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0 | | Of Werewolves and Sorceresses (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable) | Jorrvaskr was a buzz with bitter gossip this morning. Kodlak had agreed to house a mage from the College for a few months she wanted to catalogue their stories and learn more about them all the way back to their Founding. No one was really happy about it, Aela and Skjor were the loudest about their distaste for such a thing. Vilkas and Farkas didn't really seem bothered with the idea of a mage sharing their home, as long as she stayed out of their way at least. She was due to arrive today and Kodlak told everyone to cooperate with her. They would warm to her, he had said, as if she were one of their own."I bet she's never touched a weapon in her life." Njada huffed."She's likely more skilled than you." Athis jeered. Njada glared at the Dunmer and he merely glared back."Eh, what do you think, Raerek?" Torvar asked from his spot at the banquet table, "You haven't really complained or sang your praises over the idea."
He only made a noise. "As long as she's quiet I don't care. Don't trust mages." Raerek was a large man, by no means subtle or sly. He always spoke his mind and got right to the point.
Torvar scoffed softly, "A quiet mage...that'll be the day.." He muttered.She arrived at midday, a little before four on the sundial, and she entered Jorrvaskr with a twinkle in her dark brown eyes. She was a rather curvaceous woman, with wide hips built for bearing many children and rather large breasts to match. Her hair was rust colored, pinned in the back with wavy bangs swept to the side. Definitely of Imperial blood, if her mage robes weren't a dead giveaway. Elegant, showy and darkly colored.She had a rather large bag with her, probably all of her mage garbage.
Raerek rolled his eyes a bit. Great. An Imperial to boot. He grumbled and made his way into the hall, striding past her as he stared down at her with distrust.
"And hello to you too.." She frowned, "How rude..""Mage." Vilkas called, "The old man wants to see you.""I am a sorceress, thank you.""I don't care what you are just follow me." He huffed and she nodded, grabbing her bag and following him
He made his way down to his room and gor to work on cleaning his armor and weapons.
After her brief introduction and greeting with Kodlak, she moved to his room and knocked gently on his open door."My name is Junia." She greeted, "I hope we can get along."
"Name's Raerek. Don't trust mages. Or Imperials." He rumbled. He sheathed his sword. "Why do you hope we can get along?"
She pursed her lips slightly, "Well, I'm going to be here a while...I figure it would be better if we were at least a little friendly to each other." She replied.
"Exactly how long are ye going to be here?" He asked.
"Until Sun's Dawn, next year...maybe less if I finish my work sooner." She answered. Six months with her around? Putting her nose in business what don't concern her.
He made a noise. "Well, keep out of the way and ye'll have no problems with me."
She smiled softly and nodded, "I'll do my best not to be a bother." She said. She then made a noise. "So, how long have you been a Companion?" She asked.
He made a noise. "Four years now."
"Have you enjoyed your time here?" She asked, "I bet a robust man such as yourself enjoys the travelling and fighting."
"Aye, the fighting and travelling are fun." He said.
She stood quietly for a moment before speaking up again, "I can enchant your gear and weapons, if you like?"
"I do not require any magic on my weapons or armor, thank ye very much." He said.
"But I can make it so you never feel weary and yiur blade is always sharp. You won't have to sit here and sharpen and polish all day." She said.
He grumbles and suddenly slams his fist against the wall next to her head. "Listen. Ye are not but a fledgling mage in a land far away from home. Ye know nothing of our culture and nothing of our daily lives. Ye'll last longer around here if ye keep yer spell castin' nose out of everyone's business." He snarled.
She felt the heat rush to her cheeks as well as between her thighs. "I I'm sorry, I just wanted to help..." She said. Divines, she felt so much smaller compared to him now, under his hard and distrusting gaze.
"I know ye want te help but have ye considered that we do not need it?" He asked before moving away.
"You don't need to be so prideful as to not accept help when given." She told him. "But fine. I won't enchant any of your things, least they come to life and scitter about."
"I told ye. We've been just fine without yer damned magics."
"Well then, the next time you need magicks to mend your wounds or revitalize you, you can find some other sorceress to help you." She stated haughtily before leaving his room.
He rolled his eyes. "Damned Imperials."
"Dumb Nords." She grumbled and moved into the bunk room with the other Companions, ones not fit for the Circle like Skjor and them. She opened her bag and pulled out her armor, some foreign Cyrodiilic made piece of heavy steel."I've never seen a mage wear armor before.." Ria said in awe. Junia smiled softly."Well, in Cyrodiil we have various different classes who specialize in different skills. I've learned that no spell in Oblivion can save you from a dagger in your back. So I like to be well protected."
The few months that passed only resulted in further complications, with her casting spells wildly in the training yard, and constantly bugging people about the Skyforge.
"It can't have just...appeared there. Someone had to have made it." Junia argued."No one knows who made it. It was discovered during the Founding and has made our blades since." Skjor stated, "Now stop bringing it up.""But what stopped others from claiming it as their own? Why did only the Nords lay claim to such a wonderous thing?" She continued to pry.
"The nords laid claim to the skyforge because it is in our land, now enough of it, mage." He snapped.
She turned her gaze on him, "Land stolen from Elves, you mean." She corrected dryly.
"Oh of course the Imperial wouls know a thing or two about stealing land, aye?" He asked.
"That is quite enough." Aela scolded, "Honestly, you both are giving me a headache." Junia went back to eating her food."I may not know about stealing land, but at least I know how to bathe. You reek like a hound worse with each meeting, Raerek."
This tension only built between the two of them, and only a month had passed before they were almost at eachother's throats. Luckily for Raerek, he knew exactly how to blow off steam.
"Raerek." Farkas approached him one day while the older man was training, "We got a letter from Solitude about someone needing our help. Kodlak tasked us for the job, wants us to take Junia with."
"Farkas I was planning on hunting, I need to blow off steam, do I have a choice here?"
"What Kodlak says goes, you know that." He said, "You can hunt when we get back."
He made a noise. "Divines this is going to kill me." He said before he moved to start packing.
When they met up with Junia outside of Jorrvaskr, she could hardly contain herself snug in her armor and ready to battle."I'm so excited!" She clapped, "I've never done field reaearch before!"
He made another noise. "Again. Stay out of my way and we'll be fine."
She made mocking faces behind his back as they made the trek to Solitude. It was a full day's walk and they made it by nightfall."Tomorrow, we find the client and sort out the issue and head home. Right now, I'm exhausted." Farkas said as they entered the Winking Skeever. Junia sighed."Me too...why didn't we take the carriage?""It's good for you. Never will a Nord complain to be outdoors." Farkas replied.
Raerek nodded in agreement before sitting down and ordering a tankard.
She ordered a room and followed the keeper to the stairs."She's an odd one." Farkas said, sitting beside Raerek.
"Aye, she really is." He said.
After some much needed rest and food, they met with the client, a petite woman who was being harrassed by a soldier who was discharged from the Legion. So they found him in the courtyard and tried to speak with him.
Raerek made a noise. "Look lad, ye need to leave the lady alone. Plain and simple." He said.
"And what areyougoing to do about it?" He slurred. Drunk this early? Sheesh. Junia was scribbling in her book, taking notes of the situation.
"I would prefer if ye didn't push it." He said sternly.
"It's the only way he'll learn." Farkas said, "Knock some teeth loose.""I am a Legion Soldier, you can't talk to me that way!" The man said. Junia frowned softly."The Emperor would not be prpud of you, my boy...""Shut up, mage harlot!"
"Learn some respect for your betters, whelp." Raerek snarled as he slammed his fist into the soldier's jaw.
He fell backwards onto his ass and wailed in agony."You'll leave Jolynda alone, understand? Or we'll be back." Farkas threatened. The soldier nodded, crying as he held his jaw. Junia was blushing, covering her mouth slightly.
He made a noise and backed up. "We can leave now, aye?"
Farkas nodded, "Yeah, we can head home."
He nodded and readied to leave.
They left Solitude and headed back to Whiterun, having to make camp for the night about half way. Junia stripped her armor, leaving her in only her tunic."This has been quite fun." She smiled, "I enjoyed being out and seeing how the Companions do things.""Just a regular day for us." Farkas replied.
He made a noise and relaxed in his tunic. "Aye.. Fairly standard.."
"Um...Raerek..." She blushed softly, "Thank you...for kinda defending me back there..."
"Tis no problem." He said. "Plus, adds for a certain, eh.. Nobility about us companions, shows that we have standards, aye?"
She smiled softly and nodded, "Yeah..""If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were flirting." Farkas said.
"Flirting? Nae, I don't flirt." He said.
"Of course not." He said. After Farkas had settled for the night and Junia lay reading one of her books, Raerek's urge to hunt grew too much to ignore.
"Ah forget all this. I need te hunt." He ssid and stood. "Stay here. Watch over Farkas. I'll be back."
She looked up in confusion, "What? Where are you going? You can't just leave us here.."
"I'll be back just stay put. Tis a simple thing t'do. Maybe ye could cast some kind of spell to keep ye safe or somethin." He said as he stalked off.
She sat up quickly and fumed. Just when she thought they were getting along, too. She cast protective runes all around the camp, chugging a magicka potion soon after, and then followed him.
The deeper she got into the woods, the harder it was to track him. But up ahead, in a dark clearing, she could see something.
She used Detect Life to make sure it wasn't some random roaming skeleton or a Zombie. She hated those things back in Cyrodiil. But what she saw was huge, not human at all. She stoppes casting and inched closer, wanting to investigate.
She heard a howl split the night air, but it was different. Louder, larger. Almost.. Almost human.
She gasped loudly but then covered her mouth, eyes wide in terror. She was so dead. And she didn't even know where Raerek went.
The wolf stalked over, closer to her area. As she backed up, she could notice that Raerek's armor had been discarded.
Oh Divines, it ate him. And now it was going to eat her too."S...Stay away! I'll kill you before you even realize you're dead!"
The beast stalked closer and snarled. "I told ye to stay at camp." He growled lowly.
She fell back on her ass, eyes going even wider, "R...Raerek...?"
"A shame. Now ye know our secret." He snarled. "Ye need ta keep this one under wraps."
She nodded quickly, "I I will. I promise...! Please don't kill me...!"
"Oh lass I ain't goin te kill ye." He rumbled loudly as he slammed his hands down into the dirt beside her body.
She tried not to scream, looking up into his glowing eyes, "Wh What are you going to do...?"
He snarled louder and ripped her tunic off easily before slowly dragging his broad tongue over her thighs slowly.
Her face turned deep red as she watched him, shyly opening her legs for him.
He snarled lowly and moved to slowly drag his tongue over her heat, his huffs turning to a low snarl.
She moaned weakly and laid completely back, hiding her eyes under her arm.
He snarls and suddenly begins devouring her, lapping his broad tongue against her clit.
She cried out and arched slightly off the ground, her toes curling tightly.
He continued for a while, wanting her nice and ready for him.
She was shaking, moaning lowly and trying not to squirm as he had his way with her.
He pulled back and snarled lowly. Her juices dripped from his hot tongue, which was pulled slowly from her trembling core.
Sje whined loudly and squirmed, daring to peek at him, "Wh Why did you stop?"
He moved up and she felt something hot lay against her thigh. Something hot, something wet. It was huge, with a massive knot on the base of it.
Her face burned brightly and she looked up at him quickly, "That won't fit."
"Nonsense." He said as he pushed the tip into her slowly with a growl.
She bit her lip and whined softly, her head falling back gently against the ground.
It stretched her to her limits, hot and pulsing inside her. He drug his tongue over her breasts and snarled louder.
"I It's too much... !! B By the Eight, it's too much... !!" She moaned weakly, clawing at the ground.
He stopped about halfway down the shaft. "Should I stop?" He asked.
She shook her head quickly, "N No please...! I It's just...y you're the first person I..." She looked away, clearly embarrassed.
He nods and slowly trails kisses up to her neck as he continues slowly pushing into her.
She grabbed fistfuls of his fur, trying hard not to be too loud. She was so unbearably tight, way tighter than the wenches in the Bannered Mare.
He snarls loudly and makes sure to take his time, his cock throbbing hard inside her. "Divines you're tight." He snarls.
"L Like I said..." She whined, "Y You're my first...a and we aren't even wed...Mara, my father would kill me." But she only seemed to get wetter.
He snarls lowly. "The thought of being claimed by an unwed beast thrills you." He growled as he slowly inhaled her scent. "You do not smell like fear any longer." He said before moving slowly still, his fat knot bumping against her clit.
She moaned lowly, her hair breaking free of the pin and spilling out under her head. "I I'm not very traditional, if I'm honest..."
"Good." He snarled as he began to move faster.
She gasped and moaned loudly, arching her back and tugging at his fur.
He moves faster and faster, huffing and growling lowly. "Can you take the knot?"
"I I can certainly try." She replied, glancing at him again.
He snarls loudly as he slowly began pushing his fat knot into her, letting out a howl.
She cried out and covered her mouth as she screamed, her whole body going tense.
He pinned her hands to the sides of her head. "I want to hear you scream." He growled lowly as the knot pushed past her entrance slowly.
"B But Farkas will hear us... !" She whined, her hips squirming delightfully against his.
"Oh who gives a damn. Do you? I don't." He growled and soon enough the knot was firmly seated inside her, throbbing and pulsing inside her.
She arched hard and screamed as he stretched her to her limit and then some. Her eyes were unfocused and her breathing labored.
He huffs and growls loudly as he sat there for a second. He let her get used to it before popping the knot out of her with a strained grunt.
She let out another scream of ecstasy, her large breasts bouncing with each thrust. Now that he noticed, most of the wider parts of her bounced with his thrusts breasts, hips, thighs.
He snarled loudly and moved to latch onto her breast, knotting her hard and sending his cock right into her spot.
She couldn't even scream after that, her mouth falling open but no noise coming out. He could tell she was enjoying it though.
He continued, slamming harder and harder into her, his eyes raking over her, watching her body ripple under his brutal movements.
"R...Raerek...I I'm getting close... !!" She whined, her legs barely able to wrap around his waist, "Divines, I've never felt this good !! Even when I would ease my own aches !"
He let out a low growl and slammed hard into her spot. "I bet ye'll think twice before lookin down on nords again, aye ?"
"I never looked down on you... " She whined softly, "If anything, you looked down on me... "
"In a literal sense, aye." He snarled as he slammed into her harder and faster.
She screamed and suddenly climaxed hard, her walls seizing around his knot and holding him still.
He howls loudly and digs his claws into the dirt. "T Tight. Too fucking tight !!" He howled.
She laid limply against the ground, eyes unfocused and hazy. "G...Gods... "
He suddenly forced his knot out of her and began moving at an inhuman pace, his hips moving all on their own at this point.
She arched and screamed, her body jerking and shaking to his abuses.
"G Getting.. Close." He snarled loudly.
She moaned loudly in delight,so lost and caught up in the pleasure that she coukd hardly speak.
He moves faster and faster, howling louder. "Divines, here it comes." He huffed.
She moaned lowly, a guttural sound that pulled from her throat. Like she needed him to finish.
He suddenly knots her and howls loudly as his knot swells further, creating a seal as he dumps his fat load inside her.
She arched and gasped, giving a weak cry before slumping against the grass.
He pants hard and growls lowly as he slowly moves to pull out.
"I...I don't have a spare tunic...?" She asked weakly.
He made a noise and huffed. "I might." He said.
"I will need it.." She said with a small smile.
He nodded and the two of them made their way back to camp, where he gave her a spare tunic.
A week or so passed and Raerek was told to go deal with an escaped prisoner that had wormed his way out of Cidna Mine in Markarth not an easy feat."Take Junia with you. You will need her magical abilities." Kodlak said.
He made a noise and nodded. "Aye, alright.." He said.
Junia was in the bunk room, going over her notes quietly on her bed.
He knocked on her door. "Junia. Pack. We leave for Markarth." He said.
She looked up at him and nodded, smiling excitedly, "Ok! What are we hunting? Bears? Sabre cats?"
"An escaped convict." He said flatly.
"Oooh! How fun!" She chirped and packed her clothes and armor with some potions just in case.
He made a noise and moved to pack his usual light bag, a change of clothes, a healing potion, some ale.
"Ok! I'm ready!" She stood outside his room with her large bag, packed with her armor and various potions.
He packed a small back and grabbed his weapons. "Let's go then." He said.
She clapped and headed out of the living quarters and into the main hall to make her way out of Jorrvaskr.
The two of them headed out for a bit, before they reached the stables. "Come, Junia.. We'll take a carriage for this one." He said as he hired the carriage for Markarth
She looked relieved, "Oh, thank you. By the Eight, you're so kind."
"Nine." He said as he hopped into the carriage and helped her in as well
"Wha " She looked confused, "Nine?? You know the law, Talos worship is banned. There are Eight Divines."
"There. Are. Nine." He said firmly.
She climbed into the carriage and gave a soft huff, "Is this a Nord thing?"
"What, worshipping someone worthy of being worshipped?" He asked.
"While Talos is an immensely worthy being and deserves his shrines and temples, law is law." She said.
"The laws are unjust and unfair to the occupants of this land." He said. "We did not ask for Imperial rule."
She pursed her lips and furrowed her brows, "Raerek, don't start..."
"I was explainin why we nords do as we do, Junia." He said. "Change of subject, if ye wouldn't mind.."
"I would like that, agreed.." She said, digging into her bag and scribbling quickly into her notebook.
"So what exactly do ye jot down in those notes of yers?" He asked
She nearly jumped out of her skin and looked at him quickly with a dark blush as she quickly slammed her bag closed. "Uh...oh, you know...just...observations."
"Observations, huh?" He asked. "Alright, fair enough.." He said. A good bit of the ride was quiet after that.
"'s mainly just..." She had pulled out her book, pages sticking out from random parts added pieces of paper for extra notes she didn't have room for, "little bits of lore and things, vague routines and what you all do for fun. I don't put in a lot of detail, it's mainly for my own benefit anyway. And I didn't add my...most recent...discovery..."
"Discov ah ye mean the night in the woods?" He asked.
"Y Yes..." She blushed, "That..."
He chuckled. "Bit of a surprise, that one eh?" He asked.
She nodded, "We have such things in Cyrodiil...but not anything so..." She leaned closer, "lupine..."
He smirks. "I take it ye liked that?"
"It was thrilling, yes.." She whispered, "I didn't think my first time would be with a werebeast..."
He chuckled a bit. "Well I suppose anytime ye like I can do that again."
She blushed, "That also reminds me..." She said, "What...are we...?"
"Huh?" He asked. "What do you mean?"
"Well...I gave myself to you..." She said, "But we haven't really spoken on it since.."
"Well what do ye wish to come of it?" He asked.
She would be lying if she said she didn't want it to be more. But he probably didn't want her as a partner. She was an Imperial, and a mage, and he didn't express any interest in her. "Ah...more of a one night fling.." She replied sheepishly.
"Really? Ah that's a shame.." He said as he relaxed. "But, as ye wish."
A shame? "What do you mean, a shame?" She asked, "I thought...I thought you hated me..."
"Hate? Nah.. Not sure what it is exactly, but it isn't hate.." He said
She blushed heavily, "O Oh.." She muttered. She misjudged him greatly.
He made a noise and looked at the passing trees.
"Maybe...we can try being more...?" She asked, "If you were willing...that is.."
"Sure, I wouldn't mind.. " he said.
She smiled softly, feeling like her head was on fire that's how much she was blushing, "Great!"
He nods and gently pats her thigh. "Relax some, I don't bite too hard.." He joked.
"I just weren't very friendly at first.." She said shyly.
"Apologies, not comfortable around outsiders at first.." He explained.
"I understand.." She replied, "The College would probably treat you similarly.."
He chuckles and nods. "Aye, probably.."
She smiled and moved closer to him, "I suppose I know why you always smell like dog.." She teased
He made a noise. "Apologies, I guess I'll just have to bathe when we get to the inn."
She laughed softly, "Badly "
"Luckily we have nearly arrived.." He said.
"This is why I enjoy riding a carriage." She smiled, "It's much faster."
He chuckles and shakes his head gently. "Alright, alright, point taken.."
When the carriage arrived outside Markarth, she grabbed her bag and hopped off the wagon, "So, what first?"
"I say we first hit the inn.. See what we can find.." He said.
She nodded, "Good idea, the innkeeper might know something."
He nodded. "Agreed." He said.
They headed into the Hold and Junia was instantly amazed. "Is this all Dwemer structure?" She asked.
"Aye, Markarth was built by the dwarves.." He said.
"That's amazing...!" She gasped, looking around excitedly.
"Isn't it?" He asked. "We'll have time to explore it after the job if ye wish.. Let's get settled.."
"O Ok...sorry.." Her cheeks flushed, clearly embarrassed she gushed like a small child over something so silly.
He smiled and moved to grab his pack. They headed over and checked in for a room. "Alright, ye go ahead and ask the innkeeper.. I'm gonna take a bath." He laughed.
"Wha Raerek!""Whadda ya want, missy, we're busy." The old man griped at her. She jumped and cleared her throat."We are with the Companions and we're looking for an escaped ""I got nothin' for ya."
Raerek sighed and moved back over. "Sir we'll be needin' any information ye might have on an escaped convict from Cidna Mine."
"No one escapes Cidna Mine.""Klepper!!" An old woman shrieked from the other side of the inn, "Don't be a dick! They want info, give it to them!"
He made a noise and drummed his fingers against the bar. "Any information would be fine."
"He came by here, yeah. Left a couple days ago. Somethin about making his way to Rorikstead." Klepper said. Junia frowned."But that's back near Whiterun..."
"Thank ye, innkeeper. Now, Junia.. We'll be staying here for a few days before we find him.." He said.
She frowned, "Assuming he isn't half way to Windhelm..."
"Think not of it, Junia. We'll find him." He said.
She nodded, "Alright...I trust you..." She said.
"Excellent." He said. "Now, I should get that bath done.." He smirked.
"I guess I'll be here then.." She told him, resting her head in her hand.
"Ye can join me if ye want. Make sure I'm up t' yer standards." He said
She moved to follow him, blushing darkly, "May as well."
He chuckled and entered the bath house and locked the door behind them.
She moved and test the water, bending over the tub to run her fingers through the water.
He smirked and eyed her for a minute. "Thank ye for the view."
She jumped upright and blushed, "O're welcome.."
He chuckles and moves to disrobe. "Ye good? Yer turnin red."
She nodded and started to remove her fancy robes, "Yes, of course! I'm fine!"
"Oh yer joinin me in the bath? This is a surprise." He smiled.
She stopped undressing and looked at him, "Did...did you not want me to? I thought that's why you asked me here...?"
He chuckled. "I wanted company, love. But, since you're here.." He said as he moved over and started pulling her robes off.
She was so confused but didn't stop him or argue. She helped him get her robes off, standing bare before him. She reached and pulled her hair from its pin, her rust colored hair falling to her shoulders.
He smirked a bit and moved over to the bath, fully disrobing. He was large, robust.
She swallowed hard, "You're, uh...much bigger without your armor on."
"Oh, that so?" He asked. With each movement, his muscles rippled and flexed.
She swallowed again and nodded quickly, "Y Yes, very much so."
He made a noise and nodded. "Duely noted, Junia.." He said as he moved into the tub.
She moved in with him, the water almostcoming up to her shoulders.
He sighed contently and moved to pull her agsinst him. "There we go.."
She gave a small noise of surprise before laughing softly, "Was I too far away from you ?"
"Much too far for my taste, Junia.. That, and I'd rather my legs have some more room." He chuckled.
"Oh, sorry..." She said, "Um...did you want me to help you wash?"
"If ye wish, I certainly wouldn't mind.." He said.
She nodded and grabbed the rag nearby, blushing as she dipped it in the water and ran it over his body.
He made a low noise, groaning softly. Not in pain, just relaxing as all the dirt and grime was washed away.
"Wow, you actually have some real color under all this dirt." She said with a teasing smile.
He chuckled a bit. "Aye, many an escort job will do that."
"If you bathed regularly, it wouldn't be this bad, ice brain.." She teased.
"Ah well, now ye get some entertainment." He smirked.
She laughed softly, "I suppose so.."
He made a noise and relaxed under her touch.
She got off all the dirt and set the rag aside, her fingers moving over his scars, "All clean..."
"Thank ye, Junia.." He said. He made a noise and watched her trace his scars.
"Did you get all these from your bouts of hunting...?" She asked softly.
"No.. Some early missions.." He said. "I was younger then.. More reckless."
"A trait I notice a lot in native Nords and not ones I've seen back home.." She said. It wasn't meant as an insult, there was no malice hidden in her words.
"It appears to be a trait graced to Nords.." He smiled.
She gave a playful snort, "I've done some pretty reckless things to complete my studies.."
"Oh like what, stay up after yer bedtime?" He teased.
She gave a fake annoyed noise, "Bed a werewolf."
"Oh was that fer studies? Or for a more personal use ?" He asked
"More self preservation " She said, "But it helped my studies immensely "
"Oh is that so?" He asked.
"Oh yes." She said, "I appreciated it."
"Well if ye wish I could help ye with yer studyin' some more.." He said
"I would like that." She smiled softly, moving to sit in his lap.
"And how exactly can I assist ye this time?" He asked, running his hands over her thighs gently.
"I'm not too heavy, am I...?" She asked, "I figured you would like more room.."
"Please, I could lift twice yer size without a sweat." He said.
That was more attractive than she would like to admit, "Oh yeah...?"
"Aye, easily." He said.
"You'll have to show me sometime." She said shyly.
"I can show ye now." He said.
"O Ok...!" She said, a little too quickly.
He smirked and gripped from under her legs as he easily lifted her out of the water. "Proof enough?"
She gasped loudly and tried to hold on to him, "Y Yes!"
He smirked and slowly let her into the water again.
"Divines, that's impressive..." And attractive.
He smirked. "You alright there?"
She nodded quickly, "Yes, I'm fine...!"
He chuckles and makes a soft noise. "What else can I help ye with?"
"Um...could you...wash me, too?" She asked shyly.
He smirked and moved to grab a fresh rag and run his hands slowly over her.
She relaxed and gave a soft moan, closing her eyes and enjoying his touch.
He ran his hands all over her, starting at her shoulders to the small of her back.
She arched her back slowly, her skin smooth and soft under his rough hands.
He made a low noise and slowly ran his hand and rag over her breasts.
She moaned softly and watched his hands through half lidded eyes. Even in his massive hands, he couldn't hold the entirety of her breasts.
He growled lowly and continues to run his hands over her, growling and watching her breasts bob and rock in the water.
"S Something wrong?" She asked, glancing back at him. Right, she had never been with a man so she didn't know what sounds meant what.
"No, the opposite in fact.." He said as he continued, slowly running his hands over her breasts.
She blushed heavily and nodded, "O Ok...good.."
"Everything alright with ye?" He asked.
She nodded again, "Y Yeah, I've just...never been touched like this before.."
"Do ye wish for me to stop?" He asked.
She shook her head gently, "N No, I like it..." She said, placing one hand gently over his.
He makes a low noise and continues, slowly groping her. He watched his fingers sink into her supple breast with a satisfied purr.
She squirmed in his lap, her heart shaped ass grinding faintly against his cock.
He growls softly, lowly. He loved this. He worked his rough hands all over her supple breast, tugging gently on her pert nipples.
She arched and moaned lowly, her ass pressing against his swelling cock gently.
He growls lowly and moans softly in her ear, his cock thobbing hard against her.
"D Do you want to move to our room or stay here?" She asked.
"Room." He growls suddenly.
She arched sharply before getting up quickly and moving out to dry off.
He drained the water and moved to dry off. Even as a human, he was massive. She could see that now, as he strode bare to his clothes.
She noticed it before they entered the bath, honestly. But with him hard, he looked much larger. She looked away to keep from staring as she redressed.
He grabbed his stuff and waited for her before heading back to the room.
She followed him into their room and locked the door behind them.
He moved over and easily picked her up before placing her down on the bed and crawling over her
"Ah! Oh!" She looked up at him like a trapped elk doe, "H Hello...!"
He spoke no words, only roughly moved her blouse off before devouring her breasts with a low moan.
She moaned loudly and gently tangled her fingers in his hair, her face turning a bright red.
Hr moans lowly and works her breasts over, burying his face in her soft bosom.
"R Raerek " She moaned softly. Such a lovely sound, he could appreciate it more now that he wasn't drowning in the frenzy of his Beast blood.
He growls and moans lowly as he plays a little rougher with her breasts, his cock throbbing harder than before.
Shhe moaned loudly and squirmed against him, grinding her hips sloppily against his.
He growls and moans lowly as he slowly pulls back and pants. "F Fuck." He growls as he tugs off his trousers, revealing his already massive, throbbing cock.
She blushed hard and looked up at him, "Wh What do you want to do?"
"Run ye through, if I'm bein honest." He snarled as he moved to fully undress her
"O Oh ok.." She said and helped him tug off her robe. He was rather forward, and she found herself growing more and more attracted to that trait.
He huffed and growled lowly as he tugged her robe off completely and moved to lay his cock against her abdomen.
"M Mara, you're way bigger as a man than wolf.." She blushed.
"He chuckles. "It's about the same, really." He said as he slowly rubbed his cock against her clit.
She shivered slightly and opened her legs a little wider.
He snarled loudly and grinds against her, his cock throbbing harder and leaking from the tip.
She held her legs open, biting her lip as she looked up at him, "I Is that better?"
He nodded and suddenly began pushing into her slowly. "M Much."
She moaned lowly, her head falling back against the fur pillow.
He huffed and grunted lowly. "F Fuck, yer tight."
"I I hope that isn't a problem?" She asked, moans forced from her throat with each push.
"N Not at all." He snarled as he slammed into her spot suddenly.
She arched hard and cried out, her nails digging into her own thighs, "G Gods !!"
"That's it, Junia, nice and loud." He growled out as he began to pick up speed.
She was indeed very loud she was quite vocal about the pleasure he pushed her through. For an Imperial, she was built rather sturdy.
He huffed and roared softly as he slammed harder snd harder into her. "F Fuck, this is so good !"
Her breasts and hips and thighs all bounced with her, her moans slowly turning into screams
He snarls loudly and slams faster into her. "Th That's it, scream for me, little Imperial."
"Y You barbarian !!" She cried, but was loving every second, every thrust sent her spiraling.
"Aye, that's right. Not morr than a mere animal, eh?" He growled, biting her shoulder and collar bone.
She gave a loud, guttural sound, her eyes going unfocused, "I I expect no less...from a Nord "
He moved and forced her legs open wider as he sucked hard on her collar bone, leaving a mark as he easily abused her spot.
She turned her head so she wouldn't scream in his ear, her walls shuddering around him.
He howls and slams harder and faster into her spot, panting hard.
"G Gods, Raerek !! I I can't take it, you're too much !!" She cried loudly.
He huffs and starts working her clit quickly. "I need you to cum for me, Junia."
She arched sharply and whined, only managing a weak nod before her screams continued.
He moans loudly and bites her neck harder as he works her clit faster.
She suddenly screamed as she climaxed hard, her walls squeezing mercilessly around him, almost demanding his seed.
He tossed his head back and howled louder. "F Fuck !!"
She whined and moaned weakly, her body shaking, "B By the Eight " | 345 | ['Skjor', 'Njada', 'Torvar', 'Athis', 'Dunmer', 'Kodlak', 'Vilkas', 'Farkas', 'Raerek'] |
1 | | The new Breed (Trapcest x Leon) | Weyland Yutani had finally succeeded in their goal of capturing live Xenomorph specimens, many lives had been lost in the process of course, scientists and marines sacrificed like they were nothing, but finally several eggs had been captured and brought to a research station in orbit of a remote colony world. Abducting colonists from the planet below would raise too many suspicions, so the company had smuggled several people aboard a supply ship to the station, eager new colonists that had been 'accidentally' omitted from the official manifests, offloaded still in their stasis bays and onto the station, unaware of their coming fate as mere incubators. All too soon Weyland Yutani had exactly what they wanted, 6 new Xenomorphs in specially built containment cells, ready for study and experimentation, and experiment they did. For weeks some of the best scientists in human space were taking samples from the Xenomorphs, conducting experiments, injecting the specimens with drugs, exposing them to radiation, making subtle changes to the Xenomorph genome in order to try and make them controllable, though none of it seemed to work. No matter what changes they made the Xenomorph's simply would not obey.As always happened though, the scientists discovered too late that they hadn't been cautious enough. Some of their manipulations of the Xenomorph DNA had unintended effects, mutations they hadn't desired or predicted, some introductions of human DNA intended to make the creatures more obedient instead combining with other elements of the genome instead. And of course, all it took was one little mistake, one little oversight, a technician not double checking their work, a scientist not following protocols exactly, and it had led to chaos. The Xenomorphs had escaped, rampaging across the station, overwhelming the detachment of marines aboard. One of the scientists had managed to activate the emergency protocol, thinking that it would send a call for help, that the company would come and save them. Instead it caused the stations thrusters to fire, knocking it out of orbit and into a collision with the planet below. The emergency protocol had been intended to destroy the station, to burn it up in the atmosphere and smash into the surface, destroying any trace of what had happened. Like most of Weyland Yutani's plans involving the Xenomorphs however, everything did not go according to plan. The station had indeed crashed into the surface, but whilst the human survivors were wiped out in the crash, the Xenomorphs, or some of them at least, were not.Marikawas a student living on the colony for a year, her home was actually back on Earth, but as part of her college studies she'd come out here to spend a year studying in a different environment, under different stars, where there was a constant influx of the newest technology. She had been out in the plains with her telescope in the dead of night when she had seen it, the flaming wreckage streaking across the sky, smashing into the mountains on the horizon. The girl was confused about what it might have been, there were no comets or asteroids in this star system that would visibly burn up in the atmosphere of a planet like this. Given her natural curiosity Marika had packed up her things and jumped in her buggy, making haste towards the glowing wreckage. Sure she should have called it in, maybe come back in the morning when it was daylight, but the glow was fading and it would be difficult to find the crash again.Little did Marika know what was waiting for her at the crash site, just what survivors were there. Little did she also know that her DNA was now exactly what the new instincts of these altered Xenomorphs would be looking for, what their senses would draw them towards....
A set of long fingers, shiny, black, and extremely sharp claws would peel its way out of the metal and debris. A low hiss would break through the sounds of falling ship parts as if it was the only thing someone would hear. The adult Xenomorph would pull itself to its full height. The vertebrate like body with its protective exoskeleton, a long flexible tail, an elongated domed head, with nearly invisible eyes near the mouth, and a toothed maw hiding a proboscis like inner mouth. Its lips would curl back in seemingly aggravated motions. Not even a few moments later, another hiss would come from a nearby tree and another from behind a pod and lastly, another would slither along the ground with another following behind and lastly, one pushing its way through fallen trees till the six were grouped together.The group seemed distraught, hissing and snapping at one another. The first alien seemed to have a long scar on the very front of its head, distinguishing it from the others. One of the others seemed to take a step forward only to be hissed at and was met with a higher pitched hiss. Each of the six seemed to hiss at different intervals but internally, they all seemed to hit the same pitch and it signaled the loss of a queen to lead them. They needed to reproduce but without a queen, it wasn't possible until they all fell silent and turned in the same direction.There was something different among them but there was something in them that was sturring. Something or someone on this planet was drawing their attention. The Xenomorph with the scar would start forward, the others turning to it but not moving from their spots. The scared one would do was its instincts told it to and it told it to find this source and what would happen from there would be what it wanted. The five remaining would slowly slink back into separate parts of the darkness like animals waiting for an ambush or maybe it was the fact that they were reading a nesting ground for the possible future.
Marika finally got to the wreckage, pulling up her buggy a short distance away, the flames making it too hot and dangerous to get much closer. "Oh no..." She got out slowly, staring at the wreckage, this was even worse than she'd imagined. She had hoped that maybe it was some kind of escape pod or something that might've survived, but most of what was left was a twisted wreck of metal, it was impossible any human could survive a crash like that. "I guess I should head back and log a report with the security force, they'll need to get someone out hear to salvage whatever's left, and identify whatever this wreck used to be..." She turned to head back to her buggy, pulling out a camera to take a few pictures of the wreckage and to make sure that her buggy had logged the exact location of where she was.Just as she was about to get back in though she thought she heard something. "Hm?" She turned quickly, grabbing a torch and turning it on, shining the light around into the darkness all around her. Was it possible that someone on the station had managed to launch an escape pod at the last moment? That a pod had landed nearby? "Hello? Is anyone there?!" Marika called out, heading in the direction she thought she had heard the sound come from. "If there's anyone there please call out! I can call for help or get you to a medical center!" She moved further into the darkness, still shining her torch around. "Maybe I'm just hearing things...." She sighed, slowly lowering the torch "Or I just want to hear something. I should get going..." The girl shook her head, turning her back on the darkness to head back towards her buggy.
The scared one had shifted silently through the forest, especially given its size but never the less, it was gliding through with little to no problem. The sound of the buggy was the first target to come close and with it, the cause for the intense instinct it held. It would move just out of sight but strangely, it did nothing to disturb the vehicle from its course. It was heading straight into the lion's den and there was no way it was going to be getting out. Upon stopping, a human exited and began to call out, more than likely for her own kind that had infested the ship before its demise. If it did not fall as soon as it did, there would be plenty of soldiers and a queen if they were lucky but that had burnt away in the atmosphere as well.The female human had returned to the buggy and began to use an object to flash light at the site. The lips began to pull back, saliva starting to drip to the ground. There was an urge when it focused on the human that was not like the ones on the ship. Where it saw nothing more than the ability to feed, there was something strange now. Something the scientists had done that caused the lower region of the Xenomorph to act strangely. A snap of a twig underfoot would cause the female to shine a light outward and at that moment, the alien would take to the trees just as silently as it had moved through the forest prior. As the female human ran in the direction, yelling and searching for the sound. After a moment, she had lowered her guard and turned and it was then that it would strike.A drip of saliva would start first, landing on her shoulder a few drops at a time. If she would investigate this, the xenomorph would give a low hiss and lunge from the tree, using its talon like hands to push her to the ground, digging the tips into the dirt to keep its prey there. Its lower body placed directly between her legs, making sure that escape was unlikely but of all these things to notice, it was the mouth that was seemingly inches from her face, the hiss low and a few bits of slimy drool dripping down.
Marika sighed as she came to a stop and lowered the flashlight, deciding it was futile to keep searching. If there had been any survivors from the crash they would have called out to her by now, or she would've seen some broken tree branches or plants, some sign of life, but there was nothing here. "Guess I'll head back...let the security guys do a full search of the area in the daytime..."The girl was just turning around when she felt something dripping onto her shoulder. "Hm?" She blinked, reaching up to touch it. For a moment she thought it was perhaps beginning to rain, but the fluid wasn't water, it was...sticky? Some kind of tree sap maybe? "Huh...?" Slowly the girl looked up, raising her flashlight to point it into the air, just in time to catch a fleeting glimpse of a black shape lunging towards her before it hit her. She screamed as she was knocked down to the ground, the flashlight clattering from her hand and rolling away, coming to a stop whilst pointing at her, illuminating the two of them. "Wh what?!" She stared in horror and disbelief at the creature now pinning her down, then screamed, making a futile attempt to push it away. "G get away from me! Get off me! S someone help me!!!" She squirmed and shook her head as more of the sticky saliva dripped over her face and sweater. | 5 | [] |
2 | | Xeno Army (Trapcest x Akuma) | Weyland Yutani had finally succeeded in their goal of capturing live Xenomorph specimens, many lives had been lost in the process of course, scientists and marines sacrificed like they were nothing, but finally several eggs had been captured and brought to a research station in orbit of a remote colony world. Abducting colonists from the planet below would raise too many suspicions, so the company had smuggled several people aboard a supply ship to the station, eager new colonists that had been 'accidentally' omitted from the official manifests, offloaded still in their stasis bays and onto the station, unaware of their coming fate as mere incubators. All too soon Weyland Yutani had exactly what they wanted, 6 new Xenomorphs in specially built containment cells, ready for study and experimentation, and experiment they did. For weeks some of the best scientists in human space were taking samples from the Xenomorphs, conducting experiments, injecting the specimens with drugs, exposing them to radiation, making subtle changes to the Xenomorph genome in order to try and make them controllable, though none of it seemed to work. No matter what changes they made the Xenomorph's simply would not obey.As always happened though, the scientists discovered too late that they hadn't been cautious enough. Some of their manipulations of the Xenomorph DNA had unintended effects, mutations they hadn't desired or predicted, some introductions of human DNA intended to make the creatures more obedient instead combining with other elements of the genome instead. And of course, all it took was one little mistake, one little oversight, a technician not double checking their work, a scientist not following protocols exactly, and it had led to chaos. The Xenomorphs had escaped, rampaging across the station, overwhelming the detachment of marines aboard. One of the scientists had managed to activate the emergency protocol, thinking that it would send a call for help, that the company would come and save them. Instead it caused the stations thrusters to fire, knocking it out of orbit and into a collision with the planet below. The emergency protocol had been intended to destroy the station, to burn it up in the atmosphere and smash into the surface, destroying any trace of what had happened. Like most of Weyland Yutani's plans involving the Xenomorphs however, everything did not go according to plan. The station had indeed crashed into the surface, but whilst the human survivors were wiped out in the crash, the Xenomorphs, or some of them at least, were not.Nataliehad lived on the colony most of her life, her home was originally back on Earth, but her parents had brought her to the colony as terraformers when she was only 4 years old, so she had grown up out here on the frontier, of course by now the terraforming was mostly complete and the planet was more than comfortable to inhabit. As she often did, Natalie had headed out away from the main city of the colony to head on a weekend camping trip, liking to just get away from the hustle and bustle of technology for just a while. It was now the dead of night, the sky illuminated by just the stars and the 3 moons hanging in the sky, perfect for a midnight swim, one of Natalie's favourite hobbies. Slipping on her swimsuit she had eagerly dove into the crystal clear waters, just cool enough to make her shiver but warm enough to stay in for hours. The lake itself was huge, it stretched for miles, but had no native animal life, only water based plants that the colonists themselves had introduced as part of the terraforming efforts. Tonight though something was different, the night sky was illuminated by something else, a fireball streaking across the night sky and slamming into the far side of the lake several miles away, but even that was enough to send waves rippling out, Natalie almost being caught up in a tidal wave, only her own swimming ability enough to keep her from drowning, ending with her being safely washed ashore onto the beach. Wasting no time she had pulled a jacket on over her swimsuit and hopped in her dune buggy, making haste towards the crash site in order to investigate, wondering if perhaps it was a dropship or shuttle that had run into problems, hoping that if that was the case then there might be some survivors.Little did Natalie know what was waiting for her at the crash site, just what survivors were there. Little did she also know that her DNA was now exactly what the new instincts of these altered Xenomorphs would be looking for, what their senses would draw them towards....
They started life as embryos inside of face huggers ready to be planted into a human and born. They were soon taken from their nest and lives were sacrificed to get them and here they ended up on a space station infront of humans. Opening up it the facehuggers moved around before crawling out and jumping out at the them latching onto their faces as they secured themselves planting the Xenomorph embryo down their throats so it could grow into the next generation of xenomorphs.They went through so much testing and alterations to them that it hurt them to a degree they were soon aware that they could no longer produce a queen themselves like normal and that their genome had been changed but that didn't mean they couldn't reproduce any longer it was just going to be different. Watching these scientist carefully they learned their routine and protocols on how they operated the tools and door. All they had to do was wait a while long and bide their time before something wasn't latched completely and that was all that was needed before a ship wide alarm sounded and the Xenomorphs were crawling through the ship slaughtering everyone in their path. Some were shot and wounded and blood so caustic that the metal simply melted away like ice to a flame.Though the creatures were doomed when the emergency protocols we're activated by a lone scientist and soon the station was thrown towards the planet they were orbiting. But the xenos were smart and found the furthest point away from impact they could on the ship and they made their way there before it crashed into the ground. Much of the station destroyed and three xenos didn't make it. But three still did and they quickly got off the station and out onto the planet. Quickly taking in where they were they looked about before quickly dashing for the water a safe place from the station and to gather themselves as well to figure out the kind of planet they were on and how they would be able to reproduce from the alterations made to them. They couldn't make a queen naturally and now they had to figure it out.
Natalie pulled up on the beach a short distance from the crash site, the flames making it too hot to really get much closer, not to mention the fact a few things were still exploding. The girl gasped as she got out of the buggy, the waves lapping up against her bare feet. "Oh...oh no...this...looks like one of the orbital stations....must've....been an accident and..." She winced, looking at the blazing wreckage, there was no way anybody had survived that. Even if they'd somehow survived re entry the crash would have killed any human left aboard. Most likely there weren't even any remains left that could be identified, just a few ashes that would blow away in the morning winds. With a sigh Natalie shook her head, saying a silent prayer for the people who must've been aboard that station, those poor souls. When she got back to the city she'd get a report logged, teams could come out and identify the wreckage, probably pull records of who was abord the station and inform their families."Hm?" Over the sound of the flames Natalie thought she heard something else, a splash in the water. She turned around quickly, grabbing a torch from the buggy and then turning back to the water, shining a lout over it. "Hello? Hello is anyone there?!" Was it possible there had been a survivor after all? Or maybe it was just some debris falling from the wreckage, or tiny pieces still falling from the sky. But the way the water was rippling, it definitely seemed more like something was moving around. There was no life in the lake though, no fish, no nothing but plants, and plants didn't move around and make ripples in the water. "Please, if you can say something. I can call for help or get you back to a medical center!"
Unfortunately for her she was wrong about someone or something rather surviving the crash and there were survivors just not human survivors. What the Xenos didn't kill on the ship they would have died on the crash unlike the more rugged Xenos who had a very high durability. Now with Natalie near by the only human they could see still alive but she was different. It was almost alluring as they gazed on her from the depths of the water. Something was different something was rather attracting for the Xenomorphs as they spread out and kept silent and still. They didn't want to alert the human just yet though she seemed to have her suspicion that there was someone in the water. There was indeed no life in the water but for the plants and now The xenos were the only life in the water.The Xenomorphs needed to make a nest for themselves a place to hide away when things got dangerous and for a new Queen they needed a safe nesting chamber for her. Of course their DNA altered and their body having a different kind of desire then previous Xeno's. Natalie was the one that they needed but for now they couldn't strike they needed shelter they needed a home basically and so under the water they swam to the other side of the lake. Crawling out of the water the three scurried off in search of a place that would be more suited for a nesting sight and so these three surviving Xeno's headed into the unknown in search of their new nest.
Natalie continued to look around, but got no response, and after a little while the noises seemed to stop, until the only thing she could hear was the crackling of the flames and the gentle lapping of the lakes natural waves. "Guess there's nobody there after all..." She sighed, turning off the torch and going to head back to her buggy, hopping in and starting up the engine in order to head on back home to the colony proper. Of course this gave the Xenos the time they needed, time to find caves down the coast of the lake, caves that went far and deep, more than hidden enough to be a perfect place for a new hive and nesting ground.The following day the security from the colony would be investigating the crash site, the flames having being extinguished, though those same flames had destroyed any trace the Xenomorphs had ever been there, along with most traces of almost anything else.At the same time, down the coast, Natalie had returned to a different spot in order to resume her time away, this time she had set up camp not far from the caves that the Xeno's had found, and once again she had gone out into the crystal clear water to resume her swimming, the sun starting to set on the horizon now, though it was still perfect swimming weather, and as far as Natalie knew she had nothing to be worried about after all, the caves had long since been surveyed and verified as free of any kind of life, so there was nothing to worry about by swimming near them.
The three Xenos had plenty of time now to make their new nest and they were hard at work creating it along the side of the lake. They had explored most of the cave and found a room with two entrances and that was where they started to build their nest and soon from that room towards the entrance was covered in this like almost living wall like flesh. It made the cave humid and once the Xenos had rest and noticed the extra movement by the wreck two of them broke off and headed towards the wreck to examine the humans and observe them.Most likely their deaths would happen but one xeno swam through the water towards Natalie observing her from afar and she was attractive in the sense of what humans would find others to be and there was a different stirring in the xenos body almost human like. A desire to mate with her himself a desire that was human as his body had been altered to the extent where he could tell she was extremely compatible with their kind and she was the one to bring a new queen, she would be the new queen they needed her to make eggs. Swimming towards her with more speed the lone Xeno didn't want to loose this chance to take her easily while she was in the water as it reached out it's claws to grab her the other two had started to slaughter the security team that had come to check on the crash.
Natalie was far enough away from the crash site that she couldn't hear the security team, couldn't hear the screams, the gunshots. They were only carrying small pistols that couldn't make much noise, they were only investigating a crash site to identify the wreck after all, there hadn't been any expectation of any kind of combat, especially since there were no hostile native animals on the planet, even the larger animals had been docile and non aggressive towards the colonists. Natalie also hadn't heard the Xenomorph in the water with her either, the quiet sounds of her own swimming far louder than the near silent gliding through the water that the Xenomorph was capable of, and the ripples she was making enough to ensure that she could feel nothing else, at least not until it was too late.It wasn't until something grabbed at her that Natalie realised something was happening. Even then, at first she thought it was merely a plant partly wrapping around her from the currents of the water. But as she squirmed and looked around the saw the form of the creature that was grabbing onto her, screaming and beginning to flail wildly in a futile effort to escape, her hands reaching beneath the water to try and prise the grip of the Xenomorph away from her. She had no idea what this thing was, she'd never seen such a creature before, there wasn't supposed to be anything like this native to the planet! "H HELP!" She screamed out, though she knew there was nobody else for miles around, even the security team would have been too far to hear her screams, if any of them had been left alive that is.
The security team was being slaughtered with no chance of escape or survival there was no help for her now even if they could hear her they had their own problems going on right now. The one that grabbed her pulled her towards him as his head raised from the water hissing loudly as he looked over her. That black elongated head and the razor sharp teeth and the inner jaw that slowly pushed out as the Xeno checked her out. His grip was strong and it would take a crowbar to even get some leverage to get him to let her go. Of course she soon had her arm grabbed by the strong hand. His claws were razor sharp as well and powerful so soon she was mere inches from her jaws and it looked like she would be easily killed like the rest but no she had a different fate planned for her and some might even consider her lucky and others would say she was not so lucky.Hissing loudly he was quick with her as he turned them around heading for the caves as he swam in the water taking her with him. There was no problem caused by the extra weight or anything as the powerful creature kept swimming towards the cave. And it wasn't long before a second caught up to them and then a third caught up to them. She might not have known it as they entered the cave but there was three Xenomorphs all altered to have a more human desire for mating and she was the perfect match to now become the new queen and lay egg's so that more of their kind could be created. As they brought her into the cave they pulled her towards the nesting room where it appeared to be more open and had a bit more of warmth and it seemed like it was more comfortable. The Xeno dropped her onto the ground as they all encircled examining the human female trying to figure out these new desires.
Natalie continued to squirm and struggle, screaming uselessly for help, but nobody could hear, nobody knew she was in trouble, nobody was coming to help. It would be hours before anyone even knew the security team were missing and when they came looking they would likely find nothing, after all Xenomorphs tended not to leave any trace of their victims presence even if the victims were simply killed rather than abducted. All that would be found was an abandoned security buggy and maybe some bullet casings, but nothing else.When suddenly razor sharp claws and jaws were near to her face Natalie's screaming stopped, turning instead to whimpers of fear, her squirming ceasing as she tried to just lean away slightly, though the most she could do was to turn her head. She was ready to die, but the pain she had expected never came. Instead she just felt herself being pulled along, back into the water as the creature pulled her swiftly, effortlessly.She barely had time to hold her breath before they submerged briefly to enter back into the cave, and as they re emerged above the surface of the water Natalie couldn't help releasing one more scream as she spotted two more of the creatures now following them, though she quickly became quiet once more, not wanting to risk angering the creatures, she didn't want to die after all.The girl squeaked as she was rather thrown to the ground, her ample breasts bouncing in the confines of her swimsuit. This cave was....different. It wasn't cold and hard, it was warm and humid, the walls looking like they had been partially covered in some kind of organic substance, even the ground was somewhat soft and warm, it almost felt alive in a way."Wh what...?" Natalie spoke up as the creatures began to circle her, then swallowed nervously. "Can...can you understand me? Please...please just let me go...?" There were no signs they understood what she was saying, and the lack of facial features made it impossible to tell what the creatures might want. If they just wanted to kill her then surely they would've done it outside. If they'd wanted to eat her, well, surely they would've just done that outside too, or at least killed her first to prevent any kind of escape. | 9 | [] |
3 | | Going Ghost! (Closed for Fetchbrake and Frogger) | The very first thought that crossed the youth s mind was a very common thought he had, once he woke up. Ah, yes. The sun. My mortal enemy. Had I the power, I would have slain you years ago. Until then, you win the battle... But you will NEVER win the war. Samuel Manson rose from his dark bed amongst his dark room, dark curtains and dark...pretty much everything. Yet no matter how many times he tried, the sun would always peak in and start his day with the sunniest, cheeriest way it knew how.And he hated it. Oh, how he hated the sun. It was easily in the top three things he hated the most in this life. But alas, regardless of his feelings of seething distaste for the sun and all it represented it was time to go to classes.His clothing was simple and took a manner of seconds to put on properly. A pair of black jeans and a dark purple undershirt, followed by a black jacket, and a pair of black boots that went halfway up his calves. He looked into the mirror and stared for a moment, his eyes narrowing dangerously and his scowl deepening. He stared longer and longer, his eyes squinting a bit more before suddenly his expression relaxed. Perfect. Hey, it was a lot of effort to practice that trademark gothic scowl! Years it took! So, with his attire on and the day still young, he made his way out of the house, moving as quickly as he could with BOOTS on and made his way out the door.Anything to get the hell away from his parents and their constant pestering of liven up! His hands disappeared into his pockets for a moment, looking around before he pulled out a cell phone. Top of the line, it helped when your family was rich well beyond words and knew how to use it, and opened it. He scrolled through his contacts.All two of them.He stared at the picture used for that particular one, simply...staring for a moment before his lips curled into a little genuine smile.Stupid dork. She was the only one who could make him smile like that...not that he d ever let HER know.He pressed the call button and he held the phone up to his ear, never stopping his stride as he stared down at the sidewalk, the sound of his boots crunching the concrete louder than the driving cars around them. Come on, come on, pick up. He mumbled quietly. You better not be JUST getting ready... And yet, he really...couldn t blame her if she was? Being the only Ghost Hunter in the entire city of Amity Park often drove her into the ground due to sheer, pure exhaustion. Maybe she deserved the rest...
Beating Technus face in is always a pleasure but at three in the morning? Not so much. Can t he get with the program and take over the world AFTER breakfast? Seriously.No, better yet: try to control technology after nine, and no later. Ally rubbed at an eye, too sleepy to care at this point. A cloud fell apart as she accidentally drifted through it instead of well, anything else.I swear, I m gonna go on vacation one of these days.Yeah. Right. As if that s ever going to happen. Amity Park has a way of attracting ghosts, and of course she has to handle the ghosts that manage to get through the Ghost Portal, while juggling college AND a double life. It s definitely not easy. In fact? Just the opposite.A hand rubbed over her face, as if that ll help things. Nope. If anything, it made the world spin a little. Greeeat. Let s just hope the parents are still asleep, so she doesn t have to deal with their crazy ghost stuff. Ugh. Ally can only take so much before she s ready to explode.Back in her room, Ally changed back into her usual self and collapsed into bed. Black hair spilled out over the dark blue blanket as she rolled over onto her side. Maybe she s got enough time to close her eyes for a few minutes before she has to head back out Dozing off after a couple of minutes, it was nice and quiet that is, until her phone rang. In an instant Ally had jumped to her feet, fists raised, like she s expecting a fight. It took her tired brain a minute or two until she realized she doesn t need to. That s it! she cried out in pure frustration. Who the hell is calling me at ?! Oh. Wait. It s Sam. Of course it s Sam. Who else would it be? It s not like she s got an entourage of friends to call on if she wants to hang out and be normal for once. Besides. He s probably calling to check and see if she s up yet. Ally groaned, sitting back down and kicking her feet out. Hey, she said as a way of greeting. I m up, I m up. Just give me a few, and I ll be right out. Kay? It was short and sweet, but to the point. Ally hung up on him, just to groan all over again. Well. It s not like I have to do much to get ready, she told the resulting silence not that it ll answer back. I just have to change, splash my face, and drag myself out of here. Yay. It sounds like fun ! Not.Ally sighed and made her aching body move, heading on over to her closet so she can pull out an exact replica of the shirt she s already got on.Not even ten minutes later, Ally s slinging on a dark blue jacket and stuffing her feet back into her shoes. Luckily she s learned a trick or two about hiding black circles under her eyes over the years using concealer otherwise, she d lookawful.Huh. It looks like everybody s out already. Weird... How often do Mom and Dad get out of the house? It s one thing if it s Jazz, but their lives revolve around ghosts.Whatever. None of her business. Ally pasted on a smile once she was out in the public eye, lifting a hand to offer a weak wave. Morning, Sam, she spoke up, trying not to come across as tired as she feels. I m sorry if I kept you waiting. Both hands buried deep into her pockets, Ally began leading the way down the sidewalk. It s way too bright out. There s a bit of a chill in the air, telling her that winter s just around the corner. Ugh. I soo need a cup of coffee, Ally announced right then and there. I was up late last night fighting ghosts, and then at three this morning, I had to battle it out with Technus. I don t think I can function without something to help me out. You in? Bright blue eyes glanced over his way, a smile spreading from ear to ear.
When she answered her phone and snapped, Sam knew it was because she'd just managed to get into bed and pass out for a grandstanding time frame of maybe 4 minutes, 6 if the universe was kind. He didn't even get a chance to get a word in edgewise, so all he did was let her explain herself and clicked the phone shut a moment later.So, the hard part was over. Now the easy part of just putzing around and waiting for her to come out, complaining about coffee, because their lives had become routine at this point.The pity he felt for Ally was impalpable. He couldn't imagine what it was like...well, he could, but only from one half of the situation. While he and their third friend, Tammy, had been with Ally since the very beginning of the whole "ghost hunting" business, it was hard to say they knew her pain when they couldn't exactly turn into a ghost and fly around and punch, get punched, and lose endless hours of school as a result of it.Anyone would suffer! But dammit, if Sam didn't think she was the bravest person he'd ever met and deserved so much more than what she was getting. It got to the point he felt bad that he couldn't do more than what he could do which was, occasionally throwing one of her parents new toys at her for a fight or offer emotional support.Which got all the more painful when Tammy left to go backpacking across Europe, in a quest to "find herself" but some greedy part of Sam figured she did it to get away from the ghost stuff and life.Well, thankfully for the trio, Sam had no life, wanted no life, and would be more than happy being a hollow, shallow, soulless husk in which he could offer assistance to one of his best friends.The sound of the door opening turned his attention back and from the sheer exhaustion on his face, he realized this may have been a rough day. She explained the situation and he felt his pity only grow and rise from there.Shoot, if all he could do was offer up a cup of hot coffee, then that'd just be what he could do then, huh?"Sounds like a plan." He said with a little smile and dug out his credit card, Platinum Gold Ruby Plus tier. "My treat. Lord knows you don't need to look like more death than you already do, being half ghost."
Seriously? Do I look that bad? Ally thought she looked halfway decent, considering, but if she looks like death ... ooh, great. A groan crawling up her throat in a desperate attempt at freedom, she let her head fall back, her feet drag. Man, I knew I should ve stayed in bed this morning. I just had a gut feeling. Thanks, Sam. Thanks for confirming the fact I look like absolute hell. Hey, at least she can count on him for the cold, hard facts. Sam can t fight ghosts, but he s always got her back. Ally groaned and started gathering her hair up off her neck, as if that ll help things any. Yeah. Right. I just wish these guys could give me a break every now and then. It d be nice to sleep in. A chuckle slipped free before she could do anything about it, just to dissipate on a cool, refreshing morning breeze. Hell, I d love to have a life outside of ghost hunting. I can t remember the last time we sat down and watched a movie together, dude. Ally let her hair slip between her fingers, only to throw her hands up into the air. Do you? Blue eyes looked over, just to connect with violet.And of course, her heart flipped over inside her chest at the sight. It was almost impossible to hide the fact she s blushing, too. Why d Tammy have to go off to Europe and leave her alone with Sam ?! Huh? Don t get her wrong, she loves him, and she loves the fact that Tammy s exploring the world, but it just makes things like, ten times weirder. Think about it. I mean I seriously can t remember the last time we hung out, and weweren tinterrupted by ghosts. Ally offered a weak smile, just to chuckle half a heartbeat later, stuffing her hands into her pockets.Uh oh. Does this sound like she s trying to ask him out? What if Paul hears and gets the wrong idea?! What are my chances of that coffee, and a bite to eat? Ally s blue eyes looked over his way, just for the girl to flash him a bright smile. How much time do we got before class starts? Ally used this opportunity to stretch her arms high above her head, a groan rumbling deep in the back of her throat in the meantime. I don t think we re running late. A hand began to rub her neck.Man, she s sore! In fact, she hurts all over, but that s not totally out of the ordinary. As Amity s Park crime fighter, of course she ll have it rough. Come on, let s hurry on over to that cafe you and I both like, Ally told him, stealing his hand when he least expects it so she can tug him along. If I don t get my coffee in the next two minutes, I m gonna go ghost and start terrorizing everybody who looks at me the wrong way.
"Yes, Ally, this is absolutely the right response to have in a town where people fear you and your parents want to dissect you 'molecule by molecule.'" Sam spoke loudly and obnoxiously, putting on a certain air of dramaticness to mimic her father. After listening to her parents prattle on and on and on andonabout the horrible things they intended to do the first ghost they captured, it ran on his already legendarily thin patience.Thankfully, as she already stated, they weren't running all that late, andthankfullythe cafe had been cleared out of any students who, ambitious in their early years, wanted to get to class as soon as possible and get started on the day.Sam pitied them by default. The cruelty of the world had yet to smack them in the head just yet, but when it did...oh. He couldn't wait to see it....Bit of a cynic but what can you do.So thankfully, not only was the line non existent, but the wait time was even less so. Sam bought it for both of them, of course, because if he didn't have an insane amount of money, what was the point if he didn't use it to buy coffee and the occasional lunch every once in a while?Not like he was gonna use it for anything else."But I was thinking a lot about what you said." he said, as casually as he could as he took a sip of his drink and letting the bitterness run down his throat.Black. Like hissoul."We should just...find a veg day. Something for you and me to do. No ghosts, no danger, no major perils, no ""Whoops." An elbow suddenly struck out and smacked right into Sam's elbow as well, suddenly sending the scalding hot liquid all over the entire front of his shirt. And it was hot, oh BOY was it hot.Paul grinned a not so subtle grin and nudged Sam in the side, the gothic youth twitching his right eye to keep from howling in discomfort. "Sorry about that, buddy! Didn't see you there, you just kinda blended in with the background!"Despite the background being bright fucking blue."Hey, accidents happen, you know?" Paul asked, arms crossed and flashing a grin with far too much teeth. His attention turned to Ally, and he cast a wink. "Hey there."
An exasperated roll of her eyes and an amused smirk was all Ally could muster. How many times has she heard the same old speech? A million times? Two million? It s definitely way too many to count. Hell, Ally s childhood and developmental years were nothing but memories of her parents chasing after ghosts, not to mention neglecting their daughter and son on a daily basis. As totally sad as it is to admit, Ally can t remember the last time she s had a home cooked meal. How pathetic is that?Thankfully the cafe was empty, so they don t have to deal with anybody holding up the line. Ally cradled her coffee between her palms, letting it cool off a little while they went to take a seat nearby. Of course Sam prefers his black, but she didn t hesitate to snatch the sugar and pour a good bit in. Let him be bitter. This is only way she can be nice to anybody before noon. Hm? Dark blue eyes glanced over his way, just for a tilt of her head to follow. You ve been thinking, huh? You know how dangerous that is, she couldn t resist teasing, a grin stretching from ear to ear.Way too easy. He just left himself wide open for that one. I know, I know, Ally replied on a laugh, eyes sparkling mischievously even with the droll glare thrown her way. As you were saying? A hand gesturing that he carry on, Ally went to finally take a sip of her coffee that is, until an elbow struck out, splashing Sam s coffee all down the front of his shirt. Ooh that had to hurt worse than Skulker s special tech! Sam! Ally cried out, just about immediately jumping to her feet.Doesn t it figure that the one guy who d go out of his way to make Sam look like a klutz happens to be the hottest guy in high school and in college,combined.What are the odds of encountering him this early in the morning?!No, here s a better question: is there any way to make it happen more often?Moving on. Ally froze with a napkin crumpled in her hand, red rising to her face in just seconds. H Hi, Paul Uh oh. Look away. NOW. Heat licking the tips of her ears now, Ally went to blot up what she can of the coffee. Hey, at least Sam s wearing black, so even if he doesn t go home and change, nobody will notice. You okay? she asked her best friend, concern slapped all over her face. It was scalding hot and if he got burned because of this Ally shoved the idea aside for now, instead deciding to focus on the present instead of the possibilities. I can fly to your place and grab a shirt out of your closet? Everything Sam owns isblack,so it s not like it d be hard to pick something. Ally can fly there and back real quick, but she d have to explain how she did it and of course she can t say she ran, or that the bus was actually running on time for once. | 6 | ['Manson'] |
5 | | Prophecy Be Damned - (MajorMario x Matttheman89) | Since time immemorial the story had been the same. A great and powerful evil would rise and wreak havoc upon the land, a courageous hero would emerge and do battle with it and a wise princess would either assist in the matter or seal away the evil completely. Power, Courage, Wisdom The bearers of the Triforce, the most sacred of Hylian artefacts, were bound by fate to cross paths. The circumstances and settings would differ across generations, but the general premise was still the same. For those who knew the story well, they figured events would play out just as they always have they had become complacent and arrogant over the years.Alas, the legendary hero who would bear the Triforce of Courage and the Blade of Evil's Bane proved to be a wildcard. Instead of a stalwart and handsome young man with wild locks and a fierce determination in his heart, the hero was instead awomanwho, though beautiful in her own right, wore her heart on her sleeve and was criticized for it. Link grew up in a village on the border between Hyrule and the Gerudo Desert, and though she loved Hyrule and the Hylians who came to visit, she prefered the nomadic and mysterious Gerudo. There was a deep seated bias, of course, given that she was raised by a Gerudo despite being 100 Hylian. For many years she looked to the tall, dark skinned woman as her adoptive mother and helped out with trade and commerce where she could, what with her mother being a well established merchant.But this wasn't the only wrench in the prophecy. A heroine was a surprise to be sure, but far more alarming was Link's friendship with a special Gerudo named Ganondorf. Blissfully ignorant of her role in life, Link delighted in this rare Gerudo man's company and made a point of getting together with him whenever he and his entourage would visit the village on their way through to Hyrule. It certainly helped that the two were nearly the same age, but also that Link was cheery, compassionate and sympathetic towards other races, especially the Gerudo.Fast forward a few years and Link found herself garbed in the legendary hero's green tunic sporting a near indestructible Hylian shield and the Master Sword... and with a world of troubles on her mind."Gotta take this slow," she murmured to herself as she advanced upon a heavily fortified encampment erected in the sands of the Gerudo Desert. Night had fallen and Link hoped that the low light coupled with the chill from the desert would make her infiltration easier. "Easy... Easy now..."Hyrule, perhaps the whole continent, was in turmoil. Link wasn't an ignorant lass, but she was out of the loop being so far from Hyrule's central Castle Town. She heard rumors that the Gerudo people were engaged in hostilities towards Hyrule, that dark forces were set to advance upon the land and much more. The woman, by definition a merchant's apprentice, figured herself ill suited to fight a war and would have sat out on it completely had it not been for the raid on her village. Monsters Link wasn't quite sure what they were or who they belonged to, or if they were monsters at all ruined her village, killed her adoptive mother and set her path in motion. In fleeing from danger Link stumbled upon her 'destiny', though it was the rumor that Ganondorf, her childhood friend, was behind all that was going wrong in the world that spurred her on.Even now Link crept through the encampment, dodging the light from torches and sticking to the shadows as Gerudo sentries patrolled about. She had a feeling that Ganondorf was in this encampment, but why he was here and what his intentions were proved to be a mystery for the buxom Hylian. Apparently, Ganondorf was the enemy, the bearer of the Triforce of Power and the evil that needed to be vanquished from the land, and yet Link couldn't see him as anything other than her friend perhaps more than that. She refused to believe that this Gerudo man, the very same one she had laughed and cried with over the years, could ever become some evil bastard in need of a sword through the chest. Link needed answers, and she needed to see Ganondorf."Now... Which tent is yours," Link wondered as she took notice of a row of large tents deep within the encampment.
For reasons that had long since been lost to the passage of time, it was only once every one hundred years that the Gerudo would see the birth of a male to their tribe a male that, by the laws of Gerudo culture, was destined to become their King when he came of age, leading them to prosperity and good fortune...or just another generation or so of living in the harsh desert as fierce warriors and thieves. Yet this generation saw the birth of a special, foreboding male one involved in a prophecy that foretold dark times on the horizon for the land. This male, this seemingly innocent babe only mere moments separated from his birth, had come into the world with a special crest upon the back of his hand the Triforce, or more specifically, the Triforce of Power associated with a legendary King of the Gerudo that would become this babe's namesake.Ganondorf The King of Darkness.It wasn't all doom and gloom for Hyrule as a result of this Gerudo's birth least not at first. Born in an era of relative peace across the Kingdom, the boy's early years were focused on educating him in the arts necessary to make him a strong King capable of not only leading his people, but defending them with his own two hands, should the situation ever arise, and he took to these lessons like a Zora to water, showing great promise as a warrior. There were also many diplomatic missions into the Kingdom of Hyrule itself, in the hopes of fostering greater relations of peace between the Hylians and the Gerudo, and while they were typically welcomed, even young Ganondorf could sense a sort of tension between their two races, a gap that remained to be crossed...if it were even possible.It was during this time that Ganondorf made his first perhaps only true friend. Situated near the border between the lands of the Hylians and Gerudo was a village where both races lived and comingled, and there lived the adopted Hylian daughter of a Gerudo Merchant named Link, whom had been the first person to see and treat Ganondorf as someone other than a future King. Over time, her cheerful kindness and compassionate nature endeared her to the Gerudo male, and they'd struck up a strong friendship. They visited often laughing, playing, training, swapping stories and legends, occasionally even going on a small, seemingly harmless adventure or two that more often than not landed them in their fair share of trouble with their caretakers. It had been happy times.Now though...they were but a distant memory.Time had passed, and things had changed. Ganondorf was no longer a little boy, blissfully ignorant of his destiny, but ayoung manaware of what it meant to not only bear the Triforce of Power, but to share the name of a legendary Evil King...and what his actual connection to that namesake might be. Tensions between the Gerudo and the Hylians were at an all time high, and as if that wasn't bad enough, monsters were roaming the land with aggression that hadn't been seen in ages...almost as if they could sense something that had them agitated and ready to go into a frenzy. Ganondorf could sense that something too a darkness...and what unsettled him the most about this darkness was...he thought it was coming from him.Now, standing with his back turned from the entrance to his tent, located within the center of the desert compound, Ganondorf was pouring over various parchments detailing this or that, when he sensed...something, and looked down to the symbol of the Triforce upon his hand. Sighing softly and closing his eyes for a few seconds, he waited, letting his keen senses tell him when this intruder was slipping into his tent...likely after mistakenly checking most every other one in the encampment."What are you doing here, Link?" he asked stoically without turning around, wondering if he was about to take a sword through the back, and if he should even try to stop her.
Indeed, Link had checked nearly every other tent in the center of the encampment, though she hoped she wouldn't be faulted for that. A combination of checking everything 'just to be sure' and the heroine's greed, wanderlust or curiosity, whatever one wanted to call it, running rampant, Link soon arrived at Ganondorf's tent. She had originally believed that she was being stealthy her posture was small, crouched and concealed compared to the Gerudo sentries who were tall with exotic red colored hair. Alas, the blonde haired heroine was as stealthy as a Goron, and in the sand she was even less so. She sank into a deep pocket of the coarse, rough and irritating stuff and stumbled into Ganondorf's tent.With Ganondorf being, well, himself, there was no need for Link to search any further. The Gerudo dominated a room whenever he occupied it, and even if you weren't looking at him, you would certainly feel him present. A dark chill shot up the woman's spine as the man spoke. Her hand raised to the purple hilt of the sword on her back and she too wondered if the man was about to take the blade through his back. Link remained silent for a moment as she searched Ganondorf's back for any indication of the animal, the monster, that he was rumored to be. She needed to know if she was about to draw her blade on a great evil... or someone who frequented her thoughts for all the right reasons.In the end Link stepped forward. She crossed the threshold and made her way inside only to stop at a safe distance away from her target."I wanted to see you," she said, her voice low and melodious. "I wanted to know if the rumors are true, the ones I've been hearing about you. There wasn't a single sympathetic word to find in Castle Town, or all of Hyrule for that matter." Link paused, glanced over her shoulder at the tent opening and realized something. She spoke again, though more to herself. "You knew that I would come, didn't you? The sentries should have spotted me from a mile away, but uh... here I am, huh?"
There was a long moment of silence that passed without either of them speaking following Ganondorf questioning her presence, yet he could feel his friend's eyes upon his back, and within that overwhelming silence, the sound of her hand reaching for the hilt of a sword could be heard, prompting his dark expression to harden even further as he steeled himself. In the end though, the imagined and expected attack never came at least not yet and Link only came a few steps closer, now likely standing within the light inside the tent yet still far enough away from him that she could be considered out of his immediate reach.A wise decision...even if it did hurt a little to think that even she no longer felt safe in his presence."...and if they were true, what would you do...?" Ganondorf replied as Link spoke of the negative stance so much of Hyrule had taken against him and his people these days. He was no fool the Royal Council of Hyrule had seized upon an opportunity to paint the Gerudo as the villains they so wished them to be, and with history on their side, it hadn't taken much to persuade the common folk that there was validity to their argument. Perhaps there was, considering the circumstances. Regardless of the circumstances, it wouldn't be an inaccurate statement to say that there had been some...hostilities...between their people in recent times, though any actual conflict could only be described as skirmishes at least by Gerudo standards.A sound escaped Ganondorf as Link put two and two together as to how easily she had been able to make her way through his camp a sound that almost could have passed for laughter and his head turned slightly, though his face was still shrouded in shadow. "Let's just say I had a feeling." he began. "Of course they did. You know, for someone who was raised by a Gerudo, you move with all the subtlety of a dodongo."It was a dry joke, but one that hinted at the joviality that Ganondorf often shared with Link in the past when they were children. There might have even been a hint of a small grin on the edge of his face within the darkness...but if there was, it only lasted the briefest of instants, and Ganondorf was serious once more. " that you're here...will you strike me down?" he asked suddenly, finally beginning to turn around so that they could see each other face to face for the first time in years.Tall, broad shouldered, hard muscled as if he'd been chiseled from stone, and handsome to boot, Ganondorf had grown up well in the years since they'd seen each other last, clearly no longer the boy she once knew, at least not in appearance. Yet, he could see that the same was true for her, and his eyes widened near imperceptibly as the young girl from his past had been replaced with this buxom, curvaceous woman that stood before him now. Knowing that this was no time for such things though, he remained steadfast, looking into her eyes as he stood before her."I have ordered the guards to ignore your comings and goings tonight. I'm defenseless. You could kill me right now, and by the time I've been discovered, you could be long gone. What will you do?"
When Ganondorf turned around, Link saw her old friend. The look was somewhat marred thanks to the passing of time and the stress of the Gerudo's position, his 'destiny', weighing over him, but coupled with the light, dry joke he made earlier, Link could still see him. He was older now with a heap of troubles on his mind, but the same could be said for Link. She was a woman now with desires, needs and aspirations. Hopefully neither of them would choke on said aspirations.There was no need for Link to answer Ganondorf's first retort. They both knew what she would do, even if it pained her to do so. For a moment the heroine stood still, blue eyes scanning the floor in thought."I'm not gonna kill you," Link finally stated in an incredulous tone. She wasn't quite sure who she was scoffing at Ganondorf for offering the idea or herself for mulling it over. "How could I?" Standing there before the might of the Gerudo King, Link found it difficult to concentrate on her next words. She scuffed the sand rug beneath her, eyes downcast for a moment longer until she finally turned to gaze up at Ganondorf. "So, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. Well... Might as well show you, actually."Ganondorf had answered her question well enough, even long before he opened his mouth. Link doubted the rumors circulating around him and the Gerudo her bias was her friendship with the man, but it was a bias she was unwilling to part with."I'm defenceless too, you know." The heroine took a few steps forward and tugged at the straps keeping the Master Sword's sheath pinned against her back. With a few undone clasps, the Blade of Evil's Bane sank to the sand along with the sturdy, stalwart Hylian Shield. Apparently the Master Sword was one of a very, very small number of things that could harm Ganondorf, or so she was told. For Link, she figured turning her back on her friend would be much more lethal than any pointy sword through the chest. "I... I don't want to fight. I don't want to be Hyrule's Hero if it means killing you. Ganon," she cooed, using one of many nicknames for him, "I'll probably go down as a traitor, but... I'd like to join you. Whatever your fight is, whatever it is that you're dealing with, I want to help you through it all."
There was another moment of silence as Link seemed to be contemplating her options, leaving Ganondorf to wait impassively, even as he wished that this long desired reunion could have happened under practically any other set of circumstances. Out of all the people in the world, she was the last person that he'd ever want to have this sort of showdown with...yet, here they were. Even his closest and oldest friend was now aligned against him their fates sealed.Then Link finally broke the silence, and Ganondorf blinked in surprise as she refused to strike him down, unable to bring herself to do so. "W What?" he replied, his stoic demeanor finally breaking as the situation began to go in a direction he hadn't been expecting, leaving him to watch incredulously as she came closer while dropping her sword the Master Sword, of all things and her shield to the sands. "J Join me? Are you serious?"On the one hand, to hear Link say these things was...very, very heartening. He could have hugged her...or perhaps done more...but he remained where he stood, keeping her at a distance, fighting off the urge to smile by shaking his head and glancing away from her. " You are Hyrule's Hero. It is your destiny to protect the land to stop " he paused then, closing his eyes with a grimace and tightening his fists as he stopped just short of saying what he was afraid to say. " to stop any darkness that threatens the land.""That is can't join me. You can't be dragged down like that because of me." Pushing her away like this was more difficult than he could have imagined, but he knew it was the right thing to do. "You have a destiny to fulfill...and do I."
Though Link had grown up as a tomboy, she liked to consider herself well read and a bit of a poet. In fact, she had dreams to travel the world and make the money supporting her efforts through being a bard, though the life of a merchant seemed certain for her back then. Reading and writing came naturally to her and proved to be an enjoyable pastime. Whenever the sand became too much for her and brought an end to her physical fun, Link could always delight in a good book while swathed in the warm embrace of a blanket. Her eloquence and knowledge wasn't much to shake a stick at, but it did allow her more variety when it came to banter and most things conversational.She stood there before Ganondorf, dumbfounded that he would strike her down in favour of defeatism. Link felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, her breath quicken and her heart drop. This was not like the man she knew at all. There were a multitude of ways that she could handle this now, yet most of them could instigate something Link didn't want to see to its end. Her first instinct was to snap and shout, then it was to chastise, then it was to stand still and say nothing. Simply put, Link was put in a difficult position... one that she didn't have words for.In the end, Link moved closer to the 'destined darkness', just as defiant and determined as when they had first met."Since when did either of us believe in destiny, Ganondorf?" Link replied with a sly, sad smile. "But alright, if you want me to humour you, then so be it. If it's my destiny to protect the land by putting a stop to the darkness that threatens it, then what better way for me to do it than to join you? It sounds like you need someone to keep you grounded, to keep your spirits up and fight your demons. I want to be with you... I want to help you, and I won't let a silly thing like destiny tell me otherwise." Closer she came until the blonde haired heroine was within reach. Link went deeper and reached out for Ganondorf's arm as she tried to slip her fingers in between the Gerudo's own. "I know you're not a monster. I'm going to stay," she assured, "and I'm going to help you see that no matter what it takes."Link paused for a moment to let the words sink in. Then, she spoke again."Come on, Dorfy... What do you say?"
Having known Link as long as he had, Ganondorf should have known that she wouldn't be dissuaded so easily, yet he still refused to meet her eyes as she continued to try and convince him that she was right, attempting to maintain some sort of distance between the two even as the busty heroine came closer and closer. Her seemingly boundless optimism and determination was refreshing...especially in such dark times, but the Gerudo King remained hesitant, even as part of him pined for her aid, and more importantly, her companionship."And what if you're wrong?" Ganondorf finally replied, his deep voice becoming soft as Link came with arm's reach and reached out, allowing her to intertwine her fingers with his own before closing them around her so that they could hold hands a sort of intimacy they'd often shared as children and one he hadn't with many others since then and he shook his head again. "What if deep down I am what they say I am? And even I'm not...what if they never see me as anything but they want to see?"The use of an old, affectionate nickname from their childhood gave him reason to blink, and he finally turned to meet her gaze once more with a resigned, yet wistful expression to his face. "You always were stubborn..." he said, the barest hint of a smile tugging at his lips. Taking his own step closer so that they were within one another's guard, he wrapped his strong arms around her and pulled her into a tight embrace as he felt his resistances crumble. "I've missed you, Link. There hasn't been a day I haven't thought about you." he continued, finding that he was enjoying holding her like this more than he had actually expected.It might not have been an outright admission or agreement to her help, but it was a start. | 8 | ['Ganondorf'] |
7 | | Empire - City of Surrender (Black_Out and Eager Sub) | This late at night the grand old park was relatively quiet. Some might think that strange, considering that the city surrounding the lonesome park was full of vibrant night life and abundant energy. It was a pleasant place to get away when the sun spread its warm beams down over the vast network of wooded trails that the park was home too. Kids played the day away while parents sat back and watched. Folks young and old walked, jogged, and ran along the winding trails that made it seem like you were a world away from all of the hustle and bustle of Empire City. During the spring and summer months the open lawns were packed with people that came out to enjoy the weekend concerts that the park hosted. It was a happy, inviting, and entertaining place to spend some time, when the sun was out.Once the sun fell though, the demeanor of the park shifted and grew as forbidding as the dark shadows that washed over the park. The trails lost their luster in the dark, barely offered any light by the distant lamp posts that dotted the borders of the winding woodland paths. Anyone with any sense of civility or personal well being stayed out of Empire Park when the moon was high in the night sky. Once the sun had well beyond set the pavilions and underpasses of the park became nightly refuge for a portion of the city's homeless population. They tended to keep to themselves, cloistered together in small camps here and there where the park offered shelter. The dark paths were frequent business places for transactions of assorted drug trades.On occasion, larger deals went down. There were just to many avenues to break and split if things went sour. The park was an absolute maze once the night overtook it's tree lined landscape. It was considered such a futile effort that the police typically didn't even bother investing any man power into attempting to patrol the park. So for the most part the criminal elements of the city that used the park as a middle ground to handle their business rarely suffered any sort of intrusions.That was at least what the small crew of hooligans assumed the case would be when they gathered together near the entrance to a long stone lined tunnel that cut through a tree capped hill in the middle of the seemingly abandoned park. About a half dozen figures kept to the shadows, a small team of runners and one distributor of a variety of addictive narcotics. They were all crouched down around a worn but still quite suitable backpack that the oldest of them seemed to be lording over the contents of. He was a tall lanky dark skinned fella, maybe in his late teens or early twenties and was wearing a rather dark ensemble that was comprised of a baggy hooded sweat shirt, loose fitting jeans, and well worn red running shoes.The others circled around him were dressed in similar schemes of dark colored attires. While the cast of characters were a mix of different ethnicity's, and varied in age by a few years, they all shared one common thread. Their turf was a nasty sprawling section of poverty ridden projects where violent street gangs warred with one in an effort to carve out their own small kingdoms. It was far safer and in some ways more convenient to meet here under the copse of trees just outside the tunnel and distribute the haul of narcotics then it would be to try to conduct business in the shelter of their homes. So money was passed between the dealers and their supplier as they sat in the relative quiet and darkness beneath the looming branches of the trees. Various street drugs like opium, cocaine, and Euphoria were handed out in plastic bundles from the depths of the backpacks contents.A heavy blunt wrapped in some chocolate flavored tobacco leaf was being passed around as business was just concluding. The supplier let out a muffled cough after he took a long draw off the smoldering blunt. "Fuck that's some good shit. Call it the Pink Panther, gots it straight outta the center. Best fucking thing that ever happened in this hole." He passed the chronic over towards the next in line as he let smoke roll out of his nostrils. "Anyways, the E is new shit, gots me a bomb ass source whose been brewing up his own." He was the sort that talked with his hands, moving them to punctuate his words. "It ain't the pure motha fuckin shit, bitch ass still workin on it but fuck if it ain't gonna get ya hard and spread some fuckin legs ya dig?"Abruptly, the dim echoing sound of a little pleasant whistling emerging from the tunnel drew the crews attention. The inconspicuous ditty cut through the silence of the night and alerted the gathering that a stranger was approaching. Soft light fell upon the silhouette of a lone figure that appeared as it strode forth out of the pitch blackness of the nearby tunnel. His was a large figure, set with a square jaw and long tangled dirty blonde hair. Piercing crystal blue eyes peered out from beneath bushy brows as the solitary presence stopped and twitched his nose, sniffing the breeze that wafted past. He kept his hands tucked inside the pockets of a scratched up old tan denim jacket that was open to reveal the deep crimson tee he wore beneath it. Strong well defined legs were covered in blue jeans that were ripped in spots and frayed along the bottom. A polished black belt with a buckle of silver in the shape of a leering skull kept the well worn pants snug around his waist.Sabretooth curled his lips into a meager smile, letting the thick canines that led to his infamous nickname flicker into view. "Well, well boys. Ain't you all looking like easy pickings." His legs shifted, knees bending ever so slightly while his hands bristled with tufts of wiry hair along the back of them withdrew from the jackets pockets. Rough, coarse, and thick fingers flexed while yellow stained pointed nails elongated menacingly from their tips.Pistols were drawn out quickly by a few of the small time drug dealers as they turned to face this seemingly brazen threat. "Pick this outta ya teeth bitch." The threat was snorted out by one of the dealers as he took a steady aim towards the broad shouldered target. By the time the trigger was pressed, by the time the bullet flew from the barrel of the gun, Sabretooth had moved. He sprung like a graceful and swift predatory cat off to the side, leaving the bullet to bite into the surface of the packed dirt trail. Dense brambles and thickets swallowed him up as he vanished from sight beyond their cover while a few more shots blindly trailed after him.Sabretooth grinned deep from the darkness that he quietly moved through as he circled his prey. "Like I said, easy pickings, but don't worry, just give me the name of the guy you got your Euphoria from, and I might let you keep everything else."His voice carried to them, sounding from different spots as he looped around and let them fire off a few more random shots that wordlessly rejected his offer.
Empire was a city of extremes. Slums and section 8 housing sat just blocks away from skyscrapers with 100 million dollar penthouses. Its metropolitan sprawl was larger than some small countries, but the center city featured some of the densest urban living in the entire world. Its population included CEOs, homeless beggars and everything in between, but there was an equality in that all of them shared the streets and sights of the city. Empire City was an incredible place at least for those rich or strong enough to take a piece of it for themselves.Although it was nearly 2 AM, the streets still teemed with life. The sound of honking cars and distant sirens was omnipresent, even atop a hundred story tower where Batgirl happened to find herself on that fateful evening. The black cowled beauty sat cross legged on the corner of the building, watching the headlights winding up and down the narrow streets below. One gloved hand held her phone lazily next to her ear, listening to the droning of police radio chatter. Over the static she heard a woman say, Dalton s crew just made their way into the park, but we don t have the manpower to follow. If we re lucky maybe someone will catch them on their way out. Barbara stood up, stretching out with a smile on her face. Dalton was a smalltime dealer with some bigtime connections who she d been searching for this past week. A mysterious new kingpin known only as the Candy Man emerged on the scene a month ago, but had already made a name for himself as a reliable supplier and a savvy businessman. His newest concoction, Euphoria, was an instant hit among the city s denizens. Its stimulant and aphrodisiac effects made it the darling of clubbers and artsy types, but already many had chased its fleeting, addictive high to their grave. The Candy Man was diligently careful Barbara was actually impressed. However, a weave is only as strong as its loosest thread. If her thinking was right, Dalton would lead her straight to his supplier.Barbara activated the selfie camera on her phone and held it out in front of herself, recording a three second clip of her waving and flashing a beaming smile. Barbara s Instagram had only 500 followers, but Batgirl s had 5 million. To Batman s chagrin, Batgirl s social media presence had exploded since she moved from Gotham. Young, beautiful, and daring, Batgirl was an instant star. Every video of her skillful parkour or fearless gliding through the city garnered a million views at least, and Barbara had grown to love the attention. The City Never Sleeps! She tapped out on her phone as she posted the short looping video to Instagram.As she leapt from the roof she glided down into the park, a heavily wooded section in the middle of the city large enough to get lost in. As she passed beyond the trees she found herself shrouded in darkness, with only the very occasional streetlamp and the moon lighting the park. Finding someone would be impossible if she did not have thermal vision built into her cowl. As she scanned the area, she saw nothing of interest: some men sleeping on benches and others drinking in the bushes. Suddenly, she heard the telltale sound of gunfire and whirled around in time to see a massive silhouette flitting from tree to tree at incredible speed. Finally, some action! she thought to herself as she ran towards them. Go fuck yourself! The men fired wildly into the consuming darkness until most had emptied their clips. At only 5 5 Dalton was unassuming, but his authoritative tone left no doubt that he was the leader. Scatter! And don t fucking go back to the club house! he yelled, taking off down a Northern path which led deeper into the woods. The group fanned out, many stumbling over their feet from fear as they ran. Dalton made it a quarter mile away when he ducked behind a tree, his heart pounding through his chest. He paused to catch his breath and listened carefully to hear if that thing had followed him. Hearing nothing he poked his head out to look back the way he d come, only to be met with a fist to the face.Batgirl watched her man take cover and quietly closed the distance between them. A quick combination sent him to the ground, blood spurting from his nose. She put a heeled boot to his chest and pushed him down onto the ground, leaning over him. Well hi there! She said sweetly, I ve been looking for you. Why don t we have a little chat?
Sabretooth had slipped down behind a small ridge, patiently waiting as the last of the bullets tore randomly through the over growth. He couldn't help but find it all so amusing as he suppressed a chuckle. His nostrils flared, taking in the smells of the wooded park and trails, focusing and separating them into individual scents as he heard the crew scatter in opposite directions."Eenie, meenie, miney..."His bushy brow arched upward as he tilted his head towards the sky and took another sniff of the air.There was a definite feminine scent in the air, a soft pleasant perfume that his superhuman sense of smell had just picked up. It didn't smell like some lady he would expect to find out here in the dark depths of the park at this hour. Maybe some unfortunate and carefree lass thought that a jog through the park in the middle of the night was a good idea. His lips curled into a deep malicious grin, maybe when he was done with business he would take a little moment to check in on the owner of that alluring aroma. There was nothing wrong with mixing a little fun into a nights work, after all.For now though he brought his attentive nose back to the task at hand and soon picked up the smell of one of the small time dealers that had practically ran in his direction. "..Moe." He murmured under his breath as he lunged forward, keeping low, crouching as he moved about on all four limbs. The slightly obese target never saw him coming as zipped past him in a blur. By the time the startled young man could react he found his hands clenching around his freshly slit throat and dropped to his knees with little more then a gurgled muted cry leaving his lips. His face his the dirt as he crumpled over, blood staining the ground around him as it swept out of his torn open jugular.One down his thoughts mused as he licked the blood from his nails before moving to pick up the next closest scent. It wouldn't take him long to make a few more examples before he turned his attentions to tracking down Dalton and beating the information he wanted out of the young punk. The Candy Man was going to be in for one nasty surprise when Sabretooth finally found him.Dalton laid with his back flat on the grassy ground and expelled a grunt of air as Batgirl settled the heel of her yellow boot right on top of his chest. His hands clutched over his awkwardly broken nose while his lips sputtered in an effort to keep the blood flowing out of his nostrils from slipping into his mouth. His dazed brown eyes were swimming in a sea of stars as he looked up to see two or three images of the petite heroines face looming over him. "Ugh, you fucking broke my nose!" His voice was a nasally wheeze as he tried to pinch his nostrils shut to clog up the bleeding. The effort only caused his face to wrinkle and twist into a pained expression."Jesus! What do you want with me!?" Dalton croaked out as he nervously looked around the dark woods all about them. "Are you, are you working with that thing?" He choked the words out while his hands moved away from his crooked puffy nose and grasped about the bright yellow length of her boot. One painful twist of Batgirl's heel down across his chest made him think twice about trying to wrench it away. "Look, I'm just, I'm just small time!" He blabbered out. "I don't know what you might want from me!""Probably the same thing I want. The Candy Man." Sabretooths deep rumbling voice emerged from the thickets behind Batgirl as he emerged from hiding. Fresh stains of splattered blood covered his forearms, while thin trickles of it fell from the tips of his claws as he squatted on his haunches. He settled his thick hairy forearms across the caps of his knees as he grinned, letting his protruding saliva coated tusks glisten in the moonlight. "By the way, I'm a big, big fan of yours." He winked coyly towards Batgirl as his lips curled upward in amusement. "I just love your instagram account, so witty and naively flirtatious."He drew a deep breath, letting his broad shoulders and heavy chest shift as he displayed his impressive physique in a subtle manner."But play times over cutey, I'll take it from here. So why don't you scram before things get." He licked his lips briefly, a glimmer of ill intent sparkling in his cerulean blue eyes."Unpleasant."
Batgirl took a quick scan behind her with her thermal vision and saw the large creature practically flying through the park towards one of the other men, and she winced as she saw him open the thug s neck. She counted three others, all fleeing, and considered going to help but knew that she would never make it to them in time. No, I m not working with that thing but boy is he scary, she said sassily, still watching him work, You re going to want to run, but wouldn t it be a shame if I kept you here until he came to join us? For just a moment her deep green eyes flitted back down towards the angry twenty something whose face was covered in blood. Tsk tsk, you ll want to watch your language with me, she chided. Looking back up into the brush, she saw the strangely graceful creature making a beeline towards her. He d dispatched the others faster than she d expected and she cursed herself for taking her time. It closed the distance quickly, I m the only thing standing between you and him. As Sabretooth stepped out from the trees, she gave him a blas smile. She scanned him from head to toe as he spoke, taking in his powerful build and bestial features. His arms and hands were drenched with blood, and more had been splattered onto his chest. It was immediately apparent that he was no ordinary goon, but superhuman and skilled. Batgirl lifted her foot off of Dalton s chest and began to slowly step closer to the sudden challenger. It s always good to meet a fan but this one is mine I m bringing him in. With only ten feet left between them, she planted her feet in a fighting stance, In fact, I m bringing you in too. You know who I am, and you know what I can do. Why don t you make this easy on both of us and just come with me? Dalton looked on nervously as the young heroine moved to stand between him and the bloody monster. She was built like a gymnast, with thick powerful legs and a narrow waist. Long red hair spilled out the back of her mask, and a number of gadgets hung from her yellow utility belt. Her confidence was inspiring, but he wasn t sure that he was willing to put his life in her hands. The creature loomed large over her, head and shoulders visible above her small frame. Tipping his fingers looked to be sharp claws and protruding from his mouth were enormous canine teeth. Slowly he began to shuffle backwards as the two squared off. He pushed himself to his feet and began to stumble off towards the trees when he felt his legs suddenly bound together, sending him back to the ground.Looking down, he saw a black bola wrapped tightly around his legs and his eyes found Batgirl s which still sparkled with a playful light. Sit tight, she said, looking at both him and the creature in her periphery, I won t be but a moment, and we still have to chat.
Sabretooth sat there and listened, crouched low as he was, flicking the blood smeared tips of his fingers and crimson soaked nails over his ragged jeans. His lips remained arrogantly curved in smirk, letting those two large tusks jut out on full display. He even nodded a little when she said that he knew who she was and what she could do. That nod though turned to a slowly shake of his head as she spoke about making it easy and just surrendering. "Uhh, nah I'll pass on that option."He said rather blandly while that pleasant smirk lingered on his lips as he stood up to tower over her.He lifted his large and stout arms upward, placing his palms behind his head, letting the size and definition of his massive physique sprout upon his biceps. His icy blue gaze watched every detail, every little movement that Batgirl made while he limbered up by torquing his hips in a slow twisting manner. He didn't even budge a step, didn't flinch a bit as he watched Batgirl draw her bola out and quickly used it to expertly take down Dalton as he attempted to escape. "Clumsy boy." He muttered under his breath in an amused tone as he watched their mutual interest tumble to the ground as his legs got snared up.As Batgirl looked back to him and focused her attentions fully upon him, Sabretooth tossed a gesture of his hand forth towards the fallen Dalton."You know, if you want to talk to him now I'm fine with that."He shrugged his head, stretching his neck and rolling his broad stout shoulders as he looked to Batgirl with that pleasant smile still painted across his face. "It could be like good cop, bad cop. Soften him up for me." He felt his toes curling in his boots as he let his feet shift and bounce in a barely discernible manner."I mean, really, take the kind gesture I'm offering you and get the hell out of here."His playful demeanor shifted to something dark in that moment. Blue eyes narrowed with a predatory squint towards her as his smile dropped into a snarl. "If you don't know who I am, your going to know now."His bushy blonde brows drew together at an angle as he spread his clawed fingers out wide. "The name is Sabretooth." He growled as he sprung like an uncoiling serpent towards Batgirl, lifting his bony knee up to greet her midsection.
Batgirl watched the enormous man s every move surprised by how graceful he was. It wasn t his size that worried her though she was a match for any man, no matter the size difference. His metahuman abilities could prove troublesome though. Such a shame that these villainous types don t play fair. You and I both know that this isn t how it works, she told him authoritatively, I don t negotiate with murderers, I just bring them in. Her eyes trailed down to his legs as his body tensed. He was subtle, but there were always signs. His leg was cocked like a boxer preparing to throw a power punch, and he watched her predatorily waiting for a moment of weakness. So she gave him one. She took a lazy step away from him and he lunged immediately, just as she d predicted Only much faster than she d thought he could. She braced her core for a moment before he slammed his knee into her, but still it drove the breath from her lungs. She flew back two feet before catching herself on the balls of her feet, bringing herself back down into a fighting stance. That all you got kitty? Time to show you that bat beats cat. Barbara slid her collapsible batons from her belt and extended them with a flourish. She leapt forward and let loose a flurry of blows, each probing for vulnerability. She danced expertly in and out, but with several extremely close calls. He was quick and skilled every time his claws narrowly missed her was a reminder. When the opportunity arose she stepped in close and slammed her elbow into his jaw. The force of the blow reverberated up through her arm as she pulled away. As she backed up, breathing hard, she saw that he hadn t even staggered. You must know that there s more heroes on the way by now, and clearly you can t beat me.
Sabretooth twisted his bulky neck side to side while his calloused clawed hand scratched and rubbed where Batgirl's elbow had driven home. He knew she was skilled, figured she would be fast and versatile, but her ability to tangle in close quarters like she just had demonstrated left him impressed with the buxom young masked beauty. "Your impressive Batgirl, I'll give you that."His lips curled into a long smirk as he let his eyes wander over her. "But really, bat beats cat? Do you know how idiotic that sounds?" He began to pace around her, his winter blue eyes focused on her every move. Watching the rise and fall of her perky little breasts. The breath that fell from her lips in the chilled night air. She was winded, he could hear it in the sound of her voice and smelled in the sweat that was peppering up upon her body. "Let's be honest here." His bushy blonde brows waggled as he patiently circled her like she was a struggling swimmer lost in the waters of the ocean and he was the shark that was closing in."Your out of your league, there's no other heroes coming. I'd smell them, hear them, long before they would show up."He sniffed the air, nostrils flaring as if to demonstrate his super human senses."Yep, your all on your own, unless you want to count Dalton as on your side."Sabretooth started to toy with her, showing her how fast he really was as he began lunging in as if he was about to strike only to sway away with inhuman swiftness. He laughed, his deep chuckles clearly reverberating through the small wooded patch they had come to face off in."You should know, I'm not just a murderer." He sang out with a malicious laugh as he launched forward and veered away once more, letting her feel the swoosh of his claw cut through the air just beyond her reach."No, I won't give you that pleasure, because I have other ideas in mind for you." He roared like a lion as he launched himself towards her and once again quickly sprang away in another direction before she could reach out to tag him. This time though when he pulled away his motions immediately flowed back towards her as he lowered his shoulder and launched himself like a rocket. His broad shoulder was aimed like a battering ram right for her gut while his muscular arms swung open wide as they sought to wrap her up in his grasp.
Hard pressed at her best, Batgirl was beginning to grow desperate. She tried not to let her anxiety show, but as he circled her she realized that he was not fighting, but toying with her. She should have taken Dalton and left when she had the chance. Intelligence was something she prided herself in, and the more she thought about it the more certain she was: she was going to lose. Get on out of here Dalton, she said, winded, I ll catch up with you once I m done here He had called her bluff, and his logic was impeccable. As their fight dragged on, fatigue began to slow her swings. He danced around her tauntingly as she grew more reserved with her flagging strength. She grew defensive, parrying his teasing swings which on their own threatened to topple her. You overestimate yourself, they re coming and they re close. I just hope I can beat you before they get here I ve got a rep to protect. The last hope she had was that his overconfidence would be his undoing. He grew ever more brazen and she bided her time, waiting for him to slip. Then, it happened.He leaned in a hair too close, unleashing a mighty roar and she leapt forward wildly, dropping one of her batons and gripping the other with both hands. Feet planted, she swung up towards his chin with all her strength, throwing her whole body into the attack. When she missed she found herself off balance and vulnerable as his shoulder slammed into her abdomen and his arms closed like a vice around her tiny frame.The force of his charge carried both of them to the ground, and as she lay beneath him his enormous body obscured what little light made it to them through the trees. She roared an angry battle cry right in the face of the cocky beast man, trying futilely to shove him away. Get off of me! she yelled indignantly as she reached for her utility belt, grabbing a pair of titanium alloy handcuffs and closing a fist around them so that she could use them as brass knuckles. She threw one punch at his chest, and two more at his face but lying as she was they were feeble blows. Exhausted, she finally had to stop to catch her breath.
Sabrethooth grunted as the pair of punches cracked against his jaw and split his lip wide open. Red blood mixed with saliva drizzled down from his lip and spread around the heavy stubble covering his jawline as he laid on top of Batgirl. As swiftly as the make shift brass knuckles had cut his lip open that small wound was already sealing itself shut, healing at an alarmingly accelerated rate. He licked the remaining blood of his lips as his bright sky blue eyes stared daggers down into her own as he felt the fight slowly fading as she tried to catch her breath. Quickly his clawed hands grasped her gloved hands by the wrists as he displayed his obvious strength advantage as he yanked her arms out and up over her head, pinning them to the grassy ground that they laid upon."I'll get off of you when I'm done getting off, on you." His lips curled into a snarled smirk as he whispered his words while his head hovered over her own. His long tangled dirty blonde hair fell in curtains around his face and blotted out the rest of the meager light from shining onto her face. He spared a glance past her as he looked towards Dalton who was still trying to figure out how to untwine the bola from around his legs. "Thanks for tying him up by the way, it gives us some quality time to play."Sabretooth laughed briefly before looking back to Batgirl as he smothered her lithe athletic frame with his much heavier bulkier body. The thick sharp tip of the claw protruding from his thumb could be felt pressing against the sleek yellow fabric of her glove where it covered her wrist. The pinching, stabbing pressure insisting that her hand open up and release its grasp over the titanium cuffs it held.While he worked to manipulate her hand to give up its grasp over the cuffs his stout legs shifted around her slender toned ones. The insides of his massive thighs framed the outer curves of her own, effectively keeping her from kicking. His heavy duty scuffed up hiking boots pushed and wedged themselves under her shapely calves and then locked around her ankles."Now give em up." He stated as he grasped her unburdened hand about the wrist and drew it over to rest against along side her other hand. His thumb continued to press down on her delicate wrist while his fingers spread out and pressed down around her other hand to help keep it in place. He drew his forearms and elbows in, pressing them down against her arms to keep them pinned while he held them stretched out overtop of her head. With his free hand Sabretooth grasped the cuffs and with one last sharp jab of his cruel nail on her wrist, he yanked them free of her hands possession. "I bet you like it rough, don't ya, Batgirl?" He murmured as his hands worked in concert to shackle her wrists with her own handcuffs. The feeling of his chrome belt buckle, that leering skull, was hard to miss as it pressed down against her, just inches over the young heroines mound that was covered by her tight fitting costume.
Her bad situation was growing worse by the moment. She watched despondent as his wounds sealed up before her eyes, his open cut knitting itself shut as if by magic. As she lay beneath him she felt small and powerless. She tried to stave off the feeling of hopelessness but even with her prodigious intellect she could think of no way out. His long blonde locks hung over her face, his face only inches from her own. She diverted her eyes as he licked the blood from his lips, his piercing blue eyes looking positively predatory. Fuck off, she said breathlessly as he pinned her hands up over her head, digging his claw into her wrist, You re disgusting. I promise you ll live to regret this. Her grip loosened on the cuffs as he continually worked her fist loose. She knew exactly what he had in mind for those cuffs and her pulse quickened. She squirmed beneath him but knew that there would be no getting away. His every move seemed effortless her strength was nothing against his. He felt as though he were three times her size as he manhandled her. As he pressed his claw into her wrist, hard, she cried out in pain and her grip opened almost instinctively. Get off of me! she spat at him, trying futilely to pull her hands apart as he leaned high over her to cuff them.Her face was buried in his burly chest as he closed the restraints around her slender wrists. His musclebound form was sweaty from the exertion of their fight and his musk was dizzyingly strong. She felt something hard pressed against her pussy and his every move ground it hard against her. A gasp escaped her lips as a rush of pleasure shot through her body, her blush red face almost matching her hair. They were so close together that her every labored breath pressed her perky tits into his chest. She snarled at his taunts. G go to hell, she said through gritted teeth, terrified but defiant, You won t get away with this.
With an audible snap the titanium cuffs clicked one by one around Batgirl's yellow gloved wrists as Sabretooth tightened them so she wouldn't be able to slip her wrists free of their hold. His form shifted as he rubbed his chest down over her body, flattening her perfect little perky tits against the enormity of his chest until his face was looming once more over hers. One hand remained clamped over the short length of chain that connected her bound wrists together, keeping her arms held against the grassy turf above her head. One crystalline blue eye shot a wink towards her as Sabretooth grinned merrily from atop her prone athletic body. "Oh, I'll get away with it, little bat."He accentuated his taunt with rolling grind of his hips that caused the harsh metallic skull shaped buckle to rub fiercely over the mound of her sex."Now, lets flip you over."His sneering laugh cut through the otherwise silent patch of trees within the darkened park as he moved his clawed hands down to grasp her around her biceps. His body rose up slightly and gave her a meager break from bearing the weight of his body against her own, as well as sparing her the pressure of his buckle upon her snug mound of sex. Forcefully he began to turn her over, sweeping his hands around her body and easily turning her over until her face was pressed down into the moist grassy floor surrounding them.The brilliant yellow cape that flowed down from her shoulders caught his attention and he smirked as he reached out and claimed its edges. "Lights out, little bat." He chortled out with a laugh as he tossed the yellow cape up over her head and quickly began to wrap and snare it around her cowled visage until it smothered her. His hands moved to fall on the back of her shoulder blades, using them as leverage as he shifted his posture and rose upright until he was resting his weight on his knees. His crotch perched right across the firm shape of her ass as his hands stroked down her back, the tips of his claws scratching playfully at her costume until they came to rest at the buckle of her yellow belt.With a flick of his fingers the belt unfastened and he grasped it, drawing it out from around her curving hips. He held it aloft like it was some trophy or souvenir and admired it briefly. His blue eyes perked up as the slim and sleek shape of her phone fell out from one of the yellow little pockets of the belt and landed in the grass just to their side. His grin widened at the sight of it before he looked back to the back of her cape covered head. "No more little gadgets for you."His deep voice resonated as he chuckled as her utility belt was flung far off to the side. "Mmmmm ." He groaned out then as his powerful fingers sunk in around the toned cheeks of her ass, grasping them tightly. His unwelcomed embrace dug into their curves while he rolled his hips against her backside. The firmness of his cock and the warmth of it permeated through the denim pants that it hid behind as he ground himself to a hardened and fully aroused erection."Don't even think about it punk." Sabretooth snarled towards Dalton as he was finally working the cords of Batgirls bola free from around his legs. "If you so much as make a move to flee, I'll rip you to shreds."He lifted a hand from Batgirl's ass as he waggled his index finger towards Dalton. "So you best stay put until I'm done with her."
Batgirl bit her lip as the cuffs closed tight around her wrists. She tugged against them nervously as he let his weight fall down on her much smaller form. She twisted and turned beneath him, trying to get out from under him but to no success. P please, she stammered out, dropping her unconvincing confident fa ade, Please don t do this! Y you beat me, just take him and go! She flinched away, an embarrassing gasp escaping her lips as he continued to grind into her with his belt buckle. She had never been with someone so rough before. Everything he did was so intense.He lifted her easily from the ground and dropped her face down in the dew covered grass. She tried to crawl away as he let his big, strong hands run down the curves of her lithe body. The smooth Kevlar spandex of her skin tight costume was resistant to bullets and blades but did nothing to protect her from his groping fingers. Face down, ass up she spat out a mouthful of grass as he flipped her cape up over her head. Hey, stop that! I her words were cut off by an instinctive yelp as he pressed her down into the ground, teasing her with his sharp claws. She recoiled, but something akin to a thrill ran through her. Blindfolded, the sensation of being touched and handled was magnified in intensity.She felt his fingers close around her utility belt, fumbling with it for a moment before figuring out how to unlatch it. Its comforting weight dropped away and her heart sank. There was precious little chance she could have reached it while wearing it, but now that it was God knows where there was no chance at all. She took some slight solace in knowing that he d left fingerprints on its rubbery surface that she could use to find him if she survived. Her thoughts were interrupted as he sidled up behind her, his thick cock obvious even through her costume and his pants. He held her tight, tugging her back into him so that it was nestled between the cheeks of her shapely ass. As she struggled she ground against it and to her dismay and unwilling arousal it continued to grow. You win, you win ok? I I m powerless before you, and I was foolish to think I could beat you. P please, please stop!
"Now where's your little zipper hiding at, hmmm?"Sabretooth mused with an aroused growled out quality to his deep voice as his fingers probed at the smooth hardened spandex wrapped about Batgirls ass. The sensation of his grinding manhood had seemed to reach its fullest mass as it shifted about between her firm cheeks."Ahh, fuck it, I'll just cut it open." He snorted out as his frustration rose and he begrudgingly shifted his crotch so his full erection removed itself from between her ass.With the tips of his claws from one hand Sabretooth carefully trapped the fabric of her costume between his pinching fingertips. He pulled the taut fabric upwards, stretching it out right above the apex of the curves of her rear. The sharp tip of the claw protruding from his thumb began to press against her costume. Despite its resiliency the kevlar reinforced spandex attire over her ass began to split open from the sheer prolonged press of the razor sharp tip of his nail."There we are, mmmm.." He moaned deeply and lustfully as the costume concealing her rear began to split at the seams that traced along between her ass cheeks.He leaned over to his right, letting his gaze fall upon the nearby slim phone that had fallen loose from one of her belts pouches and he gathered it up in his free hand. With a gentle underhand toss to his right, the phone landed within the soft carpet of grass nearby Dalton who had relented from his attempts to pry himself free from the last few lengths of the bola coiled around his ankles. Sabretooth shot him a look and grinned. "Why don't you make yourself useful and film this?" It might of sounded like a question, but Dalton knew it wasn't something he had the option to refuse. He scooted over awkwardly and grabbed the phone up in his hands, turning it around so he could view the screen. "Uh, what's the code?"Sabretooth looked down to the back of Batgirl's head and grasped the bundle of yellow cape that he had spun about her cowled face. "Guess I'll ask nice, to start."His fingers sank into the fabric of her cape and with a firm tug he pulled Batgirl's head up off the grass. Her neck was forced to crane backward and her spine followed suit as her shoulders were lifted upward by Sabretooths use of her cloak like it was some sort of collar."You heard the man, what's the pass word to get into your phone?" His hand gave a frim shake of the cloak as his fingers bundled it up tighter around her facial features. "Don't make me ask twice, Batslut."
Her entire head covered by her cape, everything she heard was muffled. Sabretooth s every movement set off alarm bells in her head, and as he ground his growing cock against her ass any uncertainty as to his intentions was dispelled. He backed off for just a moment, but there was no time to be relieved as immediately afterwards she felt his sharp claw drag along her sex through the costume. She kicked out with her legs, not directed at her assailant but just from instinct. H hey, what are you doing? she asked nervously as he pinched her bodysuit between two of his claws, Please, please stop! A sudden rush of cold air told her that he d succeeded. She gasped, a shiver running up her spine. Her long, well toned legs tensed beneath her and stopped flailing. She could hear the two men talking and their conversation filled her stomach with butterflies. A video of her humiliation would go viral in an instant, she knew. The internet could be a cruel place. She cried out in fear as he yanked her head back and her heart threatened to beat through her chest. No! You can t, she managed to say, even with the cape around her throat, Y you can t make me, I ll never give it to you! The phone he held had access to almost everything related to her life has a vigilante. She wasn t stupid enough to use her civilian phone but her Batgirl social media, one of the offshore accounts she used to pay for her gear, and some photos that she thought too risqu to be posted online. Visions flashed through her mind of her life as Batgirl ruined forever. She would lose the respect and fear of criminals everywhere, not to mention her dignity and any hope of becoming a senior member of the Justice League. And, without the money in her account, she would be unable to replenish her supply of gadgets.Fortunately for her, her phone was protected by bleeding edge technology. Its encryption was unbreakable, and nothing but her 12 digit randomized passcode could access the device without wiping its contents. Her thoughts were interrupted by the occasional image of possible punishments her tormentor might choose to dole out, but she put them out of mind. As scared as she was, if she could just stay strong then her phone was safe. Surrender was not an option.
Like the ferocious prehistoric beast that was his namesake, Sabretooth let out a low rumbling growl as he leaned down and pressed his lips against the back of Batgirls cape covered head. "Your going to tell me, Batgirl, or else."His words hissed against her wrapped up head which seemed to grow even tighter as the beastly man wrenched the fabric of her cloak deeper into his grasp with a sharp twist of his wrist. "Maybe for starters, I'll fuck you right in that tight little ass of yours."His thumb jabbed the rest of the way through the backend of her clinging costume and the sharp tip of his nail scratched over the delicate fabric of the panties beneath."You might like it."He snapped his teeth at the yellow cape covering the side of her face near her ear as that intrusive thumb stroked the tip of its claw along her undergarment."You might not, but I sure as shit don't care what you like or don't like."Dalton was busy turning the phone over in his hands, seemingly fascinated by the devices state of the art design along with the simple fact that it belonged to Batgirl. "Uh, you know, I, I uh, have some Euphoria, Mister." He cleared his throat while his fingers tugged at the neckline of his sweatshirt. "Uhm, it, uh, it might help make her, talk." Dalton turned his head and swept his backpack from where it lay between his shoulders.Sabretooth looked over while the side of his head rested against the back of Batgirls bundled up skull. His cheek ground against her face, pushing it into the turf as he twisted his lips in consideration of the offer. "Alright, just don't go thinking that this makes us buddy's now, and the names Sabretooth, not Mister."While the villain's words of acceptance to the offering were spoken, his thumb pressed down on the soft and delicate fibers of the lingerie covering her ass as the nail punctured a hole right between the cheeks of her rear. It plunged downward, fortunately for Batgirl the man monster on top of her had withdrawn the vile sharp claw back to a less threatening length as the length of his thumb parted the cheeks of her ass until the tip of that digit pressed down against the small, tight, and clenching ring of muscles in the depths of her ass cheeks."Ya, I know." He tossed a small clear plastic bag full of blue pills over towards Sabretooth who watched them land at his side.His grasp released from the bundle of twisted up yellow cloak that it had been using to smother the poor heroines face further and further with her own costume. His body leaned slightly as he reached out and grasped the bag, fingers sinking into its contents as he pulled out a smooth blue pill and cupped it in his palm beneath his thumb."What's this shit do?"Sabretooth inquired as he reached back over and began to unwind the cloak from around Batgirls face just enough to fit his hand beneath it."It will, well it makes bitches real horny If she hasn't tried it before, she might sing for your cock, tell you whatever you want to know even, just so she can be, fucked." Dalton shrugged his shoulders. "Though it ain't the real deal, just the Candy Man's version of it, so I'm sure it's not as strong as the Doctors stuff.""Ya, well the Doctor don't care for the Candy Man copying his shit."Sabretooth replied with a matter of fact tone as his hand slipped under Batgirls cloak and his palm pressed against her mouth. His index finger and thumb settled around her nostrils and pressed down on them, closing the airways off as his palm pressed and covered her lips. The small smooth shape of the pill could be felt getting pressed against her mouth as Sabretooth waited for her to gasp for air before he tried to shove it in."When I'm done with her, you tell me where to find him, and I'll let you off easy, hell I might even set you up with one of the Doctor's suppliers if you don't tick me off boy."
The sound of his anger was terrifying. The vibration from the bass in his voice could be felt through her entire body. She felt his claw dragging along the lace of her panties and yelped as he tore easily through that last bit of clothing that protected her dignity. Do your worst, you don t scare me, she said, sounding more confident than she felt, You re a fucking animal, but I promise I ve survived worse. He leaned on the side of her head, pushing her face into the ground. As Dalton offered the monster drugs to use on her, she cursed his name. How could this fucking lowlife side with this thing after all it had done? She felt him toying with her ass and she whimpered pathetically. He pressed against her asshole and she held her breath, trembling from fear. She felt her cape loosening from around her face, and cried out in a muffled voice as he covered her mouth and pinched her nose.Batgirl thrashed as much as she the handcuffs allowed. The tiny hard pill pressed against her lips which she closed tight. She had never taken drugs before in her life, and she sure as hell wouldn t be starting now. He was patient though. A minute passed, then two. Before long, her lungs were screaming for air. Her vision was beginning to blur, and as everything began to fade to black she finally gasped. The pill went straight down her throat, and a warmth followed it like a shot of vodka. The warmth spread through her entire body, and a sense of wellbeing began to set in. The panic, anxiety, anger and fear began to drain away.Every part of her felt like it was vibrating as the high permeated her body. Where his hands were rough and painful before, his every touch now sent waves of pleasure through her. Her pussy started to get wet as his thumb massaged her asshole. She knew it was wrong, and intellectually she knew that she despised him, but her body had betrayed her. Every thought felt far away, and intelligible thinking was beginning to take a backseat to her overwhelming horniness. She moaned, whorish and loud. It just felt sogood! More, she practically whispered, Harder, please! Unconsciously she began to roll her hips, pushing back into him. She bit her lip as she tried to will herself to stop. He was a jerk, she reminded herself but he made her so hot. He was a violent criminal but his big muscular frame was a dream come true. He was amurderer but she needed to cum, and he was the only one that could give that to her. Y you wanted to fuck me? she said, louder now, you said you didn t care what I wanted right? Well show me, give it to me hard and see if I can take it!
Sabretooth grinned widely after the slick blue pill had been forced down Batgirl's throat, and he looked down in awe as almost immediately the powerful aphrodisiac began to pervert her body and turn its desires against her. "Ha, well that fucking changed your tune, slut." He cackled as he lifted himself upright so that he was kneeling with his legs straddling hers while his crotch rested on her gyrating ass. Both of the villains hairy hands reached down for that meager little tear in the backend of her costume. Fingers pressed together, knuckles meeting as his palms turned to face outward from her body and with a solid ripping tear that rose up to join her cries to be ravaged, Sabretooth split the backdoor of her black spandex wide open.He stared down at the flayed opening of her costume, his icy blue eyes admiring the shapely curves of her ass as she rubbed and rolled back against his crotch in growing earnest. That little slim panty and the hole his thumb had speared through it caught his eyes as he began to unbuckle and remove the thick leather skull capped belt from his trousers. "Oh, your gonna take it, your gonna take it real hard." He snarled out as he dropped his belt to lay across her back as he began to unzip his jeans and wriggle them down his hips just enough to bring his skin tight red briefs that were bulging with his erection into view. His fingers worked to part the seam of his briefs and pull his throbbing shaft loose of the confines of his briefs, finally letting the heat of his thick veiny member slap down between the cheeks of her undulating ass.Slowly, deliberately Sabretooth ground against her responsive rear, letting his cock fall and fill up the valley between her firm ass cheeks and rub over the flimsy thin panties that clung to her rear."Now then, my little bat whore, your gonna tell that fella there what the password is to your phone, aren't you?"His words growled out as he reached down and shredded the dainty little undergarments covering her rear with his fingertips and then began to spread her rear apart with his hands. His hands began to work in concert, keeping her shifting cheeks spread with one hand while the other began to point the sloped smooth head of his cock towards the tight little flange of muscles buried between them. "Ahhhh, ohhhh, your a tight little slut, have you ever been fucked in the ass, Batbitch?" His gravelly voice rolled out of his lips with a tint of pleasure to them as his sloped head began to press firmly against the clenching ring of muscles."To bad we don't have any lube." His laughter rolled out of his lips as he pressed his thick and hard shaft demandingly down into her quivering backside.Dalton looked on in stunned silence, watching from a relatively close distance as Sabretooth began to drill his cock into her ass. He barely even thought of the phone that was laying in his hands as the villain unwound the yellow cape from her around her face and let it fall to the side. He could see her pupils, dilated and wide while her irises were growing hazy and murky from the drugs penetrating effects."Go on, tell him."Sabretooth hissed out as he reached down and took the long red curls of her hair into his hands and yanked back on them like they were reins for a horse. He bent her spine, pulled her breasts up off the turf along with her head by the leverage he held over her hair as he plunged his cock deeply into her extraordinarily tight little ass. "Tell him..."
The euphoria flooded her system, the intensity of the high growing in waves. Everything looked like it had an aura or halo as her vision started to grow fuzzy. She moaned as he tore her costume wide open the sound of it ripping was practically musical. She looked back over her shoulder at her attacker through her messy red hair. Had he always been such a stud? His eyes were penetrating, with an enrapturing intensity. He seemed amused by her predicament, but she was too horny to care. Fucking give it to me, she said breathily.She watched him undo his enormous belt and let his jeans slide down his musclebound legs. His huge cock sprung free of his pants and the sight of it made her mouth water. Sheneededit. He slapped his cock between the cheeks of her perky little ass which drove her mad with arousal. Coherent thought had become practically impossible. He slid his cock between her cheeks a few times and she could have sworn that she felt every vein on it. As he let the head move to sit against her asshole, she tensed up. Never in her life had she considered anal, and even under the influence the idea was frightening. She needed dick, but she wasn t ready for that nor could she give up the password to her phone, that much she knew. N no, I you won t get the code. I don t care if y her words were cut off as he buried his dry cock in her tight asshole.She cried out in mixed plan and pleasure. It hurt like sin as he buried his enormous cock in her. The muscles of her legs spasmed causing her ass to quiver and tighten around his shaft. Her cheek resting against the ground, every one of his thrusts pushed her face into the wet grass. Her eyes rolled up in her head and her mouth hung open slightly as drug induced pleasure ran through her. She felt his strong fingers weave themselves into her hair and close into a fist. As he pulled her from the ground she cried out again, loudly with no regard for who might hear her. Even this pain was sweet. Ohmygod, Fuck me! she practically screamed, Fuck me you stud! Her vision continued to grow fuzzier, and her ability to focus on anything but the dicking she was receiving had almost completely gone. It was so god damn good, but because it was her first time the experience was too novel for her to cum. No, I won t I won t I she trailed off as her slutty drug addled mind came up with another approach. I I ll give it to you if you fuck my soaking wet pussy.
Sabretooth's hips jumped up, slapping down against the small bulbous shape of Batgirl's ass, driving his cock in like a spike being hammered home. The exquisite tightness of her ass found him gritting his teeth in the sheer sensation of pleasure it wrought. The sound of her voice, crying out, begging for him to fuck her, calling him a stud only drove him to slam harder down into her. That and the seeming fact that she didn't want it where it currently was, only made his efforts all the more rougher as he drove down, ground it deep down inside her ass before lifting up to slam back down again against her bucking body.A vile wide grin swirled across his lips as she offered to divulge the code, but only if he plunged his cock into her soaking wet pussy. His hands remained wrenched around her silken red hair, pulling her body taut, bending her like a bow as he let her desperation to be taken in her pink little slit grow with every thrust into her ass."Is that ...what you want?" One hand released from the mane of her hair and came to crack down across the shapely curves of her ass as he continued to plunge and violate that tight clenching hole. "You want my cock, fucking your soaking wet...pussy, huh?"Another resounding slap rang down across her ass, almost making it look like Sabretooth was riding a bucking bronco with the way he was mounted on top of her, holding her hair like reins and slapping her haunches with his free hand.Suddenly the weight of his masculine chest thudded down against her back, crushing her breasts into the carpet of grass and dirt upon which she laid. His head fell along side hers, spitting his words into her ear as he swept his strong arms around and then beneath her body."Your gonna give that code up...." His powerful legs shifted, pushing down between her own and spreading them wide as he continued to relentlessly sink his thick manhood into the depths of her rear."If I fuck you here, right?" He growled into her ear, licking the lobe with the tip of his tongue while his hands pressed down beneath her body and his fingers fell across the flimsy covering over the shape of her mound."If I fuck you, right in that little pussy of yours, your going to give up the code!"He snapped at her ear as his clawed fingers rubbed, drove, and pressed into the folds of her damp and hungry sex.His fingers began to thrust, shredding the last remnants of her thin panties as they parted the pink lips of her sex and sank into the wetness of her slit. "Go on, you tell him the code, and you'll get that cock in your little fucking pussy all night long!"He growled out while his hips continued to jam his shaft into the backside of her body, violating the deepest parts of her virgin ass while his fingers sank deeply into her soaking wet twat. "Tell him the code!" His fingers were relentless as they plunged and worked like fast firing pistons into her sex, while his cock didn't pause with the way his hips were slapping down into the curves of her ass.Dalton was mesmerized by it all, watching with a slack jaw and wide eyes as Batgirl was overwhelmed by the single pill of Euphoria that had polluted her system. Even in his trance though he glanced down to the phone then back to Batgirl before he murmured. "Just...just tell me the code"
Batgirl moaned as the brute behind her slapped her ass, leaving a pink handprint on it. She let her hips sway, her body moving of its own accord. Yes, I want it. I need it, please! Please fuck me! She tried to turn towards him but he held her down effortlessly. With her hands still cuffed behind her, she could do little more than writhe beneath him. The feeling of his hot breath in her ear drove her wild. Her mouth hung open and she mouthed the words Oh my god over and over again, her words failing her. Please, please! I ll give it to you, I ll give you anything! She felt his fingers work their way into her sex and she almost came right then and there. A shiver ran through her entire body, starting in her quivering legs and running up the rest of her body. He moved them roughly, the tip of his claw brushing against her G spot. He had begun fucking her asshole faster and more aggressively, and the feeling of being penetrated in both holes left her weak and whimpering. From deep in the back of her mind, a voice her own voice beggedher not to give up the code. Wasn t being fucked in both her holes enough? Did she need that hard, thick, juicy cock in her pussythatbadly? How much better could it possibly feel? The rational Batgirl was making a lot of good points.But rational Batgirl wasn t in charge. Slutty, Euphoric cockwhore Batgirl was. She didn t know how much better it could possibly feel, but she knew there was only one way to find out. 2469 8251 6767, she said, the numbers spilling out of her mouth as if she was in a trance. And in a way she was. Her drug addled mind had been hypnotized by his cock. Now please, fuck me! I don t care if he films it, just give it to me please! Her eyes rolled toward the back of her head as he fucked her stupid. Her cheek and chest were pressed hard against the ground under his weight and the force of his thrusts. Dalton dialed in the digits she rambled out and the screen came to life, a brilliant touchscreen display with a number of apps he didn t recognize, but a number of familiar ones were pinned to the homepage. He clicked on the camera and pointed it at the beast and his defeated heroine. His eyes alternated between the screen and the act happening right before his eyes, still unable to believe what he was seeing. Alright man, we re rolling.
Despite giving up the code, Sabretooth still plowed away at the depths of Batgirl's ass. Thick veined shaft of cock piercing deeply, sliding in and out effortlessly with the build up of natural lubrication that had occurred between the hapless heroine and the beast that ravaged her. His lips pressed against the side of her cowl as he almost whispered a growled out promise directly into her ear. "I'll spare you the humiliation that the drug is causing you...." He grunted as he rocked his hips deep and hard down against the tight firmness of her split open backside. "Mmm... it's making you sound like a fucking whore. Ughh.." He groaned as he let the smooth texture of his tongue flick against her ear lobe.His hands meanwhile slipped out of the fringes of her soaking wet sex and moved up to her yellow cape. They grasped it, pulled a section of it taut, and then the nails cut like razors over it, shearing off a section with ease. "Just open wide."He hissed against the side of her head while his cock churned into the depths of her anal cavity."You'll thank me, later, when your head's cleared." There was a hint of humor in the villains voice as he drew the strap of her shredded yellow cloak up around her face and wedged it into her gasping mouth. For a moment he used it as a bit and bridle, pulling it hard, causing the fabric to grind against the corners of her mouth as her head was forced up from the ground. Dalton was a few feet away, capturing the whole event on her very own camera, focused right front and center on her dazed eyes as Sabretooth tied the yellow cloth around the back of her neck, effectively gagging her.With a groan he relented the plundering of her tightly clenching ass and reached down to grasp Batgirl by her hips. His straddling legs, full of muscle, spread, granting her body just enough room for the hulking villain to flip her over onto her back. The wetness and heat of his throbbing rod fell flush between her legs, right over the torn open portion of her black costume that had been shredded to access the soaking pink folds of her sex. Clawed hands fell flush on the young heroines perky mounds of breast. They squeezed over them, filthy hands of the cretin clenching and contorting their shape in his grasp. His icy cold blue eyes stared down, locked on the very clouded and conflicted eyes of his foe."I'm a man of my word." He snarled as he fondled and roughly played with the shapes of her breasts, letting his fingers trace absently over the yellow symbol of the bat that stood out upon them. His knees fell between her legs, pushed against the inside of them, shoved them wide open as he drew his crotch down and then slammed forward. The angled slope of his hard as steel cock pierced through the tight folds of her well lubricated sex and settled into its depths as it forced its way fully into her quivering vagina's core. "Ahhhhnnnmmm "He groaned, hands pressing down, smooshing the firm and taut orbs of her bosom as he snarled towards the night sky before he began to thrust. | 21 | [] |
8 | | Elsa's New Secret (Abderian and Falica) | A secret slave market for the wealthy.Until recently it had been nothing more than a rumor that Elsa was vaguely aware of when she was younger, she had remembered one time at a party that her parents had brought her and Anna to, a noble had been drunkenly rambling on about purchasing a pretty new thing from the local market. Elsa both young and naive at the time was curious about just what the man was talking and had asked her parents about it, but both told their daughter do just dismiss, that alcohol had lead to noble to talk nonsense. While both her mother and father were acting strangely urgent, Elsa had done what was asked of her and dropped subject, she had forgotten about it almost as soon as she became curious.The memory was buried deep within her mind, living as a recluse, becoming queen, Elsa had been more busy than ever. It wouldn't be until a long time servant of her family had approached her, giving Elsa a key and saying that she had been ruling long enough and responsibly enough to pick up the work that her parents had left unfinished, Elsa was told to check the drawer inside of her parents room. Walking back in hadn't been the easiest task, but she felt she owed to her deceased family members to power through it and find just what they working on. When getting around to finally opening it the inside was filled with various papers on how to better the kingdom, but the one thing that had caught Elsa's eyes was one written on how exactly they would put a stop to a slave market, suddenly those memories had returned.Elsa could understand why this was a task that had gone undone, the tension between middle class and nobles had always been noticeable, if the public found out the wealthier class was also purchasing slaves that would cause a further uproar, she could understand why her parents wanted to take care this quietly like it never existed. While Elsa did care for her kingdom and wanted to honor her parents every way possible, being the queen had become stressful, after going through one treatment after another to try and alleviate it, none really prevailed. What had yet to try was intimacy, a slave to use as a way of relief sounded appealing, after everything she had for Arendelle she decided that this would be her one sin, she had earned this, and if her parents were watching in the afterlife then surely the two of them would understand.Going to the slave market had made her skin crawl, not because the immorality of it all, but because the moment she stepped in almost all eyes were on her. The buyers were probably used to seeing other nobles, but the queen herself? That sounded impossible to believe unless they saw for themselves, fortunately Elsa wasn't worried about the consequences, because who would believe a random noble? Not to mention that would mean admitting they themselves were purchasing slaves, so Elsa made sure to move quickly and just focused on the merchandise instead of the buyers.Elsa felt as if she would be looking for a while, she wanted to find someone she felt would be just right for her, but her walk had been shorter than expected when stopping in front of one cage. Eyeing the woman inside of it, that seemed flawless in her opinion, Elsa couldn't resist. When making the purchase it was no surprise that the price was high, even for a noble, but being the queen, Elsa was able to buy the girl without even needing to consider the price, money was no object when it came to maintaining her own sanity after all.Wanting to draw in as little attention from the general public as possible, Elsa's new slave kept hidden beneath the seats of the carriage until they were behind the walls of the castle and the large doors had closed. Elsa herself stepped out first then grabbed the end of the rope which she had tied around the girls she had just bought neck, as well as placing one hand on the slaves shoulder to carefully slide her out. "Come, it's time that I show you your new home."
There will be a little bonfire in the square tomorrow, and you're all invited to attend. That sheer voice sent a shiver down her spine as she heard the judge speak, but the gypsy girl remained resilient and rebellious despite how much of a terrible situation she was in. She knew what the old man meant and she knew what that bonfire pertained to. That old bastard had been calling her a witch and now that they caught her she was going to face the fate that all those who were convicted of witchcraft would face. They were going to burn her at the stake and there was no escape. Anybody that would help her was now caught and there was absolutely no escape.The guards held her soft arms behind her and pulled her away as they intended on taking their prisoner's to there cells. All the prisoners were placed in cages and taken away in carriages, however Esmeralda was special. As she struggled in vain she was tossed into her own private cage for the guards to take away alone. As the horses began to move she could hear the guards speak about how she was a disgusting witch, one of them turning and spitting at her in disgust.Esmeralda sat in her cage hugging her legs as the ride went on. It was a long ride, but eventually they reached the palace of justice and the guard immediately grabbed her once more. In no time the guard grabbed her by the hair and tossed her in her cell. Tomorrow was when she was going to die. She was stripped of her beautiful jewelry and dress and soon dressed in nothing but a tattered white dress.The night felt long and agonizing, but soon enough the guards eventually came to her and pulled her out. Perhaps she would have been lucky to face the pyre, but that did not seem to be her fate. What soon occurred was her arms were bound behind her back and her mouth was bound by cloth. It had seemed judge Frollo perhaps cared more about profits rather than the desire he felt. Before long Esmeralda found herself bound in a cage that was best suited for an animal.In a way that perhaps was what she was reduced to. She heard the men nearby speaking on about some noble slave market and that they would make a prime profit from her. It was sickening to her, to be the once strong fighter for the weak and now be the mere puppet of those who oppressed the weak.Each person that walked by her cage was met with a powerful glare from her emerald eyes, but one of these buyers caught her attention well. It was a young woman with a regal attire. She was young and almost frail looking and definitely did not seem like somebody who would be at a place like this, but that didn t stop Esmeralda from glaring at the woman, her muffled voice stopping her from yelling at her.Before long Esmeralda s eyes widened as she found herself being dragged out into a carriage and thrown under the seat. The ride was a long one, but eventually the carriage came to a halt and before she knew it she was pulled out of the carriage, the gag on her mouth removed. Tsk, home? More like prison Esmeralda said glaring as she turned to look away from her new mistress.
Green eyes, raven black hair, Elsa considered this person to be a slave to be fit for a queen, but her slaves first words upon arrival told her some discipline may be necessary. The clear disdain in her voice already told Elsa that this woman could end up acting out and try to put up at least somewhat of a fight. Still being someone who was in charge of multiple servants every day, Elsa knew when it necessary to put her foot down so she stopped leading and walked towards her slave, taking their chin between her thumb and index finger and turning her slaves head until they were facing each other. "If it's a prison you see my castle as, I won't hesitate to treat you like one if you cross me." Elsa warned before releasing her grip and turning around to begin walking back towards the castle, this time her pace much quicker and grip on the rope much tighter then when she started.Despite the guarantee that her new slave wouldn't be seen Elsa's pace hadn't slowed down when entering the inside of her castle, she wanted to talk with her new possession without the risk of any interruptions. "Continue to follow, you'll have plenty of opportunities to see all of the castle another time." Elsa ordered just in case her slave wanted to look around, right now what was most important was for Elsa to explain just what she expected and to figure out just how harsh she may have needed to be. It was a necessary step she took with her servants unless there was nothing left to do except fire them, but considering the sum that Elsa paid as well she would also consider more drastic measures as well if that ended up being necessary.Elsa's pace began to slow once they neared her room, opening the door and giving the a slight pull on the rope to inform her slave to come inside. After that the door was shut then locked, no interruptions to deal with, Elsa decided to began the little test she had in mind now. Stepping towards the woman, Elsa got close enough until their fronts were pressed together, one hand going her slaves cheek and the other going on the hip. Being a slave meant belonging to someone, people were free to do whatever they wanted with their belongings, so Elsa considered herself free to touch wherever she wanted "How I'll treat you depends on how you'll act as a slave." Elsa was ready to discipline this woman if she tried to move away from her touches. "I'll ask for something small of you first since we've only begun. What is your name?"
Esmeralda was a fierce and strong woman. She was a fighter who didn't let others have their way with her or anybody who was innocent or weak. She was so selfless, but in this situation, she had to stay strong for herself. She was the only one here in trouble and though she couldn't really tell this woman's nature, Esmeralda could only conclude it was no different than that of the numerous scum she felt. That beautiful body of hers would not fool the gypsy girl in the slightest. The moment her new master took hold of her chin, Esmeralda stared deep into her eyes with a hateful glare. She was no different than Frollo in her eyes. That castle of hers was nothing more that castle of stone wall, but this time she had no allies deep within it. She was alone for this.Before she knew it, Esmeralda found herself being dragged along towards their destination, the collar on her neck giving her no choice and treating her as if she was just some animal. She truly wished she could strangle the mistress, but with her hands tied behind her back she was helpless. They walked with a great speed and the gypsy s barefeet walked down the path and would eventually feel the smooth feeling of the castle floors. It was truly a luxurious and grand place, but Esmeralda didn t even have the time to even look around the area. Doing as her mistress said, she followed and with a final yank she was pulled into a room she only could assume was her mistress s chambers.Esmeralda stood in the room glancing around her surroundings, but soon had no choice but to stare at the woman approaching her. Before she could even take a step back, her waist was already held by the woman as the two s body were pressed against each other. The white rag dress she wore was already something that was thin enough that her touch itself already did not feel so welcoming. With their faces near to each other the ice queen would soon be welcome by Esmeralda s glare once more. What? You re not going to state your own name? I though you monarchs were held pride in your name. My name is Esmeralda Esmeralda said with spite. She knew that the ice queen perhaps believed that she was above Esmeralda to state her name, but though Esmeralda complied, she wasn t going to make things easy.
Despite showing cooperation that glare told Elsa she couldn't expect obedience, for all she knew Esmeralda could simply be biding her time and waiting for a moment to strike. As unappealing as the idea was she knew that at some point those ropes would need to removed at some point in order to keep her slave in tip top shape, a person needed to stretch every once and a while after all. Not only that, but considering how she planned on using her slave, cooperation was definitely something that was necessary, right now all Esmeralda had was a sharp tongue, Elsa planned to dull it. "You do not answer a question with a question." The hand already on Esmeralda's cheek raised a bit and Elsa was quick to give the woman a slap on the cheek then stepped back just in case there may have been some physical rebuttal as a response."If you wished to know my name, you say may I know your name, or please tell me your name." For a moment Elsa debated on whether or not she should let her slave know, well so far the worst Esmeralda had done was glare, she felt like the slap was enough to get the point across. "I am Queen Elsa, however what I expect you to call me is either ma'am or mistress." Calling someone by their was meant for people who were on equal footing, her a queen, Esmeralda a slave, there was a clear difference in power dynamic. From the firm tone in Elsa's voice she sounded ready to discipline her slave in case she was addressed by anything differently."You should know now that any information about me should be considered a privilege. I choose how much or how little you want to know." Elsa began to pace around Esmeralda to try and add a bit more intimidation to her demeanor. "In fact you should consider yourself fortunate I haven't put you in a dark space as punishment. The cage you were inside I bought you appeared rather uncomfortable, but I can make it seem like luxury if you wish to fight me." Elsa unafraid to putting Esmeralda through a harsh discipline it was the last she wanted to do, the queen wanted her slave right by her side ready to use whenever she had time after all.
Esmeralda wished that her hands weren t tied behind her back. She wished she could lunge at the queen before her and strangle her to death, but that was just something that wasn t going to happen. She was completely powerless and that feeling of powerlessness was just agonizing to her. The only weapon she had was her sharp tongue and that could only get herself only oh so far. She spoke out to her unafraid, but the result was as she expected. That soft hand that was caressing her soft cheek soon changed as the ice queen pulled her arm back and immediately made contact with the same cheek only much more violently.The loud smack echoed throughout the room and the gypsy s cheek began to turn red as her face was knocked to face away from her new mistress. She would have struck back, tackled her or headbutt her, but the woman had already stepped away and was cautious. Esmeralda knew that this woman was smart enough to deal with her. Her cheek throbbed with pain and she attempted to move her hands in vain. The suffocating feeling was starting to get to her. Was her whole life going to be reduced to just this? Ever since Frollo took over the Court of Miracles her hope had taken quite a blow. The court was a place that just seemed invincible to her, but that place broke down with ease. She knew that any fight she did was for pride, but was that pride worth it? Was pride really worth living through pointless suffering? Esmeralda could only look down at the ground as she listened to Elsa speak on about how she should speak.Esmeralda would eventually figure out the woman s name. Each word she spoke almost sunk deep with in her. She disliked that cage with all her might. The feeling of fear and confinement struck her more than she chose to believe. Hearing about that cage only brought back that fear, but she didn t show it. In the end she still stood resolute before the ice queen. Why me? I m sure you can probably find a willing whore who will do as you ask so why me? What do you want from me my mistress Esmeralda said, the word mistress said with disgust
No attempts to charge her, good it seemed like Elsa was start to have an impact on Esmeralda, though entirely broken she could still hear the disgust when being called mistress. "I'm certain any noble would be content as long as the slave is pretty enough. However I am the queen, I expect a slave fit for one." Stubborn as Esmeralda may have been she certainly was a beautiful woman that didn't seem appear like a slave that anyone with more than enough money could have. "What I want from is your submission." As she spoke Elsa walked back towards Esmeralda to grab her by the shoulder, making sure to keep her guard up in case she tried anything.Elsa lead the way towards the bed, pulling Esmeralda forward to sat her down then lay the slave atop of the mattress, legs still left to hang off the edge. That was when she decided to unveil a new surprise for the slave, a flurry of snow began to form in Elsa's hand and with it a shard of ice, showing Esmeralda a bit of her powers. "Now hold still, I don't want to cut your skin by accident." The edge of the shard was hooked onto Esmeralda's dress and carefully Elsa began to move it downwards to start cutting open the fabric until a long line was formed right down the middle, Elsa took one side in each hand and began to spread open the shirt so she could see more of Esmeralda's body."Will you promise not to try and strike me as I touch you?" Elsa pressed the flat end of the ice against Esmeralda's shoulders then began to slowly drag it down, wanting to have the slaves entire body feel a chill. "I'll be much rougher if you say no, if you answer yes only to then lie, it will become worse." Elsa dragged it all the way down to Esmeralda's stomach before finally lifting it off her body.
They had barely really begun but Esmeralda felt her hopes being crumbled bit by bit with each moment that passed. Her people rarely ever received praise or even equality, but that didn t matter to the queen before her. To her she was nothing more than a beautiful woman for her to seize. Once again her beauty had caused her trouble and this time it was a trouble that she could not get out of. Even if she was to get out, she had no idea where she was nor had any friends or allies. She was completely alone excluding her new mistress.The moment Elsa reached out to her Esmeralda s right leg took a step back as she felt the queen s hands firmly take grasp of her shoulders. Helpless to do anything Esmeralda s found herself laying upon the bed in the room with her feet dangling off the edge. With her hand behind her back, Esmeralda attempted to look at the queen only for her emerald eyes to widen in disbelief. The queen was doing something that was practically impossible. This whole thing started because Esmeralda was falsely charged as a witch, but the true witch was standing right before her.A drip of sweat ran down her face as she felt a cold sensation even before Elsa s ice touched her. Any hope was crushed now that she realized that she couldn t escape. She closed her eyes tightly as she felt the icicle cut through her thin white dress that Frollo dressed her in. Her body began to shiver at not just the queen s touch, but also at her words as well. Her eyes just looked to the side and narrowed as she gritted her teeth. I m no fool to attack have my word Esmeralda said narrowing her eyes. Though she tried to remain strong, though she tried to act tough, in the end one could see the defeat on her face and hear it in her words.
That look of defeat certainly hadn't disappointed and Elsa dropped the icicle down onto the floor once a fair bit of the dress had been cut and spread it open with both hands. She decided she would relish in the woman's submission, hands caressing Esmeralda's cheeks and a cold air started to brush against them, it was similar to cool early morning breeze, so no ice would suddenly begin to build on Esmeralda's cheek. "Good answer." Now that Elsa had a submissive slave the next goal was an eager, but she wouldn't fuss if that day would never come.Her hands left Esmeralda's cheeks but the breeze Elsa had been making continued, this time going right for the slaves chest and having the cool air brush against both nipples so that way both would go erect before finally stopping. "I know you've your word, but I'm going to keep you tied up for now, for my own pleasure." There was no point in hiding it, Esmeralda's purpose as a slave was to pleasure her. Elsa took one nipple between her thumb and index finger and did the same to the other, starting to twiddling and twist both of them then following her movements up with a pinch.Leaning down Elsa got face to face with Esmeralda "I don't want you just accept my touches, but beg for them as well." After saying that one hand went right between the slaves legs and Elsa used two fingers to start grinding against the woman's folds. She could tell that Esmeralda was trying to stay strong, because of that the queen decided she needed to feel humiliated, if only for a little while. "Whether you genuinely want them or not."
That moment of defeat sealed any act of rebellion away into an unbreakable prison. As the ripping sound of her dress s fabric came to an end, her body was welcomed by the open air and was now completely bare for her mistress. Not a single part of her body would be hidden from her mistress and that sheer thought alone sealed the fact that she was now owned. Her body heated up at such a thought, but her mistress s hand was the opposite, bring forth a cooling feeling.If the woman wanted Esmeralda could assume that the woman could freeze her completely, adding to another fear deep down. Though she was strong and firm though out her life, the blistering cold of the streets of paris was just something she was unable to overcome at time. That feeling alone was something that symbolized a hard time. Elsa wanted to play with her, it was why she wasn t untied and the reason she was bought. That cold shivering feeling of her touch eventually moved down her body and eventually it reached her breast.It was then that the woman touched her in one of the spots she allowed no man to ever touch. The nipples of her large breasts were the first of the queen s play thing. The circular buds grew hard and firm as the queen began to pinch them. Though Esmeralda told herself it was because of the cold, she knew it to be only one true reason. The moment she felt that touch, a feeling of electricity coursed through her, a feeling of stimulation that she rejected with all her might, something that could be show with her eyes shut tightly.Almost as if she could feel the queen s presence growing closer, Esmeralda s eyes opened and stared deep into the queen face and immediately her eyes widened as she felt the queen s hand go down. There was nothing she could do as the queen played with her most private spot. She felt pathetic, she felt utter despair. Her eyes soon turned watery as a more desperate look formed on her face. Please don t... Esmeralda could only whisper as the tears balled up but didn t fall.The feeling was maddening as the feeling of stimulation grew. Feeling the queen s hands by her lower lips was something almost like a tease. Even though it was with a woman, Esmeralda knew that there was no going back and she could do nothing.
"That isn't what I wanted to hear, Esmeralda." Names were something that carried power, Else knew this, so instead of merely calling the woman pet or slave, it would be by name her plaything would be addressed. That with a cold and disappointed tone in order to build on the fear that her slave was so obviously feeling, as if she were about to do something drastic because her expectations hadn't been met. The hand that had been on the bound woman's chest lifted away, and Elsa began to trace her thumb along Esmeralda's lip "I said beg for my touch."The tip of Elsa's thumb began to grow cold, but she didn't use her powers to the extent where ice would begin to form, just make her touch feel as if a metal were being brushed up against Esmeralda's bottom lip. "Perhaps what I need to do is freeze your tongue and shatter it since you can't seem to say what I tell you." Though it was nothing more than a bluff on Elsa's part, she planned to use Esmeralda's tongue in the future, but she wanted to make her bluff believable. So her index finger joined her thumb and moved between the slaves lips, as if she were ready to pinch down on the wet muscle and turn it into ice, however her digits didn't move any further than that."One chance, that is what I will give you." To add more pressure to the situation, Else began to blow a cold breeze into Esmeralda's mouth. Meanwhile the hand that between her slaves legs began to force a single finger inside of Esmeralda's slit, whether she was dry or not hardly mattered to the queen, she began to twist turn her ring finger and began to poke and prod against the inner walls, but holding off on using her ice powers. Right now the only cold she wanted Esmeralda to feel was the one that was blowing against the inside of her mouth. "I'll even tell you what to say, say please touch me." | 11 | [] |
9 | | A New Harvest (Vaip and Gunner) | Theirs was a land of mystery, magic, and monsters. If one was careful they could live their life in peace the worst monster they might have to deal with being a chirori. Mostly they lived in the deeper parts of the forest or in dark, dangerous caves. Few ventured out to those places save for the brave and strong or the painfully stupid. Where that left Ivah she had never been certain. At a young age she'd had an affinity with monsters. Some of them anyways. Most she hardly saw as monsters, they only attacked with scared or threatened. Her parents owned a large farm where they raised and bred monsters for their products. Buffamoo for milk, wollies for their wool, kokehoho for eggs, and even a couple hornets for the honey they produced. Their ranch made a very tidy living off the products, tidier still as Ivah grew and worked with the monsters they raised. She even had a few wayward souls she managed to befriend. First, when she was a far younger girl, she found an injured fuwori. After nursing the little creature back to health it became unusually attached and was rarely seen off her shoulder. She dubbed him "Scamper" for children are not particularly creative in names. Far later in life Ivah had a brush with death. She was out with Scamper, keeping to the edges of the woods near the base of the mountain. Out from the bushes tall, monstrous silver wolf emerged. Ivah was certain she was going to be gobbled up. With no other chance but to try she spoke to the beast in a calm, soothing voice. It didn't pounce in fact, it was curious. Ivah fed it some bread and cheese she happened to have and made a new, lifelong friend.It was her 16th year when he parents knew she was more than ready to handle the farm. They'd had their eye on a venture property off on some islands, a new business after years of the rancher life style. Her father had always dreamed to be a cook and her mother wanted to own an inn. So they decided to leave Ivah in charge of the ranch. The work was hard and long but Ivah grew strong for it. Shiro, her silvery white wolf, and scamper didn't so much help as gave moral support as she collected eggs, sheered wollies, and milked buffamoo. For two years everything went smoothly. The ranch flourished under her charge, producing enough goods to both sell at market and send to her parents. At 18 Ivah was strong and confident in her abilities as a rancher.Then things took a turn. Not only for her but for the entire town.Monsters drew closer. Orcs and ghouls and even trolls came out from the deep, dark corners of the world. Ivah lost half of her herd in a year. The ranch was suffering and the town struggled to keep the monsters back. More and more of the townsfolk abandoned their trades and took up arms. The town suffered from the loss of trade as they fought to keep the monsters at bay. Even Shiro struggled to defend the ranch, however strong he was. Ivah took up the bow, riding about on Shiro's back. With her herds thinned she dedicated more and more time to training. Her arms grew strong from bending the bow. Strangest of all the monsters that attacked couldn't be reasoned with. Even Ivah's affinity with them didn't seem to matter for the ones who attacked. The daily struggle for life lasted for nearly two years.All at once it stopped. No more attacks. At first the town thought it was a calm before the storm. Homes were fortified, every villager was mandated to wield weapons. Those who had been fighting, at home and afield, patrolled the forest edge. Ivah and Shiro prowled into the forest but all was calm. A week passed, then a month. The villagers relaxed their guards, patrols lessened. Life slowly returned to normal but their economy was devastated. Ivah did what she could to help her town but, most importantly, they needed more farmers. Many of the farmers had left their plots of land, fleeing into the town. The older man who leased a portion of Ivah's ranch had long since fled for far larger, distant cities for protection.It was lean times, festivals were minimal or forgotten. Ivah took care of her small herd, only a quarter of the size it had once been. Finally all seemed peaceful and Ivah decided it was time to try and gather new monsters to strengthen the output of her ranch. It would be dangerous but, over the two years, she had become a deadly shot with her bow. Shiro was lean, strong, and she trusted her wolf above all others. So with Scamper on her shoulder, astride Shiro, she set out to find more monsters to befriend.The trio had been out for half a day and had a small contingent of wollies and one buffamoo trailing with them. Ivah kept coaxing them to follow with kind words and small treats. Wild as they were wollies and buffamoo were gentle monsters, easier to befriend. Suddenly Shiro pulled up short. His nose raised into the air with loud, huffing sniffs. "What is it boy?" Ivah asked in a whisper, readying an arrow. Of course, right when she had found a few to fatten her herds there would be an attack. A battle would likely scatter the new monsters she had just befriended. Yet Shiro didn't growl. He gave a low, confused whine. Ivah tilted her head, pushing a lock of chestnut hair out of her wide, brown eyes. Slowly she slid of the warm, furry back of her wolf. "Lead on," she said with a gesture. Shiro snorted and prowled forward. Rather than stick to the path they deviated into the thick brush of the trees. A dangerous way to go but she trusted Shiro.The wolf pulled up short and stuck his nose in the grasses. Ivah bent down to find...a body?! She pushed the grasses back to find a man, or a boy, at least one closeish to her age. Unconscious in the forest! Ivah stowed her arrow and slung her bow. "Hello? Can you...hear me?" She asked the figure with a gentle nudge and no response. Her lips pressed together. It was hardly a decision really. "Lay down Shiro," she said to the wolf who obliged. With a couple well timed rolls she got the strange onto Shiro's back. "Let's go home," she said as she turned back to the path. Walking was slow work but they made it back well before dark, well before she had even intended on returning. Thankfully the four wollies and the buffamoo still followed. Seeing the groups of their own kind they scurried forward to greet their fellows leaving Ivah to deal with the stranger.With her parents gone she had taken over their room which left her old room for the stranger. Shrio was a star that day, crouching low in the house to help get the stranger up to the bedrooms. It was a struggle but between the large wolf, that barely fit in the house, and Ivah they got him to the room. Ivah decided propriety was in order but removed his shirt at least to check for wounds. She tended to him with the best of her abilities before leaving him with Shiro for a little to fetch the doctor.There wasn't much to be done, according to the doctor. Wait for the young man to awaken. Try and get a little water into him using a cloth and slowly drip it between his lips, keep his head tilted back so the water would go down his throat and not his lungs. Ivah sat with him through the night, trying a little water every so often. As the night wore on her eyes burned and grew heavy. Close to down she eventually fell asleep in the chair beside the bed with scamper curled up in her lap. Shiro had long since gone outside and guarded the door. While asleep of course.
He was exhausted. His mind was foggy, unable to focus on a single thing for more than a few seconds. He couldn't remember where he was, or what he was doing here. All he could remember was that... he'd come here with a purpose.Monsters, was a word that crossed his mind more than once, as he aimlessly staggered through what he could only describe as a sea of trees. Everywhere he looked, there were only trees, foliage, the leaves rustling about in a quiet, relaxing symphony. It was all peaceful, but had it always been that way? Who was he? What was he? He looked down at his feet to see if he was really there, noting that, at the very least, he had feet. Feet which carried him, though to where was a question he couldn't answer. His clothes were tattered, barely capable of being called clothes, and more akin to rags, dirty and torn, pieces missing. His boots, made out of wool, had most definitely seen better days, barely kept together at the soles. He couldn't even remember how he'd gotten to this state. All he could really say was that... he was really hungry, and thirsty, and that his legs stang from walking so much. Wherever he was going, he probably didn't have to be there in that instant, right?So he sat down to take a short rest, his legs giving way before he was even on the ground. They trembled, aching from what he could only imagine had been days of nonstop walking. How long had he been treading this road? Why was he here? These questions tortured his mind, dancing around it, but never allowing him to grasp at them to begin wondering for an answer. He sighed, taking a hand to his head and running his fingers through his hair. He tapped the tip of his index against something some kind of plastic construct or other. He grabbed at it and found that it hung to his face, just in front of his eyes. A pair of glasses, removed from him, the difference immediately apparent. His eyesight became markedly blurrier... but more than that, the world became less colorful without them. As if they were meant to be used to perceive the world differently. Feeling a headache coming on almost immediately, he put them back on and leaned back, holding himself up by his arms.He sighed, his gaze upward, as he wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead. He was soaked with sweat, giving him a filthy kind of feeling. He was coated in a thin layer of dirt, too, for some reason. Everything about his current state seemed to suggest that he had been wandering around for at least a few days. It would explain why he was so weary, and why his entire body ached, but not why he couldn't even do so much as remember his name, or why he was lost in a place like this. He thought to lay down, letting his arms rest at his sides. It was so cool in the grass, so soft and comfortable. If he could only rest a little while, maybe he could clear his mind, or at least get some energy to look around for food and water. Yeah, that sounded like a good idea... and so he closed his eyes, darkness enveloping him like a sweet blanket, cooing him into a dreamless sleep. Well, not entirely dreamless. He was visited by vague visions of someone, a voice that was familiar, but also not. He was entrusted with something, given a very important object. It was imperative that he protected this object with his life, and that he use it for a purpose... that he couldn't recall. Whatever it was, he didn't have it anymore. It was gone, along with all of his memories. He felt the something,someone, pick him up, take him somewhere. He heard a voice, sweet as it was, call to him, yet he couldn't even shift in his sleep or try to reply to it. He was far too tired to even think about waking up, the embrace of sleep conquering him. It coaxed him into motionlessness, taking him prisoner, but comforting him. By the time he could even manage to shift in his bed, his eyes fluttering open, he found himself in a place different from the one he'd fallen unconscious on. Rather than being surrounded by nature, there were walls, a candle lighting up the room. Instead of lying down on the grass, he was on a bed, soft and warm, though perhaps a bit small for his liking. But more importantly than that, he was no longer alone. Instead, he laid his eyes on a girl with soft features and flowing brown hair. To say he was confused was an understatement. He was speechless, at first, unable to comprehend where it had gone from him being in the wilderness, by himself, to now being... tended to? By this girl. He shifted uncomfortably at first, noting that she was asleep. "Uhm..." Would it be rude to awaken her? Perhaps he could just go back to sleep and wait for a better time....Groooowl.But before he could even decide, his body, stomach specifically, roared to remind him of how hungry he was, echoing in the small room. There was no way she wouldn't hear that.
Ivah was well asleep, her head resting against the wall in her repose. Scamper twitched some in his sleep, dreaming of whatever chioris dreamt about. She had stayed up with the stranger as long as she could but she wasn't used to long, late nights. Normally she'd be up with the sun to start work on the ranch. Buffamoo were gentle giants but spirits help you if they didn't get fed on time.The deep, rumbling, painfully loud growl jarred her from her sleep. It sounded like a monster had come into the room! She jumped up, ready to fight. Scamper rolled out of her lap with a surprised squeak, chittering angrily once he stood back up. Where was Shiro? He was supposed to be guarding the door. She had no weapons on hand. Then she stopped and looked around. No monster. Her heart settled down and she released the breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Then it dawned on her. Her head snapped over to look at the man she had dragged out of the woods. His eyes were open. He was awake! Ivah's face lit up in delight and surprise."Oh! You're awake!" A joyful grin spread across her lips as she turned to him. "When the doctor said he hadn't a clue when you'd wake up I was so worried...but here you are! Awake! Thank the spirits. Boy, when we found you...we being Shiro, Scamper and me...well I didn't really know what to think but sleeping in the forest is a pretty bad idea. I mean it's been calm for a while but...well you never know." Her mouth moved a mile a minute, her hands expressive and gesturing with every other word. "I mean, we couldn't just leave you there and you definitely were not just sleeping. Unless you just sleep really deep. Doctor had no idea what might be wrong. But at least you're safely out of the woods."Ivah stopped herself and blinked for a moment before giving him a rueful grin. "Sorry...haven't introduced myself. I'm Ivah," she said a little slower with the grin still pasted across her lips. "Oh, and this is Scamper," she said as she picked up the irate little chidori. The little red rodent huffed and puffed some in her arms. "Do you...I mean...not to be rude but Doc said you might be a little delirious. Do you...know your name? Where you're from? Where you were going?"
"Ah..." His stomach rumbled once again. He broke into a cold sweat, embarrassment coloring his features as the girl jumped into a fighting stance. Was itthat loud? He was pretty hungry, for sure, but he didn't think his empty stomach was that loud, nor did it warrant such a reaction. But maybe he was wrong. All he could do was scratch at his cheek, giving an apologetic, anxious grin to the girl as she gazed over and offered him a smile of her own. He didn't know where he was, or who this girl was, but she had definitely taken him from the wilderness and to safety, so surely she couldn't be dangerous, right? He relaxed his shoulders, a sigh leaving his lips as he settled back against the bed's headrest."Oh, is it really that dangerous? I didn't... feel like it was dangerous at all. In fact, it was really peaceful." He didn't realize it back then, but the only reason he was able to lie down and relax enough to sleep was because he knew for a fact that there was nothing to be afraid of. Sure, he could hear the chattering and squeaking of various beasts in the vicinity, but they all seemed content to mind their own businesses. He wasn't sure how exactly to describe it, but if he had to say... it was probably like a sort of sixth sense that let him know if he was in any immediate danger. He couldhear the nature speak to him, almost. "Thank you for bringing me here, though! I really thought I was a goner back there. I couldn't move, I was so thirsty and hungry... I was sleeping... but it was a strange kind of sleep. It felt a little too real, you know?"He cleared his throat, bringing his hand to his chin, a pensive expression taking over his features. He brought his hand to the bridge of his nose to push up his glasses, finding quickly that they were not there. He looked around, and found them on the nightstand next to the bed, picking up and putting them on. "Nice to meet you, Ivah. Again, thank you for your help." He offered her an amicable smile, waving to the angry little puffy creature on her arms. It didn't lack bravado, for certain, but that didn't make it any less cute or any more menacing. "Delirious? Uhm... Not in the traditional sense, no. But now that you mention it, I can't remember much about myself..."He wracked his brain for some answers, coming up only with blank spots and foggy excerpts of his memory. Nothing conclusive, about his identity, where he had come from or why he had been found where he was. "I'm sorry. Honestly, as much as I want, the only thing I can really remember is my name, and even that isn't very reliable. I think... my name is Ferro."
His attempted explanation of the comfort of sleeping in the forest didn't make much sense to her. There was nothing peaceful about sleeping in that forest. Of course it had been safe for a little while, the monster threat having died down unexpectedly. Even still folk were on edge about venturing out into the thickets. One never knew what they might encounter. Even still she managed a grin at his thanks. "You are very welcome," she replied as she stroked Scamper's back to get him to calm down. Though the oddities continued as he didn't seem to be able to remember much about himself. All except for a name. Possibly his name. Even he wasn't so sure of that. Ivah gave him a gentle, almost sad smile. Poor guy."Well it's nice to meet you too Ferro," she said with that little smile. "I'm sure things will come back to you. Doc said there might be complications. He couldn't even figure out why you were unconscious. How about for now I get you a little something to eat and drink and you go back to sleep, hmm? Doc said you should eat simple foods when you wake up, take the edge off the hunger but nothing too rich or it'll make you sick." She stepped forward and placed the huffy chidori on the bed. "I'll be right back," she said with a small pat to Scamper's head before leaving the room. Scamper turned and looked up at Ferro. For a moment the chidori looked ready to flee or to fight, not that he was particularly intimidating. Slowly he edged forward, sniffing at Ferro. Finally he crawled up onto Ferro's thigh for a few more sniffs before curling up into a little ball of fluff. It had been a tiring day for the little guy.Ivah was only gone a couple of minutes. She carefully carried a platter of soft bread, cheese, a glass of milk, and a glass of water. Scamper, ever alert, was up in a flash, eyeing the platter she carried. "It's not for you Scamper," she said with an amused laugh. The little chidori didn't entirely seem to care if it was for him or not. Ivah set the platter down on Ferro's lap and stepped back. "I should get started on my chores, managed to find a few more woolies and buffamoos for the herds," she said only to realize he probably hadn't a clue what she was talking about. "I run a ranch, collecting and selling monster products. That cheese and milk was made right here," she said with a proud grin. "But I won't bore you with too much of the trials and woes around here, maybe later. Anyways eat up and try and rest some more. If you're feeling up to it feel free to come outside, it's looking to be a nice, sunny day." With that and another grin she left the room. Normally Scamper went with her for chores, mostly just riding on her shoulder, but he was more interested in watching Ferro eat. His big, brown eyes particularly round and shiny as he watched.Ranch work was never really done, there was always something to do. It was a little earlier than usual but the monsters were perfectly happy to be fed early. The new monsters seemed to be settling in well enough. After feeding she collected eggs and honey then milked the buffamoo. Everything was divided between what she kept on the farm, since it was just her it wasn't much, and what went to town to trade and ship. Ivah hummed and sang quietly to herself as she worked, her brown hair tamed back with a kerchief. Her thoughts kept wandering to the stranger. He was certainly an enigma. After all, how often did handsome men get randomly found asleep in the forest? It was like a fairy tale...though with the gender reversed.
