lore. Ghidorah was watching as well, as was Nemesis' most powerful, most trusted general. This man she considered a General first, lover second. His blood ruby red eyes and jet black hair where what defined his face, and his intricate attire proved he was of elite blood, just like Nemesis. His name was unknown to all but her, and the code name given to him by is Mistress was 'Cain'. He eyed the Serpent of Lore with distaste. He was an evil man, yes, but he had always been against harming children, and he'd had personal ties with the Twilii named Zant. He spoke his mind once Ghidorah stopped ranting long enough to take a breather."Nemesis. I do not approve of the Twilii Youngling beig put through such torture. The Vessel she may be, but we need her UNHARMED if she is to be of any use to us!"Nemesis merely nodded and signaled that he could punish Tikal as he saw fit later. For now, they let the events play themselves out. Aurianha dodged one set of vines while she cut the second. Dashing around seeing that getting to the top of the neck to hit the crystal that stuck out like a sore thumb would be hard. When she darted around the beast the screams of her sister driving her further to achieve her goal she saw the same type of jewel on his heels. Her eyes focused on those and when the next wave of vines that came from the air from his body she struck down she ran and slid under the next wave and then got close using her claw shot that she got out quickly she latched onto the crystal bringing herself closer to it. Stabbing it hard she hard it crack a little and the beast roar. She knew she had done some good from it and when a vine had ensared her arm or one of them she used her sword and cut off leaving only the piece there as she slid and dashed around. The crystal now was a different to slightly darker color as if it was bleeding. The shocks that the twili child made her wince, "I am going to get you out of that thing!!!! I swear Fiena!" She screamed as she cut some more vines as some cut more of her tonic showing some more scares on the holy relic. When she had gotten another chance she slid however the monster saw it and vines were waiting so when she saw this jumping up she slashed the vines and quickly jolting her body the other way she shot a claw shot at the other one and then getting close from the jolt of the claw shot she drove her sword into it just like the other one and felt a rumble from the monster as it roared and both of the crystals glowed a darker color as the monster had trouble balancing though more vines were attacking her. "Ahhnnn!", She screamed out as she was pushed back horribly toward the prince after circling the monster seeing it was now attacking her full on she would need a better approach. Zhertal caught Aurianha as she flew towards him. "I have an idea." he said as he healed her wounds with a swift spell. "Sir Link taught you the Kaiten, correct? Use it to strike both heel crystals at once. I'll distract the beast with a visual double of you. Now go!" No sooner tha he'd finished speaking, a nearly solid doppleganger of Aurianha ran amidst the monster's vines. The monster roared as its vines were not connecting. In frustration, it reared back and plunged its hands into the earth near its feet. The vines that spread from the impact crater were electrified, and they snaked their way to the ceiling, sending boulders raining down. The Prince raised a barrier around himself, waiting as Fiena's sister got into position. 'If this works,' he thought. 'if this works, the beast should fall, exposing the neck crystal. May the Goddesses help Miss Aurianha in this tactic.' Little did they know, once both crystals were struck, Venomess would fall to his back, and the final blow would then be possible. Fiena cried out as she was shocked again. "KYAAAHH!!! Ne Chan, hurry!" The tears were constant, and the sigils were no longer glowing. Her life was beginning to fade with the sigils. If she were to be shocked when the sigils faded completely, she'd die, and based on the faint trace of light, that would be three more shocks. Aurianha stood up and before the prince could look back she was out there. While the clone was distracting she knew that it had to be done to save her sister. I will save you.. She thought quickly as time slowed down for the second time in her life. The vines were everywhere since the monster was on high alerts the crystals on its heels were bleeding and needed one more smash before they were done. The shocks were horrible to her sister as she nearly looked dead and she herself couldn't take a lot more even thought the prince healed her eventually her body wouldn't be able to handle much more damage. When she got around cutting some vines here and there she drew back her sword. Her eyes closed and suddenly everything went blank and black. Her ears here a 'shink!' and suddenly when both legs were by her. She spun and suddenly a wave like no other smashed into the crystals making them shatter and blood of some sort pour out of the monster's heels. It roared and suddenly it began to topple over on its back. The vines now barely able to fight back against the clone that was now terrorizing it. The whole body fell with a shock wave that Aurianha had to use her shield to stay there. When she noticed she took out her hook shot and flew up to the body and began to climb madly. Her eyes fell on her sister as she passed her crystal and like a light in a latern without any gas flickering she let a tear fall as she climbed more. With more energy that she gained for keeping her sister alive she took her sword and brought it up with both of her hands and drove it through the neck crystal. When the monster roared she then pushed it further and twisted at the end hearing the whole thing crack and break. Suddenly she got spewed with juice as she was covered with the monster's innards. When she didn't take the time she felt the magic on the crystal still but even though she didn't have magic she got to her sister's crystal and began to bash on it. She saw a crack and then another crack as she smashed her sword on it. The light could light up the entire dungeon and her sweat flowing from her forehead as her hair was matted. Her tunic was cut and some blood was leaking through the holes in her tunic that were new. Her face was worn just from the one dungeon and her eyes were driven. When the final blow was stuck which was the hardest the crystal shattered. She scooped her up and then jumped off the dead vine beast. Aurianha was carrying her sister. Holding her close to her as she walked up to the prince and just grabbed the clothes from him. Walking out of the temple she began to dress her sister. Getting from this place was her only choice and if that one woman followed she would kill her too. She would kill her for messing wit her family... Zhertal followed silently, praying that the Twilii was alive. He held the door at the entrance for the girls. When they got dow the wooden ramp, they saw Link at the bottom, two glass bottles in hand. Each bottle had a fairy within it, and the soft pink light gave a comforting feeling. He met his daughters and took Fiena into his arms. He was surprised at the amount of damage the girls had taken, and even Prince Zhertal's attire was torn in places. Link's eyes grew steren as he eyed the electrical burns on Fiena. "Aurihana, take one of the bottles and open it. The fairy inside will heal you completely. I only hope Colin gets here with the Zora Tonic he made. That will heal even Fiena. This fairy will only stabilize her." Zhertal took his leave to find Jethro and his brother Alton. He planned on going ahead to alert his mother as to the events of the Forest Temple. His mesage had been delivered, and he needed to let Zelda know that Link's daughters would be delayed. Colin and Beth were crossing Hyrule Field, and having heard of Fiena's abduction, they'd brought a large batch of the 'Zora Tonic', which was a hyper concentrated form of the blue potion. "Colin, I'm worried about the girl. do you think she's okay?" Colin looked at his wife. "She will be once we get there. No matter how close to death someone is, the Zora Tonic will heal them." Fiena opened her eyes. Her vision was blurred, but she knew she was in her father's arms. Her voice was weak, even though the fairy had stabilized her. "D Daddy?...It hurts....but Ne Chan....she saved me." Aurianha looked at her father and she opened the bottle. IF she hadn't done that she would have collapsed in front of him. The surge almost was done when she had carried her sister to her father. "Th thank you...father.", She said softly as she felt more healed though there were some scars that were left over. She went over to Fiena and kissed her forehead. "There, I did save you...and I would do it again.", She said happily since she had a sense of security for her family. Fiena smiled, and the sigils on her arms began to glow softly, but nowhere near what they had been that morning. "The cute boy helped too....Ne Chan...I think he likes you..." Fiena let out a soft giggle, then she fell silent, falling asleep due to the combination of pain and exhaustion. Zhertal blushed immensely at te Twilii's words, and he scratched the bridge of his nose. He had not thought about it at the time, due to the urgency to rescue Fiena, but now as he looked back, when he'd healed Aurianha's wounds, he'd seen down her shirt. He only hoped that Link's elder daughter wouldn't ask if he liked her. But if she did, he'd be honest. Link sighed quietly. "I'm going to bring Fiena back to the house. I'll be by later to walk you guys home." He stood, holding Fiena close to him, and left towards Ordon, leaving just Zhertal and Aurianha alone. 'Maybe Aurianha will get to know the Prince better. They've both grown sice they last met.' he thought. If his daughter fell in love with the Prince, he could rub it in Talo's face that his daughter could be girly at times. Aurianha looked over at the prince at his blush. Her eyes wondered, "Whatcha thinking about?" She asked him as she finally was able to stand properly now instead of falling over like she would have been if she hadn't gotten that fairy. The prince acted a little weird and she wanted to know why he acted so weird. Zhertal did not look her in the eyes. "Well, there is this girl whom I've been in love with since we were young, and I was thinking of how to tell her my feelings. At the same time, I am unsure of how she feels for me." He sat down on a tree stump and gazed at the morning sky, his dark brow hair flowing gently in the breeze coming from the west. "I would be very happy if she had the same feelings as I do, but I have never been very good with speaking to girls." Jethro and his brother had returned to Castle Town's South Gate and informed Zelda of the events that had taken place in Faron Woods. Zelda retreated to the castle itself to pray for the well being of Fiena while the brothers went to see Telma. They had been friends with her for well over ten years, and Time had been kind to her. Tikal was in Nemesis' chamber, head down in shame. Ghidorah was upset, but not enraged."I feel lenient, Tikal. Though you failed, you proved that the Twilii child is indeed our Vessel. Therefore, you will be placed in the prison for foreigners, but treated as if you were not imprisoned. You will be released in one week." Aurianha looked at him and giggled, "You cannot tell a girl that you like her? You should be able to! You are like the crowned prince of this land! Though even with all the courage that I am or have been given I doubt I could say that to the person I like." Aurianha said it that way to avoid persecution or possibility of the prince wanting to find out who it is or thinking she was either lesbian or whatever. An hour had passed with odd conversations between them as they had discussed his original intent and it ended on 'I am stuck' or something. Aurianha sighed, "I am sorry this girl seems irreproachable ...but we must go. Who knows what they will plan next for me or you. I mean they have had me locked on...I feel a presence all the time watching me." She said softly as she had her eyes drift to the plants and trees around her even the sky. She turned her back to the prince and began to walk toward the entrance of the woods that lead either down to the village or the castle where he originated from. Aurianha felt his presence to a point knowing he had gotten up and began to follow her. "So, did you realize you were going to do this Prince Zhertal?", She asked as they walked through the area toward the entrance reaching there at that moment. Stopping she decided the village first before advancing forward, "I mean, I know royalty must be good and you must have to leave at all much. So I just was wondering." She asked more as they walked over the bridge since she wanted to see if Link was there. It was at that moment that Zhertal caught her arm. "Please wait. I wish to tell you who it is that I love." He kew he was risking his pride, and more, but he cared not. "We can go afterward." Link sat at Fiena's side, keeping an eye on on his Twilii daughter. Colin and Beth were there, having taken a back road, thus avoiding the spring. "Colin, thank you. If I'd lost her, Midna would've had my hide, and I'd never forgive myself." he said. Colin only nodded, and Beth was heating up another batch, just in case. "No problem, Link. You saved us when we were just kids, and I'm grateful to have a chance to repay the favor." Fiena stirred a bit, the blanket up to her chin. "...Ne ....Chan....." Her voice was a mere whisper. She was dreaming about the two of them in Castle Town, meeting Queen Zelda. Zhertal took a soft breath as he prepared to confess. "Please don't think ill of me for who I love." Aurianha looked at him, "I am not going to think ill will of you if you like somebody." She said softly looking at him wondering what or why he said that. It didn't matter why or who it was and she hadn't experenced something like that before. Even though that things like that were supposed to be hard and whatnot this wasn't something that really bothered her. "Anyway, who do you love prince? I just now wondering since you have brought it up.", She said as she watched the prince intently. His face turned slightly red as he spoke softly, almost in a whisper. The wind was able to carry his voice to her, though, so he was heard. "It'" He looked her in the eyes, and a kind of love was in his eyes that Aurianha had only seen in Link's eyes whenever he looked at Ilia. "Aurianha, I'm in love with you." He placed a soft kiss on her cheek and put his arms around her in a loving embrace. "I have loved you since last we met. You've grown so beautiful in five years." Ordon watched from the entrance to his Spring, a soft smile playing at his...lips."Love blossoms amongst the Children of the Chosen. May theirs be as strong as Link and Ilia's love."He stepped back inside the gate as Zhertal embraced Aurianha. He placed numerous blessings on them. Fiena suddenly sat bolt upright. Her eyes showed fear until she realized where she was. "Ne Chan....Kawaii Sama...." A smile came to the Twilii child's lips. She giggled as link wondered what was up. "Ne Chan and Prince cutie are huggling! " Link kept a poker face. "..." Midna was watching this from the shadows, silently thanking Aurianha for saving her. Aurianha looked at him and blinked, " me?" She said softly as she found herself in a embrace from him. "...", She couldn't say a word to him now embarressed about what would come out. "I ...had no idea.", She said softly as she just let him hug her. "Just being near you makes my heart flutter to a halt, Aura." Zhertal used her nickname for the first time in years. He kissed her forehead, then looked towards Ordon. "We had better get going. As much as I would like to stay her with you, holding one another like this, your sister needs someone at her side to make her laugh." As he stepped back, he sensed that Fiena was already up and moving, but he said nothing about that. He held Aurianha close as they walked to Link's home, his mind torn in two. One half wanted to stay alone with Aurianha, but the other half wants to see the little Twilii girl and make sure she's alright. Link put his arms around Fiena, thankful she was up, but still surprised it had been so rapid a change. "I'm glad you're feeling better, Fiena." he said. Fiena kissed her father's cheek. "Me too, Daddy. Light Mommy was watching me too, wasn't she?" Ilia had been watching for a while, but she'd fallen asleep. Link nodded as he kissed Fiena's forehead. "Yeah, Light Mommy was watching. She never left your side." Beth saw Zhertal and Aurianha throught the window, but said nothing, thinking it'd be funny to see them walk in hand in hand. 'Hee hee! Aurianha's finally fallen for a boy! Link's gonna get such a kick outta this!' Aurianha looked up at him and then straight ahead, "...Yeah..." She couldn't say a lot since her face was blood red and her way of talking had drained to nothing as she was being held by this prince that she thought she wouldn't ever get. When she saw beth her eyes widened for a second and then suddenly she got redder when she noticed that Beth was giglging. She knew what Beth was thinking and for once she might believe it. The thought of being with a prince might not be so bad. She might even be able to do some good from the castle if things like that were able to work out. I'm gonna bump the time frame forward a bit in the private version. A few hours later, after everyone had cleaned up and changed into non shredded clothing, Jethro's brother, Arkaltrem, returned with a message from the Queen to her son. It was a praise for aiding a hostage, and a reassigning of the boy's duties. Zhertal was to travel with Aurianha and Fiena to Lake Hylia to meet the spirit Lanaryu. Akaltrem was to go with as a cook and records keeper, a role that resembled that of Jiminy Cricket in Kingdom Hearts. Fiena had slept this whole time, and now the fiery haired child stirred, rubbed the sand from her eyes and spoke rather groggily. "Mmm?....Daddy? What happened? I remember chasig a pretty yellow bug, then pain. Then nothing, just blackness." Link asked Aurianha to explain what had happened, still mentally torturing himself for losing track of his daughter. Cain was standing in front of Lanaryu, and the Light Spirit was growling slightly."What business do you have in the Realm of the Light? Speak now, Yami Jin!"Cain dropped to his knees of his own accord, keeping his eyes low, as te orb of Light was blinding if you looked directly at it. He spoke softly, fearful of what would happen if Nemesis were to find out."Great Spirit Lanaryu. I humbly ask for you to purify my soul. My mistress Nemesis has gone too far this time. I no longer want to be her pawn. Please, if you find any good within my heart, let it grow and exorcise the evil within."Lanaryu grew silent. Both of them knew the severity of the situation at hand, and sensing the small bit of good in Cain's heart, Lanaryu dimmed the light to be like daylight. He spoke softly, but sternly."I do sense good in you. I also sense you are truthful, and have no intention of betraying the Light once you are cleansed. Tell me the name by which you are called.""Cain. I was called Cain, but I wish for a name worthy of being in the Light."Lanaryu reared back, rising to his full height above the water. He was silent for a moment, then spoke."Cain of the Yami. In the Sacred Names of the Goddesses, I, Lanaryu, Purify your heart, body, and soul. You are 'Cain' no more. Your name from this day forward shall be 'Aleph Kahkariko'. Rise from your knees, stand tall. You are to remain here until the Daughters of the Hero of Twilight arrive. Then you shall join them.""Hai, Lanaryu Sama." Aurianha rode on the horse while the prince was on the back riding with her. Her eyes spotted the lake and she noticed something standing in front of the cave that they were supposed go to. When she noticed a little gambling like area by the edge that lead down to the lake she walked in there with the prince. "Here, Father told me of this area and he said that this was the way to get down to the lake from where we are.", She said as she walked up to the man with weird makeup on his face. Her eyes were wide and she looked a little disgusted as the man frowned but then switched it. "Welcome! You are now going to go downTreasure Isle! I hope you are prepared for it! Take a coco and fly down toward the little landing in the lake and land on one to get a special prize! The entry is just 20 Rupees!" The man said as he held out his hand. Aurianha sighed as she held out 20 just to get down there. She could care less about the whole adventure of money but chose to do it anyway to get down to her destination. When she walked up to the cocos she picked up the black one after running around and when the man stepped out of the way she leaped out with the prince and began to glide down to the lake. It was amazing that a coco could carry her down so easily. When she arrived she managed ot land on the second level while the prince got the top. When she opened her chest she had recovered some of a piece of heart and she felt her life feel a beat but nothing more. She needed ot make the piece of heart one to actually awaken more strength within herself. Jumping off of the landing she walked through the bridge area toward the cave where it read the entrance to the spirit. When she saw a tall man standing there almost threatening but the spirit almost told her that the man wasn't harmful. Her eyes narrowed but then went back to normal when she felt that presence of the spirit by him. "What the hell...", She said softly as she watched him still on alert. In case he had tricked the spirit. Zhertal, Arkaltrem, and Fiena were not too far behind. As the three of them entered, Aleph took note of the Twilii."Children of the Light. Fear not the man you see standing before you. He has assured me that he wishes to truly reform. I have purified his soul.""I have a salve that will restore the Twilii Child's powers to her.. I abhor harmng children, and she who was my mistress did nothing to cease Tikal's methods.....I am sorry."Fiena instantly hid behind her sister, not wanting this man to get closer. Arkaltrem simply wrote in his journal. Zhertal spoke sternly. "What makes you think we should trust you? Lanaryu Sama may have purified you, but that means jack shit compared to what Tikal put little Fiena through." Fiena nodded from behind her sister. Her silvery red hair formed a small fist with the middle finger up, and she held it to her eye, sticking her tongue out at Aleph as well. "Go away, Meanie!" Tikal was furious at the loss of both the Vessel and Venomess. She rested in the Fire Temple's depths, staring into the eyes of her fiery pet. http: albums cc71 Chiba Domon Amaterasu vs Fire Beast by hyrohiku.jpg "Now, my little Balroque, shall I feed you the Vessel's aide and sister?" The beast simply purred in response. In it's current form, it could not speak, but it held a secret form. Tikal only hoped that Aurianha and Zhertal would not find out that the weaknes for this form was the dagger in its mouth. If the dagger were removed, the beast would be forced to change forms to its more powerful form. "Don't worry, Zukoramaru, They probably won't learn about the dagger in time." Aurianha looked at the man and she frowned, "I ...don't know what to say or do. Though...if the spirit trusts you then I trust you. Because Father said the spirits guarded us from evil and the chaos that was the twilight 25 years ago. So why should we go against their word now?" She said asking them as she turned her head to her sister and then to the prince which had admitted his love for her and she looked at him in a way he understood since he had open a volume of love in her heart. Aurianha looked at the man, "If you have purified then...release your name and know that if you turn I will cut you in two. My sister will not be harmed and the prince isn't going to be either. They are needed and I care about both of them. If you do anything I will cut you down for being a spy and going against the spirit's wishes." She warned the redeemed man. This was hard to do but she had to trust in the wisdom that was the spirits that guarded the land of Hyrule. With this she walked around him and then walked into the spring. "Holy spirit we have been sent to speak with you.", She said as she saw them all enter the cave. However her eye focused on the 'redeemed' one. She didn't trust him herself but she trusted the wisdom of the spirits. Lanaryu spoke with a serene voice that, to Fiena anyways, sounded an awful lot like Link. This was Zhertal's second time hearing the Spirit speak."Young Aurianha, Crown Prince Zhertal, Twilight Princess Fiena. You three are fated to battle. This man will be the guide you need to find the lost Yami Contingent."As Lanaryu explained about the Yami, Fiena hid in her sister's shadow. She didn't trust Aleph at all. Arkaltrem observed the proceedings silently. Not that he had a choice in the matter. Arkaltrem was born mute. Yet he was content with making a written account. He dreamed of being a storyteller. However, when there was a pause in the conversation, he held a note out to Aleph, asking what he thought of Fiena."The Twilii child? I veiw her as an innocent who was unrightfully harmed. While I'm at it, Miss Aurianha is filled with a Courage I've never seen before. And the Prince of Hyrule is a wise healer with a heart as kind as his words." Aurianha looked at the spirit and stood there. While they talked among each other she could feel Fiena in her shadow. Though she knew why her sister hid and she understood here mistrust of the man. This 'Aleph' character was more then had her earned her ire for what he was. This man allowed her sister to be harmed and she couldn't forgive him. Aurianha just stood there watching the spirit. ".....Now then.I have a gift for each of you. This includes you, young Twili."As the boys and Fiena, who'd come out of the shadow at mention of her, looked at Lanaryu, the Orb of Light shone out on the group, giving them new attires and items. Arkaltrem had a white attire with blue trim. He also had a staff with a sapphire of high purity embedded in its core. Aleph was already in his attire, having received a midnight blue suit from Lanaryu when he had been purified. Prince Zhertal ended up in a blue jacket. This was the only change in his clothing, but his hair, which had been dark, was now a salty, sandy blonde. The biggest change was for Fiena. She no longer resembled her mother's cursed form but was now in the form of a Hylian girl. Her hair became like quicksilver, and her eyes grew ruby red. Her skin was of a fair tone, and her dress had become as white as the snow on the Snowpeak Moutains. The sigils on her limbs had vanished, and she was surrounded by a soft white aura, a silver white fairy from the Ancient Woods was hovering near her as well. Lanaryu's gift for Aurianha was a shimmering blade. The hilt was winged, and looked reminiscent of the Blade of the Goddesses. The blade was the Heaven's Blade, a relic as powerful as the Master Sword, but ordained for the hands of a Courageous girl."Arkaltrem, I give you the gift of Healing Magicks and speech. Your voice may be sore and faint for a while, but it shall wear off in time. Your voice is fated to be that of a storyweaver. Aurianha, I grant you the Heaven's Blade. It is a weapon of ancient strength that is on par with the Blade of Evil's Bane. Use it well. And for you, Fiena of the Twilight, I grant the power of the Light. This form will allow you to acess areas that even the Sky Gaurdians cannot reach. You also have full access to your Twili abilities. This form also has a Sacred Fairy that will aid you. Her name is Ruto, after the Water Sage of Ages Past. She has the ability to transform into a blade, thus allowing you to fight along side your sister." He finished speaking, and Ruto spoke to the group. Her voice was light, yet had a motherly tone."It's a pleasure to meet you all." Aurianha looked at the blade and felt the light beaming from it. The strength that could reside in her was juts amazing. She couldn't believe how much she was able to show a blade as her and it light up in front of her. "This is amazing...", She said in awe as she held the sword there even after Ruto had finished or was talking. Though it wasn't due to her being rude and ignoring her though her mind was lost in the blade that she was given. "The...master sword...stronger or equal?", She had heard stories of her father as he used the 'Sword of evil's bane'. How it was the strongest out there in legend and the strongest sword in all the realm. Then her eyes looked upon her sister, "You...look like me.." She said softly as she couldn't believe her sister were like her. The thought of having a sister that was like her was unreal though in some senses she was used to her Twili form and the fact that had made her miss that aspect but she was adaptable person and this was the new way and possibly the best way for her since she could fight along side her. Aurianha just looked at her and nodded in smiling as she noticed the different changes to everybody even the prince himself. This spirit was doing its best to help out and ease their burden on saving the realm from possible annihilation. Aurianha looked at the spirit again, "where do we go form here great spirit?" She asked as she looked at it intently. The spirit had some answers and even if they were riddles or clues she wanted to have more idea since she was sent here for answers. The spirit was generous and given them special powers and abilities and even stronger weapons but it hadn't answered the questions that needed to be stated. "Seek the Spirit Eldin. The Holy Owl of Light shall guide you to your next battle."Zhertal beamed at the new appearance of the Twilight Princess. She did indeed resemble Aurianha, yet se was still innocent. Arkaltrem worked up the courage to speak, and his voice came out ragged and deep. He had a Scottish accent, which made him sound like Sean Connery."Thank....thank you, Lanaryu Sama."Fiena peeked down her own shirt, unused to the presence of breasts. She then looked at her sister and smiled. "Ne Chan, I can't wait to fight alongside you." Ruto smiled at the love shown between the sisters. Though she was herself nude, she cared not. All Ruto wanted was to aid the children. "But, who's Eldin? Ne Chan, do you know who Eldin is?" Lanaryu nodded, then vanished. His job done, he prayed his owl like sister was up to the task at hand. Aurianha looked at them both, "I know where this is. My father used to speak of the fights with the gorons in Death Mountain." She said as she turned and looked directly in the direction of Kakariko as her eyes got serious, "We need to head to Kakariko and then find the spirit. There we will be able to find out who struck at you Fiena." She said as she smiled at the Fairy that now floated about the twili girl. Though now looked more Hyrulian then at her at times. Though their resemblance as sisters now couldn't be ignored. When she turned to leave she looked at Aleph and then walked on. She cared not for him and until he proven his loyalty she would watch her sister's back as she had her sister's hand in hers as she walked on. "Alright, Zhertal lets go.", She said as she walked out of the cave and toward the middle of the lake. The clown guy was smirking as she stood there and looked at him. Her father wasn't kidding...the man looked horribly homely and the years haven't been kind to him. Since it had been a long time he had grown whatever hair he had turned white and his figure got even more hunch back. He still ran his cannon which she couldn't believe had the strength to do so. "I need to take this cannon back up to the top of the cliff up there.", She said as she looked at him. His smirk still there as she got a grossed out appearance. "Fine pretty lady! Though it will cost you!", He said quickly smirking as he rubbed his old wrinkly hands together in a sinister laugh. "I know your father and he had run me in and out of business! He had collected most of my rupees out of my course and I couldn't afford to get more even after I fixed that ancient cannon that he could use. This time I am making you pay for the fact that he just got away with too much!", He said as his smirk was still there but his words were more vengeful toward her. Aurianha looked at him, "Fine! What are you charging me?!" She looked at him with an angry look. She had opened the breast pocket and began to take out of her rupees. Her eyes went through them and she noticed that she had her max 300 rupees. This meant that she could spare some rupees that she had. The man looked at her rupees and smirked at how much there was. "It will cost you....50 rupees!", The man said as Aurianha looked at him with fury as she threw the rupees at his head as he fell over form the impact. "Ow!!! I should make you pay MORE!!!!", He yelled as he struggled up to his feet looking at Aurianha annoyed. His face was a little poofy as she had hit him with the rocks that they used for currency. "Get in the fucking Cannon now!", He sounded like an old man that wanted them off his lawn but in this case in his cannon so he could launch them to their destination. Aurianha looked at the inside which had the mechanics of a cannon. "How could father feel safe in here...?", She held Fiena's hand to show her that she had to trust her to get to their safety and that they could get to where then needed to go. She would let the prince deal with the money grabbing old man as she heard a fizzle on the outside and suddenly something launched her hard up in the air as she screamed out as they flew into the building at the top and landed screamed some as she looked around holding Fiena tightly. Fiena was trembling. The old man had frightened her, but it was the cannon that had truly terrified her. Tears were streaming down her face as she clung to Aurianha. There was another explosion, and a few seconds later, the boys landed next to the girls. Zhertal and Aleph were fine, but Arkaltrem ran to the railing, his face green. The cannon had apparently given him motion sickness. Zhertal noticed this and sighed. "I hope we don't need that thing again." the prince said, comforting his ill friend."Our 'friend' down below should now know the meaning of fear."Aleph handed a pair off red rupees to Aurianha. A clever smile was on his face, but it softened when he noticed how frightened Fiena was."I convinced him that because a small child had taken the trip, he should refund the overcharge he'd given you. However, Arkaltrem helped. Once the boy regains his composure, we shall continue.""I...I'll be fine...not used to moving that fast....."Ark had managed to regain his composure while the 'Purified One' had been speaking. Once the group was on the other side of the house, a loud whinny was heard. Four, actually, and the source was not that hard to locate. Epona was standing at the top of the wooden ramp alongside two white purebred Eldinian quarterhorses and one jet black Gerudo Stallion. The stallion had a white star on its forehead, slightly off centered. Epona and the Stallion had sand brown manes, one of the white horses had a white mane, and the other's mane was white and grey. Zhertal smiled as he recognized the three. "So Mother sent Epona here with Scheris and Mimori. I'll have to thank her foresight when I get home." Fiena was still crying, but the tears were now silent. Aleph noticed his Stallion and whistled softly."Kuro, ikuse."Ark and Zhertal helped Aurianha and Fiena mount Epona, then mounted their own horses as Aleph and Kuro walked ahead, sniping the wild Keese that were waiting to attack. "N Ne Chan..." Fiena's voice was soft, and it held a tone that pleaded for comfort. Aurianha looked at Fiena and held her for a bit before she turned the horse in the direction in Kakariko. Aurianha held Fiena for a second longer comforting her as she kicked the horse in a way to make her run ahead. They dashed toward the village which would take a couple hours due to how long and far they were though Aurianha could use the exploring since this was her very first time outside the woods of Furon. Suddenly a scream rang out which made her stop her horse and suddenly a man with a white exercise tunic and a red hat followed by a little bag on his hip. He had sandals and his face was just goofy as he made a sound when he held out a letter, "Here is the letter from Mr. Link!" He called out as Aurianha kind of giggled at the look of the fellow. He had an awkward appearance as she noticed that he had a letter. Taking it he dashed ahead to the prince and did the same thing. The letter read, "How goes the adventuring? I just want to know since I have been here with Illa in ordon. I wanted to hear from you sometime. I know you haven't been gone long but it is hard to see you go ...Aurianha. How is Fiena? Is she safe? I hope she is. I know she will be in your hands. You were always a strong caring woman like your mother at times. Always making sure that everybody was safe. Look at me I am writing to you and I cannot stop writing! Haha! Anyway love I want to make this short but I just wish to know how you are doing and to make sure Rando is ok and that I said hi when you go into the village." That was the end. Aurianha looked at the letter some as she handed it to Fiena to let her know how her father felt about her and how she was complimented. "Father says hi Fiena.", She said softly and then looked over at the other two as they had letters as well and she wondered what was going on in their world. "It's from Daddy?" Fiena read the note, then giggled at her father's crappy writing skills. "Daddy's writing looks like Mama's!" Zhertal read his letter carefully. Zelda had written about a premonition she'd had.'Zhertal, my son. Beware steeping foot on Death Mountain. I sense great evil that exceeds that of even the Twilight of the past. I fear something worse may occur.'Arkaltrem looked over the prince's at the letter from the Queen. The boy seemed annoyed, but said nothing. Aleph reminded them that they needed to be in Kakariko by nightfall. Zhertal nodded as he put his letter in a saddlebag. "Right then. Shall we?" In the deepest parts of the Fire Temple, Tikal sat petting the mane of her Balroque. "Well Zukoramaru, Time to get you ready for battle." The fire demon growled contently. It knew it would soon be feeding on the souls of Hylians and a Twili.... Aurianha kicked her horse again and then rode off into the distance toward Kakariko. She raced across the field killing some monsters with her new blade which seemed to evaporate due to the power. Her eyes looked about the world and when she noticed the desert like crossing she knew she was getting close. The village was nestled in a valley. When she stopped she looked at the village itself. It hadn't changed much over the years since her father had told her of the story where he had to get the fused armor piece for Midna. Rondo was walking across the way with Colin the new cheiftan of the village. The boys were not too far behind. When Colin saw Aurianha, he smiled. However, he didn't see Fiena, or rather, didn't recognize her. "Aurianha, where's Fiena? Is she hiding in your shadow?" he asked. He didn't even notice the small silver haired girl sitting behind Link's elder daughter. Aleph dismounted near the Spring, waiting for the others to come in their own time. He cast his eyes towards the mountain, which was softly rumbling as it always had. He thought quietly to himself as the light from Eldin's Spring glowed softly, offering a bit of light to the sky which was swiftly becoming dark. Ark and Zhertal went to speak with Beth, as she had befriended Ark when he was a young boy. Fiena giggled softly as she slid off of Epona. "Ne Chan, I'm gonna go play in the pool!" Without waiting for a response, Fiena ran towards Eldin's Spring and dove into the water. When she resurfaced, Aleph's face was beet red and he was staring intently at the mountain. It seemed as if he was embarrassed, and he was right to be embarrassed. The water had completely drenched Fiena's dress, and her every curve could be seen as she floated on her back, letting her hair drift out like a shimmering curtain of light. "This is nice. Not too warm, not too cool. Smells great, lots of fishies to play with. I can see why Mama likes this one the best." Fiea giggled again. Aurianha looked at Colin and smirked, "That is my sister.." She said as the girl that had dashed to the pool. Colin gave a little shocked look as she smirked, "I will explain...but for now." She said as she got off Epona she walked back to the spring and looked at the forming light. Her eyes focused on it as she realized that Fiena was literally now nude due to the water exposing her body to a point and why Aleph was looking away. Her eyes narrowed, "You better know how to listen like that..I will not have you staring at her." She said cursing as she looked back at the light and bowed slightly as Elden had transformed into its form. "Great spirit I have traveled from Lake Hylia and heard from the spirit there that I should seek you out.", She said as the rest joined her eventually as she spoke. The mountain behind them rumbling to a point as if it was sick or something since its sounds were odd. "...I need to figure out who this is that is coming after my beloved sister and the world it seems. I have noticed many in the temple I was in. The temple was the forest temple and it was dreadful. So please lend me your wisdom." She said looking at it intently. Fiena stood by her sister, then looked down at her clothing. Her face turned as red as her eyes and she asked Aurianha to borrow her cloak for a bit. As she wrapped herself in it, a bright light began to shimmer in the water. It rose to hover above them and a large owl eagle hybrid appeared before them, its eyes kind and knowing. This regal avian creature was the Light Spirit Eldin."Daughters of the Hero. You have done well. My brother Lanaryu has offered his blessings, I see. Listen close to what I have to say. The ones hunting Young Fiena are known as the Yami. These beings are from a realm known as the Dark Plane. I believe the Purified One can give you more information about the realm itself."Aleph nodded. He was born and raised in the Dark Plane, and knew its quirks inside and out."Lady Eldin....what of Miss Tikal? She betrayed the Young Miss.""So I have heard, Warrior Arkaltrem. Sadly, I know as little as you. But this I do know. Your journey's next step lies upon the Mountain of Fire. Those who dwell in stone and flameshall inform you more. Seek the one known as Cor Darunus."With that said, Eldin faded from view, the Light Orb healing any wounds they'd had and drying Fiena's clothes. The boys bowed with respect, and Fiena blew a kiss towards the Orb. "Thank you, pretty lady Spirit." Ruto flitted happily about the Spring, darting back and forth between the travelers. She seemed totally at home, and the fairies of Eldin Spring seemed to know her. One even complimented her by name. When she returned to Fiena's side, the nude fairy smiled."You know, Lanaryu Sama's cloak for Aleph is going to be bad on Death Mountain."Fiena looked at Aleph, blushing slightly. She knew he was not fully trusted by her sister, but Fiena felt like being nice to him. "Um...Aleph San?""Yes, Fiena?""Um...I...I wanna help you out...." A small orb of twilight formed in the girl's palm, and when she touched it to Aleph's blue cloak, it transformed. The cloak was now a dark maroon with red trim. his eyes changed to a gold, not unlike those of a cat, and his hair shortened a bit, making him look slightly regal. Fiena was beet red when he was fully transformed. "H hope it helps...fireproof..." Aleph thanked her. Aurianha looked at them and then nodded some, "Fiena.." She said softly as she beckoned her toward her side. She didn't trust Aleph but slowly and surely she was finally starting to trust him some. "I want you near me around him, though I can see the goodness already flow from himself.", She told her little sister. Aurianha looked toward Death Mountain and then at the rest, "Do you want to rest or do you want to go on ahead and face out the Gorons." She asked them as she smirked a little, "I am ready when you all are ready to face them. I assume we just go now and deal with this and hopefully this goron can help us figure out what the Yami are doing." She said as she walked out of the pool and toward the chieftain's hut to talk to Colin hoping he was there. The boys quickly talked about it, deciding on resting for the night and heading out around mid morning. Zhertal and Arkaltrem headed for the Inn, Fiena wandered off into the graveyard, and Aleph went to the spring above the Inn. Ruto flitted alongside Fiena, bringing ancient memories back to Eldin as she watched from the lake. She remembered well the Hero of Time. It was He who happened to be the ancestor of the two girls, through their father. "Hey, Fiena. Why are we going back here? There's nothing but graves. I mean, sure theirs the grave of the parents of King Ralis, but there's nothing else."The fairy landed on Fiena's shoulder, looking into the Twili's eyes."So what gives, huh?"Fiena looked down to her fairy friend and smiled awkwardly. A faint red tint appeared on her cheeks as she spoke softly, praying the wind didn't carry her words back towards town. " reason. It's just....I needed some alone time. I think I might be falling in love with someone...." Ruto looked shocked. No one was close enough to the Twili child's age, yet she says she's falling in love? As the two of them talked, a shadowed figure watched from the heights of the mountain."So...That is the Vessel...Pity darkness shall soon consume the land."The figure vanished without a sound or trace. She was right, though. Darkness had already consumed Snowpeak Range and the Gerudo Desert. It was only a matter of time before it crept towards Eldin Province. Zhertal left the Inn, having paid for his room. He walked towards the chieftain's hut, to speak with Aurianha before Colin got there. When he opened the door, he saw Aurianha slightly upset at Colin's absence. "Aurianha, I saw Colin in the Inn. He said he'd be here in about an hour to speak with you." He kissed her cheek as he gently wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Meanwhile, why not cuddle with me for a bit?" Aurianha looked at him from the corner of her eye, "...A sure..." She said softly as she looked away and then at the floor. The hut they were in glowed dimly with the lights that dotted around it. It hadn't changed even when her father was here since every detail was still in the same place he was here in his wolf form. The way it was didn't seem like it would change anytime soon. Her eyes looked back at the handsome and strong man that now held her in his arms. Her body tense some but loosened as he held her longer. Her eyes couldn't focus as she was looking at the runes on the walls and the way it was designed and everything. Even the drop out in the floor toward the cellar. The way you had to climb down. She probably assumed that they kept it that way. While she thought of this it was to keep her mind from being overwhelmed by how this man was being so nice and caring toward her. Maybe her father wanted this since he didn't like how she was so tomboyish around the other guys and stuff in their village. Due to her training she had been looked at as very masculine and the men would run then rather look at her the way the prince does. Maybe he was better at swinging a sword...maybe he was stronger at doing such things. Again her mind now without any way to stop focusing on him went nuts as she trembled some as she stood there. Though her body laid back into him. Zhertal rested his chin on her shoulder. "You're so tense. What's on your mind?" His voice was soft, somehow sounding as if they had been lovers forever, though he hadn't intended it to sound that way. Fiena danced around the lone Keese that hung around the grave, sending her hair flowing out around her like a silvery cape. The Keese simply watched her, mesmerized by the little girl's movements. She was so graceful, so elegant, that it seemed like she had come from a palace ball. Ruto fluttered a small distance from her, silently paying respects to Ralis' parents. Fiena sang as she danced."Shooto sunzen mune ga hikisakane sou nandomo koe wo agete Break out! It's Not Over owaranai yoru wo kakenukete ike atsui chi ga karada no naka wo meguru saigo ni kuchihateta shunkan wa It's All Over utsuro na yume no kakera ga ukanderu mou nidoto modorenai nani mo omoidasenai mogaku hodo ochite yuku koe mo todokanai kontorooru dekinai shoudou Give Me Your XTC! mou ichido kanji sasete yo kono karada atsuku naru kurayami de kimi no na wo sakebu Give Me Your XTC! itsuwari no ai wa iranai ukeireyou tsumi tobatsu shikumareta sadame wo kirisake yo Blade"As she sag, the sigils on her arms and legs began to glow a soft silver, and a pair of ethereal wings with silver feathers began to appear, giving her the appearance of an angel from heaven. Even Ruto was in awe, and she had seen the trasformation the group had undergone at the Lake Spring. Aurianha looked back at him, "I just not used to all." She mumbled as she let herself let go of some of the tense feelings as she didn't want him to see it. It wasn't his fault she was like this and she didn't want him to feel that way. So she just let some of it go as she looked at him some more through the corner of her eye, "How long have you ...liked me this way?" She said as she was extremely bashful. "I know this is going to sound lame, but I fell in love with you when we first met at that party Mother held ten years ago. The one where she invited Sir Link, King Ralis, the Goron Elders, and Lady Midna. It's inexplicable, but I simply felt drawn to you, the same way your father and Miss Ilia were drawn to one another." He kissed her cheek, teasingly close to the lips. The scent of her hair was driving him wild. It was the same scent he remembered from that day... FLASHBACK A young Prince Zhertal stood beside his mother as she introduced him to the Ordonian family standing before them. His eyes rested on the blonde girl who looked no older than he did. He saw that she had a tomboyish appearance, hair was short, pants rather than a skirt or dress, and a 'don't mess with me' attitude. He spoke proudly, trying to be as elegant as his mother, and doing quite well, too. "My name is Zhertal. What's your name?" The girl simply looked at him as if he was just a high class noble prick, lke most of the other noblemen at the party. "Auriaha. What's it too you, Spike head?" His nose caught the scent of fresh hay, wild flowers, and horses. He felt a faint redness on his cheeks as he tured his head to the side, scratching the bridge of his nose. He'd fallen in love at the mingling of the scent of her hair and the harsh, yet kind, tone in her voice. Silently he prayed to the Goddesses that he be allowed to wed her in the future. END FLASHBACK "Do you remember what you called me that day, Aurianha? I still laugh a bit when I recall it." He released her and sat on the bench nearby, motioning for her to sit with him. Fiena finished singing her song, then crawled back through the small tunnel and walked to the edge of the graveyard's entrance. She'd sensed something watching her from the gravesite of the previous Zora King, but she couldn't tell what. "Ne Chan, " she said, sensing her sister's nervousness. "I hope you shut up and kiss that hottie already." Aurianha looked at him and nodded, "Yeah...spike head." She said with a little more confidence. She looked at him some more with a smirk, "You did look like a spike head back then and being like your mom didn't help it either. I say be yourself." She said as she sounded like she gained all of her confidence back not to mention her sis was trying to say 'kiss him damnit' to her all the time. Half an hour later, Colin entered the shack and sat next to Zhertal and Aurianha. "So tell me. What did you need, Aurianha?" Fiena walked slowly back to the village, keeping an eye out for trouble. When she got to town, she saw Epona standing in the water of the Spring, and she happily skipped over, humming her song again. "Epona, I'm gona scrub you all nice and clean for Ne Chan." Epona whinnied as the girl began cuooing water in her hands and splashing it on the horse. Epona had gotte used to this back in Ordon, ad she stood still, knowing that the girl was just trying to kill time before bed. "Let me tell you a secret, Epona. You gotta promise not to tell Ne Chan this, too!" Fiena blushed deep crimson as she spoke words that reflected teh depths of her heart. "Epona," she whispered, "I think I'm in love with Ne Chan. And not just a sisterly love, either." Fiea paused and looked at the water at the horse's feet. Ruto blushed as deep a shade of crimson as Fiena as the Twili continued. "Epona, I think I love Ne Chan the same way Mama loves Daddy. I...I wanna be with Ne Chan forever. I don't want her to love me. I want her to love me, you know..." Her voice trailed off as Ruto spoke out, her hushed cries frantically trying to understand."NANI?!?! you reaize what your saying, Fiena San?! That's....that's a forbidden kind of love!!"Fiena silently motioned for the fairy to be silent, knowing that Aleph and Arkaltrem were fishing on the other side of the Spring. The two of them had heard Fiena's entire confession of forbidden love, and they decided it'd be best to keep it secret and focus on the greengills and Ordon catfish swimming below them. Aurianha looked at Colin and sighed, "I have some news to say.." She said as she looked at Colin and explained while the Prince sat there. She needed to make sure hat Colin got it and saw his face transform into fear as Aurianha explained and noticed the prince getting closer to her and her blush forming as Colin let out snickers as she smacked him some making him wince and rub his face some. Zhertal rubbed his cheek. He hadn't expected her to smack him when he'd kissed her neck. 'Probably should've waited till Colin was gone.' he thought. Colin paced nervously. When he'd heard that Eldin had told them to seek Cor Darunus, he paled. "Aurianha, Darunus went missing two weeks ago. Not even his own kin know what happened." Zhertal tensed. "Where was Lord Darunus last seen? Perhaps we could go from there." As the Prince tried to figure out what could have possibly happened to Cor Darunus, Colin rubbed the large hand print on his cheek. The blonde chieftain frowned. "He was last seen heading into the Fire Temple, within Death Mountain." Zhertal nodded. "We'll grab Fiena, Arkaltrem, and Aleph and start heading up the mountain first thing in the morning. I'd like to leave now, but..." He glanced out towards Epona and saw Fiena asleep on the horse's back. "It looks like Fiena is already sleeping. I'll bring her to the Inn and put her to bed. Lady Aurianha, I shall see you in the morning." Zhertal bowed once and exited the building. As he walked over to the horse, Fiena stirred. Her voice was a mix of minor ecstasy and embarrassment. "N Ne...Chan......n not tickles..." Her face was beginning to turn red, and when Zhertal noticed the sky to the western horizon, he felt uneasy as the darkness there was a bit too dark for this time of night. "Oh well," he said, picking Fiena off of Epona and holding her as if she were his own sleeping daughter. "Probably just some rain clouds or something." Meanwhile, King Ralis braced himself for the impact of the wall of darkness that had already consumed half of the Waterfall Chamber. He knew there was nothing he could do, and as the darkness passed over him, his body vanished, and he became a floating soul, trapped in the darkness. Ghidorah smirked as Nemesis' plan as coming together quite 'swimmingly'. Tikal spoke to her Balroque. "Alright Zukoramaru, you're all set. Get in that mountain temple and make sure that Goron elder Darunus, or whatever, is properly detained. Wouldn't want him spoiling the fun now, would we?" The Balroque nodded and clamored off, aiming for the very room that Link had fought the possesed Goron leader 25 years ago. The scent of Goron driving his killing instinct into overdrive, waiting to slay the daughter of the Hero. Aurianha felt something dark approaching them something feeling like an omen. It was horrible but she ignored it and got up and headed out of the hut after saying good night. When she reached the inn the darkness or omen felt even stronger. "What is going on..", She said to herself as she entered the dusty building feeling the feeling creep closer to her as she walked in she noticed that everybody was upstairs knowing seeing the lights on as she walked up the stairs and into her room. The feeling got worse as she shook her head, "Don't you guys feel that?" She asked as she went over and laid down on one of the beds as she slowly closed her eyes feeling drained suddenly. Arkaltrem, who had just gotten back himself, nodded. He felt it, alright, but he didn't want to know what it was. Aleph was already asleep, having finished his evening routine of martial training to keep his body in shape. Zhertal entered the room quietly, a sleeping Fiena in his arms. She had a thumb in her mouth, just as if she were a small child The sigils gave a faint silver glow. The Prince smiled as he laid the sleeping girl down on her bed. "Sleep well, Fiena Chan. Tomorrow, we search Death Mountain's Fire Temple." He kissed the girl's forehead, and she mumbled three words. "...Ne" Cor Darunus glared at the fire beast before him. There were chains holding the large Goron in place, including a choker that cut his breathing to the point of it being labored."You won't get away with this! The Darkness is coming, and yet you side with them instead of trying to save your homeland? Once you are slain, Balroque, I will scatter your ashes amongst the waters of Lake Hylia so that you can never return!" Nemesis chuckled as she spread the darkness over the remainder of Lanaryu Province, including Castle Town. Even the Queen was not spared being transformed into a spirit. Aurianha struggled in her sleep as she felt something almost choking on her neck. Her eyes wouldn't open as she was locked in a deadly nightmare. Though the real nightmare was about to hit them in about a half hour or so. The darkness spread fast and the moon even got darker with every passing second. Aurianha sighed and grunted as she struggled in her sleep. "....D don't...stop..", She struggled to say as she moved around more. Her body was twisted in some way and then suddenly she found herself on the floor. When she didn't realize it the darkness was yards from the inn. "Hey that is no cloud.", She yawned as she finally was woken from her dream as she yelled out the sentence. Everybody woke up to see this curtain being pushed forward toward them. Her eyes widened as she noticed the curtain was about to swallow the inn, "everybody!!!, get!!" She said quickly dashing to them as she was trying to keep them being swallowed. Her eyes saw about to enter the inn. The boys all sat bolt upright as Aurianha cried out. Fiena was still asleep, though, and Ark's first reaction was to grab his staff and the girl. Zhertal grabbed his sword, and Aleph saw the wall of darkness creeping up on them. He knew what it was, and what it was capable of doing to humans."Gather around me! Hurry! I'll warp us straight to the Fire Temple!"An arcane circle began to entwine itself around Aleph, and the runes were similar, if not identical, to the ancient Hylian glyphs. Fiena awoke at the moment the magic began to take effect. However, it was a split second to late, and as they warped, the Darkness completely enveloped the room. Fiena screamed in fear, but as a reaction to the warp out of the Darkness to the heat of the Fire Temple's entrance. When the spell faded, Fiena trembled at the sight of what the Darkness had done. Zhertal had become a jet black wolf with red socks, and a red star on his forehead. his tail, ears, and mane also had some red, and on his forelegs was the symbol of the Zora Royal Family. The star on his forehead was the same shape as his birthmark, and the Hylian Crest was in his red neck fur. Arkaltrem had transformed into a silver furred tiger anthro. His eyes had transformed once more, going from a oceanic blue to a more feral ruby. The tail he'd gained had a red collared bell about a foot from the tip, but other than that, he was wearing just the silver shorts he'd slept in. Aleph's tunic had changed slightly from the form that Fiena had given him. His hair was slightly longer, and the red on his tunic was a deeper shade of blood. Other than that, he was largely unaffected, due to being from the Darkness originally. Fiena was almost scared to see what had become of her sister. Aurianha stood in the runes but didn't care of the darkness since she felt a pulsing in her body. It was painful and suddenly her hand lit up with the triforce as she screamed out as she knelt down. Her body screaming out through her mouth, "AhhhhnnnnAHHHHH!!!..." She screamed as another pulse and suddenly she felt scales or something take over her body. It slowly worked though as every pulse hit it felt like a heartbeat increasing as the effect got worse. "Ahhhnnn it hurts!!!...AHH...", When she spoke her voice was warped to a point. Aurianha had the tunic on though it was darker shade of green followed by blood red tint to the outlines. Her hat was spine and scaled like her body now that had seen. Her sword had mutated into a darker sword knowing as 'Heaven's Wrath'. Her body had completely changed and her body had a tail and her hands were claw like and her overall attitude was a little more sharper. Though she still had control she had more of a stronger tongue in this form then she normally had. Her eyes had adapted that of a dragon and her mouth when she did will it could breath fire which in her case was black. Though at this moment worried for her life didn't know she had. Her eyes focused on the other group and she noticed that the darkness had warped them too. As the others looked eachother over, Zhartal tried to voice a complaint, but it came out as the language of Wolves. Arkaltrem voiced teh exact same concern, and his voice had taken a more Irish accent to it."Well, this is a bit troublin' now lads. I think Miss Fiena is th' only one o' us who ain't been changed by the darkness.""Hm. And it looks like this was the last part of the land left to taint. I sense evil in these mines. Be on guard. Fiena, you stay close to Zhertal. Perhaps if you rode upon his back as your mother did for your father those many years ago?"Zhertal sweat dropped in anime fashion. Fiena blushed, but spoke quietly. "I...I can turn into a wolf too. That way, Zhertal won't be lonely." She got down on all fours, her hair and dress fusing, becoming a beautiful coat of fur. Her sigils became black patterns upon the fur, and her eyes showed her innocence and her wild pride at the same time. her wolf form was gorgeous, ad Zhertal felt himself blushig uder the fur. She sat between the Wolf Prince and her dragon sister, looking longingly at her sister. Fiena's telepathy was heard by the entire group. 'Plus, while in Wolf form, I can talk using my mind! I can tell you what Zhertal wants!' Aurianha looked at them and frowned, "Whatever lets get in there and stop them where they stand." She said harshly as she walked on toward the entrance as storms rang out to the sides of her. This was the equivalent to the 'shadow' of herself. Basically as she walked in an aura of evil cloaked her like her father when he had turned wolf in earlier past. Her eyes couldn't focus now since she had scales. It felt like she could feel more and her mind felt more angry. Her long flowing blond hair that she did have turned to a crimson with black stripes going through it. Fiena and Zhertal nodded at Aurianha's words. Aleph walked up to the entrance and hefted the heavy stone door open. The instant it opened, a blast of hot air roared at them, and Arkaltrem shuddered."Holy shit! That's some hot ass air inside here. I mean, sure it's a volcano, but still.""I know. But if Daddy and Mama could handle it, then so can we. Right, Ne Chan?" Fiena sounded an awful lot more confident than before, and she was still half asleep. That is, until she stepped inside the Temple. As soon as the group stepped foot inside, Fiena felt an overwhelming evil, and it woke her up in a fucking hurry. She crouched down at her sister's side, her tail between her legs, ears flat against her head. You could see the fear in her eyes. "Did...did you feel that, Ne Chan? Something's waiting for us, and I don't like this feeling I'm getting.""I sense that Tikal has brought her favorite pet with her. It's a Phantom Balroque named Zukoramaru. If that's who she has planned for us to fight, I advise extreme caution. That beast is unpredictable." Aurianha looked at the flames felt at home with her. Her eyes were holding a great flame as her hand reached out and she didn't get burned by the lava. Though it did feel like really hot water it didn't feel like how her father said as he was saved by Midna some how from burning and melting. Her eyes mused at how it felt and how it didn't feel to her that her father would have explained. She walked on looking at her sis with her dragon like eyes, "We will be alright..." she said darkly as she looked back at the others as they flinched some and she smirked walking on into the mines toward the temple. Zhertal calmly stood beside Fiena, resting his muzzle on her forehead to comfort her. His red eyes focused on the terrain ahead of them, wondering how they were going to cross the river of lava that flowed before them. Aleph and Arkaltrem glanced at Aurianha, and Arkaltrem smirked."Well now, Lassie. This is one hell of a temple. How do ya perpose we cross the lava? Your a dragon, so no problem for ya, o'course, but what about the others? I don't see a platform anywhere for them to cross."Ark was fairly certain he'd be able to leap the gap, so that's why he didn't mention himself. Zhertal sat down and observed the ledge they were on. When he looked up, he saw a weight switch on the wall through the grating. He let out a solitary growl and pointed with his muzzle. Fiena translated as she saw what he'd pointed to. "Ne Chan! There's a switch on the wall above us! But it looks a bit rusted to me." Aurianha looked up at it and then grabbed the wall since it was hard rock and used her strong claws. Her body climbed along as she got to the switch. With a strong swipe she hit the switch hard making it throw out a long sound showing an activation though she was too far up to see what happened. "what went on?", She said in her dark warped voice as she looked down at them as she waited. A metallic grind of metal on metal answered her as a steel walkway slowly extended itself out towards the heavy door that was emblazoned with the Goron's Crest. "There's a metal bridge! looks like it goes right to the door, Ne Chan!" Fiena called out. She seemed to sound almost as if she as as old, if not older, than her sister somehow. Perhaps it was because of being in the same form as her father when she was conceived, or maybe she just had gained more self confidence. Whatever the reason, Fiena led the others across the new walkway, killing the two fire Keese on the way herself. Aleph took special note of this, as the girl's fangs were stained with the blood of her enemies.'Hmm. Perhaps she is indeed the one to break the curse upon the land.'Once they reached the door, Zhertal howled to let Aurianha know they had crossed safely. It sounded deep, almost mythic, as it escaped his jaws, rising to the heavens. Aurianha looked at them noticing that roaring lava spouts shot up as she ignored them all. Though it gave her a more fierce appearance as she looked at them. Aurianha looked at them and noticed that her sister had a lot more confidence about what she was doing as she enjoyed the change though the change in spotlight was a little sore for her as she waited for them to go to the next room since she couldn't get a clear view back behind them. Fiena sat in awe at the sky above them. It reminded her of the Twilight that she loved so much, and yet it was a bit darker. "Uwaaa!! So pretty!!" The stars shoe through, and Arkaltrem and Zhertal both agreed with Fiena. Aleph seemed to be the only one amongst them that saw the solitary Lizalfos and the moblin archers."Everyone be on guard! There are enemies about!" Aurianha looked at them and continued on not commenting on the twilight. She didn't care much either way. Though she wanted to do the right thing both the light and this realm looked the same almost just with a darker atmosphere though it was unfair for the people of Hyrule to live in such condition due to the fact they are mere spirits unknown to the real problem that was going on around them. Aurianha looked ahead and began to hope from one platform to another hitting a switch there another one there. Though on one of the spinning surfaces she almost lost her balance but regains it barely as she sighed some from the falling would be a tish too hot for her skin even. Aurianha got done with the whole thing about the time they started on the first stretch that she had gone through already. Though she noticed another door and then opened it noticing more doors and noting that there were more rooms to go through instead of the forest temple to where she had gone through a lot and it seemed so small this seemed bigger and with the sense of the large beast her inner beast blood boiled with anticipation and her eyes lit up as she thought of fighting the 'pet' of Tikal that nearly killed her sister. The thing that she would pay for soon enough if she got her hands on her. This is the promise she could promise her sister that she would do for her. "Come on it is down this way!", She said as she saw them nearing her spot. Fiena and the others arrived at Aurianha's side, and Fiena changed back to her Hylian form. She wrapped her arms around her sister. Tears were flowing down her cheeks.She'd seen her sister fall, but hadn't seen the recovery. As such, she'd thought her sister had died in the lava. "NE CHAN!! WAAAAH!!!" Zhertal remained quiet, as did Aleph and Arkaltrem. "I..I thought *sniffle* you'd died!" Arkaltrem was the first to enter the next room, and his staf began to glow. He instantly knew what it meant and pointed towards the cieling."Watch out! There's an army of chu chus abve us!!" Aurianha looked at her sister and felt her hug as she saw the girl was back to her original form. "I didn't know you could change back sis.", She said in her messed up voice that she got from turning as she looked at her. Smiling, "Sis I am tougher then that! I grew up with our father and whatnot. I didn't live in a castle or anything I lived on a farm and worked." She said softly as she looked out toward Chu Chus landed on the ground as she drew her powerful sword as she looked at them and then quickly dashing in and slashing cutting the Chu Chus down to their smaller parts and then killing them farther to goo. Aurianha then looked at them as fire slugs and other monsters attack. While she dove into them she launched out her huge fire breath. It blew most of them away while the others closed in she used her tail and caused a massive shock wave which devastated them. While most of the monsters died a chest appeared in the room and showed a 50 rupees in the chest. Fiena watched in awe as her sister defeated the monsters with such ease. There were sparkles in her eyes as she saw the purple rupee. She had never seen such a gem before, and she was captivated. Aleph had had the foresight to scoop up the red, blue, gold and shiny Chu Jellies that had remainedafter slaying the Chuchus. He had also bottled the five fairies he'd found while exploring the room, takaing his time while Arkaltrem and Zhertal escorted Fiena to the far side of the room, right up at the door. Sadly, there was a small lock on the door, and steel chains held it shut. "Aw, it's locked." Fiena sounded dissappointed, but she noticed the small chest buried underneath her own feet. She changed into a wolf and began pawing at the dirt, sending it into the lava behind her."There's a chest here. I think it has the key for the door in it." Zhertal began digging on the other side, so they could unearth it faster. Once the small wooden chest was dug up, Aleph opened it. Sure enough, the key for the door was inside. They unlocked the door, and Fiena changed back to her Hylian form and hugged Aurianha again. "Did I do good, Ne Chan?" Aurianha looked at her and smiled, "You did a good job Sister." She said softly as she hugged her sister. Her sister was growing up and the door now was unlocked as she walked in and followed in as the room was now a dead end. Her eyes looked around and she noticed that something might be coming. Aurianha looked around and she felt the familiar dancing around as she did in teh forest temple. "She is close.", She said softly as she looked around. Tikal was close and she could sense her though she knew that they wouldn't fight her but another minion of her. Fiena smiled at her sister's praise. Her kind words, as well as being so close to her, made Fiena feel real good about herself. She giggled a bit, then stopped as Tikal's voice rang out, though the bitch herself was not in the room. "Kya ha ha ha! So you've made it this far. Impressive! However! You still have no key to the room I'm in. Hurry and find it, because Zukoramaru is getting impatient with you." Zhertal howled, forgetting he was a wolf, but Arkaltrem had the exact same thought."Why don't ya face us yerself, ya traitorous bitch?!"All they got in response was a maniacal laughter. Fiena cowered behind her sister, crying instantly as she heard the laughing, her body remembering the electrocution not even a week ago. Where the Twilii had been courageous not five minutes ago, she as now reduced to a crying bundle of fear. Not even Zhertal's kind wolf hug could comfort her. Aurianha looked into the room, "Why don't you give us the key then? I would glad to shove my claws where the doesn't shine or even the Triforce!" She said as she stood there talk while after doing this she nuzzled and hugged her sister for fear of her collapsing or doing something that might get the injured or worse. Overall she worried and the twili was prone to this due to the whole thing that happened not even a week ago when she rescued her last time. Her skales shined some in the light as she waited for Tikal's little puppet to come and give her the key since she asked for nicely As if in response to Aurianha's threat, the door to their left opened, and a singsong voice rolled out from the walls. "As if I'd just give you the key! You'll first face my dear Macha. She's been waiting for some new playtoys." Tikal's voice faded as the boys entered the room with no hesitation, save for Arkaltrem picking up Fiena and holding her close."Alright, Fiena. You stay with me this time around." He the turned to Aurianha as the door closed behind her, a steel grating clanging down, locking them in."I've got a feelin' we oughta let Aleph handle this fight. Save your strength for Tikal."No sooner had Ark finished speaking than the room grew bright, taking on an otherworldly appearance. Looking into the distance, one could see hexagonal patters on the walls and floor. Hovering before them was what appeared to be an enormous upside down rose with a cat eared creature for a stem. It was larger than Venomess, and Aleph smirked."We meet again, Phantom Avatar Rose Macha." As he spoke, a unique pattern began to glow upon him, almost as if it were a hovering sigil pattern."It's been about five years since I last fought one of her Phantom Avatars. This should be fun."He looked at Zhertal and the others."Your Highness, stay with the others behind a barrier. This could get a bit messy."As soon as he stopped speaking, the sigils hovering around him turned into a stream of what appeared to be digital data. It cocooned around Aleph, and it glowed a bright white. When it cleared, before them stood a large, dark lion with the same sigil pattern they'd seen moments before. Fiena was in total awe, so much so that her tears stopped. There was even a sparkle in the girl's eyes. "Uwaaaa!! Ne Chan, he looks like a big kitty!!" Aurianha looked at the beat and smirked, "Nice Transformation." She said as she looked on and her body with her sisters. Though she would jump in if the guy couldn't handle this new mini or boss or whatever but her caring was her family driving her and even her friends so if she saw that he was going to go down she would jump in to make sure he was fine. "Aleph I got your back!", She said quickly though with the rest of them the barrier she would dive in to help him. "Got it." His voice sounded deep, almost as deep as the darkness itself. He turned his eyes back to Macha and smirked as the Avatar spawned a million rose petals to encircle itself. As the two beasts began fighting, it appeared to be perfectly even, neither side visibly getting struck. Ark was able to sense that this as not the case. Aleph was slowly whittling Macha down, clearly saving for a big finish. Zhertal howled in encouragement, and Ruto even cheered. Fiena, however, wrapped her arms around her sister's waist, looking over her own shoulder to watch the fight. She felt safest when she was near Aurianha, but still hadn't worked up the courage to say it bluntly. Amidst the chaos of the battle, which Aeph's lead began to show itself after five minutes, Fiena whispered too soft for any but her own sister to hear, "I wanna love Ne Chan...just like Mama and Daddy loved each other...." She never intended that to be overheard, and once it had excaped her lips, she tured beet red and hid her face in her sister's tunic. Aurianha looked at her sister and blushed though she was scaly she could still be seen with that as she looked at her sister more intently. "love me more?" She asked softly to her as she stood back and looked at her intently as she blinked, "Why..." She said very softly as her eyes trailed to Aleph to make sure the monster hadn't gotten the slip but the man had the thing handled and she did a mixture of giggling and chuckling at the sight of him kicking its ass. Though her eyes pressed on more important matters. The prince had already declared a certain love for her back in the other her sister was showing the certain love too and it made her wonder if that she had that type of love or attraction with everybody. MAcha let out a wailing scream that made Arkaltrem and Zhertal cringe in pain. Fiena didn't move, but the glow of her sigils flashed brightly on her arms, placing a barrier around the group, cutting off any more screams. As she started to walk over to Zhertal, she tripped over a rock and landed on her face, her skirt fluttering up just enough to expose her panties, which were white. She rubbed her face as she sat up, unaware that her panties were still visible to her sister. "Itai...." Aleph dodged the 'Seductive Voice' and countered his own attack as Macha hung there, stunned."This ends now, Macha! SHWARTZ KONIG!!!!"A dark glow shone between his teeth as he charged the attack while calling out it's name. He opened his jaws and fired a large stream of jet black energy that was bordered with blood red. The beam ripped through Macha, tearing her to shreds. A ring of silvery white crystals formed around her and Aleph began to morph his form.He no longer resembled a black lion, and he stood before them as a black colored armor clad Knight. A small device was in his hands that resembled the Triforce on a sphere. He aimed the Triforce image at Macha and spoke sternly."Macha, in the name of the Goddesses and Lanaryu Sama, I purify you and send you to your eternal slumber. Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha. Kai Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen! Yami Shoujin! Kuragari Shinka Hikari!"Macha vanished in a burst of light, leaving behind a pair of large chests, which Aleph opened once he'd reverted to his Hylian state. One chest held the large key, and the other seemed empty, but Fiena hovered over to him and peered inside. Her eyes grew large at the sight of a Tiwli crafted shihakushou, much like a Japanese kimono. She pulled it out, and as her hands touched it, it became visible to all. "KYUIIN!! Ne Chan, put it on! It's a present from Mama!" Here, they knew, she was referring to MNidna. Aurianha was a beast right now but she had dignity and she looked at her sister. "Find me a place to put it on and I will.", She said gruffly and weird like due to her form but she had blush growing from her on her cheeks. It was something she did adore and if it was from her half sister's mom then why refuse? She walked up to it and looked at the designs and so on. It was a pretty dress and she did like them despite how much the people of her tribe or village wanted to believe she was only tomboyish. "Alright, well find that rock and I will change.", She said softly though she wondered if the goddesses would like like her changing from her traditional...She stopped thinking and thought that she had warped the Tunic as it is now anyway so maybe this would look better? or less evil? She hoped though she did have more of an animalistic side to her. As the guys were going all spazoid about Aleph's win, Fiena took her sister out of view, putting up a Twilii barrier. "Y you can change her, Ne Chan." There was just a small open area inside teh barrier, no stones to change behind. Fiena actually wanted to see her sister change, hoping to get a glimpse of her naked, or as close to it as possible. "Cutie Kun and the other's won't be able to pass through or see through my barrier, so you don't need to worry, Ne Chan." Aurianha looked over as she smiled, "Thanks Sis." She said softly as she changed out of her tunic as she slipped into the Kimono that her sister had given her. Though her sister could get a good glimpse of Aurianha's body. Her eyes closed as she felt like she had something against so the guys wouldn't see. Her body long curves as they were swallowed up eventually by the Kimono's designs and colors. The whole outfit was put on and she knocked on the barrier, "Sis, I am done." She said sweetly as she looked out to see if her sister had realized that she wanted out as she noticed the barrier hadn't gone down yet. Fiena dropped the barrier and her eyes grew large at the sight of her sister. She blushed crimson as she spoke softly. "N Ne Chan, you look like a Princess of Twilight in that." She was standing in a shy pose, tips of her index fingers touching. Her fairy, Ruto, was busy chiding the guys to quiet down. She flew over to Fiena and Aurianha and spoke in a hurried voice."Hey, are you two done talking to the rocks over here? WE gotta get a mo Wow! Nice threads, Auri!" She paused halfway through her words and saw the shihakushou. She gave Aurianha a thumbs up. Tikal was upset that they'd destroyed Macha so thoroughly, but she was prepared. As the group entered the Boss Chamber, she laughed while the fire beast glowed in the shadows. "AHAHAHAHA!!!!! So you stopped Macha, did you? Well, there's no time to celebrate! Zukoramaru! Devour them, but leave the Twilii girl alive! Lady Nemesis would be fit to have us killed if the Vessel were to be killed before the Sacrifice." The beast roared, the sheathed blade in his teeth rattling with the sound. Zhertal growled fiercely at the beast, and Arkaltrem wanted to know what the flaming creature was. As if reading his mind, Aleph spoke."So it's her fire beast. Lady Aurianha, be careful. I am not sure about this creature's weakness, but the flames are not one to ignore. Phantom Balroque Zukoramaru, your time is at an end!"Ark stood back with Aleph and Fiena, and Zhertal was at Aurianha's side. Ruto gave a slight silver glow, then transformed into a rapier like sword. Fiena grabbed hold and rushed to her sister's side. "Cutie Sama, please go stay with Aleph San and Ark San." she said, addressing the cursed Prince. "I'm gonna help Ne Chan fight!" Aurianha looked at the beast and then down at her now demonic like looking sword. Drawing it finally again she looked at the beast and smirked, "Alright I will try to take it easy or more of a saying careful. Though I think the monster might be worried about me." She said a little cocky like though she had a reason for being cocky since she had a strong sword and now her beast form. Though she made sure that the edges of the Kimono didn't touch the floor though she knew that that she might tear it due to the excessive fighting that she would be doing. Fiena smiled at her sister. "Ne Chan, don't worry about Mama's gift. It's made of the best stuff in our world, so it won't rip if you fight. Think of it as Daddy's Magic Armor, but for free." She turned her atention back to the beast before them, a grin of pure ecstatic pleasure on her face, much like that of Kenpachi Zaraki. "Last time, I was caught off guard. This time it's payback!"" she said, the bloodlust not hers just seething in her voice. Zukoramaru roared, the blade in his mouth held there by his tongue. Using a rudimentary form of telepathy, the beast's voice, dark and gruff, spoke out."You die now. Blade make me Big Power! You no Kill me! HA HA HA!"The flames that made his body flared up, making an intimidating display, but Fiena simply giggeld at what she would later call his 'fireworks'. "Blah, blah, blah. Hey, Fire Freak! Less talking!" She said as she vanished from view, repappearing above his face, thrusting her blade towards his eye, making him duck out of the way. "MORE KILLING!" however when he dodged out of the way he hit into the blade of Aurianha, "yeah like my sis says more Killing!" She said happily as she danced around the monster. The monster didn't seem smart at all as she continued to wait for surprise attacks. Occationally her sister would throw off the monster's trail and she would land some heavy blows against the beast as it roared out in frustration. Her eyes narrowed as she kept her focus on it and knew her sister would do the same until the damn thing was killed. "Lets go Fiena! Lets cleave this thing for dinner!", She boasted as she charged again as her sword was at complete ready. The blade of it shining a dark red due to the darkness had taken over. It might have been strong and maybe the strongest but it was also able to be drawn to the shadows. As Aurianha and Fiena came down for the final blow, Zukoramaru turned his head just right to make them knock the dagger and sheath from his mouth. Fiena looked pissed, and a silvery aura began to glow around her. "Tch! Bastard. Now what?" As if to answer the girl, the beast reared onto his hind legs, which melded into a single flame. His body grew more slender, forelegs becoming arms with 3 fingered hands, shoulders looking like miniature volcanoes. His head reformed into a more draconic form, teeth becoming razor sharp. His eyes became like white flames, and the base of his neck had markings like small eyes. He reared back again and roared, forcing Fiena and the boys to cover their ears. He spoke with a deep, demonic voice, similar to that of King Cold. "It's 'bout bloody time someone knocked that damned sealing dagger outta my maw. Now I can fight for my Queen with all my strength."Fiena looked at Zukoramaru's true form with disgust and a hint of fear. "Ne San, I think we're in for a round of pain with this guy." She said, addressing the matter of their current wounds and the new ones they were about to receive with this new beast. "Ruto! Niryu Shinka!!" She cried, and her fairy, Ruto gave a quick yes, then began to change once more. This change altered even Fiena's clothing. No longer looking like an innocent, she was now garbed in a black dress that had silver sigils lining the hem of the sleevs and skirt. The overall length shortened, and when her legs were exposed, Fiena curled up into a fetal position in mid air, and when she straightened out her body, she had black leggings and boots that matched her dress. Her hair had gained a slight purple tint, as well as a black bow. Around her neck was a black choker with a Twili medallion that hung down to her chest. Fiena's new form gave her a minor, yet visible, increase to her chest, as the garment was open backed and strapless. Ruto formed two tanto length daggers with a bloody cross emblem in the hilt and no guard. Fiena glanced over her shoulder at Aurianha and the boys with a distinct frown on her face. "Let's take this mother fucker down, Ne San." Aleph nearly did a double take when Fiena uttered the first obscene word anyone, including Midna herself, had heard the girl say, making him wonder where she'd learned it. Zukoramaru, on the other ha ...claw...merely laughed. "You think those little daggers are going to hurt me when that rapier form barely did any damage? HA! You Humans are more dense than Queen Nemesis gives you credit for!" Aurianha looked at the new form with a smirk, "Ah so you got slender and less fat? I guess that is an impressive upgrade. Also you learned how to speak. Instead of 'me get big power now!' it is actually articulate ha!" She said as she insulted the beast's earlier form. Suddenly when she looked over at her sister's transformation she smirked, "Ah so you never cease to amaze me Fiena. I think that is a good choice of words though I wonder where heard that from." She said slowly as she looked over at the beast and readied her blade 'Heaven's Wrath'. This would be a pretty bloody battle since her senses were going nuts with this new form. It was powerful and she knew that she would use her all though she didn't want the beast knowing her actual power so she kept her usual cocky self in this form. "Ready Fiena? Lets send this doggy back home with his tail between his legs!", She said as she hoped that rallied her sister and made her feel more confident since sometimes that is all you needed to be more powerful. Fiena smiled at her sister. "Nothing to it, but to do it." She leapt into the air, readying herself for a quick twin strike, but the beast moved quicker than she'd anticipated and struck her in the stomach with a burning fist that sent her flying towards her sister on a collision course. "KYAA!!" Aleph quickly chanted his mantra, and a glowing violet netting caught Fiena, putting out the flames on her dress as well."Too close. Lady Aurianha, Lady Fiena! Strike for the eyes! There is a large eye pattern on his back! Aim there!" he called out as the net faded from view. "Thanks, Aleph Kun!" Fiena said, blushing slightly. She turned her attention back on the beast, who held his arms out, open palmed, at the girls. "FIREPALM BLAST!!"he said, sending a large plume of fire at each of the girls. Fiena dodged out of the way, throwing one of the daggers at an eye mark on Zukoramaru's back. It struck, but merely glanced off and returned to Fiena's hands. She then spotted the eye markings on the neck. "Ne San! The back markings don't work! Try for the ones on his neck!!" Aurianha looked at the monster and dodged out of the fire attack just barely as she then got up and then dashed off to the side. Suddenly as she dodged from side to side from his attacks she readied her blade and then doing a roll up to the monster she leaped up in the air and then a spin right by him which her blade struck him in the neck as she fell and rolled out of the way next to her sister. This monster did pack a punch but she would be ready as she stood in her way. Her blade now readied. "Good hit, Ne San!" Fiena called as she rolled under the flaming appendage that was Zukoramaru's 'tail'. The beast himself recoiled from the blade strikes, and as he did, Fiena thought she saw a glowing jewel in its neck inside the right eye marking. Arkaltrem noticed the same glow, and he spoke up."Parden my interruption, Lassie, but I coulda swore on Nessie tht there was a glow from the right side eye marking on 'is neck. Try to hit there with your next strike!""AWOOO!!!""I agree with the Prince. Strike swiftly, and without mercy! Strike Together!!""Hn. Are you ready to kill this bastard, Ne San?" Aurianha looked over at her sister and nodded, "Yeah sis lets get this done!" She said as she took off toward the enemy. Her eyes now focused on making it hurt as she went with her sister and then as they ran at it she directed her to the point to where she had a clear strike. When she hit it with her sword she just scraped the jewel which caused the enemy to recoil and scream out as she landed on the ground noticing that her sister was ready for another strike, "Come on put up more defenses then that, can't keep up with both of us?" She taunted the angry beast as he stumbled in a fashion in the air waiting for him to respond she looked over at her sister hoping she was ok. "There ain't no bloody way I'm gonna just let you strike my neck!" Zukoramaru cried. He leaped into the air above them and hovered as his legs melded into a flame that kept him airborne. He threw an orb of fire into the ceiling, which sent many rocks and boulders crashing down. He even launched multiple tennis ball sized orbs of fire down at the girls, mingling them among the rocks. Fiena dodged the first boulder that fell near her, but she was hit with the flaming ball that had hidden itself within the shadow of the rock, and it sent her crashing into another boulder, burning her clothes so fast that she looked like a flaming marshmallow for a moment, then the other rocks buried her when nobody could see her, and Ruto was flung in the opposite direction, unconscious. None of the boys saw what had happened to Fiena, as they were busy dodging the rocks and flames themselves. The last thought that ran through Fiena's mind before she passed out was very simple. "Ne" Aurianha got hit by the fire balls but managed to get away from some of the boulders. She did slam into few of them as she got hit looking over at Feina that got hit by a couple already and got beat up to the point of beat up. Suddenly the darkness that flowed around her began to accelerate and flow off of her. "You..hurt my", She couldn't withstand it and her darkness had enhanced her abilities even more then they were though she was worried about her sister to get her out of the danger. When he launched more fire balls she easily avoided the balls and then grabbed her sister and then jumped around avoiding the fire balls then put her down with another unconscious body that she didn't care about at the moment. Aurianha looked up at him as she held out her sword and her eyes were now even darker then they were before. The sword now showing and flowing with dark energy now shot it out like oil out of a pan when water was introduced. "You hurt my will die now...and I will make sure you bathe in your own blood. I will send you back to your hellish creator!", She cursed as she ran at the man. Her running was enhanced and her strength was doubled. She then leaped up at him. When he went to go and hit her down she grabbed his arm. While he brought up his arm she latched on when he swung up she jumped up looked at it suddenly a fire ball was launched at her as she moved her head some looking to the side some. Then her eyes focused on him as she smirked as she grabbed onto his neck slashing a couple times hearing him scream out as she scrapped the jewel on his neck. Finally He had managed to launch her down as she hit the ground on her back but then she stood easily even though her blood was visible. Her breath was harsh and her body shook but she felt no pain and she didn't feel no end. Suddenly the darkness on her blade flowed even more. It looked like she got more power as she got hurt more and more. It was a anger that flowed through her when her enemy thought they had the upper hand she was easy to show her hand to them. " will die.", She managed to say as the enemy screamed out. Noticing that he launched out more fire balls along with a wall of flame she held up her sword. Her eyes closed as the fire wall headed for her sister and so she stood there. Suddenly a blast of fire energy hit her as she screamed out some her sword holding some but her body taking the exertion. When she managed to wear the magic out her body had more scrapes and bleeding points. "I will ATTACK!", She screamed out as she ran at him ignoring her wounds or her mind now in rage. When she jumped on the rocks she launched herself onto him and this time he didn't swing but launched a fire ball at her but she barely dodged and when he brought down his arm she threw her sword into his arm making him scream out some as she got a foot hold and then when he was struggling with the sword she pulled it out and was right on his shoulder and screamed out, "For FIENA!!" She launched her sword into the jewel in his neck as she pushed it all the way through his neck and then out as she then moved to the side slicing it off. Her eyes now with anger, fear, hate, sadness, and pain. When she did this her attack her body felt sated as she fell off the shoulder and just sank to the ground landing hard on the ground with a loud thud as she had fallen unconscious. Zukoramaru's head fell to the ground as it was severed, and a fountain of black blood began spouting from the neck like a geyser,splattering Aurianha with it, and some even landed on Fiena's face. His body collapsed to the ground with a large thud, sending a shockwave of energy traveling through the floor and making Fiena's body become exposed as the dress fluttered up past her navel and stayed like that, revealing her angelic white panties and the birthmark that none but Midna had seen before. The mark was a small one, and it looked exactly like a miniature Triforce, and it was right at the top of her thigh, with the corner of it covered by her panties. There were even Twili sigils spreading from her navel in an intricate pattern that glowed an iridescent blue. Arkaltrem, Aleph, and Zhertal turned their eyes from Fiena, Aleph blushing the most out of the three of them and rubbing the bridge of his nose."G good job....Lady Aurianha...."The prince and Ark simply nodded in agreement. Ruto awoke to find Fiena unconscious, but before the little fairy could say anything, a rock hit her head, and she fell to the floor unconscious again. Fiena's eyes opened, and she saw not the chamber where she'd been fighting just moments ago, but a large pure white room with a large set og metal gates made of gold standing before her. There was a young looking female with long red hair standing at a small podium with a large book before her. "Where....where am I?" Fiena asked, and the lady replied with a soft voice."You are at the Gates of Heaven, Child." Aurianha looked around noticing she was in ordona village outfit as she saw Fiena walking away in her normal twili form. This felt like it was before that but she felt light and floaty. She got the power to get down and run, "Fiena!...Don't go!" She said as she ran toward the girl but felt herself not get any closer then when she started and the figure slowly fading. "NOOOO!!!", She screamed out as she cried out as she kept running, "DON'T GO...FATHER...LOVES...YOU AND you too.." She said in a faint voice as she just fell back and felt herself float in air as she looked up at the sky which was blue for a second and now was black and raining suddenly the twilight was on her and she felt herself transform. The pain and hatred that the darkness held were so good to her as she now looked at herself. She had gone from her peaceful village uniform to the Tunic of Hero of time with a dark twist. Her skin now scaly and shiny as she sighed crying, "I .....Fiena..." She said softly as she lay in a form of hell she thought to herself. She didn't know which way was up and which way she was going. All she knew was that she was floating and she couldn't stop floating. "HEAVEN?! But....I...I don't wanna be dead! I didn't even get to tell Ne Chan how I truly feel!!" Fiena dropped to her knees and started crying, and she thought she heard her sister's voice calling to her. When she looked up again, she saw a man in his early 30's with sandy brown hair and electric blue eyes coming to her. "Child of the Twili," he said. "It is not your time. You must return to your body." He placed his palm on her forehead and spoke softly. "Return to your body, Child. Live to the fullest." Fiena's eyes opened suddenly and she sat up, pulling her dress down to hide her panties and screaming at the same time. "KYAAA!!! DON'T LOOK AT MY UNDIES!!!!!!!!!" Why do I feel so heavy.. Her mind went nuts as suddenly as her body fell like a rock as if the clouds parted ways and then as if a hit suddenly she woke up. Gasping though she couldn't move much as her body felt weak and heavy, " I..." She couldn't breath much, "..F fiena..." She said gasping as she looked around the caves and then at Fiena which had to been up as she smiled, "O ok.." She said as if she could only speak in broken language. Her body felt battered and hurt. She felt like she had run a mile and then killed a dragon after running the mile fifteen times. Her body was so heavy she could barely sit up from collar up. Her head barely off the ground as her hair sprawled all over. Zhertal spotted Fiena before she'd sat up, as had Aleph, and both were blushing. The Prince ran over to Aurianha and lay next to her, his tail Draped over her waist and thigh. He thought the words for the healing spell his mother had taught him, and a soft blue glow formed around the two of them that slowly healed her wounds. Aleph and Arkhaltrem both let the Prince fix Aurianha while they went to Fiena's side and helped her stand. When her eyes met Aleph's, they both blushed red and hesitated. Ark took this as a hint and decided to wait near the now oozing corpse of the beast. "Um...hi...A Aleph Kun..." Fiena said, blushing." are you feeling?" he asked her. He felt like he was falling in love with her, and he knew he had to say something about it. However, Fiena surprised everyone by kissing the Yami as Zhertal helped Aurianha to see her sister was alive. "Chu!" Aurianha looked at them and smirked, "Thanks but that was a weird dream I had." She said softly as she stood up and then looked at her sister as she kissed the beast she cut the head off of, "Fiena what are you doing?..." She dropped off as if she had just been sitting there for years waiting until she rushed to her, "You ok?! ...The monster had hit you...are you ok?" She said as she was concerned completely for her well being. The thought of her sister dieing completely hadn't disappeared from her mind and the thought was still fresh now since she had been up just now. Her eyes searched in her sister as she waited for her to respond. "I think you're still a bit woozy, Lady Aurianha. She just kissed Aleph, on the lips too, I might add." Arkaltrem said, wiping the blood out of Aurianha's eyes. He was a bit surprised that the Twili girl had kiised the former Yami General, but he didn't know how to respond to it. Fiena blushed bright, bright red as her lips left those of Aleph, who was stunned into silence. She looked away quickly as she stammered. "I....I," From her post in the Spring,Eldin chuckled as she saw the exchange between the two not of this world, and once the group had left the temple, Eldin teleported them to her. She smiled at them as the Darkness above them had lifted, returning them to their true forms."Children, you have done well. The darkness has left this area. You have made this old woman proud.""You're not old, Eldin Sama!! You're just older than us..." Fiena said. Her face was still red from kissing Aleph, and he seemed to be avoiding eye contact with either of Link's daughters. Aurianha found herself back in her human form with the white blade. She however still had on the twili outfit that Midna had given them when they found it in the mountain entrance. Her eyes looked at the prince and then Fiena. "I...didn't mean to make that mistake.", She said as she remembered what the prince had said that she made a wrong assumption about Fiena kissing a dead monster. Though she hoped that the girl was ok since they were family and wondered why her sister brought up something the mountain temple. It was odd that her sister had loved her...and that means 'loved' her. It made her blush as well as the prince as well since both were nice though she didn't know who was genuine and she knew that if it was her sister that things would get complicated if they continued such relationship. A figure garbed in a variation of the ancient Sheikah clothing with long, sandy brown hair, visually about the same age as Fiena appeared at Eldin's side in a flash and flurry of leaves. She held a large broadsword that had various runes etched into the blade. She bowed politely, then spoke with a soft voice, much like Fiena's."Pleasure to meet you all.""Allow me to introduce you to my young Sheikah friend, Quixor. She will be helping you on your quest."Fiena glanced at the girl, then smiled and waved happily. "Quixor Chan!! You're gonna play with us for a while, right?" she asked, obviously knowing who this girl was."Fiena Hime Chan!! I didn't know you were in Hyrule again! How've you been?"All three boys were lost, and even Ruto was confused as to how Fiena and this girl knew each other. Aurianha looked at them and this new person. "Hi Quixor. I see you know my sister.", She said softly as she eyed the girl with friendly eyes. Aurianha was against men though her father was an exception. Though when this girl stood in front of her she had a kind hearted aura and she had soft gentle eyes. "I am Aurianha.", She said softly as she bowed slightly showing sign of politeness as her father had drilled into her head since she wasn't a normal woman...depending on the fact she was more tomboyish then girly. It was the trend in the village. "A pleasure, I'm sure. Fiena Hime Chan is a friend of mine. My Mom and her Mom knew each other."Fiena smiled and hugged Quixor, having to stand on her toes to be eye level with the girl. "Quixor Chan, I want you to know that Auri Ne Chama is Papa Link's daughter with Miss Ilia." Fiena said. She went over to her sister and held her hand like any sisters would. "And she also saved my life back in Faron." Fiena then introduced Arkaltrem and Prince Zhertal. Then she stood by Aleph and held his hand like she had with her elder sister, but with a slightly more affectionate tone. "And this is Aleph Kun. He used to be a bad guy, but he's on our side now." Walking up to Quixor, Fiena added in something that none of boys could follow in a whisper, none the less. "I think Aleph Kun and I might be falling in love with eachother. Please don't tell Mama or Ne Chan." Eldin spoke once more, getting their attention."Sleep well tonight children of the Light." Aurianha looked at her sister as they spoke quietly. "Fiena...what are you talking to her about?", She spoke as she turned and headed for the inn. "Please tell me when you can alright?", She said as she walked into the inn and headed upstairs toward the beds that they had slept in previously but woke up worried and scared due to the wall of darkness that descended on them furiously. Aurianha looked at the beds as they hadn't been changed since their arrival. I guess Collin had his hands tied to make sure the inn was prepared. She thought to herself as she walked over to her own and made her bed first and then moved to the others making sure they were made as the group came in while she was on the second to last bed. Her eyes focused on them for a second and she blushed some, "Yeah I had to make sure the beds were made and comfortable for us to sleep on after the battle." She giggled softly as she hadn't before even before she had turned into her dark form. It was odd to feel such giddy feelings but then again maybe she was awakening as the heroine of time and maybe this was just the form she would take on as she went on. She was the more caring type despite what her father had always told her about herself. Aurianha thought she was the more caring time despite the village opinions. "I wonder what Fiena Sama had said to Miss Quixor? They seemed to both be blushing slightly when Fiena Sama spoke quietly to her."Aleph said. Zhertal and Arkaltrem both lay on their beds and slept as soon as their heads hit the pillows, leaving Aleph and Aurianha as close to alone as they could be. Fiena hadn't come into the room with the boys, and Ruto rested on Aurianha's head, using her hair as a cushion."By the way, where is Fiena Chan? Wasn't she with you boys after we came back to the inn?"Aleph shrugged, having lost track of her about a minute before they entered the room, but he didn't have to answer as Fiena came into the room, a towel that could have wrapped around a Goron surronding her tiny frame, and her hair was shimmering with wetness. The scent of the hot springs on a higher level of the town surrounded her, and when she saw Aleph in the room, she blushed beet red. She averted her eyes from them as she spoke softly. "Ano....Aleph Kun....I didn't think you'd be awake....." She walked over to her bed and picked up her dress that was laid out with her panties underneath it. She put up a dark Twili barrier and became impossible to see. Out of courtesy, Aleph turned his back to the barrier, giving Fiena a sense of privacy while he spoke to her."Fiena Sama, Once you are dressed, come to my room. There is something I wish to give you."he said, obvious that he was blushing. He bade Aurianha a peaceful sleep and exited the room, going to his own room across the hall. Fiena lowered her barrier about a minute later, and her face was beet red. "Ne Chan, what...what do you think he wants to give me?" she asked, clearly nervous. It was more of a rhetorical question than one that required an answer. Fiena stood on her toes and kissed her sister's cheek in thanks for once again fighting for her sake, then left the room, closing the door behind her. She entered Aleph's room and closed the door behind her, vanishing from Ruto's view. The silver fairy pouted as she flitted downstairs to go speak with Eldin, since she'd wanted to see wht the Yami turned good would want to give the Twilight Princess. Aurianha looked at her and shook her head softly, "I haven't the slightest clue Fiena. It is fine, you are family." She said as her mind did go back to when she said those words but maybe it was a heat of the moment and Fiena got the idea that they were family and that they didn't need something like that coming and getting in between their unbreakable sibling bond. When Fiena had ran off to meet Aleph in his room she turned around and tidied up somethings noticing some of the guys were passed out as she just continued exhausted herself but enjoying the slow and quiet peace. Well, I am glad that nothing had come of my sister's reckless abandon of family to try to love me. Though surprise I am glad nothing didn't come of it. She thought as she had finally made the room completely clean and then she took to her bed that she had and laid down finally closing her eyes rather quickly and then passing out. If the prince where to wake up and walk over to her she wouldn't mind or her sister either. Just she would be in her own world at the moment due to being passed out completely. Morning came, and when Arkaltrem awoke before Zhertal, Ruto, and Aurianha, he noticed that Fiena hadn't returned. This worried him greatly, and he woke Aurianha."Lady Aurianha...Little Fiena ain't back yet, and I'm starting to worry about her."Before Aurianha would've even had a chance of responding, the door opened, and Colin came in, holding a sleeping Fiena. He laid her down gently on the empty bed and pulled the covers up so she would be warm. "I found her asleep on the dry rock in the back of Eldin's Spring. She's holding something in her hand, but I don't know what it is." Colin said in a hushed voice, so as to not wake the sleeping Twili. He then took his leave, and Ark looked stumped."Okay then...nix what I said earlier. God, she's absolutely adorable when she sleeps.I almost feel like I'm looking at my own daughter, and I don't have any children, or even a wife."Fiena curled up in the blankets, and her small voice was gentle, but longed for something. "Ne Chan....Aleph Kun.....he......." She sounded nervous, but happy at the same time, while still asleep. Across the hall, Aleph was thinking about the previous night. He'd given Fiena a ring with a blood red diamond set in the center. He had given that to the Twilight Princess as a sort of promise ring. She was of age according to the Twili calendar, and he was not too much older than her, being only a few months older than Aurianha. He felt he was falling in love with Fiena, but he was not about to tell anyone. Aurianha looked at him and then suddenly saw Colin. Yawning she noticed her sister was sleeping calmly, "Well, she often does things like that lucky you knew where to check Colin. You were always a good tracker when I came to visit." She said as she smiled at the blond haired man knowing he was gentle as well as a good tracker. It was amazing that he could have been so well though again it didn't bother her. Without notice she got up and headed toward the place where they showered or bathed. Taking the tunic off she began to wash up and get the grime off of her body as she looked toward the door and then back as she continued to scrub herself. She hoped that her sister was actually not hurt or put into a trance or hurt. Those thoughts hurt but Aurianha always wanted to make sure she was safe no matter what her condition was. Why was Fiena sleeping on a rock? That doesn't make sense. She said she was going to Aleph's and then comes back sleeping from being on a rock. I wonder what happened... she thought to herself as she continued to bathe. Colin smiled at Aurianha's words. "Yeah, and I had to be in order to keep up with you." he said, then he looked back at Fiena. "Seems after she went and talked to Aleph, she went and showed his gift to her to Eldin, and while listening to Ruto singin', she fell asleep. I brought her back so she could get warm again, since last night got a bit chilly." There was a soft *tink* as something hit the floor, and when Ark looked at where the sound had come from, he saw a small gold ring with a blood diamond set in the center surrounded by various gems that were extremely rare, including one gem that was only found in the Twilight Realm. He picked up the ring and gently placed it back into Fiena's hand, and maneuvered her tiny frame so that her arms were in the middle of the bed. He did this in a way that made it clear he would act surprised when Fiena decided to show off the ring. Then he spoke calmly as he stroked the Twili's hair."I'll sing her a lullaby that my Mother sang to me, Gods rest her soul.""Aishi aeba wakare yuku Sonna deai kurikaeshita Kioku fukaku tesaguride Amai kage wo motomete wa I can taste the sweetness of the past Dokonimo anata wa inai kedo I'll be alright Me wo tsubureba soko ni Kawaranai ai wo......I believe Haru no hikari atsumetara hana sakasete Natsu wa tsuki ukabu umi de mitsumete Aki no kaze fuyu no yuki mo sono toiki de Atatamete hoshii Four seasons with your love......mou ichidou"As Arkaltrem sang the lullaby, Fiena snuggled up to him in her sleep, whispering mention of Midna as a single tear fell down her cheek. "Mama....Sing it again Mama...." she whispered. Midna had once sang that song in Twili tongue to Aurianha when she was little, as a favor for Link when he hadn't been able to get his daughter to sleep. The lullaby was something that had been easy to remember, and it was also a soft song, the meaning of which was lost in translation from the original Twili language to ancient Japanese, a language from the peoples of Hyrule thousands of years in the past. "Wow. I'm surprised someone outside the royal family and their consorts." Colin said, very impressed. "And to think it was originally a Twili lullaby, too." Aurianha looked at them and blinked, "That song...I have heard it. The feeling is just coming to me and maybe I have seen Midna before even now..." She spoke in circles when her mind was drifting to when she was young and remembered a time that she couldn't sleep. This woman came into her room and sung to her while she slept and slept deeply after the woman had finished. "It was back when you were tiny, Aurianha. There was a night when Link and Ilia couldn't get you to sleep no matter what they tried, and in frustration, Link went to Ordona and asked if anyone could help you sleep." Colin explained. "That was the first time I met the Queen of the Twili. She came to us as the Twilight of dawn began to grow, and she sang to you in her language." Fiena slept peacefully, but as Colin spoke, she let out a soft squeak, not unlike that of being with one she loved. Arkaltrem laid her gently on her bed as Aleph knocked on the door. He wasn't sure if anyone was up, so when he spoke, it was more gentle than usual."Lady Aurianha? Your Highness? Are you awake?"Quixor's voice came from behind Aleph, and she opened the door as she spoke."Yeah, they're up. Fiena Chan's the only one still sleepin', so come on in. Just don't get too rowdy."Fiena stirred once more as Aleph stood near the dresser, his eyes not leaving the Twili Princess for a second. "Aleph Kun.....Ne Chan...I...." She whispered in her slumber, and Aleph blushed slightly. Aleph spoke in his native tongue for a moment."Sintariel zneliaren Protezon, Twili Fuyu Xin. Bramiendal kor Xin Taiyoukai Kanquiel."Even Zhertal, who was versed in many languages, was at a loss for what the Former Yami had spoken. Aurianha looked up at them and then got up some more and just sighed some as she walked over to the window. The day was showing through the window and the fresh breeze mixed with the hot sand of the village filled her filling her with more courage to take on another day and another fight that they would have to encounter soon enough. Turning to them, "When my sister wakes up just let me know. I am going to go out into the fresh air." She said softly as she walked out and then turned toward the stairs and walked out of the hotel as she walked down the street and looked up at the sky enjoying that the sun was basically shinning and that everything else seemed at ease until she would thrust herself into more danger and more peril. The morning flew by, and Fiena slept through the entire thing, not waking up until noon. When she awoke, Ruto flew off to tell Aurianha, but the only person Fiena's eyes were on was the only one in the room besides her. Aleph had not left her side after giving her the most ancient of Yami blessings for success in her search for her true love. As she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, Aleph smiled."Good morning, Fiena Sama. I trust you slept well?"Fiena's face turned crimson as she looked at him. She'd had a vision of the future while she'd slept, a gift that had been passed down to her through her bloodline, and she was thoroughly embarrassed by it. "Good....good morning....A Aleph Kun..." she whispered. "I....I had a wierd dream. You were in it, and so were Ne Chan and Kawaii Kun." Aleph suggested that she let everyone know over lunch, or in Fiena's case, breakfast. She agreed, but se wanted it to be just the four of them, to which Aleph said that he would talk to Colin and ask him to arrange a meeting for the Chosen of the Gods. Then he gently kissed her cheek, making her face shift from crimson to vermilion in an instant, and told her to follow him to the dining hall of the inn. When they arrived, Fiena noticed that Zhertal was already sitting down and reading a book that was written in the ancient Sigils of the Twili. Translated, the spine read 'Understanding Twili Half Blood Courtship and Mating Volume 1' "Kou ...Koutaishi Sama! Where did you get that book?!" Fiena exclaimed, turning vermilion once more, running up to him and reaching for it. Zhertal held the book above her reach and looked at Arkaltrem. "I told you she'd react this way. You owe me twenty Rupees, Ark." he said with a laugh. Then he looked at Fiena who'd stopped reaching once she realized he wasn't going to simply let her take it from him. "As to your question, Fiena Chan, I recieved it from my Mother, the Queen of Hyrule, many years ago. Out of all the languages I know, the language of the Twili is one of the few that I have not fully learned. I'm still unable to read a single word of this tome, simply because it uses the ancient runic lettering, rather than the more modern sigils. Why do you ask?" As Fiena whispered something inaudible, she looked away from him. Before he could press her further as to why she wanted to know, Aleph mentioned that Fiena wanted to meet with the prince and her sister. "Yeah...and Aleph Kun is gonna come, too." she added, still quite quiet. Ruto spotted Aurianha and quickly flitted over to the Ordonian girl."'re hard to track down, ya know! Anyways, Fiena Hime woke up, and she's probably chowing away on breakfast's leftovers." the silver fairy said. Ruto landed on Aurianha's shoulder to rest, as she'd had to fight her way through a headwind to get to Aurianha. Aurianha pet the pixie the best she could though worrying about crushing the little thing, "They wanted to see me? I just was taking a walk." She said as they were outside the valley of the death mountain a little bit. Though she had slaughtered some monsters and used it to cool down. Wow she needed a new hobby that she had thought to herself. When Ruto landed on her shoulder she knew that they knew that they wanted her. "Alright lets head back, I am done with my exercise.", She said sheathing her ordonian sword and then turning and headed into the mountain valley as she reached the inn shortly after giving a pray or simple rest for the eldin spirit. Her eyes then focused on the dinning room table as most of them were very clumped together as she waited for them to greet her. Surprisingly enough, Arkaltrem and Quixor were the only two not present. Fiena had her back to the door, as she was still trying to grab teh book out of Zhertal's hands, and his attention was focused solely on NOT letting her get it. As for Aleph, well, he stood a short distance from the other two, and he bowed politely when he saw Link's Ordonian daughter."Just in time for a good show of 'keep away'. The Prince can't read the ancient script, so he's lucky. But as both Lady Fiena and myself can read them, well, let's just say that Zhertal should be grateful he can't read them." Aleph said. He held a cup of fresh hot cider out for Aurianha to take, and he had one himself. The soft scent of cinnamon and apples wafted from the drink. "Gimme the book! Please? Pretty pleas? I'll do anything!" Fiena said, sounding extremely desperate to get the book away from Zleda's son. Zhertal simply laughed."You should just let her take it, Your Highness. Trust me, that book would make a sailor blush. Eldin Sama taught me the ancient runes of the Twili, and that book is very embarrassing..." Ruto said, still slightly exhausted form the journey through the wind. The faery's hair was a mess, but she still looked pretty. Aurianha looked at them, "So this is just over a book for ...what is it exactly?" She stopped as she noticed the prince of Hyrule trying to read a book and having slight to horrible trouble from what she was watching and then Aleph enjoying it and smirking some. Fiena was trying her hardest to get at the book but the prince was continually trying to keep the book away from her. "Seriously, is this book something seriously harmful or is it just something...", She asked quickly after her first statement or question. Suddenly when Ruto said something she blushed slightly, "You mean...that type..." She said mumbling to her as she eyed Fiena, "Sis, why do you want to read the book?..." She asked softly though the Twili could understand and know what she said. Walking over to Zhertal and looked over his shoulder silently not letting him know that she was. The runes were very complex and hard to read probably due to the fact she was Hyrulian and not Twili like her half sister. This would be difficult even for somebody that had used their knowledge to forward themselves on the twili language. Fiena blushed deeply. She obviously felt very embarrassed to say what it was, but she whispered the title anyway. "It's...'Understanding Twili Half Blood Courtship and Mating'....Mama wrote it before I was born." she said quietly, the sigils on her arms giving a faint blue glow. Fiena's face was growing more and more crimson by the second, and Quixor's words didn't help at all."Perhaps it would be best to let Fiena Hime have the book, Young Prince. The fact that you're holding it seems to make her uncomfortable.""Who knows? Maybe she'll translate it for us?" Quixor giggled as Fiena looked horrified. "NO WAY!!" Quixor smiled as she hugged Fiena."Just kidding, Fiena Chan! Just Kidding! You gotta stop being such a wallflower and just let your emotions show." Fiena glanced at Aleph for a split second, something that the former Yami noticed, then she looked back at Quixor. "What do you mean?" "I mean, if there's someone you love, show it! Give them a kiss or something." Back in Ordon Village, Link was surprised that the darkness surrounding the village had cleared a bit, but the rest of the region, including Faron Woods, was still cloaked. He glanced at Ilia and smiled. "Well, at least it isn't so dark anymore. I wonder what happened?" he said as he slid his arm around his wife. "You think Aurianha and Fiena are alright?" Aurianha looked over at them and blinked, "Well, I guess that makes sense for Midna to write it. That woman is quite wild though in a good way." She giggled in a nervous twitch hoping not to tick anybody off. She knew that Midna had a wild personality and probably is the reason why she got away with getting with her father. Illa, her mother didn't take it so hard as she thought she would and just smiled at the fact she had such a cute sister. The prince was in her gaze as well but the blush and the look away told her that she wasn't ready even when Fiena's friend said to jump out and be noticed. Aurianha wasn't like that and she often loss of words for those type of things. She often had dreams of either things since she had a natural attraction to both due to her position as a swordswoman and the local tomboy of the village. However she did keep to herself due to it and didn't show them too well. She did some to a point but then in reality some of them didn't know how she truly felt about somethings. Fiena blushed slightly and looked at her feet. "That's easy for you to say, Quixor Chan. You don't mind showing your emotions towards others because your a l ""Ah, no. Don't say it. That's the one thing I don't like telling to too many people." Quixor said, turning crimson in an instant. "Be promised you wouldn't tell them that.""Now that you say 'don't tell', I want to know that much more."Aleph said, shifting from his position and winking at Quixor."Why not spill it and not have to worry? I promise, we've heard all sorts of things, and we won't judge you for anything.""Um....o okay. Just...just don't tell anyone outside this room..."Quixor said, acting very much like a nervous schoolgirl. Fiena gave Quixor a kiss on the cheek for encouragement, and the warrior girl blushed deeper. "We promise we won't tell, Quixor Chan! This will be just between us, Aleph Kun, Ne Chan, and Kawai Kun." Arkaltrem had left the room just minutes ago, and he was out gathering supplies they might need for the journey to the next temple. Quixor sighed, then spoke in a near whisper. "Alright. I...I um...I'm lesbian...Don't hate me..."Fiena giggled. "We would never hate you!" Aurianha blushed a little knowing that a girl could possibly be attracted to her. The women in the village never expressed their emotions to her since they probably thought she was that though obviously she didn't know. When she heard the warrior Quixor say what she was it made her blush a little. Though again knowing why she smiled and nodded, "It isn't that bad. Quixor, see nobody ran from you or anything. I believe everybody should be entitled to their own decisions and who they are and how they are." She said as she didn't know how the rest would react besides her sis that had positively reacted. Zhertal blushed slightly at Quixor's confession. He had seen his mother sleep with another woman before, but he wasn't sure how to handle it. Aleph, however, had seen and dealt with lesbians before, and he placed his hand on the small warrior girl's shoulder."I know a few lesbians, and most of them are deathly afraid of even myself knowing. But one of the lesbians I know is very pretty. And I even know one bisexual girl, too."Aleph said, and as the words were out of his mouth, Fiena jumped onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck in a way that he could still breathe properly, but she wouldn't slide off. "What do they look like? The two girls you said are really cute?" Fiena asked, and the prince just kicked up his feet onto a chair next to him, sensing that the former Yami had just trapped himself. "You'll tell us won't you, Aleph Kun?""Well, the 'really cute' lesbian is under my hand."Aleph said, musing Quixor's hair and making her blush."And as for the bisexual cutie, hmm. Let me think. Oh yes. She has hair as red as fire, skin as soft as snow and dark as night, eyes that shine like emeralds, lips like a spring rain, and a kiss that is just simply out of this world. The bisexual cuteness also has a very brave sister, one who's risked life and limb time and again to rescue her little sister from evil. This sister is also beautiful in her own tomboyish way."As he finished speaking, Quixor and Fiena were both crimson, as they knew he'd been talking about them. Fiena had guessed that he was also mentioning Aurianha, but she wasn't a hundred percent sure. "Those must be some cute little girls you know, Aleph Dono." The prince said, winking at the daughter of Link and Ilia. "I have to agree with you on the one girl's elder sister, though. She sounds like one girl who I'd love to give a kiss to in the midst of battle as a mark of encouragement, but then again, I'd like to kiss her just for the sake of expressing my feelings." At this, Fiena and Quixor began to giggle uncontrollably, and Ruto, who'd entered as Zhertal had started speaking, also laughed with them."Sounds like the Crown Prince has his eyes set on a certain Ordonian teenager I happen to know."Ruto said, glancing at Aurianha. Aurianha couldn't help but blush at the comment and she coughed harshly and then looked at them. Her eyes were looking away as she had a figure of embarrassment on her face. Fiena could see it and so could her friend as well. She didn't want to be showing how she truely felt to anybdoy yet. It was hard enough to show it to the prince when they got the chance to do so. "Uh, yeah.", She did the one gesture for a second before turning around laughing slightly with an hand itching her forehead softly. "So, we need to head off to the other spirit I am assuming since the darkness hasn't been kind to the land.", She said softly as she was trying to get them ready to go for the next adventure which obviously was going to be dangerous. It was at that moment that Ark returned, looking like he'd been wrestling with the cuccoos around town, and the feathers didn't help his image all that well. Ruto, glanced at him, then twitched suddenly, as if she'd been tazered. When she fell on the oak desktop, Fiena ran over to her, worried that something was wrong. "Ruto Chan!!" Ruto opened her mouth to speak, but her eyes were glassy, distant, and the voice that sounded was not hers. It was the voice of an old acquaintance of Aleph's."Young Faerie Lass, forgive me for commandeering the use of your body. Cain, I need your assistance. Nemesis has struck at the Spirit of Lake Draconis Solarium. Please, meet me there with whatever party you have with you. I will give more details when you arrive. Also, be aware that due to the dense 'Yami no Kage' that surrounds the area, you must place you mark on your party members if they are to not transform into a corrupted state, as I have heard during Tikal's reports of the Magma Temple in the Geolgia Highlands. Farewell, until we meet again."Ruto twitched again, and after uttering a few choice curses that caused Aleph adn Ark to cover the ears of Fiena and Quixor, she stormed out of the room, flying straight towards Eldin for some sort of comfort. Fiena then looked up into the eyes of the former Yami and asked innocently who that voice belonged to. Aleph sighed, then answered her, the tension in his voice quite clear."That was my Father, Adam. If he needs my help, then he is truly desperate, since my younger brother Seth has always been his first choice." Aurianha looked at Aleph, "well we need to get going if something going on. Do you have this symbol or what? Apparently your father doesn't want us to turn to our corrupted states. He said you had to place something on us." She said hearing the man speak of some way to avoid the Yami No Kage turning them. It was mysterious his father would commider her body and then tell us that he needs help and then tells on how to avoid the darkness. Though Aurianha didn't want to stop this man needed her help as well as Cain's she just knew it. "The 'mark' is more of a metaphor. What it means is that I place a symbol of affection on you somewhere. Fiena Chan has already received hers, and I think a similar sign will be easiest."leph said. Fiena blushed a bit at the mention of having her 'mark', since she'd kissed Aleph the night previous. "Ne Chan, let him kiss your cheek. that should be enough, right?" she asked, not wanting to share her new love's lips with anyone else. Aleph explained that he needed only give a simple hug, and the 'mark' was in place.However, the more intimate the sign of affection, the stronger the mark would be. He planned on giving his mark just before they entered the Dark, and not a moment before, with the exception of Midna's daughter, obviously. Before he could explain further, though, an explosion echoed in the town, and Fiena instinctively ran to her sister, clinging to Aurianha's side, trembling in fear. A fist sized rock that had been launched through the air by the explosion crashed through the window and struck the Prince, rendering him unconscious. Aleph used his powers as a Yami to guard Ark and the girls from harm, and Zhertal had fallen behing the girls, thus shielding him from further harm. Outside, Colin could be heard chewing a new one in the Bomb shop's new tenant, and it was quite obvious from his tone that Rusl's son was not in a good mood. Once Aleph made sure that no more debris was en route, he went to Zhertal's side and eased him back to his senses. Fiena, however, still clung to her sister, tears of pure terror cascading down her terrified face. "Ne Chan, kojeshin dema oderschvank kyurin ne..." Fiena whispered, slipping into her native Twili language. It was obvious from her body language that she'd said she was terrified, and she merely clung tighter. Hovering a couple hundred feet above the now decimated bomb shop storehouse was a slightly familiar character, and yet, he had not been seen outside of the Dark for centuries. In fact, it was not since Link's ancestors in ancient Hyrule had this wizard been seen. Nemesis had revived the old malicious creature, and he chuckled at the display of firepower that a large stockpile of bombs could do."Now that I, Aghanim, am free once more, I must uphold my part of Lady Nemesis' deal. But stopping for some fireworks is always good. Now, where is that descendant of that bratty princess of Hyrule? I know that female that Tikal mentioned is here somewhere, but where? Ah forget it. I'll go have some fun in the Deserts of the Gerudo. Meh heh heh heh!" Aurianha looked at Aleph, "The prince was knocked unconscious by something!" She yelled out as the shield went up instantly after she said that. Something had come to Hyrule from another place and even time as she felt something similar in this evil that had now shown up and now felt like it was shifting. "What is going all of time being involved?" She asked as she watched them go on. When the Prince awoke she ran to him, "Are you ok.." She said cautiously though she didn't show her feelings too much she wanted to make sure that the prince was fine since he took a heavy blow. "Y yeah. I've taken harder hits to the head before." Zhertal said. "But that's not what I'm worried about. That explosion was caused by magic, not someone's carelessness." Aleph and Fiena both turned to look at Zhertal like he had just said someone had been raped right before his eyes by a tentacle monster from another dimension. "Kawaii Kun, do you know what kind of magic?" Fiena asked, a bit worried, but really more curious than anything. As the Hyrulian Prince opened his mouth, Aleph cut him off."That was the magic of one of my ancestors, and the ONLY one whose blood I hate having flow in my veins. That was the magic of the evil wizard Aghanim, who fought Lady Aurianha's ancestor, Adriadoc Linkorius, almost five thousand years ago. How he has returned, I can only guess, and I pray that I'm wrong."Zhertal nodded. "Mother told me about it. Ganondorf's ancestor, Ganon, had abducted the Seven Maidens, and planned on using them to plunge our world into darkness, but Master Adriadoc stopped them." Fiena simply looked up at her sister for a moment, then she went over to Aleph, who'd sat down on the bed, and crawled up into his lap, clinging to him as if he was a big, fluffy toy. "Aleph Kun, if anything bad happens, you can protect us, right?" she asked, kissing his cheek. Zhertal sighed, not because of the revived wizard, but because he noticed Fiena's sigils had altered slightly. He quickly glanced in the book he'd gotten from his mother, which Fiena had apparently forgotten about, and he flipped through until he came across a page with pictures of almost a hundred sigil patterns. He glanced between the book and Fiena's arms for a few minutes, comparing patterns, until he found one that matched. "Oh boy..." he whispered. "Of all the pages I could've deciphered, why this one?" He set the book down on the table, open, with an arrowhead pointing at the sigil pattern that matched Fiena's and sighed heavily. "I'm gonna have to watch what I say..." Aurianha looked at him, "What do you mean?" She asked as she watched his eyes as he surveyed the twilight princess slash ordian woman. Aurianha looked at her confused as she just watched them back and forth confused as she sighed. "Well, that wizard...I ...could feel ancestor when the wizard appeared in this world and unleashed his magic. It was like a knife stabbing into me and the urge to go out and slay him.", She said as she pulled her sword out from her village as she eyed the door and sighed, "The man got away or I would be out there fighting him." As Fiena and Aleph began arguing about something that was just Fiena being her age, Zhertal pointed at the runic writing below the marked picture and quoted it in a voice low enough that Fiena wouldn't overhear. "When this rare, intricate sigil forms, it is a sign that the Hybrid Twili is not only ready to mate, but also has a specific individual in mind with whom he or she wishes to mate. Each time that a Hybrid Twili with this sigil formation has been documented, they mated with their chosen individual within seven days of it appearing.' Didn't that particular sigil form this morning, after she'd returned from the spring and seen Aleph previously?" Zhertal noticed a single note on the table that was addressed to him by Ark, and he didn't bother reading it, since he knew that particular seal. Ark had returned to his village near the Goron Village due to a family emergency. He sighed as Fiena playfully grabbed Aleph's shades and circled him, laughing. "Can't catch me, Aleph Kun! 0 " she said, giggling. Aleph played along by trying to grab at her, but eventually he caught her and held her up high, both of them laughing, and though Fiena's was cute and angelic, Aleph's laugh was hearty, like a philosopher or a wizard's. IN reality, he was trying to keep Fiena happy and focused away from the book, and a single glance made that clear to Zhertal and Aurianha. Or so he hoped. Aurianha looked at him and nodded, "Yeah...I saw it too. Though I didn't pay any heed. Though obviously they had some significance to what is going on. I noticed." She said as she whispered looking at the prince saying it softly so that Fiena didn't hear her and the others wouldn't pay attention to her. Aurianha didn't want to discuss what she had just said since it was painful to make a note of it. "I'm going to go up to the hot springs, get some air. Should be a good chance to see if anyone was hurt." Aleph said. Fiena smiled as she grabbed his arm, kicking up a heel in classic 'heart struck girl' mode. "I'll go too, Aleph Kun! Going to the hot springs with you sounds fun!" Fiena said, giggling. She walked out the door with Aleph, seemingly dragging him out by the hand. However, when the former Yami looked back at the Prince and Aurianha, he winked and gave a thumbs up, signaling that he was just getting her out of their hair. Zhertal knew that today was the day that the Kahkariko Hot Springs went traditional, meaning that if anyone went into the springs today, they went in nude, or with a simple towel that barely covered a woman. "That's not a good " he started saying, but the door closed before he could finish. "...a good idea, Aleph San." he finished with a sigh. "I don't think he realizes that today's the day the Springs are nearly empty due to it being the traditional nude bathing style of the Feudal Era." Ruto returned, and she simply fluttered onto Aurianha's lap and fell asleep, somehow exhausted from some kind of training, as was evidenced by the multiple bruises and the callouses on her tiny hands. From the look of it, the wounds and swelling were caused by swordsmanship training. "I hope that Ruto Chan's alright." Zhertal said. "Faeries aren't meant to be sword wielders." Aurianha looked at Ruto and then at Zhertal, "well, she is trying and she needs our support Zhertal." She said as she looked at him and smiled slightly. Aurianha felt a little nervous about being with the prince since she had a strong attraction toward the prince though her sister often threw different signals but she knew who she liked now. It was obvious. As her mind tried to focus away from the nervousness. "And she has it. I am just worried that she might no " he cut himself short as something dawned on him. "Oh shit..." He quickly went to the dresser and pulled his bag from on top of it and started searching it for something. He looked quite pale now, as if what he remembered had scared him to the bone. He finally sighed in frustration and dumped the bag's contents out onto the bed, and amongst the supplies and clothes he puled out an old, worn, almost illegible book. He paused for a second, his face carrying a sad look. "I know now why Mother gave me this for my journey." he said, referring to the battered thing in his hands. Upon arriving at the springs, Aleph read why the Prince had tried to warn him. He continued on anyway, abiding by the tradition, which Fiena did as well, and they sat in a small corner where few could see them, and only if they were trying to see them. "Isn't this fun, Aleph Kun?" Fiena asked, giggling as she sat on his lap. "Just me and you, and Ne Chama with Kawaii Kun in the room?" The former Yami smiled at Fiena's cuteness, trying desperately to ignore the fact that once she had been certain nobody would look, she'd taken off her towel."Fiena Chan, Why did you remove your towel?"he asked, blushing and being grateful that nobody could see the girl. "Um, well....c cuz I w wanted....I wanted you see..." Fiena blushed deep crimson as she stumbled over her words, and Aleph sighed."You wanted me to see you unclothed, is that it?""Y yeah...but I also w" She leaned back so she could whisper into his ear. "I also wanted to love you more...l like how Mama loved Daddy...and like how Ne Chama wants Kawaii Kun." It was Aleph's turn to blush crimson. He knew that Twili aged slower physically, and he knew that Fiena was actually closer to her sister in terms of age, though her body appeared to be that of one only twelve. He placed a hand, which was underwater and hidden due to the natural bubbling effect of this area of the spring, and lay it on the girl's leg, letting a single finger brush her most sensitive spot, causing her to blush deeper crimson and let out a small squeak."I would like nothing more, but if any of them find out, then I might be in trouble, since none of them know your true age." He said, turning her head with his other hand and kissing her lips Fiena moaned softly into his kiss as she felt his finger enter her... Tikal paced furiously in her chambers within the Water Temple, allowing her wings to appear and she gave them one furious flap, sending deep blue feathers fluttering around the room. "DAMNIT, DAMNIT, DAMNIT, DAMNIT, DAMNIT!!!!!" SHE SCREAMED. "How is it that at every turn I am defeated?!" She paused in her pacing for a minute, thinking to herself and gritting her teeth. "That does it. When they get here, I will fight them myself! But first, some renovations to this chamber. I think it's a bit too open for me." As she began to remodel the chamber which had been occupied years before by the Twilit Beast Morpheel, she cackled maniacally, eager to kill the Prince and tear the Twilight Princess limb from bloody limb. She was so angered by her previous defeats in the Forest and Fire temples that she no longer cared for Nemesis' plans for the Twili hybrid. Aurianha looked at him, "What is going on?!" She said as she noticed the prince's face was pale and it bothered her that the prince was getting worked up in a frenzy. "What is the book about? You said the Queen gave it to you?", She asked about the book he was flipping through furiously. Her eyes moved to the door knowing that her and Aleph were alone up in spa but then she would focus on the prince wondering what is going on with this whole thing. "If this book is accurate, in any degree," Zhertal started, a look of grim concern on his face, "I believe your sister will lose her virginity before she is of age." He set the book down and pointed at a single passage of sigils, "This here. This is the one line that has me concerned." The Crown Prince of Hyrule directly quoted the ancient language. "Tinustrel greshar tu kavarien dreskorr iban kaizetsumi lorkiseraf quasill ix'xtras minae palaios. 'Within the mind of she who carries this pattern lies the Key to Ancient Power' And this next line, 'Quadria casta llingremos zexx niflares nilhilexedrax, Aleph escurias felis Quixoni estruviel Twili Hieburadosen.''From the union of the Aleph Quixoni and the Twili Princess of Silver Roses shall come the Prophecy Fulfilled.' Mother thought it was a typo that was supposed to read 'Alpha Quixoni' but after Lanaryu Sama renamed our former Yami friend, I have believed this line to be accurate." Zhertal paused for a moment to let this new information sink in, then he looked out the window towards theSpring. "If your sister manages to seduce Aleph San, I fear his allegiance will not be our concern, but rather Fiena Chan's innocence. I would not wish that girl to lose anything, let alone her virgin innocence before she has come of age and married." As the Prince and Aurianha spoke, Fiena was, in fact, trying to convince Aleph to make love to her without actually saying it. The former Yami was astounded at how many sensual puns, phrases, and hints the girl knew, even for one as young as she. However, his primary concern was not deciding wether to fuck her or not, he was struggling with keeping himself restrained as Fiena toyed with him. "Please? You said last night that you'd wanted to." Fiena said, eyes pleading. When she got a negative response, she turned up her cuteness factor and pleaded softly. "Ah, please?""Not yet, Fiena Hime.""Aw, why not?" she asked innocently. However, although her voice was pure, her actions clearly were wanting, as she placed a hand under Aleph's towel and gently touched his member. "It's all big, too." She playfully rubbed the tip, making Aleph draw a stuttered breath. She giggled as she played with him, and when she felt it throb in her grip, she spoke again, carefully sliding teh towel away so she could see it clearly. "See? It wants to play with me.""Fiena Hime...i if you k keep doing that...I...I won't be able actions...."He said, trying to ignore the insane amounts of pleasure that were screaming at his brain from her touch. "P please....think this through...." In the Twilight Palace, Midna felt a small twinge of arousal and knew from her bond with her daughter that she was coming of age and trying to coax her chosen mate into the final act that would mean Fiena becoming an adult Twili officially."Fiena, my not make the same mistake I made when I chose your father as my mate. You are not yet able to control your Cycle. are coming of age much earlier than any other Hybrid in recorded history...faster than even my ancestor Nabooru." Aurianha looked at the book and then at him, "That won't be good...and Fiena could regret it. Though Zhertal ... we would upset her by going up there and preventing it. I hope that Aleph can keep himself under control rather then give into his basic desires. Though..." She sighed as she didn't have the ways or means of doing such a thing yet her younger sister was pulling moves. She couldn't help but feel a little out of place due to her age and her sisters. Despite all this she just shook off her eyes and sighed, "All we can do is hope that she doesn't coax him enough to make him make a fatal mistake or her." She said to close off her statement and comments. Her eyes just focused toward the spa and then back at Zhertal sighing. Before he did something he would regret, Aleph quickly took Fiena's hands in his own, breathing heavily from her touch nearly making him lose it."F Fiena HIme...not here. I will fulfill your wishes, but not here, not now.""Aw, then when?" Fiena asked, a sad look on her face. She didn't quite understand that making love right in the hot springs was rather taboo. Aleph explained, quietly, that he'd make her happy when they got back to the room, and after hey told the Prince to take Aurianha to the springs, since the 'traditional bathing' had ended just a few minutes ago. He slid Fiena off of his lap and to his side, where she leaned contently against him. Since he didn't want her to feel completely wanting, he whispered that he'd give her a bit of an 'appetizer' as it was, and he slid his hand to her waist, letting one single finger brush against her in an intimate way, making the girl blush crimson. Zhertal sighed. I just hope he knows what the hell he's doing. Even if he gives in to her desires, she's still only what, eleven twelve? That's way too young. Even my Grandmother's first experience wasn't until she was our age, and Mother waited even longer. I at least want to be married to the woman I love before I make love to her." He leaned over and kissed Aurianha's cheek. "But I don't mind kissing her out of the blue, and I just love being near her." Nemesis paused for a moment in her cooking, a hobby she loved completely, and glanced towards Hyrule, looking past the Gerudo Desert that lay before her lands."I sense that our deserter has begun something that will threaten our entire operation. Temujin, relay a message to those fools. Inform them that their first clue as to who they are truly up against lies in the deepest chamber of the Water Temple." The young blonde haired male who was more like a friend than a servant simply looked at her, confused. He was unsure of how to do that, since when he'd been captured by Ghidorah, he'd been made to be mute."Do not worry, Temujin. The envelope that lies on the table is all you need to show them. I will send the Firaxia with you as a speech drone. Now go. I want you to be in Kakhariko Village by noon tomorrow, understood?"Temujin nodded, and he hugged her, thinking her to be his mother, since his true mother, since his had died in his birth. When she smiled at him, he kissed her cheek, blushed, then took off."I swear, that boy must think me more than a mother if a simple kiss on the cheek makes him blush crimson like that. No matter. Once he returns, I shall make him my heir, using the ancient Right of Succession. Pay attention, Mother, because I am about to surpass you and Father in every way. I have inherited his Power, and there is nobody who can stop me." she said, watching as the Triforce glowed brightly on her hand. Zhertal noticed a soft glow coming from his gloves, and he knew that the Triforce of Wisdom was glowing. Because of this, he glanced at the writings in the book again, and he saw he could translate more, thanks to the power of the Goddesses. "Aurianha, I think that the Triforce is granting me the knowledge I need, because I can read more of the book. It's as if it was written in modern Hylian instead of Ancient Twili." He sighed in great relief. "And now, I'm not as worried about your sister as before. Still worried, but not as much." Aurianha looks at him and notices as her own hand that holds the triangle shines brightly too. "My hand is doing that too. I don't know what it is but something is coming to the light and I am starting to become aware of it despite my lack of knowledge of such thing.", She said explaining Her eyes showing the mystery of why her hand glowed like his. "Though about my sister...yeah I would wait for that thing too if I was given the chance. Marriage would be better...since in reality I haven't said this before but I want to be a mother.", She said blushing brightly as she might have let the secret she was holding from Zhertal. "A mother? I guess even the toughest of fighters have a secret wish that renders them as normal as the rest." Zhertal said. Then he placed his hand on Aurianha's chin, tilting her face up slightly so he was looking directly into her eyes. "I love that about you, Aurianha. You have many things about you that I find endearing." He leaned in closer and kissed her on the lips, He lingered for a few seconds, then when he broke the kiss, he smiled, and the soft breeze that came in from the window made his long black hair frame his face in a way that resembled the main hunk from the romance novels that Ilia read. One of his bangs lay along his nose, curving off to the side in an erotic manner. "I realized something while we were in the Fire Temple. I have found that, well...." He paused for a second, to gather his thoughts, and kiss her again. "I have fallen in love with you, Aurianha." Fiena was crimson, and she felt herself coming close to an ecstasy ridden climax, simply letting out a moan of pleasure as her love gently rubbed her clit with a finger while another was inside her. "A Aleph K Kun...S sintra...v veliano...velianoserli...Travuli....eslar...o ovra *gasp* Ovrafolez...ix'grani..." Aleph smiled at the effect he was having on the young girl. He pressed his lips to Fiena's so that when she reached her climax, her scream of ecstasy was muffled to a soft moan. Afterwards, Fiena simply lay on her lover, resting her head on his chest as he placed a towel over her to retain some modesty. When Fiena looked up at him, she was still quite red, but she was smiling. "I if a simple touch can do that...I can't wait for tonight, Aleph Kun.""Hush. You should rest now, Fiena Hime." Temujin neared the Hyrule field, opposite from Lake Hylia's shore, and sighed. This was his first mission to Hyrule, and he was happy to be away from Ghidorah, but he was already missing Nemesis.Though he was mute, he still managed to get his words across through showing the letter to various countryfolk. They pointed him in the direction of Kakhariko Village, and he started his journey across Hyrule Field. The darkness that covered it was comforting to him, only because it reminded him of Nemesis.'I hope that Queen Nemesis will reward me for this journey. I only hope I do not dissappoint her.' He thought. Aurianha looked over at him and blushed as she froze for a second and then quickly withdrew. "A that so Zhertal I...I...", She couldn't say it as she fumbled with the words and then suddenly he found her at the window as she was blushing horribly though she made a heart with her hands behind her back to show her appreciation and looked over at him softly hoping he understood why she made that symbol. Though when she looked out she felt something else that made her feeling switch from embarrassment to a fear or nervousness. Something is coming...I don't know what it is but something is coming She thought as she kept her eyes out of the window toward the entrance toward the Hyrule feild entrance that came through the south end of town. Something was coming toward them and it had a feeling of destruction or an aura of fear. She couldn't figure out what it was. Zhertal knew instantly what she'd meant, but he felt the same uneasiness. He stood next to her, putting an arm around her waist to show comfort and protection. "Whatever it is, Aurianha, we can make it through." he said, kissing her cheek softly. "And I've got your back if we have to face enemies." He let his hand rest were it had sat naturally, which was on her thigh, and his fingers were, although on top of her clothes, extremely close to her womanhood. He either didn't notice, or didn't mind. His expression, though, implied he wasn't aware of it. Aleph tensed as Fiena suddenly clung to him in fear. She buried her face in his chest, and the sigils on her arms began to give off a dark sapphire glow, as opposed to the usual crystal blue. "A Aleph Kun...Something's coming, and I'm scared..""Don't worry, Fiena Hime. I'll keep you safe.Your sister has Zhertal, and you have me. Be at peace. Traskilliar qualixtras nunc et sigurrel, pelrophan'n." Colin looked towards teh west, having felt the same thing as the others. He gritted his teeth as he placed a hand on the hilt of his sword. Beth simply held his other arm. "Colin? Honey, what's wrong?" "Find Link's daughters and their companions. Get them to the underground chamber in Renaldo's hut. Something big is coming, and I want them to be well prepared." Beth nodded and went first to the springs, since she'd seen Fiena and Aleph go there earlier and told them. They quickly changed and headed towards the old hut as Beth wnet to the inn. She knocked on the door that was where Aurianha and Zhertal were currently in. "Aurianha? Prince Zhertal? Colin wanted me to have you meet him in Renaldo's basement." "Alright, Miss Beth." the Prince said. "We'll be there shortly." Aurianha nodded and then followed Zhertal toward Renaldo's hut. That is where Link first opened up the entrance her father and now she was heading toward the entrance and the underground basement cellar. When she and Zhertal jumped down into the underground Cellar she looked around and waited for her other companions to appear. Her eyes looked up at the hole and then at Zhertal and nodded, "I am glad... that you are here...I know that I am a tomboyish girl... but I appreciate this." She said slowly fumbling over her words though she hoped the prince understood them well. Fiena poked her head around a corner, and when she saw Aurianha, she ran over and wrapped her arms around her sister's waist. "One Chan!" It was quite clear that the young Twiili Hybrid was terrified about something, and Aleph hadn't been able to calm her. Zhertal assumed that the sisters would need to be alone for a bit, so he went into the antechamber that had housed a cannon years ago, but was now an armory for emergencies. As he started looking at some of the weaponry, he heard sounds of someone working on a blade. Aleph was tempering his weapon, a kusarigama with an extra blade at the end. He'd even changed his attire. "New outfit for the fight?" "Yeah. Fiena Hime is too frightened to find a weapon, so I found this. It's very similar to the weapon my Father used when I was a child, and I have always used scythes of various styles." Zhertal nodded and found a piar of narrow bladed swords that had a slight curve to them, reminding him of the sword that rested in his father's tomb. They were very well made, and when he unsheathed the blade, he took a single strand of his jet black hair, and the blades cut the hair in half. Temujin neared the village gates, and when he saw them, he sighed. Entering the village meant leaving the Dark, and he hated being alone outside of the Dark, simply because he was unfamiliar with the Light. He left the last of the Dark, and when he entered the purified zone that was created courtesy of the Daughters of Courage, he noticed his form changed sligthly. His normal clothes vanished, and he was left with a simple white outfit, with a plushie that made him appear innocent. Almost too innocent, since he'd also been reverted to a child like state. Zhertal, Aleph, and Fiena all paused what they were doing, sensing the presence had disappeared quite suddenly. "Ne Chan? vanished. The thing that was scaring me vanished." Aurianha sensed it dropped off the side of the planet but then realized that this feeling wasn't completely gone and just shrunk. " got smaller.", She said softly as she still could feel the taint of the evil due to her courage or the triforce that had been given to her was still reacting to the force though it was glowing less and giving her less horrible vibes. When she looked at Fiena she hugged her tightly. "We will find a way to find out this force and stop it sis. I promise.", She said quickly smiling as she held her tightly and knew that they both were spoken force and the love they shared was just sisters looking out for each other. "Ne Chan? Why's your hand glowing?" Fiena asked. Zhertal instinctively placed a and over his own Triforce marking, and Aleph simply stared off towards where the evil aura had vainshed shrunk. The former Yami knew that aura, and he hoped that Temujin was not coming for him. While Fiena waited for her sister to answer, she fidgeted slightly, unsure of what to make of this feeling of courage that was seemingly pouring out of her sister's every being. Aurianha looked out toward the Aura that stood out, "I think fate is finally asking me to put forth and stop the evil that will eventually engulf the world if I don't. I understand and I know that I have to do this for everybody. For Zhertal, You, and everybody of this world. I am finally able to slightly understand my father's mission when he faced the Veil of Twilight so long ago. I now will have to face something similar though with new tasks and new forces and foes. I will take them on Fiena! I will do this for Father! For my mother, and for yours! I need to protect our realm!" She said quickly as her triforce piece was glowing quite brightly as she had her father's spirit. Fiena felt an unusual sense of encouragement and hope eminating from her sister, and when she looked at Aleph, his smile made her turn crimson. Zhertal, however, had uncoveredhis hand, and as Fiena went to hug her new love, the Prince of all Hyrule took the Daughter of Courage into his own arms. "Inspiring as ever, Aurianha." he whispered, kissing her lips afterwards."I asked Master Colin to check on that aura signature. He should be back by morning. In the meantime, I suggest we retire early tonight, that way we can have an early start tomorrow. I also have a rather decadent breakfast planned out. I'm going to head to my room now, though. I have a bit of meditation to do before I rest."Aleph said. As he left, he winked at Fiena since his back was to her sister, and the Twili Princess instinctively blushed a rosy hue. Fiena also let a small squeak slip out, since he'd surprised her with the wink, but when she looked at her sister, she hoped that she wasn't paying attention since Zhertal had locked lips with her once more. This, Fiena thought, was a perfect excuse to leave the room. She closed the door behind her and slipped into the room she'd spent last night in and changed into a simple night gown, pure white with violet sigil patterns on the chest that somehow resembled her name, and the fabric, she was pleased to recall, was semi transparent. The fabric wasn't clear enough to see her skin clearly, but it was clear enough to make out the sigils on her arms clearly and see her soft pink lingerie. Her panties had a Triforce image embroidered onto the front with the Twili Royal Crest surrounding it. She was certain Aleph would love it. "I'm coming to see you, Aleph Kun." she thought aloud, though nobody could hear her. "Ne Chama will be in Kawaii Kun's bed tonight, if she doesn't get all shy on him, and I'll be in yours...I hope Mama doesn't get mad..." Aurianha looked at Zhertal and blushed as he had outright kissed her. Her hand twitched not out of anger but nervousness and fear at the time. Her eyes widened to show a hint of embarrassment in the form of a blush. When she kissed him back she closed her eyes and even though she had courage flowing through her she felt the pain drift away shortly as the kiss lifted and then she looked at him. "Zhertal...", She said softly staring into his eyes with no words to say and her eyes just glimmering in the light as her body looked small and fragile as if something could damage it by merely touching it softly. Her eyes looked like weak glasses that were held up by the smallest of efforts. Though this was apparent about her appearance she had a strong spirit that even Zhertal couldn't deny. Zhertal smiled as Aurianha blushed. This softer, more feminine, side of her was cute, he thought. He'd heard Fiena leave the room earlier, and he reached into his pocket. "Aurianha, there's something I wanted to ask. We've known eachother since we were very small, and my feelings have only increased over time. I was wondering if maybe, once this entire Darkness thing is cleared up, would you like become my wife?" he asked. The prince held up a small gold ring that was inlaid with various Hyrulian gems, and at the very center of the ring lay a rather beautifully cut diamond that was a soft golden color. He slid the ring onto her finger, and kissed her lips gently, waiting for her answer. Aleph heard a soft knock on his door. When he answered, Fiena poked her head into the room and blushed slightly. "Ano...Aleph Kun?Can I come in?" she asked, knowing the answer before he spoke it. When the Twilight Princess entered the room, the former Yami felt his face grow crimson. The outfit that she'd chosen, though a normal nightgown for a girl, had surprised him. The blush lasted for a few seconds, but it cleared once she closed the door again."That is a very lovely gown, Fiena Chan. And your panties are very cute, too. Is that your family's Crest on them?" Aurianha looked at his ring and then at him blushing horribly and her body was moving back in shock some. "I ...I ...", She stuttered as she eyed the ring and then him her hands on her mouth in a timid way as her whole stance was twisted in a shy way. "I.....I.....w wil.....wi ....will...", She said softly as her eyes moved over to his as she blushed more even more as she kissed his lips back. Her eyes were shimmering and showing a lot of nervousness. Zhertal was a bit surprised at how quickly Aurianha had responded, but he didn't care. He was happy that he'd finally asked her what he'd been trying to ask for the past three years. He nearly lost himself in her kiss, a hand unconsciously sliding down her back and curling itself around her ass. His other hand stayed around her upper torso, cradling her head. The only thing running through his head was whether or not he could risk asking to make love. He decided not to ask. If she wanted to, he figured, she would ask him, right? Fiena giggled as she lay under the covers with Aleph, her clothes neatly bundled in the corner. The former Yami's head was barely visible, and what could be seen of his face was slightly red. As his fingers traced over her tiny frame, she giggled again. "Aleph Kun! That tickles!" she said, trying not to squirm too much as his fingers lightly traced a path across her thighs and virginity. Her voice fell quiet as he pressed his lips to hers. This was good, because she moaned rather loudly into the kiss as he slid a finger into her. Her face instantly turned crimson due to the ecstasy and sudden action her lover had taken.She moaned again as he managed to slide a second finger into her. Unfortunately for them, their kiss had broken just a split second before, so her moan was heard through the walls. Zhertal turned crimson at the sound. "I if that sound was what I think it was......" he started, but his own embarrassment wouldn't let him continue his train of thought, as it shifted from that sound, which was Fiena's ecstatic moan of pleasure, into a waking daydream of himself making Aurianha let out the same sounds, making his face grow even deeper shades of red. Aurianha looked at him coughing, "I...not right now. We need to save Hyrule. My..role as mother will have to wait." She said softly as she knew that Fiena had fallen in love with the ex yami and she knew it. Though she didn't care as she had fallen for the prince of the queen which was the holder or was the holder thought passed to her son the holder of the triforce of wisdom. She was the Triforce of courage which was passed to her. "We need to make sure the safe first before we do that...Zhertal.", She said as she turned and looked out the window she was in and suddenly she felt as if she was floating about Hyrule and stood in its glory as she looked down at it and wanted it to be safe. To hope to turn the tide of destruction and despair that would engulf it if somebody that controls this darkness was to get it. "No...I need to save Hyrule.", She said softly as she looked at the land more in her heart. "I'm sorry if it seemed I was going too fast, Aurianha Chan." Zhertal said, blushing a bit an rubbing the back of his head nervously. "I had every intention of abstaining until the Kingdom is safe." The prince sat on the nearest bed and glanced towards the moon, which was visible through the window next to him. He wondered how his mother was faring back in the castle, and he also wondered about Aurianha's family in Ordonia. He watched as a star shot across the heaven's and, as he did while still a child, he made a silent wish. His eyes widened in amazement as he saw not one or two, but dozens more fly through the sky. Noting that Aurianha hadn't seen them, he immediately jumped up and grabbed his beloved's hand. "Aurianha Chan, come up to the roof with me. You have got to see this!" When they got to the roof, Zhertal pointed to the dozens upon dozens of meteors streaking across the night sky and spoke happily. "Mother told me that the last time this meteor shower graced the heavens of Hyrule was the night that I was born. I'm glad I got to see them with you, Auri Chan." he said, shortening her name for the first time. His happiness was indeed sky high, but it was nothing compared to the Princess below them. Fiena lay sleeping on Aleph's bed. He had not taken her virginity, as he had sworn to himself to avoid taking that night, and the former Yami stood at the window, now slightly upset with himself for having tired the Twilight Princess out so thoroughly before the meteor shower that occurred once every eighteen years on the same day. He had tried to wake her, but it was like trying to turn Link away from a puzzle of any kind. Near impossible. "If, the next time this shower appears, you and I are together, my little Twilight Maiden, I will make love to you. By then, Fiena Hime, you will be my wife." He said. He was actually recording the event with a small camera he'd taken from Nemesis' palace before he'd left, only for the benefit of showing Fiena later. Aurianha smiled, "They look so beautiful!" She said softly as she looked up at the sky holding Zhertal's hand. She had accepted his hand in marriage and she was going to stay safe until she was ready to bare a child and settle down. Her feelings were of that wanting to be a mother but she had a duty that she needed to fulfill yet. The duty to save Hyrule from the coming darkness that graced the desert to their far west. "Zhertal, we will get this enemy ...and we will see another shower like this together when we are together.", She said softly looking into his eyes smiling. "I promise you.", She said softly as she kissed him on the lips softly. A few days have passed since the meteor storm, and Zhertal, Aurianha, Fiena, and Aleph have arrived at the next temple area, Lake Hyrule. Unbeknownst to them, an old acquaintance resides within the ruined temple's depths...Tikal. The woman waits to slay the daughter of the Sacred Hero and steal the Twilight Princess for the villain Nemesis' evil plot to revive an ancient creature. What dangers await our heroes in the Water Temple? Find out to Shut the hell up, damnit! Sorry about that...Ganondorf tends to do that when he's not a main character...anyways, don't let me keep ya here. You want to see my kids, anyway. They're over there. Later! Fiena's ears perked up as she listened to the wind. "Ne Chan? I thought I heard Daddy's voice." The boys rode behind the girls, and they glanced at each other, knowing that it was impossible for Link's voice to reach them here. However, they decided to let Fiena's sister deal with it instead. To take his mind off of any weird ideas, the prince of all Hyrule leaned a bit closer to the former Yami and lowered his voice so the girls wouldn't hear. "You didn't take the little one's innocence that night, did you?" Zhertal asked. "Not at all. I only used my fingers. Her purity and virginity is still intact. She understands my meanings behind this, and she promised to uphold my wish to wait until she is a bit older.""I know it sounds weird, Ne Chan, but I swear on Mama's Crown that I heard him! You don't think that's weird, do you?" the Twilight Princess asked. Fiena had reverted to her original form after the meteor shower, and she rode Epona while sitting in her sister's lap, the saddle horn mere millimeters away from the seven year old's most sensitive of locations. She tilted her head back to look up at her sister, and her eyes shimmered with a purity rarely found anywhere in the world, and the soft violet red eyes seemed to sparkle in the light of the rising sun reflected off of the water before them. Her redddish gold hair swayed in the soft breeze, and she looked purely innocent, as if the events of the meteor filled night had not occurred. Aurianha blinked and sighed softly, "There is no way that...father could talk to us. He is so far away...there is no way..." She said softly as she looked around and blinked, "I wonder if something allowed..." She broke off and laughed it off as she smiled, "Sis you are imagining things. There is no way father can talk to us." She said softly giggling as she noticed the girl's face and purity. She was glad that Aleph kept himself under control while dealing with her younger sister. She on the other hand has to deal with Zhertal getting any funny ideas. If he did she would set him straight. She might be somewhat of a softy now since he knew but she still knew how to use a sword due to her father and would use it to defend herself or her sister if needed. "I guess you're right..." Fiena said sadly. "Ne Chan, do you think Daddy's alright?" Zhertal answered quickly, allowing Aurianha a moment to think, if need be. "If Master Link were in any danger, Fiena Chan, he is skilled enough to fend it off. I'm hust hoping Mother is doing as well." Fiena giggled at the Prince's thoughts of his mother, but when she looked up at her sister again, her eyes betrayed a sense of longing for something that wasn't clear, until she spoke, that is. "Ne Chan?" she whispered, so the boys wouldn't overhear. "Did...did you and Kawaii Kun do anything ticklish? I mean...down there?" Aleph, unfortunately, had heard, but he played as if he hadn't. "I just wanna know, cuz Aleph Kun did something with me that tickled at first, but it made me feel all warm and happy. I wanna tell you all about it, too." Luckily for the prince, Fiena was still whispering. "I didn't know that a boy could make me feel so good there..." In the Twilight Castle, Midna suddenly felt a chill. She prayed her daughter wasn't treading on thin ice, but since she'd inherited the Twilight Queen's sex drive, although unknown at this point to any except Aurianha and Aleph. Link sneezed. "Oh boy...I get the feeling that my girls are gonna be talking about something that Fiena might not be ready for, but I just can't tell what..." Aurianha blushed horribly, "F Feina..." She said softly as she looked at her sister. "N no...we didn't...", She said whispering to her sister as she looked at her blushing probably making Zhertal look at her every so often as she waved it off and smiled warmly at him so he look away. "I think...well, I...cannot do that...right now.", She whispered back, "I need to save Hyrule first." She said softly as she continued with them. Feina had done something with Aleph...but she wondered what it was. "Ne Chan, you're all red!" Fiena said, giggling. "Red like strawberries!" Aleph and Zhertal had to clamp a hand over their mouths so as to not laugh at Fiena's reaction. However, a small ruby throated hummingbird flitted by Aleph's head and hovered by the girls, the feathers seemingly sparkling in the sunlight. It darted around them, dodging the Twilight Princess' fingers as she tried to catch it and she kept giggling, even when she fell off of the horse and landed on her back, one leg caught in the stirrup, leaving the girl in a position that made Aleph envious, for it gave Aurianha a clear view up at Fiena's panties. "Hahahaa...I like that birdie, Ne Chan! He likes to play tag!" Tikal sat at the entrance to the Water Temple fuming. She'd expected the group to have arrived by now, yet nobody, not even the Yami deserter was there. However, There was someone there. Temujin had arrived that morning, carrying a message from Nemesis and Ghidorah, but for the moment, he was floating in the water wearing nothing but a pair of cut off jeans that he'd yoinked from the Inn back in Kakhariko. He looked up at Tikal with his ice blue eyes and smiled, partly because he was able to see the woman's panties, but mostly because he was truly content."So, Tikal, are ya going ot get in the water and have a swim? It'll help ya relax."Temujin said, knowing full well Tikal's unusual swimming habit. Tikal, however, only smirked as she leaned down to see him. She knew he could see her panties, but she didn't care. She was in love with him, even if Temujin only toyed with her. "Heh, you probably just want me to join you since you know I swim nude. Am I right, Temujin Kun?" she asked playfully."Well, that's a part of it...okay, the most of it. Yeah, I wanna see ya naked. But you also seem tense. Maybe I could help ya lose some of that tension with some action, if ya know what I mean."Tikal knew exactly what he meant, and she stripped and jumped in ther, eager to get royally banged. : Temujin's a perv, and he somehow retained his speech after he located Tikal in the Water Temple. Hope ya liked the funniness! Aurianha looked at her sister and giggled, "Yeah you seemed to love that sparkle..." She said as she helped her sister up and smiled at her, "Well, I say we push more of this darkness back. The further it goes back the more distance we will cover to get to Nemesis." She said softly as she moved Epona toward the front of the village to where they started out toward Lake Hylia and the woman that had been trying to stop them for a long time. Father....I will stop Nemesis and I will restore the world to its glorious form that you did so long ago. She thought as they traveled through the field outside of the village. The boys smiled at one another as they watched the sisters talk. Fiena raised a fist into the air, then brought the same hand down to point at the darkness that hovered before them, although still a mile or two off. "Hear that, bad guys?! Ne Chama and I are going to kick your butts out of Hyrule! Kawaii Kun and Aleph Kun are gonna make you cry for your mommies, too!!" the Twili called out, as if to intimidate the villains hiding within the dark veil that lay ahead. "We're gonna win! Right, Ne Chama?" Fiena cocked her head backwards to look up at her sister again. Aleph couldn't help but smile at the innocent girl whose purity had claimed his heart."To think, that purity and innocence was what turned me from the path of evil and purified my soul. Young Prince, if ever you should have a child, I ask that Fiena Chan and I be to it like the Sheikah of Old where to the Children of the Royal Family."he said, his eyes locked on Fiena as she leaned back and kissed her sister's cheek. Zhertal smiled at that, promising that they'd be first on the list. Aurianha had taken the group out of the Death Mountain region and headed down over the field. She noticed that the Castle couldn't be seen without a black surrounding cloud behind it. She frowned and continued to move over the field toward the lake. With this coming she knew she would have a lot of problems with the next monster she would have to face. Something was telling her this could be her hardest battle yet. She was quite distracted despite her younger sister's tendency to follow everything. While Aleph and the others followed her she kept her eyes pressed on and she knew that Zhertal might be watching her due to the urgency but she had no thought in her mind but to extinguish the darkness. "You look distracted, Aurianha Chan" the Prince said, bringing his silver colored mare alongside Epona. "Something other than the Darkness on your mind?" Fiena looked at the Prince with a curious expression, since he'd come alongside the siblings without a single sound. Then, without warning, the heir to the Twilight Kingdom jumped down from teh horse and turned an angry expression to the small hut to their north. Fiena bared her fangs, literally, and as she faced the hut, Aleph slowly drew his trident, a gift from Eldin, and stood by her side."Show yourself, fiend!!"the former Yami exclaimed, pointing his weapon at the hut. A small noise was heard, not unlike the squeak of an embarrassed schoolgirl, and a young girl, about the size of a seven year old, opened the door to the hut, her violet eyes and pure blonde hair reflecting the sunlight. "I am the crown Prince Zhertal. Please, Miss, identify yourself and your reason for being here." the Prince said, holding an arm out to signal that Aleph and Fiena were to step down. The girl, however, said nothing at first, but Fiena's ears twitched ever so slightly when the girl did, and in a way that Aurianha, who'd spent time hunting with Link, would easily recognize as being able to understand the girl's unique language that not even Aleph could decipher."Kudakichime, Aionis et turan'ne estruans quintessimo, Toori no Qinglong to shiri kotowa dai'ichi." Aurianha sighed, "The battle ahead, my gut is bothering me about it." She said as suddenly as Epona stopped she noticed her sister get down and literally act feral toward a hut they had passed. It was insignificant and it bared a small child, this child though was affecting Fena quite a lot and Aurianha couldn't believe how angry her sister was getting over the little girl stood in front of her. "Fena...what is gong on? What is she saying?", Aurianha said as she looked back toward Lake Hylia. They needed to arrive there before they decided to push the veil forward and make them transform into their beast forms. Then her eyes focused on the little girl that was speaking in a tongue that only her sister knew. Something is going on and I can feel it. Could this be the whole feeling I am getting? Is it from this girl that stands before us now? She thought as she stood there her body on high alert as she waited. "Um...she said something about a Qinglong Water Siren." Fiena said, tilting her head to one side out of curiosity. "I think she wants us to rescue someone named 'Aionis'." "Aionis? And just who is this Aionis?"Aleph asked. "I know that name." Zhertal said. "Aionis was one of the fighting troupe that Mother had invited to the Castle a week before all this trouble began." "But...Kawaii Kun...there's nothing we can do." Fiena said, trying to climb back up into the saddle. Then the princess of the Twilight Realm let out a soft squeak. "Ne Chan...I'm stuck..." Aurianha looked at Fiena, "well, I hope this 'Aionis' is at Lake Hylia because we need to head there. Though...if we find them we will be sure to save them. Her eyes swept over the girl for a second more as her feelings of how she was before haven't died down. Though that Fiena was more worried about not being able to save this person over the fact this girl could be something serious to them as a threat it made her feel more at ease. "well, don't get on yourself too much Fiena.", She said softly petting her sister some as she turned to head out toward the lake again. They were nearly there.
['Midna', 'Wolfy', 'Aurianha']
[Final Fantasy XII - Ebony Nihil]
It was a strange dream that came to her through the night. They were wavelengths of cobalt and emerald. Voices both harsh and soothing, all swirling together and mixing like the marbled berry ice cream that Humes were so indulgent to have during the hot Nalbina summers.This, of course, was probably not too unusual a comparison, considering she did consume a small portion of the wood churned dessert just a day prior in the town they had left behind. There was a side trip where she had gone to visit again the neighboring Rabenastre on business. It was a crooked business, sky piracy was, but it still took standards and materials to carry out effectively. Their latest endeavor involved a typical treasure map, pointing towards a few spots of the two Sand Seas where the riddles may have led. After the Goddess' Tear and the Dawn Shard, though, a few unknown trinkets were not so exciting. But, a lead was a lead, and if the treasure was worth its weight in repairs and fuel, it may as well be worthwhile in the idle time that often passed during a dry period of hunting. There were occasional lulls in any business, sometimes little to no prey happening by way of bounties and careless nobility or merchants.The ice cream had been a citrus flavor, however, and was deliciously soft. She recalled it now because it was so very warm during the end of the afternoon, just before it would begin to cool into something freezing. Still, it was not often she could not recall anything clearly from her dreams, finding mostly a whorl of blissful black nothings. Whether the coming of her muddled dreaming had been a good omen or not, however, was rather debatable. It might have been a while until the mixed blurs and muddled comprehension would focus into clarity. Dreams often held the puzzles of the subconscious which tried to work themselves out without the alertness of intervening judgments. There were questions and mysteries of nature, and decisions, that she did not truly wish to recall as clearly as she often did in dreaming. They were almost always about her childhood and village, hauntings from the Wood. First person perspectives of circles, a circular life, and how young and adorable her Mjrn was as a tiny Viera child.It had been years since she had stepped past the village gates and never turned to look behind her. Her first recollection upon awakening into the world of Ivalice was the warmth of the dawning sun on her face. The cool tide of open wind from across the plains and oceans breathing gently against her cheek. She looked up and saw the reflection of the water against a clear and inverted bowl of azure overhead, no canopy cover, and she saw how the sky went on for an eternity. Love at first sight.That same sky made up the dome overhead now, streaked with pinks and oranges to an encroaching sunset. Her ears could keep her cool throughout the day, but her partner's could not,and so it was only now, and soon, that they would be out to find the gil that could buy their next meal. A gentle tune danced across his pale lips, his features fixated into a permanent smile. A large bowl weighted in his hands, huge scoops of marbled berry ice cream filling it up to the brim. He set te bowl upon the table and then seated himself next to it, chowing down with much joy yet dismay at the same time. He felt his stomach grumbling in protest to eating the ice cream for break lunch and dinner for two days in a row, and perhaps he should had listened to it, however he saw little other option seeing how there was no other food.He should have listened to his Vieran partner and bought those extra groceries as she suggested instead of buying the years supply of ice cream, however he was never able to deny his love for the delicious sweet and the discount was just so alluring. He had just been so sure of himself, believing that the lead they recieved from that merchant would end in a sweet reward, but it infact led to nothing more than a aching back and a swarm of giant rats knawing away at the side of his beloved ship. Thankfully they were able to dispose of the vermin and repair their ship, however this left them in quite a predicament. They were now dead broke!Balthier was his name, or so he told others. He hated to be called that name his father had given him and more importantly he hated to even think of that old man... He sighed quietly pulling his mind back into the reality of the preasent as he slid his hand through his soft hair. He merely smiled it of and took a bite of his delicious lunch.
Kingdom Hearts ( naochan ~ iilan )
Sora let out a heavy sigh as he pushed open the giant doors leading into Traverse Town. Donald, Goofy, and himself had just defeated Clayton and his heartless in the Deep Jungle and the boy was absolutely exhausted, as were his companions. It seemed that ever since he first met the two rather strange characters they had been doing nothing but fight endless waves of heartless on different worlds. From Wonderland, to the Coliseum, to the Deep Jungle it had been nothing but just him slashing his keyblade at any shadow that caught his eye. As much as he wanted to though, he knew he couldn't sleep, not until he found Riku and Kairi and knew the both of them were safe. The brunette told Donald and Goofy to go get them a room at the hotel and that he would meet them there later, he wanted to explore a bit, like he did on Destiny Islands.A few minutes later and Sora found himself on top of the Gizmo Shop, where the bell tower was. From here he could see the entire Second District, from the hotel to the various shops. Traverse Town was truly unlike anything he had ever seen on Destiny Islands, which was more of a relaxed environment where people interacted with each other frequently while this place seemed to be as dead as dirt, no one walked the streets. The boy sighed as he fell back onto the roof, putting his hands behind his head as he laid down, listening to the slight breeze in the air. It reminded him of home, Riku, Kairi and the beach. It made Sora even more homesick than he already was. He closed his eyes, wishing that he would see at least one of his friends soon enough. Riku walked away after talking with Maleficent for a little bit. He shook his head at her nonsense. Nonsense that seemed to make a little sense for some reason. He sighed, looking up at the dark sky, silver hair falling away from bright green eyes. Maleficent said that Sora was here, but that couldn't be, right? He sighed a little bit, shoving his hands into his pockets as he explored the area. Was Sora really here? and how did he get here?When he climbed the ladder up to the top of the Gizmo Shop, he blinked when he spotted the familiar brunette laying back. No way. He silently climbed up and cocked his head to the side. "Sora?" he asked, kind of hoping he was mistake and kind of not. Sora opened his eyes and blinked as he heard his name. The voice sounded nothing like Goofy's or Donald's rather comical voices, it sounded more like a voice he had heard before, Riku's. He instantly jumped up to his feet, almost falling back onto the ground from his sudden leap. "Riku?" He blinked once more and rubbed his eyes, making sure it was the male he had lost back at Destiny Islands. "Riku!" He shouted, running over to the male and leaping on him. "I can't believe you're here!" The brunette said, wrapping his arms around the other. He was truly in shock, who knew wishes actually came true? "I didn't think I would ever see you again," Riku said softly, wrapping his arms around Sora and spinning so that they wouldn't topple over. He set the boy back onto the ground and cocked his head with a small smirk. "Have you found Kairi? I haven't run into her yet," he asked, licking his lips a little bit as he kept his arms around the boy's waist. He didn't want to lose his best friend again. "I know, I thought I lost you too." Sora said, keeping close to Riku in their embrace, afraid to lose him once again. "Kairi?" He frowned, looking away from the male's eyes. "I thought she was with you...I was all alone when I woke up." So, Kairi was still lost in another world out there? While that certainly wasn't fantastic news, the brunette couldn't feel too awful about it. He and his best friend had found each other, now they could find Kairi together. "Where have you been? I looked all over for you!" Riku shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "I don't know. I just woke up," he lied, not wanting to tell Sora about all that Maleficent had told him. He didn't want to too him at all. "I don't remember how I even got here...this town is pretty weird....not as lively as Destiny Islands were. It's dead here, basically." "Yeah, I noticed that too." The town was unusually quiet, the only people he had met were Leon and those other two girls. Sora looked into Riku's green eyes and smiled. "I'm happy we found each other though, at least everyone from the island wasn't..." he gulped, "y'know, killed." He looked down at the thought, he didn't want to think like that, he hoped everyone survived. "We will find Kairi," Riku whispered with a small nod, looking into Sora's blue eyes with his head cocked to the side. Then he noticed that they were still pressed together and smirked some. "You know, Sora..." he whispered, leaning down slowly. He cupped Sora's cheek before kissing his lips gently. Sora was caught with quite the shock as Riku kissed him. They had been best friends for years, not boyfriends! Sure, there had always been sexual tension between the two, but it was really never spoken of. He kissed the man back nonetheless, his lips moving in unison to the older male's. "R Riku..." He whispered as he broke the luscious kiss. "I...I don't...what was that for?" "I don't know," Riku whispered softly, shaking his head a little bit. Though, he knew what it was for. He didn't think he was going to follow Sora around to different worlds. Maleficent's deal sounded a lot better than following Sora. So when they parted, he wanted to make sure Sora could never forget him. No matter what he does, no matter what. He would hold a piece of this boy's heart in his hands. "Can...we do it again?" Sora questioned as a blush spread across his delicate cheeks. He couldn't believe he just asked Riku that question, in fact he never thought he'd be asking anyone to kiss him again, but this was Riku, his best friend. Before the man could even answer, the brunette connected their lips once more, wrapping his arm's around Riku's neck. Riku smiled at Sora's question then groaned as the boy kissed him before he could even answer. He wrapped his arms tighter around Sora and kissed him back. He pushed him against the wall behind the Gizmo shop and pinned him there, kissing him passionately. His tongue swirled around Sora's and it was slowly turning him on. Sora wrapped his legs around Riku's waist as he was pushed against the wall, groaning slightly as his back hit the rough surface. Although the boy had never kissed anyone before, Riku was quickly teaching him how. His soft lips moved against Riku's, his mouth opening so that their tongues could touch and rub against each other. Sora's breathing became more desperate and needy, soft pants coming from his mouth as the two continue to kiss. Riku continued with his passionately kiss, pinning him up the wall so he didn't have to hold him with his hands. Instead, his hands moved down to grope Sora gently. He knew Sora hadn't even been touched like this by another person, especially by another male. "Ahh...Sora..." he whispered after breaking the kiss gently. "Sora...I want you..."
['Sora', 'Maleficent', 'Goofy', 'Riku', 'Kairi']
Carpathian People (Me and JosieAnna)
It had been a long time waiting, 3 years, but Dimitri was once again in the Carpathian Mountains, standing in the forest, shaking the snow from his coat. It was coming down in sheets, so his coat was easily covered again by the blinding white. His blue eyes looked over his old homeland, and where he was when the Great War between the vampires and magi started.In his wolf form, he ran through the forest, to where a log cabin stood. In there was the object that he traveled thousands of miles, from Russia, for. The object of his affections and love... and his salvation. He stayed in the forest, knowing Gabriel's temper, knowing that going too near the house would give him a one way ticket to pain and death. Skyler sat inside, watching her adopted parents play with the children while she made dinner for herself and her siblings. Gabriel had promised that he would turn her after her 18th birthday, but she understood why he hadn't kept his promise for over a year. Dimitri. Just the thought of his name made her sigh in longing and in anxiety. Yes, she could see herself caring for him....if she ever got over the horror of her past. Sensing someone outside, Skyler turned to the window. Seeing nothing immediately, she almost turned away. And then she saw the eyes, and looking harder, the outline of the wolf. Knowing instinctively who it was, she smiled a little, then returned to the counter. Thinking to Francesca, asking her to keep Gabriel calm, she opened the door. "Come in, Dimitri," she said softly, knowing he would hear her. As soon as she said his name, she felt Gabriel beside her and nudged him away, before Francesca lured him back to the children. He still watched the doorway, practically glowering. He saw her before he heard her, and he felt a rush of emotions that threatened to overtake him. But he kept his composure, slowly trotting forward. He shook his fur out just outside of the cabin before walking in, shifting to his human form. Brushing a lock of hair from his eyes, tucking it behind his ear, he smiled at Skyler, his eyes going from her eyes, to her lips, to the necklace he had given her 3 years ago."I see you have kept my necklace. I hope it has given you luck?" He reached out, almost stroking her cheek before feeling the heated glare from Gabriel. Dimitri turned to look at him. "You do not have to worry you, out of anyone here, knows that I cannot hurt her." Skyler smiled, but at the pause in his movements, suddenly becomes afraid to be so close to him. She steps back, turning around and returning to the counter to finish the food. "Yes, it has brought me luck. Thank you." She looked at Gabriel and noticed him still glaring. "You know, that is slightly annoying. You've spent the last three years teaching me about lifemates, and what will happen to a Carpathian male if he doesn't join with his lifemate. And now, you're being rude," she scolded him, causing Francesca to laugh. Setting the food on the table, she sits with one foot underneath her as her siblings run to eat. He stood there for a moment, captivated by the strength that she had gained in the last three years. But he quickly cleared his mind, walking over to their living area, sitting down and leaning back in the chair. He wasn't accustomed to leaving himself in a open and vulnerable situation, but he trusted that he wasn't going to be harmed by Gabriel. He WAS Skyler's lifemate, no matter how much Gabriel didn't like it. "I know you would prefer me changing, Gabriel, and putting me down yourself. It's sad, though." With the children safely at the table, Gabriel just glared at the other man. "That is not at all what I'd prefer. I like you, Dimitri. I only worry about what joining with you will do to Skyler."Skyler was sitting at the table and heard every word that the men said. At that particular comment, she grabbed a soccer ball from the floor and threw it at Gabriel's head with perfect aim. "We've been through this. I won't condemn Dimitri," she told him. "But that doesn't mean I'm not afraid," she added for Dimitri's benefit. He had to hold back a chuckle as the soccer ball hit Gabriel. He knew at least a handful of men that would have loved to have seen that happen, and it was sad that he didn't have anything to show them... physically. But he spread the memory out to Everyone nearby, mainly to Gregori and Mikhail. He heard their soft laughter, and he noticed the tones of Raven, too."I know." he said in his soft tones to Skyler, turning his head and keeping his eyes aimed low, not needing to be captivated to speechlessness by her beauty. "And I am sorry." At this, Skyler scoffed. "Don't be sorry. It isn't your fault. And I'm sure that I'll be fine...eventually." After saying this, she noticed that her siblings were done eating and were waiting eagerly for Francesca to help them into their snow suits so that they could go play outside. Smiling gently, she gathered the dishes and began washing them in the sink. He slowly got up and walked over to her. He stood next to her and dipped his hands in and helped wash the dishes. Get the work done faster and he would have more time with her. But as he cleaned them, time seemed to slow down to a crawl. The dishes seemed to take forever. Anticipation, he told himself. Strange, because for Skyler the time flew by. Too soon it seemed that all of the dishes were washed, dried and put away. Lifting herself to sit on a counter, Skyler looked at the man who was her lifemate. "Where have you been?" she asked quietly, having never listened to any of the other Carpathians talk about him. Finally, the dishes were clean and away, and he turned to her when he heard her words. Instantly he was stunned by her words. She looked so... grown up, now. "I've been... away." He said soft. "Back in Russia with my pack, taking care of them. They love it when it snows." Skyler brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them. "The wolves?" she asked excitedly. They had always been her favorite animal, and she felt particularlyattached to Dimitri's pack, ever since Gabriel had bought her one of the stuffed wolves that were from his organization. "Why did you stay away so long?" He smiled at her words. "The pack I take care of. I keep them safe from the predators and hunters out there. And I stay with them as one of them. They help as detection of vampires." He sighed after her last, though, looking away. "I needed to separate myself some, so I wasn't overtaken by these new emotions. Something I haven't felt for many, many years." Skyler thought about that for a moment, then scooted off the counter, standing and walking toward him. "Is it really that bad? Feeling emotion?" she asked when she stood inches away from him, trembling only slightly. He looked her in the eye as she moved closer, feeling a rush of happiness and need fill him, something that he fought down with all the willpower he had. "It can be." He said sadly. "I haven't felt anything for years. Now, all of this is rushing at me, the good and bad of emotions... It's hard to control at times." "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I know that having me as your lifemate doesn't help much." Skyler looked down at the floor, feeling slightly ashamed of how much pain she must cause him. He moved just a little closer to her, his fingers moving to her shin and lifting her head up to look into his eyes. He had leaned forward, and was a little surprised to find their faces, their lips, a mere few inches away from each others. Boy, she had grown in the last three years."Don't be sorry," He whispered softly, feeling her low breathing on his lips, wanting to kiss her badly but not, because Gabriel was somewhere behind him. "It is not your fault what I feel, what every male feels when they find their lifemate." Skyler looked up at him, a tear in her eye. "But it is my fault that you aren't around you lifemate like you should be. It's my fault that we can't be joined so that you can learn to live with your emotions," she said, one tear trickling down her cheek. His hand came up, gently stroking her cheek with his fingertips before pulling her close to him. "It is not your fault. You were old for your age, but you still had growing to do. But you are here with me now. That is what matters." Skyler impulsively wraps her arms around him and buries her face in his chest. When she realized what she'd done, she waited for the panic to set in, but it didn't, so she stayed exactly where she was. He smiled at that, his arms going loosely around her, holding her to him. A hand went through her hair slowly, eyes closed and he sighed softly, happily. But after a moment he opened his eyes and turned his head, looking at Gabriel. Skyler felt his hand in her hair and simply smiled a little. When he lifted his head to look at Gabriel, she turned around as well."What, no panic attack?" Gabriel asked, slightly disappointed. If the man had to have Skyler as his lifemate, couldn't she at least give him one good panic attack? "Clearly, she's chosen to accept you, Dimitri. I'll not stand in your way."Skyler stood there and at Gabriel's comment, her eyes dropped to the floor. "Not yet," she muttered. He smiled at Gabriel's words, but at Skyler's, he turned to look at her again. He pulled her close, resting his cheek against the top of her head. "Do not be afraid. And please, do not worry. I waited over 500 years, I can wait a few more if I must." Skyler shook her head. "No, the longer I wait, the worse it will be," she told him decisively. She turned around again and looked up at him. "And I don't know what I'll do if I can't be with you," she whispered. He heard her words, and a sigh escaped his lips. He pulled her close, eyes closed as he rested his head against her. "I know a nice place nearby that I will be staying at. You can visit anytime." Skyler clutched at him. "Uh uh. You aren't leaving," she declared. "Or you're at least taking me with you," she added as an option, knowing that Gabriel could only take so much. However, if she and Dimitri were truly going to be together, she was tired of wasting time. Dimitri smiled, running his fingers through her hair slowly. "You are very brave, Cara Mia." He said softly, before taking a step back, looking over her quickly before turning to Gabriel. "I will take care of her." He turned to the door, his arms around Skyler, and slowly leading her out. Skyler already had on boots so she only had to grab a coat on the way out the door. "No, if I were truly brave, I'd have stayed with you three years ago." As they walked outside, Francesca saw and knew through Gabriel's thoughts what was going on.Walking up to Skyler, she pressed her hands to the young girls cheeks and kissed her forehead. "Visit," she murmured."I will." "Bravery is something you gain as you age." He said in a soft voice as they stepped out of the door. He saw Francesca come towards them and felt a wave of gratitude pass over him at the woman. He felt like hugging her, but he held his composure and bowed, low, to her."Thank you for looking over Skyler for me over these several years." Skyler wrinkled her nose at his speech about bravery, then stood still as he spoke to Francesca.Francesca looked at him. "It was a pleasure," she said honestly. "Take good care of her." With this, she turned back to playing with the children.Skyler turned to him, wiping a tear from her eye. "Which way?" she asked. He turned to her and pulled her back to him, holding her close and running a hand through her hair lightly. "That depends on where you want to go. I know a nice place to relax and retreat from the cold, or we can go to my cabin for a while." Skyler leaned into him. "Either sounds fine," she murmured, not sure which she'd really prefer, so leaving the choice up to him. He smiled, pulling her close before slowly leaning down and picking her up, across in his arms. "I think you need to relax." He said softly, before kissing her lightly. His eyes closed as he carried her off, and within moments they were in the entrance of a cavern. He slowly walked in, still holding her. It was dark, but he could see perfectly. Soon, there was a soft water trickle going, and they entered a open area. There were a few pools of water, one having a little waterfall go into it."These are the mineral springs." He said softly. "It's a good place to relax." He Put her down near the middle of the room, with two springs, one on each side of her. He walked forward and gently touched a candle, and fire shot all around the room, lighting the room up with dozens of candles, their eerie light making the scene that much more amazing. SKyler gasped when he lifted her, clinging to him in case she fell. "Next time you're going to do that, just warn me," she said softly after he ended this kiss, which sent her heart pounding but not in terror yet. When he entered the cavern and set her down, she laughed at the set up. "You so totally planned this," she accused teasingly. "But it's nice, so I'll pretend I don't realize that." He looked at her with a hurt expression on his face. "Me? I didn't plan this." He took a few steps closer to her, stroking her cheek gently before turning to the larger spring. His slow steps to the pool were distinct, every step removing a layer of his clothing so he was nude as he stepped in. His muscles rippled as he moved, laying back against the rock edge and letting the water go over him, hot water that relaxed him. Skyler laughed softly at his expression, pressing her palm to one of his cheeks. "I was only teasing," she murmured soothingly. When he walked to the spring, her jaw dropped as his clothing disappeared and her eyes got huge. Since he was walking away from her, she didn't panic too much but did swallow nervously. "I think I'm just going to stay right here," she said quietly. Dimitri turned then, looking at her with soft eyes. He lifted himself slightly, the water sliding down his body. But he didn't rise too much, leaving only his upper body showing to her. "Come here, Cara Mia. Enter the pool and let me help you relax. I won't hurt you." Skyler shook her head, refusing to look at him. It wasn't only his nudity that made her not want to join him, but the scars on her body. "No, I ... I don't want you to see me," she whispered, fully aware of how ridiculous it sounded. He pulled himself out of the pool now, a towel appearing around his waist. He slowly walked over to her, turning her slowly and stroking her cheek. He tilted her head to look into her eyes. "I don't care how you look, I am yours. What they did to you before, they will pay for it. But right now, please. Relax, you need it more than anything." With his gentle coaxing, Skyler slowly shrugged out of her coat. "No. No more violence," she whispered. No matter what had been done or by who, she firmly believed that fighting violence with violence was wrong. Slowly, she lifted her t shirt over her head and tossed it aside, looking only at his eyes, breathing a little heavily from anxiety. He let her do it. He knew she could, knew she was strong of heart. He nodded slowly at her words. "Ok." He said softly, stroking her cheek gently before kissing her lightly, a brush of his lips against hers. "I won't hurt them if you tell me not to." His hands moved and stroked over her arms lightly, a gentle touch to help her. This time, when Dimitri began to pull away, Skyler rose up on her toes to keep kissing him. A moment later, she dropped back to being flat footed and leaned down to untie her boots and take them off. he was surprised at her action, and returned the continued kiss. His lips didn't leave her alone too much, moving down and gently kissing the side of her neck as he moved behind her. His hands gently stroked over her back before unsnapping her bra. Staying behind her so she would have at least a sense of privacy. He didn't want her to be scared. She shivered when he kissed her neck and unsnapped her bra, then briefly wrapped her arms around herself like she was chilly. Before too long, she reached down to unsnap her jeans and pushed them slowly over her hips. He slowly slid her bra off, letting it fall to the ground before turning from her, walking back to the spring. He took the towel off himself, letting it fall to the ground before going back into the water, relaxing against the earthen wall. He waited for her, eyes closed. Seeing that his eyes were closed, Skyler quickly finished undressing and slipped into the water. It took for a couple minutes, but before too long she drifted over next to him, her hand on his chest, doodling nervously. He felt her move and touch him softly, and his eyes opened, looking at her lovingly. "Turn around." He said softly, his hands coming up and stroking her arms, her cheek, before he moved a little closer and kissed her. It was deeper than the other ones, more passionate. More loving. Skyler kissed him back with just as much passion. "Why do you want me to turn around?" she whispered against his lips. He smiled, gently kissing to her ear, nipping her ear gently. "To help you relax." He whispered softly, his hands stroking up to her shoulders. Skyler shivers and, still a bit wary of his intentions, turns so that her back is to him. He smiled, moving her slightly closer to him, his hands moving to her shoulders. Slowly, gently, he massaged, feeling her tense muscles, feeling her knots and working them out. His hands slowly traveled down her shoulders to her back, stopping at her lower back. Skyler sighed and began to relax, letting her head droop forward a bit. "Mmm...feels nice," she murmured. Dimitri smiled, his head coming forward and gently kissing her shoulder. "I'm glad, love." He gently nipped, not breaking skin. His hands moved around from her lower back to her stomach, gently pulling her back against his frame. Skyler jumped a little and moved back against him. She leaned her head back against his shoulder and closed her eyes. He held her close to him, enjoying her soft frame against his stronger one. His hands slowly stroked over her stomach, his cheek moving and nuzzling against hers. His anger just faded into a calmness and happiness when he was around her. Skyler shifted a little against him, trying to get more comfortable. At this point, she was almost relaxed enough to take a nap. He gently kissed her shoulder again, then up slowly, to her neck. "I am here for you." He whispered softly, his hands slowly stroking her stomach. Skyler nuzzles into his shoulder a little bit. "I know you are. And I know you won't hurt me...which is probably why I'm so close to falling asleep," she murmured. He smiled, running his hand slowly up her arm. The need to bind her to him was great... but she was tired, and it didn't feel right to him. So he held her, gently kissing and saying little ministrations, saying his love for her. She could tell how hard it was for him to simply hold her, and to tell the truth, she wanted more. She was afraid, but she knew that he wouldn't hurt her. Turning a little, she leaned up to kiss him softly. He returned the soft kiss, his hands stroking over her back softly. Fingertips found a few knots he had missed and worked them loose. She moved closer to him, deepening the kiss. She was trying to tell him that she was ready for him without ever actually saying the words. He turned her to face him, his arms pulling her close while his hands rested on her lower back. He deepened the kiss, adding a lot of passion, all he had, into it. Skyler worked up her courage and stradled him to get closer, and to be able to touch him easier. She was breathing heavily, but so far she wasn't afraid. Tentatively, she touched his tongue with her own. He kept himself slow, gentle. His own tongue flicked lightly against hers, deepening the kiss. His hands slowly stroked over her back, then up her sides until he cupped her breasts lightly. He had to continually remind himself that he had to be gentle. The demon inside demanded him to take her as his own now. Skyler moaned softly into the kiss when he touched her breasts, then pressed herself more firmly against him. "Dimitri..." she whispered. "I'm not afraid." It was as much a surprise to her as she knew it must be for him. He was a little shocked by her words, enough that he broke the kiss and looked into her eyes, stalling all other movements. but he soon smiled softly, kissing her lightly again. "I know, love. But I still must be gentle. it will be a while, probably a long while, until I can stop." He returned to the deep kiss, his hands slowly playing and massaging her breasts, his thumbs brushing her nipples. Skyler gasped into the kiss when she felt him thumbs on her nipples. Her head fell back and her eyes closed as she reveled in the sensation, wondering how to ask him for more without seeming like a slut. He moved his head forward, finding her lips again and delving back into the kiss. A hand slowly slid down from her breast, stroking over her stomach until his palm gently pressed against her feminine core. Skyler jumped at his touch, but quickly settled back into his touch and his kiss. She moved against him, trying to entice him to touch her more as her own hands began exploring his chest and back. Dimitri gently nipped her lip, pulling lightly before letting go, looking into her eyes, heat and passion in his own. His fingers slowly stroked around her womanhood before stroking her lips open, slowly exploring. Skyler gasps and looks into his eyes as he nips at her lip. After a moment, her forehead drops to his shoulder as he begins playing with her entrance, her breathing extremely rapid. She was worried that his touch there would cause a panic attack, but it didn't. He moved and kissed her shoulder gently, tilting her head up slowly so she would look at him. "I love you." He said softly, kissing her gently as his fingers slowly stroked. but soon his arms went around her and pulled her close to him. When he said that, Skyler's eyes grew wide and she said nothing. She wasn't sure what it meant to truly love someone in that way and wasn't going to say it back until she knew for sure it was true. As he continued to caress her, she clutched at him, feeling things that she'd never felt before. "Dimitri..." she whispered breathlessly. His arms drew her closer to him and he kissed her lightly. "Skyler, you do not have to do this yet. I can wait until you feel you are ready." He gently kissed her, his hands stroking over her back. She kissed him back with hungry lips. "I'm ready," she whispered as her mouth traveled over his face and neck. He kissed her deeper there, and he slowly moved her up. he was already ready, his own lust making him go crazy. "Ok." he said softly. He slowly moved her down, sliding her down over him, letting out a soft moan as he moved in. Skyler gasps as he starts to enter her, expecting to feel pain. But all she feels is wave after wave of pleasure. "Oh, Dimitri," she gasps out, sinking lower to take more of him in. "It feels so good." He let out two more soft moans, one from her movement, one from her words. He bent his head down and kissed her, deeply, his arms pulling her tight to him. he slowly moved his hips, feeling her tight around him. It took a lot of concentration to stop himself from ravaging her. Skyler kept moving until she had all of him inside her. She kissed him back deeply and moaned into the kiss. "More..." she whispered, needing to feel him move inside of her, almost hoping that he would forget is self control. Dimitri let out another moan, a louder one, his mind scattering at the pleasure of not just going deep inside of his mate, but being pulled in. He words drove him further into heat, his hips moving faster now, his hands moving hers as well, his kiss becoming more and more heated in passion. Skyler moans into his mouth and moves with him, thoroughly aroused by him and every thrust of his manhood inside of her pushing her towards an orgasm. "Yes," she whispers into his mouth, her body tightening around him, squeezing harder everytime he withdrew a little. He moaned louder, more needily, as his hips moved faster. His lips found their way to her neck, and he bit, tasting her blood, and his eyes almost rolling back from the pleasure. She was better tasting than his dreams, much, much better. He couldn't put a direct word to it. Skyler cries out as he bites her, but not in pain. The feeling it caused inside her was enough to cause the girl to orgasm around him. She screamed as her body pulsed around him, practically milking him for his seed. He felt her orgasm, felt the increased grip and head and wetness, heard her moan. Everything nearly peaked him. but he held himself back. He had to, for her. He licked the bite sealed, savoring her flavor, and keeping his thrusts fast and even, slashed at his neck for her, pulling her lips to the cut. "Drink." he whispered heavily, huskily. She pressed her lips against him, happily drinking his essence. She knew that after this, she would no doubt be in unbearable pain, but until then, she was going to enjoy herself as much as possible and kept riding him, wanting him to cum inside her. Her lips on him was the last thing, breaking his limit. He did a few last, fast thrusts before he hit his own orgasm, his seed filling her before he pulled out slowly with a moan. He panted as he held her tight against him, one hand behind her head as she fed. After a bit, he whispered "You know what to do." Skyler whimpered a little against his neck as he pulled out of her, but soon she swept her tongue across the wound. When she sat back again, she looked at it cautiously. "Will that work? I haven't gone through the change yet," she reminded him. He nodded. "It's helped by my own healing agents and power, Cara Mia." He pulled her closer into his arms and kissed her lightly, still nearly breathless from what they finished. "you are amazing..." he whispered. Skyler nuzzled against him, fully content. Before too long, though, she felt a pain in her stomach. Pulling away, she looked at Dimitri, her face twisted as she knew what was to come. He felt her pain, and his mind blanked. He had forgotten something, his mind shut off in their passion. He pulled her close, carrying her out of the water and deeper into the caves. "I take you as my lifemate..." He started, moving her to a decent room where there was already a area pulled up for them. As soon as they were out of the water, Skyler pulled away, rushing to a corner to be ill. She fell to her knees and stayed there for a long time, the pain spreading throughout her body until she could barely breathe. He finished the ritual words, staying close to her, holding her against him for her comfort. He tried to keep his mind with hers, even after the words were done, trying to take some of her pain. He held her hair back for her, his face a pale white. When her body had finished ridding itself of toxins, Skyler collapsed back against Dimitri, utterly exhausted. If it weren't for the pain wracking her body still, she would have fallen asleep immediately. As it was, she was close to passing out. His mind took control instantly, putting her in the deep sleep to finish her conversion. He picked her up and carried her to where she would be resting, to heal completely. He set her down and laid down next to her, the dirt going over them as he went to sleep as well.The next night he woke and took the dirt off of them, taking her in his arms and lifting her out of the hole. Going to where he had set up a small, lavish bed, he laid her back down and gave her the mental order to wake up. Skyler slowly began to stir. She had rarely been one to wake up immediate, especially since Gabriel and Francesca had taken her in three years ago. Now, she mumbled something and rolled over, hiding her face in the pillows. He smiled at her little movements, moving and laying down with her. His body fit perfectly against hers, his arms going around her. Skyler snuggled against him, then sat bolt upright when she realized it. It took a couple moments for her to remember everything that had happened last night, but when she did, she turned her body into his. "Morning," she whispered, laying down again. "Or is it good night?" He smiled up at her, his eyes shining. She was so beautiful. "It's neither. How did you sleep?" He sat up slowly and his fingers stroked her cheek, gently pushing a lock of her hair from her face. Skyler nuzzled into his hand before answering. "I slept fine. And for that, I blame you," she teased, letting him know that she knew he'd given the order for her to sleep. She leaned forward and kissed him lightly. "Thank you." He smiled at her comment, moving a little closer and kissing her lightly in return. "You're welcome, Sivamet. It is the least I can do for you." She moved closer to him, her arms holding him tightly. "I know you think so, but..." she trailed off and simply kissed him. He returned the soft kiss, but her words troubled him. His hands stroked her hair from her face, to behind her, before framing her cheeks. "What's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong," Skyler said, smiling and answering his question truthfully. "For once in my life, absolutely nothing is wrong." He smiled a little brighter, pulling her closer into his arms and sighing softly. "That is good." He said in a soft voice, before standing up. "I need to go feed. I will be back soon, love." Skyler gave him a light kiss. "Hurry back," she whispered, then snuggled into the pillows. He smiled down to her, and as he left, he put up a quick, but strong, safeguard, so nothing could get inside, through the earth or the cave entrance. He took off into the night, a wolf moving at preternatural speeds. Soon, he was upon a small farming settlement, and he shifted back, advancing slowly on a farmer and his boy. He made sure the boy was turned away before luring the father out, towards him. He fed quickly, just enough for him and Skyler without killing the man. Sealing the bite, he laid the man down and took off to the cave.His slow footsteps brought him back to his love. He moved to sit next to her on the bed, and his fingers slowly went through her long, luxurious hair. "I'm back." He whispered. Skyler had fallen asleep again, but at his whisper she awoke. Sitting carefully, bringing the blanket with her so that the front of her body was decently covered, she smiled at him and moved close. "I'm glad," she whispered back. His arms went around her, pulling her close and cuddling against her. "mmm... I hope you slept well." He said softly before looking into her eyes. "You need to feed." Skyler slowly relaxed in his arms and closed her eyes, leaning her head against his shoulder. "Very well," she whispered. She grinned up at him. "Do you intend to feed me, Dimitri?" she asked in a teasing manner. He smiled at her playful words, and he tilted his head to the side, baring his neck for her. "Mmm... you read my mind, love." Skyler smiled wickedly before leaning closer and pressing her lips gently against his neck, moving them softly up and down. Dimitri felt her soft lips on his skin and let out a soft sigh. She was teasing him and she knew it. He fell completely back on the bed, looking up at her. "Evil..." He whispered. "... but that is one of the things I love about you." Skyler giggled and left the blanket behind completely as she tossed one leg over both of his, the once painfully shy girl bold and completely comfortable with her long as Dimitri was the only one around. Now she leaned down, pressing her naked breasts against him as she leaned up to whisper in his ear, "You know you'd hate it if I were any other way." And she nibbled gently on his ear. Dimitri's arms instinctively went around her. Her skin on his made his blood boil, a shock going down his spine as she nipped his ear, the fell of her breath and her words, all of it botching his mind. "I waited so long that I don't care how you are, love. As long as you are you." He turned his head to look at her and kissed her deeply, pulling her tight against him. Skyler smiled as she kissed him back with all the passion that she felt for him. Running her fingers through his hair, she pulled back slightly. "Dimitri, I .....I....." she swallowed and tried again. "Dimitri, I lo " She looked down, trying to muster up the courage that she wasn't even sure she had. He smiled, his eyes shining from the love he had for her, for her trying to do something that was hard for her to do. He put a finger on her lips lightly and looked deep into her eyes. "I love you too." He said softly, before moving his finger away and kissing her again, more passionately, fingers going through her hair." Skyler lifted her eyes to his when he placed a finger over her lips, then simply smiled brightly when she realized that he understood. She kissed him back, trying to put all the love she felt into that single kiss. He pulled her fully, firmly down on him, his hands stroking down her back slowly, feeling every inch of her soft skin, her delectable curves that always crossed through his mind. The taste of her lips, her tongue as his own flicked across it. He was in heaven. "Mmm...Dimitri," Skyler moans into his mouth. "I need you." She pulls away, giggling. "I never thought I'd say those words to anyone ever." At that, he knew that she was thinking the same thing. "I need you too, love." He whispered, before diving into another kiss. There clothing gone, there wasn't any obstacles between the two of them having their way. Skyler gasped, suddenly feeling his naked erection pressing against her. She moaned, still kissing him passionately as her hands roamed over his chest. He kissed her deeply, pulling her ever closer to him. "Just tell me what you want, love..." He whispered softly. "And I will give it to you." She gasped and arched closer to him. "I just want you," she whispers into the kiss. "Any way I can have you." He smiled and gently nipped her lip, rolling her onto her back, blanketing her body with his. "You ask, and you shall receive." He whispered, gently moving her legs apart. His hand slowly slid down her stomach until he reached her womanhood, stroking her lightly until he slowly slid himself into her. SKyler could only moan and dig her nails lightly into his shoulders. "Mmm...Dimitri." Dimitri kissed her deeply, slowly thrusting into her, keeping it even but deep, for her. "Skyler..." He whispered, kissing from her lips down to her neck. "Dimitri!" she cried out as he thrust deeper inside her. The longer this went on, the more she needed him. "More, please," she whispered. "I won't break...let loose." With this, she let her lips travel down to his neck, teasing his pulse. His mind now in tatters, he thrusted faster, a little harder. His fangs grew out, and he bit her neck, feeling her sweet blood flow into his mouth. But he held onto a thin trail of thought, drinking only lightly, knowing she still had to fee. Skyler cried out, pleasure swamping her system as he thrust harder and bit her. Her head was thrown back, leaving her neck completely open to him as she wrapped a leg around his waist and starting moving with him. He moaned out with her moving, his fangs pulling from her neck, his tongue flicking on the bite, sealing it. He tilted his head to the side as he thrusted faster, needing her bite so badly. As soon as he sealed the bite, Skyler's hands thrust into his hair, pulling him so that she could nip at his neck teasingly before finally letting her fangs sink in. Along with all the other sensations in her body, the taste of his blood was enough to cause her to suddenly climax and she moaned against his neck as her body began to squeeze his erection as though milking him for his seed. He moaned out. Her bite nearly pushed him over the edge, but her climax did it. A few thrusts after she did, he came, his seed filling her before he pulled out slowly with a loud moan. He held her to him, holding her head to his neck for her to finish feeding. Feeling him fill her with his seed, Skyler's lips curved against his neck as she kept drinking from him. Before too long, she was done an dswept her tongue aacross the marks. Looking at his neck, she grinned wickedly. "Dimitri?" she said, her voice dripping with sweetness. He smiled at her, hearing her soft, musical voice, and feeling her seal the bite. He cuddles closer to her, resting his head on her shoulder. "Yes, Skyler?" She wraps her arms tightly around him and continues grinning. "Just how hard would it be to give a Carpathian a hickey?" He had to smirk at that. "Near impossible, the blood would be siphoned off. And if it did happen, it would last maybe a hour. Why?" Skyler pouted slightly. "Just....curious...." He smiled and kissed her softly. "If you want to leave one, I can make it last, love. Just for you." Skyler giggled and trailed a finger over his neck. "Maybe later..." He ran a finger through her hair and over her cheek before kissing her lightly. "Mmm... a full night with nothing to do..." Skyler laughed a little. "And what do you usually do with full nights of boredom?" she whispered. "Who said boredom?" He asked with a wicked grin, pulling her close and kissing her passionately. She kissed him back with just as much passion. "If this is what you plan to do all night, you better have been bored," she said teasingly, knowing that there hadn't been other women. He gently nipped her lip, sitting up and pulling her up with him. "I only have ever had eyes for you, love." Skyler wrapped her arms around his neck as he moved them, nuzzling her face into his shoulder. "I know that. It's just nice to hear." He smiled, his hand coming up and lifting her head again, kissing her deeply before looking into her eyes. "I promised you my protection long ago, love. From the world, and me. I will never let anything hurt you again." Skyler threw her arms around him and held on tight, her face buried against his neck. "I love you, Dimitri!" she exclaimed. It took her a couple moments but then she realized what she'd said and her body went completely still. He smiled, a rush of happiness taking him over as he held her. He tilted his head to whisper into her ear, "I love you too, Skyler, so very much." Skyler turned her head and kissed him deeply, relief flooding through her at finally being able to say the words to someone. He gently nipped her lip before looking into her eyes. "Now, what should we do for tonight, love?" "I don't know," she whispered against his mouth. "That's why I was asking." He smiled, kissing her deeply, pulling her closer. "Mmm... maybe we should go exploring for a while." Skyler cuddled with him a little. "Exploring could be fun," she said. His arms went around her, laying her back down and blanketing her body with his. "Yes, exploring could be a lot of fun, love." And with that, his lips were on hers, a deep, passionate kiss ripping through him. Skyler gasped into the kiss, arching her body into his more. "Mmm....'Mitri!" she gasped into his mouth, her hands tangling in his hair. She pulls away, her head falling back a little. "Just what kind of exploring did you mean?" He smiled at her words, breaking the kiss and running fingers through her long hair. "Mmm... a exploring that i'm sure both of us will love." Skyler shivered in pleasure from the feelings he was giving her. " that case, go ahead and explore, love." Gently nipping her lip, Dimitri slowly kissed down her body. His lips were lightly, playful on her skin, gently sucking on her neck as they moved further down. "You get to explore too, Sivamet." Skyler shivered again and arched closer to him. "Oh, don't worry. I will...But right now's your turn, honey bear." Then she was overcome by giggles at the silly name. He went still, before slowly picking his head up and looking up at her. "What did you just call me?" Skyler managed to gather enough breath to answer him, her head turned slightly away. "Honey bear," she said, then looked at him. This time, it wasn't just giggles, it was full blown laughter not only from the name, but from the look on his face as well. His eyes narrowed slightly, his hands sliding down her sides. "OH really now. I'll give you a reason to laugh..." and his hands went wild, tickling her sides. Skyler squirmed and giggled, twisting, trying to get away from his hands. "Stop it!" she gasped, still laughing. "This....won'!" she warned between bouts of laughter. He smirked, and his body grew four extra arms. Two hand grabbed her hands and pinned them down, the other two went to her armpits and tickling. He smiled and nipped at her neck lightly as his hands tickled before stopping, the extra arms disappearing. As soon as Skyler's arms were pinned above her, every pleasurable sensation left. Her eyes grew wide and she struggled, kicking at him and writhing, earnestly trying to get away. When he bit her, she cried out, not in pleasure. As soon as she was able, she turned on her side, her back to him, curled into a tiny, shivering ball. What had happened, what he had just did, hit him like a load of bricks. His face drained completely of color, and he turned away from her, disgusted with himself. He rose slowly and moved out of the caverns. He was no better than the man that tortured her when she was young. It took Skyler a while to calm down, and by then she was extremely irritated with herself for reacting that way. She KNEW, had ALWAYS known that Dimitri would never hurt her. Realizing he was gone only caused her to cry more because she couldn't apologize. He was perched on the top of the mountain, looking over the land. It was too late to just give up. She was already bound to him, so he couldn't meet the dawn. It would have been a more kinder fate for her. He sighed, eyes closing. He didn't want to become another one of her tormentors. Before long, Skyler forced herself to dry her tears. Remembering that once they've shared blood, Carpathians could touch each others minds, she decided to try it.Dimitri?she sent out, quiet and shy. He heard her voice, and he forced himself into a calm state of mind so she wouldn't sense his duress.Yes, love?His voice was soft, caring. She smiled softly and mentally congratulated herself for accomplishing the mind touch.Come back. I'm sorry for freaking out I know you would never hurt me,she pleaded with him. He sighed, looking up at the moon.I'll be back in a little bit.His voice was soft and reassuring. She sighed. He was upset with her, she knew it.Alright then. I'll be waiting. He mentally sighed and closed his eyes.I'm not mad at you, love.His voice a soft whisper before he broke off. Standing, he slowly descended the mountain. Skyler hadn't realized that she had let him know she thought he was angry, but still she didn't believe what he told her. Honestly, what reason did he have to not be angry with her? It was about a hour until he was coming back into the cave. His steps were slow and silent, and soon he saw her. It almost brought tears to his eyes. As soon as Skyler saw Dimitri, she ran to him and wrapped her arms around him, not remembering that she'd never actually gotten around to thinking about clothes. Hiding her face against his chest she murmured, "I'm so sorry, Dimitri..." He was taken aback by her rush, almost knocked back by her coming towards him. but his arms went around her all the same. "Don't be sorry, love." He whispered. "This is my fault." Skyler shook her head against his chest. "Uh uh. It's my fault," she whispered. "I know you'd never hurt me but I still freaked out." "It's ok." he said softly. "I should have remembered. I should have controlled myself better." Skyler clutched him tighter. "No, it's not your fault." He sighed, holding her tight. "Yes, it is. Now stop arguing with me, love." Skyler didn't want to argue with him, so she pulled back and jumped a little, wrapping her arms and legs around him to hold herself up while she kissed him passionately. He kissed her back just as passionately, arms holding her tight to keep her to him. "Skyler..." He whispered softly. "I love you." Skyler smiled against his lips. "I love you too, honey bear," she teased. She didn't know if she was hoping to get the same reaction, or if she was just trying to make him smile. He pulled her close, resting his head on her shoulder. "Mmm... call me whatever you want, love." Skyler smiled and just held on tighter, her head resting against his shoulder. "Now, I do believe you said something about doing some exploring..." she let her voice trail off teasingly. He laughed. "I did, love. And I believe it is your turn now." Skyler smiled and leaned back, keeping her arms around his neck while she looked up at him. "Carry me to bed then, so I can show you just what I want to explore." He smiled, and carried her easily to where they had been sleeping. He turned around and laid down, her on top, pulling her close and kissing her lightly. "There. Go at it, love." Skyler started by simply kissing him, getting used to the sensation of having him under her. Before long, her hands were roaming over his chest while she kissed and nipped at his neck. Her mouth teasing him was driving him wild now, and his head fell back. He needed her with him. Always. Noticing how he was reacting, Skyler giggled a little and just nibbled her way further down his chest. Coming to one of his nipples, she nipped just a little bit harder. "Do you want me, Dimitri?" she asked, her voice soft. She was teasing and taunting him, and she knew it! He could tell by the tone of her voice that she knew it. And he couldn't hold back the moan that came from his throat. "Yes." He whispered. "I want you, badly." She scraped her teeth gently across his chest, drawing a little blood, but quickly licking it up and sealing the wound. "How do you want me, honey bear?" A shudder of pleasure went through him at her scrape, another coming from her tongue going over it. "Any way you want, love. I just need you!" Skyler smiled at him and laid down. "Then come take me," she whispered in his ear. He pulled her close, kissing her deeply. "Its your turn to explore, love." She kisses him back, then shakes her head. "I'm done exploring. I want to feel you inside me, on top of me, so that you're the ONLY thing I see or feel." He pulled her close at that, kissing her deeply, his teeth gently nipping her lip as he rubbed against her, her skin like satin against his. "Mmm... Tell me again, love." Skyler cried out, arching against him. "Dimitri, PLEASE!" was all she was capable of telling him at that particular moment.
He's mine! (light/Divine)
She sighed as she sat in class, her cheek resting in her hand as she peered out the window. The class was always so dull and the people who filled it, annoyed her. She sighed again as her gaze shifted to the clock, only 10 minutes left until she free herself from this boredom. This made a small smile creep across her pink lips. Soon she would be able to find him in the quad and watch him from a far for a moment before going over and talking as if nothing was going on between them.Truth was, she crazy about him. Literally, it drove her mad to see him with other girls, girls hanging on him, girls in the same class as him, girls sharing the same bus, girls sharing his very breath, all girls drove her mad to the point she would draw blood from her clinched fists. Though she remained clam on the surface, her blood boiled. He was hers, not there's and today would be the day she made that very clear to him.That small smile spread into a wicked grin as she licked her lips, turning her gaze back to the window. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Light sat in his seat bored as usual. He was looking out the window since nothing else seemed to interest him. Class was the same as everyday, and the teacher had been going over the same lesson for three days now. It was getting very irritating, when would these idiots learn the damn thing so he could go on with his life? Oh well, there was no point in complaining, he just wished the bell would hurry up and ring. His eyes gazed back at the class looking at everyone then back to the clock. A small smile was shown as he saw the time. Only one minute left until he could go home where he was alone and away from everyone else, where it was peaceful. Once the bell rang Light stood from his seat and packed up his things into his bag. He zipped it up and swung it over his shoulder before heading out of the class and into the halls. Almost instantly a group of girls smiled at him and waved before coming over to talk with him. Light Yagami was very popular with the girls. He was smart and had amazing talents, but really the only reason was his looks. His locks of hair were a copper brown, it was soft, thick but short with bangs that hung just above his eyes. His eyes were dark brown and seemed to glow in certain lighting. His body structure was perfect, he was nicely toned and slightly muscular with a chiseled yet angelic face adding to the irresistible look. He was 5'8" in height and weighed 119 pounds. Light could feel touches from some of the girls either on his arm or his chest, they made it look innocent but Light wasn't stupid, he knew they were trying to get a feel. "Excuse me ladies, but I'm going to be late. I have a lot of homework to do." He said with a slight laugh trying to be polite. That should be a good enough excuse to get them off him. He squeezed out of the group and walked away brushing the sleeves of his white buttoned up shirt that added to his school uniform along with his red tie, brown slacks with a black belt, his tan coat, and boots. He sighed and sucked in a gust of fresh air once he was outside, it felt good to be out of that crowed school. The bell was like music to her hears, kissing them with such delight. She gathered her things quickly before rushed through the door and into the crowding halls. She had a content smile on her lips until her Hazel orbs landed on Light and a flock of girls. Those once peaceful orbs narrowed dangerously as her free hand clinched into a fist, slowly tightening as she watched the scene play out. She gave a faint huff before she walked passed them and outside. She couldn't have to herself with all those girls around him. Her skin crawled as she saw them touching HER light. She slowly inhaled in the fresh air as she walked along the school steps and under one of the trees, waiting for him. She didn't have to wait long as she saw him exiting the school, alone. Her lips spread into delicious grin, slowly she moved back to the path, purposely tripping and slipping her books about her. She gave a yelp as she went crashing down, she didn't move for a few seconds but slowly she began to lift herself up, casting a careful eye over her shoulder to light through her glossy strands. Now all she had to do was wait. Light was still outside enjoying the fresh air of the beautiful spring breeze once again. God, did it ever feel good to be out of that place. He started to think of all the things he had to do once he got home. Lets see, there was homework, but that was about it, besides studying of course. He always had to make sure he was top in his class that way he could get into To oh University, which was a very hard college to get into, you had to be very intelligent, or close to it. Well it just so happened he was, so there was no worries on his side. The sound of a small feminine yelp rang threw his ears making him jerks his head toward the source of where he heard it to see what was going on. His eyes widened slightly when he saw a girl had fallen down and was trying to bring herself back up. The only polite thing to do was to be a gentlemen and help her. He might get looks and comments for doing it, but, he couldn't just watch, he had to do something at least. Light jump off the stairs thinking it would take too much time to just run off each one of them and headed toward her direction. He got down on one knee and grabbed her arm gently to help pull her up. "Are you alright?" He asked once she was standing up again. He bent down to pick up her books then stood back up and handed them to her. "Here, try to be a little careful next time. The sidewalks aren't taken care of very well so its easy to trip.." She feigned a blush as he pulled her upright. She tucked some copper stands behind her ear before gathering her books from him. "Thanks, I think I'm okay" She chimed lightly as she gave a soft nod. "y..yeah" she started as she went to take a step but quick winced, giving a soft cry as she peered down to her ankle. It wasn't really hurt, but this was all part of her plan to get him. She bit down on her lip as she glanced up to him with teary puppy eyes. "Maybe I'm not so okay."She always was a good actress, her father's forced lesson didn't go to waste. Her lower lip began to quiver as she stood there, her leg slightly bent, taking weight off her right ankle. Inwardly she was smirking, waiting for him to take the bait once again. Light looked at her to see if she was alright, but when he saw her wince he knew she wasn't. "Here.." He held onto her arm to help her stand. "Uh, it doesn't look like you'll be able to go home on your own." he said as he examined her ankle, it looked alright but from the way she was acting it couldn't of been. "I can walk you I guess, I do have home work but it can wait." He took her arm and put it over his neck as he put his hand on her waist. "If you feel any pressure just lean on me." He said and slowly walked forward with her. He was holding her books with his other hand so that she could use him to keep her balance. "So, where do you live? Is it around here, if not we could always take the train. It would be easier on you then having to walk the whole way.." She gave a sheepish nod and a soft sigh as she lowered her gaze to her ankle. " don't have too" she chimed but once her arm was around him and his arm around her, she couldn't help but lean in him, feigning pain. "T..thanks.. " she offered gazing up at him before she tilted her head back to fulling look up to him. "The train would be best..." she offered as she walked along side him, slow and easy, after all she was in no hurry. Either way they would soon be at her home and he would be there with stay. Light looked at her and nodded his head before looking forward. "Alright.." He walked with her down the street watching out for cars because traffic in the city was deadly, you never know what could happen. Once at the train station Light looked up at the board. "Our best bet is to take the Yamanote line, its more faster and will take us away from the city to our destination." They boarded the train and He sat her down on the seat but decided to stand himself. He held onto the pole once the train began to move. "So, where do you live? I'm around the south side more toward the Konto region." He said trying to make small conversation with the girl even though he knew nothing about her. "Oh sorry, My name is Light Yagami by the way. Light is written with the kanji characters for moon, and Yagami for night and god, kinda weird huh?" he said with a slight laugh. She gave a soft sigh once on the train and allowed her eyes to roam over him. "I'm on the north side" she chimed softly before giving a soft nod. She knew his name very well and only smile with a soft chuckle. "I"m Ann marie" she purred looking up to him. "No real reason behind, it just suited me" she added to her answer. It wasn't her real name but a name she had given herself, she always consider herself two beings in one body. Ann being the Harder, meaner of the two. Marie, the soft and gentler side. Together they came to be Ann Marie. She smiled sweetly up to him before a feign blush tinted her cheeks."Sorry you have to go so far out of your way..." she piped up slowly, though she truly wasn't, she would state it anyways. Light listened to her talk then shook his head at her last statement. "Its nothing really. Don't worry about it. I would of went home bored anyway doing the same old routine. At least this takes some time off my hands.." He stuck his hand into his pocket, it was just a habit of his. The train then stopped to where they were supposed to be. Light let go of the poll and took his hand out of his pocket. He helped her up again and off the train then out of the station. Once outside Light looked around at the area it was another thing he did often, he was just making sure the place was safe. "So where is your house" He asked looking down at her. She leaned on him before she pointed north of where they were. "Just up that street and few blocks to the left." she chimed softly with a soft nod. "Its not to far" she added before she glanced around the station. Her lips kept that soft smile as she started to walk along with him. "so you do the same thing every day?" with a soft lift of her brow. If this were so, it would make her plan somewhat harder to play out but it would be done regardless. She had waited long enough! He nodded his head and headed toward the direction she pointed. Light then chuckled slightly at her question. "Oddly yes. I like to keep a set schedule when I can. Though sometimes it wont hurt if its altered just a tad, especially if the situation calls for it. Besides, I'll make sure to call my mom and tell her why I'm late. She is one that likes to worry a lot. I guess shes just scared something might happen to me, but I don't really see what could. I'm always careful of who I am with, and I always look around my surrounds first. And, even if something does end up happening to me, my father will be right on it instantly. Heh, its actually reliable to have a father who's a cop, well more like the chief. I myself am wanting to become one once I graduate college, at least that's what I've been studying for.." His eyes gazed to her for a second to see her reaction then looked forward again. It seemed like he was just rambling but really he made a point to say those things. If there was one thing he knew it was to not trust anybody, so he was always on edge around everyone. He just had to make sure and take precautions, after all, he knew nothing of this girl. How was he to know this might be a set up or not? No one ever said it was a crime to be slightly paranoid of other people.. Ana silently cursed to herself about her luck. It would figure he would have a daily routine and everyone knew it. She slowly eased herself down before she gave a slowly sigh. She would have to rethink her own plan now. Instead of taking like she was planning on she would wait, become friends with him and then when his guard was down, then she would have him. She slowly gave a nod to his words before she smiled back up at him. "My, you do stay busy. I wish I could do that, study that is. I'm horrible at it... Father thinks I should get a tutor, but I don't trust many people." she started before she just went with the flow, her plan slowly taking shape."My father is gone most of the time, mother is never home, so it's just me and the butler most of the time and " she stopped with a soft shake of her head. "Never mind, I don't want to bore you. It sounds like you have to worry about without having to listen to me." she piped up with a sheepish smile on her lips. "I'm sorry" she stated softly as she glanced back down to the ground.If he was anything like she thought he was, he would take the bait and possible then would work. She bit her lip softly as she waited. Light listened to her speak absorbing every word as if it was vital information. He did that with everybody, just encase it would become valuable later. So she didnt trust many people either, well that one thing they had in common. Still, was this an act or was she just like any other girl? No, it seemed too innocent. However, there was a possibility this wasn't a trap, but he was going to remain on his toes anyway, at least until he knows more about her. "I see. Heh, yeah I am the same way. So you need a tutor? Well..I'm actually very good in my subjects, top of the class. Maybe sometime I could help you study.." He looked at her when she began talking again only for her to stop right in the middle of a sentence. Oh how he hated that, he wanted to know what she was going to say, in a way he had to know. "No, really its no problem. Please, continue." "Really? you don't mind?" she asked softly before giving a soft and continuing her story. "Well I"m alone most of the time, no one would even notice if I disappeared or anything. My Father is a very busy man, and my mother....well she always busy with her social clubs, traveling. I barely see her and when I do, it isn't much." she started off slow but after setting the ground story she added more. "I hate being alone as often as I am. I'm still fairly new to the school, so I don't have any friends and I spend most of my time at home trying to work through my studies and ignore the fact I'm alone." she stopped and glanced away. "It really you problem though..." she added quickly before trailing off."I just hate working on my studies alone. The butler tries his best to help but really the work is to new and hes just to old." Light chuckled a little bit. "Sorry, just the way you said that was sorta comical. Anyway, as I was saying. No, I don't mind, I've never really tutored someone before because to tell you the truth. I don't trust a lot of people either, and my parents raised me on strict basis, for my own good of course. And..when you start to watch the news realize just how right they are, and thankful that they protected you all these years..Its that exact reason why I want to be a cop like my dad, those criminals need to be stopped, their reign of crime should be put to an end.." His hand clenched into fists but then he released and took a deep breath to calm himself. He always got so worked up when it came to discussing crime. "Heh, sorry..I guess I get a little upset thinking about it.." He said with a smile scratching the back of his head slightly embarrassed. They went down the street she addressed and Light stopped looking at each house. "So which one is it?" he asked. Her eyes widen at bit to his rant before she gave a soft chuckle. "My, you'll be a great cop one day." she smiled brightly before glancing around. "Just up the hill, third house on the left" she added with a soft nod before she went back to planning. She knew it would take sometime but he would be well worth the wait. Or so she hoped, with his dad being a cop things might play out differently than expected.Soon she looked up to him with a sheepish grin. "Light, would you be willing to tutor me? I know we just met, but I could really use the help and.." she trailed off for a moment before her gaze drifted down. "And it would help me pass the time" she added with a soft stifled sniff as though she were to cry. "I mean, you don't have to, it would just be have a friend." Light looked at her. "Uh, do you think so? Heh, thanks. I never got a compliment like that before. In truth I want to be more then a cop, more like an investigator. I have helped my dad with cases in the past..but..I don't know. That's thinking too far ahead." Maybe he was wrong about this girl, she seemed completely fine to him. No, snap out of it don't just automatically think she is innocent. This could be a trap, she had played out all along, who knows. He nodded his head and took her to the house she pointed out. When she spoke again he turned his gaze to her once more. "Uh..I suppose I could. I don't see anything wrong with it. We could do it in the library after school. Or the art room is available at lunch." Once at her door step he stopped and let her go handing her books to her. "So, uh. I guess I should take my leave now.." He said as he was beginning to step off her porch still feeling slightly on edge. Ana only smirked at his reactions to her comment. He was so cute and she would be sure he was like this more often. She looked up to her house as they approached it with a little sigh. Her plan was on hold for a few days or even weeks at this point. She had to lure him in without him getting jumpy. She slowly brushed some hair back from her eyes as she took her things from him."Thanks, oh, uhm" she started before she bit her lip. "I'm free during lunch tomorrow if you don't mind helping me with math." she offered softly before she started again. "Or if tomorrow won't work... we can study some other time." she sounded so small when she spoke, careful of her words and actions, not wanting to alarm him. Light smiled seeing she didnt just ask for him to come inside like any other person would, even after first meeting him, he hated that. "Yeah sure that's fine. I'm very good at Math so I should be able to help." He stuck his hands into his pockets. "I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye." He took one hand out to wave then stuffed it back into his pocket. The same smile was still on his face as he left her porch and was heading his way home. Maybe this girl was different, she didnt ask or force affection on him like the other girls at school, he liked that fact. Who knows maybe he could be friends with her, she seemed all right, still he had to take it slow.. Light made his way home and greeted his mom soon handing her a report from his last test. Same as always top scores, nothing new. After waving her off he went up into his room and plopped himself onto the mattress looking upward at the ceiling. He smiled again and closed his eyes, actually anxious to talk with her again, which was rare for him. Ana gave a soft wave goodbye before entering her home. She sighed in annoyance that her plan would be going slower than she wanted. She waltzed around her home, not really doing anything. She was alone again and the house was empty. She sighed again before she made her way up to her room and plopped on her bed gather a pillow up in her arms as she peered out the window. "I guess so low will work for now" she chimed slowly as she watched the setting sun.The next morning she was up and at school, waiting for lunch. She watched the clock as the hours seem to tick by so slowly. Soon the dismissal bell rang and she gather her books and head off to the arts room. Keeping her pace slowly and steady, not wanting to look to eager to see him again. School was like any other day for Light, boring..Gym was exciting though his team won, as always. He made a two pointer shoot when they played basket ball, the guys even bet him to do it so now he had money to spend as he liked. So far his day was going pretty well. English was a little dull though, the teacher made him translate a sentence in the book they were reading to English. Yeah, like that was hard Light knew English like he knew Japanese, and he could speak it perfectly. Finally the bell rang and Light grabbed his sack lunch but instead of heading to the cafeteria like normal he went to the art room. He walked in and looked around to see the girl from before wasn't there yet, well this probably looked bad on his part. Oh well, he couldn't hide the fact he was a little excited to talk with her again. Light went ahead and sat down at the table propping his arm up and leading his face against his fist, waiting. Ana finally made her way to the art room, pushing the door open her hazel eyes falling on him. A soft pink tint hinted her cheeks as she tucked some hair behind her ear. "Hi, Sorry I'm late." she offered as she walked over to him. Setting her books down on the table next to him. "I'm still getting use to finding my way around here." she gave a soft roll of her shoulder with a sheepish smile before she sat down."I hope you didn't have to wait to long... I hate to keep people waiting, or being late fore that matter." she added softly with a nod as she grabbed her math book and pulled it in front of her. A smile showed on his face, though he didnt even realizing he was smiling at first, it just appeared. "No, its no problem. I think it was only a minute since I got here anyway, heh." Light looked at her for a second longer then he normally looked at someone once he realized he was he quickly turned his head. "Yeah, so uh what do you need help on?" He asked. What was wrong with him? He was acting so unlike himself today. He just met this girl and yet he was excited to meet her? Okay so she didnt force affection on him, still he had to snap out of it. "Light leaned to the side to grab his bag and pulled out a pen then he set his lunch on the table. "You don't mind if I eat while still tutoring you right? I like to keep a balanced diet by eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner." She bowed her head softly with a soft smile. "Oh, good..." she chimed before she opened her text book to decimals and started to circle the problems that gave her the most issues. She glanced over to him with a shy smile before shaking her head. "No, I don't mind. It makes sense to keep it balanced. Your a growing boy, right?" she chimed sweetly with a soft laugh before tucking some hair behind her ear."So these are some of the problem I have the most issues with. I'm not sure where the decimal goes once I'm done dividing it. I thought it went to the left but then I was told right, then I was told everything else that turned out to be wrong." She sighed softly before she picked her gaze back to him. "I sound hopeless don't I?" Light chuckled slightly and nodded his head. "Right, I'm not a health nut, per say, but I do like to stay healthy. Otherwise it might come back to get me when I'm older, heh." He looked at her and shook his head. "No, not at all. A lot of people ask for help with their homework. Its just some don't get the tutoring they need because their parents are busy or other reasons. I myself have to help Sayu with hers since dad is too busy with work and mom does enough work around the house. Plus, like you said its too new, so they might not even know what we're talking about, haha." He laughed. Light clicked his pen and looked at her work scanning over when she did and what she needs to do. "Hold on, there is an error here. You didn't divide by a whole number so whether you put the decimal in the correct place or not, regardless, it will still be wrong." He rewrote down her problem. "Alright lets try this again. Look closely because these like to trick you. Your problem is 6.85 divided by .5. Set it up like this. Now you move this decimal to the right until you are dividing by a whole number, key word. It shows there are now two decimals. The decimal after the 5 you don't even need. Its just in the way, so you get rid of it otherwise it might confuse you. "Your work shows 68.5 divided by 5. Now lets divide that and your answer is 13.7. Or if its easier for you, you can always show your work. that's about it." He set his pen down and grabbed a bag of chips from his bag and tore it open. "Any questions?" he asked as he took a potato chip out and ate it. Ana only smiled and gave a soft chuckle to his statement before she dropped her gaze to her book. He was just as charming as she had hoped and the fact that he was so willing to help made it all the more to play with. She smiled as she slowly nodded to his answer, her eyes roaming over the problem before giving a fain sigh and biting the tip of her pencil. "Oh... it seems so easy when you do it. I can't believe how hard I was making it out to be but I'm still a little confuse on why you made them whole numbers."She knew the answer but playing the part she figured the added question couldn't hurt. She sighed again before looking up to him. "I really can't stand math..." she chimed before a soft smile graced her lips. "I wish it were as easy as you made it look." Light chuckled and shook his head. "Its really not that hard once you get the hang of it." He munched on a few more potato chips then looked at her. "Hm? Its because once you have moved the decimal point so the divisor is a whole number, then you can do the division. Otherwise your problem will turn out wrong. To make sure your correct you can always check your answer also." Light finished his chips then crumpled the bag up and tossed into the wast basket next to them. He looked down at his watch to look at the time. "Lunch is almost over. I swear they never give us enough time to relax.." He started packing up his things. "So do you get it? If not I could..Well come over and tutor you." He said with a smile. Truth be told be was actually trusting her now, though having no idea that it was a bad thing to do on his part. She was about to shake her head no before his words kissed her ears. She slowly looked up to meet his gaze, she paused in gathering her books. "Oh..well.. I don't know..." she started before tucking some hair behind her ear. "I.. I really don't know you that well... and I.. oh" she trailed off before she slide her books into her book bag and stood, her gaze cast done as she slowly began to fidget. "I'm sorry, I must sound like a bumbling idiot. I'm just still so new here and I don't want to move things so quickly with friends... It's not to say I don't trust you ... I.." she trailed off again before she gave a sigh."Light, I'm sorry but I don't I'm ready for you to over to study just yet. I hope you can understand, but tomorrow at lunch again would be grand" she chimed softly, leaving her gaze down as she slowly had to calm the giggles that filled her. Her plan was moving quickly but if she were to pounce on the offer right away, well she feared it wouldn't work. Instead, she'd make him wait, making him want to come over and risk it all by being reckless."I'm really am sorry..." Light looked at her realizing he was being too forward. "No, Its fine. Sorry, that was rude of me. I understand completely. There is nothing wrong with being overly cautions, trust me, I'm the same way, heh.." He rubbed the back of his head, that move was stupid. What was he doing? I mean he was about to go over to her house, he just met her, but still.. Light stood from his chair and pushed it in. He swung his bag over his shoulder and looked down at her. "So, uh..I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye." He waved and turned around to walk out of the art room just in time for the bell to ring. The other kids started leaving their classrooms and crowded into the halls. Light looked back at her one last time before disappearing into the group of people. She only offered a small smile with a soft nod her head. "Its okay" she chimed sweetly as she gather the rest of her things. She waved good by before soft smirk graced her lips once she was out of his sight. This was proving to be amusing and the over all reactions were working in her favor. Maybe things would be moving faster than plan but of course slow enough to keep her little prey interested. Two weeks had now passed and every day during school Light would meet in the art room with Ana to help her with homework or to just talk sometimes. He had found full interest in her now, and always was exciting to be with her again. In his whole life so far he had been bothered by girls. He was constantly touched by them when he didn't want it. All they did was force affection and tried to ask him out even if they barely knew him. He of course never wanted to because he knew they just wanting him for his looks, nothing else, and besides half of them weren't his type to begin with. But this girl, she was shy and timid, so he had nothing to worry about her being too forward on him like the other girls. She was someone he could be more open to, a best friend he never thought he could have, or would ever find. She was perfect, and know that he's gotten to know her more, he's released just how cute and innocent looking she was.. Light had his eyes closed with a small smile on his face as he listened to her explain the problem she was having trouble on. His arm was propped up on the table and he was leaning his face against his fist. Her voice was soft and low, not loud or bubbly, there was nothing he hated more then a loud mouth, or someone who just couldn't shut up. Her voice was like music to his ears, so gentle, like an angel's tone, and it had been recently that he started developing feelings for her. Maybe this girl was different from everyone else, maybe she was what he's been looking for his whole life. But of course Light was being reckless and allowed his mind to shut off all negative thoughts about her, not knowing it could come back at him and be the worst mistake he's ever made and ever will make.. Ana stopped midway through her question before a soft smile crossed her pink lips before she tipped her head to the side. "Light?... " she chimed sweetly before her lips spread into a sheepish smile. She had been studying with him every day at lunch and it would seem he was letting down his guard, making her life that much easier. She slowly gave a soft laugh before she poke him. "Light are you okay?" she asked with a soft chuckle before glancing back at her book. "I know we've covered this yesterday but I'm still having some trouble with it..." she began before looking back to him, a soft blush gracing her cheeks. "Mmm.." He made a low sigh but snapped out of it when she poked him, knocking him out of his daydream. "Huh?" He opened his eyes and looked at her. "Uh yeah, um..what was the question again? Heh, sorry I was spacing out.." He said with embarrassment as he rubbed the back of his neck. Light then looked down at her work. "Oh yeah, I remember now." He said with a small laugh. "So what is it you need help on? What are you not getting?" He asked looking at her work but kept stealing glances at her the whole time. He didn't know why but he just couldn't stop looking at her. She smiled and slowly shook her head. "Are you feeling alright?" She lifted her brow slowly as she slowly looked him a bit concern. She bit her lip before she shut her book. "Maybe that's enough studying...." she began to gather her things before she glanced over to him. "I don't want to bother you." she smiled brightly before a soft laugh escaped her lips. "I don't want to burn you out" she smiled again before slowly bowing her head as she looked over her book bag. "Wait!" Light shouted suddenly and stood from his chair. "No, I'm fine. I was just thinking over some things. Really, this is no trouble at all, I like helping you, and its nice to have someone like you around that I can just talk to.." His gaze shifted to the side then back at her. "Um..we really didn't get that much done today like normal. So..not to be forward or anything, but can we maybe study back at your place? We don't have to though if you still feel uncomfortable about it, I don't want you to get the wrong idea of course, heh.." He looked at her waiting for an answer. It showed slightly he was nervous about what she would tell him. If she said no it might be a let down because he really wanted to spend more time with her. Ana blinked a few times before her expression soften, tipping her head to the side she bit her lip. She thought over his request, questioning the timing and if he would ask again. After a few moments of waging a warm within her head, she finally smiled brightly with a soft nod. "A..Alright. I would like that.. I mean.. the help.." she blushed as she quickly bowed her head trying to hide her pink cheeks. "The extra help would be nice." she lifted her head tucking some hair behind her ear before her smile returned."So..." she began before she trailed off, not sure what else to saw. Light smiled and his eyes seemed to shine with excitement. "Heh, right." he said at her words. Light then packed up his things and swung his bag over his shoulder like always. "I'll make sure and tell my mom that I'll be going over a friends house, but..I think I'll hold back on telling her that its a girl. My parents are a little skeptical about me hanging with girls. You know because of school and everything, they think it will mess with my work. Just like they thought tennis would, so I had to give that up as well, I agree with them on that one though. Sports do take up a lot of time, and if I'm going to get into To oh next year I have to make sure I'm 100 ready for it." He stuffed his hand into his pockets. "After school meet me by the front entrance doors, bye." With that said, Light gave a small wave then headed back to class quickly so he wouldn't be late. She nodded before tilting her head to the side. How awful to have to give up all the tings you love for school, but it would better aid him in the coming weeks. She waved good bye before she moved through the crowded halls, her mind else where as she pushed past the mob to reach her next class. Light was so close to becoming hers, she was eager for the day to end and her fun to begin.But things would be sticky knowing his mother would know he would be gone, but after rethinking his words. She gave a soft nod as she remember what had said, not telling her that he was going to a girls house. That in the end would make it all the more easy to keep her little prey there. Threw class Light was looking out the window. His mind was elsewhere during the whole lesson. Not that it mattered anyway, he already knew this subject to begin with. He tried not to show it but he was very eager to meet her again. Then from there they would go to her house, talk, he would help her with homework and maybe even become best friends, or more. Once the bell rang Light stood up from his seat packed up his things and headed out the door as he was walking down the halls Light did as he promised and pulled out his cell phone to call up his mom. He stopped outside the entrance doors just as the number was dialed and held it up to his ear. "Yeah mom? Uh, this guy Sudo from class asked me to come over and hang out with him and a few friends to play video games and things like that. No, I'm not sure when I'll be home but I'll call later when I'm heading that way. Uh huh..bye." He closed his cell and stuck it back into his pocket. Light then leaned against the railing of the stairs with his arms crossed waiting for Ana. Ana had been daydreaming most of class but at the sound of the bell, she rose and gathered her things. She walked through the busy halls, not very interested in anything anyone was doing. She reached for the door and heard a familiar voice. She paused as she heard light speak with his mom. A wicked grin crossing her lips as she heard the lie and the quick farewell.She slowly made her way through the door, tapping him on the shoulder with a soft smile. " "ello, I hope you haven't been waiting long." Light felt a tap on his shoulder which caused him to look behind him. He smiled and shook his head. "No, not at all. I just got off the phone with mom. I said I would be going to Sudo's but of course she would never guess he is actually someone I loath very much because I don't talk school with her. So it works out perfectly in my opinion" He said will a slight laugh. Light uncrossed his arms and leaned up from the railing. "Lets go then." He said with a smile and walked down the stairs with her. Just like when they first met Light took the same route to her house. During the time they left from school from when they got on the train then off and now were walking toward her house Ana and Light talked openly the whole way. He told her about his day some and she told him about hers. There was nothing really that interesting to talk about but Light was just happy she was there with him. After about a full half an hour they were at her house and were standing on her front porch, just like last time..But unlike the last time he came to her house, Light wasn't hesitant about stepping inside her place once the door was open. He walked inside to what looked to be her dinning room and looked around. "You have a nice place." He said randomly and out of the blue, trust be told he wasn't sure what to talk about. Ana glanced at him over her shoulder before running her fingers though her hair. "Thanks, Mother has very rich taste and Father has the money to provide for the rich taste." She started before she looked around. "HHmmmm....that is odd." she gave a slightly worried work before biting her lip. She looked around a bit more, walking from the entry way to the living room then back. She gave a soft sigh before looking to Light. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wander off. I was looking for Leon but he doesn't seem to be here."She chewed her lip again before fidgeting with her hands. "Leon is our Butler... I..I'm not use to him not being gone while company is over." Light raised his eyes brow when she walked away only to soon return back. He shook his head. "Don't worry, its fine. I'm not going to do anything. To tell you the truth I was overly cautious about being alone with someone, even if it was someone I knew. I guess its because being me I have a lot of jealous guys who want to bash me in the face with a base ball bat, of course if it was only one or two I could fight back, but I have no chance is I'm ever caught by a group of guys with weapons..And since my dad is a cop its isn't safe for me because criminals might try to kill me or something. My entire life has been nothing but paranoia and avoiding everyone." He sighed and looked at her. "But I feel more open to you. Your the first person I have ever spend this much time with, heh. And I like it, its fun having you around. So trust me, you have nothing to worry about, I won't touch you, I promise." He finished with another smile. A soft smile spread over her lips at the sound of his comment though the end part made her blush before she looked a way. "Oh, well that's good to know." she chimed softly though she tried her best to keep eye contact away from him. She slowly she glanced to the dinning room then the living room. "Well we could study either in the dinning room or we could use the study." She fidgeted with her fingers before she chewed her lip.She was hoping he would chose the study but either way she would have him today, regardless of where they chose to study. Though now, she was curious if his feeling towards her were indeed more than just friends. Her curiosity rose as she spent more time with him. If that were the case, she wouldn't mind playing with him more. Light put his finger to his chin. "Well, if we are studying it would be best to choose the study room. That way books, paper and other things are there for us encase we might need them." He walked with her into the study watching her close the door but didn't think anything of it and sat down on one of her couches. He looked at her and smiled patting a seat next to him for her to sit. Light pulled out his school supplies and set them on the table in front of them. "Ow..hold on.." Light leaned up from the couch a little bit and reached into his pocket. He pulled out his cell phone and set it on the table as well. "Cell phone was stabbing into my leg, heh. Alright, so then lets continue where we left off." Ana gave a soft chuckle to his comment before tucking some hair behind her ear. She looked to him before she glanced over the books and pulled her own books out and began to look over some of the problems. She tapped the page with the top of her pencil as she glanced over his book, looking at how he solved the problems. After a while she gave a soft yawn before she slowly shook her head. "Sorry, All this studying tends to ware on me." she smiled softly before she rose from the couch and glanced down at him. "Would you like some tea? I was going to fix myself a cup, it always perks me up."She smiled sweetly as she often did when she was around him before she fidgeted with her hands again. Light watched her look over his answers then at her homework. His gaze would switch to her then to his homework then back at her again to see if she understood it and because he just liked looking at her. He looked up at her when she got off the couch. He smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah, I could use some tea right now myself. Thank you." He said. When she left the room Light looked around her study bored. it seemed to take her a little bit, he was wondering if she was alright. No, of course she was, this was her house nothing could happen to her when shes safe in her own home. He sighed and leaned back against the couch closing his eyes and relaxing until she returned. She appeared finally, a tray in hand as she walked over to the table and set the full tray down. "I wasn't sure how you like your tea..." she started before she pour him a cup as well as herself. "So I brought a few different things." she chimed sweetly before she added cream and honey to hers. She waited for his answer before she gave him his cup and took her seat next to him, slowly sipping on her hot tea.Slowly she watched him, the cup hiding her smile as she tried her best to remain the same. The tea was holding a small surprise for him, the bottom of his cup held her favorite toy. It other words, she slipped him a sleeping agent and all she had to do now was wait for it to take affect before she pounce on her poor little prey. Though watching him would prove to be more fun. Light opened his eyes at the sound of her voice. He smiled and leaned back up from the couch. "Mine isn't too difficult, just one sugar cube and I'm good, but thanks for not assuming. I hate it when people do that." He took his cup and put one sugar cube in it. He sniffed the tea it was something he was used to doing, now it seemed to be a habit of his along with many other things. "Mm, it smells good." He tipped it up and took a few long drinks of the tea because he was very thirsty. He then sighed. "Heh, and it tastes good too." He sat back against the couch with the tea in his hand. "So are we good or do you need to study more? If you are too tired we can always finish..." He shook his head as a weird feeling came across him so suddenly. "Uh finish.." He could not seem to get his full sentence out. In seconds his eyes were becoming very heavy. "I think..I should be getting back..this day must of exhausted me..or something.." He slowly stood from the couch but his body was too off balance to walk. Light started to wonder if something was up but after he just took maybe three more steps his eyes closed and he passed out onto the floor dropping his tea as well with some of the liquid that he didn't finish pouring out. Ana only smiled as she watched him fall, Now the games would begin. After calling fourth Leon who had been hiding in his quarters waiting for Ana to call for him. He lifted Light with ease before Ana set about cleaning up the slipped tea. It was easy to clean and She had faith in Leon to take care of Light. Shortly after the tea was cleaned, she made her way down the stairs and further still until she was under the house, even lower than the basement. The lighting was dim for now as she glanced about.Leon did his job well, securing Light to a St. Andrews cross, straps running across his chest, stomach, thighs and calves, making sure he was enable to move or free himself from the cross. Cuffs lined his wrist and ankles as a small leather blindfold covered those bright orbs. Ana smiled as she looked over Leon's work before shooing him away to dispose of Lights phone. Careful to wear gloves before he was to dispose of it.Ana slowly traced her fingers along Light's chest and back before she truly smiled. Slowly she took a step back before she left light in his new room and wander off to the top level of the house. She would return later to check up on him. It had been what, four hours maybe even more since Light passed out from the sleep drug she slipped him. He was now strapped to a cross with no way of escaping or anything. His head was hanging forward with his hair covering his eyes and the blindfold that was placed on him. Finally he started to stir and groaned from the after affect of the drug. The first thing Light tried to move was his arms which proved to not budge. He then tried his legs, nothing. Panic rose in him, he couldn't move, he couldn't move! Where was he?! Light now started to yank on his arms and jerk in his binds but nothing worked, he couldn't get free of whatever was holding him. What made things worse was he couldn't see a thing, everything was black because of something being placed in front of his eyes. No, this couldn't be happening to him! Just hours ago he was safe with Ana. Wait, Ana! Was she alright? Did whoever kidnap him take Ana also? He had to know what was going on. "Hello?! Somebody?..Answer me!!" He shouted louder. Slowly Ana made her way down to Light's new room, taking her time as she walked down the steps. Her hair was down and shaggy laying over her shoulders, slanting over the right side of her face. Her heels clicked against the cobble stone that laid beneath her, her hips swaying with each step. His shouts rang through the empty hall and kissed her ears as she slowly pushed open his door."Light?" she chimed in an oh so familiar voice as a wicked smile traced her now painted lips. Light stopped shouting and listened with his ears as he heard someone enter the room, the sound seemed to be of someone wearing heels. "Who is there?.." He asked turning his head toward the sound since he couldn't see. His eyes widened at the sound of a familiar voice. "A Ana? Is that you? Are you alright?" he asked. Of course he had no idea she was the one behind all this or rather he refused to believe it. Light pulled on his wrists more. "Ana, please answer me.." He said in a low tone. " I..I'm here light." She began slowly in a meek voice, acting as always before she she piped up again. "Are you alright?" she asked again as if she were tied up just as he was. Soon the click of the heels started again, this time stopping in front of him. "Light... How fortunate you could come and visit" she purred, her voice very different from Ana's. Hers was low and deep, thick like honey, where as Ana's was sweet and soft, never very loud or demanding. Though The girl was both Ana and Light's tormentor, they were both clearly different."I was beginning to think you would never be here and I would never get the chance to play with you." she purred again before slowly running her leather gloved hand down his chest. Light sighed in relief. "Good, yeah. Besides the fact I cant move I seem to be alright. I mean, I don t feel any broken bones or anything. Heh, and I'm still dressed so that's a plus.." He tried to sound confident for Ana, now was not the time to show fear. He heard the heels again and jerked his head to the sound until they stopped in front of him. Light then heard a darker more thick voice, from the tone he thought it was an older woman's voice. "Who are you? H how do you know my name?.." He listened to her words and his eyes narrowed though it couldn't be seen. He jerked his body when she ran her hand down his chest. "Get your hands off me. Who are you and what do you want from me? Is this some sick joke, or are you holding me for random? Huh?!" He growled. "I should tell you that we are above the average class but we don't own millions like some people do, we're not rich, so you wont get much. And if you just kidnapped me because of revenge, well just know my dad will notice I'm missing and he will find me then lock your ass up for kidnapping and sexual advances toward a minor!!" Her hand made an impressive sound as it came crashing across Light's face. She smirked as she watched the red mark slowly appear on his soft flesh before she rest her hands on her hips. "Now is that any way to talk to you host? hhmm? I know you have manners, and I expect you to use them, Is that understood?" she purred before she piped up. "It would seem Dear little Ana is behave quiet well, you should follow her example." She smirked before she chimed in. "Light..." there it was again, the meek, soft Ana. "I..I think you should listen.." she trailed off as she often did before the other side of her took over."See, shes just as smart as she is pretty." she sneered before running a gloved hand through her hair. "Now then, Light why don't you be a good little boy and apologies for your rudeness." Light's face was jerked to the side when she slapped him. It stung but all he did was look forward again glaring at the woman threw his blindfold. "A filthy criminal like you doesn't deserve to see manners from me.." He said in a pissed tone. Light's eyes widened when he heard Ana again. "But..Ana. We cant just give up and let this woman do what she wants with us!.." Light growled at the woman when he heard her speak again. "You keep your hands off her.." He gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into firsts. "No! I'm not going to apologize for my rudeness toward you..You make me too sick. Even a small one word apology would gag me.." She sighed before shaking her head, her tongue clicked against the back of her teeth as she waltzed over to a small closet of sorts before walking back over to him. She slipped behind and roughly fitted him with a bit, locking it firmly in place before she moved again to stand in front of him. "Tsk tsk, Light such rudeness can't be tolerated. If only you'd listen to Ana, maybe then she wouldn't have to hear your punishment." she purred sweetly in that heavy tone before her hand raised back. "This is only a warning." she chimed before she brought the flimsy crop down across his chest.Oh how she loved to hear the crop against the body. It was flimsy but that was what made it so great. It bent nicely against the body, stinging more as she whipped it across the body. It was sturdy enough to deliver blow after blow across his chest, easily ripping at his shirt. The crop was dealt with much force, her arm not even tired when she finally stopped to examine her work. Light listened to the woman talk. What was she planning to do now? He kept quiet as he heard her walk away then go back toward him. Her words reached his ears and made him look a the blindfold with confusion. That was until he felt the first blow that easily ripped right threw his shirt. Not expecting that he shouted out but quickly gritted back the rest of the hits to hide his pain.'Ah!!..Ng!!.." He stopped himself from yelling and instead cringed because he didn't want to look weak in front of Ana and especially in front of this woman. When the whipping stop he took a deep breath and tried to relax himself again, still cringing slightly from the stinging and burning from the slashes she created on his flesh. His shirt was now really tore and had a few small blood stains on what was left of it. "Light?" Ana asked softly before she smirked. "You really should have listened to Ana." The heavy voice appeared once more as did the clicks of the heels. She ran her gloves fingers over her works, tearing away bits of his shirt and tossing them aside as if nothing. She seemed pleased as she began to trace along the marks, her lips never leaving that smirk. "hhhmmm very nice, they won't scar but you will be sore." she purred as she changed tactics, instead of tracing the lines she now raked her gloved fingers down his chest. "mMMM, perhaps next time you will listen to Ana." Light listened to the woman speak in silence. Really he wanted to make her pay but since he was unable to move that made it impossible for him. He made a small cringing noise when she traced her hand over the marks on his chest, he could now tell she was wearing a glove. What, was she too afraid of leaving her finger prints? Light closed his eyes tightly and gritted his teeth once more when she started to rake her hands down his chest touching the cuts with more pressure and making it hurt more. When she finished Light opened his eyes again but of course still couldn't see anything, including his attacker. "Why am I even here? I mean, what are you after? I have done nothing to you. So what do you want from me?.." His voice was now calmer and emotionless, the same tone he used on everyone else except Ana. He just had to find out for sure why this woman kidnapped him, there had to be a reason and he had to know what it was. "I already told you... To play of course. I've been wanting to play with you since I saw you... I just had to wait for the ideal time to snatch you up. Oh, and of course Ana is still happy to see you, even though she can't play...with you." she purred over her painted lips before her fingers began to make small circles on his chest. "yes, she quiet sad she can't play with you but maybe, IF you behave I'll let you two play together." she offer as she ran her fingers up along his chest and neck, cupping his chin within them. "Does that sound like fun?" Light didn't like the sound of that. To play? Just was what she planning on doing to him? He felt her touches again which made his fist clench but he didn't jerk away or shout any rude words to her, not yet anyway. "I don't like the way you said that..What do you mean by play?.." His eyes narrowed again and he growled under his breath at her taunting tone. "No! I will not touch Ana that way. Forget it..I'm going to keep my promise to her.." He turned his head away to the side. There was no way he was going to do such things to Ana, never.. The girl pursed her lips as she pouted for a second before she tighten her grip on his chin, pulling his face back to face hers. "IF you don't play nice with Ana, I'm sure I could always find someone else more willing." she purred before her painted lips twisted into a wicked grin. "But from the way you sound, it sounds like you don't like Ana and the poor little thing was so hoping you did. Awww poor thing. No matter I can always find someone who would love to play with her." she mused with a teasing hint to her low tone. "Maybe I'll just have to play with her myself... I'm sure she'll enjoy it..." Light's eyes widened at her words. The last thing he wanted was for Ana to be hurt by someone else. "No! Leave her alone! Please..she doesn't deserve this. Just let her go.." He lowered his head. "I do care about her, which is why I don't want to hurt her. I want her to be safe." he looked up again. "Let her go please..She isn't strong enough for this..Is there anyway you can just let her go free?" He asked. He didn't want to say it, but if he needed to he would take Ana's place so that she was safe. She tipped her head side to side in a thoughtful fashion before she shook her head. "I don't know if Ana wants go, I think she would prefer to stay and play with us." She purred before releasing her grip and brushing some hair off her shoulder. "Besides, I think it would be more fun if she stuck around and saw all the fun we're going to have, who knows maybe she'll want to join in." she mused softly before licking her lips. She loved playing mind games with him, he was so easy and she couldn't wait for his next response, it was sure to amuse her. Light seemed to get more pissed off after each word she said. The girl was just toying with him, oh how he hated being screwed with. His hands clenched into tight fists, if only he was free, if only..He lowered his head so she couldn't see his gritted teeth and him trying to hold back his anger. After sometime he sighed and relaxed himself before looking up again. "You know, sometimes I can't wait for myself to become a cop. So that I can lock up sick minded criminals like you..but in all truth I don't think any of you deserve a so called fair trial. Those who do crime should pay for their sins.." He sighed again and looked toward her. "If your not going to let us go, then can you at least remove the blindfold?" He would feel the sting as her hand went crashing across his face once more, her breath hard as her anger slowly began to get the best of her. Slowly she tried to calm herself before she lost total control of her temper. "You really talk to much...." she hissed before she ran her fingers through her hair. "The blindfolds stay." she Barked before she slowly back away, the click of her heels echoed in the room before she slowly slipped her boots off and shut the door. She didn't leave, no she stayed... This time as Ana. "Light?" Her soft meek voice ringing through the room before your twisted lips spread into a devious smile. Light's face jerked to the side as he felt the sting from her slapping him once more. All he did was keep his head turned ignoring her completely until he heard the click of her heels disappear. He turned his head forward again, he seemed very calm at first but then instantly changed. His hands clenched tightly into fists and he gritted his teeth in anger if his eyes were shown they would be in rage. "Grrr!!..Damn it!!! Who does that BITCH think he is?! Kidnapping me! Making sure I cant move or leave! I swear..if I EVER get my hands on her..she will pay.." His body was shaking but not with fear, he was royally pissed off, and if he knew it was Ana that was behind it the whole time, his anger would skyrocket. Ana's voice pieced the the air again, this time a tad louder. "Light... what are you going to do? I mean how? You said yourself you can't move... and I don't think shes about to change that.." she added meekly before a soft sigh fell from her lips. She sat on the table, her legs hanging over the edge as those orbs roamed over his tied form. "I..I'm sorry Light." she managed to squeak out. Enough though she was the one behind it, the Ana side was remorseful but Marie always kept her in check. Silently she shook her head, as if to clear it. Light growled stubbornly. "I don't know okay?!..Ng..I have to think.." He closed his eyes to try and calm himself before opening them again even though he still couldn't see. "I do know I wish this blindfold was off. I mean what exactly is there that she doesn't want me to see?.." He said suspiciously. "Hm..she cant just keep me like this forever though. What if I get hungry or need to use the restroom? Is she just going to keep me like this until I die? That would be stupid and a waste to allow your captive to die so quickly. Unless she is just keeping me here for ransom or something.." Ana sighed again before she rolled her eyes. She hadn't counted on his strong will though it was amusing, Marie was growing sick of it and as that thought crossed her mind she silently slipped from the table and slipped her shoes back on. Opening the door she walked over to him the click of her heels once again filling the room. "Mind if I borrow Ana for awhile" she purred sweetly before she walked over and patted around some rope and cuffs around on a spare cross that she had in the room. "I'll bring her back once I had my fill" she purred again before she began to exit the room, though it sounded as if two people were leaving. Light fell silent when he heard the clicking of heals again. His eyes widened at what she said. "W what?..No! Leave her alone!!" He growled struggling more as he yanked on the shackles that were around his wrist. His struggles got more rough as he heard two people walking away from the area. "Stop! Get back here!!" He jerked and squirmed but could not get free, after some time he stopped and started panting. Light lowered his head so his hair covered his blindfolded eyes. He then looked up again. "Wait, I uh, have to use the bathroom, very badly.." He had to find some way to distract her, this was probably the oldest trick in the book. But what other option did he have? It was to late, Anna Marie was already out of the room and walking up the flights of stairs to the top level of the house. She gave an annoyed huff as she went to her room, slamming the door as she flopped on her bed. "Why is he being so difficult?!?!" she Hissed bitterly to herself as she picked her gaze up to her window. She stared out over the darkening sky before she rolled onto her back, peering up to the mirror that lined the canopy of her bed. "Well Ana, what are we going to do with him." She mused softly as crooked her head to the side as if waiting for the reflection to response. "Give him time?" She shrugged to herself as she had an on going conversation with her reflection.It was the plus side of having a split personality, always having someone to talk with or plot with as it were. Light growled, cringing with anger. He then sighed and let his head drop down. "Damn it.." There was nothing he could do now, the woman had already taken Ana. Did that mean he was next? Was she going to kill him? That thought rose panic in him. No, no, he could die! He had so many plans for the future, he was too young to die. But..if he keeps pissing the woman off she might just do away with him. So what was he to do? He was too stubborn to actually just give in, hell, that was the last thing he would do. Give himself to a filthy criminal just because of threats or punishment? No! He wasn't going to, he belonged to no one and this woman had no right in keeping him here. matter what he said this girl would never let him go, even if he needed to eat or take a bath or use the bathroom she would probably have him cuffed or something so he couldn't escape. That still was an idea though.. Ana Marie laid on her bed for a few hours, talking to her reflection, well plotting as it were. She gave a soft sigh as she rolled back onto her stomach, her mind racing over possible way to break him. She didn't want to use force but now, the idea appeal more to Marie than Ana. Ana tried her best to reason with Marie but Marie was stronger than Ana and easily won the debate. Marie slipped from her bed, slowly waltzing over to her closet and began to rummage through some clothes.After a good couple of hours, Marie appeared in a costume of sorts. Her hair was noticeable darker, as well as long and done up in ringlets, a wig obviously. Her once hazel orbs now a deep, enticing pink, contacts. Her outfit, if you could call it that, was vastly different from anything Ana would ever wear or did. A corset hugged her torso, while her legs were clad in a pair of leather pants, A pair of black heels adorned her feet, the heels a sharp metal. Her arms covered in leather gloves and a simple choker about her neck.The ringlets spilled down her back and shoulders, only half was pulled up and fixed into place with a pair of shining metal chopsticks. After one last look in the mirror she smile and head off down the stairs to visit Light. It didn't take her long before she pushed open the door, shutting it with a click, the lock slipping into place on the other side. She smirked as she closed the space between them, her fingers slowly slipping about the blindfold as she slowly lifted it."Hello Light" she purred in that heavy honey tone. Light had eventually gotten so bored that he ended up falling sleep, of course before hand he had time to think things over and came up with a few ideas to try later on, he just hoped one of them would work. When sound once again reached his ears, he awoke instantly, unless Light was forced to pass out by a drug he was not a sound sleeper any faint noise would bring him back to reality in seconds. It could be because he was always paranoid or just a habit he developed after some time. His eyes shot open and he lifted his head making it seem he wasn't sleeping to begin with. When he heard the heels he knew it was her but how come there wasn't a second sound of another person? No, what did she do with Ana?..He felt the blind fold being removed from his eyes finally but because its been a while his eyes squinted at the light until they adjusted. Once he could see better again his eyes looked into hers, glaring. "What did you do with Ana?.." He asked in a demanding tone. She rolled her shoulders in a small shrug as her lips fell into an indifferent smile. "Nothing to worry about... shes fine for now." she purred sweetly as she twirled the blindfold around her finger casually. "But I'd rather not talk about her right now." she chimed coolly not taking her eyes off him nor letting her smirk fall. "I'd much prefer to talk about you...and how you will preform." Light looked at her, glaring still. That was not what he asked, he wanted to know what she did with her, or rather did to her. But he supposed even if he asked the woman wouldn't tell him anyway. His eyes brow raised at her last statement. Just what did she mean by that? "Come again?..Define perform.." He said looking at her suspiciously and with slight disgust. He had a good idea what she meant but wanted to make sure before he made any assumptions, it was never good to assume something ahead of time. Her head tipped to the side as a pleased smile crossed her painted lips, her arms slipping behind her back as her pink orbs hinted at excitement. "Well" she began before she licked her lips. "I expect certain things form you, one being that you behave. I don't like having you tied up like some animal without a brain, I know your smarter than that but will your will allow to behave is a whole other thing." she purred as her shoulder rolled into that small shrug. "I would like to enjoy you off the cross but if it can't be done... then I will just have to make due." She paused before a smirk tugged at her lips. "It would seem Ana has been able to behave and has be a delight. I just hope the same can be said about you one of these days. Though I would prefer sooner than later." Light glared at her with a deadly look as she talked. The more that came out of her mouth the more he hated her guts. He turned his head away stubbornly. "Don't count on it.." He mumbled. "I'm not about to do what you want." He then looked back at her stretching out his head to get closer to her face. " Encase you haven't noticed, I am not Ana. My beliefs and the way I work is completely different from her and probably any other male you've brought here in the past..So don't expect much from me." He turned his head away again closing his eyes because it was getting more sickening by the minute to look at her. She pouted softly for a moment or two before she shrugged as if indifferent to him and his rant. She chewed her lip for a second or two as she thought it over in her hand. "Really? that is really to bad... " she paused again, hoping it would grab his attention. "I guess I'll just take Ana in your place, true she isn't anything like you... but I suppose she could do.. After all she's so sweet and innocent, I really do enjoy her.. 'company'... " she stopped as she slowly tipped her head forward in thought before lifting her gaze to see him. "I guess that's the only choice I have...Ana for you...Though it will pain me when I punish her for your ill actions." When he heard her speak again he opened his eyes and looked at her. "Huh?" His eye widened at her words. He shook his head glaring at her again. "What are you a psycho or something?! Do you just get off on what you do, or are you just fucked up in the head?..She shouldn't have to pay for what I did!" He quieted down, Light did care for Ana but his own life was more important then someone else, besides something still wasn't adding up right. He sighed and turned away again. "You know what screw it..I don't care. Just know if I ever get free I'm going to seriously make you pay..Besides you probably already touched her anyway, again won't be any different.." His anger had got the best of him and made him to a point where he could careless about anyone else. He was back to being emotionless and cold just like he was before he met Ana. Her brow lifted slowly before his words stuck a cord deep within her. For a moment the Ana in her cringed at his words before Marie was back at the controls. "Ah, so it would seem the true Light would show himself at last. I was beginning to wonder if he ever would show. Not that it would matter but I'm sure Ana is near tears by now, after she did like you.. A lot but now after hearing everything, she'll think differently." she rolled her shoulders in a lazy shrug before reaching for her favorite toy. "It really is a pity though...Ana was ready to do just about anything to save you... Think what you may but I prefer not to play with girls, I, like most, prefer boys. There have so much more to offer." she stopped for a moment as she extend her arm, placing the tip of the crop under his chin, turning his head this way and that. "It really is a pity but seeing how you scorned Ana, I can't let that go."Again he would feel the sting across his chest, again and again. Her pace steady and strong, though this time there was more anger, spite behind each blow, Ana no longer holding Marie back but aiding her. The cracks echoed though out the shallow room, tickling her ears as the image before her tormented her in ways no one would understand. Light rolled his eyes to the side at her words, unaffected by what she said. "Your the one that caused me to be this way..You just kept pushing me, over and over again until I finally snapped!..But again that was your intention, wasn't it?" He looked back at her, listening to her every word. Now that caught his attention he wondered if she even caught herself. For now though he would have to wait because she was already preparing more punishment towards him. He gritted his teeth tightly, only giving vicious glares and looks after each whipping. Light would cringe but he wouldn't show any weakness or pain. He wasn't going to give her that satisfaction. When she finally stopped he panted, sweat was rolling down his forehead, his head was down but he was looking up at her threw his bangs, glaring still. " that the best you've got, Ana?.." He gave a small smirk. He had figured it out from what she said before. Ana could not of heard what he had said because only him and the woman were around at the time, so the only conclusion was she was Ana Marie. Possibly she was playing two parts on purpose or she was mentally insane, either way he had solved her little game.."You know I should of went with my first assumption of you, the one where I think your luring me into a trap. But leave it to me to try and at least show kindness for a fellow schoolmate, well what was left of my kindliness has just went out the window.." She should have been taken back by his words, she should had known something was on his mind. After the way he stayed silent during the thrashing she gave him. No, instead her painted lips twisted into a sadistic smile as she slowly shook her head. A hand rest on her hip as she now stared at him, something within her snapping. The crop still in hand as she let hang by her side, her posture still straight as she rest her weight on her right leg."No, I'm Marie." She purred, no sneered well it was hard to tell. Her expression didn't change nor did she move as she spoke. "You really think Ana could hurt the one she cared for in such a manner? Ha, that pathetic little girl cringes at the sound of a whip cracking. She could never stand here and give you want you deserve for all the years you ignored her, all the years you pushed past her, hiding behind your homework and studies like some wounded bird. Coward..."She locked those deadly pink orbs on him as if a hunter lining up a kill in the cross hairs. "YOU NEED THIS AND THIS IS NOTHING ANA CAN DO FOR YOU!" Her voice was heavy though it seemed to crack as the crop began to slash wildly across him, His chest no longer the target but all of him. Anger, confusion fueled her attack, tears welling in her eyes as the crop moved effortless on its own. She WOULD break him... Though it would seem she, herself was breaking. Light closed his eyes cringing as the whip made contact with his body again. He hurt worse then before, but he wasn't going to show it, he was going to stay strong until the end. His hands and toes clenched holding back any sounds though he did make a few grunts when she hit more sensitive areas. After so long she finally stopped whipping him, leaving him with slashes and cuts all over him, blood dripping down his body and onto the floor below. His clothes were more tore then before, now his pants had rips in them and his shirt had been completely tore off. His head was lowered once more as he panted only to look up into her eyes. "So that is what this is about?..Foolish, you humans are all the same. All you want is to have a perfect boyfriend and live happily ever after. Well this world isn't like that, its kill or be killed..and every year, it just gets worse.." He lifted his head. "I am not a cowered as you say, there is reason on why I don't bother with people. My future goals are more important then trivial things such as dating. Besides, doesn't it always end badly? How many marriages have you heard ever surviving, or boyfriends and girlfriends ever staying together? You answer me that.." His head turned away. "Ana is not the only girl I've turned down and she wont be the last. But kidnapping me, threatening me, and harming me is not a way to get me to care more about someone, in fact it makes me hate them to the point of where I would enjoy watching them suffer.." Light then looked back at her. "I'll be honest though, I actually did start to have feelings for Ana but both of you took that away by betraying our friendship and showing me you are just like every other person in this world.." He closed his eyes. "Do what you want but I will never submit to you.." She stood there staring at him, her expression never wavering as she listened to him. Though her body was present, her eyes were dull and lifeless. She looked as if she were a puppet waiting for someone to pull her strings. It was as if his words were having an effect on her that she wasn't expecting and now had overloaded her. Even her breath was slower.Finally she took a deep breath in as the life came back to her pink orbs. She slowly shook her head as her eyes arched in a roll. She shut her eyes for a moment as her head tilted to the side in thought. Slowly she exhaled as her eyes reopened, focusing on on him once more. Her lips spread into a smug grin as she brushed some ringlets from her face."Light... you talk big but I don't think you could back it up." she purred as she closed the distance between them, the click of her heels steady as she now looked up to him. "I think if push came to shove, you would submit. Though it could take awhile...But I have time." she purred as her finger took hold of his chin, tilting his back some as she now licked her lips. "And I know you do." she purred again, her lips still holding that smug grin before she pressed her lips to his. Light's eyes narrowed dangerously at her, there was nothing he hated more then being called weak. He was far from that, and if she would let him go he'd prove it to her and it would not be pretty.."Don't think I could back it up, huh? Why don't you release me and find out.." He said with a smirk only for it to disappear. He tried to move his head back when she began to close the distance between them and tried jerking his head so she would let go of his chin. He raised his eyes brow looking into her eyes. "What?..!!" His eyes widened with surprise as her lips collided with his. He then growled and thrashed under her reaching his arms out to grab her but were stopped by the shackles. Light closed his eyes tightly in protest, shaking his head and struggling, he did not want this woman touching him. She felt him struggling and it only made it more delicious as she continued to hold her lips to his. She loved feeling him struggle under, the way his body moved and tense, if she wasn't busy kissing him she would be laughing. She pulled away for a moment, looking at him with a smirk before she sank back against him. Her lips trailing along his neck until she was buried deep against the nap of his neck. She smirked against his soft flesh before she nipped at him. Her hands sliding along his chest and torso, loving the feel of his tattered shirt beneath her roaming hands. He glared at her when she finally stopped kissing him. How dare she think she can just do what she wanted with him. "What the hell do you think your doing?!" His eyes watched her as she leaned in closer with the same pissed off expression. Light felt her lips on his neck which caused him to grit his teeth, he was not going to give into her so easily. "Stop touching me!!" He growled only to bite his lip when he felt her hands running over his chest and torso. He jerked his head to the side small drops of sweat were starting to slide down his forehead. "Enjoying you of course" she purred against his ear, her lips lightly brushing against it as she spoke. It was like her lips had a mind of their own as they fell into that smug smirk again at his demand only to push it aside as she nipped at his ear. "And why would I do that? I've waited so long to have you and now I'm going to take my time." Her breath was warm as she spoke against the soft flesh on his neck, working her way to his collar bone in light teasing kisses and nips. Her hands moved skillfully over his torn body, easily pulling and ripping the remains of his shirt from his body and letting them fall to the awaiting floor.Her hands now roamed more freely about his body, unhindered by the fabric that once kept her fingers from gliding smoothly over his tone torso. Slowly her lips moved down from his collar bone, working their way down his chest in soft nips here and there. Her skilled fingers gliding down the rest of the way to his belt, working with ease to unfasten it and pulled it free from the loops. Going back to work, her fingers unfastened his pants all the while her lips trailed down his chest and torso, missing the open wounds. Though she missed the open wounds, she didn't skip the red lines of welts that decorated his body so nicely. Flicking her tongue over softly them as she passed. Light looked at her from the corner of his eyes, glaring daggers. He tried moving away from her touch but the cross stand he was bounded to left him barely any room to move. "What makes you think you can just have me and do whatever you want, huh? I don't belong to you, and I never will!" He gritted his teeth tighter from her touches, he didn't want to give in, but unfortunately they were very affective. Besides, he had been holding himself back for so long because he was too occupied in building his own future, even though he would never admit it, he needed it badly. He closed his eyes to try and get his mind on something else but the feeling was hard to ignore. His eyes shot open again and he looked down to see her messing with his belt before pulling it completely off him only to then unfasten his pants. His hands clenched into fists as he forced himself to not react, but it was easily seen she was getting to him. Sweat was rolling down his forehead even more now to show how nervous he was of giving into her. Light cringed a few times as her tongue lightly brushed over the welts on his body. "I..I have to use the bathroom.." He said once more seeing if she would buy it this time, though he doubted it. She ignored his outburst as she moved along his body. Smirking from time to time his amusing antics. She wasn't about to give up or let him be... just yet. She was going to finish what she started. Her lips sank lower down his torso before her lips met his unfasten pants, her pinks orbs traveling up the path she took to meet his gaze. She nipped at the soft flesh as her fingers worked to loosen his pants.Her brow lifted softly before she slowly shook her head. "I doubt that and besides, I'm having far to much fun to stop now." she purred against his flesh. Her tongue running along the tiny nip marks she left, licking at them as she peered up to him. Her hands had finished with his pants and were now running along his hips and slowly sinking down, her nails leaving small red trails. Her hands soon disappeared or at least hidden from his view. But he would be able to feel them running up and long his inner thigh in a teasing fashion, inching closer and closer to her target.Her lips began to travel lower than they already were, moving along the only garment left that shield his flesh from her aching lips. Her gaze still fixed up on him as she found his weakness per say. Smirking only to herself she ran her tongue up, flicking her tongue once she reached the top. Her teasing movements was driving him nearly insane. His kept his teeth gritted tightly holding in any noises that would indicate lust or pleasure. He didn't want her to have the satisfaction of being in control of course that was easier said then done. His eyes watched her every move and widened slightly as she got lower and lower though still kept his glare. He growled and bit his lip turning his head away so he wouldn't look into her taunting gaze, but he could still feel her small nips on his flesh. A sharp gasp escaped his lips when he felt his pants fall down from being loosened. He shook his head in protest as her hands started to trace up his inner thighs. Damn her, this girl wasn't an amateur he could tell that. She knew exactly what she was doing and how to seduce a male into giving in. Still, he couldn't do it, no, he wouldn't do it! He had to fight it, he must not give up yet! Light shot his gaze to her again when he felt her lips resting on his boxers that covered his male organ. His breaths came out in short pants now as his chest heaved in and out. The nails of his fingers had starting to dig into his skin from all the clenching now causing them to bleed slightly, plus his wrists and ankles were rubbed raw from all the struggling. He shook his head as he saw what she was planning on doing, but the second he felt her tongue running up his sexual organ it caused his eyes to widen. The blood rushed out of his head and went down to his lower region. Even though he still had his boxers on, the teasing was too effective, he had become unwillingly erected from her touch. He jerked his head downward and closed his eyes tightly his teeth gritted and bared. "D Damn it!.." "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Those pink orbs sparkled as she peered up to him, his words causing those painted lips to fall into a taunting smile. She couldn't help but smile knowing that she was indeed getting to him despite his efforts. Her fingers ran up his thighs is teasing manner as the trailed up along where her lips had played, all the while keeping her gaze fix up to him. She loved his expression, his gritted teeth, all making him more desirable. She couldn't help but tug lightly on his boxers.Her fingers still trailed along him, teasingly soft as she just used the tip of her smooth nails. The feeling of power over him was delicious as she went along toying with him. She had waited so long for him to be weak enough, ah the feeling coursing through her veins made her heart begin to race. He was weak but still he held that will power and stubbornness still filled him but soon it wouldn't be a problem.Her nails traveled back down to his thighs as she rest her lips against his flesh, her breath hot as she lowered her gaze. She smirked as tongue slipped from her lips as along his boxers once more. Her fingers slowly moving to release him from the trapping of his boxers. Her tongue still eagerly moving along his flesh, slow as she worked her way up before running her tongue over the soft flesh. Light kept his eyes closed tightly. This wasn't good, she was winning. Now that he was erected his thinking capability would be lower then normal, soon he wouldn't be able to think straight enough to fight back. Damn it, she had left him at a huge disadvantage. What was he going to do now? He could always make something up that wouldn't work. He was running out of options and fast..Come on think..think!.. "W wait!" When he caught her attention he began to speak. "..I didn't tell you before but I told my mom if I don't call her back by a certain time to alert father. He could be already on his way here!" Of course he was now just making up lies, there was no other choice, he had to find some way to stop her. Making up ridiculous things seemed to be the only thing at the moment. His hands clenched tighter and he bit his lip tighter. Blood was now seeping down his wrists from his nails stabbing into him. His eyes shot open when she pulled his boxers down and ran her tongue over his now exposed flesh. "ahh...S stop it!" He growled again glaring down at her and jerking his wrists with all his strength in hopes of breaking lose. She paused as she lifted her gaze up to meet his a soft smirk. His lies were cute and she couldn't help but flick her tongue over his flesh once more before she slowly rose to her full height, her gaze still locked to his. "Your so cute when you lie" she purred as she brushed her lips against his. "But its so much fun to watch" she licked her lips slowly before she dropped her gaze down as she bit her lip."Though" she began, her fingers coiling around his tender flesh before her gaze lifted back to his. "I enjoy watching you squirm and throw out these little lies, I have other things I need to tend to." she purred with a devious smirk. "But before I leave you" she teased as she slowly sank back down his body, her tongue running along his flesh. Her lips were wet as she slowly wrapped them around him, teasingly slow she slowly sank her lips lower on him. Light closed his eyes tightly with his teeth still gritted. She was just teasing him, taunting him because she had all the power and he could do nothing to stop her. He was after all bound to this stupid cross like devise. His wrists, ankles, chest, almost everything was held down by straps. Well, at least they weren't metal. That would of been very uncomfortable not to mention with all the struggling hes been doing, they would of definitely chafed his wrists and ankles, or maybe even cut into the flesh. He had his head down, it appeared he was sulking because of the fact he was never going to get out of this. After calming down some he looked at her again. "You never told me why you are doing this..At school I turned down many girls, but I never even acknowledged you. There should be no reason for you doing this to me. I understand some do this for revenge, but I have done nothing to you. So tell me truthfully, for the way your treating me, the least I deserve is the reason for your actions..and don't say its because you just want to play with me, that is not an answer.." She paused for a moment before pulling her lips from his flesh and looking up at him with a perplexed expression. She hadn't thought of giving him answer other than to play with. Though now as she thought about it, it did seem odd she didn't have any real answer to give him. She rocked back onto her heels still looking at him before tilting her as she heard a sound and was trying to hear it once more. She chewed the inside of her cheek before glance up to my contact with his eyes. "Why do you think I did?" she question in the familiar Ana voice and Ana expression.She slowly rose from sitting on her heels and brushed some ringlets off her shoulder before tucking some behind her ear. She was curious as to what his answer would be and perhaps it would buy her some more time to thin k over her reasoning. Though it was often hard to think when you had to voices inside one head, both trying to think one thing while the other was trying to tell the other it was wrong. He looked at her for a few seconds then shifted his eyes to the side. "Well obviously your obsessed and since you knew I would not have shown any interest to begin with, you decided to kidnap me..There is no other possible reason, your just insane." He closed his eyes and looked away, Those probably weren't the best words being as he was bound and she was free to do what she pleased but it was the truth. She should be happy he didn't lie to her like he did to everyone else. Still, it might of been best to keep those thoughts to himself. Oh well, there was nothing he could do now. "So am I just going to stay like this? What if I get hungry or do actually have to use the bathroom? Do you have a solution for that?" He asked in a sorta cocky way. After all the second she let him go he would try anything he could to escape. "Unless you just don't care or your just going to keep me until I eventually die of hunger or thirst." Her brow slowly lifted at being called insane, her feelings some what hurt before she nodded with a sigh as if she agreed but didn't understand why. She looked at him for a moment studying him before she shook her as if she was deny a question or comment not voiced. Of course it was Marie fighting with Ana but what else was new. She rolled her eyes, Marie now coming back, smirking as she rested her hands on her hips. She licked her lips before she decided to answer him and his questions."You'll be fed and let down, you have to be clean after all. I can't have you staying dirty, you could get sick and there goes my fun." She boasted with a grin before rolling her shoulders into a shrug. "But then again, I don't know if I can trust you not to run, so for now you can stay where you are until I can think of some better way of keeping you under control." She had a wicked grin on her painted lips as she eyed him. "I suppose, a leash, some cuffs and chains could do the trick but for now I like you as you are."She again shook her head before an innocent expression crossed her lovely face. "Well if you promised to behave.... I could let you down..." she seemed confused and almost sadden by her actions and slowly dropped her gaze. Deep down Ana felt guilty but Marie always seemed to over power Ana when she was becoming weak, therefore never allowing Ana to much freedom to do what she felt was right or best for Light. Light looked at her with a raised eye brow. She seemed to be off in her own world. His eyes narrowed though when she began to speak again. Control him? Fat chance of that. He would never give in so easily, not to anyone and especially not to her. Try as she might he would make it very difficult for her and in the end might actually win this little game of hers. So she was going to keep him like this longer? Great he was really starting to feel uncomfortable like this. The least she could of done was chain him to something more normal like a bed, but no, it had to be a damn cross stand. Something else she said caught his ears and angered him. "A what?! There is no way in hell I'm letting you put a leash on me! I'm not your dog, or your property!" He growled with venom in each word. His hands clenched into tight fists. Oh if only he was free, he would teach her a lesson she'd never forget..