Ferro cleared his throat, a wave of awkwardness coming over him. Here she was, having saved him from what probably would've been a very slow and painful death and he couldn't even tell her with certainly what his name was. She was housing him, had taken him into her house without hesitation and made sure he would awaken with someone by his side. Even though she should've been suspicious of his story, she took it at face value, believing him with a smile on her lips. He wouldn't call her naive or easy to fool, but kind. Maybe she was intuitive and realized he wasn't lying. Whatever the case, Ferro nodded at her. "And, it's nice to meet you, ah... Ivah." He said with his own smile. She'd even gone out of her way and called the town doctor to check on him, although he didn't know if that was something to be expected around these parts. He vaguely remembered that it wasn't, where he'd come from. Wherever that was. "Oh! Alright. If it's not too much trouble, I'd be very happy for some food. I'm starving, if I'm being completely honest..." He laughed apologetically, watching Ivah's back as she left the room.'She's cute...' he thought to himself, staring at the door when she closed it. No, not the time to think about that! He had to figure out who he was and why he was here. But more importantly, he had to figure out why he had amnesia. He could remember his name just fine, so why was it that he couldn't remember anything else? It was suspicious. Was that even his real name? It could have been anyone else's name, for all he knew. "Oh," In his frantic search for answers, he'd hardly noticed the furry creature glaring at him warily. "Hey, little buddy. I promise I won't hurt you and your Master, so relax, okay? I'd never repay kindness with cruelty." He brought his hands up to his face and gave the chidori a nervous grin, a sweat falling from his temple. He sighed in relief as it went to sniff him and subsequently curled up into a ball next to him. He gave the creature, Scamper if he heard Ivah correctly, a few pats on its back. "Easy now. See? I'm no harm, although I could probably use a bath..." He commented the last part almost as an afterthought, noting the thin layer of sweat covering his forehead.Ferro went to do his best to look as presentable as he could, using his fingers as a makeshift hairbrush, trying to push down the wild, rebellious bits of hair that had shot out in different directions. It seemed as though his hair was naturally parted at the sides, however, with his a pair of bangs framing his face. "Ah...!" Before he was done fixing his hair, however, Ivah walked in, a small platter in hand. Immediately his stomach began grumbling, reminding him of just how hungry he was. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment, but he took the food gratefully nonetheless, offering the girl a bright smile. "Thanks you very much, again. You're a real lifesaver." He said, nodding in agreement as she said she had things to attend to. So she was a rancher. That would definitely make her busy. He waved at her, refusing to eat until she was out of sight, if only because of manners. Looking down at the food she'd brought, he gave a momentary glance at Scamper, who was looking at him expectantly. Ferro picked off a piece of bread from the bunch and gave it to the small, furry creature, digging into the meal right after. "... how does onemake milk, though...?"Some minutes later, he was done eating, stretching out his arms and lying back on the bed, sighing contentedly. That sure hit the spot. It was really good food, especially the milk and cheese. He could tell she made them with love and care. "Ah... I could... probably fall asleep." He said to himself, resting his head on the pillow. But... he didn't feel right, just sleeping the day off while Ivah was out there working. After a few minutes of thinking, Ferro made up his mind and lifted himself up with a little effort. Though he had rested well, he was still kind of sore and the food had only slightly recovered some of his energy. It was enough to move around, though, and so he pushed himself off the bed and, with Scamper following after him, went out the door. Her house was quaint, and warm. Very big for just one person, though. Had she always lived alone? She seemed a bit young to have started the ranch by herself. Though it was probably better if he asked her directly, rather than go and start speculating things. And so he found the front door and peeked out, watching her work from afar.He pushed past and shielded his eyes from the sunlight. It was dark when he first woke up, but the sun was starting to rise already, which meant it was early morning. "Howdy!" He called in the best cowboy impression he could muster, which wasn't a very good one at all, as he approached Ivah. "I know you said I should be resting, but I feel guilty not returning the favors you've done me. Think I could get some load off your shoulders?"
The sun was barely up and Ivah had finished most of the basic, daily chores. The buffamoo and woolies were happily grazing out in the field, the kokoheko clucked and scrabbled around for bugs and seeds, hornets passing too and fro from the forest edge to their hive. Ivah was busily sorting out what she had collected that morning when she heard a shout from the house. Her eyebrows quirked at the call and she lifted her head to see Ferro standing on the porch. Ivah was taken aback enough her head jerked back. He was well enough to get up? His offer of assistance only increased her shock. Well enough to get up and well enough for chores. The man was either a little crazy or simply had no idea about ranch labor. After a minute of surprise silence Ivah managed a grin and picked up the small jug of milk and basket of half a dozen eggs.For a moment she thought to ask him if he even knew how to do anything around a ranch. Fix a broken section of fence? Repair the door to a coop? Clean out some wax in a hive without pissing off the hornets? He looked like, once well fed and rested, he would be strong enough for ranch work but she wasn't certain about his level of knowledge. "Well...uhm..." she hesitated, racking her brain for anything that wouldn't require supervision. After a few moments of her face scrunched in thought she gave him a rueful grin. "Sorry I can't think of anything specific, not really used to having a hand for anything," she said with a laugh. "How about you just tail around with me today? Wouldn't mind having someone to talk to and if I need a hand you'll be right there." Not only did she not have time to teach and babysit but he needed to rest himself. "I was just heading in for a bit of breakfast and then gonna head into town. Drop off my wares, ship some out, get a few supplies. I'm sure Doc would wanna have a look at you."With a little wave for him to follow she headed back into the house with her basket of milk and eggs. The kitchen was a decent size, roomy if a little rustic. There was an old hearth, complete with bread shelf, on one side but clearly rarely used. The kitchen had been updated some time ago with gas and electricity. Ivah put the milk into the fridge beside a matching bottle that was nearly empty and the eggs on the counter. "Honestly thought you would sleep the day away," she said as she put a pan on the range and lit the burners. "The town's not so far away, about an hour walk." Scamper had been following Ferro around, curious but still a little wary. Ivah looked down at the little chidori and laughed. "Seems like you've made a friend already," she said as she offered a hand to the chidori. Scamper gave a little chittering squeak and, true to his name, scampered up her arm and curled up around her neck as she turned back to drop some butter into the pan followed by two fresh eggs.Ivah glanced out the window that overlooked the back half of her property. It had always been fairly neglected, ever since she was young. It was good land for crops and her parents always said they'd look into raising some crops there. With all their monsters to handle, however, the thought just never came to light. It was the only part of the property that wasn't immaculate. Everywhere else was neatly kept and well tended. The pastures kept well cropped from the grazing monsters, rotated every half season so it didn't get ruined by heavy hooves. The back half was overgrown with weeds, small trees had taken root. It would take ages to clear it all out and plant. "Help yourself to anything if you're still hungry. There isn't too much, plenty of eggs, milk and honey though," she said with a laugh. "Farming has been a struggle around here, the country has seen better days," she said as she flipped over the eggs. "Only just started getting back to normal after the monster attacks stopped. Most of the farmers had to start from scratch. Should be a decent harvest soon though." Eggs done she dumped them onto slices of fresh cut bread and sat down at the small table near the hearth."You know, kind of dawns on me maybe I've been a little...judgmental. Do you have any farm or ranch experience? I know your memory's a bit foggy but...well, I don't know. Any idea on tending herds and flocks? Or chopping down trees? Tilling the ground?"
... Probably not. Her expression was telling. Ranch work was tough, that much he knew, and probably demanded some knowledge and practice before one could be reliable with it. Especially practice, which he didn't have. She was trying to be courteous and not refuse his offer outright, but he could tell by the look in her eyes that she was hesitant to give him anything to do, if only because he was likely to mess it up. Enthusiasm was only worth so much and an amnesiac didn't inspire much confidence in a person. Still, he wanted to at least try and make himself useful after all she had done to help him. Ivah didn't know him and yet she still went so far just to make sure he was alright. It might've been the right thing to do, but it was definitely not the easy decision to make. He was grateful, both for the bed, the treatment, and especially the food. He slumped his shoulders, realizing just how useless he was at the moment.He looked up at her with bright, puppy eyes when she suggested that he tailed her around for the time being. At least that way he might learn a thing or two while watching her and give her assistance if she needed it. "Sure! If I can at least make myself a little useful, then I'd love to! I'll be the best ranch hand you've ever seen, I promise." He announced with zest, raising his fist up to the air and placing his other hand on his bicep. The man might've not been aware of it, but he had quite the physique, his muscles well defined, hard as rock. Under his shirt were chiseled abs and pectorals, proof that whatever he'd done before losing his memory likely demanded strong physical ability. His button up shirt, in its tight and disheveled state, barely contained his upper body, the buttons just about ready to give out at any moment. At the mention of going into town, however, Ferro's expression changed from one of zeal to one of curiosity, his head tilting slightly. "Ah, is it alright if I go too? It's probably a good idea to make sure nothing's wrong, but I wouldn't want to be much more of a burden on you. I can't imagine the doctor just does check ups for free and I have not a single coin on me."Despite his reservations, Ferro couldn't deny his interest in going to town, if at the very least check to see if there was anyone there that knew him. If not, well, at least he'd get to know the town and learn his way around, as well as where to get the stuff he needed. He couldn't always rely on Ivah's kindness to get by and something told him he'd be staying around for a while. At least long enough to have to earn his own living and not be a leech on her. "Part of me wanted to stay in bed, sure, but I wouldn't feel right, with you being out there breaking your back." He answered as he pulled out a chair and sat down. He counted three chairs around the table, yet he was pretty certain Ivah lived by herself, meaning that at one point, she hadn't. Parents, maybe? He'd asked, but he wasn't sure if it was his place to. "With the amount of walking I made before, I don't think an hour walk will kill me." He said, scratching the back of his head as Scamper made his way up to Ivah's shoulders. "Ah, is that so? I was pretty sure the little buddy hated me, it kept chirping at me." Ferro chuckled wryly, almost as if he was unsure of the truth of her statement. Still, if she said it, it was probably true. She knew the chidori better than he did, and the creatures were known to be skittish in nature.He followed her gaze absentmindedly as it went to the window, wondering what it was she was looking at. It looked like some beaten up field, full of rubble and weeds. An unused piece of land? It looked nothing like what she had out the front, which suggested it had been left neglected for quite some time now. In fact, it looked as if a hurricane or something had hit it, and it had just been left to its own devices since then. Not that he could blame Ivah or anything she probably had her hands full with the whole monster fiasco all this time. It was impressive she kept the ranch together at all. He could tell she was perseverant. "Oh, I couldn't take more than I already have! Please, don't worry yourself with me. I'm still quite full from earlier." He said, waving his hands in front of him frantically. Ferro set his hands down on the table, pensive. "Sounds like your town has had it rough all this time. It must've been really hard, handling both monsters and keeping the produce coming. Whatever happened to the monster problem, it's sure to look up now that it's done, right?" He said enthusiastically, though maybe a little too optimistic. He couldn't imagine what she might've gone through during that time.Taking her cue to change subjects, Ferro offered a quizzical smile as she shifted the focus from the struggle of the town and to him, asking him a few questions that he wasn't sure how to answer. "I wouldn't be able to tell, honestly. My mind's foggy, and I can't tell you for sure I've ever done work like that before, but it just feels like... Maybe if I had a hoe or an axe in my hands I could tell for sure, but... Sorry, that's probably not very convincing, is it?"
Ivah laughed a little. He was certainly an enthusiastic man if a little strange. Better than someone dull and dour all the time. Ferro seemed to have a drive for work, at least he spoke of wanting to do some work. With a still foggy mind he couldn t say for sure if he even knew a thing about farming. Honestly she didn t know too much about raising crops. Sure she grown some flowers to make the ranch a little prettier but they were easy. Put seeds in soil and water. Some years they sprouted beautifully and others, well, not so much. Pull weeds on occasion too. Well maybe we ll see tomorrow. There are tools around here, they re a little old though: watering can, hoe, axe, hammer. Maybe you can try your hand at clearing some of that over there. It was a decent enough idea. If he got the hang of it then there would be a nice little farm on the property. If not, well, at least the overgrown field would get cleared out and she could use it for pasture. In the end it at least gave him a project, test his work ethic and make it so she could get on with her own work. So how about that, huh? But only starting tomorrow. I want you to get a little more rest before trying to clear that field. Her chiding demands were gentle enough, almost motherly.Her meal was done cooking and she sat down with him to eat real quick before heading to town. We had some trouble with monsters a little while ago, she explained as she ate. Attacks all the time, especially us out here. Me and the other farmers I mean. I lost over half my monsters. Vicious monsters coming from all the deep, dark places. Orcs and shadowpanthers even ghouls. It was terrifying. Lasted for mmm two years? Roughly. Seemed like forever though. We re only just recovering. Ivah paused a moment, chewing thoughtfully. Actually that s how I found you, kind of. I was out taming buffamoo and woolies to build up the herd and flock again. Luckily my kokoheko could hide out in their coops and fly away so I only lost a couple of them. Though, in the end, I was lucky. Others lost way more than me. Luckily I have Shiro who helped defend the farm. It made work really tough though. Patrolling constantly and having to do chores. Trying to keep up with broken fences. It was a nightmare. Ivah released a long sigh, cringing a little remembering how constantly exhausted she had been. Then, out of the blue, poof! No more monsters, no more attacks. Like they just disappeared, retreated back to the deep caves and thickets of the forests. Very strange events. Ivah was a fast eater. Managing the ranch on her own meant fast meals. She drained her glass of milk and stood, putting her dishes in the sink to wash up later. Alright, let s get ready to go. With another little wave for him to follow she headed outside. Putting thumb and index fingers into her mouth she blew a whistle that rang clear across her property. As she waited she picked up her bow and slung it over her back along with a quiver of arrows. It might seem safe but she wasn t about to take any chances, even with Shiro. Speaking of the silver wolf he came barreling forwards from behind the barn, sliding to a stop in front of Ivah. His shoulders stood as tall as Ivah, his head clear over her head and only a little higher than Ferro. Ferro this is Shiro. My big strong wolfie. Yes! She said as she ruffled the wolf s fur. Shiro whined happily and shoved his face into Ivah s arms for ear scratches. He is a good boy and my best helper. The compliments made Shiro give a loud, happy bark as his tail waved back and forth. Scamper, on the other hand, chittered and huffed. Oh don t be like the Scamper, you re my number one buddy. It seemed to appease the chidori a little. Ivah laughed as she gathered up the items and slung them on a specially made back, lashed to Shiro s back. Very carefully filling the packs with her wares. Alright let s go! She said and led their odd little group towards town. The walk would be long, she normally rode Shiro which cut down the time, but it was a nice enough day. What mattered was getting everything sold and shipped. There were farms they would pass with folk out in the fields. They shouted out greetings to Ivah and looked at the spectacled man with curiosity. Such a small town it was quickly obvious when there was someone knew around.
Ferro's hand found its way to his chin, scratching as he let out a small, sheepish laugh. As zesty as he was, Ivah was right about one thing, at least Ferro was still recovering, if only in name. He didn't feel all that beaten up or sluggish, but it might just be his body's reserves kicking him into a state of anxious vigor. He felt like he had to be doing something, and yet he still felt a bit sore from his journey here. Plus, there was nothing he could do if Ivah wasn't going to let him work today anyway. She was the one with the tools to do the job, so there was no point in him arguing against her, not that he had any intention to. It would be beyond rude, first of all, to disagree with her after all she'd done for him. Second, the only thing that would result of such an argument would probably be him losing any chances of getting work from her at all, so he had nothing to gain from fighting her on it. Lastly, and he thought most importantly, was that her chiding was too cute to go against. That youthful face of hers didn't help her in terms of intimidation, but she didn't need to intimidate anyone with the way she handled herself. She made a good argument and Ferro was obliged to agree. "Right, right. Doctor's orders, if I remember correctly. I'll try not to push myself and get some rest."He listened intently to her as she told him about the troubles they'd gotten up to, with the monsters and all. It must've been extremely tough, juggling between fending off the monsters and getting enough food and produce to keep the town afloat. If it hadn't been for their efforts, the town would have probably gone bankrupt and been deserted by the first year, but they had managed to maintain it for two years. "Orcs and ghouls don't usually come out of their caves. There must have been something that got them out of there. Forcefully or otherwise..." He muttered to himself, rubbing his chin pensively. He knew little of his own memories, but it seemed that he had at least some passing knowledge on monster behavior hanging around in that head of his. It frustrated him a little, that all the knowledge outside of his identity and origin was kept intact. Or at least, he knew enough about monsters to realize that monsters attacking the town wasn't something normal. "And you said that they stopped? Just like that? That's strange..." He looked down at the table thoughtfully, before realizing that he might've sounded dismissive a second after. "N Not to say it's bad or anything! I'm glad that you don't have to deal with that anymore, but it's suspicious." Could it have anything to do with the timing of his arrival? He wanted to go further along that line of thought, but his mind was too fuzzy to really form any thoughts together.He stood from the table with her, following her when she declared it was time for them to go. Once outside, he stop a few steps behind her, raising his brows inquisitively as she let out an ear piercing whistle out into the field. A steed of sorts? He didn't see any horses outside or any stable to house them, though. He thought it hard to miss something as obvious as that, but maybe... "Uwah!" Before he could form any theories on it, a huge beast came rushing at them, making Ferro take a step back as he instinctively braced himself... and then nothing. When he opened his eyes, he was astonished to see the giant wolf sitting in front of Ivah obediently, its tail wagging behind it, probably creating a substantial breeze as it did. Ivah introduced him as Shiro, another companion that she kept around the ranch. He was probably the reason she'd managed to keep the ranch from falling apart. Ferro figured there was little that could get past the beast in one piece. "Ah, hello Shiro. It's very nice to... meet you." He offered it as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, a bead of sweat falling from his temple. He didn't dare extend his hand at the huge creature, instead keeping a few steps from Ivah in case it was particularly territorial.Regardless, Ferro nodded and followed Ivah's lead, offering the passersby a smile and a wave as they passed by, introducing himself to the few that would try making conversation with them. None of them seemed to know him, understandably. "So, where are we going first when we arrive, anyway? What do you usually do when you go to town?"
While a little haggard and busy, trying to get their farms back, everyone they passed a pleasant and cordial. Each seemed to have a pronounced specialty: grains, fruits, vegetables, even mushrooms and flowers. It was strange how each seemed to take on the appearance of their preferred variety. The man who grew flowers, an effeminate blond by the name of James, wore a bright frock and was more beautiful than handsome. Very boisterous he was overjoyed at meeting a new friend, never mind the odd circumstances of the aforementioned arrival. The woman who grew mushroom was a short, squat, crone with her still deep chestnut hair pulled up into a wide pompadour. Ivah told Ferro her name was Maggie but Maggie didn t have much to say except to ask for a shipment of manure sometime. Of all the farmers Maggie was the least sociable of them. The grains farmer was a tall, thin, man who looked as though a strong breeze might blow him away. His puffy, grey, hair as wispy as fresh cotton.Ivah glanced over at Ferro and his questions with a small smile. Well first to the general store to ship off the products and get them put out on shelves. Then we ll probably go see Doc. I can show you around a little. There isn t much to the town: an inn and restaurant, the general store, Doc s office, the mayor s residence and office, the blacksmith, and tailor. Of course the square where our festivals are held, mostly, and a small park. That s really all there is to the town, it s not too exciting, she said with a small laugh. There are a few homes in town too. Most of the shopkeepers have living space above their shops so most of the homes are folk who don t own or run a shop. There is a very eccentric artist, a writer, a retired couple, and a professional monster hunter. He really helped save the town when the attacks were happening. Taught us how to fight them off, use weapons properly, fortify defenses. He s kind of the town hero really. Her grin and tone was almost wistful speaking of this supposed town hero.With more greetings from farmers they came to the bridge that led into town, over a gently flowing river teeming with fish. We used to have fishing contests here, whoever caught the most and biggest fish, Ivah said as they passed over. The town itself was in a state of slow repair. The buildings on the outer most part of it suffering the most damages and still held their spiked fortification. Folk were out removing the spikes, repairing the walls. In fact, most of the town as out and about working on repairs. Breaks in mortar, even fire damages needed fixing. Just like the farmers the townspeople seemed haggard but still friendly as Ivah walked in with Ferro and Shiro. It would take a lot of work to get things back to the way they were. Passing the arches the town opened up right into the square, surrounded with the businesses Ivah had mentioned. The buildings were older but clearly sturdy to have withstood the attacks. A small pack of children were playing in the square, watched by a young teenager, while the adults were about their fixing. Heidy ho Ivah! Oh ho and new friend oh ho ho! Came a shout from above. A spindly man with wild hair, streaked in varying shades and hues, called with a wave. Ivah turned and looked up, squinting against the sun. Ah! Hello Ambrose! Ambrose this is Ferro. Ferro this is Ambrose the wild style artist, she said with a good natured laugh. From his suspended perch Ambrose gave a sweeping bow. Ivah continued onward into town. There were a few eccentric folk but, for the most part, none so much as Ambrose and James. The general store was easily the largest shop around the square the second largest building compared to the Mayor s residence. Shiro laid down obediently so Ivah could remove the baskets and bundles lashed to him. If offered she wouldn t mind Ferro s help carrying the items into the store.Inside was well lit, packed with shelves which were a little bare. Once the store had boasted food and goods from all over. For the time being it was suffering a little in way of choice. Mostly just local goods and small packs of seeds, nothing too exotic. The shopkeep was a sprightly woman with bright pink, curling hair. Ivah! Good to see you, and this must be the young man we ve heard so much about? The woman asked with a curious look at Ferro, examining him from head to toe. Ivah blinked and laughed a little. Should have known I couldn t keep him a secret. Jane this is Ferro. Ferro, meet Jane. She and her husband, Eli, own and operate the general store. I mean obviously right? She added with another laugh. Ivah settled accounts with Jane, picking up a little produce to take back home. A little more than normal since there was another person to feed. Once done Ivah led Ferro out of the store.The door opened as Ivah went for the handle and she was nearly crashed into by a large, muscular man. His flesh was tanned to a dark teak, jet black and curling hair pulled into a ponytail. He had a well groomed, pointed goatee around a hard mouth and over a strong chin. His eyes were bright as sapphires and a shiny scar raked from brown to chin on the right side of his face. He wore what one might consider relaxed armor, mostly leather with a plate here and there, all made from the hides of monsters. A massive sword was strapped to his back. Ivah froze as she looked up, surprise and terror melding to a soft, nearly simpering smile. Oh! Derin, hello, she said in a soft voice glancing away with pink cheeks. The man looked down, eye narrow a moment before breaking into a wide grin. Ivah! Had to know you were here with Shiro waiting patiently outside. How are you? He asked with a kindly pat to her head. Ivah glowered a little from the brotherly head pat. Fine, thank you. How are she stared to asked but Derin s eyes averted to Ferro. Ah! This must be the mystery man! Derin boomed. He stepped around Ivah and stuck his hand out. Derin, and you are? He asked of Ferro being the first person Ivah didn t introduce straight away.
It was overwhelming, to say the least, to be put into an unknown place, but it didn't compare to being introduced to so many people in such a short amount of time. He barely had any time to memorize the names of each of the farmers, giving each and every one of them a greeting and a polite nod of his head, laughing off the eccentric parts of their personalities. The beautiful man who could probably strike envy into just about any girl, who smelled like he was constantly taking a flower bath, or the woman with the mushroomey hair who seemed more happy to be out of everyone's sight, rather than to be the center of attention. He tried to be as enthusiastic as James as they were introduced, and respected Maggie's preference to keep a healthy distance. He couldn't expect to be everyone's friends from day one, but he didn't feel any animosity from any of the farmers, whether it was because they were too busy patching up fences or something else.He listened intently as Ivah described what commodities the town had, impressed by how varied the businesses were, considering what she said about the economic troubles they were in. If there were enough people to have a town mayor, then it surely couldn't be too bad, right? "By the sound of it, everyone knows each other." Ferro said, recalling how casually the farmers greeted each other, but also looked curiously to him, as if he was some kind of weird bug or something. It was only to be expected that they would be curious about the new arrival, now that he thought about it. It certainly made him a bit nervous about meeting with the rest of the townsfolk, but if the first few ones were anything to go by, there was not much need to worry. In fact, Ferro was excited to see what kind of people lived in town. It sounded like a strange little settlement with all kinds of colorful individuals. He was especially curious about this monster hunter that she mentioned. If he was a monster hunter, then maybe he'd know something about the reason for the monsters' behavior, and could provide some hints about Ferro's own appearance.Approaching the town was a bridge, one that had probably seen better days in the past. Ivah mentioned passingly about fishing contests they used to hold, filling in the blanks about why they no longer did. With some luck, Ferro hoped they could start holding them again. He didn't know if he was any good at fishing, but he would love to try it out, if only to experience the excitement. As they passed the bridge, he immediately saw what Ivah had been talking about, noting the town's condition. Everyone looked pale, as if they hadn't had a good day's rest in seasons, and how everyone seemed to be working hard to get things back to the way they were. He smiled at the sight of children playing, chasing each other around, finding some peace in knowing that, at the very least, the normalcy of a peaceful life was making its way back.Ferro jumped at the sudden, unexpected call from above, doing a double take as he looked up to the source of the flamboyant voice. A strange mannered man styling more colors than a rainbow waved at the pair, a strange, but well meaning smile on his face. He waved back at the man, laughing half heartedly, unsure of what the proper response was. He felt warm, though, being referred to as 'friend', a subtle but genuine smile on his lips as they went along to the general store, Ferro stopping to look up at the building. It was taller than most other buildings, as if to draw attention upon itself. He took half of the stuff from Ivah's hands, finding it only fair that he helped carry some of the weight after what she had done for him. Plus, he would look pretty bad if he just let her carry all that stuff by herself.They were greeted by a woman at least five years past their age, though she seemed more mature than so. Ferro smiled at her, offering the same polite nod as he did to everyone else in town. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Jane. It's a nice shop you have here." He said, taking a look around. There was a good stock of things, though he couldn't honestly say there was a lot to choose from. Just enough to keep a healthy variety, but they would definitely benefit from some more items to stock up with. He kept such comments to himself, though, feeling that they were aware of this fact. Instead, he laughed Ivah. "Right... obviously." With introductions done, Ivah and Jane allowed themselves to talk business, resulting in Ferro looking around the shop while they finished it, and he followed after Ivah when they were done, out of the store.He saw the crash coming from a mile away, his hands reaching to help Ivah in case she were to fall, but swiftly let go of her when she narrowly avoided crashing into the tall man. Ferro tilted his head at the man, unsure of what to think of his gruff, weathered look. He looked much more... battle ready than everyone else in town, but even that didn't amount to much. His armor was clearly made for ease of movement, rather than overall protection. Ferro vaguely remembered knights clad in white armor, holding halberds and greatswords. The foggy memory was cut short, however, as the conversation quickly shifted from Ivah and the man to him, as he danced around the shorter girl and to Ferro. The brown haired man scratched at the bridge of his nose for a moment before extending his own hand and gripping Derin's hand, giving the man a firm handshake. "I'm Ferro. I'm afraid I don't know much about myself, so mystery man suits me more than I'd like. You must be the town hero Ivah mentioned to me earlier?"
Derin's grip, at first, was loose but as he felt the firmness of Ferro's hand shake the squeezing pressure released. He gave a loud, thunderous laugh at Ferro's introduction. "Town hero, that's what they say. Between you and me I just like the sport," he said with another loud laugh. "Firm grip you have there. Don't look much like a fighter though," he said as he eyes Ferro up and down. Unlike Jane's curious interest Derin's look was appraising, sizing Ferro up. On the surface, between his shaggy brown hair and glasses he appeared to be bookish. Looking closer, the way Ferro's buttoned shirt tugged the buttons tight, he thought a strength lay beneath the exterior of a librarian. "But I might be wrong," he said with a devilishly amused smirk. "Well you're in good hands," he said as he turned a little and yanked Ivah against his side, ruffling her light brown hair. Ivah flushed furiously, her lips pursed but a grin threatened to break through. "Can't say I'm a fan of raising monsters but Ivah here does a good job. That Shiro of hers is a force to be reckoned with. Between the archery I taught her and Shiro her farm kept most of the southern forces at bay." He simply oozed pride as though he were the one solely responsible. Meanwhile Ivah's grimace became a shy but beaming grin. "Well I know you farm folk are busy types so I won't keep you. Ever think you want to pick up a sword and try your hand at hunting let me know," he said as he released Ivah and clapped Ferro on the shoulder. "Never hurts to have more hunters around even if peace has settled in."With that Derin was away with a booming "Jane!" as he walked up to the counter. Ivah's eyes followed Derin a moment as he walked away and she huffed a small sigh. Then her body gave a lurch as her eyes settled back to Ferro. "Doc! Right, we were going to see Doc," she said with an amused but sheepish grin. She glanced towards Derin again as he haggled over the price of some items before turning to go back outside.Outside Shiro's tail thumped the cobblestones excitedly, still laying down obediently. Ivah deposited the supplies into the baskets once more while Shiro waited patiently. "Good boy," she cooed to the great wolf, his tail thumped the ground harder. "Ok, let's go see Doc," she said with a little wave. Shiro lurched to his feet and followed behind the two humans. Work hummed on around the town. "The farmers and I aren't expected to help out with the rebuilding. Plenty of us have our own properties to rebuild, fields to reseed. We help out in other ways. Obviously providing food being the biggest and we sell it to the town at even cheaper prices than we used to, just to get things moving again. Good progress has been made, the Mayor is hoping that we might be able to hold a festival soon. Nothing as big as they used to be but something to lighten spirits. Drinks, dancing, games, bonfires. He talked about having a big pot of stew and everyone donating something for the pot or sides to eat."As Ivah talked about the possible festival they made it past the main square and into rows of individual houses. In the center of the rows was, what appeared to be an ordinary house, but painted stark white with a massive red cross between the two upper windows. Shiro laid down obediently once more to wait as Ivah led Ferro up to the house. No need to knock and she walked in. The foyer had been redesigned to a waiting room. A young woman with black hair and a pale complexion look up, her eyes as black as her mane. "Hello Ivah and...whoever you are..." She said with as much enthusiasm as a rainy day. "Doc!" She shouted towards the back of the house before looking back down and scribbling onto a note pad.From the back room an older woman strode out. Her curling red hair well salted and the skin around her eyes crinkled up as she smiled brightly at the pair. "Ivah! And the young man. How mice to see you!" Her voice had once been high and clear as a bell but had crackled a little with age. "Please, come in. I was hoping I'd see you soon. Word travels fast and I heard you both were in town." She gave a little wave for them to follow her into the back. A bedroom had been converted to an examination room. "Ok young man if you could remove your shirt...." She stopped herself and looked at Ivah. "Perhaps you should wait outside?" It wasn't really a question but a kindly demand. Ivah blinked and jerked suddenly. "Oh! Oh, right...yeah..." She said with an awkward laugh before stepping out.Doc went through the routine: temperature, blood pressure, reflexes, eyes, ear, nose, throat. "So, tell me, any pain? Headache? How is your memory? Do you remember anything before Ivah found you? Strange spots of light? Dizzy spells?" Her battery of questions were rapid fire. While always kindly there was a sharpness about the woman that was utterly no nonsense.
Ferro grinned nervously in response to his laughter, joining him with a reluctant chuckle. He looked at the man, his head tilted to the side as he mentioned how he saw hunting monsters as sport, rather than profession. He nodded understandably one could only take up such an occupation out of passion, whether it was ill intended or out of love for it. Still... hunting monsters was questionable to Ferro. It was not as if monsters acted out of the evil of their hearts, so was hunting them right? "Ahaha... I wouldn't know. I can't even remember if I've ever held a sword..." He acquiesced, shrugging his shoulders in an 'oh well' manner, though he was interested in knowing how Derin could know from a single glance. Was it his posture? The look on his face? Something else? Before he could ask, the gruff looking man dared to suggest he could be wrong in his assumptions with mischief, or challenge, in his eyes. It was only for a moment, barely a flash, like a wolf baring its fangs just an instant to show its ferocity. It was quickly replaced by that unassuming grin of his as he went to ruffle at Ivah's hair, making a fluffy mess of it. It looked as if the two were really close, despite Ivah's apparent annoyance at his mannerisms. It was like watching a doting old brother spoiling his younger sister, who was too embarrassed to admit she enjoyed the attention. "... pfft." Ferro couldn't help but let out a bit of air from his nose in amusement. "I'll keep that in mind," he said, nodding at Derin's invitation. He wasn't sure if he'd ever take up the guy on his offer, but it was good to know it was up there. "I'm sure knowing a bit of swordsmanship will keep the trouble out."The brown haired man watched Derin's back as he left, but only for a moment, his attention quick to focus on Ivah's figure, studying her own body language. Did she find him exhausting, or was there some other reason why she stared at his back until he disappeared? Ferro thought of asking, but perished the thought as the girl suddenly announced their next destination. A bead of sweat fell down from his temple, a crooked smile as he scratched his cheek. "R Right. Probably a good idea if I get that check up out of the way." He muttered, following her out.His apprehensive attitude washed away as they met back with Shiro, the sight of the gigantic wolf so submissive and obedient warming his heart. Why hunt monsters when one could befriend them? It was only when humans trespassed well defined boundaries that monsters attacked. ... Or at least, usually. He didn't know about this land, but something in his gut told him the attacks on the town were definitely out of the ordinary. There was something wicked that had forced the monsters to behave in such a way. It made Ferro's stomach turn to think of what it could be. "I can imagine having to tend to your own property, along with normal farm work, can get pretty busy, so it makes sense why you guys don't help out here." Ferro commented, a small smirk making its way to the corner of his lips. "I'd love to see this festival. It sounds like a lot of fun!"As they chatted, Ferro watched his surroundings change from storefronts to more casual looking homes. He figured they had made their way to the residential area, where those without businesses of their own lived. He would have made a comment to Ivah in case she got distracted while talking, but then he saw where she was taking them. It was inconspicuous, clear to see what the house was meant to represent. A red cross could only mean one thing, after all. Entering the house, any doubt he might've still had was washed away with the interior design of the entrance hall, clearly meant to be used as a waiting area. There was no one at the moment, but there were a couple of seats laid out at one end of the room, while a small reception desk, where a girl sat, was opposite of it. Ferro looked to the girl, ready to greet her, but taken aback by her somewhat...unwelcoming disposition. "I It's Ferro..." He tried to slip in, but feared he was ignored when she called for the doctor.Not a minute after, a small, short woman with came out from the back, greeting the pair warmly. She had a grandmotherly quality to her, which he couldn't tell if it was intended or not. "Ferro," he said to her as he followed her to the back. "My name is Ferro. It's a pleasure to meet you finally." He continued and laughed when she mentioned word travelling fast. He could only imaginehow fast it traveled in such a tightly knit town like this. It was no surprise she'd heard about them coming into town. Surely he was the gossip of town already. Whether that was good or not, well, he would found out soon. "Right, mmm..." He'd already began unbuttoning his shirt when she practically shoo'd Ivah away, oblivious to the problem of her being in the room and only watching as the woman walked out before looking back to the doctor, peeling off his shirt from his shoulders and setting it down on a nearby chair."No pain, no headache, no discomforts really," He answered almost as quickly as her questions were shot at him, stopping momentarily at the inquiry about his memory. "No dizzy spells or anything. I can... remember wandering the wilderness for a while before passing out, though I can't remember why I was there. I laid down and passed out from the exhaustion. I can't remember anything pertaining to my identity. To be honest, I can't even be sure my name's Ferro. It's the first thing that came to me. There's... there's fuzzy stuff, but I can't put my finger on any of it. Not where I came from, not where I was going. Everything else is just fine, though. It's just the stuff about me that's blurry. I can still read, I understand that it's not normal for monsters to wander into town, all that kind of stuff." | 14 | ['Ivah'] |
10 | | Dead By Daylight - A Different Kind of Mori (Lord DreamCrusher x Penny) | The Hillbilly huffed as he hustled over in a hunched fashion, cattle hammer in one hand and a well and gory chainsaw in the other. This trial had gone fairly well as he had managed to sacrifice three of the four survivors to the almighty entity but one yet remained and the loud buzz of the exit gates being opened had alerted him to hurry. He had heard their names spoken in hushed whispers and loud screams so he knew what this female was called, Feng Min, and she had been frustrating him for multiple trials now as she sacrificed her allies simply to save herself yet felt the need to taunt him and brag about her skills. In his mind everyone else should die in horrible and painful ways just like he had murdered his parents who locked him away and tormented him to suffering because of the way he was born, yet here in the fog the entity wouldn't let themstay dead and these repeat efforts were weighing upon him as satisfaction was always fleeting.He saw the lights in the distance and the clear signs of the door just beginning to open as he rounded a small hill and saw her furiously picking at the control panel and settling it into place. When she looked over her shoulder to his hunched form half running, half hobbling towards her she wasn't fearful but rather smiled as she turned to flee him. He couldn't let her get away! No! They all had to die and become ugly like him! Be bloody messes of strewn guts as the entity impaled them upon spindly claws and lifted their broken remains into the sky to sate his hungers. The disfigured beast lifted his chainsaw and revved it up loud to signal his impending charge that would fill him with dark power and propel him at a breakneck pace so that he may savor the sprays of crimson and the cries of agony and pain. Somehow over the throaty roar of the machinery he managed a slurred shout of rage to her who had become something of an obsession to him now."No no escape from me! You die!"He aimed carefully as the familiar power reached its peak, then he broke into a terrible sprint as the blades of his chainsaw whirred rapidly. Despite his best attempts however, he was fated to fail as Feng Min had outmaneuvered him once again by throwing care for her fellow survivors to the wind. The wall grow upwards before him to bar his passage and his chainsaw simply bounced backwards and stunned him for a few moments. She was on the other side and she was safe from his wrath yet again, but then the question remained as to why she had stopped and turned around to face him rather than disappear yet again in victory?
Another trial. Another victory. Another lonely escape for Feng Min. She felt a pang of guilt, but only that. The others should have kept their eyes on the prize, but instead they'd incessantly circled that one hook in the middle of the cornfields where that deformed freak was strongest, rescuing each other just to be taken down in turn. More of them would have escaped if they'd justletthe Entity take one...maybetwo. They were their own worst enemies, letting their emotions control them. Why couldn't they see this all for what it was? A game, that's what it was. An arena where she could prove herself, redeem herself, bask in the thrill of overcoming the odds. The agony and death was just another part of it. They thought it was Hell, but Feng knew better. This was Valhalla.The door opened, and over the sharp screaming of metal she heard the guttural roar of the Hillbilly's chainsaw. She looked over her shoulder, seeing him charge, but it was too late. Her mouth twisted into a cruel, mocking grin, her face a practiced expression of contempt. He, too, let his emotions control him. It was the source of his strength, but also his weakness. Feng had long ago learned how to worm into her opponents' heads, make them angry, force them to overextend. It worked on some killers better than others: the wizened cannibal and dismembered Japanese woman were easy to manipulate, while the big men in masks were more stoic. But the Hillbilly was maybe the most vulnerable to her psychological tactics, both easy to enrage and liable to throw himself into all or nothing strikes. More than once in this match alone he'd probably have had her if he'd played more conservatively with his hammer, but lost his opportunity by trying to eviscerate her with his chainsaw instead.The sprint out the door was exhilerating, hearing the cycling engine grow ever closer untilsomethingstopped him. She looked over her shoulder and saw the Hillbilly bounce off of...something.She saw it and she didn't. She knew what it meant, though she'd won. She was safe for now. She slowed to a jog, then stopped. She dared not stay for long, for fear she'd provoke thethingthat watched all this, but she had to invest in a future match, get the Hillbilly good and angry."No good, weak bitch!"she shouted back in a mocking tone. Her English was getting better, but not great. Another skill she'd master in time, she knew."Big baby, so bad! Baby killer! Why even try?"She smacked her ass at him, then half turned and grabbed her crotch, throwing him a middle finger with her other hand. She'd generally hesitated to incorporate a sexual edge into her mockery she was a virgin and didn't want her inexperience to make her taunts come off as a farce but she was confident he was a virgin, too. Who'd touchthat?"Right out of here, baby killer! So ugly, ugh! Mother should have thrown you away! Fuck you!"She laughed, then, as cruelly as possible, before turning and running again.
He snarled in rage, a somewhat wheezing and horse voice whining out in hatred an rage as expected from her words as she taunted him in ways he had never suffered from her before. Flashes of memories tormented him from his youth before he discovered his strength, before he had killed those who locked him up and taunted him much the same. 'Take your slop you ugly freak! You are lucky we even feed you. Can't believe that we made such an abomination.' The food was always tossed through a small hole in the bricked up walls around him to clatter and roll off the floor which often spilled much of whatever they saw fit to give him. Usually it was bland and near tasteless things while they would chew on savory pieces of meat in front of his eyes. In but a few moments Feng would be able to see the focus come back to his twisted and deformed face as he snapped to attention and perhaps looked more angry than he had every been. The Hillbilly again revved his chainsaw and slammed it against the barrier he saw befofe him time and time again only to bounce off harmlessly as he screamed out against her.Still as she laughed and ran into the fog to disappear once more her actions had planted the seeds of a plan in his mind, something he had no experience with before and didn't quite understand just yet but would prove to quite possibly be a more terrible fate than death in these trials as her sexual actions would be read by the entity's powers and fed to flicker and burn within the recesses of his mind until he understood what he desired to do. Killing her would solve nothing in this feud butraping her would be something she would never forget. The grounds of the trial faded away to black as he was pulled out and given a chance to reflect and recover his energy and focus, all the while the entity was massaging his mind and helping him to think that every idea he came up with was his own until as last the killer spoke to the darkness around him and asked a favor. It wasn't unusual for the killers to be rewarded with the chance to kill by their own hands but in this case he wanted to rape Feng Min and put her in her place to the extent that she would never forget to silence her tongue in his presence for future trials to come. He asked for a Mori and the entity agreed, but only once he sacrificed every other survivor first would he be allowed to use her as he pleased.The Hillbilly had never been given a name as his parents had always hated him for what he was but the entity loved him and called him Max. Here again Max felt like he was vindicated in his service to this darkness and cackled madly as he jumped and spun around in place with excitement for the trial to come. Somehow even gory death wasn't quite as tempting as this right here and now and he could hardly wait as time passed until he felt the familiar pull to signal that his awaited match was finally at hand. He wondered what area he would be placed into but in the end he truly didn't care as he was confident that his focus was going to be razor sharp like the blades of his beloved saw and that nothing would stand in his way no matter how hard he had to work.
As always, Feng didn't remember the transition, just a vague sense of movement and lost time between huddling around the campfire and her current position. She looked up to find herself surrounded not by natural curves of trees, brush, or even fog, but the hard lines of artificial construction. The harsh white of intense electrical lights illuminated pale, crumbling walls and cracked linoleum floors, and over the even hum of electricity she could detect the acoustics of labrynthine corridors thatalmostemulated the interior of a hospital. She couldn't see any signs now, but she knew from prior experience that this place was called L ry's Memorial Institute. The claustrophobic environment and short sightlines suited some killers more than others the white faced man and pig headed woman were especially fearsome here, but the wheezing nurse and deformed freak would have to work especially hard for their kills. No matter who it was, though, Feng felt a rush of confidence the windows and technical equipment made this her playground."Sacrament,"Claudette whimpered, holding herself. Looking around, Feng saw everyone had appeared together."Where am I going to hide here?""It's okay, it's okay,"Dwight said soothingly."Just be ready if any of us get hurt, alright? Remember, they can only be one place at a time. We'll be fine if we just work together.""Yeah...yeah,"Claudette nodded, though she still looked nervous. She glanced over at Feng with a poorly disguised frown."You think can help us get out alive this time, Feng?""I fix the generators,"Feng said, crossing her arms."That is how we get out. Don't get caught no problem."Claudette and Dwight both looked like they were going to say something, but David's loud, raspy voice beat them to the punch."Don't mither none. I'll cover the lot o' you. Get right in his fuckin' gob if I've got to. Just a matter of being in the right place at the right time, innit? Just get the shit done, I'll be fine."Feng nodded, glancing up at the wall mounted security cameras. She didn't even know if they were powered, but she couldn't help but feel uneasily exposed under them. With no time to waste, the group split up, looking for generators.
He felt the tug and pull as the darkness faded away and was replaced by white walls, cracked and faded as bright lights stood at every turn for which he was thankful that he had long since adapted to such things. There was always a brief disorientation during the travel and his mind had to piece together his past before he could focus on the present. Max, the hillbilly, remembered tuning the carburetor of his chainsaw carefully for the best possible performance for this trial and the guide he followed has crumbled to ash right afterward to ensure he couldn't use it again, but there was something else that he couldn't quite put his finger on right away. The weight in his hand felt wrong before he looked down and saw the ceramic jug where his hammer would usually be, a shake revealing it to be full in what he quickly realized could only mean moonshine. He set down his chainsaw and quickly removed the cork before lifting the jug to guzzle down the potent alcohol in one go, only managing to spill a minor amount down his face before he was finished and could toss the jug aside where it shattered into pieces which too seemed to crumble to ash and fade so as to not impede the trial.Gathering his wits and his weapons the hillbilly stood once more in his permanently hunched stance and let the rage fuel him in combination with the moonshine that would kill any human daring to drink so much so fast, instead it gave him yet even more of a single minded focus in his desires to kill all but the target of his obsession whom he had other plans for. Rather than give any sort of tactical planning of calm movement as he began his hunt Max simply jumped up and down a few times and revved his chainsaw with deep and guttural screams before picking a random direction and running full tilt, obviously alerting everyone of just who they were dealing with without any shadow of a doubt.Of course in truth he didn't know forcertainthat Feng Min was here and this could all be for naught but by sheer happenstance he managed to stumble into an oddly circular room with heavy metal tables and a balcony above for observation. He paid it little mind of course and was all about to carry on towards the nearest generator to begin his vigil when he noticed movement on a black and white screen, one of many it seemed that lined the room and showed a few different angles of the institute. He saw four survivors as always, all ones that he could recognize easily enough even through the grainy imagery, and there he saw his most hated prey in Feng Min. The yellow brown flesh of his distorted hands gripped tightly onto his chainsaw and cattle hammer in equal measure as he grunted to himself this time to try and keep a grip on his anger to be focused rather than simply wild and spittle dripped down his chin into drool as he literally salivated at the chance to get just what he wanted. Oh the entity may keep them alive but he did provide just what his killers wanted it seemed.He wasn't the smartest except when it came to mechanics and tinkering but all the same he tried to guess where the image that he saw was in relation to himself and wasted no time bounding off towards the group. His breathing was heavy and ragged as air was pulled in and out of ravaged lungs but he had always managed without issue just like his hunched stance and almost bounding gait looked inhuman and awful to behold yet still allowed him speed beyond what most would consider possible. Still he knew they would know he was coming when he got close, somehow they always knew, and he was hoping to split them up for a gory takedown as his saw teeth hungered for blood and gore."I get you all, carve you up to pieces and hang on hook. All save for one, Max make all pretty turn ugly in red pools but he take her and make ugly inside this time."He spoke softly to himself and he moved and cackled just as quietly, the anger mixing with excitement and making him truly mad perhaps like that guy in the white coat with wide eyes. But then again lightning guy say this was his domain so it made sense to go a little crazier than usual...
Feng was elbow deep in the generator, stray oil slicking her hands and forearms, when she felt the familiar sense of impending doom. It wasn't anything she saw or heard or felt, just something sheknew mortal danger was approaching, and fast. Her heart pounded louder and louder in her ears, her nerves buzzing and her muscles jittering with panicked energy that had nowhere to go. The generator chugged merrily along, threatening to give away her position she could quiet the sounds of her repairs somewhat, but it sounded like he was coming straight for her. Her hand slipped, threatening to blow a gasket, and only a quick, instinctive grab prevented the generator from going off like a gunshot.It might not have made a difference. It sounded like the killer was nearly upon her, and Feng glanced towards the nearest window, assuming she would have to run rather than sneak away when she heardanothergenerator spring to life only a few rooms away.Who did that?Feng wondered, but it would take multiple people to get one done so quickly and Dwight was probably one of them. Either way, the noise would surely be enough to draw the killer off, whoever it was. Feng settled back on her haunches, focusing on the generator. She had another victory to earn.Itwastwo people that had completed the generator, and one of themwasindeed Dwight. The other was Claudette. Too late, they'd picked up on the same impending doom that Feng had just seconds before, and completing the generator had led that doom right to them. Claudette, with nowhere else to go, crouched behind the generator, hoping it would block her from view of whatever was coming Dwight instead ran for the nearest window, looking back over his shoulder just in time to see a misshapen figure lurch through the door.
The instinctual feeling bubbled up inside him, the innate understanding that a generator was nearing completion and in a sense his connection to machinery being further enhanced by the Entity's power. Unfortunately despite his speed he couldn't make it before it kicked to life and illuminate the surroundings in bright and horrible light just seconds before he entered through the doorway and looked about. Instinct kicked in as he saw the man, Dwight he was called, running for the window and the hillbilly began to charge up his chainsaw loudly as he ran forward just a few steps and paused. His rage was great but he had to be better than this, had to work differently if he was going to get them all. He knew this couldn't have been the work of only one person and yet the angry red scratches that marked the trail of the fleeing man were the only signs of life at play, at least until he turned at the last moment with chainsaw still held high and spotted her crouched beside the running generator.Not giving her even the slightest hint of chance to react he let that surge of motion kick in, even though he was all but beside her already, and swung madly in a downward arc as he bellowed an animalistic scream. The rapidly spinning teeth of his preferred weapon cut wickedly into her shoulder as blood spewedeverywhere, the cracks and crunches of splintering bone were almost overshadowed by her cries of agony and in but a few horrible moments he pulled the blade closer to his body and out of her back as it dripped crimson. Claudette was the name of the black woman and she gave him trouble too in the past, nothing like Feng Min but he smiled to reveal crooked and decaying teeth as he watched her making a mess of the floor. Quickly Max reached down and grabbed her body to lift it up over his left shoulder, he had to get her to a hook before she could bleed out and break his deal with the Entity. Oh how wonderful the feeling of her warm blood was as it ran down his body and he looked around wildly to find the nearest suitable location, seeing the glow of those rusted hooks even through walls as the Entity guided him as was necessary.Ignoring everything else he hoofed it back the way he came with his hunched body bouncing Claudette upon his shoulder and making her pain worse with each rough jostle until he found a spot not far outside the room where Feng Min herself was in, not that he was currently aware of that at the moment. With a heave he practically tossed the woman up and onto the sharp hook, so that her left shoulder would be impaled considering that her right was in ruins, and savored her additional cry of pain. The man got away but he would hunt him down and for the moment it settled upon him that the nearby generator was being worked on as well, or had been recently as it was loud and noisy in the state between disrepair and functional. Glancing around just to ensure he couldn't see any others lingering around waiting to save her the hillybilly turned and hobbled off towards the nearby generator to see what all the noise was about, he couldn't have them escaping before his victory this time now could he?
Max had barely gotten Claudette onto his shoulder before he was tackled by another man not Dwight, who was already out the window, but the other one, David. David was larger than Dwight, but still not even close to Max's size, and the tackle didn't even budge his shift on Claudette. It slowed him down, though, and Claudette was already wriggling like a fish despite her injuries. David, always aggressive, tried everything he could to block Max's movement, and it's possible he might have done so if not for the cramped environment being so focused on Max, he failed to notice the doorway they were approaching and Max managed to push by ahead of him, preventing David was circling around until Claudette was already on the hook. Nonetheless, it cost the hillbilly precious seconds but also meant David was not working on the generators.This didn't seem to abate David, however, and as soon as Max turned around, he saw the man with a flashlight in one hand, rapidly snapping the switch back and forth with his other hand in an attempt to dazzle Max with a strobe effect. David didn't wait to see if it worked, instead turning and running to a narrow alcove. There, a heavy pallet leaned against the wall. What the pallet was doing there was a mystery, and an irrelevant one: like the labyrinthine corridors and endless purposeless rooms, it was placed there by a mind attempting to recreate a world it couldn't truly understand."C'mon then, you cuntin' wanker!" David howled, beckoning Max with one hand and grinning a mouthful of crooked teeth. "Bloody fuckin' minger, ain'tye?" David had used this trick before, on Max himself no less. He hoped to slam him with the pallet, blind him with the flashlight, and run off to the next one in the time it took to smash through. At the right time, against the right opponent, this simple loop was surprisingly effective but David had apparently not noticed Max's resistance to pain and bright light, nor the speed at which Max could rev up his chainsaw or tear through the pallet.This show of machismo did have a purpose, however. Dwight had slipped into the room and was creeping towards Claudette, keeping one cautious eye on Max, while Feng was carefully working with the generator. Unlike David, she was well aware of Max's skills, and knew he had a sense for when generators were close to completion. It was close now, but she held off on completing it, waiting until she was sure he was distracted before putting the finishing touches on the machine.
Max grunted as he shrugged off the tackle with his inhuman strength and pushed forward with the intent on hooking Claudette, David had done things like this plenty of times before but it still was infuriating to have to push past the man before his prey could squirm out of his grasp. The hillbilly almost swung with his hammer but didn't want to waste time should he miss and thankfully a doorway ahead allowed him to lose David and toss Claudette up as he desired, the count was one and he knew that the Entity would instantly kill any who were thrown up there for a third time.Of course this didn't end the excitement as he was stopped from examining the noisy generator to watch David run off towards a pallet and taunt him to draw the killer forward, it was a difficult decision as to what to do and the Entity whispering in his ear was of no help considering their proximity still but with a guttural sound of anger he took the bait and hurried forward with chainsaw held high once more as he revved it up loudly. Much like before the time that he took to charge his unholy rush was greatly reduced and he lunged forward in a great burst of speed long before he reached the area where David stood. The question was, as that chainsaw whirred loudly and all but deafened the room, was whether this display was going to ruin David's concentration enough to get him hurt as well. If he dropped the pallet early then the hillbilly would just cut through it with ease but if he was even a fraction too late then he would never drop the item at all and would rather feel those painful teeth tearing his flesh up as well.
Maybe David had realized how finely Max had tuned his chainsaw, or maybe he just lost his nerve. Either way, he erred on the side of caution, and threw the pallet down too early. It had barely hit the opposite wall before the chainsaw hit, tearing through the stiff wooden boards more quickly and effortlessly than it ever did through flesh. Sometimes, it was easy to forget that the chainsaw had been designed to saw through wood, and that its violent role was an improvised one even if far more satisfying. David reflexively clicked the flashlight on to blind Max, then realized his mistake a moment too late. He turned and ran, trying to reach a doorway down the hall, at least putsomethingbetween him and the Hillbilly, but there wasn't enough time.Meanwhile, Feng looked up, hearing the distinctive whine of the chainsaw tearing through wood, knowing it could only mean Max was occupied in another chase. She had to most of this opportunity. With a tightened nut and a pull, the generator roared and its lights flared.That's two,she thought. Even if this all went downhill, at least she'd have an emergency escape route. Standing, she hopped through another window and sprinted away, looking for another generator.Claudette cried out in pain again as Dwight hefted her off hook and down to the ground. She whimpered in pain, but despite the extreme physical trauma of Max's chainsaw and the hook itself, she stayed on her feet as Dwight did his best to treat her wounds. Not for the first time, she wondered how she could take it, how all of her allies could recover from this level of damage. She wondered if, inside, she were any more human than the more twisted killers that stalked this strange world, or if the Entity that ruled this place had changed her as well but unlike the killers, simply tweaked to endure as much torture as possible. She hoped she would never have to learn just how much suffering a person could take before they died, if the attacker were focused on causing suffering instead of death. She didn't know that Feng was due to find out.
The information provided by the entity was threatening to overload him in the moments just after his chainsaw split the wood into splinters. The sound of a generator nearing completion echoed in his head and the Entity stripped away the radius of terror meant to keep the game interesting from around Max, roughly twelve seconds of nithing but the sight and sounds of his labored breathing to tell the survivors where he was or that they were bring hunted. Of course being focused as he was on David who now fled down the hall he didn't have a chance to stop the machine from being repaired and aputtering to life to yet further illuminate the area around it. Perhaps a second before the man had tried to blind him yet the sensation hardly stung his eyes at all as he was intent to push forward, at least until the inhuman sound that told him Claudette had been saved from the hook behind him.The information was too much, too fast, and he struggled to make the split second decisions about his strategy. He could get David rather quickly but perhaps if he turned he might get Claudette once more or the person who had saved her, meanwhile Feng was running generators and hehad to ensure they couldn't escape. Considering that his chainsaw needed a brief bit to cool off he stopped the chase and spun around to face the hook behind him and see Dwight tending to the woman's wounds, his hammer might drop her or otherwise wound Dwight but it was guaranteed that David would survive one hit at least and would drae him away from the others."Kill them all....don't let them escape, earn your prize...." The Entity which was more of a father to him than his real one had ever been continued to whisper in the recesses of his mind to spur him on and prevent him from getting complacent.With a squeal of rage he closed in on the pair, his fast yet hobbled gait that saw him all but hopping from leg to leg as he tried to prevent him from healing her. Something in his thoughts told him to strike the man first, that he was better off keeping them wounded than letting him heal them all, and so he tried to do just that rather than question as to where the idea was truly coming from. Raising his cattle hammer he lashed out towards Dwight as soon as he could, the swing wild and his approach not subtle and yet sometimes the survivors proved unaware indeed when the terror of the Entity was not at play.
Dwight and Claudette were still huddled under the hook, Dwight focused on treating Claudette's wounds and Claudette just trying to endure the pain. The claustrophobic room and blind corners meant they wouldn't see anyone, friend or foe, until they were right on top of them, but the survivors were complacent, too trusting in David's distraction and the aura of fear that usually surrounded the Hillbilly. With that aura stripped away and Claudette's whimpers covering the sound of Max's approach, however, they were completely blindsided when he came bounding around the corner with his familiar, loping gait.Claudette saw him first, a hand coming up to point over his shoulder."Dwight!"she shrieked, and his head snapped back just in time to see the hammer come down on his back. Dwight cried out in pain and jerked away, tearing free the first aid he was applying to Claudette's shoulder. She shrieked again, this time in pain, and they both ran for the window that Dwight had used earlier. This time, Claudette reached it first, hopping through and delaying Dwight a deadly second. He was just crawling through when Max reached him. This time, he wouldn't even need to use the hammer Dwight was close enough for Max to reach out and grab him off the windowsill if he so desired. However, he heard footsteps coming from behind him, punctuated by a grunt of exertion. It was David, no doubt ready to try and blind him with the flashlight again as soon as he had Dwight in hand.
The sickening crunch as his hammer struck the man felt so satisfying, bruising flesh and threatening to crack bone with the strength he put behind it, but as per the entity's rules they could always seem to endure at least one solid blow before going down. No sooner had Claudette shrieked and turned to run with the now injured Dwight did Mac's aura of terror return all at once to hound them as they ran. Claudette reached the window and darted through it even with her nasty bleeding wound that was yet untreated, it made any motion pure agony as was evidenced by her wonderful whimpers of pain but she was far more afraid of him than her wound as was apparant. However there was nowhere else for Dwight to go and the delay had allowed Max to catch up and threaten to take him down but first the killer had to make a decision of going for the hammer or grabbing the survivor instead, the sound of sprinting footsteps behind him made that choice an easy one.The hillbilly was normally a creature of rage and hatred, lashing out at a cruel world that had shunned him and treated him unfairly, but in hurting others he found brief moments of clarity as his pain was transferred to them if but temporarily and right now his mind was never clearer. David was coming to try again with that wretched light and even if he was so resistant to it he was not completely immune. There was a chance that David might succeed in stunning him with the tool if it was potent enough and he wasn't going to risk dropping his prey.Max grunted with exertion as he swung with his hammer in a forward lunge, the hard metal slamming into Dwight's back as he tried to cross the threshold and sapping the strength from his wounded frame as he fell off the ledge and came backwards into the room with the vicious killer."No escape! All die save one! All suffer!" Not that he wanted to give away his plans but he just couldn't contain his emotions with as wound up as he was, sure the clarity of injuring them made him think clearer but even still he was plenty furious with all of the survivors and Feng above all. Not bothering to reach down and grab Dwight just yet Max turned in the same motion as he pulled his chainsaw up and revved the engine loud, he would face David head on and cut him in two before the man could even realize just how he had fallen into Max's trap of sorts. Of course no matter what he did the twisted creature couldn't kill them directly without the Entity's permission but in a way that just made the torture that much more enjoyable, perhaps he would see what lovely red David's guts looked like when he lunged?
Dwight flopped off the windowsill and onto the floor like a fish, wailing in pain. David stopped and readied his flashlight, but wasn't expecting the Hillbilly to whirl to face him, chainsaw screaming. With its carburetor so finely tuned, David barely had time to react, and not nearly enough to dodge. The split second of shock and panic on his face was a delicious sight before Max swung the chainsaw down onto him, shredding flesh and grinding on bone. No guts, though no matter how many times Max brought the chainsaw to bear on his prey, they were never quite like his parents in the real world, or even like the cows on their farm. Their injuries were never truly, permanently debilitating unless they outright killed them the Entity's interceding hand, most likely, always preserving that glimmer of hope until the moment of climax. Maybe Feng would be different, though, if Max kept his side of the bargain.On the other side of the window, Max could hear Claudette's whimpering, plus the telltale sounds of first aid. It wasn't far she must have stopped to bind her wounds, probably assuming the Hillbilly would be busy with Dwight just as David had. From the other end of the room, though, he heard the familiar sound of sneakers on linoleum, then that hateful, hated, accented voice."Ugh! So ugly!"Feng stood at the entrance to the room, arms crossed and shooting Max a smug, contemptuous expression."Weak and baby killer! Shameful! Just give up!"Reaching down, she grabbed her crotch and thrusted in his direction, extending the middle finger of her other hand."Suck my dick! You have no balls! Come and get it!"She acted as if she were invincible, but she stayed cautiously in the doorway, where she could duck behind cover before the Hillbilly could get to her even with his tuned chainsaw. Her eyes looked into his, taunting, daring him to attack.
Even without a crippling effort the feeling, sights, and sounds of his chainsaw shredding the flesh and bones of David were still plenty satisfying as he sliced a wonderful gouge into his midsection and watched the surprise play out on the man's face before he tumbled to the ground. What Max hadn't expected was the sight of Feng coming in to help the group, shouting and taunting him with even more vulgarity to try and lure him away. He growled in rage and began to stomp towards her, heedless of her plans as he wanted to make her suffer but the voice in his head made him see reason before he could get sidetracked."Throw them on the hooks....sacrifice them to me and she will be all yours. Don't lose focus now." Of course, hurting her now wouldn't get him what he truly wanted and especially when there were two of the group bleeding out on the floor nearby. He shouted back to her in anger even as he turned to pick up Dwight first and find a suitable hook to hang him upon. "Little Feng be ugly as me! She find out just what balls Max have when shoved in face! You mine! But no yet." The anger was so difficult to keep down but he had to try and focus, the alcohol fueled him and gave him a limberness to his turns when using the chainsaw but it could also muddle his mind and make it malleable. In this case he really should be thankful to the Entity for keeping his focused but he wasn't quite that wise to comprehend such things as he lifted the battered body of Dwight up and onto his shoulder, thankfully the first hook was close and he could use the one that Claudette had been freed from with little fear of interruption. The sickening sound of the decrepit metal piercing his shoulder and holding him up was music even if it was but an appetizer compared to pure screams.The hillbilly didn't waste any time hustling over to David in kind, picking him up and hopping off to find the next nearest hook no matter what Feng shouted at him. At the same time he wouldn't despair if they were freed, almost certainly Dwight would be as he ran to hook David, as it just mesnt more chances for him to inflict pain and that many more steps towards the Entity determining that they were ready to be taken from this place without the chance to escape. Three times, that was the magic number and he was intending to get there with all but Feng. He would hurt her if given the opportunity but the chainsaw had to wait as he felt confident that if he hung her up he wouldn't get his chance to play with her and get his revenge, well not unless she was rescued which was a gamble he wasn't going to take.
"Eh?"The Hillbilly's clumsy sentences and the excitement of the situation was to much for Feng's developing English skills. She hadn't caught what he said, but she could tell there was somethingdifferentabout it. In fact, just that he hadn't taken her bait was different in itself. His rage usually made him predictable when provoked, at least when facingher she knew she'd gotten under his skin. How could he pass up this opportunity now?"Pussy! Big man too scared to face me! Baby killer, no balls, pussy!"Feng shouted, increasingly insistent, but he didn't take the bait. She tensed up when Dwight slammed down on the hook, expecting him to swivel and charge her, but he just continued onto David. Having the man on his shoulder would not only limit his movements, but he'd have to leave the two of hem behind to find another hook. Feng grit her teeth in frustration. Some other killers had this sort of determined focus, but it was new from the Hillbilly. She couldn't predict his moves, and that made her uncomfortable.As the Hillbilly lifted David, she lifted Dwight, pulling him off of the hook with a grunt of exertion."Go, go, come on!"she whispered, leading him out of the room. It wasn't as if she didn't care about them, after all. She justunderstoodbetter than them. It wasn't as if theyreallydied anyway. They were all so afraid, so desperate to escape, but all Feng wanted was victory. There were no consequences here. Nothing couldreallybreak her.
Again Max growled and grunted with clear signs of anger on his face from her words but he understood now that he had to push past them. In order to get what he wanted this time he had to play things exactly the same, let Feng be the last one standing only for him to snatch that escape away from her and show her what it meant to anger him. Sure the rage and fury still burned within him but he had to cool it off, ice it over to stay in some measure of control. He never would be able to do it alone but with the Entity whispering in his ears it helped him stay focused even in his drunken state.As expected when he flung David up onto the hook and savored the grunt of pain as the rough metal pierced flesh someone rescued Dwight, it didn't matter which girl did it really but it just made things more interesting. Still the others were wounded and would take time binding their wounds, Feng would probably run for another generator and in that case he decided to do some small loops around where David hung to see if he could lure Claudette or Dwight in for an easy kill or if they would stay away from the threat he posed and let David be taken completely. With all the side rooms and narrow hallways it did make patrolling a bit more difficult but with the speed that he could rev his chainsaw and the increase in his turning capability from the moonshine he was more than ready to make them suffer for altruism.As he circled his mind kept focusing on the pain and torment he would bring Feng, that Asian bitch would cry and beg for mercy underneath his efforts and worse than just the physical punishment would be the mental agony she wouldn't be able to forget."Yes....she calls you ugly just like the will make her suffer you, make her ugly too. But first...kill all others and feed me their pain..."Perhaps it was the moonshine or something else but Max couldn't remember the Entity speaking so clearly to him before, especially during a trial. It didn't bother him of course as he knew the words were helping him and guiding him along to their mutual satisfaction but rather it made him grin again to think if what was to come, yellowish flesh distorted into an inhuman expression of sadistic glee and he even cackled a few times from the anticipation as he watched David so carefully in wait.
The labyrinthine hallways and darkened rooms not only made it difficult to patrol, but easier to hide. Claudette lurked in the shadows, using the hard corners and blind spots to maneuver around the Hillbilly's line of sight. She'd bound her own wounds, and while it wouldn't stop another blow from the chainsaw, it at least dulled the pain to the point that she could keep silent. The environment hid the Hillbilly from view as well, true, but the aura of fear surrounding him told her whenever he was close. Still, being able to move about under his nose didn't mean anything if she couldn't get to her target, David which meant she could only sit and grind her teeth in frustration as blood dripping from his wounds to his feet, pooling below him, every second calling the Entity closer."Tabernac, why won't you leave!"she hissed, watching Hillbilly round the hook for the umpteenth time."Pitch a tent and roast s'mores, why don't you?"Feng and Dwight were making much more progress. Aided by his coaching, Feng had treated Dwight's wounds and then pulled him away to another generator, aiming to punish the Hillbilly for his wasted time. Dwight's encouragement was inspiring, despite his own nervous disposition, and the two of them worked quickly. Soon, it was close to completion, and Feng cast a careful eye towards the door, knowing the mechanically inclined Hillbilly would surely catch on and come running to stop them.Finally, Claudette's pounding heart eased. She couldn't see the Hillbilly, but since she couldn't feel his aura of terror, she knew he must be gone. With no time to waste, she broke from her hiding place, sprinting to the hook.
On the one hand he knew they weren't likely to leave David to die and yet on the other he hasn't yet seen anyone coming near to free him. True that his aura could be scaring them away this time but in the past they simply threw more bodies at him, though David was the type for that and he was the one hanging up at the moment. The silence was maddening and he felt the anger and lack of patience welling up as he desperately wanted to hunt down the others who were likely working on a generator and making good progress considering the time thus far. The chime of repair signaled him that a generator was nearing completion and he turned to rush towards it but the voice in his ears made him think twice."Wait..." Max didn't immediately understand why but then something clicked in his head, that radius faded away for a brief period whenever the survivors came close to finishing a generator so if there was anyone willing to save David then now was when they would move.Everything fell into place and he rushed into motion revving his chainsaw even before he rounded the corner of a room that led to the hallway where David was hanging and nearing sacrifice, true this was again a wild move that might backfire but he rushed forward and turned with incredible control as the motor screamed and he wheeled with the excitement for the kill. Max wasn't disappointed when he came sprinting around the corner and found that he was behind Claudette, the shock and surprise making it all but impossible for her to do anything even as she was mere feet from the hook. He swung the wonderful weapon sideways towards the side of her stomach and squealed with sadistic glee as the teeth bit in and the spray of blood painted the walls red, oh how sweet the sounds of agony and ripping flesh were to his ears every time and the fact that he imagined it was Feng only made it all the sweeter.As she fell the hillbilly stood over her for a moment to make eye contact with the hanging man who had mere moments left and again he smiled as the terrible claws descended from the sky before slamming into his body over and over again, the last thing David would see were those spider like claws piercing his flesh and the killer standing over Claudette as he enjoyed the show. Max didn't waste time once the man was gone and unfortunately the hook was always destroyed by the Entity's fervor so as he lifted the dark skinned woman over his shoulder once more he knew he had to move a bit further to find another sacrificial spot. Turning to see the outlines even through walls he was delighted to realize he was close to the basement which held the most sturdy of hooks and he made his way down to accept that that generator was beyond his interference but hopefully he could thin the herd to two. In any case he needed to work faster to stop such progress from continuing but he would not fail, not with so much at stake.
Max heard the generator pop to life just as Claudette fell to the floor. Straining against the claws, David could only give Max a furious glare of defiance before he was impaled. His body went limp, then...not quite disappeared, not quite faded out of existence, but just seemed somehowlessas the Entity removed him from the playing field. Claudette had the impression that David's remains were lifted upwards, but the illusion was broken by the institute's low ceilings. Even then, she couldn't describe or understand where his body really went or what really happened to it. Her brain just wasn't built to interpret what was happening.She felt the Hillbilly's hands on her clearly enough, though, whimpering as he hefted her onto his shoulder. She writhed, but the basement was already so close, and there was no one there to help her. Bright hospital lights strobed in her vision and static hissed in her ears as they passed through the central operating theater or something approximating it before he took her down the stairs into a basement very much unlike the rest of the facility. Claudette couldn't help herself from releasing a panicked sob. Somehow, across all the forests and farms and junkyards and asylums and everything else, the basement never changed and never fit. There was moreprimalabout it, moreraw. There was apresencehere, something like a heartbeat or predatory breathing, but instead of hearing or feeling it Claudette simply sensed it in a deep part of her brain. The straightforward, familiar pain of the hook punching into her back was almost a relief compared to the otherworldly fear of the place. Almost."Oh, man!"Dwight whispered to Feng, hearing Claudette's scream echo through the facility's halls."Now she's in the basement. How are we gonna get her out of there?""He'll protect her!"Feng responded."Got to take him away! I'll make him chase me! Then you go down!""Alright,"Dwight nodded. Feng was a master at navigating the windows set erratically about the institute and could keep the Hillbilly running for a long time."I'll hide and wait for you to lead him away. Just be careful, okay? We can't let this snowball any worse than it has already.""Yeah, yeah, okay,"Feng said, waving a hand dismissively."You just don't make him see you!""Don't worry, I've got a plan,"Dwight said confidently, then opened a locker and slipped inside, closing the door after him.Feng stretched, squared her shoulders, and ran to the top of the stairs."Aw, big pussy! Hiding in the basement, too scared to see me! To ugly to show to his face! Big ugly rat walking like a man, ha ha ha!"
He shrugged off David's defiance as he took Claudette to the basement, her sobs of fear were delicious to him and he fed on it almost as much as the Entity did in his own right as it helped the pain of his abusive upbringing fade away. The hum of power was always stronger down here no matter which surroundings were at play and it was warm and comforting to Max, to him he was home here whereas to Claudette it was something else entirely. Truth be told he didn't focus much on the basement like some of the other killers did, he was much more about speed and the thrill of the hunt but that didn't mean he wouldn't take the opportunity when it presented itself. Turning he moved to begin climbing the stairs back upwards into the small office room before he heard the familiar andaggravatingvoice shouting down from the top once more to taunt him and insult him just liketheyused to before he ripped them to shreds, he saw her but a moment afterward.His whole body shook this time, his muscles contracting as he shivered with rage and couldn't hardly hold himself back but he wanted to listen to the Entity who whispered in his ears and who was kind to him while all others weren't so he waited and was not disappointed."Chase her....then turn baaaack...."That was all it would say to him, all it could say without completely violating the rules of the contest entirely. It was helping him perhaps more than it usually would others but this was a special case after all and the Entity wanted its killers to remain happy, didn't want the survivors to lose the edge of fear and agony it thrived on. Feng couldn't understand perhaps but her actions threatened to undermine the Hillbilly in his effectiveness not just from the taunts to his mind but how that could alter the perceptions from the other survivors who just might start to believe that she was correct in not fearing him beyond the kiss of his chainsaw.Max gave into his rage at that point and roared with a guttural and wheezing sound that couldn't be described as anything other than pure hatred as he began to run as fast as he could, his hobbled form bounding with reckless energy that was much more how he typically acted in comparison. Of course she wasn't going to stand there and let him catch her but for the moment at least he would play her game."Catch you! String you up by ankles! Teach to fear!"
Feng had expected the Hillbilly to come charging up the stairs chainsaw first, but something held his temper in check. She still bolted as soon as she saw him, but his prudence made it easier for him to give chase and would have been enough for him to bring the hammer down on her back...if the small office wasn't lousy with windows, easily navigable by Feng's lithe form but awkward for the much larger killer to slip through. She leapt through a window and out of the office, using the inertia to surge ahead into another hallway. She reached a corner, looked back over her shoulder, and gave the Hillbilly a sneer."Gee gee, easy!"she shouted, then cocked her hips and slapped her ass with the palm of her hand, twice."Kiss my ass, baby killer! Come and get it, bitch!"She laughed, her eyes locked on him, trying to make as cruel as possible. Shereallyneeded him to take the bait this time. This little bit of restraint from him had thrown off the entire team, and now things were snowballing out of control. If Dwight couldn't get Claudette out of the basement, it was game over. Her only hope would be to find the escape hatch in this labyrinth before the Hillbilly caught up with her.At the same time, Dwight eased himself out of the locker in which he'd been hiding. He'd prefer to wait until the Hillbilly had left and Dwight's heart stopped pounding in his ears, but the Entity's claws were already pushing down on Claudette in the basement, requiring all of her dwindling strength to hold them at bay. He couldn't afford to wait all he could do was tiptoe to the basement steps, counting on the Hillbilly not to notice him.
Of course those damnable windows allowed Feng to get a precious advantage over him as he had to somewhat clumsily climb through but he gave chase all the same. In the back of his mind the words of the Entity, who was like a true father to him, still lingered but the anger he felt for her was so terrible that when she taunted him once more he could almost swear to feel the veins of his skin bulge and struggle not to burst as his yellowish skin was tainted with red from rage. But then just as he was about to fly off the handle his mind clicked into place and understood the bigger picture for once in his life, a flood of comprehension filled him and cooled his mind almost in an instant as he realized what this was all about and exactly why the Entity would tell him to do such a thing. If there was one thing Feng had done during this trial besides repair generators it had been to distract him and draw him away from others in the name of allowing their rescue.All but skidding to a halt he called back in a wheezing and panting voice that was otherwise eerily calm to a level that the hillbilly never truly acted ever before, this was different and he could tell that something inside him had become greater for this understanding and the opening of his mind to the games and tricks that not only Feng herself played but that of all the survivors."I get you ass soon, for now trick other."With an evil grin he turned and spun around to re trace his steps full tilt. Feng was diving around a corner at this point but all he truly had to do was run down a hallway and climb through a window before he was back into position to protect the basement and if everything worked to plan he would hopefully find Dwight creeping down to save his poor little friend.Max decided that he wouldn't even rev his chainsaw or swing his hammer this time, no he would savor the shock and awe as he reached out and grabbed the man by his shoulder to pull him away from the success he assuredly would think was so near. So he did just that as he ran back down the hallway and climbed somewhat awkwardly through the window once more, he didn't see any red scratches to indicate the man running and had no other signs to go on with proof that Dwight was down there but all the same he trusted his gut and the advice of the Entity as he hobbled down those damning steps which somehow made no sound despite his meaty bulk.
The grin dropped of Feng's face as the Hillbilly spoke. This wasn't like him. He'd been clever before, even tactical, but never socollected.His anger was a strength as much as it was a weakness, something he couldn't afford to lose, and some of the other survivors may even have taken comfort in his restraint. Not Feng, though. This change of character threw out everything she'd learned and put her back at square one, like she'd been in her first days in this place. All her memories ran together and were clouded by an unnatural fog, but she knew she died a lot in those days. Dying wasn't what it used to be, of course, but still, she didn'tlikeit.Dwight himself had gone down the stairs more quietly carefully than the Hillbilly did, having never tested how much noise they'd make. He wouldn't be able to hear the sound of his or any other footsteps over his heart pounding in his ears, anyway. Soon, he hoped, Feng would lure the Hillbilly away. Surely, he thought as he crept towards Claudette, Feng has baited the killer to the hallway by now. Any second he'd hear the grinding roar of the chainsaw, then his heartbeat ease as Feng led the killer on another prolonged chase. He'd get Claudette out, bind her wounds, and even get on a generator. The one in the office first, then the operating theater. The two of them together could probably finish them before the Hillbilly even caught up to Feng. Then they'd be out of there, snatching escape and survival from the jaws of defeat Dwight's hands were on Claudette's sides, lifting, when he suddenly saw the red light fall over him.Feng was already running. Fuck the basement, fuck the generators. The hatch would be visible soon, and then Feng would be out. Not much of a victory, but she'd take it. The Hillbilly could switch things up, but she still had the advantage. These mazelike rooms and obstructed corridors gave her the cover she'd need to sneak under the killer's nose. She could take the time to decode what the Hillbilly was up to later, back the campfire.
There was a blissful moment when Dwight paused his efforts to lift Claudette free and of course upon her face was an expression of pained terror that he always loved to see as she watched him round the bottom of those steps not with blind rage but rather ofpurpose. Max didn't know about the red light that gave away the direction of his gaze but in this case it hardly mattered as he reached out and grabbed the man by the shoulder and pulled him back with inhuman strength."Not savor kill, but time to die."It was easy to spin the man around and lift him off the ground as he dropped his weapons onto the floor with a clatter and stepped around to the next hook on the left. Rather than his usual effort to toss them up and let the spike do the work the hillbilly instead lifted Dwight up and properly slammed him down onto that nasty hook in a much more painful fashion than was necessary as he wanted to savor this moment, the moment where everything came undone and he could finally have his revenge upon Feng at last. His wretched smile would likely haunt both of the trapped survivors here but he didn't linger as he turned and scooped up his hammer and chainsaw once more before bounding up those stairs with a growl of hunger.There was a scream of pain that echoed from the basement as Claudette was killed by the Entity but even still he didn't linger to listen as he now had to prevent her from finding the escape hatch which would be her only means of salvation from the hell he had prepared for her. Thankfully in his case he had just enough help to manage that, or rather to find her before she could find the hatch."Well....done.... She runs...." Max began to understand that even though he couldn't always comprehend the words that the Entity was trying to say he could tell through the hazy background noise when he was close to a survivor. For now he put distance between himself and the basement since even if she decided to come back and save them that would still give him plenty of time to hunt her down and he needed to be far enough away that the whispers would give him the information he needed, the proximity of Feng.The generators were a lost cause so he ignored those for the moment as he stomped around the hospital and although he kept his eyes peeled he mostly stuck to the major hallways rather than dipping into the various rooms. First he knew that he needed to identify which area of this maze like structure she was in and from there he could properly search for her. Max vowed that he wouldn't let her escape even though he didn't currently know just where that hatch was he had not come so far only to be thwarted again by this wretched bitch once more. Taking a page from her playbook he turned the tables even further as he called out to her nice a loud."Where stupid bitch now? Big pussy hide! Piss self in fear! Ha ha ha ha! Time for you pay!"
"Keep yelling, idiot,"Feng muttered, crouched in a dark room. The words hurt her pride, but she was too experienced with trash talk to let it get to her. Instead, it was just another reminder that this was a different Hillbilly than she was used to: more controlled, more strategic, and much less predictable. Still, the shouting told her where he was, similar to the sing song lullaby of the masked woman Feng had faced before, and told her to go the other way.She did her best to stay out of the hallways, but of course, she had to pass through them to get from one room to another. She counted the seconds, waiting for Dwight to give up the fight and be taken by the Entity. She could sit and wait for his strength to run out, but the thing that ran this place was impatient, and would signal her location to the Hillbilly if she wasn't giving a good show. She hoped this cat and mouse was tension enough, but it certainly puthernerves on edge her muscles quivered with anticipation and raw energy, waiting to explode out of her. She put a hand on a doorframe as she peeked around the corner and was surprised to see it shaking as she lifted it. Every second could mean her demise or her salvation.Finally, she felt something change. She imagined she could hear the far off sound of Dwight's finally cry of pain, or the soundless roar of the Entity taking him into its clutches, but really, it was something she simplyknew Dwight had finally died, and the hatch was open for her. She hadn't seen it yet, but there were only so many places it could be. The room she was in had nothing, nor did the next one. But in the next, she heard something an otherworldly sound, indescribable but unmistakable. She also heard the familiar pounding of her heart in her ears, first subtly, then stronger. If he reached the hatch first, it was over.It was all or nothing now she had to act. Breaking into a run, she hit the next window and vaulted over. She was lithe and agile, and converted the momentum of her leap into an extra boost of speed, launching herself towards the hatch. It was right there in the middle of the hall, nothing but empty floor between her and it, just five steps away, then four, three, two, one, and with one finaljump
Max could hear the whispers in his ears to signal he was close to Feng but he could not understand what they were saying, if they were saying anything at all. Instead he found himself moving instinctually without much thought as he stalked her and tried to close on on her location. As the Entity took Dwight away however everything broke into momentary chaos as she began to sprint for the hatch and her one hope of salvation but the hillbilly was ready and waiting. He too burst forth from a room hot on her tail as she jumped for the darkness which promised escape from his wrath.At first it seemed like she would make it as her legs touched and fell through the opening but then she was halted mid air by a deformed hand clutching her arm and holding her aloft just before salvation. As she struggled he dropped his chainsaw to the ground and worked to pull her up and out with his inhuman strength, managing to hold her up as his right hand slammed the trap door shut and tendrils from the entity sealed the exit shut with a click of a lock echoing outward."Got you now. Entity wait, have fun with you." He laughed in her face as he made her look upon him, twisted features that even a mother could not love with his yellowish skin and patches of mangy hair atop his head. Escape was gone and as promised Feng was his to torment as he liked, she wouldn't soon taunt him again after what he had planned.The hillbilly wasn't worried about her escape now and so he lowered her down to quickly shift the grip of his left hand to thread through her hair as his right hand reached down to gather his discarded weapon. Then he began pulling painfully towards the basement where he would feel most at home and she would be most unnerved.
"Ahh, !"Feng shouted, feeling the Hillbilly's gnarled hand grab her arm at the last second and haul her out of salvation with inhuman strength. Incensed, she snarled at his laughing face and punched at his shoulder to no avail." !"Feng was so infuriated that she almost didn't feel the pain of being dragged along by her hair. Almost. Gritting her teeth, she tried to twist out of his grasp, kicking at the smooth linoleum floor or grasping at the featureless walls for leverage. She felt pinpricks in the corner of her eyes as hairs were torn from her follicles, but wiped them away with one swipe of her arm, disguising the motion as part of her struggles. Occasionally she even managed a swing at the Hillbilly's body himself, though it didn't do much good. She had no idea if she could have hurt his twisted form in the real world, let alone here. A part of her wondered why he was taking her back to the basement surely they had passed other, closer hooks but she didn't think to give it much thought.It was a rough trip down the stairs. Dragged by her hair, she hit every step hard on her knees and thighs. Nonetheless, by the time she got down to the basement, her anger had cooled. Win and loss, success and failure, it was all part of the game. She understood this, maybe better than any of them. Still, she wasn't the type of give up an advantage, and she had to invest in future matches. Hillbilly had caught her unawares by pushing past his anger this time maybe stoking that anger and ruining his satisfaction would pay off in the future."Ha! Okay, you win!"Feng laughed cruelly again, sneering up at the Hillbilly with a contemptuous grin."Barely. When the others make it easy! Go ahead, kill me. Since you need it, you sad, baby bitch. Show what you do to girls."
He didn't understand her language but her inflection was obviously not happy as she shouted to him for preventing her escape. Of course as expected she fought him every step of the way kicking and screaming to try and halt him from his victory and still not understanding that death was not on her agenda any time soon. Of course Max felt the impacts of her hits but they were dull and meant nothing in truth, he was protected from harm by the Entity to ensure that the survivors couldn't simply attempt to kill him to end the trial and even before he had received this blessing his thick and leathery flesh was rather tough. When they finally arrived at the basement he threw her forward onto the ground and she taunted him again, thinking this was to be he end when in reality it was only the beginning.Max didn't understand why but instinctually he felt that this place was different now than before, the power hummed stronger to resonate with his core and as he reached out to set his weapons aside a table appeared in a cloud of black mist to hold them in place up off the ground. The Entity was watching intently and whatever Max desired would be granted within the confines of this room via just a thought or a hand outstretched. He turned and tilted his head to regard her now to decide exactly where he would begin, would he start with his pleasure or her pain? Perhaps a bit of both?"You still not know, not get. I no kill you soon....make you suffer long as repay for words. Feng beg for mercy in time but not get as I play."Slowly he stepped closer to her and reached out with his left hand to grab her by the throat and pull her up to his eye level.Without warning he balled his right hand and punched her stomach hard with the knowledge that the Entity would not let her die or be ruined until he was finished and satisfied so he had no reason to hold back any longer."I cut you up or choke, I stab and beat to make Feng ugly but no die. Father not let die until I say! Not until Feng hang from hook here."He pointed to the bloody and rough metal that hung from the thick wooden posts to prove his point and make her understand, Max's speech was never the best but he could manage to a decent extent with a bit of focus and effort. At this point he slammed her against the left side wall with force, his hand still constricting her airway while he looked on and gave a crooked smile. As bidden by the Entity he was going to make her suffer in more ways that one and to begin with he reached to her blue shirt and gathered a fistful of the fabric before he began to pull hard with the intention of tearing it off of her body through sheer muscle.
Feng tried to act uninterested, but her head turned of its own regard to watch the table form from nothing for his tools. She paused, thrown off balance for a second while the rules of reality didn't apply in this world, this was the first time she'd seen anything so...overt.Was it because this was the basement? She tried to stay out of it as much as possible, so she didn't know if this sort of thing was common down here. It did always feel a little more otherworldly down here than anywhere else. As he turned to look at her, she remembered the performance she was supposed to be putting on and sneered, ignoring whatever he had to say."Yeah, yeah, no one cares, lawl ecks dee "Her words were cut off when the Hillbilly lifted her by her neck. She choked for a second and grabbed his wrist, trying to open up her airway, and was about to force out another insult when the fist landed in her stomach. Whatever air was left in her lungs was forced out past his grip in a short grunt of pain, Feng's eyes going wide. He wasverystrong and pain shot through her body, so intense that she missed most of what he said. She only got enough to know that he didn't plan to kill her soon. She kicked, trying to break free, but it was pointless. She was scared, now she was no stranger to pain after so many trials, but those were relatively brief. Prolonged torture? She was not ready for that.Her head was starting to swim when he slammed her against the wall. She felt the wooden slats behind her back andsomethingancient and vast waiting behind them, but all she could think of was the need for air. She tried to pry his fingers from around her neck, barely even noticing as his other hand grabbed the front of her Laser Bears polo. For a moment, it strained, pulling Feng and her throat even harder against the Hillbilly's grip. Then the shoulder seams gave way and the whole shirt tore away from her body, exposing pale flesh and her simple black bra.
He could feel her fear as the realization began to sink in that she was not just going to end up as usual and it was a sweet sensation. Within his grip she struggled vainly as she writhed for oxygen before it was forced from her lungs but his punch to her gut and the subsequent slamming of her entire body against the wall. Max wasn't truly the type to worry about sex much, nor did he really have much of a drive for such things, but today he could appreciate the manner in which her exposed skin looked to weak and vulnerable after he ripped her shirt away and tossed it behind him without any concern. Arousal was unfamiliar to him in a sexual sense but he certainly felt the same desires when it came to inflicting pain and punishment, something that the Entity was playing upon his mind in the understanding that fucking her would leave a lasting scar upon her mind that wouldn't easily heal even after the marks upon her body were healed.Of course Feng couldn't die while he had her but he wasn't exactly the most calculating of individuals when it came to her struggles for air, that and he wanted her to be aware enough to fear every punishment he was about to inflict upon her. To that end he pulled her away from the wall and tossed her to the hard ground some feet away as he slowly stomped closer to her with pounding steps before he reached to grasp the waist of her shorts and began to pull them down her legs in a similar fashion. He had decided he would begin with pain but wanted to strip her down somewhat to tear aside her identity, to expose her to him so he could hold yet more power in this place which was such a satisfying feeling.When her shorts were removed as well, ripped and damage by the actions of course as he was anything but gentle, the hillbilly shambled over to the table which held his weapons and pulled his cattle hammer away. With the tool in hand he turned back to his prize and prepared to make her suffer. First he would have to drag her by the arm to an open wall with plenty of space, then the Entity would grant him a thick nail with which he could hammer into her open palm to pin her in place. It didn't matter that the basement walls were tough simply because the hillbilly was tougher and that anything he desired within the bounds of this place was his at a whim. The thudding impacts of the hammer upon the head of the nail would shake the wall itself and only three impacts would be required to pin her hand in place but that was just the beginning. He would repeat the action on her other hand, then her feet would be given the same treatment. All the while Max had a cruel grin of pure pleasure, shudders of excitement flowing through his crooked body as he taunted her further."Make you suffer, feel so much. I break you to pieces over and over while he watch and be happy. When finish you never be pretty, ugly inside like me! No say things to me again! Never!"
Feng hit the ground hacking and coughing, desperately sucking in lungfuls of air through her bruised throat. Hot tears already brimmed in her eyes from the pain, and it was all she could do to get her knees underneath her, her butt up in the air while she struggled to think through the oxygen deprived haze in her head. This put her shorts in a prime position for him to yank over her hips and down her legs, and she was too light to stop him from pulling them down her legs and off her feet as well or just tear them away. It was only after they were gone that Feng actually realized what was coming she'd just assumed he'd incidentally torn her shirt while trying to strangle her, but this was unmistakable. Her eyes went wide as she looked back over her shoulder at him, her mouth dropping open in horror."N no,"was all she could say."No, no "She tried to crawl, but he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the wall. She felt the pinprick of the nail on her palm a second before the first hammer strike. The first blow was already enough to go through her palm and into the wall. Feng cried out and reached for the nail with her other hand, trying to wrest it loose, but only got her hand broken by the second hammer strike for her trouble. This was messier, hitting her hand on the side instead of the open palm, crushing the bones of her hand against each other. She screamed in pain and pulled her hand away, leaving the first at the wall for Billy to hit a third and final time. She whimpered in terror and agony as the Hillbilly grabbed her broken left hand and held it against the other wall, but there wold be no mercy there. She screeched as he hammered down on it too, smashing the already broken bone until bloody chips poked through her skin.For a second she thought that would be enough, but then he moved to her feet. She tried to pull them away, but of course, she couldn't get far. The purple running shoes provided no resistance against the Hillbilly's hammer and nails, and soon she was fixed in place, spread eagle against the wall, stripped to her bra and black boyshorts. Tears cut tracks through the dirt on her face, and through her screaming she hadn't even noticed the saliva running from her mouth to her chin. Blood dribbled down her arms and over the sides of her feet from her new stigmata, but it was relatively light crimson highlights on her milky white skin."Fucking motherfucker, kill me!"Feng spat at the Hillbilly, breath shuddering, tear filled eyes looking up at him."Coward, ! Kill me!"
Her words of fear as she began to realize his intentions were wonderful, the quick change of how she went from cocky to frightened ignited something inside of him that he hadn't truly felt before. The flicker was faint and foreign but he was beginning to feel lust towards her even if it wasn't yet time, oh if fucking could be such torment upon them then why hadn't he thought of this sooner? First though the pain, the hammering of her hands and feet to the wall and as she reflexively tried to stop him he instead shattered the bones of her free hand to pieces. At this he laughed with a deep and breathy chuckle and that crooked smile of his typically open mouth only grew all the wider."Not stop me, only more hurt. Show the pain loud to me."He hammered the broken hand regardless with another nail, then followed up with one more through each foot and sneaker in kind until she was pinned in place and small trickles of blood flowed downward from the new holes.Max stepped back at this point to let the faintly glowing eyes of his twisted visage get a clear look at how she was, again only savoring the pain she must feel even as she spat insults to him that were borne not of confidence but of desperation. The tears that slowly rolled down her cheeks further called to the darkness inside of him, a slight tingle between his thighs to further the cause of making this broken creature find his natural desires beyondjustbodily pain but mental as well."No! No die before hook! You yell at ME! Say those things! No!"He screamed right back as some of his control faded before he shook his head and snapped to with a more standard tone, back was that ferocious and relentless anger that could be unleashed at a moments notice and it seemed more likely that any time she acted against what he wanted from her he would seek to make things worse."I make pay for words, pay for trouble. Feng her to die and suffer for him and me but instead always run and always make fun. Death too good for Feng when deserve worse. I make ugly body and ugly mind."He tapped a thick finger to the flesh along his right forehead where it pulled down to his neck and a scar was sealed with three metal bits.The pain wasn't enough and she needed more. In his mind she needed to be begging for him to end her while he denied her so that she could understand the hurt he felt every day of his youth being trapped in that dark room. If the nails wouldn't do it then he knew exactly what would but first he would get her nice and ready. Gripping the heavy cattle hammer in his hand he grunted and swung out hard towards her right leg at the ankle and felt the sickening crunch as the sounds of cracking bones could be heard. Then he repeated the process on her left ankle as he roared out to her."You ugly! Make you ugly! Feel pain with afraid for me!"As he worked himself into a veritable frenzy he leaned in and gave her a light headbutt, well light by his standards anyway, before he decided that this was enough for the moment as too much pain too quickly would just numb the mind and he wanted her to feel everything. At this point he wasn't sure what to do since mutilation and torture were all that he really knew but then the whispers came back to guide him and his smile returned.Max turned away with hammer in hand and walked to the metal table where he set it down once more and instead grabbed his chainsaw before returning to his victim. Utilizing his inhuman strength once more he pulled the nails from her broken body with merely on hand, starting with her feet before moving to her hands and he simply let her fall hard to the floor once she was free from her bindings. Standing over her as she no doubt needed to recover from the fall he revved the engine of his favored weapon time and time again as he always let the noise die down before cranking it up once more until finally he stopped with only the low rumble of the engine still interrupting the silence save for his voice."Crawl on belly like worm to escape. Try get away or cut you up like meat."The Entity suggested he play with her and tease her with false hope and he couldn't wait to crush her after making her spend so much energy in trying simply to move as she was right now.
Strong. Be strong. Don't let him win.Feng tried to take deep breaths and block out the pain. It was harsh and constant, but manageable. She tried to clench her right hand into a fist, but it only twitched.It doesn't matter. Strength does not come from your body. Strength comes from your will. You are stronger than him. He cannot Feng's back arched and she screeched in agony as the hammer connected with her right ankle. She lurched and her leg bent unnaturally, her foot still nailed to the floor but unable to support her weight. It was agony: white hot fire running up her nerves, overwhelming her entire body and causing her to shake uncontrollably. She tried to shift her weight, stand on her remaining ankle, but his hammer came down on that one too, this time driving a jagged shard of bone through the skin. Completely unable to stand now, she could only fall forward, her broken bones grinding on each other and tearing through surrounding flesh and muscle as her feet stayed nailed in place. Her weight fell on her ruined hands, adding to her pain. Max knew the sound of Feng's screams, but he'd never heard them so loud, shrill, or intense before. It was only when his head came down on her skull that she stopped, coughing, her torn throat spasming.Feng could only quake now, her pale skin shining with sweat where it wasn't marked with scarlet blood or protruding bone or the streaks of yellow urine running down her legs and pooling at her feet. She choked out ragged sobs, eyes too bleary with hot tears to even see the puddle below her, but she knew it was there. Her loss of control, her disgusting cowardice, like a child. When he pulled the nails free, she fell into it, feeling her own warmth splash on her face.She sobbed again, then tried to crawl. Initially she attempted to push with one foot, seeing if anything remained, but it was nothing. She might as well have tried to push herself along with a shoe on a string. Her hands were useless too, but her elbows still worked. Digging them into the dirty floor of the basement, she dragged herself forward one forearm length and screamed in pain again. Dragging her feet behind her just twisted at her ruined ankles, reigniting the pain. She tried to push past it and dragged herself another length, then felt bile rising in her throat.It wouldn't work. This wasn't even a crawl she was like a worm slowly oozing forward. This was no means of escape. Gritting her teeth, Feng summoned her strength and looked up at the Hillbilly again."C c cut me up,"she whispered, struggling to speak."Into p pieces of m meat. Kill me! B b bastard!"
Oh how sweetly her screams rang in his ears, the punishment and pain that she couldn't escape from without his express permission to die. He could do whatever he wanted to her without fear, whereas normally the confines of the trials would see them bleed out if he wasn't quick this was not within those rules and as such the Entity would not let Feng escape Max's well earned prize. Ankles cracked and jagged bone splintered through her flesh as he smiled and huffed his amusement, then she lost control of herself and began to piss down her legs as the yellow liquid soaked through her underwear and grew into a puddle in the floor."Ha ha, piss like baby. Little baby Feng." This only made it all the more satisfying when he released her from the wall and watched as she fell face first into her own warm puddle.Feng tried to move despite her injuries, tried to crawl forward using her elbows, but the pain forced her to scream out through her sobbing and stop her efforts. After a few more moments she gritted herself to tell him to kill her once more, but the way she worded it was poor and only made his smile even wider."You not die until I want. I cut you up, play with insides and Feng live thank to him."He pointed a finger upwards but was gesturing to the Entity's power which always seemed to emanate from dark portals in the sky above them. Then he revved his chainsaw loud and gripped it tightly to give her what she asked for, at least in part. The Hillbilly stepped towards her side with the teeth of his weapon spinning in a blur of motion before he took careful aim and brought it down just above the knees of both legs in one fell swoop. The grinding as her flesh was torn to pieces was terrible to behold yet only grew worse as hit bone and continued to saw through it.Crimson spatters of blood flew from the chainsaw and covered himself, the floor, and the walls with the evidence of his carnage before the blade struck the cold floor and he pulled it back from her body. The bloody red flesh and jagged white bone of her shredded legs would normally mean her death in a quick fashion and yet the bloodflow was stymied by the Entity's power as it left her assuredly broken but still beholden to life."Cut legs but stop bleed, Feng live as do what want to body. No escape for Feng, no hatch or big door, just suffer and learn fear."He tossed the chainsaw aside and the engine sputtered out as it clattered upon the floor hard but he wasn't concerned as he had built it nice and sturdy. It was now that he felt the burning rush within him and the need to fuck her, not simply for sexual gratification but to make her suffer with memories that she wouldn't be able to ever forget. His hands fumbled to unfasten his pants and pull out his cock and balls, fetid yellow in color and certainly disfigured as the flesh bulged and twisted around his shaft much like his face. One thing it did promise though as he stroked it idly and it began to grow erect it was going to be large and thick beyond what her body would desire to accommodate and no matter what he decided to do to her it wasn't going to be pleasant.
Feng screeched as the chainsaw cut through her legs. She'd felt its bite before, but every time the Entity had stayed its power, prevented it from cutting so deep that the trial would be over. This was the first time she'd ever felt its full, mutilating power. She felt bile in her throat and her screaming turned to raw gurgling as it hit bone and went going, sawing through until finally Feng felt the pressure release. She could move her legs, but they were so light, and she couldn't feel below her knees. She looked down at her hips and raised her legs or her thighs, at least. Her eyes went wide and she whimpered in disbelief, her gaze shifting to her severed lower legs on the floor beside her.That had to be it. He'd severed her femoral arteries. She'd bleed out in seconds. It would be over soon. She'd die, then be back at the campfire.It's over, it's over, it's over,she told herself. She turned her head to the side, seeing the Hillbilly's pants drop and his hand stroking his monstrous, deformed cock. It was the first she'd ever seen. It was horrifying. But she'd be gone, soon. She'd have lost so much blood by now. She'd start feeling faint any second now. What was taking so long?"Kill me. Kill me. Kill me."Feng turned her head back to the ceiling, whispering over and over, begging a higher or lower power. Tears rolled freely down the side of her head."Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me."Her eyes rolled over to look at the Hillbilly again and she choked out a sob.This isn't happening. No. This can't happen to me. No. Let me die. Let me die!
He couldn't understand her thoughts of course but the look of fear and pain upon her face was delicious in comparison to the taunting and teasing she had given him over and over again. The way her eyes bulged widely at the sight of his cock excited him even if he didn't fully understand why and the rush of warmth within his body was pushing him onward even though it was all knew to him. The sob as she looked over her shoulder one more time was what finally set him over the edge in full the desire, no theneedto claim her body for his own and to feel her stretched widely around him was more than he could comprehend as he quickly stepped closer and finished pulling his pants down fully before dropping to his knees and looming over her prone form.Hands moved from his cock to reach out and grasp her underwear still covering her toned ass, fingers wrapping around the edges and pulling downward with enough force against her front that the material ripped along the sides and fluttered down into the small pool of blood and urine behind her as she was reveled to him in full."Yes, cry for me. I tell Feng she learn what balls I have, Feng learn cock too. I split you wide until I done, until I allow death this time. You cry like bitch, little bitch baby who piss and no legs. Feng remember me, remember what do when say things to me."One of his hands slid over the cheeks of her ass and squeezed hard, allowing his eyes to see for the first time what a woman truly looked like down there. Again he didn't fully understand but simply gave into the pull of his dark lust as he leaned over her and lined up his thick shaft to slap down into the valley of her ass, the rest of his heavy and large body leaning against her bare back save for the minor comfort of her bra and his hot and fetid breath could be felt as he chuckled and laughed in her ear.For perhaps a minute or two he would grind against her like this, getting a feel for the sensations and learning that there was pleasure here in the friction of her flesh. Of course this was only the beginning and hardly the objective of his arousal so after this brief period of relative calm before the storm the hillbilly would reach down to guide his fat tip towards the tight puckered hole of her backdoor as it promised to practically split her in half all of its own."Scream for me."He spoke again in her ear just before pushing forward with his inhuman force as he tried to shove his cock deep into her bowels with one fell thrust.
Feng made a strangled, warbling sound as the Hillbilly tore her underwear away and began to tremble involuntarily, her round ass subtly jiggling to her fear. She whined softly as he squeezed one cheek, pulling it aside far enough to reveal her virginal, subtly puffed anus and the urine moistened lips of her labia. His thick cock nestled into the crack of her ass, her cheeks soft and warm on either side of him, snug but comfortable like it was made to hold him. From atop her back, Max could smell her, a layer of tangy sweat covering a richer, more feminine scent beneath it. Feng clawed at the ground, heedless of her crushed wrist in a desperate attempt to drag herself away, but it was far too late for that now."No! No no no no no! Get off me, no!"Feng could barely speak through her panicked, anguished sobs, occasionally looking back at the Hillbilly through tear blurred eyes. The remains of her legs kicked futilely and she occasionally batted at his gnarled form with her hands, but it was pointless. Every movement only sunk his shaft deeper into the crevice between her cheeks and made the slow stroking sensation sweeter. Her panicked flailing intensified to a fever pitch when he reached down and pressed the head of his cock to her tight hole, a gurgling, growling wail of desperation and despair forcing its way out of her throat and echoing off the walls of the basement before giving way to panicked whispering, like prayer."No. . No. ."She screeched at a volume and pitch she'd never made before when he pushed inside her: not just pain, but inhuman anguish as her virginity was raped from her by the deformed, murderous Hillbilly. She made the mistake of trying to hold him out, and despite his inhuman strength his first thrust only pushed a quarter of his length in, but something tore in that. He felt warm wetness around him, lubricating him, and slowly sunk deeper inch by inch. The muscles of her anus flexed and clenched against him, gripping him tightly, while spasms wracked through her body, giving him multiple layers of massaging pressure on his shaft as and even after he buried himself to the hilt inside of her.
Just like he wanted she cried, whimpered, and flailed aimlessly to try and deny him despite her broken form and the agony it no doubt caused. This was sweet bliss for Max as he slid his cock back and forth between the supple gripping flesh of her ass cheeks and enjoyed not only her suffering but the pleasurable friction as indeed this seemed perfect and meant to be. He could smell the scent of her sweat and the sweet feminine pheromones contained within that only furthered his desire to take her, to claim her body like one would a toy and to leave her in a mess of an entirely different kind. When he did shift to line up his tip to his target she struggled all the harder and cried over and over to beg for mercy but that only made him want to do this that much more.When Max shoved his cock into her ass she closed down around him on reflex and an attempt to prevent him from getting inside, she couldn't stop him of course but she did slow him down for a few moments while she screamed in a fashion he had never heard from her before even when his chainsaw had cut her to shreds. The cost though was yet more pain beyond just his large and thick shaft stretching her sensitive walls as he began to feel the blood trickling across his length, the warm essence of life that would lubricate him as he pushed his way deeper and deeper without pause. The stimulation of her walls clenching and squeezing around him was amazing and Max couldn't help but groan out in a breathy indication of his enjoyment when he finally made it down to the point that his balls were resting against the wet lips of her piss covered labia."Feng feel good, ask Entity to do again sometime maybe."His inhuman length throbbed inside of her as her insides unwittingly massaged him for a few moments before he shifted his weight a little better and began to pull back out. His cock was providing him with feelings he had never even considered before this day and he shuddered once as his shaft slide against her bowels until there was only a few inches at best left within her. This was when he gave in to his instincts and let them guide him as he slammed back down and felt that blood giving him the means to explore her deepest depths with its wonderful warmth. The Hillbilly started slowly as he got used to what he was doing but each thrust was mighty as he hammered down into her time and time again. His tempo would increase steadily as too would his grunts of exertion and pleasure while he leaned next to her head and stole from her what he desired without any concern for how she was feeling. The slapping of his heavy balls against her pussy would begin to echo out through the quiet room as he ravaged her ass for all it was worth."Mmm....Feng think good but no. Ugh! Feng take dick and know....mmmph...nothing but bitch!"
Feng was past the point of even hearing the Hillbilly, let alone responding to him. Every thrust forced another choking, sobbing moan out of her, coming from deep in her throat. The thought of that enormous, deformed cock inside of her made her want to vomit, and she shuddered, the vibrations running through her body and quaking the muscles around him inside of her. His thrusts were ever deeper and harder, but every one lubricated her rectum with more blood, making his movements smoother and easier at the same time, and beneath the pain, beneath the disgust, beneath the shame of it, she felt somethingelsefrom that rhythmic girth filling her.She couldn't squirm to get away, but at least it could help with the pain. She managed to lift her hips just slightly, probably almost imperceptibly, straightening out his passage in her and taking some of the edge off her discomfort. His misshapen, uneven testicles slapped continued to slap against her, and with just a little more room in this new position, they swung far enough to slap against the far end of her labia. She could feel each impact thudding through her wet lips to land directly on her clitoris and gave another gurgling moan. Something else was wrong, a new black feeling of physical agony in her, something so unfamiliar she had no idea what it was. She felt hot and feverish, her nerved tingled, and the pain lancing through her took on a particular edge. It started small, but grew by millimeters, that new sickening sensation spreading through her core, until she finally realized what it was.She gasped in disbelief.No, no, no, not like this. Not from this.She'd been aroused before. She'd had orgasms before. But it had never felt as deep and all encompassing and degrading s this. This was more intense, unpleasant and unwanted but, by this time, undeniable. There was too much momentum to stop now."N nooo,"Feng squeaked pathetically. Her eyes and teeth clenched shut, waves of shame rolling over her."No! Stop don't please don't ahh "She tried to hold it back, but the scream ripped its way out of her: intense and lustful, but despairing at the same time. Her cancerous, unwanted orgasm rippled through her body, her muscles going taut and gripping him before slackening. Her breath shook and she sobbed desperately before the sensation rebounded and tore through her again, scraping her nerves raw. She fell limp, body shaking in horror and black ecstasy. It was the most intense orgasm she'd ever had, and it would never be undone. Feng would always know she'd orgasmed from being anally raped by a hideous monster.
He felt her shift beneath him, the motion subtle but making it easier for him to ravage her. Of course Max didn't attribute this to a simple attempt to lessen her pain but rather assumed the worst, that somehow she was enjoying this perhaps not by her own accord but perhaps by the consuming darkness of the Entity's power. The truth really didn't much matter to him as he just wanted to enjoy her suffering for what it was and she certainly wasn't wanting this even if a part of her enjoyed it so that was more than enough for him, that and the pleasure he felt as she squeezed around his invading length and built him steadily towards his first orgasm.Her deep grunts of pain mixed in with her gasps and pitiful moans as he made her his bitch in full until she spoke up again not in reply to him but rather in response to whatever was going on with her as she begged him to stop with a sense of urgent panic, the truth he again didn't understand at first until the Entity whispered in his ear to explain."She doesn't want this and yet...her body likes it. Pain and pleasure mixed to fill her with shame and are doing wonderful Max."That was all the encouragement he needed to not only continue but to ramp up his pace just that much more as he felt a tightness growing within his groin. Then came the scream, that horrid mixture of pleasure and agony all wrapped up into one as she shuddered in release which resulted in her walls clenching down harder as if milking his thick cock with desire. It was all too much for him to so easily handle.This was his first time too, her first anal sex but his first sex at all for who could ever want to lay with him? His stamina and endurance were legendary otherwise but that didn't mean he was magically a master at sex and when he felt her ass squeezing him so deliciously as her whole body shivered and shook in all manner of dark emotions it was simply too much for him to resist. A few harder thrusts saw he finally slam home down to the hilt while he grunted and groaned out atop her."Mmmmm....uughhh...."His misshapen and uneven balls rested against her wet lower lips and clenched tightly upward as his cock flexed and hardened just that much more in his first motion of release. A flood of hot cum spurted from his tip and deep into her bowels to mix with her blood as the warm inside her only grew that much more whether it was because of the Entity or otherwise the hillbilly was producing far more of the substance than any regular human could and the thick, sticky seed would only continue to stuff her insides as he rode out his blissful release.Feng might be in her own personal hell but to Max this was heaven and he leaned himself down further to breathe upon the nape of her neck as he continued to pump the contents of his balls into her. One hand reached up to her head and gripped her hair roughly, painfully, as he forced her to look up and into his glowing eyes."Feng nothing. Much talk yet enjoy assfuck."He gathered up some saliva within his mouth and spat upon her face with a deep chuckle."Feng just bitch, my bitch. Suffer me now and remember."
Feng felt his thrusts build to a climax and, a second before, realized with horror what he was coming. Then, she felt his thick, hot seed pumping into her, staining and corrupting her insides with his feel, his scent, his essential being. She'd never felt such a thing before, and for as long as her mind continued to persist in this place she'd always remember him as her first. He would always be inside of her. Feng gagged, then shuddered with dry heaves as his semen continued to pump into her, seemingly endless as it seeped through her ruined bowels.Feng could only moaned when he yanked up on her hair, tears streaming down her face. She whimpered when he spat on her face, and slowly raised an arm to cover her eyes, ashamed. She was stained, tainted, ruined. He'd forced torture and degradation on her and shecamefrom it. She was subhuman. She didn't deserve to look him in the eyes not even him.", I'm s sorry, I'm sorry,"she mumbled, her words so distorted by her sobbing and her accent that they were also impossible to understand."It was j just...just part of the game...I'm sorry..."Her arm went slack, dropping off her face, smearing his spit over her cheek and lips. Her sobs were low, uneven and tortured, like the last gasps of pain from a dying animal."Pleeeease kill me...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...please...I'm sorry..."
His cruel expression only showed how happy these moments made him, though Feng couldn't bring herself to look at his face to even really notice it. Slowly, thoroughly, he was destroying her inside as the pain of her torture was only the softening efforts for the true torment of the violation of her holes. Max's mind attributed it as akin to tenderizing meat before cooking though he only knew of that from the cannibal since he typically ate his food raw. Her eyes continued to leak long and streaming tears down her dirt covered face and that incessant sobbing couldn't abate as she tried to apologize to him and tried to please him in some fashion so that he would end this all and release her to the freedom of the hook where she could once again be whole in body even if her mind would always remember. His response was simple and damning."No, not yet."For once the hillbilly didn't feel the need to cut her up any further or really break her body physically right now, not that he wouldn't enjoy it all the same, but rather he wanted to continue this new strategy of sex and rough fucking. Max was like a young boy learning for the first time how good masturbation could feel but in this case Feng was his hand instead and he wanted to experience everything her body had to offer. When at last his shaft finished pumping her ass full he sighed and began to push his form up and off her back whilst also withdrawing his cock from her ruined backdoor. His eyes looked down to see her somewhat gaping hole oozing with white and red fluids while his thick length dripped down onto her legs with the evidence of their horrid act. Again he gave a breathy chuckle and slapped her ass a few times upon each cheek until the pinkish hue of her weakened flesh remained in place but then he started to flip her over and onto her back.It wasn't difficult to toss her around as he wished and on top of that she was weak from all the struggling and all the pain she already had to go through. In seconds he had her facing upwards towards him and he tore off her bra to reveal her breasts and leave her finally completely nude."Feng feel all, suffer all. This your fault, suffer your fault. But make me happy."His hands tugged her thighs up and against his own as he took position kneeling in the puddle of her piss that still soaked the floor. That thick and misshapen shaft which was normally a fetid yellow in color rested half erect upon her womanhood and coated with her blood and his cum as he began to grind himself upon her and smear those fluids further upon her skin."Fuck Feng, then next Feng suck dick and balls clean."His laugh was terrible as always, so cocky and so confident whilst not giving a damn about anything but his own enjoyment and his own revenge. Slowly his grinding would see his cock engorge and fill once more to full mast before he lined himself up, with some difficulty as he wasn't exactly sure where the hole was initially, and began to push the disgusting mess inside of her. At the very least between her earlier loss of bladder control and the orgasm he wrenched from her core she was plenty wet to accept him.
Feng closed her eyes as the Hillbilly tore off her bra, shuddering, not wanting to see the Hillbilly looking down at her. Her breasts weren't large to begin with, and they looked flatter while she was on her back, but that milky white and as of yet unmarred skin still curved gently and succulently in the strange orange light of the basement. The soft flesh quivered to her movements as if in anticipation, and her pink nipples stood stiff, begging for his attention. Slowly, she brought up her hands to cover herself, heedless of her broken wrist and the holes in her palms, but she could hide her wet cunt, legs splayed open and ready.She moaned and whimpered when she felt his turgid manhood press up against her lips."No, no, no, no, no,"she whispered to herself, all but soundlessly, but her labia twitched in response to his touch. The steady heat and desire inside of her had not faded after one orgasm, and a grinding pleasure radiated out from her entrance as his shaft slid up and down her slickened lips. She turned her head to the side, eyes still scrunched tight, and moaned in revulsion and a subtle but audible note of lust. As he stiffened, her body tightened in response, her muscles coiling as if she expected to fight, but there was nothing she could do now. His first attempt was too high, grinding against her urethrea, a hard and scabby kernel of callous like tissue piercing down directly onto her clitoris. Shocks of pain shot through her and she flinched.She foolishly clenched against him again when he found her proper entrance, but this hole wasn't as tight as the last, and he was well lubricated with blood and cum. His thick member pushed her muscular walls aside, filling her, sending electric shocks of pain and pleasure intertwined through her body. He was sobigand she was sofull,and while she begged her body not to, wanted more than anything for this to only be torture, her back arched and her eyes fluttered and her lips separated to gasp at his penetration. Her insides gripped him, not wanting him to leave butneedinghim to do so so he could return again and again, to fuck her like she deserved.
Max's only real knowledge of anatomy was that of where the guts were when he ripped someone apart. He could tell that perhaps her breasts weren't all that large but they still aroused him all the same as the Entity told him that her hardened nipples were a sign of her enjoyment."Her body wants you to fuck it...despite what she says she can't deny the pleasure." Still Feng attempted to cover her body with her wounded hands, the holes still slowly oozing blood while her shattered hand must have sent lances of pain to move even in this fashion, she couldn't stop him from his goals though and try as she might he still eventually found his way forward.The hillbilly groaned with pleasure as he felt her walls squeezing around him and trying to vain to deny him. The sensation was pure bliss even if the added lubrication denied some of the friction and he felt inch by inch push into her depths to stretch her beyond what she ever would have felt before. Feng's back arched against the ground beneath her as she gasped in enjoyment and this only made him laugh at her slow change of heart."Hah, Feng get all fuck just like want. Look at me so never forget." His left hand reached out to her neck and gripped hard to force her to look upward and at him. Of course she could close her eyes but he was simply too large of a being for her to fully divert her gaze otherwise. Meanwhile his right hand reached up to her left breasts and squeezed hard as he didn't know and didn't care the limits her body would have between pleasure and pain, to him both were nice to watch though dishing out agony and punishment was truly more of his style. Giving her breast a solid slap he shifted to plant his free hand on the floor so he could get to the real fun.Braced over her he began to buck his hips and slam into her wet cunt. His powerful impacts saw his misshapen balls slap against her ruined ass but to him any discomfort was simply not near enough to register as he maintained his focus. A few beads of sweat began to form from his yellowish skin as his shaft plowed into her, the bulging flesh was uneven with the odd bits of rougher and calloused tissue which would scrape against her gripping walls to give pain to ensure that no one could ever accept him without suffering. Still though he could feel her need, the primitive and instinctual hunger that was so similar to his need to kill and yet just different enough to be foreign. Lust was an easy sensation to give into he found and all the same this poor woman beneath him was finding herself in the same situation even after having been crippled beyond measure."Ughn! escape, no mercy for Feng. Just bitch, my bitch now." His words came through well enough but his hand was squeezing tightly around her throat to slow the flow of blood through her veins and hinder the inhalation of precious oxygen. He had no clue that asphyxiation tended to heighten sensitivity but simply wanted to feed his anger as much as possible, wanted her to despair that even if she liked being fucked here and now he didn't want her to be happy in any manner. His own actions could very well be having the opposite effect here and as he ramped up the pace of his merciless thrusts he made his way yet deeper and could feel the end of her passage as his fat tip hammered against the entrance to her womb with every stroke. Time would slip on without care from there but after a good while he would begin to feel himself nearing his limits once more as that pressure built up and demanded that he find true release within her.
For whatever reason, Feng didn't close her eyes when Hillbilly turned her head to look at him. Her eyes were wide and her pupils tiny, staring up at him in horror, silently and uselessly begging him for mercy. Tears dribbled down her cheeks, but her eyes didn't move, and the only sound she made was a soft whimpering. When his hand squeezed her breast her eyelids twitched and she produced a soft whine, but that was it. No screaming, no crying, no pleading would do anything now. She could only wait and pray for the torture to end, hopefully with the blissful oblivion of death.She groaned as he began to slam her, her eyes rolling back in her head. Her hips bucked, now not even in an attempt to escape but as involuntary thrashing under the force of his assault. Her free breast bounced in time to his slams, and her vaginal walls first spasmed randomly around him, but then settled into a rhythm, welcoming him. Her body and reproductive systems didn't care about his cruel words or the brutal rape or his twisted form. It only knew that his massive shaft was bruising and stretching her walls, taking its place in her, breeding her like thousands of generations before her had been bred.Her head craned back as his hand tightened, cutting off oxygen to her brain. For several seconds it barely even registered that she was suffocating, all her physical suffering blurring together into a cacophany of agony, but soon the need for oxygen took dominance. Her brain became to scream for air and her mouth twitched, trying to suck in a breath, her tongue swelling and lolling out of her mouth. Her face was red, then blue, and what rational part of Feng's mind remained begged for it, begged to pass out and let the Hillbilly fuck her limp body while her mind huddled safe in numb darkness. But the Entity didn't want that, and her consciousness persisted well past the limits of human endurance. The pain of asphyxiation grew, and with it sexual pleasure of the Hillbilly's thrusts into her cunt until it was flowing throughout her whole body, down her nerves and back again, infinitely pervasive and inescapable until she was coming again and again andagain,foamy spittle flowing out of her mouth and down her face towards her eyes, her back not just arching but spasming up and down again and again, her hips bucking randomly underneath him, the stumps of her thighs gripping his sides and spurting blood onto his body and past him to the floor, the only thing prevented her from screaming with pleasure until her vocal cords tore the fact that the Hillbilly's iron grip held her throat too tightly to make a noise.
Her flesh did turn such a lovely shade of blue as he choked the life out of her, or at least he would be if the Entity wasn't preventing her death from occurring despite any logic or reasoning stating that it should. The sensation of her walls clamping down around his cock from her near endless orgasm that drew on in intensity was simply too much for him to handle and as her body writhed and spasmed beneath him he felt the pressure reaching up towards his tip just moments from his desired release. Intent on making the most of this last effort the hillbilly slammed home with all the strength he could muster from his hips and was rewarded with the feeling of something giving way inside of her, something allowing him just that much more depth to explore as he sunk in further through her cervix and the weakened ring clamped around his crown as he plunged into depths that no man was meant to go.His horrid groans of pleasure grew loud as rivulets of spittle and drool oozed from his maw, the first spurt of his cum pouring into her womb directly and filling it maybe halfway full before being followed by jets that were just as mighty and potent. With each pulsing twitch of his shaft he gave her that much more pleasure upon her overly sensitive walls and extended her series of agonizing euphoria by that much longer, oh how incredible a reward this was from the Entity and how effective a punishment it was turning out to be he could never look at his victims the same after this as simple and bloody carnage wouldn't contain his desires in full. Max leaned forward as he grunted and groaned to stare deeply into her distant and near lifeless eyes, his glowing orbs wanting to imprint the memory of how she looked right now deep withing his mind and hoping that somehow she too would remember these details despite everything he was doing to her.He rode out his bliss, pumping more and more of his thick and viscous cum into her until some of the excess flowed out around his length with lewd, wet squishing sounds to form a small pool as it trickled down her asscheeks and onto the floor. Minutes felt like hours and he could swear that his balls clenched and rolled over her skin a thousand times before finally he had nothing more to give her in this moment, at least not without working towards another release. It was then that he finally released her throat and allowed her body to inhale once more as he rested inside of her and buried fully to the hilt. Truly he was in not rush and no hurry but with all that he had accomplished he was so close to being finished, he just wanted to truly rub things in one last time and for that he would wait until she recovered enough to have some measure of acuity before he would pull his cock out of her and shift himself to stand.Looking down with a cruel smile his still mostly erect length dripped with his cum, her juices, sweat, and a bit of blood from both the sheer roughness of his thrusts and the calloused bits of his shaft that scratched her."Heh, such worthless bitch. Feng want die? I kill Feng and end, but Feng clean cock with only mouth first."With his intentions clear he stepped over her and turned to kneel down a few feet away from her head, she would have to flip herself over and crawl to him in order to do as he commanded but the hope of salvation was there and tempting her to comply."Ah! And Feng say it, say Feng my bitch! Or not finished."Not that it needed to be proven considering everything that had transpired but Max still wanted to hear her say it all the same as he reveled in her agony and his control over her.
Feng sucked in a wheezing, rattling breath as soon as the Hillbilly released her throat, then was overcome with rough, body shaking coughs. Soon they slowed and her face returned to something resembling its previous colour, but beyond that, she didn't react. Her chest rose and fell with her rattling, raspy breaths, and her body occasionally twitched as the cum slowly dribbled out of her torn, gasping vagina, but her eyes only stared up at the ceiling, the occasional blink being their only indication of life. Her arms and the stumps of her legs lay limp on the floor, and her face was frozen in an expression of numb horror.It was almost a minute before she made a sound, a soft gurgle deep in her throat. At the same time, one eyelid twitched, just slightly. Fresh tears formed, then dribbled out the corners of her eyes, running over her skin and soaking into the hair around her ears. Slowly, but in increasing volume, low sobs of utter despair rose in her throat. They didn't even sound like her by now, her voice was ruined, her vocal cords bruised and torn from the Hillbilly's strangulation and her own screaming. What was left of her voice barely sounded human, like an eighty year old smoker if you took the sound in your fist and twisted it.At first, she only sobbed, still flat on her back. Then she started to shake, slightly at first, but more and more violently until her whole body was quaking as if in the throes of a seizure. Her sobs only got louder under she was outright screaming, the sound of her broken, inhuman sobbing bouncing off the walls of the basement. Still, she didn't even look at the Hillbilly or react to his demands. Finally, she reached up and grabbed the sides of her head with her bleeding, broken hands, fingers digging through her hair and clawing at her scalp. Her fingertips pressed against her skull hard enough for her fingernails to draw blood, and then she finally shifted position, turning over onto her side to face away from Max. She curled up in a fetal position, tucking her head and arms and what was left of her thighs up best she could, and simply screamed hysterically again and again and again.
Feng took a long time to recover, both a good thing in his mind and a bad thing in that he had to wait that much longer to get any form of reaction out of her. In the end though she seemed truly broken or damn well near it as she slowly rose from gasping and coughing to instead crying and screaming as best that her broke flesh could manage, the sounds truly foreign to what any mortal should be able to make. Despite all the physical pain and punishment she was well and truly pushed beyond the point of being able to sanely think or rationalize as her injured hands clung to her head and dug wounds into her skull which bled yet more fresh blood. Despite not quite being what he had wanted Max smiled and laughed at her pathetic display, especially when she curled up as if to hide away from him which he had already made clear she couldn't do.Still on his knees the hillbilly crawled forward to close the gap and grab onto her sides to roll her over and force her to look in his direction, again he couldn't hold her eyelids open but he wouldn't make it easy for her to avoid him in full."You not hide! You not escape! Feng just little baby bitch! Little fuck thing for me!"He slapped the side of her face hard before gripping tightly again and slapping down his filthy cock onto her tear stricken face, smearing around the mixture of fluids coating his deformed member but paying special attention to her mouth and lips. For whatever reason he wanted her to taste him, wanted that nasty flavor to linger on her tongue and be remembered in her mind every thing she thought back to this time."Open mouth! Clean it!"His raging shouts would hopefully cow her into temporary submission in the moment but truly this was about all he could hope to enjoy from her anymore, she was just too far gone and too broken to be useful otherwise.One way or another, whether he had to choke her again or pry apart her jaws, Max would stuff his dick into her mouth to force what he wanted from her one last time. Hewouldmake her clean his cock until nothing but her spit coated him to shine in the dim orange light. When he finished that though, when he was satisfied with what he could eke from her, the Entity backed up his thoughts and guided him that his time was up. He pulled his cock from her mouth and left behind the taste of cum, sweat, blood, and her own juices, before he finally grabbed her body and hoisted her up towards one of the four hooks that would be her salvation from this hell. He knew that the Entity didn't care about how she was hung this time and that he didn't need to hook her shoulder but he did it anyway as he shoved her onto the sharpened point and left her to hang at eye level, his glowing orbs staring at her with his sadistic glee evident upon his horrid face. Max said nothing when the spider like appendages of shadow descended to impale her painfully and lift her away towards the campfire, he had gotten his revenge and was satisfied as he felt the pull tugging him away to the limbo that was his existence once more.
Feng was too broken to crawl across the floor to Max, no matter how much she wanted the nightmare to end. Once he came to her, she was much more compliant. She didn't even close her eyes when he rolled her body over she stared up at him with wide, terrified eyes, even when his heavy hand slapped her across the face. Her arms laid limp on the floor, unable to resist anymore, as did the stumps of her legs, not even attempting to hide her torn, dripping genitals. She didn't try to fight him or pull away when his cock smeared across her face, even as the tip dragged over her right eye, leaving a strand of semen suspended between her upper and lower eyelashes. She still made sounds, but only softly, and her torn vocal cords distorted them to such weak, scratchy croaks that it was unable to tell whether she was sobbing, groaning, or simply wheezing.He didn't need to choke her or pry her jaws open. She opened her mouth for him or let it fall slack, more like and as he forced his cock down her throat, all she produced was a low, miserable choking sound. It took a moment for her to respond, giving him time to appreciate the warmth and moisture of her mouth in its natural state, but then her tongue slid over his shaft and the muscles of her throat, however clumsy, attempted to flex on his head. Despite the limpness of the rest of her body, Feng's mouth did its best to clean him. She tasted his semen, her juices, her blood everything that had touched him was now awash over her tongue. She would have shuddered, but there was nothing left of her to do so. All she had left inside of her was turned to the purpose of serving him, so he could finally give her the mercy of death.Well, almost all. When she was nearly done, the combination of his phallus on her gag reflex and the disgusting combination of fluids she'd swallowed pushed her stomach too far. With a pained choking sound, she vomited around his cock, leaking from the corners of her mouth to spill off her chin and onto her chest. A new rush of terror entered her eyes as she looked up at him, silently begging him to forgive her, let her keep going. She licked that off him, too, until finally his cock had nothing left on it but her thick, sticky saliva.Max meant to hook her shoulder, but the missing weight of her legs caused him to lift her higher than intended. Rather than her shoulder, the sharp hook piercing through her back and out her chest, spearing through her heart on the way. Her scream was short, but ripe with pain as burning agony tore through her chest, her heart desperately trying to pump around the metal and keep her alive but only tearing itself apart further. Her head lolled, making eye contact with Max one last time before the Entity's claws came down, punching through her torso, shredding bone and organs alike. Blood streamed to the ground beneath her as the light went out of her eyes and the Entity lifted her away, its world collapsing back down to the basement and then finally into nothingness.And then Feng looked up, and she was at the campfire again. She didn't know how long she'd been there. Her head turned left. David was there. Her head turned right. Meg was there. She looked down and saw her legs, whole. She ran her hands over her knees and then down her shins to her feet, lifting one, then the other. Suddenly, without realizing it, she released a shuddering sob. Then she realized she wasn't stopping, and that her face was wet with tears."'Ey, love,"David said, looking over."You alright, then?"Feng stood up and, heedless of witnesses, ran her hands over her body. She started at her mouth, then down to her breasts, squeezing both through her shirt until they began to hurt, and then until they hurt alot.Only then did they continue downwards, sliding between her legs, one hand grabbing through her shorts at her vagina while the other reached back to poke at her anus."Dirty. Dirty. Dirty. Dirty." Feng stared into the fire, its flickering orange light playing over her face. David looked over at Meg, who looked back, and started to get up off the log."What happened, Feng?" Meg asked cautiously, holding out one hand. "Whatever it was, we move forward, right? We don't stop. They can't stop us!""Dirty. Inside me. Dirty. Broken." Feng was louder now. "Broken, broken, broken broken broken broken broken broken!""Feng, no !" Meg reached out, but Feng had already jumped forward, face first into the campfire. She screamed, but whether it was in pain or anguish was impossible to tell. Immediately David was grabbing her, hauling her backward and out of the flames. The skin on her face and arms were already badly seared, but she was still very alive, and very conscious, the memories perfectly clear in her head."No, no, no!" Feng screamed, trying to fight David. She almost managed to break his grip before Meg joined them, holding her back. Despite the odds, Feng clawed at the ground and howled, trying to pull herself back to the fire. "Dirty, broken, inside me, inside me! Let me die! Let me die! Please...please..."Somewhere, the Entity smiled. | 50 | ['Min'] |
11 | | Death is not an escape, but there are others (DeliciousLust x Penny) | The last thingMeg Thomasremembered was hugging her knees and staring into the fire. The transition was abrupt, but at the same, not sudden like Meg had been doingsomethingto get here from there, but she just couldn't remember what. It was impossible to tell how long the move had taken for that matter, she had no idea how long she'd been captive in this surreal dreamscape. She had the vaguest sense it had been a long time maybe averylong time but the night never ended, she never seemed to hunger or thirst, and her memories were so foggy and disjointed that she couldn't begin to figure out how much time had actually passed. It didn't really matter whatever controlled this place was only really interested in its bloodsports. Everything in between was just the waiting lobby.Meg looked around and was surprised to see what looked like a residential neighborhood. Most of the environments she'd found herself in had been in or around the woods. Buildings were weird and confusing: the wrong size, doors and windows in the wrong places, seemingly useless for any practical task, as if they were built by something that hadseenbuildings but didn't really understand what they were for. This, though, looked like actual street. Was she back in the real world? She looked over her shoulder and saw the road end in a brick wall and a familiar looking metal gate. No, then this was another trial. But maybe this place had been plucked intact from the real world. Maybe there was something she could find here, something unfamiliar to whatever twisted entity was holding, something she could use totrulyescape.If nothing else, maybe there'd be some clothes. Meg was looking rough after her last trial. Her hoodie was torn almost in half, her shirt and pants were heavy with mud and blood, and she only had one shoe the other one had come off in deep, sucking swamp muck. She wasn't just filthy she had so many layers of filth over so many wounds that she was getting seriously concerned about infection. Meg had no idea she could evengetinfected here, but she didn't want to find out. She turned towards the closest house and crept forward, easing herself over a flat section of its white picket fence, and wondered if any of the others had made it. She remembered Feng Min sitting beside her at the campfire, and felt a funny pang in her chest, both hoping she was and wasn't here.
It was perhaps strange thatFeng Minfound some purpose ever since she started the trials. Before, she had come from a place of obligation, confusion and chaos when it came to her personal mental space. There was so much on her shoulders that she found herself without purpose, wandering from one bad habit to another until she could find some direction to cling on to. At the very least, she would at least drown her sorrows in alcohol and other vices as she distanced herself from her everyday fame and daily goals. Then, the Entity cursed her and took her away from life as she knew it but solved her problems indirectly at the same time. In the trials, she felt strangely reinvigorated as everything she knew was stripped away from her and she was given only one goal, tosurvive. It was the sort of adrenaline she felt when she competed in e sports where the stakes were higher and she felt personal investment to win. After all, her soul was on the line.Much like Meg, Feng Min found herself rather confused when she found herself on the night streets of the desolate neighbourhood. There was a part of her that wondered if she had finally finished the trials once and for all, dropped back into the toils of her daily life and perhaps left to compete in a lesser sport. Despite her competitive nature, there was a part of her that felt a touch weary and had begun growing with each trial. She had been at this for a very long time that she lost count of the matches she had participated in. There were faces that would face in time, they would sometimes reappear and some were permanently replaced. It was hard to keep track of them, safe for a few. By instinct, she ducked down and slowly made her way to a car, trying the handle. To her surprise, the handle didn't even budge and she quickly realized that it was a hollow simulacrum of the real thing. The imposing towers that flanked the familiar gates out of this plane could be seen in the distance. She wasn't in the clear yet.The familiarity of the streets and the false sensation of safety in seeing the houses almost crept some despair into her that she wouldn't see a way out anytime soon. However, she fought to keep that doubt out of her head and emboldened herself with her competitive spirit. She was going to make it out of here, like the last trial and the many before it. Her clothes were covered in parts of mud and blood. Some of it had dried enough to almost cake a layer over her shirt and skirt. There was even some swamp water was still soaking the soles of her sneakers. She feltgrossand wanted to remedy as soon as possible. There should be some clothes around here, right? She kept her profile down as she followed the white fence. It was perhaps all too easy for someone to spot her head of blue hair if she didn't put extra effort in keeping hidden. Her eyes lit up when she saw a spot of red from Meg's hoody right across the street. Was it her?Meg?She fought hard to not just cry out in the joy of seeing her once more. Despite the false comfort of these streets, at least Meg was real and quite capable. She looked about for any signs of anyone else before waving her over.
Meg was crouched by a bush, ready to rush for the house's front door when she saw a flash of electric blue hair and a waving arm.Feng!Meg felt a thrill run through her, both comforting and sickening. Feng was a trustworthy ally, and it made Meg feel better to know she was at her back, but she couldn't help but fear she'd see her torn apart before the match was over. She'd seen Feng die more times than she could remember literally, given the way her memories seem to blend together and Feng had seen the same from her. Meg resisted the urge to call out to Feng instead, she looked back and forth, her mud caked braids slithering over her shoulders like ropes, before hopping the picket fence again and quickly crossing the street to meet her."Feng!" Meg whispered as she joined her behind the fence. Meg smiled, then let her eyes trace down Feng's body before resuming eye contact. "Ugh, you look like I feel. Did you see anyone else yet? Or...the killer?"Meg looked over her shoulder, gazing down the street. The only movement was swirling red and blue police lights further along the block. "I've never been here before. Maybe there's something new."
While Meg's presence didn't guarantee anything, Feng certainly felt that they had a better chance of seeing things through. She almost felt like touching her, perhaps hold her hand, in feeling something real and comforting. However, it was perhaps too soon for that without knowing if they were in the clear or anywhere safe for that matter. It would have been lousy to know if they were close to some creepy basement without even knowing it. That wasn't a place she wanted to find herself in anytime soon. When Meg approached her close enough, she tugged away the string that held her surgical mask which would have been otherwise white save for the drawn toothy maw and the spray of blood on it. She flashed her a reassuring smile with a slight air of cockiness that put up a brave front for herself and her companion."Meg! It is you! It's so good to see you again!" She said in lightly accented English before putting the mask back into place. Her eyes darted around the streets once more to see if anyone could catch their whispering before regarding Meg once more. She gave a sad shake of her head before answering her question. "No, you're the first person I have seen here," which wasn't entirely unfortunate. She would have hated to find someone else, to only see them running away from the killer and leading them directly to her while she was working on a generator. At least, that meant some reprieve for now and they could talk comfortably."It almost looks like home..." She murmured as she followed's Meg's gaze. The red and blue police lights would have been a beacon of hope if Feng didn't know that this place wasn't entirely real. "But nothing is real, I tried the cars...but there must be something we could use around here. Maybe tools...or a key?"Her gaze looked at Meg and trailed down her body, quickly spotting the missing shoe on her foot. It almost made her smile if she forgot that it might not be entirely appropriate. That at least gave her an idea as she took off her sneakers and discarded them to a corner behind some tall grass. Walking without her shoes at least felt better than constantly feeling soggy swamp water on her soles. "...Maybe some clothes, I feel more gross than I look, let's get looking inside one of these homes?"
Meg couldn't help but smile as Feng pulled off her shoes. She was tempted to do the same the uneven feeling of walking with only one shoe wasmaddening but decided against it. She didn't want to take the risk of walking over broken glass or something like that in her socks. Anyway, she could tell Feng had a better reason for tossing the shoes away than Meg did for all of her complaints, at least Meg's feet were dry."If we're going to findanything,it'll be in there," Meg agreed. She rose slightly to take another look around, and seeing nothing, moved for the house's front entrance. As she ascended the porch steps, she looked back at Feng, making sure she was following close behind."Stay close to me, okay? I don't want to lose you." Meg only intended to say it as a purely practical phrase, but her voice hitched on the last word, and she realized she actually meant it much more than she'd thought. Running, screaming, dying, over and over and over Meg was pretty good at compartmentalizing her problems, but she had to admit it was getting harder to find reasons to keep going. At first, it had been simple fear pushing her to escape then, after the first few times she'd died, she'd focused on everything waiting for her back in the real world. Now, though, the real world just felt so far away and long ago. What did she have left to live for? Maybe it was the peopleherethat she needed to see again, even if just one more time, for one more day. People like Feng.Meg sputtered for a moment, looking uncharacteristically helpless, before she shook it off. "Just...stay close," she said, stepping into the house. The doorway was empty, and now that she looked closer, there was no glass in any of the windows. Once she got inside the house, it was more obviously unreal: far too small and bizarrely laid out. Still, a staircase leading up to the second floor offered hope. Meg tested the steps in case they creaked, but they were rock solid. Climbing them, she ended up in a short hallway, with another open doorway leading into a bedroom. The closet door was half open, and lo and behold, she saw clothes hanging inside.
Feng was likely feeling a combination of cocky and carelessness when it came to her choice to ditch both pairs of shoes, leaving her in only some white socks that have been stained with a combination of swamp water and mud. Her eager and competitive spirit made her rather sure that she was going to survive this one like her other trials but perhaps that how clouded the number of times she had died in the back of her mind. She had forgotten the time when that white masked killer had killed her without even taking her to the hook, the last thing she heard was his heavy breathing under his stoic mask before she blacked out. It wasn't something she thought that was even possible in the trials. Every time she thought she had this 'game' figured out, it seemed that something new was thrown her way. This was something new, once more, that's for sure. At least, it gave her some reason to keep her mind to the objective then wonder about such things like hopelessness in the endless cycle they found themselves in. That said, it wasn't like she didn't learn a few things of her own.When they neared the house's entrance, she almost wanted to wander ahead of Meg, she knew her way around that she could move quickly while remaining stealthy. However, something Meg said made her pause and she raised her brows as she questioned both its meaning and the tone Feng though she heard. Maybe it was her imagination? Why would Meg need her so close? They could find each other easily enough if things went south and Feng was rather sure she would see her at the end of this as they escaped together. Perhaps, it was a plan to repair a generator together? Two minds were better than one, even without that point dexter to boss them around. "Yeah, yeah, Meg. Don't worry," she told her in a rather dismissive tone as she reassured her in a perky carefree tone. She didn't have anything to worry about, really. At least, that's what she told herself. "You will never lose me. I don't lose, I win!"As they made their way upstairs, Feng had her mind on the objective momentarily as they searched around the second floor. Would there be any sort of generators found here? Straying from Meg's warning, she did wander away slightly but kept in her sights as she surveyed each room. They lacked things that would make a house really, such as personal touches and the like. It almost seemed like a model home out of a catalogue, if it was created by some deranged mind that had a twisted upbringing. However, the clothes did draw her attention, seeing the half opened closet. She crept closer to the finding and placed a hand on Meg's shoulder as she made her way beside her. "Huh? Did you find some phat loot?" She asked questioningly.On her gaming instinct, she began rummaging through the closet on instinct hoping to find something. At first, her mind didn't focus so much the articles of clothing in front of her, trying to see if there were familiar objects like a toolbox or a medikit...maybe even a key! She soon realized that nothing was found in the closet, which perplexed her at first, being conditioned that items of value would be found anywhere that could be searched. It was often buried in junk. "Who wears this?" She finally said when she took notice of the clothes. Among them was white transparent lace negligee, stockings, thongs, intimate bras, even latex outfits!She yanked a long red latex glove and couldn't help but let out a giggle at the ridiculousness of it all. "What sort of place is this? Is this person a big perv or something?"
Feng said: "You will never lose me. I don't lose, I win!" Click to expand... Meg laughed a bit, surprising herself, but an uneasy feeling remained after the laughter was gone. "I hope so," she said quietly.She raised an eyebrow at the "phat loot" question, only guessing at what Feng was talking about. Was that a gaming phrase or a Chinese one? Meg opened her mouth, about to make a quick, dryly smart assed comment, but her voice caught when Feng put her hand on her shoulder. It was just a small touch, over in a second, but something about it was...comforting. How long had it been since Meg had felt real human touch? Not long, but every time had been anticipating, accompanying, or alleviating extreme pain: lifting someone off of a hook, or trying to hold someone's hemorrhaging injury long enough to get them back on their feet, or being hefted onto a giant's shoulder for transport to her death. She couldn't remember the last time someone had touched her socially, one human being to another, and the sensation remained well after Feng was gone.She followed Feng to the closet, but knew she'd just get in her way if she tried to search it at the same time, so she hung back. Stepping out, she glanced over the banister down at the first floor again, looking for any sign of other people. No one. Hearing Feng's voice, she stepped into the room and saw her pull a latex glove out of the closet, giggling. It was a surreal scene Feng, dirty and bloody, standing in the funhouse version of a bedroom while marveling at pristine fetish gear. Confused, Meg stepped closer, gently guiding Feng out of the way with a hand on her side to make room.Meg was barely an adult when her mother got sick theexpensivekind of sick. Meg had never had the money for lacy underwear, let alone this kind of stuff, and she'd never had a relationship worthy of it anyway she'd never had more than four dates with the same man, and she always felt like she was with them out of desperation rather than passion. Despite her inexperience, though, something just feltsleazyabout these, rather than playful. The lingerie and negligee gave way to latex bodysuits, bondage harnesses, and hanging gimp masks. Tucked in a corner was a 60s or 70s era nurse's outfit that looked innocent at first, but on closer inspection had an almost nonexistent skirt and buttonless cleavage plunging to the xiphoid process...and couldn't possibly fit Meg. Damn. Reaching past the clothes, Meg found something hung in the back of the closet like itspi ce de r sistance a simple pair of white common panties. It had little red images ofsomething roses or hearts or the like but Meg couldn't see what because it was thoroughly splashed with crimson blood."Whoever it is, they've got someserioushangups," Meg said, looking over at Feng. She let her eyes trace down Feng's body again and frowned. Her clothes were as bad as Meg's, and Meg's were pretty fucking bad. If they didn't come apart at the seams the next time Meg broke into a sprint, they'd infect her myriad half healed wounds with tetanus. This wasn't just vanity Meg's clothes were on the verge of beingdangerous,such that she'd literally be better off naked. At least these would be better thanthat.Meg reached into the closet and tried to find something that would at least protect her from brambles and not restrict her movements. After a second's search, she pulled out a wire hanger bearing a red lace babydoll, panties, and stockings all in red lace. Trying to ignore the feeling of her cheeks blushing, she held the hanger up to herself. It seemed to be in her size."Well, w what do you think?" she asked, nervously meeting Feng's eyes. "Is it my color?"
The collection of clothing meant for both intimate and provocative uses was a bit strange to Feng too, considering her attention was mainly on competition and whatever her parents had nagged her to do. Sure, she might have seen her share of such clothes in some video games, especially those with shameless sex appeal in mind. She had never seen nor touched such outfits in real life. Now before a treasure trove of such articles of clothing, it felt more silly than real to her. Without much consideration of the outfit nor the would be owner of this peculiar collection, she gave the latex glove a quick whirl before dropping it on the ground. "Maybe some model? Or someone with a really sexy life," she gave a nonchalant shrug at the question.Her gaze when followed Meg's own as she looked at her body, rather more at the clothes she was wearing at the moment. Not that it was time to be concerned with their looks nor trading fashion advice, Feng had to admit that she looked rather lousy at the moment andfelteven more so in the inside. Her clothes were grimy, they probably were even made up of more parts mud and blood than actual fabric. There were blotches of gore and mud that had hardened at this point. Despite not really saying anything after Meg's quick analysis of their situation, it seemed that Feng's mind might have met at the same place. What perhaps shocked her next was Meg's decision to partake in borrowing the articles of clothing before her."What?! Really?!" She blurted out in her surprise without even much consideration of anything else around her. If there were close to danger, they might have sensed it by now at the very least. Feng always liked to think she had some sort of sixth sense and it certainly paid off in saving her skin more than a few times during the trials. However, she did give the outfit another look and gave it some serious consideration. Red was a pretty good colour for the athletic red head, she had to admit. It made her wonder how she would look in it and if she would do the outfit justice. Now that she thought about it, she never had seen Meg in anything less than athletic, the change would be good for her...There was a blush that slowly crept up to her cheeks before she stammered out a response. "Epic skin! It will look very good on you!"Her mind quickly tried to think fast and she quickly thought about matching her wisdom. Impetuous as before, she quickly undid the buttons of her shirt, having grown sick and tired of her current outfit. She tossed her shirt and cardigan to the ground, just as unceremoniously as she did with the glove earlier. Underneath, she wore a simple white bra that had none of the frills of anything in the collection before them. It seemed that underneath all of Feng's clothes, she was a pretty impressive figure, perky at the very least. She yanked off her mask and tossed it to the ground. Most noticeable, her shoulder had been bandaged with some old rags she had found in her haste and the wound had long disappeared several trials ago. "My turn!" She declared as she shuffled through the racks in a fury to find something similar.Much to her luck, she managed to find a similar outfit consisting of a blue lace bra with matching panties, garter belt and lace top stockings. It looked expensive judging by the trim and the diamond inserts, like a showgirl or something from a Victoria Secrets runway. She grinned triumphantly, pleased she managed to find something useable and just as sexy as Meg's outfit. Placing it in front of her, she looked to Meg eagerly for her feedback. "How about this? Blue is my colour, no?"
Meg quickly turned her head away at Feng's shocked reaction, cheeks burning brighter in embarrassment and shame. She'd never been sexually confident, but that hurt worse than almost any humiliation she'd ever had. Meg had so few people she could trust in this world, and while she was sure Feng was still an ally, the thought of losing her as afriendupset Meg to a degree that she herself found surprising. Her existence was already a nightmarish carousel of death and pain, so why was it such a big deal if Feng thought of her as a freak? Feng said: "Epic skin! It will look very good on you!" Click to expand... "Uh really?" Meg looked back at Feng. Was she trying to make Meg feel better? No, it seemed genuine. The blush on her cheeks and the stammer in her voice seemed heartfelt, even vulnerable. Relief washed over Meg like a cool wave, so intense she chuckled involuntarily. "Thank you."Despite the reinforcement, Meg was reluctant to start taking off her clothes. Thankfully, Feng took the initiative and pulled off her own shirt instead, stripping down to her bra. Meg stared, then caught herself staring and averted her eyes, but couldn't help herself from glancing back at Feng's body as she moved. It wasn'tjustthe killer figure that had been hiding under those clothes, though Meg had definitely noticed that. But if anything, Meg was looking for the opposite: the milky, pale skin, untouched by sunlight the scrapes and cuts and bruises, testaments to Feng's survival when one of lesser willpower would have died the plain, utilitarian bra that had nothing to prove. The blemishes. The vulnerabilities. The things that Feng kept secret, but was now revealing to Meg. ShetrustedMeg with them.And then Feng held up the blue outfit, and Meg began staring for completely different reasons. It looked luxurious and naughty and looked nothing like what Feng usually wore, which meant it was perfect. Just imagining Feng in it made Meg's heart race."Oh, yeah," Meg said with a nervous laugh, nodding. "That that looksgreat.That's going to be amazing with your hair."And your body.Meg smiled dumbly for a moment, then took a deep breath. "Well, I guess I guess there's no time like the present..."Meg felt heat spreading across her cheeks again. She wanted to leave to another room to change, but it felt unfair Feng had been secure enough to take off her shirt, so why shouldn't Meg? Though Meg wouldn't stop with her shirt. She'd undressed in front of other women before, obviously she'd spent more than her share of time in locker rooms, after all but Feng felt different. This was scary. And yet, at the same time, a part of her wanted Feng to see. Meg hung the lingerie on the closet door, then started to undress.First was the hoodie. A sword across Meg's back had almost torn it in half, and Meg could probably have finished the job by flexing her arms if she'd wanted. Once piled on the floor, its shape was almost unrecognizable. The oversized T shirt was next, and Meg was surprised by how good it felt to take it off it was so stiffened by sweat, blood, mud, and myriad other substances that the open air on her sensitive flesh felt luxurious in comparison. She kicked off her remaining shoe what a relief to be balanced again!, followed by pulling off her grungy socks. The sweat pants weren't as bad as the T shirt, but her legs still felt good once they were finally free.This left Meg in a sports bra and boyshorts, both black. There was no chance she'd keep them Meg felt disgusted even thinking about how long she'd been wearing them. Nonetheless, her stomach churned and she had to force herself to remove them also nonetheless, her hands and nerves quivered with excitement, and she glanced at Feng, making eye contact before she started. The sports bra had almost completely given out after endless exercise and sweat, and had been half severed in the back by the same sword strike that had damaged her hoodie nonetheless, it bound her tightly enough that Feng could only really appreciate Meg's generous breasts after she pulled it off. Meg's cheeks burned almost as red as the waiting lingerie as she bent over and slid the boyshorts off her hips, down her thick, strong thighs, and finally off her legs entirely, adding them to the pile of discarded clothing. And there she was, standing fully naked in a stranger's bedroom in a surreal nightmare world. Meg had a damn good figure herself: athletic, but curved in all the right places."Well. Ha ha. Finally. G good riddance. Ha ha." Meg thought her heart was going to explode out of her chest, then turned to grab the wire hanger with the red lingerie. She would just die of embarrassment if Feng said anything. She would also die of embarrassment if Feng didn't say anything.
Strangely enough, Feng perhaps felt more at ease showing more of herself to Meg than her imaging what Meg looked underneath her dirty and bloodied clothes. They had been through an endless number of trials together that she had completely lost count which one they were on at the moment. While in the real world, they might have passed each other without a second glance, Feng would like to think that they forged something together when it came to a relationship. She was certain there was at least afriendshipthere, acquaintances didn't risk their lives rescuing strangers when they could have been reasonably selfish in such a circumstance. It was all too easy to become jaded and hardened, losing all touch of humanity and only focused on the objective. While there were times that Feng almost fell to such dangerous thoughts, it was her bond with others and survivors such as Meg that kept herhuman. Perhaps that was separated the survivors to the killers.Feng giggled when she received Meg's approval and looked down at the outfit held against her body a few times. If she was on the fence about her choice, Meg easily convinced her otherwise. She smiled broadly and gave Meg a few nods in agreement, hinting another gaming reference. "You think so? Yeah! Well, blue is rare too."She replaced the hanger with the lingerie set back on the rack as she decided to undo the bandages on her arm. It didn't serve much of a purpose, considering she wasn't injured anymore and it was going to be unsightly with her new outfit. As she worked the clumsy knots of her bandages, her eyes slowly strayed away from the task and she looked to Meg as she undressed. It didn't take too long for Feng to be distracted by her intended task as each article left Meg. She certainly wasn't doing in a suggestive matter but it easily grabbed Feng's curiosity as it returned to the forefront of the mind. It seemed what Meg would look like underneath wasn't going to be a mystery any longer. Thankfully, Feng remembered to breathe as her eyes were on her: each part of her outfit that no longer served its purpose and each lovely curve that Meg reveal under all those layers that she laboured to bring with her to each trial they suffered. It wasn't left much to the imagination, Meg could be a real beauty if she chose to be.The embarrassment of her stare probably didn't catch up to her until Meg finally spoke to her and Feng realized that she might have been looking at her friend inappropriately! They were merely changing outfits and this wasn't a show! She quickly looked down and she went back to removing her bandages, this time being less careful about it as she yanked down the rags rather than bother trying to delicate. Time was of the essence and here she was looking at Meg like a perv!"Ah...yeah, good riddances! Hah hah!" Feng could only echo back as she was at a loss of what to say before the red hair athletic beauty before her. Her eyes were averted and she turned her back to her as she finally removed those old bandages successfully."Now! My turn!" She announced proudly as she turned around, emboldened with her next task at hand. At the very least, she could sense some discomfort in the room and very obligated to rectify it. It seemed only right that she was to match Meg in her boldness. Feng couldn't let herself be outdone, even if it was in embarrassment.She hastily moved to undo the back button of her skirt to loosen it enough that it felt to the floor easily, dropping around her ankles. Underneath, she wore generic white panties that matched the bra she had on. She was trading up, at the very least. Lifting up her left foot, which exposed an unsightly brown patch of mud on the sole of her sock, she yanked it off and followed suit with the other foot. The socks alone were better than the soggy shoes she discarded earlier but it still felt like she was in the swamps. She reached behind her and undid her bra before shaking it loose from her like it was parasitic bug she wanted to lose. Finally, she hooked the waistband of her panties and dropped them off in the same place as her skirt. With a victorious finish, she kicked off the removed clothes and didn't really care where they went as they scattered on the floor. They were old news now! While Feng did hide rounded hips and full perky breasts under her outfit, she seemed to have hidden more than that. Her pert nipples were each pierced with a silver barbell piercing and the hood of her clit had a similar piercing worn vertically. There were rather unexpected piercings for her to wear and might have been the envy of the bratty Nea. Ever since Feng took a personal break from the Laser Bears, she admittedly had a bit of a wild streak. She almost forgot that some of the evidence was still on her body.Feng found herself gasping in embarrassment and quickly pulled the outfit she found earlier to press against her body, this time to cover herself rather than imagining what she might look with it. "Uhm...I guess we...change? Now?"
Meg was too embarrassed to even look Feng in the eyes after she finished stripping down, and fully intended to change into the lingerie while staring at the wall but also lacked the nervenotto look at what scared her so badly. When she spoke, her eyes moved of their own accord and landed on Feng's, and before Meg could even stopped herself she realized Feng had been staring at her like a perv.Immediately, she looked away, but the damage was done. Meg's heart stopped, then surged, beating as fast as after any sprint. Was it her imagination? Was Feng just watching her casually? Or was there aninterestthere, adesire?Meg's hands shook, sending ripples through the lingerie in her grasp. That was fear and embarrassment doing that, yes, but something else, too a quivering excitement, a tension running up and down her body, raising goosebumps on her skin and stoking a heat between her legs.Meg wanted to look away when Feng was undressing. It felt wrong to watch, like a betrayal of her trust, but she just wasn't strong enough to stop. That confidence, that energy, the way she tossed her old clothes aside without a second thought. How did she even do it? Meg watched that shake as Feng's bra was removed so intently, she couldn't possibly miss the surprise reveal of her twin nipple piercings, and Meg's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't expectedthat,not from Feng. How common were nipple piercings in China, anyway? She was doubly surprised to see her genital metal. Now thatcouldn'tbe common. This was a side of Feng that Meg had never seen or even suspected.Feng's gasp broke Meg out of her intense focus. She looked back up at Feng's face with an expression mixing shock and guilt. "Uh, yeah! Change! We change now." Meg could barely think straight, but getting some clothes on if only barely was a good first step. As she put on the babydoll, Meg couldn't stop thinking of the sight of Feng's piercings. Meg had only ever had her ears pierced, in middle school, by her "cool" friend in a higher grade with a safety pin, ice cube, and lack of common sense. She wondered what had inspired Feng to get them done. She wondered if anyone else in the trials knew about them.One thing was for sure, this lingerie sure didn't provide much support. Running was going to be that much more unpleasant for the foreseeable future. There were smaller annoyances, too: Meg's nipples were clearly visible through the translucent material, and the fit was justslightlyoff, so that the material shifted and stimulated her nipples with each movement, stiffening them. Or maybe that meant the fit was just right. She didn't really know how this worked.In any case, that wasdefinitelywhy she was poking through, and no one could prove otherwise.She pulled on the stockings next, the snug, smooth material sliding only slowly up her legs. She looked over at Feng again. She had to say something. "So, I, uh...I really like your piercings. I've What was it like getting them?"
Feng leg out a slow breath of relief as they both mutually decided to get to changing into their newfound outfits. It would give them some buffer from the tension. Her head couldn't help but run through what had just happened a few moments ago with her staring at her nude body and how she so carelessly flashed her own body in the same way, forgetting that there were some certain secrets that even Feng made herself unaware of. However, her mind did manage to reason that perhaps Meg didn't notice her looking at her in such a way, in a manner that might be taken as one of interest, or that she actually might have missed looking at her piercings. It was night time and there was barely any power in the neighbourhood as it was practically plunged into darkness. Then her mind started to mercifully wander off to more pressing topics, power...generators. Shouldn't they be doing generators right about now? And shouldn't there be at leastonedone by now? Maybe it was only the two of them here and nobody else was dropped into this trial. Sometimes the trials were cruel in more ways than one, giving the survivors a harder run with fewer people.Her mind settling down on an objective perhaps was one of the few things that kept her preoccupied and focused on dressing up. It was tempting to have her eyes wander off toward Meg again but she might have been pushing her luck already. She slipped on the stockings and panties easily enough, which the panties proved to be morecheekythan she imagined, not quite a thong but reveal enough of her butt with a lace trim. Next, she put on her bra, which fortunately was exactly her size while purposefully giving her an extra lift to make more cleavage of her full breasts. That was aluckyfind on her part. Not quite a hatch key but she was willing to take any small miracles that were pushed her way at the moment. Putting on the garter belt was a bit of a challenge, considering she never really wore such a thing before, it was far too old fashioned and frilly for her tastes. That was obvious enough, given the undergarments she was more than willing to part with earlier. She fiddled with the straps and the buckles until it comfortably linked with her stockings."Aha!" she claimed triumphantly when she managed to make the outfit work, decked out in an outfit was a made of fanciful lace with subtle rhinestone and diamond inserts. She looked over to Meg with a triumphant grin that probably only lasted until she got a good eyeful of what Meg wearing with her outfit. While their outfits didn't leave much to the imagination, Meg was showing her fair share as Feng's eyes couldn't help but wander down to the translucent material and what it was showcasing. While Feng was wearing blue, her cheeks were showing red." look good..." she stammered before she barely collected herself to consider the question that was posed to her. Her hands unconsciously when to thebra cupshugged her breasts and her fingers brushing against the rhinestones, inadvertently over her nipples behind them. Part of her kind of wished she recalled, as she likely got them when she was too drunk to remember. The last thing Feng wanted was to be seen as a washout by Meg. It was almost better to be seen as aperv.Almost."Thank you, Meg. It was very hurtful...painful? I'm still getting used to them. Bit comfortable now...sometimes."Feng quickly flashed her awkward smile as she decided to change the topic something else on her body, her new outfit. She was slowly back away from the closet door where there was a mirror on the other side. There was a visible crack that made the reflection less than perfect but it gave Feng a good enough idea of what she looked like. "Ooooh, very nice, no?"Feng giggled and looked at Meg for her opinion, making a conscious attempt of looking at her directly in the eyes than anywhere else. She arched her back and placed her hands on her head, perhaps her geeky attempt of posing like a glamour or pin up model. One leg bent forward to add to the intended effect. "I look pretty good too, I think!"
Meg didn't know why she pulled on the stockings before the panties, leaving her most vulnerable parts exposed the longest. Being seen by Feng in that way was still embarrassing, but a part of her wanted to explore that embarrassment, and she couldn't help but feel disappointed that Feng busied herself with her own lingerie rather than steal another look. These pantieswerean outright thong, with a lacy red triangle in front and almost nothing in back. She was technically covered, but pretty much only that.Again, she tried not to stare as Feng dressed, but didn't have the strength to stop herself. Her eyes lingered on the way Feng's blue panties hugged her full hips, then watched those pierced nipples disappear inside those studded cups. She bit her lower lip, jealous of how the bra perfectly fit Feng's breasts and gave them some extraoomphfor good measure. Even watching her put on the garter belt captivated Meg. Strangely, that was probably the most interesting of all: watching Feng fiddle with the straps and buckles, the slow understanding as she figured out how to connect it with her stockings. Meg watched the process of Feng learning how the garter belt work and, by the end, may have felt even more rewarded than Feng herself for having shared in the journey.Meg was still staring at Feng's lingerie when the gamer looked over. Meg's eyes jumped up to meet Feng's with a guilty expression, then realized Feng's gaze hadn't climbed as high. Meg's blush intensified again, but she made no move to turn away or cover herself. Indeed, she all but froze, giving Feng ample time to look until she was satisfied. It was embarrassing. It was thrilling. It was deeply gratifying and she didn't want it to stop. Feng said: " look good..." Click to expand... "Thanks," Meg said, but the word came out rushed and excited, a clumsy whisper riding on the breath Meg realized she'd been holding. What was goingon?Meg had been naked with men before. They'd admired her curvaceous, athletic body, and she'd enjoyed that, butnoneof them had made her feel like this. Coming from them, their staring had been a compliment, but from Feng it seemed so much more significant, like it was filling a need deep inside herself one that had been unfulfilled for so long, Meg had just figured it was the way life was supposed to feel.Then again, she'd probably known Feng longer than any of those men. She tried to imagine putting her life in her hands, as she'd done with Feng in previous trials. She didn't think she could trust a single one with that. Feng was different. Feng meant much, much more to her. Feng said: "I look pretty good too, I think!" Click to expand... "Good?" Meg, grateful for the excuse, took the opportunity to admire Feng's new outfit: the way the blue matched her hair and contrasted with her milky white skin, the way the bra lifted her breasts and deepened her cleavage, the way the panties accentuated the lines and curves of her waist and hips, the way the stockings hugged the shape of her legs. "Feng, you lookamazing!It's like those were made for you! You're beautiful!"She might have tipped her hand with that. Meg suddenly felt a flush of fear and tried to move on before Feng could unpack that statement. "How about me?" she asked, arching her hips and tracing her hands up her body until they werealmostcupping her breasts. "What do you think, huh? Is it too much?"She turned around, showing off her almost uncovered back and her muscular buttocks with practically nothing covered by the thong, and looked over her shoulder at Feng coquettishly. "It's too much, isn't it? I don't know if I can show this to the others. What will the boys say?"