Trapped (Notte and Me)
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" It must of been a day maybe more since he has been in this cell. The ground was concrete the walls were stone and it was deadly cold. It was a miracle he hasn't died yet or at least hasn't gotten sick, but then again Light could handle a lot of things he was a strong male for his age. He was laying down on the cold floor with his hands shackled behind his back. He couldn't escape the cell anyway so he had no idea why this person took the extra mile. It made it even harder for him to move around and it was very uncomfortable to sleep. He was wearing plain clothes that the one who kidnapped him put on his body. It was just a simple black shirt and lose pants, no shoes, no socks, no belt, and yes not even underwear, which made the coldness even more unbearable. At least the one who bought him could of put on warmer clothes but that just proved to him that the person didn't care and that he didn't know what to expect. Light Yagami was 17 and a senior in high school but he was a very unique and rare individual. He was an honor student who is considered to be one of Japan's best and brightest. He had everything, looks, talent, skill. God had graced him with so many things it wasn't funny. His hair was short, thick and a copper brown color with bangs that hung just above the eyes and framed around the top and sides of his head perfectly. His eyes were dark brown and seemed to glow so beautify in certain lighting. His body was lean, straight, nicely toned, and slightly muscular. He stood tall at 5'8" and weighed 119 pounds. And of course his face had a chiseled yet angelic frame giving him more of an irresistible look along with the many other things he had. Light tried to replay everything, first he was kidnapped, then he was sold to someone, but who, and why hasn't this person shown their self yet? Were they just going to leave him to rot in a cell? No, there had to be a reason for him to be brought here but he didn't really want the answer to that question. He sighed and leaned his head back against the stone wall. What was going to happen to him now? He was trapped and there was no way of escaping. The click click of her heels was loud on the stone floor and she grimaced in annoyance. It was also rather cold in the prison and her flesh held goosebumps, but she didn't even feel it. Her nose twitched at the dank smell that covered the place as if something had died, rotted, and then molded over. A hand reached out to her from behind cell bars and she swatted at it with her crop. A broken cry spilled out from the lost creature as blood began to fall. She sneered at it in disgust and licked the blood from her whip. Her facial features were harsh and cruel, but still somehow beautiful in its exotic look. Large dark eyes, small nose, large lips. Her black hair was cropped in a bobcat, short in the back and longer as it fell forward around her face, adding to the harshness of her features. Her skin was a soft smooth creamy ivory color that offset the darkness in her eyes. She was petite, lithe, and although small, she excluded power. Standing at 5'8, she wore six inch high heels, making her five foot two without the added height of the heels. Her legs led up to a round and firm ass that was made for caressing, if one would risk getting their hands chopped off for a feel. Her waist was curvy and belly flat. It lead up to perfectly mounded breasts that fit perfectly into a man's palm, but overrode her own. What was most wickedly about her though, was her walk. She walked like she owned the world and if you got into her way, you'd be taken out. When she got to the cell of her newest pet, she looked down at him with a look that was between interest and disgust. She squatted down so that she would be of height after him and inspected his body quickly with her eyes. Moving her hand between the bars, she flicked out her whip and caught him under the chin, holding it there and moving it side to side so she could take in his features. Removing it, she stood up and looked at the guard. He held something up to her and she took it from his hand, throwing it into the cage she said one simple thing. "Put your collar on, your my dog now." Her voice was cold, as harsh and as beautiful as her features. "I'm known as Mistress Delila." Light heard the loud clicking of someones heels echoing of the walls. The walk was delicate yet sophisticated, was it a female? He turned his head up ward at the lady to see her squat down toward him and lifted his chin with her whip, turning his head from side to side as if she was looking over a purchased product. His eyes narrowed slightly and he jerked his head away from the whip. Soon a collar was tossed at him which made him look at it with disbelief the back at her. Was this lady serious? He was no pet, no dog, and he wasn't taken there willingly either. He was kidnapped so he didn't belong to the one she brought him from. No, this wasn't right, why did this happen to him? Everything was perfect, he was perfect, he didn't deserve this. Light leaned up and sat up against the metal bench that was behind him looking at her. He had to admit she was beautiful in an exotic sort of way, but he would of course never say that out loud. After all he had seen many girls, but still this one was different, very different actually, at least from what he was used to. Mistress Delila was her name? Did that mean he had to call her his mistress, fat chance on that, he didn't belong to no one. "Its a little impossible to do as you say when my hands are cuffed behind my back..Don't you agree?.." He said in a know it all tone as if he was trying to make her look like an idiot, but of course he knew she wasn't just by looking at her. A slow wickedly cruel smile spread her crimson painted lips. Her eyes light up from within, but the look in them was dark, twisted, demonic. She held her hand out to the guard and he shrank away from her without actually moving. She quirked one graceful finger up and down, the silent sign for come here. When he didn't move, she looked over at him, still wearing that cruel smile, and slashed him across his face with her razor tipped nails. She walked into him, crowding his body, wiped the blood from her nails onto his shirt and took the keys and leash from him before she pushed him away with more strength then it appeared she had. "You're a bad dog, get the hell out of my si " Before she could even finish speaking, the guard had run away as if his life depended on it. She rolled her eyes and made a sound of contemptuous disgust as she watch him flee. She turned back to the small cell and placed the key in the lock. She turned it, heard the release, and slammed the door open with enough force that it should have rebounded off of the bars, but surprisingly it just stayed there as if even it were afraid of her wrath. She walked into the cell and stood at an imposing height while she looked down her nose at him, the same cruel smile dancing across her lips. She leaned forward, her breasts straining against her top and nearly spilling free. She reached up, placed her palm against his cheeks, and moved her fingers downward to caress his lips. In a quick, angry movement, she shoved her fingers into his mouth and grabbed his tongue. "Bad dog, back talking like that will get your tongue cut out and with your tongue cut out, there would be few ways to please me." She squeezed his tongue, cutting it open slightly with one of her nails, before she pulled her hand away and licked her fingers of his blood and spit. She jingled the keys in one hand, then leaned over his body, shoving his face between the mounds of her breasts. She unlocked the handcuffs and pulled them away from him. "Now, be a good boy and put your collar on," she spoke while she pointed at the collar with her crop. "And don't try to run, I assure you that you won't make it out of this place alive." Her voice went low, threatening, cold as ice, but it held a seductive edge to it as if she would enjoy hunting him down only to punish him with torture and death. Light raised his eye brow when he saw that look on her face, what was she planning to do now? He watched with slight curiosity as she hit the guard with her nails and made him bleed. His theory was definitely right now, this lady was cruel and probably dangerous. He turned his head watching the guard run for his life and out of the dungeon was it? Well he didn't really know where he was at the moment. Light now felt uneasy as the lady began to unlock his cell, he had a feeling he was in trouble now. Would she do the same to him if he didn't listen? He tried to lean back away from her but the metal bench prevented that. Light looked up at her from his sitting position watching her to see what she would do next. He felt her hand on his cheek and his eyes followed her hand to his lips. Then in a quick move before he could do anything she shoved her fingers in his mouth and grabbed his tongue. "Ehh!" He shouted slightly when she caused his tongue to bleed and then let go. Light closed his mouth instantly, he could taste his own blood. He saw her getting the keys to his cuffs then she leaned forward again shoving his face in her breasts. Light tried to remain somewhat calm but it was hard to breath with him being smothered by her. He took a big breath when she pulled away and felt that his hands were now free. His eyes narrowed at her as he rubbed his wrists. Would it be best to try ad run away or attack her? No, it wouldn't, this lady looked tough. He would probably pay dearly if he tried to escape. Light looked at the collar and picked it up holding it in his hand. Did he really have a choice? The answer was no, besides maybe it he plays along, sometime when her guard is down, then he could run away. He put the collar around his neck and fastened it then looked up at her. His facial expressions showed he was unaffected by her tone of voice, but her actions were a different story.
This can't be happening! (Dream Reaver and Me)
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" About five miles from Tokyo city is an old abandoned factory, at least some say its abandoned. But in reality it isn't, in fact, the building is very well used. The building was owned by slave traders, though its all kept secret and only a small amount of people know about it. Those people were the masters and mistresses, the ones who come in search for a new slave if they got bored with the last one or it died. Every one of them knew that this building held the best of the best for slaves. The slave traders took a lot of time in finding the rare boys and girls, and once they saw a target they did any means necessary to catch it. The traders had recently gotten very lucky in finding a new slave. The last one they kidnapped was a male named Light Yagami. He was 17 years old and a senior in high school. When standing straight he was 5'8" and weight 119 pounds. His hair was a copper brown color and it was thick, soft with the bangs hanging just above his dark brown eyes. He had a chiseled yet angelic face giving him an irresistible look along with his body which was perfectly toned, lean, and slightly muscular. And boy was he a hard one to catch, they tried coning him into following but he refused. So then they tried force, one ended up getting punched in the face. After a long bloody struggle they used chloroform and knocked him right out and took him with them to be sold. Even though it was difficult this catch was worth it, they knew he would be sold for a very big price with his looks. Light was laying down back first on a metal bench that was inside of his cell. He was down with the other slaves some new like him some have already been sold before. There were hundreds down there and they ranged from ages 15 25. The cells were connected to each other with bars blocking the other one's cell but there were also cells across from each other leading a narrow path to walk threw and look left and right at all the slaves. Light was placed in one of the farthest cells with the other ones around his age. There was a girl in a cell on his right and another boy on his left with another girl across from his cell. Some of the other slaves looked at him but he couldn't respond for he was still unconscious. He was still dressed in the same clothes he had on when they kidnapped him and it happened to be his school uniform which was a white buttoned up shirt, brown slacks and a black belt, and his black boots. The coat he was wearing was taken off though along with his tie and he was stripped of everything he had like his wallet and cellphone. One of the slave traders walked threw the cells with water and a piece of bread it wasn't much but it was enough to keep the slaves alive, last thing they needed was to have their slaves die and lose a chance at getting money for them. He went to each cell and gave a small amount of water and a loaf of bread to each one then stopped at Light's cell with a glare. It was the slave Light punched and the black eye showed it. Without warning the male threw the bucket of water that Light was supposed to get on him, soaking him completely. Light shouted and jumped up from surprise eyes wide then they looked to the male with a glare. "Get up boy!" He then grinned. "The masters and mistresses are coming today..You can bet you will be chosen, and just for the record I hope you get a cruel one." Light narrowed his eyes water still dripping off his hair and body. "Screw you..Where the hell am I?!" He demanded. The male just laughed and threw the loaf of bread at Light before leaving the scene. Light looked at the bread that was thrown at him but didn't care. How was he to know it wasn't drugged or something? Why else would everyone but him be so calm and out of it? With a sigh Light sat back down on the bench putting his hand to his forehead. This was not good, he was going to be sold to someone like a pet, who knew what laid before him now. Just the thought scared him slightly but he wasn't going to show it, he had to stay strong. He shook his head trying to get the water off and stuck his finger in his ear to get the water out of his ears. "Damn it..What now?.." He mumbled as he laid back down on the bench and looked up at the cold stone walls. The tall, partially masculine male stepped out of his limo, walking to the doors of the warehouse. He was one of the frequents to this Slave House, and also one of the most hated by many people. He always came back with a 'broken' slave, or one that was unsatisfying to him or his friends. He grabbed the unconscious male from his vehicle, his arms bound behind him and him half naked. He grabbed the slave by the hair and dragged him across the ground, the doors opening for him and he tossed the property to the ground in front him. "He couldn't take it!" The Master complained, and the lead Slave Driver came up, picking the slave up to examine him. "Well, if you didn't always use such brutal tactics!" The Driver complained. He then dropped the slave and thumbed for him to be put up. "Must you be so cruel?" The Driver asked with a sadistic grin on his face. "Would you have me any other way?" The Master questioned with a chuckle and grin. "Tell me, what new shipment have you all gotten?" The Master asked. "Oh, you will love our new merchandise." The Driver said. "Come right this way, Sir Golna." The Driver stated, waving a hand and walking off. Sir Golna looked at each slave they passed, liking a lot of what he saw. "Remember, you return one slave, you get one back for free. Any more then that " "I know, I pay for. Do you think I don't have the money?" Sir Golna questioned. "Just stating Sir." The Driver said in his own defense. "I've been here how many times and you still tell me that." The Master said. "My apologies Sir." The Driver stated. He then continued to walk down the walk way, telling about this slave, and that. This all continued until they came up to the one, Light Yagami. Sir Golna stopped and looked in to the cage, examining him. "OH! You have a like to this one do you sir?" The Driver asked. "He was a feisty one indeed. One of our Guards has a black eye because of him." The Driver informed. Sir Golna smirked and got closer. "What's your name, boy?" Sir Golna asked, looking at the male. Sir Golna was dressed with only a pair of black jeans, a black belt with silver studs making two rows around it. He had no shirt on, showing off his toned body with a six pack that people would think was an eight pack. He had his arms crossed over his chest now, his red hair hanging down past his shoulders, just above his nipples, wrapped behind his ears. He had a piercing in his right ear, with a sierra topaz in it, about the size of half of one's pink nail, and in his left ear was a bar going through the top of his ear and reaching down to the bottom, resting on the top of his ear in the middle and behind it at either end. He had on a pair of black boots, looking to be made for a gothic typed person. Light was lost in his own thoughts as he laid down that he didn't even notice the two males walking closer and closer to his cell. He was pondering many hings over in his mind mainly thoughts of what might happen to him. Would he be sold to a male or female and if so would they be cruel or just want a companion? Oh who was he kidding this was the main place to find slaves probably all of them were cruel slave owners. But wait, that was another question. Would he be doing labor, or would he become a sex slave?..Light shook his head he did not want to think about that. He could only wish that he got a female and that she would use him for labor, but the chances in that were about two percent if not less. At the sound of a voice Light's gaze shot toward the bars to see two males standing there looking at him. Feeling uncomfortable laying down like that he quickly got up and stood behind the metal bench glaring at them. The look to that one male was beyond anything pleasant. He looked goth, and just plain brutal from the way he stood and even breathed. Light started feeling uneasy now, why were they at his cell? Was he going to be sold to this man? "No, no way, look away, find someone else, just please don't pick me!!"He shouted in his mind as he kept watching the two males very closely. Light heard the question but didn't say one word, he did want to tell the male off, but with two of them there and the goth one looking the strongest, talking back might not be the best idea at this time. It might come back on him, so for now he was just going to keep his mouth closed. There was no need for this man to know his name anyway. The Master looked at the slave in the cage, tilting his head to the right as he did, as if it were to get a better look at him. "What, cat got your tongue? Not speaking your language? Can't talk? Speak up!" Sir Golna said in a slightly brute tone. The Slave Driver kicked the cage with his boot. "Aye! The man is addressing you Slave! Show 'im some respect!" He yelled, half spitting it. Sir Golna looked to the slave and smirked, then grabbed the Driver by the throat, slamming him against the cage, holding him a foot off the ground. "I didn't ask for your help, Driver! So you might as well go tend to the rest of your shit hole while I examine some more prospective slaves!" Sir Golna whispered to him in a harsh tone, then dropped him, the Driver coughing and gasping for air now. He looked back to the slave and grabbed a key off the Driver's belt to open the cage and walked in, leaving the door open. "Tell me your name." He said, standing at the door to the cage, it wide open now. "And that is an order this time. Not a question, boy." He said, crossing his arms over his bare chest, looking down at the male. Even though he wasn't extremely tall, maybe hitting six feet or so at tallest, he seemed to be much tall with his presence at the moment. He had an aura of darkness and evil about him, seeming to make him more exaggerated than anything. He took one more step in to the cage, leaving room for the slave to escape now. He had the idea to see if this one would attempt to run. He knew the guards would catch him before he got out, so he wouldn't do any thing. Light stood perfectly still and watched the male. His back was slightly bent and his legs were apart some almost with his arms out to the side almost as if in a fighting stance like he was going to attack if someone came near him. His expression was like a deer in headlights. quiet but frightened though he tried not to show it. Of course that was easier said then done, Light knew nothing of what this male could be capable of and yet here he was looking at Light. He had to think of something and fast, wait maybe if he disobeys the male might not pick him, then again what if he happens to be one of the sick ones who likes to watch others fight instead of just taking it. He watched the whole commotion with the Driver and the male only to back up once the male now had the keys and opened up his cell then stepped in. His eyes narrowed at him then gazed at the open cell, but shot back toward him when the male spoke again. This time he had no choice. "Light." Was all he said and he said it rather rudely. The second the male was farther away from the door Light made a run for it and charged out of his cell. In seconds the guard came after him and then he hit a dead end since the area was so huge. The guards looked at Light angry, they were seriously going to punish him now. Light looked around and backed away slowly until he was backed up against the stone walls, completely blocked in. "What do we do with him?" Asked one of the guards with a dark grin as he came toward the slave. Light had his hands clenched into fists he gritted his teeth in rage. He swung his fist forward colliding it with the man's face and knocking him back onto the ground. They then all charged at Light. He was able to get a good hit on some but one caught him from behind and held him. He growled and thrashed wildly until one of the other guards punched him in the gut making the air go out of Light and causing him to bend forward with his head down and his hair covering his eyes, groaning in pain. "Son of a bitch.." The guard said shaking his hand and then wiping the blood off the corners of his mouth from where Light punched him.
Vampire killer (Light and me)
"Hmm...." He let out a little sigh of pleasure as under him was a girl, now utterly drained, blood spilling from her neck and from his mouth as it flowed around on his tongue and mostly down his throat. "Sooo fucking good. Good to be awake again." He said with a sweet little groan as he bucked, his dick still within her and limping. While feeding from her, like the sick bastard that he is he was fucking her. It was something that he often did with his targets, fuck them and feed at the same time. It made the person's death at least a tiny bit sweeter and more pleasurable.He pulled out of her and stood up, throwing the body aside and onto the floor. Dumb bitch, he thought, looking down at her almost in pity. He sighed and reached for his pants were on the floor, tugging the jeans on and fixing his belt so that it hung firmly upon his hips. His pants lightly showing off his package that was rather...large, clearly something his father had genetically put into. He got his mothers eyes though and her hair, if maybe a little whiter her her own.He had white blond hair and a pair of pure, icy blue eyes that, when extremely turned on or blood hungry could turn to a dark or bright red. He let out a little sigh, running fingers through his messy hair. He was well muscled, not some scrapy little twig as most vampires were thought to be, not at all.He invited himself into the girl's apartment's shower and took a quick one before he finally left her little apartment, leaving the girl on the floor and left to rot. Though of course people would eventually find her. He gently fixed his jeans and he wore a dark blue button up shirt with a small jacket over it. "There we go." He said thoughtfully as he brushed his surfer boy hair back lightly, grinning happily as he was finally free. He had been asleep for the last hundred years. But after drinking from that girl, he knew her memories and about everything that she knew. Like what the hell the monsters were that went on the weird black roads, cars. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" School was boring as usual and its even worse at night. A lot of kids complained and thought cram school was a wast of time, well you had to admit it was if you were smart and pretty much already knew the subjects. It just so happened that Light was the one that found this more of a waste then anyone in the room, or actually more like the entire building. Light was sitting at his desk arm propped up with his face leaning against his palm as he stared out the window. This was the same subject as yesterday, quadratic equations, way too simple. The homework would be done in ten minutes top. Sometimes he wondered if for once they could at least attempt to make school work more challenging for him, but his intelligence level was very high unlike most high school teens so that wish would never be granted. Oh well maybe college would be better, he hoped anyway. Light Yagami was 17 and a senior in high school but he was a very unique and rare individual. He was an honor student who is considered to be one of Japan's best and brightest. He had everything, looks, talent, skill. God had graced him with so many things it wasn't funny. His hair was short, thick and a copper brown color with bangs that hung just above the eyes and framed around the top and sides of his head perfectly. His eyes were dark brown and seemed to glow so beautify in certain lighting. His body was lean, straight, nicely toned, and slightly muscular. He stood tall at 5'6" and weighed 119 pounds. And of course his face had a chiseled yet angelic frame giving him more of an irresistible look along with the many other things he had. The bell rung with signified class was finally over, two words can be said here 'thank god'. Light stood from his seat and packed up his things in a rather quick manner. He was sort of in a rush his parents were going somewhere and he wanted to see them off. Not only that he had to make sure his sister was ready because she was going over to grandmas which meant the house would be his for the weekend. Finally he would have some peace and quiet all to this self. Once he was done packing Light just gave a few waves or nods to the people that said bye and headed out of the school to start on his walk home. Taking the train would make it somewhat more quicker but there really wasn't any need, he didn't live too far away from the school anyway, maybe a mile or so, that was about it, so why bother? He had his hands in the pockets as he walked the dark streets. He was wearing his usual school uniform. Which consisted a white buttoned up shirt with a red tie, brown slacks with a black belt, black boots, and his tan colored coat. As he walked his face was forward like he was just staring off into space again, but Light was no fool, this was Tokyo, one of the biggest cities in the world. He always had his eyes opened and his senses keen, there was no telling what could be lurking behind every corner. He wondered where he was, though he clearly didn't really...Mix. He didn't have an asian look to him at all. He was more from a British liniage, maybe some American, or pre American? He shrugged lightly at himself, letting out a small sigh as he moved past a piece of glass that showed a clothing store display and he could slightly see his own sweet, devilish face and he grinned in an amused manner at himself. He let out a small sigh while he continued to walk along in a curious manner, listening to the mass of heart beats all around them that made him that made him hunger. He didn't want to start though again, a blood rampage.His killings were already making the news. He looked up at a few outside TVs that were reporting the last few deaths and rapes, two boys and a girl. He put on a slightly mortified look like other people while inside he had a grin and he let out a little sigh. They couldn't track him through fingerprints, or pictures because the only ones that they did have, or once did where gone. No one knew him and he intended to keep it that way.He looked about in a curious little manner as he approached a school. Okay, now he was lost. The woman's memories seemed to know something very faint about this place, but not enough and that made him frown. He supposed he would have to go and take over someone's house again so that he could rest. Maybe that boy's home? He thought as his eyes landed upon Light making him grin in amusement as he approached him. "Excuse me Sir but. Do you know where...South street is? Yes...I think. I'm rather new here." He explained with a little sigh, shaking his head and giving a small chuckle. Light stopped walking as he heard someone from behind. He turned around and looked at the stranger. It was definitely obvious this male wasn't Japanese or any part of Asian, but there was something strange about him, something ominous. He looked at the male carefully taking in every detail like he always does to new people just encase..After some time he spoke. " just go down this block and turn right." It could of been coincidence but that was exactly where he lived. Was this guy a visitor of his neighbors or just moved in? Well he didn't see any moving truck so that couldn't be it. Light was pondering if he should show the male, but if he just told him and left the guy would still be following behind either way, guess it couldn't be helped. Besides its best to get him to follow then to have him following you. "I'm heading that way, so if you want you can come with me.." He said as he started walking again but slowly and looking at the other male from the side to make sure he didn't try anything. His thoughts then moved back to his family. It was already 9:30 they probably already left by now, oh well you can't win them all. Maybe he should call his sister to make sure she was was ready. Their grandma said she'd be around 9:30 to pick Sayu up. No, she's in junior high surly his sister is capable of making sure her own suit case is packed. Well either way he wouldn't make it home to say good bye to her, he was already late. He let out a little nod in response. "Thanks ah...Sure, that would be appriciated." He said with a smile. "I'm visiting a friend of mine, Dear Takashi san." He explained. Ayame Takashi was one of his neighbor, actually right next door. That was the name of the woman that he had just taken this afternoon and he let out a little sigh at the thought. the poor woman, he wondered though if he would have to come and actually try and manipulate her body. Which would mean he would have to go and get her damn body before the cops did. Or something along those lines and he tried the frustration from his face.Oh well, he let out a slight yawn, politely covering his mouth as usual as he looked over at him. "Thank you for your kindness. Might I ask your name?" He asked him in a curious little manner as he offered him a hand. It took him a moment, but he quickly spoke up. "I'm Bryan Platt from Europe" He said with a little nod and a smile, looking over at him in a thoughtful little manner. His true name was different, thought fairly similiar."I just got here about some thirity minutes or so ago. This is such a huge city!" He said in perfect Japanese, well, not really perfect. He didn't have a very good accent, but it seemed that at least he made the effort. "I've gotten lost already a good bit. I believe I was supposed to take a different road to reach Ayame San's neighborhood." he said with a sigh, shaking his head. Light looked at him from the corner of his eyes then he looked forward again. "I see. Its nice see you have come all this way to visit her, but she wasn't at school today. In fact, no one has heard from her yet. She could be sick, so I don't know if you'll be able to talk to her.." He watched the mans expressions, something wasn't right, why did he look nervous and frustrated? So he was a visitor he figured as much but odd how its his next door neighbor, oh well it was none of his business. Light stopped and slowly took his hand to give it a small shake then let go. "Its nothing. I am Light Yagami." He said simply without giving too much details like he usually did. He nodded his head. "That is Tokyo for you. The Asian countries are very populated." They rounded the corner and Light stopped in front of Ayame house. "This is her place, good luck." He said with another nod and turned around walking only a few more feet to his house. He opened the gate and shut it behind him stepping onto the porch and pulling out his key to unlock the door. He opened the door and walked inside closing and locking it behind him. Once inside Light slipped off his shoes and looked around, it was dark so he knew he missed his chance to say good bye to everyone before they left. However, on the bright side he had the place to himself. With a satisfied smile Light headed up to his room and plopped down on the bed with his arms behind his head looking up at the ceiling. He didn't really want to go to bed right away, and he had no homework, so he just decided to relax for a little bit. At least until he thought of something he could do. This role play is going to be shut down, unless someone is willing to take her place, then you can PM me.
The Tables Have Turned (Light & Shinka)
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" "Light!!" Screamed a young high school girl who looked only to be a sophomore. She was cute with blond hair and blue eyes but her face was stained with tears. A male who was talking with his friends turned around with an emotionless expression. "Yes?" He asked as if he didn't even know who the girl was. "L Light! Remember that night we went out?! said to go to a party with you, but you..left somewhere! I didn't know where you were and I was..I was..raped!!" Light looked back at his friends and nodded his head he set his hand on the girl's shoulder and led her to a hall way that he thought was deserted. "You were raped? By who?" The male asked. The girl sobbed trying to talk. "I..I don't know.. I was blindfolded! But they took pictures of me and now its all over the internet!! I'm permanently humiliated Light! Why did you leave me?!!" She shouted. Light looked at her his eyes softened. "Miya..I'm so sorry..My sister called and told me she needed a ride home, her car broke down. I didn't mean for this to happen to you.." He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close so her face was buried in his chest. His eyes looked up and were glowing with excitement an evil smirk plastered on his face. Light Yagami was the most evil manipulative bastard you could ever meet. He was cruel and did mean things for his own twisted desires and he enjoyed it completely. He treated everything like a game and wanted to see how far in the levels he could get. His perspective was to manipulate a girl was his godly gorgeous looks and charm so that they would go on a date with him. Then he would set it up where they were raped and humiliated. Hell, he even raped them but they would never know it was him, he always made sure they were blindfolded or at least couldn't see. Light was tall standing at 5'8" and weighing 119 pounds. His hair was straight, thick and a copper brown color, just the hair alone made him look desirable. Then there's the dark brown eyes of his the controlling bed room eyes that could stare right into your soul and capture you in seconds, that is if you were a gullible girl which most were, and that only made it easier for Light. Next is the body, his body was perfect in all angles, lean frame, toned skin, a chiseled yet angelic face, muscles and abs, not to mention a nice package, everything a girl desires of a man. And to make it even worse he was very intelligent, his grades were always perfect and he was top in his class. So because of that he knew how to manipulate and what methods to use at the right time. But this was the same reason why Light used what he was given from god against the females, because he knew he could get away with what he did. He looked like an angle but was just the devil on the inside, personality wise. If anything, this asshole should pay for what he does day after day to innocent unaware females, but just who was capable of it? Who was capable of dominated such an alpha male like Light Yagami? The girl finally pulled away looking up at Light who now looked down at her with a sad expression. "Its alright Light. I..I forgive you..but um..I don't feel like dating for a while, sorry.." Light nodded his head. "I understand completely. Please try and get better. There is always hope in the end.." The girl gave a small smile and left the area. Light held in a smirk as his eye twitched, he wanted so bad to burst into laughter but knew that would make a scene. So instead he closed his eyes, relaxed his mind and once he opened his eyes back up he was back to his usual emotionless and calm self. Light stuffed his hands into his pockets and left the area as well now searching for a new toy to play with. In the courtyard, she sat with a book open in her lap. The wind was a little fussy today, trying to pick up the hem of her school uniform skirt. The uniforms were not very flattering on any of the girls, but this one s radiance would over shine anything she wore. Rarity Shurio, the twined daughter of a very rich family a family with both money and power. She was no more than 5 5 short in the ways of height but her confidence and exceeding beauty made her larger than life. It really was a shame to hide something so pretty in a uniform like all the other boring plain girls. Rarity was of perfect breeding, both in looks and brains. Standing no more than 5'5'' with long raven black hair, piercing violet blue eyes and skin as white as a porcelain doll. She d rivaled Light Yagami since middle school for the top of the class. Every quarter they passed the title back and forth only to tie by last term it would seem. She was quite and reserved in class, ignoring any male that passed her no mater how cute or charming they were. Rarity, to her peers, was untouchable. Every boy wanted but every boy knew they didn t stand a chance. She was something you looked at a distance. So much mystery lay around her, for she hardly spoke a word to them. The only voice she gave was in the class room and even then only to the teachers. Secretly she had a deep hate for Light that only grew with every girl that walked away in tears from his smiling form. It was sometimes hard to feel sorry for the girls, as they were stupid enough to fall for his tricks. She knew charms could be hard to resist, her brother was one of those prince charming himself. But at least he had class, this boy did not. He thought only of himself thought only to find amusement for himself in his twisted game that involved innocent girl s hearts. Somebody needed to teach that boy a lesson. Someone that was on his level... As he walked by she just barely lifted her head, large violet eyes caught his own through thick black lashes as he passed. A brief hint of a smile before dropping them back to her book. He wasnt the only one with undeniable charm. Already she could feel the loathing from other boys, loathing of Light having gotten a look like that from her. As Light walked with his hands in his pockets, he saw an all too familiar girl when he past a small group of teens. His gaze caught with her own only to see her give him a small smile causing Light to raise an eyebrow. Now normally a guy would be think, oh she likes me, but unlike the other ignorant males who only thought with their dick half the time, he didn't think that. No, he knew this girl, knew her for a very long time in fact. Rarity was her name if he remembered right. She was always tied with him, damn he hatred that. He was the one who was supposed to be better then the rest, he was born to be perfect, but because of her he was matched! He had an equal which didn't please him in the slightest. Rarity..although she was pretty, Light never went after her, though he didn't know why. She was cute, and good looking, smart as well which was a major liking in his book. He could not stand stupid girls. But still, she had never advanced toward him either, so why would she now? No wait, maybe this could be his chance. His chance to get with her, and use her! Yes its perfect, if he did that he would win! He would be back on top. It was so simple all he had to do was set up another date like he did with any other girl, and by the time her night was over she would be in an emotional break down. Her grades would slip, her popularity would go down the drain, she would be publicly humiliated! Oh just the thought made him excited. This was his chance to make everything once again work in his favor.. Light waited until she looked again before smiling back with the most heart melting look by making his eyes glow and have a loving look in them before closing his eyes and lowering his head. The innocent charm, one of the many things he used against girls. He then walked on but stopped at the stairs as if waiting for the bell to ring but really he was waiting for her to bite the bait. Rarity Shurio nearly sighed with annoyance when he caught her gaze and looked away. For a moment she thought for sure he was going to ignore her. That wasn t possible firstly, what boy could ignore her? Secondly, she was probably the last girl Light had not wooed and broken. Would he just admit defeat so easily and start to recycle the girls he already dated? Patience she reminded herself. Sure enough her ever observant eyes caught that moment of hesitation in his step. He was calculating in that pretty, devilish head of his. Perfect! Patiently she waited, never letting her eyes falter from him. Sighs, moans and groans came from the other boys as they, too waited. Light graced her finally with a second look, for his benefit she played right into his charm biting the side of her lip with a light blush forming across her ivory colored skin. What a very useful talent to have, blush on cue even better than the girls that could cry on cue, no? As he continued on she slowly started to pack up her things, playing coy. If she seemed too eager he might get suspicious. This wasn t any ordinary boy she was playing with after all. What a pity he didn t come over offer to carry her books. She d practiced her girlish giggle for hours on the phone with Ravien just last night. It wasn t long, her books tucked to her chest, before she stood on the side, equaling his height only because she d already taken two steps up. As she passed she slipped a note into his hands before offering another fleeting smile over her shoulder. The words were perfectly script with a loopy, old style writing... Sit with me in class? Light waited patiently, he knew she would stall in her decision, every girl did that. Some would be shy or some would start freaking out to their friends that the most popular boy in school was finding interest in them. Heh, yeah right they can believe what they want, he didn't love them, and never would. Sometimes he wondered if he was even born with that emotion. He had no feelings toward anyone, his family he cared about somewhat, but still he could careless if they were around or not. There was nothing he enjoyed more then being alone in his room working on becoming more then what he was. That was a thought, sure he was popular, could have any girl he wanted, and had everything he wanted plus more, but still, what if, just what if there was a way to become more, to become something so great that the world would look up to you. If only.. His mind went out of its daydreaming state and back to reality when he saw from the corner of his eyes his prey coming toward him. He looked into her eyes when she stepped up the stairs now matching his height. That's what she always wanted to do, match everything! She would never give up in being on top with him, now it was time for pay back..He looked at his hand with a slightly confused look as she slipped him a note. Light unfolded the piece of paper and looked at it seeing what she wrote. It worked, she was already advancing toward him, perfect.. He looked up at her with a smile. "I don't see why not, but you could of just asked me. Using notes to communicate isn't really necessary. I would much rather hear you talk.." He said with a slight chuckle http: albums u175 ... ght206.jpg
Saiyuki Gaiden
When your life had little more meaning then a stamp in the corner of a page the world became dull and lost all it's former luster. Noise was a annoyance. After spending so much time listening to nothing every word and shrill syllable was enough to shatter cave silence into ten thousand tiny pieces. Sitting around was boring, immortality was boring, life as a whole was simply drab and gray.The day that his lovely aunt brought him a little present from the nether world he was diligently stamping pages with his official seal. Kouzen rarely involved himself in political matters, in fact he rarely involved himself with people in general. It wasn't that he thought he was better then anybody else, though most would like to think this was the reason for his antisocial behavior. Kouzen just didn't care to do anything that might make him less bored, and in turn more bored in the long run.When he first set eyes on 'it' he was far from impressed. What had his aunt brought him this time. A weird looking little yellow eyed child who seemed to idolize Kouzen. Kou did not want to be idolized, in fact he didn't want any sort of physical contact. So when the little child reached up and began to pet Kouzen's infamous golden locks of hair, unknowingly ripping out a few strands, Kouzen was positively fuming. And what's worse, everybody was laughing at him."Well come on Monkey." After licking his damaged ego wounds he walked away, just assuming this creature would have sense enough to follow. They made their way towards a brilliant white room. It was decorated with rather bland golden leaves and held no furniture but a desk and a couple chairs. This was Kouzen's haven. "Sit down and don't touch anything." He didn't know what to do with 'it'. And it didn't shut up. He stopped to cringe and then sat down, picked up his stamp and began to blot the pages. Every time the kid blurted something out his stamped moved a quarter of a centimeter to the right. How loathsome.::::The buzz was never nearly as good as the way people looked when he was drunk. They were all abstract, an eye here a leg there, colors blending together to form a myriad of bodies. Ever since Prince Nataku had taken control of most aspects of war, there had been little for Kenren to do except try and not get into too much trouble. Today he was meandering in the general direction of Tenpou's library. He was suppose to help organize books and various scrolls but he was getting there rather slowly. Tenpou usually didn't mind. Cleaning wasn't exactly his favorite thing to do, and was a task usually left up to his right hand man.He drank himself into oblivion and wandered in the general direction of his beloved General. "Sorry I am late Captain." Not much could be said about Kenren. He didn't exactly get along with people. Tenpou happened to be his only friend, there was that dragon of the west but their relationship had never surpassed the work level. Tenpou wasn't exactly easy to deal with. He had terrible organization skills and didn't really wear his emotions on his sleeve. It was impossible for somebody to deduce what he was thinking. And boy did they both have a temper. Kenren was prone to outbursts and voicing his opinions quite often. Tenpou on the other hand had a habit of suppressing his frustration and releasing it in one very large outburst."What the hell happened in here?" Kenren had just cleaned up this abyss not two days prior and there was Tenpou sitting at the heart of a large pile of books. Sighing he scratched the top of his head and pulled a chair from beneath the sea of stories before sitting down and leaning back. "You are hopeless." Kenren could say pretty much anything. Tenpou was stuck in whatever it was he was reading and only hearing random highs and lows of Ken nachii's voice. A huff emanated from the small monkey demon as he moved down the long hallway, looking down at the chains that held his wrists and ankles together as he walked. Goku didn't think of himself as potential threat to anyone, yet people still acted as if he was a tool of destruction. His bright golden eyes peered around the regal and beautiful surroundings, his curiosity piqued as he was introduced to so many luxuries and priceless items. The concept of money was not needed for a boy who had not had any contact with the real world, so he would lay his hand on the immaculate sculptures, the beautiful vases, or the priceless paintings without a care in the world. This obviously angered quite a few people, yet Goku's attention was not focused on them, but all these new things that had been introduced to him. He let out a soft "Oooh" as they arrived at Kouzen's chambers, his eyes taking in everything around him before even landing on the blonde man at the other end of the room. There was a long silence as Goku was placed before Kouzen. His eyes were wide as he stared up towards the blonde, his hands pressed together in front of him. He looked awe struck, having the look of a puppy dog in his eyes as he watched the man for the longest time. Introductions were overrated, and Goku was quite forward. The next thing Kouzen would feel was his hair being grasped within the small hands, tugging harshly and ending up ripping out a few strands. "U Uh... o ooops?" He bit his lower lip and laughed weakly. "Y You've got the sun on top of your head, mister!" It was obvious that the man was not happy. He squeaked and followed diligently, rushing into Kouzen's chambers. The man's orders to not touch anything went on deaf ears as he rushed around the room, the chains abandoned from his wrists and ankles so he was free to move around again. "What's this? What's this? Where'd this come from?" He would ask endlessly, holding books and opening them up upside down, his eyebrows lifting in amazement at the gibberish that was written on the pages. A curious boy if there ever was one. :::: Tenpou had no time to waste as he sat among a huge stack of books, three or four opened up in his lap as he scribbled down equations upon a blank sheet of parchment. Tenpou was prone to moments in his life where he would lock himself away in his study and stay there for days, even weeks trying to chase an equation in his mind, or a concept he had not run into yet. Currently, the young male was devoted to finishing an equation that he had stumbled across two days prior. Sheets of paper were strewn about him, all filled with mathematical functions and things that a man like Kenren wouldn't understand a bit. Nevertheless, Tenpou was grateful for the man's acceptance to come clean up again. They had tidied the place up a bit only two days before, yet unfortunately, Tenpou had run into the fleeting equation right after Kenren had left. The male hummed silently as he sat cross legged in the midst of all the books, his head perking up when he heard the door open. "Over here, Kenren!" His hand shot up, waving lightly as he sat behind his desk. The man's devotion to studying was quite astounding. "Just gimme a few minutes and I'll start cleaning up." The place was a wreck. Books had been laid out to certain pages, notes had been taken on those pages and were pinned beneath the books... a tornado couldn't cause this much damage. He rose himself up onto his feet and let out a slow groan as his spine popped, his hands moving to rest on his lower back. "I really need to stop pulling all nighters..." There was an obvious look of fatigue in his eyes. He had gone without sleep again. "So how's it going?" He grinned, lifting the books up and stacking them on top of his desk, the large stacks swaying dangerously as gravity threatened to knock them down.
Iron, Whiskey, and Redheads: An Ironman RP (SevenxGwendolyn)
Before Afghanistan, Tony Stark had always thought of himself as a Patriot his years of toying with weapons of relatively minor destruction had never bothered him one iota. Tinkering with explosives, building better bombs, better rockets, better jets and new tanks had all just been part of what he had thought was an honourable goal. It had never occurred to him that his lifelong career of building weaponry for the American people to protect their country with he'd never once thought that well, before, he'd always slept. And damn well.Not so much anymore.After he'd been struck by the shrapnel from one of his own rockets, and after he'd been put through hours of invasive, horrifying surgery, and after they'd hooked him up to a car battery to save his life only to torture him and nearly end it later, and after he'd seen the massive storage they'd had of Stark Industry weapons he'd realized that he had supplied the enemy with a means to kill the people he was trying to protect.And after the sweat, and the blood, and the anger, and watching as Yinsin the man who had kept him alive died an agonizing death in front of him, he'd realized that he'd had it all wrong.He was the enemy.It was Stark Industries, it was all of the munition and arms dealers, all the people who had built lives around finding new ways to kill eachother, new ways to torture and mutilate and horrify eachother, to force others to submit or be terrorized. It was Stark Industries that had a hand in killing Yinsen's family and destroying his village, and countless others before it, and it had been his lack of focus, his innattentiveness that had allowed Obidiah the opportunity to work behind his back, to sell to people who wanted the weapons solely for the purpose of killing, not to defend anything.But he wasn't even sure there was a difference anymore.So he'd done the only thing he could think of, and he'd shut down the weapons factory of Stark Industries, and he'd turned his attention to other aspects of the business: renewable energy and medical technology.After his time in Afghanistan, Tony had changed he refused to think of it in terms of 'soul searching' or a 'life lesson'. He'd just changed. Of course, this was the sort of change that he couldn't come back from, not with a miniature arc reactor buried in his chest. He still never went to the award shows that were held in his honour, which was no real change, but he'd even stopped attending the parties, stopped showing his face at casinos, he'd even stopped bringing women home with him after all, it was difficult to explain why his chest was capable of lighting up the room.He was a freak now.And, presently, a very drunk freak.After Obidiah had left the picture, and he'd stopped producing weapons, Tony had found he would lay awake at night some nights he would think about how he could improve medical technology, and other nights he could only think about all the people he had killed with his ignorance. How many innocent people had died because of Stark Industries? How many people would he have killed in the future if he'd kept the war machine rolling?And some nights, when he was lucid enough, he would think about Pepper. He wasn't sure why, but he told himself it was guilt, the knowledge that, if Obidiah had it his way, she would be dead. In fact, if Obidiah had it his way, he would have killed Pepper right in front of him, because he knew what it would have done. She could have died, and it would have been because of him because she had tried to help him. Because he'd convinced her not to leave him. Not that Pepper waswithhim, exactly, but he'd never been without her, not since he could remember.That night, he had laid in bed for hours, unable to sleep, scratching irritably at the metal piping that fit closely to the skin on his chest when the clock hit the very early hours, he rose and went to his workshop where he stayed well into the morning. Bare foot and dressed in loose slacks and a gray t shirt, Tony's hands were strong and sure even while the whiskey made the rest of him unsteady. Pepper Potts was a woman of many talents. She was intelligent and articulate, she could answer calls and e mails practically at the speed of light, her personal appearance was never short of impeccable, and she had the unique ability of being able to call Tony Stark on his bullshit.As patient and level headed as she was, even Pepper got a little frustrated and stressed at times. She had been dealing with the overwhelming amount of press they had been bombarded with since Tony outed himself as Ironman, and all the added publicity, on top of everything else she was responsible for, was really starting to wear on her.Like Tony, she barely slept, and when she did, it wasn't restful. She usually spent her nights tossing and turning, then getting out of bed and answering e mails in the dark downstairs, falling asleep on the couch around four, and waking up like clockwork at seven.It had been even worse when Tony was gone there wasn't a night when she didn't dream of every possible horrifying situation he could have been in. She would wake up shaken and alone. Pepper hadn't been lying when she admitted that Tony was all she had. The only people who could be called her 'friends' were Rhodes and some of her associates. She didn't have a boyfriend God, she hadn't even been on a date in five years. Men didn't jump at the opportunity to date a woman who was so involved with Tony Stark, infamous billionaire womanizer.But Tony returned to her, changed but the same all at once, willing to risk his life for hers. She'd never forget that night, him screaming at her to blow the reactor and stop Obidiah even though it might take his own life. She'd thought he was dead, then, too but again, he returned to her. Tony Stark was becoming a lot more reliable. Well. In some ways. She still couldn't get him to attend the balls or galas or fund raisers that were held in his honor, or organized for some of his charities. But perhaps it was best to keep a rather low profile if that was possible for Tony Stark because Pepper would rather not deal with even more PR, and it seemed that now that Tony had revealed himself as a 'superhero' there were audacious rumors of a romance between he and his long time assistant. People would stop at nothing for a story, would they? There was quite clearly nothing but platonic affection between them , but still. Soon they might start making up a nickname for them, a laBrangelina.Pepperoni.Oh, good God... Good morning, Miss Potts, Jarvis greeted her as she walked into the kitchen.Operating on three hours of sleep, Pepper was startled by the cool mechanical voice. Good morning Jarvis, she recovered quickly. Mr. Stark is in his workshop, Jarvis informed her, as always. Indeed, Pepper said absentmindedly as she thumbed through the mail. Funny, how Ironman still got mail like everybody else. Oh, and he's drunk, Jarvis added.Pepper sighed, setting the mail on the counter to be accounted for later. Fabulous. Miss Potts, it is my suggestion that you check on him, Jarvis said. I believe he's made several advances toward the suit already, but tripped and relented each time. But he may just make it next time. That would be the last thing we need, Pepper muttered, imagining an intoxicated Tony Stark, with only half the suit on and a bottle in hand, trying to take flight and landing on the expressway, or worse, in the ocean. Pepper, caught between amusement and anxiety at the imagery, grabbed a bottled water from the fridge and walked toward the spiral staircase that led to Tony's sanctuary. Put the coffee on, please, thank you Jarvis, she said as she descended the staircase, black Prada heels clicking.Pepper stopped in front of the glass door she could see Tony from here, stooped over and tinkering with some device, and nowhere near the dangerous Ironman suit, thank god. She smoothed the front of her black pencil skirt, which was paired with a matching blazer and cream blouse. As always, her planner and her Blackberry were tucked under her arm. Her ginger hair was down, in soft curls. Professional, yet feminine. Pepper liked to think she had perfected the look.Without further ado, Pepper typed in her password and opened the workshop door. Good morning, Mr. Stark, she said as she approached him. She could already tell that he was wasted. It was nothing she hadn't dealt with before. It gave Pepper a secret, rather sadistic thrill knowing that Tony could hardly function without her. It felt good to be needed, and the truth was, she needed Tony just as much.She stopped at his side and set the water bottle on his table. You might want to drink this. Can I get you anything to eat? Pepper didn't really wait for an answer before pulling out the planner and opening it, thus beginning her daily debriefing. Perhaps drunk Tony would be easier to reason with or coerce. Probably not. You've been approached by MTV with another reality show deal... again, I politely declined on your behalf, she said. She could see it now: 16 beautiful ladies fight for Ironman's heart but only one will be his Wonder Woman. Pepper almost gagged. The benefit you promised to attend for the Vivienne Lehr Foundation is Tuesday night two days from now. Its for children with leukemia, so showing up sober might be a good idea, but thats only my suggestion, Pepper said with a hint of a smile. Oh, andBruce Wayne'speople called to invite you to a fund raiser he's hosting in Gotham City. Apparently, somebody blew up a hospital... I told them you would get in touch, but that you most likely had other priorities, in which case you would still love to make a donation, Pepper told him, aware that the drunken man probably wasn't going to retain any of this, but at least she could say that he had told him when he tried to come up with an excuse not to go to the benefit in two days. A little fresh air might do him good, anyway. Pepper still didn't like the thought of Tony practically living in his workshop, and when he wasn't, fighting terrorists as Ironman. Tony eyed the bottle of water as though it might explode, though this may have just been because he was having trouble focusing on anything specific he never did the shopping and as far as he was concerned there was no excuse for putting a fancy label on something he could get directly out of the tap in his kitchen. His eyes shifted up to Pepper then when he realized she was talking, and he was at once struck by the sight of her, and by the fact she was hurling so much information at him that it made his head spin. For a guy who could remember countless mathematical equations and chemical structures, Tony had a terrible time remembering anything regarding social matters most of the time it seemed that it went in one ear, hung around for all of ten seconds, and then went right out the other."Wow," Tony said finally, "That was, uh,"It was pretty clear that he was clueless as to what she had just said, and the way he was leaning on the table for support indicated that he was still very, very drunk."You look nice." he said finally, trying a different tactic to try and deflect the attention from his clear state of inebriation, and he was silent for a long moment, closing his eyes, his brain struggling to backtrack, "Wait, Gotham? Aren't they weren't they, uh, having some sort ofclown problem?"Very occasionally the ridiculousness of his own life struck him as funny, but Batman's was even funnier to him Gotham was littered with the most outlandish criminals, the most recent of which was a guy who dressed as a clown and cut people's faces it made him wonder what would happen next in Gotham city.He'd never gone there before.Not as Ironman, anyways maybe it was something to think about maybe he could clear out some of the criminals that Batman's particularmoralswouldn't let him touch. After all, Ironman didn't have an issue with shooting bad guys, in fact, he was pretty eager to do so it was so nice and efficient. For Batman, the rule was never to sacrifice ethics to stop someone, for Ironman, it was to stop the bad guy with any means neccessary they had similar goals, but Tony's meant he would always come out of it in one piece. Thanks, Pepper said with a roll of her eyes. Of course You look nice would be Tony s only response to everything she d said. He wasn t exactly in a state to hold a proper conversation. That didn t stop him from inquiring about Gotham, though. That s what I hear, she replied. Actually, that s what everyone hears. You obviously make no use of the T.V. you keep down here. Or did you accidentally destroy it? She craned her neck and peered across the room, but the television was in its usual place. Their clown problem is the reason Bruce Wayne is hosting the charity. A psychotic clown blew up Gotham General. She grimaced. What was the world coming to? Here she was, discussing mass murdering circus freaks that rigged hospitals for fun. It didn t help that the person she was talking to was Ironman.For all its rich, shallow and over tanned residents, at the moment, Malibu seemed like a haven compared to Gotham. Malibu didn t have any murderous clowns running around, or any...supervillains in general. Not that Pepper knew of, anyway.Pepper closed her planner, and set it, along with her Blackberry, on the table temporarily. Then she grabbed the bottled water, twisted the cap open for him, and set it back down with a pointed stare the sort of look that was uniquely Pepper and saidYou re an idiot, without her actually having to say it. Hewas an idiot, though. For being drunk at eight in the morning, among other things. You re an idiot, Pepper said, figuring that she might as well. Have you eaten anything at all? Or are you drinking on an empty stomach? She could probably guess the answer to that one. What do you do down here? She paused, then clarified: What could you possibly get done when you re this drunk? Pepper glanced at the table, with all its random mechanisms, the light, the magnifier, the tools, and had to admit to herself that he was obviously gettingsomething done whatever that was. She didn t retract her question, though. Instead, she placed her hand on Tony s back, an awkward yet genuine peace offering. It was intended to be comforting. He was an idiot sometimes, yeah, and occasionally he was wasted at eight a.m., sure, but who wasn t? Pepper took the good with the bad and everything with a grain of salt. I wish you wouldn t drink so much, she said quietly, sincerely. To avoid an uncomfortable, tender moment, Pepper recovered by adding, I mean, there s got to be some weird little kid out there who looks up to you. What are you teaching him? That little half smile was back as she looked down at Tony, her hand still on his back. She could feel the warmth of his skin through the fabric of his t shirt, and maybe because of that, couldn t bring herself to lift her hand. Just say no to drugs, Tony. Maybe Ironman should become the mascot forD.A.R.E.
['Stark', 'Obidiah', 'Yinsin']
A Pokegirl's Cravings (Gwath Canta & I)
It had been weeks scinceKanye Xiorcalstarted on his journey. He had spent most of these weeks learning how to track and hunt pokegirls so that he would be fully prepared to catch one. When he finally felt that he was ready, the young 16 year old headed towards a mountainous area known for it's high cliffs. Perfect for getting the drop on a pokegirl and capturing her for his soon to be harem.Kanye carried a backpack with him which had all the usual supplies. Food, pokeballs, and an item that he promptly got out to look below with, a pair of binoculars. He crawled on his belly to the edge of a cliff to look below, checking for any signs of possible prey. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. The young man was beginning to get frustrated just waiting for something to pop up. "Come on, come on!" he muttered to himself. "There's got to be something around here." With a sigh, Kanye tried to calm himself a bit. After all, it wasn't like a pokegirl was going to fall right into his lap or something... A Pokegirl's Cravings Sadly for Kanye, there were two issues with his preparation. One was that he was looking in the wrong place entirely, and secondly, a Pokegirl was about to fall into his lap, in some way. Not far behind him, in the brush, training, was a Cockadiddle. She stood around 5'10'', green eyes, focused ahead of her, and a nicely sized C cup chest. Her feathered body moved quickly with her movements, precise, swinging her English bastard sword around in general attack patterns, preparing herself for anything. The girl's day generally involved training and, when done, and if alone, as she had been for quite some time, masturbating with the hilt of her lovely sword. As her species always did, she wished she had a male around, someone to give her what she wanted: semen and cock, and plenty of it. After a bit of practice, she sighed, placing the sword over her shoulder, looking around she sensed something. But how could it one came up here anymore. Neither human or Pokegirl was around this cliff, aside from herself, and she made this place her home. Aside from a man, it had everything else she needed. Brushing off her smooth, slender both, her feathers ruffling a little, her tail feathers swished with her firm rear, a grin forming on her lips. Creeping from the brush and forest, she peaked out, bird legs ready to dash if needed, till, her eyes feel on a target, her eyes going wide, and something 'clicking'. Holding onto her sword tight, she pounced, leaping straight over, bounding right behind Kanye, grinning from ear to ear, as she poked his rear end with the butt of her sword."Well, hello there, sexy. Did you come up here for little 'ol me? How sweet of you...." Smirking widely, she grabbed him and dragged him away from the cliff, turned him over, sat on his lap, and giggled, looking to his eyes as she quickly began to undo his pants. "I haven't had a man in...I can't even remember. I've needed relief for so sword can only do so much. Hope your a strong lad, sweetie " Licking his cheek, she smirked, using one of her finely feather hands to rub at his nose exposed length, keeping the rest of his pants on, her fingers working wonders on his flesh, seeming to have great manual dexterity and experience in this area. With all the time he spent preparing to trap a pokegirl of his very own, it was suprising how easily the Cockadiddle was able to sneak up behind Kanye and ambush him. Once he felt the butt of the sword poke him, he barely had time to turn around before she was upon him. "W...what!" was all he could say before he was dragged from the cliff and forcefully turned to face his assaliant. He could see now who was capable of such stealth and strength. And bless his luck, it was the kind of pokegirl he had hoped for, a Cockadiddle. He didn't even have to ask for her to demonstrate her skills as she seemed to be deprived of a male presence for sucha long time. "Ok, ok!" the young man gasped out as the Cockadiddle began to work his manhood with her skilled hands. "Just let me relax a bit and i'll give you what you want. You're lucky I was looking for someone like you, otherwise, i'd have thrown you off and forced myself on you."With that, Kanye laid back, allowing the Cockadiddle to do what came natrually to her. Light moans began to escape his lips as his cock became stiff as a board from the pokegirl's feather like strokes. He knew he had to capture her and in her desperation, he knew that would probably be an easy task. "If you like what you see," Kanye started as the Cockadiddle worked. "You can join me as my first pokegirl and you can have me all you want. What do you say?" The girl didn't mind that he wanted to relax, she was still getting what she wanted. So, everything was good! She smiled happily as he laid back, pulling his pants down and off, along with his boxers, moving her fingers along him skillfully, stroking every little spot and muscle along his shaft. Once he was nice and hard in her palm, she slid back, placing her sword down as she licked over the tip, tracing the shape carefully. The way she moved, she knew what to do, and, to both his luck and disadvantage, she'd probably be the best at this task, a very needy professional. Mulling his words over a moment, she suckled the tip, licking around the head as her hand rubbed his balls, massaging them, as the other slipped under him, lifting his rear and rubbing the left cheek gently, kneading the skin to help him both relax and stay ready for her. "Join your first Pokegirl, your only one right now, AND have you all to myself? You couldn't have picked a better set of words, cutey. You have yourself a deal, love, but first...." Lowering her head, she took him deeply into her mouth, taking him in inch by inch, till she had him all within. Her mouth formed a sort of vacuum seal on him, suckling hard, skillfully, and knowingly, as her tongue made warm lappings around the base and sides. The feathery fur on her face sent shivers up his spine as she moved, going about her work and favorite hobby. The hand on his rear, while still rubbing at him, slowly traced a finger around his pucker, before snaking her finger inside, to rub right at his prostate. If she were to be his Pokegirl, she'd have to do even better then best, give him everything and then some...and teach him just what it meant to have a Cockadiddle as your partner. Kanye was estatic as the Cockadiddle pulled his pants and boxers off to which he gave eager assistance. His cock was getting harder still as her fingers pressed against each nerve of his manhood in the perfect way, driving the young man into a quivering mass of moans and sweat. He knew Cockadiddles were experts in the art of pleasuring men, but to be able to experience something like her tounge travelling along his shaft first hand was an out of this world event, meant perhaps for the gods. When the pokegirl began to reach behind him to his rear, Kanye lifted his legs up a bit, allowing her more access to him. He wanted to see just what she was capable of doing down there and he was not dissapointed at the results. When she agreed to become his first pokegirl, Kanye lit up like a light. "Really? That's greaaah!" His words were interupted when the Cockadiddle engulfed his length into her mouth, becoming like a vaccum and sucking hard while her tounge explored him fully. To show how much he was enjoying her skills, the young man took his hand and placed it upon her head, running it through her hair as if he were stroking a feline. Already, precum was beginning to drip from his cock and he was nearly over the edge. What sent him over though was the stimulation brought on by her finger sliding into his anus and rubbing at the prostate. It felt as if his whole lower torso were burning with pleasure and passion and with a loud grunt, Kanye unleashed his load into the mouth of the Cockadiddle. If he were to experience this kind of thing everyday, he would never have need for another pokegirl ever again. The bird girl let out soft little moans and sounds of pleasure as she continued to suckle him, getting her head pet and scratched in return, which felt lovely to her. Keeping her pleasurable assault going, she sucked and licked all over him, hands rubbing his balls and teasing his prostate gland, determined to make him bust quickly first,m to get herself some of his nourishing cum. Funny thing the Cockadiddles was that they were able to survive on water and semen alone, as it contained just about anything else they would need, even more so if the male had a healthy diet of what he needed. And this one was hungry. Once she felt his sack clenching, she slipped her finger out of his rear, rubbing the sack with both hands, massaging every little spot and vein, till, finally, he came hard. She almost squealed in glee as she drank down every last little bit of his load, and if he could see, he'd notice her throat working every last bit down. Licking him dry, she picked her head up and licked her lips, smirking up at the boy as she let out feathered hand keep rubbing at his shaft skillfully, not letting him rest yet. "So, Master, how'd I do? Everything you dreamed it would be? Really want me to be all yours? Keep your seed that tasty and your all I'll ever need to live, aside from water now and then." She gave him a cute little stare with her emerald eyes, tracing her fingers around every little point of his cock, giving it a loving lick from time to time, waiting for his answer. As the Cockadiddle drank down every drop of semen that spurt forth, Kanye began thrusting into her mouth, desperate to keep the pleasure of the orgasm as long as possible before the feeling went away. When it was finally over, the young man's legs fell to the ground and a deep sigh of relief escaped his lips. He could still feel the tingling in his loins as she licked him clean and even continued to stroke him, keeping the youth in a semi erect state. When she asked him how she did, Kanye reached over to his backpack which was convinently at his side and reached in for a pokeball. He tossed it around a bit before showing it to the Cockadiddle and replying. "Honey, i'll give you that and even more." With that, Kanye tossed the pokeball towards the pokegirl, capturing her inside. Finally, he was allowed to get up and move around a bit. He grabbed his pants and boxers and put them back on before letting the Cockadiddle out again. He wanted to have his time to examine her thuroughly before he could take her on his adventures. Watching him thoughtfully, she saw him reach for a Pokeball and ready it, making her smile. Were she more of a cheat, she'd have run after getting the free meal, but she was a bird of her word, plus, being his only girl would have its advantages: no one to tire him out but her, leaving all his energy to be spent on her. She touched the tilt of her sword as she watched him, waiting, and, when the ball was tossed, she still just smiled, letting it hit her and take her in with the red light. Clicking shut shortly after, she was truly his Pokegirl now, something she couldn't argue with. Being let out once more, she was scratching her back with her sword lightly, grinning to him as she came up and nuzzled his side, purring, in a way. "Hello, handsome. So, what did you wish to do before we left, considering your clothing is back on, sadly." With a laugh, she waited and listened, undressing him with her eyes as she had naughty thoughts dashing through her mind. Getting that nice big load from him filled an empty spot she had for a long time, enough to let her 'control' her need to jump him, for the time being, anyway. Kanye greeted his new pokegirl's affections with a warm hug, his hand running along her back and side. When she asked what he wanted to do, he suddenly brought her up to a standing position and held her there for a second. "How about just standing there for a second while I examine you. I won't take long." With that, the trainer began to walk in a circle around the Cockadiddle, examining every lavicious curve of her body. He traced his fingers around her flesh and over the down feathers covering her shoulders. He reached over and began to caress her buttocks. It was soft yet firm, perfect for sitting in someone lap with. Kanye then leaned in close to the pokegirl, looking over her shoulder at her bust. He reached around her and began to gently grope the Cockadiddle. "Hmm. C's. Not too shabby," he said as he tweaked one of her nipples while his other hand slid down her torso and began to tease the pokegirl's snatch. "A nice slit you got here too. I heard Cockadiddle like you absolutley love to be penetrated. I'll be sure to give it a go when we get back to the center." Kanye teased the pokegirl further by slightly penetrating her with his finger, a small example of what was to come later. She listened obediantly, standing straight up for him sword propped up on her left side, tail feathers giving a little twitch or two. She gave little poses for him, followed by a wink or two, smiling cutely as he looked every part of her, even making her whine out a little as he teased her with his fingers, groping her chest and pressing a finger into her wet slit. "Ohhh...Master, so bold You promise to give me lots of what I want once we get a room?" She grinned, leaning forward to kiss his cheek lightly, nuzzling him slightly before standing still for him once. Dear god if she wasn't holding herself back from jumping him so badly, he' had been pantsless on the floor again, while a sexually needy avian rode his length like no tomorrow. But, those are thoughts for alter, no? Still, the way he touched her drove her crazy, wanting his full touch to herself later. Upon finishing his 'inspection' of the Cockadiddle, Kanye walked around to face her once more. "I absolutley promise," he started as he began to examine her sword. It was of fine quality and seemed sharp enough to cut through just about anything. While he was doing that, his thoughts turned to a name. Just what should he name this Cockadiddle? Perhaps he would think of one on the way back down to the center. There, he could get a room and have all the time to think of a name for this pokegirl...while she was having her way with his manhood and all. "Well, I think everything checks out perfectly here. Let's go back to the center now so we can have some alone time. I think that by then, i'll be fully ready for you again." Kanye winked as he uttered this. In all honesty, the work she had done on him with her hands and mouth ensured that it would be hours before he was ready again. "Do you want to walk with me or would you prefer the comfort of your pokeball?" She grinned as he promised, body shivering in delight as she thought of what was to come, literally and figuratively. As he looked at her blade, she smiled proudly she kept it in top shape, so it would be sharper then just about anything. If there was anything she liked more then males...well, just under that, really, it was fighting and honing her skills with her sword. The Cockadiddle smiled to her trainer, rubbing herself against his side as she kissed his cheek, glad they'd be moving again. "As you say, Master. Hopefully we can get a nice, sound proof room...unless you like to let people know what your doing all night into the next morning." She smirked, giving him some idea as to just what the kind of night he'd be having tonight. Though as he spoke of the pokeball, she had to think a moment. While she wasn't fond of it already, it would let her keep herself focused on him, as well as give him some rest of her advances. She smiled, wanting to give him a break. "I'll rest in the ball for now, Master. But once in the room, please let me back out?" "As you wish," Kanye replied as he gave his pokegirl a kiss on the cheek before returning her to her pokeball. It had been a long day and the waiting and oral sex had made him quite exhausted. He was ready to go back to the center and get himself a room, soundproof as the Cockadiddle suggested. After a few hours of climbing down the mountain and making his way back down the wooden path, the young trainer came upon the center he was looking for. The ding sound as he entered echoed throughout the clean and shiny building. It was meant to be that way to keep out all the bacteria. This place was meant to treat pokegirls after all. After looking around a bit, he walked up to the Joy at the counter and propositioned himself a room for taming purposes. It was painted a velvety red and had chairs and couches strewn about. It had probably been used recentley though Kanye couldn't tell. The Joy that was here usually cleaned it once every few hours. There was a round bed in the center, soft and cushiony. There were binds at each corner in case the trainer or pokegirl prefered their taming partner to be bound rather than free. It even smelled sweet, like strawberries and perfume. Strong, but not too overwhelming. This was a good a time as ever for Kanye to let his Cockadiddle out and he did just that. As she appeared, he welcomed her with a smile. "Here we are. We got this room all to ourselves. What do you think?" The bird girl was resting soundly within her Pokeball, humming to herself while shining her sword, eyes closed, keeping a tune to herself as her trainer walked along the path to town, not minding to give him a rest for now, knowing she'd get even more once she was let out once more. Suddenly, apparently having hit the Pokecenter, she felt the ball crack open as she came out in a flash of light, forming right at his side, tail feathers swishing as she smirks and leans u, kissing his cheek. "Hello, handsome." She smiled, walking over towards the corner, shaking her hips and feathers in a sensual, teasing way, placing her sword against the wall. Sauntering back over to Kanye, she placed her arms around his neck, leaning in to kiss his lips deeply and lustfully, grinding her body against his, moaning and whining out, needing his touch to her...among over things. "Its a very nice room, a little quiet right now, but we'll be changing that reallll soon, won't we, Master?" As she spoke, her skillful, dexterous fingers slipped past his pants and boxers, gripping his crotch as she started to rub at him, licking and nipping at his neck, a little smirk upon her features. Kanye's spine tingled once the sensation of the Cockadiddle's hands began their glorious work on his crotch again. He mused and began to nibble on the neck of his pokegirl as she was rubbing him. Then he whispered softly into her ear, "I see you're eager to have your first taming session. So why don't we get things started, shall we Rosa?" He spoke her new name for the first time. Rosa. He had overheard two trainers talking to each other in the lobby of the center and one of them had mentioned that name. To him, it felt like the perfect title to give his Cockadiddle. Soon, the two of them were on the bed and as the pokegirl continued with the skillful stroking of his member, be began to deliver his own brand of pleasure to her as well. Kanye's hand reached around her back and began to massage one of her breasts while he gently tweaked at the nipple. He wanted her to get into a sexual rage and see just how far she would go with him.
['Xiorcalstarted', 'Kanye', 'Scincekanye']
Life with a Pokegirl(Fancy and I)
Drake a new tranier sat down at a camp site he had just made. Drinking the water he brought he looked around. "I really need help."He said as he decided to head out of the camp site to look for his own pokegirl. Well at least thats what he was told they were."Now to find me a pokegirl." He said.Drake walked around the woods only armed with a pokeball desined to catch the pokegirls. He didn't know what could or would attack or how they seemed. This was a wild pokegirl not the tamed already caught ones. Drake groaned as it was getting rather close to night. The sun just setting and the woods growing dark."Shit which way did i come from?"He asked himself as he looked around the woods. He had completely forgot his path. Aside from Drake wandering the woods, little did he know there was a pokegirl walking around as well, and not too far from him. A Mawile morph slowly made her way through, and she appeared to be rather lost herself, and a bit exhausted. "Need food..." she grumbled. She paused as she noticed that there was someone nearby.Must be a trainer! Ha! I can get my food now!she thought, carefully approaching the trainer from behind and watching him carefully.And luckily, he looks rather lost himself. Perfect!she thought, suddenly leaping at him from behind and trying to nab his bag. Her giant second maw had moved around to meet him face to face, fangs bared as if to bite him. His back just moved a few inches out of her way. But with the sudden shock of the second maw in his face he let out a yelp and fell back landing on his ass. Keeping his eye's on the maw with it's teeth bared to him. The bag was in his lap as he sat their shaking not sure what to do. He had never encountered something like this. Was she even a pokegirl or was it a she at all he couldn't tell and didn't want to get close to try and find out."w....Wha..What?!"He said. "Ha ha! It worked." With him in that state, she had her second maw reach down to nab his bag, dropping it in her hands. "Hmm...well let's see what's in here then." she said, backing away a bit as she turned the bag upside down to let everything drop out. "Food..." she was desperately looking around for any food whatsoever. "Ah! This'll do." she said, pulling out a small sandwich. She tossed his bag aside and began eating it right away. Drake watched her steal his food from his bag."Hey wait that's mine."He said standing up and with out thinking tackling the poke girl to the ground. Keeping her pinned on the ground he tried to get the sandwhich out of her hands. After all it was the only thing to eat till he got back to his camp. And since she let all of his items out of the bag he couldn't really try and capture her right now. As she began eating, she watched him get up, not expecting him to tackle her to the ground. She grunted softly as she hit the ground, almost dropping the sandwich in the process. "H hey! Lay off!" she growled, trying to push him away with one hand while trying to finsih up the sandwich with the other. Even if she wanted to, her second maw would be having some trouble reaching him. He reached past her arm and put his hand on her arm with the sandwich."No that's mine you thief."He said as he kept her pinned. Not wanting to let her up just yet."And I won't get off you until you return what is mine."He said with a slight growl of annoyance. He grabbed her free arm with his other arm so that she couldn't easily get him off of her. "Hmm? Well, what're you gonna do if I've already finished it by then?" she asked, still munching on it, about halfway done. "It's almost gone, so you might as well let me have it." she said, still trying her best to shove him off her so she could try and get away. "No it's mine."He said this time he pushed her hand away from her mouth."It's mine I don't care and i won't let no poke girl steal my food."He said."That's all I have till i get back to the camp."He growled at her. He didn't want anything stolen already. The Mawile morph growled softly as she stuck her tongue out at him. "You can probably get food whenever you want! I haven't had anything for a few days now!" she cried. It was rather surprising how even though it was true, she still had quite a bit of strength left in her. He sighed."I can't im on my own...I barely have any money."He said."And so you stole my snack for on the way back to my camp site."He said."Now if your willing to let go of my sandwich i will let you have something."He said."Just let go of my sandwich." "Hmm? Are you sure? You could be fooling me here." she muttered. Then again, she was already fully aware that he was lost. "Hmm...I suppose it's fine, as long as you actually give me something!" she grumbled, dropping the sandwich on the ground next to them. "Now kindly get off." He grabbed the sandwich and got off of her slowly."Their...Now you have to give me a minute to collect all my things you so rudely drop."He said as he started to pick up all his items that she emptied from his pack. Putting some of the sandwich in his mouth to hold onto as he finally finished collecting the last of his poke balls."Now the only problem is im lost." The Mawile girl grumbled softly as she sat up crossing her arms over her chest, pouting slightly. "You don't have to be so stingy. It's your fault for putting so much in your bag anyway." She felt like jumping at him to steal the sandwich again, but he promised to give her something later. "I already know you're lost. Don't you remember where you're going?" "Hey...Im a trainer i can have all i want in my bag."He said with a slight growl."Besides you started all this."He added as he started to eat the sandwich."Alright i Remember i was searching to capture a poke girl..Instead i get jumped by one."He said."And apparently i lost my way." She still didn't get off the ground, sitting cross legged as she meerly glared up at him. "Eh? That's rather pathetic of you. You shouldn't wander too far from your camp if you're gonna get lost." she said mockingly, a soft chuckle coming from her. Her second maw seemed to snicker a bit as well. "Just hurry up and give me what you were gonna give me already! I'm bored!" He sighed."Shut up."He said."Your type of is the reasion why I got lost."He said."Besides what I am going to give you is at my camp not on me."He said."Now if you can help locate where my camp is then I can give you cooked food."He said with a sigh."Now help."He said. She meerly glared back at him. How am I supposed to help you if I don't know where you set up camp?" she muttered. "That didn't slip your mind now did it? I've only been in this area for a few days now. I don't know my way around well enough." "Oh no it didn't slip my mind."He said."well I think i came from the east."He said as he started to walk down the path he came from."Hurry up or I leave you to find whatever you want on your own." "Eh? It doesn't seem to be with you if you think it's in the east." she grumbled, getting up and following him, keeping a good distance from him. "You're probably going the wrong way anyway." she muttered, glancing around a few times. "Well then if you know so much you lead the way."He said."I swear you shouldn't have jumped me."He said."You may never know what the next person will act like when you jump them...After all im just a mere normal guy...You could have jumped a criminal."He added."But I guess you rather take a risk." He said as he kept on down his path unsure if this was even the correct way. "Weren't you listening?! I don't know anything about the area! I only recently got here! And I'm not going to think about that when I haven't eaten for days!" she shouted, crossing her arms over her chest again. "If I was nice and filled up, I can take care of anybody. The ones in my area were weak so I started moving. But I couldn't find food." she grumbled. He sighed."well that's not my fault."He said as he started to walked farther down the path it started to become night. He looked around wondering where he could go."Yeah alright."He said with a groan as he was getting tired of walking now. She stopped behind him as he did, rather confused and annoyed. "Hey! Why are you stopping? We need to get to your camp! I'm hungry!" she growled, hoping he'd continue. It didn't matter to her how late it was, her hunger was going to keep her up through the night. He looked at her and shook his head."That's all you want is food...Can't you get it yourself like any normal poke?"He asked as he started to walk down the dirt path again. He started to look around now."Be of some help at least."He said. "Must I say it again? I don't know anything about this area!" she muttered, sounding bored for having to repeat it. I would if I knew where everything was. Doesn't that seem reasonable?" she asked, following him as he started again. "How am I supposed to help? It's not like I know where your camp is." "Well it would help if you went ahead of me to tell me if you see a camp site."He said."After all you are probably better at seeing in the dark right?"He asked with a sigh. Rather annoyed with this poke girl."And besides maybe you should have learned the erea to KNOW! where you are."He said."Im just a trainer and that's about it. "Hmm? I don't get your idea at all. While it's true I can see better than you, I could just ditch you if I do find it." she said, chuckling softly. "That would guarentee my food better." she said, quickly moving off ahead of him. "But at least I have my dignity." she muttered, walking off. "As long as I can get a lot." He sighed as he followed her."All you got to look for is a tent it's not that hard god."He said with a groan. She was being so difficult and it was getting rather annoying. But with luck when she didn't relieze it he would catch her and make her his pokegirl. She grumbled softly as she continued along the path, slowing down a bit as she noticed somethig up ahead. "Hmm..I think I found it. That should be it up ahead, unless someone else has camped out here." He walked up next to her."Well let's go find out."He said."And don't go threw all my stuff if it is my camp...That will only get you in more trouble then you are with me."He said. The Mawile girl pouted slightly as she just stuck her tongue out at him, her second maw apparantly doing the same. "Just hurry up and get me my food. The sooner I can get out of here." "Who said your going to leave?"He asked."I came out here to find a pokegirl."He said."And if you must know I'm sure you and I can get along just fine."He said with a smile as he headed into the campsite."Good it is my tent."He said with a smile. "Huh? Are you mad? What makes you think I want to travel around with someone like you? I don't think I can feel comfortable with you if you're going to be getting lost." she grumbled, following him inside. "I've never been one for working in teams anyway." she said, crossing her arms over chest. Hey that's a one time deal."He said with a growl."And besides...If you do come with me you won't go hungry."He said."I always go back to my house at least once a week..And im sure you would like a bed..And free food."He said."But of course if you want to remain wild and grow hungry then be my guest."He said as he started to search threw his other bag. She growled softly at his comments, making it seem like she needed him in order for her to survive. "don't go degrading me here! You're desperate for a pokegirl here, since you obviously can't protect yourself. This area's probably just not what I'm looking for. I can probably find food somewhere else." she said. But the idea of having a place to stay andeat had gotten to her. He pulled out a bag with chips and more sandwiches."Well then I guess if you can find food on your own then you don't need my food."He said as he set it back in the bag it came from and zipped it up tossing it to the back of the tent behind him. He was going to make her feel bad about her own words. Her stomach growled softly as she glared at him, but she didn't want to make it seem like it bothered her. But she knew that she would be going crazy without food. She quickly lept at the bag, catching it and pulling out her food, pouting slightly as she sat down roughly and began eating, not looking over to him. "So are you going to be mine or are you just going to go wonder around and be forcefully catched by a trainer who doesn't care?"He asked with a small sigh and laid down on his sleeping bag."The choice is your's....Kind and careing or mean and cruel."He said and with that closed his eye's. "Gah! Shut up! I can't eat in piece!" she cried, throwng a bunch of chips at his face. She quietly ate her food as he went to sleep, feeling very refreshed afterwards. She had taken his words into consideration and figured she'd stay, but she wasn't too fond of hs attitude right now. She moved over to a nearby tree, deciding to sleep against that. He growled."Hey...Don't waste food."He said.As he cleaned up his face from the chips."Sheesh."He said as he laid back down. Hearing her leave the tent he sighed. He didn't know what to do really. If she left then he would just have to explore some more. The young Mawile girl slowly awoke as morning came around, covering her face a bit with her hand since it was pretty bright. Since she had decided to stay, she'd be getting her meals at least, but this trainer hadn't really convinced her of anything else. She decided she'd try something to try and bug him, or weird him out. She headed into his tent quietly, finding him still asleep. She let her face hang over his, staring a bit at him, waiting for him to wake. The guy groaned softly as the light shown in through the opened tent when the pokemorph walked on in. Letting out a yawn he rubbed his eye's only to get the rude awaking of The Mawile girl sitting right their on top of him. Jumping from the sudden view he nearly forced her into the roof of the tent."God don't scare me like that."He said. She was indeed glad to get the reaction she was waiting for. "Aw, don't be like that. I couldn't help myself after all." she moved out of the tent then, standing outside of it and stretching a bit. "If I'm going to be going along with you, I'm hoping you're going to whine less and feed me. If you can do that much then maybe you'll find it worth your while to have me around." He sighed and got up walking out of the tent."Shut it...Just be happy i will be feeding you."He said as he stretched."Alright well let me pack up my tent and my things...Then we can head to my house and you will be able to eat till we start to travel again."He said."But at least till then don't complain." "Yeah yeah, just be quick about it. I'm starving and the more I have to wait, the more I get to bug you to hurry it up." she said, chuckling softly to herself. she of course did not want anything to do with helping him with the tent. "How far is your house anyway? I hope it's not very far." Of course, she didn't mind a little walking, but she felt like playing with him for a while. "Yeah yeah."He said with a sigh."Well it should take no more then an hours walk...Maybe more."He said."I didn't exactly keep track of time."He said as he started to take down his tent."Beside's stop complaining or you won't eat."He said."I just still don't see how i ran into a complaining pokemon." "And I don't see how I ran into such a wimp like you." she said, sticking her tongue out at him. she waited quietly for him to finish up, yawning softly as he was getting close. "Nearly there? If it's an hour walk I'd like to head out as soon as possible. Wouldn't you agree that's the best course of action?" She moved up behind him again, watching him finish up. "Im no wimp."He said."We will head out as soon as I get everything packed."Now only if someone learned to help me we would be able to head out sooner...But no a certain pokemone has to be a stubborn brat."He said resisting the erg to call her a bitch. "Sticks and stones buddy. I don't think I'm obligated to help you out if you haven't done anything I'm impressed with. don't expect much from me in the first few moments I've been around." She walked to a small tree, turning her head slightly to glance at him. "Besides, you're almost done. Why should I pitch in now?" He sighed. Finally finishing up he looked at her."Let's go."He said."Impressive...I don't have to do anything...Im already bending over backwords to feed you...What else do you want?"He asked."Me to do as you say...Or to go and take down one of the strongest pokemon barehanded?"He added. "Hmm...both of those sound just fine to me. Find me the strongest one you can find and let me pummel them!" she said, throwing her arms up enthusiastically. She could feel her stomach growl occasionally, though she didn't really speak up much about it. It was loud enough for her master to hear, so he knew what she would be saying. "But one thing...Im not going to do either of those...Why?"He asked."Because I have no idea what the strongest pokemon is and I'm sure you would end up kicking my ass if you became the master."He said."I swear your always hungry."He said with a sigh as they walked down the dirt road. "What do you mean always? All I got was a few bites of your sandwich and whatever that stuff was last night. If you think about it. I still haven't eaten that much since then. So it's only natural that I'm hungry yes?" she said, chuckling softly. "Hmm..I suppose I would be able to take you out huh? Well misster trainer, it's you're job to keep me under control!" He looked back at her."Keep you undercontrol?"He asked."I can't even get you to shut up and stop complaing."He said."It's like all you want to do is complain and keep talking..."He added."Im sorry if I sound rude but it's true."He said. Sighing he started to walk again."You will have your meal if you don't torment me the rest of the walk."He said. "Hmm, doesn't seem that you're doing too good then." she said before bursting out into a little fit of laughter. She was perhaps loud enough for the people in the next town to hear her. "Yeah yeah, just hurry up and this'll all be over." she said, trudging slowly behind him. He sighed."Yeah yeah."He said."Your just a pet."He added as the were soon to his house. It was a irnoically two person house. Since his friend had left he was left to take care of it. Which he did. It wasn't that bad of a house. It was kept together. Cleaned and most of all the yard was big."Make yourself at home...I will get your food."He said as he opened the door and held it open for her."Just don't destroy anything." the outside of the house didn't look very impressive, but once she was inside, she couldn't help but smile a bit at how comforting it looked inside. "Yeah yeah, just hury up about it." she said, moving to one of the couches and hopping onto it, chuckling softly as she made herself comfortable on it. He sighed."You won't change will you?"He asked from the kitchen setting everything in the dinning room before he started to make a dozen sandwichs."I still don't believe I have to do this."He said as he finished up. Bringing them all out to her."Their eat.."He said."Till I go to the store and get more things....Your stuck with eating sandwichs."He said. She waited on the couch, clearly bored as he made the sandwiches for her. She would have been complaining, though as he brought them over, she instantly sat up, almost like a children getting a new toy. "Thanks a bunch!" she said, pulling one of and starting to eat already. "What are you going to be buying?" she asked, glancing over to him. "Food we both can eat."He said."And no you can't come because your just going to pull anything off the shelfs."He said."Im not one to spend a lot of money all at once."He said."How else do you think i've kept the house...Now that I have you living with me...I have to make sure I can at least afford your stomach."He said. "My my. How considerate of you." she said, popping yet another sandwich into her mouth, chewing on it for a while before she spoke up again. "Well, if that's the case, then just get me whatever tastes good, whatever it is!" she said. It seemed that any food was good for her as long as she got it. He sighed."Alright well I will go out tomorrow."He said."Right now im going to take a shower...So be good and don't do anything that would otherwise make me regret bringing you into my home."He said as he headed down a hall to his room. Grabbing his cloths and towel he headed into the bathroom before shutting the door he poked his head out."If you need anything while im in the shower just knock on the door and crack it open so I can hear you."He said before closeing the door and starting the shower. She grumbled softly as he went to the shower. She thought he was getting the food now, but that wasn't the case. She sat up on the sofa, popping another sandwich into her mouth. She noticed the remote control in front of her, which intrigued her somewhat. She hadn't been inside a human home before, so she wasn't sure what everything was. She started pressing random buttons, finally pressing the one that turned on the T.V. "Eh?" She quickly ran up to the bathroom door, knocking gently on the door, but suddenly throwing it fully open. "Hey! What's that box downstairs and why are there humans in it?" He groaned."I told you to open it a crack."He said as he stuck his head out."It's called a Television."He said."You watch shows that have been recorded with cameras and it transmits to attenas on the top of the house."He said."Now don't worry it won't hurt you."He added."Now close that door your letting in a draft."He said as he closed the curtain. "Ah! I've actually heard of that before, but I never thought it would be so interesting." she said, almost forgetting to close the door as she went back. She sat down once again, deciding to toy around with it more. She pressed a button, and the channel had changed. "Ah. It changed?" She continued pressing the button, with different channels coming up. She stopped suddenly as it came to a cooking network. He sighed as he finished up his shower a few minutes later. Drying off he got dressed and headed down to the living room."Cooking...I should have guessed you would have found the channel miss always want food."He said as he sat down next to her with a small sigh of relief. That shower felt good and it calmed him down from the stress that had just been put on him."So do you have a name you would like to be called?"He asked. She glanced over to him as he came by, a little caught off guard by his question. "Hmm...I've never really thought about that. I've lived all my life without a name, but I wouldn't mind having one. It's so that you don't start calling me 'you'!" she said, slouching slightly. "What do you think? I'm rather curious to see what you can come up with. I hope it's a good name though." He looked at her."Hmmm How about we call you Vikki."He said."If you don't like it we can just spend the rest of the day coming up with names."He said with a chuckle."But I don't know honestly I've never been good with names to tell you the truth."He said putting his feet up on the coffie table he leaned back and put his hands behind his head. "Hmm? Vikki?" she asked. She sat back in the sofa, pondering the name for a while. It didn't seem like she had any objections to the name, though she'd just have to get used to being called that. "Well, that's fine with me. I like it." she said, a little smile on her face now. He nodded."Good case i wouldn't have gone all night naming you."He said."Alright Vikki...Im going to ask this once...Do you want to go to the store with me and behave or stay here and behave?"He asked."Either way you have to be good just you won't be around me till i get back unless you come along."He added. Vikki pouted slightly at his rules. Sure, she was his pokegirl now, but all the same she wasn't too fond of having to do what he asked. She thought she was acting just fine anyway. "Maybe you should take me along. I want to see just what this store has to offer. that way, you'll know what to get me all the other times you go." she said, crossing her arms over her chest. He nodded."Yeah I know you are being good."He said."But don't worry your free to do as you please."He said."Just be good and that is all i can ask for."He said and walked over to his shoes and slid them on."When we get back I will show you where you can sleep...Though you can sleep wherever in the house it's just nice to show you that you have your own bed you can use."He said. Vikki gave him a strange look as she got up, stretching a bit. "Geez, so many rules. Stop worrying so much." she muttered, sticking her tongue out breifly at him. "I know better than to go running around spreading chaos wherever I go. After all, it's more fun just bugging you when I get the chance." she said, a playful grin on her face now. "Well, I'm all set to go." In all honesty, she was perfectly fine with sleeping on the sofa if need be. She wasn't looking to have any fancy as long as it was comfortable. He chuckled."Alright so im what in a sence your pet to nag am I correct?"He asked as he opened the door for her. He was always a sort of gentlemen and reguardless of what race of female he always let them go first building trust he always said was the best way to prove that he was harmless and wouldn't be rude in anyway."So Might as well start making a list."He said."Cause once we enter and I don't have a list of wants I won't get them." "Huh? You expect me to be making a list? I'm not sure if it occured to you, but even though I look more human, I am still a pokemon. I don't understand your written language in the least!" she muttered, pouting slightly. "I can just point and you get it for me. It's as simple as that. You can take yours notes later after we return." she said, sounding very much like a master commanding their pet. He sighed."Yeah sure."He said."Whatever you demand I will grant it."He said. He was only teasing her since she sounded like she was the master then pet. But oh well they would probably have that fight over and over again."Well Notes i won't take i will just keep it as a reminder in my head or keep taking you with me."He said as they started to walked towards the store. They really didn't have a long walk to the store it was a mear twenty minute walk. "I can only hope so!" she said, a soft 'hmph' coming from her. She figured if he was going to do as she said in this situation, she could probably have him do even more for her. She quickly followed after him, not wanting to stray to far from her. Occasionally some people would glance at the strange duo, mainly at Vikki, who clearly stood out quite a bit. "Ah! Are we there yet?!" she muttered, glaring a bit at him. "Your way to bossy."He said as the store started to come in sight."You know Im surprised you have asked me to carry you around...With how you act and bitch at me for."He said. He was really tired from the groaning and complaining but he justed guessed that was her own way of life around humans. And probably just to agravate him to do what she wanted. "Tch, what's wrong with how I am? I hear just about the same amount of complaining coming from you. Have I said anything yet?" she said, crossing her arms around her chest and pouting a bit. Her expression seemed to lighten a bit as she saw the store up ahead. She couldn't wait to go into the store already to see what they had. She'd probably have to hold herself back from just taking everything off the shelves and eating it right away. He sighed."Alright at least do me this one thing...if you start pulling stuff of the selves...You will go into a pokeball for the rest of this trip till we get home."He said."Now is that clear...I don't want to pay for anything extra."He said with a sigh as they made it to the parking lot. "Hmm? If I remember correctly, you haven't even caught me yet. I've just been tagging along with you all this time." she said, grinning slightly as she was quite proud of herself. "Not sure if that struck your mind, but I'm still wild, so I can still do as I please." she said, walking a little quicker now. All she was focused on right now was getting some food and getting back. He sighed."Well if you want to stay wild best not tempt it."He said."Oh and don't go parading around about it cause i know other trainers would just love a poke girl."He said. "But im sure you know no trainer is nice like me."He added and watched her speed up. He followed her. God with luck she wouldn't do anything he didn't want.
Jealous? Roy Mustang? [The King Of Yaoi]
Roy Mustang did not usually consider himself a jealous man. Usually. That was until his best friend Maes Hughes began to date Gracia. Maes talked about her all the time, and when he wasn t talking about her, he was spending time with her. Roy was so sick of hearing about the woman that he thought he might actually vomit. The worst part was that Roy didn t hate Gracia at all. She was a nice woman, fairly attractive, and it was a miracle that there was a female in the country that could actually put up with Maes s ridiculousness. Her only flaw as that she had become the center of Maes Hughes s world, leaving very little space for Roy to stand on. This upset Roy more than it should have. He loved that Maes was happy. He loved that his friend had found someone. But he hated working to get Maes s attention. They were best friends! Roy should have a bigger part in the man s life than he did right now. That s the way it was supposed to be between best friends, even if one of them was in a serious relationship . Thus he had asked Maes out for a drink or two or whenever one of them got too drunk to stand on their own two feet. Just like old times. Roy arrived at the bar earlier than the time he had told Maes to meet him. He ordered a drink and found a seat at a small table for two, but he spent more time staring down at the amber colored liquid than he did drinking it. He had just come from work. The blue jacket of his uniform was hung on the back of his chair and he wore only one of his alchemist gloves . His jet black hair was only slightly ruffled, caused by the hat that now hung on the chair with his jacket. He gave the waitress a smile, causing her to blush and linger for a moment even though he had just told her he wouldn t be needing anything else just yet. How long had he been with her? He wasn't even sure now, hey they weren't even married but the addictive sort of tendencies showed already. He loved her, maybe a little too much where it all just ended up being a horrible redundant thing for him to say or do. Pictures lined his wallet already of the woman he loved, Gracia. The one he had been with for almost every waking moment. Now that he was getting some time with his friend Roy, no doubt he would started to talk about the maiden though this time his tone would seem a bit different. Marriage It had crossed his mind and he felt like telling his best friend about it before he actually went over to Gracia and asked her hand in marriage. It was just something that friends did right? Talk about their love lives and life altering decisions with those that cared about them. So time to meet up with his best buddy, right? Walking down the nearby street, he couldn't help but stare at one of the pictures in his wallet, enjoying the fact that he could bring her everywhere with him even if she wasn't there. He could always see her smiling in the pictures he took, she looked beautiful and he himself couldn't stop thinking about her as he pressed up one of the nearby buildings just to let out a longing sigh! Gracia! She was all he ever thought about nowadays, pushing Roy out of the way almost completely. He didn't mean to do it to him, it just seemed to happen all by accident. Slowly he regained himself and started walking again, eyes looking up through their spectacles to see exactly where he was. He was suppose to met Roy at a nearby bar to drink and be merry like old times. He could do that! It'd be fun. Holding the picture tightly in his grasp he walked on, making sure he didn't miss the bar as he carefully stuffed the picture of his love back into his wallet. Closing it he hid it once more in one of his pockets and made his way inside the bar. Eyes looking back and forth, searching for the other before seeing the other. Sitting at a table nearby all by himself just waiting for him. "Hey" he said casually as he came up beside the table. Giving his friend a large smile. He'd try his best to ease into the topic of his love, but that would be kind of hard. Especially for him as he took a seat beside the other giving off a soft chuckle at the barely touched drink. "Waiting for me so you can start? Or starting without me?" he asked seeing that the other hadn't taken a sip from the alcohol while having ordered it well before he came. Roy wasn t aware of his friend s approach until the man was only a few feet way from the table. He gave Maes a weary, tired, but overall happy smile as he watched him sit down. Oh Roy looked down at his drink, using his fingers to twist the class clockwise a few times in his hand. A little of both. My mind was still back on work and other things. It s been pretty busy, but nothing too bad. I think I ll get promoted sooner than I thought. He raised his hand and caught the eye of the waitress who quickly came over to take Maes s order. He finally took a sip of his drink, ignoring the fact that it had gotten slightly watery. Maes was bursting to talk about Gracia. It wasn t that Roy could read Maes s mind, or interperate his gestures or words, he just knew that Maes always wanted to talk about her. It was amazing that she hadn t been brought up yet. Roy didn t plan on bringing attention to that fact. He would prefer if they didn t talk about her at all. Taking in the other's smile through his glasses he couldn't help but give back his own to the tired looking friend of his. He understood work, after all he worked in around the same line as the other well military, either way it was always being seen as a dogs, so what's the point in rank? Fixated with the glass it seemed his friend was as he started to play with it some, well that was all fine an dandy. Considering the other was worked as hard as the others around him could make Roy work, that and the fact that his friend was aiming to be Fuhrer someday. "I see... " he spoke with a smile on his lips, he just couldn't help but smile at his friend, especially when hearing that Roy might be going up ranks yet again, that was what he wanted right? "The day you meet your goal is getting closer, eh?" he spoke with a playful nudge as the other called a waitress over making him divert his eyes to the lady. Ordering without much hesitation, he then turned back to the other he saw that Roy had finally gotten to tasting his drink. Better this way than letting it go to waste, right? Watching the other he couldn't help but start talking about Gracia, maybe he could ease into it no that was maybe a little too hard for the man. He was head over heels and would act accordingly. Well might as well get to the point before he exploded right? Right! "So... I've been thinking... " he started glancing at the other before pulling his wallet out and bringing out the picture he had gazed at only minutes ago before him once more. "About Gracia... and I'm thinking of marrying her...." he spoke staring at the picture with love in his eyes. As much as he wanted to look at his friend why he spoke but all the same he had to look at a picture of her while he spoke. He wished she was here, but it was best this way. "... I wanted to tell you first before I did anything... Roy..." he said gently, the smile in his eyes and on his lips holding and he pried his eyes away to look at his friend. Ignoring the fact that his drink had just been given to him. Yes, but once I get this promotion it will be harder to get the next one Oh well, that s what I signed up for so Roy let the thought trail off as he gave a shrug and took a second, larger sip of his drink. The liquid had a smooth taste with the slightest burn as it moved down his throat. A few more sips and he wouldn t feel the burning at all, just the smooth flavor and the lightening of his head as the alcohol began to take effect on his body. He smirked at Maes s nudge and returned it with one of his own. This is what he had wanted. A night with the his friend. The best thing was that tomorrow was the weekend, so he didn t have to worry about drinking too much and going to work with a hangover but of course he would never do that, especially since he was so close to making the next rank. Yes, things were going smoothly so far. Of course Maes ruined it. Roy didn t even try to hide it as he rolled his eyes in exasperation. Always Gracia, he was always thinking about Gracia. And then Roy heard the rest of the sentence. Marriage. Maes was thinking about marriage. Not good. He did his best not to panic, his hand tightening on his glass as he drank from it. He could see out of the corner of his eye that Maes s attention was not focused on him, at least for the moment. Roy closed his eyes and released his head breath slowly. When his eyes opened again, he was looking back at Maes with a serious, non threatening, non jealous look on his face. So, are you asking for my opinion, or were you just telling me your plans before asking her despite whatever I will say? The words came out harsher than what he intended, but Roy made no move to correct himself. Do you think you re ready for marriage? He raised is hand for another drink, knowing he would need it close by as soon as he finished his first. He hadn't thought that speaking about Gracia would anger or annoy the other. Then again he couldn't really get her off his mind and the fact that she was so lovely to even think that she would bother for someone when that was all he talked about. Maes hadn't thought that would ruin the night but all the same he wanted to ask the other just to see what he felt about it. Never had it occurred to him that he had virtually pushed the other clear out of his life and here, yet and he was pouring salt into the other's open wounds. He had been too focused on the picture to realize the sudden thought that had bubbled to the top of his head would hurt him, marriage maybe the other just had never thought about it. Well he didn't really have a girl friend from what Maes understood that and he wasn't as madly in love as Maes was either. So maybe it was just something that just couldn't occur in his mind. No he didn't even see as the other collected himself why he was simply staring at her picture before looking over at the other with a hopeful look of approval. Not that he was really getting it. Taking in the look from the other, he couldn't help but put on a slightly bewildered look before going to something much more solemn as he held her picture tight in his grasp. He was getting it straight from his friend, even if it did sting it was better than some stranger. "A little of both " his expression softened to a rather jokey looking smile as he looked at the other, he couldn't be mad at Mustang he was his best friend! "Though hearing what you say helps me clear things up a bit....." he said tossing any joking look from his face to much more serious expression. Eyes turning from the other to look at Gracia's picture again before putting it away. "I think I'm ready... I just hope she says yes" he said virtually stating that he was going to go with what he planned, scanning the area before him he slowly cupped the order he had gotten in his hand and drew it to his lips. It was a virtually clear drink, one that burned just like the other's and the same would stop in due time. Just as long as he had enough of it to stop it from touching his insides so sensitively. "...I'm just glad your my friend Roy..." he stated after a long pause ans a sigh before sipping at his drink for a long time. Thinking, this time just about things that would possibly be happening soon not about the fact that he was really hurting Roy so much. He didn't mean it though.... Roy sighed. So am I, but lately, it hasn t really felt like we re friends. He tilted his head back and drained the rest of his drink. When you re not working, you re with her, so Is that how it s going to be when you re married? He knew his complaining was very selfish, but he didn t care because he really missed Maes. They were friends long before Gracia showed up. He wasn t going to let the woman steal him away completely. How long have you thought about this? When are you planning on asking her? He listened to the other's reasoning, it was valid. Anything the other was valid and all the same it made him feel a bit more down about this. Only Roy could do that to him as he eyed the man. Draining his glass while speaking about how far the rift had become with the two. He had started to speak, but frankly he wasn't even sure how things would be in the future, after all he had no idea how he would be if he did get married to her. Yes he'd try to be with her every waking second, but then what about Roy? "I've been thinking about it for at least a few days... I'm not sure when... it has to be the right moment" he spoke, looking down for a moment as he downed a new drink the lady had handed him. With each drink he seemed to become a bit more hardened this time while with the other, but all the same he seemed to get a bit more 'funny' with Roy. "Its not like she's the only thing I have in life" he blurted out, partially drunk to the other, eyes on him. No he wasn't drunk, but a few more would get him there. How? Mm it had been a while since he had tasted more than half a glass. "You're my best friend... I like you a lot too" he spoke out straight as he liked the edge of the glass. Sure you do. Roy said, his tone biting and slightly accusing. He couldn t help but come back to the fact that things would be different once Maes was married. It wouldn t be long before the newly weds would want to start a family, and what then? You said you d be there for me, help me become F hrer one day. If you get married I don t see how well you would be able to do that. He started on his new drink, taking quick sips as he thought and spoke. Hell, you said you were going to do it anyway, so what does my opinion even matter? He gave a short, sharp laugh that was void of any amusement. I m being a selfish bastard, I know. Gracia s a good woman. She d be the perfect wife for you, besides me except for the obvious reason that I m not a girl Just don t forget about me, ok? As he drank, the alcohol helped loosen his tongue, allowing Roy to say things that he would have usually kept to himself. His eyes rested on the other as he spoke on, listening to him. Yes he had said he'd be there for the other and he intended to be there even if it didn't seem like it right now. Downing another glance like the sharp man beside him, he could feel his common sense wavering with the rest of his own limitations when it came to speaking to his friend. The other had already hit that point or at least one that allowed his tongue to run like a sharpened blade against Mae's skin. "Its not entirely impossible" he spoke, eyes on the other as he gave that sharp laugh of his. It stung him as he looked away before looking at Roy fully eyes focusing on the other's lips as he spoke about himself rather harshly. For some reason, he didn't want to hear the other say that and decided to scoot over and put an arm around the other in what seemed to be a friendly gesture. His eyes going to the other's eye level as he looked at him. "How could I forget you?!" he spoke a bit louder than before, that was until he had dropped his tone and pressed his forehead to the side of the other's face. His cold glasses pressing softly into the other's cheek as he eyed him. "I'd never want to forget you..." he spoke, breathe heavy with alcohol as he 'pecked' the other's cheek. He was drunk right? No need to take this as an advance or anything... Roy gazed down at his drink and realized it was nearly empty. When had that happened? He grumbled lightly when Maes claimed that he wouldn t forget him, and his doubts were only wiped away when he felt the warm flesh of his friend against his own. Roy s eyes, already heavy from his drinking, slowly closed as he leaned against Maes. In any other situation, he would have blushed or shoved Maes away, but this was different. He inhaled his friend s scent, a mix of natural smells combined with soaps or colognes and the rich alcohol on his breath. His body was too foggy to even think about blushing at the tender display. I think I drank too much too fast. He sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. Despite what he had just said, he gulped down the remainder of his drink. I should get going. I don t want to piss all over your genius idea. He stood up, body wavering slightly, and reached into his back pocket to take out his wallet and search for the right amount of money.
['Gracia', 'Hughes', 'Maes', 'Mustang']
Home is where the heart is~me and Felitha
"Man, it has been far too long." Yuffie said to herself, letting her duffle bag hit the ground as she stretched her arms high above her head as she entered her hometown of Wutai. She was back for both a visit and Wutai business. Being the daughter of the leader of the village, and therefore, future leader of the village herself, she would have to take part in various rituals. The rituals she'd be taken part in over the next few months or so involved paying respect to the ancestors for protection of the village. Though, the rituals involved.......some rather odd things. As weird......and kinky as they were, she didn't think too much of them. She had been preparing for this day her whole life. "Yuffie." The scream was loud enough to be heard all through the village and a blur of motion shot out of a nearby house and hit Yuffie around the waist, almost knocking her to the ground. Arms wrapped around her old friend and head drapped over the black hair ninjas shoulder Felitha became visable. It had been a long time since she had seen her old friend and it was Felitha was thrilled.It was obvious from her dress that the younger woman was a ninja as well. She wore the same kind of tan shorts that Yuffie wore but her top was simply a dark green vest with one simple button holding back her chest. She was a shade taller than Yuffie but she was skinny as well with a bit more chest than her friend. Her weapons, two short blades rested on the underside of her arms and a simple flex could bring the weapons out."Its been too long." Felitha let up on her hug a little bit so they coudl look in each others eyes. Emerald green eyes shone with mischief and happiness underneath long black bangs as Felitha looked over the older ninja. Yuffie knew that blur. Before she even hit her, Yuffie knew it was Felitha. She almost lost her footing when the younger girl barreled into her."Hey Felitha!" she happily cried out, hugging her dear friend. She took a moment to look her up down."Wow, did you ever grow curves. Last time I saw you, you were flat as board., you're just a sexy little thing, aren't you?" she said, smiling happily. "You don't have much to talk about." Felitha pouted though she was pleased that Yuffie noticed her new curves. She spun a little, showing off her body to her best friend. It had been a while since they had seen each other, ever since Yuffie had gone out to make it in the world as a Materia hunter. Still it was good to see Yuffie again so Felitha didn't let the years apart bother her."Make sure you don't get so tired doing rituals that you don't have time to come and see me." Felitha crushed her friend with another hug. "We can take a bath together again. I'm sure my bath can still fit both of us." Feltiha whispered into her friends ears, remembering their few times of experimentation years before when they were finding out what their bodies were for. Yuffies eyes went wide for a second and she blushed, but it quickly turned into a smile."I'd love to........I have picked up a few new.......skills since I was gone." she whispered back, rubbing her body up against Felithas, arms around her slender waist. "Can't wait." Felitha nipped at Yuffie's ear, playing with it slightly before backing away again. She was more than happy to see that Yuffie still wanted to continue the fun they had always had when they were smaller. It might just have been a youg childs games then, even with all the pleasure they had felt, but Felitha couldn't wait to try it out as an adult. Still they couldn't exactly go at it in the streets, even with the free view of the Wutai on sex."Your dad asked me to bring you to him first though." Felitha said frowning. "He seemd worried about the state of the towns protections. He said we might have let the rituals wait too long." "Figures. It's always business with him." Yuffie replied, groaning in frustration as she released Felitha and stepped back."I'll go see him...........Why don't you hop out of those clothes and get a bath ready for us?" she whispered as she walked past Felitha, giving her a quick smack on her bottom. "I'll get more than that ready for you." Felitha grinned and watched as YUffie walked away from her. Her eyes were walked on Yuffie's tight ass as the older ninja walked away. It would be fun for them when they got back together. Still Felitha coulnd't help but be worried. The rituals could sometimes be a bit rough even though Felitha didn't really know what really happened. "Hey, old geezer, I'm heeerrrrrreeeeeeee." Yuffie called out as she stepped into the primary staging area for the rituals. She'd rather have gotten a little time to relax and unpack and do........other things with Felitha since she only just got here, but if the ritual needed to be started now, she'd do it. Besides, there were multiple rituals to do, might as well start them now. "Hello Yuffie." Yuffie's father stepped into the room with her. The room itself was set back into the cliffs behind Wutai. It already hung with the smell of incense and a light smoke drifted in the air, giving the room a kind of supernatural feeling to it. The thing that drew the most attention was a pile of white furs that filled most of the center of the room, surronded by stone statues of various animals and spirits."You know what you must do correct?" It only took a Yuffie a few moments to realize that the rituals would start now."Yes father, I understand." she replied, nodding her head. She had prepared for this day. She knew that it meant giving her body over to a creature not of this world. Most would freak out at the mention of that, but yuffie had been raised on the Wutai belief system. To her, this was a neccessity to guarantee their continued prosperity. "Good." Yuffie's father stepped over to a table at the edge of the room and picked up a shallow bowl full of steaming liquid. He stepped over to her and held out the bowl of liquid to her."Make sure that you drink deep. This will open your mind to the ritual." As soon as the bowl had been passed to Yuffie the older man left the room leaving her alone with the bed of furs and the statues. The drink was designed for several things, to get her in the mood as well as make it so that she could interact with the spirits. Yuffie took a deep breath before chugging down the entire bowl of liquid. When finished, she wiped her mouth off and set the bowl down. Then, she disrobed. Leaving her clothing where she stood, she headed over to the fur and lay down. It was actually really comfy. She lay on the fur, in her naked glory, already feeling the effects of the drink as her body began to grow warm. She lay there, patiently awaiting her first trial. She was certainly nervous about this. Who wouldn't be about fucking a creature? For a while nothing happened but then the smoke began to grow thicker and thicker. Soon it was swirling around the bed, making an almost solid wall of smoke around her. The statues were the only things that were still visable besides the bed and one of them began to glow a dim blue collar. The statue showed a gorrilla like creature that was sitting on the top of the pilith.The smoke swirled together on the end of the pile of furs and a ghostly seeming gorilla stood there. The spirit creature was large, bigger than most men could ever be and it seemed to glow with a internal white light. Yuffie looked up at the hulking beast. It was big, easily bigger than any man. She hoped she would be able to handle something this large. She lay back in the fur, writhing lightly in anxiety and anticpation, waiting for the creature to come and take her lucious body as part of the ritual. The gorilla looked down at Yuffie, her skinny but still very beautiful body open to his eyes. She was certainly a petite girl though without her clothes her curves became very obvious. Her breasts were small but very perky and her hips flared out nicely from her thin waist. Even her ass was nice and firm.The gorilla spirit reared off of his fists onto its hindlegs. Suddenly the fact that it was a male spirit became quite obvious. His large cock hung between its thick legs, almost completely stiff already from looking down at the woman's body. Yuffie moaned lightly just from looking at. The drink had certainly got her all hot and bothered. She was still writhing around on the fur, her legs parting to invite the Gorilla spirit in for his ritual prize. The gorilla spirit heard the girl's monas and at that sound he stepped forward the last few steps and reached down. Its large hands surronded her waist, so big that its fingers touched each other even around her waist. Yuffie was lifted into the air, completely off the ground. The spirit fell back into a sitting position, still holding the ninja in the air.Yuffie was then placed on his lap, the silky fur rubbing against her ass and its large cock pushing against her stomach. Yuffie tangled her fingers into it's fur, taking a moment to get a deep breath and prepare herself. The creature didn't need to force her, she willingly raised her body up and slowly slid down onto his cock. He was huge, so it hurt as he entered her. The pain got worse the more he entered her, but gradually, it faded bit by bit, being replaced with pleasure. She eventually, somehow, got him all the way inside of her. She stopped then, clinging to his chest, letting her small body, in comparison to his, get adjusted to what was now inside of her. The spirit didn't move right away. It might not have a physical body but it had done this enough times to know how to make sure it didn't hurt its partner. After all this ritual wasn't about pain or anything like that, but to simply power the protective spells around the village. Still just the feel of a Yuffie's tight vice like pussy around its cock was amazing enough that even without movement it felt great.Still as she began to to get used to its size the spirt's cock inside of her it lifted her body up easily with its hands. She slowly began to slide off his cock, her nether lips split wide open by the monster cock inside of her. Yuffie moaned loudly as she was lifted off. God, it had only just started, but it was amazing. That was in part, due to the drink from the other. Still, even without it, she would have thoroughly enjoyed it. THe slender girl was lifted up until Yuffie was at the very top of the spirit animal's massive cock, only the head of the organ still inside her body. Then she was dropped back down, sliding the cock back up inside of her. It start to speed up like that, the large cock slidding in and out of Yuffie with smooth and even strokes. The spirit still wasn't going too fast, after all Yuffie was too small for it to really be able to do anything hard to her. Being pushed back down brought some of the pain back, but before long, pleasure was the only thing she felt. She still clung to his fur, crying out in pleasure constantly, with an occasional oh god here and there. Drink or not, these rituals might not be so bad. The gorilla suddenly turned Yuffies body with one quick movement so that her back was leaning back against the creatures chest. Its large hands now shifted and covered her breasts, the gorilla's large fingers running along her nipples as it did so. Now it was just thrusting its hips, the powerful thrusts bouncing Yuffie up and dropping her back down on its cock with no other help. The new position, while not really much different, sent a sharp wave of pleasure through her entire body. She was nearly screaming now with how good it felt. When his large hands enveloped her breasts, she lay her hands on top of it's, barely covering them at all. The gorilla began to get to real work now, the noises coming from the young ninja driving it on. Really beginning to thrust into her now, her body bouncing up and down against his hips. One hand left her breast and moved down between her legs, now going to work on her clit. She was going to cum and then he woudl as well, sealing the pact between the village and the spirits for one more generation. The simple touch damn near sent Yuffie over the edge right now. But, she held back. It wasn't for much longer though, as she cried out in pure ecstasy, her strongest orgasm yet rippling throughout her body. It ended sooner than she'd hope, but this was her first time taking part in a ritual with the animal spirits with Wutai. In the future rituals, she'd no doubt last longer. It had been a long time since the first time this ritual had been done, and certain rules had stayed since that time. It was always required that both of the parties orgasm and the gorilla spirit was at his limit as well. Yuffie was already extremely tight and as she squeezed she became even tighter. The gorilla spirit reached his peak as well and fired into her spasming pussy. The gorilla was big, his cock was big, and the load of cum he shot was big too, filling Yuffie's pussy and spilling out of er and onto the fur. Even as she fell limp and tired, she moaned weakly at the feeling of the warm seed filling her body. It was an interesting feeling. Different than what it was like with a normal man. Perhaps it was because it wasn't actually.....alive by the normal definition. So, she just lay there, limp, tired and completely satisfied. Well, almost satisfied. She still had an itch that only a bath with Felitha could scratch. The gorillas lifted Yuffie off of its lap and placed her on the ground beside him, laying her down carefully on the soft furs. Then the spirit seemed to dissolve, motes of light blowing away and settling back on the statue it had come from. It left the young ninja alone expect for the feeling of pleasure and a pussy full of warm seed."The ritual for today is complete." A voice seemed to fill the room and the mist around her dissolved into thin scraps then disappeared. Yuffie had a satisfied smile on her face as she nodded in understanding in regards to the voice. After resting a bit, she slowly stood up and went over to the pile of clothes she left behind. She pent them on slowly, as she was a bit weak, but that weakness seemed to be forgotten as she suddenly sped towards the exit, and towards where Felitha was waiting. Felitha stood in the kitchen in her house, humming happily as she cut vegtables for the food she was preparing. She knew that she had told Yuffie that she would be in the bath, but with what the ritual would consist of Yuffie woudl need energy. Besides Felitha had wanted a chance to wear this outfit for a while. Right now all she was wearing was a very tiny pair of shorts and a apron, her breasts straining against the tight black material. "So, you cook now?" said Yuffie, leaning against the door frame, her hands crossed over her chest."Man, I really have been gone a long time. Last time you tried to cook when I was around, you couldn't even boil water right." she teased, laughing lightly. "I could too cook." Felitha said, turning to her friend with a pout on her lips and the large knife dangling from one hand. "You just never had any taste before.""Besides if you are going to keep making fun of me then I'm not going to give you any." Felitha leaned forward to check on the food in the pan, making sure to stick her ass back towards Yuffie. "Well, food isn't what I'm hungry for." Yuffie said with a grin, stepping forward and cupping Felithas ass with both hands, squeezing it as well. "But I spent all the time you were gone cooking." Felitha complained but her heart wasn't in the arguement. She was just enjoying the touch of her friend now. She had been ready for this since Yuffie came back. Still she wanted to play with this a little bit."What are you going to give me to stop now and feed you what you want?" "Oh, I don't know. But, I'm sure I can come up with something." Yuffie replied, pressing her body up against Felithas back, both arms going around her waist. Her left, rested on Felithas thigh, gently rubbing up and down while her right rested on her stomach, teasing the waist band of her little short shorts. "But I need a promise. I want to know what I have to look forward to." Felitha turned around in her friends grasp so that they were now facing each other. Her hands went around Yuffie's waist and fulled their bodies up against each other, their breasts pressed together. "Well, what do you mean? A promise over what happens tonight, or a promise over what'll happen for the rest of our lives together?" Yuffie asked, giving her a peck on the lips. "Well you know me. I don't plan that far ahead so I guess a promise for tonight will be fine." Felitha returned the kiss, still light, but her tongue darts out and traces the outside of the other woman's lips. Meanwhile her hands have moved, unsnapping Yuffie's shorts and pushing them to the ground, leaving just panties covering her tight little pussy. "I promise you pleasure. I promise you a night of pure bliss. A night where I guarantee, you'll see the face of god......" Yuffie replied in a low, seductive tone. Meanwhile, she pushed down Felithas own shorts, after her own were removed. She was still covered in the front by the apron. She couldn't wait to get at what was under there. Sure, she and Felitha and touched each other before, but that was years ago, both had matured a great deal since then, mentally and physically. "That is a lot of promises coming from you. I don't know if you can do it though I'll give you the chance to try. Felitha suddenly grinned and lowered her shoulder, pushing it into Yuffie and lifting her up so the older ninja was being held over one shoulder."Well lets go and get busy on it. We have changed the baths a little bit. I think you will be pleased." Yuffie gasped in surprise, then giggled as she was slung over Felithas shoulder, her panty covered ass right next to the girls face."Nothing wrong with that. That just adds a bit of challenge to it, that'll make it all the more rewarding." she replied. "Not exactly a challange." Felitha pushed into the bathroom. When Yuffie had been there before the bath had been normal sized, pretty full with even two little girls. Now the normal tub had been replace with one of hot tub size, already full of steaming water."Dad found out a hot spring was right underneath our house and piped down into it." Felitha explained to her friend before lifintg her and tossing her into the hot water. Yuffie squeeled in surprise when she was suddenly lifted and tossed into the water. Surfacing, her hair matted to her head, she smiled."Well then, what other good things did I miss out on while I was gone?" she asked, peeling some wet hair out of her face. "Well you did miss out on these appearing." With that Felitha reached behind her neck and undid the ties of the apron, letting it fall to the ground around her feet. She stepped out of the pool of cloth, now clad only in panties. The young ninja grabbed her breasts and hefted them, showing off their weight and size."Do you think it was a good change?" "Oh yes, very good indeed." Yuffie replied, her hand stroking her own thighs under the water, quite turned on already."Would you possibly mind spinning around. I'd love to see how your ass looks like now in just panties." she said with a sweet, almost begging smile. "You mean this little old thing. I don't know if it is really all that great." Felitha turned around and leaned over, her tight ass pressing against her panties. Really the hours of exercise had sculpted the young womans body quite well, giving her somethign that most girls would kill for. That included an ass you could bounce quarters off of. "You kidding? It's amazing." Yuffie replied with a smile, laying her arms over the side of the tub and resting her chin on top of them. Looking at Felithas ass was just making her hotter. With how sexy Felitha had gotten, she could simply tease Yuffie into an orgasm and not have to touch her at all. "Why thank you. All of these complments are going to really turn a girls head. Since you are being so nice though maybe I should let you have a closer look at what you want." Felitha slid her fingers in to the sides of her panties and slowly slid them down around her feet. With a elicate flick of one foot she sent the panties spinning over to yuffie."Well? What do you think?" "Breath taking." Yuffie simple replied, smiling as she locked her eyes on Felithas bare ass, twirling the panties around her finger before tossing them off to the side. "But your breath isn't what I want." Felitha grinned at her friend, and soon to be lover. She stepped forward and slid into the warm waters beside Yuffie, enjoying the sensation of the warm water sliding across her more than ready body. It almost felt like thousands of warm hand were reaching out and caressing her."It wasn't nice of you to disappear for so long." Felitha slid closer to Yuffie, their naked bodies touching now. "I would have shared this with you a lot sooner if you had been around." "Aw, you're gonna make me cry now....." Yuffie replied, giving a playful, but fake sniffle as she scooted even closer to Felitha, slipping an arm around her waist and holding her close."Trust wont' have to worry about me leaving ever again......" she added, tilting Felithas chin to side so Felithas was looking at her, the gap between them quickly closed as Yuffie leaned forward, locking their lips together in a loving kiss.
['Mischief', 'Yuffie', 'Felitha']
Oh, Roxas could kill that motherfucker. How could that fucking little redhead cheat on him with that slut of a cheerleader? More importantly, how could everyone in the school but Roxas know about it? Oh, how it made his blood boil with all the rage and anger he felt at the moment. He wanted to take a knife and carve into Axel's ass like a turkey on Thanksgiving, but sadly that was illegal. The boy stomped through the hallway to his next class, he had just left lunch where he punched Axel in the face after hearing the news of him sleeping with the slutty cheerleader, the one who probably had urinary tract infection, or at least the blond had hoped so. He wanted Axel to feel massive amounts of pain for what he had done, the black eye he had given him was not enough. The small blond noticed his fist was still clenched from when he had done the glorious deed of punching the cheating bastard in the face earlier only after he shoved a Freshman out of the way and into the locker, producing a small dent from where his face landed. Hey, it was his fault, the boy shouted for everyone to "fucking move" when he exited the lunchroom, the glass on the door cracking a bit as he did so. Suddenly, Roxas heard a fit of giggles from a trio of girls down the hallway and stalked over to them, glaring at them. "So, you think it's fucking funny, do you?!" He shouted at them. "You think it's funny that EVERYONE but little old me knew about Axel fucking the whore? Well, fuck you, you stupid cunts!" Obviously, the boy was a, what's the word? Angry. He had every right to be, of course, Axel had slept with another person, a woman, no less. Roxas stalked off into his last period class, his teacher looking at him as he entered. "Roxas, you look a bit angry, what happened?" The blond only glared at his teacher as he took his seat. "Oh, did you finally find out about Axel?" He questioned, shuffling some papers in his hands. The blond's mouth dropped a bit, even his teacher knew Axel was cheating on him? No fucking way, this was ridiculous. He was truly the only one in the entire school to not know his boyfriend was sleeping with the cheerleader. Oh, this was the most embarrassing day of his life. Sadly, it was about to get worse, seeing as he shared his final period with Axel, who's seat was right next to his. Fucking great. Hell, he never knew Roxas could punch so hard. When the squirt literally knocked him off of his feet, he felt as he temporarily lost his ability to see on his left eye. He expected a weak shove, slap to the face, a kick to the shin, or all of the above, but he definitely didn't expect for the tiny blond to land a skilled swing into his oh so handsome face ! He didn't know his punishments would come around so cruelly, but when they did, he felt an incredible wave of guilt completely wash out his insides. His boyfriend of nearly two years, Roxas, actually dumped him because he so happened to have gotten a bit tipsy one night with a cheerleader. It wasn't his fault that he was almost knocked unconscious from the drink she offered ! Hell, he was a boy, too ! If his hormones were on a roll, there was no stopping him when there was a good fuck waiting for him in bed. But Roxas wasn't so merciful, even when he tried to reason that it wasn't his choice to have knocked her up. Nothing got through that pissy kid. And sometimes, he wondered if he had been dating a girl all along. But then again, a girl couldn't have punchedthisforcefully. Covering his bruised eye, he scurried into the nearest restroom to treat his wound, hidden from any prying hyenas who wanted a chance to see his demise in person. The black eye wasn't too serious, but it did leave a nasty purple spot under his tear ledges. Axel nearly shattered the restroom mirror into pieces.Then, as he clumbered out of the public bathroom with a wet paper towel clutched to the side of his face, he was faced with Lenina, the cheerleader whom was the fault for this whole rendezvous. Then, as if this whole incident washisfault, the girl shot her knee up his crotch, sending him into a second hell that refused to leave him, even as he fell to the ground in complete agony. He limped to the nurse's office, where he received a full lecture about faithfulness from the assistant there who treated the purplish ring around his eye. Then, he sulked into class. He was just about as pissed off about everything as Roxas was. So as soon as he entered class, he threw his backpack on the ground and plopped into his seat, lazily sprawling his limbs out. He slumped his posture and threw his head back, muttering incoherent swear words under his breath. Fucking Roxas. Fucking cheerleader. He didn't need them all. Well, maybe he didn't need Lenina, but ... Roxas ? Hnnn.It was totally awkward to sit right next to his ex boyfriend, really. He was just about to request a seating change, but he decided to ignore him instead. Axel wanted to speak to him, but why risk getting another black eye ? Things would change dramatically from now on. They wouldn't be able to kiss each other across the seat ... pass notes during lectures ... fool off together during lab assignments ... and Axel would have to find another kid to cheat off of. Axel messed up the cinnamon red hair on the back of his head, grunting in frustration. And with an inward sigh, he turned to face his ex lover, leaning in ever so slightly as if a bit frightened that Roxas would lash at him again, "Now, come on, Roxas baby ! This was all a mistake ! A big misunderstanding ! I was drunk ! You of all people should understand me !" As Roxas waited for the asshole to arrive he looked back upon the two lovely years they'd spent together. He could remember the first day Axel asked him out and how he couldn't stop blushing. Hell, he could remember even further back when the two met on the first day of school and how their ritual of passing notes to one another when they were bored began. He could remember their first date to go see whatever horrendous movie they saw and making fun of it the whole time, which brought a slight smile to the blond's gentle face, but it instantly hardened and he was angry once more. He then remembered hearing those two girls talking about how Axel had knocked up Lenina and how she wasn't sure whether she was going to get an abortion or not. The pencil in Roxas's usually delicate hand snapped in two, he was pissed once more. He glared as the cheater entered the room and took the seat next to him like he always had, the only thing different today was that his face was bruised and his balls were throbbing with pain, unknown to Roxas. The boy's lips turned into a slight smile as he heard the man muttering under his breath, a sign of frustration, that was a good start, but it wasn't pain, which is what he wanted the man to feel. He also wanted him to feel betrayal and humiliation, but he he wasn't quite sure how to achieve those, so pain would be good enough. Roxas turned slightly as Axel leaned towards him, ready to leap over the seat and claw at the man. What did Axel just call him? Did he seriously call him baby after what he had done? Oh, the poor man. "Don't call me baby." The blond said, clear rage in his voice. "The one you should be calling baby is the stupid slut that you knocked up!" The boy glared daggers at the poor redhead, seriously considering using his broken pencil to stab him in the eye with. "I I just don't believe this! What do you mean I should understand you? I've been drunk with you before too Axel, I just know how to keep my penis in my pants! You know what you are, Axel? You're just...just like what Britney Spears is talking about in that song! You're a fucking womanizer! You're a whore!" Axel's eyebrows knit together as Roxas literally screamed at his face, anchoring his heart and dragging it to the pit of his flipped stomach. Hell, was he that pissed ? Well, shit. Being in a crowded classroom of forty students didn't help with his attempt to hang on to his ex boyfriend's leg, but Axel was actually very desperate at this point. He thought he could cope with life without Roxas, but upon seeing that angelic face he now had no access to touching well, it drove him to the brink of insanity. His day wouldn't be complete without a kiss, and he now had no reason to anticipate a blowjob afterschool. But receiving oral sex wasn't his worst concern right now ! It would undoubtedly be an obstacle to get through Roxas at this point ... man, he didn't even imagine that his sweet baby could bethisdemonic because of a small mistake he made a few days ago ... Was he even talking to him ? Axel pulled back as he saw Roxas keep a firm grip on that broken pencil, eyeing the sharp wooden edges warily. "Now, Roxy baby, let's not get too angsty here ... put that pencil down ..." he murmured, holding his hands up in case he would actually have to defend himself from an incoming stab shower."B But ... it wasn't my fault ! I I don't even like fucking women !" he complained, looking downright helpless and at fault in this current scenario. He kept his voice low so that the teacher wouldn't hear, but at the same time, he was getting riled up, too. Okay, so maybe he did commit some unspeakable sin, but all relationships needed to have a few scratches to be perfectly healthy ! He wouldn't crawl into that cheerleader's den in another million years, and the present and future was much more important than the past ! There was nothing he could do to mend what already happened, but he could prove himself to be a better lover for Roxas if he'd give him the chance ! Now ... how could he summarize all of that in a few timid phrases so that Roxas wouldn't kill him in mid sentence ? "You know the pleasure's all in you, babe ! C'mon, Roxas ... I'm your whore ! We all know that already. The entire school knows it. We're an item !" he whined, glancing over at their teacher to make sure that he wasn't going to start class anytime soon. He would have to buy a lot of time to soothe this thunderstorm ...He pursed his lips together, bearing a facial expression of total confusion. Womanizer ? Britney Spears ? What the hell ? "That I have to be honest with you I can't deny that fact ... but still !" he pleaded, "If I wasn't so desperate, I wouldn't be clinging onto you like this ... Roxas ..." Then, before he could say anything more, the teacher slapped his Expo marker on the whiteboard and announced that class was now officially in session. "We were an item." Roxas said, correcting Axel's mistake. "You see, Axel. To be an item two people have to actually want to be together and at the moment I want to kill you, not kiss you." The blond whispered now that class had started. No matter how angry the boy was, he wasn't going to miss their teacher's lectures. He was a straight A student and wasn't going to lose that because of some stupid redhead, especially not so far into the semester. So the blond closed his ears to Axel and honed his hearing onto his teacher, although his lectures usually put him to sleep, no matter what subject the topic was. He glanced at Axel one last time, admiring the hurt look on his handsome face before turning back to the board, jotting down whatever was on it. Quite frankly though, Axel was still on his mind. He couldn't believe that Axel actually wanted him to forgive him this soon for what he had done. Roxas doubted he could forgive him at all, actually, but he supposed he would have to someday, perhaps at their high school reunion, the twenty five year one, not the ten year. There were a few things he'd miss about Axel though, such as kissing him and sex was always nice, especially the ritual blow job he gave him after school. There was nothing quite like hearing the male moan out his name as he climaxed that made Roxas smile. The boy instantly shook his head to rid himself of any thoughts like that though, he couldn't think of Axel like that anymore, the only thing he could imagine him doing was fucking that cheerleader, fucking her like he fucked him, which made him want to vomit uncontrollably. Roxas sighed as he set down his broken pencil and closed his eyes as he massaged his temples. All of this was much too stressful for him, especially for high school and with midterms coming up. He could not deal with this at the moment and he couldn't wait for this class to end so he could just go home and mope. Gah, he hated it when people manipulated his words to backfire it on him. And he loathed it when people changed present tenses to their past forms so that they could emphasize the fact that it should remain behind them. "Don't do this to me !" he cried in complete misery, burying his face into his arms on the desk's surface. The teacher didn't even bother to remind him that they were in the middle of class, because Axel usually slept during lectures, anyways. And he decided to forgive him for this one afternoon because he felt sorry for the kid and his grotesquely distinctive left eye. Axel spent the remainder of classtime doodling on a piece of notebook paper with his cheek pressed to the desk in laziness. He didn't have the spirit to sit up straight anymore. And as if his entire back was constructed with jelly, he didn't budge or shift in his seat. One would have thought he was actually dead with his lack of movement and expression.Now, Axel wasn't the type to be sappy or totally romantic, but he did whatever his heart ordered for him to do because he felt as if it was necessary to win the affections of his lover again. The whole time, he was consecutively writing three sentences in order, caring whether or not his hand was cramping up from going on with that incredibly messy handwriting of his. At the end of class, he was on the verge of fainting from exhaustion, but he finally marked the period of his heartfelt note and weakly sat up to admire his work. On a piece of paper front and back were the sentences 'I love you, I need you, I can't live without you' written on every single line and margin. His palm was sweaty, and he rubbed his hand on his jacket, standing up with a defeated look on his face as the bell signaled for them to leave the classroom. There was no point in waiting for Roxas anymore. The kid didn't even want to look at his face. Hell, he wanted to kill him ! He would have to try again in a matter of a few months after he calmed down. Then again, wouldn't someone like Axel have moved on, anyways ? He was, after all, not one to stay attached to a person for too long.He slapped the paper onto Roxas's desk and coolly shuffled out of the classroom behind a moving line of near dead students, shoving his aching right hand into his pocket. That was honestly the most productive he had ever been since he even started school. Throughout the whole class all Roxas did was think about the giant asshole next to him. It's like his mind was a movie theater and all that was playing that day was "Axel and Roxas' Happy Times Together." Quite frankly, it made him want to stab his brain to death. While yes, the moments they had together were wonderful and made the blond feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but he wasn't entirely sure if all of the happy memories made up for the horrible thing that Axel had done. Was Axel worth forgiving? Roxas loved him, he loved him a hell of a lot and Axel was his best friend. He'd sure as hell miss him if he just dropped him from his life and moved on, although he wasn't entirely sure there was anyone to move on to. After his rather loud outburst in the lunchroom, how could anyone be attracted to him? Hell, he was surprised Axel still wanted him.As the bell signaled the end of class, the blond was a bit taken back as Axel's hand slapped a note on his desk, on that was covered in the man's chicken scratches that he called handwriting. He unfolded the paper and read the first few lines of the note before realizing that the whole paper said the same thing, 'I love you, I need you, I can't live without you.' His lips were tugging upwards as he skimmed the note, slowly forming into a slight smile. Damn it, why did Axel have to make it so hard to be mad at him? The man wasn't much of a romantic, but when he cared about someone and actually put forth effort, he was really, really sweet.The boy put his head to his desk and groaned, stuffing the paper into his pants pocket as he did so. "Excuse me, Roxas? I know you're kind of having a...moment with Axel, but I really need to get home and I cant' lock my room with you inside." He stood and rolled his eyes as his teacher asked him to leave and went to his locker to put his books away, unsure of what exactly to do next. He was still incredibly pissed off at Axel, but already he missed having Axel there to push him against the lockers and kiss him. Fuck, this breakup was already taking it's toll. Truthfully, he felt a bit foolish for having wasted his class time writing that useless note. Knowing Roxas, he wouldn't have given it a second glance and might have trashed it the second he walked out of that classroom. Axel was stubborn, but he knew his boundaries and when he needed to leave someone alone. With a depressed sigh, he massaged the sore ring around his eye, wincing every now and then as the bruise stung his abused flesh. He didn't mind it so much anymore. He deserved to have a near permanent mark on his face to let people know of the sin he committed against the boy he loved oh god, who was he kidding ? There was no way in hell that he would have to cope with having this ugly watermark on his handsome face for more than a couple of weeks ! This was insanity ! And why was he limping ? God, that woman drove a really nasty kick up his crotch of all people he could knock up, he had to hump a fucking cheerleader ... He pitied himself and his poor choices so much. Axel, in his almost unconscious state, didn't know where exactly he was walking to until he recognized the black numbers that were engraved on the silver plates of the lockers. Almost like natural instinct, of course, he was heading towards their regular meeting place after school. Oh, this was so typical.With a frustrated groan, he kicked the nearest pole to himself, recoiling his throbbing foot with a flying curse screamed from between his lips. He hated Mondays forever, now. But he had a reason to be here. His textbooks were still in Roxas's locker, and he would really need them for his classes tomorrow ... there was no reason to safe keep them there no longer, right ? They shared lockers because his was on the other side of the campus, but that wasn't so inconvenient anymore. Part of him didn't want to approach Roxas again, but the more dominant side that needed to see his ex boyfriend's angelic face a second time for his day to be a bit better prompted him to bravely step forward. Naturally, he held up his hands in self defense, using one hand to quickly withdraw his books from Roxas's locker. Well, what do you know ? It looked as if the blond was going to have some extra room, now. "I I'm not going to make you any more upset, all right ? I just came to get my textbooks." he murmured in slight fright, fitting the two binders under his arm, too. Roxas sighed as he saw Axel once again, just how many times was he going to be forced to see the man today? They had broken up, he should never have to see him again, but obviously that wasn't going to happen. The boy bit his lip as the redhead seemed to be actually frightened of him, which was just hilarious because Axel wore the pants in their relationship, not the other way around, but he guessed he should be scared seeing as he punched him in the eye and then said he wanted to kill him. Oh well though, Roxas said a lot of stupid things when he was angry, it wasn't entirely his fault. "Give me your damn books, Axel." The blond said, sighing once more as he took them from the redhead's arms and put them back in his locker, shutting it once he was done. While he was a major bitch when he was angry, he wasn't going to make Axel walk all the way across campus to his locker, he knew how lazy the male was and didn't want him to get in trouble for never bringing his textbooks to class.He shifted from foot to foot, running a hand through his hair as he stared at Axel's eye, mainly at the purple spot underneath it. He bit his tongue before finally opening his mouth, "I'm sorry for punching you, kind of." A dim glow of hope flickered in his heart as Roxas snatched the books from his grasp, but as he realized that it wouldn't make a difference in their severed relationship, the light extinguished. Roxas was considerate enough to keep them there to prevent Axel from walking to the other side of the campus, but wouldn't that be better for him ? After all, just a few minutes ago, Roxas gave him the dirtiest glare ever and confessed that he would rather murder than be stuck with him again. What was the point of keeping his textbooks and binders there, then ? "I was actually going to do my homework tonight, but I guess you have other plans for me." he shrugged, half of himself not quite believing that he admitted that he would do his schoolwork. Without Roxas to distract him, where was the fun in life ? Axel was a bright kid, but he had the shortest attention span ever. Roxas took up about 99.9 of his life, and the remaining O.O1 were thoughts of sex, but that tiny bit of his brain sort of blended in with his ex boyfriend, too. What would he do with all of those blank memories ? Now that his assignments were crammed in Roxas's locker and shut from his reach, there was no way he could start on them this evening, anyways. Speaking of evenings, what would he do in theafternoon? His schedule really worried him, now. Who would play Super Smash Brothers Melee with him ? Who would be there to eat his home made 'supa mega ultra hot burritos' ? "I'll come pick it up tomorrow morning, I guess." he murmured, sounding rather depressed a tone that Axel normally didn't use."Oh, this ?" he asked, momentarily reaching up to gingerly press the bruise along his high cheekbones, "I deserved it." Honestly ? He still didn't understand how it was his fault when he vulnerably ended up being manipulated by that bitchy cheerleader. He wanted to leave, but the real Axel was prompting him to do something to bring Roxas back into his arms. After all, he didn't date him for two entire years so that it could end because of a huge misunderstanding ! He didn't care if Roxas believed his excuses anymore. He just wanted him back. In one fluid moment, he wrapped an arm around his ex lover's waist, tugging his hips forward to attach their lower torsos. As always, his fingers were barely dipping under the waistband of his pants, gingerly probing what was his. "Come on, Roxy baby ... I'm sorry ! You know I love you. I love you more than anyone or anything in this entire world ! If you don't want me to speak to anyone else but you from now on, I'll do that ! Fuck, I'll even tattoo your name onto my dick." he reasoned with a tone of immature desperation, his lips carefully pursing themselves over the tender flesh of his neck. Roxas would be lying if he wasn't thinking about who he would now hang out with, now that he and Axel were broken up. He had absolutely no one. Well, he of course had a few friends to count on, but none of them were like his beloved redhead. He and Axel were best friends and knew everything about each other, their favorite things to do, favorite songs, favorite bands, favorite pair of underwear Axel didn't have a favorite pair, he preferred to go commando, but Roxas made him wear underwear every once in awhile. The boy played with the bottom of his shirt as he thought about all the things he and Axel did together and how boring everything would be without him. Hell, even eating wouldn't be fun without Axel, his burritos were killer and Roxas loved them almost as much as he did the redhead, there was no way he could live without them. He looked up to the taller male as he used that seldom used tone, depression. He had only ever heard it once, when Axel accidentally ran over his cat, but he forgave him eventually.It was true, Axel sure as hell did deserve the shiner that he had given him, but still, he couldn't help but feel a bit bad about putting a blemish on the male's handsome face. He was a bit taken back as Axel suddenly pulled him towards him, their waists touching as they had many times before. Before the boy knew it, the other's hand was a bit down his pants and his lips were to his neck, just resting there gently. "Axel..."He said with a sigh, wrapping his own arms around him, feeling that familiar frame. He couldn't believe that the male would actually do all of that for him and he was actually being serious, Roxas could tell. "You don't have to do any of that, just please don't do this. I'm not ready." He squeezed Axel close once before letting his arms drop to his sides. "Not yet." Maybe their time together was really destined to come to an end ... relationships were always like that for Axel. If one thread went loose, the entire cloth unraveled and fell into a heap of jumbled yarn. A mistake was a mistake, and nobody, not even the bitch he slept with, wanted to share the blame with him. That was always the case with Axel. In the midst of every healthy bond, there had to be some kind of misunderstanding that almost made it seem like it was his fault that everything went wrong. He thought Roxas was different, forgiving at least. Not a single individual wanted to believe that he was the victim of this entire ordeal, and that his intentions didn't have anything to do with wanting to fuck her. Even Axel's 'gang' members, or his threatening posse, told him to stop moping around and suck up to the facts. But that was the problem they weren't facts. For the first time in his life, he actually felt hurt. Physical pain didn't make him learn or realize anything, but emotional suffering did. He lost his support beam, and if Roxas didn't believe him, then who would ? In a few days, he would force himself to completely forget about his best friend and move on to his normal lifestyle of fucking numerous women and men on a daily basis. He wanted to convince himself that the newly acquired freedom from faithfulness would feel amazing, but ... he preferred to be enslaved.Slightly disheartened at Roxas's answer, he pursed his lips together against the blond's neck, slowly withdrawing his head from the kissed flesh. 'Not yet' was a nicer way of saying that he wasn't interested anymore, right ? It was because he pitied him that he decided to toy with the strings of his heart to see how long they would last before it would snap and break in two. "You think you're so innocent, Roxas !" he snarled, slamming a fist into the locker next to Roxas's head. It caved in. Like fire, he was easily riled up, and when he became agitated, his emotions were extremely difficult to cradle. "I thought you loved me ! After two ..." he harshly bit on his lower lip and stopped himself from strangling his ex lover, "... I spent two years admiring and staring at you and you only. I'm humble enough to admit that I've done some wrong, but you ... as my boyfriend my best friend, you couldn't even let me have five fucking seconds to explain myself ! You punched and insulted me in front of the entire school, and went on and on about some cheerleader who drove her fucking knee up my crotch and laughed as she watched me limp away ! Is that what you want from me ? For me to feel miserable ? To be taunted by the whole fucking campus ?"He scoffed in disbelief, his fingers unraveling as Axel's knuckles slightly bled from the strong impact with the metal doors. "As if losing you wasn't enough to make my heart bleed." he murmured, pushing off of his ex boyfriend to storm down the hallway. In short, he lost all faith in love and trust now. Axel couldn't have been more wrong in his assumptions that Roxas was leading him on. He planned to forgive him, he really did, it would just take time for him to get to that point and then eventually get back to where they were. If only Axel had not have gone off the deep end and punched the fucking locker, leaving a rather deep dent in the metal. What the hell did the male mean by thinking he was innocent? Innocent about what? He was confused as hell and having the redhead yell at him didn't help matters at all, it only made him get angry. Did Axel actually think that he wasn't going to give him a chance to explain himself? It was just that he was fucking pissed after hearing he had been cheated on. That left quite a big wound in his heart, like he had been stabbed by his lover and like most people, he covered it up with rage. He wasn't technically angry at Axel, he was angry at his actions and his choices, not to mention the cheerleader who he still had to punch in the gut. He smiled a bit at the thought, that would certainly be fun. He'd never liked that girl anyways, so that was an added bonus.Roxas pulled out his phone and quickly typed out the message, 'How do you think I feel? Do you think I'm actually happy about all of this? I'm not, I'm angry and sad. Don't walk out on us, you haven't lost me, I just need time. I still love you.' He sent the text message to Axel's cell and slumped against his locker, leaning his head back against it. He didn't want to lose Axel, he wanted it to be sometime in the future so he could forget about all this crap and just be with him. Sadly, time machines had not been invented yet, but as soon as he got home, Roxas was certain he'd start doing the research himself. The almighty Axel never cried. But he was so close to spilling a few tears right then. Or maybe it was his heart that was doing all the weeping, because all he did was repeatedly pump his hands into fists without caring much about his opened knuckles. It took a whole mess of emotions to actually tick the redhead off, and though his reasons weren't very justified, he was still pissed off because Axel wasn't quite used to being depressed. He preferred being angry instead, because his entire head blacked out instead of stinging with pain. He knew he made poor choices and that he shouldn't have knocked the cheerleader up whether he was unconscious or not, but Axel couldn't help but feel a tinge of betrayal. Of course, Roxas would feel that a lot more than him, but the redhead wasn't used to being pressured with a flurry of feelings. Once he was on edge about something, he tended to drive his frustrations off any cliff until it would crash and burn at the bottom. Now, all he needed was time and a bit of a distraction to think things over and clear his mind off of the weekend's past events. Finding something worthwhile to do wouldn't be easy, but Axel was considering a hot shower or a nap to cool his boiling head. "Fucking shit." he growled, gingerly holding his injured hand with the other to examine the cut. It didn't hurt as much as he did inside, but it stung, nonetheless.Just as he was about to turn the corner and follow the thin trail of students walking off of the school campus, he felt his thigh vibrating. Normally, he wouldn't have picked it up, but out of mere curiosity, he angrily flipped open his cellphone and skimmed over the received text message without much thought, gritting his teeth together in towering rage. So now he wanted to play with him ? Give him time ? I still love you ? If his signals weren't so conspicuous, he might have figured that out, but with all of those death glares, verbal threats, and especially that loud and obnoxious announcement of their break up ... yeah, he possessed every right to feel used and confused. Roxas couldn't throw and take him back whenever he wanted. Days from now, he would be fucking another woman or man to vent out his anger by the time his blond friend would grant him permission to be together again. Currently, he wasn't in the mood to think or fret about Roxas or anyone else. Maybe tomorrow morning, he would still be muttering his friend's name in his sleep, but right now, his ex lover was the last person on his mind.His fingers wouldn't cooperate with him to press the correct buttons on his cellphone, so his message came out looking like a bunch of gibberish, but it the overall note was pretty obvious to see, "Take all the time you want." He wouldn't have the patience to wait that long, anyways. As soon as he read Axel's text message, or more like deciphered it, he instantly regretted sending the text message he had before. He knew to leave the man alone whenever he was like this, insanely angry, but he had no right to be, at least not as much as Roxas was. Of course the boy didn't know exactly what to feel any longer. He thought he could take all the time he needed to forgive Axel and the redhead would be there waiting for him all along, but now it seemed like the other male wanted nothing to do with him, mainly because of the things he came up with in his stupid little head. He loved Axel, but sometimes the man jumped to conclusions and he could just kill him for that. The boy ran a hand through his messy locks and sighed, wondering when this would all blow over. He hoped that come tomorrow Axel would be in a better mood and they could talk it all out and go back to being best friends, but that didn't seem likely, sadly.Roxas quickly picked himself and his things up and drove home, collapsing on his full sized bed as more thoughts of his beloved redhead ran through his brain. Mainly he was imagining what he was doing at that moment, hopefully feeling as much regret as Roxas was. Thinking of what Axel was doing only led to more thoughts of the male, imagining their happy moments together once again, all the times they'd done together in this very bed, from watching movies late at night to Axel taking the boy's virginity, or was it in Axel's bed? He couldn't really remember, nor did he want to at the moment, seeing as tears began to form in his eyes and slowly trickle down his gentle cheeks. He quickly grabbed a pillow and held it to him, closing his eyes as he desperately tried to go to sleep, wanting to stop thinking about the male as soon as possible. "Fucking Axel." He muttered to himself, his voice a bit shaken. Was there a reason for him to stay glued to one person now ? Hell, without the pressure of handling a relationship, he was free to fuck whomsoever he wished ! He should have taken the advice of his friends earlier, because if Roxas was truly going to leave him hanging like this, then he would have called someone up to hump his misery out. But honestly, sex wasn't going to feel so orgasmic anymore. And maybe in the future, he might accidentally groan the blond's name and end up being kicked in the crotch for it again. When he entered his one room apartment, he abandoned his backpack in front of the entrance door and headed straight for the showers. The steam from the water relaxed him, and as his crimson hair fell back over his shoulders and handsomely slicked back to reveal his face, Axel opened those fluorescent green eyes through the shower about halfway. There was something missing about ... everything. Roxas was supposed to be in front of him, naked from head to toe with that adorable smile plastered on his face, a loofah held in his hand to scrub both of them. The pouring water reminded him of their passionate kiss in the rain ... and of so many more memories he didn't want to forget.When he stepped out from the glass stall, he felt a bit shittier than before. Nevertheless, he towel dried his hair and left it damp and flattened, caring less to style it with gel. There was no point in that as of right now. Dressing into a pair of simple silk black boxers, he stretched out over his bed and moved his full limbs about, grunting. He stared up at the ceiling in hopes that the whiteness of it would eventually lull him to sleep, but the dizziness refused to come. Instead, he turned his head to face the only stuffed animal in his room a teddy bear he purchased with his own money because the color of its fur resembled Roxas's hair. He affectionately named it 'Roxy', and when he pressed its paw, it repeated Roxas's recorded voice. He reached over and carefully pressed the button embedded in the plush hand, gently closing his eyes in slight regret as he heard the bear shouting 'That's so lame, Axel ! What the hell ? Stop it !' His own voice got recorded in that machine, and he could hear how happily both of them were laughing as Axel chased his boyfriend around with that demented teddy bear. He almost smiled.His voice: "Say it ! Come on ! Must I sit on you to make it come out ?"Then Roxas's: "All right, all right ! I love you ! I love you, Axel !"Then his again: "Heh, finally ! I love you, too Ro "Then the recording device disconnected because there was no more memory available. In a way, 'Roxy' was all he had, now. "What are you looking at ?" he growled at the lifeless object, smacking it upside the head in hatred, "I didn't do anything !" Those beady eyes had a way of turning him inside out. And it was all Roxas's fault that he now developed a habit of talking to plushies.But he pressed the button again. Try as he might, sleep wouldn't come to Roxas. He tried to force himself to sleep, even hitting himself on the head once, but that only brought more pain to the poor boy, pain he didn't want. He opened his eyes and rolled over on his bed, trying to get comfortable, but of course as he rolled over he only saw his picture wall. A wall full of pictures of him and his friends, or just him. The large majority of the wall were pictures of Axel however. Pictures of Axel in his bathing suit at the pool, pictures of Axel at school, pictures of Axel at the park, pictures of Axel at the mall and just countless pictures of the redheaded male, all reminding the blond of memories of him. "God hates me." He concluded, continuing to stare at the wall that was practically dedicated to Axel. He couldn't take it anymore, this didn't feel right. At this very moment, if he and Axel were together he'd have just finished giving him his after school blow job, a treat for making it through the day and not failing, or molesting Roxas in the bathroom. It was the simple things like that and what some would consider weird, that made his and Axel's relationship so special and unique. The two understood each other and were perfect together, would he let some stupid cheer leading whore come between that? Certainly not.Roxas grabbed his cell phone again and bit his lip as he pondered calling Axel or not. He was probably punching something at the moment out of anger, seeing as that was what he mostly did when he was this pissed. Axel didn't seem like a meathead at all, but he sure did have qualities like one. He bit his tender lip and thought about calling the male for a good, full five minutes. Questions swam in his brain would Axel even want to talk to him? What happens if Axel didn't want to be with him anymore? Well, he'd just keel over and die. Not being with Axel wasn't an option, not now. Axel was his everything and he wanted him back. Now.He quickly dialed Axel's number and waited rather impatiently for the male to answer. "Please pick up, please pick up." He said softly. After a few minutes of sharing a one sided conversation with Roxy, he literally fell asleep for almost thirty seconds, if that was even possible in a situation as depressing as this ... From pressing his paw too many times, the installed battery went dead, but Axel wasn't conscious to mourn over his speechless teddy bear any longer. After being reassured that Roxas would be happier without him to mess up his life, he was put at a slight rest in his involuntary nap. He dreamed of caressing his top naked body at night when they weren't quite feeling for sex but rather foreplay, and when Axel thought it would be far more interesting if they tried adding hot wax to the equation. He was a pyromaniac, so his intentions were rather innocent when he surrounded his entire bedroom with lit candles, but Roxas didn't seem to like the suggested kink so much. As expected, Axel repeatedly mumbled his ex boyfriend's name during his sleep, clutching onto the pillows he never quite used unless Roxas wanted it to muffle his moans.Axel was normally a heavy sleeper, but because his temporary state of slumber was indeed momentary, the vibration of his cellphone caused him to flinch in his sleep. Cracking his eyelids open, he snatched the annoying contraption into his hand and flipped the device open, hesitating whether or not to actually answer Roxas on the other line. How did he know it was Roxas ? Well, he would soon have to change his caller ID from 'Roxy Baby' to 'Person I Don't Know' sometime soon ... and that ringtone needed to leave. He lazily held the cellphone to his cheek, scratching his sturdy stomach as he rolled over onto his back, "... Yeah ?" That was all he could say for now. Usually, he greeted him with 'Hey, baby !' or something like 'I know, I know You called to say you love me !', but situations called for different measures. Maybe Roxas would apologize. Even if he didn't mean it, it would surely help to calm the tempest brewing in his head. Or possibly this was an opportunity for him to admit that he was sorry for being such an ass ! "Before you say anything ..." he mumbled, squeezing his sore eyes shut, "I don't want to argue with you. And ... I didn't mean all of the things I said earlier. Half of it I don't even remember what I said ... or meant ... It was all just useless rambling that I got so worked up about ..."The redhead barely smiled, shielding his eyes with an arm cast over his face, " ... I know, I know did you call to hear my voice ?" A few rings later and Axel had finally picked up, causing Roxas to be both happy and a bit scared as to what would happen next. The other male didn't sound too happy, more like he had just been shocked awake by his cell phone going off, which was Roxas' fault, whoops. His doubts and nervousness were washed away by Axel's words though. This was officially the best phone call of his life, Axel had said he didn't mean a single thing he meant earlier, which was great, seeing as what he said really hurt Roxas. The male grabbed the pillow next to him and squeezed it tightly, a sigh of relief coming from his mouth. "H Hey Axel, yeah...I did call to hear you." He said with a sniffle as he sat up and leaned back against the backboard of his bed. "I also wanted to say," he took a gulp, preparing for his lengthy apology. "That I'm sorry for not like...believing that you were kind of innocent 'cause you were drunk and all and...yeah. I'm also sorry for being so mean and punching you and stuff a and I'm sorry for not apologizing sooner, but I was really mad." He bit his lip softly as he spoke. "I don't want to be apart anymore, life isn't fun without you." That was the truth, he completely hated the last hour or so without the other male. Without Axel there was just no joy, no passion, no excitement and Roxas wanted it all back. Highschool would simply cease to be as exciting without fresh rumors of the Axas couple drifting around. Axel wasn't looking forward to organizing his ravaging group of excited fangirls, because, quite frankly, he didn't want them. He wanted Roxas, but he was out of his reach, now. It baffled him to realize that there was someone he couldn't win over, no matter how hard he tried. It rather ruined his 'casanova' image if the black eye didn't already. Speaking of the bruise, he probed his fingertips around it, pressing wherever it hurt the most to see if it was fatal. How long would this blemish last ? He didn't spite Roxas for marring his face, but now that he took it into full consideration, he was a bit upset. But Roxas's apology made his afternoon a lot better. Feeling smug, he curled himself up into an incomplete circle, "Yeah ? Well, I forgive you for all've that. I kinda deserved it." Then he paused and momentarily chuckled, "I I want you back, too, Roxas ... I want you back." More than anything in the world. A rather large smile spread upon Roxas' features as he heard that Axel wanted him back as well. His heart was beating a million times a second and he couldn't help but laugh slightly, happiness spreading throughout his body, running down his veins. "Yeah, you kinda did deserve it, but now I have to stare at your black eye when we're together. It ruins your wonderful face."He said with yet another laugh. "But I don't mind, as long as we're together you could lose an ear for all I care." This was fantastic, he and Axel were a couple again and nothing could tear them apart, not even a stupid cheerleader whom Roxas still wanted to punch, but he'd cross that bridge when he came to it. "So...we're boyfriends again?" It wasn't really a question, it was a statement. It was something Roxas needed to say out loud to make sure it was true."I wanna see you." He wanted to hug Axel for so long and so tight that he practically exploded. The bruise didn't hurt so much after he repeatedly pressed on it to numb the wound. He would have to put some antibiotics on the unsightly blemish to speed up the recovering process, but he would have to make Roxas do it for him. Like a baby, he always placed his head on his boyfriend's lap so Roxas could personally nurse his injuries. He was sort of a klutz, so he did fall and trip more often than the average person. And being part of a 'gang', it was embedded in his daily schedule for him to pick a fight with someone whenever his fists would feel itchy. He did claim the victorious position almost in all of his raw combats, but his triumph only left more bruises and cuts on his body afterward. After beating up a student he didn't like, he usually staggered into Roxas's embrace and left it in his care to disinfect his punctured lip or scratched cheek. Roxas, being his ultimate weakness, was the one who directly landed a punch below his eye, so it was his responsibility to mend it. After all, the kid did confess that he felt sorry for what he marked on his handsome face ... "So you're going to patch it up for me again ?" he asked with an ounce of hope, immensely touched at how forgiving Roxas was all of a sudden.So was he finally going to put their differences and problems behind them ? Oh, he hoped so. They wouldn't be able to survive a full evening without each other, anyways. They were pathetic, really. What was the point of such a huge and dramatic break up when they were going to crawl back to each other in a matter of a few hours ? Axel still couldn't believe how humongous of a gap Roxas left in his place, and now he realized how important the blond's existence was to him. "Boyfriends ? ..." he almost smirked, swinging both of his legs off to the side of the bed with a pleased exhale. He considered spiking back his hair again, but what was the point ? Roxas already saw him numerous times with his hair wet and messy unlike the rest of the human population. He never left his personal apartment without some sort of gel to hold up his hairstyle. "I prefer the term 'lovers', Roxy baby. ... Come over, then ? I was just about to order pizza. I can't step out of my door looking like this." he murmured in slight shame, wishing that he looked decent enough as of right now to make like lightning to his lover's house. A smile spread across his face as Axel asked him to patch up his bruise, much like he always did. He didn't like how Axel got into fights so often, but he couldn't stop the man from being in that...'gang' thing. If you could even call it a gang, it only had a handful of members, but that's what they considered themselves. "Yes Axel, I'll patch up my baby's wounds." He always had to take care of Axel whenever he got hurt, it was kind of cute actually and he didn't mind at all really. He liked to take care of the other male and tend to him, it made him happy. "Lovers, eh?" The boy said with a slight giggle. "Alright, we're not boyfriends, we're lovers." He said, confirming the other male's assumption. "Pizza?" He said excitedly, his stomach was growling at him to eat something, not having really eaten all day. "I'm on my way, love you." He immediately hung up and was putting on his shoes before he was in his car and on his way to Axels'. Roxas couldn't believe how much his day had turned around just from a simple phone call that hadn't even lasted five minutes. He was back with Axel and he was getting pizza, this may have just been the best day of the year for the young male.He arrived at his lover's apartment about ten minutes later and knocked softly at the man's door. He hadn't changed at all since Axel saw him at school, besides his hair being slightly out of place from lying on his bed. A wide grin crossed his lips as Roxas so willingly accepted the invitation over to his apartment and dinner. Even though it was just yesterday that they were making out on the couch, it seemed like forever that they were together. Axel couldn't even remember what happened in the early afternoon with this hysteric jumble involving a slutty cheerleader and a slightly insane boyfriend who beat the other because of some silly misunderstanding. This was how the world should revolve everyday, Axel decided. He didn't care if his future looked grim, because everything else didn't matter as long as he still had a part time job and his Roxy baby to love. "All right I'll see you later, Roxy baby ... I love you, too !" he crooned against his warm cellphone, flipping the device shut with an unmanly squeal. He didn't know he was capable of making such a noise, but who cared at this point ? Roxas was coming over, and Axel was still in his undergarments ! Well, that didn't really matter, because the two were actually very comfortable with being naked, too. Naked Roxas ... Axel daydreamed for a few seconds, placing his hands behind his head. The ceiling didn't look too bare, now. He imagined his lover on his side, clothed ever so slightly with a thin fabric as those luscious lips curved into a seductive smile ...He was idiotically smiling while fantasizing a fabricated reality, his fingers threading through his own flamboyantly crimson hair. Ah, darn. Pizza ? He forgot that he didn't have his paycheck this week ... and he wasn't up for going to the mall to withdraw a few bucks. Then he would just have to make one ! Though Axel ended up burning everything he set his hands on, when it came to cooking, he was pretty skilled at it. After all, living alone for two years really trained you to feed yourself and not rely on anyone else. With a lazy gait, he walked over to his fridge and skimmed its contents, deciding that it wouldn't be too hard to make pizza out of scratch. Besides ... Roxas would like it. In ten minutes, he got to finishing the dough, his hands covered with flour. His nose was also dotted with the powder, because he itched it once during his kneading. As the doorbell rang, he enthusiastically opened it without any hint of awkwardness or anger expressed on his handsome features."Baby ! I'm so glad to see you, kid !" he sneered, ruffling the other's blond hair with his flour caked hand. He moved aside for Roxas to enter, proudly placing a hand in the middle of his chest. "I thought I make today's dinner special and actually bake the pizza myself. I'm even going to try something different with the toppings ... how about ... potato wedges ... Doritos ... ranch ... with a sweet potato filled crust ? Hot sauce included, of course." he grinned, totally excited about their evening together, "You are staying over, right ?" As Axel answered the door, Roxas couldn't help but bite his lip to keep from laughing at the male, he looked a bit ridiculous. He was dressed in only his black silk boxers, his hair was down and he had flour on the tip of his nose and hands, which he now put all in Roxas's hair, causing the boy to groan. "Axeeeeeel..." He whined as flour fell to the floor from him shaking his head. "Now I'll have to take a shower later." He stood on his tiptoes and pressed a kiss to the redhead's lips. "You look wonderful, by the way. Kind of like a lifeguard, if you pretend the flower on your nose is sunscreen." The boy grinned as he stepped inside, happy to be back in Axel's apartment, even though he was just there yesterday. He took off his light jacket and placed it on the couch, now only wearing his shirt and jeans, taking his shoes off shortly after removing his jacket. As Axel explained that he would be making the pizza and listed off his rather...unique toppings, Roxas did all he could not to gag. "Axel, that sounds absolutely disgusting." The boy laughed, moving over to hug his lover. "I'm sorry babe, but potato wedges and Doritos? A sweet potato filled crust? You're nuts." He smiled against his chest and placed a gentle kiss to it. "But I'll eat it just for you and of course I'm staying over, I always do when I come to your place." Roxas practically lived at Axel's apartment really, mostly going there after school and spending the night there, unless he had a test the next day. Axel and him got a bit too...'distracted' when they studied together and after a couple of tests that he failed, Roxas set up boundaries. Almost in an instance, Axel was back to kneading the home made pizza's dough, the needed ingredients assembled and spread out on the cramped kitchen counter. With his arm, he wiped the mentioned flour from his nose and sniffled, shaking his hair free to make it look a bit more sightly. Oh, yeah, he was working up a handsome image for Roxas sure. "Yeah, about showers ... don't take it without me !" he excitedly added, inching over to his left to clumsily take a hold of the tomato sauce. After lathering the dough, he sprinkled several handfuls of shredded cheese over the flat, incomplete, and crimson coated pizza, sticking his tongue out to the side in intense concentration as he worked on his culinary masterpiece. Maybe if things went well that evening, he would consider doing his homework ahead of time. Even though his textbooks were all locked in Roxas's locker, he still had a few worksheets he needed to complete. If he brought it tomorrow, his ancient lady of a teacher would faint from a heart attack. Even as he was making the final arrangements to his lopsided pizza, he couldn't stop thinking about what Roxas would look like after a shower ... wet, gorgeous, and fucking sexy.He would have to let him borrow his clothes again, but his lover looked absolutely adorable in his oversized clothes. And he loved it when Roxas wore his sweaters, just because he looked completely fuckable in baggy clothing. "Why don't you go into my room and take a shower right now ? This'll take a bit to bake, anyways." he murmured, rinsing his powdery hands under the faucet. Now, mashing the sweet potatoes and actually slicing the potato wedges himself took some time, but he managed to get that task done in a few minutes, adding them onto his 'delicious' pizza. "And you never know until you try. You like my cooking, don't you ?" Axel grinned. Then again, he had to applaud Roxas for his strong stomach. He liked that about him, too. Roxas tried his cooking, no matter how horrible it looked. That was why he came to even appreciate and worship Roxas's handiwork, too even if it was just cereal sometimes. "All right, looks about ready !" he exclaimed, shoving the pan into the preheated oven with glinting eyes. Roxas took Axel's advice and took off to his shower, even though he requested that they take one together, the boy wanted the damn flour out of his hair. As he stepped into the steaming shower, his body relaxed instantly. It was a bit chilly out that day and the heat felt good against his frigid skin. As he washed his blond locks, he couldn't help but think about all the memories that he and Axel shared in his shower. Memories of Roxas against the wall, Axel behind him and going full speed into him, memories of Axel sitting on the floor while Roxas sat in his lap and rode him until they were both satisfied. Ah, Axel's shower was a great place to have sex. The young male quickly washed himself and his hair, eager to get back to his lover and to get at the pizza, however it may turn out. He tied a towel around his waist, his blond hair sticking to his face and now fully down, much like Axels'.He stepped out into Axel's kitchen and smiled, watching Axel put the pan into the over. "Better be good, I'm starving." He announced, standing at the entrance of the kitchen, dressed in one of Axel's rather short towels and, water dripping down his slim body with only a smile on his face. Roxas would be lying if he said that he didn't have a hidden agenda in just wearing his towel, but he would never admit that to Axel. While Roxas showered, Axel was making preparations for dinner in hopes that it would turn out absolutely perfect. He couldn't afford to burn the pizza this time. If their meal ended up rising into flames, they wouldn't have anything to eat ! Maybe they could settle for take out, but he didn't have so much as a single penny in his apartment as of right now. Forced to hear the drizzling sound coming from the restroom, he suppressed his temptations to visit Roxas during his shower and took a comfortable seat in front of the oven. He would stare at it to know exactly how long it would take for it to rise and bake to a golden brown. His mouth was already beginning to water with the wonderful scent of dinner and of dirty thoughts pertaining to a naked Roxas in his shower stall. This couldn't be a dream. Roxas was actuallyshoweringin his apartment ! What happened to everything that occurred in the morning ? But he was currently happy, and that was all that mattered.After waiting a full five minutes in front of the smoldering heat of the oven, he stood and walked over to the fridge to take out a wine bottle he stole from the club he went to last night. It was especially reserved for this purpose, of course. He cradled the precious drink in his arms, scanning the back for any information about what it contained so he wouldn't end up knocking Roxas out cold, no matter how sexy and inviting that sounded. He didn't have fancy wine glasses, so two paper cups were set up on his dining table as he placed the liquor in the middle. Then, Roxas appeared in all of his feminine glory, looking as if he just descended from Heaven with that towel seductively wrapped at the protruding hip bones of his seductive waist, "Dayyyyymn, Roxas ! You've got me horny already !" His tongue involuntarily rolled along his upper lip eyes scanning his flawless body with hunger. Roxas couldn't help but burst out in laughter at Axel's comment, his stomach flexing with each chuckle. "Thanks Axel, really." He muttered through his last fit of giggles. To tell the truth, Roxas was probably just as horny as Axel, but he wasn't going to admit it. Axel thought of him as an innocent little thing who really didn't get as horny as him, but that was quite a big misconception. "Do you have any clean clothes I could borrow? I don't really wanna wear mine again and yours are comfy to sleep in." He absolutely loved wearing Axel's clothes, they were so much bigger and baggy and oh so comfy, not to mention the other male seemed to get even hornier when he was wearing them for some strange reason that he could never quite figure out. It seemed that whenever he wore Axel's clothes, no matter what they were, the other couldn't keep his hands off of him. He could remember one time in the movie theater that Axel was practically begging to have sex because he kept touching his thigh and whispering seductive things in his ear and eventually the blond just mauled him and they had sex right there in the seats, it was quiet sex, but it was sex nonetheless now if only he could get Axel to be like that tonight, everything would indeed be back to normal and perfect. The boy placed his hands on his hip bones and shifted his weight to one side as he waited for Axel to get him some clothes. "Do you those pajama pants? The green ones?" "You're welcome," he smugly grinned, still unable to direct his eyes elsewhere but the boy's feminine body. Why was Roxas so damned perfect ? Maybe he was being biased because the said boy happened to be his lover, but he really was gorgeous. Axel could spend all day observing his significant other flip his hair or do a cute little twirl in front of him. But the redhead was sure that his dick would lengthen to quite an impossible size after going through the day like that. Crouching in front of the slowly baking pizza to get his mind off of Roxas, he turned his head towards him again, nodding, "I thought I put those in the laundry, but I'll check." He picked himself up with a grunt, ruffling the back of his head, the other firm on his upped hips. On the prowl into his room, he sneakily reached out and groped his boyfriend's unsuspecting ass, disappearing behind the door before Roxas could properly get him back. Digging through his messy drawers, he finally pulled out what the other wanted, fishing out a loose white t shirt he was quite fond of, too. Hanging them over his arm, he clumsily stepped out of his room and threw the pieces of clothing at Roxas, scoffing, "This'll be the last time I'll actually be asking for you to put your clothes on" Clothes were stuffy. That was why he liked baggy clothes on Roxas, because ripping them off was quite easy during their intimate moments.He glanced at the pizza. It was nowhere near being done, so they still had a maximum of twenty minutes to spare. With a mischevious grin, he faced Roxas, pointing over to the couch, "On second though, don't put those on ... how about ... we make out for a little bit ?" Yes, he was rather straight forward with his requests. Roxas blushed a bit as Axel continued to stare at him, making him feel a bit self conscious. He knew he had a pretty decent body, but the other male made it seem like it was sent from the Gods above or something equally ridiculous like that. "Axel!" He shouted as his ass was squeezed as the male walked behind him. Oh, he'd get the male back for that somehow, he didn't know exactly what he would do, but he'd think of it eventually. He grabbed the clothes as they were thrown at him and dropped his towel to the floor, completely comfortable being naked in front of Axel. "Well, I can't just stand here in a towel for the rest of the night Axel, I need to wear something at least." He said as he pulled the shirt over his slim frame. "I'm going commando, I'm at least giving you that." He grinned at the older male as he pulled the man's pants over his naked legs. He rubbed is stomach a bit as it growled at him once again, begging for sustenance that wouldn't be coming for another twenty minutes. "I'd love to make out with you though." He said as he went up to Axel and quickly kissed his lips before moving over to the couch and laying on it, stretching a bit. "Alright, come and get me." Axel frowned when Roxas decided to ignore his simple request, secretly scheming to get rid of his clothes sooner or later. He was eager to entangle himself in the other's arms again, and with all of the excitement he could muster, he raced forward and pounced on Roxas buried in his flaccid nightwear. The couch creaked under their weight, but Axel shifted to comfortably rest on top of the blond, leaning towards the side so that they'd be able to explore each other a bit more when they were adjacent to each other. It felt so right to have Roxas at mere centimeters away from his own body, and because of their intimate position, he was able to wrap a carefree arm around his boyfriend's frame to pull their crotches closer. He desperately needed some kind of contact with that throbbing lower region ... The redhead was tempted to get down and dirty, but the conscience nagging at him told him otherwise, because he would get distracted again, thus burning the pizza in the oven. Roxas would make that incredibly difficult for him ... Once Axel got horny, he wasn't the type of man to let his erection go flimsy without releasing. "I swear, you get sexier everyday ..." he seductively whispered into his lover's ear, trailing those lips along the other's exposed neck. He tenderly kissed his jawline, his free hand simultaneously squeezing and stroking Roxas's thigh, occasionally moving up to squeeze his small ass. Yes, he was getting horny pretty fast this time around. His whispers became rugged growls, and Axel was already starting to helplessly thrust against Roxas's leg, his powerful grip keeping the smaller body still against him. "... Fuck, I just wanna screw you right now ..." he breathed like a starved animal, hungrily attaching their lips together for a prolonged kiss. The boy let out a yelp as the larger man sprinted towards him and then leaped on top of him, the couch creaking slightly under them. Oh God, was the couch going to break? How awful would that be? It seemed to hold both of their weight though as Axel moved to the side so they were now facing each other. "'re already hard." Roxas whispered with a slight smile as his and Axel's lower regions were pulled together. To tell the truth, the blond was already hard as well and rubbing his own clothed length against Axel's felt amazing. "I swear you tell me that at least once a week." He said with a smile as he bit softly into his lover's collarbone, placing a kiss to it as he lifted his mouth off. The boy's own hand went down and placed his hand on Axel's silk boxers, touching his shaft lightly. "...Then fuck me." He whispered right back to Axel, kissing him back with just as much hunger. Right now, Roxas was regretting putting on Axel's clothes, seeing as he was going to be removing them rather quickly, but he didn't give a damn that he was hungry as hell or that the pizza might burn, right now all he cared about was getting Axel to fuck him and fuck him hard. Axel, like mentioned before, had an incredibly short attention span. Just a few moments ago, he was totally obsessed with baking that pizza to perfection, but now, he was all over Roxas like a horny dog. He was sex deprived. His body ran on his hormones to get him through the rest of the day, and his last intimate moment with his adorable blond was yesterday morning, which wasn't long enough for him to survive for this evening. "Why wouldn't I be ?" he growled against the other's neck, making sloppy kisses along the boy's collarbone in response to his boyfriend's signs of affection. "And I can say it forever if you want me to," he sweetly murmured, his loveydovey side becoming dormant once again as he nearly slammed his crotch into Roxas's exploring hand with need. He needed contact. As his request to fuck his delicious boyfriend was willingly approved without much thought, Axel's cat like grin spread wider to complete his facial expression of total satisfaction. "How would you like for me to fuck you, Roxas ? From behind ... at your side ... under you ... Make your request. I'll do it however you'd like today." he whispered, reaching over with one free arm to pull out a drawer from the nearest lamp counter. He kept bottles of lubricant here, because the couch was practically the most frequently used spot for their fucking. The showers was second. Then ... the bed, which was pretty ironic. Roxas, in a rather rare occurrence of dominance, quickly removed his clothing, lifting his shirt off of his slim body and throwing it across the room, his pants the next to fly across the room and land near his shirt. He quickly moved Axel to a sitting position on the couch and took a seat in the man's lap, kissing his neck softly as he ground his ass into the man's clothed crotch. He could feel the man's engorged erection just begging to be released and put inside him and Roxas wasn't going to wait any longer. Obviously, Axel would be under him as they fucked. The boy's hands traveled down Axel's body, starting at his chest. He ran his fingers lightly over the male's nipples, slowly down his abs before finally getting to his pelvis and gripping his boxers. "Lift your hips." He demanded, lust oozing from his voice as he continued to kiss and lick Axel's neck and collarbone. As the redhead lifted his hips, Roxas pulled his boxers down and revealed his lover's large member, moaning a bit as it hit his ass, springing up as it was released. Yes, he thought. He needed this. As Roxas stripped himself bare right in front of his satisfied eyes, his lips parted to let through an aroused moan. He couldn't hold his hormones back any longer. He wanted to fuck something hard, fast, and deep. Roxas's body was just radiating with fragility and beauty, so Axel was slightly hesitant to hold it, but when the blond's loose pajama bottoms slid off of his ankles, his hands immediately reached forward to explore what was rightfully his. His own body leaned in against his lover's fleeting touches, his head momentarily snapping back so that he could direct his groan elsewhere and temporarily lull himself into a dream like fantasy. His eyes fluttered closed, but as Roxas ordered for him to lift his hips, they opened, and he willingly bucked his slim waist upwards against his blond's petite ass. "You sure you can take it all without preparation ?" he asked slightly in concern, glancing down at his abnormally long and thick member. But even if Roxas was unsure of himself, he wouldn't hesitate to ram his full length into his unsuspecting rear without so much as a consent from the other end. He slid the tip of his weeping member against Roxas's full rounded ass, gritting his teeth together to muffle a hiss. Now that Roxas did his part of the job by exposing his member, he needed to take care of the rest. Gingerly, he laid his boyfriend on his back, spreading his legs ever so carefully with his hands as if silently asking for permission to do so. "Let's fuck hard and dirty until the neighbors complain, yeah ?" he grinned, fingering the cap of his bottle of lubricant. Quite frankly, Roxas didn't care whether he was prepared or not at all. Well, not right now anyway. Right now he wanted Axel inside of him, pounding into his tight little ass with all his might. "We've fucked pretty much everyday since you took my virginity Axel, if I'm not used to your rather large cock and can't take the pain then I might as well be a girl." He smiled and kissed the man's lips as the older male spread his pre cum on his meaty rear. It was true, when it came to dick size, Axel was absolutely huge. Not only was his long, but it was thick as well and the first time Roxas saw it he kind of wanted to scream and run, but he loved Axel so he didn't. Instead he forced himself to take the pain and for Axel to finger him for a good ten minutes and use about a quarter of the bottle of lube to slick them both up before he slowly entered him. It took quite a while for the two to actually start fucking, but once they did, it was like pure heaven. He spread his legs a bit wider for Axel, grabbing his full ass and spreading it, exposing his tiny pucker to Axel. "Sounds like a plan." He grinned back at the elder male, watching him finger the cap. "Now quit stalling and fuck me, will ya?" None It still amazed him how such a tiny ass was capable of taking such a humongous rod like his. Then again, Roxas was well prepared for this day and just about any of their other intimate rendezvouses. The seductive look on his boyfriend's face confirmed it. Unlike the whiny cheerleader from last night, Roxas enjoyed being pounded and fucked until he was on the edge of being split open. That was probably one of the reasons why he considered the blond a perfect boyfriend for him simply because he knew how to match his obsession for sex. Now, Roxas was holding his ass apart all by himself, and Axel was ever so willing to thrust inside of him without giving so much as a warning now. "You're such a little whore, Roxas, yannothat ?" he smirked, messily squeezing an inch of lube onto his index finger. He wanted to make this as raw as possible, so a lot of lubricant wasn't needed. Carefully lathering the lube onto Roxas's awaiting hole and on the tip of his throbbing member, he finished his ministrations by aligning his member between his thighs.His torso leaned over Roxas, and with one firm nudge and shove, he was halfway inside. "F Fuck ..." he grunted, mercilessly inching his full length inside. One hand held Roxas's leg still, the other stamped on the couch beside his boyfriend's head. It felt so great to be one again. "Shit, you're so fucking tight, Roxas ... f fuh ..." he winced, "... Haven't stretched you out well enough." Once he was completely lodged, the redhead leaned down and pecked his lover's lips, using his powerful hips to carefully withdraw and quickly thrust back in, beginning their first throes of passionate lovemaking. "You like that, baby ?" he asked, sloppily kissing his neck as his pelvic thrusts quickened in pace. He was enjoying this for sure. Like a horny animal, he was growling and grunting, making the couch creak and rock. On the other hand, his hands were madly and busily groping fingers probing every inch of available skin on the blond's body to violate and touch. Ah, no problem dear! School comes before RPing. "Only for you, Axel." Roxas said with a smile as the other male lubed the two of them up, the cool lube making the boy squirm a bit under Axel. "A Axel! Fuck!" He shouted, his hands wrapping around Axel and his nails digging into his back. He couldn't believe the red head had just thrust into him like that, half of his large erection already inside of him. While the pain was almost overwhelming for the boy, he didn't complain about it a bit. He loved having Axel inside of him, he loved to feel his lover's member throbbing inside of him and he wanted it bad. "It's not that I'm...I'm tight..." he panted, "...It's that you're so fucking huge." Actually, both of the men were correct. Roxas' slim hips made him rather tight always and Axel's cock was about nine inches or so and thick as well.The boy gasped as he felt Axel's balls hit against his meaty rear, kissing his lover back softly before he was thrust into, evoking a rather loud moan from him. "Y Yes, Axel! Fuck me...!" He shouted as his lover pounded into his little pucker, his nails digging in deeper into the other's skin. Roxas absolutely loved this. He loved having the male inside of him, loved having the male's body on top of his and he loved the other's groans and grunts as he thrust into him madly. Hearing his lover's passionate cries for him to thrust faster, deeper, and harder only spurred him to complete his request. Roxas inspired him to work his hips quicker, and in fluid motions and short shoves, he was able to work against that little bit of lube and venture deeper into his boyfriend. Oh, the feeling was wonderful. He was already on the verge of cumming, but because he didn't want to release so soon, he slowed down to calm their hormones. But as he halted, he continued to slowly inch his full length into the other's petite ass, stopping when only a mere centimeter was left of his member. He groaned, arching his muscle lined back as Roxas's fingernails mercilessly dug against his flesh. He probably had a whole bunch of tiny crescent moon markings along his spine, now. "Relax, baby ..." he murmured soothingly against the other's ear, using his free hand to tease his right erect nipple. He twirled and played with it below his fingertip, pinching it ever so slightly to give him some sort of a pleasurable shock.He nipped and suckled on the other's Adam's apple, using his arms to hoist Roxas's hips up so that he could have a bit more leverage when thrusting. When he dragged his boyfriend downwards with one powerful tug, he proceeded with his vigorous acts of expressing his love and lust, his member withdrawing about halfway before it pounded in completely. With his torso slightly upright and his hands holding the other's thighs up, he was able to pummel his ass more efficiently. "Fucking shit, Roxas ... god, you're so motherfucking hot ... " he growled, propping one of the boy's legs on his shoulders to reach around to milk his lover's member with a hand. Roxas could barely handle it as Axel worked his hips faster and quicker, hitting his prostate with each thrust, causing him to moan loudly. The blond had always been quite the moaner whenever the two had sex and this time wasn't any difference, his groans of pleasure filled the room as Axel thrust harder. He didn't even complain when the red head halted his pounding, only to slowly inch his way further into Roxas's tight little bum. "Mm...trying babe." He panted as he let his fingers slide down Axel's muscled back, grasping at his ass, pushing him closer to him, which in turn made Axel's cock slide in just a bit more. "Y yes..." He gasped as his nipple was pinched and his lover's cock hit his prostate once more. He titled his head back as Axel played vampire on his neck, small moans leaving his throat. "Axel!" The boy shouted as he was pulled down on his lover's cock, only for the act to be repeated, pulling another gasp of pleasure from the boy.He loved when Axel talked like this during sex, it made him feel so special and like he was really the man's one and only. He leaned up and wrapped his arms around the male's neck, pulling him down to kiss him heavily, gasping into his mouth with each thrust, his tongue running across the other's bottom lip. "F Fuck me Axel..." He whispered, his own hand moving to grasp at his length with the other male. Roxas's moans sounded like something out of the ordinary. They were a god's calling. As the boy's masculine, but slightly undeveloped and cute voice seeped out from between his plush and parted lips, Axel couldn't help but to seal them with a kiss and feel his moans transferring into his own mouth. His stomach was swirling with sexual pleasure and excitement, and twice, he found himself making silly assumptions that this was Heaven. Roxas was his only soulmate they were almost destined to be with each other ... and here he was, making love to the boy he loved. As they exchanged body heat and rubbed their bare flesh against each other, Axel's pants grew more rugged and uneasy. His eyes were half lidded with lust as his boyfriend pleaded for more, and the redhead was in no position to protest. "Say it again, Roxas ... tell me how fucking nice it feels " he growled against the other's wet neck, his lips making a hot trail along his jawline. Roxas was fucking sexy and gorgeous. He was rather stupid to have abandoned such a prize for someone as displeasing as a whiny fat legged cheerleader.He was going all out, now. Without any mercy, his hips were going to and fro, slamming against his beautiful lover's small ass. His balls were meeting flesh, and his own body was colliding against Roxas's as he gradually increased his thrusting pace. Lowering the blond's leg from his shoulder, he decided to lean over him instead, using his arms to hold his legs up by letting them hang across the marrow of his limbs. "F Fuck ... Roxas ... shit, shit, shit ..." he grunted, squeezing his eyes shut as he consecutively sped in with each 'shit' uttered. When they kissed, he played with the other's mouth, using his tongue to roll against the other's. He was sweating and heaving now, getting extremely close to his orgasm. He'd hold out until Roxas came, though. Roxas could feel the lust practically seeping out of both his and Axel's pores, except it was taking the form of sweat, seeing as the both of them were so hot and bothered that they were both wet. "Please don't stop...don't ever stop." The boy begged as Axel began to go as fast and as hard as he could, practically slamming into the boy with the force of a car accident. This made him pant and groan louder than before, his moans growing rougher and more feral. It was all too much for the boy, when Axel went all out on him like this he knew it meant that he would be cumming within a minutes. The longest he had ever lasted was about four minutes and that was because the two had already had sex three times that day. He jerked his own member swiftly as Axel pounded into his prostate. He could feel his orgasm coming swiftly, his cum leading up to the tip of his shaft. The way things looked, he wouldn't have to tell Axel how it felt, he could see it. "A Axel! I...I'm...fuck cumming!" He let out a string of curse words, much like Axel was, as his warm load shot across his slim chest, pleasure echoing through his body as he moaned his lover's name loudly, his back arching and his tight little hole becoming even tighter. There was no way in hell that he would cease this euphoric pleasure anytime soon. The redhead had a lot of stamina when it came to sex, and because he 'trained' long enough with Roxas, he knew how to handle such situations. Gritting his teeth together, he leaned his forehead against his lover's shoulder, feeling Roxas buck and arch underneath him. His senses were being satisfied all at once, and it was so difficult to hold it in, now. Still surging, he listened to his lover's seductive moans, letting out a few of his own to let him know that he was dangerously close to falling off the edge, too. His member was throbbing, storing enough cum inside of it to fill Roxas's ass entirely and let it seep out of his tiny pucker, too. "F Fuhh ... god, I'm gonna fucking cum, ahhh ..." he groaned, tilting his head up as Roxas made his near orgasm well known. As Roxas came, he did, too. He arched his slender back, getting in as deep as possible to shoot his load inside of his lover. His hot seed spurted from the tip of his shaft and into his boyfriend's pummeled ass, filling up his tight canal.He yelled out his boyfriend's name in unison, much like the time he did so with the cheerleader, too. Then, his body went limp. Waiting for his cum to fully deposit itself into his ass, he stroked the other's golden locks with his fingers, kissing his cheek ever so gently. He winced and quietly moaned when Roxas's ass tightened around his member, using every fiber of his being to try and get himself together. "I love you, Roxas ... so fucking much ..." he whispered, locking eye contact with his equally exhausted lover as he carefully withdrew his spent member from Roxas's rear. He couldn't help but smile as his lover came with him, his warm load spilling inside of Roxas's tight little ass, a bit leaking out already. He kissed Axel's cheek back and ran his fingers lightly up and down the man's muscular back as they panted, riding out their orgasms and trying to regain their breaths. "I love you too, Axel, more than you'll ever know." He said softly, moaning as the male's member was pulled out of his rear, leaving a slight empty feeling inside of him. A bit more cum began to leak out of his tight pucker as soon as Axel pulled out, the boy didn't really notice and continued to stare into Axel's eyes. He leaned up slightly and gently kissed his boyfriend's lips, smiling as he pulled away. "That was...fantastic. Make up sex is the best." He laughed softly, running his hand through Axel's red mane. Were there any perfect adjectives in the world to describe how gorgeous Roxas looked at that moment ? With his cum strewn all over his narrow chest and the same substance leaking out of his ass, he did really look like the sexiest whore ever. But Roxas was his whore, and the redhead was up for fighting or beating up anyone who would make so much of a single move on him. He was very protective, yes. He always followed him around like some bodyguard, shoving kids nearly a yard away because they happened to bump shoulders with his beautiful blond. When the passion finally died down in the pit of his stomach, the redhead breathed a sigh of relief, tiredly returning the kiss. He craned his neck down and gingerly lapped up his lover's love juice, licking his chest clean. Leaving not a single musky drop to waste, he ran his slick tongue over his bottom lip, transferring the taste of his delicious cum into Roxas's mouth with a slow kiss. When he withdrew, he was staring straight into those magnificent blue orbs, having been lost in them for a bit before snapping back to reality with an idiotic blink. "Sex with you is always the best, Roxas." he yawned, smiling. Roxas's spine arched up as his chest was licked by his boyfriend, the man's delicate tongue tickling him slightly. He kissed Axel's lips softly, the taste of his cum hitting his tongue as he rubbed it against Axel's. "Mm...I don't taste bad." The boy said, blushing as he heard that sex with him was the best. It was the truth, though. The two of them had sex so much and so often that they'd probably perfected it by now. "I don't mean to be a party pooper, Axel, but I think you should check on the pizza." Roxas couldn't smell anything burning and he sure as hell loved to have Axel on top of him, but to be safe he wanted the male to check on it. It only had hit him now that technically while the two were having sex the whole apartment could have gone up in flames, burning them to a crisp. He bit his lip, smiling as he thought about how it would probably just turn Axel on even more as the flames danced around them. As he was flirtatiously twirling Roxas's hair on his index finger, he suddenly recalled that he left the pizza in the oven for quite a while now. Oh, shit. If sex hadn't distracted him, he could've baked the perfect pizza to complete an absolutely amazing and romantic dinner ! The redhead blinked, lifting his majestic head to sniff the air. It didn't seem to be burnt badly. Only fifteen minutes passed, so the pizza was thankfully still not completely baked. Well, what do you know ? That was the shortest length of sex they've had in a while ! Without any more reason to lift himself off of his gorgeous boyfriend, Axel nuzzled his lips against the other's chest, savoring the sweet taste and sensation of naked flesh against his own. Such a warm feeling couldn't be obtained anywhere or from anyone else. This particular body heat radiating off of Roxas was the only kind that pleased Axel. "The pizza'll live. ... Have I ever told you how smoking hot you are ?" he asked, sneakily changing the subject to possibly win himself a five minute long make out session if he played his cards right. "Mm..." Roxas moaned slightly as Axel trailed his lips across the boy's slim chest. His body was radiating with heat, mainly because of Axel. The other made him feel horny nearly all the time and since they had just finished one of their more heated sessions of sex, his body was still warm. "Yes, Axel. You usually tell it to me right about now after we fuck, when you want to make out." He said with a smile as he stared into his boyfriend's eyes, running his fingers through the redhead's mane. "You're lucky I love you and you're good in bed or else I wouldn't do all these things for you." The boy teased, obviously joking as he wrapped his arms around Axel's neck and brought his face closer. "You make me hot too..." He whispered to him as he gently leaned forward and kissed the man's lips, opening his mouth slightly to run his tongue along them. Axel shrugged. Oh well. He was still hyped up from their passionate sex, and since they were both naked, it couldn't hurt to continue their intimate session. The pizza was slowly rising to a golden fluff, and while it was baking to perfection, Axel arched his back, grinding their wet groins together to feed off of the pleasure that it inflicted. "Well, you're hot on other occasions, too ... Not just when we have sex ..." he argued, kissing the other's chin before his lips were scooped into a full kiss afterward. Sometimes, it was difficult to tell who was in charge of the relationship. Physically, Axel was, but their bond was more of a give and receive sort. It kept the relationship alive, so to say. As Roxas asked for entrance to his mouth, he willingly opened his own and welcomed his protruding tongue, using his own to engage in a slippery battle. He tilted his head to get deeper into the kiss, and with vigor, he shoved Roxas's head back into the couch, hungrily plowing into his mouth as if he was some starved animal. His hand was running up and down his leg, sensually stroking his outer thigh. From head to toe, Roxas just a hunk of sexiness. "Axel..." Roxas breathed out as the elder male began to rub their crotches together, their sensitive members sliding past one another. The male's fingers ran down Axel's arched spine as he captured his lips, his tongue sliding into the male's mouth. The blond couldn't help but laugh slightly as their tongues slid against one another and Axel began to take control of the kiss, forcing his head into the couch so he could have the upper hand, Roxas had no problem with the male taking control, in fact he preferred it this way. He liked having Axel on top of him and to have him calling the shots. He trusted the male, he was his lover after all. The boy wrapped his legs around Axel's waist as the other male continued to rub their lengths together, evoking slight moans from the small blond underneath him. "If you keep this up I might get hard again." Roxas said as he broke the kiss, smiling up at the redhead. "Then the pizza would definitely burn." At this point, Axel didn't seem to care whether the pizza or his entire apartment went up into flames. As Roxas unconsciously mentioned, he'd probably like it as some sort of a strange and extreme kink. He had always liked to incorporate heat and fire into intimate activities such as sex, but the boring ol' hot wax never pleased him enough. However, Axel knew that he needed to treat Roxas's body with care, even though he did sort of want to set him on fire in a good way. The redhead pulled away for a brief moment, then panted, gathering his lost breath by placing sloppy kisses along the other's neck. "Looks like you're already hard, Roxas ... that's what I like so much about you, baby you're always 'up' for a second round." he grinned, placing a slight pout on his fox like lips, "You ... are up for seconds, aren't you ?" The pizza wasn't going to burn. He'd timed it ! Distracting himself from his other responsibilities and focusing on his naked boyfriend, he trailed his probing hands lower, running his fingertips over the soft flesh that lay vulnerable to his violating touches. "Nnngh ... Roxy, let me put it in ?" he begged, sounding really needy as he jerked his hips forward to slide his aching member against the other's skinny thighs. Axel was indeed correct, Roxas was already hard. Hell, he couldn't help it! With his dangerously sexy boyfriend on top of him with an erection and the constant attention to his sensitive member, it was simply natural for his length to harden. He smiled at Axel's lame pun and leaned up to kiss his lips softly, nodding a bit to answer his question. "I'm always up for seconds with you, Axel." He grinned at the elder male and groaned slightly as he ran his fingers over his body and down to his vulnerable length. Oh, Axel was being extremely sneaky tonight, because just like Axel, whenever Roxas got hard, he wouldn't say no to sex. The boy spread his slim thighs as Axel pushed against them, begging to put it inside of him as if he were a child begging for his favorite toy. He gripped his meaty cheeks and spread them, presenting Axel with his tight hole. "Put it in quick before I change my mind." Roxas teased, he would never deny sex to Axel, especially not now. "You know you need it as much as I do," he teased in response, running his tongue over his slick upper lip with a barely audible purr. His head was swirling with fog, and his eyes were already glazed over with lust and greediness. Without much hesitation, the lean redhead positioned his member right against the other's puckered hole, then slowly pushed himself in, grunting as every inch was engulfed along with every fiber of his consciousness. "Fuck," he breathed, already feeling the after effects of his first orgasm causing his sensitive senses to already react violently to the second wave of pleasure he was receiving. After he stayed in for a little bit, he moved out, then slid back in. Axel leaned over Roxas, then brushed his lips across the other's lips, whispering a caressing 'I love you' before picking up his pace with the thrusting. It was no wonder he had amazing hips. He used them almost everyday. "Ride me, baby. I wanna be able to squeeze that sexy ass of yours " he smirked, powerfully pulling him up as he moved to a sitting position. Damn, Axel was on fire today. He was correct once again, Roxas did indeed need it as much as Axel, if he didn't have the male inside of him he felt as though he was going to explode with lust at the moment and that just didn't sound like a good plan. However, having Axel fuck his brains out sounded like the perfect plan. The boy's already sensitive hole tightened around his lover's massive length, the boy's back arching as he groaned. "Axel..." He moaned his name as he took every inch of his cock deep inside of him. Roxas wondered how the second round with Axel always seemed to be as good as the first, if not better, even though the two were already exhausted, but didn't want to question it too much and just accepted it. Hell, he wasn't going to complain, especially not with all the pleasure he was feeling at the moment with Axel thrusting into him like that. "Nnngh, as you wish, Axel." He teased, acting as if he were the man's servant as he rested his hands on the man's shoulders and pushed himself up as far as he could go, leaving only the tip of Axel's length in before he slammed himself back down, evoking a rather loud moan from him as his most sensitive of areas were hit. As they were getting themselves comfortable for a new position, Axel easily spread his legs, allowing himself a bit of space to fit the younger male on his lap. Then, when Roxas straddled him, he held the other's waist with his powerful hands, then groaned in complete ecstasy, rolling his head back to indulge himself in the moment. He hissed, then took a sharp intake of breath, faltering once or twice as his blond boyfriend slammed himself back on his throbbing member. He already felt like he needed to blow, but forced himself to keep his second load for a few minutes longer. With Roxas's constant bouncing, he jerked his hips up, too, matching the other's rhythm quite perfectly while adding short animal like noises, too. "You're just so fucking gorgeous, Roxas ... sexy ..." he complimented in husky whispers, gripping his boyfriend's ass with his greedy hands, "One of these days, we're going to try hard bondage I'll make those words roll off of your lips. I'll make you scream, baby." Axel buried his lips against the other's collarbone, then possessively tightened his lock around Roxas's waist, pulling him closer to himself. With extremely fast and consecutive thrusts, he sped into Roxas's lubricated hole, using the remainder of his energy to take the initiative. Roxas smiled slightly as Axel complimented him as they fucked, his meaty ass smacking into his lover's thighs with each thrust. He never knew why the red head got so loving and affectionate when they had sex, but he wasn't going to complain, he loved to hear the little things his boyfriend had to say. What was this talk about hard bondage though? Was Axel insane? "Axel, if you ever buy a whip or some sort of chain then I'll have to kill you. Besides, you already make me scream." He whispered to the male as he wrapped his arms around his neck as he was brought closer to the male. While Roxas loved Axel with all his heart, there was no way in hell was he going to live out Axel's fantasy of whipping him or tying him up or whatever the hell he wanted to do. Perhaps he could handle handcuffs, but that's about it. Roxas knew as soon as he shot down Axel's idea that the male would probably try to push it some more, but the blond knew how to get his way.As Axel began to thrust up into him, he brought loud moans and groans from Roxas's throat, not to mention some other indescribable sounds of pleasure as his length continued to piston inside of his tight hole. "Axel!" He shouted, tightening his grip around Axel, pulling him even closer. Even though the sex addicted couple managed to have sex nearly every hour of their lives together, he couldn't believe how fresh it still was their love, at least. The sex was always exciting, because both were willing to experience new settings and methods. It would take some time for Axel to have Roxas trust him with bondage, but other than that, they had done everything in the book. They fucked in a movie theatre, made love on a desk after school, exchanged oral sex in public, and even used other edible substances like chocolate syrup or whipped cream to make their skin taste sweeter. The redhead knew that he wouldn't ever be able to get sick of Roxas's body, even as this was their third year of taking each other all the time. Axel stroked the other's cheek with his thumb, then seductively kissed the corner of his lips, continuing the thrusting motion of his hips to keep Roxas satisfied. "What's wrong with being greedier ? I want you to trust me, babe ..." he pleaded, cutting himself off short afterward to lovingly wrap his arms around his boyfriend and lay him back on the couch for easier access to his body.He waved his hand, though, signaling for the blond to flip over for him to screw him on all fours. He helped him in doing so, and when he was available to him in doggy style, he fit his cock back into him and grunted as Roxas's ass squeezed all around his throbbing length. The redhead kissed his boyfriend's shoulder and supported his stomach up with his hand, only sliding it down to stroke his member to quicken their orgasms. The thrusting continued, mixed together with his animal like groans and breathy moans. Roxas could stay like this forever. He loved having sex with Axel, loved it more than anything else in the world, well, besides Axel himself. Their sex together was amazing, simply incredible. That time in the movie theater had to be the most exciting and frightening moment of his young life. They picked a theater that wouldn't have too many people in it mainly because Roxas wouldn't do it any other way, but still, with ten or fifteen people in the theater all spread out and just the chance that they might look up and see the blond practically nude, sitting in Axel's lap and riding him was just...thrilling. Perhaps Roxas had a bit of a voyeurism side to him? Nonetheless, regular sex just on Axel's couch was still incredible. The boy kissed the redhead back gently before he was motioned to turn over, which he gladly did. He got on all fours as was Axel's request and stuck his ass out in the air, his back arching as the male entered him once more.As Axel fucked him roughly and started to stroke him, he could feel his orgasm quickly approaching. The other always knew how to make him cum quickly and it seemed that he was using his skills now. Roxas let out his own moans and loud groans as his body writhed a bit and his back arched once more before he shouted Axel's name as his cum spurted out of his tip, hitting the couch beneath him and some sliding down Axel's hand. He was never satisfied with doing Roxas only once. His blond boyfriend never gave up that amazing body of his, and Axel felt as if it was his personal job to keep the other boy sexually active. Every time they got it on somewhere different, it was a newer and better experience than the last. It never ceased to grow old, and Axel had never thought that his life of knocking up and running would come to a close. He felt as if he would rather stay with Roxas if only the blond agreed to have him. On a conceited note, who wouldn't want to deem Axel as their partner ? He was tall, handsome, an adventurer, 'big', and his skills in bed were beyond compare ! Minus the fact that he was close to being a high school dropout and the fact that he had trouble socializing with certain people, he was the 'ideal man'. But no, he considered Roxas to be the hero of his fantasies. God, there never was a day in school he wouldn't spend his class time daydreaming about Roxas naked under his sheets, or sketching him completely nude in an erotic pose."R Roxas ..." he breathed against the other's shoulder, taking in the blond's alluring scent. Their second climax was nearing he felt it dangerously close. After pounding his pelvis right against his boyfriend's meaty ass consecutively and vigorously, he came a few seconds after Roxas did. He spurted more of his seed than last time, and when he slowly pulled out, Axel became once more turned on by how his own cum was dripping out of his lover's rear and down his thighs. "Oh man, you're so fucking hot, Roxas ... look at that, geez ..." he moaned, his fingertip coming forward to tease the other's entrance. He licked off the cum on his digits, then milked the rest of his own member, sighing contently. Roxas's eyes shut tightly as he felt Axel breath on him, his heat so close to his ear. As he came his ass clenched around Axel's length like a vice, milking him for all the cum that was inside of him. This moment was perfect and it was always the best part of sex. Besides for the obvious reasons, such as the intense pleasure, but it was when he and the redhead were truly one, or at least that's what Roxas decided to believe anyway. He had his lover's seed inside of him and it felt wonderful. He looked back at the male as he pulled out, a slight smile on his face as he felt the warm cum dripping down his small pucker to his slender thighs. "Axel..." He blushed as he felt Axel tease his hole, licking the liquid off his fingers shortly after. The next thing he knew, Roxas jumped on Axel, wrapping his arms tightly around the male's chest as he snuggled his head on one of his muscled pecs. "I love fucking much." His voice was breathy and labored from his slight exhaustion from being fucked by Axel twice in a row, but that didn't stop him from kissing the male's nipple while smiling up at him. Roxas didn't know where the fuck he got all this sudden outburst of love for Axel, but he didn't care, he just wanted to show the male that he loved him still. Axel blinked in surprise as Roxas pounced on him, then wrapped him into a welcoming embrace. His heart flipped backwards and plunged head first into his stomach. It was such a wonderful feeling to have the blond nestled in his arms where he belonged. He reached one hand up and stroked the back of his boyfriend's hair, then wrapped his other arm around Roxas's skinny waist, holding him closer. "I love you, too, Roxas ... There's no one in this world for me but you." he promised, his voice straining to keep himself sounding normal. The husky effect faded away, and Axel was now relaxed against Roxas, his eyes closed for a few seconds before they fluttered open. He craned his head downwards to peck the top of his boyfriend's head, then reached down with his resting palm to squeeze one of the blond's perfect ass cheeks. "You're so amazing, Roxy baby." he winked with his fine eye, his fingers lifting off of Roxas's head to point at his own bruised cheek and eye area. "You're gonna fix this, right ? Man, if you weren't ... you, I would have beaten the shit ..." he smirked, deciding to keep the threat short. Axel rolled his head back against the arm of the couch, then let Roxas lounge on his naked chest, a look of contentment settling on his face. And to think that this morning ... they were separate individuals. The blond bit Axel's nipple softly as he threatened him, attempting to show him who was boss. "You would have beaten the shit out of me, really?" He smiled sweetly at the male, leaning up to kiss his lips softly before leaping off the couch and into the redhead's bathroom, grabbing his rather compact first aid kit. "Must I remind you who gave you your lovely little bruise in the first place?" He questioned in a rather tongue in cheek manner as he got on his knees in front of the other male and set the first aid kit on his chest. He hummed a small tune as he got his usual supplies out to fix Axel's scrapes and bruises. He loved this part of their relationship, where he got to take care of Axel. Well, that was a rather large part of their relationship actually, he always had to calm the other male down whenever he got a bit hotheaded, which was usually when someone tried to hit on Roxas. Oh, those were never good days. He put a nude colored band aid on the male's bruise and bent down to kiss it softly before getting up and closing the first aid kit. "There, my baby is all better." He grinned widely, rather proud of his handiwork. Axel had to admit that it was still a bit strange seeing Roxas zigzag his way through his apartment rooms like he owned the place, which he somewhat did. Once Roxas would be out of custody, the redhead was planning to keep him in his apartment so he wouldn't have to spend a second without him. They were mad about each other, after all. "That's 'cause you're you," he sheepishly murmured, turning his gaze elsewhere with a soft pout. He wearily sat up and hung his arms out on the back of the couch, observing with a wolfish leer as Roxas waddled away from him and into the restroom. He tilted his head slightly at the clanking and clinking he heard from inside and grew slightly worried. When the blonde came into his sight again, he was relieved. He didn't dare move as Roxas nursed him, though, and when the blonde stuck a band aid under his eye to hide his unsightly bruise, Axel chuckled and pulled the boy forward by the waist with a smirk, kissing him gently on the cheek. "Thanks, babe," he murmured, reaching down to grope Roxas' full ass once. "Ya need some painkillers or water ?" Axel tiredly exhaled, slumping slightly in his seat. Roxas smiled to himself as he was pulled closer by Axel, his knees going to either side of him as he was pulled into his lap, his arms reaching out to wrap around his frame. "Mm, no, I don't need any painkillers tonight." He rested his head on the male's shoulder, his lips brushing lightly against his neck as he spoke. "You were rough, but not too rough. I may need 'em if you plan on fucking me later though." Yes, it was true, Axel did fuck him so hard and often that sometimes he did need to pop a pill or two to get any sleep. It wasn't that having sex with his boyfriend technically hurt him, it was just that after getting it so often his sensitive hole sometimes felt a bit abused and he needed something to quiet out the throbbing. His eyes closed of their own will as he pressed his lips softly to Axel's neck. " you." He whispered into the male's ear as his ass slowly slumped lower into his lap, his body relaxing. Well, it was relaxing until his stomach rumbled and his eyes shot open. "Holy crap, the pizza." He said as he remembered what they were planning on doing before Axel so devilishly lured him away with sex. "Do you think it's burnt? Did the timer go off while we were fucking? Is the kitchen on fire?" He lovingly wrapped his arms around Roxas' slim frame and nuzzled his lips against the blond's shoulder, conspicuously inhaling his alluring scent. Though his erection was being pressed down, it was still a bit erect and ready for more, brushing up against the ass it so needed to practically survive. "I dunno. You seem a bit tired tonight. I might just let you go to sleep," he sympathized, pressing a soft kiss to the center of his boyfriend's forehead. The redhead almost smiled as Roxas reminded him yet again that he was loved, and just as he was about to return his own 'I love you', Roxas interrupted him by mentioning the pizza. Thankfully, he had set a timer on it, so he was doubtful that it had burnt, but it was always safe to check. It was so adorable how Roxas was panicking, so Axel playfully bit his shoulder and crooned, "It's fine, Roxy baby. Here, let me go check on it while we both put on some clothes." With an easy lift, he set his boyfriend off to the side, then moved around for his boxers, slipping into them hastily as he lightly threw his pajama pants over to Roxas and headed towards the kitchen, feeling refreshed. He grasped the pants that were thrown at him and slipped them on, opting to leave his boxer briefs and t shirt off, his body was still a bit warm from the strenuous activity he had just completed and he still needed to cool off. His brows knitted together as he thought about what Axel said, his little comment about possibly letting him get some sleep instead of fucking once more. He quickly followed his boyfriend into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around the male's waist, pulling him back from reaching the oven. "You know I don't like it when you underestimate me." He growled, his grip getting tighter around Axel's waist. "We're going to have sex again before the night is over, okay?" It wasn't so much a question as much as it was a statement, when Roxas was determined there was no stopping him from getting what he wanted. He let go of the male and gently patted his back before moving over to the counter and setting himself upon it, a smile on his face as he kicked his legs gently. "Now check the pizza, please." Axel thought that Roxas needed that well deserved sleep after all that had happened that morning. There was no school tomorrow, so he wasn't exactly worried about waking up early , but he worried about his boyfriend's health more than he did his own. He couldn't help but smirk when the blond latched himself onto him so desperately as if he was begging for sex in his own stubborn way. "Roxas," he crooned, leaning forward to peck his boyfriend's lips once, "I gotta let ya sleep, babe." It was difficult restraining himself, but he knew that he needed to learn a bit of self control. After all, he didn't want to rip Roxas apart. At the cute command, he chuckled softly and bent over to check the pizza, finding that it was perfectly toasted. He was a decent cook, really. Fishing out mittens, he removed the pan and set the pizza on the counter near Roxas, rounding the kitchen area to reach his cellphone that had been left there previously. He checked the caller ID Lenina. What the hell did she want ? Eying Roxas shortly, he clutched his cellphone with one hand and ignored the call, waving a hand over the pizza with an exaggerated inhale. "Smells good, eh ?" he enthusiastically bragged. While Axel was being noble in his opposition to them having sex again and for Roxas being able to sleep soundly, the male's brow simply raised and her pursed his lips slightly. "We'll just see what happens." He could certainly use a good night's rest cuddling up with Axel, but he wasn't about to be thought of as weak, especially not by Axel. Of course Axel didn't think his boyfriend of weak, he was simply showing compassion and was looking out for Roxas, but the blonde was stubborn as always. His mouth watered just a tad as Axel brought the pizza out of the oven and set it beside the boy. Despite the variety and interesting choice of toppings, the pizza really did smell and look delicious, Axel was actually a good chef. "Smells delicious, babe." He leaned in and kissed the male's lips gently before pulling away with his brow knitted together after the redhead ignored the phone call. "Who was that?" After the phone call, Axel had been in distress. Why had she of all people called to ruin this almost perfect and blissful moment ? He grunted in dissatisfaction and rummaged through the drawers for a pizza slicer, holding the kitchenware in one hand as he evenly cut their dinner. He glanced at the blond out of the corner of his eyes when he questioned who the caller had been. Of course, Roxas wouldn't be the happiest person alive to know that it was Lenina, so he guiltily decided to keep it a dirty little secret. "Some girl," he carelessly replied, using a washcloth to move the hot pizza pan over to the small table next to the kitchen. He brought out two clean plates and popped out two cans of Coca Cola, setting them side by side like always. Axel was secretly a bit worried what if he had impregnated the slut ? It wasn't exactly his fault. It couldn't be. "Let's eat, yeah ?" he cheerily added, popping his Coca Cola. Some girl? Axel had friends that were girls that he didn't know about? That was weird shrugging off the information, or lack thereof, the boy nodded and took his place next Axel at the table and popped his soda open soon after his boyfriend, smiling at him. "This is nice." He said with a slight smile to the redhead, grabbing a slice of pizza. "All of it, I mean, not just us dining together in such a luxurious establishment." He teased, taking a bite out of his pizza. To his great surprise, the pizza was actually pretty damn good. He took another bite and swallowed that one as well, and then another, and another, and another until he had devoured the crust and he grabbed another slice. "Axel, this is really, really good." His voice had a hint of surprise in it, though he didn't want to sound too surprised in case Axel thought he had ever doubted his obviously amazing cooking skills. Part of his reason for being so great at cooking was because he often fed off of Roxas' encouragement. When he couldn't do anything but boil water for ramen, Roxas had chaffed down all of his poorly done meals, and his skills had increased since then. Now, he was capable of taking care of himself and more in short, Axel wasn't completely useless. Perhaps he really was a genius inside brilliant but lazy. Probably not. "Hey, I told you that I'll take you out someday to a really nice place. Like at our honeymoon." he joked with a soft nudge. Watching Roxas with half adoration and half amazement, he picked up his own warm slice and nibbled the edge. It really was good. The Doritos gave it a crunchy trait while the ranch and cheese made it soft and tasty. The crust was probably sweet because of the sweet potato filling. "Anytime, baby. Someone's gotta take care of you, right ?" he chuckled, reaching over to peck the top of his boyfriend's head. "Oh hey, you gotta help me with homework tonight," he solemnly added, sounding rather serious for once. He had wanted to start his homework before, after all. "Remember baby, McDonalds isn't generally considered the nicest of places even if it's in Paris." Roxas said with a teasing grin. He always loved to tease Axel about his being cheap, but he secretly loved it. Instead of the redhead simply flaunting money to impress Roxas, he actually put time and effort into things, such as food or gifts, and Axel didn't normally put time or effort into anything, so it truly was special when he did and Roxas really did appreciate it. His brows rose as his boyfriend mentioned needing help with homework. It was extremely uncharacteristic for Axel to want to do homework on a Friday let alone ever, the boy was truly shocked. "S Sure! I'd love to help you out babe. What subject is it? Or are there a couple?" He questioned, taking a sip of his soda and pushing his plate away before slumping back in his seat. "I'm stuffed." Oh drat. McDonald's was practically his favorite restaurant when it came to affordable and decently tasting meals. He always visited their local McDonald's during 'Dollar Menu' hours to treat his baby to a four piece chicken nugget set with a small drink added. He took pride in being able to afford these things Axel had never really extended his thoughts further. Secretly, he wanted to be able to take Roxas on a proper date, so he had been saving up at least 10 of his weekly paychecks to bring his boyfriend to at least a four star restaurant. And a nice dinner should always be complimented with staying the night at a luxurious hotel, right ?Yearsof saving had brought him to the point where he was able to spend an entire weekend with Roxas in mortal paradise. All he needed to do was confirm his reservation in Las Vegas good ol' city of gambling, casinos, city lights, sex, and fantastic tourist sites ! What a fantastic way to make up their reunion, right ? "Eh, it's math. Fuckin' algebra pisses me off." he snorted, abandoning his blond to reach for his backpack and bring out a textbook. In it were two tickets pre purchased for two nights at Bellagio hotel the most expensive hotel in Las Vegas, and complimentary meals at a Greek grill, sushi bar, and a steakhouse.Proudly, he flipped open the aged textbook in front of his boyfriend and fanned out the two brand new tickets, smugly saying, "So you were saying ? Heh, I'm not so muchova cheapskate anymore, eh ? I booked us the best place in good ol' Las Vegas, and I'm taking you there tomorrow in a nice plane Took me years to buy this date for ya, babe. And just think we'll have sex in comfy beds all night !" Though he had gotten the tickets quite a few weeks back, this seemed like the most appropriate time to reveal them. "Am I great or am I great ?" The second Axel brought out the tickets Roxas's mouth dropped wide open, he was in a state of shock and awe. While on one hand he had never really wanted fancy things from Axel he couldn't deny the excitement that he was feeling at the moment. Hell, there was probably so much adrenaline running through his veins he could lift a car straight over his head and throw it at least a hundred feet! "Axel..." the boy finally managed to at least say his boyfriend's name, that was a good sign. He turned his head and just stared at the man's face for a moment, trying to let it all sink in. He was going to Las Vegas for a full weekend with his boyfriend. The blonde picked up the tickets and examined them carefully, making sure they weren't fakes and that Axel wasn't playing the unfunniest joke on him ever. Calmly, he stood up and pushed his chair in and took a seat in Axel's lap, leaning forward to kiss the male on the lips roughly while muttering "thank you" over and over again every time their lips separated for just a moment. Aha! He knew there was something going on once Axel said he wanted to do homework on a Friday. Of course Roxas would love his surprise ! He grinned smugly as the blond stayed in a state of stupor, looking like he had won the lottery if anything. The redhead was slightly stunned when the petite boy climbed on his lap and vigorously kissed him like there was no tomorrow. It took a second for him to wrap his own arms around the boy's waist, then he kissed him back feverishly, smirking against the blond's full lips. He pulled away for a heavy breath, then brushed the other boy's cheek with his thumb, caressing it softly. "Not bad for our first real date, huh ?" he sneered, feeling his erection jump once more at the mere contact of it brushing up against the blond's round and plump ass. He glanced down at the tickets, thinking to himself how nice it would be to escape the suffocating restraints of suburban life and head into an exciting place where they could possibly make a fortune with the slot machines ! And what was Las Vegas without the sex ? Axel was mightily proud of himself for persevering and saving up more than enough money to snatch Roxas away into paradise. Hours of toiling behind a cash register and serving aged ladies had come to a sweet treat. Roxas smiled against the male's lips as he kissed him once more, a bit more brief this time though. "It's the perfect place for a first real date." He breathed out with a sigh, slumping against Axel's chest. "I just can't believe you did this, it's not even our anniversary or anything." Despite thinking that he would be perfectly happy ordering off the Dollar Menu for the rest of his life if he got to do it with Axel, Roxas was only human and humans did like to get nice things every once in awhile. He smiled as he pressed a kiss to the male's neck, his ass shifting slightly to get more comfortable inbetween the male's legs. His brow raised as he felt his boyfriend's hardness against his rear and he immediately got down on his knees and pushed Axel's chair away from the table a bit more so he could properly maneuver. His hand reached into the opening in Axel's boxers and he took out his length, his wet lips engulfing the tip. Las Vegas a perfect place for a real date ? Not quite, but it was a solid start. In the future, Axel would be wealthy enough to snatch Roxas away to France ! "Well, we did just get back together ..." he huffed, smirking somewhat as the blond shifted over his hardening erection. Even though he had been the one to set the abstinence rule that night, he felt himself losing all sense of self control by the passing second. Axel blinked as if in a stupor as Roxas slipped down between his legs and resumed his "pose of submission", being stealthy as to immediately suckle the tip of his cock like a whore. He sucked in his breath and shifted his legs a bit wider, combing his fingers through his boyfriend's honey blond tresses. "Feels amazing, babe ... mmm ... c'mon, take it deeper, Roxas," he crooned, lifting his hips slightly to force his massive dick at least an inch further into his boyfriend's invitingly wet mouth. If Roxas had the capability to smile at the moment he would have, but seeing as he was getting more and more of Axel's dick in his mouth it was a bit impossible at the moment, though he was sure Axel didn't mind if he didn't smile at him. His tongue slid over the small slit as he suckled on the head as if it were a lollipop. He wanted to repay his boyfriend for the trip to Las Vegas the only way he knew how at the moment and was happy he was getting praise from Axel who was acting like he was experiencing his first blowjob all over again thank the gods Axel's dick was so sensitive. He grasped the base of the shaft with his hand and stroked gently as he pushed himself to take more of the male's cock into his mouth just as he had asked. While Axel himself forced another inch into his mouth Roxas pushed himself even further and had at least half of the entire length in there now and he began to bob his head up and down, his tongue gently carressing all around. Now was very much like his first blowjob, except Roxas was more than willing to get down between his knees for him than he was in the beginning. It turned out that the blond actually enjoyed giving oral and Axel was more than happy to receive it most of the time. Occasionally, he asked for a nice suck off during school, and he'd smugly sneer at anybody who so happened to walk by either with disgust or jealousy mostly, it was the latter. The redhead tipped his temple back and groaned boyishly, jerking his pelvis up every now and then to get that sharp jolt of pleasure. He tightened his hold in Roxas' hair and held firmly to it, breathing out solemn swears between his lips with short gasps in between. Axel was already so close to his orgasm, because he was bucking so impatiently into his lover's mouth, shutting his eyes forcefully and breathing hotly. "Sh Shit ... Fuck yeah," he hissed, tilting his head and allowing his eyelids to flutter open ever so hazily to stare lustfully down at his boyfriend. Roxas could most certainly remember the first time he went down on Axel and that it wasn't really a pleasant experience. At first he didn't even like the taste of the male, let alone feeling like he was a submissive bitch for getting down on his knees in the first place. Needless to say, he eventually realized that he actually did like the taste of Axel's dick, he couldn't quite describe it, but he did like the feeling of it. He also came to the conclusion that he was mostly in control when he was giving head seeing as he had his boyfriend's most sensitive part on his body in his mouth and could literally just bite down on it at any moment, not that he ever would! As he heard Axel curse, the boy looked up from his work and he locked eyes with the redhead as he continued to suck on his dick, sucking and licking in what seemed to be all the right places, well at least it was if he was going by the male's moans. He stopped jerking with his hand and was now simply deepthroating Axel as best he could, pushing himself down as far as he could go. Honestly, Roxas hadn't been the first one to give him a blowjob. In school, he had multiple and wanton whores more than willing to get down for him, yet he soon learned that there was no other mouth that he would insert his dick into than Roxas'. Besides, the blond was better at licking up the right places to drive him to his orgasm much faster. The white heat was spiraling towards the tip of his cock at a much faster pace now, and as Roxas bravely took down most of his massive length, he let out a prolonged moan and curled his hand in his boyfriend's hair a bit tighter than before. In a second, he tripped over the edge and came in long, milky strands all in Roxas' warm mouth, and he pushed the back of his head forward to prevent him from drawing away without swallowing everything. He felt the thick cum spurting out from the tip of his throbbing cock, then after he began panting and thrusting the rest out, the redhead pulled out slowly and grinned victoriously at the cum that coated his boyfriend's sexy lips. "Swallow, babe. It's good for you," he joked, wiping Roxas' bottom lip with his thumb. Roxas's brow knitted together once he felt Axel begin to tug on his hair a bit too much and he was about to pull away and protest, but he soon realized exactly why he was being so rough. "Mmngh!" He groaned out as his head was pushed so the tip of Axel's cock was resting on his tongue as spurt after spurt of his cum shot into his mouth. He licked the tip between spurts and swallowed all that Axel had to give as he pulled out, his face scrunching up cutely as the final shot of cum coated his pink lips. He looked up to the male with a slight smile and kissed the thumb that ran across his bottom lip, licking up the redhead's seed and swallowing that as well. "You know I always do, ever since I first sucked you off." He said as he gently ran his fingers up and down the male's softening length, pressing a kiss to the tip before tucking it back away in the black boxers. Axel always found Roxas' expressions so cute. Whenever he scrunched up his face or exposed more of his truly submissive side, it drove the redhead insane. Plus, he swallowed. How difficult was it to find someone who willingly swallowed instead of spat ? "That was amazing, Roxy baby." he contently sighed, flexing his shoulders and loosening his tense nerves. The colors of his surroundings were swirling back to normal again, and as Roxas tucked his cock back into the folds of his boxers, he straightened his posture and helped the blond up, planting a soft kiss to his sweetened lips. Now that dinner was done, they needed to hit the bed not to sleep, of course. Axel usually pulled all nighters when it came to having Roxas sleep over. There was always so much to do play video games, watch horror movies, and have sex, of course. "I've always wanted to videotape ya, you know for my own personal enjoyment." he dreamily added, stretching and getting up a bit unbalancedly from his seat. He smiled as he was brought up to his feet and kissed, well, he was also smiling from the praise for his sucking skills, but mostly for the affection. Roxas cleaned up the table and threw the paper plates away along with their Coca Cola cans. His face turned into one of intrigue as he dropped the last can into the recycling bin and Axel mentioned videotaping them having sex. "You want to do what?" He questioned, turning swiftly on his feet to stare at his boyfriend. Videotaping...really? Axel really wanted to have a camera going while they fucked like rabbits? What was it going to be used for, pointing out faults so they could improve their performance for next time? He couldn't even imagine why the redhead would want to do such a thing. What if they did videotape it and then one of their friends came over and stole it or some crazy shit like that? Oh god, what if they became like...the next Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee over this damn tape? Not like they were famous or anything, but they could be one day! To say the least, Roxas was freaking out over nothing. Axel was always inventing and experimenting with new ideas, but Roxas was always a bit hesitant. They were like fire and water sometimes, but the redhead always loved a bit of a struggle. He still needed to convince Roxas to let him drip hot wax on him during sex as he found it to be a very enjoyable kink. He licked his upper lip and closed his textbook, abandoning it on the table without another spared glance. He didn't have time to be slaving over stupid math problems he would never use in the future. The tickets were much more valuable than it, so he took them and kept his prizes squeezed carefully in his hand. Tomorrow, they would be on a plane headed for Las Vegas, and there, they would have the time of their lives away from school and their boring old suburban town. He needed an escape from all the drama that had happened too. "I need something to jack off to when you're not here," he explained with a pout, "Plus, you're not always available for phone sex. And I know how grumpy you get when I look at porn and get horny off of it." He yawned. He really was tired tonight for some odd reason. Roxas was going to completely object to the idea of ever being videotaped while getting fucked, but Axel mentioned the whole porn thing that Axel had a problem with. To be honest, Axel's whole constant horniness was a blessing when they were together and then a burden when they were apart. He felt like he could always trust his boyfriend, well, he thought he could before earlier today. The blonde had a bit of a jealousy problem even before that though, he didn't even like it when others would talk about how attractive he was, mainly because they would always add "and I can't wait until he breaks up with Roxas," that's what usually made him angry. Axel washishandsome, sexy boyfriend, not theirs. Roxas bit his lower lip for a moment, looking to the redhead. "Fine." He said stiffly, walking into the bedroom and plopping himself down onto the mattress with a sigh. He figured that Axel jerking himself off to a video of him instead of two random guys fucking was better for his little jealousy problem. Honestly, Axel didn't understand what made him so attractive. Perhaps it was his flamboyantly red hair ? Maybe his badass image ? The way he dressed ? The way he talked ? Whatever it was, he tended to attract more than enough attention at school, and both genders were always gossiping about him, fervently wishing that there would be one day where he would dump Roxas' sorry ass. His scandalous rendezvous with Lenina had been hot news for a long while, and now they were going to pop bubbles by reappearing as a united couple again. Even though he was popular, Roxas was too, but Axel had more than enough control to deal with everyone who so much as brushed shoulders with him. He was like his boyfriend's shadow, engulfing anyone who would dare attempt to snatch him away. The redhead knew that the blond hadslightjealousy problems, but it was ridiculously cute. He'd get adorably huffy over the simplest things like being assigned to partner up with some chick on a project. He blinked as Roxas sulked off to bed, automatically realizing that he had done something wrong. He followed, then slid up over the blond with a smug grin, leaning down to peck his cheek once. "What's wrong, babe ? ... If you don't want me to film us, I won't it was just a suggestion ya know I pretty much worship ya," he sexily crooned, glancing out of the corner of his eyes at his Roxas collage next to his bed. "I know, I know..." Roxas said as he also glanced over to the small collage of himself on Axel's nightstand. "And while that's nice and all, I just..." he sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. "This is going to be like...really blunt and kind of self involved and all, but we broke up for the first time ever today and such and I'm just kind of nervous that you might...cheat again." He looked away from Axel as he said this and towards the sheets, playing with a strand of string. "And if you do then we'll break up and then you'll have a tape of the two of us having sex and all and well...I don't know, I don't know how angry you'd be with me after we broke up and stuff, you could pass it around to the school. I mean, you wouldn't have anything to be embarassed about, but I'd have your dick up my ass with me moaning like a dog in heat and that's not really the light I want the whole school to see me in." Roxas knew he sounded like a complete and total douche, but that was honestly how he felt and what he feared, rational or not. Axel had always been the type to never take things seriously in a relationship, but everything had changed once he started dating Roxas by mere luck. He became somewhat clingy and a bit obsessive, and while he knew that it was unhealthy for a relationship to be this addictive, he couldn't help but be hooked onto Roxas like a drug. So when they had broken up, it had been like doomsday for him. Axel sincerely listened for once, but his expression wasn't one that displayed carelessness. It was actually a bit serious. He was worried that he might cheat again ? The first encounter had been nothing more than a misunderstanding and a faulty mishap he deeply regretted. "Like I said, babe," he sighed, turning Roxas' chin so he could face him, "I'm not gonna do anything you don't wanna." Was he disappointed ? A bit. But Roxas' reason was justified. If he really was upset, he could have done something like that, but Roxas was way more important to him than a slut he wanted to ruin the life of. "Are you afraid of losin' me, Roxas ?" he cautiously asked, gazing deeply into his eyes for a second before pulling away with a soft grunt. He sat up near the bed's edge and rolled one shoulder, wishing that he had stocked up on cigarettes yesterday to light one up now. "Yes, Axel, terribly so." Roxas answered almost immediately, staring at Axel's backside. God, he couldn't even imagine what life would be like without his one and only redheaded, perverted, bad ass of a boyfriend. There would be no way in hell that he could even survive without him, he was sure of it. If he even saw Axel and someone else, male or female, holding hands, kissing, touching, or even fucking he would probably have to kill them, there was just no way around it. Roxas scooted towards Axel and pressed himself into his backside, wrapping his arms around him and kissing the male's shoulder. "This is going to sound cheesy as hell, but I love you so much Axel." He said with a sigh. "I'd just die if I lost you." Even though Roxas was overprotective of him, he found that there was no possible way Roxas could properly vent out his jealousy. Perhaps if he were to inappropriately touch a girl or flirt with someone else, he would actually do something about it, but Axel hadn't really taken an interest in anyone else but his lovely blond. Nobody was better fit for him than Roxas was, and there was no way around that solidified fact, too. "I love ya too, Roxas ..." he crooned, clutching one of his boyfriend's hands dearly. He turned around and gingerly laid the blond back against the soft sheets, caressing his hair with his free hand to press a kiss to his forehead. "You're my one and only," he confessed, kissing him three times more along his neck and eventually down to his chest, all the while lacing their fingers together. "You're all I have," he muttered under his breath, drawing away and sitting up to plant a soft peck to the back of his boyfriend's hand. "... Go to sleep," he advised, glancing up at the clock. It was pretty late, and they needed to make early preparations tomorrow. Roxas smiled softly as Axel proceeded to tuck him in, offering kisses to his soft flesh as he did so. He loved this part of his boyfriend, well, he really loved all parts of Axel, but especially the part that showed that he actually cared a whole hell of a lot about him. He let the hand that Axel kissed drift up to gently run through the redhead's mane for a moment, just gently caressing him before he nodded. "G'night Axy." He said with a grin, turning over to clutch at his boyfriend's pillow, the one that smelled most like him, and clutch it to his chest. This was the norm for them, Axel would usually take Roxas to bed and stay until he was asleep and then go off and do only god knew what. The blonde didn't really like that his boyfriend had sleeping problems and they tried to talk about it before, but that did jack shit so he just chose to let Axel do whatever he pleased. Roxas was content to know that Axel eventually did sleep though, whether it was by joining him in bed later or by simply snoozing away in class.Slowly the blonde's eyes closed and within moments he was fast asleep, his mouth open slightly and his body completely relaxed into the mattress. He had to admit that Roxas was fucking adorable almost all of the time. When he was pissed off, depressed, tired, or simply in bitch stressed mode, the blond just radiated suffocating amounts of cuteness. Axel restrained himself from pinching the other boy's cheeks when he fell asleep curled up with his pillow, then leaned over to turn off the lit lamp. Though his body felt like it would be dragged down at any moment, he wasn't especially sleepy. Though it was rather creepy to do so, he leaned over and caressed Roxas' resting form, trailing kisses along his shoulder down to his curves. He really was infatuated with Roxas dangerously so. He picked himself up and plopped right in front of his computer, choosing to chat the night away with his close friends. Roxas' screename was in a subcategory all to himself, and by playful command, he had been asked to bunch everyone else in the same group. He never really got the chance to chat with girls one to one for fear of having Roxas peek over his shoulder and see exactly what they were talking about, but he deliberately talked to them, mostly bragging about how adorable Roxas was when he was asleep. And he had a lot to boast about their trip to Las Vegas, too.At about three AM, he finally logged off and slipped right into bed behind Roxas, wrapping an arm protectively around his boyfriend's waist. He nuzzled his nose into his boyfriend's hair and inhaled his warm and alluring scent, finding that sleep came easier than he had expected this time around.OOC: Gotta go to sleep ! Night ! Roxas slowly awoke as the sun peeked through Axel's blinds, hitting his eyelids and forcing him awake. "Nngh...fuck dammit." He groaned, rubbing his eyelids with his palms before turning over and snuggling into Axel's chest. It seemed as though it was entirely too early to be waking up, well, until he remembered what today was, which put an instant grin on his face. He acttually dreampt of the two in Las Vegas, being durnk off their asses and playing the slot machines until their arms hurt and they had lost a good chunk of their money then they would go to their hotel room, order room service and have sex until they were exhausted. Then something strange happened, Lenina entered the room and leapt onto Axel with her big, fat, chunky, dyke legs and started to grope his boyfriend like she needed him to live. Roxas then grabbed the nightstand Bible and began to beat her to death with it. Sadly, he awoke before even knowing whether or not she was actually dead, but he liked to assume that she was, it made him happy.The boy leaned into Axel and pressed a kiss to each of his nipples before kissing his lips softly and rolling out of bed carefully. He lingered for a moment and just stared at the docile redhead, a slight smirk on his face. Axel always looked so adorable when he was sound asleep and Roxas so rarely got to see it. Quietly he tiptoed his way out to the kitchen and began to make a pot of coffee, excited for the day, eager to get ready to fly to Las Vegas. Because Axel rarely slept, he didn't dream, but fell into a chaotic and purely white fantasy for the first few hours. Then, he was having wet dreams, and god damn they felt so real. Roxas might not have noticed it, but he had been softly grinding his erection up against his boyfriend's thigh as if he was penetrating something. Axel was horny even when unconscious. It was almost surprising how high his libido was. A few minutes after Roxas slumped out of bed, he squirmed around under his sheets and felt his surroundings for his boyfriend's warm body. Finding nothing to be there, Axel's eyelids fluttered open groggily, and his brilliant emerald orbs shimmered in place for a short second. He hated not waking up to see the blond's face first, but the blond was always an early riser ... and he wasn't. Oh, but today was the date of their honeymoon ! He smirked and rolled over onto his back, hearing the coffee pot bubble in the kitchen. Sometimes, it really felt as if they were a married couple.He rolled over again and checked his almost dead cellphone 6 missed calls, 28 text messages 28 FUCKING TEXT MESSAGES ? ... 8:09 AM. He filed through his messages first, then scrolled down to all the calls he had missed, caring very little about how impatient his friends must have been by hearing his answering machine go off every time they called. " Tough luck I'm not here right now , but leave me a fucking message and I'll get to ya if I feel like it " Most of his contacts were girls he had over two hundred of em' listed for popularity perks, and most of the messages he had gotten were concerning his major break up with Roxas yesterday."Roxaaaaaaaaaaaaas," he called while he was thumbing away on his cellphone buttons on his stomach, glancing up to peer into the kitchen out the door, "Get me a can of Coke, will ya ?" Roxas was in the middle of taking in the aroma of the coffee grounds, his nose practically in the box. The boy loved coffee, practically needed it every morning to function properly, especially on mornings when he and Axel had stayed up all night, usually on school nights like the idiots they were. He smiled as he heard Axel's dulcet tones interrupted the silent morning, begging for a Coca Cola. He reached into the fridge and grabbed him one, sighing as he entered the bedroom. "You know your teeth are going to rot and you're going to get fat if you keep drinking these as often as ya do. Then I won't find you attractive anymore." The boy said with a small grin as he took his place next to Axel on the bed, offering him the Coke. Axel shut his cellphone and slid it under his pillow, yawning as he did so. Today would be a hectic night which was more than less out of the ordinary than their average days. Thankfully, because of Roxas, his days were never dull. Even in school, they shared most of their periods together, so he wasn't all that bored when it came to being trapped in a learning asylum for seven hours. He rolled back onto his side and gladly accepted the can with a smug sneer as Roxas sat half unclothed on his bed, his head wiggling over to lay on his boyfriend's lap. Propping the beverage on his stomach, he popped it open and sighed, "And if you keep drinking coffee, you'll get wrinkles and dark circles." He victoriously smiled and slowly sat up to take a sip of his soda. "But I'd love ya anyways," Axel proudly stated. "Oh, shut up." Roxas said as he began to run his fingers through his boyfriend's red mane. "I'll look beautiful for the rest of my life, no matter what." He grinned down at the male, leaning to kiss his lips softly. He shifted his hips uncomfortably as his length began to stiffen under the male's head, poking him gently. "And you would so not love me if my face looked like an old Chanel bag." The blonde shuddered at the simple thought. Roxas wasn't anything close to vain, but he most certainly didn't want to imagine looking any worse than he already did, that would be dreadful. "You'd toss me out like yesterday's trash." The male teased, sticking his tongue out at the redhead. He boyishly chuckled and carried on with his light chortling by taking manly swigs of his Coke from time to time, sloshing the beverage around habitually. "I don't just love ya for your looks that is a big bonus, though. I love ya 'cause you love me for who I am, y'know ?" he sighed, running one hand groggily through his flamboyantly crimson hair. He wished Roxas would have more faith in him and their relationship and not treat it as if it was another one of Axel's one night flings. It had been a while since he had put up a one night stand with somebody and it had been the first time he had directly asked someone out romantically rather than sexually. "You know everyday with you's like falling in love all over again." he whispered, tilting Roxas' chin up to kiss him sweetly and softly. He pulled away and licked his upper lip, washing away the sweet and bitter coffee taste of his boyfriend's lips with his Coke. "I wanna take new pictures with you in Las Vegas," he randomly muttered, staring at his Roxas collage. "I know babe, I feel the same. I'm not lying when I say I love you." He kissed the male back and pulled away with a smile on his face. Roxas looked at the collage once Axel mentioned taking new pictures. He grasped the frame and stared at all the pictures of him and his boyfriend. Most of the photos were at least a year old and it showed, both of them looked at least a little bit different and he was sure they both looked a hell of a lot less awkward. "I think that sounds like a perfect idea, I need some new pictures of us for my wall at home anyway." He set the collage back on the male's nightstand and laid down in the bed and closed his eyes, snuggling up in the covers. "What time does our plane leave?" At first, Axel had thought that the idea of putting a collage in his room was absolutely ridiculous, but the many photos helped him to remember Roxas' smiling face during lonely nights. He needed more pictures of them actually together, though his cellphone had many of those logged in its memory chip. His collage was rather small and cute, but Roxas' was enormous. Or, well,hethought it was pretty insane how Roxas had managed to collect so many pictures of him to put all over his wall. When had he taken most of them anyways ? At the mention of the plane, he glanced at the digital clock set up beside his bed and hummed thoughtfully, "At about noon. It leaves at about one'ish. We need to pack," he grumbled, knowing fully well that most of Roxas' possessions were already in his apartment, and a few of his clothes were here too. He set the Coke on the ground, then playfully leaned over Roxas, pressing their bodies together. "How about I fill you up right here before we go fuck on some other random bed ?" he crooned, pecking Roxas' neck once. Sex always felt like the first time with Roxas, and he still remembered when he had taken his boyfriend's virginity ah, that had been the best day of his life. Roxas couldn't remember the exact date when he had begun to collect pictures of the two of them together, some even of just Axel alone, but it felt like it had been forever. He had pictures of the two of them out with friends, alone at home, some sexy ones of a nearly nude Axel at the swimming pool, ones of them at the high school football game, amusement parks, nearly anywhere close their local town the two of them had a picture near. The blonde loved to look at photos of his boyfriend, they reminded him of happy times he certainly didn't want to forget, such as pictures of the first time he and Axel kissed, to pictures of when the first two held hands, and he even had some more private pictures of when Axel first started sending pictures of himself naked, which was at the very least a month into the relationsip.The blonde looked up to Axel with a smile as he suggested filling the boy up right here before they had to go. "I'd like that." He said with a slight laugh, leaning his head up to kiss the male's lips, grasping the small of the redhead's back and grinding his hips up against the other's. Video games had been his number one priority before he had even thought of how deeply entangled he would get himself in a sticky relationship. Now, Roxas was his everything, so the blond's face was everywhere on his computer desktop, AIM icon, cellphone background, lamp counter, his wallet, and even in his car. He liked keeping Roxas close to his heart when he himself wasn't around to keep him company. If that break up would have lasted more than a few hours, he wouldn't have been able to throw out all of his pictures for fear of losing his memories too.Axel suppressed a rugged moan when Roxas meshed their hips together, instantly causing his erection to flare up with attention. "I'll go nice and easy on you today. We're gonna have a rough trip there." he cooed, reaching over to open his bedside drawer for their trusty bottle of lubricant. He always had to stock up on these, so Axel had gone out of his way to purchase the biggest container he could find so he wouldn't have to come back for more or use useless substitutions. He set the lube aside and hungrily attacked Roxas' lips while his hands worked feverishly to tug the elastic band of his boyfriend's pajamas down below his knees, his lips trailing down with noisy suckles to purse over one erect nipple. He flicked a tongue over it, then huffed, "... Your body's mine, Roxy baby." "You're gonna go easy on me? You're so kind, Axy." Roxas said with a teasing smile and a slight laugh. He instantly quit his chuckling once the male attacked his lips, smashing them togeter with force and passion as his pants were tugged down and his erection sprung out, slapping himself in his stomach. His back arched and his mouth opened to have moans of pleasure fly out as the male teased his nipple, "fuck Axel, yes, my body is all yours right now." He groaned as his hand ran through the redhead's hair, gently pushing his head down into his chest. God, even though they had fucked a good two times yesterday and he sucked Axel off only hours ago before going to bed, he could never get enough of the male. If it were possible the two would probably just fuck for the rest of their lives without eating or sleeping, just continue with new positions, experimenting and memorizing each other's bodies. He loved hearing Roxas moan like the whore he was, but Axel was rather picky about calling his boyfriend derogatory names that only he would be allowed to call him. With a victorious smirk, he lapped the achingly erect nub between his lips and gave the tip a harmless nibble, kissing it even messier as Roxas pressed his head down to his chest. He had memorized Roxas' body by now, and the blond had probably recorded all of his own weak spots too. Axel trailed his kisses down lower, playing with his boyfriend's navel for a split second before slipping down even further to where the tip of the blond's erection touched his chin. "Roxas when we get to Las Vegas, the last thing we do that night ... I wanna just fuck you against the balcony window ... or even out on the balcony ... " he huffed, his eyelids shutting as he pressed his lips on the insides of his boyfriend's inner thighs, then skimmed his mouth over Roxas' straining erection, kissing it tenderly. "Ah!" The boy moaned loudly, bringing his hand up to bit down on it gently to keep his sounds of pleasure a bit repressed. He didn't want to make too much noise, especially when it was this early in the morning. His length flexed itself once Axel finally made contact with it, even if it was only his chin, it ached for attention and Roxas was more than happy that his boyfriend was here to give it. He was about to question Axel's idea about them fucking out on the balcony when they got to Las Vegas and truth be told, Roxas kind of wanted to do it now that the redhead brought it up. They had done stuff in public before, mainly in secluded areas of parks or on the side of the road after they parker, or even in a nearly empty movie theater, but to do stuff right tehre in the smack dab middle of Las Vegas where hundreds of thousands of people were kind of excited him. "Al alright...we can fuck on the balcony." He breathed out, his back arching and his hips raising up as Axel ran his mouth over the sensitive flesh and was even so evil as to tease him by kissing it. "Please Axel...I need it..." It was so adorable hearing Roxas' feeble cries of pure ecstasy. His erection twitched as if it was alive and on the verge of drilling right into the tight ass it so longed to be inside. He teased Roxas' shaft a bit more, then left the erection laid upright over the blond's stomach to reach for the lube again. "So impatient, Roxas You want my cock that bad ?" he cutely smiled, squirting a bit of the clear goop on his fingers before smearing it thoroughly. He lathered his meaty shaft with the cool gel and gasped at the refreshing and minty feeling it gave. With one hand, he held up one of Roxas' legs, then reached down to apply the leftover lube on his fingertips onto that tight and pink pucker, making sure to massage and loosen the muscles there. Teasingly, he slipped his middle digit inside, groaning when the walls tightened around his finger as if holding him in. "Fuck ... you're always so tight ..." he huffed, licking his upper lip. The blonde blushed slightly as Axel accused him of being impatient for his cock. Needless to say he was embarassed, but he wasn't exactly going to deny wanting the male inside of him so badly basically because it was true. "Yeah, I do." He breathed out as the redhead began to massage his tiny entrance, gasping softly as he felt the cool, tingly gel begin to work its magic. Already his muscles were relaxed enough to let Axel's finger slide in with ease, but it still made Roxas nearly jump and his muscles tightened around it, almost as if it were in a vice. He smiled gently at the male as he mentioned his tightness. It was true, ever since the first time Axel entered him, he always commented about just how tight the little blonde was and it made him a bit proud that he was that tight since it brought Axel even more pleasure. Roxas attributed his tight hole to his small frame, which he had always been a bit ashamed of until he met the redhead who was so in love with his body. "Nngh, hurry." He begged, his hand reaching out to grasp the male's length, stroking it slowly and running his thumb over the slit. Roxas was far too adorable to resist sometimes. It wasn't very surprising to say that Axel usually lost his sense of self control around his boyfriend at the most inconvenient times. Usually, he dragged him to the restroom during school hours to vent out his sexual frustrations, and when a suitable hiding spot wasn't near, he tended to unclothe the both of them slightly and make do with their position. He was glad that Roxas had almost the same level of a libido as him, because if he constantly craved sex, he needed a partner who frequently needed penetration, too. He glanced down at his submissive's glazed face, brushing his fingertips over the blond's cute blush. "All right, babe ..." he crooned, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on his boyfriend's plump lips. He sighed when he stroked him, then moved his powerful hands to maneuver his lover's legs around so his pucker was aligned with the tip of his massive cock. He rubbed the domed head against the lubed hole a bit before jerking in about an inch. "Sh Shit ..." he grunted, leaning his forehead against Roxas' shoulder and trembling before he eventually slid in all the way. It was quite easy they were both lubed, after all. Roxas began to take heavy breaths as Axel rubbed the tip of his cock against his lubed entrance. He always both equally loved and hated this part, hated it because the redhead was being evil in prolonging putting his dick inside of him, but he loved it because he knew what was coming next. The boy wrapped his arms around Axel and locked his legs around his lower back as he pushed in, causing the male to arch his back and groan out as he was filled with only an inch of Axel's cock, another tease that only hinted at what was to come. "Ah...Axel..." He breathed out into the male's ear as he slid the rest of his length in, filling Roxas to the brim. He loved this part, when the two were finally connected and the male's rather thick length was already putting pressure on his prostate. "Mm, ready." He said softly as his muscles began to relax slightly, enough for the redhead to begin thrusting. Familiarly, Roxas wrapped his skinny legs around his waist, causing him to feel that same intimacy he had felt during their first intercourse together. He huffed and littered messy kisses along his boyfriend's neck, soothing him as much as possible before pulling his hips back and ramming in with a loud slap. His heavy testicles smacked against Roxas' ass, making a lewd sound that was equivalent to the way his boyfriend so desperately moaned underneath him. "Mmm, fuck yes ... God, that feels so fucking nice ..." he sexily crooned, pursing his lips over Roxas' to suckle a few of his delicious sounds into his mouth. Even Roxas' adorable moans tasted sweet. Knowing the blond's body well enough to know exactly where his prostate was located, he held up the other boy's hips and angled his thrusts so that the tip of his head would constantly brush past his sweet spot with ease, pulling back and repeating the sloppy rhythm over and over. Roxas gripped the sheets as soon as he felt Axel pull out and thrust in, his balls making that familiar slap against the boy's rear. "Axel..." The boy moaned as his prostate was hit with the male's cock. Fuck, it had only been one thrust and the blonde was already in absolute heaven. He didn't know what made Axel so damn amazing at fucking, but he thanked every deity to ever exist that he was. He grasped the male's head and pulled him in for a few heavy kisses, groaning as the other grasped his hips and then proceeded to fuck directly into his prostate, causing Roxas to leak precum and cry out Axel's name. "F fuck...fuck me Axel...!" He gasped, digging his nails into the male's back. Even though he would have loved for Roxas to be available to him every hour of the day, he knew that them being together was nearly impossible now. After highschool, he had made plans to have his boyfriend move in with him, because his apartment was like their haven where they could be together without any outside disturbances. Then, he wouldn't have to resort to sneaking peeks at random porn to jack off. Sure, he had plenty of photos of Roxas, but none of them really did any good without the physical person being there ... and he needed a moving picture, at least ... a sexual one ... His eyelids fluttered closed as Roxas swore and squealed like a whore underneath him, falling prey to his heavy and domineering ways. "Mmm ... harder, Roxas ? You want it faster, baby ? Mmm, god ... so fucking tight ..." he growled, his hips working at a blinding pace to rush in and out of Roxas as if he had completely forgotten about fucking him slower than usual today. The lube was making it so hard for him NOT to ease himself in and out so smoothly. It was true, Roxas really was squealing and moaning like a little whore underneath Axel. It wasn't like the boy could help it though, it felt too damn good to be fucked by him! The blonde would never make unnecessary moans or grunts just to stroke Axel's ego, when he moaned out his lover's name it was for real. "Yes, harder, faster..." The boy's back arched as the male's dick hit his prostate directly, evoking a loud moan from the small blonde. "Just fuck me hard." Roxas practically begged the redhead as his hands slid down to grope the male's toned ass, pushing him even further into his hole. At this point all plans of Axel fucking him slow and softly were out the window and to be honest Roxas didn't give a shit, he was in too much pleasure to care if his ass was going to be sore on the way to Las Vegas. Besides, the way his boyfriend was hitting his prostate he would barely even have to stroke himself to cum, he could feel it getting close already, but he was determined to hold it off, eager to keep the pleasure he was getting for as long as he could. Axel remembered the first time they had had sex in Roxas' bedroom. It had been an enjoyable encounter for sure, and they hadn't been able to reach their orgasm so quickly as they normally would. It took about ten minutes for him to actually get Roxas loose enough for him to accept anything bigger than two fingers in his virgin hole. Now, the blond was always willing to accept his nine inch dick so far up his bum without a single whine of complaint. "Fuck ... fuck ..." he snarled, his hips madly humping his boyfriend's groin with mad vigor. His entire body was shaking, but he couldn't help but want to feel this hot and sticky adrenaline for a bit longer. Axel meshed their bodies together and clenched his jaws over one of Roxas' erect nipples, suckling on it hungrily to occupy his mouth as a free hand moved around to pump his boyfriend's throbbing dick. "Roxas ... say my name ..." he pleaded with a soft huff, looking up with hazy eyes to lock contact with Roxas' aquamarine orbs. Roxas too remembered the first time he and Axel had sex in his bedroom and he was embarrassed by it now. He was shocked to see that Axel had such a huge dick and that he actually wanted to put it inside of him. The blonde was no fool, he knew how two guys had sex long before he had even met Axel, but when the redhead begged to put it inside of him he wanted to run out of the room and hide, but he was happy he stayed since it became pleasurable after they had finally gotten his hole stretched enough. He still couldn't believe how he accommodated his boyfriend's full length, but Axel seemed happy he had and he too was ecstatic about it after they had both finished. Ever since then they fucked like rabbits, the present time being a good example of that as Roxas's fingers dug into Axel's ass and pushed him in even further with every thrust. His eyes roamed down to lock with his boyfriend's as he sucked on his nipple, causing even more pleasure to course through his already overloaded body. He did just as the redhead asked though and whispered his name as he stared into his emerald eyes."Axel..." He gasped as the male took his dick and began to stroke, the blonde's back arching to his touch. It wasn't long after this that he screamed out his boyfriend's name, his cum erupting out of the tip of his length, spurt after spurt painting across his chest and dribbling down Axel's fingers as he became even tighter around the male's cock, his muscles milking him as he thrust. A short gasp escaped his lips as he heard Roxas moan his name. His name sounded so sweet on his boyfriend's lips he couldn't help but lean down and scoop Roxas' slightly open mouth into a passionate kiss. Without permission, he stuck his tongue into the wet warmth and wrestled their tongues together, huffing straight into his mouth as he continued thrusting. The mattress was creaking with their rocking, and as he felt Roxas' body tense underneath him, he picked up his pace for the remaining few seconds. To hear his boyfriend's long groan, he pulled away from the kiss with a sloppy pop and gazed down into Roxas' face as he came, his own orgasm hitting him a few seconds after. He held up the blond's legs and jerked in faster and harder, finally tensing as he tilted his head upwards and groaned out his boyfriend's legs. He made sure to slide in all the way to the hilt so that his seed would bury very deep inside of him. He cursed as Roxas' ass clenched tighter around him, milking him for all he was worth. He came a large load, so a bit of the musky liquid actually seeped out onto the sheets. "Shit ... that's hot ..." he commented, cautiously pulling out and witnessing his cum load spill out. He couldn't believe how much the both of them had came. Roxas had shot about five or so spurts, some even going so far as to hit near his nipples and Axel had completely filled his ass, some already leaking out with his cock still inside of him. He gasped softly as the male pulled out and a feeling of emptiness seemed to take over his senses, but he knew that would eventually fade once he became tight once more. He licked his lips and sighed, releasing his hands from Axel's ass and letting them drop to the sheets, relaxing into them. "Fuck me, that was so good." He said with a slight laugh as more of the redhead's cum seeped out of his small entrance. "You came a lot." He commented, his fingers dipping down to tease his hole. He brought his hand to his face and inspected it, Axel's cum coated it and he couldn't help but laugh. "You never cease to amaze me, Axel." His boyfriend had cum three times yesterday, yet he still managed to cum quite the heavy load today, he was truly a sex god. He licked his fingers clean and smiled at the redhead. "Tasty." Axel now stupidly remembered the promise he had made with Roxas to fuck him slow that morning so they wouldn't regret it at the airport or in the airplane itself. He didn't want his boyfriend to be limping around on their "honeymoon", after all. However, if he wanted, Axel had no problem with giving him a ride on his back for long walks. It was cute how he often asked for piggy back rides, and though Axel would have had a problem with anyone else using him as a mule, he always obliged with a smile. The redhead glanced down at Roxas and softly chuckled, feeling his muscles loosen and his eyelids grow heavy as the blood drained from his head. When his boyfriend touched himself, he couldn't help but grow rather horny again. He loved it when Roxas touched himself it was just so hot ... "Love you, Roxas," he playfully added, craning his head down to peck Roxas' lips, "So adorable." He noticed that the blond's stomach was coated with cum, so he took the liberty of cleaning most of it off, licking his upper lip with a sneaky smirk. "We should shower before getting ready. Want me to carry you in ?" he grinned, already sliding one arm underneath Roxas' legs to carry him bridal style. Especially in situations like these, Axel always loved washing Roxas if he was too tired or sore to move. "I love you too, Axy." Roxas said with a grin as his boyfriend pulled away from their kiss. He quickly bit his lip as he felt the male's tongue begin to slide up and down his chest, cleaning him as if he were a cat. "You know you're gonna have to fuck me again if you tease me like that." He said with a huff, referring to Axel's licking as he crossed his arms over his chest. He was sure Axel would have absolutely no problem with sticking his dick right back in his already stretched hole though, so it was kind of a useless threat. It was at this point that he kind of wished that Axel had fucked him slow and gentle instead of rough and fast since his rear began to throb as he was picked up. "Nngh..." He groaned slightly as he nuzzled his head into Axel's chest, kissing his nipple softly. "Are you gonna wash me babe?" He questioned, looking up to him with his aqua eyes. Even though they were both addicted with sex and couldn't last a day without reaching an orgasm with each other, they were human, and so they had their limits. He had pounded Roxas too hard, and he realized that his boyfriend was now exhausted and probably more than a little bit sore. "I don't think your cute little ass'll like that, babe," he chuckled, picking his boyfriend up as if he was a light load that he could easily handle. He propped him up against his chest and carried him into the restroom where he set him on top of the toilet lid. Instead of showering, he decided to run a hot bath in the tub. He leaned over and worked with the temperature knobs, waiting until the tub filled about three fourths up before he added the scented bubbles. "I always do, don't I ?" he stated with a flirtatious grin, stirring the bubbles in the warm water. Then, Axel moved to Roxas again and lifted him with little difficulty, cautiously stepping into the filled tub with his boyfriend in his arms. Then, he squatted and kept Roxas between his legs, sitting right near the end of the tub so he could lean back and the blond could rest back on his chest if he so wished. His cute little ass was going to have to agree with Axel, it couldn't take much more of a beating at the moment unless it wanted to cause Roxas some real pain. "Fine, fine, you're right." He sighed as he was placed on the toilet seat. "If you tried to fuck me I'd probably split in two at the moment." He had a look of disappointment on his face, but he was truly satisfied at the moment, his libido had been sated and he was sure Axel's had at least been somewhat satisfied although it seemed like he could be hard within seconds whenever the situation called for it. Roxas let out an "ahhh" as his rear entered the relaxing bath, followed soon by the rest of his body. His back connected with Axel's muscled chest and he grabbed the man's arms, wrapping them around his torso. He truly felt relaxed at the moment and he had no pain or sores, so he was happy. His eyes closed and he let out a sigh of relief. "So, what the hell are we going to do first in Las Vegas?" It was so cute how Roxas quickly adapted to being in the bathtub by manipulating his body to fit his convenience. He willingly wrapped his arms protectively around his boyfriend and skimmed his thumb over his skinny abdomen, leaning down to plant a playful kiss on the top of his head. He wasn't the type to enjoy bubble baths, but they were enjoyable once in a while. It gave them more time to relax in the comforts of a warm and relaxing surrounding with each other. He leaned back on the bathtub's edge and propped his head on the tiled wall, pursing his lips together as in deep thought. There were so many things to do in Las Vegas, but what first ? Shopping ? Sightseeing ? Casinos ? Blackjack ? Eat ? Fuck ? "Probably check in to our hotel first," he murmured, cleaning Roxas' stomach and chest by rubbing it with his palms. He was actually looking forward to go along the streets of Las Vegas, visiting every shop in sight. He really liked dressing up. With such dashing looks, a person needed nice clothes to go with his appearances, right ? Roxas's expression went from blank to one of annoyance. "Don't be a smart ass." He said as he gently pinched Axel's thigh, settling back into the male's chest. He ran the possibilities of what they could do first in his mind and settled on probably just exploring, after they had checked into their hotel of course. After that he could see himself getting addicted to the slot machines. He didn't know why, but that's just what he saw himself doing in between eating, sleeping, and fucking Axel. He would probably just sit there and insert quarter after quarter, expecting the next big pay off to come at any second. It was a good thing he had that little bit of money saved up in his bank account ever since he started his job, there was no fun in Las Vegas if you were dirt poor. "We should go sightseeing or something, I've never been out of this damn town before." He knew they probably wouldn't, but at least he suggested it, trying to make it seem like they wouldn't be either all over one another all weekend or wasting their money away. "We could go shopping too or see a show." What ? It was a sensible and a logical idea. He chuckled and flinched when Roxas pinched his thigh, snuggling a bit closer into his boyfriend and wrapping him tighter in a bear hug from behind. Roxas was just so adorable sometimes ... and he loved the way the blond fit right between his legs and into his arms ... it was as if they were made for each other. "Same here. I'm sure there'll be a lot of stuff to see there yanno like ... the water fountain shows or that one ... circus freak show that everyone talks about I heard they're fuckin' great and all," he murmured, shrugging. He remembered that there was a live Zumanity performance going on in the Bellagio. All he knew about it was that it was a show composed of naked people doing some sort of sexual and artistic acrobatics fun ... ? It ran for three hours, and if Roxas wanted to see something like that, he wouldn't mind after all, it was free for all hotel customers. "We could also go to a night club." he cautiously suggested, knowing fully well that he had started that "mess"ina club. He hadn't taken Roxas there before, so maybe it would be different ? No Roxas would kick away any girl that would flirt with him, and he'd pick a fight with anyone who would so look at his boyfriend in any suggestive way. It seemed as though Axel had as much knowledge of Las Vegas shows as he did. To be honest the two weren't exactly 'theater' gays, they were just normal teenagers that happened to like dick. "Well, I'm sure we'll find something, they've got to have some sort of city tour guide or some bullshit like that." The boy tensed slightly as he heard Axel mention a night club. He knew that's where he so happened to find the slut that he cheated on him with. He glared at the tiles in front of him in anger and lightly flicked the water. "We could do that." He would be there to slap off anyone who even dared to talk to his boyfriend, this wouldn't be like a free for all like the last time Axel went to a club. In fact, a part of him, most likely the evil part, kind of wished some guy would hit on the redhead just so he could kick the home wrecker in the balls and then punch him in the face, just to show Axel what would happen if he ever had the thought of cheating again. He knew Axel was faithful and all and he trusted him, but he didn't trust other people, especially cheer leading whores. "Eh, where's the fun of following a tour guide around ? We could get lost together." he suggested with a playful sneer, leaning forward again to peck the back of Roxas' head. It was very difficult not to lay claims on his boyfriend anywhere and anytime he wanted, because the blond was just that kissable and huggable. He was definitely looking forward to Las Vegas and experiencing a glamorous lifestyle for even at least two days before he would come back to his simple apartment. He still couldn't believe that he had saved up enough money to book a room in the most expensive hotel in Las Vegas ... all with the expectancy of dating Roxas for a long time. Axel automatically sensed Roxas' voice shaking a bit as he agreed to go nightclubbing with him. Of course, his boyfriend would have a problem with it, because once Axel was drunk, there was no way to stop him from flirting with a girl who looked somewhat like Roxas ... and his libido dangerously heightened when he got dangerously tipsy, too. "Eh, we could pull an all nighter somewhere else. Maybe rent some horror movie and order room service," he suggested, "Get drunk off our asses." Axel was right again, what was the fun in following someone around? The two had the most fun together when they took the reigns and just did whatever the hell they pleased. That was probably why they were popular at school, they balanced each other and then did what they wanted, not what others told them to. Of course without each other they'd probably be nothing, but together they were the shit they were a power couple. "I like that idea better." He said with a smile, turning around to look at the redhead. Roxas had the most fun with Axel when it was just the two of them alone, just talking or cuddling, and of course fucking. He leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to the male's lips before grabbing a washcloth and running it across Axel's chest and abdomen, he was going to return the favor of being cleaned. "As long as we don't rent any of that gore crap, you know how much that disgusts me." A tour guide wouldn't work, but there was no harm in getting a taxi to drive them to wherever they needed from time to time. There were city maps available ... being tourists for once sounded like real fun. He knew Roxas would agree with him about the club in truth he wasn't so intent on screwing up again. He knew that if he downed alcohol in a private joint, he'd start doing something to fuck up their perfect relationship again, and the redhead didn't want that to happen while he was unconscious and vulnerable. Axel chuckled and slightly jut his neck forward as Roxas pecked his lips, frowning as if he wanted more than a small kiss. Then, the blond was washing him with a washcloth, and he settled back slightly, smirking. "Yeah, I know, I know but it's fun watchin' ya snuggle up to me 'cause you hate it so much," he sneakily chimed, running a hand through Roxas' blond locks. Roxas glared at Axel as he mentioned the snuggling part. "I knew you had ulterior motives to watching those damn movies." He growled as he ran the washcloth over his pecs and under his arms. "Remember when you made me watch Hostel 2 and that stupid bitch went with that guy and then she got like...cut up so that woman could bathe in her blood." The boy shuddered at just the simple thought of the girl getting sliced up and then the woman just rubbing her discarded blood all over her naked flesh. "I still hate you for that." He sighed as he began to clean Axel's thighs and member, including his balls. "And there can't be any rape scenes either 'cause those freak me the fuck out too." He'd been scarred ever since he'd seen one in the first horror movie he ever saw and he had to walk out of the room ever since, they just made him completely uncomfortable and made him lose his shit. "I think those are my only motives," he confessed with a thoughtful and somewhat blank look, trying to think up of any other reason he might have wanted to watch a horror movie in the first place. He wasn't so fond of thrillers or movies in general, actually, but he loved taking advantage of Roxas' sensitivity and snagging himself a cuddle or two by scaring the shit out of his boyfriend. "I ... don't remember that, honestly," he mumbled, now trying to remember what that movie had been like. He had watched so many gory movies with Roxas that he couldn't possibly put a title to a production anymore. "Really ?" he pouted, wrapping his arms tighter around Roxas as he said that he 'hated' him for what he had done. "I don't know many movies with rape scenes in it, but ... all right I'll try goin' by your rules when I pick somethin' out, then." he chuckled, kissing the blond's neck, "I always wanted to watch somethin' erotic with ya, though." Roxas laughed softly at Axel's lack of memory. "You're adorable sometimes, you know." He knew the redhead would never do anything that would make him feel uncomfortable intentionally, so he never really hated him for the gore movies, he could never hate him. He finished washing the male's privates and his thighs and then threw the washcloth into the sink, grinning that he actually hadn't missed. He snuggled back into the male, his back connecting to his chest and relaxed once more, the warm vapors and the smell of the bubbles making him a bit tired. "I'd appreciate it. I can handle the thrillers, the ones that fuck with your head and have you on the edge of your seat." He smiled and cuddled deeper into his boyfriend. "And they make me want to cling to people too."His brow raised as Axel mentioned wanting to watch something erotic. "What do you mean by erotic? Like porn?" Seriously, all he ever thought about was scoring brownie points from Roxas that he hardly focused on the actual movie. Whenever the blond got a bit too bored, he usually offered that he get between his legs and suck him off, and the blond usually obliged if he was in the mood. Axel already had an erection in the water, and it stiffly pressed against Roxas' backside. He couldn't go a second without feeling horny again. "Oooh, I like those too, but I always get even more scared 'cause your reactions scare me the most," he teased, playing with the other boy's golden tresses. He frowned at the next part, wishing that he hadn't generalized him with "people". He should be the only one he should cuddle with during horror films ! He snapped out of his daydream when the blond mentioned the erotic movie again. "Ah, yeah. Nothing like straight out porn, but ... something that's mildly erotic," he dreamily murmured. Roxas felt the male's erection against his lower back and simply sighed. "Are you seriously hard again? We're just in the tub!" He said with a slight smile, amused at the fact that he could turn Axel on just by being naked. He did love his boyfriend for that, he made him feel sexy nearly all the time, mainly because the redhead was always in the mood when he was near. Although, there were a few times when he wished Axel wasn't so horny, mainly when he just randomly got boners in public and he complained until Roxas would take care of them, but he really didn't mind. He raised his brow at Axel's suggestion of not straight out porn but something a bit erotic. "Like...soft core porn? Where they just like...make out in their underwear?" Why would he want to watch something like that? Foreplay? When Roxas poked fun at him for being so hard in the tub again, Axel shrugged off his embarrassment with a soft chuckle, nuzzling his lips into his boyfriend's shoulder. "You're just that sexy, babe," he assured him, moving his strong palms underneath Roxas' legs and lifting him up with relative ease. Without permission, he nudged the tip of his stiff and standing erection against his boyfriend's hole, then eased the blond's weight down onto his shaft, sighing contently as his member was enveloped in Roxas' tight bum again. He had him sit on his lap instead, showing no signs of actually thrusting. He made sure Roxas was comfortable by wrapping his arms loosely around his waist and kissing his neck for comfort. "Yeah ..." he whispered, slowly spreading Roxas' legs open and stroking him between there. "Where they take it nice ... and easy ..." Roxas was about to flip his shit when Axel picked him up, his eyes growing wide. There was no way in hell he was actually going to fuck him again, was there? Well, as he soon felt the male's tip against his still stretched entrance, apparently there was a chance in hell that he was. He was going to protest, but as soon as he slid all the way down his shaft and he felt the male's balls on his rear, he was more than happy to have Axel inside of him again. "Nngh..." The blonde was already moaning from just the pressure of the male's length against his prostate and his length was springing back to life as Axel began to stroke him, his cock twitching a bit. "You're the devil, you know that?" In all actuality, Roxas saw Axel as his personal angel. His personal angel that just so happened to like to fuck him on a daily basis, but an angel nonetheless. He was relieved that Roxas had no intention of springing up on his erection and denying him any sexual pleasure. He really wouldn't have liked to be horny the entire day without any release ... How could he stop himself from having sex again when Roxas was so willingly naked like this ? He didn't move, though, but kept his cock stiffly inside his lover, caressing the boy's inner thighs and massaging his hardening member in the process. From time to time, he moved his hips and attempted a thrust, but he only slid inside half an inch further and pulled out that same distance again with no real progress. "Mmm, as long as I get to be your devil," he smartly responded, nipping and licking the shell of Roxas' ear and holding the boy's legs open as if he was being filmed from the front. If he was being recorded, the viewer would need a wide view, right ? "I'll let you go ahead and bounce if ya want ..." he seductively crooned, trailing his finger downwards to trace Roxas' stretched hole. Roxas would never even think of denying Axel any sexual pleasure, not just because he loved the man, but any sexual pleasure he denied Axel usually meant denying himself of some as well. Even though the male was only thrusting about half an inch in and out of him and it wasn't even continuously, it was more than enough for Roxas to take notice of and it made him make little sounds of pleasure though they were barely audible. "You're terrible." The boy shuddered as he felt Axel trace his used and abused hole. "Absolutely terrible." He muttered, but nonetheless he put his hands on both sides of the tub and pushed himself up, feeling every inch of Axel's hard cock slip out of him until about only an inch remained inside of him, the tip. That mean that about eight inches of his length was below him, ready to spear into him. He let his weight fall into Axel's lap and suddenly he was completely filled with nine inches again, the male's length running across his prostate. "Shit...that's so fucking good." He said with a gasp, already lifting his hips again to bounce himself upon Axel's cock. He didn't really mind that Roxas so jokingly called him terrible, because he knew that the blond enjoyed this as much as he did. Sexual pleasure was so difficult to deny, and the boy's tight ass controlling his every nerve was impossible to ignore. Axel watched greedily as his boyfriend lifted himself up, witnessing how those sexy muscles moved smoothly in rhythm. He placed his hands on Roxas' hips and gently massaged them, silently encouraging him to slide down with vigor. That, he did and when Roxas impaled himself on his nine inch length, he shuddered and groaned, his fingers gripping Roxas' waist tightly. "Yeah, Roxas ... ride me ... Mmm, your ass feels so nice ..." he whispered, now lifting his hips every now and then to drill up whenever Roxas plopped down. He hoped he wasn't causing Roxas too much pain, because he really was restraining himself the best he could. Roxas was in anything but pain at the moment, in fact, he felt amazing. He thought that his sore ass wouldn't be able to take Axel's throbbing cock until later tonight at the very earliest, but right now he felt absolute pleasure and nothing close to pain was even hinted at. He began to bounce a bit harder on Axel's length, increasing his speed just a tad, leaning his head back with a moan. "Mm...fuck..." He breathed out as his ass slapped into Axel's pelvis, causing the water around them to ripple and splash a bit. Only Axel could make him do this, coax him into getting fucked right here in the bathtub after not even ten minutes since he was last fucked. He was quite literally addicted to the male, addicted to his personality, his sexy looks, and of course his dick, the exact one that was giving him so much pleasure at the moment. Many women and men alike probably wanted him for the size of his dick more than anything else. His looks were a plus, and his domineering personality was favorable, but he caught many girls staring straight at his crotch whispering to each other about how large it would be. Everyone in their school was practically addicted to sex, so it wasn't a surprise that they were interested in trivial matters such as these. How often do you come across a handsome man with a nine inch dick, anyways ? Axel knew Roxas loved his cock ... because it could reach certain sweet spots very easily. He rested back against the bathtub and helped his boyfriend ride his hips with his hands, craning his head forward to suckle Roxas' neck hungrily. "Yeah baby ... keep going ..." he ruggedly whispered, hissing and feeling himself get closer ... so close ... "Oooh, you love my cock, don't you ? Mm, riding me like a little slut ..." he growled, pumping Roxas' member much faster by now. Normally, if they weren't fucking, Roxas would have turned and punched Axel in the face for calling him a slut, but in this situation, he only nodded and moaned. "Yes Axel, I love your cock. I'm your little slut..." He began to ride the male faster and harder, slamming his ass into the male's lap, his cock sliding in and out of his sensitive hole quickly now, hitting his prostate roughly. He was sure that the two of them would be together forever, not just because they got along so well, not just because they loved one another more than anything in the world, but because of their active sex life. Yes, Roxas was positive that neither of them could ever give this up, no matter how much they tried. They had broken up yesterday morning and it only took them about a seven hour period to get back together and within minutes of that they were already undress and Axel was filling him up! Roxas was surprised, but he already felt his orgasm approaching like a speeding bullet. "Axy...Axel...gonna cum!" The boy shouted as he fell upon Axel's dick one last time, his cock spurting out three lines of his seed into the water, his back arching and the rest of his cum spilling out onto Axel's fingers. When he had called him a slut, he had only meant a third of what he had said. Roxas acted like a whore sometimes, but he was nothing like a sex crazed prostitute in school or anywhere else. He observed that the blond actually acted a bit antisocial towards other people, making a few who didn't know of the power couple insult Roxas and call him a virgin as if being chaste was offensive. Hell, they had probably had sex more than any of them ! Indeed, their sex life was very active. Axel was being driven to the brink of insanity as Roxas pounded himself and rode his cock like there was no tomorrow, seeming so thrilled to be connected. With so much friction, he was losing himself, and without doing much but groaning now and then, Axel allowed Roxas to do most of the work by bouncing. He continued kissing Roxas' neck and littering hickeys all over his shoulders and back, huffing. "Mmmmnn ... R Roxas !" he snarled as his orgasm hit him at full blast along with Roxas', another saved load of his cum splattering out and filling his tight ass with his hot seed. Axel felt Roxas relaxing, and he loosened his tense nerves, too, going back down to trace Roxas' stretched ring of muscles. When anyone even dared to call Roxas a virgin, he simply laughed it off. Yes, he was a bit shy and reserved around some people, but that didn't mean he was a virgin. No, he and Axel fucked nearly everyday, no matter what obstacle stood in their way, they overcame it and then got right down to business. Hell, even the day that Roxas' aunt had died and he asked Axel to spend the night they couldn't keep their hands off one another and ended up fucking twice before they fell asleep! The boy gasped softly as he felt Axel's warm cum release into his passage for the second time this morning, filling him up to the brink once more. He went limp against Axel's chest, his own chest rising and falling rapidly as he took in heavy breaths. "You're still terrible, just picking me up and putting me on your dick as if I was a doll." He teased with a smile, grasping the hand that wasn't tracing his entrance and intertwining his fingers with Axel's own. He couldn't help but smirk at how adorable Roxas was. There were so many people willing to be his "one and only", but Axel would only have his eyes for his cute little blond. Axel hadn't been fond of longterm relationships, actually. He was a one time man, but Roxas had changed everything for him. He and his boyfriend had gone through so many things that nobody would ever know about them. "You are one. You're my doll, Roxas." he whispered, turning his boyfriend's head slightly so he could peck his lips romantically and sweetly. He thumbed the slit of his boyfriend's cock and released it after a few seconds, finally easing himself out of Roxas' tight ass for the second time that day. It wasn't limp, but actually half erect, refusing to stay down. He inserted the finger he had been tracing Roxas' hole with and slowly pulled it out afterward, emptying him out so that they wouldn't defeat the purpose of taking a bath. "I love you, Roxas." he murmured into his ear, taking a soapy loofah and lathering the boy's body with it. He leaned forward and fetched a bowl of water from under the faucet, then playfully dumped it over his lover's head, howling with laughter. Now, sometimes, they did really stupid shit like flood the entire bathroom by splashing water at each other ... Roxas' lips spread into a small smile at the kiss, not completely minding if he was Axel's doll at the moment. A doll was something you took care of and it was something you loved unconditionally, he would actually love to be the redhead's little doll. He squirmed a bit as Axel lifted him up and pulled his length out, his still semi erect length. The boy rolled his eyes, thinking to himself that he should really test Axel's blood for some sort of natural Viagara because there was absolutely no way in the world he could still be horny after two, in his opinion, great fucks within ten or fifteen minutes of each other. That was the magic of Axel though, he was already ready to go. He sucked in his breath as he replaced the missing erection with his finger and coaxed his cum out, seeping into the water. "Thanks." He murmured, leaning to kiss the male's cheek. "I love you too." Well, he did love Axel until he proceeded to pour water on him. His usual calm, warm, loving aqua eyes were now full of hate as he glared at the man through wet bangs. "You're going to die, Axel." He said in a rather calm, sort of psychotic voice as he pushed the water in the direction of Axel's face with his hand, splashing the male. He didn't recognize Roxas' voice soon after he had dumped that bowl of water on his head. He looked adorable, though his bangs were no longer poofy but slick and wet over his eyes. The sight made him throw his head back and roar with laughter, his hands automatically clutching his stomach as he nearly hacked out his innards. Sometimes, Roxas scared him. He was so petite and harmless on the outside but very threatening on the inside. No one would guess that Roxas was Axel's only weakness, because the redhead was nothing but a kitten when compared to his boyfriend. Roxas was like a menacing housewife ! One glare was all it took for Axel to shrink back against the tiled walls, his hands coming up protectively to shield himself from the splash. "Hey, no fair ! I was just tryin' ta wash your hair !" he chuckled, not caring that the water from the tub had sloshed out over the sides. He proceeded to splash his boyfriend, too, grabbing for the shampoo bottle before squirting a small amount and reaching forward to lather it on Roxas' head, giving him a noogie while he was at it. "You're not gonna get clean if ya don't stay still !" he laughed, sweeping Roxas' bangs back so his cute forehead showed. It was true, Roxas could be quite menacing if you knew him well enough. He wasn't the big, burly dude who could take you down with one punch, but he would figure out a way to make you go insane if you fucked with him. He's the kind of person who would inflict slow psychological damage over the years, such as taking your car keys from your purse and then placing them in the fridge or switching your glass of water with milk while you weren't looking, or he would send taxis and pizzas to your house every hour, on the hour and steal your cat only to return him seven days later every month. It was small things he would do, nothing major, but he would make sure you eventually lost your shit, or he would simply forgo all of that and run you over, depending how he felt. His eyes narrowed as he felt Axel's noogie. Oh, he was asking for it, he was really asking for it. Nonetheless, he stayed still for the moment and let his boyfriend lather his hair. "You are so mean to me. You fuck me and then you douse me with water. You're bipolar!" He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest after splashing Axel one more time. Now that Roxas was facing him, it was easier to see his face and lather his hair with shampoo. To get the suds out of his eyes, he swept his shampooed hair back and leaned forward to kiss the center of his head, smirking triumphantly. "I love it when you pout like that. It makes you look so adorable," he chuckled, ruffling the boy's hair again. It was so fun washing Roxas sometimes. He had no responsibility when it came to completing his schoolwork or taking care of pets, but it was different when he had a boyfriend to tend after. Roxas returned the favor more often than he did, but it was still a fair exchange. He squeezed the blond's cheeks and pressed them together with a slight laugh, craning his head forward to plant a loud and playful kiss smack dab on Roxas' forcefully puckered lips. "Y'know, no matter what happens, I'm always gonna love ya, babe ..." he murmured, gazing at him sincerely as if he was hiding something rather ... sad. He cheered up a second after and commenced by pouring water over his head to rinse out the shampoo, filling up another bowl full to thoroughly wash everything out. The blonde's eyes bugged as his cheeks were pushed together and his lips were puckered up like a fish. He playfully pushed Axel's hands away after the kiss and laughed softly, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. "Ew, Axel germs." He teased, leaning forward to give him a real kiss. The boy's brow raised as Axel seemed as though he was being incredibly serious about the "no matter what happens" part of that sentence. It made Roxas feel a bit of anxiety and his heart seemed to tighten in his chest. He didn't like to think about things such as he and Axel breaking up or anything happening to either of them, it was just too painful and made him just plain sad. "I'll always love you too, Axel." He reached up for a moment and caressed the male's face for a moment before dropping his hand as the water fell upon his head, washing out the shampoo. He moved the bangs out of his face and smiled up at the red head, reaching for the bowl in his hand. "My turn now, man bitch." There always was a rainbow at the end of a rainstorm, and in some odd way, it worked vice versa, too. If they were going to Las Vegas, there were going to be a few consequences that he didn't want to break to Roxas. He couldn't. In short, he had lived about four years with the realization that he had Hepatitis D, which was supposed to be some sort of a chronic disease he hadn't really cared about. His parents divorced and left him to be his own guardian, and the disease was pushed back when he ignored it for two years. The third year it popped back up a lot more seriously. Axel hated the doctor's, though, and with the crappiest job he had, how could he even dream of affording regular vaccinations ? No therewereno vaccinations available, yet there were treatments, and those were as expensive as regular chemotherapy. Axel didn't quite care, but then he had met Roxas, and he actuallywantedto live. But how ? If he didn't treat it soon, it was known to spread into a latent liver cancer one that didn't show symptoms but slowly killed in substitution. He visited a cliniconce, and he had been told that his condition was already too serious and that he should visit a bigger hospital. So he did, only to be hit with a big fat bill and a dwindling percentage of survival. That medical report was stuffed somewhere in his bookcase.He had tried saving up for his own cure, but ... it was a futile attempt to live. He was dirt poor, his parents were irresponsible but he had Roxas. Roxas was his everything. If Roxas really had broken up with him that morning, he really would have jumped off a building. His cure was Roxas' laughter and smile, so he wanted to see it again wanted to treat his boyfriend to something nice for a change. So he was using his two sessions of "chemotherapy" fund for two nights in Las Vegas. It was a more than fair trade. Axel reflected back on everything, then smiled a bit shakily. "Man bitch ?" he quickly recovered with a dramatic gasp, attempting to move the bowl further up so Roxas couldn't reach it. "Roxas ! That hurt," he sneered. If Roxas had even a hint, some little clue about Axel having some sort of deadly disease and that he was spending the money to take him on some trip to Las Vegas, he would kill him himself. He wouldn't wait for some stupid, silly disease to do it, he would probably drown the bastard in the tub right now. How dare the stupid redhead think something such as going on a trip to Las Vegas was more important than his life? Good for Axel's sake, Roxas was blissfully ignorant to the male having something as insignificant as the sniffles. He had never even questioned the male about things such as why he lived alone when he was still in high school, he simply figured that the information was extremely private and if Axel felt like sharing then he would, until then Roxas could live without the information."Yes, you are my man bitch!" He laughed, reaching for the bowl. "Axel! Gimme it!" The petite blonde demanded as he stood up in the bath and snatched the bowl from the redhead's hands, clutching it to his chest as if it was a map leading to buried treasure. "Now I am going to wash your hair and you will like it and you will be still, got it?" He had a teasing grin on his face as he sat back down in the tub and scooped some water in the bowl. "Lean over so I can get your hair you giant." He remembered how he had been very rude at the clinic, too, but all of it had been a tough performance to conceal his fear. Why Hepatitis D ? If he had been one letter shorter, there could have been a cure. Why couldn't he have gotten Hepatitis C ? He was nowhere near the amount he needed to "fully cure" his untreatable disease, so there was no point in penny pinching for an unobtainable cause. Roxas would probably hate him for doing this in the future, but he wanted for his boyfriend to be happy and carefree. "Forever" seemed like such a greedy word. He could only nod and agree with Roxas for now, but he knew that if the doctors had been right, he didn't have a little bite of forever to live. Roxas would be so giddy in Las Vegas, and he wanted to see that smile. He wasn't dead now, so perhaps being with Roxas lengthened his life ? Laughter was the best medicine, after all."Well, as ya say, master," he joked, handing over the bowl rather willingly for someone who was about to be cruelly toyed with. It was so cute how Roxas tried to manage control over him sometimes. He was almost tempted to just lean forward and suck him off right there with how he was standing so close to him, but Axel resisted and nodded, bowing his head and smiling underneath the shadow that cast over his face. "Just keep in mind who's buying you that trip to Las Vegas, aiight ?" he teased. "Yes, yes, I know you're buying my plane ticket, Axy. I'm very grateful and excited, now hush as I wash you." He demanded as he poured the water over the redhead's mane, smiling as the usually spiked hair now fell down flat. Roxas ran his fingers through the fire colored locks and sighed. "Your hair is so pretty." He commented, grasping the shampoo and squeezing it out in his hands, rubbing them together to create a lather and then he scrubbed it into Axel's hair and scalp. He was always taught that he needed to really scrub the shampoo into your head for it to be clean and that's just what he did, worked the shampoo into the male's shiny hair. He filled the bowl back up with water and poured it onto the redhead's hair, making sure to keep all suds out of his eyes. "There, my baby's all clean." He smiled as he let another bowl full of water cascade down his face. He tipped the male's head up with his hand and kissed Axel's lips softly, lingering for a moment as he pulled away. "We need to pack." Axel smirked, satisfied with everything that Roxas had to say. He was deeply infatuated, and he didn't give a rat's ass if his obsession was healthy towards their relationship or not. Axel had lost most of his friends because of Roxas, but in a sense, the blond was his best friend. When they weren't being romantic and fucking each other like jackrabbits, they actually did get along like the closest buddies in existence. The redhead whined as his spiky mane fell limp and covered his face. He spat out water and tipped his chin up, pouting slightly as the blond lathered in the shampoo. He squinted to prevent the suds from getting into his eyes. Axel stayed still, though, resisting the temptation to wind his arms tightly around Roxas' legs and stay there. "Ahhh, the water's getting in my eyes !" he complained as the final wave of water splashed over his head. His glossy crimson hair matted to his face again, and he rubbed his eyes irritably. At the next command, he willingly swayed and reached beside Roxas' legs to drain the tub, brushing his hair back with a sweep of his hand. "Eh, not much, though. Just clothes and all that shit," he murmured, stumbling and reaching for a towel to wipe his face and dry Roxas' face, too. Roxas smiled as Axel complained, giggling softly. He loved how the male still acted like a child when they bathed together at times, such as the splash fight and the bubbles and now even complaining as he got water in his eyes, it was so adorable. "Oh hush, it's not that bad." He ran his hand through Axel's mane and kissed the top of his forehead before he got out of the bath, dripping wet. "Yeah, we really only need like two days of clothes, we could probably fit both in one suitcase." He commented as he grasped a large towel and wrapped it around himself, drying his wet skin and opening it up, offering Axel a place of warmth with a large grin. He especially loved this part of the shower, where he and Axel shared a warm towel and dried one another off with it, snuggling close into it. When it came to baths, Axel really warped back into his child form. He couldn't help but be a little immature around Roxas in the restroom, because he personally loved baths. Still rubbing the water from his eyes and whining about how it stung, he climbed out of the bathtub and glanced down at Roxas as the smaller boy opened a fold for him in his towel. How cute. He wrapped himself in it with a sheepish smirk and kissed the tip of his boyfriend's nose, rubbing himself dry on the blanket that caped both of their bodies. His hair was dripping, though, and he just now noticed how wet the floor was. "Aww, look whatcha did to the floor, babe !" he whined, lifting one foot to prove how dripping wet it was. Though he had started the splash fight earlier, he wanted to tease his boyfriend by saying that he was faulty. He grabbed another towel and threw it on the floor, knowing that his previous theory that 'the water will evaporate eventually' didn't exactly work so wonderfully sometimes. He took another folded towel and ruffled his hair with it, moving quickly to dry Roxas' for fear of his baby catching a common cold. The blonde's eyes widened as he was blamed for the complete ocean that was the bathroom floor. How dare Axel accuse him of such a heinous crime? "Excuse me? Was I the ass who started splashing my completely innocent boyfriend with water? I don't think so!" He defended himself with a stern look on his face, snatching the towel that he and Axel shared away from the accuser. As soon as his hair was dried he stomped out of the bathroom with a smile on his face, knowing that the redhead was teasing and he was as well. The boy let out a heavy sigh as he laid down in his boyfriend's bed, wrapping himself up in the towel. "Pack my bags for me, man bitch!" Roxas called out to his boyfriend with a slight laugh, closing his eyes for a moment. Well, they both were very much lazy, so Axel decided to leave it with his infamous "it'll evaporate eventually" theory and stepped out of the bathroom still dripping and jokingly disappointed at having lost his only source of warmth. He contemplated throwing himself on Roxas, but he realized that they barely had any time to actually pack and get to the airport. "Ehhhh ? I have to do all the packing ?!" he complained, snatching his cellphone from the bed and flicking Roxas' forehead as small payment for the work he would have to do. He decided to call a service center and order a taxi to take them to the nearest airport, because he didn't want to pay a two night's worth of parking fee to have his car there on a lot. Once he was done asking for one from a nearby service center, he looked around his room and dug out a black rolling luggage bag large enough to fit both of their things and a lot of miscellaneous stuff. He laid it open in the middle of the room, then tugged open a few of the drawers, flinging both of their shirts and pants into the suitcase. He packed pajamas, socks, boxers, extra shirts, and tank tops, then rushed into the bathroom for toiletries. "You want me to pack you some tampons, babe ?" he called from the restroom, stifling a laugh. Roxas watched with eager eyes as the male rummaged around the room, throwing their things into the suitcase without care, his naked form a sight to behold as the blonde watched his lover's penis sway this way and that way, snickering quietly to himself. The snickering immediately died as soon as Axel asked if he wanted tampons though and he glared at the bathroom entrance. "Yes honey, pack them! I feel my period coming on and you know that means that we can't have sex!" Axel could be evil at times, insinuating that he was a female, ha! Women wished that they were Roxas, not the other way around. The male finally sat up and grabbed some clothes from the drawers that he left here and pulled them on. He wore a tight, black t shirt, a pair of Axel's boxer briefs, and a pair of ripped jeans that he had bought a year ago. He really needed to bring more clothes to Axel's house apparently. Wait, no sex ? Aww, how awful ! Axel grinned in the restroom, then fetched the toiletries in a plastic Zip loc back, throwing in an extra bottle of lubricant and flavored condoms for perks. Though he didn't really find the need for protection, there was always something good coming out of a sweetened dick, right ? When he came out with his arms stuffed full of their belongings, he glanced at Roxas who was already dressed so casually in his clothes and his own. He was probably wearing his favorite boxers because they were the most comfortable ! "If you wear too tight of clothes, they're actually gonna hit on you over there," he huffed, throwing Roxas a flimsy white jacket that would surely sag a little. He didn't want anybody to get the wrong idea that they were merely friends. He wanted the world to know that they were together and that Roxas was off limits ! He would forever be off limits. Forever. Axel tugged on a pair of checkered crimson boxers and slipped into a pair of black jeans, wearing a loose but stylish white logo tee and a waiter vest on top of that. The blonde rolled his eyes at Axel's accusations. People were never going to hit on him, not when the sexy redhead was around to distract everyone with his good looks. "You're nuts and this jacket is hideous." He said plainly, checking out the white jacket. "It doesn't even fit me! I remember this jacket!" He let the horrid thing fall to the bed as he went to pick out one of his, well, the only jacket that he had in Axel's closet. "Better." He said as he picked out a snug black jacket, folding it into the suitcase. "You look smashing." He said with a grin, adjusting the male's waiter jacket so that it fit perfectly. He leaned up and pressed a kiss to the male's lips, pulling away with a smile. "Are we ready?" Axel marginally frowned as Roxas threw his jacket over the side of his bed and called ithideous, exclaiming that it was oversized. That was the entire point, wasn't it ? He didn't want Roxas to boast his slim and petite figure to every street predator out there ! He wanted something to sag below his waist so it looked like he didn't have much of a body so rapists would think twice before snatching him clear from view. He was all right he looked threatening enough with his icy emerald eyes and fiery red hair to ward off anyone who would so think of hitting on him, but Roxas was just a bunch of ... adorableness and fluff. He stared at Roxas fix his vest and plant a kiss on his lips, then he snagged the hood and draped it over his boyfriend's head, tightening the strings with a chuckle as it scrunched up his face. "I don't want you getting raped in Las Vegas," he mumbled, looking around. Should he pack some food ? ... But he was so lazy. "I should style my hair," he sighed, running a hand through his wet hair. He almost never left home without spiking it up, which was why he had included his gel in their luggage. Raped? The boy's brow raised at this word. Why the hell would he get raped? Axel worried way too much, it wasn't like Roxas' body was a siren song to any gay male in the surrounding area, it may be to Axel, but certainly not to anyone else! "Who is going to rape me Axel, honestly? You'll be by my side the entire time and it's not like I'm flaunting anything, I'm just wearing my clothes." He said as he attempted to free his head from the confines of the cloth prison. "You're so mean to me!" He called out as he finally shook his head free. "You want to style your hair?" The blonde sighed, running his hand through his own wet mane. "I'm not styling the mess that's on my head so you don't get to do yours. We're going to look like shit together." He grinned at his boyfriend, taking his hand. "C'mon, I wanna get there already!" He wasn't too fond of the "bright" idea of having Roxas flaunt his body down the streets like a trophy. He had heard that Las Vegas citizens were natural predators, and it was his sole duty to protect his one and only from sexual harm ! He would be there to beat off the crazy people, but he didn't want so much as a stare down where his boyfriend's cute ass was. "They'll rape you. I know it. My senses are tingling," he complained, trying to find some way for Roxas to cover up a bit more so he would feel more at ease. Maybe once they would get to the Las Vegas airport, he'd force something on him to make him look less attractive if that was possible. As Roxas grabbed his hand and jerked him to the side, he pointed towards their luggage. "Whoa, calm down, babe. I can't go out looking like this !" he huffed, kneeling beside their bag to grab his handy bottle of gel. Right there and then, he messed with his mane, making it look close to what he usually made it look like. When it moved into shape, he used the leftover goop on his hands to make Roxas' hair into something of a masterpiece. "All right. Now we can go after I fetch my wallet and cellphone," he murmured. Roxas erupted into a small fit of laughter. Axel's rape senses were tingling? What the hell? He wasn't going to get raped! What didn't his boyfriend understand about this? If anyone tried anything he'd simply either beat the shit out of them or run like hell and if neither of those worked he had Axel there with him! He groaned as Axel made him wait for him to style his goddamn hair. Honestly, between Axel's hair and his hips of steel he swore that he had at least a little bit of female in him, just a bit. "Ah! What the hell!" The boy complained as Axel ran the sticky goop into his hair as well, probably making it look even worse than it already did. Right now he didn't care though, all he cared about was getting on that plane and getting their asses to Las Vegas. "Wallet and cellphone?" He questioned, running to the bedside stand and grabbing both of their cellphones and wallets. "Here." He said, throwing both of Axel's belongings at him. "Are we ready nowwww ?" The boy whined, a frown upon his face. Axel had actually made Roxas' hair look decent ! He swept his bangs back with one final brush of his palm over his forehead and hoped that every spike was in place. Axel had been styling his hair for so long that he didn't necessarily need a mirror to achieve a perfect hairstyle for the day. "Ah, you look gorgeous. I actually made you look a bit better," he chuckled, finding it absolutely adorable how Roxas was so sensitive and impatient now. He was glad that his boyfriend was looking forward to the long trip there, though. He caught his cellphone and wallet and shoved them both into his back pockets, picking the handle of the zipped suitcase up. He scanned the apartment as a last minute check to see if they were missing anything nothing he supposed they were set. "Yes, we're ready " he chimed, tapping Roxas' eager ass forward and shooing him out of the door, locking it behind him with his set of keys. The taxi was already waiting in the lot, and as they came towards the vehicle, the driver helped load the luggage in the drunk and escorted them inside. "Hey mister you gotta pillow or somethin' around here ? My baby needs somethin' to get comfortable with on the ride there," he murmured, having Roxas slide in first as the driver passed back a small cushion to the redhead who in turn handed it to his boyfriend. Roxas grinned wide as soon as Axel said they were ready. He was already more than impatient to get his ass to the city of Elvis impersonators and drunken weddings. "Great!" He exclaimed as the other male pushed his plump rear forward and out the front door, the taxi cab already waiting for them. He blushed as soon as his boyfriend asked the driver for a cushion for him, embarrassed beyond belief. "Axel, my ass doesn't hurt that bad." He whispered into his ear, kissing his neck softly. "But thank you for the consideration of my rear." He said with a smile as he pulled away, sticking the pillow under his bum. While the majority of his ass didn't hurt, his sensitive entrance was a bit sore from Axel's rough and frequent fucking. It happened often, the throbbing of his hole, but the temporary pleasure he got from his lover was more than worth it. Leather seats were uncomfortable, so it was better for Roxas to be sitting on a cushion the entire way. Axel had promised him that he would be the protector of his health, right ? Grinning as he shut the car's door, he leaned forward and murmured, "LAX Airport, please. Step on it, too we're kinda late and I don't wanna wait in that damned place for another flight." Thankfully, the driver was a carefree and chipper man, so he didn't take Axel's rude orders to heart and chimed in with an accented 'yessir', automatically and smoothly driving out of their lane. The redhead leaned back, but kept his head slightly arched forward so the seat wouldn't mess up his hair. It seemed like forever since he had actually taken a trip out of their dull hometown and into somewhere new. Las Vegas would be very different than their cozily populated town, and losing Roxas made him all the more nervous. What if the blond found some other punkish guy who looked better than him there ? Roxas didn't know any better he had only seen and compared the ugly guys here to a seemingly handsome Axel. Yes, he was pretty hot, but there was always a 'hotter' out there somewhere. Axel chewed on his lower lip and glanced out the window, sighing as the blurred scenery passed them. The boy reached over and grasped Axel's hand in his own, lacing their fingers together. He was truly excited about visiting a new city, a freaking huge new city at that. Their small, pathetic little town was nothing compared to a densely populated on such as Las Vegas. This got him thinking on the same same track that Axel was thinking, what if the other male found someone better looking than him? A skinner male with a bigger ass and a better personality? In their small town Roxas was undeniably the best looking gay boy for Axel to choose from, not that there were really many options though. There was always that kid Jesse, but he sort of had some acne problems and wasn't the most fit boy in town. In Las Vegas however, there would be drunk gay guys all over the place and they were from all over, everyone went to Las Vegas, it was literally a melting pot of attractive people from all over the world! He gripped Axel's hand tighter as they got closer and closer to the airport, moving closer so that he was snuggled into his body. There was no way in hell that his boyfriend was going to get interested in anyone else, not on his watch. "I love you." He whispered to the male, leaning up to kiss his cheek softly, pulling away with a smile. It seemed as if both of them had their own personal problems with going to such a bustling city like Las Vegas. Axel would probably end up picking one or two fights there, but there were no rules in such a pow wow town. There were casinos, alcohol, sex, and a whole bunch of gamblers all grouped in one metropolitan city of fluorescent lights. There was no telling what might happen to Roxas there, or who he might like in terms of a significant other. He hoped the blond wouldn't be as stupid as he was in the club with the fat cheerleader. Roxas was his if he was to go by elementary terms, he would probably claim that he had found him first. He had spent countless nights tossing and turning to think of a romantic proposal idea that the blond couldn't reject. He had spent two solid years with this kid, and he wasn't letting some Las Vegas douche snatch him away ! This was their honeymoon, after all. When Roxas snuggled into his side, he welcomed him by wrapping an arm around his shoulders, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead in response to his innocent peck on the cheek. "I love you too, Roxas," he murmured quietly, moving up the other boy's thigh with his free hand."You two are a cute couple," the driver chortled, glancing at them through his rear view mirror, "It's good to see a relationship that's not awkward for once." The taxi driver's comment made the blonde smile wide, he always loved hearing compliments about how close he and Axel seemed, it just gave him that extra bit of confidence that assured him that he and Axel would be together for as long as they live and possibly even after that, depending on which church you went to. It was also nice that the taxi driver wasn't some homophobic asshole who would force the two of them out of the cab because they were a couple. "Yeah, our relationship is anything but awkward." He said with a slight laugh, relaxing into Axel's side as he rested his head on the male's bicep. "We just celebrated our two year anniversary a few weeks ago." He said with a smile, looking up to Axel with his blue eyes. "What about you? Do you have a significant other?" Roxas always felt strange when he asked people if they had a partner, he never liked to use the term significant other, but people, especially males, got offended or freaked out a bit if he asked if they had a boyfriend or girlfriend. Being politically correct was some tricky shit. "Yeah, anythin' but awkward. I'm takin' him on a trip to Las Vegas. Aren't I so nice and romantic ?" he bragged, nuzzling his nose into the top of Roxas' head and breathing in his scent with an exaggerated exhale. For some odd reason, he loved sniffing his boyfriend because he always smelled like soap. Sometimes, when he wore his clothes, the boy had his scent on him. He wore light cologne, but Axel actually preferred to smell more like soap or baby lotion if anything. He wasn't so interested about the driver's relationship per say, but since Roxas was polite enough to strike up a conversation, he guessed he had no right to start groping the blond right there in the middle of their small talk. He did constantly stroke the other boy's thigh, though, traveling higher occasionally when he felt Roxas didn't notice it. He was horny again, but that wasn't a real surprise."Yeah, that's real romantic Las Vegas is a nice place if you know what to see and do. I'd advise for the both of you to be careful, though. There's no telling what might happen to a couple of young teenagers like you two." the driver sighed, staring straight forward at the freeway road stretched out in front of them. "Ah, that's not for me. Love is just an illusion, don't you think ? It's not exactly real." he explained, setting the mile counter to zero again. He always wondered just why in the hell Axel seemed to sniff him so much when they were close, he figured it was pheromones or some other science crap so he ignored it, but thought it was cute nonetheless. His brow raised slightly as he felt the redhead rubbing his slender thigh, he figured it was just a way of the male showing his affection towards him until he felt him become increasingly closer to his rather sensitive privates. The boy was half hard now and his length strained against the boxer briefs he was wearing which just so happened to be Axel's. He glared up at the male, mouthing for him to stop, not wanting the taxi driver to get any idea of what the male was doing to him. "I think we'll be fine. Axel won't even let anyone look at me and I don't plan on doing anything stupid." He kissed the male's cheek again, as if that somehow emphasized that they were going to be good this weekend. "An illusion?" The boy's brow raised at this man's point of view on love. He guessed it could be considered an illusion since it was technically all in people's heads, but he'd much prefer to think of his and Axel's love as something grand and wonderful, not something that was meaningless. "I guess you can view love like that and it's perfectly logical, but I'd like to think it's a little more than that." He looked up to the redhead he so adored. There was no way what he felt for the man could mean nothing, or at least he wanted to believe it didn't. "Ah, so that's your name ? He's Axel, and you're ... ?" the driver trailed off, then nodded his head in understanding as Axel filled in the blank for him, piping up with his boyfriend's name in the most excited voice. "Huh. What suiting names, too," he complimented, placing both hands on the steering wheel as they drove out of the freeway. He found the two lovebirds absolutely adorable, but what surprised him the most was that their relationship had lasted two years and they were still so sticky with each other. He admired their perseverance and fidelity. They soon arrived in front of the crowded airport, and he parked in front of the entrance, glancing back at the couple. "Don't worry about the fee. Have fun in Las Vegas you two," he said, waving as Axel tugged Roxas out with a thanks.The redhead climbed out of the taxi, completely happy with the fact that he hadn't paid a penny so far. He unloaded their bag from the trunk, then waved the driver goodbye, glancing up at the unfamiliar airport. He grasped Roxas' hand so he wouldn't get lost, then bent down to dig through the front pockets of the bag, bringing out both of their passports in a bag. He had asked Roxas for it a long time ago and never bothered to return it. He handed the small pamphlet to his boyfriend with the airplane ticket inside and held his own, dragging the bag forward. "Wouldja' just breathe in the scent of adventure ?" he sighed. "What a nice man." Roxas commented as the driver pulled away, getting a wave from the petite boy. He was truly surprised that they had been treated so well by a taxi driver, people who were notoriously greedy, or at least that's what Roxas gathered from all the movies he'd seen with taxi drivers in them. He held tightly onto Axel's hand as he watched what seemed to be an insane amount of people move about the crowded airport. This place was huge, but it seemed as if every person in the state of California was in here! "Don't lose me!" The blonde said as he raised his voice so Axel could hear him over the announcer. He truly was worried about being lost in this strange place, he couldn't even imagine how he would feel once they got to Las Vegas, an entirely new goddamn city! "Well, then you shouldn't dawdle and zone off thinking about taxi drivers." he scoffed, giving his boyfriend's hand a light squeeze and a firm tug to get them through the sliding doors. Once they were inside, the intense roar of the crowd blew him away. Why were there so many people here ?! You barely saw this many people at the Brea Mall on Black Friday ! He had to nudge his way through the crowd in the front of the airport, managing to follow the lit announcement boards on the top to find where they needed to check in. Even though this was Axel's first time in an international airport, he knew what came first, and so he first ran their tickets and luggage through a validation check, lacing his fingers tightly with Roxas'. He didn't want to lose sight of him. The woman at the counter pointed towards their next station, then took their black bag, telling them that it would automatically be boarded on the airplane. "Cool. This place isn't as complicated as I thought it would be," he mumbled, following the crowd towards where the lady had pointed them out to earlier.Then, he noticed a McDonald's corner restaurant. He glanced down at Roxas, then pulled out his wallet, flipping through the fresh bills he had withdrawn from the bank earlier. "You wanna get some fries to eat or somethin' ? For you, babe I'll even throw in chicken nuggets." he offered, already pulling him towards the end of the line. Roxas nodded in agreement that it was actually much easier to get through the airport and ready to go than he first thought it would be. To be honest, the boy pictured constant security checks and possibly even a strip search, ever since that whole 9 11 fiasco he heard countless stories of how unbearable getting through airport security was, but he was happy to have those stories proven wrong. His eyes widened into a rather dramatic look of shock on his face as Axel mentioned buying him chicken nuggets in addition to some fries. "Really Axel?" His voice was filled with excitement, but he had an obvious teasing tone. "You're going to get me chick nuggets as well? This is the best day ever!" He said with a grin, bringing the hand that held onto Axel's up to place a kiss on it. "You're so good to me, I swear I could never find anyone better." He said with a slight laugh, looking up to his boyfriend. Yes, even when it came to pampering his boyfriend, Axel was a penny pincher. He usually spent most of his income on clothes and video games, so spoiling Roxas had never been a 'do' on his endless list of tasks to accomplish. Roxas was better off than he was, so why bother, right ? He did include a few gifts here and there, but he never made his gift givings very frequent. The blond needed to appreciate the smaller treats in life. He had worked an extra thirty minutes for those chicken nuggets, damn it ! "I know, I know. No need to thank me, babe. I'm just the best there is," he smugly boasted, coming up to the front and ordering a large fry, six piece nuggets, and a small drink. When the register girl handed him an empty cup, he passed it down to Roxas and slapped down six dollars on the counter, receiving the change with hilarious dignity but in all seriousness. "Sometimes, Roxas, I think I spoil ya too much," he joked, later taking the rolled up bag from the pick up counter. He handed it to his boyfriend, seeming so proud of having bought his boyfriend breakfast that he was practically glowing with happiness. It was a good thing for Axel that Roxas didn't really eat too much, he was small and compact and he didn't need much to survive, this was especially good if they had to share six chicken nuggets, a large fry, and a small drink for the rest of their lives. He grabbed the cup and the bag of scrumptious food and found them a small table, setting the food down before heading over to the soda machine and filling the cup up to the top with Coke, Axel's favorite drink. He returned to the table with a sigh and a slight smile on his face as he pulled out the food and laid it out on a few napkins. "I feel like the King of England." He grinned at the redhead, stealing a fry off the table and scarfing it down in one bite. Roxas truly didn't mind the sort of lifestyle he and Axel chose to live by, penny pinching and eating at McDonald's as opposed to a real restaurant or even a Chili's for that matter. As long as he was with his baby and they were both in good health, he was happy. "Eat fast so we don't miss our plane." The chaotic buzz of the airport really messed with his eardrums, and though Axel preferred being in the center of a large crowd, he didn't want to be surrounded by a million people all at once. Each individual was talking about something else, and altogether, the noise was deafening and very cacophonous. He looked around the airport for any more familiar signs, finding the plane departure and arrival times all listed in neon orange. Their flight was to leave an hour later, but they needed time to actually get through the metal detectors and passport checks. He took a sip of the Coke, then munched down on the fries, dipping a chicken nugget in the BBQ sauce before taking a noisy bite out of it, too. "So what do you wanna do first in good ol' Las Vegas ?" he asked, throwing the empty bag into the nearest trashcan and turning back to Roxas, "If you're into that sappy stuff, we could go watch that fountain show ... I mean not that I wanna see something like that ..." He huffed and played with a fry, tapping his foot to some odd rhythm. As they finished their five star meal Roxas too had trouble dealing with all the noise. He wished that the airport was rented out for just the two of them to do as they pleased before they had to board, but sadly that was not the case and he had to deal with a couple thousand other idiots who were frantic about making their plane on time. He smirked as Axel asked him what he wanted to do first in Las Vegas. "I want to check into the hotel." He said plainly, looking up to the male before cracking a smile. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Don't hit me or anything." He leaned into the male's pressing their bodies together as he hooked his arms around the small of the male's back. "I'm sure we'll figure something out, no need to worry." Roxas said, burying his head into the male's chest with a sigh. "I'll have you know that I know what you were doing while we were in the cab." He said as he looked up to the male, glaring at him. "No more trying to make me hard while we're in taxis, okay? I've still got half a woody from your goddamn rubbing." He muttered, looking away from the redhead and towards the security check. Axel cracked another one of his bright smiles once Roxas repeated his smartass comment about checking into the hotel first. He had almost seen that coming. He was tempted to lean over and peck his boyfriend's lips for being so irresistibly adorable, but Roxas was already leaning into him like a love deprived critter, cuddling rather fondly into him as if he needed his warmth and companionship more than anything else in the world. He raised a hand hesitantly and stroked the back of his boyfriend's head, loving the feeling of the blond's silky hair weaving through his fingers like ribbons of water. "It's not my fault you were sitting so close to me," he complained, jutting out his lower lip in a slight pout as he scanned the food that they had managed to finish in a short ten minutes. Axel wanted to touch and violate him in more ways than one, but now wasn't the best time and location. He did turn Roxas' chin towards him to kiss the blond rather deeply for a few seconds, then stood up, leading his boyfriend out of the McDonald's shop and into the hustle and bustle of the overpopulated airport. He followed the neon signs until he came to their gate, then with their passports handy, he offered his to the guard and waited for Roxas to hand over his, too, holding his hand tightly as they were directed to the metal detector line. "Ehhhh no sex until tonight ... how boring ..." he sighed, leaning the small of his back against the railing as they waited behind a few more passengers of the same flight. Roxas suddenly blushed as Axel kissed him with quite a bit of passion for a few seconds. He never really liked to show public displays of affection unless they were in the hallways at school or there weren't quite as many people around as there were now, but he always did like to be kissed by the male, there was no denying that painfully obvious fact. After the sexy redhead gave his passport to the guard Roxas did the same and got his back within seconds, the guard hurrying them along into the line for the metal detector. "I know, I know," the boy sighed, shifting his weight from one leg to another as they waited patiently in line, "I'm sure you'll find some way to either relieve yourself or control yourself babe." He smiled softly up to him before emptying out his pockets into one of the containers that had to go through the metal detector. "If not, then...well...I don't think the people on the plane will appreciate you jacking off right there in the seat." The boy gave a teasing grin, gently pushing Axel. How could he wait until that night to touch Roxas however he wanted ? It was unfair, and Axel was already brainstorming some ways he would be able to get away with jacking off without being seen. He knew Roxas wasn't very fond of dramatic public displays of affection, and he was a bit uncomfortable with strutting his stuff in densely populated areas, too. School was different, because all of the students were either his age or younger, so he didn't mind them observing. Axel deposited his cellphone and wallet into the same bin as Roxas', eying the guard curiously as the man separated the battery pack from the cellphone before running it through. "I don't necessarily need to touch it to jack off," he whispered, using the few minutes he had before entering the metal detectors to wrap his arms around Roxas and pin him up against the railing, his lips running over the blond's neck and his crotch desperately brushing up against his boyfriend's. After a minute, though, he actually separated their hands and moved into the metal detector, undergoing the procedure with a dull expression. After he was through, he picked up their belongings and waited for Roxas on the other end, extending one hand for the other to take. What in the hell did Axel think he was doing? There were people here! People with eyes nonetheless and he was just going to do as he pleased, pinning him against the railing and just start rubbing against him? He didn't say anything though, he kept quiet as the male practically molested him right there in public until Axel decided it was a good time to pull apart, about the same time that Roxas was now fully hard. He walked through the metal detector shortly after his boyfriend and took his hand, "you're terrible." He huffed, trying to sneakily adjust his pants so his dick wasn't so terribly uncomfortable. Why did Axel do this to him? Why did he act so evil at times? He knew it was because the other couldn't really keep his hands off of him, but dammit sometimes they needed to be a bit civilized! He squeezed the male's hand and began to drag him towards their gate quickly, although it was a bit uncomfortable with his throbbing erection. He would have to deal with it though, there was no way in hell he was going to strip naked and take care of it right here in the airport. "Couldn't help it. I think I need a little break here and there to get me through the day," he yawned, making sure that Roxas' hand fit nicely in his own as he tugged him towards the final station where they were supposed to wait for the flight gate to open. There were ten minutes to spare until the line would get ridiculously long, but meanwhile, all the people were waiting in a rather quiet lobby. Unlike the heart of the airport, this little room was cozy and light. Axel chose the seat nearest to the double doors leading to the airplane chute and pat his lap for Roxas to sit on for a while. He then proceeded to wrap his arms lovingly around his boyfriend's waist, then nuzzled his lips against his shoulder, kissing it tenderly with a satisfied 'mmm'. It was a bit uncomfortable now that Roxas was sitting on his erection, but it was arousing at the same time, because his dick recognized the feel of the blond's ass and strained to stick up into it. "Mmm, in Las Vegas I'm gonna buy you a cute little vibrator so I could keep the remote and make the bullet buzz whenever I want ... Would you like that Roxas ? You want something buzzing down there while I tease you up here ?" he seductively whispered into his ear, running one hand up his boyfriend's shirt to roll his fingertip over a nipple. Roxas hesitantly took his seat in the male's lap, his own erection straining against his already tight pants. He sighed contently as Axel wrapped his arms around his slim waist and pulled him closer, causing his rear to grind against his boyfriend's raging erection. His eyes widened slightly as he felt the erect dick slide against his ass, looking around to see if anyone noticed the two of them. Thankfully, this was a rather cozy little room and there weren't too many people here and the ones that were here were either busy reading or listening to their iPods, not paying attention to the lovebirds. "N No, Axel!" He whispered sternly to him, referring to not only the vibrator but also how the male was teasing him by sliding his fingertip over his nipple. While the two were alone they could do whatever they damn well pleased, but out in public they couldn't be the fearless sexual couple they usually were. Nonetheless, it did turn Roxas on a bit to be in public like this, the both of them hard as rocks and pretty damn horny. Like a puppy being scorned, Axel whimpered against the shell of his boyfriend's ear and desperately pressed his distinguishable erection up against Roxas' petite ass, slipping his hand out and eventually laying it over the blond's own clothed dick. "What's wrong, babe ? No one can hear us," he lowly murmured, tracing the faint outline of Roxas' member standing straight up beneath his jeans with the tip of his index finger. He wanted so much to lay him across these seats and fuck him right there and then to hear those moans echo louder than the annoying announcements booming through the entire airport. However much he wanted to violate his boyfriend's privacy and have it his way, he didn't want to make Roxas feel seriously uncomfortable. So when the boy squirmed a bit, he immediately stopped his teasing and resorted to light cuddling, his palm still running over Roxas' crotch and occasionally across his stomach. "I think you cut off the circulation to my legs, babe," he groaned, fishing out the small MP3 player he had also brought along with his cellphone and wallet. He scrolled down to "Say My Name" by Destiny's Child and plugged in his earphones, offering one bud to Roxas if he wanted to listen as well. The blonde shuddered as if he were on the top of Mt. Everst once Axel touched his clothed erection. He wanted to moan out in pleasure and just take his clothes off right then and there, but they needed to control themselves. Whenever the two were near each other and they were in this particular state it was as if they had lost both their minds and were just running on sexual desire, but Roxas at least needed to use half his brain right now and remember where they were. They were going to stay in the nicest hotel in all of Las Vegas and they could do whatever they wanted once they got into that hotel room, but until they he'd have to stay off of Axel's dick, no matter how much he wanted it inside of him."I know no one can hear us...but we're in public, Axel." He whispered to him, turning his head to kiss his lips softly. Every time Axel ran his fingers even somewhat remotely close to his throbbing erection, it sprang forward, moving further up in his pants to stick straight up instead of to the side, now resting right under the waistband. "Goddamn..." He whispered to himself, barely audible to anyone else. He tried to shift once Axel said something about him cutting off circulation, but wherever he moved, there seemed to be more of Axel's dick waiting for him to slide his ass on. He really couldn't handle this right now."Sorry, do you want me to move?" He questioned as he took the earbud and popped it into his ear. He noticed how uncomfortable Roxas was getting by merely sitting on his strained erection, and he found it rather amusing more than anything. He felt very stuffy being underneath someone who wasn't going to let him release his member and stick it inside something. Axel shook his head and tugged Roxas closer against him, keeping his hands together on his boyfriend's stomach. "Nah, just ... stay like this for a little bit more," he mumbled, leaning his forehead against Roxas' back and breathing a sigh of relief. He felt completely at ease like this ... with Roxas in his arms and nobody else to bother them. He almost fell asleep, but by the time the announcement came over the station speakers that the plane was now in standby mode for the passengers to board, he sleepily opened his eyes and glanced around to see everyone standing up. Axel nudged Roxas off of his lap, took his hand again, then stuffed his MP3 away, rubbing his ear where it seemed he had gone deaf for a few seconds. "I think I'll need to take a nap on the plane," he tiredly mumbled, going through the last check before they were actually boarding the plane. Axel was very much interested in being in a plane for the first time ever, so he excitedly touched the contraptions at the top, peering at his ticket. Middle class. Hah ! He didn't remember buying second rank tickets, but this was nice. He passed the crowded economy section and moved past the curtains to the very much widely spaced seats, stopping near their seats. "You wanna take the window seat ?" he politely offered, showing Roxas towards the one near the window while he sat on the next to the walkway. Unlike the redhead beneath him, he wasn't really relaxed at all, he was more on edge than ever. Precum leaked from the tip of his length and he could feel Axel's throbbing cock on his ass. In all his life he never wished that clothes were never invented and that fucking in public was a social norm than he did now. He longed to feel the redhead's tip teasing his entrance, poking it as Axel sucked on his neck and then finally pushed in, filling up his empty ass. God, maybe Axel was right, maybe he was a whore if he wanted to be fucked this badly! He sighed in relief as his boyfriend gently nudged him off his lap and grabbed his hand, pulling him through the line and eventually to his seat. "Thanks Axy, that's very kind of you." He took the window seat and plopped himself down, immediately pulling the shade up and staring out it even though the only thing he could spot was the runway. He turned to his boyfriend and grasped his hand, stroking his thumb over his skin softly. "Thank you so much for this." He was relieved that Roxas was actually looking forward to this trip. If he had no itch to be there, the two years he had spent saving up for this cause would have been in vain. He wanted this journey to be a fruitful event where he would be able to cherish everything that he had with Roxas and look back on how much he had loved him during that time. He glanced down at their adjoined hands, looking lost for a moment before he finally glanced up and smiled. "Yer welcome, babe. I just want you to enjoy yourself, okay ?" he said, leaning to the side to peck Roxas' cheek. Afterward, he made use of the spare time they had by pressing all the non functional switches on the roof and arm holders, finding much amusement in the way the footholder popped up with a press of a single button. He took the blanket and cushion provided for them from the front pocket, then handed Roxas' his, glancing at his ripped ticket stub for a while. "Huh. Two hours. Doesn't sound too bad." he murmured, stretching his arms over his head with a dramatic yawn, "I'll catch a nap, then." Roxas gawked at Axel as he mentioned napping. He looked down at his erection with sadness and a bit of anger. It was caused by the sexy redhead that sat next to him and the boy was a bit miffed about it. His boyfriend had the nerve to get his dick all riled up and then just leave him hanging there. That was fine, it was perfectly fine, but Axel was going to pay for it later. The blonde wasn't exactly sure as to how yet, but he would think of something devious and evil that would just drive Axel insane. "A nap? That sounds lovely." He said as he reached over and gave the redhead a kiss on the check, his hand trailing down Axel's chest and abs to stop at his erection and give it a squeeze and a few tugs. "G'night Axy." He then grabbed the blanket and spread it over himself and closed his eyes, eager for the plane ride to begin. As much as he would have liked to fuck like silly jackrabbits in an airplane, he wasn't so sure how well Roxas would cope with the unfamiliarity of being in an open space like this. When the blond slid his palm down his chest, he sucked in his breath and exhaled as soon as Roxas toyed with his crotch, treating it like it was nothing but a dildo. He was extremely turned on, but what could he do when there were strict seat belt enforcements and an armrest to separate the two ? He glanced back at the restroom available behind the columns of seats, wondering if that little area would be big enough to hold the both of them inside. He glanced back to Roxas, then hummed. "Hnnn, good night ?" he questionably murmured, glancing off to the side at a dazzling brunette who took her seat next to him, politely offering a casual greeting. He returned the meek hello, then picked a magazine to read, stealing another glimpse of her fidgeting in her seat again. When she finally found her seat belt straps and latched herself down, she introduced herself, and he figured it would be nice to do so too. "Axel," he curtly said, lightening up a little, "You look like a Irvine sorta girl." She giggled and pointed to her UCI college logo shirt, and he nodded, letting her situate herself comfortably. At least he wasn't sitting next to a fat lady. Axel's response more than satisfied the blonde, in fact it made him smile to himself as he readjusted the blanket on top of him. His eyes shot open as he heard someone shuffling into the seat next to Axel and the exchange of hellos. He observed the girl as she sat down and it pained him to admit it, but she was attractive, terribly attractive and instantly he wanted to move elsewhere. Why did this always happen? He always viewed attractive people as threats to stealing his Axel away from him and he really needed to stop. The two had survived over two years with one another and they still loved each other more than anyone else in the world, their sex lives proved this fact. He leaned over, smiled at the girl and gave a friendly wave. "Hello, I'm Roxas." Axel really had no interest in nerdy girls like her who put her hair up in buns and wore thick rimmed glasses as a regular thing. Sure, he sort of had a thing for brainy and smart people, but Roxas was all he needed. He was just god damned thankful that he hadn't been put next to a sweaty man with man boobs or a snappy old lady who would eventually fall asleep on his shoulder or have an asthma attack right next to him. She was a decent right hand side partner. The girl politely greeted Roxas and introduced herself as Hannah a boring name for a boring girl. He stared up at the ceiling and sighed, fingering the honeyed peanut packages they had been distributed. Soon, the announcement came over the plane that the aircraft would soon take lift. Everyone was buckling down, and a video about emergency cases lit up on the small television screen behind the front seat for each of them. The airplane rumbled and started running down the pavement, and Axel plugged his ears, already disliking the way the engines rumbled in his ear. When they actually took off, his heart did a back flip, and he felt nauseous for a good two seconds before the captain piloted the plane so that it stayed at a certain altitude. "Geez, that was so not fun." he complained, scarfing down his packaged peanuts. Well, at least they were in the air and getting out of their dull town ! "Mmm, say bye bye to our crappy ol' town " he sighed.The girl was pretty odd. The moment they were in the air, she pulled out her wireless laptop and glanced up at Axel, showing interest in his hair color. "Oh wow, is that your real hair color ? I mean, I thought it was fake before, but now that I see it, your roots are the same color ! How pretty ! C Can I touch it ?" she mused, and Axel obliged with a slight chuckle, warning her not to mess up his spikes. As soon as the plane lifted off Roxas was pretty sure that he was going to vomit. His stomach lurched and churned, his ears popped, and all of his organs felt as though they were doing their own individual somersaults. He had never been on a plane before and now he knew why, because they were terrible, horrible flying death traps that made him feel sick. "Oh god." He muttered as the plane finally evened out and they were at the appropriate altitude. His body was finally relaxing, save for the headache that he now had from the change in altitude. The blonde looked out the window and down at the land, smiling slightly, knowing that as they flew over their shitty town, they were getting closer and closer to Las Vegas, which meant that he was only about two hours away from his and Axel's dream weekend. He turned slowly as he heard Hannah ask if she could touch Axel's hair. His brow raised and he kind of gave her a "really? are you kidding me?" look as he giggled to himself, hiding his smile behind his hand. It looked like Axel had a fangirl, how adorable! Well, one thing was for certain this chick wasn't going to be some sort of a sexual predator any time soon. He didn't need to worry about Roxas getting jealous, because this girl had no game she was a clueless nerd who was only interested in his hair color. The only male she knew was probably her father, but it was really mean to judge at first glance. Who knows ? Perhaps she might be the worst assaulter out there an evil combination of all cheerleaders in existence times one hundred. He glanced down at her, and she was fiddling with his hair, giggling softly. Nah. There was no way. She went on to telling him that she had majored in biochemistry or whatever that was, and he nodded as if he understood what she had just said. So this chick who looked no older than sixteen was a college graduate ? For a nerd, she was really touchy, but after a while, she went back to her laptop, and he went back to pampering Roxas, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and leaning in to peck his cheek. "I don't know what ya think about airplane sex, but I really wanna do you back in the restroom it'll be fun," he whispered, smirking as he nipped his boyfriend's ear with a perverse purr. If the girl was any less of a nerd then Roxas probably would have quite the problem with the girl molesting his boyfriend's hair, but the girl was harmless, she was a fly while Roxas was the flyswatter, there was no way Axel would ever be attracted to her. On the inside the girl was probably dying because she got to touch a male's hair, not to mention that it was a sexy fox like Axel's hair. Oh, the poor girl, he sincerely hoped that she would one day either come out of her little nerd shell or someone would love her for who she was and they could have little intelligent babies that he and Axel would probably work for one day. Well, at least Axel probably would. He smiled as he felt the redhead's arm slide around him, pulling him closer to the male. He was going to protest, he really was. Airplane sex was not something he had ever planned to do in his life, but he was still at the very least semi erect and he could use with some relief. "I think you're nuts, but...if I don't cum soon I'm gonna explode." He whispered to him, locking his eyes with the redhead. "Now, how the hell are we gonna do this?" Their situation was rather funny in one perspective. They were practically dying to get in each other's pants aboard an airplane. They couldn't wait until that night to hit it off like mating animals ? Axel glanced back at Hannah furiously typing away on her laptop as if she was working with the federal government to hack some codes. He wouldn't be surprised if she really was a part of the FBI. He unbuckled Roxas' seat belt, undid his own, then tugged him up, pulling his wrist and asking the girl to scoot her legs in so they could pass. Thankfully, the aisle was clear of any stewardesses, and Axel had to bite his lower lip to restrain from doing him right there and then. The airplane was pretty stable, so he was able to find the restroom with no difficulty. He slid the door open, vigorously shoved Roxas inside, then switched the door's lock to 'Occupied'. The space itself was rather confined, but they could make do with a quick fuck ... Huffing like an animal in heat, Axel latched himself immediately onto Roxas and tore off his jacket from his shoulders, working at a ragingly hungry pace as he ground their mouths together and rolled his boyfriend's shirt about halfway up, stopping as he slid down and fingered his waistband. "Turn around. Bend over," he ordered in a gruff voice, using one of his hands to unbuckle his belt. As he was dragged to the bathroom by his boyfriend he couldn't help but glance at all the passengers on the way. He hoped none of them could exactly figure out what they were doing, how embarrassing would that be? He couldn't imagine what he would do if some flight attendant knocked on the door and asked if the were alright or asked them to come out while Axel was mid thrust. As he was pushed into the the small space and attacked by his boyfriend, their lips smashing against one another as he desperately tried to thrust his groin into the other male's. The relief he got from that didn't last long though, seeing as Axel ordered him to turn around and bend over just after he pushed his jacket off of his shoulders. "Yes sir." He did as he was told with a smile he loved when Axel took charge like this, it turned him on even more than he already was. They would have to make sure that they were very quiet, because if they made noise in a relatively silent area, it would be obvious that they were having sex inside an airplane's restroom. He wasn't quite sure how great he would do with the noises, though. Nevertheless, once Roxas was bent over, he unzipped the front of his ripped jeans and tore down his clothing, leaving his undergarments and pants pool around his ankles. His ripe ass was so intimately pressed up against his throbbing cock that Axel loudly groaned and spread the boy's cheeks widely to reveal that pink and greedy hole, his stiff erection pressing right up against it. "You want it in, Roxas ?" he whispered, leaning over him slightly to place one palm over Roxas' mouth. He pulled his head up slightly, muffling his lips, then rammed in as hard as he could, stopping his own moans from escaping. He wound his other hand around Roxas' member and squeezed the base, already pulling his hips back and thrusting. "Good boy ..." he sexily crooned, tracing Roxas' lips with his index finger and slipping one inside, silently prompting him to suckle on it. Roxas pressed his ass up against the throbbing cock that he so badly wanted inside of him. If he had more room to maneuver and they had time, he would have started with sucking the male off and then they would've eventually got to fucking, but since he figured someone would have to use the bathroom eventually and there were only four of them back here, it was a good idea for them to get on with it. He nodded to answer the male's question as his mouth was covered with Axel's hand, a genius idea from his boyfriend seeing as when he thrust into him so suddenly, the boy had to hold back from screaming and instead groaned loudly into the male's hand. Roxas' knees shook slightly as his dick was squeezed and the male began thrusting. He put his hands on both walls of the bathroom to steady himself, soft moans escaping from his mouth until Axel's finger found its way in, his tongue circling it as he began to suck. It was extremely difficult to keep his moans in, because once they started their throes of passion, it was nearly impossible to keep himself from making any noise. Even his thrusts had to be controlled so that their flesh didn't make lewd slapping noises, so Axel decided to change positions, the hand that had been placed on Roxas' mouth traveling lower to hold up one leg. With his cheeks parted, it was easier for him to squeeze in without making much noise, and in case this would be too tiring for the one leg that was still holding all of Roxas' weight, he stabilized his waist with his other arm and jerked his hips upwards every time, fucking him rather brutally. He concentrated on Roxas' shoulder and suckled his neck hungrily, rapidly fitting in three thrusts every time he would normally do two whenever he had small bursts of energy to burn up. In one long stroke, he had all nine inches stuffed inside his boyfriend, and he groaned softly before pulling out all the way in one smooth movement, calming Roxas down by stroking his stomach and weeping member. If Axel thought he had problems holding his moans in then he had no idea what Roxas was experiencing at the moment. Every time Axel's cock pounded into his prostate he thought he was going to scream from pleasure, but he had to keep it down or else they'd be busted. The boy gasped as his leg was suddenly lifted and his hips were grasped the the male's other hand to keep him steady. "Goddamn." He breathed out as Axel sucked on his neck and fucked him so roughly. This was what he had been craving ever since the male started rubbing his thigh in the taxi. This was what he had so desperately needed from his boyfriend, to be fucked like there was no tomorrow so he could finally cum. He gasped as Axel pushed all nine glorious inches into him and then pulled out his cock, stroking his length. "Please put it back in Axel." The boy begged, shaking his ass a bit to tease the male. Axel couldn't control himself any longer. They were squished in a private restroom, stuck so closely against one another on a flying vehicle with a hundred other people in close and quiet vicinity of them. Yet here they were, fucking like they were living on their own world. He sensed from the way Roxas squirmed to the way his breath occasionally cut off short that he definitely enjoyed this brutal treatment. When the boy begged under his breath, he couldn't help but oblige and keep his wiggling hips still to pound all nine inches into that tight entrance again. The rush of adrenaline overpowered his nerves, and he momentarily glued his sticky gaze on the way his length slid in and out of Roxas' ass like a fucking machine, getting sinfully turned on even more. "God, Roxas ..." he huffed, feeling his orgasm reach his body at light speed. Soon, he couldn't control it anymore, and as he rapidly plowed into him like the consecutive rattle of a machine gun, his hot cum splattered out in spontaneous bursts, filling up his boyfriend's rear. He didn't stop thrusting, though, and kept up his pace for Roxas, riding out his orgasm with sloppy and wet slaps. "Come on ... cum, babe ..." he whispered, gritting his teeth. Oh, Roxas was close, he was real damn close. Each and every thrust that Axel made, pounding into his prostate, brought him closer and closer to going over the edge. "Oh god, fuck me Axel..." He whispered to him after a particularly rough thrust to his sweet spot. He too couldn't believe that they were doing this. He could imagine Axel going to the bathroom and jerking himself off. Hell, he could even see himself doing it as well, but the both of them in here with their pants around their ankles going at it like mad men? He was experiencing it right now and he still couldn't believe it. He ran his hand down his body and gripped his leaking cock, stroking it madly in time with Axel's thrusts as the male came, spilling his warm cum inside of him. As the cum lubricated Axel's cock and made his thrusts go even faster, a near constant barrage on the male's prostate, he suddenly came in long spurts, hitting the wall and coating his hand in a sticky mess. "Fuck yes..." He moaned, looking back at Axel with a grin. Even though he had spent most of his stamina on their first wild attempt at releasing their hormones, he was still up and ready to go for a second round. However, as Roxas came, Axel's muscles loosened and he suddenly felt rather weak. He almost slumped against his boyfriend, then tenderly kissed his lips as the blond turned his head. He rubbed comforting circles on his boyfriend's waist, then slowly pulled out, groaning as the tip exited with a lewd squelch followed by a thin dribble of cum. "Mmm, that was sexy ..." he panted softly, raising Roxas' upper body so that he wasn't leaning forward in too much of an awkward position. He took one of the blond's hands and brought it up to his lips, licking the pearly drops that stained his fingers and palm. He wet a paper towel and properly cleaned both of their privates, making sure that it wasn't sticky with cum. Afterward, Axel raised his pants and buckled his belt, stretching a bit in the tiny stall. "Sex on an airplane, huh ? Wonder if anyone else beat us to that," he chuckled, kissing his boyfriend's cheek once. "It was very sexy." He commented with a grin, pulling up his pants after Axel had finished cleaning the cum off of them the redhead was always so thoughtful. He leaned up to kiss the male's lips softly for a moment, sighing with relief as he pulled away. "I don't think we're the first ones to ever fuck in a plane, Axy." He said with a smile and a slight laugh. "Ever heard of the mile high club?" He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist and nuzzled into his chest, taking in Axel's scent. The male smelt of a mix of sex and soap and Roxas loved it. "We should probably get back out there, Hannah might be getting suspicious." The blonde almost laughed at the thought, the woman was probably still typing away on her computer doing only god knew what. Sex on an airplane seemed a bit absurd, but there could be a possibility that one other couple of madly horny teenagers could have beaten it to them. He returned the soft kiss with an underlying moan, then chuckled as Roxas mentioned Hannah he hadn't really thought of her concern towards them. There was a pause, then Axel unlocked the door and shuffled outside rather casually, tugging Roxas along with him. Thankfully, there had been no line for the restroom after them, so they cut through a clear walkway and returned to their seats, letting his boyfriend pass through first. Hannah was leaning back watching something from her laptop, and she greeted the two boys with little enthusiasm, her gaze snapping back to the screen. Axel slid in after his boyfriend and dramatically exhaled as he plopped down on his seat. He was craving fruit juice all of a sudden to appease his violent sugar needs. He buckled the blond down first, then latched his own strap on, glancing over at Hannah. She was watching something gory, and he automatically took interest in it, not realizing that she had looked up from her own screen to weirdly stare at him. "Oh, I like gory movies too. What's this one called anyways ? Looks awesome," he chuckled, grinning when a head was spliced off. Roxas smiled and thanked Axel as he buckled him in, also turning his head slightly to see what Hannah was looking at. The boy couldn't help it, he was a bit nosy after all. At the start of their relationship his nosiness was quite a problem for Axel, seeing as he'd always ask who he was texting, where he was going, and stuff like that. Eventually though, Roxas got a hold of his shit after Axel confronted him about it after he caught him going through his phone. Roxas' intentions were good though! Or so he thought as much at the time, Axel was the hot shit in town and he had just met the male his freshman year, he didn't know if he was some big whore or not! Well, he was before he met Roxas, but thank god he wasn't anymore.As soon as Roxas saw a person being decapitated he immediately turned his head with a roll of his eyes and stared out the window at the clouds below. He just could not stand gore movies, he absolutely hated when they showed closeups of the skin breaking and then the blood spurting out because the knife sliced against an artorie or some shit like that, he suddered just thinking about it. "Axeeeeeel " He whined, turning to the male, but keeping his eyes on his face instead of at the screen that Hannah had in her lap. "How much longer?" He and Hannah talked endlessly about famous horror movies and gory scenes, mostly talking about how funny they were. He had almost forgotten that Roxas was sitting next to him, because when the other boy whined, he didn't heed his voice for a split second until his inner conscience made his presence quite obvious. Hannah didn't seem bothered at all and went right on with her movie viewing while he turned back to Roxas and kissed his cheek, grinning. "Shouldn't be too long. Why don't you take a nap ? It might be a little while more," he murmured, pulling out his cellphone to see if there was any connection available. Of course not. Roxas always liked to search through his phone for some reason, mostly for protective reasons. He checked his inbox and pictures, and once, the blond had deleted a few of the contacts he personally didn't like. While it had bothered him before, he found his nosiness actually cute. When a food cart went along the aisle, he asked the stewardess for a cup of orange juice and a bag of cheesy Ruffles, laying it out for Roxas to eat. "Eat up, babe " he grinned, smothering his face in kisses yet again.Only now did the girl notice that they were being affectionate and she smiled. "Are you two dating ?" The idea of a nap was rather tempting, but he didn't really want to be a downer on the plane party that Axel and Hannah seemed to be having with their discussion of gore moves. "Ooooh !" He said with a grin as his boyfriend laid out food and drink for him. Ah, Axel, always the provider. His face scrunched as the redhead placed kisses all over his cheek. "Axy! You're embarrassing me!" He protested, pushing his face away with a slight smile. He looked to Hannah as she proposed her question, the answer rather obvious. He figured she would have gotten the idea that they were going out from how touchy they were, or possibly the fact that two straight males didn't just give kisses to one another, but it was polite of her to ask. "Mmhmm, a bit over two years now." The male said the words with pride, happy that he and Axel had lasted for so long. Embarrassing him ? Oh, of course. Axel loved public displays of affection as if they were the only ones present in the space provided. While he would have settled with kissing Roxas all throughout the airplane trip, Hannah's question distracted him. "Yup. Two solid years. Everyday feels like I'm fallin' in love all over again " he chirped, diving back in to sloppily litter pecks all over his boyfriend's face, keeping him from eating what he had offered earlier. Hannah, obviously a fan of seeing two males getting it on with each other, admired with awe and slight jealousy before turning away with a light smile. He glanced down at the armrest separating their seats, then fiddled with it, finally making it go up so that nothing split them apart. Axel popped open the bag of chips and put one between his lips, leaning in to Roxas as if prompting him to take it from his lips. Roxas didn't completely loathe public displays of affection, he just considered them inappropriate, especially now when there were countless people around them. At least they weren't back in the airport where Axel had decided to pin him up against the railing and molest him, that was truly embarrassing. He rolled his eyes at the redhead's confession of love and continued to try to stop his advances by pushing him away. "He's just saying that 'cause I'm the best he can get." Of course that was a complete lie, Axel could probably get anyone he wanted, hell, he could probably get Angelina Jolie herself away from Brad Pitt if he tried hard enough. Roxas propped his legs over Axel's own before leaning in and taking a bite out of the chip, chewing it and swallowing it with a smile. "I feel like Lady from Lady and the Tramp. You're the Tramp, of course." He teased, taking a few sips from the orange juice. Was Roxas promoting or demoting himself ? He couldn't quite tell with the sarcastic tone he was using, but irregardless, the way the blond refused to acknowledge his affections was rather cute and admirable. When his boyfriend hung his legs over his own, he softly stroked his knee with one thumb and placed the other palm over Roxas' hand, turning his body to fully face him as if his gaze was for him and him only. "You are the best I could ever get, Roxas," he murmured as as a matter of fact, blinking as if he really was confused about what the other boy could have meant. "I'm the Tramp, huh ? I guess that fits me. Whaddaya say to spaghetti in Las Vegas, then ?" he crooned, tipping Roxas' chin up so he could steal a quick kiss from his juice stained lips. A quick dinner at an Italian restaurant sounded nice. He had heard of one being near the hotel they were staying at, which was convenient. He hoped there would be musicians playing in the background to fully make the whole Disney picture look real. He could instantly tell that the male was being truly sincere when he said that Roxas was the best he could ever get. Truly, the blonde didn't think that was true, but he simply nodded and pressed his lips to Axel's for a short second and pulled away as the other asked him about spaghetti in Las Vegas. "That sounds like a perfect meal for the first night." He smiled at the male, also imagining the exact scene from The Lady and the Tramp except with he and Axel replacing the dogs. He laughed slightly and then leaned closer to the other, resting his head on his shoulder. "This weekend is going to be so perfect." He said softly, almost as if he were speaking to himself. If only the boy knew about Axel's medical condition, then the weekend wouldn't be happening at all. He hoped he would never have to tell Roxas ignorance was bliss, and the blond was better off being so in love with him to consider anything else. He didn't want to plague his boyfriend withhisfinancial and medical problems. If he was to suffer from a blackening liver, that was his life. In the future, if he should ever feel the symptoms head on, he'd break up with Roxas first in the most jackass sort of way to have the blond hate his guts. Or he and Roxas could face the music together, and Axel could sincerely thank him for all he had done for him. While he had expressed his love so many times for the boy at other times, he hadn't ever expressed his gratitude before. Axel wrapped an arm protectively around Roxas' shoulders and kissed the top of his head, murmuring softly, "Yeah. Just you and me and big ol' Las Vegas." He stroked the boy's hair and rested his cheek on top of the other boy's head. "How about we take like an hour nap, babe ?" he whispered, smiling. Roxas had considered the outcome of their lives together many times late at night when he was alone in bed. He was already pretty positive that he and Axel would be together for the rest of their lives as long as they continued on the way they were now. He had considered what would happen if Axel died, but he simply stopped at that, he could never quite figure out what he would do if he lost the man, he just always stopped because it caused physical pain in his chest to even think about it. He couldn't lose Axel, it would kill him, he was sure of it. The stroking of his hair had calmed and relaxed the small blonde quite a bit and his eyelids were already starting to droop. "A nap sounds good.He muttered, looking to Hannah for a moment, hoping she didn't mind that the two were showing such affection. "Night Axy." He said with a smile as he put his head on the redhead's lap and slowly closed his eyes. Heaven without his amazing boyfriend would definitely be the equivalent to hell, and vice versa. He couldn't imagine leaving Roxas behind not when they had so many things to do with each other so many passionate nights to enjoy. Axel couldn't bear to see the blond cry over trivial things such as his own life, and that was what frustrated him the most about his impending death. What he could do now was to live life to the fullest and have no regrets. Roxas would learn someday, but Axel preferred to keep him in the dark. It was almost ridiculous how much Roxas didn't know about Axel, but even if he was in the other boy's shoes, he wouldn't be able to tell if Axel was truly happy or not. Indeed he was happy to be with Roxas, but there was always a hidden sadness behind his eyes that reflected how hopeless he felt when thinking about his disease. He stared out of the window for a second, then glanced down at Roxas, calmly stroking his hair. He skimmed a thumb over his boyfriend's fair cheek and slowly over his lips, knowing how he would dearly miss those sweet kisses ... He forced himself to smile, then chimed, "'Night, Roxy babe ... Dream of me ... 'kay ?" "You know I always do." He said as he let out a heavy breath, his muscles relaxing completely. It was true, since his days were filled with Axel, his nights usually were as well and that included his dreams. Strangely, Roxas never got sick of the redhead, not even once had he ever not wanted to see him, well, except for when he found out that he fucked the whore of a cheerleader, but still, that was only for an hour or so. They were quite literally connected, emotionally, mentally, and for the large part of their relationship, physically. They were the true definition of soulmates, there was no denying that. Sure, they teased one another and the both of them made mistakes, but that was part of their relationship, seeing if they could survive the test that was given to them. It made the blonde smile, happy to know that they could indeed survive nearly anything as he drifted off to sleep.In what seemed to be only a minute or so later, he was awake again from the sound of the flight attendant's voice over the speaker, telling them to buckle their seatbelts because they would be landing shortly. He rubbed his eyes and stifled a yawn, buckling his seatbelt quickly before reclaiming his laying position in Axel's lap, his hand gently rubbing the male's thigh. "Wakey wakey Axel." He whispered, glancing up at the redhead. He always lived every moment of his life hoping that Roxas would be thinking about him as he did. He was so obsessed with the idea of Roxas being faithful to him even in his subconsciousness that Axel guessed that Roxas would find him crazy. A few minutes after his boyfriend fell asleep, he did too, dreaming hazy fantasies of him continuing life with Roxas forever. It was such a pleasant dream that he didn't want to leave, but when he heard a familiar voice recalling him from the dark, he had to open his eyes and squint into his lover's face. First, he smiled, then groggily rubbed his eyes, glancing around to see people hastily buckling up as the flight attendant's voice shut off from the announcements. His seat belt was already on, and Axel instinctively looked over at Roxas' lap, finding that he was safely tucked in, too. One more hour and they would be in their grand and golden hotel ... on a lavish bed ... between a multitude of sheets ... fucking each other in luxury ... "Slept well ?" he inquired with a soft yawn, planting a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead. He felt the airplane descending, and his stomach lurched forward nauseatingly.After a few more minutes when the airplane came to a complete stop, the passengers were unloading their belongings. He waited until Hannah stood up, but she turned back around and blatantly asked him for his number, fishing out her own cellphone. "Uhm ... sure it's 010 788 0980." he dizzily responded, reaching behind him to take Roxas' hand as she recorded his contact in her phone and told him that she would call him sometime later to maybe meet up again. Fat chance. He was planning on spending the whole weekend with just Roxas ! "Sure," he plainly answered, glancing back at Roxas and smirking playfully to pass on the message that he had slipped a little lie. He shook his head at Axel's question, his sleep hadn't been well at all really, he had barely got into a deep sleep before he was awoken by the speaker. Now he was feeling rather groggy and even more tired than before, but he wouldn't let that ruin his first trip out of the state. He too felt his stomach begin to play a game, as if it were actually attempting to make him vomit, but the blonde held it all down as the plane descended into Las Vegas.Roxas was a bit surprised that Hannah asked for Axel's number, did they really get along that well when he wasn't paying attention or something? Well, obviously not from the way that his boyfriend was acting and from he devilish smirk that he had just gotten from the male. He hoped she didn't really think they were going to meet up and hang out or anything, was she nuts? This was their luxury weekend, a weekend most couples in their financial situation didn't even really get to have, or if they did it was for their honeymoon. Axel was doing this all for him though, simply to show his devotion and love towards him and he couldn't be any happier. "Goodbye Hannah, it was nice to meet you!" He called out to her as he pulled Axel out of the plane and into the terminal, looking up for a sign to point them towards baggage claim. "That poor girl thinks you're going to call her, doesn't she?" He was glad that Roxas had gotten his message before Hannah had, because if his boyfriend figured he was being sincere about meeting up with her, things wouldn't end well. He really had no intentions of selling his eyes out to other girls or boys when he had the golden boy of his dreams with him. This trip was solely for him and Roxas only where nobody else mattered. They would have a romantic dinner at the nearby Italian restaurant, watch a performance maybe , sight see, watch the fountain show going on at the front of the hotel, then resign to bed in their luxurious single bed and sleep naked in each other's arms after mind blowing sex. He was polite enough to tip his chin as a farewell in Hannah's direction, and he continued down a separate terminal, lacing their fingers together tightly as to not lose him. Teenage girls gossiped behind them even in the airport, they were a hot couple. "Was that mean to leave her high and dry like that ?" he chuckled, waiting by the conveyor belt for their baggage to roll by. Theirs was rather compact compared to most, and when it came around, he took it down and raised the handle so he could roll it by him. "Shall we go greet Las Vegas and find a taxi in the front, then ?" he suggested with an excited smile. Roxas smiled and nodded, it really was a bit harsh to leave Hannah like that, maybe she had no friend in Las Vegas or something? Oh well, if it were any other weekend the blonde may have had some ounce of care in him, but this was their weekend, just his and Axel's to do as they pleased and ignore everyone else in their shit town and anyone else in the world for that matter. He rolled his eyes as he heard whispers as the two walked together, fingers laced and hands held tight. Honestly, this was Las Vegas, had these idiots never seen a homosexual couple before or something? It wasn't like he and Axel each had a few extra limbs or something, they were just two attractive males who happened to enjoy fucking one another! There was nothing strange about that. He looked up to the redhead, sharing his excited smile and adding a quick nod. "Absolutely." He was already nearly running ahead, pulling his boyfriend behind him as hard as he could. He wouldn't have hung out with her either way. She was obviously interested in him , and Roxas would be upset at him for letting a girl tag along on their special weekend off. He would ignore all calls from her for the time being, then maybe get back to her and apologize once they got back to their shitty town. Axel recognized the attention they were receiving in the terminal as well, but most of them were croons of adoration. They were both attractive now when did you find such a perfect couple like them in normality ? Roxas was so cute when he was so full of spunk. When the boy jerked him forward, he added in a surprised 'whoa !' and skidded along after him, dragging their suitcase behind them as they raced for the entrance of the airport. When they got out of the gate, people were waiting, but no one was expecting them, of course. Las Vegas was different in the sense that it seemed to be like a smaller New York filled with busy people and mostly tourists. It was about afternoon now. The sun would set a little later because it was late fall. "So we gotta check in to our hotel first, huh ? If we get to the restaurant after and eat something, we can catch the fountain show at nine," he explained, having memorized all of the information that had been in the pamphlet. When they got out of the airport, he breathed in the unfamiliar air and contently sighed. "So we're in Las Vegas, babe ! Whaddaya think ?" he grinned, waving a hand so a taxi could pull over. As they exited the airport, Roxas was a bit surprised to see so many damn people. He wasn't stupid, he knew the world had billions of people and all, but from their shitty town there were only a few thousand people and they nearly never gathered in bunches or anything, but right outside the airport there seemed to be more people in their graduating class, not that it was particularly large or anything, but still! It was a little overwhelming for a small town boy, but he was still excited, if not a bit impressed and shocked. He couldn't wait until they really got into the city and saw all of the lights and the people, he could feel the life in the city just from pictures he'd seen. "I love it. I can't wait until we get downtown." He said with a smile, looking up to Axel. "Thank you for this, babe." He leaned up and pressed a kiss to the redhead's lips before he opened the door and got into the taxi, leaving the door open for his boyfriend. "Hurry up!" The boy was excited and impatient, not really the best combination anyone could ask for. Axel was stunned, too, but he had actually come from Los Angeles, and that city was pretty densely populated as well. He was satisfied that Roxas was excited, and as the blond giddily tugged him over, he pecked him on the forehead, shooing for him to get inside first. "I need to load this thing in the trunk, babe. Keep your pants on, geez." he chuckled, rounding the vehicle so he could open the back and load their luggage. Once he had it in, he slid in next to the blond and told the stoic taxi driver to drive them to the Bellagio Hotel. It wasn't very far from the airport, so the fee didn't come out to be over three dollars, and the eager couple didn't have to wait very long, too. As they passed the downtown shops, the stores were putting on their neon lights as the sky dimmed, and people were walking down the streets like busy robots. "Wow ... looks amazin'," he whispered, leaning over Roxas to stare out at the cluster of hotels bunched up in one bright and very expensive looking area connected to many outlets of shopping places and restaurants. He pointed to the Bellagio hotel, whispering in awe, "And that's where we'll be staying for two whole nights ..." The taxi stopped at the entrance of the golden hotel, Axel paid, and he ushered Roxas out, finding that it was colder than he had expected it to be here. There were workers in straight suits offering to carry their luggage in, and he handed theirs over, directing them to go to Room 608 on the tenth floor. Roxas smiled, noting that this may have actually been the first time in their relationship that Axel had actually requested that he keep his pants on instead of off. He was quiet as they rode to the hotel, his eyes eagerly scanning over the sight outside the window. There were just so many people and the whole city seemed to be one giant light bulb, or at least that's how Roxas saw it. He nodded as his boyfriend mentioned that it was amazing, obviously agreeing. The whole city did indeed look beautiful and he was eager to explore it. His mouth opened wide as they pulled up to the golden hotel. "Axel..." He said softly, gripping the male's hand tightly as the taxi came to a stop and he was pulled out by the redhead. "It's beautiful." He stood on his toes and kissed Axel's cheek before they were directed towards their room. He pulled the male into an elevator and pushed the button that would lead them to the tenth floor, wrapping his arms around the male's waist shortly after and just letting out a happy sigh. "You are the best boyfriend I could have ever asked for." He was sincerely happy that Roxas was looking forward to their special weekend together. Nothing or no one else would matter but one another, and Axel was heavily enforcing this rule from here on out. He was almost lost in the great lobby, because there were so many people moving around that he couldn't see where they were supposed to go. There were casinos around, and was that a fuckingmalloff to the side ?! They would have to come down and investigate later. Before he knew it, he was pulled into a regal elevator a shiny one that he wanted to stare at all day. He glanced down at Roxas, then craned his head down to plant a soft kiss on his boyfriend's nose, responding, "You think so ? You are, too, Roxas. You know you're very special to me." He smiled and wrapped his arms protectively around the blond's torso, drawing him in for a warm and tight bear hug. It was nice hearing that he was the best from someone he truly loved. It convinced him that this vacation wasn't a futile and selfish effort for his own needs to see Roxas happy. Once the elevator opened, he moved away from Roxas and held his hand lovingly, tugging him out and leading him down the ornate hallway to see what room number they were in. 608. The number was so intricately carved on the door in gold lettering, and Axel dug out the card key he had been sent in the mail before, swiping it through the slot. Their luggage had already been dropped off, but he ignored it for a while as he suddenly swooped Roxas up bridal style and led him through their new room like he was his bride, dumping him playfully on the comfy bed. "Room looks nicer than I expected !" he chimed, quickly moving towards the door to pull in their luggage and close the door behind them, placing the card key on the counter. The place even had a convenient kitchen. The blonde was a bit preoccupied with getting to their room to notice the lobby, he was eager to get this weekend started and hew knew that would happen by checking out their room and then doing whatever the hell they pleased. "Axel!" He said with a light laugh as he was swooped up and carried over to the bed as if he were the male's bride and this was their honeymoon. He let out a slight "ugh" as he was dropped on the bed, bouncing up slightly before settling and sitting up, looking around the place. "It's beautiful and perfect." He stood up and looked around the room, moving over to the fridge and grinning as he opened it. "They gave us little alcohols!" He picked each one up and examined them, thinking they were probably the cutest things he had ever seen in his entire life. He turned to Axel and narrowed his eyes at him. "You can't drink them until you know you'll be staying in the room for the rest of the night." He knew how the redhead got when he had a bit of alcohol in him and he didn't need him to get lost in Las Vegas, he would probably be kidnapped and be forced to work as a whore or something! Axel was too handsome to be a prostitute! Axel examined their hotel room to his heart's content, basically prodding at everything he found expensive or worthwhile to touch. It seemed as if they were temporarily living in a section of a prince's palace. He turned from the plasma screen television to the fridge that was set up in the kitchen, then walked over calmly towards it. "Heh, don't worry about that. It must be some kinda service. I love seeing ya tipsy, though ... especially when we fuck ... you make the cutest noises ..." he crooned, pressing up behind his boyfriend and nipping the tip of his ear teasingly. He really loved taking advantage of Roxas when he was too high for his own good. He had the cutest blush across his cheeks when he was drunk, and there was a value about the blond that was very addicting, too. He handled the little bottles of alcohol, assuming they were very strong by how the back recommended only one dose of each. He set them back and decided to experiment later, his body leaving Roxas' side so he could unpack their belongings Roxas smiled as he was molested so lovingly by the male, but a blush stained his cheeks when Axel mentioned him making cute noises while they fucked when he was a bit tipsy. It wasn't his fault that he couldn't really control himself with liquor! It didn't help that he was such a lightweight either, but he assumed that it was because he was so slim and didn't have a lot of body mass. "Shaddup." He muttered, shivers running through his body as his ear was toyed with. Why did Axel have to do this to him? He always liked to tease him and make him even the slightest bit horny and then just walk off and do something else, it killed him sometimes! They were in Las Vegas now though and then couldn't spend the entire time in their room fucking, they needed to do things that they couldn't do while they were back home. After he finished examining the bottles as well, he leaped onto the bed and sprawled out, testing out how comfortable it was. "So, what do you wanna do first?" As much as Axel loved directly turning Roxas on, he also loved playing mind games and messing around with his boyfriend's body to get him riled up. He loved attention as much as the blond, so he definitely liked hearing Roxas beg to be fucked it really boosted his confidence and made him even hornier to be listening to his pitiful pleas for affection. He had never really had Roxas lower himself to such a position on his knees before, but Axel always fantasized about it. As Roxas asked what they should do first, he packed away their clothes into the drawers and organized what they needed into their proper places. After shifting locations from boring town to metropolitan boom, he was very tired, so Axel crawled onto the bed with his lover and opened the other boy's legs to crawl in between, aligning their faces together. "We should go eat downstairs. I saw a really nice Italian restaurant on my way in," he informed him, leaning down to press a soft kiss to Roxas' lips. He couldn't get horny now ... but it was so tempting ... His breathing was already going into labor, and his eyelids were half closing. Roxas spread his legs as Axel moved them, allowing the male even more room to slid in as he aligned their faces, planting a soft kiss on his pink lips. "Italian, eh? That sounds good." He wrapped his arms around the male's frame and smiled as he dipped his hands lower, sliding them down the redhead's backside as he leaned up to kiss him. He groped the male's rear, squeezing it softly as he pulled away. "You've got a cute butt, y'know that? I never really tell you that enough." He grinned and squeezed the firm muscles, he didn't want to really turn Axel on, his poor little hole had been pounded into three times already today and it was sore, but that had never really stopped the two of them before. He simply wanted to compliment the male on being fit and having such a nice set of buns underneath his jeans, not get him all riled up, though that was bound to happen anyway knowing Axel. He didn't know what was so addicting about Roxas, but whenever they kissed, Axel was always leaning in for more. On their first dates together, the atmosphere had been a little more than awkward, and if the redhead remembered correctly, he recalled that the blond had been intimidated by him most of the time. Who could blame the kid ? Now, they were on very comfortable terms with each other. Axel smirked and ground his hips forward when Roxas squeezed his ass, chuckling, "Yeah ? Well, thanks, babe. I think you've got a nice ass, too. But you know, I have a lot more curves going on down there than people take me for." It was true. Axel was toned, but he was also curvy in a very odd sort of way. He loved Roxas' ass he really did. Usually, he'd catch other students staring at his baby's bum, but he'd take advantage of the moment and wind his arms around his boyfriend to reach down and squeeze both cheeks possessively while smirking deviously over the blond's shoulder at the lookers. He loved slipping his hands down Roxas' back pockets in public mostly because he was always making sure that everyone knew he owned it. Oh, it was disgusting how much of a nervous wreck little Roxas was on his and Axel's first date. It was not only his first date with a boy, but his first date ever and he had no idea of what to do, it didn't really help that it was with Axel nonetheless. He had heard about his reputation with people before and he swore to never even give the redhead the time of day, unfortunately he had some manners so when Axel began talking to him in school, he spoke back. He couldn't remember how long it took after they began talking for him to be asked out, but he knew it wasn't very long. Their first few dates were most certainly awkward, mostly because of Roxas' shyness at first, but he eventually got over it, Axel coaxed him out of his shell and he was finally comfortable, much like he was now. "I know, I like to squeeze it when you fuck me." He laughed slightly, leaning up to kiss the male's lips once more. "I also stare when you're bending over sometimes." He wasn't embarrassed that he was admitting this really, the male had a nice ass! He was allowed to look. Their first few dates together had been nothing but awkward. He was obviously proud of the fact that they had come so far in a time span of two years that was showing improvement. He remembered how shy Roxas had been before he became who he was now, and he recalled how hesitant the boy had been about having sex for the first time. Oh, it had been pure bliss to take Roxas' virginity ... his ass had been so tight then that he couldn't even fit the tip of his cock inside without using half of the bottle of lube. A bit of fingering and massaging did the trick to loosen up those tense nerves, and it had been smooth sailing from there. "Sometimes ?" he teased, chuckling softly and kissing the other boy's cheek once. He tickled his sides for a reaction and nuzzled him affectionately, whispering, "You should be staring at it all the time, babe. It's flattering when you stare down at my cock, too." Roxas knew he had a big package while others could only guess without seeing it firsthand. Ah, so Axel sort of knew that he stared whenever it was possible? That was a bit embarrassing. "Axy, stop!" He squealed as his sides were tickled and he wriggled beneath the male. He gulped as the male mentioned that he noticed when he stared at his crotch. That was even more embarrassing than being caught when he stared at his rear. "Well...uh..." A pink tint spread over Roxas' cheeks as he tried to come up with an excuse. "It's just that...I like your cock and all and...yeah." He gently shoved the redhead that was on top of him, but not hard enough to throw him off. "Shut up, it's not like you don't stare at my ass! Hell, you grope it in the hallways when people are looking at us!" He accused the male with his eyes narrowed, but he truly didn't mind when Axel groped him, in fact he rather enjoyed it. Adorable. Roxas was just the epitome of all things cute and cuddly. As soon as his boyfriend blushed, Axel heartily laughed and excused the blond's slight perversion with a peck to the nose, his shoulders shrugging freely as if he was happily admitting his guilt. "I love your ass, Roxas ... It's so small and squeezable ... and tight ... It even has volume " he trailed off, his thoughts already drifting off to squeezing his boyfriend's soft buns in his hands. His public displays of affection were mainly performed to allow other people to know that Roxas was taken. Some ignorant people who didn't keep up with the latest gossip didn't know anything about Axel and Roxas dating, so he always took the liberty of letting them know. With a wheezy sigh, he placed another kiss on his boyfriend's lips and lifted himself off of him, knowing that they would have to actually go somewhere before it would get too dark. Dinner sounded great about now, and Axel was really in the mood for spaghetti. Roxas smiled proudly as Axel listed off all the good things about his derriere. He did have a rather nice one and he was damn proud of it, he didn't do all those squats simply for his health! He laughed slightly as the male kissed him and finally got off of him. "I know all those things Axy, I've played with it many a nights when I didn't have you." He teased, leaning up to nibble the man's ear lobe for a quick second before stepping away with a smile. "We should eat though, I'm hungry and I'm sure you're starving too, we didn't even have breakfast this morning." Usually he would make the two of them some sort of meal when he stayed over at Axel's, whether it be something so simple as a bowl of cereal or a fruit parfait to the full blown pancakes, eggs, and sausage. Well, either her or Axel would make it, whoever seemed to wake up first. He grasped the male's hand and tugged him towards the door. "C'mon, let's go find that Italian restaurant." He absolutely despised it when Roxas talked about how he had masturbated without him ! It was such a shame that he couldn't see Roxas moaning all by his lonesome while he fingered himself or shoved all sorts of objects similar to the size and thickness of his shaft to replicate the feeling. Why couldn't he be there those times ?! He huffed when the blonde nipped his ear and withdrew, his hands stopping in mid air as they tried to grasp his boyfriend and stop him from going too far away from him. Nowadays, he just suffered an unhealthy obsession, and he had developed a loneliness complex because of him. At the mention of food, his stomach growled in compliance. He pat it down and followed Roxas, nodding and sighing, "Yup. After all, you wanted that Lady and Tramp date, huh ?" he grinned, stopping him from opening the door and pinning him up right there, one arm quickly wrapping around his waist to pull his ass back against his groin. "Roxas ..." he whispered seductively, grinding his clothed cock up against him tauntingly, "When we get back ... mmm ... I'm gonna have so much fun playing with that tight little hole of yours. " He loved when he teased Axel about all the times he masturbated, fingering himself and stroking his cock at the same time, groaning and moaning in pleasure all by his lonesome. His boyfriend got this look on his face usually that looked like a combination of disappointment and anger and it just made him feel good, it was kind of sick that it did, but he liked to know that Axel still loved to fuck him and got mad when he couldn't. His eyes began to sparkle a bit at the mention of the Lady and the Tramp date, he really did want that, but he was sure Axel wanted it a bit as well. "I do, so hur " He was interrupted by the male pinning him against the wall and grinding himself against his cute little bubble butt. At this moment all he wanted to do was turn around, pull Axel's pants down and go to town on his dick, but he knew how to play this game, he wasn't stupid. He shrugged the male off of him, pushing him away from his eager body. "We'll see." And with that he opened the door and stepped out, a large grin on his face as he walked towards the elevator. Roxas was definitely seeing things his way now, because he had just caught up with one of his tactics. Dumbfounded by the blond's rather persevering response, he followed him out the door and towards the elevator, slightly disappointed that he hadn't done much but cause his erection to stay at half mast. "That was cruel, babe," he airily chuckled, pocketing the card key in his wallet and slipping into the elevator. Thankfully, they were the only ones in it, so the redhead smirked and kissed his boyfriend roughly for rejecting him earlier. He pressed the first floor button and waited for the nauseous swerve of the elevator slowly begin its descend downwards. "Man, and I was thinking of buyin' you a cute little vibrator to play with while I'm not there ... and you just totally left me high and dry, you little rascal," he laughed, headlocking his boyfriend to noogie the scalp off of him. He allowed him to go free when the elevator doors opened to reveal a bunch of people wanting to go up. He pulled Roxas past them and breathed a sigh of relief, pointing towards where he had seen the restaurant earlier on their way in. Oh, he knew it was cruel, that was how he wanted it to feel. Axel teased him all the damn time when they were at school, at his house, in public, nearly everywhere! He needed to turn the tables at least once in their relationship or else he'd have to admit that he was cock whipped! He pulled away from the rough kiss with a smile as the elevator began it's descent. A vibrator? He bit his lip at the thought of such a thing inside his ass. God, it could be so much fun! He had considered buying one himself, but he was just a tad too young to be allowed into the 'adult' stores, unlike Axel who was like a kid in a candy store when he entered one. "You really wanna buy me a vibrator?" He questioned as he leaned up into his boyfriend's ear, gently biting his lobe once more as they headed towards the restaurant. "And...what would I have to do to get that?" He whispered into his ear, biting his lip again. Much like Axel, Roxas was a horny little thing, he just knew how to hide it better than the redhead. Axel had never tried at experimenting with toys with his boyfriend. It sounded like a fun suggestion, so he had looked into buying a vibrator for Roxas in his spare time. It slightly turned him on to go through the catalogue and read the vivid descriptions of just how one toy would pleasure a part of the body ... there were just so many god damned toys that it had been extremely difficult for him to choose one. He settled with one with bumpy ridges for heightened pleasure and a strong vibration unit. The thing was guaranteed to even squirm deeper by itself when turned on, and that was what he definitely needed for Roxas ... something that the blond wouldn't even have to touch for it to move on its own. It was slightly curved, too just for better prostate stimulation. He had actually ordered and received it in the mail, so it was sitting all nicely in bubble wrap back at the hotel. "Yeah," he promised with a sure smirk, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend's waist as he nipped his earlobe. "How about you just be your cute self for the night and I'll see what I can do ?" he reasoned, leading him into the restaurant and reserving a table for two. "I can do that." He grinned as they were seated at the table, two glasses of water set down for them along with a set of menus. He would never admit it, but he was excited to receive his vibrator. Roxas masturbated quite a bit to be honest, he was a horny teenager though so it wasn't like he didn't have an excuse, plus Axel worked what seemed to be at the most inconvenient times! Mainly, when Roxas was horny at that weird time in the afternoon. Sadly, his fingers were becoming less and less effective at getting him truly excited and it seemed as though only Axel had the equipment to truly bring him into that state of extacy, but perhaps this vibrator would work when the redhead was busy working? He sure as hell hoped so. "What should we get?" He questioned as his eyes scanned over the menu. The thing was filled with words he couldn't pronounce and things he couldn't even begin to imagine what the ingredients were so he was really hoping that Axel knew what the hell he was ordering. Axel never knew how many times Roxas spent his afternoons at home jacking off or fingering himself to thoughts of him, but he really wanted to be there all those times to help finish or watch from the sidelines. Roxas teasing himself sounded like the best alternative to porn no, it overruled erotic films in general. A vibrator was the perfect present for Roxas to reach the right spots without him, but he didn't want the blonde to start worshiping the toy more than he did his package. He had purposely bought a smaller sized toy for this reason, but it was still an effective vibrator. He scanned the menu with a frown, then glanced up at the busty waitress who came up to take their order. He couldn't help but stare at her ... rather large breasts for a second before realizing that her face was above that. "Uhhh ... you guys have ... just spaghetti with meatballs ? Like, a large plate of it so we can share ?" he asked, and she jotted it down without a word, asking if that was all for them. He nodded, knowing that they wouldn't really need to eat anything else. He handed her their menus, then saw her off, snapping his attention back to Roxas. "Why can't the women in our shit town be more like the ones here ?" he muttered, glancing over towards the small band that had just started to play. There were accordions included, of course. Roxas' brow raised as he watched Axel stare at the woman's rather large breasts. For some reason, boobs had no affect on the blonde like they had on nearly every other person on the planet. They were just sacs of milk or whatever the hell was inside of them, he didn't really care for them. "Why can't the women be more like that? Because you'd cheat on me more often. Stop staring." He muttered, looking down at the table and staring at it intently. He didn't like it when Axel noticed others than him. He knew that was ridiculous, he wasn't going to be the most attractive thing all the time, but he had a jealousy problem. He always feared that Axel would find someone better than him and it would most likely be a female, he just couldn't compete with them. That's why he wished Axel was fully gay instead of just bisexual, for all he knew he could just decide he liked pussy more one day and drop Roxas like a hot potato and that would just kill him. He really, really hoped that Axel never wanted children some day either, because that was something he really couldn't provide him. He wasn't going to lie he loved boobs. They were soft, squishy, and sometimes full of free milk . It was true if there were more women like that hot Italian waitress strutting her stuff around in highschool, he probably would have had difficulty securing his faithfulness to Roxas, but really Roxas was ... extremely hot. Even though the blond didn't have a set of voluptuous breasts, he did have a nice chest and a cute ass to top it all off. Plus, he was attractive face wise and had a great personality. Axel despised children with a passion, which was why he always wore two condoms when he had sex with women to prevent himself from becoming the father of a child someday. He never really liked fucking pussies, anyways it always turned out messy in the end. "Are you gonna let me touch your chest then ?" he teased, slipping into Roxas' side of the cushioned seats to press him lightly against the wall and ride his hands up his bare stomach and chest, his lips persistently sticking to the side of his neck. He tweaked a nipple and hungrily suckled on his collar, nursing to create a hickey. "You're the sexiest out there, Roxas ... god, no one turns me on as much as you do ..." he huffed hotly, rubbing his groin against his boyfriend's leg to prove his point. Why did the woman with the huge tits have to be their waitress? The day started out so perfectly and he thought it would end perfectly if only they had gotten someone hideous to be their server. He hated when shit like this happened, someone more attractive than him came along and Axel always made comments and shit, his tongue practically wagging and hanging out of his mouth. He knew his boyfriend loved him, he really did and he loved him back just as much, but sometimes he doubted how long his looks could keep him around. He couldn't help but wonder if Axel was getting bored of the current scenery. The boy sighed and slumped against the wall as he was groped and kissed by Axel. "Yeah, yeah I'm always the sexiest when I get angry. Stop touching me." He said firmly, pushing the male away and regaining his posture. "No one wants to see you humping me like a horny dog, me included." He knew how Roxas despised it when attractive people showed up in front of Axel just because he knew how weak the redhead was to people who were either pretty or handsome. With his friends, he had always made passing comments, and that habit had stuck him with even until now, though he knew that it was horrible for him to compliment another woman's charm while his boyfriend was there. When he was pushed away, Axel looked dejected for a second as if Roxas had slapped him across the cheek. His boyfriend had practically never demanded for him to 'stop touching him' before. It somewhat hurt him to see Roxas sit so stiffly and avoid his gaze as if nothing had happened, but he guessed he somewhat deserved that. "Roxy babe," he crooned, clutching his boyfriend's hand and kissing his cheek in an effort to swerve the blond's stubborn feelings around, "... Yeah, well, I won't touch ya out in public if you don't want me to." He could feel some tension rising between them, and he wanted it to go down before their date would be ruined. "You're sexy all the time, Roxas." he murmured. Roxas didn't like this one bit more than Axel did. He didn't like to be mean to his boyfriend, he didn't want to push him away and to stop touching him, but when he was pissed he just really wasn't in the mood to deal with the redhead's come ons. The strange thing was that he didn't even really feel that angry like he usually would be, he was just disappointed. Couldn't Axel keep his comments to himself for even just one dinner? He shook his head for a moment and sighed as his hand was taken and his cheek was kissed. He looked to the male's green eyes and stared for a moment. This was his Axel, his boyfriend who was a horny dog, but also one of the sweetest people he knew and he was supposed to love him, faults and all. As long as he didn't cheat on him he was allowed to find other people attractive, right? Hell, Roxas thought other people were attractive as well, they were just usually celebrities he would never meet in his life, not people passing him on the street. "Thank you." He nodded and leaned in to kiss the male's lips softly for a moment. He squeezed the male's hand and let out a slight sigh, leaning against his shoulder. "Just...don't say stuff like that around me, please? I don't like all. I don't like feeling like I look like shit, y'know?" Well, this dinner had surely been a learning experience for Axel. He was always vocal about his thoughts, but if Roxas wanted for him to change his behavior and shut up around him, then he would oblige because he despised receiving the cold shoulder from his boyfriend. He briefly glanced down at Roxas leaning his head on his shoulder, then mustered up the willpower to nod, swallowing his fiery urges to criticize Roxas' low self esteem problem too. "What just 'cause I think someone looks hot ?" he murmured, leaning his head back against the cushioned seats. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you that you're gorgeous and beautifuler than anyone out there ... to actually get you to believe me," he said, licking his upper lip to savor the taste on his own lips than to lean in to kiss Roxas again. "But I'll shut up, then," he murmured, moving away to take his own seat as the waitress returned with a basket of bread sticks for them to eat as appetizers. He casually thanked her and nudged the basket towards his boyfriend, urging him to take one first. Roxas could feel frustration rising up inside of him. Why did Axel always have to take everything to the absolute extreme? "I don't want you to shut up Axel, I never said that. It just makes me uncomfortable when you talk about how hot someone is or how'd you like to fuck 'em when I'm right here...the person you're supposed to want to fuck." Well, he knew Axel wanted to fuck him as well, Axel wanted tonfuck everybody if given the chance, but they were in a monogomous relationship and he couldn't take it if he knew Axel was screwing someone else, just a bit of his wrath was shown yesterday when he punched his boyfriend in the face with strength he didn't know he had. "I love you, I honestly do. I just wish you didn't voice how you want to fuck everyone else including me...sometimes I just think you'd rather be the owner of a harem than be with me. " He ignored the breadsticks for now, not really interested in eating. He really knew that this argument would end in vain with him sleeping on the couch that night, yet he felt as if he didn't tackle this dilemma head on, it would resurface again in the future. It was better to deal with their problems in Las Vegas and let them stay in this bustling town so they could start afresh in their dumb town. "I don't ... I don't tell you straight out that I wanna fuck them what the hell, Roxas ?" he grunted, his eyebrows furrowing with obvious resentment. Even he had a bit of self control as to know whether his comments were going a bit too far or not. "I know, so I said I'll shut up about those things," he mumbled, honestly wondering where this argument would end when it was going around in so many loopholes. Axel crossed his arms over his chest and stared straight at Roxas as if he had been frozen at that last statement. Be the owner of a harem ? "... What ?" Axel huffed in disbelief, his heart clenching painfully in his chest. He opened his mouth to speak, but he was just so ... hurt baffled whatever the proper term was, so he just sealed his lips and sighed. If he said something right there and then, he would have ruined this dinner for sure. It was true, Axel really never said that he wanted to fuck anyone other than Roxas, but he could tell that it was at least implied by some people when he made certain comments about them. In truth, some of Axel's comments were rather unnecessary, but the blonde was simply overreacting and being his rather flawed self. He had always been self conscious and a bit quick to come to conclusions which is probably the reason he had never dated anyone before Axel. In this case, it was a combination of the two, he was insecure enough to believe that Axel would want anyone else and came to the conclusion that if the other found another person attractive, he instantly wanted to fuck them. He looked down at the table and brought his hand up to squeeze and play with the skin between his collar bones, something he had always done when he was nervous or upset and just stayed silent for a few moments. "...I'm gonna go back to the room. I'm not hungry anymore." He muttered as he stood up and walked off in a hurry, not even thinking about how he didn't have a room key. So that was what Roxas really thought about him ? He thought he deserved to be a harem master rather than his boyfriend ? That alone pissed him off, but when the blond suddenly up and left without so much as an apology or a backwards glance, he really had to restrain himself from flipping the table over. The waitress came with the spaghetti, but he sat there seething with his fork carving the table underneath it for a good while until he asked one of the employees to wrap the untouched food for him. He would have to eat it later by microwaving it in their room ... if they were even going to sleep in the same room, that is ... Axel paid for the food, took the packaged spaghetti and stormed away towards their room, hoping to catch Roxas there before he could even think about running away. He hadn't spent his life's savings for their dream date to turn into a disaster. He even contemplated about going up there to face the blonde again, but he decided it was for the best to mend their relationship and walked down the hallway all by his lonesome to see that Roxas was outside of their room already. Figures he had the key. The words 'harem master' just haunted him, but ... he loved Roxas too much to allow that to get him blind with rage. For once, Axel chose not to let his brash side do the thinking. Instead, he set the spaghetti down and opened his arms. "C'mere, babe." he crooned, "I'm sorry about what happened down there ... I was being an asshole ... you know I love you, Roxas ... only you." Roxas felt like a total and complete ass. First he made a fool of himself by accusing Axel of wanting to be with other people and then when going back to the room so he could cuddle with a pillow under the covers in shame he forgot he didn't have a damn key card. He was truly an idiot. He looked up from his spot on the floor where he sat to see Axel there, being quite the angel and simply wanting to hug him, not yell at him. The boy nodded and got up, wrapping his arms around the redhead's chest, clinging to him as if his life depended on it. "I love you too." He breathed out as his eyes watered a bit and his breathing got that slight ragged sound. He couldn't believe that he was acting like such a woman about all this, but he couldn't help it, sometimes he just got a tad emotional. "It's my fault for being so goddamn stupid and insecure and shit...I mean you brought me here to Las Vegas 'cause you love me, not so you could find someone else." He rested his head on the male's chest and pulled him even closer, if possible. "I'm just sorry." Roxas' reasons were justified he should have blown a fuse back there because he totally deserved being forced to contemplate his decisions in all seriousness. This argument had become another light for them in the sense that they had both solved it quite well. Axel had been quick to apologize and Roxas had been even speedier to forgive. The redhead could have popped his lid off right in front of the blond and shared a piece of his mind with him, but for their vacation's sake, he hadn't, and he was deeply thankful that he hadn't allowed his fiery emotions to speak first. Roxas was so small in his arms that Axel had to somewhat bend down to fully hug him, but he breathed in his alluring scent and chuckled, "S'all forgiven, babe. Now, you wanna enjoy our spaghetti with some real music and without some Italian waitress to serve us, then ?" He detached from the embrace with one hand and brought up the packed food that was still warm. With his card key, he swiped and opened the door, stepping inside and checking the clock first. Seven. Two more hours until the fountain show outside ... Axel fiddled with the stereo system he had found next to the television, tweaking the buttons so he could land on some station playing orchestral music. Once a romantic rhythm flowed throughout the room, he set up two plates and expensive wine glasses on the table for two and set the spaghetti in the middle, snapping his finger. "We should have thought of this sooner " he grinned. Roxas felt as though quite the large weight was lifted off his shoulders when Axel held him close and told him that he was forgiven. Sometimes the boy just couldn't help himself when he got carried away with his little jealousy problem. He loved Axel with all of his heart and he was just so scared of losing him to someone more attractive or someone that he thought had a better personality or was more fun that sometimes it got the best of him and he hated himself when that happened, mainly because he acted like a jealous bitch. The boy really needed to work on controlling his emotions if he wanted to stay with the man, which he really, truly did. He smiled as he followed Axel into the room, swaying his hips lightly to the music before he sat down, his fork already reaching in to grab some spaghetti to his plate. "Yes, this is much better." He slurped up some of his spaghetti and smiled at Axel after he swallowed. "Thank you for this, I really am happy to be here." Axel was thankful that the dilemma had ended as soon as it kindled. He wasn't the peacemaker of most arguments, but because he didn't want their vacation to end up as nothing but a giant problem, he had persevered until the end. Roxas' jealousy issue was problematic sometimes, but he knew that the blond only cared because he wanted to be with him, and he knew how his boyfriend felt. However, the redhead didn't want his boyfriend to believe that there was the slightest chance out there that someone else might snatch him away from him. They were practically soul mates bound to each other by their hearts. Axel adjusted the stereo system and walked back to where Roxas was sitting, tilting the boy's chin up so he could lick a dabble of the spaghetti sauce that was on the corner of his lips. Maybe it was because it had been on Roxas' lips, but the sauce tasted delicious. "You should be. I'm just glad we worked things out ... what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right ?" he quoted, taking a comfortable seat on the other end of the table. He took a bit of the spaghetti and ate it to his heart's content, too, watching Roxas most of the time. He couldn't help but notice how cute he was sometimes ... no all the time Roxas might have already noticed that Axel really loved observing him from a close distance. "Roxas, you know I'm obsessed with you. Absolutely infatuated. It drives me crazy sometimes," he chuckled, hanging one arm over the back of his own chair. Roxas blushed lightly as his mouth was licked, embarrassed by the display of affection even though they were in the hotel room. Well, he was more embarrassed by the spot that he had left on his lips than the action. "Right." He agreed, nodding his head to the male's quote. As Axel observed him eat he couldn't help but smile just a tad. He had done it ever since they first began seriously dating and Roxas thought that it was the most adorable yet most embarrassing thing ever. He couldn't figured out why, but Axel just liked to study him for some reason and he didn't really seem to mind that much. He looked back to the male and nodded. "Yeah, I can kind tell you're infatuated with me, babe." He reached over and cupped the male's face, caressing his cheek softly with his thumb, bringing his thumb over to slide over his lips. "And I feel the same about you, I just hide it better." He said with a grin, pulling his hand back. It was so adorable how flustered the blond got over trivial things like these, but Axel supposed those little things were what really made the other boy so very cute. He licked his upper lip before Roxas caressed his face and ghosted his fingers over his mouth as if leaving a transparent kiss there. "Why hide it ? I want to know that you're obsessed with me," he cockily added, taking another loud slurp of his spaghetti after Roxas pulled his hand back. He couldn't believe that just a few minutes ago they had been on the verge of throwing each other out the window again. He was thankful once more that he hadn't allowed for his irrational thinking to get in the way of seeing what was truly better for them. Once he finished about halfway, he walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of light vodka, pouring the tangy raspberry flavored alcohol into both of their wine glasses. It was nothing so very intoxicating, but it did provide a bit of stress relief. He only poured a little bit for Roxas so he wouldn't gettoodrunk and took a swig of his own glass. "I learned a lot, though I mean, sometimes, you just don't like me being so forward. I get that," he explained, plopping back down onto his chair, "I won't manhandle you as much, then. I know you don't like it when I molest you in public." The blonde rolled his eyes at Axel's cocky remark. He wanted to know that he was obsessed with him? Well, seeing as he just told him, mission accomplished! This is one of the reasons that he loved Axel as much as he did though, they could go from being in a completely shitty mood and being mad at one another or even just being hurt like they both were to this, being undeniably in love again within seconds. Roxas brought his wine glass to his nose and sniffed the vodka that was inside. It smelled like raspberries! He absolutelylovedraspberries! He instantly chugged the alcohol down, his face squinting slightly as he swallowed. The shit fuckingburnedhis throat, but the taste was delicious nonetheless. He looked to Axel with a small smile, attempting to hide it with his transparent wine glass. "It's not that I don't like it when you touch me in's just a tad inappropriate when you start humping me in front of a nun like that one time at the movies." He couldn't help but look back at the memory fondly now, but at the time he was a tad mortified about the whole thing. Roxas wasn't a religious man by any means, but he didn't want to be disrespectful to anyone else's. "More." He said, offering his glass to Axel to fill. Usually, Axel fed off of attention, so he preferred that Roxas express that he was obsessed through his actions, maybe. He had already proved that he was more than a bit infatuated when the blond got super huffy over that innocent Italian waitress, so Axel was satisfied for the night. He watched Roxas again as he downed the wine like nothing, one eyebrow arching in surprise. He glanced down at his own filled cup and touched his lips to the brim, taking a short sip of it. Even though the label had said that the alcohol was lightly mild, it tasted strong as shit. He was already starting to feel the dizzying effects kicking in, and he was normally a heavy drinker. He picked up the half empty bottle and poured a little bit more for Roxas, already worrying what the drink could do to his lover with a low tolerance for alcohol. "You liked it anyways," he argued, not remembering a nun being there before. He had been too occupied with molesting his boyfriend in the theaters to really care about who was watching. If she was there, it had been her fault that she had turned around to look. He finished his spaghetti and took another sip of his fizzy drink, wandering over towards their nearly empty suitcase to bring out a small box and the bottle of lube he had packed. "Here," he muttered, tossing the packaged vibrator into Roxas' lap and placing the lube for later use on the counter, "Consider it another one of my many presents to give." Roxas blinked, his eyelids trying to close themselves as he suddenly felt very tired, but he wasn't going to go to sleep, not yet anyways. He hiccuped once and laughed slightly, his world suddenly spinning just a bit before he got used to it. Damn, was the alcohol really that strong? He wasn't going to worry about that now, he had a box in his lap, a pretty box at that! He picked up the box and opened it, not even paying attention to what the box said. He pulled out a flesh colored, cock shaped vibrator! His eyes lit up wide as he pushed the on button and it began to hum and shake in his steady hands, sounding as if a jet plane were taking off. He looked to his redheaded boyfriend and smiled wide at him, taking his wine glass in his other hand. "You are damn good to me." He laughed, tossing back the rest of his drink into his mouth and swallowing it all, his face scrunching up cutely once again. He stood up and leaned over to Axel, kissing him roughly and placing the vibrator in his lap. "Mm...use it on me, babe?" He laughed rather loudly as he pulled away, his breath smelling like wine and raspberries. He stumbled over to the bed, his fingers unzipping and unbuttoning his jeans. He kicked off his shoes and his pants fell down on their own accord as he walked, slipping out of them as he got to the edge of the bed. He looked back at Axel and bit his lip teasingly as he pushed down his boxer briefs, revealing his tight little ass to the male. He got on all fours on the bed, his head leaning into the mattress as he gripped his two cheeks and spread them, revealing his tight entrance to the redhead. He was actually quite proud that he had gotten Roxas something he could use when he was lonely without him. Possibly in the future, he'd need it a lot more ... Axel couldn't be there for him everyday, and that was what saddened him at that moment. Roxas looked so delighted over something so materialistic, but this was important to him. Because he wasn't quite the 'receiver' of the relationship, the sight of another dildo used for penetration didn't really turn him on as much as it would if it was stuffed in Roxas' tight ass. "You're really going to crash hard if you drink so much," he scolded, almost tempted to snatch the wine cup away from him for fear of the other boy losing too much of his self control. Who was he kidding ? Roxas got so deliciously horny when he was drunk. He pressed his lips back with much vigor when the boy requested that he use the vibrator on him. "I don't think I'll have to," he chuckled, trusting the vibrator to fuck his boyfriend by itself. As he watched Roxas tumble back with his pants down, he licked his upper lip and approached him like a hungry predator. Axel picked up the lube, squirted a bit on the tip of the vibrator, then nudged it softly against his lover's entrance teasingly, moving it up and down as he always did before penetration to loosen the muscles there. "You look so hot with your ass in the air like this, Roxas ..." he crooned, secreting more of the clear goo onto Roxas' sensitive hole before actually poking the tip in. "Mmm ..." he moaned as he felt the other boy's ass suck it right in, and once it was halfway in, he switched on the vibrator and watched it dig in by itself, even squirming in circles to stimulate Roxas' prostate. Maybe Roxas really shouldn't have downed the alcohol so quickly, especially since he was such a lightweight and a seasoned drinker would have some trouble handling so much so fast. Oh well, what was a weekend in Las Vegas without a mistake or two? Besides, he felt fine right now! So obviously there were going to be no consequences whatsoever to this, at all. The boy gasped softly as he felt the cool lube from the tip of the vibrator against his sensitive hole, thankfully his drunkenness had taken some of the soreness away from his hole, even though Axel had taken him three times that day, two times pretty damn rough. "Mm...thank you Axy, you always look hot, especially when your dick's inside of me." He hiccuped after he said this, laughing softly. He bit his lip again as more of the cool gel was applied to his little entrance, moaning softly as he opened wide and sucked the tip in like a greedy whore. Once Axel turned the vibrator on the boy thought he was going to scream in pleasure. He never expected it to begin to fuck him on it's own! "G God....Axel..." He groaned loudly, his hips thrusting lightly as his cock twitched. "F Fuck..." He breathed out as he began to thrust his hips into the mattress, grinding his length against the sheets. The vibrator really had been worth the wait and money. The vibrations were going strong and holding out, and by the looks of it, Roxas seemed to be enjoying himself. This would definitely help for the blond to keep himself occupied while he wouldn't be here. This was so hot. Finally, he was seeing Roxas moan and squirm as if he was absolutely lost in pleasure. He wasn't even touching him, and Roxas was already so close to his climax. He could tell by the way he was crazily humping the sheets as if he was fucking something himself. "Y Yeah ... Roxas, say my name ..." he whispered, "Imagine me making love to you, babe." Axel skimmed his fingertips over the boy's rear and gently caressed his sides, finally freeing his own erection and letting it pop out between his zippers and over the waistband of his boxers. He crawled right in front of Roxas' face and tilted his chin up, spreading his legs slightly so that he would be able to reach his erection. "Suck me off, Roxas ..." he growled, combing his fingers through his boyfriend's hair and tugging his head forward so that the tip of his cock touched the blond's plump lips. Roxas was already imagining that it was Axel behind him, fucking him gently just like the vibrator was. The only problem was that Axel's cock was much nicer than the vibrator and a lot bigger and thicker, still, he wasn't going to deny that it felt amazing. He couldn't even begin to describe how he felt at the moment, the tip of the vibrator was directly on his prostate and the added sensation of it rotating and vibrating was driving him wild, not to mentioned the added pleasure of the soft sheets sliding across his cock as he thrust into the bed. The boy's mouth practically watered as he was presented the redhead's massive length to suck and stroke as he pleased while he was getting fucked. This must be fucking Heaven. His hands wrapped around his boyfriend to grip at his toned ass and his mouth opened and he engulfed the head into his warm, wet mouth. Soon, his tongue began to swirl round and round, sliding across the slit teasingly. It was incredibly arousing to see Roxas so vulnerably sprawled out in this position with his stuffed rump in the air. From where he was, he could see the end of the vibrator swirling like it had a mind of its own, and the buzzing sounds it gave off was enough to drive him insane. Plus, Roxas was making a lot of noises, too, and he assumed that it was very pleasurable on his boyfriend's end. When the blond possessively gripped his ass, he sucked in his breath and tilted his head back at the first wet contact Roxas' lips made with the tip of his erect cock. The friction was intensifying, and in no time at all, his member had turned rock stiff. He wanted to be in the vibrator's position more than anything. "Mmm, yeah ... you look so damn sexy, Roxas ..." he softly chuckled, lifting his hips slightly to thrust into his boyfriend's hot mouth. The tip of his sensitive prick was throbbing and burning, and every time he glanced back to where the vibrator was fucking his boyfriend, he had to swallow down an urge to take its place. "You wanna feel really full, babe ?" he whispered, moving up to the back as he slowly pulled out the squirming vibrator and leaned over to press the buzzing object against the blond's twitching cock. Now that the toy had loosened up his lover's ass, it was easy for Axel to grip Roxas' hip with one hand and pound his length into him. "Sh Shit ... mmm, you're so eager to suck me in ..." he teased, giving his boyfriend's plump cheek a smack for a pleasurable jolt. This was heaven. Pure heaven to Roxas, he was sure of it. He was in absolute bliss at the moment as he got to suck on his boyfriend's lovely cock and be fucked by a vibrator. There was just nothing better! Of course the alcohol made everything feel a bit better by numbing most of the pain he would have felt from his sore entrance so that was a plus. He eagerly sucked on the tip of the male's cock as he began to lift his hips slightly, forcing more of his length into the boy's mouth, coating it in his saliva. His brows raised as Axel asked if he wanted to feel really full. What kind of question was that? Of course he did! The vibrator was great and all, but it was nothing compared to Axel's length and girth. He gasped as the redhead pulled his dick out of his mouth and the vibrator out of his ass, now feeling rather empty until it was placed against his own length. "Axy..." He pouted, looking behind him with puppy dog eyes, as if he were begging him to stick his cock inside of him. It seemed as though his wish was met as Axel gripped his hip and then suddenly his ass felt full once more, all nine inches sheathed inside of him. Roxas gripped the sheets and moaned into them, his face resting against the mattress. "Fuck me...please..." He begged, thrusting his ass back against the male's pelvis, his back arching as his ass was swatted. That was what he had wanted to hear all along. Even with the vibrator, Axel thought that Roxas' moans were too quiet and weak for him to fully enjoy hearing. So when he impaled himself on the other boy, the redhead was granted with the sounds he had been yearning to hear. When his nine inches were engulfed completely, he felt the other boy's tight ass close all around him like a warm sheath, and every time he pulled back and rammed back in, the pleasure heightened and Axel couldn't help but groan as if he was undergoing an orgasm already. He leaned over his boyfriend and kissed the top of his ear tenderly, keeping their bodies meshed together so that they would be able to feel each other's body warmth as they fucked and made love. He dropped the vibrator and let it rumble all by itself on the sheets, then he grasped the back of Roxas' hand and laced their fingers together. Even though he was drunk, he was still half conscious. "Roxas ... I love you." he whispered, wanting to let the other boy feel just what he had been confessing. He grunted and surged forward again, ending another one of his strong thrusts with a lewd and wet slap. "Nngh...Axy..." The boy said softly as he felt their hands becoming intertwined. He shouted in pleasure as the male thrust so roughly into him, his balls slapping against him and the smack of their bodies crashing together making quite the erotic noise. "Oh...god..." He breathed in heavily after the thrust and looked back to Axel. "I love you fuck me like your life depends on it." He grinned at the male slightly, pushing his ass back as far as it could go until it was smushed against his lover's pelvis. "I need it..." Roxas really did get incredibly horny when he was drunk and since he was a bit past drunk at this point from downing the liquor so quickly, he felt unlike he ever had before, he felt the need for Axel's cock, to feel it slamming in and out of him and he wanted it bad. He didn't think it could be possible for the other boy to manipulate his words and make it sound as if it didn't matter. Roxas returned his 'I love you' but shortly after he was moaning quite like the horny slut wanting more and more. He wanted to make Roxas completely breathless after this fuck he wanted the blond to rely on him for support and transportation. Axel sucked in his breath as his boyfriend pushed his ass back onto his pelvis, feeling the tip of his throbbing cock reach the hot insides of his lover's cute rear. He didn't think it was possible for nine inches to be embedded so deeply and completely like this. "All right ... bite down onto something, babe," he warned, harshly flipping Roxas around with his cock still inside of him and splitting his legs apart, jerking his hips down all the way so his ass smacked against his pelvis once again. He wanted to see Roxas' face contort in pain and pleasure. He held his boyfriend's thighs open and fucked him in the missionary position, leaning over slightly so that he could ram him faster and deeper than before, the slaps sounding very rushed. Axel was going ridiculously fast that the mattress rocked and creaked madly under them, and his hips were even starting to get sore, and his jaws gritted together to keep up his godly pace. "Fuck ... R Roxas ..." he panted. When Roxas was drunk he was usually capable of having three feelings at most. Right now all he was capable of feeling was lust for the man who was fucking him and he was perfectly fine with that, unlike Axel who wanted this to be a rather tender moment, which the blonde just wasn't comprehending at this point. He yelped as he was flipped over and his legs were spread wide. He loved it when Axel was rough like this, he loved to be dominated in bed. In everyday life, if Axel tried to be rough and play fight with him or anything, he'd probably just kick him in the balls and be done with it, but in bed his boyfriend was allowed pretty much free reign and it's obvious that Axel enjoyed it. He of course didn't get the chance to bite down on anything and he instantly groaned and moaned, constant moans of pleasure spilling from his mouth as his prostate was pounded into by Axel, his lover. "Axel! Fuck!" He shouted between the smacking of their hips. He grasped his cock and jerked it madly, not even coming close to the impossible rhythm that Axel had set. Axel really was a natural sex god. He had incredible stamina and astounding technique when it came to romping around in bed, and that was why he was a slut magnet in school. Rumors had already spread around that he had an impressively sized dick, and of course, the girls were more than a bit willing to see to this innocent gossip for themselves. However, that cheerleading bitch had been the only one to really have sex with him without fleeing in fear, but she had only taken up a half of his cock in. Roxas always received it hard, fast, and brutally. All nine inches sheathed and jerked out at a blinding pace the whole time, yet the blond moaned as if he wanted more. Roxas was amazing in bed because he was a great receiver, and they matched each other very well. Axel responded to his lover's groans with his own grunts, spreading his meaty cheeks wide with his hands so he could properly see his hips being close to enough to touch that sweet crevice and pull out all the way. "You like that, Roxas ... ? Nnngh ... feels so good ... so ... fucking sexy ..." he huffed, leaning over to bite the blond's shoulder and reach around to pick up the buzzing toy, pressing the still lubed tip closer to Roxas' stuffed hole. When it touched his member, he sucked in his breath. His cock was vibrating when the vibrator touched it, and the buzzes were transferring over into Roxas' ass, making such a pleasurable feeling that he thought he was going to burst so soon. Roxas didn't view himself as a sex god. He was simply a boy who after quite a few times of taking it and quite a lot of lube, was able to accommodate Axel's quite large dick. He was quite literally terrified of the redhead's length when he first saw it spring out from his boxers that amazing night in his bedroom when they first had sex. He expected the male to have a pretty average length, six inches if he was lucky, but nine goddamn inches to stick in his virgin ass? If there was a god he had a rather sick sense of humor when it came to Roxas' sex life. Thankfully the dick was connected to Axel who treated him with respect their first time and took it as slow as humanly possible which certainly helped quite a bit, which Roxas was relieved about. He had expected his ass to split in two, but instead the redhead slid in without too much trouble and then the rest was history, the little blonde was practically addicted to sex with Axel, the way he was being fucked right now being an example of that. " it..." he panted, his back arching as his shoulder was bit into. Axel obviously knew exactly what Roxas liked and when he liked it and now he wanted it rough. He continued to jerk his own cock frantically as the redhead thrust into him, a loud moan evoked from his mouth as the vibrator was pressed to his little entrance, causing even more pleasure to spread throughout his body. "Ax...Axel...gonna cum!" The words were slurred, but he was sure that the message was clear as his body completely shook and he let out animal like grunts and groans as his tip erupted and his warm load shot out, coating his still moving fingers and hitting the sheets beneath him. The friction was driving him to the brink of insanity. Every time he pulled back, a surge of his hot seed felt as if it was being milked out of his member, and whenever he jerked his thick cock back into Roxas' tight ass, he felt the warmth closing all around him like a hand that was grasping his erection firmly. Now that he was going at a merciless pace, Roxas' ass was squeezing together much tighter than before, giving him enough pleasure to tip him over the edge. He heard his boyfriend whine and squirm under him, and he held him still like an animal holding its partner down during mating, then accelerated his thrusting to the best of his ability, using the last of his stamina to pound into him like there was no tomorrow. When Roxas came, the boy's delicious screams caused Axel to shout out his lover's name and explode his load like a broken hose. A wave of pleasure crashed over his body, and he momentarily went limp against Roxas, switching the vibrator off with a huff. "Fuck ... that was amazing ..." he whispered, groaning softly as he flipped Roxas onto his back and kissed his lips tenderly, pulling out with a loud squelch and a soft pop. Amazing was an understatement, it was fucking amazing if anything. Axel's stamina and thrusts alone would have brought him to the edge but the addition of the vibrations just made him cum quicker and harder. "Nngh...Axel..." He sighed as he was flipped and kissed, running his hand through the male's red mane. His eyes were glossy and he couldn't really focus on one certain thing because he was rather tipsy, so his eyes just seemed to wander, but he attempted to keep them locked with Axel's emerald orbs. "I love you." He leaned up and pressed his lips to the male once more as he squirmed a bit as the redhead's cum began to leak out of his entrance and leaking onto the sheets and his thighs. "Ya came lots..." His words were slurred as he spoke, but he was a bit too oblivious to realize it. Amazing really was an understatement. Axel had never been disappointed during sex with Roxas, and every time they finished, the male's body was always glistening with a layer of sweat to prove that he had been working and giving his boyfriend his all. It was important for both the receiver and giver to have chemistry to feel pleasure on both ends. He had been meshing bodies with this blonde for about two years now, and every single fleeting moment seemed like the first. He could never get tired of this this heat and passion. Axel caressed Roxas' naked body and tenderly kissed his boyfriend's neck, reaching up to nuzzle his lips against his ear and inhale in the scent of his lover's hair. He just realized that he had everything on spare his cock that he had popped out between his zippers. No wonder he was so hot. "Love you too, babe," he whispered into his boyfriend's ear, running a hand sneakily down Roxas' side and fondling his thigh there. He really had cum a lot, because globs of his seed were oozing out of Roxas' tight hole now, spilling onto the sheets and staining it with a clear puddle. And then there was the cum that had splattered over his boyfriend's hand which he licked away like a starved cat, his lips curling into a soft smile. "Just for you, ya know ..." he huffed. The two of them really did have an incredible energy, they just clicked for some unknown reason, but the blonde was sure as hell happy that they did because he didn't want to feel anyone else inside of him, that was for damn sure. Roxas too noticed that Axel still had his clothes on and it made him rather annoyed, so he leaned up and took the male's waiter jacket off and threw it across the room. "I wantchu naked..." Once again he slurred his words as his brow knitted together, pulling the redhead's shirt over his head with only minor difficulty. "So sexy..." He murmed, looking up to Axel with a smile as he leaned forward and kissed the male's chest, unbuttoning his jeans and attempting to pull them down, stopping once he realized that Axel's cock still hung out through the slit in his boxers and he felt entirely too lazy to stuff it back in at the moment. "You do it " He whined, falling back upon the sheets and stretching out lazily, a bit more cum dripping from his abused hole. It was so freaking adorable how tipsy Roxas was when he didn't have his consciousness in full check. It was if he was half there, and the way he was slurring his words and acting more or less lazy was irresistible. Axel had downed a bit of that vodka too, but his body was strong enough to hold off that heavy dose for a bit, and he wasn't very much affected by its strength until later. He needed to drink at least ten cans of beer to be swinging around like a drunk hobo. At Lenina's party, he had actually scarfed down thirteen ... and everyone looked like Roxas to him then. So it hadn't been his fault that the blonde cheerleader looked likehisblonde ! Axel squirmed and allowed Roxas to do his work, wiggling out of his pants as he had been forced to. When Roxas gave up about halfway, he chuckled and pressed a firm kiss to his drunk boyfriend's cheek, pulling his boxers down completely to throw them off the side of the bed. Now that they were pressed together in their nude glory, he felt his boyfriend's heat. "Better now ?" he teased. "Mmm..." He nuzzled into Axel's neck as their naked forms pressed against one another. He spread his legs and let the male rest between there as a smirk spread across his lips and he grasped his muscled bubble butt, pushing him even closer against his crotch. "Think I'm drunk..." He laughed as he said this, leaning up to leave a sloppy kiss on his boyfriend's lips. Roxas always got horny when he had consumed alcohol and it was never a good thing, well, it was a really good thing if he was alone with Axel, such as he was now. " think I'm drunk, don't you?" He questioned, a slight blush staining his cheeks for seemingly no reason. He lightly spanked the male's ass and laughed loudly, biting his lip and looking up to Axel. When the boy got drunk he wasn't only horny, he was a bit aggressive as well. He loved being nestled between Roxas' legs like this. He could still feel their erections pressing against each other. His cheeks were being tinted a faint pink now, and his muscles were tensing again. When Axel was drunk, there was nothing that set him apart from a jackrabbit on PCP during mating season. He stared down at his boyfriend through half lidded eyes, then almost yelped when the blonde gripped his ass, pushing his hips towards him. "I don't think you're drunk. You are drunk," he purred, leaving a thick stripe of saliva along Roxas' neck and nipping his collarbone playfully. He jerked forward when the smaller boy spanked him, and he huffed, glaring down at his boyfriend. "If I fed you more of that vodka, you'd be fucking me," he laughed, glad that he hadn't. Their crotches felt relatively warm and sticky ... and he glanced down to see that Roxas' member was still wet with his cum. He glanced up at the blonde, then slid down like a ghost over his body, spreading his legs carefully. Experimentally, he licked a bit of the cum off his boyfriend's tip, then proceeded to fully give him head, suckling off the nearly dried cum with a soft hum. Roxas' mouth hung open as Axel accused him of being drunk. That was a terrible, horrible, and mean thing to do! He attempted to glare at the male but couldn't help but laugh because he knew that he was drunk, there really was no denying it. "Oh! Axy's maaaaaad !" He giggled loudly as the male glared angrily at him for spanking him lightly. He couldn't help but be giddy and laugh, Axel looked so cute when he got angry sometimes and he looked even more cute through vodka and wine goggles. He gasped as Axel suggested that he would actually be fucking the redhead. As if! In the two years of their relationship he'd never even gotten to touch the male's entrance! It wasn't as though he really minded though, he was more than happy to get fucked by Axel. Besides, he was a receiver, not a giver, but if it was Axel's birthday or something...maybe he'd finger him or something, but only if he really wanted it, though he doubted he did. "...Axy?" He questioned as the male dipped lower and spread his slim legs. What was he doi ?Oh. Roxas moaned as soon as his length was engulfed in the male's mouth, his hand reaching down to rest of his head, pushing him down further on his cock. "Axy..." When the other boy giggled, he couldn't help but look up from his work down between Roxas' legs and stare at his boyfriend with a bit of concern. It was adorable how loopy and slurred the blonde's words were, but his twisted personality was amusing to behold. It was as if Roxas had let go of his string of sanity that was keeping his mind together. He really didn't doubt that the other boy could top him if he had another bottle of that vodka. Axel was more of a giver than a receiver, and he was so very manly about preserving his pride, too. He didn't bend over for anybody not even Roxas. He didn't even want to try having something stuck up between his legs. All he knew was that it was pleasurable for Roxas' end during sex, and that was all he was satisfied with. God had provided him with a huge cock for a very good reason. He was meant to be a plowing machine, not an outlet for a plug. He felt Roxas' palm pushing his head down onto his cock, and he devoured it hungrily, swirling his tongue across the slit and licking the salty but sweetish cum away. He stroked it with his hand and popped his mouth off of the tip with a soft huff, grinning, "Mm, if I suck you off like this, you're gonna get even hornier ..." "Axy, stoooop ! I'm not gonna get horny!" The boy whined, for some reason a bit embarrassed by his cock becoming hard again so quickly by Axel's expert touches and mouth. The other male was always good at getting Roxas hard and horny, all he really had to do was take his shirt off or grind his hard cock against his ass, but when he was drunk all it really took were a couple of slight touches and his length was at full attention. Now, Roxas wasn't as well endowed as Axel was, hell, few men rarely were, but he didn't have a small dick or anything, he was a perfectly acceptable six and half inches. He was happy with his length, unless he was compared to Axel, then he was kind of put to shame. He didn't really mind though, like Axel he thought that the redhead was made for fucking and he was personally made for being fucked, which made them a perfect match. Despite telling his boyfriend to stop, the blonde eagerly lifted his hips slowly, pushing more of his length into Axel's hand. He found it a bit entertaining how the other boy was melting so perfectly into his touches and responding so well to his teasing. He licked the salty and sweetish cum off of the dick he was lapping up like a thirsty kitten, and when it was clean, he popped it into his mouth to suck out some more of Roxas' juice. Spreading his boyfriend's thighs a bit wider, Axel lathered two fingers up with the cum coated around his inner legs and nudged the tips against Roxas' hole, pushing it in slowly. He fingered him in a set rhythm, not focusing too much on the speed but rather how expertly he curved his tips to brush teasingly over the other boy's prostate. He pulled out only an inch before brushing in again, his lips pampering his erect cock with more lavish kisses. "Roxas, you look so sexy just spread out for me like that ... mmm, and the faces you make when I'm fucking you nice and slow ..." he purred deeply, scissoring both of his digits in and out to alternate and stretch out that tiny pucker a bit more. His back arched and his dick throbbed as Axel popped his member into his mouth. Could there be anything better than this? He looked down and locked his eyes in the redhead's emerald orbs and moaned softly. In his eyes he was sure there was no one sexier than his boyfriend, he looked like a model even while sucking him off! "Ah Axel..." he mumbled as the male's cum coated fingers slipped into his entrance with ease and began to tease his sensitive prostate. He ran his hand down his body and to his boyfriend's head, running his slim fingers through the redhead's mane. "Would you fuck me again if I asked kindly?" He questioned, his eyelids drooping slightly and his words coming out a bit mumbled. The alcohol was getting to him, but not bad enough to make him want to pass out, just enough to make him seem a tad loopy. He had thought that Roxas was too exhausted to go for another round, but with how cutely he was asking, Axel couldn't bring himself to refuse. "You don't have to ask, babe," he grinned, feeling up his inner thighs gently as if he was some prized porcelain antiquity. He stopped fondling his erect cock, then slipped out his fingers, loving how it squelched out so easily because of the cum he had shot up there earlier. "I think you're too full to take me in again," he teased, lifting Roxas' legs and pressing his knees down near his chest so he could have his fresh ass exposed to him. He locked them down with the marrow of one arm and probed his tiny hole with his free hand, shoving his fingers in and out to draw forth the cum that was now leaking freely onto the sheets. Unable to contain his own urges, he rubbed the tip of his glistening cock against that dripping hole again, spreading Roxas' legs a bit so his cheeks would spread. With one firm push, his tip was inside again, and he groaned, inching himself in little by little as his body leaned over his boyfriend's form beneath him. "Now," he huffed, smirking, "You could turn me on even more and beg me to move." A large smile spread across Roxas' face as Axel agreed to fucking him a second time. He didn't know what it was, well, it was more like he didn't want to admit that it was the alcohol, but he was just so horny all of a sudden and all he wanted was to feel his boyfriend inside of him, their bodies crashing together, and then finally Axel's heavy load inside of him. He giggled softly as the redhead mentioned all the cum that was already inside of him. A groan escaped his throat as his knees hit his chest he was suddenly very thankful that he was flexible. "There's not that much cum, is there?" His brow raised and he bit his lip, trying to lift his head a bit to see, but it instantly fell back as soon as Axel quickly thrust into him with his fingers, drawing out even more of his seed. "Maybe there is..." He giggled softly as he felt the liquid seep out of his tiny hole. "Axel!" He gasped loudly as the male thrust into him with his cock, only the head in at the moment but more and more filling him with each second, well, until Axel stopped that is. The blond was about to grab Axel's ass and force him inside, but he figured that would be too much work considering he was feeling rather lazy at the moment. Besides, if he turned his boyfriend on even more that could only mean good things for him, right? He looked up to the male, locking their eyes together and giving him a slight pout as he bit his lip. "Please Axy...I want it...want you to fuck me hard. Please?" He pleaded with the male, his hand reaching up and caressing the male's cheek while his other slid behind Axel and grasped his rear, giving it a rough squeeze. It was almost surprising how tipsy and a bit lively Roxas could be even though he was completely wasted. The frail blond usually didn't last past the first round, but on few nights, Axel was fortunate enough to fuck his boyfriend with a full stamina. Now seemed like a very promising moment for the both of them. When he was lodged inside, he felt Roxas' fleshy walls close all around him, engulfing his throbbing cock in his warmth. "Mmm, since you asked so nicely, babe," he purred, leaning down to kiss his boyfriend's pouting lips once before he jerked forward all the way as the other boy groped his ass. He rolled his hips a bit, then pulled out slowly, letting Roxas just adjust to his size first. He held up his lover's legs so he could have easier access, then when his length was about five inches out, he slammed everything back in with a loud grunt. His heavy sac was slapping against Roxas' ass, and in a short moment, he was surging forward again, rocking himself over his boyfriend and pounding him consecutively with mad thrusts. Lewd slaps filled the air, and he bit down on Roxas' neck, nipping his earlobe playfully with soft huffs. "Mmm, scream for me, Roxas ... Y Yeah ... let them all hear you," he huskily growled, gripping his nails into his boyfriend's thighs to give it his maximum effort until he was slamming into Roxas like an uncontrollable power tool. Roxas slid his hands to Axel's back, grasping at his skin there as his boyfriend worked his magic on his tight hole. Axel knew just what to do, knew just how to drive the small blonde beneath him wild with lust. "Axel..." he moaned softly, his walls clenching down around the male's length. He gripped the sheets next to his head, his arms laid out on either side of him as the redhead thrust into him madly. His head was swimming in alcohol, but he could feel everything that Axel was unleashing on him, all of the pleasure and the slight amount of pain at the beginning. His eyes were beginning to close as he became lost in the pleasure, but they instantly flew open as the redhead gripped his nails into his skinny thighs. "Axel!" He screamed, his own nails digging into the male's back. The boy wasn't screaming out of pain, but out of extreme pleasure. His boyfriend had rarely gone this hard and fast on him before, mainly because it probably wore him out, he seemed to be moving as fast as a jackhammer on crack and slamming into the poor blonde's prostate with twice as much force as a wrecking ball. "F Fuck!" He loved how easily Roxas' body bent underneath his hands like something rather fragile and malleable. He could thrust into that warm heat all night and still be fucking him in the morning. Every time Roxas screamed out his name, another wave of adrenaline crashed his system, and he forced himself to drive in deeper and faster with every jerk of his hips. He was literally hammering Roxas into the sheets, his hips pounding down on the smaller body. His massive cock was popping out and drilling back in mercilessly, probably ripping Roxas' tight ass in half with how brutal he was taking him. "Ughhhhh, yeah, you like that, baby ? Mmmm, yes you're my bitch, Roxas," he growled, huffing hotly against his boyfriend's neck as he continued to fuck him wildly, the mattress creaking insanely underneath their weight. He didn't know he had this much power, but Axel had fucked Roxas enough to have godly hips by now. He could last quite a while without tiring out, which was good considering Roxas always wanted him to hold out and 'never stop'. A thin coat of sweat lined his body, and he panted against Roxas' glistening collarbone, moving one trembling hand to pinch and twist a nipple. "God ... F Fuck ..." he grunted, shoving himself in completely with one hard thrust to send his first helping of sperm through. He sat up a bit, held apart Roxas' legs, then jerked his hips slowly, picking up his pace again. "You feel it all up your ass, Roxas ? Fuck ... so messy ..." He was going to break. There was just no other way to describe him at the moment, he felt as though he was going to rip in half from the pleasure and the force that Axel was unleashing upon him. What Axel said was true, at this moment he was his bitch. He would do anything for Axel at the moment, not that he normally wouldn't, but with the alcohol and with what the redhead was doing to him, he would do anything for him. With the light sheen of sweat from the heavy activity and Axel's hot breath on his neck, not to mention the hot cock inside of his tiny pucker, the boy felt as though his body was completely on fire. As soon as he thought that Axel was finished with the final thrust and the hot cum that now filled his abused hole, Axel was already again picking up his pace. Roxas's eyes widened for a moment could Axel really continue like this? He personally wasn't going to push him off and was rather happy to take him all night, or at least for as long as he could stay awake. "Yes Axel...I feel it." He giggled lightly, leaning up for a moment to kiss his lover's lips before falling back to the mattress. "I want all your cum inside of me by the end of the night. Fuck me, please." The last three words sounded particularly needy, as if the boy required Axel's cock inside of him to function at the moment. Already though as Axel pulled out, his cock was covered with his still warm cum and some was leaking out of Roxas's hole. Like an active machine, he was constantly up for more. Picking his weight up to jerk his hips in a steady rhythm, he allowed the natural lubrication to ease his thrusts, finding that Roxas' hole had been stretched enough to allow him entrance easier. When he felt that shy kiss upon his lips, he just grinned and pampered his face with pecks, playfully and darkly chuckling against his neck as he heard his boyfriend's adorable giggle. He could tell that Roxas was still high off of the alcohol, and he was a bit tipsy too, but his tolerance for a drink wasn't as low as the blonde's. "Mmm ... you're so cute, Roxas," he murmured, weakly slapping their crotches together as he milked out whatever he had left and deposited it into his lover's ass. He licked his upper lip, feeling the white goo ooze out of the hole he was so brutally fucking, and he glanced down for a brief moment, huffing. It was so god damned messy down there he had literally cummed a load. "Shit, Roxas ... You're all caked," he whispered, reaching down to take a bit of the cum. Moving his finger up to his lips, he licked it off seductively, then softly moaned, leaning down slowly over Roxas. Then, with a silent smirk, he moved his hips again, gripping the sheets as he picked up his pace thrust after thrust. "You're much sexier than me though, Axy." He said with a smile as he was showered with soft, quick kisses from his boyfriend. "With your body, your devilish personality, your, I'm so lucky." And the boy truly felt like he was the luckiest little homo on the planet because he got to experience his sexuality with Axel, the god of sex. He squirmed slightly as the male crashed their crotches together, his tight hole milked the male's length and he got the last bits of cum from his cock. "Nn, I much cum inside of me, Axy. I think I'll be full for days." He giggled softly as more of the male's creamy load seeped out of the boy's rear. He watched Axel carefully as he scooped up a bit of his own cum and licked it off of his finger. The boy's mouth dropped slightly and he moaned seductively. "Fuck...that was so hot, Axel." He bit his lip softly as the male grasped the sheets right next to his head, gasping loudly as he began to thrust into him again. "Sex is always so damned hot with you," Axel purred, jerking his hips in one smooth thrust to find that he really had loosened Roxas quite a bit after their numerous excursions. He slowly withdrew, letting the pinkish tip of his member close his puckered opening with a soft squelch. He kissed his boyfriend's cheek and just hovered over him for a while, fiddling with his honey blonde hair. "You're such a cute little slut," he grinned, sitting up slightly so he could spread the boy's legs and gawk at the mess that he had made. It was so arousing to see his cum splattered all over Roxas' full cheeks and that soft pink entrance of his. "Did you like that, babe?" he whispered, playfully slapping his thigh, "You like having your ass filled?" Roxas stayed silent as Axel withdrew his length and bit his lip as the familiar feeling of emptiness took over. He could feel the male's cum seeping out of him and couldn't help but smile just a bit, knowing that he was full of Axel's cum. It turned him on even more than he already was. He was going to protest when Axel called him a slut, but...well, he had just been fucked numerous times and had cum seeping out of his ass maybe he was a slut. "I'm your slut though." He said, leaning up to gently run his fingers across Axel's cheek. He was going to lean up to kiss him but he found himself far too lazy and drunk for that at the moment. "How bad is it?" The boy asked as Axel surveyed the damage he did to his poor little pucker. He felt like he had cum everywhere down there and that was probably true. It felt like it was going about a third the way down his thighs. He loved it though. He loved when Axel came inside of him and filled him to the brim. It was the greatest example that he belong to the redhead and nobody else. "I loved it." He muttered, a small smile on his face. "I love having your cum inside messy though." He said with a slight laugh, more cum dripping out of him.
Under the Sea (seduced2cheat and Candira)
Music. Gently floating through the air, violently cutting through silence, gracefully soothing the souls of those who choose to listen. It has the power to excite, the power to mellow, the power to lighten the load of others or add to it. Emotions attach themselves so easily to the melodies and the words that are soon added. It has the strange power to attract strangers or make people turn away. It also has the potential to carry through different worlds.The Sirens of the ancient seas, the gospel chorus of the churches, the pop singers of today all have one thing in common: the power to touch others with sound. The power to lift a celebration to the utmost pinnacle of jubilation. It was music that inspired the mermaids of this world to venture out into the place of humans. To disappear from Atlantica and join the overworld in moments of triumph and sadness, and to lend their voices to sooth aching souls.This is the story of a mermaid who became more than a simple myth. She became flesh and blood and so much more to a man that hadn't realized just how much he needed someone to sooth his aching heart, and someone to save his life. The story begins at a private harbor in present day California...* * * * Bordello was his name. Alex Bordello. He was a very rich man with rich friends in a world that could only be described as decadent. His life was mostly spent towering over the others of the large city his business was based in. He stared out over them every day as he conducted his lucrative business. He was like a great overseer in his eyes. In the eyes of his employees he was a pompous, elitist ass. Of course, the were rewarded for keeping their thoughts to themselves with employment. And some less fortunate employees were rewarded with their lives...Alex Bordello was not an easy man to get along with if you didn't know him well. But he was less easy to handle when you were an underground business contact. Still, even without his questionable business deals, Alex was a powerful man. Making an enemy out of him would not have been a wise decision. He was ruthless and had little time for mistakes or mercy. More often than not, he killed without remorse and did it himself. He enjoyed seeing others being punished for their misdeeds. It was for this reason his more...questionable employees remained silent, vigilant, and thorough. They took care of his needs and he took care to let them live.Being a man who had inherited a great deal of his fortune, Alex was friends with a large group of people on the A list. Tonight, he was throwing himself a little birthday party. On his yacht. More like an ocean liner in many respects, the vessel in question was full of people tonight caterers, friends, strippers, crew, and corporate spies. There was loud, blaring music that traveled through the air and down into the depths of the ocean, catching the attention of the mermaid princess herself: Autumn. She swam to the surface to see this great party, colored lights hitting the water as well as the shoreline and the sky above. It looked so exciting!Deciding that she needed to see more, the fiery haired mermaid swam closer to the boat just as the group was toasting the birthday boy and his great party. It was at this time, when everyone was distracted that the music started up again and fireworks fired off into the sky. Stunned by their beauty, Autumn let her grey eyes be captured by the lights. And that's when she saw some motion out of the corner of her eye. She looked up to see a man falling from the boat and heading toward the water which was much too deep and too cold for normal humans to handle at this point. She dove into the water and hastily made her way toward the unlucky man who'd been pushed to almost certain death. His world was one of wealth, privilege and power. Alexander Bordello lived in a world of elegance and decadence that few could even imagine let alone experience. His blood was the bluest in color and his attitude of entitlement shined through in everything he said and did. William Bordello, his great grandfather, had been the patriarch who had built the family fortune from a small mom and pop motel into the largest hotel chain in the world. The Hotel Saphire chain was the most elite and luxurious hotel chain in the world with over 176 Hotels worldwide in 27 different countries. Their clientale boasted movies stars, professional athletes, politicians and CEOs of fortune 500 companies.The work ethic and brutal ruthless business tactics of William Bordello had been passed from generation to generation through his family. William Bordello had built his business by not being afraid to destroy anyone in his way. He had used union busters to keep wages under control, mob contracts to get supplies at rates that allowed him to undercut his competitors, and had bribed anyone from local police to state and federal authorities. It was this culture of the ruthless tyrant upon with the Bordello fortune had been built.The patriarchs who had ruled over the Bordello empire were as unsuccessful in romance as they were successful in business. William Bordello had been married seven times each new spouse being an even less appropriate choice then the spouse before. Alex s grandfather had done no better leaving the wreckage of five marriages and countless meaningless affairs in his wake. By comparison, Alex s father Frederick had been a shining example of marital bliss having divorced only twice. Frederick had learned the lesson of his predesessors including the high cost of California community property law.Frederick s first marriage had been foolish. Against, his father s wishes he had married for "love." She had been of ordinary stock. Her father a pensioner in government service. He had been na ve to think someone who had not come from within there own world of opportunity and privilege could survive in their world. Frederick s second marriage to Stephanie Charmaine was worse. At 22, she was 18 years his junior and had been a hostess in one of his hotels. He married her within two months of meeting her and divorced her twice that fast. There marriage had been so short that the divorce had been relatively painless costing less than 2 million.The only thing good that came out of his marriage to Charmaine, was a commitment never to marry again and an heir, Alex Bordello. Shephanie Charmaine had been shrewd enough to know that her marriage to Frederick would never last. She had also realized that faulty birth control could mean a life of comfort that would last long beyond the duration of her marriage. She did have any interest in being saddled with a child at 22 and had effectively sold Frederick their son in the divorce proceedings. Frederick carefully instilled in Alex the importance of focus, drive and ambition. He also learned that woman were at best a distraction and at worst an anchor.Bordello men and romance did not mix. Alex learned this lesson well and avoided romantic entanglements like the plague. When he did seek out the companionship of a woman she was always ridiculously inappropriate intellectually or socially. He was a handsome man by conventional standards. He had a tall lithe body and hair as black as the night sky. His piercing blue eyes drew one in. Despite his handsome features, the ice that flowed through his body seemed to cast a cold frost over his features. He made sure never to allow any woman close who could ever be a challenge. He was 34 and had never once felt the slightest glimmer of love toward a woman. He had not even known or loved his own mother.Frederick had successfully instilled his values in Alex. He was as brutal and dogged in his business pursuits as his grandfather had been, perhaps, more so. His ability to avoid such vices as "romance," "love" or even "compassion" had allowed him to build the Bordello empire far beyond that of his father or grandfather. For all the privilege and wealth Alex s life afforded him, he was empty and hollow inside. He had been raised without being taught the concept of loneliness. It had shielded him from realizing how profoundly lonely he really was.Tonight, he was celebrating his birthday iin the same way he always marked such occasions completely lost in a sea of people. His parties were legendary people came to be seen. Many of his guests were celebrities. Those who were not celebrities were there to see celebrities. He could care less. Celebrities were no different than anyone else. They were pawns on a chess board his job was to move those pieces carefully. He was not niave enough to believe anyone on his ship moored in Newport Beach Harbor was happy for him. Most of them his employees, business competitors, industrial spies, even those that called him their friend disliked him. While others in his social circle used philanthropy to connect with the masses and stave off envy and resentment. He preferred misanthropy to philanthropy, which his isolated existence made clear.He watched the theatrics with bemusement as the fireworks show began to erupt. He had paid for a firework show with a budget twice that of the Newport Beach s own Fouth of July fireworks show. He got no pleasure from the spectacle but enjoyed watching his guest pretend that they were happy to be a part of his birthday. For many, the pretending was so painful that he did what he could to extend the conversation simply so he could watch their agony as they desperately tried to excuse themselves. They were here to drink his booze and eat his food. His presence was of no consequence.The finale began and the sky was ablaze with color. As rockets of all color shot through the sky, the figure of a man with a long beard holding a trident glowed in the middle of the explosions. A rumble went through the crowd. Someone explained, "That is King Trident, the King of the Sea he rules over all the merpeople." Alex almost laughed, "How cheezy. I will have to figure out who decided to make this the theme of my firework show so I can fire them tomorrow at the office. What a stupid superstitious idea.As he contemplated the ridiculous theme of his firework show, the sky seemed to go dark. He might have thought he had angered King Trident if he had "believed in such nonsense." The clouds looked bad. The wind started to rip through the decks of the boat. He recognized the storm that was brewing and knew the party was over. He needed to get the main sail down before the mast broke. Damn the sail had been locked down. He moved down to the lower deck towards the bow of the boat. The wind and the swells were causing the boat to rock violently. As he leaned out over the railing to loosen the sail, the boat lurched. He fell over the railing of the boat hitting his head as he plunged into the icy waters. The only light was the reflection of the water from the ships lights and the moon. He was semi conscious and disoriented as he hit the water.He knew that he was in trouble. He was dizzy and could barely stay afloat, and the music was too loud for anyone to hear even if anyone on board would have been inclined to help. It was far from certain that anyone would have helped him anyway. Then he saw her. Even in the moonlight her long red hair glowed like fire under the moonlight rays. Her sweet beautiful face would haunt him. He had never seen anything so beautiful in his life. He watched her wondering what she was doing here. She was so amazingly beautiful. Where had she come from? Where did she go? For the first time in his life, a contact with someone had ended and he wanted . . . needed more. Autumn made it to the man in trouble in no time. She recognized the storm that had fallen upon them. She wasn't sure what he'd done to anger her father, but she knew that it was probably not enough for him to deserve death. She appeared before him in the moonlight, her hair shrouded around her face, though she could see him clearly. Once he stopped flailing around a bit, she swam to him and put her arms around him, bringing him back to the surface. He wouldn't make it on the boat, and it was doubtful that anyone would find him there. So she brought him to the beach, swimming to the shore while she kept him afloat. Once they were on the beach, she lay him on his back and looked down at him, most of her still in the water.As she took him in now, she saw a very attractive man. His dark hair and blue eyes stuck out in her mind. No merman she'd ever known had had that color of hair, nor had she seen such clear, blue eyes. Carefully, she leaned over him, her crimson hair dripping just a bit as she looked down at him. "Are you alright?" she asked, watching as the boat was brought back under control and safely docked. Her voice was sweet and full of concern. It was almost melodic. Everything was a blur. He tried to clear his head and understand what was happening. He had been on the boat. He remembered the storm and trying to put down the main sail. He had fallen in the water. He felt a piercing pain in the back of his head. When he looked at his hand, it was covered in warm sticky blood. He blinked and moved his hand to his eyes trying to see clearly. When he opened his eyes again, he saw her. She had been so beautiful that he assumed she was a hallucination. Her blazing red hair was so long and straight. The red hue brightened by the reflection of the moonlight. Her face was so sweet and innocent it was a pure untouched beauty.He reached up to touch her face. "You can t be real. You are too beautiful to be real. You could not have survived in the frigid waters." He felt his hand gently move over her soft skin. She was not a hallucination. She was a beautiful girl who had somehow emerged from the sea and saved his life. The moonlight reflecting off the water framed her face. When she asked if he was okay, he could not believe how sweet her voice was. The simple question sounded like a beautiful song. "How did I get here? How did you survive in the water?" He asked. He was lucid, but he was also bleeding. Frowning, she reached her hand up to his head and brushed some dark hair from his eyes, her skin soft but cold as the water they'd just come from. " now," she said softly, a soft melody escaping her to help heal his wound. At least he wasn't bleeding anymore. Once that was done, she looked down into his eyes once more and shook her head. She couldn't answer him as much as she might like to. And she could never see him again. "I can't stay," she said with a soft smile. "Rest a while longer before you call for help." That said, she leaned down and kissed his cheek softly. "Farewell."With that, Autumn pulled away from him and turned to the waves, pulling herself back into the water as she gave him a full view of her tail fin as she dove in. She swam out into the ocean and headed back for home, wondering if he would remember her the next day or think she was nothing more than a dream. He felt her hand brush his hair back from his face and heard her beautiful voice that seemed to soothe his nerves and ease the pain. The beautiful melody of her voice seemed to lift every part of his being. He saw this girl that did not seem to be real kiss his cheek and felt a longing he had never experienced in his life. He wanted to believe she was real, but how could she be so beautiful. He wanted to reach for her but had little strength. Almost as soon as her lips had touched his cheek he had lost her. He saw here tail as she slipped back into the sea and out of his life. She . . . it could not be true. Those were silly superstitious rumors, but how could he explain what had happened. Here voice echoed through his mind. Her voice was as beautiful as her face.Once she had returned to the sea, he wondered if she had been just a beautiful dream. The sound of her sweet voice played in his mind. He found himself wanting to find her. He had never thought he would ever need anyone in his life. Now, he was not sure. He could not understand it but somehow he felt drawn to her.He called out to his crew who saw him and came to bring him aboard the ship. He told them of the beautiful girl from the sea that that had saved his life. John Smyth, his first mate, laughed saying, "I think we better have a look at your head. You may have bumped it worse than you thought." Autumn swam back to Atlantica, greeted by her sisters with some caution Triton was not pleased with the little display of fireworks. This made the redheaded princess a bit wary of her father. Still, when he saw her, he was glad to know that she was safe in his palace. It bothered him that he couldn't always know where she was that she seemed to come and go as she pleased. Of course, Autumn would inherit the kingdom from him and it was good that she was independent and social, so he tried to put it from his mind. Tonight, as he saw her swim past on her way to her room, he waved at her. He was greeted with a smile that was full of love and understanding.That night, the princess slept well, dreaming of the man she'd saved again and again. She woke with the need to see him again. Perhaps Sebastian and Gabe would know where to find him. Surely they knew everyone in their area they certainly gossiped enough to give off that impression. After a light breakfast, Autumn was off to the surface again. She swam to the dock where her two surface friends often hung out and smiled when she caught sight of Gabe Scuttle sitting on the dock.Scuttle was a flighty man older and a little touched in the head, but very kind. He didn't see Autumn as anything out of the ordinary, and was just happy that he could help a pretty girl. She smiled up at him and waved as she broke the surface. "Good morning, Scuttle." She was just in time to see Sebastian, a younger fellow step out of the boat he'd been working on. He grinned when he saw her and sat next to Scuttle to greet his royal friend."Mornin' Autumn! It's great to see ya again, lovely." Gabe had first met Sebastian when the young man was just coming out of the closet. When the poor thing had no one else to turn to. He was always kind and supportive of Sebastian's choice, but if you had just seen them together for the first time, they made an odd pair. Gabe was older, tanned by the sun and a bit scruffy in his appearance. He was also short he only came up to Sebastian's shoulder. Somehow, however, he still managed to look stylish and neat. He was a bartender with many powerful connections, and just happened to have tended bar at the party where Sebastian had been playing music. He'd broken up with a girl and told her he was gay. She'd spread it all over the room and embarrassed the poor boy. Gabe picked up the pieces and put him back together, showing him the ropes."What brings you to the dock this morning, my sweetheart?" Sebastian asked as he passed the tools to Gabe. "Something exciting to tell us, honey?" He was a sweet man, young and attractive. He had smooth tawny skin and a fantastic body, which most men found very appealing. Unfortunately for Sebastian, women found it attractive too. He had to explain over and over and break many hearts every day. He was also fairly tall, a rare thing in his Asian family. Not that they often spoke to him now. The rock singer was always stylish and polished in a way that showed himself off perfectly no matter the activity he happened to be engaging in. Yes, seeing them together for the first time would leave quite an impression. It was often assumed that they were together, but they were just friends. It was also often assumed that they were complete strangers. Strangely enough, Autumn found their relationship to be perfectly normal, and their life choices were admirable to her. Hearing their stories often made her smile, despite the stars of the tales both being men. It didn't diminish her enjoyment at all. It was one of the reasons they were friends with Autumn.The princess smiled and told them of last night's exciting party and the man she'd saved. Both of her companions could see that she was smitten. "Do you know who he was, sweetie?" Sebastian asked as he fixed part of the speedboat they'd been working on. When Autumn said that she didn't, immediately they started to think of the big wigs who were having birthdays."Oh, I know," Scuttle said. "Do you remember the name of the ship? We could find out who he is for you if we knew that."Thrilled by this news, she told them the name of the ship and where she'd been last night and left the two to their work and their new mission. She would come back to them around noon to hear more. Until then...she was going to go back to where the yacht had been. Alex lost consciousness from his blow to the head and was trying to clear his head and focus his eyes as he recovered from his blow. The sun hurt his eyes and the world was blurry and unclear. He saw his ship and cried out as he tried to stand. He staggered as he rose falling back to his knee. His mind was still spinning. Grimsby, father I am over here! Help!" He waved frantically trying to get the attention of anyone on the ship. He saw Grimsby with the spy glass looking everywhere but at Alex. Alex jumped up and down waving his hands trying to get Grimsby s attention. Finally, Grimsby saw him, "Hey over there. Alex is alive!" Alex saw his father come running to Grimsby s side and saw the look of relief in his eyes.As Alex sat in the rowboat Grimsby and two crew members paddled back toward the ship. "Alex, we were sure you had drowned. The storm was fierce so we did not know how you could have survived floating in the rough waters." Alex realized that without the intervention of the beautiful mysterious girl he would have died. "Grimsby, a beautiful girl with long flaming red hair and beautiful eyes saved me. Her voice, Grimsby, it was so enchanting. When I heard her voice it was as if she was singing the most beautiful melody. I wanted to follow her as she disappeared back into the sea. I think she was a mermaid?" Grimsby laughed heartily. "Sir, I think we need to get you back to the ship in a hurry. It sounds like you hit your head a lot harder than you realized." "No Grimsby, she was real," Alex pleaded. Grimsby laughed heartily. "Hey boys, Alex was saved by a mermaid." They all laughed and joked.When Alex returned to the ship, his father hugged him. "Alex, you really gave us a scare." Alex looked around the ship, "I guess the guests all left. It is nice to see how concerned they were with their host s predicament." Frederick looked at his son with concern. "Its all right father I have no delusions about why the boat was full of people on my birthday." Grimsby walked up to the two of them still chuckling. "Great news Frederick. our Alex was rescued by a mermaid." Frederick looked at his son with concern. "Are you sure you are all right son. Have the doctor take a look at that bump on your head." Alex knew that he had seen her even though she was almost to beautiful to be real. He could not get her beautiful face and long flowing red hair out of his head. The melody of her voice continued to play on his mind enchanting him.After the doctor had dressed his wound, Frederick came into check on Alex. "I am feeling much better father, but I really did see . . . the most beautiful girl. She rescued me." Frederick dismissed him, "Well I am glad she is a mermaid because she cannot distract you or get in the way of business. Alex I have great news. We are going to be building a resort on the island here. It will be our crown jewel, but I have even better news. The geographical studies show the island and the sea next to it is filled with oil. We are going to be able to develop the petroleum reserves at the floor of the sea, and the proceeds will pay for the entire resort. Alex thought of the beautiful mermaid, "But won t that harm the sea life? Won t oil escape into the water." His father looked annoyed, "Alex the petroleum development will finance the entire 75 million resort. Do you realize what that means in terms of our profits? I had to bribe a few politicians and regulators, but we have the green light." Bill fell silent thinking about the beautiful mermaid swimming in the water clouded by the pollution from the resort and petroleum development.Alex went up on the upper deck and looked out over the water. Though he had no reason to expect it, he hoped he would catch sight of the beautiful mermaid moving gracefully though the blue sea. Had he really dreamed her? It was true she seemed too beautiful and intoxicating to be real, but he could not believe she had been no more than the pleasant hallucination resulting from a blow to the head. "Hi stranger, how are you?" He recognized the voice of Gwen Matheson who was constantly angling to be the next Bordello mistake. He found her more annoying than attractive but she kept legitimate suitors at bay so he tolerated her. She was beautiful in the stereotypical Southern California beach blonde bimbo sort of way. She reminded him of everything else in his life shallow, empty and boring. Autumn had stayed and chatted with Sebastian and Scuttle while they cleaned ships, helping them a bit, getting a lesson in how they worked and why things needed to be done a certain way. She shared a Popsicle with them her favorite flavor, strawberry, had been brought along just for her. She smiled and talked animatedly with them about the man she'd saved. How his eyes were so bright and blue just like the sky, or the water in her favorite cove. They'd been unfocused when she'd rescued him, but she'd stayed too long as it was. His dark hair had been so soft and nice."I wished that I could have stayed longer. I felt horrible leaving him alone there...but I couldn't stay. If daddy had found out that I'd gotten close to a human..." she shuddered at the thought. "If he knew about you two, I'm not sure what he'd think, but he probably wouldn't be happy. Imagine what he would do if he found out I saved someone who made him mad." She frowned and sighed.Scuttle chuckled and looked down at her as he finished off the grape Popsicle he'd been slurping on. "Sounds like you like him more than just a stranger you found in the sea. Did he say something to you?" the older man asked.Autumn grinned and blushed a little. "Well, yes. He said...he said I was too beautiful to be real. And he asked me how I'd survived...I don't know...He seemed so helpless. I left him just lying there on the beach. I wish I knew if he was alright."Sebastian frowned and moved some of her fiery hair from her face. "I'll tell you what, hun. You tell me the name of that guy's ship and me and Scuttle will find out who he is and if he's okay. How's that?""Oh, could you really?" she asked, her eyes lighting up. "I would appreciate it so much. Just name a favor, and it's yours.""Maybe some day when you sprout some legs, you'll be my wingman," Sebastian teased. Alex had tried to bury himself back in his work but found the going difficult. His mind kept drifting back to that night and the beautiful girl who had captivated him ever since. Her voice was always there calling out to him. When he took out his yacht, he found himself headed back to where she had saved him from the sea. He hoped he would catch a glimpse of her but started to give up hope that he would ever see her again.His father had put him in charge of developing the new Hotel Isla Bonita on the island where she had first spoke to him. The project gave him an excuse to search for her, but the project made him uncomfortable. He found himself drawn to the environmental impact reports. The reports all seemed to suggest that the resort and petroleum development project would do massive damage to the region s eco system. Most troubling was a special report he had commissioned that discussed the potential environmental impact of a malfunction in the drilling operation being used to extract oil from the region. The report discussed serious environmental risks in the case of a failure of the drilling platform. The report contained phrases like "complete dead zone," "real legitimate risk," "ecological Armageddon," and "ecological dead zone."Bill had never even read an environmental impact report before this project. The reports had always been something that they would pay an expert for so they could justify their development projects. If the "whore" of an expert was not enough, they would simply bribe a local politician. Now he wondered what his project was doing to the home of the beautiful girl who had saved him that fateful evening. Frederick had been furious at Alex because the project was moving extremely slowly. Alex knew he was dragging his feet because for the first time in his professional life he was worried about the collateral damage from his company s development projects. Autumn smiled as Sebastian and Gabe as she thought back to last night. She remembered the music, the lights, and the fireworks. Of course, the storm came next and then the man she'd saved. Finally, she came across the name of the grand ship he'd been aboard. Her grey eyes locked onto the two men and she said the name with confidence. "Lady of the Sea." She remembered it as though it were her reflection. Something about the man she'd seen...he gave her a good feeling. If it was more than infatuation, she couldn't be sure. But what she was sure of was the fact that she wanted to see him again.She thanked her friends for their company and promised to come back again the next day. Her body cut through the water like a dolphin as she swam close to the surface for now. She came back to the port where she'd seen the man, surprised to actually find his ship there upon her arrival. Curious, she swam along the surface, skimming along the top of the waves as she took in the ship they called a "yacht." She wondered if he was there today, or if it was even his place to be. She didn't know anything about him except that he had been hurt and he didn't seem to be lying on the beach now. Good someone had come to help him. Alex sat at the stern of the yacht looking for her. He had always pursued his business endeavors with zealous and ruthless commitment. Now he was completely distracted constantly finding his thoughts drifting to her. He had never found himself tempted to violate his father s philosophy to avoid romantic entanglements until now.He searched for the slightest glimpse of her blazing crimson hair that seemed to light up the sky brighter than the rockets of the night before. When he would hear the sound of the sea, he hoped to hear her siren s song call to him. He did not understand what he felt only that he needed to see her again. His whole life he had been taught not to allow himself to feel the need or love for a woman, but now the image of a girl whose name he did not know consumed him.He first saw her flame red hair, the smooth lines of her body, and the grace of her movement as she glided through the water. He assumed it was the burning need within him and the bright reflection of the sun off the water fooling him into see what he wanted to see. He called out to her, "Hello, please what is your name." He did not know if she had heard him, but she seemed to continue on without slowing. He looked at the cold hostile sea and jumped into the water without a plan. She heard a splash behind her and turned around, expecting to see a dolphin friend. What Autumn saw, made her gasp. It was the man she'd saved. What in the world? Was diving into the sea a habit of his? Immediately she swam toward him. In mere seconds, the redheaded beauty was at his side. She put her arms around him and broke the surface with him, keeping him afloat. "Are you okay? What happened?" she asked, checking to see if he was alright. He didn't seem to be hurt, but she couldn't be sure. When he hit the water the icy chill began to envelope him. He tried to make his limbs move, but his body would not listen to his mind. He felt himself begin to be swallowed up by the icy waters. Just as he began to sink into the icy depths, he saw her and felt her arms surround him. He reached out and gently touched her face with a look of longing and amazement in his eyes as they reached the surface. "You . . . you are real. How can you be so beautiful?" He wrapped his arms around her tightly afraid that if he did not hold her tightly to him she might disappear again.He looks into her beautiful eyes which seem to draw him in. "I had to find you. I had to jump . . . I was afraid I would never see you again. I have thought of nothing else but seeing you again since you saved me from the sea. Thank you for saving my life." Autumn's eyes widened a bit as he touched her face, his arms wrapping around her so tightly she thought she might burst. She was stunned as he questioned her existence yet again. She began to question his sanity. While wildly romantic, his choice to dive into the icy water of the ocean was not very wise. Her grey eyes stared back into his blue orbs and she listened to him thank her. Still, as foolish as it was, his actions had touched her."You shouldn't have come after me. You could have drowned! I'm not supposed to exist. You shouldn't know about me at all," she said, her worried words sounding like a song. Still, she found herself softening as he looked at her like that. "Promise you won't do something like that again. You could have really been hurt." As she spoke, the beautiful sound of her voice touched his heart like the most beautiful aria. "I know maybe I should not have jumped in to find you but . . . I was afraid I would never see you again." He thought about what she said. He was not even supposed to know she exist, but now he knew and could not have forgotten her if he tried. "I promise I will never do something like that again if you promise you will never disappear."He was happy to be here in the dark icy waters with his arms around her. He marveled at how he seemed to be changing since their first encounter. Yes, he had been distracted allowing his mind to drift to her, but he also felt a deep longing and need that was unfamiliar to him. He felt the need to be close to another. As he held her close, the need did not go away but grew more intense.His men had started whispering behind his back that the accident seemed to have made him "soft." His cold hearted ruthless demeanor had been replaced by compassion, a feeling he had shown no sign of having before. His father also was worried. The company had closed an operation in Bangladesh meaning the firing of over 230 employees. Alex had given the entire staff 2 months severance pay. Previously, the most generous severance package he had ever offered was 2 weeks pay. That "generous" package had been offered by him only twice before. Her kindness and beauty had touched a part of him that he thought had died long ago. "I can't promise you that," she said, frowning. "I shouldn't be with you now..." Then again, she shouldn't have been with Gabe and Sebastian either. "If you swear you'll never tell anyone about me, I'll come back to see you." She watched him carefully, trying to make sure he didn't start shivering too much. The last thing she wanted was for him to catch a case of hypothermia. "Tell me your name?" she asked. He looked into her beautiful grey eyes and listened to the hypnotic sound of her voice. "I promise," he said simply. He was not sure anyone would believe him anyway nor did not want to tell anyone. His world now seemed tainted somehow. It was a world that he did not want to touch her because it might destroy the innocent beauty of her world.Despite the chill of the water and the potential danger that surrounded them, he felt . . . content? It was an unfamiliar feeling that he could not precisely define. He just knew that it was a feeling he did not want to go away. Even as the water swelled threatening to swallow them both, he knew this was where he belonged.He heard her voice and it occurred to him that he did not even know her name. "My name is Alex. May I ask your name?" He knew he should not be here. This was dangerous for both of them. His father would be furious if he knew how he was spending his time. He was supposed to be developing the land and sea that surrounded them not floating in the ocean with a beautiful and mysterious girl. But at that moment, he could not imagine wanting to be anywhere else more. A sense of relief reached her as he promised to never tell anyone about her. It was quickly washed away because she could feel his skin taking on the same temperature as hers something that wasn't particularly good for humans. She started to swim slowly toward his ship, looking for a place he might be able to get out of the water to as he said his name. She committed it to memory: Alex. She smiled softly and repeated it, enjoying the sound of it on her tongue."My name?" She blinked, stopping them both for a moment. "My name is Autumn," she said, her voice lilting just a little as she said it. "You should get out of the water, Alex. Humans aren't meant to be this far out." Alex was so lost in the sensations of her touch that he did not notice the frigid chill of the water. His mind began to drift as the cold chill of the ocean s depths began to slow his muscles and cloud his mind. He heard her say her name which sounded like a beautiful melody rolling off her tongue. "Autumn . . . ," he repeated. "So beautiful." The world went dark.His mind drifted to images of following her gracefully swimming through the smooth calm blue waters. He held her hand as they swam through a tropical world bursting in colors. There was sea life of every variety and a virtual rainbow of colors moving through the crystal blue waters. The brightly colored fish move in and out of the brilliant red corral. Then he saw the brown sludge seeping from the bottom of the sea. The beautiful panorama of colors began to become dull and fade to a dingy brown.The beautiful world of his dream became an ominous nightmare of forboding. He stopped swimming as he felt her squeeze his hand tighter. She was choking as the brown sludge that rose from the bottom of the sea flowed in and out of her body with each breath. He took her in his arms and looked into her beautiful grey eyes, "Autumn, please don t leave. I am so sorry." He saw the light go out in her eyes. "Please, Autumn I am sorry," he said. He started coughing as his eyes began to open slightly trying to understand where he was and what had happened. He saw the sweet innocence of her face and knew his life had changed forever. When Alex lost consciousness, Autumn started to panic. She searched frantically for a place to get him back aboard his ship but couldn't get him there by herself. So it was that she brought him back to shore again, letting the warm sand take care of him. She listened to his heart beat and checked for his breathing and saw that he would be fine. Unfortunately, Autumn wasn't terribly calm. She shook him to wake him up again, gently stroking his face and running her hands over his broad shoulders. Anything to get him warm again. She continued to rub against him, desperate to wake him."Alex, please," she begged, her voice soft and sad. "Wake up." When he started coughing, she knew he was coming to again. Relieved, she watched as his eyes opened. "Promise me that you will never ever dive in after me again." Alex s eyes started to clear as the warm sand and the warmth of her touch drove the chill from his body. His blurry vision began to clear allowing him to see her beautiful face staring down at him. His mind was still cloudy and sluggish confusing him when he saw Autumn unharmed. He was overcome with joy as he reached out and stroked the soft skin of her cheek. "Autumn, it is really you? You are safe. Thank God, it was only a nightmare." Without thinking, he reached for her wrapping his arms around her. "I was so worried about you," he said. "Autumn, I will promise as long as you promise that you will not disappear."His future and direction had always been so clear, but now he felt as if his life was like a ship lost at sea without a sail being blown aimlessly to and fro. He only knew that when he was with her he felt like he belonged. After the terrible nightmare, he was afraid to leave her side. He pulled her to him wanting to wrap her in his arms and kissed her softly and lovingly on the lips. "Autumn, I never want to leave this beach." Once he came back to, she let out a sigh of relief. Autumn blinked as he said something about a nightmare. Had he dreamt of her while his body had taken him away from reality? "I'm safe," she said softly, repeating his words to reassure him. She blushed as he put his arms around her for something other than staying a float, enjoying the feel of his warm body against her. "A alex..." she tried to tell him that she couldn't promise that that she couldn't stay. But his lips were pressed against hers and all coherent thoughts escaped her. Her first real belonged to a human man. One who'd nearly drowned twice once to meet her, and another by accident.He never wanted to leave the beach? She would be happy to stay with him. "I..." and then she heard a noise in the distance. "I can't stay!" She looked up and around trying to get back into the water. "I'm sorry Alex. I can't stay as long as I'm a mermaid...And you can't keep trying to follow me. You'll just hurt yourself." She frowned, tears welling up before she turned away and started back for the ocean. Well, Sebastian and Gabe didn't need to come and find her mysterious man...She'd found him. And now it felt like she'd already lost him. When he kissed her, all of his doubts evaporated away into the sea air. He knew who he was and what he wanted. His arms held her tight not willing to allow the deep blue sea to take her from him as it had before. Despite his father s instruction to avoid romantic entanglements, he had kissed many girls, but the kisses had always left him feeling cold and empty inside. They had been kisses of duty, obligation and experimentation while Autumn s kiss lit up the night as a warm euphoria washed over him. Her soft sensuous lips against his soothed a place inside him that had always been filled with pain and loneliness.Just as he felt the wave of contentment and happiness wash over him, he heard her tell him that she could not stay and that he could not follow her. When she withdrew from his arms and retreated to the sea, the emptiness inside was back as it felt like she was taking a piece of him with her. "Please do not leave Autumn. I . . . ." As quickly as she had emerged from the sea, she was gone. As he watched the graceful movements of her body slice through the tranquil sea, he rose on still uncertain legs and considered jumping in and following her but knew it was too late.When he got back to his ship, his mood had changed. Grimsby was concerned about Alex because he had seemed distracted. Alex had shown weakness and compassion that could not be permitted in their world. Grimsby remembered Frederick s words to him, "Keep him focused. I do not know what is bothering him, but he cannot be soft. This project is important, and we are facing all kinds of heat from regulators. Alex cannot afford to be anything less than his ruthless best." Alex had thrown himself into his work to bury the pain and dispair of losing her.Grimsby smiled as Alex barked at his men who recognized the tyrant that had ruled over them for so long. Alex drove his men on working them like slaves in two 12 hour shifts around the clock. The environmental impact report that had so concerned him laid under a pile of papers on his desk collecting dust. His father would be pleased that the single minded purpose and ruthless demeanor was back. Whatever the sea had taken from him during his first fall into the water, it seemed to give him back upon his return to the icy sea. The beautiful mermaid still called to him in his sleep but her words haunted him, "I can t stay . . . you cannot keep trying to follow me." For a fleeting moment, she had opened his eyes to a world full of happiness that he had been too blind to see, but it had been followed by the loneliness of losing her. Despite his loneliness, her kiss still burned deep inside him. Autumn stayed just beneath the surface where he couldn't see her anymore. But she could still see him. Terrible loneliness washed over her, as did a swift pang of guilt and pain. How she had wanted to stay with him...she wished that she could have, no matter how many times her logic tore that wish asunder. "Alex," she said softly, tears escaping her. She was tempted to pull herself out of the sea and expose herself to the world, but if she did that...Not only would her father be furious and go on a rampage, but she would be endangering herself and the rest of her kind. She sobbed as she swam back to the dock where Sebastian and Scuttle were waiting for her to tell her things she already knew. When she arrived, the first thing they noticed was that she was crying. Scuttle put an arm around her and listened to her story while Sebastian covered her fin with a long blanket."He was so wonderful. He kissed me and I freaked out....that is the right term, right?" Autumn had always been a little confused about the terminology of humans. When Sebastian nodded she continued. "Reality came crashing back and I knew that I couldn't stay with him. I wanted to so badly, but what if someone had found me?" The thought of being examined and torn apart like her father had explained might happen was absolutely terrifying and she snuggled into Scuttle."There, there, Autumn. What did he do when you left?" the older man asked, smoothing her wet hair."H he went back to his ship. But the look on his was like I'd broken him." She sniffled as she remembered that look all too well. It pained her to think of it."I wish there was a way to help you, sweetie. I wish we could give you legs, but I'm not made of magic," Sebastian said, drying away some of her tears.Magic. Ursula. Autumn stopped her despairing when she remembered the sea witch who'd been exiled for her dark magic. She'd been a sort of criminal. But she told stories of this sort of thing when she was still in Atlantica. Stories of star crossed lovers coming together with the aid of her magic...It was a long shot, but maybe....No. There was a reason Ursula had been exiled so long ago. Something always went wrong for the person in the deal they couldn't pay the price or follow through with the deal. She frowned and thought of asking her father. The answer she would most likely get resounded in her head and she wanted very much to hear the opposite. She had to try."I need to talk to my father," she said with a frown. Sebastian kissed her head after Scuttle and the two of them let her go. She was off to see King Triton with the new information she held about Alex. He was what the humans called a "developer." Perhaps she could use that knowledge to deal with her father...then again, she didn't know what it really meant. The way Sebastian had explained it it meant that he built houses and things on empty land and increased its value somehow...But that didn't seem like her father would be impressed. Sighing, she decided not to bring it up at all, and just swam home, hopelessly in love. Alex tried to forget the beautiful girl who had emerged from the sea twice to save him. No matter what he did nothing worked. He had briefly tried to forget the girl who he thought had told him he would never see her again. Everything seem to remind him of her. The sound of the winds whistling through the ships sails seemed to call to him with her voice. The bright morning sunrise lit up the sky in a blazing red like her hair. The deep green transparent glow of the see reminded him of the feeling as he stared into her eyes. When she abandon him that second time, he had tried to avoid thinking of her by laying into his employees and returning to his cold ruthless ways.However, she had changed the way he understood the world. His ability to be so good at what he did was based on his complete lack of regard for anyone and his inability to feel compassion or love. He had been taught by Frederick to be cold and heartless and had learned his lessons well. Now, he found himself longing for companionship and understanding the profound loneliness in his life. Frederick had always taught him that female companionship was the source of all man s woes. But Alex had started to notice that Frederick was not happier without his terrible assortment of women then he was when they occupied his time.Alex became increasingly distracted and unhappy without Autum. He started to worry that somehow he had said or done something wrong to drive her away. Maybe she just decided she did not like him or was upset with his kiss. The kiss electrified his body and sent waves of pleasure through every nerve ending but maybe it also was something she neither enjoyed or welcomed. He became convinced that his kiss had driven the only girl he had ever wanted or needed back into the sea.As Alex went through the motions of developing the oil platform in the sea, he noticed that the clear emerald waters seemed to be growing cloudy. He had his men run test and determined that the water level was quickly being contaminated from oil leakage seeping out of the drilling platform. Alex wanted to stop all drilling and cap the well. He knew that his father and Grimsby would be angry but believed that he might be damaging Autum s home. He decided he would tell his father he was shutting down the drilling operation until the leakage problem was solved. He knew that the conversation would likely turn into a bitter argument. Alex tried to forget the beautiful girl who had emerged from the sea twice to save him. No matter what he did nothing worked. He had briefly tried to forget the girl who he thought had told him he would never see her again. Everything seemed to remind him of her. The sound of the winds whistling through the ships sails seemed to call to him with her voice. The bright morning sunrise lit up the sky in a blazing red like her hair. The deep green transparent glow of the see reminded him of the feeling as he stared into her eyes. When she abandon him that second time, he had tried to avoid thinking of her by laying into his employees and returning to his cold ruthless ways.However, she had changed the way he understood the world. His ability to be so good at what he did was based on his complete lack of regard for anyone and his inability to feel compassion or love. He had been taught by Frederick to be cold and heartless and had learned his lessons well. Now, he found himself longing for companionship and understanding the profound loneliness in his life. Frederick had always taught him that female companionship was the source of all man s woes. But Alex had started to notice that Frederick was not happier without his terrible assortment of women then he was when they occupied his time.Alex became increasingly distracted and unhappy without Autumn. He started to worry that somehow he had said or done something wrong to drive her away. Maybe she just decided she did not like him or was upset with his kiss. The kiss electrified his body and sent waves of pleasure through every nerve ending, but maybe it also was something she neither enjoyed or welcomed. He became convinced that his kiss had driven the only girl he had ever wanted or needed back into the sea.As Alex went through the motions of developing the oil platform in the sea, he noticed that the clear emerald waters seemed to be growing cloudy. He had his men run test and determined that the water level was quickly being contaminated from oil leakage seeping out of the drilling platform. Alex wanted to stop all drilling and cap the well. He knew that his father and Grimsby would be angry but believed that he might be damaging Autumn s home. He decided he would tell his father he was shutting down the drilling operation until the leakage problem was solved. He knew that the conversation would likely turn into a bitter argument. Autumn had swum home in hopes of convincing her father that she should go ashore as a human. She ??d told him that she thought a human ??developer ? would be buying the land that wasn ??t far from Atlantica. Perhaps if she could convince them to do otherwise, they wouldn ??t have to be so secluded. Her argument was easily pushed aside by her father. ??Such a thing is far too dangerous, Autumn. Even if I allow you to go, what would you say to convince them not to build here? That an ancient race of worlds long ago is currently inhabiting the area? Use your head, my princess. There is nothing to stop them. But from now on you must be more careful of where you go. If there are more people to come, then it is more likely they will see you. Do not go to the surface if you can help it. ? Triton shook his head forebodingly and announced that his word was final before leaving his daughter to her misery.Gracefully, she glided into her bedroom and spent the remainder of the day crying. She could never see Alex again. She couldn ??t go to the surface because her father was watching her more closely now. And if she went back again, she would only hurt him by leaving. She closed her eyes and slept, unaware of the fact that another was watching her. One who had more devious notions about the princess going to the surface.* * * * The next day, Autumn was tending to some coral in the area when she was approached by two eels. She thought nothing of it, merely smiling at them as she worked to ensure the safety of the reef. ??Oh, my. What a sad expression. What is the matter, my sister? ? one asked, its voice but a wistful sigh that seemed to sooth her.Autumn looked up at the creature and smiled softly. ??I ? ? she started to lie, but then decided there was no point to it. ??I hurt someone who loves me, ? she said softly. ??Someone I care about very much ? And now I can ??t see them again. ? She frowned and sank down onto the reef she was just fixing. The other eel swam around her to look into her grey eyes. ??What a sad situation. It is no wonder you look so distressed. But why can you not see them again, my sister? ? ??Yes, surely there is a way to see this one you love again. To apologize. ? Autumn looked from one to the other and sighed softly. ??It ??s not as simple as you might think. My someone ? is human. ? The two of them feigned astonishment and then swirled around each other, swimming around her in lazy circles. ??A sad situation indeed. And forbidden! ? They sighed it in perfect unison. ??What a shame! That you cannot be with the one you love, simply because they are human. ? ??If onlyshewere here, she could help you, sister. ? ??Yes, yes.shecould do it without any trouble at all. ? Autumn looked at the two of them, her heart beating hard in her chest. There was someone who could help her? Someone who might understand? ??Who is she? ? she asked, her interest piqued. ??Who can help me? ? The eels looked at each other and then back into Autumn ??s stormy grey eyes. ??Why, Ursula, of course. ? Autumn froze, her body already having started to follow them as they swam away. ??Ursula? ? she asked, her eyes wide and her voice shaking. ??The sea witch? ? The eels began to circle her again. ??She is much changed since her banishment, ? one said. ??Yes, much changed. ? ??She lives to serve now, ? the other continued, its eyes on her. ??She loves to help others get what they want. ? Autumn was still rather skeptical, but then the two of them said something in unison that broke down every argument. ??I wonder how that poor human will fare without you ? ? Giving in, she looked up at them with pain in her eyes. ??Please ? Please take me to Ursula! ? * * * * Ursula was a sea sprite ??an ancient being with the power of magic on her side. She had spent her life using that power for evil ??getting what she wanted and hurting those who stood in her way. Since her banishment, her powers had been weakened greatly by the sea king, Triton. She growled at the thought of him sitting on his thrown. How he would pay! Her beauty, over the years, had never faded thanks to her magic, but these days few were around to appreciate it. Just her minions ? and those poor unfortunate souls who ??d failed to live up to their end of the bargain. Now, they were little more than seaweed. Never were they to move again until Ursula turned them back into their righteous selves.Now, as she plotted her revenge against Triton, she smiled a wicked smile. Her orange eyes glowed as she saw the perfect tool to the sea king ??s undoing coming her way. Yes ? he would fall because she had his daughter and his heir. He would bow to her and suffer her wrath. The sea witch smiled, her deep blue skin shining in the light she used to light the cavern where she lived now. Her seaweed colored hair floated all around her and she fixed a cheerful disposition onto herself just as Autumn was led into the cave. ??Why, hello there. And who are you, my child? ? She asked, full of maternal energy. ??My ? my name is Autumn, ? the girl said carefully, taking in the lovely features of the evil sea witch. It was hard to believe that someone with her face could have been so cruel. Her voice was like music as it filled the empty cavern. Ursula knew what she wanted immediately. ??And I am Ursula. Welcome, ? she said, swimming around the cavern, her bottom half like that of a human ??s but with webbed appendages and long claws. ??What is it that I can do for you, my child? You look so sad. ? And so it was that the princess fell prey to the witch. She told the whole story and took the deal that was offered to her. In exchange for her voice, the girl had three days to get him to love her again and prove it with a kiss. If she could do it, she could remain a human forever, though she would never again have a voice of her own. If she failed, Autumn would belong to Ursula. Since it was the only way to see him again without breaking his heart, she agreed.Hours later, the beautiful redhead lay on the beach without protection of any kind, her body naked to the elements. Instead of fins, she had a long pair of legs. She lay washed up on the beach near where Alex was anchored. If she didn ??t receive help soon, she would surely die. She no longer held the kind of resistance or strength of a mermaid. She was fully a human ??and exhausted. And now, she had no way to call for help. "Grimsby stop pestering my about Gwen. If you like her so much, then you spend time with her." Alex was frustrated with everyone constantly trying to distract him from the beautiful girl who had saved him from the sea. Even his father, the man who believed women were a trap designed to enslave mankind, was bugging him to spend time with Gwen. He knew his father was concerned that Alex was falling in love with the mysterious girl from the sea. Although Frederick did not believe the nonsense about her being a mermaid, Alex could think of nothing else since their brief encounter. Frederick was determined to eliminate the distraction that threatened to lead his son astray.Alex climbed down to the lower deck to check the water monitor that was measuring the water for toxins. When he heard the voice that had haunted him since the first time Autumn spoke to him. It was the most beautiful melody that seemed to bounce off of the soft sea breeze. Perhaps, she had changed her mind and come back to him. He vowed never to let her go again. The ship had been on its way back to the island but they were still almost a mile out to sea. Her voice was so magical that the breezes carried her sweet song over the emerald green waters. Smythe, full speed ahead we need to get to the island as soon as possible. "But Captain why?"Alex thought for a moment and knew he was going to lie about the reason. It was not so much because he knew they would continue their merciless teasing but because somehow he did not want his world to touch her. She was innocent and untouched hidden away from the world of corruption that surrounded him. He did not want that world to ruin her. Though he wanted her with him, he was happy she belonged to the sea. The sea kept her safe from all that was corrupt in his world. He told the men to stop the ship when they got close to the island. He did not want to take a chance anyone would see her and contaminate her sweetness and innocence.As they lowered the massive anchors in the bow and stern of the ship, Max began to bark incessantly. Alex went to Max and pet him warmly. "What is it Max? Do you see her? Where is she?" He looked in the waters next to the ship but did not see her anywhere. The moving sound of her voice had gone quiet after that initial beautiful rhapsody that played on the ocean breeze. He pulled out the spyglass and looked toward the island scouring the soft sand of the beach. "You were right Max but . . . she looks hurt." Alex panicked and was about to jump in the water to rescue her when he realized he might end up drowning and leaving them both in dire straights.Alex quickly and discretely lowered a row boat into the water from the mooring hanging off the side of the ship. He climbed down into the boat and paddled as quickly as possible to shore. His growing love for her and concern for her safety providing the energy and strength to row as if he were ten men. The sea was rough and the current fought him but he paddled on driven by his need to make her safe. As he got close to the beach, he began to call to her, "Autumn, my sweet Autumn, are you hurt?" She did not seem to stir which only increased his sense of panic.He fought the fierce current and breaking waves until he was finely pulling the row boat onto the beach. He jumped from the boat and ran to her taking her into his arms. He lifted her body and looked into her eyes. "My beautiful Autumn . . . what has happened?" He looked into her eyes and saw a hint of recognition, but she was so weak. Then he saw her legs . . . this had to be his Autumn, but his Autumn was a mermaid. Were Frederick and Grimsby right? Did he just imagine that she was a mermaid because of the bump to his head and the frigid waters?Her voice that beautiful voice. He knew that this was his Autumn with her beautiful long flowing crimson hair, her beautiful heart stopping face and her grey eyes that seemed to be able to see all the way into his soul. All he needed to know for sure was to hear that beautiful voice that was always with him . . . calling to him. "Autumn, sweetheart, please say something. I was so worried about you." He waited for her sweet voice knowing he would kiss her again. He would let her feel his love for her flow through his lips and envelop her once he heard that sweet voice that cast a spell over him and separated her from everyone else in the world. The sun and sea had stripped her of the little energy she had left. Her eyes opened upon hearing Alex's voice. It was too bright and her body was too cold. It hurt her to breathe. Her body had no protection at all and she felt a little embarrassed as she looked up at him. But the sensation of her world spinning made her forget the intense discomfort, and forced her to close her eyes again. Still, through it all, she was happy. He was there with her. He'd found her.He kept asking her to say something. Even if she had had her voice, she wouldn't have been able to. She was exhausted and dehydrated, and she desperately needed attention. Still, she couldn't tell him this. All she could do was move her tired lips. "I'm sorry," they said to him, a small tear escaping her as she lost consciousness again. Her body was trusted to him. He could keep her safe and save her. He could keep her with him always.* * * * Ursula cackled as she watched the inauspicious first meeting of Autumn and her foolish mortal via her crystal ball. It was fun to watch Triton's daughter suffer like her father should. It was fantastic to know that she held all the power in the world over the girl in the ball and the sea king. She would have SUCH delicious revenge. The problem, however, was that the human seemed to know who she was, and genuinely care. This simply would not due."It looks like I might have to make an appearance after all," Ursula said with a grin. "But we shall wait and see how this first day goes, my minions." She grinned and pet her eels before sending them off to spy on Triton and his court.* * * * Gabe and Sebatian hadn't seen Autumn all day. It simply wasn't like her to not com and say hello at all. Worry built up between the two and they began to wonder whether or not they should look for her. By the end of their work day, they were driving toward the beach Autumn had told them about, searching for her. If nothing else, they could at least ask the wealthy developer about her...assuming they could get close enough. Although the girl looked so much like Autumn, Alex realized it could not be her because she had legs. He felt her body shivering and realized that whoever this girl was she did not have the same ability to withstand the frigid cold of the icy sea. He removed his jacket and draped it around her in an attempt to warm her body. He also held her close trying to raise her body temperature. He buttoned the front of the jacket both to help keep her warm and to protect her modesty. As he studied her pretty face, he saw her mouth the words, "I m sorry." He was confused sorry for what he wondered. She was very pretty, but he was disappointed that she was not his Autumn.He needed to get her in some more dry clothes and out of the sun. He lifted her in his arms and held her in his lap trying to keep her warm with his body heat as he paddled the row boat back to the ship. Grimsby had noticed Alex was missing and was not surprised to see Alex overboard but was glad he was in a boat this time. Grimsby called down to Alex in the row boat, "Alex where have you been and who do you have with you?""I am not sure who she is though she must have fallen off of a cruise ship or something. I am concerned that she has hypothermia from the cold chill of the water and have no idea how long she has been laying on the island in the sun with nothing to eat or drink."Grimsby lowered the tow lines and cranked the wench to lift the row boat out of the water. Alex handed the girl to Grimsby as he climbed onto the ship, then took her back and carried her to a stateroom. He pulled the bed sheets back and covered her with the warm blankets. "Grimsby have the cook make her some warm soup along with something to eat and drink, we need to feed her and give her a chance to recover her strength."Alex called his father, "Dad, we will be coming home immediately. We rescued a girl who needs immediate medical attention." His father was livid, "You cannot let the timetable fall any further behind. You need to stay where you are and get the drilling platform completed. It will only take you a couple more days, then you can come back into port to get the girl additional medical attention.""Dad, we cannot care for her adequately on the ship so we are coming back to port now!" Alex was furious as he thought of how easily his father was able to dismiss the health of this girl so they would not lose a little time on the project. He had always lived by the code ingrained in him by his father that single minded ambition was all that mattered while everything else was no more than a distraction. He now felt very conflicted about the direction his life had taken.He collected Autumn s tray of food from the cook and brought it into the stateroom for her. He did not know if she would be awake but knew she needed to regain her strength. As he sat on the bed next to her sleeping body, he noticed how sweet she looked. He found himself puzzled by how much she looked like the girl who had twice rescued him from the see. It seemed too much of a coincidence, but maybe he had only imagined she was a mermaid. He had certainly been affected by the cold waters. His father, Grimsby and the crew had all teased him assuming the bump to his head explained the strange girl from the sea. Maybe this was Autumn, but she was not a mermaid after all. When she awoke he knew as soon as she began to talk he would know for sure. He would recognize the beautiful voice that filled his dreams. It would be a few hours before Autumn's exhausted body would recover enough energy for her to open her eyes. But that was about all she would have the energy for. She looked up at unfamiliar surroundings, confused and weak. Her body shook from the effort, but she managed to lift her head and look around her. She was in some sort of room, but she wasn't in the water. Immediately she began to panic. And as the panic set in, she remembered the deal she'd struck with the sea witch. Her voice for a life with the one she'd somehow managed to fall in love with. She needed that kiss...but there was no way she could do much more than squirm for now. She needed more rest, and it would take time that she most certainly did not have. Still, her body would not be denied.Forcefully, her head came back down to rest on the pillow, her rich surroundings and the slight rocking telling her that she must be aboard the man's ship. Alex...her eyes fluttered closed and then reopened when she realized that there was a person on the far edge of the bed with her, watching her. It was him! Her grey eyes lit up with recognition, but she was sadly unable to keep them open long enough to gaze upon him anymore. She was back to sleep in moments.* * * * Sebastian spotted the ship first as the cruised through the waters of the cove Autumn had described for them. Not that the ship was hard to miss, but Gabe was busy trying to make sure the boat they'd been doing maintenance on was performing the way it should. When they finally caught sight of it, the made sure it was the correct ship the last thing they wanted was to hail a yacht that didn't belong to the man Autumn loved so deeply. The one who'd kissed her. Pausing to remember the romantic vision he'd had of her and her lover on this very beach, Gabe smiled. Once the moment passed, however, he was back in the game, hailing the ship and seeking permission to come aboard for some business with the one called Alex. When he saw her eyelids flutter open, he was drawn into her soft grey eyes. He thought he saw a flash of recognition then she drifted off again. She seemed so much like the beautiful mermaid who he had touched his heart. The island was thirty six hours by yacht from the San Diego harbor which worried Alex because the girl did not seem to be recovering. He was concerned that she needed more assistance then they had the ability to give on the boat. She seemed to be shivering even under the covers. He laid down next to her and stroked her face snuggling against her. He wrapped his arms around her trying to allow her to draw from his body heat. He hoped she would wake long enough to eat and drink something. As he snuggled her trying to keep her warm, he drifted off to sleep.********"Oh dear, Frederick is not going to be happy about this," said Grimsby as he walked in the stateroom and saw Alex asleep with the young girl he had rescued. Frederick had been clear that Grimsby was to let him know if there was any indication that Alex was again distracted. Grimsby called Frederick and informed him of the recent developments. "Grimsby, turn the ship around and head back to the island. Get the men back to work. I want that drilling platform finished by the end of the week.""But sir, Alex will be very angry when he realizes that we are not headed back to port. He was very clear that we were to head home to get medical assistance for the girl who feel overboard.""I do not care what Alex told you. I will take the helicopter and be there in three hours. I will deal with this myself. Just turn that ship around NOW!" Frederick roared.*********On the ocean floor, the temporary seal that was used to cap the initial breach where the oil platform had been anchored began to fail. The water surrounding the drilling platform had gone from slightly murky to increasingly saturated with brown sludge. As the pressure continued to build, the seal held but was already on its way to failing completely. Autumn remained asleep for hours to come. When she finally began to stir, she was vaguely aware of something warm wrapped around her body. She had no idea that what was wrapped around her was a man. The very man she'd risked everything to come and see. When she woke, there were shafts of sunlight pouring through the windows in the room. Her grey eyes squinted a bit and her raspy throat groaned. She was badly dehydrated and needed something to drink as soon as possible. A strange sensation came to her. She had legs.She was human! Gasping, she realized that she had made it, and she remembered that he was on his ship. When she looked down and to her right, she saw that Alex was lying there with her, keeping her warm. She smiled softly and blushed as she stared at his lips. Her own were so dry. But the girl made her way closer and gently brushed hers against his. Instantly, she felt electricity pass between them. She'd made the right decision.She tried to speak and then remembered that she couldn't....and she would never be able to speak again. The thought made her her so incredibly sad. Her heart sank as she thought that without her voice he might never know who she was. Hopefully, in the next few days she could get a kiss from him that meant something real. Something that proved they were in love. She silently willed him to wake up. His sleep was filled with dreams of the beautiful mermaid who had rescued him from the sea. He began to feel restless and stir as the rays from the morning sun began to move over his eyes. In his dream, he was holding her close as he instinctively pulled the mysterious girl in his arms closer while kissing Autumn passionately in his dream. "Autumn . . . love you," he moaned out loud as he began to stir. He felt himself melt into the kiss in his dream as consciousness began to tear him away from his happy slumber. He felt a sense of dread sweep over him as he felt himself waking and leaving his happy dream filled fantasy world. He fought not to wake up and clung to the world of his dreams. When he surrendered to the morning sun, he felt an immediate sense of loss leaving Autumn behind in his sleepy wonderland.Then he saw her face but did not understand. It was the beautiful mysterious girl from the sea . . . his Autumn. His face showed a flicker of joy and recognition as he looked into her mesmerizing grey eyes. As soon as the look flashed on his face, it was gone. It was not Autumn, but the girl he had rescued from the island. She looked so much like Autumn, but he could feel her legs snuggled against his. He saw the dryness of her lips and slid his arm under her head lifting it gently from her pillow. He tipped the cup to her lips slowly letting the cool drink soothe her lips and nourish her. He then offered her food. How could she look so much like the girl from the deep emerald sea who had captured his heart. As she ate pasta, he asked tentatively, "Autumn . . . is it you?"***********Frederick dialed Grimsby s cell phone number as he struggled to hear over the roar of the engines and the propellers of the helicopter. "Grimsby, I am an hour away. I am bringing the girl back with me. I will dump her at San Diego Metro Hospital. She can be their problem. I want Alex to remain there so we can get the platform finished. The contract with the oil refiner has a "time is of the essence clause" so it will start costing us 125,000 per day if it is not finished on time.""Sir, Alex is . . . well . . . they were in bed together when I went to bring her some food this morning. I do not think he will let you take her without . . .""What!" Frederick roared. "Grimsby, how could you allow this to happen? I trusted you to keep Alex focused on the project. I do not care if I have to rip the girl from his arms. He is not going with her. You better figure out how to get them apart before I get there!" She smiled softly when she heard her name followed by the three words she'd always wanted to hear: "I love you." Autumn had never been so happy...and then she realized that he would have to be awake to say them and actually mean it. She saw a glint of what looked like recollection in his eyes before it vanished as he awoke. She drank heavily from the cup he provided, though she knew that she should be careful not to drink too much too quickly. The relief that it brought was instantaneous.When Autumn was offered food, she was a little curious as to what she should do. She vaguely remembered Gabe teaching her how to use a fork to eat food, and she happily tested her skills. She found out that she wasn't so bad at it. The strange dish she was eating was delicious, though she had no idea what was in it. Something she'd never tasted before. It made her smile as the warm food nourished her. About halfway into the dish he reminded her of his presence and asked if she was Autumn. She stopped eating and turned her head to him, swallowing her food with a nod. Unfortunately, she could never actually tell him. She set the plate down and gestured to her throat, then tried to speak. No sound came out. He was confused as she nodded but did not speak gesturing to her throat. When she nodded, his heart leapt thinking she was his Autumn but that she had laryngitis but realized that was ridiculous. People did not literally lose their voice but only struggled to talk. She could not make any sound so she was probably incapable of speech. He figured she probably did not even understand what he was asking which is why she nodded. He looked at her long legs and was sure that this was not Autumn. She was indeed beautiful and looked so much like Autumn, but Autumn was a mermaid not a human girl. He was amazed that they could look so similar, but Autumn s beautiful voice still haunted him.He fed her and took care of her never leaving her side. He forgot the project and the other things that needed to be handled. Grimsby kept barging in trying to get Bill to leave her side, but he had decided he would stay with her until she had the strength to join him on the deck. As she drifted off to sleep, he could not help watching her. She found himself drawn to her but could not decide whether he was attracted to her for who she was or who he wanted her to be. As the night darkness began to engulf them, he found himself drifting off to sleep again. He laid down next to her and wrapped her in his arms. He whispered in her ear, "Goodnight my sweet mysterious girl."Suddenly, he was awakened by the sound of Grimbsy and his father. "Sir I tried but he would not listen.""Well, he will listen to me. Where are they!" His father bellowed in rage.Alex was still snuggled up to Autumn when his father burst into the room. "What the fuck is going on here," he demanded. Autumn felt herself start to cry again as she realized that he didn't think it was really her. When she had finished her meal and the drinks she'd taken. Without her voice, she wasn't sure he would ever love her. She closed her eyes and rested when he asked her to, and fell asleep again. Actually, she was still sleeping when she heard the most hateful noise in her life. Autumn dragged herself out of her sleep and looked up at a man who was absolutely livid. Apparently, he didn't take kindly to the fact that she was on the boat at all, much less with Alex, who the man appeared to be looking straight at. And by the looks of his expression, he didn't think much of her existence at all.With some effort, she managed to drag herself up into a sitting position, her body covered with a large, mens' shirt and some of the covers. She looked up at the man with large, innocent eyes, and wondered just what he had against her. After all, they'd never met. She looked at Alex next, wondering what she should do and what he was going to say. If only she hadn't lost her voice...She had to get him to love her. She just had to. And she needed to write if she was going to do that.
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
"I bet there's a safe haven right around " Edge's boisterous claim was cut short as two more basilisks sprung out from around the corner of the cavern walls. With a couple of well placed shruiken, the monsters lay dead, and for ONCE in the last two hours, Edge was actually right about finding a safe haven. Shimmers of blue white light bounced off the damp, dark walls of the cavern deep in the underworld. The outcroppings of rock and pieces of crystal glowed and reflected the light."Now, milady," Edge said playfully to his traveling companion Rydia, "let's camp here for a while to regain our strength. I know you've been putting your black magic through its paces." The ninja took the tent he'd received from Cecil before exploring the cavern away from the three Baronians, pitching it in the middle of the mystical field which warded away the monsters who hid in the darkness. After pitching the tent, he dusted his hands and turned to face the young lady."I know the tent seems a bit small, but I assure you it will be quite comfortable for just the two of us." Though he wore a fabric mask over his nose and mouth, anyone could see the silhouette of a grin on the young prince's face. His words had never failed to swoon the young women of his homeland of Eblan. Now his sights were set on Rydia, the mystical Summoner from the lost town of Mist. Edge was glad that Cecil had sent them on this mission together. In the initial rush of joining Cecil's party, he had not had time to properly introduce himself to this magical girl. He knew that by charming her with his words and being confident in his body and his strength, she too would eventually fall to his charms.Edge trained tirelessly to learn the secret arts that his mother and father, the queen and king, wanted him to master. The training showed as his bare arms had muscle clearly defined. He crossed his arms over his chest, drawing attention to his body, showing just how fit and strong he was. The lavender clothing he wore was the traditional garb of the commander of Eblan's army. It was very form fitting, further accentuating Edge's attractive features.With a courteous gesture, he allowed Rydia to enter their tent first as he went to start a fire for their camp. "Oh, hey! What do you know! You actually found one." Rydia had lost hope and hour ago that they were actually going to find a magically protected area to take a rest. Her strength was dwindling. She had actually been thinking about asking Edge to carry her. She had good reasons behind it. For one, if they got hurt, she could heal them. That was reason enough for her strength to be preserved.The girl stood with her hands upon her hips as she watched Edge assemble the tent. Her green hair fell down into her matching green eyes as she tilted her head. While she would of loved to have gone with Cecil, Edge was probably the second best. She thought she was strong enough to take care of herself but really, Edge was a lot stronger then her and a good person to have around.At his comment about the size of the tent, Rydia only smirked at the sight of the grin hiding behind the fabric that covered the lower half of his face. "Right. I'm sure it will be just fine. If it does turn into a problem, however, you can just sleep outside of the tent. You would do that, wouldn't you? I'd give you a blanket, of course." She grinned back at him before stepping inside the tent, her boots being left right outside the opening.Sitting inside the tent, pulling off as much clothes as she could get away with, she had to wonder what to expect. She hadn't actually had time to just relax and be herself with Edge. And he certainly seemed to be the ladies man type. She sighed at the thought. Edge made his way to the tent's entrance, silently removing his boots and padding inside. "There we are," Edge said, softer but with the same cockiness he was infamous for. "We'll be so warm that we won't even need blankets!"Edge caught a glimpse of Rydia, removing her bulkier outer garments, leaving just enough on to remain decent. His eyes grew wide for just a moment before he regained his composure and pulled the mask from his face, confirming the grin he wore. "I must admit, I'd love to learn more about you, Rydia. We've just met and I'm sure there's a reason you're fighting alongside Cecil and the others."He sat cross legged on the ground of the tent and set his kunai to the side before removing the lightweight armor he wore. A see through, tight fitting black shirt made from fine silk was the only thing left on the ninja's upper body. He breathed a sigh of relief, thankful for the break in all the chaos and battling. "Mmm. I suppose it will be pretty warm given how little room there is." She was twirling a long strand of her hair around her index finger. She leaned back, laying down and sprawling out. She was suprised at how quickly she had become comfortable sleeping out in the wild, scary places. Though if she was alone, she guessed she wouldn't be so at ease.So he was curious about her past. She frowned, thinking of the tragic events that had happened in the not too distant past. She really didn't feel like talking about it. She'd skip a few things. Her mother, for one. "My village was burned to the ground by Cecil's king. He felt horrible that he had been a pawn...and so he took me with him. I want to avenge my people. That, and Cecil saved my life. I'm proud to fight at his side."She lay still then, her eyes closed. "Nothing much special about me, Mr. Edge." she mumbled. "I don't know about that. You're stronger than I thought if you've been through all that. And, might I add, you are VERY easy on the eyes. I'm surprised that you don't have to fight off suitors more than you fight off Goblins," Edge joked. He couldn't help but think that Rydia was the prettiest woman he'd ever seen."None of the girls in Eblan could hold a candle to you. Plus, you're intelligent and can match wits with me. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself."Edge grinned as he got a little more comfortable, laying on his side while he propped his head up on his arms. "And I truly mean that, milady." Rydia was blushing, then. She really couldn't help it. Her pale cheeks were now stained an adorable pink. She was still young, she hadn't really had time as far as men went. Now that she was travelling with Cecil and everyone, that was probably the farthest thing from her mind. To hear him say she was attractive, well. It made her giddy. She wasn't sure she liked it."Thank you, Mr. Edge." she mumbled. "But really, don't make me out to be so wonderful." she laughed quietly. She did know that she held a sort of escotic look. But still, she didn't pay too much attention to her appearance.She felt wrong not complimenting him back, so she did. "In Mist there were a lot of pretty people, and handsome men. But you, you're different. I didn't think men came like you. You're practically perfect." She smiled sheepishly toward him. Edge did something he'd never done with any of the girls back home. He leaned forward and pushed a soft kiss to Rydia's forehead, smiling as he stared into the deep green eyes of the summoner. This time, it was different. It wasn't like the empty advances he'd made in the past. A strong feeling washed over the prince. He wanted to care for Rydia he wanted to protect her. Most of all, he wanted to make her smile like she just did."Thank you, Rydia," Edge purred. "I'm so very happy you feel that way."The temperature in the tent felt like it had climbed all by itself. In the back of his mind, Edge also wanted to show Rydia things that she couldn't learn from a spellbook or in the Feymarch. He tucked the thought away in the back of his mind, not wanting to scare Rydia before he had a chance to connect with her. Despite that, the thought grew little by little. To Rydia, however, Edge looked calm. The ninja once again thanked his training. He kissed her forehead and now her entire body was blushing. She felt absurd. People did that all the time. It was a gesture you gave to show affection, usually to someone younger. Rosa did it all the time. But this was different. The way he was looking at her was just...different. What could he have been thinking just then? Did he really like her?Instantly her mind fluttered away to things that they should of, and her blush deepened. For one, he wouldn't. He said she was beautiful, but would he really act? No, she didn't think he would. And if he did she'd probably make a complete idiot out of herself. She had no idea what to do. She did her best to calm herself down, shifting and wiggling nervously.A smile spread over her trembling lips and she nodded. "We should get some rest." she said quietly. "I mean, we'll have to wake up eventually and get on our way." Though really, she would of enjoyed just staying in the tent with him. "You're right. We have to continue on, and fight through the rest of this cavern until we meet back up with the others," Edge replied, but then put his strong, warm, masculine hand on her shoulder to try and calm her nerves a bit. He continued, "But I really like this. Just being able to sit and relax, even if it is only temporary."A hint of playfulness flashed through the ninja's dark eyes. "Who knows," he chuckled, "the others may be even more lost than we were. I have a feeling that we'll be at the meeting point well before them, so why not spend the time together?"Edge traced Rydia's bare shoulders with just one finger. "It's so nice and warm here. You can't blame me for wanting to stay a little while." He was making staying here sound even more tempting. Really, they were probably ahead of the others. They may of been lost a bit and unable to find a rest spot for a long time but because of that they had come farther then the others would of. Knowing that made her smile, feel a little more accomplished.Rydia's eyes darted down to Edge's hand as he touched her shoulder. Despite how warm it was it caused goosebumps to raise up all over her skin. She shivered lightly before trying to relax again, looking back up at him with a light blush."I don't blame you at all." she spoke quietly. "I'd love to stay here for awhile, too." She offered him a smile but was shying away from his touch rather then becoming acustom to it. She couldn't help it, she held an attraction for him and it made things, well, akward for her. Edge smiled faintly and moved his hand away from Rydia's shoulder. He could sense how timid she was. It was a bit unlike how she normally is quite opinionated and unafraid to say exactly how she felt. The prince thought that she was experiencing feelings she'd never dealt with before that would explain how quiet she's been ever since coming into the tent."It's okay, Rydia, dear," Edge cooed. "You know what? I'm going to tell you a secret that no one else knows. But you have to promise not to tell anyone, okay?"Edge's smile was a genuine one. He wanted to act on his desire to make her feel comfortable and happy. He gave Rydia a little bit of room so that perhaps she'd feel a bit calmer. "There isn't a soul who knows this secret. I want you to know it because it'll help you relax." It made her blush just know he knew how tense she was in this situation. She took a few deep breaths and calmed herself down instantly. She'd be fine. Smiling toward Edge she nodded quickly, leaning forward, expecting him to whisper said secret into her ear, even though they were all alone. Secrets and whispering went hand in hand, right?"Do I have to tell you a secret in return or are you giving me this one for free?" she questioned with a little smile. See, it wasn't that hard to control herself and calm down. She shifted comfortably on the tent floor, curling her toes and waiting eagerly for him to tell her what it was he was keeping from the rest of the world. It'd give them a connection, she thought. Something for just them, and she liked that. Edge leaned in, closing the distance between them slowly. That same confident smile stayed on his face as his lips came so very close to Rydia's ears. He allowed his hand to gently touch Rydia's hair, which sent the temperature in the tent up a few notches. The ninja's hand moved to cup Rydia's face as he confessed his one secret to her."Even with as much as I flirt and womanize, I've never actually been in bed with a woman," Edge whispered softly.A small blush tinted his own high cheekbones as he pulled away a bit to smile at the girl who'd suddenly stolen his heart. The hand cupping Rydia's face withdrew with a few longing touches. He could feel a slight bit of trepidation having confessed his secret. He secretly hoped that Rydia wouldn't burst into laughter or ridicule him for the rest of the journey. If that were to happen, he'd have earned every time that Kain called him a fool."It's always fun to tease," Edge grinned, "but I feel like I shouldn't tease with you. You deserve more than that, Rydia," he said. He hadn't thought about the words they simply spilled out, almost of their own volition. It's as if his sharp mind had dulled just a bit to let his heart do the speaking instead. His hand in her hair, then on her face made her shiver again. Of course, it was a natural reaction to the touch and it wasn't a negative one, either. She felt like the normal her would of pulled away and plainly stated that he shouldn't touch a lady like that without asking, even if it was just a kind gesture. But right now, she didn't feel nearly as confident as she always did. She felt vulnderable beside Edge, but in the best possible way.The secret, well, it wasn't something she had been expecting but given that it was Edge she should have. Her cheeks colored a little more and she simply looked back up at him, trying to collect some words and then speak them. She was surprised by his little confession...but at the same time, and for a reason completely unknown to her, she was very, very happy."That's good." she finally said in a tiny voice. "I mean, you're only suppose to go to bed with the person you care about most...and you flirt with everyone." She laughed softly before offering him a smile. Should she say she was a virgin, too? No, she could of guessed he already knew that. She just let there be a moment of silence, and it was more comfortable then she thought possible. Edge's fears melted away with the summoner's smile. He returned it with his own, enjoying the amiable silence for a moment. Edge was pleasantly surprised at Rydia's reaction, and decided to press his luck a bit."I have another secret to tell you," Edge said, as he raised a finger in the air. "But, after this one you have to share one of your own. Is that agreeable?"Edge could feel his heart beating a bit faster. He hoped that Rydia would agree, mainly because he wanted to tell her his next secret as soon as he could. If the summoner hesitated, Edge worried that he might just blurt it out loud enough to attract attention to the cozy tent. He stared at the tent floor for just a second, gathering his patience so that he wouldn't startle Rydia out of her current mood. Rydia continued to smile at him, waiting for the silence to be broken though honestly she would of been just fine if it wasn't. She could of happily fallen to sleep looking into his eyes, his happy smile. But he did eventually speak again, catching her interest yet again.Another secret. But this one was clearly more important then the last because this time he did want her to tell him one of her own in exchange. Laying there she tried to think of something to tell him. It depended on what he was about to tell her, of course. Maybe she could relate them somehow."Alright." she said, leaning in again, eagerness and excitment clearly there. "Tell me first, and then I'll tell you a secret, too." Edge leaned in again, a bit more playful this time, and whispered, "The person I care about most is you, Rydia..."He grinned and gently kissed her ear as he withdrew, letting her take in what he'd said. It was pretty deep, but Edge knew it to be true. He hoped that Rydia would at least accept it, and he dreamed that she felt the same way too. Despite his calm demeanor, Edge was quite nervous. He wouldn't let Rydia onto that fact, however. It had never been this way with anyone else.He leaned back and stretched out, relaxing his body, pleading with whatever Eidolon was listening to help Rydia understand what he meant by his second confession. Wow.Okay, this was a little more shocking then his first confession. No, a lot more shocking. She'd frozen up at his words, eyes filled with confusion for a moment before completly blank and she drew back into herself and tried to figure out what exactly she was suppose to make of this. Lots of things were swimming through her brain, things she could say, things she wanted to ask. But she was unsure. About everything. But then, she loved risks. She took them all the time. If she just believed him, then...Blinking a few times she turned her gaze back to his, a smile spreading across quivering lips. "I...I don't really know what to say to that, Edge." She admitted with a weak laugh before glancing away again, only to look right back. "Except that...that you have touched me more then anyone else since my mother died. We have a connection...and I think I care about you just as much as you care about me. That's my secret."She hoped he wasn't just joking, because she was being as serious as ever, her brilliant green eyes filled with emotion. Emotion for him.
/Not a chance in hell/-Me and Lawless-
Yuugao had been captured earlier that day. While she had been relaxing for the first time since Hayates death. Now she was in a holding cell for the akatsuki, her off duty clothes a crumpled mess mostly. She had worn a soft black silk button up, and now It was pretty much open to about just below her breasts. This of course made her black lace bra quite obvious, and her breasts not something she would have liked. Obsidian eyes flashed with anger as purple hair fell around her. She tried to hide herself this way, but it really wasn t THAT effective.She wore a skirt for the first time in a long time, but it was practically rolled up to her hips now. That was from rough handling, and her majorly struggling. Now it was quite obvious there was a nice pair of black silk panties beneath the black skirt. Black, she liked black it was neutral safe. The faintest hint of lace was seen at the outer edge of the panties. Her sandals had been lost awhile ago, and her headband was tied to her upper arm. Wonderful captured She muttered. None Deidara walked up to the little prison cell she was kept in. He wore his standard Akatsuki clouded robes. He smiled at her. "You enjoying your stay so far, hm?" He asked, and then grinned at her, his blonde hair being brushed out of his eyes by his hand. He looked down on her. "I'm sure you know by now why you're here, right?" He asked, and then he opened the jail cell and walked in, but closed and locked it afterwords, using a sealing jutsu. He sat down beside her. Yuugao glared at him as he came in. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at the male. "Deidara, of the Akatsuki... you work with clay... and explosions..." She said in a bored tone. her sleeves where long enough that it hid her ANBU tattoo, and that was a good thing. But some people got the tattoo cause they thought it looked nice. He knew otherwise, he knew she was ANBU which wasn't... good at all. Deidara just laughed. "So you know a little about me." He said, and then he brushed a hand through her hair. "Have they been treating you well?" He asked, while standing. He then pushed against her face with his hand to push her back. "You're the newest Akatsuki pet." He explained. "You should feel special... we haven't had a pet in a long time." Yuugao grimaced as he caressed her. She yanked back and just glared at him, scenarios running through her mind. How would she escape this? How would she get out of this situation. SHe shifted her position and pulled her legs up a bit more, an annoyed look crossing her features. "I have been treated fine, with the exception of not eating... in a bit, and needing to use the restroom... I have been treated fine." She muttered. Deidara laughed. He then stood up. "Well, luxories like bathroom breaks and food have to be earned, you see." He said. "What will you do to earn a meal?" He asked, and then he grabbed her hand and he put it on his crotch. "I'm sure you can think of a few things." He said, and forced her hand to move up and down on his crotch, she could soon feel it growing. Yuugao's lip curled in disgust as she stared at him. They wanted her to earn the right to use the restroom? Food she could deal without. She had dealt without before, she was an ANBU. If need be she could shut of parts of her bodies functions, it would require chakra, and make her tired. But at least she wouldn't have to.. Alright that was a tad bit disturbing. She watched the blond as he rubbed her hand on his crotch and then frowned. "you really don't get laid often... do you..." She taunted softly. "It's funner when it's the enemy." He said. "And I only get it when it's fun." He told her. "Now... why don't you be a good girl and show me how you can work that pretty little mouth of yours." He said, and brushed a hand through her hair. "You WILL be a good girl, won't you?" He asked, and stared into her eyes with his own eyes. Yuugao actually laughed, burst into laughter and tilted her head back. "if you think I give in that easily Deidara... you are a fool." She said as she gave him a rather dark look. "If I havent' done if for the men in my village, what makes you think I will do it for you?" She stated as she leaned in and let her breath fan over his face. Then she pulled back and returned to staring ahead of herself. "you amuse me... if I haven't gotten in a relationship with my Senpai, what makes you think I will with you?" He just smirked, and pulled out some clay. The mouth in his hand started chewing it up. "Then you're of no use to us. Anything we can torture out of you we've already gotten out of someone else." He said, and then showed her a little bird. "Here, a parting gift." He tossed it to her. Yuugao watched him with an amused expression on her face. He expected her to fold that easily? He was crazy, literally crazy. "mmphhff... Funny... you haven't captured a single ANBU before you caught me.. I know that for a fact." She taunted soflty as she shifted how she was sitting and straightened her back all the more. SHe stared at the bird and smiled brightly, "Do it... kill me.. It will reunite me with my Hayate..." She said in a cheerful toned voice. Can you say creepy? "And I thought Itachi was emo." He just shook his head, and laughed. "I'll just blow your hands off." He said, and detonated the small explosion, having no real fatal effects, but just blowing her hands to all hell. "Wasn't quite strong enough to blow them off, hm." He said. "Oh well, at least you now know I'm not playing around..." Yuugao remained silent as the explosion went off. It dealt damage to her hands, but she had worse in the past. When he left the room she would use a minor medical jutsu to fix it. She sighed and slumped back against the wall, just ignoring him now. "Do as you will" She muttered faintly. Her eyes closed and she found herself entering a very relaxed state of mind. Later that day, Deidrara came back and looked at her from outside the cell. "Sasori told me to come see if you needed anything." Deidara said, grumbling, slightly. He looked her up and down. Yuugao was busy fiddling with braiding a lock of her hair. Having made a small usable blade of chakra. More then that she was doing intricate braids with the hair she had cut off. He opened that, and talked to her and she looked up. Her hands where completely healed over, not so hard of a work for a person with some medic nin training. She laughed softly and raised an eyebrow. "Now why would I need anything from you?" "Food... water... bathroom?" He reminded her, slowly, and then he looked down on her, and saw what she ws doing. "Tsk, tsk.... you're still clinging to a hope of escaping, aren't you?" He laughed almost uncontrolably, and then pulled a chair up and sat down. Yuugao smiled at him viciously, "Oh I can easily escape once I build up the chakra." She said cheerfully. She grinned ear to ear as she stretched a little and dropped the braided rope. "Dont need any of those, I shut down my functions..." She commented lightly. She could do that for a few days, but not much longer. "Well, I suppose I'll have to take things a little bit farther." He then pulled out a blowgun and shot it into the side of her neck. The dart he used had chakra sealing poison laced on it. Yuugao ripped the dart out and glared at him. Curling her arms around her chest she ducked her head unto her pulled up knees. "no matter what you do... I'm not going to service you..." She hissed out lightly. Her eyes closing as she shuddered faintly. He opened the jail cell door, and walked into it, then kicked her in the head. "You won't have a choice after this." He told her, with a grin, and then looked down at her. "Your chakra is unusable now." Yuugao glared at him, and skidded just a little after the kick. Her ears where ringing but as soon as they stopped she just glared up at him. "Good luck in breaking me, I am a battlehardened Kunoichi..." She murmured softly. There was no way he was going to get info from her, at least not easily... He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. "Oh, don't worry... the longer you last without breaking, the longer I enjoy torturing you." He said, and then started to take her away from the holding cell, and towards the interrogation room. Yuugao growled faintly and sighed, as she slumped. Do as he will, he wouldn't break her. Even if he scarred her, she wouldn't ever reveal the information he wanted. Naruto had done way too much for the village, his father had done too much. She wouldn't betray that unspoken trust, just to save herself. Soon, he put her in a chair, and then he shackled her there, and grinned. "Now, let's see if I can't break that Will of Fire." He said, and then he smirked. "First... exhibit A." He then pointed his hand at a curtain, and it feel, revealing Kakashi knocked out, and hanging to the wall limp. "You may die to save your village, but will you let him?" Yuugao's eyes widened, her lips parting a little. But then her eyes closed as she slumped into the chair. "How do I know that's the REAL Kakashi..." She whispered softly as she glared at him. Eyes as hard as the obsidian they where colored like. She stared at the man on the wall and just looked away. "Hatake Senpai would not allow himself to be captured..." She stated softly. "Unless he knew he could escape..." Deidara just laughed. "It was pretty simple, actually... he was easy to snare with the combination of all of us... fool went out by himself in order to lead us away from Naruto. He then turned to Kakashi, and was soon stunned by Kakashi's sharingan . He then shook it off. "Good thing his chakra is sealed, too." "Hatake you fool, close your damned eye!" She snapped at him as she glared at Deidara. How could she tell the man that they didn't know where Naruto was? Only that the boy took off in the middle of the night to parts unknown. She bit the inside of her cheek and slumped down a little. Her head shaking a little as she opened them again and glared at Deidara. "Interrogation will do you no good." Kakashi stared ahead at her, and then he looked at Deidara. "L...listen. Leave her alone and I'll tell you what you want." He said.Deidara turned and went over to Kakashi. "Alright... where's the fox?" He asked, and then he took out some clay and started to form a bird he could fly away on if Kakashi gave him good information. Yuugao glared at Kakashi and started to pull on her bondings. But then stop, Hatake senpai never did something without reason. She just remained silent, and waited to see what would happen. Perhaps it was all just a ploy? She damn well HOPED it was a ploy. Obsidian eyes closed as indigo hair fell into her vision. Hair sliding around her shoulders and pooling in her lap now. "He went..." He then gave Deidara the coordinates to the Otokage's office. Kakashi had spied on the sound village quite often, and he figured what better way to stall both of his enemies than to try to put them against eachother.Deidara thought about it for a second, and then he pulled another curtain to the side. There was a map with all of the places the Akatsuki were planning to attack... he looked at the coordinates, and then he laughed. "Clever... send us right into the Sound Village... no, we already plan on taking them... in time." He turned to Yuugao. "And now she will be punished for your treachery!" Yuugao's whol body tensed as she prepared for the results. Kakashi rarely failed, but there where occasions where such happened. At least he wouldn't be struck, that was a beneficial thing she supposed. Her eyes narrowed as she tilted her head up, eyes glaring at deidara. He wouldn't break her, not ever. "You can just go blow something up... because no matter what you do... it won't effect me." She said firmly. He smirked and looked to Kakashi. "Who said I'm going to break you?" He asked, and then he ripped the top of her outfit open, to reveal her breasts and any bra that would cover it. "I'm going to use your body until there's nothing left." He told her. "And then when there's nothing left, I'll start training you to be a good little slave..." He said, and then put his hand on her cheek. Yuugao's eyes darted towards Kakashis, her eyes going hard. I do this for Konoha, use me he may... but it won't get to me... no matter what you see... it's not the real me...she tried to get him to understand. Her fingers tapping out the message in the ANBU code that Kakashi had personally created with his ANBU team. "Use me you say? Good luck with that..." She muttered. Her eyes staring straight ahead and blankly as he put his hand on her cheek. Kakashi nodded, and then he closed his eyes.Deidara ripped away all of her clothes, leaving her in nothing but her underwear. He then unzipped his pants, and then stared down at her. He put his hard dick up to her face, and slapped her with it. "Now... if you bite... Kakashi over there dies." Yuugao remained silent, she was an ANBU operative. She would remain silent and do what it took. Her eyes closed and she remained silent. Her mouth covering the crown of him and her breath passing over the flesh that was presented to her. Her eyes remaining closed, head tilting just a little. Her mind was blank, blank because if she acknowledged it in any way then he could use it against her. This was some of her first sexual interactions in over... well since Hayate died... it had been awhile. He heald her nose closed so she'd have to open her mouth, and then placed the head of his cock on her tongue. He then slightly turned and looked at Kakashi, then smirked. "Now, then." He said to Yuugao. "Listen up!" He yelled at her, when he realized she was in some kind of a trance. "If you bite down. Kakashi dies... if you keep zoning out. Kakashi dies... if you don't suck and put effort into it. Kakashi dies..." Yuugao's eyes opened up a little, a flash of obsidian fury was seen. She swirled her tongue around the tip that was on her mouth. The taste was salty, saltier then she remembered Hayate being. He wanted her to put effort in? The females lips wrapped tightly suddenly her tongue swirling around the shaft part in her mouth... and then she sucked. She sucked a little on the harder side, just enough to stun him but not enough to hurt him. That would teach him, teach him for giving her an order. He shuddered for a second, and then he groaned. "Mmm, that's good. You're very talented." He said, and then he reached out and used his chakra to pulled a chair over to him. He then sat down, and smirked. He untied her hands and legs, but then soon he tied them behind her back so she couldn't move her hands. He then forced her on her knees. "There... continue." Yuugao growled, a pulse of anger rushing through her. She shook her head and sighed softly. He was readjusting, and here she was going to have to continue. She mumbled beneath her breath as she shifted herself into something a bit more comfortable. She took him back into her mouth, and then looked up towards Kakashi. If there was anyone she wouldn't mind doing this too... it would be him. Asides for Hayate, there had never been another male that caught her interest. Eyes closed as she went to work, using her tongue and her mouth to try and bring this Akatsuki to his... knees. Deidara groaned more, and then brushed a hand through her hair. "That's a good girl." He said. "Good to know you realize your place." He said, and then he looked down at her face. He smirks. "You look cute with something in your mouth." He told her, and then brushed a strand of her hair out of her eyes. "Didn't realize how cute you really were until just now." Yuugao rolled her eyes a little she was a woman of nearly thirty years of age. She was far from a girl, and far from cute. She ignored him and exhaled slowly. Continuing to do as she knew would bring him to the heights of ecstasy. Her tongue swirled, and her teeth scraped just lightly as she pulled up. She sucked her way back down and then pulled back so only the tip was in her mouth. Sucking lightly she then pulled her mouth away to release a light breath. She didn't do this cause she liked it, she did it to prevent Kakashi's death. He stared at her face, and then he moved her face so her eyes would be up to see his. He then pulled her up, and into his lap. "Wrap your legs around my waist." He said. "I'm going to go ahead and show YOU some pleasure now... and remember.. if you disobey... Kakashi dies." Yuugao's lips curled up a little at his words. Pleasure? It would be far from that. Let him try in vain to get her to have pleasure from him. She shifted up and put her legs on either side of his legs and sighed softly. Her head tilting away so she didn't have to look at him. "Yeah... sure" She muttered softly. Kakashi dying, that wasn't something she needed. He was the last person alive from her past really. At least that was close enough to know her truly. He smirked, and then he put his hands on her face, and tilted her up to look at his eyes. He then stared down at hers, and moved down. He kissed her forehead, and then he moved his hand down her panties. She'd soon feel the tongue in his hand start licking between her pussylips, lashing against her clit. Yuugao stared at him as she was held by him. Her eyes glaring daggers into his own. Soon that hand was sliding down her body and there was a sensation of something lashing against her. An old feeling of pleausre slowly started to awaken and curl through her. But it was slow to start, and even harder to keep up. She was forcing her mind to not fully react, but infact was in the process of making a splinter of herself mentally. As they had been taught years ago in ANBU. He smirked, and bent down and kissed her lips again. "Why deny yourself the only good thing you're going to get out of this place?" He asked, and then he moved up. "Just enjoy it. It's a reward. You've been good so far." Yuugao growled softly against his lips. He was talking to her in such a manner? That was gonna fly with her. She rolled her eyes a little and sighed. Splinter, splinter. The real Yuugao retreated into her body, this is what she had meant to Kakashi. A splinter of herself is what he would see. "Maybe your right..." She whispered softly. He pulled her closer to him, and grinned. "Good girl." He said, and then soon the tongue started to massage her clit, and his finger started to move in and out of her pussy, at a slow, but steady pace. Splinter Yuugao released a low moan as she tilted her head back. Her body moving into the actions, her frame shaking as the pleasure built. Body coming alive from the actions of the males hand. It was interesting, being eaten like this and fingered. Her body arched into the touch still, while Inner Yuugao curled up and wrapped herself in a protective layer. She would not allow this to effect her. Kakashi yelled. "NO! NOT HIM!"Soon Itachi Uchiha came into the room. He just stared at Kakashi, and snickered a little bit. He looked over to Deidara and Yuugao. "You fool." He said to Deidara. "That's not even her..." He said. His Sharingan was out.Kakashi started to struggle in his bonds again.Deidara growled, and soon the mouth bit down on her clit. Yuugao's eyes snapped open suddenly, the splinter shattering. She could feel blood damnit! She growled then and twisted against her bonds. "You fool, you bloody fucking fool..." She screamed as she growled faintly and struggled harder now. This was really not good at all. Deidara growled. "You were trying to deny yourself of my gift, you ungrateful bitch!' He then slapped her with his free hand, over and over again.Itachi just smirked and went towards Kakashi. "Looks like your little friend over there is in trouble..." He then pulled out a kunai, and stabbed Kakashi in the side, casually.Kakashi groaned. Yuugao accepted the slaps, her lips pulling into a horrible grin as she smirked towards the male. "Is that all you have to give, you worthless excuse for a shinobi!" She exclaimed, a laugh busting from her lips. Deidara stared at her, and then he moved his hand away and showed her the blood that came from her own clit. "You call me worthless, and you're the one who was captured... you and your friend over there." He said.Itachi looked over to Yuugao. "Deidara, you might want to be a little careful." Yuugao gave an almost cackling laugh. Her eyes hardening as her head tilted down. "I am far from worthless, and you only managed to get me because of how long of a mission I was on before my break... when you nabbed me." She said as she rolled her shoulders back, a vicious smile crossing her features. "If you aren't careful... I'll find a way free..." She whispered in a rather dark tone. Her chakra may be bound up, but a kunoichi always had other means of escape. "You're annoying voice is getting on my nerves." He said, and then ripped her panties off, and shoved them in her mouth. He then forced them to stay in by covering her mouth with a layer of clay. After she was shut up, he turned her around, and put his dick up to her pussy.Itachi turned back to Kakashi. "Kakashi... why don't you just talk so you and your friend can leave?" Yuugao gave a gasp of surprise, and curled her tongue in a manner that would make sure she didn't choke. She breathed through her nose, and squeezed her eyes shut. She was a Kunoichi, of ANBU level! She wouldn't break simply because some male was raping her! He started to bounce her up and down on his lap, his hands moving to her breasts. He gently bent her neck, and then smirked. "I wonder what your defense against getting pregnant is with no chakra." Yuugao's eyes squeezed shut as she growled. She couldn't respond, but all ANBU for Konoha where required to chew sterility herbs. When the proper counter herb was chewed they where capable of concieving. So she could silently gloat as he fucked her. He smirked and continued to pump into her, then gently he bit her neck. He whispered. "I don't think Kakashi will survive even without me hurting him." He turned them both so she could watch Kakashi being tortured. "He seems to be in pretty bad shape." Yuugao's eyes closed tighter, her hands clutching on her bonds. Goddess, she wished she could get free of all of this and fix him. She couldn't speak thanks to the clay and panties, but her eyes did enough speaking when she opened them and glared at Deidara. Her and Kakashi had been through much worse then this... Itachi looked into Kakashi's eyes, entrancing him. Then the next thing Yuugao would hear is Kakshi's screaming filling the entire building. It was a pain that he had never felt before. Yuugao growled against her improv gag. She whimpered then as her head hung, her shoulders sagging a little. She struggled suddenly shaking her frame and struggling against Deidara's hold on her. Damnit, she needed Kakashi to live through this damnit! Deidara whispered. "I can make Itachi stop if you just talk." He said. "It's not that hard... who's more important? Some kid... or your friend?" He asked. Soon Itachi thrust his hand into Kakashi's ribs, and broke them all to pieces. Yuugao gasped faintly, and finally managed to push the makeshift gag from her mouth. "I'll talk I'll talk!" she cried out. She whimpered faintly as the pain started to reach her. But she had a plan, one that was sure to work. Because it was the truth. "Last he was seen...nnn he was heading in the direction of the old Whirlpool village. WHat he was heading for, we don't know!" She stated as she whimpered faintly. Deidara smirked, and then kissed her neck. "Good girl." He said. He looked to Itachi, who nodded. Itachi then rounded up all of the Akatsuki, except for Deidara, and two others.Deidara then just sat there for a second, and soon he was bouncing her up and down on his lap again. "You're a good girl." He said. Yuugao glared at him now, just glared. "Are you going to fix him, or just let him lay there and bleed." She said in a bitter tone. She would fix it herself, if her chakra wasn't all bound up. Kami sama, how could things be going this way! "Depends." He said. "What else will you do for me to save his life?" He asked. "It has to be something good.. something that I can't just take for myself." He told her. Yuugao's eyes narrowed faintly, and then she shook her head. "Sorry, you are out of luck. I am years out of experience of having a lover. Most of the things I did with Hayate where pure vanilla... you aren't gonna get much outta me." She stated in a dry tone. He laughed and then he bit her neck. "You can't think of anything else you can give to the man who holds your friend there's life in his hands?" He asked, and then started bouncing her up and down on his lap again. Yuugao winced faintly and growled lightly. "I have nothing left to give, that you haven't taken by force." She snapped at him as she shook her head a little. Her eyes narrowing even further as she was bounced. That was completely and totally degrading. It made her feel like a child, and she HATED that. He continued, and then massaged her breasts, staring at Kakashi. "Looks like your poor friend will just die." He said, and then smirked. "Maybe it would have been less cruel to let Itachi kill him fast, hm?" "If you let him die, you let an asset die!" She exclaimed as she growled faintly. She was being truthful, she really and truly couldn't do a majority fo things that Anko could. "you want a sex toy, kidnap Anko, I hear she's into that." She muttered. He just laughed. "An Asset? Anko?" He smirked and then bit her neck. "...Anko was passed around by Akatsuki for quite a long time when she was just a teenager..." He told her. "She's used up, we don't want her anymore..." Yuugao shuddered as he bit her, wincing at the pain of it. "well I don't have much to offer, I wasn't much of a sexual Kunoichi." She snapped as she struggled against him. "Letting Kakashi die is a bad idea, think of the plethora of Jutsu's he knows..." She stated as she pointed that out. She unlike others knew Kakashi had seals on his body that prevented him from being properly studied upon his death. All ANBU did. Deidara just shook his head. "He's no use to us if you two won't obey." He said. "And I've already made the initiative to not KILL him. The rest is up to what you can tell me." He said. "That's the thing, I don't have anything I CAN tell you. We don't know Naruto's location. The only Bijjuu location we know, is that of the Eight Tailed Beast." She stated in a drawling tone. Yeah, lets seem them go after THAT one. "I'm sure being in ANBU you know plenty of things about Konoha... tell you what." He kissed her ear. "You perform an oath on your honor that you will obey whatever I say, and will only do something if I give you permission." Yuugao bit her cheek, the inside of it, and tasted blood. A growl passing from her lips as she tried to yank away from him. "What good would that do? And how long would it last..." She said in a low gravely tone. To save her Sensei... He smirked. "Until I released you from my service... which more than likely means until I'm bored with you." He said, and then continued to bounced her up and down on his lap, with his hands groping at her breasts.