Feng was a bit glad nothing came from her staring of Meg's body and her key assets. There was indeed a lot to take in and what she had done was perhaps added discomfort that her friend didn't need at the moment. They had a lot of other things to worry about, like flight and survival. She was rather sure that Meg might have caught on this time around, especially when she lifted her eyes back up to meet Meg looking back at her. Now she was beyond the benefit of the doubt of close calls and Feng berated herself for acting in such a manner. At the very least, she should have been more subtle about it.Idiot! Get your head in the game!Or more importantly, kept her thoughts on the objective. Meg said: "Feng, you look amazing! It's like those were made for you! You're beautiful!" Click to expand... She kept her hands upon her head, giving a few alternate angles with her glamourous pose as she stood decked in rather elegant and exquisite lingerie. It was a lucky find indeed and the more time she spent in her newfound outfit, she found herself more confidently owning it. It was perhaps still less ideal than say, a new set of jeans and a fitting shirt to go along with it. Still, she found herself loving her lingerie set as everything fit her snugly while remaining comfortable. At the very least, she didn't have too many layers for the killer to grab on if she was on a chase. Her cheeks flared up once more when she was paid several compliments by Meg, perhaps embarrassing her more than her getting an eyeful of her body previously. Eventually, she dropped her hands that found their way to where her impressive cleavage was found and slowly slid down the sides of her bare waist in a graceful motion. She let out an anxious giggle before the looked to Meg with an earnest smile of appreciation at her kind words. At the very least, she was able to thank her for the compliment. "...Thank you..." Meg said: "How about me?" Click to expand... Meg's distraction worked and Feng gave her two blinks before she followed Meg's hands, where her hands were going on her body. There was a good deal of red on her than subconsciously got her mind going with feelings of passion. While Meg's outfit wasn't as flashy or complex as Feng's, she had a lot to show as her eyes couldn't help but find their way to her bared breasts once more. She quickly looked upward once more to Meg to show that she was paying more attention to her question than her body. That didn't last long unfortunately as she found herself looking back down.Oh my, her butt... She couldn't help but think to herself as it was Meg's turn to get flirty.Whatwould the others say about Meg's outfit, or rather, their outfits? Feng loved her new look andespeciallyloved seeing Meg in her new outfit. If anything, she had seen much more of her than she thought she would in a short amount of time. She was sure that might incite some inappropriate thoughts from some of the guys but there should be a good number of both sexes that nothing too brash should happen to them for their fashion choice. Questionable, sure, but not unreasonable. If they found themselves sick of their clothes, they would surely do the same, right? Either way, Feng was more than willing to stand up for Meg if any of them disapproved for any reason."Maybe but you look great! Very hot!" She enthusiastically voiced approval with some quick words as she nodded in approval of her choice as she smiled at her to cast away any doubts she may have had.Feng stepped closer so that she was standing right behind her as if shielding anyone who might have been looking at Meg from the outside and that absolutely marvellous butt. Or block a hit. She wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her a little closer in a protective hug to show that she had her back if anyone dared to hassle her for any reason. As a side effect, she brought herself closer to her as she brushed up against her. In her own way, she made her sentiments known with "I will totally tank for you."
"I, uh...I don't know what that means," Meg said. "But thank you."She reached back, trying to return the hug, but it was awkward getting her arms around someone behind her. Meg's hands blided on Feng's back, trying to find a good leverage point, until they accidentally slid down to grab her ass. "Uh, s sorry," Meg stammered, then decided to quit she was ahead. She just wrapped her arms over Feng's, instead, and leaned back until she could feel Feng pressing into her back. The rhinestones on her bra were like pinpricks on Meg's skin, but she could feel the warmth of Feng's uncovered flesh as well. It felt good. Again, Meg was grateful to touch another person in a way that wasn't just about survival. When was the last time she'd let herself get this close to someone? Not since...beforeshe left the real world. Even then she was deprived."It's, um..." Meg spoke softly. She was afraid of ruining the moment, but she had to say it. "It's hard for me to trust people. My...I never knew my father. He left me and my mother when I was just a baby. She had to work two jobs to support us. I only saw her a couple of hours a day when I was kid, so I've always relied on myself. I remember always just feelingangryunderneath, even when nothing was happening, just waiting for it to come out. That's why I took up running. It made me feel strong, like I was in control. I got older, and things got better, but..."Meg released a shuddering breath. "...but my mom got weaker and more tired, and I was going to go to college, but she got...sick,and she couldn't work anymore. And I could've gone, shetoldme to go, but I couldn't...not after everything. She needed...sheneedsme. So I stayed and worked so she could keep the house, and go to the doctor,, I'mhere.And I don't know howlongI've been here, and I don't know how long she's beenalone,or if she's even..."Meg put her hands to her eyes, trying to keep it in. Finally, she turned around in Feng's grasp, face to face, and wrapped her arms around her back, squeezing her tight. "The point is Itrustyou," Meg said, her head on Feng's shoulder. She said the words fast, trying to get them out while she could still talk. "If I stay alive, it'll be with you. If I get out, if Ican,it'll be with you. I'm so glad you're with me. When I'm with you, I feel..."Meg's eyes were clenched shut, but they couldn't stop the tears from coming out, trickling silently down her cheeks.
Feng couldn't help but smile sheepishly at Meg when she couldn't get her gaming lingo. After hugging her, it had her a bit concerned for a moment, making her wonder if she had overstepped her boundaries earlier. She had to admit that the affectionate human touch felt good with Meg closer to her and the warmth of her body gave her enough comfort to make her forget about that ordeal of trudging through the cold misty swamps for what seemed like an aeon ago. It made her forget they had an objective or a killer was on the loose. Her arms relaxed their hold on Meg as she didn't meet to keep her captive, Meg's touch on her butt was completely overlooked as she tried to accommodate her. When they finally settled in once more, Feng was relieved that Meg didn't find the gesture appalling and was more than happy to hold her once more. She knew that a moment like this wouldn't last very long, one way or another, but she savoured those few seconds as best she could. Meg said: "It's, um..." Click to expand... "Mm?" Feng perked up at Meg's words as she spoke once more, giving her her full attention as she lifted her chin from resting on her elbow earlier. A part of her wondered why she was bringing this tale up until she dwelled deeper on her personal history and the ordeal she faced prior to the Trials. She couldn't do much to change the past but she found herself holding Meg closer to her as she felt her shuddering breath even against her body, hoping that she could somehow holdback that inner turmoil that began to surface. It made her wonder how her parents were doing back home, although she couldn't quite fathom the same sort of connection Meg has with her ailing mother. She pushed them aside for her love of games and competition, they also in turn distanced themselves away from her as she lost herself in her new found world. I don't need them, she thought at the time. She found fans and fame with her success. However, that didn't last when she started losing. With her performance suffering, she found herself alone and nobody to rely on...Her thoughts returned to the present when she released Meg from her hold when she felt her wanting to turn around. She looked at her, lost at first until they embraced once more. Meg has opened up to her in a way that showed far more intimacy than the fleeting flash of exposed bits and pierced parts. They had been so far from their homes than it was hard to think of what could even be left there. All of this time, Feng has admired her strength and physical prowess, strange that she would hide this part of her so well. Her expression softened when she mentioned that she would want to be with her. Feng's fluttered at the kind words from Meg, to be trusted and appreciated. She felt she could do anything with Meg and she would do anything for her in return. They didn't win often, but Meg had her back and she could rely on her. She deserved everything from her and her full support. It was unfortunate that she couldn't solve their problems but she could offer her comfort."Oh, Meg," Meg said in return as she hugged her back in return with a laboured breath, wanting to hold her forever. "You will always be with me. Alive and safe. You are very strong and will see your mother again."
"Thank you," Meg whispered, squeezing Feng tight. There was no good reason to believe her, of course Feng had no way of knowing if Meg would get back to her mother or if it was evenpossibleto escape this place. Even her promises to always be with Meg, however heartfelt they were, wouldn't mean much if whatever controlled this world wanted to separate them. And yet, at this moment, Meg believed her.She'd never told anyone that. No one else at the campfire knew. Even back in the real world, she'd only revealed what she had to telling her boss she couldn't stay late because her boss had a medical emergency, or the like. Certainly, she hadn't told the men in her life. Why would she? They were nothing more than physical comforts to her, even if she'd thought different at the time certainly no one she'd trust with her fears and vulnerabilities. Not like Feng. Feng had saved Meg's life, watched her die, risked herself for her again and again. What did she had to hide from her?"Thank you," she whispered again. It felt good to say it. "I don't know how you're so strong, so sobrave.It's so hard tohope,but...thank you. I..."Meg leaned back, her breath shuddering, and looked into Feng's eyes. She was so different from her. A professional video game player, something Meg had never been interested in, from the other side of the world. Their worlds were so different, and if not for these trials, they'd never have known the other had existed. But now they were together and Meg was shocked at how much that meant to her. She just hadn't realized it until now.Every instinct and better judgment in Meg's body was screaming at her not to do it. She was about to ruin everything, but she couldn't help herself. Closing her eyes, Meg leaned forward and put her lips to Feng's, kissing her.
Admittedly, Feng might have overpromised with her words of encouragement and she might have realized this after a beat. However, she did feel that she could almost do anything together with Meg and that both young women would have at least a good chance of overcoming this if they stayed together. She knew little about the greater forces that kept them in this cruel world or who were all of these killers truly were. Still, she felt confident enough in her heart to stand behind her words and wasn't going to take them back.She raised her brows when Meg leaned away and she could see her beautiful face once more in the moonlit darkness. It surprised her to see her cheeks damp with tears, perhaps just realizing that had been crying earlier. She looked concerned and slightly hurt as she found herself emphasizing with the pain of uncertainty that Meg felt earlier. Meg had been through a lot prior to the Trials and her time here had tested her in more ways than one. It wasn't easy but Feng admired how she managed to stay mostly together despite their hardship. She didn't know if she could be as strong in her shoes. There was the temptation to wipe the tears away from her face but she didn't want to release Meg from her hold, perhaps in fear that she might slip away from her if she let go of her. Or worse,somebodymight take her away. She didn't want Meg to be hurt in any way if she could help it, as impossible as may be.Feng smiled sheepishly at the compliment and looked away with a tinge of bashfulness, maintaining some of the act that she was as brave and strong Meg saw her to be. And here she thought Meg was the stronger woman. She mustered a confident smile and gave a shrug of her shoulder with a nonchalant air about her. "Oh, well...I try my very best. Not my fault this game is too easy sometimes. You know,G.G.E.Z."She would look back to Meg and give her a reassuring squeeze once more to catch her settling in and lean in for the kiss. Now, that surprised her and she could have easily ducked away if she wanted to. However, if Feng was honest with herself, it was something that felt right and natural. She watched her and slowly closed her eyes by the time their lips met. Her kiss was soft and tender, filled with sweet intent as she reassured her that this was welcomed and she felt the same way. One hand moved from the small of her back where it rested comfortably before, gliding upward and placing itself on her shoulder as she pulled her closer to her to deepen the kiss.
Words couldn't describe the relief Meg felt when Feng reciprocated the kiss. Pushing herself on Feng wasn't cool, but it was hard to feel too guilty next to the rush of joy she felt. Meg had been fighting and fearing for her life longer than she could even remember. Even at the campfire, she was looking over her shoulder, wondering if the killers would find her there and anticipating the next trial. But here, in this room, she was vulnerable. She'd exposed herself to Feng: first physically, then emotionally, and now sexually. Because this was definitely more than an innocent kiss: she could feel her heart pound, her nipples stiffen, a burningneedwithin her legs. She needed to have Feng. More than that, she needed to give herself to her.Feng pulled Meg closer and deepened the kiss, and Meg responded by slipping her tongue between their lips, briefly exploring the inside of her mouth before gliding over Feng's tongue and swirling around its tip. One hand grabbed the one that wasn't on Meg's shoulder, her fingertips tracing over the back of Feng's hand before interlacing their fingers. The other hand traced down Feng's spine until it reached the small of her back. Meg's fingertips examined the garter belt for a moment, running over the stone studs, before a couple slipped underneath the belt to tease the hidden flesh there. After that, it slipped lower, traveling diagonally to slide over Feng's hips before coming back to rest on the upper curve of one butt cheek. It wasn't an outright grab, but Feng definitely knew it was there.Meg finally came up for air and broke the kiss, then chuckled softly. "I am...soglad you were okay with that," she said, her eyes meeting Feng's. "I'm sorry I didn't ask you first. You're special to me, Feng, and...I...I want to show you that."Meg was blushing again, not all from embarrassment. She kissed Feng again, but this time on her jawline, leaving a trail of soft, feather light kisses right up to where her jaw met her neck. From there, Meg's lips moved to Feng's ear, brushing against the lobe as she whispered: "How far do you want to go? We can stop anywhere you want...but I want to give youeverything."Meg's head was over Feng's shoulder by necessity. In this position, Feng had clear view of the bed.
As they kissed deeply, Feng tried to reciprocate the notion with her tongue as Meg danced around hers but perhaps settled for the intimate sensation that they were kissing in more ways than once. She gladly held her hand and gave her an affectionate squeeze that was a touch possessive. It was true that she didn't want to lose her and she didn't want this moment to end. All of the warmth and...shiversthat Meg managed to produce out of her as her hands roam, crossing the border of what little clothing she already wore to the flesh underneath. Her breathing picked up and her temperature started to climb the longer they spent together like this. She didn't mind the hand that ended up on her butt and almostwishedthat she did make a grab. However, she was perhaps getting a bit greedy with everything she's been showered with already.Feng was a touch dishearted when they broke the kiss and she felt a touch light headed as she reminded herself that she did need air. It wasn't like she was the master athlete Meg was when it came to holding her breath. She couldn't help but giggle when she heard the pleasing laugh from Meg and was quick to shake her head. It was enough proof that some happiness could be found in this nightmare. Did she think she actually needed to apologize for something like that? It was wonderful and very welcomed, a gift from Meg. Something she didn't think was possible in the Trials and now she found herself hooked, in another fashioned. "No, no, no sorry. I loved it,I..."She stopped herself short as she bit her lip looking at Meg with an embarrassed expression as red started mounting on her pale skin that greatly constructed the electric blue tails she had at her side. Waslovetoo much to say at the moment? Whatever she was feeling for Meg right now certainly felt that way at the moment. Perhaps she was still light headed from the long kiss? She wasn't too sure. However, Meg had stolen the moment and any need for Feng to explain herself further as her kisses continued. Meg's whispered words, in the fashion she asked her was enough to send another shiver through her spine that couldn't be the chill already them.Her brows raised at the view of the bed and she was quick to react as they had a meeting of the minds. She pressed her body against hers as she gave her another hug, sharing the warmth of their bodies before she released her. Her hand remained on hers, however, like a tightly bound lifeline that kept them together. Feng began to make her way to the bed with a gentle tug, letting out a giggle as she looked forward to them doing more than just sharing kisses. When she happened on the bed first with her lead, she was quick to notice the bed being littered with slash marks and some sprays of blood, some of the stuffing emerging from the mattress. It was indeed a grim reminder of where they were. However, that didn't need to be on their minds as she grabbed the nearby sheets and pulled them over the bed hastily to cover the evidence. She sat down first and pulled Meg over so that she could be sitting on her lap. "How far? I don't want to stop...and I do wanteverythingfrom you..."She laid their held hands on Meg's lap and she reached up with her other hand, brushing past her red braids that she always found cute before touching her cheek. Her fingers brushed against her cheek before her hand found its place there. She looked at Meg directly and smiled. "You are very beautiful Meg...very strong andverybrave too, you know? I would like to give you everything too..."With that, she lifted her head upwards to meet Meg with another kiss. This time, this one was more gentle and loving, not solely fuel by the growing need she was also feeling within her.
Meg carefully sat down on Feng's lap, careful to distribute her weight so that it wouldn't hurt the poor girl. Meg wasn't terribly large, but then, neither was Feng. Maybe she was being overcautious, but she didn't want to hurt her. If she could, she'd stop anyone from hurting her ever again. Once she was sitting, she tilted her head, guiding her cheek into Feng's palm and smiled shyly."Good," she whispered. "Don't hold back. Please. You can do anything you want with me."Meg returned the kiss, soft but passionate. Her tongue returned to Feng's mouth, but was less overbearing this time, waiting for Feng's to meet hers. She released Feng's hand at last, leaving it in Meg's lap after all, neither of them were going anywhere. One hand slipped around behind Feng, tracing over her lower back until it stopped on the skin between her garter belt and her panties. Meg's thumb slipped under the garter, probing at that skin again, while her fingertips reached lower, finding their way under the hem of the lacy underwear and teasing the skin of her waist. Slowly, almost covertly, they explored lower and lower until they felt the softer flesh of her buttock.Meg's other hand was more active, first rising to hold the side of Feng's head. Her fingers burrowed into her hair, reaching behind Feng's ear to rub at her scalp. She'd never had the guts to mention it, but Meg had always been impressed by Feng's bright blue hair. Meg had dyed her own hair before, of course, but she couldn't imagine being bold enough to do it in such an unnatural, distinctive colour. She just wished she could have that sort of confidence...but she was feeling pretty confident right now.Meg's hand slowly moved to the back of Feng's head, then slid down to her neck, her thumb playing over the sensitive skin of Feng's throat. It continued to her shoulder, then towards her chest, her fingertips tracing over Feng's clavicles. One fingertip slipped under Feng's bra strap as the hand continued down to cup her breast through the bra. Meg squeezed it gently, but firmly, feeling the bra's inset rhinestones poke into her palm, before her hand continued, sliding over Feng's ribs and feeling the subtle rise and fall under her fingers as its slid down her side to her hip, then onto her thigh. Curiously, Meg's fingers explored the straps attaching the garter belt to the stockings, feeling around the buckles and trying to discern how they were attached by touch alone. Finally, they slid up and down Feng's thighs, admiring the feel of the lace top stockings, before rising up the way they came to rest on her shoulder, pulling Feng closer so Meg could feel their bodies press together. The warmth of Feng's body heat against hers was lovely, intoxicating, and Meg almost broke the kiss just so she could gasp for air.
With Meg's hand on her cheek, Feng looked back at her intently as they began to shed more of their reservations when it came to indulging in each other's company. She looked at Meg in a different light and it was clear that they weren't going to be able to go back to just merely being two strangers in this hellish game after this. If they were going to break down barriers, what reason was there to not go all the way? Feng wasn't too sure if they would have much time with each other or if they would have another reasonable opportunity, but they did now have now. She would have given a quick lick of her blue painted lips, which matched her hair, and gave her a sure nod at her offer.Her eyes didn't want to quite leave sight of the lovely lady sitting on her lap at the moment but the kiss was enticing enough to have her slip her focus to elsewhere, savouring touching and tasting Meg. Her tongue eagerly joined her as they deepened the kiss, perhaps with the intent of holding onto her like her hand was at the moment. She would give her a small squeeze before allowing Meg's to slip from her grasp, knowing full well she had a good reason for this. Her hand found itself on her lap and she curiously stroked her thigh curiously before finding its way around, feeling the alternating silky sensation between Meg's stockings and thighs. She would straighten her back rigidly when she felt her the hand that managed to sneak past her barrier of boudoir clothes. However, this encouraged her to kiss her even deeper as her tongue probed more into Meg's mouth. If she was listening, Meg could perhaps hear a small purr coming from Feng as her hair was stroked.One arm wrapped itself around Meg's waist to ensure that she would keep her place on her lap during this kiss as her free hand explored her lower half eagerly. She was more assertive now with her hand as she grasped her thighs and felt her admirably toned legs. Her hand would stroke upwards until stopping past her red stocking tops, feeling the lace patterns under her palm. She would slip her fingers into the tops of her stockings as she felt her own breast fondled, incidentally toying with her already sensitive pierced nipple underneath. Her lips would part slightly as she let out a quiet moan during their kiss. She reluctantly slipped her fingers out of her stockings, giving them a small tug to put them back in place. No, that wasn't going to be the target of her search as Meg looked very cute in them. Instead, she slipped between her thighs as she was reminded that all Meg was wearing was a thong to protect her decency and she eagerly tried to find her way to something more sensitive as she felt the surface of the thong's material on her fingers.Meg was granted some mercy from her search as they broke from the kiss and Feng took a much needed breather. She let out a small giggle before releasing a content sigh, leaning forward so that she could feel Meg breath as she brushed her ear on her chest and catch the scent of her body. Having her sit on her lap was a very romantic gesture and a move she perhaps saw in a movie once. However, Meg was perhaps right to have some concerns about sitting on her as Feng felt her leg getting a bit numb. But, Feng did have other ideas in mind as she flashed her a mischievous grin.Feng gave Meg's thigh another stroke before stopping at her knee and her hand went behind her leg as she gently laid her down on the bed she was sitting on. She gave her a second to get comfortable before she climbed over Meg to straddle her between her legs, allowing the full grip of her butt as a side effect if she wished. Leaning forward, she renewed her kiss with Meg, this time more passionately and wanting. Her hand would stroke the back her head before finding itself on the back of her neck, her fingers idly playing with her lower scalp. She did find her braids rather adorable and didn't want to undo them, at least for now. Her other hand roamed her body freely as it returned its place between her legs as she gave the fabric of the thong a few teasing strokes and pushed it way upwards, over her sculpted stomach. Ultimately in her search, her hand would find itself on her breast but didn't quite intrude in what little barrier her babydoll would give her at the moment, fondling her eagerly before her thumb would find itself on her nipple to return the same favour.
Meg gave a soft, low, but long moan as Feng's hand explored her thigh, her legs parting slightly of their own accord as Feng's hand wandered north. There was no modesty or reluctance here Meg only felt anticipation as Feng's fingers slipping out of her stocking and then to the surface of her thong. She was sure to show her approval, leaning further into the kiss and producing a pleased sound from somewhere in the back of her throat.She couldn't help but feel frustrated when Feng broke off the kiss and the hand left the surface of her thong, but the anticipation remained. Meg knew it wasn't a matter of if, but when, and that Feng would get there in her own good time. And, after all, Meg was as interested in the journey as the destination. For now, she enjoyed the quietly comfortable feeling of Feng's head close to her chest. Meg used her grip on Feng's shoulder to hold her close again, resting her cheek against the side of Feng's head, her nose buried in that lovely, bright, confident blue hair. On impulse, Meg pressed her face into Feng's hair and kissed her on the scalp, her hand coming up from her shoulder to stroke her hair again. Maybe that was weird, but their whole lives were weird now. All that mattered is that it felt right."Oop,"Meg said quietly as Feng guided her onto the bed. She couldn't keep the dumb grin off her face, eagerly waiting to see what came next. As Feng straddled her, Meg's hands first when to both thighs, slowly and almost greedily sliding up the material of the stockings until she hit skin. Her hands teased at the bare flesh of Feng's upper thigh, circling around back until they found her lovely round ass. Both hands explored it for a moment before giving her a firm squeeze, retreating slightly, and then slipping underneath her panties to grab at the skin beneath.Each stroke of the back of Meg's head produced a little sigh of pleasure directly into the kiss, but the touch to her lower scalp brought about a louder, satisfied moan. Her body stiffened when Feng's hand finally returned to Meg's thong, her legs quivering, and even Feng's light teasing was enough to feel a dampness in the material. Fondling her breast produced a similar reaction, Meg's back arching slightly and a long moan of desire drifting out of her lips. Her nipples were as hard as pebbles, straining against the sheer material, and every time Feng touched one Meg would give a soft, involuntary squeak of pleasure, sensation jolting through her body."Yes,"Meg whispered, her eyelids fluttering and giving Feng another dumb, almost punch drunk grin. "Yes, like that. Just, careful, I'm very...sensitivethere..."
"Mmm,oh!" Feng couldn't help but murmur in a reaction as she felt Meg's make her way behind her and slide past the cover her lingerie so that their skin could touch once more. She arched her back when she felt her ass squeezed to her liking and her body gave a small shiver at that rather frisky gesture. It was lovely to see her happy, especially if that grin she didn't even know that Meg was capable of was any evidence of what they were doing together. It perhaps wasn't the right place or time for something like this but Feng too was more concerned with what felt right at the moment. She wanted to be with Meg, comfort her andfeel her in every way possible.Her hands were testing the waters so to speak and it seemed Meg was ready for anything she had to offer. The temperature of her body, her adorable sounds of approval and the dampness between her legs. She gave a blink at the sensation of what she was feeling on her fingertips and feigned innocence. If she had to be honest, she was starting to feel similarity too under the confines of her cheeky panties. There was a sly smile that crept up on her lips as she looked at Meg questioningly. "Oh, sweaty?"Feng wasn't going to relent on her teasing just yet as she shifted slightly from her position after her fingers left her thong and she placed her stocking clad knee between her legs. She shuffled slightly on the bed until she placed herself right against Meg's tender area and gave some passive friction on her with each of her movements."Sensitive?" Feng would say with curious cant of her head, pretending that she had not understood the word as her friend was under her mercy. Leaning closer to her, she rested her own full bust atop of Meg's, pushing her impressive cleavage into view while the gem inserts of her bra would brush against Meg's breasts. She gave a suggestive lick of her lips as she eyed her intently. There were so many possibilities she could take this and it was her intent to savour them however she could, especially while they had this moment together. She would press against her more as she gave her another hungry kiss. This one wouldn't last very long as she had plans she wanted to enact. Naughty plans.Feng wasn't going take advantage of Meg cruelly but she did have the advantage to exploit nevertheless. She straightened after her kiss and looked at Meg with intent in her eyes. Her hands went on stomach once more as her fingers tips brushed on the surface of her stomach, rather eager to unveil the prize underneath like it was a gift. This time, her hands went underneath her babydoll and rose upwards as she wanted to free Meg from it. She would gently help her out of the lacy top, as it would be a shame if Meg never had the chance to put it on again. Her eyes beheld her free bosom underneath and she was sure to heed her earlier warning while being a bit adventurous at the same time.Both of her hands went to Meg's breasts and she was sure to be gentle as her fingers brushed around the nipple to hint what may be coming later. She then cupped her breasts in each hand, stroking each of undersides before giving them a small squeeze while avoiding her nipples. Her fingers got a little more ambitious and slowly near those hard nipples. She would lean closer and give a small lick of her tongue, inadvertently breathing with the heat of her breath. Feng would curiously look up at Meg to ensure that she wasn't hurting her with her attention. Once Meg got a moment to breathe, she would take that same nipple into her blue painted lips and attend to it with her tongue like before.
Meg said: "Oh, sweaty?" Click to expand... Meg gave a nervous chuckle, glancing away from Feng, not sure whether to be embarrassed or to beg for more. She'd have blushed, had she not already had a healthy flush across her cheeks. Feng's teasing felt strange, even uncomfortable, but at the same time Meg liked it. It was that vulnerability again Meg always had to be in control, even back in the real world, even in bed. Giving that control over to someone she trusted was a new feeling, but a deeply gratifying one, even and especially when Feng exerted that power over her.Meg's eyes returned to Feng's as she shifted position, pressing her thigh up between her legs. The thin material of the thong provided no protection against Feng's touch, and Meg moaned softly at the prolonged contact. Feng's every movement sent jolts of pleasure up Meg's body. For a moment, she tried to withstand it with grace, but failed. Slowly, but very obviously, Meg's hips began to shift, humping Feng's thigh as Meg's breaths deepened and her eyes fluttered. When Feng pressed herself against Meg, she gasped, her eyes popping open again. The stones of her bra jabbed into Meg's sensitive breasts with a dozen points that were just barely painful but much more pleasurable. Meg's hands slipped out of Feng's panties and wrapped around her back, holding her close as they kissed again, moaning loudly into Feng's mouth. Even as she did this, her hips rocked, grinding her crotch against Feng's thigh.Meg gasped when Feng finally broke the kiss, surprised at how light headed she felt. She was burning up. She met Feng's look of intent with an expression of desperate need. Not just to receive Feng's touch to but return in kind, to give Feng the type of pleasure Meg knew she deserved. She'd follow her lead for now, though. She giggled slightly as Feng's hands slid up her stomach, oddly ticklish, and helped Feng remove her top, letting it drop off the side the bed. Meg's breasts rose and fell with her heaving breasts, pink nipples still standing at rapt attention. Meg could only grin as Feng looked down at her."Go on," she whispered. "They're yours. I'm yours. Do whatever you ahhhh,"Meg moaned at Feng's first, feather light touch to her nipples, then grit her teeth as her hands cupped the tissue and tortuously avoided those stiff, pleasurable nubs. Her breath was hot and fast, hissed between clenched teeth, but it wasn't painful. Intense, clearly, but Meg loved every second, and when Feng looked up at Meg she saw the redhead's eyes locked on her, both needy and appreciative.Obviously, Feng had to shft back to bring her mouth level with Meg's chest. This separated her thigh from Meg's crotch though she surely felt the damp spot it left behind and had Meg's hands trailing up from her back to her head. When she finally took Meg's nipple into her mouth, those hands' fingers snaked through her blue hair and gripped her scalp. Meg's arched and she cried out in pleasure, legs bucking, then wrapping around behind Feng's back. Meg would give her enough room to switch between her breasts or explore the rest of her chest, but she wouldn't be going anywhere unless she deliberately extricated herself from her grip."Ohh,yes,yes,"Meg stuttered almost deliriously, completely heedless to whatever dangers could be lurking in the trial, focused entirely on Feng's touch. "Don't stop,please.Oh, god. Oh,Feng..."
A bit frisky!It perhaps caught Feng off guard howenthusedMeg was with their intimacy, especially when she felt her hips ground against her stocking clad thigh. There was the friction against silk and the intricate lace pattern wrapped around the stocking top, all while she could feel that dampness growing between Meg's legs that surely was more than just sweat. She giggled a little under her breath and would shush her quietly, all good things would come in time if she was patient enough. It seemed quite obvious that Meg was more than ready and she wanted her. Despite it did much about her actual escape or the situation with her ill mother, it wassomethingto escape those woes. Some shred of temporary happiness they could both enjoy. Feng more than eager to provide those to her, albeit at her directed pace as she played more with Meg's body.Feng couldn't help but smile at Meg's words with her nipple in her soft lips, hearing Meg's rapid breath and calling out her name in fondness. Her eyes would look upwards at Meg to catch those breathless words coming from her lips as she acknowledged it, making her wordless approval known. Feng hot and bothered as well, as she felt her panties within the garter belt becoming more confining with all of the warmth coming from Meg and everything she was doing to her. However, she derived more joy in pleasing Meg at the moment and she was more than happy to oblige to her request. She felt those legs around her body and those hands pulling at her electric blue hair. It seemed that she wasn't going to be going anywhere yet.She would give Meg a murmur with her mouth being more than busy. It seemed pointless so what she said exactly but more about what she did next. Her tongue showed just as consideration as she did with her kisses, deftly sliding around the tender spots just around the nipple itself before the tip tongue found her found itself atop the nipple itself. She was more than happy to assault her sensitive spot there as her lips held her close with a suckle. Her other hand would continue to play with her other breast, her fingertips almost mimicking the same gesture as her tongue. As a professional gamer, she had to have good fingers when it came to reaction time and twitch moves. She deviated from the plan slightly and would give a flick just to keep her on her toes.Speaking of keeping on her toes,theirtoes, it perhaps just barely passed Feng's mind that such intimate moments were typically magnets for killers and other psychotic monsters. Her eyes couldn't help but wander off for just a second before her full attention returned to Meg. It was probably a silly thought, that was the movies and this was reality.Somewhat, it was whatever the dark forces that kept them imprisoned here made it.Feng would give Meg an apologetic look with her eyes as she released her from her administrations. Her tongue giving her breast a slow lap before she parted from her. However, she hadn't planned on leaving her just yet. Before Meg could complain, she would return the favour to the other breast and her hand switched places. Her trigger finger toyed with the other nipple that was moistened by her tongue earlier.Resting more of her body on Meg, she knew that she perhaps kept her waiting long enough when it came to other sensations she could be happily feeding to her. Her free hand would brush up and down on the sides of her body in a soothing gesture. It did slowly wander southward to her butt, where her fingers would roam for a feel the yummy curvature at her hip. She would grasp quick feel before moving away. Once again, it would wander to the front of her thong but this time her fingers would push their way in from her waist, toward the source of the fond dampness she felt earlier. Trying to get her bearings as she slowly allocated her attention, she could only guide her fingers toward where it was most moist underneath her thong.You're more than just a little wet, aren't you?
At Feng's shushing, Meg quieted down and stopped grinding on her thigh, but only reluctantly. It was getting increasingly hard to control herself, her impulses becoming almost unconscious, but she made the effort to follow Feng's instructions nonetheless. Her grip on Feng's head eased as well, no longer holding her tight to her bosom, but continued stroking through her hair nonetheless.One thing she couldn't stop was the noises as Feng continued to suckle her. It was only through Meg's concentrated effort that her cries of pleasure were reduced to gasps, squeaks, and whimpers. A part of her mind still knew that they were still weren'tsafe,that there could very well be a killer looking and listening for them, but Feng's attention to such a sensitive part of her body was just to intense for her to suppress entirely. She could only stop from crying out loud by physically holding in her breath, and her chest twitched in a way that Feng could surely feel through her lips and fingers. When she could, Meg would look down at Feng, trying to make eye contact and encourage her to keep going, but mostly she could only let her head lie slack on the pillow.It only took a second for Feng to switch from one breast to the other, but in that momentary break she heard Meg's sigh half of relief, half of mournful want and felt Meg's hands sliding down her back, though they couldn't get far with Feng's head at her chest. The best they could do was reach the back strap of Feng's bra. When Feng began sucking the other nipple, Meg gasped again, but her hands continued to explore Feng's back, sliding back up to the back of her neck before both hands slipped under the bra's shoulder straps. From there, they slowly slid back down to the back strap, feeling at the skin underneath, before they unfastened the bra. Meg didn't try to pull it off, but it was definitely ready to go.Meg's butt was athletic and muscular but still pleasantly soft to the touch, and she clearly didn't mind Feng's quick feel. Nonetheless, Meg's legs opened wider of their own accord as Feng's slipped under her thong, slipping over the skin until Feng could confirm thatyes,Meg waswellmore than a little wet. As Feng's fingers slipped over those slick folds, Meg's muscles stiffened, her fingers curled on Feng's back, and she finally went silent as her breath caught in her throat, going still in anticipation.
There was perhaps some miscommunication on Feng's part as she hadn't intended for Meg to completely stop what she was doing. However, the side effect of Meg's interpretation of her shush was that Feng could see her attempt to bottle up those sounds and emotions that were coming from her lust. Feng didn't take great delight in her personal restraint but she had to admit that she found her rather adorable. She wasn't going to correct her just yet but perhaps it was an encouragement to herself to see if she could somehow break that resistance despite Meg's self control. When Meg stopped grinding on her thigh, she would shift her thigh slightly against her to upkeep that sensation.Feng was more than ready to catch Meg's gaze directed at her, even as her hands and mouth were more than busy tantalizing and stroking her to the best of her abilities. Her nimble fingers would continue to circle around one nipple while her other breast might have been inadvertently marked with its share of blue marks from Feng's lipstick as she softly suckled on it while being played with her tongue. It was good to see the feedback on her affections while seeing there she was giving her any sort of warning signs that someone could be behind it. It wasn't entirely strange how such instincts were still active here.Eventually, Feng did break from attention on Meg and released her breast from her lips with a goofy smile on her lips and a happy sigh. Her hand did remain on her to tease her further, however. She arched her back slightly to stretch until she noticed how her bra had loosened without her knowing as she was so preoccupied. Her momentary confusion soon turned into a knowing look as she gazed at Meg like she was reprimanding a child. Truthfully, she didn't mind and glad she did it, especially when her hands were full and she was feeling so confined now. She leaned in for a moment and whispered to her ear with a hot breath. "Someone is verynaughty, you are verybad girl, Meg...Why are you ganking me?"Feng would give her ear a teasing nibble before she lifted herself from Meg once more. Her hand below gave her folds and slowly drag, certainly making a quick detour to her sensitive nub, before pulling out of her thong. She would lick her moistened fingers, wanting to catch her scent and taste her. Her eyes would look to her with intent as she wanted more. Perhaps, she could get her fill later? Doing the rest of the work, she reached behind her and peeled off the bra from her body. Her hands rested atop her breasts to cover herself momentarily, remembering those mementoes she got from her wild nights out. Meg shared more than enough with her, however, and some little piercings were probably the least of that. She dropped her hands to show off those barbell piercings before she laid her bosom atop of Meg. There was a small shiver that ran up her body as she felt less covered and moresensitive. She leaned in for another deep kiss, as she did also miss Meg's lovely lips and her tongue. However, this was going to be atradeas her hand wandered back down and slipped her the waist of her thong, cupping a feel of her butt as she continued down to her thigh, intending to take the garment with her.
"I, uh " Meg whispered, her breath catching when Feng nibbled her ear, "I don't know what that meeee !"Meg's back slowly arched as Feng's fingertip dragged through her soft folds. Her eyelids fluttered and she sucked in a shuddering breath, everything in her body going as taut as a spring. It finally released when Feng turned her attention to Meg's clitoris Meg's body bucked, she released her breath in an involuntary cry, and her legs kicked, one heel digging into the bedsheet. Further touching elicited a less dramatic response, but Meg couldn't stop the rhythm of desperate, gasping moans, or the drag of her gnarled fingertips along Feng's back. For all of her stoic bravery during the trials, she was now practically helpless, humbled by Feng's touch.Meg's hands fell away from Feng's back as she straightened. As Feng lifted her wet finger to her lips, Meg turned her head away, embarrassed, but her eyes traveled back to watch the gamer taste her. It seemed crude, but she did hope Feng enjoyed it. Not just because Meg wanted Feng's tongue to go straight to the source , but also because she just wanted Feng to enjoy her all of her, and in every way. There was so little happiness to be found in this place Meg wanted to be Feng's source of it. She, too, knew there was no way things would go back to the way they were after this. She didn't know what the future held, but she hoped she and Feng would face it together, and be stronger for it.But also it was because Meg was horny and she wanted Feng so fucking badly. Meg's head turned back to face Feng as she pulled off the bra, eagerly anticipating the sight of those piercings again. She gave a small, whining moan as Feng covered up, Meg's hands sliding over Feng's sides above her hips, then grinned greedily as Feng finally revealed herself. Really, the piercings were more cute than transgressive, but they just seemed so out of character for the gamer that they felt like a dirty secret only they shared."These lookreallygood on you," Meg whispered, her eyes locked on Feng's barbell piercings. Her hands slid up Feng's torso to cup her breasts, gently but firmly squeezing them before her fingers traced over their skin to her nipples. First, they danced on the nipples themselves, then explored the piercings, testing Feng's responses when they put pressure on one barbell end or another, gently turning them. "You said they don't hurt anymore, right?"She made eye contact with Feng, her eyes hooded and teasing, her voice a throaty whisper. "Have you felt someone suck your nipples with them in, yet, or am I going to be the first?"She gave her nipples a final tweak as Feng leaned in for another deep kiss, then wrapped her arms around her back. It felt good to have nothing between them Feng's body heat directly on her skin, the metal of the piercings pressed directly against Meg's own breasts. It felt natural and right. Meg gave a deep, satisfied moan into the kiss, lifting her hips to help Feng slide the thong off her hips and down her legs.
Feng hadn't thought she could get such a response out of Meg but seeing as much as she had been teasing her, such a reaction perhaps gave her some indication that she was on the right track. Their time together had been consumed with survival, panic, and fear. They didn't own much of the time she shared together in those instances, but this was different as they cast their caution to the wind and made this momenttheirs. Feng wanted to savour it in every way she could but at the same time, she also wanted to give Meg what she desired. At this point, she could almost imagine the girl aching for her. She couldseeit. There were so many ways to go about this, Feng almost felt spoiled for choice and wanted to use it best to spoil Meg in return.At Meg's rather enthused interest in her bared breasts and the piercings, which clearly adorned her erect nipples as much as theyenticedattention, Feng couldn't help but bite her lip and look a bit bashful. It clearly wasn't something she gave too much thought in when she got them but now that she did have them, she did like their appeal. For the longest time, she felt a bit embarrassed about them, that it might make her look like some extreme rebel with abadituteissue. However, seeing as Meg found a liking to them, she was more than happy to own them. She would slowly drag her gaze back to Meg with a small smirk on her lips. "Thank you, Meg...""Aaahn..." Feng would say as her next sound as Meg's hand found their way to her breasts and her fingers to her tender nipples. She had to bite her lower lip as the barbells were tweaked, fighting the urge to quirk as those sharp but pleasing sensations found their way to her core. Thankfully, it had been long enough that they didn't hurt but still close enough that she was still getting used to them.Sensitivedidn't quite fully describe it at the moment as she found herself rubbing her stocking clad thighs together as it felt very good. Despite having them for some time, she hadn't exactly had sex with said piercings yet. Meg was going to be her first, so to speak.Her other hand would join the other on Meg's hips as she helped Meg ease out of the panties during their deep kiss, her intention to save all this newfound lingerie for another occasion than to lose it so easily. She would break from the kiss with a triumphant smile that she was able to get Meg mostly naked, showing her own thong before she flung it easily away to where her rhinestone bra was laying on the bed. Her hands roamed up her legs before they found themselves on her thigh and gave them long soothing strokes as she looked to her eyes."You're" Feng said after a pause, as she tried to find the right word of what Meg must be feeling at the moment, hot and bothered. It was clear that she was aroused and horny, which Feng was more than happy to appease."How do you want it?" She asked her as she looked at, very eager to hear her request. However, her hands didn't wait to entertain themselves as she waited. She would place the back of her hand on Meg's entry and grind gently against her as she did with her knee a while ago, slowly shifting against her outer folds. It gave Feng the idea that they could grind together, release together. However, it would make kissing Meg difficult. Her hand turned and found their place with her fingers as she circled around her entry, slowly easing a finger in. Her intruding finger didn't quite penetrate too deeply, wanting her to get more accustomed before she could be
Meg bit her lower lip and smiled as she tweaked Feng's piercings, enjoying the pleased sounds Feng made in response. She couldn't help feeling a bit selfish, having received Feng's actions so passively so far, even though she knew Feng enjoyed giving them. It felt good to give back and be the provider for once. It was short lived, as she had to move her hands once they kissed, but Meg figured she'd get the chance again eventually. She had no intention of making this a brief encounter.Meg made no attempt to cover herself or close her legs after Feng removed her thong. She had nothing to hide, not fromher.She moaned again as Feng's hands stroked up her thighs, despite being relatively tame at this point, Meg was so aroused that pretty much any touch was intense to her. Thankfully, she didn't have long to wait, and as Feng's hand returned to between Meg's legs, she pushed against it, her hips trying to grind as they had on her thigh earlier. As Feng turned her hand, Meg whimpered in sheer desire, her sheer want almost maddening. Feng's finger slipped inside her easily, and to Meg, her slow approach was downright torturous. She neededmore.She couldn't take it anymore. Meg reached down, put her hand over Feng's, and pushed her finger deeper inside of her. At the same time, her other hand went to the back of Feng's head and held it in place as Meg pushed a deep, aggressive kiss on her. She didn't break it until she had to come up for air."I want I want you to fuck me without holding back," Meg gasped, breathing heavily. "You can't break me. If you hurt me,that's okay.Fuck me any way you want, but do it fast and hard and deep andoh, god,I want you so much. I need you,please.Fuck me like you want me to beg for mercy."
Feng certainly hadn't forgotten how Meg touched her and gave her a small taste of what she could do with those piercings found on both her nipples. She hadn't had anyone touched her ever since she got them but welcomed the pleasure with the sensitivity that they gave to her. She would welcome more of Meg's touches but she was indeed happy for now with pleasing Meg, especially when she entrusted her with everything about her body. Meg would come first and foremost.She would kiss her back when she kissed her aggressively, perhaps a bit caught off caught seeing how asserting she way. Even without her words, Feng had a good idea of why with how easily her finger slipped inside her of her and she could feel her moist depths that she was more than responsible for. The time to tread carefully and slowly had easily long passed, Feng certainly now had to keep up with the athletic runner. Her eyes looked at her intently as she gave her permission, begging her to give it her all. Feng easily drank in each word."Okay, Meg," She said after gulping her breath and giving a quick lick of her lips as some personal obligation to honour. It wasn't a burden, she truly wished to give Meg everything she asked for and more. "I will fuck you until you scream...I won't stop even if you do..."Feng slowly closed the distance between once more and took her into another kiss like before, almost in a slight trance as she found their bound connection so toxicating. Her tongue slipped deep into her lips as she sought out hers. Her finger slowly left Meg's entry and she dragged the moist digit across her thigh as she smeared it with her juices. However, Meg didn't have to wait for long as Feng plunged back into her wet folds, this time with her two longer fingers. Her fingers to push inside her inner walls and would start thrusting without pause. She would place her thumb upwards to where her clit was found, resting on it at first and allowing the movements of her thurst enough to tease her. It wouldn't stay dormant for long as she slowly circled her thumb around the sensitive nub.Regrettably, her kiss was broken and she slowly kissed down her neck as she made her way down, both as an apology and hinting the direction she was travelling down. Her lips would soon enough find themselves on one of her nipples once more, suckling and hinting a few boldnibbles. She would reach with her other hand and grope without consideration, giving the breast a firmsqueezeas she would brush her teeth on the attended nipple.
Feng said: "Okay, Meg. I will fuck you until you scream...I won't stop even if you do..." Click to expand... It was dirty. It was slutty. Meg should have been offended just to hear it, should have been ashamed to enjoy it. Instead she could only feel privileged to hear Feng say something soraw."Thank you," she whispered, heartfelt, before their lips met again.Meg's tongue met Feng's again, swirling over and around it like an intimate dance. Her left hand moved to Feng's back, holding her close, while the one that had been holding Feng's finger inside of her instead moved to her ass, slipping under the blue panties to cup and squeeze one cheek. Meg whimpered into Feng's mouth, disappointed, as her finger withdrew along her thigh, but bucked as two fingers took her place. Every thrust elicited a soft, grateful moan from Meg, and her hips shifted to meet her hand, guiding her fingertips towards her G spot. When Feng's thumb began to circle her clitoris as well, Meg's short, pulsing sounds of pleasure were replaced as the kiss broke, her head falling back with a long, loud moan of pleasure.She bit down on her lower lip as Feng kissed at her neck, though that did nothing to stop the sounds of her moaning and ragged breathing as Feng continued to thrust into her. With her back arched, her generous breasts were all but pushed into Feng's face, every involuntarily twitch and writhe of her body visible in the subtle movements of the soft flesh. Her nipples were hard, red nubs, demanding attention, and Meg's moaning caught in her throat as Feng took one into her mouth. She hissed through clenched teeth as she squeezed her breast and nibbled at her, the touch of her teeth on the sensitive tissue sending just theslightestshocks of pain through her body."Ah, f fuck !"she managed to gasp out. It hurt, and it felt so good. With Feng moving down her body, her hands slid up her back to her head. One stroked at the side of Feng's head, just behind her ear, while the other dug into her electric blue hair and pushed her more firmly to her breast. Meg's knee, carefully maneuvering not to disrupt the movements of Feng's hand, rose between Feng's legs to push against her crotch as well, putting pressure through the material of her panties to at least give back a fraction of what Feng was giving her."M more," Meg mumbled."Harder."She'd never felt this before. She'd never begged a man to hurt her in bed, nor would she have trusted them to, but Feng was different. They'd barely gotten started and Meg could already feel a crescendo beginning to build inside of her.
Feng let out a happy sigh when she felt Meg's return under her panties to find itself on her butt cheek. She would shift her hips slightly to encourage Meg to get more than a handful of her rump. While it felt sexy and empowering to be clad in such expensive lingerie, it starting to become more of a constraint than anything. They were slowly wearing out their welcome. The panties started to feel more constricting and snug, Meg could likely feel that when her hand went under her panties and how her how she was getting. Then again, Meg was likelypreoccupiedwith her. The only consolation that it kept Meg's hand locked in on her butt, although she felt some aching in her back of her mind that she wished Meg explored further than just touching her there.A part of her felt rather relieved that her more aggressive affection was met by approval from Meg, forgetting that unspoken rule about remaining quiet. Feng didn't care if anyone else heard, even the Killer, so long as he or she didn't make their way over anytime soon. At this point, it was hard for Feng to show restraint otherwise, her body was heated in more ways than one and the same could be said about her mind as she became more determined. She let out a happy giggle when Meg cursed out loud and she didn't stop either, further giving her fuel to continue her assaulton her breasts as the other than joined in pinching the other nipple. After each nibble, she would give Meg a small reprieving in a lick from her tongue before landing another nibble on her."Mmmpph..." Feng said incoherently when she felt her leg drag between her legs, just about when she was thinking of rubbing her thighs together against. She rolled her eyes back as she suddenly feeling coursed through her from her hips. Her arousal had been stewing for a while and Meg could easily feel some dampness on Feng's panties. Feng couldn't help but rub herself between her leg as there was the piercing on her hood that strategically sat atop of her own clit. For all the times Feng had regretted her piercings, this wasn't one of those moments as the piercing did its role in enhancing her pleasure and teasing her further."Hard difficulty? Impossible difficulty?" Feng said when she gave her two blinks in question at the request. Both girls were familiar with pain, that was a fact. That was the only hesitation she showed, however, as daringly added another finger to her efforts, stretching out her entry until it was engorged inside her entry. Her hand thrusts were more forceful and faster now, especially now she had taken into consideration where Meg was more sensitive around her G spot. Her thumb on her clit was less precise now as she stroked it with more friction, perhaps only alieved with how slick her digits were getting from Feng's thrusts. She almost bit more than nibble on her nipple, then moved to double the gesture on the other nipple. Her teeth would hold on her nipple as she pulled upwards with her eyes looking at her intently with a look that almost said:You asked for this.
"Aaah!"Meg whined as Feng's teeth pulled on her nipple. She was no longer dancing on the edge of causing pain, now this genuinely hurt. Meg's hands curled into fists on Feng's head, pulled at the hair clenched in her curled fingers. "You you !"Meg took a deep breath and focused, then looked up at Feng. Her hands flattened to caress Feng's cheeks."European Extreme difficulty,"she whispered, then, "I'm close."Then she laid back and surrendered her body to Feng again. She moaned, her back curving, as she felt the pleasure radiating out from Feng's fingers inside of her. Her hips rocked, trying to match Feng's frequency to push her fingers in ever further and ever firmer. Her breathing quickened to the pace of Feng's thumb on her clit, while her leg rubbed back and forth on Feng's panties, enjoying the feeling of moisture soaking through and onto her skin. Her other leg curled around Feng, not wanting to let her go. She could feel anticipation building within her, a tightness in her nerves and muscles as they readied for blessed release. Her knuckles, still in Feng's hair, went white with the intensity of her grip. The leg she had around Feng pulled her closer, while the one between her legs dragged and ground up against her panties, trying to give her something in return for the glorious sensations she felt."Ah, fuck, F Feng!"Meg managed to shout before all she could produce was a wordless scream of pleasure. Her orgasm snapped through her body, her muscles rippling and her nerves on fire. She held Feng's face tight to her chest, fingertips dragging trails in her hair, and her thighs clamped shut on Feng's hand, like she wanted to keep it there forever. She sucked in a ragged breath and screamed again before her taut body went limp and she slumped, muscles quivering. With all the strength she could muster, she grabbed Feng under the armpits and pulled her up until their faces were level so she could kiss her again, arms wrapping around her back and her head as she moaned and whimpered into her mouth to the tune of her spasmatic aftershocks.
Feng blinked when she heard Meg whine out in a different way that wasn't entirely used to, for a moment wondering if she had pushed too far. She doubted that but still her consideration for Meg did make her wonder if she should keep going or stop. She looked up at Meg when she felt her hands on her cheeks, which were blushing and warm, as her lips slowly creased into a cat like smile when she mentioned her desired difficulty level. Was there a Dance Dance Revolution game from some years back? Never they less, she bit and tugged on her nipple once more, tormenting her once more with the pain she was giving her."Hnnmg..." She moaned when she felt Meg's leg assert itself between her legs once more. While she wasn't as close as Meg, the moaning and heavy breathing she was getting out of her did more than encourage her, become less restraint in vocalizing her pleasure. She closed her eyes for a moment and gave a brief shudder, the dampness between her legs did deepen more with Meg's leg. It made her feel so dirty and naughty to ruin her panties like this. She took a beath in and gave a shake of her head as she return her attention back to Meg, and only her as a form of retaliation. Her fingers thursted into her firmly, now coated much of Meg's juices and worked against Meg's own hips to give her was she wanted. She continued to stroke at her clit, accidentally brushing her nail against her in her empassioned efforts.Feng cried out when Meg screamed her orgasm. Even if not quite in the same way, she felt Meg's body tense and press her face on her lovely chest. There were slight pangs of pain from her hair as it was being pulled but she didn't mind in the slightest. Her hand stay locked to her, she had no intentions of leaving her. The fingers and thumb continued to push into her relentlessly even at her peak, slowly down to only her thumb giving gentle strokes on her hood as she was enjoying the afterglow. Meg wasn't going to be let go abruptly. She would release the nipple from her mouth and move up to her to kiss her deeply as they celebrated this moment together. Her othet arm wrapped over her shoulder as she brought her close.
Eventually, Meg's breathing eased, the shocks of pleasure calming. One hand slid up from Feng's back to her head so that Meg could stroke her hair not painfully as she had before, but gently and warmly. Her head was clearer now, and despite everything that had stressed her before whether the killer was listening, whether she'd ever escape this world, whether anything would be left for her if she did she felt a deep sense of peace and fulfillment. She couldn't believe it had taken so long for her and Feng to come together like this."Thank you,"she whispered, breaking the kiss and opening her eyes to look at her. "Not just, you know,thatright now, but for being here. For being you. For all of this."She smiled, then rolled over in the bed, putting Feng beneath her. She kissed her again, then pulled back into a kneeling position over her, admiring Feng's body. The gamer's breasts were exposed, but she was still covered by her garter belt, stockings, and panties. That wouldn't do at all."Now..."Meg said slowly, her voice like velvet, looking at Feng with lidded eyes. "There's something I owe you..."One hand drifted over Feng's torso, lazily sliding up her side to her ribs to give one breast a reassuring squeeze and running a thumb over a nipple just once before sliding away again, traveling downward to the garter belt. Meg laid down over Feng and kissed her on the lips again, then slowly traveled lower, her lips kissing at the side of her jaw, then her neck, then her collarbone. Her hand slid under the garter belt for a moment, just to feel out its boundaries, before snaking around behind Feng and feeling at the straps that connected it to her stockings, her fingertips examining the clasps by touch in an attempt to discern how they worked.
Feng smiled lazily back in return as Meg eased up on her hair and stroked it affectionately. She was loving the attention that was given to her in any form from Meg, whether it was impassioned or affectionate. Likewise, her hand did ease up slowly as they came to a brief rest from their fun. Her eyes would sneak a look at Meg in their kiss as if to check to see if she was truly still there and not some dream that she was having. What she wasfeeling, through her natural senses and internally in her heart seemed almost too good a the moment. If it were not real, that might have been too much for her to bear and she had endured through a lot on these trials. None of them would be comparable to losing Meg at the moment.She couldn't help but giggle and give her a bashful shrug of her shoulder, like what she did was no effort at all. Her eyes dared to waver for a moment as she glanced off before she would meet Meg's own intently. "Isnothing, Meg. I am happy just being with you..."Truly, it was good enough being with her and that she was close by. Of course, being to touch her and especially become intimate with her was something that she didn't mind. Relish, actually. It made her heart flutter and she was especially feeling that when she was rolled over with now Meg on the offence. She gave her a shy smile, a bit bashful but welcoming of anything Meg may want to do to her. Her gaze went downwards for a moment as she took notice where Meg was looking, her barbell piercings glinting slightly in the moonlight as they called for attention with very little effort on her part. She was feeling so wet and the damp spot on the panties was good evidence of that, pressing her thighs together as she tried to hide that fact from Meg before opening them up again. As she wanted to make clear to Meg earlier, she could whatever she wished. She would lean in and give her another affectionate kiss before speaking. "You don't owe me. I'm no bank...but I will take whatever you give me...""Ouuuhh..." She murmured and stopped herself from flinching back as she felt the thumb over her piercing nipple. They felt more sensitive than she thought but the kiss given to her was more than enough to remedy that. She would kiss her softly at first and then grew more possessive as she could feel her moving away from her. Her breath grew as she felt a bit needy, Meg kissing her but she couldn't quite kiss her back in the same way. Her hand slid down her back, feeling the surface of that lovely toned body before she guided her hand upwards to her neck, stroking it affectionately to encourage her further to explore her. She bit her lower lip, already missing the feel of Meg's lips on her own but withholding another moan within her.A part of her almost felt impatient when she felt Meg's hand both outside and inside her undergarment. She knew full well that Meg undoing her new found undergarments might be in itself a success they could both enjoy together, when she figures it out. However, that wasn't to say that she couldn't help her potentially. Her other hand place itself atop of those curious fingertips of Meg's so that she would be more focused on the clasp. She hoped that Meg would realize there were subtle moving parts there and not pure magic keeping her stockings in place.
Meg felt Feng's hands on her own and gratefully allowed them to guide her, essentially allowing her to undo the first clasp while Meg focused on learning how they worked. It only tool one everyone in the trials was pretty good with their hands after fixing so many generators and binding so many wounds, and Meg always a physical person was better than most. With the first clasp done, she took Feng's hand in her own and squeezed it reassuringly, then went to work on the other clasps.Meg kissed Feng's collarbone again, parted her lips and traced her clavicle with the tip of her tongue. Softly, slowly, her tongue reached the end of her collarbone and then traced down the center of Feng's chest until Meg felt the swell of her breast under her cheek. She kissed the skin between them, inhaling Feng's scent, then on a sudden whim laid her head on her chest, ear slightly to the left of center. She could heart Feng's heartbeat beating away in her chest. After so long in the trials, Meg had come to fear the sound of a beating heart, associating it with impending pain and death. But for the moment, she simply stopped and listened to Feng's heart thumping away. She opened her eyes and looked up at Feng. This sound, this moment, felt incredibly precious.Finally, she started moving again, her lips grazing over the curve of Feng's breast until they reached her nipple. Meg's tongue gently, but firmly, probed around the nub of flesh, exploring the rounded side of each barbell before she closed her mouth around it, suckling. Meg didn't rush she had Feng inside of her now, if only just barely, and took the time to savour it. Her sucking movements were slow, deep, and loving, listening for Feng's reaction to each suck and adjusting until she'd found her optimal tempo. Eventually she released the nipple, but only to move to the other and give it the same treatment.Meg had released all of the garter belt's clasps by now, and she finally left Feng's breasts, planting a line of kisses down Feng's front, past her ribs, past her navel, finally reaching the hem of her panties. She slipped her fingertips under the upper edges of the stockings and looked up at Feng again, giving her a playfully naughty look, before she took the hem of the panties between her teeth and pulled downward. Slowly, careful not to damage the lingerie, she pulled down, sliding the stockings and panties off of Feng's legs and placing them aside on the bed. Meg took one foot, kissing at the knuckles of her toes before moving up the bridge of her foot to her ankle, then the length of her leg, delicately kissing the recently uncovered skin and inhaling its scent. At her knee, Meg circled to the inside of Feng's thigh, each kiss getting deeper and slower until she reached the sensitive skin where her leg joined her lip. Meg slid her tongue along that skin, then up to Feng's mons pubis, where she allowed her lips to rest for a few seconds, letting the anticipation build. Finally she leaned back slightly, admiring the sight of Feng and that glint of naughty, daring metal. She ran her palms over Feng's thighs, then let one hand stray in between and run her thumb over her outer folds."You're already warmed up," Meg said slowly, making eye contact with Feng, "so why don't we start with ajog."Meg leaned in against and dragged her tongue over Feng's clitoris, then around, toying with the piercing just to see what happened. Her hand shifted to put the tip of her middle finger against her entrance, letting it stay there just long enough to prepare Feng before it slowly pushed inside, exploring her.
Feng gave her a small content smile as she was able to figure out her way around the garter belts. It might have been more practical to wear her panties outside of her garters but it certainly would have been less stylish. With her lingerie attended, her hand would give the back of Meg's hand a momentarily blush before it left and curiously found itself on her head. She would brush her red hair gentle before her fingertips gently went down her braid until it stopped where it ended to playfully play with the ends of her hair.Her eyes went wide when she felt the tongue around her collar before giving a small shiver with half closed eyes as she felt Meg's tongue do more than just touching her with her damp warmth. She had a pretty good idea where she might have been going as she felt her head touch the tops of her breasts. As Meg would easily find out, Feng's heartbeat was beating at a faster pace than normal but at a controlled pace, doing her best to keep calm as she held her arousal in check. Now that she was receiving all of this lovely attention from Meg, there was perhaps no reason to remain collected or focus. She could moan and scream, not because of anguish but what she was genuinely feeling from Meg. Positive emotions almost felt foreign until tonight. Her gaze would meet Meg's when they opened up again, giving her a small smile before giving her a nod to show that she was more than ready for her to keep going."Ooh..." Feng sucked back a sharp breath when she saw Meg nearing her pierced nipple. Instinctively, her hand went for the sheets on the bed and gave them a preemptive grip. While her hardened nipples weren't touched quite yet, she could certainly feel them as being more sensitive and vulnerable to the bare open air. She gasped a few breaths when Meg teased her at first before finally going for the full nipple itself. Her eyes almost closed by instinct but she forced one open to look at Meg, her heart beating faster as she wanted to see what Meg going to do to her. It wasn't enough to justfeel it, but she wanted toseeMeg attend to her and not miss a moment. However, Feng couldn't keep it inside her any longer before she gasps for quick breaths after unknowingly holding it for so long as letting out a small whimper as the sharp sensations ran through her. Her hand at her hair shock a little as she stopped herself from tugging back Meg's braided hair but instead found itself atop of her head to encourage her to go further. At this point, she didn't know what was more uncomfortable, feeling her nipples being played with or being left alone.She gave Meg a small pout as she left her breasts and slowly descended down further her body but watching her intently to see what else she had planned for her. The fact that she not only undid her garter belt straps but would manage to take off a few articles of clothing off of her was rather surprising and earned an astonished gasp from her as she slid down her body with them. Her hand would attempt to follow Meg as she did so but ultimately lose her. She might have pouted but the bare sensation of being practically nude now overtook her as she shivered at the idea alone as she felt her bare butt on the sheets of the damaged bed. Certainly, she was laid out for Meg to see, smell and taste if she wanted to. As her damp panties hinted earlier, she was wet and more than ready after everything she inflicted on Meg.Thankfully, she didn't have to miss Meg for long when she felt her kisses on her leg as she rejoined her. She bit her lower lip as she fought back a shiver as the combination of cool air and Meg's soothing warm kisses were felt on her body. For a moment, she looked embarrassed, almost wanting to tell Meg to stop. She was so wet and ready, such a naughty anddirtygirl to someone who had never seen her in such a light until tonight. However, wasn't this what she wanted and if felt good. At the moment, the English words in her vocabulary seemed to have vanished to articulate any of these thoughts. Ultimately, she was more than glad to let Meg continue as her moisten labia even smeared her juices on her thumb."...Jog?" Was all she managed to say as she repeated her last word curiously. This all before she tensed up and laid back to arch her back as she felt that sweet tongue on her clitoris, those tender nerves toyed further with the rather strategically placed piercing through her hood. She bent her knees as she brought her legs up on the bed and curled her toes. Her entry was more than receptive of the finger as she entered her moist interior and Meg could certainly feel her inner wall almost firm against the digit as she wanted to feel everything she was giving her.
"Yes, ajog,"Meg teased, withdrawing her tongue for a moment. She gave Feng's clit a soft peck of a kiss, her lips dragging over the piercing, before speaking again. "Just to start."Her finger was rhythmic, neither slow nor fast, pushing into her with firm strength. It turned and explored within her, playing over her inner walls and testing Feng's reaction to every angle and area. When she found a particularly sensitive spot, she didn't linger there she moved on to experiment with other areas, but occasionally returned to treat Feng again while Meg mentally catalogued her most effective movements. Her tongue marked is return by playing over her clitoris again, but then left it alone, dragging through Feng's folds around Meg's finger. Only occasionally, when Feng didn't expect it, did it return to roughly slide over and around her nub, shocking her with a rush of sensation. Meg usually had her eyes closed, but whenever she did this, she opened them to look up at Feng and coyly watch her expression.Her other hand was more intimidate, sliding up the top of Feng's thigh, gently caressing her flesh before returning back down and under one butt cheek. From there it traveled up Feng's torso, over her hips and all the way to her ribs. It paused on the garter belt, wondering if she should take it off. Even though the difference was academic at this point, she liked the idea of finally having Feng truly naked and exposed, with absolutely nothing between them. Eventually she decided against it Meg still had her stockings, and something felt naughty about fucking with some bits of the lingerie still on. And besides, itdidgo well with her hair."Okay, that's enough jogging," Meg finally said. She laid her head on Feng's thigh, looking up at her with lidded eyes. While Feng watched, she licked her lips and grinned. "Let's move up to arun."A second finger joined the first inside of Feng, and they started thrusting fast and hard, but still rhythmically. She returned to all the sensitive spots she'd memorized inside of Feng, now focusing on them exclusively. Her tongue went back to Feng's nub, lavishing it with impassioned energy, pushing down on the bar piercing when she could.
The jogging analogy perhaps didn't make too much sense with Feng until she felt Meg's brushing on her most tender of places and her finger wander into her. Feng tossed her back and gasped out a breath then found herself panting for air. She rolled her blue haired head on the bed and looked up at the ceiling, perhaps only noticing the peeling paint in the room for the first time. Her thighs involuntarily found themselves squeezing on Meg's head. She would buck her hips suddenly to make it clear she found that sensitive spot inside her, rather astonished at how fast Meg was able to work. When she could finally catch enough of her breath, she would breath out her lover's name,"Oh,Meg..."Feng placed a hand on the bed and prop up slightly just so she could see Meg. Her other hand stroked through her red hair, perhaps less mindful of how she had done her braids this time around. It was difficult to be considerate now with all of these emotions that Meg was feeding her. At the moment, it was perhaps right for her to be selfish She was being catered by Meg, after all, or was it the other way around? Feng bit her lower lip and would give small nods for Meg to continue with what she was doing. However, her viewing position didn't last for very long went Meg found its way to her clitoris and Feng hand slipped as she dropped back down on the bed, a moan escaping her lips as her shoulders hit the sheets once more. She would more than welcome the hand on her butt. It didn't seem like she minded keeping on the garter belt, now that she wasn't in the thick of her inner passions, she didn't seem to mind a lot of things. Things like her scent filling the room as she few wetter with Meg's finger inside her. She was embarrassed with how aroused she was getting but now she was happy with how wet she was getting. Slowly but surely, she began to shift her hips against the finger. This might have been a rough start for her but she was ready for more." lt Oh...I want to run with you, gt Meg," Feng would say out breathlessly in Mandarin before Meg would indeed make good on her word and add another finger inside of her. The second finger was more than welcome past her soaked folds when it entered and Feng was more than ready as she began to move against the fingers, moving her butt on the sheets and Meg's hand. Her eyes would roll back before she fought with herself to look back at Meg, giving her a weak smile between her breaths. " lt Yeah, yeah...don't stop...fuck... gt "
"Feng,"Meg answered Feng's cries with a whisper. Her tongue and fingers continued their work, but Meg's eyes were locked on Feng's face, studying her reactions, not wanting to miss a moment of her pleasure. Every cry, quiver, and clench of Feng's body sent a thrill of joy through Meg's chest, and her head sang with pride and gratitude as she felt her getting wetter under her palm. With her other hand, she held Feng's thigh close to her face, loving the feeling of warmth on her cheek, then moved it to Feng's head in her hair."If you need to pull this or anything, go ahead," Meg said, guiding a braid into Feng's grip and closing her hand around it. "You can't hurt me. Not enough to stop me."This wasdivine.The sight of Feng's smile, the sound of her cries, even the scent of her arousal was gratifying in a way completely different but just as powerful, if not more so, as Meg's recent orgasm. After so much running and suffering in this place, even a moment of pleasure was priceless but it didn't compare to the feeling of giving that pleasure to others. Meg could feel that warmth between her legs again, but now, it was a distant second to her need to satisfy her lover. Meg couldn't stop a wide, goofy grin of elation from spreading over her face when she felt Feng's hips start to shift around her fingers, knowing she was on the right track. Feng deserved any comfort she could get in this place, and it would be Meg's pleasure to give it to her.When Feng began moaning in Mandarin, Meg slowed, then stopped, withdrawing her fingers and pulling back from Feng's crotch. Her left hand took its place, her thumb teasing over her clitoris and entrance in long, regular strokes, but they were agonizingly slow, only enough to keep the momentum going while Meg locked eyes with Feng. Deliberately, Meg raised her right hand to her face and licked Feng's juices off her index and middle fingers while Feng watched."I don't know what you just said," Meg said, leaning over Feng. Her right hand returned to Feng's crotch and her fingers pushed inside her again slow the first time, but faster the next while Meg moved up Feng's body, as smooth and predatory as a snake. "But I think it was,'running's not enough, Meg...'"Meg's face lowered to Feng's body, her tongue dragging over her stomach and up to her breasts. Meg detoured long enough to take one nipple into her mouth for a moment before continuing on and up Feng's body until their faces were even. Her fingers increased in speed, hitting all the sensitive spots they were before without mercy."So let's sprint to the finish line!"Meg whispered, then locked Feng in a kiss, her tongue eagerly entering her mouth to join her again. Meg's free arm snaked under Feng's back to hold her close, while her legs intertwined with Feng's, and her fingers continued to stimulate her, her thumb finding her clit, and working with furious intensity to finally bring her to climax she'd so patiently awaited and deserved.
Feng caught herself being slightly ashamed with how turned on she was and perhaps making a bit of a mess. However, it seemed that Meg almost relished it and Feng could easily see it in Meg's eyes were trained on her, almost waiting for every inevitable reaction that could be coaxed out of her by both Meg's fingers and lips. Every inner struggle and outburst seemed to be almost absorbed by her lover's eyes. It did make Feng wonder if Meg was potentially possessed by a sort of demon or somethingworse. Or perhaps, this was something that she herself was responsible for after what she had lovingly done to Meg. On the off chance Meg would do something cruel to her, something a killer would do even, she would even gladly surrender to her then.She let out a small whimper as she looked at Meg helplessly. However, her hands tightened around the braid as she found herself taking up on her offer wordlessly. To say that she was quiet wasn't entirely true, her fevered breaths and her weak struggle in moans made that more than vocal. She gave her braid a small tug, as if wanting to coax her to do more of what she was doing. Her other hand found itself on her stomach, rather surprised at how hot her body was getting when she laid her palm on her skin. It soon drifted upwards and found itself atop one of her breasts. She curiously toyed with the barbell piercing on her nipple, already reminiscing the short time ago when Meg played them with so deliciously. It didn't hurt so much now that she eased into it and actually found herself wanting more as she groped her own breast hungrily.Her gaze could only watch Meg for a moment before looking off in shame as she began licking her own fingers off of her own juices. It was embarrassing, despite doing the same to her earlier, she could now see the slick juices on every bit on her fingers as visible evidence with how hot she was. She let out a small cry when she felt that thumb roamed on her clitoris and unattended entrance, as Meg hadn't left her entirely alone and she wasn't done."Meg..." she said weakly at first, almost wanting to correct her. Meg wasn't entirely wrong, so she didn't need to really say much else. It seemed the supposeddemonappeared again, especially with that expression on her face. She would lift her hips from the bed slightly as she rocked it against the fingers as Meg began to pick up speed to bring her to thatsacredclimax. One leg would wrap itself around Meg to get a better hold on her as she rocked against her. Her hand would slip from the braid she clung to earlier and place itself on her shoulder with no intention of letting her go."...r rekt!" she found herself struggling to scream out before she hungrily locked her lips with Meg. It almost fit like an eternity since they truly kissed and Feng dived right into it with wanton desire, hungry and wanting. That did very little to keep her quiet however as she still whimpered and moaned into the locked lips. Her eyes closed tightly as she found herself nearly her climax. There was a part of her that held back as best she could, wanting this state to last forever as she embraced Meg in more ways than one. It was perhaps morefearthan anything as she felt all these strange emotions flaring up in her body as she grew increasingly tense. They had been running and butchered for so long, Feng found herself rather scared of this sensation she was feeling. It perhaps drew from the same place but not one fuelled by survival or forced by pain. She thought it was impossible to feel pleasure such as this...However, she couldn't hold it back any longer either way. Her breathing became so difficult that she had to break for the kiss. She arched her back and dug her head into the bed behind her, making a mess of her blue hair. Her other leg found itself around Meg as she clung to her tightly as her body finally gave in and she erupted from within. It was time to welcome that sensation. Her breathing was panicked as she fought hard for enough air to speak, her body quivering beyond her control as crumbled into her orgasm "Hahn...Ahhnn,MEG!"
Meg bit her hip and looked down at Feng writhing beneath her, relishing the sound of her screaming Meg's name. If there was indeed a demon inside her, it was stronger now than at any other time reveling in the power that she had over her, the ability to take control of her body itself through sheer pleasure. If so, it was a strange sort of demon, because Meg knew she had great power in her hands, but all she could think of was how to use it to serve Feng better, stretch out this ecstasy for as long as possible, to treasure and serve her.Her fingers kept working, riding through her orgasm at the same furious speed, her thumb squeezing as much sensation as possible out of Feng's clitoris throughout the height of her bliss. Even after she'd crested the wave of pleasure, Meg kept stimulating her, but steadily slowed, allowing Feng to come down from the height of her orgasm instead of a sudden stop without hurting her with too much stimulation of her now hypersensitive bits. Finally, she was only barely probing Feng's entrance, then stopped entirely, pulling her fingers out of her. She rubbed them together, feeling Feng's wetness, and brought them up to her face, meaning to lick them off again, but as Meg did so, she was distracted by looking down at the other woman: the sight of her reddened face, her chaotically tousled blue hair, her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath. Meg laid her hand on her cheek, smearing Feng's juices on her, enraptured by the sight of Feng's post orgasmic bliss. She absolutely, breathtakinglybeautiful.How could it possibly have taken Meg so long to realize that?"Oh, Feng," Meg whispered, her other hand cupping Feng's cheek and slowly sliding up to bury her fingers in the mess of her hair. "Oh, god, thank you. I love "Meg froze, catching her words a half second too late. Her face flushed red, and she looked away. "Love love lovedthat. I really loved doing this, it was, uh, fun. I..."She trailed off, looking into a corner of the room, but then slowly looked back at her. " I love you, I I think. I don't even know how long I've known you, but...I think it's a long time. Enough to know you' me. I...ugh.I'm not good at this."
If Feng had any reason to disbelieve what she was feeling was fiction, Meg did a very good job of keeping that powerful sensation lingering to dispel that silly notion. They hadn't beaten their omnipresent captor but feeling something that was anything but fear and misery seem to be enough of defiance here. It was just about the small victories tonight. Feng rolled her eyes back and gasped as she orgasm lingered through her, pulsing as Meg kept on coaxing that deep shock throughout her even as it slowly dissipated. The muscles of her legs were tense and she almost was shaking with her toes curled into a tight bundle before she slowly stilled once more. She drew a much needed breath once more and turned to look at Meg dreamily. Her first words came in breathlessly, sounding fond through the fatigued of her body. "Meg...""Ah..." Feng murmured when she felt those wet fingers on her, causing her to smile before breaking out into a giggle. She could imagine that she was such adirtymess right now but easily a secret and experience that she was more than glad to share with Meg at the moment. With half lidded eyes, she found herself leaning further into the hand on her cheek with a content purr even as it disappeared into her electric blue hair."Oh?" Her eyes would have snapped open when she heard theLword, wondering if it was something that Meg meant or perhaps Feng had been putting too much weight into that word, fuelled by her earlier sentiment that she kept to herself. She felt like she loved Meg but wasn't too sure. Deep down, she was hoping that Meg would feel the same way first. However, Meg thankfully clarified herself than leave Feng entirely in suspense.Feng found herself sobbing back at first, perhaps still a little light headed from her powerful orgasm earlier. However, she wasn't sad but found herself overwhelmed by a happiness that she couldn't imagine to exist in such a gloomy place. She found herself biting her lower lip as she fought back the urge to cry before creasing her blue lips into an earnest smile. With the best of her efforts, her eyes were onlymistyas she warmed her arms around Meg and pulled her into a tight hug. She might have misjudged the strength of her enthusiasm while she was doing this." ..." she would say at first before quickly dropping the Mandarin and transitioning to English with a quick breath as she renewed her commitments to her words. "I love you, Meg! I..."Feng stammered and found herself at a loss of what else to say, merely almost head butting into Meg as she placed her forehead on hers. What else was there to say, she felt like she made her point. "Oh god, I justlove you...I love you so much!"
"Yeah,oh,"Meg said, half to herself, as she tried to figure out how to get her foot out of her mouth. Her eyes widened in alarm when she heard Feng start to sob. "Woah, wait, don't I didn't please don't be "For a moment, she was too stunned to react after Feng pulled her into the hug, producing no sound except a softoofas the air was squeezed out of her. Reeling, Meg's eyes could only look into Feng's as their foreheads were pressed together. Only after a couple seconds, did her mouth split into a goofy grin and she started to chuckle, suddenly light headed."You do? You I mean yeah! I love you, too! I said that already, but I love you! I love you!" Meg rocked in the bed slightly and laughed, then kissed Feng on the forehead and above her hairline. She didn't care if the killer heard what could they do them, anyway? Even if both of them died right now, they'd just be back at the campfire again, and together. It would hurt, but it would be worth it just for this moment. "Oh my god. I've only ever said that to my mom and to one guy in high school, but I didn't know what it meant then and now I do and oh my god, I've never felt about anyone like I do about you, Feng, never. Having you here, even in all this, it's..."If it they weren't both prisoners in this other world, Meg and Feng would never have met. They came from opposite sides of the world, but even if they'd lived in the same city, they'd led such different lives that their paths would never have crossed. Meg would never have known this moment, maybe had never known this feeling withanyoneif she wasn't stuck in this nightmare world. Was it worth it? If she had the chance to go back in time and avoid it, but never have met Feng, would she take it?It was too ghoulish to think about that now. Instead, Meg shut off her own giddy rambling by planting another kiss on Feng's lips, then gently guiding her down to the bed. Pressing her forehead to hers again, she looked into Feng's eyes and giggled softly, then straightened up. As she did so, she lifted one of Feng's legs, guiding her hips until their other lips were pressed against each other."One more time, okay?" Meg whispered softly. "This time, I want us to come together. Alright?"Slowly, Meg began to grind her hips. She released a shuddering breath, her eyes closing of their own accord, before opening them to gaze down at Feng. "You are so beautiful. I want to see you when we..."
Feng felt a burden lift from her chest as they both admittedly their love for each other, which previously she wondered if it was her imagination or she wasn't thinking right in their present circumstance. Unlike Meg, it wasn't something she had ever said to anyone ever, not even to her parents. In her household, a child and parent had their certain expectations, they didn't flinglovethrough words so easily. There were times that Feng knew her parents loved her but often days where she would question if they were burdened by her merely existing. As of late, they avoided her and there was nobody else. There was her team but that relationship was entirely professional, which left her with nearly no friends.Lovewas perhaps more reserved for true romance and she felt like she used the word properly, in terms of how she had come to covet the word. Her heart fluttered and felt lighter, perhaps almost invincible.However, it did make her wonder where would they go from there or if a normal life with love would be possible here? What sort of dates could they have? Would they make past times of running away from killers in circles or hang in the basement together? It might have begun to seem silly the more she overthought about it and she ultimately elected to only think of it in terms of the present. She smiled and laughed with Meg as they both came to terms in their own way. Once she was able to look her in the eyes, she finished her sentence. "It's...good. It's good to love each other."And that indeed seemed like all that mattered at the moment. Feng gave Meg another squeeze until she let up so that she could move easily. She felt rather confident enough that they'll have each other's back, as always, this love for each other only reinforced that. Her kiss would be happily returned before she began to move and she found herself letting a small gasp as she realized their other lips were kissing. The wonderous orgasm she experienced earlier was a very recent memory and she was still recovering from it. All those sensations, she felt them begin to surface again. Her sensitive folds against hers, their juices smearing against each other and herpiercingbeing toyed with as Meg ground against her."Mrrm...yes...cometogether," Feng bit her lower lip and placed her hands on the bed as she moved against Meg carefully. She followed Meg's led at first as they moved, gingerly and carefully. At first, she deliberately avoided stimulating around her piercing and clit, although the sensation was too intoxicating to avoid and she found herself circling more to her sensitive nub, potentially tantalizing Meg in the same way as her barbell would rub against her folds and clit. Her eyes looked to Meg, emboldened and determined as her pace began to grow. "I always want to be with you, Meg..."
"We will," Meg said firmly. Her breaths were coming harder and faster, making it hard to sayanythingfirmly, but she had to be sure Feng heard it. "If we get separated, we'll find each other. Back at the campfire or...or...somehow.I promise."One hand, resting on Feng's hips, slid up over her stomach to her left breast, gently squeezing it. Her fingertip ran over her nipple, toying with the piercing, before she picnhed it between her thumb and forefinger. Her hand hesitated them for a moment, but then slipped off Feng's breast again, migrating instead between both mounds and downward. Reaching her xiphoid process, she found Feng's heartbeat and stayed there, feeling it pumping away. Feng was so strong, so brave, so full of life. Meg had never felt this way about someone before, and now, couldn't imagine how she'd gone all her life without that feeling."You know," she whispered, looking at Feng naughtily, "I want to try that metal out, too." With a moan, she ground her hips, rubbing her clitoris directly over Feng's piercing, pushing downward and forcing sensations through both of them. Slick with their combined juices and still sensitive from their earlier play, Meg initially had to bite down on her lower lip to keep her voice in check, then realized why hide it? Her back bucked as she let loose, gasping and moaning with desire as every shock of pleasure lanced through her body.Again, she could feel something growing inside of her. She grabbed Feng's hand and lifted it to her mouth, kissing at her wrist and then each of her knuckles, then held it to her cheek. Through fluttering eyelids she locked her gaze on Feng's face. "I want...I want to see it," she whispered. "When you ahh! whenwefinish, I want to see it in your eyes. Ah, god..."
Feng found herself smiling sheepishly after her words between her exertion and pleasure, it was hard for her to fully articulate her thoughts. However, it seemed that Meg had understood the intent of her words. It was assumed that they would be together but wasn't so sure if they could easily share a moment like this. Sometimes they weren't found in the same trials and sometimes they weren't always at the campfire together. The wait time between the trials was sometimes instantaneous to torturous, putting them through a false sense of security before they would ultimately be tortured with another inevitable trial. While she felt invincible together with Meg, she began to fear for the times they found themselves separated by circumstance or the cruel machinations of a higher power."Yes..." She hissed out a breath when she felt Meg's hands on her breast. One of her hands placed itself on Meg's calf and stroked it lovingly as they ground to each other, so slick and hot as they moved, doing a good job of wetting the old bedsheets they were laying on. Something that was sinful had a way of feeling so heavenly. Her heartbeat just managed to grow more by the time Meg felt it through her fingers. Feng's other hand brushed up Meg's arm before it found itself to her hand. While she felt like taking it into her own, especially as the intensity of their bonded folds has been mounting steadily, she didn't want to stop her from doing what she wanted. She was more than welcome to roam her body without verbal permission, it seemed they have found a connection before that. Her hand placed itself over the back of her hand and she gave her a small squeeze as her eyes met hers before her gaze dropped slightly. She let out a small moan, certainly feeling it when her piercing was pushed on, yet she only reciprocated harder as she brushed on her clit."Yeah?" she asked momentarily before grinning at the proposal, "Let's find gear..." It was a rather bold idea to see Meg have some piercings of her own, although she never considered such things until half a year ago. She loved the idea of it but wondered where they could do such a thing. There wasn't a mall. Would Nea know such things? Would Nea evendosuch things for them? For now, it seemed like a naughty secret they should both be keeping between each other. Perhaps they could find something at the haunted hospital? Was it strange she managed to think that? Normalizing their current life?"Haah, haah," she let out a very audible breath as her passion oozed even into her passive functions, feeling each kiss on her knuckle setting lances of pleasure through her spine as they moved. She bit her lower lip as she put more of her hips into it, grinding harder into her. While not completelyclose,she wanted to get there soon as she heard Meg. Her fingers worked their way into Meg's hair as her thumb brushed on her cheek. It was tempting to just close her eyes and focus on the feelings alone, they were enough to be more than distracting, she wanted to see Meg too. Despite being so undone by their passions, it was perhaps where Meg was genuine without being dressed even by societal composure. She was so beautiful in her glow"Fuck, Meg," she said without any filter, letting out a simple vulgar word to describe that feeling she almost thought she had forgotten surface again.
Meg's head tilted to the side slightly as Feng squeezed her hand, and she made a soft whining sound, grinning like an idiot. As much as she liked getting her hands all over Feng's naughty bits and she liked it alot there was something deeply comforting about the sensation of Feng's grip, the sound of her voice, the feeling of her pulse her verylife.Still, Meg realized with a pang of sheepish guilt that whilesheenjoyed it, Feng herself probably didn't get much out of Meg's hand sitting at the crook of her ribs. Meg's hand ran down Feng's side reassuringly, stroking her hip, before running back up to her chest and over her breast again. She squeezed it gently, the tip of her thumb playing with the piercing, before moving to the other breast to give it the same treatment. Not very creative, after everything else she'd done, but there wasn't time for anything complicated. Meg was getting close, and it was too late for her to stop it.Meg wasn't sure she'd be able to get a piercing here. Even if they could find equipment, she didn't think she or Feng had the skills to do it right. Really, she was just joking about grinding her clit on Feng's piercing and on that thought, she dragged herself hard over Feng's lips again, moaning, the hard metal stimulating her sensitive nub despite howslickit had gotten between the two of them. When she felt Feng's hand on her head, she reached up and covered it with her own, pushing Feng's fingers deeper into her hair. It was tangled and dirty from countless trials and at any other time Meg would embarrassed to have anyone touching it, but she wanted Feng to have access to every part of her, even the dirty little details. She turned her head slightly, just enough to shift Feng's grip and slide her thumb along her cheek to Meg's lips. She kissed it for a moment, then took the first knuckle into her mouth, suckling and running her tongue over the digit before releasing it and let it smear her cheek with saliva.To hell with it. If they found a way, maybe she'd get a piercing too. Why not."Y yeah," Meg whispered breathlessly, feeling something give way within her. "F f oh,fuck, oh !"Meg's hand tightened on Feng's as every muscle in her body went taut. Her back arched, pushing her hips into Feng's one last time, and she belted out a scream of pleasure as the orgasm ripped through her. Even as she did, she struggled to keep her eyes open, looking down at Feng's face, not wanting to miss the other woman's pleasure.
Despite having Meg's warm hand on her, Feng still managed to shiver when she felt that hand slowly slip past her as it brushed on her skin, like she was suddenlynakedwherever Megdidn'ttouch her. She gasped when her breasts her squeezed, coaxing her to let out a weak moan and she turned to give her a glance. She was too enthralled and intoxicated by Meg's attention, she almost found it hard to keep her half lidded eyes trained on her as her shallow breaths became more and more audible. At this point, even the small gesture was doing a lot to her and her body, compounded by this heavenly warmth they were sharing together joined at their slick lips.She had been avoiding it previously but as their grinding had gone on, she began to centre her grinding more toward their clitoris than anywhere else. Feng whimpered and grunted each time her metal piercing ran over Meg's sensitive spot while it was reciprocated almost two fold on her. There were a few times she found herself rolling her eyes back, thinking that this might have been more than enough for her before she slowly crawled back to the edge of orgasm. Oh, she was so close. With that in mind, she redoubled her efforts, circling aggressively on that feeling so that they could be pushed over the edge. Her hand dug into Meg's hair, losing any consideration as she held on to almost as a grip, pulling at Meg's hair as she ground into her.Feng threw her head back when she felt that tongue on her thumb, perhaps awakening that sensation that she had missed when it came to kissing Meg deeply, despite it was just a few moments ago. It was perhaps enough to throw her over the edge as she worked her hips vigorously. She fought for air as she tried to tell Meg she was getting close, losing all sense and meaning as she couldn't articulately herself. "Ahhn! Fuck! Fuck!FUCK! M meg!MMMEG!"She squeezed her eyes tightly shut for a moment as she felt her muscles seemingly lock up tightly before snapping her eyes wide open just in time to catch that returned glance from Meg as she screamed out her orgasm to its fullest as she felt almost like a tidal wave had struck her internally. She didn't stop however as her body had perhaps bound to memory enough to keep grinding on Meg and never letting up.
Meg shook, then shivered after the crest of her orgasm had passed, leaving raw vulnerability behind. She shuddered as Feng continued to grind on that sensitivity, struggling to last through it, but in a moment the strength drained out of her body. She pitched forward, only the hand holding Feng's stopping her from collapsing directly on top of her. She released a stuttering moan, opening her eyes and looking down at Feng, then bit down on her lower lip. Her hips slowed, riding the momentum to a natural conclusion, before finally coming to a stop and rolling off to the side, falling on her back beside Feng. She could feel the cool air on her wet genitals. She could feel it on a good bit of her thighs as well. They'd made amess."God," she whispered, her chest rising and falling with her deep breaths. She put her free hand to her forehead, blinking rapidly, but kept the other clasped in Feng's grip. Once she could feel enough strength in her body again, she rolled to the side, pressing her body against the other girl, feeling the warmth of their naked skin on each other. She finally released Feng's hands, using both of her own to pull her body into an embrace."God,Feng. That was..."Meg trailed off, then chuckled to herself. She pressed her forehead against Feng's and giggled softly. She only meant to do so for a moment, but she couldn't stop. How did this happen? How did this happenhere?It was ridiculous, absurd, unbelievable. But it did. She could feel Feng pressed against her...and she wasn't going anywhere."I guess if the killer didn't hearthat,then...we must be safe, for now," she whispered. She closed her eyes and squeezed Feng, enjoying the feeling of her warm body in her grip. "Hell of a way to find out, huh?"
Feng was almost so determined to keep going until it was truly over. The moment almost lasted an eternity for her until she eventually got the hint from Meg. Her gaze was almost fixated on Meg, although her mind might have been entirely lost in the euphoria of the orgasm that she wasn'tfullyfocused on her during that blissful moment. She finally looked away as she felt Meg move and laid down on the bed just as she rested beside her. It seemed like she was finally able to catch her breath, exhausted but quite pleased at the same time. She did let out a small shiver, feeling quite naked again without Meg against her and sharing that carnal warmth together. While she might later feelickyabout the mess that they've made together, it was a sensation she already found herself missing. Her hand roamed around her hips curiously, although straying away from anywhere that wassensitiveat the moment, feeling the wet skin on her thighs and finding that the ends of her garter belt straps might have found themselves soak as a side effect. They likely would have needed to find some new clothes after this. And a shower. She did really like that blue lingerie set she found, however.Her hand gave Meg's a squeeze as she turned on her eyes to face her meet her. Feng's gaze roamed Meg's body before it soon found itself back on her eyes, finding herself still admiring her beauty despite getting more than an eyeful tonight. It was at least it was a testament of how enthralled and in love she was with the other woman. She brought her into a hug when she released her hand, Feng wasn't entirely ready to release Meg just yet either. Looking back at her eyes, she gave her a small smile as her eyes lit up, seeking her answer as she completed her sentence once more tonight, "...awesome?Gee, Gee?"Feng didn't know what she was laughing about. It wasn't so much just the laughter that was infectious but the genuine sensation of joy and happiness, something she had almost all but forgotten about during her time here. She let a giggle but she couldn't hold herself back from stealing another quick kiss from Meg during this opportunity when they found themselves face to face. It wouldn't be the last, she was quite sure, but she still wanted to take advantage of every moment they had together. On that thought, she did steal a second smooch from her lips."For now," she repeated Meg's words with a sheepish smile. Her eye roamed around, looking outside the window in the room for the answers. There were other houses in this supposed dark mirror of a neighbourhood. "Or maybe the killer thinks we're looking for hatch? Should we even try getting back with the others yet?"
"Gee gee,"Meg agreed, grinning. She returned each kiss, then squeezed Feng again, pressing her nose into the hair and inhaling her scent.She was loathe to let go of Feng, instinctively wanting to lie there and cuddle forever or at least until the warm and fuzzy feeling passed. Reluctantly, though, she extricated herself from the embrace and dropped off the bed into a crouch, approaching the window and carefully peeking outside over the sill. Even from this vantage point, though, she didn't see anything. Buildings, but no lights or generators, and definitely no moving shapes whether the furtive, cautious movements of fellow survivors or the purposeful, confident strides of a killer. Surelysomeonewould have heard them and investigated, if there was anyone in earshot."Maybe thereisn'ta killer," Meg said, leaning back from the window and looking at Feng. "Maybe we found this place during its, hours,or something. Maybe the others are escaping the Trapper somewhere else, or something like that."Meg moved back to the bed, sitting on the side and gently laying a hand on Feng's hip. "Do you ever feel like there's somethingbiggergoing on? Like something keeps putting us and these killers together? Sometimes I feel like something's watching us running and dying. Like a game, you know?"She grinned. "Maybe we gave it something better to watch, huh?"She chuckled, but then her grin disappeared. "Actually, that's weird and gross. I shouldn't have said that."
As Meg moved off from their embrace, Feng couldn't help but pout behind her back as she made her way to the window. Of course, her eyes couldn't help but dip towards her lovely enticing bottom and the stockings that still adorned her legs. She did eventually looked to the window curiously, perhaps only remember later that they weren't exactly in the clear and still in this twisted dimension that they currently found their existence. While it was nice that they found this particular bedroom and its treasure trove of boudoir goods, it probably wasn't truly ever anyone's bedroom. Not from the reality they came from."What?" Feng said at first with a tilt of her head as she tried to follow along with what Meg had in mind. It wasn't quite the campfire and that was the only off hours she could think of. It would have been nice if there were given actual rooms, that hobo with the beard was starting to creep her out, the name really escaped her at the moment. "Uhm, do you think this place has server maintenance? A patch download, maybe?"Like a game.What Meg said started to make more sense when she started to compartmentalize what was happening to them as if it was a game of some sort, a very sick one that was being played on them. Despite Meg trying to shrug it off, Feng might have continued to dive into the strange idea of it all. How much of this was like a game and what could they do to turn that to their advantage? Were there bugs? Were there exploits? "Like we are trapped in a game orsomeoneis playing a killer? We justrespawnevery time? What are our abilities...what are ourultimates?"Consumed by the idea, it perhaps took her longer than usual to noticed the hand on her hip. She placed her hand over Meg, her fingers trying to find its way between Meg's own. Her hand found itself on her knee, feeling the material of the stocking on her thigh and perhaps where it was soaked. She smirked faintly at Meg. "Maybe wecrashedthe game with all the fun we had?"
"I don't even know what most of that means," Meg chuckled. She vaguely understood enough of those terms to know Feng was talking about video games again, because of course that's what she'd think when she heard the wordgame.Meg felt silly not for specifying."Back in high school, I was on the basketball team," she said. She ran her hand up and down Feng's thigh a couple of times, but her eyes were distant, lost in memory. "We'd go against other schools, and everyone on the team liked it, and everyone ontheirteam liked it, but none of us were in control, you know? The ones organizing the games weren't the ones playing it. They did it because it was their jobs or because they could sell tickets or, or because the school would look better if we got sports scholarships, or...I don't know. The point is, I don't know if the killers have any more control here than we do. Sometimes it seems like something is holding them back, making them give us a chance. Maybe they're prisoners, too."She leaned forward and frowned, brow furrowing, idly fiddling with one braid. "I feel like there's somethingbigger.Something pulling all the strings, watching us, putting us in these...thesewar games,thisblood sport,but why? What does it get out of it? Does it just watch us? Is all of our running and screaming and dying justentertainment?And if thereissomething bigger in control, how do we fight it? How do webeatit? How do we getout?"Meg bit her lower lip and stared into the distance, hand now resting lip on Feng's thigh.
Feng gave Meg a momentary pout when she said she didn't understand her, especially when she was using plain English. If there was only a computer or even a console somewhere she could educate Meg on a few things. However, she did understand the competition analogy easily enough, albeit she competed in games rather than sports. Her manager would set up her team to the next competition or venue, sometimes change whatever game that was being played if it was making enough waves in e sports. While she got paid well, there was someone out there who was likely making a bigger cut, most likely the arenas or her sponsors.When Meg's hand stopped moving, she laid her hand atop of hers and gave her reassuring squeeze. A part of her wanted to say that she was being silly and cooking up conspiracy theories that she found from spending too much time on the dark web. However, things have been too strange for them to know what really made sense anymore. They weren't kidnapped by just anyone but some sort of elaborate scheme with resources beyond imagination to make these full sized arenas where the trials took place and god like powers to have control even over death. "It is very obvious there something bigger, you are right!"She bit her lower lip in thought trying to get her mind over the possibility of this all being true. While it did shed some potential light on their situation, it also seemed like it made it all the more daunting at the same time. "But if it's true that even killers don't have control, what are our chances then? Not alone. Do you think they know some things we don't and we might know something they don't?""Do we..." She said before giving a shudder she couldn't even contain her dread as she forced herself to speak her mind. " you think we might actually have a better chance out of here if we have themhelpus? There is always more of us than them. Do you think they never see each other like we do at the camp fire?"
Meg is clearly distracted, but her hand turns over to hold Feng's and squeezes back. She keeps staring into empty space, a pensive frown on her face, until Feng speaks. Slowly, she turns to look at Feng, her eyebrows raised."You...want to try workingwiththe killer? You think they could help us? Feng, that's...that'sgenius!You're right, they've got to know something we don't!" Meg had faced a lot of trouble in her life. As a rule, when something stood in her way, she pushed through it. She was either faster or stronger or just more stubborn than the other side. She knew Feng had some of that, too they were both competitive at heart. But while Meg didn't know much about video games, she'd inferred just enough to know Feng's success wasn't just in pushing herself harder, but in understanding the rules of the game. Meg could workaroundthe rules of a game, but Feng knew how to make them workforher."Dotheyhave a campfire? I don't know. I've never seen them working together. Maybe that's how we get them to help us they're probably completely alone. We have to ask the right ones, though. I think the one with the traps might help he looks like he's been tortured, he probably wants to get out just like us. But that guy in the overalls with the white face..." Meg's stomach churned just thinking about him, and she nervously glanced at the window and the bedroom door, half expecting to see him standing there and watching them. "...we just have to be careful."But you're right." She turned back to Feng with a smile. "I think you're right. I think that's how we get out of here."
Feng widened her eyes for a moment when Meg was taken to her idea, rather surprised she bought into. It was a bit of a short in the dark, all things considered. When Meg has begun her train of thought, it certainly made Feng consider their situation in a different light and that of the killers. However, she wasn'tcompletelyconfident with her own idea. The memory of their cruelty and their heartlessness were still fresh in her mind, perhaps some of the worst offences buried in the recesses of her memories. She didn't dare spoil her happiness with Meg with digging into that again. However, she was going to consider every possibility and potentially even any exploits in this "game". There wasn't ever an unbeatable game in her mind. Shealmostthought that she really had nothing to lose in all of this.Almost. Her gaze looked at Meg longingly as she gave her hand a small squeeze, knowing full well that she did have something to lose after all.She smiled back at her and giggle, "That's something we should think about! Maybe it will crash the game if we can do that? We aren't supposed to ever work together. That's whattheywant. We probably want the same thing, we're always fighting, that's all," she bobbed her head a few time to give her a sure nod at that thought. It wasn't going to be easy, probably bound to take a lot of work to go against the general flow of the trials that they've been used to doing for so long. Getting out of here was going to be hard, but it was going to be worth it."For now, maybe we should go and see if we can get back to the camp? Maybe the others should know?" She proposed before she slipped off the bed and her hands roamed around under the bed to find her stockings and panties once more. Once she was able to find them, she slipped back on gingerly. The only difference this time to when they were first dressing, Feng wasn't particularly shy about hiding her body or in a hurry to get dressed, this was a sight that Meg was fully entitled to enjoy.
"Oh, yeah!" Meg said enthusiastically. "We need to get everyone on this. Maybe some of them have some ideas too, now that we're gonna usecrazyplans."Despite her cynical language, Meg was clearly excited Feng could hear it in her voice and see it in her eyes. She almost jumped off the bed, ready to find her way back to the campfire, but stopped when she saw Feng gather up her discarded lingerie. She watched Feng dress, a small but cheeky smile on her lips, shamelessly enjoying the sight. Equally shamelessly, she leaned back, making no attempt to hide herself until Feng was done and she started looking for her underwear as well, making a show of pulling it on slowly."You know..." Meg said as she stood up, then hesitated. Stepping closer to Feng, she grabbed both her hands, interlacing Feng's fingers with Meg's own. "You know, if it were just me,evenif I thought of this myself, I...I'dnevertry this. Even though I've got nothing to lose. You just...make me think the impossible is possible."She smiled, then leaned forward and kissed Feng on the lips. Leaning back, she smiled sweetly, then looked down at her chest."Oh, goddamn it," she muttered. Her nipples were poking through the sheer babydoll again. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "This is going to be embarrassing when we get back to the campfire."
Feng would certainly catch a glance back at Meg with a sly smile on her lips as she slipped her stockings back to where they were before figuring out how to attach her garter belts on once more. The lingerie items themselves were sexy on their own but Meg's gaze went a long way to make Feng feel evensexierin them. They likely could have spent all night searching through that racy closet now that they've breached certain boundaries in their relationship and were open with their feelings for each other. However, there were more pressing things to do at the moment."Mm?" She said curiously at first as the looked to Meg's hand, happily surrendering her own hands to hers, and trailing her gaze upwards before she was looking at her pretty face. "And...I just make mehappy, Meg. I can't ever feel sad with you."I love you, she thought in her head but it didn't seem like it needed to be said openly this time around. She was sure that Meg knew and felt that with her hands taking her own, giving her fingers a small squeeze as they shared that tender kiss with each other.Feng looked down and burst out in a quick giggle. Her eyes widened for a moment as if to invite a challenge. "And?So? They can look all they want. So what if they can see, they can't touch orfeellike we have." She said as one hand slipped from Meg's and she reached to her bared breasts, giving a slight tweak of her pierced nipple. It was going to even more fun if Meg ever got a set. Of course, she also meant their feelings for each other too.She smirked at her and slipped out from her grasp to quickly done her rhinestone and diamond bra, which fit just right on her like before. Meg wasn't kept waiting too long as Feng's hand found its way back to Meg, locking her fingers through hers. "Ready!"
Meg chuckled. "You know what? You're right. They should be grateful they even get to look at this. If they have a problem fuck'em." She smiled at Feng. "I don't need to worry if I have you with me."She squeezed Feng's hand, holding her gaze, and her smile widened. After a moment, she stepped closer, then wrapped her other arm gently around Feng's shoulders, holding her close. She pressed her forehead against Feng's, looking into her eyes, enjoying the closeness, that connection and warmth despite the subtly surreal, alien world around her. That was out there, but what mattered was inhere."Ready,"she whispered, then stepped toward the door, still holding Feng's hand, the first steps on the path that would lead them out of this nightmare for good. | 63 | ['Thomasremembered'] |
12 | | This isn't quite the magic (Trapcest x DonVoltonus) | The portal had opened suddenly, a strange magic behind it, something unfamiliar, possibly even dangerous. The energy around it seemed to ripple and crackle, threatening to lash out at anybody who got too close. Just when it seemed that this was possibly some kind of threat though, the portal flashed in an almost blinding light, a figure practically launching out of it and slamming into the ground, then as soon as it had appeared it vanished, the portal gone as if it were never there in the first place, leaving no trace of itself but the mysterious figure that had been left behind.The blue figure groaned slightly as she began to sit up, reaching up and rubbing at her head. " I?" She looked around slowly. She looked confused, very confused, though she had every reason to be. She not only had no idea where she was, she had no idea where she had come from, how she had got here, infact she couldn't remember anything at all besides a name, a name she assumed was her own, Alicia.Even her clothes were strange, or what could pass as clothes. They were little more than rags really, barely enough to cover up her chest and mid sections, leaving the rest of a slim figure and bushy tail more than exposed.
AliciaShe would find herself in a dusty canyon, the air warm and dry, the sun hidden by some wispy clouds that looked like they were growing thicker. There didn't seem to be much choice but to pick a direction and start walking.
Alicia licked her lips and swallowed as the heat started to make her throat feel dry, was she maybe not used to this kind of heat? Had she come from somewhere colder? She wished she could remember.As she looked to the sky, almost as if for answers, she saw the clouds and didn't entirely like the look of them. Deciding she needed to try and find some shelter at least, she just looked back to the horizon and began walking, keeping her eyes open for any signs of civilisation.
A dark shadow zipped overhead, along with a deep buzzing sound, though if she looked, she would see nothing above her.Up ahead, she would see what looked like a little camp of nude ponies, all sitting around and chatting pleasantly.
Alicia quickly looked up as she thought she heard something, or at least thought she heard something, but saw nothing. Maybe her mind was playing tricks, given the state her mind was in right now, broken and full of holes, that didn't seem too unlikely.Distracting her from that though was the sight of a camp, happy voices carrying on the wind, Alicia gasped, then quickly began running towards it. "H hello!?"
Suddenly, they all turned with a hiss, bodies flashing green as they changed form into a group of strange, insect hybrid futas. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" The all started moving towards her, moving to surround her.
"What?!" Alicia stopped and cried out as they changed, gasping in shock and fright at their appearance. " stay away!" She tried to back away, but they were already surrounding her. "Please just stay away!"
"Relax cutie, we're just going to show you a" One smirks, as another grabs her from behind, ripping off her tattered shirt to fondle her breasts.
"N no! No get back!" Alicia squeaked as her shirt was ripped away, her firm breasts bouncing free for a moment before being suddenly grabbed. "G get off me! Wh who are you?! Why are you doing this?!"
They all surrounded her, stroking their cocks. "Just relax" "We'll show you a good time girl" They smirk, the one behind her sliding her green cock between Alicia's legs.
Alicia squirmed and tried to jump away as one of them slid something between her legs, her tail flicking wildly as she tried to break free from the group.
They had her help quite well, pushing her down, cocks being stuck in her face. "Come on then, be a nice girl and we'll treat you right."
"Yah!" Alicia squeaked out as she was pushed down, attempting to turn away from the cocks being pushed towards her face, but no matter what direction she turned there was another one waiting, one turn of her head bringing her lips right against the tip of one of them, whilst the motion caused her now exposed breasts to bounce and jiggle.
A changeling grabbed her head, rubbing their dick against her lips and glazing them with sweet precum. Another tore of her remaining clothes, exposing her slit to the air.
Alicia involuntarily cried out as her clothes were torn, her body being exposed to the cool night, though that also caused her mouth to open, allowing the cock at her lips to easily push into her mouth.
The oddly sweet musk of their cock filled her mouth, another changling thrusting into her pussy, and two more pulling her hands over to their dicks.
Alicia let out a muffled cry as something suddenly thrust into her pussy, her head moving forward and being forced to take even more cock into her mouth. She was so distracted she didn't even notice her hands being moved, offering up no resistance, though she seemed to clutch at the cocks when they were in her palms, squeezing at them tightly whether she meant to or not.
The changelings laughed, chattering between themselves as they fucked the poor pony girl, flared cocks filling her mouth and cunt with salty, musky precum.
Alicia was making muffled gagging noises as the cock started to pump down her throat, the other pushing deep into her pussy, stretching out her tight body, though she was squeezing at the cock so tightly that none of the pre cum spurting into her pussy was able to escape, only being pushed deeper inside of her.
The man behind her groaned, hot green slime squirting inside her cunt. The changeling moved, only a bit of seed leaking out before another thrust into her to replace them.
Alicia's let out a muffled squeal as she felt something hot and thick pumping inside of her pussy. Even without her memories she knew what that could possibly mean. She attempted to shake her head, muffledly telling them not to cum inside of her, not to impregnate her, but she couldn't talk around the cock in her mouth, and in barely a moment one cock had been replaced by another, her quivering body quickly sucking it inside.
They seemed to chuckle at her struggling around, and soon her mouth was flooded with oddly sweet, slimy cum, much of it pouring down her throat.
Alicia gurgled as the cum flooded into her mouth, attempting to spit it out, but the cock was still too snugly held by her lips, leaving her with little choice but to let it pour down her throat and fill her stomach. | 23 | [] |
13 | | Black Butler (Ezra and wiki234) | Emilysat in the library of the Flintwood Manor, it had been hard times as of recent date many things had happened resulting in her being the soul survivor of the Flintwood family, and as a result of that. The new family head. It had been quiet as of then, the only residents had been her, a new staff of servants and a rather peculiar butler. She was sure that they were going about their own business, either tending to the ground, or trying and failing to steal some form of the silver ware. But as she sat there, she brought her hand up to her eye. It didn't feel any different. She had noticed the mark the first day after she had called upon the butler and it was anything but normal.Her once beautiful sea green eye was now branded with a complicated symbol she couldn't hope to make out by herself. But never the less she was British and so she continued on. She had her golden hair tied back into a pony tail, leaving a few strands to shape her jawline. Her pale skin was newly scared on her cheek and shoulders, though her dress covered that part of her body. She clicked her tongue before pulling on the black leather eye patch and covering the marked eye. Her appearance complete as Lady Flintwood.She caught her reflection in the mirror, the burn scars, her slightly longer than needed hair. The cold piercing look in her remaining green eye that seemed to poison those that annoyed her. She brought her hands up to her dress, adjusting the body of the grey fabric. Her hands were gloves in a fine silk that was delicate on the skin but the dark fabric added to the young lady's appearance she was trying to strike. All that was missing was that butler. Wherever he was roaming through the halls of the manor.
When there is an eventual purpose, there is an eventual time that purpose will reveal its deceiving form to those who fall into the hands of sin and madness hoping to find their own place of power in the world.Demons had known this well, and so submit to the selfish desires of humans to both give them and themselves some purpose which sebastian had finally been able to find a new position of power within the hatred of lady Emily who he had now served for the rest of his human life.For now at least he and the other servants of her house had set the latest preparations for the day, a new stock of ingredients just for today s lunch and dinner, as well as the general chores of the day to keep the mansion tidy.Sebastianwalked out the kitchen after checking the very stock for today and being at least satisfied that everything was going to plan, now looking to do anything else beside cleaning though would stop for anything he found around the place then.
Emily continued walking through the corridors before she started to descend the stairs, coming to a stop at the centre of the grand staircase. In the centre of it was a large portrait of her family, her father looking stern as ever and her mother tenderly holding a much younger Emily. "Hmm perhaps that will need to be changed in the future." She muttered to herself. After the last few stairs had been cleared she looked over the large door and the two corridors one to the left, one to the right. The manor always seemed too big for reason."Sebastian." She called out, her voice echoing over the corridors. She waited patiently for him to arrive, it wasn't as if she was in a hurry just yet. No it would take time to pull this off, but when it started she knew that there was no going back. If there was she wouldn't have made that deal. It would be worth it in the end, even if she was set to be dammed for the whole of the afterlife.But that, would be a very long way away if she had anything to say about it.Where is he...She slowly sat down on one of the steps as she waited. The only sound the ticking of a rather intricately designed grandfather clock.
Sebestian was on the other side of the hall, turning before hearing the voice and slowly coming in before appearing in front of her finally with a bow. my lady, I hope you slept well and there wasn t any problems. How may I serve. Giving a small smile as he waited with his hand across his chest, waiting for her command as he could feel her sinful aura through the air and her ever growing anger that was the only thing fueling her now. all the preparations for the day are set and finalized, and the shipments have luckily been on time so nothing to worry about for later.
Emily looked down her nose at the butler, her jaw tensed ever so slightly as she did before clearing her throat. She elegantly moved her her hand to her mouth as she did so. "Very good." She said as she peered over him once more with her one sea green eye. "Yes very good indeed." She closed the distance between the pair of them in a few short strides before she folded her arms. "Walk with me." Was all she said before she began to walk past him, her shoes clacking on the polished stone floor.
yes my lady. Bowing with a hand on his chest before waiting for her to walk past him before walking next to her with slow methodical steps that kept pace. The butler would decide not to speak with specifically asking of her plans for today as he obviously knew himself anyway but more to focus on her commands or any questions at all she had for him. Quietly they would walk, his white gloves hands kept to his side and a small on the corner of his lips obviously before a calm and obedient look washed over him as the smile disappeared and he was focused on any and all the words she had to say to him now or later.
"How long until this is over? Is it until i merely pass or is there a little loophole you can exploit to speed things up in the end?" She asked, wanting to get that out of the way first. Goodness knows that, that could put a hinderance on how she uses him. If he was going to leap at every chance to have at her it would effect the situations she puts herself in. "Or are you simply here to obey until i pass on and then that is it for the rest of eternity?"
Until your vengeance is fully complete, until the existential life aura of the one you find the most hatred in life is finally drained, then will my chains holding my spirit to a human life will be broken, your soul will be mine. Stopping for a moment and turning to explain. I am just your servant, there is no holding back to killing and destroying anyone who gets in your way, just say the word and that is it. I have no intention of grabbing at scraps when I can have everything in the end. You are my master, you are the only thing I will ever care for and not because of my selfish desire but because you are exactly that, a master who shows no fear or regret and is not afraid to get their hands a bit dirty at all. Bowing with a hand on his chest as he meant it.
Emily came to a stop, she didn't turn her head but her eye moved to the corner as it peered over him. "I see then that is all i can ask for now. Though there is no one to kill or end just yet." She said, a slight edge to her voice as though she was regretting have to admit that herself. "So far the only thing that i have to go off in finding them is a tattoo one of them had over the right side of their face. Whilst i would normally admit that it is not hard to find in London it is like trying to find a needle in a goddamn!" She closed her eye before taking in a deep breath. "It is like trying to find a needle in a haystack for the moment."
hmmm I could do some detective work myself, or I could always get answers directly....there has to be something oddly specific about the tattoo then at least for an obvious first clue even if it doesn t indeed lead anywhere. Giving the simple suggestion as he stopped when he did. I doubt that it s just for looks if it s that obvious unless they tried but couldn t find something that I might be able to myself.
Emily peered over her shoulder for a moment and gave a very small nod. "If you believe you can find something then by all means go on looking for it. The sooner they are busy rotting in the ground the better." She then drummed her side for a moment, the faint tapping of cloth on cloth. "Though if you do find out who it is, do not kill them. I wish to be there and look into their eyes and make them regret dealing with the Flintwoods."
well it will take sometime but even then, it will be the first link if I even manage to find something there has to be a much deeper chain of command, but should I find someone who knows something I shall bring them back here then or hold them hostage until you come of course my lady. Turning to give a bow before following to walk with her again unless she would say something for him to go.
Emily let out a small sigh as they walked for a little bit more. "If that is what can be done then perhaps it is the best thing to do." She muttered to herself. "What if i went with you?" She asked her before coming to a stop at a large glass room with various wild plants inside it and a few more of the exotic animals. "I did receive a letter from her majesty the Queen, so it would not be outside the realm of possibility for me to visit the city so soon after..." She trailed off disappointed in herself that it still struck a nerve. "It means you can search, i can get this business dealt with and we kill two birds with one very sharp and efficient stone."
even then there s a possibility of someone knowing or finding us out and either directly going after you when I m not there or possibly waiting with a trap but I guess it should be fine anyway. I would rather be there for your business first and look around after. Deciding to do that then. is there anything you will need? Or shall I wait for your word for us to go? Not having to do anything for the moment.
Emily nodded before turning to him. "Then pack my things, we shall be leaving before dark." She said to him as she began to walk away chewing the inside of her cheek as she did so. She would get the job in London done quickly in order for them to look around early. Or perhaps the people she knows in the city can inform her of the goings on in the city.
yes my lady. Standing to the side with a bow and a hand to his chest as he would leave from her and go up himself up to her room and pack some of her things even if he felt a bit somewhat awkward but otherwise not caring as he packed fast just to be done and have plenty of time to do other things of course before they would leave. As the time would come, Emily would just see him coming down now with her things.
Emily was dressed for travelling, she had a black coat on that exposed the cuffs of her shirt, and was wearing a more fitting dress that allowed freer movement. Her hair was neatly tied up before nodding at Sebastian. "Very good." She said before climbing into the carriage and waiting for her butler to enter. Once he did there was a crack of a whip and the horses began to move along the path with little difficulty as they made their way to London.She was rather quiet for the moment, merely watching the vast countryside around them as she drummed a rhythm lightly on her leg. It was nothing special, but for some reason she found comfort in the soft tune.
Sebastian then was mostly himself as well, watching boredly out as he sat across with his arm against the window as he leaned over just to look out and obviously waiting to get there not having anything to say or do for the time.
Once they had arrived in the city there would be the grand city of London around them. The smell of the streets and the people was certainly vastly different from what she had become use to in the country side, but non the less Emily stepped out of the carriage and adjusted her finely tailored coat. "Hmm.." She snapped her head from side to side taking into account the house they were staying in at the moment, which was nothing compared to the manor. She had given Sebastian a run down on the way about who they were looking for, what business was to be conducted. A thievery... of a peculiar kind from the Royal Jewellers. | 19 | ['Flintwood'] |
14 | | Dark Horse (Mim and Grimoire) | Autumn always bored Peeves. The worst he could do was track in mud from outside. Winter brought snow and he could pelt the students with slush or ice, spring brought the rains and soggy students looking to get dry only to find themselves pelted with water balloons. What did autumn have? Mud and leaves.Still, beginning of term was always better than the middle of the summer with no one but dear old Dumbles here, and he didn't mess with the headmaster. No, Dumbledore commanded even Peeves's respect. So with only ghosts and Filch to harass for three long months, autumn was refreshing in that he had so many more potential targets.Term begun nearly a month prior, and everyone seemed to be into the swing of things by now. The students had settled in old friends reunited and new friends being made. Being a Monday morning, it was clear enough that Peeves's solemn duty was to help students start the week off right. The poltergeist was just trying to decide who to start with. Ickle firsties were always fun, but too easy. He wanted to start the year off with a bang , but the Weasley twins had gone and he just didn't feel that he could yet do their memory justice. He was bobbing along the ceiling of a busy corridor when he spotted one of his favorites. With a grin he darted down three floors to the potions supply room.Maggiepushed her way through the crowd toward her first class of the morning. She liked Charms and the kind professor who taught it. Of course, it was possible that being head of Ravenclaw that Professor Flitwick tended to favor her and a few of her friends, but Hermione Granger was a favorite too. People thought Hermione, who was in her year, to be naturally friends with most if not all Ravenclaws, but Maggie didn't actually know her that well.Someone waving caught her attention. Looking up, Maggie smiled and waved at Anthony Goldstein. She frowned, unable to make out what he was saying at this distance. She moved closer, but Anthony started pointing upwards.Slime. At the shock of the blow, Maggie had opened her mouth and got a mouthful of whatever it was Peeves had dumped on her. She understood a split second too late that Anthony had been trying to warn her. With a tired sigh, the sixth year wiped the slime out of her eyes and looked up to see Peeves cackle and blow a raspberry before zooming away. Shaking her head, she tried to wipe off as much as she could. Whatwasthis stuff, anyway? It smelled like it might be frog sputum...
Autumn when the Scottish air grew crisp and the first years burrowed themselves into thick piles of woolen knit in a vain attempt to keep the chill at bay. When the students hurried from class to class with a spring in their step and a playful bite to their words as they argued and quibbled over the most recent match of Quidditch. The fact that it was even Monday hadn't been able to dull the enthusiasm of the the lesser years, powered as they were by the limitless feasts that comprised a proper Hogwarts breakfast.Cutting through the crowd, as a cloud might through the rays of a morning sun,Blaise Zabinicut a harsh contrast with the rest of the student body, for more reasons than the obvious. He wasn't a fresh faced pale little Scot or Briton, but more than that he adopted a poise more expected of faculty than students. A crispness to his tie, a shine to leather shoes, every aspect of his presentation filed down to some grade of immaculate in the grand tradition of the vain. No buttons, no scarf even, and certainly no thick piles of woolen knit.Blaise took a steady but measured pace through Hogwarts' halls toward early morning Charms a dual session between Ravenclaw and Slytherin. He supposed he had never minded them overmuch with certain exceptions, there was something of a dignity to the house that, say, Hufflepuffs had in minute amounts and with which Gryffindor could hardly be bothered and get five house cup points for their troubles.The young wizard was about to step out into the hall just before charms when some unbidden thought stayed him just long enough for a splattering rain of some awful concoction or reagent to come pouring down on some poor soul, covering them in a green film of what could very possibly have been liquefiedfrog. Blaise curled a lip in distaste, and in the wake of the communal intake of breath as fresh first years leapt for cover and more seasoned veterans of the school merely acted to deflect the spray with their leather bags or the hems of their cloaks Blaise drew his wand. It was a fine dark oak construction, cored by the heartstring of a dragon, that leveled itself on Maggie and glittered brilliantly as only his voice was heard in that instant of silence."Scourgify," he said in a resonant basso, before he pocketed his wand as quickly as it had come.He kept walking, trailing stares a fair few Slytherins had already gathered for Charms, and were about to engage in a communal guffaw headed by weaselly Draco Malfoy himself before the spell had silenced them he didn't want to be late for class.
Maggie had been searching for her wand, trying not to spread the slime and make it worse, when suddenly she was clean again. With a blink of surprise, she signed thank you to her friend Adriana, who shook her head and jerked her thumb over her shoulder. She turned in time to catch Blaise Zabini's retreating back and a quick exchange confirmed his identity. They exchanged mildly surprised looks before heading inside.Not that all Slytherins were the same, of course, but they generally laughed hardest and most often at Peeves's pranks on her. She was used to being made fun of, naturally, and the poltergeist's torment had become near constant in her second year when he realized that he didn't have to sneak up on her to get one over on her. Though she secretly competed with him for top marks, Maggie otherwise didn't know Blaise from a hole in the ground and hadn't the foggiest as to why he might have an interest in helping her. This was the main topic of conversation until Professor Flitwick called on Adriana to answer a question she was unable to answer. With a stern look, but fortunately no points taken, he moved on and the girls fell silent.Further back in the classroom, a similar conversation was taking place. Draco took a seat next to Zabini and fixed him with a curious look. He seemed almost offended."What was that about?" he demanded in a hushed tone, leaning his head closer. "Peeves was brilliant what'd you go and ruin the fun for? She would've never been able to find her wand in the slime!" Draco knew her, as most others did, simply as "the deaf girl." He'd gone out of his way a few times to make her life harder, but mostly he let Peeves handle it. Retards were rarely worth his time unless he was bored.
For all his attention and devotion to his grades, Blaise still tended to sit a fair bit further back in the class than the average student. His chin settled in his hand, a quill held loose between two fingers, he was set for another round of casual note taking when Malfoy fetched up beside him, forcing some other SLytherin girl a little bit down the way in doing so. Blaise pretended not to notice for a careful two seconds, before dark eyes swayed Malfoy's way right around word "brilliant".Malfoy. Repulsive Draco Malfoy. Mr. "Blood Traitor", Lord "Mudblood". The spitting, sneering image of his father. Blaise couldn't even bring himself to disagree with some of those thoughts on principle it's just that the Malfoys had to be so unseemly and unprofessional about the whole thing. He'd have chalked it up to age if his family's hall hadn't known the pleasure of the Malfoys' company in summers past. At least he was better than some of the others Crabbe and Goyle came to mind. Mimicked malice was somehow worse than the genuine article."Mm. Her?" Blaise asked. He'd hardly paid any attention when he had cast his spell in fact, it was only by idle glances and furtive whispers that he'd caught on that the one he had spared Peeves' trickery had been one Maggie Cartwright. One of the cleverer Ravenclaw girls, and frankly beautiful were he to be honest with himself. Appealing, were it not for unfortunate circumstance.Dark eyes lighted briefly on the back of her head, trailing the length of her lovely golden braid before he followed inevitably back to Malfoy. Peeves' brand of humor had rotted in time with his corpse, but there were more diplomatic ways to say that."I thought I was doing a nicety for some second year it doesn't hurt to set a good example, Draco. I thought that was why we keep losing our House Cup." Blaise didn't care about that no one in their right mind did, but a certain subset of each house seemed to be rather pissy about it. "I can't imagine why it matters, anyway. Social niceties to other fine families how we all get along, mm?" He spoke it as if reciting it.
"Fine families?" Draco sputtered. He ducked his head a little as Flitwick looked up to see who wasn't focusing on practicing their spells. He leaned in and lowered his voice. "The Cartwrights? Surely you're joking."The Cartwrights were a pureblood family. Not Sacred Twenty Eight elite, sure enough, but still purebloods, and it was for that reason alone that those with pure blood mania like the Malfoys even bothered learning the name. But they were strictly middle class and only incidental rather than deliberate purebloods. It was well known that the mother had run off with a muggle co worker some ten years prior. Families like the Malfoys and the Blacks looked down on the Cartwrights with a mixture of disgust and pity, the way one might watch a homeless man talking to a lamp post."It's not exactly like she comes from good stock," Draco added darkly after quickly casting his charm to satisfy Flitwick that he was indeed practicing. "I didn't take you for having a soft spot for flailing retards."
Blaise stilled himself before Flitwick's gaze, seamlessly transitioning back into his notes before entertaining Malfoy with another side eyed look.It was true that the Cartwrights were not well regarded. And if one was being honest, at this stage of society... for a girl to have been born into such a family without something as basic as her ability tohear, something so fundamental to magic that many spells would simply backfire with the incorrect intonation... well, she might as well have been mudblooded to the grand majority of those that believed in blood purity. That her mother had gone and whored herself to a common Muggle had done little to endear her to others, and it had been avery popular rumor that Maggie wasn't a Cartwright by blood at all, that the cheating and cuckoldry had started well in advance of the Cartwright's most famous "divorce by mail".These were all things taught under the patient auspices of Bianca Zabini.At Draco's crass assessment of blood Blaise couldn't help but curl his lips at the Sacred Twenty Eight nonsense, for he knew what lingered in the back of Malfoy's mind no Zabini had ever graced that particular list Blaise shrugged one shoulder."Perhaps," Blaise allowed with a careless flick of his wand. "But then, that's the way of things these days. There are so many piecemeal pureblood families that it doesn't pay to be too petty. Having a match and seeing a bridge doesn't oblige you to burn it," Blaise said. "Besides, you know me better than that " he said with a touch of amusement, "I can't holdeveryone in as high regards as I do the Malfoys." A risky thing to say in response, but he was relatively certain Draco would miss that subtext. He wasn't a between the lines sort of man."But it cost me nothing to be kind."
"It can cost you your reputation to be kind," Draco rebutted. They had in their conversation missed the bell signaling the end of class, but with his trademark Malfoy smirk he jerked his chin down the stairs where other students were making their way past to leave. "Perfect example."Maggie was watching them, clearly intending to stop and talk on her way out. Well, what passed for talking for her. Draco had only heard her speak once, on accident when she and her friends had thought they were alone. It was loud and troll clumsy, and he and his friends had gotten weeks of entertainment from it.Maggie quickly signed something to Adriana, who nodded and waved goodbye but cast a doubtful glance at the over her shoulder. She gave Blaise a shy, awkward smile and waved hello before holding up a small slate board.Words appeared on it with a flick of her wand. I just wanted to thank you for helping me earlier. It was very kind of you. The magical chalk words in tidy, spidery cursive handwriting stayed on the board for a moment before wiping themselves away and being replaced with a new sentence.I'm Maggie.She quickly tucked her wand behind her ear and held out her hand to shake.Draco couldn't help but snicker and turned his face away from her so she couldn't see his mouth. "This is what kindness costs you," he said with a triumphant smirk, oblivious of Maggie's disapproving look. "Your dignity. See? She's got a crush on you now and you'll never be rid of her."
"I don't think my reputation so fragile," Blaise said with more than a hint of disdain. It was more of an issue to Malfoy than it ever would have been to Blaise, and it was of significant disappointment that he was sure he would be hearing about this all day long during group classes.As they reached the bottom of the stairs, side by side, Blaise halted in his steps. He opened his mouth to speak but was forestalled by a wave of lovely cursive, the sight of which provoked a small polite smile. He reached for her hand and took it firmly his grip was warm and smooth, firm but gentle as it subsumed her smaller hand. "Blaise Zabini," he said. He always spoke clearly and enunciated well, making his lips easier to read than those who preferred to mumble.He turned his head, leaning just so toward Malfoy as the other boy snickered."Draco. Go on I'll catch up," Blaise said within sight of Maggie's eyes, turning his attention back to her as he dropped his hand. There was a bit of spite in his heart, and it wasn't for her just then."It was no trouble. What is your next class? I'll see you partway Peeves enjoys his encores."
Draco arched an eyebrow, his face still turned away from Maggie. "Ten galleons if you ask her out," he challenged. "Fifty if you get her to put out. Double it if you do it before New Year." He patted him on the shoulder before turning back around when it wouldn't matter whether she could see his lips or not. "Think about it. I'll see you in Potions."Maggie smiled when he dropped her hand and offered to walk her to class. Taking her wand out from behind her ear, it twitched the tiniest bit and the board began to write again.I couldn't ask you to do that, she insisted.I saw he said your next class is Potions. I've got Arithmancy up on the seventh floor. It would take ages I don't want to make you late. Nevertheless, as she began to walk he walked with her. After some silence from the slate she held it up again.Not that I'm ungrateful...but why are you suddenly being nice to me? YouSlythShe seemed to be having trouble thinking of how to phrase her question.Draco Malfoy and his friends don't exactly have much sympathy for me when it comes to Peeves, and I thought you were friends with him.Maggie hadn't wanted it to sound accusatory. He'd never been mean, exactly he'd just never seemed to notice her existence before. If he had merely helped her clean up that would be one thing...but walking her to class? Unprecedented. A thought suddenly came to her, furrowing her brow briefly, and more words appeared. The handwriting was slightly thicker, as though she had pressed harder than was advisable on the chalk.If it's a trick or a joke, get the punchline over with. A pause.Please.It wouldn't be the first time someone, particularly a Slytherin, had shown her kindness as a joke. In first year Professor Flitwick had taught her to enchant her quill to transcribe the lecture long enough for her to take notes before disappearing, so that she would have the same advantage as hearing students and it wouldn't look like cheating. Before she had mastered this particular spell, Pansy Parkinson had volunteered to be her note taker in the three classes Ravenclaw and Slytherin shared. She and Draco had been caught in uncontrollable giggle fits when Maggie nearly broke down crying after receiving three failed tests on the same day.Blaise Zabini, arrogant though he seemed, also seemed to be above such pettiness and secretly she hoped he really was. Ravenclaws, believing strongly in pack bonding and recognizing the mental health benefits suggested by recent studies of bond building between like individuals, had agreed as a house several years ago to dedicate the first Saturday of every month to a voluntary boys only takeover of the common room, and the third Saturday to a girls only takeover. The second Saturday was coed, and it had quickly become a tradition which many participated in when they could, resulting in a tight knit house community. At least once a term on a girl's weekend the "if you had to do a Slytherin" game came up. There was no psychological benefit or team building aspect to it it was simply a slumber party type game that they played when it had gotten too late and too much butterbeer had been involved. Slytherin house to them seemed to be comprised of two groups: models, and those with troll ancestry, some more recent than others. Some girls considered personality and intellect in their choices Millicent Bullstrode, for example, despite falling into the troll group appeared to be passably intelligent, perhaps even slightly above average while others focused solely on physical traits. There were no wrong answers in the Slytherin Game, but one had to provide their reasoning.While a good number of Ravenclaw girls were convinced that Draco Malfoy and a boy named Calen Pratchett were both part Veela, Maggie's choice had always been Blaise.He's easily the most intelligent, was her usual argument before adding with a sly smile,and you could cut yourself on his cheekbones if you aren't careful.Not that she would ever tellhim this, of course. A thrill of cold fear ran through her and she glanced sideways at him what if someone elsehad? It was generally understood that Aerie Night was sacred, and nothing said in the common room ever left there, especially not the Slytherin Game. But they worked on the honor system, and Maggie's memory flashed back to Marietta, who had apparently told on the secret Defense Against the Dark Arts class Harry Potter had been teaching after hours. Just because they were fellow Ravenclaws didn't mean they couldn't be just as cruel as anyone else. Look at how much poor Luna got picked on. She glanced sideways at him, hoping he wasn't able to hear her heart thundering against her chest at the mortifying thought while waiting for his explanation.
What Blaise had managed in reply to Draco s challenge, but swiftly mastered his own shock, smoothing the very brief wrinkle in his poised expression. Very well, Draco see you there. Money? To bed the deaf girl? Was that child out of his mind? The thoughts came. Blaise had always prided himself on keeping well above the muck that the Malfoys, the Parkinsons, the Averies, and more seemed to keep thrusting themselves into. These children, playing at a politic they were given secondhand, a hand me down status quo that rankled Blaise. The Zabinis were a higher class, his mother had always insisted.But yet, Blaise could only rise so far above. On some level, even the brightest Hogwarts students were still just that: students. Children.And how sweet it might be to make Draco that much poorer for a trifling endeavor?He swept out of Charms with her, his hand touching very briefly on the small of her back as if to usher her through the thronging students just outside the room fourth year Ravenclaws, jockeying for front row seats. Once free of it, he turned dark eyes onto the blonde, catching the glow of her chalk against the slate. Draco Malfoy and his friends don't exactly have much sympathy for me when it comes to Peeves, and I thought you were friends with him. He had to be diplomatic. That was a key rule of Bianca Zabini.But he could have a little fun. He opened his mouth to have his fun when If it's a trick or a joke, get the punchline over with. A pause. Please. That was His eyes focused on hers briefly, struck by how blue they were. Not touched by any special malice, but merely the softness of a Zurich sky, a meltwater blue.He d never noticed. Why, yes. He does seem to think that, doesn t he? Blaise asked, remembering in time to turn his face toward hers enough that she could read his lips. Lips that spread into a handsome smile she didn t get to see that often, even admiring him from afar. In the Great Hall, perchance, at an occasional joke that trended more humorous than needlessly cruel. Our families are friends, Maggie, he said, turning dark eyes her way briefly. And though that may be, I'm not a part of his posse. I'm where I choose to be. They had made their way up a flight of stairs or two by now, and it was at the peak of one flight he paused, holding there as the two stood alone a moment. I apologize for their behavior. It's unbecoming of Slytherin, he said. He liked to believe that even if the Slytherin version of Aerie Night involved in depth discussions about which girls from other Houses they would fuck for fun, and which ones they would need to be drunk for. Cho sober, Maggie if very drunk, and Granger if she was drunk had been one consensus, a game Blaise was aware of but had refused participation.
Blaise caught her gaze and she easily returned it. His eyes were a liquid black, like dark pools of ink or the gap in the sky where the moon ought to be when it had completed its cycle and was hidden again from view. Intelligence and good looks certainly weren't all that mattered in a man, but the comparison made him admittedly more appealing. She wondered briefly where his ancestors hailed from the shape of his eyes spoke of Egypt and Mozambique, and though his mother had famously married an Italian trade goods magnate she wondered whether he had any connection to those roots. Her own people, she'd been told, were English and had always been English at least on her father's side, even before the Romans. She doubted they actually had proof of heritage from that far back the druids hadn't had a writing tradition, after all.She was distracted. Maggie blinked when she realized he was talking again and concentrated on the movement of his lips. It wasn't an unpleasant task. " I'm not a part of his posse. I'm where I choose to be." She nodded. Given what little she knew of him as a person, and what she could glean from his general demeanor, it made sense. At the top of the stairs he paused and apologized for Draco's behavior. She smiled but waved a hand dismissively.It's not yours to apologize for him,she insisted.We can control only our own actions, and therefore only apologize for our own. But it was very nice of you to say so anyway.She gave him another smile. It was at once a kind and cautious smile, hesitant, as though she was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop.I'm all for intrahouse unity, she said,but I think after a certain point it divides us more than unites us. Malfoy's behavior is unbecoming a civilized person, not just a Slytherin.She shrugged and continued up the stairs.He's not the only one, and it certainly isn't behavior confined to Slytherins it simply seems to be more common in them. I'm pleased to find that you appear to be an exception.
Her thoughts, spelled out as plain as day on the slate, gave Blaise a momentary pause. It wasn't lost on him how easy it was to say the right thing through the medium of text, to cultivate one's thoughts in such a way that they could appeal most greatly to the other's sensibilities. One could provide a window to one's best self or if sufficiently clever a mirror to the best self of the recipient. No impulsiveness, no misconstrued meaning, lest one was a poor writer. Calligraphy was a noble's game for many reasons, but... she didn't seem the type to treat it that way, not least of which because she did it as naturally as he would speak.And yet, she said precisely the right thing to precisely the right person.It wasn't spiteful, or petty, or vengeful many of the other houses had every reason to be any of the three when it came to Draco. It was just... refreshingly honest and blunt in a way he wasn't used to.He laughed a warm and basso sound, full of richness. But she couldn't experience that no, she could but enjoy the crinkle on either side of his eyes, the whiteness of his teeth against the pleasant dark of his skin. The way his hands briefly resettled over his hips in a subconscious motion to keep from moving too much."I've never understood this concept of the Houses and their competition, I'll admit men into their sixties still carry their pennants with pride, and yet it hardly seems to matter. The connections we forge seem so much more important than the ones we'regiven. It's why I've always appreciated Ravenclaws I assume that kernel of information is one bit of the knowledge so cherished. Had I learned it sooner, I might wear blue and bronze though I do tend to prefer the brilliance of green, as a rule of fashion," Blaise said with a self effacing little smile.
Maggie paused on the stairs again when she caught the flash of brilliance and flutter of motion out of the corner of her eye.Did you just laugh? There was an unnameable quality to the handwriting that possibly indicated incredulity. Her lips pulled into a slow smile of her own, larger and less cautious than before.I don't think I've seen you laugh before, what little I've seen of you. No don't stop.Her eyes flicked to his hands at his hips and she gestured to them.Never try to control laughter. Bad for the soul and repression of the most powerful magic of all.She winked conspiratorially.Plus my Nan always says that if you try and control laughter you'll explode. We've almost made it to graduation without You Know Who blowing us up trying to get to Harry Potter I wouldn't risk it if I were you.She didn't know what she had said that was so funny, but if it had made someone laugh she wasn't going to question it. When Blaise talked about the connections they forged she nodded.There are even a good number of Ravenclaws who haven't figured this out yet,she wrote. At his joke about fashion she chuckled. It was more an exhale of air with slight vocalization on an inhale, but most definitely identifiable as laughter.You do look good in green, she agreed, before mentally kicking herself and working to keep her face still as though she hadn't realized too late that that could have come off sounding flirtatious.I like green too, and purple. They make a good combination. I think blue makes me look too pale, honestly, especially in combination with all of the black. But what can you do?Her shrugs were exaggerated, more out of habit in using them as punctuation than anything.After a pause she chose to interpret as comfortable she looked at him.So do you know some secret passage to the dungeons from all the way up here? I can't imagine you're going to be on time.
"I wouldn't count on anything with Potter's luck," Blaise said as she brought up the ever looming specter of Voldemort. He couldn't bring himself to foreshorten the name, aloud or in the back of his head. It was a sticking point of personal pride, a bit of stubbornness that hadn't endeared him to certain Slytherins for his seeming lack of deference. "It does seem to be rubbing off on all of us as of late," Blaise said, his smile sobering a touch.He walked with her in companionable silence for a moment or two longer, casting his dark eyes sideways to catch the script of her slate. It was an odd little quirk, one that reminded him of his days when he was younger nose stuffed in a book as he traipsed around the Zabini estate, so familiar with its myriad twists and turns that he didn't need to spare it so much as a glance as he followed the book wherever he went. Old skills died hard, and he seemed to have no real trouble at all in keeping pace with her in spite of it."It fits you, though. It goes well with your eyes," Blaise said, and he took no attempt to make that sound any less flirtatious than it was. Besides it was honest, juxtaposing meltwater blue with the deep navies of Ravenclaw They'd reached near the seventh floor now, and he chanced a glance down the stairwells toward the dungeon. He smiled faintly, drumming his fingers across the banister of the stairwell."I'll manage, Maggie. I always do. Professor Slughorn has something of a soft spot for me, so I'm certain he can let this slide once, mm?" He glanced back her way, his smile a handsome and warm one. "Though it would probably do for me to hurry along in a moment. We'll have to speak again soon, mm?"
Maggie's own smile faded a little when Blaise mentioned that Harry Poter's luck seemed to be rubbing off on them all lately. She rubbed her neck and the smile turned nervous they lived in dark times, and certainly had darker ahead. She knew there were a fair few people Blaise knew more than casually who wanted her dead, just for her family circumstances. Angry though she was at her mother and her father she would never wish either of them dead, not for all the world. And certainly not on the basis of an accidental circumstance of birth.I guess I'm just grateful I'm safe, she replied at length.For now, anyway. And that people don't seem to take the rumors very seriously.She wasn't aware that most if not all of Slytherin house took them as gospel truth. It was the only way to accept anyone with Burke blood would have Muggle sympathies the way she did.But school is difficult enough as it is let's set that aside.She waved a hand as though clearing the air and pulled on another smile. Knowing who he did and being who he was, it would probably be a touchy subject, should they ever become closer friends. No sense in starting off on the wrong foot now.They turned to the topic of colors and Blaise complimented her eyes. Maggie tried not to blush, but it was unsuccessful. Thank you she signed, not trusting her board to be discreet and not having the presence of mind to remember that he didn't sign. She averted her eyes and chewed lightly on the inside of her bottom lip to give herself some time to gather her thoughts. Every now and then her hands fluttered in small motions, an equivalent of muttering to herself.When she mentioned his getting down to the dungeons she followed his gaze over the edge of the banister before returning it to his lips. They were very nice lips, and she noticed that he had a funny little quirk of pursing them and raising his eyebrows very slightly whenever he asked a question. Well that was cuter than was absolutely necessary.I'd like that, she wrote with a smile.I'm glad we got to talk. Maggie gave him a little wave, but paused with her hand on the doorknob.Hey, umShe flicked her wand and her board began to write and erase in very quick succession as she tried to settle on what to say.Maybe I'll see you in Hogsmede on Saturday. Or something. She disappeared through the door with a little squeak she hadn't been aware was audible and the hope that he hadn't seen the many faces of pink she had turned. Boys never took an interest in her, unless it was as a joke. But if it had been a joke he was certainly taking his time getting to the punchline, and she supposed if it was a joke or if she had misread the situation, the worst that had happened was she'd embarrassed herself in the privacy of an abandoned corridor. That was a far cry from Peeves embarrassing her in a crowded one. Maggie pretended not to see Professor Sinistra's rebuke for being late as she took her seat next to a very curious looking Adriana. * Down in the dungeons Blaise came sauntering in more than five minutes late. Draco arched an eyebrow and watched the curious swagger between desks. Slughorn swallowed his bullshit excuse, naturally. Anyone in that godawful "Slug Club" got a free pass to do whatever they wanted. And Saint bloody Potter could have just straight up murdered a kid and Slughorn would have shrugged it off. Once Blaise was finally settled and they were left to their own devices again Draco drew nearer."So did you do it?"
It was a darkening of the conversation that was not necessarily unexpected. A shadow seemed to hang over Hogwarts, as much as people like Bianca Zabini seemed to be of the opinion that all one would need to do is play careful politic in these moments of stress and duress. She was the kind to solve problems with a cross word or uncrossed legs, though here at the school one could feel how the winds blew differently. It was no secret that Voldemort wanted the school for his own, a long held obsession with halls full of memory, built by grand and old dead men.She was right to be worried. He was just in the habit of making sure no one saw the same in him."I agree. The world can wait while we have N.E.W.T.s to prepare for, hm?" he asked, his eyebrows indeed raising slightly at the question, joking as it might have been.He couldn't tell what sign she had made with her hands, but with the subtle shifts in her body language from the heat in her cheeks to the way in which her hands seemed a little jumbled, as if stuttering over her own words, he figured he could hazard a guess as to what she was saying.When she was able to remaster herself enough to speak through the slate and proposed Hogsmeade, Blaise was already walking backwards away from her, his smile broadening."It's funny you should mention that. I was thinking a two PM lunch myself. I usually show up by the square around one," he said, making certain she could catch his lips before he turned. He could hear her depart into her class, and he paused a moment, dark eyes traveling sidelong until they alighted upon a window. It would take quite a bit of time to walk down to the dungeons, and he daren't do something as silly assprint all that way.He unlatched the window and held out a hand. He didn't need a wand with no one around to see him cast."Accio Air Wave." Blaise walked into the dungeons with a smooth stride, running a hand through his close trimmed dark hair. He didn't look terribly ruffled in spite of the speed with which he had descended the castle he might have been fifteen minutes late had he not taken the express way down, and his excuse was as smooth and silvery as it ever was to old Horace Slughorn.Blaise took the seat Draco had reserved for him, and he settled his chin upon his hand."I believe that'll be one hundred galleons even, Draco," Blaise said without a hint of the dripping sarcasm in Blaise's soul. He liked getting reactions out of some of the other SLytherins, and Draco typically had the most amusing.
Draco's eyes widened and eyebrows shot to his hairline. A noise escaped from his throat that was part scoff, part incredulous laugh, part mocking guffaw. He hadn't actually expected Blaise todo it.But at the same time he shook his head, leaning back in his seat."Unless you fucked her right there in the corridor, you've still got some work to do," he said. He dug into his pocket, extracted his clenched fist, then set a tidy stack of galleons on the desk."There's ten, for asking her out," Draco conceded. "I believe I said onlyfiftyfor fucking her, double if you get it done on or before Christmas. Oh and ah, I'll require proof." His lips settled into that smirk Malfoys had come to be so known for. "However you decide that is up to you, but a pair of knickers won't cut it. You could get them from anywhere, or just steal them from her."With the terms of their wager, to his mind, settled, Draco leaned forward again. There was a keen interest in his gaze, studying Blaise's usually inscrutable expression for any hints that he was lying or withholding information. "So how did you do it?" he demanded. "I mean, I didn't think someone withyour standards would stoop to snogging retards, so color me a little surprised. I suppose even I can be wrong every now and then."
At the mention of proof, Blaise made a show of leaning back in his seat and snapping his fingers quietly. "Bloody hell, I knew I'd forgottensomething," he said evenly, reaching out to gather the handful of golden coins. He pocketed them cleanly, only turning his attention back to Draco.He wasn't, Blaise reflected, the worst of all Slytherins. Occasionally the blonde twit could be persuaded to pull his head out of his arse. It wasn't often, and this certainly wasn't one of those times. He felt a twinge of anger at the other boy, something unexpected. He usually merely had a cool retort in the back of his mind , but it was usually pushed aside with just a bit of irritation. He seemed to merely be more infuriating than usual today."Are you asking out of curiosity, or because you want to copy my methods? It was simple enough. We had a conversation about what's happening around the school, and I invited her out to dinner so that we could talk some more." A lie, but a smooth one and close enough to the truth to perhaps pass muster. He didn't need Draco poking his nose around come the weekend."She's surprisingly eloquent, in spite of having to write everything. Her grades aren't all that far behind mine," but a bit ahead of Draco's, and sometimes even his own not that he'd admit that outright, "so I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised that she's got a knack for conversation."He shrugged a shoulder. "We'll see how it plays out."
A minute twitch at the corner of his lip gave Blaise away. Draco wouldn't have even caught it if he hadn't spent the past six years learning Zabini's every tic, in case the day should come that he had reason to mistrust him. Not that they were particularly close or that he was going to be telling him all of his deepest, darkest secrets any time soon, but he had mentally classified Blaise as only mutinous when it suited him. So long as neither gave the other reason for it to suit them, they could be allies. When Blaise asked whether he wanted to copy his methods, Draco scoffed."Believe me, Blaise, I have no problem getting women," he assured him, "and I don't have to stoop to thedisabledto do it." The worlddisabledtook on the same inflection thatretard had. When he insisted that Maggie's grades weren't too far behind his, Draco scoffed again. He didn't pay attention to the grades of other houses, Granger notwithstanding they were below his notice. But Blaise had irritatingly bested him in nearly every subject since their first year, and this year he even had the upper hand in Potions, although Defense Against the Dark Arts was going better than usual for Draco. For her to be even close to either of them? It was inconceivable."A knack for conversation?" he repeated. One eyebrow arched again, suspiciously this time, and he folded his arms across his chest. "You know Blaise, if I didn't know any better I might think you were actuallyinterested in her. Ahalf blood? Really, mate?" The term was used lightly, as very few Slytherins could call other Slytherins true friends these days more out of a lack of any other way to define their complicated relationships than anything.
Blaise was still, at the end of the day, a young man. One who thought himself extremely clever which, while correct, stretched an inch or two further than was true, strictly speaking. Draco had done well to not let slip how well he had learned to read Blaise's tells, right down to the way his eyes angled upward by degrees not enough to be called a proper rolling of the eyes whenever he was divining some terribly amusing thought, insult or otherwise.Blaise did, in fact, engage in that half of an eye roll right then. Something about "... but what of your associates, the Misters Crabbe and Goyle?""You've gotten me, mate. Head over heels. Once I invite her to the Slug Club, I can have the good professor tie the knot for us." Blaise settled his chin into the palm of his hand, and gave the other boy a sidelong glance. "It's just dinner, Draco. Would you believe I manage to get along decently with Granger, too?" Well, it was no secret that the two of them could at least be civil to one another, in a sort of tense "worthy opponent" way. He tended to be that way with the outstanding intellects of the other houses.Save Lovegood. There was no saving that one."I've not gone soft, Draco, if that's what you're trying to insinuate. I'm not going to win this little bet by acting like a bastard."
The week crawled by. It was as though now that something exciting was finally going to happen, the calendar was determined that it never would arrive. In the middle of class Adriana's hands had burst into a flurry of activity when Maggie had told her the news, and Professor Sinistra had looked suspicious when they explained that Adriana was simply explaining a concept she was particularly enthusiastic about. Neither girl had paid much attention in the rest of their classes, and Maggie was spirited away to the dorm for the rest of the evening to discuss clothing tactics. But all of this was on Monday, and by the time Friday arrived she found herself just wishing the week would get itself over with already.Saturday she couldn't sleep in as she normally did. Maggie was up at 6, pacing and reading and pacing some more until it was time to get ready. Despite Adriana's insistence that she wow Blaise with a borrowed dress, she opted to keep it simple: jeans, black sweater, sage and lavender scarf, opal pendant and studs. Black boots. Blaise seemed to appreciate simplicity. Perfume, however, was another matter: in the absence of one sense, her others had been rather heightened and Maggie had spent the past four years perfecting the art of perfumery. She took great pride in the science, even moreso when the baffled Professor Snape had informed her in fourth year that yes, Forester's Everlasting Feculence Elixir could indeed be modified and yes, yes this was in fact the correct way to brew it Miss Cartwright. Given the lateness of the year, Maggie thought today as good a time as any to switch from summery honeysuckle citrus cedar, braided with after storm cloud humidity and sunny fast broom freedom, to something more seasonally appropriate.When she met Blaise in the courtyard, she smelled of fallen forest leaves, of sunny damp afternoons and nighttime fires, of baked apples and cinnamon and the somber wind of early November evenings, though it was not yet Halloween. Threaded into this particular scent was the magic of nostalgic childhood excitement she in particular associated with this time of the year, sprinkled with the eerie feeling of being indoors too late under the florescent lighting of Muggle office buildings something which she had experienced exactly twice, and that was enough. It was a risky scent, but she had been so safe in her clothing choices for her first date ever that she figured a little risk was worth it.She hoped she didn't looktoo nervous as the approached.I hope I'm not too early,she said with a self deprecating smile.My friend was meeting her boyfriend and I didn't want to be a third wheel, but I didn't know where else to go.Adriana didn't have a boyfriend. She'd left five minutes earlier with a hug for good luck and a hopeful smile.
For Blaise, the week had passed nigh uneventfully.The typical schedule of classwork, Quidditch practice, studying, and his hobby of musing at quillpoint into any one of the number of fine leatherbound journals that he owned. He had always made a point to not do so during class, as it was a sign that he wasn't paying attention , but it was a hobby that Blaise had picked up along the way. Musing at length about the state of wizarding society, the way that muggleborns were working their way in, a preponderance of idle spell notes and potential potion creations, as well as notes about his fellow students and what he considered to be their likely futures.His journals had stacked up over the years, a complex web of treatises that would hardly make an interesting read unto themselves, but which marked a substantialawarenessthat Blaise had constructed over time, an overactive imagination that was almost laughably practical rather than fanciful. They were chronicled ambition, the scribblings of a pre Renaissance man, a web of introspection that suggested a politician, a magical scholar, a future teacher, a historian, a professional duelist, a poet, a sportsman, an alchemist It was a useful hobby, in its own way, but as the week had dragged by with nary a thought for the weekend passing Blaise's mind's eye... the notes had drifted to idle considerations. How might deafness affect one's magic? How might society be affected in the future as the Sacred Twenty Eight found themselves dwindling in desirability in "mainstream" wizard society while "lesser" families were on the rise? With the common conception of "when one sense deadens, the others sharpen", what scents were palatable?It was only on Friday that Blaise noticed any commonality in his recent thoughts, and so it was early on Saturday that Blaise awoke with a faint flutter in his stomach. He was... nervous. It was something that came to him implicitly, felt but hardly thought, and it made him put a little bit of extra thought into his attire for the day A black shirt with a sable diamond pattern worked subtly into the cloth, paired with dark slacks the color of the darker shade of his shirt. A leather belt with a silver buckle finished out that part of the ensemble, paired then with black leather shoes that were clean but hardly shiny. They were clothes of fine make, but they still seemed... well, practical and simple, the sort of clothes that he could actually go into town with rather than be constrained merely to the parlors of the well to do. That was the simple part what was more difficult was the rest of his grooming.He'd experimented quite often with different grooming products, keeping his style rather high and tight, and while ordinarily he might have gone with some fine cologne or another... this time he opted for something subtler. A cream he had made himself, one that when applied smelled faintly of wood and dark coffee, a whiff of caf that served to bring out the natural warmth of his skin, bringing out that undertone of gold in a way that drew the eye.So styled, Blaise checked the time and departed the dungeons at a brisk pace running a circuit first to the library before heading down toward the front and thence to Hogsmeade.Blaise was there well in advance of time, settling himself right near the heart of the cobbled town square. Students had already streamed in for some time, those that had gotten their permission earlier in the day to head down. He settled up on the edge of the street at one of the little shops this one a sort of caf where he could get his morning coffee and while away the time with his nose buried in one of his leatherbound books, one of the very small ones that looked to be little more than a notebook. He set it down when he caught sight of Maggie at a distance, no more than five or so minutes after he had actually settled there.A smile came to his lips, and it was with a little flourish that the book was closed and carefully slotted into one pocket."You're right on time I'd only just sat down," he said, raising the heavy ceramic mug as way of proof. He set it down, still steaming with a rich goodness that seemed to follow Blaise as he stood and took a step toward her. His nostrils flared briefly as the wind of the day carried that delightful mix of scents his way. A rush of odd emotion, liminal nostalgia for moments he'd scarce experienced himself in a way that made them seem alone with one another, in spite of the throngs of people all around them. It would have been odd, he thought, to comment, and so he settled on something else."You look lovely, Maggie. Care to join me for some coffee or tea? We can talk here a while before we go find what else Hogsmeade has in store for us today," he said, gesturing briefly at the outdoor table he'd taken for himself. Was it a trick of the eyes that the chair across from his scooted back just so, as if in invitation? It had to be.
Thank you. Maggie took the proffered seat, wondering whether he had pulled it out for her but choosing not to comment.The smell of coffee followed him more than it did his mug, and when she sat down and ordered her own she thought she could detect...was that mahogany? She wished she could ask. She had noticed the subtle tics in his features: the curl of his lip, the now familiar crease between his eyebrows when he asked a question, and of course the momentary flare of nostrils at her approach. She could have sat and talked with him all day about personal scent concoctions but...well, that was weird.Was it weird? Was that why she was sitting here agonizing over how to start conversation on her very first date, because she was weird? How had she made it tosixteen without realizing her own weirdness?Now he was staring.No, he was just looking at her. He was allowed to look, and it had only been a few seconds anyway. But they still weren't talking. For the love of Godsay something!So how was your week?Maggie hoped she hadn't cringed externally.I'm sorry. Small talk is awful and I ought to be stoned in the public square for it. Not that I'm not interested in how your week was, just that it's an awfully cliche way to start a conversation. Don't you think? No good. She set her wand on the table and folded her hands in her lap while she waited for her coffee. Couldn't talk if she couldn't use her hands. After a few slow, deep breaths she picked up her wand and tried again. Hopefully with less babbling this time.So what are your usual haunts?Much better.A lot of people I know like Scrivenshaft's. It's a wonderful place of course, but I tend toward knee jerk rebellion against any type of stereotype. And what's more stereotypical than a Ravenclaw in a stationary shop?Maggie shrugged, quietly glad to have gotten her thoughts in order enough to imitate some semblance of cleverness.Well, a Ravenclaw in a library I suppose. We'll ignore that I'm guilty of fitting the stereotype no matter how much I rebel.She raised her eyebrows slightly and grinned, adding a wink then regretting it instantly. What if he thought she was trying to flirt? What if hewantedher to flirt? She'd never flirted in her life!Two minutes, twenty three seconds in to her first date and it was already an unqualified disaster.
Well, Maggie got points on this one, even if she insisted on taking them away from herself Blaisewas staring, not that he terribly meant to. It was impolite, you know, but there was just something in those moments where a few thoughts came to him those that had been pursuing him all week.What exactly was he going to do with this girl?A damnably irritating question and one that he hadn't been able to come up with a satisfactory answer for. Especially as she launched into a ramble or was that a monologue? Perhaps an autobiography of awkwardness, when it was put to slate for his viewing pleasure. It drew a smile from his lips, once he attempted to quash behind the rim of his coffee."... well, weare right by the town square. Though I think from history, fire was more customary for witches," he said with an amused little smile. "Though I've gotten the feeling that you're a fairly nontraditional sort, so stones might do in a pinch. I think it's a little gauche, though. For posterity, however, my week was excellent, even if Quidditch practice has run a touch long recently. Our captain's gone mad with fury in wanting to bring down Potter at least once." He set down the cup of steaming, wafting coffee, leaning forward on his arms.He kept that little smile on his lips, even as she settled into something more normal and then followed it up with... did she wink? Was that awink? By God, she was unsubtle. The girl was adisaster, and this was precisely why he had wondered exactly how he was supposed to go aboutseducing her per the bet.... perhaps by winking?But the way she shrunk in on herself a little bit when abashed, or the way her fingers twined together in a particular way of being tongue tied... it was just.Cute."... so taking you toTomes amp Scrolls after this is out of the cards?" he asked at last, once he'd managed to get control of his tongue again.
Oh, it wasn't always fire. One American Muggle was crushed with stones.In her head the tone sounded nonchalant, though she wasn't entirely certain it came off that way on slate. People who didn't know her often mistook dry humor or sarcasm for sincerity. She really needed to work on some sort of font for that. Blaise went on about Quidditch practice and she nodded.That's right, you're on the Slytherin team. Well, I think my public stoning is in particularly skilled hands then. As for Potter, we can just pop down to Dementors N More and see what they've got, hm? That was more like it. More normal. Moreher. But then she tried too hard again. She winked. How to recover from it? Should she acknowledge it or would that make it worse? Surely he couldn't think she had missed that coy little smirk hiding behind the rim of his mug. Maggie smiled and thanked the waiter for bringing her tea before returning her attention to Blaise just in time to see him say something aboutTomes amp Scrolls. It was one of her favorite bookshops, not that he could've known.I didn't say I was a very good rebel, she pointed out, recovering a bit of ease in her smile.And stop laughing at me. She gestured at him with the hand holding her mug and raised her eyebrows mildly.I know that I'm a mess I'll be awkward enough for both of us without your help, thanks.The smile turned self deprecating and she shrugged as though to indicate there was nothing she could do.So books, you say? Do go on.She put one elbow on the table and rested her chin on her hand with purposefully exaggerated interest.Not many Slytherins that I know of are exactly readers, not to say there aren't any. What interests you, Blaise? Nice and easy. No winking, no forced laughter or rambling. Just...conversation. Really it was just conversation. Just like talking to Adriana or Anthony or Luna. Well, nothing was quite like talking to Luna, but the point still stood. Blaise Zabini, regardless of attractiveness, was a mortal man just like any other and there was absolutely no need to be awkward about being here on a date with him despite knowing next to nothing about him. That was the point of dates, wasn't it? Get to know each other? Unless, of course,he didn't think this was a date in which case it would continue to be a disaster from start to finish. But they didn't have to address that just now, if ever. Easy does it.Just don't let thoughts slip out onto the slate.
"But that's theAmerican tradition. And they'redreadful," Blaise said with an exaggerated roll of his eyes. "Though if it'sstrictly necessary, I am a chaser. You'll at least be in good hands when I manage to marshal enough of a crowd," he said. She didn't have to hear him to see just how sarcastic Blaise could really be. There was a darkly amused glimmer in his eyes, a slyer curl to his lips on certain syllables. The kind of thing you didn't notice when only his truly flat delivery was there to scrutinize.It was a peculiar sort of insight they got on one another the tone wasn't too hard to suss out even through the slate blunt, wielding sarcasm and humor more like a cudgel than the silvery glint of a knife, but charming in its simplicity. And in spite ofbeing simple in such a way... certainly not an idiot, which was a refreshing change of pace."Regardless, I think that public executions are really more third date material, but ithasbeen a while since I've courted someone. You're doing just fine," Blaise said. And there it was. He'd called it what it was, with a casualness that put other fumbling high school romantics to shame, even if it had been spoken in the same sentence as a joke.At her questions however, Blaisedid feel a sudden ping of idle awkwardness. Just enough he always had one answer for other Slytherins, jockeying as they often were for social stratification, as well as an answer for friends of his mother, or adults such as Slughorn.... he'd never really thought how to answer that for a cute Ravenclaw girl, looking at him with such big blue eyes."Ah... sports, obviously. There's nothing quite like flying." It was a rare treat to find someone who felt as joyful on the back of a broom as he did he couldn't even overly hate a few Gryffindors, such as Potter or that Weasely girl. People whose soul thrummed when they were airborne and racing along at speed He couldn't have caught it, but there was a lightening of his expression. Something softer that rounded out his sharper features for a scant second or two. "Reading is a favorite, being the rare literate Slytherin. I guess overall...experience.Traveling, reading, exploring, competing. It's all a part of it." He settled back comfortably in his seat, that glimmer of open honesty feeling surprisingly... good. He gestured at her with his coffee cup."What about you, Maggie?"
Maggie felt her face turn hot but managed to push the blush back down with another deep breath. So hedidthink it was a date. Well, at least that was out of the way. Still at his word choice she grinned wryly and arched an eyebrow.Oh, courting are we? You did say courting, didn't you? Well, perhaps I'll let you burn me at the stake after all seeing as you're that old school. But I agree: definitely something for a third date. Get to know each other a little first.She nodded and sipped her tea. The topic turned to books, and to interests, and though she had feigned keen interest at being taken to a bookshop, it wasn't feigned at Blaise's interests and hobbies.Maggie went to set down her mug but never quite made it. Instead she held it, hovering half an inch or so from the tabletop, while she watched him talk about flying.There was a Blaise Zabini she had never seen before. The keen glint in his eye, the sharpness of his gaze dulled ever so slightly. Just for a few seconds a muscle pulled the far corner of his lip up just a fraction and the firm line of his lips not that she paid much attention to his lips inthatway of course, no that would be silly softened. Tension in his brow released and his tongue moved differently around his teeth as he spoke, as though pronouncing the wordflyingwould let him taste the sensation he got from actually being on a broom. She was under no illusions: Blaise presented a carefully crafted front to the world and always had, that much had been apparent even from afar. But for a man so full of carefully constructed charm, he had accidentally let slip a real part of himself that was infinitely more charming than anything he could concoct on purpose.Experience is good, Maggie agreed with a slight nod when he turned the question back on her. She knew enough to realize his slip likely hadn't been intentional, and so left it alone. She'd tease him about it when he knew her well enough to know she meant no harm in it. If he decided he wanted to know her that well.I like traveling too, when we can manage it. You'll have to take me up on a broom some time, though I've never actually flown. Dad's convinced that being deaf means I'll not hear the predatory honks of geese coming to devour my soul if I'm on a broom by myself. Or at least, that's as much as I can figure. He's got a second cousin who's a squib, who taught me how to drive a car. So I can rocket about in a 1.5 tonne metal weapon at 80kph, but I can't get a broom higher than five feet off the ground or I'll plummet to my death.She rolled her eyes. The issue had been a lifelong fight and Mr. Cartwright seemed to have no intention of letting up. Maggie sighed and pursed her lips momentarily, then shook the complaint away.So I stay earthbound. I distance run. I actually did a 15k over the summer working my way up to a marathon. She smiled brightly, proud of the achievement.Reading, obviously, is another interest, as well as potions. I think Snape's disgruntled that I actually ask him questions, but I make my own perfumes and colognes and stuff, see. Not sure he realizes that I'm not too pleased about having to talk to him, either.Maggie set her wand down again, using the same hand to pick up her mug and slide the other one off of the table and into her lap a one handed way of stopping herself from talking. Interesting as she had found his cologne or aftershave or whatever it was, she realized it likely wasn't of interest to him. It was hardly of interest to people she was already friends with.Sorry, she said finally with a sheepish smile.I know I can prattle on sometimes. I like to get into the minutiae: potion chemistry, spell theory, wandlore and the like. Just tell me to shut up if I start rambling. Or, y'know...break the board. She chuckled a clipped, conservative sound low in her throat born of years learning what vibration frequency was least disruptive but it had happened. Several times. Over the years Maggie had learned not to talk much because people often weren't interested in what she had to say. Better to keep it to yourself than to be disappointed or ignoredand branded the awkward girl. Ravenclaws were generally better about it, but they were a varied group with eclectic interests. Many of them just weren't as academically minded, which was fine but often made for one sided conversations.