['Yuugao', 'Hayates', 'Deidara']
Tale as Old as Time (Eve and Krad)
"Papa?" A young, brunette woman called, pushing against the tall, wooden doors to the castle. She held his hat in her hand, the other was fisted over her cloak clasp. This whole day hadn't gone as planned..."Goodbye, Papa! Good luck!" "Goodbye! And take care while I'm gone." She'd watched as he drove down the road and out of sight, then retreated indoors. An hours worth of dusting, twenty minutes to cut up vegetables, and five minutes to mix it into a stew and then she could settle in with her newest book, the one the book seller had given her yesterday. Not an hour later, there had been a knock on the door, and then he'd shown... wanting to engage her in talk of marriage and a family, dogs and a hearthfire. No, thank you. She deserved better than him... he didn't deserve her. That wasn't what she'd told him though, oh, no. And after she'd tossed his boots out after him, she leaned against the door, her hand over her eyes. How could she get rid of him? The minutes had ticked by, and finally she felt it would be safe to go outdoors, feed the animals. "Is he gone?" She asked the chickens, who merely looked at her inquisitively. "The nerve of him! He asked me to marry him!" And she'd ranted to the goats, the pig, the chickens, knowing they wouldn't pass judgement. Chores done, she wandered out to their back field to watch the sun set. That was when she'd heard the frantic whinny. "Phillippe! What... where's Papa? Oh, we have to find him. You've got to take me to him." And hurriedly, she unhitched him from the cart, and climbed up onto her horse's back. That was how she'd found herself at this spooky old castle in the woods, complete with creaky gate and gargoyles."Papa? Where are you? Hello?" Slowly, she paced through the halls. "Is someone here?" The beast was sitting in his parlor, staring into the fire an open book on his lap. The sound of her voice brought him out of his trance and he stood up quickly and turned, his cape swishing behind him. Carefully he went to the door and peeked out into the hall as she passed by. The servants were all abuzz as the rumor went around there was a girl in the castle."Hello? Wait! I'm looking for my father... I " She paused, looked around, brushed a stray strand of hair back from her face. "Well, that's funny. I was sure there was someone. I is anyone here?""Belle?" The sound of that voice had her running across the tower room."Papa!" Her hands reached out, found the one he held out to her. "Oh, your hands are like ice!" And his cough worried her. "I've got to get you out of here." She ignored all of his protests that she needed to leave, that she had to get out. "I'm not leaving you, Papa." And though she was worried, her strength came through in her voice. The beast saw her there, kneeling down infront of the bars. He aproached, the moonlinght casting a shadow over her as he neared silently, her father sputtering words, attempting to tell her to leave. She turned with a gasp as the shadow came over her. "Who... who are you? Please... I've come for my father. Can't you see he's terribly sick!" She was supporting herself with her hands, her eyes pleading with the shadow above her. She didn't know what she'd do, if whoever had put her father in this cell wouldn't release him. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she just left him there. "Your... father is my prisioner now. Now leave or you will be too." He said a low growel escaping his throat as he spoke.
Hinata's Curse (Duragon and Futent)
Konoha had been seeing itself a quiet bit of peace. Most of the ninja in the area spent their time training and taking on low rank missions since nothing of much importance was really going on. Recently, Hinata and Kurenai had been sent to investigate a nearby mountain, said to have shown signs of strange jutsu and perhaps even magic taking place. With little option in the matter, two of Konoha's brightest kunoichi headed out, finding nothing interesting in particular, until the bumped into a man, cloaked in red. Obviously, he was the one behind the rumors, and suddenly the stench of rotting corpses creeped into the nostrils of our heroines."I thought it would be a matter of time before Tsunade sent her dogs after me. How fortunate that she's underestimated me. A couple of weaklings like yourselves could never match up against me." He turned towards the women, his face dark and shaded, a tattoo stretching from under his eye to his jaw. "I've been in rest for fifteen years... trying to re assemble my group... Together we'll dominate our enemies, including your village." His left eye glowed blue when he opened it. He was definitely covered in murderous intent. "I was working on getting followers, so I travelled to several villages and kidnapped several people... when they refused to join me... I had to kill them." He said, explaining the horrid smell in the mountain's crevice. "I'm going to kill you both. To send a message to Konoha. But first... I would like to humiliate you!" He revealed a long staff, and pulled back his hood, revealing spiked silver hair. "Come... Kunoichi of the Leaf! You will suffer for the pain I've endured!" The smell...Hinata recoiled when it hit her nostrils, raising a hand to cover her mouth. She felt like she was going to be sick....she'd smelled death before but never this strong...never this much. Kurenai on the other hand was slightly less phased. She had been in situations like this before...she knew the stench of death far too well, though it wasn't by choice. "You..." The elder Jounin slowly stepped forward, frowning as the man seemed to discuss the lives of his victims like they meant nothing, unable to help clenching her fists. "You're the one who underestimates us, we wont be so easy to kill..." Hinata slowly uncovered her mouth, nodding in agreement, bringing her hands together as she activated her Byakugan, her eyes changing as she readied herself for combat. All she had to do was get in close...."You're going to pay for what you've done to all these people..." Hinata's voice was somewhat angrier than usual, all this death...she hated it, she hated the cause of it. It wasn't often that she felt this way, it wasn't often that her shyness was pushed aside by anger and hatred, but this was one of those times. The two Kunoichi just stared down the unnamed man, taking a slow step towards him, watching him carefully. "Then come at me! Bitches!" He screamed, smirking wildly. Raising his staff, he gave it a quick twirling before jutting it's butt into the ground. "Fire Style!" He screamed, making several hand signs. "Sea of Flames!" On que, the staff released wave upon wave of fiery destruction. He hoped this would at least kill one of the women, but he knew better than to hope so highly on a starter. He watched with a grin on his face as the women now had to deal with the unending flames ahead. A sea of flames? Did he really think that would stop them? They weren't just some rookie genin. Both Kunoichi leapt to the air, Hinata looking down and around for him, using her Byakugan to see through the flame like it wasn't there. She nodded toward him, Kurenai reaching over and grabbing the girls arm, spinning her in the air and launching the Hyuuga straight at him, her arms drawn back ready to attack him the moment she got close. As the women cleverly avoided his start up attack, the mage wasn't prepared for the speed the Hyuuga displayed. Being hit across the face, the man stumbled back, hitting his back against a wall. "You, dirty bitches!" He screamed, putting his hands together. "Water Style, Shards of Ice!" He opened his palm towards Hinata, hundreds of small icicles, sharp ones, shooting themselves towards her. Hinata took a step back as she saw the man bringing his hands together, clearly performing hand signs for a new Jutsu. The girl raised her hands to defend herself, gasping as shards of ice began to shoot toward her, though she quickly focused her Chakra through her hands, using her gentle fist style to begin deflecting the shards, though the occasional one did slip through, forming shallow cuts across her skin.Now that the flames had stopped, Kurenai was dashing forwards, coming at the mage from the side whilst he was focused on Hinata. Even if he could use that Jutsu on both of them, it would mean his concentration, and the technique, would be halved on each of them, giving them a much better chance of breaking through it. "Is this all it takes to hold back two of Konoha's finest females? Ha! I laugh at your weakness! You know nothing about the outside world, you know nothing of what truly matters!"He broke apart the ice jutsu seeing as it was just a push back type of move, not really something that could defeat them. Kurenai was probably the stronger one of the two. He'd use a forbidden jutsu to try and control her. She wasn't stupid however, and gengutsu was one of her specialties. The mage had no choice, if she could control Kurenai, maybe she could beat down Hinata for him, and maybe he'd treat himself to a bit of fun as well.Eighteen fast hand signs flashed over his eyes, "Forbidden Art! Mind Control Jutsu!" A quick, nearly transparent wyrm would shoot from his hands, if it managed to crawl into Kurenai's nostrils, ears, or mouth, she'd fall under his control for about an hour. The wyrm had little range, and after being exposed too long it would die. Most elemental jutsu would cause it to die as well. Kurenai gasped at his words, a mind control jutsu? She knew of it, as a Genjutsu specialist she needed to know about things like that, had to practice resisting them, but being a forbidden technique it was impossible to actually practice that resistance. This was the first time Kurenai had been exposed to such a jutsu outside of a theoretical study. Despite her best efforts, Kurenai felt control of her body slipping away from her. She was trying to move, but her body wouldn't respond. His control was too powerful even for her, the best she might have been able to do was confuse her own body, slow her movements slightly when he commanded her.Hinata's Byakugan allowed her to see....something...emerging from the man's hands and entering Kurenai, before an unfamiliar chakra pattern began to seep through her body. It was focused in Kurenai's mind, but had spread through all of her chakra points, suppressing the Jounin's own chakra. "K Kurenai sensei!"
['Tsunade', 'Hinata', 'Kunoichi', 'Kurenai']
Brutal Morality: A Saw Rp [Goatsexseven]
Desmond had found that he quickly remembered how soft and sweet Amanda was to him. What with how she looked like she wanted to reach in his stomach and pull out his organs so she could tie them to a truck and drive off. Always so nice and pleasant, the screwdriver of course had helped her look like she didn't want to jam it in his other eye socket and have fun making him completely blind. It was times like these that Desmond thought about the decision he made and how there were obviously no regrets or negative feelings at all.It also was probably best that he didn't know about the thoughts going through John's head, as it would've made him quite self conscious about how he was. However, he wasn't looking forward to being around Miklosa, as something just didn't sit right with him about that guy. "Alright, sounds good." Running a hand through somewhat damp hair, he was relieved to know that he was slowly being put back together, so at least one thing would feel familiar. Though the opportunity of being put in a room with Amanda that happened to contain a trap of any sort didn't sit to well with him at all. He assumed that she would either bash him over the head till he bled out, or she'd give him a 'hands on' experience of how it works. It made him wish he took more wood shop and mechanical classes so he wouldn't have to spend time with someone who obviously hated his very presence."W... what are you talking about?" He asked, nervously laughing, pretending that he wasn't in fact singing exactly like a girl does into her hairbrush. "I wasn't singing anything." Desmond didn't bother to make eye contact with Amanda, he knew better than that. Hopefully she would at least let him get away with lying this once. "I won't sing anything, anyways. Especially Astley." He was expecting John to defend him in some way and try to quell the anger that was common to this woman, but at hearing no form of that, he realized their dislike for his singing was mutual. At least they didn'tseehim in the shower, as much relief as that was."I'll pay attention though, don't worry. I'll listen to everything you have to say, Amanda." Which meant: 'I'll be quiet so you can't find a reason to become angered with me in any way possible'. It was really a safe thing to do, as opposed to just blatantly making an ass out of himself. After all, she knew the building better than he did, and knew where to hide. Also, he didn't really feel like making conflict and making this all the more difficult for John. John remained where he was, lingering at the workshop table surrounded by his careful blueprints, his deft fingers digging into the mass of gears and springs while Amanda turned fully, regarding Desmond the way a particularly cruel child eyes the ant they have centered beneath their magnifying glass. She tossed down the screwdriver she'd been holding then, and it crashed against the table and echoed through the room,"What, aside from the fact you just rickrolled the entire fucking building?" Amanda snapped, and then irritably waved Desmond over to her, heading towards an adjacent room, her combat boots stomping along the cement floor, causing a surprising amount of noise for someone as small and thin as Amanda. The room she led Desmond into looked as though it may have been a drama room at some point, an enormous room with a vault ceiling, double doors, and a single desk that was sitting off to the side. There was an enormous steel beam that ran across the roof as a part of the rooms reinforcement, and a ladder had been set in the room to reach it what appeared to be part of a hydraulic engine had been painstakingly lifted to the beam and bolted into place while a long thick chain held two long, thick steel bars that still needed to be bolted into place on the hydraulics."Those," she said, pointing to the steel bars, "Have to be bolted to that."She pointed to the hydraulic engine,"Normally Hoffman would do it, but he's been working, so " she shrugged with her mouth and held out a pneumatic torque wrench for Desmond, "You're gonna do it. And try not to fall off the ladder, it's kind of a long way down and I'd hate to have to tell John that's how you died. Put a little muscle into it too, huh, those bars probably weigh more than you do."And, back in the other room, John was working quietly on the arm piece of a future trap, one that he had initially named the Rack, but Amanda was much more creative with names, so now he mentally referred to it as the Twisting Crucifix he had already tested out the leg pieces with the dead flesh of sheep their bone density was more akin to a human's, even if the pig flesh was closer. The trap didn't so much snap the bone as it slowly wound it around itself, causing it to slowly tear at each joint, and he had just down the arm piece to test it, when he realized there was blood on the metal.Suddenly muzzy, John looked down at his hand he was bleeding not a cause for alarm, the medication he took to manage the symptoms of the cancer had caused his skin to become thin and easily marred, the chemo had made his blood flow heavier, so even the smallest cuts looked worse than they were. He dissappeared into the medical room to clean up the cut, and in his dizziness, failed to notice the thick streak of blood that had followed him across the room. Of course his shame was quite apparent. He looked as though he had been caught naked in the middle of a highway. It was just an awful feeling, and he was really beginning to hate Amanda for easily making him feel this way. For once, the girl was the bully at the playground, pulling everyone's hair and kicking dirt in their eyes. "Y.. yeah. I guess I did." He meekly mumbled, following after her. As they were leaving though, he had glanced back at John, wishing he could stay with him instead. After all, he was nice, he wasn't so awfully cruel and rude.As those boots slammed to the ground, he had flinched with every step. Apparently the young man was finally realizing what it was like to be completely whipped by a girl. It wasn't exactly the most comforting feeling in the world. "Y.. Yeah, I don't want to fall." He spoke softly, looking up the ladder. He wasn't entirely comfortable with climbing up that ladder when Amanda could've easily pushed it over and killed him in a moment. Something in her tone, also told him she would hardly be sorry about him dying in such a silly way. Nah, she'd be the one encouraging such a death.Grabbing the tool, he started to climb up the ladder, shaking a little every now and then. His glance kept falling to the floor, looking at Amanda as if he was constantly preparing for that long fall. When he had finally reached the top, Desmond sighed loudly. This was a bit more work than he was prepared for. Within moments, he was already exhausted with bolting down the beams. "Dammit..." The former thief sighed, continuing this annoyingly long job."Anything else you want me to do while I'm up here?" He mumbled, looking down at the intimidating woman. Amanda watched she watched each slow, careful step that Desmond took up the ladder, watched his hands shift up the wrungs, and she quietly wished as hard as she could that it would tumble over, that Desmond would hit the ground and his head would splash across the concrete and she could mournfully explain to John that it was an accident without having to lie to him. She hated lying to John, hated hiding the truth from him because he had this way of turning those pale eyes onto her and making her feel like a little girl all over again, make her feel guilty for every white lie she had ever told, made her feel guilty for continuing to lie to John by telling him she had stopped cutting and burning herself. She hated that she kept doing it anyways, even though she feared that one day he would catch her in the act and the trust would be gone entirely she couldn't lose that, couldn't lose John. She would die if she lost John, she was sure of it.Her thin face was twisted into a miserable, sour expression, her eyes narrowed.And now this fucker was in her life, intheirlife. She had gotten used to the idea of Hoffman he had been in this before she had been, and Miklosa well, she hated the fat, greasy piece of shit, but he wasn't around often enough to be a problem. He was brought in only when things were desperate, when his surgical skills were called for and John's hands were too shaky for him to do it himself that was when they called him in, Miklosa, a perverted doctor who had taken advantage of sedated patients. Made Amanda sick. Made John sick too, she could see it every time they were in the room together that John felt queasy just for standing near the man, but being who he was, he reminded himself that a second chance had been given and Miklosa was trying to redeem himself, had sacrificed his own leg to escape the trap he had been put in. He had lived up to the rules.But this guy, Desmond, he had no use. He was only there because he had no where else to go, and as far as Amanda was concerned it would be a mercy killing to send him to the ground right then, after what he'd done killing a woman and her unborn child, even accidentally, it mirrored John's own story too closely, after John had lost his unborn son to Cecil's irresponsibility."I wouldn't have let you get out." Amanda said conversationally, casually placing a hand on the ladder wrung, "Of the trap. I wouldn't have put in a fail safe. Would've made the drill take your fucking brain out instead of just your eye." Perhaps it was by reflex, but Desmond felt his knees lock into the ladder a bit as he was up. It was as if his body was already bracing it's self against an attempt to be knocked off of the high ladder. He knew there wasn't exactly any bails of hay or soft pillows to land on. Concrete wasn't exactly the best of places to land when a psycho woman would probably stomp on you the moment you hit the ground. "That's nice to hear." He sarcastically, replied, doing the necessary work he had to up there, hoping to quickly finish the job. "I can tell you're fond of me by the glares you give me every five minutes." Wiping his forehead for a moment, he continued, "It's like you're smiling at me... except it's like you want me to die constantly. I think I'll stick around here longer though, if you don't mind." If he was more daring, he would try baiting her a bit... but he knew better than to do that with a crazy woman who wanted him dead.When the job was finished, he moved back down the ladder and stared at Amanda, wary of any violence that might be in her. "So what now? Are we going to do anything else, or shouldwego check up on John?" He could tell that she had something for him, it was quite obvious with how protective she was. It was like him being near the man was enough to upset her, so he tried to be a bit passive aggressive by putting emphasis on 'we.' Oh how he sincerely hoped she wouldn't wring his neck in his sleep. His best bet might be to just crawl in John's bed at night, she couldn't kill him right in front of the man. It didn't take a lot to bait Amanda Young these days now, all it took was a well placed jab or someone looking at her the wrong way for her to launch into a near homicidal rage. Most of the time she seemed to be seething with a barely controlled anger at the entire world, and the only things that calmed her anymore were John, and the press of a blade into her skin. But even the latter had been wearing off for her, because she had begun to feel intense guilt every time she did it, thinking of the promises she was breaking to the man who had changed her life and taken her in. He had never asked a lot from her everything she had done was voluntary, all he'd asked was that she not take drugs and stop cutting herself, he'd told her to be kind to herself instead of abusing her body every chance she got.And she had failed, and that made her even angrier. All she could do was make up for it through her traps, make them work make them work damn well. At first her anger had got the best of her and she just hadn't put in a fail safe on a trap because it had occurred to her that if they lived if they lived, John might take them in, too.And after all, he already had enough going on right? He was already sick, and taking in more strays wouldn't be good for him. She was just looking out for his welfare, it was for the best.Eventually she'd left the option out of every trap no one was allowed to escape anymore, not when it was her creation and more of them were hers these days as John became less physically capable of making them.She hadn't made Desmond's, though. She wished she had."Hey," Amanda said flatly, when Desmond's tone dropped to sarcasm, and she kicked her thick boot against the wrung hard enough to rattle the entire ladder, "Fuck you, bitch."And then she was striding away because it turned out Desmond had a point they had been in there a while, and she wanted to see John, he always made her feel better. Making her way down the hall, she moved into the workshop and looked around he wasn't in there, which was weird, since he would normally spend hours inside.Unless he was so unwell he couldn't keep up with it, that happened some days.About to turn away to go check if he was in his room, she paused for an instant when something on the ground caught her eye he looked down, lifted her boot, and found her shoeprint in blood on the concrete floor. Looking behind her, there were droplets across the room, progressively becoming larger cold trilled down her spine and she grabbed the door handle to access the medical room, only to have her hand come away sticky with blood and there was so much of it that it had crawled across the handle and streaked down the door."Shit," Amanda said, "Shit, shit,"She opened the door and shrieked, because John was on the floor, seizuring violently she ran to him and put him over onto his side, immediately beginning to sob.
Long Live the King (BBC's Merlin)
Even though he was no longer a boy, Arthur still took the steps two at a time when his father summoned him.The old king had mellowed with age somewhat, his ages smoothing over like a river rock, but his son still hated to risk his ire. Uther would never hit the boy, had never laid a hand on him but for his few moments of gentleness, but the old man was still capable of finding punishments. At this age, striking would probably do little good, what with the son sharing the father's stubbornness. Punishment or not, Arthur had hurried from training the knights to answer his father's summons, the stink of young men in dirt and layers of armour and cloth clinging to him.Maybe it would do the old king good: over the last fortnight, his health had taken a sudden and surprising turn for the worse. Uther had blamed the cold, the food, something in the wine, everything he could but the obvious and Arthur knew it was simply age.Funny, the thought of old age creeping up on his father, a death like the slow crumbling of cities. Arthur had never imagined that death for the warrior king, the slow falling apart of a body in decline because Nature and the Heavens willed that man would not live forever. He'd expected poisoning or battle or maybe even Morgana losing her temper on the poor men , but this slow decay over the years? Not even Uther was prepared for that.Arthur nodded to the guards standing at attention near the king's study, his face tinged pink from the cold and exertion. Old, paranoid bastard, he thought, not unkindly and tucked his helmet under his arm. Something... something was off. He knew it the moment when he stepped into the cold, stony room with its heavy furniture that Uther sometimes took his appointments in to keep them short. It was too quiet. Too still. ??Father? ? Arthur said carefully, voice small in the stillness, more like a little boy's than a prince.His body knew. His body knew before his mind did, because his mind refused to believe in his father's mortality as he glided over to the slumped form of his father, his heavy cape swishing around his booted feet as he moved, hand out stretched. No. No, Father was just sleeping. He was an old man who still pushed himself and old men, even his father, got exhausted. Certainly he wouldn't ?? hecouldn'tdie. Arthur touched his hand and jerked back like he'd been burned by the cold of a body that was no longer a body, but a ??A corpse.In a fog much colder than any temperature he had ever known, Arthur returned to the doors with all the grace of a man whose legs had been replaced with wood and, in a voice he could not recognize, told the guard to fetch the physician and the priest. The king was dead. Who was saying that with all that control, with no waver to his voice? Certainly not Arthur, who had just been orphaned in between the time his father had sent down for him and now. The prince turned back, closing the heavy, wooden doors behind him, the sound of them shutting not registering in his mind. Again, he approached the king, slow and wary like a dog that had been beaten. Like a little boy chastised. Who was controlling his body? Certainly not him: he could no longer feel his legs, but when he touched his father's thinning hair, he could feel that. ??The King is dead, ? he repeated hollowly, nervous fingers smoothing his father's hair, his collar, brushing invisible lint from the rich fabric now that the man could no longer see his son's affection for him as ? as what, a weakness? Arthur tried anger. Tried to reach for the thought 'he was never there', but he could not. All he could do was crumple: his shoulders dropped, his helmet fell from his hands and the son pulled what used to be his father to him and sobbed, alone in that dark, draughty room made of stone.The king was dead.Long live the new king. Gaius had been summoned and Merlin was quick to follow. The king was dead?! That did not seem possible. Uther seemed far too invincible for this to be true. How could it be? He just could not fathom the thought that King Uther could actually no longer be. How could that happen? That man was so strong. He was so very hard to ever beat. He, much like Arthur, imagined him to be killed by a physical opponent not old age. Their King was so very strong. Obviously, he was not immortal. The mood in even the hallway showed him this was not just some false alarm.Watching the white haired man gingerly walk into the room, Merlin kept back. Arthur would need time to mourn. He doubted the blond would wish to even see him. Why would he want to? He was merely a servant. Nothing more to the prin King. King Arthur. That The ring to it was nice, yet the reason was so very bitter. Bitter sweet. He truly did not like this at all. He knew Arthur would be a good King, but he also knew that it must be horrible that he lost his Father. He could relate. Losing his father. Being an orphan since his mother passed on a few years back, he knew what it was like to feel so suddenly alone, but why would Arthur care about his opinion?In all the years he had been at Arthur s side, the man still did not seem to trust him as much as he should. That something he was hiding probably did not help him at all. The raven haired male kept to himself, heart racing as he waited to see Arthur. He wanted to help him. He had to. He just did not know how to! What could he do? There was not much that he could do other than be there for him. Other than that, what use would he be? He would not let him be alone. That would only make matters worse. Being alone in this time, would be bad. ??Gaius. ? In the time the old physician had taken to come up to the kin the former king's study, Arthur had stitched up the pain like a battlefield's wound: quickly, carelessly and with the posibility of becoming something nastier later. No. No, it wouldn't. He'd seen the results of a leader being poisoned by grief. He wouldn't let it happen to him. And Gaius had brought Merlin. Fantastic. ??Thank you for responding so quickly. ? Gaius. Now there was someone who had outlasted too many people. Hadn't his father been older than the physician? He could not think of Gaius as younger, especially as the old man curled in on himself as he bowed, head turned towards Uther's body. Maybe the ancient physician would out live him. ??Sire, ? he said, rheumy hands twisting in front of him. ??Shall I check fo ? ??I do not believe it was an assassination, Gaius, ? Arthur responded levely, body turned slightly from his father's... his father's corpse . ??You may certainly run your tests, but I had hoped to speak with you about the living. Before the priest shows. ? Instead of the old man, though, he turned his eyes straight on Merlin, the first time really looking at him since the two had come in. ??I know my father's ... stance on magic. But I also know you have connexions with those who still practice. ? He swallowed down a gulp of air, chest expanding nervously he had always hopped that the dead did not mettle so much in the affairs of the living, but maybe his father's anger had yet to disappate ?? and said, ??I wish for you to ... contact the druids. Tell them that their new king would appreciate they pay their respects at the old king's funeral, Gaius. They will be under my protection. ? The whole time, his eyes stayed on Merlin, because Arthur wasn'tstupid. ??I must tell Morgana. Please, ask the priest to hold off last rites before I return. And Merlin, ? he added, grasping for normalacy. ??I expect my clothes for the funeral will be properly handled tonight. Hopefully, your years of service will allow you to do this one thing right. ? And with that, the new king turned on his heel, cape spining out behind him, and fled as slowly as possible from the room his father had breathed his last in, alone. Morgana and Gw and hermaid's weeping would be picked up by the castle women and Merlin would not see Arthur until much later that evening. Merlin hated to see Arthur in such a state. Yes, to most who viewed him, he would look normal. Composed. Strong. To him? The man who had been serving him for all these years? He could tell else wise. He was broken shattered. He hated to see him like that. That look in his eyes that told him their new king was truly feeling the ache of losing his father. Understandably so, as well. They had their differences, but both men were close as father and son could be, especially a royal father and son. They were never openly affectionate, but the love was still there. It was no wonder that Arthur was so hurt. Not that he would tell him, nor try to comfort him unless given some sort of sign that he needed it. He did not wish to hurt his pride as well as his heart.Nodding to the man, he gave a soft, I will try to do my best, sir and then waited for the other to leave. Exchanging a brief glance with Gaius, he soon turned to make his leave as well. The clothes were not going to get themselves to his lord s chambers. The new King. King Arthur. He had awaited this day for so very long, but that did not make this any better to know just why he was king. He was positive that had it been assassins, or in battle, taking the former king s death would have been easier. There would have been one to be angry at. Now? It was just nature.The evening came all too quickly and Merlin had done as told. He had the pri King s clothes neatly laid out on top of his bed, ready to be dressed to the man s form. Merlin stayed in the room, waiting for Arthur to come back from his errands and would be sure that his friend would be all right. Yes, he viewed him as a friend. He knew that it was frowned upon, but Arthur treated him fairly, especially in the recent years. He paced back and forth in the room, impatient to see if the man would be all right. There was something... real about death, wasn't there? Arthur had thought he'd go for days without eating in grief, but the demands of his still very much alive body didn't go away because they didn't fit in with his idea of mourning. So he had taken a hasty meal in Morgana's rooms because his stomach had been dully empty after the good part of the day had been spent running around the castle, taking care of things that his father could no longer see to. The meat, cold remains of lunch, had tasted of sawdust, as had the wine and the conversation with Morgana, who spoke no more than three words.They were both orphans now, but she had experienced the loss twice. Arthur had wanted to saysomething, but he had been incapable of doing more than taking her hand. As he left, he'd said a few words to Gwen to take care of her mistress.Gwen hadn't met his eyes.The room was well lit when he let himself in, the fire at a painfully cheery level. For some reason, he had thought the world would stop, would slow when a king like his father died, but the fire was no sombre pile of embers and ash, the candles still twisted slowly and warmly, and even the weather outside was mild for this time of year. Arthur headed straight for the clothes left on his bed, calloused fingers touching material: linen, of course, since mourning clothes were not meant to be luxurious, but soft none the less, carefully maintained by Merlin's skilful hands.Arthur finally looked to Merlin, the corners of his mouth and eyes taut. ??It seems you've been promoted, Merlin ? he said hoarsely, trying for the cocky drawl he had only had that morning when he'd complained of the man's armour buffing skills. ??How does it feel to be the king's manservant not just the prince's? ? His fingers began to pluck at the string of his cape, undoing the knot deftly. He had no reason to give Merlin a verbal command: they'd been together for so many years, Merlin would recognize and adapt to his routine without direction. ??You will accompany me to the wake. I trust you're capable enough to tend the candles. ? Once the doors opened, Merlin s pacing stopped. He stood still where he had been, his eyes staying with the blond while he entered the room. He truly looked like hell washed over him and then some, didn t it? He hated to see Arthur in this manner. He had never seen it. Well, no, there had been very few times when the man looked like that, but it was never to this extent. Never so horribly broken. That was horrible. He felt like he was going to crumble in the man s place. He could not. He had to stay strong. If Arthur could, he would as well. He had to. There was no doubt whatsoever that he could manage to keep himself together. Oh yes, promoted. He agreed, giving the blond a simple little nod. I feel regal just standing beside you. Merlin stated, trying to get a bit of his own wit in there. He almost wished to comment about how Arthur would not be ready, but that would be far too inappropriate. He did not want that to happen. He was all right with just stopping at his words.Moving over to the blond, he held his hand out to catch the cape before it fell to the ground, or before prompted to do such a thing. Yes, sir. I will try to not set the castle on fire. He said, giving a half smile to try and get a smile out of the man as well. Just a little one? A half laugh? Anything to show him that the other was going to be all right. Anything. A sign to help him feel like Arthur would snap back in a few days, go back to the man that was so very full of himself, but managed to just barely not have Merlin smother him in his sleep.
['Uther', 'Morgana']
A new trainers Pokemon adventure (futent x Kakure)
Alicewas slightly strange among Pokemon trainers. Whilst most began their Pokemon journeys at the age of 10, Alice had delayed hers somewhat, until a short time before her 14th birthday, which was now only a week away. Perhaps just as odd was the Pokemon she had set out with. Rather than the typical kind of Pokemon most trainers began with, Alice's partner was instead her faithful Absol. She had known him for about 8 years now, she had even been there when he had hatched as a pup from his egg, so it made sense that he would be her partner.Running a hand through her long blue hair, Alice glanced down at the Absol walking beside her and smiled. She didn't keep him in a Pokeball, she felt more comfortable with him out and around her for some reason, especially now she was walking around by herself in human terms. "Now....I think it's time we started making a name for ourselves hm Absol? We're gonna collect every badge from every gym, we're going to make sure everyone knows that we're the best" The two had been travelling for a few days now, a small forest up ahead of them before they would come to the next town. There wasn't a gym there, but it would be a good place to stop to get some supplies when they arrived. Still, it would take them 2 or 3 more days to get there at normal walking speed. Absol had been in here family for, well since the moment he first opened his eyes after hatchin from his egg. He was a gift to Alice, as well a a member of the family after that moment on. He grew up with her, had been with her when ever she was ad, or happy, or angry. He'd protect her to his fullest, with every ounce of energy he had. He had not ever really participated in battles before though, but that did not mean he was not already fairly scappy himself. Most trainers would have to work at getting a partner as loyal s Absol, but Alice did not, he loved the human as much as any pokemon could love a human, maybe even more so.He walked beside her, not used to such extensive walking, though it did not bother him in the least. He was very happy to be able to walk around freely, though of course there was never a risk of him running off, he was bound to his trainer. He tilted his head to show he was listening to her, the strange sickle like horn coming from his head gleamed gently as a ray of light glanced over it. "Absol!" he barked enthusiastically. He was just as eager to prove himself as she was, mainly because he himself was just as excited to be outand about as she was. Most pokemon where much younger then he when it came to becoming the pokemon of a fledgling trainer. Alice glanced down at the Pokemon beside her and grinned brightly. Sure she couldn't understand what he was saying, but she got an....instinct on what he was trying to put across. She knew he was excited, as excited as her, perhaps even moreso. Pokemon like Absol were meant for combat rather than being simple house pets. Not that Alice had ever treated Absol like a pet, he had always been a friend, a member of the family, never a pet.After a little more walking the two were in the woods, Alice stopping at a small clearing and stretching slightly. "Now....we've been walking for days and I think it's about time for a bath, I haven't cleaned properly in days..." She set her bag down and looked at Absol with a smile. "Now, you guard my things while I go wash up ok?" She reached into her bag to pull out a towel, then gently rubbed Absol's head, turning to head into the trees toward the gently flowing river nearby.Upon arrival, the girl began to strip herself slowly, setting her clothes on the ground carefully, before moving to the waters edge. She shivered as she dipped a toe into the cold water, but slowly continued to enter, her body quickly adjusting to it. "Ahhhhh....." Alice let out a sigh of relief as the water washed over her naked form, the dirt and grime of the past few days finally washing away from her in the crystal clear water. Absol once more responded with a short bark of his name. In truth he didn t entirely understand her either, though of course beng in her company for so long, he could understand humn speech well, he just didn t know what certian words meant, like "gym" and "badges" since he had never gone to a gym, nor had they ever won a badge just yet. He gave her hand a small lick though as she told him to guard her things.As she walked off, he felt a small little bit of curiosity. and gently he picked the bags up in his mouth and followed her after a few moments. In truth he had been doing this for soetime now, ever since she had hit the age where she began to change dramatically. It was curious how a human changed so much, he remembered when her sides where straight up and down, her chest was flat, and her voice was higher pitched and rather sqealy at times. But now she was curved, mature, and plump in the chest. Her voice had a much more melodic sort of tone now, not that he had not liked it before.When he first noticed her changes he had simply nuzzled against her, feeling her breasts through her cloths, as well as feeling how curved her hips had gotten, and how much slimmer her middle seemed. The month before they had begun there little journey he had even gone so far as to sneak a peak while she showered. He had been intrigued to see her new figure. Now he let himself grow curious once more, but he stayed hidden because he was supposed to be back watching the bags, though he still was since he had broughten them with him. Alice moved around in the water for a short while, almost like she was swimming, taking her time to relax and enjoy herself, after all, who knew when she'd have the chance to do this again? "When I'm done I'll have to see if Absol wants to go for a little swim aswell..." She grinned slightly, then suddenly ducked her head beneath the water, keeping herself there for about 20 seconds, before suddenly emerging, standing straight upright and taking a deep breath. Her bare, wet skin glistened in the setting sunlight, her long blue hair clinging to her back, her front facing Absol's hiding place, though she didn't notice him.The girl just stretched her arms into the air, seemingly accentuating her curves even further, before running her hands slowly and smoothly down her body, seemingly examining herself. "Guess I really am growing up....I'm gonna need to buy some new clothes during this journey...." His eyes where entirely focused on her as she bathed. It was rather fun to him to be doing this, it wasn't entirely a bad thing, at least he didn't think so. He just felt a thrill as he was able to go unnoticed even by Alice, she always seemed able to "sense" his presence. Now however he felt invisible, undetectable, like air. The view was also rather nice to as he watched the water glimmer, making her glow a little bit more.Absol felt a sudden sense of dread when she went under and didn't come back up after a few seconds. He was nearly about to jump in before she broke the surface of the water. He sighed in releif once more laying closer to the ground and hiding. He watched the water slip down her skin, each drop made him almost jealous. A strange sort of feeling was gripping him, why was he jealous of water?He decided now was the time to go back and make it seem like he had simply been waiting patiently for her. As he stood up he felt a little strange, he noticed something was a little swollen, is was his own length peaking from the sheath. This wasn't new, though it was new since he had been staring at her and it happened. Shortly after Absol returned to the clearing, Alice followed, once again dressed, though with a towel draped around her shoulders, her hair still somewhat damp as it flowed behind her. "Hey there Absol, sorry to keep you waiting" The girl grinned, sitting down beside him and reaching over to gently rub at his back. "Say, you wanna go for a swim? I'll take you down to the river if ya like. I can sit at the side and you can have a nice swim around. Or if you'd like, we can just stay here. Whaddya say?" The girl just smiled, waiting to see if he would turn to head for the water, or if he would simply settle down beside her."If you wanna stay, then I'll get a nice little fire going and see about getting us some food cooked up" Absol would have enjoyed the comfort of a nice swim, however he didn't want to get up, not since it was rather akward if he had. She would see the reddish tip of his malehood. "Ab..." he said lazily, moving his head to lick her hand softly, as if to say "No it's alright im good." He pretended to be tired, something he had learned from her when she would try to ignore her parents, she'd shut her eyes, make her breathng go soft and even, as if she was really asleep.At the metin of food he gave a small bark, as if to say that was entirely welcomed though. "Hungry huh?" Alice grinned as he seemed to just lay lazily on the grass, licking her hand, though he seemed to perk up a little bit when she mentioned food. "Well I guess I'm pretty hungry aswell, so let's see what we've got hm?" Alice grinned and started to rummage through her bag, then slowly stood up, walking a little ways to start gathering up some sticks for firewood, before going to the center of the clearing. As Alice bent over to start the fire, her shorts pulled rather tightly around her backside, which was pointing right at Absol, swaying from side to side slightly as she started the fire and began to prepare their food for cooking. Absolute gave another small bark to her question. He sniffed gently trying to smell what she had to eat as well, though still not getting up to check himself. He felt fine, just confused about his sudden "urge" he got from watching her simply bath. As she gathered the fire wood he watched looking as she bent to pick things up. Absolute took a very great deal of interest when she began to start the fire. Her shorts hugged her tightly the material a tad thin because of the summer heat. He noticed how her backside was shaped, like a peach almost, and how in between her thighs he saw a very subtle little bump. "A pit?" he thought to himself, slowly getting up to sniff at her, the tip of his nose gently grazing the area. Alice was humming to herself softly as she prepared things, not hearing Absol moving around and approaching her. "Hmm....I think some favourites tonight...." She licked her lips, then let out a sudden yelp when she felt something, blinking and looking over her shoulder at Absol sniffing at her crotch. "A absol....? Why are you sniffing there? That uh....that's....not somewhere you should be sniffing at really...." She shivered as he nudged against her, feeling an odd sensation running through her, a slight whimper of pleasure escaping her lips. Absol had been rather caught up in what he was doing to realize the rough tip of his nose really rubbing against her through the thin material. Though hearing her tone of voice snapped him back out of it. She did not seem upset, more so surprised, but usually that meant he was doing something not normal. However when she made the small sound of pleasure he took it as a good thing and continued. Absol, like most pokemon, dog like ones anyway, didn t find this strange, and he even licked at the thin material. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Alice had been about to tell Absol to stop it, that he shouldn't be doing such a thing, but then she felt his long, rough tongue flick out and run across the thin shorts, the texture working through her shorts and panties, eliciting a louder moan of pleasure from her. "Oooooh..." Her lips started to grow wet beneath her clothing, the scent starting to become easily detectable by the sensitive nose of an Absol. Absol only listened to her soft moans of pleasure. As he licked the material began to grow matted and stuck even more so against her, he could feel her nether region almost through her shorts and pantis now, and as she grew wetter he could even taste her own necter beginning to flow. "Absol...." he sniffed as her scent grew stonger, it was so new, so strange, but oh did it smell so good, and the taste wasn't bad either. His nose pressed against her backside as he licked harder against her, now a very apparent wet patch appearing on her shorts. This was the first time Alice had ever felt sexual pleasure, and she couldn't suppress her soft moans of pleasure, her knees starting to shake beneath her as he continued to sniff and lick. The girl felt herself becoming hotter and wetter in the area between her legs, beginning to pant heavily as she started to lower her hands down to her legs in order to prop herself up, the wet patch becoming easily visible in her shorts, allowing Absol to begin tasting her juices aswell as smelling them. Absolute was greeted by an odd taste "A little bitter, but sweet?" he thought to himself as he licked at the damp area between her legs. The rougher he began to lick her the better he got this new taste that he was gradually beginning to grow a taste for. Between his hind legs something else was happening as well, the more he listened to his beloved trainer moan the more he began to grow aroused and like a rather odd looking tool the reddish tip of his male hood began to emerge from his sheath once more. Alice was moaning loudly into the forest by this point, her legs no longer able to support her weight as she fell forward onto her hands and knees, panting heavily. "A absol.....ooooh...." She knew she should be telling him to stop, she knew that this was wrong but....but it didn't feel that felt so good...his tongue was pleasuring her in ways she never could've imagined before. Her body continued to want more, the nipples on her small breasts rock hard, poking through her bra and shirt as her arousal continued to grow, her pussy becoming so wet that juices were seeping through her panties and shorts and beginning to run down her thighs. Absol licked more and more, and inch by inch his member began to swell and emerge. It was rather strange, the tip was flat, but had a small point towards the bottum, the viens showed and thobbed. He whimperd softly " Arcues I can't take it...." he told himself as he licked her more. Her juices now only tasted sweet to the pokemon, the bitterness long gone, it was like the sweetest honey to him. His member emerged, bounding softly as hs body moved with the intense licking. Before he knew what he was even thinking he moved his tongue away from the damp spot, the outline of her nether lips could be seen from the clinging material. He wanted to mount her, te urge was new, but not familiar, his instincts where kicking in. Alice moaned and whimpered, then found the pleasure suddenly stopping as Absol pulled away, though she could still feel the heat of his breath against the damp spot on her clothing, her hips wiggling in frustration. "Absol....?" She panted, then found her hand reaching up and hooking into her shorts. Before Alice even realised what she was doing, her shorts and panties were tugged down, revealing her smooth, perfect backside, and her hairless pussy that was glistening with her juices. He had not been remotely prepared for what she did next. As her shorts and panties came down, her scent grew, his sensative nose catching every feeling she now had. Absol knew what she wanted even without saying a word "She doesn't have to......her body tells all," he old himself, her position, her scent, thestrange but wonderful noises she made told him everything. She was like a female, ready and waiting. His nose touched her exposed pussy, his tongue once more flicking out and touching the soft nether lips. Her juices tasted so much better right from the source, but he didn't only want to sample her, her wanted it all. "Alice.....MY Alice....." he told himself, his primal urges gettin the better of him. He moved back before hopping up, his front paws resting on her roung backside. He gave a short but loud bark before he thrust forward. However the thick tip of his member did not hit it's mark, it simply collided into her damp entrance before sliding off it and against her thighs. What was she doing? This was wrong....this had to be wrong. Alice had been about to grab her shorts and pull them up again, until his cold nose touched her pussy, his tongue tasting her directly, eliciting a shriek of pleasure from the girl, nearly causing her to fall flat on her chest. Oh god....that had been so much better than through her shorts! The intense pleasure, the feeling of that hot tongue....Alice was so lost in thought she barely noticed Absol beginning to mount her, hopping into her backside and working his way along her back, before thrusting forward, his throbbing, rock hard erection sliding along her pussy then between her firm thighs. Alice gasped and whimpered in pleasure, her own instincts causing her to wiggle her hips and push her backside out and upward, making her virgin pussy an easier target for his next attempt. Despite his best efforts he couldn't seem to get it in even aftr a few more tries. The tip hit her clit, or would simply slid against her pussy. She was bigger then the pokemon, her legs longer makng it a little harder to get just the right position. Poor Absol could not even look down to see if he was even close, so he simply humped his hips."I....need to...!" he thought aloud to himself. His claws extended gently, biting into her soft backide, though not enough to break the skin. He anchored himself to her before giving a rather frustrated growl he shoved forward. Nothing could prepare the pokemon for what happened next. The pointed tip of his cock hit just right, caught between her nether lips before it plunged inside. Luckily only a third of the long member made it in, but that was enough to spread her rather wide. "YES!" his voice yelled in his head,though of course she would only hear a long howl of triumph. Every failed attempt brought a whine of frustration from Alice's lips, trying to keep her hips still to help him, the girl grunting when he hit her sensitive clit, drooling slightly as she just got wetter and wetter with every passing second. She could sense his frustration, then gasped as his claws started to dig in just enough to grasp her without harming her, and she knew what was coming. Alice braced herself, but nothing could have prepared her. When the cock of her Pokemon penetrated her she let out a loud shriek of pain. He was big....bigger than she had been expecting....he was far bigger than the average human male in both length and thickness. Still, the pain passed somewhat quickly due to her intense arousal and wetness, and his howl of triumph brought a slight smile to her lips. "Nnnngh....A absol....p please....don't stop..." Absol didn't move for some time as hefelt his trainers muscles clnch in as she shreiked in pain, though he had no intention of stopping what so ever, unless she otherwise said to. He listened to her beg him to continue "For my Alice.....anything..." he thought and began to move his powerful legs to guide himself deeper and deeper into her tight depths before his fur rubbed up against her taunt backside. "By tight...." he thought to himself, making a small yip of pleasure as he slowly began to grind against her, despite his insticts to ride her like a bitch in heat, he did not, but went gentle on his beloved trainer. It took Alice a few moments to adjust to how thick Absol's cock really was inside of her tight body, and she was most definately tight. "Nnnngh...." She whimpered as the pain subsided, giving way to pleasure, something her body seemed to be ready to put across as her arousal resumed increasing. She whimpered when he started to slowly, gently pushing deeper into her, the oddly shaped cock slipping deeper and deeper into her body. A little over halfway inside, the pointed tip of his cock began to tickle at Alice's cervix, causing a gurgle to escape from Alice's lips, drooling a little more. Absol rubbed the tip of his cock aainst her cervix, not realizing what it was, only that it was keeping him from getting in any deeper. However unlike her virginity, which he so unknowingly just took, this was proving to be alot harder then he thought so he made due with only using half his length to pump n and out of her. "Ab.....s....sol...." he said though it really meant "So....tight.....good," his mind felt foggy but he didn't need to overly think things to much as he plunged in and out of her pussy, slowly getting rougher. Alice moaned as he continued to rub against her cervix, before pulling away slightly, clearly not wanting to be too forceful with her. "Oooooh....nnngh...." She panted and moaned heavily, her body rocking back and forth. Her breasts were aching for attention inside her bra and shirt, but her hands were busy holding herself up and couldn't be used to please herself further. "A's so good!" As he got rougher, he was continuing to ram against her cervix, his rougher thrusts starting to cause the pointed tip to nudge the entrance apart. Absol thrust harder, his tongue hanging gently as he panted and drooled lightly on her ass. He moved so his front paws hugged her sides. Doing this made it easier for him to thrust in straight and hit her cervix even more, also he didn't need to use his hind legs so much as he hugged her still. The pokemon was nothing short of eager thigh as gentle began to fade away and harsh thrusting began to replace it. Alice shifted slightly as Absol moved ontop of her, trying to make this easier for him, which would only serve to enhance her own pleasure. "Nnngh....oh good!" Alice could feel something building inside of her, and as Absol began to become rougher and more animalistic in his fucking the pleasure only built faster. As his cock continued bumping against her cervix, each thrust parting the entrance a little more than the last, Alice's eyes started to roll into the back of her head, her own tongue hanging out of her mouth as she drooled in pleasure. Absol thrust harder, hardly even pulling out before slamming back in. " It feels....ohhh" he felt something building up deep down his length. The base of his cock began to swell up a bit, becoming even thicker then the rest of his length was. His .claws dug into her again, he was almost dragging her into her thrust as he had the urge to fit it all in. Like a furry jackhammer he pounded her count until he finally felt something give in her pussy. The entrance of her cervix suddenly spread open and his cock, except for the knot that formed, slid in all the way inside. Alice squealed as she felt his cock thrusting into her, pushing deep into her cervix. With a squeal Alice pushed her hips back to meet him, trying to take the entirity of his cock into her body as she began to spasm. "NNGH! YAA!!" With an ear piercing scream Alice felt something snap within her. She slammed her hips backover toward Absol, her pussy tightening up even further as she began to cum hard, juices squirting all over the Pokemon fucking her like she was his bitch. The sudden flood of her fluids drenched Absols fur as she came, however he did not stop and continued to pound her tight pussy even as she came. Her muscles tightened around him making him yelp with pleasure. " My Alice... So good so tight! her" he shouted mentally to himself. His thick knot bumped against her entrance as he slammed in even harder. If she thought things couldn't get any better it was about to. He felt close, ready to breed her like his bitch now. He thrust forward the thick buldge stretching her pussy to it's limits as he began to rotate his hips trying to force the knot inside. Just as Alice's orgasm had been ending, she felt an odd bulge trying to push inside of her, stretching her already vice tight pussy even wider, and allowing his already considerable length to penetrate even deeper into her body, the tip starting to poke against the roof of her womb and stretch it ever so slightly. Absol's considerable strength allowed him to force the knot inside, which triggered another orgasm in Alice's body, her scream of pleasure once more echoing throughout the forest for humans and pokemon alike to hear. With a loud and wet 'pop' the knot forced it's way inside. He felt Alice do the same thing she had a few moments ago, not realizing he was making her go through orgasm after orgasm, and that wouldn't be her last one eiher. With his knot inside something triggered in his mind, and he began to pound even harder then he had before. "Ab...ab....sol!" he grunted " Close...close....have my pups my Alice!" he said in his own language. Absol tore into her pussy like a wild animal, the pointed tip bettering her insides his knot tugging her pussy as he humped her. Suddenly tho he couldn't help it, his claws sank into her skin, a small bit of blood coming from her as he felt himself release. His cock erupted in her pussy filling her womb full before it began to spill out, though it made her womb expand like a small balloon. Alice felt like an animal as Absol pounded her, used her body like it was a tool for breeding, his huge cock stretching her over and over, before she suddenly felt it swell up, the large bulge inside of her swelling even larger just a moment before something hot and thick began to pump into her with incredibly force. She let out an almost inhuman noise of pleasure as his claws dug into her, Alice's entire body spasming as she lost all rational thought, overtook with nothing but pleasure. Her womb and belly expanded like a balloon, the knot at the base of Absol's cock trapping every last drop of his hot, thick cum inside of her body. That third orgasm was almost too much for Alice to bear, her body on the verge of collapse after all of that. Absol continued to weakly thrust into her stirring their fluids around inside of her. The pokemon was exhausted, but satsfied as he pumped every last drop into her already crowded pussy. His saliva dripped down her ass as he panted he would have licked her cheek if he could have reached so he made due with licking softly at the small cuts he gave her cleaning the blood off. It took several minutes for his knot to shrink down, once it finally did he turned to pull it out of her pussy, unplugging the flood of juices that was being held back. Alice remained on her hands and knees panting, her arms and legs shaking as she began to recover. She could feel the bulge slowly shrinking, eventually becomming small enough to pull out of, an action which got a small yelp from her, before she gasped as she felt an immense amount of his thick cum begin to pour out of her, the girls belly starting to flatten once more as cum began to pool between her legs. "O ooooh.....Absol....that good...." Absols cock hung limp, covered in their fluids as he came to gently lick her cheek " Yes it did," was what the gesture said to her. He would have never thought in the eight years he had been alive that he'd mate with his trainer, his friend, now he considered her his mate. His tongue flicked along her cheek licking at the beads of sweat that had appeared on her brow, he was cleaning her it seemed. Alice smiled as he gently licked her, seemingly cleaning her sweat covered face. "Nnnng...." Alice crawled away slightly from the pool of cum that had poured out of her body, then finally allowed herself to collapse onto the ground, laying there panting heavily, staying close to Absol. "I think... we can eat later on huh....?" She weakly reached up to gently scratch behind Absol's ear. Absol titled his head gently as she scratched his favorite spot right beween the horn and ear. His length hung gently not yet slipping in but not hard, it was rather strange but it would slip in soon once he cleaned himself. He licked her wrist, he hadn't been hungry so much before and now he really didn't even feel it. " I love Alice.." he said to himself gently, he noticed she was all messy, it seemed her bath had been a waste. Alice continued to gently scratch at Absol's ear until he moved to lick her again, leaning up to gently snuggle against him. "I guess I need another bath....though I think I'll go in the morning....I'm way too tired for it right now..." She yawned softly, resting her head on the grass beneath her. "How about we get some sleep hm Absol? I get the feeling you're just as tired as me huh?" Absol turned to clean himself, but as she suggested he moved to rest beside her. Indeed he was very tired though so very content. If only he could talk he could tell her that but all he could do was nuzzle in close to her to show he was ready for sleep as well. He would sleep lightly though, the scent of sex was thick in the air and he knew better then to assume no one else wouldn't smell it or have come to investigate all the noise. Alice fell asleep almost immediately after Absol had snuggled up against her, she was so exhausted it was no surprise. The girl fell into a deep slumber, her shorts and panties still around her ankles, exposing her ass and pussy to the cool night air, a little bit of Absol's cum still dribbling from out of her. It was a good thing he was a Pokemon and she was a human, or she would've been worried about becoming pregnant. Fortunately for them, they could do this as much as they wanted without having to worry....and Alice most definately wanted to do this again...and again and again. Absol slept soundly, though his ears where still open to hear anything or anyone approaching. A few small pokemon grew curious of the scent but none approached the two of them. Absol could only think of how much he enjoyed spending such activities with his trainer, it was mch more then she probably could understand.When morning came he stretched lightly, her scent still very strong, he was tempted to lick her clean as he ha done himself. "Mmmmm...." Alice yawned as she began to awake, a little later than she normally did, slowly sitting up and rubbing her eyes. At first she didn't remember the previous night too clearly, thinking it nothing but a dream, but as she felt a cold breeze between her legs, she looked down, seeing the dried cum all around her crotch and thighs. She blinked for a moment, then couldn't help but giggle happily, looking over at Absol, almost immediately grabbing him in a hug."Oh wasn't just a wonderful dream, it was a wonderful reality!" She grinned and snuggled with him for a moment, before pulling away. "Now....I think I'm gonna need to take another bath at the river don't you? Then I can get us some nice breakfast, I get the feeling you're as hungry as I am after last night" Absol licked her cheek "Absol!" he barked "Yes it was!" he said in agreement. The pokemon loved her embrace, it was the most comforting thing to him. His tail would have been wagging it it could. He nuzzled into her chest gently after a bit, thesmell of her wa still strong, but he was not as curious as the night least not at the moment. Alice snuggled with her Absol for a few moments, before slowly pulling away, stroking his head softly. "Now, I'm gonna go take a dip in the river. Do you mind watching our things while I'm gone?" Alice smiled sweetly before she slowly stood, pulling up her shorts and panties at long last, grabbing a towel before turning to head for the river. Absol barked as if to say he would. This time he did not plan to go ans spy on her as she bathed, though the thought did cross his mind. He simply hunched down beside the bags and imagined his trainer in all her natural glory. "Oh how I wish to be a vaporeon," he thought to himself, those lucky bastards could actually turn into water. Once by the side of the river Alice began to undress, placing her clothes down by the side of the river, then slowly entering the river naked. Her body was still giving off a strong smell of sex as she slipped beneath the surface, letting out a sigh of relief as the dried remains of the previous nights sex began to wash away from her body. The girl began to hum softly as she ran her hands across herself, slowly washing her body. Absol continued to day dream, remembering times passed but also of last night, mostly of last night. The lingering smell of sex still teased his senses making him shiver gently with delight. "Keep it together," he told himself, he was like a meowth hooked ok cat nip. Alice ducked beneath the surface of the water once again, letting the cool water wash over her entire body, before emerging once again. "Ahhhhh...." She licked her lips, then resumed humming as she rubbed her hands across her body. "Here's hoping this bath lasts a little longer than last nights..." She grinned and giggled happily. None None None Here was a small splash in the water a few feet from her. A tiny little sphere or dark blue swam close in front out her. With a gentle splash a small round body broke the surface of the water. "Poli...poliwag?" a small poliwag said looking up at her with it's hug bubbly eyes. It seemed harmless and rather friendly, but it was oh so curious as to what that scent had been walker as well as the traces of fluids in the water. Alice blinked at the splashing sound, looking around and squeaking when the Poliwag broke the surface infront of her, giggling softly as it looked at her. "Awww, hey there little one, aren't you a cutey?" She smiled and gently rubbed its head, careful not to move too quickly. "What brings you over here hmm? Were you curious about little old me in your river?" In fact he was, though not just because she was in her river. It moved closer gently snuggling up against her breasts "Poli.....poli," it said in delight as it rubbed against the soft mounds of flesh. It seemed to be rather fond of them. It's skin was smooth like a rubber inner tube, though with a very slight slimey sort of texture that would probably freak a person out. Alice smiled as the Poliwag moved in and snuggled excitedly, though it seemed to be paying particular attention to her breasts, its smooth rubbery skin grinding against her nipples, which were hard from the cold water. Alice shivered slightly, letting out a soft whimper of pleasure as the Pokemon rubbed against her. "H hey there little're uh....very curious aren't you?" She was sure it was just a coincidence....the little water Pokemon wasn't doing this on purpose....right? This was almost typical of the small little pokemon. It's fan like tail swished gently, softly hitting her inner thighs as it did. "Wag....wag poli," it said, still rubbing against her nipples with its slick body. It however had a bit of practice doing this, of course normally it was just to receive food, her scent however made the little thing a tad frisky. As it rubbed it moved, gently taking a hardened nip into its mouth. Alice shivered again as the tail brushed against her thighs whilst it continued snuggling against her breasts. "O ok little guy....I know you're being friendly but..." Alice had been about to try and tug him away slightly, until she felt him suddenly take a hard nipple into his mouth, her body shivering from more than the cold. "O ooooh...." She let out a soft moan of pleasure, pushing her chest out slightly. The tadpole pokemon seemed like it wanted to say something but it's mouth was full. The poliwag simply played with her hard little nipple knowing she was liking it, it's tail thumped gently between her legs. After a little bit the pokemon let go of her tit, sinking under the water where it blew a small jet of bubbles at her slit. When her nipple was finally released Alice gasped as the cold water hit it once more right after the Poliwag's surprisingly warm mouth. "Th that's it little guy....just a little bit too curioooooooh!" She was cut off into a moan when the Pokemon ducked beneath the surface and began to blow small bubbles against her pussy, sending shivers through her body and getting a soft moan from her lips, her knees beginning to tremble as she found it more difficult to stand in the water. Gently the polliwog continued, moving a little closer making the bubbles all the more intense as the hit her sensitive slit. After a few more moment of this it focused on her lit moving closer and nibbling it gently. Alice let out a slightly louder yelp when the Poliwag began to nibble on her clit, if she hadn't been in the water then she almost certainly would've fallen flat on her tight little backside. "Oooooh...." Alice wasn't sure whether to stop the Poliwag or not anymore...this did feel really good, and since she was in the river already she didn't need to worry about cleaning up at least.... Poliwags mouth sucked on her clit harder and harder, it's lips where strangely very powerful and it teased them small nub of sensative flesh. Slowlt a small tongue extended, thin, but strngely a bit long, it wrapped around the tiny clit and tugged as it's powerful lips sucked like a pump almost. When the tongue snaked out and wrapped around her clit it was just too much to take. Alice relaxed her body and let out a soft cry of pleasure, arching her back as she began to cum, her juices mixing with the water of the river around Poliwag as her body pumped them out, her entire body quivering with pleasure as she pushed her hips towards the Pokemon pleasuring her. It's mouth opned a little wider, trying to catch as much of her juices as it could before it dispersed into the water. It continued it's pleasent sucking andlicking for some time, making her pleasure last longer, before it seemed t grow tired itself and stop. "Poli....poliwag!" it's head poped out of the water looking up at her. Alice was panting heavily by the time the pokemon emerged from the water, slowly looking down at it as she tried to catch her breath. "H hey again....little that as much as I did...?" She smiled slightly, rubbing its head softly. "Hows come along with me hm?" The round poemon seemed to understand her offer, it splashed happily. "Poli!" it chirped it's eyes glistening with excitment. This had to be quit possibly one of the strangest ways to capture a pokemon. This wasn't exactly the kind of Pokemon battle Alice had in mind would do. With a smile, Alice started to move toward the waters edge, climbing out slowly, her legs still a little shakey, before she dried herself off quickly. Once dried and dressed, the girl motioned for Poliwag to follow her back to the campsite, her Pokeballs still in her bag with Absol. The little pokemon hobbled behind her, it seemed strange how it could walk, but had no arms of its own.Absol in the meantie had fallen asleep, the sun felt rather nice that morning. He was basking in a nice sunny spot before he heard someone coming, a few sniffs told him it was Alice, now smelling like her usual self, she also had something with her. Absol stood up, shakey himself awake. Alice waved softly to Absol as they approached "Hey Absol, this little guy is our new friend, he's gonna be coming along with us ok?". The girl approached her bag, then pulled out a pokeball, setting it down on the ground. "Here ya go Poliwag, welcome to our little family" There was a small part in Absol that was a tad jealous of the small pokemon, though if Alice was to be a master then she'd need more pokemon as well. "Absol," he replied looking at the small polliwog, he thought it was a rather sad excuse for a pokemon.The poliwag looked at the pokeball before touching the small button in the front and vanishing into it. The sphere wobbled for a bit before sitting still. Alice smiled as the little Poliwag entered it's Pokeball, the girl scooping it up and placing it in a holster beneath her jacket. "Now...". She looked to Absol and smiled, before going to her bag and pulling out some food. "Let's eat shall we?". With a bright grin the girl began to prepare their food, setting it out once it was ready. "Dig in Absol" Absol replied happily and began to eat. The pokemon ate hungrily finishing his food rather quickly, as he finished he wondered what it was they would do, luckily it seemed she was able to obtain another pokemon, how she did it was uncertain but she had and that was all that really mattered after all. Once they had finished eating and Alice had packed things away, she slowly stood up and stretched. "Now then....let's get going hm? We shouldn't be too far from Pewter City now, just a few more hours and we should be there. A quick stop at the Pokemon Centre and then we can tackle the gym" There was an excited grin on her face as she leaned down to rub Absol's head, as usual careful not to cut herself on his horn, before turning to go, motioning for him to walk beside her. Absol followed her, though he always loved how she rubbed his head just right. Be managed to gently peak under her skirt before he walked beside her. He was curious of there first gym battle, luckily they now had a new partner so he wondered how simple this gym would be. "I doubt this will be too hard," he thought to himself. Either Alice didn't notice Absol getting a peak up her skirt, or she didn't really mind, just smiling as he began to walk along beside them, looking down at him with a bright grin, before turning her gaze forwards once more.The walk to Pewter City was uneventful, not taking more than 2 and a half hours before they were entering the city limits. Their first stop was the Pokemon centre, a kind Nurse Joy, who bore more than striking resemblance to the nurse back home in Viridian City, seeing to Absol and Poliwag before returning them to Alice. "Alright....time for us to get that gym badge!" Alice grinned, rubbing Absol's head before turning to leave the centre, following the signs toward the Pewter City Pokemon gym. Alice didn't really know what to expect, but that was part of the fun, she didn't want advance knowledge or warning of what was coming, she needed to learn how to handle the unexpected."Hello?" Alice called out as she slowly pushed the large doors open, taking a slow look around. "Is anyone here?" Absol followed Alice all the way to this new town. It was rather exciting to be someplace new, all the smells where a little different,but then again it was alsop the thrill of battle. He had never really had much experience in battles so he wanted to prove himself this time around. Alice slowly stepped into the gym, holding the door open for Absol before she turned to walk further inside, following the corridor towards what she assumed was the main battle room. "Hello? I'm a Pokemon Trainer, I've come to challenge the gym leader for a gym badge..." Alice was trying not to sound nervous, or at least not as nervous as she felt...but this was going to be her first gym battle...hell it as going to be her first battle altogether.... Absol stood anxiously beside her, his muscles tense and ready. He hadn't felt this way in his entire life, his heart pounding hard, he wanted to rush at the pokemon that would be his opponent.The lights suddenly flickered on, and a rocky chair appeared. "SO your hear to challenge me to a gym battle," the spiky haired gym leader, Broke, said. He looked the challenger over, seeing she was rather cute, and she already had an Absol, it was rather strange to see such a pokemon. Alice let out a squeak of surprise as the lights suddenly came on, tugging her hat down to shield her eyes from the light for a few moments until the adjusted, before slowly looking up at the gym leader. He looked to be about the same age as her, maybe a tad older, but no more than a year. "Well that makes you the gym leader I suppose.....well that's right, my name is Alice and we're here to challenge you!" Alice pointed at him defiantly, a determined look on her face. She was referring to both herself an Absol challenging him...they were a team after all. No...more than that, they were a family, a team, best friends, lovers....all rolled into one. "Hmm well I hope you can provide more of a challenge with the other challengers," Broke could still see just how inexperienced both pokemon and trainer where, even if Absol seemed older then most. Broke had also lied, in truth he hoped to win this fight, he had been thoroughly thrashed by another trainer not long before her, and his broken pride needed mending, to bad he had to beat such a cute girl. "Either way as a gym leader I have to accept any matter how much a waste of time they may be." At that the battle field began to appear as the floor shifted. Alice stumbled as the floor shook slightly, then gasped in awe as the battle field slowly rose up. "Whoa...." She had never seen something like this before, it was incredible...but it just made her even more excited, the grin on her face widening as she looked down at Absol. "Ok Absol, are you ready to give it your all? I know I am!" She rubbed his head softly, then looked back to the field. "For my first Pokemon I choose Absol! There's no way you're gonna be able to beat him!" Absol leapt onto the field. The ground was rocky and rather unevened, he however simply lowered his head and growled ready to fight.Broke wasn't surprised she didn't give him time to explain the rules before she sent her first pokemon out. "Absol huh?" this pokemon wasn't from kanto, but he heard a thing or two about them. "Geodude your up!" he tossed a pokeball and out piped a legless rock thing that hovered a few feet above the ground. " Use rock slide now!" the geodude pumped his fist before slamming them down onto the floor causing a wave of earth to rush towards them. Alice pulled out her Pokedex when the Geodude appeared, frowning as she read over the data...Absol wouldn't have any Water or Grass attacks, nothing Geodude was weak against...still, that didn't mean they couldn't win. "Ok Absol, let's show him who's....whoa!". The shaking ground threw Alice off balance, causing her to fall onto her backside, giving a momentary view up her skirt. Absol reacted to the oncoming attack despite not being given an order, his instincts told him to move. He leapt up high over the attach, bending his body into an arc to sneak over the attack just barely. He landed at growled. He looked to see Alice's condition, had the adrenaline not been pumping through his body he would have been a little aroused as he saw her panties. His mind however was focused on the fight " Iron tail will work," he thought, despite being a dark type and ineffective to rock, he had that steel move which would hurt the rock pokemon a lot.Broke on the other hand noticed Alice fall, his eyes suddenly glued to her panties and he momentarily lost his focus, his pokemon also anxious to hear a command now. It took a few moments for Alice to become aware of Brock staring up her skirt from across the field, the girl quickly blushing and pushing her skirt down, scrambling to her feet with an angry look on her face, muttering under her breath. "Pervert...." She scowled at the gym leader, then noticed his distraction and his Geodude's lack of action. "Absol! Quickly! Use Iron Tail while it's distracted!" It seemed that trainer and Pokemon thought alike, knowing that a steel attack would be effective, especially whilst the Geodude was unsure what it was supposed to be doing. Absol barked his understanding "Absol!" he dug his claws into the ground before rushing forward, becoming a white streak. His tail began to glow hot white and he leapt, flipping forward and bringing his tail down like an axe onto the geodude. Despite trying to block it though the geodude was knocked backwards into a boulder, which shattered into rubble.Broke came back to his senses as the dust settled and his geodude was out cold. "Hmmm lucky shot....geodude return!" he called his pokemon back. "Lets see how you handle this....Onyx!" he threw another pokemon, the massive serpent like rock pokemon towering over Absol by several stories. Alice wasn't going to admit it, but that really had been a lucky shot. Whilst she had confidence in Absol's abilities, she also knew that he had no battle experience and was likely relatively weak when it came to fighting....that really had been a lucky shot on the Geodude to get it down so quickly. Still, she wasn't going to admit that.When the Onyx appeared though, it was a little difficult for Alice to contain her fear, whimpering as she looked up at the giant Pokemon. "Oh man....c careful Absol! One direct hit from that and we could be done for! Quickly, use Agility! We have to avoid it!" Absol suddenly vanished almost entirely as she told him to use agility, the onyx swung it's tail though Absol proved to be a harder target to hit as he almost effortlessly dodged each strike. He couldn't stay running forever though he would eventually have to go on the offensive. "Need an opening," he thought to himself prepared to use shadow claw or iron tail again."Onyx use rock smash!" the giant pokemon brought it's tail crashing down. The ground shook and splintered sending massive, and slightly sharp, chunk of rock hurtling in all directions. Absol couldn't avoid it all and a massive chunk struck him in his back leg before another struck him in the horn side of his face, luckily the hard horn took alot of the blow but it shook him rather hard and sent him skidding across the floor in a daze. "Absol!" Alice cried out, stepping forward when Absol was struck hard, though fortunately he seemed to be ok, if a little dazed, after the strike. "Keep it together Absol! Get around behind it and hit it with an Iron Tail attack!" If they could keep out of the Onyx's line of sight then they should be ok. Sure it could move its body relatively quickly, but its vision was very limited, and its own body could be used as a hiding place. Absol shook his head wearily, he couldn't see straight for a bit. He couldn't even hear Alice all to well as it seemed like she was speaking through a filter. Absol had to gain his barings before he could see straight."Onyx use bind!" he heard the other trainer yell out. Absol didn t have enough time before suddenly he felt a great weight push into his stomach and then seem to squeeze him tightly. "Absol!" he barked in pain. He struggledto breath for a bit, in his last desperate attempt he used an attack ithout Alice's command. His claws suddenly began to glow with a purple black energy and he started to slam them down on the Onyx. It seemed to be doing very little until the Onyx's rock body began to crack every so slighty. The hulking pokemon opened it's mouth and roared with annoyance. "Bite it!" Broke commanded, but as the Onyx drew close enough to bite at Absol it had to loosen it's grip, letting him wiggle free. He growled, still alittle winded, but blindly clawed at the pokemon, striking it right in the left eye and it roared flailing back, though not down yet. "Absol no!" Alice squealed as the Onyx grabbed her Pokemon in a tight bind, squeezing it. She winced as he barked in pain, about to call out when Absol managed to act on his own, working his way free from the rock snake Pokemon. "That's it Absol!" She couldn't help but grin when he struck back, managing to strike the rock Pokemon in a weak point, its eye, sending it reeling. "Quick Absol! Follow up with an Iron Tail!" She doubted the attack would finish it off, but it would at least throw the Onyx off balance a little further. Absol breathed heavily, he felt so tired, and so sore now, but he didn't want to give up. This was Alice's first battle, their first battle together, he wanted to win just as much as she did. "Absol ABSOL!" he barked and once again his tail began to glow and he ran at onyx with all his might. He leapt, bringing the tail down like an axe once more."Defense curl!" Broke shouted. Onyx coiled up, his body seeming to get harder all of a sudden. Absol couldn't stop all he could do was hope the attack even did something. His tail glanced off of onyxlike it was a toy sword and Absol was left wide open. "Use Rock smash again!" Onyx raised it's tail causing more sharp rocks to go flying out in all directions. Absol couldn't do anything he was still in the air, and onyx was so close that he was struck several times by debri, not to mention it seemed the rock flew s fa that they even stuck along the walls of the gym. Alice screamed as shards of rock flew everywhere, bringing her arms up to shield her face, not able to see what was happening, stumbling back and letting out a cry as one of the shards came very close to her. It didn't cut into her skin, but it did cut into her clothes...slashing across her chest, ripping open her shirt and her bra, allowing her small but firm breasts to bounce free for everyone in the gym to see. It took a few moments for Alice to realise what had happened, slowly moving her arms away from her face and blinking, glancing down at herself and gasping.She stayed still and silent for a few moments, before screaming and quickly covering her chest with her arms. "No no no no no!" She quickly shook her head, then looked up at the Onyx and Brock with a growl, clearly blaming them. That was on purpose! It had to be! "Absol! Finish off that perverted Onyx!!" Upon hearind the tone in Alice's voice, Absol got up, still feeling a little dazed, but his adrenaline kept him standing up straight. He growled and once more he almost seemed to vanish as he used agility, she simply told him to defeat them so he was doing it the best way possible. His tail glowed a brilliant light as well, but then suddenly his horn began to glow. It however seemed to readiate with a dark energy, he was glowing white and black."Onyx defense curl now!" Brock shouted again. Absol however moved far quicker, he zoomed at Onyx, leaping again and bringing the brilliantly lit tail down once more, but as it struck Onyx square in between the eyes, Absol twisted his body once more. "AB.....SOL!"he grunted and brought his head crashing down upon the larger pokemon, he used 'Night Slash' a move he handn't known before, on onyx as the ebony blade on his forhead seemed to suddenly extend with the energy and send Onyx falling to it's side, clearly unconscious now. Alice blinked as she looked up at the fight, watching as Absol seemed to do something she had never seen before. "Whoa..." She gasped, taking a step back, her arms still raised to cover her exposed chest as Absol used the new move, striking the Onyx and knocking it to the ground. "Absol....? Absol you did it!" Alice grinned happily, her arms slipping and exposing her for a moment before she realised it, quickly covering herself up again, glaring up at Brock. "Ok you! You owe me a badge and a shirt!" Absol seemed rather pleased with himself, though he also felt he would just keel over as well. He barked happily as he heard Alice shouting excitedly and he went over to her to be next to her. He would love to rest now, and maybe eat a little bit, but he also just wanted to bask in the glory of victory.Broke seemed dissapointed, his loosing streak still getting bigger and bigger. He heard the trainer demand a shirt and badge, he could provide both he supposed. He went over to her " Congradulations you won, here is the earth badge," he said giving her the stone looking ornament, he had no shirts for her though so he had to go and get one for her. Alice kept one arm covering her chest, whilst the other snatched the badge away, still glaring at Brock, clearly blaming the gym leader for her current state of exposure. "I'm not going anywhere until I get that shirt, you can't possibly expect me to walk out there after your Pokemon ripped my shirt open can you?" The girl just frowned, then looked over at Absol, her expression immediately softening to one of happiness and pride. "Absol! You did it!" Absol hoped up to lick her face gently, he was glad she was happy and he felt a sense of deep pride swell up inside himself. He wanted to get treated though as much as he was happy his body hurt and he was tired."Im sorry about that " Broke replied a little red faced and trying to be polite. He took of his vest handing it to her. "Just use that to cover up I don't need it back." the gym leader really wanted to go and releave his stress. Alice took the vest and turned her back on him in order to pull it on, fastening it up to cover her chest. It was a little tight, clearly not designed for a woman, but fortunately Brock was taller than her so there was enough slack in it for her to stretch it around herself. She smiled and gently rubbed Absol's head, glancing back at Brock. "Better luck in your next battle. And don't be such a pervert next time!" She glared at him, clearly she had caught him staring, before she turned to go, still rubbing Absol's head. "You did great Absol, I'm so proud of you" Absol growled lowly at the gym leader, apparently he shared her sentiments, though of course he didn't beleive anything had been done intentionally, nor did the Onyx really aim solely for her, but he wasn't going to allow anyone to stare and drool over his Alice. "I'm proud of me too," he thought to himself, he was just happy to be finished with this ordeal. Alice grinned as the two of them left the gym, the Pokemon centre her first destination to get Absol healed up. "Tell you what Absol, how about we relax a little and spend the night in the city before we leave tomorrow morning? I think we deserve a little break don't we?" She smiled as they entered the Pokemon centre, the girl giving a quick explanation to the Nurse that Absol was a little beaten up after the fight at the gym. Absol agreed with het,giving an excited bark. He hadn't been to a pokemon center before but the woman at the front desk seemed nice enough. He was taken to the back and was healed, it was a nice feeling, a little strange too though. Once Absol was healed, Alice smiled and gently rubbed his head. Whilst she had been waiting she had been off to change her shirt for one that wasn't ripped, no longer wearing Brock's vest, though she had kept a hold of it, having placed it into her bag now. "Ok Absol, how about we go and get some lunch hm? There's a really nice street cafe I saw just down the street from here, and it's a great day out" Absol stretched after having to lay still as they checked him over. "Ab!" he said in agreement, he was very hungry and just glad to finally be done with healing, it was actually very boring. Alice grinned at his excitement, rubbing behind his ear as they approached the street cafe, Alice quickly moving to take a seat, picking up the menu. "Hm....what should I have....what do you think Absol?" She held the menu down for him. "Anything on there sound tasty to you?" Absol looked at it, unable to read any of the strane markings. He simply poked his nose to something not sure wha it really was though. Alice couldn't help but giggle as he poked the menu. She knew he couldn't read, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to let him have some involvement. "Ok, good choice Absol" She smiled, patting his head before the waiter came, ordering herself something to eat and drink, along with some Pokemon food and water for Absol. Absol ate hungrily, even if he had been healed he was still very hungry. the food tasted nicer here to not that he hated the food she gave him, this one just didn't have as many preservatives as the food she gave him. He drank the water slowly not wanting to splash it around. "That felt good...a nearly perfect day." Alice took a little more time with her lunch, relaxing as she ate, occasionally glancing down at Absol and giggling as he ate quickly. "I know the food is way better here huh? I wish we could eat food this good every day, but I'm really not such a great cook, especially with travel food" Absol gave a small bark, as if agreeing with her comment. The pokemon was hungry, after all he just took down an onyx, and nearly got crushed in the process. He drank more of the water before waiting for her to finish. I don't have it anymore I'm afraid Alice soon finished her meal, grinning as she watched Absol eating and drinking, reaching down to rub his head. "Well then, I think we should get going hm? Maybe a little look around town? What do you think Absol?" Alice pulled out some money to place it on the table to pay for their meals, slowly starting to stand up. Absol happily licked her hand, a walk sounded nice, he wanted to take things easy after the fight, even if nurse Joy had healed him the mental aspect was draining. He stood up, shaking himself off as she sGot up."Watch it!" someone shouted. Alice had just bumped into boy, who seemed to be a bit irritated, even if a cute girl had bumped into him.
What the heart wants~me and shinyka
"So pretty and serene......." thought the young female Ninja, Sheena Fujibayashi as she stood out on the observation deck of the Flanoir in, just watching the snow drop, canvasing the ground in a layer of white sparkles. The site helped to put her at ease. Still, she was obviously very anxious about tomorrows plan. They would be going to Derris Kharlan to stop Mithos and save their planet. She knew this plan was full of danger and that there was a real possibility that not all of them would make it back alive. She had become so close to everyone during their time together. They had become important friends of hers. She couldn't bare to loose anyone, not even pervy little Zelos that gave her headaches constantly.So, here she was, standing out in the cold, watching the snow fall, trying to relax, but not really being able to. She couldn't to sleep and figured she might not get any sleep at all tonight. As far as she knew, everyone else was asleep, so she couldn't share her feelings and fears with anyone at the moment. It was hard keeping that bottled up inside. All these thoughts of the possiblity of losing her friends was getting her near to tears, but she managed to hold them in. That's how she was. Always trying to put on a strong face to hide her real feelings of weakness and insecurities. She wanted relief from wearing that constant mask. Zelos Wilder sighed to himself once more before brushing a lock of his curly red hair out of his face. He sighed again, taking a second to watch his breath turn to vapor in the cold air of Flanior, before finally shaking his head slightly and continuing his aimless walk along one of Flannel's many semi lit streets. He was not entirely sure why he did so, but saw no reason to question it, opting to instead follow his little tradition of solitude in times of tension. It helped him calm down, and had since become a small tradition of his.He didn't want to think about the next day. It was certain that the events of such wouldn't pass without death, and despite the fact that he resented Mithos and his twisted ideals, Zelos could not force his blood cold enough to seriously consider the option of killing Mithos, even though everything he had since experienced told him that avoiding such encounter would be like trying to stop the sun from setting, or pulling the two worlds back together on his own.It was not long before Zelos found himself at the base of the large staircase that ascended back to their inn. With another cloudy and chilled breath, Zelos began to ascend, each step seeming to take eternity for him. His thoughts drifted to Sheena, a fellow Tethe'allan like him, one of the few people he knew of his age.With one last chilled breath, Zelos let out a pant of relief as he saw the large wood and stone building pull into view, partially illuminated from the several metal lanterns burning along the deck railing. Zelos squinted for a second, sure he could see someone leaning against the deck."That's crazy", he thought to himself, taking a small ironic chuckle at the next thought that crossed his mind. "What kind of idiot would be out in this cold anyway?" Raine Sage awoke with a short breath. She took a second to draw in her surroundings, her half elven eyes allowing for better sight in her dark room before breathing a short breath of relief, secured with the knowledge that for at least tonight, she and the others were safe. She lay still for a few seconds, attempting to fall once again into the inky black abyss of her sleep, yet found herself unable to do so.With a grunt, she quietly rose to her feet, taking care to not wake Genis or Collette, her room mates for the night. Upon taking a second to confirm the two children were still asleep, she let out a small satisfied breath before exiting the room, her insulated orange robe doing little to replace the warmth that her bed had provided.Shaking her head to herself, Raine headed to the door of the inn, slipping out quietly, as to ensure that none of her companions would be awoke by her midnight excursion. With a slight spring in her step, she exited the inn, wondering if any shops would be open at this time of night. Sheena was too lost in thought to notice Zelos approaching the inn from below. Though, coincidentally when he mentioned an idiot out in the cold, Sheena sneezed."Huh? I know I don't have a cold......" she said to herself, rubbing the underside of her nose with her index finger. She just sighed and shrugged her shoulders, not really putting much thought into why she sneezed, or the little tale of people sneezing when someone talked about them. Even though the small bodily function snapped her back to reality for a moment, she failed to notice that Zelos or Raine was up and about. She just wrapped her arms around her waist and looked back out over the cold, snowy night. For a moment, she toyed with the idea of taking a walk, but dismissed the idea as she didn't yet know the streets very well and did not wish to get herself lost on a cold night such as this. That would be the last thing she needed, getting lost and having Zelos undoubtedly tease her about it.At the thought, she actually cracked a small smile and chuckled. Sure, he was annoying, perverted and not really what she'd call dependable, but.......he was entertaining and good for a laugh or two. Zelos let out a small laugh upon hearing the distinctive voice of Sheena. Finally talking to another person after his pacing in solitude seemed to snap his troubled mood away, and he felt himself relaxing for the first time in a good few hours. With his usual happy go lucky smile on his face, he approached Sheena, taking a spot on the railing next to her. With a bit of a sincere smile, he turned to face her, shooting her a quick look before resuming a seemingly purposeful stare into the dark world that lay beyond the balcony."Well of course it's you", He chuckled out in his usual mocking tone. "Your brain clearly isn't in your head, and you're the only one with enough 'insulation' to keep nice and toasty out here" he mocked, making yet another joking reference to her bust.Of course, he knew, she would probably be slapping him soon. At first, Sheena actually did react in her normal way to his perverted comment. She just closed her eyes. Though, after a few moments passed, a smile creapt across her face and her hand reared up, before coming down in a quick smack upside the back of his head."Next time, I push you over the railing." said Sheena, opening one eye to look over at him, a suprising smile still on her face. While it still annoyed her, she was actually glad Zelos came around. Soon after, the smile faded back to her solemn look."Tomorrows the big day, huh?" she said, opening both eyes and putting her hands on the railing, leaning forward a bit. Zelos let out a small whimper when her hand came into contact with his head, causing him to whiplash forward for a second before catching his balance. He fought the urge to burst out laughing, but did end up producing a smile, which he flashed at Sheena for a second.After turning away from her again, and resuming his pondering, Zelos couldn't help but feel happy for her company. Even though neither of them had any idea what lay in store for them tomorrow, he couldn't help but feel caught up in the moment now, wanting to instead spend time basking in the friendly, humorous glow of this one moment.With a sigh, Zelos slumped a bit, still keeping the majority of his weight on the rail. At Sheena's question, he snapped out of his pondering, and turned to face her, his smile fading to a slight frown."Yeah", he said weakly, indicating he had no desire for the dreaded future to finally come around. "For all we know, this could very well be our last night alive", he said, feeling disheartened at the thought. "Yea......." Sheena sadly replied. She wasn't afraid for her own life. Frankly, she was more worries about everyone else. Hell, even the pervert next to her.".........But don't expect me to shed any tears if you kick the bucket." she suddenly added, another smile creeping across her face. His playful attitude was starting to rub off a bit on her. The sudden coment came from her actually being the one trying to lighten the mood now."Certainly would make showering less stressful since I wouldn't have to constantly make sure you're not trying to sneek a peek." she added, chuckling lightly. Zelos choked out a bit of a laugh at Sheena's comment, shaking his head in both humor and amazement at what she said. Finally, he composed himself, yet saw no need to hide his joking and laid back demeanor. After all, it was just as much as part of him as Sheena's amazing and bounteous chest was a part of her."Come on Sheena sweetie, do you really think something as trivial as death is going to keep me away from you and your hot body?" He laughed, aware of the sudden release in tension in the mood. "Christ..........then you'd be a groping ghost. Able to go through walls, unable to be would just make things worse." Sheena replied, groaning in joke annoyance."Then again, I do have some tags that work against spirits." she added, pulling one out and holding it between her index and middle finger."Here, hold this and jump off. Then, we can test and see how well they work." she jokingly told him. She was indeed having fun. Even though it was with the last person she'd expect, she was having fun and all the worries that had plagued her mind were temporarily gone. Zelos laughed, feeling the weight of tomorrow's tension lifted off of his shoulders. It was great being with Sheena, particularly at a time like this, when they didn't even know if they would ever be having such a conversation in the future. He chuckled again, marveling at how despite their mocking, a stranger could mistake them for lovers."Alright sweetie, just provided you're there to break my fall", he returned, taking the card from her hand and hoisting himself onto the balcony."Or you could just stand still and break my fall anyway", he laughed. Sheena was quite surprised that he took the card. She was certainly not expecting it. He wouldn't really jump off..........would he? This was Zelos they were talking about. Honestly, if he jumped off simply to break his leg and try to weasel her into taking care of him.........she wouldn't be surprised in the latest."Hmph, see if I care...." Sheena replied, crossing her arms and looking away. Though, she left something out. She didn't mention what she didn't care if he would do. She could have just simply made a mistake. Or, it could be something much more. Something that she herself didn't even realize. Mistake or not, such a simple thing, unbeknownst to the pair, was the beginning of something that would change their lives forever. Zelos closed his eyes for a second, allowing the chilling breeze to cover his outstretched body, and many flakes of snow to land on him. However, despite his seemingly careless demeanor, he made sure to keep his balance. The last thing he wanted was to break his legs the night before such an important day. Yet, at the same time, he considered jumping after all, just to show Sheena he would.With a sigh, he opened his eyes again and dropped his arms, allowing them to hang at his sides, tensed, but still loose. Zelos shook his head for a second and sighed again, this time looking down at Sheena. "Sheena, Honey, do you really hate me that much?", he asked, still using a slightly mocking tone, as he was sure that even though she did often slap him around and the like, they had been traveling together for far too long for her to actually wish death upon him. Relationships aside, he was also a valuable group member, something that Sheena couldn't deny at all. "Oh, well.......hate's a little too strong a word. I don't hate you and I don't seriously dislike you. I just.....uh......." Sheena replied, unable to form her true opinion of him into words during this current situation. Though, she stopped trying when she was suddenly hit with the realization of a certain word he had said."I am not your honey......" she added, crossing her arms and looking away once more with a 'hmph". Her cheeks also just so happened to be tinted with a light shade of red. It could possibly just be the cold starting to effect her body, or it could be an unintentional clue to what she was on the verge of saying a moment ago. "Awww", Zelos said at her last comment, still using his slight mocking voice. His smile still remained a slight upward grin, but he was getting a little more serious. He tested his weight for a second, ensuring that he wouldn't fall off unless he planned on it, before leaning forward a bit. It seemed to him that Sheena was blushing slightly, making it a bit more apparent that she was feeling what he was both confusion and love.With a wordless smile, Zelos shifted his weight again and lifted his arms, as if he was about to take a freefall. "Well then, Sheena, honey" He began to say, his eyes closed and upwards, completing his smile. "See you at the bottom", he said, before leaning backwards and allowing himself to fall off the edge of the railing. Sheena only saw it out the corner of her eye, but it was enough for her to suddenly spring towards him and grab onto him. He was heavier than she expected, but she had a good hold. Though, she ended up bent over the railing, hugging his legs with her face against his waist.......a little too close to another area for comfort. She wedged her feet against the railing and floor and just jerked back with all her strength. It succeeded in getting him back up, but the momentum also knocked her flat on her butt.......with him on top of her.For a few silent moments, she just looked up into his eyes."You stupid jerk......" she said with watery eyes before her arms went up and around his neck, pulling him down a bit whilst raising her head till their lips met, kissing softly. So......I hope I didn't disappoint with the big moment. The next few seconds all played out like a blur to Zelos. Although he had his eyes closed, the sound that Sheena made as soon as he dropped indicated she was running for him, a detail that reassured him to no end at all. Just as he began to feel the expected weightlessness of falling, he felt her arms grab hold of him, and felt himself relax.The next thing he knew, Zelos was being pulled forward, then falling. Finally, it occur ed to him he had hit something. Something soft. He opened his eyes, and to his relief, but not surprise, he was laying on top of Sheena, as she had broken his fall towards her off the balcony.The kiss was perhaps what made the moment most memorable. He would have admitted to being slightly shocked when she first kissed him, but that shock soon faded away and was replaced with bliss, and Zelos found himself returning her kiss, his eyes closed. The soft, gentle kiss continued on for a while, till Sheena slowly pulled away, letting her head rest on the wooden floor of the deck. She kept her eyes close a bit, letting it all sink in, before finally opening again. She still had the beginning of tears in her eyes, but tears of relief that his annoying ass wasn't hurt."Don't you ever do that again......" she told him, smiling then chuckling lightly, her arms still around his neck. After that, he had little time to answer as she pressed her lips against his once again. This time, it was full of fire and restrained passion that she had no doubt kept hidden for him for some time. Zelos licked his lips when Sheena pulled away, savoring her taste for a few seconds more before opening his eyes again, looking at her not jokingly like he did before, but sincerely this time around. He remained silent, unsure of what to say in the nest few seconds, before reaching up his hands and drying away the tiny forming droplet in her eyes.He felt that small sense of shock return when she kissed him a second time. He could feel the fire in her action, a fire burning of passion and restrained love. He closed his eyes then, and returned the favor, letting loose the passion he had long since had for her, yet kept concealed through perversion and mocking. They continued exchanging their fiery love for one another through their passionate kissing on the cold, dark deck of the inn. As the kiss lingered on, Sheena hands moved from around his neck and then found themselves on Sheena own body. Specifically, tugging at the fabric belt keeping her upper garment closed. Obviously, kissing wasn't all Sheena wanted to show her feeling through. She may just be lost in the moment, but she wanted to be with Zelos, in every intimate sense of the word. Zelos could feel Sheena moving, but didn't open his eyes until a few instances later. The sight of her fumbling with her sash only made him kiss her harder, their lips still locked in a fiery and passionate embrace. He moved his hands to behind her neck, pulling her to him as she had done just a heartbeat earlier. While he didn't help her with the removal of sash, he didn't object either, opting to let her take her course as desired. Sheena managed to return the kiss with equal passion and fire, whilst still tugging at her sash. It only took a few more moments before she had it undone, and her upper garment open. No sooner had she done that, did her hands reach her body again to work on removing the rest, but she suddenly stopped."Please, take me to your your bed......." she whispered, running a hand through his long red hair. She knew there was no turning back from this. Things would forever be different between them from now on. But.........she was fine with that. It's what she wanted. She had always been conflicted with her feelings towards him. He annoyed her to no end and pissed her off alot, but he still had his good qualities, which she thought she might have been attracted to. Now, she was certainly positive that she had fallen for him. Zelos continued his passionate embrace around Sheena up until she managed to part her trimmed sash from the rest of her already revealing clothing. With a pant, he pulled his lips slightly away from hers, a tiny strand of saliva still remaining linking the two, and her ponderous taste still fresh on his lips. He licked them slightly, embracing the flavor.At her request, he could feel his pulse quicken. He purred slightly when she ran her soft and delicate hands through his red hair, which very much resembled a mane. He pecked her quickly, before taking only a second to decide his answer. "Ok, Sheena dearest", he responded, using an actually sincere suffix for the first time in quite a while. He too, was past the point of no return. "Dearest?" Sheena questioned, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow. She snorted lightly, as she struggled not to laugh. She knew he really meant it and he was just being nice, but even in this situation, hearing Zelos refer to her as dearest was odd and rather funny."A little on the corny side, but I appreciate it." she added, laughing lightly before just looking up at him."Well, are you going to carry me or at least help me up, or shall I strip right here and we can do it out in the snow? I'm fine with all, as they lead to the same conclusion." said Sheena, her arms going around his neck. Sure, the last option was risky and could lead to them being caught by the others or perhaps townspeople out for a nightly stroll. But, the risk of it added a certain amount of danger that made it all the more hotter and exciting. Zelos shook his head and let out once of his trademark sighs at Sheena's snort. He shook his head for a second, wordlessly, acting mockingly disappointment, with a slight twinge of sincere letdown. Quickly, he regained his composure before addressing her. "Damn", he said without any real verbal weight at all. "I act like a pervert and you hit me, I try to act like agentleman", he said, placing a slight emphasis on the last word, " And you can't take me seriously". He shook his head again, a light smile crossing his lips.At Sheena's next question, however, his lighter demeanor vanished almost instantly as Zelos snapped back into the heat of the moment. He shook his head slightly before pecking her on the cheek, a light smile still bound upon his lips. "Well, that would really depend on if you want to get kinda' cold or not", he said under his breath and to her ear, lightly, but loud enough to retain weight. Sheena let out a slight moan when he whispered his answer into her ear."Well about both? That is, if you have the stamina." Sheen replied in a seductive tone, with a playful smile. Yes, she was indeed somewhat challenging him. Challenging him to do the deed right here and now, in a very risky spot, then carry her to his room, where they'd likely be up for most of the night, intertwining their bodies to sooth the immense fire in both their hearts. No matter how cold it was outside, Sheena would no doubt be warm, due to her fiery desire coursing throughout her body. Zelos couldn't help but muse a laugh from her remark. He took a second to chuckle at it, making sure his response was apparent to her. He shook his head and sighed the way he always did before resuming his composure and addressing her again, a combination of his perverted voice and his sincere one hanging prevalent in his tone. Of course, he was being entirely sincere in his speech. It was just nature for him to keep it concealed with his normal sarcastic tone. that and the fact he was still in a slight disbelief of what was occurring."Well, that depends, Sheena darling, on if you feel like bending over the rail or not. Of course, there is always the chance of us getting caught though. So I'll leave that one up to you." "Well, I always did love a good risk." Sheena replied, smiling as she quickly slid out from under him and stood up. Closing the few steps between her and the railing, and took her time bending over the metal railing. She didn't simple lean over. She was fully bent over the railing, upper body parallel to the ground below now. Wiggling her but playfully, her hands reached out on either side to lightly hold the railing. Now really wasn't the time to be stupid and risk falling over the side. Zelos licked his lips for a second upon seeing Sheena bend over the side of the railing. He let out a slight chuckle before following her. A few seconds later, he was standing behind her, fully out of her range of view. He slid his hands down her waist before a second before grabbing his wriggling butt and reaching for the bow on the back of her clothing. He licked his lips again as he began to pull the bow free. Sheena sighed softly when she felt his hands momentarily touch her firm behind. When she felt him untying the bow on her back that more or less held her top on, she held still and raised her stomach up a bit, so that he could easily get it off and unwrap it from her body. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. Not only could she not believe she was doing this, she also couldn't believe it was the pervy Zelos. Zelos let out a slight pant as he began to slide her kimono off of her firmr body. He recognized almost instantly the effects of her drawing back her stomach, but at the same time, felt a slight twinge at the prospect of not aving to slightly rip her clothes from her body, something he always wanted to do. He was getting rather hot now. Sheena raised each arm in turn to help him remove the kimono from her body. This left her in just that tight black undersuit she always had on that, as always, showed a good deal of her sizable breasts and the bra struggling to hold them in. He wasn't the only one getting hot. Sheena definitely was too. It seemed the two thought alike, as she too had the thought of him just tearing her remaining clothes off her body and just ravaging her right then and there, bent over the railing. That was how things were set to play out.Still, this would turn out to not be a one time thing between them. So, they'd have plenty of chances to try all kinds of thigns. Zelos was having a harder and harder time restraining himself every passing second. As the tension in the air continued to rise, he bit his lip, eager for the things to come, but still keeping himself in check, if only for long enough to get things started.Licking his lips, he crouched over Sheena, before grabbing and squeezing her huge bust, something he had longed to do for oh so long, but had not.Sheena felt oh so warm, a relief from this cold weather. Zelos could feel heat coming off of her already, and the skin contacty had not even begun yet. Sheena let out a pleasured gasp when he grasped her large breasts. Tonight really was a night of firsts for them in many ways. First time his hands finally found their targets, first time they'd end up doing it, first time the two had admitted their feelings. Though, even though now was the first time they admitted their feelings to each other, they had always been there. But, thanks to Zelo's pervy personality and constant skirt chasing, nothing amounted of it till now. On occasion, Sheena had toyed with the thought of what kind of boyfriend Zelos would make........but it wouldn't be long till he did something to piss her off and she'd go back to being annoyed by him. She eventually built a wall around her feelings for him and it took that stupid stunt moments earlier to break that wall down and have her come to terms with and admit her true feelings for him.They had had a rather turbulent relationship on the outside, but now more than ever......Sheena knew she loved the pervy red head. Even then, as a couple, the two would likely still act the same. Zelos making a pervy comment, with a swift smack upside the head by Sheena. But now and forever, her heart belonged to him. A single moment of contact with Sheena's bust seemed to stop time for Zelos, bringing a flood of thought and emotion to him. He had tired to achieve this moment so many times since they first met, seemingly every second of his social interactions dedicated toward humor and lechery. Yet, this moment seemed so much more. This moment ignited Zelos, like a spark of passion, erupting into a fire of passion around his normally isolated heart. His hands squeezed just a tad, instinctively, reminding him of Sheena's flesh below him. Reminding him, burning into him, the events that were unfolding on this snowy balcony.This single moment seemed to freeze in time. Zelos had always lusted for Sheena, yet this moment represented the breakthrough of so much more. This was not so much the buildup to him finally getting his way with her, this wasn't even the buildup to a night of passion, this was a buildup towards something greater, something life changing. Something that would leave Zelos and Sheena changed forever. Sheena moaned softly when his hands lightly squeezed her chest before looking back over her shoulder at him, her eyes full of emotion and passion.........and a bit of lust as well. God, how she wanted she wanted him to explore her body, to tear her clothes off and just ravage her again and again and again.The thought of getting caught as they made love up here was still an exciting, erotic thought, but in Sheenas mind, for the most part, the two of them were in their own little special world. With only two words, she managed to express the strong love, passion and lust she felt for him...."Take me...." she softly said, still looking back at him. Her tone would show him she knew full well what she wanted, and who she wanted to do it to her and that she had not the slightest bit of regret of wanting Zelos to take her right then and there, bent over the railing. Zelos ran his hands across her chest one more time, this time dragging his gloved hands around her nipples, which were quite stiff in the cold air. Zelos licked his lips instinctively. Sheena's chest has always been a point of attraction for him, and he could hardly believe he could finally feel it all he wanted. Zelos felt like he was in heaven.With her words, Zelos wasted no time undoing the bow on her back and sliding her pants down around her knees. He let out a tiny chuckle at the panties she had underneath before running his hand along the outside of them. She was wet, but it was oh so very warm. Despite it being very cold outside, the two of them were burning hot. Indeed, Sheena didn't even feel the cold air when her pants were pulled down her knees, plenty of skin bared now since he had already removed her top. Their fiery desire for one another was keeping them both VERY warm in every sense of the word. Still, they were just lust driven animals. There was far more to this than that"And what are you waiting for?" she playfully asked, hands gripping the metal railing she was bent over as she wiggled her ass seductively against his hands.So much restrained emotion and passion flowing out. Considering this was all quite heat of the moment, it was possible both might have some regrets, or at least trouble adjusting to this the following morning. For now though, it was a time for passion........and more. "Mmm. Good question", Zelos murmured as he began to drop his own pants. While his core was warm, his hands were quite frosty and he fumbled with the clasp for a few moments before finally undoing his belt and dropping his own pants. Despite the cold, his lower body was receiving quite the blood flow, and he was rather aroused. Zelos pulled himself closer to Sheena as he began to lightly grind wit her for a second.After a second passed, he slid his hands between her legs once more, this time running his hands on the inside of her thigh before making his way to her panties once more. He grasped them tightly, taking a second to marvel at how wet she was before sliding her panties down, where they soon joined her pants. Groaning, Zelos pressed his member up to the entrance of her slit. Sheenas body grew hotter and she groaned with each simple touch. Then, his hand went between her legs, and things got particularly arousing. And when they were soon left around her knees like her pants, she lightly bit her bottom lip, in pleasurable anticipation with what was to come.The biting got even harder when she felt him pressing his manhood against her pussy, wanting to keep herself from just screaming when she felt the relief of having him inside of her......finally. Zelos ran his hands along Sheena's hips before he finally secured his hands along Sheena's hips. He let out a small moan as the tip of his member finally came into contact with Sheena's entrance. Finally, he took a deep breath and plunged inside her, burying himself to the very base all in one swift motion. Warmth rocketed through his body.Zelos let out a slight moan as he gave Sheena a few seconds to adjust to the intrusion. He himself took a breath to brace himself for the activity that was to come. Sheena really didn't need to adjust. While she was no slut or anything, she certainly wasn't.........untouched either. She was surprised he thrust into her fully and one go, causing her open her mouth as if to moan, only for no sound to come out. At first, at least. Then, as she continued to feel him inside of her, a long, deep moan came past her sultry lips, hands gripping the cold steel pole tightly. Zelos groaned, giving himself a second to take his situation in. He was drowning in ectasy, Sheena's pussy exciting his cock and sending bolts of pleasure through his body. He readjusted, grabbing further down her hips. He had no desire to take things slowly, and Sheena's movements indicated she had no such intention either.Zelos began to ram Sheena from behind, thrusting in and out of her rapidly. With each thrust, Sheenas groans grew louder, with grunting being mixed in. Combined the the sound of skin slapping against skin, it created quite the erotic symphony. The pleasure, the sensations, the touches, the situation that caused it, Sheena liked it all, every aspect adding to her pleasure. While normally, Zelos would be her last choice to screw, that was all forgotten, for now at least. No doubt, the rest of the night would be filled with further acts of such lust, it hard to say how either one would react in the morning, when the passion had subsided, and lust filled haze had worn off.Akward would no doubt not even begin to describe it. Zelos let a groan as he finally adjusted his thrusts after what seemed like an eternity. He began to thrust upwards, grinding inside of her, all the while keeping his hands firmly clasped on her hips and rubbing them slightly. He watched the snowflakes trickle down and melt on their bare skin, the couple totally immune to the cold.Zelos was totally lost in the moment. As far as he was concerned, the only thing that existed at the moment was him, Sheena, and the balcony. He gave no thought to what would happen in the morning. As did Sheena, for the time being. She only cared about the pleasure, and her feelings for him, even if they were brought on in a heat of the moment manner. Still, it didn't stop her from saying his name with such lust and passion. Quitely though, as the inn was packed and there was nothing preventing someone from randomly coming out of their room and seeing them.So, Sheena tried to keep herself quite, biting her bottom lip to keep in her moans and grunts. Though, while she became rather silent, her pleasure was obvious. Zelos was oblivious to all around him, even though Sheena was being quiet, his ears were directed towards her lips, catching the occasional squeal and moan that left her lips as he dove into her. He shivered for a second before pulling one hand off of her hip and running it between her legs, rubbing her clit gently, but still intensely enough to compliment the violent motions the couple as making.As Zelos was fully oblivious and lost within Sheena, he didn't notice the sound of nearby footsteps crunching on snow. Zelos paid no attention to a rather curious Raine, who was standing just a stone's throw away. Sheena too, was oblivious to the lovely elf standing off to the side. Hell, with the way this whole thing felt, even if she did notice Raine watching, she may not even care. She might even enjoy her "rival" watching, as the two do tend to try and piss each other off in any way they can think of. Although Raine was close by, Zelos paid no attention to her. In fact, he didn't even notice her. It was after another few moments of ramming himself into Sheena that he felt his orgasm begin to build. "Baby..." He grunted out. Sheena, having such a trained body, could easily feel what was building within Zelos. She herself, wasn't quite there yet. But, that wasn't a bad thing. Zelos was certainly giving her intense pleasure, but she just simply wasn't there herself yet. Though, she find herself both a bit apprehensive at the thought of Zelos of all people cumming inside of her, but also a fair bit turned on. There was just..........something about giving herself over to him entirely like this that was such a turn on.Still, her own enjoyment was made obvious as her moans grew with his. Her hand rose to rest on his, pretty well holding him there, and non verbally telling him that she wanted his seed inside of her. Zelos let out another grunt as her hand touched his. That was all he needed to lose control. From the depths of his shaft, he could feel an intense pleasure welling up. He shuddered for a second as he grabbed Sheena's hips and gave her another trust, while bringing his hand across her clit one last time. He let his seed loose clean inside her, continuing to make light thrusts all the while. Sheena cried out in pleasure. The physical sensation of him cumming felt amazing by itself. The emotional and psychological aspects just intensified the feelings. It felt both so wrong, but so right to let this pervert that had been after her for so long claim her body in the most intimate sense. Zelos let out a string of pants as he steadied himself. Now that he was no longer using a thrusting rhythm to keep balance, he nearly slipped in the slippery and slightly uneven footing beneath him. His body felt like it was on fire, a feeling amplified all the more by the Cruxis Crystal on his neck. Energy from it began to surge through him, as he felt his cock gain stiffness once more.
['Wilder', 'Zelos', 'Fujibayashi']
FF name yet~me and Lawless
On a typical clear skyed sunny day, the deceptively young Shelke strolled down the sidewalk of Neo Midgar. As was her daily routine, she was currently heading to Tifas bar to help with various things. It was her little way to help think the others for all that they had did for her. She was still rather anti social, but had started to slowly open up. Mostly, to Tifa, who Shelke had come to see as a bit of an older sister, due to the death of her real sister. As she walked, she mad the decision to take a little shortcut to cut down on how long it would take her to reach the bar. This path cut through one of the bad parts of town, but Shelke had never had any trouble here before. Little did she know, this wouldn't be her lucky day. Seth was sitting on the roof of a building in the slums. Seth was quite the creature. He had cells from Vincent, which made him unstable in itself, and being injected with JENOVA cells didn't help. He was a walking abomination. He wore long black and red trimmed pants, with a black shirt under a black trench coat. The trench coat had red lining. His hair was black with red streaks down it, and was long, and tied behind his head out of his crystal blue eyes."Shelke." He said to himself. "She's pretty close to Vincent..." He jumped down in front of her, and grabbed her by the neck, then started to pick her up. It happened so fast, Shelke really couldn't do anything to stop it. She didn't even fully realize what was going on till she was lifted in the air. Vainly she tried to pry his hand off her neck. But, he was obviously far stronger than she was."Who........are you.....?" she asked, struggling to breath. Most people might have commanded he let them go, but Shelke was smart. She wouldn't delude herself into actually thinking that would work. "I am Seth Necross... Project Angel Destroyer." He said, and then he slammed her small body against one of the walls. "Now... you're coming with me, and I'm going to torture you until I get all the information I need." He then let his one demonic wing and his one angelic wing burst out of his trench coat, and he flew into the air. His face looked like that of Chaos, but his eyes were crystal blue. Shelke grunted when she was slammed into the wall. Though, thanks to the experiments that had been performed on her, she was far stronger than a normal human and wasn't seriousl hurt by it. When this......creature took off, she held onto his arms by reflex, afraid of being dropped. He pulled her closer to him, almost as if he cared if she fell. He put one hand on her ass, to hold her up. He then dove and landed at a house in the middle of nowhere. He walked in and there was a man there. He put Shelke down and looked to the man, then thrust the man in the chest with his hand, and with that one thrust of energy, the man's heart exploded. "Sit." He commanded her. Shelke watched the whole site in silent, wide eyed fear. She knew this man could kill her at anytime. Her only chance for survival was to obey until she could find a way out of this. So, she did as she said, and took a seat. He looked her up and down to see what she was wearing. He hadn't really paid attention. He closed the door, and then moved up to her and brushed his hand through her hair. "Are you a virgin?" He asked her, curiously. "Yes and no. I've never had intercourse with a man, but I do not have the........physical indication of virginity." Shelke remained, managing to stay calm and cool under these circumstances. Though, him touching her sure didn't help any. "How did that happen?" He asked. "Tell me as you slowly strip down to your underwear." He told her, and then backed up a little bit so she could stand and do what he had commanded her to do. "If you do everything I say, I will reward you." "From a physical examination." Shelke calmly told him. She heard his command to strip, but was quite taken back at it. So, at first, she did nothing. But, once again fearing for her life, she had to do what he said, standing up and slowly peeling the off what clothes she had on. Seth grinned as he watched her. "Well, no doubt today you will be losing your virginity in every sense." He said. "Unless you tell me everything you know about Vincent Valentine, Cloud Strife, and Tifa Lockhart." He said. " you want to know?" Shelke reluctantly replied. She hated herself for it, but she may very well have to do what he was asking. They were all so nice to her, she thought they may understand, but she was also afraid that they'd hate her for it. "Everything you now.. birthplaces... birthdays... age... blood type... EVERYTHING. Where they're living at the moment... where they hang out..." He then walked over to her, and put a hand on one of her breasts. "What's your cup size?" Him touching her again sent chills up her spine. "Please.......don't hate me......" she thought to herself, before she started to list everything he asked for. Everything, she told him absolutely everything about her friends. "Good... thank you... now, get on your hands and knees." He told her and unzipped his pants. "I'm going to take your virginity in all three of your holes... and then I think I might keep you as a pet, because you're just so cute." He said. "B But you said......." Shelke replied, turning to face him. She couldn't believe it. She had just betrayed all her friends for nothing. He grabbed a handful of her short hair, and pulled her up to her feet, then he forced her to the ground. "Bow to your master, like the good doggy you are." He said, and then he unzipped his pants, and showed her his 8 inch hard penis. "Now... start licking." Tifa hummed a random turn to herself as she went about wiping off the counter top of her bar, Seventh Heaven. It wasn't super succesful, but it got a decent enough customer base..........mostly men, for obvious reasons. It was annoying, be constantly hit on, with many instances of butt pinching and slapping and the more daring men that would full on grope her large breasts. Still, Tifa liked her job and could deal with it. Seth walked into the bar. He was carrying a naked, beaten, and raped Shelke. "I found her in an alleyway... she said to take her here." He said, and looked at Tifa. He looked like he was uncomfortable holding the naked girl. He looked up and down Tifa's body. "Oh my god.......Hand her to me!"Tifa said with a gasp, gently take Shelke into her arms and carrying her to her room upstairs in a hurry. She lay her in bed and covered her up. She had some bruises and cuts, but nothing serious. She'd be fine after some rest and Tifa doctoring up her wounds."What happened!?" demanded the brunette as she stomped back down stairs to the waiting man. Seth had followed her up, and leans against the doorframe, and looked at her. "The same thing that will happen to Marlene, if you don't do what I say." He said, and she'd soon realize, that he was holding Marlene by the collar of her shirt. Marlene was unconscious. Tifa gasped in shock again when she stepped out of the room, and was met with the site."What do you want, you bastard?" Tifa demanded, crossing her arms over her sizable chest. She could hear customers shuffling around downstairs. It was the busy time of the day, but her customers were usually nice enough. They wouldn't steal anything. But, not like there was anything but beer and classes to steal down there anyways. Seth smirked. "Tell you what. I'll let her go." He said. "However... you get to walk downstairs in front of all your precious customers in nothing but your underwear." He told her. "Then we'll go up to your room and have some real fun." He told her. Tifa looked over at the unconscious Marlene, knowing she had no choice but to listen."Hurt her, and I'll kill you......." she said, as she began to strip down, as commanded. When she was in her bra and panties, she took a deep breath before heading down the stairs. She hesitated when she reached the door, but soon opened it and walked out, immediately getting stares from everyone. As usual, pretty much everyone here was male. It was no surprised that hoots, hollers and whistles began filling the bar, which caused Tifa to blush and look down at the floor. Seth was behind her and soon he pushed her into the crowd. "She's all yours guys." He said, with a grin. "I call her pussy and ass. You guys can have as many blowjobs and handjobs as you want..." He said, and then he moved up and slapped her ass. "Get to work, this is your new job." The men were all to eager to accept such a gift. Hands already groping and molesting every inch of her body."You bastard!" Tifa cried out, trying to get away, but there were just too many men. She was suddenly shoved down to her knees. No sooner had she hit the floor, was a cock suddenly thrust into her mouth, almost choking her. Two other men had grabbed her wrists, placing her hand on each of their cocks. By now, her bra and panties were ripped to sheds, leaving her naked before them. Seth got behind her, and unzipped his pants. He pulled his 8 inch penis out of his pants, and put it up to her pussy. He then grinned, and without hesitation, pushed into her pussy. He bent so he could kiss her neck, and whispered. "This is only the beginning of your punishment." Tifa groaned in protest and pain when he entered her. She glared back over her shoulder at him. She couldn't say or do anything about it. She had another cock in her mouth, and was forced to jerk off two other men. As expected, when one came, they'd simply step back and be soon replaced by another eager male, wanting the little bar maiden to pleasure them as well. He started to spank her while he thrusts. "You're lucky." He told her. "If I wasn't so selfish, you'd have another guy in your ass right now." He told her. "So count your blessings... be happy I am selfish with my pets." He said, and then started to groan a little bit at how tight she was. He started to thrust into her a little faster. Tifa let out muffled groans with just about every thrust. This was so disgusting. Her normal customers that were usually well behaved, were getting to use her like a little whore. Fearing for Marlenes life, she had to pleasure them like a whore, jerking them off with her hands and swirling her tongue around the one her mouth like a pro. It wasn't long before one of them brought out a video camera and started recording it. The one in her mouth pulled out of her mouth and squirted cum all over her face.Seth laughed. "Oh boy.. I see future blackmail from your own customers... just imagine what they'll do if you don't perform from them from now on?" He said, and then gripped her waist, and started to pump into her harder, not holding back anymore. With her mouth free, Tifas grunts and groans were fully audible now. She closed her eyes when the man cummed on her face, avoiding as much of it as she could. He was right. Videotaping this, they could easily get her to do whatever she wanted. Is that what her life would be now on? A whore in her own bar? None None None None Seth bent over and whispered. "This can all be over... you just have to give me all the information you know about a girl who is powerful... I like to conquer those who have power..." None None
['Shelke', 'Tifa']
/Because I hate you/ -Me and Merc-
Silver sat perched above the pulsing mass below her. She sat on a balcony well above the creatures that had been citizens of New Racoon. She wrinkled her nose, disgust passing over her features, this was all Umbrellas fault. She sighed and rubbed her hand over her face. Golden bird eyes watched the sky now, as she stood up. She was clad in an interesting outfit to say in the least. A black top that tied behind her neck and had an open back. She wore simple black jeans tattered at the knees, with tightly laced combat boots.The oddest part of the outfit though was the coat over it all. Because you see the coat had two long slits running down it's back. Why did it have that you may wonder? Simply put, it was because of her wings. The woman was a genetic experiment conducted by Umbrella. She had been marked as a failure and returned to her work. She had stayed loyal to the company, and then when she was put on a field mission... she was execute. Point blank executed... and why? Because she wouldn't fuck a few guys.Silver had once been Silvania Gresham, a woman of about 5'6'' stature... with Blond hair and Green eyes. She had been very pretty, but she hadn't been interested in sex in the least. After her execution she had changed. Her hair turning the color of fresh blood, and falling around her features in a feathery and straight mess. Her eyes were now golden, harsh bird gold. She shifted and checked the long leather coat that covered her person. It was how she really kept warm, and on the inside was specially lined pockets for her feather darts.She was silently watching the writhing mass of bodies below her, outbreak had happened three days ago. She had been hunting the zombies since then. She heard the approach of some of the twisted crows. Twisted Crows, she called them such as they where now undead flesh eating creatures. She twisted and her eyes shifted to the side. Three feather darts slipping into her hand as she twisted and released the hardened feathers at the birds.The three corpses fell into the mass of zombies below. Somewhere in this city was Albert E. Wesker, one of the scientists that had worked on the human experiments. Goddess help him, because Silver wouldn't be lenient. After her execution she had come to hate Umbrella for having done this to her. The coat shifted, as blood sprayed from the two open slits on her back. She hissed in pain, a sense of pleasure coursing through her as she allowed her wings to burst free. They where large, and canopied around her and shadowed her from the faint light above her.Her wings where of a soft brownish red color, like some bird of prey. She often found herself wondering exactly WHAT had been done to her. She would find the files hopefully, and find out what they had been trying. She reached up and then ran her fingers over the slightly dampn wings. She healed quickly, because the torn flesh from her wings opening was already closed. She stepped up unto the balcony and then jumped. Her body skirted close to the zombies, but at the last moment she snapped open her wings and allowed flight to take her.She glided, and then climbed higher, hanging in the air and scanning with her enhanced vision. Where was he? Becaues I hate you Me and Merc Wesker sat the the mahogany desk that held the place in the center of his office he had claimed for himself when he had come to visit this facility. His hands were clased together in front of him and hs chin rested lightly there. It had been a the directors office but Albert Wesker didn't care very much. He was more important than the man and so he had taken the better place much as the man had done to his subordinates before. It was one of those bonuses that went with the position and one that Wesker enjoyed. The show of power over someone weaker had its own delicious feel to it.He certainly did seem to fit the idea of a cold and ruthless dictator that everyone made him out to be. His blond hair was so pale to almost be white and was kept neatly on the top of his head. The eyes behind his dark shades were never seen and so their true color remain a mystery, but they seemed to be staring through everyones soul even if they weren't actually seen. A finely tailored black suit dressed him through a long black leather coat also hung on the coat rack beside him.Right now his eyes, hidden back dark shades, were watching the row of computer screens lined up along the desk. Each showed a different view of the city, the picutres coming from cameras set before the incident had been engineered. They showed scenes of what most normal people would call a look into the mouth of hell, but Wesker simply called it buisness. People being eaten and devored, ripped limb from limb. Men, women, children it didn't matter, the zombies eating them all just the same. This was designed to be a test run for the work done on the T virus. The zombies created by the virus were strong in large numbers, but slow and usless against a trained enemy. The new strand was creating faster, stronger, and more resilant zombies.Of course the normal T virus had been spread as well, mostly to hide the fact that someone was still doing work on the virus. The normal zombies would hide the work of the new ones, and in the end only someone looking for it would be able to tell that something had changed."I believe that this should be a good inital test run. Have some examples taken and then clense the city." Wesker unclasped his hands and stood to his feet. He slid his coat on, the garment clinking with weapons as he put it on. Wesker might be well protected, but he wouldn't go unarmed in a infested city. Just in case."I hope my ride is ready.""The helicopter is waiting on the roof for you sir." A man in the room said. He was some sort of lackey for the facility, one that Wekser had never bothered to learn the name of. Silver frowned as she scanned the writhing mass below her. Disgusting, the whole damn mass of them. A shudder passed over her frame as she withdrew more of the feather darts. These ones where different, she had applied a special coating to them. Toxins that would liquefy the brain. She found them to be very effective, because she refused to use guns. She tucked the un coated parts between her fingers and then she flicked out her hand. A feather went through a single zombies head, for each of the three she had thrown. She pulled herself higher then, away from the grabbing hands and moaning mass of the creatures.She wrinkled her nose as her head turned, eck... damn birds. She twisted her body in the air and lashed out, using the longer dagger like blade she had created. Crow pieces falling all around her, and splattering her clothing. Goddess only knew she hated this part of the work. She had been examining the area, but it was a soft whirring sound that drew her attention. She had excellent hearing, especially when it came to something like this. She snapped out her wings fully and with a few dragging pumps of her wings she pulled herself up to the level of the tops of the buildings. A Helicopter, and that would mean someone important was trying to leave.She fought her mind for a moment and decided she would give it a go. She watched the guards on the roof, and found and empty spot in their work. She landed and crouched then, canopying her wings over her form to hide herself better. The guards where there for a reason, as was the Helicopter. It might just be her best bet a finding Wesker. The damnable man... Wesker walked calmly to the roof of the building surronded by armed and armored men that formed his bodyguard while at this facilty. For all purposes he looked liek a man just out for a stroll, his hands clasped behind his back liek there was nothing wrong with the world. It was almost like he couldn't hear the sounds of gun fire coming from the floors below, like he missed the sound of a man's screams as he was torn to piece. It said a lot about a man when he saw things like this as just normal everyday affairs.As he stepped onto the roof the sounds of gunfire became louder. Most still came from below but every now and then one of the men on the roof had to destroy one of the carion crows that drew too close to the roof. Still it was nothing that should slow his escape or make it any more dangerous for him.Suddenly Wesker stopped though, freezing the men around him with a single raised hand. His head was cocked to the side, ear presented to the air like he could hear something else. Slowly one of his hands reached underneath his long jacket and can out holding a handgun. He reached down with one thumb and switched on the laser sight to the weapon, the red dot paiting the ground for now."Someone is here...." Silver's senses went on high alert as she felt his presence. Actuallyfeltit. Her eyes narrowed and her hands slipped into her long trench, from it's confines she removed the two long dagger like feathers. The ones she had fashioned to be quite capable of deflecting bullet's if she was paying enough attention. She knew he had sensed her and now was her chance. She put herself on high senses, releasing all her blocks and inhibitions. Wings snapped open as she flipped and then tucked into her body as she dived like a falcon was meant to.Her body skidded and she landed in a crouch behind him, wings canopied around her as she spun for a moment. Darts flew form between her fingers and she snapped her arms sliding more into place and releasing them. His guards where effectively dealt with. None of them would have dared fire on her, with her this close to Wesker. She straightened and stood, both blades held down and on the read. "Scum sucking sonova bitch... finally found you..." She hissed. Probably wouldn't recognize her as the little intel officer she had once been. She no longer looked like she had, in any way."Took me awhile to find you, now that I have... I'm going to enjoy myself." She said as her lips curled up. "Umbrella is a scum, a parasite... and I damn well hope to see it fall." Wesker's gun stayed aimed at the ground even as she messily took out hsi two guards with well placed throws of some sort of strange weapon. He didn't seem worried, just watching Silver with what coudl only be called a interested look on his face. In truth he was interested. It wasn't often that he saw a new type of bio weapon, and certainly he didn't often see one that had the ability to actually talk to him.Ignoring her threats and the venom in her voice he beganto walk around her, looking her up and down. Her change was interesting, and one that tickled the back of his memory. Had they ever done any work with an areial bio weapon? He thought he remembered something of that sort but it was hard to be sure. "If you had wanted to find me you simply could have asked.""Now I know you have to be one of ours but I am having a hard time remembering your designation number." Wesker thought for a moment then it seemed to come to him. "You must be Gresham. I remember trying something before with this strain and your are the only test subject that we didn't have a confirmed body for. I thought it had been a waste but it looks like you did well." Silver's eyes narrowed as the man walked towards her. He walked around her and spoke rather odly to her. It annoyed her, and she was a few steps away from snarling at the man. Her wings snapped out her eyes narrowing with an avian glare as she twisted her hands and kept herself from attacking him outright. She needed to get him to fix her first and foremost. She walked as he walked, keeping him firmly in her sights.When he mentioned her old name her wings snapped out again and that avian scratchy screech left her weeks. "Oh no, I am no longer Gresham." she snarled as she stepped towards him now, narrowing the space between the two. "She snarled even harder as she stalked towards him just a bit harder. Her eyes narrowed completely now. "Gresham is dead, she died when her mission partner put that gun barrel to her temple and pulled the trigger." She stated.Red hair seemed to come alive for a moment, feathering out a little around her features. "I will... I will get you back for this, but first... FIX ME!" She stated as she threw out her arm. She didn't want to live like this for much longer, she wanted to be able to LIVE.
['Silvania', 'Umbrellas', 'Gresham']
/A twist of fates/-Me and Kratos-
Kumori had quit her work with Shinra so many years ago. Now the dark haired and crimson eyed female was mercenary. She had been... well she had been one of the best. She had been the ONLY Female SOLDIER FIrst Class. That was something to speak of, and the reason she was still alive. Not many liked to mess with her, unless they where hired for it. Then they usually ended up dead.She was a woman of slim frame, and only just over twenty years of age. Having been thrust into the Shinra fighting programs at the tender age of twelve. Her father was already a scientist with SHinra, and her mother was a building guard. Putting their daughter in didn't stop them in their work at all. In fact when she had become a SOLIDER FIrst Class, she had known no greater joy from them.Now she was fully grown, years later, and she was still living out her life. She wore low riding black shorts, and a red tank top. Over that was a black leather jacket, and she had boots that laced up to just about her knees. She carried a belt around her waist, that had materia resting in slots on it. This was how she fought and still she has the Kurenai Blade. The Crimson Blade, Forged for her when she became a First Class soldier. Like a Katana but stained blood red... so they say ... with the blood of her enemies.Now she was wandering the wilds, tracking down a target. Ancients only know that the man was a sick fuck, kidnapped eight year old girls and raped them. That was just down right disgusting. It needed to be fixed, and as soon as possible. Her mission had been completed hours ago actually, she was just waiting for the poison to work on his system before she went back to her house that was away from the city.But for now she was in the high grassy plains of the outter rims of Midgar... Sephiroth once a huge villain in wanting to destroy the world and finish what Jenova started, many feared him a few stood up to him and eventually one at a cost against him. Little did they know that he would return, something he could always do.. after all he was to powerful to be held by the binds of death the life stream would always reject his flow as if he ever entered it even that way. Well his pure evil and hatred for the planet would be it's destruction.Although he had died, officially Sephiroth was never actually dead his life force just circling the planet itself knowing it would return shortly the actual life stream that Shinra tapped into above him and rejecting his entry. Finally that day had come were Sephiroth's return had even been rumored to happen a prophecy of doom and destruction sure to follow not long after.Crashing into the earth was a small meteorite the awakening of him and his legacy that was sure to continue, the lifestream had let this one fall into the atmosphere as it was not seen as dangerous but it was wrong, Now he sat inside it before finally awakening his eyes shooting open his katana slicing through what held him before he breathed in a breath of air."This place disgusts me even now, and I have to finish what mother started.. The dirt here does not deserve to be here and I must gain control of the lifestream and use it to destroy this place..." Sephiroth now started to walk away from the area he was in, before being able to do anything he would need his black materia and Shinra would be the best place to start looking.. that was if any of it remained. Even with her work done, and her pace already drawing her towards home, she was drawn towards the fallen meteor. It couldn't hurt to check it out right? She approached it slowly, and came towards the edge of the crater, crouched low. Her jacket collar pulled up to shield her face a little as she looked at the wreckage within the hole. That's when she saw what came from the meteor.Eyes widening she gasped, stepping back and going into a full stand. Crimson was drawn in a flash, metal being unsheathed was heard as she braced her blade to be ready to attack. Her eyes narrowed as she frowned then, hard at that. Sephiroth had been killed, but it seemed the lifestream would not keep him for long. She herself had genetic legacies in her, from other beings that had come to Gaia. But they where nothing compared to what Jenova had been.She nibbled her lower lip a little, and then tried to dig up her training. What was his weakness? All the First Class SOLDIERS trained each other to remove such things. What had been his weakness, his way of of being taken down. She couldn't remember, the dark haired woman couldn't remember! "SHIT" Upon sniffing the air once more he turned towards a new scent the smell of a human.. more then that it was a SOLDIER member, well she would have had to be one at least one point of time hearing her draw a weapon his eyes glared over her before spitting on the floor a little as he walked a little closer taking just a step towards her, his sword long enough to reach her even from were he was now.Something was different about this one then a normal human.. get it was nothing like having pure Jenova cells, they were defined as the strongest and only he out of the soldier program was the only one to learn to use them properly and use them the way they were meant to be. That and not everyone had received a input of Jenova. "I advise not getting in my way filth and I might spare you.. help me and you will live longer.. run away now, and I give you a start.."He looked at her moving his grey silver hair from out of his view hand still on his weapon. "Were is the black materia? soldier member I know you know.. with it I can finally help this world by ending it.." Feelings pulsed through her as the female watched his approach. When his weapon reached her she jumped back, doing and artful twisted flip and landed in a crouch. Her blade raised at the defensive position as she glared at him over the edge of the blood. Eyes like fresh blood, that's what she had been told when she was a SOLDIER all those years ago. She focused hard, as he approached, and spoke her eyes narrowing even more."Not a chance Sephiroth, I love my home, and I wouldn't fight beside you again... for anything." She stated in a harsh whisper as she gathered her energy and twisted her hand. Lashing out with a faint blast of energy. As for the Black Materia, that was somewhere even she didn't know. She knew that Avalanche had it a few years ago, but whether Shinra had it now... that was another matter.As she released that simple blast of energy, she jumped back and ran. Ran as fast as she could, so she could live to see another day. Because seriously? Did he think she was going to stay around and work with him on destroying her home? That wasn't gonna happen. She kept Crimson at the ready, and made sure she was going at her top speed. Something which she hadn't done since she had been in SOLDIER. Just as he got in range she moved herself out of his range again, obviously once well trained but if she tried to remain and be defensive, against Sephiroth she had no chance. Once saying what was to be said she seemed to be concentrating her gaze onto him until finally responding after some time yet her decision seemed to be almost instant. A laugh then escaped him upon hearing what was to be said."Pathetic, then you are no better then them..." He spat in disgust now as an angered look crossed his face. Once she lashed out at him he shook his head easily deflecting it before sending a strong pulse towards her, something that did not take long to charge at all and even though she was running so fast this would track her down, he had her scent and had focused it on that as he now ran after his blast.For running he would make her death slow and painful now, extracting as much information as possible. If needed be he would leave her alive if she was of anymore use even if it was not directly helping but still, she had to be punished for running and saying what she had the blast starting to catch up, Sephiroth following in its tailwind. Kumori glared as she noticed he was coming on the attack. He was following her, that was not good. She sighed as she jumped back further and then ran as fast as she could. She knew this was about her only way to get away. She bit her lip hard and then bolted even faster. She could feel the brush of the attack at her back. A gasp fled her lips and she felt it slam into her back.She was lifted into the air, and then thrown through the air. She gave a rather loud gasp of pain as the blast shredded the back of her jacket. She hit the ground and rolled, skidding and pulling her blade to her chest. She cut herself quite a bit, leaving a nice opening in the front of her tanktop. She came to a stop and groaned as she slowly sat up.She knew he was right behind her, and that was not a good thing. She needed to get back up and get on her way away from him. She shuddered then as she stood, pain blossoming in her like a flower of some sickly flower. She shuddered then, but harder, as she slowly stood up completely. Her back screamed at her, and she could feel the singed skin stinging with it's pain.She whirled around and raised her blade for the defense as he approached. Sephiroth knew that no matter how fast she was that the attack he sent towards her would easily catch up to her, and well with him using the backdraft to pretty much float behind it, well she was foolish to think she could run from him. The attack and him got closer and closer and he saw her try and go even faster shaking his head as he watched the attack catch up and slam into her.He watched the impact with a bit of a cruel grin watching as it slashed into her a little and while she was now on the floor he started to walk closer, it seemed she had even managed to get hit by her own blade... Considering she was an ex Soldier she should have known to put a blade towards the side so that it does not inflict more damage but she obviously had not had to fight for quite a while now.Now he stood easily in range of her with his large katana, he held it waiting for her knowing she would try and protect herself... but she of all people would know she had no chance fighting him. " Would you prefer to die right now.. or would you like to live what life you have.., I am not strong enough to destroy this place yet.. Maybe I might leave it standing for a little" A cruel laugh escaped him as his eyes held anger in them. "We are not that different you and I.. why can you not accept that.." His hand moved quickly causing him to falsely slash at her before he whirled around and span the other way smacking her blade out of the way and putting it up lightly against her neck"All it would take me now is to stab.. and I can end your life now.. and end your suffering.. but you have information I want.." he expected her to try and fight some more and was ready for it, Kumori glared at him coldly as he came upon her. Her Mercenary work had not allowed her to stay in her old SOLDIER condition. But she was still more then capable of fighting the idiots around her. Not once had she a true challenge since her comrades had vanished. She was the strongest fighter in the Mercenary business, and that only happened to disappoint her. Where was the challenge, where was the thrill?He was already at the large to attack her with his blade. She growled harder and glared at him as he spoke to her again. "I would indeed prefer death, you are not the Commanding Officer that I once faithfully served beneath." She snarled at him as she twisted her blade and readied to defend herself. She growled softly and shook her head lightly. She would not see her home dead, she would not see her life ended.She had worked too hard to build the life she had, to find the slight happiness she had. A happiness that came from a garden, not slaughtering people. She tilted her head back as he smacked her blade away, and then put his katana to her throat. Her eyes softened, as she felt the smirk pass over her features. Crimson eyes stared up into green, as a lock of sooty black bang falling into the females vision."Yes, so easy to kill me, but wouldyou do it Sephiroth? Could you really? To the only female that may have been a TRUE challenge to you?" She said in a low gravely tone. Her lips quirking into even more of a smirk. She knew what was said around the base, when they where SOLDIERS together. The times she had trained against him, her Commanding Officer, she was one of the few that could stay almost on level. But she was the ONLY female. "I don't think you have it in you to kill me." A person that will embrace death if handed to her... takes guts to say such a thing but I wonder if her words are just truth or fear...Her gaze now seemed to soften a little as Sephiroth just stood there with his katana in a position that could easily kill her. Their eyes brushed over each others a little for just a moment as he stood there ready to make the final sweep that would end her life yet for some reason he was being hesitant."Back then.. you were a bit of a challenge but now I am stronger then that.. even now after coming back from what should have been my death.. and you still think your a challenge.. hardly" A bit of disgust grew inside him as he then released his grip on the blade that was in his hand watching it as it fell. "I don't understand this confusion... I want to kill you but something is stopping me.. Something unknown to me"He shook his head his spare hand picking up the bade before he grabbed her throat all of a sudden. "Why can't I kill you... What is so different about you that the rest of the filth here does not have..." Slowly his eyes glared at her the disgust starting to remove itself, as he threw her to the ground. "I can't kill you.. but that does not mean I can not kidnap you.. so either we can do this the easy way were you come along quietly or I can knock you out.. and take you that way" Kumori glared at him hard, dark hair falling into crimson eyes as she stared at him. HIs blade remained on her throat, and his words where razor sharp. But she took them all in and glared at him hard as he hesitated. Her gaze had softened, before he had gone crazy she had a childish young girl crush on him. But he was right he was a changed man. She glared at him now, and hard as he spoke harshly to her.Her arms crossed over her chest as she stared up at him, her blade no longer at the ready. "Confusion, maybe it's because you don't want to kill me?" She said as she shifted to stand up. only to be grabbed by the throat and flung down. She glared up at him and braced her hands on the ground, Crimson was spinning away from her now. She braced her hands on the ground as she pushed herself up and reached for her blade."I was trained to never be taken alive, hard way it is." She stated as she rolled and skidded suddenly throwing her gifts into the mix. SHe released an energy blast and then twisted her hand to deliver a slash towards his mid torso. There was once a time were Sephiroth was actually like a normal person, but that time was long ago... who knew maybe some of that was still in him but with the way this world was and his hatred for it and himself.. well it was hard to think any other way.. Her question was something that had stricken him a little yet it seemed true to a point as he then threw her to the ground. "Well you may be trained that way..."A laugh escaped him cruel and dark as he deflected the blast and jumped a little backwards the blade just catching him as he then lent down and picked up his own katana shaking his head his long hair swaying a little in the movement. "Only a fool would try to attack me.. it usually results in death.. but for you.. I can arrange something else"Quickly he moved darting around her swinging a few times unsuccessfully, it seemed she was well trained but now he stood in front of her before looking into her eyes "I think I remember you... maybe that is why I can't kill you.." He was close as he spoke but then jumped back firing this time a ball of fire at her preparing a energy blast causing his sword to glow with power. Kumori fought, she fought like her tomorrow depended on it. It did depend on it, truthfully. Her body twisted as she slashed at him, and she did her best to avoid him as well. Her mind twisting the whole time. The man her childlike interest had been intersted in... He was dead, he died as soon as Sephiroth left the library. As soon as he tried to destroy the planet that was Kumori's remaining family. What with her mother and father close to passing on, and no siblings... All she had was the planet.She ducked back, but he was in front of her. He slammed the blast into her chest and she skidded back, her hands clutching the wounds that where produced by the fireball. But as soon as it did, the skin started to heal over. Her eyes closed as she took a breath and then charged up her blade with energy. "I was a young woman when you and I first met. I was one of the younger of the SOLDIER First Classes." She said as she twisted a little. Her blade was charged with bright energy. From that she released a crescent blast of her inner strength. Sephiroth's blade struck hers the energy between the two clashing and sending both of them back a little as his eyes flickered for a moment, a flash of a different color showing as now a flashback occurred in his mind. Sure this would give Kumori time to escape but it seemed this memory meant more to him.. considering usually not one to really remember much except his hatred this felt a little strange for Sephi.. maybe that was why he chose not to ignore it.Quickly some past was thrown at him in vivid images that flashed quickly... and sure enough, there she was although his mind had finally awoken from its short remembrance quickly his body ran after hers grabbing onto her shoulder with his hand now stopping her, "You.. Why do I remember you but no one else.. other then my enemies.. Although my memories of you.. are not of us being enemies.. Relax a little I can't seem to kill you.. so you should at least remain around a little and give me some respect and answer any questions I ask.. about my past.. who was I back then.. what was I..?" Kumori skidded back hard, and fought to keep herself balanced. She wasn't used to fighting like this. So hard so fast, so intune with her weapon. How long had it been since she had a fight like this? Memories flashed through her, eyes half closed as she remembered the days of training with the other SOLIDER First Classes. Her lips pursed a little as she stared at the man that was now having some sort of reaction to something.She stopped dead and was thrown off kilter in her mind, when he grabbed her shoulders and held unto her. Her eyes widening as he spoke to her. "Why do you... you remember me? As in... when we... but you..." She stuttered now. Listening to as he continued to speak. He was asking her to stay, he wasn't going to kill her and he wasn't going to do other things."You probably remember me bacause we had a training session right before you became that damnable thing you became. You where fine one moment, went into that damn library, or SOMETHING... then you came out wanting to destroy the world. Before then you where the best comrade I had, child I may have been, but you where still the best fighter I knew... know... " Sephiroth was confused, so much hate was inside of him.. hate for everything, and yet something about Kumori.. he could not bring himself to killing her when he would if given the chance would wipe out this whole world.. such a thing well it just did not make sense, why was she deemed important. How could he kill so many and yet not be able to bring himself into killing her.As she spoke his eyes narrowed a little before another flashback started to occur, before in quick succession a flash of the training showed to him before he walked of and promised her something. Yet the more he tried to focus on the memory the harder it was to hear what he had actually promised Kumori, but it was obviously the thing that was keeping him from killing her."When I entered that library.. well they did things.. to change me.. but before that I promised you something.. what was that Kumori.." For the first time he had remembered a name from his past.. someone that he had known before the change.. these days only people that he had to fight.. well they were the only names he could remember. Kumori listened to him speak and remained silent when he asked her that question. Her eyes closed, as her hands clenched, her head tilting down. A rather pensive look overcoming her. She quirked her lip a little and gave a bitter laugh. The memory coming over her as she shook her head just a bit.She panted faintly, sweat trickling down her body. "DAMNIT SEPHIROTH! We are not done yet!" She called out as she stood up, her young frame shaking as she pulled her sword up. She raced at his back, and he caught her blade with his hand. Leaning down and chuckling in her face. "When you become a woman... I promise that your aggravations can be taken out in a better manner. Till then... you are still a child, with a child's mind... and a child's actions... When you are a woman... we shall have this fight again..." His voice echoed through her, slamming her heart in her chest. He had walked away then... and changed... "I don't remember what you promised..." She said in a rather dead tone. Sephiroth truly did not remember much and it was more a surprise to him that her name was actually something he remembered apart from some of the flashback that maybe someday he would fully remember but his mind was still to cluttered with hate for this world and most of the people in it.. for some reason he could not bring himself to hating Kumori and it was confusing him quite a lot..Something within her eyes showed that she remembered something but Sephi ignored it before stating "What a shame.. Guess it must have not been that important after all.. well if that is all you can tell me about myself then with what you have triggered so far.. we may as well leave this area.. I need a place to rest.. and I can tell your eager to offer.. its not everyday someone comes back from death itself.." Kumori just looked away, her eyes closing as she drew into herself. She was an ex SOLDIER. Not some child, she bit her lip and shook her head. Straightening her back and sighing, "Follow me..." She muttered as she got up and ran then. Ran back towards her home, her home she stayed in alone. A lock of black hair fell over one eye as she approached the front door. She entered something into a pad on the door and with a hiss it slid open."Get in here..." She muttered as she shook her head. Still those memories where racing through her. The memories of Sephiroths last words to her. "I'm a woman now... but I don't fight like that..." She found her voice whispering softly. Her eyes closed as she kicked off her boots at the door and then slammed the door shut behind him. Walking into the kitchen and going for a pot of coffee. Sephiroth.. most would have just ran and left him their but she had told him to follow and so he did his pace easily matching hers letting her stay in front to lead the way. Seeing the house made him sigh, she had done what he had asked.. yet it felt like because of her a conflict of the original Sephiroth and the altered one that developed from that day.. they were within fighting each other, his thoughts confusing one monent utter destruction the next just thoughts of wanting to be the best fighter and be powerful but not for bad reasons.. yet he did not let this confusion show,Seeing as she had now invited him in Sephi just walked in before turning to her hearing her whisper catching most of it, "Hmm you don't fight like what Kumori... like the day we met?" He did not really have a remembrance of it but had a feeling they had fought for training sometime in SOLDIER as it sounds like they would generally do. She seemed to just walk before going towards a kitchen, it had been a while since he had seen a house, it's insides.. most of the time wanting to destroy humanity kind of limited where one could stay and all.. Slowly he followed before asking it again "How don't you fight like.. may as well tell me.. you obviously remembered something but are not telling me.." Kumori tried to ignore him as she moved towards getting some food put together. She turned her head towards him. She shrugged faintly at his words and looked away. "I don't fight like a child anymore..." She said softly. No she fought like a woman, a woman that was doing her best to keep her mind and body from going into hyper drive. She bit the inside of her cheek and shook her head a little.She turned around and he was right there. She stared up at him and shook her head a little. "It doesn't matter what I have remembered, because you are at war with yourself." She commented softly and tilted her head down a little. She rubbed her fingers over her eyes. She tilted her head back and then opened her eyes and stared straight at him. Her hands clenched a little as she stared at him."I remembered that you told me that when we met again, when I wasn't a child... that you would show me another way to fight... another way to take our my frustrations..." She murmured softly. Sephiroth listened in this time as she spoke softly in what seemed to be a response,ahh so that's what your saying.. I wonder why she is saying that though.. then again I wonder why I can't kill her as well.. so many unanswered thoughts."Maybe what you remember would help me a little... after all I know what side you would prefer to win and it would not be my dark and pure evil side.. after all I still hate everything now.. at this moment even in this confusion..""I wonder what it was that I meant... probably how I used to fight.. although anger is so much more powerful these days... But part of me is actually curious what the style was I promised you.." He thought for a moment coming up empty handed. "I am going to lay down for a little Kumori.." Kumori watched his confusion with a confusion of her own. She sighed softly as she set aside the easy meal she had made. She nodded lightly and then stopped dead a little. There was only one place to sleep in the house, she didn't have a guest bedroom. No need to really, she never HAD guests. She shifted a little nervously and then shook her head a little.You are an Ex SOLDIER, you will not hesitate, he was your superior officer. Show him to the bed, and then get back to your meal...Her mind whispered to her. But at that moment, flashes of something she had walked in on a few years ago crossed her mind. Reno with a woman in bed, but that had been expected it was Reno. Going to go grab the bugger cause she was asked to... and thats what she walked in on.She wasn't stupid, she knew that sex was required for procreation. It was frowned upon for the Female SOLDIERS, and allowed for the Male SOLDERS. She sighed and rubbed her temple as she walked past him. "Follow me..." She murmured lightly as she walked towards her room. Flicking on the light, her room would much remind her of a barracks room.Except the bed was better, much much better. Her bed was a king sized, soft mattress, with black silk sheets. When she left SOLDIER, this is where a lot of her pay went. Her bed, her safe haven. She laughed softly and ran her hand down the Uniform that hung on the wall. Her SOLDIER's Uniform. From when she first got in. One of the walls consisted of each of her uniform upgrades, pinned to the wall. Her SOLDIER First Class though... was pinned inside of a glass case. The leather outfit looked nearly fallen apart...What sort of battle had she been in, that it shredded her outfit like that... much more... what sort of scars did THAT create? Sephiroth saw her confusion through his own and then she seemed to now be hesistant when he asked for a place to rest, after all coming back from what was meant to be death always was energy consuming and then he realized some of the hesitation. It seemed because of Kumori some memories were flashing into Sephiroth's mind reminding him of more things to confuse him.A familiar name of Reno crossed his thoughts but truth was he could not remember him but remembered hearing about Kumori asked to do a task and then well walked into a room and found Reno having intercourse with a female and for some reason he knew this was making her a little cautious although it could just he because he was diferent to what she probably mainly remembered of him.Seeing the bed Sephiroth looked at her and well he in any state was never one to thank and so just laid down on the bed collapsing on to the top of it just relaxing which was something Sephi had not done for a while as he now tried to work out why part of him was fighting his side that came after that day in the lab. why do I remember her and can't take her life like I can to others... I will work this out and then destroy this world and use it as a vessel... Maybe I will take Kumori with me if I can't kill her Kumori watched as he collapsed, and sighed gently. Her eyes closing as she slumped down a little against the wall. She watched him, and cocked her head to the side a little. She knew what he had promised, but sex was something she hadn't done... had avoided quite often. "Sleep well Sir..." She whispered gently as she stepped away from the room.She closed the door and went back to the kitchen. Made a meal and ate it, took a shower. She knew he would be resting for a bit, but didn't know how long exactly. She found that as time went on, she was getting more exhausted herself. She had shared cots with male SOLDIERS before, and didn't care overmuch.She sighed as she returned to her bedroom. Pulling off her overlayers, and staying in her underclothes. She crawled into bed, and faced away from him. She wanted to sleep, but the close proximity of him... was keeping her awake. Her eyes closed as she buried her face in the side of her pillow, and tried to ignore the feeling of his hair brushing against the backs of her legs. Damnit... he had nice hair. Sephiroth had no issue sleeping and before he was completely out Seph had heard her speak and then more then likely leave. Now he began starting to remember segments of his past thrown at him in bits randomly that left it almost impossible to piece them together yet it showed glimpses of things that made sense to him at least.He knew that he was tired yet nothing gave signs that he had it in him to sleep for plentiful hours on end at this particular moment when most of the time he would not sleep as it would bring back bad memories and past events some of what should have been forgotten yet was in there deep.His body knew of Kumori as she entered and then laid on her bed and yet he continued to sleep, his long hair had something that it was brushing against yet he just ignored it. He would most likely wake up soon and so it was the best idea to just ignore what was going on and rest while he could. Kumori shuddered faintly as she bit her lip. She sighed and buried her face deeper in her pillow. She entered a sort of half sleep, with her memories flittering through her mind. Damn child attraction to her superior officer. She hoped he never remembered that. Her fingers tangled in something smooth and silky. Her dream turning interesting.Her sleeping body had turned, legs tangling just a little bit with the long silver hair. Not enough to tug painfully, but just enough to get the sensation. Her face burying in the others side, as she released a soft breath. Her body moving to absorb the warmth that was there. She had a habit of this, it would seem. She had done it while a recruit. She sought warmth while she slumbered, her sleeping form didn't enjoy the cold. It was odd that Sephiroth could remember most things about Kumori, and then he felt her hand.. it was tangled lightly in his hair, and then he remembered something that he had not before. It was based a while ago in a flashback, it was just before the training session.. the way she looked at him back then... Her eyes they showed an emotion of which Sephi recognized quickly. She was once in love with him, or at least attracted.. That vision ended quickly though as some confusion entered his head.As he felt something else against his hair a small sound of surprise left his lips before he turned slightly and put one of his arms over Kumori and lightly embraced her as he moved against her a little before starting to sleep again. Maybe this was confusion acting Sephiroth did not know but it felt like the thing to do as he began to rest again. Sorry a bit of writers block Kumori silently snuggled closer to him in her slumber. Now finally dropping completely into a deep seated sleep. Something she needed after all her confusion as of late. Hopefully, Sephiroth wouldn't pull anything. She didn't need to worry about dying, if he so happened to do so. More then that she was probably worried over more important things. Like the fact that he was back and trying to destroy the world. Again. It had been a while since Sephirothhad been this close to a person, afterall who would really want to when you main goal is destroy the planet to use it for ones selfish want. At the moment though even he was a little confused as to why he would do that, but all that confusion was mainly because of her, his only link to his past before the change into the destructive person he was now. He still had plans to cast meteorite yet without the materia, such a thing could not occur. Kumori sighed in her slumber, her body burrowing closer to the warmth. Before she knew it, morning had arrived, and she shifted to move to get up. Finding it rather difficult. For in her slumber she had wrapped an arm around him. Her legs had tangled around his, and her face was resting with her forehead pressed to his. It was an intimate sleeping position, and with her skin as bare as it was... it was a little... unnerving. "Sephiroth Sir..." She said in a soft and groggy tone. Sephiroth did not instantly wake up in the morning like he would normally have, obviously his body was well relaxed with Kumori so close to him. Not once had he awoken once sleeping something he had not managed to do for almost a year now. Hearing her voice though his eyes shot open quickly looking directly into hers. "Hmmm yes Kumori?" he still had not realized how close the two of them where just thinking possibly he was still asleep in a dream or just imagining her that close. Kumori's eyes closed as she released a long breath. Her hands spasming where they where resting. She shifted a little, causing the slide of her bare flesh on him, to become a little more obvious. His hair was tickling her a little, but more then that it was doing a few things to her that it shouldn't. Her eyes opened and she noticed those intense eyes of his. Those ones that had many a woman gabbing about his attractiveness. Up close, she could say those eyes where just as gorgeous. "Sephiroth Sir..." She repeated, worry crossing her features. "Should we... be like this?" Hearing her repeat what she had to say he continued to gaze at her, wondering what she was next to say. "Kumori.. if you see no problem with it then why would I.." It was more of a question in itself then a statement or an answer. After all it was making her ask herself what she thought about it, maybe it would even expose some of those feelings she once had for him all that time ago.. that more then likely still existed. Many always told Sephiroth how great he had looked, yet after a while none said it anymore a little scared to even get to close to him. Kumori swore she felt her heart in her throat. Her eyes widening a little at his response. "Sir... It seems... a little... intimate..." She admitted as the color started across her cheeks. What the hell, she wasn't a subordinate to him anymore! More then that, she wasn't a damn child. She was blushing, when she really shouldn't be. Why wouldn't the damn blush go away? A whimper flew from her lips for a moment, as her head ducked down. That said it all, those feelings where still there. Sephiroth looked at her and just shrugged, he had no issues with the statement she had brought up. Instead his eyes continued to gaze at her noticing that a blush had appeared and it was not going away in a hurry. Hearing the whimper he could already tell she still had feelings for him as she bowed her head down a little so he could not gaze at her "Hmm Kumori... so you still have those feelings... I thought as much... shame we never actually did anything back then to show them more..." He spoke with a small kindness something a little uncommon for him "It's never to late though.." Kumori's head jerked up, eyes wide with surprise. He had noticed her crush when she was just merely fourteen or fifteen? That was quite a frightening thought. She shuddered then and bit her lip, looking to the side. "Sir, I was your subordiante and a child... Pursuing those would have been wrong." She said in a shaking voice. Oh gods why did it hurt to think of her feelings, that where resurfacing with a rush of painfulness. "I've never been in a relationship with a man, I wouldn't know how. " Sephiroth just could not help but laugh lightly at the words, that would have never stopped him yet he changed to early before anything was actually done. But now on the other hand could be a different story. "Well like i said, never to late to actually try out something Kumori but I know you fear me.... like everyone else," He sighed before looking away, if he was his old self he would probably even fear his darker side, it was not who he really was back then anyhow. But things had definitely changed and lots of events had taken place. Kumori's eyes narrowed as she gripped his arm. Staring up at him her eyes darkening just a bit. "What do I have to fear of you? We are both experiments that have gone wrong. You may not have been born like I was, but we both where subjected to Hojo's toyings. Not only that, but why be afraid of you? I fear nothing..." She stated in a firm tone as she stared up at him. The truth was there, she wasn't afraid of him, just of what could happen. Intimacy was something forbidden to the First Class Female Soldiers... Pregnancy was a deadly thing, and Miscarriage more so. Part of him felt like that was a lie, no matter how much Kumori would say such a thing.. even Sephiroth feared his own death when it was almost handed to him... technically he should have been dead quite some time ago, but he was to powerful to just disappear, not to return. " we all fear something.. that is what shows us if we are alive Kumori.. you of all peope should know that... you at least were not experimented to the point of complete and utter change.. i became a dark and sinister form.. wanting nothing but destruction.. i still want to destroy this pathetic place.. yet you do not fear that?" Kumori's eyes closed, as her head tilted back. The laughter bubbling from her lips. "You think I was not changed? That while I was a Soldier the only thing I did was happiness and fluffy things? My experimentation made it where it was almost deadly Painful to even think about disobeying the commands of one of my superior officers. Do you know how much that made me want to kill? How many times I did kill when I was a SOLDIER. You may have tried to destroy the planet, by contemplated the destruction of our employer more often." She said in a shaking tone. Her eyes closing as she pressed her face to his chest, laughing softly. "I fear only intimacies, that is it. If I die, I die... it's what the ancients mean to happen." Such strong words he had not expected from her, always he had seen Kumori as not really that strong minded.. or strong about things she believed in yet she had changed as well, that was definently not a lie. Sephiroth looked at her before just lightly shrugging "I did not know what to expect.. I mean here i am laying in a bed with someone that used to have a crush back on me all that time ago.. off which you still have feelings.. and you don't fear me.. Some would call you foolish.. i call you strong.. which makes me maybe want to experience what it would be like if we shared those feelings together. Kumori bit her lip faintly and sighed as she curled agianst him more. More for the warmth then anything else, at that moment. "How can you even want me? I mean honestly, I'm not even that attractive. There are far stronger, and far more attractive females in the world. I may have feelings for you, but those aren't everything. Also, I have no experience, so it could very well be very horrible." She whispered as she curled her hands into the small of his back. Feeling more and more comfortable, pressed against him as she was. She was starting to talk herself, down.. seemingly trying to divert his attention or get him to say otherwise. Yet no matter Sephiroth could not help himself "You may or may not be telling the truth.. but I can guarantee you.. all of those others.. fear me, that's a weakness your not flawed by, and experience.. well you can gain it.." Kumori was warm, and he had no issue with her laying next to him like this "Do you accept my offer.. to show you what was forbidden for us originally?" Kumori listened to the man speak, he wasn't insane. He was still the man she had fought under. Her fingers curled around each other, and curled up on his chest as she pressed her face into his chest. There was no more to fight over, the inevitable had come. He really wanted her, no if and or buts. She felt her cheeks color, but shook her head. "Whatever was forbidden is no longer. I no longer wear my rank, though the uniform lays there tattered. Be prepared, because unlike one of your kind... I heal and scar. " Sephiroth was a little surprised of her last comment, by saying that she was saying she was mortal compared to him... or did she mean emotionally. He could not work out if it was either so did not let it bother him and instead looked at Kumori. " I don't plan on having to make you do such a thing again.. "It was all he could say as the two of them laid their. His mind was mixed up right now.. part of it still wanted to destroy this place.. the other part wanted to make her his.. and then together they would destroy.. or together they would keep it as it was.. but all this was yet to be decided. Kumori wiggled just a little, her eyes closing as she sighed. "I did not gain advanced healing. Though I heal a lot quicker then others, I still scar. You'll find my shredded suit just begins to tell you the story of how tattered my body was, when I decided to leave ShinRa." She said lightly as she ran her hand through the hair that was tangle on her leg. Gently pulling it free and smiling at him gently."Perhaps I may even convince you to look past everything that your mind has been twisted too... and decide to work as a Mercenary, like myself." She said lightly. Sephiroth felt Kumori separate his hair from her leg since it was tangled a small sigh escaping him, confusion still was deep within his mind and it was not something he could shake. Part of him wanted to destroy.. the other after hearing her suggestion wanted to live that lifestyle, yet people knew who he was.. if someone saw his face, they would attack guaranteed..Slowly he shook his head "I can't do such a thing.. people would recognize me.. and for that try to destroy me.. and I don't know how i would react.. and well.. the only way to explain myself right now .. is confusion.. part of me would usually kill a man who wants to become a mercenary and yet another part of me wishes for such a thing.." Kumori quietly continued to untangle his hair from her legs and body. Though she was in her undergarments and there wasn't much light, he would probably see the scarring on her body. She had a nearly human body, just was the nature of things. Who knew what she could and couldn't survive though. She looked up as he spoked again and cocked her head."But you don't know unless you try. The Sephiroth I knew was sane and a man I would die to follow. But the one that came from that Burning massacre, was not the First Class SOLDIER I remember." She stated firmly as she shifted a little and pulled a bit away from him. "How can you be so certain of your bodies needs, if your mind is in confusion?" A slight sigh escaped him as a few choice memories darted through his mind, "I recall some of the time back then.. but i fear that I am not that person anymore.. that I am still this mess I am now, only wanting one thing.. the destruction of this planet for my mother Genova.. a small shrug left him on her comment yet he decided to try and respond to it."I feel more strongly about it.. my mind is in confusion, and my body thinks mainly for itself now.. so I can tell what my body wants.. and what i want.. but at the same time, i can't make many decisions.. its complicated.." Once that was said he turned away from her "I guess i am not the man you fell for back then.. the one you would have died for.. and you have been through enough pain.. so I will not inflict more to you.. as their is a possibility i could still try to destroy this world with Meteorite... and the black materia.. Kumori let her eyes slide closed, as she started to make some decisions. She needed to bring back his memories and force Jenova from his mind. She needed to fight this, and get the planet back the man that she would follow to the death. She shuddered faintly as she realized what she had to do. But she knew it was for the best. Something she wasn't used to, something she knew nothing of.She rolled as he rolled and straddled his hips. Leaning forward, she waited for him to be done talking. As soon as he finished, she cupped his cheeks and kissed him. An effective way to silence anymore rambling. Hopefully a good way to awaken that last time they had met. The comment he had made to her, that when she was a woman he would show her a better way to relieve her stress.Well she was a woman now, and by the Ancients she was going to get back that man she knew. She pulled back a little, her lips slanted across his, a small smirk playing on her lips. "He's there, he's just lost in the insanity a bit." She whispered softly. He had no idea if Kumori was planning anything or really the reason why she went quite for a little and her actions next came as a bit of a surprise to Sephiroth. More words were going to be said but her rather quickly thought out actions silenced him almost exactly straight away then again kisses had a tendency to do such a thing. He knew of her feelings thought and only early had suggested her to possibly try out something she had never done, or knew of personally.At first he did not react to this first kiss but instead a few choice memories shot through his mind, mainly something he had promised her.. and now it slightly made sense, he had told her all those years ago once she was grown up, he would show her a better way to relieve stress rather then fighting.. it was almost hard to believe such words had actually said by his tongue.. but that was quite some time ago before the change.He spoke back softly slowly to answer "Maybe only you can find him... I think that is the only way I will be myself again.." Sephy then kissed her lips that were so close to his this time his body knowing what it wanted and his mind could not help but agree. Kumori remained silent, her hands locked on his cheeks as she kissed him. Even if she hadn't really done this before, she still knew what she could do. From listening to the other females, whom where not a SOLDIER, she had heard a few things. Hell even listening to the guys gave her something to be able to know how to do. Her breath left her lips, trailing against his as she stared down at him."I plan on finding him, or die trying." She stated simply as her lips came over his again. Her lips parted faintly as she snagged his lower lip with a nip. Rolling her tongue over the nipped flesh and then sighing softly as she kissed him again. Her hands moved, one his hair and the other pressing to his shoulder now. Sephiroth knew because of the position Kumori once had in SOLDIER she would have never actually experienced anything but she had more then likely heard about it all, well.. she had told him just previous she had not ever experienced anything with a male.. and Sephi knew she was telling the truth, as she was pretty loyal to the group until it was almost abandoned.. by Shinra.."Are you sure you want to take that risk with someone like me..." depending on how things went if she brought out the wrong Sephiroth it could be easily her death, his blade would be swift and relentless. To the ruthless destructive Sephiroth if he was fully awakened he would easily kill someone that meant little importance to destroying this world.. but even he was unsure which one would emerge stronger.. The way she had started was slightly teasing and he could not help but push his lips back against hers, his body completely content with continuing. "I'm willing to take that risk. I have a few new tricks up my sleeves, that few have constructed. Summons aren't just summons, they are beings of intelligence. I have managed to talk to some of them and learn THEIR magics. If the other comes out, I'll restrict you at all costs..." She whispered as her lips brushed his. Her hands stroked his hair now as she kissed him again. Releasing a soft sigh and sliding her tongue between his lips. Then gently sliding it back, her teeth snagging his lower lip and sucking on the flesh gently."Come now, I have no where near the experience as you. Are you going to let me lead this whole thing." She taunted as her hands slid down, brushing nail tips down the flesh of his chest. She arched up a little to tickle his sides gently, and then grinned brightly. "Come now, please help me?" She whispered softly in his ear, her teeth nipping the lobe lightly. Sephiroth had a feeling that even they themselves as the summons would not be able to restrict him, yet at least she had something as a backup plan if she did bring out the wrong side of him which was always a possibility, as he went to respond more to the kiss he felt Kumori slide her tongue out and then he felt her nip and then suck lightly on his bottom lip, she although with no experience had obviously at least heard a few tips around.She wanted him to take control over this situation, and she knew the right methods to be effective yet he was a confused soul at this moment half fighting with himself, himself and his body.. he finally slid his arms around her as he started to massage her back his lips now starting to move once she finished nipping his ear lobe, his lips finding a spot on her neck that he suckled and then lightly nipped before kissing upwards to her lips his hands still sensually massaging. Kumori shuddered as she kissed him, her fingers kneading into the base of his neck as she rubbed against him. She smiled lightly as he finally reacted, kissing back. Her eyes fluttered closed. Their crimson depths vanishing as she let the shiver pass over her frame. He massaged her in a manner that made her whole body light up , and a moan flee her lips. She pressed closer to him, her hands cupping his cheeks."mmm Sephiroth, that's right... don't let me do this 'mission' on my own." She whispered softly. Trying to use terms that would draw up his older memories. Her body shuddering as she gasped. Her eyes widening as he nipped her ear lobe. A moan broke from her lips again as he nipped and sucked on her neck. "Ahh that's right." She murmured faintly as she stroked her fingers over his chest now. The choice of words she was using, they were being cleverly strung together to provoke a reaction, not in a bad way.. but more as a small key to help unlock some past at least, his body knew what to do and his mind was starting to catch up with it still taking together what was occurring. Lightly he grazed his teeth down her neck now before nipping at her collar bone before his hands continued to slide around and massage before his eyes looked into hers,"One thing is for sure... these clothes.. won't be needed for much longer.." He spoke with rather confidence and it was evident that one side was winning but which side was still uncertain just yet, of which neither of them would find out unless she continued drawing out Sephiroth from his shell of past. Kumori's eyes closed, crimson eyes hidden now as bliss wracked the females frame. His simple actions where enough to set her skin alive with sensation. It was because she had a major lack of attention, Sephiroth was in fact one of the first she had interacted with, outside of her targets for her Mercenary kills. She shuddered as his teeth grazed downward, setting flesh aflame with a sensory array that was more then just delight. She heard his words, and she felt the blush rise on her cheeks.Usually, removing her undergarments wouldn't bother her. She had been used to it from her ShinRa days, but this felt different. She pulled from him, reluctantly, and sat up completely. Her arms crossed behind her back as she unhooked her bra. Slowly she let the fabric fall from her shoulders, the straps sliding down her arms as the cups slid away to reveal slightly tanned flesh, and already hardened nipples.She shifted just a little, her fingers hooking in the fabric that covered her womanhood. Her hips lifted just a little as she began the process of sliding off the fabric. It slipped down her legs, and revealed the smooth hairless area that was her womanhood. It seemed she was already just a bit excited. The instant she pulled away, his arms slid from around her his eyes just fixing themselves to Kumori. Although he only partially remembered what she was like.. back when he was his normal self before the warping that occurred.. it was obvious time had caused her to develop more, of which Sephiroth knew she would reveal everything,.. it was clearly showing in her eyes and then it began. He watched her movements watching her hand as it slid behind her back obviously to start removing the straps.His gaze watched now as the bra then started to fall, revealing her breasts.. with what already seemed like hardened nipples, a sign that her body.. already was reacting to the thought of what was to come. It did not seem to take much longer before she started to then remove her underwear, which although showed her womanhood also showed another sign of an excitement.. she was wet,.. and almost seemed eager for events to continue.Unlike her though, he was not exactly at a state of excitement, his member yet to become erect.. yet he was going to be fair, he started the process of removing his own clothes, his shirt being the first thing to be removed, of which the rest seemed to follow before he was in his boxers. He started to remove those slowly standing up whilst doing it before his cock revealed itself,.. it was obviously starting to slightly harden.. but considering.. it was still rather soft compared to what it would be later. Slowly he then advanced towards Kumori before sliding his hands back around her before moving one that had only just slid around her back, to slide back around the front placing her breast within his grasp as he started to massage it his lips moving towards hers again. Kumori silently ran her fingers over the scars that crisscrossed over her chest. Her back was just the same, pock marks and dipping scars, raised scars and puckered flesh. It seemed that there wasn't much more then seven or eight inches of flesh without scarring, between a majority of the scars. She was covered in them, on her torso, thanks to her days as a SOLDIER. Her arms where lined with them, crossed with them, her back was the same. Her legs were not as damaged, having less... but still containing scars.She looked up as he started to undress, tucking one of her legs against her body. Black hair slipping around her and shadowing her features. She watched him in silence, her eyes lighting up as flesh was revealed. He stepped towards her, already partially aroused. His lips found hers, and she leaned back. His hand massaged her breast lightly, and a groan of pleasure was pulled from her lips. Lips of which she was now fervently working against Sephiroths.One hand snaked down his chest, the hand stroking and teasing. Then stopping as her fingers barely brushed his manhood. With a rather amusing thought flittering through her mind, she grabbed his manhood and stroked it lightly. Although Kumori had all the traces of the events that had occurred to her, the scars did not make him not want her still, Sephiroth looked past them, and instead saw them as strength,. as it would have taken a lot to first get the pain inflicted and then a memory on your body about it. Cloud had struck Sephi good once, but of course the scar.. well it was not a scar in about a few hours, but that was part of what was inserted in his blood, the dna that warped himThe groan was enough for him to continue his hand fondling and massaging the breast inside it's grasp. His tongue now pushed towards her lips brushing against her bottom lip, and to begin with he thought she was going to stop her hand from going any further as he felt the slight contact, yet .. to his surprise she seemed to just grab hold of it and start to cause some pleasure.He pushed his tongue inside her mouth now that the opportunity had arisen and flicked it around hers, playing with it twisting, twirling and wrapping itself around hers before lightly wrestling with it and repeating. Kumori shuddered as he looked at her. Somehow a part of her knew that he was looking past everything. It did take a lot of strength for someone to let these many memories play on their flesh. She remembered each gash, and each slice... Each bullet wound that made her whom she was.She kissed him back, a slow moan rising in her as he massaged her breast more. Her mouth opened, becoming receptive and playful. Her tongue darting against his and pulling away, keeping up this pattern as she stroked him in her hand. Enjoying the sensation of him hardening in her grasp. A small laugh fleeing her lips.She played the game of tongue tangle with him, her own body arching just a little closer as she stroked him a bit firmer. At the moment she became more playful and her mouth parting was when Sephiroth deliberately made sure his tongue kept trying to pursue hers as it taunted him a little, his hand slightly massaging a little faster. Her soft hand on his member was making him slowly get harder and he figured that was what she giggled at earlier, but that was only a guess.After all Sephi only knew Kumori only so well, and only in his state before all of Genova did he really know who she was whom she seemed only changed by time and injuries, not much in thoughts well so he could tell from the small amounts that he could remember anyhow.Their tongues danced and tangled with each other, both wrestling to see which one could pin down the other and wrap around it. Neither seemed to be winning and so he pushed his tongue slightly deeper within her mouth to try and twirl it around hers easier. Kumori played the dancing game with him, her tongue taunting and teasing his. Her breath came out a little faster as she stroked him harder. Wanting to play with him all the more. His massaging was driving her to new heights as she shuddered beneath his palm. Her breath hitching as she moaned heavily into his mouth. Her hand stroked him faster, and she wished that things could be even better.She shivered as she whimpered and rolled suddenly pinning him beneath her and rubbing her womanhood against his leg her stomach rubbing against his slowly growing erection. "Come along Sephiroth, you must know quite a bit more then me. Lead me through what you like." She purred in a soft tone. Sephiroth was a little surprised by what came next, it was not the fact of not knowing it would happen.. but the fact that he just had not expected Kumori to take such action so quickly. Hearing what she had to say a soft sigh left his lips his hand which had stopped massaging from the surprise slid away and around her."I already know.. no matter how this goes, I will like it,.." his hand slid down as she rubbed her womenhood against him and hit her ass cheek before he grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her up a little more before rubbing his hardening cock against her womenhood. Kumori blinked rapidly her cheeks flushing for a moment at his comment. It made her feel so much better to know that he was fine with her virgin actions. When he shifted a little, his hand sliding lower she shuddered in delight. Her lips sliding across his neck as she hummed softly. He slapped her ass, causing her to squeak a little and produce a moan.Her cheeks flushed with color when he rubbed against her harder, her eyes closing most of the way. "mmm is there something you want of me?" She asked as she rubbed back, a soft sigh leaving her lips. He felt Kumori shudder as his hand went lower and the noise she made when he slapped her ass, well it was a nice sound, but their would be plenty more moaning later. Sephi moved his lips closer to hers so that his warmth breath could be felt as he spoke "Your already giving me what I want.. and now I am going to show you pleasure.. that you have never felt before.."He grinded hard up against her again before slowly stopping and lining himself up. "I am about to push in Kumori.. this first part will possibly hurt a little, although you have dealt with worse and it feels a lot better later.. trust me" Kumori growled faintly as his lips slanted over her own. She kissed him back, her lips rubbing against his. He promised her pleasure, and she just had to laugh softly. She was already drawing him back out, she just wondered which side of him she would get. He lined up, and said those words and she just sighed softly. Pain, pain she had that before. Lots of it, and it didn't matter.She gripped his hips lightly and ground back against him. Then she shivered and shifted just a little. She wrapped a leg around his bottom and pulled him closer. One hand holding him, and then she pushed up with her hips. Sliding his tip into her body, and raising a brow towards him. "Get it all in... we can worry about pleasure as soon as it's in..." She whispered as she slid her lips against his cheek. Sephiroth did not have to hear those words again from Kumori and so upon them leaving her mouth, he pushed his hips forwards so that his member went completely inside instantly pushing through her hymen with his first thrust before starting to move his hips back and forth. He was unsure if it was a good idea for her to actually take this risk upon herself not knowing which side the lust would bring out of himself..But he was not going to complain about the pleasure lightly groaning as he moved his hips back and forth his member starting to move a little faster within her as he then placed his lips against hers again starting to kiss them again. Kumori wrapped her legs around him tightly, as he slipped into her. Pain filled her for a few moments, but pleasure slipped into place in no time. A moan fled her lips as she locked her own lips on his. Her hands digging into the small of his back now as she rocked with him. This was what he had meant, all those years ago. A stress relief that was better then destroying her body in training.This was a stress relief that was bringing her to heights of pleasure she really didn't think existed. She didn't want them to stop, and all parts of her wished she was bringing the right Sephiroth forward, because if it was the other one, she was all but in trouble when things really started to get heated up. Sephiroth was unsure which side was being brought out, the two seemed to be pretty evenly showing at this moment.. and so it was uncertain what more pleasure would bring.. or to be more accurate who. He could tell already she was feeling pleasure, and the same could be said by him.. but she was the first to let out a noise to show it..His lips were pressing back against hers as his parted allowing her access if she took it. Which he had no doubts about Kumori doing such a thing. Slowly his thrusts were getting a little faster, and deeper.. a small groan leaving his lips, into hers.. Kumori ate his sounds of pleasure, lapping at them like a feline would milk. He had given her access and she took it. Her tongue playing along his as she laced a hand into the base of his hair. Holding on for all that she was worth as the pleasure started to roll through her. Orgasm was definitely imminent, she could feel it building. It was a feeling she knew she would more then likely... only experience with him.She pulled her mouth from his, nibbling down his jaw. She bit him lightly, an experiment more then anything, to see how he liked it. She knew she didn't mind the thought of him burying his teeth in her shoulder and increasing his already pretty fast pace. He could tell just how much Kumori was feeling the pleasure gaining but also from the fact that she seemed to just eat up his sounds of pleasure, .. Sephiroth knew roughly just how much her body would be feeling and since this was her first time.. or so she said, her true orgasm would be building up but they would most likely have some time before that. Feeling her bite him a shudder of pleasure shot up his spine before he decided to return such a gesture nipping into her shoulder before a realization struck.Sephi began to rapidly increase the pace, making the thrusts faster and deeper.. the pleasure.. more so better then previous and he knew from her past experiences with pain this would not hurt her.. but instead would probably be enough to really bring Kumori pleasure.. That and it was making him feel better, the sides fighting inside of him trying to win as his body continued it's actions both feeling pleasure regardless of the fight within the mind. Kumori gasped softly as her body continued to rise to the heights of pleasure. Her breath came out quicker, as she arched her back more, her hips rocking against his. She nipped him harder, her lips trailing over his collarbone, her hands pulling on his hair a little more. He nipped her and she moaned, he started to fuck her and she felt the pleasure spike hard in her. She gave a gasping sound, her body arching as tight as a tightrope wire. Her mind snapping suddenly as the pleasure burst through her.White hot starbursts slipped through her body, a gasping cry came screaming from her lips. Her eyes closed in pleasure, hair pooling on the mattress, tangled around her and him. The same that his hair was tangled around hims and her. It was delicious the feeling of the orgasm. It was a feeling unlike any previous, a white hot pleasure that made her gasp even more. Panting for breath, she looked at him with half lidded eyes, her body still rocking with him.When he came, she would truly be happy. His pleasure mattered to her just as much. Groans escaped him occasionally from their actions together, but compared to hers they were not as loud. When he felt her warm release though a decent one escaped the fact she had orgasmed from the actions creating more pleasure for Sephi. His pace slowed a touch just so her body could prepare a little his hips continuing their movements though and the deepness stayed the same.It seemed the fight inside him was being won by his better side of which if she truly unlocked him he sure would be different instead of hating everything except Kumori so it seemed. It was to early to tell if it would win for good though and so both of them would find out probably upon him releasing his seed within her. Sephi started picking up the pace again now groaning upon doing so, he had imagined what this could have been light but this sure was better then he could have imagined "want it harder? Want it fast and deep within your pussy?"Truth was he was holding back a touch and he would feel true pleasure once they got up to the pace he was capable off.
Intertwining fates~me and midnightghost12
Fran looked down into the bad of supplies she was carrying. As usual, when the group stopped in a new town, she was in charge of restocking the various things they needed. Foods, supplies, that type of stuff. As she walked, she was looking into the bag to go over everything, making sure she didn't forget anything. She'd rather not get back to the ship and have to come all the way back because she forgot something. Though, because of this, she wasn't really watching where she was going. She was aware of people around her, so she didn't run into anyone, but she didn't really notice that she had unintentionally entered, what some would call, the bad part of town. It looked just like the rest of the decent sized city, but the lecherous eyes already peering out of the shadows was a very key difference between the various section and social classes of the city. Two older gentlemen soon came walking down the street. Roughly in their forties they stopped when they saw the young woman looking through a bag of supplies. "Excuse us miss, can we help you with something?" They asked each of them slowly looking up and down her rather lightly clothed body. Each had a smirk on his face. Each had the same outfit, the standard for the desert villagers. One of them had a sandy colored hair, the others was graying. They continued to smile as they were standing there, ready to 'help.' "No, not really." Fran replied, stopping in her tracks and looking at the men. Nothing about them looked particularly supspicious, nor did she know she was in a dangrous part of town. Still, something about them put her on edge. She wasn't sure what to expect from these two. They on the otherhand, knew well what to expect from her body at least. Her little black outfit didn't leave much to the imagination. Her long legs were completely visible, her flat, firm stomach was shown and her ass........her perfect ass was barely covered at all. Her decent breasts were also well complimented in the skimpy outfit. Smiling one of them pulled out a small vile of powder and looked at her. "Smell this, it's a cure all our village has created of the sweetest flowers." In all honesty it would knock her out with the smallest of whiffs. They smiled as he held out the vile to her. "Please I am sure your crew will buy lots of it." Said the one with sandy hair. "It's the best any of us have ever seen." Said the older one. They both smiled at her. "And it will aid our dieing village." They both said hanging their heads. Fran eyed them for a bit. She knew better than to sniff some strange substance she knew nothing about, but she decide to at least buy some. Maybe they were being truthful. If so, it would get rid of them. Since she had a bag of supplies in her hand, she could pull out any money. So, she sat it down. Though, the manner she did so was unfortunate to her as she turned around abit. This caused her work of art ass to be shown as she bent over to set the bag down on the ground. The sandy haired male pulled the tan cloth of his clothes of his mouth, so did the gray haired one. He opened the vial and then smirked under the cloth. Throwing the powder to the ground in front of her they both started to laugh. Soon she would be unconscious at least for the better part of an hour. They knew what they were going to do, and she should too the second she woke up. They gave each other a small look and waited for her to collapse. When the powder was thrown in front of her, Fran was still bent over. A small cloud of it puffed of towards her face, forcing her to inhale it. Her first instinct was to run, but the drug worked way too fast. Before she could move, she was laying flat on the ground, unconcious and completely at their mercy. They smiled as she landed on the ground. The sandy blonde picked her up, the gray haired man grabbed her bag. Carrying her off in the opposite direction that she was headed they were taking her to have some fun. They talked the whole way to the small two roomed building they took her to. They walked into the room. Their instruments of sex in place already. A set of shackles that hung from the ceiling soon were graced with her wrists. A bar to spread her legs was soon put on her, just above her knees. To make her a little comfortable they gave her body some support, tieing a soft rope around her and to the ceiling to hold her in the air. This act took about just long enough for the powders affect to wear off. They didn't strip her, yet. Not long after it had all been set up, Fran started to stir. She groaned as her eye fluttered open. Her vision started out blurry, so she couldn't really see anything. She just knew she was restrained and she was in trouble. As her vision cleared, she surveyed her surroundings, already trying to find some way out of this. The men were sitting in chairs on opposite sides of her. When she stirred they both smiled. "You shouldn't have been so hard to get, we might have just tied you to the bed." The one with the gray hair said. "Or maybe, only one of us would have used you." Said the sandy blonde. "But now, we both get you." They said together. This was obviously not the first time they had committed an act like this. Standing up they pulled out a knife each, and slowly began to cut the small, necessary fabric to her outfit. After a few moments the scraps of what were once clothes fell to the floor. Fran said nothing and just glared at the men. From their statements, she knew the perverse plans they had for her. She had to keep cool and looking for any chance to get away. Though, as they sliced away what little clothing she wore, hope quickly started to fall away. Naked, she was in all her glory. Viera females were naturally very attractive, but Fran was exceptional, even to their high standards. She was a prime catch to anyone. Though, it was unfortunate that her perfect body was fated to be used in such a way. They had hung her just at waist level for them. They both smirked, the older one moved to her face, the younger between her legs. They both dropped their pants to their ankles. The younger one had a larger penis than his older partner, but only by about half an inch. At nine and a half inches the difference wasn't much. "This will only hurt if you struggle." Said the older placing the head of his cock right to her lips. His knife resting on her chest in case she got any ideas. "Now be a good Viera and do what you're good for." He said as his younger friend began to roughly rub her clit in circles. Spitting on her slit to lube her up. Her mind continued to analyze the situation for ways out, but she knew this disgrace was inevitable. She wanted to refuse the man, but the knife on her chest changed that. Her primary concern now was survival. If that meant giving her body to them and.......pleasuring them, she had to do it. She only glanced up at the man, before slowly parting her lips, accepting his cock into her warm mouth. She could feel the other man getting ready to violate her nether regions and was already bracing herself for it. As she slowly accepted his cock, the gray haired man didn't let her go slow. He forced himself into her mouth. Thrusting so that his head was in her throat. He pulled back and rammed in again. He was just going to fuck her mouth. The other was now holding her hips, readying his dick to ram into her. Pulling her and pushing forwards into her his dick slammed in. Forcing her body to take all ten inches of thick cock. This was how he would start fucking her pulling her back and pushing into her hard, over and over as his partner fucked her throat. Her tits bouncing with every thrust. Fran nearly gagged at the sudden thrust. She protested at the roughness, but it was just muffled groans to him. When the other man rougly penetrated her, she screamed out in pain. Again, it only came out as muffled groans. She was no virgin, but Viera were naturally forever tight, so she was as tight now as the day she first had sex, which didn't do anything to ease the pain. Though, Fran was tough. The act disgusted her, but her body gradually got use to it, the pain fading. Now.......she didn't feel anything.........mostly. With vieras being a naturally.........sexual race, and Fran being deprived of sex for a long time...........Nothing was going her way. Her muffled groans and screams only prolonged their acts, making them take more pleasure in what they were doing. They were pure evil it seemed. The younger man reached up and roughly started to squeeze and fondle her breasts. "The little bunny girl likes this I bet." He said as he kept roughly fucking her. His friend nodded as he fucked her throat roughly. "I think she might, her eyes are starting to roll back into her head. I know she can breath." He said and kept fucking her throat not really caring. Fran groaned in pain when the younger one started to manhandle her bouncing breasts. As her body was bounced between the vile men, they weren't too far off of the truth. While she didn't enjoy it per say, she couldn't really control her bodies uncontrolled reactions to such things. Being a sexual race like a Viera, made things like this.....troublesome. Stimulate a viera enough, and she'd turn willing for anything. If this kept up, she may very well lose into eventual pleasure and enjoy what they were doing. For now, it was just a warm feeling in her belly that grew with each passing moment. She could control it.......for now. They kept up their actions. The one in her mouth slowing down now as not to cum too early. The one in her pussy having more control kept up the assault, his rock hard cock burying into her pussy, his hands roughly plying with her tits. They were loving this it was going to last as long as nothing went wrong.Just entering town was Rayne. A young twenty three year old adventurer. He had black hair, it was short but long enough in the front to cover his blue eyes if left down. Today it was up in spikes as he was actually out for a real adventure. He carried twin swords, one on either hip. The exact same sword except for the blade material. One a solid onyx the other flamsprite. He sighed as he walked through the small desert town not paying too much attention to where he was. Just walking. Looking for maybe some food, or an adventurer to party with. He yawned and stretched his black pants and tank top holding tight to his five eleven one hundred and sixty pound body as he looked around. "Where the hell am I ?" Fran was still groaning into the cock in her mouth. While sounding no different, they started to become occasionaly pleasurable. Signaling she was losing out to the urges of her body. The older man pulled his dick out of her mouth and began to rub himself off. Panting almost as he did. "Here bitch." He said as hot semen shot all over her face, hair and even her ears. The other wasn't near done as he was still fucking he sweet cunt he could now listen to her screams.Rayne so happened to now be wandering through the area where Fran just happened to be getting raped. He wasn't looking for trouble, didn't even want trouble. But he was always one to help if there was someone in need. He walked slowly on the dusty town streets just wandering. After the man finished cumming on her face, Fran could finally breath through her mouth again. Though, the sounds coming out of her mouth were grunts and groans now. Gradually, they were filled with more and more pleasure. At first, Fran was disgusted at her body for betraying her, but as time went on, even her mind began to fill with it's own lustt thoughts. The two men looked at one another. "You want to be let down Viera?" The older one asked her, knowing now that they had her. The younger was soon to cum, with as hard as he was fucking her cunt he had very little time to pull out. He didn't make it in time, he didn't really try. He filled her with his hot semen and pulled out of her. Now looking at her he walked up and shoved his cock into her mouth. "Clean it bitch." He said and started to fuck her mouth. Fran couldn't answer the question regarding being let down. This furious humping was quite tiring on her body. She was already starting to glisten with sweat. She let an obvious moan of pleasure when the younger man filled his body with her cum. When he pulled out, her head drooped and she started breathing heavily. When he went around in front of her, she started to look up at him, but was quickly met with anoher cock in her mouth. The older man smirked and pulled on one of the ropes after the young man had his fill of her mouth. When the rope was pulled it flipped her over. The old man smirked. "Ever had your cute bunny ass fucked Veirna?" He asked and stood to her side putting a finger on her ass hole. He smirked and pushed it into her. The other younger man just watched his cock just in front of her face still. "No, not there!" Fran cried out, looking at the man with a look of fear on her face."Let me down.......and I'll do whatever you want......" she replied, looking him dead in the eyes. Fran was defeated. She was theres. Escape or survival wasn't in her mind anymore. She was now clouded with a mixture of shame and lustful craving. Smiling at one another the old man untied her and the younger lifted her to her feet. "What would you be thinking of doing to us?" He asked her as the other walked up behind her. The two of them sandwiching her between them. "Come on Vierna, spit it out, or we might just fuck your juicy ass." Said the older man grinding his cock against her ass hole. "Anything and everything......" Fran replied with a fake smile, for show to get them to agree. Though, she wasn't exactly confident a simple pretty smile would suffice. "You have to do better then that Vierna, we want to hear your juicy desires." Said the young man who leaned forward to kiss and nibble on her voluptuous breasts. The older man started kissing her neck and continued to rub his dick on her ass threatening her with the possibility of him forcing it in at anytime. Fran started to say something, but just close her eyes and moaned when the man went to playing with her breasts."I don't care.........just fuck me." Fran casually replied, eyes close as her right arm went back and around the neck of the guy behind her, while her left went around the guy in front of her, somewhat embracing them both like lovers. The younger man lifted her from the ground and slid her cunt slowly on to his cock. As sh slid down the man behind her the older of the two roughly penetrated into her ass with little lube except her own juices and the cum of his friend that had leaked from her pussy. The two men still teasing the places they had before, the younger on her breasts, the elder on her neck. In unison began to fuck her. The man in her cunt, the younger moving first pushing in when the elder was pulling out. In this way they would stimulate her at all times. Fran was beyond lost in the pleasure. So much stimulation, so much pleasure. All at once, she was in bliss. As they gang banged her, she tilted her head back, both arms going back behind her to hold onto the older man, moan after lustful moan escaping her beautiful lips. They were having so much fun with her. As she became willing they knew that they couldn't fuck her for long before they came. So they both went fast. Back and forth in and out of her. Hoping to force her to orgasm before they came in her. They still teased at her neck and breasts each starting to bite and be a little rougher. Speeding up their thrusts only made Fran feel better. Her own orgasm was fast approaching as well. While not under ideal circumstances by any means, this was possibly the greatest sex Fran had ever had. It was and animalistic. Just, a good lay to relief the sexual frustration she had built up. They could feel it, her body contracting. Both holes getting tighter. Their groans came almost in unison as they fucked her as hard as they could. It took them about five minutes, the younger a little longer to fill their respective holes with their semen. Not even trying to pull out.By about this time Rayne had wandered around town and now found himself sitting at a dark corner of a run down tavern. With a glass of cheap alcohol in his hand he surveyed the bar. Bored of his travels alone he wanted to find someone maybe someone to travel with him, or just someone to talk to. None Fran let out a loud moan of pure pleasure as a powerful orgasm rippled through her sexy body. Even after such a powerful orgasm..........Fran wanted more. This was something that tended to happen with Vieras. Once they got........warmed up, so to speak, they'd be quite ferocious in the sack, ready and willing to do anything to satisfy their overwhelming need to fuck.
Hojo's New Project (TheDarkerMe and I)
Deep below the fortress like city of Juno, a new kind of project was getting underway in the underwater facility once used to harbor Shinra's submarine forces. Scince the events of Meteor, there has been little need for military force as the entire world is concentrating on rebuilding itself after the disaster. However, secret dealings with Shinra have allowed a certain scientist to continue his work in secret. Work that, if successful, would mean the return of the ever dangerous threat to the world, Sephiroth. The man behind this project? He is noneother than the foremost expert on the subject of the ex SOLDIER, Professor Hojo.Still reeling from his defeat at the hands of Cloud Strife and AVALANCHE, he works in earnest, hopeful that he can bring back the one individual capable of eradicating the rebel faction which essentially caused the destruction of Midgar and the near eradication of Shinra itself. At this moment, the blood father of Sephiroth is in his laboratory, ready to set up another one of his tests in order to fuse the cells of himself with one of the many monsters that he had captured around the world. Morri hadn't wanted to work in these labs. She had remained faithful to Shinra, because the money was good and it was the only place she really could get work. She wasn't a full scientist, only a lab assistant. Even at the age of twentythree, she still hadn't reached the full title she would want. When they told her she had a new Scientist to work under, she was ecstatic, as it would get her out of the labs.But when she had arrived, and had been housed in this new lab. She hadn't wanted to stay when she found what was happening. She had some ethics, and Hojo broke all of them. She stood to the side now, watching over a few of the slides, marking down all of the changes on their contents. The mutations that where showing up in the test samples. She was slight in her size, standing at five feet and three inches. Her brown hair was pulled back and braided from her face, and her eyes where a soft faint green that was slightly faded in it's tone. She was pretty, but not too pretty... Her glases took away from most of her looks.She wore a pair of black slacks and a white button up, but this was underneath her labcoat. Today was as just as long as others. As Hojo began to go over some notes he had taken, his gaze turned upon his most recent hire. He knew very little about her other than the fact that her name was Morri and that she had once worked at the labs in the Shinra tower. It irritated the professor that he didn't know much about this woman. Perhaps there was a way to fix that. Something he could do perhaps to get her to open up. But that would have to be saved for later. For now, there was important work to be done. As he looked through his notes, Hojo spoke out to the woman in his stale, yet dignified voice. "How are subjects one and three doing Miss Morri? I hope that the infusion of cells hasn't destroyed them yet. It would be a pity if they did."While Hojo was concerned with the smaller experiments, he had a much bigger subject that he was working on. A Malboro had recentley come into his posession. It was known for being one of the nastiest monsters around. It's breath alone was capable of causing various abnormalities in any person who breathed it in. Monsters like that interested him very much. Transmoglification was one of his specialties after all. It had been weeks scince he started the experiement on it. Using the latest in cloning technology he was able to infuse his cells into a monster embryo. He was hopeful that it would grow into an entirely new creature with the ferocity of a Malboro and the intelligence of a human being. "One is near death, Three actually seems to be thriving." She commented in a rather dead tone. This sort of work wasn't the sort she liked. She liked working on making more energy outputs for the people of Gaia. She loved working on projects that helped provide other things. But messing with monsters and genetics? And doing human experimentation... That was something she didnt' like. She turned then away from the Professor as she returned her attention to her work. Setting down that chart and going to the next project to check up on."This one has failed, the fetus has aborted and I don't think we can revive it..." She commented as she motioned to one of the test tubes that was the start of another Jenova project. SHe didn't know this, just knew that it was a fetus, and that was something she didnt' like working with. But the project had failed, it had aborted and now they had to do clean up. "I think the powers where too much for the body.." To Morri's response, Hojo simply lifted his hand to his chin. It figured. Those were weaker monsters. If they weren't even able to maintain stability with his genetically altered cells, then how could they possibly survive with Sephiroth's cells within them. The professor makes his way to a much larger tube. He flips a switch on a control pannel and a light illuminates the contents within. It is the Malboro hybrid that he had been producing. So far the process had seemed to be going wonderfully. The embryo had actually developed into a fetus and was growing rapidly. And all in the matter of a few hours!He would have had his assistant look over this one, but he didn't quite trust her with being able to handle such a big task. Thus, he chose to handle it himself. While he continued to gaze upon his creation, he spoke out to Morri once more. "Very well. Dispose of subject one and move three over to the secondary incubation chamber. And be careful. I do not take kindly to mishaps." Hojo had a pennance for punishing anyone who screwed up around him and this lab assistant would be no different. He remembered back to when he was working in Shinra tower when a lab assistant broke a vial of a very important syrum. He had her taken to the holding cells where the prisoners were being kept and allowed them to rape her silly. Morri shook her head and did as she was told. Disposing of, and working on moving the ones mentioned. She hated this part of the work. She sighed as she did the disposal process. Then she turned upon the transfer process. She was always careful whens he worked, mishaps equaled many unparalleled problems. She sighed as she worked, pushing her glasses back up with two fingers, and frowning as she looked at the samples.Moving this one would be difficult, she hadn't been in the moving process of them before, so she didn't know how to disengage this one. She finally managed to figure it out, and then began the process of moving the subject to it's new location. So far so good. She was doing her best to avoid drawing the attention of the crazy scientist. She had heard of the things that Hojo had done to his assistants before. While Morri was obeying his orders, Hojo set his hand upon the glass tube that seperated him from his experiment. "Soon, soon you will be born anew my son. I will shower you with love and compassion. Not like those filthy humans who took away your heritage! No...I will give you the world!" It was then that an idea popped up into his head. Surely if his son were to be given the best of everything in life, a woman would be high up on the list. Yes. A woman who would satisfy his every need and give him the motherly love that not even the professor could give to him.He turned to his assistant with a slight grin on his face. Yes, this woman could perhaps be suitable. There was the problem of course of her loyalty. He had to make her a willing applicant. It was then another idea dawned on him. He had the perfect tool right here before him. In this large tube, the solution to his problem could be found. He could have this woman breed with his Malboro hybrid. Hojo had to find out if it was capable of reproducing after all. If it couldn't, then how could his son create the next generation of Gaian inhabitants?The cogs in the professors mind began to turn. He would need an excuse. An excuse in order to 'punish' Morri for being a bad lab assistant. His gaze turned to the other specimens that she was watching over. Casually, the professor walked over to one of the subjects and began to fiddle with some knobs. The stasis unit containing the specimen began to shut down and the expirement began to wither away. Suddenly turning to anger, he turned towards his lab assistant. "Morri!" he snapped. "What is the meaning of this? I ask you to do one simple thing and look what happens. One of my precious specimens is dying right before my eyes!" Morri had turned her focus unto the task ahead. Green eyes softening as she felt the pain welling up in her. She didn't like doing experiments like these ones, they where against her code of ethics. But she had been thinking that ever since she came here. What in the hell had she done to deserve coming here? She would probably never figure it out. Did it have something to do with the fact that she had turned down that one higher up?Hopefully it didn't have anything to do with the lab accident from two years ago. She winced as she remembered that, and continued upon her work. The brown haired woman jolted, and startled, as she heard her name yelled. She whirled around and gasped faintly as Hojo screamed at her. What the hell... seriously what the hell?!? She had just been over there, and now she had to run back because something was wrong with the machine...She frowned as she ran over, checking the machine over. She managed to find the dials that needed to be fixed, but a frown played across her features. The specimen was near dead, it would need treatment as soon as possible. "Something messed with the control panel..." She murmured beneath her breath. Something wasn't sitting in her stomach right, what was going on? Hojo, still doing the best acting job he can, simply shakes his head in dissapointment. "My, my," he muttered to himself as he stared at the dying specimen. "This won't do. We simply can't have incopetent employees destroying the samples i've worked so hard to create." The professors cold gaze then turned right to Morri. It was probable at this point that they were both thinking the same thing. Still, Hojo made it clear what his intent was. "I think some discipline is in order. Then, after that, I suppose I can find a better purpose for you."The professor's action was swift. Using the powers that he gained to him through the genetic research he did on himself, he released a Sleep spell on his lab assistant. He hoped, that by knocking her out for a while, it would allow more time for his Malboro experiment to mature, and of course add the neccesarry ingredients to ensure that his creation's sexual desires would be unleashed on Morri when the time was right. Hold metal pressed to her flesh, naked flesh. That slowly jolted her sleep addled mind. She was naked, spread on the containment table. She shuddered as she woke up, her whole body jolting up. Naked flesh was pressed against a cold examining table. At least that was the easiest way to manage speaking of it. She shuddered as a layer of goosebumps spread across her flesh. Her eyes widened as she stared at the ceiling. Her glasses where gone, so her sight was just a bit worse then usual.She bolted again and gasped as she felt the cold press of metal on her wrists and ankles. A scream tore from her lips as she twisted her body and tried to break herself from the confines of the table. "HOJO!" She screamed, her anger mounting as she twisted harder. How dare he do this to her? Now she knew why she didn't want to work for him. Hopefully he wasn't thinking about using her in breeding projects... A shudder passed over her frame at that thought.She was damned... as damned as Lucrecia.. It had been several hours scince Hojo had taken his newest test subject and placed her in the containment chamber buck naked. In his curiosity, he had decided to feel Morri up a bit, but he wasn't going to tell her that. With her safely contained within, his attention turned to the Malboro child that he was keeping track of. It had grown rapidly from the fetus he first took note of and it now had the appearance of a young man with long black hair. Long enough, in fact that it went all the way down his body and covered his torso. "Time to wake up, my child," the professor muttered to the creature as he began to press various switches on the pannel that kept the creature in stasis.The fluid that the Malboro man was submerged in slowly drained, leaving the body limp. For several tense moments, Hojo watched and waited for his creation to stir. And when it finally did, a cackle escaped the professors lips. "Yes! Rise! Come to life my child! I have a wonderful gift to give you!" Flipping a switch, he opened the container and removed a syringe from his pocket. It contained a powerful aphrodesiac capable of sending even the tamest of creatures into a sexual frenzy. He injected it into the Malboro man who reacted with a low growl.Before he could experience its full wrath, Hojo quickly closed the container and activated a sequence on another control pannel that would send a claw to pick up the specimen and carry it over to where Morri was being held. Around this time, the professor had heard his assistants screaming and headed over to her. He walked, slightly hunched like he always did, his hands behind his back and an evilish smirk on his face. "Ah, you're awake my dear," he stated as he stared at Morri's naked form. "You do not need to be upset. You are going to have the privelage of advancing genetic science as we know it today. You should feel honored!"It was around this time the container came around in full view of Morri. Morri struggled still, green eyes flaring with anger as she struggled. Her hair splaying around her shoulders and sticking now as she got sweaty with her exertions. Her body strained against the bonds, as the screams or anger and agitation left her. Oh, she was pissed and it was quite obvious by now... that when she got free... she would kill something. Whether it be experiments or Hojo himself, something would die!She went dead still, a feeling of something dirty coming over her as she heard his voice. "Ancients damn you to the darkest pits of Hell, Hojo!" She growled out, her eyes narrowing as she went deadly still. She wanted him to WHAT?!? "Privilege!?! You really have a sick and twisted sense of humor, Hojo." She stated as she arched up and tugged on the bindings. She could see the experiment and a shudder wracked her frame. Oh holy hell...That being had been made with a Malboro, and more then that... It was one of Hojo's experiments, none of them where ever quite what meets the eye. "Are you serious? Are you fucking serious?!? No way in the name if the Ancients, will I got for this willingly! I will get you for this, you can just wait and see!" She stated. "My poor girl, where has your mind been this whole time?" Hojo replied as he adjusted his glasses. "You go on about Ancients this and Ancients that, but what I am doing is for the Ancient race. You see, should this experiment go as I planned, you will be the catalyst that will signal the revival of the great Ancients! You and my son will be together. And by that time, I assure that you will be very willing to adhere to the plans that I have so painstakingly put forth." Upon finishing his speech, The container with the specimen stops and hovers ominously over the container that Morri is in. Hojo goes over to a control panel and lowers the claw so that both containers fit into place like a cap on a bottle.By this time, the Malboro man can sense the presence of a female. Its carnal desires overcome him due to the effects of the aphrodesiac. He wants sex and he wants it now. It pounds on steel grating below it trying to get down to where Morri is and ravage her body with its own. "Patience my child. You will get what you desire," Hojo states with a grin on his face. With a flick of a switch, the professor opens the bottom platform of the Malboro man's container. Swiftly, it lowers itself to the level where Morri is.For a moment, it stands still, taking in the sights and smells of the new container. Then its attention turns to the naked woman strapped to the examination table in front of her. It moves in slowly, hovering over Morri and being completley oblivious to the fear or anger she is feeling at this point. No, the only thing the Malboro man is concerned about is his own well being and finally, it strikes albeit slowly at first. It's hand extends outwards to Morri to feel her supple body. By all accounts, it is a normal human hand, but appearances can be decieving. Before the hand can touch the bound woman, the skin in the palm opens up and multiple tentacles like that of the Malboro slither and slide out.They begin to crawl along Morri's skin, many of them poking, prodding, and stroking her flesh with feather like strokes. They prod her underarms, her sides, her belly and even her feet and toes. Morri's eyes widened, he actually believed the shit he was spouting? What the fuck?!? This was so not right, and she definitely was gonna have a lot to say about it when she was off of the table. She watched the contained experiment and continued to thrash around on the table quite a bit. She growled softly at his words and narrowed her eyes further. He was insane, truthfully and completely insane! She tilted her head to the side and watched the approach of the other container.The snap and click of the other container made her fear spike. She pressed back against the table as the creature fought against it's confines. Oh shit, this was not good... so not good! She knew she needed to get out of here as fast as possible, but there was no way to that. There was nothing about for her to use to get herself free. She nibbled her lower lip and tried not to cry at the thought of what may be coming upon her.She bit her lip even harder and tried to yank herself free as the creature fell in with her. It's hand came towards her and those tentacles came out. She gasped in surprise and yanked away and tried to flail away even more. Those tentacles traveled over her frame, and touch her. She winced faintly a glare leaving her even more as she tried as hard as possible not to lash out. She wanted to, wanted to lash out so hard. But she couldn't lash out as she was bound."damnit" She growled out softly and weakly. "Do not be alarmed my dear," Hojo blurted suddenly as the Malboro man was exploring Morri's nude and bound body. "It is merely testing your body to make sure you are a suitable match for him. Try to remain calm." Just as the professor was saying that, the specemin reached out with its other hand and, much like the other one, another tentacle sprung forth, this time exploring the woman's genitals. The slimy phallus slid into her womanhood and seemed to wiggle around a bit, testing its capacity and sensitivity.While this was happening, the other tentacles exploring Morri's body seemed to concentrate more on her breasts rather than any other part of her body. They wrapped around each breast and began squeezing gently while the tips of the tendrils were playing with her nipples. It almost seemed as if the Malboro man were trying to get his mate aroused rather than test her for compatablility. Something Hojo made sure to take note of in his research. In fact, the professor seemed to be getting aroused himself watching this act of what was essentially sexual abuse.Several minutes passed and the Malboro man's actions seemed to slow a bit. It was as if it were sensing that Morri was ready and ripe for the picking. Though the hair was blocking most of its face, a wide Malboro like grin seemed to spread across the face of the specimen. With a swift movement, he was suddenly on top of her in a mount. The long hair fell over both of them blocking Hojo's view of what was going to be the beginning of their fornication. A grimmace spread across the face of the professor as he yelled into the container. "Confound it all! Move your hair. How can I see if she is accepting you if all that hair is in the way?"Like a dog reacting to its masters command, the Malboro man seemed to obey its creator perfectly by raising its hands and parting the hair to reveal that its face was very Malboro like in nature. Where there should have been two eyes, there were many, wiggling around like the tentacles protruding from its hands, blinking and exploring Morri's form visually. Most notable was its mouth though. Much like the Malboro creature, its lips were huge and the teeth were sharp and jagged, capable of ripping and tearing flesh if it so chose. Don't be alarmed he said, she snorted faintly and tried to yank away still. The tentacles exploring her made a cold chill break over her form. Even though it was trying to arouse her, and was succeeding. Her mind was still disgusted at what was happening, a wrinkling of her nose spoke of her complete and total disgust with the situation. She shuddered as another tentacle joined the others.She gasped faintly as it prodded, spreading and stretching flesh that hadn't been stretched before. Slimy and disgusting, she tried to bite back her vomit as the slimy phallus entered her. It was stretching her and testing her, she could tell. A shudder rose up in her as a groan of frustration fled her lips. But nothing seemed to be capable of releasing her or doing any good.Her nose wrinkled again, as his tentacles continued to explore the outer parts of her body. Massaging and stroking her breasts. It was disgusting to her mind, though her body readily reacted with little pleasured sounds. Her body was a traitor to her mind. She separated body and mind, looking at this from a scientific standpoint. Watching the creature to see what sort of weaknesses the creature might have.She heard Hojo's yell and her head turned, green eyes as hard as emeralds now. She was mounted, the creature above her now. She could see it's features and her face twisted into disgust. If he expected her to breed little ugly babies with this thing, Hojo had another thing coming. He would have to fix a certain problem she had anyways. The fact that she had a shot in her system that made her infertile for over a half year. Oh well, what he didn't know... only helped her. The light gasps and moans that escaped the lips of Morri only seemed to drive the Malboro man into an even further state of lust. The phallus between its legs, which was suprisingly human, became long erect, ready to insert its seed into the woman before it. With a low growl, it came down before her, retracting all but the tentacles that were stimulating her breasts and slowly inching its penis into her slit. It entered quite smoothly, guided by the feeling which he first had with the tentacle that entered just prior. It seemed to fit tightly and the first thrust brought a sensation of pleasure to the specimen so great that it let out another howl.Hojo watched in earnest the actions the Malboro man was taking and took important notes. There were some complications, he thought, as it didn't immedietley go in for the fornication but rather chose to tease her first. This would be a problem if he sent it after someone else who was much stronger, like say Tifa or Yuffie who would easily be able to overcome the specimens advances with brute force if neccessary.The thrusting of the Malboro was was beginning to become more rapid now as its phallus pumped in and out of Morri's vaginal crease, driven by the pleasure created by the tightening muscles of her womanhood and the desire for breeding. Morri twisted against the bindings even more now. The creature was untop of her, and more then that it was turning her mind and body against her. She would not stand for this sort of treatment! A growl of frustration left her lips as she tried to yank away from the phallus that was between it's legs. It was going to put that in her? Bad enough the other one had stretched and invaded her most private parts... Now she was most definitely going to lose her virginity...And to an experiment at that! It just wasn't right, Rufus would be hearing about this. Unlike his father, these sorts of experiments did not make him happy at all! She growled faintly and tried to ignore the stimulation that was being directed at her breasts. It was already in her, and that didn't make her feel comfortable at all. A moan of pain and frustration flew from her lips as she tried to twist away. Her eyes closing as the pain crossed over her features.She slumped as it started to thrust, giving in and ignoring everything around her. Eventually it would climax, and pump it's seed into her body. With that done it would be over with, and she could be released, hopefully. She damn well wasn't interested in remaining on this table. She would need to get clean afterwards anyways, it was unhygenic to keep her as she would be when the Malboro man was done. As the Malboro man continued to thrust harder and harder on its way to releasing its seed into Morri, Hojo began to pace around slightly as the vision of sexual nature before him was causing such an erection, he couldn't sit anymore. Still, he continued to take notes, observations, wondering all the while when his specimen would finally be finished. It didn't take much longer before a loud growl came from the twisted mouth of the Malboro man and he ejaculated into the woman as expected. With a few more thrusts, it was finished at last and slumped off the lab assistant before scurrying around the chamber for a bit."Ah, you're finally finished. Good," the professor exclamated as he activated the controls to lift the Malboro man back into its own chamber and away from Morri. He could see that she was covered in the slime excreted by the tentacles that violated her form and it appeared as if she needed a thurough cleaning. Hojo was so aroused at this point, he thought he might go in there and do it himself so that he could force himself upon his assistant in the process. But before that, he walked up to the container and spoke into it."You have been most gracious in your endeavor my dear. I will be sure to reward you with a bit of a vacation in Costa Del Sol when this is over," he said with a devious smile. "Of course, when my next experiment is about to proceed, I will have to call you back. Oh, and I ask that you do not tell anyone about this either. If word of this got out, we would both probably be out of a job. Then I would have to take my revenge on you as well. My child up there wouldn't think twice of eating its mate if it wasn't pleased by her." Morri's head hit the table as she panted faintly. It had taken so long for the creature to orgasm, and now she felt dirty. Slimy and defiled and she wanted to scrub herself clean under the hottest of water. Her eyes squeezed shut as she took long shuddering breaths, trying hard not to cry from the sheer frustration of the situation. "I hope you burn eternally, that you never reach the lifestream..." She said in a shaking voice. SHe gasped hard and then found her voice quivering as she stared at him."I won't be helping you..." She said as she glared at him hard, her body twisting on the table. SHe whimpered there and sniffled harder and then coughed. It was almost a suicide worthy event... "Just let me go, I need to get clean..." Hojo could see that Morri was breaking down emotionally. But even that didn't seem to sway the professor's demeanor. "So, the thought of my revenge isn't enough to get you to serve me, hmm? Well, maybe you should look up to your right then." He pointed in the direction he wished the woman to look and a security camera could be seen, clearly identifiable by the blinking red light which signified that it was recording every moment of the Malboro Man's deflowering of Morri."I know a lot of people in Midgar who would pay a pretty penny for footage of your exploits here. Maybe Don Corneo will find it and pay me handsomley to take you off of my hands. I'm sure he could think of more severe punishments for your disobedience than I can. What do you think?" If the threat of another go around with the Malboro Man wasn't enough to scare Morri into submission, then maybe the thought of what the sleaze of Midgar were capable of was. "I will let you think about it while you get showered off," Hojo started again as he began to fiddle around with some controls.The sprinkler system that was built into the containment unit activated a shower of warm, cleansing water began to fall upon Morri's naked flesh, washing away the slime left by the Malboro Man and its tentacles. Morri kept her eyes shut, body shaking faintly now as she tried to get ahold of herself. Unlike most victims, she wouldn t scream and rage. Now she was a cold and calculating woman now, and she would exact her revenge. Her eyes closed as she just remained silent. Ignoring as he spoke, and just turning her head away from him.His mentioning of Don Corneo just had her shoulders shrugging. She knew he wouldn t do it, otherwise he had to find another female for his little exploits. Shinra didn t abide kidnapping for testing anymore, women rarely made it into the science department. She was a lucky and hard find. So she knew he wouldn t be doing that.She just remained quiet as the water ran, warm water that removed it all. As the warm water ran over her, she let it take away the sharpness and anger and horrible emotions from what just happened. She would let it take the memories, if she could but she needed those. Needed those to exact the perfect revenge. After the shower was completed, Hojo entered the containment unit housing Morri. He approached her still nude and now clean form still waiting for an answer to his question. "So, do you have an answer?" the professor mused. "I'll let you off this table if you do." It would have been easy to undo the straps that held the woman on to the table but he had to make sure she would be fully compliant if he did. He didn't want to be forced to knock her out again and give her another round of punnishment. Morri's eyes remained closed, and when the containment unit opened... she remained as she was. Laying still and unmoving as he spoke to her. SHe didn't care if he saw her nude now, any ideas of escape had left her. As an elaborate plan unfolded in her mind. Revenge would be sweet, and would be on her own time. Her eyes opened as she watched him, a small smirk spreading across her features."I will help you with your work, but in return you have to make the creature more pleasing on the eyes." She stated simply as she waited for her bonds to be released. "As well as not produce as much slime as it does. It could prove bad... for me on a biological level. I might get all sorts of nasty infections..." Hojo felt estatic at Morri's answer. He had her in the palm of his hand now and he could perhaps do whatever he wanted with her. Quickly, he removed the straps that held her down, allowing the woman to rise to her feet. As she did, the professor adressed her concerns. "If that it what you wish, then so be it. I will work to make the next one more humanlike in the future. And, while I can't really completley remove the slime factor from the creature, I think I can make it safer for you." Many ideas were coming to Hojo's mind as he spoke this. Surely, Morri did have some fascinating ideas about altering the creature further. He would have to remember this in the future.In the meantime, The professor had other things on his mind. Seeing the scence between his assistant and the Malboro Man made him quite aroused. He wondered how he could get Morri to take care of this problem and after awhile of thinking, decided to ask her straight up. "You know, my dear, I really rather did enjoy the interaction between you and my specimen," Hojo started with a smirk. "It was a rather...arousing experience and, well, if these desires of mine could be taken care of, I might not lose sight of those suggestions you just gave to me. Do you think you could help? I promise a nice little bonus in return." Morri found her labcoat nearby. She walked over to it and rack and grabbed it. She put it on and buttoned it closed, her eyes half way closed. "Slime factor is still rather dangerous, and it's hard to remove. Which wouldn't be good for removing evidence that your creature was there." She commented as she rubbed a still sticky part on her arm. "Also... the more human features would probably make it more likely to find a mate." She commented.She stopped a moment and turned to listen to him speak again. Her features remaining impassive and dead cold. "So you want... me to take care of you." She stated in a dead voice. Oh this so wasn't a good thing, her mind was running all the scenarios in her mind. "Lose sight of the suggestions, and you won't get a proper working experiment." She stated simply her head tilted back. "I was just raped, do you really think I am in proper working condition to service you? If you are speaking Oral... I would probably bite it off... then you would bleed out neh?" She commented. Hojo turned away from Morri as she spoke. It was humorous to think that she could harm him in any way, even if it meant biting his wang off. "Very well then. I suppose you do deserve some kind of reprieve. But know this. Even if you were to try, you couldn't possibly hurt me with your barbaric form of neutering. If you didn't know, I have performed experiments on my own body to further my research. I am a very dangerous person on my own. You should remember that well. Now, if you'll please." The professor directed Morri out of the laboratory to a basic living space where she could sleep and get some regular nourishment. It wasn't extravagant, but it would be enough for her. Morri ignored him as she just shrugged her shoulders back. She was done talking to him, and when he lead her from the room she followed. She noticed the lack of extravagance, and just shrugged. Not like it mattered, really this was more of a prison then a resting place. Ancient's knew, she felt dirty as hell from that damn creature. Her eyes closed as she winced faintly, a twinge of displeasure racing through her. Her first interaction had to be of that sort, just lovely.Damn now she would be sore for awhile. She just knew it, that creature hadn't exactly been small. She growled beneath her breath and collapsed on the bed. Eating could be done later, otherwise if she ate now... she would never sleep. At least if she slept, she could get away from the images flashing through her mind. As Morri collapsed on the bed, Hojo, who was actually showing a bit of mercy for once, decided to let her sleep without another word. As she rested, he went back to his specimen and examined it. Based on his notes and based on what his assistant had said, some changes were needed for the next one. However, this Malboro Man still had some purpose for the professor. There were still enemies out there that needed to be taught a lesson on how to treat scientists like him, and this creature would be the one to do it. But who should he target first? The thought stuck deep in his mind and he would spend a lot of time thinking it over as he began to work on the next specimen. One that, hopefully, would be more pleasing to Morri's eyes. None
['Sephiroth', 'Strife', 'Avalanche', 'Morri', 'Hojo']
Alice in Wonderland (Cerberus & Beware Goreville)
The only thing Alice knew was that she was falling into a rabbit hole. How? She had no idea, considering she shouldn't even have been able to fit into such a tiny opening, but somehow it seemed as if something had sucked her in and she was falling for the past minute or so. Before she knew it, she seemed to be falling slower somehow until she seemed to come to a full stop and was turning without meaning to until she landed on her feet. The girl was a bit more than freaked out at the sudden stop and was a bit more confused by the room she was in. The architecture and overall look of the room told her that it was most certainly nothing in England, which seemed to make sense, seeing as she fell underground and was no longer in England.The girl looked at her surroundings, noticing the room was rather...strangely built, being full of twists and turns that lead to a single door. The room was filled with chairs also, ones of wood, but mostly tall ones made of cushions that looked rather comfortable. And, what was that? Alice peered at a chair and noticed that there was...a man sitting in it! Maybe he could tell her where she was. "E Excuse me, sir? Could you happen to tell me exactly where we are?" She questioned, walking towards him. The man sitting in the chair paid Alice little mind as she came into the room. He just sat there in the chair with a small pocket watch in his hands. He wore upon him a fine white suit as he sat there looking at the watch. "So very late, oh so very late." Giving a soft sigh he looked over at Alice then tilted his head. "Curious, Oh well. Where we are, well the present my dear..where ever where else would you Be?" He shook his head and looked her over. "Who ever might you be Miss?"Meanwhile on the other side of Wonderland, was the darker side, where those who ventured in were seldom heard from again and something was stirring to the notion that there was someone new in the kingdom, someone new they would be able to play with. "we feel it don't we?" "Yes we do, something new and sweet, something that will soon be ours." As Alice got ever closer to the man, she began to notice the details in the white suit, noticing that it looked like it was made for a man of rather high class, perhaps one who belonged to the wealthier class of England would wear it? Was that where she was, in the wealthier part of England? She doubted that very much, but it was always a possibility. Alice of course knew that she was in the present, that was not the question that she asked the man, who asked what point in time they were? She shook her head slightly, ignoring the man's strange response. "My name is Alice, sir. I was in the park when I fell into this peculiar rabbit hole." She said as she looked the place over once more, it was quite a peculiar place indeed. The man stood up and looked at her as he fixed his jacket looking rather puzzled. "Oh So you fell did you? Well then you have fallen into My home in a place called Wonderland, Not that its been very Wonderful." He laughed abit at his own joke. "Well then Miss Alice what ever are you going to do then now that you have found yourself here?" He walked over to the wall and looked over at a painting. one of a very beautiful woman dressed in a long white silk dress. "What are you going to do?" So, Alice was in a place called Wonderland? That certainly wasn't on any of the London maps that she knew of, perhaps it was in outside of the city? Perhaps, but it was doubtful. The blond followed the man, peering at the same painting of the beautiful woman as she pondered exactly what she was going to do to get out of this place. "Well sir, I would very much like to get back to the park and soon. It was beginning to get dark while I was there and my mother expected me home soon." The girl looked up at the ceiling, looking at where she fell from. She couldn't very well fall up, could she? That would bring her right to where she was before she entered the strange Wonderland. Of course the girl couldn't fall back up, that was madness. Quickly shaking her head as if to forget the idea, she looked to the man beside her."Could you help me out, mister? Perhaps you know a way out of this peculiar place? The man looked back at the paining, a sort of longing then shook his head and looked back at Alice. "Have you tried falling up?" To her it would seem strange and unbelievable but to him and others it would be something they would tell her many times again. "to get something you must give, and what are you willing to give, so that you may get?" He just shook his head and walked back to his chair and sat back down flipping open the pocket watch. Little Alice couldn't help but laugh a bit once the man suggested falling up, something she was actually just considering, if only she knew how to do it. "I did consider it, sir, but I'm not exactly sure how to fall...up." She followed him again to his seat, standing in front of him with her hands behind her back. "I'm not sure what I can give you, sir, I don't have anything on me other than my clothes and you certainly don't want them, do you? They're for ladies such as myself." She said with a smile. The man just Sat there quietly thinking. He yawned and looked at Alice and smirked. "There is always yourself to Give so that you may get." He licked his lips then got up and headed deeper into the room to what appeared to be a kitchen. He grabbed a kettle and some watter setting it up for a low boil. "Think about it. to get you must give." He grabbed a cup for himself and put his tea packet into it and watched her lovely figure. Alice followed him into the kitchen, as if she were his shadow. She thought about what he said, must she give herself to him? Is that what he meant? The only thing Alice had to offer was...oh! A blush fell upon her face as she finally clicked together what the man had in mind. He wanted for Alice to have sex with him in order for him to guide her out of Wonderland. Well, Alice didn't know about that, she was only a mere teenager and the man looked as if he were at least in his twenties, if not older, but he was handsome. The girl wasn't sure if she should be giving herself to a stranger, but it seemed as this was the only possible way for her to get out of Wonderland and she had to do it if she planned on getting back to London."I think I understand." Alice said as she moved closer to the man and reached in front of him, cupping at his crotch with her delicate fingers. The man looked at Alice and ran a hand against her cheek. "Then you will learn." He smirked abit as he felt her delicate hands over his crotch. "You will be taught in body and in mind so that you will learn to do better and improve yourself." He said as he ran a hand up along her legs and over her rear. Her dress would need a few alterations but it could easily be done. He smiled abit watching her, thinking about things that could be done with her. "What do you mean, sir?" She couldn't help but feel a bit nervous as he touched her, his hand resting on the girl's firm ass. "Before we continue, may I know your name? You know mine, but I don't think you mentioned your own." She squeezed her hand a bit as she moved it along the male's crotch. "Shall we...move to a chair? Make this a bit more comfortable?" Alice questioned, not waiting for an answer as she moved back into the other room. The man watched Alice as she felt his crotch before pulling away and heading into the other room to rest upon the chairs. He shrugged and held up a finger. "Just wait.." He looked at the tea kettle and nodded as it began to whistle. He picked it up and poured himself some tea. "They call me the White Rabbit, You can call me Sir White or Master." Alice paused, waiting for the tea to finish before they continued. She couldn't believe she was actually going to do this, but she needed to get out of Wonderland before her mother began to worry, she wasn't even exactly sure about how much time she had already spent here, but each minute counted. "Ah, well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Sir White." Alice said as she curtsied. "I quite like that name." The White Rabbit watched her. He held that name for the small Rabbit Pin on his cuffs and for the act of a quick mind. He walked over to his chair and sat down drinking abit of the tea before setting it down on the table beside the seat. "Like wise, and speaking of pleasue my dear Alice I do beleive that you should be getting back to giving pleasure and learning how to." He smiled looking at her. "Tip one, It also will help to make yourself look appealing." "How can I improve my appearance, Sir White?" The girl questioned as she looked down upon her blue dress. "It's the only thing I have here in Wonderland, do you have any suggestions?" Alice questioned, placing a small smile on her lips. She would do whatever it took to get Sir White to guide her out of Wonderland and was eager to look more attractive for the male. "Should I take my dress off completely? Or is there something you would like for me to do with it?" The White Rabbit just shook his head watching her. "Not off yet, but, Make it shorter,Show off yourself more, your legs, Very good to be in stockings, show those off more." He smiled and looked at her as he sat back in his chair. "Well dear Alice its time for you to get back to what you were doing or else if you don't you will never get back." He licked his lips then picked up his tea cup and drank abit more. Alice nodded and grabbed at her dress, ripping off more and more of the blue thread that covered her lovely legs and thighs. She tore so much off that you could see where her stockings began, about mid thigh length and that's where she stopped ripping. Now, instead of the rather conservative dress that she wore before, she now had a revealing mini dress, one that was ripped all the way to her thighs, just barely covering her panties. "Is this better, Sir White?" The girl questioned, walking closer to him as she got down onto her knees in front of his chair, at eye level with his crotch. She spread his knees so that she had full access to his package.The girl began by rubbing his thighs softly, so close to his groin. She looked up to the man with her blue eyes. "I hope you don't mind if I undo your trousers, Sir White." Alice said as she did just that, unbuttoning his pants and unzipping his zipper. White watched Alice and shook his head,running a hand through her hair. "Good, you look good and you are learning to do things without being told. That is one way you will surely aid yourself. You must also learn that To give you must give your best and do not hesitate to give everything you can and do not resist." He smiled sliding a hand down the top of her dress to squeeze her breasts. "I think I'm learning a lot from you, Sir White." Alice said, moaning slightly as he squeezed her perky breasts. The girl began pulling down Sir White's trousers, exposing his glorious cock. She took one hand and squeezed the shaft softly, playing with it and jerking it a bit as her other hand moved to cup his balls, massaging them gently. She looked up to White once more before she bent down and licked the tip. White looked at Alice and nodded, squeezing her breasts as she massaged him. He grinned and his free hand he grabbed his cup of tea and finished it off watching her. "Oh dont worry Alice you will learn alot of things by the time we are done my dear." He grinned and was starting to get hard in her hands from her actions. He smiled and licked his lips watching her before running a hand through her hair. Alice couldn't help but feel a bit turned on as White simply sipped his tea as she was pleasuring him, acting as if it were no big deal that she were sucking on his tip as she stroked him and massaged him. The girl felt a bit proud of her work as she felt White getting hard in her mouth, knowing that he was feeling pleasure from her actions. She began to move further down his hardening cock, taking more and more into her mouth, sucking on the tasty shaft and stroking what wasn't in her moist mouth with her hands, bobbing her head up and down a bit. White watched Alice and smiled as he gently took the back of her head and pulled her closer. "Do a little harder on your actions Alice." He smiled, knowing that even though she had little training or skill she was doing quite a good job but she had much to learn for the day. "When it gets close Alice you will have to swallow it down." He told her because she was getting him close to the edge from her actions and she could tell. Alice followed instructions very well, stroking him a bit harder and squeezing his shaft a bit more. She sucked with more force and her gentle tongue became a bit more rough with it's licks. The girl was more than ready to swallow his length whole if it meant her getting out of Wonderland and back to London, so that's what she did. Alice pushed herself further down his shaft, choking a bit in the process, but continuing forward until his cock was fully sheathed inside of her mouth, his hefty balls touching her chin and her nose buried in his pelvis. White watched Alice and let her suck him off and massage his balls. He nodded and watched her as he was good and hard. He licked his lips as he began to cum in her mouth. "Drink it down Alice and you will of learn new way of serving." He grinned and sat back as he released in her mouth holding her from getting away and spitting it out. He wanted her to drink it down. Much to the girl's surprise, White's cum didn't taste bad at all really, in fact, it tasted quite good. She looked up with her aqua eyes into the man's as she swallowed all of his generous seed, her muscles constricting around his large shaft that was still sheathed inside of her mouth. She blushed a bit as she saw him grin, knowing that he was getting pleasure seeing her taste and swallow his delicious cum, but she enjoyed it as well, she actually liked the taste of him and the feel of his cock inside her mouth, knowing that it would get her a ticket out of Wonderland. White pulled away when he was done and wiped off the remaining cum against her cheek. He smiled and put his member back into his pants and zipped up and looked at her. "You will have much to learn my pet, Much to learn but I will be able to get you in touch with someone who may know a way to get out. But you're not done yet." He smiled and knew he would also fuck her soon tonight. Alice smiled a bit as Sir White wiped his spent cock against her cheek, she used her finger to gather up the remaining cum and swallow it down greedily. "Yes, Sir White, I understand that I have much to learn." Truthfully, the girl didn't really know much about sex and was eager to learn from Sir White, who at least seemed to like her enough to help her get out from Wonderland. "But Sir White, I thought you yourself knew the way out of Wonderland." She said, a bit of disappointment in her voice. The girl stood up and sat on the armrest of the chair that White was in, her back to him. White looked at her, wrapping an arm around her waist, running his hand along her stocking clad legs feeling the silky material of them. "I know part of it, not all the way, Besides why would I want to leave my home to somewhere else?" He shook his head trailing his other hand down along her back then over her rear. "Well, to explore, of course!" Alice said, a bit shocked that he didn't really know his way around Wonderland, it couldn't be that big, could it? "Haven't you ever been on a vacation, Sir White?" She questioned as he ran his hands over her body, causing the girl to shiver a bit. White looked at Alice and nodded. "I have, My dear Alice, wonderland is rather large and to cover all of it would take one's lifetime to do so. He smiled running his hand up to the tip of her stockings as she rested on the arm rests letting him feel her up. "I have been around wonderland but not all of it. But to leave wonderland, I have no intentions or plans to or even want to, I rather enjoy it here." "But what's so magnificent about Wonderland?" The girl questioned as she fell into Sir White's lap, her legs spread a bit, wide enough so that you could see her panties. She looked up to White with her blue eyes. "When will we be leaving, Sir White? I really do need to get home to London as soon as possible. My mother will be worrying about me." Well, most likely she already was, Alice had spent more than thirty minutes in Wonderland already. White laughed abit and looked at Alice and grinned. "What isnt there, I will show you later." He smiled and pulled her into his lap, making sure she pressed her ass against his crotch. "In due time Alice in due time, now another lesson is to not ask so many questions or else you'll find yourself ignored and or sent away and not liked." Alice nodded and shut her mouth, not wanting to be left alone by Sir White, especially in a foreign land. Instead, she snuggled into the man's lap, her ass rubbing against his groin lightly as she did so. "Yes, Sir White. No more questions, I understand." The girl was being taught well and she just laid there in the man's lap, snuggling against his chest. White looked at Alice and pulled her up for abit. "Now you are going to learn about having a guy fuck you, which I bet you never have. Now take off your panties and then sit in my lap." He smiled and unzipped his pants again and sat back waiting for his new fuck toy. It was true, Alice was a virgin and now that was going to be taken from her by a stranger, just so she could get back home. "Yes, sir." Strangely, she didn't have much of a problem with this as she got off of the man's lap and stood up, taking her pink panties off and dropping them to the floor before she returned to her rather comfortable seat on White's lap. The only thing separating Alice's virgin pussy and White's cock now were his pants. White looked at Alice and pulled his pants down and pulled his dick out and rubbed it against her rear before he slowly lined himself up with her pussy before slowly sliding himself into her, feeling her tight resistance to him. He held onto her. "It may hurt for a bit but then it will feel good." He pressed against her slowly trying to get deeper into her as he held onto her waist. Alice gasped softly as Sir White's cock was pushed into her. The feeling was strange to her. It felt both painful and pleasurable at the same time. She put her hands on Sir White's shoulders as she was pushed down upon his large erection, slight moans of both pleasure and pain coming from her throat. The girl pushed her head against the man's chest and took deep breaths, a sigh of relief coming from her as she was now fully sheathed upon White' fuck pole. White felt Alice fully envelope his cock in her warm and tight pussy. he groaned abit and held her there, just enjoying the sensation before he pulled her up then pulled her back down and begining to fuck her, his hands roaming around her chest as he began pushing against her. "You are....mmmhm, doing very well Alice, now you have to pick up and pleasure." Alice moaned as White began to fuck her, pleasure overwhelming the slight pain that she still felt. She nodded as White requested that she begin to ride him, which she started as soon as he asked. She began to move her hips up and down, grinding herself into him before she pushed herself up, leaving only the tip of his cock inside of her before she slammed herself down on him, gasping out loudly as she did so. "Oh, Sir White!" White pressed against her when she slammed herself back down onto his cock. He groaned and began to pull open the top of her dress as he then began to fondle her breasts as he began fucking her more and more. "You are learning well My pet, you are learning well." He grinned and kissed along her neck. Soon the girl's dress was only hanging on from her arms, her ample breasts hanging out for Sir White to do whatever he pleased with them. "Sir White, yes, fuck me!" She moaned as he kissed along her neck, her ass riding the man's cock rather swiftly now, all pain that was present before was now gone. White kept squeezing her breasts as she rode his cock more and more. He groaned and licked along her neck as he groped her. "You're doing well my pet." He pushed hard against her enjoying her tight fresh cunt. It had been a while since he had gotten his hands on someone this fresh. He grinned and looked at Alice. Alice loved the praise that she was getting from Sir White, knowing that she was pleasing him. Her tight cunt squeezed his cock hard each time she fully embedded on him, her ass kissing his cum filled balls. "Oh, God, yes." She moaned, wrapping her arms around the male's neck as he groped her. Alice leaned in and kissed the man on the lips, opening her mouth slightly to run her tongue across his lips. White grinned and held onto her waist and kept thrusting against her, kissing along her neck. "All right my pet Im getting close you can either take it, Drink it down or wear it." He groaned as he could feel his release getting closer and closer and he wanted to know, but knew she wouldn't know what he was asking. Alice was a bit confused when White said that he was getting close. Close to what exactly? The girl didn't know what, but continued to ride him roughly, wanting to keep the pleasure going. "What do you mean, Sir White?" She questioned through moans as she pounded her tight little ass down into White's muscular thighs. White groaned and had to push her off and held her against the chair and pushed up her dress as he began to cum over her ass and thighs. He groaned as he finished then rested against her, letting his limp dick rest against her thighs. "You've done very well Alice." Alice was a bit caught off guard as she was removed from White's shaft, a bit sad because she got so much pleasure from him. She was even more surprised once White began to cum all over her, groaning as he did so. The girl smiled as his soft cock rested against her. The girl rubbed her fingers in the cum that now was splattered against her thighs and tasted it, smiling as she licked it off her fingers. "I'm glad to have pleasured you, Sir White." She would have asked if it was time to go see whoever could lead her out of Wonderland now, but remembered that Sir White didn't want her asking any questions. White nodded and cleaned himself off and Sat back in his chair and looked at her. he watched her and licked his lips before getting up and going out to go and make himself some more tea. "We'll leave early morning now its best you get some rest." He smiled and walked back to his chair. "B But, Sir White! I need to be home to London by tonight!" Alice protested as she grabbed her panties off of the ground and put them back on. "My mother will worry about me and perhaps even call the police!" The girl didn't want her mother to call the police and have everyone looking for her when they most likely couldn't find her, that would be terrible. "I need to get home very shortly and I don't know if I can wait until the morning." Alice said as she buttoned her dress up once more to cover herself. White just looked at her then yawned and headed back into his hallway. "In time in time." He didnt even know what this London was as he walked back to his room to go lay down for the night. "Its best you get some rest then my dear." He yawned then shut the door and laid down. Alice was shocked once White left her there, standing in his apparent living room, now that he was apparently spent. She didn't think she liked Wonderland, not one bit if she was going to be treated like this. The girl pouted a bit as she sat down in the chair she had just been fucked in, the smell of sex lingering around it. She crossed her arms and closed her eyes, hoping that early morning would come soon and that Sir White would actually find the man who could get her out of Wonderland. White yawned and streatched himself and yawned as he got up. He walked out of his room and to he main room where him and Alice had fucked the earlier day. He looked at her then walked back out to the kitchen to prepare himself some food for the journey to find the Cat. Alice's eyes slowly opened as she heard Sir White making noise in the kitchen. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and stood up, adjusting her now mini dress slightly so that she wasn't showing so much skin, a bit self conscious now that she wasn't trying to please Sir White. "Good morning, Sir White." Alice said politely as she stepped into the man's kitchen, a smile on her face. She knew that her mother must be worried, but White promised her that he would take her to a man who knew the way out of Wonderland today and she trusted him. White looked at her when she tried to readjust the dress. "Dont." He just went to making something to wake himself up and yawned as he did. "I made contact, he'll be awaiting us and you'll have to give to him as well to get." He finished making his food and walked over to her and ran a hand against her cheek. Before sitting back on his chair watching her. "Sorry, Sir White." Alice said as she stopped adjusting her dress, leaving her cleavage on near full display. "You mean I'll...I'll have to have sex with him as well to get out of Wonderland?" The girl didn't know if she liked the sound of that. While sex with White was more than pleasurable, what if it didn't feel the same with this new man? Or what if he was terribly unattractive? "I don't know if I like that idea, Sir White." She went over and sat on his lap once more, much like the day before. White looked at Alice as she sat back into his lap. His hands finding their way back to her breasts and legs as he kissed along her neck and grinned. "Sleep well my pet?" He smiled and pressed himself up against her rear as she sat in his lap. He smiled and licked along her neck. "Oh, Sir White." Alice said as he licked along her neck, squeezing her ample breasts in his hands. She rubbed herself along his crotch, grounding down into him. "Sir White, will you fuck me one last time before you take me to the other man, please?" She questioned, placing a kiss to his forehead. White looked at Alice and grinned and ran a hand along her legs then nodded. "All right my Dear Alice, but you'll have to start first, another lesson. You have to make the male want it, so make me want to my pet." He smiled and gave her rear a pinch and rested back in his seat. "Of course, Sir White." Alice said as she pressed her lips to his neck, kissing along it lightly, her tongue sliding along his neck after each kiss. The girl's hand moved south and cupped the man's package, gripping it tightly and squeezing it softly, feeling it begin to get hard. The blond stood up and quickly took off her panties before she unbuttoned and unzipped White's trousers and pulled them down, revealing his large cock. She resumed her place in White's lap and grinded her wet pussy against his tender shaft, her other hand grasping at his heavy balls. White grinned and rubbed his dick against her wet pussy. he smiled and kissed her as she ground against himself. "Use your voice as well not just your body, say how much you want it and how much you'll give to have it...stuff like that my pet i know its in your." "Yes, Sir White." Alice said, obeying his wishes. As she rubbed down on him she kissed his neck, lifting her lips every so often to speak to him. "Please, Sir White, I need your dick inside of me, thrusting up into me, you slamming into me as I ride you." She whispered to him, grabbing his cock and teasing the entrance of her cunt with it. White held onto her waist and grinned watching her and licked his lips as he rubbed against her cunt and nodded. "Hmm and tell me my dear Alice, why should I fuck you hmm?" He grinned moving his hands along her chest and groping her abit squeezing her breasts. "Because I need your cock, Sir White. I need you inside of my wet pussy and I know you want it too." She smiled at the male, kissing his lips as she continued to hover above his cock, rubbing it against her leaking cunt. "Please fuck me, Sir White. Please." She begged, wanting to be impaled on his fuck pole. White grinned and rubbed against her,letting his hands squeeze and gently pull at her breasts. He licked his lips and kissed her. "And tell me my pet how will you dress for me when we get more outfits?" Slowly he was putting to her mind the thoughts of staying here with white as his servant and lover but there were others who would want her as well. Alice became a bit confused once White mentioned getting her more outfits. She wouldn't be around along for that, would she? They were leaving right after this, right? "But, Sir White, aren't I leaving you as soon as we get to the other man?" She questioned as she quickly kissed his lips back. White looked at her and grinned. "He knows how but its going to take some time, and while i take care of you its best to get you some more clothes, now." He grinned and slid himself into her and pulled her down by her hips pushing himself as deep as he could into her. " said we were leaving today." Alice protested before she was sheathed onto White's large cock, she wrapped her arms around his neck and put her head on his shoulder, moaning as she was filled with his shaft. "Nngh, Sir White." She gasped, moving her hips around slightly. White groaned and pressed against her,sliding in deeper as he pushed against her. "And we are, we are leaving to find the Cat. He lives a good distance away. He knows how to get you out of here." White grinned and kept pushing against her driving in as deep as he could into her warm wet and tight cunt. "Oh God, Sir White." Alice moaned as her cunt was invaded by his large cock, her pussy lips kissing the man's heavy balls the man was so deep inside of her. If there was one thing Alice was going to miss about White once she was given off to the man who was going to get her out of Wonderland, it was this. She began to lift her hips and slam herself back down as hard as she could, gasping loudly as she did so, soon she was riding the man, bouncing up and down on his hard shaft. White kept pushing against Alice getting closer and closer to his release. Once he was close enough he pulled out and forced her down to her knees where he slid into her mouth and began to release into her. "Drink it down my pet, drink it down like a good girl." Alice moaned with each thrust White made into her, pleasure pulsing throughout her body until the male lifted her up and put her on her knees, her moaning mouth now had White's cock in it and she sucked at it greedily as he came. She did as she was told and sucked down every delicious drop of Sir White's cum, licking the tip of his length as she did so. She stood up and smiled at Sir White, moving to sit back into his lap, his now softening member resting against her cunt. "Oh, Sir White, that was the best going away present ever." She said with a big smile, pressing a kiss to his lips. White looked at her and tilted his head. "You wont be going away,you're just getting the information and paying for it. Consider it like shopping you have the info then you'll have to pay for it." He kissed along her neck and held onto her and grinned. "What? But Sir White, I thought I was going to go with the other man and he was going to take me out of Wonderland?" She looked at him peculiarly. "Oh! I think I get it, do I get the information and then you're going to lead me out of Wonderland?" Alice hugged the man, kissing his neck slightly. "That makes me so happy, Sir White. So I don't have to say goodbye to you until later today?" White looked at Alice and grinned running a hand against her cheek as he zipped up and looked at her licking his lips. "Well now my my pet its best we start going before it gets too late, its already around noon." "Oh, of course!" Alice said as she grabbed her discarded panties and slipped them back on. "How long of a walk will it be, Sir White?" She questioned as she pulled down her dress a bit, showing more cleavage to the man. Alice smiled up at her friend. "All ready." White looked at Alice as they neared the house. He knocked on the door. "Cheshire, Cheshire! Get out here!" A slid in the door opened. "OH white!" He opened the door. He was a little Different, He actually was a cat like they said, Brown ears and tail but otherwise looked like a human. "what can I do you for old friend and." He stopped looking over alice and grinned. "Now who is this sexy thing?" Alice couldn't help but blush as Cheshire called her sexy, did he really think so? Well, she guessed she did look a bit sexy with her breasts practically hanging out and her dress torn to her upper thighs. "My name is Alice." She said as she extended her hand to shake. "Is it true that you know the way out of Wonderland, Mr. Cheshire?" The girl questioned, a shy smile one her face. Cheshire grabbed her wrist and pulled her close pulling a hand to her mouth. "SHH!, Dont say that outloud!" he glared and pulled her inside. White looked around and walked in. "Well do you have the information or not?" The girl's eyes widened as she was pulled close to the man, his hand over her mouth. She looked to Sir White, was he sure that this guy was completely sane? Why couldn't they talk about the exit out of Wonderland? She took the man's hand off of her mouth. "What's the matter? Why can't we talk about the exit?" Alice questioned in a soft, quiet voice. Cheshire looked at her. "Well ever since that seeres forsaw some type of "witch" coming down for the king and his son. He's been very paranoid and having anyone who has dealings with outters arrested and they are never seen again... WHITE?! SHE'S ONE OF THEM ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME KILLED?!" White sighed. "Cheshire Relax, No one followed us and yes she is and i'd want to help her out." Alice moved away from Cheshire and stood beside Sir White, holding onto his arm. She didn't fully trust Cheshire the way she did White, especially since he was now yelling at her. "What are you talking about, Mr. Cheshire? One of what?" The girl's voice sounded a bit alarmed and she looked up to White. "What is he talking about, Sir White?" White sighed. "My friend when have I ever lead you wrong Cat?" Cheshire looked up and white looked at him. "Dont answer that, look she'll pay for the information anyway she can now go get it." Cheshire hissed then nodded and headed into the back rooms. He sighed and looked at White and Alice. "This better be worth the trouble." Alice felt a bit of relief knowing that Cheshire was complying to White's wishes, which mean that she was going to get out of Wonderland shortly. She looked up to White, squeezing his hand a bit. "D Does he want me to follow him, Sir White?" She questioned, wondering if she was going to have to do the same things to Cheshire as she did to Sir White. Cheshire looked at Alice and tilted his head looking at her. "well then how do you propose you are going to pay for this hmm?" He shrugged and folded his arms across his chest. "Information never comes cheap, not when Im risking my life over it." As the two of them entered the backrooms, she remembered what White had taught her, that you had to give something in order to get something in Wonderland. She hesitantly moved closer to Cheshire and placed his hands on his chest, leaning up a bit to kiss at his neck, her hand sliding down to cup at his crotch. Considering this was all she had to pay him with, Alice hoped that Cheshire would accept it. Cheshire looked at Alice and grinned. "A fast mover. but before we start, there is more you'll have to do." He laughed abit and looked at her. "Are you sure you accept?" He looked her over watching her actions. Alice nodded to the question. "If you're the one who can get me back home then I have to give you all I have and this is all I have. Besides, Sir White said that in order to get something you have to give something." She looked at Cheshire with her blue eyes and a small smile on her face. " you want what I have to give?" Cheshire watched her and grinned looking at her. "Kneel down, spread your legs and place your hands behind your back." He smiled watching her thinking about new clothing. Alive did as she was told to do, following Cheshire's orders perfectly. What exactly the man expected her to do now though, she had absolutely no clue of. She assumed that he wanted her to perform the things that she had done for Sir White earlier, but he had never had her in this position before. "What would you like for me to do now, Cheshire?" Cheshire grinned and looked at her. "Think about a Very revealing outfit, something short,silky and revealing." He placed a small collar around her neck. "think about it and it will put it on you." He watched her and grinned knowing he was going to have some fun with her and pull a trick as well. If he could get a good fuck out of it, it was worth it. "Um, alright, Mr. Cheshire." Alice said, closing her eyes as she attempted to imagine the most revealing thing she'd seen in her life. She had seen it in a window in a lingerie shop in London, it was mainly just a bra and panties, both were made of silk and were a dark pink. She also wore a pair of stockings with them, a dark black that was see through and connected to her panties by two strings. The girl opened her eyes and looked down upon her, the outfit she imagined was now on her and she let out a small gasp. "Will this do?" Cheshire Looked at her then nodded and moved behind her and tied her wrists behind her then her legs. He watched her then gagged her and gave her rear a swat. He laughed abit watching her, running his hands over her body. "You are going to be the end of me so this wont be pleasant." Alice began to squirm a bit as she was held in restraints and her mouth was gagged. What was Cheshire doing? Sir White certainly hadn't been like this with her, he was gentle and kind to her while Cheshire seemed to be a bit more rough. She looked to him with her blue eyes, her body quivering a bit as her bottom was spanked. What did he mean that this wasn't going to be pleasurable? Wasn't she going to ride him like she had done to Sir White? Cheshire watched Alice and grinned staying behind her and rubbing a hand inbetween her legs as he licked along her neck and grinned and kept playing for her watching a look of fear in her eyes. The blond's hips began to buck a bit, her hips moving into Cheshire's hands as he rubbed her, her pussy already a bit wet. She looked at Cheshire as he licked her, moving her head to the side a bit so he could have better access to her neck. Cheshire watched her and grinned licking his lips as he nibbled on her neck and rubbed his fingers against her panties pressing them against her cunt. He kept it at wanting to get her body bucking and jerking to his touch. Alice would be moaning Cheshire's name loudly by now, begging him to fuck her if her mouth weren't gagged. The girl tried to get the man's fingers to go deeper inside of her, even though they were blocked by her panties by spreading her legs more and pushed her hips down, muffled moans coming from her mouth. Cheshire watched her and grinned and slipped his fingers into her panties and started to rub her wet pussy lips before sliding a finger into her sliding his fingers deeper into her. White looked around noticing that the Royal's eyes were all around. they were probably spotted, this wasn't going to end well. Alice groaned and ground her hips into the male's hand, wanting more fingers inside of her. Cheshire had made her extremely horny and she wanted something more than just his fingers inside of her, she wanted his cock to be pounding into her, much like Sir White's had earlier. Cheshire watched her and left her for abit but then returned and slowly slid a vibe into her and turned it on when he put it inside of her. her then rubbed his dick against her ass watching her. "Hmm perhaps I should go in this one." Alice bent forward, her face now resting on Cheshire's floor as the vibrator was placed into her pussy, causing her to moan repeatedly as it shook against her wet, tight walls. The girl didn't really care where Cheshire put his cock, as long as it was inside of her and giving her pleasure. The two of them were completely oblivious to the Royal's eyes that were outside as they continued their little time of play. Cheshire grinned and kept pushing against her,slowly sliding up into her ass as he turned up the vibe inside of Alice and kept pushing against her. He grinned giving her rear a swat. The eyes of the royal party nodded and were begining to form up for a strike against the house. "we've got someone harbouring." Alice let out a muffled groan as Cheshire pushed into her virgin ass, claiming the last bit of virginity that she had, Sir White having taken both her oral and vaginal virginity only yesterday. The girl's tied hands dug into her skin as the man proceeded to go deeper and deeper inside of her, turning the vibrator up as he did so. Alice was moaning loudly now, though they were still muffled by the gag as Cheshire became fully embedded inside her tight ass. Cheshire kept pushing against Alice, sliding himself as deep as he could and kept pushing more and more, slapping her ass from time to time as he was getting close. He looked at Alice and slid his hands to her breasts and started to grope them and squeeze them. Alice pushed herself back on Cheshire each time he thrust, pushing her lovely ass back onto his cock. The girl was surprised that she was getting such pleasure out of being fucked in the ass, but was still glad that Cheshire had stuck his vibrator into her dripping pussy, doubling her pleasure. The girl continued to let out moan after moan against her gag after each thrust Cheshire made into her. Cheshire watched her and grinned as he squeezed her breasts as he pushed as deep as he could into Alice and grabbed a smaller vibe and slid it as well into Alice's wet pussy wanting to get a real rise out of her. If Alice's mouth wasn't gagged right now she'd probably be screaming from all the pleasure she was feeling, while Cheshire wasn't as gentle as Sir White, which she liked, he certainly wasn't doing a bad job at giving her pleasure. "Fuck me, Cheshire!" The girl said through her gag, although it came out muffled. Cheshire kept pushing against her harder and harder before he gripped her hips and released himself into her ass. He then pulled off her gag and pulled out sliding into her mouth. Alice eagerly sucked on Cheshire's cock, licking his tip and slit where there was still a bit of cum before she took more and more into her willing mouth, sucking on his meaty cock. As she was doing this she was still experiencing quite a bit of pleasure from the vibrators in her pussy and the slight bit of cum that was leaking out of her ass. Cheshire watched Alice and came in her mouth as well before pulling out and watching her. He grinned and untied her as he licked his lips. "You did well, I guess I'll give you the information." The girl sucked down all of the male's cum, smiling at him once he said that he'd give her the information. "Oh, thank you Mr. Cheshire!" She said, her smile growing even wider as she stood up and hugged the man to her bare body. She kissed the man's cheek lightly before asking, "so, how do I get out of Wonderland?" Cheshire nodded. "It's." at that moment the door was thrown open and Cheshire turned to see who it was releasing Alice before being shot back, he landed on the ground bleeding. troops stormed in. "Im afraid you wont be." Alice screamed as Cheshire was shot, backing up into a wall, imagining herself in her regular outfit so she wasn't nude anymore but still in a revealing outfit, her breasts on display. "Sir White, Sir White!" She shouted, cowering against the wall. The Leader walked in and looked at her while the other soldiers waked over and grabbed her tying her hands behind her. "So that's his name, good I know what to write on his gravestone when he's executed for harboring outters." He laughed abit and looked at her licking his lips. Alice looked around her, quite terrified as her hands were tied behind her back. "Let me go!" She shouted, struggling with her restraints, but it was of no use. She looked at the Leader, frowning at him. "Please, please let me go. I just want to get back home to London." She pleaded. They grabbed Alice and dragged her away back to the castle. "Silence you." as they passed they were hauling white off as well, he was shot as well. Alice gasped as she saw White, a bullet wound in his head. Who were these people and why did they have the authority to just shoot whomever they pleased? Were these the enforcers to the law or something like that? The scared girl didn't know and didn't care at this point as she was dragged to the castle all she knew was that she most certainly didn't like Wonderland. "I just want to go home..." She whispered. They Hauled Alice off, keeping her tied before they released the ties and brought her to the dungeon, they stripped of of her clothes and put her into the most revealing outfit they could find before they gagged her and tied her into a cell. The sounds of other prisoners in the cells could be heard. a guard looked at her then just shut the door and locked it. Alice couldn't believe what had happened, she simply fell into a rabbit hole and then met Sir White who taught her wondrous things, things she liked and enjoyed. She figured that the rest of Wonderland were like Sir White, kind and gentle, but she was oh so wrong. She should have never left White's house and should have stayed with him forever and ever, being his little Pet. Alice doubted that she would even get home now, she was a prisoner, apparently and had no freedoms. They had left her there in the cells while charges were being delt with against white and Cheshire and deciding on what to do with Alice. It was known that the prince's brithday was coming up, perhaps they would give her to him as a birthday presant, but first she would have to be trained to serve well. Alice sat down against a well, her hands tied behind her back and her mouth gagged, much like when Cheshire was fucking her brains out, but this time much less pleasurable. She looked out of her cell, wondering when they would come to get her, or if they would even come at all. She didn't know if she would even be getting out of this damned place. The door was opened and the guards walked in and pulled her out dragging her out to judges. "You are charged with the act of invasion to the Wonderland and are an enemy of the state, Your partners will be executed, your punishment will be decided." Alice didn't understand all of this one bit, she hadn't even meant to enter Wonderland, it was by accident! Could they really suspect an innocent teenager such as herself was really trying to sabotage Wonderland? Hopefully she could convince them that she was only her by chance and not on purpose, but poor Sir White and Cheshire were going to be executed, if only she could see them both one last time, Sir White especially. She had never thanked him for all he'd done for her and for being so kind to her and she was going to miss him dearly. The Judges looked at her before stopped as the doors were flung open. The prince walked in, in full uniform. "Now now now I sear you guys dont know how harmless someone is, yes she is an outer but nothing more then what they would call a slut, you should of seen the state she was in when we came in. her friends can be executed..they did crime..but her, it can be commuted to my personal fuck toy." The girl's eyes widened as the prince entered and announced to everyone in the courtroom that she was going to be his personal little fucktoy. If she could have spoken, if not for the gag in her mouth, she would have protested, calling the punishment unfair, seeing as she wasn't even technically committing any crimes, but all she did was look to her friends, Sir White and Cheshire, nodding to them as her way of saying goodbye. The prince looked her over then looked over at the judges. "Get her cleaned up, dressed up and sent to my room I'll be waiting." He yawned and shrugged and headed back into the hall way, his boots clicking against the hard floor as he walked up the stairs and headed up to his room. Cheshire sighed and glared at her knowing she'd be the death of him but White was still out of it. Alice was escorted to the Prince's room in about half an hour, she had been showered and pampered along with dressed to whatever the Prince liked. She was pushed inside, her gag and rope that was around her hands were taken off beforehand. The blond looked around the luxurious room, noticing nearly every perfect detail around it before she noticed the Prince, sitting in a chair that was much like Sir White's, except obviously much more expensive, having various jewels and such encrusted into it. "H Hello." She said with a shaky voice, looking at her new master. The prince was working on getting out of his uniform and into something more relaxing. "Tell me about your outfit my pet before I see it, Talk about it." He was behind a sheet that only gave an outline of his body He was thin but still well built. His sword hung along a wall along with what looked like a decorated rifle and side arm. Alice looked down upon herself, even with all of the revealing outfits that she had worn the past day or so, this had to be the one that made her feel the most uncomfortable. "W Well, I have next to nothing on, really." She cleared her throat, adjusting the small dress that she wore. "My dress is a dark red, close to the color of blood, but a bit lighter and is strapless and quite tight." That much was true, the dress was practically like a second skin it was so tight, outlining every curve in the girl's body. Korvous slowly stepped out and looked at her and nodded, the material was tight but smooth like silk as it clung to her every curve. He smiled and walked around her before giving her ass a swat. "and how skilled and trained are you?" "Well, not very." Alice admitted truthfully. "I only lost my virginity yesterday, actually." She said in a soft voice. "To Sir White, the man you ordered to be killed." That sentence was a bit louder and filled with hatred especially for the Prince. Korvous watched her and walked over to her,running a hand against her cheek. "Cant be helped, He knew the law and broke it and thus he is to be punished for breaking the law." "But why, Prince?" Alice questioned, looking to him as he touched her cheek. "I mean you no harm and he was just trying to help me get back to London, like I asked of him. If anything, he was being a good person when he agreed to help me, don't you think?" The girl tried to bargain Sir White's life with the prince, hopeful that he would let him go so Sir White could take her away with him and maybe they could find another way out of Wonderland, without Cheshire's help. The Prince looked at her and shook his head. "Out f my hands. Its the judges and my father, Look they knew the risk and got caught, To us he's a criminal and you dont just let criminals go now do you?" "I...I guess that's true." Alice said with a sigh as she looked at the Prince. "I just wish you hadn't had to kill him...I really liked him and now I'll never get back to London and my mother will think me dead. Do you happen to know the way out of Wonderland, Prince?" The girl very much doubted that he'd help her at all, but hell, it was worth a shot. The prince looked at her. "He has 1 chance for appeal but in his condition I dont think he can so If you think you can represent legla counsol then you'll have to stand in for him." Alice considered it for a moment, how the hell would she know what to do in a courtroom? She didn't really know Sir White, she'd only met him a day before, but still, she felt it was her duty to save him from death. "I'd like to do that, sir. Do you have any suggestions as to how to convince the court that he's innocent?" Alice questioned, hoping that the Prince was nice that he seemed and that she wouldn't have to give him something in order to get something, as she had to give every other Wonderland she met something. The prince thought about it then looked at her. "You are just going to have to do your best to persuade them to not execute him. The trial I think starts tomorrow." He shrugged and looked her over then went over to his desk. Alice followed the male as he sat in the chair in his desk and like she did with Sir White, she took a seat in the man's lap, throwing all self respect she had for herself out the window as she began kissing the Prince's neck, her crotch grinding into his. "Nngh, are you sure there's nothing you could do for me, sir?" She questioned, her hands beginning to undo his shirt. The prince looked at her as she put herself in his lap. He grinned running his hands down along her sides then shrugged watching her. "Like what, I have told you all you'll need and spared you from death as well." "Couldn't you talk to your father or something?" She questioned, moving her hips a bit faster as she pulled up her dress, her bare cunt now rubbing against the male, seeing as she was pantiless. "You are the prince, after all, right?" Alice continued to kiss and lick at his neck. The prince looked at her and pressed against her thighs and cunt as she rubbed against him, his hands finding their way to her breasts. "I can see what I can do but I offer no promises my pet." Alice would take what she could get, any help to save Sir White was welcome. She smiled as he ebgan to play with her breasts, her own hand finding his pants, undoing them quickly and pulling them down, revealing his cock. "Oh my, Prince." She said, kissing his neck. The prince's cock looked to be about the same size as Sir White's, which wasn't small by any means and a bit thicker, if only slightly. The girl loved the man's cock already. "Please fuck me." The prince looked at Alice and grinned and pressed against her, his tip just barely entering her but not sliding in as he squeezed her breasts. "So my little fuck toy wants to do her job hmm? How would she like her master to fuck her?" "Fuck me hard and rough." Alice said with a moan as his tip entered her, she wanted more. She lowered herself down upon his shaft until he was fully sheathed inside of her wet, warm pussy. It felt absolutely fantastic to have his cock inside of her, causing her to moan once more. The prince looked at Alice and grinned as he pushed himself as deep as he could into her while letting his hands roam along her body. He smiled and kept pushing against her as he licked along her neck. "How does my pet enjoy being played with hmm?"