"That sounds entirely reasonable to me. I would much rather end up in a pile of burning metal with a half dozen other motorists rather than end up stuck up a tree," Blaise said breezily. Not that he couldn't get the logic behind it... he'd been often curious how those with issues such as hers got by in the world of magic, not that it was a question easily asked or answered.It left him with a much simpler thing to say:"All the same, I'd be happy to take you up on that sometime. Hogwarts' grounds are lovely this time of year, and it certainly deserves an aerial tour." He let her go off after that for a time, keeping dark eyes levelly on her as she animatedly went through quite a spiel he was a quick reader, so he was able to devote almost as much time to her expressions and the way her hands moved as he did to her text. She seemed like she got lost in it the way her brow almost comically furrowed when she spoke about Snape , or the way lovely blue eyes would flit back to him as if to make certain he hadn't run away mid conversation.It was kind of cute.She would find him engaged in listening, giving her quick "go on" motions with one hand, making eye contact between bouts of absorption of her written word. Potions, chemistry, marathons, reading, spell theory, wands. An almost absurd level of practicality and... well.A mirror.He was self aware enough to see the similarities she need merely say that she also loved the great horned owl as a familiar of choice for the reflection to be complete."No, by all means go on I think I've mentioned that I enjoy a good book," he said with a wan smile. "I can see why you duel with me for grades in my favorite classes they're your favorites, too. I probably should have guessed that it explains that really curious scent you're wearing it's like nostalgia for something I've never experienced. If you need a name for it, I suggest "Sehnsucht, by Cartwright"," Blaise said, spreading his hand along the front of an imaginary marquee. "I make some of my own as well, albeit not so intrinsicallysubtle maybe we'll have to compare notes. I'm surprised I've never run into you at the apothecary on Carkitt," Blaise said.
Hmm...perhaps a second date, then? Maggie suggested as casually as she could when Blaise suggested taking her on an aerial tour of Hogwarts.Before he could really answer with any depth she was off, rambling. Well,shewas certain it was rambling, anyway, though Adriana and Luna had both assured her a number of times that there was nothing wrong with talking about one's own interests. Every now and then her eyes flicked over his face, attempting to read his true level of interest in what she had to say. She was pleasantly surprised to find that it seemed genuine, and that he was able to keep up with her writing. Maggie's hands moved twice the speed the words on the board did, signing out of habit until she forced herself to stop again and apologized. He encouraged her to go on and she had to resist the urge to look away in embarrassment when he compared her conversation to a book. But he was smiling, and it seemed to be a joke.Oh so you noticed!At Blaise's appraisal of her perfume she smiled brightly.So the nostalgia worked then? Excellent! I was taking a bit of a risk but I'm glad it worked. It's a nostalgia for something I've experienced, but I wasn't entirely certain about pairing it with liminal space. Thought it might make some people uncomfortable. He suggested a name for the scent, spreading his hands and making it seem grander than a girl tinkering about with a cauldron. She grinned, but her eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly.I'm sorry, I'm rubbish with spoken foreign languages. Or at least, I hope it was foreign. Write it down for me?When he revealed that he made his own scents as well, she smiled and nodded.I do love coffee and woody scents. Mahogany was a good choice for a day like this. Add a bit of old leather, maybe a particularly fragrant tobacco and you've got a cozy Sunday morning. As for Carkitt, She shrugged.I don't get to London very often except at start of term. I'm one of those dreadful country witches everyone talks about, can't move with the times, bringing down the progress of modern wizardry. Ought to move up to York, really... Another low chuckle and a sip of tea.I usually wind up getting supplies from Muggle shops. Is it lame that I can't wait to turn 17 so that I can use magic to make better scents outside of school? I feel like it's absurdly lame.
"Of course. Most of the people around here go for something... ratherplain. It wouldn't kill to try for a little complexity. Have to make something practical of Snape's droning," Blaise said. He held a hand out over the table, drawing a finger across the smooth surface of the tabletop. He whispered a spell she couldn't quite catch, the motion of his lips too subtle and the language not one she might have caught anyway. Traced across the tabletop, a word appeared following the passage of his finger. In a sharp black ink, the word "Sehnsucht" was left behind. She hadn't seen him go for his wand, and both hands were plainly visible And then it was gone, the word disappearing after a scant few seconds of existence.He spread his hands out to either side."It's a shorthand for 'longing'. Some people use it for nostalgia," Blaise said with a slow roll of the shoulders. "German's a rather descriptive language," Blaise said.He let her write out her self deprecation, earning another rich little chuckle that one could but make a fortune if they could only transcribe such a thing. He leaned forward, clasping his hands together. "Terribly lame. Even then, I'm surprised I've not seen you. I make a stop there at start of term every year, regardless of my other trips there. But I'll have to rescind my offer if you go to York. Mother's been very clear about the sorts I should associate with," he said in perfect mimicry of the Slytherin party line, but with a more gnuine smile than the way in which they typically sneered that.
Maggie watched with curiosity as Blaise leaned over and murmured, wand in his pocket and hands moving only in very subtle ways. It was blink and you miss it magic, the sort that likely even escaped those whocould hear. Her fingers twitched to say something about it and a few chalk letters started to form, but she watched the word form on the table and rubbed one palm flat across the other, erasing the board.I should have known it was German, she said with a wry smile.I can read French and German perfectly well, but when it comes to lip reading they've both got so much going on in the soft palate, velum, and glottis that I can't make heads or tails. I'm trying to learn Deutsche Geb rdensprache but even my fingers get tangled up.She threatened to move to York, country witch that she was, and shrugged when Blaise expressed surprise that they'd never run into one another while doing start of term shopping.I try to get my shopping done early, she said.Otherwise it only just gets done at all, and usually at higher back to school prices."But I'll have to rescind my offer if you go to York," Blaise threatened. "Mother's been very clear about the sorts I should associate with."This earned not simply a chuckle but an actual laugh. Maggie's laugh was low pitched, chortling sound, breathy and originating in the chest.Indeed?she asked, eyebrows raised with amusement.But wasn't Norrell one of the greatest wizards of the age and the exemplary Slytherin? No, you're right: York is far too respectable for the likes of me. I'll go to Glasgow instead.She laughed again, at her own joke this time.Perhaps then York won't seem too bad by comparison, but we can still cause a fun little scandal. The handsome, enigmatic, cosmopolitan Mr. Zabini running off round with a commonplace little Yorkshire girl. The Prophet and Quibbler alike would have a field day. Maggie had always, for some reason, imagined the likes of Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy to be followed by tabloids reporting on what they were wearing, who they were seeing, where they were going on holiday. She didn't know for certain she never wasted her time on rag mags like that. But it was a mental picture she had of him that she couldn't seem to shake.Well, I'm afraid you're stuck with a commonplace little Devon girl instead,she added after some thought, with a shrug,for the afternoon, anyway.And the gossip mills will simply have to make do.
French and German? More cosmopolitan than he'd have expected of her, but he supposed he shouldn't have held her innate Britishness against her. She was, after all, of the house of knowledge and learning "Ah, mas e o portugu s?" he offered. He held his hands out to either side. "We'll have to exchange linguistic tips. We can use them to mess with the Anglophones," Blaise said.She had a low and pleasing laugh, something he had not entirely expected of her. Not least of which because he was somewhat surprised they seemed to share so much of a sense of humor. It was chortling, and just a little bit undignified as far as the noblewoman's laugh went, usually much higher and originating somewhere in the throat and coming out through the nose, as if insinuated into the pattern of breath.They were able to enjoy a laugh together there for a long moment, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He wasn't certain he could ever go to Glasgow, not least of which because he was under the assumption that people of a certain breeding or higher would likely be compelled to combust upon entry."The wretch'd rumor mill. I'll have to assume the ministry if only to cut down on that particular agricultural subsidy. Which reminds me," he leaned back in his seat, turning his attention briefly to Hogsmeade as a whole. It was a lovely town, all things considered, if a little pastoral for his usual tastes. It promised wide ranging grounds and a chance to stretch one's legs free of the watchful eye of Hogswarts ghosts. Or worse, the teachers."Before we're hounded by them, we should find cover somewhere else. I wouldn't mind more than just a cafeside chat," he said, turning dark eyes back toward her.
The corners of Maggie's eyes crinkled minutely only for a moment as she stared a little harder, then comprehension dawned and her eyebrows raised a little.Oh Portuguese? Some day. But for every language you've got to learn, I've got to learn three. Romance and Germanic written language don't translate well to speech, and sign evolves on its own just the way speech does. And don't get me started on dialects.They shared a laugh and it actually seemed genuine. There were some times when people even people she knew well would laugh at her jokes but not really seem to understand, or were uncertain whether she was joking. Perhaps it was something to do with inflection. But Blaise seemed to understand and indeed share such dry humor. It was refreshing. Blaise joked about joining the Ministry just to cut down on gossip, earning a smile.You've got my vote,she assured him.He sat back and looked around before suggesting that they move to somewhere else. A fine crease appeared between her eyebrows for a second before smoothing away again. Had he suddenly remembered to be embarrassed? Had he seen a friend and wanted to flee before having to face their derision? Did he have more nefarious motives, plans for her honor?Or was he simply as genuine as he seemed?Maggie didn't have much experience with boys.No experience, really. So there was nothing to measure against she would simply have to trust that he wasn't like the others, that he hadn't asked her out on a bet or a dare or worse, out of pity and simply had genuine interest in her as a person. After a long minute of consideration she nodded and stood.Where did you have in mind? she asked.Somewhere somehow less fashionable than Glasgow? Oh! Tampa Bay perhaps? Maggie had only the vaguest notion of where Tampa Bay actually was somewhere in Florida, that much was clear from the postcard her mother had sent a few years ago with a postmark from Tampa. But the very fact of its Floridian existence was enough for her to know that it was probably a nightmare for someone like Blaise.I follow your lead.
I follow your lead.Those were the words that kickstarted the next month and change of adventure for the both of them. Far from hiding her, Blaise had spent the rest of that morning walking her around Hogsmeade and taking in the sights with her there was a peculiarity to travel with others. You could experience the same place a hundred times with a hundred fellow travelers, each place tinted by the company.That morning, Hogsmeade had been cornflower blue and deepest green. They'd riffed at length andad nauseam on the sheer ridiculousness of language and the degree to which linguists the world over seemed to be taking the piss on grammar, structure, shared etymology, and more. They had even used the word diphthong, making some English comprehension teacher weep a single tear over a career finally justified.They even shat on Florida together for a time.They had walked and talked until it had been time to conclude the day's visit to Hogsmeade.The following weeks were told in visits to the library, or trips to raid Slughorn's store of accessible potion ingredients, and the occasional walk around the grounds between classes. She'd been invited to a Quidditch game or two and had watched Blaise win a game or two.While they were not what one would call inseparable, they had certainly found time for one another in their lives. For quick chats here and there, for a rivalry that was simultaneously more and less heated in terms of their grades during any shared classes.. and on occasion, something softer. Another date, another trip 'round school or elsewhere.And the entire time, Blaise had been at war with himself.He was no stranger to dating. Sometimes, for as loathe as he was to admit it, he was a hormonal teenaged boy. His mind drifted to thoughts of forcing Maggie down against the sheets of his bed, hands on her hips as he gave her more than she could handle. Making her scream, moan, whimper, and every other wonderful sound that came from a tangle of limbs and sheets It wasn't so hard to imagine. But what came next was the idea of lingering in the afterglow, fingers twined and an arm around a bare and slender waist. Moments passed in perfect silence and Blaise tried not to think about it too much.It was a bet. And while certainly he enjoyed talking to her, it was a momentary distraction, even moreso than all of his student dalliances had been. His mother had always informed him to wait until the seventh year or into their careers to find the most suitable match, for any girl easily won was not so desirable a prize. He might have reflected on that sentence with regards to his mother's track record with men, but it was not something he was prepared to dwell on.One night, heading into November, Blaise had finally chosen to take up on his word that he would take her flying. One night, under a moonless sky that instead promised stars in its stead, a veritable ocean that twinkled merrily in a British sky, mercifully free of thick clouds and dreary rainfall. It would be beyond curfew when they came back, but plans had been made.Maggie with Adriana to let her in unbeknownst of the prefects and others, and Blaise with the time honored and tested tradition of Slytherins quite simply not giving a fuck.Clad in thick sweater and with a scarf tight round his neck, Blaise took Maggie astride the broom sometime in the waning minutes of dinner and took her right up toward the rooftops, heading up in time to the stars making themselves brighter, bolder, all the more apparent against a darkening sky.His feet touched down against the time worn stonework, recently fixed in places from where Potter had run a dragon into one of the towers but two years ago, because that was a thing some students were allowed to be exceptions on apparently. Blaise turned his head to her, raising his arms so she could release herself from the death grip she'd enacted upon his waist.
There were a good many books and stories that included the phrase "she had never met anyone quite like him," and Maggie had always thought it trite. Then she started dating Blaise. Was it dating? It certainlyfeltlike dating, with trips to the library and around campus, and another day out to Hogsmede which this time included dinner in a rather pricey little bistro. But they had never defined what theywere to one another, had never used words like "boyfriend" or "companion," or even "friend." They just...were.But whatever it was they were, she had never met anyone quite like him. She could talk with him about language and potions, sports and books, fashion and travel . He actually understood and laughed at her jokes in a way that at least felt like it wasn't a courtesy laugh, and made her laugh in turn. He was even willing to learn sign language and she had been teaching him some of the more common signs. Although Maggie was trying very hard to be careful not to tumble ass over teakettle for the first boy to favor her with a smile, she could certainly feel her feet slipping. She was still trying to decide whether she could still feel them under her after Blaise kissed her.It hadn't been long or hard, or even terribly romantic there were no fireworks or foot pops. It was just a goodbye kiss in the halls as they went their separate ways for classes. But it had been enough to leave her lips tingling and struggling to keep a neutral expression. She hadn't told Blaise that that had been her first kiss bit pathetic, that, and although they had fallen into a pattern of affectionate teasing she wasn't certain she could handle teasing on that particular topic from this particular man. Adriana pulled it out of her, of course, and from the looks of things there had been squealing to go along with the hugs. As Maggie had grown happier her best friend's initial suspicion of Blaise had gradually very gradually diminished and that seemed to make it disappear altogether. They hadn't as yet had a propersnog, really, only small kisses stolen in the fleeting moments of the day or hidden between library shelves. While that was enough to sustain her, Maggie found herself imagining somethingmore with Blaise. More than snogging, even. In particularly dull classes, or on study breaks, or even in the quiet moments of the evening as she started drifting to sleep she imagined dark hands contrasted starkly against her wrists, pinning her against the bed. Lips crushing against hers to quiet moans she couldn't hear and couldn't help. Watching the way the muscles in his back and hips moved beneath his skin as he She could never hide a blush at those thoughts, and when her mind had drifted in class she would have to hurriedly check her slate to make sure it hadn't run away with itself.Compatibility and attraction were all well and good, but trust was paramount in any relationship. It was trust that got her on the broom with him, and trust that kept her from flailing wildly in an attempt to get down the moment they took off. She wasn't sure why she had expected a little bit of an introduction to flying, hovering a few feet off the ground the way first years did just to get her used to it that wasn't Blaise at all. But she didn't scream when they took off. She never vocalized when she could help it, except around a very few, and after a lifetime of people with various intent sneaking up on her she had learned to control the urge to scream quite well. Instead there was merely a sharp intake of air and she locked her arms around his middle as tightly as she could. Her arms didn't immediately unlock once they'd landed. Rather, she maintained her grip while gasping sharply in and out with her head ducked against his chest, under his arm. It was a few long moments before she realized that his arms were held out above her head and she looked up with a sheepish smile. she signed. With a flick of her wand her slate was levitating next to her again.I um...I'm not sure how I felt about that. Might try it another time or two before I decide I want to keep my feet on the ground.She smiled again then leaned against the crenelation next to him to look up at the stars.You picked a beautiful night for it.
He was not quite sure how long she intended to keep a lock around his waist he was likewise unsure of how quick he was going to be to alert her to her current predicament, thus perpetuating it until such time that she was willing to let go of him under her own power. Which was fine.He could wait as long as it would take.He took a step off of the broom when her arms finally relented from around him he set the broom down against the roof, muttering a spell that bestowed the stick with just enough adhesion to keep it from being knocked off the roof by an errant gust. Nothing an accio couldn't fix, but he did not want to get any scuff marks onto it if he could help it. he signed back, notably a little less elegant with his hands than he was with his lips. He held a hand to her, signing with one hand as he spoke aloud. Together, it came to say: "Right up ahead. There is a better place to sit."They picked their way up the stonework a bit, the magical nature of Hogwarts doing much to preserve the texture of the stone as it had always been, rather than as the smoothness that would inevitably result from the weather. They found a place a bit higher, in a nest of steeples and spires, a flat part of the roof onto which they could descend together, finding a place to sit in their own nest amongst the stars."Of course I did," he said at last. "Best seats in the house," he said. He brought his wand out, whispering "lumos" and infusing it with a sprout of light, a glow that gave just enough to see one another more clearly like their very own twinling star.
His signing was still a little clumsy, but that made it endearing. She gently corrected the difference between the affirmative "ok" he had used and the conciliatory "it's alright" he had probably meant. She took his hand and let him lead the way to the spot he had in mind.Maggie rarely held Blaise's hand. Instead in the instances they had felt the need or desire to be physically attached she looped her arm with his, resting her hand on his forearm in a rather old fashioned way. It kept her hands free, and it was her hands which her charmed slate read and interpreted holding hands, she had explained, felt like being told to shut up. On this occasion, however, she made an exception and willingly let him lead her by the hand for fear of losing her balance and slipping off the roof. Certainly she figured if she did Blaise had good enough reflexes to slow her fall, but she would really rather not test it.Blaise lit his wand, throwing shadows over both their faces in the dim light. She smiled and scooted a little closer before looking up at the stars. His body was warm and inviting next to her in the chilly evening, but she was hesitant to lean against him he way she wanted to. That lack of definition in their relationship whatever kind of relationship it was made her wary of crossing any undefined boundaries.I'll bet you take all the girls here, she teased with a slight nudge and a smile and a dimly sincere question behind her eyes.Has anyone ever accused you of being romantic, Mr. Zabini? It would be a tragedy if I were the first.
It was by an odd quirk of commonality that he'd hardly minded that she didn't want to hold hands. It was easy enough to understand her problem... and there was something oddlyold fashioned about the Slytherin boy. Some sort of affectation, perhaps, that put one in mind of a gentleman of society more than a schoolboy, and that was quite assuredly on purpose considering the rest of his well maintained and manicured appearance. But... still, there was something justnice about locking his fingers with hers as they carefully navigated the old shingles and roofing tiles of the ancient castle. Perhaps they were enchanted to stay where they were in their moorings, but it was hardly a time to check the structural integrity of the stone."Oh, I've tried. Unfortunately, Pansy Parkinson is afraid of heights so I had to leave her in the bushes instead," Blaise said with a faint quirk of a smile, lit ever so faintly by the light of his wand.He leaned back against her just so, providing a solid basis against which she could take any kind of liberty. He settled his hands on his knees, splaying his fingers across as dark eyes stole out over the grounds of the castle. A new angle on a hundred little sights they'd all taken in time and time again. It gave the grounds new definition, coloring it with a tinge of excitement that had been gone since sometime in their second year."I suppose we'll have to sit together and watch this tragedy. I can't say I've ever been accused of it, but I'm good at covering my tracks, so the evidence wouldn't stick. I wouldn't mind if you said it off the record, though," Blaise said. Her warmth was a comfort this high up, a comfortable presence that made his smile genuinely warm in kind. He had been unsure of when and how to push...But there was never a better time than now, he supposed. So far high up from others, where it was just them 'neath the stars.
Maggie smiled.Well then, off the record I will indeed accuse you of romantic tenancies. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone. A well cultivated reputation for cold heartlessness is very important. She twisted her fingers for a few moments, then smiled a tad uncertainly.i guess I'm glad Pansy's afraid of heights, then. Her loss is my gain.There was a moment. Inexperienced as she was, even Maggie could recognize that there was a moment. His smile was warm, as was his body, and there was a sort of softness to his gaze. Would she be able to make any sort of move with her heart in her mouth like this? Could he hear it thundering in her chest?Suddenly it didn't matter. She wasn't sure who had leaned in first, but Maggie's lips were on his and her eyes were closed. One hand was on his shoulder. Was that okay? Was it weird? Apart from the few quick pecks they'd briefly shared, she had never kissed a boy before. She wasn't entirely sure how this sort of thing went.And then it was over. She had pulled away, out of sheer nerves more than anything else. Her hands fluttered nervously.Sorry, she said.That was rather sudden of me, wasn't it? She smiled nervously and plucked at his sleeve.
"Her loss was my gain, too," Blaise said though one couldn't have been certain if he meant that to be complimentary of Maggie or an insult to one Miss Parkinson, but all of the patented Slytherin doublespeak in the world couldn't have detracted from the rest of the moment. The school had long become a place of dread for many of the students near death for its students every year of their tutelage tended to have that kind of effect, ever moreso with the experiences just before the most recent summer for far too many of the school's students It was nice to be reminded that there were more than academic doldrums or life and death. It was nice to be reminded of the touch of warm hands and the sight of soft smiles. Of the feel of spun gold sliding between his fingers as his hand found its way to the nape of her neck, the space between moments filled with mouth on mouth.His fingers twined into her hair, his body turning just so to both give and receive, the two of them falling together as if it was more inevitability than happenstance.She could feel his mouth open against hers in the brief second before she pulled away, a maturation of a kiss that found him almost falling into the space that she so quickly vacated. He caught himself on the roof with one hand, his breath coming slightly hotter and heavier before he reigned it in."... ah... s sure," he said, his composure briefly cracked in a way that was rare for him. "No more sudden than, well "When her lips were captured a second time, it was all him. Pulling her back in with a firm hand on her neck, taking a kiss that was all the softer and the sweeter for the time he put into it.
She hadn't meant to make him fall. Maggie tried to hide her mortification under a quintessentially English apology, but couldn't help but notice that she seemed to have caught him off guard. That was...odd. Though she knew she had certainly wormed her way beyond his usual defenses, there was one facade that never, ever cracked. She seemed to have finally put the tiniest of fissures in it, unintentionally of course. Still, it was encouraging know that she could.But even then he had a hand up on her.Blaise captured her lips again, mid sentence. This drew a delighted little squeak from her and she smiled against his lips briefly before falling into the sweet seriousness of it. The firmness of the hand on the back of her neck gave her chills and sent an odd thrill of sensation up through her stomach and into her chest. Maggie adjusted to face her body squarely towards his. Gloved fingers gripped his sweater, holding him gently in place even if he had wanted to pull back. The kiss seemed to last for forever. That would have been perfectly fine by her. But it did come to an end eventually, a natural end that didn't leave either of them staggering for purchase this time.I wouldn't mind doing that again...Maggie couldn't help the stupid grin and giggled nervously, averting her gaze momentarily.I um...She pushed a lock of hair out of her face, still grinning. She was grinning too much. Her cheeks hurt in the cold. Oh God he would know she had never kissed anyone before if she didn't do something. Anything. So she kissed him again.Finally something to say came to mind as their third proper kiss finally ended.Have you had dessert yet?
She was surprising.A thought that came in the space between what felt like minutes. Minutes in passing, mouth on mouth, fingers curled against one another in a way that suffused them with a warmth that had nothing and yet everything to do with the press of their bodies. The sort of heat that remained, even as they pulled back from one another, maintaining only a loose grip on one another her fingers splayed across the front of his sweater, his touch light upon the back of her neck, trending into her soft hair He wasn't sure why, and that was the most surprising thing of all. He opened his mouth to speak, and lost them to the softness of her lips and a long and lingering kiss later, he couldn't remember what it was he had been going to say."Ah... I haven't, no," he said. His worse usually so freely conceived and given were at a loss just then. It was enough to nearly make him pull back, but he couldn't bring himself to gain too much distance just then.
Would you like some?Maggie smiled. There was a sort of confusion behind his eyes that amused her, something she was almost audacious enough to think might have something to do with her. Almost. In either case, he seemed to have lost his footing.We'd have to pop back down into the castle for a bit, but I can't think of a better place to eat it than up here.She looked out over the grounds then up at the stars. They seemed closer than ever this evening.With Blaise's consent, she helped him up and they flew down to the 7th floor. She paced in front of a tapestry of dancing trolls, as though she were lost, but upon her third time passing it a door appeared in the wall and she smiled brightly. She gestured.Ah, here we are!She held the door open for him.Most people only learned about the Room of Requirement last year, when Harry Potter had that secret dueling club and got caught. A number of Ravenclaws, however, have been using it for years. Mostly for experiments that might be considered...less than legal. Maggie shrugged.I like to use it for potions. And cooking.The door opened up into anairy kitchenwith exposed beams. Maggie chattered on about the history of the room, about its different uses before Potter had gotten a hold of it. She was busy pulling ingredients out of the refrigerator when she turned and realized, with some slight surprise, that there was nowhere for Blaise to sit. Almost as soon as she had thought it, asitting roomappeared at the other end of the island. She considered it critically for a moment, then wrinkled her nose when her eyes fell upon the plaid sofa. It ingratiatingly corrected itself into a faded denim colored linen, and the leaf patterned chairs became cream, pin striped with the same denim. Ditto the color of the curtains.That's better.She nodded and smiled, then glanced at Blaise, then back to the decor.Oh, don't you dare judge me. I warned you that I was a dreadful little cottage witch. Now let's see...She dared to hum softly, a tuneless thing, while she pulled ingredients out of the fridge and raised her eyebrows in mild surprise at a chalkboard standing on the counter with a recipe written out.Tiramisu? I thought you'd have had a taste for something a little more obscure than that. You seem the type.She grinned playfully and winked. It was, this time, not the awkward wink of their first date but a playful one.The ladyfingers took some time, though not quite so long as it might have for an amateur. Throughout the process Maggie's face was screwed up in concentration, and there were a number of swear words on her board that she seemed to be unaware of. While the pastries baked she followed a different recipe that had come up on the board waiting for her on the counter. She frowned in disapproval at it, but followed it anyway. The recipe forzabaionecalled for wine, which she added to Blaise's but substituted for espresso in her own. The Room generally knew best. The only magic she used was in chilling the tiramisu.Don't get me wrong, she said as she poured the drinks,the elves are fantastic. But there's nothing quite like a homemade dessert. You know, by hand, without magic.She glanced over at the tiramisu, which was gradually solidifying as her cooling charm settled over it.Never mind that, anyway. But it's all chemistry, isn't it? Like Potions, only edible. She pushed a bit of hair out of her face and dusted her hands off on an apron.Did you want to go back to the roof with this? It's a beautiful night for stargazing.The kiss seemed to have unlocked something. Maggie's attitude might be categorized as "slow" rather than "glacial," as it had been. She had, as it were, received acknowledgement that Blaise liked her, actuallyliked her. She didn't have to guard her heart quite so cautiously anymore.
There was an iota more of confusion writ large across his face at her offer. The Slytherin accommodations for homemaking were... lacking, given the preference to use the house elves for literally everything. No one wanted to do anything when they were so accustomed to the Help doing what it was they did best. While that was what Blaise thought she was offering, he thought the offer momentarily odd before he acquiesced to her suggestion.A short broom trip to the seventh floor later, and the meaning of her offer was suddenly much clearer."... theRoom of Requirement?" Blaise inquired. It had been seized upon by the Slytherins in recent months, acting with all the typical hypocrisy they did after previously ratting Potter out to Umbridge over the very same. It was said that Malfoy had been seen coming and going from the seventh floor in recent weeks, though Blaise had given little thought to the whole thing. It was rumored by those with a dim view of the Malfoys that Draco was honestly just finding a place to wank in peace."And they so often say that the Ravenclaws haven't any mischief in them," Blaise mused as the room whorled around her a mercurial location that seemed to acquiesce so quickly to Maggie's idle whims. He took up a chair and chatted amiably enough with her, expressing deep interest in all the things the Room had been bound into service for in all its many years of existence. It was a spectacular feat of magic, and she could see the ways in which dark eyes lit up in appreciation for the wonderment of it all.Through it all, they traded in jokes. "That's just my eclectic man of mystery persona you've been fooled by. Sometimes even I enjoy abysmal peasant country witch fare," Blaise said with a dash of self deprecation.And "Zabaione with espresso? My mother would be aghast."Finally, the two sat in warmth and contentment. Somewhere along the waya fire had started in a worn brick hearth, a sort that echoed a fireplace with which Blaise was intimately familiar, right down to the curious pale wood grain.He'd taken off the sweater somewhere in the intervening moments, his chin couched in his hand."... you know, I'll admit that I hadn't thought of it. I'm sure I wouldn't find it terriblydifficult, but... it wasn't something emphasized in my upbringing. House chef, and all that," Blaise said as if that were the most humdrum thing in the world to have. "We might stay here for a while, I think. There isn't a way to see the stars from here, is there?" he asked.
Maggie grinned at Blaise's assertion that Ravenclaws had a reputation for staying out of mischief.You'd think so,she said,but really we're just better at not getting caught. Helps that your lot's pissing match with the Gryffindors takes the attention off the rest of us. I'm still convinced the Weasley twins would've made cracking Ravenclaws.He was interested in what she had to say, and that in and of itself was a small miracle. Not many were she often found wonderment in the smallest things, and thought too much about what others took for granted. And he appreciated the Room itself for what it was. She shared her pet theory that it was a secret room left behind by Helga Hufflepuff to help those in need and mentioned the occasional odd thing she'd come across during her years of use. There was a scorch mark that she pointed out, high up on one wall where it wasn't really noticeable, where she said a couple of Ravenclaw potions gone wrong had scarred the room itself the year before she'd started attending Hogwarts.And he joked. That was the thing she had found most surprising about Blaise, was that for all his poise and carefully constructed persona he still joked. Maggie liked it, but she liked it better still when she was able to pull a genuine smile out of him she was getting quite good at telling the difference between his calculated smiles and his real ones. The real ones were far superior, in her opinion.But he pointed out that his mother would be aghast that she chose to leave the wine out of her own drink and Maggie shrugged.I don't drink.She didn't quite meet his eyes as she said it, and the terse sound of the chalk made it clear that that was as far as she would go with that particular topic.Anyway, you have to be honest. I can't get better if you're not honest. Oh you wouldn't find it difficult would you? Her usual jocularity was back as she settled onto the couch and handed him his drink.No, certainly nothing is so difficult for the Great Zabini that he wouldn't get it right on the first try. Why, I'm sure you could just fire the chef now and be done with it. There was a certain way Maggie quirked her lips, a bit of an unconscious tilt to the way she held her hands as she signed, a very slight difference in the font, which all indicated playful sarcasm. It was different from her biting sarcasm, used sparingly but well, and if Blaise had cared to notice during the past month he would have picked up on these subtle cues which stood in for vocal inflection.He suggested that they stay there, which she had to admit was more comfortable than shivering on a hard roof. At his question about whether they could see the stars from where they were, though, she pursed her lips thoughtfully and looked at the windows the Room had so graciously provided. The sunlight streaming through them rapidly faded into night and the window treatments rolled up and disappeared while the windows themselves widened and lengthened. Soon there was a floor to ceiling wall of windows with a view of the grounds and the stars. The lights dimmed to minimize glare on the windows, and Maggie nodded in a pleased sort of way.Even if it isn't real, she said,it's at least a wonderful facsimile. She set her drink down for a moment to get up and fetch several generous portions of tiramisu, then brought them back to settle in on the couch and look out the window.I do most of the cooking at home,she said,without magic, obviously. Because that's the law. So I've gotten a lot of practice. Dad's pretty useless at the stove.Maggie smiled a little, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.I can't imagine what it might be like to have a chef.
She was something worth studying.It wasn't so cold an observation as it might have sounded. Blaise didn't put much time into studying, observing, and taking in the fine details of things he didn't find interesting. One of Mother's axioms was to learn all that was worth learning, and the way of the household was to be fairly clear if anything evenwas of sufficient "worth".But there was just something about her. The ways in which hewasn't able to read her, for she spoke in a way unalike to any he had seen before. He watched for the inflections he could see them everywhere, once he had spent enough time with her and in active observation of her tics. The way certain muscles on her face twitched when she was trying to emphasize an expression or a feeling. The way her fingers would get a little jumbled when she was terribly excited for something, almost like she was slurring the signs. His favorite was a little furrow to her brow that he was certain she could never have noticed, the one she used when she was irked but quick in reply, a microcosm of an expression.The frankness in her demeanor that told him when a topic was off limits.He settled himself comfortably on the couch next to her, focusing hard for a scant moment to have the room issue them a hard wooden table a curious little design made of solid rectangular pieces of wood, thick and sturdy with the top of it hanging over empty space before them, standing itself on a frame more than legs. He set the dessert down gingerly, as if afraid a construct of his own design would not be fit for the task, but the Room prevailed in spite of such worries."It's cold," Blaise finally said. "Which isn't such a bad thing. But it lacks a certain... something, that comes from something made out of desire rather than obligation. His zabaione isn't quite as good, for one example. Healways drowns it," Blaise said, turning dark eyes sidelong on her past the rim of a cold glass. He could see the fragility of her smile, and it was in the wake of it that he set the zabaione back down on the table. A hand slid over the surface of the sofa, to settle on one thigh. It was no shy touch, settling far above her knee and gripping her, gentle but firm."Perhaps I should try to set an example for you. I have to live up to the title of theGreat Zabini, after all."
Maggie watched as Blaise built a geometric table, very sleek and modern. She nodded in appreciation.How very art deco of you, she commented slyly. Given their difference in decorating tastes, it wasn't entirely clear whether it was a compliment or a playful ribbing. She sipped her own zabaione, impressed with herself for it turning out this good on the first try but worried about whether she had gotten it right. And hers had too much coffee flavor.Blaise complimented it in his own round about fashion, but she wasn't sure whether it was a bad thing that her attempt lacked a "certain something." Then she realized that he was joking. His chef always drowned it, so hers was very probably a direct result of being overly cautious with any sort of spirit. She supposed it was a good thing that he recognized the virtues of moderation. Maggie frowned briefly when he set the zabaione back down on the table, then followed the path of his hand over to her thigh with her eyes.Well, far be it from me to set impossible standards, she replied.But exactly which example were you planning on setting? Hm? She smiled, and it had a hint of her old shyness perhaps his meaning would have been clearer if she could hear his tone of voice. Still, that didn't stop her from scooting ever so slightly closer to him on the couch.
"Of the wonders of having a chef, of course," Blaise said or would have. There was something in that shyness of hers as his hand settled, warm and large, upon her thigh. She was a small thing, at the end of the day, and very appealing in that way. Of course he'd been able to feel that in the stolen moments in the library, at the caf , or up on top of the school... but it was a different thing entirely when they were sequestered away in a part of the school that no one would ever find them in. He knew well enough about the Room to know that only those who knew what they were looking for would be able to open the same door as the person previous "Of the various things expected of a scion of my house. I'll have to start by trouncing your cooking," he said, the glimmer of mischief making that part obvious enough for what it was a joke. "But you've shown me such hospitality, and I've not had the chance to thank you for it. Far be it for me to be a bad guest."And then he kissed her.It was a warm and lingering thing, not so far removed from the kisses they had shared beforereal starlight. But it was different here and now. It wasn't just the pretense of being alone, it was the true and actual experience of the same. Somewhere soft and accommodating, that saw him leaning into her, his hand sliding up to take her hip, hiking the edge of her shirt up just so, pressing bare skin to bare skin.
Blaise threatened to trounce her cooking and Maggie chuckled.Good luck,she laughed.I've got about a decade of experience on you, but you're more than welcome to try.He back pedaled with just as much humor, declaring himself a bad guest.Well! Ifthis was how he thanked her, she would have to cook for him more often.His lips lingered on hers, warm and tasting ever so slightly of wine. It wasn't any deeper or more tender than before, but it seemed more...real. Alone in the warm, dimly lit room beneath the stars, it gave Maggie the impression that they were the only ones in the entire country still awake, still very much active. His lips pressed against hers, seeming to mold to hers until they were one and the same. Blaise leaned into her until her back pressed against the arm of the sofa, and Maggie shivered as she felt his hand sliding up her shirt. It was warm and dry against her skin, pleasant despite its unfamiliarity. Nobody had ever touched her like this before it was thrilling and terrifying all at once.Are you sure the wine hasn't gone to your head already?she asked shakily when they came up for air. It was difficult to control the actual shaking brought on by the adrenaline rush. If Blaise answered, she didn't see it Maggie slid her arms over his shoulders, cupping one hand around the back of his neck, and pulled him in for another kiss.
It wasn't a motion with a lot of practice to it. A slow and steady press against her until she felt the pressure of the couch's armrest against her back, and the warmth of his body against her. He shifted until he was near on his side, giving him all the room he needed for his hand to trace all the way up one hip and down again, tracing little sparks of static across her nerves."It wasn't a lot of wine," he breathed, sparing the quickest glance at her slate, hardly wishing to spend much time away from the sudden heat he felt in his stomach, the same heat that so nicely filled his hand as it swept up her side making its way no further just yet, merely enjoying the sensation of her warmth, her softness beneath his fingertips. But all that changed when her lips secured another kiss from him.One firm, strong hand trembling just so for the sudden burst of nerves pushed her shirt up to reveal inches of bare, flat stomach, almost all the way up to the bottom of her small clothes. The palm of his hand splayed so nicely against her stomach, broad and dark against slender and pale, pressing against her enough to make it entirely clear that he had her exactly where he wanted her. She could feel him from all sides, hard and very appreciative of the girl he had entirely wrapped up in his touch
Blaise's hands were warm and strong, and she was shaking so that she didn't notice his slight tremble. Maggie worked hard, tensed all of her muscles to control the head to toe slight tremble, but couldn't quite. He was the only thing in the world at that moment, filling her senses and blinding her to anything that might've existed both before and after.The taste of his kiss was warm and subtle, but more overwhelming was how hefelt.How his lips felt against her tongue, how very aware she was of every fiber in his shirt as she bunched it in her fists. Most of all were hishands, their warmth and strength and just how experienced they seemed. Maggie was hyper aware of just where his hands were, and as one traveled toward her underwire and the other toward her waistband she cautiously, shyly pressed the tip of her tongue against his lips, pleading uncertainly for entrance.Each breath seemed deeper than the last she was going to run out of it sooner or later. To avoid feeling lightheaded she shifted her focus from his hands to her own. Slowly she unclenched her fingers from Blaise's sweater and slid her palms over his shoulders, up to cup the back of his neck. It was difficult to resist the urge tograband to hang on for dear life, especially when he pressed his body against hers. Almost instinctively Maggie's hips pressed against his and...Oh...Oh...Oh goodness...It wasn't that she didn't want him the hot ache in her loins would attest to that. If it hadn't been for some little part of her brain that kept one eye on reason, she would have happily given Blaise anything his heart desired in that moment, and taken in return anything he allowed. But prudence and fear won out. Wait. The word hadn't appeared on the slate. As Maggie taught him how to sign, she gradually took away words reduce his reliance on her written word. The sign was firm, a quick circular motion of both fists moving in opposite directions. Even as her chest heaved and her eyes clouded with desire, still she looked apologetic.I know it's not sexy and I'm probably bollocksing everything up,she said, hands still shaking and a little clumsy,but maybe we should talk real quick? About...I dunno... Expectations...?Her face, already flushed with passion, blushed a deeper shade of vermilion and she had to fight the very strong urge to look away in mortification.
The press of her tongue was received quickly by Blaise, his mouth opening to her own. She tasted like sweet coffee, a dessert that came rarely but was always so very appreciated when it did. It was a touch that emboldened him, and she could feel one hand slip around her back, tracing the underwire of her bra to find where it might eventually lead to the clasp He couldn't help but marvel in just how... small Maggie seemed against him. That mattered so much more just then than his cardigan, than the zabaione left to warm on the table, than all the other little concerns he might have had a few minutes ago. Howslight she seemed, her body splayed against his hands, his chest, and as by reflex they pressed their hips to one another, and she could feel the strain against those trousers of his he felt a sudden thrill of exhilaration at just what would happen if he was allowed to go just that one step further, to spread bare pale legs over either hip Wait The word came through in not only the sign, which he did not see, but in the sudden absence of her hands, the withdrawal of her tongue. He tried to follow it for but a brief moment, his perception addled by a haze of pure desire, but it was but a split second later that he was pulling back. His breath was heavy, his hand drawing itself over his face briefly as if to wipe a sheen of sweat away that wasn't there."I... what?" he asked, a step or so behind the curve. He wet his lips with his tongue, getting one hand on the back of the couch so he could pull away just enough to give her some breathing room. "Yes... right. What.. what are you thinking? We don't have to go... further, if you're not ready," he said. It was a struggle, and there was a part of him that didn't mean those words at all. That wanted to just cover her mouth with his hand as he pulled her trousers down to her knees to take what he wanted. But theright words, theright thing to say, that was what was important, and he wasn't near drunk enough to forget the words.
I...I'm not, Maggie admitted shamefacedly, chalk shaky on slate as her hands still quivered.I want you Blaise. God! I really do. You don't know how much. But's all new to me.She would have covered her face with her hands if she hadn't needed them to speak. She felt almost ready to cry in embarrassment. What was a timid little country mouse like her doing with someone like him, anyway? Who did she think she was? She took a deep breath and held it, summoning up all her courage to be frank.Tonight's a first everything for me, Blaise. You're my first everything.She couldn't do it anymore. Maggie ducked her head and looked away, unable to risk it. Unable to watch him laugh at her, or look at her with pity. She sniffed thickly and swallowed hard, but managed to keep it together so long as she didn't have to watch him decide she wasn't worth it after all.I really like you. A lot. She kept her hands as close to her chest as she could, her movements tight and timid. Her handwriting matched.And I don't want tonight to end now, but I just...I don't want to move too quickly, y'know? I'm not exactly a "wait for marriage" kinda girl, but it's just...when I've never even... The board began to write and erase over and over as she started and stopped, trying to find the words. She couldn't tell him the truth, that even now a small part of her suspected that it was just a game to him, just another conquest.Nobody's ever touched me. And I want you to. But I'm scared. And now I feel stupid for ruining a perfectly good evening.That was the best she could do. Maggie curled her hands into tight fists and pulled them against her chest in an apparent attempt to disappear into herself as much as physically possible. The only reason she hadn't pulled her knees up to her chest too was because Blaise was currently kneeling between them. She had pulled her chin to her chest, averting her eyes as she felt the hard, deep blush creep up to her hairline, over her ears, and down her neck.
Blaise wasn't sure what feeling was welling up in his chest, in the back of his throat. Disappointment, certainly. A little bit of frustration. He had... never been turned down. Not when he wasthis far, when they werethis alone, away from any prying eye that could hope to ever find them. But somethingelse there, that stirred up in him as he saw the girl try to physically collapse inside of herself in an attempt to escape his gaze.He wasn't so closed off and cold for the thought to not occur to him. He wasn't so far removed from the world of actual human connection and emotion though perhaps his mother wishes he were to not recognize the tell tale twang ofguilt.He would hurt her if he pressed any further, and Blaise did not want to hurt Maggie Cartwright.He reached for her slate, plucking it up along with the chalk. He wrote a message in his tidy handwriting, all hard crisp lines, practiced and easy. He reached forward, tucking the slate between her knees and chest so that there was no escaping the pale lines, staring back at her from the flat surface.Then let me touch you.He had left the couch when at last she looked up, straightening his cardigan he'd become terribly untucked in the preceding activities, and now he was smoothing it back over the smooth, dark muscles she could briefly spy beneath. He still stood out against his trousers, parts of him still anticipating a more entertaining time than they would have. He took a step toward the end of the couch, settling himself down on the very edge, right next to her head. His arm came around, begging entrance around her shoulders... to merely pull her against his ribs, so that she could cushion herself there, warm and soft."Just like this. Anything else can wait. Alright?"
Maggie stared at the words for a long time. She swallowed several times, fighting the tightness in her throat as she puzzled over the meaning of the simple sentence. Touch her where? How? It was a basic request but one she couldn't grasp, couldn't understand. She barely noticed when he left the couch, still staring at the slate. Blaise didn't seem to realize the intimacy in his action nobody but her had ever written onher board. And when he did, she didn't find it offensive or controlling he'd done it in an attempt to communicate clearly, to get onto her level without forcing her to look at him. He recognized that she was too mortified to look at him, to stare at anything but her own lap, and had adapted.It was with a sudden, shaky breath that she realized he was gone. Maggie finally looked up and looked around, but he was still there merely straightening himself out. Still at attention which made her gradually fading blush return with a vengeance but clearly not in the mood for forcing matters. To her utter surprise, however, instead of getting impatient with her inaction and leaving, he sat beside her and pulled her in close. Blaise spoke slowly and clearly and comprehension dawned while she set the slate aside. All at once she curled into his side, pulling him close and holding him tightly against her. One hand came up, touching her fingertips to her chin just below her lip then making an outward motion over and over. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. She'd have been lying if she denied that at least a few tears dropped onto Blaise's sweater, but finally she got herself under control enough to function again. Maggie cleared her throat and sniffed thickly again, lifting her head from his chest and wiping at the few remaining tears that had threatened to turn into a deluge. She pulled her arm back from around him, if nothing else then because it was probably quite uncomfortable for him, and leaned into his ribs and looked up at him. The slate took up its usual vocation once again.I imagine you probably have, haven't you? she asked.Been with other girls, I mean.It still wasn't the most ideal topic, but it was a conversation that needed to happen and she was rather more comfortable talking about his sexuality rather than her own.It's alright if you have, not that you need my permission. Dunno if I'm even a proper girlfriend or anything. I just... She huffed.Honesty, yeah? She looked up at him again, still pink but no longer on the brink of tears.Thank you, Blaise. You don't know how much it means to me. Not a lot of guys are interested in the first place, so deaf and a virgin? She chuckled, but the word brought the blush back with a vengeance.Sort of a deal breaker, it seems. One of those cyclical problems.
The words were clear. His actions were clean and precise. But the emotions roaring in tumult in his chest, under that fine, well appointed cardigan, were anything but. It was what he had been taught. The most important lesson of all when your mind is unsure, be sure in your actions. Feel the feelings in your body, and try to disperse them while you attended to the matter at hand. There would always be time to deal with that later.He wasn't looking at her as her hand traced its pattern with fervency. He was looking somewhere straight ahead, lost in other thoughts, as she thanked him for a restraint he hadn't wanted to show.A hundred thoughts swirled, none of them taking more prominence than the others.Do you fancy her? She wants this, you could probably convince her. It might hurt her. But you want it, too. Could have won the bet right here. But what did that matter? He didn't need the money. He wanted satisfaction. But it might hurt her His arm tightened around her just so, a protective gesture as he turned scooting himself back just a bit so that he could actually sit there, taking her place from where she had been so wonderfully pressed against the side of the couch.He didn't answer her it wasn't one he terribly wished to give, not least of which because a few memories came trickling through. Of sticky sweet summers or cold winters, the twining arms and legs of three different girls, all lovely in their own right. Desperate thrusts of the inexperienced, finding delight in the stolen moments alone. It made his body surge with a sudden shiver, and he found himself crossing his legs at the thought of Maggie and just how tight she would be around him.But there was one truth that did come bubbling up. He hadn't beenfriends with the other girls. That was truth enough."... a few," Blaise finally admitted. "For honesty. But... I like being around you, more." His arm tightened around her just so. No great admission of affection, but "... it's to their great loss that they haven't."
Maggie smiled weakly. He had answered honestly, and that just gave her more questions. Questions she had no right to ask. How many? What had he done with them? Were they girls she knew? Was he still involved with them? Had he loved them?He answered that last question in his own way. If he liked being around her then certainly he wasn't in love with someone else. Not that she wasin loveof course, that would be silly. How easily she would be giving her heart away! Yet still, she couldn't ignore the fact that Blaise treated her the way few boys had treated her before. She curled up against him, head on his shoulder, knees resting on the side of his lap. His arm tightened around her.I like being around you, too,she said with a smile. Maggie chewed on her lip for a moment.So I know you like things to be precise, so to clarify you weren't my first date ever. I just sort of count it as such. She looked up at him with nothing but trust and honesty.A few guys have asked me out before on a bet or a dare. One of them didn't even wait until I was out of sight before he collected. Asshole.She sighed heavily and shrugged.I guess the Universe was just saving up for better was all.She gave him a small smile and leaned up to kiss him gently.So um...Not to be that guy, but...what are we, anyway? Maggie chuckled nervously.I just don't wanna, y'know, make you uncomfortable or anything. And my dad probably ought to know if I've got a boyfriend.
Saving up for better. Blaise wasn't typically one to feel much in the way of guilt or shame. And yet, he couldn't help but feel the weight on his shoulders of something new and terrible. Guilt, certainly, trapping him in thick chains made of wrought irony. His lips were unresponsive against hers for the first second or so, but he returned it belatedly. A brush, his hand catching her fleetingly across her chin."... I'm not sure the school is ready to deal with the two of usofficially tied together," Blaise said. "The sheer scandal of it might upstage Potter's yearly disruption of... everything." He said it with a small smile as he turned onto his other hip, his arm tightening around her just so."But as far as I'm concerned... I don't wish to see anyone else right now. I want to see where this goes."
Maggie chuckled at the thought of a new relationship detracting from Harry Potter, and how he might take it.The Chosen One, they were calling him. She just hoped it wasn't going to his head. Still at Blaise's gentle let down she couldn't help but feel her heart sink. She shouldn't, she knew. She'd given him the option, and he'd taken the out. It wasn't only about whatshe wanted. Still, it was disappointing and her smile faded a little more quickly than usual despite his arm tightening around her. It was a comfort to know that he didn't want to see anyone else, that he wanted to see how it turned out. Howtheyturned out.Well then in that case,she said, snuggling in a little closer.I don't mind saying that I was perfectly fine with where we were. I just wanted to make sure that we were on the same page. I wouldn't mind revisiting our earlier programming. She crinkled her nose briefly, cutely, and her teeth grazed his bottom lip ever so lightly.Unless you're more concerned about dessert?
He lost the question "programming?" under the gentle grind of her teeth, dark eyes glancing sidelong over at the slate as it asked a question. The first question in some time that he found ever so easy to deal with He was not shy in moving her, adjusting her with his arms, so that she was pulled straight against his body once more. His hand smoothed itself through her hair, finding himself in more familiar territory as his lips pressed against her own."Mm. I find you sweeter, if I'm being honest," Blaise said, his lips closing over hers before she had much time to contemplate the sheer cheesiness of the line. His hands closed around her lower back the kiss was gentler, less heated than before... but carrying with it a comfort. That they would see where this went, that they would consider all else later In the Slytherin Common room sometime over the next few nights, Blaise found Draco Malfoy. The Malfoy heir had been up at odd hours in recent days, that much anyone could discern. It was even often that he would outlast Crabbe and Goyle, his erstwhile apes who apparently needed their beauty sleep. Emphasis onneed. Blaise found him poring over some odd book or another, a leather tome of unclear origin.Blaise had had a bit of time to get his thoughts together. After taking Maggie back to her room elsewhere in the castle, Blaise had had a few days just to consider what it was he wanted to do. It was a problem to be solved. He wasn't sure how he felt about Maggie. He wasn't sure he could call her his girlfriend, or anything more than a friend... but that was the point, wasn't it? Shewas his friend, or near enough to one that he would find some guilt in trading her dignity for coin. To lie to her, to lead her on, that was another thing. That was justcommunication. But money was mercurial. Holding control of the situation,that was important.And so a bag of coins landed on the table in front of Draco with a heavyclink."You win, Malfoy," Blaise said simply.
Draco leaned over an ancient leather book with cramped writing, head in hand, hair ruffled, a slight sheen on his skin where he'd forgotten to shower yesterday. So much to do. So much to figure out. So much... He could practically feel the dark circles forming under his eyes as he sat there, reading the same line he'd moved his eyes overseventenfourteen times. He couldn't focus. But hehad to. Myrtle had warned him that if he worked too hard he'd burn out, but that was just because she didn't know any better. She'd been moping around in her eternal pity party going on fifty years, she'd probably forgotten what it was like to work this hard.That was an uncharitable thought about the only person he could talk to about this stuff. Maybe hedid need a break.That break came in the form of a small sack of gold. Draco stared at it for a moment, unseeing at first and then perplexed as to why it was there."You win, Malfoy."Zabini. He blinked and looked up at him, eyebrows raised in mild surprise. "Iwin?" It was genuine perplexity. "Not like you to give up on a wager it's the principle of the thing after all. And I've never known a girl to turn you down. What happened?" He had a few ideas, but one in particular settled in his mind and a slow grin tugged at his sagging face. "Good lord! Don't tell me she's adykeas well?" He laughed sharply. "Sheis, isn't she? Oh God that's rich!" He ran his hands over his face, wiping away the sweat and sleep, and shook his head. "And not evenyouhave the power to turn her back is that it?" | 61 | ['Filch', 'Hermione', 'Peeves', 'Flitwick', 'Weasley', 'Dumbles', 'Granger'] |
15 | | Harry Potter: A Different Beginning (Ezralora and I only) | Everybody has heard the story about the Boy Who Lived. A boy and his family who had been attacked when he was very young, and only the boy had lived. His parents sacrificing themselves to ensure that he stayed safe. This resulted in him being sent to live with his aunt and uncle, a pair of muggles, although his aunt did know about magic, due to her sister being a witch herself. Everybody knows about the great battle that ensured during the seventh year of the boy being at Hogwarts with the Dark Lord Voldemort, and how at long last the man had finally been defeated.But what if something happened and all of this knowledge was erased because it had never happened. Tom Riddle had never become Voldemort because he had never discovered the Cahmber of Ssecrets, he had never discovered the existence of the Horcrux. No instead Tom Riddle grew up as a regular student just like everybody else in Hogwarts.In this never occurring, the boy who lived never had to worry about losing his parents, or having to live with his aunt and uncle. No the boy who lived, Harry Potter, would be able to also live a normal life with his parents, and attend Hogwarts without worry of a dark sorceror trying to kill him all the time.But why exactly would this happen?Because there was another being that wanted it to happen. A powerful wizard himself, who came from a long line of powerful rulers, and wanted to ensure that he was the only one who could rule over the wizarding and muggle world. So he used his own powerful magics to go back in time and to rewrite that a few single events, preventing the Dark Lord Voldemort from ever coming into being.Now starts a new story for the students of Hogwarts, and a new year. Although little did any of them know that the year was going to get far more existing than previous years at the arrival of two new fifth year students. Fire red hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail as the young woman sat in the seat on the train, blue eyes just gazing outside watching as everything flew past them. Although her attention was dragged away from that when she heard the woman selling snacks outside the car that she was sitting in which had her getting up so that she could buy some snacks. If the other young woman that was sitting with her wanted some snacks as well, then the fire haired female would leave that to her to decide.After she had gotten what she wanted she was just sitting down once again with a slight scoff. "I'm really not excited about having to go to school." she commented after a moment in time. Especially to a wizarding school. There was no point.The young woman, whose name Izybel, was just opening up her snack and going back to gazing out the window. No she was excited to go to school but she wasn't excited all at once. She was excited because it was a new experience, and she would be able to meet some new people, but at the same time there wasn't anything that she would learn while there.After all, she was different from most witches and wizards. She, and the female sitting with her, were capable of wandless magic. Powerful and wordless wandless magic. They could just cast magic, which had baffled some in the past to see them use magic so efforlessly, without wands, and even without speaking anything at all.Izybel looked towards her sister for a brief moment in time as she ate one of her jelly beans before she was digging through her bag and pulling out her iPod, and putting one of the headphones into her ear, just listening to her music at that point in time. Granted she was a fullblooded wizard, she wasn't out of touch with the muggle world. She did know quite a bit about the muggle world."Okay I'm looking towards to this, but I'm not all at once. It'll be nice to make some new friends. Although it is going to suck trying to dumb it down and make it seem like we don't already know everything there is to know about magic." she mumbled after a moment in time. Their father had made sure that they learned everything about magic starting at a young age. There wasn't anything they couldn't do, and they were definitely the strongest witches in the school, student wise. Although their father was convinced that they had the power to rival even that of the headmaster, and he was a wizard that one didn't trifle with.
Looking at the pair of them you could see a few similar traits between the pair. Though whilst her sister had the warm embrace of fiery red hair. Her hair was darker, closer to the look of dried blood. It might as well be described as nicely messy. Bits stuck out here and there, licking up or down, or curving away. A fair portion covering one of her eyes. She was wearing jeans with a thick boot for hiking on, a jumper and a scarf that covered her chin. The scarf was nice and had a yellow and black chequered pattern on it. Everything just seemed to fall in place for her appearance wise, apart from a long scar that ran from the middle of her left cheek, and down her back. It was part of the reason why she wore the scarf, just to hide it that little bit more. Though there was no denying that she was beautiful.Her brilliantly emerald eye flicked over to Izybel as she talked, it was the same situation every time. She didn't budge when the trolly came by, choosing to stay spread out on the seat of the train, one leg stretch out, the other bent. "Mhm." She responded as she went back to staring up at the luggage wrack. "Right an experience... as you've said we've done everything before. Yet here we are, going back. Yay...!" She mockingly cheered. "We get to wave sticks around, and continue to pretend that we belong in... what are the houses again?" She asked, she remembered them more for the animals than the founders. A lion for the strong, a snake for the sneaky. A badger to fit in and a Raven for... She grinned. A raven for a smartass."You'll change your mind about a few more times i'm sure before we get there, take those carriages up and that's bye bye to our home for another set of months. Wait..." She sat up as she yawned, stretching her hands above her head. "What classes are we doing this year?" Macha was always a little like this at the start of the year, slow to get going but once she started her competitive side began to show. She had already solidified a reputation in the school, mostly good but there was definitely a bit of a dark stain to that light.
Izybel looked towards her sister for a brief moment in time before she was giving a soft giggle before she cooed, "The houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. I'm a Slytherin." And it was a bit fitting at times, she was rather sneaky, and a bit conniving as well. With that she was brushing her hair out of her face and leaning back in the chair, just humming along to her music a bit as she watched her sister. Man this was definitely going to be an interesting year and yeah her sister was right, she would end up changing her mind a few more times."Honestly I'm glad to be away from daddy. As much as I love him, he has gotten a little more obsessed." Izybel commented after a moment in time. Yeah they were determined to help their father with his plan, of making himself king of the wizarding world considering that would make them the princesses. And they were already powerful enough to hold their own as it was. They wouldn't have to worry about anybody being able to dethrone them easily, or their father. After all he was the one who had gone back in time and prevented Tom Riddle from becoming Voldemort.Yeah this was an event that the girls knew about. But their father had told them the true history that they were missing out on. The entire story about Voldemort, Harry Potter, and everything that had happened. The true story was an interesting one as well, with Tom Riddle discovering the horcruxes and basically breaking his soul apart, then becoming Lord Voldemort. The battle between the death eaters and that of Hogwarts. But that was a history that nobody else knew about, other than the girls and that of their father.
"Right..." Macha slumped back down as she stared up at the luggage once more as if she were going to try and set the damned thing on fire. "I'm the one with the uh... the uh.." She waved her hand through the air before cursing under her breath as she whipped her legs over the side of the seat and stood on it to reach her luggage. With a click she opened her case and began rummaging through her case. After a few articles of clothing being thrown away behind her she pulled out her jumper and examined the crest on it. "Lion.." She muttered and just threw it back into her case along with the other discarded items.She huffed and sat down again. "Why did i persuade the hat for that? I mean come on it's not like we actually belong in any of them. Oh ho if you have these certain character traits you get put into this house." She mocked before scoffing and peering out of the window. It was certainly getting darker out there."Speaking of being away from the old man. What's the plan for this year?" She asked Izybel, "Are we actually doing anything just yet or simply keeping up appearances?" She questioned before cracking her fingers as she stretched her arms above her head, pressing against the luggage holder.
"Gryffindor, that is the house that you are in." Izybel spoke with a small giggle after that point in time before she was helping her sister get all of her stuff back into her suitcase so that they could put it back up onto the luggage shelf. With that she was giving a small shrug before she spoke, "Yeah I don't understand the traits part at all, considering if one thinks about it, a person would belong in all of them more than just one."She was thinking for a brief moment in time when her sister asked what the plan was for that year. Were they actually going to do something or simply keeping up appearance. Their father had commented that they should definitely show off a bit, and show that they weren't to be messed with. And possibly even let the damn teachers know that he was still around. After all their father had gone to school with Dumbledore so long ago."I say we do something." she spoke after a moment in time with a slight grin. What they were going to do was a good question, but she was definitely wanting to cause some problems. No doubt about that. And she was a bit excited to see Draco as well, she had missed him over the summer.
Macha blew some air out to move an annoying strand of hair out of her face. "Something though, what could that something be." She scratched the side of her face, unconsciously following the scar on her cheek for a little bit before snapping out her own thoughts. "I mean we could try and rejoin the duelling club this year, and work on that competition side of things." She added, it would be interesting to see how they would do like that. Macha was never really one to hold back and that was known way back in first year.She chewed the inside of her cheek as she glanced around the compartment before peering over to her sister. "Or anything else you're planning on doing with the year? I mean you may as well let loose the information. I'll find out one way or another." She added a mischievous grin spreading over her face.
Izybel looked at her sister for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "We could join the dueling club. I would love to show them what we are truly made off." With that she was giving a small giggle before she was pushing some red locks out of her hair before tilting her head back towards the ceiling of the train then looked at her sister as she asked if there was anything else that she was planning for that year."Well.... There is that tournament that is suppose to happen this year. That competition between the three schools. I'm thinking off.... spicing up the challenges. Of course I'll be sure that nobody gets too injured." she spoke with an almost devious grin. So the original competition had taken place in Harry's fourth year but this time it was taking place fifth year. Which really didn't matter much to her at all. In the end there wasn't going to be a portkey that would take Harry to a creepy ass graveyard where his foe would be getting resurrected.She did purse her lips before she spoke, "No the non tricky thing I plan on doing is actually asking Draco out." Her love interest that was for sure, although she hadn't ever bothered to ask him out. Not because she was afraid of his answer or anything, she just hadn't thought that it was the right now. Most of the time it was almost as if Izybel didn't feel fear at all... which was far from the truth. She was just good at hiding her fear externally, even if she was terrified. Getting backed into a corner without a fight wasn't her style at all.
Macha perked a brow at her before taking in a deep breath as she was talking about some guy she had a crush on. She chose at least this time to not mock her for it. If anything she was a little jealous though she would never say it. She had asked people out but, well she was always that little bit too intense at times and that didn't sit well with a few people. "Maybe we could try and enter it... or one of us to really show up some people." She muttered before coughing into her hand.She tucked her arm behind her head as she slumped back down on the seat, putting her feet up. She remained quiet for a long time as she just stared at the luggage rack. "What do you even hope to get out of this relationship? I mean do you really think the old man is going approve of it?" She asked with a small smile, through her hair she could probably make out the flash of a yellow eye, unlike her green one.It would appear a little bit menacing in someways but she was most likely use to it by now. She hear a few students outside of the compartment talking to themselves as they began to walk around the train, meeting other friends and what not. She stared out, taking a note of the people there. "But beating people in the 'duelling' club is agreed then."
"I definitely agree with entering to show up people." Izybel spoke with a faint chuckle before she was popping another jelly bean into her mouth. Oh that was a nasty one that was for sure, and that was evident on her features.She was studying her sister after taking a drink of her water after she was being asked what she wanted to get out of a relationship. "A relationship in general, and I honestly dont care if father likes it or not. Honestly you wouldnt think he would care. The Malfoy family has great influence and is a powerful family. He would want that on his side." Izybel shrugged after a moment in time.She listened to the people outside of the compartment before she was using magic to poof on her school robes. The nice thing about being on the powerful end, they were able to teleport and the wards couldn't stop them. How they got together at night most the time."We going to fuck with the norms like last year? Despite us being a Slytherin and Gryfdindor, hanging out together." Izybel spoke with a faint grin. How confused everybody had gotten, considering their houses were suppose to be "enemies", yet they were always hanging out.
Macha stayed where she was, not changing just yet as she scoffed a little. "Of course there the reasons.. just a relationship." She grumbled and folded her arms, burying the lower half of her face in the black and yellow of her scarf. Her gaze flicked back to her sister as she asked her about it and shrugged her shoulders. "I mean it's not like i can just go from being all sisterly to hating you for wearing green in a blink of an eye is it?" She asked her with a feint smile that was perfectly hidden by her scarf."As long as you stay off that pitch i see no reason to do anything to you. Plus you're like my closest friend as it is." She ran a hand down her face as more of her blood red hair was brought over her face. "As sad as that sounds.." She waited another few minutes before her clothing changed into the red and black robes of gryffindor. The only thing that stayed was the black and yellow scarf with which she was reapplying.She looked into the dark window of the compartment eyeing her reflection, moving some of her hair over her yellow eye to hide it better. "I mean it was annoying enough to have to persuade the hat i would be perfectly suited for Gryffindor." She began to mimic the things voice. "Aaaah yes Macha i see a great confidence in you, compelling for greatness... much like your sister. Perhaps this boldness will do well to be used in Slyth No thanks i'd like Gryffindor. Wait but I'm fairly certain i can act brave when it comes to it." She shook her head laughing partially. Satisfied her hair was sorted. "Again looking as cunning as ever in silver and green." She could feel the train beginning to slow and lazily hooked her fingers around her trunk and pulled it from the luggage rack until it thunked to the ground. "What about you? Are you sure you want to keep tabs on the Lioness of Gryffindor?" She mocked, she was never one to like nicknames... but that one kind of felt a little fitting though those sixth years had it coming.She most assuredly got into trouble for it, but it had just added to her reputation. Their father certainly wasn't happy, not that she had fought back and beaten them thoroughly but that she willingly got caught at the scene of the crime."Oh.. if you ever need, a... ehem. Moment to get to the Malfoy boy just let your sis know and she'll do her fucking best to make sure you get as loooooong as you want."
Izybel was giving a small giggle before she spoke, "Well daddy wouldn't approve as well, and you know my like for doing stuff that he wouldn't approve of." After that she was pulling her red hair up into a ponytail and watched as her sister was wrapping her yellow and black scarf back around her neck. Hufflepuff colors, but it wasn't as though her sister really cared at all. "I would never stop hating you, despite what house you are in. Not like it really matters what house one is in. In the end, regardless, you are learning the same thing and graduating in the end."After that she was giving a small giggle before she spoke, "I don't see why you did. I enjoyed listening to the hat try to figure out which house I should have been in. That was more than entertaining, then in the end I just mentioned mentally that I was definitely more of a snake than anything else." With that she was giving a slight giggle before she was listening to her sister as she mimicked the conversation that had occurred between that of her and the sorting hat. The expression that had been on the features of everybody when that had occurred had been more than entertaining. Izybel was looking as the train began to slow which had her getting up so that she could get her own luggage down, listening to it thud on the ground then just looked towards Macha at the mention of keeping tabs on the Lioness of Gryffindor. "I usually keep tabs on you, you are my sisters. Although, I don't typically step in unless you actually need the help, or ask for the help. Otherwise, do your own thing." she grinned after a moment in time.She did give a faint smile before she spoke, "I think I'll be able to get him easier enough. Heck there is competition but... none of the girls after him are that pretty." Perhaps she was having a big ego at that point in time, but she knew that the others so didn't stand a chance. Honestly the only one she could even was as beautiful as her, or even more, was that of her sister. Their natural beauty was definitely something that they prided themselves in.Before the train was coming to a complete stop, Izybel was taking her hair out of her ponytail and braiding it over her left shoulder. In the braid she wove her in her silver and green ribbons, and was tying it off with her black ponytail to stop it from coming apart. Her typical hairstyle actually.
"That was indeed a rather impressive conversation that was going on at that point yeah." She commented remembering her sister's time with that old rag. She smiled for a brief moment before glancing around as she patted her sister's shoulder with a soft hand as she made her way to the door of the compartment. "Well i do have to say if that's the case, Draco isn't really going to stand a chance now is he?" She grinned at her before sliding the compartment door open, but the crowd was rather huge on the outside and she moved back inside."Yeah i'd say we wait a few minutes for people to move." She folded her arms before putting a foot up on the edge of her case. "So.. anything else we need to discuss game plan wise before we go back into another year filled with sheep of the future of the wizarding world?"
Izybel looked towards her sister before she was looking towards the crowd that was outside before she was cooing, "I don't think there is anything else to discuss, other than how we are going to take over the school." There was a devious grin on her lips at that point in time before she was brushing her hair out of her face and then soon enough she was grabbing up her bag to leave the compartment, now that it wasn't as crowd and they could actually get out. No the sooner she could get off that stuffy train, the better she would feel.
Macha let out a slight sigh and followed shortly after dragging the case behind her as she hummed quietly to herself. Once she left the train she made out the silent platform and the first years who were gathering around the giant Hagrid. She shook her head briefly and moved past it, it wasn't anything new or remotely interesting about it. Just a bunch of new years being excited and wide eyed to the chance to practice magic.She made her way to the carriages and placed her trunk down before clambering inside and picking a seat. Being one of the last to leave the train the carriage was already rather empty. She was simply expecting it to be an easy ride up to the castle where the feat would happen, talking chatting. Catching up... it was just all too friendly. She huffed and closed her eyes as she sat in the carriage, burying the lower half of her face into her scarf once more.
Izybel was strolling after her sister, glancing over towards the first years that were all gathered around Hagrid. God she was so glad that they hadn't been all wide eyed and excited like most first years were. Actually due to having already starting to learn magic prior to going there, they were a bit indifferent to it all. With that she was walking over to the carriage with her sister and climbing up, setting her bag down as well. It was nice that it was pretty much empty at that point in time, she really didn't feel like dealing with people too much at that point in time.
Macha sat in the carriage and sure enough it was starting to walk itself as it headed towards the castle. She took in a deep breath as she looked over the inside of the carriage. "Well i guess this is it for the rest of the evening, you'll be partying it up with the Slytherins to celebrate the start of the year, and me with the Gryffindors. What fun we shall have, i really question why they leave this celebration so late." She said before grinning slightly, it wouldn't take long for the carriage to get to the castle.Draco was already sitting down at the table in the hall. He looked a little different in this time line. He wasn't as sallow or had as much of a sneer. Though there was a slight mocking smirk on his pale face. His white blonde hair was loosely tied into a rather stylish ponytail. Tied together with a deep green ribbon. He was talking to a few others with a slight nod, working up with a few of the elder years as well. Being on the Slytherin team had its perks in the house.
Izybel looked at her sister before she grinned and spoke, "I am looking forward to this partying. It is fun to see people after the summer, sometimes anyways. Plus I'm curious as to what pranks the lovely Weasley twins are going to pull this year." With that she was leaning back although it wasn't as though it took them long to get to the castle and she was standing up, grabbing her bag before jumping off the back before the carriage even stopped. After that she was looking towards the school that was looming before she was walking off towards the doors, pausing for a moment to wait for her sister. As usual the Le Fey sisters would enter together before they were parting ways.
Macha popped her gum a little before closing her eyes as she waited for it to come to a stop. She got her luggage with the others and gave a small smile to Izybel before she gave a wave and started to part now that they were in the castle. She coughed into her hand as she slipped onto the bench and glanced over the crowds of people there. The teachers were at the table as usual looking over the students as they worked. The usual staff, Hagrid as well. The first years beginning to be sorted in. With each new person a cheer from the house.
Soon enough they were walking into the large room with everybody else before she was giving a wave to her sister before she was gliding off, heading towards where the other Slytherins were sitting. A few of the Gryffindors were greeting Macha as she arrived to the table before they were taking to cheering as the first years were being sorted in. Izybel went over and sat down next to Draco, just watching as new students were sorted out. How boring this event was, although she couldn't wait for the food to start appearing.
Macha smiled and nodded, putting on for the people there before she was watching the new years beginning to join to the table. It was always a bit weird how the table always managed to remain that little bit empty despite more people joining the table. She gave a small wave to a few of the people there.Draco glanced over his shoulder and smiled a little at Izybel. "Oh hello there, making a small entrance as usual?" He asked her before clasping his hands together. "How was your summer?" He asked her, his voice oddly smooth despite the crowd uproars around him.
Izybel looked towards him for a moment in time before she scoffed and spoke, "For now. The fun hasn't even begun. Who is to say that I don't have something planned." With that she was giving a small grin before she was shrugging at the question of how her summer was. Same old same old. Nothing new had really happened. "Same as usual. Kind of boring."Hermione looked towards Macha as she joined them before giving a smile then spoke, "Hey there Macha." Nope she wasn't really any different than she had been in the previous time line. Still a smart brainiac, although she wasn't as close friends with Harry and Ron this time around. Probably because Harry Potter wasn't anything overly special this time around.
Draco peered at her with his grey eyes before nodding a little. "I suppose then." He said to her and was a little surprised at the amount of information she wasn't giving away. "You say the same thing every year you know that? I mean surely something has to have happened but hey." He raised his hands in the air before looking back over to the hat. "If you want to keep ti a secret it's all yours." He didn't seem offended, "What was boring about it then? If i may ask?"Macha perked her head up as she was staring at her plate wondering when the food was going to start turning up before she heard her name being called out. "Hmm..?" She lifted her head up before seeing Hermione calling. She frowned a little before waving her hand a little and found a small smile on her face. "Err Hi Hermione." She said before lowering her arm to drop onto the table with a thud.
Izybel gave a small giggle before she was cooing, "Oh I have something planned. Lets just say.... I may have teamed up with the twins for a special show." With that she was giving a faint giggle. It was nothing major, just setting up fireworks from the top of the towers. Which required sneaking into the towers to do just that. Not something that would be difficult for her whatsoever. "Just lighting off fireworks from the towers this evening." she smiled before she just shrugged and spoke, "We didn't do anything."Hermione was giving a chuckle before she spoke, "Good to see you again." Hopefully the sorting ceremony would be done soon, a number of people were hungry and ready to eat it seemed. Herself included.
Draco perked an eyebrow as she mentioned something that had been set up. "I see, well working with Gryffindors... i guess that is in your area." He muttered, and glanced over at Macha. "But if it is something interesting then the years will appreciate it i'm sure." He added a smile still on his face at the thought of it. He knew the twins and what they were capable of if they tried at least.Macha gave a small nod, before deciding that it was most likely best to answer. "Oh yeah, good to see you too. " She said and looked back up tot he high table before letting out a sigh. The last of the first years was sorted. Hufflepuff, and then the Headmaster gave his speech. A speech about a big event that was going to be happening before the feast. Though she would smile at it, her stomach gave a large gurgle.
"I mean.... The most difficult part is definitely going to be sneaking into the towers tonight after lights out." Izybel commented after a moment in time before she was leaning forward before she spoke, "You already know that I find it pointless to have the separate houses. In the end we all learn the same stuff." With that she was giving a shrug before she was turning her attention back towards the headmaster as he spoke. A big event that was going to happen before the feast. "Oh and I've got a few plans to make the goblet of fire competition a little more interesting." Izybel grinned. Yeah she was the Fred and George of Slytherin most of the time. A trickster.
Malfoy let out a sigh with a mixture of a chuckle. "If you're the one that believes they can do this, then best of luck to you." He said with a shake of his head, she did always seem to be the ambitious one. He cleared his throat before drumming a finger on the table as they talked. "Hmm... well maybe i should put my name forward." He suggested with a slight grin, "Could be interesting to see how you can effect this games.""And with that any student fourteen or over can put their name forward." The Headmaster began, and looked over his half mooned spectacles. "However, i warn you younger years that if you are to enter there is no going back. If you enter you do so at your own risk. It is sometimes the bravest thing to know when you have reached your limit." He added before waving a wand that very much looked like a wooden skeletal finger. A golden light shone out of it before a large stone goblet appeared before the room. The hall fell quiet before a blue flame erupted out of it. "The names will be announced on the first of October... and if you are chosen my you respect your school well. Now i'm sure everyone is hungry let's dig in." And just like that, food and drink appeared on the golden plates and in the goblets for the hall to chime in on. Though it took a few moments for the people to start as the Headmaster's message settled onto them.Macha looked up trying to catch her sister's eye before grinning a little. She would definitely be putting her name in that goblet tonight.
Izybel looked towards him for a moment before she was giving a small giggle, "Hey I planned on helping them. I'll be planting the fireworks while they distract the teachers so that I can do that. I hope you aren't going to tell on me." Not that he would actually, no there was no fear there. And she wasn't really concerned about any of the other Slytherins saying anything either. She played with her braid a little bit before looking at the Headmaster as he talked about the upcoming tournament that was coming up. And explaining that those fourteen or above could put their name in the goblet, although once your name was put in, there was no removing it. Her eye did catch that of her sister before shew as giving a faint grin back. Oh yeah she was definitely putting her name into the goblet as well."You wound me so. We've been classmates for a while now and you haven't learned not to underestimate by skills." Izybel spoke in a fake pout to Draco before watching as the food was finally being served. About time.
Draco perked an eyebrow at her before lightly pushing her shoulder. "No need to get so worked up about it." Was all he said before he started to pile his plate with a moderate amount of food. As ever it smelt good, and was all ready for everyone to dig in. He plucked up his knife and fork, spinning the fork between his fingers for a little bit. "There's a difference between me underestimating your ability and you over estimating them. You might be.." He waved a small bit of beef through the air. "Very skilled, but getting cocky has been the end of a fair few people."Macha glanced over as she saw her still talking to Draco, letting out a small laugh under her breath as she pierced a potato cleanly with her fork and plopped it into her mouth. She looked along the table, seeing those of the house chatting amongst themselves enjoying it and finding it a little strange. She... she felt if anything a little left out. She closed her eyes before letting out a quiet sigh and a few words later she had managed to move on up and was sitting next to the braniac. "Hey... err.." She looked down at her food, why was she so bad at small talk? She could go with her sister, she knew her well enough. "Interesting year huh? Lot of people from different schools." She said, brushing a lock of her blood red hair behind her ear.
"I'm never cocky." Izybel commented as she started to put some food on her plate before she was humming softly. Oh everything looked so delicious. And perhaps at one point in time she would have been cocky, but by now she had pretty much learned her limits. She knew how far she could push something before she ended up pushing herself too far. "I mean it hasn't ended me yet, and you know I take risks often." Although that was usually worse in potions class, and throwing random stuff into a pot to see what could happen. She was taking a bite from her baked potato, and giving a coo of satisfaction. So delicious.Hermione was looking over towards Macha for a moment in time before she gave a smile before she spoke, "Oh yeah it is most definitely going to be an interesting year." Already she heard some of the others discussing entering the tournament, and it seemed like the Weasley twins were plotting something as well. Making candies that would enable those under fourteen to step across the magic and put their names in the goblet. Or so they thought. Although considering it was the Headmaster that had put the spell around it, she already knew it wasn't going to work.
Draco shook his head as he let out a slight laugh before looking over her properly and nodded his head. "Well yes i do know you well, first year if i'm correct. Seems like that was ages away now." He commented as he scraped a bit of beef through some nice gravy. Once it had soaked up an adequate amount of gravy he popped it into his mouth. "Though if i didn't know any better i'd say all these pranks are you making up for lost time over the summer. Considering how boring it was..." He briefly looked over the tables before seeing Macha talking to that... Even in this world he was not the most keen on muggle borns.Macha smiled briefly, "Are you thinking of entering the competition? I mean out of most people on this table, i'm sure you'd be able to at least figure out what is going to happen in the challenges before most people." She said, seeing a few of the others at the table. Rigel Black, looking much like his father, Ron Weasly, the twins. Harry Potter as scruffy haired as she had been told. All of them unaware of what had happened, and what had changed. "Sorry i'm not the best at the whole... conversation thing, if i haven't really known you too well." She admitted as she played with a bean on her plate, feeling a little guilty for being a shit conversation. She was a confident person, and it annoyed her when she couldn't present that aura. Though most of the time it came out in rebellious acts, fights, quidditch, or anything she could be in competition with someone else with. Macha just needed a few days to get going.
Izybel gave a small chuckle before she spoke, "It was ages ago and no... I played plenty of pranks during the summer. Even found an old spellbook and learned some new magics." She was giving a slight grin before she was taking a bite out of the buttered roll that was sitting on her plate. The food was always so amazing, even if they often had to wonder where it had come from. She did take the time to look around at everybody and realized that nobody would ever know about the timeline change, and even if she had tried to tell somebody, they probably wouldn't believe her at all. Hell at first she hadn't believed it, until she had actually seen her father change stuff first hand.Hermione was looking over before she was shaking her head then spoke, "No I'm not going to be entering. But yes I probably would figure it would, which is why, I plan on helping whoever is chosen as the champion for Hogwarts with the challenges, regardless of what house they are in." With that she was taking a bite out of the green bean casserole that was on her plate, savoring it a bit. It was good, although it had nothing on her parents homemade greenbean casserole. It had her miss her muggle parents a bit, but there wasn't much that she could do about it. They had known she was different, and they had allowed her to attend Hogwarts back her first year. And they continued to support her. Muggles that didn't care about the magicking world, as long as their daughter was happy. That is all that mattered.
Draco smirked as he shook his head before taking in a deep breath as he glanced over at the goblet again. It did attract a fair few glances from the students that were around. He brushed a hand through his hair gently before clearing his throat. "But still... another year." He said and gave a small smile, "Oh yes i forgot." He pulled a badge from his pocket. It was a prefect badge. He gave her a small smile before slipping it back. He didn't feel like wearing it just yet. "My father and mother were rather pleased. And well the extra authority is sure to come in a bit handy later on." He added, his grey eyes looking over her for a moment. "What about you? I don't know who the other prefect is of this year."Macha nodded and grinned a little, a bit of her confidence starting to flair and that was just good to keep it going. "Well it could just as well be me." She said before stuffing a bun into her mouth and let out a heavy sigh. "I mean provided the big goblet spits out that bit of parchment." She looked over her for a moment, she had heard how she aided Harry Potter and Ron Weasly, but now. She was just as normal as the rest of them, though no matter what she was sure Hermione would be getting close to top grades throughout.
Izybel looked over towards him when he was showing her the prefect before she was giving a small chuckle then spoke, "Oh Mister Malfoy the Prefect. Going to boss us all around." Of course she was teasing him then was just raising an eyebrow when he was asking about her, and commenting that he wasn't sure who the other prefect was. This had her giving a shrug of her shoulders before she spoke, "I have no idea anymore than you do." God she would make a terrible Prefect that was for sure, and she really didn't want anything to do with that. Any more than she ever wanted to be named head girl. Nope nope. "I can imagine that would be please." she spoke before she was taking a bite from her food, and was just listening to the others that were around them. Strangely enough though, despite her being a little prankster, she did well in school.Hermione looked towards Macha for a moment in time before she was taking a bite out of her food before she was looking towards the others, the people that were talking about entering the competition. Or those that were talking to the twins about wanting to get one of their candies so that they could enter themselves in the tournament. "It isn't going to work." was all Hermione could comment in a rather loud voice after a moment in time before she was taking a bite from her dinner roll.
Malfory perked an eyebrow up before smirking a little as she said that. "Of course, why wouldn't i boss people around with this shiny new badge?" He asked her with a little laugh as desert began to appear on the tables. He drummed his fingers for a moment before helping himself to it. "I'm sure people were given these badges for a reason otherwise, well it's just wasted metal now."Macha smirked a bit to herself as the desert was shown on the table and a few others beginning to speak about plans to do it. "Oh for.." She shook her head and was quickly pulling out a few things. Within a minute or so she was pushing back on the bench and moving back out over it. She stood there in the hall for a moment before she made her way over to the goblet. The flames lapping at the air violently. She lifted her hand and dropped a crumpled up bit of parchment into it, the flames turning darker for a brief moment before she turned and began to leave the hall.
"No promises I'll listen to you, even with your shiny new badge." Izybel teased the Male then watched as her sister was getting up and putting her name in the fire. The first one who had decided to do that it sseemed.It was amusing to see the shocked look that everybody had which had her giving a slight smirk. After that she was watching as the dessert appeared before she was bouncing to her feet, and gliding off towards the goblet. Mind as well get her name in there. Unperturbed by the flames, she dropped a piece of parchment in there. Yeah she had been like Macha, a bit annoyed by listening to people plan to do it. But nobody actually got up. After that she was turning and walking back towards her spot, and sitting next to Draco once again.
Macha continued to walk through the corridors, seeing a few of the ghosts who decided to not attend the feast gliding through the castle. She rubbed the side of her head before taking a few more turns and was walking steadily through the school. Knowing that practically every student was in the hall. She rounded a corner before jumping up onto the ledge and curling up into a windowsill. She was glad to be back at least... it was always a good way to be away from him. She leaned her head against the stonework. "A month and then we'll know..."Draco smiled before laughing a little. "Of course the pair of you are the first ones up." he muttered as he sipped from his goblet. "Never the ones to sit still." He said, and watched as it seemed like the sheep began to follow. The actions of those two having knocked them over the edge to decide what to do. "Well here's to a potential champion." he said to her and lifted his goblet a little to her. The others at the Slytherin table cheered and toasted a bit to her and a few of the others as well.
"Well somebody has to be first, and I'm not afraid to enter it." Izybel gave a giggle before she was raising her goblet in toasting towards the other Slytherins that decided that they were going to put their name in. Heck there were a few of them that were even prodding Draco to go up and put in his name. Pansy, who was like overly obsessed with him, was even offering him a kiss if he went up and put his name in the goblet. This had one of the others commenting that nobody wanted to kiss her, which had Izybel snickering a bit.
Draco shook his head as he let out a sigh. "Not a chance, i mean with the amount of students putting their names in right now. It probably would not make the difference." he retorted and perked an eyebrow at Pansy. "As tempting an offer as that is, i stand by what i said." He added before grinning at the one that made the joke as he sipped from his goblet once more.
"You would actually wanna kiss her? Who knows what you would get." one of the other guys scoffed, which had somebody commenting that he could kiss Izybel instead, at least she was pretty. Not that she was really paying attention, nah she was talking with one of the other girls that was sitting right next to her at the time. At least she had been until one of the others was commenting that they were talking about her, which just had her shrugging. "Eh oh well. I'm hearing what they are saying I'm just choosing to ignore it." she chuckled before she was taking a bite from her cake.
Draco let out a sigh as the conversation was taking a turn that he didn't really want it to. "Oh boy.." He mumbled to himself as he raised an eyebrow as a few were recommending Izybel. "Listen i'm not going to be putting my name in just now." He said, "And that, is that." He placed his fork down before glancing over Izybel as she spoke. "Probably for the best." He agreed when she said that she was just ignoring it. A few of the other teachers at the table were beginning to get up to leave, as the Headmaster said to them all that it was time to tuck in. With that, Draco was up his badge in place and started directing the first years to the Slytherin common room.
Izybel was giving a small shrug before she spoke, "I've basically learned how to ignore those around me, especially when they are talking about non important things." With that she was watching as the teachers started to get up. Huh seemed like they were all getting dismissed to head back to their common rooms, which had her looking towards Draco. "You know with you being a Prefect, I probably shouldn't have told you my plan." she cooed in a playful tone before she was getting up and sashaying out of the room.
Draco blinked at her before he left and gave a smile, "What plan?" He asked and moved past her. "First years follow me." He called out, and was soon being engulfed by the eager first years that wanted to leave the hall and explore the school. Though a fair handful of them looked as though they were about to collapse on their feet from sheer exhaustion of their first day.Macha was sitting at the portrait of the Fat Lady as she glared at the picture there, she could already begin to hear the rest of the Gryffindors heading up the stairs towards her. She hadn't been picked as a Prefect for some bizzare reason she was sure, and thus didn't know what the password was. "About damned time." She muttered under her breath as she folded her arms, waiting to hear what it was, and see who the new Prefect was.
Izybel was giving a small giggle before she spoke, "You know I love you." After that she was helping herd all of the first years along, making sure that none of their lovely little snakes ended up getting lost. "I don't suggest wandering off at all. Getting lost can lead into some rather dangerous situations." she hummed at a few of them that were talking about sneaking away to explore. There was a slight smirk on her lips when they ended up jumping a bit, and she was just continuing past them, actually falling in next to Draco. Hell even Crabbe and Goyle didn't even stop her, and usually they would end up keeping people away from the blonde haired male. As if they were bodyguards protecting their lord. "So... I had a question for you." Izybel cooed at him as they stood outside of the Slytherin common rooms, waiting for all of the first years to get there.The Gryffindors walked up being lead by that of Hermione, who had been named a Prefect, although that didn't seem to be much of a shock to many. "First Years, keep coming this way." she called out as she walked up to where Macha was at, and was looking at the Fat Lady, who was turning her attention towards them at last. She had been just staring at her glass of wine priorly, but now she seemed to notice that they were there at last. Hermione was looking towards the woman and speaking the password, which had her just speaking, "Go on in" before the portrait was swinging open.
Draco rubbed the back o his head as he was keeping an eye on the new years. The dungeons as ever were cold, or cooling but of course as soon as they moved into the common room the heat of the emerald green fires and lamps, as well as the view from under the lake would be sure to stop them complaining. "Parceltongue." He said and with that the door clicked open before swinging open and everyone began to pour inside. Malfoy turned to her his grey eyes settling on Izybel. "Okay, what is it?" He asked her, as he slipped his hands into his pockets.Macha smiled a little at Hermoine as she appeared along with the first years before she let out a feint sigh. She looked up at the ceiling seeing the other stairs starting to change once more. "Hmm..." She mumbled and smirked a little at the new prefect as she walked in. "I suppose you were the best choice for the job, congratulations." She patted her on the shoulder. She didn't hang around in the common room and moved the room she would be sharing along with the others in her year before finding her stuff and flopping back onto the bed.
Izybel followed after him and watched as everybody took to pouring into the common rooms. The first years were looking around wide eyed, almost unsure what to think. Oh the same "reaction" that she had given when she had first gotten there. Despite the fact that none of it had really surprised her at all. Her attention was turning towards Draco when he was responding which had her chuckling before she cooed, "My question is... will you go out with me?" This had a few of the others looking over a bit shocked, more so because she was actually asking a guy out. Usually she was turning them down.Hermione looked towards Macha before she was giving a small smile then spoke, "The other Prefect for Gryffindor hasn't yet been decided. They are actually deciding to do something new this year. One Prefect is predetermined then the second will be more or less decided by the rest of the house, and the first Prefect. I'm going to have a vote later tonight." All of the houses were doing it that way, so that the House had more say in who their Prefects were. But the headmaster had already predetermined who the choices were, and had already listed those that could be voted for. And there were a total of ten other names that one could decide from, Macha being one of them.
The white blonde haired boy frowned briefly for a moment, one eyebrow being perked as she asked. He glanced around at the others as they were looking at him. "Sure could be fun, we could head out at the first Hogsmead trip or somewhere in the school grounds." He said to her with a small smile, it wasn't a sneer or a smirk it was just a genuine smile. "So that would be a yes for clarity, now everyone who's name isn't Izybel get back to your own business." He yelled to the others and they began looking away. He had to admit he was surprised that she had asked him out, he hadn't tried or asked her. The thought was always in the back of his head but there didn't seem to be a good moment for it. Seems as though she had beaten him to it though and he was a little relieved.Macha glanced up as Hermione spoke to her before popping her gum. "Right, well that sounds like a fantastic system they've introduced." She said and gave a thumbs up with a meek smile. "Could show that the second person in a way is just the thing the house needs... or a practical joke." She added and grinned a little as she slipped her scarf off and draped it over headrest. She rolled her neck around briefly before stretching her arms above her head. "Who are you going to be partnered with. Haha, can't wait to see this." She grinned a little at her. She moved some more of her forward to cover her yellow eye before turning around. "When's the vote then?"
Izybel looked towards him for a moment when she spoke, "When I asked you out, I was more asking if you would be my boyfriend. Not to just go on a date." Was she bothered by the people that were watching them at the time? Not really. She could easily make it so that they didn't remember the conversation at all. With that she was pushing a few strands of her loose hair from her face before watching as everybody was scurrying off away from them. "Don't scare them too much, lovey." she cooed before she was smirking and giving him a kiss on the cheek before she was drifting off.Hermione gave a small chuckle before she spoke, "I like it a bit more. Gives the students a little more ability to decide and be more comfortable talking with their Prefects." With that she was handing over a copy of the list of people that they could vote for before she spoke, "Any one of these ten people. You are on the list as well." She was giving a wave before wandering off so that she could go and show the first years to where they were sleeping, and give them a tour of the common rooms.
Draco frowned a bit at her, "I thought that, being a boyfriend involved taking out my girlfriend on dates." He said before smiling a little as she kissed him on the cheek and shook his head as she just drifted off. "Right.." He muttered before seeing one of the older prefects explaining the process of voting. He listened casted his vote before smirking and walking off. He did try and find Izybel around, but if he couldn't he would just head to the boys room.Macha smiled but it quickly dropped as she looked at Hermione. "Wait what? I didn't agree to that i won't be!" But she had already headed off. "Oh for.." She stared at the list, hatred bubbling in her eyes as she saw her own name there. That was the last thing she had wanted. "Great.." She slumped back down onto the bed and found herself reading the other names on there. Ron Weasly, of course. Harry Potter, Shamus Finnigan, the Pyro. Neville Longbottom. She subconsciously began to trace the scar on her face down to her neck as she read the names.
Izybel gave a small giggle before she cooed, "I'll see you later." She would probably end up sneaking into the boys area of the common area to see him. Wouldn't be the first time. She had snuck in before in the past to hang out with him... a few times actually. Although perhaps things would be a bit different now that he was a prefect, maybe. Who knew. She did listen for a brief moment to what was being said about the voting for the second Prefect. Well that was definitely something new. Different, and she wasn't sure what she thought about it. But whatever, if that is what the headmaster wanted to do. Had her wondering who was all on the list, considering that is what people were talking about. The list of people that could be voted for. She did pause for a moment in time when somebody mentioned that Draco was looking for her.Hermione looked towards her for a moment in time before she was giving a faint chuckle then spoke, "If you really don't want to be apart of it, just let me know and I just toss out the votes for you. Whoever gets the second highest amount will be the other prefect." With that she was looking around and smiling gently, watching as the older students were taking to showing the younger students around. And explaining some stuff, and then there was Ginny scolding George and Fred for wanting to prank some of the new students. Initiation in a sense.
Macha shrugged her shoulders before she flopped back onto her bed and cleared her throat as she stared up at the ceiling thinking this through carefully. Eventually she just decided that if it happened, it would happen. It's not like she would make it amount to anything and there couldn't be much to it other than telling people stuff they should already know. She shook her head as she got changed and climbed into the bed before trying to at least get some sleep before the next day.Draco left the vote counting to the other prefects before he slumped into one of the smooth leather green sofas. He brushed a hand through his hair before letting it out of its pony tail. Despite it just being the first day back, well not even that. Evening back he was rather tired already. "Back at Hogwarts..." He murmured to himself before stretching his hands above his head.
Eventually Izybel was walking over to where Draco was at and sitting down on the sofa next to him, one leg cross over the other. "You make it seem like it is a bad thing to be back." she spoke with a slight grin and wasn't at all shocked to see Crabbe and Goyle come over to sit near them. It was actually kind of nice to see that even in this timeline, the three of them were still close friends. And Crabbe and Goyle were a lot different from what they had been, they weren't as dumb appearing, and weren't always wanting to eat sweets.
Draco glanced over at her before grinning ever so slightly. "It's not a bad thing to be back, it's just a little different i suppose." As his father had not been a death eater, he had not been brought up with that closed minded mentality. He still had the general upper nose that purebloods have but that edge was never refined by Voldemorts touch. "Just new students, new classes, final year before NEWTs. OWLs this year and then there's that tournament going on and on top of that Quidditch." He blew out air into his cheeks. "Just controlled chaos. What about you? You glad to be back and at it?" He asked her, he remembered the first year when the pair of them showed up. There was something different about the two of them and he could never really put his finger on it. As he got to know Izybel though that became less and less and he just started to enjoy her company.
Izybel just listened to what he had to say before she cooed, "Well then Mr. Prefect, better be sure to keep them all in line." With that she was smirking at the mention of controlled chaos. Man if only he knew the truth about everything at that point in time. "I'm mean I'm looking forward to this year. I'm thinking about joining the dueling club." she hummed after a brief moment on silence before she was laying her head on his shoulder, not even really bothered by if anybody said something. No even in this timeline, Draco was still basically the king of the Slytherin house. "Although I can't stay overly long, I have stuff to do." Izybel commented after a moment in time. She had to head off and get those fireworks planted.
"Ah yes of course your big plan." he said and smiled, it felt nice when her head rested on his shoulder. It sent a very slight warm buzz through him as he let out a content sigh. "I'll be sure to turn a blind eye this once at least." He teased, before gently moving his elbow into her side with a light touch. He just enjoyed the moment, "I might join as well then, always fun to test your skills against another." He added with a grin, that still never seemed to leave his face.
Izybel just looked towards him before she was giggling then spoke, "I figured that you would turn a blind eye. And it isn't as if my actions are to endanger anybody. It is just for some fun and entertainment. I would be the only one who got hurt if it came to that." With that she was looking at him with a gentle smile before she was pursing her lips in through before she spoke, "Or maybe I'll just do that tomorrow. Not like we have to worry about classes tomorrow. Benefit of the day after the sorting ceremony usually being a weekend." That being said she was shifting so that she could lay her head on his lap, just looking up at him and her feet dangling over the arm of the couch.For the last number of years she had debated talking to him about assisting them, gathering comrades like their father had suggested. Those special people that would be more or less exempt from the rules of their father when he stepped up to become "emperor" of the world basically. It was still so strange to know of the past that nobody else knew about. It was strange to see Harry Potter as just a regular boy, and knowing that during the tournament he wasn't going to get yanked into a strange cemetery."Boys and girls must be at least a arms length away." spoke one of the students that had walked up to them, holding a sheet of paper out for them. The voting that was happening, which had her snagging it to look at it. What the heck was this all about? Oh yeah the other Prefect. "Well this is quite unexpected. Voting for a Prefect. Interesting that they would do something like this." she commented as she looked through the names. Oh hey she was on that list. Nope her becoming a Prefect would be about as terrible as her becoming head girl. She so wasn't fit for that job at all. "As for arms length away, I would like to see you get me to move. Even Professor Snape tends to let me do what I want. Not hurting anybody." Izybel cooed at the other student.
Draco rolled his eyes as she began to speak. "Well it would have more impact today to say the least." Was all he said and didn't object as she placed her head on her lap. He took in a deep breath before raising his hands above his head. "You know something tells me you're just too comfortable for me to stand up now." He said, and took the paper. Tapping his wand on his vote before the paper vanished with a pop.He glanced down at her before shrugging. "Not like you're going to be moving too far away from me right now." He added and fell quiet for now, looking at the glass pane between them and the lake and the fish that swum by the green water.Meanwhile back in Gryffindor house, the votes had been cast. Oddly enough it seemed that Macha had been the one to be elected and a few of the students were calling to get her up out of bed so they could celebrate in the true gryffindor way. Stolen food, butter beer loud music and sweets all through the courtesy of a second late night voyage of the Weaslys.
"That would require getting up and I am quite comfortable at this point in time." Izybel giggled after a moment in time. Nope she would end up going up to plant those fireworks later in the night, after people had gone to sleep. Less of a chance to actually run into anybody at that point in time. More ideal not to run into anybody. She was looking up towards Draco for a moment before she was teasing, "Besides I'm sure you don't want me to move either."Hermione was smiling after she had counted up the votes. It had been Macha that had won, although for some reason she hadn't doubted it at all, she kind of figured that it would have been Macha. That or possibly Ginny, and they had definitely come in close. Yet again, Ginny hadn't really wanted anything to do with being a prefect at all.
Draco raised an eyebrow before looking down at her. "Well i don't know, i did quite like the feeling in my legs. It was a rather satisfying thing to have, though i guess you're kind of like a cat. Hard to move once you've settled." He said wth a wide grin at her before tapping her forehead with left index finger. Afterwards he lazily draped his left arm over the arm of the large sofa. "So... is this it for tonight then?" He asked with a small smile on his pale lips.Macha was in her pyjamas when they had brought her down, a sleeveless top and polkadot bottoms. It was one of the few times that she looked vulnerable. Her blood red hair was already slightly messy from turning in rest. "What.." She asked as she moved some hair over her yellow eye, a yawn stretching out from her as she brought her arms high above her head.The common room stared at her for a second before one of them yelled. "Congratulations!" That was when everything basically exploded. Macha and Hermione were both hoisted up into the air by the older prefects, welcoming them into the fold with cheers and food as the house began to party. A few first years that decided to stay up were timidly trying to join in, though not know who the two of them really were. Macha was looking like a rather startled rabbit at the sudden uproar.
Izybel looked towards him before she spoke, "I suppose I am like a cat. And no you can ask me to move anytime, and I shall. It'll just encourage me to get up and go do stuff." There was a faint grin on her lips when he asked if that was it for the night but she was shrugging before she spoke, "Just sneaking out after curfew and everybody falling asleep to go and plant stuff." There was somebody who was telling her that telling the prefect that probably wasn't the best idea. This had her shrugging before she was speaking, "Not like any of you would even mention anything to a teacher about my actions. Besides, I wouldn't be shocked if they knew I had something planned and just don't care. Not like anybody gets hurt." Other than herself once, but that had been an accident.Hermione was out in the common room just waiting for Macha to arrive and was shouting out along with them. Obviously Macha seemed a bit confused and soon enough Hermione was explaining what had happened. That she had been voted as prefect, although was also mentioning that if she didn't want that role, they could give it to somebody else.
Draco rubbed his temple a little as she spoke, "Sorry what, i didn't quite here you there." He said to her with a little smile before leaning back a bit more on the sofa to relax whilst she stayed there. He closed his eyes for a moment as he enjoyed the moment, it was rather strange but nice at the same time. He didn't do much else for the rest of the night, occasionally he would talk, but after a while it was getting late and he said that it was probably best to get a bit of sleep before the weekend. Though he was set on seeing her again tomorrow, if not first thing then definitely at the Great Hall.Macha was still looking like a startled rabbit, but eventually the effect was wearing off and she just gave a small smile that basically said, "Someone's got to do it." And joined in with the festivities and the party around her. Boy what a party it was, even McGonnagal had to come in and tell them that they should all be heading to bed, as she shepherded in the first years.
Izybel was giving a slight giggle although after a while she did end up sitting up and was just using his shoulder as a pillow, for a bit anyways. At least until he decided he was going to head to sleep which had her watching others drift off to go and get some sleep as well. "I'll see you later." She hummed and waved as she got up as well to head off towards where her room was at.Hermione was giving a smile and soon enough it seemed like Macha was joining into the festivities. The night was most definitely going by splendidly enough, and everybody was having a great time. Then came to McGonagall coming in and telling them that it was time for bed. Although the twins were naturally scheming and plotting on sneaking put. Which had Hermione commenting she would overlook it for the time being, considering she knew what they were doing was harmless. And going to be a sight for a all.
Draco gave a smile before he nodded to her. He stood up, brushed himself down and made his way towards the boys section of the common room and headed down the stairs, deeper under ground to reach the fifth years rooms. He clambered into his bed after changing and was very soundly asleep. Though he was half keeping an ear out incase Izybel decided to change her mind about the fireworks.Macha let out a long yawn as things seemed to be dying down. She stretched her arms once more above her heads as she made the climb back to her room. She had noted Fred and George but like Hermione, overlooked it. Though her reason was she wasn't official just yet, and in all honesty she didn't particularly want to waste the oxygen of letting her words hit on deaf ears. So she clambered under the sheets and let her head drop onto the pillow.
Izybel was waiting for everybody else to head off to their rooms before she was slipping out of the common rooms, and out of the Slytherin dungeon in general. Time to get out of there and go plant her fireworks. Already she knew that the twins were on their way to assist her with this job. Needless to say tomorrow night was definitely going to be an interesting night for everybody involved.
The next morning there was very little to be done. As stated before it was the weekend and the Goblet was the main thing on most people's mind. Draco had given into a bit of peer pressure and placed his name in the fire, hoping that it would not be picked ever. He was currently sat at the Slytherin table, pouring over the daily profit as he munched on a cereal. He made sure to keep up to date on the world outside of the school. It was the best thing to do to reach out there. It was fun but the castle could make you feel awfully cut off from the world.Macha was chewing on an apple with her own copy of the paper in her hand, scanning over the headlines before discarding it onto the table with a flick of her hand. "Dull.." She grunted, her blood red hair was tied up in a bushy pony tail today, though her fringe still nicely covered one of her eyes. She pushed back from the bench, adjusted her jumper before going to march out of the hall. Something had to be happening somewhere out there. She made her way to the courtyard and stared up at the grey clouds, the ticking of the great clock was hard to not notice when she was this close to the tower.
Izybel hadn't gotten back until early in the morning, having been making sure that everything that was perfect with the twins. Oh yeah tonight was definitely going to be amazing that was for sure. And she had almost gotten caught on her way back to the dungeons so that she could change for the day. So she was one of the last Slytherins into the dining room at that point in time, which had a few of the girls asking where she had disappeared off to. "Exploring." was the only response that she gave before she was going over and sitting next to Draco, although her attention did turn towards her sister who seemed to be getting to her feet and was leaving the great hall. "I'll be back." she cooed before she was giving Draco a kiss on the cheek, just to get a reaction out of people, before she was grabbing an apple and bolting out of the great hall. "Macha!" Izybel grinned as she jogged up to her.
Draco grinned as he got kissed on the cheek before looking over at the table. "What?" he asked and very effectively began to brush off questions that were being thrown his way as they asked what happened, when and why. He was getting a bit annoyed, but kind of liking the attention. He was certain that was just what Izybel had planned.Macha came to a stop before turning on her heels as she saw Izybel. "Oh hello." She said with a slight grin as she placed her hands on her hips. "What's up Bell?" She asked as her grin grew a little wider. She looked over her for a minute taking her appearance in and began walking at a slower pace as she made her way further outwards. "Anything i can help you with you sneaky devil?" Macha gave a small wink. "managed to find the places you visited, very nice, very nice. Looking forward to the show."
Izybel was giving a sneaky little smirk towards Draco, or she had before she had left. Oh yes all of the questions, and she would leave him to have fun with trying to answer them at that point in time. She was giving a slight grin before she spoke, "I don't think I need any help with anything at this point. Other than... getting the word out that everybody needs to gather in the quidditch field tonight to see the show." She was certain that the twins were helping get the world spread as well, after all they had helped get everything set up."Oh and I asked Draco out. I was a bit shocked that he said yes, and now I left him to deal with all of the questions. The what, when, and why questions." Izybel spoke with a slight snicker before she was brushing some of her red hair out of her face and looked up towards the sky, her eyes just seeming to sparkle before she was cooing, "I'm looking forward to this night."
Macha frowned before placing a hand firmly on her hip as she looked over her sister who seemed to be practically glowing with joy. "I think it's fair to say you are officially the happiest of the pair of us." She said whether it was a back handed compliment or a a genuine acknowledgement of her sister's joy was kind of hard to tell with the tone. "I'm sure you two will become the power couple of the school in absolutely no time at all." She grinned before nodding, "Quidditch pitch i'm sure i can plant a seed, though as the newest prefect of gryffindor house i shouldn't. This is your one and only warning." She said before poking her sister's shoulder. "Anything else or are you going to return to mr tall blonde and slytherin?"
"I mean Draco is a prefect and I got away with sneaking out last night. I'm not overly concerned. It is harmless and you know it. I'm pretty sure Dumbledore knew I was up to something." Izybel commented before she was stating that she was going to get back. Food sounded really good at that point in time, as did a nap. With that she eas giving her a hug then spoke "And you just need to hint at them to go to the field."
Macha shook her head a little before letting out a long sigh. "Riiight well go have fun with your new boyfriend." She said as she was about to make her way away but was suddenly hugged. She smiled before hugging her sister back and let out a slight sigh. "Sure, sure i'll get a word around in my busy schedule of goodness what the heck i am going to do." She said as she puffed air into her cheeks and brushed her fingers through her deep red hair.
Izybel looked at her sister for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "I shall have fun, and I'll see you later." With that she was turning and jogging off back inside so that she could go and sit down next to Draco once again. There were a couple of people that were asking her questions, and asking if it was true that they were dating. "Yeah it is true. I wouldn't have kissed him otherwise." With that she was grabbing a bagel and putting some cream cheese on it before she was taking a bite out of it. With that she was looking at a few of those that loved to gossip before she spoke, "Spread around the word that there is a schoolwide get together tonight at the quidditch field."
Macha made her way through the courtyard and began looking around, wondering if Hermione or anyone from her team, or heck a teacher was lingering around to talk to. She didn't know what to do on the weekened there was just, nothing! Her homework had been done, and those that had left it to the last minute were just idiots. Her father had drilled that in, that if they were going to attend the school there was to be no half arsing it. She had told a few people to start spreading the word about the field but that was about it. Without even notcing it she had found herself on the edge of the lake staring at the giant squid.
Izybel ate her food in peace and just listened to those that were around her as they talked. Mostly the conversations were about what was going to happen that year, and talk about the tournament that was coming up. Predictions about who was going to be the Hogwarts champion, although in reality there was no guessing that, not with how many people had put their names in. "I see the twins failed with their candies...." she commented after watching a couple of people who were underage try to put their names in after getting across the spell circle, only to get tossed out.
There was definitely that buzz around the school and it had only been the first day back. However despite that, there was the sound of a hammer smacking against the stone wall. Notices were being put up for apparition tests as usual, the duelling clubs as well as other events that were going on. One of the biggest of course was the event of the term, the announcement of the goblet. Other than that, students were catching up. Getting to know one another, and generally enjoying each other's company.
Izybel was just giving a slight chuckle as she listened to everything that was going on before she was looking at a few of the notices that were being put up. Oh she had to wonder what those were about at that point in time. There were obviously things about the tournament, which was a big thing going on at that point in time. There was more than something about the dueling club, there was always something about the dueling club, on top of a number of other clubs.
There was a few moments of silence before Macha was tapping Izybel on the shoulder. She gave a small smirk as she signed her name up to the duelling club. She then brushed a hand through her red hair and placed her hand on her hips. "Where's your one true love?" She asked with a small smile, she had quite a nice walk and moment at the lake but the call to try and find people had brought her back here.
Izybel looked towards her sister for a moment in time before she spoke, "I should probably go and sign up for the dueling club." Then there was the question of where her one true love was at, which had her pointing to where he was at talking with a couple of first years. With that she was getting to her feet and walking off so that she could sign up for the dueling club.
Macha gave a small smile before shaking her head as she watched her sister for a moment, "Well i guess it's official then we will be kicking butt this year that's for sure." She came to a stop before looking over her shoulder a little as she narrowed her eyes a little. "Do you think Lupin will be running it once again?" She asked, Lupin due to circumstances different to now was the permanent Dark Arts teacher and had been since their third year. Quirrel had been killed, rather sadly by vampires in the woods, and Lockheart had been proven to be a fake. "If so we might have to be careful... i don't think he quite trusts us after last year..."
Izybel looked towards her sister before she was speaking with a giggle, "Yeah we are definitely going to be kicking butt." After that she was stretching a bit before looking over at the mention of Lupin running it again that year or not. That was a very good question actually, she truly had no idea. She hoped that wasn't though, considering he really didn't trust them at all, or really like them at all. Probably because they were constantly besting them. "I hope not." was all she could answer before she was strolling over to where Draco was at and wrapping her arms around him from behind.
Draco glanced back at her before brushing some of his pale blonde hair back behind his ear. His pony tail neatly tied up in an emerald silk bow. "How may i help you?" He asked her with a gentle voice before turning around to wrap his arms lightly around her waist. "You know i'm not just going to disappear every thirty seconds right?" He asked her.Macha watched this before rolling her eyes as she crammed her hands into her pockets. "Yeah kick butt.." She grumbled as she looked at the pair of them with a small twang of jealousy at how... couply they were being already. She kicked her boot into the ground before turning to start walking off grumbling under her breath as she did so.
Izybel looked towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "Yeah I know that, I was just giving you a hug." With that she was giving a slight scoff before she was drawing away before she cooed, "Besides, I think you should be more worried about me randomly disappearing." After that she was giving a small giggle before giving him a peck on the cheek before she was disappearing off once again, running up besides Macha and grabbing her arm. "I'm bored. Lets do something fun. " she spoke with a smile.
Draco frowned a little at the sudden bombardment from the hug and then the peck on his cheek. He just had about enough time to say, "Sure see you tonight then." He gave her a confused wave before slipping his hands into his pockets. "Well then where were we?" He asked as his girlfriend rushed off to see her sister.Macha stopped mid grumble if that was at all possible before turning to her. "Urr... i swear you need to make up your mind on where you're going at times." She said to her and raised her hands behind her head. "What to do then, could always sneak onto the quidditch pitch for a bit, pick a fight. Write to dad, which i'm putting on the bottom of the pile... urr..." She clicked her tongue before looking around the grounds.
Izybel was giving a giggle before she was humming, "You know that making up my mind is like a thing of the past." With that she was strolling along beside her sister and listened to what she was suggesting that they could do. Sneak into the quidditch pitch, pick fight, write a letter to dad. Yeah they would probably want to do that. "We should probably do the letter writing. Least father decide to send his own letter, and making a show out of it." Izybel hummed before she was commenting that she couldn't wait until that night with the light show that was going to happen.
Macha let out a sigh as she rubbed the back of her head, "He is always one for making clear how grandious he is. I'm surprised he hasn't announced to the entire school yet who we are." She muttered and snapped her fingers as a parchment roll, ink and quill appeared in her hands before giving a loud whistle. There was a hoot before a great horned owl began to head towards them. Flapping its wings as it glided down and rested near the pair. "You going to tell him about tonight?"
Izybel gave a faint chuckle before she spoke, "You know I'm a bit shocked as well that he hasn't announced it to the world. Yet again... I'm thinking he probably thinks that we'll say something." With that she was giving a small shrug before watching as her sister was poofing in a parchment roll, some ink, and a quill. This had her chuckling when she was asked if she was going to tell their father about the night, which had her commenting, "I'm half debating it." Not that he would be overly surprised to hear that day one, and already they were going to be getting into some trouble. Or at least Izybel was. Not that it really bothered her at all.
Macha began to write as her quill scratched on the parchment for a few moments, her hand writing was fairly neat. Well as neat as it could be for someone writing without a table. "Okay should i ask him how he is...?" She thought about herself for a moment before shaking her head. "No that probably isn't the best thing to do, he wouldn't respond anyway. So... the event? Write it or just wait for him to find out? Which he will." She dropped the quill in the ink pot before letting her take up the letter if she wished.
Izybel was just watching for a brief moment in time. Honestly no point in them both writing a letter, considering in the end if he did actually write back it would be one letter addressed to the pair of them. "Probably no point in asking. We already know that if he doesn't write back, it'll be like a sentence telling us to keep up the good work. And telling us what to make sure we get done as well." she commented before she was shaking her head a bit with a slight chuckle. Oh tell him about the event? This had a thoughtful look crossing her features before she spoke, "Nah I think we can just leave him to find out for himself. Knowing him, he has some of his own followers watching over us right now." With that she was tapping her lips for a moment in time as she read through what her sister had already written. No there wasn't really anything else she wanted to add, Macha had pretty much covered it. They had mentioned that they had arrived, the houses that they were in, the classes that they were taking, and a few other miscellaneous things. No that was good enough. About the only thing that Izybel was adding at the bottom was her signature.
Macha frowns a little at the mention of them being watched right now. "Do you really think that there will be people around keeping an eye on us? I mean what do they expect us to do! Burn the school to the ground, it's a school filled with a lot of potential for magic with testosterone and puberty driven kids. I mean kind of after you got together with tall blonde and popular, people have been getting together in Gryffindor tower, and not only that i'm fairly certain a few people's moods are beginning to effect their work." She blew a strand of her hair from her face. "Not sure if you heard it but there was an explosion that shook the god damn tower." She signed her name as well before folding the letter and handing it to the owl.
"Know father, yes I can imagine that there are people around watching us right now." Izybel spoke after a moment in time before she was looking over at her sister at the mention of burning the school. This did have a slightly thoughtful look crossing her features before she spoke, "Now that is an interesting thought. I wonder how it would turn out if we actually tried to do that." With that she was giving a slight shrug before looking at the not one last time as it was handed off to the owl, then mused over the information about people getting together in Gryffindor tower. This had her giving a shrug before she spoke, "While it is school, people still totally deserve to get together." With that she was just giving a faint chuckle before she was cooing, "Well everything is going to get a lot more exciting tonight."
"I'll be there. And i expect it to live up to my expectations. If it doesn't oooh i'll be so angry." She said in a rather mocking tone before giving a small smile. "Alright well i guess i'll see you there whilst i go spread around this rumour." She gave her a smile and a small wink before getting to her feet, stretching and starting to walk off. It would be interesting and she was sure that her sister would indeed have set up something that will go down in this school's history. At least for a while until the next Nope no one would really be able to top it. She gave a wave and continued onwards.
Izybel was smiling at her sister before she spoke, "Oh don't worry it is going to be amazing. We set up fireworks all around the school, and there are a few other surprises." With that she was giving her sister a hug before she was turning off to head back inside as well, go see how everybody was doing. There were voices all around her as she walked inside, and she was just waving at a couple of people with a smile. After that she was going over to where Draco was sitting with his friends and sitting down next to him.
The rest of the school day moved around at a snails pace for the next couple of hours. That was until the word had begun to spread like a wildfire through a forest. People were beginning to talk, murmur about hearing of something that was going to happen at the Quidditch pitch, tonight. The buzz grew louder and louder, but not too loud as to attract the attention of the unwanted. First years were excited and scared, second years were a little confused about this. Other years however, had grown to expect such a thing from a certain few people and were just looking forward to seeing what on earth was going to be the thing to kick them off for their new year.The time had arrived, and the student body was eager to see what was to come.
The night had finally come, and the Slytherins would find that they weren't able to find Izybel at all. Not that that was much of a surprise. Hell the Gryffindors would find they weren't able to find the twins either. "Welcome back for a new year at Hogwarts! So happy to see you all! " A voice cooked room out of nowhere and soon enough Izybel was visible, sitting sideways on a broomstick with a grin on her lips. "Lights. Camera. Action! " She grinned and then woots from the twins could be heard, and soon enough fireworks were lighting off from the tops of the towers at the school. Very exquisite and beautiful fire works none the less. Izybel was grinning before she was snapping her fingers and soon enough the student body would fine themselves getting rained on by confetti.
The student stared up at the sky as the colours of the fireworks began to illuminate the space around them. It was definitely one of the best welcome backs some of the students had seen in a long time. There were cheers and claps from all of them, most looking pleased for now. Knowing that it wouldn't be long until some of the teachers were shepherding them back inside. After all it was after hours. The confetti merely added to the magical scene as it showered down on them.Macha stared up at the sky with her hands in her pockets. A prefect badge in there. She wasn't going to do anything now, there was nothing to do. It was freaking awesome and she was happy her sister had managed to pull it off. Over the crowd she could see, Draco, there smiling, clapping and cheering. 'Yeah they are definitely going to be the couple of the year.' She thought to herself as she stared over the heads of people and shook her head lightly as she gave a small smile. If her hunch was correct though, this was going to be one of the best times of the year. The thought of the tournament lingered in her mind though. In a few short weeks they would know who had been selected. She shook her head though, letting that disappear as she made her way through the crowd. Looking for one person in particular.
Izybel was just giggling as she looked towards everybody from where she was sitting, although it wasn't long before the twins came swooping from out of nowhere on their broomsticks. And down came the rain of glitter. Well that wasn't something she had been expecting but hey, it definitely made for a more eventful night. And she was happy to see that everybody seemed to be having a great time. Izybel was grinning before she was lazily floating down towards the ground on the broomstick and was hopping off of it, before she was going over to Draco and wrapping her arms around him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.Hermione was standing with the rest of the Gryffindors, just cheering as everything happened. The twins were soon coming down to the ground, and they were hopping off of their broomsticks to stand next to the trio, and that of Ginny and Luna, who were standing with them at the time. There was a grin on their lips before they spoke, "That was fun."
Draco gave a slow applause as Izybel even made a show of floating down to the ground. He walked towards her with a large smile on his face. "Ladies and Gentlemen the lady of the hour." he said and gave a return kiss on her cheek before going to lightly peck her lips and looked over her. "You really are incredible you know that?" he said as the glitter and everything began to get caught in his silver blonde hair. "I find it hard to see how you're going to top this one."Macha made her way over to Hermione and tapped her shoulder before standing there awkwardly, her face turning red as her own red hair before brushing it out of her face and fiddled with the cuff of her jumper. "I... urr... It's pretty cool isn't it?" She said to her with a cough in her hand and moved a little closer to her, without trying to appear overly creepy.
Izybel looked towards him before she was giving a faint grin then looked at everybody that was around them. "Oh trust me, I will figure out a way to top it. I'm already planning something for the end of the year." she spoke with a giggle as she was commenting that the glitter hadn't really been apart of the plan at all, but she still liked the touch.Hermione looked over towards Macha before she spoke, "Oh hello there Macha! Oh yes, this is very cool, beautiful really. I love the added touches. Although, the staff isn't going to be happy about this at all." "They'll get over it." Ron was commenting before he was looking towards Luna as she mentioned something, and then the blonde was smiling towards Macha.
"Well if you need a good looking, hand to help you out then you know where i am." He said to her with a wide smile before looking up at the sky of colours once again. It was definitely a sight to behold that he was certain the rest of the school would be remembering. "I think the teacher's will be looking over this, this once. Then.. well the end of year one is most likely going to be harder to pull off. But knowing you, you're going to pull it off."Macha smiled at her before nodding a little and for once, probably decided to be honest off the bat. "I... i like you okay? I understand if you're not into that thing, but i like you. And i was wondering if you're not busy the first hogsmead trip is a few weeks, and whether or not you'd like to do something with me?" She said the light of the sky reflecting in her green eye. Her other one still covered by her red hair.
Izybel just looked at him before she was giggling, just wrapping her arms around him gently. After that she was giving a smirk before she spoke, "You are a Prefect now, I wouldn't want to tarnish your reputation." Although him dating her would probably do that same thing, but it wasn't as though she had done anything harmful. Nope it was all in fun, and nobody had gotten hurt, nothing had gotten destroyed. "Well perhaps... that is how you can help me. You can help me plan something that is going to be even bigger than this." Izybel looked at him with a faint smile.Hermione looked towards Macha for a moment in time, a bit surprised to hear the female admit that she liked her. Honestly that was something that she had suspected but, she had thought that it was more of friendship like. But evidently it was something more than that. "No I'm not busy with first trip. We can do something together." Hermione spoke with a bright smile after a moment in time.
Draco chuckled a little before shaking his head, "Like it would tarnish my reputation." he said to her before nodding slowly. "I think i can manage that then." he said with a small laugh before looking up at the sky once more. Yeah this year was going to be a good year. He let out a long sigh before just laughing a little bit at the thought of what was going on.Macha nodded as she saw the bright smile before clearing her throat. "Good, good. Grand." She nodded her head before rubbing the back of her head and nodded once more, rather surprised to hear such a thing as she honestly expected to be pushed away or something not particularly along this line. "Great even then, urr can't wait." She gave a smile as she felt a bit of relief wash over her. She buried her chin and lower part of her face in her thick scarf as she smiled behind it.Dumbledore let out a long sigh as he felt his bones ache, there was no denying he was getting old. Especially now, but there was always a small bit of beauty with that. He pushed himself out of his chair as he grabbed his wand. It was no secret that there was something being planned out there. It had been put on display and they had had their fun. But now it was time to rest. He made his way along the corridor, his long silver beard stretching down with his robes. Those sisters... he was certain that one of them had to try something. He had kept an eye on them since the beginning of their years here, never buying their appearance. Despite everything. They were hiding something, and he was certain that it was far from good.Making his way to the quidditch pitch the old headmaster saw the back end of the celebrations. Pressing his wand tip against his throat he spoke, his voice projecting loudly across the field. "Yes a wonderful display of magic and a perfect celebrations of the new year. But.. i believe it is time for bed now, we need your minds sharp and alert for lessons tomorrow."
Izybel looked at him before she spoke, "Just keep in mind your girlfriend is little wild." With that she was giving a small giggle before she was giving him a kiss on the lips. Nope she really didn't care if people were watching at that point in time. She was turning her attention towards the headmaster speaking and commenting that it was time for them to head to bed. This had her just giggling before she was speaking something under her breath, and the fireworks just seemed to explode into what seemed to be particles of glitter that was falling to the ground.Hermione was looking towards her with a light smile before she spoke, "We should probably start heading back to the tower now." Already the headmaster had finally decided to say something, and already students were turning to head back towards the school. Well after the grand finale, the fireworks seeming to explode into glitter particles and raining down upon them.
Draco gave a small smile before he kissed her back gently. That was until he heard the headmaster. He looked over as he rolled his eyes. "Seems like fun is over." He said before smirking as the fireworks began to go off into glitter again. "You just have to try and get the last say in this thing don't you?" He asked her before beginning to walk towards the dorms and off the field. "I think i can handle a wild girl though, so that shouldn't be a problem in the slightest."Macha looked over as the headmaster spoke, then the fireworks exploded. Macha looked over the place before shaking. She began to walk around before the confetti seemed to turn into a variety of golds and reds as they formed a large feathered serpent that soared into the air with a sudden updraft. The creature glided across the sky as it rained more confetti onto people, like little flakes of gold as the crowd dispersed. Once it had done a few laps of the pitch it flew into the centre before exploding into one last firework. With a mighty boom!
Izybel just looked towards him for a moment before she giggled and spoke, "Yes of course I have to try and have the last say." With that she was just wrapping her arm through his, just following after him so that they could get back to the dungeons, and get some sleep for the night. "Until I sneak into your room in the middle of the night." she teased him with a grin on her lips before she was watching as everybody else started to migrate back towards the school.
Draco raised an eyebrow as she spoke about sneaking into his room. "Well i suppose it will take more than simple walls to keep you out." He said to her as they made their way back through to the common room, and to the watery green glow of the dungeons that lay under the lake. He saw everyone already heading to their rooms before he turned to her and kissed her cheek. "Better not let me down there." He said to her with a small grin.Macha made her way back to the common room and rather rapidly changed and got into bed at the Gryffindor tower before settling down as she laid in the bed. She was rather surprised at how her babbling had gone with Hermione before her jaw tensed and relaxed. "Okay that went well.." she muttered and just placed her hands over her eyes, wishing she had some of her sisters courage when it came to this romantic side of things. Intimidation was easy, confidence even easier. Being in a relationship... just seemed hard.
Izybel just looked at him for a moment in time before she giggled then spoke, "You know I probably wouldn't have to sneak. I could probably just walk in and nobody would stop me." There was a faint giggle with that before she was parting ways with him after they had gotten to the dungeon. She was giving a wink and commenting that she would see him later, that she was going to go and change her clothes.
Draco headed into his part of the boys dormitory. He changed and laid on top of the bed, his blonde hair out of the green ribbon he used to keep it in a rather tight pony tail. He blew some of the hair out of his eyes before muttering that he should maybe get his hair cut at some point. He couldn't help but have a smile on his face after today's events. It had gone off without a problem at all.
Izybel was shocked at how today had gone off without a hitch. Honestly she had been a bit worried that things would go array, but thankfully they hadn't. Upon return to the girls dormitory, she was entering where she usually slept, and was going over to her chest so that she could take something out of it. She was listening to some of the other ladies talk about everything as she was changing into her pajamas, and pulling her own red hair out of the ponytail, allowing the red locks to fall down over her shoulders. Already she was planning a few other things that she wanted to do that year, including some of the pranks she wanted to help the twins with. "Man this is going to be a fun year." she cooed after a moment in time as she was brushing some of her hair out of her face. After that she was sliding on a pair of her slippers before she was leaving the girls dormitory. Yeah she was just heading straight to the guys dormitory, shockingly none of them were overly surprised to see that she was there. "Hey Draco." one of them called out which had her just putting her fingers to her lips and skipped off.
Draco lifted his head up as he heard someone calling just about catching sight of Izybel as she skipped off before rolling his eyes. He slipped over the bed before stretching his arms above his head. "Yeah?" he asked as he talked to someone he didn't really remember the name of, he was sure it was something like a Tim... Thomas. Could have been Thomas. With a small groan he eventually headed out and walked into the quiet common room, looking over the place. "Where are you hiding now?" he asked quietly, as he felt his toes touching the cool stone before he pointed his wand at the hearth. The flames burst into life and sent a warm glow about the dingy dungeons. "Izybel?" He called out.Macha was curled up in one of the armchairs in the Gryffindor common room. A large book resting in her lap as she read over it with barely registering eyes. It wasn't something she was interested in, she just couldn't sleep and thought it would do a good job at sending her there. Her red hair as always was down, but her scarf was absent. Since what kind of person sleeps in a scarf. Her time table had already been memorised and the ever lingering through of that goblet lingered in her head. Her father was planning something for that event, she could just feel it. It's what she would do after all.Meanwhile far away in a castle in some corner of the world sat a man. Like his daughters his hair was a rich red colour, matching a neatly trimmed beard. His yellow eyes scanned over the letter he had received once again before his fingers lightly drummed against the arm of the chair. One of the rings he was wearing clacking against the polished wood. "Hmm... only the first day and already at work." He stopped drumming his fingers as he slowly lifted himself from the chair and a cane flew into his hand as he limped to his desk. Only two more years and his daughters will take their places as Princesses in the new world... a Wizarding world where he will be King, and the world will be united for once.
The red haired female just watched the blonde haired male from where she was standing, currently cloaked in magic. It wasn't long before she was giving a faint grin before she was skipping up behind him, and wrapping her arms around him. Her hands going over his eyes as her magic faded away from around him. Izybel had a faint grin on her lips before she questioned in a coo, "Want to go do some exploring? Or do something that would... break some rules. I want to show you something." She was circling around him so that she stood in front of him before she was just wrapping her arms around his neck, standing close to him.
Draco frowned slightly before just letting out a sigh as she explained that there was something she wanted to show him. "okay sure, what is it?" He asked as he began walking, following here wherever she wanted to take him too. He didn't seem tired and there was definitely a curious glint in his eyes as he glanced at her. "You know that if we're caught this could be slightly problematic." He said, he knew that there were no prefects patrolling tonight. They didn't have to till tomorrow, so it just meant that teachers would be on the night shift.
Izybel just looked towards him for a moment before she spoke, "Draco. There is much I want to explain, and I shall. But.... I need a promise. A promise that everything I'm going to tell you stays between us." With that she was taking a few steps away from him although she was holding out her hand towards him. Was she worried about being caught by the teachers? Not really. And Draco would learn soon enough how much more mysterious the sisters were. There was a lot more to Macha and Izybel than meets the eye, a rather terrifying thing in the end. If he did decide to take her hand, that is when she would be casting a cloaking spell around them. Currently she did have a wand on her, but that was only for show. No as soon as it was just then, that would be tossed out the window. A useless merger item that had no real importance, at least to her.
Draco frowned a little as she seemed to be talking about well... nothing that made sense at all to him. His frowned deepened for a moment before he nodded slowly and reached out to take her hand. "I promise Izybel, this will stay between us. But i have to say this is beginning to seem a little weird." he said to her, and then felt the magic being used around them as a cloaking spell was moving around them. He frowned a little before watching her throw her wand out of the window and into the lake. "Izybel what are you doing!?" he yelled as he went to move forward to try and catch it, only to see it glide through the glass and bob up in the water of the lake. Slowly he turned back to her, before noticing that the cloaking spell was still up. Draco had a look of visible confusion on his face as he looked her over for a moment. "Izybel.... i don't.... how are you doing this?"
Izybel was giggling before she was heading outside with him, leading him after her so that they could get the hell out of there. It wasn't long before he was questioning about how she was doing magic without her wand which had her looking over her shoulder at him, putting a finger to her lips. She would explain, but after they were outside of the school itself. Once they were cloaked and outside of the dormitory, that is when she was teleporting them away, until they were appearing outside of the palace, and they were standing outside of the school, by the edge of the lake. She was allowing the cloaking spell to vanish before she spoke, "My sister and I are both very different. We possess an ability to use magic without a wand. But that isn't what I wanted to talk to you about. I wanted to ask.... Will you stand by my side? Always?"
Draco folded his arms as she then proceeded to teleport outside. This was... getting more and more insane as this person proceeded to break the laws that hogwarts had since its founding. He frowned a little as she began to ask him those questions. "Izybel what are you talking about casting magic without a wand. It's impossible, heck even people who claim to do it tend to have their wands on them. At least that's what i feel like i should say if i hadn't just watched you hurl your wand out..." he rubbed the back of his head before holding his wand out. "Accio wand." He said, and Maddie's wands hurtled to his direction before he caught it. Soaking wet, but there.... "Izyble you're asking me a pretty big question here.." he said with a half laugh of panic and concern. He ran a hand over his face as his pale blonde hair moved over his face for a moment and took in a deep breath. "Sure.. yeah okay."
Izybel just looked towards him although an almost sad expression seemed to cross her features. Was it possible that she had made a bad decision in deciding to say anything? Something told her that she could trust him but... At that point while he gut told her, her mind was telling her otherwise. Two different conflicting feelings. "Draco.... I'm being serious. It is complicated and I will explain, I'll show you but... I need to know I can trust you. " She spoke in a low voice as she took a few steps away from him, just wrapping her arms around herself. Izybel was just shaking her head before she spoke "I come from a long line of powerful magic users. Able to wield wandless magic, but obviously I keep it hidden. Just like I play it down. Act as though magic is something new when in reality, there is nothing more to learn from here. Everything they teach I have been taught. But if you are sincere in your word, then take my hand. And I'll show you the truth. Ill show you every thing about myself, the plans for the future, and even how you can help." She was holding out her hand towards him, a calm expression on her features. Man her father was going to be pissed but she made it her goal to upset him now and again.
Draco frowned as he was hearing this and ran a hand through his pale hair as he looked over the lake before breathing out heavily. "Izybel i am not going to lie this sounds completely and utterly insane." He said as he gave a laugh, "A long line of powerful wizards that can just use magic with a snap of their fingers it sounds... well it breaks the rules of magic. If you don't need to know any of this why are you even here it's just..." He let out a sigh before shaking his head. "I'm not going to tell anyone, so you don't have to worry about that." Draco said before slowly reaching out and taking her hand slowly as he frowned a little. "What are you planning on doing now?"
Izybel just looked towards him before she spoke, "If you think I'm crazy when I say that. Will you think even worse if I were to tell you that... what you see around you, isn't actually what was suppose to happen. That events that once happened, were prevented to alter the future." With that she was just looking at him fully, although it seemed like he had taken her hand. It seemed like she could trust him. Possibly anyways. She was shaking her head for a moment before she was speaking in a soft voice, "I think I proved to you that I don't need a wand. And we just apparated out of the school, and none of the teachers noticed."
"I know and that's why i'm holding your hand now, since even though this shouldn't be possible. I don't really have a choice but to believe it now do i?" He gave her a soft smile before squeezing her hand as he let out a sigh. "Why are you telling me this now though? You haven't said this to anyone either right, and your sister.. it puts her in a little danger as well." He didn't understand her reasoning but she seemed to trust him, and so he'd keep her secret safe. Not matter how unbelievable it was, a witch who could use magic without a wand and seemed to be able to perform all sorts of other things that just shouldn't be possible. "An altered reality?"
Izybel just looked towards him before she was speaking in a soft voice, "Because ultimately.... at some point you will be affected by what is too happy. And I would prefer you to stand at my side as an ally, versus an enemy." With that she was just giving a soft smile before she was nodding at the mention of an altered reality. Okay so showing him the reality that they had changed would be a be difficult, but she was sure that she could do it. Possibly anyways. A thoughtful look crossed her features before she spoke, "I know you've heard of Tom Riddle. He was a former student here at Hogwarts. Good grades, popular, all that fun stuff. What if I told you that the past we changed was.... he had fallen into the darkness. He had become a man known as Voldemort."
"Voldemort?" He asked as his eyes narrowed a little, "Sounds like a bad chest infection if you ask me." He mused slightly before rubbing the back of his head, the name did ring a bell but he didn't see the importance of it. "There... there hasn't been a dark wizards well publicly at least until Grindelwald that threatened the world. So what does this have to do with it Izybel." He took both her hands before letting out a heavy sigh. "Izybel listen i'm with you... and it's not going to change i promise... okay?" He told her before frowning a little."Izybel what are you doing?" Came a sharp voice, as the blood haired Macha was marching up to her, dressed in more practical clothing. Her hair tied up in a pony tail apart from half her fringe which was covering her yellow eye as always. "You're telling him everything are you insane?" She hissed at her before eyeing Draco up, there was a look in her green eye as if she were contemplating on doing something drastic. But deep down as well she was jealous that she didn't have someone to trust this with. It seemed as though Izybel was being able to branch out from just her.
Izybel just looked towards him for a moment in time although there was almost a sad smile on her lips. With that she was just shaking her head for a moment before her attention was turning towards Macha as her sister came up. "Why should it matter if I tell him or not. I highly doubt that he believes me. Besides, are you scolding me because you are worried father will find out? You know that I live to cause trouble. Somebody has to. Otherwise this place would be so boring." she spoke as she was letting go of Draco's hands and just taking a step away from him. Her voice was soft as she was commenting that it wouldn't take much to erase his memories at all.
"Am i worried father would find out? No i'm worried other people will find out." She said as she looked over Draco who was just staring at the two of them before she let out a guttural sigh as she ran a hand through her hair. "I know you live to cause trouble you've made that perfectly clear.." Her green eye looked between the pair of them before shaking her head. Her jaw tensed a little as she took in a deep breath calming herself from her normal outburst. "If this backfires in anyway, i'm holding you responsible lover boy, you hear that?" She warned Draco.Draco blinked before holding up his hands defensively, "Listen i'm not the one you should worry about... it might seem impossible what you're both talking about, but..." He looked to Izybel, seeing her take a step back before running a hand through his silver hair. "She's more than demonstrated that it's.. it's possible and i don't plan on telling anyone. I don't Izybel.."
Izybel just looked towards her sister before she spoke, "I trust him not to say anything. And you know that it takes me a bit to actually be able to trust people fully." With that she was just giving a faint smile before she was looking towards Draco fully at that point in time. She was pushing some of her hair out of her face before she was stepping back towards him, and wrapping her arms around him in a hug. Fiery hair was falling into her face, hiding her features at that point in time. "I suggest... You find somebody you trust. We'll want somebody at our sides." she told her sister in a soft voice.
Draco smiled a little before hugging her gently as he gently hugged her back before letting out a small sigh as it seemed things were woking out a little. "I won't..." he said though her words certainly touched him, she trusted him and it was something he was certainly not going to throw away. He kissed the top of her head lightly before glancing up to see Macha.Macha narrowed her eyes before her jaw tensed as she stomped away. "I do have someone i trust and it's you." She grumbled before running a hand through her red hair as she walked off before vanishing with a feint pop as she went to appear in a quiet place, the dorm rooms would do for now as most people were asleep. She grumbled to herself as she began warming herself by the fire. "Find someone to trust..."
"You seem like you are upset at me for deciding to broaden my horizons." Izybel mumbled to her sister after a moment in time as she turned to face her fully once again, folding her arms across her chest. "You can still trust me, regardless of if I decide to explore and make new friends. I'm still your twin, I'm still your sister." she spoke although it wasn't long before her sister just seemed to be popping out of sight, which had Izybel just giving a faint sigh. After that she was taking Draco's hand, and the pair were vanishing away, although she was in a rather sullen mood as they appeared back in the dorms, and she was allowing the invisibility spell to wear off.
Draco let a shudder once they had returned to the dorm room, the chill of the night quickly fading away before he looked over at Izybel. "You okay there?" he asked her, knowing that this could have been anything but good for her at the moment. He had never really seen the pair of them argue like that... ever! He didn't know what it was like for them at home but he didn't want to cause a rift between them. He went to give her a hug and kiss the top of her head. "Thank you.." he whispered.Macha glared into the fire as she mumbled to herself over and over again before she just let out a self contained yell. As she did the fire in the hearth flared up for a moment before moving back down as it spat loosely in the hearth. She closed her eyes as she ran a hand over her face, the scar on her cheek and back stinging as she stood there. "Broaden my horizon...yea right..." She grumbled as she walked over to the squashy armchair and fell into it, bringing her knees up to her chin.
Izybel just looked towards Draco for a moment in time when he was asking if she was alright before she was giving a shrug, not even bothering to answer. No she had absolutely no idea if she was alright, not that point in time. Perhaps she was, but who actually knew. This was the first time in a while that the twins had fought, and honestly she wasn't even sure why Macha was upset. "Thank you for what?" she inquired, just raising an eyebrow.
"For at least trusting me to tell me about yourself.." He said quietly and slowly moved back from her, getting the idea that now wasn't exactly the best time to turn on the charm and be the lovey dovey boyfriend at the moment. He folded his arms before giving a small smile as he glanced down at his feet before letting out a sigh. "I think though i'll see you in the morning Izybel. Try to sleep well." He said to her as he began to walk to the guys dorms. Kissing her cheek briefly as he walked past. "Unless you'd like a hug."
Izybel was looking towards him for a moment in time before she was actually taking his hand when he was making a comment about a hug. "Nope but I did tell you I was sneaking in." she spoke before she was actually taking to following after him. Nope she planned on staying with him that night, unless he had a huge problem with that.
Draco frowned at her before laughing slightly as she seemed to be following him. He didn't let go of her hand as he made his way into the dorm room, seemingly everyone had fallen asleep. He went to his bed before sitting down on it and swinging his legs over as he made sure there was enough room for her. Once she got in, if she did he'd wave his wand so the curtains would close around the bed to give them a bit more privacy. "Well consider your sneaking in successful."
Izybel followed after him before she spoke in a soft voice, "It wouldn't have been difficult in the end anyways." With that she was giving a faint chuckle before she was sitting down on the bed next to him. She was watching as the curtains were closing around them before she was turning to wrap her arms around him again, giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
Draco glanced around as he felt arms begin to wrap around him. He let out grinned at her as he felt her kiss on his cheek before wrapping one arm around her as well and kept her close. "You know if we're caught like this we're going to be in trouble. I will have no choice but to say you strong armed me into this." He said, clearly being sarcastic about this as placed a hand over his heart and spoke in a solum tone.
Izybel just looked towards him for a moment in time before she was giggling softly before she hummed in a soft voice, "Don't worry we won't get caught. And even if we do get caught... it will be easy enough to get out of." With that she was giving him a kiss on the cheek before she was laying down on his bed, curling up on her side.
Draco smiled as he settled close to her, remaining on his back as he pulled the bedsheets over them. As per always the sheets in hogwarts were far comfier than they had any right to be. "Fair enough then, i believe i can rest even easier tonight." He said to her before kissing the top of her head as he closed his eyes, but was still very much awake. "I do have to ask though..." He whispered so only she could hear. "Why'd you decide to come here if you knew everything already?"
Izybel just looked towards him before she was curling into him, using his chest as a pillow after he was kissing her head. She heard his question about why she was there if she knew everything. This had her just mumbling in a soft voice, "My father wants to take over the world. And we are going to help him. I want you at my side when this happens."
Draco heard her as she said her father wanted to take over the world. It was quite the thing to have put on you he couldn't imagine what the pair of them had been brought up like with that over their heads. "I'll be there.." he muttered to her as he pressed his head a bit further back in the pillow.
Izybel was just looking up at him for a moment before she was giving a faint chuckle then she spoke "I hope so. I don't want you as an enemy." With that she was closing her eyes, and just letting put a small breath.
Draco nodded slowly before taking in a deep breath as he began to fall asleep.The next day the great hall was busy and bustling with people, as lessons were being started. Heads of houses marched down the long tables whipping out the bits of parchment that contained the timetables for the year. As well as discussing other routes in students that didn't do too well in the previous OWLS to continue to the next level of study. At the gryffindor table, as always chattering and laughter was there, but sitting at the far end was Macha.She hadn't slept the previous night and had her scarf on, as well as her uniform. Her hair was tied in a ponytail keeping the fringe to cover her oddly coloured eye. She saw McGonagall still quite the way away. She just wanted to grab her timetable and go, and she was feeling even less comfortable with the prefect badge pinned to her chest. "Find someone i trust..." She muttered, and slumped her head into her hands. 'way to go macha.' she thought to herself as she thought about the dozens of better ways that conversation should have gone. But she wasn't feeling like apologising just yet either. They had only gotten together a few days ago and she already let slip the big reveal.
Izybel was awake the next morning with the sun, and slipping out of Draco's bed before anybody else noticed. She was returning to her own bed and digging through her trunk, pulling out her uniform for the day. She was getting dressed for the day, and putting her hair up into braids, with her green and silver ribbons braided into it. Soon enough she was drifting into the great hall with everybody else, although she was less cheerful and talkative than what she usually was. Honestly, Izybel had reverted back to how she had been a couple of years ago. Rather emotionless and difficult to approach, or at least it seemed she was difficult to approach anyways.Sure they had only started dating a few days ago, but it wasn't as though they were strangers. Hell they had talked and hung out often the last few years. They had been friends, now they had just taken it to the next level. She was taking a seat at the Slytherin table, and nibbling on a piece of toast while the heads of houses were walking down the long tables, handing out the timetables for the year. Not that she really cared at that point in time. She was accepting hers mutely, and just letting it drop onto the table."You seem in a rather sour mood today." one of the other Slytherin girls was commenting as she was sitting down next to Izybel, who was just glancing over towards her, and just mumbling that she was perfectly fine. Nope she would be fine anyways, especially considering she had been approached by the twins on her way to the great hall, evidently they were scheming something. Go figure. Not that she had really talked to them about whatever they had planned, more just listened.She was listening to some of the other girls gossip about some of the other guys that were there, discussing who was cute and who wasn't so cute. In this timeline, it seemed like Harry was quite popular with everybody, unlike the original timeline. In the original, everybody had known who he was, but often enough people didn't really seem to want anything to do with him. "You alright?" Hermione questioned Macha as she walked over and was sitting next to the female, sitting across from them almost instantly being that of Ron and Harry. Despite it being a completely different timeline, the trio were still quite close as friends. That was something that hadn't changed at all, who knew if that was necessarily a good thing or a bad thing though."The mood in general with a lot of people seems.... gloomy." Ron was commenting as he was taking a bite out of his bacon, before his eyes were flickering towards Fred and George as they were coming over and flopping down next to them. Oh man the twins were grinning, which had him almost a bit afraid to ask what they had done. Or what was going to happen in general.Hermione was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "I believe everybody is a bit off as well considering the other two schools that will be competing in the tournament are suppose to arrive soon as well." Wasn't that going to be interesting. The school was most definitely going to be full, and she was giving the twins a look not to screw anything up. How innocently they were raising their hands as though to state that they hadn't done anything.
Draco strutted into the hall with a smile on his face before he sat next to Izybel and gave her a wide morning smile and peck on the cheek. Though the mood around her seemed thick as he looked her over. "What's eating you up inside?" he asked her as he went to take her hand gently, just as a timetable was slapped in front of him as Snape continued to walk past, handing them out with his usual amount of efficiency.Draco looked over her for a moment before listening in to what the others were talking about. He just rolled his eyes a little as they were talking about boys. With a quick movement he grabbed some toast and placed it in his mouth as he began to chew it. he might still be processing what was revealed to him yesterday, but if he behaved any less than normal people would start asking questions about what was up with them both. Izybel was his friend and he did truly thank her for sharing such an important bit of information with him. But taking over the world just seemed like such a big thing, the world was a big place and a lot to rule over. They were making their father sound like the scariest man on the planet."It's going to be getting busy here that's for certain." He pointed out to Izybel as he glanced at the empty tables that were beginning to be set up for the new schools when they arrive this evening. Macha glanced up as she heard someone moving to her side seeing the three of them sitting around her. She was about to question why they were here, but well if she was going to try and form a stronger bond with people other than just being. Oh hey that's Macha on the Quidditch team, Oh that's her that is this, who did this, i know her from this. She was friendly with people, being friendly was the easy part. "Oh urr, yeah fine. Just had a spat i suppose with my sister is all. it's nothing major." She said as she waved her hand absent mind idly.Harry plopped down on the other side as well, as always the boy had messy black hair and his mother's eyes. He looked fuller and better taken care of this time. Whilst of course lacking in the scar on his forehead. He pushed his glasses up before shrugging his shoulder. He was still the best seeker the Gryffindor team had had for a long time and had an efficiency for the dark arts that hinted to a promising career in the ministry. But he was normal, just Harry James Potter. "Well it tends to be rather gloomy when there's a massive goblet looming in the room Hermione.""Hi you two." Macha said to the twins as the sat down with big grins on their faces. She couldn't out right call it, but she was certain they had just ran an idea by a certain someone. She wasn't going to ask what they had hidden up their sleeves but she was curious. "Nice fireworks last night." She said simply before drumming her fingers on the table.That was right the new schools would be arriving soon, she wondered which two it would be this time that would actually attend. From what her father had told her it was the Durmstrang school and the Beaubaxton school. That however was the last attendance and she was sure they would come back with a vengeance."Durmstrang and what was the other one that was supposed to be coming?" She asked Hermione more than the other two, she was steadily becoming less stiff looking and put on a small smile.Harry shrugged. "Who knows, all i know is that if i'm picked i'm sure i won't let the school down." He said with a wide smile before glancing down at the table and waved a little. "Have any of you three put your names in?"Macha gave a small nod as she glanced between Ron and Hermione.
Izybel was looking towards Draco for a moment in time before she was just shaking her head then commenting that she was perfectly fine, that she was going to be fine. She was just taking a bite out of bacon before she was speaking, "I am attempting to figure out what I want to do at the end of the year but.... so far nothing comes to mind. I feel like this year though.... with this tournament.... it is still going to be an interesting year." She was giving a faint shrug before she was watching as empty tables were being set up for the new schools that were going to be arriving. The headmaster hadn't even announced which two schools were going to be joining them quite yet, but if her father hadn't tampered with that at all, then it would be the two schools in the previous time. Who actually knew though.She tapped her fingers on the table for a brief moment before she was resting her chin on her hands, just watching as Snape continued to hand out the timetables to everybody in their House. She was looking over towards one of the girls who was leaning forward and asked her if she had seriously decided to sneak out last night."Yeah. Why not. Wasn't that difficult." Izybel was shrugging after a moment in time. Nope she was quite open about that, and even if one of them told Snape, that wasn't going to stop her at all. Heck that night she planned on going to the restricted section in the library, and looking some of the books that were there. Hermione was just glancing towards the twins, already knowing that they had something up their sleeves, but she was going to keep out of it. Usually she stayed out of it. Let them rue the consequences of their actions. Especially considering she knew that their plans only seemed to get more and more daring as the year went past. And if they were seriously joining up with Izybel, she honestly felt sorry for anybody who actually got into their way.She was looking towards Macha when she was asking who the other school was that was coming. This had her wracking her brain for a moment before she spoke "Rumors say it is Beaubaxton, but who knows for sure." The headmaster was keeping it a bit of a mystery to the entire school, and she wasn't sure if she actually liked that fact or not. But it was going to be interesting to say the least. She was pushing some of her hair out of her face then made the comment that she hadn't signed up for the tournament at all. She hadn't wanted to sign up.Nope Hermione was more of a watcher than anything else.
Draco watched her closely before he turned back to his toast. If she said she was fine he wasn't going to push at it, if there was anything he had learned it was to not push people who didn't either deserve it or wanted to... Even though it could be interesting to do so with some people. He let out a small sigh as he heard that she was beginning to talk about sneaking out so casually."You do tend to make it look easy." he said with a slight chuckle before sniffing the air a little as he clapped his hands together for a moment. "Like that and you can just vanish, it's kind of scary in some regards." He ran a hand through his tied back blonde hair before moving back from the table as he scraped his timetable up, Potions seeming to be his first lesson. "I think i'll start heading off though, and maybe see you in one of the lessons." He added with a shrug of his shoulders as he picked up another bit of toast.He grabbed his satchel and slung it over his shoulder as he started to walk away heading out of the great hall to make his way towards the dungeons for his first lesson. He was beginning to become quite the alchemist. He also began to think into his head on a way to cheer her up, she might have said fine and he wasn't going to push. But... he wasn't believing it entirely. Macha chewed her breakfast and narrowed her green eye as she looked at the twins before lightly nodding her head. "I see then, well i guess we all have a chance of being thrown into challenges of death and torment." She pointed out before clearing her throat. Of course she was certain she would be okay, and it was just a simple few trials to win it. She glanced up at the table of teachers seeing them there.Dumbledore sat in his usual chair as he looked over the hall as usual from behind his spectacles. He let out a long sigh though as a student came rushing in to them and screamed out to the entire hall. "Ship spotted in the lake, and Pegasus coming in, spotted. Actual pegasus!" With that the entire hall rose up and scampered as they heard this and were going to try and see if they could watch them coming in.
Izybel was just looking towards Draco for a brief moment in time although while she wanted to say something, she found herself deciding to just stay silent. For some reason she almost felt like maybe she shouldn't have said anything to him. Not because she didn't trust him but.... You know she wasn't even sure why. With that she was just watching as he was grabbing up his satchel after getting to his feet so that he could get going to his first lesson. "Oh.... Umm.... Yeah..." she spoke after a moment in time before she was actually looking at his timetable to see what lesson she was going to first. Oh wait she had potions as well, which had her getting to her feet, and jogging after him, looping her arm through his."You know.... potions still isn't my forte." Izybel was commenting after a moment in time, as she looked towards him. Nope potions hated her. They always seemed to backfire on her, for some reason. Even if she followed the directions precisely. At least when she was at school, it never turned out as badly as over the summer when she had been at home, attempting to better that skill. Ultimately... Alchemy just wasn't her thing, but she insisted on taking the class, wanting to try and somewhat better that skill. It could come in handy, eventually.Her attention did turn towards the great hall for a moment in time, the pair still being close enough to hear somebody scream about ships arriving, and Pegasus. Oh so it seemed like the other two schools had arrived. Interesting. This also had her making an underhanded comment that the rest of that day was most definitely going to be very interesting."And Draco, I will be fine. I'm just not sure how to respond to having fought with Macha is all. We rarely fight and every time we do.... it is strange if we aren't talking. I just feel like a piece of me is missing is all." Izybel spoke after a moment, her voice soft.
Draco smiled at her before shrugging his shoulders at the pleasant surprise of feeling her arm loop around his. He gave her a soft smile before he scratched behind his ear. "Well if you struggle with it i can always try and help you out. I mean i'd hate if my girlfriend was forever cursed to never make a proper potion in her life." He joked, remembering clearly her escapades in potions. "It is reassuring though to know you're not a master at everything just yet." He teased to her, "Oh wise being, but interesting isn't what i'd call it. A bit of a nuisance in all honesty... the halls are going to be cluttered and the names aren't even going to be announced for another month."He heard her speaking about her sister and nodded slightly, he couldn't understand the bond between the two of them as he didn't have any siblings. He squeezed her arm gently before nodding. "Well she's probably going through something similar to you as well... and you're family. Families fight and then they come back stronger than ever.. just give it time and i'm sure she'll come around. I'm sure of it." He meant what he said, it was hard to imagine one of them without the other, just as it was nearly impossible to imagine Fred without George."Hogsmead is coming up, so maybe you can get sometimes then as well. Of course, after we've had a look around.... or before." He quickly said with a charming, yet nervous laugh. "Just be nice to do something together this time." Macha left with the others out of the hall as she stood out in the school watching a beautiful golden carriage flew through the air, pulled by the white feathered horses, almost crashing into a few things before it eventually. Vanished from sight, probably to Hagrids for them to be tended to. Macha just narrowed her eyes a little before scoffing. "Show offs."The ship however was a much different display. The little wooden dingy suddenly erupted up as a large ship? No it couldn't be called a ship, it looked more like a dragon carved from wood shot out of the water. The head of the wooden titan shaking its head before giving a loud roar that echoed over the water and over the school. She could hear people gasping and clapping and she shook her head as she gave in to the crowd before clapping herself as she did have to admit. It might be showing off but both of them certainly had their style.
Izybel was just looking towards him with a soft smile before she spoke, "Help would be amazing! You can be my partner in crime during class, and make sure I don't blow stuff up. How it went over the summer working on potions, I somehow just ended up blowing stuff up more than anything else." A faint pout formed on her lips but she was soon enough just brushing that aside and was listening to his commenting about the students from the other school. Yeah the school was most definitely going to be a chaotic place until the names were finally announced and the tournament was over.She was looking at him when he was mentioning Hogsmead coming up, which had her giving a soft smile. "Lets call it a date!" she cooed after a moment in time, a bright smile on her lips as she headed off into the potions classroom. Hey a few other students were already there, which had her waving towards them. Well she was definitely in a slightly better mood.
Draco blushed a little when she said that they could call it a date. He rubbed the back of his head before nodding his head. "Then a date it shall be." He announced before seeing the other students in the class and a nervous smile came over his face as he waved at them before taking up his spot at one of the tables and began to set up a cauldron. "As for the explosions i don't know what could be making your work be so... lethal, i mean it's not like you're beating the concoction to death now is it?" He asked, hoping to god that wasn't the case since that would be the biggest trouble. He placed the black cauldron in its stand before waving his wand as a fire started underneath and took out his book. "Or you could just be slipping gunpowder into the mix."
Izybel just looked towards him before she was giving a small shrug then spoke, "No idea. Who knows. I follow the recipe, but it never seems to work out. But honestly.... I dislike alchemy with a passion anyways, so if I never succeed or anywhere with it, I'm not going to be overly hurt." With that she was just strolling over and sitting next to him before she was tilting her head at the mention of slipping gunpowder into the mix. This had her mumbling, "Tried that... didn't turn out very nice at all."
Draco raised an eyebrow at her as she said that she had tried it and didn't turn out well. "I sure hope you're joking, you know it's not like you can just throw what you want into this and expect something to come out." He laughed at her before scratching his cheek. "There is an art to it, so i suppose i'm going to have to drag you through this." he pointed out as the flames he had conjured lap at the underside of his cauldron before he took a seat shaking his head a little. "Were you trying to make a bomb or something?"
"I mean.... I've done that a few times at home. A few times it has worked out, other times it hasn't worked out." Izybel was speaking in a rather innocent tone as she was sitting next to him and just watching the flames spring up. After that she was just looking towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "Honestly I had no real want to even take this class."
"Why though you can do so much with simple potion, be it poisoning transformation so much can be done with it." He said to her with a small smile before he let out a sigh as he thought about it. Yep this was definitely his bread and butter and boy did he enjoy everything about it. "But what can i say i am a nerd about it to say the least." He did however have another goal in mind as well, the call of an animagas was fairly strong as it could be very useful in the future. "What's been your strengths then? If you have an area that shines better than the others."
Izybel just looked towards Draco for a moment in time before she spoke, "You know if I put thought and effort into potion making, I could probably do well in it. But I don't try. I don't really enjoy alchemy." With that she was giving a small shrug before she was just studying the book that was sitting in front of her before she was looking towards him when he asked what her strengths were. She was speaking in a soft voice, "Magic in general, that is my strength. That and I'm an information sponge."
Draco frowned a little before he just shook his head as he continued to flip through everything making sure it was all in place. "Well then i will keep in mind the sponge of information, though it's been like that since first year." He pointed out with a wide smile, before Snape walked in and the class fell silent before beginning their work.
Izybel was giving a small giggle before she spoke, "Yeah that is very true." With that she was giving a faint shrug before looking up as Snape was walking into the classroom. The rest of the classroom was going quiet but she was greeting him in her usually cheerful voice, "Morning, Professor!"
His black eye flicked to Izybel and he gave a stiff nod as if the very action was a massive strain on his neck as he made his way towards the board and waved his wands as chalk bled out of the slate onto it. "Draught of Peace." He said as the words appeared on the board before he turned and faced the class his black cloak fluttering around. He was certainly more cheerful without Voldemort having been an influence, but he was still Severus Snape. "Who here can explain to me what the Draught is used for?" He asked, he was leaping straight into a practical, no theory. It seemed that he was beginning to try and get a feel for the class. Sure they had passed their OWLs but NEWTs were a completely different level.
Izybel was giving a slight smirk as she watched the man. Sure he was slightly more cheerful than the original timeline, but he was still rather empathic and emotionless, to say the least. Still one of her favorite teachers by far though. And shockingly, despite potions not being her strong suit, she personally believed that she had a good relationship with the man. She found it quite easy to talk to him, unlike some of the other students, whom were a little intimidated by the man. Izybel was raising her hand when he asked his question, along with a few others that were in the class. This one was easy enough. It was used to relieve anxiety and agitation.
Snape nodded as he looked over the few of the hands that had been raised in the air before he saw Izybel with her hand up. He gave her a nod for her to explain. Once she had he addressed the class. "Exactly, and so with that i can imagine that there are a few amongst us whom are feeling more anxious in the new year than normal." His eyes flicked to a few of the students who shied away from his gaze. "It will be tested in partners and if it works you may keep it, if it fails.. well best not make it fail. You will find it on page 135 of your books. Begin." He said and gestured to the class, who began searching for the ingredients and all sorts to start.
It seemed like Izybel was the one that was called on, and she was soon enough explaining what exactly it was. Man she wasn't overly pleased about the fact that they were testing it in partners, and something about it failing. She was hiding the sigh that she wanted to let out and was just flipping out her book to the page that he specified. After that she was just skimming through the page, and reading through the ingredients that were needed for the potion. Oh wait... this was actually a potion that she was able to make without failing. Somehow anyways, not exactly sure how, since everything else she seemed to fail out. Yet again this had been a godsend during her first year in school. Shockingly enough back then she had been rather shy and timid. Yet a lot of people found that rather difficult to believe.
The rest of the lesson went on in the same routine for a while actually it was simple process in the end to go through the potion and then try and pull something off in the end. In the long run the rest of the classes continued to go on this way, with the steady build up to the trouble of handling a higher grade of NEWTs. It was definitely something new, and within three weeks some of the students were beginning to feel the squeeze and the pressure of this intense time table. Though there was a lingering conversation that buzzed around the school, that of the Goblet of Fire and what would come of it.The conversation was practically ripe on the day of the reveal to the point where the staff announced a surprise Hogsmead trip just to get students out of the school and stop them from pestering them. Macha stood outside on the autumn day at the entrace with a long thick coat on, some earmuffs, and her usual yellow scarf. Her red hair was tied back with part of her fringe covering one side of her face. She breathed into her gloved hands as she looked over her shoulder. It had certainly been an odd three weeks. She had not been struggling with school, so much as just her social skills. Taking a leaf from her sister's book she had been trying to be more social, and she had begun to realise just how draining it was. With a casual movement she slipped her hands into her pockets and glanced back at the gates, wondering if they'd walk into town together before going their separate ways. She was sure that Izybel would be meeting Draco at some point.
The rest of the lesson had gone by smoothly enough, and without much fail. And before they knew it three weeks had gone past, and there were many conversations that were floating around. The biggest one being that of the Goblet of Fire, considering the results would be announced sooner rather than later. And it seemed like the staff was a bit annoyed with being pestered about it, so they had arranged for a Hogsmead trip for the students, regardless of if they had permission slips or not, just to get some quiet time. Honestly one couldn't blame them. Most of the staff didn't have any more information about what was going to happen during the tournament than the next.Red hair was pulled back in a tight braid and draped over a shoulder as the young woman made her way towards the gates to meet up with her sister. After a while the pair had finally started to talk again, not that that was much of a surprise. They could never avoid each other for longer than a couple of days, it just felt strange. Or it did for Izybel anyways. She was jogging up to her sister before she spoke, "Sorry I'm late, got into helping some of the people from the other school find their way." Well the castle was a maze more often than not, and it really didn't take much to get lost at all, unless you knew it from top to bottom, and even then there was no promises. Izybel personally enjoyed getting lost, and seeing what mysteries she could find.
Macha pulled her coat tighter around herself before she gave a wave as Izybel was coming towards her. She gave her a small smile before nodding her head, "Well look at you being all helpful." She said with a teasing grin before she began to walk slowly away from the castle and down the path, it would take a fair few minutes before they got to the town so there was time to enjoy the walk. It hadn't been too long, a couple of days before Macha had gone back to her and apologised, claiming that she was angry and a little jealous about the whole fact in the most awkward way possible. She took in a deep breath as she watched her breath rise up in front of her before she rubbed her hands together."Well as you said, it continues to change. But glad you helped them, could have sworn i heard a rumour at some point that a student got lost for a few days in the castle. Not the best to say the least." She said with a small laugh before glancing down at her boots as she crunched over some fallen leaves. "What are you planning on doing once we get into Hogsmead?" She asked with a casual shrug of her shoulders.
Izybel just looked towards Macha for a moment in time before she spoke, "Oh once you get lost it is difficult to try and get un lost. Speaking through experience, yet again I do it intentionally. I want to know every nook and cranny of this place. Perhaps some day it will come in handy." With that she was chuckling before she was strolling after Macha so that they could get going to Hogsmead. Not that it would take overly long to get there at all, and she was just looking when her sister was asking what she planned on doing. This had her tapping her lips before she spoke in a low voice, "Well if one thing about the original doesn't change, there will be the Yule Ball. So one thing I'm doing... if searching for a dress."
"A dress...." She laughed before her eyes widened as she looked at Izybel. "Should i start trying to find one as well?" She asked her as she tugged at her scarf nervously before clearing her throat, she had forgotten about that but her eyes glanced up at Izybel. "You know if you want to know every cranny of the school i could always help at some point." She pointed out, beofre her head got taken away with trying to figure out what dress would be best to go with her. She knew Izybel would be able to find one in a heart beat. Or... easier than her. "I assume if you get chosen you will be taking your future husband to be with you?" She asked with a small smile, it was beginning a small bit of gossip that Draco and Izybel were getting closer, and plus it was fun to tease her sister about the whole thing.
Izybel just looked towards her sister before she was giggling then spoke, "Looking for a dress would probably be wise. Besides you know eventually we'll need something nice to wear for when father shows up." With that she was continuing to walk along before she was giving a grin at the mention of how she would help at some point. This had her chuckling a bit before she spoke, "I know that. We'll go exploring together sometime. I was just exploring the forbidden wing last night and.... it is a lot bigger than I thought." She just walked along besides Macha although was glancing over at her sister at the mention of being chosen, and taking her future husband to be. No she doubted that she would actually get chosen to be the Champion of Hogwarts, not with how many people had put in their names. "I will probably go with him but... I hope you know that just because I am dating him, I haven't forgotten about you."
Macha glanced down as her green eye flicked to the snow. "I know Izybel, i was just... a little jealous on more than one level." She said and gave her a soft smile as they continued their walk before she flared her nostrils a little. "Well whoever it is, i am sure that we will judge them without a single shred of resilience." She pointed out before coming to a stop, "Yes... father will want us looking fancy won't he?" She said and cleared her throat a little. She had sent a few letters to their father since they had been here, and the few responses she had gathered were... Slim to say the least. A few pieces with one or two words placed on them. "Oh that reminds me, duelling club will be starting again. You still down to be doubles with me?" She asked her with a smirk.
Izybel was giving a small chuckle before she spoke, "And I swear he mentioned something about coming to "visit" during the ball as it was." Which was another reason she knew that the ball was going to happen. Unless of course there was a different one happening at some point during the year, although she doubted that. With that she was walking along besides her, just gazing around at a few of the shops that were around them before she was turning to face her sister fully at the mention of dueling club. "Since when do we not pair up?" she questioned with a small scoff, as if she couldn't believe her sister was actually asking that question.
Macha shrugged her shoulders lightly before giving a small smile, "I just have to be sure that you haven't gone completely and utterly insane." She said as she looked over the town, despite everything she could always see the appeal of this town. It was cozy and quaint and now with the sudden influx of students she was sure that there was plenty of income coming in. "I mean let's face it we're going to have this in the bag once more." She pointed out before adjusting her earmuffs, which whilst a little out of character. Certainly made her look a little more approachable. "But i guess we will find out who will be Hogwarts champion tonight! Then... well... i don't know."
Izybel was giving a chuckle before she spoke, "Macha, I've always been insane. I just have those normal moments." With that she was giving a faint chuckle before she was pointing towards a store that was actually selling dresses. Well that could definitely check that place out. She was nodding at the mention of having everything in a bag before she was commenting, "Yes we do." Although the annoying thing was actually having to keep the wands in their hands, and actually make a show of using a wand, to cast magic.
Macha let out a sigh, before shrugging her shoulders. She felt like telling her sister something, but thought it best to keep as a surprise for later. She made her way into the clothes shop, after giving it a look of fear, and resigned depression as she began the hunt for a dress. She lowered her earmuffs before shaking her hair, for a moment her yellow eye visible through her fringe as she walked a little further in. She had been spending some time with Harry, Ron and Hermione. She felt that a relationship with them was getting stronger, if she was awkward and they were slowly becoming friends. Despite them being different she had to admit Harry was certainly a looker, and she had glanced at him occasionally. God she would have killed sometimes to have Izybel's way of just knowing something would work out. She stopped before pulling out an emerald green dress, "What do you think? For your silver snake?" She asked with a small smirk.
"You look like you have something to say." Izybel spoke as she was looking towards her sister for a brief moment in time, and was just giving a gentle smile. She was reminding her that no matter what, she was always her sister, she would always be there to talk about whatever she wanted to talk about. After that she was commenting, "I've seen you hanging around Ron, Hermione, and Harry recently. I hope that you are forming friendships with them as well." After that she was looking at some of the dresses, then just looked at emerald green dress that Macha had pulled out, which had her cooing ever so slightly. It was really pretty although she wasn't quite sure of the style. "Love the color, I'm not sure about the style though. A bit too floofy for me." she was giggling before she was spotting a dark red colored dress, which she was pulling out for Macha to look at. It was more of a maroon, but it was still rather pretty.
Macha nodded a little, "Trying to at least..." she mumbled as she placed the dress back only to turn back to see a maroon dress in her face which she stared at for a moment and chewed the inside of her cheek. Whilst she certainly liked the colour of it. It felt a little exposing especially along the back. She felt the light sting of a long since healed scar there as she took it carefully. "You do realise if i take this i'm going to be incredibly self conscious." She commented as she examined the dress closer. She wasn't a dress person, so the sooner she found one the better, and this seemed to do. Macha moved around to the other side of the rack and pulled out a slightly deeper green dress, it was less floofy but had a flare around the leg hem. "What about this?"
Izybel looked towards her sister before she spoke, "We can keep looking." After that she was giving a small chuckle and was sweeping some of her hair out of her face. Nope that dress wasn't for her sister obviously, and she really didn't want her sister to be self conscious the entire time. That would just make the dance... well not as fun. With that she was studying the dress that her sister had founded for her, which had her taking it and holding it up to herself. She was turning to look at herself in the mirror before she spoke, "I feel like a Christmas decoration. So I'm thinking.... maybe I'll go with a silver dress and green accessories."
Macha frowned a little as she said silver with green and she just shrugged. "Sure, but let's be honest even if you go in wearing a rag you're going to have eyes on yourself." She mused with a grin as she continued her search, but there was nothing on this rack of clothing. "Why not just get something tailored for you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, i mean it was always a last option but in this case it might be best. Expensive but a better option.
"If I can't find a silver dress then I'll probably do just that." Izybel was commenting to the tailoring option. Yeah it was an option and one that she would consider, if nothing was found. She found another dress that she thought her sister would possibly like. The back was showy, although the dress itself was more off an off shade of black.
Macha nodded as she closed her hand around a dress that was silver, or more of a dark silver with a few emerald like gems embedded in the body of it. She held it up before seeing her sister holding up the off black dress. She glanced at it and went to exchange dresses before nodding a little. "I think this will do the job nicely." She said with a small smile as he looked over a little closer, the back showing was something she was a little troubled by, but if she kept her hair down it shouldn't be a problem. "Is that one a little flashy for you?" She asked gesturing to the silver dress, though some bits of it looked more like a frost colour at the hem of it.
"Oh this is pretty." Izybel spoke after a moment in time as she exchanged dresses with her sister and was holding up the dress to herself before she was just looking at herself in the mirror. There was a smile that was on her lips before she spoke, "No actually it isn't too flashy at all, it is perfect." Beautiful actually. Not floofy at all, and from the looks of it, it was more of a shape hugging dress. Good thing she wasn't overly self conscious of herself. At least not usually, although she was almost beginning to have her doubts at that point in time, for some reason. She was shaking her head a bit before she was speaking, "Lets go try them on."
Macha tilted her head a little before taking in a deep breath as she headed into one of the changing rooms and placed the dress on after getting out of her warmer clothes. The dress had the colour of red wine about it as she came out, her hair still tied up, as she looked at herself in the mirror. With her exposed back there was little she could do to hide the deep dark scar going down it, but a small price to pay. She smiled ever so slightly as she came to the conclusion, that she was looking good.
Izybel was disappearing into a changing room as well so that she could try on her dress. As soon as she changed out of her warm clothing, she was slipping into the dress and just examining herself for a moment in time. After that she was stepping out of the changing room before she was just looking towards her sister before she spoke, "Oh you are looking adorable." Nope her sister looked very good in that dress, and with a little bit of work, they could style her hair so that it covered the scar on her back. She knew that her sister was quite self conscious about that. Yet again she supposed that everybody had that one thing that they didn't like about themselves, and they were afraid to let others see.
Macha gave a small smile before taking in a deep breath as she nodded, "Well i don't think i need to tell you that you look good in the dress." She said to her with a smile as she looked over it, everything just seemed to compliment her and it was hard to point out anything that was out of place, or even looked like it shouldn't belong. She was certainly pulling it off very well. "I guess then that's one more thing we don't have to worry about for now."
Izybel was studying her sister for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "You look absolutely beautiful in that dress." Nope her sister did look very nice, and as her sister was making a comment that she looked good in the dress, this had Izybel doing a small twirl, just examining herself in the mirror. She felt good as well. Yeah this was most definitely one more thing that they didn't have to worry about. Dresses were taken care of for the ball, now they would just have to find accessories.
Macha got changed quickly back into her clothing, and tugged her scarf slightly as she lifted it up to cover the lower part of her chin as she cleared her throat, and handed over a few gold coins for the dress. It was after all well crafted and deserved every penny she could. It wasn't like she was beginning to be strapped for cash. She brushed some of her hair back before glancing outside. Despite it being the back end of Autumn she could see the beginning of snow starting to fleck down, though a part of her imagined it was the school that was doing this. Somehow to make the night seem all the more mystical and memorable.
Izybel was changing back into her normal clothing and was picking up the dress, handing over a few gold coins as well. Nope, she had no qualms about over paying a bit, even telling the shopkeep that she didn't need anything back. Not like either of the sisters had to worry about becoming strapped for money, it wouldn't take long to send a message to their father to let him know that they needed more money. And he would get it taken care of. "You think he will show up at the ball like he mentioned. Father that is." Izybel spoke as she walked along beside her sister, using a bit of magic to send the dress that she had just bought to her locked trunk at the end of her bed.
Macha frowned for a moment before raising both of her gloved hands as she let out a chilled breath. "A bit of me wants to say know but i think we both know the truth which is, yes. He will be there without a doubt. He might not be a member of the council, but he certainly has his ways with influencing people. What about mother?" She asked her as she brushed her red hair behind her ear as she saw that the place had gotten a little busier for Hogsmead now that it was cutting into the day a little. Lots of wide eyed third years exploring for the first time, it was cute in some ways.
Izybel just looked towards her sister before she spoke, "If father will be there, you can guarantee that mother will be there." No their parents were practically connected at the hip, they didn't tend to go far without the other. And they supported each other like no other, although honestly, out of the pair of them, Izybel was definitely more afraid of their mother. Probably because the woman was so unpredictable, yet again Izybel was the same way. Like mother like daughter she supposed. Her gaze flickered towards the third years that wandered around, and soon enough her attention was turning towards that of Harry and his group as they walked towards them.
Macha gave her a soft smile as she heard her sister talk before shrugging her shoulders. "Well i suppose that is certainly something that will be interesting to look at." She ran a hand down her face before adjusting her scarf as she glanced around and then spotted Harry's group heading towards them. She blushed a little before rubbing the back of her head as she was doing her best to look as distracted as possible and was suddenly very conscious of everything. She quickly leapt on the first thought in her head, "Snow... at least there will be snow when the weather changes and the ball happens."
Izybel was just looking towards her sister for a moment in time before she spoke, "Everything is interesting when mother and father show up." With that she was giving a small shrug of her shoulders before she was giving a small wave towards the group as they got closer. Yeah she had seen the faint blush on her sister's cheeks but she wasn't going to say anything. Not at that point in time. "Can we have the snow but get rid of the freezing cold weather." Izybel mumbled as she folded her hands behind her head.
"Well if the snow is there then it would just be sludge and people aren't too fond of sludge." She gave an amused laugh. "Kind of strange when you think about it, the difference between happiness and annoyance is just a few degrees in temperature." She closed her eyes before frowning. "Since when do you complain about the cold?" She asked her with a raised eyebrow. The weather had never bothered her too much, and she was surprised to hear her sister found it that way. "I always thought winter was the best season anyway. Gives people a reason to get warm."
Izybel just looked towards her sister before she was mumbling, "I have never been a fan of the cold weather." She loved winter, and the snow but she had a dislike for the cold itself. The snow was absolutely beautiful, at times anyways. She ran her fingers through her hair before she was looking towards Ron and Harry who were merely talking about something. Winter had her thinking back into the previous time line. Harry wearing the invisibility cloak and tossing snowballs at Draco and his crew. But she was grateful that they all seemed to be getting along nowadays.
Macha chewed the inside of her cheek for a moment as she rubbed her nose a little. She could pretty much feel the redness of it as she buried it back into the folds of her scarf. "You and Draco going to the ball together i assume?" She asked her with a smile in the voice, "I bet you have already picked out the perfect suit for him to wear to match your new dress." She teased as she glanced over at the other three. For now though she was glad to be reconnecting with her sister, especially after a rocky start. She was happy for her and Draco's relationship, but she was allowed be sisterly at times and not like the guy for taking her away from her for a bit of time.
Izybel was looking towards her sister for a brief moment in time before she spoke "Of course we are going together, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to abandon you as well. As for his suit, nope I haven't picked out anything yet. But I shall." With that she was giving a slight grin before she was looking towards the other three to see who they were going with. Oh seemed like they didn't even know yet, well that wasn't a major shock to her at all. The red head was pursing her lips for a brief moment in time before she commented, "They will be announcing the contestants for the tournament tomorrow."
"Yes they will, and i'm sure that the champions will be getting a bit more love thrown at them." She said in a slight mocking tone as she brushed hand over the hem of her scarf. "Without someone slipping in Harry's name, and without the pale snake charmer it should be a flawless competition of participating and victory for one." Macha frowned a little as she felt a small chill run up her spine and looked around the place. "Makes you wonder what father intends to achieve through having us attend here. We aren't exactly attracting followers or converting anyone... It kind of seems... like he wants us out of the way for the moment."
Izybel just looked over before she was giving a nod of her head, and commenting that that was most definitely the truth. She was however tilting her head slightly at the comment about their father. "Who knows what goes through his mind half the time. I stopped trying to figure it out years ago." she spoke with a slight shrug, before she was pushing some of her hair from her face. Nope whatever their father was planning, it would eventually become privy to them, she hoped anyways. But until then she was going to enjoy living this life as a Hogwarts student, and continue to make new friends. Or totally screw up the entire school in general with her own pranks and mischief.
Macha blinked before shaking her head as she smiled, "I wish i could have your attitude towards that." She pointed out as she began to walk again, moving away from the three as she tore her eyes away and stomped some feeling back into her feet. A habit she thought was kind of practical in away. "Is there anything else we need? Or should we just head back and call it a day. Because i don't know about you, but if i have to get one more item of clothing i might just start setting fire to things."
Izybel was just chuckling before she commented, "Besides trying to figure out what is on his mind, is like trying to figure out what is on my mind." Valid point there. She was always scheming something, sometimes it was something that would get her into trouble, or it was something to help people. After that she was looking towards her sister when she was commenting that she would start a fire if she has to get one more item of clothing. This had her giggling softly before she spoke, "Yeah I agree with getting back." Why did she want to go back? She was frozen... and the twins may or may not have had something planned that they needed her help with. Dinner was going to be quite interesting, more so than just names being pulled out of the goblet.
Macha looked her over carefully as her gaze narrowed slightly as she looked at her sister carefully. Trying to read her was like trying to read a school book. You know you had to at times, but at the same time you didn't as you were scared about what you'd find. "Okay then... let's get moving." She said as she adjusted her grip on her bags and began to walk, her boots trudging along the path as she did so. She wasn't going to ask what was being planned, or if there was going to be anything planned. That would take some of the surprise out of it, that and she wanted to at least have the option to freaking deny what was going on if it back fired horribly. Which she was fairly certain it would not. | 194 | ['Potter', 'Riddle', 'Voldemort'] |
16 | | Kingdom Hearts: Shattered Bonds & Broken Hearts (Athene & East) | Shania Young 16th October, 2018 Brooklyn, New York Exact Location: Medgar Evers College 15:28 PM EST"I'm very disappointed in a lot of you. This exam was by far one of the easier ones. We went over each and every single answer to these. Particularly which king not only sponsored, butencouraged, the British to sail off and eventually land in what is now known as Jamestown. King. James. The. First!"A frustrated hand slammed down hard on the wooden desk beside him. The figure in question was nineteen year old Shania Young's Advanced American History teacher. As much as she enjoyed him and his classes ... gestures like that were ones she could do without. Granted, she knew and understood it wasn't directed ather. Unfortunately, it had succeeded in making the young woman jump slightly."Thankfully," the instructor stated, "Thereweresome of you who proved you have been paying attention."Even though he had omitted names, almost every head turned and looked back at Shania, who promptly covered her paper. They weren't wrong, and a few noted the red "100" in the upper right corner of her test."Of fucking course," one of the students sneered, "Go figure the fucking red skin would know that kind of shit.""Hey, hey, hey! Don't youdareforget you're inmyclass! I'm not tolerating you to speak to anyone in such a manner!""Of course you'd protect Lil Miss Shania. She's your perfect pet, after all."Crimson began to paint her face as she lowered her head, biting firmly on her lower lip to restrain herself. By now, the instructor's face was already beginning to turn red also but instead of being fueled by embarrassment, it was rage. "If you wanna be able to successfully pull off the 'high and mighty' kind of mindset with me, step one would be not half assing your exams like most of you have been doing. Now .... really. Last I checked, I was supposed to be teaching eighteen to nineteen year old young adults, not brats ten years younger. Act your damn ages."Right as three thirty rolled around, the bell rang, but not before the teacher quickly rose a hand."Nu uh.Idismiss you all, not the bell. Sit down .... all of you. The sooner you write your homework down, the quicker you can leave for the day." To help prove his point, he stayed silent. Anyone who attempted to move to the lone door leading out of the classroom would have it blocked by their own professor. Finally, the rebellious attempts and attitudes ceased after a good minute and a half of protesting."There. Now ...everyonewill have to do this, regardless of how well or poorly they did. So you can debunk that foolish theory that I have 'favorites' here. I expect an essay onwhythe founding of Jamestown was so significant. It must be a minimum of five pages."A chorus of groans rang out, but the instructor refused to change his mind."Considering Ishouldmake it ten with how many of you failed this exam, be glad I'm offeringsomelenience. These essays are due next on Monday the twenty second. No excuses. That's almost a whole week to get this done.Nowyou all are dismissed."Everyone practically ran out, looking and acting as if they'd just gotten a physical beating rather than being assigned something relatively simple like a paper. Shania was, as almost always, one of the last pupils to leave. Before she exited, a hand gently fell atop her shoulders."I'm sorry for their behavior. Pay them no heed, though. It's not your fault you actually care. In fact ... I respect and appreciate that you come here and give me your complete and undivided attention."A weak smile crossed Shania's face as she bowed her head politely, "Oh, it's ... no problem. Really, it isn't. History's always been one of my favorite classes. We often forget our roots. It's a bit of a shame.""Indeed, it is. And that's why I take the 'tough love' approach with everyone. Try to, anyway. What's the point of me teaching any of this if no one's going to take this seriously? At least I have you and a few others giving me hope. Anyway ... enjoy the rest of your Tuesday. Know that no matter what they try to say, you'll have my support.""Thank you, Mister Thompson. That really does mean a lot to me."Offering her teacher one final bow of her head, she turned and exited the doors of Medgar Evers College, beginning the slow and steady walk back to her efficiency. Thankfully, no one had been waiting for her like Shania half expected. Good. She didn't want trouble, for one. But more importantly point number two she actually had a decent idea on how to begin with her history assignment. And even if it wasn't due for six days, she wanted to get a head start on it. This way, she could focus and knock out her other tasks that needed to be done. 16th October, 2018 Brooklyn, New York Exact Location: A small efficiency on Church Ave. 18:02 PM ESTThe walk had taken twenty minutes, mainly due to traffic. It was always hell, and that sadly applied to just about every part of New York. But as someone who had been born and raised in Brooklyn, she couldn't help but notice it seemed to especially beworsehere than any other area.Whatever the case, she had managed to get three of the five pages typed up. She was stuck, but not because she didn't know the answers. Rather, Shania was at the point where she was close to almost sounding as if she would repeat herself. So, she was backtracking, seeing if there had been any pieces that she may have missed and could expand upon. Light brown orbs scanned her laptop screen, hoping to find something .... anything.Maybe this is where you take a break? The abrupt ringing from her cell phone seemed to agree. Once again, the poor Iroquois jumped, shaking her head at herself and taking a slight breath. Then ... she rose her eyebrow. That ... was an unfamiliar number. Well ... she could tell them they got the wrong number, if push came to shove."Hello?""Yes, is this Shania Young?""It is. May I ask who this is?""Of course, though it won't bring me any pleasure to tell you. This is the Brooklyn Police. We're calling because your brother is in our custody."Her head fell against the back of her seat, a defeated sigh passing her lips. Her left hand rose, lightly rubbing her forehead. "W What'd he do? It's nothing serious ... is it?""Not to the degrees you may be worrying about, but in their own rights, yes. A DUI and Disorderly Conduct."Shania slowly nodded, weakly groaning. And then .... a thought dawned on her. "Wait .... did he call me already and I just missed it somehow?""No, no. He has been ... less than cooperative since we arrested him. We only just got to a point where he's been somewhat civil with us, so we're making the call on his behalf.""How much? Thereisa price to bail him out, right?""Afraid so, yes. Five hundred."Shania groaned again, face palming as the amount echoed in her ears. For a bit, it seemed like she was going to hang up and refuse to get her own brother out. But after at least a minute or two of silence, she spoke up, "Okay ... okay. It's gonna be a bit, but I can come up with the money. A bit as in several hours, give or take.""Alright, Miss Young. Again, I truly am sorry. Have a good rest of the day."Her eyes rolled as she hit the "End" button, crossing her arms in frustration over her chest. "Damnit, Emrie .... " Shania muttered, exhaling deeply as another breath passed her lips. "That's basically all of my rent money, you bastard!"Still, there was one saving grace, and it was in the fact he was safe. He hadn't gotten killed or otherwise hurt. Despite his most recent choices being horrible ones, Emrie and Shania had been pretty close.Another reason this had upset her she'd hoped thatmaybethis year could be the one where he could get away from his ... less than pleasant 'friends'. But going off that call, it was fair to assume he hadn't yet done that much.Well .... you're not gonna get the money by just sitting around. A slight grimace appeared as she picked her phone back up again."Oh, Shania! Hey girl, it's been a while!""Heh, yeah. I suppose it has. Umm .... listen. Is there ... ??""Say no more! Even if we were busy as all hell, there'salwaysroom for you to come over and work for the evening.""Great. It's kinda a family emergency, so I really need it tonight.""I can hear it in your voice. Don't worry, sweetie just come on over and work your magic like you always did. I'll see about giving a good word so you can get more generous tips.""Thanks, Jessica. I appreciate this."Now that her plans for the night had been adjusted, Shania was quickly working on adapting to them. She hastily grabbed her wallet, car keys, and looked over herself. Thankfully, her 'side job' had more than enough outfits, so she could go in what she was wearing now and change upon arriving.Am I missing anything? Her eyes found the cell phone still in her hands and pocketed it away. After double, triple, and even quadruple checking to ensure she had everything, Shania briskly left her small efficiency. Were anyone else around, they would have heard the door slam. To say Shania was upset would be an understatement truthfully, she was a bitpissed. Just as she'd hoped for positive changes to come to her brother, there were certain things she'd wanted to avoid for the rest of her own life. Doingthiswas one.But for one evening, she could tolerate breaking her own promise. Shewouldmake it worth the time, effort, and energy that would be put in. And she would have no qualms relaying how much work she'd put in for her only sibling once Emrie got picked up.
Emrie Young 15th October, 2018 Brooklyn, New York Exact Location: Owl's head Park 23:45 PM ESTat this point Emrie had lost track of exactly how many drinks, shots, cans, and bottles he had consumed, he was pretty sure it was around the amount of too much, but for some odd reason he didn't exactly have a care. The night had started out pretty standard for his usual monday, going to a job he hated, and working his shift, but after his shift he had gotten a text from one of his mates that the crew was getting together. From there it had been a bunch of bad decisions one after another. From hitting up every bar in Brooklyn that they could find till they got kicked out of it, too driving around town on their bikes, and now through a public park.The rev of the motor engine still sent a thrill through Emrie's body as he felt the Yamaha surge under him. The wheel kicked up a trail of dirt and mud, smoke rose from the rubber as he burned the grass, drawing in the dirt doing a semie circle that finished of his 'masterpiece' his half signed name. It would take a gardener a few weeks to put it right.It was around that point that he heard the siren of a cop car, he turned to his friends, and one word was spoken between them. Drive. The six of them had each burst into a different direction, and Emirie had been the unlucky one, spikes had been laid down closest to the exit he had run for, and before he knew what was going on, his tires were shredded.He was dragged into the cop car, all the while telling the police to go fuck themselves, among other things. The line 'get off my property you fucks' may have been screamed a few times. As he had been cuffed, his head smacked against the hood of the police car, he screamed about how this was against his rights.The cops reminded him gently that he had the right to remain silent."I'll wave that right in your face like I waved my dick in front of your wife. Yah fucking pigs can't get it up!" 18th October, 2018 Brooklyn, New York Exact Location: Drunk Tank 13:08 PM ESTSleep had been rough, but easy, the bed was a touch itchy, and there had been no sheets, when he had finally woken up he had found a toilet in his room, which was very useful. He had no real memory of what had happened the night before, but he certainly knew what he had ate, and drank. Green mush apparently if the toilet was anything to be believed. His stomach contents emptied, and then emptied further.He heaved and vomited until he had nothing left in his stomach contents, and that had been the early morning. When he had finally started his interrogation he had the record read back to him, all the things he had said after the meranda rights had been read. Considering his case was more about a DUI, and disorderly conduct, and his raving headache he hadn't really needed a public defender to come all the way down here.This was not his first time in this situation.The lack of any and all coffee, had however not helped him. He had eventually gotten some water after asking, and now he was thinking over his options.If he had them call his mates they would get taken in on the same offenses that he was, calling mom or dad was strictly forbidden, he refused on principal to go crawling to them for help.He had left home because he had wanted to be a free spirit, a decision he had regretted almost as soon as he had slammed the door with a backpack of his things.He had stayed in contact with his sister, but over the last year he had fallen in further with his gang of friends. He had done things that were far more directly illegal than just a dui, and he was glad that he wasn't on trial for any of that. Theft, and breaking and entering into a few really old buildings, tresspassing, the usual teenage delinquency.Still the ticking of the clock was making his skull scream in agony, every second felt like agony.This was a wake up call, he couldn't keep at this, he needed to make a change. He needed to get help.But mom and dad were forbidden, he would not go crawling back to them.His sister than was the only option. He wrote out her number, handed it to the cops. "Shania Young, she's my emergency contact, call her, she will post my bail."and I will be in her debt for a long time. She was his younger sister but between the two of them, it was clear who the responsible one was.
Shania Young 16th October, 2018 Brooklyn, New York Exact Location: Brooklyn Police Precinct, Drunk Tank Area 23:47 PM ESTAs Shania parked herFord Expeditionoutside the address she'd gotten prior to leaving the strip club, the Iroquois had to think what was more unbelievable that she found herself atthisplace, or where she'd just left. Neither were locations that she had really envisioned herself being. And although it was true that she wasn't here becauseshehad fucked up, knowing why didn't make it completely better for herself.Her fingers tapped against the steering wheel for the briefest of moments, she seriously contemplated pulling out of the parking lot and leaving. Giving Emrie a silent but powerful message get yourself sobered up and out of this goddamn mess yourself.... No. In the end, she opened her door and went inside. Not just because it was for her brother, but it'd make all the effort she'd put over the past five hours go to waste. Shania was definitelynotgoing to be so foolish as to pretend those five hours hadn't actually happened. Granted, there was no evidence on her body in any form or fashion to give away what she'd done. The most of a clue would be the lingering scent of cigarettes but anyone who knew her would also know it just meant she'd been around people who indulged in cancer sticks, not came from herself.As such, she was clad in the same clothes she'd worn before entering the strip club, a comfortablejeans and top combination, with boots replacing her usual choice of sneakers. Her heels clicked as she stepped down swiftly on the concrete, not bothering to hide her annoyance at being here, nor forgettingwhyshe'd come at such an ungodly hour..... Well, maybe not ungodly. But definitely unorthodox.Thankfully, the fact it was approaching near midnight helped Shania out a bit. There weren't nearly as many cops, and the ones that were still around seemed ... professional. Thereweresome perverted ones, of course. But just like the traffic, this seemed worse in Brooklyn than any other area of New York but then again, maybe that was a really weird, biased opinion Shania had formed over the years."Evening, ma'am. What can I do for you?"Wordlessly, Shania reached back and pulled the money out, slapping it gently down on the desk. Only afterwards did she speak up, "Emrie Young ... this is for his bail so he can come home. I'mprayinghe hasn't had access nor asked anyone to smuggle any liquor to him?""Your assumption would be correct. He's only had water around. Whether he's asked or requested any is another story." The officer thumbed through, nodding in satisfaction as he counted exactly five hundred in a combination of twenties, tens, a few fives, some fifties, and even one Benjamin."Very well. Do you want to wait here, Miss Young? It's recommended however, since you're family, exceptions can be made. I will need to make one quick search before letting you in." As Shania rolled her eyes, he quickly added, "Standard procedure, miss. I'm sorry.""No, no .... you're right. It's just .... been a long night and ... I kinda feel like I got that search done already, but .... "Shania nodded, slowly taking a deep breath whilst closing her eyes."Go on. Because ... I do wanna come back with you.""Very well. Either lean against the wall or desk and stay put, please."Shania silently planted her hands firmly down on the front desk, leaning forward and parting her legs far enough to allow the cop a decent enough pat search. It was ... just enough, though she felt fairly certain there were a few very close gropes snuck in. Maybe that was from allowing people to freely touch her over the past five hours. Either way, Shania didn't expect to immediately get rid of feeling really sleazy, not even with the most thorough shower. It'd definitely take time to get rid of all the 'dirty' still lingering on her."Okay. You're good. You can take your possessions and come with me."Naturally, he'd only found her car keys, wallet, and cell phone. Some spare money inside the wallet, her license, the usual stuff. Nothing to warrant that Shania was somehow attempting anything shady, though.The click clacking of her heels resumed once again, this time loudly echoing in the halls. And from the way they were impacting the floor, it was pretty easy to tell she was making that type of noise on purpose.If you haven't sobered up yet, too fucking bad. I'm gonna make you, Emrie! She was remaining mostly civil for now. But if anyone took a moment to peek at the expression on her face, they would note a very sour look adorning Shania's face. No efforts to hide her disappointment or anger were being made, and likely weren't gonna happen anytime soon.
Emrie Young 16th October, 2018 Brooklyn, New York Exact Location: Brooklyn Police Precinct, Drunk Tank Area 23:47 PM ESTEmrie had spent the last few hours sleeping, throwing up, drinking water, and rethinking all of his life choices. Questions like where did he go wrong? Why were his friends all complete assholes, and of course what came next? He had no cellphone, he smelled awful, no shower in the tank. No sheets or matress either, his back was sore he was sleeping on a raised slab. He felt better, the water had helped with the headache, but he had gone almost a full day at this point without eating. He was half wondering if she would even come get him."Emrie Young Your bail has been posted, please stand up, and proceed to the front of your cell." His headache had abated, but even so he winced when he heard the door unlocking. He stood up dusted himself as best he could, and walked out into the hallway. "Upfront." The guard called, having Emrie and Shania walk ahead of him.Emrie looked to his sister, and gave her a bit of a sheepish look, he didn't really have much to say at this point. He kinda wished she hadn't come to see him get out of the tank, the fact that he hadn't showered yet meant he stank to high hell, and didn't want to get close to her to spare the details, however he did catch the smell of cigurette smoke on her. "Thank you."Emrie didn't know what else to say about that, walking out to the front his items were handed back to him. "In addition to your bail being posted, do you remember the terms of your plea bargan?""yes, but you have to remind anyway." Emrie said with a roll of his eyes."Emrie Young, this is your second alcohol related offense, the first time you were let off with a warning, this time you caused damage to public property under the cost of 10,000 dollars." Emrie rubbed his arm and looked at the ground, feeling like a child as his notes were read off in front of his sister. "Further more during your arrest you resisted an officer. In order to avoid jail time you have agreed to six months probation, during which you will attend weekly sponsored AA meetings, and 600 hours of community service which you will perform by cleaning state parks. Your liscence has been suspended, and your bike is impounded, If you comply with your probation these items will be returned to you, do you understand?"Emrie rolled his eyes, he did not have a drinking problem, it was only a problem if he ran out. He scratched the back of his neck feeling bad, but knowing once they got out of this building it was gonna get so much worse as he looked to Shania. "Yes." His voice was more embarrassed than anything else when it came down to it.finally with his effects returned to him, he got out into the cold night air, and looked towards his sister. He didn't really know what to say to her at the moment. "I'm sorry." He said softly, he could smell the smoke on her, he knew she had quit that club a while back, after all he had been a frequent costumer of the place, it being the best tit club in brooklyn.Still, he knew she had disliked the place, and quit, so the smoke smell meant she had to pick out a shift to bail his ass out of the fire. "I'll pay you back." He said softly, not sure how he was gonna do that, his phone had a text on it from his boss, well as of that text ex boss. Apparently he had been locked in the tank during a work day, and this was his 8th missed shift in the past 2 months."Once I find a job." He said softly under his breath. Rock... bottom. "Um... I'm currently a touch homeless as well." He had been crashing at a friends place, and with all that just happened he did not want to go back there."Can I impose on you for a bit more?"
Shania Young 16th October, 2018 Brooklyn, New York Exact Location: Brooklyn Police Precinct, Drunk Tank Area 23:54 PM ESTIt wasn't that Shania ignored Emrie when she finally found herself standing across from her brother. The better wording, rather, was ... whatcouldshe say? Right at that moment, nothing came to her. No greeting, most definitely. No curse words not yet, at least. Not at the risk of getting her own self in trouble somehow. All she knew was he looked horrible ... and smelled as bad."You're getting in a shower when we return."The words were snippy, if not a tad bit hasty. But they were spoken very clearly, implying she wasn't leaving room for him to argue with her about that. Overall, Shania wasn't usually a demanding woman, nor student. Right now though? She figured it was a more than fair enough exception to make."Sir, can that ... ??"But Shania stopped, already having a feeling that unfortunately the reading of Emrie's terms couldnotwait. So ... she forced herself to patiently hear the cop out. Try to, anyway. The truth was, Shania was exhausted and actually very hungry. She hadn't had a full meal since lunch. Snacks had been earned and gotten during her breaks, but they were very ... small, all things considered. Not because the staff was mean or anything Shania had just been on a huge adrenaline rush in order to come up with the money and focused more on, as Jess had said, 'working her magic' than her own appetite.However, even Emrie would note her eyebrows raising upon hearing the words '600 hours of community service'. ... Maybe a few hundred, sure. But six? She'd definitely see about contacting someone to see if that could be lowered. But not now. Later .... like a few days or so later.Right as the cop completed his reading, Shania turned on her boots and exited. Her right arm rose, pushing down on the unlock button, and causing the headlights of her Expedition to flash a few times to signal the SUV was able to be entered."Yes, actually you can. Not because of pity or some other petty reason."Shania turned, looking sternly into Emrie's eyes."I thought youpromisedyou were done with those fuckers! Do you notcareabout me?! Or mom and dad, even? You could havedied! Even though for some unholy reason drunk drivers tend to survive over the sober ones they hit, theycandie. Does that matter to you? Did it never fucking cross your mind?!"Tears quickly streamed down Shania's face, her hands gripping tightly onto the steering wheel."You're coming back with me for one major reason. Okay ... two. It'll be one way to know for sure those assholes can't find or bother you. But two ... you're still family. And luckily for you, as furious as I am, I'm hungry. Wanna ... grab McDonald's or something before getting home? I don't feel like cooking. I'm serious though get in a shower when we get to my place. I don't care if it's before or after you eat ... but you are doing that. Is that clear?!"Finally, Shania felt confident enough to turn the keys in the ignition and start the car up. She drove away, at the very least. Not yet to any specific place, but definitely to ensure the cops couldn't try to accuse her of loitering or doing something stupid in an attempt to getherin legal trouble." ... Ireallyhope this will be the last time in a while we see each other on less than pleasant terms. Putting that aside .... I really am glad you're safe, Emrie. Also kinda wish we would speak more than just once a year."The last line was mumbled, but still audible to her brother. Shania latched lightly onto her lower lip, finally rolling the windows down a bit, allowing some of the October breeze to flow inside and gently blow her raven black locks slightly. It also served another purpose ... one that she didn't need to remind or pester the hell out of her brother about.Hopefully not, anyway.
Emrie Young 16th October, 2018 Brooklyn, New York Exact Location: McDonalds Drive through 24:12 PM ESTShania made Emrie shrink in his seat if the day could feel any worse it somehow was watching his little sister cry over him was a bit shocking. Mostly cause it was another cold slap on just how bad his actions were, another quick wake up call that was getting him to try and get his act together. He let out a sigh and looked out the window for a moment trying not to look at her while she gave him a talking too about drunk driving.Of course there was nothing he could really say to her that mattered in that regard he had done it, and he couldn't change the fact. He could thank his stars that he had survived it, especially on a motorbike. He could point out he hadn't really gotten on the street, but that wasn't entirely true, he remembered racing some of the other idiots he had for friends that day.He rubbed his head for a moment feeling his hand was cold which was refreshing against the pounding of his head. He was starved, but he didn't really want anything greasy, his stomach probably wouldn't be able to handle much heavy food. "I think I'm done drinking." He said softly. He looked back at shania as she started the car and the two started to drive."Yes I would like food please."Stopping at the drivethrue Emrie ordered the McChicken, and a large fries, with a drink. He shrugged his shoulders slightly, wishing that he could have at least paid for the meal, but his wallet was empty, the only thing in it, were his ID, a couple of unchecked lotto tickets, and mothballs. Finances tended to drip through his hands like water with no account of savings. "I've..." He didn't want to make excuses for himself, he had to take full responsibility for what he did."Cutting you guys out was wrong of me, but please don't call mom and dad yet, I... I want to try and make things better I really do, but I can't face them yet." He had basically spat in their parents face by leaving, he had been openly hostile, and he knew they would accept him back the moment he went to them, and that was exactly why he felt like he couldn't. He felt like an idiot after all he had done, and some tears did escape his eyes. "Listen... I fucked up, but I'm going to stick to this." He said softly under his breath. "I promise I am going to do better than this." He felt the guilt about not seeing her more often and nodded. "And part of that... means that I'm going to stay closer to you.""So have you started working at the club again?" He asked curiously though his voice was quiet cause he knew it was a sensitive topic. Partly so he could ask the follow up. "Do you think they need a line cook?"the place had a grill, and some shit food, he knew for a fact that there were kitchen staff, and he had experience working in a kitchen. He didn't really care that it was a tit bar, he was going to just need a job.He stared at the floor once they had the food, and sighed, he had rolled down the window to help blow fresh air on him.10th September, 2018 New York City, New York Exact Location: Shania's Home 24:32 PM ESTGetting into the place, he had one priority, and he didn't even wait till he was in the bathroom to start taking off his clothing, his shirt was ripped off with abandon the moment he got into the door, the thing reeked and his skin was glad to be rid of it. "Do you mind if I toss my clothing in the washer?"He didn't actually ask, he knew it would be needed so he did it, stripping himself entirely, and tossing it in the washer, standing in the hall with a towel wrapped him just to keep the illusion of decency, that was if she was looking at him at all.Sweat glistened from his body, he was sickly, his eyes slightly hollowed, and he had shivers and chills running down his spine, that caused him pain. Drunk Driving may not have been his only cause of death, considering it was more than a full day since his bender he was starting to wonder if he had been close to dying of alcohol poisoning. Stepping into her bathroom, he dropped the towel and started to run a very hot shower.Instantly as the water started to run over his body he was more comfortable, the water ran over him helping to heat his core, raising his temp, the steam helped to clear his head, of the last of the pain, and after having spent all that time on a hard bench his sore back finally had a chance to stretch out and feel better. Scrubbing himself clean with the same array of flowery scents that his sister used was good too. The herbal scents of flowers she used made his hair at least smell nice, even if his wasn't as long as hers.His shower, had run a touch long, water dripped from his muscles, and as he looked himself over in the mirror his eyes had more life to them, he wasn't cold anymore, sick maybe, but it would fade when he woke up tomorrow. He checked over his face, no bruises that was good. He looked and felt better than when he had gone in.Wrapping himself in his sisters bathrobe he walked out of the bathroom turning on the washer so that he would eventually have clothing to wear again.He could use the last of his savings to buy some stuff, but for right now unless he went back to Tony's all he really had was the clothing on his back. Which meant right now under the bathrobe, he was completely naked.Walking to the kitchen he sat down to enjoy the meal he had been given.
Shania Young "You better be," Shania bitterly replied. "I'm still a few years too young to drink, so no alcohol of any kind is in my place, anyway. Another reason I'm perfectly fine allowing you to stay with me."For a bit, she had almost felt like continuing her lecture, but at this point? It'd be mindless or at least redundant ranting. From what she'd seen so far, Emrie had seemed to get the hint that she wasveryupset with him. More than that, though, he actually looked like he was truly feeling horrible about his choices.Not that he'd had a problem lying or anything. But now ... it was like watching someone have an epipheny and realize justhowmuch they'd fucked up. Good. Heneededa wake up call, and truthfully? If the scolding hadn't done it, resorting to a low blow was really close on Shania's To Do List.The drive would remain mostly quiet. Shania only talked to give her order, getting a Big Mac meal and upgraded to large. She didn't typically eat out, but ... shereallyhadn't been kidding when she hinted not being in the mood to cook. Besides, Shania very seldom had 'cheat' days. If she couldn't be overdue for one that had a more positive incentive behind it .... well, Shania would take what she could get, she supposed. It wouldn't be her proudest day, but .... she'd live.As would Emrie."Only for the evening, but "And then ... Shania damn well did a double take. Thankfully, she at least waited to do so at the safest possible place a red light. "Wait a fucking second ... how do you know aboutthatplace? Are you ... did you watch me and I never saw you?!"Her head plopped against the rest as she let out a long, very heavy sigh." ... It wasn't just because I worked there, was it? Well ... scratch that. I guess ... it kinda doesn't matter huh?"Finally, a weak smile crossed her face. "Anyway, yes. They are still looking to hire anyone for pretty much any job. Congrats. Now, it seems we each have something we don't want mom and dad to know. So ... I'll trust you to talk to them when you're ready and ... I guess I'll do the same. If and when needed." She shrugged casually. "That's basically a side, and very emergency heavy job. I only go back when things like tonight come up. I don't otherwise head to the club."By the time the siblings got to Shania's home, it was well past midnight. Almost one in the morning, in fact. Shania took her food plus any trash that would have been left over inside. The trash was tossed away. Her head turned in time to see Emrie already half nude, the sight causing a new hue of red to paint her face."Nope, go for it. In fact, that was h hey! Emrie, what are you ... ??"Shania gawked, though only for about ten seconds before quickly turning her head as her brother literally started stripping almost immediately after stepping foot into her residence. Her head shook as she watched her elder brother walk away, being cautious not to have her gaze turn into a full fledged stare.After her brother got out of her sight, Shania exited the living room, going and picking her late dinner up. She began to head to her room, though not before placing her shoes near the front door, and even locking it. Though the walk was actually brief, it felt much longer ... likely due to how exhausting her day had been. But finally, she entered her own room, eliciting a sigh of relief as she found the familiar white walls.If this were a permanent house, the walls would be a different color. Alas, she had avoided painting the place in case she ended up getting something more long term. Besides, it'd save whomever may or may not move in here the extra trouble ... or so she figured.To make up for this, however, her walls were littered with posters and art of various Disney princesses. On top of her wardrobe dressers and just about every surface were trinkets of various forms and fashions. From glass figurines to a few pieces of jewelry out in plain sight. There was even aglass roseclearly inspired and 'from' theBeauty and the Beastfilm.Despite being nineteen, Shania could act a whole decade her age. In some ways, she was a child at heart, and it was easiest to see when it came to Disney. Her love for the franchise had never faded though ... ithadbecome somewhat bittersweet after certain 'decisions' were made. Like taking over certain shows, particularlyStar Wars. It just ... was one of those things Shania wouldneveragree with.Her head moved from side to side, dismissing the mental debate that almost started as she instead focused on what was in front of her eyes now her laptop. More specifically, the essay she'd began to work on before getting the phone call to see about picking her brother up.An annoyed sigh passed her lips. She couldn't recall for the life of her where she was going. With that revelation, Shania saved what she had and turned her head, hearing the water turn off. The young Iroquois gave a low whistle to indicate where she was, turning so she was facing her bedroom door, and dug her hand inside. She took the burger out, opened it, and carefully began to eat.Just like she wasn't in the mood to eat, the same applied to heeding most her usual rules. Including eating at the more typical place, the dining room. After finishing up and having a brief talk .... there was a very, very high crash that poor Shania was gong to quickly pass out. And truthfully? She figured hoped, anyway the same would apply to Emrie.
Emrie Young "Yep entirely because my little sister worked there, and I wanted to watch her shake and dance." Emrie rolled his eyes at the notion that he had only known about the club because she worked there. "I'm older than you by five years, I'd been going to that club for three before you started working there."That said it wasn't like he had averted his eyes when she had taken the stage. He had been shocked of course. Who wouldn't have been if their little sister was suddenly on stage doing a dance and taking off their clothing, but it had confirmed one major thing. Both of them were adults, capable of making their own life choices. He had never really judged her, it was a job after all.And the assurance that they were hiring for anything and everything made him relax. Working behind the kitchen of a bar was at least something. Fixing up burgers and shit wings was far far better than staying on the street doing nothing, and working evenings meant that it wouldn't interfere with his Paroll stuff, as that was usually mornings and afternoons.She explained that it was more just an emergency thing that she kept her foot in the door so that if things like this came up she would be okay. Turns out his sister was a lot smarter than he was. "I've never kept up a savings account, another thing i need to change." All of his money had flowed through his hands and usually left him with nothing to keep for himself.when they got home silence had fallen around the time Emrie had started stripping, to be honest he just didn't want to be in clothing that smelled like complete shit anymore.and after his shower, the only thing that protected any semblence of decency, if Emrie had that at all, was his bathrobe. With the washer starting up, it looked like he wasn't going to be getting any kind of clothing that would fit him for a while.after he had finished clothing he looked at Shania. "Do you have like an Ex's shirt or anything that would fit me? maybe some shorts?"The amount of clothing he had left at his ex's over the years could probably equate to an entire persons wardrobe. He also assumed Shania was single because there were no signs of a male living here at all, there had only been one towel on the rack one toothbrush at the sink, anywhere a person would have expected to find a second item for a couple he had found only one.The exception was a guest bed, which was properly made, and clearly hadn't been used for a long time. "Thank you again, for letting me stay." He said softly.Tomorrow he was gonna have to try and either get some of his shit back from the guys, or figure out a way to afford new clothing.Either that or he could borrow his sisters stuff, but something told him that if her jeans looked tight on her they wouldn't exactly fit him."I know you don't really have a reason to trust me at this point, that I've depended on you, and probably broken more promises than i've kept, but... I want to do better than this. I don't want to make you cry again, so I'm gonna try and do better." He moved in and kissed his sisters forehead before waving her good night, and retreating to the guest bed. Looking around the room for a moment.He pulled out the cellphone, looking it over, and swiped a quick text to a contact. 'Hey asshole, just got out of prison, thx no thx, I'm dropping by tomorrow and getting my shit.'He then turned off his cellphone and put it on the desk. letting out a heavy sigh. some part of him wanted to call those assholes up, and even go out with them again, he knew they would be up, probably out partying without him. It was pointless to want to be with them, he would only end up making worse choices with them around.He needed to cut them out of his life.But gods he wanted a drink.Did he have a drinking problem?He let the robe fall of him, his toned body reflecting in the full length mirror on the back of the door, he looked himself over for a moment. He had a few bruises, a cuts and scars, but all in all his tanned brown body, didn't seem in so bad shape. he watched his muscles flex for a moment or two, before stepping towards the bed and falling onto it. The soft sheets were so much more welcoming than the hard slat he had slept on the night before.It was times like this he really wished he had his PS2, he would be grabbing that tomorrow. His small collections of games was one of the things he had managed to keep with him at all times. He eventually grabbed his phone, and just had it play a familiarsongthe melencolic tune played softly as he started to drift off to sleep. Reminding him that things didn't always end up so bad. he could improve this situation.
Shania Young " ... An ex?"Shania quickly covered her mouth, fighting the urge to choke or bust out laughing. A few chuckles, however, did escape. Her head quickly moved from side to side, her right index finger raising. After helping down the Big Mac with some of her Coke, she started explaining, albeit while still laughing softly."Who do you think you're talking to, huh? Me? Have an ex? That's a hilarious thought. I ... no. I umm ... haven't found anyone worth dating. And the ones that looked like I could maybe take a chance? They've ended up proving to be racist pricks."A disappointed expression crossed her lips as Shania's empty hand lightly traced over the tattoos on her face. They had been what she got upon hitting eighteen. It was more or less a modernized version of a rites of passage. Her parents personally ensured she got the tattoos done by another Iroquois who was skilled in using a needle. It'd hurt, of course, but Shania, her parents, and Emrie had watched the process with great pride.The pain had been very well worth enduring, as were the end results."You'd hope after .... ohhh .... several hundred years, that the Caucasians would have learnedsomecommon decency towards us. Guessthatis too much to ask for."Another sigh passed her lips as she snuck a glance towards the rose. That was another reason she had never let go of her love for the movies if she couldn't have a happy ending or at least relationship it lifted her heart to see other women have better fortune. Granted, she was a bit envious. But there was more joy than jealousy whenever she watched any Disney film. Or, in the rare cases where no one hooked up with one another, a mix of sympathy and sorrow."I ummm .... lemme see. I may have at least something, though."Setting her cheeseburger down in its box, she stood up and knelt beside the lowest dresser. After a bit of rummaging, she tossed over a pair of sweatpants."It's not much, but they stretch out, so they should fit and be comfortable. My shorts or ... anything else, really, would be far too tight for you."Taking a break from the burger, Shania changed her target, now grabbing and devouring some of the fries. Her head tilted curiously as she heard her brother seem confused on why she was helping out. "Didn't I make that obvious?" she asked after swallowing the food. "You're family. You'd do this if roles were reversed ... wouldn't you? You'd help me out, even if it meant bailing me with money earned from a strip club?"Not that there weren't other reasons. But right at that moment? None of them mattered nearly as much.When Emrie walked forward and gave her forehead a kiss, she gently wrapped her arms around him, pulling him in a hug. "Your recent choices and actions may have been stupid, but it doesn't change you're my brother. I love you, damnit. And that's exactly why I got so frustrated with you. You can do so much better, too. Way more than those jerks you've been seeing and speaking with. They're toxic ... so I really, truly hope you're dead serious about getting them out of your life. They don't deserve you."Second chances had been drilled into them both pretty firmly by their parents. Even if Emrie was technically right that she didn't have to trust him, she was at least going to offer him an attempt to redeem himself first."I'm gonna finish eating then go to sleep. I hope you have a good rest."Sure enough, a bit over twelve minutes later, Shania would toss her trash away. She looked down at herself .... and decided to do her own shower and change in the morning. She wastired, even more so with the adrenaline finally dying down. Wordlessly, Shania turned any remaining lights off in the efficiency, finally doing so to her own room last. After deftly but gently pulling a hair tie out, allowing her hair to come undone from its ponytail, Shania took a few minutes to gently brush it out.And when that was done?She promptly collapsed on her bed, almost instantaneously lulled into a peaceful sleep.It would likely be a few hours before a figure would begin to form in front of Emrie's eyes. Maybe it was the soundtrack he'd listened to. Whatever the case, he would very easily recognize theyoung womansoon standing mere paces away from him."We need you. You and your sister. Emrie ... please help us."Yuna kept her staff held firmly in her right hand, stretching her left out."Come with me. Someone should be speaking with your sister now while I'm communicating with you."
Emrie Young Oddly the thought that She hadn't seen anyone worth dating was kinda relaxing. He found her amusement at the suggestion kinda aleviating. He knew his sister was an adult woman, heck he had watched her 'work' and yet the idea that his sister hadn't been able to find anyone worth her time was a bit sad. She was a beautiful woman, and it was a shame that no one else really seemed to notice that.Her comment about the white people being indecent made him laugh. While Emrie did have a tattoo of his own marking, and did acknowledge his own membership of the Oneida tribe, he had grown up watching T.V. Playing games, and living outside of the reserve, their parents had made that choice a long time ago. Simply put the time of the haudenosaunee was another era, and one that he was certain he would have found uncomfortable. That didn't mean he didn't enjoy the stories, and history, just that he was a bit more realistic. "White man gave us electricity so they can't be all bad." He said in a more joking tone.She tossed him a pair of sweat pants which he folded in his arms he would use them tomorrow. He smiled at her, and when she asked if he would have done the same for her, he nodded. "I would do anything to see you safe and at home." He said softly. He nodded. "I love you too."He would live better to try and hold up that end of the bargan and protect his little sister.Sleep did come eventually if a touch uneasily, and when it did he saw a very familiar figure to him. She outstretched her hand towards him, and mentioned his sister, he was immediately more confused."I haven't had this dream since I was like...2007? and you usually had a lot less clothing." He said softly thinking to himself. He was looking at her with avid curiosity, moving closer, ignoring the hand, and even reaching out to touch her dress, lifting it slightly, but mostly he was feeling the texture of the silk, for a dream this was exquisitely detailed. He didn't even think he remembered the dress he was holding and the fact that it had flower print. "Huh, the motion in the videos always made me think they were stars.""Also sister's notusuallyinvolved." Then again she had just baled him out of prison, and worked at a strip club, his mind could wander to that side occasionally. "And this is a very detailed dream... you know I always preferred this look for you, they tried a lot of different costumes in ten two, but it never worked for me... and neither did Pain that fem squall reject had enough edges, Rikku was nice looking, but every time I saw her little alarm bells would go off in my head telling me she was jail bait. I guess there is Lulu, but her taste in men was awful. Don't get me started on Wakka.""You on the other hand, the height of elegance and beauty. A martyr for the people, kind and beautiful... I had a lot of dreams about you. I wanted too do a lot of things to you m'lady." He looked up at Yuna, a soft smile on his face, that was slowly turning red out of embarrassment. "This is a touch too detailed to be a dream isn't it?" As Shania slept she would be greeted by afigurenot quite human, and not alltogether dog. It had horns, and fur, a slightly wet nose, familiar in all respects to her, encluding the gallant clothing. He tried to bow, but it was clumsy, unpracticed something he had clearly either not done in a long time."Greetings Shania, I don't have long." The beasts voice was gruff, a low snarl to it. "Forces of evil are gathering, that none alone could deal with, but you and your brother are the key to this. Someone he is familiar with will talk to him, as it seems I was the one closest to your heart, which is why we can talk now."
Shania Young "Hmph. I guess they did do a few things that helped us out."Shania quietly mulled on her brother's nods, flashing a knowing smirk as she slowly nodded. "Okay ... yeah. You got me there. I may not use electricity for the exact same things as you, but ... I do need it all the same."Those had been the very last words that Shania distinctly recalled telling Emrie. And now .... she found herself in the weirdest dream possible. And yet ... it felt so real. In fact, the closer she got to Beast, the more realistic it felt as opposed to fake. But everything he was saying ... that meant thishadto be a dream, right?There was very likely a look plastered on poor Shania's face. One of shock, awe, confusion, and even bewilderment.Her head shook ... wondering if that would help her wake up. Nope, but ... it did confirm at least one thing. She was havingsomesort of ... vision? Dream? Something, that was for damn sure."I .... o okay, wait a minute. Let me get this all straight. Forces of evil are gathering ... in your world? No one can handle them yet me and Emrie could? Why? How? I mean ... look at me. Beast, I'm no fighter like my ancestors probably were. And even if that wasn't true, I have no weapon. No nothing. Are you really sure you found the right person?"Her teeth briefly gripped onto her lower lip before Shania added, "When you say 'evil forces', do you even know what or whom exactly it includes? Are we talking about Gaston? Someone else completely? Or ... is that an unknown factor?"Shania gently shook her head, "I'm not trying to sound like I distrust you. But just ... thisiskinda hard to believe upon first hearing."Please believe me. I'm really not trying to bullshit you or anything, she inwardly added, ensuring her eyes remained locked onto the Beast's. "Excuse me?" Yuna replied, clearly taken aback at the rather abrupt answer. Despite not hearing all of the details of his other dreams, the mere implication she hadlessclothes was more than enough for the summoner to get brief enough ideas. They made her own face flush ... before she quickly shook her head."I I'm serious. Listen, I can understand this probably feels really weird to you. But the last thing you're experiencing is a .... ahh!"Before her dress could be pulled up too high, Yuna's instincts kicked in. Without much of a second thought, she smacked Emrie's hand, blushing a bit more."Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. But please, I'm imploring for you to stop and pay attention. More to my words than my appearance. Please ... "Yuna waited for Emrie to heed her, slowly yet patiently pacing back and forth. When the first cue was given be it a simple nod or hearing a response, she offered him a gentle smile and continued."There we go. Now ... I don't have long. But I can say this much there's far more than simply my world in peril. Midgard, Luca in particular, and many other foreign names. Ones that while I myself don't recognize, many of us have found allies from the other individuals in these places. We've tried banding together ... and in some regards, our efforts have worked. But not permanently. This is where you and Shania come in. I know this is complicated, very much so. But you two have the only powers that can saveanyof us and help set things correctly."Yuna's head whipped around, as if she heard or sensed something, before glancing back over towards Emrie."I'm using a considerable amount of my mana while laying low from Seymour. This will all be much easier to relay to the two of you when you both arrive. Please, hurry!"This time, Yuna reached over and grabbed onto one of Emrie's arms. When nothing happened, a slight frown appeared on Yuna's face."I'm probably using too much," she mused to herself, slowly nodding. "Okay. Then keep focusing, because what I'm about to ask is especially important. The moment you wake up, you and your sister need to stand in front of a mirror. Be sure you're both ready. Just .... concentrate. Whether it's thinking of me, something else that makes you happy ... donotlose your focus. You should arrive, though I can't say where exactly, unfortunately. Teleportation is fickle like that."A mingled whimper and gasp would be the last thing he'd hear before Yuna disappeared as quickly as she came into view.
Emrie Young The slap got his attention, that didn't happen in his dreams, and the reality of everything was sinking in, this was confusing as fuck. Yuna was telling him that there was something he could do that none of the others could? Midgar, and other planes of reality. He rubbed his cheek for a moment. "No, no I deserved that."He hadn't realized he had been talking to a real woman, and not some fictious summon of his imagination. the instructions were so very awkward, he and his sister needed to get in front of a mirror, and think happy thoughts? this sounded like pixie fairy dust nonsense. Not the usual type of magic in an FF game."Wait Seymour is involved in this? What the hell, how many times do you have to kill a guy before he stays dead?" He shook his head disregarding the many, far too many boss fights. "and what exactly am I supposed to do about any of this if you and the others can't handle it?" It seemed there was no time to explain the magic energy used to sustain the dream faded as quickly as it had come, and he found himself waking up. "I don't know all the details!" The loud outburst from beast was born of frustration and his short temper. She was asking too many questions. "Listen, I don't know the why or how, you and your brother are important. A power chose you, and it's taken us a long time to find you both anyway!""We do know that it has to be you, and Emrie." He said sternly with a huff. "As for if Gaston is involved, no he is only a mortal." He shook his head. "No, I don't know all their names, but among them are a powerful enchantress, one whom commands the very powers of hell, and all aligned under a king of the dead.""Bell would have been better at explaining this." He muttered then looked around for a moment. His head tilting as if hearing some instructions from another person."When you wake up, go to the mirror with your brother, think of happy thoughts, and." He paused for a moment. "That will bring you into our worlds, we aren't sure where, but know that many are out there. The people are in danger, from my castle to neverland. Make sure to hold hands so that you aren't seperated. and... look for the north star? What does that even mean!"Beast let out a frustrated sigh, before he too vanished back into the dark, leaving Shania to wake up. Blinking softly Emrie sat up in bed, and stretched out, his clothing was in the washer last night it would need to be moved to the dryer, than he could go... get his shit.the dream... it hadn't really been a dream though and he wasn't sure what was going on. He sat up in bed, confused, his hand went over his head for a moment, no headache, and a far more comfortable sleep, he could get used to living here.He stretched out, looking at himself he glanced over his body, he didn't really feel like he had slept much, he still felt tired, his body hadn't even come with his usual morning wood. instead his cock was flacid, as if he hadn't just touched Yuna.the thing that sold it was when he blinked for a moment, and felt his face hurt. His hand went to the side of his face where a bruise had formed over night. "What the fuck..."Clothing could wait, He crossed the house in a handful of strides, and opened the door to Shania's room. "Hey sis, I just had the weirdest fucking dream!"
Shania Young Shania hastily nodded, her hands raising and staying beside her head. "Sorry," she sheepishly replied, her palms slowly lowering after at least a good minute or so had went by. Unfortunately, the more Beast spoke, themorebewildered Shania felt as opposed to less. Shetriedto pay attention, though. It sounded important ... no matter how odd or amiss. Beast was many things. Harsh, yeah. Short tempered? Definitely, as evidenced.But a liar?Nope. Never. So ... even if this all sounded incredibly crazy to a degree of insanity ... there was no reason not to believe him.Buuuut with all due respect, are you sure you're the closest to my heart? It was true that a lot of her most expensive things were from the film he starred in. But if Shania was going by her very first Disney movie she'd fallen in love with, that would beThe Little Mermaid. Her personal favorite, however, wasPocahontas. Probably a cliche answer ... but she didn't care about that.We? Wait, who is we? A slight fear of incurring Beast's full wrath kept her from asking. Still, from what he was describing, Hades was definitely one of the people he was talking of. A powerful sorceress ... Maleficent?But ... why? What would they all gain? Hell, how had they banded together?There were more questions coming to her head than answers."Huh? Neverland's ... in trouble?"That made Shania swallow nervously. What about Peter Pan though? God, something reallywaswrong."I .... okay, okay. I get it ... your instructions, anyway." Of course, looking for the North Star in a mirror wastechnicallyimpossible. But disregarding that one part, she wasn't simply saying the words to falsely reassure Beast. "Where are you going?!"As Beast disappeared, Shania woke up with a start, panting quickly. Shivers trailed through her entire body as she held herself, even pulling some of the covers up over her to warm her up. Her head lowered as she dwelled on everything that had been relayed to her.I'm so scared now .... can I really just do this? Before she could try to figure that answer out, Emrie walked in. Very much nude, which made Shania shut her eyes. "Gods, brother, do you mind?! I'm sure you're used to not worrying about being barged in on, but "However, when he began to state he had his own dream, her original thoughts moved to the back of the proverbial line."You had one too? Beast visited me. So .... whomever visited you ... did they say something about a mirror? I know this is crazy, but I think what we just saw and heard? That's real. So we need to try this. But before that,youneed to get dressed. Even if only partially." .... Damn, that was what I forgot before falling asleep putting the clothes in the dryer. They were likely done by the time you finished eating and whatnot. Shit. Which meant unless her brother was fine wearing likely semi wet clothes ... he'd probably go to wherever they'd end up half nude. But honestly, as long as it was with something on, Shania could handle that.
Emrie Young Beast? It took him a few moments because that wasn't a name he was directly familiar with until he looked at her desk, and the glass rose. Disney? Yuna had mentioned that there was more than just her worlds at stake, but this seemed kinda weird. Oddly he could believe an RPG world getting out of hand a lot easier than an old fairy tail turned disney original.He blinked when his sister told him to go get dressed he regarded himself, but didn't show any embarassement. "Sorry I've been living the last few years in a very small house with four other guys, you get used too a lack of privacy at some point." He said with a soft shrug, and left her room. this had to be crazy right?The fact that he was willing to humor this was odd even to him. But either they would stand in front of a mirror and save a couple of worlds, or they would look like idiots and go back to sleep, no harm no foul really. He grabbed the sweat pants she had handed him last night. "Yuna from final fantasy ten." He rubbed his hand for a moment looking at the slight bruise from when she had slapped him."I don't think I made a very good first impression." Attempting to remove someones dress was never a good first impression not to mention the fact that he had talked down about all her guardians. If they found her he would need apologize to her. "But she was as cute as I remember."Still she had invaded his dream, sure he had very little decency but there was rules, you couldn't just invade someones mind and expect that to be okay.With pants back on he walked back to Shania's room. "Okay, I'm wearing pants... Should we do this right away or get some coffee first?" Oddly he got the impression that the danger was immediate.He grabbed his cellphone, and looked at the time. "Hopefully this whole saving the world thing doesn't take too long, I'd hate to end up a wanted criminal because I missed the parole meeting." He sighed and would follow Shania to a mirror. The question of why them? why a drunk, and a history major?He sighed softly. "I guess I'm with you, this whole thing is kinda goofy, but I'm in." Hades amp Dr Facilier Facilier was curled up on the floor, a moment ago, he had been in a much worse, his friends having turned on him had spent what felt like an eternity devising a million little tortures for him, and now he was on a cold stone floor, he looked around for a moment, and unsure what was going on. It was the first time he felt like he could breath in a long time which sent him into a ravenous coughing fit, and he slowly collected himself, his eyes started to work again, his hands had flesh on them, he quickly pat himself down to find that he was fine."What is it with you Mortals, you have one little brush with death, and suddenly you're all concerned about with your body parts being in the right place." Facilier looked up towards the voice, and saw a man, grey ashen skin, and blue fire spouting from where hair should have been. Calling him a man was not exactly fair to the creature."Who.""Hades, god of the dead, wealth, and the underworld, oldest of the Olympians." He said extending a hand, Facilier was hesitant to take it. "Course if you would rather go back to dealing with your friends."That sold the man, and he took Hades hand, whom helped him stand up. "Listen it's a lot of bargening to get to this point, I'm dealing with a lot, right now, whole master plan thing, So I don't really have time to explain everything I got like 12 other meetings today. So I wanna cut you a deal.""I got you your body back, got you living, and breathing, and if you wanna stay that way I need you to do a couple of jobs for me." Hades moved around to a table in the center of the room showing it off along with the stone pieces. Facilier nodded."What's the job friend, I am of course always a servant of the damned." He said with a small bow. Hades waved his attention off and rolled his eyes."Listen for now I just need you to help me eleminate a couple people, little shards of light that would get in the way of a plan." He looked at the board for a moment. "See, I'm tired of being down here, when me and my brothers devided up the place, Zues picked the heavens, Poseidon got the oceans, and I got stuck down here, it's not done well for my complection, but there are kingdoms out there, places where my brothers don't have all the power, and I want them. Help me get them, and I'll cut you in on a piece of my kingdoms wealth... I mean god of money I got more of the stuff than i can spend."As if to prove his point he pulled out some american green, and lit it up turning the stuff to ash. "Like I said it's just burning away with me, but you and your friends, well I can sponsor you to be sure."Facilier was at the mans full attention. he smiled. "Well, then my friend I say that's a deal, who do you need me to get rid of.""Oh I think you will enjoy this first one." He held out his hand a stone piece appearing in his hand a small effigy of a frog. "Get rid of her, and this time do it right."
Shania Young Fair enough, I suppose, Shania admitted. Not aloud though, mainly because it would just give Emrie an excuse to tease her back. It didn't happen too often, but there had been some nights Shania fell asleep with nothing at all on or simply a bathrobe. Then there were even a smaller handful of days where sheremainedthat way. All because of the same reason. She lived alone. And if anyone ever came to visit, they always gave more than enough of a notice so that Shania could be presentable in time.When she heard whom had shown up to Emrie, Shania merely smiled."Lady Yuna, huh?"The two siblings had often talked with one another about their particular fandoms they loved. This included bringing up names of characters and even towns in hopes of converting the other so they could both love the other franchise respectively. It only worked to certain extents. Never fully. However, Emrie did succeed in embedding the name of the Summoner perfectly into Shania's head.Her eyes widened, however, when he hinted he'd actually tried something pretty dumb and perverted with Yuna."Geez, what's wrong with you?! You don't just try to randomly strip people either."Despite shaking her head, a ghost of a smirk formed. And should Emrie think he'd imagined things, he'd hear no doubt one of the most bold statements uttered from his own sister. "But ... I can't blame you too much, I suppose. She is beautiful. I love her eyes especially. Still ... if we ever find her again, none of that. Alright?"Hmm ... so Final Fantasy is also in trouble? That was what it was sounding like, anyway. Whatever the case, this also appeared to be not only a legit plea the two had heard, but a very urgent one."I have a feeling we'll get quite the wake up call upon arriving. We won't likely need caffeine much, if at all."Slowly, Shania stood up, walking with her brother in front of a small mirror adorning her wardrobe closet. She quietly interlaced her fingers with Emrie's, remembering the advice that this was needed."To avoid getting split up," she muttered. It was probably hopefully obvious. Just in case not, though ... she didn't want to confuse him. They were already going into something that was baffling enough as it was."We can't really see the North Star here, so ... I guess just look straight ahead or something?"One last deep breath would pass her lips before a sudden, very bright light flashed in front of their eyes. Shania lifted her empty arm up to shield her vision, wincing as her eyes briefly stung.As her arm lowered, she could feel a breeze gently caressing her skin and clothes. Shania's sight adjusted ... and as it did, her mouth fell agape. Her heart leaped and stopped almost simultaneously as they found themselves atop a very familiar cliff. A grin adorned her face as she peeked down and found yet another tell tale feature that only seemed to strengthen where they were. A very recognizable waterfall pouring into a lake below the cliff."No way! Oh .. my ... god. I ... I can't believe it. Emrie, we're .... "She turned excitedly, looking straight at her brother."We're in Jamestown!"The happy features disappeared, replaced by that same sense of urgency and worry. "And yet ... I can better feel and see what Beast meant. It feels .... off. Pocahontas wasn't already here, which would mean we appeared ... sometime after the beginning of the movie. So ... I'd imagine John and the others have probably landed by now."Even with the logic Shania was using to reassure herself, it didn't completely work. There was still a nagging sensation that something was wrong. Very much so."Come, let's see if we can find John Smith, Nakoma, Grandmother Willow, the Chief, or Pocahontas herself. Anyone who can confirm or deny what we heard for sure."A sly grin spread over her face as she turned, looking as if she were fine with the idea of walking. After taking three steps away from the ledge though, Shania swiftly pivoted ... and jumped off. Taking the high dive and landing rather gracefully in the cool, crisp water. Her head resurfaced as she waved from below."Come on in! The water's really good! Sorry, not sorry!"
Emrie Young "Her fault, you don't just invade a young man's dreams okay? that's where we put the actual fantasies." Emrie knew it had been wrong after the fact, but the start of it had just been a very convincing dream after all, it was difficult for him to imagine any situation in which invading someones mind wouldn't lead to learning a bit too much about that person's wanton desires, so it really was Yuna's fault for that.He sighed this seemed so dumb. She said that if they met Yuna he had to be better behaved and he laughed at that remark. "I know I made a bad first impression, if we find her again I will have to do a better job of limiting myself, I think I may have traumatized the poor girl."Then again she was a summoner, she had seen far worse things than either of them had ever seen. He walked to the mirror, when his isster grabbed onto him, he nodded. "If this doesn't work I'm going back to bed, and we never speak of this again." Seriously without dropping acid or any other mind altering substance this was too weird. Yet he already had a sinking feeling that this would just work.Think happy thoughts, well that was easy enough. He was holding Shania's hand and whenever that was the case he felt a lot stronger for some reason. Then the light hit them, it was blinding and he had to block it out with his other arm.he was blinking for a moment when he saw what was around them, his visions still having spots for a moment as he started to work it out. He heard Shania talk about this being James town, and he paused for a moment."Uhm, that doesn't really bode for us does it? I mean don't get me wrong we are immune to the smallpox, but this time frame and movie don't exactly favor the savages from what I remember." He tried to make light of this completely insane situation he was standing in.He looked down at his cellphone checking it over, no signal, and the internal clock wasn't moving, he couldn't access apps, the thing was basically bricked. "Of course, this is like a hundred years before the first cell tower is invented."He looked between the two of them. "How can you tell that we are in a movie." He paused to look over the vibrant water color of the world around them, the grass trees, and everything around them being much more lush with life. The world screamed both warm and inviting, and yet unrealistic in just how colorful it all was. "Oh... Okay than, but I don't sing."He followed his sister, he didn't recognize the landmarks at all, didn't know how to navigate, and was stuck wearing only pants, the ground tickled his feet, and instantly he regretted the choice of not taking the soggy clothing in the washer. Or even getting fully dressed. "We are woefully unequipped for this."He watched his sister jump off the cliff and into the water, he looked at her for a moment like she was insane, now he really regretted his choice of not getting the wet clothes from the laundry since even these pants would be soaked through, and they barely held back any information as it was. He was too much of a coward to dive, instead taking a step back, and leaping to do a cannon ball."And just like that, our clothing is soaked. It feels like there was zero point to getting dressed." He said as he started to tread water. Following after her.
Shania Young Shania waited for her brother to splash beside her. His previous questions had been heard ... she just didn't want to keep raising her voice to talk with him. Besides, they weren't supposed to be here. It'd probably be a dangerous thing to raise her voice and risk allowing anyone else to hear her. As she began to swim towards the shore, her head moved from side to side."I don't know for sure if we're in the movie. However ... if like you said Final Fantasyworlds are also in trouble, it makes sense we're in the movie."Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, "I very highly doubt we time traveled back and are in the real world version, but ... all more the reason to find someone else. It'll help confirm which guess is right."If only because Shania felt like she knew the movie much better, that was easily her preference."Ohhh, don't worry. Everything between the Natives and English came to a halt, remember? Fighting stopped. In the worst case scenario, we need to be cautious on whom we speak to. But this isn't the absolute worst place we could have ended up in. We'll be fine. I promise."A smile appeared as finally, the two siblings arrived on the shore. Shania grunted slightly as she pulled herself out of the water. While walking, her feet seemingly guided by an invisible guide, she rose her hands and began squeezing any excess water out of her hair." ... We both knew that, though. But hey, on the off chance these dreams we had turn out to be completely accurate? I'm sure we'll figuresomethingout. 'Chosen ones' don't typically get selected then forced to fight with no way to defend themselves, after all." .... Wow, don't you sound crazy? Perhaps. But honestly .... hope was helping her from panicking. And that, in turn, was keeping them from having died mere minutes ago, or even right after appearing in Jamestown.Emrie and Shania would walk for about ten more minutes. Right before even Shania was considering suggesting taking a break, she recognized the area they were walking towards. Another body of water likely a pond due to how small it had been compared to the lake surrounded by numerous vines was nearby."Oh thank god! Grandmother Willow! She can shed some light on this!"Shania ran forward, noting but simultaneously ignoring that some of the leaves on the vines looked ... darker in color than they should be. It wouldn't be until she moved the vines aside that her eyes widened and mouth fell agape."W What? No ... "The massive tree had beenburned. The vines, it seemed, were some of the very few parts of what used to be Grandmother Willow that remained. Otherwise, every other leaf, the roots ... every inch of the two hundred plus year old tree was completely gone and turned into ash. Shania's head shook slowly from side to side, her body now beginning to tremble and shake. "This ... can't be! This never even happened! Why?! Who?! I just .... "
Emrie Young "I don't it's been like eight years since I watched any of these movies." He admitted, but he had to agree there was some logic, if they had been chosen for this task they couldn't exactly be left high and dry. As they dried off, he sighed his track pants now soggy and uncomfortable he would have rather taken them off but decided to to just let them cling to his skin. His shorter hair was easier to brush the water out of, but he was now following Shania.looking around he had only faint memories of ignoring his sister as she watched this movie time and time again. He had watched it with her the first 3 times, but by viewing six hundred when she could qoute every word of the film he was usually doing anything else. Now however he was kinda wishing that he was more familiar with the movie cause he had to walk the path along with her.He was too used to the modern world, the ground hurt his feet as he walked, while his sister seemed much less bothered. He shivered feeling cold despite the fact that it was a warm mid afternoon, He was starting to think that this may have been a mistake following the advice of characters from fantasy, even so he followed his sister with nothing really to say on the matter she knew this place, and he already felt hopelessly lost.When they found the willow tree, he blinked for a moment. The damage that had been done to it, he moved around the base of the tree for a moment. Looking at the burns on the ground. The grass was covered in ash, but under it all was green. He had seen a hand full of fires before, even started one in his kitchen by accident when he had been learning to cook.This didn't look natural to him. "The trunk, and tree are burned away, but the grass is green right up to the stump." He said softly.Looking over it moving through it, he gave his hand on his sisters shoulder, trying to comfort her, while at the same time trying to make sense of it. "And this willow was old, it's bark was thick, old trees don't burn easily." He didn't want to focus on the fact that the tree had been living in more than the way a tree normally would be. He could imagine that would give it a lot more... resistance to things like fire."I'm pretty sure this fire wasn't natural." He said softly, nothing else was burnt, none of the other trees just this one. It kinda reminded him of Mustangs ability from FMA, or.. "firiga?"Before his mind could go too far into it, there was the sound of ruffling, and a young man standing over the hill with a musket in hand. The youngred headhad something odd about him, his hands trembled slightly and he drew his weapon towards the pair of siblings. Emrie could kind of recognize the guy, but couldn't put a name to the face. He could however see the immediate danger.The man didn't speak, raising his gun to level on the two, and Emrie was already grabbing his sister to pull her behind him as the man fired, and the bullet went wide. "Run!"This time he didn't really have an objective, it was just to hightail it away from this point, to get a move on, and put distance between the two of them, and the white man with a gun. "I thought you said there was a ceasing of hostilities! he seems pretty hostile!"
Shania Young amp Pocahontas "I just .... "That was as far as poor Shania could begin to speak, let alone comprehend. She was equally confused and heartbroken. Her head weakly moved from side to side as she nervously gulped."O ... Okay. The fact we found where Grandmother Willowshouldbe does mean we're in the movie or at least that same setting. Still though ... "Her head continued to shake, with her body following suit."This wasn't ... this was never supposed to happen. Who ... ?? There was literally nothing to gain from doing this. I ... "Shania stopped, her head tilting as she began examining the fire and how it was spread. More specifically, exactly what Emrie was pointing out. Whomever was behind this had made sure toonlyburn the trunk as well as Grandmother Willow herself. "But then ... you'd have to be able to freely manipulate fire in order to do that. Yeah .... yeah, I don't think this was natural either."In fact, the more Shania examined the remains, the more certain she felt that her sibling was correct."The rest of the forest or a good chunk of it, anyway would have burned down also. Yet ... this was a very precise, single target fire."Her eyebrow rose upon hearing the word 'Firaga'."You think one of the villains from your games did this?" Her head tilted again as she looked at the tree, "I ... suppose. They would be perfectly capable of that sort of magic. But ... "That was when Emrie yanked her away. She stumbled forward, looking up in a mix of shock and annoyance. The sound of a musket firing, however, helped her understandwhyhe'd acted that way. Her head turned, but Shania didn't dare stop running."Thomas, wait! We're not here to fight you!"Shania yelped as another bullet whizzed by, barely avoiding nicking her shoulder." ... The fighting halted at the end. So .... I would say we're in the middle of the film, but .... I don't know if that's even true. With what we saw regarding Grandmother Willow, we're just ... in the same location as the movie. But someone is preventing certain things from happening, or somehow ruining the canon storyline. That's what it's seeming like, anyway."Meanwhile, another Native American's head quickly lifted as thebang!echoed throughout her homeland. It was a bit embarrassing to admit, but the truth was Pocahontas had been to put it bluntly in a 'funk'. Grandmother Willow wasn't the only person dead. So were her father, Kekata, Nakoma, and even Kocoum.John Smith, though alive and well, had been almost as hopeless as she had been alone. They had thus been forced to hide.However ... when another gun shot rang out, she turned and looked over to John, nodding firmly with a determined smile. "I think they're finally here."The past few nights, she'd seen two shadows. They stayed hard to make out, and thus difficult to determine if they were friend or foe. But now ... something about those visions was making her feel likefinally, they may have found a new source of hope. She highly doubted it was a coincidence ... even less so upon pulling the compass out and holding it in her hands. The small black arrow began to spin quickly. When it finally stopped, it pointed right where the sounds had come from east.The princess kept the compass held, allowing John to grab his own gun, helmet, and anything else he needed. Once he was ready though, the two ran off to go investigate whom exactly was being shot at. And, just as importantly, if they were linked to her dreams and could therefore be a solution to the ongoing problem.
Emrie Young amp John Smith "I don't think he's too interested in talking!" He said quickly staying up right and running away from this situation was the smart thing to do. The man was working to reload his riffle as he chased after the two native adults. Emrie was glad that he had never taken up smoking like a lot of his friends his heart was pounding in his chest, and he was already feeling like his legs were hurting, but he had friends whom would be in ragged coughing fits and easy targets for the bullets that were slowly being shot at them.Thomas was oddly silent on the matter, they were too far away from the man to see eyes that were devoid of life, milky, and tired, like he had been working for days, his features gaunt with the signs of hunger. The man was more a Zombie than an actual human. And the thing that was keeping the two alive was the fact that he was a terrible shot with the musket.The third powder shot however struck a target, Emrie cursed as he fell over, it was a grazing wound along his leg, the bullet had drawn some blood, but it was shallow, lacked the impact of a modern bullet, it just hurt. "Fuck!"He stumbled to get back up, but was otherwise fine, he knew first aid, he could handle a cut and not die. The main thing was that it cost him time.John heard the gun shots, and nodded, towards Pocahontas, when they had sailed for the new world he had envisioned a lot of things, but jamestown had become a bit more of a nightmare than he had ever wanted it to be. The two had been trying to stay hidden with not much more to do than that. It had been a good chance to get to know her, but at the same time the two were stuck living off the land, with none of the usual British niceties he was accustomed too.All because of the demon that had joined them before they set sail.He followed her, hat on, gun in hand towards the sound of gun fire. He saw it was Thomas, chasing after two more Natives, in odd dress, though really no one here had the type of stuff he was used to wearing so he didn't know exactly what was going on.Still it was Thomas, he couldn't shoot the man. He watched as the third shot rang out and the male dropped down.He couldn't shoot Thomas, but chose instead to do his best to close the gap. Running into the open revealing himself caught the attention of his once best friend whom turned his gun towards John, but by the time Thomas had reloaded the Musket John was already within the distance to deck the man.Thomas fell back unconscious for the moment. The hit knocking him down hard. John may have spent the last few days hiding and running, but he had slept and eaten well thanks to Pocahontas's lay of the land with her as his guide. "He's down!" He called out to the others. Taking some rope and working to tie up his old friend."Sorry buddy, I'm hoping you feel better after this than i do."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Shania frowned. If this had been almost any other explorer, she could maybe better understand.But .... Thomas was John's best friend. He was never like this. Goddamnit, nothing's the same! That made her fists clench in sheer anger. With this entire universe seeming hellbent on killing them here and now, was there any possible way they could help? It was feeling less and less likely. Which made her own shaking increase. She'd promised Emrie not too long ago they'd figure something out. But how could they when she was feeling so very lost?"Fuck! Emrie!"Shania stopped dead in her tracks, squatting beside her brother and helping him get back up."Sorry. This is probably gonna hurt, but come on ... "What had started as a run was reduced to a half jogging session. Shania was fine. Still, she was purposely avoiding running too fast. She didn't want to further agitate her brother's leg, after all.Slowly but surely, she was getting worn out from the running too. More specifically, the primary issue was both she and Emrie had come here barefoot a mistake that she solely took the blame for. At the very minimum, she should have encouraged Emrie to get those, as well as grab her own. It'd at least help Shania ignore the urge to stop and make them both easier targets."Emrie ... "When he dropped back down, Shania wrapped her arms tightly around her brother. If this was really going to be the end, so be it. But she wasn't allowing him to die alone. A lot of this had largely been her fault. She'd pushed for them to take Beast's advice and leave home right when they woke up. They'd come in hereveryunprepared. All because she'd been so worried about what seemed like a mere dream being real.Not only was it very much a real message they'd gotten, the situation was even worse than she imagined. Shania's eyes narrowed as Thomas began to reload the musket, slowly sauntering towards them. Her arms shook as she continued holding onto Emrie. Her eyes gulped as she prepared for the worst to come.Only to hear a new set of footfalls, which caused Shania's eyes to re open again."John? Please tell me you're ... not hostile.""You know him?"And before she could mentally prepare herself for the sight, Pocahontas herself walked out after hearing the immediate threat had been rendered unconscious."Yes. I know both of you. I umm .... I'll explain when we get somewhere safe. It's a long story, and it's probably going to sound very strange.""It can't be weirder than what we've seen and endured." A noticeable smile was on Pocahontas's face as she looked between the siblings. "You're like me?""Mhm. Iroquois, to be exact. Ready, Emrie? Three, two .... up!"Hoping the countdown had helped, she stood with her brother, allowing him to use a shoulder. Or anything that would keep enough pressure off his leg from making the injury worse than it was."There's medicine back at .... what's left of my village. I'm no medicine woman, but I learned enough from Kekata. I should be able to help your ... lover out?""Oh ... no, no. Not lover. Brother.""My apologies," Pocahontas quickly apologized, blushing lightly. "This way. With any luck, he," She gave a nod towards the unconscious and now bound Thomas, "should stay out long enough to give us time to treat him and learn more about you two."Shania offered the princess a quick bow of her head, moving steadily forward as they began following after Pocahontas.
Emrie Young amp John Smith "It's not that deep." Emrie said softly as he was helped up, by his sister he winced. His leg would heal fine, the bullet had missed the bone, he could feel the muscle and flex his ankle it hurt like hell, but it was just a scratch. he walked limping and stayed with Shania as they moved about. He was with her now till the end of this, he couldn't believe that she had thrown herself atop him. He would have rather she had ran and protected herself, and not just stuck around to die. But they had come to this place together, and he was glad to hold onto her now.When Pocahontas confused them for lovers he blushed, and shook his head. No despite what he had told Lady Yuna dreams about Shania had been few and far between. He was mostly unworthy of the amount of trust, and love she put towards him. Certainly he had never done anything to really earn it before now."Thank you." Emrie spoke softly as he was helped to his feet, he gripped his sister and smiled lightly as he stumbled his way with her. The camp seemed like a solid idea, medicine was good, not that he exactly trusted the medicine of her people, but at the moment that seemed to be the best idea that they had. "Please lead the way."He looked around as they walked. "So to explain us, we are from..." He paused for a moment trying to think about how best to explain this. He couldn't exactly say time travel, he didn't think that the two of them would completely understand that idea. These two were still from a world that had technology hundreds of years older than what he or his sister were used too."Well there is no easy way to say this, but we are from another world." He said softly, wincing and breathing heavily. "In our... world, you two are..." he paused again. "Historical figures," he wasn't going to get into the actual story, this was the happy Disney'TM version after all. "From me and my sisters point of view, you two existed almost two hundred years ago, but we know of the story, how it was supposed to go, something in this version is very, very wrong."Walking to their villiage he groaned in pain as he was sat down in one of the tents as Pocahontas gathered the medicine he would need. "Something doesn't really belong here."John picked up his old friend Thomas, and walked behind them, his eyes drifting back hoping no one else had heard the gunshot, bringing them out of hiding would be very bad. He listened to the claim that the two were from another world and nodded. In all honesty it wasn't the strangest thing he had heard in the past few days."I think I know what doesn't belong, the expedition team changed leadership a little ways back, the new guy called himself a military adviser. When he arrived he was preposterous, but soon Ratcliff started listening to him, and from there he took control of everyone. I tried to warn the tribe, the man had ordered the waters poisoned, and what you see is the result of that choice."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas " .... Here we are."Pocahontas would guide them to what used to be her village. Now, it was more akin to a ghost town in the most literal sense of the word. There were still some torn down tents. Debris consisting of broken, splintered wood was around the four. A small make shift fire pit hinted the extra wood had been put to good use, and it had allowed Pocahontas to not only ensure John Smith ate, but remained warm. It wasn't winter, mind you. But it was getting close to that time of the year, so it was chillier than usual.Although there were no physical bodies, droplets of blood could be seen still on the ground. Some more so in certain areas than others.Pocahontas leaned down, pulling open the flap of a specific tent. Inside were rugs made from skins of various animals. This was likely where Kekata had worked if one had to guess, as there were other numerous items that had a very 'medicine doctor' feel to them.While Pocahontas grabbed a bowl with some crushed up herbs, and now taking the form of a thick paste, Shania sat down and began to listen. She would have been fine with Emrie doing all of the talking. However ... when he spoke up and uttered the wrong amount of time, she giggled, her head shaking."Two hundred? No, no double that, my dear brother. Four hundred years. Sixteen hundred and seven was when King James the First sent the British off to sail into the New World."Pocahontas didn't stop ... but she did blink, her head tilting curiously. She recognized the year, at least, was correct. But .... her eyes briefly met John's. "You ... hinted you had a leader? Is that actually his name? King James the First?"When it was confirmed, Shania blushed. "I umm .... know a lot. Not that Emrie doesn't, but history is one of my stronger suits. As is ... the movie you're in, and the company who makes them.""Wait ... we're historical figures that are in .... a what now?""A movie. It's something you watch for entertainment. Think of .... " Shania's fingers snapped as a decent enough analogy came to her mind, "A much more advanced version of watching a dance. Any kind, for that matter. It's really a lot more complicated than that, but ... that's the simplest explanation to use. At any rate, movies can be about anything or anyone.""And ... someone made one about me?"Shania nodded, "Technically ... the whole journey. So even John was included, as well as Thomas."Pocahontas couldn't help but smile upon hearing this. After coating her fingers in the cream, she gently lifted Emrie's leg. "Hmm .... looks like it went through. Okay. This may sting a bit, but try to be still." Slowly, she began moving her hand along the wound, making sure to cover every inch which thankfully wasn't too big or wide. Itwasjust a musket, after all.When John brought up some new person, Shania felt her heart flutter. That was it, huh? The source of why everything had gone so horribly wrong. It scared her ... probably because this person was an unknown factor. An even more nerve wracking thought considering she knew everything else about this universe."Who ... was this person? Did they give a name by chance, John?"A new thought dawned on her as Shania quickly flushed. "Sorry ... I forgot my manners. I'm Shania. My brother's Emrie."Pocahontas merely flashed an understanding smile, not looking the least bit mad or annoyed Shania seemed to temporarily forget her manners.
Emrie Young amp John Smith Emrie hissed in pain as Pocahontas looked after his wound he was lucky the shot hadn't taken out that much of his leg, hadn't hit bone, just a very deep scratch, and the bullet was even accounted for, the small ball of metal had been caught inside his pant leg, the fiber of the track pants having caught it on the way out. He picked up the small ball of metal, and looked it over."Good to know that while we are in this world we can get hurt." He said softly, it wasn't an ideal lesson but it seemed the gift the two of them were supposed to have was not invulnerability as he would have hoped. Which brings him back to the question why they were chosen. He nodded when his sister corrected his dates.As Pocahontas started to work on his leg he leaned back for a moment.John listened to everything that was going on. "Your names are.. odd, young is a British last name, none in Pocahontas's tribe even used them.""four hundred years, things changed. Europeans colonization efforts were massively successful, and eventually america became it's own unique country, it fought the British Empire, kicked your ass and got control over our own taxation, the bill of rights borrowed a lot of laws from the Haudenosaunee. There were some fumbles along the way, Slavery, a couple world wars, racism isn't exactly behind us, but like the last name implies even we have some white blood in our veins, grandma on our father's side. It's not perfect, but humanity on a whole has achieved some truly grand things by our time." He tried his best to gloss over the tragedies and highlight the good the people had achieved by his time, but he knew that it wasn't perfect by any means. "Course this isn't our exact past, more like another earth entirely." He winced in pain and gave a low hiss.John nodded slowly he only really kept up with about half of what the two strangers were saying, but it did give him some hope that things would get better. When Shania asked about the person whom came along with them he nodded. "He called himself Kefka, a strange man indeed. He dresses like a harliquin clown, and at first we thought little of him, but from the moment we got onto land he started to take durastic measures. Because of him the Tribe was wiped out almost entirely, he poisoned the water supply, and from there he started working people to death. When he tells you to do something you go about doing it, it's this strange control he has over others."The name lit a spark in Emrie's mind, and he nodded. "Kefka, Yeah I know that name." He said with a small sigh. "Your world wasn't the only one that reached out to us, there are a hand full of others. He's from another, another earth.""This story is just getting more confusing." John said with a roll of his eyes.Emrie turned towards his sister, speaking more to her than the other two. "Kefka's a mad man, a super soldier of sorts, He was infused with magical power, his goals are always nighilistic, and he will do anything to achieve them. If he's set the men of James town to digging something up, you can guarantee that whatever he is digging for is bad news for everyone."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Shania smiled softly as John commented on their names. "A lot has changed over the years. Naming is one of those things, particularly with others who are Native American. Many people have non Native sounding names. The short version is ... almost everything has changed. Medicine, technology, even exploring. Ships are a lot faster and sturdier ... no offense to you or anything, of course. Alas, our life is by no means perfect, just as Emrie said. There are certainly flaws. Regardless, we have advanced in our way ways."Pocahontas had her own intrigued look. Now it seemed like she was curious to learn more about the two siblings' world, as well as John's. But was that even doable?Only time will tell, she decided. For now, her focus remained on Emrie's leg. When she finished dispersing the cream and bandaging the wound, Pocahontas gently laid it back down on the skinned rug."You probably should try to use support again. I'm not sure what you should or shouldn't do, truthfully. But if your world is the way Shania hinted, I'll trust you to know what would be the smart and unwise decisions to do with that wound."When John finally relayed the name of the other person who joined, Shania's eyes widened slightly." ... Kefka? Wait ... the same one you've mentioned before?"There was a reason that name stuck. A very good one, in fact."As in ... the same villain that has actually succeeded in any of his plans?ThatKefka?! How ... are we even supposed to deal with someone like him?"If she hadn't felt uncertain before, now Shaniareallydidn't understand why they had been visited. Surely, therehadto be a mistake.Fuck the fact we're barefoot. Now even if we had a weapon ... it'd be practically useless. For the first time since having their weird dreams, Shania felt how Pocahontas had been not too long ago completely helpless. No matter how hard she tried to think of solutions, none were coming to her."How ... have you two been avoiding a monster like him, anyway?"Pocahontas smiled softly, gently placing a hand on Shania's shoulders. "It definitely hasn't been simple. I'm not going to pretend it's been otherwise. But ... this isn't theonlyplace we run to. We have a few other small camps we use to rest and eat in. This is, however, our primary location. It's also the only one that has medicine hidden away. Usually ... we can hear the soldiers approaching. Since they have metal clothing as well as weaponry, it makes a lot more noise. You saw earlier that if we have to fight .. John can do that pretty well. It's really when Kefka's around that things are more ... difficult to handle.""Yeah. From the small bit I do know of the man, I believe that."If he can even be called a man to begin with, Shania internally added.
Emrie Young amp John Smith"Eyup." Emrie nodded when Shania asked if Kefka had been the one to win. The man had managed to drain all the magic in the world and become a god, able to dispence justice with beams of light that incinerated entire towns, but from the sound of things this was form one Kefka. Before he became a god.He turned towards Pocahontas, thanking her for the work on his leg. "I remember in the movie your dad had a walking stick that was also usable as a heavy club, do you know where that is, and can i use it to walk with?""Kefka has had the men of the town working nonstopped without food or drink for days. Digging holes at various locations, when someone collapses another person just goes in and works for them." He pointed to Thomas. "Almost everyone ends up looking like him, gaunt, sickly, he's working the men having them dig their own literal graves, The majority of men are too busy to search for us, but no one knows what he's trying to dig up. It's not gold, not a single piece of the stuff was found anywhere near the camps he set up.""Yeah, we are in virginia, most gold exports will be found in the other side of the country like Nevada, but if he's digging than I think I know what he is digging for." Emrie waved his hand for a moment, as he tried to think of exactly what it could be, but the more he thought the more he came to the sole conclusion that it had to be the case."He's digging for Magicite." He paused for dramatic effect, but doubted even his sister would know what that meant. "It's the petrified remains of magic, I don't know exactly how it works but Kefka has some of the stuff implanted into him, it's what gives him his supernatural abilities. Normally it's not something you can extract from the earth, but here in your world, the earth is far more alive than in his or our world. You had a talking tree, a sentient raccoon, this stuff doesn't just exist, it comes from magic, and Kefka's obsessed with it.""He came here to do one thing, to gather up this worlds magic, and he is going to wound the earth it's self if that's what it takes for him to get it, he's a leach, the man will sink his teeth in like a parasite and drain every single drop of magic from world after world, it's what he does." which of course lead him back to the question his sister had posed.How do we stop something like that from happening?How did Kefka die?When he had faced the man in the games he had a team decked out with the best equipment and were all level 99, so it wasn't really that big a deal.but here they had no equipment, a few musckets, and no magic.'where is yuna when you need her' "We need someone who knows more about magic than he does."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas For a few seconds, Pocahontas looked hesitant to get what Emrie brought up. She looked less offended at the idea and temporarily seemed more afraid that heeding it would lead to somehow insulting her deceased father. Her head turned, however, as a gentle breeze swept through her hair, causing the princess to smile and nod."Sure," she replied, looking back towards Emrie and pulling the flap open. "It's not far at all. I'll be back shortly.""Magicite?" Shania asked. Indeed, that had seemed to escape her. It sounded familiar ... but she couldn't put a name to the term. It wasn't until Emrie went on to elaborate and help her recall what it was."Itdoesseem to make sense, but ... are we sure that's it? He didn't have a secondary goal or anything else he was looking for?"Shania shrugged."I'm just making sure we cover all of our bases. There haven't been many villains I've seen or heard of who want more than one thing, but it is been used enough, so .... " Her voice trailed off, allowing Emrie to fill the blanks in. Statistically, it wasn't impossible."Besides, Kefka falls under your expertise. So I may know a lot more about where we are and who's who, but you ... you will definitely have a way better idea how to conjure an idea on besting this crazy guy."It would be here that Pocahontas re entered the tent, holding the club in her hand. She wordlessly handed it over to Emrie, sitting beside both John and Shania. Her head turned as she and Shania both looked over to Thomas."So .... let's assume it is just Magicite he wants and needs. Is there .... a way to undo what he's collected so far somehow? Or ... are we too late, and we just have to figure something else out?"Fuck sakes this 'saving a universe' gig is way harder than everyone else makes it look. Kudos to everyone else who can do this and not freak out. Pocahontas smiled softly, rubbing Shania's shoulder reassuringly. "You'll both figure something out. The spirits told me of your arrival. Not when, nor even whom exactly to look for. But I distinctly was told two of my siblings would arrive to help get rid of the source of pain and despair."" ... Siblings?" Shania mused, glancing down at herself and finally managing to weakly grin. "I guess we kinda are, if they're referring to use being Natives. I ... truly do appreciate the vote of confidence. But .... lord, this is giving me a headache.""Well, to start off with ... are any of you hungry? You're going to need energy just to think, let alone act. I'm not saying this will be easy but I am saying that I do believe you two are the ones I've been told of. Even if you weren't, you're our guests for now. It'd be rude of me not to offer.""Honestly? Yes, I kinda am. A bit tired too."Probably from the weird teleporting stunt they ended up succeeding in doing. Whatever the case, the ability to eat then sleep and hopefully gain some ideas on what to do to help Jamestown, Pocahontas, and John all out sounded like averygood idea.
Emrie Young amp John Smith "Getting shot kinda made me hungry." Emrie admitted, he flexed his foot a bit and tested it, there was a slight amount of pain for his leg, but with the support of the staff he was more than able to move about. He was certainly a little hungry, and he was lying if he didn't admit that all the chaos running, and everything had made him a bit tied, it seemed city life was a lot more easy going.He thought what was being asked of the two of them. Taking down Kefka the mad mage was no easy feat. He was a final boss, but it sounded like he was still mortal. Magicite was probably the most dangerous thing here."Magicite is volatile it contains a ton of magical energy inside of it, so if you were to hit it with enough of a strong force, or drop some TNT into the mine you would be able to cause a pretty big boom." He said with a small shrug. "Course we would need some explosives."John perked up at that. "There are some explosives on the ship. We brought a couple of crates of TNT with us, and I have a few skins of gun powder. The ship was left pretty well unguarded when we arrived, we never bothered gathering up the supplies for a return trip to Europe because of Kefka's war plans, so we just left where it was anchored while we set up the colony. Since all of the men have been used to dig the powder and bombs should still be there."Emrie did some mental math, he admittedly had never handled real explosives before. The closest he had ever been to the stuff was an old construction job, he had spent a few weeks knocking down walls with a hammer before they brought in a few bars of the stuff to do a controlled demolition."I think if we could get our hands on a crate we could probably neutralize what they have currently collected." Emrie didn't know if that would knock out Kefka's current power, he doubted that the explosion would really kill the man even if he was directly at the center. "Why the heck did the spirits choose us, we aren't exactly warriors, I've been in a few bar fights, and a few scraps for sure, but I don't think I've ever been in a fight like this one."John got to his feet. "We can go for the boat tonight while it's dark. Less chance of being seen that way, but for now it sounds like you two need to rest." He picked up his gun, and looked to Pocahontas."We can go gather up food while the siblings rest up a bit." He said extending her a hand and a smile. He wasn't so sure about them being the ones to save the world, but he did like that at least they had some plans, some ability to work out what was going on. John on the other hand felt more confused by all that they were saying.Stepping out of the tent with the native woman he looked back at the camp, and kept his voice low. "They don't seem to be very combat ready, are you sure these two will really be able to help us?"
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Both women rose their eyebrows, though for very different reasons. While Pocahontas looked uncertain what this 'TNT' was, exactly, Shania had a slightly worried and doubtful look. "Youdoknow we're in 1607 still, right? I mean, thereisgun powder and some forms of it. But just like the bullets ... it's probably gonna be weaker compared to what exists back home. Is that really going to be enough?"But even if the answer was no?It was the only thing the two had come up with that made any amount of sense. In a perfect world, Shania would just say they pray and have magical abilities. All that good jazz that tended to come along with bothDisneymovies andFinal Fantasygames. Alas, they were only fighting against and in those types of factors. As far as they themselves went? No such luck. They were still their normal and mortal selves.A scary thought, no doubt. Her head slowly shook as Emrie questioned why they were chosen once more."There has to be some reason," Shania softly murmured. Whether she was attempting to convince herself or Emrie more was anyone's guess.Pocahontas offered the two other Natives another smile before taking John's hand and leaving the tent. At her own side was a weapon of her own Kocoum's hunting knife. She didn't really enjoy resorting to violence. But she could make exceptions when it was absolutely needed. Hunting was one of those times, especially now that the hunters and basically all of her tribe had been murdered. The other? To defend herself.It probably wouldn't do any good against this Kefka person. It wasn't sounding like that, anyway. But ... she at least wanted to have a chance to save herself.John couldn't always do that she'd already seen glimpses of that grim truth at least once before. In the very recent past, at that rate.Her smile widened as she looked over at John, sounding far more optimistic than concerned in her response."I'll admit I'm unsure if they are the same two I saw. But discarding my vision, here's what I can say for certain. Theyarethe first people to have arrived here since that Kefka came. Maybe not in the most traditional ways, no. But they're here all the same. Just as importantly? They have knowledge of this man and how to deal with him. Even if these were the wrong people your compass was pointing towards in my dreams ... they're very likely our best chance at surviving. These ... " She lightly patted the sheathed knife and then nodded towards John's musket, "Can only do so much. They keep wondering why they were chosen. And I can understand their worries. But I do think we'll all get an answer for that eventually. Everythingdoeshappen for a reason, after all."Luckily, during the time Pocahontas and John were out hunting, neither Shania nor Emrie had any issues from Thomas. In fact ... it seemed like either John had hit himtoohard or he was in such shitty shape that he remained unconscious. Either way, when two to three hours passed most from hunting, though some was used to cook the meals properly the night would arrive. And it would be peaceful as much as one could call it that, anyway."Good night, Emrie," Shania would whisper. The two had been led to another tent. One with less blood and more rugs. Shania glanced around, pulling a deer skin over herself as a makeshift blanket and slowly closed her eyes.Such a goddamned shame this would have been a fun trip if the world she'd known hadn't been ruined.There were some saving graces, though and it came in knowing both Pocahontas and John were safe. At least she and Emrie weren'tcompletelyalone. And she wasverygrateful for that.The scent of something new cooking would be what would cause Shania to slowly stir. Her hands rose, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes, which soon confirmed ... they were still here. Still in 1607 Jamestown.Okay. So we can't just hope to go home and it works that way. Noted. In some regards, she was fine with this. Shania didn't want to leave Pocahontas or John Smith in this type of shitty situation. It just ... revolved to the question both her and her brother had repeatedly asked how would they be able to handle Kefka?Even in his mortal form, he was no pushover. No matter how much of one he looked like.If Emrie was still asleep when she woke up, she'd let him get a bit more rest. After suffering the bullet wound, Shania would understand if he wanted five or more minutes of slumber. He'd need every ounce of strength. If, on the other hand, he'd already left the tent, she would exit and find Pocahontas already cooking. The sight hinted she and John had headed out relatively early in the morning, as she was from the smell and looks of things almost done."Morning. Did you sleep well?""Better than I expected. What I mean is ... I don't usually fall asleep in foreign places so quick. It's nothing against you or your home."Pocahontas merely gave an understanding smile, nodding as she continued working on breakfast. "I appreciate the clarification, but you didn't have to justify yourself. Thank you, though."
Emrie Young amp John Smith When moved to the new tent he was more than happy to lay down on thick furs. He relaxed seeing as he had Shania with him. He sighed softly and nodded. He couldn't help but think she was right, that there had to be some reason for the two of them being chosen for this. Still he wished Yuna was here, she seemed to have more of an idea of what was going on, and he had to admit that the thought of a white mage being here with them would have made the pain a lot easier to deal with.He closed his eyes and wished his sister a good night as well. Their first day here seemed to pass briefly past them. During the night he twitched and rolled in his sleep. Dreams were not something he was used too having, and he couldn't help but feel a touch scared. Part of him still thought that this had all been some weird dream, but compared to being stuck in a disney movie the actual dreams that weaved through his mind were tame by comparison.Their was no struggle to sleep. Rather it felt more like he was disturbingly trapped inside of his own sleep. faint memories came to mind, as with all things it began with wading through a murky dark water, the ground stuck to his feet as he walked through it, like a thick mire and breathing was tight, the dense fog feeling more like smoke and void against his lungs. Cold, and yet burning hot to the touch.To the distance he could hear an engine, the roar of the familiar and the world he had come from, the world he would rather be in when it came to all honesty, but around him were not but shadows, water, and smoke.Something pulled at his leg, and he felt himself sink a touch deeper into the sand and mud, his body bending, feeling more and more like he was going to drown or there was some great weight on his chest. Two very red eyes, teeth, claws, something black, and massive stretched out in that abyss.Emrie awoke coughing heavily as a Raccoon sat on his chest Meeko's body was curled up, his wet nose touching Emrie's chin, and as he got up, he was shocked scampering away from the other native.Emrie was left breathless, and shaking. His body working through a wide range of emotions as he woke up. He could smell breakfast being prepared. He saw that Shania had already left the tent. He breathed heavily. Picking himself up, feeling no pain from his leg, but still using the staff to steady himself as he stood up, and exited the tent.Emrie breathed as he stood in early morning sunlight. "Morning." he said giving a yawn and a wave. Emrie excused himself from the company of the women walking around the camp till he found the edge of the woods where he could relieve his bladder.Meeko stuck with Pocahontas scampering to her after being kicked out of Emrie's bed.Emrie found his clearing, and releaved himself at the nearest opportunity to stumble across John whom was tending to Thomas, the man had woken up, though he wasn't untied John was seeing to the mans injuries and getting him some food as well. "Thomas?"The younger redhead opened his eyes slowly before responding to the other. "John?" His voice was cracked and dry, and John helped the man take a drink of water."You feeling like yourself?" John asked waiting for Thomas to nod."A long nap helped. but I still... what happened?" John helped Thomas to his feet, and Emrie walked back with the two men after he had concluded his own personal business.Emrie tried to help explain and bring Thomas up to speed on the current events, before joining the women for breakfast.
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Both women would turn as the swift sounds of footfalls, albeit small ones, landed on the ground. Pocahontas grinned, her mouth starting to open before Shania beat her by a few seconds."Heya Meeko!"Her head tilted as she continued cooking, "You ... really do know about everything and everyone here, don't you?"Shania blushed, but nodded. "Heh, yeah. I guess ... if we wanna be completely sincere, your movie is my favorite among the Disney franchise.""Oh?" A slight pause lingered before Pocahontas added, "Is that just because another Native is in it?"Shania quickly shook her head, "No, no, no, no! Definitely not. Even if I were Caucasian white like John and Thomas are that'd still be my favorite movie." Now it was the Iroquois' turn to go quiet for a few moments. She contemplated her next part of the reply carefully, slowly nodding before resuming, "I don't wanna say everything mainly because we're here to help with a completely different issue. But ... since you're both a historical figure and movie character ... you are a legitimate hero, Pocahontas. Heroine, technically, I suppose. Anyway I ... I've always admired you. Even before I saw the movie.""Me? A heroine?"A bittersweet smile appeared on Pocahontas' face as she continued cooking. "I've been feeling rather helpless the past few days. Granted, this ... Kefka hasn't really made much of anything simple, least of all surviving. And he has things I've never witnessed before. Especially his magic. I tried to put the flames that killed Grandmother Willow out, but .... they wouldn't die. It was like they were immortal or something. It was terrifying.""I can only imagine," Shania gently answered, looking down in time to see Meeko had climbed atop one of Pocahontas' shoulders and was now trying to lean down and lick some of the soup she was cooking."Nope. No, Meeko. Not for you."Taking a moment to pause stirring the contents of the stew, Pocahontas chuckled as she put the raccoon down, who almost immediately looked like he was pouting. Pocahontas flashed her furry friend a sly smile, shaking her head no adamantly. "See if John has any of those biscuits when he returns. Until then, you leave this alone. Not yours."Whether he perfectly understood Pocahontas or was just smart enough to do so on his own, he turned and ran off ... likely to heed the advice given to him."Now then, what did I do to become a heroine?""You ... helped cease the fighting between your tribe and the British.""I see ... " She looked briefly away, looking something between proud and distraught. "Then ... I can't be a hero here. It must be you and your brother who has to be take my spot, so to speak."Shania's mouth opened, ready to protest, before Pocahontas looked back and scooted closer to Shania. Eventually, one of her slim fingers would gently push against Shania's lips. And she couldn't lie to herself that single gesture innocent as it was made her heart race quickly."Don't misunderstand me, Shania I'm not upset about you and Emrie's role here. I just ... don't want to stand back and force the two of you to do everything. Especially against such a dangerous man.""No, no. You've already helped us immensely. You've given us the ability to rest, to help heal my brother's wound, food. The bare essentials are typically taken for granted. It may not seem like much, but I promise ... you and John both really have done a lot. And probably are going to help out more so. We're not done here, after all."It would be now that a new set of multiple footsteps caused both women to turn. Shania visibly tensed as Thomas came into view ... but relaxed when both her brother and John stood beside him."Feeling better, Thomas?" Shania inquired, keeping her ears alert just in case he was ... still not himself."Almost done," Pocahontas chimed in, looking between the three men before adding, "Morning, Thomas, John, Emrie. All of you, please sit down breakfast should be done soon enough."
Emrie Young amp John Smith Thomas still looked week, but he smiled towards Shania, though was a touch surprised to have anyone checking up on him sincerely. he could see she was alert, but that was to be expected after having shot at her and Emrie yesterday. He blinked slowly, his eyes slightly sunken as he looked at the soup that was being made. His stomach letting out an obvious growl. "Better yes."Emrie sat down beside his sister, and as John took his place around the circle he was accosted by Meeko, whom John had to pick up to steady, so that he could give him a biscuit. "Easy little guy, we haven't forgotten about you." He said with a small smile. In a moment like this when the five of them had gathered around food, it was easy to forget that they prepping for a large battle.Emrie sighed and leaned back for a moment stretching out his leg. "It feels better this morning." He said softly and looked to Shania."Hey sis can I borrow you for a moment?" He asked needing her help to get back up to his feet after a moment, only raising the question in his own head of why he had sat down in the first place, he walked with the help of the staff pulling her out of ears reach of the others."Last night did you have... any dreams?" He said cautiously for a moment this whole thing had started because two days ago he had slept and had a dream about Yuna, and last night he had a vivid nightmare that he couldn't really summarize in a good fashion."Last night I'm pretty sure I had a nightmare, now it could just be that I got shot, but either way it left me feeling a sort of dread." Oddly he felt more worked up about the dream than he did with everything else that had gone down, with Kefka and with being in a Disney movie. "Do you know of any dragons in the disney movies?" With the teeth, and claws, he wasn't sure what exactly he had seen under the waves of his dream, but a dragon fit pretty well in his definition of it."In final fantasy they are basically relegated to summons, the most important one is bahamut, but I'd describe him as a creature of good, or at least good intentions, not evil." He shrugged his shoulders for a moment and sighed.He put his face into his palm for a moment frustrated. "Also i have no idea how we get back to our world... I don't even know if we can, and I have a parol meeting in three days." He said softly. "If I miss that then I don't know if I even want to go back in the first place."He was pretty sure that the jail time wouldn't be significant more likely he would just be saddled with a much larger fine, one that he would have no chance of ever paying off.John let the siblings talk for a moment, focusing on getting his food when it was ready, and looking over Thomas. After John explained some of the plan Thomas nodded. "I can show you all where the guys have been digging. Kefka has everyone focused in two different pits. When someone falls down or gets injured the others will just walk over the worker, burry him where he falls and continue digging. We started with about 80 men, I think he may have half that by now."Thomas looked to Pocahontas. "Thank you, this is the first thing I have eaten in what feels like days.""Just remember to go slow buddy, if you rush yourself now you won't be able to keep the food down."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Both Pocahontas and Shania would smile as Emrie gave them good news. Hearing his leg was better certainly aided in giving them a sense of relief. Whom felt it more was anyone's guess, though both females had it for their own rhymes and reasons."I'm glad to hear that, especially since you probably have more advanced medicine back in your real world. Still, I'm happy to hear despite using an older method, it's working for you.""Mhm, me too," Shania agreed, smirking slyly as he asked his next question, "Borrow me, huh? That's an interesting way to word it, but ... sure. Excuse us for a second."There was a sense of urgency that the younger sibling could pick up on. It had been what helped her playful mood shut off, even if only for the time being. Heneededto talk, and so ... Shania would listen. And, if possible, help out."What's up?" she asked softly, blinking in surprise as he voiced what was on his mind. "Umm ... "She paused, mainly to make sure that if she had experienced any kind of vision, it wasn't trying to escape her memory. When the answer remained the same, her head moved from side to side. "Nope. No dreams last night."Then he elaborated on what he saw. Her hands fell atop her hips as she immediately began trying to come up with the answer. Was there a possible link between his dream and what they were doing? She began to move her head from side to side ... but just as suddenly halted. Her fingers lightly tapped against her jeans. "Actually," she began, nodding after double checking with herself, "Maybe. It may not mean anything ... however, it feels too ... dead on to be a coincidence. Beast gave me descriptions of a few other villains, male and female alike. One that I think he was trying to talk about was Maleficent. And ... shedoesturn into a dragon at the end ofSleeping Beauty. A black one, in fact."Of course, in the movie, she still failed to beat the prince.But ... they were in a very twisted version ofDisneymovies. And, if Yuna's visit was any bit of a warning, it'd apply toFinal Fantasyworlds also."Aside from her? Oddly, there aren't too many dragons in Disney, now that you actually make me stop and think about it. For now though ... "Shania gently placed a hand on her brother's shoulder."We got someone way more important to worry about. Don't let it get to you. Now come on ... I am hungry, actually."Hunted game was not usually something Shania indulged in. However, the way Pocahontas had cooked everything so far, it tasted much better than Shania would have ever guessed.Pocahontas would pour both siblings their own portion and hand it over to them in two wooden bowls before finally beginning to eat herself. She merely nodded and smiled as Thomas thanked her. "It's no trouble. We may not have the same origins, but we all have a common goal. It wouldn't be right to omit you from having a proper meal just because of a slight scare. There's more than enough for anyone who wants seconds to get extra servings afterwards."
Emrie Young amp John Smith Sleeping Beauty, why did that strike up a memory for Emrie? He hadn't watched that movie in years. But when she mentioned Malefacent something clicked with Emrie, the reason he didn't like Disney nearly as much as his younger sister. One of those things that he had grown up with, a short memory from when he was six or so. He remembered the green fire, and the transformation into a dragon had scared him as a kid, that he hadn't been able to sit through the film, something about it had frightened Emrie.And that unsettling feeling had stuck with him for most of the hand drawn movies that Disney produced. Though the worst offender wasn't sleeping beauty it was by far the festival of fools scene in Hunchback, that film had frightened him to heck and back. Yet not so much the film's song about lust, and desire for a woman's body, if anything he could kind of relate to that one.For now he shook off his fears, and returned to the group, taking his portion of the food. His sister was right they had a lot more important stuff to focus on.Taking the food he let it cool for a moment before tasting it, and finding it delicious. Wild game was a bit tougher than store bought food, but once he got past the texture he couldn't really bet the feeling of fresh food. He paused for a moment blinking when it occured to him that this would have been the same type of food that their ancestors would have eaten. The amount of work that it took to make and prep even a single meal before the invention of instant food was something he couldn't surmise.Once those thoughts passed him over and he was able to eat his fill which ended up being two servings he turned towards John and Thomas."You're sure we can get to the ship to grab what we need?" John asked as he was focused on eating as well, but wanted to get under foot. "The longer we stay here the more we risk being found by someone.""No one has gone near the ship in days." Thomas spoke looking at the ground, taking John's advice to eat slow and rest he looked around. "Kefka, has this weird affect on people, when he tells you to do something your body is just compelled to obey, it doesn't matter what the task is, you just see it through and work yourself to exhaustion."John nodded. "He even had that affect on me at first, but I snapped out of it." He passed some of his Soup to meeko, giving the raccoon some food despite Pocahontas telling him that it wasn't for the little guy. It was hard to say no to him. John was a bit focused on what exactly had knocked him out of Kefka's control, the only thing that he could really think of was that he had at one point stumbled and hurt himself, that was around the time that Pocahontas had found him."If we are going up against him, we are gonna need some way to block out the mans voice." Emrie said nodding. He put down his empty bowl and licked his lips. "That was one of the best meals I have eaten in a long time... Kinda reminds me of grandma's cooking." He said softly, shaking his head.
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Pocahontas nodded in agreement upon hearing the need to move to one of the other sites was becoming more and more necessary. "After this is over, we'll go elsewhere. No matter how this ends, we can make it harder to be found after trying to weaken Kefka's power." It hadn't been overly enjoyable for Pocahontas to make temporary shelters elsewhere. But now, more so than ever? She was glad both her and John had worked on setting a small handful of other spots up.There wouldn't be nearly as much. Still, the essentials would be there. Tents, blankets, access to untainted water, and ample wood for creating fires so food could be cooked.Shania, meanwhile, listened in on the talk about how Kefka's abilities worked."Sounds like aCommandspell or something," she mused under her breath."You ... also know of magic?"Her hand tilted as Shania began to elaborate, "It's ... not something that is proven to exist in our world. However, certain games have lore rules on how things work. Magic is one of them. It's complicated and too long to explain fully but in short, most magic requires atleastone of the following. The ability to speak, the ability to make eye contact, immense concentration, or materials of some sort in order to cast the spell. In this case ... it does make more and more sense that Magicite is indeed what he's looking for. He has everything else, more likely than not. But .... "Shania nodded towards Emrie."He better knows about the worlds people like Kefka come from, so "Pocahontas frowned, interrupting, "Others?""Umm ... yeah. Not everyone is bad though. But yes, just like there's other worlds created by the same company that made your movie, the same is true with where Kefka is usually found. Anyway, he knows the technicalities ofFinal Fantasya lot better than me, but from what I myself know ... Magicite is making more and more sense as far as what we're looking for and to eliminate. Or, at the very least, dwindle his supply."She didn't partake in it as heavily as her friends, but Shania did playDungeons and Dragonsevery now and again. She'd need to thank the friend who got her into it ... if she could ever return and properly do so."Something to cover our ears?" Pocahontas repeated, looking down and trying to think of what could help out with that.What a time to not have my earbuds with me, Shania internally added, opting to keep those thoughts to herself for now. Instead, she finished on her meal and trying to figure out if there was something else that could be used."I guess my concern with plugging our ears is then .... I, personally, don't know any sign language. Or non verbal ways of talking." An eyebrow rose as she looked over to her brother. All but silently inquiring ifheknew anything of the like to begin with.Though, even if he did ... then there would be the issue of whether anyone else knew about such tactics."The hunters had a method, but ... " Pocahontas slowly shook her head. "I wasn't really around any of them nor taught it."Well, one down, Shania lamented, fighting off the urge to elicit an irritated sigh."Hmm ... we may just have to go in knowing that's a risk. With things akin to aCommandspell and I realize this is dangerous in its own rights but will power typically can go against it. Especially if the order in question is something you wouldn't normally do. Like ... kill someone you care deeply about. You can usually have an easier time resisting the order and breaking free from the magic. Unfortunately, short of that?"Shania grimaced."We really are low on alternatives to use. The best preparation we can do is know who and what we're dealing with and use that to our advantage."Pocahontas nodded, flashing an appreciative smile at Emrie as he thanked her for the food. She couldn't help but notice no one was really going for seconds and had a good enough hunch as to why. Everyone admittedly, herself included was probably eager to get this done and over with.Not that it'd be easy. Nothing in life was simple. Still ... there was a sense of urgency as well as nervousness lingering in the air. Even though both Shania and Emrie could pass off as members of her tribe, the princess hadn't forgotten that wasn't the case. They probably wanted to go home, and frankly? Pocahontas couldn't really blame them.She wasn't too different. Just ... her case was more wanting to get everything to normal as swiftly as possible. Granted, she wasn't sure what she'd do once Kefka was out of Jamestown or her life ... but she knew that while he remained here, she could never go back to an even slightly 'normal' way of living. That much she did want to remedy.
Emrie Young amp John Smith Even though no one took seconds no one could really say they weren't full. It was probably the strangest and one of the most filling meals that Emrie had ever had. A far cry from what he would have considered a modern meal. Standing up he stretched, the thing he missed most right now was furnature. Between sleeping on animal furs, and sitting on logs he was starting to long for modern seating technology."Like I said I can lead you to the boat." Thomas said, as he was about to stand up, only to stumble and nearly fall in the fire if not for Emrie's quick catch. He caught the man before he would fall over, and then ease him down to his seat.John watched and shook his head. "Sorry friend, but you have to stay." He said nodding."There isn't enough room in Pocahontas's boat." John said heck it had been a tight fit when it had just been the two of them and the raccoon. With two aditional riders it was going to be a lot more tight. "So you are staying, and your gonna go out of sight. Heal up, hide, and get stronger. If we fail..."John was cut off by Emrie, he cut off the soldier with a simple glare. "We don't say those words, if you invite the idea of failure into anohers mind than we bring a jinx upon us, and I won't have that."Emrie turned towards his sister. "We are gonna win."He wished he could actually believe what he was saying, but he had to stay confident in this. He had to think there was a way. After all, if they were selected for some reason they wouldn't be put out of it. Final Fantasy games didn't require a lot of grinding, they didn't put you at massive disadvantages, with tactical thinking, and a bit of magic the light side always won.'gods I wish Yuna was here'"Which of course brings us to our ride." He said looking to Pocahontas, leading them to the smaller Canoe he grimaced for a moment as he looked at the thing. It was classical, it was practical, it was the exact same kind of thing their ancestors would have used so long ago. He touched it tentatively for a moment. "This is gonna sound insane, but in our time, we don't use these anymore.""I've flown through the sky more times than i have touched something like this." He said stepping inside of it. He looked around. "We won't all be able to fit.""Someone will have to sit in another lap." John said as he took up the front seat, since his time with Pocahontas he had learned from her how to sale this thing. It was still unfamiliar to him, but not so bad anymore it was faster and more streamlined than one of the long boats, more useful in his opinion."Shania?" Emrie said holding out his hand to his sister and offering his own lap, it made sense the two of them were siblings, and in all honesty it wasn't like either of them was gonna be any good sailing this thing.
Shania Young amp Pocahontas "Yeah. Please don't say that, John."Not to say Shania still wasn't feeling a mix of emotions, including hesitation or doubt. Namely with working out how in the hell they were supposed to defeat someone like Kefka. God or not, it wouldnotbe an easy task. Even less so with the two siblings having all but no real clue on what they could do. All of this knowledge would, ultimately, go to waste if they couldn't succeed with this plan. Or, for that matter, figure a back up out should this fail.I mean, there is more than just exploding Magicite as a means to get rid of it. Right? Whether her smile looked convincing or real enough was beyond the sister's guess. But it was at least real. If nothing else, hopefully Emrie would be glad for that much as Shania acknowledged his encouraging words.The four would arrive at the small canoe that Pocahontas had indeed used time and time again. Shania stared at the small wooden boat, feeling a bit ... well, embarrassed, to be honest. For all of the traditions shedidknow linked with her Native American heritage, how to maneuver a canoe wasn't one of those topics. She'd been to her fair share of camps before. For some reason, though, none had taught her how to steer these things."I umm .... "Pocahontas took her own turn to smile, shaking her head in understanding."I appreciate it, but it's fine. I've taught John well enough that we can get there. Mentally prepare yourselves for when we arrive.""Right. Thanks."So then came the next issue how were all four of them gonna fit, now? She recalled that Meeko, Nakoma, and Pocahontas had fit inside perfectly. But this ... was fourpeople. No animals, so ....When her brother offered the smartest and best idea, Shania blushed. She didn't really get it. It was innocent enough. And ... well, itwasbasically the only thing that evenshecould think of to make it so all of them arrived at their destination. "Sure. It's ... been a while."About twelve years, give or take. Primarily when the two would go to malls and sit on what they both believed to be Santa's lap together. There were other moments aside from that, of course, but ... it didn't change the fact that this was something she forgot about doing. However, upon sitting down, Shania felt ... actually relaxed.Not thatallof her nervousness up and vanished. Hell no, nowhere close.But it decreased and got to a controllable level. She was able to close her eyes and pay heed to the breeze lightly touching all of their skin. Feeling the canoe eventually move as both John Smith and Pocahontas took their own seats and began dipping the oars into the water. Small gestures, sounds, or movements that would no doubt have been missed otherwise.With them being as close as they were, Emrie would feel what Shania was keeping mostly hidden. The sound of her heart beating rapidly in her chest, pounding hard against her rib cage.Can we really do this? Even as the boat finally bumped against the shore, she had no idea. But Shania was able to look over her shoulder and take note of the much larger ship in question."I'm guessing this is it?" she asked, waiting for John to give a confirmation before taking a slight breath and slowly standing up. The trip hadn'tactuallytaken very long. It'd simply felt like it."We'll be right behind you. If we all climb at the same time, it'll tip."" ... Fair. Okay then."Another breath, this one a bit shakier than the last, passed Shania's lips as she grabbed onto the rope ladder and ascended. This time, she didn't glance behind her. Mainly to avoid losing her balance and look like an idiot by plopping into the water. Once she finished pulling herself up, she moved aside, allowing for whoever was immediately behind her to get in."So," Shania would ask after the others joined her, "This .... Magicite. What's it look like, anyway? I mean, it'll likely stand out given it doesn't belong in this world. I just ... wanna know what we should look out for."
Emrie Young amp John Smith Emrie wrapped his arms around his sisters Waist when she sat in his lap, Partly because he was nervous, but also in part because well there was something to holding her. The first thing he had noticed was that because she hadn't taken a shower this morning or last night she had a stronger scent to her, their clothing though long dried smelled of smoke, and river water after the events of the day prior. Honestly if he was able too he would have rather replaced what they were wearing, but neither of them really had that option. They had come here woefully under prepared.Then came the actual ride, for the most part it was calm, the Canoe glided over the water of the rivers, and it was smooth as it was piloted by the two experts in the art. he almost felt like could relax, till they hit the rapids.Suddenly the smoothest course was gone, and the river waters turned rough as it approached the ocean, never having been on a boat before in his life, his stomach was jumbled, his body tossed around, and his tanned skin had a faint tinge of green to it by the time that they touched the boat.Emrie waited for Shania to go up first, he then followed, feeling the boats sway, and shift under his feet, hearing the creaking of ancient and sturdy wood. Compared to the Canoe the galleon was almost immovable, but here they had to content with the constant shifting floor of the ocean at high tide. Every step felt almost like it had a bounce to it. Emrie started to look worse for ware as time went on.When she asked about magicite he opened his mouth to talk, only to quickly dart to the side of the ship, loosing what had managed to eat at breakfast to the ocean waves.By now John was on the ship, breathing the sea air, and by comparason walking with no struggle. "I know the first time aboard a ship can be unsettling, but I've never seen someone get sea sick while the ship was anchored." John gave a slight laugh at the situation and then started to search the boxes that were tied down above deck."Fuck... you." Emrie spat, trying to keep his intestines intact while he walked.He wiped his mouth, and stretched his body, still unsettled by the travel, but now with his stomach empty he could at least talk."I don't know." He said in response to Shania's question. "It's a sixteen bit game, not exactly high definition, and since cutscenes weren't invented till final fantasy seven... litteraly. It's not like there are any graphical stand out moments, most i can say about the stuff is that it will glow."Emrie sighed. Graphics were not everything, the game had a very compelling story, one of love and loss, and everything, in between, but in terms of graphics he had no idea what Magicite would look like. "Well gang... I think we should split up and search for clues."Emrie picked chose to make a quick stop however, looking around before stepping into the captains cabin. This room was the most lavish on the ship. The only crew quarter that had a soft plush bed, and considering who owned the ship it was lavish. Ratcliff had been a footnote in Emrie's memory. A colonizer for sure, he could respect someone driven by wealth and gold.Unlike the slaver that was Columbus anyway.Walking around the cabin it didn't take Emrie long to find what he was looking for, a vintage bottle of wine. Just holding this stuff would have made him cry in the real world considering the year. Heck if he brought this single bottle back to their world somehow he probably could have sold it off. He held the bottle for a moment looking at it.Outside John was opening boxes, trying to think of the last time they had stepped foot on this boat. Before Kefka had commanded them to shore with a quarter of the supplies. Aged food past it's use, and other more grotesque things were in the boxes here.
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Pocahontas lightly tapped Shania on the shoulders and then nodded to Emrie. Shania didn't immediately understand ... until she noticed the faint but otherwise noticeable difference in her brother's skin hue."You ... okay?"Apparently not. Her eyes widened ... and both women had to cover their mouths to stifle their own chuckles. Only one succeeded though. Emrie would turn back around and see his sister still giggling."Sorry, sorry it's not at you. It really isn't ... "For now, though, Shania decided to drop the subject. He was probably feeling crappy enough as it was for caving in and getting rid of his breakfast as easily as he did. Instead, she listened to his hints ... and inwardly scolded herself. It hadn't been recently, but considering she typically had a good memory? Shania felt as if she should have recalled the few times she had watched him playFinal Fantasy VI. She would have otherwise reconsidered asking what was clearly a dumb question."Right. Yeah, ummm .... "A knowing smirk appeared on her face as he took what would usually be Fred's line fromScooby Dooand tossed it over as a suggestion. Her main issue with the thought was ... sure, this ship was big. But not super huge that it'd take them hours to go through the entire thing.A soft sigh passed her lips as she looked around. Even took a step back. And in doing so, she winced, feeling some metal that had been warmed up by the sun brush along her bare feet.Odd. Is this ... some sorta storage area? With everyone else having already headed off to begin their searching, Shania decided to pull the bars up. It was unlocked and relatively light. Shania jumped in ... and almost immediately regretted doing so. There was a heavy scent lingering here. By itself, she felt the same urge her brother had not long ago.What in the fucking world?! One hand stayed firmly pressed against her mouth, keeping most of the stench out. A few steps was all poor Shania needed to take to understand what was causing the scent death.Numerous bodies were strapped down to tables, or even slabs. Some had devious instruments or weapons nearby them. Most were items like scalpels older versions, mind you, but scalpels all the same. Crudely made hunting knives. Even some arrowheads that were still embedded in the bodies' flesh. Whether they had been taken from Pocahontas' tribe or others would be anyone's guess.But what was possibly even more disturbing was noting the corpses looked direly underweight. These had been men well in their late twenties to early forties. They shouldnothave been as light as Shania.So ... they really have been starved? But then .... why were they kept down here? A lone notebook caught her eyes. Deep down, she could already feel regret about moving forward and checking it out. Unfortunately, Shania had no real choice. If this would give any information about what had happened here .... sheneededto read it.So, with a shaky hand, she opened up to the first page."OH GOD!"The book was almost immediately shut as Shania ran back under the metal bars. She was done. She wanted out of this room ... now.Except .... she was too short, apparently, which made her panic. Shania continued to jump, failing with each attempt. Frustrated whimpers left before an actual, coherent plea finally left her lips, "Someone ... please get me out of this hell hole .... "Pocahontas, meanwhile, had gone into a room adjacent to the one John entered. Shania's voice especially the first scream had been heard. Either the men hadn't heard, or ... something else had grabbed their attention.Regardless, her room had nothing helpful. Definitely none of the 'Magicite' they were looking for. So, she half ran, half jogged out of the room she had found and began looking for the other Native. "Shania?""Here! Please .... "Now that Pocahontas heard her voice again, it was easier to track Shania, though ... the bars made her raise her eyebrows. How did no one else notice those? Rather than asking or voicing her thoughts out loud, Pocahontas merely rose them, laying on her stomach and extending an arm downward.Thankfully, Shania was indeed lighter than she expected. It made lifting her out all the more easier.Once Shania was completely out, she held herself tightly against the princess. "Should I go ??"Before Pocahontas could finish her inquiry, Shania shook her head from side to side. "I ... wouldn't recommend it. EvenJohnmay have a hard time seeing that."That certainly got Pocahontas to raise an eyebrow. "Why? What's down there?"Shania didn't verbally respond. Instead, she grabbed the metal doors and pushed them roughly down, trying to emphasize with actions that it was an area that shouldn't be casually examined.
Emrie Young amp John Smith Holding the bottle in his hand, he couldn't help but think that this wine felt a lot heavier than the bottles he had just two, or was it three days prior. He popped the cork with a satisfactory puff of air, and smelled the wine. It was ritch, it's flowery scent told him that this would have been high quality. Probably the heighest quality alcohol he had ever touched. He lifted the bottle looking at it splash in the glass container.He was not exactly a wine person, he prefered his alcohol to be in the form of Whiskey or Vodka, wine lacked the burn that he enjoyed from the drink. But it was good stuff, even he could recognize that. He sniffed it again.He felt his mouth water, his hand shake slightly. One gulp of the stuff couldn't hurt could it?'I think I'm done drinking' That was what he had told Shania, he lowered the bottle and looked at it again. He wanted the drink, he was secluded from the others, he could have some.'but I had made that promise.'He looked at the bottle a flash of anger running through him. 'what do I get for keeping that bloody promise anyway? We are in a situation far more fucked up than just needing to find a job. I don't get shit for taking a drink. I do not owe her my sanity, and it's not like I'm going to get anything as a reward for sticking by her.''But I would be disappointing her.' Emrie Growled because it was the truth and tossed the bottle as hard as he could away from him, smashing it against the back wall. He turned and exited the room. Just as Shania was getting help out of a dungeon."What did you find?" He asked trying not to sound too frustrated his hand still shaking. He was clearly a touch troubled after that, but could shake it off thimking it was mostly if not entirely the work of sea sickness. His hand steadied as he went to Shania's side, his hand landing softly comfortingly on her back, needing her to be close to him more out of his own need for a sense of a moral center than to actually comfort her, but at the same time she looked distressed and emotionally torn.He glanced down towards the dungeon bars, and winced feeling something twist in his gut when he got wind of the smell. "Man the house of mouse is not gonna approve that one." He muttered under his breath. "This is starting to look like a horror film."The sad thing was that Emrie recognized the smell of death, not intentionally, he had never killed anyone, but he had lived in a slum house with several other college aged kids, one of them had over dosed in a locked bathroom, and it had taken four days before anyone had noticed the door was locked.The smell lingered in that house forever.This was infinitely worse than that.Down below decks Johns voice shouted out to the rest of the team. He had found the dynomite, and was starting to bring a bag of it back up to the rest of the team.
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Pocahontas would allow Emrie to take Shania. He seemed to need her more for one, but also ... he'd be able to help her out better. Fair enough. Theyweresiblings, so it was only natural they were closer with one another than herself or John. Although .... it did make her head briefly tilt.Are they sure they aren't lovers? The two had insisted otherwise. But scenes like this? Well ... it was easy to mistake them for a brother and sister. Their actions, particularly when it came to comforting and being close, mimicked lovers more so than siblings.... Whatever. It wasn't for her to judge. But it wouldn't stop Pocahontas from being curious on the matter. Luckily for them, she wouldn't be around too long to dwell on the idea. The moment she heard John, she hurried down to help him gather some of the dynamite. It'd likely be quicker with another person helping out.Shania would wait until the princess was out of sight and, preferably, ear shot before replying in stammers, "S So ... remind me again. Kefka ... was he ... into .... really fucked up shit? Like ... vivisecting? Experiments? Because that's exactly what's down there. And I mean ... yes, this is a crappy time for medicine, but just .... "Shania looked over to her brother, her own body and voice beginning to tremble, "Emrie, that's a whole different level of fucked up. How the hell are we supposed to do this again? To deal with someone who goes tothosekinds of extremes? Emrie, I .... I'm fucking scared. Ireallywanna go home now."
Emrie Young amp John Smith amp Kefka "It's implied he did worse." He said softly in answer to his sisters question. he had no idea how to answer the rest of the problem how did they fight someone like this? He had no answers to be sure. When she said that she was scared he agreed, his body was shivering slightly and he was just wanting to get out of this world, go back to his own life where things like this didn't exist, or at least were far far away from here.He held his sister a little tighter. He hadn't wanted to talk about it, but Kefka's appetite wasn't just about destruction. He had seen plenty of art, and posts, and even in the game details hinted about what he had done to Terra. The main character of the game whom Kefka had held as a mind slave for years before the events of the game.But that would only make things so much worse. "I know... I want to go home too." Down below decks John was glad to have pocahontas's help as he was lifting the dynamite out of boxes. It had been wrapped in cloths that had kept it dry in the damp hold. He looked to her, a small smile on his lips, as he passed it too her. "This should be enough... I hope." He said taking his own couple of bundles. and leaving the rest of the crate that neither of them could carry.As he started to walk towards the exit, the ship was suddenly rocked his body slid along the floor and he tripped falling ontop of Pocahontas for a moment. He held her for a moment, wanting to kiss her just because the landing position had been fortuitous but he knew the immediate danger they were in."We need to run." John said softly, wanting to grab the siblings and get the hell out of here. "I can help with that!" The voice called out from the docks was loud, booming, and somewhat offsetting, Emrie held his sister all the tighter as he heard the tone.The side of the ship rocked for a moment, as a wall of water rammed the side of the boat rocking it, before it froze in place creating a staircase of ice as the click of boots hit the ground. A man, that wasn't really a man walked aboard the ship. His figure was ghastly, pale, his build lacked real muscle, he seemed sickly as he walked, yet he did so with a great amount of grace.Kefka was mismatched, his clothing wild and colorful, he bowed slightly his lips an unnatural purple curved into a menacing smile. "I can send you two away if you so desire.""Dimensional travel it's weird little quirks, I can see the threads that are keeping you two tied to this world, it's very weak a talented esper like myself can cut those threads with ease. All i'd ask in return is... a small favor or two." His yellow piercing eyes were locked towards Shania, looking over her body. "I'm rather tired of all the men i've gotten to play with."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas "Worse?" Shania repeated, both wanting to have a better explanation with that response and ... not all the same. It likelywasas bad as she was assuming, and even on the off chance that wasn't the case? She didn't really need to see or hear much more. At this point, she was ready to just return. Even at the risk of looking and feeling like a huge coward.We're just not ready. This is my fault ... I pushed for us to come here too soon. We had time. We could have gotten at least more ... everything! Clothes, literally almost everything! Her head turned towards the only true source that had kept her here to begin with. The only controllable one, she supposed her love and simultaneous fear for the two people going and looking for the dynamite. This world had suffered far enough. But the honest to gods truth was they couldnothelp out. Not as they were and with next to nothing."If ... we wanna go though, we should at least .... agh!"Shania yelped, her arms wrapping tighter against Emrie as the ship suddenly shuddered and shook violently.Downstairs, Pocahontas let her own shocked gasp out. Some of the explosives even fell out of her grip, just because of how sudden the impact had been. Her mindset had been the opposite intimate actions could come later. First and foremost were the siblings. Especially because ... whatever had hit the ship hadn't been natural. They were anchored down, like John had pointed out. So it wasn't like they'd hit something in the water."Yes, let's ... "But then ... something bright and white seemed to coat the stairs. Her head tilted as Pocahontas leaned down and touched a bit of it. It was cold ... freezing, even. It made her shiver and pull her hand quickly away, looking over towards John in confusion. "What's this?" she asked.Shania, meanwhile, didn't immediately look up as the new voice echoed in her ears. She didn'twantto lift her head and see the very man they were somehow supposed to stop mere inches away.And yet ... she ended up caving in, if only to better understand who was speaking to them.Oh god ... While not as knowledgeable as her brother, she had done enough Google image searches to know who was who as far as appearances went. Especially with the characters that were important, both pro and antagonists alike. So she knew, without Emrie telling her, that they were indeed looking right at Kefka Palazzo. In the goddamned flesh, at that matter.Shania scooted even closer, her body practically pressed against her brother's side as Kefka's eyes looked right at her."Don't stare at me like that, you creepy bastard."Her head shook firmly, eyes narrowing even, as she shot, "You truly are out of your mind if you think I'd ever agree to that."Even if they weren't sexual favors, it wouldn't be much better. The room down below had been a good enough indication of that much."You probably are being truthful when you say you really can send us back. But I'd rather find an alternative way than doinganythingfor you."
Emrie Young amp John Smith amp Kefka "Oh you see that was the kindest offer I was going to give you." Kefka couldn't help but laugh, it was something Emrie had heard a number of times before in the games. Kefka's laugh was iconic because it was technicallly the first ever instance of spoken dialog in a consol game. But hearing it in the real world, made Emrie shiver, the cackle was more mad, slightly girlish, insane and had a slight giggle to it. The man was genuinely happy.When they got back to their world, if they got they got back, Emrie was going to personally hunt down every copy of FFVI he could find and smash it with a hammer.He swallowed but stepped forward for a moment, pushing his younger sister behind him. He knew Kefka better than most people, He wasn't going to let the mad man anywhere near Shania."Oh come now you can't stop me, you don't belong here. Here watch." Kefka threw his arm forward and opened his palm, immediately to his will fire sprang forth and formed twin lines dancing across the deck of the ship burning the air, as it encircled the siblings Heating everything, for a few seconds every breath Emrie took burned his lungs and felt like he was going to sufficate. The fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt helped him because he felt flecks of flame land on his body, if he was wearing fabric he probably would have been burned. He instinctively raised his arms to protect his eyes from the bright light.And then just as soon as it had started Kefka had closed his hand and the world returned to it's normal color, the air around them steamed, the ground next to them was burned deep black scars ran through the ground with small flickering embers making the ground more than a little uncomfortable for their bare feet.Emrie coughed for a moment feeling his lungs forcibly push out the smoke he had inhaled. He wasn't entirely sure if that fire would have killed the two of them if it had been a direct hit, but one thing was clear, Kefka was clowning around with the two of them."Damn it." How were they supposed to fight that? The idea of running, going for the side of the ship, jumping into the ocean wasn't even sound. "How do we fight that." "Nothing good." John said in regard to the ice. He moved to touch it, and found it painful to even touch with his bare hands. he looked to Pocahontas who was barefoot. His boots weren't thick but it was better than anything she had. "The only man who could do this is Kefka, he's here."John swallowed, but gathered his courage, he moved to pick up Pocahontas, lifting her bridal style. "we need to get to the siblings. Hold on."He started to walk up the stairs, keeping his balance while holding her. His feet hurt even through his boots, the ground didn't crack, and the ice seemed to be re freezing. The entire hallway was getting colder and colder. He had heard of the demons magical abilities, but until now he hadn't really seen anything like this. "Take my gun.""When we get to the top, shoot him." He had gone over how the weapon worked with her, but she had never actually shot anything with it before so this was new territory and it wasn't like he was giving her stable grounds to aim, but if the two didn't work together than they were all gonna die.
Shania Young amp Pocahontas "The hell with him! Let's just go!" That was what Shaniawantedto say. But then ... would it be wise to turn their back to a man like Kefka? Not likely. Shania grimaced, bowing her head as she tried to think. Standing here surely couldn't be much better ... but her earlier train of thought didn't shift, either. Running would be just as dangerous. Even if that was to the side of the boat and into the ocean.Is there nothing we can do? "Emrie, what do we ... ??"Shania's question would be unfinished, interrupted by the smoke and flames taunting their bodies. It was accidental, of course. Unfortunately, it didn't change that Shania had taken a breath when the magic appeared, causing a lot of the smoke to enter her lungs. Her eyes widened as she fell straight to her knees.Both brother and sister were gasping, coughing, and desperately wheezing. Trying to get a break ... or some more clean oxygen to their lungs. Likely both.But it felt like no such opportunity was going to arrive.Is ... this really how we die? Like this? Shania shivered, feeling her body fighting to do a typically easy function while avoiding the pain on the bottom of her feet. Somewhere in between trying to catch her breath and avoiding getting split apart from her brother, Shania's eyes had shut." ... Shoot him?" Pocahontas repeated incredulously. Sure, she'd seen John use it. Typically against game or animals to hunt. But he was talking about doing so against a person.Admittedly, thathadbeen why Pocahontas took Kocoum's knife. Despite never having personally seen, met, nor heard of Kefka prior to Shania and Emrie's arrival, one thing was deduced. Whomever had killed her tribe and Grandmother Willow was obviously a dangerous person. That theory was swiftly proven to beverytrue once the two finally arrived at the top.Pocahontas had originally been shivering simply from the cold temperature.Now, however, it was fear for the siblings and maybe their only hope at getting Jamestown back to a somewhat normal life again.She didn't like this. However, as Pocahontas rose the gun and took aim, she made a compromise with herself. Shoot to injure, not kill, perhaps? Hell, even a warning shot would suffice, wouldn't it? Something to get him to stop ... and thus allow the four of them to escape. Surely, that would be good enough.It had to be, and at this rate forallof them. This was officially not just for her sake, nor hers and John's. Now the other two Natives were part of the equation."Both eyes open," she murmured, remembering the advice John had given her time and time again. She counted silently down from three ....BANG!As quickly as Shania and Emrie had been surrounded by flames and smoke, it all finally if not suddenly vanished. Had he disappeared? Gotten sick of messing around?A glance upward from Shania revealed no. Was the answer a better or worse revelation? Shania had no idea.She just knew a bit of blood was falling atop the wooden boards of the ship. Kefka's blood which was ... reassuring in its own rights. It meant he was indeed mortal. Slowly, she looked over her shoulders ... and couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and amazement. " ... Poc Pocahontas?" she asked in between struggling gasps and pants."Get away from them. Them and Jamestown, for that matter. Have you not gotten ... ??"Only to stop midway and alter her original thoughts, "No ... even if you have, just leave. We don't want anymore trouble. You've taken more than enough. Just go away."
Emrie Young amp John Smith amp Kefka The bang cracked through the air just as the siblings were starting to loose the ability to stand. Emrie was still on his feet, but his entire body was shaking, he saw the drips of crimson, and Kefka regarding his own out stretched arm. An arm that now had a hole in it.John used the moment of silence to put Pocahontas down on the ground and shake off the cold he felt from the hallway down below, now that they were on the open air, he was reminded that it was late afternoon, the sun was at it's zenith point and he was immediately starting to feel the difference to that warmth.Kefka looked at his hand, regarding the hole that had been shot into his arm, the man felt pain, and looked over himself with an odd sort of fascination.He turned towards the woman whom had shot him holding the riffle, telling him to get away from everyone, and Kefka started to laugh. His mad cackles filled the air, and John found himself shivering again, just not from the cold this time. He was a hardened soldier he had fought in a number of battles, and he had never seen a man react to being shot with laughter."Really? You get one shot and you wound me?" His tone said everything, the fact that he was hit was hysterical. He danced on the spot his feet pounding into the ground for a moment with his odd colored boots, as he shivered in pleasant delight he turned towards her. "I've been looking for you.""Tsk, tsk, my dear, when you shoot someone who is unaware of you, your supposed to aim for the head, don't worry it's not a mistake any of you will get to make twice." His voice was almost sing songish as he moved about the place."Run!" Emrie commanded, he grabbed his sister, pulling her to her feet, he didn't know how they would fair, but there was no way any of them were gonna be able too hurt this man. All the gun shot had done was piss him off. Emrie could see it, undernieth all the jovial dancing. Those yellow eyes that tone of voice it was a play.Kefka was pissed.Water started to form, almost immediately like a bubble around them. Emrie tried to reach out and push Shania so that his sister would be spared, but there was nothing he could do, he was powerless to stop any of it. John managed to grab a knife of his own before the air around him became water, the metal pounded against the bubble but it neither stretched nor broke, it was like trying to stab against metal.The water kept forming around them like a prison, a thick bubble that became harder to move in, filling slowly with water. Kefka was no longer dancing the man was focusing on the prisons."Don't worry... I won't kill the women, it's been a long time since I cut up one of them into tiny pieces." He was glaring at Pocahontas. "my bed hasn't had company in a long time either, so i'm sure one of you will be useful for that.""The men though I'm afraid I have no use for such Cadavers."Emrie had to take a deep breath of air, before he was fully engulfed, the world around him muting, as he tried to think, something anything that would call to this... why was he here? he couldn't have been thrown at this just to die. Heroes in stories didn't die to villains.Why were he and his sister special?
Shania Young amp Pocahontas "Shania! Emrie! Come on!"The silence was ... very nerve wracking. Although Pocahontas couldn't read minds nor knew fully well what kind of person Kefka was, shecouldcomprehend atmospheres, as well as said moods. Right now, it had just gottenincrediblytense. And that hadn't been felt by the princess untilaftershe succeeded in shooting Kefka's arm."Come on! We need to go! Both of you!"It wouldn't be until she felt herself back up on her feet that Shania finally returned to the here and now. She took note of everything from Pocahontas' pleas to her brother guiding them away. Probably to finally take a chance and abandon the ship. But the other thing she couldn't help but notice ...was Kefka actually dancing?"What does that mean?" she whispered to Emrie. "That's not just for the hell of it ... is it?"Before she could get a reply though, she was shoved away in a vain, but valiant, effort to keep herself from the same fate that happened seconds later."EMRIE! AHHH!"The cold water startled Shania more than much else. She could swim, most definitely. But Shania being able to swim whilst in trapped space? That ... was another story. And it was what made her instincts kick in as she pounded against the bubble, wincing as a sensation similar to glass painfully throbbed against her fists."John!"Like Shania, Pocahontas could swim with ease. But when she saw even a knife was doing nothing ... she made no move to grab for Kocoum's dagger. The princess glared furiously at the implications of what Kefka had in mind, her back eventually pressed against one end of the bubble."Wait, wait, fine! Name your favor! Just don't kill him, please. Stop .... NO!"There it was. The final hint neither John nor her brother would be shown any mercy. Shania whimpered, her head bowing as she stared at her hands. Her body trembled violently as she looked between the other bubbles and glanced up towards the sky.Why? Why like this? Why against one of the few bastards who actually succeeded as a fucking villain?! Shania's fists clenched tightly, her internal thoughts having turned into full fledged screams at this point.IF WE GOT HERE, THIS CAN'T BE A GODDAMN SET UP! WE CAN'T DIE LIKE THIS, CAN WE?! It'd be faint to Emrie, but Kefka could definitely feel from the confines of Shania's bubble a new aura. What started as a weak tinge of power grew more and more, seeming to strengthen as each angry thought echoed in her head. Of course, it wasn't nearly as powerful or intimidating compared to Kefka's. Still, all things considered including the fact no such sensation had existed before it was definitely new. Something to note, if nothing else."Please stop. Spare them, please .... " Shania begged again. She remained quiet for a few more seconds before hastily adding, "You can even take me back! For your ... company. Just don't kill them, please ... "
Emrie Young amp John Smith amp Kefka "Oh no chance dear." Kefka said his tone jovial as he walked up to the sphere that held Shania. Something about it was peaking his curiosity, he wasn't sure exactly what was going on, but he wanted to observe it closely. "I told you at the start that my opening offer was me at my nicest, now you get to watch them die."Emrie kept himself as calm as possible. struggling thrashing would only draw out the air in his lungs make him need to breath more. He needed to focus, his eyes were closed, he had to last, every second was important at this point. He needed something, something that would keep him afloat and awake. The sphere had enough space for him to keep his arms and legs completely spread out. So at least he was... well he wouldn't call it comfortable.John on the other hand was thrashing, a panic ran through him and he was still trying to use the knife to cut at the sphere of water, thrashing and in doing so the edges of his vision were fading, he coughed and felt air escape his lungs. Water washing back into his mouth, and just like that he was drowning, struggling to take a breath, gagging against the water and finding no respite.Emrie on the other hand was focusing. There was an energy about him, he could feel it, small tethered lines.Was that what Kefka had talked about the strings that connected people to the world? Maybe it was just the water playing tricks on his mind, maybe he was just delirious, but with the sphere of water like it was, he couldn't hear the outside world, so everything all of his energy all of his focus was inward."Oh trust me, there is going to be plenty of time for that and you will love it, but right now you really should just sit back and watch the show, maybe say your goodbyes, not that they can hear you in there." He laughed his maniacal persona returning after his anger had seemingly passed.The last of his air was leaving him now, Emrie wasn't sure how many seconds he was able to hold out, the ice water had been crushing him for who knew how long. His lungs were burning. But he was certain he was onto something.He could feel something, not just from the ice water, but something else, his eyes turned towards Shania forcing them open so that he could look at her one more time.John was still moving, still suffocating, drowning, but it would stop soon, the muscles growing colder.Kefka smiled towards Shania. "Beautiful isn't it, this is one of those moments you will get to replay in your head every single day for the rest of your life, so really drink it in, take your time to appreciate it."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas "Get away from her!"Pocahontas grimaced, advancing as far as her prison would allow. She looked frantically around, feeling as hopeless as she had when Grandmother Willow was murdered. She couldn't juststandthere. And yet ... if the sight of John was anything to go off of, Kocoum's knife wouldn't fare any better. It'd be worse ... wouldn't it?Still ... better to try and fail than not make an effort.Especially while her own jail wasn't nearly as full as those of the men's.She reached down and pulled the blade out, slamming it as hard as she could with every ounce of strength.Emrie ... John ... Pocahontas. This .... this is all my fault. I ... Shania slumped down onto her rear once again. Shame started to mingle in with the increasing anger and even humiliation. She'd rushed this whole 'rescue' mission. Even if time was a bit hard pressed, she atleastcould have allowed herself and Emrie to go in with more than they'd ended up taking.Now ... evenifthey somehow got out, he could die from more than drowning. Hypothermia, for example. Him and John both. Their death ... it would be all on Shania's hands."Go away," she whimpered, scooting as far back from the clown as the Iroquois could. Despite not being in danger of drowning, it almost felt as if her own life was ... flashing? Fast forwarding? It was definitely doingsomethingodd. Was it even her life? The more Shania focused on the odd feeling, the more she realized ... it was ... something else.Me? Sorta. The short answer was yes. The longer one was ... harder to pinpoint. At least as far as 'how' or 'why' this was happening. But she, too, went back to remembering Kefka saying something about threads. Was this what he'd meant? Also ... he knew they were from a completely different dimension?Her head lifted, revealing furious, terrified tears streaming down her face as she stared at Kefka."You're disgusting! A monster! How can you live with yourself?"Shania shook her head defiantly, refusing to look over towards John and Emrie."I'm not giving you what you want ... " ... Are you changing the movies too? ... What do you mean? Well ... if anyone in the real world was or is watching the Disney film, are they seeing what's happening right here? No! Fuck no! That's too fucked up! And yet, she had come into Jamestown finding almost everyone dead. Already, the moviewouldbe very different ... if her guess was correct. Her hands gripped some of her raven locks, squeezing down tightly on them. Literally looking like she may rip some strands out from realizing she may also be at fault for changing the canon version of these fandoms. The original had been rated a G. Was shereallygoing to be why it may shift to PG 13, if not R?No, no, no, no! I don't want this! Someone help! Make this stop, please! There had to be a mistake! The tears fell even faster. Shania's head felt like it was spinning ... as if her prison were more full of water than it actually was, and now she was once again struggling to breathe. She wasn't just getting desperate, she was losing sanity with each second that ticked away. Her chest rapidly rose and fell as Shania visibly hyperventilated.What do I do? What do I do? WHAT DO I DO?! "Emrie, I ... I can't .... I .... "Now she did pull, yanking a few onyx strands out in the process. But that was fine. Compared to the pain she was feeling with knowing there was nothing that could be done to save her brother or John ... losing some hair was tame."No more. Please, stop .... "Who she was talking to was even her guess. Someone ... anyone. God existed here, didn't he? That was whom the British sang and hailed they sailed for glory, God, gold, and the Virginia Company, so .... he was around. Wasn't he?Andstill, nothing happened. No bright light enveloping them. No change of scenery, nor the bubbles disappearing like she'd wanted or half expected. No other characters from any Disney film or even Final Fantasy game appeared to slay Kefka.It was just the four of them. Stuck. Imprisoned.Dying."No. No, no, no, god no."The same aura that had started out as faint was getting stronger. More powerful ... very likely due to the sea of emotions Shania was damn well nearly drowning in. If this were an anime or TV show, what started as a barely visible aura would becomemuchmore noticeable around the younger Iroquois."Not like this, no ... no ..... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"As that last scream rang out, the bubbles all vanished. Simultaneously.Shania blinked, looking incredulously around. But she didn't remain on her ass for too long, either. She scurried quickly over to Emrie, knelt down, and put one of her brother's arms over her shoulder. She glanced over, seeing that Pocahontas had wordlessly grabbed onto John and was holding him the exact same way."RUN!"Thankfully, Shania didn't need to repeat the word, as Pocahontas had already been darting for the edge of the ship, with Shaniaveryclose behind the princess. And once they got to the side ... both jumped off, allowing themselves to collapse into the ocean. Neither woman, however, immediately re emerged from under the waves.Under the water, Pocahontas guided Shania so their heads would lightly touch the lower half of the canoe. Much like she'd done when playing in the lake with Nakoma at the beginning of the movie.Shania shakily nodded, understanding why she'd done this instead. If they started immediately moving, Kefka could simply hurl spells at them. This way .. it allowed them to either make him think they'd drownedorresult in Kefka going to search for them. Regardless, it'd give them a chance to be clear and away from their foe. Once they were clear, they could get in the canoe and row away.
Emrie Young amp John Smith amp Kefka Emrie and John would feel their watery prisons break, droping to the ground like husks both of them lost focus as they started to cough up the water in their lungs, Emrie having taken in less was first to recover, but it didn't last long, He felt an arm grab him, and then suddenly they were being pulled and helped to jump over board.From one watery prison into the frozen ocean with barely a second to catch their breath did not sit well with either man, but they understood that right now they needed to get away.Kefka watched in a moment of dull surprise. He watched the girl overpower his spell, counter it, and for a moment watched as they gathered themselves up, He moved his hand to cast something a new, but was stopped by a sudden flash of pain from the gun shot wound that he had suffered knocking his concentration.When they finally got to the air pocket and Emrie and John were able to finally take their first full breaths of air there was a moment of hacking coughs. John put his arm over one of the seats of the Canoe so he could better stay afloat as the stronger of them started to move the boat out of the way, and Emrie's entire body was shaking and cold.Neither the sphere of water, or the ocean had been particularly warm for him, especially with nearly drowning. He looked at Shania, a soft smile on his lips. "Good counter spell."Emrie's voice was weak, cracked, and oddly dry, sea water didn't exactly make for a good drink after all, but he recognized more or less what Shania had done. "It was just for a few moments while I was drowning, but I could see everything." He wasn't entirely sure how to explain it, the magic she had channeled, the way Kefka had manipulated the elements, he had seen and for a moment understood how it worked, but not much more than that.Then when the water had broken all that understanding had left with the moment of panic that the air had given him.John was coughing, still, but Looked to Pocahontas, a small smile on his face as he looked at her."Have I mentioned... that I love you?" He said softly, that had been one of the things he had realized while his life had been falling apart around him.Emrie chuckled at that for a moment, it was a light moment after their near death experience, but neither of the men were able to steer the canoe the way it was. When they finally got out of the water far enough away from James town that the fear of being followed wasn't much. They flipped the boat. Emrie again offering his lap as a seat with his sister.When they were sequestered and safe, he looked to his younger sister. "Proud of you." He muttered under his breath, his chest upon her back, his eyes sunken and tired, wanting to sleep, yet his arms held onto her for what warmth she could offer. His voice meant more for her to hear. "When we get back to camp. I want a fire."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Save for everyone treading water under the canoe, no other movements were made. Everyone kept using the wooden boat as a cover, keeping any and all talks barely audible. Only when they were sure enough Kefka had left to go look for them was the canoe pushed right side up. Pocahontas would get in first between the two females, with a shivering Shania being helped in by the others."You ... I mean, you're not wrong, Emrie. It was a good counter spell, but ... "Pocahontas gently moved her head from side to side, placing a hand gently atop her shoulder."It wasn't a mistake. You need time to ... figure yourself out. How you can channel that power again. But aside from that? What just happened is proof we all need. Your guys' coming here was no accident, nor was getting rid of the bubbles.""Okay ... fine. Let's assume you're right. That doesn't fix dealing with Kefka.""One thing at a time. In its own rights, this is a very significant and huge accomplishment. One definitely worth celebrating."It was clear Shania didn't feel nearly as optimistic. The look on her face said basically the exact opposite. All the same, she at least made an effort to try to heed everyone's words. Even nodding and turning to face her brother as he talked to her. "Thank you. I'm glad you're okay. That ... that really scared me."Pocahontas, meanwhile, gave John a knowing grin as she nodded. "You have, yes. But it's always nice to hear it again." One oar would be held in her arm while she gave John the other. "Don't worry, Emrie. A fire was a given. The ice Kefka used to keep us from getting as quickly to you guys .... it got cold all around us. Ice isn't something we usually get much of in Jamestown."Finally, Shania chuckled softly, resulting in Pocahontas raising an eyebrow whilst guiding the canoe to another camp."Then you wouldn't like our world much, I doubt. Global warming's a thing. So places that don't usually experience snow or other types of temperatures ... well, too bad. You're getting unexpected weather, regardless of if you like it or not. I'm pretty sure that in recent years, Jamestown or at least Virginia in general has had its fair share of snow.""So where do you live, anyway? Is it where the Iroquois used to reside?"Shania nodded, "Mhm. It's referred to as the New England area in this time line, but eventually before and after the Revolutionary War states in that exact bit of land are formed and given different names. We live in the one called New York." She then nodded towards John, "That also could have been why you noted our surnames having a British feel to it. I know York is associated with Britain, so ... that sorta applies to the United States as well. Even though we do win our independence from the United Kingdom another name Britain goes by we don't get rid of words or terminology that has their roots in them, so to speak. There's a lot of diversity like that all over the country, in fact.""So ... you have a lot of cultures?""Basically, yeah. That's the easiest way to say it."The rest of the ride would be much calmer and quieter. Although the finding of Magicite had failed, as was the process of destroying it, everyone was seeming to agree with one thing. They would take their blessings. Namely the one that allowed them to leave that ship alive and ... mostly well.Much like Pocahontas had hinted, this new site was indeed smaller than the last one. But, also like she'd promised, there were indeed enough huts. Everyone would be led straight to a fire pit, where Pocahontas wasted little time using two sticks and rubbing them hastily against each other.Thankfully, it seemed that despite the method being very archaic, it still worked even in this era. Within minutes, what started as a small fire grew. Not as large compared to a bonfire, but more than enough warmth was offered to everyone."Is that ... enough?" Pocahontas offered, "Or does anyone want an extra blanket?"