Not So Simple And Clean Riku grins as he stands in the corner of the room looking over Kairi's body. He has always wanted her as his 'play thing' but never really had the oppertunity to take control of her. He licks his lips as he sees her moves, he comes out of the shadows and walks over to the bed. "Hey Kairi, you awake?" He smiles lightly as his blue eyes look into her green ones. Not So Simple And Clean "We finally left it, our island, We left our world..." Riku smiles lightly as he sat next to Kairi on the bed. "The darkness engulfed us and we finally left it all..." He hugs her closely. "Finally, freedom beyond our beliefs." Not So Simple And Clean Riku smirks a little as his name was brought up, he was friends with him but he just got in the way of his plans. "Sora got off more than likely, he's probally somewhere on another planet." He smiles as he kisses Kairi's forehead softly to almost say everything is alright, if he had to he would be more forceful, this darkness that is present within him made him lust even more for her body. Not So Simple And Clean "We will we will, just relax, you've been out for sometime Kairi, you need to relax and rest still..." He smiles again as he pulls her up on his lap and wraps his hands around her waist smirking lightly. He relized he would have to be more forcefull. Not So Simple And Clean He sighs as she says that. "I do care about him, greatly, dont ever think elsewise, but Im worried about your health, you have been out for ten days straight..." He hugs her tighter, his crotch 'accidently' grinding against her tight ass. The bulge throbbing underneath. Not So Simple And Clean "Just relax Kairi..." He smiles as he kisses her neck softly, his lips pressing agaisnt her pale skin. "Just relax and enjoy this..." His hands move from her waist to her small breasts, grabbing hold of them and groping her softly. Not So Simple And Clean Riku sighs heavily. "Listen Kairi, Ive helped you, I found you passed out in a field and brought you here, just relax and let me do one thing to you thats it..." He pulls her closer forcefully groping her rougher now, He starts to grind against her tight ass as her skirt raised. Not So Simple And Clean "I care for you Kairi dont you get that? Your my world, my everything, the only reason why I didnt die from lonliness, The darkness has shown me the way to true enlightment, its lead me to you, true happiness." He smiles lightly as he gropes her a little rougher, his left hand falling down to her legs and rubs at her inner thigh and going up under the skirt. Not So Simple And Clean He sighs as he realizes he would have to be more forceful and restraining. He grabs her roughly and takes a sheet, tying her hands up behind her back as he throws her face first onto the bed. "Listen! Im sick of this shit... I've been nothing but kind to you since you came to our fucking island, not yours.. you were an outsider, I was more nice to you than that fucker Sora was ever, I always protected you, I got into the fights not Sora, I was there always standing up for you, and for once I just want to give into these damn feelings... To have you to myself, to take from you one thing that means alot... And you dare deny me it?" He yells at her angrily as he grabs her skirt and yanks it off, smacking her ass roughly. Not So Simple And Clean "Kairi... Im gonna fuck you... Im gonna fuck you so hard..." He yanks her panties off now slapping her bare ass hard enough to bruise her pale skin. "Your either gonna obey or I will force you to got it?" Not So Simple And Clean Forcing her legs open he sighs as he looks at her tight shaven cunt, he gets down to his knees, his hands on her inner thighs keeping her legs open, his nose taking in the sweet aroma of her juices. "Mmmm you fucking cunt, your getting excited arnt you?" He smirks as he licks at her slit and than at her anus teasingly. Not So Simple And Clean He grins at her reaction to him licking her dirtier hole, he decided he was gonna tease her more there. He pushes his tongue into her tight entrance and grins as his hands pulled her legs open wider now, the taste of this hole was disgusting but also at the same time it turned him on more making him want to torture this hole more.
['Sora', 'Riku', 'Kairi']
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas wanted to die, absolutely wanted to just roll over and die. It was the end of yet another perfect summer with his best friends and now it was time for school. The end of summer meant no more beach, no more sleeping in until one in the afternoon, which was one of Roxas's favorite things to do. The end of the summer also meant that Roxas was royally fucked, he didn't finish his assignment for the summer and that mean instant death, according to Seifer. You see, Seifer had done nothing but beat him up all summer and then sit on him as he told him how much he was going to hate Professor Axel. This certain Professor had quite the reputation around school as being a hard ass and demanding way too much of his students. Roxas certainly didn't believe this, seeing as Seifer said that they had to write ten essays in class in an hour and a half period, which was entirely impossible to do. So the boy just assumed that Seifer was trying to make him even more stressed, like he always attempted to do and usually succeeded at.The blonde slugged his way through the halls of his school though, absolutely dreading his first period with the infamous Professor Axel. He couldn't believe that he hadn't completed his summer assignment, seeing as he planned to do it the last week of summer, but instead spent it at the beach with his friends while they swam and worked on their tans, which Roxas was rather proud of. Even though he didn't look like a pale fish any longer, thanks to the beach, he was mentally kicking himself in the groin each step he took to his fateful first period, where his newly tanned ass was most likely going to get burned by Professor Axel.Roxas took one of the few available seats left in the classroom once he arrived, the ones closest to Professor Axel's desk, of course. His fingers tapped his desk in and his foot tapped the floor nervously as he awaited for the professor to arrive and for Armageddon to begin. Closed... Before Professor Axel had entered the classroom, Roxas listened to the many whispers around him. Many of them were talking about rumors about the professor, such as hearing that he had actually set a student's paper on fire because he forgot to put his name on it. This made Roxas grow a bit hotter and he loosened his tie a small amount, which was part of the school uniform. If that one kid only forgot to write his name on the paper, what in the hell would Axel do to a student who forgot to do the assignment all together? The boy let out a heavy sigh, butterflies in his stomach as the whole class awaited awaited their demise."Good morning, professor." The class answered in unison as Axel addressed them. Roxas' brow raised as the professor made his rather lame joke, although he was half tempted to run out the door and switch into another English class. The boy thought that anyone who made bad jokes couldn't be that bad of a teacher and that maybe everything he heard about Axel were just rumors! Yes, that had to be it. Immediately, Roxas felt a bit of relief as he relaxed and placed a small smile on his face. Closed... Roxas immediately felt the nervousness come back and the butterflies flutter in his stomach once more as Axel said that most of the rumors everyone had heard were probably true. The boy mentally kicked himself in the ass for not taking the chance the professor had given him to run. He grew even more nervous as Axel asked if they had all finished their summer assignments and all of the kids except Roxas, of course, passed them forward to the professor. The boy felt the want to die return, being the only one stupid enough not to finish the summer assignment.He slowly raised his hand as Axel had requested. "I I didn't finish the assignment...sir." He said sheepishly, awaiting his punishment. Closed... Roxas' mouth dropped once he heard that whoever hadn't turned in the first assignment failed the first test, was this man insane? He was just going to fail Roxas on his very first test just because he was too busy during the summer? Oh, he must be insane. The boy was going to protest to protect his grade, but once he saw Axel's frightening look, he bit his tongue and looked away from his professor and down towards his desk. "My name is, um, Roxas, sir." He said softly, almost a whisper. The boy was scared now, what was Axel going to do to him? The blond only figured it would be something highly unpleasant. Closed... Roxas was a bit shocked by just how mean Axel was. Seifer had said some pretty nasty things, but really had not prepared him for the demon in front of him. The man, while attractive, had the personality of Satan. "Yes sir." The boy replied as he looked up to the man, intent on staring at him. His mouth dropped once he heard the assignment that they had to do however. This man truly was insane, he expected a ten page report by tomorrow? That would take all night!The blond stood up and looked at his other classmates who only offered their apologetic faces as he walked into Axel's office and took a seat in an empty chair across from his desk, waiting for sweet death to come. Closed... Roxas somehow got even more nervous now that he was in Axel's rather small, claustrophobic office. There were no windows in his office, which was strange and only one door as the exit. The blond bit his lip and tapped his feet together in anticipation and couldn't help but gasp slightly as he heard the door close behind Axel. The boy looked behind him to the red head and looked apologetically at him. "I I'm sorry for not completing my assignment sir, but are you really going me? Can't I do extra credit or something?" The boy prayed to God, Buddha and Shiva that there was some sort of makeup assignment he could do. Closed... To Roxas, it seemed as though Axel was actually trying to creep him out and it was working. Why wouldn't the man just sit down in his desk so he could actually see him instead of making his mind wonder as to why the hell he wouldn't sit down and to what exactly he was doing behind him? And how hard did Axel expect him to work? It couldn't get much tougher than a ten page essay by tomorrow, could it? It didn't matter though, Roxas needed that grade and he needed it bad. "Well, sir, I'd work as hard as you want me to to get the grade." Closed... The second Axel's fingers touched the boy's neck, he went stiff as a dead man. What the fuck did his professor think he was doing? Did he think Roxas was some little schoolboy slut that he could touch? Hell no, Roxas didn't sleep around with his teachers. If the boy were as stiff as a dead man before, he didn't know how stiff he was now that Axel was molesting his lips with his own. His eyes went wide and his hands moved up to push Axel back a bit, so he could speak. "P Professor what the hell are you doing!?" Closed... Roxas was about to smack Axel across the face, but thought that might only upset him and that wouldn't exactly be good in this certain situation. "But that's blackmail, Professor! It's illegal. I could tell someone and then you'd be like...arrested and you'd be fired and you'd never be hired anyone again and...and stuff like that." The blond couldn't fully form complete thoughts or sentences still, seeing as his brand new professor had just kissed him and well, that would shock anyone. Closed... Crap. Axel was right, anyone he told would probably believe the teacher more than they would the student. It looked as though little Roxas was stuck. The boy couldn't help but laugh out loud as Axel went off about how attractive he was. It was true, the man was devilishly handsome and pretty much anyone would be happy to be kissed by him, but still. "Narcissistic, much?" Roxas questioned, covering his mouth a bit to hide his laughter. It was true, though, he did enjoy the kiss a bit, even though he was pretty much in shock while it happened. Roxas considered what he would have to do to Axel though, he would most likely have to have sex with him to get the A he wanted for the test and he wasn't exactly sure if he wanted to go that far, considering, well, it was illegal."So...Professor Axel, if I...have, with you." He cleared his throat a bit, a light blush forming across his cheeks as he looked into his Professor's emerald eyes. "I'll get an A?" Closed... Roxas couldn't believe that he was actually having this conversation with his Professor, or at all even. Was he really going to do this? Was he really going to have sex with his teacher for a grade? Well, the answer was yes, yes he was. His parents would kill him if they found out he didn't do the summer assignment, seeing as he promised them that he had and he couldn't afford to fail a test, especially on the first day of school. So now really the only question was if he could handle the pressure, as Axel had questioned. Well, Roxas wasn't entirely sure if he could, but he sure as hell was going to try."Yes, I think I can." The blond said as he grabbed his Professor's hand and moved it up his leg more until he was actually touching his groin. He kind of wanted to kill himself for doing that. He took Axel's face in his hands and sat up a bit more, pulling the man's handsome face closer so that they were kissing again. This time, Roxas wasn't shocked as he moved his lips slightly against his Professor's. Closed... Roxas let out a slight moan into the kiss as Axel squeezed him, the boy wrapped his arms around the redhead's neck and stood up so that it wasn't such a strain for the both of them. His tongue met Axel's and he rubbed it against the man's gently. Strangely, Roxas didn't find this to feel dirty or wrong as he thought he would, well, he found it slightly wrong because of course it was his Professor, but it mostly just felt good. He began to run his hands down Axel's chest, letting them lay on his pecs as his nervous fingers played with a button on his shirt, undoing it slowly. Closed... Axel quickly gained control of their kissing, as expected, the man was much more experienced. He quickly took the man's tie off and continued to work on his buttoned shirt, exposing half of his chest now as he continued to unbutton each and every one that shielded Axel's muscled body from his sight. The blond's aqua eyes stared into the redhead's as he was asked if he could take the heat, to which Roxas smiled. "I think so, Professor. I'm doing just fine so far." He kissed the man's lips again, but started to move his mouth lower, his chin, then his neck, kissing further and further down as he unbuttoned the last pesky button on Axel's shirt, exposing him fully. Closed... Roxas quickly got his Axel's shirt to the ground shortly after his own had fell. The boy wasn't as muscled as Axel, but thanks to the summer and especially the last week when he was supposed to be doing his assignment, but was out tanning, his skin was a golden bronze. Now, though the blond wasn't as muscular as his teacher, he wasn't exactly puny, his abdomen was slim, but still hard and his pecs had a slight hint of muscle to them, but not much. Roxas placed himself on top of Axel as he was pulled down to the floor, straddling his groin with his own. "Thanks, Professor." Roxas smiled as he continued to press his virgin lips to the man's muscled chest, licking his pale skin and nipples every so often. Closed... Roxas's back also arched, but it was because the redhead's hand was getting closer and closer to his lovely ass. The boy's hand crept closer towards Axel's crotch, his light fingers trailing down the man's tight abdomen until he reached his own pants. The boy looked into his Professor's lust filled eyes as he undid the man's button and unzipped his zipper. He pressed a kiss to his right nipple before he started to kiss downward, across his abs and bellybutton until he came to the lining of his underwear. "Well, this is it." He whispered, his voice shaky. Closed... Axel would get his greedy hands on Roxas's meaty ass soon enough. The boy himself was already hard just from kissing and licking at his Professor and wanted to feel Axel inside of him, feel his hands on his hips as he thrust into him with force, plowing his ass with hunger and his cum inside of him when he was done. "I don't plan on stopping, sir." He said with a slight smile as he gripped his fingers on the insides of the man's underwear and pulled his pants and underwear down with one tug, freeing his throbbing erection. Closed... Roxas looked into Axel's eyes once more before he finally went down further, his lips now touching the redhead's leaking tip, his precum soaking on his lips. The boy's tongue darted out for a moment, touching Axel's slit and licking the tasty precum off of hips virgin lips. It didn't taste bad at all, much to Roxas's surprise. So the boy put his own hand around the man's throbbing erection and opened his mouth a bit, engulfing his thick cock head, his tongue sliding up and down the slit. Closed... The boy smiled slightly as he heard his name from his teacher's mouth, was he really in that much pleasure? Roxas's tongue continued to gently lap at the man's tip, greedily gathering all of the delicious precum Axel had to offer. Looking down upon the rest of Axel's cock, it looked rather large from this point of view, of course anything would look big when it was this close, but still, how was he supposed to fit all of this inside of him? Hopefully Axel had some sort of genius plan. Roxas pushed himself further down the male's length, taking about four inches inside of his mouth as he sucked, one hand grasping at the rest of the shaft and stroking as his other cupped Axel's balls, massaging them gently. Closed... Roxas wanted to thank Axel for the warning, but the large cock in his mouth sort of prevented him from doing so. The blond went down even further, taking about two thirds of the male's length into his mouth, his tongue licking and caressing him until he went back up the redhead's length, keeping only the tip in his moist mouth. The boy ran his tongue over and over the slit of Axel's length, his tongue swirling round and round his glorious length, eager to taste his cum. Closed... As Axel made sounds of pleasure, Roxas stroked the male even faster and fiercer, his tongue dancing around his cock head. The boy took his mouth off of the male's length for only a second to whisper, "I want your cum, Professor." Before he engulfed the tip again, licking and sucking as best he could, stroking him wildly as his other hand squeezed and massaged his heavy balls. Roxas truly did want the man to climax, Axel had made him incredibly horny and he wanted to be fucked by him and he wanted to be fucked by him soon. Closed... It was true, only a few minutes before Roxas would rather die than kiss Axel and now he was even giving him head. What could he say though? Axel had gotten him hot and horny, maybe the man wasn't so narcissistic after all? Roxas kept his lips around the redhead's erupting tip as his cum flood into his mouth, the boy continued to lick and suck, swallowing most of the man's tasty juice. He lifted his mouth off of Axel's length, a slight smile on his face, proud that he'd caused his Professor to climax. "Axel..." He sighed, licking the bit of cum off of his lips. "You enjoyed it, right?" Of course he had enjoyed it, he just flooded the boys' mouth, but Roxas of course was a bit modest of his work and needed assurance as to how he did. Closed... Roxas felt shivers slide down his spine as his Professor said he was going to make him squirm and writhe, the blond was more than happy to comply with nearly any wish Axel at the moment, as long as it involved the man plowing into his firm, meaty little ass. The boy unbuttoned his khaki pants and removed them swiftly, along with his underwear, now fully nude in front of his teacher. Roxas, while certainly not as big as Axel, wasn't small either, he was about six inches, a bit above average. The boy bent down and kissed the redhead on the lips once more. "I can't wait to have you inside me." The boy whispered to his teacher. Where the hell had Roxas acquired all of this sexual confidence? He had no damn clue. Closed... The boy couldn't help but feel a bit self concious as the redhead observed his body, sizing him up almost. He hoped he didn't look too bad to Axel, he was tan and slim, which most males seemed to like. Roxas bucked a bit into Axel's manhood with his own, this being the first time he had felt such pleasure he was a bit sensitive. The blond's hand went down and captured both of their cocks in one of his hands, stroking them in unison, moans soon flowing from his soon to be nonvirgin mouth. Closed... Was Axel psychic? How did he know that he was feeling a bit self conscious about his body? Ah well, it didn't matter, as soon as he called him perfect Roxas was like putty in his hands. The blond kissed him back with passion, licking the male's bottom lip as they pulled apart, squeezing their cocks together once more before he did as he was told, a shock going through his body as he heard Axel practically moan his name, he wanted this and he wanted it now. The boy turned around slowly and got on all fours, presenting his lovely ass to Axel, reching behind him a bit to spread himself apart, exposing that virgin hole. Closed... While Roxas probably should have been stretched out and prepared for his first fuck, he didn't really care at this point. He wanted Axel's throbbing cock in him and he wanted it now. He watched as Axel lubed himself up, how the man was already hard again was amazing to Roxas and made him smirk a bit, knowing that it was his doing. The boy pushed his ass back against Axel, showing that yes, he was ready and yes, he wanted him inside of him, now."I'm ready, Professor." Closed... Roxas, being the innocent virgin that he is, or was, didn't exactly know to prepare himself for such an intrusion in his ass such as Axel's large cock and it hurt quite a bit as he pushed himself in deeper and deeper. The boy grit his teeth together and pushed his fingers into Axel's floor, although that didn't do much, seeing as they was nothing to grip onto. He let out a gasp of relief as he felt Axel's balls rest again his meaty ass, knowing that he was fully inside of him so he wouldn't have to take anymore of his large shaft. The boy was tense and that made his walls enclose even closer around Axel, squeezing him quite roughly. Closed... Roxas nodded and attempted to relax himself. This is what he wanted, he wanted Axel inside of him and he wanted to feel the pleasure from it, not this pain. He let out a sigh as he closed his eyes and though about pretty much absolutely anything other than the immense pain in his ass, he thought instead about the beach and the warmth from that. As Roxas's mind was distracted, his body became less tense, his stiff muscles relaxing a bit, his walls letting go of their grip on Axel's shaft. Closed... "Professor!" The boy shouted quite loudly as Axel's tip slammed into his prostate, causing the boy to moan loudly, pushing his ass up against Axel's hips. He was breathing heavy a bit as the redhead stroked him. "D Do that again, please." Roxas begged, moving his ass a bit. "I wanna feel that again, sir." Closed... As Axel slowed his muscles, Roxas's brow raised in confusion and when he began talking about not thrusting into the boy, he got a bit angry. "What do you mean, Professor?" Roxas looked behind him, glaring daggers at the man. Axel wanted nothing more than to fuck Roxas and now he was sitting there, mulling over the idea as to whether to continue or not after he was already inside him? Oh, that pissed Roxas off quite a bit. Closed... Axel was correct, Roxas was caught off guard and was rather pleasantly surprised as the redhead slammed into him again, making the boy moan loudly. This was probably what Axel wanted all along, to see the boy moan and squirm underneath him. "Axel..." He groaned, thrusting his ass back into the male. "You're such an ass." He laughed slightly. "Now just fuck me, please." Closed... "Nngh." Roxas groaned as Axel squeezed his throbbing erection as he pumped into him. "You sure as hell seemed like you had no problem earlier." He squeezed his muscles tightly around Axel's cock, his moist, warm walls hugging him tightly as he spoke. The boy wrapped his own hand around Axel's and began to pump with him, his ass moving back upon the male's dick. Closed... "God, Axel!" The boy shouted as his prostate was plowed into by the man's fuck pole repeatedly. Roxas felt like he was on Cloud 9 each time Axel thrust into his sensitive spot, his walls relaxing a bit each time he did so. The boy continued to stroke his own erection as Axel continued to thrust into him. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." The blond repeated as moans and groans sprang from his mouth. Closed... Roxas thought he was just oging to keel over and die from what he was feeling, it was simply just too good, Axel was clearly an expert at what he did. The boy pumped his shaft faster and harder than before, his moans becoming more fierce and gutteral. "Axel! I I'm gonna cum." He announced through deep breaths and gasps. And cum he did, his white cum shot out quickly, just after he finished his sentence, it coated both of the boy's hands as his walls tightened around Axel again, his whole body going stiff with pleasure. Closed... Roxas was spent, fully exhausted from his first good fucking and boy was Axel good. The boy slumped onto the ground, moving so that he was laying next to his Professor, his chest rising up and down with each deep breath he took. He raised his cum covered hand to Axel, showing the results of his fucking. He moved the hand to his mouth and licked it off, deciding that he didn't taste too bad. He looked into Axel's eyes and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "That was wonderful." Closed... "Me too. Sorry if I was a little loud, I was a virgin." Roxas said a bit sheepishly, not wanting Axel to judge him or anything. The boy turned around so that he was on his stomach and rested his head in his arms, one of his legs draping over the other. He blushed once he saw Axel taste his seed and smiled at him slightly. "I guess I don't taste bad, eh?" He questioned. "So, do I get an A, Profess oh." The blond stopped once he felt something rather strange seeping out of him. He turned around and spread his cheeks, noticing Axel's white cum dripping out of his ass. "Good job, Professor, you came a bit too much." He laughed. Closed... Roxas laughed at Axel's remark. "Just how many students have you bedded, sir?" The boy hoped it wasn't as a number as he was expecting, he didn't want to just be another fling to Axel, especially not since he'd taken his virginity. Plus, he wasn't going to lie, he had a hell of a lot of fun with his Professor and he was a lot less terrifying after he had cum. The boy rested his head on the male's arm, looking up at him with his aqua eyes. Closed... Roxas couldn't help but smile once he heard Axel say that he wanted him to be something more than just a fling. He moved his head closer to Axel's chest as they lay there and he softly kissed it. "Really, Professor? How come?" He questioned, although he wasn't opposed to becoming more than just a fuckbuddy to Axel at all. "You sure you just don't want me to forget my homework more often?" He smiled slightly, pressing his hands up against the man's chest. Closed... "Well, that I can do, Professor." He kissed the man's lips softly, the slight taste of cum lingering on both of their lips, before he stood up and grabbed his clothes, beginning to put his shirt on. "I think I better go though, Professor. I don't know when lunch gets out and my friends will be wondering where I am and Seifer will be wondering if I survived your class." Roxas laughed slightly. "What do you think I should tell him?" He questioned, doing up the buttons of his dress shirt. Closed... Roxas laughed along with Axel, he could tell Seifer that and let him have his victory, but he would probably only tell him that Axel had a stern talking with him. He pulled on his underwear along with his tie and grinned at Axel. "I could tell my friends that I have lunch detention for a while, if you'd like to speak to me in your office for a bit after class, sir." Of course the two of them would be talking, they'd just be talking about how badly they wanted to fuck and if Roxas should suck more, or if Axel should go harder or faster. Hey, it was still talking. Closed... "Yes, Professor, they would believe that because you're truly an evil man in the classroom." Roxas' voice did not have a hint of sarcasm in it in the slightest. "You were very frightening earlier, I hope you know." The boy said with a smile as he did up his tie, and then proceeded to put his pants and shoes on. He laughed slightly and leaned in to kiss Axel's lips and give his groin a soft grasp. "I'll see you later, kay?" Closed... Closed... Roxas got to class about a minute before everyone else would, smiling at Axel as he entered. "Hey Professor." He said, setting his things down at his desk before he went up to Axel's, sitting on it. "Having a good day?" He questioned, looking down at what he was doing. He instantly recognized his poem, the one he had written about Axel. Why he had done that, he had no fucking clue, but it seemed to be his inspiration for the certain assignment. A blush spread about his face, quickly becoming embarrassed, had Axel caught that it was about him? He certainly hoped not. Closed... Roxas was about to panic, he knew Axel had figured out it was about him by just the tone in his voice. "Listen Axel, I'm sorry about writing it, but you told us to write a poem about something significant that happened in your life and all that kept popping up in my head was the day you took my virginity." He got off the desk, movng a bit of his bangs out of his eyes, looking to Axel. "It'll never happen again if it bugs you." Closed... Roxas kissed him back quickly, a smile on his face. "Thanks Axel." He returned to his seat just as the other students began to fill in, thankfully they hadn't come a second sooner or else they would have recieved quite the eyeful of a teacher kissing his student. Wouldn't that have been fun to try to explain? Roxas hated this part of the day, when he had to pretend to be Axel's student. He had to see the mean Axel come out and torture his students when he knew the real Axel, although he wasn't much different from the mean one, he was a bit nicer and knew how to pleasure the boy, Roxas smiled at the thought. Closed... As the classroom emptied, Roxas stayed in his seat, a bit shocked at Axel. "I am surprised, Professor." The blond said with a large smile. "Is the great, terrifying Professor Axel finally turning soft?" Oh, this was hilarious, he couldn't believe what Axel had done. "You're not being very subtle with these assignments, by the way, you obviously want me to write another sappy poem about you." Roxas grinned, feeling quite good about himself at the moment. Closed... Roxas stared back into Axel's beautiful eyes for a moment before shaking his head. "No, no, it's fine! I'll happily write another poem about you." He said with a smile as he moved to sit in the man's lap. "And is my Professor not feeling well? Is there anything I can do?" He questioned, pressing a kiss to Axel's cheek and running his hand through his soft, silky locks. Closed... "You're very warm, babe." Roxas said, placing a kiss to the top of Axel's head. "Maybe you should go home and rest, so you can be back tomorrow. I don't know if I'll enjoy school as much if you're not here." He looked down at Axel, wrapping his arms around him. "What's this about setting things on fire though? Are you a pyromaniac or something?" The blond questioned with a laugh, rubbing Axel's back softly. Closed... "Mm, well I still accept you, even if you might feel the urge to set my ass on fire one day." The blond said with a grin, nuzzling into Axel's mane. "I do need my daily dose of Axel, that's true, but it's fine if you leave babe, I'll come over after school or something, is that okay?" He smiled at the kiss, returning one to the redhead's cheek, staring back into the man's blue eyes as his body was brought closer to the male's. Closed... "Well, I like having my ass in your lap, you're comfy, Axel." Roxas said as he moved a bit, shaking his ass in his lover's lap. "And really, Axel. I want to come over later, okay? I gotta make sure you're okay and everything like that, plus I like seeing you." He said with a smile, kissing the man's lips once more, linging there a bit longer than he probably should have, considering the position he was in, but oh well. Closed... Roxas pouted for a bit, wanting to stay there a bit longer with Axel, but nodded. "Yes, sir." He said, quickly kissing the man's lips once more before he slowly got off the man's lap and grabbed all of his things, heading off to his other classes shortly after. It was now after school and Roxas was at Axel's doorstep, completely soaked. You see, the weather didn't seem to like Roxas today much at all and only decided to start pouring down rain the second he stepped out of school and headed over to Axel's house, a good fifteen or twenty minute walk away. He stood there, dripping wet, his school uniform absolutely soaked and clinging to his body as he rung Axel's doorbell, a crash of lighting and roar of thunder smashing behind him, not too far away. Closed... Roxas soon grew tired of waiting and even more tired of the rain. He barged into Axel's house, well, he more like entered without the man's consent and was now dripping in his entry way. Not wanting to piss Axel off with getting water all throughout his house, he took off all of his clothes, knowing that Axel certainly wouldn't mind a naked blond in his house. He put the clothes in a pile near the door and began to search for his redheaded lover, calling out his name a bit until he got to the man's bedroom, knocking on the closed door before entering. Aw, how adorable, his big, strong Axel was fast asleep. The boy got on the bed with him, sitting on top of his sleeping frame. "Axel..." He whispered, leaning down to kiss the man's forehead. Closed... "Yeah, it's me, babe. You're burning up." Roxas said, pressing his hand against Axel's forehead lightly. "You've gotta be at least a hundred degrees, my poor Axel." He said with a frown, leaning down to hug the male tightly, his body now laying on top of the male's. Roxas of course thought Axel was awake and was continuing what he thought what was a normal conversation with the man. "Is there anything I can do?" Closed... Roxas took the sentence to mean that Axel's fever was burning up, which made him frown. "I know, Axel." He said, moving the strands of hair out of his face as he leaned down to kiss his forehead, his lips feeling the heat radiating off the man. "I wish I could help you, but I'm no doctor." It really did hurt Roxas that he couldn't do anything for the man, he didn't like it when Axel seemed weak or was in pain, he didn't like it one bit. Closed... Roxas's brow arched as Axel seemed to have a sudden outburst about the boy being there, was the man crazy? "Axel...I've been here for like the last two minutes, we've been talking about your fever." He sighed, pushing the man's hair back off his forehead. "Is your fever making you delusional? Anyways, I walked over here from school, remember? I told you I was going to and it was raining hard so obviously I got wet and I didn't want to get anything in your house wet so I just took my clothes off." The boy said with a shrug. "You don't mind, do you?" Closed... Roxas smiled and nodded, quickly lifting the blankets so that he could snuggle up to Axel, his naked, wet body clinging to the man's warmth. The boy was absolutely drenched and his usually spiked hair was down because it was so wet. "You're so warm, Axel." He said as he hugged the male tightly, placing a kiss to his cheek. "It's nice." Closed... Roxas smiled. "I'm always happy to keep you warm, Axel, but this is just as good." He placed a hand on Axel's chest, running his hand over it softly. "So how do you feel, any better?" The boy questioned as he rested his head on the redhead's shoulder. Truth be told, Roxas was feeling a bit hot and bothered himself, being naked and all against Axel's warm body, who was almost nude himself. He kissed the man's neck gently, "I missed you today, you know. Usually I get to see you after class, but you class was less than five minutes today, I didn't get to sit in detention with you, my favorite part of the day." Closed... Roxas continued with his motions, running his hand across Axel's lovely pale flesh, smiling as his hand was joined with the redhead's larger one. He couldn't believe what he was about to do, considering his lover was so incredibly warm and sick, but he wanted something and he wanted it now. Roxas was a rather impatient little boy, even with sex. "But I wanna be fucked now." The boy whispered in Axel's ear, his hand running all the way down his abdomen to his boxers, slipping his hand underneath to grasp his cock. Closed... The fact that Axel didn't tear his hand away as he grasped his shaft made Roxas gain a bit more confidence with his little effort, stroking Axel's softness a bit. "I don't mind Axel, you won't have to do anything." The blond kissed the male's cheek once more. "I'll ride you." He smiled, slipping under the covers grasping his fingers in the redhead's boxers, pulling them down swiftly. He looked up at Axel, only his head sticking out from under the covers, smiling at him slightly as he took the tip of the man's cock into his mouth, sucking at it softly as he stroked him with his other hand. Closed... Roxas, being the horny young lad that he was, ignored Axel's half hearted attempts at getting him to stop. The boy was determined to have Axel inside of him and nothing would stop him at the moment, not while he was this turned on and hard. He began sucking more roughly now, his licks getting longer and tougher as he began to go down on Axel, bobbing his head up and down slightly as he massaged his balls with one hand, his other stroking his now hardened shaft. Closed... It was true, Roxas didn't know when to stop. When the boy was determined, he was a speeding train, unable to stop until he did what he wanted. He only continued to go deeper on Axel, taking more and more of him into his wet, warm mouth, his silky tongue sliding on the underside of the man's shaft as he went down as far as he could, his chin touching Axel's balls and his nose digging into his pelvis as he sucked, Axel's cock now fully sheathed inside his mouth. Closed... Roxas looked up at Axel with his aqua blue eyes as he sucked on him, slowly dragging his head back up to Axel's tip, licking at his head a few times before finally taking his mouth off of him. "Where's the lube?" The boy questioned as he emerged from under the sheets, on top of Axel, his own cock now erect, much like his lover's. He leaned down to kiss the man's chest, wanting to keep him interested enough to go on, licking his nipples every so often. Closed... "Mmhmm, I believe we went over this when I said that I wanted you to fuck me now." Roxas said with a grin, licking one of Axel's nipples once more. "But the important thing is that I want you specifically to fuck me and not anyone else." He said, placing a kiss on the same nipple he had licked. "No one else could do it as good as you and I wouldn't want them to anyway." Roxas shook his ass a bit, almost tauntingly. "Gonna lube up now so I can sit on it?" Closed... "Thanks." Roxas said as Axel lubed himself up, kissing his chest one last time before he moved the blankets off of the man's cock and backed himself up to it, gripping the base as he lined it up with his tight hole. He took a deep breath as he plunged himself down, his body resisting Axel's tip a bit at first, but he just put more force downward, Axel's cock eventually sliding into him with the help of the lube, the rest of his shaft going in quite easily. "Axel..." The boy gasped as he enveloped every inch of the man's length inside of him. This is exactly what Roxas wanted, to feel the man inside of him again and well, that's what he got. Closed... Once Roxas felt that he was good and adjusted, he placed his hands on Axel's pecs for support, smiling down at him as he began to slowly lift his hips up more and more, the redhead's shaft becoming visible as Roxas got higher, until only his tip was inside of his warm, tight entrance. Suddenly, the boy slammed his ass back down onto Axel's shaft, letting out a loud groan as the man's tip slid against his prostate. "Fuck, Axel." He moaned as he began to lift his hips again, repeating the process. Closed... Roxas nodded, he liked it very much. "Yes, Axel." He sighed as he lifted his hips once more, dropping back down onto his shaft. He began to repeat the motions more quickly now, lifting himself up faster and faster, slamming back down onto Axel with more force as he moaned loudly. As bad as the boy felt about practically seducing Axel to fuck him when he was sick, he was pretty sure that the older male had no complaints now and quite frankly, neither did Roxas now that he was riding him. Closed... As soon as Axel rocked himself in his little boy's prostate, he got his wish. "F Fuck, Axel!" He shouted as he moved himself up and down even faster, bouncing up and down on top of Axel now, sliding up and down easily. Having warmed up considerably since he had gotten under Axel's covers and now even more now that he was being fucked by Axel, which was quite a workout, the boy's hole was quite warm, heating up Axel's already hot member. Closed... Roxas gripped his erect member as he continued to pound his ass into Axel's cock, bouncing as hard and fast as he could as he stroked himself, not minding in the least that he was doing all of the work for his sick Professor. As long as Roxas got fucked by the man, he didn't care if he had to bend over backwards to do it. He could feel Axel's cock throb inside of him and even engorge a bit more, signaling to him that the man was about to climax. "Cum inside me, Axel." The boy groaned as his ass connected with Axel's thighs, his prostate being hit once more. Closed... Axel's intense orgasm and his rather feral moans made Roxas even more hot and bothered, if it were possible as he continued to ride him as his lover came, feeling his warm cum shoot into his body. "Axel!" He shouted as he continued to pump his own member in his hand, riding Axel even after he had climaxed. He lifted his hips once more, all the way up and slammed down, the redhead's tip hitting his prostate once more, which made Roxas immediately shoot his load all over Axel's upper body, three big squirts of his sticky cum landing in random patters. "Axel..." The boy said with a sigh as his body finally relaxed, Axel still inside of him. Closed... Roxas nodded, although he wouldn't mind having Axel stuck inside of him forever, he thought it was best to not even attempt that experiment. He slowly slid off of the man, his ass a bit sore from slamming onto Axel so many times, but he didn't mind. He slipped into bed next to Axel and pulled the blankets up to only cover their legs, not wanting to get any cum or lube on the blankets. "I guess we were a bit messy." He said with a smile, moving closer to him, kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you for that, Axel. I needed it." Closed... Roxas sat their patiently, his brow raised a bit, not having a clue as to what Axel was getting. Was it food or something? He doubted it, seeing as that was kind of lame. Axel was right though, he was very, very tired. Riding him for the past couple of minutes had really taken a toll on him and if Axel didn't hurry up, he might find a snoozing blond in his bed. Closed... The blond's brow raised as he was told he had a dirty ass and to get into the bathroom with Axel. He did as he was told however and found his lover in what looked to be a steaming bath, it was Roxas' two favorite things, Axel and something relaxing. He slipped into the bath with the redhead, the water a bit hot at first but he quickly got accustomed to it, sitting in between Axel's thighs, resting his back on the man's chest. "Axel, you're the best." He said with a smile. Closed... "I'd do anything for you too, Axel. In fact, I think I proved that by walking over here in a damn storm, just to take care of you, but instead we had sex and that's even better." Roxas said with a smile, also closing his eyes as he rested his head against Axel's chest, letting out a sigh of relaxation. Closed... Roxas smiled as he was petted by Axel, if he were a kitty he'd be purring...and Axel would have fucked a cat, so thankfully he was not. The boy adjusted himself about an inch, getting a bit more comfortable on top of Axel, letting out another sigh. "I'm so happy I came over and I'm happy I seduced you, although it wasn't hard." Closed... Roxas's brow also raised, what the hell was Axel talking about? "Um, excuse me, Axel, but you were the one who was all sick and lying in bed and I was the one who was naked and on top of you and then had to convince you to let me suck you." He looked up at him as his abdomen quivered a bit from Axel's touch, tickling him. "Don't try to deny that I seduced you, Axel." Closed... Roxas, although he wasn't the brightest bulb in the box most of the time, caught on to what Axel was doing quickly, but didn't even attempt to stop him. The boy let out a small moan as Axel played with his nipples and giggled a bit one he started to run the washcloth over his abdomen, tickling him slightly. "Axel..." Closed... Sorry it's taking so long, doing a bit of homework. D: Math. DRoxas was still a bit suspicious of Axel, but decided to trust him, this time. "Alright, I'll believe you I guess." Still, his eyes were narrow and he was a bit wary as he lifted his arms, letting Axel was him as if he were his pet. The boy was exhausted after riding Axel, but he didn't mind, he was happy that he had gotten Axel to screw him, it left him content and happy. Closed... "No, Axel, I'm fine, really. I came over to take care of you, remember? I just can't go to sleep." Roxas said with a smile, turning a bit to run his hand through Axel's hair. "Wait, what do you mean I don't have anywhere else to go? I have friends!" The boy crossed his arms and glared at Axel, how dare he insult him, practically calling him a lame ass. Closed... "Axel!" Roxas latched himself onto the man's waist, clinging to him as he tried to get out of the warm tub. "I was just kidding! Don't leave!" He kissed the man's thigh, where his mouth was. "I'm sorry, I would so leave them for you!" Closed... Roxas smiled as Axel returned to the tub, continuing with washing the boy, happy that he got his way. He looked back at Axel, wondering if he was happy that he was even here, seeing as he wasn't even making a peep. "Are you okay, Axel?" The boy questioned, as he looked down in front of him. Closed... Roxas shrugged. "I dunno, I just wanted to make sure you're happy." He turned around and grabbed the washcloth from Axel's hands. "I'll wash you, kay?" The boy started at his chest, working down slowly as he moved closer to Axel, kissing his next softly. "I like you a lot, I hope you know that." Closed... Roxas was a bit taken back by Axel's comment. Was he serious? The boy couldn't tell, but was hurt by his statement. "That's not true, Axel. Didn't you read my poem? I think I pretty much said how I feel about you in there. Yes, you do have a nice body, but I don't really care about that, it's like an added bonus. I like you for you." He said, moving to wash the man's shoulders. Closed... "Then...then you know how I feel, if not, you'll read it in my next poem, seeing as it'll be about you." Roxas was staring at whatever part of Axel's body he was washing, which was currently the man's chest. He couldn't quite understand why Axel's mood suddenly turned so foul, but he was certain he didn't like it one bit. Closed... Roxas bit his tongue, holding himself back from saying anything he might regret. He continued to gently rub the man's chest, staring back at him before he moved his gaze down, staring at the man's chest once more. "Does it?" He questioned, attempting to sound innocent. Closed... Roxas gulped as Axel questioned him the most serious questioned he'd ever heard from the redhead, or anyone really. He felt the male's heart beating at a steady pace within his chest, that made him even more nervous. He'd tell him the truth though, he owed Axel that at least. "I...I love you, Axel." The boy said softly, a blush spreading across his cheeks as he looked to the water, hoping that the man wouldn't burst out laughing, or even worse, kick him right out of his house.
['Seifer', 'Roxas', 'Axel']
Sailor Venus Gets Caught (liynn ~ jemnai)
"Venus love chain, encircle!" Mina shouted, a chain of hearts erupting from her fingers towards her enemy. The flower monster quickly dodged the attack and sent her vines at Sailor Venus, which the girl narrowly dodged, jumping out of the way but making a rather rough landing onto the ground. The monster sent numerous vines after the blonde though, each she dodged until she was hidden behind a wall, her breathing heavy. "Come out sailor scout, give me your energy!" The monster screamed as she laughed manically, her vines slipping around the wall that Mina was hidden behind."Crescent beam, smash!" The girl shouted, a yellow beam of energy shooting from her pointer finger and cutting the vines that were sent after her. The monster yelped in pain and stumbled a bit as Sailor Venus emerged from the alleyway back into the open street. She raised her hand and yelled, "Venus love cha " but was cut off as vines encircled her, trapping her as the monster began to suck her energy. The flower monster laughed again, knowing that she had the blonde sailor scout caught and no one was around to help her. "I think it time to mow the lawn"a voice said from the shadows as a wave of energy cuts through the vines of the flower monster as it does it cut rips off the bow causing ehr breasts to be visable as the cold night air starts to make her nipples hard."AAAGH" the creature yelped as its vine start to spray goo."Who dare hurt me"the creature says as it tries to mend it wounds.A figure in red and silver armor comes out of the shadows witha sword like device attached to his right wrist.. Sailor Venus didn't have time to worry that her uniform was now ripped and her breasts were now visible to anyone who looked, she had to get rid of this monster before it killed her or the man who had saved her. "Venus love chain, encircle!" The girl shouted as yet another chain of orange hearts erupted from her fingers, hitting the creature right on it's forehead. "Quick, finish it off!" She shouted to her savior, the man in red and silver. The armored figure charges the monster as the blade of the weapon starts to spin at high RPM as the blade drills through the monster destroying it in a firey blaze. The Warrior stands there not phased by the aftermath like battle harden figure. As the monster was defeated, Venus covered her breasts with her hands, now much more self conscious that they weren't in the midst of battle any longer. She walked over to the man, a slight smile on her face. "Wow, you seem to be quite the powerful warrior." It was true, it was rare that anyone could defeat a monster who wasn't a sailor scout or Darien, but this man did it also. "May I ask who you are? I'm Sailor Venus." "I am a friend but soon my idenity will be revieled in time Miss"he said as he starts to walk off from the battle sceene as the remains of the flower creature still burn like mulch once it been torched."One thing these creatures are going to be getting tougher"he added as as motocycle appears and he jumps onto adns drives off. "I...okay, was nice to meet you! Thanks for saving me!" Sailor Venus shouted to the man as he drove off, leaving her half naked in the street. "That was strange." She muttered to herself as she began to walk into an alleyway, planning on taking the backstreets home so no one would see her with her breasts hanging out. A few days after her last encounter with one of the flower creatures, Sailor Venus was at it again, fighting yet another flower. By now, her costume had been repaired so she wasn't as indecent as last time, much to her pleasure. "Where do you come from!?" She demanded as she dodged a set of vines. "Crescent beam, smash!" The girl shouted as an energy beam shot out from her index finger, cutting a set of vines, causing the creature to scream once more. "Hah, take that!" Mina said with a bit of laughter. In a split second however, Venus was on the ground and was being dragged towards the creature, one of her vines caught the girl by the foot. "We meet again"a familar voice said but this time in a different armor this one was red and gold as he but with a archic symbol of fire on the belt of his armor as his slashes the flower with a katana like sword as it cuts it sending a flame of fire up to the monster scorching it. Sailor Venus was ecstatic to see the man who saved her, but this time he was in a different set of armor. The girl was set free from the vine as the monster burned, oozing out goo, the same as last time one just like it was defeated. She stood up and looked down at herself, becoming embarrassed instantly. Being dragged across the street roughed her clothing up a bit and she had tears down the front, exposing a bit of her breasts and her midriff. "This is...awkward." She laughed a bit as she tried to cover herself. "Sorry about this." "Well are you fine miss"he asked as he was using the scanners in his helmet to so a body scan to see if any injury that should couldnt seen. Thinking she wasnt half bad looking and she did have some nice tits and if the carpet matches the drapes. "Yes, I'm fine." She smiled at him. "The monster really didn't do too much damage to me, I can dodge most of their vines after fighting so many of them." Sailor Venus dropped one of her hands and presented it to the man for a hand shake, revealing more of the rips in her uniform, more of her skin now on display. "Thank you for saving me once again, eventually I'll have to learn how to beat them myself, I can't rely on you to always be there when I need help." "Well they are getting more frequent"he said as he take her hand into his armored one" these are just test runs for more powerful creatures to come"he added as he noticed her hardening nipples as she touched his armored hand. Sailor Venus couldn't help that her nipples were hardening a bit, the cold night combined with her rather revealing senshi outfit made her rather chilly. "Really, how do you know that these are just minions?" She questioned as she let go of his armored hand, keeping her slight smile as she rubbed the sides of her arms in an attempt to warm herself up. "Basic miltary strategy test the defences of place your tring to take over then once you got a intelligance need to figure out the best way to take over you then send in the heavy guns"he said to her as his sword turns to flame to help her get warm. "Oh, right." Sailor Venus said,a bit embarrassed since she knew absolutely next to nothing about military tactics or even what the man was talking about. "Thanks." She muttered, moving closer to his sword to get warm. "So do you have any idea of who is sending these things?" "My intell I gathered is they are minions of what is known as the Crisis Empire"he said to her as they start to talk. He remained in his armor as to not reviel who he was to her. "The Crisis Empire? I've never heard of them." Venus said, also staying in her outfit, even though it was ripped. "I'll have to ask the other scouts about them, maybe Luna will know something." She moved even closer to his sword, the warmth inviting as she held out her arms, revealing all of the rips in her outfit, warming up her hands near the fire. "Well they are an Interdiamentional Empire that wants the Earth as there to make it a New Hell of sorts"he said as he lets her in on the intelligence he has gathered since the C.E. started to send these plant monster to test the strength. "Oh crap, that doesn't sound good at all." Sailor Venus said, moving some hair out of her face. "Wait, do you know more about these guys? Maybe we could team up! I'm a lot stronger than I look, I swear." She laughed. "Well, when I'm not caught by vines I am." "Listen I am here to help not partner with anyone once this crisis is over with I will be done to where I am need"he said as it was true the System Lords said he could return to his universe once the one here was done. "I need to be going"he said as he grabs his sword and telports ina red light about 3 blocks away the light lands and the figure stands"Power Down"he said as his armor retracks and there stands a young man in black tshirt ands jeans with combat boots. "Man those flowers are getting to be pain in my ass"he said as he walks out of the ally. The girl was a bit shocked by the rudeness of the male, but simply shrugged her shoulders, figuring the man was just an ass. She transformed back out of her senshi form and wore civilian clothes once again, comprising of her school uniform and a jacket. "Might as well call the other scouts and ask about The Crisis Empire." She sighed as she headed off to her home. The young walking thing streets not really watching where he was going walked ino a young blonde woman"OOh I sorry Miss"he said to her Mina let out a small gasp as she was bumped into, her face smacking into the man's chest before she was pushed back a bit by the force. "O Oh, no, it's my fault sir, it's no trouble." She smiled at the male, blushing a bit in embarrassment. "No Miss its mine. I am David"he said as he put his hand out for her as to catch her. "I'm Mina, nice to meet you." She placed her hand in his and shook it softly, unaware that this was the man she whose had she had shook only minutes before. "Nice to meet you Mina so what brings a lovely woman like yourself out on a nice like this"he said as the streets were pretty much dead"Care to get a drink"he added as he was smitten by her beauty as she take her hand as the shakes it ans then kisses it. Mina's blush deepened a bit as her hand was kissed, a boy certainly had never done that before. "Well, I was doing a bit of window shopping, really." She lied, not telling this stranger of what she was really doing, of course, people didn't say that they were a defender of Earth and that she was fighting off a flower creature that was sent from The Crisis Empire. "I'd love to get a drink with you." She smiled, admiring his handsome features. "Well thanks I could use the company as I sort of new here in Tokyo. I just moved here a few monthes back and this city can be overwhelding for a gaijin"he said as they walk around till they find a coffee house. His 6ft tall stature was ever present as they walk down the street. Mina laughed a bit. "Yeah, the city is still even a bit confusing for me and I was born here." She said as they arrived at a coffee house, quickly stepping inside to the warmth and comfort of the small shop, grabbing a seat at one of the many empty tables. "I bet"he said as they enter the shop. "So what do you want my treat"he said as he sat next to her as he give her a look over as they chat and figure out what to have on the crisp cool night. Mina simply shrugged as she took off her jacket, placing it on her seat. "A hot chocolate would be nice." She said, adjusting the bow in her hair. "So where exactly did you move from?" "Alright and I moved here from the California"he said to her as he goes ands get them something to drink. He orders himself a frap like drink ands her hot chocolate . A few minute later he comes back with their drinks and sits next to her. "Thanks." She said, sipping at her drink carefully. "Wow, California, I bet it was nice there. Why'd you move to Japan? It gets pretty cold here, you know." Mina smiled, noticing that the male was only wearing a t shirt. "Well I wanted a change of sceenery as well as japan has always been one of the place I wanted to travel to and live for a while"he said as they sit and talk." What do you like to do for fun"he asked as he sucked down his drink as some whipcream formed a mustash on his upperlip. Mina nodded. "Yeah, it is nice here, especially in the spring with all of the cherry blossom trees." The girl laughed a bit at the mustache that formed on David's upper lip and extended her finger to his mouth. "Here, let me get that for you." She ran her finger across his lip, gather the whipped cream that had formed there and stuck it in her mouth, licking it off of her finger. "There, all better." "Why thanks you Mina so what is it that you do for a living"he asked as he watched her lick the whip cream off his finger ina seducive way. He definaly did like what he saw as they talk. Mina didn't exactly know what to answer for that question. For a living she protected Tokyo from intergalactic evil creatures, even though she wasn't technically paid for it. "Erm, well...I don't have a job at the moment, but am looking." She lied, a slight smile on her face. "What do you do?" "Well I have this lil start up company that deals in robotics"he said as it was true he restarted his company here but ona minorside instead of large robots he was making small ones that help in emergancy situtations to aid the police or fire fighters. "Well I am looking for a Personal Assistant"he said. "Really? I could be a great personal assistant!" The girl sounded enthusiastic about the position, not only because she'd finally have a job, but her boss was handsome and charming. She didn't exactly know how to tell him about her strange hours though, especially since she sometimes had to drop everything immediately to go save Tokyo. Oh well, she'd make up excuses if she needed to. "Do you have a day for interviews that I could come to?" "Well how about we consider this as your interview. You see I work strange hours sometimes I get called for a 1 on 1 meeting through the day so I hope that isnt going to be a problem"he said as he to come up with an excuse with poping in and out of the office when a battle comes. Mina was relieved to hear that the man had strange hours of absence also, that would work perfectly with her schedule. "Oh, that will be just fine. I don't mind if you have meetings throughout the day, I'll just do some paperwork while you're in them." She smiled, taking another sip of her hot chocolate. Of course the girl wouldn't really be doing paperwork, she'd be out fighting, but there was no need to tell her future employer that. "So why dont come by at 10 tomorrow so we can get the paperwork done ands make it official"he said as he pulls out a business card and hand it to her. Card reads: David Ballway CEO of Ballway Heavy Robotics Industries and has all his contact info including the office address."One of the perks is that you get a company cellphone"he said. Mina took the card and looked it over, the business wasn't too far from her house, perfect. "A cellphone, really? That's great!" She was truly excited about the job, to finally have one was fantastic. "I don't know how to thank you for this, this is amazing." "No thanks are needed Mina tho dress at the office is Business Professional"he said as he tells her about the benifits from the professional gym to discounts with local venders"So do you have any questions for me Mina"he asked as he looks into ehr blue eyes. "Right, business professional, got it." Mina nodded, listening to him explain the many benefits that she would get from working with him. "Um, only one question, what time would you like me to arrive tomorrow?" She questioned before drinking a bit more of her hot chocolate. "And are you sure I couldn't do anything for you? I mean, you just gave me this amazing job and I didn't do anything for it." "Well 10 am and you are repaying me by having a casual drink and conversation unless you have any idea on how you could"he said with a sly grin as they talk and enjoy their drinks. He gets up and get them some more then comes back with seconds. As he got back, Mina leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, a blush across her face as she did. "Since you're technically not my boss yet, that's not inappropriate, right?" She questioned, smiling at him slightly. "That's my thanks, although I know it's nothing compared to what you're giving me, I couldn't think of anything else without seeming a bit...forward." David blushed when Mina kissed "Well its alright and I dont mind a forward woman it shows that they know what they want plus life is short"he said witha wicked grin. Mina blushed as the man grinned and moved her chair closer to him. "Well, if you're sure." If it impressed her soon to be employer, she was most likely going to do it. The girl closed her eyes and tilted her head a bit, placing her hand on the man's cheek as she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. David returned the kiss as he sly slides his tounge along her lips as his hand caress her face as they kiss. He moans as they kiss. Mina places her other hand on the man's broad shoulder as they kissed, her tongue slipping out of her moist mouth to meet his, rubbing it against his slowly. As their tounge meet a shock hits them like a bolt as they connect. He hadnt had sex in eons so he went with it. Despite the shock, Mina broke the kiss slowly, kissing his lips once more as she did so. "Maybe we shouldn't do this here, I don't want people staring." She said with a blush. "Well your place or mine"he as the kiss was broke. "Your place would be best." She said as she stood up, grabbing her coat from her seat. Mina was already horny, her nipples hard, slightly visible through her top before she covered herself up with her jacket. "Alright"he said as they head out into the cold as they walk his put his arm around her."So since I am not your boss yet what size breasts are yours"he asked her as he had noticed her nipples had harden. Mina couldn't help but laugh slightly at David's straightforwardness, blushing a bit at his question. "I'm a 34 C cup, David." She said, leaning into his warmth. "Since I'm not your employee yet, may I ask what size your cock is?" She bit her lip at the question, anxious for the response. "Well lets say I am 1 3 of a yard long or 12 inches when I am hard"He said with a dark grin as he pulls her closer to him as get closer to his place."I hope you can handle what I pack"he said to her. Mina was taken back quite a bit once David had announced his impressive size. How was she going to take all of that without breaking? Well, they were soon going to find out. "Wow, David, you're huge." She said with a laugh as she puts an arm around his waist, snuggling into him a bit more. "I hope I can take all of it also." "Why thank you Mina"he said as they got to his building where he live. It was one of the ultra rich building in Tokyo. Once they get in and get into the elevator he takes key out and put it into a slot turns it as the elevator starts to move up. As he presses Mina into the side of the elevator and kisses ehr deeply. Mina kissed the man back fiercely, her tongue sliding across his moist lips as her hands trailed down his chest lightly until she arrived at his jeans. One hand grasped the man through his jeans, gripping his length as the other caressed his cheek. As she felt his chest she could feel many scars. The Doors open to large penthouse suite"We are here"he said to her. The blond stepped into the male's luxurious apartment and took off her jacket, revealing her hard nipples that were poking through her sweater. She pushed David against the door, feeling his many scars as her hand swept across his chest. She pressed her eager lips to his once more and tugged at the bottom of his shit, wanting for him to take it off. David pulls off his shirt revealing many scar some that looked old and deep on his toned chest. "I hope my scars dont turn you off"he said as he hated hsi scars but they were reminder of what and who he was. "No, darling, I don't mind at all. They show that you're tough." Mina wanted to question as to how he got so many scars, but thought that would be left for a better time. She ran her delicate fingers down David's toned chest, admiring the hard muscle she felt. She kissed at his neck softly, moving her hands to toy with her own sweater, taking it off to reveal nothing but her skin and breasts, she'd decided not to wear a bra that day. "Alright and goes those are lovey tits"he said as he picks her up and then moves so he presses her against the wall as he starts to kiss her breasts as he show her his power and strength. "Mm...thank you." Mina said with a slight moan as David begins to kiss her breasts, her own hand reaches for his crotch area, gripping it softly. She couldn't believe that she was going to have sex with such a handsome man, especially after meeting him only an hour ago, but right now she didn't care, all that was on her mind was David. David takes her nipple into his mouth as he holds her in place as she goes back and start play wiht his ever hardening rod of man meet. The softness of her hand felt great on his mighty shaft as it harden to ridged shape. Mina moaned a bit louder as David took her perky nipple into his mouth, loving the moisture on it. "David, you're huge." She said with a slight giggle as she felt his cock harden and grow, the shaft was thick and she could feel it even through his jeans, which she began to unbutton and unzip. "Why thank you Mina"he said as he goes to the other breast and starts to suck on that ones nipple as he brings her down"Why dont you have a taste of my cockmeat sandwich"he said to her. "I'd love to, David." Mina said with a smile, kissing his lips quickly before she got onto her knees and finally freed David's massive fuckpole that was hidden by his jeans and boxers. For a moment Mina just looked in amazement at the size of it, her hand grapsing the shaft and stroking it once or twice as she smiled up at David, her tongue leaving her mouth as she licked the head of his large tip. "OOH Mina it been so long since I been with a woman"he moans as he feels the very soft and well manicured hand on his massive fuckstick. He groans deeply as she tounge touch the purple bulbus head of his massive tool. A lil bit of sweet clear precum came out of the slit and landed on her tounge. "Mm, you taste good, David." Mina said with a devlish smile as she lapped up the precum that leaked from the bulbous tip of his cock. She continued to lick and suck at his cockhead rapidly before she opened her mouth a bit wider and took it into her mouth, pushing herself further and further down until she had a few inches in. The girl began to bob her head up and down, stroking the rest of the shaft with one hand while the other massaged his heavy balls. "Yeah that it Mina suck it real good get it nice ands wet for me to fuck you with it"he moans as he starts to move his hip to move his massive cock into her mouth and try to get down her throat. "Yeah that it show me your Dicktation skills"he groans as he could feel he was at the entrance of her throat as she felt her gag on his cock. Mina did choke a bit on his massive tool, but continued to suck and take his meat like a true warrior. She stroked what little part of his shaft that she didn't have in her mouth and massaged what was in her mouth with her tongue and clenching muscles. He pulls out of her mouth"I got to taste that honey pot of yours"he said with deep groan as he wanted to see if the carpet meets the drapes. He leads her up the stairs to the master bedroom were he press a button on the wall and the fireplace roars to life. The bed in the room was 13th century English Nobleman's bed that was 4 post. "Nice place." She commented as they entered the room. She removed her skirt and panties, showing that she was shaved. Mina laid on the bed and spread her long legs wide, rubbing her pussy softly. "Come taste me." She said with a smile. "I loved shave pie"he said as he goes gets on the bed where he get between her legs and starts to lick and kiss her inner thigh as he noticed the moisture glissend from her juices. " Atleast you never be late for work"he said as he goes and slides his tounge along her slit slowly moaning as he tastes her sweet juices. "Oh, David." Mina moaned softly as her clit was licked, her fingers clutching at the sheets on the bed. She moved her other hand to cup and squeeze her breast, playing with her nipple as she was licked. "More, David, more." She begged, moving the hand that was clutching the sheets to place on his head, pushing him further down into her cunt. David masterfully worked her cunt with his tounge like he was a seasoned muff muncher. He takes her clit into his mouth and gently nibbles on her clit as she presses his face further into pussy. He get her good ands wet then fuck her silly. As David pleasured her, Mina moaned and groaned each time he played with her clit, gasping as he lightly bit into it. "David!" She shouted as she lets his head go, her fingers clutching into the sheets once more. "I want you to fuck me. Please, stick your cock in me." The girl begged, hot and horny from David's expert tongue. "If that is what you want"he said as he stops his oral manipulation of her cunt. He roughly pulls her to him as he aims his cock at her hole then slide into her tight cunt as it was like vise onto it as he slowly move into her. "Nngh, David!" Mina moans loudly as he enters her tight cunt with his massive cock. It was like trying to fit a size twelve foot into a size seven shoe, impossibly tight but manageable. Her pussy walls hugged David's cock tightly, massaging every inch as he entered her moist wetness. "Yeah God you so tight but it feels so fucking great"he growls as he could feel every fiber of her pussy walls as he moves further into her as he start to move back and forth to help get some nice lube inside of her cunt as she stretches her hole. "Oh, God, David." Mina moans as he starts to move back and forth inside of her, her juice dripping down his huge fuckpole. "Fuck me hard, please." She begged, wanting to feel the man plowing into her pussy and to feel his hefty balls smacking into her ass. He starts to move faster and harder as he fucks her. He was going to fuck her raw and sore then do it tomorrow as they mate like beast as the first roars in the fireplace. It had been so long since he had a mate and his life was long and human companionship was needed. "Fuck me, David, fuck me!" Mina pleaded as she wrapped her arms around the muscular man on top of her, digging her fingers into his back. With each rough thrust that David plowed into her she groaned and gasped, bucking her hips a bit as his cock was fully embedded into her. "MMM"he moans as he pounds in and out of her faster and harder as he looked deep into her eyes but making sure seh couldnt look into his as if she were seh see nothing but death and pain that was hidden in his soul. "YOu like this huh"he moans as he was hitting her cervix with his thrusts down. Mina moaned right along with him as he thrust into her. "Fuck yes, I love this." She groaned, putting her hands on the small of his back to push him in even deeper inside of her. How she was taking all twleve enormous inches of his cock without breaking, she didn't know, but all she felt was pure pleasure. He flips her so she was on her belly as he starts to fuck her doggie style. He plows harder and faster with his thrusts. His hand slaps her heart shaped ass."I think this will work out fine"he said Mina's moans of pleasure only continued to get louder and louder as David fucker her brutally, slamming into her little ass with each of his thrusts. She groaned as she was spanked hard by David's powerful hand, a red mark soon forming where his hand landed. "Fuck me, David! Yes!" He started to savagely thrust in and out of her ass over and over as he grabs her hair."Do you like that babe"he moans her ass grips him tigher then her cunt did. Mina groaned loudly as his thrusts got more savage and rough. Her head tilts back a bit as he grabs her blond hair, her shouting in pleasure as she thrusts into him again. "Yes, David! God, yes!" She practically screams. "Here it cums"he moans as he unloads deep inside of her ass as he continues to thrust hard and fast never missing a step with his fucking. bump
l l » l - - - U C H I H A C E S T; { MINA & MROW }
He was surprised that Sasuke didn't show much of a reaction when he branded him. Then again, Itachi was pretty stoic in the sense that he was numb altogether. Pain didn't affect him anymore, and it might have been some heredity trait that Sasuke inherited to have him so immune to feeling that horrible sting. Or maybe he did feel it as harshly as normal people, but kept himself from crying out or squirming to preserve his pride. For his skill of endurance, Itachi felt the need to reward his little brother, but at the same time, he didn't want to let him go off the hook so easily. But he was, after all, his brother. If he was his actual lover or a person who wasn't connected by special blood to him, he wouldn't have hesitated to make his life a living hell. But, unfortunately, he needed to show mercy in this case. Sasuke was branded and pierced, and Itachi already destroyed his state of thought by also shattering Sasuke's hardened carapace. Sasuke was undoubtedly a submissive when around him, and it showed so obviously in scenarios such as this. His otoutou already suffered with a physical and mental beating today, and Itachi hoped that he learned his lesson enough for him to remember it in the future. Itachi carefully undid the leather accessory that was sloppily tied around his neck, using little to no effort to hoist the younger boy in his arms. Just like when he was merely in his pre teen years tending after a small child, Itachi carried him over towards the master bedroom and gingerly laid him down on the lavish sheets. To Sasuke's sore joints, the goose feathers would almost seem like clouds underneath his weary body. Now that his little brother endured his consequences, it was time for a bit of rewarding on his end. After all, Itachi was sort of bi polar. When he was furious and frustrated, he couldn't see anything but red. But once his anger evaporated, he was able to act like a protective normal older sibling. The only excuse for his slightly odd personality was that of stress, probably. But who really cared when Sasuke seemed to like both sides equally ? " Have you learned something today, Sasuke ? " he asked rather calmly, scooping a bit of cooling cream from a small container. He dabbed the white substance on the browning marks, smearing it around the scar to rid of the searing after pain. The piercing couldn't be helped. But in a few minutes, it wouldn't hurt so much. All he could do was disinfect it with alcohol, and Itachi did just that, using a gauze to expertly clean his punctured nipple. The teenager felt satisfied upon seeing his brother literally marked with his sick idea of ownership sealing. He left his naked as he ran his entire body over to search for any of the nasty signs that the old man left behind on his little encounter with his brother. There were several bruises and scratches, and Itachi's throat rumbled with a low growl when he came across each consecutive wound, muttering something incoherent about the bastard leaving his demented markings on his property ... " If you've learned your lesson, I want you to sleep. I also don't want for you to stay here. After what happened today, it's caused me to change my mind about keeping you in this neighborhood. " he murmured, brushing a stray strand of the other's hair away from his forehead to reveal his extremely handsome face. " Don't care if you stay with Naruto or Kakashi. I just want you to get the hell out of here. " he shook his head, obviously sounding as if he was really displeased with today's events, " ... I shouldn't have brought you along. " And was Itachi actually apologizing ? In the end, he did feel sorry for Sasuke. He now realized that the kid's intentions were good. The bastard was actually persuasive in a sense, so it made sense for his little brother to fall for that dirty scheme. He wasn't there to rescue him in time, and he'd been so blind to the other's helpless little pleas to come and save him. He felt so ashamed. He ran his fingertips over the light marks that showed on Sasuke's pale body, flinching and wincing at each one he came across. They weren't his doing, and that's what made him even more angrier. " I'm ... sorry, Sasuke ... I couldn't save you from that bastard. Left you there all alone with him. Came too late ... Your nii san was too deaf to hear you screaming, " he whispered, planting a kiss to the other's forehead. He switched off the lamp. Sasuke's pain had been so spread out, through the piercing and the first branding mark. Perhaps he'd numbed himself mentally, and gone somewhere else for the time being. It seemed more than likely that he just hadn't been paying attention, or he didn't have the effort to jump like he had before. Probably because he knew what was coming, and had prepared himself for it. At times like these, the boy really wondered what his brother did things like this for. Itachi was so damn... He was unpredictable. That, and he knew just how to break Sasuke down. The pain didn't affect him so much, but those horrid torments that Itachi threw at him made the boy feel absolutely horrible. He couldn't even begin to explain it. Having the person that you looked up to you constantly pushing you down. Sometimes, however, Sasuke liked it. It challenged him. But now, Itachi wasn't challenging him. Itachi was fucking him over. Both literally and metaphorically. The boy let out a small sigh when his older brother picked him up, but didn't do more than that. He tensed at first in Itachi's arms, but after only a few seconds relaxed. He could feel a cooler aura emanating from his brother. Things wouldn't be so bad... Although, Sasuke still thought he had himself in for a brutal possessive fucking. To his pleasent surprise, Itachi did nothing of the sort, instead set his younger brother onto the bed carefully, and tended to Sasuke's wounds. His dark blue eyes looked up at Itachi's red ones. Sometimes he wondered why his older brother put those in... Intimidation? It seemed likely. Sasuke liked them though, so it didn't matter. "Yes Nii san..." The boy murmured, shifting slightly on the bed. Oh the sheets were so wonderfully soft, and the bed itself was completely relaxing. There was no better place that he could have been after such harsh treatment. Oh it felt wonderful to have that cooling liquid on his burn marks, but the alcohol stung him, and he let out a small gasp. A deep frown was pulled across his face when he heard what Itachi had to say. No. He didn't want to leave somewhere else.. But honestly, this wasn't the best time to argue with his brother. "When will you come get me? Or when will I be able to get back here? When can I see you?" It was cute, how concerned he was about all of this. About how curious and horrible upset he was about wanting to know when he would be able to see his older brother again. The fact it was posed in the form of an apology only made Sasuke feel even more horrible. His brother never apologized. It was obvious that he was making some effort to smooth things over before they'd be seperated. This was probably the most surprisngly thing that he'd heard in a long time. Sasuke's eyes widened a little, and he swallowed. "Nii san..." That simple call of the other's name was filled with everything. It was telling Itachi that he was sorry himself, that he accepted the apology. "No... It's not your fault. I'm stupid." When his older brother turned off the lamp, Sasuke instantly moved closer to Itachi. "I don't want to leave. I want to stay right here..." He nuzzled against his older brother's cheek, kissing his lips lightly. Usually, Itachi avoided apologizing because it made him feel like shit afterward. He was an extremely prideful man, so he never confessed his mistakes to just about anyone. Sasuke was special, and his conscience merely persuaded him to believe that it was the right thing to say at a time like this ... It would cause Sasuke to understand. He was quite confused with himself, too. Staring at his brother, he didn't know what part of him took such a bold step forward to abuse him until he was almost lifeless on the sheets. He ran his fingertips over his right nipple again, wondering what he was thinking to pierce him so mercilessly like that ... and Sasuke was just a child ... Itachi felt so ashamed as an older brother. He sometimes hated being sadistic and bi polar at the same time. He couldn't even keep his emotions under control, and his inability to manipulate his own feelings made him so brutal and intimidating at the same time ... On the outside, Itachi Uchiha was a well known businessman stoic, organized, and proud. But on the inside, he was nothing more than a mess. He couldn't see Sasuke's face through the dark, but his petite figure was faintly outlined by the slight hints of streaming light, and as his little brother enveloped him into a warm hug and begged for them to stay together, Itachi couldn't help but chuckle at his sudden immaturity. When did Sasuke ever want to be around him ? Here he was, branded and pierced, and the kid still wanted to be with his freak of a brother ... Itachi was touched. He wanted to put Sasuke to sleep and head off for bed himself, but a part of him wanted to stay here with him ... to assure his little otoutou that he would stay by his side regardless of the situation ... He gingerly stroked the other's hair and returned the affectionate kisses, lightly chuckling, " I want you to stay away from here. When the semester's over, I'll come visit you. You ... said you need to be at school, right ? " Itachi decided to climb on the bed with him, the mattress carefully creaking under his knee's weight, " ... And you can show me your report card by the end of it. " Truthfully, Itachi wanted to fuck him. That unsatisfied part of his evil brain wished that he didn't have to be so brotherly. With a soft exhale, he slid into the sheets right beside his brother, choosing to stay there until Sasuke would fall asleep. That was how it was like during their childhood ... Itachi was responsible for watching over Sasuke almost twenty four seven. Itachi stroked his brother's cheek with his thumb, smiling through the darkness so that his rare grin wouldn't be so noticeable. " What would I do without you, Sasuke ? ... I'm so hopelessly in love with you ... You drive me insane ... " he whispered, holding back a yawn. Sasuke knew most of this. He'd been with his brother for so long, it was only rightly placed that they knew each other well. ...Maybe Itachi didn't know him much, because Sasuke usually kept himself hidden. But Sasuke sure as hell knew Itachi. He'd seen too much of his brother. Itachi wasn't afraid of showing who he really was, the sadistic and the sweet side. Sometimes, Sasuke blamed himself for the bipolar ness of his brother. Had their parents not 'died' then Itachi wouldn't have to have put on a stoic face for the rest of the world, and a sweet one for Sasuke. He wouldn't have had to seperate himself so completely from his emotions that it would drive him insane if he even tried to show them once. So in a way, the boy already understood, and really didn't need the apology. Sasuke shivered a little when he felt the fingers brush lightly over the nipple. He made it so Itachi could not feel this, however. He didn't know what would set his brother off again. Simply because he knew his brother did not mean that he knew when that horrible Itachi would come out again. Quite frankly, Sasuke was surprised that Itachi didn't flip him over and fuck him right there. Sasuke did not want to stay away from Itachi. He didn't even want to go back to school now. Not if he could possibly stay with his brother. He could be on independent study. Hell, Sasuke was sure that he could challenge all of his classes and graduate already if he wished it so! The boy frowned with the sudden chuckle, but did not pull away from Itachi. He clung to his older brother desperately. The boy shook his head. "No... That's That's far too long." Sasuke had seen Itachi a hell of a lot more often than that before this! An entire semester!? Was his brother fucking crazy? Why yes, yes he was. It was funny how incredibly similar the two of them were. Both of them were quite bipolar. Itachi was sweet, and then sadistic. And Sasuke was emotionless, then masochistic. It was such a complicated thing. They were both bipolar as such, but the complete opposite in that way. One enjoyed giving pain, the other secretly enjoyed receiving it. Any kind of contact was great for Sasuke's poor affection deprived body. Even when Naruto would pull him close while they were watching a movie... Or any of their other friends. He always relished such contact. In all honesty, Sasuke wouldn't have minded if Itachi fucked him then. Any possible thing that could keep Itachi from forcing Sasuke to leave would be great. And the boy had a feeling that the lack of sex would drive Itachi insane. "Nii san... Nii san." He didn't know what to say exactly. "I can't do that... It's too long." Then a few thoughts flew into his head, and he couldn't help but rid himself of them. "What about my ass? What am I supposed to do for so long without you? I can't wait that long... I'll need somebody to fuck me. You know what a slut I am..." The boy whispered into his brother's ear seductively, relaxing back on the bed against his brother. Itachi was touched to the core of his heart that Sasuke was so stubbornly opposed to the idea, but the future concerned him. How would he be able to lug his brother around everywhere ? Sure, he could leave him at home, but honestly, Itachi didn't trust the neighborhood they were in at all. His dear sibling would only prove to get in his way, and Sasuke's school affairs were only the beginning of his worries. Just a few days ago, he received the news that their 'mother' turned out to be no one but a fake, and Itachi was merely impressed at the woman's effort in trying to swindle them out of their house. How did that work, anyhow ? Kakashi was able to empty the house in less than a week, but Itachi decided to stay here to be near his workplace and the associate buildings around it. He considered sending Sasuke there for the time being with Kakashi supervising him in return for their larger accommodation, but it seemed as if his little brother didn't quite favor the idea. Kakashi wanted to ditch his condo and move into their vacant house, and Itachi willingly agreed for him to stay there if he didn't make so much of a mess while they were gone. Well, everything in a nutshell ? He was so stumped with his wide variety of choices that he doubted he could come up with a final decision until tomorrow morning ... but Itachi was still a bit firm on sending Sasuke away ... Sasuke knew how to configure and read his mind quite skillfully, now. Well, Itachi's thoughts only revolved around a few key subjects, and one of them had to be sex. Sex was addicting, really. It was also a positive and smart way for a stressed businessman like him to release his troubles in the form of hormones. He now learned that Sasuke too craved sexual contact more than often, and from hearing those feeble moans become louder, Itachi automatically knew that he wasn't the only one being pleasured in the intimate partner play. Truthfully, he wouldn't be able to control his urges to fuck something while on a complete sex hiatus, but Itachi hoped that he could manage. After all, Sasuke wasn't the only one who so shamelessly spread their legs for him. There were countless women who thought he was a bimbo to be seduced out of his money with their womanly charms, but he only fucked them to have his own share of relief. After their little rendezvous, Itachi didn't hesitate to kick them out on the doormat without so much as a farewell or a thank you. Sasuke would know his older brother's tendencies to bring voluptuous women home, only to cast them away after a bit of humping. His life somewhat revolved around sex, but he wasn't very keen on the principle of returning to the same partner over and over again. Different flavors added spice to life. However, he begged to differ with Sasuke. He could as well fuck his little brother anyday and never get sick of that delicious boy ... Itachi was sleepy just before Sasuke crawled up on him like some desperate kitty, and the older Uchiha instantaneously felt himself struggling to keep his horny side dormant. " You're ... such a little slut, Sasuke ... " he darkly whispered into the other's ear, his free hand involuntarily running down his brother's amazing curves to squeeze an abused cheek. " How about I just fuck you nice and slow tonight ? ... Deep ... " he murmured in a droning voice, using the tips of his fingers to gently run over the side of the other's cute length. " And if you make the right noises, my otoutou ... your nii san will let you cum. " he smirked. Of course, Sasuke didn't know about any of this. About how their mother was a fake, or how Kakashi had cleaned up their house. He didn't know any of this. Perhaps for the better. Because then the both of them would be stressing about it needlessly, when the best answer was right in front of them. The logical answer would be to send Sasuke away. The best answer, however, would be to keep him around. Itachi could fuck him, Sasuke would get the affection that he needed. It would all work out wonderfully complex and complicated. All in all, with Itachi's insistent obsessive watch over Sasuke, it wouldn't work out. But Sasuke could dream. And that's what he'd do. Sex was something that drove Itachi. It was the one thing that made his world sane. And Sasuke knew that. He'd known that when he was very small, when his brother would sneak into his room. Or when he was a little older, and his brother would bring home girls. Or a little older still, when Itachi would touch him at night, then hit him if he protested. Or now, when he would fuck Sasuke anywhere in anyway. There were no boundaries now. Itachi had spun completely out of control. And Sasuke loved it. "I am Nii san... I'm a horny little slut for you. You've made me realize... I can't live without you. Without your hot cock pounding at my ass," Sasuke practically sung into the older Uchiha's ear. A small 'eep' came out of Sasuke as he felt the other's hand squeeze his sore ass. Honestly, he didn't want to get fucked right now, but if it could get Itachi to stay, he'd do it. "Oh Nii sannnn..." Sasuke purred, leaning forward to push his hips up in the air like a seductive kitten. "I want you to fuck me... Make me mewl and whimper and moan for more. Because only you can..." A small hand moved down to grope Itachi's cock through the other's boxers. Was it just him or did Sasuke develop a natural knack for driving him insane ? His words were enough to erect his sore member in literally no time at all, and Itachi couldn't help but helplessly grind against the other's naked hip to satisfy his desperate need for immediate contact. Sex made him talk. Sex was talk for Itachi. The older Uchiha's throat rumbled with a predatory growl, his fingernails possessively digging into the other's waist in an effort to drag him closer if possible. He wanted to hear it louder. Sasuke's flattery was the only sound that successfully reached his ears and pleasured him nowadays, and Itachi sincerely felt as if his little brother would truly regret having aroused him this far ... Itachi was slightly convinced to keep his darling otoutou around just for the perks of having a fucktoy to screw at any time he wanted, but he would need a bit more of a persuasion for his decision to be absolute. Was this reality ? Where was the Sasuke who cursed at his very touch and protested at everything he tried doing unto his perfect body ? He loved this form of Sasuke as much as the little disobedient jerk he managed to tame a while back. He knew Sasuke was just another miniature version of him, but to have bent his pride in half and to keep him leashed like this really was a huge accomplishment. It took a bit of effort to keep him mewling like this, but in the end, Itachi decided that it was definitely worth the toil. Sasuke's voice was a mix of a dark whisper, sexy murmur, and an adorable whine. Every time Sasuke parted his lips to seduce him with a bit more of his experienced dirty talk, Itachi found himself wishing that he wasn't so properly dressed for the occasion. His boxers were becoming a lot more uncomfortable now. In a few seconds, Itachi climbed over his little brother and hovered over his bare body, stamping his elbows down on the sheets under the other's arms and at his sides. His lips were wildly exploring the naked area, covering the old man's marks with light ones of his own, overlapping them with his own nips, kisses and suckles. " Nnngh ... Do you deserve it, Sasuke ? " he teased, gingerly taking the other's chin between his fingers to direct his gaze into his face, " Have you been a good boy for me, otoutou ? " Now, this was all light foreplay. He didn't mean anything suggestive, of course. Itachi wanted to fuck his little brother more than anything. He didn't care if he deserved it or not, goddamnit ! But why pass up the delight of letting the kid soak in his own guilt for a little bit ? He was top naked, now, and his tank top was thrown off to the side somewhere. He smirked and scooped the other's lips against his own in a tender kiss, a snarl of sorts transferring through their locked mouths after his grope. Then, just as he was about to trail his kisses down further, his cellphone rang. Now, if he was some normal teenager, he wouldn't have given a rat's ass about incoming calls, but since he was a rather busy man, he was responsible for answering them. With a low grunt, he snatched the cellular device from the lamp counter and brought it to his cheek, muttering a low 'Itachi Uchiha speaking' into the phone. He sounded a bit husky, but he coughed to raise his voice an octave higher. When he recognized the shrill voice on the other end, his lips curled into a scowl. He was curling Sasuke's hair with his index finger under him, occasionally glancing down as if he really wanted to resume their little session. " You should've told me so a bit earlier, you bitch. " he growled, simultaneously stroking the other's cheek with the back of his middle digit. " I'm busy. I'll get to it later. Shut up, you whore. Don't fucking order me around I don't fucking care what he has to say ... Godfuckingdamnit ! " he yelled, throwing the disconnected phone over his shoulder. Women annoyed him to hell. With a dissatisfied grunt, he lifted his weight off of Sasuke and swung himself over the bed, bending over to the ground to pick up his discarded shirt. A report at midnight ? Sasuke had just recently found out how much he meant to his brother. Before, the poor boy had assumed that the constant picking on and such was simply because Itachi really, truely disliked him. He was just a toy. Something useless, that he only kept around because he could have some fun with it. But now, as Itachi ground up so desperately against hip, Sasuke knew he had some control. His words were his control. He'd had them before, but now he actually knew . The boy let out a slight whimper as Itachi's nails dug into his side, his eyes flashing to his brother's with just as much desperateness. He could deal with the pain and all of it. Because he liked it. He wanted it more than anything. It was the affection that he had been denied of. It was the only affection that he ever knew and living without it was like breathing without oxygen. Everything physically went by so quickly. Itachi was so fluid in his movements, he made the act of sex seem like one lovely dream. The actions were also so commanding, and just yelled authority. Itachi was the one single figure of authority in Sasuke's life and the one thing that he could hold onto. He squirmed under his older brother's affections, letting out pleased purrs. Sasuke nodded his head quickly to agree. He did deserve it. After such a horrible day, including a good act gone wrong, he deserved it. "I've been a good boy... A very good boy." Honestly, he hadn't. Especially with letting that old man fuck him. The simple thought made him curl up inside. It had practically been forced. An obvious smile was on his face with the kiss, and Sasuke's overall posture and expression made it obvious that he was pleased. This all changed however when the cell phone rang. It wasn't even displeased. It was more concerned than anything. Itachi seemed stressed... The end of the phone call showed him just what was wrong. Not the situation, but Itachi was going to leave him. Sasuke sat up with a groan, feeling the burn mark on his leg brush against the covers. "Nii san...?" He asked frowning as the other pulled on his tank top. "What's wrong?" He needed sex, and he hated it when business called in the neediest of times. With a grunt, Itachi slipped into his tank top once more, turning to inform the naked Sasuke to dress in light clothing and sleep. His voice turned icy and stiff once again, and his words were not suggestions but harsh orders. What difference would it make in their current situation if he sat down to talk it through with his younger brother ? It was better for Sasuke to stay out of business affairs like this. Itachi swam through the darkness, eventually shuffling outside of the master bedroom. He clicked the door shut behind him, and waited a few minutes on the other side to hear if Sasuke was shifting in bed and getting prepared for bed as he suggested. After standing there for what seemed like an eternity, he moved himself away from his bedchambers and headed over to the kitchen, tugging open the fridge door in frustration. He needed a bottle of beer, so he took only one out accordingly, sparing himself the risk of suffering from a nasty hangover the following morning. A single can wouldn't affect him at all but to put him in a euphoric mood. He popped it open, sipping the foam from the brim before moving himself towards his study room. He would eventually need to finish the said report, so he decided to type it up while taking a few swigs of his drink to lighten the mood. If he was feeling extremely pissy or if the hour still happened to be young, he would call one of his secretaries over to fuck his anger away. There was a noticeable difference between sexually getting it on with Sasuke or a woman. Even though it seemed as if he used his brother for immoral purposes, that wasn't the reason. He didn't want to use him to vent out his anger. Even if he did, he added a bit of love into his actions. When humping women, he held no significant emotions for them at all. He booted them out of the door by the time they would finish, so to say. Itachi slunk into his office chair, slamming the beer can on his desk. The paperwork was neatly organized in their appropriate folders, and the older Uchiha picked a specific binder from the corner of his work square and sorted through its contents. With his free hand, he tipped the beer can against his lips, consuming a long trail of the alcohol. Even as he was skimming over the written sentences of the first draft of his report, all he could think of was fucking Sasuke on the desk. That was how the old man took him, right ? Why not re enact the scene to overlap its horribleness ? A few days back, he fucked a woman on his desktop calendar, and the smudges of their sex was well shown on the boxed dates. The sex was unsatisfactory. He took a longer swig. Sasuke heard the orders, but that didn't mean he had to listen to them. If he didn't, then he'd probably be punished, but at the moment he didn't care. When Itachi left Sasuke just lay there on the bed for a few moments, his arousal totally forgotten. All he was thinking about was Itachi. How his older brother could just... Leave him like that on a whim. He knew that Itachi definitely didn't want to. But the fact that he did... Well it definitely didn't help any of this. He was still hard. Itachi was probably still hard. Why hadn't they just fucked before Itachi went to go finish that report? It made a hell of a lot more sense. Itachi must have just been too pissed to see past that. He had gotten up when his older brother left and pulled on some short boxers and a black wife beater. Sasuke had settled back down on the bed, but just looked at the ceiling, thinking about it. Itachi... If he stayed was this the way it would be? He'd be stuck here in bed while Itachi went off god knew where. Sasuke would always be the one left behind. He would come second to Itachi's wants and needs. And that really pissed him off. Sasuke had a right to be angry, thrown to the side so easily. Logically he should have seen past it. But Itachi was appealing to him with emotion, so how could he not look at this emotionally? After a while of sitting there, the boy got up to go to the bathroom. He opened the door carefully, glancing out into the hall. He wondered if his older brother had heard him. But what did it matter? Itachi was probably too busy anyway. And Sasuke needed to get rid of his hard on. So he stepped towards the bathroom. Normally, Itachi wouldn't have went into tipsy mode until three or four more beer cans, but it seemed as if this one was powerful enough to send him into a fit of hiccups. Now, the great Itachi might have been under too much stress for this to have happened, so he tried to press his annoying hacks of breath down by stopping the air circulation to his lungs. When that only made him dizzier, he placed a palm over his face and delicately breathed in and out. He was already drunk by the time he tried staggering out of his office to head to the restroom. There, he would wash his face to snap back into his senses. But upon shoving the door open, he found Sasuke, and a moment of awkwardness engulfed them both before he moved into the cramped enclosure and decided that he was totally in the mood to fuck him now because work was at the back of his delirious brain. " Sasuke, " he droned, leaning against the tiled walls for support. As if his hormones almost went out of control, his crotch noticeably erected in his undergarments without much effort. " Your nii san needs your ass. Bend over. Now. " he snarled, suddenly flying into his sadistic mood again. What position was Sasuke in to deny his request, anyways ? Didn't he want to stay ? When his brother was too slow for his preference, he jerked the other's shoulders and pressed his entire body down over the lidded toilet, propping the other's ass up in the air for it to be available for him. " You want to be fucked, don't you, Sasuke ? " he asked teasingly, his drunkenness clearly revealing itself with the slur of said sentence. However, Itachi wasn't blind to the obvious fact that his darling otoutou needed some release with his own throbbing hard on, too. He wasn't up for foreplay or teasing tonight. He needed a vicious and raw fuck. " How about you raise your ass for me, and maybe I'll consider fingering that tight slutty hole of yours in preparation. " he offered, knowing how well it would hurt for him to thrust his entire length in without much readying on the end of the taker. In one fluid motion, Itachi ripped the other's boxers off of his skinny legs, freshly slapping his right thigh as it was exposed. Even if Sasuke didn't want it, he'd rape him to get his relief. His puckered entrance really set him off, and Itachi was almost tempted to just plug his member in without much warning, but instead, he reached around the boy's body and skimmed his fingertips against his brother's lips, smirking, " Lather them up nice and wet. Lick however many fingers you want stuffed in your ass. " With his command said, he smacked his brother's ass one more time, keeping his free hand firm on his rear as if to hold him still. Sasuke hadn't known his brother had been drinking, had he, he might have not dared get up and in any sight of his older brother. Itachi was rough and brutal when he was tipsy, Sasuke had learned this from experience. He'd gone far too many nights with a split lip or a smack to the face to not know that. When he realized that his brother was coming back, he perked up a little, but then also panicked. Itachi could be there to just go to the bathroom, or possibly to come back and see Sasuke. That could be good or bad. Itachi might be willing to help him. Maybe he changed his mind. Or maybe he was pissed with Sasuke for trying to get rid of the hard on without his help. When he heard the other's voice, his dark blue eyes widened, and he nodded his head. He was just about to bend over too when Itachi grabbed him and shoved him into a bent position. Sasuke was far too hard to even think about protesting about this. And he'd been sitting in his room thinking about Itachi pounding his ass for a while before he'd gotten up to take care of his erection. The first thought that came to his mind was that this could be possible leverage. He wanted to stay. And he wanted to be fucked. He yearned for it. His whole body ached for it. The boy wouldn't protest, but he would point out the fact that his brother was drunk. "Nii san... Have you... Had any alcohol?" He asked, with a slight frown, not phased much by the fact he'd been forced down like this. The hormones in his body had given him somewhat of a high as well. The boy obeyed quickly this time, raising his ass in the air and curving his back downwards to make himself look a little more sexy, and get into a more comfortable position. Sasuke had to think about this a little. He didn't want all the fingers shoved in his ass right away. But he opened his mouth and lathered two well with his saliva. "Nii san..." Itachi would probably fuck his ass raw, lube or no lube. The other was drunk, and he usually got increasingly violent when he was drunk. "Nnhhh..." He wiggled his ass a little. "I want it Nii san." That didn't stop Sasuke from wanting it, however. " Just a little, otoutou ... Just a little. " he smirked, the dribble of beer slicked across his lips proving otherwise. He did only have one can, but tonight, only a few swigs was needed to totally set him on edge. He was behaving and breathing like a rabid animal, now, his crimson tinted eyes swirling with insanity and lust. Usually, when dosed with more than his usual tolerance of alcohol, he tended to be a bit abusive, but rather fortunately for Sasuke, he was more focused on having sex than pleasing the sadistic side of himself. Ah, yes. Sasuke was obeying his every request, and like a perfect and obedient cat, his back arched to boast that splendid s line of his ... he knew the exact reason as to why he returned to this specific body and face more than often. It wasn't because he didn't have anyone else to fuck, but because Sasuke was just so damned irresistible when it came to sex appeal. The vice grip on his brother's ass tightened as he felt Sasuke's tongue lap two of his slender fingers, making them drip with his natural lube. " You're such a whore, Sasuke ... two at once ? " he asked with a mocking sneer, pressing his slick fingertips to Sasuke's awaiting hole, waiting for the right moment to push it through. Without much mercy, he drilled them in, bending them at his first knuckle so that the rounded hooks would stroke his prostate even more efficiently. Itachi was experienced to know where Sasuke's sweet spot was located, now. He was able to find that distinct area without much effort, and with confident thrusts, he alternated the scissoring motions of his fingers, listening for a desperate and needy reaction from his pleasured younger brother. It wouldn't be long until he too would moan in unison with his adored otoutou ... Sasuke expected this type of thing from his brother. It was not a strange thing to see a very successful businessman drinking his worries away every once in a while, and honestly Sasuke was used to it with Itachi. Whenever he did actually see his brother he was either angry or a raging drunk. Neither were pleasant circumstances. The boy glanced back to look at his brother, shivering at the view of his own ass displayed so easily. Itachi could have him any time he wanted. At least that was what Sasuke planned now. Had things been as they were before, he'd play hard to get. But he wanted to stay with Itachi and if the only way of doing that was offering himself up at every given chance, he would do it. Sasuke was surprised when he didn't receive a slap to the ass or some other random spot. Itachi was surprisingly calm, albeit quite horny. Sasuke wasn't quite sure how he could do with two fingers at once, but he planned to adjust. He was already quite horny from the time before, and he wiggled and whimpered when Itachi pressed those wet fingers against his entrance. He wanted to impale himself on them. "Nii sannn..." It was a little whine, a plea for something he knew would be wonderful. Or at least thought. The boy jumped as the fingers were suddenly jammed into his ass. Oh what a feeling. How painful, but how incredibly sensual. Sasuke let out a groan and held onto the sides of the toilet in front of him, his eyes fluttering in lust and pure surprise. Itachi had him figured out. He could even find Sasuke's prostate without thinking! "A Ahh..." It was a needy and almost pitiful sound. Fingers were nice, but by the tone in his voice it was obvious that they were not enough. Not by far. "Nii san..." The boy tilted his head again to look at Itachi out of the corner of his eye. "F Fuck me... Grind into me and make me... Ah! Make me complete. I can't live wi Nnn... Without you Nii san..." Seeing his own little brother squirm and writhe underneath him for attention was just too much of a fantasy to consider reality. Would anybody else see this side of his darling otoutou ? Probably not. Sasuke was just as black hearted as he was. In school, he was probably referred to as the boy nobody could have because he was just too superior for them. Sasuke wanted to be so much like him, but would Itachi ever submit to someone anyone ? No. Sasuke failed to follow in his footsteps, but he decided to enjoy this while it would last. Though he did love putting down a stubborn Sasuke for everything he did, it was always nicer to put aside their differences and make passionate love to each other, right ? Sasuke was just too gorgeous to pass up. It was no wonder why he was so popular and at high demand in school. No one was worthy enough for him, so he might as well settle with his sex god of a little brother, he thought. And how right he had been ! Here he was, stamping Sasuke against the toilet, mercilessly thrusting his fingers into his abused ass, and he was loving it so much. He never recalled a time where sex was this pleasurable. Usually, it was more or less of a stress relieving method. With Sasuke, he actually felt the passion, heat, and love of it all. Hearing Sasuke's desperate pleas for him to provide the next biggest thing, he willingly dragged his slender fingers out and grinned, spreading his full ass apart to expose his tiny pucker to him. " Such a little slut, " he shook his head with a degrading chuckle, leaning his fit hips forward to rub the domed tip of his member against the awaiting hole. " But you're such a good little boy, too ... Do you want to be with your nii san that badly ? " he teased, making his mockery very obvious. And all the while, the tip of his throbbing dick was sliding against that fingered hole, occasionally nudging itself in to withdraw again. It was advantageous on Itachi's end because he knew how to control his hormones quite well ... even in a drunk state, so he could go about sliding his member up and down his ass without penetrating. But where was the fun in that ? " Come on, Sasuke ... show your nii san how much of a good whore you are ... it's right there ... " he darkly murmured, running his fingertips along the boy's curved spine, " ... All you have to do is push back ... You do want me to love you hard, deep, and fast, ... right ? " Sasuke was incredibly gorgeous. He was also an incredible jackass. Nobody would ever see him writhing other them. Ever. Unless they were Itachi. Even then, that person that Sasuke became really wasn't Sasuke. It was just a pent up store of all of his neediness for attention, and all the neglect he had faced over the years. It really wasn't his fault that he became a total slut at Itachi's simple whim. Perhaps somebody, like Sakura, might see him hovering over them, pounding into them. But never would they see him submitting. Sasuke didn't submit. He was all about keeping up his image. And that was one of the most important things to him. Which explained why Itachi pissed him off sometimes. Because Itachi drew out that impossible part of himself that wasn't for anybody else. But it was quite obvious that this side of Sasuke really did love the attention. Oh how nice those fingers felt in his ass, even if it was sore from what that old man had done. He groaned in pleasure, pressing his ass back on the hands. A loud whimper left his mouth when the fingers were pulled from it. The sound was completely pathetic and needy. Itachi must have realized Sasuke needed it by now. He was controlled by his hormones and crazed emotions. "Nnhh. Yes Nii san.." The boy agreed. He was a slut, a complete slut for Itachi. A shiver traveled down his spine as Itachi spoke to him in such a teasing and taunting way. He was far beyond getting angry about it. "Yes Nii san... I need I need to be with you. You make me so... Nn. Complete." Sasuke's hormones were much different than Itachi's he had little control over what went on with his body. Which might explain why the first time Itachi had touched him he'd gotten hard. "Mmnnn !" He purred, pressing back lightly on Itachi's cock. He wouldn't do it completely until he got permission. And when Itachi finally muttered those dark words, Sasuke thrust himself back on Itachi, impaled on the other's hot, throbbing cock. "Oh Nii sannn.." Itachi could care less if his brother dominated other people just like he did to him. All that mattered was how the twerp acted around him. He expected total submission from Sasuke almost every time with their intimate moments. There was no way he would have him. He always saw his darling otoutou as some sort of a helpless and vulnerable puppy, lost and forced to build a fake and actually fragile carapace to protect his sensitivity. Itachi saw through Sasuke's weak exterior into his inner child, knowing that his little brother actually yearned for the love of his older sibling just like when their parents were still alive. Instead of their mother and father, Sasuke did chase him around more than often, tagging along at his heels or always gripping onto the hem of his shirt without his own sense of direction. Here was that adorable kid now, grown up in the form of some muscularly thin pre teen with a handsome face to die for. And that voice that purring deep voice ... it was irresistible. Sasuke may strongly deny it now, but the fact that he raised this beautiful body was undeniable and inevitable. And financial support didn't even start it. This ... This was rightfully his. Suddenly, the idea of keeping him on a collar wasn't so bad anymore. His property needed to be marked, and Sasuke didn't seem to be so against the idea, too. After all, he was the one who suggested it. Oh, how wonderful he'd look in a sleek black collar with his name imprinted in handwritten manuscript silver ... One hand firmly grasped one side of his otoutou's thigh, and the other came down to harshly smack his ass, reddening it rather quickly as his brother lustfully impaled himself upon his throbbing cock. Itachi hissed, his hips automatically jerking forward to get deeper within reach in the other's delicious ass and tight canal. He rolled his hips around, getting himself situated. " You're just going to be my little fuck toy for tonight, Sasuke ... If you be a good boy and please your nii san well enough, I'll let you cum. " he promised, unwrapping one of the sturdy bands from his low ponytail. Reaching forward, he wrapped the elastic strap around his brother's member, making sure it stopped any flow or circulation of blood or semen. Sasuke probably would fuck somebody else at some point or another. Just to see what it felt like. And just to carry out his ways of falling into Itachi's shadow. He acted like his brother frequently, so of course he'd fuck somebody else up during the process. Itachi likely wouldn't mind, but if Sasuke's priorities changed from Itachi to another who was under Sasuke. . . Well then he had a feeling that Itachi would quickly put him in his place. And his older brother would not be hesitant about that either. But when Sasuke was around Itachi, Itachi was the most important thing in the world. Sure the few weeks before this Sasuke had been cold and defiant. And at times he'd still be like that. But Sasuke had found something that was incredibly... Healing? And fullfilled his deepest of needs and wants. It went beyond even lust and hormones. It went into neglectfulness of the past. Sasuke did have a sense of direction, but it was usually stripped away from him either subconsciously by himself or Itachi. Because deep down beyond all of his surface defiance, Sasuke knew that Itachi owned him completely. Sasuke had advised about the collar when he was drugged with his own fear of Itachi. He wouldn't wear a damn collar. What kind of fucking fashion statement was that? Not one that he wanted to project. Itachi had fucked him up enough, he'd marked up his property enough. "Oh Ahhh...." He moaned, which transformed into a loud whimper as the other smacked his ass. It jiggled lightly under Itachi's hand, which made it look even more appealing. "Oh Nii san..." He droned, his eyes fluttering as he turned his head slightly to side glance back at his older brother. The boy moaned when he felt his brother buck forward. "Ahh... Yes Nii san. I want to be your little fuck toy tonight... Tonight and whenever you like. Mmm..." He purred. He was not expecting the quick hair tie wrapped around his cock. That sensation made Sasuke groan in something along the likes of pain and need. The boy pulled forward, slipping up to the tip of the other's member before he slammed himself back down onto it. "Nii sann.... I promise to be a good boy. I'll be a very good boy for you..." He pulled forward slightly, pressing his older brother's entire cock into him. Indeed, Sasuke would look undoubtedly attractive in a collar. Of course, he wouldn't be so cruel as to send him out wearing such an embarrassing accessory, but when at home, he would have to make him wear it at all costs. The black neck wrap would prove to beautifully compliment Sasuke's raven hair and pale complexion, so Itachi was half anxious to see his adorable little brother wearing it sooner or later. He already looked appealing to the maximum, but that damned collar would indefinitely accent his style and make his hotness bound off of the charts. Itachi imagined how decently seductive his younger sibling would look in a personal collar, helplessly sprawled out before him like this ... it made his alcohol clouded senses to go wild. Keeping a death grip on the other's firm hips, he pulled him down whenever he wanted to thrust deeper without much movement on his end, and every time his member felt the searing white heat of the other's body, he hissed in pleasure. Yes, a leash would also allow him to tug Sasuke's entire body on his cock whenever he wanted with a careless pull of the reins. But would the ID etchers believe that his dog's name was Sasuke ? " You sound so willing, Sasuke, " he teased, stopping all of his motions all at once. To halt his otoutou from pushing back on his precious member without permission, he kept his hips stable with his hands, reaching over with one to rummage through the contents of the medicine cabinets. Behind a couple of orange bottles, Itachi was able to pull out a very small vibrating love bullet. There was a switch that controlled the vibrations, and the connected wire was attached to a very thin bead that was barely three or four centimeters in diameter and width. " I ordered this just for you, otoutou ... I was hoping that you'd be so happy to try it. " he solemnly nodded, pulling out his cock from the other's ass. He seated the younger boy on his rear and leaned Sasuke's back on his naked stomach, spreading his brother's legs apart with his free hand. As his tied member was exposed to him, he carefully ran his fingers along the side of it, smirking as he used his elbow to press back on his shoulder. " Looks a bit small for you to put in your ass, huh ? " he smirked, lubing it up with a bit of his saliva. " It'll be perfect for this little hole here, though ... " Itachi murmured, pressing the domed tip of the vibrator to the slit at the top of Sasuke's member. Slowly, he pushed it in, giving him no mercy to slide a few inches of the wire inside, too. " That'll keep you busy while I fuck you back here, " he demonically grinned, slowly twisting the dial of the contraption so that it buzzed ever so quietly as he forced his little brother on all fours again. " Now lift your ass up for me. " he murmured, slapping his thigh to trigger him to obey. Well then, Sasuke wouldn't care much. He was just concerned about how he looked around other people. Not Itachi. Itachi had seen every side of him. The desperate and the needy. Why would he dare deny it to Itachi? Well, he would of course. It was in his nature. But deep down they both knew that it was something undeniable. Sasuke's insistence that it wasn't true only proved that he didn't like the fact, not that it wasn't true. "I Mmmh..." Sasuke moaned as his brother pulled back on him, having Sasuke slam the other's cock inside of him. Nobody could fuck better than Itachi. Sasuke had made up his mind. Just when he thought that the other had bested his last time, Itachi surprised him. Things were always spicy. There was always something new to try. Even if potentially the idea was very, very harmful to Sasuke's health. When he was like this, drunk with lust, he'd probably say yes to just about anything. "I am willing Nii san... I want you that much," he purred seductively, with sudden eagerness and happiness. When Itachi stopped the thrusting and kept Sasuke's hips completely still. The boy mewled needily as he squirmed on the toilet seat cover. What a bastard! He paused when he was spoken to, glancing back to see exactly what Itachi was talking about. The boy tilted his head, then let out a very displeased noise as Itachi pulled out. His ass instinctively gulped hungrily as the other's cock was withdrawn from his ass. He was willing! He wanted Itachi to fuck him already. And the horrid throbbing in his cock was not helping any of that. Of course what would happen next would make everything incredibly worse. Or better. It depended on how you looked at it. Sasuke watched once he was set down on his ass. He seemed content enough, until Itachi indicated on what he was planning. The boy's eyes widened and he made a move to possible get away from Itachi, but that was quickly abolished as Itachi pushed the thing in. "Nii sannn..." It was an angry and pained sound. He wasn't used to that kind of a sensation, nor having something inserted in there. Sasuke sat there for a few moments, trying to get adjusted to the damn thing, and then Itachi had to turn it on. A yelp came from his throat, quick and unexpected. "Fuck... It It's..." It was something he couldn't describe. He was shivering with both need and overexposure to all of these sensations. And being as such Itachi's words really didn't register with him. The boy mewled a few more times, then after a few long moments Sasuke pushed his hips up for Itachi. Sasuke's pleasure was indeed his own. As his dick slowly buried itself in his beloved brother's full ass, his head rolled back, and a manly purr rumbled in his throat. He swore, then dug his fingernails into the tender flesh of his otoutou's waist, using the opportunity to pull the other's ass onto his abnormal length until the hilt was completely covered. His gritted his teeth and lowered his upper torso to hover over the suffering Sasuke, using his light kisses to relax the other's tense muscles. He hated the fact that he could not properly relish in the sadistic satisfaction of observing his brother's twisted facial expressions of pain as he made love to him. He was almost confident that it was love. He felt different when ramming his cock into Sasuke's ass, and however morally forbidden it was, he couldn't get enough of it. He had all the women and men he could ever want, but his desires lay on fucking Sasuke and only him. It was a horrible addiction, really. There was no one else but the Uchiha third generation to please him. " My sexy Sasuke ... " he whispered, scandalously licking the shell of the teenager's ear under him, " How would you be able to live without me ? ... " Really the question was, how would he be able to survive without him ? Sex was one added bonus, but being without his inspiration would surely cause his downfall. Sasuke wasn't aware of it just yet, but Itachi Uchiha's only weakness was him. That was why Itachi found it absolutely hilarious and pathetic that his naiive otoutou would go through so much trouble to defeat his older sibling when he could easily work around the lines to get to his ultimate demise. Someday, Sasuke would understand, and Itachi would be ever so proud. But as of right now, he was in charge. That fateful day wouldn't come in a long while. " I'll make this memorable ... " he nearly threatened, thrusting once or twice before completely lifting Sasuke off on all of his limbs. With ass and crotch still connected, the older Uchiha rammed the younger against the bathroom wall, pressing him to it aggressively. One hand held the vibrator's remote, and the corresponding arm also held up one of Sasuke's legs, giving him better access to his abused ass. His pelvis moved much faster like this, and he was drilling into his poor brother now, using his free arm to wrap around the other's slim waist to pull him back once in a while. His teeth, on the other hand, were scraping against Sasuke's shoulder, mercilessly biting down on the skin. Itachi was literally giving his all. With force, Sasuke's body was probably moving up and down, and the older Uchiha accommodated the wall to let the other's member lean against it to evoke a rubbing sensation. To torture Sasuke even more, Itachi twirled the dial to the highest number, five, and listened to the contraption madly buzz, suffocated in the other's scent and the process of them exchanging body heat. But this wasn't enough. No, he needed and wanted something from Sasuke, and he was going to get it. He rummaged through his pockets, pulling out the same slick vibrator he took out from the drawer in the living room during the couch incident. He kept these objects in handy, of course. Smoothing the tip of it with the thumb of the hand that was wrapped around Sasuke, he positioned it right beside his moving cock, pushing it in without much mercy. It was harder to stretch such an impossibly tight ass, but when it was lodged inside, he kept it still by hammering it in with his crotch, and repositioned his arm around his brother once more. Then, the thrusting continued. Itachi moaned, groaned, and made all sorts of aroused noises as he pummeled his otoutou, and all the while, he kissed his brother's neck, growling, " You like that, Sasuke ? ... Your slutty ass likes all of this attention ... I'll make you bleed ... If you want to cum ... scream. Cry. " The poor boy groaned as his older brother's cock was completely buried in him. Itachi was not being merciful at all. Sasuke was just going to have to deal with it. Begging and such would get him nowhere with his older brother, unless that was what his older brother wanted. And from events that would happen soon, it would be obvious that Itachi did want it. The boy wiggled under the harsh treatment of the skin on his waist. Itachi's hands were so powerful. There would probably be bruises left. That was a bad thing only for Sasuke. Itachi didn't mind. In fact, he liked seeing his brother with marks of 'ownership' on him. He groaned and let his blue eyes flutter shut. Oh if only Sasuke knew what power he might have been able to acquire. He was still stuck as a teenager, with the same idealistic principles of one. But as he grew he'd realize just what power he had over Itachi, and probably use it against his older brother. "I wouldn't Nii san..." Well of course he really could live without Itachi. In fact it would probably be a hell of a lot less mentally damaging if he did. But Itachi was the only person Sasuke truly trusted with things. He could tell Naruto or Sakura the superficial things, but Itachi was the one who knew what truly went on with him, within his mind. And especially his body. Itachi knew his body like the back of his hand. "Memorable, Nii NNN..." He let out a discontent noise as his older brother moved him against the wall, pressing him to it. Sasuke could feel it then, and for a second it was almost as if he woke up from that lusty sleep. Itachi was hurting him, fucking him into the goddamn wall. And all Sasuke could do was be complacent. He was about to say something when the older turned up the dial on the vibrator, and the poor boy was left a moaning mess. His sounds were a combination of pleasure and pure fear of pain. This pleasure was very much bordering on pain. And in the position he was in, Sasuke couldn't see what Itachi had planned next. The boy paused in his panting and even breathing when he felt something else press up against his ass. He turned his head to look back, but by the time he did that it was too late. "Nii sann!" He thrashed, which really didn't help the situation. His brother had the vibrator completely pressed into his ass now. There had never been a feeling of being stretched so much ever that Sasuke had experienced. "You Ahh... It hurts Nii san!" He groaned. It sounded like he truly believed that his brother might stop simply because of this claim. "Nooo..." That was a cracked noise, and the boy started squirming again against the rough thrusts of his older brother. A choked sob left his throat. It wasn't hard to cry. It was hard to do it in front of Itachi. So he bit it back and let out another groan, biting his bottom lip hard. He didn't want to cry. " No ? " he teased, leaning forward to roughly bite his younger sibling's earlobe. He loved this so much, and he was sure that Sasuke was secretly feeling the same. Maybe, he got off on pain like Itachi, too it might be a possibility that sadomasochism ran in their blood. " Didn't you want me, Sasuke ? Didn't you want your nii san ? " he asked in a teasing purr, firmly gripping the tender flesh of his brother's waist as if to prompt the right answer from him. " Are you going back on your words ... ? " he growled, his voice sounding a lot more hostile now that he was a bit offended by how the other was showing such cowardliness to face his cruel treatment. He loved whimpering, but a Uchiha was more than what Sasuke was showing him. He pushed nudged the vibrator in deeper beside his throbbing member, fingering the switch behind it to turn it on, too. It buzzed, and Itachi sucked in his breath, feeling his own cock tremble with excitement. Repositioning himself comfortably against Sasuke, he moved into him a lot slower, making sure to hit the other's prostate efficiently and directly with the head of his full erection. " I'm disappointed ... " he mocked a frown, whispering against the other's ear, " I thought that you liked it the way I did ... Your ass is too soft to handle it, huh ? " Sasuke had not thought there might be a double penetration. That damn thing inside his cock was enough pain to last a lifetime, but it was also pleasurable. He felt so damn full though. His brother's cock, the vibrator in his cock, and the vibrator inside him. The poor boy felt like he might explode. But Itachi's assumption was correct. Sadomasochism did run in their family, because despite the pain, Sasuke was experiencing a high and pleasure that was undeniable. It was a pleasure beyond pleasure. It was psychological pleasure. For some reason he got off on having his older brother violate him and take him in unconventional ways. For some reason he liked it when he was treated as nothing more than some toy, but then again he also liked the few moments when Itachi was sweet. They all balanced out. "I I do want you Nii san..." The boy groaned, his eyes fluttering as he bit the back of his bottom lip. "You just... Ahhh. It's too much!" He seemed to truly believe this too. It was hard to hide it anymore. But as to whether or not if it was too much pleasure or pain, he didn't say. "F Fuck... Nii san !" He moaned in pleasure, like the slut he was. The boy couldn't deny it when Itachi hit effectively against his prostate like that. "No Nii sann... Keep Ahhh. Keep abusing me..." Sasuke pressed back, that familiar drug like high returning with the buzz of the vibrator. "Keep fucking me 'til I can hardly stand it. I need it..." Too much ? Oh, he loved screwing with Sasuke's mind. Messing with women was one uninteresting hobby, but taking up the challenge of puzzling his own little brother was totally amusing. Secretly smiling against the back of the other's neck, he rode through the maddening buzzing of the two vibrators lodged in Sasuke's body, hoisting his torso to support him. " Then maybe I should just keep you on edge for the entire night until you beg at my feet for your release. " he evilly grinned, liking his own idea of cruel abuse. He rammed into him at blinding speed now, holding onto his brother's waist for support as he rapidly slid in and out of Sasuke's abused hole, sparing no time to grant the other's wish. Then, he came just as fast, nearly moaning his brother's name as he did. As his slippery secretions lubricated the penetration a bit more, he was able to fit in a few more thrusts before slowly pulling out of his brother, leaving the vibrator in. " Get on your knees, " he ordered, stuffing the sex toy to its hilt to keep it there. " Now, if you suck me off well, I'll let you cum, but if you don't clean it up all nicely ... you'll be staying like that. For the whole night. " he threatened. Itachi did have quite a bit of experience with playing mind games. In fact, he was practically the master of them. Sasuke had been able to deal with them for a time, push them away or ignore them completely. Sometimes he'd even play along. But when it started moving onto games of the body... Well his teenage hormones just couldn't handle that. They jumped at the chance to be touched, even if it was in a way that was 'unnatural.' The torture of the mind accompanied by torture of the body was too much for the boy. He quickly fell into the games that his brother played with countless other people. "Oh Nii sann..." He groaned, shaking his head quickly. "No... Please." That last word was a pathetic plea. He could feel his hole tightening around Itachi, giving some last attempt at self protection. He wasn't begging for his brother to stop, and his body wasn't doing that either. The boy was begging for his brother to continue. He wanted to play the game now. Sasuke wanted to be the main puppet in Itachi's little demented plays. It was such a lovely feeling too, having Itachi cum inside of him. The boy didn't wait long to get on his knees like his brother asked. Sasuke grabbed the other's cock softly between his fingers, rubbing the base as he licked the remaining cum off of the tip. "Mm... I'll do a good job Nii san..." He took more of the other's cock into his mouth, sucking harshly on the tip before he wrapped his tongue around the head, purring. When Sasuke willingly did as he was told, Itachi's lips curled into a cat like smile, and a pleased expression washed over his face. He'd be able to enjoy this for a bit more, he guessed. Wrapping his lanky fingers around a bunch of the other's hair, he pulled the smaller head roughly towards his member, forcing him to swallow it about halfway. He rolled his head back and released a moan through pursed lips in pleasure, sighing contently. Then, his crimson eyes flickered open again, and he glanced down at his brother's desperate efforts to please him, a hand moving down to tip his sibling's chin upwards to face him. He was such a mess. With ass and lips covered in cum, Sasuke really did look destroyed and helpless. With his thumb, he wiped the musky substance from the corner of his mouth, grinning evilly at the fate of his inferior sibling kneeling before him, " You like being the center of attention, don't you ? ... " He slapped his face to the side, expecting Sasuke to get up without much trouble. After all, he was used to such physical abuse. " If either of the toys slip out, your head's going in the toilet. So make sure you bounce on that dick nicely so it's all stuffed in your ass. " he teasingly murmured. Sasuke knew that his brother liked it when he was completely willing. His brother also liked a little talking back. So he was a perfect balance of the two. Despite the fact Sasuke was desperate right now, he could tell just what type of mood Itachi was in, and what type of a play thing he wanted Sasuke to be. Right now, Itachi wanted that willing boy. So, Sasuke was going to be that willing boy. He was a bit surprised, however, that his brother got hard again so quickly. Well... This was Itachi they were talking about, and this was also Sasuke. Itachi couldn't resist his younger brother. Sasuke's eyes fluttered lightly as his older brother wiped the cum from the corner of his lips. The boy was about to answer the question before he was hit square on the cheek. A small whimper left his lips, and he sat back to press the dildo in a little deeper before he stood up quickly. Part of him wondered why his brother did this. He wondered why exactly it mattered it the toys slipped out of him or not. But it probably figured out in Itachi's head perfectly. " Y Yes Sir... " He wasn't even sure why he murmured that. It was a tone he took when Itachi got really angry with him, which was probably what he was a little afraid of at the moment. He was wondering if Itachi was going to sit down, or how exactly he was meant to bounce on the other's cock. It was more of a warning or a precaution for later events. The fingers that stayed intertwined in the other's hair grasped tighter, then in one abrupt motion, he jerked Sasuke's head away from his dripping member, smirking. It was evident that his high from the one can of beer was working its magic now, because he seemed as abusive as always. He released his sibling's head, or more like cast it powerfully to the side, then moved onto his knees, moving Sasuke's body so that he was on all fours in front of him. " You barely have enough strength to make yourself stand. And who am I to go against my otoutou's earlier request to fuck the living shit out of him ? " he teased, spreading the other's legs mercilessly to draw out the vibrator that was plugged between those delicious thighs. Slowly, he popped out the other toy and unwrapped the rubber band from Sasuke's strained erection, allowing him time to work to his climax. Itachi crooned, rubbing the tip of his cock against his little brother's ass, not quite ready to shove it in just yet. Instead, he pushed in two fingers, making sure it was properly lubricated, and just to ease himself up against his prostate once or twice. " You're such a little whore, Sasuke, " he narrowed his eyes, moving in a third digit to stretch him out after everything he'd gone through. He moved his stuck fingers in a slow rhythm, most likely allowing his little brother to accustom to the movements for a while. " You want more ? " Itachi evilly asked, looming over Sasuke's form to plant a kiss on top of his head, " What does my otoutou want ? ... Tell me ... " He carefully withdrew his fingers. Sasuke let out a displeased mewl as Itachi tossed his head to the side, expecting his younger brother to move. The poor boy was so exhausted that he wasn't sure exactly what his brother wanted. Really, somewhere back in his subconscious, Sasuke was thinking about what stamina Itachi had. How amazing it was that his brother could get up so quickly in so many successive times, one after the other. There was still that lustful cloud around him, telling him that he needed to relieve himself of this erection that he'd had for a good long while. That was forgotten when the toy was pulled out of his ass. "Nnhhh..." He couldn't help but groan. Sasuke had grown quickly to the sensation of having something in his ass, and when it was stolen away from him so quickly he felt empty. The removal of the other toy however had him bucking needily. The question that Itachi proposed was not a good one to ask. Sasuke wasn't sure if he could last through anything much more than a good jacking off. But unconciously his ass pressed back against Itachi's cock. Any doubts about being fucked were thrown out the window and smashed on cement when Itachi's fingers brushed against his prostate. The boy was panting. It was clear he was tired, but still he chose to push through this. Mainly because he knew that if he didn't, Itachi would either ignore him, or beat him. "Nii san..." This was a pathetic attempt at telling his brother he was tired. "I want to cum..." He turned his head to look back and up at his brother. "Please..." This time, abiding to his darling otoutou's pleading wishes, he slowly inched his cock into the other's awaiting hole, grunting as his consciousness was being devoured whole, too. He gripped Sasuke's hips to keep him still, then when his length was completely buried to the hilt, he slowly started pumping himself in and out. His movements were deliberately slow but powerful. He had enough strength to make Sasuke turn inside out, but for some reason, he wanted to experiment with passion. By moving in and out and hitting the other's prostate effectively with each thrust, he could very well bring about an orgasm the same way he would pummel into him at lightning speed. The sensation was different. Itachi leaned over Sasuke and softly nipped at his shoulder, licking along his amazing shoulder blades, too. One hand was stamped on the ground to support his weight, and his other was trailing along Sasuke's lean side. He moved at a slow pace, then would occasionally speed up whenever he felt his own orgasm nearing. He panted over Sasuke's shoulder, then moved his fingertips over his brother's pierced nub, fiddling with it carelessly. The hand that was planted on the ground clasped over Sasuke's. After about a minute or so of constant thrusting, Itachi rolled his head back and boyishly groaned. He quickened his speed and ended up releasing his seed deeper than he had aimed for. Relaxing for a slight second and feeling his brother's walls tighten around him, he sucked his bottom lip, drawing in the last ounce of his lust to nothingness. Swallowing, he stroked the back of his sibling's hand and kissed Sasuke's ear. " You know I love you, Sasuke, " he confessed, letting those words settle into his brother's head. Not bothering to collect their clothes, he pulled out and held his otoutou up against his chest in bridal style. He craned his neck and pressed a gentle kiss to the other's lips, moving out of the bathroom with a slight stagger. When they reached their bedroom, he laid his spent sibling on the comfortable sheets, then draped an extra sheet over him, barely smiling through the dark. Sasuke hadn't exactly wanted to be fucked. He just wanted to cum. But if this was the only way that Itachi really wanted to give it to him, then he'd allow his brother to do it. Realistically, there was no way that he could stop his brother. At least not now. Even if he was at his strongest, he probably wouldn't be able to hardly push Itachi away. Physically he couldn't, and mentally was another thing. The thought of pushing his brother away had been annihilated. Itachi had been that one person that he'd forced out of his life, but now he realized that Itachi was also the person he needed the most. The younger Uchiha was rather surprised however when Itachi didn't just fuck the living hell out of him. He was going at a nice pace, really making Sasuke feel every thrust against his prostate. "Nn... Nii sannn..." A melodious moan escaped his plush lips. The lovely licks at his shoulder only added to this. It was like Itachi was actually trying to make love to him. Sasuke's fingers shifted slightly, so he could better feel Itachi's over them. "Mmnn... !" The boy purred as he felt Itachi cum inside of him. It was always such a lovely sensation, and it lingered. Just a few seconds after Itachi had released his own seed, Sasuke spilled himself, his own seed dripping onto the floor. "Yes Itachi..." Sasuke murmured back after a few moments of the words boiling over in his head. "I love you too..." The boy was extremely happy to see that his brother's mood had changed. It had gone from that sadist to someone so completely affectionate. The fact that his brother picked him up and carried him into the bedroom was even more of a plus. Poor Sasuke probably wouldn't have been able to do that if he tried. When laid down on the bed, Sasuke's arms instinctively reached out for his brother. "Thank you..." He murmured, shifting slightly. "I mean thank you... For all of this..." Itachi's naturally dark eyes narrowed as his brother affectionately responded with his own 'I love you'. He felt his heart clench, but it loosened rather swiftly when he reminded himself that he couldn't get too emotionally attached. Sasuke didn't know, but he knew that their relationship as lovers wouldn't last very long, especially with everything Itachi had been so crazy with hiding from his younger sibling. Sasuke was unexposed to it all while Itachi was suffering in the background, taking all of the hits for his beloved brother in hopes that he wouldn't ever have to face the harsh truth. With dimmed eyes, he gazed at Sasuke's extended arms, then gingerly grasped the other's right hand with his own, gently squeezing it. " Sleep, Sasuke. " he strictly, but soothingly ordered, leaning in ever so slightly to plant a kiss on his forehead. He withdrew, then completely turned off the low lamp that was on the counter next to the bed. He didn't mind the 'thank you' very much, but he secretly kept it in his heart, knowing that going through such hardships would prove to be a worthwhile thing if he could protect Sasuke from everything in return. He collected his discarded boxers from the foot of his bed, then tugged those on, retying his hair. Now that he put his sibling to bed and released most of his stress, he was now able to finish his work back at his office. " Nii san has to finish his work, " he tiredly responded, stroking the other's hair once before he turned around to leave. He shut the door behind him, then sighed, deciding to have another can of beer. Sasuke was far too tired and out of it to see the expression that was produced on Itachi's face after he'd declared his love for his older brother. Had he seen it, a chord of worry would have been stricken in him. There were plenty of things that expression could mean. One Itachi didn't love him as much as Sasuke loved Itachi. Two Sasuke had done something terribly wrong to upset his older brother. Or Three Itachi had been less than pleased with Sasuke's performance that night. One was highly unlikely, and three fell under the category of two, so the only possible thing that might go through Sasuke's head was that he had done something to upset Itachi. That was, he would only think that if he had seen the expression, and he hadn't. The boy was rather upset that his brother didn't eagerly move in to hug him. Instead he got the squeeze of his older brother's hand. Sasuke squeezed back and let out a little purr as Itachi kissed his forehead. Really, he didn't need to be asked to sleep, he was already exhausted. "Night Nii san..." Sasuke mumbled, struggling for the words to force them out of his relaxed lips.He wanted to tell his older brother that he would see him in the morning, but the poor boy had already drifted off into a pleasant sleep. A pleasant sleep that would hopefully carry him all the way until morning the next day. That morning, before the sun had the chance to rise, Itachi collected his paperwork and headed out. Before he did, though, he tucked the sheets around Sasuke and planted a chaste kiss to his forehead, receiving some motivation from admiring his sibling sleep soundly to get him through his day. To keep Sasuke company, he visited Naruto and dragged him out of his house to shove into their apartment. He threatened him to stay, then decided against his first contemplation to stick Sakura in there, too. That pink haired bitch really got on his nerves sometimes. Most of the time, actually. Still feeling a bit uncomfortable with keeping Sasuke with his blond friend, he was unable to leave for a few minutes, then eventually left. Naruto, after being rudely kidnapped to see who he wasn't really ecstatic to meet, collapsed on the apartment's couch a few minutes after Itachi departed, then took a prolonged nap. The younger Uzumaki, however, wasn't able to stay unconscious for long, and at noon, he shivered, then moved into the master bedroom where he found Sasuke curled up in his sheets. It was actually snowing outside, and however amazing Sasuke's new home was, he spited the Uchihas for not investing in a heater. Or if they did have one, why not turn it on ? He found the nearest source of warmth a fireplace, and turned it on, crouching in front of it with his palms held out in front of him. He turned his head over his shoulder slightly, then began to ponder why Sasuke had left without telling his best friends first. For a few days, he had assumed that he wouldn't be able to see his raven haired friend again. Then Naruto remembered Itachi, and knew Sasuke's manipulative older brother might have had something to do with his absence. Abandoning the hearth, he crept over towards Sasuke and eventually slipped in to the sheets beside him, never guessing that he was naked. He was just in it for the heat, after all. With a content sigh, he closed his eyes and nuzzled closer to his friend. Sasuke slept a long time. This was partially due to the fact that Sasuke had fucked him so roughly last night. It also probably had to do with him just being exhausted since he'd been taken from home. He was homesick, and as much as he hated to admit it he really did miss that blond idiot. But now he wasn't thinking about that. Now he was asleep. And he stayed that way for quite some time. He didn't even hear Itachi leave the apartment, nor return with Naruto. Had he, he might have kicked the blond out before anything could possibly happen. Anything like... Really the raven haired boy hadn't become that cold. Itachi had done a good job of tucking him into the covers. He'd also left a nice little kiss on Sasuke's forehead, but he'd been too dead asleep to realize or feel it. He didn't even know his brother was gone. In fact, when he woke up only a few moments later, he thought that Naruto was his older brother. All he could feel was somebody else pressed against him, and it was a correct assumption to think that it was Itachi. How could Naruto get to the apartment anyway. In fact, Naruto hadn't been that far from his mind, but he would have never guessed he was sleeping next to the other. "Nhh..." Sasuke shifted slightly, then turned over altogther. His eyes fluttered open, and he blinked once or twice, to get the liquid in them flowing. What he saw surprised him and terrified him. "... Naruto!?" He jumped up into a sitting position. It should be obvious that he was Naked now, because his bare thigh could be seen. "What are you doing here?! Oh my god!" He quickly pushed the blond away, grabbing up the sheets around himself. Abandoning the hearth, he crept over towards Sasuke and eventually slipped in to the sheets beside him, never guessing that he was naked. He was just in it for the heat, after all. With a content sigh, he closed his eyes and nuzzled closer to his friend. Naruto really did feel warm for a few minutes before his second rude awakening. Sasuke proved to be a great source of warmth and comfort, and though he forbade himself to nuzzle closer, he wanted to, and probably just assumed that Sasuke had preferred not to sleep with his top on. When his raven haired friend startled him in his sleep and eventually shoved him off of the bed, he clung to the sheets, ending up tugging half of it down with his body to the floor. " God, what's wrong with you ?! What was that for ?! " Naruto angrily muttered, rubbing the side of his head where it had joined with the carpeted ground with a painful thud. By the time he clawed his way back up to the mattress, he realized that Sasuke was naked, then willingly threw himself off of the bed once more, screaming like a violated and terrified girl. " What the hell ?! Gah, put some clothes on ! Oh, d'ah ! " he grunted, covering his eyes immaturely with his hands. He sped away from him, then ended up turning his head away completely from his friend, hyperventilating. " It's not like I wanted to be here, you know ! Your brother just kidnapped me ! " he explained, bending over and fumbling with Sasuke's littered clothes before throwing it over his shoulder at him. He crab walked over to the hearth again, then glumly squatted down in front of it, muttering a string of swears. Sasuke had also enjoyed Naruto's warmth for the small time that they had been laying next to each other. But he found it was short lived when he realized just who was cuddling up to him. In the back of his mind somewhere, he felt guilt for pushing Naruto off of the bed so quickly. He could have done things in a nicer way. But emotions had grabbed hold of him like some distinct hand, and Sasuke couldn't help himself. As Naruto dragged the sheets to the floor, Sasuke also had to move closer to the edge of the bed to make sure he could be fully covered by the retreating sheets. "Hey! You're the one who just decided to lay up all close to me! You should have thought of the consequences! This is my house! I can wear what I want when I want... God...." Sasuke growled, rolling his eyes at Naruto. Sasuke was about to get up and get some clothes on with the sheets around his waist, but the words that came from Naruto's mouth made him freeze where he was. "Itachi brough you here...?" He murmured with a very obvious frown. Within a few moments he had pulled the boxers on that Naruto threw at him. "Hey... I'm sorry Baka." Sasuke grumbled. "Why the hell did he bring you here?" Naruto hadn't ridden with Itachi in his god damned Convertible and accepted being dragged away from the comforts of his own apartment to deal with Sasuke's endless ranting. It wasn't his fault that he was stuck here in the middle of nowhere with him, so why was he making the situation as if he was the one guilty ? " What's wrong with that, huh ? " the blond grunted, jerking his head around so he could properly shoot Sasuke a death glare, " I didn't know you were naked ! " He wanted to say everything else that he had bottled up for so long to his supposed 'friend', but he decided against it and crossed his arms defiantly over his chest, wondering why he had obliged to Itachi's request. Oh. His favor had been more like a threat, huh ? He couldn't say no to those venomously glowering eyes. " How should I know, you jerk ? " he growled, picking himself up in front of the cozy fireplace with an obvious gurgle of frustration, " He just dropped me off and told me to keep you company. " He sniffled, then rubbed his hands up and down their opposite arms for warmth, turning around to fully face Sasuke now that he was somewhat clothed. " You know, you're just like Itachi, too. I don't know what he did with you, but you guys are exactly the same. " he spat, obviously hurt. Sasuke would have let everything die down after that. Then maybe he could find the thermostat and make the apartment warmer, make some food for the both of them, or order some pizza if he could find some money. Maybe they would just leave it on Itachi's tab? Sasuke didn't know how this whole thing worked. Sasuke's eyes widened a little at the death glare. Really? Was that completely necessary? He'd just woken up in bed naked with his best friend! How could that not be awkward?! How could Naruto expect him to just take it all in stride? Well, the blond wasn't called an idiot for nothing. "Hey!" Sasuke growled, it rumbled in the back of his throat. "I don't know why you're being so " But the raven haired boy cut himself off when he heard Naruto's reply. He was just like Itachi? No, no he was not! Within a second Sasuke was off of the bed and had grabbed the collar of Naruto's shirt. "Don't you dare say that I'm just like him! I'm not a bit like him, Naruto!" It was a loud hiss, he was obviously serious. "Don't you EVER fucking tell me that I'm like him! You don't even know what he's like!" That last comment had been said in a negative way. It was obvious that Sasuke was alluding to something that Naruto was not yet educated of. The boy sighed then let go of Naruto, plopping back down on the end of the bed. Naruto really hadn't expected for Sasuke to lash out at him like he did. He wasn't expecting for the younger Uchiha to be so offended. He thought that the two always battled and competed with each other for perfection ? When his collar was seized, he gulped, then closed his hands over Sasuke's, blinking like a deer in headlights as he squirmed free of the other's death hold. Huffing, he observed in bewilderment as Sasuke plopped back onto his bed, letting the boy's rant sink into his head slowly. He didn't know that his friend was so upset about being compared to Itachi. Maybe when he accused him of being like Itachi's clone, he had meant it in a degrading way, but now, he regretted it. It obviously hurt Sasuke emotionally for him to hear that, and Naruto found himself harshly biting down on his lower lip, summoning courage to speak to him again. " Hey ... I didn't mean it ... You're not like Itachi ... " he murmured, taking a hesitant seat next to him. He placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder, then whispered, " ... What's he like ? " Maybe it was a stupid question to ask in such a situation, but if Sasuke ranted about him enough, he'd feel better. Naruto wanted to be a shoulder for Sasuke to lean on. Sasuke was never the type to cry or show a state of emotional weakness in front of him, so the blond wasn't really getting his hopes up. Itachi had picked the worst time to bring Naruto over. It really was the worst time. Especially after last night... The way that Itachi left in the morning. Sasuke understood it, but he couldn't help feeling used. That, and stupid Naruto was always so compassionate. He was just a bleeding heart. This didn't help Sasuke at all, Sasuke who always wanted to keep his emotions inside. He never wanted anybody to see them. Only Itachi had seen them, and it had been so incredibly terrifying to let another part of Sasuke come out in front of even his older brother. One of Sasuke's biggest fears was to be manipulated, and Itachi did just that to him, almost every second of every day. Sasuke didn't speak for a while, but he didn't push Naruto away either. In fact he leaned in a little closer to his friend, but just so it was barely noticeable. "I don't even know why he took me away..." That was a lie, Sasuke did know. Or he thought he knew. He thought that Itachi was being selfish, and he wanted Sasuke all for himself. But then why would he bring Naruto over to give Sasuke company. "He... He just..." Sasuke didn't know what to say, or what he was going to allow himself to say. "I don't know. He's controlling." In such emotional and awkward moments, Naruto couldn't do anything. Sure, he tried a million times to reassure Sakura when she was down in the dumps, but he utterly failed each time and ended up making her sob even harder. Sometimes, when he would rarely succeed, he ended up causing her to laugh or smile everytime he did something ridiculously stupid, but Sasuke never showed such signs of happiness unless he sincerely felt it. He didn't know how to cheer him up. So Naruto merely kept his hand on his shoulder and comfortingly pat it, pursing his lips together in hesitance as he parted them to speak, " If it was like that, you should have talked to me ! I would have kicked his ass for you ! " Honestly, Naruto was frightened of the older Uchiha, too. There was something undeniably terrifying about him that kept him quiet like he had been on the awkward car ride here. Knowing that his method to crack a smile on the other's face had turned rotten, he wrapped his arms around Sasuke's torso and enveloped him in a light embrace. He stroked the back of his raven haired friend's head and made the hug a bit tighter, sighing. " You're stupid, you know that ? Hiding it from me won't do anything for you, baka. " he huffed, not minding the fact that he was hugging someone who was half naked. Sasuke actually found it kind of cute how Naruto constantly tried to cheer people up. Naruto was the kind of person that couldn't stand to know if you were upset or mad, especially upset or mad at him. He'd spend hours begging for you to tell him what was wrong, and if it went past that he would get angry and try and beat it out of you. Sasuke knew this from experience. He always brushed Naruto off on these wild attempts to cheer him up. Although Naruto was strong, he wasn't going to deny that. He was strong both mentally and physically. Sasuke was fit, but he was rather skinny. Naruto was just muscular enough not to look scrawny. "Mmph." Sasuke replied quietly to the supposed joke. They both knew that no matter how much strength Naruto had, he couldn't fight with Itachi. Itachi could just take Sasuke away again, or beat the crap out of Naruto. Itachi could even make Naruto disappear forever if he really wanted to. Normally the younger Uchiha would easily reject such affection or sympathy that was thrown at him, but due to the prior nights activities he was in no mood to push somebody away. Itachi had fucked him and just left. He was feeling rejected, and any amount of affection might help cure the anger and insufficient he felt inside. So instead of pulling away from the touch, he actually leaned into it. Part of him was screaming to get away, because it felt an extreme loyalty to Itachi, but another part told him that Itachi had left Naruto here anyway. Itachi should have known that Sasuke would be tempted, especially after being pushed away the night before. He hadn't gotten any affection after that fucking except a kiss on the forehead. "Nnh... Naruto..." Sasuke scooted a little closer, wrapping his arms around the blond's neck. "Do you like me?" He asked quietly, leaning in to brush his lips over Naruto's neck. It almost seemed like an accident. It felt everything had been going normally up until Sasuke had a change of heart. And there was Naruto, assuming that nothing would ever go incorrectly in their unbreakable world, until his friend pulled a loose thread and unraveled the whole piece. The other's unexpected proposal and his rushed actions almost caused his one dimensional mind to explode. Had this been why Itachi had sent him here ? Just so he could deal with a slightly insane Sasuke while the older Uchiha could relax and not have to worry about his mentally wronged brother ? Naruto blushed madly as his neck was embraced, and as soon as the other's lips locked on to his sensitive neck, he flew into panic mode, but froze on the spot. It took a while for him to reactive himself, but when he did, his arms had involuntarily wrapped around Sasuke tighter, and his hands were already roaming on their own. Up and down. " Nnghh ... what the hell, Sasuke ? " he snapped, pulling away to gaze into the other's zoned out eyes. He really wished he could say he wasn't interested and never would be, but he couldn't bring himself to do just that. Sasuke was a god. He appealed to both women and men, and Naruto, unfortunately, wasn't an exception to being sucked into the other's Uchiha charm. He knew he shouldn't have, but he was kissing him now, running his hands feverishly along the other's thighs. His kisses were sloppy because he hadn't bothered to give anyone else one, but his effort shone through. He pulled away to take a breath, but now, he was lowering the raven haired boy onto his back, not quite understanding what his body wanted, really. " Y Yeah ... I I like you ... " he shyly stuttered. Sasuke hadn't meant for this to happen. He'd never meant to hit on his friend, nor imply they could be any more than friends. Because really, with Itachi around, they couldn't. His older brother was far too possessive and far too jealous to even let Sasuke associate with Naruto half the time. But part of him had always loved the blond. It was confusing now, but it hadn't been confusing before. It was confusing now because Sasuke could easily tell the difference between different types of loves. But Itachi had fucked him up in that aspect. Now brotherly love was also sexual love. So what was friendship then? His subconscious was struggling with what to do or how to react, so it went back to the main thing it knew how to do, which was to go off of instinct and emotion without much thought. So he did just that. He leaned into the lovely, yet inexperienced touch of Naruto, and urged the other boy on with his own movements. He gave the other encouraging little gestures with his fingers at the back of Naruto's neck. All the while Sasuke gave this interested movement while Naruto kissed him, even though Naruto wasn't the most experienced kisser. He didn't mind though, because Sasuke had just started this a week or two ago as well. Itachi had taught him quickly though, he had seen fit to do that. Because Itachi needed a partner who could be at least half as great as him at everything. "Mmmnn... You do Naruto?" Sasuke didn't waste time in eliminating his only item of clothing, which were his boxers. It was obvious that he was turned on from the situation. "Nnh... How much Naruto? How badly have you wanted me?" He would have understood everything if Sasuke claimed that his moment of bursting affection for him had been nothing else but a one time thing. He wasn't too confident about his shaky feelings either, so he couldn't promise any set emotions towards the other boy at the spot. However, he cared for Sasuke as a best friend ... and that's what made the hanging offer so tempting and fruitful at the same time. He couldn't decide whether to violate him or not, but when Sasuke so seductively offered him that chance, he took it immediately and got down on him almost possessively. " Sasuke ... you high on something ? " he inquired worriedly at first, but when the raven haired boy so directly threw away his boxers and made his crotch and ass fully exposed to him, he blushed madly and had to look away immaturely. This felt so wrong ... " Y Y You okay with this ... ? " Naruto asked, glancing at the naked boy out of the corner of his eye. Who else would receive the chance to see Sasuke Uchiha stripped down and lying so willingly on their bed ? He always assumed his friend was more of a dominant type of person, but he guessed his body tone sort of seemed more suitable to be ... what the hell was he thinking ? Even though he was harshly denying taking the initiative, he was kissing the other's chest while feeling total guilt, and just as he was about to spread the other's legs, he glanced down and noticed the branded initials. " H Hey ... when'd you get a tattoo ? " he muttered, poking at the burnt letters on the other's skin in a husky voice. Sasuke couldn't say that he loved Naruto. As a friend he did, sure, but relationship wise... Well he didn't even know why he had that on the mind. In fact, it wasn't even on his mind. His relationship was with Itachi, if that could even be called a relationship. The proper term for it would probably be ownership. A relationship would be equally endorsed and loved by both sides. Itachi had practically forced him into it, and though Sasuke liked it at times, overall he did not endorse it. What he wanted now was just sex. He wanted to forget all of his problems and the anger and abandonment he felt, and he wanted Naruto to just fuck him. He should have seen the problem in this statement. There was no possible way that he could get away with having the blond just take advantage of him without having to hear Naruto's inner moral struggle voiced out loud. It was quite irritating actually. And it was bringing Sasuke's underlying thoughts and morals up to the surface once more. Really, what was he doing? Why the FUCK did Naruto have to walk the fucking RIGHT path all the time!? "Nnh... Yes... Just shut up." He growled just as huskily at the question. Of course he was fine with it! He was the one who had initiated it in the first place! These words were quickly covered up with a loud groan however. He bit his bottom lip as he felt Naruto's finger come into contact with the letters that had still not completely healed yet. The skin there was still sensitive. "Nhhh..." Silently he looked up at Naruto, and it all came down right then. That question was what killed it. He couldn't lie. He couldn't use his friend like Itachi had used him. "I ... I didn't get a tattoo..." He murmured. "Itachi. Itachi did it. He..." Sasuke had never shown his discontent about anything to Naruto. But now it really didn't matter. He wanted to get out his anger and sadness somehow, and if the blond wouldn't fuck him, he'd just tell Naruto what happened. The boy drew his hands up to grab at Naruto and draw the other closer, but this embrace was not sexual. It was purely needy and afraid. "He punished me Naruto. He's a bad man... You should leave. Or else he might hurt you too." It was only after he said these words did he realize that if Naruto left he would be alone once more with Itachi. Naruto knew that sticking to his morals would only prevail over lust and anything else sinful. He doubted Sasuke really wanted this, and it really didn't take a genius to realize that he was just emotionally needy, but was covering it up with his sexual desires. So when Sasuke proceeded to spill his discomforts to him, the blonde only listened intently and bent over the bed to fetch the other's boxers for him, his own temptation to fuck his best friend evaporating as quickly as it had come. For a minute, he couldn't believe his ears when Sasuke confessed to him that Itachi had been the one to brand him like this, then it all made sense. His raven haired friend looked so miserable, terrified, and broken. Naruto was speechless for the remainder of the time, then cautiously, he embraced the other boy with as much love as he could muster and comfortingly nuzzled his lips against the other's shoulder, hoping that his consolation would be helpful. Now, he felt horrible. Ssauke was being treated like a caged bird with no free will of his own whatsoever. He was owned branded. Naruto found himself hating the older Uchiha for torturing Sasuke like this ... it only made him grit his teeth and seethe in anger. " It's all right, Sasuke ... I'm here, 'kay ? " he murmured, rubbing the other's back in an awkward manner. That was until Itachi's voice spoke up from the open doorway of the room. He'd been eavesdropping, of course, and hadn't made his appearance until Sasuke broke out into a fit of confessions right in front of him. The two teenagers were too rallied up in their own personal feelings for each other to notice Itachi leaning against the hinges of the door, his arms crossed over his shoulders and an expression of disappointment obvious on his face. " Bad man ? Is that all you could come up with, otoutou ? Why won't you tell him instead of the cold, hard truth ? That you've been a bad boy ? " he grinned, making his way over to yank the blonde off of him easily. Now that Sasuke was uncovered, he kept his eyes peeled for Naruto possibly lashing out at him, then tugged his brother up by his hair, harshly slapping his face to the side right afterwards. " You made it clear yourself that you were mine. " he deviously smirked, flicking his chin lightly in Naruto's direction, " Or were you only using him to sate your sexual desires ? " It was that exact attitude that Sasuke admired so much. He knew that Naruto was strong, much stronger than he could ever be. He would always be a prisoner to his brother, to the fact that he wasn't strong enough to defeat his brother, and now he was a prisoner physically as well. Yes, he'd come along willingly, but with everything psychological going on under the surface it was really questionable if he was in his right mind. It was something akin to Stockholm Syndrome. That, and years and years of being neglected and mentally abused. Sometimes even physically. So really, was Sasuke to blame for any of his actions? In Itachi's eyes, of course he was. He'd deserved it all along. It was surprising though, that he found so much consolation in telling Naruto. Not because of the reaction he got from Naruto, because that was undoubtably awkward, but because of the fact he was admitting it. Even after the few words from his best friend and the awkward rubbing of his back, Sasuke hadn't realized that there was somebody else in the room. He really should have, because he'd grown so used to Itachi's presence as of late. The second before Itachi spoke, when his brother took a breath, he knew that he was there. And the words that came out were completely humiliating. His head shot to the side, and for a second he moved to push Naruto off, but in just a few moments after the blond would be thrown off of him. Sasuke leaned up with a growl when Itachi so carelessly tossed Naruto to the side. There was nothing he could do about that however, because Itachi was on him like flies on shit. A yelp left his kiss bruised lips as Itachi slapped him, and he avoided looking at Naruto. To be thrown out into the spotlight like that in front of one of his closest friends was terrifying. Especially when it was something so taboo and frightening they were speaking of. "I was not... I am not..." He was at a loss for words. "You've brainwashed me!" He growled, raising an arm to harshly grab Itachi's that was holding onto him. "You hurt me..." Naruto, as strong as Sasuke assumed him to be, was actually flung off like a thin sheet when Itachi seized him by the arm to unexpose the other boy. Honestly, the blonde hadn't expected for the older Uchiha to be so abusive, but when he properly felt the vice grip on his arm a few seconds ago and also connected it with Sasuke's horrified expression, it was obvious that his friend had been enduring tougher shit. A few times, he lashed out at Itachi, but the older man merely flung him away without much trouble, and returned to verbally ruining Sasuke with every profanity term available for degrading a person. " That's not fair ! He doesn't want this, you bastard ! " the blonde yelled, his back pressing against the headboard of the bed in slight aniticipation for what might be thrown at him if Itachi found his statement to be offensive. Itachi managed to twist his arm free of Sasuke's little hand and held him by the hair again, now ripping away the sheets entirely to uncover his nude body for show. He deviously smirked, then brought his head closer, tilting his own in a mock gesture. " Brainwashed ? That's not the right term, otoutou. It was completely willing on your end. Completely. " he assured, his free hand rummaging through the pocket of his pants to fish out a small audio recorder. It had probably been hidden in his clothes while they were getting it on, and everything from Sasuke's moans to begs were permanently captured in the device. He wagged it in front of his little brother, then clicked 'play'. The device whirred into gear, then their voices rolled by, and it was obvious that one was Sasuke and the other Itachi. He left the recorder playing for Naruto to absorb it all in, then he kissed Sasuke as he drew his chin forward, smirking. " Are you really going to disappoint your nii san ? " he asked, carefully running his fingertips over his pierced nipple, then down to the burnt initials on his inner thighs, " You're mine ... " Sasuke was completely horrified that Itachi was tossing Naruto away so effortlessly. Almost like he was a toy or something not completely human. It made Sasuke angry, really angry. This was his best friend that they were talking about here! The boy's eyes were wide when Naruto continued to fling himself at Itachi, until finally he stopped. Really, that was what Sasuke wanted. He wanted Naruto to stop. He wanted Naruto to stop and leave. That was what he had wanted from the very beginning. Did he not tell Naruto to get the hell out of there? There was some solace in the fact that Naruto knew now what he was going through, but still it was painful as well. He didn't want the blond to pity him. Sasuke let out a cry when Itachi pulled at his hair and tilted his head back. "Nhh..." He strained to look from his older brother to Naruto. That was completely unexpected. It took even more of his strength to shake his head, then growl at his brother. "You !" He squirmed in his brother's hold, lashing his arms out at the older Uchiha. Naruto would never look at him the same way after this, it didn't matter how it went. Sasuke had thrown himself at Naruto, and now Naruto was hearing all of this... "It's not true Naruto! It's not! I'm not a slut! He... He..." But Sasuke couldn't speak anymore, he let out a whimper as the other rubbed his nipple, and then his inner thigh. "Nnhh..." There was nothing he could do now, Itachi was taking advantage of his fragile state and his hormone ridden body. And his best friend was sitting there watching. The horrified blonde couldn't decide whether to attempt at protecting Sasuke from his brother, or sit back and observe in terror and disgust as Itachi proceeded to sexually harrass his brother in ways he wouldn't ever imagine the older Uchiha to do ! He wanted to shield his eyes, but he couldn't look away, and especially when Sasuke's unmistakenable strained voice and especially his words played from the audio recorder, he flushed and blinked rapidly. He didn't know who to believe anymore. The evidence was clear, and Sasuke whimpering and not refusing strongly against Itachi was only causing him to become suspicious. He didn't notice, however, that the crimson eyed predator was now nearing him, and in one swift motion, he had the blonde's arms confiscated and tied to the bedpost with what seemed like his belt. For an accessory, it served as an excellent binding. Naruto struggled, but couldn't think of any swears to shout, because he was in such a state of shock to actually care. All he could do was sit and stare dumbly for now. Then, finally, he writhed against the headboard and thrust his upper body forward, growling, " Hey, you sick bastard leave Sasuke alone ! " Itachi glared at him, of course, but looked unpersuaded as he loomed over his naked little brother again, his tongue slicking his upper lip in clear gloss. He leaned down and nibbled on the other's lower lip, traveling towards his neck to suckle on a particular area there, aiming to leave a love bite of sorts for it to be there forever. He stopped in the middle, though, managing to create a red and irregular shape there before he stroked Sasuke's hair lovingly, then purred, " Sasuke ... don't listen to Naruto and show me show me how much you want to be with your nii san ... " he grinned, pressing light kisses against the other's ear, " Make me proud ... and maybe ... I won't have to rape him. " Sasuke wanted Naruto to just leave the room, or if he couldn't do that to just shut his stupid blond mouth. Because he knew that all Naruto would do was irritate Itachi, and that would make the entire situation at least twenty times worse. But Itachi didn't seem like he could anger easily now, he had everybody where he wanted them. The raven haired boy should have stopped Itachi when he went towards Naruto, but it all happened so quickly he couldn't even begin to think about it. Sasuke squirmed in Itachi's hold, letting out a snarl when he realized just what Itachi did. "You bastard! Let him off of there!" But his own shouting was interrupted with Naruto's. He wanted to cry. He really did. He wanted to break down and bawl, and beg his brother not to do this. Why was Itachi so intent on humiliating Sasuke? It just wasn't fair... This was his best friend and it seemed that Itachi was trying to ruin their relationship. It was a very Itachi like thing to do. The boy watched helplessly, and then let Itachi overtake him, if only to distract his older brother from the blond. But it seemed that was what Itachi had planned anyway. A desperate and pained groan left his lips when he felt his older brother forming a hickey there. It had always been a sensitive spot, and now there was no exception to this. Itachi's words were fine at first, humiliating but Sasuke could stand them. It was the last sentence that really killed him. The boy's brain only went further into panic mode and he could feel adrenaline rushing through his body. He would not fight back however. He knew the only way that he could really win here was to give in. So he did just that, leaning up to press a rather passionate kiss to his brother's lips. "Mmn..." Within a second he had positioned himself in front of Itachi, rubbing his ass against the front of the other's pants in a grinding manner. His brother was already partially hard, so it wouldn't take much for him to get fully erect. With that done Sasuke got on his hands and knees, but instead lowered his head to the mattress and turned it back to look at Itachi as he moved his hands to put his quivering entrance on display for his older brother. "Nii san... Nii san fuck me please..." He murmured, teasing one of his own fingers at his hole. "I want you so bad Nii san... I want to feel you pounding into me." Sasuke was sure to make these words audible, because that was just what Itachi wanted. He wanted Naruto to hear it, and he wanted Sasuke to be humiliated. And that was exactly what happened. Itachi fed off of every negative emotion he felt radiating from around him. From Naruto's whining to Sasuke's arguing, he absorbed it all and acquired motivation to press further. There was nothing else that spurred him on better than fear. Thinking of yourself as a superior figure to others really boosted your confidence, and if you didn't flaunt it as much, they knew you were powerful enough not to act conceited at the same time. That was how Itachi became such an internationally famous businessman he dominated others easily and worked his charisma to have everyone submit. He was just impossible to defeat, and his only weakness, Sasuke, was oblivious of the advantage he held over him. He obviously sensed how uncomfortable Naruto was getting with witnessing his best friend turn into some porn star someone who he didn't recognize to be the unemotional, unexpressive, and usually the hard to get handsome dark haired casanova he knew as his buddy. Itachi was clearly breaking his mind and bending it to his own will, the bastard. " You won't have to worry about him, otoutou he's already ... gone. " he grinned, glancing over towards the huffing blonde who stayed willingly tied up to the bedpost, his legs involuntarily spreading to keep himself comfortable. " I mixed something into his drink on the way here. " he explained smoothly, seeming proud of himself for having been on precise time, too. He glanced down at his crotch where Sasuke was rubbing his ass against, then felt his erection stiffening as it received direct contact. He didn't let that faze his facial expression, though, and reminded himself to wait for his coming reward. He fingered him with his index, though, then shoved it in mercilessly to his third knuckle, letting the tip brush against his prostate skillfully as he fished out a Ziplock bag from his jacket, then withdrew his finger to take out its contents a small dark bottle, and a needle less syringe. " It's your turn, " Itachi mumbled, uncapping the thumb sized capsule to suck the liquid out of it with the syringe. Then, he set the used items aside, and held the syringe in one hand, jerking Sasuke's head to fit in between Naruto's. Itachi climbed on the bed, then unlatched the dizzy blonde's belt and unzipped his pants, soon withdrawing his fully erect member for Sasuke to distract himself with. " Now keep yourself busy, Sasuke ... because your mouth's occupied, I'll have to deposit this the other way. " he cooly murmured, moving himself behind the other's ass. He prepared the aphrodisiac drug, then held his brother's hips still with one hand, inserting the tip of the blunt syringe with the other. Carefully, as to not activate the drug too soon, he inserted the icy goo milimeter by milimeter, giving Sasuke enough time to give Naruto a full blowjob. " Suck on it, " he growled, squeezing the other's ass, " Let me hear him moan. " Itachi was like the devil. It was the perfect comparison that anybody could make. Nobody or nothing was more like the devil than Itachi was. He ate the anger and sadness and uncertainty in people and it only made him grow bigger and stronger, then he would use it against anybody and everybody in his path. Sometimes he didn't even have to make it clear that he was powerful, his shadow did that for him. All he had to do was walk around a room and you knew, you knew that he was better than you, and could easily dominate you. Why the FUCK didn't Naruto realize that and just shut his damn door when Itachi came knocking? Of course Naruto also wasn't very experienced with his older brother, so Sasuke really couldn't blame him too much for it. Sasuke glanced back at Itachi with this first comment. What the hell did his brother mean by 'gone?' From the looks of it Naruto was still here, and he was still quite upset by the situation. But as the seconds flew past Naruto looked more and more agreeable, and he even seemed to spread his legs. "I What?" Sasuke tried not to look too shocked. But really he was, and it showed when he felt his brother shoved his index finger inside of him. The boy became curious at the rustling of the bag, so he glanced back at his older brother. What he saw was something that made him incredibly suspicious, with good reason. Those dark eyes widened, but he didn't shake his head or show any kind of protest. It really would be best if he surrendered, especially to an aphrodisiac. It would make things a hell of a lot easier, despite the fact he might do something stupid and embarassing. Quietly Sasuke looked up to Naruto's face. The expression on it was unreadable. "Yes Nii san..." He murmured, and wrapped a hand around Naruto's cock with a slight cringe. This was directed at Naruto though, as he tried to make it clear that he was sorry. The blond probably wanted it at this point however. "Nnhh !" Sasuke groaned when he felt the liquid enter him. By then his hand was working skillfully at Naruto's erection, and he'd lowered his lips to the tip of his friends member. The boy's eyes fluttered as he felt the drug begin to take effect, and he worked harder to make Naruto cum, just as Itachi had ordered. "Nhhh... Nii sannn..." Sasuke spread his legs a little wider. Naruto was like a mindless sex toy now, completely willing to succumb to Itachi's sadistic wishes. His jaw was dumbly parted, and his gaze was buzzed out like his aimless thoughts. The alcohol was slowly devouring all of his common sense, and all that his attention focused on was the immense pleasure he felt when Sasuke crept forward to touch his twitching member. Naruto groaned and jerked his head to the side, his obvious facial expressions unable to disguise his satisfaction. Even though he was drugged to the point of numbness, he couldn't bear to stare down at Sasuke. Instead, he glued his crystalline blue eyes to where Itachi was standing directly behind the raven haired boy, and winced as he felt another wave of pleasure engulf his insides. It was difficult to keep himself sane in this state. He was thrashing against his restraints, but when everything seemed futile, he sank back into the cushions provided for his back, and weakly jerked his hips forward into Sasuke's hands and mouth. " A Ahh ... " was all he uttered, and whenever he felt his orgasm nearing, he hissed and allowed his eyes to flutter shut, waiting for the inevitable feeling to overcome him. Itachi slyly crawled onto the bed and situated himself comfortably behind Sasuke, dragging his zipper down and uncovering his erect member from the folds of his undergarments. He didn't bother to slide his pants off all the way, but let his cock stay out for air. Then, without warning his younger sibling, he jerked him back by the hips, then lifted him accurately to hover over the tip of his shaft, then slammed him down impatiently. He pressed his thighs forcefully and kept him there so that he'd be able to feel his entire length slipping in to his brother's warm and tight ass completely. Itachi kissed Sasuke's shoulder blades and snaked his arms around his torso to tease his nipples, tweaking the pierced one playfully by tugging on the ring carelessly. The older Uchiha suckled on a particular area on the side of the other's neck to create a light hickey, then nipped on it harder to break the tissues underneath his rosy flesh. " You're such a little whore, Sasuke ... You like having your ass filled, don't you ? ... Filled so deliciously with your nii san's cock ... Why don't you take me deeper, otoutou ? " he purred, sliding his member in a bit more to try at burying it to the hilt. He parted Sasuke's legs for Naruto to see the full show, then ran his fingers possessively over his initials imprinted on the other's thighs. " ... Isn't he beautiful, Naruto ? ... So perfect ... flawless ... " he hissed deviously, running his fingers over his brother's weeping member. He glared at the struggling blond boy, then continued to tease him by toying with Sasuke's legs, nipples, and neck. Itachi wiped Naruto's pre cum from Sasuke's lips, then nuzzled up to his back lovingly, rocking his hips forward to easily thrust in and out of his brother as he was sitting on his lap. " You'll never have him, " Itachi threatened, narrowing his evil eyes at Naruto. Itachi jerked Sasuke's head to the side to kiss him briefly, then grinned, " He's mine. " The 'SU' was noticeably showing on his shoulder, too, and so was the insanely venomous glint in his eyes. Sasuke couldn't bear to see Naruto like that, even in this horrid state he himself was in. Naruto looked so... Drugged. He looked half there, like he didn't even know what was going on. It made Sasuke scream inside. When this was all done and over with he'd make it so the blond never got near his brother again. And vice versa. Even if it meant that Sasuke would have to sacrifice his time with Naruto... His best friend. Itachi was alienating him from everybody. The dark haired boy was sure to keep at his busy work of coercing Naruto into cumming. This way he would be obeying his brother, and then Naruto wouldn't... Naruto wouldn't be raped by Itachi. Sasuke wouldn't put it past his brother. Not at all. Maybe he wouldn't enjoy fucking the blond, but he'd enjoy the fact that poor Sasuke had to watch his friend be humiliated. This however was probably the worst punishment. How could things ever be the same between Sasuke and Naruto again after all of this? Would Naruto look at him as weak? Naruto didn't even know what he'd saved him from... The younger Uchiha might have taken a glance back to look at his brother, but he couldn't. He couldn't spare a moment to pull his head away from Naruto's cock. Really Sasuke needed to take care of this. The boy had expected a little more preparation maybe, or something. But as the seconds ticked past he felt was beginning to feel more and more like he needed it. He did need it. His ass was burning for Itachi's cock. He'd never had a yearning for something so much before. He needed Itachi's hard member to be pumping inside of him. Only then would everything be right. When Itachi finally entered him, Sasuke spared the moment to throw his head back. "Mmnn..." He moaned, nodding his head as an answer. "I Ahh... I want your... I want you to cum inside of me..." It was hard to even tell if these words were his own. "Fill me up all the way Nii san..." Sasuke's eyes fluttered, and he looked up at Naruto for some type of reaction. All he saw... Well he heard some things. Itachi... When the fingers were ran over the initials Sasuke let out a loud whimper, pausing in his sucking of Naruto. Sasuke moaned and squirmed against Itachi's harsh teasing. It was horrible... and all in front of Naruto. "Nii san... Please." He wanted the humiliation to be over. Not the sex. He needed that. But the boy wasn't so far gone that he didn't know what was going on. "Nnnh..." Sasuke's dark eyes looked up at Naruto's almost pleadingly, begging him for forgiveness.
['Sasuke', 'Itachi']
Finding something new.(Me and Sinfulroses)
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" The short stuff pirates docked had just finished the darning capture of another pirates treasure. The whole crew was quite pleased with there find. The town they landed on was called Hcir City. It was quite the expensive place, so it was perfect for a captain who was loaded. The dwarf pirate Colkura walked up and down the streets of Hcir city, hoping something interesting would happen to him. The city was quite pretty, the sidewalks seemed to be incrusted with jewels even. It was easily the richest place he had ever been to. Colkura smiled and looked around, for something that would catch his eye. Nami was walking around the streets of Hcir city with a not to thrilled look. ''How did I end up here?'' She asked herself as she was just passing by, noticing how this city was for the rich. Nami found a good bit of things that caught her eye but she really didn't act upon it, knowing she had to use the last bit of money she had left. Nami figured the sooner she could slip upon another ship of a weaker crew and make off with the ship the better. '' I need a ship and a crew but where shall I go to find that?'' Nami asked herself while studying the people around her, knowing this was going to be a lot tougher then she originally thought. The short pirate looked around to see if anything caught his eye still. And eventually something did catch his eye, but it was nothing of any material value. It was a women....and what a women. Colkura ran as fast as he could and started to walk beside her. Trying to look casual while trying to think of something to say. Unfortunately his brain wasn't working for a bit so it took a while. He looked at her again admiring her form and then it finally came to him. Hey there, you look lost. Need some help. So it wasn't perfect but it would have to do. Nami froze at the sound of another's voice and turned around to see who it was, noticing the pirate was shorter then her. ''Ummm.......yeah......... I kind of lost my ship and I'm trying to find a suitable crew to join.'' This caught Nami off guard as she was use to see those around her height. '' SO if you have a good enough crew and ship, I would be helped. If not, then its okay and I can figure out another solution to my crew less problems.'' The gods themselves must be rewarding him for...what ever he had done good in his life. A girl like that....looking for a crew to join. And a guy like him just so happening to own a crew. How wonderful fate was to him. Well what do you know. It just so happens that I own a crew. Captain Colkura at your service. Captain of the Short Stuff pirates. He smiled warmly at her, a little giddy with excitement. If you want to join my crew we'll have to have some kinda interview. He stroked his chin as he thought of a good place to hold it, and then spotted a restaurant. How about there? He pointed then started to walk into the restaurant and deciding not to wait for a waiter and sit down. He was a pirate manners were the last thing on his mind. '' I need a what?'' Nami looked at him like he was growing another head for a few seconds. Nami figured this guy could be very easy to steal his ship from and his crew might not be as sharp as their captain. So she thought about it while looking at the restaurant figuring it wouldn't hurt to humor the short captain a bit. Besides she gets a ship and maybe get a free meal out of it, Nami couldn't really pass up this golden opportunity for herself. ''Alright, I guess I can have that interview over there but I don't think I can afford such a place to eat. So I don't mind just having the interview there and then we can get out of there, sounds good?'' He smiled and pulled out a chair for Nami. O don't worry about a petty little thing like money. I'll pay for what ever you order. He said as he went back to sit on his own seat. Well first of all tell me your name? It was a question he probably shoulda asked way earlier, but better late then never. What are your skills, why should I have you join my crew? He asked trying to be as professional as possible, but it was hard to keep a straight face in front of a girl so beautiful. ''Nami.....Are you sure about wanting to pay for me.'' Nami said as she kept repeating what he said through his mind as she took a seat. She was going to take advantage to this but had to do it without making it seemed so obvious what she was doing. '' I need a new crew since mine split up and the ocean is my home along with those who belong to that crew. I am a really skilled navigator and a talented cartographer at the same time, I guess I should add in the fact I can predict the weather pretty good as well.'' Nami said politely while leaving out the fact she was skilled at pickpocketing skills out of it. O you can pay me back some how later. He smiled and listen to what she said. He already had a navigator...but another one wouldn't hurt. Well Nami, we already have a navigator. But your weather predicting skills would definlty come in handy. Our crew is only nine people and that's including myself. So the more the merrier. It will also be a nice change of pace to have a women on board. He said as his eyes trailed downwards but quickly went back to look at her face. Sorry to hear about your crew though. Another question, how good are you at fighting... not that I would like to put you in fights. But lets face it, in this era fighting kinda happens. '' I can handle myself in a fight if I had to but what do you mean by paying you back? I'm not sure what you have in mind for that.'' Nami replied with an unsure look as she was really enjoying herself at the same time. Besides 9 other men could provide her with some entertainment while she enjoyed herself on his ship. '' So other then that, I am in?'' O I'll sure I'll think of someway for you to pay me back. The dwarf chuckled a bit to himself and pretend to think. Even though he already decided to let Nami join his crew the first time her saw her. But he wanted to make himself seem somewhat professional. Yep, I think you'll be a lovely addition to the short stuff pirates. Then something occurred to him. One tiny little problem. My ship is kinda full right now. So we'll have to share a that alright. He hadn't thought about the additional space Nami would actually need. But since his crew was all guys he didn't have any female rooms yet. Although his two shipmates could build her one soon enough. But ya do you have any questions for me? He asked as a waiter came up and asked for there order. Colkura ordered the shrimp not relizeing the irony in it. '' Talk about pure irony in its finest.'' Nami said under her breath while ordering the same thing without thinking, it didn't matter because she liked anything. Although it would have to take some adjusting to sharing a room but not like she had a problem with it. ''Its fine and there is no hurry on rushing them to build the room. After all they must have a lot of work to do on top of it all. Although I do have a question, where did the name come from?'' Nami was picturing the whole entire crew being short and that made her unsure about how big this ship was. I'm terrible with names. So when the marines gave me the nick name Short Stuff Colkura when they gave me my bounty. I just decided to give it to my crew. They didn't seem to mind even though they are short. He smiled when Nami agreed to be his roommate. Wondering how that would turn out for him, shrugging it off because his food arrived. Well, great minds eat a like I suppose. Once we're done I'll show you my ship. It's really nice very roomy and everything. And the weapons are amazing. He always liked talking about his ship. Proud of the work he shipwrights that built it. '' I suppose you are correct with the eating alike thing.'' Nami replied with a slight smile as she was going over her plans in her mind. ''I can't wait to see your ship. I bet it is really breath taking from how you go on and on about it. So where did it come from or did you make it yourself?'' Nami asked as she tried to get him to open up to her even more. ''I'm just curious because most steal their ships from the rich and its very rare that a few actually made them from scratch.'' My ship was made by the greatest shipwrights that I could find. My shipwrights made it truly wonderful, you'll have to see it for yourself to truly understand it's epicness. It has a bad ass snake head for the front of the ship. Really to me it represents my crew's bonds. It's also really, really fast. My shipwrights...are a little weird though. But most of my crew is. He said laughing. You'll fit right in. He said finishing his plate wiping his face off with a napkin. Do you want desert? He wasn't a desert kinda guy, but he wanted to make Nami feel welcome. '' Sure, whatever they have good.'' Nami answered with a smile as she wondered how strange he was labeling herself as. '' I hope I can fit right in because I don't want the others to feel any kind of discomfort or anything. After all they came way before me and they have first say.'' Nami was playing it cool and she was liking the idea there was money and a good ship that would be hers for the taking if she plans this out right. Although she would have to play this out on a day to day bases with gaining their trust first before acting upon her plans. Pfft, if those guys don't accept ya. I'll make them accept ya. He said as he laughed. Then he motioned the waiter to come over and in his proudest voice. Give the lady here the most expensive ice cream you have. The waiter bowed and returned minutes later with ice cream topped off with Carmel. Here you are, the best of the best Nami. He smiled at her, hopefully she was warming up to him. Maybe they could be more then shipmates. He quickly erased that idea from his mind. A pretty girl like her wouldn't want to date a guy like him. Well, when you are finished. I will show you to your new ship and crew.
['Colkura', 'Nami']
More Grim Tales (Renesmee Cullen and I )
Grim nodded and began pushing harder and faster. "Oh sis you know I'm loving this, I have dreamed and fantasized about this, taking you and having you as my own," he groaned and moved his hands to her breasts.Fear watched Mandy and grinned as he licked along her neck. "Taste sweet." He smiled and started to rub his hand in between her legs. "Nice and warm too." She gasped softly and let out a pleasurable moan, her cheeks a deep red. "Oh brother, your so kind to me. I don't want to lose you to another fair woman," she whispered softly as a hand moved up to hold one of his to her breasts. "Please, make me a woman, dearest brother, fill me with your seeds," he whispered to him as she rubbed her breast with his hand. Mandy blushed and let out a frustrated sound as she struggled and hissed insults at Fear in her mind. Had she not been restrained she would have tried to beat him, or get back at him for doing this to him. She was frustrated she wasn't able to talk at least. She would have loved to at least be able to hurl insults out at him. Grim held onto Mini and smiled and kissed along her neck as his hands traveled along her body. He looked at her then nodded. "Dont you worry my Sweetest Sister, you will always be mine." He kissed along her collar bone as he kept pushing himself deeper into her.Fear watched Mandy and smiled feeling her body respond to his actions. He laughed and slowly slid a finger into her. "No point in trying to resist." He laughed as he nibbled along her neck.
A New Team
Jessie smiled at Mewtwo and nodded as she walked over towards him with a soft yawn. "Yes, I enjoyed myself thoroughly." she said to him.Mewtwo looked at Jessie and grinned licking his lips. "good." Jessie moved over to him and ran a hand over his small shoulders. "Any word on how close Team Rocket is?" she asked softly. She wasn't asking so she could leave, she was actually asking so she would know if it was safe to go out and work on her tan. Mewtwo looked at her and grinned and pulled her over, running a hand over her ass. "Well It should take them a day before they geat near this location hun." Jessie chuckled as he pulled her closer and she smiled down at him while running her fingers over his neck. She felt him run his hand over her ass and she squirmed a little since she was just a little sore from Growlithes rough fucking. "Okay. I'll besure to be careful if I go out. I don't want them to find me and take me back." she whispered, leaning down to softly kiss his cheek. Mewtwo kissed her back, letting his tail curl aorund her legs as he watched her. "Why you planing on heading out this afternoon love?" She smiled at Mewtwo and nodded slightly. "Yes, I was thinking about working on my tan." she said to him, moving a little closer to him as his long tail wrapped around her legs. Mewtwo looked at her and smiled then nodded. "All right if you think you need to." He smiled sliding his tail along her legs. Jessie chuckled and reached down to stroke his tail. "Well, I don't need to, but I'd like to keep from getting pale like I used to be." she said softly. Mewtwo shrugged as he stroked his tail along her thighs then looked at her. "Well my dear Jessie as you know the choice is yours, , your body how it looks belongs to you, but your body and what it does belongs to us my little Rocket Whore." Jessie bows her head and she slowly nods. "I know Mewtwo.... I know. I don't want to leave. I actually really like it here and when I was with Team Rocket I didn't have as much fun." She smiled up at him and laid her head on his shoulder. Mewtwo nodded and looked at Jessie and smiled. "I know that my pet I know." He pulled her close and kissed along her neck, sliding a hand down along her back and over her rear. "I still must say, a year and you still look as sexy as ever." He smiled slipping his hand under her dress and along her thighs. Jessie wraps her arms around Mewtwo and she lets her head fall backwards for him as he kisses along her neck, a soft breathy moan escaping her lips as she ran her fingers along his chest. She softly giggled when he told her that she was still sexy as ever and she grinned. "Mmm, I do my best to please you master." she purred in his ear as he ran his hand up her dress, making her softly moan. Mewtwo looked at Jessie and licked his lips as his hand traveled from under along her legs. "And you always do your best to please me my pet." He smiled and pulled her close. "Now how about you suck your master off." Jessie slowly nodded with a wide smile. "Oh, always master. I would love to suck you off." she said to him. She ran her hands up and down his chest while pressing her body flush against his. Mewtwo looked at Jessie and grinned and ran his hand through her hair as his tail slid down over her legs. "Well then my pet why don't you get to it then?" Nodding with a smile, Jessie slowly sank down to her knees before him and ran her fingers over his stomach then along his inner thigh. She leaned forward and licked the head of his cock before beginning to suckle on the tip of it to tease him for the moment. Mewtwo groaned abit and his tail flicked around abit as she began to suck on him. He smiled and looked at her, how her hair draped over her face made her even more sexy. Jessie loved the taste of her master and it just spurred her on. Parting her plump red lips a little more, she took more of him into her mouth and began to suckle on him while moaning around him, her tongue running over and around his cock. Mewtwo nodded and watched as Jessie took his cock into her mouth and stared to suck on it. He ran his hands through her hair before holding onto her head. Jessie looks up at him as he ran his hands through her long red hair before moaning again. Her eyes were sparkling brightly as she worked on pleasuring her master, her head slowly beginning to bob up and down. Mewtwo groaned and held onto her silk like hair as he skilled tongue went to work against his now hard dick. He gently pulled on her hair as she went on him. "Good girl." Jessie moaned even more around his cock, her eyes fluttering shut as she bobbed her head further on down his shaft. After a moment she lifted her head to speak to him. "Could you fuck me with your tail master?" she asked softly with a soft whimper. "Please?" After speaking, she took his cock into her mouth again and took him deeper then earlier. Mewtwo licked his lips as he heard Jessie and laughed abit as he trailed his tail along her legs. "Oh is that what you want?" He grinned and slowly slipped his tail into her wet sex lips. Jessie felt Mewtwos tail trailing along her legs and shivered before feeling him sliding hid tail into her wet lips and she moaned loudly. After he spoke, she nodded with another moan while working on deep throating him. Mewtwo slowly wormed his tail into her tight hot lips as she continued to suck upon his hard dick. "You are very good my pet. bvery good indeed."Nightcralwer looked at the two girls and smiled watching them before untying them and cleaning himself up. "I dont know about you two but I am a little hungry so Im going to get some food."Kuro watched Daphne and tiled his head. "Like what?"They locked Faye in the room with Kovo's own Sister. Motoko Kusinagi, She had been kidnapped days before and it seems by the same people. After not hearing from Faye for some time like she normally called in Kovo began to get a little worried. Jessie moaned loudly as Mewtwo pushed his tail into her pussy and she took more of his cock into her mouth, her tongue running along the length of his shaft. She rocked her hips back against her masters tail.Anne and Kim slowly collapsed onto the bed next to each other gasping for air before Kim sat up with a soft groan. "I'm hungry too." she said but her mother just shook her head and waved to them while laughing softly. "You two go. I'm going to lay here and rest." she said to them.Daphne grinned and moved her hand a little further up his inner thigh. "Mmm, physical things." she purred in his ear before licking and nipping at his earlobe while caressing his inner thigh close to his crotch.Faye moved around a little before she was finally able to sit up and she looked over at Motoko then she looked around the room with a frown. Mewtwo looked at Jessie and groaned and forced his tail deeper into her,pushing it as far as it could as he was getting closer and closer to his release.Nightcralwer looked at Anne then nodded and headed out of the room and to the kitchen to find some food. "Hmm what sounds good to eat?" He walked to the fridge and opened it.Kuro watched Daphne and slid a hand along her legs. "like what?"The guard opened the door after a while and pulled Faye out. Jessie trembled as his tail was pushed in even deeper and she moaned loudly around his cock as she bobbed her head quickly, licking and suckling on him eagerly as she tightened around his tail.Kim followed Nightcrawler out to the kitchen and she shrugged slightly. She had learned long ago that it was okay to walk around naked in the house. Neither her mother nor Nightcrawler cared. "I'm up for anything." she said as she walked over to the cupboard and began looking for something.Daphne gently bit her bottom lip as he ran his hand along her long legs and she placed one of her hands over his, slowly moving his hand to her inner thigh and up along the inside of her leg while placing her other hand over the croch of his pants. "That kind of physical things." she purred suggestively.Faye grunted softly when the guard grabbed her and pulled her out. "Where are you taking me now?!" she snapped. Mewtwo kept pushing his tail deeper into her as he held onto her face and started cumming and letting her drink it down. He looked at her and smiled but was a little dissapointed. He always wanted to take her normally, as he was and have her take his cock, not his tail.Nightcralwer looked through the food before going to the fridge and pulling out a large chunk of the left overs before tossing them into the microwave and starting them up waiting for the food to thaw and be ready to eat.Kuro looked at Daphne and grinned as she pulled his hand up even higher under her dress along the inside of her thigs. He licked his lips as he felt her place her hand over his crotch.The guard didn't say anything as they tied her down to a chair. a few of the guys were armed and had masks over their faces. As Mewtwo came, Jessie moaned around him and quickly swallowed his cum before licking him clean and lifting her head off of him to look up at her master. She could see the dissapointment in his eyes and she felt bad, though the pleasure from his tail soon made that disappear.After searching around for a bit, Kim decided on a small bowl of cereal and she pulled down a bowl and her favorite cereal, pouring some into the bowl before getting the milk. Walking over to the fridge, she pulled out the milk and poured some over her cereal then returned the milk to the fridge.Daphne returned Kuros grin and she began to caress him through his pants while parting her thighs a little more and she pushed his hand a little further up her dress.Faye frowned and glared at the men around her while struggling against the bonds that held her into the chair. "Would you answer me damnit!?" she spat. Mewtwo looked at Jessie and nodded. "keep jerking me off while my tail gets you off." He watched her and kept thrusting his tail in her wet cunt. "you know how I love your hands on me."Nightcralwer pulled the food out and sat down at the table and started to eat, letting it cool down for abit before he started eating it.Kuro watched Daphne and had his hand slid up even higher, resting against her panties.The guard looked at Faye. "Shut up whore." They grabbed a cloth and gagged her before turning the camera on. "We are those who shall remain nameless. we are humans for humans..Not to be breeding with some..freaks. this whore here is accused of sleeping with a mutant." Jessie nodded and wrapped her hands around his cock and began stroking him while moaning, her body caressing his tail as she got close to cumming. She wished it was her masters cock fucking her wet cunt but she had to make due with his tail for the moment.Kim followed Nightcrawler over to the table with her cereal and sat down across from him and she began eating as well. "How did you meet my mum?" she asked randomly.Feeling Kuro's hand against her panties, Daphne hummed gently and smiled as she removed her hand from his and reached up. She placed her hand on his cheek and began nipping and kissing Kuro's jaw and cheek.Faye became silent but continued to glare at them but the moment they accused her of sleeping with a mutant, she began yelling at them through her gag and she struggled even more against the bonds. Mewtwo watched her and kept pushing his tail deeper and deeper inside of her before he was all that he could get in hopefully able to get her off as she jacked him off.Nightcrawler watched Kim and shrugged. "A bar, few drinks, we fucked, more and more then all is history."Kuro grinned and pulled her panties down and slid a few fingers into her and started to finger her.They looked at Faye. "Kovo durast. Mutant. ability spikes through the skin and wall climbing. a danger to the comunity." Jessie was moaning even louder as she started trembling. She knew that she would be cumming very soon and she stroked him faster. Several minutes later, she cried out softly and began cumming around the long thick tail that was stuffed deep into her pussy.Kim chuckled and shook her head in amusement. "And to think my dad thought that she was working late all those nights when she was actually meeting you." she said to him.Daphne kicked her panties off and parted her legs once more before moaning as he slid his fingers into her, leaning back against the seat a little as he fingered her. "Mmm, that's good." she moaned to him while working on opening his pants.Faye bit down on her gag even more and gave them all a dirty look when they looked at her. Mewtwo released again in her talented hands. He then watched as she came around his tail and he nodded. "well my pet Im glad you enjoyed. perhaps you should go and get some rest."Nightcralwer nodded and just kept eating.Kuro kept fingering Daphne as she started to work on his pants.The guys looked at her. "This is a crime that cannot go un punished." Jessie slowly stood up and gazed up at him, her legs trembling a little. "Will you be joining me in bed?" she asked softly. Even though she knew Mewtwo didn't really need much sleep, she still liked it when he laid next to her.Daphne began bucking her hips against Kuro's hand as he fingered her. She finally managed to get his pants open and she reached in, wrapping her fingers around his length.Faye tensed a little as they spoke of punishing her and she shook her head with a muffled growl. Mewtwo looked at her and let his tail swing from side to side before nodding. "all right."Kuro looked at Daphne and grinned as he fingered her before sliding a second finger into her.They looked at Faye while one held a rifle. "She wants to act like a whore..we'll make her one." Jessie smiled widely before standing on her tiptoes and kissing Mewtwo on the cheek. "Thank you. I'll see you in the bedroom then." she said softly before turning and heading out, making her way to a bathroom to clean up a little before making her way to the bedroom.Daphne moved slightly and turned to face him more. Removing her hand from around his cock, she reached down and pulled her dress up over her head before dropping it over the side of the couch.Fayes eyes widened and she gasped softly before shaking her head quickly, pulling even more franticly at the ropes that held her into the chair. Mewtwo looked at her before he looked at the sleeping growlithe and headed off after Jessie.Kuro looked at Daphne and grinned watching her actions.They looked at Faye and laughed. "She has been so judged and punishment shall begin." Jessie climbed into the large bed she often shared with him and curled up against one of the large pillows while she waited for Mewtwo to join her.Leaning down, Daphne took the head of Kuro's cock into her mouth and moaned around him while beginning to suck on his cock.Faye looked from one soldier to the other with wide eyes, some of her purple hair falling in her face as they all laughed. Mewtwo walked in and looked at her, his tail swinging from side to side before he walked over then got onto the bed and laid down on it. "rest well my pet."Kuro removed his hands from her and held onto her head and nodding as she went to town on his cock.The soldiers nodded. "Keep the camera rolling, she'll want to see this." Jessie smiled up at Mewtwo as he entered the room and she sighed as he joined her on the bed. "I will master. Thank you for laying with me." she said softly before yawning and snuggling down in the bed with a soft sigh. She closed her eyes and slowly began falling asleep.Daphne softly moaned around his cock as she bobbed her head. Slowly, she looked up at him as she sucked and licked his length.Faye looked back and forth between all of the soldiers around her, her bright green eyes fearful and her violet hair fell in her face a little. Mewtwo looked at Jessie and smiled and laid down beside her laying there as she fell asleep knowing himself that he rarely actually went to sleep. He looked at her and gave a soft smile.Kuro nodded and groaned abit as she went on him as he was getting close.They Pulled Faye up before tying her to a pole as they started to strip her many felt her up. "who wants first?" Daphne knew by the sounds Kuro was making that he was getting close and she moved her head faster, taking him into her mouth all the way to the base.Faye struggled with them as they pulled her from the chair and she shook her head but she wasn't as strong as the men around her. She couldn't stop them as they tied her to the pole and began stripping her of her yellow hot shorts and her matching top. Beneath the hot shorts and top, she was wearing a white lace thong and bra. Faye bit down on her gag as they felt her up and tears stung the corners of her eyes, wishing that Kovo was there to help her. Kuro groaned and held onto Daphne's head and bucked up against her mouth as he began to release into her. "Oh god that was so good girl." He held onto her until he released all that he had.They looked at Faye and laughed. one moving infront of her and ran a hand down along her cheek and down to her chest and over before slipping his hand into her panties feeling around on her. "Yes she'll make due well enough." Daphne felt him buck his hips and his hot release filling her mouth. She swallowed his cum as he held onto the back of her head. Once he let go of her head, she lifted her head and looked up at him with a small smile. "You enjoyed it?" she asked softly.Faye moved her face away from the mans hand and closed her eyes tightly until she felt his hand in her panties and she felt her face heat up in embarassment as he touched her. The tears that she felt stinging the corners of her eyes finally spilled over and ran down her cheeks. Kuro nodded and looked at Daphne and sat back trying to regain his enegy. He licked his lips watching her and grinned. "Oh yes I did Daphne." He smiled watching her.The man looked at Faye and rubbed her abit before sliding his fingers into her and wiggling them about. Daphne smiled gently and leaned back against the couch while watching Kuro try to regain his energy, chuckling softly. "Good. I'm glad you did." she said.Faye shook her head furiously as he rubbed her before slipping his fingers into her and moving them about. Grasping the bonds that held her to the pole in her hands, she began kicking out at the man. She felt violated and dirty with the soldiers touching her. Kuro looked at Daphne and tilted his head watching her. before sitting up fully and regaining some energy he had lost form their little stint of fun. He zipped himself up. "very good.The soldier looked at Faye and laughed as he kept fingering her more and more. another soldier walked up from behind her and ran his hands over her chest then unzipped himself.Nightcralwer had finished and headed out to the living room. Daphne arched an eyebrow as she watched him tuck himself away before zipping up, her small smile never leaving her face.Faye felt more tears roll down her bright red cheeks, some getting soaked up by the gag in her mouth while others managed to escape and they dripped off her chin. When she felt another soldier come up behind her and run his hands over her chest, she looked up at the ceiling. She knew what they were going to do and there was nothing that she could do to stop it.Kim watched Nightcrawler leave the kitchen and shrugged slightly. The man looked at Daphne and grinned before getting up and leaving the room and heading out but sure to say that she would be getting a rather large tip for her actions for the night. plus a very happy master.The soldiers looked at Faye and laughed before moving away and letting her hang there. "already broken, too easy. but then again she has to be to be trying to shack up with a mutant."Nightcralwer looked at Kim "Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?" Daphne waved at him when he looked at her, smiling widely before watching him leave. Standing up, she stretched with a sigh before going off to find her master.Faye lowered her gaze to the soldiers and glared at the one infront of her. She wasn't broken and their words were an insult to her and they were angering her again. The woman struggled a little with what was holding her to the pole, hoping that there was some way to get free.Kim nodded slightly with a sigh. "Yeah, I suppose so." she said boredly. "If I don't get to school, Ron'll be calling me." Karus was looking over the money the club had pulled in plus money Kuro had handed in plus Daphne's tip. He sat back and opened a bottle and drank from it waiting for Daphne.They untied her and dragged her off throwing her back into the room and shutting the door.Nightcralwer shrugged. "I thought you were getting ride from your friends. and they did too as they were driving to her house in the truck. It would of Been James, Peach and Zelda. all headed to the gifted school. Mostly it was school for dignitaries,other species and privileged to get in. But the school held a darker secret as well. Ms. Fran who was one of the teachers was sitting at her desk but there was someone under, hands on her thighs and licking away at her silk panties. Entering the office, Daphne walked over to her vampire master and leaned down, pressing her breasts against his back while kissing his neck. "I did what you wished master." she purred in his ear. "I hope that I pleased you."Faye hit the ground with a loud thud and a groan, laying there on the floor motionless except for her trembling.Kim sighed and she nodded. "Yeah, I'm supposed to." she said softly before moving over to Nightcrawler and she kissed him on the cheek then moved off to get dressed for school. Karus smiled and nodded. "I know my pet and I am pleased." He smiled and handed her the tips made. "your share my pet." He then moved and pulled her onto his lap and ran his hands down along her sides. "Did you enjoy?"Beastboy had gotten the family moved and settled into what appeared to be a more safer neighboorhood. He was glad that the children would grow up much safer.Nightcralwer nodded and watched as the truck pulled up into the driveway and just sat there waiting for Kim. Daphne smiled against his neck as she reached out and took her money before setting it aside as he pulled her into his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his jaw softly before nodding. "Mm, yes. But I enjoy being with you so much more." she purred.Starfire was relieved that Beastboy had found them a house in a safer neighborhood, but she still didn't let the childrenplay outside alone. When they moved into the neighborhood, she changed what she looked like a little, cutting her hair shorter and she wore different kinds of clothing that made her look fairly normal. She didn't want to draw any attention to herself or her children.Kim came back down several minutes later and she stopped next to Nightcrawler to softly kiss him before rushing down to the truck, waving at her friends with a grin. Hurrying over to the truck, she climbed inside. Kuras looked at Daphne and nodded running his hands down along her legs before he kissed her neck. He smiled and held onto her before gently pushing her off. "So my pet now what do you plan to do?"Animal or Ani was in the backyard. Due to their mix of genes the two kids were older, aged faster. though he should of been around 5. He was hitting 13. He had many of the same powers as his father and the energy powers of his mother.Nightcralwer watched her before going back to the couch and sitting back down and letting Ann sleep. James helped Kim in then pulled the truck out of the driveway and off to school. "running late again?" Daphne smiled when he ran a hand along her legs as he kissed her neck before sighing when he pushed her off. "I'm not sure. I was hoping that perhaps you might need me for something." she said with a slightly suggestive smile. "After all, Kuro only had me do one small thing and now I'm feeling a little... frisky." She giggled softly and smiled up at her master.Star watched her daughter, Jessalinda or just Jess, run around with Ani, the little girl laughing. She should of been the same age as Ani but she had aged just like him. However, she was hitting 10 instead of 13, her aging a little slower then his for some reason. The girl had recieved most of her fathers powers and very few of her mothers, though her appearance was a mix of the two. Her hair was red with natural green streaks and her eyes were bright green.Kim grinned up at James as he helped her into the truck before nodding. "Yes, just a little." she said with a soft laugh. Kuras looked at Daphne and smiled watching her licking his lips. "Okay babe what do you want to do then hmm?" He smiled and got up and walked over to her running a hand against her cheek.Nightcralwer moved into his room watching Anne getting ready before he grinned and grabbed her pinning her against the wall, running a hand up along her legs and her ass. "Looking good babe."Jim shrugged and finally drove up to the school and parked the car. "well we're here." Daphne grinned and sighed when she felt his hand on her cheek before turning her head and nipping at his fingers. "I want you to fuck me on the couch while you feed from me." she purred. "Just like the first time you bit me. Do you remember?" She took his other hand and placed it over her right breast where a set of very old scars were from the very first time that he had fed from her.Anne giggled softly as she was pinned against the wall and she grinned. "Mmm, thank you darling." she said to him, wiggling her self as he ran his hand along her long legs and her ass.Kim looked up at the school and sighed before she nodded and got out of the truck, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. "Tell me why I've agreed to go to school again?" she asked Jim. Kuras looked at her and smiled. "Well my dear. if you'll go dress in your old purple outfit then I shall do just that." He smiled and licked his lips letting his fangs get exposed.Nightcralwer grinned and licked along her neck as his tail gave her rear a swat and his hands moved over her chest. "what do you plan on wearing today?"Kim laghed abit and looked at her. "well we'll just meet up our normal time to skip." Daphne grinned and nodded. "I'll be right back then." she said before running her finger over one of his fangs, nicking the tip of her finger and she placed a single drop of blood on his bottop lip before turning and leaving to change.Anne moaned again and closed her eyes as Nightcrawler licked her neck. "Mmm, I'm not sure yet." she whispered, arching her back to press her breasts into his hands.Kim looked over at Jim and nodded with a smirk. "Okay. I'll see you later then." she said with a slight wink. Kuras grinned and licked up the blood which then put him into a hunger and blood lust. He waited for Daphne to finish as he had now made plans for her.Nightcralwer watched her and grinned. "Skimpiest yet, hose and stockings...I bet you can find something."Jim nodded and headed off to class. Daphne hurried off the her dressing room where she changed into her purple dress with her green scarf and her purple headband and matching shoes. Once she was dressed, she smoothed out the wrinkles in the clothing from being packed away and she headed back to Kura's office. Knocking on the door, she opened it and entered the room with a small smile."I always do." she said while running her fingers over Nightcrawlers blue cheek, tracing some of the markings in his skin. Kuras watched her come in. He looked her over and grinned licking his lips and moved over to her and pinned her against the couch running a hand up her pantyhose clad legs to the edge of her dress. he kissed along her neck letting his fangs trail against her skin.Nightcralwer looked at Anne and smiled. "All right then babe."Though the school was very special itself. It also housed a dark side to itself. An underground slave ring was run by some of the students. capturing students and teachers alike. Ms. Fran who was one of the teachers was sitting at her desk but there was someone under, hands on her thighs and licking away at her silk panties. Daphne gasped when she was pinned against the couch, moaning softly as he ran his hand along her long pantyhose covered legs and she arched her back a little as he kissed her neck. Upon feeling his fangs against her skin, she gave a shuddering sigh and she tilted her head back with a bit her bottom lip with a small smile.Anne reached down and took her lovers tail into her hand, running her fingers over the blue appendage before tracing her fingers over the end of it while dipping her head to kiss and nip at his neck.Ms. Fran sat in her seat with a small smile upon her lips, one of her hands resting on the top of her desk while the other rested on the head that was nestled between her smooth silky thighs. She was making a soft purring sound but no one would be able to hear it unless they were really close to her. Kuras kept kissing along her neck as he moved his hand over her long legs and up her dress. "still as sexy as ever." He smiled and looked at her before pressing his fangs against her neck then biting into her.Nightcralwer looked at Anne and smiled as he wrapped his tail around her hand. he pulled her close and kissed her,sliding his hands down along her sides.Toxin held onto Ms.Fran's legs and licked along her thighs and panties. He stopped for a seocnd. "Scoot closer and spread more my pet." Yes the Black Collar around her neck represented that she belonged to someone as their slave. the Black collar that was wrapped around her thighs near the top represented that she was a sex slave and would put for anyone only if her master allowed. Daphne arched her back as she moaned to her master and she ran her fingers over his chest while moaning his name. "Mmm, And I'm all yours my dear master." she growled seductively into his ear. The feeling of his fangs against her skin made her shudder but as he sank them into her neck, she closed her eyes with a cry of pain and pleasure.Anne wrapped her arms around him after being pulled closer and she sighed into the kiss, pressing her body flush against his while continueing to tease his tail with her fingers.Fran mewled softly and moved closer to her master while spreading her legs wider for him. The crotch of the womans panties were wet from her arousal and from her master licking them. He loved to tease her like that and he knew that it drove his pet crazy. She ran her fingers through his hair again before placing her hand onto the arm of her chair. Kuras kept his fangs in her and started to feed from her as he grabbed his belt and undid it and unzipped his pants. he looked at Daphne and pulled himself out and rubbed against her legs. "My pet tell me why you are the best,Why you please your master the best and you can do better then any other girl that I could take." He laughed and kept rubbing himself against her thighs. his speech was sent right into her mind due to the fact he was feeding from her.Nightcrawler looked at Anne and smiled and kissed her deeply then pulled away watching her. "whats wrong my love?"Toxin held onto Fran's legs as he kept licking on her. He grabbed her panties with his teeth and pulled them down her legs and started licking her over,sliding his tongue into her,flicking it in and out of her as he ran his hands down along her silky satin like legs. "Tell me how you love it my you love being dominated by your master. how you always give into his demands and wants." Daphne softly gasped when he began feeding from her, her eyes fluttering shut with a gentle whimper and she arched beneath Kuras before letting her long legs fall open for him as he rubbed himself against her soft thighs. "Mmm, I'm the best because I'm willing to do whatever you want me to do." she moaned in his ear. "And because I know exactly what pleases you the most. I also bring in the most customers for you."Anne smiled up at him and shook her head before nipping at his jaw. "Nothing my love. Everything is perfect." she said softly.Fran shivered when her pussy was uncovered and she gasped before he began licking her again and she arched her back a little. "O oh master." she mewed before looking down at him lustfully. "I love everything you do to me master. I love how you control me and dominate me. Everything you want me to do I enjoy doing for you." Kuras watched her and kept feeding from Daphne as he pulled her hose down then pulled her panties down and slid himself into her letting his hands slide along her body. "You have no idea how good you look in this dress my pet. looks so good on you..tell me about this outfit."Nightcralwer smiled and kissed her. "All right then, go get dressed." He looked up as the phone started to ring. "I'll get that hun." He slowly untangled himself from anne and picked up the phone. "Hello..Oh..hey...Yah..uh....what?..Who..Okay I'll get on it."Toxin nodded then reached into his picket and looked at Fran and slid a small vibe into her and kept the control to it in his pocket. He pushed her away and got up. "fix yourself and keep it in at all times. I will have the control and will tease you during class. fail to hold yourself in and you wont be rewarded." He watched her and grinned flicking his tail from side to side before he went to his seat to sit down. Once he did it would only be a short time till the students came. Daphne moved her legs, helping her master remove her pantyhose and her underwear before she gasped and threw her head back with a moan of delight as he pushed into her. "Oh master." she moaned into his ear, wrapping her long legs around his waist. "Mmm, this... this dress? This dress had been... bought about three years before I met you." she managed to say between her soft gentle moans as he ran his hands along her body.Anne nodded but didn't let go until the phone rang and she groaned softly before shaking her head and moving into their walk in closet to start getting dressed. "Who was that dear?" she called to Nightcrawler as she looked through her clothing.Fran groaned as he slid a vibe into her wet pussy and she let him push her seat back, running an affectionate hand over his cheek and neck as he stood. "I will do my best master." she whispered to him before standing and quickly fixing her clothing while he walked to his seat. Minutes later the students began filing into the class room and she smiled at them as if nothing was wrong. Kuras watched Daphne and kept pushing himself against her and laughed abit. "That's not truely what I had in mind my pet. I mean how do you think you look in it? How does it show you off and make you feel?" He grinned and slowly pulled his fangs out of her and kept pushing against her. He wouldn't put his fangs back in. She didn't get an answer right so thus this was punishment.Nightcralwer just held the phone for abit before shaking his head. "It was an old friend of mine. One I haven't spoken to in a long time."Toxin sat in his seat and looked around as the class began to fill up with different students. Some of them were also slavers and others were slave and then there was the rare few that didn't know a thing about the school's dark secret. Toxin watched Fran and grinned and turned the vibe up.Mewtwo and Growlithe were both talking to each other. They had also gotten the call from Kovo about the abduction. but there were on seperate sides about what to do. Growlithe wanted to help since they were all friends but Mewtwo held to the way of how they left. That he still felt betrayed by Kovo for just leaving them. Daphne blushed a little with a soft whimper before trembling as he pulled his fangs from her neck and she made a sound of need. "I appologize master." she gasped, leaning towards him a little to lick the small bit of blood that was at the corner of his mouth. "The dress... clings to my curves. It both accentuates and hides my body. Because it's a short dress, it shows off my long legs but because it has a high neck, it hides my breasts, leaving people wanting to see more. It makes me feel... sexy yet modest at the same time."Anne nodded slightly with a small smile. "Okay." she said softly. She pulled down a skirt that went down to her mid thigh and a low cut blouse that would show off her clevage. For beneath the skirt and blouse, she chose a set of skimpy underwear that consisted of a powder blue lace bra and thong with a matching garter belt which her sheer white stockings would attach to.Fran was picking up a pile of papers when the vibe was turned up and she softly gasped as she jumped before dropping the papers. "Oh shoot." she murmured while looking down at her finger which began bleeding from a paper cut. Quickly reaching out, she grabbed a tissue and wrapped it around her finger tightly before picking up the papers. "Okay class, these are the results from Mondays quizzes. Most of you did wonderfully. Though there are those few of you that need to study a bit more." she said as she began passing out the papers, laying them upside down on the desks.Jessie was laying outside in the sun in a skimpy bikini. She had on a pair of sunglasses and she was laying on a towel to keep from getting dirty. Ever since her master, Mewtwo had told her that Team Rocket was getting closer, she had been making her visits outside fewer and farther in between. Kuras looked at Daphne and grinned as he kept pushing himself against her and licked along her neck to seal the wound and kiss along her neck. His hands moved all along her body. "Good girl my pet, good girl."Nightcralwer looked at her and smiled then walked over to his desk to look up a few phone numbers before picking up the phone and calling them. He just wondered how the old team would feel and if they would even get together to help out.Toxin watched Fran and grinned as he kept playing with the control of the vibe before he looked up as the door opened and Vivian walked inhttp: ayvuir art The Siren s Mirror 35915659 He smiled and licked his lips. She was Toxin's first slave that her took and when she sat down beside him he slipped his hand inbetween her thighs as he could hear the subtle buzzing of the vibe she kept deep in her ass that always kept her ready for her master.Growlithe just shook his head and looked at Mewtwo. "He'd do the same for you now we need to help." Daphne let her head fall back as a moan of pleasure escaped her lips and she closed her eyes, whimpering lightly as she tightened around him. "Oh... please master." she begged. "Give me more master."Anne walked over to the bed and laid her clothing down before beginning to dress, glancing over at Nightcrawler with a small smile as he began calling people. She could still remember the huge fight that had ensued when her ex husband found out about her affair and her wanting a divorce. At first he didn't want to sign the papers but with the help of her lover, it got done. Shaking her head with a smile, she began getting dressed.Fran continued around the classroom, doing her best not to let on about the vibrator that was inside of her. Once the papers were passed out, she moved back to the front of the class once again and she looked out across the classroom, focusing her gaze on Vivian who had just walked in. "Vivian. You're late. Class started five minutes ago. I trust that you either have a pass or some kind of excuse." she said to the younger girl.Vivian smiled at Toxin as she sat down and she smiled a little wider as he slipped his hand between her soft thighs and she parted her legs a little for him. Vivian was one of the most scantily clad girls in the school as well as the most lusted after girl. She was sexy and slutty, her body just oozing sexuality. When she had first met Toxin, she had actually been a goody goody that dressed modestly but that was what seemed like a long time ago and she did a complete turn about. When Fran spoke to her, Vivian looked up at the teacher and smirked with a chuckle before nodding. "Yes ma'am. I do have an excuse." she said before reaching into her clevage and pulling out a folded up note. "Here you go." she said and passed the note to the front.Jessie stretched on the towel before sitting up, looking up at the sky as she ran her fingers through her hair. She was thinking about how long it had been since she had left Team Rocket but her thoughts quickly switched to her master, Mewtwo who she hadn't seen since much earlier. Karus looked at Daphne and licked his lips as he started to pick up the tempo of his thrusts into her as he let his hands wander her curvy body. "Tell me my pet how you love your master playing with you. What you like to do with him." He grinned and thrust himself as deep as he could into her.Nightcralwer hung up and shook his head. "Got 2 of the old group, but the two others are being very hard to get them to agree to it." He sighed and walked over to the bed and sat down. "I don't get it. We used to work together all the time and promised that we would always have each others backs, but now..."Toxin watched the two and for Fran he turned down the pressure of the vibe to help her teach better so that she could focus on the class. He then looked at Vivian and when she sat back down his hand went back up her thighs. He always enjoyed how she dressed but the dress she had on now was the first she wore when he changed her.Mewtwo just shook his head and walked into his lab and closed the door. Growlthe just shrugged and walked outside and looked at Jessie. "I dont get him. He's being the most stubborn jackass I've ever known." Daphne cried out again as he thrust faster and harder into her body and she moaned. "Mmm, I love being ravaged by your cock master. I love how you tease me some days by making me spend my day with a vibrator deep inside of me." she moaned while beginning to move her hips against his. "I like pleasuring and pleasing my master in any and all ways he asks of me, whether it be pleasing him as he wants or pleasuring others as he tells me to." As he thrust as deep as he could, she gasped and arched her back with a soft cry.Anne knelt on the bed and crawled over to Nightcrawler, wrapping her arms around his shoulders before kissing his neck. "These are dark times my love. They might not be able to help at the moment." she whispered in his ear. "Who did you get to agree?"Fran sighed softly as the vibrator inside of her was turned down and she was able to focus better on the class as she began going over the next chapter that they would be starting.Next to Toxin, Vivian leaned back in her chair and parted her legs some more for Toxin, gently biting her bottom lip as his hand slid up her thigh.Jessie looked up at Growlith as he joined her outside and she sighed. "What did master do now?" she asked him. Karus kept pushing against Daphne and nodded as he pushed in as deep as he could into her. His hands moved all along her lovely body. "You love to have silk on you. your body exposed and tied up. You just like to be fucked don't you?" He grinned and pushed more and more,hands grasping her breasts and squeezing them.Nightcralwer sighed. "Well I've been able to agree to Wolf and Growl, But now I can't get Old Mewtwo to do it. He's just being stubborn since the whole fight happened when Kovo left us to settle down."Toxin smiled knowing that Fran would thank him for letting her teach the class. He looked at Vivian and grinned but with his free hand pushed her legs together to press against his hand as he slid his hand higher. "Nice outfit my pet has on."Growlithe shrugged. "He's refusing to help and old friend who's lover was kidnapped we believe." Daphne cried out and whimpered each time he pushed into her, his thrusts making her breasts bounce a little and she threw her head back with another moan. "Yes. I love being fucked." she moaned to him.Anne ran her hands over his shoulders and kissed his neck again. "Don't fret darling. I'm sure he'll come around." she whispered.Vivian pouted slightly when he pushed her legs together but she smiled a moment later with a soft giggle. "Thank you." she whispered to him with a light giggle. "I thought that you might like it."Jessie sat up some more and she pushed her sunglasses up to hold her hair back from her face. "He can be so stubborn." she said with a soft sigh. "Where is he now?" Karus held onto Daphne and groaned and kept pushing against her before groaning out as he began to release into her. "Oh is that so my pet? Well then tell me your favorite ways to get fucked, favorite outfits and favorite ways to be tied up and played with."Nightcralwer sighed. "I hope so I really do."Toxin looked at Vivian and grinned as he slid his hand up along her legs. "Oh and why is that my little Minx?"Growlithe sighed. "His office proabably." Daphne softly growls as she was asked more questions. Being asked questions to which she had to think about while her master was thrusting into her irritated her and she knew that Karus knew that and he did it on purpose. "I.. I like it when you fuck me in public against the wall." she gasped between her moans. "Just like when we met at that club. It's always been my favorite because of the thrill I get. My favorite outfits would have to be that black skimpy two piece that you bought me for my shows as well as that white lingere set that I bought last month. The one that got stained with blood."Vivian giggles softly and leans towards him a little. "Because you usually like what I wear for you. But I know you'll like what I have on beneath the dress even more." she says with a wink.Standing up slowly, Jessie moved over to Growlithe and she ran her fingers through his fur. "Do you want me to talk to him?" she asked softly. Karus grinned and slowly pulled himself out of her and wiped himself off on her legs. He looked at her and kissed her then pulled her panties back up then her hose. "Hmm what else shall we do my pet?"Toxin nodded and slid his hand up to the edge of her skirt, if you could call it that. His hand was now nestled up to the top of her thighs and nice Legs. "tell me about the outfit and your surprise." He noticed that bell had wrung and other students were getting out. He looked over at Fran and Grinned. "lock the door." He smiled and turned up the vibe in Fran.Grolithe shrugged. "If you could you'd be the first to get him to agree. others have tried all failed." Daphne slowly fell back against the couch while softly panting, her body trembling a little. She could feel his release deep inside of her and she smiled happily before looking up at him. "Mmm, I'm not sure." she said with a small smile.She grinned and glanced up at him as he moved his hand even further up her body. "Ah ah. Don't go any further up. I don't want you to feel your surprise." she said to him, placing a hand over his before it could go further.Fran watched the students file out of the classroom before quickly moving over to the door and she closed and locked it as told. Feeling the vibrator being turned up, she leaned against the door and moaned as she trembled.Jessie smiled gently and leaned up on her tiptoes, softly kissing Growlithe on the muzzle. Karus nodded and looked at Daphne and smiled and licked his lips. "Well my pet I think I may know one." He smiled and left the room for a while but then returned. he looked at her and held a dog. "Fuck it..well actually first seduce it..tease it. then fuck it wild. taking your every whole you have to offer."Toxin smiled and watched Vivian. "All right then, well then my pet tell me about your outfit then." He smiled sliding his hand back down over her thighs and stockings. He looked over at Fran and turned the vibe to random speeds on her.Growlithe smiled then gave her rear a swat. "go." Daphne looked at the dog as Karus brought it in and her eyes widened before blushing when she remembered a night long ago with Shaggy and Scooby. Shaking her head slightly, she pushed the thoughts away before nodding with a smile and she nodded with a grin. "Yes master." she said before removing her dress and then she approached the dog. Kneeling infront of it, she ran her fingers over the dogs ears before nuzzling its cheek in a why a pack mate would with a dog.Vivian looked down at the purple dress she was wearing before grinning and turning to face him completely. "This dress hides everything from view, but it clings to my every curve. Because it doesn't show off my body by letting people see any skin, they have to use their imagination." she said softly.Across the room, Fran was slowly sliding down the door as she squirmed and moaned loudly, getting closer and closer to cumming.Jessie giggled softly and nodded before heading inside to Mewtwos office. Pausing outside of it, she stared at the door before sighing and knocking on the door. Karus watched Daphne and grinned licking his lips before heading over to the couch to sit down and watch the entertainment. The dog Looked at Daphne and bumped its head against hers before pushing against her to show that it was dominantToxin nodded and looked at Vivian. "And Tell me then my pet what type of outfits you like to wear and how your outfit makes you feel and look. He smiled then looked over to Fran and motioned her to come over to him. He smiled sliding a hand along Vivian's Thighs.Mewtwo sat in his chair that he had built to support his true form. "Its open." He just sat there in his chair with a small ball of energy in his hand, letting it grow then dissapate, and grow again then release its energy before he turned and looked at Jessie as she walked in. Daphne lowered her head in a submissive gesture before glancing at the dog from the corner of her eyes as she began petting and caressing the dogs strong chest. She was well learned in the roles that were in a canine pack and she knew what to do when her master wanted her to seduce a dog. She whimpered very softly and she licked the dogs muzzle.Fran slowly staggered to her feet and stumbled over to where Toxin and Vivian were sitting, whimpering as she fought the urge to play with herself. Her hardened nipples could be seen through her clothing and her panties were already soaked.Vivan leaned back in her seat and looked thoughtful. "Hmm, I like wearing more... revealing outfits that shows off my curves and my long legs. I love how my outfits make me feel sexy and make all the guys want to fuck me when then can't unless you say they can." she said to him.Slowly pushing the door open, Jessie slipped into the room and paused when she saw Mewtwo sitting there in his trueform and she felt her body flush before she slowly approached him. "What is wrong master?" she asked him. The dog licked her face back before trying to push her over to show that it was the Alpha male. Karus watched this and grinned and reached over pulling out a bottle and drinking from it.Toxin nodded and licked his lips. He looked at Fran and grinned and made her kneel infront of him as he unzipped. he then made her start to suck him off. He then looked over at Vivian. "Well whats this surprise you have?"Mewtwo looked at Jessie. "Just old past my pet, old past." He just shook his head and let his tail swing from side to side in mild irritation.They had Dragged Faye out and had raped her almost every night. Now they had her tied while being felt up and groped. Daphne slowly allowed the dog to push her over, showing her smooth flat belly to the dog with her long legs parted a little. She glanced up at Karus as she reached down and slipped off her panties from her body.Fran eagerly knelt infront of Toxin and wrapped her hand around his cock, stroking him for a little while before beginning to suck him off, moaning around his thick shaft.Vivian giggled and slowly stood up. Removing her hat, she sat it down on her desk before turning her back to Toxin as she began unbuttoning the front of her dress so he wouldn't see what she had on beneath it. Once the dress was unbuttoned, she let it fall off her arms and to the floor as she stood there in a very revealing outfit made of pink and purple leather. Jessie moved over to him and placed her hands on his shoulders, leaning forward to softly kiss his neck with a soft sigh. "Is there anything that I can do to help master?" she whispered against his neck. "I hate seeing you like this."Faye had fought the best she could against the men that held her captive but after the first two nights, she had little energy left and couldn't fight them off any more as they raped her over and over and over, all the soldiers taking turns with her body. She wished that her lover was there with her and it brought tears to her eyes as the men around her groped her and felt her body up. The dog looked at Daphne and tilted its head before it moved down and sniffed at her slit for abit before he licked at her for a little while as its long cock started to come out of its sheath.Toxin looked at Fran and ran a hand through her hair as she sucked him off. He watched Vivian as she took her dress off to reveal her surprise. He looked at her and grinned. "Very good,, tell me about the outfit."Mewtwo shook his head. "No my pet there isnt anything that can be done. What happened, happened nothing can change that."The men pulled her shorts down her legs and slid themselves into her while another forced her to suck him off. Daphne gasped and whimpered softly in pleasure, her legs falling further apart as she arched her back a little, reaching down to pet the dogs ears.Fran relaxed the back of her throat and sank down to take his entire length into her mouth and throat, sucking harder upon him as she began bobbing her head and moaning.Vivian moved back over to the desks and sat on the table top instead of in the seat. "Mmm, this outfit shows off my long firm legs that I love to wrap around your waist when you're in me. And it shows over every single curve that I have as well as my ass which I know you like to grab." She slowly slid off the desk again so that she was standing infront of Toxin and she turned around before bending over for him with her legs parted a little to let him see her firm perky ass and give him a glimpse of the outline of the end of the vibrator that was buried deep in her ass, though her dark purple metallic panties.Jessie frowned at Mewtwos words and she looks at him. "I'm going to guess this is about what Growlithe was complaining about, right?" she whispers.Faye closed her eyes with a whimper as a man pushed himself into her while another cock was being forced into her mouth and she gagged just a little as she began to suck on the man. The dog wagged its tail as its dick moved out of its sheath and was now out and getting hard. Karus grinned and looked at Daphne. "Enjoying yourself my pet?"Toxin ran his hands through Fran's hair and smiled gently taking her ears and stroking them knowing that she enjoyed that immensely. "Very good fran, very good." He looked over at Vivian and grinned as she started to show off herself. "You look very sexy Vivian. Now tell me about our first time.. me getting you and making you my slave."Mewtwo let out a little hiss. "That does not concern you Jessie."The soldiers kept playing With Faye. the one holding her head started pushing against her to make her suck more while the one in her seemed to slide all the way out then slam back inside of her. Daphne looked up at Karus and nodded as she moaned again, enjoying what the dog was doing to her and she arched her back a little more. "Mmhmm, yes master." she breathed.Fran moaned a little louder, her moans causing vibrations to run along her masters cock as she took him all the way into her mouth and bobbed her head faster while suckling harder upon him to please him.Vivian smiled gently as she thought of her first time with him and she reached between her legs and began rubbing her slit through her wet panties with a soft moan. "It was... last year when you made me your slave. I was in the library as I normally was, wearing the same dress I was wearing today and I was studying. I always studied. That day when I was in the book shelves, you came upon me and began seducing me. At first, I didn't want it but as you continued rubbing me like I'm rubbing myself now, I became more willing. That day, you took me against the bookshelves in the library."Jessie looked away, fighting back the urge to cower before him. "But it does master. What if it was me who was taken? You know that the Rockets are still searching for me and they won't hesitate to take me. These people, your friends, wouldn't hesitate to help you bring me back if you asked. Or would you just leave me to the Rockets mercy?"Faye looked up at the man who was holding her head, tears running down her cheeks as she sucked upon his cock, relaxing her throat to let him push more of himself into her as she cried out as the man behind her fucked her hard. A mixture of her juices and the cum of the soldiers ran down her thighs. She had lost track of the number of men that she had been forced to suck off and the number of men that had fucked both her ass and her pussy, filling all of her holes with their cum. Karus grinned and nodded. "Good girl." As he watched her the dog kept licking at her before moving up and pressing its dick against her slit before slowly pushing into her.Toxin nodded and groaned and leaned back and started to release into Fran's Mouth. Watching Vivian he nodded. "Yes then I took you back to your own home, tied you up and had my way with you. I know you enjoy the rope on you. tell me your favorite time of being tied,what happened."Mewtwo looked at Jessie. "I'd go and get you myself. Besides my pet. there is much more to this then you know."The man behind her had released into her and pulled out. He slipped a Vibe into her wet pussy and slid himself up into her ass. Daphne felt the dogs cock against her slit and she whimpered before feeling him starting to push inside, drawing a soft moan from her lips as she parted her legs some more.Fran moaned as Toxin's release started filling her mouth and she began swallowing happily, suckling greedily until he had no more to give at the moment. Then she sat back and looked up at him once she had licked him clean.Vivian rubbed at her slit a little harder while moaning loudly, her ass wiggling a little. "My favorite time... was when you took me home with you and tied me up with my hands tied to your beds headboard and my legs spread as wide as you could get them and tied like that before you slid vibrators into my ass and pussy before leaving me like that for several hours before you finally came into the room and fucked me hard and fast."Jessie sighed softly and burried her face into the curve of Mewtwos neck, pressing a kiss against his shoulder and neck. "But they would help you if you did need it." she whispered. "And true, there is more to it then I know, so let me know more."Faye felt the man release into her pussy and she gave a weak sob around the cock in her mouth before feeling a viberator being pushed into her, soon followed by the mans cock into her ass. This made her whimper as she moved her hips a little. She hated these men and she wanted to hate what they were doing, but why was it beginning to feel so good? The dog grunted and pushed deep into Daphne, its tail was wagging happily as it started thrusting against her. Its dick tight against her hole as it pushed more trying to knot her.Toxin looked at his two girls and nodded. "And that's why you enjoy being tied up and helpless to your Master Vivian." He smiled and got up and pressed against Vivian, giving her rear a swat. He looked over at Fran and smiled. "Now your turn my dear. Tell me about how I got you. your outfits and what you enjoy to do."Mewtwo looked at Jessia and sighed. "Fine, it was a little while after I escaped from Rockets. I was recruited to a group of experiments and mutants. But during one Mission, Kovo walked away. He abandoned us and left us to deal with everything, So as far as Im concerned I dont owe to help him with anything."The Soldiers Kept playing with Faye, all tossing her around before forcing her down and all releasing on her. Daphne cried out as the dog thrust against her and she trembled a little as he tried to push his knot into her and she parted her legs some more while pressing her hips against his, grinding her hips against his a little.Vivian moaned and pressed back against Toxin as she rubbed her pussy even more, her fingers beginning to get wet.Fran leaned against the side of a desk with her legs parted and her fingers rubbing her clit as she gazed up at her master. "Mm, my first time. You got me right here in this classroom towards the end of last year. You had gotten into trouble and had detention with me. I had decided not to wear my panties that day because of how hot it was outside and you had noticed sometime during the day and that afternoon during detention you caught me when I was bent over, reaching over my desk to get something from a drawer. You snuck up behind me and thrust into me." She bit her bottom lip and moaned as she slipped her hand into her panties and began running her clit.Jessie frowned slightly and ran her fingers over Mewtwo's cheek before softly kissing him. "Then don't help him. Help her. Then he'll owe you. He'll be in debt to you." she whispers to him.Faye grunted when she was shoved to the ground and she sobbed softly as she was covered with hot cum, her body limp and weak. The dog ground itself into her, finally pushing its knot into her and getting itself stuck in her. Karus smiled. "Now Daphne Its up to you, He's knotted you and now you must work to get him off."Toxin smiled and kissed Vivian's neck and pressed against her as he watched Fran and nodded. "Yes, and ever since you've been loyal to a fault." He grinned and slipped his hand into Vivian's Panties.Mewttwo looked at Jessie and ssghed. "Fine. Tell growlithe to call and get the team together." Daphne groaned as the know was pushed into her and she moaned while arching her back and pushing up against the dog even more. Hearing her master talking to her again, she looked up at him and nodded before beginning to move her body against the dogs while moaning. Each time she moved even a little bit she could feel the knot pulling and pushing inside of her and it made jolts of pleasure ripple through her.Vivian gasped softly and rocked her hips against her hand a little. "Please master." she pleaded. "Please fuck me. I've been such a good girl."Fran just watched him touch Vivian as she grasped the vibrator that was in herown pussy and began fucking herself with it.Jessie grinned and hugged Mewtwo tightly. "I promise that I'll make this up to you. Anything you want me to do, I'll do it without question." she said and ran her hand along his chest with another gentle kiss before pulling away and hurrying off to where she had left Growlithe, a smug grin on her lips. The dog grunted and kept kept pushing deeper against her but it couldn't pull back because of the Knot so it was limited in what it could do meaning Daphne now had to work it.Toxin looked at Vivian and grinned and pulled his hand out of her and looked at Her then Fran. "At home, And Vivian I want you to Dress Fran in something Very similar to what you have on, if you can do that I'll fuck you good and hard. lets go." He got up and pulled them both up and headed out of the campus and to the small house that was right by the school since He lived there ever since the owners of the school his parents passed on.Mewtwo just shook his head as she headed out of the room to talk to Growlithe who was sitting on the couch talking on the Phone. Using her internal muscles and her hips, Daphne worked hard on pleasing the dog as he pushed deeper into her and she reached down between her legs to caress the dogs balls while moaning and rocking her hips.As Toxin told her at home and removed his hand from her panties, Vivian whimpered with a slight pout before slowly standing up straight and fixing her panties. Moving over to where her dress laid, she pulled it on and buttoned it up. "Yes master." she said softly. "I will do my best."Jessie quickly finds Growlithe and hurries towards him with a grin, her breasts bouncing with her quick steps before she pounces into his lap with a giggle. The dog grunted and barked and wiggled around inside of Daphne. its dick pulsing to her touch, she could tell it was close to release. "Well Daphne, How is it, and once it releases. what hole will be next?"Toxin nodded and walked back home waiting for his two pets. Those who knew didn't care and those who didn't just Saw Toxin, then another Student and a teacher head in thinking it was nothing more then studying.Growlithe looked at her then looked at his phone. "I'll call you back with any news." He then looked at Jessie. "Well?" The womans pleasured moans got more needy as she got close to cumming as well, just like the dog. Glancing up at her master, she moaned gently. "My mouth. I want to taste him next." she said between her soft moans and gasps.Vivian left close behind Toxin while pulling on her hat. It was her signature piece of clothing, that striped pink and white hat, never going anywhere without it.A little while after Vivian left, Fran soon followed. She had to fix her clothing and gather her purse and bag full of papers before following her students, locking the classroom behind her. After her and the other girl reached the house, they entered behind Toxin.Jessie looked up at him with a smug smile. "He said to tell you to call and get the team together." she said. "You and the others really don't know how to talk Mewtwo into doing something. But then again, you and the others can't give him what I can." The dog let out a loud howl and began to release into her and as it did that its knot began to shrink until the dog was able to pull out of her with a wet sounding "plop"Toxin looked at his two girls and smiled before heading over to the couch. He looked at Vivian and smiled. "You know what you must do my pet." He smiled and licked his lips.Growlithe just shook his head. "You have the advantage but anyway I'll make the call." His tail wrapped arund her waist as he dailed up the number. "Kovo, We'll help tell everyone else we're ready." Daphne felt the hot release filling her and she softly cried out as she came as well, leaning down to press her hot face against the floor as the dog pulled out of her. She felt a mixture of Karus', the dogs and her cum trickling out of her and down her thigh.Vivian smiled and nodded quickly before grabbing Frans hand and hurrying upstairs to dress up her teacher. After several long minutes of searching the room that held all of her sexy clothing that Toxin kept for her, she found an almost identical outfit to hers. The only difference was the colors and some of the style. Quickly changing Fran, Vivian soon had the older woman dressed up in the outfit. Frans clothing were bright electric blue, powder blue and white instead of pink, dark purple and white like Vivians. Once the woman was changed, Vivian led her back downstairs.Jessie giggled softly and pressed herself against the large male, burrying her face into his thick fur as she softly caressed his chest. The dog was able to pull out of her. Its dick slowly shrinking down as he watched Daphne. Karus nodded and smiled as she rested there. "Tell me my pet did you enjoy yourself?"Toxin saw the two come out of their room and into the living room. He looked at Fran and grinned then looked at Vivian and nodded. "Very good, very good." He smiled and walked over to her and turned her around and pressed her against the wall as his hands moved down over her body. He smiled and grabbed her hands and tied them behind herself as he then moved her to the table and tied her to it. He then looked at Fran and tied her to a chair.Growlithe looked at her and Smiled. "They will be coming soon." Daphne slowly stretched out and laid down on her stomach with a small satisfied smile before she looked up at Karus and nodded. "Mmhmm, I enjoyed myself alot." she said.Vivian smiled happily at his praise before gasping in delight when she was pressed against the wall and moaned as his hands moved over her body, wiggling slightly before her hands were tied behind her back. She giggled softly as she was led over to the table and tied to it.Fran arched eyebrow when Toxin looked at her and soon found herself tied to a chair.Jessie looked up at Growlithe in curiosity. "Who is they?" she asked softly. Karus nodded and looked at the dog who just watched them before laying down and looking cute. its tail wagging slowly from side to side wondering what was going on.Toxin smiled and looked at Fran and put in two fresh vibes, one to her ass and one to her pussy and tured them on random leaving her there. He then looked at Vivian and walked up behind her, giving her rear a swat before unzipping his pants and rubbing against the back of her legs.Growlithe shrugged. "Nightcrawler, Wolf, Kovo and Myself and Mewtwo." Daphne laid her head down on her arms as she relaxed from her last orgasm and she sighed happily while gazing up at Karus. With the way she was laying on the floor before her master, Daphne might as well of been wearing a collar.Fran groaned as two fresh vibrators were slid into her body and she trembled a little as they were turned on, her body tightening around the toys in her ass and her already soaking wet pussy. As she moaned in delight, she watched Toxin move over to Vivian and she grinned.Vivian looked over her shoulder before yelping softly when her ass was swatted and a moment later she heard the wonderful sound of her masters pants being opened and she wiggled in excitement as he rubbed against her legs.Jessie slowly nodded. "Oh, okay." she said softly. Karus looked at Daphne and licked his lips. "How you lay there you look like a perfect little pet, all you miss is a collar." He smiled and watched her then looked over to the dog who just rolled onto his back watching the two.Toxin looked at Vivian and smiled as he rubbed his dick against her ass and the back of her thighs just wanting to get her excited. "Tell me my pet why I should fuck you right now. Why I shouldn't just vibe you like I did to Fran and go and watch some tv, Or what why I should fuck you and not walk over and play with Fran?"Growlithe nodded. "Best go get dressed they will be here soon and one of them could be here any minute." Daphne blushed a little and giggled softly while twirling a lock of her hair around her finger a couple of times. "Perhaps you should get me a collar." she said softly. "And a little tag that says 'Daphne' and beneath it 'Karus' little pet'." She grinned gently and giggled again.Vivian began softly panting with need, her body aching for her masters cock. When he asked her why he should fuck her, she tugged at the ropes holding her. "Please master." she pleaded. "You should fuck me because I've been such a good girl for you. I haven't taken the vibrator out of my ass, just like you instructed and you haven't played with me in so long. Please. I'm starting to get a little jealous of Fran. I need you."Jessie slowly sat up with a soft sigh and nodded slightly. "Very well." she said softly. "I'll be right back out in a few minutes." Softly kissing him on the muzzle, she pulled away from Growlithe and disappeared into the bedroom that she shared with Mewtwo. Karus smiled and looked at Daphne and nodded before heading off and coming back with a camera and setting it up. "All right then pet, while you play with the dog and this films im going to go out and get you a collar and tag."Toxin looked at Vivian and nodded as he rubbed his cock against her panties before pulling them down her lovely legs and slid himself into her warm and waiting pussy. He pushed into her deeply and kissed her neck. "A good as answer as any."Growlithe nodded and as she left the door the main door opened, a figure walked in and sniffed around. it was wolf. He looked to be what any movie would call a werewolf. "Growl, Its good to see you, has anyone else arrived?" Daphne arched an eyebrow when her master left the room and came back with a camera, watching him set it up and she blushed a little as he told her that she would be recorded while he went to get her a collar and tag. "Can it be one that matches my usual outfits?" she asked softly. She normally wore some kind of green or red instead of purple and pink any more, prefering colors that complimented her hair and skin color.Vivian panted softly as he rubbed himself against her panties then a moment later she felt the cool air of the room touching her heated pussy and she whined Her whine then shifted to a moan as he pushed into her hungry pussy and she threw her head back as she tightened around him. The feeling of having his thick cock in her pussy and the vibe in her ass made the girl wiggle while faintly moaning.Jessie was out of the room for several minutes before returning wearing a simple red, black and white sundress and boots, though beneath it was a simple but sexy set of lingere that she normally wore. She was in the colors of team rocket. Even though she wasn't still with them, she still wore their colors now and then. Entering the room, she smiled over at Growlithe and silently padded over to where he was sitting and sank down into the couch next to him with her legs curled up beneath her. Karus looked at Daphne and nodded. "I'll think about it my pet, Now have fun." He smiled and kissed her before heading out of the building and getting into his car to go and get the tag and collar for Daphne.Toxin ground himself into her and grinned as he leaned over her and nibbled on her neck. he grabbed the control of the vibe and looked at her before turning it up and sliding the controls back into her stockings.Wolf looked at Jessie then looked at Growlithe. "You hook up during this time that the team has been split?" As they were chatting Mewtwo walked out and looked at Wolf and nodded. "Good to see you." Daphne nodded with a grin, pushing herself up onto her elbows, happily kissing him back before watching him leave. Giggling softly she turned to look at the dog and slowly approached him on her hands and knees.Vivian tightened even more around him when he ground against her and she moaned again when he nibbled on her neck. As he turned the speed on the vibe inside of her up, she arched her back and squealed as she tightened even more around him.Jessie heard Wolf's words and arched an eyebrow before looking at Growlithe. A moment later she snickered and shook her head. If she was hooked up with anyone as a couple, it would of been more likely to of been with Mewtwo. Hearing her master enter, she looked up at him and smiled gently. The dog looked at Daphne and tilted its head before barking,letting its tongue hang out of its mouth as it happily wagged its own tail as she approached it.Toxin kept pushing against Vivian and kissed her neck as he kept pushing against her getting good and hard inside of her. "Talk dirty for my my pet, you know I love it when you do."Mewtwo and Wolf walked over to eachother and it looked like they were going to either fight or kill eachother but then they laughed and hugged each other. Wolf looked at him and smiled. "Its good to see you again old friend, Never did get used to seeing you in this forum when you did it though." Daphne stopped next to the dog and smiled down at him before laying next to him, nuzzling her face against his neck.Vivian moaned as Toxin continued pushing against her and she tilted her head to the side, her long blonde hair falling over her shoulder and trailing over the table, exposing her next to him as he kissed her neck. "Mmm, please master. Fuck my pussy hard." she moaned. "I need your hard shaft deep inside of me."Noticing how Mewtwo and Wolf were looking at each other, Jessie bit her bottom lip and shifted in her seat until they laughed and hugged each other, making her sigh in relief and she smiled gently. Looking up at Growlithe, she gently tugged on his thick fur. Not hard enough to hurt, just enough to get his attention. "Who is that?" she whispered to him. The dog let out a happy bark and just laid there on the ground with its tail wagging as it watched her.Toxin kept pushing against Vivian and nodded as he pushed in as deep as he could as his hands moved all over her body and his tongue slid over her neck before he started to gently nibble on her neck. "Keep going babe."Growlithe looked at Jessie and nodded. "Wolf, one of the original members. He never gave anyone his real name so no one knows it. He is one of the most strongest mutants I know. His power is his strength, keen sense of smell and direction." After a while Night Crawler Appeared leaning against the door. "Well i guess we start. we are just missing,Kovo..." Mewtwo looked up and nodded to Nightcralwer but said nothing on the mention of Kovo. At that moment the door was Pushed open and Kovo walked in. As she laid next to the dog, Daphne began petting him, running her hand along his side and chest before stroking his belly softly.Vivian moaned even louder as she moved her hips a little, her toes curling a little as she laid there completely helpless on the table. "I want you to fuck me really good until you cum and I want your cum deep inside of my cunt master." she panted through her moans.Jessie slowly nodded while leaning against Growlithes side a little more, cuddling close to the large pokemon with a soft sigh. She slowly looked around the room before she noticed a blue man leaning against the door and she knew that he was Nightcrawler, having seen his picture a couple of times before. At the mention of Kovo, Jessie momentarily glanced at her master until the door opened and said man entered. The dog barked and wagged its tail as she started to pet it. The unmoving eye of the camera kept an ever watchful gaze over the two.Toxin grinned and gently bit down upon Vivian's neck as he pushed against her more and more giving her rear a squeeze. He grunted and groaned as he pushed himself as deep as he could go into her. "You know I will."Mewtwo just stood there looking at Kovo, Wolf and Nightcralwer looked at eachother and sighed. "Still?" Nightcrawler nodded. Kovo just shook his head "You have some nerve to not want to help when you once told me you'd always help out a fellow mutant experiment and teammate." Mewtwo growled. "That's before you betrayed and abandoned us!" Kovo looked at him. "Abandoned. I left because of what we were doing and you knew it was wrong!" "It was still our job and we had orders, You of all knew that and you always wanting equality fr both but always hiding your true self." Kovo looked at him. "Tell me how do you sleep knowing you helped to hunt down your own kind!" Wolf growled out loud at them. "ENOUGH, The past is the past. We have all left that life we are here to help someone out." Daphne chuckled softly when the dog barked again and wagged his tail as she pet it. Her hand that was on his belly moved down a little more as she began to stroke the sheath that protected his cock.Vivian whimpered and moaned as he thrust into her over and over, the table groaning just a little as it moved beneath her slightly. She arched her back as she began tightening around him, her orgasm rushing forward.Jessie felt the tension in the air as her master and Kovo stared at each other and she bit her bottom lip as the two males yelled at each other, flinching and frowning as she listened to the two males yell back and forth before Wolf finally spoke up and she sighed softly. The Dog looked at Daphne and wagged its tial more as he felt her placing her hand over his sheath.Toxin groaned and kept pushing Against Vivian more and more as he was getting closer and closer to Release. He held onto her and kissed her neck as he started to cum inside of her.Mewtwo just stayed quiet. Wolf sighed and walked over to a table and pulled out a map. "It wont be easy, this place is guarded. if they see us they wont hesitate to shoot to kill." Daphne gently gripped the dogs sheath and stroked him a little faster, working on arousing him again.Vivian's moans filled the room even more as she got closer with every stroke of his cock. Suddenly she felt his hot release filling her and she trembled as she started cumming as well.Slowly standing up, Jessie skirted the room slowly and silently so that she wouldn't draw much attention to herself as she moved around to where Mewtwo was and she took his hand into her own. The dog watched Daphne and she could feel his dick slowly come to life as it started to come out of its sheath.Toxin held himself inside of Vivian as he released all that he had before he slowly pulled himself out of her and wiped off on her. He grinned and looked over to Fran and licked his lips. He smiled and her and walked over to her bound form on the chair and kneeled in front of it sliding his hands over her legs. "Now don't you look good."Mewtwo nodded and looked at Jessica then to everyone else. "All right then lets go." Daphne felt his dick starting to emerge from his sheath and she stroked him a little faster while her other hand moved to touch his cock, running her fingers over his length as it emerged.Vivian was softly panting and gasping as his hot release filled her completely and she bit her bottom lip as he wiped himself off on her, making her blush a little.Fran was thrashing a little in the chair, already have cum again from the two vibrators that were buried deep in her holes and she was moaning loudly. Feeling his hands on her legs she opened her eyes and looked down at Toxin while panting heavily.Jessie looked around at the others then back up at Mewtwo and she asked him, "Am I to stay here? Or do you wish me to go with you?" The dog watched Daphne as its cock started to emerge. His tail started to thump against the floor happily as she started to stroke his emerging cock.Toxin looked at Fran and grinned and ran his hands over her legs as he brushed his cock against them. He reached in between her legs and pulled the vibes out and looked at her. "Tell me my pet, How you like to be tied and teased?"Mewtwo nodded and looked at Jessie. "You will be of some use keeping watch and distracting any guards that may come our way, do you think you can do that?" Daphne smiles a little wider as she strokes the dogs cock faster before leaning down and licking at his cock. She could taste a mix of herself, the dog and Karus on his cock from the mix of their juices that had gotten on the canine when he fucked her not too long ago.Fran squirmed in the seat and bit her bottom lip as he pulled the vibes out of her body. "Mmm, it's wonderful master." she says to him.Jessie slowly nodded with a small smile. "Yes, I think I can distract them. But I don't have to do anything... sexual with them will I?" she asks. The dog looked at Daphne and tilted its head before yelping in surprise then enjoyment as it felt Daphne take her tounge to his cock.Toxin grinned and wormed his hand inbetween her legs and kept rubbing her for abit before he pulled his hand out of her and unzipped his pants again and wormed his way into her,slowly sliding into her and being able to feel the tight squeeze she was giving him felt so very good to him. He grinned and licked along her neck.Mewtwo shook his head. "I would Hope lets go." Nightcrawler got everyone together before closing his eyes and transporting them outside of the compound. "I can get in and disable security. Kovo, Wolf. Take to the back Side while Growl and Mewtwo take to the front." Daphne moaned softly as she began licking and sucking on the dogs cock, her tongue moving over his length as she took him deeper.Fran gasped and moaned softly as he rubbed between her legs, shivering just a little as he touched her. She always loved feeling her masters touch. As he unzipped himself again and she grunted as he wormed his way between her thighs and pushed into her, softly crying out as his cock filled her as he licked her neck.Jessie nodded and stuck close to her master as he led her to the others and she gently grasped his arm as Nightcrawler transported them and she looked up at the compound. The dog barked happily and just sat back watching Daphne as she started to take its cock deeper into her mouth. its tail wagged happily as she took to it.Toxin pushed himself deeper inside of her as he kissed along her neck and let his hands roam over her breasts. He smiled and kissed her as he started to push more and more inside of her.Growl looked around once they got there and cracked his knuckles. "all right, silence is key, take them out only if you have to, we want to get in and get out." Nightcralwer nodded before heading off. Wolf and Kovo looked at each other and started to head around the backside of the complex. Growl sighed. "I have a bad feeling about this." Unknown to them they were being watched. 2 red eyes in the trees watched them and grinned before dissapearing. Daphne glanced up at the camera that was recording her and she blushed a little while she continued with what she was doing, reaching out with her hands to pet the dogs chest and his balls.Fran cried out as Toxin pushed deeper into her and she struggled against the ropes holding her while kissing him back, nipping and suckling on his bottom lip.Jessie stayed at Mewtwos side as they moved, her heart pounding against her chest. She disliked being the only one with no way to protect herself but she figured that if she stayed with Growl and Mewtwo, they were more then capable of protecting her. The Camera kept recording her as she played with the dog as its dick grew hard in her hands from her own actions.Toxin held onto her and kissed her and released into her as well before groaning and resting against her. once he was done he slowly pulled out of her and looked at the two girls and untied them. ""Before I wake I want you dressed up, breakfast made and ready and waiting for me. Is that understood."Mewtwo looked around before shifting himself to his human appearance. "Guards coming. Growl go small. i'll carry you right in. Jessie, Distract them." Daphne slowly pulled back and looked up at the dog while stroking him. She could feel her own excitement mounting the more she sucked and stroked him, dipping her head again to lick at his shaft.Fran gasped and moaned as he released into her, her body trembling against his as he rested against her and she softly panted happily. A soft groan escaped her as he pulled out and untied her before she nodded slowly and Vivian made a sound of understanding as he untied her as well. "Yes master, we understand." she said softly.Jessie bit her bottom lip before nodding with a soft sigh. "Yes master." she whispered before looking around, wondering which way the guards would be coming. The dog barked happily as Daphne started to suck it off. the unmoving eye of the camera keeping an ever watchful eye over Daphne and her actions.Toxin nodded and got up and yawned before heading out of the room and into his before undressing and hopping into bed and laying down for a good rest.The guard walked down the path before looking at Jessie. "You there halt!" Daphne slowly took the dogs dick into her mouth until her lips touched its knot and the tip of the animals cock touched the back of her throat. Once that happened, she relaxed the back of her throat and began working on taking the knot into her mouth as well.The two girls watched Toxin get up and head for his room before they looked at each other with small smiles.Hearling the guard, Jessie turned and looked at him with wide eyes, making her look innocent. "Me?" she asked, pointing to herself. The dog's tail could be heard thumping against the ground as it was well pleased with what Daphne was doing. Secretly Karus had walked into the room and was watching what was going on from upstairs. He smiled and sat back watching it.Toxin laid back in his room before falling asleep.The guard looked at Jessie and held a rifle at her. "Yes you." Daphne finaly got the dogs entire dick and knot into her mouth and began sucking hard upon him, working on getting him to cum. Her tongue danced over the hot surface of his cock.Jessie's eyes widened even more when he held his rifle at her and she took a step back from him. "W why... you're not going to shoot me... are you?" she asked timidly. The dog groaned and howled out as Daphne continued to suck on him. It grunted abit before it started to cum inside of her mouth with a large amount for her.The guard looked at Jessie. "I said hold still." Inside of the base They had found Faye and untied her. Nightcralwer,wolf and Kovo transported to a safe area. Mewtwo and Growlithe were gathering Data when an alarm went off. "we better get going." Daphne gasped when he started to cum inside of her mouth and and swallowed it eagerly while moaning softly, licking the dogs cock clean before pulling back a little.Jessie gasped and swallowed softly, her eyes wide as she stared at the guard. She didn't like that she was being held at gun point and her heart was racing. "Could you please point the gun else where?" she said softly.Faye was barely holding onto conciousness when she was found and once she was untied, she finally gave into unconciousness and she passed out. Karus smiled and walked downstairs. "a wonderful show." He smiled and looked at Daphne before setting a bag down on the couch. He walked over to the camera and paused it. "Having fun?"Mewtwo helped Growlithe get out and as the guard aimed at Jessie the gun was ripped from his hands and floated infront of him. "Yes how about you Aim at yourself?"Ani yawned and shifted abit as he was starting to wake up. but he felt someone shift beside him He groaned and clung to Midna and gently licked at her neck. "Hun its too early." But that wasnt the only one who slept in his bed. No, he also had his own sister who now looked like a spitting image of their mother His tail curled around hers. now their relationship kept secret, it was true she saw others but she still let her brother take her. Midna was Ani's one true love and well. Zelda She was just in it cause Ani could change shape and fuck her like an animal. Now beastboy was hardly around after the dissapearence of Star So Animal had the house to himself.Starfire was held by the Tentacles several sliding around her thighs before some slid into her. A pair of red eyes watched her grinning. This was the 3rd time this week that Schrodinger had thrown star to the tentacles and watchedmidnahttp: fs15 i 2007 343 3 7 Midna true form spoiler by Vermin Star.jpgZeldahttp: images portal princess zelda.jpgSchrodingerhttp: hellsing ultimate thumbs schrodinger.jpgbetter lookhttp: fs27 f 2008 161 c b Schrodinger by TotemoOmoshiroi.png Daphne looked up at Karus and grinned with a soft giggle before nodding. "Yes, I am. But not as much fun as when I'm with you." she said to him.Jessie sighed when the gun was ripped from the guards hands and she smiled up at her master. She giggled at the shocked look on the guards fase and shook her head before moving towards Mewtwo.Midna slowly opened her eyes with a small smile, her cat like eyes sparkling brightly with mirth and she made a purring sound when he licked her neck. "Mmm, it's never to early." she whispered to him while wrapping her arm around his waist and snuggling close to him. She looked past him to see Jess curled up next to him with her arms wrapped around a pillow and her tail wrapped around her brothers. Then past Jess, Zelda was sleeping against Jess's back, the elf spooning with Jess.Starfire struggled against the tentacles that held her, her long red hair messy from not being taken care of. "No, please no." she begged before she felt some of the tentacles enter her, making her cry out before struggling again. "Please! No more." Karus looked at Daphne and smiled as he walked down and ran a hand through her hair. "we'll I've got the collar and tag for you."Mewtwo just shook his head before the gun went off and the guard dropped. "Lets go." Growlithe nodded and started running off into the forest but as soon as they got within a good distance away growlithe dropped to the ground clutching his chest. "don't feel too good." A bright white light began to glow around him before he changed and evolved into Arcanine.Ani grumbled abit before holding Midna close and kissing her. "Hun it is early in the morning...not even 6 am yet." He yawned but didn't refuse her hold. His tail curled around Jess's own tail.Schrodinger's ears flicked abit as he looked at Starfire and ran a hand against her cheek. "Dann Mrs.Starfire Iend Do suggest that you do as you were told und stop being sch a bad girl." she had been refusing to cooperate and so he had to punish her. "will you be a good girl?" Daphne closed her eyes and smiled while leaning into his touch. "You did?" she asked excitedly. "Can you put them on me? Please?" She paused and looked up at him with a thoughtful look in her eyes. "Or do I have to earn them?"When the gun went off, Jessie closed her eyes and turned away before continueing with Growlithe and Mewtwo. She was just a little breathless by the time they stopped and she gasped when Growlithe dropped to the ground, moving closer to him with a look of concern on her face. While Mewtwo was her master, Growlithe had become something of a best friend to her. She looked on in shock as he evolved. "Growlithe?" she said softly.Midna softly kissed him back and yawned softly after him. "I know. But I couldn't sleep any longer." she whispered to him.Starfire sniffled and moved her face away from his hand. "W what do you want me to do?" she whimpered. Star had forgotten what it was he wanted her to do. All she wanted was to go home to her beloved Beastboy and her children. Karus looked at Daphne and thought about it for a while before shaking his head and going over to the bag and pulling out a dark red collar and black tag with white lettering saying her name then Karus's pet.Growlithe blinked and looked around. He was much taller and stronger now too as his tail whipped around. "Yes..and no.. Its who I was but now...You may call me Arcanine, or Arc."Ani sighed and kissed her and nuzzled against her. "Well the Mid, what shall we do?"Schrodinger looked at Star and shook his head. "Wear your new outfit. the edited one." Daphne watched him pull out the collar and she smiled when she saw that it would match her hair. "Thank you." she said to him.Jessie moved over to him and ran her fingers through his wild fur. "Arc? Arc... I like it." she said softly with a small smile. "Did you get the girl that you needed to get?" she asked.Midna shrugged as he nuzzled against her and she kissed him softly on the lips.Star was silent as she softly sobbed before finally nodded. "O okay." she whispered. Karus looked at Daphne and nodded and walked over to her and unhooked the collar then wrapped it aorund her neck then closed it and attached the tag to it. He looked at her and grinned.Arc nodded and slowly got up but took one step and dropped. "No energy..and yes we did."Ani shrugged and kissed her before slowly untangling his tail from Jess and climbing over Mida as he nuzzled against her breasts. "Tell me again why you said yes to going with me."Schrodinger let the tentacles pull away from star and he dragged her out and tossed her to her room before tossing her the edited uniform. it looked like he old uniform except the skirt was now tight silk hot shorts. the shirt was tight to her, she had stockings and silk gloves. "get dressed and freshen up before presenting yourself to your master my pet." He looked at her before heading back to the main room. As he approached her with the collar, she collected her hair into her hand and exposed her slender neck to him and smiled as he closed it and attached the tag. She could feel the cool metal against her throat and it made her shiver and smile again.Jessie ran her fingers through Arc's fur and stayed at his side. "Just take it easy for a little while. I'm sure master knows what to do." she said softly.Midna wrapped her arms around Ani and pressed a light kiss against the top of his head. "Because I find you attractive and you're kind. And there's so many other reasons, I can't name them all." she said.Star landed on the floor with a thud and a soft groan, her body trembling a little. When he threw the uniform at her, she flinched and looked away while letting it fall to the floor. Sighing softly, Star began to clean herself up. Karus looked at Daphne and grinned stepping back for a second. "Look really good."Arc nodded and looked at mewtwo. Mewtwo shrugged and started walking off. "I'll scout ahead and make sure the way is clear. Jessie take care of him until I can get back."Ani nodded and smiled and rested against Mida and kissed at her neck. "What are we going to do?"Schrodinger waited in the main room for Starfire. Daphne sat back and grinned up at him, her name tag glittering in the light of the room. "Really? You think it looks good?"Jessie nodded and ran her fingers through Arc's fur while gazing up at Mewtwo. "Yes master. I won't leave his side."Midna shrugged slightly as he kissed her soft neck before sighing softly and running her fingers through his hair. "Mmm, I dunno." she whispered. "But I'm enjoying this right here."Star finally finished cleaning herself off before she finally dressed. She grimaced at the look of what she had to wear but she didn't want to be thrown to the tentacles again. Sighing, the woman brushed her long hair back over her shoulder before slowly heading out to where Schrodinger was waiting. She stood before him with her hands folded infront of her and her head bowed. Karus nodded and smiled. "Yes my pet I do think it looks really good on you." He smiled and ran his hand against her cheek and kissed her. "Yes it looks great."Arc just laid back and shook his head. "Well Jessie, have any ideas o how to gain my energy back?, Hell I can hardly even stand."Ani looked at Midna and smiled and kissed along her neck as his hands slid along her sides and his tail slid up her legs.Schrodinger looked at Star and his ears twitched slightly. He fixed his uniform and looked at her. "There we go, much better Mrs.Star, You will find it is much better to cooperate then it will be to resist." He moved behind her and ran a hand over the back of her shorts and gave her rear a squeeze. "Tell me about the outfit you have on." Daphne happily kissed him back and sighed into the kiss while reaching up and playing with a lock of her masters hair before smiling up at him again.Jessie sat next to him and laid her head on his large chest with her legs stretched out next to her. "I don't know Arc." she said softly. "I'm sure we'll think of something though."Midna tilted her head back and bit her bottom lip as he touched her sides and she geve a very soft breathy moan as his tail slid up her long legs.Star tensed as he touched her and she glared at the floor and her feet as he told her to tell him about the outfit that she had on. "Why?" she asked him. "You know more about this poor excuse for an outfit then I do." Karus smiled and looked at Daphne and kissed her then pulled her up. "Morning comes soon, we should rest."Arc shrugged and looked around. He then looked at Jessie nd smiled and ran a hand through her hair.Ani grinned and gently nibbled on her neck as his hands found her breasts covered by her silk nightgown as his tail curled around her thighs. He smiled and looked at her and kissed her deeply.Schrodinger shook his head and grabbed her by her neck. "That my dear is the wrong answer and why you keep getting punished. Your attitude." He just glared and gripped her. "Tell how it looks on you, makes you feel,how you like it and how it shows you off." Daphne stood up with a yawn and smiled at Karus. "Good idea." she whispered to him.Jessie closed her eyes as Arc ran his hand through her long hair and she sighed while snuggling close to him.Midna moaned and arched her back, pressing herself close to him while eagerly kissing him, wrapping her arms around his neck.Starfire wheezed as he gripped her neck and her hands flew to his wrist as she looked up at him with wide eyes. "I.. I don't know how it looks on me, but it makes me feel disgusting and dirty... and I hate it." she gasped while trying to breath while looking up at him. The last part she really didn't want to say but she also didn't want to be thrown back to the tentacles, the mere thought of it scaring her. "It... shows off my long legs... and my ass." she grumbled. "As well as my curves." Karus smiled and gently took Daphne by the arm and lead her back to their room before going to go to sleep.Arc looked at Jessie and tilted his head. "Any ideas?"Ani smiled and held her close but as she tried to kiss he playfully shoved her back down and whomped her with a pillow before laying back down and trying to sleep.Schrodinger just shook his head and grabbed Star and tied her down to a chair. "Your attitude needs work..but soon it wont matter." He laughed and walked over to a desk and opened it and pulled out a needle. "This should help." He walked over to her and tapped the needle abit before grabbing her arm and injecting her. "that should lower your resistance, impeded your powers and make you submit." Jessie shook her head again. "I'm not sure." she said softly while crawling a little further up his body so she was sitting next to his shoulder. "Arc... what do you think caused you to evolve?" she asked him.Midna gasped in shock when he shoved her down onto the bed and hit her with a pillow, staring at him with wide eyes as he laid down to sleep. Pouting slightly, she snatched the pillow he hit her with and turned over onto her side so her back was to him before pulling up the cover a little more.Star glared up at him as he grabbed her and began tieing her down. She started struggling against the ropes and her heart began beating even more as she breathed heavily. "W what do you mean?" she asked, looking up and watching him with wide eyes. When she saw the needle, her eyes widened and she froze. "No! Please, no drugs." she pleaded, tears beginning to fill her eyes. When he grabbed her arm and injected her, she yelped in pain as the needle sunk into her arm. "Just let me go!" she sobbed. "I want to go home!" Toxin yawned and stretched as the sunlight slowly filled his room. He stretched and looked around before sitting up and wondering what the girls had done, per his order.Arcanine looked at Jessie and shook his head. "Its a natural occurrence. I mean what causes you to grow up? Hmm your body does it naturally and so does ours. Its just nature." He wrapped his tail around her waist and watched her.After a few more hours of sleep Ani finally woke up with the rest of the girls. He yawned and looked at them and tilted his ehad. "All right who wants what for breakfast?" He got out of bed and started to get dressed.After a few hours of testing Schrodinger was quite pleased with the results of the test, but now one last thing had to be done. "Star, now tell your master how the outfit looks on you and makes you feel and what you'll do for your master?" When Toxin woke up, both girls were downstairs with each other. They were giggling softly and finishing breakfast for Toxin and themselves. They had made pancakes, sausage, eggs and homestyle fries. As he had ordered, the food was done and they were both dressed. Infact, the two girls were dressed in matching outfits. They were both wearing a white tube dress that stopped a little higher then mid thigh with matching white silk thongs and stockings. Even their hair was similar.Jessie sighed happily when he wrapped his tail around her and she smled at him. "True. But what I ment was, usually evolution is triggered by something." she said softly. "What do you think it could of been?"Emma softly yawned and opened her eyes, rubbing them with the back of her hand as her brother spoke. "I'll just have my usual granola cereal." she muttered.Midna just shrugged with a smile. "Doesn't matter to me." she said while rolling over to look up at her love.Star sat slumped in the seat, her head bowed with her long red hair falling around her face like a curtain. When he said her name an spoke to her, Star slowly lifted her head and looked at him with dull blank eyes. In the back of her mind she was fighting the drugs and what Schrodinger had done. "The outfit looks good on me." she said, her voice soft and monotone. "And it makes me feel... sexy. I will do what ever my master pleases." Toxin wandered down from the room smelling the good food. He licked his lips and walked into the kitchen and looked at the food that the two girls had made before looking at themselves. "Hmm I don't know what looks better to eat. the food or you." He smiled and walked over to them and kissed them both. "good morning."Arcanine nodded. "Did some fighting in the complex and got stronger, thus triggering the evolution." He looked at her and smiled letting his tail curl around her legs.Ani nodded and looked at Emma and Midna. "All right and Zelda what do you want me to make for breakfast?"Schrodinger nodded and looked at Star. "Good, tell me My pet, how are you in bed?" Vivian laughed softly and brushed her bangs from her face. "You're so sweet master." she said while setting the plates onto the table for them to eat. The two softly kissed him back, Fran running her hand along his chest. "Good morning master. I trust you slept well?" she asked softly.Jessie felt Arcs tail curling around her legs and she grins while pressing her body flush against his with a grin. "I'm so glad I have you and master. You're both so strong and so protective." she said to him while rubbing her body against him a little.Zelda tiredly lifted her head and looked at him with a sleepy smile. "Doesn't matter to me." she replied. "I'll have what ever it is that you're having."Star slowly blinked while staring at him before replying. "How do you want me in bed?" she asked him. Toxin nodded and looked at the two girls before setting down at the table and looking over at the food. "Ya slept really well, Tell me how did you two sleep?"Arc nodded and held onto Jessie letting his tail slip up the bottom of her dress. It was the least he could do with the lack of energy in his whole body.Ani nodded and looked at all the girls before heading out and into the kitchen to prepare their food and his.Schrodinger looked at Star and grinned and walked over to hermrunning a hand against her cheek and over her chest. "what can you do?" Fran and Vivian looked at each other before giggling softly. "We slept pretty well." Fran said, her ears twitching slightly as she giggled again. Vivian nodded in agreement and ran her fingers through her hair before both women sat down with him.Jessie felt his tail slip beneath her dress and she chuckled softly while wiggling, rubbing her body against his some more. "What are you up to Arc?" she asked gently.One by one the girls began getting up and pulling on robes or slinky nightgowns. The first one ready to go down was Emma. She pulled on a knee length silk robe over her matching silk spaghetti strap nightgown. Once she reached the kitchen, she moved over to Ani's side and kissed him softly on the cheek before sitting down with a soft sigh.Star tilted her head to the side. "Anything that you wish me to do." she said to him. Toxin nodded and sat down at the table and started to eat his breakfast watching the two from time to time. He ate a good deal before pushing the plate back. "you two stay right there."Arc looked at Jessie and shrugged. "what?" in all truth he couldn't feel his tail just that it was moving.Ani smiled and nodded having Emma's bowl out all ready for her as he was making the rest of the food for everyone before getting them out on plates.Schrodinger nodded. "Beg for your master to fuck you." Fran ate her food heartily while softly humming. Every now and then her ears would twitch as she ate silently. Next to her, Vivian ate slowly while doing a crossword puzzle in the weekend paper, something the girl always had done since she was a child. When Toxin pushed his plate back and told them to stay right where they were, they looked up at him curiously."Your tail is up my dress." she said to him with a soft chuckle, reaching back to stroke his tail gently with her hand.Emma relaxed in her seat while watching Ani. "Thank you." she murmured before beginning to eat her cereal.A few minutes later the other two girls came down. Zelda was wearing a night gown like Emma's and Midna was wearing just a short silk robe with a thong."Please master. Please fuck me." she pleaded with him. "I need to feel you." When he knew they were done he watched his two girls before getting down under the table and making them spread. he smiled and started to lick up Vivian's legs and thighs.Arc laughed and shrugged.Ani nodded and got the breakfast out for them setting their plates down.Schrodinger looked at Star and nodded and sat down and pulled her over. "Suck your master off." They blushed brightly as they both spread their long legs and shivered with excitement. As he licked up her legs and thighs, Vivian gripped the edge of the table tightly with her hands while softly moaning.The two girls softly thanked him as they sat down, each one kissing him before that sat to eat.Star stumbled over to him and nodded before kneeling infront of him. Placing her hands on his thighs, she leaned down and took his cock into her mouth, starting to suck on his cock right away. Toxin played with Vivian for abit before he moved over to Fran and licked her up just as much. Once toxin was done he got up and looked at the two girls and grinned. "Hmm what shall we do now?"Ani nodded and set all the food down and sat down himself to eat some breakfast. He started to gather food for himself and looked at All the girls and smiled.Schrodinger looked at Star and nodded as she went down on him. He let her do that for some time before pulling her up and onto his lap and started to press against her rear as he ran his hands down along her sides. Fran softly moaned as he licked at her before he finished and got up. She shivered a little with a soft sigh. "I have to do some work. Grading papers and tests." she says softly, running her hand over her long ears.Midna and Zelda softly spoke with each other as she ate, their soft giggles filling the room. Emma on the other hand remained silent as she ate her cereal. She glanced up at her brother and smiled slighly.Star squeaked as he pulled her up and into his lap and she looked up at him as he pressed against her rear while running his hands along her slender but curvy sides as she gazed up at him. Toxin looked at Fran and nodded and got up and walked over to her and kissed her neck and nibbled on her ears. "Well look good doing it babe." He smiled and looked at Vivian and grinned. "Guess that leaves you and me." He smiled and walked over to her and threw her over his shoulder and carried her out of the room.Ani nodded and finished and walked out of the room once he head cleaned up and headed into His room and started looking for a few things.Schrodinger grinned and looked at Star. "Where do you want it my pet?" Fran nodded and bit her bottom lip as he kissed her neck then nibbled on her ears, sighing happily. "I will master." she murmured.Vivian grinned up at him and nodded quickly before squealing as he threw her over his shoulder, laughing loudly as he carried her out of the room. "You're an animal, master." she said playfully and affectionately.Star looked up at him as she squirmed in his lap a little. "Place it in my rear master." she said softly. "I would like it there. But it is your choice." Toxin looked at Vivian and grinned giving her rear a swat. "Well I'll show you how much of an Animal I can be." He grinned and pulled her into his room and threw her down onto the bed and cuffed her hands behind her. reaching under her he yanked her panties down and gagged her with them before pushing her down and licking in between her legs for abit just to tease her until he unzipped his pants and slid her onto him and started to push as hard as he ever has, harder then what seemed his norm. He smiled and pulled out her beads and slid them into her ass.While Arc and Jessie were fooling around in the forest they didn't see the black spec ops Rocket members sneak up onto them before it was too late. They grabbed both of them and dragged them off. Taking Jessie and Stripping her and putting her in her old Rocket uniform then tying her hands behind her back. Sliding a vibe into her and turning it on and hauling her off.Ani Smiled watching Zelda and Midna having their Fun before he snuck into the room and Pinned them both down. He smiled and looked at the two girls. "Now now what have I caught here huh?" He grinned and licked his lips. "too naughty girls that need to be punished."Schrodinger looked at Star and slowly slid himself up into her ass while his tail slowly slid into her pussy. While he was fucking her the Van drove into the warehouse and Arc and Jessie were pulled out. "Boss has been waiting for you Jessie." Vivian laughed even louder and she smiled widely. "I look forward to it." she said before yelping when she was thrown onto the bed. She squirmed on the bed when he yanked her panties down before he gagged her with them, making her eyes widen. As he licked between her legs, she trembled and moaned lustfully before grunting when he slid into her and started thrusting harder then he ever had before. Each time he thrust in, she grunted and tightened around him. Then she felt the beads being pushed into her ass one at a time, making her tremble.Jessie cried out when she was grabbed and dragged off. She was embarassed when they stripped her of her sundress and forced herinto her old Rocket uniform which was a little baggy on her since she had lost quite a bit of weight since she disappeared from them. She struggled against them as her hands were tied behind her and they slid a vibe into her pussy. When they arrived at the warehouse, Jessie grunted whn they pulled her out of the van and she looked at Arc in concern before looking up at the Rockets that were manhandling them.Zelda and Midna were having a playful little romp in the bedroom when Ani found them and they squealed when he pinned them both down before smiling sheepishly up at him. "And how are you going to do that?" Zelda asked him.Star gasped in pleasure as he slid himself into her tight ass and pushed his tail into her wet pussy, moving her hips against his while moaning softly. Toxin looked at Vivian and grinned and kept pushing against her more and more getting harder and harder inside of her. He smiled and kissed along her neck as he kept thrusting before he released inside of her. "Now my dear Vivian. I want you dressed back up in your purple tight outfit that you had on earlier. then you are going to go into the living room. Set up a camera and record yourself. first telling who you are. then how you like to play, what you wear and what you'll do for your master." He smiled and got up and untied her. "Now go my pet."Schrodinger looked at Star and kept pushing against her. His rock hard cock going straight into her ass while his tial pushed deeper into her wet pussy. "Tell me my pet why you wanted it in the ass."The strike team noticed the clothes on Jessie didn't fit right so they dragged her off and got her into an old uniform that fit her before dragging her back out to Face Geovonni and a younger man which looked like his son. "Ah so now our Best agent has been brought back and one of our experiments has too. Good."Ani grinned and looked at Zelda and Midna and licked his lips before he went to their desk and grabbed Rope and tied the two girls together. "you'll see." Vivians moans got louder the faster and harder he moved and she bucked her hips against his, making him slide into her even deeper. Just before he released into her, she reached her own release and she came around him with a groan and whimper. As he explained to her what he wanted her to do, she gazed up at him in slight confusion, wondering why he would want her to do that. She suddenly got a little parinoid and she removed her panties from her mouth. "You're... you're not getting rid of me... are you master?" she asked softly.Star tightened around his tail and she moaned louder. "Because you feel so much bigger and longer when in my ass." she moaned to him. "And it feels so much better."Jessie looked up at Geovonni and the younger man with wide eyes as she pulled at the ropes that held her hands behind her back. She felt her heart pounding wildly within her chest as she gazed up at the men a little nervously, her long slightly curly hair falling in a wild mane of red around her face instead of being slicked back like it used to be. She glanced over at Arc for a moment then back up at Geovonni, not saying a word.The girls squirmed a little after he tied them together before looking at each other, confusion written on their faces before they just sighed and decided to wait for what he was going to do. Toxin shook his head and kissed her. "No my dear. this is just something for me to enjoy." He smiled and kissed her deeply then pulled out of her and watched her. "Now go and do as you were told my pet. think of it as a contest. I'll be having Fran do one later and the best will sleep with me tonight, the loser is, tied, vibed and put in a separate room."Schrodinger looked at Star and grinned as he kept pushing against her He slid a hand along her leg and slid his hand up and into her shorts and into her pussy and started to finger her as well.Other soldiers came and dragged Arc away. "Time for more Experiments..and you.." The younger boy walked over to jessie and forced her to kneel making the skirt ride up exposing her thighs as he played with the control of the vibe in her.Ani smiled and looked at the two girls before sliding a 2 sided dildo into each of them. now when one moved it slid it deeper into the other. Vivian sighed in relief and kissed him back before feeling him pull out of her and she groaned softly. "Yes master." she said softly with a grin, kissing him on the cheek. Star parted her legs some more for him and moved faster against him as he fingered her, moaning passionately while her body squeezed his cock and his fingers tightly.Jessie's eyes widened slightly as Arc was dragged away and Giovonni announced that her friend would be put through more experiments before she looked up sharply when the man turned his attention to her. She grunted when she was forced to her knees and she grimaced in pain before biting the inside of her cheek while the young man played with the control of the vibe that was within her.Zelda moaned when the dildo was pushed into her and soon Midna's moan joined hers as they began moving against each other a little, their moans soon mingling as they tried to give each other even more pleasure. "Please master." one of them purred. Toxin looked at Vivian and grinned before heading out of the room and silently into Fran's. He watched her when she got up and grabbed a hand over her mouth and pinned her against the wall pressing against her. He licked his lips as he ground himself against her ass before pulling her to her desk and bending her over it making sure it was her empty desk as to not disturb her work. Schrodinger groaned and kept pushing against her before he started to release inside of her but enough where more flowed out of her when he pulled himself out of her. "Lick up your mess."Geovonni watched Jessie and laughed. "Now you Jessie will be punished for leaving without permission." The man behind her kneeled down and gave her rear a swat watching her reactions.Ani smiled watching the two girls and grinned. He looked at Midna and pulled the dildo out of her wet pussy and slid it into her ass so that it would be different for her. "Hmm who to play with first?" Vivian watched him leave the room before she cleaned herself up and she changed into her purple leather outfit that she had worn the night before. Once she was dressed in the way he wanted her to, she quickly pulled out the camera and took it out the living room where she set it up and started recording. "Hello." she said with a blush, giggling to herself. "I'm Vivian. I... enjoy playing with my master. I enjoy how he ties me up and uses all sorts of different toys on me. My favorite would have to be when he ties my hands together and hooks them on something above me and blindfolds me before using different toys on me and having me guess what they are." She blushed a little more and bit her bottom lips while twirling a lock of hair around her finger then she continued a moment later. "I like to wear tight leather clothing that shows off my body for my master, as you can see and I'll do just about anything my master wishes of me."Fran yelped when she was grabbed from behind and for a moment she struggled before relaxing with a sigh when she realized it was him. She murred softly and pressed her hips back against his as he ground against her. A moment later she found herself bend over one of hr desks.Star sat in his lap panting until he pulled out of her and she felt is release flow out of her, his cum running down her thighs. Moving out of his lap, she quickly turned around and knelt before him and began licking the cum off his thighs and his cock.Jessie frowned slightly and narrowed her eyes. "I did not leave." she said truthfully. "I had been taken. Kidnapped from the cruise." She was telling the truth. Mewtwo had kidnapped her from the cruise and even though she didn't fight against him, it was true. When the man behind her swatted her rear, she grunted and swayed in her spot a little but didn't fall over.Midna gasped and cried out when he took the dildo from her pussy and pushed it into her ass, whimpering softly in discomfort before moaning weakly when Zelda moved again. Toxin grinned and kept pressing against Fran keeping her pinned against the desk as he pulled up her dress and pressed against her getting hard. "My my teacher, always have a way with students?" He smiled and ran a finger up the back of her legs noticing she was starting to get wet as he unzipped himself and rubbed against the back of her thighs. He knew Vivian would be working on the tape for them.Schrodinger watched Star and licked his lips running a hand through her hair. "Thats a good girl. but don't forget your own mess too." He smiled and watched her wondering what else he could do.Giovanni watched Jessie and laughed. "Ya and all this time he's held you against his will..right." The man behind her turned up the controls of the vibe watching her reactions Fran softly moaned as he pressed himself against the back of her and she wiggled against him, with a soft sound of excitement. She could feel herself getting wetter and she shivered gently while gripping the edge of the bed with her hands. "Only students I actually like." she murmured.Star looked up at him as she softly suckled on his cock, cleaning him completely of both of their juices. When he spoke, she lifted her head and gazed up at him.Jessie stared up at Giovanni as he laughed and she gritted her teeth angrily but didn't let him see. "He is a psychic after all." she said flatly. "You should know that. You created him after all." When the vibe was turned up, she gasped and her cheeks turned red as she shivered a little. Toxin looked at Fran and grinned as he slipped himself inside of her wet pussy and started to push against her. "Thats good to know because you are going to be putting on a little show for the class later." He gave her rear a swat again. "Keep grinding that ass against me pet."Schrodinger looked at Star and nodded. "tell me how you like to be tied."Giovanni watched Jessie and nodded. "Sure..well now you'll get to meet someone much stronger then Mew or Mewtwo." He laughed and had her dragged into a dark room and tied before the back doors slowly started to open and what looked like mewtwo but only the skin was dark blakc and the belly was red. his dark red eyes watched her. "Meet Tytree A much stronger version of mewtwo." tytree watched Jessie and grinned. Fran looked back at him with wide eyes. "What? A show for the class?" she asked before yelping when he swatted her rear and she nodded. Pressing her ass back against him, she began grinding against him and she moaned when she felt his cock moving within her.Star shrugged slightly. "I've never been tied before." she said softly while gazing up at him.Jessie stumbled along after the person dragging her and she looked around nervously before hearing the doors opening. Looking at them, she gasped when she saw a black and red creature standing there and she couldn't move. 'Oh master. Please help.' she thought to herself while staring at Tytree. Toxin nodded and kept pushing back against her more and more as he got closer and closer. he smiled and slid a vibe slowly into her ass and turned it on as he began to cum into her. "Well now best get back to grading those papers." He gave her rear another swat and pulled out of her and zipped up and headed back into the living room.Schrodinger watched Star and grinned. "Never have? we'll we will have to change that now wont we?"Tytree looked at Jessie and laughed as if it could hear her thoughts. "Oh dont worry I'll help get you off." He grinned and walked over to her. Fran gripped the edge of the desk a little tighter as she moaned and closed her eyes as she got closer to cumming. When he slid the vibe into her ass and turned it on as he came in her. She whimpered softly and trembled as she came as well. "Mm, yes master." she softly panted.Star shook her head with a light blush. "No, I haven't." she said softly to him while gazing up at Schrodinger.Jessie moved back away from him the best she could while with her tied up. "Stay away from me!" she yelled at Tytree. Toxin smiled and left Fran to deal with Grading the papers as he walked back into the living room to watch Vivian make the video. He smiled and eyes her up loving the outfit she had on for him.Schrodinger nodded. "Hmm how to tie you?" He walked around her thinking about it for a while.Tytree watched Jessie and just shook his head before moving closer and having his tail wrap around her neck and pull her over to him. "You cannot fight me..Not even your mewtwo or Arcanine can." Vivian was just finishing when Toxin entered the room and she smiled before standing up and turningoff the recorder. "Did you enjoy yourself master?" she asked with a knowing smile on her lips.Star watched him walk around her, blinking owlishly as he spoke.Jessie's eyes widened when he wrapped his tail around her neck and she struggled against him as he dragged her over to him. "Let..... let me... go!" she spat. Toxin looked at Vivian and smiled and pulled her over to kiss her. "I did my pet, have you enjoyed yourself making the video?" He smiled slipping his hands into panties.Schrodinger grinned and grabbed Star and dragged her off into a room. "Find something silky,seductive to wear and i'll tie you in it my pet."Tytree watched Jessie and laughed shaking his head. "I don't think so. Jessie Musashi." He laughed and looked at her making the vibe get stronger. Now You and I are going to have some fun." Vivian gently kissed him back with a soft sigh before nodding with a grin. "Yes, I suppose I did." she replied as he slipped his hands into her panties, squirming a little with a smile.Star stumbled along after Schrodinger as he dragged her into a room. she looked around as he spoke before nodding slightly. "Yes master." she murmured before moving over to look through the clothing.Jessie struggled against the ropes that were wrapped around her wrists, trying to get them free. When he turned up the vibe even more, she trembled and whimpered as she tightened around it, panting softly as the vibrations started to get to her. "N no." she whimpered. Toxin watched Vivian and grinned as he kept fingering her for abit before pulling his hand out and heading to the couch pulling her onto his lap. He smiled and rubbed against her. "talk dirty for me." He smiled and slid his hands down along her sides then up to her ample chest and squeezed her breastsSchrodinger waited for star outside before he headed back into the main meeting room.Tytree watched Jessie and laughed shaking his head as he brought her closer to him. He watched her and grinned knowing she couldn't fight him. He made her stand up and as well as she could press against him and grind against him. Vivian straddled his waist and moaned as she began grinding against him a little before leaning forward towards him with a small smile, her lips brushing against his ear. "I love feeling your cock within me tight cunt, master." she purred. "It's wonderful how you pound into my wet willing body, sending me into orgasm after orgasm before filling me with your hot seed or covering me with it, marking me as your pet."Star looked around at everything in the room before choosing a georgette halter babydoll to wear. It was made of white silk and it cupped her breasts just right. Just beneath her breasts was a band of intricate beading and sequins. The babydoll barely reached past her hips and it was split down the middle, showing off her relatively flat stomach and the belly button ring she had in. It was something she got done for Beastboy because he liked it. Once shehad the silky babydoll on, she pulled on a pair of white silky panties before ging out to where Schrodinger was waiting.Jessie grunted as she kicked at him and tried to get away. "Let me go!" she squealed while glaring up at him. She could feel him against her and she tensed while growling softly. Toxin held onto Vivian and grinned as she kept grinding off against his dick. He smiled as he pulled her closer and slipped himself into her tight wet cunt and he slid his hands all over her body. "Im glad that you enjoy my pet." He smiled and kissed her then started licking along her neck as he pushed harder and deeper into her.Schrodinger watched as Star came out. He looked her over and nodded before he moved her over to the bed and watched her as he pushed her to the middle of the bed and made her kneel on it with her legs spread abit. he then tied her hands behind her and hooked the rope from her wrists to her ankles keeping her exposed.Tytree laughed and watched her, she could feel him hard against her ass as he even slipped up her skirt and pressed against the back of her thighs to the tip of her ass. Vivian gave a shuddering sigh as his cock slid deep into her cunt and she lowered herself onto him while returning the kiss, wrapping her arms around him. Moaning into the kiss, Vivian began riding him. Each time he thrust up into her, she lowered herself.Star let Schrodinger move her over to the bed and she knelt in the middle. As he tied her hands together behind her then attached the ropes to her ankles, she gasped as she was forced to arch her back a little.Jessie froze when she felt him hard against her ass and she whimpered while shaking her head. "P please, no." she whimpered as he slipped up her skirt, closing her eyes tightly when she felt him pressing against her skin. Toxin held onto Vivian and grinned and kept kissing along her neck as he plunged deeper and deeper into her before he pulled out of her and the next time she came down he slid straight up into her ass.Schrodinger looked at Star and grinned as he ran his hands over her body. "There we go."Tytree watched Jessie and laughed as she struggled but that just excited him more as he rubbed the tip of his cock straight in between her legs so that she could feel him against her panties. Vivian gasped and shivered each time his lips landed on her neck. But when he pulled out of her then slid into her ass, she arched her back with a soft cry of surprise. "Ah ahhh, master." she gasped, remaining still for a moment before beginning to bounce in his lap.Star gazed up at him with wide eyes, a little uncomfortable with the position but she didn't move.Jessie felt his cock rubbing against her panties and she pressed her legs tight together while looking down with wide eyes. Toxin slowly pushed himself deeper into her ass and grinned as he pushed her down onto the bed and licked along her neck and the top of her breasts from underneath the outfit she had on. He looked at her and grinned and reached down slowly sliding his fingers inside of her wet pussy. "feel good my pet?"Schrodinger watched Star and grinned. Smiling he moved a hand over her sides. "tell me how does it feel to be tied and exposed, helpless to what ever your master may want to do to you, knowing you cannot stop him?"Tytree laughed and just shook his head as he slipped in between her panties and pushed himself inside of her. He was just the right size to fit her completely Vivian parted her long legs as he pushed deeper into her tight ass and she moaned while moving her hips against his a little. "Yes master." she breathed. "It feels really good." Her body clenched around the fingers in her wet pussy and she made a murring sound of pleasure.Star blushed brightly ans squirmed a little for him. "It... it's strange. But in a good way." she said to him.Jessie felt him push into her and she squeaked while tensing completely. "N no! Stop!" she cried out as he filled her. Toxin watched Vivian and grinned as he pushed deeper into her tight ass. He groaned abit and started to release inside of her as he wiggled his fingers around and around inside of her. He laid back on the bed once he pulled out of her and watched Vivian. "Tell me something, truthfully. How do you feel to know that you Share me with Fran?" He sighed and laid back on the bed. This was something that was starting to trouble him. He cared deeply for both of them but was feeling that it was unfair to them. He looked up at her and smiled and moved up on the bed and laid against her and gently kissed her.Schrodinger watched Star and grinned licking his lips. "good."Tytree looked at Jessie and laughed as he pushed deeper into her and moved himself around. "why? you know you want it." Vivian tilted her head back as she moved in his lap, the feeling of his cock moving inside of her sending jolts of pleasure through her body. Upon hearing his groan, she pressed her hips down firmly against his as he came inside of her, whimpering as his fingers wiggling around inside of her. While she didn't cum, she did enjoy their quick romp together and she smiled happily but when he asked her about how she felt about sharing him with Fran, she sighed and her smile faded as she laid down with him. "I... I get jealous at times." she said softly. "But I know that she makes you happy so... I never said anything about it and I force my jealousy away because I want you to be happy."Star squirmed a little while tugging a ittle at the ropes that held her.Jessie gritted her teeth as he pushed deeper and she gasped as he moved around. "No.. no I don't." she whimpered but even as she denied it, her body was getting wetter and tightening around him. Toxin looked at Vivian and smiled and kissed her as he laid against her. "Know my dear that for your loyalty and for your truthfulness you will be rewarded." He smiled and rolled over pinning her down. He smiled and kissed along her neck before moving down and kissing along her breasts as he pulled down her top and slid himself back into her pussy. He smiled and wiggled around inside her, intent on getting her off. He grinned and watched her before he started to suck on her breasts.Schrodinger walked around Star admiring the rope work he did before moving behind her and giving her rear a swat.Tytree laughed and kept pushing against her. You cannot deny what your body has already spoken truthfully about." Vivian kissed him back with a soft sigh, closing her eyes with a small smile as he spoke to her and she reached up, caressing his cheek. When he rolled them over, she gasped and began moaning softly as he kissed along her neck and then her breasts, arching her back with a soft cry of pleasure when he sli back into her pussy, her legs parting for him. "Mmm, master." she moaned to him as he moved around inside of her. Her head tilted back and she wrapped her legs around him a little while bucking her hips a little and moaning, a look of pleasure on her face while he sucked on her breasts.Star followed Schrodingers movements as he movd around her before yelping when he gave her rear a swat.Jessie cried out as he continued to push against her, hating how her body was reacting to Tytree's. She panted heavily and her head fell back as she let out a strangled moan. Toxin kissed her deeply and kept pushing against her, his hands sliding along her body as he sucked on her breasts abit before kissing her then kissing along her neck. He smiled and kept pushing against her harder and harder. He smiled and looked at her. "You have no idea How much I love that outfit on you." He smiled and pushed into her as deep as he could.Schrodinger laughed and looked at Star before he kneeled down and pressed himself up against her rear. "Beg for it my pet."Tytree laughed and kept pushing against her harder and harder as he kissed her neck. Vivians lips were parted as she grasped the sheets of the bed tightly in her hands while he pushed against her, her breasts rising and falling with every breath. "Nnn, master." she whimpered. When he spoke, she looked up at him and smiled gently before crying out when he pushed as deep as he could and she tightened even more around him, getting close to her release.Star blushed when he laughed and she bowed her head as he knelt behind her and pressed against her. Swallowing softly, she looked back at him while rubbing her rear against him. "Please master." she begged. "Please fuck your pet. Use me as you will. Use me like the toy I am." She gazed pleadingly up at him while trembling a little.Jessie's hands curled into fists as she moaned again, her cheeks flaring up from embarassment and humiliation while he fucked her. She panted softly as she leaned back against Tytree's chest and let her head fall to the side as he kissed her neck. Toxin kept pushing against Vivian as hard as he could as his hands moved all over her body. He smiled and kissed along her neck. "Tell me Vivian, do you like the outfit you have on?" He smiled and reached back running a hand along her stocking clad legs.Schrodinger looked at Star and grinned as she rubbed against him. He smiled and gave her rear a swat then pulled down her panties. "good and wet."Tytree watched Jessie and laughed as he kept pushing against her. Vivian moaned a little louderas he continued pushing against her and she arched her back with a soft whimper, tilting her head back to expose more of her long neck to him. "Yes." she groaned, her pussy getting tighter. "I love wearing this outfit." She panted a little heavier and faster before biting her bottom lip, doing her best to hold off her release. "May I cum master?" she asked softly. It wasn't something she asked very often since she usually came when he did.Star gasped when he swatted her rear again before pulling down her panties, blushing when he spoke of how wet she was. "Please master. Please don't look at me down there. It's embarassing." she pleaded."S stop laughing!" she cried out before moaning again and tightening around him as she felt her orgasm building up. "O oh god. Oh, please fuck me! Ravage my body please, I want it hard and fast." Toxin looked at Vivian and nodded as he kissed her deeply. "Yes my pet you may." He looked at her and smiled as he ran his hand over her legs multiple times. He loved how long and sexy they were and always with pantyhose or stockings over them. "mm my pet, tell me about your great body you have."Schrodinger laughed and looked at her before rubbing against her then sliding into her.Tytree looked at Jessie and grinned as he kept pushing against her. "I think you can beg better then that,tell me how much of a Whore, Jessie of Team Rocket is. tell me how much her outfit does to show herself off." Vivian eagerly kissed him back and mere seconds after he said she could cum, she threw her head back and cried out as she came, her hips bucking against him as she whimpered and trembled. When he asked her to tell him about her body, she softly groaned and closed her eyes while panting heavily, unable to answer him just yet.Star gasped and closed her eyes as he slid into her and she trembled, her body quivering around his cock as she moaned gently.Jessie arched her back a little more with a cry of pleasure and she tightened around Tytree. "I I'm a very slutty whore." she moaned. "I love being fucked and I want you to fuck me hard. Please!" She curled her hands into fists as she whimpered and tried to push back harder against him. "M my short skirt shows off my long legs and hugs my ass.... while my shirt shows off my belly. It gives glimpses of what I have without showing too much." Toxin looked at Vivian and pulled himself out of her, wiping off on her thighs as he normally did. "Well my pet, You look to be tired so if you need to, go ahead and rest, I can take care of myself." He looked at her and kissed her before getting up and pulling on some shorts before heading into the bathroom to get a little freshened up. once he was done he walked out of the room and headed into the kitchen to find himself something to eat.Schrodinger watched Starfire and slowly slid himself deeper into her.Tytree watched Jessie and laughed. "You are mine now and always, your body a toy for my dick,isn't that right?, you're just begging your Master to fuck his naughty whore, to make her his sex slave." Vivian nodded slowly with a yawn before slowly sinking down against the bed and her eyes fluttered closed a little. She watched her master get up and leave the room before closing her eyes the rest of the way and falling asleep.Starfire arched her back and moaned for him while her cunt tightened around him. She wanted him to pound her body and she knew that he could tell because of how wet she was.Jessie gritted her teeth as she closed her eyes as her body trembled a little with arousal as Tytree filled her pussy with his long thick dick. When he spoke, she whimpered and nodded. "Yes master." she whispered. Schrodinger watched Starfire and grinned as he kept pounding away into her. their juices now trailing down her legs and making a pool on the floor. He laughed and pushed his tail deeper into her ass. "You could die happy if I were to take you to bed and screw you all night long my little whore pet. I can tell by the way your hips move and you grip my dick.. Beg for it. beg for your master."Back at Titan tower or what used to be the tower itself had seemed to change. its whole essence was evil itself and it seemed that there were parts of the whole place that were alive them very self's The shadow beings had now had Raven at their mercy for some time now.Nightcralwer looked at Anne and whistled. "Pantyhose and stockings. Heels and a 1 piece swimsuit. Those kids better enjoy." He smiled and gave her rear a swat before sending her to the living room to entertain a group of neighborhood kids while he did some information gathering at each kid's house while she occupied them Starfire moaned even louder as she pushed back against Schrodinger, her breasts bouncing each time their hips connected and her cheeks were flushed from arousal. "Yes. Oh god yes." she moaned after he spoke. "Please master. Please, screw your little pet." The woman panted for breath as she tightened around him a little more and she arched her back as his tail pushed deeper into her tight ass.In the time that Raven had been the prisoner of the shadow beings, she had changed alot. She had given up hope that her friends would rescue her from her masters but they never came. They never even showed their faces or even tried. Over the years, she had been shaped and molded into the perfect pet for the shadow beings. At the moment she was sitting on a seat in the large room where her and her friends used to sit in and watch tv. She was wearing a black silk strapless corset with a matching thong and stockings with a pair of high heels. Her hair had grown down her back but it was pulled up into a simple up do.Anne looked down at her clothing and nodded with a chuckle. "Indeed they better. And you owe me when you get home." she said to him with a soft laugh before grinning when he swatted her ass. Kissing him on the cheek, she turned and headed out to the living room where the kids were. Schrodinger laughed and slowly dragged himself out of her before sliding himself back in over and over gradually increasing in strength and tempo as he swatted her ass repetitively He smiled and watched her for abit then laughed and slowly pushed his tail deeper into Star as he was getting harder and harder inside of Star. He grinned and ran his hand along her legs as he grunted and kept pushing away. slowly their juices had seeped down her legs and formed a small pool on the ground. "Time to take it all in my pet." He held onto Star as he was getting close to releasing.Chaos and Terror walked into the main room bickering with each other as they almost always did. Shadow just looked back at the two and shook his head as he looked over the city. "Soon this world will be ours and its inhabitants more then willing slaves. no one will stand in our way." Fear just looked at the three and shook his head. he was almost more powerful then all three of them but never decided to use his power against them. "You always say that." He shook his head before laughing and heading out of the tower.Nightcrawler looked at Anne and smiled and kissed her before he vanished and left her to deal with the kids. Star whimpered as he pulled out of her then pushed back in over and over, moaning as his thrusts got faster and harder within her. She loved the feeling of him swatting her ass while he fucked her. It made her moan loudly and tremble while tightening around him. The woman could feel their juices running down her thighs and she nodded when he spoke. "Yes. Oh please master, give it all to me." she moaned to him.Raven opened her eyes as Chaos and Terror entered the room, a small frown forming on her lips when she heard that they were bickering again, one of her elegantly arched eyebrows twitching with irritation but she just sighed and closed her eyes again. Then she heard Shadow speak. They've been on earth for years and they've yet to conquer the world and deep down, she doubted that they ever would. But when Fear spoke, she couldn't help but smile a little. Fear was one of her favorite of the four because it was him that taught her that there was nothing to fear in the world but fear itself and to her, he was the fear that she should be afraid of.Anne watched him vanish and walked out to greet the kids. "Good after noon." she said gently to them with a small smile. Schrodinger pushing against her more and more as his hands slid along her body as he was getting closer and closer to release. He watched her before he finally pulled himself out of her and released all over her ass and Legs. He smiled and looked at her and wiped off against her. "Hmm well now my pet what do you suppose we should do now?" He smiled and rested against her gently trailing kissed down along her neck and back and running his hands under her and squeezing her breasts.Fear just shook his head before leaving the tower as he walked out. "how long have we been here and got what done?. Nothing. Pitiful." He sighed before heading back out into the city to see what kind of trouble he could cause.The kids looked up at Anne and grinned. "Hello" They all said and watched her wondering what she was going to do. Star gasped when he pulled out of her and made a sound of disappointment when he released all over her ass and the back of her legs. She shivered as he kissed the back of her neck and back while squeezing her breasts. "Anything that you wish to master." she said softly with a small smile.Raven just watched Fear leave before looking at Chaos and Terror with a bored look on her eyes as she shifted in her seat and crossed her legs while gazing up at them. "Do you two always have to bicker about things?" she asked them. Schrodinger watched Star and laughed abit as his tail slid along the back of her legs before he stood behind her to think while his tail flicked over her wet slit and kept her busy. "Hmm what to do?"Chaos and terror looked at Raven and tilted their heads. "Its what we do. because one is part of the other. its a sibling thing." Shadow sighed and looked at the two. "and i'm gonna tear you both apart if you don't shut up. You two head into the city, find the power grid and shut it down. Its time we started." Star gasped as his tail began flicking over her wet slit and she closed her eyes while rocking her hips a little. "Mmm, master." she mewled lustfully, a little of her juices beginning to coat the tip of his tail.Raven rolled her eyes when they said that it was a sibling thing before she stood up from the couch and stretched lazily, her pale body seeming to glow in the lights of the room. Her nipples just barely peeked out over the edge of her corset until she lowered her arms again with a sigh then she moved over to the large windows that looked down over the city, standing there silently with her arms crossed over her chest. She pursed her lips a little and sighed while shaking her hair out of her face. The city had once been full of light and life, but now it was dark and full of danger. Schrodinger watched Starfire and laughed. "You just want it all the time don't you? Hmm You just always want it." He laughed before slipping his tail inside of her. "You like that huh?" He watched Starfire's reactions for abit before he pulled his tail out of her. "I think for that You will have to earn it, Hmm what to make you do?" Schrodinger just walked back and fourth before nodding. "I got it." He smiled watching her and licked his lips. "Your old Titan Uniform. Retrieve it and dress up in it. Then my pet Come over here my pet and give your master a lap dance while you talk dirty for him"Fear watched the city as he moved through it before he thought up his plan. "Its time to show these people what they have forgotten. What Nightmares are Really made of."