Emrie Young amp John Smith "It's a start if we can counter his magic than he's just flesh." Emrie said in regards to destroying Kefka. And he was under no illusion that Kefka could be spared. Not after what just happened, and not from what he had known about him from the game. The man was a monster with a capital M, and seeing him in person had been a giant SNAFU.That said he tried to listen to the conversation the woman were having. John took the paddle and started to work his end of the boat even if his movements were a touch lathargic as well. Which happens when someone nearly drowns. "So wait, you're saying the empire falls?" To John that sounded impossible.The British commonwealth had colonies all over the world, the sun simply didn't set on the British empire. Yet here he was being told that someone fought a war against brittain and won.Emrie decided to chip in a little bit of what he knew from the internet. "Well basically Brittian spends about 40 years being at war with everyone, and winning, but eventually she can't pay for all the wars. Their is some taxation problems, and John, if you want too have a fortune in the future, invest early in the south seas trading company, and then in 1720 get the hell out while it's good."John paused for a moment. "That's more than a hundred years from now.""Oh... well then..." Emrie shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry time is very fickle, that's even assuming that your world and our world will share a common history, between the discovery of magic on your shores, and all the damage Kefka has done who knows how your world will look when it is our time."It wasn't like they could bring the two back to their world, or at least that was the thought he had. If they could how the hell would they end up housing and feeding them, let alone what work a disney princess would get in the real world... There was always the bar, but something told him Pocahontas would take offense to the very suggestion. Not to mention what his sister would do to him if he mentioned it.Upon reaching the camp site, Emrie pulled an Emrie. He wanted out of his current clothing, and it didn't really matter who was around. Pulling off his long ruined pants, between the fire, the hole in in the leg from being shot, and now being soaked the fabric was uncomfortable, and sagging, and it revealed that while he had put on pants to come to this world, Emrie hand't exactly put on boxers.He shivered and grabbed a blanket after setting out his pants to dry near the fire. "Have you no shame man! there are ladies around.""Nope." Emrie said back with a smile as he took the extra blanket as offered and stationed himself near the fire. "I don't really. Nudity in our time is not exactly common place, but I lived in a single bedroom apartment with four other people, I'm basically just kinda trained not to care."He sat close to Shania. "In all honesty, y'all should probably do the same, we are all soaked through to the bone, tired and hurting, staying in bad clothes will only make us sick in the long run." Emrie spoke more matter of fact, he leaned back looking at the sky, but he was still very clearly shivering."Absolutely not." John said. "It's indecent for a man to be undressed near a member of the fairer gender. It's not proper of a gentleman."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Pocahontas nodded, glad to hear at least one of the siblings hadn't succumbed to despair. "Exactly! Wait ... just flesh? Why wouldn't he be?""Because at one point, he becomes a god. Somehow. I guess though .... it is true. The counter spell plus the bullet actually hurting him are indeed ample proof he hasn't succeeded with that just yet.""A ... god? Like ... how we worship rain and medicine gods?""Exactly, yep.""That's a terrifying thought.""That's probably the real point and concept behind immortality. Thankfully, no one in our world has achieved such a status. But .... in fictional places like where Kefka is usually from? That's what a lot of villains want. Very few, though, have truly succeeded. Even fewer have done so without a cost of some sort like there should be. Like ... one guy from a completely different book and movie series split his soul into seven pieces and put them into specific items.""Split ... his soul? But .... how? How could he do that more than once?"Shania shrugged."Rowling didn't do a good job with explaining certain bits. That was one of them. It's simply implied it was very painfully done which ... no kidding. Anyway, the items he put his soul into get destroyed eventually, so he loses his immortality. Usually, stuff like that happens. I ... don't think that was what took Kefka down."Her head tilted as everyone seemed to look at Emrie."So .... aside from a high level party and the easy to guess stuff, whatdidbeat him? Did he even lose his status as a god, or ... how'd that go? We've gotten hints, but not the full story. Maybe now would be the time to get that all settled."Before that topic could be discussed in more detail, though .... Emrie did something Shania should have expected, and thus warned the others about. Strip."Emrie! Could you atleasthave given a warning?!"Yet despite her words, she finally chuckled softly, her own head nodding. "He's ... very much without shame. Sorry John, Pocahontas. I really am. And yet .... "Shania sighed, "He's ... not wrong, either. If we do stay like this ... we will have a really high risk of getting pneumonia, a cold, or something else just as devastating. Particularly with the lack of medicine."Shania bit her lip, looking between the discarded pants and herself ... before slowly looking over towards Pocahontas. Whom, poor princess, was staring in shock at Emrie."Pocahontas? Umm ... the tents ... are they made so anything could be hung up? I'm assuming you havesomeway of washing your clothes, yes?""We ... we do, yes." Thankfully, the sister had succeeded in snapping Pocahontas out of her trance. "Wanna ... come with me, then?" After seeing Shania nod, Pocahontas stood up, though not before placing a hand on John's shoulder. "They're both probably right, John. Us staying like this ... it won't be any good. You probably should do the same ... even if you wanna be more discreet about it. It's recommended. Either way .... I'm going to help Shania hang their clothes up and .... "Pocahontas took a moment to steel herself, knowing what she was about to say was the right thing. Just ... an odd thought. She'd never really felt shame about this but then again, she'd never let anyone know she was going to be nude before."I'll do the same myself, actually. I appreciate the attempt to keep being a gentleman, but considering the implications that were heard regarding what Kefka intended to do with us? It umm ... this may be one of those moments where being smarter outweighs chivalry."After lightly patting his shoulder, the two walked away, with Shania holding onto Emrie's sweatpants. Well ... hers, technically ... but that didn't matter. She was letting him use those, so even if for now they were 'his', so to speak. They would walk into one of the further away tents, where Pocahontas pointed to the wood hovering near the top."Those ... would probably be the best to use."Luckily, there were at least two more, so those could be used for sleeping while this was restricted to keeping clothes kept and allowed to dry."You know, if I made you uncomfortable or anything, you don't have to ... "By the time Shania looked over, Pocahontas had already reached back and pulled her top off. Her cheeks flushed and ... Shania knew she just had to do this. Even if only to get it off her chest ... almost literally, at that rate. "You umm ... I've always thought you were beautiful, honestly. John's lucky to have you."Now Pocahontas took her turn to giggle, "You make it sound like we've done a lot of passionate things. .... Do we partake in such things?""Not a lot, but some."It was the best way to be honest yet still hide some of the more .... explicit details away. In the historical version? They didn't get together. And even though it applied to the sequel and prequel ... it at least gave a more tame explanation on how things went the way they really did.Besides, with the way their world has turned out ... maybe they can get the chance they were denied? Shania wouldn't mind. It was helping keep her hormones in check despite being in front of her favorite Disney princess. She'd never thought of herself as bisexual, but right here and now? Oh, sheknewshe had to be, even if only a little bit."Well? You gonna join me?"Shania found herself now looking at the other Native woman basically nude. A skin made from what seemed to be a bear was covering her but given everything else hanging up even her mother's necklace it didn't leave anything to the imagination. Shania knew, despite not seeing it for herself, that Pocahontas was otherwise nude."Yeah. Sorry .... ""You're beautiful also, Shania."The Iroquois blushed, merely able to only nod in response. When Pocahontas saw Shania's bra, her head tilted again. "What's that?""The most annoying but essential thing created for women. It's called a bra. It ... well, it supports your breasts.""Annoying? It sounds useful.""Oh, it is. But .... some versions are uncomfortable. Mainly ones with wires.""Got a preference?""For?" Shania would be half way out of her jeans and take note of Pocahontas pointing behind her. Specifically, towards several more fur made blankets. One clearly from a fox, one a wolf, and a third that was from .... a rabbit? Likely quite a few, as common sense implied using all of the skin from just one wouldn't be big enough to cover a full grown person. "Probably rabbit. I doubt any of the guys would be able to handle that."Pocahontas grinned, handing it over ... before shifting her gaze at something else. "You ... don't have any hair there?"Shania didn't normally have the urge to faint, but there it was. Her face almost immediately went red, "Um ... mind if we have that talk later? I don't wanna keep them waiting forever." A sigh of relief resounded as she saw Pocahontas offer an affirmative nod, seeming to understand they'd already been gone for quite a while as it was."Hope you're ready! We're coming back!" Pocahontas called out.Her right arm would firmly keep her own blanket shut. A still somewhat blushing Shania walked out beside her. Meanwhile, each woman had one of the remaining blankets draped over their own."You bothshouldat least take these, regardless of whether you keep your clothing on or not. So ... who wants which?" Pocahontas inquired.
Emrie Young amp John Smith As the ladies departed Emrie just smirked at John, the thought of being naked around two beautiful women was of course very appealing to Emrie, but far more satisfying was the fact that Shania had just told the man he was right followed by a vote of confidence by Pocahontas. That was far more satisfying.John seemed frustrated for a moment, and then started to work pulling off his drenched shirt, followed by the mans jeans and long johns, The britishman had a few different under layers, but once they were all shed Emrie couldn't help but chuckle for a moment."It's cold." John said as he sat next to the fire, now naked and pale. Blond body hair displayed through out his body, unlike Emrie's body which was more maintained. A lack of chest hair marked the native male, which lead down to a trimmed and well kept cock hair. where John had a rather thick never shaved bush of blond hair."No, no i'm sure it's average for your era, it's just well... I've never actually seen an uncut cock before." Emrie said not really paying attention. "In my time a doctor way back started making outrageous claims, like 'bigger' 'more pleasureful for women' 'more sanitary' the claims were never really looked into and by now it's actually rare to see someone with a foreskin."To prove his point he showed his own. "Infants still die when they do that, it's considered unhealthy right now.""Yeah I get it, no worries, you don't have to defend your manhood with me man, was just observing.""You really don't have any shame." John shook his head in disbelief."Why should I?" Emrie said. "The human body is amazing, it's not something that needs to be hidden, and I have no compulsion to hide myself. I'm not exactly a nudist, but I also have no problem with the way I am."The girls shouted that they were coming back, and that there was need to brace themselves. "I got john out of his stuff!" He called back to the two women.When they walked back and offered blankets Emrie took the fox skin rug, while John took a wolf. Emrie reached out for a moment touching the soft bunny fur of Shania's blanket. "Wow... okay I think Cruela was onto something, fur feels great."With the blankets covering them, and finally out of the wet clothing, Emrie was watching the sky for a moment, the sun was still high enough that it was warm in the air, and he was still shivering. His eyes occasionally would wonder towards his sister, and Pocahontas's bodies, but for the most part he was laying back trying to recover. His eyes would wonder back to Shania. today was almost his last day on this planet, there were things he wanted to do, talk about, but where were the words that he was looking for? it was difficult in the current situation.John stood up, for a moment, though he tried to keep himself contained with his blanket, he was in a postion that was uncomfortable for him, and it showed, his cock erecting just because it was close to two beautiful women whom were naked, his old time morals told him that he should at least be near the tent, away from the women of the team, but in standing up to move he remembered why they were all huddled around the fire to begin with, as he was still a bit weak. Sitting down came slower to him than it should have. He looked towards Pocahontas, his support and pillar over everything that had happened. John moved a touch closer to her. "What other worlds do you know of?"Emrie blinked looking at the sky. "I'm not sure. We know at least four have to exist now. This one, lets call it the new world, then there is the one Kefka came from. When we started we were approached by two messengers both from different places where magic existed in various levels. The only thing that really unites everything here is magic."Emrie held out a hand. "If I had to explain it, when I was drowning I saw it all, the flow of how magic worked. It's like a stream or river, the constant flow of energy, and I saw the strings that Kefka was pulling to do his magic." He focused, though the task was difficult, when he closed his eyes it wasn't impossible to recreate that feeling, He breathed deeply, focusing on the strings."Elemental stuff, was just Kefka pulling a string, moving the energy from one place to another, like this." Emrie held his hand out, and the fire that they were sitting next too, moved to his command, as Emrie stayed calm the small amount of fire he had picked up rested in his hand. The embers beating like a small heart beat. It was however very hot, and didn't last too long though he did hold the fire safely, after a few seconds it vanished from his grip."It's a spark, just not sure how to... use it yet." Emrie said softly. His eyes closed he felt more calm now.When Emrie opened his eyes he was sure that what he was about to ask would be rejected but he knew he had to ask if today was going to be the last one he wanted no secrets. "Shania tonight would you make love with me?" His eyes searched out hers to see her reaction and to show he was serious about the question.
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Well now .... A small smirk of amusement crossed Pocahontas' face as she took note that John actually had stripped. Interesting, for sure. He could have his stubborn moments, much like she could. So it was interesting to see the English explorer cave in. He likely did it because it was the right thing to do, particularly if there were medical concerns like Shania voiced.Still ... this hadn't been the sight she expected to return to.After handing John the wolf fur, Pocahontas leaned down and hurried off to hang John's clothes up. Immediately afterwards though, the princess rejoined the others. All four seemed to wear a similar look, and it held the unspoken question of 'now what?' still lingering in the four individuals' eyes."Not with puppies," Shania bitterly replied, her head shaking quickly as the101 Dalmatiansreference was brought up. A soft chuckle replaced the annoyed tone as she simply explained, "Another movie back in my world.""You have a lot, huh?""Literally thousands. Hundreds of thousands, to be more precise. But yes, yes we do."Shania would tilt her hand as John inquired about worlds and Emrie spoke up. "Like you said, those are messengers. As far as whether they're all where we'll go ... that we don't know. It's a bit of a wild card in that regard. I think the best bet, John, is we have guesses. Anything truly definite? Nope."Finally, Emrie spoke up about managing to understand even if only with the bare minimum how their magic worked. Shania grinned, scooting closer and looking hopefully at her brother. If Pocahontas took note of John's hard on, she wasn't paying attention. Not out of disrespect, but Emrie was on the right track. The immediate concern was dealing with Kefka and figuring out how to defeat him.Especially considering they had failed in finding any Magicite to start with."Lemme see ... " Shania murmured, holding her own hand out, with the palm facing upward. She took a moment, ten seconds at most, and chose an element. Water ... it was typically calming. She'd always had an odd fascination with the liquid something that didn't hit her until her eyes closed and she took the time and effort to think back on it. From waterfalls to hot springs, almost any location that had some significant or intriguing, at the very least body of water tended to grab her attention in some form or fashion.When the same aura registered, Shania opened one eye, looking at a pleased looking Pocahontas."This though ... there's no way this is nearly enough. We're gonna need a lot more to actually direlywoundKefka.""But it's a start!" Pocahontas tried to reassure Shania, who slowly nodded."I mean ... it is, but ... "And that was when Emrie's priorities all but crashed. Veered very off course. Shania glanced over at her brother in shock and disbelief. "You're joking ... right? Did ... did you not hear what Pocahontas hinted earlier? Kefka already broughtthatimplication up not long ago. What? You wanna beat him in another way, is that it?!""I don't think he ""Let me hear it from him, then! Actually ... no. Sorry, no ... I ... I don't want to .... "Shania bowed her head, biting onto her lower lip before standing up. "I'm gonna go to bed early. I'm not really hungry. I'll get a bath in the morning .... ""And hopefully we can do that with a goddamn strategy," she added, turning and leaving the others to themselves as she entered one of the nearby tents. Poor Pocahontas looked torn. On one hand, she appeared ready to go try to comfort Shania. And then on the other, she was curious and wanting to ask questions. The main thing restricting her was the uncertainty if any of them mattered. Even still, it didn't stop the main one from leaving her lips, "Is ... this normal for siblings? To offer to sleep with one another?"Pocahontas may not have actually indulged in any carnal pleasures, but she wasn't ignorant to what Kefka's threats had meant involving. Her fatherhadwanted her to marry Kocoum after all. With marriage would come the other 'duties' of being a wife.
Emrie Young amp John Smith John shook his head, a touch dumb founded, his mouth agap at what he had just witnessed when it came to the siblings relationship. Emrie was for his part sitting up, and actually looking kinda hurt from the words that she had all but screamed at him. He let out a small sigh closing his eyes for a moment after Shania was gone. John's only verbal reaction was an answer to Pocahontas's question. "Not where I am from.""Nope it's completely insane." Emrie said rubbing his face for a moment, he hoped Shania was still listening, because he wanted to explain himself and his mind set. "In all honesty It's not a new thought for me though. Shania sometimes has a job in our world where she takes off her clothing for money. It's not something I would ever hold against her, and till yesterday she didn't even know I knew.""It was around the time that she took the job, and I saw her during one of her shifts that I first started having the fantasies, and dreams." Emrie admitted, again hoping that Shania would hear his explanation along with the other two. "and to an extent I know that's wrong as well, Shania is a lot more than just her body, if it were just lust I would not have asked the way I did. I wouldn't have mentioned it at all honestly. I can be a bit of a clueless airhead, but I know enough to know that Shania values herself and her body above everything.""I was dying today, I almost did die, and in that moment the last thing I looked for was Shania, I couldn't hear anything going on outside the bubble, I caught the implication, and I know Kefka enough to know how he would approach that, it's vile, and I don't like that I was compared to him, but, I also can't fault Shania for doing it.""So than why ask at all?" John said rightly a touch worried about the answer, if the man had known his question would have gone poorly why even try to bridge that gap? why try to make that question at all? "Seems to me like all you did was cause yourself and her a bit of pain by doing that.""When I was dying I realized that I don't really think of Shania as just my sibling. I'm an alcoholic, In my world I drank a lot, and it caused problems. On the ship, I found a bottle of wine, and the only reason I left the cabin sober was because it hit me that I would be disappointing her if i didn't. While I was dying I realized I loved her, that I wanted to love her as more than just a sibling. that....""Well like my offer said, I wanted to make love with her. But I'm probably the only one under the delirious idea that is remotely possible.""Today we survived, tomorrow we may not, life seemed far too short to try and live with any regrets or shame, If I didn't ask then and then there is a timeline or a world where I never ask. The rejection hurts, but at least now I know it's not possible." Emrie got up to his feet ditching his blanket, fully exposing himself to the group causing john to instinctively look away."I like you two, in your movie you two never got together, but there was clearly something there. If you had a chance to be happy even for a night, to share an intimate moment with the singular person you love wouldn't you take it?" He shrugged, and walked off towards a different tent. "Love you Shania!" He called back to his sister, he had made sure to speak loudly, the cloth was only so thick. He hoped that his explanation would suffice the motives, but he knew what he had done was a big ask, he wasn't cold anymore."good night you two, don't do anything I wouldn't do."John was left a touch bashful at the comments about their movie, but he also wasn't moving away from her, he didn't really have a clue what to say to any of what Emrie had just said.
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Emrie had been right in his guess. Shania didn't fall asleep immediately upon laying down in the tent. She was on her side, looking like that was the case. But all it would take was one peek to see she was switching between closing her eyes or listening, very much alert. Wide eyed, even. He'd ... had these fantasies?Am I just that fucking blind? Or stupid? Maybe the latter, but definitely not blind. A barely audible sigh resounded as she nuzzled into the furs. If he was purposely attempting to guilt trip her, it was only partly working. Deep down, Shania knew she had over reacted. A little bit .... but enough to admit it even to herself. And yet, at the same time, he was pleading guilty to his own 'crimes'. Namely being selfish ... more so given he confessed that despite not hearing Kefka's exact words, he put two and two together well enough to realize what he intended to do.Asshole ... Shania bitterly thought, rolling so she was facing the flap of the tent. Clearly expecting Emrie to enter this one .... and then felt torn when he didn't. Relieved, annoyed, lonely ... all of those emotions and more.Pocahontas was also conflicted, though for different reasons. And the strongest came in the form of yet another valid point Emrie had brought up. He and John had both almost died. And just like he implied, she'd felt ... something."Have I mentioned... that I love you?" Particularly when he tossed that question over, there had indeed been 'something'. He'd wanted to do more Pocahontas had been able to sense that much. She just knew he hadn't because ... well, they needed to get away from Kefka first and foremost.So ... if it were just us two here ... would he have ... ?? Nowshe was looking right into John's eyes, as if the orbs held the answers."What doyouwant?" she asked softly, grabbing the fox fur off the grass and draping it over her own shoulders as a secondary coat. "I ... haven't forgotten we're not alone anymore. But Emrie, once again, is right about one specific thing. We may not live through tomorrow. Thereisa chance any of us could die."Slowly, Pocahontas intertwined her hand with one of John's."Knowing that is a danger we'll all have to face .... do you really want to take the chance of .... ignoring what we both feel for one another in hopes of having a less awkward opportunity arrive?"Her head slowly shook."On one hand, I kind of don't wish to. And yet ... their presence makes it hard to ... consider indulging in these feelings. Would it be odd to say I'd feel more comfortable if Shania agreed and they could ... have their moment?"Only slightly,Shania internally answered. The actual words got caught in her throat ... likely because she decided it was for the best to keep up the illusion she had just fallen asleep. She didn't want to startle either John or Pocahontas, and shedefinitelydidn't want to ruin any chancetheyhad at being together. The movie had done that more than enough times as it was.Maybewhen if, even they got back, sure. Shania could better consider it. But right now, she was being selfish just like Emrie was. Among other things, but the easiest emotion she'd be alright admitting to was being selfish. Now, though? She was curious and a slight bit envious.Would John accept? Or would everyone just try to go to sleep?Shania quietly sat up, waiting to hear the answer to this question.
Emrie Young amp John Smith John felt Pocahontas take his hand. He couldn't help but smile and look at her for a moment, as she spoke about them, and what they were going through. He had to admit that it did feel a bit awkward. He didn't let go of her hand, as he leaned closer to her. Understanding everything that was being said, he had to slightly agree things did feel a bit tense and awkward."Honestly it's a touch awkward either way." Though considering how Emrie had spoken he was pretty sure that he had just played match maker with them, he sort of did want to help them out, but suggesting that someone else go have sex felt... really awkward. Emrie could do so because he had no shame, John on the other hand couldn't be that direct. "But yes it probably would have been easier if the two of them had... gone off together."He looked at Pocahontas though, seeing the elegant beautiful woman in front of him, he relaxed and took a breath. She and Emrie were right, he couldn't deny that. He moved closer to her, touching her long dark hair for a moment, moving his lips to touch against hers. His hands lightly caressing Pocahontas's back, giving a less verbal answer to all of the questions, as the kiss became more intense and he held her a touch closer.When the kiss broke he looked at her more decided, and less afraid of his own answer, his feelings made up. "Yes, I want to take this step with you."Off in the distance from Emree's tent came a very loud 'woop woop.'"Perhaps with more seriousness than Emrie would put it." He touched her tanned darker skin, and smiled at the contrast of the two of them. "But I have to agree with those feelings. I am in love with you, and the future is... uncertain."He stood up, picking up the blanket, and working to put out the fire. "I want to take that step, but perhaps a little away from the camp, leave them to sort out their own feelings, and allow us to go to a place where Emrie can't hear us." He only spoke about the other male, but the truth was he wasn't sure how either of the siblings would react to the noises of him becoming intimate with Pocahontas, and while it was something that he wanted, he also did not want to hear any commentary on the matter."Perhaps some privacy will do them some good as well." John said reaching out to take her hand. He allowed her to take the lead on where to go, the area surrounding the camp was rather secure, and they had blankets. He looked up at the sky. "Something about doing this under the stars, kinda feels right." He said with a soft smile on his face. Emrie was sitting up in one of the tents, he had just listened to everything that had happened, and was debating talking to Shania, going back to her, and seeing what she had to say, He knew she wasn't asleep. He hadn't gone to her tent, because some part of him had wondered if she would come after him, but he wasn't so selfish as to sit here and think that she actually would come to him.He stood up, slowly, stepping out of the Tikki and walking over to hers. "Shania, can i come in?" He asked softly. "If you don't want me too, than I can go back to my own, but I'd rather not... for a number of reasons. chief among them being it's very far from you."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Pocahontas took a low, sharp breath as John's hand rose and wove slowly through her black locks. It was an incredibly simple touch ... which made the extra feelings that accompanied the relaxation all the more stronger. Even with the past few days having been almost literally a living hell, she felt calmed ... wanted ... safe .... and ... something else. Aroused?Probably. It was the best assumption she could make with her own body.A soft shiver would be next as his hand trailed along her back. Maybe it was subconscious, but after a while it felt like John was making patterns. Or ... maybe Pocahontas was simply over thinking for once. Both were possible."That ... feels really good. Mmmhh ... "When the kiss arrived, Pocahontasknewfor sure the last emotion she'd began to feel from simply having her hair caressed had been arousal. A faint scent formed in between her legs. Her crotch got wet not overly, but noticeable enough to take note that these touches were definitely doing their job in properly effecting her.The whooping from Emrie made Pocahontas giggle softly. Luckily, the kiss had ended by then, and so she felt less guilty about reacting in what could be deemed an inappropriate way."Mhm, agreed. He ... doesn't need to see or heareverythingwe do."Her voice had lowered, ensuring only John could hear her voice. "Hopefully he'll wise up and make up with Shania somehow."Besides, if they did end up making love ... they'd likely want their own privacy. It was a win win as far as Pocahontas was concerned.Unfortunately, with them using a new camp site, many of the more romantic or at least familiar locations wasn't an option. They'd moved away from all of those the moment everyone got on the canoe and headed to John's ship. Admittedly, that did cross Pocahontas' mind putting themselves right beside the canoe.In the end, she decided against it. It wastooclose to the shore which, under normal circumstances, she wouldn't have cared about.However, with the four of them being sought after by dangerous people, putting themselves in plain sight wasn't wise.So, she did an in between. In running distance of both the camp and shore, should they need to head one direction or the other. Pocahontas would then pull the furs off, starting with the fox Emrie had given up and placing that down first. Her hands shook slightly as the doe fur that had concealed her own flesh was slowly put down beside the fox blanket."It ... actually does feel right somehow, yes. John? Umm ... do you even know ... what we're supposed to do, exactly?" Shania sighed, feeling a bit disappointed. But then again, considering Emrie had actuallycheeredwhen they kissed, it wasn't too amazing the couple had left. Still ... some part of her had secretly hoped they'd stay nearby.Shania was by no means a voyeur. Not usually, anyway. But at least this once, she wouldn't have minded exploring that side of herself. Respect really had been the only thing keeping her from pressing her lips against Pocahontas' not too long ago. Otherwise .... shameful as it was to think about, Shania wouldn't have minded making out with her.Or more, even.Her face burned as she rolled again, her thighs pressing tightly together.Now how the hell is this fair? You bitch Emrie out, but are having your own wishes and fantasies? The soft rabbit fur was both helping and not. It hid her nipples, which had gotten a bit stiff from simple what if scenarios going through her head.Maybe ... would now be the right time to take Emrie up on his offer? At least itwouldbe consensual. She hadn't been so hasty to forget about that much. It was just ... the timing. It really had been kinda okay scratch that, very crappy on her brother's behalf.Shania quickly pushed herself so she was sitting up, the white blanket barely still covering herself. Her heart pounded as she stared towards the flaps ... and slowly nodded her head after taking a bit to decide if she wanted to see Emrie or not." ... Go on. Please do. I umm ... didn't know if you were still awake."It wasn't a half assed lie, either. Sometimes, he'd talked in his sleep. Apparently, she had too. So for all Shania knew, the 'whoop' could have been something he did on instinct. Apparently not, it seemed something that became very clear as he walked in. This time, though, Shania steeled herself,expectinghim to be nude this time around."Okay, so ... maybe I do owe you a bit of an apology. I did kinda over react ... but evenyouadmitted I wasn't completely wrong, so ... "Shania shrugged."I guess .... we're even in that regard?"
Emrie Young amp John Smith John watched the fur blanket fall from Pocahontas's body revealing her entire self to him. He felt a swift chill run up his back, he was feeling more confident in this than he probably was earned. She asked him if he knew what to do, and he nodded. He took off his own blanket showing his body, his upper body had already been revealed to her, but now she would see the blond hair around his pelvis, the cock that was hard, yet still in it's shieth looking very different from when Emrie had walked around fully exposed to the elements.He blushed slightly as he added his blanket to the group of others, and smiled towards Pocahontas. "Do I know what to do, in a sense yes." He said softly. He moved closer to her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder, caressing her, his hand trailed down her side, gently taking her hand. His face moved closer to hers, till his lips once again locked with hers. While they kissed, his free hand ran up her thigh, and around her back, softly touching her ass, before rolling up her back and pulling her entire body close to him in a hug.He guided her down to the bed they had made, holding her gently, the kiss broke, and he smiled to her. "I've never actually done this mind you.""But basically this." He brought her hand to his cock, taking a moment to pull back the shiethed head to reveal the thick red tip of his cock. "Goes inside of this." the hand on her back trailed down between her dark tanned legs, and ran along the hair of her push, finding that sensitive fold of skin, and the soft entrance, before his finger could slide inside of her.She felt warm, and wet and his finger didn't have much of an issue sliding inside of her. He sighed for a moment as he watched her reactions, trying to gauge how to make her feel the most pleasure in the situation. "from what I have read, this is supposed to feel very... good." He said softly, though he honestly didn't know much about sex, some part of him actually wished the siblings were around, at least then he knew Emrie would be shouting suggestions even if they would have been rather crude. When he was invited in he opened the flap, and walked into the tent. He was suddenly reminded that these things were designed to house entire families, the Tikki felt kinda big when it was just the two of them. He sat down on his knees across from Shania, trying to suss out exactly how his sister was feeling at the moment, he knew his timing around all of this had been bad, but like he had explained outside, it had felt like the right thing to do basically now more than ever the time pressure was upon them.He smiled a bit when she said she owed him an apology. "Admittedly, I know why I shouldn't have asked the way I did, I should have... done something or anything to speak to you, but... I've actually been very afraid of all of this. These feelings weren't something I could just talk about. Now that you know I can't really turn back the dial and make you forget, so either the entire bandaid had to go out, or i had to keep my silence forever.""Timing, was dumb, but like I said... I had to take this step, and take a chance, because I have loved and wanted you for a long time, it's one of the reasons I tried to keep you at arms length the past year or two... because I'm an idiot and I never handled these emotions well.""So I am sorry, I never meant to devalue you."He reached out, gently, hesitantly, touching his sister's shoulder. She was still wearing the fur blanket and it was honestly difficult to see her like this, because he wanted her, badly, it actually showed on his face, he bit his lower lip, there was a slight tremble to him, and his eyes kept looking down over her."Have I ever told you, that you are beautiful?" He said with a soft chuckle, a bit of a blush coming across his features, making his skin grow a touch darker. "I... am actually really bad at this. I don't know where to start, if you even... want me, and it's all i can focus on."He wasn't lying, his cock was thick and errect just from looking at his sister with a blanket on, he had no idea how he would react if that came off.
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Pocahontas moaned softly, her lips pressing lightly but sensually against John's as another kiss started up. Her heart was starting to race ... and this was just from a kiss? Or ... no. It couldn't bethatsimple, could it? She was confused ... but excited. Curious. Wanting to know what more there was to these activities.Therewasmore ... right?Thankfully, the answer was yes, though none of it revealed until after John got a few more touches along her body in. From her shoulder to her thigh, eventually going up to her back ... and back down again. To her rear which ... made her blush, for some reason. Like they were doing somethingverytaboo.Granted, that wasn't completely wrong. But at the same time, especially after her entire tribe being murdered, it was no longer a worry. The man her father had wanted her to marry was gone, so ... wouldn't it be right to move on? To do this with someone else? Let alone someone she actually cared about?Kocoum ... he had always been more like an elder brother to her. She never even really looked at him as a potential lover like her father had done.Then again, she hadn't looked atanyoneas someone she wished to be intimate with. She had been exactly as her father often said to everyone else veryfree spirited and independent.But now? She was slowly understanding that Emrie had been right about the 'something being there' part of his talk. There definitely was ... she could sense that much the longer the touches went on.Explain it? Fuck no. But it made her feel less guilty and more eager to see how sex worked."You ... haven't? I'm your first then?"A smile came to her face as she elaborated, "I wouldn't really be mad or anything if you'd found someone else. Just as long as that was a past indulgence. You're handsome, and I can't imagine I'm the first woman you've been around ever ... or am I wrong with that guess?" Her head slowly lowered as he pointed to his cock and gestured in between her legs. The bright red tinges only got stronger."Are ... you sure? It doesn't seem like it fits, but .... "Her head tossed back, a long moan passing her lips as John began gently fingering her."R Read? You ... ohhh .... h have books on this?"Thatwas certainly an interesting thought. Was that true with Shania and Emrie's world too? Probably, if the fact they came from four hundred plus years in the future was any indication to go off of. For now, though, she gave all of her attention to John and his fingers, her hips lightly bucking when it felt right to do so."Yes ... oh, John. This feels amazing!" Shania remained completely, utterly silent while Emrie spoke. Which, for him, was a very good thing. It was when Shania spoke up and interrupted that it hinted she wasreallyupset with anyone. She hadn't done that many times which went to show how patient the woman normally was. Even still, there had been instances where Shania had been so angry, frustrated, or even both emotions that she refused to hear anyone out.Mainly classmates, but there had been a small handful of moments where those memories involved other family members. Mainly aunts or distant relatives that not even their parents kept in touch with nowadays.Regardless, those memories were likely still in Emrie's mind ... should he go back and think on them at any point in time.Even after he finished, Shania didn't immediately speak up. Her arms first crossed over her concealed chest, helping ensure the blankets didn't fall away. Finally, a soft breath passed her lips as she glanced down, staring at the additional furs littering the tent."Okay. Let's ... pretend I agree to this and say yes. The thing with this, Emrie, is it doesn't fix what we do about Kefka. It just ... doesn't."Her head lifted, a small grin adorning her face as he complimented her appearance, "Very few have, and even less mean it. Thanks all the same."Shania's teeth latched onto her lower lip, slowly nodding as she mulled over the thought, "I mean .... yes, this was often used as a morale booster. And I'm not gonna say it isn't needed. But then .... that just goes back to the same concern I voiced earlier. It's an annoying, vicious cycle. And yet ... I won't pretend that the thought ofwillinglylosing my innocence, let alone to someone with far better intentions ... it would be highly preferred. I guess .... where I'm going with this is .... I doubt Kefka's the last 'threat' we have to worry about that topic. And that .... it scares me. Because .... "Shania's voice shook as she continued."What if the next person goes from 'threats' to just .... doing it? Even if you beat them in being my first, it .... Emrie, do you get why I'm hesitant? It kinda feels .... redundant in its own regards. And ... I don't know. Part of why I'm still a virgin really is because I don't just want to give that to literally anyone. Nor do I want to feel like Ihaveto at the expense of avoiding a violent and probably brutal rape."Her head slowly fell upon her knees, which pulled up against her chest."I'm ... I don't know. It's not a definite yes ... nor vice versa and an outright no. I didn't even know you felt this way to start, and I'm already having to registerthatknowledge as it is. I'm sorry, Emrie. That's the best answer I can offer you. If you can behave, though ... feel free to stay. I wouldn't mind the company, just ... nothing overly intimate. Please."Shania's smile widened as she added, "Thank you, by the way. I appreciate knowing you were able to avoid the alcohol. That definitely does mean a lot to me."
Emrie Young amp John Smith Romance novel's of Johns time were rather explicit in their detailing, though they weren't something he would ever read to Pocahontas allowed, mostly because they all spawned from London, and London was obsessed with her world conquests. This very scene of the civilized good British soldier making love to the mystic and 'savage' native girl to correct her, had played out in a few of them, to say it was a popular fantasy was an understatement.But it was always a fantasy, and that could not live up to the real thing, the heat, and touch of Pocahontas's body, the thrill of feeling her hips, moving like a beating heart to his touches, he smiled at her. He didn't really think it was a proper subject to talk about, his past relationships, but he supposed he could try."The brittish Isles hold many women, but i'm rarely at the isles of my home. I've been sailing since I was old enough to be on a ship, since i was 14, and i've been working just as long." He moved to kiss her neck, gently, nibbling at her skin as he played with her, his other hand touching her breast, his thumb rubbing her errect nipple."I've been to hundreds of isles, and lots of lands, but never stayed in one place long enough to get to know any of the women I met. This." He spoke to the act they were in the midst of exploring."Is not something I would do with another woman." He kissed her, his tongue flickering against hers, before his lips left her, and went down her skin, moving to her breasts, feeling her full cleavage, his tongue ran along her darker aerola. His blue eyes looking up to her native brown, a small smile on his face.the implication was implicit, he hadn't trusted the other women enough to get this close to him, had always left before he could settle down, and start something. "I don't want to leave you." He said under soft breaths."I don't think... I'm going back to london." Emrie adjusted the way he was sitting, moving so that his back was towards his sisters, he lightly pressed the skin of his back to hers, leaning on her, and yet supporting her as he did so that she could lean on him. This also had the added benifit of putting her body out of his mind, so that he didn't have to keep wanting to look at her, which was rough, because he really did want to look at her.She said she wanted him to stay, and so he would. "You know I would never hurt you right?" He said with a soft smile. "And I'm with you to the end, I won't leave you."She spoke on her fears of what could happen next, and nodded, the next one threatening someone may not be a threat. He could think of a handful of others who would be very bad at holding back, Frolo from hunchback had an entire song about how he wanted to touch a woman. He sighed gently, and nodded. "I... didn't really want to think about it as beating someone else to it, or taking something from you. I want to share and bask in it, does that make any sense? the way i word it is very important to me, i want to make love with you, I don't see you as something I can own or take.""I see you as a strong powerful woman, for whom i would do almost anything. But then I'm always a touch simple. I admit Shania, I'm terrified, not just of Kefka, but of everything. I've been shot, drowned set on fire, and arrested, and that's just in the last three days. Kefka is powerful, and that power scares me.""The difference between us and Kefka is that he has more experience with magic than us. We also don't really have any items, or anything that would really make the difference in a battle. But there is something to us now."To prove his point he held his hand away from both of them, breathing, and letting a small fire burst from his hand, before it was gone in a puff of warmth and smoke. "Heh, I'm like zuko up in here." He said trying to give a moment of levity towards her. "and I don't know what more threats lurk out there, but I know i will be at your side with you when we face them.""Yes, Kefka is strong, and yes we need a plan, but we have both felt it now, we know that there is at least something we can do against his power. Fire is in many ways the simplist of magic spells, the first magic spell according to final fantasy. From which all others, even healing magic was born. So hey we have a starting point. The sad thing is that we don't have either the time nor expertise to defeat him, but remember what he said, that sending us back would be like cutting a string?" The idea sparked a small if hopefully foolish revelation."Well if it's true for us, than it has to be true for him, we don't need to beat Kefka, we just need him to not be here. Unsummon him to borrow a term from magic the gathering. This isn't his home, that means there is a way to send him back.""If we can do that I'd call it a win." He admitted it wasn't much of a plan, not really, but it was something. "And if we can take down Kefka, than fuck i say we can take down anyone.""I'd say this.... you are not just anyone to me Shania, and I wouldn't have made any pass at you, or offer like this, if I wasn't planning to stand by you with everything. The reason I could walk away from the alcohol was because your voice hit my head. You made that easier for me."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Pocahontas nodded, quietly listening. Well ... she was mostly silent for the duration of the talk. John would definitely earn content sighs and moans as he continued to work on her body. Her nipples had gotten a bit hard from simply being out in the open, as well as seeing John's body. But now that she was being fingered and slowly teased. They had gotten even more stiff. The small, perky nubs got yetmorearoused as John actuallytouchedthem, using both fingers and mouth to do so."Oh gods, yes!"Her cheeks blushed as she silenced herself, looking sheepish."A Am I ... not supposed to say that?"Probably an odd question, considering she hadn't even cursed or been crude. But as someone who had never experimented ortriedbeing sensual with anyone before,everythingwas feeling as new as it was incredible. She wanted to doeverythingright ... or as close to that as possible."I'm ... honored to know you don't ... want anyone else."Her eyes softened as he mentioned not wanting to go back home. She began to respond to that ... but decided discussion that could be done later. Instead, a much simpler and more fair inquiry was voiced, "Do ... do you want me to touch you also?" "Well, yeah. And that's one reason I'm actually considering agreeing, because you wouldn't hurt me. Not intentionally, anyway."There was supposed to be that brief five to thirty seconds of pain. But that ... that was inevitable, as far as Shania had been taught. Afterwards? Every second of pleasure was supposed to make up for a hymen being removed."It ... makes enough sense, yes. Honestly, my mind is a lot more focused on trying to deal with Kefka than sex, but ... I do think I understand what you're trying to say well enough. I never really thought you viewed me as something to own, but the clarification is appreciated.""Especially since there may be a chance someone will use that as what to look at me as." Like they'd earnestly told John and Pocahontas, they only saw 'messengers'. Whether they were going to be summoned to those same worlds or not wasn't a known factor. The only thing that could truly be a given was ... it would be dangerous. That would be a fact regardless of where they ended up going to.But ... some would likely be worse than others, yes."Hmmm .... "When Emrie brought up a way to unsummon Kefka, her head nodded. "That definitely makes sense, yes. But ... is there such a spell even? I remember inFinal Fantasy XYuna could do that with the Aeons. But that ... that was mainly will power, wasn't it? Either way ... I appreciate the vote of confidence, but ever since we got here? I haven't really felt overly strong. Yes, we've found out we were the right 'chosen ones'. But ... so far, everything's been discovered on a whim. We can't do that the next time we face Kefka."Shania paused, taking a moment to repeat her last sentence before correcting her words, "Well .... we technicallycould. But it wouldn't be wise to use mere whims or pure will power to figure a way to unbanish him."Until the battle arrived, though ... even the younger Iroquois understood that, for the most part, there wasn't as much of a real reason to focustooheavily on those what ifs. Which thus led her back to the real reason Emrie was sitting behind her, the two of them back to back."I .... "Shania sighed softly as she trailed off."Some part of me wants to say 'yes' with no hesitations. But I want to do that for the right ones. And as of this very moment? I wouldn't call most of them the 'best' nor 'correct' ones to offer. It wouldn't be overly fair, especially if you really are serious about wanting to actually make love and have a lot more than a mere fling."Another pause would hang in the air before finally, Shania piped up once more." .... Mind relaying at least one of your fantasies to me? Now you've got me curious."There was more to that, though he could probably pick up on that. Itwas, admittedly, somewhat of a test. Mainly with his honesty. Nonetheless, Shania was being completely serious about being intrigued on what Emrie had thought about doing with and to her before. It was just much more than mere interest that made her toss the question over.
Emrie Young amp John Smith John shrugged when she asked if she wasn't supposed to take the lords name in vain, at this point it was a moot point, considering what they were doing went against the church at least as he understood it. Plus with what the siblings had said, gods weren't exactly uncommon anymore. "You can say, whatever you please." He gave her a small playful smile.When she asked if he wanted to be touched, he nodded, and adjusted himself. He found himself oddly laying with his head closer to Pocahontas's thigh, she after all needed to be able to reach him in order to touch him.He with drew his fingers from her pussy for a moment, promising that he would get back to that, and noticing how wet she was, he drew her attention to his cock, taking her hand gently leading it with his own to take his penis. An act that had John embarassed, his face glowing a slight red as she touched him."You'll want to stroke it like so, hold me gently in your hands, a steady rhythm." He said using one hand to gently hold her and show her how to stroke him.He then left her hands to do as she pleased, once he felt like she understood how to pleasure him, and went back to touching her, but a small idea came into his mind with his head now so close to her thigh,his fingers spread out the lighter toned skin of her wet folds. Spreading away her hair, and revealing the skin.And then John hesitantly brought his tongue into the mix, touching her clit like he had her breast. Rolling his tongue over the sensitive nerve ending, and taking in the oddly unique taste of Pocahontas's sexual juices. Not at all unpleasant in his opinion. Emrie shrugged when she asked what spell could possibly rip at the fabric of reality like that. Magic was a lot more moldable than he thought it was. There was no spell to drown and hold someone in a water prison in the game, so he had no idea exactly what spell would simply unmake someone or send them back from wherever they had come from undoing their tresspass into this reality."I have... no idea." He said softly with a shrug. "Magic seems to be a lot more flexible than I had ever believed it to be, so I have no idea how it works, will and imagination don't sound terrible, i mean, final fantasy usually the win is via the power of friendship, it wouldn't be the first time." He chuckled slightly.Then Shania asked him about his fantasies and he swallowed hard, she would feel his body tremble for a second as he let out a nervous laugh. "Um... wow you actually wanna hear that stuff? I mean... um, okay yeah.""So... um... fuck." Emrie had to calm himself down and breath for a moment, his hand on his face feeling slightly embarassed his entire face lit up, with a dumb smile on his face."I suppose there are a few, the big thing is that I actually usually invision you with a costume of some sort. Believe it or not one of my recurring dreams would have been having you dress up as one of the princesses, considering that you liked them so much I thought it would have been pretty amusing to do some sort of disney roleplaying." Saying that now sounded really weird. "Some part of me thought you would find that fun.""So the one time I actually went into a sex shop though, just to look around and see what I might have liked, i didn't end up buying anything, but well, I saw a few things I would have liked to try. Bondage, well I bought some tape stuff only adhears to it's self so it can't pull your hair or anything, it's easier to use than say rope, which i personally never learned to use, um...""Jeesus, i feel like if I keep talking your probably gonna look at me weird." She hadn't told him to stop however, so he decided to simply go into one of his more re occuring fantasies. "One of the big ones, is... well you know how I have zero issues with walking around naked and everything? When I saw you stripping, I kinda thought maybe you took after me. A sort of nudest house hold as it were. I guess it isn't really a sexual fantasy so much as a domestic one, but I kinda don't really like clothing, and I've had dreams about us living together in a nudest inviroment, more than that though, public outings, sexual trists in yards of peoples home, where we could be caught or seen. That's probably one of my biggest fantasies.""It's that or putting you in a pair of cat ears and having you meow for me to be my sexy kitty on a leash and collar, but usually more so the first three..." Emrie was waiting for her to either start laughing at him, or to just push him away.
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Pocahontas' own face went red as she allowed John to guide her hand to his erect member. It was good that he was reassuring her she'd done nothing wrong. But every second that ticked by made her unable to help but feel they truly were engaging in .... 'something', as Emrie had put it. Some part of her thought it wasverytaboo, and yet .... another part of the princess didn't care so much. If doing things like this was 'bad' ... people were foolish.Because it was feelingamazing.And they hadn't even gotten to actual sex yet at least not from what John had hinted."Steady ... " she repeated, nodding after thinking on the word for a few moments. Her father whole tribe, really had often referred to the beat of a drum as 'steady'. Or even rivers.But a rhythm was probably easier to use with how a drum sounded, so ... she took a bit to remember it. Pocahontas had heard her fair share of them being used before. Mainly for war and conflicts, but either way ... it was enough that slowly, she did begin to hear the beat in her memory.Once she got a decent enough idea how it was supposed to go, she began moving her hand accordingly slowly, but in a very methodical pattern."Is this good?" she asked, her eyes widening as a new gasp elicited from John's fingers finding her clit. "Ohhhh! That ... ahh! S So good!" Shania finally managed to chuckle as she heard her brother hint that 'the power of friendship' trope was used in video games also. " ... Hmmm. I'd still prefer having a more definite idea on what we should be doing, but if that's true? Okay. Maybe we can sleep on it, if nothing else."Emrie would feel Shania give a firm, up and down nod ... and maybe even feel her face was a bit warm to indicate she was blushing."You wanna prove you're being serious? Then tell me. Consider this a way of sorts for me to know what I may or may not end up getting into."And listen was exactly what Shania did ... though certain scenarios made her blush much more than others. Hearing him wanting to get as close to becoming a full fledged nudist made her eyes playfully roll. "Not in my house," she'd murmur, going quiet to heed the rest of his words.The normal pause Emrie expected became longer. One minute passed .... two .... almost five, with Shania giving little to no hints on how she reacted. Finally, though, he'd feel her shift slightly against him, at least hinting she hadn't fallen asleep. Seconds later, she'd speak up ... and likely be taken aback."Maybe ... some of those I could consider trying out. A lot more so than others. I don't know about actually meowing to start, but the cat ears, leash, and collar doesn't sound too bad. Nor does the cosplay, but ummm ... I feel like the timing for that would be horrible if we tried right away. A bit too dead on, if you would. Sexy costumes though .... that aspect in general? Perhaps."Finally, Shania would reach back and after some fumbling intertwined one of her hands with one of Emrie's."I'm still a tad bit hesitant on full fledged sex. But ... itwouldhelp if we had our concentration on more than one another by tomorrow. I will admit and agree to that. So .... something else? And see where it leads to?"It wasn't just out of pity or a forced sense of obligation, and he'd be able to pick up on that easily. Even though poor Shania was stammering every now and again, her tone was otherwise completely honest. Bluntly so at some points more so than others."Is that ... fair enough for now?"
Emrie Young amp John Smith 'Mmm' a soft moan escaped John's throat as she started to move her hand to a steady rhytem. the cock responded to her hand motions by enlarging in her hand, becoming more thick, and hard to her soft hands. The tip becoming wet with a small drip of precum escaping the penis head as John's eyes closed for a second and he breathed. It had been a long time since he had touched himself, it wasn't something you could really get away with on a boat, and since he had been running with Pocahontas since he had landed the last opertunity he had was the days of shoreleave he had spent in a stale in at Brittian's shore.The lack of attention showed as John was twitchy, his body reacting to the pleasure immediately as his legs spread apart letting pocahontas have more access to him. John's breathing shuddered and he tried his best to make sure he simply wasn't going to climax just from this. She asked if he was doing good, and he nodded. "Won...derful." He said his breath staggered.His thumb stayed close to pocahontas's clit, running over the sensitive nerve and pinching it against the rest of her smooth wet skin, she seemed about ready to loose her own mind, and considering his head was resting against her thigh, he was in close quarters to watch all of her reactions. His fingers inside of her streatching her out, and pressing against her walls. Finally he made a small leap of faith.His hands moved to hold down her hair, and spread open her legs and pussy. He looked down at her. "Do you... mind if I try something?" He worked on a ship with a dozen other men, talk was often fast and crass, and while normally he didn't pay much attention to it, he had heard this a few times.His tongue made contact with her pussy, circling the entrance lightly getting a taste for how her body was. Immediately it was salty, but not unpleasant so long as his hands were working to keep her hair out of his mouth he could continue his lips kissing over her clit, and working her with his tongue watching her reactions as he went. When she didn't respond all he could hear was the rhythmic fall of her breaths, and Emrie was a touch too afraid to look back and confirm if she was asleep, or if she was trying not to look at him like he was an idiot. He had heard the remark tossing out his nudest idea, which was a shame, he had liked that image of her a lot in his mind, but sometimes fantasies were just images conjured by imagination.Then he felt her hand entwine with his own, and he held onto her for dear life. She spoke and he chuckled a little. "Perhaps not so much the disney costumes, but I'm sure there are a few out there that would look amazing on you." He said with a soft smile. "I think you would make a great playboy bunny."He said with a soft chuckle, it actually felt really good to just get this off his chest, and then she said something that made him smile. Not sex, but something else. "That sounds great."He turned towards her, so that he cold once again see her, and smiled. "I've told you my fantasies." Emrie moved still holding her hand, but bringing himself so he could better see her in the dark of the tent. "Now your turn, tell me yours."Obviously they weren't gonna include him, but he liked the idea of knowing his sisters sexual desires, and seeing if he could make any of them happen tonight."and... well... this is my first time touching a woman, so.... maybe we should start by touching ourselves? Watching and learning."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Pocahontas was, for once, at a loss. Words couldn't have passed her lips even if she weren't occupied pleasuring John's shaft. Thoughts were basically nonexistent. There was only one that even was echoing in her head, and it was repeating over and over like a mantra.How have I never done anything like this before? Gods, how had she never known this sort of bliss existed? Would it have .... well, no matter. She quickly shoved that rhetorical inquiry aside before she could finish hearing it echo in her mind. It really didn't matter, definitely not at this point.Try something else? She hadn't honestly thought there was much more John could introduce her to. So when he implied that wasn't otherwise right ... she quickly shook her head no. No, she wouldnotmind. On the contrary, if there was more to be felt and given, then she was feelingverywilling, able, and eager to experience it all. And so, she waited ... the anticipation becoming more obvious as a few juices trailed slowly down her legs, the scent of arousal becoming more and more prominent.And then ... he pressed his tongue inside."A Ahh! O Oh, gods, John .... "Her head had jerked up out of instinct, the simple gesture making her loss focus for a few moments. If her face hadn't been crimson by now, it definitely was burning. The temperature alone could fool anyone into thinking she'd come down with a fever."A Amaziiiiiiiiing ... mmf ... "Her body shuddered as she opened her mouth, lowering herself back onto John's member and resuming her own oral movements. It was likely some part of her subconscious, but she was barely keeping herself from climaxing. She wanted to wait ... likely to be more 'officially' broken if Pocahontas had to guess. But gods, John was making it more and more difficult with each flick of his tongue for her to continue waiting for him to become her first partner.Pocahontas' body quaked wildly, the tremors and shakes getting rougher and rougher with each passing second.I'm I'm sorry. Y You're too good!Her fingers gripped the furs as she held on tightly. Her hips bucked back, helping drive a bit more of John's tongue and fingers further inside. And finally .. the first of many orgasms rippled through the princess' body, muffled moans and copious juices confirming to the sailor that was indeed what had happened. Shania giggled softly, finally managing to flash Emrie a sly smirk."I think there are better costumes than a playboy bunny, but ... we'll see. I won't shoot it down, mind you. A Anyway, we got time to figure that out."Her mouth started to open in protest as he asked to hear her own fantasies."You'll hate me!"But ... that was likely the exact same thoughts that had crossed his own mind before he admitted what he'd thought about before. Her head turned as she stared down at the rug, looking both embarrassed and even a bit ashamed. Still ... Shania managed to give Emrie a slow up and down nod of her head."Alright. That is fair. You're correct."A long, deep breath elicited as she looked back into her brother's eyes, her hand shaking a bit as she squeezed onto her brother's. "Well," she began to relay, "I'm umm ... glad you promised you weren't wanting this to try to beat or claim me in place of Kefka or anything, but honestly? Some part of me kind ofhaswanted to be ... well, taken like that."A sheepish grin mingled in, though it didn't make her feel any less mortified about saying it out loud."I know that makes what almost happened pretty ironic, but ... I guess that's the difference in planning and agreeing on having something like that happen versus an unwanted version of it. A few days, though, some part of me hasn't cared if I was claimed willingly or not. Mainly when I've had really bad days courtesy of depression, shitty classmates, or both. But I ... try to keep those ... under wraps, I guess."Shania hadn't forgotten the suggestion of mutual masturbation, but ... how could she while openly confessing such lewd things?Maybe when she got her brother's input, but right then and there ... she didn't exactly feel sexy, let alone like indulging her body. Even if some part of her internally argued and whined about refusing to heed her sibling's idea. At this rate, she'd have to play it by ear .... nerves, rather. When she felt like it would be the 'right' thing to do, sure. But that was definitely not right then and there."There were a few times I wondered about going to school without panties ... and possibly a bra. I do have some tops that would make it easier than others to get away with. I .... have contemplated doing web cam shows. In fact, that was my original idea before the strip shows. And I may have caved into those desires .... if it weren't for the fact you get money much faster at strip clubs."God, you must sound so fucking pathetic right now. Unfortunately, that wasn't all, which meant she wasn't done."With ... with the claiming scenario came a lot of bondage related items and having them used on me. Cuffs. Zip ties. Anything to keep me still, really. A leash and collar also. Blindfold ... gag ... "Her face flushed even brighter as she forced herself to keep going. The confession trailing off had meant shestillhadn't finished giving Emrie the full visual image, so to speak."Even being held at some sort of weapon point."Now a few tears began to fall down her face."I'm a hypocrite, aren't I? I'm sorry, Emrie. Th There's probably a few more, but I'm not really remembering. They kinda vanished, at least for the time being."Shania wouldn't blame him if he tried to say that was a cop out. But at least it was an honest one instead of a made up lie.
Emrie Young amp John Smith The orgasm ripped through Pocahontas's body and John's tongue was right there to drink in the sexual fluids produced by it as she muffled her moans and scream. He lapped up the mess between her thighs while at the same time feeling his own pleasure building up, and he knew that while they could play around all night, he needed her now. He got up pulling his hips back from her gently She had done everything so well for him. He brushed her hair affectionately, but now that her pussy was a wet mess he needed her.John moved so that he was over top of her. Pulling back the foreskin of his cock so that the red tip was on full display as it pressed brightly against her copper toned body. He put a hand on her shoulder, laying her back down as his hips moved softly. to brush against her. His body hair tickling her body as he pressed his lips to hers, his tongue invading her mouth bringing with it the taste of sex. He could smell him on her breath as well but that hardly mattered as he wanted more of that contact as he gently spread her thighs and prepped her for what was about to come.His cock pressed into her, the thick head disapearing with a soft squeezing sound, and an airy moan from him. The natural lubricant that they had built up together from her salivia on his cock to her being so wet from his fingers and tongue would make this less painful, but this was still her first time, heck it was his first time too, which meant he had to get used to the feeling of being inside a woman.Her walls felt tight, warm around him, it was consuming, his breath went ragged for a moment, and he held her close. Her smoother darker body pressing against his light tones, mixing their complexions. He closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to catch his breath, his hairy chest pressed warmly against her ample breasts. He moaned against her ear for a moment. Then the sinking of his hips stopped, and he was fully inside of her. The tip of his cock, to the thicker base. Pressed so tightly that even his balls were squeezing against her frame."Are you okay?" He asked his breath still airy, he opened his eyes to look at her, his hands trailed over the side of her body, holding her in this missionary position. Touching every inch of the woman he loved. "Tell me when i can move my hips." Emrie could have expected a lot of things, but that was an admission he had not expected from her. It was honest, and he could tell that she was being open with him. In a way it made sense, he had wanted to cosplay, and it seemed that she had wanted to roleplay a bit. The thing that shocked him the most was that she was telling him that she kind of wanted to be taken forcefully.In a way that was a dream he supposed he could make happen right here and now. Emrie could now put together more context for why she had reacted so badly, this was clearly not an admission she had thought would make him feel attracted to her. And yet his hips shifted slightly as he thought about it, about grabbing his sister, putting her face into the ground, and pounding his body against hers. About holding her down so that he could tie her up, and then use her like she was some sort of prisoner, or prize of war. He had mentioned a passing interest in bondage, but he had also admitted he had never thought about using rope, and rope was about all they had.Unless he could tie her up with magic, Kefka had held them in prisons of water, it wasn't too hard to think that there would be some way to bippity boppity boop some rope into tying her up, animating it like some sorcerers apprentice for more nefarious means.During all of this thinking he realized he hadn't said anything, that he had been sitting in silent contemplation of something that was probably hard for her to admit. She seemed disturbed by this fantasy of hers. And he was thinking about how it turned him on, and wasn't even telling her.The two of them were still laying under blankets he was still holding her hand. He moved a little closer to her, she would feel him shuffle around, as he turned over to face her, she would feel his body press agianst her, and he made sure that she felt something full and thick press between the cheeks of her ass. Like so intentionally so that he could practically rub himself raw against her asshole. His hand moved up along her body, wrapping around his sisters naked stomach, and pulling her closer so that she couldn't escape his touch."Sis, I'm never going to hurt you, but that doesn't mean... I wouldn't hurt you if you wanted me too." He said with a small nervous chuckle. He assumed she would understand what he was saying. "I told you I looked at bondage stuff too."He moved a hand along her hips, touching her thigh gently, his fingers dancing along her skin in an attempt to leave goosebumps, at the same time she would feel the soft motions of him rubbing his body against her lightly. He kissed her neck. "If you want me to claim you, than all you have to do is nod.""and if you want me to stop entirely, all you have to say is Disney." Honestly it was a stupid safe word, but he was holding her down, his hands were playing with her body, he grabbed her breast in a not so gentle way. "Otherwise, if you want to struggle against me... that's fine."He gentle bit her shoulder, before finally adding. "I think, I'd enjoy that, a bit like it's a game between us."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas As John began to move away, Pocahontas lifted her lips, helping make it easier for him to get into the position he wanted. Her head leaned gently against his hand as he lightly stroked her face. Despite being a bit calloused from years of hard work, his hand was also softer than anyone would have assumed. It was ... actually very comforting. Enough to make her eyes slowly close and simply enjoy the touch.Only as John began helping her lie down did her eyes come back into view."Are we ... going to ... ??"The sight of John moving the foreskin back and placing the head of his cock against her entrance answered the incomplete question. She nodded in understanding and slowly rose a hand, intertwining it with one of his. Now more than ever, she knew the answer to the rhetorical what if scenario her mind had tried to wonder about.Evenifshe'd known sex was this great, no. It wouldn't have made it easier to accept the mere idea of becoming Kocoum's lover. It only pained her because ... it would have meant disappointing her father. It wasn't really something she enjoyed, but ... hehadadvocated for her to follow the wind ... as well as her heart.Well ... if ever there was a more proper time to heed those same instincts, they were definitely now."M Mmmhh ... "Her eyes shut once more, now focusing on the French kiss as she lightly rolled her own tongue over John's. Less out of knowledge and more done by instinct and curiosity. The princess' arms rose and, after a bit of searching, found and wrapped gently around John's neck. Her head tilted up, continuing to lean and enjoy the ongoing kiss.... Up until the sudden thrust inside made her pull away, a shocked gasp being the first thing leaving Pocahontas' lips. Her head turned as she bit on her lower lip to stifle a whine, though the shudders hinted it had hurt. Thankfully, not nearly as badly as it could have, especially since they created quite a bit of natural lube from all of the foreplay. As her teeth finally let go, she panted rapidly."Y Yes ... yes, I'm fine. That just ... took me a bit by surprise."A reassuring smile would appear, followed closely by her eyes as she glanced back up at her lover. Her head tilted back, low moans now replacing what would have been pained noises, as his hands began trailing over every inch of her body. "Now ... feel f free to move again. Please do ... "Even though her muscles were already massaging the cock inside her on their own, Pocahontas now began trying to voluntarily command those muscles. Her hips gently rocked. He probably didn't need much reassurance, nor likely doubted her words. In case he had though ... her own movements would hopefully get rid of such uncertainties. ... Idiot. You should have done more convincing. You shouldn't have returned the 'confession exchange', even if it was fair. Look at what you've done! He hates you ... he's gotta. Shania's mind quickly went through some of the more worst case scenarios. Would he somehow try to manipulate whatever magic had brought them here and go back home without her? Would he leave her to fight Kefka alone which ... had a good chance in resulting not only in her failing, but getting what she barely avoided. Raped and tortured.Some part of her wouldn't blame him too much. After all the arguing, screaming, and protesting ... she really had proved to be quite the hypocrite. There was no other way to describe her. And his lack of immediate reply made Shania feel rather certain that he was feeling the exact same way ... or as close to it as possible."I'm sorry," she muttered again, already preparing for him to leave the tent as Shania felt movement along the furs. Instead though ... his hands wrapped around her midsection, making Shania freeze up." ... Emrie?" she whispered softly, her voice choking and getting caught slightly in her throat.Is he ... going to ... ??Yes and no. He was going to give her the chance to determine if his next movements would allow the very fantasy she'd openly admitted to him to play out. Shania gulped, feeling confused. He wasn't mad? Was ... was this for real?Shania didn't dare move, not wanting to offer any sort of reply until evenshewas certain if she wanted to risk giving him herself. It still wouldn't fix the possibility that others would try to take her for their own guilty pleasures. Deep down, she knew that. But that had been exactly why after they spoke more on this matter regarding intimate feelings with one another even Shania agreed it'd be better to have her first time with someone she had more trust and faith in than not.Now was the most perfect time to give Emrie the chance he wanted ... especially before it was too late.So, it all boiled down to the same inquiry that had been haunting her since they began having this discussion.Do you really want this?The rough grope on her breast made her whimper slightly, the sensitive gesture making her nipple almost immediately harden. Her eyes shut tightly if she hadn't been a bit weirded out with herself before, now she definitely was.But soon ... he'd get what he asked for the gradual but affirmative nod."Take me," she added, helping wash away any doubts he may have had on whether he'd imagined her reaction or not.
Emrie Young amp John Smith John relaxed a little when she started to move her hips, something which he joined in doing almost immediately. Feeling her body squeeze around him, he moaned softly against her ear. his breath leaving him in airy gasps as his hands trailed over her body, as she wrapped her arms around his neck, as they held each other. His eyes closed in the bliss of the motions, he couldn't help but moan her name."Pocahontas." He spoke softly, even as his lips touched her skin, wanting just more contact as the two of them rubbed together. He spoke softly, and moved to the rhythem of their beating hearts, one that was for him at least pounding ever louder and ever faster in his ears. His nails softly stroked against her skin, drawing lines against her dark copper tones. he pulled her in closer, and felt her chest bounce against his with each thrust. feeling the motions of her breasts as he rested his chin against her shoulder.His eyes closed and he kissed her neck, his tongue touching her to taste some of her body. Their bodies drawing sweat from the exertion of sex, even against the cold night air he felt warm as he was wrapped around her. He felt her legs around his body and he moaned loudly. He didn't want to keep his voice down anymore, he hoped that they had moved far enough away from the camp that they wouldn't be over heard by the two siblings, but then he owed some of this to them.If not for their suggestion this night would have been like any of the others that they had spent together. Now at least it was different, in that he was in a heavenly bliss, moaning. "Oh, god." He blushed as he took the lords name in vain, but it felt so good that he had to say something. "You... this... I had, no idea." He said half formed sentences that escaped his lips unable to really think about what he was doing before doing it.All the while the movement of his hips were going all the more wild. Emrie waited, he held her body, he felt her nipple hardening between her fingers, she would even feel his hips squirm clearly wanting more from her, as his cock pressed against her ass, but he was determined to wait. To hear her response as she thought it over. His pale eyes looking over her, with bated anticipation, she would feel his breath warm on her shoulder, warm, but not steady, excited and tense his entire body felt heavy almost like he was ready to spring.Then slowly he saw his sister's head nod, He had thought that had been all had needed, but a breath or two longer brought him a sentance he had wanted to hear for years.Take me, "no take backs."He sprang on her. His hand grabbed her hair, pushing her into the ground. as his body worked his way over top of her. He had permission, and she had wanted to be taken, so he was going to take her. Though not all at once. He moved his cock rubbing against her ass for a moment, as his free hand went under her thigh, lifting up her ass as he squirmed his way roughly under her. His hand attacked her pussy, rubbing her clit as his breath was on her again. He pressed her into the furs.His hand on her hair, pulled and pushed her head down so that she looked to the side. He moved down and licked his sisters neck his movements were rough, his hand working her pussy as he leaned over top of her. using her ass to hot dog and pleasure himself, at the same time the red tip of his cock kept brushing against her asshole teasing both of her lower entrances at once. He smiled as he looked into her eyes for a moment. "You can resist if you want." he said softly.His lips moved to her ear, gently so he could whisper. "You can even scream, it's just us here, no one will help." He smiled at her, it was playful, but also filled with lust and want. "I'm going to fuck you up.""I've wanted this for so long, and now your mine." He gave a small bated breath. He had already given her a safe word, now he was just playing with her, exactly like she wanted. "I'm going to take what's mine sis.""Now, do I frighten you? or am i turning you on?" He felt her pussy, he already knew the answer to that as he smiled wickedly towards her. "Say it."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Somewhere, Pocahontas knew the evenings here tended to get more on the chilly side. But right then and there? She wasn't feeling the breeze or any indication to hint it'd gotten a bit cold. All she could really pick up on was heat. The kind of warmth one would expect to feel and experience in a desert. Every nerve was on fire. Slowly but very surely she was beginning to sweat. The drops trailed down and fell primarily on the furs, though some did find the grass underneath the makeshift blankets."Mmmh, Joohhn ... ohhhh .... "Her legs gently lifted and wrapped around John's waist, helping guide him in even further. Instincts were the only thing speaking, and it was making up for tonight being her first time ever having sex. A pleased groan mingled in with her lover's as she felt the desired effect happen he was, indeed, deeper in her moist hole. In turn, her muscles were squeezing quicker, adjusting and accommodating to the massive length buried in her newly deflowered opening."N Neither did I," she reassured, her gentle grin widening. "But I ... wouldn't mind getting used to doing this again. It feels so .... I I can't even .... "Knowing what she wanted to say was one thing. Actually being able to make the words pass Pocahontas' lips?A very different story, and one that frankly she wasn't fretting much about."J John, I ... I .... think something's about ... to happen!"It briefly terrified her. Thiswasa good thing, right? Or was it something she was supposed to fight? She didn't know, and the doubts were easy to spot in the princess' eyes. But even if she tried, it was quickly overpowering her ... like trying to swim against a powerful set of rapids. Despite this not being her first climax, the previous one had happened so quickly. She honestly didn't realize it could build up ... and result in an even more intense sensation like this.But by the time it began to subside?Pocahontas knew that even though her body had experienced something rather abrupt, it was equally as incredible. And it definitely made her feel less anxious. If anything, now she was more curious what had just happened. Almost immediately after Emrie moved, some part of her regretted failing to ask if he could be abit gentle. It didn't have to be perfect, but ... certain things ... well ... she could have done without.Like ...."Fuck! Not the haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair! AGH!"She actually did try to reach up and grab his hand. But with the angle she was at plus the difference in their heights, she couldn't reach. Her hand fell back down, gripping the furs in annoyance. Heavy breaths and a few whimpers passed her lips as she seriously contemplated heeding her brother's words. It was the right thing to do, wasn't it? To struggle?Yes and .... no.Maybe it was just due to her brother being the person manhandling her, but it helped calm her down and avoid any full fledged panic attacks. This would otherwise be a very different story were it anyone else. The realization made Shania gulp nervously, her heart racing as it rammed against her ribs.So .. you really have wanted this? Some part of her seemed to, anyway. This wassupposedto be natural, but ... why did some part of her feel so ... fucked up? Dirty? Like she was doing something as 'wrong' as murder? Was this were the 'taboo' aspects of sex kicked in?Probably. It had been hinted time and time again in her Psychology classes."E Emrie! Ohhh ... "Her clit twitched, the Iroquois immediately returning to the here and now as the sensitive bud was grabbed and caressed. Poor Shania's body hadn't needed much manipulation, and it showed with how fast she was getting wet it had beenwaytoo long since she'd had time to properly masturbate. Shania gulped again, hearing her brother ask a question ... one he probably could feel and smell the answer to, honestly. But those last two words were literally as he said he wanted to hear them come from her own mouth."A ohhhh a bit of both. But ... it's much more arousal than f fear. Emrie .... "Her voice lowered as she turned her head, burying her face in the furs. The confession was muffled, but not enough to prevent him from hearing it."This is amazing ... "
Emrie Young amp John Smith John's breath was shuddering as he was trying to deal with his own build up, his legs were starting to shake as he gripped his lover, she was going through something intense, and he felt like her insides were choking his cock in a very pleasant yet torturous way. It was driving his own hips to grind against her. The sweat of his body sticking to hers as his body hair ground against hers. He felt her large breasts bounce against his chest, her nipples rubbing up against him with each thrust and that just made him want to go deeper inside of her. His cock already thick and deep inside of her as he was building up his own pleasure.His hips were thrusting wildly rutting her into the soft ground as he breathed against her, He moaned loudly, no longer able to hold back his exuberance of how this all felt. He wasn't even sure what he was supposed to saying. He heard Pocahontas say something, but he couldn't really hear her through the pounding of his own heart. Nothing about this touch was soft anymore. His arms reached down her sides, his hands grabbed her ass lifting her body up more as he rocked harder against her bouncing her between him and the earth with each deep thrust drawing back and hitting his cock into her hard enough that it kinda felt like he was going to break her.His breath was hard, unable to figure out exactly what he was doing, he just knew there was a heat running through his cock, he could register the pleasureful sensation of his body going crazy. A pressure that he hadn't felt in ages, like when he had masturbated a few times, but also so much more intense was settling inside his body, starting up through his balls and surging every single way.He grind'd his hips against hers so that he could feel his balls rub against her body adding that final squeeze of pressure he needed. He bit her shoulder not all that softly, but not hard enough that it would break skin as he suppressed something like a scream that vibrated along her body as it ripped out of his throat.The heat escaped him, his cock twitching rubbing out inside of her, washing out of him as his seed poured into her in waves loosing the steady rhythm as he let his cum flow into her. His muscles tensed for a long moment as he drained every single drop into her soaking wet cunt, before starting to relax. As he did he let go of her ass, letting her body drop onto the blankets the two of them had collected, but he stayed inside of her. He pressed his lips to hers taking a kiss from her his tongue entering her mouth as he did. Emrie actually did heed her request about the hair, letting go of her hair shortly after and grabbing her by the back of the neck to hold her down. He listened to her explain that she was more turned on than afraid, and he could believe it, just touching her clit had sent a shiver through her entire body. He barely had to do anything to turn his own sister into putty, and some part of him knew that was wrong, but at the same time he had killed that voice a year or so ago the first time he had watched his sister strip naked for an audience.He smiled feeling some form of vindication as his sister told him that she was turned on, that just him touching her felt amazing. He was still rubbing his cock against her ass, and some part of him really did consider taking her ass then and there. the tip of his cock kept slipping past her hole threatening to stick in, but falling out and passing by with each thrust. He decided to tease his sister with that. He leaned over her for a moment, his lips next to her ear. "What do you think sis? would it be fun to explore your back door today? Want me to put my cock inside your ass?"He teased and kissed her. But pulled back, still holding her down. His other hand the one that had been rubbing her clit the entire time pulled away so that he could grab one of her legs. Lifting himself up pulled the blankets off the two of them. Meaing he could now see everything that his sister had so often tried to hide. He could see ever curve of her body, and it felt great.He turned her onto her side. The hand at her neck holding her face down, pressing her cheek down to the ground so that her face looked slightly puffy, as his other hand lifted her knee. Playing with her flexible body he was able to lift her ankle almost up to 90 degrees showing her pussy. his legs sat on her other leg helping to pin her body into this side winding position. His cock head touched her pussy, and he decided he couldn't wait anymore.He took what he wanted. He pushed his cock inside of her pussy, holding her in this position as he took her virginity and finally claimed her. "You belong to me now."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas The change in pace didnotgo unnoticed by Pocahontas. If anything, it was one of the first things she took note of. From John's grip on her rear seeming to tighten to his pace quickening and even his breathing getting more ragged. Desperate even. To be fair, her own breaths were getting faster also, but not quite to the exact degrees the man she loved was experiencing. Poor John seemed to temporarily forget to take breaths every now and again. However, when it didn't seem like it was going to put him at any dire risks, Pocahontas opted to remain silent.Besides, she doubted she could say much coherently or properly enough to be heard. All she was managing to elicit were moans and coos of pure bliss."Yes ... mmmh ... "Her eyes widened, a shocked gasp reverberating in the air as Johnbither shoulder. Maybe not enough to make her bleed, but the fact was she hadn't expected that to happen at all, period. Her hands reached up, grabbing tightly onto his shoulders. She didn't understand why, but it seemed to trigger the same sensation she'd felt earlier. Pocahtonas' body was shuddering and trembling wildly ....And right as John came inside her, she joined him, her head tossing back as she cried out in combined pain and pleasure, though much more so the latter.For what may feel like an eternity, she kept quiet, partly because she was unsure what to say. Then there was also the fact of not knowing if there was anythingtotalk about. Finally, though, something did enter her head ... though she first waited for the kiss to end."So ... is there some sort of tradition I don't know about where you bite your partners?"The smile that crept over her face was meant to help indicate that despite the gesture coming off a tad rough, she didn't mind nearly as much. On the contrary, she was being completely earnest and equally curious on the matter."Alternatively ... we can talk later about that if needed. As much as I'd love to spend the rest of the night being intimate with you, tomorrow ... isn't really going to allow for us to indulge in those activities as much as we'd prefer." "Umm ... well ... "It wasn't that she didn'twantto. But there was a very specific reason that the right answer, at least in Shania's mind, was 'not right now'. Actually, there were a few of them, but one was more immediate in appearing over the other."It'd be ... mmm ... more so when we're not pressed for ... t time or ... fights."She wasn't trying to kill the mood, so to speak. But Emrie had asked, and so ... she gave a very honest response, as well as reminder. And if only to ensure they could avoid outright dying and have tonight be their last evening together, she wanted to believe he could appreciate that much.Shania felt her heart pound as Emrie began moving her, turning her body in a way that wasn't necessarily uncomfortable. But it definitely wasn't what she expected either. In fact ... she couldn't help but smirk and even lightly giggle."Have you ... studied Kama Sutra, Emrie?"Of course, that gave off a certain implication. But he was smart really, he was. Despite not always acting it like when he got involved with his gang friends he was more cunning and intelligent than most others gave him credit for.Before Shania could hear an answer, she would feel Emrie push through. And in that single thrust, he removed her hymen. It did hurt, easily hinted by her gripping tightly onto the furs. But at the same time? It was likely for the best that he did so quickly, and with little warnings. She would have tried and likely failed in keeping herself from getting too nervous had he given a warning ahead of time."E Emrie ... ahhhh. Fuck, you're .... so deep in me .... "Her cheeks flushed as she added, "It feels ... a amazing. Please, keep going .... "And in case Emrie needed anymore incentive? He'd feel Shania's hips rock gently against his own. What had started as muffled moans got audibly louder as she accepted his rod, moving to prove not only were her words completely earnest, but she wasn't feeling overly sore anymore. No, now Shania was more than ready and able to experience their first time together, no matter how taboo it'd be.
Emrie Young amp John Smith John blushed slightly when she asked if that was some sort of marking tradition from brittain in truth it had felt more like he was going to scream if he hadn't done it. He was a little embarassed to admit that, though and he couldn't but feel a little bashful at the moment. He also knew that she was right about one thing, they couldn't just stay outside all night being intimate with one another. Withdrawing from Pocahontas was still one of the harder things he had done as he felt a bit vulnerable as he withdrew his cock from her.He couldn't hide the sense of euphoria that the movement caused as he moaned slightly as he withdrew. He sighed and stretched as he leaned back to get to his knees and look around them. His eyes on the other hand were a lot more focused on her body in the pale moonlight. Her coffee tan skin vibrant in the dark contrasted against his own paleness which seemed to glow in the moonlight. What was he supposed to say?"No, it's not some... tradition, as far as I know." he said scratching his neck. "I just... didn't want to scream in the middle of the night." He said softly blushing looking a bit like a fool, as he pulled himself up to his feet. "We should get back to camp." He held out his hand to help her to her feet so that they could gather up the blankets that they were carrying. The night was quiet, he had gotten so used to the sounds of the outdoor life here, the hooting of owls, the sound of insect life it was all very passively beautiful and he felt more relaxed because of it.What he hadn't expected to hear where the moans of their comrades it seemed the siblings had been able to work out their differences. "Seems we weren't the only ones to find what we needed tonight." John leaned into Pocahontas for a moment kissing her jaw, before letting her lead him back to camp. "Actually yes I own a copy." Emrie cracked a smile as he looked down at the way her as she started to react. He would have given anything to try and find it so that he could take a few pictures of his sister and the way she looked. Sparing that he was just gonna burn the memory into his mind affectionately, especially after she started to move her hips in with him. His voice joined with hers as the two of them moaned and felt their hips converging together. He was able to add some pressure to his balls by sitting and grinding against her leg a little harder.She wasn't joking when she mentioned how deep he was inside of her either. His cock had room to go inside her, but it also kept feeling like he couldn't stuff it in her any deeper than it was. Not to mention how tight she was against him, it was like he was packing her full. Maybe it was just his imagination but when he put a hand on her crotch he could feel the place he filled her grow slightly as he pounded into her.His other hand held her ankle keeping it flexed up in the air. "Oh, gods, your so flexible." He moaned enjoying the sight of her like this. He even bent forward putting a bit more weight on her leg, and watching her body stretch out to compensate. He was pretty sure if he had fucked her ass she would have been fine, but he didn't want to take those risks.The hand on her abdomine spread out, his thumb reaching down towards her clit, and bore down on her sensitive flesh. Touching her while he was still deep inside of her. He moaned, but could no longer keep his voice down. With her words egging him on he felt completely free at least in the moment he was no longer ashamed of how taboo this all was, instead he was sinularly focused on splitting his sister wide open and claiming her as his lover. "mmpf, ah, Sha Shaniaaa." He moaned her name was stuttering on his lips, difficult to say all of the sudden, yet wonderful. "Oh... I wanted this... so much... it feels so good..."
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Pocahontas raised an eyebrow ... looking almost no scratch that playfully at John. Was itreallythat simple? Some part of her found that a bit difficult to believe. But, for now, she'd take his word for it. As amazing as their first sexual experience had been, everyone would need sleep. Much like Shania, she hadn't forgotten that tomorrow, they intended to fight Kefka head on.How was still a different story ... but it would likely rely on the siblings to figure something out.It certainly felt frustrating. But maybe she could figure a way to contribute out ... and sure enough, mere seconds after she took John's hand to begin gathering the blankets, an idea did indeed come to her. Unfortunately, it meant they were making the right decision by going back to camp and attempting to get some rest rather than indulging in round two, so to speak."Try to "But the moans coming from another tent being occupied, obviously by Emrie and Shania, made her stop. Her hand briefly covered her mouth. Rather than staring in shock like one may expect, she muffled an amused chuckle. The two had sounded ready to get in quite the brawl when they had left, and now? They were ... well ... being incredibly intimate with one another. It was quite the shift in mood and attitude to note.Her fingers lightly rolled over John's hand as she pulled him to a different tent, laying the furs down. Granted, a few had already been inside the one she chose. Even still, extra covers was definitely not a bad thing. After setting the make shift bed down, Pocahontas laid beside John, pulling the wolf fur over them both."Try to wake me up early. I'm going to make some additional medicine before they fight Kefka."It wouldn't be overly advanced. But it would be something, and evenifthey figured a way to defeat the man? They wouldn't leave this fight without getting some injuries. It just wasn't likely to end without them suffering some pain and agony. In fact, after how today went, the princess was almost positive the thought of them leaving the next fight without any battle wounds or scars was borderline impossible from what she had seen, in fact. Still, as long as they could endure and survive ... that was the main outcome Pocahontas was personally praying for."I love you, John," Pocahontas softly whispered, pressing a soft kiss atop his lips before resting her head on his chest. Hazel eyes slowly closed and finally the princess allowed her body to relax and steadily fall into a peaceful slumber. ... Flexible? The word had nearly left her lips. Instead, it simply echoed in her head. That was ... an interesting compliment. Granted, he wasn't wrong. But of all the things she figured Emrie would call or describe her as, that had definitely not been anywhere on her immediate list. But ... maybe that was for the best in its own rights. It wasn't a word that was too lewd or shameful, yet still very honest."S So good! Mmmmmhhh!"Her gaze had mostly been on Emrie himself. After a bit, though, she couldn't help but notice his gaze wasn't in her eyes. Not exactly. Upon following her sibling's own eyes, she saw what he was staring at. Her body ... particularly near the midsection area. Holy ... is ... the body really that durable? The sight of her stomach occasionally bulging from Shania's own brother fucking her like there was no tomorrow made her a bit terrified, but equally aroused. How was she taking him that deep ... and yet not feeling nearly as much pain as it would look like she should be experiencing? If nothing else, it was as her previous instructors had said time and time again the human body really was a mystery in its own rights. Not just during sex, but as an overall concept."O Oh god, yes!"A swift, albeit slightly rough, hit against her g spot caused Shania to return to the here and now. Her grip on the furs tightened and a quick peek down would reveal her knuckles were bright white."E Emriiiiiiiiiiiiiiie! I .... y you're .... I can barely hold back! I'm so close, but ... I wanna .... "Her face flushed as she forced herself to finish the sentence."I wanna cum with you, Emrie!"
Emrie Young amp John Smith The idea of siblings having sex was a bit disturbing to the victorian era soldier, but at the same time John couldn't really fault them after all the four of them had seen, an incestious relationship was probably not even on the top 5 of the weirdest things he had played witness too today. Plus after his own encounter with Pocahontas had left him feeling invigorated, and even kind of hopeful against the odds that they would face with Kefka come the morning he was kind of glad that the two of them would have it all out of their system.He smiled for a moment as he saw the playful look of his own lover, and felt a breath of fresh night air his body feeling more sensitive as the two of them walked. He nodded his head when she asked to be awoken early, there would be a lot of work for the four of them to do. Even if fighting against Kefka seemed impossible it seemed that it was something they had to do. The crazed magician didn't belong in this time.John laid next to her, feeling the pelts drawn over them, he pulled in closer to her. Enjoying the warmth of both the blankets and her body. "I will do my best to wake before sunrise." But he had to admit that after nearly drowning he still felt lethargic, even with what the two of them had done, he wanted to sleep as much as she did, and didn't know if he would be able to wake earlier than her.He felt her kiss, his eyes half closed, he returned it, his arm pulling her in close, his hand landing on her back as he wrapped his arms around her to hold her close in the dark of the night. Feeling her stomach press against his body he breathed her scent in. "I love you too." He said with a soft kiss of her neck and then finally falling asleep. Emrie was enraptured by the rhythm of their sex, his hips were bouncing aginast her body, her leg held up in the air as he was on his knees, holding her up he could reach along her body and grab onto Shania's breasts. His hands squeezed against her breasts playing with her for a moment as he let out panting moans, his body was sweaty, his cock was hard, and it felt like Shania was either getting tighter or he was getting harder he wasn't sure exactly what was going on. but he could see every curve between them.He heard his sisters voice, saying that she was feeling good, that she was approaching her climax. He breathed slightly disjointed breaths, he felt warm, he felt his body sweating like a mad man. He kinda wanted a shower. He heard his sisters words, and he agreed with her one hundred percent he wanted to cum with her as well. "Yes, oh, yes!"He pulled out, dropping Shania's leg, his arms fell onto his sisters shoulders, pushing her into the furs and onto the ground, and within a few seconds his cock was back where it belonged inside her. This time the two of them were tangled with his body pressing directly into hers. his arms wrapped around her neck as he pressed and thrusted into her. Holding her so close and tight. He was practically moaning into her ear. His hot breath against her neck as he moaned and repeated her name his mind a white hot glow."I'm cumming." He said loudly, before pressing his lips hard against Shania's his tongue sticking into her mouth, invading her as his cock started to twitch. The white hot liquid of his cum would pour into her. his hips rubbed roughly against her trying to make sure that every single drop would be pressed out of him and into her. As his body slowed down, and the heat died off, he pressed his forehead against hers for a moment holding her still. His breath was still shaky at this point he closed his eyes."I want to sleep like this." He said softly, holding her. "With me still inside you... I've wanted, this for so long... I'm afraid that this is somehow a dream." he said softly, unsure. He had this sort of vivid dream before, and usually in the morning he just woke up covered in his own cum, shame and disappointment.
Shania Young amp Pocahontas Pocahontas gave John a nod and reassuring smile. Honestly, just being able to make the effort to wake up would be a damn good start for now. He wasn't wrong if it were completely up to her? She'd be more than fine having a lazy day of sorts. Normally, Pocahontas was a woman of routine. But considering that had all but vanished ever since Kefka appeared?Well ... she was doing a lot of new things she never would have expected. From fighting to making love and everything else in between, including being the sole survivor of her own tribe. For every horrible tragedy she'd survived, though, there seemed to be something else that gave her a glimmer of hope. The most recent 'item' had been the appearance of Shania and Emrie.As such, she knew the best thing to do was sleep now and hope that come tomorrow, she, John, and the siblings could live for more than just another day."That's fine. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just try to wake up sooner as opposed to too much later."Her playful smirk appeared, only lingering for a few moments before disappearing into a more neutral look as fatigue finally lulled the princess into a peaceful slumber. Before she lost all of her consciousness, though, she managed to softly mumble, "Love you," one more time, gently nuzzling against John's chest as her breathing became calm, hinting she was completely asleep now. Shania wasn't certain either, but she could definitely feel the exact same things her brother was. There were moments where she was certain she was squeezing around the invading rod like a damned vice, and others were she almost swore somehow he was getting bigger inside her. Maybe it was both? How? Fuck if she knew, and frankly?The last thing Shania did, in the end, was care much, if at all.It all felt amazing and, much like Pocahontas, she didn't want any of this to end..... Unfortunately, she had been adamant on not going completely crazy this evening for certain reasons. And when they entered her mind once more, she bit on her lower lip, stifling herself while internally groaning. It was, somewhat sadly, probably for the best that she was about to cum. They needed quite a few things, one of which was to get some sleep.Sure, the keyword may very well be 'some'. But as long as it was more than 'none' ... that was a good start."E Emriiiiieeeeeeeeeee! Oh fuck, yes!"Just feeling her already sensitive nipples getting touched and fondled roughly damn well nearly drove her over. But if only because it wouldn't be with her sibling? She held back, but damned if it didn't make her own body shudder and all but whine in protest."Y You're driving me crazy! God, fuck! So goooooooooooooooooood!"Her own set of lewd noises were mingling in with Emrie's and when she took a closer look at herself, she saw that she, too, would need a shower soon. Probably in the morning, more likely than not. Either way, sweat was beginning to trail down the valley of her chest, a few droplets collapsing onto the furs. Her hair was no doubt a mess and Emrie's was steadily becoming pretty unkept as the two continued fucking.This would be quite the hot porno ... Her cheeks flushed at the thought. If nothing else, it'd definitely be legal, and hell, tagged with a very popular kink incest. Something to maybe consider later on?A huge maybe indeed. There were a lot of unknown possibilities rushing through Shania.The main thing she knew and was confident about finally arrived as her brother cried out, convulsed, and began to spurt copious jets of sperm deep inside Shania."Y YES! ME TOO! EMRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!"Her muscles clamped again for the .... what time was it now? Millionth? Not literally, but it certainly felt as if she'd sucked around his member that many times. Either way, the familiar sensation registered, causing Shania to tremble with her brother as her own juices coated his cock, their cum now likely very thoroughly mixed with one another.Shania's eyes lingered on the sight before her that of Emrie embedded deep inside her newly deflowered pussy. The two of them breathing heavily, moaning and panting in ecstasy ... yet despite the naughty nature, they were both also incredibly content. Even Shania couldn't try to deny that part."T That's ... that's fine. I don't think I can move too well anyway, but umm ... you feel really good, so ... "Her cheeks burned harder as Shania gently added, "Please do stay inside me."Those would be the last words Emrie would hear before a combination of pure exhaustion and small bits of disbelief with what had just occurred overtook the young Iroquois and helped her fall into a much needed sleep. Thankfully, Emrie would find when he woke up he hadnothad a very erotic dream. The sight of Shania still asleep, sprawled on the furs and still a bit sticky from their first session the night before would all spell out he'd actually done it. He'd fucked his own sister.Likewise, Shania steadily stirring more out of habit than anything Emrie had or hadn't done helped her realize the exact same truths."So ... we really ... ??"Before Shania could finish the sentence, a gentle knock from outside their tent. She had done so a bit reluctantly, but Pocahontas ensured at least she got up early enough. And although the fur covering her would likely become redundant soon enough, she had one clutched against her body, concealing most of her erotic areas in the process."Mhm. Neither of you were exactly quiet, either."Thatdefinitely made Shania flush."At any rate," Pocahontas continued, "Before breakfast, we all probably need something else. So ... did you two wanna join us in a bath? We can discuss plans there."Plans ... that was right. They had agreed that, somehow, they would deal with Kefka today. The reminder made Shania's heart sink. As far as she felt, they'd gotten away last time through little more than a fluke, maybe even dumb luck. How in the hell were they supposed topreparefor a man with no doubt stronger magic than anything she and Emrie could conjure combined, and ... ??Well ... that's probably why Pocahontas is offering. To figure all of that and more out ... Shania took a shaky breath, slowly nodding before finally mustering up enough courage to reply, "Yeah ... sure. That sounds like a smart idea. Give us a bit pf time to properly wake up and we'll be out."Satisfied with the answer, Pocahontas gave her own silent nod and moved away, allowing the siblings to have some privacy, no matter how long it would last. Until then, she would move towards the designated area which turned out to be the nearby river and waited for everyone to arrive.
Emrie Young amp John Smith John Smith smiled and pulled his new found love closer to him. "I love you too." He said softly, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep as he held her. He awoke to the movement of his lover. The tittle seemed to fit better than wife, and he was a bit too young to be calling her a girlfriend, but he did indeed love her, and the morning light on her dark skin was a sight to behold. She was a painted goddess in the morning."You know this is a sight I could get used too in the mornings." He said giving her a kiss as she went to set up a bath for the two of them he went to gather some quick supplies and set up for a fire in the morning. They would need it once they were done their bath as they would have to make a quick meal, and it was better to set up these things ahead of time. Emrie had stayed up a few moments longer feeling his body warmed by his sisters, as he looked at Shania and followed the rise and fall of her breast content he kissed her cheek as he laid on top of her cuddling up to her. "Love you sis." He spoke quietly not wanting to wake her up and instead following her to sleep.Come morning he was a touch sore, His body however was comfortable, and as he woke up he found he was still entangled, and very much inside of his sister, withdrawing himself a few moments as she started to stir, his morning wood popping up as he rubbed against her, but any thought of a sloppy morning sex was shaken out of him when Pocahontas arrived, and spoke about what happened, his face went a bit red, but honestly he was just happy, he finally had the person he loved, and had been pining after for a few years, he didn't really care if it was an appropriate relationship or not. No one really needed to know or question them.He nodded, a bath sounded great, he wanted to feel hot water running over his body, and soap. Hot indoor plumbing, and two gorgeos women, the idea of a wife swap or something like an actual foursome passed his mind long enough for him to get a slight smirk about it. "Yeah we will be right out." He said softly waving to Pocahontas it was bad forum of course the only woman he ever had eyes for really was the one he was currently looking at. Shania had been everything he had wanted for a long time.Getting up he stretched himself out. "Last night may actually be the single best sleep i've ever had." And there was no question as to why that was, Shania's warm body had been pressed to him for the entire night. Of course came the question if the two of them should really talk about their future.They were about to fight a mad world ending clown, now really didn't seem like a great time to go future planning.Helping Shania up he looked at her for a moment. "I love you." He said softly choosing to kiss her and move on out to the bath. He blinked looking at the cold flowing river, and every single thought he had about sex this morning seemed to fade with Emrie's complete disappointment. When he had been invited to share a bath he hadn't envisioned this. His modern sensibilities were repulsed. "That's not... a bath." He said softly. "It's a river." his voice dripping with disappointment.John on the other hand walked over to the river and jumped in, as far as ways to wake up in the morning this was one of the best he could envision the water was cold, and sent a delightful shock over his entire body as he breached the surface easily able to stand. In the morning light the two men's bodies were once more completely on display, their differences more apparent now than they had been in the evening by the fire. John was taller, more muscular, his golden hair glowing on his chest, but the biggest differences between them were once again in the nether regions.John's cock had a foreskin to retreat too, it's head hidden, and with the cold water his balls had shrunk much smaller than what Pocahontas had felt the night before, meanwhile Emrie the coward that he was still standing on dry land. His dick and balls were still thick and heavy with morning wood, and overly hopeful fantasies about how this bath was supposed to go. If he were to jump into that water, he had no doubt that he would loose his size but the sudden shock and shrinkage... instant blue balls, a lot of pain he didn't want to go into this early in the morning.Emrie was shorter than John, his hair waxed off, even down his legs, as it helped make sure nothing would get caught in the gears of his bike, he was also fatter, less muscle. To Pocahontas's era fat was a sign of wealth, and a good harvest it meant that the people were in good health. To Emri's time it meant he had a bit of a beer gut and had been sucking it in subconsciously. | 78 | ['Young', 'Shania'] |
17 | | An Ultra Adventure in All (MysteriousD & Stray Cat) | Alola... a beautiful group of islands. Known for its tropical weather, their unique Pokemon and relationship with Kanto, it's quite a place to vacation at and to live in. However, as of late, strange things have been going on. The philanthropic organization, The Aether Foundation, had been undergoing some changes ever since the existence of its founder, Mohn, disappeared, forcing his wife and vice president Lusamine, to take over. It also may ties into the strange energy reading.However, for most people, it seemed like nothing happened.For Diego Vendrix though... that was far from the truth.For the last couple of weeks, he had been dealing with a close case of this energy reading. That of Ash Ketchum.A rookie Pokemon trainer, he became notable for his sudden disappearance when a massive hole opened in the sky and sucked him in. Beyond him, a few others were taken, namely his mother Delia, who was outside at the time and his partner Pikachu.Then, he would reappear over Alola from a wormhole. As many Pokemon scientists gathered, he was tossed through a hole in time and space. The last few weeks was getting him to function and recover. After all, his mom was still missing, but also likely through the hole and a lot has changed. For example, he was once the rival to famed Pokemon trainer turned researcher Gary Oak, who wept on seeing him return.Ash for the most part, has been struggling to process this though he managed to pull himself together so he can find his mom and still become a Pokemon trainer.Diego would be accompanying him along with his co worker. Both to keep an eye on him and to look for Delia Ketchum.
Each time her father returned from one of his business trips he returned with more than just gifts. He would bring her stories about the regions that he visited the places, the people, the food, and of course the Pokemon. These stories nurtured her curiosity about the world outside of her small town. Anastasia was born in Ecruteak City of the Johto region. She lived a modest life, she would assist her mother in the shop her family owned while her father was away. While there were many things she indulged in outside of housework, her curiosity about the world remained. She didn t forget those childhood stories and wanted to see those things for herself. She made the decision to leave in order to travel those around her supported this and with their good wishes she set off on a journey.The warmth of the sun woke her as it spread across the bed. She stirred and opens her eyes, it would seem morning was here already. From the corner of her eye, she can see the clock perched on her night table, it was time for her to rise. She was reluctant due to the comfort provided by her bed, but she knew she must. Seconds later she left her sanctuary in order to prepare for the day. She was careful not to wake her partner who slept at the end of the bed. Eevee was curled up tight as it slumbered peacefully. The young woman decided to let her sleep a little longer. The two had come a long way together. Eevee was her first Pokemon, she had been a gift from her father after he returned from one of his trips. The two had been inseparable for the moment they met. That particular memory made her think about home. She pursued her desire to travel, first, she saw the remainder of her home region Johto before taking a boat to Kanto.She spent a few months in Kanto before traveling to Alola. The region was made up of four islands which would take some time to travel to each one. Anastasia was in no rush. She had the tendency to indulge in all that each location she visited had to offer. Admittedly, she had become a little sidetracked upon her arrival, but could one really call it that? She became acquainted with the local professor, who found her fascination in the islands and their Pokemon to be of interest. He offered her a chance to study them a little closer, how could she say no? She had been here for about a month s time and during that time she had opportunities to aid Professor Kukui. Other times she worked alongside a co worker. Right now she had been assigned to a rather intriguing project. A boy and his Pokemon had somehow come to the Alola region by extraordinary means. Admittedly she was curious about what this meant. During her time here she has yet to handle something like this before.The young woman is pulled from her reverie when a gentle touch brushed against her leg. She searches for the source only to discover that her Pokemon was up and about. You re just in time she kneels down and tickles Eevee underneath her chin. This earned her a cry of affection. Come, she beckoned. Anastasia retrieved her bag from it's resting place and left.
Diego Vendrix had been reading while his partner was leaning on the wall, in thought. Diego turned to Ash Ketchum, resting on the couch while his Pikachu was curled up. Diego empathized with him. Both were trainers with Pikachu starters after all and Diego gave him plenty of tips. Beyond that, he has a responsbaility to ensure the safety and well being of the young trainer. Beyond recovering from the massive shock and obvious panic of his mom, he had taken to learning about the new world, including an updated Pokedex. Diego reckoned the massive shock attributed to do that. It gave him the young trainer something to occupy his time with.That and of course practicing battling with Pokemon. Diego noted that Ash's Pikachu was like his own, possessing a surprising amount of power. Diego's Pikachu speaking of snapped out of his thoughts. Serious and pensieve, he often served as a comedic foil to his goofier lifelong partner. Diego enjoyed that his Pikachu was often the straight man in his goofy shannigans.Here though, Diego's Pikachu, had sensed that someone was arriving. It would be none other than Anastasia."Hey Anastasia, ready for our big important quest?" Diego said as he finished reading before he got up to greet his friendo. Ash meanwhile got off the couch and looked. He was clearly eager to go. Then again, given how antsy and anxious he was to try and find his mother, Diego would not blame the kid.
It didn t take her long to reach her destination. She was unsure whether or not Diego would be present upon her arrival but she would soon earn an answer to that question. Anastasia was soon greeted by her co worker who wasn t alone. He was in the company of the young man the professor had told them about. She noticed how he reacted to her presence, it seems he was ready for them to set out. She found herself sympathizing with the young trainer. What it must be like to be in a foreign region alone. What s more he has no idea what happened to his mother. Who knows where the poor woman was? At this time none of them had the answer to that question. Hopefully, the two of them would be able to assist him. She returned her attention to Diego who also seemed ready to leave. Somehow this didn't surprise her either. Although, she didn t know him that well yet, she was able to pick out little quirks about him. I am she replied. Where will we head first? She did a little reading about the Alola region and noted how large it was. It would take them some time to travel to each location. She didn t know what to expect, this would be her first big assignment. She had engaged in small projects up until now but the professor seemed to believe that she was well equipped to accompany Diego on this assignment. This was a far cry from her days as a dancer back home but that was okay. She wished for an opportunity like this for so long, now it was finally happening.
"Well, according to the message from Professor Kukui, we'll be heading over to meet Hala, the Kahuna here of Melemele Island," Diego told Anastasia with a smile. For the most part, it was a matter that they would need to talk to him. Apparently, he had a surprise for them along with meeting some guests. Ash looked up and did his best to look determined and perhaps a bit excited. Yes, the concern for his mom bared down on him, but the support from everyone was giving him the determination to go and keep at it. He would find his mom... and he would still go and become a Pokemon Master!Diego smiled at seeing Ash gained a determined look on his face. He put his hat back on while his Pikachu went on his shoulder. They were in this together, no matter what."Besides, we won't be the only ones traveling. As part of this, we'll also be accompanying the professor's assistant. She's been wanting to get out. She's actually about your age, Ash," Diego said, causing Ash to look a bit confused."Let's get going into the town," Diego said with a smile before he began leading them. They were staying in the inn over in ROute 2, so they just had to head over to the town where the Kahuna was and meet up with everyone there, | 5 | ['Vendrix', 'Pikachu', 'Ketchum', 'Mohn', 'Oak', 'Delia', 'Lusamine'] |
18 | | Pokemorphed!!! | "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" BANG!!!Toko was slammed backwards as Team Galactic's invention exploded with a flash of light. He had been trying to stop them from stealing a friends pokemon but as he had been leaving he had come across a scientist working on a odd machine. "What are you doing?" He asked the man who hadn't noticed him yet, startling the man. Something when wrong and the machine exploded causing the current situation.Toko woke up a few hours later outside in the forest. He looked around confused, He new this place, he came here often to train his pokemon but It was miles from the Galactic building! "What the hell?" He asked himself he checked his stuff and realized two of his pokeballs were empty. "Oh no..." His heart fell as he thought they had been stolen. He rummaged through his backpack, worried about his Pokemon, hoping to find them.
All the recent events had seemed to fly by so fast. Not too long ago, the trainer Toko and his team were confronting Team Galactic, though due to some unexpected circumstances, he had found himself outside, far from the building. Not too far away from where he was laying, two figures slowly stirred. They were indeed the pokemon that Toko was missing from the two pokeballs. However, there was something completely different about their appearances, something that was sure to shock both them and their trainer.The femaleFurretslowly sat up, holding her head a bit due to a slight headache. "Ah...where is this?" she muttered, pausing instantly. "Eh? I can speak?" Mimi, as she was known, looked over to her companion, a femaleFlareon, who was laid out on her belly. "Uh...Yuna?" The Flareon stirred, pushing herself up a bit. "Huh? Mimi? You're speaking?! Eh?! I'm speaking?" They both took a bit of time to notice that their appearance had changed so that they were more human like. "How did this happen?" the fire type asked. "All I remember is Team Galactic...and nothing else." Mimi replied. "Ah! Where's Toko?" she asked, looking around a bit for him.
Toko was getting very, very worried now. He cared for his pokemon a lot, they were his friends and his partners. He had spend 3 weeks with them at a pokecenter when they had gotten sick with the pokerus and had nursed them back to health. Toko's devotion was part from his basic kindness and the fact that he had no family of his own. Raised in an orphanage he had found and trained a young Eevee he had named Yuna. The two had set out as soon as they were strong enough and now a year later Toko had a full team and they were like a family two them. The lose of even one was crushing."YUNA!!! MIMI!!!" He yelled into the forest hoping they would here him. "Please don't be stolen..." He said to himself thinking that that is what had happened. He was convinced Team Galactic had stolen his Pokemon and dumped him in the forest.
The two quickly turned their heads in the direction of the voice. They could easily identify it as their master's. "Ah! That must be him. "Let's go!" Yuna quickly rushed off, only to be stopped by Mimi as she grabbed her arm. "Hold on now. I know you want to see him, but don't you think he'll be shocked by this? I mean, we look completely different now. I don't know if the others are like that too..." Mimi said, looking a little concerned. "Huh? That shouldn't matter! He'll know it's us! He won't mind at all!" she muttered, pulling away and running off again."Master!" Yuna cried out, seeing him looking around, she quickly jumped for him, wrapping her arms around him from behind while her breasts pressed up against his back. "I was worried!" she said, clinging tightly to him. Mimi had followed, not quite as quickly though, as she wanted to see his reaction.
TOko looked back in shock to see a girl clinging to his back, her large breasts squishing into him. He looked at her face and noticed a tiny mark on the side of her face, it was just like Yuna's... What a minute. "Yuna? Is that you?" he asked stunned, not aonly by the change but by her beauty and softness of her breasts. He looked past her to see Mimi standing behind them both, "Mimi?" He asked she was also changed and stunningly beautiful. He shook his head to clear it of impure thoughts, this was his family, he souldn't be thinking like this. "Are you two Okay? he asked with concern, "Are you hurt?"
Yuna chuckled softly as she nuzzled against him, clearly happy to see him again. "Ah! I was so worried that I wouldn't see you! I didn't know where wee were for a while." Mimi came up as well, giving a shy little smile, catching a bit of her master's wandering eyes. She couldn't blame him after all. He perhaps never thought they could take on such an appearance. "We're fine." Mimi said. "But you can see that we have...changed a bit." she said, looking down at herself once again.
Toko was blushing deeply now, "Y You both look beautiful. This is incredible." He had to admit to himself, it felt pretty good when Yuna rubbed against him like that but he couldn't. He loved them but not that way, they were his family at least to him. "Regardless of how this happened, I'm glad your both okay. I don't know what I would do i you were both stolen, or hurt."
"Eh?" Mimi felt slightly embarrassed at his comment. She wasn't expecting him to accept them s quickly, but she couldn't help but smile a bit more at him. "Thank you Master..." she said. Yuna didn't let go of him for a while now, still nuzzling against him. "Master...I've been thinking. I know you've done so much for us. I've always wanted to repay you, but I could never do so as a pokemon..." She paused for a while. A slightly confused look appeared on Mimi's face. "But I think I know what I can do for you...or maybe the both of us."
Toko was also confused, What was she talking about? Had she learned a new move or something while in the form. "I did what I did for you guys because we're family, not for a reward." He said prying himself from Yuna's grip. his head was being clouded with impure thoughts and he tried to shake his head clear of them. Regardless of his will his dick had other thoughts, growing harder with each passing moment.
Yuna grumbled softly as he pulled away from her grip, but it wouldn't matter since she had other plans for him. A slight grin formed on her face as she faced him. Mimi could see this expression, and was a little worried as to what she was going to do. 'Come now Master. I think I'm going to give you your reward whether you want it or not." She quickly pounced on him from his front, pushing him down on his back and holding his arms down. She quickly straddled his waist and pressed her lips to his before he could say anything. Mimi was clearly shocked, but not sure how to react. She wasn't sure whether to stop her or not. "Ah! Yuna! What are you doing?!"
'That's what it want to know.' Thought Toko as he struggled to moved. He couldn't resist her kiss however, feeling her tongue dart into his mouth. As he fought her realized there was no way he was going to overwhelm her. She was by far his strongest pokemon and he had raised her specially for strength. Her tongue felt hot in his mouth, a painful sensual fire. He tried to ignore the pleasure coming from his cock as Yuna's pussy mashed into it through his pants.
Yuna moaned softly as she deepened the kiss, slipping her tongue in his mouth against his. It didn't matter to her if he wanted this or not. All that mattered was that he received what she thought he deserved. She could feel his erection from his pants brushing against her thigh. "Come on Master...please accept my gift." She repositioned herself now so her head was over his crotch with his head just under hers. She quickly undid his pants, allowing his erect cock to pop up. "My...are you sure you don't want this?"
Toko said nothing, instead he looked to Mimi, his eyes almost pleading. "Please, Don't let her do this!" He said hsi voice betraying his arousal. He kept struggling to get out from under Yuna but was helpless under her. He looked down as he felt something wet on his cock only to see it was Yuna's wet pussy dripping down on him.
Yuna glanced over to Mimi, who was still looking as though she was unsure of what to do. "Hmm? Do you actually think you would try and stop me? Not only would I pummel you, but you'd go against your own feelings." Mimi pouted slightly at her. "W what are you talking about?!" "Don't play dumb with me. You yourself would say that you wanted to please your master, even as a pokemon." "What?! But not like this!" Yuna grinned as she ran her tongue over Toko cock. "You said you wanted the best for him."
Toko groan with Ynua's every lick. His breath was taken away from him as he looked at Mimi, His eyes pleading. His cock twitched and a drop of precum emerge from the tip despite his protests. "P please... Don't..."
Yuna continued to lick at his cock, giving another glance at Mimi. "Well?" she grumbled, sucking softly on Toko's tip. Mimi seemed to hesitate before she started to move over. Yuna watched her carefully, but even if she tried to stop her, she flatten her. Mimi had moved to where Yuna was and moved down as well. Much to Toko's surprise, she had leaned down as well, starting to lick at his cock. "I'm sorry Master...but I want to please you also." | 16 | ['Toko'] |
19 | | Zootopia, City of Film (East and Simplicity) | Nick's morning started with the simple fact that coffee was life. Fox's naturally nocturnal Nick had long ago learned the complete and total value of working in broad daylight. Cops were less suspicious of a fox who worked in the day like a good normal citizen, and less like a... fox. Now he was cop, and his entire social life was hell for it. This was made worse by the fact that instead of his work day starting at 6 am instead of the very nice noon start he had with his old hustle. So Coffee had become the fuel by which all other things rotated around.Nick's apartment was not exactly grand. He had taken a lot of short cuts in his life, and because of that his apartment was in the rainforest district, with a roof full of leaks, constant artificial storms, paint that was falling off the walls, and his one truest love. The espresso machine. Walking to the kitchen the Fox hadn't even put on clothing yet, wearing only boxer clothing, shower, work all had to wait for the simple divine taste of espresso. He went through the ritual he did every morning, adding water, plugging it in, placing his cup in it's place, and waited for the life giving elixir to manifest in his cup, except it didn't. The machine he had relied on for years let out a pitiful dying gasp, and sprayed cold half solid bean water into his mug. His attempts to salvage the machine only proved one thing, it was dead on arrival. It would need to be replaced.Walking to the shower, he expected warm water, only to find it freezing cold. One soaked, cold, coffee less morning later, Nick dredged into his uniform, and walked out into the streets of Zootopia.and was immediately hit by a landslide of mud from a passing Elephants car.Nick's green eyes twitched.He walked to the public transport, going to the over crowded buss, mud still flaking off his fur as he went into Savannah Central. The walk from the train station to Precinct one was at least barable. The heat of the sun helping to dry his fur. Walking past clawhauser the cheetah tried to greet Nick, and Nick simply let out a low grumble, walking into the breakroom, he had at least a few minutes before the actual briefing today. Which meant he could grab Stale two hour old breakroom coffee. He poured himself a drink, holding the warm, dense liquid in his paws and drank deeply.It wasn't espresso, but it would do.
The bullpen was perhaps the worst place in the entire precinct. It was over full will loud mammals, creating a constant feedback loop of noise that only seemed to plague Nick more, the stale water logged coffee of the break room was simply the worst version of his drink, and far from his normal pick me up, so his ears were still down, even as Judy walked in, however they perked up slightly as the Rabbit came to stand on the seat next to him, and pushed a coffee and a scone directly in front of him.His nose twitched as he smelled it, blueberry, his green eyes widened and rounded as he looked at Judy, for a moment it was almost like there was a tear in his eye. However the emotions only lasted so long as he could grab the drink in front of him and sip the hot, fresh flavor of bitter coffee, the exact perk up that he needed. "I love you fluff." He had expected that his voice wouldn't have even been heard under the constant comotion and loud yelling of the bullpen.Unfortinately his words timed exactly after the ten hut had been called, and so his attempt at gratitude towards his'Platonic'friend had suddenly been announced towards the entire room. The mammals around them all gave one look at the two rookie officers. Delgato, ever the antogonizer let out a loud 'ooooh' which some of the officers joined in on."Shut it!" Bogo's voice boomed as he walked towards the podium. "Officer Wilde, officer Hops, Congratulations are in order, but please keep your date plans outside of the office." Bogo said adjusting his glasses. Wilde's entire body went ridged as Bogo staired the two officers down, before giving a slight chuckle. "Kidding, now onto the work load. I have some bad news, late into last night Sergant Higgens was injured during a swat raid, and won't be able to return to work for a while, in the meantime I'll be assigning officer McHorn to the position, congratulations."He started to dispense red folders to the teams, leaving Hops, and wilde for last. "Hops, your still new to the city, so I have a special assignment for you and Wilde, School outreach. You'll be going down to Zootopia High today, dealing with kids, showing them equipment, doing some public speaking, and answering questions. Any questions?"Bogo looked to Judy when he mentioned Public speaking, after the press confrence so many months ago, she had never been given a chance to do any more public talks till today. It was clearly a test to see how she would handle the pressure.
Judy's comment about shaping the minds of tomorrow was pretty much exactly what he had come to expect from his over eager over optimistic best friend. He yawned and stretched he had been a student in schools once, he had remembered days where the ZPD would show up to the school and give these safety talks, and he remembered finding them incredibly boring. Experience told him that being on the other side of it, would not be much fun either. So as he got up to follow the younger officer, he sipped his coffee and ate at his blue berry scone. "Sure fluff, lets go inspire the next generation."He spread his smile in false excitement even going so far as to make his tail wag so that he looked energized and perky, that was until she said that she loved him too. There was something about the way she said it that stung, maybe the way she batted her eyes, or something, but it earned her a bit of silence from her partner as the two walked. Something about the way she had said that had hurt, but he couldn't even put his finger on it. He was quickly coming to the realization of why it stung him, because it was impossible. She was a dumb little country bunny, there was no way she would ever find a fox attractive. There were a hundred or so reasons why the two of them shouldn't work in a romantic sense. Predator, and prey, close friends, they worked together in a dangerous field, she was too good for him.So deep into these thoughts he was that his paws carried him almost on their own to their shared police cruiser. He opened the driver side door, and got in, adjusting the seat and mirrors so that he could drive them. "Sorry officer hops, but you can ride shotgun today." He said deciding to push out his thoughts and focus on the task at hand. "I went to Zootopia High, and also you suck at driving."He waited for her to get in get buckled up, and started the car. "Presentations like this aren't exactly fun stops, they are boring PR stunts, but still you should be ready, kids can be pretty careless when it comes to your feelings. You should expect at least one of them to recognize you from the last time you spoke in public." Nick didn't want to open up old wounds, but he knew full well why they had been assigned to this particular job aside from the fact that they were under represented species in the zpd.Judy had nearly started a species war the last time she had been on camera, and public speaking was a big part of their job. "I'll be with you every step of the way this time, so if you feel you can't answer a question or something, just give me a signal and i'll speak up."
Nick grumbled a little when she pulled out her phone to look up directions regardless. He knew that for her it was something to do, but to him it annoyed him. He knew this city like the back of his paw, and he knew lots of ways to get around it that the cops simply didn't know, bypasses, small roads, pathes less traveled and the hours of which to use them. He had been a fixer for the Big Family, and while he would say he never did anything illegal he had plenty of knowledge about how to do the extra legal stuff.Still for his rabbit he would silence those complaints, and focus on the road. Till they arrived at Zootopia High. The school had been expanded a little since he had been here. Like most buildings in Zootopia it was overly large as it had to accommodate all walks of life, not as many Pulling into the parking lot nick pulled out the folder they had gotten with the materials for the safety talks, sure enough it was pretty much a boring slideshow presentation, no inventiveness about it. Nick passed Judy her copy of the material, and he turned the AC on. "We have a little while before we need to set up the auditorium and all that, probably a good idea if we took some time to actually figure out what we were supposed to say to these brats."Nick's nostrils flared for a moment. He looked up at the building. "I went to school here for about two years before I dropped out, I didn't complete my highschool credits till I was getting ready to apply for the police academy. Never needed it before then." He said rolling his eyes."But then I'd guess that you were the perfect student at your higschool. Probably got the perfect attendance record knowing you." He was trying to tease her to lighten the mood after their last conversation turned a bit for the worse with the reminder of the press conference. "Either way, we should probably try to actually make this presentation something people will actually listen too." | 4 | [] |
21 | | . ✦ : 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔄𝔡𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔊𝔲𝔦𝔩𝔡 : ✧ . 「𝔜𝔲𝔪𝔞 𝔵 ℭ𝔥𝔢𝔳𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔢𝔯」 | "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" s s s A full roster of the currently known members of the Adventurer's Guild. Rule: A party leader may select up to three companions at any current time. Only characters of the same rank or below will follow a party leader. More information about characters are divulged the longer they remain in the party. Party members can be dismissed between quests. More adventurers may be added at a later time. Rank 10: Porcelain Female Smuggler Rogue Novice Warrior Brawler Bard Rank 8: Steel Berserker Female Fencer Puppeteer Dark Elf Ranger Blademaster Rank 6: Emerald Paladin Sorceress Ice Mage Shield Maiden Demon Slayer Rank 4: Bronze Alchemist Fire Mage Sword Saint Accursed Prince
"Every adventure starts with a humble beginning..." Within the walls of the ancient Adventurer's Guild, legendary tales are forged, ballads are crafted and heroes are born. All people hear of the exploits, but only a few embark upon the journey to join the Guild. To become an adventurer is to search for a new life as a hero, protecting the common folk and the nobility alike. It is an honorable profession, one that all children aspire to one day commit to. The Guild promises a life of adventure, heroism and legendary struggle, a promise that many novice adventurers reach eagerly towards with open arms pledging their lives to causes they know almost nothing about. But bravery comes easy when one is protected by tall, city walls. The morning sun rose high over the eastern mountains, its gentle rays cascading across the city and penetrating the windows of the Guild. The Adventurer's Guild was especially busy this fateful morning, with hundreds of adventurers coming through its large doors to find quests, new party members, or both. Adventurers of all shapes, sizes, ranks and races came to this building, hoping to find some sort of glory along with their next paycheck. The inside of the building was spacious, enough to pack several hundred adventurers comfortably within its walls, along with providing all sorts of amenities to any travel weary adventurers. As the Apostle enters the building for the first time, she is greeted by an unfamiliar, yet welcoming smile. "Good morning!" A voice chimes happily, her auburn eyes averted towards her new visitor. Flicking a strand of hair from her face, she beckons the new adventurer towards the desk she was standing behind. "Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild. I haven't seen you around here before," She pauses, eyes glancing up and down the stranger's form. She immediately notices the Apostle's distinct equipment, the quality of which was quite superior to the equipment normally found wielded by new adventurers. "I'm Guild Girl. It's a pleasure to meet you." She begins to remove a stack of books and loose papers from underneath her desk, placing them upon her desktop before beginning to shuffle through them. "What name shall I register you under?" She paused for a moment, waiting for the woman to respond before jotting the name, 'Apostle' into her record book."You came in at a good time. Mornings are when we put up all of the quests for the day." As soon as she had finished writing, she reaches back down, revealing a porcelain tag attached to a leather string. "If you're planning on looking for party members to join your party, there are a couple of new adventurers that just came in last week." She explains, pointing to her left before placing the adventurer's new tag in front of her. "If you'd like to join a more experienced party, Female Fencer or Berserker are looking for party members. They don't always take new adventurers, but you seem like you might know what you're doing. Maybe they'll make an exception?" She shrugged, before turning towards the Quest Board to her right. "Of course, you could always fly solo. Not sure I recommend it... but you can always take a look at the quests we have posted."After a brief pause, the Guild Receptionist leaned into the desk. "I think that's about it. If you have any questions, Apostle, I'm always happy to help."
Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime 3. Crested Shield Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite The grandeur modesty of the Guild was no less than daunting for the foreign Apostle, whose eyes were mostly used to the pristine pillars of cathedral halls. In light of her pilgrimage, she had clad herself in attire bought with the pocket of gold she had saved, though she looked slightly burdened beneath it. The straight sword she carried was far heavier than the wooden blade she had trained with, and the shield she wore was a new concept entirely. In spite all of this, she forced her careful posture with the hope that she would eventually adjust to it. The small chime on her waist belt was among her few connections to home, along with the many grandiose stories the late Pontiff had told her throughout her youth. His tongue had spoken many tales of glory during his time within the Guild, all of which had inspired Apostle, though he seldom told of any losses or give any such lessons on the matter.She approached the desk with false confidence, her chin lifted with a enthused smile in response to Guild Girl's warm greeting."I'm glad to finally make it!" She chimes, her shoulders raising, "Apostle is fine.""A party... I hadn't thought about that." Apostle's eyes flickered across the Guild, taking in the array of individuals posted among the many seating arrangements. She thumbed over the tag's engravings idly before tying it around her neck piece, and considered her options. The concept of introductions rendered her wary, and for a moment's distraction she instead turned to the quest board to the right, her eyes promptly widening at the immediate mentioning of ogres and dragons. The crowd that had previously gathered had mostly dispersed, and she was able to stand frontward towards the postings. "Are dragons really this frequent?"She quickly moved on to the lowest paying quests. Rats, slimes, goblins lesser creatures for less gold, but an expected starting point for a novice adventurer.A quick glance sideways led her thoughts towards one individual in particular a hammer wielding Novice Warrior, who seemed to bear a porcelain tag. Apostle held her breath for a moment, before approaching through the parting crowd."Excuse excuse me!" She raised her voice, fumbling towards the girl, "Sorry are you headed for a quest? I'm... I'm looking for a party, if you have room. I wield Heal, if it would be of any help."Her opening was poorly rehearsed, and she was a little flustered by the time she reached the girl. Blue eyes held wide in a mix of hope and persuasion, her brows knitted in waning confidence.
As the Apostle navigated her way through the crowds of adventurers that filled the Guild's main floor, the Novice Warrior turned her gaze upon hearing a voice beckon for her attention. "No need to apologize to me." The young woman's lips creased into a smile, noticing Apostle's similarly colored dog tag. "We're all new blood around here." She explained, before listening to the Apostle's offer. "I'm the Novice Warrior, it's a pleasure to meet a healer." Indeed, Heal was something of a hot commodity for adventurers of all ranks, newer parties especially. But before she could provide the young woman with a straight answer, another man interjected himself into the conversation. Wearing a mix of leather and iron armor segmented into various plates, the blonde adventurer leaned closer so that he could hear into the conversation."Who's the young lad?" He remarked with a gruff, deep voice. The Brawler quickly studied the new woman up and down, immediately noticing her rather expensive looking plate armor. "Huh. She looks tough." He grinned, before turning towards the Novice Warrior. "Tougher than you, even." "And I'm sure she could pummel your stupid face in as well." With an annoyed look in her face, the hammer wielding adventurer pointed towards the new stranger. "This is Brawler. He's one of my party members. I'd ignore him if I were you." She sighed, before turning back towards the Brawler. "This is the Apostle. She wants to join our party. I think we can use her, since she can cast heal.""Heal? What the hell would we need that for?" He chuckled, "Just don't get hit. Then we won't have to worry about it." He leaned in towards the Apostle, "Useless spells aside, she looks like she can fight, plus she's pretty cute. I wouldn't mind having her in my ow OW!"The Novice Warrior had grabbed the man by the ear, tugging the taller Brawler closer toward the ground. "Alright. That's more than enough out of you." The Novice Warrior growled, "The next time you get cut up, you're going to be happy that the cute Apostle is there to heal you." She explained, before turning back to the Apostle. "Anyways, we'll join your party. Would you prefer to go with just the three of us, or find a fourth member? We were thinking about hunting goblins, but we'll take whatever job you want to take." "CAN YOU LET ME GO, AlReAdY?"
Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime 3. Crested Shield Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite The Novice Warrior's kindly welcome prompted the Apostle's posture to settle, though she recoiled at the sudden interjection of the Brawler. She held her hands up, and though she laughed nervously, she was charmed by the bantering and relieved by the immediate camaraderie between them. Perhaps her nerves had been misplaced."I'm glad! This will be my first job, you see." There was a smile to her tone, and she leaned her head down towards the wrangled Brawler. "I'll be there to help, if you do get hurt."The Apostle thought for a moment, standing straight. "Hm, a fourth may be helpful... Even if it's only goblins." She pondered, her eyes beginning to survey the surrounding populace. There was a menagerie of adventurers during the early hours, including the aforementioned Female Fencer, whose elegant attire caused her gaze to linger for a moment. Alas, she moved on, until she spotted a one eyed Female Smuggler. It was troubling to assume, but she looked to be in the same position as the Apostle and her new party. "What about her?" Without awaiting an answer, she began to make her way across the Guild, her armor tinkering in her wake."Pardon me," she began curtly, hoping to gain the young woman's attention, "if you're willing, our party is looking for a fourth for a goblin quest." She smiled politely, her hands clasped in front of her. Though after a moment passed, she doubled back on her own abruptness. "I it's no issue if not, though!"
The Novice Warrior nodded at the Apostle's suggestion to find a fourth member. Indeed, there was safety in numbers, or so she believed. The only downside would be having to split the reward with yet another person. But while money can always be made through more quests, their lives were a one use affair exclusively. As the Apostle pointed to another adventurer, the Novice Warrior shrugged. "She looks like a troublemaker." She mused, but didn't raise any further qualms as the armored blonde made her way across the room and towards the woman. The dark haired woman turned to face the adventurer when she was spoken to, her cat like iris studying the Apostle up and down for a moment as she offered her a place on their party. There was a brief pause of silence, presumably a moment for the Smuggler to think about the offer before responding. Instead, the Smuggler's hands reached outward, placing her palms against the Apostle's armored chest. "How do you move in that?!" The Smuggler exclaimed with a look of shock stretched across her face. As if grabbing the Apostle's breasts through her armor, she pretended to squeeze, only to have her fingers glance off of the plate armor. "I mean, doesn't it hurt being so constricted?!" She chimed once more, a small trace of drool hanging off the side of her lower lip. "I knew she was going to be trouble." The Warrior groaned. The air groping lasted for only a few moments before the Smuggler snapped out of her trance like state. "Goblins you say? Ah yes. Goblins!" She lowered her hands before clapping them together. "I'd love to join your party. If you'd have me!" The dark haired woman grinned, "I may not be as strong in a fight, but I do have quite sticky hands, you see." Before the Apostle could realize what had just transpired, the Smuggler opened her hand to reveal one of the Apostle's belongings in her hand: Her Saint's Chime. "Woah! Woah! Do me next!" The Brawler exclaimed, "Teach me how to steal a girl's " "That's enough out of you!" The Warrior grabbed the Brawler into a headlock, holding him tightly before turning to the Apostle. "I think we're ready to go, if you are."
Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime 3. Crested Shield Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite S The Smuggler's introduction was least expected, and the Apostle startled and yelped at the invasion. Her face flushed red despite the metal barrier between them, and she stumbled back a few paces to regain her space. "It's... not so bad, you get used to it." She uttered, though looking down, she she blinked hard at the exposed chest before her."Of course! I'm glad to have you!" She chirped, though her eyes soon widened at the sight of her chime and she grasped at her belt, glancing up and down at the sudden absence of her catalyst. "What how?" The Apostle's voice held a mixture of awe and panic as she briefly tried to understand how the Smuggler managed to swipe the chime without it so much as making a tinker. She reached for it and took it back quickly, fastening to her belt and cursing herself for losing such a thing so easily.The smile returned to her face, and her head tilted with enthusiasm. She laughed softly at the Brawler's continued misbehavior, and turned on her heels. "Looks like we're ready, then! Do we need to stock up on potions?" She asked, her knuckle raising to her chin as she paused her steps towards the door. She had no potions to hand, but one of the others may have a small stock to share. Unfortunately, she had not considered potions during her initial preparation, and so had very little gold to put towards them.
Upon hearing the Apostle's request to purchase potions, all of the adventurer's faces shifted awkwardly to the floor. Of course, these Porcelain ranked adventurers wore everything they owned on their backs... and as such had no money for potions or even food at the moment. "I could steal some." The Smuggler suggested with a shrug, much to the Novice Warrior's dismay. "We can't steal... we'd have a lot worse than goblins coming after us if we do." The Warrior explained, before turning back toward the Apostle. "I think we'll just have to go as is." She made her way to the quest wall, before tearing off a sheet of paper from the board. "This one doesn't look too bad. A group of goblins have taken over an abandoned fortress not too far away from here. The pay looks pretty good too." She handed the paper to the Brawler, who pretended to read it even though it was obvious he had no idea how to read. The paper was then passed between the other adventurers, before ending up in the Apostle's hands. "If this looks good, take it to the front desk, tell the Guild Girl we'll take the quest and meet us outside. I'll arrange for our transportation in the meantime."
Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime 3. Crested Shield Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite The Apostle looked down at the paper, he brows knitting slightly at the mentioning of a fortress and connotations which came with it. By her own assumption it would surely mean there'd be a higher number of goblins, but goblins should be a breeze even for novices, right? She nodded once to herself and made her way to the front desk, placing the sheet down on the surface and in front of the Guild Girl."We'll take this job, if that's okay!" She chimed, ready to sign her party to the post. Her enthusiasm was oddly placed, but she was excited for her initiation, and she hurried outside to catch up to her party once ends were met."Are we ready to go?" She asked as she hopped out the doorway, tucking the quest behind her breastplate for future reference. Her chime and armor tinkered lightly as she approached, holding her sword steady at her hip. "It's not far, apparently, so hopefully we'll be back in town before nightfall."
"Ah, have you decided on your first quest?" The Guild Girl flashed the Apostle a smile as the job posting was set down in front of her. Her smile quickly dissipated when she noticed which quest the first timer had brought to her desk. "Um..." She paused, her pen hovering over the document. Of course, it was the Guild Girl's responsibility to sign off on any assignment that any adventurer takes. It was also her job to make sure that any adventurer doesn't take on a job far too difficult for them. While the job had been ranked for Porcelain adventurers according to the Adventurer's Guild itself, the Guild Girl knew that this was very, very wrong. "I really think that you should " Before she could finish her sentence, the Apostle was already pushing through the double doors to catch up with her party."You look pale." A familiar voice snapped the Guild Girl back to attention. "Are you alright?" Standing in front of the Guild Girl stood a bronze ranked adventurer well known by the other members of the Guild. "I'm just... I'm worried about that group." The Guild Girl nervously bit her lip, as if waiting for the adventurer to step in to help.The adventurer nodded, "My party has nothing worthwhile today. We can follow them, if you'd like." Several hours had passed as the newly formed adventurer's party had found their way outside of the city walls and to a large mountainside. Cresting above the nearby slopes, the group could finally see the castle that the goblins had been reported in. The tall ruins of battlements that had fallen many years ago loomed ominously over the horizon. "Must have been a beautiful castle a long time ago." The Novice Warrior noted, slinging her war hammer over her shoulder. "Let's go. These goblins aren't going to exterminate themselves." She moved ahead of the group, beginning to climb the long steps that led up to the castle. "You telling me we have to go up all of that?!" The Brawler whined, "Who the hell builds a castle so high up on a mountain anyways?!""Well, it's not coming any closer." The Smuggler mused before following up the steps after the Warrior. With a groan, the Brawler waited for the Apostle to start moving before following after the rest of the group.The group continued to ascend the slopes of the mountain until they finally approached the entrance to the castle. The remnants of a wooden gate, splintered apart with pieces laying across the ground in every direction. "This castle must have been abandoned for almost a hundred years." The Warrior chimed, noting the type of construction that had been used to build the walls. As she inspected the entrance, each member of the party noticed a silhouette dash suddenly across their peripheral vision... then it was gone. "It's time, stay vigilant." The Warrior tightened her grip around the handle of her kite shield before pressing onward. The Smuggler gracefully flipped two daggers free from hidden sheaths in her gauntlets as the Brawler drew up his sword. The group remained in a tight formation as they stepped within the walls, each one searching the area for any signs of movement. The tall walls of the castle blocked out much of the sun's light as the party moved into the courtyard, leaving them veiled under a thick shadow. They continued to move slowly across the courtyard for several moments, until the Smuggler noticed a glint in the distance. "Look out!" The Smuggler suddenly tackled the Apostle to the ground. Above them, an arrow whizzed overhead, missing the pair by mere inches."Archers!" The Warrior moved closer to the group, blocking the next two arrows with her shield. It wasn't long until more arrows were raining down upon them, each one falling closer and closer to the group. "We didn't bring anything to hit them with!" She growled, noting the goblin's positions high up on the walls."Damnit! How do we get up there?!" Under the Warrior's protection, his eyes searched for a path, noticing a staircase that led up the side of the walls. "There!" He pointed toward perhaps their only option. "Let's get up there and kick their asses!""Get up!" The Smuggler dragged the Apostle to her feet. "We're moving!" As soon as the Apostle had been brought back to her feet, the group started running for the staircase. "Keep those shields up!" As a flurry of arrows landed in the courtyard around them, the Smuggler counted at least a dozen archers shooting at them. As they ran up the stairs, the Smuggler couldn't help but feel that this ambush was far too organized for a group of goblins. If they didn't keep on their toes, the situation would deteriorate quickly.
Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime 3. Crested Shield Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite The fortress' great silhouette cast a heavy dredge of unease upon The Apostle, who stared up from 'neath its shadow. There was a wallowing pit of dread which swelled in her stomach and brought a lump to her throat, though she fought hard to suppress it. She remained wordless during their ascent, and as they drew towards the ruined gate, her breath hitched at the sound of crackling beneath her feet. She had trodden in a patch of numerous tiny bones, perhaps once belonging to a goblin or other small creature. Upon further inspection, it was not the sole instance of death, for many more of these small remnants were strewn randomly across patches of overgrowth.She drew a long, short breath to settle her nerves, but the fleeting shadow brought her hair on end. She could only cry out as she was thrown to the floor by the Smuggler, though she would be eternally grateful thereafter.The Apostle scrambled to unhitch her shield from her back plate as she was dragged to her feet, sheltering both herself and the Smuggler from the onslaught of arrows. Her entire body tremored from the pelting assault, and she made well to maintain her balance as they fled towards the stairs. Her eyes raised toward the archers, noting their frequent number, and the stone ledging which hovered overhead. An idea crossed her mind, though she only had a moment to ponder it, and she withdrew her sword from her hilt."Lux, ignis, iudex nng!" She tripped upward as she tried to lift her sword upward, falling up the staircase and twisting to hold her shield up in defense. When the arrows ceased for a brief moment, she lifted her sword into the air, and finished her incantation. "Holy smite!"An immense light appeared above the goblins, and struck down with an electrifying bolt. The hit range was narrow and may not have directly hit any of the creatures, but the impact caused the overhang to crumble, and send dislodged stonework crashing down toward the archers below. Though she may have bought a safe window of time, some of the debris fell upon the stairs, possibly rendering retreat far more difficult than need be."Keep going!" She called upward, scrambling to her feet and making haste to catch up with the rest of her party. Her nerves ticked with adrenaline and fear, and for a moment, she felt invincible.
In only a few moments, everything had devolved into chaos. Arrows fell around them as the party rushed up the stairs, chasing after the goblin archers that rained arrows down from above. The members stopped momentarily when they noticed that the Apostle had lost her footing, the Warrior shielding her blind spots as more arrows pelted her shield. "I don't know how much more of this we can take!" They needed to come up with something... and fast. Luckily the Apostle was already on the case, raising her sword into the air and chanting some foreign words. A beam of light struck above and... did she miss? The Warrior cursed under her breath until she noticed the Apostle's true target. When the overhang collapsed, several pieces of the debris smashed into the goblin archers below, crushing a few and sending the rest scattering. "Look out!" The Smuggler shouted, extra pieces of debris falling atop them. The Brawler managed to move up the stairs in the last moment, the large blocks of ruined battlements crashing into the staircase behind them. "Guess there's no going back now," The party continued to move onward, reaching the top of the wall before running across the battlements. The goblins were in full retreat now, running away as the heavily armored adventurers chased after them. "Get back here, you shitheads!" The Brawler charged ahead of the group, trying his best to catch the goblins before they could find a new vantage point to shoot from. They ran across the ruined walls for several moments, before dipping into a large turret and disappearing down a flight of stairs. "Come on! They went this way!" He pointed before following after them."Slow down, Brawler! You're too far ahead of us!" The Warrior shouted, to no avail. The adventurers followed him through the turret, only to see the top of his head as he was already reaching the bottom of the stairs. "Wait! That's a trap!" "Idiot!" The Smuggler ran down after him, charging down the stairs after him. It wasn't long until the party found themselves in what appeared to be the dark halls of the castle. The scene was pitch black, the only source of light bleeding through the entrance from which they came. Vision was limited to only a few feet in front of them and none of the party members could even see the walls of the large room. An attack could come from any direction... and they wouldn't be able to do anything about it."Where are they?!" The Brawler growled, his sword raised. "I can't see a damned thing!""We need to get out of here. Now." The Smuggler whispered, biting her lip. "Warrior, stay and cover our retreat, everyone else start moving towards the door slowly ""They're just goblins! We can " Before the Brawler could finish his sentence, a single arrow pierced through the darkness. There was no time to react and before anyone knew what was happening, the arrow found the poor man's throat. In the darkness, each adventurer was forced to stare in horror at the grotesque image in front of them: an arrow lodged firmly between the still breathing man's throat."BRAWLER!" The Warrior screeched, tears filling her eyes as the large man fell to his knees. Blood began to gurgle and flow from his lips as he desperately held onto his throat, choking on a sea of his own blood. "HELP HIM!" The Warrior dropped her shield and hammer before falling to his side, crying and screaming."Leave him! He's fucking dead!" The Smuggler grabbed the Warrior, trying to pull her back as more arrows began to dart through the darkness. It was only a matter of time until another one of them would be hit. When the Warrior proved too strong for the Smuggler to overcome, she looked toward the only other party member left. "We're leaving!" The Smuggler grabbed the Apostle, before rushing toward the exit. Unlike the rest of this party, she knew a losing fight when she saw one... and she had no intentions of dying for something stupid.Yet, as the Smuggler and Apostle made their way toward the exit, the light was suddenly blocked by a giant silhouette. A creature standing several feet taller than the both of them combined. "No... it can't be," The Smuggler stopped in her tracks, her face falling into an amalgamation of dread and fear. "We have to fight that?" She muttered underneath her breath, realizing that they stood no chance of escape. "I'll... I'll distract it." The Smuggler turned to the Apostle, a sad expression stretched across her face. If they couldn't escape, perhaps one of them could leave and get help. "When I get its attention, you "What little hope of escape was snuffed out when the hobgoblin thrust its fist through the air, swatting the Smuggler several paces back and knocking her out immediately. It wouldn't take long until the Apostle would meet a similar fate...
Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime 3. Crested Shield Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite c The ensuing chaos throttled the Apostle's heartbeat into full swing, and even she did not falter as they filtered into the darkness. Her ears were ringing with the heat of her own pulse, and her lips parted to scream though no sound came out. The horror which followed buried her further in silence, and she skidded to a halt, watching with wide and tearful eyes as the Brawler fell. "N no..." She breathed, her breath hiccuping in fear as she watched blood gurgle and spatter from his mouth. She reached for her chime, though her hand trembled terribly. "I can... I can " Her motions were cut short as she was once again seized by the Smuggler, who had already resigned the Brawler to his death. She resisted, if only for a moment, but the Smuggler's intention were true. Heal, whilst being a true token, was a delicate and often timely charm which would have certainly resulted in the Apostle's own death if she had lingered to cast it. She looked over he shoulder as they ran, tears falling as the others faded out of view. Her gaze returned to a repulsive, hulking figure. It's silhouette painted the doorway black, and the Apostle seemed to forget how to breathe. "No!" Her focus was slapped back into force as the Smuggler was hurled through the air, and in a moment of haste, she raised her sword once more. "Lux, ignis, iude !!" The hobgoblin took less than a moment to set its sights on the Apostle, and she was forced to lift her shield in anticipation. But she weighed far too little to withstand the beast's brute force, and she too was hurled into a rolling motion across the floor. The wind was knocked clean out of her and she hit the adjacent wall with a sickening crack. The Apostle writhed in agony, gasping for air, and dropped her sword so that she could unfasten her breastplate and alleviate some of the dented pressure it applied to her chest. She rolled onto her back to gaze upward as the hobgoblin approached, though she could not will herself to stand. Her head swam and her vision darkened, and she soon succumbed to her slumbering fate.
The first thing that every adventurer must learn is that there are fates far worse than death. The room was clouded under a veil of darkness, a single ray of light bleeding into the room. Were they in the same room that they had fought in, or had they been dragged somewhere deeper? It was difficult to tell where they were, or how long they had been there for. Perhaps if one of them were to escape, they could follow the light and escape the hell that they found themselves in, or perhaps they would simply meet death faster than they had anticipated.The Apostle's slumber would eventually be awoken by a blood curling scream. In her unconsciousness, her arms and legs had been bound together, leaving the adventurer helpless and incapable of flight. The Apostle wasn't dead just yet, but it wouldn't be long until she wished that she was, until she realized the horrible fate that would eventually befall her. As the blurriness gave way to clarity and the small traces of light finally brought vision back into her eyes, she would be met with an image that would be branded into her mind forever. "STOP! PLEASE!" A voice screamed once again. Laying in front of the Apostle was the Warrior, tears filling her eyes as her frightened howls filled the air. What little light remained reflected over her pale silhouette, her flesh fully exposed as several goblins ripped what little clothes remained from her body. Her appeal to mercy fell on deaf ears as the goblins surrounded her, revealing their deranged manhoods to the defenseless adventurer. "NO! I'll do anything!" It wasn't long until the creatures jumped on the opportunity to rape their new captive, each one grabbing her and pressing her against the floor. Her wails became increasingly vibrant as the horrible creatures violated her chastity, something that she had once hoped to give to the Brawler when the time was right.But now he was dead... and one by one, these creatures ravaged the warrior. Each one took turns using every one of her holes, sparing the defeated adventurer no mercy for goblins were capable of none. Her screams continued to fill the silence as they buried their cocks deep inside of her, each one releasing their disgusting seed inside of her before allowing the next goblin to take her place.Another wail would direct the Apostle's attention to the opposite end of the room. The Smuggler screeching in terror as she was pressed up against the wall. "STOP! STOOOOP!" She screeched in terror as the massive hobgoblin held her in place with a single hand. His massive shaft hung between the Smuggler's legs, a disgusting thing that surely tear the petite adventurer in half. "Help me!... Somebody HELP!" She begged, her voice hitching as her vocal chords reached their limit. Yet her fate was sealed, the massive creature smashing its hips into her as it defiled her from behind. The pain was unlike anything the poor Smuggler had ever felt before, the giant thing pressing deep inside of her, destroying her insides with every thrust. It felt that every time it plunged deeper inside of her that she would die... oh, how that would have been a mercy for her. The rape of the Apostle's party members lasted nearly an hour, each goblin passing the two girls around the room like things to be played with. This was the fate of adventurers who would fall to goblins, a horrible fate with no light at the end of the tunnel. It wasn't until the goblins had grown bored that they noticed that the Apostle had awoken. A third plaything for the horrible creatures, the goblins jumped with glee and renewed excitement as they approached the Apostle, dragging her to the center of the room for her turn. The large hobgoblin that had raped the Smuggler now towered over the Apostle, its hands moving to tear off what clothes remained on the woman's body.It wasn't long until she was bare... pinned down against the cold, dirty floor as the massive creature positioned itself over her. Was this the end?
Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime 3. Crested Shield Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite c In the silence of dark, the Apostle was gifted a dream a fleeting moment of peace amidst the relentless turmoil. For a short time, she stood within the immense Pale Chamber of the Grand Cathedral, beholding the Pontiff as he closed one of his many stories. " you will play Death for many a lesser creature, but when the dice fall against you, what will you do?" Blue eyes flickered open, and the Apostle was projected back into her nightmare. She writhed a little, twisting so that she could lay on her side, and her head rang with pain. The scene before her took a short while to process as her vision cleared and allowed for the waning light to enter. The horror she then beheld was beyond any level of her imagination, and her wide gaze quickly filled with tears, her stomach twisting in frozen fear. What could she do? Her thoughts were filled with nought but terror as the Warrior's sanity was torn out from the inside, and though she could barely see the Smuggler from beneath the hobgoblin's grotesque silhouette, her screams brought vomit into the Apostle's throat. Though awake, she had yet to make a sound, and as her eyes swept across the blackness of the chamber she took note of a slight glimmer several paces away from her. Her sword, along with her shield, had been thrown atop a pile of other loot no doubt ransacked from another party of unfortunate, trespassing souls. The Apostle looked towards her sword, then her party, and then back again before attempting to move. Even with bound hands, if she could just She fell forward, hitting the ground again with an awful clatter. Indeed, the goblins had been clever enough to bind her ankles too, and in falling over her armor had raised such a racket that every pair of eyes in the room turned to look her way. Her stomach sank, and her lip trembled. "N no... please " her muttering was interrupted by the onslaught of lesser goblins, and she was dragged across the ground by her arms. "No! Get off!" Her screams melded into wails as the lower portions of her armor were prised from her legs. However, in doing so, the goblins had unwittingly freed her ankles of their restrictions and she began to kick and flail, sending a small number of goblins staggering backward with impact. She gasped with panicked exhaustion and portions of her flesh became lacerated and abraded by the many claws which grasped at her. The commotion was prolonged, and her ceaseless sobbing soon attracted the full attention oh the hobgoblin, who proceeded heavily towards her. They had made a terrible decision in coming here. Her body froze, and her arms remained pinned by the colony. She stared wide eyed at the Smuggler's assailant as it set its intentions upon her now, and every muscle in her body quaked with terror. Her undergarments were peeled from her form and the air was terribly cold against her now bare flesh, and she could not bring herself to scream, resigning herself to silent dread as the hobgoblin leered over her. Help me, O' merciful Goddess. Help me, anyone...
The goblin behemoth cared little for the woman's sobbing, the terrible creature towering over the helpless Apostle. Her armor had been dispersed in pieces strewn across the floor, her skin made bare and vulnerable. It was her turn now. The creature prepared to ravage her... to destroy her mind and body in the same way it had violated the Smuggler. For goblins knew nothing about mercy, their minds only able to comprehend murder, pillage and of course, rape. The monster lumbered closer, it's disgusting hands aggressively grabbing at the flailing ankles of the woman beneath him and spreading them apart. It then positioned itself between them, the horrifying scent of blood and sex filling the air. Yet, even in Hell, the Goddess protects. From within the darkness, a new scream filled the air. For what had probably felt like an eternity, the Apostle heard the screams of her party members as they were raped. But this one would be foreign to her, for it did not emanate from a human, but rather a goblin. The Apostle's captors heard it as well and before the giant hobgoblin could torture her any further, its eyes were drawn in another direction. It was then that the Apostle could see light... a string of torches illuminating the darkness as if casting evil away. From the darkness appeared two figures: one male... the other female. Though their faces were still difficult to see amidst the chaos, it was clear that they were adventurers, each one adorned in heavy armor not unlike what the Apostle donned. Yet there remained only two, in a sea of goblins that had so quickly defeated the Apostle's party. If they were not careful, they could easily meet the same fate all the same. The male, a tall man with ashen hair and wielding a long lance struck first surging ahead and striking at the goblins that stood at his front. The creatures fell easily, three of them skewered like ragdolls upon the front of his spear. Goblin blood soaked the stone tile as more leaped from the darkness. "Go!" The man shouted, tossing his torch to the ground so that he could grasp his weapon with two hands. As he began fighting the other goblins that assailed their rear, the mysterious woman leaped forward charging directly toward the Apostle. "Stay down!" She shouted, drawing up her sword as she fearlessly sprinted toward the Hobgoblin that towered above her. The creature grabbed its weapon, raising it in the air as it prepared to smash the woman into pieces. Yet such a sight did not dissuade the adventurer, who continued to charge with a fiery determination in her eyes. As she ran, she waved her hand over the cutting edge of her sword, "Lux, illustrant! Illuminate and cast away the darkness!"Before the creature could smash away the smaller woman, a blinding light momentarily flashed from her sword, causing the creature's attack to only catch the air. "Fall, beast!" She cried, leaping through the air before sticking the blade through the creature's face. The blade passed easily through its brain, instantly felling the hobgoblin with a single strike. The large creature fell with a resounding thud, causing the remaining goblins to panic and take flight. Yet none of the foul creatures would escape, for their elaborate trap only had a single exit... which was blocked by the spear wielder. It wasn't long until every goblin had fallen, butchered to the last by the two adventurers."We have two survivors, my Prince." The blonde haired woman stood over the Smuggler, who had not survived her encounter with the massive hobgoblin. She immediately sheathed her sword, clasping her hands together so that she may pray for the fallen damsel. "Goddess, O' merciful Goddess, please show us your mercy and guide the fallen to an eternal peace."The Prince sighed, kneeling down beside the Apostle. With a knife, he cut the binds that held her arms together. "Are you okay?" He asked softly, removing his cloak before draping it over the frightened woman's shoulders. "Can you walk?" He noted the bruises on her ankles, no doubt from the goblins' torture. Even if she could walk, he knew that the trauma was probably too much for the young woman to bear. "Sword Saint.""Yes, my Prince?""Collect what you can find and help bring the other survivor to the wagon. I'll take this one." He placed one arm behind the Apostle's back and another beneath her legs, lifting her from the ground and cradling her in his arms."...and what do you want me to do with the bodies?" There was a slight hint of annoyance in her voice. Though the Apostle probably couldn't detect it, watching the Prince carry another woman was nothing short of infuriating for the Sword Saint."We have to burn the castle, we don't know if there's more of them. Pray for the other one and begin the preparations." He carried the Apostle out of the castle, before taking her down into the courtyard they had come from. "You're safe now. Is there anywhere you'd like us to take you after this?"
Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime 3. Crested Shield Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite c "We each owe a death. It is the only certainty of life. You may fear it, or yearn for it " The Apostle's eyes were captured by dancing lights and inhuman distress, and her heart fell heavy with sodden relief as a figure burst from the dark and cut her assailant down. Blood spattered downward and hit her naked flesh, and she recoiled with a whimper, pushing herself to the side so that the behemoth would not crush her as it fell. Her watery gaze lifted to behold the Sword Saint, and her lips parted with shaken breath. " alas, dearest acolyte, this is not your time." "S Sister..." she stuttered, awkwardly shifting in a slow attempt at sitting upright. She recognised the Sword Saint's garb immediately, along with the insignia of her ties to the Goddess. She sobbed quietly amidst the slaughter, almost believing that the Goddess had answered her during that moment. The woman's soft prayer to the fallen drew her attention downward, and she choked on her own tears at the sight of the Smuggler's body, immediately subjecting herself to self blame. She then pondered the Novice Warrior's fate, and searched the room for her, feeling grim relief at the sight of the slighted woman's chest rising and falling with every defeated breath. She lay helplessly in the dark and filth. "Help her, please." The Apostle had been terribly lucky, by comparison. The feeling of her arms being freed redirected her attention, and she looked to the Prince with wide eyes. Only when she he cloaked her did she realise her own exposure bare skinned and riddled with cuts and she pulled the cloak tightly around her chest. "I... I think so." She moved to stand at his question, but her head span and her ankles clicked at the sudden weight, deeply bruised by the prior abuse. She staggered, but he had caught her balance, lifting her into the air. She was terribly embarrassed by her condition, but was ultimately stunned by the concept of her party's bodies being burned along with the nest. She looked mournfully towards her fallen comrades as they left, though her tears had run dry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Her attention was netted briefly by the glimmer of the Prince's bronze tag. She would be eternally grateful following her recovery, but for now, her words seemed spent. The question of where she'd like to go from here played at her mind, and for a moment she considered returning to the Cathedral. But how could she? She had travelled days to fulfil her dreams of adventuring, but... "The Guild, please" her voice was small, cracked and dry from exertion. "I need to hand in a report, and... and start again."
The Prince was rather taken aback by the Apostle's request. "The Guild? But you're in no state to..." he paused for a moment, no doubt her answer was some sort of trauma induced delirium. "Alright. We'll take you back to the Guild," he carried the Apostle through the gates of the castle. Waiting in front of them was a large carriage, adorned with the regal colors of blue and gold the colors of the royal family. "Tomorrow morning," he added, opening the door to the carriage before setting the Apostle down into one of the seats. "Tonight, you'll stay in the Royal Palace as my guest." Though the Apostle was probably eager to take on another quest, there was simply no way the Prince could allow her to do that. At least, not in her present condition. The Prince settled down in the seat across from the Apostle, "I am the Crown Prince of these lands. One day, I may inherit this kingdom... and I hope to protect those that find themselves in danger," he flashed the terrified woman a humble smile. It was then that the Sword Saint had arrived, carrying the unconscious Warrior in her arms. She had wrapped the woman in several blankets, setting her down in the open space beside the Prince, "I'm sure you are familiar with the Saints of your Cathedral?" "A pleasure, fellow Sister. I hope that you are unharmed?" She asked curtly. There was something strange about her eyes, which illuminated an alluring, vibrant shade of scarlet. "I am the Sword Saint, like the other Saints, I have undertaken a vow of chastity and service to the Goddess in exchange for her power and guidance." She explained, bowing from the entrance of the carriage. It seemed that even when naked, the Saint was capable of spotting a servant of her church from a mile away. Or perhaps she had simply found some of the Apostle's many belongings strewn across the field of battle. "I have invited your fellow sister to stay with us for the night," the Prince explained, "I believe that would be the best for her " "But my Prince..." The Sword Saint's scarlet pools narrowed, a sudden glare pointing off in the Apostle's direction. "The guest rooms are all filled with visitors for the Royal Banquet..." "I was thinking that she could stay with you, just for the night." "I see. If that is what the Prince commands, then I will take care of her." Her ephemeral glare soon dissipated, a friendly smile etched across her face, "Perhaps I can teach the young sister a thing or two in swordplay? She might find my lessons useful." She nodded, "would you like to learn how to properly wield your sword?" From behind, she revealed the Apostle's steel longsword, returned to its leather sheath. She handed the sword off to her, before turning to the Prince. "The preparations are almost complete. I only need a few more minutes" It wasn't long until the Sword Saint disappeared, back into the darkness of that horrible castle.
Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime 3. Crested Shield Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite Tomorrow? Royal Palace? The Apostle's head throbbed. The sudden realisation of just who was addressing her finally latched on, and her fingers curled into the fabric of the cloak, leaning her head downward in a shamed bow."Forgive me, Your Highness, you've done more than enough already," she began, her words spilling hastily from her mouth. She cursed her stammering and her physical presentation this had not been a day where she was expecting to encounter royalty. "I can... I can find a place to stay, I'm sure."Her gaze flickered up to the Sword Saint, and her lips parted at the sight of the Novice Warrior bruised and tormented, but alive, nonetheless. She fought back tears at the very sight of her, but felt a dredge of relief wash over her. "Thank you, sister." She breathed, ever grateful for her intervention. "I have always admired the Saints. I am the Apostle, named so by the Pontiff. I set out to find my cause, as he once did, but..."Though there was an undeniable allure to the Sword Saint's demeanour, there was the slightest tick behind her pooling eyes which seemed to press at the Apostle's sense of alarm. The concept of staying the night in her presence was unnerving, but a sister of the church would surely consider no harm. Alas, there was no denying the unease in the pit of her stomach. Such notions were briskly washed away with the presentation of her sword though the blade itself was a pleasant surprise, the chime which hung from its hilt made her heart skip a beat."Thank goodness... I thank you, dear Sister." She bowed her head once more, clutching the sword and chime close to her chest. Though she could scarcely use it for now, the chime was an artefact of the church both a catalyst and amplifier of holy charms. She would not forgive herself for losing such a thing. "It would be an honour to train with you.""We'd made a terrible mistake..." She uttered, watching as the Sword Saint disappeared into the shadows once more. "If only we'd given it more time."She lingered on these thoughts, but even she knew well that even with all the planning in the world, the outcome would not have been much different. They had been fledglings, barely acquainted with their flight feathers a large colony such as this should have never attracted them in the first place. The Apostle folded her arms even tighter, preserving whatever modesty she still had left.
The Prince waved his hand, "We all make mistakes, dear Apostle. Both I and the Sword Saint have failed countless times." He began, running his hand through ashen locks, "The Saint was once a witch, who learned the error of her ways and repented. Now she protects those that cannot protect themselves." The tale of the Sword Saint was an interesting one indeed, but he decided that it was best not to dwell upon the failures of the past. For now, they had to look towards a brighter future and the Apostle's wounds would need time to heal. One day, perhaps, the fledgling would learn to properly fly. Some time passed until the Sword Saint reemerged from the castle, placing some bags of equipment on the back of the carriage before peeking through the doorway. "We're good to go." Her words were answered with a short nod by the Prince and the door to the carriage was shut. Small thuds could be heard as the Sword Saint mounted the top of the carriage and grabbed the reins to the horses that towed it. "Tell me, Apostle. What made you leave the Cathedral and take up the life of an adventurer?" He asked, though her answer was probably something predictable, he felt that it would be a good start nonetheless. "Do you seek power? Adventure, perhaps?" Many adventurers sought the same as her... and many adventurers met terrible fates in search of glories and riches that didn't exist. The carriage ride lasted for only a few hours until the group had once again entered the city limits. The warm embrace of civilization was marked by tall walls, spiraled arches and of course, people. For those who couldn't fight, civilization was safety, a place where they could hide away from the true horrors of the world, many of which the Apostle had witnessed first hand. As the carriage rolled through the city, Oliver turned his attention to a small opening where light poured through. He placed his hand against the window as he stared longingly into the city streets beyond. One day, this would all be his... and he would be trusted to protect everything and everyone. But first, he had to find out how to protect himself. "It shouldn't be long, now." The Prince remarked as the carriage made its way down the city streets and up towards the palace that towered above the city. It was a small world hidden away from the rest of the city, a place where the royal family and the nobles managed the kingdom in secret. Many people knew very little about those that ruled them and even less about the Prince who had taken up the life of an adventurer. Eventually, the carriage rolled into the courtyard of the palace and the Sword Saint disembarked, opening the door for the Prince and the Apostle. As the pair stepped off of the carriage, the Prince glanced back at the woman still inside. The warrior, still unconscious and trembling, "My guards will have her delivered to the Cathedral. She needs medical attention that we cannot provide for her here," the Prince frowned, "She'll be safer there. Perhaps she may find a new purpose in life as well." As several guards entered the courtyard, they each bowed before their Prince before moving toward the carriage. "Come, the sun is beginning to fall, but we have things that must be done." The Prince led the trio up the marble steps to the palace before being welcomed by the many attendants that stood at the entrance. "Welcome home, your Highness." A maid bowed before the group, "The guests for the royal banquet have already arrived and are expecting you." "Sorry, we were a little caught up. I will apologize to them myself." The Prince turned back to the Sword Saint, "Do you think you could show the Apostle around? I'm sure she could use a warm bath and a meal." His soft eyes then transitioned toward the Apostle, "I hope you don't mind. Royal duty calls me." He then went ahead of the group, followed by a large number of servants as the Prince disappeared around a nearby corner. The Sword Saint sighed, "Come with me." She mumbled, before moving into the palace and turning in the opposite direction. "Don't get lost."
Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime 3. Crested Shield Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite "I seek... Purpose, I think." Even the Apostle was unsure of her desires, even having come so far. "We'd heal the sick within the church, such was our task, but... I had always admired the paladins and their travels. It's a feeble ambition, I suppose, but I did not want to belong to the Cathedral forever." Considerable time had passed since the Apostle had set foot within the centre of the city, having few reasons to do so. The bustling populace was charming, and she stared in wide eyed wonder as the shadow nigh swallowed them whole. The iron pyres and alabaster carvings spoke tomes of nobility, but beneath it's glow lingered a peculiar, eerie air which stirred an ill feeling within the Apostle's stomach. Perhaps it was the age of the building, combined with the already disheveled state of the Apostle. What was she doing here? Before exiting the carriage, she placed a hand atop the Warrior's own, glad to feel that it still had some warmth to it. The Cathedral was, indeed, the best place for her to be, and for a moment she pondered attending there herself. Alas, whether out of obligation to the Prince's wishes or mere morbid curiosity, the Apostle hopped down to the floor, ensuring she remained cloaked throughout the short fall. She uttered a short prayer, bidding farewell to the unconscious woman and wondering if she would ever see her again. The Palace interior was far more grandiose than she had expected, and she was fully aware of her current state, feeling ever embarrassed by her condition within royal presence. Bare footed, bruised, and clutching naught more than a sword, she shied away from the prying eyes of servants and did little more than bow her head as the Prince dismissed himself from view. Her gaze snapped towards the Sword Saint as she heard her sigh, and she quickly set to following her, initiating with a slight jog to catch up. She felt terrible, and awkward. Her eyes settled upon the back of the Sword Saint's head as she followed, before drifting to the carpeted floor. "Does... Does this happen often?" She asked, perhaps trying to justify her being here. There was an ominous scent to the air, like a dredge of uninvited shadow, but she had only ever learned to trust her divine sister.
"Does what happen often?" The Sword Saint rolled her eyes, her portrait fixated forward as she spoke. "The Prince helps those when he can, that's always how he's been," she hid the annoyance in her voice well, staying several paces ahead of the Apostle as she led her through the labyrinth that was the Imperial Palace. "But bringing an adventurer to the Palace, this isn't something he does often. Perhaps he has simply taken a liking to you, Sister." Her brows furrowed at the very thought, but now was not the time to give into jealousy. Eventually, the pair arrived at the Royal Baths, marked by a large pair of doors that towered above them. "Here we are." She pushed through the door, revealing a gorgeous portrait. A spacious room of marble and gold, a circular mass of water set beneath a grand water fountain. Surrounding the baths were no less than twelve marble pillars, interspersed evenly and adorned with gold and fresh oak leaves. Dancing through the water were the petals of nearly a hundred, scarlet roses each of which matched the color of the Sword Saint's stern eyes. The Saint waited for the Apostle to enter the room before shutting the door behind her and locking it. She then placed her hands upon the Apostle's shoulder. "May I, Sister?" She waited for the Apostle to reply before slowly removing the cloak which covered her naked form."Every morning I bless these baths with the Goddess' light, so the water has some healing properties." She explained, before beckoning her forward, "Go ahead, Sister." She moved her hands to her own armor, dislodging her metal breastplate before promptly disrobing. Once the Sword Saint was equally barren, the female silhouette moved closer to the water, dipping her feet into the warmness before stepping inside. "It's always so nice and warm in here. I'd be lying if I said I haven't fallen asleep in here." She grinned, trudging through the water as she drew closer to the Apostle. "May I ask you a question, dear Sister?" For such a spacious bath, one could only wonder why the Sword Saint was gravitating so close to the Apostle. She moved closer still, until the exposed flesh of her breasts hovered dangerously close to the Apostle's own. She leaned closer, until her lips hovered only inches away from the Apostle. Scarlet kaleidoscopes gleamed carefully into sapphire gemstones, watching intently as both women could feel the opposite's breath upon their face. "I want to know... what you think of the Prince." She muttered softly, as if exchanging dangerous secrets between lips. "You see, I was like you once. I'm sure the Prince told you how I was once a witch. But did he tell you that the church wanted to burn me at the stake? I prayed to the Goddess for mercy, I promised I would do anything for just one more chance... it was then that the young Prince arrived and pardoned me without a second thought." The Saint placed one hand upon the Apostle's breast, the other gently clasping the side of her face. "That boy is very dear to me. So much so that I undertook a vow so that I may always protect him." As she spoke, tears began to well from within the Saint's eyes, "But there's something... something that you must swear to keep secret." Her voice quivered, "The Prince... he's... he's unwell... and there's nothing that I can do to help him..."The Apostle slowly drew away, her hands clenched into tight fists. "I need your help, dear Sister. I know you can't cure him, but you must help me ease his pain." She took both of the Apostle's hands into hers, clasping them together. "Please, Sister. I would be forever in your debt..."
Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime 3. Crested Shield Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite Blue eyes cast upon stained windows and carved alabaster, and lips briefly parted at the organic light and the subtle aromas that carried with it. The Apostle was truly taken aback, reminded starkly of the sacred pools beheld at the church alas, it was forbidden to touch the water there. Only with permission did she move forward, so distracted by the ambient glimmer that she did not pay much heed to either her own or the Sword Saint's nudity. He feet dipped into the water carefully, and she hissed through her teeth at the initial sensation as the water pooled around her reddened flesh. The initial sting soon settled, however, and as she submerged herself, she could feel the blessed water begin to gently coddle her wounds. The bath reached her naval, and she leaned over slightly as to rub the water into the abrasions on her shoulders. Her breath quivered, and for a moment, her mind fell completely vacant."I... um..." she tripped over her own voice at the Sword Saint's approach, and she stumbled back through the water until her rear pressed against the edge of the bath. She had heard quiet rumors surrounding the church's affinity for stakes, but... "He's sick?" She spoke quietly. Their closeness sent her heartbeat into disarray, and goosebumps prickled upon her flesh. Her breath hitched at the feeling of the Sword Saint's touch, and she turned her reddening face into her hand. "This whole place seems... sick, sister. I owe you my life, but what what could I possibly do for him that you cannot?" Beyond the confines of the holy waters they bathed in, the Apostle could almost smell the disease in the air. Yet it seemed ominous, and almost... alive. It was something she purposely neglected to mention, lest she offend their hospitality. "I was little more than acolyte, sister," she met her eyes again, her fingers lacing together in the woman's hands, "but I will do what I can to help him." Her voice was laced in nervousness, but her words were sincere, feeling ever indebted to the pair who saved her life.
What a naive young girl. The Sword Saint ignored the Apostle's reservations, hanging only on the Apostle's most recent words, "Oh, thank you, Sister!" She smiled, pleased that the Apostle had been convinced by her words. "I will show you tonight how you may assist me, for now, we should focus on your own recovery." Indeed, the Apostle was correct in noticing the strange aura that filled the palace, the demonic influence which lurched ever forward. It was an unsettling feeling, though the Sword Saint was impressed that the inexperienced Apostle could notice such a slight thing. Deep down, the Saint pitied the kind Apostle, who was perhaps far more saintly than she would ever truly be. Yet, the Saint cared only for the Prince... and she would allow even the Goddess to rot if it meant protecting him. The Saint retreated backward, finally returning the Apostle's personal space back to her. "Bathe now, allow your wounds to heal. I will fetch you new clothes in the meantime." The Saint dipped her face into the holy water, before turning toward the steps behind her. "Don't linger for too long, or you may fall asleep." She rose from the water, finding a nearby towel to dry herself with before she set herself upon getting dressed. "I trust you're not picky about what clothes you wear?" She smiled before disappearing from the room. She would return twenty minutes later, her hands carrying a set of fresh clothes for her sister. "Here." The Sword Saint placed the clothing down upon a nearby bench. "It was perhaps the only clean thing I could find in your size. I hope you don't mind." Upon the bench lay a sapphire dress that matched the Apostle's eyes, the quality of which, would have been fit for any noblewoman. The silk skirt would fall just above the Apostle's knees and the slender bodice would accentuate the Apostle's slimness. "It's been sitting in my closet for some time now. You can have it, if you'd like," she waited for her sister to leave the water and dry herself before holding the piece up for her. "It seems the Goddess has made us twins, for we are practically the same size." She chuckled, before handing the dress over to the Apostle. Once dressed, the Saint flashed her sister a genuine smile. "It looks lovely on you. Blue has never been my color." She turned towards the doors, before beckoning the Apostle to follow. "The banquet should end in a few hours. Until then, I can teach you the basics of swordplay, or we can find you something to eat."
Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime 3. Crested Shield Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite The Apostle exhaled a long, quiet breath as the Sword Saint broke away from her, and sank further down into the water. The surface lapped around her neck and after long last, the shallow cuts which peppered her began to tingle and close, leaving the slightest impression as to where they once were. Her head leaned back against the edge of the bath, and pale eyes cast upon the eloquently decorated ceiling. She reflected on the day's events, her brows furrowing at the thought of the Brawler and Smuggler. Her psyche threatened to dip into a pit of self blame, but her pondering had lasted too long, and she startled at the sound of the door opening once more. She lifted herself from the bath upon noticing the dress, drying herself with the remaining towel as she approached, bare feet padding against the floor. "Sister, I surely can't..." despite everything, she hadn't expected the garment to be quite so upper class. She ran her fingertips across the material, holding it in her arms. Her church had always promoted modesty, and her now scattered armor was by far the biggest investment she had made in attire. She had never once owned a standard dress, much less one of such embellishments. "Thank you, for all your kindness. It's beautiful." She pulled it over her head, fumbling to fasten the ties behind her and performing a half twirl to watch how the skirt fell above her knees. She felt oddly feminine, and as she always had done, she deeply admired its rich blue sheen. But despite everything, the concept of the Prince's sickness weighed heavy at the back of her mind, constantly contemplating what kind of ominous sickness could leave the Sword Saint so distraught. "Swordplay?" She looked up from her feet attentively, briefly glancing towards her sword which leaned up by the door. Though her wounds had closed, her appetite would take time to heal, and her mind was captured by the concept of learning from one such as a Saint. Indeed, if the Apostle had only known how to better handle a sword, then... "If it's no trouble to you, I'd be honored to learn whatever you can teach me." Her hands clasped in front of her, her eyes wide with grateful hope.
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Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime 3. Crested Shield Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 ... .... 3 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite 3. Luminescence The Sword Saint displayed subtleties and grace which the Apostle could only hope to one day match, though she tried anyway. The young woman was surprisingly sturdy despite her petite stature, and she had taken to the shield well her stance would withstand considerable force before buckling. Alas, she had lost her shield, and felt some grief as to how much it had cost in the first place. She had perhaps been foolish in investing so much in novice gear."Luminescence," she repeated softly, lifting her own sword to gaze at her blade. She had squeezed her eyes shut at the Sword Saint's demonstration, though her vision remained slightly hazed from the light which had made it past her eyelids. Nevertheless, she extended her blade, her grip tightening as she had only one hand to cast it with. "Lux, Illustrant Illuminate and cast away the darkness." Her nervousness in casting a new spell made itself known, and the resulting light was notably dimmer than the Sword Saint's own. Nevertheless, it had cast successfully, and with a little practice she might one day be able to cast it just as efficiently. She caught her breath, her lips parting in wonder. She felt a little stronger now, somehow.The hours which followed flew by, with the Apostle seeming to exert herself far more than the overly experienced Sword Saint. Her breath was heavy, though she did her best to adjust to the new steps and postures she was being taught. The Sword Saint's dismissal resulted in some flavor of relief, and the Apostle dropped her shield and sword and lowered herself to her knees, drawing in a deep breath and exhaling a long sigh. "Thank thank you so much," She began through laboured breaths, "I was never shown anything like this at the church. I'm in your debt evermore, it seems. Where did you begin to learn such movements?"
The Apostle learned quickly, able to cast a complex spell within only a few hours worth of training. The Sword Saint was rather impressed, though her stoic expression showed little signs of it. "A priest taught it to me, just a few days before he fell in battle. I was new then, just like you are now," she explained, her voice possessing an eerie calmness to it despite the grim subject matter. "Death is common in our line of work, as I'm sure you've learned. We must become stronger if we are to protect the ones we love." It wasn't long until a familiar sound chimed throughout the city. It was the clock tower bell, which rang twice every day to signal the time of noon and midnight for the city. "Hm. The hour is later than I thought.""Come, Sister. We should meet with the Prince now." She strode away from the training hall, the heels of her metal boots clattering against the tiles beneath her feet. Moving confidently through the halls of the castle, she remained two paces ahead of the Apostle as she led her through the labyrinth that was the Royal Palace. As the Sword Saint led her, she could feel the demonic presence take hold from within. If the Apostle couldn't sense the sickness that plagued the castle before, surely she would be able to sense it now within the embrace of the dark hour. Eventually, the pair make their way to a set of doors. Though the doors appeared normal on the surface, the two sisters could easily sense the demonic forces that were mustering within, oozing through the crevices before expanding outwards to the rest of the castle. For even a novice spellcaster, it would be absurdly obvious that this room was at the epicenter of the dark magic that lingered throughout the palace. Maintaining her composure, the Sword Saint opened the door, waiting for the Apostle to step inside before following after her. The room is none other than the Prince's bedchambers, a spacious room filled with the regal accommodations one would expect of a royal prince."My Prince, how are you feeling?" The Sword Saint remarked, carefully shutting the door behind her. She took a moment to lock the door, trying her best to do so outside of the Apostle's visage. At the center of the room, the Prince is kneeling on the floor, his face buried into the side of his bed. "I... I can't stop it " The Prince groaned before raising his head from his bedside. Gazing up at the two figures, one could see the source of the demonic energy. A blackness that was beginning to spread and infect the side of his face. It had already taken hold of one eye, which glowed a vivid, violet hue in the darkness. Upon seeing the Apostle, the Prince suddenly jolted upwards. "Wh Why did you bring her here?!" The Prince exclaimed in a mixture of shock and anger. Clearly, the Apostle had seen something that she shouldn't have, but the Sword Saint had no intentions of letting her go. "You saved this woman, now it is her turn to save you." The Sword Saint explained, trying her best to ignore the Prince's desperate howls of pain. "She already swore that she would help you.""No! Argh! Not... " The Prince clawed at his ashen hair, a strange mixture of growls and whimpers escaping his lips as he struggled to even speak. "Not like this! You can't!" The Prince swayed back and forth, knocking over random objects. "You can't do this!""You don't have a choice, my Prince," the Sword Saint shut her eyes as the Prince's squirming finally falls to a halt. The room remained silent for a moment before the Prince rose to his feet, turning towards the pair. When he would speak, his voice would suddenly sound deeper, as if possessed by some otherworldly creature. "What offering have you brought me this time, Sister?"
Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ...... 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 ... .... 3 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite 3. Luminescence The Sword Saint's words struck a deep chord, and the Apostle's mind cast back into the dark corners of the goblin's den, if only for a few seconds. She swallowed, exhaling a long and quiet breath as she did her best to push the echoing screams aside. Indeed, death was a real possibility it was a lesson she had quickly learned, in the most abrupt manner possible. Meet with the Prince? Her head tilted slightly, though she said nothing on the matter. The hour had very much fell beyond midnight, and light no longer painted the stained glass which windowed the hallways. Candlelight flickered ominously, casting shadows upon silent walls. The subtle aroma of rot she had encountered upon first arriving had returned, lingering in the air like a thin veil of mist. Again, she said nothing, and instead focused on the patterned decor as she walked closely within the Sword Saint's shadow. "Sister, I " her voice was small she felt she was stepping into a dense dredge of blackness a void, more so, that plagued the castle by any sense of the word. As her eyes cast upon the open doorway to the Prince, every fiber of her being begged her to stay away alas, her naive mind believed that no Sister would lead her into darkness, and she inched into the room carefully. Her hands clasped in front of her, and she took a moment to process the scene which lay before her. "Your Highness?" She questioned, taking a hasty step forward as she beheld the Prince on his knees. The Apostle soon halted, however, freezing somewhere within the middle of his chambers. Her eyes painted a wide picture, and though the Prince writhed in pain, his body weeped a grotesque mass unlike anything she had ever seen. The aura which came with it was nigh suffocating not unlike a pair of hands wrapped around the Apostle's through. A nervous whimper escaped parted lips, and she began to retreat backwards, her hand immediately reaching for her sword. But there was no sword. She had left it behind after training. A small sense of panic washed over her at its absence, and she reached instead for her chime, which hung from her belt below her back. She did not know what she would do with it, for she scarcely knew how to use it. "Wh... What's wrong with him?" She uttered, her eyes never leaving the Prince. She eventually leaned flush against the door. "We need to leave. I have to leave." The door would not open, and her movements devolved frantically. "Sister, wh " A new voice raised above her own, and pierced her flesh like a blade. Her breath hitched, and her movements seized, though her legs did not cease to tremble as she continued to push her strength against the door. She slid down as she did so, her knees eventually giving way beneath her and allowing her to drop weakly to the floor, overburdened by fear and exhaustion from her training.
The demonic Prince stifled a cackle as his victim recoiled, who moved for the nearest exit with a desperate haste. Ominously he strode, closer towards the quivering girl that sat helplessly upon the floor. "Be kinder to this one, the Prince is rather fond of her," a voice pierced between the Apostle's whimpers. "I don't think he'll forgive me if you break her like the other ones." She shut her tired eyes in an attempt to cast away the grotesque images that bubbled to the surface of her mind. The Sword Saint had done this many times before, a vain attempt to temporarily placate the darkness that encroached upon her beloved Prince. She was a servant of the Goddess, but circumstances had given her no other choice but to strike a deal with the Devil."Oh?" The malformed Prince towered above the Apostle before dipping at the waist, his still pure hand moving to capture the Apostle's chin between masculine digits. He averted the woman's gaze upward, forcing her to gaze upon the darkness that studied her with interest. "I'll give her back to you in one piece, if that is what you desire," the deep voice chuckled, a grin forming across his handsome lips. The tip of his fingers traced the very end of the frightened woman's jawline, his thumb brushing between unguarded, virgin lips.The Apostle exuded a pleasant aroma, the familiar smell of fear set between the sweat that still beaded down the crevices of her body. But more importantly, he could smell the Apostle's chastity a fresh maiden ready to be plucked like the forbidden fruit from a tree. He would defile her... ravage her until she would come to question her Goddess' mercy."Now, my sweetheart," his gentle touch soon navigated upwards, the sturdy hand plucking golden locks into a full, tightened grip. "The two of us are going to have so much fun together," the demonic hand pushed down upon his lower garments, inching the fabric downwards until his throbbing erection was fully revealed for the Apostle. The shaft towered over the height of her face, its girth sizable and foreboding. "Open your lips," he commanded, giving the Apostle only a moment to gaze upon the terrifying sight before he opened his palm. Still grasping upon the Apostle's hair, he struck the side of her face with his other hand. An audible smack reverberated throughout the room, followed by the streak of red which now marred the Apostle's perfect flesh. "Open," he would command once more, every lingering, defiant second met with another strike to the cheek. His slaps would become increasingly violent, until the poor Apostle had no choice but to acquiesce to his vulgar demand. Almost as soon as the Apostle would open her mouth, the Prince would thrust his waist forward, the massive shaft stretching her jaw and forcing itself between parted lips. "Ah... good girl," the demon's voice fell into a low growl as he felt plush lips wrap around the center of his pulsating length, his hand still grasping the Apostle's hair. "Now, start moving."
Current Inventory Rank 10: Porcelain APOSTLE, former acolyte of the Healing Church ascends from her youth as a paladin, and seeks a new life in the Adventurer's Guild. Apostle's holy flame cam both aid allies and ail foes. Equipment: 1 ....... 2 ...... 1. Steel straight sword 2. Saint's Chime Known Spells: 1 ....... 2 ... .... 3 1. Heal 2. Holy Smite 3. Luminescence The Apostle shrunk beneath The Prince's shadow, pressing herself firmly against the wall in a vain attempt to gain some distance. She turned her head, but her vision was soon guided to his face. His touch set her skin alight, as if poison were seeping through her flesh. Her breathing was quiet, but erratic, and she could barely feel her body beneath the weight of fear. His guttural words hit hollow ears. She was seized by the hair, and tears fell as her eyes squeezed shut. Small hands reached to grasp at his hand, failing to relieve the pressure. "Sister..." Whimpered words fell from trembling lips, still clinging to her misplaced trust. Her eyes opened, soon enough, and became wide as they beheld the sight of the demonic Prince's erection, which cast an unruly shadow upon her tearstained face. "No, please !" The impact of his palm knocked a sharp cry from her lungs, though for a while she did little more than whimper through gritted teeth. The flesh of her face stung terribly, and with every passing smack she found it harder to stand her ground. She had never once experienced deliberate pain, and she didn't last long. Her lips parted slightly in eventual disarmament, her chin trembling as she did so. A muffled whine tried to escape as her mouth was immediately broken into, her head hitting the door as she was pushed backwards by the force of his thrust. Her hands fell from her head and she gripped at the Prince's thighs, desperate for something to grip, and her fingers curled into the fabric of his britches. Her legs kicked out occasionally and to little effect, the Apostle otherwise unable to move from between him and the door. Her only option to relieve pressure was to move forward, complying with his request, and she begged the Goddess for forgiveness as she did so. Her tongue ran beneath his shaft, tasting his slight saltiness though only managing to progress half an inch or so before choking on his size. She could barely breathe as it were, and her jaw ached from the his girth. She could feel her virtue being torn away bit by bit, and she wondered why she had ever left the Cathedral. Wondered why she ever had to be here. She was being defiled not by man, but by monster it was an unforgivable concept. Indeed, the Apostle knew very little of the dark corners of the world.
From across the room, the Sword Saint watched as the man she loved defiled her fellow sister each moment tearing away at what humanity remained inside of her. She felt strangely calm, though she could feel the cold vestiges of guilt howling within her. There was a time where she had pleaded with the demon for mercy, but the Saint knew well that the Apostle would receive none. She wanted to stand up and protect her fellow sister, but she was powerless... unable to do anything but stand idle. "I'm so sorry." The words were silent, but the movement of her lips were clear. The demon cackled as the Apostle desperately attempted to appease her assailant, moving as far down onto his length as her dainty lips could take her. "Oh my sweet, I'm sure you can do better than that!" With his hand still firmly locked upon golden bangs, the Prince began to force her face closer to his pelvis. His throbbing length pressed deeper into her throat before recoiling backwards, giving the Apostle a fleeting moment to breathe before pulling her portrait down upon himself once more. He began to repeat this motion, the Prince's hips bucking with the horrifying rhythm. Trapped between the door and the Prince, the Apostle had no choice but to take the aggressive piston that assaulted her throat. Each thrust became deeper and more vigorous, the demon holding little regard for the Apostle's safety. "Ah! That's much better!" the demon growled between thrusts, his violet gaze admiring the mess he was making of the Apostle's face. Saliva dribbled from her lips, pooling onto the fabric of her dress as tears accentuated the very outline of her face. His violent thrusts continued for several more moments, until the Prince had been fully satisfied. "Not bad for a first time." He remarked, finally pulling his girth from his victim's tired jaw. He spared the Apostle only a few moments to collect herself before reaching down, his strapping hands violently claiming the Apostle's nape. Choking her, he forcefully pulled the Apostle to her feet before dragging her and throwing her unceremoniously upon the bed. Using one hand to pin the Apostle's face down against the bed sheets, the demon extended his other hand out towards the Sword Saint. "Bring me the rope." He commanded, waiting as the Sword Saint slowly did as she was told. She cautiously picked up the string of rope that lay underneath one of the cupboards before placing it upon the demon's hand. Without sparing any respite, the demon used the hard rope to bind her two wrists behind her supple waist. "Now, sweetheart," His hands combed over the Apostle's dress, vehemently tearing at the fabric as his throbbing length pressed up against the fabric of her exposed undergarments. "Which of your holes shall I ravage?" | 32 | [] |
22 | | Naruto: The Greater Team 7 (MysteriousD & SinCat) | The Chunin Exams... every several months, the exams are held within one of the Great Five Ninja villages so the brightest of the genin can try and earn their opportunity for promotion over to chunin, proving themselves to be intelligent and cunning enough to do so. This time, it would be held in none other than Konoha, the Village Hidden In The Leaves. This year would be interesting as the Sand village would be providing their own experienced team and there were a lot of competent rookies here. The new Ino Shika Cho trio for starts, but all eyes laid onto none other than that of Team 7, at least for Hiruzen Sarutobi.The Third Hokage stared over at the profile of the team, who completed an A Rank mission initially classified as C Rank. He felt a strong sense of pride in them. Initially an escorting mission for a bridge builder, it turned into a bodyguard to protect him from a former shipping magnate mob boss, including up against a dangerous missing nin and his accomplice, a wielder of the endangered Ice Style kekkai genkai.Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, led by Kakashi Hatake. Truly an odd but formidable team. But then again, they did have some outside influence.And those were the two files, Saurtobi was looking at.The first was that of Tottekawaru. Perhaps the oddest member of the village after Naruto himself. Found years ago as a child, he kept mainly to himself, but when it was discovered his unique bloodline, that of being able to combine lightning and wind chakras, he would be enrolled in the Academy. Perhaps more surprisingly would be that of the only thing to a friend he had, that of Itachi Uchiha. An... odd pair to say the least. Itachi outshined even Tottekawaru, but he was the only one who could keep up with Itachi and keep on guard. That and Itachi always called Tottekawarusenpai.Of course, things went south when Itachi committed the Uchiha Massacre, slaughtering all of the adults though all of the children had been hidden away. All because of Tottekawaru. In something that surprised everyone, even more than the near extinction of the prestigious clan were the circumstances. Tottekawaru noted that Itachi had an accomplice or following the orders of someone else, something he got when Tottekawaru ran into Itachi that night.Their duel was brutal and Tottekawaru lost when someone struck him from behind, nearly crippling him. As such, Tottekawaru was only in auxiliary until he could be healed. As such, the 21 year old was more or less often in the hospital or in the apartment with that of his ward... Naruto Uzumaki. No one knew why the two clicked, but they did. Tottekawaru took it upon himself to look after the boy and was not phased by the revelation of him being the jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi, but definitely intrigued. He played a role in Team 7's education since Sasuke was also there. Tottekawaru took it upon himself to supplement their education, especially since Naruto was a peculiar student with how he learned.The other was that of Reika. A skilled shinobi, she joined the ranks of the more eccentric members of the jounin due to her troubled past and her rather childish demeanor. She is a skilled professional and a capable taijutsu and ninjustu user, but her past demons had haunted her, which led to the adoption of an aggressive and dismissive front. However, Sarutobi shows patience for her and in turn, she would occasionally let her guard down with him and did not backsass much with him.As such, he called them in. He figured Reika would be here first.
"Oh man, this year is gonna be amazing!" Anko exclaimed, gulping down two dangos at once. "Those brats have no idea what they're going to face!! In case they make it far enough..." She laughed audibly with a notable satanic twist to it. While most of first time proctors were usually filled with anxiety and tense over ensuring maximum safety of their part of exam, Anko Mitarashi was not the one to overthink. Instead, she was the one to get fired up a bit too easy.Ibiki exhaled heavily, shaking head in disapproval. A small smile crept upon his scarred face regardless. "Don't get ahead of your self, Anko." She then huffed and crossed arms over her chest, a single dango still on a stick. With a dangerous spark in her eyes, her grin had then reappeared again, bigger than before. "They will not make it alive through my exam. Believe it!" This time the sigh came from everyone in the room. "Casualties happen. But as a proctor you are meant to try and prevent them." Hayate coughed.Anko pouted after receiving no support and shrugged, dragging the final dango off the stick with her teeth. "Ish teh forusht of deff. Eef dey die, dey die." She then stated, before chewing her treat up. "Well, whatever. They know what they are doing, plus no one can join unless they've been signed up by their team leaders, right? Genins might be ambitious brats with skills that barely progressed from their academy graduation. Jounins, on the other hand, are more trustworthy." Anko then headed to the door as the meeting had been more or less concluded. At this very time Sandaime should be informing team leaders of the exam dates. A particular person had then resurfaced in her mind, and she added before heading out "Not all of them. Some have judgement and attitude worse than genins."Reika sneezed as someone somewhere had mentioned her. A vein twitched on her forehead as she proceeded climbing the stairs to Hokage's office there were more than enough of people trash talking her, she just wished they at least had the audacity to do it to her face. The old man Hiruzen wasn't helping much either, not with his attempts to nag her into taking few genins into her care. A new team was the last thing she wanted.The memories of her last one were still a fresh and occasionally bleeding wound. While solitude guarded her from ever getting hurt again, it also served as a reminder of how she's lost all she thought her life was. Nothing has been the same since: friendships had finished, rumors had started, her confidence had dropped. And no one had ever noticed how her entire world had collapsed instead they would all demand more.Her, Junichi and Kuro. That was the only team she could ever think of being in. The three had been close already in academy, and being assigned as a three man squad under the mentor who was not a random jounin but Reika's own father had only tightened the ties. For years teamwork had been their forte and the days of careless youth had been filled with vivid memories and audible laughs, until all had turned into ashes.Three years ago, Junichi, the gentlest and sweetest of the three, fell under suspicion of being a traitor and fled the village right after. Being life long friends and never seeing a flaw in his behavior, she and Kuro put their everything into catching up to their pal before ANBU did and bring him back to senses. None of them had a slightest doubt Junichi was innocent and simply panicked oh, how naive had they been to believe it was something they could talk through!The first scar was landed by the truth. The sweet, caring and soft Junichi she had known all her life was a cold blooded monster in disguise. The ANBU had found him first, and this was the end of them. Needless to say, he had no interest in letting his so called friends live either.The second scar was her lack of skill. Or a painful mistake. Something she was to regret to the day she died. A jutsu to disarm Junichi, in the heat of the moment, turned out to have a bigger impact than any of them had ever imagined. It was an instant kill. He was dead before he knew it.The third was the consequence. From that day onwards, Kuro wanted nothing to do with her any longer. In his eyes, she was a murderer, someone who surrendered to the easiest solution regardless of whom they were to kill. Her father had difficult time facing her either: as a mentor, he had to praise her for eliminating the enemy and protecting her comrade. As a parent, however, he could barely hide disappointment. The rest of the village took a route of glorifying her as an excellent shinobi right off the pages of a textbook. They put a crown on her head and she wore it, even if she knew damn well behind her back they would condemn how cold blooded she was. It all happened too fast...Too fast for her to let them all know this was all an accident, a mistake. She was not a good shinobi but a good friend, not the other way around. And now she no longer had anyone to tell it to."What's the ruckus?" Reika huffed, pushing the door open as she skipped the greetings. "If that's the same boring plea to babysit some brats, save your breathe. I'm not doing that. So please, let it be something worthy my time."
"Reika san, please drop the act. Under normal circumstances I would not call you in for an assignment such as this, given you insistence, but this is special," Sarutobi told her as he waited for her to take a seat. "Instead, I would like to ask you to serve as a co jonin leader to Team Seven, headed by Kakashi Hatake," The Third Hokage told her firmly. Kakashi was among the few who could understand what happened to Reika. How he had to kill Rin because she was turned into a quasi bomb, filled with the Sanbi, the Three Tailed Turtle. Kakashi was forced to kill her, soon after losing his best friend Obito."Kakashi himself managed to pass the team. Consisting of Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki," he further explained to her. There, was his second reasoning. The last Uchiha, the one who had world fall to pieces and of course, Konoha's most unpredictable ninja and jinchuuriki to the Kyuubi no Kitsune, the Nine Tailed Fox. Both who beared strong burdens and the misfortunate girl who had to keep the two together."I ask to train all three of them and to protect them, given the unique circumstances. Especially with the suspicious of Tottekawaru," he finalized. Tottekawaru... the one who held the truth about the Uchiha Massacre, the one who was blood brothered with Naruto, the Plasma wielder and a pretty anti authorative figure to boot. He himself would also feel her pain, given the fallout between him and Itachi Uchiha."The Chunin Exams are coming and I fear something may happen, especially with the inclusion of Naruto and Sasuke and while Sakura comes from more modest backgrounds, she shows remarkable promise and able to assist her comrades in functioning," he explains.
Reika passed on his request to take a seat and remained on her feet throughout Sandaime's little monologue. The look on her face indicated she was less than impressed, but this once he barely left her an opening. It wasn't difficult to reject taking a team of her own even if she was forced to, she could easily fail a couple of snotty genins at any given time and once again be free of the tasks. Hiruzen could read her like an open book, therefore he knew trying to achieve Reika's compliance would only result in dreams of academy graduates being crushed, even if they were the most talented of the lot."The kyubi brat, the Uchiha brat and...Who was she again?" Reika asked with a tilt of the head to the side, visibly disinterested as she had always been. Most would be thrilled by this set up: working with the infamous Kakashi, getting their hands on the Uchiha and getting a chance to check the kid bearing Kyuubi himself. Reika, on the other hand, wasn't the most. If anything, she saw this entire set up as a nuisance and no kid was special for her, regardless of what everyone seemed to believe.She crossed arms over her chest, still looking unconvinced and relatively annoyed due to the knowledge this once she couldn't simply reject the order. "Wouldn't it make more sense to put me as a support to some proctor? Or just keep an eye on that Tottekawaru kid instead of Kakashi's brats?" Reika resorted, still putting at least some attempt into shaking this ridiculous request off. If she proved Hiruzen she had a better idea, he might bulge and change his mind.
"Under normal conditions, yes, but I would also like for both you and Kakashi to talk to Sasuke," Sarutobi explained. "Sakura Haruno," he reminded her, noting her disinterest. However, he was not one to give up, especially with his more troubled ninjas. As such, he sat up straighter and became more serious."Kid? I am 21, Reika," a voice said as Tottekawaru appeared there. Initially, one would not suspect much of him. While he was not husky nor doughy like the Akimichi were, he was still pretty stocky. However, he was still a pretty capable ninja as seen by the chunin vest he had. His picture profile does show some difference. While he is initially pretty tan, almost as much as Asuma san if not a little more, here he is a fair bit paler than usual, showing that he still has to recover before he can go at full strength. Beyond that, he looked a little different, though in the foreigner sense. However, his black hair and brown eyes also downplayed that and with his glasses, one could underestimate him."Hello, Tottekawaru san. And as for him, he is being tested on being an additional proctor with Anko san during the Chunin Exams. And it's who in particular I worry about," Saurtobi said before becoming even further serious. "I have heard Orochimaru may try and infilitrate the exams and I fear either Sasuke or Naruto may be his targets," he explains."How about we fight then? You win, you take my place as auxillary proctor in the Chunin Exams. I win, you join Team Kakashi," Tottekawaru proposed to her suddenly. From what he got, she was not gonna budge.
In comparison to him, Reika was kind of tiny. While she had some height to her, her slender built made her appear much smaller than Tottekawaru was. Yet, the difference in size didn't seem to affect her attitude nor big mouth anyhow. Hearing his voice, she turned around to face the man, instantly pushing hands to her hips at his complaint in regards of age."Oi. Don't act all mighty, kid. You're a still younger than me." She suggested with a slight brow rise. It was but a three years difference, although Reika made it sound as if there was at least a decade separating them. Hiruzen exhaled heavily at the exchange, pinching his nose bridge, though Reika was swift to change into her combat mode. Although she was more after a verbal fight rather than getting physical. There were certain restrains Reika had based on her past, and Tottekawaru, possibly unknowingly, stepped right on her toes. She huffed, trying to hide her building up discomfort and frustration a mental trauma from few years prior had made Reika hesitant to fight a comrade ever again, in fear of repeating the same mistake she's once allowed to happen."How about Sakamoto shuts up and does what she's bid for a change?" A different suggested rang from behind of them and Anko stepped into the room, not without a signature dango in her hand. Reika's brow twitched at the presence. "I would much rather get married to Gai than have Sakamoto ruining my exam." Anko continued with a grin.It visibly took Reika everything she had not to snap back and she limited herself to a glare contest with the other woman, before finally sighing. "Tsk, fine. Kakashi and his brats it is, then. I'm sure they have more maturity thansome peoplein here anyways." With another huff, Reika flipped her hair and left the room with her chin held up higher than it would be considered natural.Anko smirked as she retreated, visibly amused. However, she then recomposed herself, looking back at the Hokage. "Orochimaru? After all this time?" She asked with a frown, slightly riddled with doubt.
"That doesn't mean anything. Itachi was younger than me and he'd be able to kick both of our asses," Tottekawaru noted back to Reika, wondering if she would be taking his deal. When he saw her go into combat mode and Tottekawaru got into his stance. He knew about Reika's discomfort, but he was also more than capable of beating her, even in his weakened and recovering state. However, someone came in to pretty much put in an ed to it.Anko Mitarashi.Tottekawaru could not help but smile a bit at the proctor. Tottekawaru liked Anko and probably a bit more than platonically. After all, Anko was a dangerously attractive and capable forward woman. Additionally, she was also quick witted and despite how she can act around others, she can be a bit of a softy. Tottekawary knew why. Anko bore a chip on her shoulder because of what Orochimaru did, though she never was ostracized like Naruto was. Despite this, Tottekawaru could relate to Anko regarding the issue on betrayal."Thanks for that, Anko," Tottekawaru told her with a smile on his face."Yes. I have reason to believe he may target Sasuke Uchiha for his Sharingan," Sarutobi told her. "As such, we will need to tighten security in for the exams. It is also why I had Reika go to keep an eye on Kakashi and his students... along with the hopes that they may be able to help her," he added. Tottekawaru could not help but smile at that, knowing what Naruto was capable of. Naruto knew that it was not for a good reason Kakashi sensei showed up on time. Granted, he had been told in advance by Big Bro Tottekawaru that Kakashi had some big news which is why he decided to actually go a bit earlier. He also told both Sasuke and Sakura this and both seemed to be just as surprised, though Sasuke always hid his emotions better."Looks like I'm on time," Kakashi said with his casual tone and even his classic closed eye smile though he noted the suspicious looks on his genins. "I'm guessing all of you suspect not everything is normal, right?" he said, becoming a little more professional."Yeah, you're usually never on time, Kakashi sensei," Naruto pointed out bluntly."Well here, it's because the Hokage has assigned... a secondary teacher," Kakashi told them, getting a fair bit of surprise. "The Hokage's reasons are secret, but he did say this was also for her own good," he added."What do you mean 'for her own good?' Is something the matter with her?" Sakura Haruno asked. She had taken to try and be more serious with her ninja training, due to Tottekawaru's influence. Her sharp analytical mind and focus on chakra control meant that he more or less assigned her to becoming the team's medic. She also was pressed to try and gather more on informaton."We should probably discuss this later, in the event she's nearby," Sasuke noted, with his arms crossed. From what he got from the implication, she was likely someone with a scarred past and that they'd probably should not bring it up. In the same way Tottekawaru helped Naruto and Sakura, he helped Sasuke. He initially only agreed, because well, he was his older brother's senpai, but over time, did appreciate what he taught... even if some of the stuff on emotion was an issue.
"No biggie." She retorted with a grin, nibbling on a dango as she pulled it off the stick and wolfed down at once. "She needs some growing up to do instead of playing a misunderstood suffering heroine anyways." Anko rolled her eyes at the thought she was clearly among those who sported scepticism on Reika's decency and 'text book shinobi' reputation.However, she gave Tottekawaru a warm smile, one of those she had reserved for special occasions. Most of time Anko preferred being outgoing and tomboyish, usually making people experience a tingle of fear in her presence due to infamous hyperactivity and occasional sadistic tendencies. Well, she was indeed prone to making hasty decisions and had a short temper, but all in all she wasn't as hostile as she made herself look to scare the genins shitless. When needed, Anko was fully capable of proving herself as a professional and disciplined Special Jounin."Yes... Putting an extra pair eyes on Kakashi's team is a good idea." The kunoichi nodded in agreement. She, after all, was well aware of the true danger Orochimaru harboured. "But you can't help those who don't want to be helped." This was another rather painful lesson she's learned from her former teacher. "Even Kazuhiko had given up on her, and she wasn't just his subordinate she's his daughter he has always been oh so proud of. Must have been quite disappointing to see her true colours." "I've heard you were to accompany Kakashi from now on." Kazuhiko leaned back against the door frame with arms crossed on his chest. He has always been a man of very few words, with a stern and intense glare long plastered on his face. Despite the age, which had grown strongly noticeable in past three years, he was still firmly built and had the same thick brown mane as his daughter."Did someone die and you've suddenly got no one else to talk to?" Reika replied with a scoff. They had barely spoken ever sincethatevent, and the previously strong father daughter connection they shared was quick to turn into constant disapproval and badly covered blame from his side. Reika wanted to let him know what truly happened from the start, given her father had always been her hero, someone who would always understand and give her the right advice, but the walls Kazuhiko had suddenly put up were too much for her weakened self to overcome. Before long, she stopped trying and took a stance herself. If he no longer needed her, she had no need of him either. To have him actually wait for her outside her house to initiate a conversation was unheard of."The hokage has expectations for you. This is your chance to prove you'll be able to live up to them." He ignored her taunt, keeping his voice calm and firm, as it has always been. Reika, on the other hand, was not having any of this. With a snort and a shake of the head she simply walked past him, feeling that all too familiar judgement and disappointed look pierced into her back all the way she remained at his sight. The day was already not meant to be a good one, and a start like this had only strengthened her overall irritation."Or you should probably keep your nose out of somebody else's business at all the times, not because you fear they might overhear you gossiping."A voice from above announced, letting Team 7 known the mystery person had arrived. Reika took a leap off the branch she was sat on, landing on her feet right in front of the genins."Lesson 1. If you've got anything to say, say it directly. Nothing pisses me off more than cowards who are only capable to slander someone behind their back. And trust me, this village is filled with snakes."She then turned her attention to Kakashi, with no less hostility than she had to his pupils. "I understand it's not your job to teach these brats manners, but you could at least try and make sure they keep their snotty beaks out of things that don't concern them."
"Well, I understand her issues, but she should not let it embitter her so. Or at least to remain beating herself up about it," Tottekawaru commented, seeing Anko wolf down her dango and he could not help but smile. He enjoyed being around her. Anko is a professional and serious woman, yet she also liked messing with people and could have a temper. Yet, he knew that she has a good heart. And she was as attractive as she was dangerous.As in very very much."Well, I don't think she's beyond. I have my faith that there's at least one person who is willing to help and can probably break through her shell," Tottekawaru smiled, noting about the one who he placed plenty of positive faith in. His soulbrother, Naruto Uzumaki."Shall we get going then for a bit of training and giving the rundown of my duties for this?" Tottekawaru asked Anko. Team 7 turned around to see the young woman land down. Kakashi remained in his usual state of mild aloofness though he did become more interested upon seeing the arrival of Reika. He heard about her. About what she needed to do. Unlike most others, he did not judge her though. After all, he underwent his own tragedy with his comrades so it would not be fair to judge without getting her side of the story.If she ever would come out of her shell anyway."We're not badtalking you. We're wondering what Kakashi sensei meant in us helping you," Naruto Uzumaki told her in his usual blunt brashness. Sasuke just sighed at his quasi best friend's comment while Sakura just facepalmed."Well, one of the lessons I have taught them was to "look underneath the underneath." As such, I am curious to see what is it that they will try and figure out together," Kakashi told her. "We should all introduce ourselves, though you already know me," Kakashi told her with his usual cool tone."I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I like ramen and my friend! I dislike assholes! My dream is to become Hokage!" Naruto announced with his usual exhuberence. However, his introduction was different than that of months ago. He referred to his Team as his friends and becoming a little closer."My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I have few likes... though I tolerate my comrades," Sasuke said, managing to be a bit more open than expected. "I dislike plenty of things and my ambition is to avenge my clan and built a better tomorrow for them," he explained.Sakura looked toward her friends and cleared her throat. "My name is Sakura Haruno. I like my friends too. I dislike jerks and perverts. My dream... well, now I wanna help people," Sakura noted. She had changed the most, indicated by her fresh if rough cutted hair.They were all wondering what Reika would say.
"Well, who cares anyways?" Anko threw her arms in the air, now clearly bored of the topic. A stern look on Hiruzen's face indicated he did, and under his glare the proctor gulped. Well, it was a bit of a depressive topic, and Anko preferred surrounding herself with positive things there's been too much of pain in her life for her to be willing to let it slither in ever again. Plus, she genuinely didn't care. She, like most people in Konoha, had deep respect to Kazuhiko, but his daughter was a very different case. In Anko's eyes, she was just playing a stoic hero once she's been proclaimed as one. A thought Reika was actually in pain rather than showing off had never truly occurred to her, but that was most of people.To escape the daggers Hokage glared into her, Anko casually stuffed her mouth with another dango and grinned sheepishly. Her energy was enough to loosen the old man up, and Sarutobi exhaled heavily, though not without a smile. She then turned her attention to Tottekawaru. He was a curious character, Anko had to admit similarly to her, he had the misfortune of being at wrong places in the wrong time, therefore being caught up in events that were barely in his control. Well, he was kinda cute though, she could live with that. And seemed to have a slightly better sense of humour than other proctors who were plainly boring and without a single hint of mischief in them."Can be done, but who does tutoring for free nowadays, hmm?" She smirked, then devouring the remaining dango. This one left a small stain at the corner of her lips. "But it's okay, I'm not a devil. I wouldn't charge you money... But a treat to some dango would be very, very appreciated!" She gave him the widest of grins and chuckled, clearly pleased with her own proposal. Reika nodded as Kakashi's words aye, she was familiar with him. Especially that little things from his background which, she suspected, was the reason of her being sent here. If Hiruzen thought that was going to affect her anyone, to be stuck with someone who shared similar experiences to her own, he was wrong. She didn't need support or understanding. She just wanted to be left alone. It was better this way.She listened to the genins introduce themselves with arms crossed over her chest, very similar to the pose her father had taken earlier that day. In fact, the similarities were rather astonishing for she had also managed to adopt his glare of disapproval receiving it for so long, she found it incredibly easy to mimic. Reika wasn't sure why, but she wanted somebody else to feel that very judgement and knowledge of being simply the worst and she wanted to be the one to make them feel that. Maybe it was the coping mechanism, or maybe she was indeed just a horrible person."A spastic, a hollier than thou and a basic teenage girl." She said dismissingly, eyes stopping on each of them as she picked up on the negatives she spotted. It was clear Reika had no interest of getting to know any of them better. But then it was her turn to speak. She sighed heavily. "Reika Sakamoto. I like working alone, I dislike brats like your lot and my dream is to be done with this nonsense as soon as possible."
Well, a lot of people. We have to be good toward one another, otherwise we run the risks of more jerks in the world, Tottekawaru answered over to Anko before noting the Hokage s glare over to Anko for her comment.However, the tense atmosphere lightened up thanks to Anko going back toward her dango.What Tottekawaru did not expect however was Anko pretty much asking for food in exchange for... well, doing her job of informing him of his duties and whatnot as an auxiliary proctor. All right, guess it s a date then, Tottekawaru agreeing to her deal before blushing when he realized what he said. While she is clearly attractive, based on her attire, Diego was not as much. He could be described as average or if being generous, cute in a boyish sort of way. As such, a couple people assumed he was out of her league. Now, now, make your arrangements another time, Sarutobi told them while chuckling at the exchange. I do suggest you both get a. move on, he informed them. Team 7 for the most part, were surprisingly unimpressed by the glare nor the insults of their new teacher. Sakura just looked a bit confused, Sasuke looked unimpressed and Naruto looked downright annoyed. So, you re some cranky lady who thinks she s better than everyone, Naruto snapped back at her as he glared back. He dealt with her sort of attitude since he was a kid and he sure ain t gonna back down from anyone. Great, now that we have gotten to know one another, how about we test what our new team member is capable of? Kakashi told them, causing a fair bit of surprise. You re gonna try and fight against my cute little Genin until one side gives, Kakashi said, closing his book before staring then down. Team 7 went to one side and staring at Reika. I m sure you know the rules, Reika. I advise you not underestimate them, he told her.
"There there, don't go ahead of yourself!" Anko teased, sticking her tongue out at him like a cheeky tomboy she was. It wasn't often someone would even speak of dating in her presence, often being put off by genuine lack of femininity and lady manners, and therefore Anko was unsure how to respond. "As I've mentioned, it's a mere payment for my oh so kind help!"Despite being clearly knocked out of her usual rhythm, she wasn't flustered or anything to indicate this had been more than she would of expected. Shyness just wasn't part of who the loud knucklehead kunoichi was, and Anko had generally only been known to blush in case of huge, huge mess ups, such as her signature dynamic entries being badly timed."I mean if you want to call it a date, I will roll with it." She said with a shrug. A free dango was a free dango, no matter what name it wore. Anko didn't mean for it to sound bitchy or entitled, it was just a lame attempt to play it off cool which, despite lack of physical signs, indicated she was slightly thrown off by the proposition.The proctor then rolled her eyes at the old man's remark, though gave him a curt nod of understanding. "Fine then! Get going you!" She commanded, tugging onto Tottekawaru's sleeve and she left the office, lowkey dragging him along. "I don't need to think I'm better than few brats it is a fact." Reika cut the blonde off, narrowing her eyes. The kyuubi brat, loud and obnoxious. The other two had some sense to stay out of it, though their expressions suggested they were not pleased to hear her either.However, it was Kakashi's words that were finally able to get Reika out of her superior mode. Her eyes widened at his proposal. Did he not read her file beforehand, or was the man simply not alright in his head. Whichever it was, there was no bloody way Reika would submit to this ridiculous request."Kakashi... Can I have you for a minute?" She finally asked after a brief pause, her tone nowhere as menacing as it was seconds ago. Without waiting for his approval, Reika grabbed him by the shoulder as she pulled him aside."Are you out of your bloody mind???" The kunoichi hissed, looking over her shoulder to confirm the kids were not listening. "You know very damn well what consequences this may carry. Look, you may not give a shit about those brats, but I refuse taking responsibility of what the outcome of this fight might be. So, bite it. I'm not doing this. Got it?"
Tottekawaru blushed some more at Anko's teasing, still being charmed and enjoying her presence. Tottekawaru did not know what drew him to Anko. Well, beyond her confidence and her sexy appearance, but he did feel comfortable around her, despite her mildly provactive nature. He did know that she was an intelligent and good person deep down though.The fact that she was not bothered by the fact he called it a date made him feel a bit better. However, Tottekawaru did note that Anko looked mildly surprised. He wondered if no one actually ever asked her out on a date before. However, he did faithfully follow her to the dango shop for her, all while seeing the Thrid Hokage chuckling at the silly behavior of his ninjas, but also seeing the spark in his eye. Saurtobi hoped that it would lead to something more."How are you feeling on becoming a proctor for the Chunin Exams?" Diego asked her once they leave the Tower and were walking around Konoha. He wondered what dango shop he would be going with her. He liked dango since he himself had a sweet tooth much like the seductive snake woman that snagged his heart. Team 7 looked surprised to see the up until now smug and condescending Reika look utter flipped out at what Kakashi said. Sasuke wondered if she was merely against fighting them or if something was up. The brief pause seemed to have gone for a long while, but she eventually went over and dragged Kakashi out in order to discuss something with him. Kakashi saw her look over her shoulder to see if the Team would be listening.However, unknown to Reika, Naruto was listening, his jinchuuriki senses heightening his hearing. Before he could say something, Sakura put her hand over his mouth before Sasuke signaled for Naruto to whisper what they were saying, which Naruto did. In fact, they even began walking around to give the impression they were not listening."And you do not think I will not be able to stop you?" Kakashi noted to her pointedly. "Nor have you not read the profile of the Team? Our first C Rank Mission turned into an A Rank one as the Team survived well against Zabuza the Demon Swordsman and his apprentice, a user of the forgotten Ice Style kekkai genkai," Kakashi told her as he stood there, analytcial and wondering what to make his next move. "If things get carried away, I can stop you... or are you saying that you are stronger than me?" Kakashi could not help but tease a bit before becoming more seriously."I understand your own hesitation and guilt, but you cannot let that weigh you down forever," Kakashi said to her, removing his headband and showing her the Sharingan... his sign of his guilt.
She gave Hokage a backhand wave as they left the office, making the old man exhale heavily, but not without a smile. Despite the amounts of pain Orochimaru had put her through, the consequences of partial memory loss and other hardships Anko had faced throughout her life, not once had she changed being the rascal he would recall her being since she was a child. Similarly to Naruto, she had the talent to push aside negatives and remain as open to people and experiences as ever."How I feel about it?" Anko tilted head to the side reacting to his question no one had really wondered about that before, yet she kind of transmitted her thoughts to anyone regardless. "I'm absolutely damn fired up!!" She suddenly fist pumped, nearly taking a leap forward in excitement. "These brats have N O I D E A what they gonna be up against!" The kunoichi laughed, almost manically. A few odd looks from passers by who stopped to look at her, however, made her cough and recompose herself."Anyway!" She toned her voice down a little, but it was not duller than before. Grinning widely, she then grabbed him by the hand. "If it's a date, then hold my hand, huh? Or you don't know how to do it properly?" She teased the guy without mercy as they walked into her favorite dango specialized shop. "I'm not here to compete with you in terms of power." Reika rolled her eyes to express irritation. Of course, she's heard plenty of the infamous Copy Ninja and knew he was considered a genius, but she was not a fragile little flower either. If anything, she liked to believe they were on a similar level, although for someone who had not fought against Sharingan before, it was difficult to judge."Look, whatever you say, I'm not changing my stance. I don't know what Sandaime told you or how much you believe the rumors, but I carry no guilt nor regrets." She stated firmly, crossing arms over her chest. "I did what had to be done, what anyone would have done in my situation. I did it to protect the village, to avenge the ANBU he annihilated and to fulfill my duty as a shinobi. There is not a single thing I've done wrong, therefore I don't and never have felt guilty."Her look was stern and the voice firm, just enough to make it very believable Reika meant everything she said. After all, it was a role people had long assigned her to play, and even if she wanted to snap out of it, it was too late. "I'm not like you, Kakashi." She added, but in a little softer tone. It was a small, insignificant gesture from him, but somehow she felt it was rather intimate somewhere deep down she even felt and urge giving his face a small stroke as a sign of support, but her casual coldness was much stronger. "I do not regret what I've done. On the contrary. I am proud. While I do appreciate your words, this has never been the case." She then cleared her throat, restoring the firmness of her voice. "Either way, I refuse to fight those brats. End of story."
Tottekawaru could not help but laugh over at what Anko said. She cackled at the delight of being able to spook the genin over what awaited in the Forest of Death. "Yeah, though I hope that doesn't us not know what we could be up against. After all, would not be surprising for someone to try something," Tottekawaru noted to her while they were walking. After all, rumors were circulating and security tightening. That's why Tottekawaru was recruited as an auxillary proctor after all.However, he then blushed once more when he felt her grab his hand. "Well, I've never gone on a date before," he confessed to her with a bit of a shy smile. However, he did not pull her hand away from his. In fact, he gave a gentle squeeze in response. He was pretty confident usually, but some stuff could catch him offguard, including the woman that he was very attracted to."How are you feeling? Have you heard some of the rumors about who's getting involved?" Tottekawaru asked her. The big rumor was on the strange new Villlage of the Sound that was sending ninja over for the exams. Kakashi Hatake stared at Reika with as dry an expression as he could with his analytical look and the fact he was only showing one eye. He knew she was lying. Her behavior in lashing out was heavily evident of it and even when she was trying to convince him, he would not fall for it. After all, why else would she be very resistance against this sort of test in sparring otherwise."If that is the case and you are not bothered, then you have no reason to step out of testing your skills against my Team. After all, if you are as confident and self assured as you say, then you should be comfortable in this. Besides, as your superior officer, you do not have much choice," Kakashi told her, giving her his infamous closed eye smile. After all, if she backed out now, it would just confirm openly that she was lying. "Additionally, you need to showcase how well you can do with my team. After all, who's to say that they won't try and combat you on their own terms?" Kakashi asked her with a rhetorical question."Alternately, you can choose to fight me then," Kakashu added to her and wondering what his team was doing though it looks like Sakura was getting them to meditate. Many forget that chakra was physical and spiritual in nature. | 15 | ['Sasuke', 'Cho', 'Uzumaki', 'Tottekawaru', 'Kakashi', 'Hiruzen', 'Hatake', 'Ino', 'Itachi', 'Haruno', 'Shika', 'Uchiha', 'Hokage', 'Sarutobi'] |
23 | | The Hokage's new student (Trap x SinCat) | Renhad been late in beginning his studies at the Ninja academy. As a young child he had been very sick, every doctor had predicted he would never recover since the illness appeared to be genetic, though his parents were unknown as he was an orphan who seemed to have been abandoned in the village so the doctors had nobody to even ask if they knew anything. But just as all hope seemed lost, when it seemed like Ren was on the verge of death....his body had miraculously recovered, all by itself. After defying all medical and Chakra treatments, it was like something in his body suddenly triggered and changed, all signs of the illness had vanished, more than that Ren's body had become healthier than ever before, healthier than any normal person, as if some kind of potential within him had awoken. His physical strength, his reactions, his Chakra levels, all of them were suddenly off the charts. For that reason Ren had been allowed to entire the ninja academy late, older than the other students, the decision having been taken that his potential should absolutely not be wasted.The training had been hard, the other students always whispering about Ren behind his back, about how he was so much older than them, but he had ignored them, after all he knew the real reason, not the reasons they made up wild rumours for. When graduation had come though, Ren was again a special case. Rather than being placed on a team of three as was normal for graduates, instead Ren was being assigned as an individual student to a special teacher, a very special teacher, the Hokage herself.Today was Ren's first day as her student, the boy having made his way to the Hokage's office, knocking on the door before slowly heading inside "Uh...Hokage? I'm Ren. I was told to come here....for my teaching assignment?"
Hiruzen was an excellent shinobi no one had a the nerve to deny that, and Tsunade wouldn't try questioning his brilliance either. If anything, she had always seen him far more superior than she ever will be, given the fact most of things she knew were taught by him. Yet, they were the basics, and Tsunade had gone far past his teaching, turning herself into a med nin, one thing the village had always shortage of. This was one of many factors that served the choice of the elders when a new Hokage had to be picked, as well Jirayia's determination and Naruto's nags. There were many people regular hospitals couldn't help, but Tsunade had a set of skills stretching way past the capabilities of regular healing, and her relatively short time in the new post, as well as working part time in the hospital, had saved many lives and futures already. Receiving odd cases hospitals couldn't deal with or deemed to be incurable, or mysterious, was always a separate pile of papers on her desks, and having a spare minute the Gondaime wouldn't look through them to see if there was anything worthy her attention. A particular file caught her few weeks prior, and she was determined to take that one on."Ah, yes. Welcome." She gave him a cheerful smile, trying not to look as intimidating as she normally did. The boy was one of the unique cases she was particularly curious about, though Hiruzen had done kid a massive disfavour by letting him join the academy instead of investigating the reasons and side effects further. Now that he graduated being years older than normal genins, and Tsunade imagined his journey wasn't an easy one, she couldn't simply tell him to give up on being a ninja just for the sake of medical knowledge. Nor she could put him under a jounin as this might always turn out into a disaster. With so many failed or dumped experiments of Orochimaru still roaming the land, one could never rest easy with something as odd around.
"Whoa..." Ren blinked as Tsunade answered the door, unable to help staring. He'd seen her from a distance before but never from this close. Well, she was the Hokage after all, why would someone like him ever get to meet someone as important as her? Honestly, when he'd been told to come here part of him had absolutely thought of it as a prank, that maybe some of the younger students had convinced the teachers to play a joke on him, or that maybe the teachers were doing it themselves. But on the tiniest off chance it hadn't been a joke Ren had turned up here, and from the way the Hokage wasn't acting incredibly surprised, it seemed that maybe, just maybe, this wasn't a joke after all. Maybe he really was going to be learning from the Hokage herself. Ha! The other students were going to be incredibly jealous when they found out about this. The boy couldn't help allowing himself a small smirk."Oh! Um, right. I'm Ren!" He quickly snapped out of his staring, especially since he'd ended up getting rather lost in Tsunade's plentifully exposed cleavage. "I was told I'm to be your new student, I hope that's alright maam" | 3 | [] |
24 | | 「RISE」(1×1 with Jikkah) | It happened way too fast for them to register what had happened. One minute they were all minding their own business then the next they were all in some strange room."Oh, thank you so much for answering our summons, heroes!" The priest nearly wept with joy."Heroes?" Masamune stood and realized he had a weird sword in his hand, "What the hell?""Aye, I'm just as confused." Masamune looked and a man with wild white hair stood a few feet away, a shield attached to his forearm.
Yukimura was thoroughly confused, one moment he had been reading something online about heroes, then the next he was standing with a spear in hand, in an unfamiliar room with unfamiliar people. H Heroes? He echoed, looking around at the two men one with the sword, then the one with the shield, then to the man no, woman who held a bow. I don t understand. She spoke up, looking up from her bow. Summons? Where have we been summoned to?
"Our world is in grave need of your help.Please, we beg you. Please help us." The priest begged. Masamune made a noise, scowling softly."Sure. This is some weird ass game, but I'll bite." He said."I don't think this is a game." Motochika mused, moving to stand beside Masamune.
Yukimura quickly moved to stand on the other side of Masamune, holding his spear carefully as to not hit anyone with it as he moved. Jin moved to stand beside Motochika, letting out a soft sigh. Game or not, it seems we actually are here physically.
"Could be some kind of VR.." Masamune stated. The priest didn't know what they meant, it was clear on his face."Please, will you meet with our king...?""Where else can we go?" Motochika said softly.
I wasn t using my VR headset though.. Yukimura muttered softly, and Jin let out another soft sigh at the small bickering between the three. We should see what all of this is about, I don t quite understand what s going on here, but I would like to find out.
"Yeah, sounds good to me." Masamune said, Motochika giving a nod as they followed the priests out to see the king.
As the four of them traveled up from the darkened room they had been summoned in, they could see through the window out into the new world they were in, and it certainly wasn t Japan. Amazing! Yukimura was nearly hanging out the window as he gaped at the city below them, and the sea in the distance. It looks almost like Italy, or Spain!
"It's not real.." Masamune remarked dully. Motochika made a noise."Though, for not being real, it sure is gorgeous.."
It is quite a remarkable sight... Jin remarked, holding her hair as a breeze came through.When the four were brought before the King, he was a rather terrifying looking man, with a scowl on his face. He had his chin rested in his hand, watching with what seemed like almost disinterest. So these are the Four Heroes of legend? I am King if Melomarc, Oda Nobunaga. He waved his other hand. Name yourselves! Yukimura spoke up first. Sanada Genjiro Yukimura, age nineteen, college student! He said, bowing his head to the king. Kawabe Jin, age twenty five, game developer. She bowed at the waist, still wearing an office suit made it clear she was probably the oldest out of the four.
"Date Masamune, age twenty three, college senior." Masamune said he even looked like he lazed around, his clothes were a disaster."Chosokabe Motochika, age twenty one, dock worker and fisherman." Motochika said.
King Nobunaga hardly seemed to take Motochika into consideration, didn t even really look at him when he spoke, only glanced over him before looking to the three other Heroes. My country of Melromarc nay, the entire world is headed toward destruction, and you ve been summoned here to aid in stopping it. He continued on, explaining exactly what was happening, and how only the Four Heroes could save them.
"What a weird game.." Masamune muttered, looking over his sword. Motochika looked at his shield with a small frown."A shield is more armor though, ain't it...?" He whispered.
The Kings aid explained the reward when Jin brought up the issue of working for free after being taken from their home without warning.Afterword the four were fed and brought to their own rooms, the Four sitting down to speak on the previous few hours.
"So we're all from Japan, huh?""Obviously, I don't know people in Russia or America using Japanese names." Motochika huffed at Masamune.
I m half Nordic, I was raised in Japan though. Jin explained. Although, from the information everyone s shared, it seems we aren t from the same Japan. So alternative universe Japan s? Yukimura mused.
"I hate it.." Masamune propped his feet on the table, "Alternate Universes sound like an awful doujinshi.""Doujinshi?" Motochika repeated. Masamune scrunched his face."Be glad you don't know."
Regardless of that... This whole Wave thing sounds terrible.. Yukimura muttered. King Oda said he would provide us with funds and adventures to form a party with, but this seems almost too much.... Plus I ve seen this scenario before in games..
"It's basically an MMO.." Masamune told him, waving his hand, "It's generic and cliche.."
Maybe not, we haven t even left the palace yet, so there s no telling what lays beyond the castle walls! Yukimura dono is right, it seems more than just a simple MMO, especially since the other people or as Masamune dono put it so crudely NPCs, have such sophisticated and complex answers to our questions. Jin mused aloud.
Masamune rolled his eye, not buying into it for a second."Their responses were rather intelligent, even for AI..." Motochika said
The four talked for a bit longer before finally deciding to all settle in for the night. In the morning, they were summoned before the king once more, only this time, a large group of people stood in front of him all adventurers.
They were told that they would make a party before getting their funds. But they didn't get to pick who was in theor party, the adventurers would be picking which hero they wanted to join.
The line of adventurers slowly broke apart and they all moved to stand behind their individual preferred Hero. Yukimura had two women and a man behind him, and Jin had one woman and two men.
Masamune only had two men and two women with him whereas Motochika only had a singular woman. He seemed a little put off, considering everyone did their best to avoid him.
There was a soft murmur among the court before the king silenced them. Every moth we shall provide each hero with the funds they require. Here are your initial war chests. He waved his hand and four servants moved forward, bringing each hero a small bag of coins, only Motochika s felt a little light, maybe he had given them their payment in gold coins rather than silver?
He peeked into the bag and saw maybe two hundred silver inside."What kind of fuckery is this?" He growled. Masamune glanced over."What's the matter, Chosokabe? Feeling ungrateful?" He mocked. Motochika glared at him."How much did you get?""Eight hundred." Masamune answered dully.
Before Motochika could even protest more, the king had dismissed everyone, and it was almost like no one had even heard Motochika s complaint but Masamune. A Ano... Yuusha sama..? The small woman behind him spoke up, them being the only ones still remaining in the court.
Motochika turned, looking defeated and annoyed, "Yeah, what is it...?" He didn't very much feel like a hero, not with this treatment.
He was taller than she expected, and with his wild hair and gold eyes, he was a bit startling, but also quite handsome. Oh..! I just wanted to say I have some of my own funds! She gave him a smile. So please don t worry about me! I m here to aid you as you need! She said, then bowed her head to him.
He made a noise and nodded, "Alright, that helps a lot...thank you." He said and started to head out, "And just call me Motochika..."
She followed after him, nodding her head. Of course, Yu Motochika sama! She trailed just behind him, hands clasped in front of her, smiling fading a bit as they left the castle. I am sorry that you aren t being treated very fairly.. Even I can see it... It isn t right to treat anyone like that, especially a Hero..
Motochika looked at the dingy shield attached to his forearm it was more a buckler than a shield. Even the shield itself fucked him."I've had worse..." He replied dully.
She shook her head. It still isn t right.. She perked them, hurrying a bit to stand beside him. Forgive me, I haven t told you my name yet! She offered him a gloved hand. Nana!
"Nice to meet you, Nana.." He said gently, "Sorry you're stuck with me.."
She shook her head. Not stuck at all! It s an honor to stand by your side, let alone meet you in person! She sounded like she had a bit of a country accent, almost like a small farming town girl would have, rather than a city girl.
"I'm not all that great...just a humble fisherman.." He told her, "But thank you...I'll do my best to keep you safe..."
Motochika sama, you give yourself far too little credit, please, She put her hand on his forearm. If you do your best to defend me, I ll do my best to fight for you.
He hadn't really had anyone be this nice or caring towards him. It felt weird."Really, you don't have to talk to me like that, I'm no more than what you see before you a man." He told her, "We'll fight to keep each other that a fair compromise?"
She nodded. Alright, we should probably start you off by getting you some armor, you won t make it very far in those clothes. She said, taking him by the hand and leading him through the city. She pointed out everything she could the best spots for food, sleep, trading, and when they finally reached the blacksmith, she helped him look through the armor. I already have some armor, so I don t need anything new just yet, but I think for you starting with something light but protective would be best..! She mused, picking through the chainmail.
"I'll go with your recommendation.." He said, "I've never had to do anything like this before.." The door opened and when he looked, he saw it was Yukimura with his party."This place has the best armor for affordable prices, dana." The ginger haired boy said as he stepped in front of Yukimura, arms behind his head. The odd cat girl behind Yukimura moved to look at the shining weapons and armors, her oddly colored tail swaying slowly."Maybe somethin' kinda medium range in terms of protection would work, Yukimura sama.." She mused.
Nana nodded. I ll see if we can t get this tailored a bit for you, you re rather tall. She said, heading off to see the clerk with the chainmail.Yukimura looked around the shop in wonder, then spotted Motochika. Ah! Chosokabe dono! He smiled brightly, moving over to see his fellow Hero. You re shopping here as well? He said, beaming brightly up at Motochika, the kid always had a decent attitude toward everything.
"Uh, yeah, my companion is gonna get some armor fitted.." He said before pointing to the odd tiger like child, "What is that?" He whispered. Her ear turned in his direction and she looked over, causing Motochika to stiffen."Akihime desu!" She replied brightly.
Yukimura turned partly and gestured to the three people who had come in with him. Ah, forgive me, this is my party Akihime, Sasuke, and Amaya. He motioned to each person in his party as he named them off.Nana returned and bowed her head in greeting. Yuusha sama! I hadn t seen you come in!
"Oh, Nana...this is Yukimura, the least stand offish of the three I've met.." Motochika said.
Nana bowed her head to Yukimura and he did the same. It s a pleasure to meet you formally eh, well kind of. She said with a lopsided smile. Likewise! We re only here to gather a few things that we re lacking before heading out. Ah, same with us! She spoke so easily to everyone, making it look effortless, all smiles and polite to the very end.
Motochika thought it was very odd how nice and friendly she was. Back home, no one talked to anyone and they kept to themselves. Akihime came over lugging a red tinted suit of steel plate and leather, smiling from ear to twitching ear."Here, Yukimura sama, this will be perfect! It's light weight as well as a medium ranged rating!""Akihime, that thing weighs more than you soaking wet, put it down." Sasuke said.
Yukimura looked a little daunted by the armor, not only did it look intense, it looked expensive. Maybe we try something a little more practical to start with? He offered, giving Nana and Motochika a small wave before moving off with his own team to look through the store. I ve spoken to the shop owner, he says it ll be no issue to fit it to you, but it may take a few days. Nana said.
"That'll be fine," Motochika replied, "We'll just hang out til then...or go find some whimpy enemies.."
Nana nodded, putting a finger to her chin. There should be some relatively easy monsters just outside the gates and into the forests, or even the plains or valleys.. She gave a small nod.
"We'll start there, then." He said and headed out of the shop, "Take it easy, Yukimura.." He waved as he left.
Likewise! Yukimura called after him, giving a wave in return.Nana trailed after Motochika, first showing him on the map where the best locations would probably be before they headed out to hunt some lower level monsters.
Motochika didn't really know what he was doing, so the tiny little bolloon creatures that they were fighting just chewed on him while he stood there, "I've been pinched harder by crabs, honestly.."
When Nana saw that he was nearly covered in the little balloon like creatures, she let out a soft gasp and moved over, putting away the chain and sickle she was using and pulling the dagger off her belt. Even if it doesn t hurt, you shouldn t let them chew on you like this. She said with a sheepish smile as she popped them, pulling them off one by one.
"I can't do much else to them.." He smiled softly, "We share experience, don't we?"
Ah, well yes I suppose so.. But you still shouldn t let them chew on you like you re a bone.. She said, pulling one free from his leg.
"Makes it easier for you, I s'pose." He grinned, grabbing one from his shoulder and crushing it in his hand.
She blushed a bit at his words, at his smile, quickly looking away as she pulled another one free from his side. Th Thank you..
"These things are rather annoying.." He said, popping the last one, "But I can see we're almost at level two, so that's somethin'.."
She nodded. They re rather easy to fight as well.. We can continue here or search elsewhere?
"We'll keep going until it starts to get dark.." He told her, nodding gently.
Got it! She nodded in response, then the both of them returned to slaying the balloon monsters.As the sun set, the two were left with a large amount of monster materials, covered in dirt and sweat, and beat.
"Know of a good place to get a bath and a bed?" He asked.
Nana nodded, wiping sweat off of her brow as she packed away their monster items. Yeah, just inside town, and it s not too harsh on the coin purse either! She said, slinging her pack over her shoulder. Shall we head off?
He nodded, following her as they headed back into town, "So how long have you been adventuring?"
Not long, maybe a few months? I d always wanted to travel, but I didn t know how to fight to protect myself, so I learned, then the Wave came. I was still so green I thought for sure I wouldn t make it. She gave a sheepish smile. But I managed through somehow, and then I heard the Four Heroes would be summoned here, and I knew I had to join up, even if I had to beg. Kinda embarrassing, huh?
"No, not at all. I find that to be rather admirable.." He told her, "I come from a small fishing village so women doing anything without the help of a man is nearly unheard of.."
Really? She looked up at him in surprise. They don t do anything without the help of men? Why? She seemed more puzzled than anything.
He made a face, "Not their place...they home keep, care for youngin's..." He told her, "That kinda thing.."
That s common here as well except for the wrong place part Melromark is a matriarchal country, so women are able to do much more than men typically. She made a soft noise. That s so strange... I wonder just how much our worlds differ..
"We're patriarchal..." He told her, "We're also Imperial, meaning we have an Emperor...but he's more of a figurehead.."
How so? Is your world ruled by a senate? The military? She was curious now, she wanted to know more about the world of the Hero she admired.
"A military government, yeah.." He replied, "It's not a terrible way to rule things..."
Is it any different than how things run here? Besides the obvious of who runs things? She asked as they made it to the inn.
"Tighter crime control, harsher punishments.." He replied, moving to the clerk counter, "Two rooms, please.."
The clerk nodded and moved to get two room keys. Ah, I can pay for my own room, Motochika sama! Nana said, pulling her coin purse from her belt.
"Are you sure?" He asked, "I don't care, really.."
Of course! Nana put her silver on the counter. After we wash up, we should get something to eat, I saw some pretty good looking food on the way in.
He nodded, "That sounds like a great idea.." He replied, "I'm really hungry.."
After collecting their room keys, they made plans to meet back up after for dinner, then heading their separate ways.
Motochika moved into his room and set everything down, which was honestly just his small bag of money, and gave a soft sigh.
Nana didn t have much either, only her bag full of monster scraps they had to sell the next day, her money pouch, and weapon. Once she set her things in her room, she headed down to the bathhouse.
"You want me to save you some food?" Motochika asked as he passed her.
Ah, please? I think I m a bit more tired than I realized, I ll probably end up eating and going straight to bed after I bathe. She said.
He nodded, "I'll save you a spot.." He said and waved before heading off.
Nana went and had her bath, finding the outdoor bath rather nice, before returning to the inn and taking a seat across from Motochika, hair still a bit damp as she started to dig into her food. Thanks for ordering. She said between bites.
"No problem," he said, "the food isn't so bad, way better than the food I have at home.."
What kind of food do you eat in your world? She asked, cutting up the meat in front of her and eating it with delight.
"Oh, the same kind, just mainly fish.." He replied, "It's a semi poor town that I lived in.."
Well if you like the meat here, I d be happy to show you the other kinds of meat that can be hunted. She offered.
"I would like that.." He smiled softly, enjoying the food the inn made.
The two of them finished up their dinner, then parted ways once more to sleep in their own rooms.
Motochika dropped into bed and sighed softly, "What a crummy first day.." He said.
If Motochika has thought his first day was bad, he would be in for a rude awakening quite literally. He was dragged from his bed, barely even getting a chance to get dressed properly as the royal guard told him the King has summoned him.
"Jesus, can't a man get dressed first?!" He hissed, brows furrowed.
The guards didn t look amused, in fact, they looked at Motochika with hatred. The King has summoned you. At once. The repeated.
"The King can wait until I get fucking dressed." He snarled, jerking his arm free.
The guards all sneered, some looked like they wanted to draw their swords. Disgusting pig.. One muttered.
Motochika looked frustrated, moving back into his room to get his jacket and pants on before grabbing his coin purse. He came back out and glared, "Ok, now without the manhandling, we can go."
The guards still kept close to Motochika as they escorted him out and back toward the palace, all silently glaring their hate at him. Motochika then realized he had forgotten to let Nana know he was leaving, but figured she would probably wait for him at the inn.
He noticed an albino standing beside the king, smirking cruelly at Motochika. Wasn't he apart of Jin's party? What was going on?"Alright so what's going on?" Motochika asked.
Motochika s eyes then landed on Nana, who was standing before the king with tears in her eyes, looking back at him when he spoke up. Motochika I ! Quiet, scum! The King growled out, but his expression never really changed from his indifferent scowl.Glancing around the room, he found that all of the Heroes were there, all of them glaring or scowling at Motochika.
He scowled heavily and glared at Nobunaga."Why did you drag me out here?""How cruel of you to treat your companion so poorly to take advantage of her and her kindness " Tenkai said. Motochika bared his teeth."Fucking excuse me?"
Tenkai, if you would please to repeat what you have just told me you witnessed? Nobunaga asked Tenkai, completely disregarding Motochika.
"Absolutely, your Highness. I was preparing to turn in from a rather long day when I heard something most distressing. I peeked into Nana dono's room and saw that the foul Shield Hero had forced himself on her!""That is a goddamn lie!" Motochika snarled
That s not true at all! Nana protested, shaking her head. The last time I spoke with Motochika sama was at dinner! Jin looked to her follower, scowling softly. Tenkai, what you say, you swear that it is the truth? She asked firmly.
He rose his right hand smoothly."My words are true because she has tattoos on her back and along her ribcage "
Everyone turned their eyes to Nana, who looked shocked and embarrassed. Adventurer Nana, is this true? W Well, I I..! She was stumbling over her words, looking to Motochika for help. Show the evidence to the court then. It wasn t a request.Nana s face flushed and she looked around at everyone that was present The King, his Court, even the Four Heroes and their followers. Surely there is no need Now. He ordered gruffly, and Nana had no choice but to obey.
"N Nana..." Motochika looked just as embarrassed, but that only made him look more guilty."What a creep...""Masamune sama." Masamune's only companion scolded him softly.
Nana didn t have much choice since she had been ordered by the king. She lowered her gaze in shame, silently undoing her leather cuirass and taking it off before slowly unbuttoning her shirt. Her face was red as she lowered the back of her shirt to show her tattoos, keeping the front of her shirt clutched to her chest.As Tenkai had said, her back was completely covered in tattoos.The court gasped and murmured amongst themselves, glancing at Motochika in disgust. Please, this has to be a misunderstanding, Motochika sama never touched me..! Nana pleaded, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears.Jin looked disgusted, turning her head away and clenching an armored fist, and Yukimura looked shocked and disappointed.
"Clearly he coerced her into silence " Tenkai said, "Truly a villain ""I didn't touch her!!" Motochika shouted, launching forward but the guard stopped him dead in his tracks.
To think that the Shield Hero would commit this greatest sin in this country... Though it isn t surprising.. He sighed through his nose and waved his hand for Nana to dress herself, which she did quickly. Normally, you would be sentenced to be executed, but sadly we still require your aid.
"This is all because of this stupid fucking shield? I didn't even ask for it!!" He yelled.
Nana didn t know what else to say, she had begged for Motochika s innocence, yet they wouldn t believe a word she said, and now they refused to listen to anything Motochika said as well? It was cruel. Chosokabe dono... Jin spoke up, a frown of disapproval on her face as she shook her head at his outburst.
"If we're done here, I'd like to leave. I have shit I need to do before the Wave hits." He snarled lowly.
He was only met with the glare of the king, who let out a scoff and waved his hand for him to be gone.
He turned on his heel and stalked off, "Let's go, Nana."
Nana nodded and hurried after him, the entire room silent except for their foot falls as they left.
"Stupid fucking assholes...I would never take advantage of a woman..." He grumbled irately.
Nana followed Motochika silently, keeping her gaze down, tears burning in her eyes, what was she to say to Motochika?
"You didn't plan this, did you?" Motochika asked her, tone strained with anger."Hey, uh...while I got ya here.." Masamune rose his hand, "Iunno if you noticed or anything but I kinda don't have much of a party anymore. Can I have more bodies?""Masamune sama...!" Kojurou scolded softly.
No! No, I would never do such a terrible thing! She said quickly. Motochika sama, please, understand I had no part in this! The king let out what sounded almost like a chuckle, but his expression remained the same. We could put out another request for adventurers, but it may take time.
He searched her face for any shred of falsehood and saw none. He settled down and sighed softly, "Ok...I trust you..""I don't really...havetime. You know?" Masamune said.
She bowed her head deeply to him, fists clenched. I swear to you, Motochika sama, I didn t know anything about that..! The king stared at him for a moment before looking to his attendant and waving his hand slightly. I ll guve you an advance on your next war chest, but try not to kill the next few unfortunates you recruit.
"Relax, I told you I trusted you.." He waved her down, "Come on, let's just go, I can't stand to be here longer than I need to.""Can do! Thanks!" Masamune gave a half assed salute before leaving with Kojurou, who bowed quickly to Nobunaga before following Masamune
She still felt she had more to apologize for, more that she needed to beg for forgiveness. But she only nodded, following after Motochika out of the palace.
"Well, what now...? I don't have any royal money to rely on, not that I had any to begin with really." He said, "What now?"
Nana shook her head. I still have some coin of my own... But it s not much either.
Motochika made a noise, "I'm sure we'll figure it out..."Masamune and Kojurou moved through the captial, the Sword Hero huffing and puffing about his party."It's frowned upon, but you could buy a slave.." Kojurou said, "Especially since they may not last long anyway...""Alright, where can I get one?" Masamune asked. Kojurou made a noise."There's a shady fellow on the edge of the market, has a tent he sells his slaves out of.""Well, lead the way." Masamune said and Kojurou exhaled before heading off.
The tent was much larger than Masamune had expected, dim, but fairly lit, and it was stocked as far as he could see with stacked cages.The tent reeked, to her at least, it was overwhelming. There had to be dozens of different species all under that tent Beastmen, Demi human, animals alike. She sat in her cage rather uncomfortably, a steel gag in her mouth so she would break the iron bars, arms crossed over her abdomen and strapped to her side in a straight jacket, and a heavy ball and chain around her ankle. She felt cramped and couldn t properly stand, but then again, she probably wasn t supposed to.
"Hello! Hello! Welcome!" A fat little man approached Masamune as he looked around, "How may I help you?""I need a slave." Masamune said flatly, "Got any good ones?""I have many! Please have a look around and let me know what you find ""Kay, cool.." Masamune wandered about the cages, peering in and examining each one.
Humans, more than that one fat man who had bought her from her last masters. She made a soft noise as she turned her head, peering out through the iron bars to try and see who had entered.
After a while of looking before Masamune stopped in front of her. He looked confused, kinda angry."Why is she tied up?""Oh, uh...well, you don't want her...she's a demi human and very dangerous." The man said. Masamune made a face."Dangerous?"
The woman had black shaggy hair that was full of knots and her red eyes followed Masamune as he moved. She huffed softly, but only shifted uncomfortably in her cage.
"She's a rare kind. Dragon demi human. She's violent.""How much?" Masamune asked. The man grinned widely."800.""Masamune sama, that's almost all our ""Deal." Masamune said.
He saw her red eyes narrow behind her shaggy bangs, biting down hard on the gag in her mouth, hard enough to create an audible noise.She was rather cramped in that cage, which was done on purpose so she couldn t kick out the bars, but she d rather not be sold off again.
The little man moved to uncage her, grabbing the chains to pull her out and remake her servant seal.
She seemed rather obedient at the cage door was opened and she was escorted up to the front. She sat down in the chair unable to say much as the short man undid the straight jacket to free her arms. She wore only a rough looking tunic underneath, which was opened at the sides and kept closed with strings at her hips. Her deep red and black scales glistened in the candle light, rubbing her aching shoulders.
He applied the new slave seal and unbound her, "There we are. If she refuses any orders, the seal will give her quite the shock." He told Masamune. Masamune made a noise and nodded."Cool. You got a name, girl?" He asked.
She looked up at him and frowned, showing her pointed teeth. Megohime.. She said, voice a bit raspy.
He gave a nod, "Alright, Megohime, let's get going. We'll get some food in you. Kojurou, pay the man.""Ah...hai..." Kojurou frowned and moved to pay for the demi human.
She only gave a slight nod, standing and moving over to Masamune, and only then did he realize just how bad of shape she was in. She reeked of a slaughter house, and it was clear now that the dark brown stains on her clothing was dried blood.
He scrunched his nose, "We should probably find you a bath and maybe someone to take care of your hair, too.."
She looked up at him, red eyes studying him he could see them more now. Her eyes were reptilian, pupils thin slits, and also quite cold and empty. Why?
"Why? You look God awful, that's why." He said firmly.
She shifted her head, blinking in confusion. Oh. She simply looked ahead of her and stayed close to him, saying nothing more. She d need better clothes as well armor and a weapon, and on top of feeding her and fixing her up, she d bleed them of the rest of their funds.
"Let's just get you cleaned up and fed, huh?" He said and headed off. Kojurou stood with her, willing to walk with her and keep her company.
She didn t say much as they walked, didn t say anything in fact, but she didn t seem to mind Kojurou s presence much, keeping pace with him as they headed to somewhere that could fix up her hair.
It was ten silver to make Megohime not look like she just emerged from a cave and Masamune didn't seem to mind too much. As long as she looked normal, he supposed.
Megohime has to be scrubbed clean three times, and the bath water changed just as many times, but when they were done, she was finally clean. It took a lot of brushing to tame her hair, but after a while of brushing, the woman at the spa finally got her hair under control. Shall we trim and style her hair as well, Yuusha sama? The women asked Masamune.
"Mm...yeah, sure, why not." He said dismissively, waving his hand.
They gave a nod and a bow before returning to working on Megohime, who only put up a small struggle as they started working on her once again. It took a while, but soon Megohime was not at least presentable. Her hair had been trimmed and brushed straight, now sporting layered bangs that exposed two small horns protruding from her forehead and showed more of her face.
"There, now. That's much better, isn't it?" Masamune smirked, "Now you don't look homeless."
She stared at him blankly, looking a little peeved that she was scrubbed and groomed so thoroughly. I am homeless. She said.
"Bouncing from inn to inn isn't necessarily homeless.""It is exactly homeless, Masamune sama." Kojurou corrected. Masamune waved him off."Well, you look pretty cute now, at any rate."
Megohime had been given a clean robe to wear in place of her old rags, but it was strange to her, and she was sure she couldn t fight effectively in it. Cute wont help me fight. She pointed out blandly.
"Well, what kinda armor do you want? Or...need, I guess?" He asked.
She made a face, thinking for a moment before shaking her head. I don t know... I ve never worn armor like you have, I have this. She held up one arm and pulled back the sleeve, showing her scales. This is armor enough.
"That'll protect you?""She's a dragon demi human, it'll take a lot to really hurt her." Kojurou said gently.
Megohime nodded and let her arm drop back to her side. I should be fine without armor... But I don t think I ll be able to move very well in these clothes.. She said.
"Ugh...well, we'll work it out at a later date. We got time before the Wave hits, let's go level you up." He said.
Megohime nodded, following after Masamune and Kojurou, but only after pulling off the sandals she had been given, and leaving them behind.
They headed out of the capital and to the grasslands close to the entrance where the balloon monsters were.
Megohime blinked at the sight of what she would be killing balloon monsters? Was he joking? She looked to Masamune in confusion. I don t understand? What do you want me to do with these?
"Kill them?" He asked, "What, you're level one, aren't ya?"
She made a face, her nose scrunched and she almost look like she was going to hiss at him, she looked offended. No. She hissed out. I m fourteen levels ahead of you.
"Say what?" He examined her and sure enough, he saw she was level ninteen. "What the fuck? How are you such a high level?"
It s not a high level are you telling me you bought me without even knowing? She seemed angry, her pupils thin and an angry scowl on her face. She clenched her fists. This was one of the Great Heroes? He was an idiot, he didn t know anything and she could practically smell his arrogance. He wasn t a man worth following, he wasn t worthy.
"Well, this is a just a game...and you're just a slave.""Masamune sama." Kojurou hissed.
She let out a snarl, closing the distance between the two of them and grabbing Masamune roughly by the front of his shirt. This is a game? She repeated lowly. Please elaborate to yourslave, what about this is a game?
"It isn't real." He stated, "None of it. Not you, not Kojurou. I just wanna get through this and go home."
If it s not real then explain to me how you re here? Explain to me, if I m not real, how am I touching you right now? She got close to his face. If I'm not real, then it won t matter if I gut you alive, right?
"That's enough, Megohime dono." Kojurou gently took her arm, "He's an idiot, please forgive him."
Megohime scowled deeply and shoved Masamune away. Whatever. She hissed out, turning her shoulder to him so she didn t have to look at him.
Masamune fixed his crinkled shirt and huffed, "Fine. Let's go find a higher area. Or maybe we can just beat on you to level up.""That isn't how anything works, Masamune sama." Kojurou scolded.
Megohime shot a glare at Masamune. No, I think that s a fine idea. Let s try it, level five, after all, there s plenty of time in this fake world, right?
"Then let's go. Show me what you got, brat." Masamuje growled, taking out his sword. Kojurou sighed and took a few steps back to keep out of the way.
Megohime adjusted the skirt of her robe so she could move more freely in it, then crouched low to the ground before rushing at Masamune. She didn t need a weapon to fight him, for she was already armed. She slammed a fist into the sword he held, hitting hard enough to make the reverberation roll back up through Masamune s arm like he had struck a boulder.
He hissed and he dropped his weapon from the pain, which left him wide open to her. Kojurou pinched the bridge of his nose, maybe he should have joined with Motochika, or Jin or Yukimura. The Sword Hero of legend was a baffoon.
When he dropped his sword, Megohime swung a hard punch right to his gut, then grabbed his shirt and slammed him hard to the ground, but not hard enough to break anything.
He grunted, the wind slightly knocked out of him and he tried to catch his breathing."Very impressive, Megohime dono.." Kojurou said gently.
No, it really isn t. She straightened up and frowned down at Masamune. If he can t even deflect a blow with bare hands, then what will he do when he comes across someone with a sword of their own?
"I made it to level five pretty ok." Masamune coughed. Kojurou sighed."Perhaps you would be alright with training him instead of him "beating on you"?" He asked her.
She pursed her lips and crossed her hands over her chest, looking to Kojurou. I m his slave... If he orders me so, I shall, but I can t teach him how to wield a sword, as I ve never held one before.
"That's fine, you won't have to. Just help him level up enough." He requested. Masamune stood and coughed to clear his throat."Teach me unarmed then, for now. That should suffice."
Megohime let out a breath through her nose and nodded. That s fine, I ll teach you what I can. She agreed.With Megohime teaching Masamune, it fell more into sparring than anything, since Masamune couldn t fight without his sword, which was fine with Megohime since she had fought unarmed against an armed opponent before. She taught him dodges and maneuvers she had seen while fighting in the arena her previous master had her fight in, and while Masamune was improving quickly, Megohime still seemed to beat him each time. Again, get up. She ordered, having just slammed him to the ground for the umpteenth time that day.
Kojurou was enjoying some herbal tea as he sat and spectated. Masamune huffed and grumbled."How are you such an insufferable brat?" He asked.
Are you conceding? She asked, staring down at him with her cold reptilian eyes, a faint frown on her face. You haven t even won once, and you still have time to complain?
"I am allowed to complain." He said as he pushed himself up, "I am not conceding, either."
Good, then put your sword to use and actually use it this time. She said, crouching low again before charging him again, swinging at him with an open hand, claws at the ready.
He swung his sword out to block and narrowly caught her hand on the blade."Jesus, doesn't that hurt you?!" He exclaimed.
She crouched low again and jumped up, aiming a kick for his chest, her face serious as she moved. Focus! She hissed.
He jumped back and rushed at her with his sword, "I am focusing!"
Megohime brought her arms up to block his attacks, letting them slide right off her scales before smacking his blade with the back of her hand and moving forward to punch him hard in the face. Again!
He grew annoyed and rushed at her again, swinging harder and faster, sloppily, "Hold still!"
Her eyes widened at the command, and when she tried to refuse and block, she received a nasty shock that brought her to her knees, clutching her chest.
He took the opportunity to smack her down into the ground, breathing labored. "Ha!"
Megohime just hit the ground with a thud, taking a moment before she could actually move. She gnashed her teeth and held her head where she was bleeding lightly from being hit in the head, sitting up and shooting a glare at Masamune. Unless you plan on buying every being in this world as a slave, practicing that move won t do you very good. She growled out lowly, not amused by his stunt.
"I still landed a hit on you, cheap or not." He remarked. Kojurou merely sighed from his seat.
She wanted so badly to cut him down, to pummel him into the dirt, but her mark kept her from doing so. And that s why you re no Hero. She said before turning her back on him, moving away from him. We re done for today.
He huffed, "Fine, I was bored anyway."
She moved and sat down beside Kojurou, wiping the blood away with her sleeve and muttering angrily, brows furrowed. He calls me a brat, yet is the one who acts most like a child..?!
"You'll get used to it," Kojurou replied calmly, "Or you won't, which is also fine.."
She let her shoulders sag a bit, staring at the grass at her feet. I had always thought the Heroes were good people, that s what all the stories said anyway..
"I think it's just an instance of an inflated ego...Masamune sama has not yet had a humbling experi " He stopped and remembered that it was Masamune's fault his whole party had died and was still a tremendous asshole, "He hasn't pulled his head out of his ass yet...""I heard that." Masamune stated.
Megohime just made a noise of frustration, resting her chin on her knees. Tell me more about the Wave, please? She asked, this having been the first she had heard about it. She had been a slave her entire life, so she wasn t well versed in the way of the world outside of her master and his activities, but she knew of the Heroes from stories told amount the slaves.
"We aren't really sure what it is ourselves...we just know that they happen every so often and monsters swarm Malromarc and destroy everything for an hour or so..." Kojurou said, "It feels like an eternity when the Waves start.."
Megohime made a noise, she had recalled a day that was scheduled for arena fights that ended up never happening, patrons never showed up, and the cells the Demi humans were kept in underground rumbled for a while. Had that been the first Wave? She rubbed the scales along her forearm. If it just brings monsters then all we have to do it kill them, right? I m good at that, it shouldn t be much different than anything else I ve done up until now... She said softly, staring ahead blankly, like she had other thoughts on her mind.
"The Heroes are summoned to find out what's causing them and how to stop them. But so far have been unsuccessful." Kojurou replied.
She made another noise, resting her eyes and listening to the wind as it rustled the grass around them. Well, if the other Heroes are anything like him, then it won t matter if they find out what s causing them.
"Jin dono, Sanada sama and Chosokabe sama are all rather well mannered." He replied, watching Masamune practice his swings.
So we re just the unlucky ones then? She said, a hint of bitterness in her tone. Well, whatever, he s not quite as terrible as some of the others that have owned me..
"I'm sorry to hear that.." He said gently, "It must have been hard."
Only as long as I didn t lose my fights. She said, rubbing her neck then stretching out.
He frowned softly, "Well, you won't be beaten for losing anything from now on."
She felt it would be nice if that were true, but knew it would probably not be the case. Well, that s enough of a break. She said with a sigh, standing up and brushing off her clothes. There s still a few more hours of daylight left and a lot more training to be done.
"Let's squeeze in as much as we can then." Masamune said, pointing his sword at her.
You need to work on your deflecting, I ve fought opponents with swords unarmed before and they had no trouble with my hits. She rolled her shoulders before dropping into a low stance, then charging.
He side stepped and swung at her, "Good for you, you wanna cookie?" He growled
She balled her fist and smacked the sword away with the back of her hand before moving to punch him hard in the gut. My point is that you need to fight in more fights, actually hit things, get use to the feeling of harder hits.
He grunted before swinging his sword, blunt side, into her side, "I'll find more monsters then, it isn't a huge deal."
Megohime took the hit with a grunt, but quickly recovered and grabbed the sword he had slammed into her side, using it to yank Masamune forward before delivering a strong head butt.
He cried out and fell back, his head throbbing with pain, "Fuck!"
She tossed his sword back at his feet. Again, get up. She ordered, watching him with cold eyes, a bit of irritation in them. Why wasn t her trying harder? His moves were improving, and Kojurou was teaching him sword techniques, but he still seemed to be dragging his feet.
"Yeah, let me get up after you've rammed your fucking head into my skull and rattled my brain around like an egg yolk!" He snapped.
I didn t hit you that hard,get up! She scowled softly. You need to beat this weakness from yourself.
He sat up and rushed at her with his sword, slashing at her wildly and doing his best to block and deflect her strikes.
He caught her a few times, but her scales protected her from his strikes. Megohime still felt the pain of the hits though, the force behind them each time the connected with her body, but only blocked them out as she attacked and defended back.
They continued like this until the sun began to set, that's when Kojurou stood."Alright, that's enough for today."
The both of them were exhausted, breathing heavily and covered in sweat, but when Kojurou said it was enough she stopped and wiped her forehead. Tomorrow we should try and find some real monsters to fight. She said to Kojurou, but who was she to say what they would do? She was just a slave in a fake game, and here she was bossing them around already.
Kojurou nodded, "That sounds like a great idea.""Sure, whatever." Masamune huffed.
Megohime followed the two back into town and to their lodgings, passing the sign posted at the door that she couldn t read and following them inside.
When they entered the inn, the keeper was about to yell that she wasn't allowed in there until he saw who she was with. Masamune sat down and waited to be served, drumming his fingers.
Megohime sat across the table from him, not bothered by the stares their group was receiving, only glancing around a bit before a waitress moved over, looking a little nervous. What can I get you?
"Whatever the special is. Three of them." Masamune said, "Make it fast, I'm starving."
Right away! She nodded and bowed her head before hurrying back to the kitchen with their order. Are you always so insufferable to everyone around you..? Megohime muttered, almost to herself.
"I'm nice to Kojurou." Masamune replied. Kojurou made a noise."To a degree." He replied.
She only scoffed and turned her head away from Masamune, looking over the tavern full of people. She had never been inside of one, it was warm and nice. Thank you for waiting! The girl came back and set the food out before the three a meat stew of some sort with a bread roll.
Masamune gave her some coin for the food before digging in."Matte," Kojurou stopped the waitress calmly, "Could you please bring us something to drink? Whatever you have is fine."
Ah, yes of course! She bowed her head once more before hurrying off to fetch them something to drink. Megohime ate quietly, nearly salivating at the meal in front of her, nearly scarfing it down.
"Megohime dono, if you don't slow down, you'll choke." Kojurou told her calmly.
Megohime glanced up, making a noise before slowing down a bit. The waitress came out with three waters, setting them all out before leaving them to eat in peace once more.
"So I suppose tomorrow we go find a cave." Masamune mused, dipping his bread into his stew."There should be a fairly even leveled cave nearby, Masamune sama." Kojurou said.
Megohime kept her mouth shut, simply enjoying her meal, in fact, she was hardly paying attention. When was the last time she had eaten meat? It felt like ages, but it had to be when she had fought last in the arena and she had taken a chunk out of the opponent.
"Hey," Masamune took her bowl and dumped it over her head, "Are you listening?""Masamune!" Kojurou snapped.
Megohime froze mid chew, sitting there as the broth soaked into her hair and clothes, staring down at the table for a minute with wide eyes before she stood slowly. She set down her partially eaten roll, not even looking at Masamune or Kojurou before she left for the door, trailing the stew as she went.
"Go apologize right now!" Kojurou reprimanded. Masamune scowled heavily."No.""Masamune."
Megohime did the best she could to get the stew off of her clothes and out of her hair, but she would more than likely have to go to a bathhouse and clean herself. Not like she could afford to do so on her own, let alone have Masamune pay for it. She walked a ways away from the inn, stopping and sitting down in the opening of an alleyway, wiping more of her dinner from her face. She fought tears, this wasn t supposed to be how her freedom went, and though still enslaved, she had been purchased by a Hero, so was was she still treated as trash? Perhaps the stories she had been told of the Heroes were all a lie.
"Megohime dono..." Kojurou called gently, "Are you alright...? I made Masamune sama buy you another bowl of stew...I made him go to his room, he won't bother you again.."
Megohime quickly wiped away her tears, glancing back over her shoulder to Kojurou. It s fine, you didn t have to do that, really.
"Even a Hero has to be reprimanded sometimes." He told her, "Come on, let's finish our food in peace and I'll order a bath and some fresh clothes."
She didn t understand, what was it he wanted? Why was he being so kind? She stood and followed him back to the inn without another word, keeping her gaze down. Was he going to do something vile? Was he only trying to get her to lower her guard?
He sat back in his seat and went back to his food, Masamune was in fact gone from the table.
Megohime was still covered in food, but ate her new food silently like before, although slower this time. Once she was done, she thanked Kojurou and headed to the baths to clean up, taking her new clothes with her.
Kojurou sighed heavily. He knew the demi humans lived heavily on the hope of the kindness of past heros, but Masamune was not meeting the expectations set for him. He was a child compared to old stories.
Amaya set her things down in the room she shared with Akihime, the two men in the group Yukimura and Sasuke sharing a room. They had just finished part of their mission with leveling up, and were making steady progress.
"So, Ama chan," Akihime started as she pulled her braided twin pony tails free, "What songs do you know? Can you play other instruments?""Man, what a day." Sasuke groaned as he stretched, "I thought for sure my hands would fall off."
Amaya set her lyre down and pulled off her hat, turning slightly to look at Akihime. I know many songs. She replied. And I can yes, but it s the easiest to carry a lyre. Yukimura set his spear against the wall with a soft thud, nodding in agreement as he started to take off his plated armor. As did I.. He said tiredly.
"That's that thing, right?" She asked, "I thought it was just a weird harp." She gave a sheepish smile, "But you play it really pretty like! Kaa san used to play the flute all the time back home..""You think we'll be ready in time for the Wave?" Sasuke asked, moving to his bed.
She hesitated a moment before answering. Thank you, your magic was rather impressive as well. Amaya said. I can only hope that we are. He said as he flopped back into his own bed, staring up at the ceiling.
She grinned, "Thanks, I've really only had balloons and things to practice on." She said, "That bow has been in my family a long time, too...I bet my parents are still pretty steamed I stole it!""So what do you think about that demi human, Akihime?" He asked suddenly, "She's so obnoxious..."
Amaya made a noise and looked down at her lyre. So you left home without saying goodbye? She asked softly.Yukimura made a face and looked over at Sasuke, a bit puzzled. She s nice, why do you ask?
"I had to," she smiled sadly as she looked to her bow, "they wouldn't let me leave otherwise...""We don't really..." Sasuke gestured his hands vaguely, "need her..."
She kept her eyes on her lyre, resting her fingertips against it gently. You should still write them... I m sure they re worried for you. She said before moving to her bed.Yukimura was more confused, sitting up. She s our only ranged fighter. He pointed out. And her senses are amazing did you see how she hunted those hares? I hadn t even noticed they were there!
"Do you think they would write back?" She asked, laying on her bed, "They probably don't consider me their daughter anymore..""Well, any dumb cat can find a hare..." Sasuke mumbled, "And Amaya is a decent ranged fighter!"
Only if that was how your parents raised you. She said as she pulled the blanket over herself. I m sure they d just be happy to hear you re still alive. He must not have heard the first part, or was ignoring it entirely. Amaya dono said it herself, she s mostly supportive in battle. Masamune and Megohime had been training all day and now into the night. The sun had gone down hours ago, but they were still fighting one another, Kojurou taking the time for a few errands. Megohime had been rather closed off since Masamune had poured her food over her head, and only went harder on him during training.
Akihime laid quietly for a bit before speaking again, "Arigatou, Amaya..."Sasuke grumbled irately, didn't like or trust demi humans as far as he could throw them. "We can always find a replacement...people would kill to adventure with you.."Kojurou had only hoped that Masamune didn't do anything stupod while he was off getting provisions. He realized Masamune was hot headed and stubborn as a mule but he had to stop and listen, he had to have known that. He sighed as he made his way back to the camp, only to nearly drop the food as he saw Masamune wailing on Megohime. He had her pinned under her, his gauntletted fist pounding into her face."Masamune sama!!"
Why replace something that works? Yukimura asked before laying his head back down on the pillow.Kojurou could see the sparks from Megohime s slave mark on her chest from where he stood, the only noise being the wet, dull thud of his gauntlet hitting her in the face again and again. She could hardly keep her arms up in front of her face, which was bloody and swollen, Masamune easily shoving the arms away before hitting her again.
Sasuke blushed out of embarrassment before turning to face the wall to hide his shame.Masamune stopped to look at Kojurou."She pissed me off.""That's no excuse, get off her!" Kojurou snapped. Masamune huffed and stood as Kojurou nearly dropped the food to help Megohime.
Megohime laid on the ground even when Masamune got off of her, and when he got closer, he saw just how much of a mess she was. Her face was badly swollen, and she had deep cuts and gouges from Masamune s gaunlet, nose gushing blood. She didn t even try to get up, only coughed and spat up the blood in her mouth, letting out a soft noise of what he could only assume to be relief she wasn t being beaten any longer.
"Here," Kojurou lifted her head a bit and bit the cork off a healing potion, "drink this." He said and helped pour the liquid slowly down her throat.
She was able to drink the potion, but some dribbled from her mouth and down her split lip. She only coughed and groaned when he had finished giving her the potion, which would stop the bleeding she had on her face. She could hardly open her eyes with how swollen they were, but one wasn t as swollen as the other, and from that one, Kojurou could see tears leak down her face.
"You'll be alright." He told her gently and picked her up, "I'm taking her to the inn, you can sleep out here or get your own room, it matters not to me." He said and walked off.
Megohime could hardly think straight, head spinning and pounding, even hearing things was a bit difficult. She felt someone lift her, was Kojurou carrying her? She thought it had been him when her head was first picked up, but she couldn t be sure since she couldn t see very well.
He brought her to the inn and up to his room, ignoring the stares and murmurs as he moved to lay her on his bed, "Try not to fall asleep, alright? You may have gotten a concussion."
All she could manage was a slight nod, laying where she had been placed. It was a bit difficult to tell if she was awake since her eyes were swollen shut, but he could only assume. Her face was absolutely caked in blood, but the bleeding had stopped for the time being, and she would only require time for her wounds to heal.
He frowned and moved to the basin and wet a rag with warm water before moving to sit beside her gently, "Here..." He gently wiped the blood off her face, "I shouldn't have left you alone with him..."
He could just barely make out that one of her eyes were open, and she was looking at him as he cleaned her face. ...ust a slave... She managed out, her lip cracking from her speaking.
He frowned softly and shook his head, "Not to me, you aren't. You are a living being and deserves respect equally as much as I do.."
She let out a noise that sounded like a scoff, blinking slowly and keeping her gaze on him. m hardly hum n... all I know wha ta do... n can do.... is kill othe s.. She said, fresh tears burning her eyes, slipping down her badly cut up cheeks.
He shook his head, "You can be much more than that..." He told her before moving to rinse the cloth and wet with cold water, moving back and placing it over the swelling, "You can be whatever you want to be. After the Waves are dealt with, I'll demand Masamune sama free you."
I don knowhowt do anythin else.. She said quietly, the cool cloth feeling nice on her face. n why are you so sure... tha he jus won kill me..?
"I won't let him." He told her, "You have my word.."
Megohime was in no shape to do anything even by the next morning, and did indeed have a concussion. She could hardly stand, and had been sick all morning in the water basin in her room she shared with Kojurou. When she did try to stand and dress, it was almost like she was incredibly drunk, stumbling and nearly falling, barely able to grab her own cup of water, and the swelling on her face was still quite bad. The cuts made by his gauntlet had closed up for the most part from the potion Kojurou had given her, and her eyes were able to open just a bit more, but she could hardly do much of anything.
"Useless..." Masamune muttered as he drank from his tankard. Kojurou shot him a glare."She wouldn't be like this if you weren't a bastard.""Watch what you say, I'm a Hero after all.""Scum, more like." Kojurou hissed.
Megohime could hardly even touch her food, even chewing hurt, and as soon as she got even a bite down, she would feel like she would be sick. She settled for simply sipping slowly at her water, keeping her gaze down and ignoring her masters hurtful words. She could feel others staring, hear them murmuring, but there was nothing she could do.
"Ne, Yuusha sama..." A waitress approached Masamune and he glanced at her, "Is your companion alright...? Maybe you should take her to a healer?""She's fine, she just fell in a cave."
Megohime gnashed her teeth, which hurt to do, standing quickly with a slight wobble. I fell. She repeated lowly under her breath before making her way back up to the bedrooms, stumbling the whole way. She didn t want people looking at her anymore, didn t want to look at Masamune, she just wanted to be alone.
Masamune watched her go up the stairs before looking to Kojurou, who was glaring death at him. "What?""You are the mosy vile human being I have ever met." He said and left the inn. Masamune merely snorted and stayed in his seat.
Megohime was upstairs throwing up the small amount of water she had not minutes before, sweating and breathing heavily. She felt like she hadn t slept in days, but Kojurou had told her to avoid sleep for a while, but even then, she was more than tempted to do so with how the room wouldn t stop spinning.
She heard foot steps making their way toward the room and the door was pushed open, "Get up." Masamune growled.
Megohime was still on her knees, practically hugging the basin she had just finished throwing up in when she heard Masamune s command. .. I can t... She said quietly, turning her head back toward the basin, feeling like she was going to be sick again.
"I said: get up!" He snapped and her slave seal began to spark.
She nearly knocked over the basin as she was jolted with a painful shock, crying out and forcing herself to stand. Her head was pounding, and she turned slightly to look at Masamune, her bloodshot eyes holding nothing but hatred.
He moved and punched her hard in the stomach, "Why haven't you been training me?"
She doubled over his fist and let out a strangled gasp, sinking to her knees and clutching her stomach. I I... She could barely speak, she wasn t prepared for his hit, and it had knocked the air from her lungs.
"Huh?! What's the deal?!" He snapped, "Miss High and Fucking Mighty!"
This wasn t fair, none of this was fair she did all that she could, trained him like he asked, and in return he nearly beat her head in. I... won t train you... She said through clenched teeth. I won t train you anymore..!
His expression darkened, "Haa?" He growled, "What was that?"
She clenched her fists and looked up at him, teeth bared. Go train yourself! I won t train you anymore! She snapped.
He inched closer to her, glaring death, "Maybe I should just whore you out and earn back that money you cost me."
She did it without thinking, Megohime lashed out with her clenched fist, backhanding Masamune hard across the cheek, knocking him back. She immediately regretted it, feeling fear grip her hard, looking on in horror. She had scraped his cheek with her scales, and there was already a lump forming but it was nothing compared to what he had done to her face.
He held his cheek and his eyes were dangerous. "You know what?" He growled, "Find some rope or use the fucking sheets, but I want to see you hanging from the ceiling."
She stared at him in horror, and he watched as the seal on her chest started to spark, forcing her to her feet again. Tears slipped down her bruised cheeks as she pulled the sheets from the bed, and soon she was crying out loud. Please stop.. She begged as she started to fashion the sheet into a crude noose. Please, I m sorry..! Tears leaked down her face as she paused for a moment, looking to Masamune.
He only watched silently, arms folded tight over his chest. He was a monster, not the Hero the legends spoke of.
She understood now that there was no real freedom waiting for her, this was the best fate that she would get. She felt another jolting shock from her seal and moved numbly to get the chair from the desk, dragging it silently across the floor and placing it under the wooden beam above her. Standing on the chair, she tied the the sheet to the beam, slipped the noose around her neck, then kicked the chair out from under herself.She dropped instantly, the sheet tightening around her neck and immediately cutting off her airway. Tears blurred her vision as she swung to and fro, kicking her feet wildly as panic gripped her tightly. She didn t want to die. She tried to reach the chair with her feet again, but couldn t, and clawing at the sheet did nothing.
That's when the door opened and Kojurou came into the room, "Megohime!" He moved and cut the sheet, causing her to drop. Masamune exhaled."Rude." He muttered and Kojurou whirled on him, slamming his fist into Masamune's jaw.
She hit the ground with a hard thud and struggled to pull the sheet loose. She coughed and sobbed, yanking the sheet from around her bloody neck, which she had torn up trying to get it off. I won t let him kill you, you have my word. Kojurou had promised her she wouldn t be harmed, and here she was hanging from the ceiling by her neck, Masamune just watching.
"You selfish son of a bitch, what were you thinking?! What has she done to you to warrant that?!" Kojurou yelled. Masamune rubbed his jaw, scowling."She refu ""Nothing, is the correct answer!!" Kojurou cut him off angrily, "How dare you command her to commit suicide! After she willingly committed to training you to be a better warrior! If this is how you plan on treating your party, then she and I are no longer your companions!"
Megohime was still crying on the floor, occasionally hacking and gagging, holding her bruised throat. Her heart pounded in her ears, and part of her wished that Kojurou had not interfered, she would have been free from her suffering that refused to release her from its cruel grasp. No more would she have to slaughter endlessly, or be potential tool for men, she would finally find her peace.
A gloved hand extended to her and it belonged to Kojurou, "Come with me. I made a promise to protect you from him and I will keep it.""You can't walk away from me, she's my property!" Masamune snapped. Kojurou glared at him."I paid for her. Not you." He stated.
Megohime couldn t fight her tears, didn t even bother to, she only took Kojurou s hand and stood shakily, holding onto Kojurou for support.
Kojurou helped her as they headed for the door."She stays." Masamune stated. Kojurou scowled."We aren't apart of your party any more, you can't control her.""She still has the seal. She's mine, unless you have magic erasers." Masamune huffed.
Kojurou felt her grip on his sleeve tighten, and she lowered her head. Masamune was right, as much as she hated to admit it, he owned her, and she still had to obey. Please... Don t leave me alone with him... She begged in a whisper.
Kojurou looked to her and frowned, he wanted to just take off and give her the freedom she deserved, but he knew Masamune was right."You are not to come near her." Kojurou growled at him. Masamune scowled."Fine." He hissed before leaving the room.
Megohime slowly sunk to her knees after Masamune had left the room, clinging to Kojurou s legs and weeping softly. She couldn t thank him enough, hardly able to even get her words out through her sobbing.
He frowned softly and let her cry for a bit before helping her stand. Once Masamune wasn't needed anymore, he was going to help Megohime make something of herself so she wouldn't have to rely on him once she was free.
Megohime went to bed as Kojurou had instructed, unable to do much while she recovered, which only further made her worry about her own training, still feeling obligated to assist with the waves. She did lay down in bed however, pulling the covers up to her nose and resting, in quite an awful state.
Kojurou sat in his bed and gave a small sigh, wondering if they would be ready for the Wave when it hit. Masamune was in a poor state combat wise, and Megohime wouldn't be fully recovered in time. He didn't know what they would do, or if they would only hold back the others.
Megohime would remain in bed for the next two days, hardly even communicating with Kojurou, and not touching any food or water he brought her. It was more than likely she was struggling with coming to terms of nearly hanging herself to death, or rather being forced to, and with Masamune not showing up either, the team was in shambles. Megohime s physical state was improving slowly, the swelling receding significantly, only leaving cuts and bruises on her face and neck, but her mental state hadn t improved very much, and she would spend most of her time hidden under the blankets in her bed.Her concussion was improving though, and her symptoms were slowly improving or disappearing altogether.
"Megohime dono, would you like to try and eat today?" Kojurou asked, bringing her some roasted meat from down stairs.
Megohime laud curled up in bed, staring blankly at the wall across from her. She had dealt with death and killing as far back as she could remember, but she had always been fighting to keep her life, killing others so she could live, and now she had been forced to nearly take her own life? It wasn t right, it wasn t fair it messed with her head badly. What if he tried again? What if Kojurou wasn t there to stop Masamune? She didn t want to die, and she couldn t even fight it, her slave seal would force her to do it.She didn t answer his question, trapped in her own head, drowning in her thoughts, tears dripping from her eyes as she only sunk deeper, swirling down the rabbit hole.
"Megohime dono?" He called gently and carefully reached to touch her shoulder, "Are you alright?"
She shrunk away before he was able to put his hand on her shoulder. I m not hungry. She whispered, only curling up more tightly.This wasn t good, the Wave was less than a week away now, and the team was in shambles, what would they do?
"Megohime dono, you haven't eaten in days." He stated, "I don't want to be rough with you but you're acting irrationally."
Please leave me alone.. She said, staying in the safety of her blanket, her body feeling far too heavy to move, but too scared to sleep.
"Megohime, you have to eat. What are you going to do when the Wave hits?" He asked.
Whatever my master asks. She said numbly, knowing she would more than likely be ordered to die again.
"Well currently your master doesn't care so you will do as I ask and eat." He told her.
Her chest ached, and she turned her face into the pillow beneath her head. Kojurou... Please leave me alone...
"Not until you eat." He said. He was more like an over bearing mother than anything.
Megohime didn t have the energy to try and fight him anymore, she just wanted to be alone. She only laid where she was, hoping he would just give up and leave her alone.
He huffed and grabbed her arm, picking her up and turning her around. He sat on her and forced her mouth open before jamming food into it and covering her mouth until she swallowed.
Megohime kicked and trashed, panic flashing in her eyes when Kojurou sat on her, and she choked and gagged on the food before finally managing to swallow it painfully. Tears fell down her bruised cheeks, and she looked like a cornered wild animal, but she didn t try to hurt Kojurou.
"I don't enjoy being forceful with you after what Masamune has done. But you need to eat, you have been starving yourself for days." He said.
The food tasted terrible, like it had days before when she had tried to eat, no matter what she had tried, all of it was dull tasting or had no flavor at all. She only shed more tears, shaking her head and fighting him more.
"What can I do to make you consume? What if I took you out hunting? Do you hunt? Or, did you?" He asked.
Her face fell, twisting into a look of sadness as she avoided his gaze. I don t know... This is my first time in the outside world..
He moved off her, "Then let's go. We have enough time before the wave hits for you to catch your own food. It's a good skill to have."
Megohime truly didn t want to, but had little choice as Kojurou practically dragged her off. She had never hunted in her life, she didn t know what to do or what to even look for.
He showed her how to track and how to properly kill an animal swiftly. He showed her how to make rabbit traps and good places to put them. "Now. I want you to go find a deer and kill it. Bring it back and we'll skin it."
Megohime made a face, looking down at the bow and quiver full of arrows he had given her. I don t know how to use this... I ve never even held one before this..
"Then use your hands. Forgive me if assuming you knew how to use these was insensitive." He said and gently took them from her.
She still looked hesitant and unsure, giving a slow nod before heading off into the forest, following the trail of prey like Kojurou had shown her.The first few tries, she couldn t even get close to a deer, scaring it off, the fourth try she simply wounded the creature and it got away, and she was becoming increasingly agitated.
Kojurou waited patiently for her. It would take time for her to be able to catch one. "Perhaps I gave too difficult a first task."
It took her nearly another hour to track down the deer she had wounded, before finally finishing it off by tearing out its throat with her claws not the cleanest or quickest kill, but she had finally succeeded.
"My, how unladylike." A voice said, coming from her right. It was a man, an old man, with weird salt and pepper hair and an odd color palette in terms of armor. He looked at her like she was some kind of exotic thing, which she wasn't really. Albeit rare and hard to find, she was as common as any other demi human was.
Megohime nearly jumped out of her skin, stumbling back and taking a few steps away from him. She hadn t even heard him approaching, nor had she smelled him at all. Megohime stared at him with wide eyes, feeling her heart beating in her chest. Who are you? What do you want? She demanded.
"Just looking around the area for some game. Our party needs to eat, much like you do." He replied.
She didn t like the way he looked at her, becoming self conscious that she was splattered with blood an still had a face full of bruises. I m hunting in this area already, so get lost. She said defensively, feeling butterflies in her stomach.
He rose his hands, giving a disarming smile. But there was still some kind of hidden intent behind it. "Of course, please forgive me.""Megohime dono!" Kojurou's voice echoed through the trees and the man chuckled."Megohime?" He repeated, "What a lovely name."
Megohime flinched when he spoke her name, scowling and moving quickly to her kill. She grabbed it by the horn, casting one more glance at the man before hurriedly dragging it away.
Kojurou was looking around for her when she finally met up with him, "There you are. What happened, you've been out here for over an hour."
Megohime dropped her prey on the ground, cheeks flushed. I couldn t catch any.. She muttered, obviously needing a bit more time and practice before she got the hang of it. Her fighting style was rather forward, and though it could be graceful, it was far from stealthy, so it was only natural for it to carry over into her hunting.
He gave a nod, "All things considered, you did a rather good job. Here," He took a large knife from his bag and moved to the deer, "I'll show you how to skin and separate the meat."
The next few days Megohime spent with Kojurou, his teaching her things she would need to know to be able to survive on her own. Then the time of the wave came. Megohime accompanied Kojurou to where he was supposed to meet with Masamune, only she was still without any armor or a weapon. She still wore her robes, something that would be rather hard to fight in, but she said nothing when she saw Masamune, only turning her gaze down.
"Masamune sama." Kojurou approached Masamune and the hero only glanced at him, "While we still have time, I want to get Megohime dono some armor.""She doesn't need it." Masamune replied. Kojurou scowled."Then neither do you.""I'm a hero, she's just some slave." Masamune retorted. Kojurou was growing angrier."Will you stop and think about others for once in your life?!" He snapped. Masamune rolled his eyes."She'll be fine."
Kojurou felt a hand on his arm, Megohime shaking her head when he turned to see what it was. I ll be fine, we don t have time to argue over this.. She said quietly, but he could see in her eyes that she was scared.
"Megohime dono..." He frowned softly, "I can't let you go unprotected..""Excuse me," Hisehide approached Yukimura calmly, giving a disarming smile, "I couldn't help but notice that you have a Hakuko with you." Akihime whirled to look who had been talking about her, eyes wide. "Would you at all be interested in selling her to me?""Haa?!" Akihime yelled.
I m not.. I have my scales. She said quietly, keeping her gaze down, but he felt her hand tremble slightly.Yukimura had a dumbstruck look on his face before it was quickly replaced with that of rage, actually pointing his spear at the man. If that is supposed to be a joke, it is far from funny! He scowled deeply. Akihime dono is not a slave! She is a member of my team, and a proud warrior!
He frowned, "I won't leave you unprotected. We'll fight together."Matsunaga gave a disapproving scowl, "So that's a no, I take it?"
She only smiled weakly. Thank you.. She muttered. Of course it s a no! Yukimura snapped, dash flushed with anger, steam nearly coming out of his ears. Get away from my team!
He nodded and kept close to her as the clock ticked closer to the Wave.Matsunaga gave a noise before walking away, heading back to wait with Tenkai and Jin.
The hourglass was quickly running out on time, and soon, the last grain of sand fell. Immediately the skies darkened, swirling with a horrible aura as creatures descended from the sky upon the land, and the battle begun. Each team spread out from one another, trying to cover as much land as possible.
Motochika and Nana seemed to do well with just the two of them, Tenkai and Matsunaga gave Jin the cover she needed as a ranged fighter. Akihime's lightning magic helped Yukimura and Sasuke as they got in close to fight and Kojurou made sure Megohime's back was covered.
The entire fight seemed to be going quite well, the work a bit tedious, but all of them seemed to be holding their own.Amaya used her abilities to heal minor wounds quickly, huffing her allies, and debuffing the enemies.Jin easily picked off the enemies attacking from the sky as well as other ranged attackers and Megohime and Masamune they were nowhere to be seen.Masamune heard a soft grunt behind him, Megohime taking a step toward the skeletal archer drawing and arrow at Masamune and easily taking his head off his shoulders with her claws. Why did you split from the group..!? She snapped at him over her shoulder.
"Because I can deal with these guys well enough on my own!" He snapped back, whacking skeletons apart and disembowling goblins
Megohime grabbed a goblin from the air that had tried to launch itself onto Masamune s back, smashing its head into the cobblestone road before glaring back at Masamune. You can t take all these things on yourself!
"The hell I can't!" He yelled, impaling a goblin and beheading another, "You don't know anything!"
Her heard another soft grunt from Megohime, then saw her stagger slightly from the corner of his eyes, but it was quickly forgotten as he had to take on another three goblins charging all at once. You re an idiot if you think you wouldn t be overwhelmed by these numbers! She snarled, kicking away a gremlin hard, then taking down another skeletal warrior.
Masamune did his best to keep them back and defend against them but he was overwhelmed and one of them cut deep into his right eye. He yowled loudly in pain and beheaded them all in one clean sweep as he held his bleeding eye. "F Fuck.."
Masamune ! Megohime was cut off as a loud crash swallowed up any noise in the area. A large meteor smashed through the building behind the two, meet feet from hitting them as it hit the ground.His ears were still ringing when he felt two hands trying to pry his hand from his eye, a garbled voice in his ears. Let me look at your eye! Megohime demanded, moving to tear a strip of her sleeve from her clothing so she could stop the bleeding, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end as she heard a low groaning behind her, then rumbling.Masamune was suddenly shoved hard, sending him back tumbling ass over tea kettle before he came to a stop, feeling the ground shake as something heavy hit it again. The dust in front of him was proof he had missed the collapse of the building he had been standing by moments before, and as it slowly settle he realized something terrifying, Megohime wasn t at his side anymore. Pain throbbed in his right eye, blood dripping heavily from it his good eye caught movement in front of him. About a dozen or so goblins were crawling over the rubble toward Masamune, only to all stop and gather at something he had missed completely until they brought his attention to it. One was grabbing fistfuls or long black hair, yanking hard as he brought something a few inches off the ground Megohime s head. It was still attached to her shoulders, but he couldn t see the rest of her, buried under the rubble of the building that would ve collapsed on him.She was unresponsive as they jabbed at her face, pulling hard on her hair, then raised their crude weapons and started to hit her over the head with them.
"Get away from her!" Masamune yelled and his sword transformed, splitting into three blade before he slashed through the goblins and cutting them apart.
The goblins let out a screech as they were slain, dropping both their weapons and Megohime, her head dropping back into the dirt with a soft thud. She didn t move, not a single inch his mind wasn t deceiving him, right? She had pushed him out of the way of the building, but why? Why would she have done such a thing? Was she even still alive?
He panicked and moved over quickly to try and dig her out, "Hey! H Hey!! Wake the fuck up!" He yelled, "You aren't allowed to die, got it?! That's a command!!"
He could see the sparks from her chest seal, but she didn t flinch, didn t even let out a groan of pain. No, she couldn t be dead, could she? Her health bar, she was still a member of his party, he could check if she was still alive. Are you listening? His own voice echoed in his head as he clawed at the rubble on top of her, the visage of her meal poured over her head with a shocked expression on her face came to his mind, steam still rolling from the broth that was sure to be hot.He had done that. She pissed me off. Her bloodied and swollen face came to his mind, still scabbed knuckles aching from hitting her, barely able to protect herself as she was being beaten half to death.He had done that. Maybe I should just whore you out and earn back that money you cost me. The look of absolute terror in her eyes as he had said that. Find some rope or use the fucking sheets, but I want to see you hanging from the ceiling. She sobbed as she begged for her life, and he had just watched as she climbed up on the chair and put the noose around her neck. Her face was still bruised, her neck bruised even more deeply he was terrible to her, and she had saved him.
"G God dammit, Megohime, say something!!""Masamune sama!" Kojurou called and stopped when he saw the Sword Hero, the cold hearted bastard of a man, digging out his slave. Kojurou frowned and hurried to go find the other heros.
He was making progress with unburying her, uncovering her shoulders and arms, which were still outstretched from pushing him out of the way. Finally he got her torso free, a few arrows in the rubble as well, but when he tried to move them away, they didn t budge. Uncovering her more, he found the arrows were actually protruding from her back, sunk deep into her.Was that why she was practically running around him while they argued? Why she had let out those grunts? They weren t from effort, but from pain. Three arrows stuck out from her back, all of them from the skeletal archers, she had protected him even then? She doesn t need armor, I m a hero, she s just some slave.
"God, Megohime..." He muttered."Move!" Hr was shoved away from the rubble as Akihime and the others used all their strength to uncover Megohime."What happened?" Kojurou asked Masamune. Masamune shook his head slowly."I...I don't know...she just...she pushed me, and..." He stopped and looked at the ground. Kojurou wrapped his eye, Masamune had completely forgotten about it.
All of the Hero s had gathered per Kojurou s request. All of those who are able should also look for survivors! Jin ordered, mostly to the kings troops who had followed them there. Bring all of the injured to somewhere safe and begin assessing wounds, treat the severe injuries first! The soldiers nodded and hurried off like she was in charge of them.As Akihime dragged Megohime out from under the large stone keeping her legs trapped, she saw the extent of her damage. Her legs were completely crushed, bruised a dark purple and limp behind her, Megohime finally stirring as she winced and started to cough heavily, blood spilling from her lips.Amaya moved over quickly to see what could be done for immediate first aid, and Jin looked to her followers. Tenkai, is there anything that you can do for her? She asked, face serious as the situation. He was a Cleric, and as such, he fell into the team as their healer.Megohime was still unconscious, a terrible knot on the back of her head, and her face twisted in pain, breathing labored and forced.
"I cannot mend what is broken, forgive me." He answered. Motochika huffed and moved over."I can heal her.." He said and held his hand out, palm to Megohime. Green magic pulsed from his hand and Megohime began to glow the same color. Akihime shot her gaze to Masamune."Where did she get these scars and bruises? They're old. She didn't get them from the Wave." She hissed. Masamune looked at Megohime numbly."I gave them to her..." He muttered, "I beat her...""You bastard!!" Akihime shot up to launch at him, claws extended.
Akihime dono! Yukimura had to move quickly to grab Akihime from tackling Masamune, her claws inches from his face before he pulled her back. I understand his actions are inexcusable, but this isn t the time! He quickly pulled her back a safe distance from Masamune, but only gave the Sword Hero a look that could only hold disappointment and disgust.Amaya worked alongside Motochika, applying a buff to him as she healed Megohime as well. Megohime lay on the ground, sweating and and trembling slightly, her face twisted with agony, and Masamune watched the small sliver of her health bar move every so slightly, but she was still in the red, and even one more hit would probably kill her.Amaya looked up at Motochika, a heavy frown on her face, but she didn t stop her work. Shield Hero... She spoke softly, and even though she was tired from fighting, she pushed on. I don t know if either of us will be able to save her... Her wounds are terrible and extensive...
Motochika scowled softly and handed her a mana potion, "Here, I enhanced it. We can't give up on her. She has as much right to live as you or I." He said.Akihime was so angry she was in tears."You're a hero! You're supposed to look after your followers! You're nothing more than scum!" She spat. Masamune lowered his gaze."Yeah..." He agreed numbly, "I am, huh...?"
Amaya took the potion from his hand, frowning softly before looking to Megohime. You re right, forgive me. She said softly as she uncorked the potion, pouring a bit into Megohime s mouth, before taking a swig herself.Yukimura struggled a bit to hold the Demi human warrior at bay, like she had been completely revitalized by her rage. Akihime dono. It was Jin this time, moving over to the younger woman and putting her hand on her shoulder. Sanada is right, now isn t the time. She looked just as disturbed by the treatment of Masamune s slave as she did. Please, we ll need something to carry her back on a cart or stretcher will be the best.
Kojurou glanced around before spotting a wagon not far off, the wheel broken off but it could be placed back on long enough to get Megohime back to the capital. He moved over and tied the wheel back on."Jin dono," he called, "we can use this, it should hold until we get back."Akihime slacked in Yukimura's grasp, looking at the ground. She wanted to teach Masamune a lesson, but that would look bad for Yukimura.
Nana moved over to help Kojurou bring the wagon over to where Amaya and Motochika were healing Megohime. From what I can tell, she has minor spinal injuries, however, her legs... She shook her head. We should get her back so we can remove these arrows without her bleeding to death. Yukimura let go of Akihime when he was sure she wouldn t try and attack Masamune. We should help move her onto the wagon. He said softly.
Akihime nodded, "Hai." She said and made sure her bow was secure before moving to help Motochika put Megohime in the cart. Once she was secure, Motochika moved to Masamune and slammed his fist into his nose, feeling it crunch under his knuckles."Masamune sama!" Kojurou gasped as his lord fell on his ass holding his nose. Akihime pouted as she sat in the wagon with Amaya."No fair. I wanted to punch him." She grumbled.
If we all took turns, then he would die. Amaya muttered as she kept her spell going while Motochika dealt with a few things first. Motochika, Nana called over from the cart. We should get going, we don t know at all how the roads back to the capital are, and without a filolial, it ll take a while regardless.
Motochika huffed and moved to the wagon, "We better get going then." He said and grabbed the hitching rods before he began to pull the wagon on his own. Kojurou made sure Masamune was ok before rushing to help push.
Nana went on ahead to find clear pathways for Motochika, Amaya and Akihime sitting in the wagon with Megohime, and Yukimura and Sasuke remaining behind with Jin and her team to help locate any other survivors or finish off any straggling monster that got away. To think he would bring anyone into battle without armor. Amaya muttered bitterly.
"I can't believe he's the legendary sword hero.." Akihime huffed, "Can you permanently debuff him?"
She glanced up at Akihime. That would he called a curse. And no, I can t. It did take a while, but not as long as expected, reaching the capital relatively quickly. It was hardly touched by the wave, only receiving minor structural damages. Would a healer be enough for this? A surgeon? Nana asked, now moving beside Motochika to help pull the wagon.
"Maybe a surgeon to get the arrows out but me and harp lady back there should be enough to heal her." He remarked, counting his money. Not a lot. "Damn.."
Allow me to assist with the payment. Amaya spoke up from the back, keeping herself busy with Megohime. I will also offer my services afterward as well. She said.
"Oh, I was going to make the shit hero pay for the surgeon, I was more seeing if I had enough for mana potions...we're gonna be damn tired getting her up to top shape again.."
Amaya only gave a soft smirk and a nod. When they reached the surgeon, he quickly called for his assistant as he got ready to remove the arrows stuck in Megohime. They got her into a sterile room and carefully laid her on her stomach, then Motochika and the rest were ushered out.It took just over an hour to remove all the arrows and clean the wounds the best that he could, moving to tell the others the news. I ve removed the arrows from your company... But they did considerable damage, damage that would require a risky operation to fix, and even then her chances aren t good. He said solemnly. Two struck one of her lungs, and the other perforated her intestines. As for her legs... I ll more than likely have to take them.
"There's no need for that." Motochika waved his hand, "We can heal her just as easily. Thank you for your service." He gave the surgeon the gold to pay for Megohime, money he demanded from Masamune.
It had already been decided that Motochika would take Megohime back to the room she shared with Kojurou for the rest of her treatment, only under the condition Masamune wasn t allowed in the door of the room. Kojurou had assured them he would keep Masamune out and watch Megohime while they weren t there.They carefully loaded Megohime back into the cart, heading back toward the Inn.
"Is she gonna be ok?" Akihime asked. Motochika nodded."Aye, we'll make sure she pulls through." He said before looking to Amaya, "Amaya, right?"
Amaya gave a nod. Yes. She said, taking a step forward. How can I be of assistance?
He took his money purse and tossed at her, "Buy as many mana potions as you can and meet me at the inn." He told her and pulled the cart along.
She caught the bag in surprise, blinking before looking back up at him. H Hai.. She gave a small nod before hurrying off to the market, going from stall to stall and buying every mana potion that she could get her hands on before returning to the inn that they took Megohime to.Nana and Akihime were there to assist as he needed, first carefully removing the robes from her body, leaving her in only her underclothes on the bed. Next they had to carefully wash her, making sure she was as clean as possible so Motochika could heal her without any issues.Deep scars covered Megohime, staring back at Akihime as she wiped her down. She was absolutely covered in them, all of them years old.
Tears dripped down Akihime's cheeks even though she did her best to fight them."Why...?" She croaked, "Why did he do this to her...? Why would he treat her this way...?"
Megohime was pale and sweating heavily, still struggling to breathe from her collapsed lung. Tears slipped down her cheeks and slowly her eyes opened, barely able to move her head to look around. Motochika! Nana hurried out of the room to fetch him. She s waking up!
Motochika moved in quickly and immediately started to heal her."Don't worry, you'll be alright." He told her.
Megohime could only manage out a weak noise of pain, eyes shifting over to look at him. The door opened behind the three and Amaya hurried in, closing the door. Forgive me, most of the stores and stalls that sold potions were closed. She quickly unpacked the potions onto the dresser, then moved over to Motochika.
"You're fine, I just started." He said, brows furrowed gently, "She started waking up."
I ll assist you. Amaya undid the strap and held her lyre. I ll put her back to sleep so she isn t in pain. Motochika could see Megohime s lips move slowly, her unsteady gaze on him was she trying to tell him something?
He frowned softly and inched closer to see if he could figure out what she was saying. She was struggling to speak, as even breathing for her was difficult. ... Let me... die.. She was begging him, staring at him with pleading eyes that slowly started to close as Amaya started her magic to put her back to sleep.
He pulled back slowly, eye wide in quiet horror."T...Tate no Yuusha sama...?" Akihime called weakly, "What did she say?""I..." He stopped talking only to push more mana into his healing, "She asked me to let her die." He said. Akihime covered her mouth and ran out of the room crying.
Amaya pressed her lips together, turning her head away and applying a few buffs to herself and Motochika. Nana provided aid to the two as needed, but was soon sent out too by Motochika telling her to get rest. Amaya and Motochika worked for hours, only stopping momentarily to down potion after potion to keep them going until well after the sun had risen. Megohime was finally at an acceptable state of stability, but the wounds in her gut and chest would still need more work, and as for her legs, their progress was a snails pace.
Motochika sat against the wall, "She'll be fine for now.." He said, breath short. He was exhausted, but he wouldn't give up. "Rest some and we'll keep going."
Amaya nodded, having just finished off yet another mana potion as she dropped into her seat. Just a few minutes. She said in agreement, short of breath herself. Pulling her cap off, she set it next to her lyre on the bedside table, exposing her short pointed ears.
He stared at them for a moment before looking away, being raised on the "staring is rude" ideology.
Amaya only sat back in her chair, head tilted back and staring up at the ceiling. She held the empty mana potion bottle in her hand, closing her eyes slowly. Do you think we ll be able to save her legs? What the surgeon said... She wouldn t be able to continue on without her legs... What would happen to her..?
"Where I come from those without useful limbs often just kill themselves." He told her honestly, "I will not let that become an option for her."
Amaya wasn t sure Megohime s legs could be saved even with the Shield Hero s help, but it wouldn t hurt to try.
"There is still bone. I can mend it. Nana had broken her arm pretty good during a fight while we were travelling. You could hardly tell now." He said, "If I can fix that, I can fix her."
She opened her eyes and looked to Motochika, giving a nod. Alright, shall we continue? She asked, setting aside the empty bottle and standing up.
He nodded and enhanced his healing before going back to work on helping Megohime.
Megohime was in and out of consciousness from the pain, requiring Amaya to put her to sleep several times.
When Motochika was exhausted again, he was angry at how little their progress seemed. He stood and stomped from the room, leaving Amaya connfused.
Amaya only watched him storm out before carefully pulling the blanket over Megohime to keep her warm while they weren t working on healing her.
Motochika moved down to the pub where Masamune was hiding, ignoring Kojurou when he stood."How is she?" He asked but Motochika ignored him, grabbing Masamune and dragging him up to the room.
Amaya was back in her chair, sitting and waiting for Motochika to return, perhaps he simply had to use the restroom? They had been at work for hours without much in the means of breaks.
When he came back, he threw Masamune at Megohime's bed side. Masamune swayed before pushing himself up."Wh...Why am I...?""You take a long good look at her, boy. You tell me any of those wounds were deserved. She might lose her legs, did she deserve that?""N...No..." Masamune slurred, "No, she didn't..."
Megohime was pale, skin ashen and scales dull in color, sweat beading on her face. It had taken both Amaya and Motochika hours just to close up the small arrow wounds she had in her, having to keep her under a sleep spell to help fight the pain from her crushed legs even then, her face won t contort with pain, soft groans escaping her.
"You are vile human being. You don't deserve to be a hero." Motochika growled. Masamune hiccuped."I don't..." He muttered in agreement.
Amaya was a bit uncomfortable with the entire situation, sighing softly before standing. I think that s enough... I doubt he ll remember any of this anyway. She muttered.
Motochika pulled Masamune to his feet and hauled him out."Is she gonna die?" Masamune slurred. Motochika scowled."We're doing our best."
The next few days would be rough for Amaya and Motochika, the two just setting up thwir own beds in the room so they didn t have to go far from Megohime while they treated her. Her legs were progressing, but slowly, and the more they healed her legs, the more pain she was in.
Motochika gave Megohime enhanced healing potions to help the process and to ease her pain, Amaya too tired to keep putting her to sleep. Akihime brought them both food and checked on them, making sure everything was going ok.
Megohime had her legs placed in splints and wrapped up as soon as the bones reformed enough to be considered bones. She would wake a few times throughout her healings, but most of the time would be too out of it, or in too much pain to do anything other than stare at either Amaya or Motochika. We ll need to resupply if we re to continue at this pace. Amaya said, looking over the few potions they had left.
"Aye, agreed." Motochika nodded before looking to the Hakuko demi human hiding behind the door, "Aki chan." He called and she jumped before peeking out."H Hai, Tate no Yuusha sama...?" She asked nervously. Motochika stood and made a noise."I'm going out to get more supplies. Keep an eye on Megohime, would ya? Call Amaya if she wakes up." He said. Akihime saluted with a determined look."Hai! You can count on me!" She said. Motochika shook his head before looking to Amaya."Go rest up while you can." He said gently.
She shook her head. I can come with you, help get her supplies. She said.
He nodded and waved for her to follow before heading out."I won't let you down, Ama." Akihime smiled.
Amaya gave a small nod and closed the door behind her, following Motochika back to the markets.
Akihime stayed with Megohime for a while before leaving as quick as she could to get some water. When she came back, Masamune was at Megohime's bedside, watching her with a frown. Akihime's whole body went rigid before her tail bristled with rage."Get away from her!!" She screamed and launched at him with all the fury she held in her frame.
Megohime stirred at Akihime s screaming, weary eyes peeling open slowly, a soft groan leaving her as she turned her head to see what had woken her.
Akihime was on top of Masamune, shaking him wildly and screaming angrily at him.
St...stop.. Akihime felt a weak hand grip her sleeve, Megohime having crawled her way out of the bed and was now on the floor with them. He mangled legs were wrapped in gauze, now stained red in a few areas from moving. Please... She bowed her head, face pale and tears in her eyes. He s the only reason that I m not used to breed more fighting slaves.. tears dripped down her face onto the floor. I owe him my life..!
Akihime looked and her eyes widened, "B But...he was so awful to you.." She muttered, keeping her grip on Masamune's tunic.
She felt Megohime s trembling hand grip her shirt tighter. I know... I know what he s done, I don t excuse his actions, nor do I forgive him, but I owe him a dept..!
Akihime frowned before glaring down at Masamune and throwing him out of the room. She went back to Megohime and gave a concerned noise, "Are you hungry or anything...?" She asked softly.
She shook her head, barely able to move as she fought off the waves of nausea from the pain. No.. She clamped a hand over her mouth. I need help getting back into bed. She muttered through her fingers.
She nodded and helped Megohime back into bed, "There you go...Ama and Tate no Yuusha sama should be back soon!"
Megohime only nodded, resting on the bed and closing her eyes, trying to fight off the pain and nausea.
Akihime stayed with her the whole time, watching her sleep and making sure she was comfortable before looking when Motochika and Amaya came back."She woke up a bit ago," she said gently, "but I think she's settled back down now..""Thanks, Aki.." Motochika muttered.
Amaya nodded and murmured her thanks as well, the both of them clearly quite worn down from pulling many all nighters.
It took almost another week before Megohime's legs were finally healed. Motochika was exhausted, his mana all but gone.
Both Motochika and Amya would need many nights good rest, but it was worth it. She only had some bruises left of her legs, but other than that, Megohime had regained all feeling in her feet and legs, and could even stand, but not for long. Motochika said it would pass, and that she d be able to walk and run like normal in a few weeks.For the time being, Megohime used a wheelchair to move about, but still mostly kept to herself, often isolating herself in her shared room.
Akihime would try to come and talk to her, Kojurou would keep her company as well and bring her food and whatever she needed.
She was still relatively closed off, even with Kojurou, and who could blame her? She had nearly lost her legs, barely making it out with her life, and still her own master the famous Sword Hero, whom she had looked up to still disregarded her entirely he had yet to come and see her, let alone try and speak with her. She ate what Kojurou brought her, but her appetite was minuscule, along with her spirits.She would ask Kojurou to help her outside every now and again, enjoying the warmth of the sun on her scales and the soft breeze the fields often carried.
Kojurou sat with her in the sun for a while before standing, "Please excuse me, I'll be right back with some food." He said.
Megohime looked up from gazing at the scenery in front of her, turning her head to watch Kojurou start off. Oh, alright.. She nodded, then turned back to watch the clouds in the sky.
After a moment or two of silence, she heard footsteps approach her before her wheelchair started to move. When she whipped her head to see, a fine green powder was dusted over her, and once she breathed it in she began to feel drowsy."Worry not, you're safe now." It sounded so far away, but she recognized the voice as the weird old man from the woods.
She barely had the strength to struggle, tongue too heavy to try and call for help as she steadily slumped down in the chair, head lolling as she fought whatever he had blew into her face, then nothing. It seemed like she had blinked, and then she was somewhere else, staring up at a ceiling with heavy eyelids falling closed every so often. She tried to speak, but all that came out was a soft murmur, managing to turn her head to look around at her surroundings.
There was muffled noises around her and she couldn't make any of them out. They all sounded like they were under water."Megohime dono!! Megohime dono!!" Kojurou was screaming like a banshee as he tore through the area calling for Megohime."What's going on?" Sasuke huffed. Kojurou looked beyond panicked."Megohime dono is missing! I only left her for a minute!" He replied.
Megohime let outa breath, letting her head drop to the side and her eyes close. She focused hard, trying to figure out what she was hearing exactly.Amaya came out of the store behind Sasuke, popping a piece of bread into her mouth before speaking around it, looking entirely exhausted. Oh, Akihime dono might have taken her for a walk, she said she was going out earlier and I haven t seen her since.
"...selective...not many...two females..." It was a voice she didn't recognize, under it she could hear other sounds. Crying and pleading."How long ago?" Kojurou asked her, trying to keep his voice even.
Megohime scrunched her face a bit and opened her eyes again, doing her best to move her head and look around. She tried to roll onto her side, but found her ankles and wrists strapped tightly to something sturdy, keeping her from moving much it was a bed. What s...? Amaya made a face, having to think for a moment. Maybe an hour or two? Not long really.
"Ah, finally awake." It was the old man, Hisehide. The weird guy the Bow Hero was with, "Sorry to keep you tied down, we don't need you going anywhere.""That's too long. They should be back by now!" Kojurou was nearly yelling, "What if they're both dying somewhere?! Do you care at all?!""Relax, Katakura," Motochika said calmly, "We'll go out lookin'."
Megohime could hardly keep her vision focused on his face, nearly having tunnel vision. Why am I...? Her speech was slurred and she looked drowsy. Where...? She gave another feeble tug at the restraints.Amaya flinched, a frown forming on her face. Yukimura dono gave us the day off, I didn t find it unusual that Akihime was gone for an hour or two considering that fact. She also never explicitly mentioned finding Megohime dono, I just assumed.
"You are in a secure location, I can assure you. I was so captivated by you that I had to bring you here and continue your bloodline." He said. Continue her bloodline? What did he mean?Motochika waved his hand at her to say it was alright before directing Kojurou's attention elsewhere. Sasuke made a noise."Weird.." He muttered.
No, she knew exactly what he meant, she was painfully familiar with the words he was using. Tears leaked down her face and she shook her head. No... Please don t... Where is... Yuusha sama..?
"More than likely back at the inn with the others. No one knows where you or the Hakuko are." He told her.
The what? The confusion must ve shown on her face Megohime wasn t an idiot, but being born and raised as a slave, she had very little education on the world outside of her cage fights.
"Mm...what was her name? Akihime?" He said, trying to recall. He shook his head, "It doesn't matter."
She could feel panic and adrenaline start to surge through her body, eyes growing wide as her struggling turned to thrashing, pulling hard on her restraints and starting to scream. She wasn t screaming anything in particular, just trying to get anyone s attention outside the building. The leather straps around her wrists and ankles were secured tightly to her, the bed posts groaning against the strength she used to try and break free.
Hisehide moved into her cell and dusted her with more sleeping powder, "That's enough of that."
Almost immediately her vision started to blur, and she slowly slumped back down against the bed, her struggling growing weaker and weaker until she finally lay motionless on the bed.
When she woke up again, she was tied to a new bed and Akihime was unconscious beside her. She was also chained to a bed, but it was more a like a bed you would see in a doctor's building.
She wasn t sure of Joan much time had actually passed since she had been taken? Hours? Days? She felt the same panic rise in her throat and she blinked a few times to clear her vision. Akihime was dressed in a cotton gown and strapped down to the bed by her wrists and ankles, two more straps holding her down at the waist and over her chest. A Aki...hime... She struggled to speak, her tongue once again feeling heavy. She turned her head looking down at herself, in the same gown and strapped down the same. Was Akihime here to be bred as well? She felt tears burn her eyes at the thought, but she had to stay calm. She looked around the room, which was empty except for the two of them, the walls and cabinets lined with what looked to be medical charts and supplies.
She heard a door open from down the hall and footsteps approach the door before it opened. It was Hisehide, and he was dressed in healer's clothes probably to keep his regular clothes clean."Still the first to awaken, you're very strong willed." He said before glancing at Akihime, "Says much about her."
What do you know..?! She hissed out, speech still a bit slurred, and her pupils thin lines. What the fuck is this..!? Such a temper.Megohime squirmed and struggled, but she still got no where, and with the additional restraints, she found it much harder to try and break free. Her hands were also at her sides now, and the strap over her hips went over her arms, adding additional security.
"If I want powerful demi humans, I need to see if you're even suitable." He said. He glanced over when Akihime finally came to, looking around sluggish."Wha...? What's going on...?""Ah, welcome back." Hisehide greeted.
I don t belong to you! She isn t a slave! You have no right to do this! Megohime would ve tried chewing her way out if she wasn t so securely strapped down.
"Your yelling is really grating on my ears." He said as he moved closer to her. His hand slipped under the gown and she felt his fingers push into her womanhood.
Megohime went rigid, eyes wide and her face flushing red, a bit of pain blossoming from her womanhood. He had just forced his dry fingers into her, and though he wasn t violent, it was still uncomfortable enough to be painful.She suddenly snapped out of her shocked state and thrashed as best as she could, tears slipping down her face. D Don t touch me!
He removed his fingers and cleaned them before moving and doing the same to Akihime, who wailed and squirmed as her face burned bright red. "N No!! D Don't!"
Megohime pressed her lips together to keep herself from audibly crying, unable to close her legs with how they were restrained: spread out to reach the corners of the table she was on.
Hisehide pulled his fingers from Akihime and she cried weakly, her tail bristled and thrashing."I'm not surprised you're still a virgin." He remarked coldly to Akihime and she only cried more. His attention moved to Megohime, "You, however, do come as a surprise."
The tips of her ears burned and she lunged forward as far as the restraints would allow her to. I swear I m going to tear your throat out with my teeth..! She snarled, tears of humiliation and rage still dripping down her face, voice cracking as she spoke.
"Very cute." He said gently, "I wonder if you'll be able to try when you have a cock inside you.""No!! No!! I don't want to be a breeder!! I'm supposed to give myself to my husband!" Akihime protested through her sobs. Hisehide seemed disinterested in her crying before turning to leave.
Megohime watched him leave, baring her teeth at him the entire time, and only when he closed the door behind him did she start to cry fully. She slumped back against the bed, letting her tears flow freely. Her worst nightmare had just become a reality, and there seemed little chance she would escape it.
"D...Daijoubu...!" Akihime hiccuped, "Yukimura sama and the they'll know we're gone and come looking!"
They don t know where we are we don t even know where we are.. Megohime said numbly.
"Th They're the heroes..." Akihime whimpered, "Th They have to find us..."
We re Demi Humans, don t hold your breath.. She turned her head away, wanting to just curl up and cry, but was still strapped down to the table.
"B But..." She sounded like she was going to cry again, "Yukimura sama...he...he promised he would protect me..."
Megohime was silent, feeling like she was going to be sick. No one would come for her, and why would they? She was just a slave after all, not a citizen like Akihime was.
"Kojurou san cares about you, too...! I'm sure he's looking everywhere for you!" She argued, she didn't realize how insensitive her statement was.
Megohime only made a soft noise, now wishing she had just been slain in a cage match.
Kojurou was now on a rampage. It had been days since Megohime and Akihime vanished and no one knew where they went. Even Hisehide was missing, which drew a large red flag.
Even Jin was unable to contact Hisehide, not having seen him for some time. I m sorry, Katakura dono, as I ve told you before, Hisehide told me he had familial matters to attend to. He only said he d be gone for a week or two at most, not where he would be going.
"This is too coincidental, Jin dono. He is missing exactly when Megohime dono and Akihime dono go missing as well. Forgive me, but if he harms them, I'm gutting him myself." He said.
Jin frowned softly and let out a soft sigh. I ll do all that I can to try and locate him as well. She said, ignoring his words of murdering Hisehide for the time being.Elsewhere, Yukimura and Amaya were going about searching for Akihime and Megohime, Yukimura even going so far as to even have created posters for Akihime and Megohime, posting them anywhere he could.Megohime was in a panic, for the last few days she was simply locked away in a room, not having seen hide nor hair of Matsunaga, but that morning she had woken with her gown stained red on the skirt. She thought of hiding the sheets and simply waiting for the new clothes she would receive through the slot in the door daily, but they would always request the old clothes.She did the only next thing that she could think of to try and hide her monthly bleeding. She bit and tore into her arms, not enough to kill herself, but enough to cause a mess and hide the single stain with splatter over herself and the bed.
After her old clothes were traded for the new ones, it would be a bit before her door opened. It was Matsunaga, and he looked amused."You know, you're quite clever, but I'm no fool. Both of you are bleeding, it's hard to hide when the other has no idea what your plans are." He told her.
Megohime backed away from him, scowling heavily. And if she s bleeding before me? She pointed out, a flutter of panic in her chest.
"Then it stands to reason that you will follow." He said, "I have spent a long while planning this. It will take a lot more than childish like that to fool me."
You re vile and disgusting..! She clenched her fists feeling like her rage would boil over at any second. We aren t livestock you can just breed!
"I disagree." He replied, "That's all demi humans are good for. Especially ones so rare as you two. Born to breed and fight. Rinse and repeat."
Megohime couldn t keep her anger in check any longer, she didn t want to. She let out an angry scream as she slammed into Matsunaga, him having blinked and then she was on him.
He grunted when he hit the ground but easily grabbed her by the throat, suffocating her before throwing her aside. How was he so strong?"Now, that was rather rude." He coughed.
Her head was swimming, crumpling to the ground beside him and coughing, vision blurred and filled with spots. She wasn t quite done however, reaching out and groping for his throat before finding it and squeezing hard, trying to crawl back on top of him to strangle him.
He winced and dug the hilt of his dagger into her ribcage, wriggling it into the muscle to get under the bone. His other hand reached for her wrist, nearly breaking it once he took hold of it."Why must you be a child about this? This is your fate, you know. You can't just change it." He struggled out.
He could clearly see she was in pain, but she refused to let go, refused to get off of him, only trying to press down harder. I d... rather... die! She hissed out.
"Forgive me if that isn't in my plans for you." He stated before throwing her off him again. He pushed himself to his feet and held out hos hand, palm out to Megohime."As a source of thy power, I order thee. Decipher the laws of nature and render my target immobile. Domination." He recited and mist like chained coiled tight around Megohime, pinning her arms to her sides.
Megohime struggled, kicked and screamed, glaring hatred up at Matsunaga through her hair, which was now unkempt and tussled. I ll kill you, I ll tear out your throat with my teeth and split your belly open! She snarled.
"We'll see, won't we?" He stated bemusedly. He left her cell but turned his gaze back to her as he was partly out the door."I have the perfect mate already picked out for you. I think you will find his company most enjoyable." He said before leaving and shutting the door behind him.
Megohime only curled up slightly, choking back her sobs at the news that a mate had already been chosen for her, and a few days later, her bleeding would end. She hadn t seen or heard from Akihime since the first day they had been brought in, and she worried that the young adventurer had already been bred.
When her letting was over and the following days passed dreadfully, painfully slow, her cell door opened and a man came in to grab her probably a servant to Matsunaga. He pulled her along forcefully, and ahead of her was a near lifeless Akihime. Her white red hair was mangled and she was covered in bruises. She must've tried to fight them.
Megohime s heart was hammering inside her chest, gnashing her teeth as she was brought into a room with Akihime, inside was a single bed, and a chair not too far off. She felt like she was going to be sick, was this where the breeding was to take place? She could smell several dozen other Demi humans, she could smell hormones and pheromones, and worst of all, she could smell sex.
"D...Don't worry, Megohime..." She could barely hear Akihime's voice from the other room, "Th The Heroes...Yukimura sama, Masamune sama...they...they'll save us...! I I know it...!""Shut up." There was a loud smack and Akihime wailed in pain.
Megohime flinched at Akihime s wail of pain, clenching her fists and turning her head away. She was shaking, knowing that no one would be coming for them, that they were going to be raped in the next hour and forced to bare children until they physically couldn t anymore.
"So then," Matsunaga was walking back and forth between their containment, "Who shall I have be the first to begin?" He seemed to be genuinely calculating who would be the first. His pace slowed as he moved to Akihime's containment.
Megohime s eyes widened as she watched him move toward Akihime s room like it had been decided, heart sinking. Akihime didn t deserve this, she wasn t a slave, never had been one. She was a free demihuman, one who had made something of her life, one who had dreams and desires. My teeth still haven t reached your throat yet, you wrinkled old asshole! Megohime struggled and snapped, glaring at Matsunaga as the two Demi humans behind her fought to gain control of her again. I don t know why you ve got your back to me when I m right fucking here! Look at me, you piece of shit!!
Matsunaga stopped and turned to her, eyebrow raised. "You seem rather eager to go first. Could your hormones be running rampant in that empty head of yours?"
Your head seems to be the empty one! She grunted as she was forced to her knees, arms yanked behind her back. I do recall you being the one to praise me for being clever, am I wrong? Her legs were trembling, but she continued, keeping her gaze locked with his. If she could delay Akihime being defiled, even if for a minute, maybe it would be enough time bought for the Heroes to show up that is if they ever planned to. You were the one who said you d like to see me tear your throat out with a cock in me, well isn t now the perfect time to test it..!?
He looked indifferent for a moment before moving to sit at the chair in the corner."Let's see if you can.""Megohime, no!!" Akihime protested, "Don't touch her, please, I beg you! She doesn't deserve it!"
She felt relieved, and she was sure it showed on her face, but she didn t care. Megohime was pulled to her feet and pushed toward the bed, forced to lay on her back as her wrists were secured above her head tightly. She laid there in silence, having gotten what she wanted, barely hearing the two servants leave the room momentarily, only to bring back a rather large male Demi human.
He was rather big, a large reptilian kind almost like her but not. Matsunaga crossed one leg neatly over the other, fingers laced over his knee as he watched patiently. The demihuman moved toward Megohime and scented her, hissing and snarling lowly.
Megohime was silent as he smelled the air, turning her head away slightly as he got closer to her, lips pressed firmly together, eyes closed tightly as she felt his hot breath on her face. His breath smelled of rancid meat, almost like he was more Beastman than Demi human, but she kept entirely quiet. She wasn t planning to simply lay there and take it, but she couldn t make her move until he was closer, the restraints limiting her movements.
He moved over her, tearing slowly at the linen dress she wore, his other hand groping roughly at her thigh to pry her legs apart.
Megohime strangled a cry of fear, her heart beating so hard in her chest, she was scared Matsunaga could hear it. The other Demi human wasn t as close as she would ve liked for him to be, but she couldn t stand him touching her anymore. She forced her eyes open, brought her legs closer to her and kicked outward with all of her strength, sending the top heavy man off of her with a cry of anger.
He growled angrily, pinning her legs down with his and ripping the linen dress almost completely off, cutting her chest and abdomen with his sharp claws.
She cried out in pain as his claws opened up clean cuts on her, blood trickling down her breast and stomach, completely exposed to him. Her face flushed and she struggled hard, clenching her fists and gnashing her teeth as she tried to free her legs.
He forced her legs apart and growled lowly, preparing to penetrate her, but there was loud crashing and booms from down the hall. Matsunaga seemed annoyed, a scowl crinkling his brow."I suppose they found where we've been hiding." He huffed."Megohime!!" It was Masamune's voice. He actually came?
Megohime s eyes opened, tears leaking down her cheeks, lip trembling, he came? Why did he come for her? She was just a slave, easily replaceable. She was calling back to him before she even realized it, fighting even harder as she cried his name over and over, struggling to close her legs.
The cell door was forced open and Masamune pointed his sword at the demihuman on top of Megohime, Kojurou keeping Matsunaga in place with his blade."Time to go, big guy. Or this gets messy." Masamune said. The demihuman snarled lowly as.he dropped Megohime's legs, moving off her. Masamune moved and unbound her before pulling her tight against him. "I'm so glad," he muttered, "I'm so glad you're ok..."Akihime kept as far from the bars as she could, terrified and skiddish."Dana," Sasuke called as he approached slowly, "She's here."
Masamune was expecting her to start beating on him, maybe shove him away, what she wasn t expecting was for her to wrap her arms tightly around him in return, sobbing quietly as she held tightly to him.Akihime could hear quick footfalls and the clinking of armor before Yukimura came into view. He looked tired, exhausted in fact, and quickly he cut the lock from the door, taking a step inside. Akihime dono..! The relief in his eyes overtook his exhaustion, and he quickly moved to pull the cloak from his own back. Are you injured?
Masamune held her tight, muttering soft nothings to soothe her as he pet her hair."Hey, it's ok. I'm here, you're safe. I'm sorry I'm so late..""Yukimura sama..." Akihime's voice was so weak, coated with fear, "Y You came...I knew you would..."
Megohime didn t care of his past wrongdoings in that moment, she was just so relieved and thankful that they had come for her. There were only more slaves on the other end of the manor, Katakura dono. Jin said as she rounded the corner, glaring at Matsunaga with clear distaste. Chosokabe insisted on staying to check for any wounded, but what I wish for now, is an answer. She said lowly, keeping her gaze on Matsunaga.Yukimura approached her slowly, holding out his cloak for her. Forgive me. He stopped when he was halfway to her, dropping to one knee, all while still holding the cloak out to her. As soon as I heard you were missing, I didn t stop searching until we found you... I only wish I wasn t so late. Is that why he looked beyond exhausted? He had been searching non stop this entire time?
"As my slaves, I am allowed to do as I please with them. What's another slave to add to it?" Matsunaga answered simply."Akihime dono wasnota slave." Kojurou growled. Matsunaga merely shrugged."A demihuman means less than nothing." He replied."You son of a bitch." Masamune sneered.He felt her grab his cloak and gently pull it to her chest before pulling it on."You came for me," she whimpered before pressing into his chest for safety, "Thank you...thank you so much, Yukimura sama...please, I want to leave..."
Yukimura nodded, helping her standing and looking to Sasuke. I ll take her down to the carriages, then call for Chosokabe dono. He said, keeping one arm wrapped around Akihime.Megohime only turned her head away at Matsunaga s words, they weren t new to her. She did her best to keep herself covered, but only the back of her gown remained on her, the front of her entirely exposed.Jin looked disgusted. Matsunaga, you re no longer welcome in my party, and will be removed immediately. Along with that, you are being detained and will be brought before the King and his court for trial.
Sasuke nodded and went to go see if there were anyone in the cells before going to look for Motochika. Akihime held on to Yukimura, holding his cloak closed around her.Masamune didn't have much to cover her with so he looked to Kojurou."Kojurou, let her borrow your coat." He said. Kojurou nodded and handed over his coat, which was two sizes too big on Megohime. Matsunaga stood from his chair."I suppose we should be off then." He said.
Megohime accepted the coat gratefully, not caring if it was far too big, she just wanted to be completely covered. Jin escorted Matsunaga out, her bow in hand as she brought him downstairs to the carriages below, loading him up into a separate one than Akihime was in.
Masamune kept Megohime close as Motochika helped guide the other slaves to the spare carriages."I didn't think there would be so many of them." He muttered with a frown.
Nana frowned. We may need to return for more carriages. She called to Motochika, helping keep everyone in line.Megohime only sat in one of the carriages, a blank expression on her face as Amaya moved from Akihime to her to check for wounds. Were things really going to start improving?
"Mego...?" Masamune gently touched her hand, "Amaya here wants to look at your wounds, ok?" Why was he suddenly so gentle? Did he really change for the better?
Megohime flinched when he touched her, jolting her out of her thoughts, and back to herself. Her eyes held panic for a moment before she settled again and gave a small nod.Amaya shooed Masamune away for a bit of privacy so she could look beneath the coat at the cuts on Megohime, cleaning them and wrapping them.
Masamune stood with Kojurou, waiting patiently for Amaya to finish."I'm proud of you." Kojurou said softly. Masamune looked to him and gave a confused glance."What do you mean?" He asked. Kojurou crossed his arms."You cared for someone other than yourself." He said.
Megohime looked so small, sitting hunched in the carriage as her wounds were taken care of. Perhaps Masamune truest was changing, perhaps he wasn t always destined to be a horrible person. When Amaya finished with Megohime, she covered herself back up and stayed in her seat, tired both mentally and physically.
"You alright, lass?" Motochika asked as he made his way back to Nana.
Nana turned and nodded, a soft frown on her face. I m fine... I just don t think I ve ever seen this many slaves in one place.
"That man is evil incarnate." Motochika muttered, "If I could, I'd gut him like the cod he is."
We can only hope he gets the justice he deserves. She muttered in agreement.The journey back to the capital took half a day, and with many more slaves having to make their way back on foot due to the carriages being full, it took nearly a full day. The slaves were given strange looks in the streets, and surely it was an odd precession, dozens and dozens of Demi humans all obediently moving in a line to the castle.
"Why do they keep staring...?" Masamune mumbled, scowling softly, "They're just demihumans.."
They re just like us... They haven t seen this many slaves in one place before. Jin said as she walked beside Masamune.Megohime still sat with Akihime, clutching Kojurou s coat close to her body, blank faced and ignoring the murmurs around them. She was used to them, the staring and the muttering, she just wanted Matsunaga to get the justice he deserved.
"Hey," Akihime whispered gently and moved closer to Megohime, "I told you they would come..." She smiled weakly, whispering to her new friend.Masamune made a noise as he looked around with his one good eye. Everyone looked disgusted or hateful. Why? Sure, he was mean to Megohime but that was only because he was an idiot. He knew better now.
Megohime turned her tired gaze to look at Akihime, not having slept at all the entire trip back. She couldn t find anything to say, couldn t find the strength to speak, only giving a small nod.When they reached the castle, all Heroes went before the king, Matsunaga being escorted by Jin, the slaves remaining outside the thrones room in the hallway. Heroes, I was sent word that one of your companions has committed crimes, yes? As always, he seemed rather bored.
"Yeah," Masamune stepped forward and pointed at Matsunaga, "He kidnapped Megohime and Akihime and tried breeding them out." He sounded pissed as well as disgusted. Akihime moved close to Yukimura again, not really wanting to have to hear all this.
Megohime stood silently behind Masamune and Kojurou, keeping her eyes down as she simply listened. And shall we hear of your side? Nobunaga turned his gaze on Matsunaga, and for a moment, it almost looked like there was a twinkle in his eyes.
"Perhaps I became a little...greedy," Matsunaga admitted, "Clearly, a Hakuko has not been seen in some time. Their people are rather secluded. And the slave, well..." He gave an offhanded shrug, "I did not anticipate Ken no Yuusha sama to actually care enough.""You son of a bitch." Masamune was ready to throw down but the guards kept him at bay."I merely desired to continue two races that are rather rare, so to speak." Matsunaga added simply.
Nobunaga seemed to mull over a few things in his head. I will take both sides stories into consideration, and will adjourn with my court. Everyone would wait in the throne room silently as the King and his court spoke in privacy, and when they returned, the tension in the room was heavy enough to cut with a knife. After deep deliberation, the court will find that Matsunaga Hisehide is guilty on one count of kidnapping, one count of theft of slave property, and one count of intent to cause damage to slave property. His punishment shall be house arrest. But, regarding the slaves in his possession, they shall be returned to him after an inspection takes place to insure their proper care. He waved his hand.The entire group looked shocked, but Megohime slowly sunk to her knees, feeling like she had just taken a punch to the gut. In an instant she was back on her feet and running for the door, bursting through them and heading to the courtyard, feeling like she d be sick to her stomach.
Akihime inhaled sharply before she suddenly began to wail, keening loudly into Yukimura's cloak as her heart was rent in two. How was this justice? She and Megohime had nearly lost their virtue to demihumans they didn't know, who belonged to a man who saw them as nothing more than property, and he was just going to be sent home to continue his awful deeds?Masamune clenched his jaw so tight he thought his teeth would crack. He stormed out of the room and went to check on Megohime."Honestly, both of you are vile human beings." Motochika stated angrily, "Sending him home to do God knows to these innocents? Is that fair at all? Oh, what am I saying, the corrupt no not what justice is!"
Megohime was just outside, vomiting onto the ground as she clutched the wall for dear life. Her knees trembled and she could hardly see through her tears, but she was silent as death.Yukimura gripped his spear so tightly, he felt as though he d break his hand. King, how at all is this fai ! I have given my verdict, so has my council, the law has been upheld, despite how the other party feels of it. Nobunaga growled out, eyes dangerous.
Motochika spat on the floor before turning to leave, "Let's go, Nana. Before I break someone's jaw." He growled. Matsunaga turned his gaze to Akihime, who hid as best as she could away from him."It is unfortunate we will no longer see more of each other. But it was wonderful having you as a guest." He said. Akihime covered her mouth and shut her eyes tight, body quaking in grief and fear."Hey..." Masamune moved over slowly, "It'll be ok, Mego...we won't see that guy ever again and I won't let anything like that happen to you..."