['Mewtwo', 'Growlithes']
The Bond Between Two Elements
Carlyle had been living in the fire nation for a while now. Ever since she met who is now her boyfriend, she sort of had been living with him. A terrible tragedy among her water tribe, leaving her the only survivor and taken in by him in secret but then was found valuable to him since he is the Avatar. She was also his teacher when it came to water bending.She was a young dark skinned but fair skinned sixteen year old girl, having beautiful blue eyes. She wore a necklace that her mother gave her just before she died and she held her brother and father's posessions close to her heart. They were all she had left of them and she wanted to preserve their memory for as long as she lived.Right now she was bathing in the lake, nude of course and sitting on a water covered rock that hid her lower body and her back was turned to the exit of the lake. She had a pot in her hands taht she filled up with water every so often when necessary to pour over her head and body to clean herself. Her short wet, white and blonde hair flattened out as she wettened it, and as the water trickled down her fit and slim body more, it made her look far more exotic than she really was. Houka had just left home looking for his girlfriend. He started by looking at the beach one of their favorite training spots. "Where is she? She promised we could go on a date. He then wandered into the forrest ward the lake another one of their training spots this one more hidden. When he peeked in on the lake he saw her there nude and blushed as he hid from her sight watching her for a bit. "Carlyle!? Are you there!?" He finnaly called out after a few minutes. Carlyle was just finishing up when she heard his voice. She gasped and stood up and when she did a wall of water hid her body too as she made grabs fr a towel. She wrapped it around her body and then let that wal of water fall. She grabbed her clothes and secured the towel on her and then walked to where she heard his voice. "Houka?" She askd quietly as she walked to the tree he was hiding behind nad hten saw him. SHe hit him with her clothes and shook her head. "Have you been watching me?!" She asked, putting her hand on her hip, while her other hand was keepin the towel up. "Well I was looking for you since you were late for our date and..well yes I did peek at you but it was only for a minute I swear!" He said blushing heavily thinking about how beautiful she looked right then. "You know you look very beautiful and sexy right now." He couldnt help but say as he watched her the way she was standing and everything. "Oh...I must have lost the track of time..." She pursed her lips and ran a hand through her wet hair. "Well how about I go change and then we can go on our date?" She asked, stepping to him. "I'll make it up to you for being late..." She said adorably and kissed his cheek. And with that, she walked away from him, heading back to their village and to their home and changed into fresh clothing. She put on navy blue puffy pants with light blue trimming and a dark blue strapless tunic with sleeves. It was an interesting top but she adored it. She managed to dry her hair, combed it and then made it look prety, like it usually was. Flippy. Putting on some flats, she walked out and then waited for him. He smiled and followed after her to their home.Just like her he had no parents but he kept it a secret. She was one of his few friends that knew that but she was the only person that knew his was the Avatar. He waited for her to come out and griined when he saw her. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her tenderly. After he broke the kiss he smiled down at her. "You look great." Carlyle smiled at him and she kissed him back softly, and then let her arm wrap around his back. "Thanks. You look great as usual." she smiled nad walked with him to the beach, their favorite plac eand where a lot of their dates tended to be, where today's date was. "So what do you want to do on our date?" "I'm not sure. I was thinking a relaxing day at the beach. You know. Swimming, playing in the sand..maying out on the sand." He looked at her chuckling and he kissed her deeply on her lips as he pulled her tight against his chest snaking his tongue into her mouth teasing her before he playfully pulled away and laid their beech blanket out. "'d love to make out wouldn't you?" She grinned, leaning into him when he kissed her. Her hand moved around the back of his hair, running her fingers through his hair gently as their tongue intertwined before he pulled back. She blushed madly and helped him set the blanket down then sat down. She leaned back, her knees up some and her hair blowing lightly in the sweet daytime wind. She looked over to him after he sat down and leaned on him a bit, sighing contently. "I love these days so much. Just relaxing out here with you." She smiled. "How's your water bending coming along?" He smiled and held her close kissing her on her cheek, forhead and atop her head. "It's coming along good though maybe you could give me another lesson tonight? I heared the moon was gonna be full." He said smiling at her before he kissed her on the end of her nose. "I love you." He said as he stared into her eyes. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek, loving the little adorable kisses he was placing on her. she nodded and then grinned a bit. "Definitely. Your water bending will be better tonight at the full moon too since you're learning but technically are considered a water bender. You are the avatar after all. And a very sexy one too..." She said softly, kissing his lips. "I love you too Houka. So much." Houka smiled as he held her tight. He felt like he was the luckiest man alive right then. Not because he was the continuation of a powerful line of souls known as the Avatar but because he had such a beautiful girlfriend that loved him with all of her heart. He leaned in and kissed her passionately slipping his tongue into her mouth letting it dance and play with her. She felt like the luckiest woman alive. To be loved by him. Especially since he was fire nation and she never thought she could be accepted by anyone of the fire nation given the 300 year unrest. But he did and it was a blessing. Especially since he was all she had. As their lips met, her hand snaked around the back of his head and she kissed him back passionately, her tongue flirting with his, pulling him closer to her, even a little bit on top of her. Well they were definitely making out. He rolled compleatly ontop of her as he french kissed her deeply closing his eyes putting his weight on his forarms on either side of her. After a good five minutes he broke the kiss breathlessly breathing deeply. "Mmm your amazing, Carlyle" He said the buldge in his pants pressing against her crotch accidently him not even noticing as he stared into her eyes. Her eyes closed as they began to french kiss for so long. She didn't want it to end at all. Her hands moved all around through his hair sensually, her body arched into his. Once he pulled back, Carlyle looked into his eyes and she smiled gently. "You are so much more amazing Houka." She whispered, a blush appearing on her cheeks as she felt every inch of him against her. She didn't say anything though. She looked into his eyes though, running her finger over his perfectly tender lips. Houka grinned down at her before he attacked her neck kissing, nipping and sucking on it as his hands went to her large, perky breasts and began to kneed them a little rough. This was as far as they have always gone but they never went past this point. They were both virgins and he didnt want to hurt her but knew it was inevitable if they ever wanted to advance their relationship farther. A soft gasp sound from her as he attacked at her neck, causing her head to tilt to the side and her eyes to close. Oh it was such a sweet spot , her neck, and she loved it when he kissed there. As he began to kneed her breasts, a light moan whimper sounded from her and she looked at him. Her heart began to race and she was about to let it overcome her. They never went past that limit. this was the farthest they always got to and she tended to be the first one to always pull back. Lightly, she pushed him off of her and sat up, looking a little bit away. "W We shouldn't..." she blushed. She wanted to, no doubt. But still she wasn't entirely sure. He pulled some water from the ocean to his hands and smiled at her. He knew she would do that so he wanted to show her a new trick he had learned. He shaped and froze the water in the perfect shape of a longstem rose before he handed it to her. "I've been practicing a new trick just for you." He said smiling at her his brown eyes staring into her eyes. Carlyle looked at him when he presented her with the beautiful rose and she took it into her hands. She smiled genuinely and then kissed him softly. "You're so sweet. I love it." she smiled. She lay down and held it to her heart and looked at him. She could do it. She wanted to be with him and if anything he had always been proving to her that it'd be just fine if they did. That the aftermath wouldn't hurt her. Leaning into him, she put her rose to the side and pulled him on top of her and kissed him deeply, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I love you Houka." He kissed her back passionately and when she broke the kiss he grinned down at her as he heared his 4 favorite words come from her mouth. "I love you too, Carlyle. More then anyone could ever love another person. Which is why I want to make love to you and have you with me until the day I stop breathing." He said stairing into her eyes as he professed his love to her. Carlyle smiled gently hearing him return love to her and then a huge blush came to her dark skin, to her cheek. She bit her lower lip and let out a soft breath. "Really? I're not going to leave me after?" She couldn't help her insecurity. It was natural after all. her concerns, and her worries. She just wanted them to be assured, she wanted to be assured. she couldn't handle losing him. "Leave you? I would never leave you, Carlyle! You are the light that brightens my life. I love you with all my heart and soul." He told her smiling as he attacked her neck once more ravishing it with licks, nips and kisses. That made her smile. A lot and it reassurred her more than anything. As he kissed on her neck again, she lay back and closed her eyes, letting out a soft moan. "Houka..." she moaned his name and gripped his shirt tightly. Opening her eyes, she looked into his eyes after pulling him from her neck. "make love to me..." He smiled and nodded to her before he sat up between her legs and removed his shirt tossing it aside letting her see his bare muscular chest with full 6 pack abs. A sight she was very much aquainted with when they were training and swimming. He then started to undo his pants before he took them off as well leaving him in his underwear which he usualy swam in. He stopped there and waited for her to undress to her underwear as well. Carlyle watched him, her eyes scanning every detail on his chest, watching as he took his pants off, leaving him in his underwear. She gulped and looked up into his eyes, as she sat up a little bit and took her strapless shirt off, tossing it aside, wearing a white bra. She tugged at her puffy pants and pulled them down easily, revealing her white bikini panties. She pushed her pants away and pulled him to her, laying him on his back and moving on top of him, straddling him but laying on him and kissed him deeply, her tongue pushing into his mouth. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her undoing her bra as they french kissed. He slid it off her and grabbed her bare, large, perky breasts and began to kneed them a bit roughly as he broke the kiss leaning in to suck and nip at her nipples as he kneeded her breasts. Once he got her bra off while their lips were still in tact, she pulled back and then watcheda s he went in for her breasts and moaned softly. she leaned down on him and ran her hand through his hair and watched him. "Houka.." she moaned his name, grinding against his bulge. God how she wanted him so badly. To make love to him. for him to make love to her. He kneeded her breasts a little rougher knowing her breasts are really sensative from him making her cum one time he was playing with them. He suckled harder on her her nipples before he bit them gently continuing to suckle her nipples harder as he massaged her breasts hard and rough now moaning into them as she ground against him. She moaned a little louder, especially the rougher he was getting with them. When he bit her nipple, she winced a little bit and let out a slight pleasurable and painful whimper, hunching her back some. "Nn...n not so rough, love." She whispered. She ran her hand through her hair, arching her back some. Her hips kept grinding against his, making the part where her panties were covering her womanhood moist and wet. He couls feel his underwear getting wet where she ground against him but was intent on making her orgasm so he twirled his tongue around her nipples as he sucked on them as arm as he could and roughly kneeded her breasts occasionaly giving them a squeeze. He knew how she liked them massaged he was just new to playing with her nipples. It was crazy at how she could have an orgasm after having her breasts played with and just having them teased. But it was possible since they were such a big erogenous zone at the same level her womanhood was. grinding against him faster, she moaned loudly and tilted her head back, feeling like her entire body was going crazy. She whimpered a little bit and let out a harsh breath and groaned loudly, tilting her head back. She came. He felt his underwear become soaking wet as she came hard from his ministrations. He pulled off her nipples and grinned up at her as he continued to kneed and squeeze her breasts all the way through her orgasm before he rolled them ofer and he was sitting between her leg her on her back again as she basked in the afterglow of her orgasm he removed her soaked panties tossing them aside before he removed his underwear as well letting her see his 7" long 1" thick rock hard cock for the first time. She panted hard as her orgasm slowly subsided. once her rolled her onto her back, she looked up at him, spreading her legs a little bit as he got her panties off. she blushed as he saw him for the first time. she was shaved all around except for a v patch of white golden short short curls above her womanhood. Her eyes slowly scanned up his now nude body, seeing every part of him, eveyr inch of him for hte first time because nothing was no long concealed. she was seeing it all. Her heart sped up and she seemed to just get only more wetter from looking at him. A small grin smile came to her face and she pulled him down on her and kissed him deeply, pressing each part of her body into his. He wrapped his arms around her as she arched her back up squashing her breasts against his chest as he french kissed her deeply pushing his tongue into her mouth letting it explore her tongue and mouth as he thrust his entire length inside of her tight virgin pussy quickly moaning into her mouth as his large cock reached so deep inside her it pushed past her cirvix into her womb while also grinding against her G spot. He hoped that by deflowing her quickly she would feel more pleasure then pain. Carlyle moaned softly through their kiss and then came th e bone crushing pain. When he pushed right in and so fast, yes it didn't hurt as much as she expected but it still hurt and it she could feel it stinging throughout her entire body. Pulling back from their kiss, she whimpered a bit from the pain, pressing her hands against his chest. Closing her eyes, she bit her lower lip and slowly opened her eyes to look into his. "Nn..." she moaned, her chest heaving up and down already as she was starting to immediately feel such pleasure, gradually. wrapping her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist, she looked up into his eyes again and then kissed him deeply, that being her way to let him know that it was safe to move. she was ready. He smiled when she hissed him wrapping her arms and legs around him and he kissed her back deep and passionate as he held her tight against his body. He started off slowlt by just grinding his cock inside of her for a minute or two before te started thrusting going slow and gentle at first but he quickly built up his pace until he was thrusting in and out of her tight cunt fucking her hard, fast, deep moaning into the kiss. As he began moving, well grinding, she moaned softly through their kiss, her eyes closing and her hands rubbing the back of his head, through his hair. Her tongue pushed into his mouth, playing with his tongue and as he started to speed up, eventually making a pace and really thrusting in and out of her hard and fast, her moans became louder, almost to screams, eventually to the point that she pulled back from their kiss, tilting her head back and moaning loudly. Carlyle held onto him tightly, bucking her hips into his frequently. He went after her neck after she proke the kiss moaning against it as he attacked it with kisses, nips, suckled it while he picked up his pace doubling it and he started to pound into her tight, gushing wet cunt very hard, fast and deep his large cock hitting her G spot as well as every other sweet spot she has as well as passing her cirvix and entering her womb with every powerful thrust into her body. Her body arched up into his and she wasnt able to stop herself from screaming so much. He was making her feel amazing and the screams came out naturally. her nails dug into his skin on his back, her legs wrapping a little b it tighter around his waist and she felt like she could cum again at any second. And that second came as she came hard for him, her juices squirting and leaking out. He felt her pussy clamp down on him as she came hard but he wasnt done yet. Oh no not by a longshot. He continued his assult on her slender neck moaning against it as he grabbed her breasts kneeding them roughly occasionaly giving them a hard squeeze just like she likes as a finger rubbed and flicked her nipples and he continued to pound her tight cunt. She screamed as he continued to thrust into her. Only going harder and faster now to the point of pounding her tight pussy. As he started to fondle her breasts, she tilted her head back an bucked her hips into his in synch with his thrusts. "Houka! Oh god yes!" She screamed. He continued to squeeze and kneed her sensative breasts as well as tease her nipples moaning again her neck as he sucked hard while running his tongue across her neck as he sucked giving her a hickie while he trippled his pace now slamming into her once virgin cunt super hard, fast, deep. Carlyle dug her nails into his back as he started to really go harder. One hand then arches at the back of her head and she arches her body into his, holding onto him tightly with her other arm. "Nn..." she whimered loudly, tilting her head back. She was alraedy so close again. it felt amazing. He couldnt help himself at that point so he and slammed into her extreamly hard and deep releasing a huge load of his hot, thick cum deep inside her tight pussy moaning against her neck before he collapsed ontop of her breathing heavily as he nuzzled her neck. "Mmm...that was amazing..." He groaned softly as he nuzzled her neck breath raggid. She grits her teeth hard and tightened her legs around his waist. she screamed loudly and then she felt herself cum for him again, but it was seriously intense. So as he came too, she squealed a little bit and as both orgasms subsided, she rested back and her eyes closed. she unarched her arm and rubbed it along his hair and panted hard, her other hand rubbing his back. "Hmm..." she was so out of breath she couldn't even talk. They just laid theyere enjoying the afterglow for a little over an hour before he yawned lifting his head from her neck and kissed her tenderly of the lips. "Mmm..that was utterly fantastic, Carlyle...I love you so very much." He said smiling and kissed her tenderly before he got up with a moan as he slipped out of her pussy and did some streaching before he layed next to her cuddling smiling as they watched the sun set together still naked. As her breathing returned to normal, she closed her eyes as they laid there for the hour and then when he pulled back she smiled up at him, opening her eyes tiredly. She kissed him back softly, biting her lower lip as he pulled out of her and then let out a small grunt. she shifted some wincing a little bit and cuddled into him. "I love you too Houka. So much." She whispered, nuzzled her face into his neck and closing her eyes. "I think maybe we should go home and go to bed, Carlyle. We can practice Waterbending tomorrow." He said smiling as he dressed the both of them leaving off their drenched underwear before he wrabbed them in the beack blanket and he carried her home where he stripped the both of them again and slid them both into his bed He fire bends adjusting their body heat warming them up as they cuddle naked under his blankets falling asleep. Carlyle nodded. she was already half asleep. As they went back to his place, shelay down with him once naked and lay on her side, cuddled into him and fell asleep immediately. It was a great day honestly. He was so sweet, her perfect guy and her ultimate number one. Now if only the world would get along...If two opposite elements could, then the world should, right? He smiled his arms wrapped tightly around her waist holding her close as they both soon fell asleep. The Next morning he woke up first and smiled seeing her in his arms. He kissed her softly then slipped off to the kitchen without waking her. He smiled and started to cook breakfast for them still naked. the next morning, she ended up on her stomach, sleeping and when he ksised her, she moved a little bit but didn't wake yet. After a ltitle bit while he was cooking, Carlyle's eyes opened and she yawned, rubbing her eyes. She moved onto her back, finding him gone and then just laid there. She was too much in pain right now from having her cherry popped to move.
An Inuyasha Roleplay [BondageSlave and Kolath]
"Oh no travelers...I mean we do have a Inn here that is welcome to all to stay. But you all seem like you are on quite the mission..I would advise against our Inn and please go to the next village." with that said the elder woman scurried back into her hut. Leaving the gang standing there a bit confused as to what could be so wrong with the Inn. The young raven haired girl wrinkled her brow lightly as she watched the elder set off. Turning her body she faced the hanyou, looking up at him with her light brown eyes. "Well Inuyasha, if there is a demon problem or something here. I say we just check it out, finish the demon off and stay there. I really feel like I could use a bath and an actual bed would be wonderful." Placing her hand on her hip she waited for the hanyou to answer, hopefully he would just give in to it this time. Besides Shippou he was the only other demon, the rest of them were only human. Sango was silent for a moment glancing over the gang she had been traveling with so long now. "Hm..maybe Kagome is right. We really should rest for the night, I'm sure that we can handle whatever is wrong with the Inn. Besides at least there honestly seems to be something wrong with this one." she spoke glancing at Miroku, knowing how often he would fake sensing a demon nearby just too gain a free night at an Inn. Miroku looked over at Sango wondering what it was that was going through her mind as she looked at him. He sheepishly put a hand behind his head trying to smile and brush it off. Despite everything he couldn t stop his eyes from going down to her nice firm ass his hand remembering the feel of that tight firm flesh under his groping hand. At the same time remember the feel of her hand on his cheek.Inyuyasha sighed and folded his arms. We might as well just move on since they want us here anyway. If they don t want our help then we should just move on. He turned so his side was facing the fiery young woman he could already sense how much trouble he was going to be in for this.Miroku saw what was coming and quickly stepped up putting his arms around Kagome s shoulders and gently turning her toward the inn. Now now there is no need to fight. If he doesn t want to come he doesn t have too. We will just deal with any demon problem ourselves and then enjoy the night and some relaxation. Kagome huffed and crossed her arms angirly, her fiery eyes glaring daggers towards the half breed. She opened her mouth to start the usual argument the two normally would have, but it was stopped by Miroku. She listened to him for a moment before nodding her head once firmly. "Yeah your right Miroku, if he wants to stay outside in the cold dirt, then let him. I'm taking a warm bath and sleeping in a real bed." she spoke firmly and with a bit of annoyance laced in her words as she started towards the Inn.Sango sighed softly as the two of them seemed to be about to fight once more, despite all their fighting though it could be clear at times how they really felt. Adjusting her Hiraikotsu a bit she turned to follow after Kagome and Miroku. "Well Kagome does have a point and a bath and a nice bed does sound lovely for the night." She glanced down hearing a soft mewing noise, she paused in walking to squat down and pet the two tailed cat. "You stay with them Kirara incase they need some help." she spoke softly as she stood up, the cat trotting after Inuyasha and Shippou. Miroku walked with Kagome and then Sango his arm slipping around both their waist smiling amicably. There now that is better we humans can all just go and rest together. His hands drifted down to both the girls nice firm asses before stopping and taking the chance that he would get away with it as they walked to the inn since Kagome was mad at Inuyasha and Sango well she would be the danger since Kagome normally froze when he did this. Kagome was grumbling more or so to herself, going on about how Inuyasha never understood them and was so insensitive. She seemed so wrapped in her anger at the moment that she didn't notice his hand drifting down.Sango however of course noticed "You lechrous monk, if your hand goes any further I swear I will break it." she threatened dangerously as she glared at him. Moving to pull herself away from his arm, making sure he enetered the Inn before her and Kagome. Miroku sighed and looked very dejected but rather then being badly maimed he entered in front of them. He looked around the front room of the inn for someone anyone. Not seeing anyone right away he reached into himself and his spiritual skill looking for any presences that he might find in the inn. He hadn t noticed the barrier that he had walked through at the door being so worried about Sango. Kagome's sense were low on picking up any sort of demon energy, normally she could only feel the Shikon Jewels, which she felt none here. She glanced around for the Inn owner"Hello?"she called out in a more calm voice, trying to release herself of the anger.Sango did not seem to have sense any demon either, though all she really had were her insticts, which seemed distracted by Miroku at the moment. Her thoughts mainly on the normal question 'Why does he have to be so perverted. Sometimes he seems..ok..but then he goes and does something important.'Feeling the new prey walk into her, nest so to say, the demon smiled to herself as she moved to stand up on her feet. Her foot steps silent as she seemed to glide from the back room, to the front counter. A gentle smile painted on her young, smooth, and olive toned face. Her eyes were a gentle sea blue, her raven black hair was tied back in a bun, two chopsticks sticking out of the top as that held her hair up. Her figure was nearly that perfect hourglass figure, the traditonal working kimono showing what it could of that figure. The demon had herself, of course changed her apperance to a more human apperance. Besides if she hadn't how else would she lure the men and women who wandered here to trust her? She could use the fumes that dewelled in her own body to get them to stay, but with three she knew she would need more help then that."Hello travels, I'm guessing you will need a room for the night?"she questioned glancing all of them over carefully. Miroku looked up at the girl that had come into the room and just couldn t help himself. He came over instantly dropping to one knee in front of her and taking her hand. Oh fair maiden it is fate that has brought us together. I know that this is fast and I being a monk shouldn t ask but you would do my the honor of having my children. Even as he was talking he knew that something bad was going to happen to him for this. Though there was just now denying who he was and this was part of how he worked that was all there was too it. Sango blinked a moment before that usual, annoyed and angered face masked her calm one. She grabbed his and roughly pulled him away from the Inn Keeper. "Leave her alone you lechrous monk." she spoke in an annoyed voice. Of course she had witnessed him doing this many times, and every time only seemed to make her more annoyed.The demon blinked a moment before bringing a hand to her mouth and giggling softly "I'm sorry Monk, but it does not like seem your woman would enjoy that. Now if you all would please follow me I have but one room left, it does separate the rooms though." Moving silently from behind the counter she lead the group towards their room.'Putting them in the same room will be easier for me to get all three of them.she thought to herself. The demon paused in front of the door, turning to the group she pointed to the room across from them"This here is the bath and I will be bringing some food for you shortly."she smiled softly before leaving the group.Kagome grinned a bit glancing at the bath "Well I'm going to go ahead and hit the bath." she spoke with a smile, though before she entered the bath. She went into the room, dropping off the overly large yellow backpack she carried. Opening the bag she reached in and grabbed a white body towel, then a smaller one for her hair. She then left the bedroom and crossed the hall to enter the bath. Miroku was fine with the idea that all of them had to stay in one room. And he would of course make comments and suggestions about sleeping arrangements when the time came. However no matter how much of a lecher he acted like in his day to day relationships, he still was a good man at heart and wouldn t really do anything without the girls permission. Unless it was to spy on them while they were bathing. Sango nodded to Kagome as she went off to bath"I think I will take a bath as well Kagome, I will be in there shortly."With that said she went into the room as well, looking over the simple, yet comfortable room, a slidining door and paper wall seemed to separate the rooms. She moved to remove herself of her weapon, propping it against the wall before removing her sandals as well. Before leaving the room she heard Snago would be joining, so she smiled and grabbed up two more towels."Alright Sango, I will set your towels in the bath."She nodded her head and finished leaving what she needed to behind before she started to leave the room."And we better not catch you spying either Miroku."With those words she left the room and went across the hall and entered the bath. She saw that Kagome had already removed her clothes and stepped in the bath, which seemed to look more like a hot spring. Sango followed suit, wrapping her hair into the towel to keep to dry, then removed her clothes and slipped into the hot spring to relax.The demon had moved back to the front of the Inn, before she went into the back room. Various objects were spread around the room that she seemed to use for pleasure on humans."I think I will let them have their own bit of fun for now..."she spoke softly to herself as she moved to grab a large bottle off the shelf."With this liquid, after I pour it into the hot spring bath anyway, they should give into their desires. Which of course should be fun to watch, most definitely to see which of the females will act first..."Giggling softly she kept the bottle close as she headed towards the bath, whether they were in there or not she could pour this in. It was always easy to have the humans beileve it was something soothing or relaxing or good for the skin. Miroku looked shocked that Sango would think such a horrible thing about him then smirked because he knew she was saying that because she knew he would. No matter what she said. After a few moments he slipped out of their rooms leaving his sandals behind to move more silently. He quickly made his way to the bath and then around the exterior wall finding a nice sized hole that he would look through but most likely not be seen since both the girls were on the other side of the bath. He had a perfect view of them both and couldn t believe his luck. Sango sighed softly as she rested in the warming water, steam easily flowing off the water around the two girls as they relaxed. Both of them seeming to have their heads rested against a rock as the water came up to their chests. They both found it be very relaxing already, not to mention a good way to clean off after fighting so many demons along the way and just traveling in general.The demon stopped at the door to knock softly before sliding the door open, still clutching her bottle."Ah, glad to see you both are enjoying the bath."she spoke with a smile. She could sense the monk was on the other side of the wall, but who was she to ruin his fun when she, herself enjoyed the same thing."I have something here that will help both of you to relax even more, I'm sure traveling can be very tiring, this well help to relax the muscles. Enjoy please."Kneeling down by the water before either could protest she began to pour the soft pink liquid into the water, where it seemed to spread and stir it'self into the water. Once all was in there she stood up, smiling that gentle smile"Enjoy."She raised her palm to her lips and what seemed to have blown a kiss to them before leaving. However what she had down was blown were fumes from her own body, to intense the stirring fumes in the water to grow stronger. Leaving the room to stir soft pink fumes with a sweet cherry blossom smell."Even if the Monk as relaized what I've just'll be too late, the fumes should reach him in seconds."she thought with a smile as she traveled silently down the hall. Miroku did realize what was happening and was able to fight the fumes some but it was still effecting him. He had been exposed to a demon of lust before and so tried his best to hold everything in check. He pulled away from the wall and rushed into the building. The longer the girls were exposed to the fumes the worse it was going to be, so he had to get them out of there. He burst into the bath, Sango! Kagome get out of the water. He hadn t even thought about the fumes and being exposed more himself. Arousal flooded his body as he tried to fight it but couldn t stop himself from looking at the two nude girls and want them badly. The girls gave out a cry of surprise, Sango who would normally be glaring daggers at him and yelling threats and Kagome who would normally be trying to duck under the water to hide or behind Sango, but they did neither. Instead both the girls started to giggle at Miroku, both their faces struck with a small blush as if they had been drinking. It would seem that the fumes had already reached them and was racing through their bodies. They were exposed the most to it being as they had been sitting in the water, the gumes swirling around them. Sango looked up over at Miroku, nothing but lust seeming to swim in her eyes as she stared at him."What brings you here Miroku? Are you taking a bath too?"Beside her Kagome giggled softly as she nudged Sango lightly, though when she looked at Miroku nothing but lust seemed to swim in her eyes as well.The demon settled herself back in her room, moving one of her larger vases that set on the floor in front of her. Blowing gently on the water she waited for the ripples to calm and give her a clear picture of what was to happen in the bath." let's see how this goes. Seem the Monk has not fully allowed himself to be exposed to my fumes...the girls however I'm afraid didn't stand a chance."Smiling she watched the show, while thinking to herself if maybe later she could join them or watch the show up close. Miroku was trying his best to stay focused but every second he was exposed to the fumes it got harder. Both resisting and his cock got harder as he was looking at to very lust filled girls that obviously wanted him. he shook his head trying to clear it trying to think clearly and help his friends. He knew the fumes and had he been thinking clearly he would be blocking them from infecting his mind more. No I we are in danger.. even as he was speaking his hands had started to move to the clasp of his robes and started to slowly take off his clothes.
['Inuyasha', 'Miroku', 'Sango', 'Kagome', 'Shippou']
The Death Eater's Catch ((Vivid and Vicodin ))
Roslyn listened to the mobile radio with deft attention. Potter Watch was something that everyone Order member listened to. Although she may have not known him very well, she had liked everything Harry Potter stood for, and wanted to make sure that he was okay in such trying times. Unknown to him he was the beacon of hope to all of those who were fighting against the dark order of the Death Eaters. He was The Boy Who Lived. He was the one who could finally put Lord Voldermort six feet under. remember, kids, the familiar voice of the former Hogwarts Quiddicth announcer continued, Support Harry Potter as much as you can. Can t let Moldy Voldy get the best of us! That is it for Potter Watch. Next Password is Hopswitch . The sound of the radio fizzled and all that could be heard around her was the sound of the wind. She turned the knob to the off setting before she placed the now silent device into her backpack. As quietly as she could manage, she zipped it back up and shouldered it. Tonight she had been sent to do recon. A meeting of Death Eaters at the house of a particularly prestigious one and there was to be some pertinent information exchanged during it. Most magical bugs could be detected by their means, which made gleaning anything difficult. An operative needed to be present. It made it dangerous.Keeping the safe distance, she rolled out an extendable ear. Those Weasley twins really knew how to make brilliant gadgets and that particular invention was not detectable by magical means. You had to have an attention to detail and, in this darkness with the masks that Death Eaters wore, she highly doubted that anyone would find her.The redhead simply waited. It wouldn t be long now. It was a shame that such a beautiful woman was being put on recon duty. The reason being that she was not going to come back to The Order, at least, in one piece. One death eater, who was on his own version of recon, had saw the woman who was trying to spy over their duty. He didn't have an extendable ear, but he did have excellent eyesight. Anthony grabbed his wand from his waist, and he then moved off of the top of the house, which was his spying spot. She was too focused on hearing plans, that she wouldn't be ready for him. Anthony creeped up behind her, and at about 3 feet behind her, he mumbled, "Expelliarmus." To get rid of her wand. If the spell managed to do that, then he would be at his mercy.Anthony was a Death Eater in his 20s, who was never really fond of having Mudbloods stain the bloodlines of so many good ancestors. That, and he never really had a group that he could call his own. He only had groups that were close to being called family. He ran his hand through his black hair, and he smirked as he looked at his target. What a shame. What a shame. His brown eyes stared at the woman, and assuming that he disarmed her, he began his attack. He raised his wand and muttered a spell, and if the spell worked, then she would be unable to scream, unable to yell out. She could only talk at a normal voice. He then asked. "What do you think you are doing, Miss? You think you can find out what our plans are going to be? You think you can make a difference?" There was then a small laugh. "The only thing that is going to happen to you, is slow death. You got me, sexy?" As her wand flew from her hand, she gasped loudly. A freezing sort of fear overcame her and she whirled around to see who was attacking her. Eyes widened as a man approached her with his wand drawn outwards. A muttered spell escaped her lips and she threw her arms up. She knew that wouldn t stop the spell from hitting but it was a knee jerk reaction. Roslyn was a fighter and would protect herself to the end even if the means did seem ridiculous and impossible. As soon as the spell hit her she felt her throat tighten and the words that were attempted to escape died before they hit her lips. There was another failed attempt to scream at him but that, too, was thwarted.Finally she was able to say something, albeit, not in the volume she wanted to express herself. Which was good with other Death Eaters only a short distance away, she would hate to draw any more attention to herself or this situation. Fuck off, she spat softly in his direction. If she were going to die, she was going to make it as quick as possible. The redhead was not going to let anyone get the satisfaction of torturing her to death. There was no way she was going to be forced to reveal the secrets of the Order. Even without a wand, someone could be dangerous. A low growl sounded in her throat and she launched herself at him with arms flailing and legs kicking.An arm raised and she aimed a fist directly at his face hoping to make contact. This woman, thinking that he would be able to stop the Death Eaters, was so funny. However there was no humor involved when the woman threw herself at him. Now he ended up on his back, with her on top, and she had managed to lay a good punch in his face. He growled and felt the burning sensation of pain start to fill up his face. "Bitch!" He yelled out, and he pointed his wand towards the sky, while using his other hand to block his face from any more punches. He shot out a patronus towards the room, and he then threw his wand to the side. Screw spells. He was going to beat the crap out of his Order member, and put her in her place. His right hand moved up, and he then thrust it towards the woman's face, using his left hand to block any punches if needed.How dare this bitch, spying on the members that had no problem with killing her on the spot. Members that had no problem with tying her up, torturing her until she was insane, and then seeing the light leave her eyes when the green light had finally been shot into her body. The Death Eaters received the Patronus, and prepared themselves to go outside. If Roslyn could cry out, she would have. As it was she was making odd squeaking noises and guttural grunts as she flailed herself around. This was about survival! Somehow her punch managed to land across his smug face but he had sent something silvery up from his wand. That was going to prove dangerous for her. She needed to get out of here! In her panic she did not notice the fist coming to her face and the knuckles landed across her cheek. With a gasp and a groan, she rolled off of him with a hand over her eye. Already the pain was throbbing she couldn t tell if it was swelling or not. Damn it! she exclaimed in a hushed whisper. In the distance she could hear the crunching of many different feet against the grass. This was not good! This was a tight, tight spot. Her only way to get away was to get to her wand. Despite the pain she attempted to crawl across the grass in the direction he had tossed it.She would have just Apperated but she knew that the Ministry now kept tabs on that. Any place she went she would have Death Eaters on her tail. Still if she had her wand and did it then she would have more of a chance. Just a few feet in front of her she spotted it. Accio wand! she said in that same hoarse whisper. Wandless magic never came easily to her but now she needed it to work. She just couldn t die here! The magic stick jump and rolled a little in her direction but it stopped. Accio wand! Anthony got up from the ground and he ran towards the wand that was slowly making it's way towards the woman. Now, he had to prevent that woman from disappearing. He wasn't sure if she found anything out about the Death Eaters, which was why he had to make sure she never escaped. That she never got her wand, and that she never made it back alive. Anthony stamped on the wand that was making it's way towards the woman, and he then smirked as he aimed a kick right at her nose, with the most force that he could possibly do. He wanted to put her in her place. Whatever happened to her from that kick, he could get the Death Eaters to chain her up. Torture her.The remaining Death Eaters had managed to run towards the standing Death Eater, and the prone Order member. All of the Death Eaters raised their wands at Roslyn, but Anthony motioned for all of them to calm down. "Relax Brothers." He replied, and smirked as he got his wand and pointed it at the girl as well. He then picked up Roslyn's wand, and gave it to a Death Eater. "Make sure that it is never found." He said. He then turned to the girl, if she was still conscious. "What should we do with you? Before we kill you?" Roslyn let out a muffled scream as the shoe made contact with her nose. Although it did not break, blood spurted from her nostrils and pain flashed bright white across her line of vision. Her hands came up to clutch her face and she curled up on the groan, moaning in pain. The white tank top she wore was painted shiny crimson. Black dots swam in front of her vision and she fought just to keep herself conscious.Around her Death Eaters circled. All of their wands were pointed out to her and she knew that there was nothing she could do. They had gotten her and they were not going to show mercy to her. She was a mudblood to them a life form lower than the dirt of the Earth. A strange sort of ill settled in her stomach a combo of the blood slipping down her throat and the situation she now found herself in. The question that was asked was nearly lost on her. Nothing I am not telling you anything, she spat blood at them. Even now she was a fighter. Blue eyes slid in and out of focus and she slumped against the ground. The Death Eaters that were looking at this Mudblood were all staring at her as if she were some kind of disease. "Ugh, a filthy Mudblood." One of them said, and they raised their wand. "Avada..." But he was broken off when Anthony pushed the Death Eater away, so that the dark green energy shot up into the sky." Anthony looked towards the Mudblood on the ground. "Just because she is a filthy Mudblood, doesn't mean that we are going to kill her." Anthony replied, and he stamped onto her stomach, keeping her in place. "It doesn't matter whether you are going to tell us anything. One thing is for sure, is that we can kill you. Any of us will."Anthony raised his wand, and he levitated her away from the Death Eaters, away from the many men that were looking at the girl as if she was a toy. Anthony closed and locked the door, and he then threw her onto the ground. He raised his wand. "Crucio." He said, pointing the wand at the Mudblood and smirking, waiting to hear the yells and cries of pain when the Torture Curse was in effect. "Squirm for me Mudblood, squirm in pain!" How could they know she was muggle born just by looking at her? A grin crossed her face in spite of all of this. Truly the bigoted were irrational. This time they just happened to be right. That smug sense of satisfaction was taken from her, however, when he put pressure on her stomach with his foot. She hacked and the blood in her throat flew out of her mouth. Really she looked more hurt than what she actually was and she was fortunate that the killing curse that was sent at her was deflected. There was still hope that she could escape. No matter how much hope dwindled with each second, it was still something she could cling on to.Her body began to rise and she wondered what was happening. Helplessly her head lolled back and forth as she was taken away from the other Death Eaters. This was confusing her. Where was she being taken? Clearly she wasn t going to be killed. At least not right away. There was supposed to be torture, wasn t there? Of course, she probably should have been happy for that short reprieve. Her body was dumped on the floor, causing pain to shoot through her back as she landed.Before she could react she heard the dreaded word Crucio . Her entire body felt as if it were on fire. Her faint and desperate cries filled the room and she curled into a small ball. This was agony! Thank God he had put that curse on her before. She did not want to give the others the satisfaction of her screams. Tears streamed down her face and she attempted to roll away from the agony. The torture continued for minutes. Minutes, the pain was being surged through the girls body. And no matter how many tears were being leaked out of the woman's eyes, it did not stop. Anthony looked at the squirming girl with almost a maniacal expression, while he kept the wand on her. He broke the curse, after 5 minutes of constant torture, to give her a small break. However break was a little bit of an understatement. He kicked her in the stomach, and then let out a laugh. "I thought that Order members were supposed to be badass. They are the ones that were supposed to take us down. All I see is a Mudblood toy." The man said. He then smirked, as he locked the windows shut, locked the door shut, and he muttered. "Crucio." For one more minute.When he thought that he was done, after that minute, he pounced on the woman, working at her clothes so that he could get them off if he wanted. She was a Mudblood. He would make sure not to have a child with this embarrassing piece of wizarding flesh. He would just make sure that he worked this Mudblood to the core, with sex and torture. Some other Death Eaters would have loved to take advantage of this Mudblood. But he wanted her all to himself. As he put his hands onto her chest, to start to undo her clothes, he let out another small laugh, and he kissed the girl on the neck. "So, tell me. What do you want me to do with you first? I can torture you some more. Or I can enjoy the feeling of your naked body." Roslyn s mind was awash in complete torture. No matter how she tried to shove it off and resist, because it was possible to resist the Crucio Curse, she just couldn t. Without her wand she just felt too helpless. There was one thing she didn t do and that was beg. No matter how much agony she was in, she was not going to do that. Black dots swam in front of her vision. It was amazing that she wasn t passing out from this. Her face was swelling and it throbbed from the pain. The rest of the body felt as her nerves had been set aflame. It was truly a testament to how badass she was that she was still conscious.Then the pain stopped. Even if only for a moment, it stopped, and she panted like an overran dog. That was only a brief reprise from the pain. His foot made brutal contact with her stomach and she doubled over once more, fighting for breath. Her face turned bright red and she gasped desperately for air as he went around to make sure that everything was locked. What was he doing? Did it matter if other Death Eaters came in now? The redhead pulled herself up on her arms. Her legs were still tingling and would not move. Desperately she began to crawl over to the corner. Even if she was followed, if she Apperated, it would give her a fair shake at survival. Yet she could not. As soon as he was done his wand came out and she rolled on to her back, letting out a soft scream.Again the pain stopped but that wasn t the end of it. No. He jumped on her and she threw up her arms to protect her face from another beating. Instead his hands came to her chest and he began to tug at her shirt. The fabric gave way after a few tugs revealing the bra beneath the blood stained tank. Her eyes widened as his lips came across her neck. No! she said through a hiss. Roslyn tried to get away but she could hardly move. No way she was going to let her first time be taken away by a desperate and hard up Death Eater. Her body could barely move with the weight of him on her not after he brutally tortured her. You won t not my It was true, Anthony was extremely surprised that the Order member did not pass out. At least five minutes of extreme torture would have anyone passed out. But this woman was still awake, and fighting against her. He ran his hand through her hair, and gave out a small mock giggle, as he kissed her on the lips. He then grabbed her bra and quickly tore it off, so that he would be able to feel her succulent breasts. He smirked as he laid her onto her stomach, out of the corner, and then grabbed ahold of her legs. "Struggle, and I'll kill you." Anthony said, as he got on top of her. He gripped her breasts and then gave them a few small massages, the bulge in his pants starting to show. "The Death Eaters want you all to themselves. But they are not going to get it. Ask me what you would rather have. Every Death Eater enjoying your flesh. Or just me. You Filthy Mudblood."Anthony tugged her pants down, taking the time to pull them off of her legs and throw them aside. He still was clothed. He then looked at her underwear, and smiled as he moved part of it to the side, so he could see her womanhood. "Aww, what a cute little womanhood. Hey let me know," He paused and put his hands onto her arms, pinning her to the floor. "Are you a virgin? It would make me much more happy to know that I'm breaking a Mudblood virgin, then a regular Mudblood who already got fucked." The kiss was repulsive! His lips touched hers and she could taste him. The hatred seemed to become a matter that solidified on his lips and rolled down her throat. Her stomach churned. Her head spun. This could not be happening! Nothing in her training covered the possibility of rape! When she first entered the Order, all they spoke of was getting tortured and killed they spoke nothing of having something like THIS happen. She let out a desperate cry as he ripped her bra off. Her full, ripe, and perky breasts bounced forth. The pink nipples hardened upon contact with the slightly chilly air.Roslyn stayed perfectly still as she was laid on to her stomach. Tears began anew and streaked down her face. He moved so that he was on top of her his hands coming to pull and play with her now exposed breasts. She shook her head and she made a faint scream of protest. Against her backside she felt a lump beginning to grow. He asked her a question and she howled in despair. She did not want anybody to touch her body like this. Not even someone who deserved it!There was no stopping him as he began to tug her pants off. As he brought them over her feet, they took off her shoes so she is in nothing but a pink pair of ruffly panties and her white running socks. He pushed the thin sheet of her panties aside to reveal her pussy. It was shaved, just like the rest of her from the neck down, and shone a shade of rosy pink the same shade as her nipples."Don't do this," she whispered. "You don't want me. I am not any good."Roslyn was trying to avoid his question. Yes, she was a virgin but she didn't want him to know that."My boyfriend says I'm rubbish." If only she was being silent, because then Anthony would have to try a little harder to break this woman. But all she was doing was screaming out when he touched her, or asked a question. He was going to have to go to his next step, breaking her will. Anthony thought about putting his wand onto the floor, but he couldn't trust himself. If he were to get too much into the moment, he might forget that the wand is a foot away from this woman's grip, and she could use it to end him. So he was going to keep the top part of his robe on, and the bottoms off, to rape her. He smirked and let out a small laugh, as he moved back, looking over the woman. All she had on were those cute running socks, along with a cute pair of pink underwear. Her tits were on display, the nipples hard. He knew that it was from the cold air, but he still could play with her mind. "Aww your nipples are all hard. I didn't know that you found a Death Eater so sexy." He replied, and he sat down on the bed in the corner of the room. "Why wouldn't I want you? You are so funny. Mudbloods are filthy humans, that shouldn't be in the Wizarding World. That doesn't mean that we can't take advantage of them. As long as I don't give you a child, then I can use you all I want. I don't want a half blood child with you."Anthony stood up and he started to walk around her. He didn't want to fuck her yet. He wanted to do a few more mind games before he broke this Mudblood. "Your boyfriend says your rubbish? I guess you are into those kind of guys, that only tell you how useless you are." Anthony moved closer to her, and he pointed his wand at her. Her underwear slipped down, but remained around her ankles, just to humiliate her. She was going to stay in those running socks. He considered it so sexy if he were to fuck her in those. "You are useless. The only thing that Mudbloods are good for, is fucking. And target practice." Anthony then got back on top of the girl, and he spread open the lips of her pussy, so that he could see the rosy red color. "Oh yeah... It looks so tight." He said. He put her legs onto his shoulders, and slapped her across the face one more time. "The Order put you in this. They knew that this would happen to you. Which is why they sent you to this fate." Anthony replied. He managed to get his pants and boxers off while he told her this. His 9 inch member was pressing up against the lips of her pussy, and as he pushed his cock inside of her, he didn't care if she screamed. He didn't care if she cried. That was the beauty of it. Seeing the pain in her eyes, in her body language, when he ripped her body apart. He pushed every inch into her slowly, so that her pussy would be bleeding and sore. He then gave her one more kiss on the lips, and started to move, hard. He slammed into her with every jerk of his waist, making sure that she would hate her first time, and wish that she was dead. Roslyn took in a sharp breath as he berated her. Of course she didn t think he was sexy. The cold always made a girl s nipples hard. She was not as worthless as he was saying! The redhead closed her eyes and attempted to ignore his words. There was a movement and she felt the panties fall to her ankles. She closed her legs tightly to hide the pink pussy from his sight. Tears threatened to fall down her cheeks once more. Again he was on her and spreading her lower lips. He said she looked tight but she was not paying attention to him anymore. In her mind she was elsewhere.Until his hand came across her face, causing her to let out a shocked gasp. Bright blue eyes snapped open and the pain that shone in them was immense. He was lying! The Order would never send her to get raped on purpose. What sort of sick people would do such a thing?! Certainly not the people that she knew! Ouch! she cried out. Her body seized as he began his painfully slow intrusion of her body. He was forcing himself into a place that was almost completely dry. The more he pushed, the more physical pain he caused her. There was nothing she could do. If she resisted, then she would be killed. When the skin of her hymen was tore through, she let out a strangled scream. The smell of her virgin blood broke through the scent of sweat and his arousal. She cried how could this happen to her? How could she let it? A Death Eater was now using her body as his personal play thing.His kiss was insulting and she pulled her lips away from it. Though everything before seemed like heaven compared to what he did next. He began to thrust in and out of her with no care for her pussy. Hard and fast he pounded in to her making her breasts circle. It it hurts she managed through clenched teeth. It was so obvious. The actions and body language of a virgin were blatantly obvious. Only a virgin, or a woman that was not used to a big cock, would be crying and telling him how much it hurt. Anthony winced as he kept slamming into this woman. She was so dry, that he almost felt like pulling out, and wetting up his cock with water from his wand. But he started to feel a different kind of lubrication being used: blood. The blood from her hymen started to coat his cock, and he used it to keep moving inside of the woman, but now with a more satisfactory pace. He was able to slam into her, without feeling her dry pussy scraping up against him. It felt nice, having some kind of lubrication. Anthony grabbed hold of her breasts and gave them a massage. He didn't want to talk to her after he pushed in. He just wanted to enjoy the moment, enjoy the flesh that he was digging out. He rolled his eyes when the virgin told him that it hurt. "Of course it hurt, Virgin." He replied, deciding that as her nickname for this endeavor. "You didn't let any boyfriend have sex with you, so now you pay the consequences. See if you had done this before, this wouldn't hurt as much." He slammed into her again, making sure to get all 9 inches inside of her, before he started to move normally again. "And you might even enjoy it. Shut up." He said finally as he kept moving, moaning and feeling his climax building up. He mocked her for being a virgin as his body slammed into her over and over again. She wasn't expecting her first time to feel wonderful but she never imagined that her deflowering would be so painful. Tears continued to streak down her face as he moved inside. He said that she should shut up and enjoy it. There was no way that she could bring herself to want this. Not when it hurt so bad not when some Death Eater was the one doing it to her."Just hurry," she said through clenched teeth. "Just get it over with." As Anthony kept moving inside of her, there was nothing but groans that came out of the Death Eater, the man that had taken this woman's virginity. He smirked as he then pulled her up into his lap, and he continued to thrust up into the woman, running a finger up her neck and smirking. "I am going to enjoy myself to the end." He replied. Anthony grabbed hold of her breasts and continued to fuck her, up until ten minutes later, when he had her up against a wall, and he was finally feeling his climax coming. He let out a grunt, and he put his head on her shoulder. "It's going inside of you." He replied. If she were to fight, he would make sure that it was on her body instead, or maybe inside of her mouth. But when his climax reached, he pushed his cock all the way into her, and let out one final groan, as his cum invaded her body, being shot inside. His eyes seem to glint in a malevolent way, as he released in the virgin's body. There was Hell all around in that small, locked room. Every thrust reminded her how she let herself get taken advantage of. If only she had fought harder if only she was more cautious and used a disillusionment charm like Lupin had suggested if only!After five minutes of this brutal fucking, her tears ceased and her sobs silenced themselves. Instead he body went limp and felt dead to her. All she wanted was to take herself from that room. The fiery redhead did not even want to cause him harm. All she wanted was freedom from this. As they continued he forced her into various positions and their last had her against the wall. By that time her body had began to react as a body should. It dripped juices down his cock and it quivered as it pushed against that bundle of nerves inside of her.Roslyn s face paled though when he proclaimed that he was going to shoot off inside of her. As much as a virgin as she was, she knew what could happen when a man shot inside a girl. Her body tensed and she let out a desperate cry. You can t! You said you didn t want a baby! You sa Then he rammed himself deeply inside of her. Hot liquid was being shot inside of her pussy. The muscles of her vagina clamped him in her abject terror of what this could mean. From around the base of his penis, some of his seed leaked from inside of her tight womanhood. Her head slumped forward. The hot, euphoric feeling of being able to shoot inside of this mudblood was surging through the man, a huge groan coming out of his lips, and being uttered nearby the Mudblood's ear. He pulled out of the woman, and then slapped her across the face so that she could fall onto the ground. Anthony pulled his pants up, and smirked as he looked down at what he just took advantage of. A woman, with extremely nice tits, rosy tips as the nipples, and a rosy pink pussy just being ripped apart. He could smell the air of her juices, mixed with his, that were now inside of this woman. He wanted to throw another torture on her, but he decided against it. Only so much torture could be applied, before the girl would just be a useless body, slumped up against a wall with no use, not even any fun for fucking. His brown eyes stared down the girl, and he then sat down on the bed, on the other side of the room. "You know, if the Order didn't want anything bad to happen to you, then they would have given you a partner, someone to watch your back while you looked over us." Anthony was still smirking. "They wouldn't have sent you in alone, to be abused, raped, and killed."Anthony pointed at the woman with his wand, and he then materialized chains around the girl's wrists, that were shackling her to the wall nearby the door. The chains then materialized on her ankles as well, just to make it look like a sexy prisoner. Anthony then laid back on his bed, and relaxed a small amount. "I'm not done with you. Don't think that I ever will be. See, having sex with a Death Eater has gotten boring. I'm going to make a Mudblood useful. Your screams, your whimpers, they satisfy me. They are what I want, in a woman. The ability to scream, and beg me not to do it." Roslyn let out a faint scream as his hand made contact with her face sending her brutally to the floor. Seconds passed as she attempted to regain her senses from the blow. Her whole body convulsed in pain. How she hurt! After he had pulled out blood and semen trickled down her thighs and her pussy began to throb in agony. Tears trickled down her cheeks as he continued to mock her. What he was saying about the Order was a lie! She had decided to go on her own because it would put one less person in danger! To drown out his voice she clamped her hands to her ears and made a strange, squealing noise.Even that defense was taking away from her. Around her legs chains were form, spreading them wide as she was attached to the wall. A second pair of manacles appeared and pulled her arms high above her head, latching her hands together so her beautiful breasts would press together. She struggled against the chains and let out a vicious growl. Let me go! she demanded of him. I am not going to be used as your personal fuck toy! The chains frightened her. They made her feel like escape was impossible. With all that had happened to her, she did not want to feel confined as well. She would rather be dead. It was too bad for the Mudblood, because escape was impossible. The woman was without a wand, and she was surrounded by dozens of Death Eaters, that were in the same building as her. Anthony's eyes widened when he noticed the extra work that the chains did, pulling her legs apart to show off that sexy pussy, and pushing her breasts together. He laid back against his bed, and he let his wand go for now, since she wouldn't be able to use it. Or bring it to her. "You are going to be used as my personal fuck toy. That is all you are useful for. Don't worry, within a month or two of doing it, your going to like it. Or maybe not, I really don't care. If you don't like it, I can just hand you off to the next Death Eater. They will be more forceful then I am."Anthony had an idea as he was looking at the rosy pink pussy of the Mudblood, the pussy that was soaked in blood and his seed. He grabbed his wand, and pointed it at her. "Avada... just kidding." And he muttered another spell. A clear kind of light had shot to her, attempting to go up her pussy and then spread to her body. This spell was going to cause a small amount of pleasure, that was going to eventually build to a stopping point. But the problem was, that since Roslyn was chained up, she couldn't finish herself off. For about eight hours, she was going to have to endure waves of pleasure, with no climax. Small amounts of pleasure. The feeling of her breasts being tugged on and licked. And the feeling of the outer lips of her pussy being rubbed, and her clit being rubbed. That all came with the spell. But no climax. Anthony smirked as he laid back, trying to fall asleep. For eight long hours Roslyn endured that torture. The entire night while he slept she was brought multiple times to near orgasm. Each time the pleasure would stop and she was forced to deal with the ever increasing burn and need between her legs. Her juices flowed down her leg from it and she squirmed on her chains more as the hours passed. How he was able to get any sleep with her crying, moaning, and whining was amazing. By the time dawn had rolled around she was a mess and she had made a mess with her body was it was being pleasured and teased. Please, she begged in a whisper as the spell worked her body. Please, just let me cum. I don t want to, but anything would be better than this. Let me cum Deep bags had lined her eyes and she watched the bed for any sign of movement. That stupid Death Eater was the only one who could make this go away. He was the only one to make the pleasure stop. Her wrists and ankles had been rubbed raw from how much she twisted and bent trying to free herself from the agonizing ecstasy. There was not a part of her that did not hurt or feel strained or felt like it was going to pop. Anthony slept wonderfully from the extreme amounts of labor that he put in, in breaking the Mudblood's virginity and pussy. He was a heavy sleeper, so it was easy for him to sleep while the girl against the wall was moaning and squirming around. He woke up feeling refreshed, and his attention was immediately thrown towards the woman that begged for a climax. He knew what the spell was going to be doing to the girl, and he noticed the many marks on her body from trying to make herself climax. He smirked as he walked over to the woman, and bent over to give her a kiss on the lips. He bit her bottom lip when he broke the kiss, pressing down hard when he did so. He then pulled her a few feet up, and moved underneath her, three fingers awaiting to plunge into her moist pussy. "You have to do something for me, if I let you cum." He replied, unzipping his bottoms and letting his cock out. He then made the chains on her wrists disappear, so that her body would fall forward, her chest at least. He then made sure that her lips would be touching his erect piece of man flesh. "Use your lips. I know that you are a virgin, and that you will probably be horrible at it, but suck on it." He replied, pushing her head down so that his cock would move into her mouth. "The moment that I cum, so will you." His fingers tapped against her clit, teasing her with her deprivation of sex as he then chained her hands back around him. "Move your mouth, up and down. Now." Roslyn hated him as he approached her. He looked so damned well rested and so smug that all she wanted to do was rip his face off. Tired eyes glared at him and she fought the urge to bite his lips when he kissed her. He bit hers though, and hard. A squeal of pain came from her and her body leaked more of her pussy fluid. Already her body was matching up pleasure and pain. Three of his fingers then plunged into her sore body and she winced. She was still plenty tight, so it was a close fit, but they slid in easily because of her juices. I don t want to do anything fo she spat but she was cut off before she could finish her sentence. He had made the chains binding her arms go away and she fell forward. His hand came up and guided her to the tip of his cock. Instantly her mouth was wrapped around it and she shoot him the dirtiest of looks she could muster. Yet, she knew that he was her only answer to relief. She spasmed when his fingers rubbed at her swollen clit.Slowly her mouth began to suckle on the knob. It still tasted of her and she whimpered pathetically. Her lips stretched as she moved her head downward to take more of him in but could hardly get half to fit into her mouth without causing pain. Teeth scraped against the shaft on accident and her breathing was labored. Finally he was able to shut her up without having to use a spell. He uttered a groan when she had taken part of his cock into her mouth, and he let his fingers twirl around the girl's clit, playing with her, but not allowing her to orgasm. She endured pleasure for 8 hours, and still was not going to get a release until he did. He was so sadistic. And she was so lucky. Any other Death Eater would have loved to rape her over the whole night, not give her any sleep, torture her, and then kill her within a few days. Anthony had a... Soft spot for prisoners. He still was sadistic, but he couldn't kill. No matter how much he said he could, he couldn't kill. Torture? Yes. Rape? Yes. Kill? No. He was going to start to move the girl's head, but she was already doing that for him. His eyes twitched a small amount out of anger when she had bit his cock, but he wouldn't use it against her. She was new to this, she would be a master cock sucker when he was done with her. He pulled her off of his cock and smirked. "How does it taste? Does it taste dirty, since it had Mudblood juices all over it? Or does it taste good, since you enjoy doing this sort of thing?" He then started to pump the fingers inside of her, using the other hand to push on his cock again, forcing it into her throat, but letting her move off of it if she couldn't deep throat it. When he pulled her off of his cock she thought that he was going to slap her again. Her face was contorted between pleasure and pain. The way he was playing with her clitoris was good. As much as she hated to admit it, his fingers felt wonderful but still she was being permitted from orgasm. He continued to cut her down. How could she think this was something fun to do? This was the last thing that she wanted.Eyes watered and a loud, gargling noise erupted from her throat as he forced her to take him throat deep. Breathing was nearly impossible like this and the muscles in her throat seized. Quickly she pulled back off of his throbbing member. A thick line of precum connected from the tip of him to her lips. Her hands moved to wipe away her tears but they were bound to her sides. Swallowing she moved her lips back over his cock and began to bob up and down. She moved her tongue in small circles around the shaft. Spittle dripped down the sides as she gave him her first blow job. Everything was extremely sexy. Her choking on his cock, him continuing to shove it into her mouth. She was finally starting to get the rhythm of how you were supposed to do a blow job. Moans came out of the man's mouth, her little tricks starting to build up his climax faster then usual. His fingers started to thrust in and out of her, extremely fast as if they were another cock, that was pounding just like last night. Her better version of a blow job was starting to make that tingle sensation inside of Anthony's body. He knew that his climax was building up, and soon enough, he would be shooting it out. However he couldn't decide whether he wanted to shoot it on her face, or down her throat. He knew that she would hate the taste of cum, unless he broke her and made her love the taste. And if he had it on her body, it would be hot to shoot his cum all over her face, neck, breasts, and hair. He let out another groan. "I'm going to... Cum." Roslyn was close to cumming as well. Her pussy clenched around his brutally pumping fingers and she moaned as she worked him over. Her movements became faster and more fluid. Her tongue wrapped eagerly around his member and she suckled with passion and abandon. Already she was coming to know that her pleasure was in direct correlation with his. His orgasm would mean that she would finally be relieved of the terrible pressure building. Her moaning became louder and louder the closer he came to his release.When she heard that he was close she redoubled her efforts. All she wanted at that moment was not to be tortured any more. Her juices soaked his hand as he worked. Really she was just build for this type of use. She became so wet with even the slightest bit of stimulation. Anthony never stopped pumping his fingers into the woman's moist pussy, enjoying that she was acting like a cock hungry slut, sucking his cock just so that she could get an orgasm of her own. She was moaning, she was moving faster when he told her his incoming climax. She was a virgin, but she was the most experienced virgin that he ever knew. He felt it hit him, and his cock shot glob after glob of sticky cum inside of the girl's mouth, practically filling it up with how turned on he was. He didn't backtrack on a promise, his fingers kept moving, using her fluids as lubricant to move as fast as he possibly could inside of the woman. He knew she was going to cum as well, but he hoped that she would slurp up all of his cum, instead of spitting it out, like a quitter. Roslyn attempted to pull away as he shot his load inside of her mouth. It was thick, gloopy, and salty and nearly choked her. Finally she let her throat relax and let it slide down. Her stomach churned as the seed hit it but she hardly cared. His fingers were causing her own release to take place. Muffled, pleasure filled cries filled the room, sending some of white goop spraying from her mouth. Every square inch of her body tensed and twitched. Eyes rolled back on her head and she felt herself become a slave to pleasure. This was the most sublime thing that she could hope for now. The fact it came from him repulsed her yet she knew that she would live for those little snips of ecstasy while she was forced to stay in this room. Anthony felt the girl's twitching from her orgasm, when she was sitting on his fingers. He pulled them out of the Mudblood, and he then kissed her on the lips, bumping his tongue against her lips so that she would open them. "Damn you are really good." He replied, putting his softening cock back into his pants. She sucked up his cum, and had a very sexy orgasm. He could keep this girl around for now. A knock on the door had roused Anthony from kissing the Mudblood, and he then stood upright, looking presentable, while the girl below him looked... presentable by Death Eater standards. By that, they mean a woman being naked and taken advantage of. One of the other Death Eaters explained that breakfast was being made by a bunch of house elves, and Anthony asked for two helpings. The Death Eater closed the door and Anthony then turned to Roslyn. "So slut, tell me about yourself. If I want to keep you as a fuck toy, I need to know all about you. All I know is that you were a virgin. I need to know more." Roslyn closed her eyes when he kissed her. She let him easily open her mouth with his tongue. The fact that he was kissing her was almost humorous to her. It was such an affectionate act shared between lovers. How ironic that he did it after raping her and forcing her to suck on his cock. Thank goodness that it did not last long a knock came at the door. As another Death Eater came in, she attempted to cover herself, but the chains kept her in place. She looked away and used her long hair to cover her face no one else needed to see it. No one else needed to know who she was. Though she did perk up a little there was a mention of food and of two helpings. That meant that he was going to feed her!When the other Death Eater left she looked back towards the one who had held her captive. He had asked her about herself. Odd, seeing that she was nothing but a plaything to him, but at least he was giving her permission to talk Roslyn, she corrected. Her throat hurt and sounded very raw. With all of her screaming and moaning, paired with the fact nine inches had been shoved down it, it was no wonder that she was having a hard time speaking. My name is Roslyn. If you must know I am the only child of two muggle parents. I grew up a normal life and excelled in Hogwarts even if I did get in trouble a few times. I m eighteen and joined the Order as soon as I graduated from school. My dream was to be an Auror. He was able to tell that she was having a hard time talking. He realized that after all of the things that he did to her mouth, from silencing it, to shoving cock down it, that she was going to have a hard time. So he paid extra attention to all that she had to say. It was a shame that her life was extremely boring. She only got in trouble a few times, so he couldn't listen about how either her parents didn't love her, or she didn't fit in. Something that Anthony was saying when he was 14. However now he had his own family, a real family, not the fake one that gave birth to him. That family died. "It is too bad that you can't be an Auror now." Anthony replied, almost making fun of her. He then looked back at her body. "But I mean, if you were going to do this to the boss of the Ministry of Magic or something to get the job, then I'm sure you might have had a rich and fulfilling life." Anthony then was interrupted when the food was brought into the room. He placed a plate next to the woman, and freed her hands from the bonds just for now. He didn't give her any silverware however. "Eat with your hands. It isn't like you used them for worse things." Anthony replied, smirking. "Like touching a man. Or touching yourself." Roslyn could feel tears prickle at the corners of her eyes as he degraded her further. To him, the only way she could have a successful carrier in the Ministry was by giving blow jobs. That wasn't true! She was a talented witch who had every reason in being a wonderful, productive Auror. Now, well, now she had nothing much to look forward to except orgasms. A shuddering sigh came from her as he released her hands."Mmmm!" she exclaimed. Her body shuddered and a line of juices trickled down her leg, washing away the dried blood and cum from the night before. Pain throbbed in her hands as blood flowed back into them. It felt almost like pleasure to her. No doubt that was the plan.Roslyn reached out with trembling fingers and began to feed herself with her still partially numb digits. At least he was feeding her and she wasn't going to complain. What if he took the food away because she shot off her mouth."I haven't touched a man before you," she said through a piece of bacon. He was hoping that this woman would be able to get the message, that pleasure and pain were the same thing to her. If he were to constantly keep her in pain, then maybe she would eventually be trained to feel that way. So far, she didn't fight and did everything that he wanted her to. An excellent blow job was given to him when he shoved it in her mouth, and her pussy was an excellent tool that seemed like it sucked his cock in whenever he pushed it inside. He opened the door and unhooked the chains from the walls, materializing them in his hands. He then finished up eating, and tapped the plate with his wand so that he could send it back to the kitchens. He would do the same to the girl's plate when she was done. He then started to drag her out of the room and down a hallway, into the major dining room of 13 Death Eaters. They all stared at the naked woman, as Anthony bound her chains to the table. They all were staring, and all were wondering, if they could have her. And if she was a pureblood. Roslyn virtually growled when she was pulled along by the Death Eater like some animal. Hands reached up as she attempted to steady herself but, eventually, she had to scramble on her hands and knees just to keep up with him! Fury shone in her vivid blue eyes and she had to bite her tongue over and over again to keep herself from snapping. Things would be much better if she at leasttriedto be good. Maybe he would even trust her a little if she was well behaved and that may lead to a chance for escape. Not in there! she hissed through clenched teeth. He was taking her into a room full of Death Eaters! I don t have anything on! They ll look at me! Knowing that every eye was going to be on her made fear go through her no one else could see her body. No other filthy fucking abusive prick needed to know what she looked like without her clothes. What about her dignity?! Her cheeks dotted brightly with pink as she was dragged towards the table and lashed her to the leg of the table. Like she thought, all of them were looking at her body as if she were some piece of meat. Don t fucking look at me! she snarled at them. Many of the Death Eaters considered her outburst quite funny. "Oh is that so? What if I want to look at you? Blood Traitor?" One of the Death Eaters replied. All of the men were taking this opportunity to stare at Roslyn, her beautiful breasts, and the wonderful pussy that was dug out last night, but was now hidden by her crossed legs. One of the Death Eaters walked over to Roslyn, and then put his wand to her throat. He turned to Anthony. "Anthony, are you done having fun with the girl? You know, we are going to need some information." Anthony nodded his head. "Go ahead, have fun with it." He said. However, that man had something else in mind. Once again, the first part of the killing curse was used. "Avada " But was broken by Anthony, once more. Anthony had blasted the wand out of the Death Eater's hand. "Just because she is a Mudblood, does not mean that we kill her. I am not done with her completely. Although I am done with her for the day." He said. "If there is going to be any information inside of this useless woman, I will get it. No one else." Anthony sat down at the table, and started to eat a second helping of food, along with throwing pieces of bacon at Roslyn whenever he wanted to. One of the female Death Eaters had tackled the girl to the ground, and started to feel her up. Anthony smirked, and just watched while the female felt up Roslyn's breasts, squeezing them and pulling on the nipples. Roslyn let out a scream as she was approached that was quickly cut off by the hand around her throat. Desperately she attempted to pry the fingers from around her neck. What was he playing at?! These guys were completely and utterly insane! He wanted to wheedle information out of her but was ready to throw the killing curse at her at the drop of a hat. As the fingers dropped from her throat, her hand flew up to her neck and she gasped for that delicious air. A nasty glare was shot at the man who had strangled her but she said nothing.The bacon was tossed in her direction but she ignored it. Unlike most of the people at that table, she did not like stuffing her face full of food do early in the morning. Especially when she barely had any rest to begin with so, instead of eating what was thrown, her head dropped and there was an attempt to catch some rest. However that was not meant to be.A woman lunged herself at Roslyn, pinning her to the floor. She groped at her flesh and pulled without mercy at the girl s nipples, causing the redhead to yelp. What a pretty little mudblood! the woman exclaimed. Look at the way her skin bruises! It s beautiful! Get her off of me! Roslyn screamed. Anthony let out a laugh as his fellow Death Eater had pinned Roslyn onto the ground and started to play with her body. He was not going to get the Death Eater off of her, that was for sure. "I am sorry but there is only so much that I can do to my fellow brethren. If you want the Death Eater to get off of you, then you should probably do what she asks." He replied. He took a sip of pumpkin juice and then grabbed his wand, pointing it at Roslyn. He was thinking of giving her that curse again, the curse that caused her to rub her body raw and beg for an orgasm this morning. If she was under that condition, then she would have to enjoy herself with that woman. Especially if he made it to where only the women make her moan. He thought of this as he pointed the wand at her. "Honey, continue." He said to the female Death Eater. Again a hand came up to wrapped around Roslyn s throat cutting off any breath that she had. Desperately the redhead swallowed and kept her eyes locked on the woman choking her. A demented sort of laugh came from the Death Eater as she strangled the defenseless young witch. Anny kins. The woman purred after releasing her grasp. Roslyn slumped and whimpered pathetically. A hand came up to rub at the marks that were left by the surprisingly strong grip. The hand moved downward and began to pull and twist the Order Member s full breasts without mercy, causing her to yelp. This one makes such good noises. You are so lucky. Are we keeping her for awhile? I think she would make a beautiful pet. Ceres, another Death Eater chuckled. You always liked to play with the filthy little mudbloods. But her skin turns such a beautiful shade of purple! Look at her. She is simply gorgeous! Again Ceres hand was on the move and this time it came to touch between her thighs. Roslyn let out another yelp and attempted to squirm away. Two fingers were instantly plunged into the swollen and now practically dry pussy. She clenched her teeth together and attempted not to scream out for help. None was going to come. You deflowered her, didn t you? She clamps so yummily around my fingers! Is she any good with her mouth? Pretty little lips The fingers were removed and then trailed up until they were being pressed against Roslyn s mouth. Anthony smirked as he let Ceres have her fun with the girl. He didn't mind that this woman was plunging her fingers into her own pet's pussy, being that he used his own cock to dig her out last night. And then he managed to use her mouth as much as possible, and shoot all the way down her throat. As he saw Ceres plunge into Roslyn's hot and tight pussy, he got off of the chair and then got onto his knees in front of the girl. He moved close to Ceres and whispered in her ear, a smirk on her face. "I was thinking that the both of us, later, could move into a private room with our little pet, and enjoy the feeling of her flesh." He said, and then he pulled Roslyn's right nipple, and let out a small laugh. "I know how much you like women, and men, and maybe a cute little threesome would be the perfect enjoyment for us both. And don't worry, I don't plan to stop you from playing with my pet at all. Enjoy yourself as much as you want. "Yes, I did take away her virginity. She was extremely tight, and I made her pussy wet from the blood." Roslyn let out a sharp gasp as her nipple was pulled on again, allowing for Ceres to press her fingers deeply into her mouth. The taste made her retch her head back but the Death Eater would not allow for such a movement. She pressed harder down on the physically broken redhead, moving her fingers against Roslyn s tongue. A soft coo emitted from the woman s lips and Roslyn hated her and hated her master for suggesting a threesome. So soon? Ceres asked. She won t bite, will she? I don t like it when they bite. It is not their place to bite. Anthony smirked. "I am sure that if this girl were to bite, we can take the light out of her eyes immediately. We can kill her if she were to bite your fingers, or in my case, my cock. And then bury her where no one will find her. It is extremely easy." He said. He then moved in on Cass, putting his hand on Cass' shoulder while he moved his face in to kiss the woman. He wanted to see if his pet would get jealous yet. If she were to get jealous, then he would be able to use that to his advantage once he finished up the threesome. If she were to just throw up, or not respond to it at all, then he was going to have to do some bonding with his pet, or humiliate her more. He then smirked at Cass. "So what is the answer? Do you want to play with this Mudblood?" There was no jealousy yet. Anger and resentment that he would screw anything that moved but she did not feel attached that thoroughly to the man who had taken her freedom away, raped her, and kept her in chains like some naughty pet."It would be a shame to kill such a pretty thing over a bite," Ceres replied in a pout. It was clear that she was torn. "I would love to play with her more once she's been trained more. If she is a virgin she probably doesn't know how to use that silky little tongue."She removed her fingers and bowed her head down, pressing her lips against Roslyn's, flicking her tongue so she'd open her lips. The redhead hated every moment of it and wanted to bite the tongue. Instead she allowed it to be pushed into her mouth."She tastes wonderful, almost as good as you, Anny kins" Ceres purred. Anthony turned a little red from the compliment as he swirled around the actions in his head, thinking about what he should be doing as a rejoinder. "I would love to train her a little more, and if you ever feel like training her yourself, you can do that." Anthony replied, getting more and more horny as he saw Ceres kissing his pet. "I will not kill her if you do not want me to." He said. He took a look at Cere's breasts, and he grabbed hold of one of them to give them a nice massage, while he grabbed Roslyn's other breast with his other hand, and gave that a massage. A smirk came onto his face as he rubbed Cere's breast through the fabric of her robe, and rubbed the bare skin of Roslyn. "Mudbloods are so good for using as pets. They are so stupid, and they usually remain a virgin, so that you can feel their tight body." He blatantly said. "Are you doing anything today Ceres?" Oh, God, her new master was retarded! People born of muggle lineage were not stupid, nor did they remain virgins any longer or shorter than a pureblooded wizard. This was the sort of garbage they were teaching to their children? No wonder they gave up so easily after the Dark Lord's first defeat! Their doctrine held little water against logic. Her lips pursed. She closed her eyes tightly as his hand came to wrap around her breast it was so tender from the pulling and twisting that the slightest touch made it hurt.Ceres smile as his hand found her chest. Roslyn couldn't help but think that all Death Eaters were nonsensical hornballs. It made her stomach churn."I am doing a mission later tonight but I could use with a tension release before that... if you get my drift.""Oh my God! Who couldn't?" Roslyn hissed. OOC: I love this roleplay. "Oh, God, her new master was retarded!" That made me laugh so hard.BiC: Anthony smirked at Cere's demands, and he grabbed onto the woman's hand so that he could bring her into his own room, the room that he had fucked Roslyn in last night. He had used invisible rope and chains to make Roslyn follow him, but in a more seductive stride, as if saying that she belonged to only him. He pushed open the door and then chained Roslyn to the wall that she was previously chained at. He smirked as he mumbled the same spell that he mumbled at the girl last night, that caused her to stay up all morning with pleasure. However if she had a strong enough will, she would be able to break the spell, that is, if she wanted to. He wanted her to suffer while he enjoyed the feeling of another Death Eater. He pushed Ceres down on his bed and started to strip her, starting with the top of her robes. Roslyn was forced to follow paraded around on an invisible string to strut like some prideful whore. The Death Eaters left at the table watched as she was dragged away. Some muttered on how lucky Anthony was to have claimed such a pretty piece of flesh. Though not many mentioned Ceres being pulled away everyone at that table had their fill of her and it was no secret that she liked to sleep around. Ceres viewed it as her duty to keep her fellow Death Eaters happy.Again Anthony chained her to the wall and she let out a growl. That damned wall! In desperation she pulled against them and fired off insults at the both of them when that horrible spell was directed at her again. Soon her fighting stopped and she slumped as the pleasure overrode the shaking redhead.Ceres let out a mad laugh as he undressed her and her hand came up to help him take off her robes. There was a glint in her eyes and she threw looks back at the new slave. What spell did you cast on the poor thing? she asked after kissing him demandingly. Naked she wasn t as impressive as his new toy being too slender in her hips and broad in her shoulders to be as striking as the chained woman but she had her charm. He looked at the girl that was against the ground, moving in conjunction with her pleasure, and he let out a small laugh, as he pushed Ceres down and got on top of the woman. "I cast a little spell on the woman that would give her constant pleasure, but no orgasm." Anthony said as he put both of his hands onto the woman's breasts, squeezing them a small amount before giving Ceres a kiss. "I gave that mudblood the spell after I had deflowered her." He said. He then took her bottoms off and let the woman's naked body bask in the glory. Anthony then went down on her, taking off his own clothes and pointing Ceres in Roslyn's direction. He brushed his erect cock against Ceres' womanhood and then gave Ceres a kiss as he pushed himself inside. He let out a lustful moan as he started to move in the woman, grabbing her breasts while he thrusted. Ceres moaned out loudly as she was thrust inside of. Roslyn scowled at her. No one could enjoy being fucked that much not after three seconds of it anyway. The redhead though, bitterly, that it should have been her getting rammed into like that. At least it would end the torture that the one spell caused. Tears threatened to roll down her cheeks. I bet watching us is killing her, Ceres groaned into Anthony s ear. Her hips began to move up and down without mercy. Thank goodness she was not as tight as Roslyn or, in fact, most women her age or it might have been hard for Tony to keep up. She arched her back. Fuck me harder! Anthony did not want to disappoint the woman. She was here to please, and he was here to please her, and to make Roslyn jealous. That spell was always the same. It always got more intense, the longer that it lasted. Just like actual sex. But she wouldn't be able to orgasm. Just the sight of her without any sleep last night had made him smirk. He meant for her to be like that. He wanted her to be begging for his cock, after so much pleasure from a source that she couldn't handle. He sped up his pace inside of Ceres, letting out groans in the woman's ear as he plunged into her and pulled out, loving the feeling of her pussy. It was wet, unlike the dry vagina that he had to make wet with blood last night. "You feel so good..." He said, as he kept moving. Roslyn whimpered as the pleasure built between her legs. It felt so good that it was driving her insane. There was going to be no relief her fingers could not even move against her own flesh. Tears welled in her eyes and her bottom lip trembled. What a whore that Ceres was you could even hear the slapping of his balls against the crack of her ass.Ceres let out a loud moan before sitting up enough to watch his massive piece of meat slide in and out of her easily. Fuck yeah! You re hitting so fucking good! She looked up at him, a smirk on her face. You like this cunt, huh? It s better than your mudblood s, isn t it? Roslyn balked. If you liked cavernous holes it was better! Anthony let out a loud groan, loving the sound of his balls hitting Cere's ass as he continued to fuck the feeling out of Cere's pussy. She didn't have as much tread on her tires, when it was compared to the mudblood that he broken last night. But it still felt really good. This girl knew what positions to do, and where to move her body so that he would be pushing against a tight portion of the woman's body. He felt his fists clench, and his fists then wrapped around Ceres' legs, forcing them upward and pushing them against her shoulders, while he continued to fuck her. The extremely long time that he was fucking the girl was surprising. He was fucking this girl longer then Roslyn. As he felt his climax approaching, he kissed Ceres in a lustful way, and pushed her body all the way down onto his cock, as he finally unleashed his cum and filled up the whore with his cum. He looked over at Roslyn and smirked. "Want my cum inside of you?" He asked, as he kissed Ceres' neck and forced Ceres to look at the pleasure plagued lady. Ceres let out a satisfied moan as he filled her with his seed. He always came so much that it even managed to drip out of her. Her climax was just as delicious and, right before he burst, she did. When he pulled out a finger came to play with the mess he made of her pussy. Carefully she scooped some of the white sticky stuff and pulled it in her mouth with a suck. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she swallowed. It tastes so good, she said to Anthony, I don t see how she couldn t. You re disgusting! Roslyn replied through clamped teeth. I don t want to have his fucking bastards. I don t want I don t want You should punish her for that nasty mouth of hers. She ll never learn without being punished for naughty things. Anthony pulled out of Ceres and he felt a big amount of sexual pleasure come into his body from watching the little slut suck up the mixture of his cum and her cum. He let Ceres slide onto his bed, and he then unhooked Roslyn from her chains. He grabbed ahold of her arms and then smacked her head against the hard wall as hard as he was able to. "Filthy little sluts like you are not allowed to talk. Filthy little Mudbloods will talk when spoken to, and will accept any cum that Purebloods are going to offer them." Anthony then pressed his finger up against Roslyn's clit, but knew that if he were to do too much, she would be able to climax. He chained her arms above her, and then he placed his hands on her hips. He gave her ass a big smack, followed by moving his hands down to her pussy to spread open the lips, revealing the beautiful pink color inside. "Hey Ceres, come punish this slut with me." He said, as he moved his hands to Roslyn's head. He then smashed Roslyn's head against the wall once more, before kicking her between the legs, aiming to smash her clit or at least hit her there. Roslyn saw stars as her head was smashed against the wall, the pain paralyzing her temporarily. A groan came from her lips as he pressed against her swollen and throbbing clitoris. At first she thought he was going to rub at it and release the terrible tension but he didn t. Instead he chained her arms higher up and spanked her, hard enough for her to cry out. This was horrible! He was going to kill her at this rate! No! Please! she begged as she felt his fingers wrap through her hair. He did not heed her and again her head was smashed against the hard wall. The skin on her forehead, near her temple, split and blood trickled down the side of her face. She began to cry in desperation and pain.Ceres laughed as she watched the young woman in pain. How sexy she looked with agony spread across her face. When the offer was extended towards her, she jumped from the bed and walked over. Instead of punishing her, she decided to help him. From behind she wrapped her arms around him and started to jerk him off as he tortured the girl.A sharp scream broke through the room as his foot made contact with her crotch. Although it did not crush the sensitive button, because that is a little too grotesque for this writer to imagine, it made brutal contact and the air was knocked out of her. All she wanted to do was die. It was agonizing. Little slut, Ceres said, reached out her free hand to yank back her hair. We ll teach you to cum from the pain. OOC: My apologies if I went a little too far. I think that I did.BiC: Anthony let out a smirk as the girl had moved around and cried out in pain. Oh man he loved the idea of that little girl squirming around in not only pain, but pleasure from all the torture that she was experiencing on his watch. He ran his hand through the girl's hair, letting out a little mocking coo noise. "Oh I am sorry baby, I didn't mean to make you bleed. Oh wait, I did." He said, and he then was about to hit Roslyn in the head once more, but Ceres came up behind him and started to jerk him off. He let out a suave groan, and then put his hands onto Roslyn's breasts. His nail pushed against the girl's nipple, and he then ran his nails down the girl's breasts. "Oh what I wouldn't give to... have you as my little slut." He said, the pause coming from Cere's actions, which caused a groan to come out of his mouth. He charmed his wand towards his hand, and then he pointed it at her. "Lets just see what happens. Crucio!" He yelled out, holding a constant demeanor of aggression and anger so that the cure would keep going. But it was hard to keep it up with a constant flurry of pleasure that came from Cere's action. "Ceres. Use your mouth please. Show this Mudblood how to suck a cock." Roslyn bit her lip as his nail dug into her nipple and then raked down her breast. The pain felt like merely a needle prick compared to the agony was still throbbing between her thighs. This was Hell. Alone he was an asshole but with this woman he turned into a complete monster. He pointed his wand at her when it flew to his hand. The next second unbearable pain wracked her body and she screamed out again. No more! she exclaimed. No I can t handle this! As he told her, Ceres fell to her knees and nearly swallowed him with one movement of her head. It was clear that this was a hobby for her and she was easily able to suck his entire length down her throat. Up and down she bobbed her head, pretending to choke on the massive rod, before going back to work. Anthony smirked. "No more? But you don't understand you filthy little Mudblood. Playing with you useless girls is one of the many things that we enjoy." He replied, and he was about to say another sentence, when he let out a groan of pleasure from Ceres sucking up his whole cock into her mouth. He put his other hand onto the whore's head, and set his own fast pace of ramming his cock down the whore's throat. He then smirked as he stopped the pain curse, and he pushed the wand against Roslyn's stomach. "Maybe I should shoot my seed into you once more." He replied. He pulled Ceres' mouth off of his cock, and he then moved over to the newly broken virgin. He smirked as he then raised her legs, and pushed his cock up against the girl's slit. It still was so tight... as tight as when he fucked her last night. He almost felt like cumming right there, being that the pleasure from Ceres' mouth fuck was so wonderful. However now was the time for fucking, and that is just what he did, as he started to fuck her hard and as fast as he was able to. He ran his hand through Roslyn's hair, smirking. "Enjoy it you little slut." He replied, as he kept fucking, moaning in the woman's ear. Roslyn closed her eyes as he raised her legs almost painfully. His hard cock rubbed against her slit and she whimpered pathetically. How she hated him but how she needed him! That pleasure charm he had put on her made the need in her body bubble and burn with want. Even after the torturing curse. Then, without a shred of care, he rammed himself mercilessly up her tight little cunt.Moans sounded in her throat as he fucked her hard and fast. It felt so good! Even if it hurt the friction against her gspot was delicious. Ceres let out a giggle and rose. Her hand reached out for the redhead s chest and grabbed a hold of one of the firm, bouncing tits. You re such a little slut, she whispered into Roslyn s other ear. Her fingers pinched and pulled at the hard nipple while her other hand moved downward to rub at the swollen clit as Anthony rammed into the tight snatch. Roslyn s eyes shot open and she became deathly silent. You like being touched? Look at you! Such a sexy little cunt! Anthony let out a laugh as he continued to satisfy the needs of the cute little girl that he had cursed, pounding his cock in and out of the girl's body. He was more doing this for him, then doing it for her. He would have loved to just keep Roslyn in an everlasting state of pleasure, but the amount of moans that would be coming out of the little bitch's mouth would be a little too annoying for him. Plus, she was a Mudblood, which meant that she was inferior, and that she was supposed to be doing whatever he wanted. And the last reason, was that he preferred to be breaking apart the little virgin that he caught, and making her into a little slut, then having sex with the slut of the Death Eaters, Ceres. Sure, she had a nice pussy, but Roslyn's was far better.Anthony ran his hands through Roslyn's hair, pulling out a few strands along with it, and then started to go as fast as his body would let him, making him pound mercilessly into the little girl's snatch. "Oh yeah here comes your child..." He said, as he felt his climax coming, the buzz of pleasure remaining in his body. "Here it..." But he was cut off as he slammed once more into Roslyn, and emptied his cum into the girl's body, shooting every single glob into her and making sure that not a drop was wasted. "Oh yeah.." He said as he thrusted a few more times to make sure she got all of it, and he then dropped her onto the ground. "God you are such a good fuck." He replied, smirking. "Ceres, did you want to do anything else with this slut?" The redhead was near tears as he screwed her without remorse. It hurt but felt so good! There was nothing she wanted more in that moment than to please him. If he came then she knew the spell would be broken and that she would be permitted to gush. A cry sounded from her lips as he pulled at her hair some of its strands catching on his fingers as he yanked. Her large breasts bounced and jumped, making Ceres squeal in absolute delight. A baby, huh? she asked as she pulled on the already abused pink nipples. Roslyn shook her head and let out another scream. We re going to have to beat it out of her. A hand wrapped around the redhead s neck and clamped on tightly as the hot cum was shot inside of her. A great spasm shot through Roslyn s body and she fell to the ground as both Death Eaters let her drop. A hand came down to cover her seed dripping snatch. A gush of her juices erupted from her. Oooh Ceres smirked towards Anthony and then dropped to her knees, making sure that they were on either side of the woman s head. Be a good girl and eat me, would you?
['Who', 'Lived', 'Voldermort', 'Weasley', 'Moldy', 'Potter', 'Boy', 'Roslyn']
The Divine Romance [Yue x Blood_Rogue]
The Divine Romance Note: Lore in this roleplay is taken partially from Warhammer. ProlougeIn the begining, there were nine gods. These nine gods created the Earth, sky, and oceans and taking all of their power and skill to do so. However, when it came time to create life, the gods were in quarrel the gods could not decide on creatures of intelligence and magic. Afore, the gods biggest quarrel was allowing magic at all. Now, the topic grew even more contreversial. Some gods wanted the life in their image. Others want every god to contribute and create a perfect being. Some even wanted there to be no intelligent life at all. Two of those gods the ones who did not want intelligent life broke from the others and began destroying the earth to avoid the squabble. Enraged, the other seven killed them. Even for gods, killing the divine is difficult. The seven gods made a pact to disband themselves and limit their powers. Each god made one race and put it on the planet. That is the very begining of The Divine Romance.In this world, there exists two pantheons of gods: Order and Chaos. Within the Chaos, there is Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne and Slaanesh. Nurgle represents disease, destruction and decay. Tzeentch represents magic, evolution and change. Khorne represents blood, war and murder. And, Slaanesh represents pleasure, passion and decadence. Within the Order, there is Nodoriah, Rychuss and Orus. Nodoriah represents faith, patience and will. Rychuss represents instinct, nature and whim. And, Orus represents magic, prediction and wisdom.The Chaos Pantheon, known asThe Daemons, may outnumber the Order Pantheon, but they have little cooperation. Animosity between Khorne and Slaanesh is only one reason The Daemons have been kept from dominence. The Order Pantheon, known asThe Light, have no animosity nor ambition.The Order Pantheon wish for things to be done by the races they have created, not themselves. In fact, The Light purposed and allowed a contract that granted Rychuss and Slaanesh to create two new races each and put them on the Earth. That is considered a testament of the neutrality ofThe Light.Nurgle, the Plague Lord, has only one intelligent race. He has many demons, such as Nurglings and Slime Hounds, but The Paestel are his strongest devout. The Paestal are humanoid demons born in litters with such malice they may kill their nestmates. There is no maternal or paternal love, Paestal must grow on their own. Paestal are incredible necromancers and powerful demons whose only wish is to kill, even other Chaos aligned beings.Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways, has two intelligent races: The Changelings and The Watchers. The Changelings are a mischevious race of shapeshifters. The Changelings were created by The Watchers, thus not breaking the contract set in place. The Watchers are an avian race of incredble magical power. The Watchers live long lives and are known for amassing knowledge in archives they will fight and die to protect.Khrone, The Blood God, has a single race that has dominated many others created in the begining. Khorne has one of the two largest dominons of The Daemons, mainly because of his race, The Brood. The Brood are a hive mind race that dominate the lesser and turn them into blood affiliated demons.Slaanesh, The Dark Prince, has three races: The Daemonettes, The Lycans, and The Vampires. Daemonettes are the original race of Slaanesh, powerful feminine demons capable of shreding battlefields and bedsheets. Lycan represent beastial lust, created by Slaanesh as part of a deal with The Light. Vampires are the more romantic forms of lust, created during the same deal.Nodoriah, The Lightbearer, has three races, but each one is an evolution of his original race. The Elves, the humans, and the dwarves represent the agility, intelligence and strength of the Nord. The Nord evolved or devolved into the three races when they lost faith in Nodoriah, however there are few Nord who has survived with their faith.Rychuss, The Spirit of the Forest, has three races, as part of the deal made with The Daemons. The Rhotom are a humanoid beast race that have many clans regarding what animal they resemble. The Kin are a feminine, beautiful version of The Rhotom that Rychuss created to live in in Garden of Rye, an Eden like paradise that is now hunting grounds for slave traders. And, the Salamandra, an all female amphibian race that has four legs, two arms and is beautiful in its own way.Orus, The Wise, has but one race, The Orucles. The Orucles are a race whom are feeble in strength, small like an Elf without their agility, but are stronger than even Watchers in magical abilities. Orucles are rare and powerful beings who can supplement their body with their own magical prowess. Orucles most notable trait is the fact they do not age.Chapter OneYue sighs, standing under the clouding sky. Yue's grey cloak is picked up in the wind, revealing the two books hanging from chains around his belt and his simple, gray, linen pants with light leather boots. Yue says alloud,"It seems I'll have to take shelter...," before walking down the road only to see a small settlement where he looks for an Inn.Shock. Not of lightning, but of power. "Wow... fate has a funny way of playing games," Yue said as he felt a dormant power. A dormant soul. Yue focused on the power, a burning light in a damp darkness. He found the source coming from a local tavern. Sighing, he knew he had to go into the abyss of drunks. And, he did. He entered and looked for the source.While searching, Yue decided to partake in the sin of poisons and sat at the bar, hailing a bartender to give him a relatively weak beverage as he looked to see many people in the tavern because of the oncoming rain. "My job won't be easy," he said as the bartender returned with his drink, "Thank you, sir." The bartender nodded as Yue returned to his search. With a strained smile on her thin, elfen face, Sicilia Darkmoor walked down the stairs from the tavern's bedrooms to the serving floor. With a slight grunt of effort as she helped her latest buyer down the strains, drunk and drooling, she looked for a place to put him. With her light blue hair falling in her face, starting to mat with her sweat lifting the brute, she moved toward the hay near the fireplace. With a final surge of effort, she tossed the man down onto the floor and sighed deeply. Straightening up and fixing her hair as best she could, she walked over to the bar were a man in gray was seated. "Hey, boss, here is your share." Tossing the barman two silver coins, keeping one for herself. Her light gray eyes glared at him while the fat man grinned and put the coins in his pouch. "Good slave, good girl, now, see if this man here would like someone to warm his bed eh?" He laughed and picked up a mug of beer, downing it in one shot. Burbing, he moves down to deal with other customers. Straightening her mist blue top and skirt, both having midnight blue edging, she advanced up to the man with a false smile on her face. "Hello kind sir, mind letting an extra body into your bed tonight? A warm, soft body is only three silver coins for your nightly desires..." Yue quickly turned to the woman, his own white hair flowing nearly weightless in the quick jerk of his neck. His eyes are a steel blue hidden by black eyelashes so thick in long his eyes look traced out with eye liner. Yue's eyes are filled mysticism, cutting straight into Silicia. Yue saw it, his eyes widened which added to their already piercing appearance. The words from Yue fell from his thin, almost feminine lips as he replies, "'Twould depend, darling... once we're done and I sleep, would you leave for another or stay?," and as he continues he slightly mimics Sicilia's speech with his own seductive, feminized tones, "I would pay double for a beauty to lie with for the entire night."Yue then lifts his slender, tan hands to adjust the long, stout collar his cape like cloak. Yue smiles, squinting his eyes in a way that makes them slender and appealing, as if he was trying to seduce you as much as you tried to seduce him. His face was slender in general with a short shortline, thin nose, and his afore described eyes and lips. Yue rests one of his blue sleeve covered, lanky arms on the bar as his other disappears into his cloak, giving him a more open, comfortable appearance. "Uhhhh, sure...all night works." Opens her hand to the queer man and takes the six silver coins he offers up. Beckoning upstairs, she follows behind the man as he climbs up the stairs, leading her up to his room. Stepping over the threshold into his room, the man closing the door behind them. "Well...ummm, what's your name? Mine is Sicilia Darkmoor." Sitting down on the strawbed, her skirt riding up some to expose more of her long, pale legs seductivly. Yue smiles, grinning robustly as he drops the six silver coins in your hand and pursues you upstairs. He enters, his tan face reddening and his grin growing greater. Yue sits beside her, staring into her eyes with his, again chillingly jagged. Now grinning, his face show dimples and rugged lines of masculinity around his nose his smile much changing his appearance. Yue chuckles as he says, "I am Sir Yue and I know not the surname of my father. Sicilia, I respect and admire you and your beauty, but I ask... would you like a night of rest. And,just rest?" Raising an eyebrow suspiciously, she regarded you closely. "Is this a test or something? The damn barman put you up to this didn't he?" Glares at you, the light blue of her eyes darkening and stormy. "If this is a test then I won't fail...I am not going back out onto the streets again." Pushing the man down onto the bed, she straddled over him and looked down at him. Looking into his eyes, she sees that he has a sincere air around him, and a softening look as his outrage became understanding. "If I can just sleep...that would be a relief." Yue remains quiet, allowing her to take control over the situation until her final remark. Yue grins and slides his arms around Sicilia, pressing his forehead to hers. He stares into her eyes a while before he says, "This... this is no trick, no test. Just lay in my arms and sleep, take comfort without... what you normally do." Yue rolls slightly, allowing Sicilia to fall slightly beside him and onto his chest with the guidiance of his arms. "I am a Templar of sorts, we have a moral code. Without sincere emotions, we cannot partake in sins of the flesh," he states, trying to comfort you. He stares into your eyes once more as your head rests on his chest, "This night is yours. I bought it for you. Nodoriah looks kindly on a good deed and I do like the comfort of another while I sleep."All the while, Yue thinks. What will she believe when I try to steal her away tonight? There are no windows in this room and she fears the streets. This will be hard for me. But, we need her. I was over a hundred foot away when I felt her dormant pressence, she's incredble. Beautiful, too wasted in this place. A girl like her should have a better life, I can see her sincerity and kindness. That would be the thought that created the comfort that Sicilia felt. Even while thinking of how to steal her away, Yue doted on her even in mind without a perverse thought.Yue readies himself for a short sleep, a skill he mastered with magic. When the time is right, he will be awoken by magical jolt. Yue becomes comfortable, also helping Sicilia as he finally states, "Especially the comfort of someone as beautiful as you." Yue's words... he had aldready bought her. He had paid. He had everything he wanted. Yet, he complimented her. Why? Words that might run through the abused mind of someone like Sicilia. He wasn't going to have his way, yet he still complimented. He was polite and just. Yet, he called her beautiful. Those would be things someone in Sicilia's proffession wouldn't be accustomed to. Things they may appreciate highly. Blushing lightly at the rare comment and settling into a comfortable position, she looked up at the templar." Thanks for this...and the compliment, haven't hear a honest one of those in awhile." Smiles slightly and snuggles closer to the warmth of the man. So, what brought you all the way out here? I thought templer's were supposed to stay at churches and guard them or something." Looks at him closely, seeing the books chained to his belt and his weapons. Smirks at the though of weapons, since she was hiding a dagger in her skirt for those particularly violent customers. Yue had closed his eyes and was close to sleep when she had talked, so it was a brief second before he would reply. When he did, the slur in words denoted his drowsiness, "You're right... I'm more like a crusader with a templar code. You eyed my books... they're only poetry and prose that I have written. Maybe, if we wake up early enough... I will you read you some. For now, I wish to sleep. Not that I don't enjoy the company of such a smart little vixen." At that time, he would have rolled to her mid part of the speech and given her a priest's kiss on the forehead. With Yue, it felt totally innocent, as were his intentions. "Ummm, sorry for waking you up, ser templar." She whispered and got under the covers more. Her mind wasn't at easy, mewling over and over about his last sentence before he passed out. "What did that mean....and what will it mean." She thought," And then there was that man has ever confussed me so before." Sighs and closes her eyes. thiking rest will clear her mind and the questions will still be there in the morning for later study. She slept with her legs closed and with a hand resting on her top,near the hidden dagger, just to be safe. In the middle of the night, as she slept, Yue would wake up and check the halls. He smiled and walked over to Sicilia and gentely nudging her as he says, "Sicilia." Yue stepped back to avoid any overreaction as he noticed her come to. Her eyes popped open and grabbed her dagger, whipping it out and in a arc infront of her, cutting just air cause the templar stepped back. " Ooops, sorry...I didn't mean anything by this." Looking up sheepishly at his surprised, slightly stone hard face. Getting up and straightening her clothes out, returning her dagger to her top. Still has the sheepish look to her face, and finished cleaning up as he explained why she had been woken up at midnight. Yue says, "Is only me, Sicilia... I thought I might wake you up for a midnight stroll. Maybe... a little poetry?" Yue offers his hand which now that Sicilia is awake she can see mainly due to his candle light. "Uhhh, alright....this is new." Takes his hand and lets him lead me down to the groundfloor, then out into the streets. Stopping hesitantly at the doorway, she bit her lower lip then sighed heavily, letting him continue to lead me. Her hand stayed near her dagger, and her posture was tense and alert, watching the shadows on both sides of the street. Yue smiled and said, "Don't worry, you're with me..." However, any comfort from that would be short lived. From the shadows emerged three men in leather padding. Two of them wielded greatswords and the third as highly paid man of Sicilia's boss. She'd known him. He had a chain with a blade on it, incredible with. She'd seen him kill mercilessly with it.Not only was this man physically intimidating, but the slightly insanity of his voice set him off as well, "Sicilia, tsk tsk tsk... leaving so soon? You know you're not supposed leave. Don't you? I mean, you were told. You have to ask to leave. You know this, ri Shutup. You're an annoying little freak," Yue quickly cut off this nameless man, not wanting to hear his pathetic speech. Yue said lowly, "Step back, Sicilia... I'll deal with them."The man said, "Whom are you tell you're the man whom paid Sicilia for full night? Get your joll Again, Yue cut him off. But, he didn't do it with words. A concentrated blast of wind itself spun inside Yue's hand and blasted forward, hitting the man in the chest and sending him into the tavern. A hole in the wooden mainframe of the tavern was created as the man was sent through and wind blew debri everywhere. The two swordsmen ran forward with their swords, Yue however simply strafed to the right and slashed his blade against one of their swords. Immediately, a spark of blue electricity jumped from Yue's little daggar to the swordsmen, dropping him unconscious. The other man stepped back in fear. Now, seven more similarly attired men as well as Sicilia's boss came from the streets and down the stair.Sicilia knew her boss' voice when it was enraged. She knew it well. He yelled, "WHO ARE YOU?! SICILIA?! I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD! I TOLD YOU LAST TIME THAT THIS WAS YOUR LAST CHANCE YOUR LITTLE WHORE!" Yue obviously didn't take kindly to those words as mana flew around him freely, sparking from place to place. His hair lifted and flowed as he began to charged a bolt of concentrated electricity within his hands. Even as far back as Sicilia was, she could feel the heat from him. Yue fired the blast at her boss, her screamed and fell instantly. It was obvious, he was dead.Yue said in deep, dark tone, "Anyone who thinks they can withstand lightning by the blades touch and a shock from the heavens at range. Try me. If not, leave the girl be or you'll end up like that pig. Fried." The men backed away and Yue turned to Sicilia, his muscles slightly buldging and his body filled with vessels that popped. A white fire seemed to seep from his eyes, even so she still found that comfort. Men fired arrows that were parried by gusts of wind, Sicilia and Yue were utterly safe due to Yue's magic. The intimidation factor fled from Yue quickly as he offered his hand and asks, "Would you like to come with me? And... stay." She smiled as his comforting words originally, then when the master's men had walked out of the shadows, she had immediantly stepped back and cowered in fright. She had seen that man cut three people in half in one swing of his chain blade before. She had taken another step back when Yue had told her to. The next thing she saw stupidfied her, the brute had been blown through the taverns wall, shurely killing him. She had never seen magic before, except for the local shaman who did card tricks and illusions, thus this sudden usage of war magic scared her more than anything else, even scareier than the sudden appearance of her master, yelling at her. When she had turned to look at him, he was suddenly engulfed in electricity, cooking him and burning him to a crisp.With mouth agape at the sheer incredability of Yue's magic, both destructive and defensive, and eyes wide with more than a little hint of fear. Her hair and fluffed up some as the electrical energy released, quickly trying to brush her hair down, she looked up as the templar mage spoke. She took an involentary step back as he offered his hand to her, remembering the lightning well. The wind gusted close by as a arrow was flicked away, buring itself into the wall behind her. With her hand shaking uncontrolably, she took his offered hand after several seconds of trying to make it stop. "I am out of the job now..." SHe took a quick glance over to her smoking boss and shuddered visably, then turned back to Yue." I have no were else to go I have to go with you...if i stay I will be dead by morning." Sighed and trying to steady herself, she tried to make her legs move again." I will need to get my things from the tavern...or whatever is left of it." Several arrows had struck the wooden walls and hay roof, as well as the massive hole in the wall from the boss's champion. Taking several unsteady steps, she walked back into the inn and up the stairs, heading to her room which was at the very end with a lock on it. Reaching for the metal key in her top, she yelped in pain when it shocked her, the bright white light flicking rom the key to her fingers, stinging them. "Damn magic..." SHe mutters under her breath and finally unlocks her door.Her room was actually quite nicely furnished with an oak table, chairs, dressers, cabnits, and an even floor without hay on it. She noticed how Yue looked around, faint suprise flicking behind his eyes...or was that magic? "I am...was the best...ummm...girl here, sir. So, I got a better living place than what the others got." She reached into her dresser and pulled out a leather backpack. Quickly moving from her cabnits and dressers, putting food and clothing, along with a few personal belongings in her bag. Grinning sheepishly, she pulled out an iron short sword from behind her "uniforms". "I was...prepared for anything...nearly." Fashioning a gray cloak over her shoulders and hooking her sword onto a leather belt with a silver dragon's head clasp, she shouldered her pack. " I am ready when you are...we might want to grab what we can from downstairs though before we leave, the boss usually kept the good drinks in the back, along with his money cache." Yue had followed Sicilia, actually quite amazed by her accomodations. He sifted through some of her clothing and without her knowledge stolen a uniform she didn't take, hiding it in his satchel. Yue didn't reply much until he had made his way downstairs. Harnessing storm like energies was difficult without letting it explode. By the time Yue made it downstairs a few civilians were sifting through the ruins, just a peasant or two. Yue replied to Sicilia, "Well, you're beautiful enough to be the best. If not obvious, I'm a stormmage and a powerful one."Upon seeing Yue and hearing those words, many of the peasants stopped. Yue paid them no heed as he knew where a lockbox was, he'd seen Sicilia's boss put money into it. Yue lifted his hand and a gust of wind bursted from it, simply tearing apart a portion of the bar to reveal an iron lockbox. Yue walked up to the lockbox and through either fire or lightning magic incinerated the lock, letting it melt off. He opened the box and grabbed three sacks of assorted silver and gold. Yue walked up to Sicilia and allowed her to carry money after filling his own sack from one of the three. After passing off the money, Yue returned to the lockbox and tossed the peasants the largest sack of all three.Yue said, "Men, see that? I give it to you as gift from The Light. Praise Nodoriah." The peasants looked at it with wide eyes. One replied, "But... this is enough to feed three families for tenyear," in which Yue replied, "Then feed yours for tenyear on the generosity of Nodoriah, fellows." After that, the men fled and Yue took a few assorted bottles of the shelf and had taken a flask, filling it with something it being too dark for you to see. Yue left the ruins quickly after that and even offered his hand to help you.Yue smiled to Sicilia then asked, "Are you at least happy now?" Smiled at the compliment and watched again in amazement as her melted the lock onto the safe, the molten metal catching a few pieces of hay on fire as the metal washed over it. Blinking in surprise as he handed her a bag of money, more money then she had ever seen in her whole life. Quickly tieing the bag of money closed and stuffing it in her bag, she grinned. "My bag is even heavier now then I have ever felt it. " SHe had to tilt the opposite direction some, or she would be falling over. While Sir Yue went to one end of the racks of beverages, she went to the other side, sliding open a secret hole, taking the amulet inside. The amulet had been an ancestrial heirloom and she would rather be ripped apart then part with it a second time. She put it on and covered it up with some of the fabric from her cloak. Quickly making sure that Yue was still working, he was pouring something into a flask, then she took the few other jeweleries inside the hidden safe, including several loose gems. Pocketing her hidden earnings, she took a couple flasks of wine, beer, and mead, putting them with the rest of her food. "We all set now, Sir Yue?" Smiles and starts to walk out of the ruined tavern, taking Yue's hand as he offers it up for my benefit. " Yes, I am happy now." She replies to his comment as they start to walk toward the stables. " Ummmm, where are we headed to now, besides the stables?" SHe looked over the horses, eyeing a beautiful black stallion with combed, loose black hair. Yue replies, "There is an asembly of sorts I was heading to before I met you. We'll be late, but we're still going. Trust me, you're invited and safer there than with me alone." Yue waited a minute before letting go of her hand and noted how she eyed the horse. Yue smiled and walked over to the stables, untying the black stallion and heading it to Sicilia before he mounted his own tan and white horse. He smiles, "If you're content, we can go..." Her eyes buldge and look up at the horse, which was taller by a head then her. " You can just take it?" She asked nervously and looked around, trying to find the stable's master. She had learned growing up that you usually had to pay for a horse..and just about everything else too. Looking back up at the horse, she gulped anxiously and tries to sit in the saddle. However her bag weighed down her jump, making her nearly fall into the grass. "Ok...ummmm...I might need help..." She shrugged her bag off and hooked it to the rear of the saddle, then tried jumping up into the saddle again. She made it this time with alil wiggling, as she struggled to get up, Yue could clearly see up to her inner theighs, her pale, tonned legs making several un templarly thoughts pass through his head, imaging what those legs could do. Smiling happy since she got up in the saddle on her own, she looked over at Yue. "Lead on, sir Yue." She giggled with elation, she was finally leaving the hell hole which was this village. Her body shook with laughter, making her breasts bounce delectably, teasing Yue's thoughts more. Yue chuckled the only thing he knew to do as his face reddened and his once pure mind was sent into a spiral of perversion. Yue said, "In the chaos of what happened to the tavern, two stollen horses will mean little. 'Sides, it would slow us...," Yue simply stopped at the sight of Sicilia's laughter and his mind wandered off temperarily. Yue snapped out of it, however, at Sicilia's command and he went on, trotted down the road. Yue said, "You're quite good at making yourself wanted. Or, should I say, attractive, Sicilia." Yue lead Sicilia down a road that she's seen few travel the east exit out of town. Giggles lightly and blushes some at the compliment. "It runs in the blood, my mother, I am told, was the same way when she was young." She settled comfortably into the seat and leaned foreward some over the saddle. " Back there in the tavern, why did you toss all that money to those vermin? I mean...I think I might of been foreced to sleep with one or two of them." Shudders and shakes her head, her light blue hair falling all over. Adjusting her sword and hair, she looked to either side of the dirt road into the woods, keeping an eye out. Yue sighs as he adjusts the reigns of his horse and listens to you. He says, "I suppose you wouldn't've been educated in The Light with your proffession..." Yue notes what she said about her mother. It's quite possible that her mother was a Beautific or seduced a Beautific. Which was it? Hm. Yue looked to the sky, also noting it was getting quite late in the night and he was tired, his little sleep then use of magic was draining on the body. "The Light is the holy goodness that drives the power of Paladins and Templars. I have a few spells in the field. The Light is also the council of Gods that represent all non demons. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Kin, Oracles and the like. There are more, though I've never met them."Yue points to the sky and says, "There are contellations for them. See that big star? Look at it close enough and you'll see an eye. That's the Eye of Orus. Orus is the god of magic of The Light. He has the most notable constellation the only one memory serves me. Nodoriah is the Lightbearer and the main force of The Light. He is the father of Elves, Humand and Dwarves. I pray to Nodoriah... Nodoriah smiles upon good deeds like the one I did. Those men may have used you, but they were still the sons of Nodoriah and for that I must be kind to them. We have more than enough gold to last us, letting them have some did not hurt us." Yue smiles and looks to you. "You're a daughter of Nodoriah, a beautiful one. I've met Sea Elves before, but I've never seen one as enchanting as you." Nodoriah's voice is becoming slurred again, you can tell he's getting sleepy like before in the tavern. She listened in intrest as he described things about the gods that she never knew or heard of before. When she had looked up into the sky and saw the eye, she felt something in her brain click. When she had turned in the saddle to ask him something, she heard his voice slip into a slur and saw him starting to sag in the saddle. "Are you aright?" She moved over closer to Yue with her horse, walking along side his horse. She had blushed again at his comment, enjoying this new side of being free and being given commpliments about something other than her prownesss in bed. "Perhaps we should find a place to sleep for the rest of the night..." She was however to hyped up from her freedom to sleep anymore that night, but Yue looked exhausted. Taking his reins in her hand, she led them into the woods alil ways and into a small clearing. "Want me to set up the tent or are you wanting to?" She got down from her horse and tid the reins to a tree, getting the camping gear off of Yue's horse. Yue says, "I'd traveled nearly a week before going to your tavern, I was exhuasted then. Now, I used magic... heh." Yue slips off his horse and unsaddles it. He sits down both of your horses and pulls out some hay. It's not much, but it keeps the horses content. He says, "You set up tent, I'll make a fire... " Yue walked over to some briar from some bushes near the place Sicilia picked. He pulled out a knife and cut them at their base, then into smaller pieces. He put them in the campsite and ignited them with a spark of lightning. Yue grabs a pot from the equiptment satchel on his horses saddle and fills it with water, another accomodation from the equiptment satchel. He then tosses in some dried, spiced meat and said, "It's not much, but the broth and meat will be nice." Yue sits beside the fire and stares in it. His eyes glow almost magically as the fire flicks. He says, "Once you get situated, sit down and tell me about yourself..." After setting up the 2 man or woman canvas tent, she walked over to were Yue was and sat on the other side of the fire, undoing her belt and cloak. After laying them down and taking a wineskin from her horse, she sighed and tooka drink of the red liquid. Passing it to Yue, she said slowly," I was born somewhere around the Thacian sea, I don't know the exact place cause my town was raided by slavers and burnt to the ground. I was around eleven years old by that point. My mother and father were the nicest people in the town, always helping others. My dad was a townsguard, my mom a housewife". Her voiced turn sober and quiet, taking a heavy swig of the wine as Yue passed it back."Dad....died first, he was at the gates when they were arrow in the head, I was told...I..I am happy he didn't feel anything when he died. When they reached my street, mom told me to go hide in one of the wardrobes. I did as I was told...and a few minutes after hiding, I got out and went to see what was happening. Foolish me, I grabbed an heirloom, an amulet that was my mom's, which was passed from my distant ancestors down to me." She touched the amulet around her neck unconsciously." had died fighting, there was..I don't know, maybe eight bodies that were strewn around the living room, they all had their chests caved in. I found mom..."she choked back some tears and rage." T They filled her full of arrows, her hands were covered in blood and I never knew why...they had ripped her clothes apart trying to find valubles. When I walked into the room...they took me and..."Shakes her head, skipping years ahead." They sold me to that fat tavern man a few months ago, and then you know the rest, mostly." She took another swig, her brain now fuzzied by the sweet, delicious drink. Yue watches his concuction stew as he drinks the warm, sweet wine. The stew bubbles and the air is filled with the light scent of beef as the water in the put changes colors, slowly darkening. Yue sits slunched over on a rotten log, just staring into the bot and fire. His elbows rest on his knees and his left hand swirls in circles, stiring the pot. His right hand was open for the occassional swig. Yue takes off his belt and cloak as well, also slipping off his boots slowly things he did not do when he planned to rest in the tavern. His cloak lay folded on the ground with his belt and books on top of it while his boots were close by. Yue offers little more than a nod or sigh during the story, obviously he was saddened by it. A look in his eyes. They dull and simply seem depressed even though lit by the flickering of the fire.Yue finally replies after he takes off his side satchel and sits it beside his boots, "The Thacian Sea is known for it's peace... it should've been highly protected, it's deep in the Elven owned territory. You were probably picked up by a one time raid and sold for a high price." Yue looks at you, the sadness in his eyes is sympathetic. He legitimately feels for the story and is sorry for the loss. However, he now tells his, "My parents are very special. I'm special. I may look fully Elven, but I'm not. I have a soul similar to an Orucle and my body is partially vampiric. It's a long story... so listen. My mother was a rare hybrid. Her father my grandfather was runaway changeling. Changleings can breed with any race, but normally the hybrid will be unable to breed. My grandmother was a very special vampire a kind one. My grandmother was to become a blood shaman and commune directly with Slaanesh, a Chaos God of The Daemons. However, that didn't work out. Her kindness turned to love after she spent time with my grandfather and heard his sad story of near death to the hands of Watchers and escape. They bore a child, half changeling and half vampire. That child was my mother. She could change into any race and became incredibly strong in her demon powers when she turned into her true, vampire form." Yue sighs, knowing your opinion may change hearing that part of the story. He's a demon. You've seen demons, horrible creatures in cages that have and would kill at a moment's notice. Yue continues on, "My father may not have a story as backrooted, but it is unique. My father was an Elven slave told he would gain his freedom if he went through an Orucle experiment. They took over a thousand slaves and only he survived. The experiment was to bind the essence of dead Orucls highly potent magic to the soul of another and allow the Orucle to be reborn. That didn't happen. My father's soul changed and mutated into an Orucle's. My father had all the power and abilities of an Orucle in an Elven body. But, he had his freedom and The Orucles wanted him as an experiment. See, the Orucles have little compassion torward other races sometimes. Hundreds of sons of Rychuss, the god completing the Triad of Light, and Nodoriah died in their experiments. Some Orucles, however, are little kinder. Those Orucles are the ones that helped my father run. That's how my parents met. Two runners. My mother had to run because her father degraded a woman of shamanistic value whose virginity was Slaanesh's not to mention he was on the run from Watchers. My mother and father met during that time and finally had a peaceful time together. They fell in love and hid in the seclusion mountains. My mother took an Elven body with her changeling powers and despite all odds, gave birth to me. However... she died giving me life. My father took me out in the world and said I had a chance at life neither of them did. As you see, other than being as some call me a prettyboy, I'm like most other Wood Elves. So, for a time, I was but a Wood Elf. Until I was thirteen and given a book telling me this entire story by the woman who took me in. She said my father told her my mother died and he was too heartbroken to raise me alone. So, at fifteen, I was prepared and left for the world. I wanted to find my father. Never have." Yue sighs and looks to Sicilia. He knows his story was long and boring, but it was the truth. He had stared in the fire and almost in a trance had to tell it all.As he looks to you, his eyes change from their depressing state to a more happy, content, appreciative state for you listening. He was sympathetic and knew sadness like you and he was happy he could share how he felt with another. His eyes had a passion a care that you hadn't seen for a long, long time. They reminded you of the eyes of your mother in a way. How they were sincere and had a care in them. His smile slowly formed as he just stared into your eyes. He didn't say anything for time, letting the real life magic of chemistry run it's course. He said, "Sorry for the long story... I don't talk to many like you. That... well, I like." " was a very informative story, that's for sure." She replied alil slrred due to the mixture of wine and sleep depravation. Crawling over to were Yue sat, she sat next to him and looked up into his eyes. "Your eyes are very nice..."Smiles and rests her head against his chest in companionship, snuggling close to his warmth. After they had stared into the fire together for a few minutes, with Yue's hand resting on her side, slowly rubbing up and down her skin. "Hmmmm, I think the food is ready..." She reluctantly untangled herself from Yue, feeling his hand slide down her back as she moved away, hooking into her skirt and pulling on it some. Sicilia yelped playfully when he took his finger out, snapping the fabric against her butt. "I thought templar's were supposed to uphold virginity and be without sin." Giggles at Yue's amused expression and takes out a couple bowls and a ladle. Filling up Yue's first, she handed it back to him, then filled her's. Snuggling back against her new friend, she slowly sipped at her broth. "Mmmmm, so are we tenting together sir templar?" She had noticed that Yue had only one cot and now there was two of them. Yue takes his bowl and sips from it with one hand, the other reaching around Sicilia slightly. He thinks as he drinks the brothe and swallows a few chunks of meat. Yue grins deviously as he makes a remark, "What's a life without a little sin... I am part demon, after all..." Yue hopes a little will go a long way with that statement as he stares into Sicilias eyes for a moment then leans in slowly for a kiss. Whether it was the wine or truely his demon blood, Yue was aroused and willing to disregard his Templar code. Well, not really disregard. His code states sincere emotions are needed and they're there, just helped. A lot. Maybe that is why he'd let himself go so far. Either way, he's going in for the kiss. Smiles mischieviously at Yue's statement and looks back into his eyes. She starts for a second when he starts to lean in to kiss. Keeping her smile and letting her natural emotions flow, leaning in too, kissing Yue as their lips interlock. Setting her bowl down next to Yue's equipment, she takes Yue's bowl and sets it to the side too. The two companions then became more than just mere friends, curling up together on the grass, kissing. "Mmmmm, to our tent then, sir Yue." Taking Yue's hand, she led him into the tent and pressed him down onto the cot, never once breaking their kiss. Laying ontop of the templar, Sicilia slowly removed Yue's remaining clothes, while he removed her's, tossing their garments all over. Sitting up and straddling Yue's muscled chest, now completely naked like her new lover. Yue's massive, half daemon penis was erect to a full ten inches, ending right in the middle of her back. "Are you ready for some fun, Yue?" She whispered softly, erotically, while sliding a hand back, tracing her fingertips along his mass of manhood. Yue replies, "Sicilia, I don't think I'll ever be ready for some one like you," as he stretches his hand out and carresses Sicilia's face in a consoling manner. He stared into her eyes and the passion she had seen before the sympathy. It had changed, but it wasn't the lust filled glance she'd seen so many times before. It was an appreciation and a kind caring notion, it was the love she hadn't seen in so many people's eyes for so long. Yue pulls some of Sicilia's light blue hair out of her face and smiled. His smile lit up his face as it always had, but he smiled with not just deviancy, but contentness. All things Sicilia wouldn't have even known or been accustomed to during her times at the tavern.Yue's penis was irregularly red that even turned a darker hue of purple at the shaft. There was a thick knot at his base and his penis pulsed with strength that would make it difficult to even jack him off. Even being ten inches long, Yue's penis still had a quality that contributed to its size more its girth. Yue's penis was incredibly thick, possibly over two inches and definately over it as it pulsed. Sicilia could see the knot and question if it would even fit inside her. "Wow....your so definatly aren't all human." Whispers in appreciation, still rubbing his penis up and dwn, massaging its entire length. Rubbing her juice all over Yue's waist as she moved her hips around on him. " Mmmmm, do you want some foreplay or want straight to your prize, my knight." Blushes at the use of her new way to affection, smiling softly. Leaning down, she kissed Yue again, this time alil fierce and less cotrolled. Her vagina lips brushed along Yue's massive tree trunk like shaft, spreading her pooling juices around on him. Yue kisses back and wraps his arms around Sicilia. Yue's tongue would be just as fierce as he forced it into her mouth then danced with hers. He stopped for a second as he replied, "Sicilia... you know you don't want to waste time with foreplay... this time." Yue hugged Sicilia a little tighter as he kissed her again and began rocking his hips up and down, prodding her pussy with the massive head of his dick. Slowly he would go in deeper and his kiss would get sweeter as he sucked Sicilia's tongue into his mouth and played with it. Moans softly in Yue's ear as she leaned down closer onto his chest. "Mmmmm, your right." Grins and nipples on his ear softly, teasing Yue some as she slowly lowered herself onto his massive daemonhood. Screaming in surprise at its sheer pressence and girth, she finnally fit the top several inches inside of her streched womanhood. Sitting up slowly, and being pulled down further on Yue's penis due to gravity till it was entirely sheathed, she looked down at Yue, smiling. "Lets ride." Giggles and rocks back and forth on his waist, rubbing his penis all over on her viginal walls. With juices slowly seeping out onto the cot, Sicilia slowly started to bounce, moaning into the air loudly. Her light blue hair bounced and landed in her face, slowly starting to mat with sweat as she exherted herself. Yue grins deviously as Sicilia bounced up and down on his deamonhood. Sicilia was warm, wet, and tight for someone in her proffession, however any elf would be tight to Yue. With every powerful moan of Sicilia, her womanhood squeezed down on Yue even more. It was amazing, not just the sensation, but how beautiful Sicilia was with her hair flowing freely in the air as she bounced and the sweat from both activity and strain. Even with the strain her stretched womanhood and probably a little pain to come with it Sicilia enjoyed herself and Yue knew it. Yue thought to himself that she did this a hundred times before and she didn't enjoy it. But, with me, she does. This is her free will too, she should know she doesn't need to. She wants to. With me.No more than half of minute into those thoughts, Yue's mind became hazy. His lustful side was taking over and he did what he could to avoid poping his hips up. Sicilia didn't have Yue's thick base, the knot on his daemon hood, inside her. She'd groaned and grimaced when she tried and Yue encouraged her to just go, albiet not verbally. With a pop of Yue's hips, he might hurt Sicilia with that knot, tear her even and he didn't want that. Yue quenched his thirst for Sicilia another way, leaning up slightly without disturbing Sicilia's bouncing. He grabbed her breasts and squeezed them, his fingers ran along their topside and his thumbs below. To massage Sicilia, he would curl his fingertips up and graze his thumbs along her sensitive underbreast. Yue did all this without hindering Sicilia severely, she was still bouncing and moaning. Yue looked to Sicilia and saw something he hadn't. A predatorial look. As if he was hers. For a moment, he was scared slightly. Then it was obvious Sicilia was going to change the pace of events as she ran her fingers up Yue's chin and giggled. Moaning liudly and arching her back as Yue played with her sensitive breasts, making her nipples harden in responds to his loving attentions. Grinning and running the tips of her fingers along Yue's chin, giggling deviously. "Time to kick it up a notch, sweety." Leans down ontop of Yue's chest, licking at his neck lightly which bouncing wildly up and down on his massive penis, feeling it strech her in amazing ways. After a few seconds of this position, she openned her mouth wide, then bit down on his neck hard, her sharpened canines. Yue yelped loudly in surprise and pain, not expecting such a thing from the frail looking elf. Her eyes narrowed and changed color, turning a bright gold and her pupils narrowing like a cats. Holding onto his neck like a anchor, she bounced harder and faster, shoving all the cock above his knot into herself. Growling softly, she closed her eyes in lust and grinned, showing blood flecked pearl white teeth. "I left out a chapter of my history....those bastards made me fight a damn wolf. The wolf didn't win that fight...*growl* but he did grant me a curse, winning the long battle." Pulling her elongated teeth out of his bloodied shoulder, the blood oozed out of the puncture wounds, trailing down to pool under him. "I grant you part of my strength, the strength of the were kin passes easily between bloods. You are a Son of Nodoriah, I am a Daughter of Rychuss, the joining of two noble bloods, delicious." Licks her teeth and lips, swallowing the spilt blood. Yue groans at first, his eyes widen and turn instantly bloodshot. Soon enough, his eyes turn yellow and change as well. He screams, "DAMNIT! THIS IS A BREECH OF MY RAAAAAAHHH!" Yue's eyes turn golden like Sicilia's and he pants deepily, partially from her riding him completely and partially from his transformation. Yue says, "Turning me... unlocks my demon side.." Yue grins deviantly as his body turns a darker shade of red and his muscles themselves buldge outword. Viens in his arms form and his hair changes from white to black slowly also losing his fine hair, his growing thick and coarse. Yue's penis even changes, growing larger and pulsing harder. Yue chuckles as he says, "Normally, I have go on killing sprees when I'm like this, acting on desire and instinct. Now... I'm all full of lust." Yue licks up Sicilia's abdomen and to her chest, flexing nearly inhumanly. Yue looks up to Sicilia with his big, demonic, feral eyes, "I'm your responsibility now... think you can handle a whole night of rough, demonic sex?" Yue offers no time as he latches onto Siclia's breast and sucks on it hard. He grinds into her as she bounces and slides his hands behind her to grab her ass, even finger it as he can't control his impulses. He stops for only a second, "There is one way to stop me, but it would be a breech to tell you," before returning to sucking Sicilia's breast as if expecting something to come out. Screams in surprise as his penis grows even more, streaching her lready maxed out walls more, howling into the air as she tries to lift herself off of his manhood. However her struggle just appearls like enthusiastic bouncing to Yue, who grabs her hips with his claws, digging into her skin as his tounge slides up her sweating body, to circle her breasts. She had gulped at his threat and promise, of sex all night long. Gasping from his inhuman treatment of her nipple that he latched onto, biting, sucking, and licking it all in one motion. She dug her elongated nails into Yue's shoulders, trying to maintain some control of this mistake, letting loose his daemon side. Her nails drew thin rivets of blood, which slide down his sweaty, heaving body. After a few minutes of her struggling, bouncing all the while trying to levy his beast out of her womanhood, she finally manaaged to get a fourth of it out of her, now she only rode the top half of his manhood. "Please....I didn't....mean happen." She manages to get out between pants, her inhuman strength starting to fail due to his ferocity in bed with her. Yue wouldn't stop anything for a few brief, but incredible seconds. Yue sucked on Sicilia's breast hard, his fangs nearly penetrating the soft skin of her breast as he bit it at the same time as sucking, all the while his tongue playing a rough game with her nipple. Yue's hands were forcing Sicilia to bounce on his dick like a piston, pulling her up as well as forcing her down, penetrating her cervix each time he slammed her down on his huge knot. Yue's penis was pulsing inside her, strong and willing to go for hours, never stopping stretching out Sicilia's womanhood. No, Yue couldn't stop this immediately. But, when he did he fell to his back and stopped completely. Yue raked his face and growled, the sight itself stunning Sicilia. Sicilia watched him curiously just sitting on his dick. She was turned on utterly and growing hazy in thought due to the intense sensations. Her feral form was slowly getting to like Yue's.Yue grumbled and groaned before he opened his eyes to reveal the steel blue, bloodshot eyes of his normal form. Yue panted as if in pain as he says, "If you want to stop... get off and run. I don't want to rape you. I don't want to hurt you... I don't want anything to." Yue's eyes are filled with pain, his own, yet they show a passion for Sicilia. Yue fought the feral part of him for the safety and well being of Sicilia and she knew it. What many others would and did force on her, he didn't and even fought an agonizing battle not to. That moment, that brief moment revealed a lot, even to the haze of Sicilia's mind. Yue says, "If you stay, all I can do is avoid shedding more blood. Otherwise, it will be violent and it will last until dawn. Sicilia... if you run, please come back... if you don't, I'll understand." Yue raked his eyes again and growled, his body flexing and his daemonhood pulsing its hardest. He was fighting himself over Sicilia.Love or Lust? Gasps and yells in pleasure, feeling her body being ravaged by Yue's massive inhuman monster. Being forced to bounce nearly a foot in the air by Yue's thrusts, then a foot of meat jammed into her overworked pussy. WIth sweat flying off of her and matting her hair, Sicilia panted, her changed eyes filming over with lust at their barbaric scene. "Keep going Yue, shoot your seed into me all night till your spent, my templar." She put her hands on Yue's expanded, muscular chest, feeling the heat roll off of him as he continued to exhert himself, thrusting and bouncing the girl on his manhood. After several minutes of their intercourse, Sicilia yelled loudly and arched her back with a crack of bone popping, tossing her head back to yell as she orgasmed. Her juices sprayed all over Yue's waist, chest, and all around the cot under her body. Her body twitched as it expended its fluids. Several seconds after the explosion of love fluids, she dropped her head down, panting and shuddering. Her hands on Yue's chest became supports for her upper body, preventing her from slumping foreward. "That was my first real orgasm in awhile..." SHe whispered out and breathed deeply, regaining her strength. Yue panted in a way removing his hands from his face and slowing putting them on Sicilia's thighs. Yue's eyes glazed over as he winced at the return of his demonic, feral self. After such, he would begin thrusting Sicilia back down onto his cock, feeling her womanhood stretch at every thrust. As Sicilia had her orgasm, her tightening pussy was too much for Yue and he unleashed massive loads of his off white, potent cum inside her, filling her womb and even visibly stretching her lower abdomen slightly. As Yue filled Sicilia, he thrusted his hips straight up and nearly a foot off the ground, slamming into Sicilia and lifting her up. She screamed she was already sensitive and being filled with cum, such an experience was incredible.Afterwards, Yue rolled Sicilia onto her back and pinned her hands down his concious self didn't want his claws to draw blood so he interlocked fingers and kept them safe. Yue's cock lost its stiffness after cumming, but it was still hard enough for him to resume and even expanded with the release of blood in his daemonhood. Yue began pounding into Sicilia the sound of there skin slapping being almost as loud as Yue's pants. For a brief minute, Yue only focused on speed, assuring his slams into Sicilia. His cum created a pool below Sicilia it was thick and she could feel it drip to her ass as he just flowed out. Yue controled himself enough to kiss Sicilia, albiet agressively. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and wrestled with hers, regardless of will. Panting loudly as they switched into their new postions, cum dripping out of her and showing no signs of stopping, she wrapped her legs around Yue's waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on tightly as Yue suddenly went faster than before, tearing into her with stunning speed, pumping the cum inside her. With the sound of slapping skin in her ears, mixed with their love making sounds, she opened her eyes and saw Yue drolling with lust. "How much longer till morning....."She panted out, right before he made out with her again, stopping her from continuing. With his tounge invading her mouth, pushing open her mouth wide, their tounges playing together. Yue would keep this rythmic pace of making out and love making for minutes, ten, then twenty not stoping regardless. Yue cums again, filling Sicilia's womanhood almost stretching it out as her abdomen swells slightly from it. Yue stops entirely, panting. He says, "If... you could hold me without lust, you would calm me. Don't ask why or how, it's up to you." Yue was speaking in riddles, he had to. He couldn't explain, he didn't have time. With his orgasm came temperary control and he hoped Sicilia would have the same. His eyes were still feral still demonic but they were as warm and comforting as his steel blue eyes. For now, he was himself. For now. After her brain cleared from her orgasm, when Yue started talking after his ejaculation, she looked up hazily and nodded. She was spent and no longer under uncontrolable lust, his sperm had put out the burning fire in her womanhood. Wrapping her arms around his powerful chest, she held on as he began to start thrusting again, cum squirting out of her with each thrust Yue's daemonhood speared into her. Gasping with each movement, she held on tghtly, quickly loosing strength as her exhausted body slowly slipped into sleep. Yue realized what she was doing. She was holding Yue and she had no arousal, it was fit his contract. His demonic self resided, the feral part of himself died out. He pulled out of Sicilia and wrapped her in his arms and snuggled her as if he had done something wrong. Yue says, "I I'm sorry... I didn't want that to happen... I'll explain... please... don't be mad," before Yue would nuzzle into Sicilia's neck. He hadn't had the comfort of another, he didn't want to lose it. "No mad.....tired.....loved every thrust of it.....*she slurrs out and her head falls backward onto the pillow. Passing out from over exhertion, love making, and sleep deprivation. Cuddling with the heaving mass of sweat drenched Yue, she slipped into a dreamless sleep, cum pouring out of her used and abused womanhood down to the entrance of her ass aand pooling under her body. Yue smiled warmly. He kissed Sicilia on the cheek and cuddled her body closely before he fell asleep. Sicilia may have been tired, but Yue would have been tired tenfold that. Yue had stayed up nearly a weak, performed magic, transformed and fought an incredible dual transformation. Yue would outsleep Sicilia, meaning what happens when she wakes up is her call... Yue would, however, be easily awoken if she was playful.Chapter Two Nine Hours Later Yawning hugely, showing off her normal pearl white teeth to the ray of sunlight that pierced through the top of the tent, she slowly sat up, careful not to wake up the sleeping mass of Yue. Their cum had pooled under him, drying and probelly gluing Yue to the spot. Stumbling up onto her naked legs, she looked around for her clothes which Yue had ripped off during their love making. Not finding anything which she can resonably wear again,she shudders in the cold morning air, nipples hardening and gooseflesh popping up her body. Wrapping a semi dry blanket around her slight frame, she headed outside to get her sack of clothes. Walking outside near naked in the forest, she sighed happily, enjoying the sensations flooding her body. Her bare feet walked across the dew covered grass on the way to her horse. Searching through her possesions, she found her clothing sack. Rumaging through it. she pulled out a gray low cut blouse, gray tinged leather breeches, and some boots. Giggling softly, she stayed naked but carried her clohes with her, picking up her dagger as she passed the firepit. Walking into the woods alil ways, she found a clear running stream. Tossing everything onto the grass, she sighed happily, not expecting a good bath for several more days. Sliding cleanly into the water, she shuddered at the cold water then relaxed, laying agaisnt the side, letting her body float. Yue woke up only half of an hour after Sicilia, but not of his own accord. Something was coming. A pressence. A dark entity that loomed over them. Yue had no clue if he could fight it. Yue had no clue if it was one, two or a dozen. Yue only knew he had to masque his and Sicilia's pressence. Yue got up a sick, cemen covered mess and sighed. He incinerated the useless remains of clothing with some form of elemental magic before he heaved the salvagable cot and headed to the river, where he assumed Sicilia was since her equiptment was still present. Yue didn't know her exact spot when he walked onto the banks of the river, but he knew she couldn't be far off and she would probably spot him. In the river, Yue washed himself and his cot, not even bothering to grab an extra set of clothes as he pranced around naked.As a matter of fact, Sicilia could pinpoint Yue's position. She somehow knew when he woke up, exactly where he was. She could literally trace him by the blood within him. By turning him directly, Sicilia created a blood bond with Yue. She sired him. She would always have an empathy, always know where he was. Sicilia had just now realized this as she felt him upstream and even felt him draw near her. She knew it was him the entire time, as if by instinct. Getting up out of the water, she shook herself out and used the blanket to dry herself off. Sitting down on a rock when she was sure she was dry, she started getting dressed, pulling up her breeches, boots, and sliding her top on. Walking toward Yue's life pressence, she whistled an old sailing song that her mother had taught her. Rounding the corner of the stream, she saw Yue standing up in the stream washing the white stained cot. Giggling, she stood up on the grass while he finished. "You good now?" She smiled and straightened her wet hair. Yue used his elemental magics to help was the cot, using water control to quickly clean it, then wind to dry it without damaging it. He looked to Sicilia without a shame in the world. Seriously, he wouldn't have one. Yue had a highly defined body, a lot of muscle mass with decent tone and tan. He saw Sicilia's brilliant hair was as the rumors said Sea Elf hair to be when wet like angelic silk blowing freely in the wind with the most excellent shimmer. Yue was in awe for a second at Sicilia radiant beauty and by the look in his eyes she knew it.After a few seconds, Yue replied, "Yeah, yeah... are you?" Yue would completely forget about the once eminent danger, now only focusing on Sicilia. It wouldn't matter, he had used a spell to masque their pressence earlier, so they would be fine. Yue quickly comments, "I can explain... with my books. Even if you liked it... you deserve to know what happened." Yue smiles, trying to be sweet with what he told you. "Yea I am fine, mostly...." Her womanhood was still alil streched and hurting from the rough treatment, but would heal soon enough. "And...It is really your choice if you want to explain what happend." She leaned against a tree and waited for you to finish cleaning. After Yue finished, we headed back toward camp, walking close together. As Yue went to set the cot back up, she started the fire again and started to warm up the broth again. Sipping at the wine as she stirred the fire back into life. Smiling as Yue sat next to her, she handed him his bowl of broth. Getting her bowl she started to eat too, chatting with Yue absentmindly as they chowed.After breaking camp and loading everything back up, they started on the forest road again, heading toward the city that Yue's meeting was supposed to be held. "So you wanted to explain to me what happend right?" She asked while they rode side by side. She had her cloak around her shoulders with the hood up, her sword belt around her slim waist with her sword sheathed in its scabbard. Her dagger was in her boot, as a last line of defense. As Yue rides, he thinks over telling Sicilia. He's never told anyone about this the books. Should he? Irrelevant of logic, he was overcome by emotions and decided he should. Yue sighs as he says, "At first sight, these two books are no more than books. One is called The Lustless and the other is called The Lustful. Ocassionally, I like to write. The Lustless is for prose, The Lustful is for poetry. However, their real purpose is to be portable seals. When I started using my powers, I learned quickly I could not control my Demonic or Orucle based powers. The strength of Orucle magics overwhelm and hurt me, the ferocity and will of demonic magics are nearly uncontrolable to me. So, The Lustless binds my Orucle magic and The Lustful binds my demonic magic completely. But, I'm a very powerful magician to say the least... so, the seals in place have rules I must abide by. Alone, each set of rules are easy. But, together, I'm forced to live by a fairly narrow moral code. An example would be... I would break The Lustless if I made love with you without strong emotions between us, but to appease the Lustful if I am to have strong emotions torward you we must occassionally make love regardless... When you bit me, you tipped the scales. The Blood of Rychuss broke part of the seal of Lustful, so I couldn't control myself exactly. It's a complicated system, to tell the truth. I'm in essence a Templar, but I'm nipped at both sides: good and evil persay. Although... I'm guessing you don't really mind." Yue said all that almost depressed. It's obvious he's led a harsh life because of his situation. However, his last statement shone like gold among coal. He smiled at you as if you made it all worth it. Smiles back, brushing some hair out of her face. "Yea...I didn't mind last was fun. The roughness....I haven't been fucked like that in along time." Giggling, she leans back in the saddle, enjoying the shade the trees offer as they ride through the forest. Afte several minutes of silence, she started to whistle the sailing song again, watching Yue out of the corner of her eye, enjoying his facial expressions. Yue quinted his eyes mostly, watching the horizon. Ocassionally, he would look to Sicilia and smile flirtatiously. Yue asks, "Do you know any magic, Sicilia? Other than... your obvious magic." Yue grinned at that last remark, hoping Sicilia would pick up on it. Yue trotts down the path a little ahead of Sicilia, knowing it won't be long before they reach their destination and making sure his pressence is known first. Thinks about the question and wonders what qualifies as magic, grinning at his vieled compliment. "What qualifies as magic? I can do a few parlour tricks, making cards disappear, coins disappear, and so on. I have perfected alil....disappearing act when customers got...rough." She smiled briefly, along with alil blush, hoping Yue wouldn't catch the red from were he was infront of her now. She considered herself a rogue of sorts, taking what she can so that she survived and had life easier, no matter how big or small. Yue grins albeit Sicilia couldn't see. Yue talks almost mystically as he says, "Magic... the use of mana or and supplemental energy to manipulate, create or destroy. Skill with magic is determined by how many mechanisms you require for the end product. The fewer, the more skilled the magician. I can fire lightning without an incantation, spellbook, medium such as staff or circle... all testamates to skill. Those are things all Acolytes are taught. I want to teach you a little magic."Sicilia can feel hands on her waist, a chin resting on her shoulder. She knows it's Yue due to her tracking, but the person infront of her is also Yue. Yue smiles, commenting, "Astral Projection is useful... it's cute how you blush." Yue created an Astral projection, hardly physical although Sicilia can feel him. Blushes more, amazed t Yue's use of magic again. She had never seen this amout of magic in one place, not even in the usual wandering hedge wizard. Shrugging the projection off, it disappearing in a shimmering haze, she turned back toward Yue and smiled. "And what kind of magic would you teach your new apprentice? How to walk on water, shoot fire from her fingertips? Enlarge a man with a wink?" Giggles loudly at that last one, knowing already how to cast THAT particular spell all to well. Yue chuckles, ironically thinking the same thing. He says, "I don't know about teaching that last one, but those other two are possible." Yue squints back to the horizon, finally seeing the town in which is their destination. He grins, "You haven't seen magic like mine before, have you?" Shaking her head no, she pulled her hood back and felt a drip of water on her head. Lookin up, she saw dark clouds rolling above them, and several more drops plinked down onto them. "Storms brewing up, we might want to head to town faster and seek shelter soon at this meeting place of yours. Oh, that reminds me....."Digging into her pack, she pulled out a couple of gold coins. "We might want to find a place to spend this coin we have...nothing attracts bandits more then the sound of jingling coins." She tucked the coins awaya nd made sure that the sack was secured tightly. SHe knew this knowledge from first hand experiance, stealing from her customers as they slept. Not all of that furniture and clothes were paid for with the, now dead, master's purse. Yue nods agreement as he leans forward and loosens the riens, commanding the horse to gallop at a quicker pace. Yue shouts over the gallop and the rain, saying, "I'll need repairs on my daggars, probably pick up a sword. We'll head to the smithies, maybe pick you up some mail. After that, we'll be heading underground. You'll need to stay by me then. Always." Yue seemed completely serious, his flirtation and warm attitude changing to somewhat dire. With you following him in gallop, he makes it to town quickly. When there, he makes it to the stables where he nods, saying, "Numquam cede," before he hitches his horse free of charge. He tells Sicilia to as well, heeding his almost command, she does them follows them to the smithies.The smell of burning coal, smelted iron and heated metal fill the fordge. This smithie shack is the fordge all in one. A building even bigger than the inn you came from. Yue says again, "Numquam cede, brother. We're here as customers and on business." A bruting human blacksmith nods, he his a moustache and long hair that's been tinged. Yue pulls out two daggars with minor knicks and offers them to the blacksmith saying, "These are special made with magemetals... repair them to your best extent." The blacksmith takes them and nods, heading to the fordge part of the building.Yue leads Sicilia all around the shop, there being weapons from daggars to spears. Swords of all shapes and sizes. There is even armor with decorated leather and relatively beautiful chain link patterns. Yue says, "You'll need to be protected if you plan on traveling with me. And... I hope you do." Yue looks to Sicilia and although it's hard to see in his now cold eyes, his compassion for you is there. Something is different, he has changed as soon as he reached this place. There is something that Sicilia didn't know. Looking around the shop slowly, holding her shortsword and dagger out to compare them to what the blacksmith has in stock. Sighing, she had become attached to her weapons in a emotional way, making it hard to part with her "friends." "I will be keeping my needs to repared though and I would like to set this sapphire into the hilt." SHe holds up a grape sized gem, the jewel sparkling from the fires inside, casting blue light everywhere. She put her shortword on the table, picking up a longsword with dwarven runes etched up the shinning silver blade, and a black leather scabbard for it to go in. "Do we have to pay or it free of charge?" She asked Yue as she headed over into the armor section of the store. Picking her way through the various armors, she finally decided on a studded leather vest, studded leather pants, and leather fingerless gloves. Yue replies, "We have a sort of discount, but it's not free. Look around, between us we could arm five men for combat. So, be as lavish as you want. I promise Jared won't mind." Yue himself is looking over jewels and swords. "Ehhhh, I am not that used to being weathly like what I have picked out will be fine...perhaps another dagger though." She pranced back to the dagger section and chose a long bladded dagger with a curved handle, the grip made to look like a snake coiled around it. Heading to the blacksmith, she handed him the two daggers and a grape sized sapphire for each. "Can you please fit these jewels into the pommles of these daggers?" The blacksmith nodded and went to a back room were the noise of busy work soon sounded. "So, see anything you like?" She wandered over to were the capes were, thinking of replacing her old, worn out cloak. She picked out a gray cloak with green trimming, picking a silver brooch with inset emerald as the clasp. Yue looks to you smiling. He said, "Jared has some of the best jewels... I was going to buy some and maybe take them to a jeweler to make you a gift. Jared's best with weapons, not jewelry and I'd like the best for you." Yue points to some armor racks lighter chainmail and dense, flexible leather are mounted. He says, "At least get some armor.." "Uhhh, I did pick some armor." She points to the studded leather armor on the table, next to her new dwarven sword. She did however move over to were the other armor was, mewling over the thought of a gift from Yue. "So if you did get me jewelery...what kind of jewelery do you think I would like?" She asks him as she stood next to him, picking through the leather armors. She liked silver and sapphires, the strange mix of colors drawing her in to that combination. Yue picks up gem after gem slowly, thinking with his reply. He notes each eaction of Sicilia's as he picks up a gem, seeing her eyes widen and smile slightly when he picked up a beautiful cut sapphire and grinning, knowing a sapphire would have to be his choice. Yue chuckles slightly as he replies, "Well... something like a sapphire to match your beautiful hair... maybe white gold or silver. You seem to like silver, but white gold would look just as good on you. Maybe a ring or a neckalace... if you would, maybe a ring with our names?" Yue sighs, as soon as he said that he immediately thought he over stepped his boundaries. A little anxiety flushed over him, Sicilia could see it.Meanwhile, a tall figure with skin pale white and studded, black leather covering nearly every part of his body. This figure had two spiked bats on his back and long, black hair. He seemed like a ghost as he walked into town, completely standing out. Thinking over the ring, not going in any deeper than just a friendship ring, she nods and with the new cape over her arm, she headed to the payment stand. The baclsmith was back with their purchuses, Scilia's new daggers shinning with their new gemmed hilts. "Wow...those are pretty...." She whispered while digging into her pack for the bag of coins. Dropping the corect payment into the blacksmiths hands. Picking up her new armor, weapons, and cape, she headed back into a changing room located on the side. "Be right out." She smiled and closed the canvas door, sitting down on the wooden bench, she started to strip out of her clothes.While she was only half naked, the black leather clad stanger kicked the blacksmith's oor open, stepping through the door and immediatley heading toward the changing rooms. Yue, shocked that the man was able to find them, couldn't react fast enough to stop him from ripping the canvas door apart with a flick of his wrist. Behind the now destroyed door was Sicilia, her new leather pants around her knees as she was pulling them up. Screaming in surprise, she dropped her pants and pulled the cloak over her bare chest. "Well well well, a female Beautific, that's a very....delicious surprise." He grinned, showing slightly filed teeth, eyeing her like she was a treat. The air around the man was cold, feeling of malice and rage. "Tell me my sweety, what is your name? I bet it is as enchanting as your legs...and thieghs" He chuckled evily, seeing her blush a bright red and use the other cape to cover herself up. "Don't you have the decentse to knock first!?!?!" She screamed up at him, trying despertly to figure out how to make a door appear so she can get something on. She looked at Yue for help...this man scared her in a primeval way, ancient evilness. Time seemed to slow, the air grew thicker and gravity even seemed to pull down on Sicilia more. As with most Beautific, this man fed off Sicilia's fear and then grew exstatic when she wanted Yue's help. His eyes lit up with the malice of a little kid burning ants with a magnifying glass, his smile widened so his teeth looked reared like a snarling canine and Sicilia could fell how entertained he was to see her indistress. "Well, well... you think little Yue would stop me?" The man giggles, although it's not even feminine his giggle sounds insane as if he couldn't control the reaction. "You are pretty little thing. I wonder what part you are... one sixteenth? One 8th, maybe... Oh, you are incredible..." Even this man's choice of word emphasize was eerie, calling you incredible as if just a large buck on a hunt.Yue growled in anger, grabbing the man's shoulder. The man stopped, his eyes widened as if he didn't expect it. Yue says, "Bayne... I never stopped you before, but I will now." Yue's voice is different than it has even been, it's almost a whisper yet it's incredible threatening."Yue... you know as well as I that you cannot back that up. Our fight before we left Ra "" You know I was only using one third of my power. I wasn't allowed to break my seals."Bayne turns around to Yue, shoving Yue's hand off his shoulder. Bayne locks eyes with Yue and says, "You still can't."Yue glares back, saying, "The hell I can't. And, I will."Bayne replies, "I don't know what got into you... you'd never do this before."Yue barks out his reply, "Bayne, either leave of give me a reason to make you."Bayne chuckles as if he were no taking Yue seriously, replying, "Fine, meet me outside." Where Bayne stood, there was nothing but a thick, black mist that fell to the ground, Bayne had literally teleported behind Yue to exit walking out. Yue says, "C'mon." Yue waits for Sicilia to dress and get her stuff. Sicilia followed Yue outside where he took a stance down the road from Bayne. Yue asks, "Want to make this quick or should we drag it out?"Bayne's laugh can be heard from all the way down the road, still having all those dark intents. "Yue, go ahead. Show your little girlie what you really are. C'mon. I felt her emotions, you're growing a bond. Let's see if she feels the same afterwards."Yue glares, "Shutup, you'll be lucky if I leave you alive." Yue takes his first book, The Lustful. Yue reads an incantation within it, "Rain of Heaven extinguishes the fire of Hell. Without the burning blaze, the gates of Hell open and let the Riegn of Hell begin!" With Yue's incantation, he takes off his book and tosses it to the side, also tossing off his cloak. His skin darkens to a deep red, his body grows muscular. Two curved, white horns grow on his head, his canines grow into long fangs and his eyes turn black with red pupils. The power of Yue has doubled, Sicilia can feel it. He's changed more than just physically. Yue grabs his second book and reads from it, his voice changed as it is deeper, "Let the essence of life counter nature and bring the dead to us. Magic flow through me and fill my soul..." A shockwave blasts out from Yue, dust stiring and wind flowing. Black, tribal tattoos snake around Yue's body, incircling his eyes, nose, and mouth as well as covering the rest of his body. That is the only physical change but it's enough. To Sicilia, this would be an entirely different Yue.Banye laughs maniacly, "It's been a while, Yue! Hahah, or should I say, the real Yue." Banye stretches his hand out and a black mist forms from nowhere, taking the shape of a black sword before literally becoming one.Yue replies, "Long time no see, Bayne. As I recall, I nearly killed you last time." Yue slams his left fist into his right hand and cracks his knuckles.Bayne says, "Time's change, Yue boy. I've gotten stronger and I always was better with magic." Banye rushes Yue, blackness itself trailing behind Banye like a neon light.Yue replies, "I always was at 30 ." As Banye reaches a certain point, nearing Yue, he is blasted back by a lightning bolt hitting him so fast it would astonish Bayne AND Sicilia. Yue begins to walk forward, each time he gets close to Bayne, another lightning bolt fries Bayne. "This is one my most basic spells, Conduction. You can't even get near me."After three lightning strikes, Bayne gets up smoking and groaning. He jumps back and says, "Damn... if that's how you want to play, lets play, Yue." Bayne's body turns completely black, turning into a corporeal shadow. He walks torward Yue and enters where earlier he couldn't. Bayne literally turns into mist itself, moving at an incredible speed torward Yue, slaming his fist into Yue's stomach. Yue had no time to dodge or parry, a fist intantly being slammed into his stomach. Bayne uppercuts Yue then, then kicks Yue in the chest and sends him back flying, skidding across the ground as he hands.Yue gets up, wiping the blood off his mouth. He groans and says, "Sh Shadowforme? YOU MASTERED SHADOWFORME?" Yue regains balance and takes a fighting stance, holding up his fists infront of his body.Bayne laughs manically, three or four vioces overlapping to create his. Banye says, "I told you I was better..." Bayne rushes at Yue again and in the same instant, Yue's tattoos glowed a light blue, once the flash was over, Sicilia saw Yue and Bayne locked in a grapple. Bayne says, "You're not so bad yourself... but, lets see how you do in the darkness..." Sicilia's sight would be blocked, a black dome forming around Bayne and Yue. For the next few minutes, it would cloud up and Sicilia would hear screams and groans from both Yue and Bayne. After those minutes were up, a tremendous lightning bolt slammed down into the black sphere, crushing it. As the black mist the dome disapating into after being crushed faded, Sicilia saw Bayne's body being thrown out of the dome like a ragdoll. Out of mist walked the new, demonic looking Yue. He loomed nearly a foot and half taller over Sicilia. He smiled as he looked down at her, "This... is who I really am..." Even with Yue's demonic eyes shown, Sicilia could see the same passion for her. Yue waits for Sicilia's reaction, unsure what she'll do. After she had gotten dressed in her new armor, strapping on her sword and sliding her daggers into her boots, she had followed the two men out into the street. She was worried like never before for her new lover, this new man was nothing like the men at the tavern. She watched in stunned amazement as the two men fought their magic battle, scarely able to realize the amount of power each was using. She had thought of throwing her sword to Yue when the man had made a sword appear out of thin air. Yue didn't need her assistance however, using his lightning to burn the man to a crisp. She had worried over the paniced tone when the man used "shadowform", whatever that meant. Soon after they started the battle, the giant black dome closed over them, shutting the duel down to just them, no spectators. Hearing the sounds that erupted from the war inside, she gulped and held onto the timber post she was hiding behind. She felt when Yue got hurt, their blood bond making so that she felt what he felt, and his injuries be replicated on her. Several cuts had appeared on her body, from her legs up to her chest and arms.Then the battle was over, the black clad man being thrown outof the dome and landing in the roof of a nearby building, surely killing him if they were lucky enough. Yue..or the Yue creature walked up to her, the same loving Yue that she had mated with was still there, in his eyes. Slowly, she stepped from behind the timper post and shuffled closer to him. Reaching up slowly with her hand, she rested her hand over his heart and smiled. "Good thing you don't always look like this...." She half joked for his benefit. This new Yue was massive and powerful...not anything like the templer she had made love to not a day before. Yue chuckles lightly. "I suppose... however, this is my true form for a reason. The tattoos will fade as I stop using magic, but the horns and lot are all there... And, it'll be a while before I can go back to my normal form..." Yue looks at Sicilia a bit sad. However, only for a minute. Yue passed out complete, falling face first on the ground. As Sicilia stepped out of the way of the loaf, she saw it. A wound she didn't recieve. A huge, deep gash along his back. He was bleeding and even with his healing it was still severe. Yue mumbles, "It'll be a long while...," before passing out. Hissing in surprise, and knowing she didn't have a chance of lifting him off the ground to anywhere were help could be available, she dug through Yue's pack looking for something minor that couple help. Taking out a salve, she quickly rubbed it over the wound. After cleaning his wound as best she could, she raced off into a tavern, coming back after a minute with two burly men behind her. "Ok just like I said, pick him up and carry him off to the apothicarion." The men nodding, they picked him off and carried Yue with grunts of effort. Picking up both their packs and belongings, Sicilia chased after the men as they walked down the dirt street into a two story home at the end of the lane. A sign hanging outside was marked with a staff with twin snakes curling around it, the sign of medicine. The two men had stopped in the parlour, waiting for her to pay the apothicary before they carried Yue any farther. Both now had blood splattered on thier clothes and blood continued to drip from Yue.The healer walked out from a side passage, his eyes widening in surprise at Yue, then he rushed over when he saw the blood leaking all over the stone floor. "My, my, my, what have you people gotten into?" The elderly manpushed his glasses back and grunted. Motioning the men to follow him, the healer led them up the stairs into a white room with a grille in the center of the floor, to drain blood away. 'Lay him on the cot, on his chest you heathens!!!" He barked as the hired men nearly laid Yue on his back. After putting him on his chest the two men walked over to Sicilia, and she gave them a couple gold each. "Thank you kindly." SHe nodded and they left the unconscious Yue, the elf, and the doctor to fuss over Yue's injuries. "He was in a fight and he took a swing from an enchanted sword..." She flinched when the doctor pulled out a needle and thread, knowing that Yue would need serious stitching. "Tsk tsk, it is a shame such nice women get mixed in with bad boys...if you would kindly wait in the hallway till I am done, I would appriciate it greatly." She nodded, leaving the man to do his work. Slumping against the wall and sitting on a bench that was here, she dropped their packs onto the floor and sighed. Closing her eyes, she quickly slunk into sleep.A gentle shaking woke her up several hours later. "Ma'am, your friend has been tended to, he will recover but...he will be bed ridden for a week or so if he wants that wound to heal properly. Now about the fee...." She nodded, handing him several coins, and a extra. "The extra is for your immediate tending to him...he...means alot to me." The old man smiled, nodding. "It was my pleasure, mi lady. You are welcome to stay till he gets better, but for more comfortable lodgings I would suggest the inn. It is up to you of course though." He walked off back down the hallway, going back to the parlour to tend to others. She picked up their packs and stood up, heading back into Yue's room. Pulling up a chair next to his cot were he lie on his chest still, but with his wound stitched up and covered in a poulice. Setting their stuff down again, she sat their, watching Yue sleep contentedly. After a few brief hours, Yue would slowly awaken. Groaning and squinting, he slowly came to. He looked around the room in a haze, seeing the comfortable bed and feeling the irritating stiching. His head was pounding, his ears rang, and then he felt the warm touch of Sicilia. She consoled him, carressing his face. He smiled instantly, despite the muscles in his face hurting his head. Even with his blurry eyes and pained body, he looked to Sicilia with a grin. He says, "You... saved me." Yue looked to her with almost love glowing in his eyes, he wanted to show her how happy he was she would help him and how much he appreciated what she did and her. However, he failed to do so in words. But, Sicilia would catch this she would understand. She had an empathy for him and she knew how he felt. Torwards her and his pain. "It was nothing, don't worry about it sweety." She touched his cheek and kissed it. "I wouldn't know what to do without you so you need to stay alive." She smiled and leaned back in her chair, relaxing. Giggling, she asked. " Do you know how much of my gold I had to spend to keep your hide alive? There was four gold for the people who hauled you here, another ten for your initial treatment, and now it is two gold per day your here for your treatments and bed." Sighing, she leaned foreward to look him in the eye, still with a half smile. "You are worth every bit of it though. Just pull through and relax while your body heals...maybe I can find a job here while your on the mend. Never know when a quest will poke its head up." Shrugging, she sat back and took a swig of their remaining wine. "Want a drink? Food? Anything?" Yue gave a very simple reply with a wide grin, "Maybe a deep kiss from a beautiful sea elf..." Laughing loudly in delight she nodded, leaning foreward till she was a inch from his mouth. "If that is what you wish my templar." Leaning foreward to close the gap, she kissed him, slowly turing into making out as he threw what remained of his strength into the kiss. After a minute of their embrace, she leaned back, grinning. "Anything to get me intertwinned with you, huh?" She joked. Yue, who really did put all he had into that kiss, had to take quite a period of time regaining his strength. He smiled through it all, however, not trying to alarm Sicilia. Yue chuckled as he said, "For a kiss from you, the scar from this is worth it...," before he was simply overwhelmed and passed out. The medical practioner from earlier placed his hand on Sicilia's shoulder, she didn't even feel his pressence earlier. "Tch, maybe he's not such a bad boy. Even so, he lost a lot of blood and probably drained a lot of his mana. I'm no magus, girl, but common sense says he's beat." He removed his hand from Sicilia shoulder and continued to say, "He's probably going to be out a while. . . "
['Tzeentch', 'Nodoriah', 'Nurgle', 'Orus', 'Rychuss']
Hyrule's Downfall (Cerberus and Foxykoko)
The wave of twilight swarmed over Hyrule castle. Its guards stood in front of both Princess Zelda and the true ruler of the twilight Princess Midna. The guards had fought the shadow beasts until they were right at the large doors to the room. The guards took a quick look at the princesses before drawing their swords as the doors were flung open and a large black wave swarmed in. "Heh he he...How touching you really think these people will protect you Midna." He laughed and quickly grabbed a guard who rushed him and lifted the man up by the throat. "So easily these human's life is erased, wouldn't you agree Midna?" He laughed and looked at the two girls. "It will be much easier for you to just give up now." He watched both Princess Zelda and Princess Midna with his stone cold gaze. first wondering how Midna was able to escape from her holdings he had set up. No matter she would be punished for it later. Stood her ground, watching the flood of black burst through the doors. Hyrule was at stake once again and she had failed to warn them in time. "Put him down!" She screamed "You have no need to hurt these people! They have done nothing to you!" Midna looked at Zelda and bowed her head, "I'll go but only if you leave Hyrule and all of it's people alone...." Twili just shook his head and looked at the guard. "a simple flick of the wrist and he is dead. Now you know we have taken the castle and there is nothing you can do about it. Now you can save them from suffering and surrender or not and let them suffer." A few of the shadow beasts walked in and looked up to their master before looking back to Midna and to Zelda. "You see my pets are so very hungry and I bet a human would be so very good for them." He laughed and tapped his foot against the ground. "Too long you waited too long." He flicked his wrist snapping the poor guard's neck "you don't have to worry, he never felt a thing." He tossed the guard to the beasts who quickly ripped him apart. "as for these other humans..they will suffer some before they die, Go my beasts, eat have fun." Zelda stared in horror as she watched her people get devoured. "Stop it!!" She yelled as she drew out her bow and shot an arrow through one of his monsters. "Get out of my castle!!!" She continued as she shot to 3 more magical arrows at once. She quickly aimed at Twili pulled back on the arrows.Midna touched her shoulder gently, "Zelda we can not fight them. We have no choice but to surrender..." She said as she got down on her knees before Twili. Minda swallowed her pride and knelt her head tying to protect Zelda from him. Twili looked at The two princess and laughed. "Good, so very good." He smiled and cracked his knuckles, The shadow beasts dissapeared as he watched the two. "You have learned well Midna, not to oppose my power. Now the two of you, Kneel before me and beg forgiveness from your master." Twili was different somehow. much darker power then when he first faced the pair years ago. He somehow had regained most of his power that he had last and again brought the twilight back. "You will learn well to obey my orders when I give them or else you will learn that you will be punished." Zelda crossed her arms and turned her back on him. "I kneel before no one, Zant!" She confirmed without hesitation. "I'll surrender but I refuse to bow before scum!"Midna grabbed Zelda's arm and yanked her to the floor, "Just go with the flow for right now. You have to in order to protect Hyrule." She whispered. "Zant, My Lord, we are at your serves. Please, spare our lives." Twili laughed and walked over to the throne and sat down in it. He looked over at the two girls and shook his head. "And I know you think your "Hero of time" Will help you, but you are sadly mistaken. He wont be able to beat me." He looked at Midna and shook his head. "Your family were fools to deny me my rightful place." He watched as the shadow beasts moved throughout the castle. "Take those two to the dungeon and make sure they are tied good and snug and if you want play with them." Back in Ordon Village Link was seeing the sky turn to black and animals hiding in fear. "this cant be good." The dungeon was dark and cold. Zelda pulled from their grasp and ran to the corner. This room was familiar and she new it well but now wasn't the time to fight. She had finally come to understand she had to surrender until Link came. Even if that meant... She looked at the guards and shuttered.Minda pulled away from them and grabbed a rock. She turned swung at the guards head but was unfortunately stopped. He laughed and pulled the rock from her tiny hand and held her off the ground by an arm. "You are week, Princess!" The shadow beasts nodded and plodded over to Midna and Zelda before dragging them off. The large shield like mask covered their faces as they dragged the two girls down to the dungeon. Another Twilli like Midna stood ready,waiting for them. "So what has the master's animals brought?" He watched as the beasts had the girls tied together and even one of the beasts holding the chain to their makeshift collars. He nodded and looked at Midna and crossed his arms over his chest. "Princess Midna of the Twilight." He lightly bowed out of a slight form of respect. even though he was an enemy he still showed some respect to her. Midna stared at him as both ladies stayed still. "So, whats going on now?" Midna demanded with arms crossed along her chest. The twilli looked at Midna and just shook his head. he unchained the two from each other. one of the Shadow beasts jumped Zelda and pinned her down as the Man was tying up Midna just right. The Shadow beast just kept Zelda pinned down. its tail moving from side to side before hooking the edge of her tattered dress and starting to pull at it. The twilli looked at Midna before finishing the ties and even gagging her. "That should hold you in nicely." Meanwhile Link knew something was going on so as soon as he was able to he got onto Eponya and started to ride off to Castle town. Zelda squirmed and tried to pull away. Unfortunately, only making matters worse and taring her dress faster. "Get off of me, scum!"Midna squirmed and wiggled, her back hit the cold stone and she squeaked. "I bet your loving this, may I ask what I ever did to deserve this!" She said with a growl. The beast growled and lifted its tail making a high slit that ran up the dress all along her side to the top of her thighs as the man held Midna and laughed running his hands down her sides. The man looked at Midna and grinned,tugging the rope that ran in between Midna's legs as he watched the Beast Torment Zelda. "Its best you just give in.." He laughed and looked at Midna. "You have no idea how much i've fantasized about having you Princess Midna." He laughed watching Midna as he moved a hand down along her chest and started to grope her through her dress. The beast grunted and pinned Zelda, she could feel its member against her legs. Zelda gasped at her torn dress and Closed her legs tight "this is not right!" She squealed as she tried to pull away. Midna watched him, a gentle moan escaping her lips as he pulled on the rope. "get your filthy hands off my chest!" Midna closed her eyes trying to show no sign of enjoyment. The shadow beast's tail cut her dress even more ripping it away leaving her in nothing but her silk undergarments. "You shouldn't try to fight with it Princess Zelda..You will only make it that much more angry and it will be that much more rough with you." The Twil guard looked at Midna and laughed as he pulled the rope again to get another moan out of her. "Oh sure thing what ever you say princess." As he did that he pushed her over his knee and pulled the rope more sliding his hand in between her legs. Zelda stared up the beast and blushed feeling exposed. She new this was going to happen but why the monster. she held her breath closed her eyes waiting for his next move. How else was she supposed to handle this?Midna moaned again and glared at him. This was humiliating. She gasped softly as she felt his hand, at least Zelda was to occupied to realize that she had it a bit different. The beast watched Zelda and roared, she could feel its thick member pressing up against her legs. While the twil guard kept playing with Midna. He laughed and rubbed her more before giving her breasts a playful squeeze. Twili walked down a little while later and looked at the two princesses. "Oh how the mighty have fallen, Once noble royal princess, now nothing more then bedroom slaves." Zelda looked down and swallowed hard squeezing her legs even tighter. Midna gasped again with a soft moan. She away from the guards in shame. "Don't worry you will pay for this!" She said in retort. Twili looked at Zelda then to Midna and grinned licking his lips. "Well it looks like Zelda isnt likeing her mate so i guess I'll take her for myself and let the guard and the beast have you Midna." He grinned and looked at the beast and hissed. it backed away and Twili grabbed Zelda and pulled her up. "Now what to do with you." Zelda looked at Twili and relaxed a bit. After struggling with the beast she was tired. She wasn't able to fight as much as she had. "Do with me as you please..." She said. "I'm yours Twili!" She continued gratefully.Midna looked at the beast that lusted over her. "Zelda keep fighting... Wait, now I have to deal with both of them?" She questioned selfishly. Twili looked at Zelda and laughed as he tied her hands behind her before he dragged her up from the dungeon. He grinned and brought her to her throne room and sat down on the throne making her kneel infront of him. "Now what to do with you." He grinned and licked his lips watching her. Oh I know!" He waved his hand in the air and she could see link fighting with shadow beats, more and more surrounding him and attacking.The guard lauged and rubbed her abit before tossing her over to the beast who pounced on her. Zelda gasped and stared, "Please I'll do anything. Just don't hurt him!" She begged on the floor before Twili.Midna moaned as he touched her. then as the gaurd moved her, she realized what was happening. "No please. Not him! He's... he's to much!" She said as she was tossed in front of the beast. Twili looked at Zelda and grinned licking his lips. "Now why would I do that, You already will do anything I tell you to, because you belong to me..there really isn't much that I could get out if I stopped and let him be. Make me want to my pet."The guard laughed and watched as the beast pinned her down. They used to be twilight folk just like the guard or Midna but when Zant's power attacked those many years ago and was destroied some of them still didn't turn back. When twili discovered the power he took over and made even more shadow creatures. The beast growled and pressed itself against Midna. Zelda stood and began take off what was left of her dress until she was naked. She walked towards him with a look of desire on her face. If she had to give him a reason to let Link go she had to show him that she wanted him. She gently bit her lip and crawled up into his lap. she leaned in and kissed him passionately while leading his hands up her body and to her chest."No, please. I beg you. Please!" She begged while squirming away from him as much as she could. Her eyes grew 3 times bigger as she felt his huge member press up against her. "Please no! I can't take it!" Twili held Zelda on his lap as he ran a hand up along her legs. he grinned and kissed her back then kissed along her neck as he thought about what she was doing to try and save Link. He grinned and looked at her. "All right then." He kept her on his lap. "Now dance for me my pet dance for me and show off yourself."The shadowbeast growled and pressed up against her as the guard just watched and licked his lips. "Now why should I, You, tied down about to be raped by shadowbeast, Now that's hot." Zelda blushed and started to dance with a very seductive style grinding and moving all over him. I guess you could call it strip dancing with out the clothes.Midna stared at the beast and moaned at the pressure from him. "Because I'm fragile and small! I want you! I only want you! Please!" She begged. Twili held Zelda on his lap and grinned as she kept grinding against him. he grinned and as she was grinding he shifted abit causing her to slide down onto him. He gripped her hips and pushed up against her.The guard watched Midna and grinned as the beast kept pushing against her before he called the beast off. "Suck him off then." Zelda gasped at him and moaned. "mmm.... please don't tease me, just have your way with me..." She begged.Midna sat up and looked up at the beast and then down at hid huge member. "s...suck that?" She blushed and got on her hands and knees. She looked at him and then took it into her mouth and began to stroke and suck on him roughly and very playfully. Twili grinned and looked at Zelda as he pushed himself deeper into her. "I don't think you are in much of a position to be giving orders now my little slut princess." He laughed and pushed deeper into her warm and waiting body.The beast's tail wrapped around her waist as she was sucking him off and slid in between her legs and started to rub her off. Zelda gasped and moaned, as he moved her. "mmmm... Twili! You feel amazing!" She said with a lustful grin.Midna gasped and moaned as he played with her. She very seductively teased his head and the took him in her mouth completely. Deep throating him with please trying to make the other man jealous. She then started flicking her tongue against his head. Twili looked at Zelda and grinned as he kept pumping away inside of her, his hands moving to her breasts and squeezing them. "Very good my pet." He grinned wondering how her precious Hero of time would react seeing his Princess Zelda as nothing more then a slut. He grinned and pushed himself deeper into Zelda. "Tell me my pet why you'll be a better slave then Midna."The Guard laughed and grinned watching Midna on her hands and knees sucking off the shadow beast. Once a former queen of the Twil she was now sucking off some animal and letting its tail pleasure her. Zelda gasped and moaned, "I am more exotic then midna is.... mmmmm.... and I'll do anything you tell me to..." She moaned again as she began to orgasm roughly.She growled with her throat toward him and moaned with beasts every move. dhe licked and played with his head as she used both hands to stroke the the beast. Twili looked at Zelda and grinned as he started to release into her before pushing her off of his body. "Get dressed my pet, we are going to throw Link a little welcome home party." He laughed and looked at her. "and for your dress have some alterations made to it, shorten it and make sure you have your silk gloves and silk stockings on."The guard watched Midna and grinned. As she had laid down and was sucking on the shadow beast the guard moved behind her and slid up into her waiting sex. Zelda nodded, "Yes Master." She blushed as she grabbed her dress and left to go find her designer.Midna moaned louder as he entered. "mmmm.... now you want me?" she teased and continued pleasuring the beast.
['Zelda', 'Twili', 'Midna']
Juri's Spoils (Vicodin + CutePhoenix)
Chun Li looked from the left, and then to the right as she moved slowly upon the battlefield that she was supposed to be on. She was ready. She was dressed in her battle attire. She was asked to do a friendly sparring match, against one of the women that she fought before. She couldn't remember who it was that she fought in the future, but she was ready for whoever would challenge her. She stood in the center, waiting for her opponent to show herself. "Whoever you are, come out. I am ready!" "Well well looky who it is. Sexy little police girl Chun li. Even when I'm not having my special kind of fun, you still manage to find me. You really do want in my pants." came the very familiar voice of Juri, one of Chun li's most bitter enemies as seemingly appeared out of nowhere."Can't say I'm surprised though. With the way you show off your body in that outfit, you're obviously trying to get a.........special kind of attention from the people you fight." she added with a girly, but still rather evil little giggle as she taunted the woman."Hey, it works though. Gotta say, makes even me want to get in your panties." she continued, laughing loudly. Chun Li put her fists up, and she seemed embarrassed that Juri would be as blatant as she was being. Her outfit was the way that it was assigned to her, at the police academy, so she wasn't trying to get any kind of attention from this woman. However she knew that Juri was the kind of woman that would play mind games with her opponent, in order to make sure that they were off their game. "Just get ready, fight!" She yelled out, and jumped towards the Juri woman, attempting to hit her with a jump kick, and then a three punch combo. She was not going to let these mind games get ahold of her. She was going to make sure that she won. Juri, as Chun li would know from past experience, was quite fast thanks to that special of eye of hers, so she had little trouble dodging Chun li's attacks."Oh my, that was quite a kick. Gave me a nice little flash of what you got going on downstairs. Lacy panties......really? Hot date tonight or something?" said Juri, laughing like the evil maniac she was soon after. OOC: No problem. I don't mind if you godmoddBiC: Chun Li was frustrated as the attacks were dodged so easily. Juri acted as if Chun li was the puppet to her show, and that she was able to do whatever she wanted to the police woman. She cracked her knuckles, and she then ran towards Juri, throwing a tirade of punches, kicks, and uppercut combinations, to try to hit Juri with something. If she beat this woman, she knew she was going to be sore in the morning. As Juri continued to easily dodge the attacks, she went on laughing like a crazy woman, which she was."My my, those jugs of yours are sure bouncy." said Juri with a smirk, suddenly spinning around to be behind Chun li, not even hesitating to reach around and grasp Chun lis large breasts through the fabric of her iconic blue outfit. Chun Li's eyes widened as Juri had taken hold of her breasts. She let out a soft groan to the feeling, but she immediately tried to elbow the woman in the face, along with pushing Juri away so that Chun Li wouldn't have to feel that... sensation again. "Don't touch me! You are under arrest for the murder of countless people. You always ran for me, but I am going to catch you now!" Unsurprisingly, Juri easily ducked under the attack and hopped back."Why Chun li, I do beleive that was a moan of pleasure." said Juri, giggling as she did a little dance in place. Then, in a blur, she was behind Chun li again. Her hands shot out again, but this time, their target was lower as she took two handfuls of Chun li's perfect, tone ass. Chun Li growled and she tried to smack the girl's hands away, while at the same time, attempting a Lightning Kick to try to hit the woman. "Stop touching me and fight!" Chun Li replied. She was so serious, but Juri was acting as if this was nothing, as if the fight was pointless to her, other then to touch her body. Again, Juri jumped back and completely avoided the damage."If that's the way you want it........." said the psychopathic female before dashing at Chun li with beyond super human speed. Before the chinese woman could even reacted, Juri had nailed her square in the stomach with a well aimed knee. Chun Li bent over from the knee, unable to defend herself from the massive amount of speed that the woman was using on her. She took a few steps back, but already felt like throwing up from that kick. "Impossible..." She said aloud, and she then moved towards Juri to try to attempt her own version of kicks. Juri just shook her head with a chuckle. Dodging her yet again, she swung her leg up with inhuman speed, nailing Chun li right in the right cheek with a fierce kick. It wouldn't knock her out, but would definitely knock her for a loop. Chun Li's center of balance was instantly removed from her when that inhuman kick landed on her. She flew back a few feet, and landed flat on the ground. How could she not prepare herself for such an attack! Juri was just too fast! Chun Li got back up, and put her hands up once more, but within that time, she was vulnerable. Juri must have thought that this was a joke, being that Chun Li didn't even get a hit on the girl yet. Chun li wanted to fight, and Juri didn't take it easy on her. As soon as Chun li had got up, Juri was right on her again. She aimed another kick at Chun li's head, but this time, it wasn't just a single kick. Her legs and feet whipped at her like a fury, landing kicks on her face and all over her body. Chun Li was the woman's punching bag, and the force of Juri's kicks had made the woman stumble backward, unable to make a counter attack or anything of the sorts. She ran towards Juri, and then decided on attempting her finishing technique right here, to try and put the woman out of action. "You're gone!" She yelled, as she attempted it. "This is getting boring. I want to hurry up and have fun." Juri said with a sigh. She stood there, waiting for Chun li to get close. When she did, she flipped agiley over Chun li gripping her shoulders so she was basically doing a hand stand on Chun li."Time to lose sweet cheeks." she said, winking before bringing both knees down right into her face at full force. Chun Li's nose broke under the contact of the woman's knees hitting her. She fell backwards onto the ground, the force of Juri's attack making her unable to get up. She had lost. She was the loser. She had once again, lost to the pestilence of law breaking. She laid on her back, blood leaking down her cheeks onto the ground. "Go ahead and leave me be. I am not going to do whatever it is that you want. I would rather die, then be your play toy." "Well, considering you can't even more, you're gonna have to just lay back and let me play." Juri replied, giggling as she got on all fours and crawled over top of Chun li's body."MMMMM, you look quite tasty. Lets get a look at the goods." she said, lickign her lips as she slowly began to open up the top of chun lis blue outfit, revealing more and more skin as she did so. Chun Li's fists tried to make their own actions, trying to punch the woman in the face for being on top of her. But she was still disoriented from the blow to her head. It was as if she was close to being knocked out, she just needed one more blow to the head. "Get off... Me..." She said, feeling the top of her outfit split open, revealing her light blue sports bra, and her creamy white skin. Her cup was a D, so big breasts would be shown if the bra was popped open. And that's just what Juri did. Her eyes widened at the sight of Chun lis breasts. Wasting no time, she jerked the front down, damn near drooling with Chun lis breasts bounced free. Like an animal, she lowered her head and latched her mouth onto one, sucking at it hungrily, while her hand absolutely mauled the other. Chun Li let out a squeal as the woman started to play with her breasts. She was feeling the intense pleasure of Juri's movements, but how was she able to do so, when it was her mortal enemy that was sucking and massaging her tits? She struggled, but was still unable to push Juri off of her. How could this woman be a lesbian? She thought that Juri was the kind of woman to have a relationship with an evil man, and make an evil child together. But this... This was unexpected. "Get off!" She yelled, although she couldn't push Juri off. She was too weak. Too disoriented. Juri ignored her completely, acting like an animal possessed as she occasionally switched which breast she was sucking on. Though, her hands soon got a new job, opening up more and more of her outfit, getting closer and closer to a more intimate region. Chun Li's leotard was unable to be taken off, unless she were to take it off over her head, so unless Juri was going to massage the woman's other area through the clothes, she was going to have to rip them. She let out a groan of pleasure from Juri's actions, unable to resist herself as she closed her legs. "Stop touching me... Not there... I saved what I have for a real.... Man..." Juri groaned in annoyance as she lifted her head after finding out she couldn't undue anymore of Chun li's outfit past her stomach."Oh really now? You do know that I can hear those obvious moans of pleasure, right?" Juri asked with a smirk, gripping the sides of Chun lis outfit again before suddenly ripping it in different directions. This tore the front off her outfit, but left her laying on the back."God, even better than I had imagined." she said, smiling as she looked Chun lis now almost totally bare body. The only things she had left on now were her panties. Chun Li gasped as her outfit was ripped from her body, leaving her peachy skin showing to the evil woman. Chun Li had finally managed to get some of her old balance back, and she pushed Juri off of her, along with trying to punch her in the face, and attempt a Lightning Kick. "Even if I am naked, I can still defeat you!" She yelled out, and she then tried to kick Juri in the face once more. This was the last of her energy. If she couldn't defeat Juri, she would have to give up. The only thing that was left on her was a pair of light blue, lacy panties. The panties hugged her groan and thighs, so there was not much to the imagination. Seeing Chun li with barely any clothes on, Juri was damn determined to ravage her and hear more of those lovely moans. So, she aimed to disable her, but not knock her out. Making her final move, she dashed forward and spun around behind Chun li, back to back. Reaching back, she gripped Chun li by the underside of her bottom jaw and with all her weight and strength, absolutely slammed her face first into the ground with a nasty shoulder throw. Chun Li's face slammed into the ground and she didn't seem to fight with Juri any more once the devastating attack hit her. She flipped over onto her back, her chest moving up and down with her breathing. She looked at Juri, and closed her eyes. "I am going to get my revenge... I am not going to watch. I can't fight you. Do whatever you want... You heartless bitch." It was a surprise that she was able to say that, because of the shoulder throw. But she couldn't move. She was beaten up and stripped of dignity, and clothes. She couldn't fight back, unless she wanted to die. "At least... Take us away from here... Not in public..."OOC: Am I doing okay? Let me know if you want more, or if I am boring you. "Hmmmm, I suppose I can grant you that one request." Juri replied with a sigh before scooping her up in her arms bridal style. Anxious to start the fun, she stopped at the first private place she found, which was some old, run down factory. Going in, she rather gently laid Chun li on the cold concrete floor before suddenly rolling her over so she was on her stomach. Licking her lips, she reached down and jerked her panties off in one clean motion. Then, she lowered her head to Chun li's perfectly sculpted backside, her lips every so gently brushing across her skin as Juri planted gentle, soft kisses all over her ass. Chun Li couldn't quite understand the feeling of the hot woman's lips upon her ass, and she squirmed under the feeling of the woman's hands on her. "I'm not... a lesbian." She replied, although the feeling of those kisses were now being more obvious. They were feelings of pleasure. Feelings of hot... steamy pleasure that you only got from sex with someone who was good at it. Where did Juri learn to love a woman? Chun Li liked the feeling, but she didn't like the fact that Juri was causing this... And she couldn't fight it. She had to endure... Or... Ask for more.OOC: Going out to eat in a little bit. How long are you going to be on? "Heh, of course not. You don't have to be a lesbian to have fun with another girl." Juri replied, giggling a bit before going back to planting little kisses all over Chun li's backside. She also added in a little extra, licking her soft, firm ass every now and again as well. Chun Li felt a weird sensation when her ass was licked, and she felt her fists clench, along with her body seeming to tense up. "That feels..." She couldn't find an explanation for it. "It feels... Odd. Why are you doing this.... Juri?" She asked, while she tried to enjoy herself.OOC: Sweet. I'll be on for the next few hours. And for a long time after that 3 "Because you're hot really. When I see something I like, I take it." Juri replied quite casually."Have you never just indulged yourself before? Maybe pig out on ice cream for the hell of it, or kick a perp in the nads when you arrest him." she added, laughign lightly. They seemed to be having a pleasant conversation, but it was far from that. Juri was doing this because she did indeed find Chun li hot. Her psychoticness would just lead to her getting way too into it. Chun Li was flattered. She was really hot? Juri wasn't just planning to kill her the moment that she had her fun? She just wanted to have her fun? Chun Li didn't want to think that she was losing her virginity to an evil woman, and her sworn enemy. But she wasn't able to stop this woman from enjoying her body. So she was going to have to try to enjoy it. "You never had a... Boyfriend? Girlfriend?" "Why do you ask? Do you perhaps have a bit of a crush on me?" Juri asked, fingers playfully "walking" across Chun li's backside as they talked, while Juri moved to lay on her side next to her. Chun Li didn't want to answer that question. She still couldn't decipher what she wanted to do. Did she want to go through with this, and enjoy a night of pleasure with her mortal enemy? Or should she keep her morals, and let Juri touch her, but avoid touching her? She closed her legs, and felt a surge of liquids start to coat her womanhood. "We should... continue..." And Chun Li then moved in for a kiss on Juri's neck. Just was a bit surprised when Chun li used what little strength she had to kiss Juri. Not like she minded though."Indeed. We have quite a first night ahead of us." Juri replied, smiling before lowering her head, their lips meeting softly, in a gentle, yet rather fiery kiss. The kiss that the two participated in were steaming, and hot, while Chun Li thought about what she should be doing. Was it like masturbating, where you pleased the other one in the same ways that you pleased yourself? She would love to do that. But she was having trouble with energy. She could hardly move. She would need help, if Juri wanted her to do anything. She might as well make the best of this night, and become mortal enemies tomorrow... "Mmmmm, your lips are so soft and tastey." said Juri, sighing in satisfaction."You're quite a good kisser. You must do it alot." she said casually, before starting to kiss her way around Chun li's neck and collar bone. Chun Li turned a little red, and she looked to the right, while she had Juri kissing her neck and collar bone. She let out a small sigh of satisfaction, and closed her eyes. "Mmm..." She said, running her hand through Juri's hair, with difficulty. "I dont... Really... I've only kissed Ryu, once." "Heh, really now? Can't say I'm surprised. Figures that a lady like you would go for him." Juri replied, stopping for the moment."I'm curious though. Did you ever do anything with Bison? I know how much you hate the guy, but you two have run into each other so many times and been alone together for alot of those encounters. I won't tell anyone if you actually fucked him a few times." she added, giggling lightly. Chun Li turned a little red and she shook her head. "I would never do anything with that man. I hate him. He tried to rape me once, and I managed to beat him off of me." She said. She then kissed Juri on the lips once more. "I am going to hate you, when I get my energy back." She replied. "We are rivals... Tomorrow." She then noticed that Juri was still clothed, and asked, "Can you take your... clothes off?" "Oh, so it's just one night of naughty fun, and that's it. You're gonna make me cry....." Juri replied, playfully pouting."I will, but only if you promise me one thing.........That this won't be the last time we make love." she added. Of course, she fully planned on making Chun li her little fuck bitch either way. Still, it was fun seducing the woman to willingly become her lover. Juri was just so... Different then what she expected her first time to be. She thought that her first time was going to be an extremely nice man, that she would have sex with after she fought him. Or a man that she would have as a boyfriend. But after all of that thinking, she was going to have sex with her rival. With Juri. She nodded her head. "Fine... This won't be the last time." She replied, as she looked around the inside of the abandoned factory. "I want to see..." "Such a curious girl. It's adorable. So, I'll put a special show for ya." Juri replied, hopping to her feet. Winking at her, she started to shake and sway her hips as she started to peel her clothing off. Feeling energetic, she also started to hum cheesy porno music, unable to keep from smiling. The girl appeared to be pretty fun to hang around with. But no matter what, she was a psycho through and through. Chun Li turned red as she looked at Juri's naked body, her white skin flushed with the tone of youth. Chun Li stared at the girl's breasts, and then got up with difficulty, so that she could push Juri onto the ground. Moving on top of Juri, she then kissed the woman on the lips, her right hand moving down Juri's hips. "Tell me if I'm doing it right." She replied, as her hand moved between Juri's legs, and ran over her womanhood, the fingers playing with her lips. Juri moaned loudly, a moan of true pleasure. This was not an act."You're doing fine. you're a woman, you know your body well, so just do what feels right." said Juri, hand raising to gently stroke Chun li's cheek. Chun Li ran her hand through Juri's hair, and she smiled as she kept running her fingers along the lips of Juri's womanhood. She then dipped the fingers inside of Juri's womanhood, letting Juri's pussy lips squeeze around her fingers. "How many people have you... Had sex with?" She asked, while she started to pump the fingers. "Not really sure. I'm curious about why you're asking me these questions. You really do have feelings for me, don't you? You can admit it. It's actually quite natural to develop feelings for a rival, even if you think you hate them at first." Juri replied with a sweet smile, gasps and moans tossed in here and there. She was manipulating Chun li expertly. Chun Li did not want to admit these feelings for her rival. She couldn't. She was falling for the woman who was known for killing countless people just for the fun of it. And if the police academy were to find out that she didn't arrest this woman, then they would take her badge. Chun Li was being manipulated, but she wasn't going to admit it. She kept moving the fingers, the moans of her rival keeping her going. "Heh, your silence speaks volumes." Juri replied, moaning again. Knowing that shew as corrupting Chun li was almost as hot as the sex itself. Usually, she'd kill someone that got in her way, but corrupting the legendary and strong willed Chun li into actually falling in love with was such a turn on.As the fingering continued, Juri raised her head, lips meeting Chun li's in a lust filled, fiery kiss. Chun Li's lips opened as she felt Juri's against her own, and she let her fingers spread out inside of Juri, so that she would have Juri's womanhood spread as much as possible. She let her tongue rub against Juri's within the kiss, and she then started to move the fingers in an extremely fast manner, pounding the fingers in and out. Chun Li took Juri's other hand with her other hand, and put them on Chun Li's breasts, so that she could get some pleasure from her rival. "I don't love you." She lied, as she kept moving the fingers. "Yea, just like you didn't enjoy me licking your butt cheeks." Juri replied with a giggle, before moaning again and going right into mauling Chun li's exceptionally large breasts. She knew it would take a bit more work to get Chun li to give herself fully to her. Chun Li turned red to Juri's reply, and she then stopped thrusting her fingers just for a moment, to try and gain her composure from such a blatant reply. She looked off to the side, as she kept moving the fingers, and then she let out a groan as she felt her breasts being massaged. "More..." She begged. "Sure........but only if you admit your true feelings." Juri teased, smiling evily as she suddenly withdrew her hand and the pleasure it caused Chun Li let out a moan of disappointment as she felt Juri's hands off of her. Her fingers clenched inside of Juri, and her other fist clenched. "Give me more... I'm not admitting anything!" She yelled out. "Heh, I don't take too kindly too orders. But, if you admit your feelings and ask nicely, I'll show you pleasure that'll make your think you're in heaven." Juri replied with a mischevious smile. Chun Li didn't want to look Juri in the eyes when she was given this decision. "I really... Really like you." Chun Li replied. She was not going to admit love for this woman. She couldn't admit love for her rival... "I can tell that's it's more than that. I won't give you any more pleasure until you admit your FULL feelings." Juri replied. As always, she was getting off on manipulating someone like this. Even more so with it being Chun li, miss goody good who was getting turned into a slut that was falling in love with a psychopathing murderer. This was the most fun Juri had ever had with anyone. Chun Li let out a yell of frustration when Juri refused to please her any more. How could she admit that she loved her rival? That she loved the person that she was unable to capture and throw into jail? She felt Juri's hands remove from her, and she sighed. "Juri, I do love you. Despite that I hate your guts, and that you murdered countless people... I... Love you." "Hehe, that's my girl." Juri replied, both hands quickly finding Chun lis body again. This time, one slid between her legs, rubbing her pussy, while the other went back to those lucious melons of hers. And of course, Juri finds a way out of a response that Chun Li wanted. Juri didn't say, "I love you too." Or "I love you back.", she just said another thing to manipulate the woman. And like the coward and pushover she was, she didn't mind. She ran her hands through Juri's hair, and let out a moan as her special places were being rubbed. Juri licked her lips, getting enjoyment from every part of this situation. From the physical aspect of fondling Chun li's body, to having her wrapped around her finger with such minimal effort. Chun li would make a great little love slave, and she was already well on her way to becoming one. All Juri had left to do was........"seal the deal" by getting Chun li to climax at her evil hands, and the girl would be hers forever. It was too bad that Chun Li was unaware that Juri was just trying to use the woman as a sex slave, because if she knew, then she would have ended everything that the two of them were doing. Probably afterwards... Being that the pleasure that she received from thsi woman was so immense, so good, that she wanted more and more. She licked her own lips, and spread her legs more and more, until she wasn't able to. She was so close to her climax... So close to spilling her juices all over the woman's hand. Juri could sense it. Chun li was so close to breaking, she could taste it. Fingering her at a furious pace, Juri was damn determined to get the asian beauty to cum, which would signal the start of her new life. Chun li may deny it and make excuses, but after confessing her love for her and her physical need for her, Chun li was hers now and forever. Chun Li wasn't able to hold in the climax any longer. No matter how much she wanted to deny it and say that she imagined someone else making her cum, it was Juri that was doing it. She let out a loud moan and she wrapped her legs around Juri's body, and felt spasms start to take place as she came... hard. Juices were pouring out of her, lathering Juri's fingers in her juice. She laid her head down on the ground, and then looked at Juri. "That felt... So good..." She said. "But I'm still injured... I can't move." "Heh, don't worry. I've got plenty of energy left." Juri replied, standing up and gathering her clothing, quickly getting dressed before going to Chun li and easily scooping her up bridal style."Now, to get you some new clothes." she said with a devious smile. New clothes? What exactly did that mean? Chun Li was a little uncomfortable that she was going to get new clothes. What if they were clothes that she did not like? Clothes that she didn't want? It wasn't like she could stop Juri. She was too weak, and she wasn't able to win against this woman. "What kind of... Clothes?" She asked, as she relaxed in Juri's arms. "I'm thinking something skimpy. You have a really nice body. You need to show it off more." Juri replied, going through alley's and back streets so noone would see the pair, finally reaching a small clothing store that was close. Though, that didn't stop Juri as she simply kicked the door open and stepped in, setting Chun li gently down. Chun Li didn't want to be showing off her body. She thought that anyone else that wanted to see her body, could spend some time to know her, before she took her clothes off. Or they can do what Juri did. But that wasn't preferred. Chun Li winced as she was set down on the ground, and she put her hand over her cheeks. They were bruised from Juri's attack, a while back. She looked around at some kimonos, trying to find her style. "This will work." said Juri, having found a kimono herself. It look normal enough, till one looked down and saw that the bottom was exceptoinally short, and wouldn't even fully cover up the essentials."Try it on." she said, handing the skimpy outfit to Chun li. This kimono was embarrassing! If she were to put it on, she would barely have her breasts covered by the thing. And her thighs were already showing, so her absence of underwear would be obvious. However, Juri wanted her to put it on, so she sighed as she went into the dressing room and put on the red kimono. She came out with a frown on her face. "It is too skimpy..." She replied. "That the whole point. You have a great body, and you need to show it off." Juri replied, smiling as she looked Chun li up and down, eyes full of lust. Chun Li looked over this kimono again and she turned a little red as she tried to pull the fabric up to cover her breasts. What happened was that instead of the fabric covering her breasts, the kimono moved up and showed off her unclothed pussy. She turned more red and let her breasts hang out instead, looking away. "OOO, just perfect." Juri replied, pulling parts of the fabric a bit to maximize the teasing peeks. Such as pulling the top down a bit so a hint of her nipples were barely shown, and pulling the bottoms up a bit so that her firm ass was peeking out a bit as well. Chun Li's face turned red. "Juri!" She whined, and she pulled her kimono back into a more presentable fashion, along with pulling her pants back down so that her ass looked fine. "Stop doing that." "Come on now. Providing little hints like that will drive the men wild." Juri replied, smiling as she redid the little changes to make the outfit more revealing before grabbing Chun li's hands so she couldn't change it back again."It's not like I'm gonna let those lecherous men rape you or anything. You're mine and I won't let anyone else touch you." she added with that cute yet evil smile of hers. Chun Li couldn't argue with Juri. She was the law maker when it came to these kinds of things. She didn't want to admit it, but she was finally able to agree with her arch rival. That was because her arch rival was her master. Chun Li had came under Juri's fingers, which made her bound to the woman for life. "Don't let anyone else touch me." She said. "Promise." "Cross my heart." Juri replied, withdrawing her hands and drawing an X over her chest with her fingers. Chun Li smiled and then she walked over to Juri, moving onto her knees and putting her hands onto Juri's thighs. "Thank you Juri. I was thinking... What did you want to do? Get something to eat?" "Well, you do seem awfully hungry." Juri replied, grinning down at Chun li. This had worked better than she could have ever hoped. She had expected to have to beat Chun li into submission, but a simple orgasm was all it took to get the woman wrapped tightly around her finger. "I am. Can we please get something to eat?" Chun Li replied, hearing the growling of her stomach and wishing that she could do something for her new lover. Her new master. She couldn't believe that she was agreeing to this, agreeing to being only with Juri, and no one else. "Can we go out to eat?" "Anxious to show off your sexy body in your new outfit, knowing how many lust filled stares you'll get and how I'll keep any hands off of you?" Juri asked with a laugh and big smile. She was obviously having alot of fun with the whole thing. Chun Li turned a little red and she nodded her head as the both of them were starting to walk towards a place to eat. Her kimono was already bringing people to stare at her as she walked. They were able to see her thighs move as she walked, and her ass, moving up and down with her body. She turned red, not used to this kind of attention. Juri was very much enjoying it, smiling as they walked side by side. She was half tempted to duck into an alley and let all these lecherous men have at her. But, she'd save that for later. Doing something like that in a public place would bring too much unwanted attention. Chun Li was about to point out a certain restaurant that the two of them could go to, but then five men came out of nowhere, and pointed guns at Juri's and Chun Li's head. The men laughed, and one of them said, "Hey sexy, give me the girl in the kimono. Don't call the police, and I'll let you go." Juri looked around the men, before yawning and in a blur of movement, all five guns were on pieces on the ground at their feet."You know, if you're gonna make a request like that, you really should show some manners. I might be willing to loan you this hotty for a few hours, if you can ask nicely." she said with a big grin, hand on Chun li's shoulder. All of the men were extremely surprised that she had managed to disarm all of them. Even though they were scared, they still were full of lust. The leader smirked, and he pulled out a few hundred dollar bills. "How much for her? Please?" He asked.Chun Li looked to Juri, and she then broke from Juri's shoulder hold. "No Juri! I am not going to have you lending me out to men!" She replied, putting her hands up in defense. "You said I can only make love to you!" "Yea, but there's plenty of other things they could do to your for fun. You could give them all a BJ. That's not making love, but it will make them feel very good." Juri replied."You could also tit fuck them, give them hand jobs, etc.... There's plenty of non intercourse things you could do to them." she continued. Chun Li wasn't at that sort of stage to where she would hand out her body to anyone. She growled as Juri said this, and she took a step back. "No Juri! What we have is what we have. Im not letting you have other men rape me!" She said, and she started to run away but another man had punched her in the face, and she fell back onto the ground. Other men started to get on top of her, overwhelming her with strength as they ripped at her clothes. Juri just stood and watched for a moment, waiting until they got her naked and were ready to penetrate her. Taking her time, she came over and quite casualy reached into the pile and jerked Chun li out, holding her up over her head with one hand."Now that's not very nice at all." she added, aiming a hard kick to the leaders groin, sending him sliding across the sidwalk a good ways."Since you idiots obviously can't control yourselves around this sexy lady here, she is now off limits. But........." she added with a grin."I'd be willing to have some fun with you so you don't leave with blue balls." she added, still holding Chun li above her head like she was a feather. Chun Li screamed out when her clothes were finally removed and she grabbed onto Juri's hand as she was brought up into the air. "B But Juri!" She yelled out, turning a little red. "You said you were only going to have sex with me." Or at least, that is what she thought. The leader of the gang of men had smirked and then rubbed his hand over his crotch. "Oh so we get to bust a nut inside of you? You little sexy girl?" "Well, I might consider sucking a few of you off, but that'd be all. Certainly not gonna full on bang anyone after you attacked my poor wittle chun li like that." Juri replied, setting Chun li down behind her. The leader raised an eyebrow. "Oh my apologies, I didn't know that you wanted us to be soft with the girl. She must mean a lot to you. We promise that we won't be so rough with her, if you give us another chance with her." He replied, smiling and nodding his head. The other members nodded as well, eager to have the Chinese pussy. "Hmmmm, I don't know." Juri replied, looking back at Chun li."You be willing to fuck them, or at least one? If you do, I promise to give you a very special reward." Juri said, with a big child like smile. She obviously very much wanted to see Chun li getting gang banged to oblivion. Chun Li turned a little red. She couldn't handle the possibility of having one of these men come inside of her. However she would get a reward if she were to fuck at least one of them. She nodded her head and moved in front of Juri, to the leader. She slowly took her kimono off, and then laid back, spreading the lips of her pussy. "Like this, Juri?" "Yes, that's perfect. And I'm sure you might be worried, but I want you to let him cum in you. I promise, it'll feel great if you let him." Juri replied, hands on her hips, prepared to watch the sexy show. Chun Li sighed and then ran her hand through her hair as she looked at the leader, who had let his erect cock out of his pants. "If you want me to..." She said, and she returned her hand to opening up her pussy lips. The leader shoved his cock in, and Chun Li let out a squeal as her hymen was broken, and her virginity started to run down her leg. "It hurts..." She said, as the leader sank his cock in. "Just relax. It'll feel AMAZING soon........" Juri replied, licking her lips as she stood there with the other man, all watching with lecherous smiles as the thug leader violated Chun li. Chun Li was waiting for the amazing part to come in, but as the leader continued to pull his cock out and push it back in, the only thing that happened was a decrease in pain. Nothing felt amazing. Her pussy just felt sore. One of the other gang members looked at Juri, and smirked. "Can you suck me off?" He asked, unzipping his pants. "No thanks, I'm enjoying this show too much. Why not ask miss mammoth tits here to do it?" Juri asked, indeed just watching the hypnotic motion of Chun li's very large breasts bouncing with each thrust. Chun Li turned red when her breasts were complimented, and she then gasped as the gang leader nodded, and got on his knees in front of the girl. The leader turned Chun Li around and started to pound her from behind, while the gang leader shoved his cock into Chun Li's mouth when the girl had opened it from a moan. She was starting to feel good. The pounding of his cock against her walls was making her moan so loudly, and make her about ready to explode. And the more she got into it, the bigger Juri's smile got. She already had control over her. It was now time to start corruping her into the sex slave she wanted. Chun Li had continued to moan and groan as the leader's cock continued to pound against her insides. Being that it was her first time, it didn't take long for her to climax, which was shown by the loud moan that she did, that was muffled by the other member's cock in her mouth. Juri couldn't help but laugh lightly at the sight. The dainty little chun li who was so hesitant about their reltionship, now no better than whore. She was only doing this because Juri told her to. She ran her hands through her hair as she continued to take the man's cock in her mouth, and was pushed forward by the leader's cock. She let out a groan of pain as he pushed past her cervix and kept bumping up into it. She felt tears come to her eyes, and then a warm feeling as the leader came into her body, and the other member came into her mouth.
['Juri', 'Li']
The mission (futent x sasuke_uchiha_uke)
Neji sighed inwardly as he walked besides his 'partner' for this mission. He had been sent with one Uchiha Sasuke on a long term mission in a country far from their home. It had taken over 3 weeks just to travel to this place, and once they had gotten close things had started to get a little....strange. The mission had called for a pair...well....a couple, a male and female couple, unfortunately there had been no suitable Kunoichi available, and so.....well here they were. The two of them were to infiltrate a large gang involved in anything and everything. Drug trafficking, prostitution, slavery, anything and everything, and they were growing all the time, even starting to encroach into the fire country and Konoha itself. They were to find out whatever they could about this gang, and apparently this town was one of their operation hubs.Neji smoothed down the sides of his dress slowly, not looking at Sasuke walking beside him as they neared their destination. Outwardly, Neji was displaying an attitude of anger and hatred at having to do this, deep down however he loved it....truth be told Neji had many articles of womens clothing at home that he loved to wear, he'd even borrowed Hinata's clothing from time to time, the thrill of it appealed so much to him, though it had always been in private, he'd never dressed like this before around other people. Still, it was for the mission, and of the two of them Neji was most definately the one who looked most like a girl. So here he was, wearing a long dress, even the bra and panties to accompany it, the bra padded to give him the appearance of a developing chest."So..." It was the first time Neji had spoken since he had put on the clothing. His voice was somewhat feminine to further enhance the disguise....honestly he'd practised that voice for a long time now when examining himself infront of the mirror. "We should go over our story and our objectives one more time....don't you think?" Sasuke had kept his mouth shut about this whole ordeal, Neji had to wear a dress and he was sure that was humiliating enough, he didn't need to add to it with any snarky comments. Now, if it were Naruto that had to do it then it would be free game, but as it were, he respected Neji enough not to torment him. It was a little confusing for him though, their plan didn't seem to be all that well thought out to be honest, the two of them trying to infiltrate a gang by posing as a couple looking for a good time really didn't seem like a well thought out plan, more like a last minute back up. Without a word, Sasuke had walked beside Neji as they got closer to the town, and couldn't help but give him side long glances. Thy Hyuuga actually lookedreallygood in that outfit, not that he would say that out loud. Neji just had the body figure to fit in the dress, and the long, brown hair added to the effect, not to mention pretty lips... those thoughts were shaken from the Uchiha's head, he didn't need to start thinking that way, not now.The Uchiha glanced up from the other's side and hip to look him in the eyes. Haunting they were, white with an almost purple undertone and a distinct lack of pupils. "That's probably for the best," he agreed with a slight nod and turned his eyes forward again in hopes to not make the other any more uncomfortable then he believed he was. "Our objective is to find a member of the gang, and persuade him or her to spend some time alone with us, at this point we must find a way to get him or her to give us information, most likely with bribes of joining the gang ourselves," 'or with the prospect of sex,' he added a little bitterly. Neji became aware of Sasuke examining him, but tried to ignore it. It was only natural the other boy would be a tad curious after all, especially about the reason Neji made such a convincing girl. Neji wasn't about to admit it was because he'd had a lot of practice though. "Yeah....we need to find a member of their gang with some kind of authority and lure him away....try to get some information from him, try to convince him we can be useful...once we infiltrate them we can find out where their base of operations is and infiltrate it to get the information we need....then burn the place to the ground to set them back....I just hope we don't have to resort to offering.....those kind of services...." It sounded simple enough in theory, but unfortunately plans had a nasty habit of going very wrong very fast, that was why the two of them had been chosen for this mission. In their age group they were pretty much the two most reliable, not to mention the most subtle.After all, Naruto would've charged in all guns blazing, Chouji would've stuck out like a sore thumb, Lee wouldn't have been able to contain himself and Shikamaru almost certainly would've refused on the grounds that going so far would be too much hassle.The two of them were approaching the entrance to the town, Neji smoothing his dress one more time, before slowly holding out his hand. "We need to make it convincing that we're a couple so..." He hesitated for a moment, before quickly taking Sasuke's hand in his own. Despite his secret hobby of crossdressing Neji had never really though about relationships with other men holding Sasuke's hand whilst they walked wasn't easy to do, at least not convincingly, but he buried whatever feelings of discomfort he had and just managed a soft smile as they began to come into view of other people. They only had one chance to make their first impression look convincing after all. Sasuke nodded in agreement, but looked down curiously as his hand was taken. He gave a soft sigh and laced his fingers with the Hyuuga. The people that held his hands now and days were the girls that obsessed over him, and their hands were always sweaty, and he really detested them for getting so close. But with Neji, be it because of the mission or some other reason, he felt no urge to rip his hand away and glare. "The first thing we should do is book a hotel room, we don't know how long this will last and it wouldn't look good for us to be sleeping on the outskirts of the town."Seeing as he was the 'man' at this point, he gently guided Neji into the town, keeping the other close to him to look protective of his girlfriend. "And you should probably come up with a different name." They came across a fairly nice looking hotel, not five star and fancy, but not a roach infested mess of gross. Sasuke lead Neji inside and paid for their stay for the night and took the keys and stuffed them in his pocket. Neji was slightly surprised at how easily Sasuke adjusted to their holding of hands, as if it almost felt natural. Still, there wasn't time to be confused, Neji just nodding slightly as he moved closer to Sasuke, allowing him to give the illusion of protecting his girlfriend....even though this 'girlfriend' was more than capable of protecting 'herself' if the need arose. "Yeah.....we should get just one room....with one bed...otherwise it might make people suspicious..." Of course Neji realised that would mean them only having one bed, and more than likely having to share it. They couldn't risk one of them sleeping on the floor incase of any kind of spying that might be going on."Ah...yeah...a name....I never thought much about that..." Neji slowly glanced away, thinking for a few moments. "I guess....I can just use's the only name that comes to mind..." At least it would be easy to remember aswell, making it much less likely that either of them might forget it. "Alright...we should go up to the room....probably get changed out of our 'travelling clothes' then head into town...try and find someone and arrange a meeting..." Sasuke had taken his partner's advice and gotten a room with one bed. If worse came to worst, he could sleep on the couch and if anybody asked they had fight. He was stupid and called his girlfriend 'fat' or something of the sort. Or they could share a bed, which ever Neji was comfortable with. "Alright Hinata, let's go," he agreed with a nod, feeling strange saying Hinata's name when it was directed at Neji. He made his way up the stairs and found there room. He opened the door with the key and stepped it.The room wasn't amazing, but it was better then it could be. It was better then a rat infested roach motel. "Would you like to take a shower first, Hinata chan," he cooed. No he wasn't teasing, but he would have to get used to calling him that, plus if someonewasspying, it wouldn't do good to have them hear Sasuke call his girlfriend a guys name, or acting different towards 'her.'
['Uchiha', 'Neji', 'Sasuke', 'Hinata']
A new club (Cerberus and HeatherHeart)
Aizen sighed and just rubbed his eyes as he watched Zelman finish off another dancer as a meal. "Really brother. You really have to do this don't you? At this rate we'll never get this place opened. DO you know they want us to fail. It will give them all they need to justify killing us." Zelman sighed and just pushed the dancer aside who was nothing more then a limp body. "You know they wouldn't risk the backlash that would come from it. Sure they wan't to get rid of us but they would also be hurting themselves." Zelman watched his older brother pick up a wine glass and drink down the dark red liquid. "I don't see why you don't just drink what we have stored. It wouldn't kill off our hired work!"The Night Fang was the newest nighttime club in the city and all the hype about it would be lived up to if they ever could get ready to be opened. It was going to have multiple dance levels. Private rooms, an indoor pool and jacuzzi and working bars. Zelman looked to the line outside and just nodded to the bouncers. "Let them in. Free drinks for the opening night!" Zelman laughed after disposing of the body and heading down to enjoy the party. Aizen on the other hand just stayed on the VIP level watching as the crowd filled up. Jessica was excited to experience Night Fang. She had heard nothing but great press about it and was thrilled to be near the front of the line on opening night, waiting to be let in. She looked over at her friend Belle and smiled a large smile. "This is going to be the best!" she declared.The large bouncer stood just in front of her, his muscles rippling and bunching up his tight shirt. They had obviously hired the best for this club! She wasn't about to try anything with him!Her husband Roger was out of the country filming a movie and she had been aching for a night out on the town to let her stress out and get admired by some men. When Belle had mentioned that it was opening night for Night Fang, it only took her a moment to agree and begin to get dress. Standing now in her favorite shimmering red dress that hugged her curves and showed off her deep, plunging cleavage, she was getting impatient to get into the music and the drinks.Finally, the bouncer lifted the divider and stepped aside, allowing the crowd into the club. Jessica bounced in on her high heels, tugging Belle along by the hand, as they first went to the bar for a Sex on the Beach each, and then found their way onto the dance floor.. soon, the drinks and the music were blending together in them as they went more and more wild, letting out all of their anxieties and worries, finding freedom in the dance. Ilya watched Jessica waited till she caught up with Belle, moving closer and brushing a hand along her legs but to her and others it would just seem like the wind. Ilya watched her and grinned abit. he couldn't be seen or heard, only felt.. He laughed to himself and followed Daphne and her friends keeping nearby. At any chance he'd get he'd take a quick hand up the back of her legs and over her rear before moving on and watching her reactions to what he did. but certainly there were no other people around who would do such a thing.Ilya had to think of something. He wanted this girl for himself and needed to find a way to separate her from everyone else. He thought about it for a second but then nodded and moved behind her before whispering for her to get up a check a noise in the viewing lounge of the club. He then reached into his pack and pulled out a small round device and turned it on. the sound it made was like that of a music box. He then tossed it over into the lounge and waited for her to go and investigate the music. While Jessica dance with Belle, her arms flying through the air as her hips bucked and her body almost vibrated to the music, she barely noticed the draft that shifted her dress, tickled her thighs.. she was lost in the rhythms and in dancing with her beautiful friend. She was finishing off another drink, smiling and winking at Belle and admiring the beautiful men in the crowd while trying not to think of her beloved Roger when it suddenly occurred to her that she needed to check out that sound in the viewing lounge.The soft tinkling shouldn't have been able to be heard over the music, but she could hear it perfectly. It rang in her eyes and echoed in her mind.. it fascinated her, the gentle melody of an jewelry box left opened. Curiosity overwhelmed her, and she made a walking motion with her hands to Belle to show that she would be back, and then broke off from the dancing and pushed her way through the large, dancing crowd of people. Pulling her thick, red hair back over her shoulders, she managed to make it off of the dance floor and was almost gasping for breath, and still the music played in her ears.Balanced carefully on her heels, a bit unsteady from her drinking, she ducked under the rope separating the Viewing lounge and stepped into it, looking around uncertainly for the source of the music, chewing her bright red bottom lip as she searched. The music was something sweet and haunting. lulling its victim into a false sense of security and ease. Iliya watched as Jessica came into the viewing lounge and the music took control of her. "So they are susceptible to it." He licked his lips watching her and moving up behind her.. There were hands on her hips. Warm, sleek hands sliding first up her hour glass shape before settling onto hips, drawing the anxious woman up into a Hold. His hands rose up to cup around a plump breast, Fingers pressuring the sides. a hand falling off her breasts and down her smooth stomach, finger tipsbrushing at her silky pantyhose. Cerberus said: The music was something sweet and haunting. lulling its victim into a false sense of security and ease. Iliya watched as Jessica came into the viewing lounge and the music took control of her. "So they are susceptible to it." He licked his lips watching her and moving up behind her.. There were hands on her hips. Warm, sleek hands sliding first up her hour glass shape before settling onto hips, drawing the anxious woman up into a Hold. His hands rose up to cup around a plump breast, Fingers pressuring the sides. a hand falling off her breasts and down her smooth stomach, finger tipsbrushing at her silky pantyhose. Click to expand... As Jessica neared the music box, she gasped at the sad, beautiful sounds coming from it and felt locked into place. All she could do was think of the music, focus on it.. as if her entire life depended on hearing just.. one... more.. note..She was only partially aware of the being coming up behind her.. the hands touching her hips, caressing her and sliding up and down her soft body, along her glistening red dress.. her breath came quickly as her stomach warmed and she felt herself becoming more and more aroused, her skin tingling as his hand moved up to brush against her breast..It was the most incredibly feeling, amplified by the music, and her nipple instantly stiffened under the hand cradling her breast, strong fingers pressing into it.. and then the hand was gone from her breast, sliding down a stomach dancing with need and desire.. and then just gently teasing her pantyhose that covered a quivering, damp mound.. she had no thoughts of her husband Roger in her head.. she was in a trance, entirely lost in her own bodies growing desires and the strange sensations that seemed to come from no where.. The strong hands whirled her around to face her molester, but in the haze and strong inscence Cause by the music there would of been no one to anyone she wanted to see. One hand fondled the firm buttocks and distantly she heard a zipper almost popping its seams as it was yanked down so quickly. He pulled her body close, the heat rising unbearably, melding their slippery hides together as one in passion. The male squeezed her rump and made her wiggle for him it made him groan in joy, her swelling womanhood making his hard on ache at full salute. He watched her and ran his hands down along her sides before resting his hands on her hips. He smiled and kissed her neck. "Now tell me who do you belong to hmm?" he slowly slid a hand down along her legs before moving his hand in between her thighs. slowly her ran his fingers over her pussy. He watched her reactions before he slowly slid his fingers into her. his other hand moved up along her chest and moved over her breasts giving them a nice squeeze as he played with her... "Whom do you belong to?" He watched her waiting for her answer. She was spun around easily to be face to face with the man who held her in place, but she was unable to put a name to the face.. he was no one she had seen before, and didn't seem like anyone she'd ever recognize again..she felt her zipper of her dress being tugged down roughly and gasped, her sweaty skin pressing into his as he grabbed her rear and squeezed it tightly, making her body shove harder into his as her eyes rolled back in passionate desire..her mound drenched and eager as she was enraptured by the man teasing her.He asked her who she belonged to, and she couldn't think.. his hand dipped down between her legs and his finger played against her drenched slit, making her cry out as he pressed a finger deep inside, asking her again.. and again..And she wanted to yield, to give totally, but her voice said weakly, "I b belong to R Roger.." Ilya watched as she obeyed him and he thrust his finger deeper into her wet cunt. he watched her and for just a second his eyes glowed red as he was pulling her deeper into his charm. He smiled and kissed her deeply before he pulled away and licked along her neck. He kept fingering her for abit before he slowly pulled his finger out of her and unzipped his pants and rubbed his stiff dick against her thighs."I bet you want to be relieved don't you my good girl?" He smiled and pressed up against her. "Then know this my pet, You belong to me. You do as I tell you to without hesitation. You will dress how I want you to and will do everything in your power to please your master. Failure to do so will end up in your master being upset and you being punished for your failure and i don't want to have to punish you many times. so learn to obey your master. is that understood?" Cerberus said: Ilya watched as she obeyed him and he thrust his finger deeper into her wet cunt. he watched her and for just a second his eyes glowed red as he was pulling her deeper into his charm. He smiled and kissed her deeply before he pulled away and licked along her neck. He kept fingering her for abit before he slowly pulled his finger out of her and unzipped his pants and rubbed his stiff dick against her thighs. "I bet you want to be relieved don't you my good girl?" He smiled and pressed up against her. "Then know this my pet, You belong to me. You do as I tell you to without hesitation. You will dress how I want you to and will do everything in your power to please your master. Failure to do so will end up in your master being upset and you being punished for your failure and i don't want to have to punish you many times. so learn to obey your master. is that understood?" Click to expand... Jessica could do nothing more than to stare into his eyes, flashing red as they sucked her in, and she moaned out as his finger slid deeper into her, curling and causing her entire body to shudder in response.. he licked her neck, and then slid his finger out and replaced it with his hard cock, big and hot against her soft thighs..She listened as he said she wanted to be relieved.. and she did, desperately. She had never felt the need for an orgasm stronger.. she continued to listen as he said she would do what she was told without hesitation, dress as told do everything to please her master.. and she shuddered, her legs spreading apart and cool air from the nightclub hitting her dripping slit.. she heard as he said that her failure would be her master getting angry and her getting punished.. and she understood...When he asked her if she did, she nodded blankly as her fingers curled into fists, her eyes closed and her breath coming in pants.. "Yes.. Master.." she managed to moan out.. Ilya nodded and watched Jessica for abit as he rubbed his cock against her thighs then slowly pulled down her pantyhose and pushed his way into her. He smiled and held onto her as he kept pushing against her. his hands roamed along her body before wrapping around her. "Tell me my pet, your deepest darkest Fantasies. Tell your master how you want to be played with and how you'll dress for him." He spun her around so that she was pressed against the wall and he slid back into her and pushed harder and faster. He grinned and nibbled on her neck as his hand came down and gave her ass a swat. "Tell me how you want your master to play with his pet."He kept pushing against her harder and harder pinning her against the wall as he drove hid dick deeper and deeper into her wet folds as he leaned in closer and kissed along her neck. His hands gripping onto her waist as he began to push himself in and slowly drag himself out. Licking along her neck he whispered into her ears. "You are mine now and always, your body a toy for my dick,isnt that right?" lightly laughing he watched her as he slowly pushed in and out of her, taking his time enjoying her as he would pull out almost all the way and feel her gripping him before he would turn and push back in as hard as he could. His hands moved swiftly over her body,reaching into her top to play around with her breasts squeezing them and pinching her nipples between his fingers. Cerberus said: Ilya nodded and watched Jessica for abit as he rubbed his cock against her thighs then slowly pulled down her pantyhose and pushed his way into her. He smiled and held onto her as he kept pushing against her. his hands roamed along her body before wrapping around her. "Tell me my pet, your deepest darkest Fantasies. Tell your master how you want to be played with and how you'll dress for him." He spun her around so that she was pressed against the wall and he slid back into her and pushed harder and faster. He grinned and nibbled on her neck as his hand came down and gave her ass a swat. "Tell me how you want your master to play with his pet." He kept pushing against her harder and harder pinning her against the wall as he drove hid dick deeper and deeper into her wet folds as he leaned in closer and kissed along her neck. His hands gripping onto her waist as he began to push himself in and slowly drag himself out. Licking along her neck he whispered into her ears. "You are mine now and always, your body a toy for my dick,isnt that right?" lightly laughing he watched her as he slowly pushed in and out of her, taking his time enjoying her as he would pull out almost all the way and feel her gripping him before he would turn and push back in as hard as he could. His hands moved swiftly over her body,reaching into her top to play around with her breasts squeezing them and pinching her nipples between his fingers. Click to expand... Jessica's body trembled, her eyes half closed as she panted harder for breath, slight moans escaping from her lips as he pressed his hard, throbbing cock deep inside of her, making her coo as he pressed her back, shoving into her over and over, telling her to share her deepest fantasies.. things she had never shared with anyone.. and she moaned out, "Ooh.. fuck me, use me, abuse me.. rape me, tie me up, make me your pet, your dog.." She couldn't believe she was admitting these desires, but she didn't care for long as he shoved into her once again roughly, stealing her breath and any thoughts she had..She nodded, moaning, "God yes" as he said that she was his, a toy for his dick. teasing her with slow, deliberate movements that kept her on the edge.. but never quite giving her release, and she moaned loudly in desperation as she bucked her hips at his cock, trying to take it deeper, harder, faster.. his fingers playing with her breasts and nipples, making her throw her head back, long red hair trailing down to the swell of her butt, moaning and begging, "Yes, yours, yes.. god please.. please let me cum.." lliya looked at Jessica and grinned as he kept pushing at her,squeezing her breasts in his hands as he was good and hard in her. He licked along her neck and gently bit her ear as he dragged himself out of her and rubbed his dick against the back of her thighs and ass before he started to release himself on her. He groaned as he shot out on her letting the hot sticky fluid land all over her ass and thighs. He licked his lips watching it land upon her and stick to her giving her a light sheen to her body, Once he was done he stepped back to admire her. He grinned licking his lips and tilting his head as he gave her rear a playful swat. he then moved and pinned her. "And how would my pet plan to give me more of a release hmm? Tell me what you plan to do and perhaps I will consider taking it into action my little whore." He grinned watching her, starting to enjoy calling her by dirty and degrading names. Cerberus said: lliya looked at Jessica and grinned as he kept pushing at her,squeezing her breasts in his hands as he was good and hard in her. He licked along her neck and gently bit her ear as he dragged himself out of her and rubbed his dick against the back of her thighs and ass before he started to release himself on her. He groaned as he shot out on her letting the hot sticky fluid land all over her ass and thighs. He licked his lips watching it land upon her and stick to her giving her a light sheen to her body, Once he was done he stepped back to admire her. He grinned licking his lips and tilting his head as he gave her rear a playful swat. he then moved and pinned her. "And how would my pet plan to give me more of a release hmm? Tell me what you plan to do and perhaps I will consider taking it into action my little whore." He grinned watching her, starting to enjoy calling her by dirty and degrading names. Click to expand... Jessica cried out as he slid out of her, her knees trembling as he shot himself out onto her soft, tender skin. She couldn't even bring herself to wipe it off of her skin.. instead, she just stood there, trembling, feeling empty and desperate to be filled again, as he smacked her ass, making her squeal as he pushed her back against the wall, overpowering her.. calling her a little whore as he asked how she could give more of a release.. and she opened her mouth, finding herself responding, flushing at the humiliating words.. "I could suck you off.. take you in my mouth, slide it in and out, suck and love on it.. let it slide between my breasts. anything that you want.." She was so desperate to cum she couldn't even think anymore.. function.. she was purely sexual.. Iliya watched Jessica and looked at her and licked his lips. "I want you kneeling, begging for your master to tie up his pet and have his way with his pet. That you are here only to serve your master and know only how to serve and please your master. Now tell me about the dress you have on and how you look and feel in it.,Then my pet tell me all the ways I can tie you in that outfit and all the ways I can fuck you while your tied. Do as you were told my pet and you may just get to have your master's hands all over you." He grinned and watched Jessica and made her kneel in front of him on her knees as she tried to please him with her words. His eyes traveled over her body over over the lovely dress and how it hung to her every curve. As the strange man licked his lips, Jessica moaned and kneeled down in front of him as she was told, her thick red lips only inches from his cock, and her eyes were locked onto it longingly as she parted her lips, running her tongue along it, shivering as she moaned out, "P please... please Master..let me.. let me me tied up.. take me and have your way with.. with me.." Id she had been more capable she would have been shocked at what she was saying, but she was desperate and willing to do anything for just.. some.. release.."I.. I only know how to pleasure and please My Master.. serve him... I love my.. red dress.. it makes me feel sexy and powerful, to be so alluring.. so many people looking at me..but you can tie me up in it, bound my hands and feet, tie me up, hang me from the ceiling, fuck me from behind, in my mouth, my.. butt.. Her eyes locked onto his cock the entire time, unable to consider anything other than his long, hard shaft separating her folds again, driving deep into her tunnel, and making her shake and scream out in ecstacy. Nothing existed.. no club or anything.. except that beautiful cock. Iliya watched Jessica and grinned. The charm was in control of her right now but with time and proper training she would be a good slave and blood doll for him. He grinned and let her suck on his cock for a while before he released inside her mouth. Once he was done he pulled her up to face him and grinned. "Now your master feels hungry my pet." He let his fangs grow before biting down upon her neck. there would be the first momentary shock and pain of the fangs piercing through the skin but once he got his fangs in and they brushed against the right nerves the pain would of been replaced with wave upon wave of pleasure.Holding onto Jessica as he fed he let his hands wander along her body, giving her breasts a playful squeeze. Since his mouth was occupied he spoke directly into her mind. Jessica sucked eagerly on the cock in front of her, happily betraying her husband in pure desperation, without even thinking about what she was doing.. why she was doing it.. she was fully entranced, entirely needy.. and then she felt the cock in her mouth swell and grow even more before it finally spurted, and she swallowed quickly, gagging on it, her red lips wrapped tight around his cock as bits of sperm spilled out from her lips.Before she knew what was happening, and while she was still trying to swallow the thick, bitter cum he pulled her up. He talked about how he was hungry, and she thought perhaps he would want some food, but then there was a sharp, overpowering pain in her neck and she cried out, pushing against his shoulders instinctually, but then she moaned and cried out again, drowning in pleasures as her knees trembled and she orgasmed over and over, her blood flowing into the strangers mouth, an orgasmic weakness flowing over her.. His hands ran along her helpless, trembling body as his mind burned into hers..and she nodded weakly as she instantly and without and doubt knew she would never be without pantyhose or stockings again. Iliya watched Jessica and grinned as her blood had a rich exotic flavor to it He slowly withdrew his fangs from her body before he kissed ehr neck, the wound sealing up. He smiled and looked her over before gently taking her by the hand. slowly the charm would wear away but still she knew that she was his now. That he was her master and she was his life. that she now revolved around him and would do what ever he wanted her to no matter what it was. He brought her back into the club. "Enjoy the night my pet it is still young. but when day draws near, return to this door and wait for your master to come and get you." He smiled and gave her breasts another squeeze before he walked into the door and shut it behind her.Now no doubt her friend Belle would be wondering what was all going on and where she had gone. Aizen looked at his brother and shook his head. "You know what will happen. SOMEONE will investigate and then you'll have the elders all over this place wanting our heads." Iliya just shook his head. "Relax dear brother and feed, or perhaps spend some time with the girls down there.. You need to just relax." Cerberus said: Iliya watched Jessica and grinned as her blood had a rich exotic flavor to it He slowly withdrew his fangs from her body before he kissed ehr neck, the wound sealing up. He smiled and looked her over before gently taking her by the hand. slowly the charm would wear away but still she knew that she was his now. That he was her master and she was his life. that she now revolved around him and would do what ever he wanted her to no matter what it was. He brought her back into the club. "Enjoy the night my pet it is still young. but when day draws near, return to this door and wait for your master to come and get you." He smiled and gave her breasts another squeeze before he walked into the door and shut it behind her. Now no doubt her friend Belle would be wondering what was all going on and where she had gone. Aizen looked at his brother and shook his head. "You know what will happen. SOMEONE will investigate and then you'll have the elders all over this place wanting our heads." Iliya just shook his head. "Relax dear brother and feed, or perhaps spend some time with the girls down there.. You need to just relax." Click to expand... Jessica was in a daze as she found herself standing in the club again..her thoughts were becoming less clouded, but she still found herself thinking about the man in the viewing lounge, and she blushed as she felt the dampness on her thighs, the thin trickle of semen on her chin and she wiped it away quickly. She found Belle still dancing and joined her, reassuring her repeatedly that all was okay.She lost herself in the music more than she ever had before, her mind wandering as she drank, and drank, and drank as if she could never satisfy her thirst.. The night seemed to last forever, but finally dawn approached and Belle wanted to go back home. Jessica shook her head, however, and yelled at her, "No, I want to get to the bathroom. You go ahead and I'll call you tomorrow!" It took some reassuring, but finally Belle went on her way and Jessica found herself limping on sore feet, her heels almost worn down from dancing so much, and she stood in front of the door to the viewing lounge as the last people trickled out of the club and went home in various stages of lust and drunkenness. She felt ridiculous and exposed as she stood there, but still she didn't move, waiting for the door to open. The door opened seemingly by itself and as she walked in a few others just looked at Jessica as she made her way down the hall. Soon she would of been at the top of the Viewing lounge. Aizen looked at her and sighed shaking his head. "Brother, Your little toy is here." He got up and walked past her down another set of stairs before dissapearing. Iliya walked into the room and looked at Jessica and smiled. "Ah so good of you to come my pet." He smiled and looked her over, she did look strikingly beautiful in her long red dress and heels which made her legs look even better. In that chest by the wall should have some cloths, get dressed, silk and short and then come over here and relax beside your master." Cerberus said: The door opened seemingly by itself and as she walked in a few others just looked at Jessica as she made her way down the hall. Soon she would of been at the top of the Viewing lounge. Aizen looked at her and sighed shaking his head. "Brother, Your little toy is here." He got up and walked past her down another set of stairs before dissapearing. Iliya walked into the room and looked at Jessica and smiled. "Ah so good of you to come my pet." He smiled and looked her over, she did look strikingly beautiful in her long red dress and heels which made her legs look even better. In that chest by the wall should have some cloths, get dressed, silk and short and then come over here and relax beside your master." Click to expand... Jessica stepped past the door, confused at what shew was doing.. others were in the hallway and watched her as she passed along them, and she knew their heads were turning to track her movement. She normally would have been embarrassed, but she sucked up her courage and continued walking. She finally entered the main section of the Viewing Lounge and saw Iliya there, smiling as he looked at her. She flushed as he took in a long look at her, and then he pointed at the wall and she saw a chest there. He told her to get dressed in something silky and short and then go to be beside.. her Master.. She didn't want to change her clothes, she didn't want to think of the man as her Master.. but still she found herself walking over and bending down to open the chest. She found a silver, shimmering silk dress in there.. but she hesitated to call it a dress. The neckline plunged almost to her belly button.. the hem was barely able to cover the cheeks of her butt. That and a pair of hose in her size were pulled out of the chest before she closed it again.. she stripped off her beloved red dress, letting it fall to the floor along with her running hose and stepped carefully into her new outfit, aware of how her flesh is just barely even covered. The dark circles of her nipples even peeked out from the top of the neckline.Blushing, tugging at the skirt to keep herself covered, she clicked in her red heels over to her.. her Master.. and knelt down on the floor next to him, her feet curling behind her, and she looked up with a mixture of fear, confusion, and lust in her eyes. Iliya looked at Jessica and smiled licking his lips. "As you may realize now my pet, I am a vampire, yes we are real and not just some story from a movie. We are real." He grinned and licked his lips watching her. "Now, as for you. You are my blood doll. You provide me with food and what ever else I want, and I provide you with what ever money or needs that you may want to keep yourself happy and entertained during the day time hours. Now if you want you may stay or you may head back to your home. But know when the nighttime comes, you are to come here to be with your master."
['Aizen', 'Zelman']
Changes in the family (futent x shadoweclipse)
Karin Kurosaki rubbed her head as she entered the house, thinking it was empty since the door was locked and there were no shoes in the hallway. " head..." Karin wasn't sure what had happened really, but figured she had dozed off in the park. She had been sat on a bench, and then suddenly it got cold...then there was some kind of had been invisible at first, but when it grabbed her it had slowly become visible. What happened after that was something of a blur, and Karin shivered as she remembered, the nightmare coming back into her mind. The creature had raped her, buried itself deep within her and released a thick fluid inside of her body....but then she had woken up, her clothes intact, her body not in any pain and she had still been sat on the bench. Still, ever since she'd gotten up to walk home Karin hadn't felt right.She had a headache, her chest felt tight and there was an odd...ache...between her legs. It wasn't arousal, nor was it pain, but the 13 year old girl had no idea just what it was. The best way she could describe it was a feeling that something inside her was trying to get out.With another sigh, Karin went upstairs to her bedroom, leaving the door halfway open, dropping her bag and jacket on the floor and wincing slightly, a hand going to cup her crotch as the ache got worse. "Damnit....stupid nightmare..." As she held herself, she could feel a slight swelling inside her shorts. "Hm?" Karin slowly unzipped her fly, then opened the shorts slightly, gasping as she saw a bulge in her panties."What the hell....?" Karin hooked her fingers into her panties, tugging them away slightly, then let out a sharp scream at what she saw. Her clitoris was rather swollen, but it also looked different. It looked more like the head of an erect penis from those sex education videos they'd seen at school. "Oh god..." Karin quickly let go of her panties, then winced again as the ache increased. "N no!" She grasped her crotch, trying to hold it in, but she felt the swelling growing, pushing out, stretching her panties. "N NO! NO NO NO NO NO!" The swelling just kept on growing though, pushing Karin's panties out by about 5 inches before it stopped. When Karin looked down, her panties had slipped off her new 5 inch long cock, rock hard and visibly throbbing. "Oh god its.....this can't be happening...."Karin swallowed nervously, staring at it, then glancing around. "What do I do? Yuzu will be home soon....I...I gotta figure something out....but....I gotta get this thing down....I gotta make it go down somehow..." Karin thought quickly, recalling conversations she'd overheard the boys discussing at school. A conversation about 'jacking off' came to mind....boys discussing how they got rid of erections that just popped up sometimes. "Ok....ok I can do this...." Slowly, Karin reached down and wrapped her delicate fingers around the new cock, gasping as tingles of pleasure shot through her, pre cum immediately forming at the tip as the foreskin slowly slid back, fully exposing the head of her cock. "I can't believe I'm doing this......" With a nervous gulp, Karin started to slide her hand slowly back and forth as she sat on the bed, letting out soft grunts of pleasure as she kept up the slow pace on her new cock, trying to ignore the odd tightness in her chest. Ichigo was walking around outside. He had spent all day training and fighting off the few weak hollows who would show up. It was finally a time where he was alone and could relax. He enjoyed his friends but being a loner caused him to need solitary walks every now and then. Rukia was over at Urahara's shop for the night. He never bothered for their long boring talks, his duties as a soul reaper would be over as soon as Rukia got her powers back he thought.He was still learning everything but sensing spiritual pressure was always dull. However, he did pick up on a weak trail leading from the park. He tried his best to follow it but at a casual pace, even if there was an active hollow he was long gone by now. He noticed it was weird when the trail led right to his house. His father was out for the night and his younger sister was spending the night at a friends house. His need to protect his sisters was an uncontrollable urge he had.When he go to the house he tried to stay quiet as he entered the house. He had a piece of soul candy in his hand ready to take as the trail did come into his house. Karin's shoes were hastily thrown on the floor and she was already in her room despite it still being fairly early in the night. As he got closer to her room he could hear her grunts as the rest of the house was silent. He did not want to make a scene but he needed to check on her as he pushed the door open a bit.The sight he got was one to behold. His tomboyish preteen sister had he pants and panties kicked off as she laid on the bed with her small young hands rubbing a fresh looking cock as it pulsed and throbbed to the touch. He could not look away as he knew that this was not normal having seen Karin nude accidentally before. Not only was it a surprise, but it was also very sexy looking. Karin didn't hear her brother enter the house, or even come up the stairs. She was so engrossed in what she was doing she wouldn't have noticed if he actually entered the room, let alone that he was watching through the partially open door. "Nnnngh...ooooh..." Karin was moaning in pleasure as her hand began to pump her cock faster, pre cum dripping from the tip to the floor. Beneath her cock her pussy was starting to grow hot and damp aswell, but right now her hands were entirely focused on the cock, trying to get it down."C come good....b but....c come on....hurry up...." Karin squeezed her cock a little tighter, gasping as more pleasure shot through her, hand now moving as fast as she could. Then she felt it, something bubbling inside of her, before suddenly she felt something travelling up her cock, a slight grin coming to her face as she realised she was finally about to cum. "O ok....." With a pant, then a loud moan of pleasure, Karin's cock twitched and suddenly began to spurt.The first shot of thick, creamy white cum shot right across the room, splattering across the opposite wall. The next shot, even larger than the first, splattered across Yuzu's bed, before the next few spurts squirted all over the floor infront of Karin, the small girl pumping out about 2 litres of cum before she was done. Despite that however, her 5 inch hard on remained between her legs, Karin letting out a gasp as she looked at it throb. "Wh why is it still hard?! Oh god why wont it go down?! I can't let anyone see me like this....I...I have to do something!" Clearly she was beginning to get hysterical. Normally Karin was the calm one, but this....well....something like this was bound to affect even her... By this point Ichigo had completely forgotten why he had decided to look into the room anyway. Having seen no signs of hollows around he was totally engrossed into watching his preteen sister inspect her new growth. Obviously it had worked fine as she shot out a huge load all over her own room, both a mess and smell that would stain that room for some time.Unsure of what provoked him but he opened to door all the way and walked into her room grinning. "What if someone already has seen you like this?" He said as he stepped closer to her while he hand still gripped and stroked her pulsing member which may have been even harder now then it was before even after such a large load. For some reason Ichigo also felt extremely attracted to the throbbing rod but still held back from grabbing or rubbing it, he wanted to tease her a bit more before the fun began. Karin suddenly looked up when the door opened, gasping as Ichigo strolled in, walking in whilst she still had a firm grip on her new cock. "I Ichigo...?" She gasped and quickly turned her back on him, shaking her head. "Get out! Get out! Don't look at me!!" She was clearly scared, a rare thing for her. "I don't know why I have it...I...I just want to get rid of it!"Karin bit her lip as her cock twitched, clearly still craving attention. At the same time, her pussy was becoming hotter and wetter by the second, her juices starting to run down her thighs as her legs shook. "P please don't tell anyone Ichigo....please....I'll do anything just please don't tell anyone" Ichigo stepped closer to her as he looked at her cute little butt as she shyed away from him. There was obviously nothing she could do to get him to stop whatever his plans were. "Dont worry I am not going to tell anyone. Actually I came in here to help you, I watched you and you dont really know how to use it do you?" He asked in a semi taunting voice. By this point he was almost right next to her. He wrapped his hand around her and rubbed her cock head with his thumb. He eventually slide is hand down her cock letting her feel the sensation of another persons hand touching her. He slid down further and hit her base. He then let his middle finger reach under her and rub her dripping pussy. He knew that even if she had started masturbating at this point in her life, she had very few chances to do it so the sensation still felt new to her. As he held her against him without saying a word he pushed his finger as far as he could inside her tight little pussy. Karin felt him moving closer to her, but she couldn't do anything. Hearing him reassure her that he wasn't going to tell anybody did make her feel a little better...but when he spoke about helping her...? She blinked in confusion, then winced at his next comment. It was true she didn't know how to use it....sure she knew about sex, but that didn't mean she knew all about how to please a man, or at least please a cock. When his hand reached around her she let out a squeak, feeling his thumb rubbing over her cock, before it eventually forced her own hand away, Ichigo's strong hand wrapping completely around her cock, which twitched and throbbed in his hand, seeming to grow a little harder under his touch, a long drawn out moan escaping Karin's lips as his hand moved. "Nnnngh!" She groaned, closing her eyes when she felt his finger against her pussy. She'd...experimented before with her fingers, but to feel someone else doing it....especially someone with larger fingers than felt so much better. She let out a cry as his finger pushed inside of her, nearly losing her balance. Her pussy was tight around his finger, but she was so wet it allowed him to slide his finger quite far inside. "O oh god....oh's so good..." Karin leaned back against him to keep her balance, her bare tight ass accidentally grinding against her brothers still pants covered crotch. He had never seen either one of his sisters as sexual objects, or would even call them sexy. Not to say they wernt pretty, they were just his sisters. Now however, Karin was the sexiest thing he had ever seen in his life. He continued to work his finger in and out of her pussy as he could feel her wet juices dripping out. His hand would bump and tease her stiff cock. He took his other hand and began to rub and squeeze on her small developing boobs. He held her close to his body and he felt her sweet little ass pressing on his rock hard cock. He began to grind his cock up and down his sisters ass as he looked down at her squirming body while he pleasured her. Karin let out another moan as Ichigo suddenly grasped her developing breasts through her shirt and bra, her hard nipples digging into his palms. They felt much more sensitive than usual, the tightness in Karin's chest starting to build once again as her cock started throbbing in her brothers hand. "Oooooooh....I's's gonna cum again...." She panted heavily, starting to hunch over as she began to lose her balance, the pre cum now pouring from the tip of her cock.
Go Ask Alice (Gray and Candira)
The stars were shining bright and the moon was full as Alice stepped out of the Halloween party she'd been invited too. She'd taken a few shots that night and just needed to get out of the house that was just teeming with people. Her blonde hair was pulled into a half up do with a blue ribbon that matched her little dress. Golden curls spilled onto her shoulders and the tiny blue excuse for a costume she wore.Her sexy body was shown off to its full advantage, her long shapely legs encased in white stockings. She wore heeled mary janes and her Alice in Wonderland costume. It was quite short with stiff white lining beneath to hold it out from her body. There was lace as well. Beneath it she wore white lacy panties. The top was a corset with a white peasant top that barely hid her full, firm breasts from the world. Over the blue outfit was a french maid apron. Needless to say, many people were trying to dance with her inside. Not that she minded of course. She just wanted some air.Not to mention that the shots were beginning to take their effect. From the balcony where Alice stood, there was a flash of silver light deep in the woods bordering the house host to the Halloween party the young woman was attending. For a moment longer, the night was still and quite, the gentle breeze that had been lilting through the trees even seeming to die down to less then a whisper. Then again, another flash of silver light, this once closer then the last. The night air seemed almost to be holding it's breathe, a quite tension building across the surface of the night sky. Then, with a sudden burst of movement, a small white form burst from the brush, accompanied by yet a third gleam of silver, though now it could be seen more clearly as not simply a light, but a reflection of such from the house open the silvery metal of a small pocket watch."Oh dear, oh dear oh dear."At least, that was how the story would have gone. The truth however, was a little less.. Mundane. Darting across the grassy field of the house, a rabbit, sleek and white in the moonlight made it's way toward Alice, not seeming to notice her as a trail of unintelligible curses ran from his mouth. He seemed not to even be aware of the house till he was practically upon it, pausing in front of the door Alice had stepped out of and twitching his nose, as if trying to remember where to go. After a moments pause, he hurried off again, making towards a copse of thick trees to the left of where she stood. In all this time, he seemed not to even be aware of the womans presence, and truly, it might have been shrugged off as a dream, a hallucination of too much drink.But then, why was there a small silver pocket watch lying upon the grass, precisely where the rabbit had made his pause? Clearly she was smashed. The rabbit that ran past could talk...What the Hell? She took a few steps toward the spot it had just been eloquently swearing up a storm and saw a silver pocket watch. Though it was unlike any watch she'd ever seen. confused, and a little tipsy, the blonde walked after the creature, jogging a little, which was quite a feat in her heels and with no real support to her large breasts. She caught a glimpse of the creature here and there once she was in the wooded area. She slipped the watch into the pocket of her tiny apron and looked around for the little white thing, not really paying much attention to where she was going. Indecently, it was quite dark in the forest she so rashly decided to go traipsing through. Thick branches overhead made even the bright light of the moon practically null. This combined with the heavy layer of brush upon the ground made it quite difficult indeed to venture very quickly forward. Smashed as she was, Alice might have been able to get the slight feeling she was being watched, for, as it were, she was.A secondary effect of the poor lighting however, was that she could not possibly see the hole in the ground until she was directly above it. That is, until she was quite beyond hope of not falling in. Covered with what seemed like years of overgrowth, thick thorny vines ringed the wide hole, just large enough for a person of Alice's size to fall through, not however, without catching bits of her dress on the thorns edges, tearing large holes in her already revealing garb. As she fell, the faint sound of the rabbit, still cursing away, could be herd from further down the hole, which seemed to go on for quite some time. Alice staggered along the path, partly from her now much slower reflexes, and partly from the unlevel terrain and her slightly dulled senses. She was a little afraid of what was happening at this point. Perhaps she ought not to have wandered in all alone like this, but even if she could see to turn around, she was thoroughly disoriented. She began to feel as though she were being watched, and started to walk a little faster.This was a mistake.Before she knew what was happening, the curious blonde was careening through the air down a hole. She screamed and heard something rip no doubt it was her tiny costume. She could now feel a bit more air rushing past her chest and her skirt had a few holes and was a bit more ragged as well. how bad the rest of the damage was was incredibly difficult to tell.Her ears picked up on what sounded like cursing as she fell for what felt like an eternity and her hands grasped in vain for anything to keep her from reaching the inevitable end of this terrifying ride. Down.Down.Down she went, the hole opening up to be quite wide after a moment, to wide, in fact, to reach the walls and attempt to slow her decent. Just when it seemed as though the falling would be endless. There was a sharp rush of air, and it billowed up her skirt, sending her spinning but also slowly her fall down to hardly more then a gentle walk. Far below her, the ground was approaching. Curiously enough, instead of the earth and dirt one would expect down this far below the surface, it seemed to be marble. Red and black squares of marble in a small room with an unlit fireplace and ornate chairs sitting in no particular order about the room. There was also a couch near a small door, with what looked like a fur blanket stretched across it.As she was deposited upon the ground, the small door shut with a boom, the same instant she was alighted upon the cold marble floor. a rick red light filled the room, through it's source seemed to be lacking. And through it, Alice could see the extent of the damage to her now rather revealing clothes."Mmm my my, now what have we here?"The voice came from behind Alice, from the couch she had seen as she fell. As it turned out, the fur blanket was not what it had at first seemed, but was instead a rather large, and furry male. Stretched out lazily upon the cushions, he looked quite a great deal like a cross between tabby cat and human, great green eyes piercing into her with a large grin upon his face. He was entirely naked, his fine fur revealed to her, and as he studied her, he arched his back, coming to his feet in one fluid motion. "Mmm, we haven't had a visitor in ever so long. Tell me pretty thing, whats your name?" Alice screamed again as she was hit with the rush of air that slowed her stop. She was shocked, and still shaking as she landed lightly on her feet. Slowly, she came back to herself and flinched a bit as the red light came on. She was quite a bit more revealed now. The blouse she wore was torn at the sleeves and had somehow managed to get a deep v cut into it that very nearly revealed her breasts. She blushed a bit and realized that the stiff material was now sticking up a bit higher because of that wind and her hair was a bit messier now.As she took in the room, she thought it to be quite odd. She gasped as she heard the voice however. She turned quickly to see the strange creature behind her and put a hand over her quickly beating heart. She was so shocked and so smashed that she couldn't get her mind around the happenings so she answered the simple question."Alice." Smirking at her with a wide grin, the feline slunk a few more steps toward her, cocking his head to the side and studying her form and face, bright green eyes almost glowing in the dim red light. Upon inspecting her closer, a low purr seemed to arise from the large neko, a bestial, animal sound. "Mm, really now?" He purred, padded around her in a neat circle, spiraling in so that by the time he had made a full lap around her, he was hardly a foot from Alice.Still giving her that intent stare, he waited a long pause before speaking once again, seeming to have come to some conclusion he rather liked, his grin almost taking in his ears."Well then, Miss Alice, what can I do for you?" He asked, a mischievous smile replacing his previous grin. Alice was a little unnerved as the feline creature circled her. His glowing eyes, the way he grinned, it all made her shiver. And yet, she found herself somehow attracted to the creature before her. Had he more human features, he probably would have attracted her from the beginning....had she not fallen down a seemingly endless hole.She opened her mouth to speak when he grinned at her, asking his question. "C...Can you tell me where I am?" she asked, clearly either smashed out of her mind or very very confused. Or both. Watching her stumble over her words, the creature paused, leaned forward a moment, and sniffed the air about her.Ah!He thought to himself, smelling the scent of alcohol on her breath and grinning to himself, thinking it would make this all the more interesting. Beginning to circle her once more, his purring started up once more. "Mmm, perhaps..." His eyes roaming over her body, particularly at those spots the tears had exposed. "For all the good it will do you." He continued, smiling as his eyes found her own, and seemed to decide upon something, settling into his stance comfortably."Well miss Alice, let I, Cheshire, be the first to welcome you.." Dropping his voice down, he paused before letting the next words out in a low, sultry, almost seductive purr. "...To Wonderland..."Grinning once more, he gave a flourish of his hands, adding a mock bow to the gesture. Knowing what she would eventually ask, he knew it would not be long before he got what he wanted from her. As the creature began to circle again, she saw his eyes go to all the spots her costume was torn, but she didn't do anything to cover herself again. It didn't stop her from being a little nervous about him being so close to her. For a number of reasons really."Wonderland? Like the fairy tale?" she asked, utterly confused. Obviously, she was smashed out of her mind. "Seriously?" she asked, looking around her. She tilted her head as he bowed and she frowned, trying to focus. "Okay... all I wanted to do was give this rabbit thing back his watch...and then I fell down this hole...and now I'm here. How?" She felt dizzy now, and teetered a bit.Her hand instinctively reached out to the creature and landed on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm just...lightheaded. Would you mind if I sat down?" she asked. Enjoying her nervousness to some degree, Cheshire let her stumble and rest her hand upon him, his soft fur smooth and warm beneath her palm. Processing the new information she had just given him, he wondered briefly if Rabbit had lured in another one for the Queen, knowing it wouldn't be the first time he had done so."So I see.." Reaching out his own hands, he guided her to the plush couch he had been sitting on, sitting her down upon it and taking up a seat right next to her, close enough she could feel the heat coming from his body on her arm."Mmm, in that case, I may be able to help you." Grinning wide he held up a single finger. "But of course, nothing on wonderland comes without a price." She sat down and leaned back into the couch. It supported her nicely, comforting her spinning head. "I think the blood is rushing to my head," she murmured as he took a seat next to her. The heat that seemed to be radiating from him did something to her reflexes, turning her on a bit.She turned her head to face him and leaned a little closer to him, to show that she was, in fact, listening. The exaggerated gesture seemed to make sense in her head, but she wasn't entirely aware of the effect it had on him."You can help me? What would I have to do?" she asked, feeling a bit dazed even now. Grinning all the wider as he watched her, feeling as though this would be even easier then he thought, the feline let his eyes meet her own. Pausing a beat and giving a mischievous smile. Resting his hand upon hers, he spoke in a low, sultry voice once more."Well, you see, it's quite rare that such an attractive woman wanders into our land.. And I've never been once to pass by such wonderful... opportunities." At his last word, Cheshire raised her hand, and placed it gently, yet firmly, upon his thigh, rather high up. Hinting, and also drawing attention to the fact that he was naked, and if she cared to look, already fairly hard.That and the pheromones coming from his body all sent the same not so subtle hint. Alice's pretty blue eyes widened at the suggestion, though she was drawn to the fact that the creature was naked and already quite aroused. She found herself responding in kind. He'd called her attractive, and she was sure he was experienced.All of it made him seem more appealing...that he was her only hope of getting anything accomplished spurred her into action. She leaned forward and kissed him softly, her body leaning into him. "Mmm, I think we can help each other," she purred, her mind not entirely accepting what was happening, making it all easier to accept. The ease with which she seemed willing to comply was almost shocking to Cheshire, yet by no means unwelcome. Leaning forward to meet her in the kiss, he let his rough cat like tongue slip ever so lightly past her lips, licking across the tip of her own, teasing before he pulled away from her."Perhaps we can.." He replied, purring more heatedly now as his fur bristled in arousal. Reaching out with a single claw, he tore the line of her dress even more, revealing her generous chest all the more clearly. Cheshire seemed almost surprised, but she warmed to him as he kissed her back, his tongue teasing her a bit. She blushed as she felt his purring and heard it. In a way it was just sexy. Her cheeks got a little more color as his claw sliced through more of her already tattered dress, her pale, rosy breasts spilling out a bit.She felt herself get wet at the thought of it and how strange and the situation was. Still, it was kind of hot to let a stranger strip you down. Sexier still was the idea of a claw doing it slowly and sensually. It made her wonder how he was in bed. The thought just made her wet and she leaned into him a bit more. Feeling her lean into him more, the feline pushed his own tongue deeper into Alice's mouth, almost seeming wrap around it the rough surface drawing against her own smooth mouth. Meanwhile, as her breasts spilled from their captivating confines, Cheshire's purring seemed only to increase, vibrations running along his tongue and body, transferring to Alice.Reaching around her back, he let his claw continue its work, running down her back and slicing open her dress, pressing just hard enough so the sharp point would lightly scratch her spine, bit draw no blood. Once this was done, and her dress almost falling off its owner, a grin spread over his face and he broke the kiss, pushing Alice back onto her back, the dress pushed up enough to reveal her panties. Grinning to himself even wider, Cheshire slunk down, letting his tongue run up her thigh, and over her clothed crotch. Once more, the claw was up, slowly tearing through the fabric, ever so carefully and delicately. Inch. By. Inch. Alice moaned softly and shivered as his tongue played with hers. She closed her eyes and felt her heart beat faster as he started to purr. Vibrations spread through her and it only turned her on even more. It seemed like she was in a dream. Her breasts spilled out of the little costume she wore and then she felt him split the dress open in the back with his claw. Something about that was just fucking sexy.She shivered as his claw slid down her spine, lightly scratching him. She closed her eyes, her dress all but falling off of her. She opened her eyes as he broke the kiss. Panting softly she let him push her down onto her back again, shivering as he ran his tongue up her smooth, toned thigh. "Mmm, ohhh...." She shivered and gasped as he started to tear through the thin fabric so slowly. Finally, with a small snap as the fabric sprang away, his claw was once more free, exposing Alice's dripping sex to the air. Pausing for just long enough to let his eyes flick up to her face, Cheshire, grinned wide, sharp teeth showing as he lowered his head, giving a long lick up her delicious pussy. Still purring so as he vibrate it, he took her legs in his hands by the underside of the knee, moving them up and across her chest as he ate her out, tongue slipping between her soft folds and her clit, teasing both.As he continued, he moved one pawed hand down her leg and thigh, once more letting his claw lightly trail across her skin. Pulling it back in once it had reached its destination, he ever so slowly slid the single digit into her sex, pushing far and deep, still toying at her clit with his tongue. The fact that she was now free of her costume but for the stockings and shoes she'd worn with them did much turn her on. Her body was alive with heat and sensation and as Cheshire leaned down and delivered a long, sensual lick up to her slit, she shivered and panted softly. His purring only added to the sensations that were driving her wild.She moaned softly, her hand reaching down to play with his feline ears. Her legs stayed parted and up by her chest. Her pussy clung to his finger as he pushed into her and she moaned a little louder as he toyed with her clit with his tongue. "Mmm, yes," she murmured. Purring only louder as her hands found his fur clad ears, Cheshire pushed his intruding digit in further and further, till he was in as far as he could go. Pausing for a moment as his tongue ran around his clit, he slowly began to finger her, pushing in and out with increasing speed and pressure. Adding another finger to join the first, he released her legs, his free hand moving to fondle her breast."Mmmm... Is our little slut enjoying herself?" He teased, thrusting his finger far into her as he did, sucking on her clit and running his tongue roughly against it. Alice liked that she could tell when she was pleasing Cheshire. As her hands gently teased his ears, she could feel him pushing further inside of her, trying to please her even more. She closed her eyes and moaned softly, her naked body open and exposed to him.His reaching and fingering drew louder more enthusiastic moans from her, her body loving the way he toyed with her. "Ahn...So good," she moaned, shivering as he sucked on her clit. She moaned and spread her legs for him a bit wider while he worked her pussy. His hand on her breast excited her and she found herself wanting more from him. "More," she begged, panting softly. "I need more..." Finding her begging oh so delightedly sexy, Cheshire decided to oblige, slipping a third finger into the girls waiting sex, sparing no strength as he thrusts his furry tendril deep inside of her, reaching all the way inside of her. Continuing thus, he increased his rhythm, sensing her building pleasure, waiting. Finally however, as soon as he sensed she was getting close to her release, he stopped, abruptly and suddenly, giving her slit one last lick before drawing away.Leaning back on the opposite side of the couch, he watched her intently, eyes alive with lust and want. "Mmm, maybe you will get more, and maybe not... after all... You're the one who is to be doing me a favor, no?" Grinning wide, his cock noticeably hard, all ten or so inches throbbing with want. Alice could heardly believe that this was happening to her. Not only had she fallen down a hole into this strange place and found a strange creature waiting for her, but now, here she was, allowing that stranger to undress her and touch her in so many intimate ways. And she loved it. He was very good at what he did. She did not hesitate to make that known to him.She maoned for him, arching and panting as he slid a third finger into her, getting a bit rough with her. She was getting closer to her climax. So close! His tongue gave her one, long, lingering lick and then it all stopped and he pulled away.Thoroughly disappointed, and a little confused, Alice sat up. Still panting, her hair a bit disheveled from the fall and her litttle episode just now, the woman listened as he spoke. He had left her wanting on purpose. And he had succeeded in accomplishing what he'd set out to do. The curvy young woman got on all fours and crawled to him now, stopping just short of his face."So I am...Why don't you tell me what you want?" Her delicate fingers gently stroked his erection for a moment and she licked his chin. "I'll be more than happy to give it to you." Watching her intently, Cheshire grinned all the wider as she crawled toward him, giving a pleased purr at the feel of her hand upon his erection, if only lightly so, and her tongue on his chin, alive with heat and want for her, to take her and ride her long and hard.For the moment however, he simply smiled, letting the teasing game play itself out. No need to rush, they could take their time and fully pleasure each other. Eyes meeting her own, he gave a low sultry moan and purr, reaching out a hand and letting it trail down her exposed chest ."Mmm, I'm sure a girl like you could come up with a few... ideas, of her own." He teased, hinting at her by placing her hand on his cock, and licking his lips lightly. Alice grinned and kissed him again, her soft lips pressing against his as her tongue tangled with his. Her soft hand worked up and down his cock, gently stroking him as he played with her soft chest. Her nipples were practically rock hard as she stroked this stranger, tasting him. Letting her tongue tangle with his own, Cheshire's purring rose once again, his back arching as her hand stroked his hard cock. Throbbing in her hand, he let a single furred finger find its way down her glorious torso, pausing over her soaking sex before dipping into her delicious folds.His rough tongue ran against her own, tasting the inside of her mouth as his free hand toyed with her nipples, pinching, teasing them before he broke their kiss, moving his tongue down to lavish it upon her hardened nipples. Cheshire's purr both aroused her and sent a shiver down her spine. It was so strange, but so perfect...She moaned softly as he slipped a finger into her tight sex, her body arching into him as she stroked his cock. She moaned as he pinched and teased her nipples, gasping as he pulled away from her lips to play with the pink buds. She wanted him to be absolutely rock hard, throbbing for her before she did anything else for him. His breathe becoming course and rough, laced with moans, Cheshire's hips bucked up and down, getting more and more turned on by Alice's stroking. Driving his finger deeper inside her, his lips moved once more to her own, tongue drawing her own into his mouth, sucking on it in a slow, needful way. His cock throbbed in her hand, aching for more, pulsing with need, almost painfully hard. Alice moaned and squirmed a bit as he fingered her hot, wet folds. Arching her back a bit, she gave him her tongue as she felt him throbbing, obviously wanting more. Unfortunately, that meant gently reaching down between them and slowly removing his finger as she repositioned herself so that she was directly above his cock. "Mmmm, ready?" she asked between kisses. Feeling her hand reach down to stop his actions, a smirk slowly spread across the felines face, giving a hearty purr and dragging a single claw lightly down the center of her spine, and leaving a thin trail of her juices in it's wake. His voice falling to a low sultry, animal tone, eyes gleaming into her own, he simple grinned wide, placing a hand upon her shoulder and suddenly driving her down onto his throbbing cock, devouring her in a ravenous kiss as he did.Hips bucking upward to pound deeper into her pussy, his purring deep enough to vibrate inside of her, he let out a long moaning groan into her mouth, bucking his hips faster and faster. Alice gasped as he pushed her down, his long, thick length stretching her tight pussy. She moaned into his lips and let him take her breath away. He was so good at touching her and kissing her. Perhaps staying a bit longer wouldn't hurt. She kissed him passionately and moaned loudly as he started off moving his hips, bucking up into her, his whole body vibrating with a deep purr. And he was only getting faster! Her body melted into him and tensed again, her body squeezing him tight.Panting, she moaned and did her best to meet his rhythm and force with enough of her own. Breaking the kiss to let out a shuddering moan of ecstasy, Cheshire steadily increased his rhythm, pounding deep inside of her, filling her pussy with his throbbing hard cock. Eyes glazed with lust, he bent his head down, capturing her nipple in his mouth and letting his rough tongue play at it, tease it, nibbling and sucking as he thrust into her over and over, whilst his over hand raked at her back, leaving small little white lines down her spine the trail moving slowly around her body till his hand was on her other breast, fondling and the buxom orb.Feline eyes darting up to see the expression on her face as he fucked her harder still, he slowly began pushing her back, leaning her over the edge of the couch as his ravenous thrust kept her pinned in place, her back bent slightly over the edge, his hold on her nipples and breasts keeping her from falling completely over the edge. Alice could hardly believe that she was in the situation she was in. The hallucination of the rabbit, if he was a hallucination, led her to this hole where she had met this feline fellow, who had somehow talked his way into her panties. Well, at least he'd stripped them off of her. Along with the rest of her costume, except her shoes and stockings, those still remained. The rest was unwearable. And now, he was bending her over a couch, slamming his huge cock inside of her. She moaned loudly as he pounded her, filling her up with his member. She shivered as she felt his claws trailing along her spin, and then both of her breasts were in his care.Honestly, she'd never had someone want to have sex with her so much. It was amazing. She moved her hips with his as best she could, though at the angle he was holding her, it was easier to just let him pound into her, her pussy squeezing down on him as tightly as ever. She arched her back at the feeling of his hand and lips on her breasts and closed her eyes in ecstasy as she let her head fall back, the golden tresses hanging down beautifully as he fucked her silly. Moaning and panting, his breathe hot and warm on her breast, Cheshire pounded and fucked Alice harder and harder still, the smell of arousal thick and pungent in the air. Throbbing hotly inside of her, it was almost to much, and he could feel himself getting closer and closer to cumming. Feeling that sensation getting more and more powerful, his mind flashed with the thought of how to wanted to take her, whether to cum inside of her or pull out and make her take him down her throat, perhaps simply mark her with his seed.Whatever the case, he knew he wouldn't last much longer at this rate. And with one final deep thrust, he pulled out of her, reaching down and shooting his fingers deep inside of her instead, his cock still hovering near her pussy. Holding his fingers inside her, he released her nipple from his mouth, moving his lips close to hers and licking them gently. "Beg for it." He ordered, grinning pleasurably. "Beg and tell me what you want.. what you need." He purred, his breathe hot on her neck as he gave a small nibble. Alice moaned loudly and took him as he thrust into her harder. It all ended so abruptly and she gasped as his fingers took the place of his hot member. She moaned as he played with her but she wanted more. It would be more difficult to climax now that he had given her his best and taken it away. "Mmm, please," she begged, her voice laced with lust, slightly breathless. "Please don't stop. I need you inside me. I need your cock!" Giving a sultry and lustful sort of grin, he leaned in close to her, his breathe hot on her neck as he ever he gently nibbled at her ear, listening to her panting plea. A wicked smile crossing his face, Cheshire moved from her suddenly, flipping her onto her hands and knees, her top half over the armrest of the couch. Letting his tongue run down her exposed spine, feeling it's way down her smooth skin, he finally, complied, thrusting his throbbing cock deep inside of her, fully and completely, beginning to once again build up his increasing rhythm.Panting lightly himself, a moan escaping his lips, the feline male let his hand move around her hips, pulling her tight against him as he bucked into her. Her heavy breasts hung over the side of the sofa after he flipped her on her hands and knees. She closed her eyes and panted softly, quivering with anticipation. She shivered as his tong ran down her spine and let his tongue down her exposed spine. Quite suddenly, he was inside her with a rush of pain and pleasure that drove her wild. "Oh, god!" she moaned. "SO big!" And he was. She hung over the front of the couch, bracing herself, her breasts bouncing as he fucked her roughly. "Oh, yeah!"
Project Darkstar (Closed)
Laress paused in her running, the two armed men escorting her pushed her back into a sheltered alcove of the ferrocrete wall behind them. She panted, trying to catch her breath, and pushed the cloak from her head. The leather combat jumpsuit she wore was nearly the same color as her dark skin, and in low light, she could have passed for nude, save for the cloak. At five feet tall, she was shorter than either of her escorts, though that was to be expected since they were or rather had been imported slaves. Now they were rebels, fighting to reach the spaceport on the far side of the city.She ran a narrow boned hand through her damp hair, the silver strands pushed back behind pointed ears. Her yellow eyes surveyed the scene around them with distaste dead bodies littered the square, not a few of them innocent civilians. She could hear the fighting from the quarter they had just left, and an explosion split the night as one of the rebellion planted traps went off. She just hoped all of this was worth it."Princess," one of the men began, but she cut him off with a wave of her hand. "I know. I'm ready." They ran onwards, cutting across side streets, through alleys, and, in one case, through an empty building that heavy weapons fire had already torn a hole through. They paused again a half a kilometer from the space port, and after a brief rest were nearly ready to move on when one of the guards suddenly grabbed her and slung her to one side. An instant later, a mechanical combat droid, shaped like an ancient spider from mythology, tackled the man, sinking poisoned metal fangs the size of daggers into his chest. He screamed and began to thrash, while the other escort helped her to her feet, shoved her in the direction of the spaceport and yelled "Run!" before turning back to open fire on the droid with the machine gun her was carrying. The heavy stuttering of the gun followed her as she pelted down the alley, losing herself in darkness.She reached the space port, out of breath, sweating, and weeping for the destruction around her, but alive. Slipping through the maintenance grate a sympathizer had left unsecured, she made her way to the docking pads, and found pad eighty three. She rapped on the door in prearranged signal tap tap tap pause tap tap tap pause tap tap tap, and hoped to the Goddess they would open before some curious security guard came to investigate the noise. Project DarkstarDraylyn sighed as she checked the load on her blaster once more as she frowned, finding it full, the weapon was slapped back into a holster on the feline woman's shapely hip. Waiting had left her restless, and the sound of gunfire not far off increasing her caged feeling. She stepped away from the wall to begin pacing. A long slender tail, white striped in black swaying behind her.Most of her race, the Felarn, still lived on worlds that the UAW still deemed to low tech to be of use. And as such, they lived lives in their insular lives oblivious to the happenings in the galaxy at large. The Drow didn't have such compunctions, and low tech worlds were perfect pickings for slave stock. 20 years ago, she and her family had been such slaves.The delivery was late, and she was beginning to wonder if a Slaver unit was gathering to assault her ship. There wasn't much of a crew, just the three of them... but being wanted in several systems increased their value. This deal with the Drow rebellion, the so called Daughters of Elistrae, was sketchy at best."Cap'n..." The voice came over the comm clipped to her upturned ear, startling the caged tigress. "I think we may have a problem. The interplanetary propaganda... err... news, just released that the rebellion has kidnapped the First Daughter. Fifty credits says I know what'precious cargo' translates into in Drow.""What did you see Cera?" Already a white furred hand began to move toward her blaster once more. The two women has served together in the fleet before embarking on a much more profitable smuggling career, and Dray knew her navigator's insight was more than intuition. The implants had given the elven woman visions."We're in for a bumpy ride..." was all she said as Dray's ears perked toward the door of the landing bay. A familliartap tap tap pause tap tap tap pause tap tap tapcoming to her ears over the voice in the comm link. With one hand on her blaster as she approached the door to tap the opening code into the security panel.The door slid open quickly, and Dray tensed, ready to leap away should her fears prove true. Finding only a single figure surprised her however. Easily a foot taller than the Elven woman, her hand tensed further on the grip of her blaster. Draylyn had little love for the dark Elven race, in fact her feelings could easily be described as hatred.Her empty hand thrust outward, palm open, still hoping that Cera was wrong, though seeing the woman standing there in the flesh she almost knew that hope was futile. "You have something for me?" Her voice was low, barely more than a growl as she tried to check her rage. Project DarkstarLaress paused at the growling feline. She hadn't been told whom to expect, only that a ship was waiting to take her off world, and into UAW space. Regarding the woman towering over her with obvious curiosity, she considered the question, and then slipped through the doorway after checking that the hallway was once more clear. The door slid closed automatically behind her, having sensed her passage, and she looked quizzically at the woman who was obviously the leader of the group."My escorts will be unable to join us. I suggest we depart in rather a hurry. The fighting is spreading faster than I had anticipated, I expect it won't be long before they close the space port completely. We should be in orbit before that happens. In fact, it would be better if we left right now."As if to echo her sentiments, the room shook slightly as they heard the distantcrumpof an exploding artillery shell. Laress turned, her cloak lifting slightly behind her, and began to make her way towards the waiting ship. "I'm sure they're already spreading the news of my 'abduction' and everyone in the city will soon be looking for me." Project DarkstarOn first glance she'd thought the woman was naked, the poor lighting in the Drow facility only helping to heighten that illusion to those races that still needed light on the darkened worlds. Draylyn's hand tightened on the grip of her pistol once more as the woman stepped into the room, closer...It was hard to fight back the snarl that rose to her lips, even moreso at the imperious tone in her voice as she swept past. Even in her hatred of the woman, even with the growing dread realization, it was hard not to admire the woman's form beneath that painted on leather bodysuit.The engine of the ship was already beginning to warm up at their approach, a ship that appeared to be a Jlerellian merchant ship. Of Drow design, and their easiest disguise to make it here into the heart of the empire."The announcement went out just before you arrived, and as much as I've fantasized about kidnapping you for a good portion of my life..." It was all she got out before something slammed into the door of the docking port. Dray's blaster was in her hand as she spun back toward the door, blasting the control pannel for the door. The door froze only a few inches open as several legs of a spider drone tried clawing their way in."Vith!" After all these years it was still the first language she swore in. "Cera, let's get out of here!" Dray spun on her heel, roughly grabbing the princess' arm as she sprinted for the open cargo bay of the ship. A ship that had begun lifting off from the docking pad as the door began to close. Behind them, the sounds of hundreds of legs chipping their way up the ferrocrete walls could be heard. Project DarkstarLaress knew what had happened the second the docking bay door had clanged. As Dray charged at her, she turned, a grenade pistol in her hand, already firing at the door as She was practically yanked off her feet. The first shot was on target, and the magnesium grenade slagged the door, frame, and one of the drones legs into an unrecognizable puddle of molten metal. The rest of the shots went wild, one of them fragging the door controls, the rest punching fist sized craters into the ferrocrete, which caught on fire under the intense heat from the grenades.As they ran up the ramp into the ship, she unclipped a communicator from her belt, spoke into it in drow for a half a second, and tossed it back out the ramp just before it closed. "We have about ten seconds before this docking port is reduced to rubble. I suggest we put them to good use."As the ship angled sharply upwards, and the engines thrummed to full life, Laress found herself grabbing hold of the tiger, quite literally, by the tail to keep her feet. As they leveled off, she let go with an embarrassed smile, "Sorry. Now, what were you saying about kidnapping me?"Below them, the artillery strike she had called in reached its target, and the docking port collapsed under the hail of fire and explosive shells. Project DarkstarCera heard the Princess' warning and the ship was already moving as the loading bay door hissed shut. Instinctively her hand reached for the cargo net to keep her balance, a startled screech ripping from her throat as the woman pulled on her tail.As the ship leveled off upon entering orbit, she spun on the Drow woman with a snarl. Snatching her tail away. "I meant exactly what I said First Daughter..." The title spat from her lips. "If it wasnt for my deal with the UAW...""Cap'n" Cera's voice interjected, this time through the ships comms. "We're being hailed... They intend on boarding.""Stall them love." Swearng once more as she turned toward the only corridor exiting the cargo bay. Hips encased in skin tight leather pants swaying as she headed down the hall, her tail flicking irratably behind her. She ignored the princess until they reached midship where the corridor broke off.As she headed one way, toward an open turret, she pointed down the opposite hall toward another. "I sure hope you can shoot princess..." Project DarkstarLaress had followed the tigress up the corridor, and took a moment to admire the sway of her hips in the tight leather. The question drew her back to their immediate situation, and she nodded once to affirm that she could, in fact, shoot. She'd been trained, it was expected of all nobility to serve at least two years in the navy. She trotted down the corridor and scanned the turret controls.Fairly standard, she mused, and slid into the leather couch, pulling the straps tight over her shoulders and flicking the switches to bring the console to life. Speaking into the general ship comms system, she said, "If your pilot can hear me, fly at heading one four eight mark three nine. We captured a battery in that area earlier this morning it should help cover our escape."In the meantime, she flipped the safeties off the firing studs, spun the turret around, and start pumping giga joules of raw energy into the nearest boarding craft. The shots caught it right in front of the engine nacelle, and the entire ship went up like a firework, flames and debris falling back towards the planet's surface. She had told the designers that was a weak spot, but would they listen? No, of course not.She felt the ship banking, though if it was in the direction she had indicated she had no idea. A shot hit them with aspangof ringing metal and she ducked her head instinctively, before returning fire at the ground emplacement where it originated. "They are really, really pissed," she muttered to no one in particular. Project Darkstar"Oh, I can hear and see you just fine... at all times..." Cera's distinctly elven voice came back over the comms, the threat in her tone was undisguised."Cera, just give her an open line to let them know we're comming in hot!" Dray barked the order as she flipped safety off her own turret and spun into position after watching the princess strap herself in down the corridor. Her own heavy blaster scoring a line down the center of another craft. The changing pressure on the hull as it arced up out of the atmosphere causing the ship to crumple before exploding in another dazzling display.And suddenly they were diving back toward the surface. Draylyn saw them even as her screen lit up like a holiday festival. Fighter drones streaming out of the ruins of the docking port. She spun her turret to begin blasting away, clearing a debris filled hole straight through to the captured gun battery."When you bottom out, map the city... target the palace, and prepare for warp on my mark.""Cap'n!" Was the only reply she recieved as the elven woman began feeding the information into the ships computer. It was obvious what the Felarn woman intended, and there was a good chance the capital would be wiped away if they went into warp while still in the atmosphere. Project DarkstarLaress was firing for all she was worth, and the captured battery opened up as they screamed over it. But when she heard the captain's orders, she jerked, as if slapped, and smacked the release on her restraints, diving back for the hallway, and pelting through the unfamiliar ship towards the control room."You can't do that! Those people are down there fighting so we can escape you'll kill them all."She got turned around, and ended up in the ship's common area, but she found her bearings quickly enough. She reached the control room just as the ship bottomed out of it's dive, and pulled her grenade pistol out again, ready to blast the door open. "I mean it. Don't do this."She lost her footing when the ship lurched to one side, and went tumbling back down the hall, the pistol shooting out of her hand as she scrambled to recover it, and her balance. Project DarkstarBy the time they passed the battery most of the drones had been destroyed, the others locked onto the new threat that was wreaking the greater toll on the craft. The other turret had silenced, and Dray spun around in time to see the dark elven beauty stalking off down the hall.She could hear the nearly horrified tone in the woman's voice, and as much as she wanted to laugh, she couldn't. Even she knew the death toll that would cause if this were any other ship.In the control room, she could see the city sweeping by at an alarming pace, the palace dead ahead. A beautiful young elven woman sat in the captain's chair, wires running from the consoles normally run by three different people all connected to the left side of her head which was shaved clean of her bobbed red hair. Tattoos traced around the electronics that connected to her flesh, dominated by a large pulsating psi crystal.Big blue eyes turned toward the Drow woman in shock as a mental shout went out to the captain, warning her. The ship banked sharply, throwing the princess off balance. Righting on course once more to spill her down the hall.Dray had already begun to follow the First Daughter, but when she heard Cera's distress she bolted down the corridor. She lived on the ship, usually in conditions just as this, and as the ship banked... her steps adjusted to keep from faltering.The grenade pistol was kicked further down the corridor as she came to stop in front of the Drow woman, scrambling to regain her balance. One powerful hand lashed out to push her back against the corridor wall, right against her her chest. Though the light fur of her fingers, and the claws they held could easily be felt against the flesh of her throat. Project DarkstarMika came out of her cabin just in time to see the captain run by, and grabbed hold of the wall as she felt the ship pitch sharply. Strong fingers dug into the foam padding on the edge of the door and she looked out in time to see the captain pinning a drow woman to the wall."What the bleedin' 'ell is going on out 'ere? I thought we was jus' 'ere to pick up a package Cap'n? 'ow'd that lil blighter get on board?"Mika came out into the hallway, her dark blue eyes fixed blearily on the struggling drow who was now screaming something about death tolls and catastropic. Mika was large, even for a half orc, and she pretty much filled the hallway, but an engineer needed some bulk to deal with reluctant components she was pretty good in a brawl too. Dressed in a jumpsuit, she looked like she had just woken up her black hair was still tangled not that brushing it made it look any better, and her feet were bare."You wan' me to jus pitch this un out the lock, Cap'n?"Laress didn't notice the half orc right away, she was too busy trying to convince the captain not to destroy the entire city below. "Captain, please. Those men and women down there are fighting for you, and for this ship. You can't can't just destroy them. Isn't that why you people hate us drow so much?"She hated begging, but those men and women were fighting, and dying because she had asked them to. They had started a battle they had never had a chance in Hell of winning because she had convinced them how much was at stake. She turned her bright yellow eyes from the half orc coming up the hall back to the tigress that had her pinned, swallowed, and said, "Don't do this." Project DarkstarAs the smaller woman struggled, Dray just pushed. Pinning her back in place once more as her fingers flexed, those claws teasing at the tender flesh of the Drow woman's throat. One ear flicked back toward the sound of Mika'a approach, a smile rising to her lips at the suggestion... In a way, it was already a part of the plan."Glad to see you're finally awake... The princess here, is the package..." Her free hand reached over to tap a console as the door behind the Drow woman slid open on a spacious, and rather well appointed room. Something about the dimensions of the interior of this ship didn't match with the outside.With another push, she thrust the smaller woman into her room as she looked back at the Orcish woman. "Make sure the party favors are ready... and please strap yourself in this time. It's gonna be a vertical drop right before we warp."Her head snapped back to the woman ranting about saving the few rebels that might survive the day as that snarl returned to her lips. "I'm going to have a little talk with our guest about protocol..." Pushing one final time as she stepped into the room herself, the door hissing shut behind her. Project DarkstarLaress finally stopped struggling when she realized it was doing her no good, but the look she gave the captain was pure venom. Anger seethed through her, but she lost her balance when the captain shoved her through the door into another and stumbled before righting herself and backing away, stripping off her cloak and tossing it aside. She had a black bladed quortek vel strapped to her left hip one of the fabled soul knives of the drow.She hadn't drawn it yet, but she stood in the middle of the room her hip cocked out to one side, hands crossed just under her small breasts, her face hard and angry.As the door hissed shut, Mika could hear the little drow spitting "And what is it you'd like to teach me,Captain?"Mike just laughed, and shook her head. The little oddling would learn pretty quickly how things ran on this ship. When Dray said jump, you didn't bother asking how high, you just jumped, and hoped it was high enough. She picked up a comset, and plugged the ear piece into her ear, thumbing the mic. "Cera, 'ow you treatin' ma baby? You better not break 'er, I only jus' patched 'at nummer two up last week."Mika's grasp of galactic common wasn't the best, but she could usually make herself understood. And, to be honest, her grasp of every other language was worse, so the captain and Cera just made the best of it. She checked the packages the Captain was interested in, all the readouts were in the green, and then she made her way back to engineering, and started running checks through the rest of the ship. The weapon systems were running hot again, and the shield generators were straining to keep up with the incoming fire, but Mika had over engineered the critical systems, so they had a comfortable margin still."Cera, m'sweet, we're as ready as we're a gonna be." Heeding the Captain's advice, she strapped herself into a chair at the console, and thumbed open the microphone in the captain's com panel. There were some advantages to being the ship's engineer, after all. Project DarkstarDrays hand lashed out once more, backhanding the arrogant Drow woman across the face . She'd seen the blade and was ready for it, it's why her claws were drawn in the first place. "If you ever draw another weapon onmyship, it will be your last...""Your baby is just fine you big softy" Cera's voice chirped in the engineer's ear even as the reserve engines began winding up. Once the package dropped they were gonna need all the speed they could to escape the blast from this height. "Hold on tight!"Outside the window of her quarters, Dray watched the palace race by behind the dark elven woman, when suddenly the world turned on it's end. Ready for it, she dropped to the new floor as the ship turned vertical and launched for orbit.Behind them, from the cargo bay came a shower home made impact charges. Raining down upon the palace. As the first one hit home upon one of the crystaline domes, it exploded, igniting a chain reaction that brought a raging firestorm down upon the royal palace.The tigress caught the Drow woman as she too tumbled in the wake of the sudden change of the ships orientation, calling out "Now!" as the First daughter fell into her arms. The scenery outside shifting to the familiar scintilating colors of a wormhole.Expecting to fall once more, she was nearly pleasantly surprised that the artificial gravity hadn't kicked in. She and the Drow woman began floating across her quarters. Project DarkstarThe backhard from the larger woman sent Laress reeling across the floor, a floor which quite suddenly became a wall and sent the still dizzy drow plummeting downward to land on the larger woman with a thump. Her head hit the wall floor and she blacked out for a minute. When she came to, she was floating across the room, wrapped up against the Captain, with her head lolling about against her shoulder.Mika gave a yell of excitement as the ship pitched nose up and shot into the artificial wormhole, riding out the sudden changes in pitch strapped to her chair, but she immediately knew something was wrong when a pen went floating past her left ear and bumped gently against the console. Cursing a blue streak, she launched herself from her chair and wrenched open a panel. Reaching inside, she gave one of the delicate looking components a rap with her knuckles. Something clicked, and she dropped lightly to her feet.Laress and the captain, it transpired, were not quite as lucky. When the gravity kicked back in, they went plummeting floorward in a tangle of arms and legs, one of Laress' thighs landing squarely against Dray's mound, ground there by the gravity which briefly shot up to twice normal, and then dropped off altogether.In the engineering area, Mika gave another curse as she smelled burnt wiring. It seemed the artificial gravity control system had finally given her it's final "Fuck you." and packed in completely. Project DarkstarWith a grunt as she landed on the floor amidst a tangle of arms and legs. A spray of the sweetest smelling silver hair splayed out across her face. With another grunt as the thankfully light elven woman landed atop her.Gritting her teeth to try and hold back a slight groan as the woman's thigh ground against her mound. Dray tried to sit up, the hyper gravitational pull making it difficult to get out from under her nearly unconscious package.That was of course until the system failed entirely, the force of her push launching them both out into the open air of the spacious room once more. Dray pulled the princess close with one hand before she slammed into another wall, using her free hand to break their 'fall' This time however it was the captain that came to rest 'atop' the Drow woman in her arms, as they pressed against the wall briefly before floating away once more.Something in her features had softened, though by only a fraction. "You don't even remember me... do you?" She didn't expect a positive answer, Drow rarely remembered their slaves the moment they were out of sight... and it had been nearly thirty years. Project DarkstarLaress grunted as the tigress broke their fall, but they still hit the wall hard enough to feel the weight of the other woman pressed firmly against her. She smelled a soft, earthy scent probably some kind of soap, and felt the woman's strong arm wrapped around her to keep her from splatting head first into the wall as they gravity bounced them around like a child's ball. Oddly, she felt safe there, even though the other woman had just used her head for a punching bag.When they finally came to 'rest' floating delicately in midair, Laress lifted her head from where it had been squeezed against Dray's right breast, and asked, "Why the hell would I remember you?" She was obviously still upset about the smack understandably so, since she was bleeding from the left side of her mouth.She saw the captain about to say something else and then squeaked as they both fell out of the air again with a thud, coming to a halt with Dray propped over her like a lover, staring up into the tigress' wide blue eyes. In the distance they could both hear Mika shouting, "That's got it sorted!" Project DarkstarOnce... all those years ago her entire life had been the First Daughter. As a young kitten she'd been a gift to the royal family from one of the colonial governors. Her breed, normally orange with black stripes, occasionally produced a superb specimin that was white. She had been that prize. And for a few years the princess had been delighted with her pet.The raid had come while the princess was away serving time with the Drow fleet, while she had been sent off to toil away in a labor camp forgotten. Once, she had been devoted to every little whim of the woman in her arms...Dray braced herself against the fall, oddly not wanting to actually land on the Princess as those loving memories surfaced. Dray railed against them, pushing herself up from the floor in an attempt to untangle herself from the dark elven woman."I thought as much..." The captain stood, streaching as she towered over the woman on the floor. She reached up to tap the comms link clipped to her ear. "Good job you two... in 3 days time our records will be cleared..." She didnt even wait for their responses as she pulled the clip off and tossed the link down onto the table beside her bed. Project DarkstarLaress looked up at the woman as she towered over her, stretching. She shook her head and clambered to her feet, "What the hell was that supposed to mean? Have we met before?"She had once owned a slave of Dray's breed, but that had been years ago, and she had died in a slave revolt. She'd been furious with her mother for sending the woman away while she had been in the navy. But by the time she had returned, the damage was done and Erthe, as she had called her pet, was gone. She had grieved for a time, but that had been before she had joined the rebels. Her life, since then, had been a battle one they were losing.She unhooked her belt she wasn't going to use the knife, and it was obvious they both had no illusions about that and tossed it onto the same table as Dray's communicator, before she crossed her arms again, the same defiant posture that she had held before her previous smack in the mouth. "What do you mean?" she repeated. "Did you know my Erthe?" Project DarkstarEven as the question left her lips, that name ringing in her ears which perked toward the woman as if she'd been called from across the room. Dray's hand shot out once more to tangle in the Princess silvery locks as she stepped closer. One claw hovering inches from the smaller woman's nose as she pointed a finger in her face."Dont you dare use that name!" She nearly screamed at the woman in fluent Drow. Her slave name, even she didnt remember the one she'd been born with. Dray had spent so many years trying to just forget, and now the UAW had to go and drop the First Daughter right in her lap. Project DarkstarLaress snarled, and her temper rising, she reached up and slapped the pointed, clawed finger out of her face with an angry swat of her hand. "I will use it at any time I choose,Captain. She was my only friend growing up the only person I could trust. Do not presume to forbid me don't you dare. Contract or no contract, I'll strangle you to death with your own intestines."She wrenched her head away, ignoring the pain in her scalp as some of her hair pulled loose and stormed across the room to the window. Staring out as the eerily beautiful kaleidoscope that was the wormhole, she did her best to temporarily forget the woman standing behind her and calm down. After a moment, she said, "It would be best, I think, for both of us, not to mention the structural integrity of your vessel, if you simply showed me where I will be sleeping during the journey. I will do my best to remain out of the way of you and your crew." Project Darkstar"Thatishow you people treat your slaves after all... Humiliation, torture, and death..." She glared after the woman as she pulled away, watching as she stared out the window and tried to calm."Feel priveleged Princess... you get to use the captains quarters. Unless of course you'd rather I prepare the holding cell? I'll be in the cockpit..." She didnt remember, it wasnt worth the fight... or all the memories it would evoke.Turning, the door hissed open at her approach. Glancing back over her shoulder once more she muttered. "Most of the slaves not only survived that raid, but enlisted in the UAW navy the following day..." The door hissed shut on the tail end of her statement, Dray punched a button on the console beside it, locking it tight. Project DarkstarLaress looked back as the Captain's final words registered. No, no she shook her head, it was impossible. Erthe was gone, dead in that raid. Killed by the very people she was now trying to save. Her mother had told her. Not believing, she had gone and surveyed the wreckage herself. She had seen the bodies, smelled the decay her heart had died that day or perhaps it had been born. In any case, her eyes had been opened.But still...there was something about this Captain Draylyn. Something familiar. She looked around the cabin, and found what she was looking for a computer console. She expected the security to be tight, but what she wanted wouldn't be under lock and key it would be public records after all, all she needed was an open channel, and a bit of time.Laress' speciality in the navy had been counter intelligence specifically intrusion detection and prevention. One of the first lessons her instructors had taught her was to catch a hacker, you had to first be a hacker. It took her perhaps five minutes to route the necessary commands through an unsecured portion of the ships computer the section reserved for the management of the ships waste reclamation system. Laress grinned as she began hunting through birth and death records. She had, after all, graduated at the top of her class.An hour later, she had found what she had been looking for. Like any entity that depended on taxation, both the Drow Empire and the UAW kept meticulous birth and death records. The Empire even recorded them for slaves since it taxed their sale and ownership like any other property. Erthe had died in that raid, but only to be reborn, it seemed at least if the tentative time line she'd managed to piece together was right.She tripped open the general comms, which would broadcast out of every speaker on the ship. That was almost easier than breathing. Steeling herself, she recited the litany that she had taught her slave all those years ago."And will you love me? For always. And will you keep me? Forever. And will you protect me? From everything."She clicked the channel closed, and stood up to face the door. This was going to be, in her assessment, very ugly. Project DarkstarDraylyn stalked her way to the command center, the door hissing open at her approach. She frowned, it meant that Cera was watching now that they were safe. Touching the console in front of the elven woman to close down the cameras throughout the ship. She then keyed up the comms for the engine room."I love you Mike... but if there is any way you can get us to Arvandyr a day faster... I will do anything your big heart desires" Her wide blue eyes turned toward the woman that ran most of the ship, reaching up as she began to unplug the cords on her head."You my love, are going to bed..." Placing a finger against her lips to silence the protest that was comming."Cap "Pulling the second cord out as she leaned down to kiss the lovely young elven woman on the forehead. "You sat here for two days while we waited for..." A snarl curling her lips as her eyes darted toward the door."Cap'n she's hacked through... Well, she's trying to hack UAW central records... As well as Imperial" Reaching up to plug that second cable back in once more, a slight shiver running up her spine as it slid into place. "Should I cut ""No, she needs to know..." Tapping the console brought up a screen in the air in front of her chair. Turning back to look at the elven woman she'd always considered tiny... before Laress walked back into her life.Know what? The question died on Cera's lips as Dray pulled the plug once more, quickly followed by the third and final. She smacked the girl on the rear, pushing her toward the door as she sank into her command chair.She had begun to doze off, alone in the quiet amidst the scintilating kalidescope of colors outside the windows. Idly watching the Princess progress at tracking down the answers she needed. As those words echoed throughout the ship her eyes snapped open instantly.A growl ripped from her throat as she sprinted from the room, mashing the button on the console to open her cabin door. The enraged Felarn Stormed into the room, her hand already drawn back for another backhand."You push me to far..." Project DarkstarMika grunted at the captain's request. She could push the engines, that much was true, and they'd spend the day they saved on the trip sitting in a dock rebuilding them. In the end, she tweaked some of the power outputs, and rerouted a few things, and estiamted they would shave six hours off the journey. It would have to do.She met Cera coming down the hallway and recognized the same bemused look on her face that Mika knew she herself was wearing. "Cera? Whatddya reckon?" She nodded significantly in the direction of the control center where Dray was now seated in solitude. Moments later, they both heard the drow woman's voice on the open channel, and looked at each other, eyes wide. There was a sudden feeling of impending doom.Laress didn't flinch back from the upraised hand this time. She stood her ground, come what may. She said, simply, "I looked for you. I went to that planet, and I crawled through the dead, looking for you. I just thought you should know that." Project DarkstarCera smiled seeing Mike in the hall, wrapping her arms around the half orc's waist... as far as they could anyhow, and laying her head against the larger woman's chest. "I think the Cap'n knows her..."It was all she got out before that melodic voice came out over the comms. It was almost hypnotic, the mantra she spoke. Cera's eyes widened as she saw the captain burst from the control room, headed for her own. Pushing a bit, though she knew she could never move the woman as she tried to get Mike back down the hall a bit, out of sight.Touching a pannel brought the cameras back online in her mind's eye, as her free hand reached up to touch Mike's cheek to share the image with her oft' time lover.The first blow fell even as the first sentence left the woman's lips, rocking her head to the side. Only to be followed by another, this one harder knocking the woman back. She just wanted her to shut up, and if that meant three days unconscious, Dray was more than happy to oblige.Her hands closed on the smaller woman's throat, pushing, intent on pushing her back against the wall. Had she been thinking clearly, she would have realized the bed was in the way before Laress tripped over the edge, spilling them onto it in another tangle of limbs.Dray struggled to right herself, sitting up to straddle the smaller woman. Though her hands never left the dark elf's throat, she didnt squeeze. Starring down at the captive woman, her eyes bright... with tears."You died the day you sent me to that hell hole..." Project DarkstarLaress' head snapped back at the first strike but she kept on talking until she had said her peace. The second blow hurt worse, but she took it all the same. She could alreday feel her left eye swelling closed as they fell backwards onto the bed, but she didn't try and fight the Felarn off of her. She merely reached up and, seemingly quite out of place given the current context, scratched her under the chin. It had been Erthe's favorite spot to be scratched, and despite the Captain's obvious views on the matter, Laress did remember."I never sent you anywhere. My mother...well, you know how she is. I didn't even know you were gone until I got back from my tour. By then it was..." she trailed off, and closed her eyes. "They told me you died. Showed me a body. Probably thought I would get some foolish idea of chasing after you. It would seem," she said, opening her eyes again, "that the Universe is not without a sense of irony."Mika watched all of this through Cera's mind, her eyes growing steadily wider, and she looked down at Cera seeing her own surprise mirrored on the elven woman's face. "Didju know that 'bout the Cap'n?" She could see the answer before she finished the question, and taking Cera by one arm, she ducked sideways into her own cabin. If the captain came exploding back into the hallway this pissed off, they should probably be somewhere else. Project DarkstarIt was hard to erase something that had been a part of her life since nearly birth, Dray's back arching from that nearly innocent scratching of her chin. Her neck straining as she leaned into the woman's long absent touch, a purr beginning to rumble deep in her chest as her eyes closed on unshed tears.As a kitten she'd never understood how or why those caresses excited her the way they did, why the First Daughter's touch always sent a tingle straight between her thighs. It was hard to put away what had been a wonderful life...As the First Daughter's favorite pet she'd been privelidged among the slaves. Raised to serve the Princess, she had something akin to freedom that most of the others only dreamed of. She ate well, was bathed often, and was quite well taken care of. All at the First Daughter's whim... The happier Laress was, the more freedoms Erthe had enjoyed.Had the woman not continued talking, and let those happy memories settle in, things may well have turned out differently in the next moment.Draylyn's eyes snapped open to glare at the woman under her once more. "You left me to your mother devices... knowing Lloth's will. The way you prized me over all others..." Her lips pulling back in a snarl as her fingers began to tighten on her elegant throat. "I was a prime offering for sacrifice, but I was far too valuable as breeding stock..."Growling loudly as she pushed herself back from the bed, standing quickly and backing away as she saw Laress' eyes begin to darken. As many times as she'd drempt of killing the First Daughter over the years, she just couldnt bring herself to do it."Our lives have been built on a mountain of lies... and it might be safer for you, if you refrain from speaking of a dead girl."**Cera's surprise wasnt absolute, but she was still shocked at the turn of events. She'd known the Captain had been a slave before joining the fleet. She obviously didnt know who the Captain had belonged to.As Mika pulled them both back into her own cabin, her connection to the pannel fizzled out and the image they shared disappeared. The slight elven woman slumped against the engineer in exhaustion. "This is gonna be a long trip..." Project DarkstarLaress snarled as the tigress rose, and launched herself up from the bed, propelling her small form directly at Draylyn. One small fist connected solidly with the side of her head, and while she didn't have the weight or the raw strength of the Felarn, at this point she didn't care. Three decades of grief, misery, and loss came tumbling out like water over a ruptured dam."And what," she practically screamed the words, "was I supposed to do? It's not like she asked my permission to take you. She's the fucking Empress." She threw another punch, and connected mostly with shoulder before she let herself drop back to the floor. She was crying, and she hated crying some things from her upbringing she couldn't shake, and a loathing of tears was one of them. Drow children who cried were punished until they learned to hide the emotion, and, as in all other things, Laress had been a quick study.She picked up the nearest object she could lay her hands on some small ornament from the table beside the bed, and threw it at Draylyn as hard as she could. She missed, the tears half blinding her, and the object slammed into the wall with a dull thunk. Her next words were audible to Mika and Cera even without the audio pickups. "Damn you! You were the only person I ever loved!"**Huddling in their cabin down the hall some, Mika looked at Cera, and shook her head, "For th' record, luv, if you eva disappear for thirty bleedin' years without leavin' a note, I'll break your fool neck." Project Darkstar"Love!" The feline woman screeched. She had truly expected more fight out of the princess, but after that first blow barely caused her whiskers to twitch, she must have realized the futility. She'd spent a lifetime honing her body to physical perfection, and the UAW had further honed her into the perfect weapon."I was a pet..." Reaching down she grasped a heavy handful of the First Daughter's silvery locks, hauling the woman to her feet. "...a favored ornament. Your kind dont know the first thing about love!"Dragging Laress to the door, it opened at her approach. Her voice carried just as easily to the other two as she made her way down the hall toward the cargo bay. "Dont you even dare try to tell me that this whole rebellion is because mommy killed your favorite pet while you were away. I dont buy it."Here in the docking bay the life support was minimal. Sure, there was enough air to breathe, but that was about it. It was nearly freezing and the lighting was minimal while not in use. She stopped by a recess in the wall with a small panel beside it."I think you need to learn just what I went through..." Project DarkstarLaress screeched like a cat as she was, essentially, dragged by her hair down the hallway. When she saw where they were going, she did indeed begin to fight she had notions of being pitched headfirst into space. The result was that by the time Draylyn had finished her little speech, Laressripped her head free, losing enough hair that her scalp started to bleed, and sank her small flat teeth straight into Draylyn's arm.In the grand scheme of things it was probably the surprise of being bitten more than any real damage the bit may have caused, but Draylyn paused for a fraction of a second, and Laress backed away from her."Your death opened my eyes, Erthe. I didn't start the rebellion because of you, but it showed me why it was necessary." In truth she didn't want to hurt the other woman, though a small part of her centered in her now bleeding scalp wanted to yank her tail again, just to hear her screech. she opened her mouth again, but never got to talk, because at that moment, she was lifted clean off the floor by an, in her eyes, enormous orcish woman with beady eyes and, truth be told, severe difficulties in the language.**Mika had had enough. If they wanted to shout at each other that was one thing, but when they started hammering up and down the corridors in her baby, things had gone on just about long enough. Setting Cera gently to one side, she walked out into the hallway, picked up massive wrench from the toolkit she normally wore around her waist and walked after the arguing pair. They weren't exactly hard to sneak up on, even for her.She reached down, and grabbed the drow woman by the scruff of the neck, hoisting her into the air and holding her out at arm's length, and glared at the pair of them. "Wha you two do in the privacy of yur own cabin is yur own lookout. But damage my baby, and I'll skin ya both." Mika normally didn't challenge the ways thing ran on the ship. Draylyn was captain, and that was all she really needed to know. But this had gone on long enough, and they were racing closer and closer to the drop off point with who knows what kind of force chasing after them. They needed their captain thinking clearly. Project DarkstarDray snatched her hand away in surprise. More than once had she been beaten for the exact same think. Laress in a bad mood draging her away by the hair... and she'd bitten. The only difference being, she'd drawn blood when she did it... but that damn collar always paralyzed her a moment later.Her eyes grew wide at the memory, thankful of Mike's sudden presence as she pointed toward the holding cell that she had been about to introduce the princess to."I was just about to end it Mike..." Project DarkstarMika nodded and tossed the drow into the cell hard enough to daze her she slumped unconscious to the floor. When Dray turned to close the door however, she found Mika barring her way to the panel. The look in her eyes was inscrutable, but there was a determination around them that told Draylyn that this would end in a fight with the brawny engineer. And the wrench in Mika's hand told Draylyn she was ready for it."Sorry Cap'n, but until ya two sort this out yur no' fit to command this ship. Mebbe huddlin' together for warmth for a day er so'll bring the two of ya to yer senses."She took a step or two closer to Draylyn, her massive fist tightening on the wrench handle. "I'd prefer it if ya walked in, Cap'n. But I'll drag ya if ya make me." She heard Cera running up the hallway behind her but she ignored the elf, for now. Cera wouldn't interfere, probably, and Mika couldn't afford to take her eyes off the captain long enough to explain it. Project DarkstarCera wanted nothing more than to sleep, that had been her intention as Mike set her aside and she flopped back on the large plush bed they shared. But the voices echoing down the hall through the open doorways wouldnt let her drift away.Staggering to her feet, and down the hall. Slender arms wrapping around her body, shivering from the chill air comming from the open cargo bay. She had no intention of trying to get in the way, in fact, she was quite eager to see Mika wrestle the Captain into the holding cell."This is mutiny!" Even as Draylyn said the words, she knew the Orcish engineer was right. She needed to calm down. But if they were locked in that cell together, she feared that the package might not arrive...Her arms spread wide as she eyes the large wrench warrily. She been rational, she would have drawn her blaster and reduced the cudgel to molten slag. "Just close the cell and let it be Mike..." There was a hint of a warning growl in her voice. Project DarkstarMika shook her head, firmly. Draylyn had only seen that firm set on Mika's jaw once before, and that had been trying to wrestle a 400 pound drunk off of Cera at a bar. That poor sap had ended up in the med unit with four broken ribs, a fractured skull, and one of his feet pointed the wrong way."Cap'n, call it whateva makes ya sleep better, but either ya go in willin' or ya go in unconscious. The choice be yurs I suggest ya make it while it still beyurchoice."Laress had started to come around, though she was blinking a bit watery eyed and she didn't really seem to know where she was. Project DarkstarEven if she went for her blaster now, Dray knew it would be batted away by that heavy wrench. As well as a broken arm to go with it. Her hands were palm down now, still spread wide as she tried to circle slowly away from the open cell."I'm not going in there Mike... I may not like the condition either of us end up in, but I'm not going in there..." Her legs tensing as she prepared to pounce, it was a dead giveaway as that shapely leather encased rear began it's familiar little wiggle. Project DarkstarMika sighed heavily, and waded forward, lifting the wrench. When Dray shifted her attention to follow it, she cold cocked the captain with her empty hand. It sounded horrible, worse than it really was probably, like a side of beef getting smacked by a hover car, and Dray's head snapped sideways like it was on springs. She growled, loud and rushed Mika, swinging one heavy balled fist for the engineer's midsection.Cera bit down on her knuckles and watched, huddling back against the console with the door locks on it, waiting. Mika grabbed hold of the Captain, dropping her wrench in the process, and the wrestled back and forth snarling and yelling at each other. laress woke up fully, watching the struggle, but couldn't see any way past them out of the room. She scooted as far back as she could, slipping into the shadows the dim lighting provided.In the end, the fight was as short as it was brutal. Draylyn used her claws to open up a gash on one of Mika's arms and the pain sent the orcish woman into a towering rage. She bull rushed the captain at that point, lowering her shoulder and catching her just under the breasts, lifting her right up off the floor. When they reached the door, Dray didn't duck in time and smacked her head on the frame, then found herself battered, bleeding from a cut lip, and laying on the cold floor as Mika deliberately closed the door.Mika looked back through the little window in the cargo door and keyed the mic so they could hear her. "I'll let what's left of ya out in twenty four hours. Kill each other or don' but when you come out, ya better be civilized, or the next place I put ya will be outside on the hull." Reaching over, she disabled the interior panel to keep them from leaving, and then killed the mic.She looked at Cera, one side of her head starting to swell and her arm bleeding profusely. "Ow."As the two left the doorway, Laress padded out of her concealment and squatted down just outside of Draylyn's reach. "You never did know when to back down." Project DarkstarDazed, and barely conscious she just stared up at the cieling. Not even seeing the Drow woman at first. She'd gone easy on Mike, she'd had to. Without seriously hurting the Half Orcish woman there was no way she could have gotten away.Groaning as a hand rose to her head which was throbbing where it had connected with both the bulkhead door, and then the floor as she was dropped."I never..." She winced as the words seemed to echo through her skull. Rolling onto her side as she clutched her head.**Had she more energy, Cera would have lept into the towering behemoth's arms. As it were though, a simple bandage was needed. The slender elven woman began to shimmy out of her shirt, realizing that a simple strip of cloth wouldnt work for the gashes the captain had left on the woman's brawny arm.Binding the wound until she was more awake to properly treat it, she smiled up at Mika. "That was hot babe..." Project DarkstarLaress sighed, and looked around. There was some tarps nearby, and she dragged one of them over, balling it up and lifting Erthe's head high enough to wedge it underneath. At least that would be some relief. That done, she paced around their impromptu prison some, rubbing her arms with her hands. The cargo bay was kept above freezing, but not much there was no point trying to heat such a large open space just so the crates of machinery could feel good.Eventually, she didn't have a choice, she returned to the captain, still laying on her side, and, trying not to disturb her, she curled up against her back, absently stroking her fur. She thought back, all those years ago, her mind drifting as the warmth helped. Her head was pounding, and she tried to tug a section of the tarp far enough down that she could use it as a pillow.Eventually, she drifted off, still curled up behind the captain, and dreamed of happier days, long ago, a the pet she'd loved, and lost.**Mika just let Cera bind up the cuts on her arm, her eyes firmly fixed on the slender elf's now exposed breasts. "Ya know, i's a good thing yur no' a medic. No one would eva get anything done." She used her good arm to chivvy the elf up the corridor towards the cabin, giving her a smack on the ass to get her moving. "If ya weren't dead on yur feet, I'd work off the rush with ya for a couple hours, but yud probably fall asleep and crush m' ego."Still, Mika had to admit to herself, the elf girl did make quite a figure in her tight pants and no top. Maybe she could find a way to keep her up a while. Project DarkstarCera giggled as that firm swat lifted her up off her feet a moment. Holding up an injector she'd pulled from a pouch on her belt. The stimulant inside was illegal on most systems as it had a habit of keeping people up for days if not used in moderation."I'm tha closest thing we have to a medic love... ever since the Cap'n scared off Gloria..." She held the injector to her arm, looking up at the engineer almost questioningly as her thumb hovered over the button. There was a sparkle in her eyes that normally faded in her exhaustion.**Still dazed, her head throbbing. A semblance of comfort comming over her body as Laress curled up against her back. Dray drifted off into a fitful slumber, plagued with dreams of the tortures she endured after the First Daughter went off for her tour of duty in the Imperial Navy. Project DarkstarMika shook her hed and took the injector from Cera, much as she didn't want to. "Ya need sleep. Yur the cap'n til that lot sort out whatever this mess is between 'em. Got ta have yur wits about ya."She picke dup the elf girl in her strong arms and carried her to the bed, laying her down, surprisingly delicately considering her strength. "But when we get paid for this, I'm takin' ya on one of those cruises where everythin's delivered, and you can lounge 'round naked all day if ya want." She grinned, and kissed Cera firmly, before tucking her into their shared cabin bed, tumbling in beside her."Shame 'bout Gloria too. Cap'n was really sweet on her..." she trailed off and cuddled Cera closer. Damn but it had been a long day.**Laress woke, stiff, cramped, and with a headache that felt like one of Lloth's own demon handmaidens was inside her skull trying to get out. She nuzzled her face against Erthe's back, letting the fur tickle her nose, and listened to the lungs under the fur drawing air in, and pushing it back out. She could hear the strong steady thump of her heart, and Laress sighed.She supposed she could have tried harder to have Erthe assigned to her ship. Her mother had said no, and Laress had never really bothered to question it. People who enjoyed having their heads still attached to their shoulders generally didn't question the Empress. it didn't matter much, she was an outlaw now. Her little sister would be named First Daughter, and she would be il talanth, an Unspeakable. Saying her name aloud anywhere in the Empire would now be a capital crime, punishable by death.She needed to use the bathroom, but she didn't really want to sit up. Erthe's back was warm, and the room was still cold as ice. She wondered if the other two would bring them food at some point, or if they'd spend the day hungry as well as cold. Project DarkstarIn her exhaustion Cera had drifted off the moment her head had come into contact with the bunk. A lazy smile on her lips as her tiny body curled against her Orcish lover. The large woman's rumbling snores were oddly comforting, vibrating the entire bed.Even exhausted however, it was only a matter of hours before her eyes snapped back open. Bleary as she rubbed them, Mike's words comming back to her as she rolled over to kiss the still sleeping half Orc on the cheek before slipping from the bed. She was the captain now... at least for the rest of the day.Not that it really mattered, Mike would probably sleep until shortly before the time to release the Captain. And, well, the captain and the package were firmly secured. Cera slipped out of the room to let her love sleep as she made her way to what passed as a mess hall. In reality it was really just storage for their rations.Popping open a self heating can of Jolt and setting it aside as she gathered up a few things for the prisoners. Knowing what Dray liked for breakfast, the elven woman began heating up two servings. She added a generous pinch of an herb from a sealed pouch on her belt.With just the three of them on the ship, comfortable with each other as they were. Clothing or the lack of had never been an issue on the ship. Which is why she never even thought about her missing shirt binding Mike's wounds until the cargo bay doors opened and she was hit with a blast of freezing air.Shivering a bit as she carried the tray over to the holding cell, standing up on her toes to get a peek inside. Seeing movement from the First Daughter she called out. "I've got food, an' Imma open tha door... Dont try anything funny. I can fry your brain before you even take a step..."So often the tiny elven woman tried to sound threatening, failing miserably with her girlish little voice and an accent that showed how much time she spent with the Orcish engineer. The door slid open as Cera carried the tray of steaming food inside, unashamed by her partial nudity.**Her sleep had been restless, locked in nightmares long forgotten. Startled at the sound of the door opened, her eyes snapped opened. They were coming again! Draylyn sat up instantly reaching for the blaster Mike had relieved her of upon dropping her in here. Regretting it instantly as her head spun, the back throbbing once more where it had connected with the doorway.She groaned, fighting back a wave of nausea. Without even realizing it, she rolled over to burry her face in Laress' neck. Grumbling something about the Orc woman's parentage."Glad ta see yer still alive Highness..." The redheaded elven woman smiled a bit as she knelt to set the try down. "Some o' us need the pardon we're getting for this job..." Her eyes moved over both women's forms as several lights blinked amidst the electroncis on the side of her head. After a moment she nodded, a somewhat glassy look receding from her left eye."Well, it looks as if y'all both survive..." Project DarkstarLaress squinted her eyes as the hallway door opened, and scooched back a little further against Draylyn. She could smell the food though, and her stomach rumbled. She looked the elf woman over, her eyes momentarily caught by the lack of anything that even vaguely resembled a top, but she neither spoke nor moved towards the woman. She merely nodded her head slightly in thanks for the food, while she absently cradled Draylyn's bruised head, stroking her between her ears.However, as Cera began backing away, Laress simply couldn't hold her tongue any longer. "Apparently, it's a bit chillier in here than I had thought." She meant it as a joke, though she wasn't sure the aggravated tone in her voice carried it off as one.When the woman had left, Laress pulled the food closer, and inspected it. Felarn ready packs, by the look of it heavy on meat, low on thorough cooking. She examined the slightly bloody meat, and then tested it with a finger. At least it was warm. She poked Draylyn lightly in the ribs, vaguely wondering if she was still ticklish. "Wake up sleepyhead. They brought lunch." Project DarkstarCera glanced down at her bare breasts, her nipples rock hard in the chill air of the cargo bay. Blushing a bit as she looked back up at the First Daughter and grinned before looking down at the captain."Well, she was gonna leave ya in here nekked..." Winking at the princess before she retreated back out the door to let it seal once more with a hiss.Dray groaned as the elven woman retreated. Upon hearing her voice she'd thought it had been Cera beside her, her brain still fuzzy from the blow to the back of her head. But as they both spoke she realized her mistake.Slipping from Laress' embrace as she sat up, a bit too quickly. Holding her head as she scooted back against one of the shipping crates. Her fur had her at an advantage, cutting out the worst of the cold. And she knew that had she managed to leave Laress in here as intended, there wouldnt have been much fight left in the frozen woman.The smell of the food was setting her stomach rumbling, but she could also smell something else... it had been seasoned with catnip. Pulling her blaster from it's hloster, she adjusted the beam setting, motioning to the tray."If you behave, and bring that here... I'll see what I can do about warming it up for you..." Project DarkstarLaress eyed the blaster warily but the invitation was rather too tempting to refuse. The meat really was too chilly and, frankly, bloody for her. She picked up both trays and brought them, careful not to move too quickly. She knelt, quietly, and set both trays on the ground, letting Draylyn choose the one she wanted. "Thank you," was all she said.Finally, as the captain flash warmed one of the trays with a shot from the blaster, Laress asked, "Would you have really left me in here naked? Do you hate me that much?" Project DarkstarDray simply grunted in reply to her thanks as she played the broadened beam over the steak to flash cook it, shivering a bit as the scent of the 'catnip' caught her once more.As much as she needed the false energy from the drug, she didnt need the other effects. The Elves of the UAW were trying to get the powerful aphrodisiac outlawed, but smugglers could make a fortune on the fringe worlds.She saw what Cera was trying to do..."Hate you? Is that what you'd call it? The entire time you owned me, the only clothing I wore was my collar..." Dray snorted as she glared once more at the Princess kneeling before her. "I told you when I dragged you down here... I was gonna give you a taste of what my life was like..." Project DarkstarPulling her own tray towards her, she asked, quietly, "Does that mean you're going to put a collar on me as well, Erthe? You never know, you might enjoy having a pet of your own." She sounded slightly mocking, but she was getting cold again, and she scooted a bit closer tot he larger woman, hoping to keep the worst of the chill away."I tried to have you moved to my ship, when I left." She had no idea why she was bothering to try and explain herself. It was obvious the woman didn't care to hear the explanations, pained her, very deeply, that Erthe disliked her so much. Her people, she could understand there were times Laress hated them herself, but they were, after all her people, and, she hoped, not beyond redemption. But it was upsetting to know that she personally was held in such low regard. "The truth be told, I didn't want you left behind. Didn't want you sent in with the general slaves. I suppose I cared for you too much but you were the only person in the entire palace I could trust."Perhaps it was to be expected. The sins of the matron were often visited upon the house, as the saying went. And when your house was the Imperial House, your sins received a lot more scrutiny than normal. She picked at her food, not really hungry, but she finally took a bite, sighing softly as she chewed the meat. Project Darkstar"I told you Laress... I had dreams of kidnapping you one day. And if the collar had been handy, you would have been wearring it before getting on my ship." Grumbling a bit as she pulled her own tray closer, watching as the Drow woman began eating."I had every intention of keeping you as a pet... then this deal with the Royal Fleet fell in my lap, and so did you." She began poking at the steak with one claw. Project Darkstar"Don't let your contract with the Fleet stop you. It's the information I have they want, not me. Once I've turned it over to them, I'll be homeless. I can't live in UAW space of I won't be able to, once they know what's happening, and I certainly can't go back home. Not now."She bit into her steak again, rather more viciously than she'd intended to, and growled softly. "But it is, I suppose, a small price to pay."She glanced sideways at the larger woman, "I might find it refreshing to know that there was somewhere I could go when this was done with." Project DarkstarOne brow arching as her head snapped up to stare at the Drow woman, her words sinking in as a hint of a grin began to curl the corners of her lips. Dray started to chuckle a bit, watching the First Daughter tear into her meal almost barbarically."Are you offering yourself Laress?" Project DarkstarShe looked back at Draylyn, though in her mind she would always be Erthe, and gave her a challenging look. "I'm offering you the opportunity. If you can claim me, you can have me. Get a collar around my throat without resorting to deceit or drugs, and I'll surrender myself to you."She arched a brow, "Unless I'm too much for you to handle, of course." She knew the challenge would goad the other woman into action she had known Erthe for years, and she knew how she thought, at least to some extent. The hunt would thrill her, and perhaps it may sate some of her anger.
Dissapearing Celebrities (Cerberus and LoveliiMonsta)
Drake had been working for the company for more then 3 years now and in that time he had become one of their best agent to find the "target" and retrive it for them before training them then handing them over to be sold. He sat back in his chair all dressed up. There was supposed to be a big party for Celebrities, some A list group who thought that they were untouchable that they wouldn't get caught and disappear like some of those B list stars. Laughing he got up and headed to his car and checked his trunk for all of the tools of his trade. His ropes, gags and chloroform. Getting into his Car he headed out from his house and into the city where the after party was being held.Drake was able to slip into the party, conning many people into thinking he was someone important. His dark black hair and dark eyes always gave him an air of mystery. He chatted with stars and producers alike as he looked around for his next targets. Who would the company want now. it had to be someone really at the A list, someone who would actually cause a spark once she was kidnapped and never seen again. Then that would strike panic into them and make them know that they were not safe. Beyonce and Tyra Banks walked into the party together, they were close friends and since they both got invitations. Hooked arm by arm they couldn't get 2 steps without some fashion model coming up to Tyra saying she is an inspiration to her or some guy smacking Beyonce's ass. But it was a harsh world, can't always have it good.
['Beyonce', 'Banks', 'Tyra']
1X1 Prince Of Persia rp. Cysma and I only.
The setting takes place in a small town in a Persian city, where a prince is ready to lead an attack on, The holy City Of Alamut where a princess is praying to the gods of Sand Of Time to protect the dagger from the hands of evil . One of the priest said to her, Excuse me your highness we found this girl that was knocked by something and were not sure what could of knock her out, I believe this girl is a sacred white ninja from a country that got invaded and also destroyed as well. We did some research about this girl and we found some interesting info about her, and her powers and skills she can heal any kind of wound, and she could also bring someone back to life, we found her in the nick of time, what should we do with her your highness hmm? The princess said to the priest, She needs to recover from being knocked out she ll be a great help to us all and I believe she can fight really well, I ve seen her once before in my life time, and once she is awake please come and inform me understood and she is not a threat to us at all, she is an allie, take her to the guest room right away ok. The guards carried her to the guest room and she slowly begins to recover from being knocked out by the enemy and the priest said to the princess, Your guest is awake now my lady, she looks a little bit scared right now, good luck in trying to talk to her my lady ok. The Princess nods her head and she enters into the guest room and said to her, It s alright you ll be safe now miss, what is your name, my name is Princess Tiamirna and please tell me what your name is miss.? The ninja looked at her and said to her, My name is Tanja I m a female white ninja and use the magic and skills of light magic and my dagger is The Mystical dagger of life and happiness. Where am your highness hmm.? Tiamirna said to her, You are in the holy city of Alamut and the dagger that we posed is called The Dagger Sands of Time we could use your help to keep this safe from the enemy grasp, will you help me protect this dagger please Tanja? Tanja said to her, Sure I will help you out as best as I can your highness you have my trust, as long as I have your trust as well your highness. The princess said to Tanja, Yes you do have my trust and I trust you as well Satoshi, come and help me pray Tanja, please follow me. Tanja followed the princess to the high temple and they both begin to pray to protect this dagger at any cost from the grasp of people of Persia especially from Prince Dastin and his brothers. Prince Dastan trudged on forward alongside the ranks of his father's grand army as they approached the holy city of Alamut. He wasn't a Persian prince in the traditional sense he grew up as an orphan on the streets and, almost as if by miraculous chance, he was taken in by the King of Persia to be raised as one of his own sons.Dastan wondered whether it was right to invade such a peaceful city by force, but he would be making his father proud, so he did not worry about it so much. And he was sure their conquest could be successful by their numbers, as well as the fact that they hired a warrior from the far east. His name was Ryu, a ninja from the distant kingdoms of Japan. There, they served as bodyguards, assassins, and spies. His reasons for coming all the way out here were never fully understood, but he was a friend of Dastan's, and the Persian King felt he could be trusted as well. He had done some reconnaissance work on the holy city and told it to the Prince.By nightfall the King's army was ready to attack and seize the city. Using the information given to him, Dastan was able to make his way inside undetected and reach the inside of the castle itself, taking out a few patrolling guards in the process. The priest said to the princess,"Someone has manage to sneak inside the castle,we found some partoling guards dead,who ever he or she is,they'll reach this room anytime soon your highness."The princess said to the priest,"Thank you for informing me,and Tanja you must hang onto this dagger and don't let it get into the hands of evil,your the only one that is fast enough and can get by the enemy,please take it with you,and becareful Tanja." Tanja takes the dagger from the princess hand and she tucks it inside of her ninja outfit,and she makes her way out of the window and she put's her ninja mask over her face to hide her true identy from anyone that might be after her next. The princess stood beside the priest and she sees two people entering into the high temple room and hoped thta Tanja didn't left the window open that she managed to escape from and the princess sighed. As Dastan cleared his way into the castle he eventually managed to open up the front gates, with a little help from Ryu. The Persian army charged into the courtyard to take the palace by storm.Ryu, meanwhile, went off on his own route to find the city's unique treasure, the Dagger of Time, having been made aware of it during his reconnaissance. He used the shadow of night as his cover and made his way towards the sacred chamber... The princess said to Tanja,Why haven't you left yet,if you get captured as well,no telling what they'll do with the dagger of time,you should run away and hide for as long as you can. Do not worry I'll be fine Tanja please go Tanja your the only one that is capable of getting away please go Tanja go now."Tanja said to the princess,"I don't leave anyone behind,I've been abandonded ever since I was about 12 years old,my mother was the only one thta took care of me,because my father walked out on us both,and we found out that he died from been killked by a snake. I'm not letting anything happen to you or to your people,I'll keep the dagger somewhere safe on my outfit Tamina."Tiamina saw all of the guards all asleep and she slowly begins to doze off to sleep, and Tanja kept her mask over her face,so this move or techique will not haver any effect on her at all. Tanja grabs the dagger of time and she tucks it away and she has seen this move once before and thinks inside of her mind,"No it can't be Ryu I heard that he was dead,but how could he be alive this doesn't make any sense at all,oh great I'm the only one that is awake not good at all." Dastan couldn't help but smirk at the sleeping guards he came across. They would wake up to find that their kingdom is overthrown, he thought to himself.Meanwhile Ryu had made his way up to the chamber where Alamut's sacred treasure was kept, only to find the place empty. So they had known that they might try to take the Dagger of Time, he thought. But whoever took it could not have gone far. He began to search for this person... The princess glared at Dastin and the guards woke up from their sleep and they knew that their kingdom was over taken by the Persian army and the princess was glad that Tanja didn't get caught yet. Tanja climbed out of the window and she could sense that someone was following her,and she begins to run like yet and she watches where she jumps,so she doesn't hurt herself or get cuaght by the enemy at any cost. The window was open and the wind blew the drapes around,and Tanja tries to figure out who else joined The Persian army and she sighed.
['Tiamirna', 'Tanja']
Heart of the duelists(Kiki)
A big duel monsters tournament was about to be held in Domino city. All the great important duellists were present. The prize was a rare tablet from Eygept and a million yen. It was taking place in the Kaiba Land's duel arena. Contestants were told to wait in a waiting room until the tournament began. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" The white haired man waited in the corner. Playing with the large ring he wore on his neck, and had a devilish smile on his face. He licked his lips as they carried the prizes outside for display. He didn't care for the was the tablet that he wanted. He didn't know exactly what was on it, but he assumed that he could use it to defeat Atem. Foolish mortals. He muttered under his breath as Bakura had entered the tournament unnoticed by anyone who know who he really was. Ritoru Katawa was a newer duellist on the block, after losing a leg in a accident he had to keep himself occupied some how. And in doing so he discovered duel monsters. He had heard of it now and again, but didn't care much for it otherwise. Until he learned how amazing it was and started winning tournaments left and right. Eventually Kaiba corp designed a new leg for him. That looks and feels just like his old one, but he still duelled. He fell in love with it, and made it his livelihood. Kiki made her way into the arena asking them not announce her presence yet. She hardly wanted to be mauled by fans today. Walking over to a nearby corner she leaned against the wall. Looking around she took in her surroundings. There was nothing new. This arena looked no different from the ones she had been in before. But upon scanning the corners of the room she spied among all the other people a white haired man who looked vaguely familiar. "Where have I seen him before?" She asked herself. Tea Had been standing in the arena for a while now waiting for the announcements to begin. It had been nearly five minutes since the supposed starting time and she was getting slightly annoyed. What in the heck was taking so long. If they took any longer she would begin to doubt herself. Oh who was she kidding. She was already doubting herself. "Why am I here?" She asked herself as she fiddling with her hair. She had signed up out of impulse to prove herself but now she wasn't so sure. Bakura was still scheming in his head, when his vision was caught by girl. Who seemed oddly familiar to him. But he couldn't place where he knew her, and decided that he should do some investigating, not wanting any hiccups in his plan. He tucked his ring inside of his shirt and then donned his nice bakura appearance and voice. And walked over to the girl. Well hello there, names Bakura. I've seen you around, you must be a famous duellist. He actually didn't know if she was or not it was just a trick. Name's Bakura. Pleasure to meet you. He said with a smile...a smile that always killed him to fake.Ritoru looked around as people walked about. Eyeing a rather attractive girl, Wow. Was all he could say as he gave her a look over. He always found another girl that duelled to be rather attractive, so it was nice to see some females out there. But she looked Especially breath taking. He decided to take a walk over there and smiled. Are you as excited as I am for this? He said...not very good with the small talk. Especially around the ladies. Kiki noticed the white haired man coming towards her and she shied away slightly. As he stopped and introduced himself she softly smiled back. "Nice to meet as well and yes I am a famous duelist. My name is Kiki." She replied meekly eying him slightly. Gods he looked so familiar and she had heard the name before. Bakura, Bakura...Oh why couldn't she remember. It was so puzzling and yet she knew it shouldn't be. Maybe it was one of those faded "past self" memories she had locked away in her mind.Tea nearly jumped when she heard a voice behind her. Whirling around she caught sight of who was speaking to her. Oh great a cute guy and here she was feeling all self conscious. "Uummm Yeah I am excited. But a little worried too." She replied. "Uh My name's Tea. What's yours?" Bakura really didn't get any good information out of her, which was very troubling since he knew her from some where. Probably someone not very important and not worth his time. But he couldn't risk it...3000 years of planning would not go down the drain because of some stupid girl. The name sorta rang a bell but not really. Well, I hope to see you give it your best out there. So where are you from? Hoping that the last question would help him out some.Ritoru noticed, she was rather attractive. Worried, why worry about being worried? That sentence made sense in his mind, not to sure about when it left his mouth. I mean, just have fun...what's the worst that can happen huh? He said giving a reassuring smile to her, and then realized he hasn't introduced himself. The names Ritoru. He said placing his arm out for a handshake. Kiki smiled at his comment and nodded. "I shall." She replied befored hearing his second question. What an odd thing to ask. But she decided to oblige him with an answer. "Um well I was born in Egypt but I was raised for a good portion of my life in the city." She answered.She laughed at his comment and then gave a friendly smile back. "Well the worst that can happen is I can fail utterly." She giggled. Hearing his name she took his hand and shook it . Bakura heard Egypt and became a little worried. If she was born there...that must mean something. Egypt huh...very...interesting. He smiled...a fake smile but she probably wouldn't be able to tell.Ritoru laughed a bit. Oh, that won't happen. If you were invited in this tournament then you must be pretty good right? He smiled a much more warm and sincere smile then Bakura. He was about to talk again but was cut off. ATTENTION DUELISTS, PLEASE MOVE TO THE STADIUM FOR THE OPENING CERAMONIES! The announcement said.Bakura waved. Good luck to you then. As he moved out to the Stadium.Ritoru bowed out, I'm sure you'll do fine, see you soon. He said walking away. As Bakura smiled Kiki felt unnerved somehow. There was something unsettling about it. Like it was almost...Fake...Just then the name hit her. Bakura....Her eyes widened in shock. The tomb robber. Just as she was about to say something else she heard the announcement. Turning back to him she heard his comment. She didn't say anything as he walked away. She then started towards the stadium trying to reassure herself that Bakura wasn't who she though he was. 'It couldn't be..." She thought trying to calm her nerves. Tea was about to tell him that she wasn't all that great when she heard the announcement. Looking back over to him she hear his comment and nodded. "Good luck. I hope you do well." She said cheerfully to him as he walked away. She then began trying to regain a bit of confidence as she moved towards the stadium. A announcer stood in the middle of the duel arena, the participants were instructed to line up behind him. He shouted as he spoke to the large spectators . Everybody listen up, time to get this duel tournament underway. The best duellist will win fabulous prizes! So let's let's give a cheer for them shall we fokes.The crowd cheered loudly, very excited for tonight's event.Bakura was indifferent about this of course. Not caring at all about things like fame and publicty. He was slowly remembering something about that girl...something he didn't like,Ritoru was eating the fame up, loving every cheer and applause he could hear. Not wanting to miss a beat of this entire tournament. Kiki waved and smiled sweetly at the crowd. As much as she loved her fans she hated all the flashing lights all the time. After a while she got annoyed and fidgeting. But she would never ever break and snap at them. She was to shy for that. But the thoughts about Bakura were still bugging her.Tea was enjoying herself with all the flashing lights and the cheering fans. Of course none of them knew her name but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy her 5 minutes of fame. The large screen lit up, showing who was duelling who. Bakura, Kiki,Ritoru, and Tea were all duelling no name opponents. Meaning that they weren't very famous...or obviously good. After the matches were over they all were given their own hotel rooms. So they could do what ever until the next day.Ritoru saw this as a chance to talk to Tea again, so he met up with her after the duelling and waved at her. Hey Tea...great duelling out there! He yelled to her, trying to make small talk..but not very good at it.Bakura walked to his room, he obviously won, he had been playing the game for a lot longer then the mortal fools. Tea was walking back to her hotel room when she heard Ritoru behind her again. Turning around with a smile she walked over to him. "Hey. You tto. You were amazing out there. Where did you learn to duel like that?" She asked still smiling happily. She actually really hadn't expected to do that well. But she was glad that she had.Kiki was on her way back to her hotel room as well. Thoughts of Bakura still swam through her mind. She knew who she had been in a past life and she could swear that the Bakura from her past memories and this Bakura were one in the same. But she had no way to prove it. I was just a natural I guess. I used to play it a lot...during well after an incident I had. But enough of that, you were still amazing. I told you didn't have anything to worry about. He smiled at her, about we have celebrate? Bakura needed to do some more investigating on Kiki.. He looked around and finally found her. Well hello there, nice to see you again. Great duelling. He said with another phony smile painted on his face. Tea blushed at his compliment and smiled when mentioned going out to dinner. "Sure. I'd love too." She said nodding. It had been a long time since she had had a date with anyone. Well this wasn't a date it was a celebration dinner. but still she couldn't help but be giddy at the fact that she could even get a guy to notice her. "So where did you wanna go?" She asked.Kiki whirled around hearing Bakura's voice. Speak of the devil. She smiled slightly at his words. "Thank you so much. You were great as well." She replied softly. She wanted to tell him to drop the act and show her his true colors. But alas she was a kind girl and believed that she was just being paranoid. But there was still something lingering behind his smile that she didn't like. Ritoru was very happy that she said yes. Sure..she probably didn't think of it as a date the way he put it. But he figured she would have said no if he asked otherwise. Well..let's go change into something more formal, and I'll meet you back here. So I can give you a ride. Not really waiting for an answer the guy left and went into his hotel room. Putting on a full tuxedo and even a top hat...he really loved top hats. Looking quite dapper in his outfit. And then went back waiting for Tea.Bakura decided to act a little stronger in her presence. No more mister nice thief. He didn't know why...but she reminded him of someone. Would you like to come to my hotel remind me of someone...maybe you're related to him. He said with another fake smile. Tea nodded still smiling as he left. After that she went back to her hotel room and slipped on a pale pink evening gown and some heels. After getting ready she walked back down to the spot where they had been before. Spotting him she blushed. He looked so cute in his tux. Even the top hat was a nice touch. Walking over to him she smiled. "Shall we go?" She asked.Kiki shied back at the mention of going anywhere with him. He was kind of scaring her and her suspicions about him were starting to ring true. She was almost about to bid him goodnight and quickly take her leave but his last few words stopped her. "Related to who?" She asked. Ritoru looked at Tea in her pink evening gown and heels. He found her quite beautiful...well more beautiful then before. Yes, let's go. He said walking to the door to let Tea go first, and then lead her threw the parking lot to his motorcycle. You'll have to sit behind me. But don't worry I have an extra helmet. He said pulling it out of his Motorcycle as well as his.Bakura began to laugh a little, his nice facade slowly disappearing. Oh let's just say....and old friend of mine. He said licking his lips in a extremely creepy way. So...shall we discuss on this matter further? 'Such a gentlemen.' Tea thought as he opened the door for her. She then followed him and stopped dead when she saw the bike. Oh my god he was cute and owned a motorcycle. This was awesome. Tea took the helmet and smiled. "That's ok I don't mind." She replied. After all it gave her an excuse to hold onto him.Kiki watched as his nice guy act disappeared. "I knew it...You are him...The thief king..." She said softly backing away from him. She had a fine mind to run. But she didn't know how far that would get her if she did. She wasn't prepared for this and she was starting to panic. Ritoru smiled, glad that she might be impressed with the his motorcycle. He got on it and put on his helmet. It be awesome if you could duel...while riding a motorcycle. He said laughing, it sounded ridiculous but it would be cool none the less. He waited for Tea to get on before he left. You ready? Bakura started to laugh a little bit. Oh you know my real name huh? Thank you for confirming who you are, makes things a lot easier. He looked at the fear in her eyes. Oh I won't be killing you...not yet anyway. That wouldn't be fun. He said laughing more. She laughed at his comment. That did sound interesting. With that she put on the helmet and got on behind him. Her arms circled about his waist and she pulled herself tightly against him. "Ready when you are." She replied.As she confirmed his identity she backed away from him even more. "How could you be so sure about who I am?" She asked finally backing into a wall. "You could be mistaken..." At this point she was really trying to dodge trouble. But it looked like trouble had already found her and it was going to get worse. Ritoru blushed a little bit as Tea's arms wrapped around his waist. He smiled and revved up the motorcycle, and wheeled on over to the fanciest restaurant in domino city. Hope this is alright, I'll pay of course. Bakura noticed something that he made him laugh...loudly. Oh and guess what, any witnesses are gone. It's just us two in this whole you can run if you want. He said pulling out the millennium ring from under his shirt. I could be mistaken....but if so, then it won't make much difference if I kill you anyway. As they arrived at the restaurant Tea. gasped. This place was so fancy. She almost didn't want to think about how much a salad in this place would even cost. "This is more than alright." She said smiling. "But are you sure about paying? We could go half and half if you wanted." She offered looking at him.Kiki looked at him fearfully shaking against the wall. She was in deep right now and as he pulled out the Millennium ring a vision from the past came back to her. She had been there the night that he had entered her father's throne room and basically challenged him. They had made brief eye contact but nothing past that. But she did remember having a tiny naughty thought about him before slapping herself mentally having to tell herself that it was wrong to think like that. Especially about a man threatening her father. Coming back to reality she looked him over. "I'm not going to run. You'll just find me. After all a theif always get's what he wants.." She replied meekly. This would set Ritoru back quite a bit, but he didn't mind. He was trying to impress Tea after all. So he had to spend money to get a little honey...not that he expected getting any anytime soon. He opened the door to the restaurant and smiled. Don't worry, I can cover it. Just worry about enjoying yourself. He said.Bakura smiled....and thought of something devilish. Yes, I do get anything I want. I want the world you see, and with some help I'm going to get it. He said walking slowly to her. And you know what...your going to help me get it. He mashed there lips together...he figured violating her would piss daddy dearest off. Attacking the heart was always a good first step for revenge. Tea smiled at him when he said he'd cover it. He even opened the door for her again. As she stepped inside she was jumping for joy in her head. Hot damn she had found herself a hot guy and he was courteous to boot. "Ok if your sure." She replied waiting for him to step inside.Kiki tried to move away as he closed in on her. But she moved too late and their lips met in a forceful kiss. Putting her hands on his chest she tried to push him away but her efforts were in vain. She had a bad feeling that she wouldn't be leaving this hallway tonight without loosing something precious. Ritoru smiled, he wondered if he was impressing her...he hoped so for his sake. But if not...well a night out would be fine as well. He entered and went to the waiter. Sir...your best table. He said slipping the waiter the bill, the waiter lead the pair to a nice table. In front of a window looking over the city. I hope this is alright. Hopefully he wasn't over doing it or anything.Bakura broke the kiss just as forcefully as he presented it. I wonder what I should do to you....I could let you're under contract so you wouldn't be going anywhere. I could kill you...but what would be the fun in that. No...I think I have a better idea. He said pinning her to a nearby wall. Scream really loud for me kay? He said in an almost sarcastic tone, as he licked her neck. As the waiter led them to their table Tea showed how impressed she actually was. She let out a gasp of amazement as she looked at the scene in front of her. "Oh my gosh this is so beautiful!" She said excitedly. In her excitement she leaned over to him and planted a kiss on his cheek.As he broke the kiss Kiki was gasping for air. Her fear grew stronger still as he spoke. The only good thing that came out of that sentence was it would be no fun killer her. But as he pinned her against the wall she had a feeling that after this she would have preferred that. But as his tongue strayed over her neck she let out a soft moan. She hadn't meant to. It was just her body had never experienced any kind of pleasure before. Ritoru smiled and was about to say something when he was kissed on the cheek. His face lit up red...although that answered the question if she was happy about this or not. Uh...well...take your seat. He said shyly, pulling up her chair like a gentlemen. His face still pretty red, he hadn't seen that one coming...but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy it.Bakura heard the moan and smiled. Oh, don't tell me your getting pleasure from this. Wait till I tell your dad. He said trying to think of someway to keep her restrained while he had some fun. He pulled her along and used the little chains that help lines stay in order, and wrapped them around her wrists. And then he ripped her clothes of her. I do get what ever I want. She sat down and smiled at him. "Thank you." She said scooting in and smoothing her dress out. "So you gotta tell me. Do you do this for very girl you meet?" She joked giggling slightly. She had to make some kind of joke to ease him. She didn't want to see him nervous the whole night.She blushed hearing his comment. At that she decided she was going to try and hold her noises in as he violated her. As he chained her in place she squirmed slightly but a little yelp escaped her as he tore her dress off. As he exposed her she began to softly cry. "St stop please..." She whined. Ritoru sat down, taking his top hat off. It was rude to wear hats at a was a sad fact and he never liked to part with his super cool top hat. Only the beautiful ones. he said with a smile. The waiter came with the wine list. Ritoru couldn't drink...since he was the one driving on the death machine as it is. But if Tea wanted something he'd by it. See anything you like? Bakura's creepy smile disappeared. Stop....why should I stop?! After what your people did to my village? This is nothing in comparison! He yelled, his hand moving towards and started to finger her womanhood hard. Tea laughed at his statement. "Oh so just any pretty girl." She joked. Watching the waiter walk up with the wine list she kindly declined. "I don't really drink at all." She said softly as they were handed their menus."I I didn't do any of that..."She whined as she he began fingering her hard. "Pl please stop...I never knew anyth thing about that." She blubbered crying. Ritoru smiled, this meal would cost him a pretty penny, so he was glad that some wine was not thrown on the bill. He looked at the menu and smiled. You can have anything you want, and damn the expensive. He said, I'll be having the Steak. Bakura fingered her even harder, not aiming to please her, just aiming to destroy her mentally. Oh sure, your dad said the same damn thing. I won't believe any of your lies! Bakura licked her neck and them looked at her, loving the sense of fear she was giving off. Tea nodded at his statement. "In that case I'll have the shrimp scampi." She said placing her order with the waiter. With both their orders in hand he nodded and went to place them. Tea then looked over at him and smiled. " So what do you like to do other than duel?" She asked.She cried and squirmed under his heavy touching. It seemed that no matter what she did or said he wouldn't believe her. "Please....Please stop..." She cried as she pulled against her restraints. Ritoru didn't even know what Tea actually sounded weird. But he didn't call her on it or anything, that's not the way to win over a lady. He just simply nodded."Good choice." As he took a glass of water to ponder on her question. "Hmmm, Hard question. I guess just riding around on my motorcycle. You?" He did a lot of other things, but playing video games didn't seem like something Tea would be interested in.Bakura didn't stop, if anything he went harder then before. " 'Please stop!' That sounds so familiar. Where have a heard that before. Oh right, it's what my entire village said before they died!"
['Katawa', 'Atem']
Odd pair(Lustfull Sin)
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Forte was riding around in his motorcycle, about to pick up his partner...Tifa. They had only recently started to work together...actually this would be the first time they would actually be working together in a mission of some sort. Something Forte was more then thrilled about, seeing as he had a thing for Tifa....a huge thing for Tifa. Not afraid to touch her inappropriately...or talk to her seductively...or talk to her like a fool as well. Of course he could have a decent conversation with her, but really he just wanted to lay her down and fuck the night away.Forte was just getting into the whole bounty hunter deal. In fact it this would also be pretty strongest person he's ever gone after. Normally he helped with local crimes...people stealing things...all of that jazz. Pety criminals mostly. He recently was kicked out of his house because he was a lousy good for nothing. So now he was trying not be to such a lousy good for nothing, and put some bread on the table. And killing things for money seemed like the perfect opportunity to do that.He rolled up in front Tifa's house...or apartment where ever she lived he pulled up there. He tried to look in to see if she was changing or anything. He revved his engine to tell her he was there. Tifa stepped out of the shower, towel wrapped around her body as well as hair.She looked at the time and saw she had twenty minutes before her partners showed up to pick her up.She tossed her towel on the bed and picked up her bra that slipped into it.It was new actually.Black and lacy and it clipped from th front.She picked up the matching black lace panties and slipped into them as well.She then grabbed her new skirt she both.She tugged the skirt up her legs, zipped it from the side and looked at herself in the mirror.It was a loose ruffled black skirt that stoped just under the curves of her ass.She liked it and it gave her mobility.The last piece of clothing was a tube top that showed middrift.She slipped into it, seeing the cotton stretch out a bit thanks to her large breasts.She shrugged and went to brush out her hair.She heard engine roaring and she simply rolled her eyes.She met her partner some days ago.Talking and wanting to get to know him a bit better.Seemed he needed help, and she needed a partner since Cloud was off doing his own thing with Vincent.Tifa grabbed her gaunlets, slipped them on her hands and snatched a healing and elemental materia and rushed out of her small house.She locked the door and ran up to Forte, waiving."Took you long.."she asked and hopped in the back, her arms wrapping around his waist, her breasts pressing against his back.She would have used her bike, but damn Yuffie crashed it and was now being repaired."You know where to go right?"She asked, hoping he new and hoped he was good and ready for his first mission. Forte couldn't was pretty damn horrible not being able to see. Because he just KNEW she was doing something sexy. And he loved to see Tifa doing something sexy...maybe doing sexy with one of her friends. Not that she knew any of Tifa's friends...he pondered if they were just as sexy. He snapped out of it as he saw the girl of the hour come out of her house. Well good morning there Tifa! He said as happy as can be that he saw the girl. Probably thinking it was too soon for him to ask her to marry him. Seeing as they didn't really know each other for very long.He almost died of happiness when Tifa's large breasts pressed up against his back. While Tifa's arms wrapped around his waist he swore he was in heaven. Or at least very thankful that he rode a motorcycle. Of course I know where to go. Actually he kinda had a bad sense of direction, so he hoped he knew where he was going. He motored his way to their destination, So how was your morning? He said trying to make light conversation. I'd show you the wanted poster, but our hands are kinda tied. They probably could handle a motorcycle one handed...but then she'd have to let go a bit...he wouldn't want that. Although with his hands occupied he couldn't grope her anyway. She smile, patting his shoulder, giving the sign that she was good to go.When he reved the engine and pulled off, she held on to him tight.When he mentioned about showing her the wanted poster they were given, she didn't really want to see it, but would help in order to nab the guy.The guy was creapy looking.Paint on his face, goofy, colored clothes.He looked like a clown or something.She shrugged and listened as best she could when he asked about her morning."My morning was fine actually now that you ask, though it was a pain in the ass to shut the neighbors cat up."She said laughing as she laughed, her chest moved up and down, her nipples brushing againt Forte's back.She payed attention to the road and pointing out to the right."Turn here, it'll lead us to the Old Road, that'll help in getting to our destination faster."she said to him, having to move closer so her lips were barely touching his ear. Forte didn't know why people complained about back seat drivers. Although he wouldn't mind taking Tifa to the back seat to have some fun. But with their bodies so closely wrapped, her nipples brushed up against his back. He almost lost control of the thing, he couldn't wait till his hands were free....he had to touch her somehow. The guy they were after creeped him out a bit...but hopefully he could impress her with his amazing skills by killing him.He turned as instructed, they were close to their destination...finally. Felling her lips so close to his ear almost made him mad. But he kept his composure. So how are those friends of yours? He figured a good way to get in a girls pants...or skirt in this case was to know her friends. Also if she had any hot girl friends he should now about. Forte defiantly wasn't apposed to threesomes.They finally arrived, and Forte waited for Tifa to get off, since well she was wrapped around him pretty nicely. He went faster, her hair blowing with the wind, dancing with it actually.She held onto him harder, smiling when she managed to hear his question over the roaring engine of his bike."There alright.Lively as ever."She said.She didnt speak much about them, since they rather went their seperate ways.She still worked with Barret at the pub and took care of Millie.She even did a few jobs with Cloud, but that was rarely and he usualy took Barret instead.Man thing or something, since he didn't like seeing her get hurt.Well screw him, she's taking up a hard job.When they arrived at their destination, Tifa waited till he made a full stop, then slipped off the bike.She stretched her arms and retightened her gaunlets."Alright.Lets scout around.He's around here somewhere and I'm pretyt sure he has back up watching over the place."She said, looking at Forte. Forte looked at her as she got off. Admiring her form as best he could before he got caught. "They could be anywhere...we should stay close." He said getting off his bike and then walking really close to Tifa. Deciding he couldn't wait anymore his hand slowly but ever so faintly landed on Tifa's ass. Of course he was more of a breast man, but he figured this would be easier to talk his way out off. A black Mage was watching the pair on top of a near by building. Waiting for the opportune moment to attack.
['Forte', 'Tifa']
Professor we really shouldn't...(Zabrian x Kiki)
The lights in the girls dormitories clicked on signifying the morning hours. Kiki groaned as she covered her head up with her silver comforter. Knowing that she had to get up she sat and swung her legs over the side of the bed. Standing up she stretched. Kiki was a slender girl standing at an even 5'. She had knee length raven black hair, ice blue eyes, and soft pale skin. After taking a few minutes to wake up she got dressed, grabbed her things, and walked out of the dorms into the common room.Her first class of the morning was potions and she was secretly excited. It was an awful thing, and Kiki was a normally a well behaved girl, but she had had a crush on the school's Potion Master ever since her first year. As she left the common room she headed for the great hall where she ate breakfast quickly. After that she headed back down to the dungeons and walked into the classroom. Seeing that she was the only one there she just walked over to her seat and began setting up. She had always liked being the first one there. That meant she got to be the first one he laid his eyes on. She liked that feeling. Snape was up as it always seemed he was, and walked out of the back of the classroom in his black robe. He looked at the girl who had been in his class since her first year and had started getting here well before everyone else. With a cant of his head he greeted her but said nothing and walked back to his desk and flipped through the lesson for the day. Kiki I have noticed you have been in my class every year, are you really that interested in potions? Because if so your grades do not show it. He scolded her and then slammed the book and started to brew the potion of the day. His slider face and pointed nose drew his features out as his flesh was pale his hair a bit longer this year but he wanted that potion ready so he continued to work seeming to ignore the girl. She smiled at his small greeting and went back to setting up. But when she heard his comment her face fell slightly. Biting her bottom lip she didn't know if she should answer him or not. He had gone about his morning duties and she didn't want to interrupt him. But he needed to know she was interested in the subject...And him...But she wouldn't let him know the second part. "But I am interested. I just have a hard time concentrating I suppose." She replied pursing her lips. After all it was kind of hard when your own teacher was distracting you, Looking up to her he shook his head and then looked to the door. Then his eyes danced over her body as inconspicuously as he could to take in her form and curves. The potion popped and bubbled because he had been distracted, and quickly started to recover it. Once it was done he pulled it off and set it to hang and cool looking towards her.His eyes meet hers and he tossed his rob behind him and started to stalk back towards her desk making his way through the class room till he was leaning in close his hands on the desk and he spoke softly and clearly so that she understood. Then make a potion to focus better, and stay after class we need to discuss a few things. As their eyes met she froze up. She watched as he walked over and placed his hands on her desk. As he leaned over and spoke to her she felt her bottom lip tremble. He had never been this close to her before and it was making her heart race. She nodded in understanding as she tried to keep from blushing but it couldn't be helped. He watched her and noticed the blush and turned to her. Go to Chapter 32 and brew the passion potion listed there. If you can do it properly I may give you more tutoring after class and just then the other students started to pour into the class and he stood at the front and started his lecture leaving her to the specific assignment he had given her. His eyes averted to her and as he wondered the class his hand came across her ass and he squeezed once but it was so simple an action he hide it from the rest of the class. She nodded at his direction but she was confused as to why he would give her such a strange assignment. As she went about her work she tried so hard to get everything right. But As Snape moved around the classroom he made things so hard. She was more interested in watching him that she lost track of where she was. Plus she was getting weird looks for everyone because she wasn't working on the same thing. Just as she broke her gaze from him and went back to work she felt his hand brush across her ass and squeeze. She dropped one of her ingredients and began blushing like mad. Had he just done that?...Shaking it off nervously she went about her work again her hands shaking. He watched the class and looked back to her and didn t even change the stone stoic look on his face. Is your Potion done Kiki he asked then looked about the rest of the class then looked to the hourglass and headed back to the front of the class. 5 minutes and class is over you have 2 too complete your potions for my inspection. Snape then started about the class as each of the students asked for his inspection none so far were up to his standards as far as quality until he stopped at one young girl and nodded. That is what I would expect from you Class Dismissed. He then headed back to his desk and waited for Kiki. She managed to finish both the normal assignment and her special assignment before class was dismissed. After everyone else has dispersed she poured a vial of each and walked up to the front of the room her blush still apparent. Placing both of them on his desk she waited for him to speak not wanting to get in trouble by talking first. He looked at the one potion and took and poured it into an iron chalice as the iron became silver and smiled."Very good now drink the passion one so i can see if it works."the potion worked almost like a love potion but it made your passion stronger to were you were willing to go after it it also would increase ones pleasure to great heights that was an unspoken property of the potion. Her eyes widened as soon as he directed her to drink it. "Wh what?" She asked her bottom lip trembling. But she finally nodded softly and downed the potion. She stood there for a moment before her body began to heat up. "H how can you tell if it's w working?" She asked pursing her lips together. "For starters tell me how you feel what you are passionate about." he asked and sat there running over a few papers and marking down grades. he had a feeling he knew the answer but wasn't about to give anything away so he just continued to do his work. She looked surprised by his question. She knew what she wanted to say. But she was afraid of rejection and she wasn't sure if he would. "Ummm well...You see..." She muttered having a hard time phrasing it without it sounding strange. But who was she kidding. There was no way to phrase it without telling him exactly how she felt. "seems your potion did not work you fail a dose like that and you would of told me exactly what your passion and desires were so detention here tonight unless you have something to tell me." he was prying for answers and waiting for her to decide how she wanted this to go. he wasn't going to push the matter right now but detention tonight was a different story. He then thought it would make things easier for her he glanced around no one was in the room or within ear shot."What type of panties are you wearing today?" She was trying to stutter out an answer when he gave her a detention. Oh hell. But then he asked her an embarrassing question. W what?...."U Ummmm a thong professor..." She muttered blushing like mad. At this point her body felt like it was on fire and she was having a hard time containing herself. "then tell me what your passion and desire is and while you do show me your thong so i can see what color it is." he was serious the whole time he was acting like he was simply teaching a lesson. He watched her trying to stammer out an answer and just waited for his questions to be answered. "maybe it was weak maybe you should drink the whole batch?" he offered. She blushed and with shaking hands she pulled her skirt up revealing her thong. It was emerald green with silver matching her slytherin tie. "Uuuummm I I...You're my desire professor...I I want you..." She muttered blushing as she let her skirt fall. She then folded her hands in front of her and her gaze fell to the floor. He nodded and pushed himself away from his desk."Then come and bend over my desk Kiki." he then lifted his wand and flicked it and the doors locked to the classroom he didn't have class for some time and he looked over her and smiled."So your Slytherin through and through want some slytherin deep in you?" She blushed at his comment and shyly walked over to him behind his desk. Hesitating for a second she thought twice about it before she took off her house robe and bent over his desk. "L like this?" She asked softly. Snape ran his hands up her thighs brushing his fingers along her inner thighs and slowly lifted her skirt to reveal her beautiful ass and he messaged it softly before flipping her skirt so it rested across her hips and back. Now Kiki tell me how you want me. He stated still acting much like the professor as his finger ran along the back of her thong and slowly to her covered pussy. Softly his finger ran against the silken emerald fabric that covered it pressing his finger against it adding gradual pressure. His own shaft was hardening as he stood behind her and loosened his robed so that he would be able to expose it and smile. He knew he would stretch and possibly tare her pussy with his cock which was the point of the potion to make sure she was good and hot and very wet. She let off a small whine as he pressed his fingers against her clothed sex. He could probably tell that she was already wet from how the fabric felt against his fingers. She had heard his question but didn't quite know how to answer it considering she had never done this before. "I I really don't know..." She stuttered. Snape smiled and continued for several moments more with the gentle rubbing against her soft flesh. "You see this is something that I do not normally do Kiki." With his words flowing out he pulled his hand from her. Reaching under his sleeve he pulled his wand and touched the tip to her gentle folds with flick of it against her clit and leaned in close to whisper in her ear. "Depending on how well this goes that will be 100 points for Slytherin." A further enticement to bring her to letting go. slowly he trailed the tip of his wand along those soft folds and gently pushed it into her pumping it ever so lightly he wasn't ready to pop her cherry just yet. She moaned softly as she felt his wand tip graze her folds. Squirming softly she felt the tip brush against her clit. This produced another slightly louder moan from her. Hearing him whisper to her she blushed. Was he trying to bribe her. A nice as the offer was she needed no enticement. Especially when the wand slid inside and he started moving it. It felt so strange. But at the same time it felt so good as it invaded her tight slick passage.
A sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare. (Zabrian x Kiki)
A light flipped on in a small bedroom upstairs. Kiki looked around her new room in dismay. She hated moving A LOT. The worst part about it all was the unpacking portion. So many damn boxes. Grumbling she moved over to her bed and cleaned it off. Well at least now she'd be able to go to sleep when she was finished. Her parents had got on her case about her room and said it was high time she accepted this new house. So she decided to unpack finally.Kiki was normally a well behaved girl and never caused any trouble. But she never liked moving much and on top of it all there was something about this house she didn't like. Picking up a random box she set it on her bed and began to sort through it. Halfway through it her blue eyes focused on a picture. Picking it up she looked over it. It was of her and her friends from her old school. Biting her bottom lip she dropped it back into the box.She couldn't do this right now. She was still highly uncomfortable and sad. Having always been socially awkward it had been hard to make friends. Now it was going to be hard all over again. She brushed her long raven black hair over her shoulders and sat on her bed. Sighing she flopped backwards and closed her eyes. Oh what a day. Even though it was only six she felt so drained. Maybe if she took a nap and with that thought in mind she let herself drift off...It was just another dream. One of the many reoccurring dreams she had had through out her life. This one was about her elementary days. Third grade had always been one of her favorite years simply because her teacher, Mrs. Purdy, had been one of her favorite teachers of her entire school career. There was never really anything odd about these dreams. She was just in class answering questions. It always started out like this. They were always the same questions too. Math questions to be exact. She watched eagerly from her desk as Mrs. Purdy scribbled problems on the board. Eagerly waiting for someone to remember him he had started trying to branch out but no one beyond this town knew him and no one dreamed in this town. He wondered the dream world running his blades along the fabric of night and turned feeling a prick of a dream and smiled it grew stronger and he started for it in a dead set run and hovered above it watching slowly entering the dream. She then heard the sound of nails on a chalk board as he carved an equation in the chalk board. 1 1 Turning to look at her there he stood in his red stripped sweater and smiled at her. Welcome back to school Kiki. He said and she then felt a pain across her chest as You was carved into her chest just as he turned and started to carve Y O U after the equals sign. Kiki had been writing something on her paper when she heard the nails across the board. Looking up she saw a horrid looking man standing up front instead of her teacher. What the hell?...As she looked around she saw that all of her classmates were gone and upon further inspection of herself she realized that she had reverted back to her teenage self. Looking back up she watched the monster carve "You" after the equation. Feeling white hot pain seethe through her chest she looked down to see the word also carved into her chest leaving the top of her shirt in tatters. Suddenly standing up she clutched her wound and backed away from the scene before her. As she backed up he was behind her and she saw his bladed hand come around and gripped her chin and he leaned in and whispered into her ear. Now now your not a little girl anymore still scared of the boogie man? he then held her close his arm wrapping around her waist and kept her close to him her arms pinned to her sides with how he was holding her and he dove into her mind to find out what she feared most. She let out a surprised gasp as he gripped her chin. He was behind her now? What the fuck? Who was this guy? As he pulled her closer she resisted and tried to fight against him. But she was shaking and most of her efforts were feeble and useless due to how terrified she was. But she fell still as he delved through her mind to find out what she feared most. He eventually found it. She had a classic case of Virginitiphobia. Violation, unfeeling cruelty as she lost her innocence unwillingly scared the living daylights out of her. Oh so that s your fear how beautifully poetic. He spun her and she was on her bed her hands tied to her bed posts in her tattered shirt and her panties and he stood over her and smiled, and moved to stand beside her. Those blades resting in the bed and he slammed one into the mattress sliding it towards her crotch the sides of her inner thighs being cut superficially by his thumb and other fingers. His other hand ran up her belly. Looks like I will be your first and last. Kiki's eyes widened as she was spun around and suddenly she was laying down and tied to a bed. She began to panic and tug against the restraints as he moved around her. But she froze when his blades began their journey towards her crotch. Crying out in pain she felt his blades cut her thighs slightly as his other hand caressed her soft skin on her stomach. "St stop please..." She whined as she began to cry. His hand slide up under her shirt as that leather ran along her skin and he gripped her breast through her bra messaging the flesh as he smiled."Little old for my tastes but you will do just fine" he said as the blade that had been cutting the bed like butter ran along her panties slowly dragging it up her body with a smile. then slowly ran it back down gently applying pressure to her crotch.She then could hear chanting like school kids all around"Deflower the virgin deflower the virgin." and he started to laugh. She squirmed and cried beneath his touches as he violated her. This wasn't right at all. But it was all just a bad nightmare. Maybe she would just wake up and she'd be just fine. Just as she had that thought she heard the chanting in the background. "N No you can't! Please no!" She cried trying to move away to no avail. He chuckled and quickly brought that bladed finger quickly up her panties cutting the fabric and the tip of her clit got hit by the blade and he then placed it at the center of her neck and drug it down the fabric of her bloody torn shirt as cut away as he trailed it down to the waistline of those panties. "Lets see if the Carpet matches the drapes." he said his other hand came down and slowly pulled the panties down just enough so he could see if she shaved or not the blades on his glove though were running up her abdomen she could feel the cold steel as it soon touched her breasts and he ran the tip of one of the blades along her nipple."wonder how many fingers you can take of mine?" She jerked against her restraints as the blade grazed her clit. She caught herself just in time to bite her bottom lip keeping herself from moaning. Oh god why had that have to happen? Closing her eyes she felt more hot tears spill down her cheeks as he cut the rest of her shirt away. She shivered as the blade trailed back down to her panties. As he pulled her panties down he could see that even though she was a virgin she kept herself cleanly shaved. "P please stop..." She whined as one of his blades grazed one of her nipples. Her eyes shot open as she heard his last statement. "No no d don't do that..." She whimpered trying to desperately close her legs but she knew she couldn't. His fingers trailed down to her pussy and pressed between the cut fabric and found that clit messaging it softly as he fanned his gloved hand out and gently messaged both nipples with the tip of a blade listening to her cry's he quivered his lip and looked at her. "no stop don't ahhhhhh" he then started to laugh again and she then felt two fingers press against that sweet entrance and circled it before trailing back up to her clit."Let's see if you can scream?" Lifting his hand from her chest he ran it down her body and ran his bladed index finger up and down her slit slowly pressing between the cut fabric so she could feel the cold steel pressing against her bare flesh. She arched and bit back several unwanted moans as he massaged her clit. More tears squeezed from her eyes as he mocked her. God why wouldn't she wake up? Feeling his fingers press against her entrance her eyes opened again. But they shut again and she let out an accidental moan as his fingers brushed against her clit. But her eyes opened once more as his bladed finger slid down her body and against her slit. Her really wouldn't would he? Oh no. "No No no no Please don't please!" She cried her pleas getting louder and louder as he tortured her. He then plunged the blade into her body pushing it all the way into her as she was begging him not to then slowly teasingly pulled it out or at least what was teasing for him. his other hand gripped one of her free breasts and messaged it forcefully his thumb rolling her nipple and he smiled."Don't do what?" he asked then laughed and placed his blades against her abdomen and made small scratches down her belly and chuckled as the cuts twisted and wrote out the words fuck me. She let out a pained scream as he plunged his blade all the way into her body. As he pulled it out she was shaking and crying. She was trying so hard to pull away but as he gripped her breast and pinched her nipple she arched into his touch. It was pissing her off how she was reacting to his torture. Her moaning was getting harder to hide as he sliced "fuck me" into her belly. Looking down she saw the words and laid her head back crying still. The writing was her own. He then jump and shifted so he was straddling her head and as she lead it back he leaned down and plunged his long thick shaft that completely filled her mouth down into her face and his hand pushed her legs further apart and he pushed two of those bladed fingers into her and slowly started to pump them into her and laughed as his cock was filling her mouth. "oh i will fuck you since you asked so directly." She closed her eyes squeezing them shut as his cock invaded her mouth filling it. Whining she tried to pull away but she let out another pained moan as he shoved two of his blades into her tight passage. She knew if he even moved those things wrong he would split her open and make her bleed. She would actually prefer his cock inside of her at this point more than those damn things. he pulled them from her and pulled his cock form her mouth and pushed it back down her throat then slide down her and rolled off her bed and turned licking the blades that had been in her. he smiled and jumped at the bed and landed on her his gloved palm against her throat holding her down. and then in one swift motion slammed his hard cock into her filling her deeply with his hard cock all 10 inches. feeling how she stretched to accommodated his 8 inch girth. She let out a pained scream as he filled her with his huge length. "Oh Christ..." She whimpered sobbing. This hurt so bad but her body had begun to heat up from the teasing and was starting to feel a little good. Grinning at her sounds and he pulled out of her completely and then slammed back into her hard grinding and he made small cuts on her neck but nothing that would truly cause much damage just enough to remind her who was in her and he laughed at her. Making squeaking sounds and moans as the chanting got louder then clapping and she saw she was in class and the other students were around watching he slam into her beautiful young pussy. His shaft was throbbing inside her and seemed to be stretching her with each pulse. He laughed at her and started to carve Freddy into her left breast with his fingers as he pushed himself harder into her and laughed as he did.
['Purdy', 'Kiki']
The mission (futent x Dwarf_vader)
Sakurasighed as she ran a hand through her short pink hair, then frowned as she looked over at the other girl, one of her team mates for this mission.Inoreturned the frown with one of her own, just staring at the girl who had been her rival for many years now. Normally the two tended to stay away from each other, but right now they had little choice. They had been chosen for a new mission, the two of them paired up with one of the Chounin who had graduated the year after them. Neither had met or spoken to him before today, they just knew they were to meet him here.Both girls just sighed and looked away from each other, folding their arms as they leaned against walls on opposite sides of the street, occasionally glancing around for the one they were here to meet. Both of them wanted him to arrive quickly. The sooner he got there the sooner they could get underway and get this mission over with.Sakura sighed and started to flick a Kunai around in her hands, playing with it like it was a toy. "God....I'd rather be on a mission with Naruto than with her...."Across the street, Ino was just playing with a few strands of the hair hanging across her face. "Ugh....being on a mission with that lazy bastard Shikamaru and that pig Chouji is better than going on a mission her her of all people...."Once again the girls glanced at each other, before looking away once again with a scowl on their faces, the anger in the air obvious to anyone who dared to get near to the two girls. Komakaiwas walking along the streets of the leaf village. Happily minding his own business not really bothering anyway. Well except for any girls he saw, who he would take a little time to flirt with. Of course none of them matched Hinata Hyuuga...she was probably the hottest girl in the entire village. She had a huge bust....and he loved a huge bust. That's why he always listened to the current hokage for she had a a hell of a chest as well. The perverted ninja was going to go on a mission, with two people he didn't really know. But hoped they were girls. Seeing two girls at the place they were supposed to meet filled him up with joy. The blonde seemed rather attractive, and had quite the bust. The pink haired one was cute...but no where near the blonde. Oh ladies, please oh please tell me that you are my two teammates on this mission. If so then I thank the gods for such an opportunity to work with you lovely ladies. Then Komakai did something weird, he held out his palms and a rose started to grow out of each one. Then he plucked the roses from his hands and presented one to both of the girls. Even those these flowers can not compare to your beauty. Both girls looked over when the boy spoke, each of them suddenly turning their looks of annoyance on him. Just their luck....the guy was an obvious pervert, who else would introduce themselves in such a corny way? They both stood from the walls they were leaning against, fists clenched as he approached, though when his palms opened and sprouted roses, they just blinked, anger suddenly giving way to confusion. "Huh?" They blinked, taking the roses presented to them, then back to the rather short boy. He had to be at least a foot shorter than either of them, his head barely reaching chest height."So you're the one....?" "Just our luck" Sakura rolled her eyes, turning to go. "Let's get the introductions over with so we can go. Haruno Sakura" "Yamanako Ino" "Now we're all friends, so let's go" Sakura immediately began to walk toward the village gates, arms folded, Ino turning to follow her soon after. Names Komakai. He said with a huge smile, very excited to be on a mission with two girls. Images of threesomes popped in his head. He wondered if he would actually be able to seduce the two of them, he figured he'd start with the blonde. Since she had the bigger bust. Oh Ino, don't worry no matter what happens I will protect you from any harm. You to Sakura! Well he never really liked playing favourites, so which ever one he could get with first would be fine. He walked behind them, Sakura did have a better ass then Ino, so it wouldn't be too bad. So, what is are mission exatcly. Not hearing about it, he kinda lost focus around the hokage. Ino rolled her eyes as he declared he would protect her from harm, not even looking back at him as she shook her head. "I'm more than capable of protecting myself. If anything, I'll be the one protecting you, kid" He was only a year younger than them, but still, Ino was going to take any advantage she could. Sakura just nodded her agreement, again not looking back at him."Our mission is to investigate rumours of a rogue ninja group operating along the border of the Fire Country. We're to observe them, determine their objectives and stop them if necessary" A normal teenager would be a little turned off by Ino and Sakura's obvious hatred towards him. But not Komakai, he was determined he had a goal, and although that goal was to fuck both of them. None the less it was a goal that he strived for. Actually he had another goal, a rather perverted one. A goal that he always tried to keep secret to him. Since it really wasn't that wholesome of a goal. Sounds good, let's go. He said excitedly. Still staying behind so he could get a good view of the girls walking. Wondering who he should hit on first. You lead the way ladies. Ladies first and all that. He said with a smile. When he stayed behind them both girls quickly got an idea what he was doing, almost certainly knowing where his eyes were focused, so each of them did their best to walk normally, keeping an extra movement of their behinds to an absolute minimum. Silently, Sakura cursed the fact her shorts were near skintight around her firm ass, just muttering under her breath."Great....we'll lead the way while you just enjoy your stroll..." Ino shook her head and sighed as they walked, glancing back at him over her shoulder, glaring at him for another moment, before looking ahead. She'd have to put in a rather strong complaint to the Hokage when they returned. Komakai noticed what Sakura was wearing, and was quite enjoying it. She really did have a nice ass, didn't really make up for having no chest but it was a start. But he really didn't like to play favourites so he looked at Ino's ass as well. It was a skirt so he was praying for a gust of wind or something.When Ino looked back at him he blushed, she had quite the sexy stare. You girls are cute when your angery. Figuring that the both of them were playing hard to get. At that last comment they both just glared at him....if looks could kill then he would be a bloody mess on the road. The two then immediately turned away, deciding to ignore him as they walked, picking up the pace a little. The both of them just wanted to get this mission over with by this point.The next few hours passed in almost total silence from the two girls, not even stopping to rest once. By the time they did begin to slow down, the sun was beginning to set, a small inn visible in the horizon, the girls obviously heading there in order to stop for the night. Normally they would've saved the expense and just camped....but with Komakai around....they'd rather have the safety of a room with a lock. Those looks of his did kill, and boy were those looks killing him. They aimed right for his heart, as he found them strangely attractive. Most of the trip he spent looking at their asses, wondering how they would feel in his hand. But decided against it since...well that would surely get him slapped in the face. He decided it would be better to look and not touch.He was getting a little tired, but was very surprised that the girls hadn't set up camp. But instead found an Inn, he shrugged deciding to be chivalrous hopefully winning them over. If you girls want to stay here for the night, I'll pay for everything. Anything you want, I'll buy. He would be true to his word, although he hoped the mission's reward would even his expenses. The girls knew what he was trying to do by paying for their accommodation...and whilst they had no intentions of allowing his plans to actually happen, they were going to take advantage of it. As they entered the inn the two of them ordered three rooms, one each. They had been intending to share, get one room for the girls and one for him, but now they were going to splurge a little.The two of them took their keys, leaving the elderly woman behind the counter to hand Komakai his key. "Welcome to our inn young man. Your room is at the end of the hall, your friends were rather insistent your room not be next to theirs. Feel free to enjoy our Hot Springs, we have mixed mens and womens springs for your privacy" "There playing hard to get." Komakai said in a matter o fact tone of voice. Because it was fact, soon they wouldn't be able to resist his urges and they would be all over him like white on rice. He figured he should try and be even nicer by ordering them diner as well but he was distracted by the mention springs. "Hot springs huh....I'll have a look at them." He ran to his room and got settled first. Not wanting to look to suspicious. Wondering if Sakura and Ino would be there...or any other hot girls for that matter. He began to snicker at the delight. His pants feeling tighter from just thinking about it. The two girls returned to their rooms for a little while, letting themselves rest for a while, though after about 45 minutes they left their rooms at the same time, making random small talk as they headed for the womens changing rooms, clearly intending to take a nice dip in the hot springs.After getting undressed and wrapping towels around themselves, the women emerged into the womens hot spring, finding themselves alone as they slowly slipped into the water, towels clinging to their bodies as they relaxed. The horny little shinobi couldn't wait any longer, he needed to see some naked girls. Luckily Komakai was a shinobi, and a pretty good one if he said so himself. So sneaking was an easy thing for him. He tip toed along...even though for the most part he really didn't have to sneak in anyway. But it made him feel cooler, finding the women's changing room he looked around the outside for a crack to peek into. He couldn't find one, but he wouldn't let that stop him. If he couldn't find a crack...he'd make one instead. And so he slowly and silently drilled a peep hole with a thorn he grew from his hand. It was silent so no one would hear him. He looked in to see only Sakura and Ino in there...but that would be good enough.He could probably hear them from here as well, so he wondered when they would start talking about them. He also wondered more perverted things like what size where their breasts. Also when they would take of the towels. As Komakai peeked into the changing rooms he would just catch sight of a foot leaving, the changing room empty now that the two girls had left. At best he would be able to see part of their clothing just hanging out of one of the lockers, though unfortunately no underwear. He would be able to hear the faint sound of the girls slipping into water, along with the distant sounds of quiet talking, but if he wanted to see and hear more, he'd have to move to the hot springs himself. Blast his plan was foiled, he assumed they were in the women's hot springs, so he would have to go threw the males to see the show. He sighed not a fan of them but figured he wouldn't really be using the services anyway. He quickly shed his clothes and then he entered the male springs. Luckily he was the only one. Again he drilled a hole, a little larger then before. Hoping to see some naked girls. And hear them talk about how much they wanted him. Wondering if there would be more girls then just Ino and Sakura. When he finally did create the hole, he would be able to spot the backs of the two girls to begin with, and if he concentrated he might just be able to hear the two girls conversation."Ugh....god that guy is such a pervert" "Seriously, he was staring at our butts the entire way here" "The sooner we can get this mission over with and get away from him the better" "You said it....." It seemed the girls weren't discussing how much they wanted him, but how much they wanted to get away from him. Ino stretched slightly, slowly standing up to stretch, the towel still clinging tightly to her body, giving a slightly better view of the outline of her ass than Komakai had gotten on their walk here. Komakai listened very closely...only catching the odd word or so. He knew they weren't very friendly words but he didn't care he had other issues to deal with like surviving this mission and fucking the both of them. Of course there was still his ultimate goal which would also take a while to achieve. He opened the hole a little bit wider to catch a glimpse if Ino's ass a bit better. But he really wish those towels would go away. Still his large member was fully erect at the sight of it, Ino stretched her arms a little whilst she stood, then slowly sat back down. After a little while longer however, it was Sakura who stood up, yawning slightly. "I think I'm gonna head for bed now. Watch out for the pervert Ino" "Yeah I'll be fine, I've dealt with morons like him before" The girls giggled, before Sakura left the water and headed off back to the changing rooms.Once she was alone, Ino seemed to slowly unwrap the towel and take it out of the water, tossing it to the side of the spring, though all Komakai would still be able to see was the back of her head since she was still sat down. Komakai watched as Sakura left, a little frustrated he was kinda hoping girls had hot passionate sex in the hot springs. Must have been one of his perverted delusions. None the less he watched Sakura leave the spring, still a hot sight to see a girl in a towel even though Sakura wasn't that busty. He looked at Ino and all he could see was her back....he didn't have a back fetish alright she was pretty hot. His member erect from excitement, hopefully soon he'd get his wish and see some true skin. Ino stayed sat in her current position for a good 10 minutes before she finally moved, seeming to head toward the very centre of the Hot Spring, standing slightly, her upper half now out of the water, though her back was still to him, her wet blonde hair clinging to her back, the very top of her ass just poking out above the surface of the water. As she moved, Komakai would just be able to make out the very slight and brief view of the side of Ino's chest, though no details. Komakai watched her move, happy that she was finely moving, especially since it was to the center of bath which would give him a decent look at her wonderful form. Her hot wet blond hair was clinging to her smooth back, he was drooling at the sight. The top of her ass was also great, as he was loving how it was slowly getting hot. Seeing a brief view of the side of her chest he wondered how large her breasts even were.The horny ninja couldn't contain himself, and started to stroke his large member, little did he knew pollen was being released into the air, no one could tell if they inhaled it, but what ever it did...I don't think Komakai would mind it. Ino just continued to run her hands across her body, seemingly scooping up the water and pouring it down herself, letting out a soft sigh of contentment....oh she loved hot springs, especially when she was alone, it was so relaxing. After a few more moments though, she blinked, starting to feel a little warm from something other than the heat of the water. She ignored it at first, but her breath was steadily becoming deeper, her cheeks becoming more flushed. With a slight shiver the girl felt her nipples beginning to harden, a familiar heat beginning to build between her legs....but she just shook her head, trying her best to ignore it. Komakai was watching one of the greatest things ever, and was very glad that this mission was starting out so amazing. He smiled still hidden in the men's side of the hot springs. As the water poured over her body he stroked his dick more and more. He noticed that Ino was acting a little strange but was too busy to notice. As well as the increasing pollen flying in the air. Ino was panting softly by now, her hands coming to a stop at her shoulders, before they slowly started to run down, sliding across the skin of her breast, sending shivers through her body, her nipples quickly hardening fully. "Damnit...." She grumbled and slowly moved backwards to the edge of the spring, though rather than slipping into the water she seemed to sit on the edge, giving Komakai a much closer and better view of her smooth, tight ass. Komakai wondered what was going on, he couldn't see much other then that nice ass of hers. Oh how he longed to stick his dick in between those butt cheeks of hers. He panted as he moved his hand over his cock faster and faster, looking at the blonde beauty before him. Loving the sight, and loving this mission even though it just began. Causing even more erotic pollen to go threw the air. Ino shivered as more of the pollen entered her lungs, breath continuing to become deeper and heavier. Eventually one of her hands cupped her breast, squeezing it softly, eliciting a small gasp from her, before she pinched at her nipple, letting out a soft moan as she tugged on it. "Nnn...." She whimpered, her other hand grasping her other breast, beginning to slowly pleasure herself. This was the happiest moment of his life, seeing a hot blonde girl pleasure her self...Komakai had never seen anything so great. He wished he could see it better though, not knowing how big her breasts were. He wanted to fuck her so much it was driving him crazy. Wondering if he could smash down the wall and make love to her. Figuring that wouldn't work he continued to jerk off faster then before. Ino moaned a little louder this time, one of her hands slowly slipping down the front of her body, moving between her legs to her bare, shaven pussy, fingers starting to rub against her, getting a louder grunt of pleasure from her. "Oooooh...." She panted, then slowly started to slide a single finger inside of herself, letting out a long, loud hiss of pleasure. He started to stroke his cock faster and harder, looking at Ino. Going so fast that even more of the pervert pollen started to spread even though it was invisible to the naked nose. He started to groan from pleasure looking at Ino touch her self. Giveing anything in the world for her to turn around. Whilst Ino didn't turn around, she did eventually fall onto her back, her breasts now visible to him, sticking up from her chest, though it meant her pussy was still hidden from view. "Oooooh!" She squeezed her breast hard as her fingers worked her pussy furiously, but for some reason it just didn't feel like enough....her own fingers...her own wasn't enough to satisfy her! Komakai was in heaven, a women's breast was his favorite part of the girls body. So this worked just as well for him. Slowly he picked up his pace and more and more pervert pollen was released. He tried to figure out how big her breasts were, because asking her right now would be a buzz kill for the both of them. As he stroked he was closer and closer to a climax. Which created even more and more pevert pollen, and a bit stronger pollen at that. Ino let out a loud moan as she inhaled more of the pollen, which increased her arousal, but somehow managed to make her own touch even less satisfying than before. "N no.....n not enough...." She whimpered and shook her head, trying to move her hand faster and faster whilst she tugged roughly on her nipple, but it still just wasn't enough. He could hear her...wondering if he could make his presence known or not so they could fuck. But he doubted that little plan would go like he though. So he just decided to continue to watch the show from afar, which was getting hotter by the secound. Very soon Komakai came hard and it felt amazing. Which realsed an even larger and stronger dose of pollen. He relaxed for a bit, wondering if Ino would still be going at it. Ino was moaning a little louder now, though as he came and more pollen filled the air, she let out a sharp gasp, her entire body tingling, her breasts aching, her nipples sore, her body starting to reject her own touch. "O oh god....I...I need someone....I need it..." She whimpered and moaned, starting to writhe around on the floor, her wet body sliding on the cool stones, her breasts bouncing and jiggling back and forth. He didn't know what was going on, or for what reason this was happening in front of him. But for a pervert like him to see something like this it was amazing. Komakai started to stroke up and down his shaft again, moaning a little bit. Mumbling. "I wonder...if Sakura is wondering where we are.." Hopefully she would see her friend her out. He doubted it would happen but he didn't know how he was going to fuck Ino in this situation. But he decided to screw it, he snuck inside...still completely naked. And then moved into the women's bath. "Need a hand?" He asked with a perverted grin on his face. Still near the door....incase he needed to run. Ino's eyes snapped open when she heard the voice, her body freezing, right as her fingers were plunged deep into her pussy, whilst her hand was squeezing her breast tightly. She suddenly glared at him, almost looking angry. "What do you think you're doing?" It almost sounded like she was going to be angry and scream at him, or even prepare to beat him, but instead.... "Stop fucking standing there and get over here!" He thought it was going to die, being naked in front of an angry girl was not a good thing to be. Komakai wondered if he could out run her if she decided to kill him. But to his surprise Ino didn't sound like she would kill him. But rather he was surprised to hear the opposite. He jumped to her not wasting anytime. "Wow, you must really love me huh?" He said, wanting Ino to make the first move as he eyed her breasts. "How big are your tits?" The pervert asked, making sure this wasn't some kind of trap. Ino growled at the question, angry that he was wasting time talking, but she decided if she answered then maybe it would get things moving a little faster. "About a 34C I think, now you answer me something, how big is your cock and do you know how to use it?" She withdrew her fingers from her pussy, finally releasing her grasp on her breasts, allowing them to bounce as she quickly sat up. Komakai smiled, those were pretty big like the though. Not as big as a certain Hyuuga's or the Hokage's but still pretty big. "About eight inchs...and of course I know how to use it." Truth be told he had never used it before, but he read a few hentai here and there so he knew what to do. "I guess you are really horny." He smiled as he started to play with Ino's breasts. Groping them as he was practically drooling. "I love your tits." "Eight inches huh? Well maybe it'll get bigger when you grow up..." Ino grumbled under her breath would do for now. She groaned as he grasped onto her breasts, finally starting to feel some satisfaction from the touch of another, or more specifically from his touch. "That's it....squeeze them...tug with them....oh god yes...." She moaned loudly, pushing her chest up and out into his hands. Truth be told he was bigger then that, Komakai never really measured it recently. It would be quite pleasurable when he finnaly fucked her. Komakai looked at Ino and was getting really turned on by her dirty talking. Deciding he couldn't get enough he started to tweak her nipples. Hoping that would make her feel good. Wondering what made her so horny, and wondered if she would be dominating him or not. He looked at her. "Do you like this, you must be really horny?" Ino closed her eyes and let out a loud moan as he tweaked at her aching, rock hard nipples, panting heavily, her pussy glistening, practically overflowing with her juices. The girl couldn't remember ever being this turned on before, every being anywhere near this turned on before. " that's good....k keep going...f fuck yes....oh god..." She panted heavily, slowly opening her eyes, allowing them to drift down and take a look at his cock so she could measure it up. Komakai continued to tweak Ino's nipples, since apperntly she really liked it. Her breasts were amazing to touch and he was thankful for what ever he did to deserve this. Her moans went straight to his ears and do his dick. His member was actually...well it was pretty big. The perfect size most women would say, a bit bigger then what he told Ino. Around ten inches if not more. Komakai continued to grope Ino, loving the feeling of her mounds in his hands. Ino growled in pleasure, licking her lips as she spotted his cock, before suddenly lunging forwards, taking the head into her mouth and sucking on it hard, her tongue flicking across the tip. "Mmmm..." She let out a muffled noise around his cock, starting to slurp and suckle on it, moving her head forward to take a little more of it past her lips. There was a lot that was surpriser Komakai right now, the fact that Ino wanted him was pretty amazing in general. But Komakai also loved how dominating Ino was, it was quite the turn on for him for such a hot blonde to want him so badly. Komakai moaned a little bit at Ino's lunge for his cock. Looking down at the site only turning him on more. Pervert Pollen still being released. Ino continued to suck hard on the tip of Komakai's cock, before suddenly shifting her body, lunging her head forward and expertly deepthroating him, taking the entirity of his cock into her mouth at once. Clearly she had done this before to be so good at this. The more she did it though, the more turned on she found herself getting... Komakai was surprised at how amazing Ino was at giving blowjobs, figuring that this wasn't her first time at least, which made him feel a little bit inferior but he figured he had natural talent anyway. Komakai used every ounce of his being not to cum too early. She was so amazingly hot that it drove him wild, precum started to spill out of his dick. As he looked at the blondes head bob up and down. Ino could taste his pre cum on her tongue, swallowing it eagerly as her hands went to grasp at his balls, massaging them roughly, squeezing them whenever she sucked. She began to use her teeth to gently grave the shaft of his cock, not enough to cause harm, but only just enough to further enhance his pleasure. Komakai wondered how often Ino had done this kinda thing, she was amazing at it none the less. The short shinobi moaned and groaned at her actions, they felt amazing. He couldn't help himself and before long he came hard into her mouth, his hot load pouring in it unless she moved. He took a second to catch his breath then looked down at Ino, wondering if he should fuck her now? Deciding he might as well, he stood up and laid her down on the ground and began to suck on her breasts. All the while his hand moved down to play with her pussy. Ino could feel him about to cum, suddenly moving her head forward, taking his entire cock into her mouth and throat, allowing him to cum directly down her throat and into her stomach, not a single drop escaping the Kunoichi's lips. She held her position until he had finished, slowly pulling away and licking her lips. Before she even had to ask he had practically tackled her to the ground, his mouth around her aching, rock hard nipples. "Ooooooh....that's it....suck my tits...." Komakai didn't even need to be asked, as his tongue flicked her nipple as he sucked on one. His other hand was groping her other breast wanting her to moan out in pleasure. His free hand moved downwards and he inserted a finger into her wet sex. Moving it back and forth skillfully inside of her. Ino moaned loudly, writhing beneath him and thrusting her chest up into his face. She let out a near scream when his fingers found her dripping wet pussy. His finger would find her body incredibly tight despite her wetness, and he would also find it completely hairless and smooth. Hairless and smooth was just what he wanted, it felt just as amazing as he had imagined. He began to push his fingers into her, being surprisingly skillful. While he still sucked on her large breasts, not being able to get enough of them. They weren't as big as Hinata's and they would not quench his thirst, but they were still damn good none the less.
['Shikamaru', 'Komakaiwas', 'Naruto', 'Chouji']
Who knew school could be so fun...? (open for any male)
Arya Forbes was a 16 year old Junior and Oswell High School. She was a tall, slender, blonde who kept to herself. The extent of her social life was playing volleyball, study group, and the occasional date with whomever asked her out. The number was normally low seeing as not so many knew of her.It was the first day after winter break and their English teacher, Ms. Franko was fired for doing drugs on school grounds, so their new teacher was scheduled to begin today. Arya slipped into room 219 two minutes before the bell and settled into her corner seat in the back. The name "Mr. Fitz" was written in swooping handwriting on the board and the man's back was turned, so she couldn't see his face as he sifted through the text book, searching for a passage.Arya slouched her chair, her subtle curves slighty eccentuated by the fitted top and skinny jeans she had chosen at random that morning, her long blonde hair braided into a golden plait. Students began to file in and the bell ran, causing Mr. Fitz to drop the book on his desk and turn and face the class. Arya felt her breath catch as she laid eyes on him...he was gorgeous. As he began his lesson on forshadowing, she kept staring at his soft, supple lips, the hint of stubble on his chin and jaw line, shaggy hair...all barely professional, but just enough for school teaching.She was so zoned out that she didn't hear him ask her a question. "Ms. Forbes?" he demanded, "Will you answer my question?""Um...what?" she stuttered. Sighing he looked to her and repeated himself in his deep rich voice. I asked. What is the point a Hamlet Ms. Forbes. He then turned his back to the class most could see his ass his pants weren t tight but they were tight enough. He flipped through the pages then turned around and looked at her again and tried to look her over without giving away what he was doing. She was a beautiful woman and his pants began to get a little tight so he sat down behind his desk.
['Franko', 'Forbes', 'Fitz', 'Arya']
Gotta be a winner...
Sonata patted her cheeks and took a deep breath in front of the mirror. Okay this is it. After all the training and preparation she was finally going to head out into the world. She adjusted her white tank top, and tightened the belt on her white cargo pants. She did not want them falling down, due to some unusual extremities, it would be embarrassing on a completely insane level. Out of insecurity she patted herself, feeling the long thick bulge beneath her pants. Yup, it was still there. She wouldn't mind...if she thought people were more understanding. But she would probably be labeled a freak for having a penis, and a sizable one at that."Oh come on! No one knows so stop worrying!" She sighed, it was a pain to. She was by any standards gorgeous, long shiny white hair, firm, shapely breasts, perfect ass and legs. And an eleven inch long dick. Perfect. Oh well. Eventually she might build up the courage to tell someone, maybe her trainer friend perhaps. It had been years since she'd seen her, since she'd gone off to become a Pokegirl trainer. Ever since then Sonata had been training to become a breeder, so maybe she could at least help her friend in some way."Okay, Okay. Almost time to meet her at the gates!" She grabbed her backpack and her headphones, slipping them around her neck and the backpack over her shoulders then headed off. As she walked to the agreed meeting place she mused over what her friend would look like. She herself had changed quite a bit since they split off, she tried to imagine the girl all busty and hot like her. Somehow it wouldn't take, she imagined her a little more gothic, or alternative style. Though she had to stop visualizing as her member was beginning to respond. It was okay, her baggy cargo pants hid it unless she got a full on erection.She breathed deep and cleaned up her thoughts. Enough of that. She was almost there. Kaia adjusted the glasses that had sunk to the bridge of her nose. Her short black hair framed her face in a cute way, just showing enough to entice, but hiding some of her features from view. Her dark eyes looked out across the grass that led right up to the gate that led into Saffron City. She could see the skyscrapers and buildings so close, but blocked off by the hills and stone that ran around the city. She'd not been home for so long. She was excited to see her friend, Sonata, who had wanted to become a Pokegirl breeder when Kaia had left so long ago.She blushed as she found herself straightening her outfit, a short skirt and a long sleeved sweater to keep out the chill of winter. Her legs were kept warm with the thermal hosiery that she wore, and her neck and chin was warmed with the orange striped scarf. She felt a cool breeze brush past and she shivered, but only for a moment. Her thoughts quickly went back to the friend she hadn't seen in so long. Her hand went to one of the balls at her belt, which she took and tossed, pressing the button before letting it fly. A flash of light and Eevee, her pokegirl stood there. The girl had long ears that came from the mussed and matching brown hair that hung thick in the way of her own glasses. She wore a tan scarf and a brown and white shirt, a skirt and stockings finishing the ensemble, her thick bushy tail sticking out from the hem of the skirt. She looked like her owner, if nothing else, then in clothes, though they weren't exactly alike."I want you to meet Sonata, Eve," she said as they went through the doorway of the gate, "She's gorgeous and I think I want her to work with you to breed. I think I want to get you mating with another Eevee sometime soon."The pokegirl nodded, the blood rising in her cheeks as her hands unconsciously dropped to the bulge that was hidden beneath the loose folds of her long skirt. Sonata stopped dead when she rounded the corner and slid back behind it. Kaia, her friend, was coming through the gate to the city. She wasn't sure why, but she wanted to see the girl first, before they met. Kaia had grown as much as she had, accept where she became tall and busty, Kaia had become quite cute in an alternative sort of way. The scarf, her short black hair, and those glasses. She still wore those same glasses... Alright Sonata, you can do this. She put on her best smile and came around the corner."Kaia! Do you recognize me? It's been too long!" She came up to the smaller girl quickly and gave her a big hug. She couldn't help but note Kaia's smaller, but firm breasts. Then she pulled away and turned to the Pokegirl standing next to her friend."And is this one of yours? An Evee! Hello Evee, I am Sonata!" She held out her hand to the Pokegirl. Unlike some trainers, she couldn't look at Pokegirls as just tools, they were intelligent and had emotions. So couldn't help but treat them as a fellow human, in most respects anyways. Though this Evee was gorgeous, her big bushy tail was so adorable! She was trying hard to suppress a stiffening erection at the mere sight of the Pokegirl. Kaia was surprised at the sudden appearance of the friend she hadn't seen in so long. She went with the embrace, pulling the pokemon breeder in close, noticing how much she had filled out."My god, Sonata, look at your boobs!" she said quietly so as not to attract too much attention, "You look like a Miltank!"She giggled and stepped back so that Eve could step up."This is Eve, my Eevee. She's a bit shy, so don't expect her to talk alot, but she's a very good girl. She's actually one of the reasons I'm back here."Eve curtsied slightly for Sonata then shook her hand. She smiled up at her, the tail flicking back and forth like a dog's tail. She found the breeder attractive as well, and immediately turned a crimson shade as her hands dropped to the front of her skirt and she took a step back to hide behind Kaia.The dark haired girl giggled again and looked up at Sonata."I've found a Pokegirl to breed, Sonata, and I was hoping that you could help me train her for it. I know you've always wanted to be a breeder and I thought that I could help you by bringing your first trainee."
Pleasing the Horde
Atya sighed deeply, boredom was getting all to common for her these days. She casually swept the silk curtains of her sedan chair aside and looked out into the deep forest in which her caravan traveled. Again she sighed with no one but her fathers clockwork golems who carried the chair to hear her.She wished something would happen. Constantly moving, from town to town, following her fathers work, never having time to make friends or....find a man. She trailed her hand down her exposed abdomen, due to the heat she only wore a fine silk halter top, embroidered in gold. And from her hips hung a calf length split skirt of matching silk. She couldn't help but daydream, she was nineteen and she still had yet to feel a mans touch. She had long since dropped dreams of a gentleman lover to take her virginity.Lately she dreamed of a rough warrior. Bulging in muscle and brimming with masculinity. To take her over and over until she couldn't think straight. She trailed her hand up to her soft, pert breasts. But she ended up cursing in anger. She hated this life! She hated her father and his stupid golems! She needed to live and feel and experience the world! And experience the men in it...Another sigh escaped her soft, puffy lips. such possibility was in sight. At this rate, she would be stuck as her fathers little girl until she was an old woman. Off in a clearing near the woods a war party was put together. With a large central bone fire the smoke bellowed high into the air and the heat was enough to keep even a warrior in Northrend warm. A Tauren warrior who had just come of age and whose father had allowed him to go moved over to a set of drums and started to play on them a tribal war song of Valor and passion. Soon two Orc s join in on the song and a troll shaman even added his own twist two the beautiful drumming music that filled the war camp with happy times as they prepared and partied.The Tauren warrior started to wonder if he would be able to meet a woman that he would not scare and they all seemed to slow the song some and yet it still held enough might to keep the dancing and party going without dragging down the mood though his had begun to shift. He didn t care and when one of his friends came he slipped out and switched places with him. Well at least I will be able to go into battle with my friends finally. He had grown tired of listening to their tails of glory and honor for the Horde. He had always been told to continue his journey grow stronger but now was his chance that great moment he had been waiting for and yet he was sad. Grabbing the nearest mug he could and walked to the edge of the clearing and sat by a tree and softly drank to the glory. He tried to remember the wise words of Cairen but was unable to remember his great wisdom at this moment. Atya slowly leaned forward. She could swear she was hearing music. She parted her curtains and peeked out, her deep blue violet skin flawless in the broken sunlight. Indeed, she was hearing music, a powerful tribal beat. Her tail began to twitch as the heavy drums and fast paced flute captured her mind, refusing to let it go. She turned her glowing eyes to her fathers Golems. She had to get away, wherever that music took her, she didn't care, it was better than this. She thought hard for several minutes, then began preparing a minor spell."Alla saf negone!" She thrust her hand out the opposite side of her sedan chair and created an illusion. A large beast, stomping around and challenging the caravan. Without a pause the Golems set down her chair and charged off to battle it. She then created a second illusion of herself in the chair and bolted off towards the music. Her Draenei legs carried her swiftly through the underbrush, she took care not to hurt herself, but she moved as quickly as she could.She smiled and couldn't help but giggle as she felt so alive. She was away from her fathers clutches and making her own way. She had no idea what she would do, only that she would make the decision herself. She continued to move, following the music until she started hearing voices and seeing the flames of campfire. A camp? She was curious as to who. She slowed down and approached carefully, then gasped when the camp came into full view.She hid behind a tree and peeked out. It was a Horde camp. Filled with all her deepest fantasies. There were orcs, shirtless, wearing only loincloths, their thick muscles bulging and dancing around, drinking some drink and being rowdy. Sinewy Trolls moved about, some dancing, some making the music, their lithe, corded muscles made them look like vipers, ready to uncoil and strike. Lastly the Tauren. Massive beasts like she'd never seen, walking walls of muscle and power, occasionally one would move in such a way his skimpy loincloth would move to reveal a cock like she never even dreamed about. She was getting hot, and blushing, it was like her inner fantasies came to life with this Horde.But...she held no alliance to their enemy, would they receive her? She didn't want to die...she didn't see any other women, perhaps they would enjoy her company? What man would refuse an eager young woman such as herself? Perhaps she was being naive, perhaps just stupid, but she had to try. She took a deep breath and gingerly approached a Tauren sitting alone..."Um...excuse me? This looks like quite...quite the party...could I...could I join you and your friends?" Sitting there for some time he heard the sounds of the music and it started to lift his spirits. Many things had crossed his mind maybe he would rape some of the alliance as he went through that way at least he would have a woman s touch. Caerin had taught him too well though on to many occasions that you should not force anything on anyone. And he sighed and knew he should just go in there do as he was told and head home. Mind wondering onto other things and onto possibly sleeping with one of those young Dranei, and wondering if she would be able to even fit his cock in her mouth or even take his load. His cock was starting to grow hard at the fantasy.Hearing the sounds behind the tree he stood and thought about alerting the others. Then thought about that again if he caught and ended a scouting party on his own he could prove to them that he should have been here with them long and that he truly was a strong warrior for the horde. Taking and turning he looked around the corner just as the young beautiful Drainei had come around the corner of the tree and smiled at her, hearing the query of the young woman he offered his rather large mug of ale. Sure join us it would be great fun to have a woman here. He said to her and his hand came around as large as it was and grabbed her ass running his hand along her tail and smiled. He was showing how hard he was as his loincloth was lifted some and twitching his tail was flicking back and forth in his excitement maybe he would be able to find out just how a Dranei felt and be able to live out his fantasies.
Decades of Desire (HP rp) (Qedesha and Vicodin)
Fail after fail grade was passed out towards the Gryffindor class. Unfortuantely for them, it was not because Snape was in a bad mood. Well, it was partially that. It was also because Snape had given the class only 5 minutes to study. The test that was given had 60 questions on it, and studying 60 questions in 5 minutes was nearly impossible. Severus Snape lingered by the door, passing out the tests to the students, surprised when he handed out a passing grade to a student, but he remembered that this student was an overachiever, so the student probably read the book before, and read it again within the testing time. Severus closed the door behind him and sat down at his desk. He opened a compartment underneath the desk and pulled out a picture, the picture of Lily. It was enclosed in a gold picture frame. Snape looked at the picture, and pushed some of his black hair out of his face. "Mudblood!" His voice shouted in his head. Severus ran his hand through his hair, feeling his heart being ripped in two, and this happened every day.Severus opened up his door when his Slytherin class was supposed to attend, and he kept the demeanor that he usually did around students, the illusion that he was fine. Slytherin students would openly mock him if they saw him holding a picture of a Mudblood. "Attention class." He said. "I am going to be giving you all a test on the material that you should have read yesterday. Page 130 to 150." The class looked alarmed, but knew they couldn't argue. "If there are any questions, you may approach my desk." It was then that Snape sat down. Vanity Grayle. One of the tallest girls in the class, slender, with a frame that looked far too delicate, and skin that was so pale it was almost translucent. She was probably archtypical of the rest of the school's view of a typical Slytherin... manipulative, willing to do whatever it took to claw her way ahead, and far too coldly clever for comfort.She was, ironically, always rather primly turned out. High collars, long skirts, neat robes that never had a wrinkle, hair either combed into stern obedience or firmly tied back into a severe ponytail. Her ponytail bobbed as she approached the desk, book held open and ready before her."Professor Snape?"Her voice was as smooth as as molasses on silk. It tended to make the male libido sit up and take notice."I don't really understand what this ingredient brings to the range of potions here. Surely it would just neutralise the aconite?"She held the book out, large dark eyes gazing at him with a hint of secret meaning. Snape looked at the book that was put in front of him, and he then looked up at the girl that was asking the question. Vanity, the girl that had the highest grade in his class. Much to the other house's chagrin, he gave her the highest grade because she always managed to find some way to get her competition to either mess up their potion, or be absent on the day of making one. She was perfection in this class, which didn't surprise him when she pointed out the one ingredient that was supposed to be put in last.Snape turned the book around so that Vanity could see the directions. After stirring the concoction 25 times counter clockwise, that was when you added the other ingredient. That is what said in the directions. He had a small smile on her face as he stared her down. "There you go Vanity, problem solved." He replied, in a tone of mock sympathy. Just because she was a good student, didn't mean that he wouldn't make fun of his own students. Potter was gone, he wanted to make fun of all students now. "Be aware that you have 3 minutes to gather your ingredients before you make your potion. You have 50 minutes to make your potion." She gazed at the book, her face expressing her doubt at the question being answered. There was a definite sense of submission with her, or at least the impression of it, as she nodded quickly."I hope I don't make a mistake, Professor," she said with a teasing mix of archness and demureness. "What is the punishment for getting it wrong today?"She was leaning against the desk, her book clutched to her chest in a symbolic shield, her eyes dipping to glance at his book before returning to his in mock innocence over a strong, meaningful stare. Snape had not expected this girl to be so... What was the word, provocative around him. "The punishment for getting it wrong is a failing grade of course." Snape replied, not exactly liking the tone that the girl was setting at his desk. "Please sit down Ms. Grayle. If you have any more questions, you can ask them, but you are slowly running the time that you get for the test, out." Snape then closed his book and waited for her to walk away from the desk. He then sighed out of relief when she did so. Vanity was such a beautiful woman... And she seemed to act like the perfect stereotype of a Slytherin, that he found himself turned on by her. But he couldn't show that, so he stayed in his seat, waiting for his bulge to subside, while the class did their test.
['Severus', 'Vanity', 'Snape', 'Grayle']
A new Journey(Kylen)
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Collin was a new pokemon trainer on the block. Ready to go out and become the greatest Poke'mon trainer the world has ever seen. At the age of 17 he decided to leave, sure the age kids usually left was 10. But he wanted to wait, there was the whole team rocket incidents, and any other crazy Pokemon organization that was going around messing with the world. He didn't want that happening when he was going on an adventure. Although he was sure that something would probably happen on his way around the world. So he might as well get going while the going is good.The teenager was starting in Sinnoh, he was born there so he figured it was a good place to start. Quickly grabbing up his starter pokemon Chimchar, the two set off for an adventure. Chimchar was sitting on his trainer's head. Pokeballs were way to cramped anyway. Plus Chimchar was a good head warmer. The two eventually took a rest at a near by pokemon center. Wondering where they should head off to next. May panted, looking a little tired as she biked into town. It had been a long ride, and she was trying to race an on coming storm. Coming around to the front of the pokecenter, she picked up her bike just as it started to poor. Grumbling with some authority, she stepped inside, flopping into a seat. "And I was so close!" she growled, looking about to only see Collin, but not minding. Getting up, she put her bike near the door, locking it up before going to the counter. "Nurse Joy? Are there any rooms available?" she asked, looking about.If Collin looked, she was a good D cup, about mid way through it. Being only 16, she was a little shorter then he was, but not much. She had a nice figure to boot. Collin watched as the storm came very suddenly. They were both quite glad that they had gotten inside before it started to poor. Chimchar especially. The fire pokemon decided that Collin's head wasn't very comfy and decided to lay on the seat beside his trainer. Collin didn't even notice as he saw a rather attractive girl come along, she looked to be about his age. Which meant flirting was the only option available to him. Too bad he was terrible about it, Nice weather huh? Good thing chimchar was now asleep, or it would probably be laughing at him. He decided to move on the subject, and talk to Nurse Joy. Are there any rooms available. My Chimchar hates the rain. Her clothes were practically soaked through, the red clearing slightly to show that she wasn't wearing a bra. "Eh..I've been in worse." she said, taking her bandana off to ring it out. Her tight, spandex like shorts were riding up a little, slick with water, showing off some of her curves a little more. "I'm May, and who might you be?" she asked, smiling softly. Her mind was at work. He was a cute guy, looked a little strong...she wondered how long it would take to make him hers. "And is that your chimchar?" Collin almost had a nosebleed at the sight of the soaked girl in front of him. She wasn't even wearing a bra, which was pretty hot. He couldn't help but look at them for a meer second, but went back to looking at her face and smiled. Oh how rude of me. I'm Collin. His mind raced of someway to impress the girl. Don't look into it, but I'm going to be the next Pokemon Master. He said it with confidence, but not cockiness. He looked at Chimchar as he snoozed away. Yes, that is my Chimchar, I just started my pokemon adventure. He said with a happy smile, hoping that he was saying the right things. So how about yourself, are you a Pokemon Trainer. She giggled softly. "Well, I've seen your competition, Collin, and it's about sky high." she said, smirking. " might have what it takes." she teased, poking him in the chest. Soon, Nurse Joy came up. "Sorry..we only have one room with a shower..unless you don't mind sharing." she said, handing out the key. May smiled, nodding. "I don't mind. Do you?" she asked him, stretching a little, secretly teasing him as her chest stretched the fabric of her jacket and shirt. He felt good that May thought she would be able to do it, that boost of confidence filling him up in sight. Although his thoughts turned into more impure ones at the sight of her stretching. His weakness was big breasts and boy did she have some nice ones. He snapped himself out of it to answer the question. I am defiantly fine with it. There was no way in hell he couldn't be fine with it. Wondering what the night would have in store for him, but figuring it wouldn't go the way he was hoping for. Could you take care of my Chimchar for the night though, just in case he's injured or anything. He doesn't have a pokeball, so you can just grab him from there if you wanted. Nurse Joy nodded, walking over and taking the poor, tired monkey to the back room to lay it in bed as May led him to the room. Unlocking it, she stepped in, starting to strip off her soaking jacket, showing that her white undershirt was just as wet, practically showing everything to him. " don't mind, right? I just need to get this all off before I shower." she said, deviously smirking inwardly. Oh, she knew she already had was just a matter of time before all she had to do was trick him into it. Make him think that fucking her was his idea. Then slowly twist it. Collin thanked god for his luck as he saw may take her jacket off. Revealing a white undershirt, and he knew that white shirts, plus water equalled a good view. He eyed those wonderful breasts of hers before he realized he had to snap out of it. Then the idea of her having a shower just blew his mind. There was only one bed as well, he wondered how that would work out in the night. He sat on the edge of it and crossed his legs, trying to hide is member that was slowly getting stiffer. That's what ever you want. Grinning softly, she started slowly, teasingly stripping off her shirt, her perky, bouncy, soft tits jiggling softly. Her eyes twinkled softly as she started stripping off her tight, spandex shorts, showing she wasn't wearing anything under them. "Mmm...much better." she said, stretching again, taut belly and legs shivering a little as she did. "Now I just gotta get a nice, warm shower in." she pondered outloud, heading into the bathroom, but leaving the door open as she started the water. Collin watched everything, and to him it seemed like it was going in slow motion. Her tits were perfect, there was no other way to describe them. He wondered how big they actually were, he wondered what they felt like. Then he looked downwards to see her completely naked, it was amazing she was easily the most beautiful women in the entire world. He decided to take a peak at her bathing, expecting it to be a rather amazing sight. He poked his head in the bathroom wanting to see the beauty shower take place. He would see May soon get into the shower, her shapely ass swaying as she drenched herself in the warm ,soothing water. It dripped down and off her body in wonderful, tantalizing ways. She knew he was watching, giving her ass a soft, inviting sway. "You know...I'm no stranger to sharing a shower." she teased, wanting to see what it would take to get him to jump her, feeling her own center flaring up just slightly at the thought. Collin used every ounce of his being to not jump her and fuck. But he took a deep breath and calm down. But he couldn't get very calm considering the offer he was just made, and how sexy her ass swayed. Plus he wouldn't be a gentlemen if he said no, so he stripped off all of his clothes and jumped in the shower with her, his naked form showing his slight muscle tone. While his dick was fully erect, and at a very impressive size as well. He pretend to wash up, but he was too distracted by the beauty in front of him. She stayed calm, gently washing herself off, humming a small song. Every so often she would 'accidentally' bump against him, smirking softly to herself, her body wet and soapy against him. " how far have you gotten?" she asked, eyeballing his shaft, pondering it appreciatively. "How long you been doing battles?" He looked at her as she washed her body, she knew she was saying something about battles. But the only battle that was on his mind was the battle between his will and his lust. It was no surprise that his lust was winning. He turned May over so they were facing and looked at her breasts. You have wonderful tits, you know that? He just had to say it, and kissed her lips, not being the dominating type, but let it be known he made the first move. She grinned, and knew she had him as he kissed her. Giving a soft 'innocent' blush, she ground against him softly. "why thank you." she said, in a low, soft purr. "You have a very wonderful cock there." she told him, her hands moving to stroke and fondle him softly. "I bet you wanna use it on me...maybe I should give you a titty fuck first though.." Collin looked at her face as she blushed, she was so cute plus she was also extremely hot. It was an amazing combo one that made his dick twitch at the meer sight of her naked form. "Thanks." He said proud that he had a good cock, she was right he did want to fuck her bad. But he wasn't the dominating type, and if he didn't know better he could have sworn that May wasn't the dominating type ether. She was great at deceiving him. "Yes, I want to you to use those marvelous tits of yours." Smiling, she kneeled down, enveloping him in her generous cleavage, starting to stroke up and down, the water and soap perfectly lubricating her breasts so that this wouldn't cause damage to her as she squeezed them tight, licking at the tip. "Mmm..." she purred, moving a little faster up and down his shaft, wanting to see him come to the edge before she stopped, letting him go free, almost there. Collin was in heaven, if he knew that becoming a trainer would have lead to this kind of life. He would have left his home years ago. Her perfectly lubricated breasts felt amazing as they stroked up and down his large member. He let out a small groan of pleasure when she licked his tip, causing precum to spill out of his dick. He was already close to the edge as it was, normally he could have lasted longer. But because of May's actions a few minutes ago he was begging for a release. May smiled, rinsing off and moving out of the shower, drying herself off with a towel, clearly enjoying the fact that she KNEW he was on edge, wanting her to finish him off. Moving to the bedroom, she sat on a bed, smiling, a hand moving between her legs. He was just about to cum hard but he couldn't as May got out of the shower. He was as confused as he was horny, as the young man hopped out of the shower and quickly dried off. Then ran to the bedroom, not knowing what May was planning but too horny to care. He started to play with her large breasts. As he looked at her, wondering what to do. Deciding to hell with it and began to make out with her passionately. He could not contain his lust for this women at all. May moaned hotly as he groped and played with her chest, kissing back as he made out with her, fingers playing with herself a bit before she pushed him onto his back, straddling him quickly, her hot, moist center pressing against his wanting cock. " want me...and I want you...but I wanna make a deal with you." she purred, grinding against his shaft hard, making it clear. "You travel with me, and I get to fuck you when ever, and where ever, I want, and in return I make sure it's the best sex you'll ever have." She said, her hands now squeezing her own tits. Collin loved her moans, and wanted to hear more of them. He was so lost in lust that it took him awhile to realize that he was on the bottom. Moaning a little when she placed her moist center on his large cock. "Deal?" He asked confused, he was a little worried what the deal would be. Hoping it wasn't something terrible, or labor intensive. He listened to her talk as she tantalized his dick more. He didn't even have to think about an answer. "Defiantly..I like this deal...a lot." He smiled as he looked at May squeeze her wonderful breasts. "Give me a sample for what's in store." He realized that traveling around Sinnoh would be a lot more fun with May around. Grinning, she moved up, then down, letting his cock shift up to press against her tight, hot center, before sliding down him, groaning as he stretched her out. " big!" she moaned, her chest heaving softly as she started riding him hard and fast, taking as much as she can before he hits her bottom, probably not even all the way down his cock. "Ooh....I chose good." she purred, her tits in reach of his hands. " with my breasts...squeeze and grope them..." He looked at May and wondered why she grinned. His cock felt amazing as she slid onto him. Collin looked at May as she rode him, watching her chest heave as she moaned. His hands were about to rest on her ass to help her along, but he was given other orders. Ones which he was more then happy to follow. Collin groped her breasts, feeling the wonderful mounds in his hands. He used his thumb and index finger to tweak May's nipple, wanting to cause her more pleasure. She groaned wantingly, her body soon letting him into her womb, bucking hard with a soft cry as this happened, her hips meeting his as she rocked against him. " deep..I..I think this is the best cock ever!" she mewled, starting to ride harder and faster, inner walls squeezing harder as she grew close to orgasm, her nipples hard and tender in his grasp, her tongue soon hanging out. He felt his large cock hitting her womb, impressive in himself that he could reach it. "I think you have the best body ever!" He said as he continued to fondle her breasts, and tweak her nipples harder. Collin felt himself coming close to an orgasm, but would hold out until May came. He felt that she was close though, and her face was simply sexy. Looking at her added to his pleasure. "Tell me where you want me to cum!" May wouldn't be able to give him a straight answer, slamming down on him hard, her body tightening more and milking him as she cried out in orgasm. It was clear she wasn't going to be able to pull out for him to cum on her, nor did she care. Collin assumed that meant she didn't care, feeling her orgasm he decided to let loose finally. His hot cum exploding into her pussy, it was a rather impressive amount enough to fill her up and them some. He still thrusted his hips into her just to give them even more pleasure. As he wondered if that's all she wanted, or if there would be more fun to be had.
Imprints [Beefy+Snazzy}
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" My name? It's Augustus Alistaire, I'm 24 year of age, I stand at around 6'1 and I'm around 170, mostly musical, and I'm a native of the great streets of Brooklyn New york. I've lived in the same run down neighborhood since I was 4 years old. I gotten myself in to trouble, I'll admit, but in general I've kinda tried to keep my head down and get my shit taken care of. Miny? Oh man, we've been together since we were like... 4? 5?Pft, he moved in to the house across the and he couldn't speak a spit of English. Fuck, it was annoying. The first day I met him was like two weeks after he had moved in, he was the weirdest thing, he looked completely different then anyone I had ever met he sounded different and he couldn't speak to me. Well, needless to say, I wasn't all to fond of the fucker when I first met him. But my mom made me go across the street and say hello.. Well it didn't go so well in truth... I now know "Anyounghaseyo" isn't nearly as insulting as it sounds and punching the new kid in the face ends up getting you in a lot of trouble.I tried to avoid him as much as possible but my fucking mother was had been hell bent on teaching his mother English. So, low and behold, I found my ass planted in the living room arm chair staring at a kid I couldn't speak to 4 days out of the week. Well, as time went by Seung Min became more adapt to the streets of New york and he leaned enough English for me to tolerate him and we kinda became hip buddy ya know? We lived across the street from each other, we were always around each other, what was I suppose to do? Let the kid fend for himself? I think not.Boy did I get in to a lot of fights for that kid. The seat in the principle office has an imprint that matches my ass and most of the reasons were becasue people decided to fuck with him...Right now I work in a bar down town and I cover commission piercings down in Seung Min's parlor for side cash. I live in a decent sized apartment and I'm trying to keep my head above water each and every day. In truth most of my time is spent with Seung Min and the people we hang around, we don't do much other then bull shit and go to work, it's not thing extravagant but fuck... its a life right? Name: Seung Min ChoEnglish name: SylarRace: Korean Japanese Age: 24 Height: 5'8"Personality: Egotistical, a bit cocky, bitchy from time to time, mellow, relaxed and reserved. Doesn't get angry easily, but once he is, watch out. The boy has a temper and a violent streak.Likes: Tattoos, art, architecture, traveling, fashion and his mother's cooking, rough sex.Dislikes: Public restrooms, the smell of bananas, mochi, drugs.Piercings: Naval, 11 in each ear, eyebrow, tongue, nose, left nipple, lip.Tattoos: For being a tattoo artist, Seung Min has very few tattoos. He has a line of stars running from his shoulder up his neck to the area just behind his ear, a large old compass on his side pointing east, a Buddhist scripture written in Korean on the back of his arm and a keyhole on his left ankle.I don't remember much before moving to America. I don't even remember the plane ride here. I didn't even know what Korea looked like until we returned there when I was 12 for my grandmother's funeral. Who I didn't know, by the way. But what I do remember was the first day the store opened, and I remember Augustus.He showed up about the second week I was here. I came home with my father during lunch and he was there with his mom, and my mom introduced us. I don't know how the two of those understood one another. My mother hardly knew a lick of English, and although Mrs. Alistaire thought she could speak korean, her speaking was like nails on a chalkboard, even to my small ears. I often made fun of her, I'll admit it. It was too funny not to. Is it possible to forget her son punching me? No. He spent a large portion of my childhood beating up on me... but that all changed once I got into school, and other kids started picking on me.Since then, he's been attached to me. I don't know why he felt like he needed to protect me when he chose to beat me up. My mother said it was like big brother syndrome, that no one else could touch me but him. But he's the one who calms me down when Aleksandra pushes me to the breaking point he's the one that makes me laugh he knows everything about me.I probably would have killed someone sooner if it hadn't been for him. The faint buzz of the tattoo gun hummed in Augustus's ears as the familiar sting of needles driving in to his flesh set in to his defined hip bone. He let out a small sigh as the constant sting slowly subsided and eventually numbed allowing him to set comfortably in the parlor chair as his friend continued the portrait on his body that he had long time been working on.Their goal: Cover every last section of flesh, outside of his face and hands, with ink. They had managed to cover most of his entire upper half of his body with various displays of the others imagination different splashes of color, inks intertwining mixing to lavish decorations all construed with in the workings of the small Asians mind. They had now begun to carve a path down the side of his body, starting with a set of large paralleled stars on the top his pelvis, each one connected with the the word "Imprints" in large beautiful script.He let out another long winded sigh, his hip twitched a bit as the needled ran over a sensitive spot. His eyes flickered opened to look up to that soft featured face twisted slightly in concentration as he worked.He calmed again, watching the man scalped his body in to the depiction that he saw fit. Augustus pondered on that thought for a moment, asking himself why he had dedicated his body to another mans trade. He settled with a simple shake of the head, pushing the thought aside figuring it was a question to think upon on another day.With that his eyes flickered to the office door as it opened and Chris exited stopping to look down to the two, a smirk settled on his bawd freshwater. "You're in here again boy?" He spoke in a raspy tone and a boorish chuckle fallowed. "I'll be damned if I can go with out seeing you for a full week, has your other tattoo even begun to heal yet?"He smiled a bit giving a slightly awkward shrug do to his positioning in the chair. "I pay right?" He said with a sarcastic draw lingering in his voice."Yeah kid, but what happened when you run of of skin to ink over eh? At this rate you'll be covered by the end of the year easy."Augustus frowned at the thought of not being able to be tattooed by Sylar any more, they thought in of itself set very sour on the red heads shoulders. He shrugged again, not being able to find a sufficient answer or rather not wanting to find one. He didn't like the idea of not being able to be worked on by Skylar any longer, they had been working on the canvas that was his body since the tiny Asian had gotten his license and they had been planning out the designs together since they were 17. That's far too many years dedicated to the project to even begin to think about it ending. But fact was fact and they had been chipping away at the canvas bit by bit, even more so this past few mouths. "We'll cut me open and he can tattoo on my intestines." He answered sarcastically."Brutal." Chris answered before walking over to a empty chair near by where he flopped down, his leg hanging over the chair's arm.As the thought continued to roll around in his head the soothing sensation of the needles diving shallowly in to his skin became an annoying raw feeling that made him uneasy. "Ah fuck Minny, watch that shit." He said resisting the urge to jerk away. "You're getting sloppy." He said wit a bit of a smirk as his amber eyes directed up to his friend. "Do I have to find another artist to take your place?" He teased light heartily "If this shit scabs your out of a job." He smiled a bit as he relaxed in to the chair agian sudying the smaller man's face notting on the tention held in his neck shoulders and the way he was holding he jaw. "Hey Miny, you okay? You seem kind of out of it today, we can Finnish the tattoo another day if your not up to it." Seung Min simply wasn't sure what had started Augustus' obsession with tattoos. Growing up, the boy had watched animations, he'd been into designing and art, and it wasn't until their last year of high school that he'd decided what he wanted to do as a career. That's when he had bought his very first gun and ink, and stupidly without practice, Augustus had allowed him to ink him. What was supposed to be a simple chinese character had turned into something someone thought a 5 year old drew on his body. He'd fixed it soon enough though, covering it up with a different design while apologizing profusely for his mistake.He had always agreed to tattoo anything Agustus wanted and that was because Augustus was both his best friend, and he liked his work. At first, he'd hated the fact that it hurt Augustus. He had been slow and had to concentrate deeply, but these days he worked quicker, he knew how to handle the sensitive skin. Today was no different. When his friend had walked in, he'd got to work and carefully placed the tattoos, joking with him while he did it, but once it got down to actually using the needle, the jokes had stopped. The asian never spoke when he was tattooing, even to customers, unless he was pulled away to do so.The twitch made him look up at his friend and grin just a little, but he looked back down. "I told you it would hurt," he said softly, in accented english that he'd never been able to overcome. He had tried, and when he concentrated hard enough, he could speak perfectly well. With Augustus, he didn't have to concentrate. He didn't even have to speak in english sometimes especially when he was angry at him for whatever reason. Augustus could certainly understand swearing in insults thanks to the years he had to practice his listening."Hey Chris," he said off handedly, not taking a second to look at his boss while he colored in the stars and bent his head in further to concentrate. Well, that is, usually he concentrated on what he was doing. But he couldn't help thinking about the fight he and Aleksandra had the night before. They had screamed and yelled, and she had even hit him. Seung Min, although he hadn't hit her, had grabbed her and pushed he against the wall, and things had escalated from there until she had locked herself in the bedroom and left him out of his own room to sleep on the couch. He paid for the apartment! She didn't even have a job, and with his suspicion that she was cheating , he was faster to lose his temper these days. The fighting had gotten worse over small things that he wasn't aware of that would even start a fight. Asking about dinner, about her day, about a bill it always turned into a fight.He jumped a little as he heard Augustus' voice, his hand pulled back from his face and he glared up at him. "Ya! I'm not sloppy, and my name is Seung Min. Or Sylar! Aish, you're just a whiney cry baby. Get over it, 'cause no one is gonna be as cheap as I am for you and make it look at good." He went back to work, this time intentionally making it hurt before he eased up and continued. "I'm almost done," he said softly while he worked, crooking his head in even closer to his waistline to check that his lines were even on the other one, going back to the outline on his other hip bone. "Do you have work tonight ? This is gonna rub really bad in jeans " Augustus smirked at the slightly frustrated way the man above him retorted. It was almost predictable in a way, he shot back a quick insult, corrected his own taunting and all in all avoided the question he had asked before he went back to work.Augustus narrowed his eyes a bit wondering what the male had been hiding but he didn't have much time to think about it before he felt a sharp throb radiating from his hip bone. Gritting his teeth a bit he shot a glare up to the Sylar and seethed in a low tone "Mother fucker." through his teeth.His eyes flickered darkly as he took in a short breath controlling his muscle as well as the slight burn of anger that grew in his stomach. "Lay off that." He said, the usual cheery demeanor melting away and promptly replaced with a more calloused side of him clearly understanding the fact that the act was done to display an annoyance rather then done accidentally.There were times where he would allow the smaller male to take out his frustrations upon his body using the tattoo gun as his tool. This was clearly not one of them, partucularly becasue he had no idea why the male seemed to be so tense.He kept a warning eye on his friend as the pain slowly eased up showing him that the action wasn't the slightest bit appreciated. As the question came his slight anger slowly died down. He closed his eyes again and relaxing his body back on to the chair. "Yeah, but I have a pair of slow riding jeans in the car." He explained. "They should come up right below the star, with any hope. I'll change before I leave." Another sigh blew past his lips as he thought. "You gonna stop by the bar tonight? Keep me company, there has been this sexy brunette that's been coming by lately. Says shes new to the city..." He mused as he spoke, knowing that the other would catch on to what he was insinuating soon enough.Augustus had been on a 8 months escapade replace the bitch that Sylar was currently with. He couldn't stand her, he really couldn't. Her general ora just pissed him off. He didn't like the way the girl talked to Sylar, she didn't like the way she always pointed out the flaws in everything he did, or the way she was always bitching about what Sylar couldn't provide for her even though everything the bitch had was giving to he by his friend, right down to the 600 dollar pumps on her feet. She used him all the time and Augustus couldn't stand her for it."She's looking for someone to show her around. I'd do it myself but... well... she's not necessarily my type. But shes a cutie, aworkingcutie at that." "You should wear pajama pants to work," he said softly. Normally he would have grinned at his own suggestion, but he was too concentrated his work. Maybe it was a sign of him being a good artist, but Seung Min had never been good at concentrating on one thing. He could hardly translate between his parents and other people. Not because he was stupid, that wasn't it at all. He was quite clever, who else could fluently speak three languages and be stupid? He had street smarts, but he had never been a multi tasked simply because it wasn't how his brain worked, and it often made the things he made much better, much prettier. "You're gonna rub it raw and make it bleed if you don't "And as he said it, he leaned back and turned off the gun, wheeling himself away on his little stool as he took care of the needle and got the gauze and suran wrap to come back and take care of it. He gently took care of it, tilting his head just a little while he leaned over him, and then he was finished. The design wasn't difficult, so it wasn't hard and hand't taken much time.Tossing his hair out of his face, he got up and went to the sterilize station to sterilize his gun and his needle. "I'll stop by, but not for the brunette," he said, turning his head to look over his shoulder at his friend and put the things away. "Come on, man, you know I have Aleksandra. Don't be like that she's going to nursing school and we're going to get a new place together. I told you this a hundred times, but it takes time."Seung Min was paying for her school. Or at least he thought so. He gave her the money she told him she needed for books and the tuition prices. And he wrote the checks. It was something he didn't tell Augustus, because if he had well, his friend would have blown a gasket. The asian was easy to take advantage of, simply because he was too trusting of others. Especially girls that were suppose to love him. She still technically lived at home, but six nights out of the week, she stayed with him, slept in his bed and ate his food he gave her everything she wanted and more, and still he was treating him this way.Maybe he just liked being punished, like hurting. Wasn't there a medical term for that?In any case, he sat down next to his friend and checked how he had bandaged up the tattoos, and then he sat back. "Why do you hate her so much? Seriously dude, you have to stop saying things like that. I'll go home and change and meet you at the bar, okay? I get off in like an hour, anyway. Besides, that girl talks to you and tells you that stuff 'cause she wants to go out with you, not an asian guy like me. White girls don't like asian guys, not in New York." Unless you're a cold hearted bitch using one. Augustus shook his head at the comment about wearing Pajama pants to his job, almost cringing at the thought of what Sally would do if he had dared to even think about doing something like that. Sally was a rather strict individual when it came to the work place. You had to fit the scene that the bar appealed to to even be let behind the counter to work, which was New york underground Street fashion. Anything else equaled a lost day of work and a lecture on how you needed to take the job more seriously or it would lead to your dismissal and Augustus, in truth, couldn't afford either.Unlike his friend he made just enough money to get by every month. Sure, he was paid well but with the money he sent home to his mother, the tattoos, what he put away for security, and the rest of his living expenses it seemed like he was always just making it by. Risking a reduction of hours was a lot more painful then risking a raw tattoo.He laid still as the flesh was cleaned and bandaged up not bothering to check it trusting the others work he sat up, wincing a bit at the irritated feeling that radiated across the top layer of flesh stretched across his pelvis. He rolled his eyes as his friend began to defend the girl again , letting out a sigh he began to tap his foot irritably against the tile flooring, almost waiting for him to quit speaking. He let out a sigh "Just because shes going to school doesn't mean shes not a bitch my friend." He said in a jesting tone though the stone look to his expression showed quite clearly that he wasn't much kidding all at. "Yeah, it takes time for her to get her shit together and I understand that... but how much time is it going to take her to realizes shes not a fucking princess and live down here with the rest of us eh? She treats everyone like shit, you know she flipped out on me the other day for being in your house while no one was there?""Really?" Chris chimed in fro behind the counter clearly taking side with Augustus."Yeah! Because I fucking went in to the fridge and got something to eat." Augustus exclaimed twisting in the chair to look to Chris."She was like bla bla bla, you have no right to be in here. Bla bla bla. Then she went on to say how I was liable to fuck something up in the house and the she took my fucking key. Took MY fucking key." Augustus's words were riddled with an annoyed laughter though it didn't settled much of the rage towards the idea that was lingering in his stomach."How's get get it?""I took it off my ring and handed it to her..." He explained as he pushed himself off of the seat with a bit of a stretch "I figured if I was meant to have a key to his pad I'd get it back soon enough." His dark eyes directed over to Sylar slyly as he raised an eyebrow. "That was two weeks ago." He said a matter of factly before he reached in to his pocket and pulled out his wallet walking over to the counter pulling out the due payment placing it on the counter as well as a generous tip as he had always done "But yeah, I could give a damn how she treats me shes not mine. But I don't like the fact that she treats you like a fucking ATM or anything else about her for that matter. But hey, what I do I know eh? I gotta change and get going, my shift starts early today." "Sure, she could have a part time job, but it's better if she focuses and gets it finished. It's good that she's going to school, it's more than both of us did. We're working out asses off now but she will too, and her education will be worth it. And she's young, she'd only nineteen. Just give her time, Augustus." He leaned over his drawing table, turning on the light to work on a design someone had asked him to work on for his appointment later this week, pulling out his pencil to begin another careful line, but he stopped drawing to look away and listen to their conversation.Okay, sure. She was incredibly hard to get along with. Most of the time she wasn't home when Augustus was over. In truth, she hated the fact that he had such a good friend that was given more than she was. She knew that if it was a choice between her and Augustus, the choice would be him. She had tried to make him chose before, and he told her she could get the fuck out and be sure to lock the door behind her. Seung Min liked her, he cared about her a lot, but he cared about Augustus, his best friend, a lot more. Hearing that she had been so angry that he was there, hearing that she had taken his key away without asking him made his blood boil. He stopped moving completely, forgetting that he needed to breath for a second before he turned his head away, shut off the light and grabbed his jacket. "She took your key?" Augustus was right it was time that she learned her place she'd gone way too far this time.."That's your fucking key," he said in Korean, too angry to think in Korean, while he reached for his phone and left the parlor. "You'll get your key back tonight." And with that, he was gone, getting into his small car parked on the curb in his spot and taking off without another word. He made his own hours, he rented his spot from Chris anyway, and with it being so late now, Chris probably wouldn't mind him leaving early.Pushing his key into the lock once he got home, he pushed the door open forcefully and shut it behind him. "Aleksandra!" he called out, dropping his bag and his jacket, quickly kicking his shoes off by the door and walking in. He heard her somewhere in the apartment, the t.v. was still on in the living room with he bags at the coffee table where she supposedly did her homework everyday. He never saw it. "Aleksandra!" he yelled again, going back into the bedroom to see her standing in the bathroom doing her hair. "You just got in the shower?""Oh, hey baby," she said, turning with the curling iron in her hand to put it down and walk to the door connecting the bedroom and bathroom. "One of my classes were canceled so I came home and showered, I had a P.E. class today."Well, he wasn't about to argue with that. She could sense he was on edge anyway, being slightly out of breath, his words more accented than usual, his whole body hard. "Augustus' key you took it from him?"The stood there for a second, her mouth opening to speak before she closed it. Even if she picked her words carefully here, she knew he'd be pissed anyway. "I was in the shower and he just came in without any warning. What if he had let other people in or came in when I was getting dressed, Sylar?""It's his his fucking key! He had key before you! This is my house, not your house. You live here, but it not your house!" He should have been more careful with his rods, thought them through more carefully, because it was always the first thing she attacked. When he got emotional, when he had to think fast, he spoke to fast to make sure his words were organized right or he used the right tense. Sure, he'd grown up most of his life in America, but his first language was Korean, and he spoke it more than he did english what with his parents being at home and Korean T.V. was watched more than American."You always take his side! He could have done something while he was here!""No! He is my best friend, and he is GAY, Aleksandra. You are stupid, fucking stupid, to sit there and say he would have done something.""So what, I'm STUPID now?! Is that what you're paying for, for me to be stupid?""No, I'm paying for something else to go into your head other than fucking air!"She had gotten closer the more they talked, and they were hardly two feet apart now. She was glaring at him, practically livid with anger as much as he was. "You are such a fucking piece of shit boyfriend."At that, he snorted. "I pay for everything. You go if you want, no one else is going to pay for your school and your clothes and give you a roof over your head. You are like baby and you're nineteen. Grow up and get a job and start paying the bills, then you make decision about who gets key. But this is my house. Give me his key. Right now!""No! If I'm here, he can't just have key!""It's not your choice, give me the key! You can go either way!"And with that, she spit in his face, which made him grab her and push her up against the wall, lifting his hand to hit her. She flinched, turning her head away, but he didn't hit her. His sense had kicked in just before that. He pulled away and pushed her again, leaving the room to go to the living room and go through her bag."You won't give me the key? I'll give him yours.""Maybe you should just fuck him then it's the only thing you don't do you fag!"He threw the bag back at her, which made her cry out when it hit her, taking his house key off the ring and throwing them on the table. "Maybe you're right. Bet he'd do better than just lay and fake orgasms. Maybe you should go to one of those boys in your phone you flirt with. Get the fuck out!""Trust me, I'm going!"He wasn't sure if she was leaving. Maybe she was getting her things, maybe not. He slammed the door behind him to the bathroom to get in the shower and put something on for the club a pair of blue skinny jeans and a ripped shirt with a vest on top of it, gelling his hair a bit after he straightened it, and then he grabbed his leather jacket in order to leave. When he did, he saw her sitting on the couch, curled in the corner and watching him carefully, before he closed the door behind him and got into his car to grab a bite, and then go the bar. It was only seven thirty when he got there, but when he sat down, he was pissed off like always after he had a fight with her."I got your key," he said to Augustus once he came to see what he wanted to have to drink, putting it on the bar in front of him and sliding it across with one finger. Augustus' brows raised at the sound of Sylar's voice and he turned to look at the brooding Asian noting how thoroughly aggravated the smaller male had seemed by the fact that the key had been taken from him. He didn't quite have time to translate exactly what he had said but he could tell by the tone of his voice that he wasn't all to the second comment he went to speak again "No, man, I don't really ca..." But before he could finish the man was heading towards the door "Sylar. Seung Min." Again he went ignored "Minnie don't trip on it man, I was just talking is all." The door closed and he knew there was no stopping the agreement that was undeniably brewing. "Fuuuuck." He said looking over to Chis who simply shrugged and turned to continue on with his own business.Augustus let out a sigh and shook his head looking to the door again "I'm so sick of that bitch." He stated again, not quite caring if Chris cared or not. "He's completely changed since he got with her.""Aw, don't do that, Si isn't treating you any different then what he always has... from what I can see that is.""No, not like that. He just seems so pissed off all the time now, so stressed about bills and trivial things that he has never even thought about before. Always checking the time and shit, it's like he's under constant fucking pressure to be something completely different then what he is. It just sucks to see you know?""Yeah. I get it. But what are you gonna do eh? Doesn't seem like he's gonna get rid of her any time soon. I'd say just keep your head down and stay out of it.""How can I stay out of it? He's fucking miserable and he's too thick headed to admit it.""Yeah, but again... what are you gonna do?"The smooth sound of a simple trance track looped in Agustus' ear's as he walked up and down the bar lazily tending to each order placed. It was still early so the bar was relatively empty outside of a few regulars who had begun to mingle amongst themselves.August bobbed his head loosely to the bass line his red hair swooshing to his movements as he walked around. He was dressed in a rather simple yet oddly flamboyant out fit which consisted of a pair of black skinny jeans that cut off extremely low on his hips and a black button up shirt that flared at the button due to the last button being intentionally left open showing off the sculpted structure of his lower abdomen. It was out fits like these that showed just how scroungy the man was, despite how tall and strong he was."Hey Auggie. How are you doing tonight?" He heard a voice call from the other side of the bar. He smiled as he brushed his hair from his face. "Start us off with a few temples dalin.""I'm fabulous as always." He said in a higher tone then he usually spoke but a slight twang to his voice. "And how bout yourself? Here to catch yourself a man again." He laughed as he went to work preparing the drinks. "God knows I am."There was a distinct difference between Augustus and Auggie. One was who he was and one was a work persona for the sake of tips and customer service. Augustus was someone you just didn't really want to fuck with, he was a goof ball sure, but there was something about him that said "Don't Fuck With Me."While Auggie was a tease to the mass amounts of people that came in to the bar, both male and female. He had a rather homosexual appeal to him, the way he swung his hips and held his postures and his choice in words that gave gays that came in to the bar the green light to flirt with him. While at the same time there was a strength and boldness to him that made the females there tilt their heads and ask weather or not he was really gay or if he was just kinda... metro.Either way it worked to his advantage and he surly used that in order to rake in more tips. Call it fake if you want to, Augustine didn't care... it worked.The woman laughed "You know it, always on the look out right?""You know it." He retorted handing the women their drinks "There you go honey. Enjoy."His eyes turned to the door as it opened he made a face as Sylar walked through looking as pissed off as ever. He sighed a bit as he watched the man approach him. "Hey Dolly." he said as he walked over to him leaning forward on the bar. "How are things?" As the kay was given to him he let out a sigh. "Thank you. it wasn't that big of a deal, I had figured you had already known about it which is why I said anything at all. I wasn't all to pissed off about it just kinda bothered.If she doesn't want me to have a key then I wont.. I can't guarantee to will keep me out of the house but I can promise not to go through the front door again if that would make you feel any better." He said jokingly as he looked over his friend seeing that the tension in his body had doubled since the last time he had seen him not and hour again. "You okay kid? What Aleksandra had said was quite true. In a lot of way, Seung Min looked gay, but part of that way due to his culture. Although he had grown up in America, was used to the way Americans were, he couldn't help but feel the constant influence from Korea. He'd traveled there with his family, had gone to visit his family on his own, and he had grown up watching Korean movies in a Korean household that ate Korean food. Not that he didn't like America he loved America. He loved the food and the kindness of the people that were so much different than his own. But he couldn't help but relate to his roots more than what he'd been raised in. And so the boy looked gay, metrosexual, whatever you wanted to call it. It was probably one of the reasons he and Augustus got along, really.. they were rather alike in a lot of ways. His hair was always washed, he sometimes wore makeup out, his hair was meticulously sculpted, his clothes were carefully picked and he looked damn good."Hey fag," he said jokingly with a grin on his face. He hated it when Augustus treated him like that, or called him anything effeminate. Perhaps it was because of his insecurities, really insecurities that he didn't like to think about but Aleksandra brought up in fights, about fucking his best friend or his sexuality. That was, however, a conversation for another time probably, when the topic was brought up. Otherwise, he didn't want to think about it. He looked at the girl walking past him, turning his body to slide between her and other people. She smiled, and he smiled back politely, but he was at the bar in a second to sit there and gently knock on the counter. he wasn't happy his whole body language screamed it even more so than it had in the parlor. His neck was tense, his jaw tightly clenched, and finally he let out a sigh and leaned forward on his elbows towards Augustus, though he kept his eyes down casted on the bar in front of him. "Just shut up and take it," he grumbled softly, pushing back away from the bar. "It's your key. You think I would just give it to you and let her take it after telling me? No way. I can't believe you would think like that. You were around before her. What is that saying? 'Bros before hoes' or something." He grinned a little and looked towards the people at the other end of the bar, coming in for their after dinner drinks or drinks before the real parties began, and then at the bar again.He didn't want to answer his question. He did know, though, that if he didn't answer the question laid out in front of him, Augustus would get angry. Finally, he signed again and pointed towards one of the glasses. "Can I get a vodka tonic?" Right now, it would have been nice to have a drink and calm down a little. It's what he needed after a day like today. "How are your new designs doing? Rubbing at all?"Okay, so he was avoiding it. But let him get there. As there was silence between them, Seung Min took a few peanuts to put his attention on other things, and then his mouth opened to speak. "She told me I either give you back the key and she leaves, or you don't have a key. I took the key and gave it to you. I guess you were right all along, you know. I should have left her back when all the shit started and the mood fucking swings. I paid for everything and what did she do? Nothing at all. She just take money and asks for more money. I don't know why I took it for so long. And if she is gone when i go back, goodbye. Really. I'll be glad." He let out an exhausted sigh and put his hands on either side of his neck, hiding the stars before leaning back again and taking them away to look up at him. "I'm sorry. For the way I've been for the last almost... year. I wasn't a good friend to you." Augustus frowned a bit as the slanderous term used as a greeting and he eyed the raven haired male sitting on the other side of the counter from him. Hadn't the male already been in such a fowl mood he probably would have corrected the statement. He didn't like the term "fag" not even when being used in a joking manner. In his eyes he wasn't a "Fag" or a "Queer" Or anything like that he just so happened to like men. He understood that in Korea it was looked down on and he understood that Sylar wasn't really looking down on him for being gay but that didn't make it any less irritating. He smirked none the less not wanting to pollute already rough waters.He sighed a bit shaking his head as the male continued to speak no inertly liking his aggressive tone. "What was I suppose to think? She took the key and I didn't get it back... well till now. I figured you knew but you didn t want to argue about it so you kinda just let it go. i mean, I wouldn't blame you if you had. Which is why I didn't push the subject." He explained as he went to cleaning glasses, waiting for his question to be answered though he could easily tell that it was being avoided.He nodded as the order was placed and he skillfully went to preparing the drink. "It's doing alright." He said as he stepped back from the counter. "See, these things don t touch the tattoo at all." He said as he cocked his hip showing just how low the pants rode on his hips. He mixed the tonic water and vodka together with a shake of his wrist before poring in to the glass and sliding it across the bar to his friend. "On me dalin." He said in a low tone before he turned his attention to a group of females on the other side of the bar waving him down. "Hold on." He said walking to the group."Hey Auggie, can we one Alien Urine, After glow and an Berry blister." A brunette asked as she swayed to the beat of the song."Sure thing, how are you ladies tonight. Out a little early wouldn't you say?" He said as he began to rim a few glasses with lime and sugar."Yeah, we are showing a new friend around she should be coming pretty soon. You know she s single.""Sexy little brunet? Eyebrow periling, about 5'6, cute Californian accent?""Yeah, is she here already?""No, she was in here the other night though." He said casually as he poured the first dink sliding it across the bar. There was a pause in conversation as the woman eyed him a questioning grin slathered on her face. Augustus narrowed his eyes a bit "Oh no, no no no." He stared with a laugh. "You're barking up the wrooong tree dalin I don't even swing that way."The woman gasped in an exasperated manner her eyes bulging a bit "Don't tell me that Auggie, don't break my heart." Augustus laughed with a shrug as he finished off the last drink." Fraid so, I'm as gay as gay could be, never even been with a female." He said a matter of factly smiling off to the side. "But, I'll keep a look out for a match kay? We'll find her someone right quick in a hurry." With this he collected the money and with a wink walked back over to his friend.He leaned forward on the bar his seriousness returning as he did so. He looked over his friend as the silence lingered still. He blinked a few times as Sylar began speaking again. He listened nodded slightly as he spoke. He couldn't help but feel slightly agitated by the ultimatum but he more so felt bad for Sylar, why did he let this woman treat him so badly."Woah, so you actually told her to leave? " He said with a smile, tiling his chin down slightly as he spoke. It wasn't that he was happy to see that Sylar's in a bad relationship so much as he was glad to see it was ending.He knew that the two of them had been at each others throats for a few months now but this was the first time he had... well told her to leave."Normally I'd say go for the girl because I've always been for you having a girl even if she dosen't like me personally. Because at the end of the day I know I'll always be around even if I can't be around. But she doesn t make you happy why be around that?" He asked in a frustrated tone. "It's not even a matter of you treating me any differently because you haven't. But more so the way you've been treating yourself. I've never been one to sit back and let someone treat you like shit and you shouldn't either... I hope, you mean it. But well... I've heard it before." He said with a shrug. I ll believe it when I see it and when I see it we ll find you some other gorgeous beauty to replace that bitch okay? He smiled boldly looking in to the familiar eyes of his friend. See, the best thing about having me as your gay bar tending friend is that I make and brilliant wing man. He said giving another laugh. That was the weird thing about Augustus, wasn't it? Augustus could call him Minnie, he could call him shortie or gook, but the second Seung Min tried to joke around and call him a name, it was he who was in the wrong. He saw the frown on his friends face, and considering the bar mood he was already in, it just pissed him off more. He couldn't really help the fact that he had a temper. Having a bad day didn't make things any easier, nor did the fight he had already. Never had he really used those words in a demeaning way... he couldn't even really remember the last time they had gotten into a fight, simply because the understood each other so well after all these years. So while his eyes watched Augustus move back to show him the tattoos, he looked without saying a word, then turned his head away to drink what was in his glass a little.He was brooding. Or pouting, one or the other. He'd come all the way here, only to be treated coldly by Augustus while he flirted with girls on the other side of the bar. It was his job. He knew it was his job, after all, but that didn't mean he liked it at all. Everyone in town called him Auggie, acted a if they were better friends with him than he was, but who had been there at every break up? Who had been there at every single birthday party and every other important thing Augustus had? Yep, one person: Seung Min. But he always seemed to be so easily irritated by him, calling him names and purposefully annoying him. That was all fine and good now that he had kicked his girlfriend out for his friend, who was simply ignoring him now. He was so... nice to everyone but him. Why? Why couldn't Augustus just act to friendly around him, too? That's what he really wanted, you see. He really just wanted to be with Augustus and be happy, like he used to be."I don't want to deal with girls for a while. We all thought Aleksandra was awesome in the beginning, and now look at her. Even you hate her. At least if I'm single, I'll be able to save some money rather than working my ass off in overtime to pay for everything the apartment, the bills, the groceries, her tuition, books, whatever the fuck she wanted. For now, being single and horny is fine." He stood up from the bar stool and put a few bills down from his wallet onto the counter. Augustus had said things were on the house, but he would have rather paid so Augustus didn't have to. Plus, he felt like his friend was more pissed off at him rather than happy to see him with his attitude. "I'm going to get out of here," he said, drinking the last of his drink and setting it back down and rubbing his face to recollect himself. He was agitated, that was obvious, maybe rather upset, but he didn't say anything. "I just wanted to bring it by." He pointed to the key and then gathered his jacket to put it back on and go. He didn't want to go home... but he didn't really have any other friends beside Augusutus. Ever since he was young, he was content with everything as long as he had his best friend beside him, and that was still how things were."See you around," he said with a shrug, but he stopped for a second to turn back around and point at his hips. "Be sure to put ointment on those don't sleep with pants on or you'll... agitate the skin." And with that, he was walking through the bar again, sliding past people in order to just drive somewhere, anywhere but here. Augustus looked up as the bills were laid on the table a slight frown setacross his feathers but before he could respond the male was off. He let out a sigh before he set down the glass he had in his had and walked around the bar starting after his small friend. "You shouldn't leave. If you leave now you'll end up right back at home arguing with that bitch again." He said as he began walking behind Sylar, his hands tucked in his pockets holding the bills there as he fallowed. "Si." He said as he realized he was being ignored.He cut through the crowed fallowing close behind his friend until he found himself walking out side. He gave a glance back to the bar and he made a face knowing that he had left the bar unattended and would probobly get flack for it as soon as Akabane noticed.He gave an annoyed look over to the bar and then with a groan he started after his friend figuring the risk to be better then ignoring his friend. Besides, he was already pissed off he was bound to get in trouble already. Picking up his strides a bit he grabbed Sylar by the wrist pulling hims around to look at him. "What the fuck is your problem? You don't have to leave, you just got here." He let Skylar's wrist go and glared at the smaller male in front of him. "I know you're pissed off right now but coming to my work and throwing one of your fucking fits isn't going to fly here. I haven't done anything to you. It's not my fault you can't keep your bitch in line Sylar so don't come around just to piss me off alright." He forced the bills against the males chest and glared at him. "You don't turn down free drinks ass hole, it's rude. Now, you can get your ass back in the bar and have a good time or you can let the bitch control you again and leave but if you do you can know that I'm not there to help piece shit back together when it falls apart." Yeah, Seung Min was not a happy boy and yeah, he was ignoring Augustus. His lithe little body slid in between the dancers and drinkers at the bar, hoping that Augustus' job would drag him back to the bar rather than allow him to follow... and with how busy it was getting, that should have been the case. But he was still there, calling out to him while he waved him off and continued out the door to the alley, where he ran his hands back through his hair with frustration."Fuck off!" He yelled at him as he grabbed his wrist, trying to pull it away while his friend dragged him in closer with his arm around him. It wasn't like he needed to leave, Augustus would never tell him to do such a thing, but he just didn't want to be here anymore. He didn't want to see his best friend flirting with everyone and trying to hook him up with just anyone. That wasn't what he wanted. He didn't want him to look at him like all he was in for was some cute girl, because less that a year ago, Aleksandra had been the same. He didn't want just anyone, he wanted a specific person that he had already denied himelf for a long time for a lot of reasons. "I'm not throwing a fucking tantrum, you prick! I'm trying to go... to go somewhere else! All right? I wasn't going to go home, because I didn't want to see her. Is that fucking okay with you Augustus? Because you can never let me just do what I want, it always has to be okay with you, and it's bullshit!" He pushed him then, looking at the money that was thrown back at him, and he grabbed it before it could go anywhere else. It only made everything worse. Right now, he could care less what Augustus thought of him, could care less if he disappeared in his life... it was just how self distructive he was feeling."You know what Augustus? I don't fucking need you! I don't need you or your help picking up the fucking pieces, so just go fuck yourself!" He wanted to punch something, to lash out at anything, because it just felt like everything was crumbling around him. He had tried to make things better between him and the one person that mattered, but now everything just seemed to be falling apart.What had he done wrong?As if to prove his point, he pulled out his own key ring and pulled off the key to hi sfriend's home quickly, throwing it on the ground and just standing there to glae at him. He didn't move a muscle, didn't even dare twitch. If Augustus wanted to hit him, then fine. But he had already said he didn't want to be the one to help him anymore. So fine. "You wanna know the one fuck up thing? I stayed in America all those years ago because of you, 'cause I didn't want to leave you here. Because you were my best friend. But I should have gone. Fuck this, and fuck you, Augustus! Just fuck you!" Augustus eyes focused in on the ground beside hims as Sylar's temper flared out to him once again . He had grown used to the smaller males temper in truth, generally speaking he was a rather laid back person but when he was on edge he seemed to be easily pushed to snapping.Augustus knew better then to fallow him out to the ally, and he knew better then to speak his mind when Sylar was upset... but at the same time... why was he always the one who had to bite his tongue? Nonetheless he was kicking himself in the head as the man in front of him continued to scream at him, forcing him in to an uncomfortable place in his mind. "I just didn't" He was cut off again. "If you were going." Again his words were cut short and he settled on the idea of just keeping quite until Sylar flared himself out.His hand clench shut as he was shoved and his own temper almost got the best of him, but rather he kept his eyes focused sorely on the ground beside him counting the pebbles in the street in order to keep himself from firing back: Twice as hard mind you. But as the key was thrown on the ground his eyes narrowed and he looked to the mans face, pausing for a moment as his rage grew steadily.Was he seriously casting him out? Just like that? After all the shit he went through all of his goddamn life he was trowing him aside? Like he was nothing?A dark chuckle emitted from his throat and echoed darkly in the shadows of the ally. "You're serious? Best friend? Tsk. You know what? I I have a little bit more respect for you to just toss my problems with you out in the air because I'm pissed off at someone else. I don't believe in scapegoating. But if I weren't at work right now I'd sock you clean in the mouth for the amount of disrespect your showing me by running your fucking mouth. I'm at work, as I just fucking said, this is not the place for one of your tantrums. Grow the fuck up." He bent down and picked the key out of the gravel and slid it in his pocket before he shook his head."But hey if this, our friendship, isn't working for you anymore then far be it for me to try and hold on to something that's been there since your ass showed up in America. If you wanna burn your bridges, be my guest. But I'll be damned if I'm going to help your ass build them back up again and I'll bedamnedif I'm going to stand here and let you take your frustrations out on me. So there will be no taking this type of shit back, because you've never broken off our friendship before. I bet that you didn't even argue with your girl, I bet that this was the plan all along. She made you choose and well, badda bing I'm out in the cold.Here's to you kid! And 20 fucking years servitude, saving you're ass when you talked yourself in to much trouble.You want this to end? Peace. Go, run back to your bitch or go to Korea where they won't accept your ass anyway because you grew up in the states. Go be alone for the rest of your fucking life, I don't care. But, I would like to point out that I, I have been standing on my own two feet for a long ass time. I know who I count on when shit gets bad... you on the other hand? You had better be careful who you cut out of your life."With this Augustus turned on his heels and started to walk back to the bar, his teeth grinding as he tried to push the thought of what just happened in to the back of his mind. Eh, after a few drinks he wouldn't care much anyway... He had turned to go finally, and he kept walking even as Augustus spoke. He turned back around sharply though, his eyes livid as he walked back towards him. "Oh yeah, Augustus, because that sounds so like me! Yeah, I picked the bitch over you, because in every fight, I always took her side. Are you fucking stupid? I took your side, always! When she yelled at you when I was home about food, I told her to shut up because I paid for it, when she complained about you making the house dirty, I defended you and said the shit wasn't yours! I've always defended you against her, and now fucking what? Oh, that's right, I picked her, and I came to end things for her. That sounds so like me!" His voice had raised in pitch a bit, and it was that moment when his voice had gone higher than usual that he realized he was crying. The dam had finally burst and the tears were falling, and he let out an angry sound as he turned back around to go, stopping for just a second when the next words cut through him like a knife.Maybe he'd been expecting Augustus to say no, to stop it and try to calm him down like he usually did, but here he was, agreeing with him. He stopped moving, stopped talking and just... watched him, and his face paled a little as he felt his heart jump up into his throat and twist."I'm glad that it was always me who gave a damn and needed you then, because you're right. You don't need me." He was still crying, a little harder this time, and the features on his face had changed from angry and hard to sheer pain as it coarse through him, and then he was gone. He didn't walk, he flat out dashed to get away. He couldn't breath, and his legs shook so much he was sure they'd give out. And they did, eventually, when he got right next to his car in the parking garage, where he scrambled to unlock the door. And once inside, he let it out: he screamed, he kicked, he punched, and once he was completely exhausted, he leaned forward against the wheel and sobbed.Seung Min didn't usually cry. He was an emotional fellow, but more than not he just got angry. He didn't really get to the point where he had to cry. So while he sat there and cried, he felt so emotionally drained that he could hardly grasp the fact that he was in a place where people could see him, and that he shouldn't be driving. Eventually, when he got too tired and the sobs stopped, he sat back and stared out the window in front of him, and then reached to turn on the engine. It was almost a mechanical movement, seeing as he did it without much thought, and he slowly backed up and drove.Driving was one thing that calmed Seung Min. The other was smoking pot. He'd given up the latter a few years back when he decided he shouldn't get himself into trouble. So now, he just drove. He wasn't aware of his speed or which direction he was going until he realized he was driving further north than necessary... and he'd been driving for longer than he had thought. He turned around then, and returned to home, where he parked the car in the garage and got out slowly. At least if Aleksandra was still around, she'd be sleeping.Using his body to open the door quietly, he slid into the apartment and shut it behind him, making sure that he had locked the door behind him and he went to the kitchen for a glass of water. Nothing really felt out of the ordinary... and because of that he couldn't tell if Aleksandra was really around. He leaned against the counter and drank, then looked over his shoulder to the TV that she had left on. Shutting it off with the remote on the counter, he set his glass of water down next to a pack of smokes.It wasn't his brand.Aleksandra didn't smoke.And Augustus stayed far away from the brand because it 'tasted like charcoal was burning' in his lungs.Picking up the cigarettes, he looked them over and opened them to see several missing, and it was funny because the house didn't smell like smoke. So it hadn't been Aleksandra. Who was smoking?His head turned as he heard the sound of the washing machine flick to a new cycle, and he went to look inside. Sheets. It wasn't that abnormal, they both liked sleeping on clean sheets, but hadn't they just but new sheets on the bed a few nights ago? He could have sworn... yeah, he was positive they had. He turned his head to look towards the bedroom and walked towards it slowly, opening the door to see her walk towards the bed with a towel around her, leaning down to pick an article of her clothes from the ground."What are you doing here still?"He looked at him and jumped suddenly, fixing the towel around her. "I can't leave until the morning. There's aren't any buses going, so I have to call to get someone to pick me up in the morning.""Why are you washing the sheets?"She went stiff for a second before shrugging her shoulders, trying to pass it off as just being annoyed by his questions. "Just did it to give myself something to do. Can't you just leave me alone?""No, I told you to get out. Who did you have over here already and why couldn't they have come and got you? You had time tonight. So leave.""No one was over. I don't know what you're talking about.""Don't lie, I saw the cigarettes on the counter."Instead of answering, she just scoffed and went to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. But without a lock, she was screwed. He entered behind her as she shut the door to the shower and stood under the spray. He shoved it against the glass and stared hard at her. "Who do these belong to?""Shut up, don't start shit. I'm out of here in the morning those are probably Augustus'. Leave me alone, Sylar.""Liar! Just fucking tell the truth, who the fuck was here!""They're Augustus', okay?! He was here and left them!""Bullshit, fucking bullshit, it's not his brand!" He left the bathroom for just a second and came back with her phone, which made her open to door to grab at it. He turned his back while he looked for the last call, which was to... a man. She grabbed his hair and he threw the phone down, grabbing her arm to wrench it away."Give that back, Sylar! Keep your fucking hands off of me!""Who the fuck is Ri...Richard? Why did he call you three times?""Give it to me! Sylar!" She was screaming at him and pushing, hitting him while he picked it up to look at the screen again. But he didn't let go, he simply grabbed her hand with his free one and looked into her text messages, trying to read them as she squirmed, and that's when he saw it.'All right, I'll come over. I knew you'd call again, so that makes me happy. I loved the last time we were together.'"What the fuck...?""Sylar!""Are you fucking someone else?""Sylar give it to me!""ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!" He threw the phone on the ground, hearing it crack under the effort."How could I not when I'm dating someone like you! You a piece of shit and you can't fuck to save yo "Seung Min had really never gone as far as seeing red before. But he did. The anger and hatred boiled up inside of him, and before he knew what he was doing, she was on the floor beneath him, with his hands wrapped around her throat, her face a purple color before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her body went completely limp.He was suddenly aware of the fact he was breathing harshly, his brows furrowed while he glared down at her, and he let go as the water sprayed onto his back. He stared down at her body in shock, hardly able to believe was he had done, and he shook her. "Aleksandra!" He cried out, and he seemed to crack at that moment. He was sobbing, gasping for air while he backed up out of the shower quickly and stared, rocking back and forth as he cried, and then he pulled his knees up, hiding his face in his knees while he moved back and forth, back and forth, and then moved to the toilet to vomit up his dinner.What had he done? The majority of Sylar s words went right over Augustus head as he continued to walk back down the ally back to the entrance of the bar. That was, until Sylar's voice reached that awkward pitch that he recognized simply because of the rarity of it. Despite how angry he was and how much he wanted to just go back in to the bar and ignore Sylar all together he just couldn't leave the man crying in the ally... he had known him to long, he cared to much about him to just leave him like that.He let out a sigh as his strides slowed and he turned to look back at the man but before he could say anything Sylar sped passed him. "Sylar, wait." He said trying to grab his arm to try and stop him but he just rushed forward ignoring him again. "Sylar!" Before he could even realize it the male was past the point of chasing. Normally he would hunt him down but hewasat work. As much as he wanted to try and make amends, to try and fix this, he couldn't... not right now anyway.Running a hand over the back of his head he cursed to himself and looked up to the night sky giving out a tired sigh before he continued on back in to the bar. His demeanor had melted in to a mix of sheer annoyance and guilt. This was the problem with their friendship, every time they fought Sylar could flare out freely but every time he shot back,hewas the big bad wolf.The rest of the night went by rather slowly, Augustus found himself in a numbed middle ground as he walked around the bar severing out drinks and pretty much ignoring any banter that had come his way. He wasn't in the mood to play friendly with a bunch of strangers he had other shit to worry about. He could swear with every drink he served the clocked tick backwards and with ever lost minuet that uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach grew a little stronger no matter what he tried to focus on his mind kept switching to Sylar and where he was. He wouldn't go back home, not at the risk of being pester by his girl, would he? And if didn't go home where did he go? Another bar? No, that would be to public... he'd end up in another made Augustus feel even worse, if he did go pick a fight with a stronger he probably ended up getting his ass kicked. Not to say that Sylar couldn't handle his own but bar fighter were never fair and well... he wasn't there to protect him. But Sylar was smarter then that, he wouldn't just go and pick a fight. No, that would be a bit too rash, even for him. Maybe he just went out driving? He did that when he was up set... but he was drinking before he left and he was pretty upset... driving was probably more dangerous then anything.It wasn't until he heard Akabane's voice call his name did he realize that he had been cleaning the same glass for a good ten minuets. He blinked a few time and set the glass down to look over to his boss who was standing next to him with a questioning look on his face. "You okay?""Not really, no. I think I'm going to clock out early Ace, I'm feeling pretty shitty." He lied running a hand through his hair. Akabane sighed a bit before giving a nod and gesturing for him to go."You look it, take off you only have like an hour in your shift anyway. You're not much good to me when you re like this. Go get some rest."Augustus nodded giving half a smile and he quickly clocked out, practically running out the door and to his car.Augustus chewed at his bottom lip as he sped down the back roads of the city in search of his friend s home. He made it to the home in what seemed to be a quarter of the time. Pulling in to the drive way he jumped out of his car and looked around letting out a relived sigh as his eyes landed on Sylars car.Part of him felt out right silly for the panic and just wanted to get back in the car and go home but for some reason his nerves hadn't quite settled yet. The air seemed to be thicker then usual, uncomfortable, almost eerie. He looked around for a moment, frowning up to the sky as he tried to figure out why it felt so different here and he made his way to Sylar's apartment knocking as he reached the door.There was no answer.Wanting to leave but not wanting to turn away he knocked again, and again, and one last time before he remembered that his key had been returned to him that night... which ironically was the start of their argument. He reached in to his pocket and let himself in, sliding in and closing the door behind him. At first glance everything seemed normal in fact he wasn't even sure if anyone was really there. But as he ventured further in to the apartment the hairs on the back of his neck seemed to stand on end and that feeling in the pit of his stomach grew to what resembled pain.He jumped a bit as the panicked sound of Sylars voice reached his ears. He frowned a bit and paused trying to make out what he was saying but the more he listened the less he could understand until he just sounded like the muffled cries of his friend. There was no way he was still crying, right? Augustus let but a sigh and walked to his friends room knocking as he stepped in. "Miny?' He said as he looked around the door he was greeted by humidity and Sylars cries and he felt his stomach twist will guilt. "Sylar?" He called as he walked through the room it wasn't until he reached the brink of the bathroom did he realize exactly what had happened.His eyes widened as he looked down on his friend soaking wet and sobbing next to his girlfriend s unconscious body. His breath caught in his throat with shock as he stared down at them for a long moment blinking a few times before he came back in to reality. His mind swirled a bit and in truth... he wanted to run. He wanted to get as far away from Sylar as he possibly could, for the first time in his life he was truly scared of the smaller male and what he might do to him. He wanted to leave Sylar where he was but he couldn't he just... couldn't.Slowly he stepped in to the bathroom, his feet turning to led as he inched his way in to the bathroom assessing the risk. "Sylar?" He asked shakily as he reached the shower, shutting off the spray once he got close enough. Eying his friend he leaned down to the girl and placed two fingers on her neck checking her pulse, he pulled away quickly once he realized that she was indeed dead. He looked over the body to see the harsh bruising forming around her throat and his paled face turned to Sylar. He took a moment to collect his thoughts. "Sylar, it okay. I'll fix this." He said under his breath as he slowly inched towards his friend. "Just calm down." He reached out for the man in front of him pulling him in to his arms he picked him up and carried him out of the bathroom away from the body. He carried Seung Min out in to the living room where he sat on the couch and cradled his sobbing friend in his arms as he tried to think of what their next move would be. "I'll fix this." He cooed over and over again hugging the man closer to his body as he thought. "I'll fix this." He was sitting next to the sink, huddled up with his hands over his ears, sobbing and talking quickly in Korean. "I didn't mean to do this... oh god, why didn't she just go? How could I do this...?" His eyes nervously went to her body, waitin for her to wake up as the water poured over her torso and waist, wishing that he could turn back time and restart everything that had happened that day, but he couldn't.So his gaze adverted and he sobbed, rocking himself back and forth. Sooner or later, he was going to have to call the police and tell them what he had done. He was going to have to fess up to everything, and he'd go to prison. There was no way around any of that. And he probably shouldn't have jumped so quickly to conclusions, but he had been right. He had pushed, he'd been on the verge all night, and coming home had been a horrible idea after being angry with Aleksandra and fighting with Augustine, who he was sure he'd never see again. He couldn't call to beg him for his help, he couldn't apologize because he was at work anyway... what had he done? He needed someone right now, and if it had been Augustine, then everything would have been okay. Everything was okay when Augustine was around, because Augustine made things right even when he thought things impossible.His entire body tensed and he jumped as he felt Augustine touch him, his dark eyes wide and frightened. He struggled for a second to push him away, thinking that the person must have been the authorities or someone else, but the more Augustine spoke, the more he called, and his face contorted as he felt heavier sobs leave his lips and shook his body completely."I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... I didn't... mean to... I... I don't know what I did... I just... they're going to kill me for this," he whispered as he friend wrapped his arms around him, and the small man couldn't help but lean into his touch as he picked him up and carried him into the living room and sat. What were they supposed to do, and why was Augustine even here now? They had fought, he had said he didn't want him around anymore because he fucked everything up...And here he was, fucking up everything else again because of his temper. Augustus looked nervously around the living room as he held the smaller man in his arms rocking him slowly as he sobbed. He really didn't hear what the man had said, no, he was far to busy putting together a plan. There was a way out of every situation you just had to be smart enough to find it and the more Augustus thought the easier it was to contrasting this plan.You see, if they hid the body there is always a chance that someone would find it but if the body was missing completely... there was no way to tell if there was a crime committed.Augustus blinked for a moment as his thoughts halted. "We need to go talk to Papa." He said in a hushed tone as he brought a hand up to smooth back the mans dark hair. "I'll fix this Sylar, just calm down and listen to me. She left, when you told her to leave this afternoon, you came to the bar and we were there till my shift was over, we left an hour early becasue I wasn't feeling well and we came here to grab you and change of clothes and we went over to my Mama's home. Do you understand?"OOC: Bleh! Writters block, sorry dolly. .
WHen the dark lords returned [Lawless and Pole]
It had been a little over a year when Harry had lost the big fight and many of the old order had gone into hiding. Hermione had no idea what had happened to Ron, Ginny, or Luna for she had chosen what she thought was the smartest way to stay hidden was to return to a muggle life.The witch had sent her parents away and told them it was better for them not to know where she was. After all, she knew that the dark lord would stop at nothing to destroy those who opposite him. Now, the female worked at a strip club in South Dakota none the less as far from home as possible. She had done her best to hide the British assent and now went by the name Bailey.She had grown into a lovely young lady with stunning curves and long curly hair. The bright eyes always on the look out and a troubled mind always reminding her that she should not use her wand. How she hated that she had been forced to return to an average life. In five minutes she would be on that stage again, peeling away every piece of clothing she currently had covering her body.As the manager walked in one last time, Hermione stood in front of the mirror the bright pink latex miniskirt barely covering the black, see threw, lace thong that covered what very private area she had left. A bright pink latex bra covered the now c cupped breasts and a black net shirt covered that. Matching pink boots, made of the same material as the skirt, came to just bellow the knee as she heard them announce her name.The brown eyes swept the crowed for anything dangerous before the slim form began to move to her song. It was a fast up beat sound that made her move her body in quick motions. Hoping onto the bar she hooked her legs over head and slide down the pole slowly while letting the net skirt fall from her features. A tall man was sitting up front, watching her. The man was Lord Voldemort, however, he had disguised himself magically, to look like a Muggle. After he had defeated that Potter nuisance, and all of the remaining rebellion scattered, Voldemort had decided he would go on ahead and punish those for standing against him. Tonks, Ginny, Luna... they were all dealt with, already. Most of the older women, and the men, were tortured out of information...It wasn't until just a couple of weeks ago that he heard about where Hermione was.Voldemort looked up at her, and pulled out one hundred dollars worth of muggle money. "Hey, cutie." He said. "Why don't you take me to a private room for a private dance?" He said, and then stood up to rub her thigh, and look up her skirt. As the customer motioned Hermione over she smiled and winked at him. Dancing over to him so that he could place the dollar bill where ever he would like she shimmied and whispered into his ear No problem, but you will have to wait until I am done up here and tell that gentlemen over there. She pointed at a man standing near the entrance how seemed to be taking private orders.Meanwhile, Hermione continued her routine. Playing a teasing game with one of the customers by letting him tug on her skirt and undo the zipper before twirling up and letting it hit the ground as well. The entire routine of three minutes ended with the girl dressed down to the black lacy thong which had a few dollar bills stuck into it.Winking at a few gents, the brunette rushed back into the dressing room and collected the money before sealing it away with the use of a little magic. She always wore high boots so that she could hide the wand in them just in case, but when it came to private shows she had her own outfits to work with.Changing into a pair of white thigh high, lace up, leather boots, the witch stared at the items she had brought with her in a duffle bag. Choosing a pair of panties out of it, her brown eyes inspected the bikini cut white panties carefully. They checked that the light pink bow on the back was still tied tightly before pulling them onto her fit body. The back cupped her ass firmly leaving no room for it not to show off every firm curve her rear possessed. To cover them she pulled light pink mesh bikini sash and tied it around her waist. Next she covered her bosom with the use of a white bra that had light pink bows holding the fabric over her nipples.Once she had tied her hair up into a pony tail and rechecked her make up, she slide the wand into her right boot before going to the public cabin she was sure to find the gentlemen from before it. As she entered she gave him a dashing smile and leaned against his chest looking up seductively Hello I m Porsche!What can I help you with today, sir? Voldemort had smirked, and went and dropped the money off to the guy who was taking orders. Who knew Hermione Granger would be this close to being nothing but a whore. She had dropped so low. This would be fun.... he wondered if she had managed to keep her virginity. Probably not, he thought.He went to the room and waited for her. His wand was on a little strap on his pants, covered up by his overcoat. He would play with her, at first, make her act like a whore for a little bit, and THEN he would stun her, and end up breaking her in that room. Then he would take the place over, and force her to dance again.It would be the ultimate humiliation.
['Hermione', 'Ginny']
Alice in Hentailand (open for F writer)
"Oh, no," would say Aunt Alice. "That was not what happened at all! For when that happened, it went this way!""Oh, no," would reply Aunt Miyuki chan. "That was not what happened at all! For when that happened, we met that person!"She had done her best to listen attentively, but when it came to their eighteenth birthday, it seemed that Aunt Alice and Aunt Miyuki chan confused more than enlightened. The place would call either be called Wonderland or Sexland .For, as She grew up, She had heard, from her Aunts, about Wonderland and Sexland , but it was not until their eighteenth birthday were She allowed to learn who one would meet in Wonderland or what would happen if one went to Sexland .But, alas, what would be a delightful tale of ticklish fantasy were it said once individually by Aunt Alice then Aunt Miyuki chan became a trial of boredom when told by both together. She was both becoming aroused but also sleepy .But at least did they dream and that is what our tale is about.OOC: Writing this one with Eclair, but other female writers are welcome to join. Please PM me first.OOC: Welcome to the Hentai in Wonderland thread, based on the world of Alice in Sexland and characters of the Miyuki Chan in Wonderland Japanese comics. The hentai is on the kinky side, so you may wish to read the hentai manga in the bibliography first.Alice in Sexland:http: mangaeng.htmlMiyuki chan in Wonderland:http: night summaries.htmlhttp: miyukichan http: cosplay miyuki.html Alice in HentailandRina read book hastily trying to skip through the scenes to the best part of the romance novel, "Quickly, quickly" she said as she laid in bed, speeding her way through the book she smiled sitting uo as she got to the scene she wanted. Her aunties had told her "Never ever niece" "Ever read a sex novel before bed" they finished each others sentences like usual. In her haste to get to her desired spot she was tired, slowly drifting as she read the pages blurred and she slept falling to the bed. She woke up later, rubbing her eyes diligently as she looked around 'Oh No!' she thought 'this wasn't home at all, no no not at all'. She looked around taking in the forest path, the tree she sat under was most definitely not her comfy bed. She looked around "Where is this place, this place im in, the place that is not my bed?" she questioned standing and walking away from the tree to the path that twisted before her. She heard a sound, it made her jump, jump it made her as she turned to see, a wonderful beauty passing along the path, a strange girl she was indeed, she wore strange clothes and her body was not normal. She cursed the mannerisms of though her aunties had passed to her throughout the years. She approached the girl waving her arms she seemed in a rush but still she waved "Excuse me, Excuse me!" she called the girl seemed to keep moving, Rina thought she went unnoticed until they bumped with a bang, and both the girls fell to the floor with a thud. Alice in Hentailand"Oh, no! I shall be late! I shall be late!"She woke up near the forest tree, and neither bed, nor book, nor Aunt Alice or Aunt Miyuki chan were to be found. Instead, what would she see but a most hurried woman in the most strangest of outfits! Yet this would be the least strange of the strangest things she would see!"Oh, no! I shall be late! I shall be late!" repeated the most unusually dressed woman. Though perhaps the notion of riding a red skateboard on a forest path would be more absurd. She wore a red one piece shoulderless tuxedo styled leotard, that showed off her lovely long stockinged legs. And she was quite audible with her "Oh, noes", as she was listening to an iPod while she was riding her red skateboard. And, of course, she was wearing bunny ears and her costume had a bunny tail.But where would we be without an encounter? A red skateboard on a forest path was indeed absurd, as, at the most inopportune moment, the young woman, who we shall name Bunny san, hit a most inopportune rock, and flew off the skateboard indeed. She flew off the skateboard to, where else, but the lap of dear young Rina. "Oh, no!" Bunny san repeated once again, her luscious body prone and reclining, and her chest firm and mysteriously aroused, and Bunny san herself optionally unconscious if convenient. And, from her purse, she spilled carrots! But these carrots... they weren't quite carrots! Carrots certainly weren't blunt at the end, where they? And surely, these batteries that fell with the carrots... they wouldn't fit an iPod at all! It was indeed a most mysterious sight.And were Rina to accidentally and inadvertently listen to the iPod, also laying nearby, they would have heard "Ohs" and "noes" of a different sort, explaining Bunny San's mysterious condition. For Bunny san's iPod had been downloaded with the entire audio library of Literotica's text stories and poetry. Kids these days and the things they listen to. Alice in HentailandRina cried out, she laid on the ground with the girl in her lap, the force of the fall had made her sweat as she watched the girls things fall from her purse, she looked at them blinking, confusion set in as she picked up a carrot thing and stared at it, looking at the girl her outfit was ridiculous for being worn outside. She paused her thoughts and looked over her, the ears and tail white as snow as she looked to earphone that was lying still, she picked it up slowly and a blush swept her face, the girl was listening to the most dirty of things. She looked at the other earphone nestled in the girls ear as the both listened to the text being spoke as she shoved for the girl to move "Get off, Get off i have to go" she said wishing to try and find a way home. This place was strange but she remembered something, a education on sexland from her dear auntie Alice, she told her about the bunny that would show her the way, to the deepest parts of sexland where she would stay. The girl was definitely the one she was told of, the clumsy yet focused girl who would only hear half of a sentence if it could be revolved around something she liked. She explored the bunny girl, she was enthralled in her as she traced a finger along her curves and prodded the tail that didn't to move, she poked it again and yet it still stayed still. She was confused the tail was part of the outfit, but this wasn't the case, not the case indeed, the girl was heavy which Rina found strange they were not much different in height and weight but she couldn't squirm her way free. Rina blushed the carrot in her hand vibrating softly, she wondered what it was as she looked at the girl in her lap "Get off me please" she said a more polite tone in her voice as she started to squirm again feeling her lap pushing against the bunny girl's chest a blushed crossed her cheeks again they glowed red as she pushed and shoved but it was to no avail, the girl remained still she didn't move and inch as Rina's soft hand brushed tail moving it an inch. Alice in HentailandOh, dear! Oh, dear! She's truly touching my rear!Bunny marvelled at the wonderful audacity of the young woman under her. Bunny was merely minding her own business when she crashed into this mysterious Alice! Or whoever she was called Bunny was quite distracted as Alice was touching her curves... playing and probing her tail! Oh, and the little birdies tweeting in circles above Bunny's head was distracting as well. "Oh... yes... please more more more!" Or at least that was what the naughty erotica playing on her earbuds was saying. The audacious Alice under her was listening to it as well. And playing with one of Bunny's carrots! How rude! Well, Bunny was distracted so it didn't really matter.Bunny sooned moaned a little herself as she rubbed her tail against this Alice's hand. It felt good to be touched there, and it certainly felt good to rub her breasts against this other Alice. "I'm late... I'm late... I need to go... I need to go..." she slowly said, closing her eyes, as she lay on top of the girl. For this Alice seemed to be lingering a little too long on Bunny's body. Alice traced Bunny's curves, the tight red bodystocking hardly defending her from the ladylike touches of this new Alice. Bunny squirmed as this Alice touched her tail, and responded by pressing her breasts, firmer and harder, into Alice's body, the space between her legs."I know! I know! I know how I can go!" For this was Sexland, and one way to get a woman off was, well, by getting a woman off! Bunny arched her back, lifting her hips, allowing Alice's exploring hand to move down... down, down, down, to the rabbit's wonderful hole. And the carrot? Well, there were more carrots where that came from. Came? Yes, cumming would be a wonderful idea. As Alice was playing with Bunny's backside, Bunny picked up another carrot and turned it on. On, on, on. It hummed, vibrated, alive. Perhaps it was more rabbit than carrot? Bunny carefully lifted Alice's white, apron like skirt, and found her bloomers, all lovely and white. She gently stroked it against Alice's leg... her thigh... closer to Alice's own rabbit hole."I need to go... I need to go... I need to come... I need to come..." Bunny said, gently sighing as Alice played with her. Alice in HentailandRina looked at the bunny in her lap, she was starting to press into her more feeling her breasts almost rub against her thighs, This bunny was actually forcing herself onto Rina, that wasn't good Rina wanted to go not stay, she wanted to run not play. Alice had told little Rina of sexland, how once something was started it wouldn't be over till the participants came. She had started this playtime, her curious hand that poke and prodded at Bunny's tail, this was her doing and now she had to get out of it. She thought of a way but that would be rude, to ouch a stranger like that in the middle of a road. She looked at the bunny in her lap and felt the carrot in her hand vibrate more violently, this day was certainly turning out strange.Rina looked at the girl in her lap, strange girls like this were everywhere in Sexland her auntie Alice once said, she felt the bunny girl push her rear into her hand, she was moving to accomadate for her exploring hand?. Rina was confused and wanted to stop but her hand had other ideas and it moved to the tail, she soon discovered it wasn't a tail at all, but a thing like the carrot with a tail on the end, this thing was pushed deep in her ass but why would this bunny do this. Rina shrugged as the tape played in her ear "Fuck her, Make her Cum" the tape said as if it was reading the moment and telling her what to do. "Bunny your all pent up, ill help you release oh yes that will be fun" she said moving the tail in and out slowly as her other hand moved to grope her breasts.Rina couldn't stop herself this was wrong and she knew it, her hands kept playing but her mind was questioning everything, eventually it stopped and she felt the buzz, the vibrating carrot brushing against her thighs and inching closer to her hole, she wasn t going to put it inside was she and then a small memory rang through her head "If you meet bunny, watch out for her carrots, she likes to see how many you can hide" Aunt alice said that and Miyuki agreed this wasn't what she wanted, she didn't want to be filled by those things. Looking at bunny she felt a urge to go on, to touch her more and to let there play time run long. In her pleasured state she felt her hand move down, she stopped playing with the tail and picked up a carrot slowly turning it on.In a second of judgement she flicked the bunny suits's crotch to the side, and with a buzz and a pop the carrot was inside, the bunny's reactions made Rina get wet, she wanted to play and have fun with this girl, it was sexlands effect and it hadn't finished no not just yet."Come...Come...Yes...Yes let's....come..." she said slowly as she moved the carrot in and out of bunny's hole, her other hand trying to take of her bloomers so Bunny could play with her. Alice in HentailandBunny continued to press her body into this Alice's body! Her massive, swollen breasts were ready to burst out of her tiny red dress! Her nipples rubbed against Alice's thighs, and Bunny gave out such moans and sighs. She slithered in the road in the grass, as this Alice gently toyed with her ass. Bunny giggled and her butt wriggled, as Alice slid the tail thing in Bunny's ass. "Fuck her, make her cum" cried the tape. "Yes, fuck me... make me cum..." repeated Bunny. She let out another moan as Alice pushed the tail toy deeper and squeezed her receptive breasts.Perhaps this Alice had listened indeed. For Bunny gasped as Alice slid the vibrating carrot into Bunny's tight little rabbit hole. "Oh, yes, oh, yes, Alice you're the best..." she moaned, as this Alice slid the carrot deeper... deeper.. into her hole. Bunny moaned as the winsome carrot began to fill her slit, vibrating across her lips... irrigated by the luscious juices leaking out of Bunny's hole. Speaking of holes, Bunny began exploring this Alice's. Helped by this Alice herself, Bunny slowly pulled down this Alice's bloomers, exposing her own youthful entrance. Bunny ooohed and aaaahed at her delicious wonderful pussy. "Oh, my, oh, my..." Bunny let out a sigh. As her hips undulated to the toys in her ass and pussy, she began to lick. Lick, lick, lick. Sliding her tippy tongue up and down this Alice's slit. Bunny nibbled, gently, this Alice's outer lips, grazing them across her teeth, sliding them under her tongue. She began to flick, flick, flick, flick, her tongue across this Alice's button, sucking the dear thing under the hood. "Mmm..." she said, moaning, her tongue and chin awash in this Alice's juices. Bunny took a carrot, and also slid it in, deeper, deeper, into Alice's hole. The carrot was thick and hard, firm and stiff. Bunny occasionally licked and bit at the carrot, too, as if it were an alive and lively thing. She turned it on, as the delicious stiff thing began to vibrate. Bunny then moved it, in and out of this Alice's quivering quim, as Bunny gyrated her own wanting pussy against the carrots in her slit and ass. Bumping and looking for a F writer to continue this thread! Seems I can update more SRPs once I get to the naughty parts...
['Miyuki', 'Alice', 'Eclair']
Elven Desire in Rivendell, Middle Earth
Virgin, Feminine Elf Prince needs older Elf Man to learn from. Aithin is a beautiful, feminine Elven Prince of the Wood, much reminiscent of a younger Legolas . He has golden, flowing hair down to his mid back, a fair complexion, full red lips, and a soft, delicate figure. He is a glowing, innocent youth, completely devoid of all sexual knowledge. The young elf seems almost untouchable, like a young god. He appears to be around 16 17 in human years, while he is about 700 years old in elven years A great pair for him would be either an adult Elf or Man, a newcomer to Rivendell. Must be a dominant character, yet gentle and willing to teach Aithin the meaning of sexuality in a kind way. Aithin will react strangely at first, but he will crave more eventually, as he has never ever felt as wonderful as his partner will make him feel. Aithin strode down the grassy hill and sat down at the edge of the large, rocky pond, teasing his toes across the rippling, clear water. He wore a simple, small pair of thin cloth shorts to remain decent, but nothing else touched his willowy, feminine body besides the long, flowing waves of honey blonde hair that cascaded down his delicate back. The beautiful youth sighed through his cherry lips and pulled all of his hair forward, enjoying midday as the sun kissed his virgin flesh.His father, Elendil had been throwing many magnificent parties lately, full of music, dancing and merrymaking on the account of Aithin's brother's return from the far off city of Gondor, where he had had dangerous business to attend. After a light lunch of elvish bread, apples, and singing, the young elf had retired to the pondside for a quiet contimplation of all the newcomers. There were elves here that had travelled from Mirkwood and from Lothlorien, and even some men, all to rejoice something that Aithin did not fully understand yet. His father told him that he would know in time, but that he should not burden himself with such things until he had enjoyed all of his naive youth.There came a sudden rustle from within the trees behind Aithin, but he was so entranced by his own thoughts and daydreaming, that he did not hear. The eyes of a traveler took in the beautiful, whimsical creature before him, and stepped forward curiously... Aiden was not quite sure what he was seeing before his eyes, as he stepped forth from the greens and the brush, slowly out into the clearing, towards the strange creature that his senses had ensnared. His bow upon his back, but his gloved hand upon the hilt of his short blade, the deep haired half elf moved with the silence of a pure blood. Emerald eyes accessed the form of the blond being pondering near the water, and at first he was convinced that he had stumbled upon a glorifying female of great beauty.With hair of silken gold being taken away occasionally by the breeze, delicately pointed ears, and such beautiful and seemingly untouchable flesh, this creature made it to where Aiden was almost lost for not only words but for breath. Instead of crouching down while he proceeded forward, as though to hide from this male, this brother in blood perhaps, he became erect and confident in his actions. The slightly darker man rested his gaze in silence, and would await the youth to acknowledge his presence, as opposed to possibly frightening such a fragile creature. Aithin, lost in thought, soon became aware of his daydreaming. His eyes refocused upon the glimmering sheets of water laid out before him, and he let out a relaxed sigh as he stretched his arms up towards the blue sky, then let them sink back down. He began to hum gently, brushing a small green bug from his shoulder, when his senses were caressed ever so slightly by a feeling that he was not alone. Yet, he had heard nothing. The young elf furrowed his brow and twisted his back to gaze behind himself, and was surprised to find a being of his own kind standing quite confidently in the clearing just before the woods grew close. The being had pointed ears much like his own, yet there was something different about him. He was not so very narrow like most elves were, thought not quite as thick as a man. ' could not be a half breed like my mother..?' thought the blonde haired elf, his mind fumbling with different, seemingly urgent questions. This newcomer was rather striking as well, and Aithin found himself blushing uncontrollably."H Hello Sir." he spoke quietly, cocking his head slightly. "You are..probably here to see my father. He is..up with t the party."Aithin pointed up towards the back entrance to Rivendell, smiling and trying to avoid scanning the stranger's every limb. Somehow, something was happening to the youth. He didn't know what, but it was strange, and he didn't welcome it. He too had almost become just as lost within his own thoughts, though they were more curiosities than day dreams. Who was this male, and how come he had never seen him before? Aiden was a welcome sight among the woods and the creatures of the trees alike, and he had heard no whispered rumors of someone new or unusual wandering around through the brush. Therefore, that would have to mean that this being was not something foreign at all, but rather simply an oversight by him and his fellows.He remained in his place, allowing the sun that happened to slip past the tree tops to kiss his flesh as his ears filtered out the various sounds of the environment around him. The very spirits graced him with silent secrets even as his emerald gaze remained on the youth. The half elven male indeed went from hostile to pleasant within a few moments, allowing his hands to rest at his sides as opposed to upon his weapon.Once the other male began to speak, he would shake his head with care, correcting him without saying a word at all."I never have been one for immense gatherings," he began, especially considering that he was indeed what one would refer to as a half breed. He was a servant of the forest, despite coming from a mixed heritage of both human and elven blood. Such an aspect seldom phased the elder.While the stranger seemed to blush beautifully, he felt a calming smile dance across his features, before he would give a short bow. "I am called Aiden." Aithin nodded in response, not one for large gatherings himself. He noticed that the elf had slowly softened his approachful ways. Perhaps he felt that the youth were a subject of interest, and not of concern. Aithin's sparkling blue eyes remained upon the other's face, taking in every curve and shadow. He continued to blush when the stranger bowed and introduced himself as Aiden. 'Aiden...' the youth thought, rolling the name over in his head."A pleasant name you have." Aithin smiled, getting to his feet and pushing a stray lock of silken gold behind his pointed ear."I am Aithin, son of Elendil, and the youngest Prince of Rivendell. But please, do not take differently to me because of my name. I regard my status as nothing more than a written statement."His lithe body quivered ever so gently under the eyes of this newcomer. How strangely entrancing he was..."You look tired Aiden, you must have traveled a fair distance. Would you care to join me for an afternoon swim?' he offered kindly, automatically reaching a hand out to touch the other's, then pulling it back with a strange embaressment. The youth smiled nervously, backing up slowly until his feet starting to enter the water, beckoning the stranger to come nearer. He had never felt this nervous around another of his kind, why now? It was perfectly natural for elves to swim around in very little together why did Aithin feel differently about this? It was almost like this so called "Aiden" seemed too majestic to exist.. As sapphire eyes continued to meet emerald, Aiden had a feeling that the two of them were succumbing to the same sort of inward curiosity about one another without actually ever admitting to a thing.Though he still looked quite youthful, he could actually be aged at around 210 years. He had surpassed the typical 'minimum life expectancy' of his half elven breed, and still had a good, lengthy while before he would end up falling into the grip of old age. He had smooth, though chiseled and etched out features, and lengthy onyx black hair that remained free behind his back."Your acknowledgment is well met. The name typically means 'young fire'. I suppose, it must have been an inward observation, as opposed to outward, for I am as tranquil as the very breeze much of the time," Aiden admitted, before nodding to his statement."I understand your learned approach to that sort of matter. Sometimes, it is nice for one to just strip themselves of society's trappings, including figurehead titles. Though, I admit, such beauty is very befitting of a youthful, exuberant prince."His gaze narrowed in curiosity when the other extended a graceful hand, as though beckoning him to come forward and accept his gently presented invitation to take a swim. It was not his title that made him a bit apprehensive, but his own child like actions that caught him slightly off guard. However, he decided to humor him, since he was indeed in need of a little restful recreation. Therefore, he moved himself slowly down into a crouching position, showing him he still meant no harm as he lowered the long bow and quiver from his back, trying not to let his eyes examine the un gilded youth as he almost seemed to walk upon the blue hued water. "Thank you.." Aithin spoke gently, smiling at the friendly compliment. He slowly began to wade into the sparkling, clear water, sucking in a breath as it's coolness climbed the length of his doe like legs, past his silken undergarment, and teased just beneath his navel."Your words are like a song M'Lord. It pleases me to hear them.." the youth sighed, going limp and letting himself fall backward gracefully into the pool. His body was refreshed immediately, and he soon resurfaced, smoothing his long hair back and eyeing the newcomer with curiosity yet again. Droplets of dew trickled to rest on his soft lips, some continuing down his slender neck and shoulders. He did very much resemble a young deer, slender and delicately strong in the limbs, with all the grace of the gentlest soul."I see that you come equipped with a bow. I have always desired to carry one myself.."Aithin reached upward towards the lowest branch of a tree that cast a shadow and cool shade over the water, plucking a single flowering bud and stroking it's lavander petals. "Whether prince or commoner, a man should always carry some sort of weapon with him. Unless, of course, there's more to you than your delicate appearance seems to imply." And by 'delicate' he meant too beautiful, perhaps, to even be true, but that was a fact he needed to begin to overlook."Not all siren songs are deadly. I simply speak the truth, reputation aside." As Aithin continued to move himself into the water, he proceeded to remove more of his now cumbersome clothing. His lithe fingers worked easily at unfastening the clasp of the cloak about his neck and shoulders, allowing it to fall to the ground with a sort of silent grace, before he would begin to loosen up the deep, almost bark hued leather armor that he wore above a dark, forest colored shirt, which was taken off not long afterward. He revealed even more, slightly sun kissed and smooth flesh, finally sitting down in order to rid himself of his boots.Once he had finished removing clothing, weapon, and armor alike, he had left himself in what appeared to only be a loose set of greenish slacks that covered him from his waist down to his strengthened legs. Slowly and calmly, he rose to his feet and strode forward, perhaps gracing the other with the sight of smoothed over, half elven flesh. A slight smile would appear upon his features as he would walk into the cooling waters his locks instantly fanning out around him as he went inward deeper and further still. "Ah yes.." the youth sighed. "There has been bow training on my part, but I have yet to carry one...I have only ever faced danger twice, and ever since my father has become very strict on my whereabouts and knoweledge." As soon as Aiden's graceful fingers touched the clasp of his cloak, the young Prince turned aside and drew a lock of his hair forward, focusing hard on twisting it back and forth. He could see the elder elf undressing in the corner of his eye, and felt his heart flutter. Aithin exhaled long and deep, lifting a hand to press cool water over his warm face."I feel so warm...m my breath." Aithin spoke out loud, touching his throat and moving over slightly into more shaded waters. Arousal and even attraction was a thing most foreign to the elf, for his kind reached the age of that sort of knowledge much later than any other being, as they were such long lived creatures. It would be a few more years before his father would be forced to have a long and confusing conversation with him.Finally, he turned at the sound of Aiden entering the water. The elf's hair, so much darker than his own, and even more so when wet, was curious to the youth. It was indeed easy on the eyes. He could not help but gaze at the being's body it was graceful like his own, yet not quite as delicate. He posessed the strength and whimsy of a young buck, masculine, yet beautiful like a young willow."M M'Lord..." the Prince stuttered, then realizing his loss for words and turning away again. 'I am a terrible host..' he scorned himself mentally. 'Why would I have nothing to say..?' He began to ponder whether or not he would be able to supply the youthful elf with a bow suitable to his liking if ever they were to meet again. Of course, if his father saw such a prize, and he was as strict as Aithin suggested? Well, he was not so willing to have his head on his elder's chopping block. Especially, when it came to light that it was not only from someone who had joined his son in a bout of swimming, but a man who only expressed half of his elven heritage. Of course, now that Aiden knew about this prince, this delicate flower, he had a feeling that keeping him protected from harm wouldn't be much of an issue. He knew many fellows, of course, and could personally keep him out of danger's path if he ever had to himself. Aiden, the silent guardian. He liked that idea.As the youth turned himself away within the water, Aiden couldn't help but feel a bit more estranged. Delicate, yes. Beautiful, very much so. Cat's grace and eagle's splendor? Undoubtedly. But a virgin? The elder male hadn't considered the option until a few moments ago. His gentle cheeks flushed with the color of soft, silken rose petals. Of course, Aiden did not think of himself as a token at all. It wasn't that he was hard up on himself or anything. He simply never had a reason to think on it. He was revered for his beauty because of his deep, jewel like eyes, and his silken locks, but he was also looked down upon because his blood was considered to be stained or tainted. He would outlive a human, though pale in comparison to his pointy eared counterparts. It was an interesting life to live, but one that came with many questions, most of which would go unanswered even throughout the duration of his lengthy livelihood."Please, speak your mind to me. If I have done something to frighten or alarm you, I will surely correct my actions." Not sure how to use italics here 'Speak, you fool! Speak to him, make him feel welcome here, as your father has always taught you!' the elf cursed within his head. His mind was a flurry of strange and new feelings. He could tell that the half elf was pondering his appearance and reaction as well. 'I hope I don't seem uninviting..'"Oh..n no M'Lord Aiden." the youth began at once. "You have done nothing wrong!"He turned and, thinking nothing of it, reached out and grasped the newcomer's hands, holding them gently in his own."I assure you, there is nothing..." Aithin trailed off, looking up and sinking deeper and deeper into the emerald eyes that seem to swirl like beautiful twin mists. "...nothing to..correct."He drew a brave breath into his chest. "You are a guest here, I want you to feel welcome. It is a day for merrymaking and song. I..."The Prince's hands slipped away, and he turned his head to the side, feeling warmth creep once more into his face. 'He is so very beautiful...he...he makes me feel things in so many different' The youth shook away the invading thought, feeling even more strange."I'm very sorry Sir, but I feel strange. I know not of the feelings in which I experiance...I must be...ill."Aithin's eyes glanced at the older elf's hands, wispy and strong, then to his smooth stomach, then lower... 'NO! Why would I dare think of such things!' Yet again, the youth gulped and rid his mind of the creeping thought. text here . And don't worry. I gathered that. As Aiden observed the youth with calm eyes, he couldn't help but notice one thing in particular. He seemed to be Aithin's unintentional undoing. Kindly and curiously, the prince had invited him to join him for a swim. However, he was new to the sights and feelings that Aiden had presented to him by simply plunging the two of them into a slightly inevitable situation. While Aithin attempted to stumble around for the right words to say, Aiden thought on his toes.His hands were soft fingertips and palms un calloused by arduous labor, or even heavy training. Pristine, indeed, there was no doubt about that. It was almost nice to feel such a touch against his own flesh. It was oddly calming, and he began to grow curious about how such a caress would feel upon his own body.When Aithin's grasp fell out of his own, and he attempted to regain some sort of confidence, Aiden found himself reaching forward despite the youth's explanation, retrieving his hands without a second thought. He held one of them carefully within his own, simply allowing him to feel his touch and his warmth, while he placed the other up against his chest, just above where his heart would beat."Whatever you may be feeling, I doubt it is any sort of sickness, but observe for yourself that the two of us are one in the same. Therefore, whatever you might be experiencing right now, is as natural as what is all around us." Aiden's hands seemed to reach for his own in a motion slower than any he had seen. The world had seemingly begun to turn lazily, like he had all the time in the world to experiance those few seconds. The youth's heart skipped a beat as they came in contact. Despite the cool water, the fingers that took his own were warm, inviting like the cozy inside of his own home on a winter's evening. Aithin's breathing pace quickened ever so slightly, his crystaline eyes wide and unblinking.He could barely believe his own eyes and senses as the second warm hand took his and placed it comfortably over the elf's chest. The feel of his heart, beating, beating like that of any other living being was a comfort to the young Prince. Yes, he was beautiful and new, but he was just an elf, like Aithin."I I..." Aithin began, cherry lips trembling. Hushing himself, he drew forward ever so slightly, turning his head to rest his cheek just below the elder elf's collarbone. His own chest, dewy and cool, pressed lightly against Aiden's, allowing a new level of bonding to begin knitting itself a delicate bridge."I..I hear you.." the youth whispered, listening to the gentle rythmic thumping. He closed his eyes and pressed even closer against the warmth, intertwining his fingers in the other's hand. He felt so wonderful, so plainly....good. The sentiments were mutual when it came to the subtle sensuality of this entire moment. Once he had the prince's hands within his own, or even up against him, the worry of having his head taken away by an angry eleven king soon dimmed. Now, the inner flame that he seemed to possess seemed to come out more and more. He refused to have the youth frighten away from him, however, but at the same time he wished to help him with whatever he might just be feeling.It seemed like his gesture had spoken volumes, not only to him, but to the youthful prince. This was good, and he was glad he did it. He had taken his own first steps towards building a fragile tension between the two of them, and at this rate he wished to try and reinforce even his slightest efforts. He was not thinking of what this could lead to, if anything at all, but Aiden did know that this was a moment he would not soon forget.While Aithin grew closer to him, attracted like a moth to a flame, Aiden allowed him to lace their fingers together before he would wrap one of his strong arms around the other. Carefully and concisely, his remaining hand would travel down the start of Aithin's jawbone, and would not stop its slow decent until his fingertips reached his chin. He would press two of his digits to the underside of his chin, and raise his head up in order to let their gazes meet one another as he listened."Now, what do you feel?" Aiden questioned, before making time slow once more, pressing a caring kiss to the male's tender lips. The feeling that was growing deep in Aithin's belly was new and...slightly painful. Was this what human's meant when they spoke of "butterflies in one's stomach"? He let out a small, unavoidable gasp as the half elf drew him closer and touched his fair face gently. He could feel the gentle ripple of muscle in Aiden's graceful, welcoming arm, and it aroused feelings inside of him that dwelled even lower than his stomach, which frightened him a little.The Prince's eyes widened even more, if that was possible, as Aiden's lips neared his own. 'What is he doing..?' The youth had only ever seen a mouth to mouth kiss a few times, but this was very different. A quiet, throaty sound escaped him as their mouths met. Emotion racked Aithin's body, making him shudder in heated passion of which was so foreign to him. He could feel this man, hear him, taste him it was overwhelming. He tasted of grass, smoke, and tea, and it was wonderful..The youth jumped and broke the delicious kiss, suddenly quite aware of a stiff and uncomfortable feeling beneath the water. He gasped upon looking down, shoving both hands hastily between his slender thighs and turning his back to Aiden shamefully. A deep pink crept up along the ridges of his cheekbones."I I'm sorry." he apologized, his body quivering as he attempted to hide certain proof of his excitement. "I know not of what is happening to me.." Nothing had ever affected him in this certain way, no. He turned back halfway, his eyes still averted away from the firy emeralds in embaressment. His nerves of the fingers that covered the front of his cloth undergarment twitched with nervousness, appling more pressure and causing a sharp groan to escape his virgin lips. The elf's mouth hung open, eyes wide."What has happened...what must I do?" Aithin whimpered, concerned and amazed at his body's sudden reaction. "I ache like an old such strange places. Do I need healing?" the youth questioned the half elf desperately. As every moment passed, the Prince felt a growing, gnawing urge to apply more pressure to that certain area, but he didn't dare do so. What a strange act that would be! Aiden could somewhat imagine what was going through the young prince's head right now. They had already more than established the fact that he was untainted, and virgin in more ways than one, but now his senses must have been simply going through overload. There Aiden stood, perhaps flawlessly, bare chested in the glistening water and warming sunlight. If Aithin was even the slightest bit attracted to the male, or even curious of what the other could have to offer him then his body would react quite effortlessly to it. Though, Aiden had to quietly ponder. Had the youth had this problem with any other male before? Or was it him alone that seemed to effect this male of such godly perfection with his silken voice and defined looks alone?When their lips pressed together, and Aithin voiced his initial reaction to it, Aiden was almost certain that something about him had set the boy's senses simply alight with desire, or at least distinct arousal. The prince's lips alone were tantalizing to him as well, but he knew how to hold his own when it came to situations such as these. If not, he'd have been lying with almost every single, ensnaring being that crossed his highly traveled path.His suspicions were confirmed even further when Aithin turned away to hide his almost painfully obvious need. The pain in his stomach, the 'sickness' he thought he had.Aiden shook his head, walking up slowly behind the youth. If ever there was a stupid move he had made during the duration of his life? This would certainly be one of them. Titles aside, pretty much everything tossed out of his mind within moments, Aiden wrapped one of his arms back around the youth's waist before bringing them flush together again. Aithin's dewdrop covered back felt cool and welcome against his heated, sun bathed chest, but it was his next gesture that may cost him whatever they might have gained here."Allow me, to aid you with your pain, and perhaps teach you of what you feel, young Aithin," Aiden assured the prince gentle within his ear, before his free hand reached around and pressed firmly onto where the boy was undoubtedly aching the most. He knew he would probably jump, or try to shy away, but he tried to convince him that all would be well, as gentle fingertips began to stroke Aithin's hidden length through the concealing cloth. Aithin felt the arousal sear a path from his groin directly up to his navel as the half elf gripped him around the waist to pull him back against his own body."You're warm M'lord the youth began shakily, then jumping as he felt Aiden's fingers snake down beneath his own that were submersed in water. He gasped and automatically pulled forward, stunned by the action, but soon remained calmer as the handsome being held him still against his chest and hushed him gently, whispering kind words against his pointed ear."A Oh....I I..."However, Aithin was at a loss for words. He tensed and let his head fall back into the crook of Aiden's shoulder as those long fingers continued their wonderful dance. 'I...cannot believe is more spectacular than anything I have ever experianced..please forgive me, Ada..'The youth placed his own hand over the traveler's, making sure that it did not stray away from him and, quite unintentionally, began to move his hips back and forth beneath the talented ministrations in a very untalented, virginal way. All he new is that whatever this was he never wanted it to stop."Mmm...M My...L Lord..." he whispered, his breath hitching with a small, sparratic buck of his hips. He let his neck go limp, nuzzling the bridge of his nose into the hollow just below Aiden's chiseled jaw bone. The youth was beginning to pant gently, silken hairs sticking to his forehead, his tender cherry lips parted and emitting sudden groans and whimpers. He had never felt so strange, embarassed, and wonderful in his life."I..I don't...t think I can go on M'Lord...something's happening!" the young Prince gasped, fighting through the overbearing pleasure. He felt something strange below the half elf's hand..a welling sensation..a building sensation... It was starting to feel way...too...good. 'Oh please...let this last forever...'But Aithin was young, and so was his body, and just as soon as it had begun, it had ended.The Prince nuzzled his face into the crook of Aiden's collarbone, letting out a loud, muffled cry of disbelief and wiggling frantically in his arms. His heels dug into the sand beneath them, his toes curled, his stomach clenched, and his knees grew weak and began to shake under his weight. He squeezed his eyes shut and released a high pitched moan, arching his slim back and squeezing his eyes shut. He was so frightened, and so glorified. It was as if he had seen the Elven Gods themselves..."Aiden!" he whimpered, eyes gazing up lazily into the heavens. The elder enjoyed the feeling of this Aithin, this lovely youth, pressed up against his form. It was as though they had known each other for so much longer than just a few moments in time. This simple gesture alone made him feel such strength and empowerment, though not in the way one might typically think. He felt as though this male and him had shared a unique and unbreakable bond, as though he was Aithin's guardian and companion. It was not about mere arousal, but something far more than skin deep.He uttered calming, soothing words to the other, letting his warmth envelope him as their endeavor continued on. Aiden kissed the tip of the youth's beautifully crafted and pointed ear, caressing him effectively through the cloth keeping him covered, shifting their bodies closer together so the other would find release from the pain that he sought. As his fingers would travel along Aithin's aching form, Aiden's head would comfortingly nuzzle against the writhing youth. Such gentle pleas and cries, his purity practically dripping past his lips. It was all quite an enticing situation, though one Aiden would probably have to keep very much to himself."Aithin," he whispered, kissing his ear yet again, even when the prince began to shift his hips forward, and he began to succumb to one of pain's greatest pleasures. He held onto him strongly, unwavering, not letting the youth fall due to weakness into the cooling water. He was so fragile, but there was not a thing in the world wrong with that right now.Like a father cradling his child, attempting to rid him of his falling tears, Aiden waited until Aithin's arousal began to show signs of fading away before he would turn the other around within his arms."It's alright," he assured, shushing his gentle whimpers and pleasure filled protests Aithin's tantalizing moan still caressing his senses as he held him still within the water. He would pet those lovely blond locks, and kiss his forehead with care, allowing Aithin to feel his warmth, and the beating of his heart. As the Prince's body began to relax, he felt an almost magical sleepiness take over his limbs. He was peace relaxed. The aching down below had seized, and he felt new and refreshed as ever. He let himself be turned around and embraced limply by Aiden, comforted by his arms. He wrapped his own arms around the traveler's neck, nuzzling his cheek into his collarbone once more and lifting his legs up to wrap them around Aiden's waist gently. The elf was as light as he looked.He listened closely to the beating heart that thumped beneath his ear, noticing that it too had quickened slightly. The youth panted calmly, his now warmer chest rising and falling against the other, and his breath hot and sensual against Aiden's neck."T Thank you... M'Lord...Aiden.." the Prince corrected himself, snuggling closer and enjoying basking in his post ecstacy. He wiggled his toes and was about to ask the man up to Rivendell, but instead was overcome with a question."Aiden...something happened just now...something I could not control.." he whispered, red cheeked, as if someone might hear. "I'm afraid I might have..c contaminated the pool. Is that..." stuttered Aithin, reffering back to the half elf's past words, "...n natural..?" It had been a good while since Aiden had felt the same sort of sensual embrace that Aithin had just endured so perfectly. Here they were, in the middle of a deep wood, alone enough to where only the trees and the soothing water could keep their secrets safe from those who may wish to harm such a precious thing. His arms adjusted themselves around Aithin, strong hands becoming comfortable beneath the affectionate prince as he held him out of the water.Aiden closed his own eyes and basked silently in the moment. He allowed the breeze to gently cool off their warm, blanketed skin. He nuzzled his head up against the youth's, and became quiet in order to memorize the entire picture without interruption the young blond in his arms, the sensations he had just felt, the feelings that Aiden himself yearned to feel again some day. It was all quite calming, and the half elf doubted that either of them truly wanted it to end. Aithin's warming breaths against his neck brought him back to reality, especially when he began to speak again not long afterwards.The elder shook his head, laughing gently at the prince's question. "Indeed. After all, what just happened was a part of how you were created some time ago. Come, now. The sun is beginning to sink in the sky, and I've no doubt that you have to return home soon."He began to walk slowly through the water, still holding Aithin, bringing them both back to the shore with ease. Without saying so, Aiden knew that he too would probably have to go as well. Oh....I see.." the youth replied quietly, pondering the answer he had been given, then deciding to give it up. Aithin relished the feeling of the sun caressing his back and those comforting arms wrapped around him as he was carried to shore. As soon as they reached the grassy water's edge, the Prince jumped down."Leave your things things here, I will send a guard down to pick them up for you when we return!" Aithin spoke happily, hesitating a moment before leaning forward and kissing the man quickly and rather sloppily on the mouth. 'I hope I did that right...' He grabbed his hand, that oh so glorious hand, and began to run with him up the narrow road that lead to the back entrance of Rivendell. The Prince ran with all of the grace and endearing style of a long legged young doe, tripping slightly here and there while laughing musically at the whole situation. Aithin had a serious case of the giggles."Come, father will be delighted to see you!"The two finally came to a halt at the entrance to the furthest courtyard, where his father Elendil was speaking softly to a woodland guard, also blonde."Ah, my son! I was just enlightening this guard on where he might find you, I needed you home now, for a very special guest has just arrived and who might this be?" Lord Elendil spoke, his hair dark and straight. He bore a silver headdress and a pair of very severe eyes."Another guest for our halls?""Yes Ada. Elon, please go fetch his things from the poolside and bring them for safe keeping." The guard nodded and set off. Lord Elendil gazed harshly, yet not unfriendly like, into the eyes of the stranger. Yet, it did not once cross his mind how strange it was for them to be brand new friends, and quite damp in not much clothing."I see my son has shown you the beauty of our refreshing waters?" Well, Aiden believed that was an appropriate way to explain the answer to his question. Sure, there were a million other ways he could have responded to the prince's musing, but Aiden was quite sure his reply would suffice until he was prepared to learn and understand further. He wasn't quite sure how the 'birds and the bees' talk went when you were of pure elven blood, but he could swear on his life that Aithin had never heard it in his life. Or perhaps even seen some of the finer examples among his own people.Less startled by the strangely preformed kiss and more by the fact that Aithin wished him to run off to meet his father, Aiden attempted to protest. Being among a prince and his elders was almost a mortifying thought to the half elf, especially once they realized he was far from their kin. It was even worse that Aiden hadn't even had the chance to re dress before he was being torn through the forest more effortlessly than what should have been possible. The elder urged Aithin's name attempted to break him free of his stride, but he seemed deaf to even the strongest of voices. Before he would even have time to improvise and make a break for it, they were back into his town, within the vast courtyard where the youth's father stood only a short distance from the hesitant and moist Aiden.His head lowered, veiling the sides of his face in dark, lengthy black locks as he would show respect for the obviously venerable male before him. Whether Aiden appreciated it or not, he was now stuck in a position where he had to pay his dues and walk on pins and needles in fear for his own livelihood. Especially, with the lord's son so very nearby, poorly attempting to hide his infatuation with the stranger at his hand."I am Aiden, fair Lord," he began. There was no fancy name or flashy title, for he served none but himself and the nature that surrounded him. "Indeed. The young prince is quite the tour guide of such beautiful surroundings. His generosity unerringly mirrors the manor of such a fine upbringing." Flattery, he hoped, would help to lessen that harsh gaze just a bit. "Your words are kind...yes, I would expect nothing less from my son, he is a gentle creature..far more beautiful than any maiden found in the land of Men...and bravest of Princes." Lord Elendil sighed, looking upon his heir not with boastfullness, but an entranced paternal love. Aithin was indeed his pride and joy."Well now, Aiden of roads long traveled," The Elven Lord spoke, his dark eys piercing the other's once more as he noticed his ranger like qualities. "Allow my son to refresh your clothing and show you to the halls of my people, where we will continue the celebration of the return of Prince Haldir, Aithin's eldest sibling. It will be fitting for you to stay as well, for we always have room, and it would be my pleasure to see you rested in Rivendell."The elf turned away with a short bow, hands clasped together at his middle, and glided away through the grass without waiting for a reply. When you stayed in Rivendell, you stayed the night, ate and drink till you were content Elendil insisted this, and while he was being friendly, there was a silent hint of, "You WILL accept my invitation into my home. The dark haired elf had a very sensitive grasp on people's personalities, and he was not easily fooled. So far, he very much liked Aiden he was warm, kind, and charming."Come M'Lord Aiden, let me show you where we keep the spare tunics." The Prince smiled after waving goodbye to his father. "I think you will find them very, very comfortable." He hugged Aiden's bare arm and rested his chin upon his shoulder, his long lashed eyes wide with joy. Sounds of choral singing and flute music sounded quietly from the East Hall of Rivendell... Aiden could agree with the words that this lord said, even though he had only known his son for a short period of time. He was gentle and beautiful, indeed, though the half elf was not so certain about his bravery as of yet. The type of courage that Elendil spoke of could come in various forms. Of course, if bringing a complete and soaking wet stranger home to his father's kingdom wasn't worth some sort of merit, than Aiden wasn't quite sure what else would be.Aiden responded to Elendil's stern gaze by becoming erect in his place once more and returning it like the man that he was strong, honest, and faithful unlike no other of his kind. The onyx haired male did note that Elendil referred to those within his kingdom as 'my' people, and Aiden had no doubt that he meant the elves of his blood and clan. A half blood would never be truly accepted amongst such walls, and Aiden knew this well. However, were Elendil to deny any creature of any creed lodging within his halls? Some would consider that an unwise, unfair, and possibly even unjust move by a king that was supposedly the direct opposite, and an elven one at that.He thanked the lord, though, despite whatever sort of hidden agenda that may have been behind his actions. Aiden would take the king at face value, since he did not truly know how long or short his stay in this new city would be for him, or whether the young prince's infatuation would ever wear off when it came to the elder half elf.Following the son, which was still clinging comfortably to his arm, Aiden remained silent for now, inwardly curious and wondering what he was to make of this entirely unique predicament. "It's just past my brother's quarters.." Aiden spoke, tugging the guest past small trickling waterfalls, winding trees of brown and white bark, and elegantly carved statues of the mystical Elven figures. Grass, elegantly scattered leaves, and packed, soft dirt covered most of the way. Rivendell was aglow with golden, autumn like colors.Soon enough, they entered a small room with a few candle holders, chairs, and very large wardrobe carved intricately in a silvery brown wood. The room was of course, complete with glassless windows, some curtained, some not, like every other room or hall in Rivendell. The breeze and the leaves could flow freely in at any time."Here." the boy began, opening the wardrobe by the coppery handles and searching for a moment "This one will probably do.." The Prince withdrew a long sleeved tunic and leggings made of a fine, thin cloth, along with Aiden's own pair of boots, which had been wiped down of all dust and dirt. He then drew close to Aiden and slipped the tunic onto his arms and over his slender, muscular shoulders, fingers brushing gently over his collarbone. The boy's eye lingered on his chest, almost as if he were in a trance."It seems nicely." The youth pulled the shirt forward and hooked it closed all the way down to Aiden's stomach, his eyes then lingering on the slightly damp pants that he wore. For the first time in his life, he wondered what this being would look like without them."Here!" Aithin said suddenly, smiling nervously and handing him the leggings. He then turned his back to Aiden and began to pull on his own tunic, swallowing the frog in his throat and combing his fingers through his long hair Aiden remained silent, allowing his eyes to do the talking for him as he marvled at the various sights around him. This place was beautiful, he would have to admit that. The very essence of nature seemed to be present within every place and sight they had passed. The spirits practically danced across the waters, and sung among the leaves of the unique and vibrant trees.Everything was so intricate, without being gaudy or unnecessarily overdone. The city was relatively open and free, allowing both people in passing and the environment to travel through the halls unhindered at practically any time one could imagine.The half elf was surprised to see the young prince finding such fine clothing for him, but he did not refuse his gestures. He only breathed in baited, curious breaths when Aithin touched him with such careful hands, and attempted to keep his mind away from longing to feel more. His fingertips against his sun kissed flesh made his gaze lower, and caused his lips to part gently. The soft sensations were welcome, but soon they would come to an end."Quite nicely. Perhaps, perfectly," Aiden finally found to say before he was handed a pair of just as nicely made leggings. As the boy walked away and turned himself about, beginning to dress himself, the elder male turned off to the side and allowed his eyes to wander elsewhere before he would begin removing his moist clothing. He shifted out of the clothe easily, revealing strong, smoothed out legs, and of course the most delicate parts of his body that made up his lower half. He rubbed tiredly at his eyes while he eased the clean leggings on, and then sat himself down in order to begin lacing up his own boots once more. When the Prince had finally slipped into his tunic, free of both leggings and shoes he had to discipline his mind in a most unruly manner in order to keep his eyes away from Aiden's undressing form. However, at one point, he just managed to catch a glimpse of the unsheathing of the half elf's gloriously toned leg, and quickly turned his back on him completely. He waited for a moment, listening to the rustling of cloth and lace, then turned, finally, to meet his image. He was very pleased with what he saw."Oh M'Lord...I I must say, it does suit you very well indeed." the youth smiled, slender, bare legs trembling ever so slightly. He swallowed and stepped forward, placing both hands upon Aiden's shoulders in a kind of elvish handshake greeting type advance.Aithin sucked in a breath, "Welcome to my homeland, Aiden of the Wood. I'm sure that you will find great comforts here.." His voice trailed off slowly as he spoke, and he found himself getting utterly lost, once again, in those piercing green eyes. No footsteps echoed around the outside of the storeroom as Aithin grew closer, eyes now fixed a little beneath those glowing orbs."Let us..make our way to..the..the dining halls to..attend the c celebration M'Lord.."The youth blinked lazily, seeming to fall forward slowly, like he were swimming through a dream, and came crashing down upon the half elf's lips with an unexpected force. He fisted both hands in the front of his newly adorned tunic with a gentle caress and drew his lips back a barely detectable length, then kissed the man again, this time with his mouth open rather wide. His tongue hung back in it's place timidly he was afraid of pushing it.. All he knew is that he wanted his mouth on Aiden's. Terribly conflicted, though attempting not to show it in the least, Aiden finished replacing his boots before running sturdy fingers through his lengthy hair. Here he was, completely unsupervised, re dressing with one of the most stunningly beautiful creatures he had ever seen in all his life. And a prince, besides! To rest amongst his elaborate halls was an honor enough, but to have him next to Aiden upon his awakening to a welcome morning sun? It would not only be a privilege to the elder half elf, but it would be something that he could find himself treasuring forever.Aithin's stuttering was adoring to him. He was curious about him, and especially his body, but yet he was oh so shy and precious like a porcelain doll. Oh, how he longed to become the essence that flowed within his veins, that drove his very being, and inspired his articulate movements. Great comforts indeed, Aiden thought to himself, emerald becoming lost in a sea of pure sapphire again as Aithin greeted him with an added flare and formality. His touch warmed his skin like a soothing fire, his lips soft like satin, and the finest of golden threads upon his head reminding him of the rarest of silks.It seemed that the thoughts of a crowded celebration had disappeared from both their minds as Aithin came crashing down onto his lips like a glorious falling star presenting him soon after with an opportunity to get a deeper taste of such a sweet, tantalizing prince. Hearing no footsteps, unaware that any were even nearby the location of the two, Aiden succumbed to this heavenly sinful corruption without restrain. His arms snaked around the youth's slender back, embracing close, while his deep hues disappeared beneath a veil of dark lashes. Parted lips would invite Aiden's tongue to slip out and gently caress Aithin's gentle month, before moving in deeper. A groan of contentment left the elder when he managed to brush the elf's tongue, indicating that he too was finding subtle enjoyment their moment of togetherness. The arms that swirled around the Prince's body to pull him closer were most welcome in his mind. All he could think about was how wonderful it felt to make contact with this man his warmth, his beating heart. He was soft, yet strong. Smooth as silk was his skin, yet hard as wood were the toned muscles that lay, calm underneath.Something inside Aithin had urged him to do this a soundless voice that mainly spoke from places often ignored. He found himself slowly sucking the life out of the man, kissing and tasting and whimpering into his hot, yet refreshing mouth. His hips were gradually pressing harder and harder into the one's before him, a feeling growing in stomach that was frighteningly like the one before. It was so, very good..." Aiden!" the youth gasped through their lips, breaking the kiss and wiping the wetness from his mouth to his sleeve in a very boyish way."We musn't...we must go to the hall, like my Ada wishes of us.."Aithin caught his breath and reached down quickly, adjusted his cloth tunic in a flash , blushed gently, and nodded for Aiden to follow him from the room. Apparently that "reaction" was going to start coming easier and easier...what a pain indeed. Aithin was his polar opposite in many senses. His flesh was cool to his warm, his hair shining of pure sun rays, while Aiden's reflected the darkness of the night sky. Aiden was less seemingly innocent, while the young prince was pristine in more ways than he perhaps should have been at his ripe and ready for picking age. Like the forbidden, succulent fruit that rested untouched upon the blessed tree Aithin was playing the part of a far too alluring tease. Aiden wished to be the first and only one to take a bite of such fragile flesh.However, such innocence was also beginning to drive Aiden's entire being mad. That exuberant voice sounded yet again within his ears as their kiss would break away as effortlessly as it was started. He had left Aithin breathless, and yet the youth still insisted on pulling away from him leaving him out in the cold when it came to his own needs and feelings.For now, Aiden would remain patient and pleased by Aithin's presence alone, but this was not a game he wished to play forever. Much was on the line for the both of them, and Aiden was not a man to lose without a fight. The half elf nodded his head in understanding, uttering 'yes, my prince' before following him less than eagerly from the room. He too was good at hiding the evidence of his feelings. Therefore, he put in a placid air, and trailed his untouchable virgin through the halls of his people. Aithin seemed to return to his normal, naive self once they had entered the Great Elven Halls. He introduced Aiden to everyone he knew, and didn't know, and they responded with glorious warmth and affection, patting his shoulders and taking his hands in their's. "Welcome friend...welcome." the Rivendell elves spoke, offering them both food and drink, and the gayest of entertainment . There was no mead, no wine, but pitchers of water and a thin, golden liquid that sparkled like spring sunlight, and tasted like it too of flowers and light and song.. Speaking of song, the Prince himslef was quite the musical merrymaker. He sang songs aloud with his brother and young friends while the others listened. He had a clear, soprano voice that resonated throught even the elves who did not reside within typical earshot. It was a beautiful sound, like that of a young human boy whos voice had not yet broken a thing of angels.After the party, when the lights were dimmed and the clouds overhead had disappeared, Aithin found his way back to his friend, who had been swept off by a small group of eager young maidens, and took his arm posessively."Aithin, has he ever bonded before?" one of them whispered in his ear. He replied with a sharp, "No!", and tugged Aiden away in disbelief. "Bonding" was the ultimate level of relationships between elves, and something that often took place after marriage. Aithin knew of it simply as, "the way in which elflings appear on the earth"."Now M'Lord, now that we have escaped your.." the youth grumbled. "curious onlookers, shall we retire you to your bed?"He lead his friend from the halls and along a winding, leaf covered path, all the way up to a large cluster of small, open huts. Some were on the ground, and some were in the lighted trees. Aithin decided to put the newcomer in a branch dwelling one."Here M'Lord..a perfect place to turn in from a long journey." the Prince smiled as they entered, "The bath houses are just down the trail to the left if you like, by the little statues."Aithin placed a gentle hand on Aiden's shoulder. "I hope you enjoyed tonight my friend. Tomorrow should be a peaceful and well rested day." Aiden was beginning to believe that Aithin was much like the main character of some estranged book, where a man was not only 'himself' but another on an entirely persona when a different sort of light was shed upon him. Such thoughts ebbed from the half elf's mind when he was greeted by so many like minded, beautifully designed creatures. Surely, they could not all think that he was a pure blooded being like them. His eyes reflected his more elegant elven heritage, but the color of his skin and the deepness of his hair gave away that he was also human. Yet, he was called friend. Together, they partook in drink sweeter than wine, that left the taste of sun touched nectar upon Aiden's lips. As Aithin would sing so sweetly, with a truly blessed voice, his companion would become engrossed in a crowd full of interested onlookers, and perhaps more so.The women were flattering. Really they were, but Aiden always had a way of giving a female the subtle charms she wished in passing, without ever letting on that he didn't quite fall in that direction. Being within the arms of a flower did little to stir his senses. Not truly.Without warning, Aiden found himself practically jerked away from the crowd of more than curious elven folk of the female persuasion his presence brought back to Aithin with nothing more than a silent glance and a quiet nod.Such visions of living art seemed to pass quickly by his line of sight as the prince showed Aiden where he would be resting. His touches had begun to feel numb upon his body, his words resounding slowly within his mind. The half elf appreciated the youth's kindness, but as soon as his worn eyes glimpsed the gentle bed resting within the dim room, he couldn't help but have a sit. However, this gesture turned into a half lay soon after, and what might have started out as a sort of 'testing the bed' notion, ended in the strong Aiden drifting into a slightly uncomfortable sleep against the soft piece of furniture. Oh, how undisturbed he looked resting beneath a veil of onyx, still fully clothed, and so very tired from the day's events. "The bed is very comfortable I assure you....and the....also the....if you need...always there...late it doesn't really...over there is anyway..I'll be..west wing......" Aithin spoke, sentence after sentence after detail after explanation, until he noticed that Aiden had fallen asleep in the chair halfway through his speech. The man looked strong, graceful, and at peace when he slept, like that of an long maned onyx wolf. The position in which he slept in however, looked very uncomfortable and odd, and the young Prince waited a moment before taking his arms and helping him to the bed where he collapsed, drowsy and quite unaware of his surroundings. Aithin placed a soft pillow beneath his head and removed his boots quietly, noticing as a small smile crept up the edge of the traveler's sleeping mouth. It was calming to see a being in such an exhausted bliss."Goodnight my friend." the young Prince whispered, and doubting that Aiden would remember this, leaned forward and kissed his forehead with all the gentleness one would use with a small child. He touched his face softly, tracing the outline of his cheekbone and admiring his unusual beauty, then left with a crisp silence and a flicker of silver.Aithin retired to his own chamber in the West Wing, stripping himself of all clothing and pulling a few silken sheets over his tired form. He turned to his side, eyes half lidded, and thought of his new friend. A smile kissed his pink lips, and he fell asleep with a satisfied exhale.
['Elendil', 'Aithin', 'Legolas']
teacher serena x dwarf vader
Samus' ship flew low to the ground, hovering just feet above it. Zero suit samus burst from the hatch on the top, gracefully flipping and spinning through the air. She landed with a soft pat as she looked around the area, looking for where the distress signal had come from. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Raiden was walking along minding his own business. He heard that there was some kind of tournament going on...called smash bros or something. Very interested in joining he looked around for someone to help him. Hoping he would do well and win what ever the prize was. He looked at the sexy blonde and waved. "Hey...can you help me?" She saw a man with pale white hair in the distance. It wasn't someone she recognized, she she approached carefully her plasma gun at her side. She stayed completely silent as she reached the strange man, waiting for him to make the first move. Raiden stepped back, he wasn't wanting to fight anyone yet, expisally anyone so hot. He put his arms out above his head showing that he meant no harm. "I'm just trying to find the Smash Bros Tournament. I mean you know arm." He said looking over her body, a random question of how big her breasts were popping threw his head. "The tournament, huh?" She smirked a bit, knowing that she now had to fight this guy. "It's a simple tounament. If you step inside the boundaries, you're in the tournament. Last one standing wins." She quickly back flipped away from him, firing a few shots from her plasma gun towards him. Shocked to find out that he was already in the tournament, he pulled out his three swords. Placing one in his mouth, and the other two in each of his hand. Deflecting the shots with his swords he began to rush her, although he wasn't planning on actually fighting her. Maybe he could force her out somehow. "There's no way such a hasty fighter could beat me..." She said coldly. If anything, she was gracious her first fight in the tournament might be so easy. She ran towards him, jumping straight up, hoping to catch him between her legs on the way down. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say." Raiden quoted as he ran toward the blonde beauty. Still trying to figure out a way to win with out causing any harm to her. It was touch being so chivalrous sometimes, in fact there was many instances where it almost killed him. He continued to run to her untill she jumped out of the way, and appeared to be on the attack. There was no way to dodge the attack so he spit out the sword in his mouth. Not wanting to hurt her by accident. When he was trapped in between her legs he blushed. "Names the way." Dwarf vader said: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say." Raiden quoted as he ran toward the blonde beauty. Still trying to figure out a way to win with out causing any harm to her. It was touch being so chivalrous sometimes, in fact there was many instances where it almost killed him. He continued to run to her untill she jumped out of the way, and appeared to be on the attack. There was no way to dodge the attack so he spit out the sword in his mouth. Not wanting to hurt her by accident. When he was trapped in between her legs he blushed. "Names the way." Click to expand... "I'm not too concerned what your name is." SHe held his head tightly between her thighs. Before too long, she fluidly leaned back, back hand standing away from him. "How did you like that?" "I guess your not much of a talker. So what's your name." He looked at her as she flipped over and was impressed how well her body looked at she flipped over. "...Yes..I did." "Call me Samus. Don't worry about it too much though becuase you won't need to know it for long." She dashed towards him once again, this time sliding along the ground towards him hoping to trip him up. Samus was a nice name, different...but nice none the same. He looked at her slide to him, wondering what she was doing. And what she meant by not knowing to remember her name for very long. But it all came tumbling down at him when he well...tumbled down. Falling on the ground. "Ouch, you play rough."
['Raiden', 'Samus']
The Kidnapping of a Virgin
Aithin is a beautiful, feminine Elven Prince of the Wood, much reminiscent of a younger Legolas . He has golden, flowing hair down to his mid back, a fair complexion, full red lips, and a soft, delicate figure. He is a glowing, innocent youth, completely devoid of all sexual knowledge. The young elf seems almost untouchable, like a young god. He appears to be around 16 17 in human years, while he is about 700 years old in elven years Aithin strode down the grassy hill and sat down at the edge of the large, rocky pond, teasing his toes across the rippling, clear water. He wore a simple, small pair of thin cloth shorts to remain decent, but nothing else touched his willowy, feminine body besides the long, flowing waves of honey blonde hair that cascaded down his delicate back. The beautiful youth sighed through his cherry lips and pulled all of his hair forward, enjoying midday as the sun kissed his virgin flesh.His father, Elendil had been throwing many magnificent parties lately, full of music, dancing and merrymaking on the account of Aithin's brother's return from the far off city of Gondor, where he had had dangerous business to attend. After a light lunch of elvish bread, apples, and singing, the young elf had retired to the pondside for a quiet contimplation of all the newcomers. There were elves here that had travelled from Mirkwood and from Lothlorien, and even some men, all to rejoice something that Aithin did not fully understand yet. His father told him that he would know in time, but that he should not burden himself with such things until he had enjoyed all of his naive youth. The lull of conversation and gentle music suddenly shattered, broken by the sounds of shouting, shortly followed by the clashing of steel. A palace guard hailed the prince from his post on the veranda overlooking the grounds."My Prince!" He ran up to Aithin, his bow drawn and an arrow nocked, his eyes flickering from the boy to the palace. "It is not safe, something has happened! Run from here, get to the keep!" The young elf jumped at the sudden noises , turning to listen to the guard's hasty words. He felt the back of his neck tingle, and his heart skipped a beat. The first thing he thought of was of course, his family."Where is Lord Elendil?" Aithin shouted, but to no avail. The guard had disappeared in a hurry.Aithin quickly got to his feet and, realizing that wearing only undergarments at this time was likely to be dangerous, threw on his light silken tunic shirt that brushed his middle thigh and tied the waist. He hardly ever wore shoes."Ada?" the elf called as he ran forth from the pond, his thoughts riddled with fear, as was his delicate face. "Ada!!"However, his father did not answer his call. The Prince noticed that as the time passed, as he ran about, the halls were emptying. They were all making for what they called the Deep of Mellon, literally translating from Elvish as the "Keeper of friends". It was one of the safest places to be when danger reared it's ugly head. Aithin knew that of course, special arrangments would be made to secure his father's safety, and the royal family's, but he was not sure whether they had noticed his removal from the party. He had not fled from the main halls with the others."Ada..where are you?" Aithin called out, a little quieter this time, as he entered the East Wing. Most of the candles were blown out, so the halls that were shaded by the outside trees were dim and slightly yellowing from the distant sun. The youth hopped over the banister of the hall and landed on the tree branch of the oak just inside his father's courtyard. Upon touching the ground, Aithin noticed that many of his papers had been strewn about by the wind, floating down from his open walled office into the grass over which he new stood, frightened."A Ada...?" the elf barely whispered, yelling and the trembling of feet pounding the ground growing further away.
['Elendil', 'Aithin', 'Legolas']
Final Fantasy X ( Vader x Ace )
A bounce in her step, Rikku made her way through the new Home that had been established by her father, Cid, at the turn of Spira's future. It was better than the last, spreading for miles upon miles, holding up arches of great gateways, leading into the vast city that flourished wildly. Though in the middle of a desert island, it no longer appeared that way not behind the walls of Home. There were trees, beautiful flowers, shrubs, and wonderful streets made from materials Rikku knew to be old machina droids. Al Bhed were spread through the city, but Rikku also noticed many new comers from the rest of Spira. Her lips spread in a wide smile as she took in the scene of the bussiling metropolis, glad to see her people getting along with the others and vice versa.She had just come from visiting her father and, after being shown her new home, was busy exploring the rest of the new city. Her feet took her where they would, Rikku herself not caring where she ended up. Everyone was friendly as she passed them by wishing she had company, she tried making small talk with a few folk, only to be told they were busy. Everyone seemed to be doingsomething,or going somewhere while Rikku had no destination nor objectives.How boring,she thought to herself as she padded through what appeared to be a park. Sighing, she dropped onto a bench, hanging her head. It was nice and she liked it here, but what was she supposed to do now? Before, there was always something to do, but now that Spira had finally settled, Rikku found little to no excitement. And with Yuna busy with her new work and everyone else busy with family, Rikku was left with her father, who she loved dearly, but now that she was here... what was she going to do? "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Maximillion had only recently moved to Spira, he didn't know why but it just seemed like the right thing to do. He figured he could get some business done at least and make a bunch of money. Dressed in his new tuxedo he walked around the streets of his new home. Looking to see if anything would catch his interest. Or for at least to set up a shop of some kind, Max was big on money and he would sell his own grandmother for a couple gil. Apon looking around his eye caught someone, a girl...a rather attractive girl at that.He tried to think of a way to approach her, a cool ice breaker or anything of that sort. But he couldn't come up with anything. As he racked his mind for something to say walked back and forth walking in circles eventually. Untill he decided he would let his heart do the talking. He moved threw the crowd of people until he finally reached the blonde. Grabbing her hand and kneeling down. Oh what a joyus new home I found. If someone as beautiful as you are in it then this shall be the happiest place on earth. Once he realized what he said he sighed. Regretting saying something so stupid. Rikku didn't see the man approach until he was almost to her and she was struck by his display. Struck with what? She wasn't quite sure, but her face heated and she felt a smile pull at her lips as she looked down at her hand in his. "O oh, you don't mean that," she said, knowing her face had to be beat red. Even more embarrassed, she pulled her hand away and coyly shied away. Her golden hair was pulled back in a massive heap of a pony tail, loose braids falling here and there, dawned with feathers and beads. Bright green eyes were hidden under thickly curled lashes and dimples appeared with her smile. Max was in a bit of a tight spot, seeing as he had already acted so foolish...he might as well go with it. Even though he was sounding so stupid right now. "Oh but I do mean that, you are so beautiful. your golden hair shines like the sun itself...and." He couldn't take his own rambling anymore and stood up. His green eyes glistening as they looked on the girl that had caught his attention. He let out a sigh and smiled. "Sorry about that...may have gotten carried away there." He had a tendency to do that, so it wasn't unusual for Max. His cheeks had a light blush on them, not knowing what to say. "Uhh, Names Maximillion, but you can call me Max." "Rikku," she said in a voice louder than she had planned. Quickly looking away as her blush deepened, she said, "I like your hair." It was, in all retrospect, a lame thing to say, but after his strange introduction, she was quite thrown off. It was rather sweet, a part of her felt, and his voice was a little more than captivating. And those eyes. Tilting her head, she scooted on the bench, making room for him to sit. Normally she would not indulge strange men with her company, but something about him intrigued her. A playful smile stayed on her lips as she turned to face the park she took a large, grateful lung full of air, letting it out slowly. "Ahh, the air is so fresh here." Max smiled, That's a nice name. He said, which was weird because he never complemented someone's name before. Also his hair had never been complimented before, quite the opposite in fact, most people called it grass hair and things of that nature. The man assumed that he was meant to sit down beside her, which he very happily did. There was just something about her...the way she dressed...her personality...he didn't quite know. But there was something about her alright. He took a breath in as well. Ya, it's nice. Maximillion looked at Rikku and tired to think of something to say. long have you been living here? A pretty lame question, but he wasn't good at normal flirting.
['Rikku', 'Cid']
Magical Romance(ABagOVicodin)
Collin Alucard was starting another year at Hogwarts, he was quite excited for school. Wizards and Witches were pretty lucky, they were probably the only people in the world that actually enjoyed going to school. He remembered when he got that letter threw the mail, before he was bullied at school for being on the short side. Which he never knew why he was so short, until he went to Hogwarts. Where he learned that he was part dwarf, 1 4 dwarf to be precise. Not that he mattered much, he wasn't that short after puberty struck him. But it was rare for him to find anyone shorter then him.He looked out the window, moving his medium length black hair out of his eyes. Collin had the entire room to himself, he wasn't the most popular kid in school. So he didn't really mind it that much. He was hoping to get a girlfriend this year though, there were a couple that caught his eye. While his brown eyes gazed threw the window he noticed he was still in his casual clothes. He had a terrible memory and would forget his own head if his neck wasn't attached to it. So he forgot to change into his uniform. He hoped it would be alright, he would change the next chance he got. So he just sat there, his bags and things above him. Despite being in Gryffindor, he had a pet snake. Named Fang. But no one could tell since he was with the rest of his luggage. Hermione let out a sigh as she placed her luggage into a nearby compartment. Despite Harry getting in trouble with the school, he never came onto the train. She expected that Harry would at least see her on the train, or Ron would follow her. But no one came. Hermione ran her hand through her brown hair and then walked into another compartment, sitting across from a boy who seemed to be a little on the short side. She looked at him, and then smiled. "Collin, that is your name right?" She asked, and she crossed her legs on the compartment bench. Her brown eyes were staring at him, while she waited for an answer. Collin was a little surprised to see someone enter his compartment, even though he had no reason to be since...well the train was full of people. It was lucky that he got his own compartment for as long as he did. He looked at the girl that walked in, she was rather cute he had to admit. And even Collin remembered her name once or twice. You're Hermione right? He acted like he was just remembering, trying to play it cool. Are you excited for another year of Hogwarts? He asked, ironically Collin was terrible at small talk. So he hoped that this would suffice until he thought of something actually worth while to talk about. He wondered when an appropriate time to ask a girl out would be....he really didn't know. He'd probably wait a little bit, or maybe girls are suppose to ask first. The whole dating thing was new to him.
['Hermione', 'Alucard']
Winner Writes History (Riggs and ABagOVicodin)
As she made a dash from the safehouse Sarah could not believe how fucked the situation had become. She wasn't even sure how many of the Task Force members were still alive. She'd heard Ghost call out over the radio that they'd downloaded all the information from Makarov's computers and to make for the extraction point but she'd been held up by enemy fire so now she was dashing through a field by herself as bullets whizzed by her head and mortars went off around her. She could see the helicopters of the extraction team over the tree line and made for them as fast as she could, only slowing down to put a few rounds from her M4 into the chest of one of Makarov's men that had popped out from behind a tree.As she started down the hill towards the extraction point she was relieved to see that several of her teammates had indeed made it, though it looked like Roach was wounded as Ghost dragged him toward the helicopter. Sarah didn't slow down as she started down the hill. At the extraction point, Rebecca smiled as the mission was a complete success. She couldn't believe that she had managed to get the information along with Roach, and had helped Roach along every step of the way. The information was passed onto Shepard and as Shepard smiled once he got the router, he shot Roach in the stomach and Ghost in the head. Rebecca let out a scream and reached for her SCAR weapon, only to have a 44 Magnum bullet shot into her stomach. The bullet ripped through her kevlar vest and she coughed up blood as the bullet punctured her stomach. She felt another bullet launch into her right shoulder, and she wasn't able to do anything as her hand dropped her SCAR and she fell to the ground. The ground around her was slowly starting to turn red, but she wasn't dead. Even as Roach and Ghost were set on fire, Rebecca remained, a bleeding mess and possible dead. Sarah dove behind a tree and pressed her back to it as her mind tried to process what she saw. As she was heading down the hill she saw them hand the data to Shepherd who then shot all three of them. She watched carefully over her shoulder as Shepherd and his men began to board the helicopters again. There were too many of them for her to engage so she kept low and waited for them to leave. Once she was sure it was all clear she quickly made her way down the hill to check on her teammates. She grimaced as she saw the flames that marked the spot where Ghost and Roach's bodies were dumped and knelt down by Rebecca's body to look over her wounds. Sarah was relieved to see she was still breathing and got to work trying to apply some first aid to her wounds "Come on, stay with me. Look at me, keep your eyes open we'll get you through this." Rebecca wasn't able to see anything. The pain from the bullets in her body was making her unable to open her eyes. She couldn't open her eyes, or move for that matter. But she knew that Sarah was nearby her now. But she couldn't trust whether Sarah was good or against her. Was she going to be thrown into a fire pit, along with Roach and Ghost? Was Sarah going to throw her into it? It wasn't until she heard Sarah tell her she was going to get through this, that she was going to survive, that she knew that Sarah was on her team. "Shepard... He shot me." She replied. She wasn't able to say much else. And she couldn't keep her eyes open. Several bullets being inside her was preventing her from doing that. "Leave me behind... Get Shepard..." She said. But she felt the bandages being applied. She was being saved. Shepard was getting away... "He's gone Rebecca...and cut that 'leave me behind' shit as far as I can tell we're all that's left. So come on, stay awake you can do this." Sarah carefully finished wrapping the wounds on her stomach and shoulder. They were bad but she'd probably pull through. Still, she was in pretty rough shape and Sarah didn't want to move her, but staying out here in the open like this wouldn't be good for their health either "Come on, can you move? I could carry you if you think you're up to it." Rebecca let out a yell of pain when the bandages were pushed against her bleeding wounds. The bullets in her body wouldn't be able to be removed unless she were to go to the doctor. So the moment that she was picked up, unless it was bridal style, she would be in constant pain. "Bridal style..." She said, and she tried to get up, but the pain was causing her to fall back. "Pick me up.. Drop my SCAR, and drop my grenades." She said, so that the weight would be decreased. "We can get through this..." Sarah slung the SCAR over her shoulder and carefully removed Rebecca's vest and grenades. "Alright..shouldn't be too bad..just stay with me alright? Let me know if it starts hurting too bad and we can stop for a minute." She tucked one arm under Rebecca's legs and slid her other carefully under her back and slowly pushed herself up off the ground with her legs. This was going to be a hell of a walk back to the safehouse but she needed to get Rebecca somewhere safe so she could clean her wounds more carefully. She slowly started back up the hill, keeping an eye out for any of Makarov's men who might have survived. Rebecca felt herself slowly being picked up, and she let out a sigh of pain as Sarah picked her up. "Makarov's men are gone. They all went after Shepard." Rebecca said, through her extremely raspy voice. She tried to raise her hand to put it onto Sarah's hip, but she was not able to do anything. The hand just remained at Sarah's thigh, trying to move but unable to. Rebecca smiled. "Sarah, thank you." She said, happy that she wasn't dead. She had a chance... It was a long hike back to the safehouse with Rebecca in her arms but she eventually made it back, setting her down carefully on one of the couches in the main living room of the house. She knelt down by the couch to look over the bandages for anything wrong but it didn't seem like her wounds had taken any turns for the worse. She took the canteen off her belt and held it out for Rebecca. "Hey, how are you holding up?" Rebecca let out a sigh as she was finally placed on the ground in the storehouse. She would have loved to take the canteen, but her usual working shoulder had a bullet in it. She sighed and took hold of the canteen with her other hand, and taking a drink. All of the clothing that the two of them were supposed to wear, had made her extremely sweaty. She capped the canteen, and then she let the canteen fall to the ground. "Holding up, how funny." Rebecca said, being that she was laying down on a couch. She coughed a few times, and a small amount of blood came out of her mouth. Her stomach was punctured. "I need... a doctor." She replied, as she stripped down her pants and shirt, only leaving her in a tank top, and her underwear. "I won't be able to survive if we can't get the bullet out of my stomach..." Sarah frowned. Rebecca was right, she did need urgent medical care but she couldn't see any way for them to get a doctor to her. "Yeah, I know but we're currently stranded in Russia...I don't think we're gonna be able to find one." She looked over her shoulder at all the equipment strewn around the safehouse. "They've got a lot of gear here...I might be able to find a better first aid kit or some tools to help me get the bullet out. I think it's going to be our best shot at this." Rebecca let out a grunt as she struggled to look around the warehouse of equipment. "A 44 magnum bullet... Use pliers to take it out." Rebecca softly jerked her head forward, towards a toolbox that was behind Sarah. "A first aid kit will only be able to help, once I have the bullets taken out of my system. If they stay there while we do our missions... and take down Shepard, then they can commence atrophy on my nerves and organs. Use pliers to take them out, no matter how much I scream." She said, her strong eyes looking around the warehouse, and then she fell back against the couch again. "Use bandages once the bullet is out... Thank you Sarah..." Sarah gave her a pat on the thigh "Alright, just hold on a minute." She retrieved the pliers from the toolbox and went to the kitchen to wash them thoroughly before actually using them on Rebecca. She searched through the cupboards and managed to find a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a small towel to use. She returned to Rebecca and slowly undid the bandages on her stomach wound and lightly cleaned it with the alcohol soaked towel before taking the pliers in hand. She took a deep breath "Alright, here we go." she said before slowly slid the pliers into the bullet hole as she searched for the bullet. Rebecca endured the small amount of pain that was conjured from the alcohol wet towel killing all the germs that was on her stomach wound. She then ran her hand through her hair as the pliers were pushed into the hole. Her entire body clenched as small amounts of blood started to coat her waist and the pliers. When the pliers finally reached the somewhat large bullet, she winced. "There." She said. Sarah would have been able to feel the pliers hit something solid. "Open the pliers as little as possible, and pull the bullet out." Rebecca managed to say, through the sharp breaths that she was taking to avoid yelling out in pain. "God it hurts... pull it out already!" She yelled. Beads of sweat rolled down Sarah's forehead as she carefully worked the pliers open to take hold of the bullet. She was more nervous now than when the Task Force had stormed the safehouse. Once she was sure she had the bullet firmly grasped in the pliers she eased the bullet out of the wound. She quickly patted the wound down with the the alcohol soaked rag and began to wrap it again with fresh bandages. It looked like she'd done a good job but time would tell if Rebecca would pull through. She held the bloody pliers up for Rebecca to see "Got're gonna pull through alright? You die on me and I'm going to be very upset." She finally let herself relax, taking off her helmet and sitting with her back to the couch she'd rested Rebecca on "Let me know if I can get you anything, it's been one hell of a day." The emotions that went through Rebecca as she thought about the events today were all mixed up. Anger, that she was betrayed by her own army and commander. Confusion, that all of this happened right when Roach was going to find Makarov. And good old fashion betrayal. The feeling and desire of revenge. The desire to put a bullet in between Shepard's eyes. "I am not going to die on you Sarah. I have something that I have to do before I die. Make sure Shepard dies as well." She said, as she laid back along with Sarah and tried to relax. "I don't think I need anything, I just need to try and sleep. Although with the day that we had, I doubt I will be able to." She sighed and stood up, grabbing her M4 but leaving her helmet on the ground. She gave her a quick pat on the thigh since patting her shoulder didn't seem like to good an idea at the moment with the condition it was in. "Going after Shepard....we'll see Sarah. You need to rest now, not go after him." She ejected the magazine from her rifle and slid a fresh one in. She only had one more spare magazine on her vest but she figured there was plenty of ammunition in the safehouse "I'm going to go make a quick sweep of the grounds, make sure none of Makarov's men...or Shepard's..are hiding anywhere. Call me on the radio if you need me alright?" She gave Rebecca a smile "Back in a few minutes." She shouldered her rifle and made her way out through the front door. Sarah was pretty sure no one else was alive since they hadn't had anyone try and get into the safehouse since she'd moved Rebecca there but in this situation it was definitely best to err on the side of caution. Rebecca smiled. "Thank you for taking a look around the place..." She looked around for her night vision goggles, and she put them on, but did not turn them on yet. She took out her silenced pistol, and she shot the lightbulb, breaking it and causing darkness to surround the room. She smiled as she stared at Sarah through the green light. "I think that we should use night vision goggles during the night time, because I do not want anyone else finding out that we are here. A light will give away our position, so use night vision." She said. Rebecca laid back down onto her bed and let the pistol fall to the floor. She sighed, her body tensing up at the pain of her stomach. "This is going to take weeks to heal..." She said, "My body is acting... all traumatic..." Rebecca tried to do a sit up, but failed. "Sweep the area... I'm going to sleep." Sarah nodded and pulled her night vision goggles out of their case and put them on before leaving out the front door to make her sweep. She made sure to not just check the areas directly around the house but to scan the fields in the distance as well for signs of enemy movement, but as far as she could tell all of Makarov's men here were dead and it didn't seem like Shepard would be returning anytime soon. She went left out the front door checking any of the corners someone might be hiding but luckily found no one. She reentered through the basement and once again confirmed that everyone down there was dead too. She nodded, satisfied that they were secure for now and made her way back to the living room. She reached down to pick up Rebecca's jacket and place it over her like a blanket before slumping down in front of the couch she was resting on. "Everything looks good...might as well get some shut eye with you." She leaned back against the couch and kept her rifle in her lap and her NVGs on her head. "Good night Rebecca...we'll figure this all out, don't worry.." she whispered before letting herself drift off. Rebecca was far gone before Sarah went into the room after her perimeter search. However in the morning, it was Rebecca that woke up first. She sat up slowly and winced. She should have thought... a bullet wound wasn't going to just disappear in a day. It was going to take days. A few days before she would be able to move her body without wincing or letting out a cry in pain. Oh well... Rebecca slowly moved onto the ground and she set up a propane stove, one that was barely bigger then the laptop that they used to bring down Predator Missiles. She reached around in her discarded clothes and found a few packs of easy to make food. She walked outside and filled up a pot with river water, before bringing it back to the stove to boil. She cooked and was careful to not burn anything, although it was barely possible to do so. The food was prepared, a kind of stew that had a few chunks of meat in it. She moved over to Sarah and put her hands on the girls shoulders, shaking her a small amount. "Sarah. Sarah wake up." She said, using her first name because they were pretty close by now. "Food is ready." Sarah opened her eyes slowly and reached a hand up to cover them in the morning light "" She shook her head and looked past Rebecca at the stove she'd set up " really shouldn't be up doing work like this with your shoulder. You should have woken me up earlier." She stretched and finally pushed herself up, making her way to the safe house's kitchen and dug around in the cupboards for some clean bowls "Speaking of is your shoulder today? Still hurt like hell?" She returned to the main room with two bowls and some spoons and filled each with some of the stew. She pointed at the couch "Alright, on the couch. You've got to keep yourself from working too hard or using that shoulder at all." Rebecca smiled. "My shoulder hurts like no other... I am barely able to endure this pain... which is why I used my other shoulder to do all this." She said. She then sat back down on the couch. "My stomach and my shoulder... I can't handle it." Rebecca then felt tears come to her eyes, as she started to eat her food. "Shepard put a bullet in each... I want to fucking kill him... So badly..." Rebecca laid back against the couch, rage causing her to want to move, but she knew that if she were to move, she would feel nothing but pain. "That bastard... Sarah... We need to kill him."
Fairy Enough(Brock Lee)
Volt was a very excited young man, in fact he couldn't believe how lucky he was. He swept a hand threw his spiky yellow and black hair. His Navy jacket around his body, along with his baggy jeans. He entered Fairy tail, his new guild. Quite excited that he was given admission, and although he didn't have a team. He couldn't wait till he was assigned one. So he could show his stuff to everyone. The teen hopped along happily, he was offered a couple drinks of run to celebrate his admission. But he was forbidden to drink acholol unless his life was in danger. No one knew why, but he told them he had a good reason. Volt wanted to make a good first impression so he went over to the mission board right away. Time to make some sparks fly. He said, making little to no sense. Lucy blinked as she stood in front of the mission board. Which one could she do? She was behind on rent and all... so she really needed a high paying job. One she didn't have to share with three other people. And she also was aware that, sharing it with Natsu alone, would drag Gray and Erza into it, right off the bat. Sighing inwardly, she spotted one that she thought she could do, at least with the level of summons she was capable of calling out. With a grin, she snatched it up. Simple enough. Delivering goods through the Dragon Valley. A valley with... well... no dragons! Taking it gleely, she noticed another fellow by the board, smiling as she looked at him. " Hello 3 " She let out, as she gave him a rather cute smile. " I'm Lucy and I'm Fairy Tails Ho " She was cut off when Happy decided to make a surprise entrance, laughing maniacally, mocking her. Volt was wondering what kind of mission he could do by himself. All of them seemed like ones that only a group of people could be able to do. He didn't want to seem cocky or anything so he wanted to find a smaller mission to take. Finally spotting one he reached for the paper but someone had grabbed it before him. He looked to see that the person that beat him to it was a rather cute blonde...cute was an understatement she was beautiful. He looked at her and tried not to make a fool out of himself, but big breasted girls were his weakness. As well as blondes, so this girl was a potent combo. Ahh, my name is Volt. I'm new here, so it's a pleasure to meet you Lucy. If a girl like you is He was cut off by a flying cat. He used every ounce of his will not to fry the feline. Your cat? He asked, it wasn't a good way to get a date to fry the girls cat. So Lucy...your a mage as well. It was an obvious statement, so he felt stupid right when he said it. But he shrugged and hoped she didn't notice.
['Ho', 'Natsu', 'Tails', 'Volt', 'Erza']
Secrets worth killing for. (Ele and Lace)
House X'nryra was an old house, venerable even when compared to the age of it's current Matron, Ilharess Zi'sa. And like all old houses, it had many enemies. Despite these challenges, the House persevered, stretched across seven vast stalactites that clung barnacle like to the ceiling of the vast cavern housing the city of Aunre. It was a point of pride that no part of the house actually touched the floor of the cavern the house members looked down upon the rest of the city, quite literally.Phystra was the first daughter of the House, ready to be Matron herself, as soon as she found a way to rid herself of the wretched woman currently occupying what, she felt, was rightfully hers.But then, she mused as she walked through the passages of the House,when had mother ever simply stepped aside in anything?.She paid just enough attention to the servants and slaves she passed to make sure none of them were acting suspiciously, but she was supposed to be in a council meeting, and it wouldn't do to be late. First daughter or not, her mother would explode with rage if she missed the start of the meeting. She swept into the room, dressed in the nearly transparent robes of her place as high priestess of the House, the direct servant of the Goddess Lloth, and, aside from her mother, the most powerful creature that lived inside it.She paused as she entered and mentally amended her last statement. Her mother was showing off again the tame draegloth that served as her personal bodyguard was standing behind her chair a vast black behemoth that had thus far been the only thing that kept Phystra's machinations against her mother in check. The creature's angry red eyes met Phystra's as she entered, and she held it's gaze, refusing to look away or be cowed until it moved on to survey other entrants.She swept up the tables, barely paying attention to the guards that stood their posts around the table. She took her place among her three sisters, the other daughters of the house all, though her mother didn't know it, secretly loyal to Phystra. If she could find a way to kill the damned half demon, she could put herself on the throne in a day. Zi'sa watched her eldest daughter enter the room, and felt the dhraegloth behind her tense. She was unconcerned. She knew Phystra had designs on her position just as she had when she was first daughter and her own mother sat in this chair. Still, it was good to remind her from time to time that this was not yet her throne to occupy, and her pet was usually a good enough reminder of that.She surveyed her other daughters, one at a time, wondering which of them was in on Phystra's scheme, and which would support her when the time came. No matter, they had other things to discuss today. The ruthlessness of her children could wait. She gestured absently at the guards to close the door and fixed her eyes on her council, waiting until the room was sealed, both physically and magically, before she spoke."The time has come. House Gul'therad has made a mistake and tipped their hand. One of our spies has discovered they are massing mercenary troops in a cavern not far from here. We will destroy these mercenaries and then fall on Gul'therad." No one moved, or spoke. She knew what they were all thinking that she was moving too rapidly. But she had her reasons, which would become clear later. She'd traveled far for this atrocity of a mission she'd assigned for herself. In a normal circumstance she'd have brought a guard of sorts to accompany here. However, she hadn't even told the head of the Royale Guard that she was coming this time. That could result in sort of a dangerous rescue mission if she didn't return promptly and the war between the two Kingdomes would become that much more vicious. Already she missed it and the other sidhe of the subterranean mounds. This was her battle to fight. There wasn't any way she would endanger the rest of her people and she was most certainly not afraid to get her hands dirty. Chuckling softly she ventured forth. Perhaps she should have been the head of the Royale Guard rather than the future Queen.It is interesting to note that many of the Irish refer to the sidhe as simply "the gentry", on account of their tall, noble appearance and silvery sweet speech. They have their own palaces where they feast and play music, but also have regular battles with neighbouring tribes.The physical appearance of the Seelie Court mirrors nature, to which the fey are intrinsically linked. White ash trees, strong and stately, with their branches intertwining to create a living ceiling, line the throne hall like marble columns. Gossamer streamers of iridescent blues, pinks and purples wind their way through the boughs. Phosphorescent flowers gleam like lanterns amidst the treetops. Semi precious jewels of amethysts, tiger's eyes and topaz decorate flowers that float down the waterways lining the path to the throne. Statues carved of gold and adorned with gems further attest to the wealth and beauty of the current ruler, as each queen must display more splendor than the previous one or risk the gossip and scorn of her subjects. The throne itself, a and queen who sits on it, are the focal points of the room. The throne of the Seelie Court is shaped like a large ice dragon, as brilliantly cold and glittery as the fey nobility.Ankou, a fallen god of his times, wouldn't be pleased to know this was what she was doing. Entering the world of the Drow....was not a task she should have taken on by herself. He'd previously been a member of the Unseellie court and his skin was as dark and black as it took to blend in. It was the complete opposite of her own court. For now, she blended in. Though her skin glowed nearly white from the play of light above her, she covered it with a cloak. A dark black cloak that overshadowed her face and wrapped tightly around her body couldn't possibly cover her Sidhe energy. But she'd suppressed it with her own illusionary magicks for now, with a bit of help from one of the guards, the only one that knew she was missing. Crom. A gentle, understanding soul that would always honor her wishes.Without making herself too noticable, Nighe slipped into the Council Chamber just before the doors were closed and draped an illusionary energy to make herself a bit less conspicuous. Phystra was barely paying attention to her mother as usual she was trying to picture how differently things would be once she sat in her mother s chair. But still, she paid enough attention to make preparations for her part in the upcoming battle.Something kept distracting her though, as if she were seeing something out of the corner of her eyes, something she couldn t quite see when she focused her attention on it. Murmuring a quiet spell, she glanced at the spot again and froze in her seat. There was a fae, standing there, bold as brass listening to their conversation, their most secret councils. Her first instinct was to call for the guards, and her mother, but she suddenly quelled it, glancing at the massive half demon hulking behind her mother. It hadn t seen it, had no idea there was something amiss.She had, at long last, found the weapon she needed. Now she just needed to capture it. Under the table, she found her sister s hand to her left. Rhyna was the warrior among the girls, and she was also Phystra s strongest supporter. She didn t care who occupied the throne, as long as the house was kept safe. She had disagreed with many of their mother s tactical decisions recently, and those arguments had brought her round to Phystra s way of thinking.Do not react,she signaled, using the silent language of their people brushing her fingers over her sister s hand.When the meeting is over, make sure I am the last one left in the room and then seal it.Why?The question came after a moment.I have my reasons, sister dear. Just do it. As you wish.When the meeting finally broke up, each member of the council moving to carry out his or her orders, and her mother and the tame demon had exited, Phystra finally stood up, and nodded at Rhyna, who was standing by the door. The warrior closed the door to the room again, and barred it, and Phystra addressed the spot where she knew the fae was standing. You may as well show yourself. I already know you re there. If I wanted to kill you, it would have been done already.
['Sa', 'Phystra', 'Ilharess', 'Lloth', 'Zi', 'X']
Pirates and Perennials [Forgotten Realms](Marek & +Caustic+)
The salty air of the Sea of Swords was refreshing, the tangy crisp smell seemed invigorating. Calloused hands tightened on the rigging as Rome hauled himself up the central mast of the ship, pausing for a moment to stare ahead of the ship as it cut it's way through the sea, that was for once placid. It had been a rough journey so far, but they were nearing their destination, one of the long abandoned islands of the Moonshae Isles.The name of the island had long been forgotten, since it was rare that the living set foot upon it. Reports were that the island was haunted by some form of spirit or demon, much like the ruins of once great Myth Drannor, but it could not be confirmed, since it seemed that all who sailed to the dreaded island never made it out alive.Rome smirked at the thought, for surely most of the tales were little more than rumor and foolish superstition. Yes there were haunted places in Faerun, but he doubted that the place was as dreadful as all the horror stories that he'd heard. What he did know is that the captain of this vessel believed there to be treasure there and Rose wasn't one for flights of fancy. Rome smiled ever so slightly, his mind flashing back to the previous night when he'd slunk out of Rose's cabin and back to the crew deck before.His triflings with the ship's captain were kept secret from the rest of the crew, but that was indeed for the best. It would cause problems if the others believed that Rome recieved any favoritism from Rose because of any intimacy the two might share. His reflection was brief however, for he had work to do, and he climbed higher up the rigging and then made his way out on one of the rigs holding the great sails that brought the ship ever closer to the Moonshae Isles.Skilled fingers worked knots loose and then retied them, to ensure that should another storm arise the sails would not whip free or find themselves further damaged than was expected. With little care to the rest of the world Rome worked, focused on the task at hand and silently awaiting their arrival at their destination. Pirates and Perennials Marek amp Caust The Bloody Thorn was in a bad way, structurally speaking. Even sailing under the hands of her competent crew, and under the eye of her competent captain, she would need repairs as soon as she could get them. Recent skirmishes and a bad storm had taken their toll, and although the ship has weathered them as she was built to do, it was for the better that new timber would soon be in plentiful supply. If the ship had been aware of this fact, even if there was life in the wooden beams and salt crusted ropes that held her together as her Captain sometimes fancied that there was, she would not have worried over her own welfare. For at her helm was a woman who would do all in her power to prevent the ship beneath her feet coming to unnecessary harm. To Rose, the Captain on which The Thorn relied so trustingly, the ship was more than simply a boat, a means of transportation and home to those who crewed her. The Thorn was the only sense of freedom she had ever known, the vessel by which she had escaped the grip of oppression and forged her own way in the world. Granted, that world was oftener her enemy than her friend because of the choices she had made and the chances she had taken, but Rose was her own mistress, and despite the drawbacks that came along with it, she could honestly say that she was neither indebted to, nor commanded by any person other than herself. Still, she was painfully aware of the weak spots in the hull, the damage to the masts and rigging, and the agitated hunger of a crew that had been on tight rations for almost a week, and she was more relieved than she let on when the cry of land on the horizon finally went up. They had, she hoped, approached the Moonshae Isles from precisely the right angle so as to render their particular destination the first island they would reach in the archipelago. And as her lean, athletic form slipped through the hive of activity that was a ship preparing to dock toward the bow, she could make out the treeline and the curious shape of the island itself that indicated to her that they had been fortunate. A reliable map and a good approach, the tide and wind in their favour. For once, the gods seemed to be smiling upon them, and she smiled back a broad, wolfish grin that was the surest sign to the crew close enough to their leader to see her expression that she was in high spirits. Already her mind was on a hunting expedition, the harvesting of wood for repairs, and the real reason why this particular island was so important. It bode well that so far her map had been reliable, since it led to something she was determined to discover, though what that was she as yet had no idea. The crew had no idea either of what it was that she was searching for, or even that she was searching for anything at all. It was a wise policy, Rose had discovered, that if you lacked the answers you should avoid giving rise to questions. And so the only ones with any knowledge of the map, or the mysterious thing to which it led, were herself and Rome, who at this very moment laboured above her making ready for port, and at whom she allowed herself only the briefest glance, her wide and astute lilac eyes appraising his body for the briefest moment, her tongue flickering over her dusky lips as she remembered their hurried but not unsatisfying parting directly before dawn. It had been his own choice, to keep their...whatever it was between them away from the crew's knowledge, but she saw the sense in it. If they felt he was treated any differently to any one of them, he would be singled out for specific cruelty at their hands, and she would struggle to put down a mutiny. Still, it worked rather well for the time being, and though she would be loathe to admit such sentimental thoughts, she was slightly touched by the way he worked to ingratiate himself with her crew. He had proved himself a competent sailor and fighter, and this she believed without bias. But her thoughts had wandered, and the island drew closer. Since their was no dock to speak of, they would run aground at as low a speed they could manage, and haul the ship up onto the beach. It was a pre agreed plan, and she trusted it in the hands of her First Mate enough to retire to her cabin and prepare herself for her own tasks while they were ashore. Pirates and Perennials Marek amp CaustThe cry that land had been spotted drew Rome's gaze ahead and his teeth parted in a wolfish smile.Finally.A single thought as he stared ahead at the shore for but a moment, for it was all he'd dare spare. There was a great deal of work to be done for the ship to make birth and he had little time to waste.He leapt, fearlessly, from the rigging upon which he'd found himself as soon as the cry to lower the sails filled the air. As if hovering in open space he seemed suspended in the air for the briefest moment before he seemed to hurtle out of control. The leap had been planned and he was well practiced and skilled in moving from rigging to rigging. A split second later fingers closed about one of the rigging lines that would act to draw up one of the higher sails. He felt the rope burn slightly against his calloused palms as he slid down a few meters. But his grip held firm and he was lowered towards the deck, the pulleys and weight of the fabric the sail was comprised of slowing his decent until his bare feet touched down on the deck.He'd felt Rose's eyes upon him and glanced in her direction, flashing the briefest of smiles, white teeth flashing briefly before he leapt to aid in hauling in the other sails. He felt the ship slowing as they drew closer to land, his voice joining in time with the rest of the crews as they worked to slow the ship so that it would not be further damaged as it was brought to ground upon the sandy beach.As he worked he kept his eyes towards the ever encroaching island, gaze sweeping over the heavily vegitated terrain, as if searching out some form of life or sign of what they were searching for. Seeing nothing did not sit well with him, it was as if the dense jungles were devoid of life, for not even birds were visible rising from the dense canopy. There was something wrong with the place, but Rome pushed that worry aside, for there were more important tasks that must be dealt with first. Pirates and Perennials Marek amp Caust In her own private room aboard ship, part bedroom, part study, Rose was quickly but carefully gathering what items she might need during her search on the island. Swiftly, she rolled her map and slipped it through a loop in the wide leather belt that hung low on her slender hips. That belt was also home to a scabbard in which was kept a rapier, its hilt a spiral of silver and black, the handguard also as silver as the razor sharp blade. This hung against her right hip, and against her left was holstered a wheel lock pistol, also inlaid with panels of heavily engraved silver. It was somewhat of a curious item, originally found in the Lizard Marsh through which she had once passed, when an equally curious adventure had led her through Daggerford. Hooked onto the front of her belt was a small canteen containing her own daily ration of fresh drinking water, a rarity aboard a ship that now saw most of its crew restricted now to ale and a little rum to pass the evenings. Below that wide, brown leather belt, she wore a pair of tight leather trousers, permitting her all the movement she needed while the thick material also protected her skin to a certain degree. Her bustier was also black leather, laced tightly but cut of halfway down her midriff to reveal a wide sliver of pale grey skin that bore an equal measure of swirling black ink running down her sides, and deep grey scars that criss crossed her back. Her midsection was not the only part of her body that was not unblemished her arms bore old tattoos faded by the sun and salty air, and her face was marred by a single yet vicious looking scar that ran the length of her left cheek from immediately below her eye to just shy of the outer corner of her lips. It certainly could not be said that Rose was a classically beautiful sort, even less so for the shade of her skin which betrayed her bloodline as half drow. But her wide, appraising eyes and the challenging jut of her jaw, as well as the lean curves of her body had their appeal, secondary though they were to her dauntless spirit and saucy, scathing wit. With everything she could conceive of needing with her fastened safely about her person, Rose made her way back onto deck just in time for the ship to shudder beneath her feet as she skidded up onto the sand. The crunching of wood was surprisingly loud, and she winced as she thought of the already strained Hull being forced against the sand. Nothing seemed to give way outright, though, and Rose walked briskly to the tip of the bow, unfased by the shuddering of the ship as she ground slowly to a halt. As soon as the ship had stopped moving, ropes were thrown over the sides, and members of the crew were climbing swiftly down onto the beach, Rose among them in her hurry to survey the state her beloved ship had been left in by the risky but necessary manouevre. Pirates and Perennials Marek amp CaustAs the ship began to slide up onto the sand of the beach Rome made his way below decks, to where his own trunk was kept. He fished the key from his belt and drove it home into the lock. With a twist he heard the catch release and pulled open the trunk to reach down inside. His fingers curled around the two weapons he kept in the trunk and he drew them free.The twin scimitars were slung across his back, and secured in place by the buckles. He reached up after they were secure, fingers curling around the hilts and he drew them free. As they were freed from their scabbards he felt the familiar tingle in the mythril blades, eyes following their lines as they called to his mind, begging to be drenched in blood. He shuddered slightly and then placed the weapons back in their sheaths before turning closing the trunk. He grasped a canteen hanging from his cot and hung it from his belt. Next he drew on his boots, drawing the rawhide ties at the top tight before securing them and standing.Returning to the deck he walked to the railing and then slithered down one of the ropes, dropping into the sand and crouching down slightly, letting his fingers run over the moist earth. His eyes moved from the beach towards the dense jungle beyond and he straightened, reaching his hands up to brush the hilts of his blades, as if seeking comfort. He felt their power stir, briefly and nodded to himself before making his way to stand next to Rose and the rest of the crew that were moving towards shore.."Well, we made it Cap'n.." He said, voice deep and soft as he stared into the jungle, eyes narrowing to suspicious slits.. "Can't say as this place feels right though.. There's somethin amiss 'ere.." He glanced at her for a brief moment before turning his gaze back to the jungle, as if half expecting it to lurch forward and engulf them all. Pirates and Perennials Marek amp Caust Rose, thus far, had been far too pre occupied with her vessel to really notice the atmosphere on the island. It was when Rome's voice, surprisingly close beside her, called her attention to matters that weren't constructed of wood or rope, that she turned toward the forest to follow his gaze, and finally tuned in to her surroundings. He was right, of course. There was something about the stillness of the island that, as soon as she noticed it, sent a shiver down her spine. She set her jaw, though, and tipped her head on one side, listening for a full moment to the sounds of the forest at the top of the beach. It was too silent. Not a bird in the sky. Not a hint of a breeze rustled the leaves, despite the air she could feel rushing against her back from the open sea. She glanced up at Rome, her eyes betraying a troubled, yet defiant espression. "You're right. 's somethin' wrong about it. We'll not linger longer'n we have to." She gazed pensively inland for another moment, before she turned and walked the few paces to her First Mate, a buxom, yet fiersome dwarf by the name of Greta. A few words were exchanged, and a friendly palm clapped to Rose's shoulder before the half drow walked away from her crew and toward the treeline, knowing that Rome would easily catch her before she reached the outer limits of the forest. She slipped the map from her belt and studied it for a long moment, confirming what she had already commited to memory. Whatever this map led it, it was dead in the centre of the island. They would have to cut their way through this dense mess of greenery before they even got close. For a moment she wondered whether the three days the intended to stay ashore would be enough, but when she glanced into the darkness between the trees, she knew that she would do all in her power to leave this place as soon as she possibly could. When she could once again sense Rome beside her, she sighed and handed him the map as if for verification. "We're not stayin' long. The sooner we're back aboard that ship and at sea the happier I'll be. This place is...wrong." It was the best word she could find to sum up her feelings, but somehow it fit. The place was fundamentally not right, at least not as far as she was concerned. Pirates and Perennials Marek amp Caust"Aye.. this place is wrong indeed, it's too quiet, and too still." Rome said as he stood beside Rose at the edge of the forest. "Reminds me of a crypt." He commented quietly, disliking this intensely. His right hand grasped one of the scimitars that he carried and he pulled it from it's sheath, fingers tightening reflexively as he felt the thrum of power through the hilt. The more he used them the more he felt their need for blood. He prayed, silently to what ever gods would listen, that he'd not have need of them here.His green eyes shifted to Rose, not the usual look of secret desire that he cast her, but one passing from a warrior to the next, from a subordinate to his commander. "Aye, sooner afloat the better, what e'er we're lookin' for we'd best get to it quick and get out. Don't much care to know what's made this place so void of... everything." His fist tightened about the blade and he stepped forward, the blade hissing as he slashed downward, cutting aside a thick knot of vines that barred his path.He hissed between his teeth and stared into the gloom. "Be a long way hacking through this mess, best hope is that we find a path o' some sort, or we'll be a month trying to chop our way through this mess." He spoke in barely more than a whisper, as if speaking too loud would be a mistake. Drawing his second blade he swung it, cutting more of the dense foliage aside before stepping into the shadowed darkness of the jungle, alert and prepared for anything that may come errupting out against the intruders.. Pirates and Perennials Marek amp Caust He was right. This place was like a crypt. Or like the cusp of dawn on the outskirts of Skullport ?? the feeling that dark and terrible things had recently happened, and that they would soon happen again, but for now a silence had settled over things that was best not disturbed. The comparison in Rose ??s mind was grounded in first hand experience. She had grown up in Skullport, moulded by the underground city ??s hardness, schooled in steeling herself against the things that lurked in the darkness. It wasn ??t a memory that she cherished, and the reminder she got from this place put her doubly on her guard. She caught and returned the glance he cast her, thoughts of their tumbles about her cabin far from her mind. This was no time or place for such thoughts, and there was more than that manner of physicality to their involvement. There was a certain trust between them ?? they had both seen the other in the height of a pitched fight, they knew the way the other moved, knew each other ??s strengths and weaknesses and knew how their skills with a blade could be moulded to complement each other, just as any collective of individuals whose lives depend on fighting a common enemy ought to be able to do. They trusted each other to make the right sword strokes, at the perfect moments. They were warriors of a sort, and all that was reflected in the looks that passed between them as they entered this place. She felt no need to grace him with a verbal reply. Surplus words would only create an unnecessary sound. Instead she quietly slipped her rapier from its scabbard, flexing her fingers around the hilt a couple of times as she stepped behind Rome, moving in the space he created as he chopped aside the foliage. She held her body turned at ninety degrees to his, sidestepping in his wake, the better to keep an eye on the area behind them. She did not trust this place. Her gaze flickered about the foliage behind them, looking for any sign of movement. Leaves moving in a breeze, a bird flying from a tree, a small animal scurrying through the undergrowth. Any of these would have been a welcome sight, but she saw none. No movement, no sound. It was unnerving, this quiet. Pirates and Perennials Marek amp CaustBerfore long sweat was coating his sun bronzed flesh. His sleeveless jerkin was quickly soaked with sweat as he swung his blades smoothly before him, their razor sharp edges cutting through the vines and brambles easily, but the repetative motion was enough to make his breath come faster as his muscles strained.His auburn hair fell before his eyes and he crossed his eyes slightly to look at the obnoxious strange of hair before pursing his lips and blowing fiercely. His hair bounced out from infront of his eyes and he nodded a bit to himself, as if satisfied with the result. Other than he remained silent save for the sound of his blades passing through the dense foliage.As they moved through the foliage Rome would stop from moment to moment and glanced about the forest around them. He held up one of his hands, the blade glistening in the sparse sunlight that filtered through canopy above. It was a silent signal for Rose to stop. He glanced back at her for a moment before signaling for her to wait a moment. No longer swinging the blades he slipped down under some of the folliage and moved into the dense under brush, dissapearing from view for a moment or two.After his brief dissapearance he came back out from under the foliage to glance at her. He shook his head slightly and gestured for her to continue following him, but to remain silent. He no longer cut his way through the foliage, but instead began to weave his way through the dense under brush. It was slow going, but it allowed them to remain even more quiet as they headed deeper into the hauntingly silent island.
1X1 X-men rp. Strategist and I only.
The setting takes place in a prison that Magneto and his team captured female X men and she wished that someone would save her from this place and she sighed. She sits in her cell she is locked up in and hated being locked up and she wonders how her friend Gambit is doing and hoped that he'll be able to save her as soon as possible and all of the other X men know exactly where she is and they try to find Gambit to let him know what happened to his friend Tanja. Her powers are: ice holy water and her name is Tanja and she is wearing a casual pink t shirt, pair of blue jeans and her shoes are white and she is a year younger then Gambit is and she was getting a bit tried out and she curls up in the corner of her cell and slowly closes her eyes. It's about 6pm at nighttime on a nice spring evening out like today.Toad and Saber tooth were standing guard at Tanja's cell door and they were always ready for a fight, if they needed to fight to keep two of the x men away from Tanja at all times and they both loved to stand guard all the time. They both wonder what Magneto wants with this girl and they saw her curling up in a corner of her cell and they both saw her sound asleep and knew that she has given up in trying to escape from this place.And they also knew that eventually Wolverine and Gambit would show up anytime soon in order to rescue Tanja from Magneto once again. It's about 7pm at nighttime on a nice spring evening night out like tonight.Wolverine mange to track down Gambit and he sees him at a casino and he enters into the casino and said to him, Are you Gambit, I was sent by the professor to find you and I have some bad news to tell you about your friend Tanja, let s talk outside shall we Gambit hmm?"Wolverine waits for Gambit to reply to his question about Tanja and hoped that he'll be willing to help him save her before Magneto turns Tanja into one of his team members and he sighed. Gambit sighed as he glanced toward Wolverine. "Yeah, whatever." he replied when he heard him say "Tanja". He picked up his staff and looked at Wolverine. "Hurry up, dog boy!" he said as he heard him sigh. He was worried about Tanja. "What bad news? Did something happen to her?" he asked, seizing Wolverine's hand. His attention was completey caught now. He would do anything to help Tanja from danger. "Did she...was she...caught?" he whispered, a rush of realization sweeping over him. "It's Magneto, isn't it? Damn that bastard." he cursed under his breath. Gambit snarled in anger as he heard the news. "Of course that bastard would." he said, starting to follow Wolverine. He caught up with him and he held his staff at the ready, ready to attack whoever crossed thier path. He made sure he had his deck of cards hung on his belt and he nodded toward Wolverine. Thoughts raced through his head, wondering what was happening to Tanja. Maybe they had starved her? Abused her? Maybe even...killed her. 'No.' he thought, hoping they hadn't done anything to harm her. Gambit was a bit ticked off that Toad kept trying to steal his staff. He held it tight and tagged behind Sabertooth, Toad, and Wolverine, looking back every now and then to make sure nobody was following them. "How far do we need to go?" he asked. He didn't like the place. It gave him creepy feel. He didn't like hanging back, so he caught up with the other guys. Wolverine said to him,"Were almost their where Tanja is and were here already,which one of us should break this lock to her cell me or you? I think you'll be better at breaking locks and hopefully Tanja will be glad to see us both,since were saving her from this place,and hurry up with the lock Remy." Tanja heard two fimlair voices on the other side of her cell and she wonders if it's Remy and Wolverine or two other people and she sighed.
['Saber', 'Gambit', 'Tooth', 'Magneto', 'Tanja']
Man love.(Asuarah Garretson)
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" A young pirate captain floated on a spare peace of driftwood, he was barley conscious, he was surprised that he was even alive. A large bottle of water was strapped on his back, his clothes were ragged and soaked. Unfortunately not with just water, he was bleeding a little. Not enough to cause that much concern even in this situation, but it was obvious he had been in a mighty battle. Colkura tried to keep his eyes open and not fall asleep. He knew that his sleep might be a much more permanent one if he did. With his last bit of energy he shouted. I'm the man who will be king of the pirates! Hopefully someone heard his plight and would rescue him.And all he remembered was about something big...and red...and round. Nami and the Straw hat crew were sailing along minding their own business when Usopp shouted something about a man overboard.. Luffy and Zoro rather immidiately helped to bring the guy aboard, mostly because Luffy would nto just leave him there. Nami cam eout of the kitchen and raised a brow. "What is going on out here?!" Zoro just scoffed. "Luffy found another guy overboard." She sighed, he was going to get them killed one of these days. "fine, bring him in here and let me take a look at him." Colkura didn't realize what was going on as he was hosted onto the ship. It wasn't nearly as amazing as his, but right now he really didn't have time to be picky. His hazy eyes looked at the strange crew not recognizing them, but not caring in the slightest he was just happy to be saved. "T" He said as he fainted. Sometime later the man would awaken to a flame haired beauty looking down at him. Upon one shoulder was a mark of Aarlong's crew. She was bandaging up his wounds with grace and skill. "there we go then, all set." Colkura look at the beautiful women up above him. He looked at the mark but didn't much care for what it represented. Apon further looking at the girl he came to a different conclusion. "Oh god I have died, for you must be an angel." Normally that would be a pretty cheesy pick up line, but he was actually afraid he died, because there was no way that this girl could not be an angel.
['Colkura', 'Zoro', 'Nami', 'Usopp', 'Luffy']
Adding a bit of purity
Draco Malfoy flopped about the classroom restlessly as he awaited his tutor. He couldn't believe Snape of all people had forced him to attend such an insulting event as tutoring. He had no idea what he had done wrong he had simply been told his potions had been coming out impure. He had tried to blame it on Potter but with Potter sitting furthest away from him he had no way of blaming him any more. He refused to cheat off Mudblood Granger and had found himself thinking he had fixed it but at the end of class he had been given a D for potions. The nerve of Snape, a D, for a Malfoy? Draco was rightfully incredulous in his vehement protests but it only got him more time with his tutor.Spinning his wand he lay back his sleek almost platinum blond hair swishing about slowly. His ethereally pale face occasionally let out a soft yawn or two before he looked to one side then the other of the room. Punctuality was important, so where was this tutor of his supposedly. His wiry body stretched and twisted as he squirmed in his boredom before he finally just laid back and drifted off to sleep after kicking up his boots onto the chair before him. He wasn't going to suffer this insult well but at least he could get some rest in the meantime. Hermione had been stalling for the past ten minutes trying avoid going to her destination. Normally she was such a prompt person and usually arrived on time every time. But the task at hand was just to much for her. When Professor Snape had approached her and asked her to tutor someone she happily accepted. But then she found out the catch and it was to late to say she didn't have time. Draco had probably been sitting in that classroom for a good while and she was probably going to get an earful. Snape was so indirectly cruel for setting her up like this. Just then she rounded the last corner and she eyed the classroom where he was waiting in disgust. This experience was due to be horrid.Sighing she combed her fingers through her brunette locks and thought it was best to move this along. There was no use in avoiding it any longer. If he wouldn't listen she'd just leave and tell the professor that he had been an inconsiderate little bastard. Nodding to herself for reassurance she finally walked to the door. Turning the knob she opened it and stepped inside. She spied him sleeping and smiled to herself. After little to no thought she slammed the door as loud as she could. She hoped it would result in a rude awakening for him. His reaction would hopefully keep her sane enough through this. Draco had slept peacefully as she puttered about trying to avoid him. He was fast asleep and dreaming of Pansy Parkinson and how he'd been messing around with her behind her boyfriend's back. He liked pansy, somewhat, if only her . Somehow it wasn't enough, it was too compliant, there was no fight in her. Draco's erection tented his cloak slightly as he lay there his mind far away from the classroom. He turned over slightly in his seat tryng to find a more comfortable position. If it were up to him he'd just sleep through his whole time.The door closed with a bang and Draco yawned slowly having become used to his father and mother's screaming and shutting doors and merely sat up. He noted his erection quickly though and shuffled about the folds of his robes to hide it before he turned. "Oh, Mudblood Granger..never thought I'd see you in tutoring." He said casually as if the insult was he first name before he leaned back slightly in the chair. "Don't sit too close, wouldn't want your..." He faltered a moment as she smirked. He hadn't seen her since she had her teeth reduced, she looked almost...good..." your...oh forget it." He continued flicking his hand. "So know who the tutor is?' He asked her curtly. Of course...The insults. She sighed and shook her head at his question. But it wasn't an answer to his question. It was more an "Oh my god why am I here" shake of the head. Should she just not answer him and leave. This idea sounded so inviting. Also judging by his um "happiness" he had been showing maybe it was best to leave him wondering. But the more she thought about the less inviting it became. The idea of detention the rest of the year wasn't her idea of a good time. So after a lot of consideration she finally answered him."I regrettably agreed to be your tutor. I'm here to do my job and leave. Of course it's up to you how smoothly this is going to go. I'm willing to brush aside the fact that I don't care for you at all. But it's either try to get you to understand the class your failing or be in detention the rest of the year." She said without so much as a smile. "So decide now how this is going to go if you would please." She was trying to be polite as possible if only to ease the torture of being in the same room as him. He stretched slowly and leaned onto his open palm with his elbow on the desk as he looked to her. "I don't know why you're here, maybe you're not as good at potions as you lead folks to believe. A mudblood knowing her way around an Apothecary, ridiculous." He said with a slow laugh before shaking his head. "Wait, no that was wrong of me..." He said to her before he began laughing again. " assume they'd even let you in the door" He continued before he ran his fingers through his hair and flicked it back. "But all jokes aside Granger, maybe you'll luck out and find a proper wizard husband and pop out some squib babies."Over his own laughter he barely heard her answer and instantly his pale face turned a deep pink in his rage. "What!? You! Tutor me! That's ludicrous, wait till father hears of this!" He snappped as he stood suddenly. However he paused the minute he stood his robe tenting before him as well as his mind flashing to the rage of his father in learning he had been tutored by a mudblood. The fact that his grades would be that low alone would have him end up not having to suffer through insults and possibly even worse a lowering of allowance. He didn't think on if Hermione could see, it wasn't much of a bulge but considering his pants, shirt, belt, and robe were all covering it it was a wonder it could appear at all. Oh Merlin. She knew he would do this. She watched as he threw his hissy fit determined not to laugh at his all but whining. But as he freaked out over his situation she just stared at him holding it all in. But as she stared she couldn't help but look over him. It was so hard not to find some one looking the way he did unattractive. She had convinced herself that he was a pig but damn. Then she noticed something that almost made her blush. He still seemed to be excited about whatever he had been dreaming about."So I'm taking it you had pleasant dreams before I interrupted you?" She asked trying not to blush but also was trying not to laugh. He must have been dreaming about Pansy. Unless he was getting off on yelling at her. That thought was almost as funny as him standing there with a hard on thinking she wouldn't notice. He flicked his hair back as he regained his composure and breathed slowly. He'd either drive Granger out or he'd find a way to get her to end it early he told himself. He wasn't about to let her get the better of him, whoever left here first would instantly get detention if it was before a certain time. But if they left together it would seem as though it ended well. He couldn't stomach her though, she was so presumptuous, she didn't know her place and that above all else irked him. Sliding his hair back behind his ears he sighed.His face turned a slightly deeper pink when she alluded to his obvious erection. "Drooling over my erection are you granger? Hoping I'll put a little purity into your potion?" He teased before he readjusted himself again. "Bet you've never even seen one." He added before he threw himself back into the chair crossing his arms as he smirked. "Well,you going to tutor or stand around looking like a right smug slag?" He snapped. Hermione grimaced when Draco questioned if she had ever seen a male naked. Like she would tell him if she'd ever slept with anyone. Sure in her weakest moment she had had a few um "sessions" with Victor. But it was hardly sex. But contrary to popular belief Hermione was knowledgeable when it came to the act of sex. But once again like she would let this prat know that. Walking over she sat down a ways away from him and pulled out her potions book. He would probably call her a whore among other things."So would you care to tell me which potion you trouble with in class yesterday?" She asked trying to keep calm and not strangle him among other things. Yeah other things...Mmmmm...Wait why was she thinking like that? 'Pull it together.' She thought to herself. 'It's just Draco. Just a horrid little bastard.' He saw the grimace and knew he had her there and leaned in a bit closer. "What's the matter Granger? I hit a nerve?" He asked her playfully. "What Potter and Weasly only interested in each other and not you? Or do they take turns with you?" He asked with a snicker before he leaned back. "In any case Cho says Potter isn't packing much, not when compared to a pureblood like me anyway." He added before he crossed his legs and sat back looking at her with a smug grin. He looked to her opening her potions book and he tilted his head."The one that requires the back of your throat and the tip of my cock" He replied casually before laughing. "No no, I guess it was that damn Orange one, the bright one ,I don't remember the name." He said flicking his hand as though dismissing it as ultimately unimportant. "You that much of a virgin you can't even defend yourself? Or that much of a slut?" He asked. "Potter not plowed you yet? Ooo or how about that Durmstrang fellow the seeker, did he find your Snitch?" As she tried to keep calm and ignore his rude comments she tried find "the damn orange one" that he had been talking about. But the more he spoke the more she felt her blood begin to boil. She was by no means an angry person. But when you ruffled her feathers she could be a mean one. She thought she wouldn't loose it right off the bat but as she heard his last comment about Victor...Oh buddy...That was it...She suddenly stood up and hauled off slapping him across the face. "I may be a bit inexperienced but at least I can control myself! You make yourself look like such a...Such a..." She almost couldn't find the word so she made do. "Such a slut!" She spouted off angrily. It was strange how he could get under her skin so easily. It was in a sense... He laughed softly as he saw how flustered she was getting before he shook his head. "I bet he didn't, he probably fumbled around, looked at your tits, had a wank or two maybe sucked on em." He said before he gave a snigger. "Oh look at you all mad..what's the matter Granger gonna?"His words were cut off by the slap and his hair flew covering that side of his face with a pink tinged handprint now rested. His head remained turned for a second before he lashed back and gripped her throat. "You filthy little mudblood you'd dare touch my face again!" He snapped his hand gripping her throat so even if she could grab her wand quickly it would have been no use. He flicked his wand over to the door and muttered a spell his father had taught him and it closed suddenly and bolted before he shoved her back against the top of a counter."You've really gone out of line this time Granger!" He hissed as he gripped tighter. "And no one is here to save you! you want to see a slut!" He snapped before he screamed "Sectum sempra" and pointed at her robes and they were torn open as though by an invisible blade exposing her skin as he ripped at it with his hand soon after his hand always squeezing her throat to prevent her from speaking. As soon as Draco gripped her throat panic rushed through her. Oh Merlin she had gone too far. As he squeezed she heard the door lock and she really began to panic. As he cast the spell to tear her clothes she blushed on instinct but she fumbled for her wand in the process of trying to breath. As soon as she had she grabbed it she gripped his other wrist and eased it up slightly. As soon as she could breath she managed to point at his hand and cough. "E explariarmus..." She muttered. As soon as she got the spell off his wand flew from his grip and she knocked him back with all her strength."I thought you would never touch or expose a mudblood. Isn't that beneath you?" She asked angrily as she pointed her wand at him defensively. He found himself disarmed but even her full strength only knocked him back about a foot or so. He was still standing within range of grabbing her but hesitated. He looked to her as her robe flapped open. "Bit cold in her Granger or did your nipples get all stiff on their own?" He teased before he gave a short derisive laugh. "That door is locked, for at least two hours, and with Dumbledore out of town, and Professor Flitwick off doing work, no one can break the charm on it." He said with a smirk. "I mean...unless you mean to kill me." He said edging closer to her. "Would you do that Granger? I don't think you have it in you.""You struck my face, its my place to show you yours. No matter what you've heard, you'll never be as good as one of us, for all his talk about equality...Dumbledore's a pureblood." He said with a soft laugh. "Voldemort is a half ling but that's more than you'll ever be." He said as his eyes narrowed and he glared at her. "Now you stand here..with a wand...pointed at me.." He began before he sighed. "Well..what happens now?" She immediately clasped her robe shut as he commented on her current state. Her blush was still extremely apparent. Glaring at him she quickly moved over to where his wand had fallen and picked it up still keeping her wand pointed at him. All the while listening to his pureblood rant. Pft she would never ever explain herself to someone like him. "Now I guess we wait." She muttered. "I'm not going to Azkaban for someone like you. If I wanted to I could probably work the charm myself. But I'd turn my back and YOU would kill me."She wouldn't dare to relax. Even though she had his wand and had the upper hand she would never underestimate anyone. "You might as well have a seat. Because until that charm wears off I'm keeping my guard up." She said as she kept her defensive stance. "I wouldn't waste the magic on you." He said rather cockily before he shook his head. "If I had to kill you Granger I'd do it bare handed to feel the essence of your filthy mudblood life flow out of you into the aether." He said his pale blue eyes narrowing as he looked to her and slowly licked his lips. It was rather predatory, he had had this streak to him since moody had turned him into a mink. Minks were known for two things, being insatiable sexually, and being vicious when threatened. He paced around slowly as he looked to her with a smirk, it was rather broad and cruel as he moved."Why whould I sit?" He asked her slowly. He found it funny, she'd always been a rather poor duelist though she had an excellent knowledge for spells. He walked around and sighed before shaking his head. " about we talk this out then..but I don't feel comfy with two wands pointed at me, for all I know the concussive force of two spells at once may just kill me." He said to her slowly. She didn't like the way he was looking at her at all. It was somewhat scary. Like he wanted to kill her. But at the same time it was sexual. She heard his comment about wanting to "talk about this" and "Not being comfortable with two wands pointed at him". She didn't know whether to laugh or take him seriously. After thinking it over she lowered his wand but kept it clutched in her hand. Keeping her wand pointed him she glared. "Alright you want to talk? Talk then." She muttered. "My father beats me." He said slowly as he looked to the ground. "Horrible awful beatings, every time he sees my grades and compares them to yours. Even a single B and I get a thrashing." He said slowly as he hung his head. "I don't know..I guess I just always blamed you for it..and maybe that was wrong." He continued his hand running slowly along the side of his robe. "I just...I don't know." Putting his hands into his robes pockets he slumped slowly and curled up. "I just...I just want him to love me." He said with a half choked sob. As Draco slumped to the floor she kept her eyes on him as well as her wand. This looked like a trap if she ever saw one. There was no way his father would ever beat him for something like that. Her face did falter slightly. But the way he was looking at her a second ago didn't leave her mind. She reassured herself mentally that he was simply acting and she was far from falling for it. "I'm not falling for this I'll have you know Malfoy..." She muttered in soft yet firm tones. Malfoy had crept a bit closer with each movement. It wasn't even really noticeable. He hunched over his hands clutching his sides as he hung his head. His tears gently dripped from his chin to the floor before he looked up to her. "I'm just not that good of a know..the books and the studying." He said slowly before he sighed. "I don't trust me." He said as he hung his head. "You were always a good STUPEFY!" His hand lashed upward pulling out a secondary wand and he pointed the blast directly at her face as he threw himself sideways from his crouched position to avoid any potential attacks directed at him. She knew it. It was too good to be true. As his wand slipped from her grasp and she felt the wave of power coming towards her face. She thankfully ducked in time and came back up to send a spell his way. But decided against it. No this was silly. She still stayed in a defensive stance but she didn't not intend on attacking him. "I refuse to do this." She muttered. "We'll just end up hurting each other severely and it's not worth it." "Good to know" He said as he scooped up the wand from the ground. Now that he held two he smirked and shook his head. "thought I'd have just one wand Granger?" He snapped before laughing and shaking his head. "so you won't fight back, I see." He said before he gave a slight wave of the wand before he shot a desk in her direction while simultaneously using his other wand to hurl one at her from a somewhat different direction. She dove out of the way of both desks as they collided with one another. She was taken aback somewhat but she quickly righted herself. As she stood up she pointed her wand at him and fired. "Petrificus Totalus!" She exclaimed. If she got this off at least he'd be immobile for a while. "Expelliarmus" He cried pointing both wants towards her. One collided with her spell giving off a large white flash but the other kept going before he whirled around and shot another two her way as well before turning slightly. He had always heard Granger wasn't a very good duelist and in fact was somewhat of a klutz at it but he guessed she had gotten better over the summer. She managed to dodge most of what he threw at her. She was glad that she had improved on this. But he was going to wear her out. She fired a few more harmless spells at him before wondering how long she'd be able to keep this up. "This is stupid." She muttered. This had all started with hitting him in the face over being a total slut. As she had moved around to dodge his attacks and counter them she had forgotten about her exposure.Finally when she did notice she hardly cared and actually wondered if it would give her an advantage if she just rid herself of it. Deciding quickly she moved out of her torn clothes and tossed them aside. If he would falter at the sight of her half naked, since he only had cut her house robe, blouse, and bra with the spell, even for a second she would be able to get him. So she covered her breasts with her arm and kept firing at him. Draco was simply blocking spells with one wand and firing back with the other with ease before he finally sighed. He was getting tired of this. He smirked before he shook his head. "You think a set of tits will distract me Granger?" He snapped, his member did harden though. IT was easily seen through his robe as he moved. It stretched up past his navel, far too thick and long for his slight frame. Due to years of inbreeding certain qualities in the Black line had been refined and Draco had quite apparently inherited themHe growled as he used his wand to hurl several desks and then fired a number of curses at her following them. He was getting more and more frustrated. He twisted quickly to throw another chair and shifted quickly over to another part of the room wondering when she'd finally give in. She saw his hardening length and blushed softly. Not giving in and ignoring his comment she threw up a force field to block the desks and chairs his throwing at her. Upon his wondering if she was going to give in she wondered the same thing. "Why don't we just stop this stupid fight and well...Well...Do something productive with our current state." She finished as she fired another harmless spell at him. She had to admit that she had gotten a little hot and bothered by his "excitement". "Give up to a little mudblood slut like you!" He snapped as he continued to hurl items till his side of the room was more or less empty. He eventually stopped and looked to her before he shuddered visibly. He was literally shaking with wrath as he looked at her. He was really getting tired of this, he could break through the field but spells of that power could do damage he wouldn't be able to heal. He smirked as he looked to her before shaking his head. "Of course..why didn't I see it before." He said slowly. She watched him shudder and felt a bit hurt. Did her mixed blood really mean that she was disgusting to look at. No that couldn't be it. She was attractive and she knew it. There hadn't been in doubt in her mind. Victor was a pureblood and he had dated her and well Ron was a pureblood and it was clear that he was attracted to her. Malfoy was just a self righteous bastard. She then heard his last remark. "What do you mean by that?" She asked still keeping another defensive spell in mind in case he fired at her again. Malfoy was now sweaty and slowly becoming tangled in his robes. He sighed before he simply pointed the wand "Accio cauldron" He said plainly before the cauldron behind her head shot forward. IT wasn't only that however it pulled with it a number of objects piled atop it causing them all to topple over onto Hermione while with his other hand he shot another expeliarmus hoping to either disarm her or trap her in the landslide of objects. She ducked as the cauldron sailed past her head. Hearing the stack of things rumble behind her she dove out of the way to avoid the landslide of object. But she didn't manage to dodge his disarming her. She cursed softly as she watched her wand fly from her hand. She could have darted for it but that would mean exposing her back to Draco and risking her life. So all she could do was stare him down and ask. "So what now? Now that you've got me "helpless" again?" She asked still glaring at him. "Accio wand!" Draco snapped yanking the wand from where it was and pulling it toward himself. Smirking he looked at it swishing it slowly back and forth. "Hhmmm I wonder what you'd do if I snapped it in two..little muggle bitch like you doesn't really need a proper wand." He said with a slight cold laugh as he moved closer keeping his other wand raised as he looked to her. He put away the wand she'd previously disarmed from him and looked her over. "you belong in a kitchen somewhere." He added with a slow laugh before he raised his wand menacingly. "Strip granger.." "Fine..." She muttered as she began to stripoff the rest of her clothing. She really didn't care anymore. Actually the fact that she had successfully turned him on was some kind of sick accomplishment to her. "Since you want to see me naked so badly." She said as she finally stripped off her underwear. She didn't look half bad naked. In fact she probably looked better than that Pansy bitch. Draco slipped over to his desk and slowly pulled from it a black box. Placing Hermione's wand and one of his own inside he closed it then tapped its lid with his thumb. "Seal" He simply said before red runes appeared along the box. "Wand case, rather handy, unbreakable seal imbued into it..if you try to force it open it crushed the wands inside." He said with a snicker before he moved closer to her. "My my...look at you." He said to her. "Raise your hands up above your head Granger..wrists together." He said with a slow snicker. She watched as he sealed her wand away in the box and hoped to Merlin he'd give it back once he was done with her. As he neared her she had to force herself to stay in place and look at him. At his command she reluctantly did as she was told. Though she really didn't care for where this was going. Draco slashed his hand outward and suddenly her hands were bound tightly together. With a wave toward her legs she was anchored to the floor. "Well all that practice in wordless casting paid off." He said before he walked over to her and ran the length of his wand along her sex. "Don't move Granger." he said slowly before he ran the tip between her folds. "Almost looks as good as a real witch's pussy." He said with a snicker. She wasn't surprised at all when he bound her hands and made her immobile. Trying to ignore his comments she closed her eyes. Feeling the tip of his wand slide over her sex she bit back a moan and tried not to make any noise. Opening her eyes she narrowed them and looked at him. Draco smirked and looked over at the hourglass in the room. "Hhmm got an hour and twelve minutes left." He said with a slow laugh before he began to undo his robe. He slid it off his shoulders to reveal a rather muscular though wiry body. This accentuated the fact that jutting up out of his waist line was a rather thick member that was completely wrong in proportional size in due length and girth. Slipping off his jeans after kicking off his dragon skin boots he smirked as it slipped down half hard but still monstrous compared to his lithe body. "Mmmm this is a trait from the Black side of my family." He said slowly. "Consistently keeping our blood pure has many advantages." He added with a slow snicker as his member twitched and slowly began to raise jutting up before him like an overly thick spear. She squirmed in her restraints as she watched him undress. Was this really happening? Was she really about to be raped by Malfoy of all people? Both were an obvious yes. But it was still unbelievable. She watched as he finished undressing revealing his hard length. Her eyes widened at the mere size. Oh Merlin. How was she going to manage taking all that in. She was still a virgin after all. Squeezing her eyes shut she took a deep breath in. Draco for his part pulled out her wand and slowly twirled it about on his fingers. Slowly he moved forward pushing a finger slowly into her he felt her hymen intact and smirked before he pulled his finger back. "I want you to remember this every time you raise your want mudblood." He said to her before he slowly stroked the tip of her wand between her folds. "I want you to remember exactly what happened here." He said before he began to rub it back and forth slowly, almost tenderly as he looked to her and gave a short derisive laugh as he began to push it inward. She listened to him speak with her eyes still shut. Honestly she couldn't bring herself to open them. But when she felt him rubbing something against her she slowly opened them. Wait a second. Was that her wand he was pushing up into her? Oh no no no. He wasn't going to take her virginity with her wand. The mere thought brought tears to her eyes. "No please don't do this! You can't! I don't care if it's you even! Just anything but this!" She cried jerking against her restraints tears streaming down her cheeks. "If you cum for me Granger, then maybe I won't rip your cherry with your wand." He teased as he began working the wand into her back and forth. his other hand slowly stroked the tip of his finger along her clit before he began to rub it faster. Leaning in he smiled. "You've got some pretty nice tits Granger." HE said before he bit her nipple roughly then pulled back raking his teeth along it before he lapped at it slowly with his tongue. She heard his words but that didn't ease her fears any. So he wanted her to cum? Well there was no way she was going to be able to that being this distraught. But as he began to rub her clit her body began to relax a little. A moan escaped her lips but it turned into a small cry as he raked his teeth across her nipple. But the soft touches returned as his tongue slowly lapped at her nipple. She closed her eyes again and felt herself giving in. Draco suckled softly at her nipple and his free hand played with the other as he continued to thrust the wand into her. He went quickly now each thrust stopping just short of her hymen. On occasion he slipped back making the tip of the wand vibrate with a muttered word and running it along her clit as he kisses and nibbled along her breasts. Her body was working heavily against her as Draco teased her with his tongue, fingers, and her wand. Feeling the tip of the wand vibrate against her clit she let out a soft moan. As it ran over her clit again she squirmed feeling herself grow closer with each passing second. Finally after a few more moments she finally came. She let out a loud cry as she pulled against her restraints. Her juices seeped out of her the sticky liquid running down her thighs. Draco thrust harder and harder into her and kissed and suckled his way along. Grinning as he felt her juices run down the wand he smiled and slipped it back into her. He felt her cum as she stiffened against him and with a lunge he drove the wand through her hymen and deep into her till his hand bumped against her sex. Feeling the warmth of blood run over his fingers he smirked. "Oops." He said nonchalantly before pulling her wand from her sex and slowly licking it. The tip was coated in fresh blood and her juices. She felt a stinging pain as he drove her wand into her taking her innocence. "AHHHHHHhhhh you bastard!" She cried as she jerked against her restraints. More hot tears slipped from behind hereyes as she began to cry again. "You fucking asshole.." She muttered as she closed her eyes feeling him withdraw the wand. She really hated him...She wanted to kill him.... "Shhh shhh Granger." He cooed to her mockingly before he swished her wand and her legs rose into a split. "I'll kiss it better soon you'll be screaming my name." He said before he kissed along her stomach downward. His tongue slowly trailed a spiraling trail down once he hit her lower stomach before he lapped softly over her clit. His tongue strummed along it softly before he licked down lapping the blood off her inner thighs slowly. He then moved inward lapping it off the lips of her sex before he thrust his tongue into her. The writhing slick appendage pushed slowly deeper into her lapping at the blood it found till he pulled back. "Mmm seems some of your hymen is still intact" He said to her with a smirk. She let out a surprised squeal through her crying as she was forced to shift positions. Honestly she couldn't stop crying. She couldn't get over what had just happened to her. She hardly reacted when his tongue moved over her clit. It was more of a whimper that escaped her. Her eyes were still squeezed shut but when he said some of her hymen was still intact she opened them. Her eyes fixed in a mean glare as she stared down at him. "I Swear to you. If you shove that wand back inside me when we're finished I will kill you." She muttered darkly. "Yes dear, make threats to the person who's got you bound and at his mercy. If I wanted I could use it to rip through the rest of your hymen then cast a Cruciatus on your pussy, I could do it while the wand was fully inside of you till you were more insane than Longbottom's parents." He hissed back at her. His pale blue eyes narrowed as he leered up at her. "Its what my aunt Bellatrix did to Neville's mum you know, fucked her nice and hard with her own wand all the while performing the Cruciatus, seems the nurses at St Mungo's take turns on her and she barely even feels it." He said to her before he leaned up and gripped her throat. "Or I could just kill you...don't threaten me you filthy mudblood whore." She hardly took his story to heart but she did fall to silence as he made the point that was in fact helpless. Pursing her lips she tried not to speak defiantly again because it could mean her death. Staring down at him she fixed her gaze in a mean glare. Just because she was going to be quiet didn't mean she was going to "behave". No. She could still show him, even with just her eyes, that she wanted to kill him. "You can glare at me as much as you'd like, you can't kill me with your eyes." He said before he pulled back and looked to her sex. Leaning in he lapped at the blood slowly with a smirk before tossing her bloody wand to the side. "Mmmm you taste rather sweet for a mudblood." He cooed before he stroked his tongue deep into her before lapping it up and over her clit before suckling gently at the tiny nub. His lips ran down once more before moving up to kiss her breasts as he ran his massive member's tip over her parted labia. Smirking he pushed forward feeling the few remnants of her hymen and with a hard thrust he ripped through them. She bit her bottom lip hard to keep from making any kind of pleasured noise as he lapped and sucked on her clit. Closing her eyes she focused on trying not feel anything he was doing to her. But as he moved up and kissed her breasts she felt his cock slid against her wet core. As she breathed in to try and calm herself she felt him thrust into her. Not being able to hold it in any longer she let out a small scream. "Mmmm music to my ears my little mudblood slut" He hissed to her as he drove himself deeper into her. His hands gripped her backside and slowly pulled her onto his thrusting member which disappeared bit by bit into her stretched opening. "Mmm so tight" He groaned before he moved her down laying her atop a nearby counter to now drive into her as he kissed and bit her breasts. "Shut the hell up!" She cried as she kept her eyes shut tight. She couldn't be even more turned off. This situation was completely unwanted. It was clear by her squirming and outraged cries. But her body was reacting none the less and she felt herself going nearer to her climax. He lapped deep into yher swirling his tongue around slowly as he lifted her wand and slowly began circling her anus with its tip. Smiling he leaned up suckling at her clit before he pushed two fingers into her sex slowly running them back and forth. "Mmmm look granger you're all wet."He lapped deep into yher swirling his tongue around slowly as he lifted her wand and slowly began circling her anus with its tip. Smiling he leaned up suckling at her clit before he pushed two fingers into her sex slowly running them back and forth. "Mmmm look granger you're all wet."
['Draco', 'Hermione', 'Malfoy', 'Mudblood', 'Granger', 'Snape']
/To walk these paths/-Me and Lord Dakol-
Tiger growled under her breath as she crouched low. Golden eyes focused on her opponent. It was Crane today the team had to practice amongst each other. Crane and Tiger had made fast companions once they were put on the same ANBU Team. Crane was their Medical Specialist, their leader Eagle was just that their leader. Fox was the one that tended to fill in the gaps that the other members left open. Tiger was the Genjustus specialist, and their best tracker. What Crane and Eagle couldn't pick up with their eyes, Tiger could with her nose.She launched herself forward, even at 22 her lean frame had just barely filled out. Now standing at 5'3'', she was still the shortest on the team. Quite a bit shorter then Eagle and Fox who towered over the females of their team. Even Crane was tall and rather voluptuous compared to Tiger. Tiger was a speed fighter, she was a Nekokana. A member of the Beast mastery clan that tied it's female members to cheetahs.Mika her companion was currently on a short retirement. She had managed to get with kit, a rarity for her kind. Nekokana didn't just chose ANY sort of Cheetah's to tie their precious daughters too. They chose sentient and speech capable felines. Tiger felt like she was missing a limb without her partner but she had to work on her own often enough.Crane ducked and dodged her body moving fluidly. Anyone watching would think the two females were dancing. Exchanging blows and spinning each other around on the training floor. They were in the Hyuuga training complex, as per her fathers request. All were in ANBU Gear, though all of the Hyuuga's knew who this new team was. They had been together for two glorious years.Two years that meant she was capable of getting closer to Naruto. After her confession things had gotten weird for awhile. She and Naruto hadn't really talked much about it. She figured when he thought it was time it was time. She ducked down for a moment avoiding the deadly blow that Tiger's claws almost dealt her. Deflecting them with her arm protector.Tiger was a good opponent, small and fast she really tried the Byakugan users that she trained with. She was faster then anyone that Crane had fought against. Crane had never seen someone faster then Tiger, other then Fox. Fox that made her thumping heart get louder. She ducked a blow and flipped back, both girls stopping panting for breath.Crane was now 20, as was Fox. Eagle and Tiger were the older pair at 22. They made a good team, though there tended to be fights between Tiger and Fox on occasion. But that was usually over silly things it kept the group laughing. Crane had hopes for Eagle, she really hoped he was healing. But she doubted he noticed the way that Tiger looked at him.The only reason Crane noticed it was she had once been like that herself. She stopped as she noticed the messenger hawk that dropped a scroll between the two males that were watching the females train. What could possibly be within it's folds? Fox, as always, was watching the two girls intently. Ever since Pain's defeat, he had gotten into the habits of watching others worked. The reason for this was unknown, even to himself. But he couldn't help but watch Crane a bit more. This, he was also clueless to. The fight between them had gotten so intense that Fox hadn't noticed the scroll that fell through the air, aiming to hit him directly on the head.Eagle, however, was watching everything. He trained his senses to the point where he needn't use his eyes to watch his surroundings. His hands were grasped tightly against the wooden bench, though they relaxed every minute or so. He had resolved himself to become great enough to help his clan for the better, and that's what he intended to. It wasn't until the last moment that he sensed the scroll was about to hit Fox.Naruto's senses were the same. He hot his gaze up at the impending scroll, only to see in firmly in Neji's hand. His eyes went wide in shock, appalled that he couldn't see that from a mile away! Was he that into the fight?"Pay more attention to your surroundings, Uzumaki," he said sternly, though this was only part of the effect of him going into the trance like state. He was usually more casual and comfortable with how he talked around his squad. Eagle opened his eyes, the sleepy effect wearing off as he blinked several times. It was then he looked at the scroll in his hand and tilted his head in curiosity.In a flash, Fox snatched it from Eagle's grasp and gazed at it intently. The letter that was stamped neatly across the material was a reddened "S". A wide grin stretched across his lips as he whooped in joy. "Finally! A mission! How long since we've had one, eh Hinata?" he asked, forgetting to open the actual scroll. Crane stopped whirling gracefully on one foot. Her foot came down as she braced herself and walked over towards the males. Tiger stalking silently beside her. She stepped up next to the males head cocked to the side lightly. Her eyes focused on the males as she watched them casually. Eagle really had changed he was more casual and gentle towards his team. He was more open and it was obvious that he was beginning to heal.Pearly eyes watched Fox through the mask, wondering what was going on. "Mission Scroll? We had a mission a week ago Fox." She said teasingly. It was a proven fact, though only two years old their unit was one of ANBU's best. They had climbed to the top rapidly they had been on more missions in two years, then most teams did in 10. They were very dedicated to keeping the peace. Especially Fox."Let me see that." Tiger said as she sheathed her claws, no literally she sheathed them. Special openings were at the tips of her gloves to make it easier for her to fight. There was always blood caked on the inside and edges of the holes though. Her natural nails actually lengthened to be used effectively in a fight. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the scroll.She snatched it away from Uzamaki and ripped it open. "Crane! Eagle! Fox! It's from The Hokage. He says we are to report to his office with all due swiftness. Apparently we are going an information mission. But it's very important." She said as she snapped the scroll closed. Her hand braced on her hip pushing it slightly to the side. "So, Eagle? Captain? Shall we go to the Hokage's office?" She said in a slightly purring tone. Of course she always had a natural lilt to her tone but sometimes it was heavier when speaking to Eagle. Fox straightened up in surprise. He had been so busy the entire week, what with extra training from Fukasaku, that he hadn't realized that so little time had passed. "Oh. Heh..." he chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. He jumped in the direction of Tiger as she stole it away, "HEY!" he yelled, but he quieted down as she expertly ignored him, and grumbled to himself in spite.Eagle, unsurprisingly, just sat there. An information gathering mission..? He had reasons to suspect that the Hokage had different reasons for the actual objective, and figured that Lord Hokage would fill him in there. Finally, the Hyuuga nodded, closing his eyes halfway to settle the nerves he secretly always had before a mission. "Let's go." he replied, standing up, and glancing at Fox, entirely avoiding Tiger's gaze naturally. He saw her as a teammate... nothing more. Eagle moved, practically moving at a moment's notice, leaving his squad behind, though he already knew they would catch up.Naruto was quickly out of his sulk and grinned once again, looking at Crane and laughing. He reached forward and took her by the hand, pulling her towards the Kage Tower as he urged her to follow Eagle's lead. "Come on Hinata!" he exclaimed, taking off in a blur of speed. Tiger waited for the say that they could go her movements were a blurr then. The team was moving another mission was to be had. She suspected that something else was up but she couldn't bring herself to voice that at this moment. It was often that she got to race with her team to the Kage tower. But it was also something she thoroughly enjoyed. The lithe female found the breeze rushing past them molding and wrapping around them it made her feel like they were almost like a family.Most of hers had passed away after Madara's last attack on Konoha. He had a specialized poison sent to all of the Highly Metabolized Beast trainer families. He had specifically targeted those that Konoha could use as a rapid attack force. Her eyes closed at that stab of pain in her heart. She'd kill Madara for what he had done, or help in his downfall. She pushed herself forward with those thoughts. Her body becoming a blurr as she darted up beside of Eagle. "This is our first gathering mission in three months." She commented.Crane was a little startled as she heard what the mission was. Something was up everyone in the team could see it except for Fox. Or maybe he did either way she was a little startled, as she was any time he did so, as he grabbed her hand. She was yanked forward and then she started running with the team. They got to the tower rapidly. She skidded to a stop as she got into the Office, crouching before the hokage. Just as Tiger was doing.A familiar face greeted her, the same one that had for three years now. When Tsunade Sama had stepped down, Hatake Sama had taken her place. By order of the Elder's and by the village. She watched him, wondering what was going on. The mission was definitely a bit odd sounding. She stood up slowly, seeing that Tiger had done so as well.Kakashi stood up, hands in the small of his back. "Your mission, is to go to The Land of Flowers. You are to pose as two pairs of couples, your job is to Gather information on Madara's whereabouts. He was seen there a few weeks ago. We want to find out more. This is your mission specifics. Your lodgings, identities, and mission specifics are inside. You are not, under any circumstances to open it before will result in an explosive tag being set off. Destroying the message before you see it." He stated in a firm voice. "This is an S rank mission, no opposing force must get their hands on this Mission." He said as he handed over the mission scroll. "Your provisions for the mission are already packed, your travel packs are on the back wall." Fox had allowed himself to release the beast inside for a little while, his pupils quickly turning to thin slits as they raced to the Tower. His canines grew sharper, his nails were long enough to hurt Hinata's hand, but by that time he had already released his hold. The crimson chakra that flowed around his figure was weirdly calm, bubbling slowly underneath the thin surface. It was normally erratic and wild, for some odd reason it was tame... for now.Eagle glanced behind him, picking up on Fox's sudden chakra change. He supposed that he needed to let Kyuubi out to breath once in a while... The pale white eyes switched to Tiger, nodding in agreement with her comment. "It has been a while, hasn't it? Perhaps this will involve Madara in some way," he replied, seemingly knowing her innermost thoughts. They soon arrived at the Office, and Eagle was absolutely correct. It hadn't been the first time he was right. Several months ago, Fox and Tiger challenged each other to a race, wanting to see who was the fastest to and from Sunagakure. He predicted that both of them would lose. As it turned out, they had set traps for each other, and in the end, they were close to the finishing line when they both collapsed. Eagle nodded solemnly, receiving the scroll from the Hokage and tucking it safely away in one of his pouches. "Yes Lord Sixth. We will not fail," he bowed respectfully, noticing out of the corner of his eye that Fox hadn't shown any sort of respect at all. It was in his nature and the Kyuubi, he supposed that made him disrespect the authorities. Tiger listened patiently, golden eyes narrowed on the Sixth. She nodded respectfully as she looked to the rest of the team. She walked over to her pack, crouching down. She always made an assessment of her rations and supplies before each mission. So she had an idea of what she had and how she could stretch it out if things hit the fan. She made a quick assessment, finding an unusually large pack of stimulant pills. Probably to help her senses when she had to go out on her own for gathering. She picked up the pack and then swung it over her shoulder.Inside her heart something weird was unfolding. She was nervous about this mission. They were being paired off and doing information gathering in pairs. Usually the whole team did it but it was apparent that this required them being spread out a bit more. She looked towards Crane, who seemed to have the same thought. "Hokage sama... " Tiger said slowly as her back straightened. Pack in place. "How are we being paired.""Tiger and Eagle will be a team. Crane and Fox the other. Make sure you are at least moderately convincing." Kakashi drawled.Crane had been checking her pack, after bowing to the Sixth. Then her back straightened, and everyone in the room could feel the heat of her blush. Except for Naruto perhaps she didn't know how much attention he paid to her. She knew that he obviously didn't have an interest. Which was ok. But pairing them up like that? It made sense though, Eagle and she looked like relatives. Pretending to be a couple would weird quite a few people out.She looked towards the other members of her team. Would Eagle be able to manage it? Or would he break poor TIger's heart in the end. She hoped that nothing ever happened to their team. It was like a second family to her. With that thought in mind, the Hokage dismissed them. So she bolted out the window the team would remeet right outside the gates. They did this everytime with a mission. Obviously, both Eagle and Fox had no outward reaction to their partners. Eagle was just thinking of this as another precaution to hiding their identities and reasons for being there, and Fox... well, Fox was just clueless as always.As they all went their separate ways, Fox headed home, giving himself one last training session before leaving. This involved a makeshift balancing object, and he was supposed to sit completely still in order to strengthen his chakra output. Birds that flew in from open windows gently landed on his shoulders and gradually increased the difficulty of staying still, which he loved. Anything too easy was bound to get boring sooner or later...Neji, however, quickly gathered up his additional equipment, which consisted of traditional herbs small, durable carving kunais which were used for training. He noticed Crane out of the corner of his eye, and silently wondered what she would be taking. After all, it was painfully obvious she was nervous about the mission, especially with pretending to be Fox's lover. And even more painful was the fact that Fox had no idea, despite Crane's confession years ago. He felt sorry for both of them. But perhaps this mission will actually bring them together. Crane ran back to the Hyuuga complex. The first thing she did was report the mission to her father. Kiss her sister on the cheek and whispered that she loved her. She did this everytime she had an ANBU mission that took her from Konoha. You never knew when your words to your family would be your last. She went to her room then gathering up her supplies. She also stopped to gather a small patch of fabric. It was a piece of her jacket one of the pieces that had torn off in her fight with Pein. She used it as a reminder to herself of what had happened.There was also, oddly enough a small chunk of black crystal. Or what looked like it. This was defunct now but originally it had been a piece of one of the chakra rods that had held Naruto down. This was to remind herself constantly that she was brave and that she had done what her heart had told her too. She wrapped the piece up in the fabric and tucked these into the small inner pouch she had sewn unto the inside of her ANBU shirt. These pieces sitting over her heart. Once her items were gathered she made her way to the Gate.Koneko on the other hand was rather disgruntled and upset. She didn't know how to take this mission, and didn't want to make it obvious how she was feeling. The cenotaph was where she had gone too. So many new names, two new stones added alongside the old one. She crouched and pressed her fingertips to the stone. "Hey dad, mom is doing well. Mika's with kits, so she can't go with me on this mission. I miss you and I wish we could have caught the poison sooner." She whispered as she shook a little. Rage so much rage inside her. This was why she trained with Yuugao sensei.Koneko had lost family, Yuugao had lost her lover many years ago. Koneko slowly stood, after leaving a single white rose on the stone. Then she turned and ran. She built up all of her rage in that run hoping to run out her emotions. Run away from them run away from the crippling fear that she was going to break. She was going to fall completely and never be able to go back to what she was. She was afraid that she was going to lose her heart to Neji and that he would shatter it. So afraid.Funny how the Cat was afraid of the Caged Bird. Soon enough, Fox was outside near the gate. He was amazed that he was the first to arrive! With nothing else to do, he sat down and looked at the mask in his mask. Eerily resembling a fox, he knew that Kakashi had given him this particular mask and his code name because of what he still, despite his achievements in helping his village, symbolized. A weapon of war. Kakashi, however, didn't exactly see it that way. He was one of the few that knew he was a shinobi, willing to protect his village to the death. But not until he achieved his life's dream: to become the next Hokage...Eagle appeared shortly after in normal civilian clothes. Unlike Fox, he wanted to blend in and make sure that he would go unnoticed. Fox wanted to become popular enough that people would recognize him just by looking. It was a bit silly, but it actually worked. In some cases, it would be a bad thing. Like now. "Fox... why aren't you wearing your civvies? You stick out like a sore thumb," he spoke just as their other two teammates arrived at the gates. Hinata had changed into more normal civilian clothing. Packing up her ANBU uniform she wore something rather similar to what she had for many years. Dark blue baggy pants, and heeled sandals. Her shirt was black with fishnet for the sleeves, and she wore a rather comfy beige jacket. This jacket was similar to the one she had worn for many years. But this one was of a lighter fabric. Their travel would bring them into more tropical climates but still she needed protection. She was the third to arrive, and stopped to look around.Where was Koneko? Was something wrong with the female. Almost always the young woman was the first at the Gates. But perhaps there was something plaguing the other young woman this day. She wasn't exactly sure what it was or how to help the other young woman. But she would have to figure out a way eventually. She looked towards her teammates and smiled faintly remembering all the years that she had stood at the gate, with her various teams. Life never changed too much yet changed in so many ways.Koneko arrived, a bit late. But that something to do with the kit under her arm. Mika had delivered that day, and one of them was required to come with Koneko. It was to bond to her as had her mother, which meant she had to raise the kit with her bare hands. That made this mission a little more difficult but she couldn't abandon family or the obligations she had. Kakashi sensei would understand. The kit had to be raised, especially since it was the runt of the litter.She wore plain civies, a pair of tight fitting black pants, and a black sleeveless t shirt. She wore a soft white jacket over this, that had a hood to it. The jacket had a pouch built into the breast area that would hold the kit. It would be safe, she would die for it. She had the supplies needed to take care of it in her pack. She smiled faintly as she looked at her team. "Sorry, had a side quest for a moment. Hatake sama will understand. As you know ... these" She said as she pulled out the kit."Are one of the rarest creatures for bonding. She's a newborn and the runt. I'm to try and keep her alive. For long enough that she can begin her training. Since our mission will probably take a few weeks, her eyes will end up opening before we get her back, and she'll be an extra pair of ears and eyes."The kit was pale, a whitish color, it's spots black, and its eyes closed. It's ears plastered to it's head. It was definitely a newborn, but freshly washed and mewling a little. Koneko stuck her finger in it's mouth and it started to suckle. "She's relatively quiet still. She won't get too noisy." Eagle's left eyebrow was raised in surprise, but nodded promptly. He understood the need for obligations, but he also knew that it wasn't only the kit's training... it was her own. Despite all four of them being the best there was, they still had a long way to go before become what they were meant to be. His eyes then looked upwards and noticed that his headband was still on, and quickly slipped it off and tucked it into his pack. He was ready to go, but not before telling off Fox to get changed.With a response of anger, Fox shortly returned wearing his own civvies, though they still closely resembled his normal shinobi gear. But Eagle was content with it, and so they were all ready to head on their way. "How long 'til we reach The Land of Flowers?" he asked Crane, obviously hoping they would not have long to go before he could get some food. Koneko smiled weakly at Neji glad he hadn't reprimanded her for this situation. She shifted the kit a little in her arm and looked at her team. Hinata was watching her and she just shrugged a little. Reaching into the pouch in her jacket, and pulling out a small bottle. The bottle had a nipple attached to it just small enough for the kitten. "Well now that Naruto is back." She said non chalantly as she held the kitten in the crook of her arm and started to walk."We can get on to the Land of Flowers." She stated as she walked up beside Neji. She was set on speaking to him asking him about a few things, mostly about trying to orchestrate some way for a situation to happen between Naruto and Hinata. She needed to see the other girl happy she had cared about Naruto for so long. And he hadn't said a work about their situation after the attack of Pein."Ummm Land of Flowers, is at least a four day Journey, Naruto. That's just walking considering we have to be undercover." Hinata said softly and gently. Her eyes darting towards Neji. "We'll probably break camp sometime this evening. Don't you have travel rations?" She said lightly a blush springing to her cheeks. She fidgeted with her sleeve a little as they started to walk.Koneko and Neji seemed to be getting a long well but Hinata knew that Koneko thought she had no hope. They had this talk many times. Koneko was aware she was from a lesser family and knew that the Hyuuga elders would never approve of her. They had no reason to she was just a Nekokana. Hinata shook her head a little as her attention was directed at Naruto. A weak feeling filled her chest. He hadn't said ANYTHING to her, was it possible he was going out with Sakura and not letting anyone know? Clearly, Naruto was missing the feeling and weight of his headband on his brow. Every so often, his hand went up to adjust what was not there, and sighed in defeat. As they walked, Naruto decided to join Koneko and Neji, poking his head between them as he looked down at the kit. "So, what's its name?" he asked rather abruptly, obliterating whatever time they were having together.Neji looked at Naruto and sighed in slight annoyance as he and Koneko talked, but for what reason was unknown. "Naruto..." he said calmly. But nevertheless, Neji was also curious about the kit's namesake. His eyes darted to Koneko, waiting for her answer. Koneko calmly continued to walk as she fed the kitten, watching her as she nuzzled into the bottle. Paws massaging against Koneko's hand. There was already blood dripping on the ground. Unlike normal kittens, these special ones had usable claws from a few hours after they were born. There was small cuts all over her hands, blood dripping steadily. There was no vein broken through but there was definitely a lot of blood. Had been, but it would be alright, it was dripping on to the clothe of her pants. A mutter leaving her as she ignored Naruto for a moment."She hasn't been named. Won't be till her eyes open and she speaks for the first time." She stated lightly as she looked up at Naruto, then over at Neji. Looking away quickly and focusing on her path ahead of her. She could hear the small sound that Hinata had made when she saw her hand, she knew that Hinata couldn't stand to see her teammates hurt. But Koneko needed these scars these trials.Hinata walked up beside them, lightly putting her hand on Naruto's arm. "Why don't you walk with me. Naruto?" She said cheerfully. She was trying to keep Koneko and Neji nearby each other, and as close to having some alone time as possible. There had to be something the cat could do for the bird. Perhaps she could break the bounds on the caged bird. She really wanted to see Neji truly happy he only seemed that way with the team.She put her hand around Naruto's wrist and then pulled lightly. "Come on!" She said cheerfully as she darted ahead. She knew the male would follow she was pulling an instant travel ramen from her pack as she did this. Satisfying his hungers wasn't such a bad thing right? Naruto looked down at the kit, shrugging off what Koneko had just explained, and then felt a hand on his arm. Looking back, he saw the smiling, yet bashful face of Hinata gazing at him. With a nod, he reared his head away from the two and started to walk towards Hinata, who had walked ahead. He would have rather walked, but his eyes widened and his mouth gaped as she pulled out a ramen pack. Instantly, his mouth watered as he ran forward. When was the last time he ate..? What, three hours ago? As Hinata held it away, he absentmindedly reached around her waist, quickly snatching the pack away from her. His chin then rested on her neck, his arms coming back to wrap around her waist, then squeezing her gently as he grinned. "Thanks Hinata!" he exclaimed, his warm breath cascading over her skin as he talked. To Naruto, however, his entire actions were meant as friendly, and had no idea of what kind of effect he had on her.Neji silently activated his Byakugan, the veins bulging from the sides of his eyes as he gazed at Koneko's hand. The cuts had not breached any sort of vein or artery, and she didn't seem to mind, so he deactivated his Kekkei Genkai and looked at her. "Is there a chance the kit will not survive?" he inquired gently. He, of course, didn't mean this to be rude. What he was implying that under normal circumstances, the kit could have serious heart defects, or the like. Hinata laughed softly as Naruto ran ahead with her. His exuberance was always something she admired. Now she was hoping that he would at least chill out a little and give Neji and Koneko some space. She held the pack away from him, and then his arm was around her waist. Her heart burst up through her chest as her head turned to look towards him a little. Her eyes widening as his chin was on her neck, and his arms wrapped around her waist.He hugged her like that, his breath running over her neck. Her body burst to life as she gave a small involuntary shudder. Her eyes closing for a moment as he spoke. Her eyes opened as she realized they were completely accidental he wasn't doing this on purpose. "Not a problem Naruto." She said cheerfully if a bit fake for a moment. Then she turned her attention back towards walking. yes walking because it was better then focusing on the feelings in her.Koneko gently pulled the bottle away. Licking her own hand now cleaning up the blood. The kitten was deposited in it's pouch in her jacket, and the jacket was zipped up enough that the kitten was pressed over her heart. The sound of her heartbeat would soon put the kitten to sleep. She pulled out a wrap of bandages and quickly wrapped up her hand. She contemplated how to answer his words."The fatality rate of this race is rather high. But one thing is for sure we haven't lost a runt of the litter yet. They are stronger, fighters. They won't let themselves die. I find that she's one of those." She stated as she patted the kitten who was moving in the pouch, curling up in the fur lined pouch and letting itself fall asleep. "In a little bit I'll need to stop for a few moments to relieve her though." Naruto gave Hinata one last meaningful squeeze before letting go and holding out the ramen pack in triumph. He walked alongside Hinata for a while, continuously tapping the pack as he obviously wanted to eat.Neji nodded, listening intently to her words, and closed his eyes in thought for a moment. After opening them, Neji touched Koneko on the arm and smiled gently. "Then we will do our best to help you, Koneko," he said with a soft, yet obvious tone of determination in his voice. But even after saying those words, his hand lingered on her arm. His breath was caught in his throat, and looked at Koneko's eyes for a few seconds. He then squeezed it gently, almost longingly, before his hand slipped away and returned to his side. A light blush appeared on his face as he looked away, his pale eyes gazing through the canopy of the woods where light was barely getting through. Neji's heart seemed to skip a beat as he began seeing thoughts of Koneko in his mind... Hinata blushed furiously as she poked her fingers together. Reaching over she snatched the pack away from him for a moment. And showed him that it could be made and eaten now. Because it was an instant travel pack. She snapped a small chemical heater and dropped it into the container that already came with a packet of water and all the seasonings. She held the lid closed and as soon as it was heated up, she pulled the heater out and handed it back to him."here, I have several of these in my bag. I thought they'd be good for the journey." She said as she smiled at him.Koneko smiled at him and tilted her head a little. She was focused on the kitten then his hand landed on her arm gently. There was something different in this touch then the others he had done before. Her head snapped over to him, almost feline like eyes now staring at him. Strong emotions drew out the beast that was tied within all Nekokana. She took only a gently sharp breath and then tilted her head down a little.His hand lingered and then slipped away, almost as if it didn't want to. Then she held her hand over the kit in it's pouch and tilted her head down. She would have blushed if she wasn't focusing on calming down other parts of her mind. Already it had been a little bit since they started walking, at least an hour. Naruto was about to reprimand her for taking it away when he saw what she was doing. Wide eyes that were filled with amazement watched as she quickly made ramen for her. The young man was on the verge of drooling when she handed him the cup. "YES!" he yelped as he was going to dig in when she spoke. "Really?!" he said, his mouth full of ramen already. Gulping down the bite, he stepped towards Hinata and gave her another big hug, although being careful not to spill the ramen on her. "I think I love you, Hinata!" he exclaimed, totally forgetting about her confession years ago due to the wonderful news she shared.Neji looked at Naruto as he hugged Hinata, and sighed heavily. "Oh Naruto, you numbskull..." he muttered, shaking his head and looking at Koneko briefly. After another hour, it became dark and Neji had decided it was time to set up camp for the night. Soon enough, all four were sitting around a fire, with Naruto eating more and more ramen, and with Neji himself looking deeply into the crackling fire. Hinata smiled at his reaction. She spent the rest of the time remembering his hug and his words. Her eyes closed as her hands clenched. She had sat down by the fire and had spent most of the time slowly eating and cooking more food. Steadily she was making sure that Naruto had more then enough food. A small smile spread across her features as she looked towards Koneko and Neji. She wondered how things were going with Koneko now. She seemed a bit off.She sighed softly as she stood up. "I'm going to go use the hotsprings that are over the ridge." She stated simply as she grabbed her pack. A small towel was pulled out and a change of clothes. "You should contemplate using it." she commented to her teammates.Koneko had taken care of the kit during the walk. When they arrived at making camp Koneko sat down and began the process of making sure that the kitten was cared for. It was a quick process and she had the situation under control pretty soon. She had looked up as Hinata mentioned using the hotsprings. "I'm gonna stay here, Naruto why don't you go?" She said as she smiled brightly. Mostly because she was trying to get the two of them some more private time.She yawned and stretched then, laying back, her head near Neji's leg. The kitten was curled up on her chest, purring and nuzzling in between her chest. Listening to her heart beat and falling asleep itself. "So... mission seems like it'll be fun." Neji looked up at Hinata as she walked away, and smiled. That was one way of getting Naruto, that's for sure.Naruto glanced at Neji, then Koneko, a bit unsure if this was a prank or not. Ah, just go with it, he thought to himself, then shrugged and stood up. He then followed Hinata, looking around at the trees, and really not knowing what to say at this particular moment.Looking down at Koneko as she lay by his side, and nodded in agreement. "Yes. Despite our actual objective, the side goal of getting them together will work perfectly," he replied, absentmindedly laying his hand on her forehead. His fingers gently moved her hair away from her eyes, and then noticed what he was doing. A look of surprise crossed his face, but didn't move his hand. His hand felt good against her warm skin... Hinata headed over to the Hotsprings. Silence was all that could be heard from the young woman as much of a paradox that phrase was. She moved quietly, and before Naruto could get there she had already laid out her dirty clothes and had slipped into the water. Dark hair floating around her like a halo of shadows. Her head tucked down as she curled up and pulled her knees to her chest. Her head resting on her knees. "Naruto, why haven't you spoken to me about that day." She whispered softly.She honestly wasn't expecting him to follow her. She hadn't heard Koneko mention to Naruto to go. She had just headed on her way wrapped up in her own mind. She knew that he remembered her announcement of feelings. But she just didn't know how to take the fact that it had been four years, and he hadn't said a word to her about it.Koneko closed her eyes as she stretched out her eyes closed in luxury as she relaxed next to the fire. She hummed faintly as she stretched out further, legs rolling out and stretching much like a large felines and her arms arched over her head. It was the moment she did this that her fingertips brushed Neji's leg the same moment that his hand landed on her forehead and pulled her hair back. Blond bangs streaked with darker tones, pulled back to reveal odd striped markings faintly on her skin. They looked like nearly skin toned tattoos, which they were in a sense. Most people didn't notice but she actually had striping all over her form. Each Nekokana female was born with a pattern to their skin.His petting of her head caused the animal part of her to rise up a purr starting as she looked up at him. He looked shocked at touching her, and it honestly felt delicious. "Neji sama, is everything alright?" Naruto continued to follow Hinata, though only as much as he could see her walking, refusing to walk by her side. Once he lost sight of her, Naruto yelped quietly and broke into a silent run, hoping to catch up to her before it was too late. The first thing he saw was her clothes neatly laid out before the spring, and gulped gently as he then realized that Hinata was naked! "Oh crap..!" he muttered, but then remembered that she suggested it to all of them, so she had to expect that he would be there, right? Shrugging, he cautiously removed his clothes, revealing his very well toned body, and decided that he would make a splash. Breaking off into another run, Naruto dashed to the water's edge, only briefly seeing Hinata in a glance, he jumped off, landing in the water. His first reaction though was the surprisingly hot temperatures. "OW!" he yelped, swimming up to the surface and gasping for air. "THAT'S HOT!" he yelled, noticing a shocked Hinata in front of him.Neji drew his breath when Koneko's fingers ran across his leg by accident. His nervous expression on Koneko's face, he blushed gently and looked away. "Y Yes... everything's fine..." he replied, though he hadn't noticed that his fingers were still touching her forehead. Hinata opened her eyes suddenly byakugan activating as the splash was heard. She expected an attack, but what she got was Naruto bursting up to the surface of the water. She gasped for air and then blushed heavily as she turned off her eyes and then tucked her head down. "I suppose it would be it's water fed by the heat of a volcano..." She commented idly as she tucked her legs up a little. She yawned faintly and stretched her arms over her head for a single moment.Then she lowered them and blushed, because that action almost brought her breasts into few over the steamy film that covered the water of the Hotsprings. She tucked her arms down and sunk down in to her chin again, watching him with large eyes.Koneko watched him, her fingertips staying near his leg. Her hands resting there as she realized that his hand hadn't moved. Her lips pursed for a moment as she tried to articulate a response, the only thing she got was a few words she couldn't say. Her eyes closed as she sighed and stretched out a little bit again. "It's alright." She whispered softly as she settled down, humming faintly as she allowed herself to relax again.The purr didn't stop, and she enjoyed the sensation of his hand. Her voice was huskier, and her eyes definitely had gone slitted. She watched him now eyes open, and watching the eyes of Eagle. The man she had loved for so long, the one she had sought to gain the attention of. Naruto, of course, was utterly confused by her actions, but shrugged it off and dived underwater again. Holding his breath, he quickly became used to the heat and sank to the bottom, sitting cross legged on the floor. Closing his eyes, he concentrated deeply for a few minutes, which must have worried Hinata to an extent. But when he felt his breath run out, Naruto hurriedly swam back up, gasping for air again, but this time with a large smile. The young man then proceeded to move over and sit on the ridge as Hinata was, yet was still a distance away as he didn't want to invade her privacy. His body relaxing, Naruto leaned his head back and looked up at the sky with a sigh. His right hand twinged in pain for a moment, suddenly remembering the moment Pain struck his body with his chakra rods. Naruto had defiantly argued with the shinobi, fiercely telling him off for destroying his village, and that's when Hinata came..."I used to always cry and give up... I made many wrong turns... But you helped me find the right path, Naruto kun... I always chased after you... I wanted to catch up to you... I want to walk beside you all the time... I just wanted to be with you... You changed me! Your smile is what saved me! That is why I'm not afraid to die protecting you! Because... I love you..." Naruto's eyes quickly went wide with realization, gasping gently as he remembered her words, and understood them... they were true! How could he have been so stupid this entire time?! When he was younger, all he wanted was to be noticed by Sakura... yet she was focused on Sasuke the entire time. He was blinded, not seeing that someone truly loved him right in front of his eyes! That's why Hinata was so nervous around him... "Hinata..." he whispered, barely audible, yet not loud enough to be heard by her. A gentle growl of frustration escaped from his throat, clenching his right hand tightly.Neji sighed gently, biting his lower lip while in deep thought. He had never... felt this way about someone else before, and yet... it felt undoubtedly perfect. But his concluding thoughts could not reach his actions, and so stayed his hand on her skin, continuously brushing her hair away, seeking solace in that tiny moment. Hinata was remembering that day the day that Pein attacked. She had watched so many slaughtered, she had fought so hard. In the end she had nearly died. She had died after uttering exclaiming the words locked inside her mind and heart for so long. The words that had freed her heart and awakened her to the full truth. She had given up on Naruto because she honestly believed that he was in love with Sakura still. She had watched him grow and change, had just sat by. She could always love him even if her family forced her to marry. Forced her to take a husband.Hianta's eyes opened as she heard the barely inaudible sound that Naruto whispered. Her eyes turning towards her. "Eh, Naruto kun" She whispered softly. The trip down memory lane had made her revert to her old way of speaking to him. Her head turned as she stared at him.Koneko sighed softly his hand stroking back blond hair his hand soothing her emotions. She was lost in the emotions inside her heart as she shivered. The purr continued, and she shifted, pulling herself closer, to put her head on his leg. Her hair falling over his leg. When they had stopped for the night she had released it from it's usual braid. A mass of thin blond hair, slightly curly and full. Her hair had been something she took a lot of care of. Yuugao had taught her how to turn her hair into a usable weapon for fighting."Neji..."She said gently. Why was she doing this it was a bad idea. "I've got something to admit to you. Since the academy days I've envied you. Wanted to walk beside you. When I was put on your team... I was ... happier then I had been in many years." Naruto's eyes glanced over at Hinata, biting his lip as he fought over the decision to tell her or not. But, unfortunately, in the end, he decided he needed more time to think. "... ... Nothing, Hinata..." he replied, sighing gently as his chest became heavy with this discovery. It was too big to respond to where he was right now.Neji shook gently, shuddering lightly as he felt her hand on his leg and her head in his lap. It strangely... arousing. Neji shook off the thought as he listened to Koneko and a look of curiosity grew across his face. "Hmm? What do you mean, Koneko?" he replied, moving the last bit of hair to uncover her soft, almost luscious skin. Of course, he just thought she meant she was honored, but... figured that there must have been something more to it. Hinata had looked at him hopefully wondering what it was that had drawn him to say her name. She tilted her head down as he said that it was nothing. Then she just rolled her shoulder and plastered on that pretty little smile. "Alright Naruto!" She said cheerfully almost too cheerfully as she swam away from him and towards the edge of the Hotspring. Tucking her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on her knees.She felt horrible he had said her name and her hopes had gotten up. Now she had them shattered. Hoping that finally he might be responding to her.Koneko's eyes closed, the purr continuing as she sighed, she set the kit down on the ground so the fire could keep it warm, it nestled up in the clothes she had pulled from her pack. She sighed then and kept her head in his lap. "Neji sama, since I was younger I admired your determination. Despite the stigmas and curse placed upon you you still rose to be a powerful shinobi. You gave me hope that someone such as I, the runt of the litter, could be powerful. I... have cared about you for a long time. I noticed things that others didn't. I paid attention and I knew that you weren't what people think you were."Koneko's voice trailed off as she sighed and curled up her cheek resting on his leg so she could look up at thim. "I've honestly cared about you for... a very long time. Neji sama, you've been my Naruto." She said with a wry smile. It was a joke most of the girls had started. Due to Hinata's convention. When they finally admitted they cared about a guy honestly cared... they said the guy was their Naruto. Naruto sighed, sinking in deeper so only his nose was above the water. Bubbles rose to the top as he thought deeply about his next choice of words...Neji's expression hardened at her words, seeming to find that offensive. But as he turned his head, his eyes were wide with surprise as he quickly made the connection to her words. Hinata's love for Naruto... Koneko felt the same way! The smile on his lips was clear that her words had gotten through, and turned back to Koneko. "I... feel the same way. But to tell the truth, I didn't realize this until just a few hours ago," he replied, biting his lip nervously as he contemplated the thought about kissing her, at least once.If Hinata were to look over at Naruto, she would find that he was gone from sight. After a few minutes, Naruto had decided to do what he did best: be upfront and blunt. Suddenly, hot water splashed over Hinata's body as Naruto hit the surface, bringing up his face to close in on hers, enough that their noses barely touched. His hands grasped her legs gently, staying their for a moment while Hinata got over her surprise. "You care about me, don't you?" he asked in a straight forward tone of voice, looking deeply into her eyes as he waited for a response. Koneko watched the hardening of his expression her heart leaping in to her throat. She felt the pain build as she slowly started to draw back. Like any kind of feline does when they are reprimanded or someone has made it clear they weren't wanted. She started to draw back as she watched his head tilt away from her. She was caught half way in that position and stopped as she stared up at him. She just stared confusion on her features. Her eyes holding that confusion more then anything else.He cared about her that made her heart leap through her throat. She leaned back a little, keeping herself off of his lap though as she shuddered and shook just a little. The confusion building in her as her head tilted down. Her eyes closing as she clenched her hands a little bit. "I... I didn't expect you to return my feelings to be honest." She whispered as she looked down. "I'm less then ideal for a Hyuuga."Hinata was in her own little mental world, eyes closed as she let the hot water soak out her sorrows. She heard nothing from Naruto, and figured he was just meditating. She opened her eyes suddenly a gasp leaving her as hot water splashed over her. Her eyes popped open all the way, as a pair of hands held her legs. Her body relaxing and uncurling as she stared face to face with Naruto. She stared into the bluest pair of eyes she had ever known.Her breath leaving her as his words hit her. She stared at him, the blush started as she shuddered and just stared at him. He had said the words that she had said so long ago just not the same way. Asking her to reconfirm her feelings she had just started to lock up again just started to believe were unrequited. "Ah... yes... Naruto kun. I care about you." She whispered as her hand ran over a scar that snaked up her arm. She had been severely injured that day. There was still a small scar on her cheek from where she had slid and been thrown around. She still remembered the feeling of the chakra rods in her hands, the feeling of kicking them with her feet. Neji leaned his head back, taking the chance to look at the sky before chuckling. "I care about my clan more than anything else. I've never had anyone or anything to care for." he said calmly, and sighed. "I told Naruto, years ago when we fought in the Chuunin Exams, that fate was set in stone. That no matter what we did, our destiny was sealed. He proved me wrong by promising that he would break that fate. And look at him now..." Neji looked back down at Koneko and chuckled lightly, trying to shrug off the seriousness of the moment. "What I am trying to say, is... it doesn't matter what clan you were born in. You care for someone, even love them... that feeling between two people should transcend social and genetic statuses. And so, I don't care if you are not good enough for the Hyuuga. You are..." he said, biting his lip as he whispered, "Perfect for me...."Naruto stayed quiet for a moment, just looking into her eyes as he thought about his next choice of words. "That's not all... is it? What you said to me, when I was fighting Pain... what was it?" he asked her, subtly encouraging her to confess her feelings once more. Koneko listened to him speak, her eyes watching him now. She was still in her half pulled back position, leaning up and using her hip muscles to keep herself from falling backwards. She listened to him and her head tilted to the side. She turned all her attentiont o his words, and felt things melting inside of her. She had wanted to hear those words for so long, and now even as she heard them she still doubted them. Part of her whispered that she must still be asleep, though she had never passed out as far as she knew. But she had to be. This was not even a possibility.Her eyes watered a little at his words as she shook her head. "Neji sama, you are the Hyuuga prodigy. I am just a simple Tracker Nin. I'd never be able to be anything more then a passing fancy your Elders would not allow it." She whispered as she looked up at him. She was sure they even had someone lined up for him anyways.Hinata stared at him, her eyes widening further. Confusion and trepidation slipping through her heart and mind. How did she do this? How did she answer him. So long she had just kept quiet. Four years had passed. She bit her lower lip as she watched him. Her head titled down as she broke the locked gaze she had held with him for so long. "I said that Naruto kun was the one... was the one that made me strive to be better. He was someone I would die for because... I love you." She whispered as she looked up. The hope and fear filled her eyes, even someone like him had to be able to see that. She was scared. Neji let out a sigh, looking down at her with gentle eyes. "Should... should that even matter?" he asked, placing his hand to her cheek, rubbing her skin soothingly. After a few seconds, he slowly got up from under her head, and took away his hand. "I like you, Koneko. That's enough for me, and that will be enough for them..." he said, turning around. He bent down and took one of her hands, and lifting it up and lightly placing his lips on her fingers. His lips were lightly quivering as he did so he had no experience in being intimate with another. Neji steadily pulled her up from the bench, making sure she wouldn't trip.Naruto said nothing, his only action just staring at her eyes that were full of mixed emotions. He just read her movements carefully when she finished talking. His heart continued to skip a beat with every second that passed, and his hands seemed to have the desire to embrace her. Suddenly, a large smile and a light in his eyes sparked on. "I thought so! I was sorta confused by what you said, but..." he said, biting his lips and looking down. "I... don't know if I love you, too I but what I do know is that... I definitely care about you, a lot..." he muttered, pressing his forehead against hers, their lips barely inches apart. Koneko stared at him as his hand pressed to her cheek. He stroked her cheek and rubbed the flesh there lightly. Now he could feel something of interest, those odd discolorations that were barely noticeable also were textured, like slight ridges in the flesh. He got up from underneath her and then took her hand. Her eyes watched him as he confessed, and she felt her heart break. How could this ever work? She was a zero, while he was a prodigy. She was NOTHING. She never would be anything big. Her bloodline wasn't powerful or anything like that.He kissed her hand and she sighed softly as she stroked a hand over his cheek. Her hand brushing up to his forehead, combing back his hair and leaning forward as she pressed a trembling kiss to his forehead over his cursed mark. "Why would the caged bird pick the simple cat?" She asked cryptically.Hinata watched him and she shivered as the water suddenly felt colder then it should. It was warm she could tell but her insides were turning to ice. Then he smiled and spoke He understood what she had said? He finally understood. Her eyes widened as she gasped lightly and stared at him. He pressed his forehead to her forehead and his lips were so close to her own."Naruto, that's alright." She said softly. There was a slight bit of resignation in her voice. She was alright with the fact that he couldn't wouldn't return her emotions fully. She had given into that awhile ago. Neji was a bit surprised when he felt Koneko lips touch, not his own, but his forehead exactly where the curse mark lay. Nonetheless, he shuddered gently at the sensation, and looked into her eyes. "Maybe, perhaps... the cat is the only one who can free the bird," he said quietly, stepping closer until their lips were less than an inch apart. The excitement and anticipation was killing him. "I want this... I want you..."Naruto just chuckled and shook his head, the water from his hair gently splashing her skin. "No, you don't get it. I don't know if I love you... yet." he said, stressing the last word. "I know one thing... I like you, a lot," he said, biting his lip as he leaned in close and kissed her nose. That one action sent a trillion shocks of pleasure through his body, and he silently wished he could try her lips. Koneko stared at him, listened to his words and found her heart breaking. Her hands came up as her fingers played over his cursed mark. "You wear this for your clan. I I'm not sure I could live with having a child that would be forced to wear that." She said gently. She thought of all the possibility shit happened. There was ALWAYS The chance that she would end up pregnant. Her lips quivered for a moment as she smiled softly up at him.He was so close to her, and she was staring up at him. An easy feat considering she was only about five two at the most, and he was well on his way to six foot or taller. "Neji, I care for you very much. I just don't know... how to proceed with this."Hinata stared at him, a soft smile gracing her lips as she found herself holding back the urge to tap her fingertips together like she had when she was younger. She gave him a rather startled look at the kiss on her nose and found herself gathering up all her courage. Her hands landed on his knees, sliding gently to his thighs as she leaned forward.He was already so close so nearby for her lips to meet. Now she would make that conscious effort to show her emotions. She leaned forward and her lips met his. Gently softly. "That's only true for full Hyuuga branch member, Koneko. "Our... child would not bear this mark. I would not allow it," he replied. Letting go of her hand, he turned and walked from her a bit, looking down at the fire silently. "And... the baby would have the chance to be born with your clan's characteristics, not mine," he said with a smile as he knelt down and thought about touching the licking flames.Naruto sharply inhaled when her hands slid to his thighs, though it was a pleasurable, exciting feeling. As she leaned in, he did the same... lightly brushing his lips against her to create a kiss. His body shook with bliss and excitement, his thumbs gently rubbing her legs as he closed his eyes. Finally... he felt something. Koneko watched him, walking up behind him now. Her arms slid down around his waist, as she pressed her face into the middle of his back. "Neji I'm sorry. I just I'm confused. I never thought these emotions would be returned. I've felt them since our Academy days..." She said lightly as she sighed and pulled back. Looking towards the sleeping kitten. She was doing well it seemed and wouldn't need a feeding for awhile.Koneko was going to do something that might prove monumentally stupid to some. She unsheathed her claws only lightly, and applied a little bit of pressure on his sides scratching lightly and gently dragging her nails down. "Face me... don't look away from me."Hinata sighed it was a soft and long sigh. A gentle release of pent up frustrations. A moan left her as she kissed him a little harder not too hard. Then she pulled back a blush sliding across her features as she ducked herself into the water now hiding. The hyuuga girl was embarrassed to say in the least. She had just kissed him! Neji felt the light points of Koneko's claws digging into his sides, and looked at her silently, if only for a moment or two. "If then, you do not want my feelings, I would completely understand, Koneko." he said, sliding his hands around her hands, squeezing her gently as his pale white eyes looked at her.Naruto opened his eyes as her lips suddenly left his. As her face ducked under the surface of the water, his head tilted in confusion. Was she embarrassed? "Hey..." he whispered softly, sinking into the water, his eyes gazing at her, remarkably staying focused only on her face, and not anything else. Koneko stared up at him feline eyes narrowing just a little. She had been on his ANBU team for so long. She wasn't exactly sure how she was supposed to feel about this now. But the sensations within her body were really starting to get to her. She knew she liked him and now she knew that he cared about her. How were they to go about this? She was just a beast tamer, just a tracker. Would he really want her that much. She squeezed his hands and rested her forehead on his chest, a light purr leaving her content evident in her chakra patterns.Hinata remained under the water, shivering faintly and wiggling faintly as she came up for air. She was blushing very brightly still her head tilted down. "Sorry Naruto kun." She murmured as she crossed her hands in her lap. Her cheeks flaming with bright color.
Sinnoh region experience
Felicia walked into the pok mon center at Oreburg city. She carried a big backpack and a spikey eared pikachu was running around her before settling on her shoulder. This one was female and held a light ball standard. The little powermouse had a lot of energy. She handed her team over for a check up and took a seat in the waiting room. She stood about 5'3ft tall. She wore kahki baggy pants that hung on her hips and a tight dark brown t shirt with an abstract colorful print on the chest area. She had e cup breasts and guys usually stared at her. She wore a black raincoat over that since it was currently raining outside. She had somewhat tanned skin, long straight dark brown hair that she wore in a pony tail and big, almond shaped almost black eyes. She put her foot through the loops meant for the arms and grabbed an outdated magaine in the waiting room. Paul just finished winning at the Orangeburg Gym. He was pleased with his accomplishment since he decided to go through the Sinnoh League. He streches his arms and and heas to the pok mon center to heal his pok mon. He had a Elekid with him but he didn't use him in the battle. As he enters, he gives Nurse Joy his three pok mon and waits in the waiting room.He was 5'4ft tall. He had black jeans and a black t shirt which had a purple vest covering it. He carried a small yellow backpack which held his stuff. He wipes the rain water off his short purple hair and see a girl with his green eyes.He goes over to her and sat beside her, not saying a word though, just looking at her figure. Felicia looked at the boy sitting next to her. He was obviously checking her out and hell she had nothing better to do then wait. "Like the view?" She asked him. Maybe this young man could be interesting, the outdated magazine was dead boring. He was pretty good looking, probably around sixteen or something. She probably shouldn't be doing this, then again if you could go out completely on your own at age ten then a sixteen year old should be able to make his own discision as to who to talk talk to and how far to go. Pauk looks at her as she spoke to him. He continued seeing how beautiful she was, espically her breasts. She looked new to the area he thought. As he looks he had the feeling that she was older than him at least one or two years older. I wanted to say "yes" to her, but decides to ignore her question. About a minute later he couldn't take it anymore. He had to get to know her better. "You look nice. How are you today?" he simply replies to her. Geez, someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. Felicia thought and picked up the magazine again. He replied a little late, well better late then never. She smiled a little at him. "Thanks, I'm alright, I just got back to Sinnoh two days ago." She said. She'd been there before, but by then Paul hadn't started his journey or had been traveling other regions. Paul smiled at her as well.That's a cute smile"he thought to himself as he looks at her. "Just getting back, as in your from here?" he said. He was knew threr was something intresting her, but he didn't know what it was. Either way he did like talking to her and continued. "I'm from Sinnoh as well. I've just finished geeting my first badge here," he tells her. "I'm originally from Viridian city. But I've been to Sinnoh twice before though." She replied. This lad seemed familiar, maybe her dad had battled him? No it had been his brother and it had ended badly for the brother. The kid had watched with a turtwig. She had seen him from a distance, but that had been six years ago. He hadn't changed much, turtwig would probably be torterra by now. "I'm from Veilstone City," he replied to her. As he looked into her eyes, it finally him. He knew that she looked vaguely familar. It was six years ago. His brother, Reggie, was humiliated by the Pyramid King, Brandon. As he watch his brother get defeated, he also saw a girl with a Pikachu beside her. He notice how much she changed after six years, espically the size of her breasts. "Do you know a guy named Brandon," he asked her wanting to get to the bottom of this. So he remembered. "My father." She replied. "You had a turtwig back then, how's he doing? I assume he's a torterra by now." Felicia said. His brother had been a good trainer, you just had to be acceptional to beat her dad. Although his normal pok mon she could handle, the regis were trouble. Paul was right about her. She is the daughter of the Pyramid King. He still remembers that fatefull battle. He destroied all six of his pokemon with his three regis. He shook his head not wanting to believe this. He soon smiled and stands up in front of her. "My name is Paul, and I challenge you to a pok mon battle," he tells her. No matter how beautiful she was, he had tosee how strong she is and if she is just like her dad. "I was hoping to get a badge though. Oh well the gym isn't going anywhere. As soon as we get our pok mon back you're on." She told him. Chansey came walking towards her with a tray with six pok ball and a hyper pikachu running around her. "Thank you Chansey." She said and put her pok balls away. "Another Pikachu?"Paul thought remembering another trainer that had a one as well. He didn't show but was anxious to battle her. His Eleikid simply rolled his eyes seeing Pikachu run around like that. "Fine by me," he tells her. He waits for a minute and Chansey brings him a tray of with 3 pok balls since the the gym battle was 3 vs. 3. He nods his head to Chancey and put away his pok balls. "Ready whenever you are," he tells her. "If I remember correctly there's a battlefield behind the pok mon center." Felicia said and headed there. Pikachu sort of looked like any other, but its high level combined with the lightball it always held made it a formidable opponent. She picked on side and looked at him. "So what are the rules?" She asked him. He follows her to the battlefield. His Eleikid sparked as he wanted to battle her Pikachu. He nods his head to him knowing what he was thinking. He goes to the opposite side of the field and faced her. "Lets make it a 3 on 3 battle no level limit," he tells her. he already had his roster set for her. "Fine by me. You're up girl." She told the pikachu. By the look on Elekid's face it wanted to battle Pikachu. Well the little pok mon could get it the way he wanted it. Pikachu ran onto the battle field and faced Elekid with sparks coming from its cheeks. He nods at Elekid and he faces her pikachu. Sparks came from his plug like ears and Paul started things off. "Use Quick Attack now," he commandes and Elekid charged at her pokemon. He had a feeling that her pokemon was strong, but he doesn't know how strong. "Use dig." She said and pikachu dug under and back up through the same hole when Elekid barged past, hitting it right on. Elekid was quite fast, just not fast enough. Elekid was hurt, but not out yet. "Hurry and use brick break" I said. His arm glowed and hit her pikachu on her head. "Now use focus puch and finish it off" he comanded his Elekid. He was confadent he would win this round. Instead of ordering Pikachu to dodge she let it stay put. "Return." She said. It took a little while to charge focus punch and with Pikachu so close by that would mean it would take too much time. Return struck before Elekid could charge focus punch. The return was strong, too strong for elekid. After the return, he was knocked out. Disgusted, Paul carries the fallen elekid to his corner. He want the pikachu out and he knew how to do it. "Torterra, stand by for battle" he said and he threw his pokeball. Torterra soon appears. "Your starter huh?" Felicia said and recalled Pikachu. It went to her and sat down to watch. "Now meet mine." She said and released her Venusaur. Her strongest pok mon, just like Torterra was most likely Paul's strongest. Venusaur was quite big about 6'9ft tall, it had two inches on the average venusaur. "Nice Venusaur," he tells her. So her venusaur was bigger it din't mean she'll win. "Go and use earthquake" he said and his torterra made a huge stomp and the whole place begins to shake. He must win, but he knew he had to be careful. This was Brandons daughter after all. "Return the favor." Felicia said and Venusaur used earthquake to counter. It really made the ground shake and the two attacks clashed mid way. "Use string shot and then toxic." She said. String shot would bring down Torterra's already low speed and toxic would wear it down pretty fast. Venusaur shot the silk from its big mouth at Torterra's feet and some around it's sharp beak before using toxic. Paul was in a tight bind. Is torterra was trapped and his energy was being drained for the poison. He waits for a while and then said, "Use Razor leaf to free yourself." Torterra did and was free, but his energy was low that Overgrow was active. "Use sunny day and then Solar Beam," Paul said. He did and fires a massive solar beam at venusaur. "Solar Beam." Felicia ordered. The sunny day would work for Venusaur as well and Venusaur was a special sweeper while Torterra was not. Venusaur's solar beam stopped Torterra dead in its tracks. "Now double team combined with magical leaf." She said. Venusaur was quite fast in surrounding Torterra with double team, some on the ground, others in the air. Magical leaf seemd to be coming from everywhere. The magical leaf hit torterra from everywhere. Thanks to the poision, torterra was knocked out. Paul sighed see how strong Felicia. He shook his head and returns torterra to his pokeball. He knew then and there that he was outmatched. She was older and probbly have more strong in her arsenal. "I surrender..." he quietly said. He walks over to her and extends his hand to her. "Good battle. you really are strong," he said to her. "After training pok mon for sixteen years I'd better be. Now I think it's time I'm going to get myself a badge. You can come along if you like." She said. This kid was interesting and the rivalry with her father made things really interesting. Paul blushed at her. Though older than him, she was really beautiful. I was still uneasy since she was Brandons daughter, but he'll could get over it. He nods his head and hold her hand. "I'll show it to you if you like," he tells her. He soon guides her to the Orangeburg gym. Felicia was surprised when he held her hand. But it was sort of sweet. "Sure." She said. Once they arrived Roark just wanted to leave. He was dissappointed, the good news was the battle didn't take long and she got her badge. "That was no fun. Oh well I got the badge. Next gym would be in Eterna city right? I think it's time to hit the pok mart and get going." She said. "So what are your plans?" She then asked. Paul smiled at her as she accepted him to lead her there. He claps as she won her badge and goes to her. "I have no plans right now. I was going to the pok mart and then call it a day. But if you were going to go on, then i would gladly join you," he said. He soon covers his mouth and blush as he though he was hitting on her. "It would be nice to have a human travel companion." She said. Pikachu was great and all, but she could use some normal feedback. "This way." She said and headed for the pok mart. He follows her to the pok mart. He walked by her side, and held her soft hand. At the pok mart, he got some potions and pok balls for himself. He had money left over from shopping and goes to Felicia. "I have some money left ove, so if you want, I would like to treat you to some dinner. It is getting late," he tells her. Felicia stocked up on hyper potions, full heals and a few other things. He really was hitting on her. "Sounds good. Lead the way." She said and followed him to whatever restaurant he had in mind. Paul had a good amout left with him, so he takes to to a nice restruant. I was peaceful and calm looking. He kindly pulls the seat up for her to sit down and sit across from her. "that was a good battle, eventhough I lost," he said looking at her. She followed him to a restaurant. Paul wasn't the most conversational travelcompanion, but she wasn't sure what to say either so the silence continued for a good while. It was a nice looking restaurant and he was being a real gentleman. "It was good. You're expanding your team, once they're up to speed you can give me a run for my money. It's only a matter of time." She said and smiled at him. Paul notice how he like to talk. It was fine since he doesen't like to talk unless it was his brother, Reggie. "Oh, dont worry, I will. They will be stronger and I will win," he chuckled. He couldn't stop looking into her eyes. She was very beautiful and soon developed a crush on her. "We'll see about that. One thing's for sure it's going to be fun. There's something I've been meaning to ask you though. Why do you treat your pok mon so harshly?" Felicia asked. "After that battle I saw between your dad and my brother, I promise myself not to be as weak as him. I made sure that I would surpass him. I and I only need the strongest pokemon in order to do that," he replied. "Being kind doesn't mean you're weak. I see myself as the mother hen so to speak. When it comes to training and rules I'm very strict, however I do treat my pok mon with kindness. I punish them when they break the rules and when they do really well they get a reward. They know what to expect from me and instead of being afraid of being released they want to do their best for me and end up surpassing themselves. I raised many of them from when they were really young or I got them as eggs even. This is a major part of it, the bond becomes so strong that a move as return becomes as dangerous if not more so as giga impact or hyper beam." She replied. He thought about it long and hard. Was she right, should he try and be nice to his pokemon and not be as ruthless to them. See how compassionate she is to them made him have secon thought about it. "If that's true, then I would like to do that. I reaaly thought that was the only way to go," he said to her. "But it that is the way to help them and befriend them, then I'll do it." Her words wrapped around his mind. His face soon got redder and he extend his hand to touch her hand. "Good. But it won't be easy at first. They're going to try out set bounderies. The only thing that helps is being consistant. And from time to time they will test set bounderies, I suppose it's their way of keeping the trainer sharp. It's alot more then just being nice. First you need to set some rules. Second you need to think of a punishment to give once those rules are broken and be consistent." Felicia replied. Suddenly she felt his hand, then noticed the blush. She took his hand, things were getting interesting. "Make rules, set bounderies, make punishments and rewards. Okay," Paul said to Felicia. He closes his hand and gently holds it. He was soon getting less focused on pokemon training, and more focused on her. As dinner progresses, he pays for both meal though he didn't had to, and helps he up out of her seat. Felicia noticed that his focus shifted. She couldn't help but wondering how he would react if he found out about her secret. Because the way things were going that was what was going to happen. He was being really sweet actually. Holding her hand, helping her up and all that. It was getting late and it was pretty much dark outside and a rainstorm was just starting outside. "I think we should see if they have a room free at the pok mon center. There's no point in hiking on in this weather." She suggested. Fortunately the pok mon center was only a few blocks away. Paul liked her alot. He didn't care it she was older than him, he just wanted to be with her. He nods his and and goes to the pokemon center. They ran since they didn't want to get too wet. Once there, Nurse Joy told them that there was one room left and there was only one bed. Paul looked at her and blushed even more. "Fine, we'll take it." She said. Nurse Joy handed her the key and she walked to the room, assuming Paul would follow. One bed and it could barely fit two people. It was a nice room on itself though. Felicia put her backpack down and grabbed her pyamas and toiletries and headed to the bathroom. Paul nod and followed her to the room. He sees her walk into the bathroom and smiled. He couldn't believe it, he was going to sleep along with her. He shook his head fearing she wouldn't want to sleep beside him. He sighs and took his backpack off. Thanks to the rain, his shirt and vest got soaked. He had no choice but to take it off and expose his body to her. Felicia walked back into the room in a big shirt, wearing boxers underneath. She no longer wore her bra and her breasts jiggled a little when she walked. She saw he was half naked and had to admit he was looking quite handsome. "Bathroom's free now." She said and climbed into bed. "Thanks" he said with a smile. Paul noticed how her breasts kept moving freely and he was soon aroused. He quickly goes to the bathroom and shook his head. As he wash up, he couldn't stop thinking about her. Did he want her that badly would she accept him as more then a friend? He got out of the bathroom wearin only a t shirt and his boxers, and nervously get in bed with her. This was a rather odd and slightly uncomfortable situation. They could only lay on their sides and right now she was looking right at him. The thunderstorm had gotten very loud, sleep would be a luxury tonight. Also she wasn't sure if she should share her secret with him. Paul was just looking at her. She was beautiful and hot all in one. He was fixated by her eyes and her lips. He inched his face closer to her. "You know, I understand that you know my name, but I never asked for yours. Can you tell me?" he asked her. He inched his face even closer, his lips were almost touching hers. She observed him, he moved closer if that was even possible. "My name's Felicia." She told him. With their lips so close she knew things would get interesting and figured to step up the pace as she kissed his lips. His eyes widen when she kissed him. He didn't know what to say what to do. His heart soon mealted and returns the kiss to her. He was officially in love with her. He pulls back and smile at her. "Felicia..." he soon said and passionately kisses her. His tongue touching hers and his arms wrapping around her waist. She was glad he returned the kiss and their tongues started a wild sort fo dance as she let her hands stroke over his chest. She couldn't help but get aroused, which in her case meant also getting hard. As they kiss, Paul was getting excited. All the kissing and moans soon got him hard. As he kissed and danced with her tongue, he felt something get hard against him. Curious, he decided to move his hand down and check it out. There he felt somethin very hard in her boxers. He gasped and looks at her breaking the kiss. Felicia felt his hand sneak to her crotch and couldn't help, but moan at the short teasing touch. She looked at him, glad he wasn't throwing a fit or anything. "I'm what is called a hermaphrodite. I have both male a female genetalia." She explained. He wanted to leave but didn't he already cared too much for her to let it die like that. Paul just blushed and smiled showing her that it was ok by him. "I like that. It cool with me" he whispered and kissed her. His hand soon went in her boxers and he strokes her hard cock slowly. Felicia smiled, she returned his kiss, this one was more gentle and more emotion in it than just lust and moaned into their kiss as he touched her cock again. She reached down to return the favor and felt he was quite big as well, that was great. Paul softly moans as she tease his cock making it get harder. He was loving this from her, even if she was a hermaphrodite. As he stroks faster, his hand soon made it's way inder her shirt. He felt her large breast and begins to massage it. He was really enjoying this feeling through the storm. Felicia moaned, his touches were great. He moved from her cock to her breasts and especially her nipples were very sensitive. se pulled her shirt over her head and then made quick work of his shirt. They were overdressed. Paul uncovered the bed sheets to get a good look at her breasts. His cock got even harder seeing how big and beautiful they are. His lips soon made its wayy to her breasts and he begins to gently suck on them. He moaned loveing how it tasted. Felicia saw him look and smiled. She moaned softly as he sucked on her nipple, her nipple becoming hard in no time. She stroked through his hair as her other hand squeeed his tight ass. He love this alot. It was better than a pokemon batle to him. His tongue flicked her nipples as his hand soon finally found her pussy. His fingers begant to thrust in her as he sucks on her breasts harder. Felicia moaned softly and as his hand moved inside her boxers she took her boxers off, showing her body in all its naked glory to him, then she tugged on his boxers, wanting a good view too. Paul felt her tug at his boxers and takes it off for her. He was now fully naked and his hard cock was exposed to her. "You want this body Felicia" he smiled and stroke both her cock and pussy harder and faster. Felicia moaned softly. "Definetely." She said and suddenly grabbed him and pressed him with his back against the mattras. She kissed him, then trailed kissed along his jawline, his neck and gently nibbled on his collar bone. Time to really enjoy this young man. He was excited. Sure they were opponents first, but now they were lovers and was about to experience his first time. He moaned softly as she nibbled on he neck. His hands were squeezing and spanking her hot ass and their cock rubbed against each other. "Yes Felicia. This is good" Paul moaned out. Felicia moaned softly, she knew she wanted him badly, it was hard to not just start the good part. She kissed further down and licked over his nipples, wondering if he liked that as her hands were teasing his inner thighs, avoiding his cock on purpose. Paul tries to resist as much as he can as he moans louder. He grinds his hips making their cocks rub faster and faster. He fingers soon teased her pussy by tickling it but not thrusting in. He wanted to see who would make the first move. Felicia grinned, loving the sound of his moans. By now she was more then ready, she wondered what position would be best. Although it was tempting to take his lovely tight ass, that would probably be too much for one night. She pulled him ontop of her and kissed him again. Paul was ready for her just like she was ready for him. He knew that she wanted it first when she made her go on top. He grins and kissed her back. "I'll make you feel good" he whispered to her. His cock begins to tease her pussy pressing it in and out. He grabs and strokes her cock and thrust deep inside her. Felicia moaned when he thrust into her. He was really trying and teasing her cock as well most certainly was good. She rubbed over his nipples, knowing he liked that as she pressed her lips on his again. It felt good inside her. Paulkissed her back and shivered with excitement. He soon begins to fuck her gently as he rubs her cock. His thumb gently brushed against hers and thurst in her faster and kisses her deeper. He deffinaly had a nice size and he might get even bigger since he was rather young. the stroking of her cock only made her build up go faster. She nibbled at that spot on his neck again as her hands explored his back.
['Joy', 'Felicia']
There's worse things then Death here (Seraph Nicholas and YukiBlue)
"Out! OUT! GODDAMNIT GET OUT!"The machines moved at the sound of their master's voice, unkindly ejecting the petitioners. Unkindly enough to break a bone or two, by the sounds of the caterwauling as the doors shut behind them. Albert Wily sat back in his desk and looked around. His office was plenty opulent, but he felt something of a fool for just now realizing that wealth and power came with a price. Who would have thought that 'Rule' and 'Administrate' were synonymous? Not this scientist. Not his brainless steel servants. Something was going to have to be done about that...Wily turned to his computer, booting up a succession of engineering programs. His anger with the series of factory workers and factory owners and humans rights activists and other rabble that polluted his days became the seed of an idea. Wouldn't it be fun to use THEM to shore up the materials shortage they complained of? After all, the human body was just a machine... Why not turn them into LITERAL machines, fit only to serve him, as they rightly should?Hours blew past. Nothing relating to the work of the city was done. The work of robotics advanced significantly in that time, however. The guards stood watch impassively, their single red optic gliding back and forth, back and forth. Wily was deaf to the world, once again utterly lost in his work. He called a neurologist at one point for clarification on nerve cells. When the man complained that it was 3 AM, Wily threatened to have him killed. When the call ended, his reverie broke momentarily.I used to be so GOOD with the peons. This stress is doing nothing good for me. Must find a solution soon.For the moment, alcohol was a sufficient solution. Wily pulled a brandy bottle out of a desk drawer, intending a short break. Five drinks later, he was very unconscious. The city was never dark enough at this point. There was always a light source, whether it was the light rail as it slid smoothly past or the numerous neon lights. The constant glow of red eyes through out the city kept the warning. "We Keep You Safe", they said silently. The robots never spoke, not to anyone. That was one of the reasons she now hated the city she was raised in. Mina could no longer recognize any of it. The school that she attended when she was young, the old market that she stopped at on her way home, the once battered but beautiful home she grew up in. All of them were gone thanks to the man who sat happily in the tower. Her friends had tried to convince her that what she wanted to do was foolish. They had heard rumors about what happened to the people who spoke out against their new leader. In her eyes, he was nothing more than a greedy child, playing his hand at god. Mina's mind continued to race as she made the slow descent down the stairs of her apartment complex, her pale hands pulling her jacket collar up to shield her from the cold that seemed to be penetrating her very bones. As her foot hit the bottom platform, her eyes scanned the street before her, searching for the distinguishable glare of the red eyes. A deep sigh of relief left her when she found none. The idea had first come to her in the form men in the bar she worked at. They spoke of how the city used to be, pining for it like a child to a lost puppy. It made her sick. These men had spent most of their lives in the mines, working for a living. Now, they had no choice but to sit by and watch as machines did the work.The young woman's stride seemed much longer and faster than normal. She wanted to get it over with. The gun in the pocket of her coat would do her no good against the massive metal that would no doubt be greeting her at the door. It would, however, do her plenty of good against the man at the top of the tower. By the time she reached the base of the tower, her hands would not stop shaking. Her eyes grew wide at the pure height, and her breath was heavy from the distance and speed at which she traveled. Mina had no time to stop for a breath of air. Moving swiftly past the security bots, she tried to look as normal as possible, trying to slip in as though she was supposed to be here. Her movement was quickly halted by a large pile of metal that suddenly stood in front of her. Her eyes grew wide as her feet were suddenly moved out from under her and she was grabbed brutally by a pair of shiny steel hands."Let me go! I've done nothing. I'm simply here to look around!" The woman's voice rang out but was heard by nothing human. The feet marched heavily to the elevator, she was allowed to stand but not allowed to leave. As they reached the top floor, Mina's hand slipped into her jacket, securing her hand on the grip of the gun. The robot that grabbed her approached the door and pounded heavily. Upon getting no answer, the robot slowly opened the door. Pushed forward, she found herself in the wolf's den. Her pulled herself up right, her feet moving almost unconsciously to the space in front of the desk. As she viewed the man sleeping on his desk, she began to second guess her actions, until she thought about the reason she had come to this position. Her hand came out of her pocket quickly, the gun seeming to fire on it's own. What she didn't see or think of was the three robots still positioned around her. The last thing she remembered was a sharp blow to the back of her head and a stabbing pain in her lower back. A knife that she hadn't seen on one of the robots. One that had not been used in several years. The gunshot was only just loud enough to wake Wily from his stupor. The crack of wood splintering by his head as the bullet went wide was the first sound he consciously recognized. A jumble of images flew at him The Snipers standing in defense formation, shields forward, except for his prototype, which was holding a bloodied knife. The burnt hole in his desk. And in front of his desk, a crumpled figure.He ran around the desk, managing to minimize stumbling, and got a clearer look at the situation. As soon as he was fully cognizant, Wily was only able to laugh. Once again, God had provided. As always. Whether it be his innate brilliance, that delightful patsy Light, or now, a giftwrapped test subject for his new model, God always paved the way with gold for Albert Wily."Lock down Abel General Hospital, and take her there. I want her stabilized and kept sedated until I arrive."He sat down again, barely noticing as the robots drug off their parcel. Wily was more annoyed with the burrhole in his desk. Maybe it should be left there, a reminder of failures before. No, best not to plant any ideas. He fired off a request to Maintenance, highlighting the bullet damage and bloodstains, before he turned back to his computer. He quickly cleaned up some details of the project and dropped it onto disk, packing up to go as quickly as he could. Sleep could wait. Work was more fun anyway! The hospital was colder than normal. Not that she would be able to tell the difference, she had never been in a hospital before. The only things she could tell when she came to was that those robots were still there. She had no idea where she was currently laying. All she knew was the fact that she didn't feel any pain. Perhaps she had died and heaven had robots too. Had he managed to reach the heavens with his evil? She wasn't sure anymore. Mina tried to sit up but found herself incapable. Looking down at her body, she found herself bound to the hospital bed by several straps. She could lift her head just enough to seehimjust outside the door speaking with what was obviously a doctor. Laying her head back down, she stilled her heart. She hadn't died. She was still stuck in this living hell that this man had created. No. He wasn't a man, she reminded herself, he was a monster. A charming, attractive monster that had the entire city in a choke hold that no one in the city was willing to break because of fear. Mina opened her mouth to speak, but the only thing that managed to leave her was a slight rasp."Hello? Please, I don't want to be alone in here. Someone? Anyone?" Her words were barely loud enough for her to hear, she was almost entirely certain that no one outside of that door could hear her. Almost as though commanded, one of the nearby machines turned abruptly, marching its way out the glass doors and stood nearby Wily, as though to retrieve him. A sudden burst of fear spread through her body as she realized what the machine was doing. She didn't want that man any closer to her. She began to strain against the restraints that held her in place. She suddenly found her voice as she struggled."Let me out of here!" her voice seemed to carry a lot further than before. She continued her struggle until she felt something in her back tear, a wave of pain seemed to hit her out of nowhere, stopping her movements in their tracks. She felt something vaguely wet and warm begin to pool under her and felt the heat begin to drain out of her body. One of the robots had stabbed her. She must have broken the stitches. The door opened slowly, silently gliding on well oiled hinges. There was a faint snap as he flicked the lights on, even this small movement carrying a measure of theatrics. Wily felt good again, he felt in control, and he felt ready to handle anything. This was excellent!"Ah, stupid girl. First you injure yourself trying to injure me, and now you do it again, and why? Simply because you can? Be still."The bed raised on hydraulics, and turned ninety degrees to allow access to her back. A 'sewing machine' quickly resealed the wound and the bed settled back into it's customary position. Wily ran his fingers over a line of syringes sitting on a tray, clearly in her view. They were each different sizes, and filled with different quantities of fluid, indicating different drugs in each. And something else... Wily picked up the object. A wallet. Her wallet. He removed her ID with a flourish."Mina Porter, 21, from Complex E. You, dear girl, are about to die!"He produced his pocket computer, and showed her the screen. It contained her government records. The cursor flashed patiently over a field marked 'Status:'. Wily pressed a button. The field filled in the word 'Deceased'."Now, let's see! How did you die? Were you hit by a car? No, too pedestrian, haha, if you'll pardon the pun. Perhaps there was an accident at your work? Although, a materials outlet is a relatively non hazardous job. Perhaps you're simply as inept at your real job as you are when you moonlight as an assassin? I suppose you could have been a victim of street crime. Raped repeatedly, throat slit... Tsk tsk, it's dangerous to walk the streets alone at night. We'll need more patrols. And a curfew!"Wily laughed outloud, and filled in the latter story. As he calmed, he grinned down at her, and spoke again."But we need a body, don't we? Let's see, Mina. Who's going to die for your crusade? Family, friends? No matter, I'll figure that out later. I just want to be sure that you get the point. You see, you lashed out at me, and simply made me stronger. I no longer have to deal with the whining masses, for my own security. And now, anyone wandering the night can be incarcerated before they become troublesome. Do you understand, Ms. Porter? You chose the wrong side, and you lost badly. I would ask you to pick better next time, but the glory of it is, you won't have a choice!"With that, he snatched up one of the syringes and jabbed it into her arm, not bothering to find a vein. He depressed the plunger, causing a painful bubble in her flesh, full of adrenaline. As the epinephrine flooded her system, Wily proceeded to jab her again, and again, and again, each time adding a new ingredient to the chemical cocktail, with her serving as the glass it was mixed in. None of them were sedatives. None of them were painkillers. None of them were anesthetic.
dragon age - { dream x ace }
The forest was stirring, but tonight, more then it usually had. The trees and their entirety sang the copses of oaks, bushes and rivers, even the wild life was singing, kneeling before the immense aura that permeated the ruins. Since Zathrian's demise at the hands of the Grey Wardens, his curse of "lycanthropy" had supposedly been dispelled, returning those branded by his vengeful talons to their original statures. The blight which threatened to destroy all of Ferelden had since been thwarted by the Grey Wardens and the indigenous were slowly but surely beginning to put together the shattered pieces of their lives. However, the disease that Zathrian inflicted upon those who did wrong to him was not completely alleviated. While some curse victims were completely cured, others were "half" cured. Those who were half cured were able to assume human and lycan form at will while still maintaining their wolven physical attributes. Some had deemed this as a burden, while others, a fabulous blessing. To those who accepted it, they believed they could form their own race, a superior race. An ardent, eerie glow burned through the ruins that balmy evening, casting mysterious shadows here and there. A throng of werewolves were huddled around a snapped pillar, seemingly conversing while another group proceeded into the broken temple. One within the group was seemingly human, but the flaxen glow of their chilling gold eyes suggested otherwise. Whispers emitted from their maws like a song, following a string of loud, shaking footfalls. Tonight the werewolf clan remnants from Zathrian's affliction had gathered to the heart of the forest to meet a new face. This tyrant, as they had deemed him, claimed he could lead their race to victory and ensure that their existence would never again be undermined and always be feared. Some were skeptic while others traveled to the ruins only to sate their intrigue. There was one werewolf a woman, in fact that wasn't so moved by this stranger's agnostic claims. Her eyes bore through the spectral light cast down from the plump moon, nearby spectators thrown aback by her sudden intrusion. The woman was tall amazonian, with flesh touched by the deserts and a long, starless mane which framed her exotic face in a roguish manner. One of the werewolves a man ogled her for an instant then grunted to the others, quickly disdaining her sudden appearance. They had known her as Ammon, but since becoming a werewolf, they had often referred to her as "Banshee" simply because her howls were composed of beautiful tones she would sit in the forest and sing until the sun rose, but as a human, she nary uttered even a sound. The woman, clad in a tight, ashen bandeau and a coal colored cardigan, trekked into the ruins and down the stair well where the Lady of the Forest was once housed. It was here that this new "leader" was to speak, and undoubtedly, the woman would have something to say concerning his leadership. In the thicket of the forest, deep within it's nestling trees, stood a ruin of seemingly no potential as it laid in broken heaps, but deep within it's descending caverns gathered a fairly large group of creatures. Creatures that had thought to been extinct now that the 'curse' that plagued them had ended. But the curse had not cured all of them and instead of returning to their human states, the werewolves had become something new, something different, yet something entirely the same.That was why he was here. In the midst of the crowd of werewolves stood a cloaked figure he stood higher than the rest with feet planted firmly on a half broken pillar. His face was hidden in shadows except for his lips that were held firmly in a expressionless line and they were surrounded with light stubble of a dark brown that was almost black. He raised his head only slightly as more werewolves gathered and he could not only feel, but hear every heart beat within the room, as well as beyond the stone walls.He was new here, with a small group of werewolves he had found scattered around Ferelden. They were like him half turned, confused, afraid, and lost. A lot had happened to him before meeting these creatures much like himself and he himself had become something new. What he had become had never been seen by the likes of any races in their world and the power he held was to be used to create a new world. One in which all of his people could live and not have to fear leaving their forests.Tension hung thickly in the air and Jericho looked over the crowd though he could see them clearly in several senses, they could not see him in the same manner. His face still hidden by darkness, the scent and figure of him were masked as well, a secret he had learned over the years and planned to teach to those who wished to follow him. "My dear brethren," his rich, metallic voice rang clear through the silence, everyone's attention now solely on the cloaked man, "my name is Jericho and I am here to save you." His words strung together with captivating intonation and sincerity, but he spoke quickly, almost as though he were in a hurry and his words became urgent, though not quite begging. "The world outside these ruins are not kind to our like, especially now that we have become something... similar to human, but more. They resent us and will continue to do so. I tell you this because it is the truth. I have been there, outside and in their world, and seen what they are capable of." Throwing back his hood, a face was revealed with gasps from the people around him. His dark hair had been slicked back to expose a scar that had liberated him of half his face. It was mangled flesh, churned and charred with colors of pink, red, and even black. The right had barely been saved, the scar missing it only barely. His life side, however, could be called handsome and had even warrant a few flirts from human girls when he had been in disguise, though he himself had never bothered with such endeavors. Skin bronzed by the sun was covered in other, smaller scars and his eyes held the same yellow as the rest of theirs, but the iris was lined in a deep orange as well, almost glowing as he looked over his kind. "This is what humans do. Elves, dwarves, Grey Wardens, nobles, commoners. Everyone."Now he stepped down from the pillar and as he searched through the crowd, he was sure to make eye contact with everyone there. Coming across one of the rare females in the crowd, he felt a dark tension rising from her, but hoped his words to come would help her understand. His eyes hardened as he took her in and when his lips moved, fangs caught moonlight that crept through the cracks in the foundation. "They will kill you. They will hunt you down. For years, I was taken prisoner by humans, kept like a slave, but treated like an animal. They did not kill me but that was a mistake." Jericho raised his hand and spread his fingers, an orange flame playing at the tips of his fingers, the same color in his eyes glowing brighter. "I possess a power that has never touched this earth. An Old God came to me, in my dreams, and gave me the power to liberate myself. And all of you. If you follow me, I promise you will have a future for yourselves." He stopped then, the glow and flames dying out instantly he folded his arms within deep sleeves, bowing his head. "Follow me and you can howl at the moon any night you like and not fear being heard and hunted. Follow me and you will be able to stretch your legs to any part of this world without a bother." He let his words sink in, waiting for any answer or response before continuing. Like water, the sea of werewolves parted for Ammon's passing. She was a prominent figure to their race, a twenty three year old woman that was wise beyond her age and had emerged victorious from many battles, most with men twice her size. Outside of battles she was philosophical and regal soundless, she seldom spoke, but when she did it was something relative. She was displeased by his childish preaching. These ambitions in which he sermoned spelled nothing but genocide in her stoic mind. From where he stood, a top a tumbled over pillar near the colossus statue hoisted against the wall, she peered up at him. She did not have the eyes of her kin, but rather, the eyes of a "demon". Their glimmering, tempest shade of hazel allowed her to blend in with humans as they were now wise to werewolf aesthetics and could pick them out by their flaxen eyes. Amongst the questionable bickering she emerged from the shadow, her long, thick hair mimicking her movements as she inaudibly strode out in front of the crowd. "Genocide, is it?" The crowd's bickering came to an abrupt, almost disturbingly swift stop. Had Ammon spoken? They were enthused by the regalness in her voice, how commanding yet soft it was. Undoubtedly she had something of importance to say. "Your ambitions are your own, not ours. The humans, the dalish, the dwarves and even qunari ... clearly you are not politically enlightened. The blight forced them all into an alliance. If you lead us into their starving maws, they will launch a counterattack and slaughter every last one of us. We are still suffering losses from the Archdemon's attack and you want to lead a broken race to their deaths? I don't know what the fuck goes on in your twisted mind, and I cannot speak for all of us, but I want no part of this." The instant the woman's low, buttery voice came to a halt, the werewolves began bickering again. Some were already convinced that this tyrant could do a great deal for their people. As they conversed amongst themselves, an elderly man hobbled out from the copse of flesh and fur, consulting Ammon before she departed. "He does not wish us ill will, Ammon." His eyes were sullen had told stories of many wards, "I think he is aware of the consequences and knows that we are willing to embrace them. The qunari were like us, once, attacked because other races were ignorant to their customs. We must make ourselves known." Ammon silently sneered. "I won't bother entertaining this ... or this ignorant bastard sitting high on his throne. Do what you'd like. I am not your deity." Silence again the others were listening in on the conversation between the elder and the clan's most dignified warrior. "We could use your help ... he could. At least hear him out." Jericho watched silently as Ammon made her protest and listened carefully to her words. When she stopped near the entrance to speak to an elderly man, he approached with careful, silent steps. "I understand your concern, my lady, but I assure you my plans are not nearly as destructive as you may think." He inclined his head while removing his hands from his sleeves and he smiled, very slightly. This woman was obviously of importance to these people and he would need her consent before he could have respect from the rest of the weres. Though his life had made him jaded, he knew on a realistic level what needed to be done and he would not let his own emotions overrun that. "No one can defeat so many races in one, fierce attack. No, this is something that must be accomplished slowly and with an intelligent grace only our kind possesses," he spoke lowly but knew everyone could hear him but his eyes never left Ammon's. "You will be of a great help to our cause, my lady, and I would be honored if you would join me and my followers. We follow the path of the Old Gods and it is their wishes that we do this. This power has been granted to me so our kind may have a future. What would have us do, my lady? Continue to hide in fear in this ruin?" He cast a disdainful glance around the crumbling walls with raised hands. "This is no place for wolves." He paced through the crowd of wolves with senses on high alert as he felt them out, their very souls singing out to him. His hand hovered before him as his eyes closed, moving with tentative steps. His nostrils flared as their smell permeated the air around them and he could smell the mixture of fear, anxiousness, and nervousness."Brethren, I am not asking you to make me your leader, your alpha, or your king. I am asking you to follow me as an equal does family not help each other in times of crisis? For that is what this is and it will only grow worse as the years come. We cannot stand idly by as these people continue to take our kind, torture them, and slaughter them. The Old Gods gave me power because they believe in our cause. Would you deny them?" He turned to face everyone once more and once again his eyes caught Ammon's. Would she follow him or continue to think him insane? Perhaps he was and even if he admitted to it, would it change anything? No, the Old Gods had given him this power for a reason and he intended to carry that out. Gods. Deities. Ammon was not a believer but rather, a skeptic. She enjoyed entertaining the idea of some agnostic being guarding them, keeping balance and sanctity, but it was a difficult notion to stomach. Therefore, she was unconvinced with this strangers sermoning and was still left in a state of disbelief. She was not easily swayed by his preaching, but, for the sake of these callow people she had to at least acknowledge both his presence and his claims. "Perhaps he believes we can spread our disease," intervened the elder, his eyes bright with confidence, "A mere graze of our claws or clip of our teeth and anyone be they qunari or human will become infected and turn. That process alone will weed out those who are strong, as only they will survive the turning." Ammon said nothing. She merely observed, her arms laid slack at her curvaceous sides. She knew she was powerless to stop those who were confident that this man could steer them to the road of greatness. "I apologize, stranger." The elder bowed his head, cognizant of Ammon's brooding. Her silence was evidence of this. "Ammon is accustomed to peace. Though our living conditions are not entirely ... desirable, it is this pacifism that we have practice for most of our lycan lives. Perhaps we should further discuss this in the morning, when our minds and ires are rested and our bellies full. Come. There is an uninhabited chamber on the lower levels of the ruins. You may rest there." A child appeared. Her clothing was torn ripped, frayed from destructive hands. Her pretty young face was sullied with the earth's soil, her sable man mangled and matted. She was sobbing. "B Butterfly!" she cried, scampering over to bury her visage on Ammon's pant leg. "T There ... there are men in the forest. Humans ... hunters. They tried to, to ..." Ammon's stoic face went hard eyes stony, first furled in tight fists. The werewolf elder Kale was taken aback by this sudden change in Ammon's visage and instantly worried by it. For those who knew Ammon, they were aware that she had unofficially adopted an orphan werewolf child whose mother had gone missing nearly four months prior. While the child's elder sister was still able to care for her, she took a liking to Ammon and called the immaculate woman her "butterfly". "Humans?" Kale breathed, "Here? At night? Are they insane? They've been growing increaslingly daring over the past week months. Stranger ... if you want Ammon's approval, this may be your chance." By that time Ammon had taken off. Like an elegant creature she scaled the nearby pillars towards an opening at the top of the underground temple where she proceeded outside, to teach these brazen humans a lesson about having the audacity to touch a child. The child's distress caused an overwhelming pain to swell inside of Jericho and before the words had left the elder's mouth, he was on the move. The cloak had been abandoned, as well as his human form, and he leaped over the crowd of weres as he hurried through the stone corridors. Humans! This was exactly what he had been speaking about he could not let injustices like this continue. With the Old Gods' power, he'd rip out all those humans throats and burn their remains to ashes.Soon he was in the forest and as he pads dug deep into the earth, he gave a ground shaking howl that sounded throughout the forest causing all birds to soar to the sky and animals to fidget restlessly. He pounded through the trees and shrubs, following the distinct smell of blood and human. Ammon's scent was thick in the air, too, and he absently worried for the other were's safety. He knew a warrior of her status could handle herself well, but attacks done with an emotional imbalance ended badly. His pace quickened and he could hear the cries and wales of humans and the distinct, deep growl of a were.Jericho jumped through the shrubs and his paws made contact with a human's chest and he went down screaming as the were's jaws ripped into the human's flesh. In his wolf form, he was much different than the other weres. He was distinctly a wolf, but the largest one ever to be seen on all fours, he stood as tall as a human with a dark coat that shown a deep brown in the light. His mangled face covered less in this form, but still scarred him thoroughly, no hair growing there.He looked for Ammon as another human swung an axe from behind with invisible speed, Jericho caught the man's arm in his mouth and there was a loud crunched along with a blood curdling scream. How dare these humans invade their forest and treat his kind this way! That poor little girl... Jericho bit down harder and rode the man to the ground, fangs digging into his chest and neck through the completely eaten off arm. Unlike Jericho, Ammon had a different method of hunting. She was labeled one of the clan's most superior warriors for her uniqueness and different approach to driving away humans. She was the type to torture someone psychologically, to toy with their minds and amplify their fears, make them cognizant of the true meaning of terror. It was because of these methods that she was often deemed a monster by her kin. She unearthed a dispersed group of humans, undoubtedly ones that ran when they heard the howls of other werewolves nearby in a distant copse of oak trees. Within the darkness of the forest's canopy, she assumed her lycan form, embracing the dark magic that was cast unwillingly upon her. Unlike most females she was much larger, her coat a starless hue of sable, thick and wiry, shimmering with tiny flecks of gold upon her back. She let forth a low, curdling growl, startling one of the humans which was toting around an oversized crossbow. He was evidentially frightened by the manner in which he trembled, mentioning to his comrades that maybe it wasn't a wise idea to brave the forest at night. Werewolves were not the only antagonists that governed the wood slyvans and shades had as well, give or take a few darkspawn here and there. When they had trekked into the forest deeply enough, she bore her teeth which were illuminated by the moonlight. Her maw was filled with them, all white and jagged, a horrifying depiction. The men yelped and fled while some attempted to fight, but to no avail. Her massive paws were easily able to subdue her victims, snapping their bones with one mighty swat. One of the humans who had managed to find a decent leeway shot an arrow into her arm. She was infuriated by their brazenness and bolted towards them, the very earth shaking under her weight, trampling them in the process. There was but one human left alive, trembling in terror. She collected him as if he were her spoils, dragging him unwillingly through the trees. "P please! Let me go!" he pleaded, immediately interrupted by the gluttonous howls of awaiting and quite hungry werewolves. She took a note of Jericho's appearance, still unpleased and unmoved by both his appearance and act of selflessness concerning the child. She snorted at the mere thought of it, startling the human in the process. At Ammon's arrival, the rest of the humans were already slain. The last of the werewolves gathered around the corpses stren in pieces around the small grove. Jericho growled at the human Ammon brought toward them, a deep menacing sound that struck fear deep into the human's heart. From his guess, there were about ten humans here that he had killed, but he had smelt another group heading off into the distant forest. He could only assume Ammon led them there and sprang an attack he was impressed by her workmanship, as well as her skill. The human she carried was alive, but he doubted she was going to keep him that way for long.The large wolf examined the human with dark eyes. Why had they come here? Who were these creatures to think they could enter the forest in the dead of night? They must have been wishing death for that is all it led them to. "Human," he all but growled, "what are you doing in this forest?"Sweat trickled down the man's skull as the weres closed in around him, all of them now in wolf form and bearing teeth. Jericho kept his face placid, but felt an anger stir deep within himself, like cold flames trailing through his heart. It was not his place to kill this man, however he was Ammon's catch, not his, and not the rest of the pack's. What she did with him was her business. The human had remained silent so Jericho directed his gaze to Ammon. "What will you do with him?" "That, stranger, is none of your concern. Please do as elder Kale has asked of you and retire to your quarters for the evening." Her voice was garbled a marred mess in this cursed form. It did not depict her human voice, which was smooth and stoic, but rather, depicted the monster in which she assumed the guise of. She struggled to show some manner of kindness to their visitor but it was immensely difficult. She had no respect for him, and as a result, she would most likely not affiliate herself with him. When they returned to the ruins, the werewolf child's elder sister was their, her burning red hair a brilliant rendering which matched her emotion furious. She watched the captured human with her flaxen gaze, immediately taking on her werewolf form to further startle him. "Thank you, sister," she growled, tracing her pink tongue over each one of her knife like teeth. Ammon, being continually selfless, had brought this human as a prize for the child's sister. It was not Ammon's place to punish him ... but rather, the child's sibling's. While she left the human to the whims of the irate woman, Ammon ventured off to the far corner of the room to lick her wounds. She reassumed her human form, gently prodding at the arrow which bore through her coffee colored flesh. A ginger wince fled from her lips eyes went drab with a sense of agony while she began testing how she was to remove the projectile from her bicep. "Fuck," she cursed silently. She knew just what she would have to do to remove the weapon ... and it would not be, in any way shape or form, pleasurable. Without much further adieu she slammed the blunt end of the arrowhead into a local statue her eyes went wide, littered with liquid torture while she felt the arrowhead rip through muscle, sinew and twisted flesh. It broke the skin on the others side of her arm, the arrowhead itself emerging in a sea of blood and metal. Next, she snapped the head off with relative ease, disdaining it upon the ground then gently pulling the neck of the arrow from the wound. It was not a pleasurable experience, but if anything, necessary. The night fell silent as Ammon stalked away with her prey, leaving Jericho and the weres alone with decaying human remains. After moments of staring up at the moon hanging brilliantly in the sky, Jericho instructed the weres to clean the mess and bring back some parts of the human for food. They did as he said, even cleaning the pieces in a near by river before taking them back to the ruins. Jericho made sure each did this thoroughly and carried the heaviest back. He tried to understand Ammon's view and could see how she might see him as a stranger, but he wished to no longer be a stranger. He could bring something to her life no one else could if she could see that, would she trust him and follow him? He wanted nothing more than what was good for their people. He had seen enough death and destruction on their part to not care how much the other side received. He wanted them to suffer.There, he discovered what Ammon had done with the prisoner and silently thanked her for the deed. He saw the gleam of triumph in the young were's eyes when he passed her by and gave her a reassuring smile of hope as he shaped back into the form of a man. Walking with bare, human feet he made his way to the barely whimpering Ammon. He crouched by her, brushing his fingers against her wound. "I can take care of this for you," he said with a soft tone he had not used with anyone else. But he waited for an answer, not wanting to push her further away. The powers given to him were many, healing one of them. It was a difficult skill to master but after years of practice, he had learned well. It helped specially in times of children's first turns, healing their aching bones and allowing the process to proceed without incident.He wanted Ammon to see the good he could do. That the power he had been gifted with was here to help liberate all of them. Vindicate their race and let them run free. Every were wanted that and he knew, deep down, Ammon did, too. "Don't touch me!" Her voice came out in a pretty sneer, eyes burning with vulpine fury. While she a woman who liked to comfort others with an embrace, she was not fond of strangers having the audacity to mindlessly reach out and address her physically. Admittedly, Ammon was confident that he wielded some power ... but she was not yet ready to accept him. At the resonating howl that fell from the grace of her lips, she realized just how unreasonable she was acting and bowed her head in shame. She reached out and gently took the man by his forearm, leading him into a long corridor which was eerily silent. The shadows cast by dimly lit torches illuminated the stone hallway just enough for her to see, and to insure that no one would notice their hiding place. "I am haunted by the images of these innocent people being taken advantage of ... men, enslaved, murdered women and young girls being violently raped, beaten. I've seen it before ... I've seen what the humans do, especially to women. They take these ... these children's bodies after they've destroyed their tiny wombs and toss their mangled corpses into the gorge to think, they do this even to their own kind. That is genocide at its worst." Her voice was soft and low she did her best to offer him her ear so that she did not come off immensely commandeering. "Revenge is like a disease ... a festering, foul disease. We want it so badly that in the process of exacting it, we cannot see who is guilty and who is not. Those who have not sinned are judged by one who lawfully cannot judge themselves. I don't want these people being corrupted by this. If you can reassure me that you will not let them fall victim to this blindness ... then I will stand aside and let you do as you see fit." Ammon's change in demeanor struck Jericho hard as he watched the emotions flicker in the woman's eyes. He listened to her carefully, understanding her views better now. "I see what you are saying. Perhaps... there is other ways we can go about this. My initial way of starting our uprising would be infiltrating the humans' cities," he explained, "in disguise. It will open our peoples eyes to the humans' injustices as well help us understand why they are the way they are. If we are to face them, it is best we know them better than we know each other." He paused, fingers extended to her wounded arm. "There is much time and our people will always have a choice. They do not have to follow me. If you believe their anger is beginning to destroy them, we can stop. My only wish is to put these humans to justice... to let our people be free."Pressing his fingers to the wound on her arm, his fingertips pulsed with a steady orange hue, spreading over her skin and replenishing it. There would be pain in the healing process, stings of everything being stitched back together, but in moments the deed was done and her arm healed. Jericho wiped the last of the blood away with his thumb tentatively. "Humans... have done such horrible things to our people. You've seen what they've done... I've seen so much and am haunted nightly as well. Every time I close my eyes, I see our people dying. I see what they've done, over and over." Something they had in common, Jericho noted he had long wondered if others saw the dead with closed eyes. The pain erupted every time his eyes shut and the darkness closed in. It was more than he could stand sometimes. Soon... soon he'd see those monsters put to rest. The woman was amazed with her wound it had virtually disappeared, gone with the stranger's gentle touch. While she wasn't so easily deterred by the abrupt stinging sensation, she was however, slightly enraptured with this man's mysterious gift. She was not ready to ask him nor was she overtly interested. Perhaps the answer would come on its own. "And we've done so much to the humans. We're all to blame it's a viscous circle that each one of us contribute to, someway, somehow." It was true that the humans' efforts were becoming increasingly daring as of late while the werewolves were growing more and more mellow with each passing day. The humans were entering the forests, boring through trees like fire through ice, ripping their ancient roots from the undisturbed earth and even having the audacity to braze the wood during nightfall. This was known werewolf territory, where the beats ruled, and even wild sylvans ran a muck. Soon they would attack the ruin in great numbers. This day was approaching quickly and Ammon feared they would not survive the attack, not with the humans' exponentially growing population. Suddenly, the regal woman placed her hand upon Jericho's shoulder. Her fingers dug into the material of his cloak, trembling, while her eyes depicted a rather fearful claim. "I'm putting my trust in you," she began, instilling her passion, making it as apparent as she possibly could, "These people cannot bare another heavy loss in battle. You are confident, and I want to trust this confidence ... but if you are to fail, just once " she raised her finger, long and elegant, hanging it just in front of his marred, twisted face, "I will personally enjoy your slow torture, brother." Responding with a suave smile, Jericho took the raised finger and wrapped a large hand over her's. "I would not have it any other way, my sister. Perhaps, while we prepare our people, you would care to tell me what you think we should do?" He was generally curious as to what Ammon's personal thoughts were on the matter she seemed to think much on it and he was sure she would be able to bring to light something he may not have seen. It was his duty to understand his people as well as the enemy and it would be unjust for him to force all his plans on others while not listening to their's. This was their war, not only his. "We will do this together, Ammon, and I wish to hear all our people's opinions before we take any immediate action. Please, I would much love to hear your view."He released her fingers and inclined his head for her to follow. Personally, he enjoyed to walk and talk, instead of linger in one place. Enthralling conversations were best kept at a walking pace, he found, and there was much for him to see yet of the ruins. Knowing the place he would be staying and hopefully executing most of their plans was crucial for him and walking with Ammon provided the chance of her taking him to places he would have not found on his own. While they walked, Ammon figured that she could kill two birds with one stone discuss important issues with him and simultaneously lead him to his sleeping quarters where he would be staying for the remainder of his stay. Undoubtedly the other werewolves may have been wondering just where they wondered off to, but it was not unheard of for two newly acquainted werewolves to partake in more "sexual" relations. "I really want no part of this but ... if it means minimal casualty then I will help. I believe that making use of our curse may be the focal point in truly bringing human civilization to its knees. We have our kin stalk a group of hunters dispersed from Denerim. When they are on their way home, they attack, infecting the group of humans but leaving them alive. Once the humans return to Denerim they will start to witness the change ... and when they do change for the first time, they will attack their comrades and ultimately, start a chain of events that will grow exponentially until our race dwarfs that of the humans. From there we may be able to dominate other races such was the elves and qunari but it will be a tedious process." She noticed that the man's quarters were coming into view and stopped almost instantly. "We will talk more tomorrow if need be, though I prefer that you consult Kale before myself. My role in this isn't important." Eyes alert, Jericho memorized every part of the place he would now be staying and took note of all the exits closest to the room that would be his. The longer they walked, the more in depth Ammon became with her views and he enjoyed hearing her opinion on the matter. She was not only intelligent, but looked at things in more than one way he could admire that and respected her more for it. Her people respected her as well which told him he should listen to her words carefully.He smiled at Ammon's plan and said, "I had an idea similar to that. I can, more or less, disguise myself as a human and can teach you all as well. We will be able to move among them without their slightest notice." Stopping when Ammon did and he inclined his head politely. "You are as important as the rest of them. Everyone is important in this this is all our war and we all play a part. I will likely see you tomorrow. Sleep well, Ammon." He bowed every so slightly with hands in his sleeves and stalked toward his room in a lingering grace, already planning his tasks for the day to come. Over a course of a month, the werewolves living within the Brecillian Ruins had grown quite fond of their self appointed leader Jericho. He was a recognizable face amongst their people they felt comfortable around him, protected, now confident that he could fulfill the prophecy in which he preached. A week after his appearance Ammon was summoned to attend an important meeting in Orlais concerning the werewolves' dwindling population of females. Being one of the few which survived the turn, others wishes to hear of her experience from her own tongue and hoped they could use this forbearance to further increase the survival rate. To make matters particularly worse the elder werewolf, Kale, had fallen mysterious ill following her departure. It was a completely unfathomable that a seventy seven year old human, as weak and brittle as he was, would survive the change. Due to this inspiring feat, the werewolf clan as small as it was had appointed Kale their superior. But even now ... he was dying, and quickly. When his corpse had withered away they would have no one to lead them. All of them were cognizant of Ammon's position in the grand scheme of things. She would undoubtedly refuse an inauguration, however, this new comer may not. "We have ... terrible news." Amongst the crowd was Ammon her body was sore from the trip, fatigued even, and she found her eyes left sullen from the werewolf perched a top a nearby broken column. "Early this morning Kale passed away. He was a wise man ... and his spirit was undoubtedly a fierce one. However, we promised him that we would not falter as we all perceived his death many months ago. That being said, our short lived tradition says that the wise thing to do would be to elect a new leader. But ... alas, we have no candidates." Suddenly, Jericho's name began floating around. Ammon was visually taken aback by his nomination. Had three weeks made this much of a difference? "Jericho? I see. Aside from that, brothers and sisters ... the human's attacks have been growing increasingly brave as we have previously discussed. Jericho's plan is beginning to come to fruition, however, if he does not act soon we may be forced to abandon the ruins and find elsewhere to live." Jeers and boos spilled from the crowd. Some even howled in protest, but the crier was visually undisturbed. "We will discuss this further tomorrow afternoon, then. Ammon has returned and she may have something to add. Rest well." The hulking beast hobbled away which had dispersed the tight group of beasts and humans. Ammon was left alone now, silence by the soundless echo of the grand chamber. Not soon thereafter the woman found herself on one of the lower levels of the ruins, in an alcove that was vastly unused. Inside was an enormous pool of water, all but three and a half feet in height barely enough to drown in. The ruin was built over a hotspring. Over a course of a decade or two after the ruins were abandoned the elements began to erode the stone and otherwise allow the piping hot lake to seep through separated cinder. She could barely make out the intricate pattern of the stone on the wall due to the thick layer of steam permeating throughout the room. She was, however, pleased with the solidarity and lack of people emptiness. When she was sure not a soul was entering she removed her leather jerkin as well as the bodice underneath her leggings fell around her thighs, draping her ankles while she disdained every article of clothing save for a questionable looking pendant framing her neck. The sensation of the water consuming her body was if anything pleasing, something she had craved quite a bit during her trek. The death of Kale had struck Jericho hard and after the man had been put to rest, Jericho wandered the depths of the forest for some time. Kale had been more than kind to Jericho since he had arrived here. Seeing the old man brought a sense of joy to being and their talks were often long and intriguing. Much older than Jericho, the old man had many things to say concerning his past and his dealings with humans, even when he was such a being.During his walk, he thought mostly of what would happen to this clan of people now that their elder was gone. The humans were becoming bolder each day and venturing deeper and deeper into their woods. They have been able to hold them off as best they can, but it was no illusion to Jericho that the humans would eventually over run them if they did not do something soon. It was a brewing problem and he needed solutions.Eventually in his wandering, he descended the depths of the ruins to a room in which steam rolled out. No one ventured this low in the caverns and he distinctly could hear the sound of water a hot spring, he imagined. As he came closer, he heard the vague splashing of someone swimming and a steady heart beat. One at peace.Stepping into the room, he found a pile of discarded clothing at this feet. Ammon's. His lips curled into a soft smile as he took another step forward, calling out into the mist, "Mind if I join you?" Before she could answer, he removed his cloak and shirt, slipping out of his pants within seconds. Jericho slid into the water gently, the warm water soothing him instantly. Underneath the unflattering clothing, the pauldrons, drab leather jerkin and robes, Ammon had an attractive feminine frame. She was a healthy woman, tall and soft, though beneath her bronzed skin was layer upon layer of mistreated yet firm, well sculpted muscle. Though her upper body and midsection hadn't showcased this crafted muscle definition, her long, lean legs had. She wanted so badly to treat herself properly, to iron out the brutalized sinew, wash her hair, do things a woman did. But this was virtually impossible now that she was doomed for the rest of her Maker given life to be a remnant of Zathrian's improperly dispelled curse. Human men hadn't found her alluring because of her tattoos because of her height, her powerful aura. In fact they found her rather daunting and often strayed away from her when she visited Denerim while others were enthralled by her otherwise exotic, unique appearance and would blatantly try to court her in front of an audience. Needless to say, Ammon was never interested. She refused to take on a werewolf mate let alone that of a measly human. The moment she had settled, wading about in the waist deep pool, she heard a voice. A deep, commanding voice, that of someone she now called more then just an acquaintance: Jericho. A soft sound of approval fell from the grave of her vulpine lips, left garbled by the water's being. She remembered Kale chiding her for that ... those grunts. "They're impolite, and worst of all, unladylike," she recalled him preaching, "A warrior you may be, but a woman just as much." She would try to explain to him that she never tried to adopt the guise of a man, to take on his role or his mannerisms, they were simply rude aspects she had picked up during her transition from human to werewolf. She pressed her lips in a hard line, audibly wincing at the unwelcoming sensation of her tumid muscles pulsing under her probing fingertips. She trembled, almost, waiting for the agony to wane and the heat do its job to unwind the sinew. She merely wanted relieve, for the pain to be siphoned by the water ... and now that Jericho was here, maybe a talk as well. Despite the thick steam, Jericho was able to find Ammon in minutes he waded over, the water ending around his chest, and she could clearly see more scars there, most of them burn marks and long gashes. Crude and still somewhat pink, the scars were the productive of heavy mistreatment and it was obvious by the look of them that they had not healed properly either. They did add to his sculpted frame and made him appear much more ominous and foreboding. He had a broad chest with arms made for killing water glittered across his skin and dampened his hair into loose ringlets."Ammon," he greeted with a tilt of his head. "How are you, my lady? I have not seen much of you today." He had spent the morning going over war tactics with some of the weres, but, since Kale's death, he'd noticed much difference in the dealings of the pack. They moved along slower and their eyes kept moving skyward. Having only known the elder for a short time compared to everyone else, he could only imagine the pain that struck their hearts. Still, she was baffled at his attempts to fraternize with her. She showed little to no interest in the man and yet, he went out of his way just to say "hello". It was not as if she disliked him or had purposely intended to mistreat him, these were just the mannerisms she practices both before and after becoming a werewolf. "I was in Orlais attending a meeting." A paused for a moment. Meeting. It sounded so formal, when in fact, it was just a throng of intelligible werewolves all holed up in an old inn discussing the lack of females and therefore, lack of sex. "They were discussing how to make the changing easier for females since they're typically not as resilient as males but, as I seen it, it was a waste of time it's probably impossible." The werewolves were still in their green stages they didn't thrive past the province of Orlais as it had only been six months since Zathrian's curse manifested into a hereditary chain. Ammon was pleased to be around and hopefully a key product in the blooming of werewolf society. She wished for them to be a morally and physically attached race as did they werewolves did not want equality with humans and elves, rather, they wanted to be known and respected. "I'm just a little tired, Jericho. Yourself?" "Tired is one way of putting it." Jericho waded through the water closer to her. It had been some time since he'd been able to truly relax and he enjoyed the warmth of the water wrapping around him like a mother's soft caress. "You say the females are having a hard time with the change? I myself have not had much privilege in speaking to many of the other gender in fact, you're the second female were I've come across. I would very much like to speak with these others perhaps I could be of some help?" It was his duty, after all, to care for all of the weres, whether they be in Denerim or Orlais. They were all one people as far as he was concerned and he would look after all of them as best he could.As he floated amidst the water, he wondered absently why it seemed business always found its way into his discussions with Ammon. It would be nice to have a conversation for the sake of having one, rather than constantly making plans or discussing current problems they faced. The past weeks had been long and tiring yes, tired was a very good way of putting it. But he would not stop until their people were safe. Until his work was complete, he would not rest. That said, he still felt a yearning to relate to someone on a different level, a personal one that could maybe be a friendship. The idea that he could have a close friend brought a smile to his face he'd had such a thing, once upon a time. Kale had probably been the second closest to that. Jericho's smile dissipated at the thought of Kale and he absently made ringlets in the water with his hand, trying to distract himself. Like Jericho, Ammon strove for casualty as well. She was tired of the business chat, of the discussion concerning Denerim and their race. "I appreciate your concern but what needed to be said has already been said. It's unfortunate that most of the men were more concerned about sex then about actual reproduction." From time to time, Ammon could understand their standpoint. She hadn't been intimate with a man in quite some time. Every so often especially during the full moon she'd be just as hormonal as any other werewolf but wouldn't dare indulge. She took note of the lament on the man's face, and at the instant, she bowed her head in reprieve, showing him her eyes as they had softened. She outstretched a hand and placed it on the man's hard shoulder, giving it a reassuring stroke. "Listen ... Jericho. I realize that you may have not known Kale a long time but still, you developed a relationship with him ... and having it so suddenly severed is painful." She believed maybe this was a good instance to practice casualty rather then constant bickering. "I'm aware that it's late but, maybe you'd be willing to have a drink?" "Most men do seem more concerned with... such trivial things. Growth of our species should, you would think, take priority over the state of their loins," Jericho said with tart amusement. But it was Ammon's gentle words brought a touch of a smile to his lips she was right about Kale. He had grown fond of the elderly man and his death was unsettling. It weighed heavily on his mind and he knew when he closed his eyes to sleep, Kale's face would be added amongst the rest."Now that, my dear lady, sounds like a promising idea." A drink with a friend. It had been a long time since he had been privileged to such an event and was happy to oblige. Once upon a time, he had spent his time in run down taverns with a good friend, business and pleasure mixed together. Quite a duo they had been then. Jericho often wondered how things would have been had things not gone sour their last mission together. That, however, only proved to be fruitless thinking as it only dampened his mood. Pushing any such thoughts from his mind, he dropped into the water with closed eyes, letting it surround him and engulf his body and was up within seconds. The last time Ammon had the time to sit down and have a drink ... she couldn't quite recall. It would have been ages ago before she fell victim to the werewolf curse. She had since forgotten the sensation of a perfectly brewed hops or finely aged wine. The thought had actually enthused her, made her believe that maybe even a woman of her stature was able to relax. "It's understandable ... but it's not appropriate." She drew in the hot air permeating the room and exhaled, allowing her hands to find the soaps she had smuggled into the alcove. They were quite extravagant, erected from buttermilk and expensive Orlesian oils. She was pleased with the scent it was nostalgic and had reminded her of the time she spent an eve in a Rivaini home with two other women. They had taken her in after witnessing her single handedly subdue a fully armored soldier. That was the night she first fell in love with such products. Within mere moments her skin and hair was clean she washed the stubborn suds off with a gentle spritz of water, purging her tanned flesh of any dirt related anomalies. She was quite pleased with the outcome and enjoying entertaining the idea of sleeping peacefully that night, especially with the aid of alcohol. "Inappropriate, yes," Jericho agreed. Swimming back, he caught glances of Ammon washing and fleetingly wondered why the men of the clan treated her simply as a warrior. She was a beautiful woman and had survived the change nicely being a warrior helped add to shapely muscles and tight skin Jericho turned away before he thoughts got carried away. Unlike the rest of the men, Jericho knew self restraint and knew how to treat a woman like both a warrior and a lady.Dunking his head in the water, he did the best he could to clean and rinse his hair. Unlike most weres, Jericho still believed in cleanliness and was pleased to see Ammon did as well. There were others, he was sure, who bathed regularly but he doubted any of them continued the habits they had formed during their human lives. Though Jericho could not remember much from those days, he had kept the routine going for years and not altered it much. With his own soaps, no where near as nice as Ammon's, he cleaned himself thoroughly while humming lightly.Once he was done, he pulled himself from the water and dressed quickly, giving his head a good shake to get most of the water out. Looking forward to the night out with Ammon, he waited for her at the edge of the cavern, giving her privacy to dress. Never before had she felt so refreshed. Her body was purged of any sullied anomalies her skin was treated and moisturized and her face was no longer sullied her stained with dirt. Rather then change into her traditional armor which was a customized leather set she adorned much more casual clothing which consisted of a coal colored fitted tunic and a pair of sand colored leggings she drummed up from one of the other females living on the upper floors. The bottom corridors weren't as well kept as the others but they were certainly livable. Warriors and those who did not want to be disturbed were housed her. Silently, the lycan woman directed Jericho to the end of the corridor and town a tiny flight of stone stairs where her chamber was positioned. Before she hollowed it out there used to be a set of bookshelves and a questionable looking alter in it. She removed all of them including the alter and relocated it in an uninhabited chamber to the south end of the ruin. She gently popped open the door, letting it swing for an instant before she stepped in. The chamber was sizable it contained a comfortable looking cot lined with fresh linens, a hearth for cooking and other such things. A tiny beam of dark light leered in through the ceiling there was a crack, a very apparent throng of stones which had been missing and undoubtedly served as Ammon's window. She made it apparent on several occasions that she was claustrophobic and often refused to sleep in any windowless vistas. Also, reflecting on a visit to the Deep Roads when she was human was exceptionally painful. "Here." She strode over to the hearth where a long necked bottle sat, unscathed from the elements and well cared for. It was a potent ale though a smidgen balmy she believed he'd still drink it regardless. Ammon's care for her room told Jericho of her individuality, a trait far few possessed. It was much easier to be herded than to think on one's own. Invited in, he wandered aimlessly through the small room, hands neatly clasped behind his back. Damp ringlets hung over the marred part of his face, hiding it almost entirely. He gave her an apologetic smile with a lift of his shoulders. "I've a confession to make. Alcohol and I have never quite seen eye to eye." He did not to insult Ammon the truth of the matter was, he had vowed many years ago to never touch the liquid again. A human's creation and a human's failing. "In truth, spending an evening with you sober sounds much more appealing than intoxicated."It was obvious in his open demeanor that he meant what he said. Himself not a liar, he did find certain facts unnecessary for other's ears and kept those silent time had told him this was the safest path to lead. Taking it in stride, he kept things simple. His reasons for disliking alcohol were his own. Sharing the story would only bring back unwanted feelings. Appealing? Maybe Jericho had sneaked a swig of bourbon when she wasn't looking. Ammon thought of herself as monotonous and uninteresting while the other members of the pack believed the complete opposite. They viewed her as complex and extremely intriguing, often wondering what she would do to avoid solve a problem. "I won't pry, then," she uttered lowly while leering down at the bottle held loosely in her palm. She had dazed off for an instant, her eyes probing the smooth, lacquer sensation of the glass. Without much further waiting she removed the cork by driving a claw into the cork and prying it out with little to no effort. Much like a hungering drunk would, she pressed the rim to her mouth and let her lips molest it. The flavor hit her like a wave of potent spices. She'd undoubtedly be starry eyed after this little encounter with alcohol but at that very instant, she didn't care. War was slowly yet surely finding its way to her peoples' homestead and threatening not only their numbers, but their very way of life itself. That night she'd rest well after some "casual discussion" with her newly found companion Jericho. She began to realize he wasn't as foul was previously believed, much to her glowering chagrin of course. Ammon paused for an instant, ready to reply to his unexpected utterance only to be interrupted by an overwhelming presence. A man stood within the doorframe, peeling back the tattered ecru drape which served as a privacy barrier. His flossy green eyes scanned the room and pitted themselves directly upon Jericho. A grunt came from his mouth the tattoo consuming a hefty portion of his chiseled visage gave him that much more of an intimidating glow. "Who are you?" His voice was unwaveringly deep, like the goddess of earth herself had crafted it. It was booming, enough to even move Ammon who seemed overtly attached to her half consumed bottle of Orlesian wine. "I don't appreciate other men being inside of Ammon's quarters." The behemoth man approached Jericho, leaning down to stare the man in his eyes. The man was Asher Fern, a notorious red headed goliath with an equally as ardent temper. He promised himself to Ammon after she saved his life and had been adamant about becoming her mate ever since. He took a silent vow to serve her every whim and answer her if ever she had need to sate her "primal needs". Many other women begged to bed him both because of his apparent mirth and his genes which would produce a healthy lycan child but he refused, mentioning that Ammon was the only woman he would lay with. "Asher, Jericho. Jericho, Asher," she hummed while continuing to chip away at the wine left in the bottle. "So you're the tyrant? Why are you in Ammon's room? And you've given her alcohol? There are plenty of other women here for you to play with. I care not who you are or where you're from ... I will cut off your head and throw it to the humans as a testament to your demise." The other man's rancid scent filled Jericho's nostrils and he all but sneezed on the man. Covering his mouth with an apologetic sheen in his eyes, Jericho muttered, "Pardon me." For some reason, one Jericho had a hard time fathoming, this man was under the impression Ammonbelongedto him. A shame really women were not possessions one could own. They were free to make their own choices and by the weeks spent with Ammon, he could confidently speculate she was not interested in the arrangement Asher was offering her. Asher obviously had no respect for women and that was something Jericho was not fond of. Men taking advantage of women. Men were not dominate over them. All were equal and all were to be treated with respect.It was apparent by his stature, and his comment, that this Asher did not play well with the other weres. Jericho was not frightened, in fact, he was slightly amused. A soft smile coiled the edges of his lips and he wondered absently what this man thought he could do. A fight would be unorthodox, but Jericho would not back down if that is what it came to. He would, however, avoid it as best he can. He felt no need to answer to any of the man's questions and accusations, only his final words."I wouldloveto see you try," Jericho said with the faintest smile. Having said it, Jericho knew this would provoke the man. Perhaps it was a fight he wanted after all. Simply being provoked drove Asher to kill. He lunged forward and had prepared to attack Jericho when Ammon intervened. She placed a somber hand on the giant's shoulder he withdrew and stood erect, glancing down at the woman who seemed evidently charmed by the virtually empty bottle of Orlesian wine. "I'm ... I ... I apologize." He seemed rather embarrassed by his choice to dabble in his primal urges. Ammon dismissed him with a mere wave of her hand, smiling as she did so. Asher groaned. "Do you need anything? Food? Blankets? It's rather hawkish out tonight Autumn has indeed found its way." His tone was much tamer this time around. Ammon shook her head as if to kindly decline his offer. He nodded and excused himself from the chamber but not before giving Jericho a challenging leer. Before addressing the issue, Ammon placed the empty bottle gingerly on a bookless bookstand and plucked another from its perch. She couldn't kick the ardent, tangy sensation from her mind her tongue groped for more, begging her to replenish the sensations it felt. Inadvertently she was glad Jericho hadn't wanted any. More for her after all. "Please ... don't provoke him," she uttered breathlessly. "He may seem easily provoked and a slave to his temper but he's a powerful man. It's best to leave him be the last time someone upset him he tore through the ruins and made quite a mess. We were sweeping up snapped pillars for days." She then remained silent for a moment, letting the fresh liquid spritz into her mouth. "But, Jericho. This invasion ... I was told earlier by one of the werewolf criers that the humans' attacks have been growing increasingly taxing. I have reason to believe they're merely testing the waters but it's virtually impossible to tell if they'll genuinely attack or not." She turned her head to catch beams of natural light spiral down through the open portion of the ceiling which displayed the trees' canopies and the few fruits they bore. She retook her position on her cot and curled her toes while watching Jericho guilelessly. With her free hand she let it roam through her mane while her hazel eyes probed the muscular man adjacent to her. "I just want to see this all end so ... I can see the smiles of all of the people have them know that it's safe for them to expose themselves and to live simple lives." Jericho watched the man leave with nothing short of a smile though the man still glowered. Ammon had not even said a word to the man, yet he had yielded. Interesting indeed. He wondered what it was that caused him to follow the woman so when it was clear she did not want to held down by any man. An intriguing situation, but it was none of his business. Instead of asking, he returned his gaze to Ammon, who then made her way to the cot.She changed the topic, naturally, but he went with the flow it. She was concerned for her people, something he could very well understand. Clasping his hands together in front of himself, he intertwined his fingers, saying, "It does appear the humans have been testing our fear of them they have been venturing deeper and deeper into the woods. Why, I'm not sure, but I intend to find out. I am planning to sneak into town sometime soon. Perhaps you would care to accompany me? I can teach you to mask your scent, as well as what you are, so you will appear to be human to their eyes. There, we will be able to hear of their plans and do what we can from there."It was a simple enough trick. He was positive Ammon would be able to master the skill. Jericho need only place a small bit of power into her from himself and warp it into her, from there she would be able to control it and mask her nature. Personally Jericho detested using the spell and never enjoyed his days masquerading as a human, but it was a necessary step to obtain an upper hand on the humans. If they wanted to stop the humans, they would need to know them as well as each other.