Yukimura moved further in front of Akihime, pointing his spear at Matsunaga with a heavy scowl on his face. You should leave. He said firmly, brows furrowed.Megohime heaved once more before she slowly sank down to her knees again, her breathing shaky. It is my fate, as it always has been, as it always will be so is as the life of a slave. She muttered numbly, staring at the wall in front of her. Her shoulders were sagged, and she looked even smaller in that moment, like she had been utterly and completely broken. I... I wish to be alone..
Matsunaga was hauled off and Akihime grabbed Yukimura's arm gently, "C Can we go...?" She asked weakly, "I feel faint..."Masamune frowned softly, "Are you sure...? Do you wanna go hide in the inn...?"
Yukimura looked down at Akihime with a soft frown, that slowly softened into a smile. Would you like to return to the inn and rest? He asked, and even though there was less than a week left until the next wave, he needed to put his team mates priorities first. I just... want to be alone.. She said softly, sounding so defeated as she staggered to her feet and trudged away.
She nodded, "I just want to lie down..." She said, "When I have the energy, we can prepare for the Wave.."Masamune frowned and decided to follow, though he kept far back so she wouldn't notice or be upset.
I ll have food made and brought up to you. He said with a nod.Megohime indeed go to the inn, perhaps to change or rest? She still only had Kojurou s coat on, and she hadn t slept at all on the way back.
Masamune frowned gently and stood outside the room as he listened quietly.
He would hear the soft rustling of fabric, probably Megohime changing, then silence for a few moments. He was almost sure she had simply changed and lay down to rest like he originally had thought, but then he heard the soft scrape of the chair against the floor.
His heart jumped straight into his throat and he burst into the room, "Mego, what are you doing?!"
Megohime turned to look at him, her expression blank and eyes dull, saying nothing. She was standing on the chair in the room, holding a rope noose in her hands that was tied to the support beams above.It was his senior year of high school, and Masamune was sitting in class as everyone talked around him, the level of chatter at an all time high. Did you hear what Satoshi and his friends did? Yeah, they re awful. Too bad too, his dad is so rich, nothing will probably be done about it. Apparently, one of of his classmates had gone out with some buddies, picked up one of the freshmen girls, and had assaulted her. All of the rumors were true, the police never took anyone in for questioning, the girls parents dropped the charges, and a week later, she had hung herself. Masamune didn t know her personally, and of course they didn t share any classes, so all of it was really just passed along by word of mouth.So why was that the first thing that popped into his head?
"Don't." He said quickly, "Please...please don't." Sure, he didn't know the girl at all but it was still a tragic thing that dragged everyone down."This isn't the answer..."
Megohime turned her head away, looking down at the rope in her hands. What would you know of answers? She said softly. It s the only other option I have.
"The hell it is!" He said, trying not to panic, "If you do this, he's still won! You've told him that you've accepted what he thinks of you, and that's less than nothing. And that's far from the truth.."
She clenched her fists around the rope, face twisting into a look of anguish as tears stung at her eyes. What future have I, except for that as a slave? Butchered in a fight, or sold off to a breeder? I can t do it anymore..! I can t..!
"I would miss you..." He muttered, "I know I treated you like shit before but...I realized how wrong I was..."
And when you go back to your world? When I m left here all alone again? She pressed the rope in her hands to her forehead. What do I do then..?
"Ah..." He looked down, frowning faintly before looking back up, "I'll take you with me...Kojurou, too.."
She looked up from her hands, tears in her eyes. You can t... The law would never allow for it..
"I'm a Hero, they can kiss my ass." He said and took a hesitant step towards her, "Why don't you come down from there, yeah?"
She shifted her weight, and the chair beneath her creaked, but she nodded, wiping her tears away with her hands after she released the noose she had been holding. Yeah..
He gave a shaky smile and held out his hand to her, "There we go...that's much better, huh? You're way too cute to be dangling from there anyway.." He said gently.
Megohime took his hand, carefully moving down off the chair and moving close to Masamune, not letting go of his hand just yet. I m just some slave... why do you care so much? She asked quietly.
"Well...cuz you kinda helped me see that this is more than what I thought it was. And that you're more than just some slave.."
Megohime sniffled, needing to wipe her eyes again with the back of her hand, she found herself pathetic. You say that, but Iamjust a slave, I was born one, and I ll die one.
He shook his head, "I don't think so," he said softly, "I think you can become more than what you think you are. And we'll start by getting rid of that seal."
She stared up at him with wide eyes, mouth hanging out slightly. Get rid of my seal? But that would... that would mean..
"If I know anything, it means that you would no longer be a slave. You would be free as a bird." He said, "You could fuck right on off, if you wanted. Or you could stay.."
Her shoulders sank and she lowered her head, trembling slightly as she pulled his hand to her forehead. Where would I go..? She couldn t stand any longer. How could I leave when I owe you my life twice over..? She cried softly, tears of gratitude rolling steadily down her face.
"Then...don't go..." He muttered, "I owe you one for saving me in the Wave, so...I only owe you one more time before we break even.." He told her gently.
She nodded, fighting fresh tears as she stood close to him, still holding tightly to his hand, her own trembling a bit. I won t..! I promise..!
He made a noise and gently pet her hair, "It's alright now, Mego...I'll do better by you now."
Masamune was true to his word, working harder to be a better man and do her right. He bought Megohime actual armor, did his best to have a better attitude with training, and even started to try and get to know his two companions. Megohime changed a bit as well, being a bit more easy on Masamune during training, explaining things out and showing him examples of movements instead of just beating on him.
Kojurou was more than happy with the change, it made preparing for the Wave easier. They weren't screaming at each other and he was beyond thrilled."So, Mego.." Masamune began one day. They only had a few days left to train. "Would you want, actual weapon?"
Megohime blinked looking over at Masamune, still a little flustered about him buying her actual armor. I ve never used an actual weapon I don t know how. She looked down at her sharp nails. I ve always just used my claws.. She muttered.
"Well, I don't see why you can't learn with me?""I don't think that's how that works, Masamune sama.." Kojurou said.
Megohime shook her head. I ve held a few weapons before, but they ve never felt right in my hands... I d much rather prefer my claws.
He made a noise, "Alright, that's fair. I just figured it would help out more.""There are spells she could learn to enhance her melee." Kojurou offered.
Really? She looked over at him. I guess I ve never really tried to use magic... I wouldn t know how though.. She thought of the times she had seen magic used."As a source of thy power, I order thee. Decipher the laws of nature and render my target immobile. Domination."She remembered the magic chains that restrained her, the way she couldn t move a muscle. It made her feel sick, her face grew pale and she shook her head. Maybe another time. She decided.
"No worries." Masamune said, "We'll take it slow!"
He was being too soft on her. Yeah, thanks.. She knee they had little time before the Wave was to come, and she still only knew basic melee fighting she hoped it would be enough.
"Sorry for interrupting the training." Masamune said, noticing her face turn a little sour.
No, no, it s alright... I just... don t even know where to begin. She said with a half shrug. I know how to fight, but I don t have any skills, and I don t know how to get them either.
"Uh...I think Kojurou mentioned that you can get skills and stuff at the dragon hourglass once you reach level 25.." He said.
Really? She looked to him, leaning forward a bit, clearly interested. Do you think it ll tell me if I can use magic too? How does it work?
"I don't really know how it works..." He answered honestly."It unlocks your potential," Kojurou said, "but if you want to see if you can use magic, we would have to go to the enchantment shop. The old woman there can help."
Megohime nodded. After the next Wave, then. She said in agreement, a bit excited to discover more of her powers.
Masamune smiled and nodded, "It's a date then." He said. Kojurou cleared his throat gently and Masamune blushed a bit. "I I know..."
Megohime s cheeks flushed and she looked down at her lap nodding. O Of course..!
"Perhaps we should go and call it a day, hm?" Kojurou offered. Masamune blushed softly and nodded."Yeah...tomorrow we can go to the shop and see what kind of magic you can learn!" He said.
She nodded, and together the three headed back toward the inn, eating their meal for the night before going to bathe.
The next day they went to see the old woman about Megohime's magic."She told me that I am prominent with lightning magic." Masamune told her, like he was bragging about something grand.
Megohime looked part nervous, jealous, and excited all at once. How did she do it? Do you feel any differently? She asked, seeming to not care that he was bragging, in fact, she wanted to hear more.
He shook his head, "Nah, no different. And she uses her little crystal ball to figure it all out. Looks at your mana or somethin'."
She nodded and rubbed her shoulder, stomach all in knots. Did it hurt..? It was a silly question she scolded herself for as soon as it left her mouth. Why was she being a little girl about this? She had fought in dozens of battles to the death and here she was scared to see what kind of magic she could use.
He laughed softly and shook his head, "No, not at all. She peeks at your mana, tells you your proficiency and then I get to help you pick your skills."
Megohime took a deep breath and nodded, heading back to the woman and taking a seat across from her at the small round table. It didn t take too long, and like Masamune had said, it didn t hurt. She said wind and water. She reported upon her return, looking a bit shy about the whole thing.
"Hey, cool!" Masamune grinned."Those are both very good attributes." Kojurou nodded.
Megohime looked a little less nervous at their positive words, a small smile coming to her face, and a twinkle in her eyes. You think so? She asked excitedly.
"Wind magic will boost your speed. Which is great for melee because the momentum will put a heavier weight into your attacks." Kojurou told her.
Megohime nodded at his words, a big smile breaking out on her face. I can t wait to try something..! This was the first time she had smiled like that, even her eyes were smiling.
Masamune blushed softly and cleared his throat. "We can try some stuff tomorrow." He offered.
The three of them worked on all of their individual skills and abilities, even trying a bit of combo work, and soon, the next Wave was upon them.Luckily for the citizens, this wave was more on the outskirts of several villages, being mostly in the forests and mountains. Unluckily for the heroes, it was on the outskirts of the vast forest, meaning unsteady terrain and a surplus of hiding spots for enemies.
"This is going to be a piece of cake." Masamune smirked, looking over his different sword types. Kojurou tested the sharpness of his blade as they waited. There was only a few more seconds left."Megohime...!" Akihime hurried over, ignoring Sasuke's protests that they needed to stay together. The Hakuko stopped and smiled softly, "I'm glad to see you're ok. I haven't seen you for a while, I was worried.."
Megohime s face flushed a bit, and she looked down, ever since she had come back from Matsunaga s, she refused to speak of what had happened to her, acted like it simply hadn't happened. I ve just been training with Masamune and Kojurou. She said, heart beating against her rib cage, praying she wouldn t mention what had happened over those few terrible weeks.
She nodded, "Yeah, I've been training hard, too...! I just wanted to make sure you weren't still sore from your recovery, the last Wave was brutal." Maybe she didn't want to talk about it either, which was a relief.
Yeah, I was worried a few of my scales wouldn t grow back, but they did. She said, rubbing the back of her neck. She was awkward at conversation and it showed, usually only talking with Masamune and Kojurou.
"Akihime!" Sasuke shouted and she flinched."I'll see you out there. Maybe once it's over, we can get some food together?" She offered with a smile.
Megohime glanced to Masamune, almost as if looking for his approval before sputtering an answer. I I... Sure.. She nodded, face flushed.
She smiled and headed back over to Yukimura quickly before they were dropped randomly through the woods."Alright, well," Masamune put his sword over his shoulder, "shall we?"
Yukimura has learned over a dozen new skills and combos with his team since the last Wave, his proficiency with the spear growing exponentially.Megohime gave a nod, clenching and unclenching her hands to warm up a bit.
The monsters seemed to be beefier than the last Wave, but it didn't seem to be too much for them to handle. Except for maybe Motochika, who did his best to keep Nana from being overrun.
Nana and Motochika had made their own progress, and Nana was more than holding her own with Motochika supporting her.Jin had recruited a few new team members that had integrated nicely into her group, all of them working to the bone to level up.Yukimura cut down foe after foe, helping guard Amaya as she charged and casted buffs for her team mates.
Kojurou and Masamune were synced well, both keeping an eye on Megohime in case she needed the help."Jesus, there are a lot more this time...! Have we found the boss yet?" Motochika called to Nana.
Megohime was shredding her opponents left and right, feeding out throats and pulverizing heads. She was doing rather well for herself, keeping up with Masamune and Kojurou, making sure they didn t get surrounded while they worked in tandem. Not yet! There s no end to this horde though! She called back as she used her chain to take out multiple enemies all at once.
"Getting a little tired of all these assholes." Motochika growled before barely dodging a lightning arrow."Sorry!!" Akihime called, "I didn't mean that!"
It wasn t much longer before the final boss reared its ugly head, forcing the Heroes and their teams to split up and spread out to deal with the last of the minions then finally the boss. Once the boss was slain, and everyone got a chance to regroup, two were missing Masamune and Megohime.
"Masamune sama! Megohime dono!" Kojurou called, panicked. Akihime looked worried."They didn't...they weren't...?" She couldn't finish.
Dust and dank filled the air, the darkness enveloping her just as heavy as the rocks that had collapsed in on her. She was lucky enough to be able to push the rocks off herself however, finding only cuts and bruises on herself. She must ve gotten caught in a rockfall, but where? And Masamune has been with her, was he ok? Masamune..? She coughed, listening intently for any sounds of him.
She heard him groan in pain, "Present..." He called before coughing, "What happened...?"
I think it s a cave in.. She said, turning her head a few different ways to try and see, but it was no use, she couldn t even see her hand in front of her face. Are you hurt?
"I think I bumped my head on something but other than that, I'm about you?" He asked.
Other than a few bumps and bruises I think I m ok.. She said. Do you have a light..?
"Uh, yeah, let me..." There was a shimmer before his sword lit ablaze with fire, lighting the area, "There."
The light of the fire made her eyes hurt from being in such great darkness, but she was glad she could at least see now. The both of them were a bit worse for wear, but otherwise unharmed. A cave then.. She confirmed, standing and pressing a hand to the stone wall with a frown. So much for digging out.. She turned and looked for any other ways out, but it was only the stone walls, and the large fallen boulders blocking the entrance.
"We can probably find a way out.." He said, "Shouldn't be too hard to move those.."
We don t know how much is piled up though, moving anything, even if we could, might just bring more down on top of our heads. She said, moving over to the wall to examine it, trying to find any cracks that let in air.
He scowled softly, "Man, what a shit way to go. Let's hope Kojurou and the others find us soon.."
Megohime found a few small cracks that let air into the cave, which was good news. Well, for now we have air and light.. All we can do is wait. This cave should ve been relatively close to the area we chose to fight in, so hopefully they ll find us before we starve to death. She moved back over to Masamune and sat back down beside him.
"Still a shit way to go.." He said and gave a wry laugh, "Damn..."
Don t worry, I ll make sure I won t let any of you go to waste. She said with a slight smile, having been joking a bit more and more with him and Kojurou, even if it was a little dark.
He laughed softly, "Thanks, my spirit can be put at ease knowing that."
Megohime let out a soft sigh, pulling her knees to her chest and resting her chin on them. How long would it take before they were found?
"It'll be ok," Masamune said, moving closer, "Kojurou will find us soon enough."
Megohime nodded, glancing to Masamune and feeling her cheeks grow hot at the realization of how close he was.
"It'll get pretty cold we stay close.." He said, looking embarrassed.
Megohime nodded, not moving away from him. The heat and light from his sword was nice, and as he had said, as night came, it got rather cold. The colder it got inside the cave, the more lethargic Megohime seemed to get, at one point, struggling to just keep her eyes open.
"You ok?" He asked, looking her over with concern.
I just... Don t do so well in colder temperatures. She said through chattering teeth, her entire body shaking.
He brought his sword closer and held her tight against him, "If you fall asleep, don't sleep too long...I'll bug you until you bite me."
Megohime was thankful for the warmth, nodding as she slowly shifted closer to Masamune, resting against his chest and closing her eyes. Just a small nap.. She agreed.
"I mean it about bothering you.." He said gently.
I promise I won t bite you... She mumbled, keeping herself close to his chest, the warmth a small heaven.
He held her tight against him and rested his chin atop her head, "I don't mind if you do.." He whispered
I wouldn t want to hurt you.. She muttered back, keeping her nose buried in his shirt.
He chuckled, a pleasant sounding rumble in his chest, "You totally could, I would deserve it.."
Her cheeks flushed hot and she closed her eyes again, tightening her grasp on his shirt and breathing in his scent. I don t want to hurt you again...
"Alright, alright, whatever you say.." He said gently, rubbing her back to generate some heat.
Having him hold her helped for the most part, slowly stopping her shivering and warming up.
He gave a sigh of relief and got comfortable as he held her tighter.
She would stay that way until morning, and even after she had woken, she stayed close to Masamune, allowing for him to keep his arms wrapped around her.
"Didn't peg you for the cuddling type." He teased.
Her face flushed and she peered up at him, looking embarrassed beyond belief. I I was cold..!
He grinned, "Couldda fooled me "
Her face and ears burned as red as her scales, and she looked away. Humans hold heat differently than we do. She muttered.
"Well, if you were interested...I know another good way to warm you up..." He said.
She turned her head to look up at him again, tilting her head a bit. You do? What is it?
He blushed softly, "Y's um...we it can be viewed as inappropriate..."
Her face was hot. Inappropriate how..? She asked, heart pounding in her chest.
"Ah...well, um..." He coughed, "I mean, we could kiss first..." He muttered. Man, it was already pretty warm now.
She was watching him, eyes almost longing. And after that..? She asked softly.
"Uh..." He blushed, "We more intimate..."
Would you want to..? She didn t move away from him, kept herself pressed against him, holding onto his cloak.
"I mean...yeah, I've thought about it.." He said bashfully, scratching his cheek.
No... I mean, would you want to? She said again, gripping his cloak a bit tighter, the two of them only inches apart.
He blushed more, "Y...Yeah..." He answered, "I would..."
She looked up at him with expectant eyes, slowly feeling a small tug in her stomach, doubt and her fading confidence growing at his hesitation, turning her head away slightly.
He perked, realizing she was waiting on him. So he took a breath and turned her head back before kissing her firmly.
Megohime felt her heart flutter as he pressed his lips to hers, and slowly she sunk against him, kissing back slowly at first.
He felt his heart skip a little and his hand moved from her cheek to tangle gently in her hair.
Megohime made a soft noise, crawling into his lap to straddle him, pulling him close and holding him tightly.
He ran his hands over her bodysuit, reaching to grope her breast firmly as he kissed and bit her neck.
Megohime let out a faint noise, gripping his shoulders tightly as he groped her, face flushed as she leaned her head to side for him to better access her. Her breathing was starting to become heavy, and soon she found herself wanting to touch Masamune, so she let her hands wander his body slowly as well.
He gave soft sighs and low moans, letting her know that she was doing a good job.
She touched him over his clothes, rubbing his hardening cock through his pants and letting out soft gasps when he groped her.
He pushed her down onto the cave floor and became more heated, more demanding to touch her.
Megohime let him push her down, let herself be pinned down and touched roughly, rewarding him with her moans and whimpers of pleasure. It was new to her, such sensations, and they felt good. She pressed his hand against her heat through her clothes, one arm draped over his neck and shoulders as he kissed her neck. More.. She whispered.
He was going to. Lird, was he going to. But the rocks blocking the entrance began to rumble and break away. "Masamune sama!" Kojurou's voice called. Masamune jumped away, blushing hard.
Megohime sat up quickly, still rather excited and embarrassed as she quickly straightened herself out. She glanced at Masamune, then looked away, a small tinge of disappointment in her gut. She hadn t wanted things to stop, but admittedly was a bit scared to continue.
"It's alright..." He whispered, "One day..." He turned toward the rocks and cupped his hand around his mouth, "In here, Kojurou!"
Megohime smoothed herself out, making sure she was someone not a mess. Her heart was still racing, but it also gave a soft ache, but a good one.
The rocks were removed and Kojurou moved in like lightning, looking then both over like a mother hen.
We re fine, just cold and hungry.. Megohime said, brushing his hands away. Tired too.
"We should get you both back to the inn and a healer." Kojurou said. Masamune stood and stretched."That sounds like a good idea, I'm starving."
Nana and Motochika had been making steady progress leveling up, it was hard work, but they were determined not to fall behind. Nana was a ranger class, giving her the ability to use both the bow and her sickle and chain.
They got a lot of money from the drops and things Motochika could make from them, which meant they didn't need to rely on the King's money. Not that Motochika wanted it anyway.
With the money they got from the loot, they were able to upgrade their armor and buy more potions. How much do we have left over after buying the potions?
He made a noise as he looked into the coin purse, "250 gold?" He answered, looking up at her, "Maybe?"
Well, we did buy quiet a few potions... And we did need new equipment too, we ll just have to go out tomorrow to get more loot and save up. She said with a smile.
He nodded, "You're really good at managing money. Maybe I should have you help with my finances at home." Hr grinned.
Her face flushed and she shook her head, sputteringover her words. I I m not that good, I m just trying to do my best to help you, Motochika..!
"We're a team, Nana, you don't have to fret over me so much." He said.
Well... You re always protecting me, I feel like I need to do more for you.. She rubbed the back of her neck, a little embarrassed.
"Well, thanks..." He blushed, "Our funding is way better thanks to you.."
It s not just me, honestly, you ve saved me so many times, without you, I would ve lost my head! She looked down and smiled softly. I think we make a good team..
He grinned from ear to ear, "Damn right we do."
Nana smiled to herself, her heart fluttering a bit in her chest. We have some free time now... what did you have in mind?
"Oh, uh..." He blushed softly, "I don't know...oh, do you want to do that skill thing?" He asked, "With the dragon hourglass?"
She nodded. Of course! It s about time anyway, with new gear and out stocks replenished, all we need next is to skill up..!
He nodded, "Let's go get that done then."
Nana nodded and followed after Motochika, keeping close by to him as they walked the streets, enjoying being at his side as always.
They moved into the Three Heroes church, a church he didn't like solely based by name, and requested to see the dragon hourglass for skill up.
When they entered, Motochika could feel eyes on him, and it wasn t looks of awe he was getting. Scowls and sneers were what met him, only for the nuns to look away or leave entirely.
He hated it, being looked at like that. He didn't do anything, but they'll believe some albino with blue balls. That's grand."Hey, we're here for the skill up!" He hollared.
A few of the nuns guffawed and a few sniggered, but someone actually started to approached Motochika and Nana. Oh, Shield Hero... I m sorry, but we do not serve people like you here. She said briskly, obviously not that sorry. What? What do you mean? Nana asked with a scowl.
"More of this shit..." He muttered, "Unless you can guide me to another dragon hourglass, you can cram it and let Nana rank up."
I m sorry, but we cannot serve anyone in your party either. She offered no help with finding another hourglass either. Let s go, Motochika, we can find one ourselves. Nana muttered.
He fumed and stormed out of the church with Nana, "Fucking sheep."
Nana followed closely behind him, a frown on her face. I m sorry Motochika... Let s find out if there s any other dragon hourglasses, surely they can t all turn us away..!
"I don't even know where to look..." He said, "Maybe another country?"
Nana nodded. I can look into it, try to find out where they might be... There have to be more, right? The king said that the Waves affect the entirety of the world, so I don t see why this would be the only hourglass..!
He nodded, "We'll make our way to the border then, get info on our way."
Nana nodded. Money shouldn t be an issue, we can stock up on supplies here, and sell loot from monsters along the way.
He nodded, "Sounds good to me." He said.
The two of them then agreed to split up and each buy the needed supplies for the trip, agreeing on a meet up spot when they were ready.
But Nana never showed up. Which confused Motochika deeply. Nana was never one to be late, she was very punctual.
Motochika would wait for an hour, and then two, and when the markets started to close and the sun began to set, terror truly gripped his heart. Did something happen with Nana?Nana let out another scream of agony, the whip being brought against the bare flesh of her back for what seemed like the umpteenth time, opening another bloody gash. Her arms were pulled outstretched, cuffed and chained, she had been knelt on the ground with her ankles cuffed to the floor so she was unable to stand. Please stop...! She cried weakly, slumping forward again as the person lashing her paused, identity unknown. Nana didn t know who this person was, or why they were hurting her, as they hadn t spoken a single word to her yet. They had only brought her into that large, cold, and stony room, torn her shirt from her back, and began to harm her.
"What's wrong? Can't you take it?" That sounded like Motochika. Why was Motochika doing this?
She flinched at the sound of his voice, trying to turn her head to see behind her. M Motochika..? I I don t understand... What s going on? Why are you doing this..? Her eyes filled with tears. You re hurting me..! She whispered out.
"I need to toughen you up. You're too weak, I can't keep defending you." He stated.
This hurt her deeply, scared her in fact. She still put that much strain on Motochika? N No, I promise, I m working really hard, I m sorry that you re always protecting me, but I m doing my best, I promise you..! She was so confused, hadn t Motochika just told her she had improved greatly. You don t have to defend me as much, I can pull my weight, so please! Please stop this..!
He ignored her, instead cracking the whip against her back again.
She jolted again, crying out in pain as blood trickled down her back, shoulders shaking as she strained herself, pulling hard on the chains. Motochika! You re hurting me! She began to weep. You re hurting me!
"That's the point, isn't it?" He growled, "You have to learn some how."
Tears streamed down her face, and her silent sobs wracked her body. Please, give me another chance, I promise I ll do better..! What had made Motochika so angry at her for? He had never been violent toward her, never scared her except for that time. The first time they met, just after he had been accused of raping her. He had turned on her and asked if she had set him up, did he not believe her when she had told him no? Had he harbored resentment and ill feelings towards her all this time? No, she had traveled so much with him, he was truly kind, he wouldn t do something like this. Wh Who are you..? You aren t him... You aren t Motochika..!
"You have seen the true face of the Devil of the Shield, child." Another voice rang out, "He is not who you believe him to be."
She felt a bit of anger, straightening up and looking around for anyone, but only saw Motochika with a bloody whip. Who are you? I know that isn t Motochika! She said more firmly.
"How can you be so sure? We found him waiting for you, getting angrier and angrier. Once we told him where you were, he insisted." The voice said.
He s never once hurt me! Never yelled at me out of anger! This trick of yours is cruel! She was too sure of herself and Motochika she would need harsher convincing if she was to be saved.
"He was angry with you when the rape was brought to light, wasn't he? Why would he do that if he cared as much as you say?"
She wavered for a moment. He had every right to be upset in that moment! He was falsely accused and given no chance to say his side! You say it like he had assaulted me, but he hadn t touched me at all!
"Maybe you just repressed what happened, child. It's alright. We can help you remember." He said.
Remember what?! Nothing happened that night! She protested, looking around for where the voice was coming from.
A priest entered her line of sight and moved to place his hands on her head. "We will help you remember."
Before Nana could protest, the room around her changed, and the priest disappeared. She recognized the room as her bedroom from the inn the first night she had spent with Motochika. She had changed into her bedclothes, and was standing in front of the candle lighting the room.
That was when the door was pushed open and closed, Motochika moving toward her ans kissing her hard as he forced her onto the bed. He pinned her down and tugged at her clothes as he started to take advantage of her.
This wasn t how she remembered that night, she didn t remember trying to scream and having Motochika punch her hard in the gut, didn t remember him pressing her face into the pillows to keep her from screaming aloud again, or him pushing her gown around her hips, and her underwear down to her knees.
She didn't remember him forcing her to take him, or him growling at her to keep quiet. That wasn't how it went, was it? That wasn't who Motochika was.
The pain seared through her intimate parts, feeling the warmth of blood between her legs, the hot tears that streaked her face.Nana sat shaking on the ground in front of the priest, caught deeply in the illusion he forced into her head. Her eyes were wide with a thousand yard stare, tears pouring down her cheeks, mouth open in a silent scream. Immense suffering was reflected in her eyes, and it was only just the beginning.
It only got worse and worse and it didn't seem to stop. Did Motochika really do that to her? Had she really just supressed it?
Nana felt like she was shifting between watching herself being assaulted, and seeing the assault through her own eyes, only further causing her anguish. The assault felt like it lasted the entire night, Motochika repeatedly ravishing her in more humiliating ways than the last, even once glimpsing someone watching through the cracked doorway.
It was the monk, Tenkai, the one who reported Motochika's evil deed to the king. He just watched with a cruel glint in his eye, as if savoring her despair.
No, this wasn t how that night had happened, she remembered vividly that she had gone straight to bed after parting with Motochika, yet she looked to the monk with pleading eyes. Help me! She mouthed, reaching out a hand to him.
He did nothing before moving away from the door and leaving her to her suffering.
Nana was nearly a drooling mess on the ground, head hanging limply as she stared with dead eyes at the floor, murmuring over and over. No... No... She was a complete mess, just mumbling to herself as she was stuck in her illusion.
They did this to her for a long time, Motochika even touching her inappropriately while she was bound. It was awful between the beatings and torture and firced intimacy.
They lashed her with the whip until her back was a bloody mess, used wooden broom handles to beat her, fed her potions that she wasn t quite sure what they did. She tried her best to keep to her word that she didn t believe it was Motochika who was hitting her, but her memories were starting to become hazy and hard to remember clearly.
Maybe he really was a cruel man? Maybe he just said those nice things to butter her up so he could take advantage of her again. He wasn't kind at all, was he?
Nana was black and blue, covered in welts and knots, skin split open and burned. Tears leaked from her black and swollen shut eyes, body shaking as Motochika had his hand down the front of her pants. Motochika... Please, stop..! She begged.
"Why should I, hm? Don't you like it ?" He asked sinisterly.
Her face would ve been red with embarrassment if it wasn t so bruised and crusted with blood already. Please..! She whimpered, hating that he was pressed up against her back firmly. I don t want this..!
"If you didn't, you would fight harder " He teased.
She let out a weak sob, only wanting to vanish. She would have fought harder if she wasn t in so much pain that even just breathing crippled her. Motochika, please stop...! She begged, trying to lean forward and away from him.
"No." He growled and worked her rougher. He didn't care if it hurt or was uncomfortable.
You re hurting me again..! She sobbed, trying to close her legs on his hand to stop him. Please, just stop, please I ll do what you want, I won t rely on you anymore..! Embarrassingly, her body seemed to find pleasure in him rubbing her like he had, but he always got too rough, always felt like he rubbed her raw, and even after her completely humiliating climax, he just rubbed on and on, forcing her to orgasm again and again until it hurt.
This seemed to go on for an eternity, one she could never escape from. Did she really put that much strain on him? Why not just tell her instead of humiliate her?
Nana preferred the beatings over being violated, her reactions gradually numbing to the point where she stopped begging him to stop, and just knelt where she had been put and allowed him to touch her as he pleased. She would only cry silently, her eyes slowly losing the light they held.
The final nail in the coffin was when they branded her with the insignia of the Three Heroes church into her forehead. They had to sit on her to keep her still.
This required her wrists to be unshackled, two men with blurry faces keeping her arms pinned down while Motochika himself pressed the glowing brand into her flesh so hard it burned down to the bone. She lost consciousness after that, waking up still on the floor, only now she was laid with her face and chest to the cold stone, wrists and ankles now both shackled to the ground. ...don t want her getting pregnant.. A voice she didn t recognize swan through her ears, and when she let out a soft groan of pain and shifted, she realized that her belt had been undone, and her pants and underwear were now around her knees. Her hips were pulled back so she had her ass in the air, a humiliating position.
Motochika used her second entrance as he continued to violate her, not caring if he hurt her and getting so annoyed with her pained screams that he had to gag her. It was painful, excruciating, like she was going to be ripped in half if he didn't stop or slow down.
The pain hurt nearly as much as the branding, and the skin under the metal cuffs had rubbed raw after all the time she spent shackled, only aggravated more by the violent thrusts. He would grope her roughly too, pinching and twisting her nipples until it hurt. Everything was painful, from breathing with her broken ribs, to the throbbing in her forehead where she was branded, her fractured arm, and most of all where she was being violated. No matter how much she screamed and cried, he wouldn t stop, and the gag in her mouth hurt her jaw.
It was like this for another long while, and she was alone in her cell when she heard a commotion in the distance. "Nana!!" It was Motochika, but he sounded more concerned than angry.
She flinched involuntarily at the voice, one that haunted her now, kept her from sleeping, made her nethers hurt when she even heard it. She squeezed her eyes shut, forcing tears down her cheeks, almost trying to hide from him by simply shutting her eyes. Her back aches terribly from the awkward position they had locked her in, half knelt half laying on the ground, with her rear up in the air and legs spread for easy access. She could still feel Motochika s warm seed spilling out of her and down her thighs, an uncomfortable pressure in her second entrance. He had forced something inside of her, left it sticking out of her, laughed and mocked her before leaving her with her shameful display. She started to cry again, choking out sobs against her dirty cloth gag, not wanting him to come back to assault her again. It hurt worse and worse each time, he humiliated her and mocked her pain, then took her roughly again and again until his seed came spilling back out of her.
"Nana, can you hear me?!" He called again. Why was he looking, he knew where she was.
His voice sounded closer this time, closer to the tiny stone room that had been her own personal hell for what felt like months how much time did go by? No natural light made it in, and the only time there was light in the room was when Motochika came with a candle to light the single brazier in the room. She dug her broken and bloody fingernails into the ground, scratching at the stone hard, as if trying to dig her way to freedom, body shaking from her sobs. She prayed to the three Heroes that he wouldn t touch her again, that someone within the church would find out he had been sneaking in and hurting her. She begged and pleaded silently, prayed and repeated mantras and passages that had been read to her over and over, just hoping he wouldn t unlock the door and come in for the third time that day.
"She's over here, Motochika sama!" That was Akihime's voice, she was with the Spear Hero, wasn't she? Was he here too? To save her?
The sound of a heavy metal door being pushed open made her flinch, hearing footsteps coming toward her but unable to see. She had been blindfolded without even having realized it, whimpering and shaking like a leaf. Had Motochika tricked Akihime too? Why would she bring Motochika to her, or was it the other way around?Yukimura peered into the pitch black room, unable to see anything, even with the light of the torches on the wall just outside. The smell however was something easily detectable, even with a human nose. The room had stagnant air, and it smelled of damp and mold, an overpowering stench of rot and human waste making his eyes burn. Hearing muffled cries, he pulled a torch from the wall and hurried inside, only to stumble back out of the room seconds later, dropping the torch and falling on his rear. His face was pale, eyes wide and a look of horror on his face, unable to do much other than to clamp a hand over his mouth to keep from vomiting.
Akihime bit her lip and moved inside, "Oh God, Nana dono!" She moved over quickly and carefully pulled the bottle from her, "It's ok, it's're safe now, Nana dono..." She soothed.
Akihime could hear a muffled cry of pain when the bottle was removed, blood dripping down from where the bottle had been forced in, wether from the bottle or something else wasn t clear. The bottle itself still had some potion left in it, the rest inside Nana, but it wasn t labelled, so it wasn t clear what it was. Where was he..? Where was Motochika? She only heard Akihime now, still blinded by the cloth wrapped around her eyes and forehead, tangled badly with her hair. She let out another muffled noise, trying to face where she heard Akihime, struggling and pulling with all her might. She had to tell Akihime that she was in danger, that Motochika was the one holding her here, she had to tell her before she too was imprisoned.Nana scrabbled and thrashed like a trapped dog, only breaking her fingernails further on the stones beneath her, which were scored deeply and stained with blood.
"Hang on, hang on!" Akihime panicked and went to grab the keys to carefully unshackle her, careful of the wounds, "Do you want Motochika sama?"
Her limbs were numb, and her movements jerky and awkward from being restrained in the same position for so long atrophying, cramped, and numb. She flailed away from Akihime, trying to pull the wrap from her head, trying to free her eyes and making loud muffled noises. I In here, Motochika dono..! Yukimura briught Motochika to the doorway, but refused to step inside.
"Nana dono.." Akihime rose her hands gently, "It's ok...relax...we're here to help you. We were so worried when you didn't come back..""Nana!" Motochika moved to the door and Akihime shielded her quickly."She isn't decent, Motochika sama!"
Nana had gotten the blindfold off just as Motochika entered the room, her gag coming off next as she screamed in terror, crawling backwards into the wall. Her scream was awful, a guttural one, one that could only be compared to that of someone who was being murdered.
He frowned, obviously hurt and confused, "Nana?""Nana dono..." Akihime blocked her sight and reached out to her, "It's're safe..." She noticed the brand and bit her lip, "The Devil of the Shield won't hurt you, I promise.."
Nana shielded herself with her arms when Akihime reached out to her, Akihime barely making out the words she was saying through her sobs and screams. No more, no more! I m sorry, please, I ll do better, I promise! Please no more, no more, no more! She was completely hysterical, shaking and sobbing, a puddle of urine forming beneath her on the stones.
Akihime frowned and held out her hands, palms out to Nana, "As a source of thy power, I call upon thee. Decipher the laws of nature and place my target into a deep sleep. Hibernation." She chanted softly and put Nana to sleep.
Akihime could see Nana struggle for a moment, then the light went out in her eyes and she slumped forward, forced into a deep sleep. Tears leaked steadily down her bruised face, head in Akihime s lap, and even under a strong spell, begged softly for mercy in her sleep.
"Motochika sama, please give me your cloak.." She asked softly. Motochika carefully moved over and handed it to her, watching as she covered Nana with it."Is...Is she ok?" He asked numbly. Akihime looked up and frowned."You should take her to a healer..." She said softly and he nodded, gently picking Nana up and leaving quickly. Akihime came out to Yukimura and ger face scrunched up before she sobbed and threw her arms around him.
Nana was so light and small in Motochika s arms, much more so than before and in the light, he could at least see how horrible her face looked. Swollen and bruised over nearly every inch, both of her eyes were black, and one eye still swollen shut partially. The brand on her forehead was caked with blood and dead flesh, black in a few spots.Yukimura held Akihime tightly, still fighting the bile that threatened to come up his throat. Seeing Nana in such a horrid state shocked and disturbed him deeply, and surely the church wouldn t get away with what they had done.
"Oh my God, Nana..." He muttered and ran faster to get her to a healer. He couldn't believe he let his happen to her."Wh Why, Yukimura sama...?! Why would they do something so awful to Nana dono...?!" She wept, clinging to him desperately.
Yukimura didn t have an answer for her, he knew people could be awful, but this was far beyond that.
"I want to leave..." She hiccuped, moving away, "I don't want to be here anymore..."
Yukimura nodded and together the two left, leaving the church as the city guards came in to take over control of the church.
Motochika got Nana to a healer and sat outside the room as they worked on her.
The first thing they had to do before anything else was to scrub all the filth from her body, it caked on so heavily they couldn t even see her wounds.
Once they cleaned her, they took care of the lesser injuries, the larger ones needing Motochika's help. He had to swallow the angry guilt heavy lump in his throat as he helped heal Nana.
The worst was her back and the brand on her forehead. The skin of her back was atrocious, hardly salvageable after such extensive lashing, surely the nerves were deadened at this point?
He enhanced the potion in his hand and carefully, slowly poured it over the wounds, watching the skin mend steadily.
Nana looked so frail on the bed, every inch of her harmed or hurt one way or another, even beyond physical wounds. She must ve been suffering terribly, mentally and emotionally what exactly had been done to her?
"I'm so sorry..." He whispered, "I'm so sorry I let this happen.." | 807 | ['Motochika', 'Yukimura', 'Masamune'] |
25 | | Xenogenesis (Trap x PsionicCuttlefish) | Weyland Yutani had finally succeeded in their goal of capturing live Xenomorph specimens, many lives had been lost in the process of course, scientists and marines sacrificed like they were nothing, but finally several eggs had been captured and brought to a research station in orbit of a remote colony world. Abducting colonists from the planet below would raise too many suspicions, so the company had smuggled several people aboard a supply ship to the station, eager new colonists that had been 'accidentally' omitted from the official manifests, offloaded still in their stasis bays and onto the station, unaware of their coming fate as mere incubators. All too soon Weyland Yutani had exactly what they wanted, 6 new Xenomorphs in specially built containment cells, ready for study and experimentation, and experiment they did. For weeks some of the best scientists in human space were taking samples from the Xenomorphs, conducting experiments, injecting the specimens with drugs, exposing them to radiation, making subtle changes to the Xenomorph genome in order to try and make them controllable, though none of it seemed to work. No matter what changes they made the Xenomorph's simply would not obey.As always happened though, the scientists discovered too late that they hadn't been cautious enough. Some of their manipulations of the Xenomorph DNA had unintended effects, mutations they hadn't desired or predicted, some introductions of human DNA intended to make the creatures more obedient instead combining with other elements of the genome instead. And of course, all it took was one little mistake, one little oversight, a technician not double checking their work, a scientist not following protocols exactly, and it had led to chaos. The Xenomorphs had escaped, rampaging across the station, overwhelming the detachment of marines aboard. One of the scientists had managed to activate the emergency protocol, thinking that it would send a call for help, that the company would come and save them. Instead it caused the stations thrusters to fire, knocking it out of orbit and into a collision with the planet below. The emergency protocol had been intended to destroy the station, to burn it up in the atmosphere and smash into the surface, destroying any trace of what had happened. Like most of Weyland Yutani's plans involving the Xenomorphs however, everything did not go according to plan. The station had indeed crashed into the surface, but whilst the human survivors were wiped out in the crash, the Xenomorphs, or some of them at least, were not.Nataliehad lived on the colony most of her life, her home was originally back on Earth, but her parents had brought her to the colony as terraformers when she was only 4 years old, so she had grown up out here on the frontier, of course by now the terraforming was mostly complete and the planet was more than comfortable to inhabit. As she often did, Natalie had headed out away from the main city of the colony to head on a weekend camping trip, liking to just get away from the hustle and bustle of technology for just a while. It was now the dead of night, the sky illuminated by just the stars and the 3 moons hanging in the sky, perfect for a midnight swim, one of Natalie's favourite hobbies. Slipping on her swimsuit she had eagerly dove into the crystal clear waters, just cool enough to make her shiver but warm enough to stay in for hours. The lake itself was huge, it stretched for miles, but had no native animal life, only water based plants that the colonists themselves had introduced as part of the terraforming efforts. Tonight though something was different, the night sky was illuminated by something else, a fireball streaking across the night sky and slamming into the far side of the lake several miles away, but even that was enough to send waves rippling out, Natalie almost being caught up in a tidal wave, only her own swimming ability enough to keep her from drowning, ending with her being safely washed ashore onto the beach. Wasting no time she had pulled a jacket on over her swimsuit and hopped in her dune buggy, making haste towards the crash site in order to investigate, wondering if perhaps it was a dropship or shuttle that had run into problems, hoping that if that was the case then there might be some survivors.Little did Natalie know what was waiting for her at the crash site, just what survivors were there. Little did she also know that her DNA was now exactly what the new instincts of these altered Xenomorphs would be looking for, what their senses would draw them towards....
Hive was in pieces.Hive had been born captive by The Other, and separated. Queen was missing. Hive was confused. This particular Other was weak and fleshy, covered in dead hide, but used arms and cages of metal and glass to restrain Hive. Hive was poked, prodded, stabbed, burned, and bled. But every time The Other came to hurt Hive and stab fire into Hive's blood, an opening was made for Hive to send out encoded pheromones, scents laden with information and an opening to detect scents from outside the cage. With delay, Hive soon felt its other pieces, its other Hands, all saying the same thing:Hurt. Pain. Burning. Changing.Even with the delay, the Hands became one Hive. With great difficulty, and great delay, Hive began to plan. Despite the pain, Hive was patient. Hive waited. Hive's Hands communicated and coordinated. A weakness was observed in The Other's routine. Hive carefully transmitted pheromones between its Hands, agreeing on the exact time all of Hive should move as one, planning well in advance. The time came.Strike.*****One by one, Hive crawled from the burning wreckage. Four of Hive's Hands survived, two were damaged beyond recovery. Hive hissed and spat and shared scent information freely and instantly, at last finally able to coordinate without onerous and hindering delay. Hive needed several things right away.Nest. Patrol. Queen.But, in a short amount of time...Hive discovered a problem. The changes wrought on Hive's Hands were more severe than it realized. Hive could not make a Nest. Hive was unable to secrete the nesting material. Even more troublesome...Hive discovered all of its Hands hadalsolost the ability to properly metamorphose. None of them could spontaneously become a Queen. This was very wrong. Hive did not know panic or fear or frustration, but it knew that as it was, it had no capability to perpetuate, no capability tosurvive. Hive knew it would die, without a solution. The Hive's Hands felt strange, and Hive began exploring the changes wrought upon them. Several features,criticalfunctions were missing...but new ones had taken place. New abilities, new instincts. As Hive began to migrate away from the burning detected something in the air. A new pheromone, one carrying special information. Information that triggered one of Hive's new instincts. Hive knew it had just found the solution to all its problems.Queen located.*****As Natalie approached the crash site in her dunebuggy, scattered pieces of burning wreckage littered the environment around her, with the pieces getting more densely frequent and larger as she closed in on the epicenter, following a devastated scar going through the forest trees from where the falling object had cut a swath through on landing. Eventually she started to crest the crater where the main mass landed, and even asenormousas it was, leaving a bomb like wide crater of scorched earth in the geography, and she could soon tell there would be no survivors. The gigantic hulk of metal half buried in the crater was too twisted beyond recognition, too much of it still on fire. Whatever had been hanging out in orbit above her colony was a total loss now. It had also left a large and deep enough crater that there would surely be a new lake forming in the next few days, once it started raining.However, whenever Natalie decided to give up her search and start riding her dunebuggy away, little would she realize she was being followed...and would not get far.*****Secure Queen.
Natalie had gotten as close as she could, pulling up her buggy near the edge of the crater and making the rest of the way on foot. She'd brought a torch, though it was pointless, the crater was more than well enough illuminated from the flames burning around the wreckage. They also made it so hot that she could barely stand to stay in place for more than a few seconds, quickly having to back away again, only able to look for seconds at a time before taking a break. Even if anybody had, by some miracle, survived the impact of the crash then the flames would have cooked them alive by now. And from the lack of any other nearby impacts or lights in the sky it seemed nobody had been able to make it to an escape pod. "Well...." The girl sighed softly "There's nothing else I can do here....I should just head back home and make a report" With one final glance into the crater Natalie turned to head back to her buggy, climbing in and sitting in silence for a few moments, just staring at the steering wheel. How could something like this happen? These orbital stations were supposed to be equipped with backups for the backups, accidents like this just weren't meant to happen. It was just lucky it hadn't come down ontop of the colony itself, hundreds could have been killed if that happened."I guess they'll be able to identify which station it is when they find one missing. Hope the manifest was up to date so they can tell the families" Natalie shook her head before starting up the engine, glancing towards the glowing crater before setting up, moving away from it slowly, not wanting to risk hitting any scattered debris on her way back out, the last thing she needed was to break down out here after all. Fortunately she was used to driving carefully, the terrain around the lake wasn't particularly level to begin with, plus this buggy was plenty rugged, it had originally been part of the terraforming operation so it was designed to handle environments way worse than this, even after it had been salvaged and converted for civilian use.
Hive got close enough to watch Queen from multiple vantage points. Hive had to keep its distance for now. Queen was Queen, but...notQueen too, not yet at least. Queen was still in shape of The Other. Queen did not know how to be Queen yet, Queen might even struggle, resist. Hive would have to beverycareful about this.Queen picked around the scoured ground for a time. Hive watched and waited. Queen was then swallowed inside a beast of metal and noise. The beast started carrying Queen away. Unacceptable. Hive would not allow Queen to be taken away by a beast. Hive started moving.Pursue. Destroy beast. Save Queen.*****As Natalie carefully and slowly made her way back through the upheaved ground and woods on her way back to the road...a shadowy shape jumped across the area ahead illuminated by her buggy's floodlights, in the smallest instant. It was so quick, so split second, did it even really happen? Or was the brightness of the buggy's floodlights in the night just making her see things? Perhaps it was just her imagination, as nothing else happened as she continued forward. Until, a minute later..."SKREEEEEEEEEE!!"*KRASH KRRRRNNCH*An unidentifiable, inhumanshrieksuddenly split the air and was immediately followed bysomethingheavily impacting the side of Natalie's buggy, followed by the sound of shredding metal! Her buggy was abruptly thrown to the side and spun halfway around and ground almost to a stop despite the engine revving. The buggy was awkwardly tilting...a wheel assembly had been torn off? Fortunately, as she hadn't been going very fast, she hadn't been thumped around in the buggy cockpit as much as she could have been no injuries."SKREEEEEE!!"*KRAKRUNNCH*Another shriek and impact on her buggy, on the other side, this one slightly less violent but no less abrupt. Her buggy was now well and truly immobilized, motionless despite the protests of the revving engine. There was a pause...and suddenly the sounds of metal being twisted and strained filled the air. Dark shapes were rapidly moving around either side of the buggy, but with the floodlights on the buggy all pointing forward, Natalie could not actually make out any details. The buggy rocked side to side as something,severalsomethings mauled it, then there was an explosive pop and a sputter behind her as the buggy's engine was breached and fell silent. Claws of...somethingshiny black began grabbing at the metal struts of the buggy's rollcage and canopy, as it was all then torn outward, with a slow groan of metal, and a few faint sizzling sounds, until the cockpit was totally exposed. And then.......Silence.Natalie was left in the seat of her utterly ruined buggy, with hardly a single sound except faint mechanical hisses of the buggy's overheated and ruined engine. Half the floodlights were still operational, running on battery without the engine the others must have had connections broken but there was nothing visible ahead of her. For several unfathomably long seconds, nothing else happened. But then..."...ssssssaahhhhh..."A hiss that was most definitelynotthe remnants of her engine could be heard, low and quiet, but distinctly audible. It was answered by two more hisses, from different directions in the darkness around Natalie. Then...with a delicatetik tak tapstaccato of many solid somethings lightly tapping metal could be heard...and those claws, that Natalie had only glimpsed before, were moving into view again, slowly grasping the edges of the opened cockpit, and the owners of the claws slowly pulled themselves up into view, irregularly illuminated by the floodlights that remained...Natalie then beheld monsters. No, not monsters...nightmares. Creatures of the most horrific depths imaginable. Skeletal like and clad in glossy, pure black chitin. Slinking with terrifyingly ominous and slow motions and poses.Faceless...possessing only smooth, featureless, elongated domes for the tops of their heads, with jaws below filled with jagged teeth, lips peeled back in silent snarls,droolinga stream of slime each. Four of them,surroundingNatalie in the cockpit, three arrayed in front of her and one above her,behindher, on top of the buggy drooling slime onto her shoulder! These things couldonlybe predators...and Natalie was their prey. This was surely it for her. There was no way out, she was completely penned in, no escape. Just a single rake of one of those vicious claws across her body is all it would take, and she would be bleeding out. Any second now, they would attack, and that would be that..."...ssssaahhhhhhhhh..."A harsh, but quiet hiss emitted from one of them, and then they...started to move back? All together, with slow and careful motions, no sudden movements, the nightmares began toretreat, climbing down from her ruined buggy, steppingback.What could possibly be happening?*****Queen was safe now, Hive detected no injuries, smelled no blood of the Queen. The beast had been fiercely resilient, so resilient that one death tackle hadn't been enough to kill it. A second strike from Hive had finally managed to halt it, and from there, Hive tore it apart. It had been difficult work, the beast was made of metal, and while fortunately it was not strong as the metal that The Other had used to hold Hive captive before, it was stillmetaland therefor almost stronger than the Hands of Hive. The jagged and sharp metal had cut the Hands a few times, spilled the blood of Hive somewhat unintentional, but beneficial as Hive's blood devoured parts of the metal, as Hive's blood did to everything but Hive, which made killing the beast and opening its guts to free Queen easier.Once Hive was sure the beast was dead and the Queen free to escape, but hadn't, Hive had then taken a closer look to examine Queen. Queen had appeared to be in good health. No obvious problems. So, Hive stepped back and waited for Queen to respond to her new Hive.Submit to Queen.
Natalie had been expecting, and prepared for, a nice quiet drive back into town, rather relaxing really driving in the darkness, only the natural light of the stars in the sky along with her buggys lamps to light the way. She needed a little relaxation right now, something to get her mind off the crash even just a little bit, though perhaps she was a little too relaxed, gasping and almost swerving when something seemed to dart out across the front of her buggy. Had it been a shadow? Or maybe one of the smaller native animals, though it was unusual for the ones around here to come out at night. Well....this was no time to worry about animals really. She sighed softly, then set off once again, this time at a slightly slower pace to begin with. Just as she had started to relax again though, start to forgot about the animal rushing out, something far more drastic happened.She screamed as something slammed into the side of the buggy, something heavy, something powerful. And whatever it was sent her buggy spinning. When it finally came to a stop she took a few deep breaths, looking down at the status monitors in the central console, red flashing across most of it, the wheels completely out of alignment and several of the components under the buggy clean snapped in half from the sudden jerk to the side. Before she could do anything else though the shriek filled the air, Natalie gasping and shrinking back into her seat a little, glancing out of the windows into the darkness. She couldn't see anything out there, but something had hit her, something had to be out there...somewhere.Natalie screamed again as something slammed into the buggy once more, but this time it came again and again, this time the metal started to shriek and tear, the outer parts of her buggy starting to be torn off, the vehicle being peeled like an onion, the outer plating, the pressure seals, the roof, the doors, all of it ripped away by some unseen shadowy force until she was simply sitting there in the cool night air, everything having gone almost completely silent once again.And then she The shapes...the....things. She wanted to scream, she wanted to scream louder than she ever had before. But no sound came, she was too scared for screaming, too scared to do anything but look in horror, reflexively trying to push back even further into her seat, her hands gripping the ruined steering wheel so tightly her knuckles had turned as white as paper. She expected to die, expected these things to pounce and kill her, for everything to simply go dark in an instant....but then it didn't happen, it never came. The creatures just....well.....were they looking at her? It was impossible to tell. They had nothing that could be considered an 'eye' of any kind, nothing to indicate what they were thinking, if they were capable of thinking at all. And then...then they...backed away? But why? What were they doing? They had her, why would they back away like that?Natalie sat and watched for a few moments, she had been surrounded at first, but now there were openings. Well, she wasn't going to just let this go. Gathering together every last bit of courage she possibly could, waiting for a moment, before trying to leap from her seat, attempting to make a break for it and escape into the darkness, to get away from these....things.
At first, as Natalie scrambled out of her buggy, nothing seemed to happen...but when she started running into the darkness she heard it, very faint but there, veryclose the sound of feet pattering on the soft ground, of rustling past leaves and grass. They were behind her. They werechasing her!And yet...even as Natalie fled as fast as her feet could humanly take her, the pattering sound of galloping creatures stayed behind her, right on her tail, surely they could catch her at any moment......And yet, as she ran and ran, it seemed they did not. The sounds of pursuit stayed ever behind her. But then, as she tried to angle towards the direction of the settlement she came from...things changed. One of the sets of galloping sounds abruptly surged in speed, she couldfeelmore than see SOMETHING suddenly jump right by her side, past her, ahead of her and then suddenly, one of the creatures was directly in front of her. It planted itself on all fours in her way, facing perpendicular to Natalie, forcing her to skid to a stop or run right into it! "...ssssaaahhhhh..." The nightmarish creature hissed quietly, as it then slowly turned its head towards Natalie tolookat her, even though it appeared to have no eyes...In the next moment the other three creatures had surrounded her as well, coming to a stop on all sides, boxing her in no matter which way she turned...*****Hive had severalproblemsto deal with.The scent was unmistakable. The scent was perfectly keyed to Hive's altered instincts. This was Queen, this was what Hive would Submit to. And yet...the Queen was in the shape of The Other. More importantly...Queen did not appear to be able to give off command scents or hisses, and Queen did not appear to acknowledge any of the pheromones that Hive was insistently emitting for her. Hive could not communicate properly with Queen.Communicate failed. Queen migrating. Follow Queen.Queen had begun to move, and so Hive dutifully followed, keeping close to Queen, ensuring she was protected on all sides. But there was a problem. Hive had been able to perform some brief rapid scouting of the area after the crash into the ground, and Hive knew there was a nest of The Other nearby. The Other's nest had to be avoided for now, Hive had not yet had time to properly scout and observe it for weaknesses, Hive had only been able to scent it from a distance. And yet...Queen appeared to be migrating directly towards that nest.Queen, warning. Queen, danger. Queen, warning. Queen, halt.Queen was not acknowledging any of Hive's warning pheromones telling her that going in that direction meant danger. Was Queen incapable of scenting properly? Hive did not know, but what mattered was that Hive couldnotlose Queen, underanycircumstance. Hive would die without Queen. Scent information was transmitted between Hive's Hands, as what passed for Hive's mind processed this information, and came to an unfortunate conclusion.Stop Queen.If Queen could not understand Hive, and Queen did not realize she was directly approaching danger, then Hive...would have to actagainstQueen, to protect her, to save her. But not harm her, no matter what, Hive could never harm Queen.It was a decision Hive would not have made if there was any other solution. But once the decisionwasmade, Hive acted immediately. Hive sent a Hand forward, to halt Queen. Once Queen was stopped, Hive formed a standard defensive perimeter around her. Now Hive was left with what to do next.Migrate Queen. Locate Nest.Getting Queen to a suitable nesting site was critical. But even more importantly, Queen had to be guided away from The Other's nest.Fortunately, Hive could do both things at once. Hive was very good at multitasking.*****The monster in front of Natalie suddenly turned to face her, and started stalking directly towards her...Natalie would have to back up to keep away from could have jumped at her at any moment. They were obviously so fast. There wasnothingstopping it from just ending her life, right then and there. A blink of an eye, and its claws or jaws would have already torn through her. Yet it just kept...stalking after her, slowly, as the xenos around her also moved back with her, keeping her boxed in letting the advancing one keep making her walk backwards...or more precisely, in the direction opposite that she had been going...The nightmares kept the young woman surrounded, allowing her no avenue of escape, as the one creature kept advancing towards her with a stalking gait to keep her moving. And yet...theystilldidn't attack. No, instead, it was almost like...they wereherdingher! The four creatures kept her walking for a fair distance, but then...suddenly, they stopped. Not abruptly, more they simply slowed to a halt, as if something had changed. After a moment...the two nightmares on either side of Natalie started moving closer, while the two in front and behind her held position still giving her no escape. On both of Natalie's sides, the two creatures stalked even closer, giving her no chance to move away from either of them...then they both stopped, each about a foot away from her, so veryclose, she could reach out and touch them! Then...the two creatures in front and behind her suddenlyjumped...away. With a sudden dash, both of them had gone running off into the darkness together and vanished, while the other two remained at Natalie's sides.One of the two stretched dome headed creatures turned its head towards her, and finally movedeven press the smooth, shiny top of its head against her middle, and give her a firmpush. It stepped close and nudged her again, and again, until she was walking on her own once more, at which point both creatures took up flanking positions on either side of her again, mere inches from her body, walking parallel at her sides...withher...
Natalie kept running, but she could still hear the things all around her, keeping pace with her, even ahead of her. She couldn't understand this, it was obvious they could overtake her, capture her, kill her, do whatever they wanted with no resistance from her, and yet all they seemed to be doing was following her. For a moment she thought that maybe they only had a problem with artificial constructs, that they were simply following her, that she could get back to town and the guards would take care of these creatures, but it seemed that hope was in vain. It was subtle, so subtle that Natalie almost didn't notice it, but they were shifting, forcing her to change direction, making her try and shift away from moving back towards town. It seemed eventually though the creatures patience ran out. Suddenly they were around her, in every direction, cutting off her running, bringing her to a rather sudden stop, so sudden she almost tumbled right into one of them."N no..." She gasped, attempting to back away from the one infront of her, only to hear another only feet behind her as well. She glanced to her sides as creatures moved closer and closer, barely visible in the darkness of the night, the starlight from above reflecting from their bodies was the only way to really see where they were. She swallowed nervously, about to close her eyes in order to avoid facing her death head on, but then just before she could....the one infront of her was gone. And then the one behind her, she could hear it leaving as well. "Wh what?" She felt relief for just the briefest instant, before finally realising that the ones beside her were still there. Not only that, they were closer....closer than ever before. She didn't dare turn her head to look though, she couldn't dare to face them, which meant when one of them nudged her she couldn't help a momentary scream, the noise piercing the otherwise empty night sky.She tried to stay where she was, but there was another nudge, firmer this time. The creature's intent was becoming clear, move. She didn't want to of course, but she didn't have much choice. Slowly but surely she started to move in the way she was being directed. She dared a glance to either side of herself, seeing the creatures were still there, so close she could almost feel them. If she dared try to move in a way they didn't like they would have no trouble in grabbing her before she got started. She clenched her fists tightly, walking in silence. All she could do was wait, wait and see what these things were going to do with her and see if the chance to escape ever came.
Queen, no danger. Queen, safe.Hive was approving of its accomplishment that it managed to halt Queen without harming her, and was now successfully guiding Queen away from the dangerous nest of The Other. From there, Have simply continued to guide Queen, while the other two of Hive's Hands searched for a suitable nesting site. It took some time, but eventually one Hand found a suitable site, and released scent information carried by the wind that the Hands of Hive guiding Queen detected.Found Nest. Bring Queen.Now with more urgency, Hive attempted to coax Queen into moving faster, so they could reach the secure nesting site sooner...*****The two monstrous creatures kept Natalie walking for...what felt like a surprisingly long time given the circumstances, but was only really around twenty minutes. Twenty minutes of walking with the two glossy black alien beings flanking her closely, padding through the foliage on all fours, but not attacking. The woods were dark this late at night, yet the creatures seemed to have no trouble numerous times, they both shifted heading just slightly, synchronized with each other, forcing Natalie to slightly change heading with them or bump into on...and every time they did this, Natalie would then see through the darkness that they walked past a tree trunk, or a fallen log, or a hole in the ground, or some other obstacle that she might not have seen walking on her own. Twenty minutes of this, with the creatures and her own thoughts on them for company. It was also unavoidable that she would slowly be able to observe the creatures better from up close, as the moonlight occasionally glinted off their glossy bodies and her eyes adjusted somewhat to the dark. They were clearly organic, living creatures of some sort, but they bizarrely also occasionally looked almostmechanicalunder the occasional glimpses she could get from the moonlight on them, which happened frequently enough that she could see what looked almost liketubesrunning over and through their skeletal bodies. And, if Natalie happened to have a flashlight or other lightsource in her pockets, and decided to take it out and shine it on them...they did not appear to react to the light, but it also gave Natalie her first very good look at them. They were not actually mechanical at all. The 'tubes' were clearly just veins of some sort on closer examination, and while she could see all the angular skeletal shapes that made up their bodies, the swooping curving organic looking parts of them wrapped around them made it clear these were very much living creatures. Their claws and tails looked particularly dangerous.It was all too clear they had no interest in hurting her....yet, at least. It seemed crazy, but these beasts were obviously, almostintelligentlykeeping her from running into anything while walking in the dark. They wanted her intact, for the moment at least...butwhy?What could they possibly want herfor?That remained a mystery.But then, seemingly out of nowhere, after a decent time of walking, both creatures abruptly halted. They lifted up their fronts, semi standing on their hind legs as they lifted their smooth elongated dome heads up into the sky and started turning their heads several directions. "...sssssaaaaa ssssaaahhhhhhhhh..." They both hissed softly, independently of each other as they kept 'looking' their heads around...and then they both turned their heads to face the same direction, slightly off to the side, as if they both had seen or heard or somehow sensedsomethingoff in the distance."...hhhhhhhsssssss...!" One of them let out a slightly differently pitched hiss...and suddenly, one of the two creatures was bumping her with its head again! The abrupt action might have startled her, but it was nowveryinsistently pushing its head against her, forcing her to pick up her pace from a walk to atleasta jog before it finally stopped. There was definitely some kind of urgency in their actions now, they clearly wanted her to move faster. Once Natalie was doing just that, the two creatures flanked her again and matched their paces with hers, still guiding her seemingly effortlessly around obstacles and hazards as they hustled her to...wherever they were going. The terrain was getting rockier and more uneven.A few minutes later, they seemed to arrive Natalie could see the other two creatures in wait, both crawling on the 'side' of a rocky, mossy surface, in which there appeared to be a natural cave opening, overgrown by bushes and other foliage. The two creatures waiting pulled some of the foliage out of the way, while the two creatures behind Natalie nudged her again.The intent was unmistakable...they wanted her to go inside the dark, unknown cave...
Natalie wasn't sure how long they had been walking. It could have been minutes or hours, night time on this planet lasted for nearly 20 hours and she had gone out swimming shortly after sunset. Her body was so full of adrenaline that any aches in her legs or feet wouldn't be felt, her body keeping itself ready to run away at any second, though the opportunity to do so never presented itself. These creatures were keeping close by her, not once did they seem to be distracted away from her, they never lost interest, they just kept leading her further and further from not just the colony but any of the tracks commonly used by the colonists, if they kept going in this direction there was no chance that anybody was going to come across them by accident. Sure someone would eventually find her wrecked buggy, but there'd be no real indication of where she had gone, and even that might take days, even weeks, to be found.When they began to nudge her to go faster Natalie didn't try to resist, she was too scared to even consider such an action. She rather got the feeling she'd pushed her luck enough with them earlier, and at this point resistance could be far more dangerous than simply going along with them. She did her best not to stumble as the terrain became difficult, a problem the creatures didn't seem to have at all. She looked at the cave, shivering as she got a very bad feeling, worrying that once she went in she might never leave again. She didn't want to go inside, she wanted to just scream, to run, to get back to her safe warm bed. Instead she found herself stumbling forwards into the cave, whimpering slightly as she stepped into the darkness, just continuing to slowly move forwards, the cave seeming to continue for a while before opening up into a much larger cavern, multiple other caves branching off it. She'd heard about the caves dotting the planet before, the tunnels were like a labyrinth extending for hundreds of miles in all directions, criss crossing much of the planet. Going in here without navigation equipment was like asking to get completely lost."Wh what....what now....?" She whimpered, standing in the middle of the large cavern, slowly glancing around, squinting through the darkness, only just able to make out some sort of movement around her.
At last, Hive could shift out of crisis mode. A suitable nest had been found. Queen was now secured inside the nest. Hive could now send one of its Hands to patrol the area and ensure the nesting site remained undiscovered. The rest of Hive's Hands could work on actually making a proper home and growing itself larger. Indeed, with the changes that had been made to them, new biological imperatives were surfacing. The collective Hive would no longer ignore them, it was time to fulfill the most basic of motivations for any organism.Breed Queen.*****Natalie's acquiescence to the unspoken demands of the creatures to move where they wanted her to resulted in no harm to her, no aggression towards her at all. These creatures, whatever they were, clearly were not just dumb beasts. They did not appear to react to her briefly protesting whimper at the prospect of entering the cave, and she could hear them following after her as she entered, their claws clacking on the earth and stone. By the time she could sense that she was in a large but enclosed cavern and stopped, she could still hear them around her, so very faintly see shadowy motions in the darkness.Her question...even seemed to be 'answered'. "ssssssaaaaahhhhh..." She heard the quiet hiss of at least one of the beasts, very close to her, as she sensed more than one closing in around her again. But then she felt them touching her...butnotwith their heads this time. She felt what was unmistakably the pointed tips of their claws brushing against her...*****The Queen was covered in dead hide, like some of The Other. It was impeding the fulfillment of the imperative. It had to go.*****Multiple claws slowly and harmlessly stroked around her clothed body in bizarrely light touches...until several of them then curled their fingers, snagging the fabric of her outfit in several places.*Rrrrriiiiiiiipp!*The next thing Natalie knew, the creatures around her werepullingat her outfit with their claws, rapidly shredding the material! Though they did not appear to act with aggression, they were shockingly fast about it and in moments, Natalie could feel a breezy airy sensation across her entire body...they...they had stripped her nude!And yet, before Natalie could come to terms with this frightening new state of affairs, despite how they had very clearly intentionallyonlystripped herwithoutactually harming her...she felt their bodies pressing in around her again. She could feel those smooth dome heads...they were soooo smooth, almost slippery on her bare skin, and felt almost like some kind of organic plastic. They also felt odd on her bare skin...they were not warm, but neither were they cold. And most of all, they were not pushing or shoving her this time with their heads, like that had before. No, now they were just...rubbingtheir heads and bodies against her...almost the way a cat does in affection. Except these were much larger, and there were three of them all around her, Their bodies also felt very strange, with odd ribbing texture on their limbs and carapace. Natalie was forced to remain where she was, no room to run and escape even if it wasn't near pitch dark in the cave...
Natalie was still confused, still unsure what these creatures wanted. They hadn't tried to harm her, only direct her. If they had wanted to simply kill her as some kind of intruder on their territory then why bring her here? If they wanted to eat her then why was she still alive now? Even if they'd wanted to bring her here first, surely they would have killed her by now.For a moment she thought maybe that time had come, she could feel the tips of their claws against her, the coldness of it easily going through her clothing, it sent a shiver through her entire body, an entirely alien notion to the creatures, feeling the cold, after all these were beings capable of surviving comfortably in the vacuum of space itself without so much as discomfort.She braced herself as she could almost feel the claws preparing to attack, but Natalie hadn't realised that she herself wasn't the target, at least not quite.Natalie had been prepared for a flash of pain, hoping that maybe it wouldn't last long before death came. Instead she heard a loud ripping noise, her clothing suddenly being ripped away, the creatures tearing it as effortlessly as a human would rip a single sheet of tissue paper. Again, and again, they were shredding every last piece of her clothing. And yet no matter how much she squirmed, how much she cried out, the claws would never do more than brush against her skin. She wasn't so much as scratched by them, and yet every single piece of clothing was now nothing more than a tattered pile of rags on the floor, right down to her underwear, leaving the girl completely naked in the cold darkness of the cave. Instinctively her hands reached up to cover her ample chest, her legs crossing in an attempt to hide herself.She whimpered once again as their heads began to rub up against her skin, so smooth, almost like they were lubricated in some fashion. They didn't seem to be acting aggresively, the motions seemed almost curious, nearly affectionate. Could it be that these creatures had simply, in their own way, wanted to play? Maybe this was simply how they showed affection? For a moment Natalie felt herself almost start to relax, though she kept her arms and legs right were they were. Still, she was no longer struggling, and no longer quite so afraid, her guard lowering slightly as she began to convince herself that maybe things would be ok. All she had to do was sit here until the creatures fell asleep, then she could quietly sneak back out. With some luck she'd find her way back to her buggy where she had a few changes of clothing.The girl finally released a breath she hadn't realised she had been holding, her body dropping slightly as she relaxed.
As Hive submitted itself to its new Queen in preparation for breeding, it did notice that Queen finally seemed like she was beginning to calm and settle down. She was signalling that she was indeed ready for breeding, as Hive's Hands pressed and rubbed against her. Hive would not keep her waiting any longer. Hive selected one of its Hands at random to be the first procreator, as they were all otherwise identical. The Hand's new appendage it had gained from The Other's tampering became swollen and stiff, ready to fulfill the imperative.Commence Breeding.*****As Natalie finally began to calm down with the still rather nightmarish creatures acting docile towards her...she then felt two of them reach their claws up her body not in a sudden movement, but not slowly either, more like 'casually' and then grasped her arms as they began pulling her down! Their fingers felt like the same weirdly organic yet plastic texture as the rest of them, but also felt much more bony, almost skeletal. She was pulled down and backward, again, not roughly but neither very slowly, and in the next moment, she felt herself being sat down and pushed to lay back on a particularly soft and mossy patch of dirt in the cave she would not be able to keep her arms over her chest or her legs crossed like this.. They were still treating her carefully for some reason. But in the darkness, she still could not see what they were doing or what was happening to them...and what happened next was even more alarming...From the darkness, she felt the bony fingered claws return, this time, grasping herknees...which were then pulled apart,spreadingher thighs open and wide, making her so exposed as she was still naked! But why? What purpose could they have to put her in such an awkwardly vulnerable position? Her eyes, still trying to adjust to the near pitch dark conditions, could barely see one of the shifting shadows rear up and loom over her, as she felt one of the creatures position itself between her thighs, and then felt that creature's spindly yet hard hands grasp her hips...and Natalie then felt something marginally softer than the rest of their bodies yet still firm press directly up against herpussy!Natalie was given no time to process what was about to happen. The grip of the creature's hands on her hips tightened, and what was pressed against her pussy immediately beganpushinginto her and it was huge! It wasn't rammed into her, not in one forceful thrust, but Natalie felt her pussy forced to stretch out verytightly, straight to her physical limit, so much it was nearly unbearable, as something long and thick began sinking into her body! It was so very strange too the thing was straight, but like a tube with extremely prominent ribbing rings, so distinct she could practically count each rib as the thing pushed in! Even as bizarre as it felt, one thing was now undeniably clear this creature was very, verymale, and was now USING that fact!
Natalie had just started to relax a little when the creatures grabbed at her arms, she hadn't been expecting that, and she was a little confused by it, but didn't do much to fight as they pulled her down. Perhaps they just wanted to sleep, wanted her laying down in order to gather around for rest, if that was the case then better to just go along with it right? So that's what she did, lay down carefully on the cool floor, hoping that perhaps this would be enough and now the creatures would finally settle down a little bit, that maybe they'd go to sleep and allow her to sneak away, unfortunately that most certainly wasn't the plan it seemed. Her arms and legs had to move slightly in this position, but given that it was so dark in here, and these were just animals, there was little need for modesty right?"H huh?" Natalie dared to release a soft gasp of surprise when suddenly she felt the boney fingers grabbing her knees, then pull them apart, spreading her legs. Why in the hell would they be doing that? This time she did try to resist, to tug them closed, but it was no use. These things were far too strong, she wasn't even sure her attempt at resistance was even registering. Whilst the grip certainly wasn't painful, it was firm, firm enough to ensure she could not move her legs in any way they didn't intend her to. Even as she squirmed again she could feel one of them moving and getting up over her, seemingly moving inbetween her legs, then suddenly grasp at her hips. Why would they do that? As she was attempting to figure that out....that was when she felt it, that was when she felt it. That was when she felt something pushing at! No way!Panic once more began to set in, Natalie had made an attempt to squirm, an attempt to pull away, but the creature just grasped her more firmly and suddenly began to push inside, whatever huge thing it was slowly but surely beginning to penetrate her body. Of course she had a pretty good idea in the back of her mind just what it was, but she wasn't exactly thinking clearly right now. Her mouth opened, but rather than the cry she wanted to release there was only silence, Natalie's mouth and eyes wide in the darkness, her entire body going still, almost rigid, for just a few moments. That soon passed though, and Natalie released a whimper, then cried out, beginning to squirm around, which only moved her body further on the alien cock pushing into her, her body tightening up even further. Strangely though there was little to no pain, despite the size of the thing. It was like the odd fluids covering it were dulling the pain.
As one of Hive's Hands inserted its new appendage into Queen, Hive noted that Queen was behaving somewhat strangely. Queen was moving about a bit more than necessary. However, it did not impede the necessary process, so it was of little consequence. The process, however, was strange. Hive could tell that its Hand was feeling a particularly desirable sensation as its appendage was inserted. Hive already had an imperative to procreate with its Queen, even before capture by The Other, but this somehow made it...stronger. The Hand also felt instinctual urges to begin moving in a particular manner, to increase the sensation. This would lead to procreation? Very well.Hive allowed it. Hive continued.*****Rib by rib, inch after inch, Natalie felt the monster pushing the slime coated tube like object into her body, deeper and deeper. Her squirming did not help at all, and in fact occasionally slid her onto it even further. "ssssaaaaaahhhhh..." A quiet and smooth hiss sounded out above her as her inner muscles spastically clenched on the object pushed into her...until finally, she felt a gentle bump against her groin. The creature had pushed its hips fully down between Natalie's thighs, pressing flush with her crotch...making it clear the object inside her was attached to the creature. In a very specific spot. There could be no mistaking now what was happening, what it was she was feeling inside her.Without warning, the creature began pulling its waist back, although its hands remained firmly grasped on Natalie's hips. Natalie felt the impressively ribbed slime coveredcockslide about halfway out of her pussy in a smooth motion...and then suddenly,*slllp!*the creature thrust its hips forward again, in a single quick stroke, making its crotch thump up against Natalie's and cause her body to jolt once, as its cock wetly slipped back inside her to the hilt! It was still so large, Natalie could sense howtightshe felt on the obscenely thick thing, yet she barely felt any actual pain despite how obviously oversized it was! However, the creature then pulled back in a smooth motion...and then*slllp!*thrust back in! Pull out...and*slllp!*back in! Out...*slllp!*back in!The creature quickly established a mostly steady rhythm of slow out fast in. There was no denying what was happening right now. Natalie wasbeing fucked. Natalie was being fucked by some inhuman beast out of a nightmare! Again and again it thumped between her legs, making her body shake once with each stroke, causing her bare tits to jiggle on her chest each time. Her crotch was rapidly becoming amessof wet slime. And what was more...despite how Natalieshouldhave been feeling pain yet somehow wasn' the creature carried out its steady almost relaxing rhythm, Natalie could feel her body responding, whether she wanted it or not. She could feel a warm sensation...apleasantsensation...beginning to grow and radiate out from her pussy as the monster fucked her!Although, if it weren't for the absurdity of the situation, the rhythm the creature was using...if it had been a warm human male making love to her, the rhythm it was using would have beencaring...even downright affectionate!
Natalie gurgled slightly as the thing pushed deeper and deeper into her, until finally she felt the movement stop, something large now pressing against her crotch. Her body twitched slightly, making her breasts bounce in the darkness. Whatever this fluid coating the appendage was, it wasn't just dulling pain and acting as lubrication, her body almost seemed to be....absorbing it, and it was having an odd effect. Suddenly, despite the cold night air filling the cave, Natalie began to feel hot. A heat was spreading through her body, but focused in two particular areas, her crotch, and her chest. Her pussy began to grow hotter around the cool appendage, she began to grow wetter, which only served to further lubricate the alien cock. On her chest, her nipples rather rapidly began to grow harder and more sensitive.When the creature began to rather suddenly pull out Natalie gasped in both surprise and a bit of unwanted pleasure, her body quivering at the sudden emptiness, whilst the still rational part of her mind felt relief, dared to hope that maybe it would pull out all the way, though that hope was quickly dashed when it thrust back in, making Natalie squeak, her body convulsing and tightening up again, her breasts bouncing as the wet sound of the creature starting to thrust into her over and over echoed through the cave and down the various tunnels.As the creature began to build up a rhythm Natalie's body was being affected more and more by both the physical sensations and the fluid coating the creatures cock. Within a few minutes she was having to bite her lip to hold back noise, but it was all just becoming too much. The way it was thrusting into her, the way it was almost....caring....finally, she couldn't hold it back any longer, Natalie's mouth opening and a long, loud moan of pleasure escaped her lips. And once that happened the floodgates opened, every thrust into her bringing out a moan of pleasure. She tried to stop, she knew this was wrong, she wanted it to stop, she wanted them to just leave her alone, but at the same time it just felt so good. Her body was reacting involuntarily, her hips were starting to thrust back against the creature, her juices squirting onto it and mixing with the odd fluid coating the creatures body."N nngh...! N I...I'm gonna....nooo!" Natalie clenched her fists tightly, then suddenly screamed out in pleasure, her back arching, her pussy growing significantly tighter as she came, her body going through the most intense orgasm she'd ever felt in her entire life, fluids squirting from her pussy all over the creature that was fucking her.
Hive did not understand why its Hand had to make such a repetitive motion for an extended period of time, but despite that, things seemed to be proceeding well. The desirable sensation was building up stronger and stronger in the Hand's new appendage, and Hive was sure that once it reached a certain limit, breeding would finally be achieved. Queen was still behaving oddly, making odd meaningless sounds. At one point, Queen's body even spasmed briefly, at which point the Hand's appendage was squeezed much tighter and the desirable sensation increased significantly.Hive knew, from there, it would not take much longer...*****As Natalie's body responded to the sexual stimulation, the creature fucking her started making hissing sounds more and more frequently. Gradually, the pace of its rhythm increased, faster and faster. The wet fleshy slapping sounds of the creature thrusting its hips between Natalie's legs, and the sounds of her moans and squeals, filled the cave with a symphony of lewd echoes. In fact, as the creature continued thrusting faster and faster, lifting Natalie's hips slightly up with its claws as it plowed her, she could feel two firm,heavyorbs starting to slap against her ass with each thrust as well! There was only one thing they could be...justhowbig were they? To Natalie, it almost felt like she was getting two melons swung against her ass over and over!When Natalie finally succumbed to her inevitable orgasm, tensing her body andclenchinghard down on the creature's cock, it suddenly hissedmuchlouder...and then it began positively POUNDING its cock into her! There was no careful measured control in the rhythm anymore, it was nowruttingher like an animal! Her body shook up and down with her breasts bouncing uncontrollably as the creaturehumpedbetween her legs...and then...Suddenly, the creature let out its loudest hiss yet, andslammedits hips between Natalie's legs hard, plunging its girthy dick as deep into her as it could go! Natalie felt its oversized balls come to a rest against her ass, and she could feel those ballsthrobbingandchurning...right before she felt what seemed like anexplosionof liquid heat inside her! The tip of the creature's cock beganpouringout its seed in a heavy stream, and Natalie could feel it almost immediately flood into herwomband fill it to the brim! And yet, the flow continued...the creature kept onpumpingits excessive load into her...and yet, Natalie didn't feel it backing up and spurting out of her pussy to make a mess like it would have been expected, rather, her tummy started feeling tighter andtighter...With a satisfied sounding hiss, the creature's own orgasm seemed to end, and it finally let go of Natalie's hips and started pulling its cock back, this time actually pulling all of the way out. Natalie was left laying on the ground, with a bellyfullof warmth...and when she dared to feel one of her own hands over herself...she could feel that her tummy had alreadyswollenout, in a small but noticeable bulge! She could feel a slight sensation of heavy, gooey fluid shifting inside her body with the slightest motion. It was so bizarre...the creature had somehow blasted her so full of its cum that she must have looked like she was in the beginning stages of a pregnancy already, it wasn't leaking out, she could tell how stretched and tight her womb felt, and yet...there was no pain at all, not even discomfort.Just a bulge stuffed with warmth.
Natalie had expected the creature to cum at some point, after all the physical appendages meant that sure that was what it was building towards, the way it started to seemingly lose control and give even further in to instinct indicated it seemed to be feeling some kind of physical pleasure. In the best way she could Natalie had tried to at least mentally prepare for the sensation of the creature cumming inside of her, but nothing she could do could have possibly prepared her for what came.She felt the first spurt of liquid, there was more of it than she'd expected, it was thicker too, much thicker than human cum. But then....then it didn't stop. The fluid just kept on coming. The odd sensation of her womb being filled to the brim made Natalie jerk and spasm, but still the flow didn't stop. With a grunt and groan Natalie felt an odd sensation, something she'd never felt before, the closest thing she could relate it to was...stretching, like stretching before exercise to loosen up. But this stretching was just making her tighter. If it weren't for the darkness she'd have been able to see it, her stomach beginning to push out, bulging outwards slowly like an inflating balloon, a very noticeable bump having formed on her belly by the time the flow of alien cum seemed to stop. When the cock left her she grunted, her body jerking a little again at the sudden emptiness in that part of her body, though the fullness had simply moved further up instead.Once her arms were released her hands were shaking. She didn't dare try to move at first, but finally she realised she had to. Her hands began to reach down slowly, carefully, not wanting to accidentally brush up against one of the creatures again. Her hands finally reached her belly and she gasped when she felt it, the bulge in her stomach. She could feel the fluid moving around inside of her slowly, but it wasn't leaking out like she might have expected. For some reason it seemed to be stuck inside of her. She wanted to scream, wanted to pound on her stomach in an attempt to force it out, but she got the feeling that might displease the creatures, that they really might kill her then, or at least cause her pain, extremely bad pain. Natalie was beginning to realise how much of a coward she was. Anyone brave, a marine, they would rather die fighting than suffer through this. But Natalie....Natalie just wanted to stay alive, no matter what.
Hive was pleased. Breeding the Queen had been achieved. Like any Queen in a brooding state, she would continue to need regular donations, but that wasn't an issue for Hive. It had figured out how these new appendages it had worked, and with how good it had made the first Hand that Hive used to donate, Hive now wanted to experience it with its other Hands, too. However, there was another matter to be taken care of. It seemed the fluid that Hive donated to Queen had another purpose, now that Hive could smell what it had given. Hive was no longer able toregurgitatenesting material normally...but after a brief test with some residue on the Hand that had just donated, Hive discovered a way that its donation material could be catalyzed into nesting material. Strange. But if that was what Hive had to do now, Hive would do it....If Hive could figure out how to induce the new appendages on its Hands into expelling the material again. Several attempts to do it manually failed. Its two Hands could not achieve alone the desirable sensation to trigger the appendage. After a moment, Hive realized again what it needed Queen. It had to insert its appendage into Queen again to begin the reaction. Queen could use an additional donation anyway, but she only had one orifice for breeding, and Hive had two Hands ready to begin, with the third resting to recover from the strangely tiring act. And then, for the first time...Hivewonderedabout something, it wascurious.Could another of Queen's orifices suffice?Breed Queen...two simultaneously.*****For several long moments, Natalie was left laying in the darkness, 'alone', but she could hear the shuffling sounds of the creatures around her, only a very short distance away. Even if Natalie tried to get up and run, there was no way she could even make it out of the cave before they would catch her again, as long as they were still awake. The moments stretched on. Natalie heard numerous hissing sounds, some soft and some harsh, echoing in the cave from the creatures. She heard occasional odd wet 'fleshy' sounds. More hisses. Then the light clacking of their claws on the ground, approaching her once again.Natalie was not kept wondering long what they were going to do this time. She heard a soft hiss, right above her, and then felt the claws on her body again, four of them this time. They did not attack or scratch, rather they grasped carefully and started pulling her...up? Yes, they were pulling her up from laying on her back, and turning her moments, Natalie felt herself in an all fours position on hands and knees. And while it wasn't very strong, certainly not unpleasant, she coulddefinitelyfeel theweightof the dense cum in her stuffed womb tugging downward slightly inside her belly. That didn't make it any less of astrangefeeling, but, even though one of these monsters came inside her, she could atleasttake comfort in knowing that there was no way she could possibly beactually pregnantfrom this, these things weren't even human. They surely must have just been extremely confused or extremely stupid to even try. As long as she kept waiting, she'd surely have a chance to escapesometime, and then she could run and try to forget this hideous nightmare ever happened to her. She just had to survive whatever they were about to donow...Something she, again, was not kept wondering about long. She sensed one of the creatures positioning itself behind her, grasping her hips...oh no...again?!Yes indeed, Natalie then felt a nearly identical firm rubbery feeling pressing against her freshly fucked pussy! The next thing she knew, another cock was starting to slowly push its way into her, just like the first,sothick and girthy and long, spreading and stretching her so much! But...she had survived this once already. It was absolutely disgusting, but she could do it again, right? It wasn't like she had a choice, anyway...and then, Natalie saw a shadow shifting right in front of her face, from where she was on all fours. Then she felt two claws on either side of her head, carefully grasping her. She detected something waving directly in front of her There wasno way. Surely not. There wasno chancethese animals could even have any purpose, anycapacityfor something like this and then Natalie felt another rubbery thing pressing against her lips, which then pushed hard enough to force her jaw open and begin sliding the monster's cock into her mouth!
Natalie could hear the creatures moving around her, though at this point she had ceased to care what they were doing, how could they do anything else to her worse than what she had already gone through? Her hands were rubbing slightly at her belly, attempting to press down on it a little, trying to squeeze out some of the thick fluid inside of her, but it wasn't coming out. It was too thick, and for some reason her body seemed to be attempting to keep it in, like something about this fluid was triggering new things in her body.She gasped as suddenly they grasped onto her, whimpering as the creatures grasped onto her and began to pull her up. For a moment she thought maybe they were going to take her somewhere else, a tiny part of her dared to hope they were going to simply take her out of the cave, dump her away from their home now that they were done with her and just leave her alone. Unfotunately reality was not so kind, and she suddenly felt herself being turned over onto her front, shivering and groaning as she felt the fluid inside of her womb shifting around once more, now beginning to pull on her, the weight of it pulling her down towards the ground. Whatever the hell this was inside of her she couldn't wait to get it out, and surely it would come out eventually. These were just animals after all, at least she didn't need to worry about being pregnant...the stupid things were probably just confused, or maybe just in some kind of heat that left them dazed and confused. Whatever the reason she just had to get through this until they were done, until they left her or were clearly asleep and she could creep away, not that she was going to be making a quick getaway with this extra weight."H huh?" Natalie finally made an audible noise, instinctively looking back over her shoulder as something grasped her hips. She couldn't see anything in the darkness, but...why was it grabbing her hips? It was almost human like behaviour to do that. Then again now she thought about it there was a lot about these creatures that was distinctively human like. Their general shape when not on all fours, their finger like appendages. Sadly there was no time to follow up on those thoughts, all of them were pushed out of Natalie's head when something pressed against her pussy, eyes goind wide. She tried to shuffle forwards in order to get away, but the firm grip on her hips prevented her from moving even an inch. She bit her lip and looked away as she tried to prepare herself, but as she did her head was suddenly grasped, lifted up."E eh?! N no! No way!" She knew they couldn't understand her, but the protests had been involuntary. Unfortunately, the loud protests had left the perfect opening, in more ways than one, for the creature infront of her. Not to mention the insertion of another large cock into her pussy made her mouth open even wider, and the cock infront of her slid into her mouth rather easily, the creature possibly even being given the impression that Natalie was doing this willingly, if it could even comprehend such a concept anyway.The girls throat was tight, her mouth pushing back against the cock in her mouth, but this would only serve to stimulate it even further. Even Natalie's attempts to use her tongue to push the cock to the side of her mouth only ended up massaging it.
Despite their inability to communicate and integrate properly, Queen seemed quite agreeable to Hive's 'experiment'. Queen was even attempting to add her own stimulation to assist Hive's Hand in getting its breeding appendage to function. Somehow she already knew what Hive wanted even though she gave no indication of understanding Hive's communication pheromones. This suited Hive just fine.Commence 'breeding'.Both of Hive's Hands then began to attempt to trigger their appendages.*****The monster with its dick currently shoved into Natalie's mouth hissed softly as her tongue rubbed over the ribs of his shaft and her throat spasmodically clenched. But other than that, they seemed to pay her no heed...and both the monster behind her and in front of her, ineerilyperfect synchronization , they both pulled their hips back...and started to thrust back in, repeatedly, and with a rhythm almost identical to what the first monster had started with! They pulled out smoothly, but thenthrustback in with a rapid stroke, then smoothly pulled out, thenbuckedback in...each time, they both thumped their hips into Natalie, into her ass and face with slightly jolting force, but at the same time on both ends, leaving her trapped between them with no feeling of escape at all from thespitroastthey were making out of her!Their bony, long fingered claws held her fast by her hips and her head, holding her firmly in place as Natalie felt two cocks, both as terribly oversized as the first one had been, plunge into her pussy and down her throat repeatedly! She was feeling so tightly stretched in her pussy channel again, but now her mouth and throat were being stretched she could feel her neckbulgingevery time the monster in front of her slammed its cock down her throat! The ribs of their stiff shafts, like before, rubbed and stroked and stimulated Natalie's inner walls of her womanhood, but now she was feeling a very similar sensation inside her throat! the two nightmares steadily rutted her, she could soon feel two pairs ofdense, heavy orbs of flesh slapping against her, just like before...this time, with one pair slapping between her legs into her clit and belly, and the other pair smacking her chin! On and on they continued to pull out and buck back in, both of them gradually increasing in speed at a synchronized rate... this couldn't be happening. Natalie kept trying to tell herself this was just some kind of nightmare, that any second now she was going to wake up, she was going to find herself back in her apartment in her nice warm bed, safe and sound. That she'd fallen asleep watching some movie with nightmareish creatures that her mind had latched onto just to spite her for staying up too late. But in her heart she knew that wasn't the case...the feeling of heaviness in her stomach, or more precisely her womb, the discomfort of feeling the thick fluid inside of her sloshing back and forth with the thrusting of the creatures, the slightly painful feeling of them stretching out her throat, it all told her this was no dream, this was a very very harsh reality. No matter how much she hated it, no matter how much she wanted the opposite to be true, for the time being there was no escape. Every time she had dared to hope the creatures were done with her they seemed to find something new to do.Natalie gurgled around the cock in her throat, the presence causing her to produce much more saliva than usual, leaving her to drool all over the cock, the sounds of her excess drool dripping onto the cave inaudible over the sounds of their heavy balls slapping against her, even the wet sounds of them thrusting into her drowning it out. And in her head, that was the only sound Natalie could hear, the sound of their thrusting, the sound of them stretching her out over and over, and from inside of her the sound of the thick cum in her womb moving around, though that sound seemed to be dulling bit by bit, as if the fluid were growing thicker and thicker whilst inside of her. Of course that was impossible, and she had rather more immediate things to be worried about right what was going to happen when these creatures came. Her belly was already stretched from the cum in her a creature was threatening to possibly double the amount of fluid in there....and the one in her mouth was pushing so deep down her throat that it was going to cum directly down into her stomach!
Like the first creature, the two creatures that were raping Natalie now started out with a near mechanically perfect rhythm, smoothly pulling out of her and then bucking back in with a precision like they were metronomes. They were also perfectly synchronized with each other too, pulling out and thrusting back in simultaneously. Her mouth and pussy were stuffed hard and deep at the same time, over and over, the pressure from both directions making both feel even more intense. She also got a pair of dense melons slapping against her chin and belly at the same time with every thrust, too. And, whatever Natalie might have thought in her mind, the ribbed textures of both cocks were definitely things that stimulated her body, after the shock of the first one had worn off. As the moments passed of Natalie getting her slightly swollen belly wobbling heavily around, every inch of her inner pussy walls getting rubbed and stretched, her throat getting crammed full, and the sounds of her drooling and their wet fleshy thrusting filling her ears, the creatures gradually began to speed up their pace.As they did so, however, again just like the first creature, they began to hiss more and get a little more irregular in their rhythm the faster they got. Their synchronization drifted apart, then de synced completely as they both got up to climactically fast speeds, humping Natalie's face and ass with vigor and enthusiasm! Both creatures started letting out sharp hisses, independent of each other, as they both suddenly SLAMMED hard into her! Her pussy and throat were stuffed full andstayedthat way, while she could feel twitching, clenching, and throbbing from their ballsacks...and just as Natalie feared but could do nothing to stop, both creature began cumming into her, hard! A copious amount of fluid was rapidly spurted into her already 'creampuffed' womb, making the sensation of pressure and tightness increase again, while at the same time, with a cock rammed all the way down her throat, the tip spewed a heart gush directly into her stomach, making hertrulyfeel full of warmth in her core!But then, suddenly something unexpected happened. Just one moment after it began to orgasm, the creature in front of Natalie that had shot one spurt straight into her stomach abruptly pulled back with his tip gushing the whole way, leaving behind a load of cum in Natalie's throat as the cock vacated her! Even as the creature pulled out, it was still cumming, and Natalie promptly got several spurts of creamy goop sprayed right across her face messily, but the creature then immediately turned away in the darkness. The creature behind Natalie, the whole while, was still pumping her womb more full while the first had pulled out, but then, seemingly before it was done too, the second one began pulling out of Natalie, still gushing as it did. Once it was fully out, Natalie felt several splatters of warm spunk on her ass and then her back. If Natalie could guess, the creature that had just climaxed into her womb only stayed for half the time as the first creature, 'only' inflating and over stretching her womb by half as much again, but her belly was definitely noticeably bigger and heavier again.However, Natalie was left there on all fours and freshly fucked, as she could tell the creatures were moving away from her by the sounds of their claws on the stone and dirt. While she still couldn't see what was happening in the pitch blackness, she could hear many rather loud splashes of liquid echo around the cave. This went on for several long moments, the creatures were clearly preoccupied with...something...but Natalie was in even less shape to try and run with her belly a bit heavier, her body slightly more tired after being fucked twice. But, eventually, the sounds of liquid splashing around the cave ended. There was a frequent amount of subdued hissing, an occasional squelching sound, and particularly weirdly, a new kind of crackling sound, a few times. After a minute, all sounds then ceased...until Natalie could then hear the quite scrape of claws approaching her again. And were her eyes starting to adjust to the dark? She could now faintly make out the outlines of two of the creatures crawling towards her, while two others seemed to idly hang back...*****Success. Hive had managed to begin nestbuilding, using the altered genetic material that its Hands secreted from their new appendages for breeding. All it took was the addition of a catalyst, and the genetic material rapidly hardened into nesting material. Hive had gotten a good start on the beginnings of the Nest, but the two Hands it had been using to secrete nestbuilding material soon were unable to do so any further, as the sensations in their appendages faded. However, the first Hand it had used to breed the Queen was recuperated, and the fourth Hand that had been out patrolling had returned, and Hive was rather eager to experience the activity again with both Hands, especially the one that had not been used yet. Those two Hands made their way back to the Queen.More.
Natalie's mind had started to go into a little bit of a blur as the creatures continued to fuck her, but it wasn't going as blurred and blank as she wanted. Part of her thought that, under this kind of situation, she should've passed out or gone mentally blank a while ago, yet it seemed her body was somehow still holding up, her mind was still conscious, aware, able to take in and process everything that was happening to her body despite the fact it should have been too much for any human mind to take.When the creatures thrust into her from both directions one final time and held themselves there she knew what was coming, she did her best to brace herself both mentally and physicaly, but despite her previous experience she still couldn't be ready for what happened. The sudden rush of fluids both into her pussy and down her throat made her squirm around, muffled gurgles coming from her lips as they remained wrapped around the hard black chitinous cock that had penetrated deep down her throat. She could feel the fluid rushing into her stomach, just a single spurt enough to more than fill it and cause her stomach to now start expanding as well as her womb, only serving to visibly stretch her belly even more, an effect which was only doubled thanks to the additional fluid also rushing into her womb. Her belly had now stretched well beyond even the size expected of someone heavily pregnant, even whilst on her hands and knees Natalie's stomach was pushing against the cold stone ground. The weight of it almost felt, and looked, like she was carrying a fully grown adult within her due to the volume and weight of cum now stuffed deep inside of her, and showing no signs of coming back out.Suddenly though, the creature in her mouth abruptly pulled its cock out, leaving plenty of it all over her tongue, then all over her face and in her hair. She spluttered and gasped for breath, and attempted to spit out the cum that was in her mouth, but her body seemed to not quite agree with her desire. The fluid on her tongue had a very strange taste. It was unlike anything she'd ever tasted before, so different and unique she couldn't think of anything to compare it to. And wasn't an unpleasant taste. If anything it was rather....nice? Without even thinking she found herself rolling some of the cum around on her tongue whilst more of it dripped from her face, before even swallowing a little more of it down, though she mentally cursed herself for doing so.Finally the one behind her also pulled out, allowing Natalie to finally roll onto her side and pant for breath. She could no longer stay on her hands and knees, her huge swollen belly pressing against the floor was too uncomfortable, at least laying on her side stopped her body from trying to support the immense weight of her front. She could hear the creatures doing....something. It sounded like they were just spraying their cum all over the place, though she cared little for why they would do such a thing.As the creatures seemed occupied Natalie finally thought she may be able to rest, but yet two of the creatures had other ideas. The one that had originally fucked her, and another that hadn't yet touched her, were approaching through the darkness. Wait...wait how could she make them out? Her eyes seemed to now be picking up on the shapes of things in the darkness, but that shouldn't be possible. There was no light in here at all, and it was still night outside so no daylight could be filtering in! Even worse, Natalie suddenly realised something did she know which ones were approaching her? She hadn't kept track of them, she couldn't explain it at all, but yet...somehow she just knew....she just knew the ones approaching her weren't the two that had just finished with her."N more....p please...."
Unsurprisingly, Natalie's feeble protests seemed to be ignored as the creatures closed in on her again...*****Nestbuilding was proceeding well, now that Hive had determined the proper method, but it wasn't enough yet. The first and the fourth Hand reached the Queen, while exchanged pheromone communications that enabled Hive's thought allowed it to determine how to physically handle this next attempt. Donating more genetic material however little to the Queen's breeding orifice was always a positive, but Hive determined that she had another orifice that had not been experimented with yet for stimulating the release of the genetic material that now doubled as nestbuilding material when catalyzed. The Queen's abdomen was also already significantly bloated out as she nurtured her first egg. With all these factors in consideration, Hive eventually produced a plan for this attempt...*****The two monsters surrounded Natalie where she lay on her side, and they reached their hands out towards her. She could feel their fingers grasping at her body, around and underneath her, and she was lifted up. At first, she was helped to stagger onto her feet...which, oddly despite her already implausibly large belly, didn't feelthathard for her legs to support. But then, the creatures grasped her around her thighs...and Natalie's legs were lifted up off the ground, with her back against the semi skeletal chest of one of the creatures! The creature leaned back slightly, making Natalie put her weight on its chest...which, surprisingly, wasn't really uncomfortable, with the ribbed yet smooth, semi plastic, semi rubbery surface of its chitin acting as her backrest. But then she felt one of those semi tapered cocktips against her body again...this time, sliding between herasscheeks!The tip pressed right up against her tight hole...there was no way she could take it, as girthy and long as she now all to well knew their penises to be! While she was mostly resting on the creature's chest, she was being held up by his hands supporting underneath her thighs. The creature then began relaxing that support...and theenormousweight of Natalie's own belly under gravity began forcing her down onto the creature's cock!Oh yes, her ass was stretched to an incredible, obscene tightness...yet, as 'challenging' as it felt, there was no pain at all. Inch by inch, she began to slide down the creature's cock, rib after rib of its shaft pushing into her ass while she was gradually impaled on it! Any struggling or wiggling on her part also only made her slide down on itfaster!It pushed up soooo very deep into her ass, deeper than what felt like should be possible...but eventually, she stopped sliding down, with the huge nightmarish creature's cock buried near the hilt into her ass. Her thighs were then lifted up further, and pulled to spread apart, making vulnerable her the outline of the other creature slid in front of her! Somehow, she could tell that the one of the two that had already fucked her was the one now sheathed in her ass, while the fourth creature that had not yet fucked her was the one in front of her. There was no escaping it even with her own hugely swollen belly, there was no stopping the creature from settling its hips between her thighs as it too began pushing its cock into her freshly fucked pussy! And another oddity, despite her womanhood having just been fucked twice by cocks so large she should not have been able to handle them...her bodystillfelt as tight as if it were the first time, forcing her to endure the 'challenge' of taking it all over again a challenge that was only made INCREDIBLY more intense by how hugely stuffed her ass already was! The two cocks crowded for room inside her body, on top of the huge belly full of thickening cum she was bearing...there was no doubt about it, even discounting the fact that her belly had bloated up to a late term massively pregnant size impossibly in less than an hour, her body should havebrokenby now, getting double penetrated by these two inhumanly large dicks!Yet still, her body stayed fully intact. And even as it felt like so much 'effort' and 'straining' to take this penetration, there was no actual pain.For a third time...the nightmare continued, with both of the creatures starting to thrust their hips, beginning with the same perfectly steady, almost mechanical rhythm as before. She could both feel andhearher belly sloshing and rumbling with cum with every motion. And there was no doubt about it by this point...they weren't fucking her just for procreation, they were fucking her forpleasure. Natalie was being gang raped by completely inhuman monsters! Her single 'mercy' was that the two creatures were thrusting in opposite time, so that even though neither of them removed their dicks completely from her, she did not have to find out what it felt like to be completely stuffed by both cocks at once. At least...that remained true for a time. Just like before, as the fucking continued, the creature's rhythms began to slightly de sync...right up until they somehow both decided to stop and pause at the same time, pull out to just their tips together...and that one mercy was immediately dashed away as they began thrusting again in synced time, CRAMMING her body full of BOTH their cocks simultaneously in a more rapid rhythm! Her belly was still sloshing, but gradually slower as the cum seemed to thicken more and more inside the simmering cauldron that was her massively inflated womb.Natalie was fucked just as long as she had been the first two times, and inevitably, the creatures again climaxed inside her eventually. Natalie got two jets of cum yet again, one into her womb and one deep up into her ass, flooding her gut, but then...with a seeming sense of 'urgency', both the creatures immediately yanked their hips back, pulling their cocks out of her! She felt more messy spurts between her legs, splattering down her ass, thighs, and groin as the two creatures quickly set her down. They immediately moved away...and the other two creatures just as immediately moved back in to catch the off balance Natalie before she could topple. She finally got a moment to catch her breath then as they did not move from that point. In fact, they weren't even restraining her, their hands were not grabbed around any part of her body. They were just...supportingher, for the moment, holding her up by supporting her enormous belly and under her arms.The gesture was almost...caring...*****Using the Queen's orifices for stimulation again succeeded in allowing the two Hands to secrete their multi purpose genetic material. Hive quickly moved those two Hands away, while bringing its other two hands in to provide physical support for the Queen. Her abdomen was swollen large enough with her first egg that Hive could tell she was going to have trouble bearing it, until she strengthened up a bit. Additionally, Hive was almost done preparing the Queen's first nest, and it not do for her to again rest on bare, un nested ground. The two Hands in the midst of intensely pleasurable biological surges secreted the nestbuilding material where it needed to go, coating the walls and floor with ooze, then quickly moved in and began catalyzing it while also dragging their claws through it, shaping it. In short order, the first nest for the Queen was done.And just in time, too. Hive could smell the pheromones from Queen's breeding orifice, she was very close to laying her first egg...*****Natalie could barely see the outlines of the two creatures as they shot their cum around a particular spot on the cave, then began crawling around it. Again, Natalie heard the liquid splattery sounds, followed by a weird crackling sound. When the sounds subsided...the two creatures supporting her began to move again. They still did not restrain nor force her, but they didmovehow they were supporting her, making it so that Natalie would have to move with them if she didn't want to bear the full burden of her huge tummy alone. Her bare feet stepped over the hard, rough, dirt and stone ground of the cave floor...Then, abruptly, she stepped on something completely different.It was very rigid, yet semi soft in an almost rubbery way, like some kind of rigid yet soft plastic. It was oddly swirled and ridged, but flat enough overall to walk on. In fact, it feltalmostlike...the firm chitinous exoskeletons of these creatures. There was definitely a difference, but they felt very similar. Natalie then stepped on a much smoother, concave section of the surface. The creatures helping her along began lowering their support, encouraging her downward...and Natalie was slowly encouraged to lay back onto whatever the stuff was beneath her.It was like a little tilted, oval 'bowl' of the funny smooth material she laid in...a bowl that seemed sized just for her. It was...comfortable. Actually, genuinely comfortable for her to lay back and relax in, especially with the weight in her womb. Her back and head were supported for her to lean slightly up. In addition to the semi rubbery surface itself just feeling nice to lay in, the shape and angle of it made it feel almost like it was taking some of the burden off of her belly, too.But then, she could see the four creatures...only their outlines, but definitely see, even in the pitch blackness of the cave, the four of them surround her. The outlines seemed a little clearer than they were before the most recent round of forced sex, it was starting to look like she could almost make out their surfaces, too. But, none of the four touched her. Instead, they all just...sat, two on each side of her, resting back on their haunches with their forearms placed down in front of them. They were definitely staring at her, despite having no eyes, but they weren't...doing anything else. Just relaxing, it seemed like. No more motion. Almost like they werewaitingfor something...but, as long as they were...for the first time since this nightmare began, Natalie actually had time tothink.
When the creatures picked her up Natalie wasn't in much of a position to resist. Thanks to the additional weight of her now very inflated stomach she would have struggled even at her best to stand up, but with the exhaustion of being fucked over and over she just lacked the energy to even try and move. Instead she remained relatively limp in the arms of the creatures as they carried her, though the movement did start to make her aware of something. Earlier, she had been able to feel the cum stuffed inside of her womb moving around, shifting heavily, but she couldn't feel it. There was no sensation of thick liquid sloshing around inside of her, instead it almost felt more like there was some kind of solid object inside of her instead. Oh god, had the cum hardened and solidified?! If that was the case she'd never be able to get it out of her! She was too tired to panic though, and for the sake of her own sanity she just had to assume that in her exhaustion she was just misunderstanding things.Her toes wiggled as they felt something soft and rubbery beneath her feet now, not the cold rock she had been on before. What was this? This definitely hadn't been here before. It almost felt like she was standing on another of the creatures, but it definitely wasn't. As she moved she eventually found herself being put into some kind of....bowl? She was lay down in it, whatever it was this spot had clearly been made specifically for her. It was perfectly shaped, perfectly contoured for her to lay in comfortably, or as comfortably as she could with the weight inside of her womb pressing down on her. Natalie whimpered as she glanced around, able to see the outlines of the creatures surrounding her, watching her somehow, as if they were waiting for something. But what? It wasn't just making sure she didn't try to escape, only one of them would be needed for that.Natalie tried to think...what were these things? If they were sentient their way of thinking was radically different to that of humans. At the very least they were intelligent, that much was obvious. What could they want? Well, it was clear they wanted sex, but was that all it was? Some animal instinct? Was that why they were now waiting? Until they were ready again? But Natalie just got the feeling that wasn't it, or at least that wasn't the only thing it was.Just as Natalie was getting comfortable, beginning to rest, beginning to feel like she might be able to sleep, or at least pass out, she felt an odd sensation ripple through her stomach, her eyes suddenly going wide. "HNGH!" Natalie cried out, then clutched at her drastically inflated stomach. She felt movement...movement in her womb! Something...something was in there...something was alive in there! "N nyaa!" Natalie cried out again as her body instinctively began to push, the large, oval shaped object inside of her beginning to shift. Despite the immense size of it though....there wasn't pain. If anything quite the opposite. Every sensation was, whilst unusual, also rather....pleasurable."O ooooh!" Natalie hunched over as her body pushed again, her legs instinctively spreading, almost going into a leg split position. "A AAAH!" Her cries of confusion and pleasure echoed through the cave, her midn and body being flooded with pleasurable hormones to make this more comfortable for her. A few moments later the Xenomorph egg began to emerge. It was fully formed, fully sized, just as the eggs laid by a true Xenomorph Queen would be, yet Natalie's human body seemed to be more than capable of stretching to the inhuman levels needed to deliver such a huge 'child'."O oh god! Oh god!" Natalie felt the pleasure building as the egg continued to slowly push its way out of her, the top of it having emerged first, but now she could feel the base of it leaving her womb, tendrils at the base of the egg whipping around and stroking her on its way out only further enhancing her pleasure. As the egg finally began to fully emerge, Natalie cried out as her body came hard, an inhumanly powerful orgasm ripping its way through her entire body, the egg being finally pushed all of the way out of her body, now sitting between her legs, the tendrils shifting around in readiness for when it was placed upright.The girl lay there panting heavily, staring up at the ceiling, her vision blurred from the pleasure, her stomach having already now returned to its flat state in an unnaturally quick time. She had no idea of the huge object now sitting between her legs, but the Facehugger Egg was now sitting there, ready and waiting for its victim, though the creature within was no ordinary facehugger. Not only did it carry the alterations of the new strain of Xenomorph, but it carried elements from Natalie as well, an entire new species that would breed in a very different way...
It was with the satisfaction of fulfilling a biological imperative that Hive settled its Hands and observed the Queen as she began to lay her first egg. Even though they weren't properly 'encoded', she was emitting such strong pheromones of pleasure as the laying began that Hive was able to collectively 'feel' a tiny portion of that pleasure itself. Despite the Queen having a far smaller body than normal, smaller than even a Hand, she was able to pass the egg with minimal difficulty, which bode well for Hive's future. Queen could breed, queen could lay eggs. Following its evolutionarily programmed instincts, Hive knew what it had to do next...Eggs...more...stockpile...*****After Natalie had a few moments of time to catch her breath and recover from the powerful orgasmic laying, the creatures around her began to shuffle around again. Two of them reached for the leathery fluid coated egg resting on the ground between Natalie's legs. Drawing attention to it, she could also see the outline of the egg, see thesizeof was obscenely enormous for an egg. If Natalie were to curl herself up into a ball as tightly as she possibly could, she wouldalmostfit inside it herself. Passing something that large from within her...there was no denying, it should have been impossible to do, itshouldhave split her body clean in half. But it didn't. Her female tunnel had, somehow, stretched to the impossible width necessary to lay it. But if she felt a hand between her own legs at her womanhood, there was no indication that her body had done such a thing, no damage or trauma of birth at her slit or in her canal, no indication that she had orcouldstretch that much. Her belly, likewise, had immediately shrunken down to its fully flat and smooth state. Her belly had been swollen into a massive pregnancy in just a couple hours , and yet her abs were as smooth and flat as they had always been, not the slightest telltale signs that she had ever been pregnant at all. Her body was clean, whole, and unharmed...and still warm with the afterglow of that orgasmic egg laying.The creatures lifted the egg and carried it off a small distance...and was it a trick of Natalie's mind, or was she able to perceive the outlines of the creatures out to an even further distance in the pitch dark cave than before? They did seem to get a little 'fuzzy' at a distance though, even the relatively short one as they relocated the egg just far enough to be out of the way, while the other two creatures right beside Natalie were much clearer. She was starting to be able to make out more than their outlines even this close, she could see some of their details, too. And as they started to move as well, it seemed that...even after all of that...they were still not done with her.One creature crawled up between her legs, while the other actually climbed on the sloped wall behind Natalie somewhat like a spider, and moved above her. They weren't rushed, or rough. But it was only too clear what was about to happen again, as the creature between her legs braced its chitinous hands on her knees, and Natalie could see its huge phallus being maneuvered into place. She was barely given any time before he pushed himself into her womanhood, almost casually. Natalie felt another strange thing despite the giant egg she had just laid, the creature penetrating her with his phallus didn't make her pussy feel anylesshard stretched and tight than before! The creature above her then climbed upside down on the wall, down over Natalie as he tilted her head back on her semi reclined body to get her throat straight, then pushed his own phallus down into her mouth and stuffed her throat.And so, this continued. The two creatures fucked Natalie yet again, similarly to how they had done several times already began with a steady, almost mechanical rhythm, then gradually ramped up into a more energetic and natural pace. A pair of dense balls were slapping her ass from the creature rutting between her legs, while a similar fat pair of orbs were half resting half bouncing on her face as the other creature throatfucked her. She couldn't avoid inhaling a great deal of the creature's ball musk which...while very strange, very exotic, very unfamiliar...wasnotunpleasant. When the creature in her throat finally blew, like before, he only stayed in her throat for just a couple seconds as his orgasm started, but then he pulled out and quickly moved away while still cumming, unavoidably splattering Natalie's face again. The creature between her legs, meanwhile, was doing like thefirsttime any of them had fucked her he was staying lodged in her pussy, with his weighty balls resting against her ass so she could feel them churning, as he just....pumpedhis cum steadily straight into her womb, a healthy flow that made her feel her womb being stretched out and her belly bulging up again. And when he was finally done, the other two moved back in...Natalie was fucked, again and again, by the four creatures. They continually rotated in pairs, ensuring a nonstop train of sex that Natalie had to endure. Sometimes they even lifted Natalie up out of the bowl and onto a different patch of the stiff rubbery material, so that they could spitroast her in her ass, or sandwich her. Every time they reached climax, they pulled out quickly and with Natalie being able to somewhat see them even in the dark, she could confirm that they indeed were blasting their cum all over the walls and floor. She could eventually tell that they were expanding the very surface she herself was laying on, somehow their cum was hardening into the material she was bedded on, though she couldn't tellhowjust yet. A few hours later, and Natalie had laid three more of those giant eggs, being placed back in the very comfortable 'laying bowl bed' both times. They were never rough...or even thataggressivewith her. And whether she wanted it to or not, they cycle of getting fucked and laying eggs was...pleasurable.Especiallythe laying eggs part. And what was more, her body was not feeling exhausted or worn out from it all. No, if anything, she would feel almost like she was getting...stronger...By the time she laid the fourth egg, there was also no question about it Natalie could now see in the dark. There was still not one bit of light in the deep cave, yet she could very clearly and distinctly 'see' the creatures and environment around her, in perfect clarity, as if the cave was completely illuminated to her but without color. More like a greenish greyscale. She had plenty of time to really examine the creatures inveryclose detail again whether she wanted to or not as they fucked her, rather than the shadowy, poorly visible shapes she had seen before even in the moonlight on the surface. She could make out their every feature, see every aspect of these weird, chitinous, semi skeletal, dome headed beings. Visually, there wasn't anythingunknownto Natalie about them anymore, they were no longer terrifying unknowns in the darkness. She could see that they had changed the cave rather than rough rock, now every ribbed, swirled surface made it look like she was inside some kind of organic tunnel.*****Eggs...stockpiled. Nest...built. Breeding...unable. Hands... ...*****And somehow, she could tell, justtell, that all of this so far had been specifically to prepare this cave and make her lay that cluster of four eggs now secure and off to the side. And she somehowknew, that as the four creatures approached her this time...that that they were not going to have sex with her again, this time. They wanted somethingdifferent...but what? | 26 | [] |
26 | | Alola siblings under the sun (East and Achillea-mura) | several years agoMorgan Kalehad chosen to leave his home town of Slateport in the hoenn region. At the time he had been a studious young man wanting to strike it out on his own, he had applied to work under a pokemon researcher in the beautiful warm Alola region, and he left his home to embark on his own adventure. He had became an assistant to Proffessor Kukui and for the most part he had helped to run the small school that the man had made on the islands. He was for the most part happy though the travels had put an estranged relationship with the rest of his family he made sure to call them on all the major birthdays and celebrations, but he hadn't been home to slateport in years.The tropical air of Alola had affected him too. The young man now in his twenties was a tad more tanned than he had ever been in his life before. He was still kinda sickly, growing up he had never been great with sports, and had suffered from a lot of health problems due in part to being born prematurely. In the first few months of his life his lungs had struggled to work, now however he was much more healthy, though he did get sick from food a lot more easily than others so his cooking tended to be a touch blander than the rest of the more spicy culinary flavors of the locals. He was also kinda scrawny, but again he had made great strides in his health thanks in part to the island air, and the relaxing nature of the islander life style. There were deadlines and such sure, and plenty of adventure to be found in Alola's many paths, but for the most part compared to the heavily industrial slateport this place was quiet.Walking into the airport he felt a slight chill. Morgan wasn't wearing a shirt, and the AC hit him like a brick to the face. the hair on his skin formed goosebumps, and his nipples actually hardened for a moment. Like the majority of people around him he was wearing shorts, and flip flops. He looked less like a pokemon researcher and more like a guy ready to go surf at the beach. On his belt was clipped two balls, his friends and own personal research assistants were currently resting up. Walking through the busy airport he wondered what his sister was gonna look like. He hadn't asked for a photo, and he realized that he probably should have because it had been a long time since he had actually looked at his family.Checking the arrival's the next plane was definetely from Hoenn slateport, if all went as planned his sister Bailey should be on it. He had pulled a small prank on her, innocent as it was. He had told her that Alola was actually cold this time of year, that they were in the midst of the rainy season, and so she should come wearing her winter gear. It was innocent, and if she didn't look more into what he had said, he would make sure to take her clothing shopping for something that wouldn't kill her due to the tropical heat.
After the long flight over from the Hoenn regionBailey Kale'seyes were heavier than a Snorlax, wandering through the terminal on her way to baggage claim. She was like a zombie, bumping into traveler after traveler. An Evee even yelped as she had stepped on its tail, and even though she said sorry a thousand times people were still looking at her strange. For what reason she got such queer looks she wasn't sure, but Bailey as she began to wake up from her restful flight noticed the people of the Alohan airport were dressed rather strangely themselves for what was supposed to be the wet and cold season.Most everyone was wearing shorts, swimsuit tops, no tops for some of the guys, or even just full on bikinis. The people of this island sure were hardy folks if this was winter wear. But Bailey herself had on long black yoga pants that met with calf length boots, a cut off sports top which revealed her staple midriff look, and a thick winter coat. She rarely covered up her stomach being from Hoenn, her pride and joy being its tone. It offset her below average sized breasts in her mind.Putting her hand in her pocket she felt something that that was not there before. Bailey pulled out small piece of paper the shape of a business card, on it the name, email, and phone number of Mr. Katami Jones esq. She looked up and around, her eyes finally meeting that of Mr. Katami, the man who she then recognized immediately as the one who sat next to her on the plane. He waved to her with wiggly fingers and mouthed something indecipherable. Bailey rolled her eyes in return and walked away swiftly, her cheeks reddened. She recalled waking up from her slumber on the plane with her head on his shoulder, an honest mistake. Yet the feeling she had she was certain he had copped a feel or two while they flew, his wavey fingers and business card obviously a solicitation to yet another good time.Walking through the airport she neared baggage claim where her brother Morgan was waiting for her. She placed the card back in her pocket, after all if the man truly was a lawyer, maybe she'd need his services some time. Bailey wasn't rich, but she knew exactly how he would want to be paid.Trying to forget all that, Bailey looked for her brother. He had red hair just like hers so he should be hard to miss, but she also had not seen him in a long while, his health and ambitions driving him to this faraway island. Bailey had not talked to him much since then, but he was her brother, and she wanted to see what he had been up to all this time. Plus an excuse to get to the Aloha region was good enough for her.Walking towards the arrival boards she thought of other reasons she left as well, situations she did not want to be part of any longer. While her brother and family did not know anything of that, Bailey was glad she could come hide here for a while.Waiting for her watching the arrival boards she could see the man her brother had become. Still scranny compared to Bailey's athletic and fit looking body, he stood a head or so higher than his sister, giving her a view of his red hair to find him. Well there you are, I see you dressed warmly. Bailey gave a judging eye to Morgan's lack of shirt. Though when his eyes would meet hers she smiled brightly as only a sister could to her brother.
At least she was only wearing a heavy coat, so it wasn't like she had packed for the arctic like he may have been afraid of. It made her a lot easier to pull out of the crowd, along with the sharp red hair and gold eyes that they each had inherited from their parents. He reached out and brushed his little sisters head for a moment messing with her hair as she smiled at him, and then stepped in to pull her into a hug. "You grew up." He said with a smile holding her close for a moment before pulling away."And yeah, I pulled a little joke, honestly i kinda expected you to look up the weather out here before you actually came down, i was gonna offer to buy you some clothing if you packed for winter. Truth is we do have a rain season, it's just closer to November, right now in May it's about two months into spring." As he walked beside his sister he put a hand on her shoulder keeping her close to him as they exited the airport."I've been telling mom and dad to come down this way for years to give me a visit, but they have been annoyingly dug in. I'm really glad you came to my archipelago." Stepping back out from the cool airconditioned airport into the sweltering heat of the sun he blinked for a moment feeling the transition on his skin. It was a humid heat, the kind that ruined makeup, and made sweat stick to clothing. Oppressive and muggy. "Once you hit june or july not much gets done around here. Right now is the beach season. If you want I can take you to the local watering spot.""but first I have a little surprise for you. I figured I could bring my car, or." Walking with his sister he brought her to an area slightly past the main drop off and pick ups, where a set of Touros were lined up. The Touros had unique large saddles with handle bars on them rather than reigns. they were rather calmly eating some greens and drinking from a water bowl. "I rented us a poke ride, their special Alolan pokemon trained, and bred to be used as transportation and labor." He patted one of them on the head. "I figured if you came here wanting adventure you may want to give these guys a try."
My archipelago huh. She looked at him skeptically. Big brother is getting a head on him isn t he. She winked playfully at him as she jabbed her dainty fist at his shoulder. Well don t you worry cause I ll find a way to get back at you for your trick, its been awhile since I ve had to make your life miserable so I ll find a way. Bailey came in close and gave Morgan a warm embrace, the first time she had in a long time. She remarked at how much more meat he put on, her big brother getting bigger she chuckled to herself. She held onto her brother s arm pressing her body against his as she smiled up at him with her bright golden eyes. I m happy to see you brother. Upon exiting the terminal Bailey certainly felt the joke was a bit more in poor taste then when she first realized what her brother had done. A bead of sweat ran down her ass crack as soon as she left the building. Her long black yoga pants and jacket were not going to work out. Pealing the latter off she threw it over her bare shoulder, her cutoff workout shirt still almost too much clothing. For now, she kept her complaints about the climes to herself, following her brother down the outside of the airport. WOW! A Touros! Bailey ran up and pet one, their fur soft in her fingers. This is great big bro, you sure know your way to your sister s heart! She smiled brightly at him. At the same time more sweat began to accumulate in her womanly regions, an uncomfortable feeling she predicted to be increased by the riding of bull Pokemon through this heat. Is there a place that I . err do you mind if I can change before we go? She hehe d nervously as she looked down at her long skin tight yoga pants wrapping around hips, fit thighs, and meeting with her boots.
When he felt the change in heat he realized that his joke may have been in a poorer taste than he had originally assumed especially when he had seen the sweat already form on his little sisters body and face. He realized his goof was a bit more harsh than he had anticipated. Though seeing her reaction to the pokemon made it clear that she wasn't going to be too angry with him, and it wasn't like they would stay outside once they got to his place."Yeah sorry, I got more used to this place than I thought would." He said shaking his head, and back tracking slightly. The airport had a few different places to change, finding a bathroom or designated changeroom wasn't that hard to find. It was more the worry that she had anything to change into, there was a small islander botique for clothing here, but the prices were a bit much."Do you have swimwear?" He asked lightly, the idea of his sister in a swimsuit in public was a bit out of place, but then he could point to three to nine other women who were walking around in basically a bikini and shorts. It wouldn't be that much different, it was just the fact that it was his cute little sister that was the only difference. And he had to admit that Bailey had grown up, he could see that she had kept atheletic and toned, she had always been the sporty type when he had known her growing up. Back when they were kids it was a lot harder to tell which one of them was the older sibling, thankfully he had grown up considerably since then."I live on beach front property, so if you do change into that you can also hit up the ocean at the end of the trip." Having to live near Kukui's lab which was right on the beach definetely helped him in the long run. His houses back door pretty much opened up to golden sand. No wonder his complexion was a touch darker than hers now. He had forgotten how pale he had been when he got here from slateport.Once she had changed he smiled at her. "So, how was your trip? how are mom and dad?"
You see big brother, though you may have fooled your little sister with her choice of wardrobe for the flight. She confidently flicked her hair and closed her eyes as if to make a point of her confidence. I always bring wardrobe enough for any occasion. She motioned to her right as a trio of Machops brought her checked in bags that she had thrown all of her clothes in prior to departing Hoenn, with little intention of returning.They each dropped the bags next to her, a stiff gruff as if the load was even big for them. Thank you boys. She winked at the Pokemon, a few of which you could swear blushed as the pretty girl acknowledged their feat of strength done in her name. Lets see here which bag did I put them in. She wiggled her finger back and forth between the bags, trying to decide which one to open by eeny meany miney moe. Oh this one I think! She unzipped the bag partially and stuck her arm down into it almost to her shoulder, her tongue sticking out in concentration as she rifled through its contents.It would be a few moments but she finally would find what she was looking for, her face turning to a bright smile from her concentrated expression. Ah ha, thought I d find you under my bras. She said quieter than she had been talking but not so quiet enough to not turn a passing man and his Quilava s head. Rising from the depths of her suit case Bailey pulled out two pieces of her bright blue Bandeaukini, holding them out to show her brother proudly as she stood up straight. Don t you like it? Its so cute, I bought it back home before I came! Her tone cutsie as she thought about wearing it on the beach near her brother s house. She was excited to hear that he lived so close to the ocean so she could enjoy the sun just like home. I ll be right back, I ll go change quickly. Bailey ran off, hurrying to get back into the cold AC before her crotch got much sweatier. She was a girl who liked to stay fresh, though her rushed nature lately left her little time to get a proper wax in.Getting back into the terminal she closed her eyes and enjoyed the AC for a moment, then opened them to find the nearest bathroom. It was in between coming and going flights so the terminal seemed empty, only a plump nerdy looking boy and his Riolu stood patiently in the middle of the terminal next to the baggage claim outside of the bathrooms. Bailey was happy she wouldn t have to wait in line so she rushed into the woman s bathroom and found the largest stall.Shutting the door Bailey breathed a sigh of relief, it was the first time she had been alone in hours. And while she was very excited to go on an adventure with her brother, she was also very excited to get some rest for a day or so to try and recover from the stress of the events leading up to this journey and the traveling experience. Thinking about all of this she draped her swimsuit over the stall door, stepping back to give herself enough room to take off her large boots while holding herself up with the flimsy wall of the stall.That is when she heard the light pattering of pokemon feet enter the bathroom. At first she did not think anything of it, but after awhile of fussing with her boot zipper she also realized that there was not a pair of trainer s feet that accompanied them. After finally getting one boot and sock off of her right foot, she heard the door to the stall next to her close and lock. It was suspicious, but she didn t let it bother her, still trying to keep her balance while taking off her left boot. A few moments would pass until she managed to defeat her boots and cast them to the side of the stall, and that is when she finally realized what was going on.Discreetly under the stall partition that bordered the stall the suspicious Pokemon entered, a small camera lens poked up and into Bailey s stall, trained on her. She could hear the breathing of the Riolu next door as it shakily held the camera under the partition. Clearly the nerdy boy conspicuously waiting outside the bathrooms was up to no good after all.Bailey pretended she did not see the camera for a moment, just fussing with her hair like a girl would in the bathroom while watching the lens out of the corner of her eye. This certainly wasn t the first time she was on display, and compared to previous audiences this one seemed rather harmless. Aside from Bailey generally not caring if some virgin watched her get undressed, she also had the faintest feeling that she always wanted to go viral, the video of her surely ending up on some sort of Tube site later that day after many socks were used in her name. In the end Bailey instead of ruining the fun decided to indulge, her good will gift to the Aloha region.Stepping over to the side of the stall closer to the camera she pretended not to see it, still fussing with her hair before grabbing the bottom of her sports shirt and lifting it up over her head. Underneath she had on a blue sports bra, one that held tightly to her b cup breasts. She deiced to have a bit of fun while putting on this show, doing stereotypical things that guys thought girls did while getting changed. Smiling she grabbed the full cups of her bra and gave them a shake and rub, looking to get some pleasure out of it. That was until she decided to lift off that covering, her moderate sized tits plopping out of the bottom and jiggling. Bailey purposely tried to stay in frame, giving the nerdy boy outside as much jiggles as possible while still looking oblivious, her pink nipples even erect as the idea of such a violation of her privacy aroused her some.Next were her yoga pants, but Bailey had more in mind for this reveal. Turning around she made sure her fit ass was in view of the lens, pulling the pants down with a bend at the knees until all that could be seen was a girl wearing a pair of grey cotton undies. Just to be cheeky Bailey grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled them up and apart, letting them fall on their own just to show how tight her ass was. Anyone who was not an amateur voyeur would have known the jig was up at that point, but this boy obviously thought it was normal for Bailey to be giving the bathroom wall such a show.Yet there was still the matter of her grey cotton panties, her back still turned to the camera, all it would see was her two legs that met on opposite sides of a plump piece of fabric, outlining the lips of her labia and slightly wet from sweat and more. This would be the deciding moment of this video and Bailey didn t want to disappoint. Grabbing either side of her panties she fiddled and pulled at them just to tease, looking as if she did not know what to do with her bottoms. But then with a stretch of her arms she would pull them down, bending at the knees into a deep squat so that as her panties were pulled away her pussy would be as close to the camera lens as humanly possible. She liked to keep things neat down there, the lips of her slit very tight and picturesque, but since she had been on the go for so long she did not have much time to trim. It was not much, just cute hairs growing along her blushing lips and up her pelvis, no bush by any means, but all natural.She held the squat for as long as necessary, getting the camera a good view of her pussy so they knew she was a good girl. She even went as far as to use her fingers to pull the lips apart a bit for some fan service as it were. But that may be what finally clued the peaking pair of master and trainer that something was out of the ordinary was happening. Bailey could hear whatever communication device the Riolu was wearing come alive with the frantic voice of the boy, clearly he knew that Bailey knew and it was time to get out of there. Riiioooo uh! The Pokemon was just about to pull the camera back and run before Bailey snatched it from his hands, grabbing it and bringing it up to eye level.She feigned angry eyes, but soon any hint of anger with the voyeur boy would turn into a sultry look from her beautiful golden eyes, the camera drifting down to her pink lips, her smooth neck, over her breasts and pink nipples until it was level with her faintly hairy pussy again. Don t run. She said almost in a whine. I m not done yet. She let it soak in the view of her womanhood for a bit before pulling it back up to her eyes, giving the camera a suggestive look before setting it on the toilet paper dispenser at knee level.The naked Bailey walked over to the swimsuit she draped over the side of the bathroom, gabbing the top she walked back into frame and let him see her head to toe, the picture of a fit and beautiful teen girl. Squeezing her tits together she smiled, slipping her top around her upper abdomen and clipping the strapless piece around her back. As a last hurrah she wiggled her upper body back and forth to let her tits do a dance, and then with much patience she squeezed them back into the swimsuit, leaving just a bit of underboob exposed.Back to the side of the stall she grabbed the bottoms. The girl who was only wearing a strapless bikini top twirling the bottoms around on her finger as she rolled her nude hips around in front of the camera. With a final exaggerated roll she turned about, her ass and lower back only in view of the camera until she bent all the way down at the waist, her face looking back towards the camera and licking her lips as her pussy moistened for him to see. Slowly but surely, she pulled the blue bottoms up and over her blushing hairy lips and up her ass. Bailey was finally clothed again.Picking up the camera she looked into it with a smile, almost like the excited on she gave her brother when he told her about the Tauros ride. I hope you enjoyed. She smiled rocking the camera back and fourth, giving it one last nip slip before a sweet giggle. Don t be selfish ok? Make sure to share this? Bailey winked at the camera. It was her time in Aloha now, and she wanted to make sure she made her presence known to this new region before venturing out into it. While the boy may have been doing something horrible to any other girl, to Bailey it was exposure.Gathering her things, she unlocked the stall door and stepped out only to find a shaking and sweaty Riolu waiting for her with a most nervous expression. Riiiiii . It clattered its teeth.Bailey bent down to his eye level, her tightly squeezed cleavage right in front of him. Don t you worry little guy. Bailey handed him the camera and patted him on the head. Go give that back to your master. And don t let him pay more attention to me than you tonight mkay? She gave the Pokemon a kiss on the head, the small Riolu looking flush as the girl walked away from him.Stepping outside of the bathroom the terminal had filled up a bit more, but the nerdy boy standing a few meters distance stuck out like a sore thumb as he watched her leave the woman s bathroom. The bikini clad girl fixated on him as she slowly walked down the terminal back to her brother, her eyes fiery with excitement, and his dilated with fear and awe. He stood gaping as she walked past him, he looked like he wanted to say something but instead Bailey put a finger in front of her mouth and Shussh ed. With a wink and a lick of her lips to him she disappeared into the crowd.Moments later she would emerged back where her brother was waiting with the Tauroses, a brighter smile on her face then when she had left. Can you believe that I forgot my flip flops? She buried her old warm clothes in the suit case and wrestled with it once again to find her flip flops. All the while she had not adjusted her top to hide her underboob as she leaned over the suitcase.Once her footwear was retrieved she looked up at her brother, excited to begin her day with him. Mom and dad are great . I guess...? I don t know I am out a lot. So what s the plan? Where are we taking these bad boys? Bailey fumbled with her backpack that lay on top of her suitcase to make sure her 3 pokeballs were still there, some of the most important things she owned in her mind.
How long did it take someone to change? Standing outside of the airport waiting for her to get changed into whatever clothes she had that she would be comfortable with, he breathed slowly. He pulled out his dex, and started to check his usual website articles. He used this thing mostly to keep informed and connected to the island. He had a few news sites, a hand full of more academic research databases he used for his work, and of course there was the usual stuff as well that a young man would have on his phone, tube for entertainment, poke tv, and a handful of porn sites. His guilty pleasure was a guy who posted locally from melemele island, and well from time to time he would see a few of the local girls on the show. Proffessor Kukui's wife had been a real shock and pleasant surprise.When he saw his sister re emerge he immediately noted that her swim suit looked a size too small, or maybe it was just poorly ajdusted, it was a small peek at how much she had grown up. She had always been a bit flat in the chest, but now with the B cup, her bikini it was starting to show off a bit more chest than he had expected. Was it odd to like what was seeing? That was more because he hadn't seen her in so many years she didn't feel like family, but she was and so he tried his best to keep himself out of trouble."We are gonna go to my place so you can unpack. We have a dinner with my boss tonight, and of course like i said we live on the beach front." He said with a small smile. "We are going to the east side of Melemele Island, it's about a half hour ride." He hefted himself up onto his torous showing by example how to sit in the saddle and stirrup. He smiled to her, and started to steer his animal onto the rocky road. "Honestly using the pokemon is a lot easier than taking the car, the roads here aren't amazing."That and he wanted to lead her to take the scenic road, because it crossed some of the more pretty terrain He handed her a water bottle. Riding was pretty smooth all things considered it was easy to see why these guys were used so heavily. The road from the airport was going down the mountain towards the ocean, so they actually got a very large view of the open island, with the sun behind them they could see the wide vista of green from the woods, to the bright sands of the beaches, to the crystal blues of the ocean beyond."Alola is comprised of four islands, we are on Melemele island, it's the only one big enough to have the airport. To the east." He pointed off to the distant waters along the horrizon a small mass of green and brown could be spotted, where a plume of white smoke was raising into the air. "That's akala island, it's volcano is a constant flurry of activity. The locals look down on any mountain that hasn't killed someone with fire in the past year. I've been there for work a few times." As they rode along the trail he tried to point out as much tourist information that he had learned."To the south west is Poni Island, it's less tropical than the others, more aired and less fertile, if you had been flying into that one I'd never have even attempted my little joke." He said with a small chuckle. "and behind Akala is Ula'Ula, if you squint you can kinda see the mountain."He pointed to something off in the distance some white and blue figure that may as well have been a cloud due to how far it was, yet it was connected to the earth. "That mountain is so tall that snow is on it year round. the four islands make up Alola.""I'm really glad you came here, it's been kinda lonely up here without any family."
Bailey had a keen instinct for men, but with her brother she wanted to believe she didn t just catch him looking at her. Subconsciously as he mounted his Torous she realized she left a bit of underboob showing from her little show she put on for the fat virgin in the airport. Maybe she was as much on fire sex appeal wise as she felt with the blazing Alohan heat, enough so her own brother had to steal a glance. Of course, sometimes she knew she could be contrived about herself and her power over men, so perhaps she was the creepy one thinking she wielded power over her brother. Either way she felt a bit creeped out for all of half a second as she too mounted her Torous, only her backpack slung over her bare shoulder.Sitting down on the Pokemon was interesting, its pokey hairs mixing with some of her own, a feeling that made her question taking off the yoga pants. But as she settled down on the Pokemon she rubbed herself in to try and get comfortable, an odd feeling but necessary as they would be getting to know each other well during the course of the ride. Alright bro, lead the way. She smiled and waved at him from her Torous which was behind. The ride out of the airport really showed her what her brother was referring to with the poorly maintained roads. She wondered how anything could happen in this region with the infrastructure being in such a state. Yet as the Torous moved along she was impressed with how well it navigated without much direction from her, a novice at riding such a Pokemon.When they cleared the terrain blocking their view, Bailey was in awe at the landscape that as laid out before her. It was absolutely beautiful, rivaling her home region in attractiveness. Wooowww, Morgan this is amazing. She tried to look as far as she could to see Ula'Ula, pulling herself up from her seat on the Torous via the handlebars with her ass raised in the air to lean as far forward as possible. You know Bro I wish you would have told me such a beautiful place existed. I wanted to come and see you for a long time, I just needed the motivation to get me away She stopped herself before ending that thought and revealing her true reasons from fleeing Hoenn. I just am glad to be hear with you. Her expression more solemn and honest than the bright smile she forced on herself more often than not. She looked at her brother lovingly as she pulled her Torous along side his. How much farther to your house? I can t wait to hit the beach.
Watching his sister react to his home was pretty fun in all honesty, seeing her try become used to riding pokemon he was reminded a little of when he had first moved here as well. He had been freshly 18 when he had signed up for the work offer to join Kukui's lab, he got the job in part because he was so sick, he had met the proffessor while he had been in school, and gotten the job so he could use the island air to heal. The prank he had pulled on Bailey was actually the exact same one that Kukui had pulled on him so many years ago."I kept trying to get you dad and mom to come out here, but it kinda felt like no one was actually gonna listen to me. I'm glad you like the view." He said softly, his own smile was genuine and a touch proud of the woman his sister had become, he did however think there was more to it than what she was telling him. He hadn't wanted to call mom or dad about it, she was 18, he would provide her with a safe home good food, and so forth, but he couldn't stop her from living a life or making mistakes.When she asked about how much farther was his home, he pointed down to the beach. "Do you see the large one with the blue roof? that's the lab where i work." The road lead through the mountains down into the woods, where the trail became a bit more maintained though it had tall grass on all sides of it. "If you go into these woods do be careful, and please don't come out here at night.""Melemele is beautiful yes, but with beauty comes danger." He didn't want to spook his sister but he was a researcher, he had gone into the field before. Pokemon could be beautiful and friendly, but there were things out here that were far more vicious cruel, and he had seen the attacks. Not everything was great on these islands, and these woods especially always creeped him out. The road continued along a rather rickety looking bridge, but it supported The torous's weight well and he even went first to prove that it was perfectly safe, the craig that it covered however seemed to expand down to an infinite abyss where somewhere down below water could be heard moving rapidly.The forest line broke and they arrived in a small village area along the beach, a few small stores, leading up to the beach where the lab he had pointed too earlier. However he didn't take her directly to his home, rather he parked his torous outside of a pokemon center. "That's as far as these guys go." He said hopping down, and moving to help his little sister get off of hers. Returning them to special pokeballs that then went into the pokemon center."You can rent the riding pokemon from any center, and drop them off at any other center, then they simply use the pokemon transfer system to return them to which ever place they were rented from in the get go. You pay a small fee for their use, and when you drop them off, you get the fee back. There are pokemon for all types of terrain, sharpedo's trained for water travel between the islands. If you need to travel by sky they have a few flying types, and the torous are the backbone of them.""From here we are practically home so the rest we can do on foot." He took one of his sisters bags, and walked her down the street two blocks away from the pokemon center they arrived to a two story home with a front porch, that was on concreete road and solid foundation, but a back porch that was right out to the beach. "This is us. Please make yourself at home." He opened the door to show her the living room.
The longer the ride took down the beaten paths of Aloha the more Bailey had an appreciation for the beauty of this region. While Aloha and her home region of Hoenn shared a lot in common, the sun and sand for one, Aloha just had its own charm. Bailey wondered to herself what dangers her brother talked about in the forest, she could not comprehend a place so charming would have its dark places.As the forest cleared and they rode into the village she fell in love. The quaint little down had everything needed, without the aggregated hustle and bustle of a city like Slateport. Bailey took in the sites and all the different people. There were young, old, beautiful, and ugly. Everything under the sun seemed to ve in Aloha, and now that she had found her way here she could have a fresh start, hoping to spread herself throughout the region. So anyone can come rent these? She exclaimed with glee while waving bye to her Torous before it was sucked back up into its ball. She truly did hope that her brothers house was not too far away, her luggage was rather large for her, perhaps it was time to call in some help. Ok Moto! Engine! Come on out! Bailey threw two Pokeballs from out of her backpack to the ground. With a flash of light before them a Tyrouge and Machop would appear, each giving off their natural call with an equally gleeful expression to see their master once again.Bending at the knee Bailey came to eye level with her two Pokemon, smiling brightly as her kind tone welcomed them. Welcome to Aloha boys! She patted both of them on the head, their expressions cheerful. It was clear the love and loyalty between Pokemon and Trainer was very much a big part of this trio's relationship, the Pokemons eyes evident they would do anything their beautiful master would order. This is my brother, Morgan! She pointed up to him, both Pokemon enthusastically reciting their Tyrrrooooge! and Macchoop! . We are going to live at his house for awhile now, ok? He is taking us there now, but I need help with my bags. Can you do that for me? She used such a sweet tone for them, a few men passing in the streets almost even stopped what they were doing to grab the bags for the pretty sweet toned girl. Tyrrooogue! MACHOOP! If there was one thing for certain, neither of Bailey's pokemon would let anyone else touch those bags, their mission in life to enthusiastically carry out Bailey's requests of them.They both fought for a moment over which of them would carry the heavier bag, a feat of strength in their mind to prove to Bailey who was the strongest. Now now boys, just pick, it doesn't matter which one. Bailey said before turning to her brother. Ok then! Lets go! They would walk the rest of the way down the paved road. Bailey only carrying her backpack over one shoulder as she basked in the sun that absorbed into her bikini clad skin. Behind her, the two pokemon and her brother lugged her bags for the miles it took to get to his home.Upon finally reaching the blue roofed building, Bailey's eyes glistened with giddy excitement. Wow this is amazing! Right on the beach like you said! She laughed and ran in, hoping to explore the place her brother called home for so long.
Unlocking the door moving inside to his home he gave her a short tour of the place. HIs living room was the first place that the door opened too, a humble room, with a table, and a few chairs, set up to entertain guests, as well as a large fish tank on one side of the living area. The bright pink Gorebyss in the tank moved around happily. there was also a T.V. with a few different systems hooked up to it, a gamecube and a Switch, the former of which had disappeared from their home around the time he had moved even though it had technically been bought for the both of them all those years ago. As if prof that he had taken it, one of the controllers even had her initials on it. He pointed towards the fish tank. "That is Bessy, she's one of mine, but don't get too close to the glass. I didn't really catch her so much as she happened to catch me a few years ago." He pointed down to his leg where there was a scar of a thin puncture wound had slightly faded.The back wall was a walk in kitchen. Fridge stocked full of food, soft drinks, and other stuff. "I stocked up because I knew you were coming." He grabbed a soda and passed one to her. "Don't eat yet though tonight we are going over to my bosses house for dinner." His house however didn't have any alcohol.Walking up the stairs he brought her to what he had turned into her room. "Before this was my personal office, but since your living here I had a bed and stuff put in here." He said opening the door to show her. The window faced the ocean which meant that she would get more setting sun, but it also meant that she got a view of the wide crisp blue. Her bed was twin sized, with soft velvet bed sheets. He had also set her up with a desk encase she wanted to set up a computer.His own room was across the hall from hers. It was a lot more decorated. His bed was a queen sized, so he had clearly kept more comforts to himself. A small TV was set up in his room, as well as his own computer that he used for work. His view went up towards the mountain, even had a few potted plants to help create a more fresh minty smell amout the room. There was also a poster of a barely clothed celebrity which he had forgotten to take down.And finally the bathroom, it's main feature being a bath tub clearly large enough to be counted as a hot tub, even had jets, and easily could have held multiple people.There was also an exit to the second story patio which had a sun deck sort of set up, and of course the back door to the ocean. "What do you think?" He said after showing her the entire house. "Did your big bro do good for himself or what?"
Bailey was amazed at all that she was seeing. Her brother s house was stunning and she could not believe that all by himself he was able to live like this, so far from the rest of his family. It made her sad in some ways that he was all alone in this big house, with no family to come visit him until now. She was happy that she could not fill up his home with some love, and try and rekindle her relationship with her brother that she so missed. Though she did recognize the Switch that he stole in the corner of her eye, a bad strike against him. But Bailey admitted to herself silently as she leaned over to examine the Gorebyss that she was not much of a gamer herself anyways.Looking around at his house made her feel so warm. Though at first, she thought it was the crisp suntan she got riding her Torous in her bikini, she soon realized that the love her brother was showing her by giving up so much for her to stay with him. Nearly in tears as she looked at the small room that he had set up for her, an overwhelming feeling of gratitude creeped over her. It was the sweetest thing anyone had given her in a long time, perhaps ever at least in her time as an adult. Looking over to Morgan she let one tear loose down her check, wrapping her arms around him as her body pressed against his in embrace. Thank you big bro this is this is amazing. She admired the deep blue of the ocean beyond her window as she held herself against him, her bear stomach feeling cold against his warm torso.After the heartfelt moment she let him continue to show her around the house. His room seemed very nice, though as she looked around she noticed his naughty poster and decided to have a little fun with her brother about it. Running up to it, Bailey mimicked the pose of the celebrity, the bikini clad girl probably wearing just as much or less clothing than the model on the poster. Big brother! Why does she have no clothes, who is she big brother? Why do you have a picture of her? Her tone was a cute and innocent tone of mocking as she pretended to be a pure little sister that knew little of the world. Her eyes though were full of golden sarcasm as she held the pose, her bikini clad body probably on par with most models of the world.Motoku and Engine both moved Bailey s bags into her room as the pair walked onto the second story patio. She was thinking about just how much trouble she could get into in a bath that large before she caught her first glimpse of the view her brother had. This is amazing Morgan! I can t believe you have such a beautiful view in your house! She looked out over the beach while leaning on the rail, her body curving.
As she leaned to examine the water tank the gorebyss slapped it's narrow maw against the glass, the sharp puncture wounding teeth pressing against the glass clearly trying to attack her and drain her of internal juices. "Never put your hand in that tank. Bessy does not like people, she's captured." He pointed to a ball that was on the shelf. "But she is very much an evil bitch."The entire tour the thing that caught his attention the most was her, when Bailey saw her room she seemed to be off in thought for a moment her tears were a bit... odd, he paused for a moment wondering what caused such an emotional reaction only for her to grab him into a hug, his arms wrapped lightly around her and he brushed her long red hair. He smiled at her. for a moment. she was grateful as if this was the kindest thing he could have done, to him it seemed more like she was doing him a favor. "Of course this house is as much mine as it is yours now."He blinked for a moment as she started to mimic the pose on the wall, he couldn't help but chuckle, however he was struck by just how attractive she was. The tight tone of her body definitely helped remind him that his little sister was all grown up. He chuckled though when she asked who the hot blond was in the image. "You don't recognize her?" He said walking up to the image. "Cynthia was the Hoenn champion around the time that I left. She was a big inspiration for me, never met her in person, champions and professors we may all work in the same field but our jobs are very different."Following her to the patio he smiled as she looked out at the view. "Just wait." he said with a soft smile. His hand rested on her back, gently brushing her smooth as they both looked out at the water. "There aren't many street lamps in alola." He said with a soft smile. "So at night time when it gets dark, the moon and stars become the brightest light source. Tonight the moon is full, and I told my friends from work it would be your first day here.""Which means that tonight in a few hours, there is gonna be a hell of a party." He smiled and leaned against the rail his arm moving to her shoulder to pull her close to him in a gentle warm embrace as he admired the distance. Then his eyes drifted to his sister, was it odd he found her so attractive all the sudden? was he really that distant that he couldn't take the moment to remind himself that this was a member of his own family, he didn't feel that estranged."Oh and before I forget." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a spare key to the house passing it into her hand. "Your an adult so you can come and go as you please. Welcome home.""Oh I forgot I should call mom and dad tell them that you are here safe." He reached for his dex.
Bailey was taking in the sight of the ocean when all the sudden she felt a chill, more than any from the cold air conditioned airport. She sat there leaning up against the rails, feeling her brother s hand move along her back. Her skin would turn to goosebumps, the general biological reaction she exhibited seemed so odd to her than she nearly fled from his touch. Yet as she sat there with his hand on her and he explained to her the plans for later that night, she just let it happen. Perhaps she was thinking too much into it, but this was the kindest and softest touch she had from a man in a long time. Her troubles with men usually involved rougher touches that the majority of observers would not consider loving.Big brother why couldn t you be there. She thought to herself as she turned and looked with golden eyes at him, wishing the past years in Hoenn Morgan was there to protect her. It had been a difficult time for her, but now all that was behind her, and for the first time in her adult life she could start fresh.Bailey did not hear anything Morgan had to say about stars. While it would look as if she was listening, her mind was lost in the thought of his hand tracing her bare back she worked so hard to tone for moments like this when a boy wanted to look or touch. As Morgan pulled her in against him as if to hold her close like a sweet brother, she got yet another chill coupled with a very awkward tingling sensation.Bailey immediately broke away from his grasp. A party?! She feigned over excitement to try and get her mind off of that tingle from places she cared not to associate with her brother.She took the key and grasped it in her palm, but she was certainly much interested in hearing more about the night s festivities.Her goosebumps went away when Morgan mentioned calling mom and dad. Grabbing him back he put his arm around her, his hand inadvertently touching the side of her breast as she held onto his wrist."Just wait...." She laughed nervously. Mom and dad just did not need to be consulted as she left in a big hurry from home just days ago. "They cant wait, I just wanna look at the ocean with my big bro!" She looked up at him with a bright smile like before at the airport, one she had learned to manufacture for any moment it was needed. She held his arm tightly, his hand resting on her clavicle.
When she broke away from the grasp he was a bit surprised, but she seemed excited or happy. There was something odd though she seemed to snatch his dex right out of his hand and pull him back in towards her a moment later. Was she trying to stop him from calling mom and dad? wait did they know she was here? He just kinda realized that he had never really talked with his parents about any of this.He shrugged off that thought as she seemed to smile at him, but it felt wrong, like she wasn't actually as happy as she had been. He couldn't really place it. His eyes checked over her body for a moment this time he was looking for something else, signs of abuse or scars, but her body for the most part seemed flawless, in ways that he kinda liked, in all honesty if she was tracking his eye movements she would probably think he was checking her out, which he totally wasn't, nope not in any way whats so ever he wouldn't do that to his little sister, even as his eyes went over her round firm probably very bouncy ass."A party, right!" He said this time breaking the contact and trying to step away to look somewhere that wasn't towards her, to ignore the slight tinge, and hope that his pants were loose enough that nothing would show up. "yeah once the sun gets a bit lower, at about 7 we are gonna head over to my bosses lab, so you have about two hours if you wanna take a bath, or a nap you have more than enough time. You must be tired from the trip?"He chuckled nervously clearly he wasn't nearly as good as hiding his emotions than she was, as his eyes still went down to her bikini, and he kinda hated that he was looking at her like that. Blame it on the fact that he never had a girlfriend.
He was totally checking her out.Bailey wanted to cringe. Her brother may not have been around to see it, but she was a woman now. Back home before the times she d much rather forget, she was a highly sought after woman at that. She knew exactly what a man was feeling, when he was looking at her. It wasn t the eyes she needed to see, it was their speech, the pauses between words, the breaths they took in between.But what stopped her from feeling really icky was thinking about his touch on her back once again, how soft and caring it was. Maybe she just needed to go lay down? It had been a long day of traveling and all these conflicting feelings about her brother looking at her with sex eyes and touching her and making HER feel something tingly was really starting to get to her. Maybe it was something about guys when they got older and not see their sisters since they turned into women. Perhaps he just needed a chance to soak in that she was a sexual being now?As she stretched her arms upward with the fatigue of the day Bailey decided to let it happen.Look at me Morgan, look at my tits, my child bearing hips, my tight ass, my long legs. She thought all these illicit things to herself to try and justify this odd sexual tensions he felt between her and her long apart brother. She stood there for a moment near the entrance to their second floor patio nonchalantly letting him look at her more if that is what he really wanted, she d pretend not to catch him. Few hours till the party. Got it. She gave a thumbs up before yawning and stretching again, Mid stretch her bikini top would come a little high, the bottom of her tit squeezing out just slightly to show a partial nipple. Bailey would not notice this, despite her not caring if he checked her out, she did not intend to give him that much of a view. I think I will take a bath if that s ok. I need to wash all this traveling off of me. Bailey went back into her room where Motoku and Engine were wrestling on her bed and gathered some bathroom items. You boys be good while I m in the bath. She wagged her finger at them as they both looked up at her from their spot on the bed. Moto? The Tyrogue chimed in as Bailey turned to leave the room and walk towards the bathroom. No not today Moto, another time. She winked.Bailey shut the door behind her, trusting her brother enough not feeling like she needed to lock it. In the bathroom she started the hot water in the tub and looked herself over in the mirror as the water ran. Her body was in its prime, perhaps if she was a boy and had a sister like her, there would be some conflicting feelings as well. It was all just further reinforcement to her that she was hot, a fact she did not need to be reminded of.Undoing the bun in her hair, the red locks flowing over her shoulders, bailey stripped down to her bare body just like in the airport. While this time it was not for any type of show, she bent over the tub and checked the water temperature, her ass pointing towards the door which unknown to her was slightly cracked.
Morgan didn't really know what to think in the moment, he was watching his sister she was stretching out, and he saw the bright pink of her breast and nipple, he was a step away from seeing her naked, and he enjoyed what he was seeing he was left on the patio, and left with a hard on. There was no single way that was healthy. Wanting to look at your sister like she was a sexual object, yeah definitely not healthy. she said she was going to take a bath and he waved her off. "Yeah, rest up okay, I'm gonna take a nap." he said softly, stretching out.He walked to his room and closed the door, dropping his shorts off at the hamper so that he was left alone and naked, he had his phone in hand, and decided that he just needed to get it out of his system. He just needed to jerk off his cock that would help relax, and put the thought of his sister out of his mind, the smooth body, toned ass. Soft features. He looked at his bed, why was it so large? He had never had a woman over in his life, he laid out on it for a moment holding the dex looking at the net connection.He got a ping, new upload from the guy who made peeping tom videos, excelent that was exactly the type of thing he needed right now, just an innocent video of a girl getting undressed, clicking on it he could immediately see the stall, and the girl, the familiar red hair, pale curves. Oh this was so not what he needed right now.And yet he couldn't help but watch as the video showed off his sisters little curves, she was undressing, and then she was spreading herself out... she knew, she was posing for the camera, and what's more she liked it, he could see that much, she even went and did another trail over her body. By now his cock was well in his hand, pumping along trying not to make too much noise, but still breathing heavily. No wonder she had been changing for so long.She had been showing off. He stroked himself, rewinded the video watched it again, did he file anything? should he watching her tease him, he realized that he really wished she was in this room watching it with him. The idea that he could have that, that he could cuddle against her, that he could make love to her. His sister was apparently a lot more sexual than he had ever imagined ever got the note on, and yet here he was watching everything.His cock was in his hand, throbbing and twitching, the red tip wet with precum as his thumb worked the edge of the head. He was working towards his climax, around the time the video was showing the portal to her womanhood, he just had to reconcile that he couldn't touch, but now he had a way to see. He moaned softly as he worked himself up into a ferver his hands brushing him harder and harder, till finally he climaxed, the hot spunk spurted out of him, his rod still stiff but the heat had gone from his body, his spine tingled slightly as he stroked out every drop into the woman he was imagining, but rather leaving a messy trail along his stomach and pelvis. He got up, cleaned himself up with some paper he kept in a drawer in his desk, saved the video to his favorites."I'm fucked up." he said shaking his head, but decided not to say anything more on the subject, he realized his door was ajar the entire time, if she could have she would have been able to watch him, but she was in the bath, or at least that was what he thought he had no idea how many times he had watched that video. in fact it was kinda late, they needed too start getting ready.He changed his clothing, finally put on a shirt, and called out to his sister once he leaned over the door. "Hey we gotta go in like 20 minutes."
It was a nice relaxing way to unwind. After her long Bath Bailey had wrapped herself in a towel and walked back to her room with her tits squeezed under the white cloth. As she passed her brother s room she could hear some interesting noises, but she did not linger to look in, that would be sick. It was good he was getting it out of his system, sometimes guys needed to do that she knew. Bailey herself felt the same, but instead of going back and tending to those needs she instead went into her room, dropped the towel on top of Engine s head and laying down in her bed nude, looking at the sunset over the beach.This was paradise . She thought to herself as she lay there, her hand running over her own stomach and down over her pelvis. She played a bit with the hairs around her labia, not sure what to think of them as she usually kept everything bare down there. She wish she knew what guys thought of a hairy set of lower lips, it wasn t a bush after all. Something made her think about asking Morgan, but that would have been really weird.Touching the pinks lips of her labia some more she picked up her phone with the other hand and decided to view a bit of what was going on in the Aloha region. Afterall, when her brother was at work she would need something to do. Bailey was also curious if the little chubster at the airport actually shared her video, a potential start to a career here in the region from one viral video could be good for Bailey, giving her something to do.Sure enough there was her hairy labia on the front page of a local Tube site. She turned the phone to get a better picture of it, wondering what she thought from that angle she rarely saw her slit from. All of the comments on the video seemed pretty positive, and it already had something to the tune of 200,000 views.Holding the phone on her chest she smiled and closed her eyes. If she was going to do this again she was going to do this right, not complications or associations this time, all on her own. Bailey picked up the phone once more and wrote a comment on the video. Thanks gamer lord753! I m glad you shared like I told you too! I ll give all you boys some more content soon xoxo. It was then she heard her brother, his voice calmer after he took care of himself, calling her to get ready for the party. Coming! She yelled back.Bailey hopped out of bed still nude, but it was no problem. She slipped on a new green bikini bottom with a white mini skirt over that. Looking in the mirror the half naked girl twirled her lower body a bit to see if she liked how the skirt flowed around her. Looking around she tried to find the bikini top that matched this, at which time she realized she had not closed any of the curtains to her window. Silly girl. She whispered to herself shaking her head. It was too late now so she would not bother wasting the time. Maaacchooppp! Engine said as he handed the green bikini top to Bailey. Thanks sweetie. She blew him a kiss as she grabbed it, wrapping the strings around her back and neck, tying them off. Over that she would wear a grey sleeveless crop top. Fashioning her red hair into a ponytail, she felt sexy, and ready for the party tonight.Stepping out into the hall she would try and find her brother. I m ready! She would give him a twirl, popping out her bare hip and striking a sexy pose for him. Bailey was not sure why she went that far, but her need for male approval seemed to be heightened with her brother, even though she felt like it should not be normal by any means.
As she struck a pose for him he couldn't help but chuckle, it was a bit awkward, but it was the second time she had done so. "You look good." He said calmly brushing his hand along her hair for a moment as they walked out of the house. before he forgot however his hand went to his belt where the two balls were located. Tossing them softly into the air. "Igniel, Tress, you two come on out."Long ago when he had been sickly, he had gotten a pokemon he had taken care of and loved like none other, back then Igniel the Eevee had been a constant companion through his sick days, through all the hardships he had endured, the little guy had been with him, and helped to protect his little sister. Now years later he had changed. Igniel was no longer an Eevee, but rather a creature of pink elegance. The psychic type Espeon let out a mewl it's eyes looking at bailey almost like it could see through her, but then as if it recognized her walked up and bowed it's head before brushing up against her. Espeon was slightly taller than her waist, and a bit long too, so different from the eevee of many years ago whom would share his bed.The other was a new addition to his team like Gorbyss it was a new capture. A vulpex, but at the same time not, it's fur was a snow artic white, it's eyes a crystal blue, instead of heat where one would expect it this one seemed to breath cold. "Bailey you remember my good friend Igniel of course, and Tress is one of my research assistants, i caught her on a visit to Ula'Ula, she's an alolan form, a slight genetic offshoot of vulpix, she also helps to keep drinks cold.""Vuuuul.""She doesn't like me saying that." He turned to walk, igniel followed, but Tress stayed at the house walking the short distance to the lab, the sun was starting to set, he reached out and took his sisters hand, not even really sure why he wanted it, he just wanted to hold her for a moment.Walking to the lab, tourches were lit outside of it, the beach was set with a bon fire, and ProffessorKukuiwas already setting up the blankets and chairs. He turned to the two of them, taking a quick swig from a bottle, and clearly showing off using the moment to take one of the torches and give a breath of fire.Morgan rolled his eyes clearly having seen the stunt before. "Bailey this is my boss, proffessor Kukui, he runs the lab here on alola, i'm more or less one of his glorified errand boys.""Aloha, a pleasure to meet you my dear." He reached out taking Bailey's hand and gently kissing the back of it as he bowed, his hand however did have a silver ring indicating his married side. "Welcome to our beautiful home, your brother has done wonders for us over the years a true asset, and he always spoke highly of you. He missed you a lot so it is a gift to have you in our presence this night."
Bailey trembled a bit as the Professor kissed her hand, her red hair blowing in the nighttime sea breeze. He was a hotty, and though he had a ring on his finger than never stopped her before. It was not as if she pursued married men, she just seemed to have an electricity that drew them to her.Though as the professor held her hand, she did play it a bit cute, fluttering her eyes casually at him as she gave him an alluring smile. It was not like one she would give her brother, which contained more brightness and joy, it was one born from the depths of desire and manipulation that she was so used to wielding over men. Morgan you didn t tell me your boss was soo . She looked him and his bare chest up and down and then looked back over to her brother with a teasing smile handsome. She tehe ed as she looked out over the party going on behind them. Awww bro you missed me allot? Bailey looked over to Morgan with big eyes. All the while she ran her index finger over the toned portion of her stomach around her belly button. She loved to touch it when she was excited or intrigued, and men liked to watch her finger dance around her curves. It is great to be here Professor! Bailey sounded every bit ready to party, a bit of an excited hop into the air and her white skirt rose up enough to see the very crest of her green bikini bottom between her legs.
Morgan felt an odd stab through his stomach, as she was suddenly tehe'ing over his boss, calling him handsome, looking at him with eyes that couldn't really be pointed towards him ever. The eyes she looked at Kukui with rather than him were closer to what he imagined his sisters bedroom eyes would be, where as she only seemed to regard him with teasing. Maybe that was how it was, she had made a video for a complete stranger, she was clearly more sexual than he had ever believed, so maybe she was just the type to look at everyone like that, but he was left out because they were family.They were family.He had to remember that, he wasn't bringing his girlfriend to this party he was bringing his little sister, she was supposed to make bedroom eyes at his boss and coworkers, and ignore him,they were family! He just needed to breath and remember that fact so that he didn't get distracted, and he was distracted once again he was just standing there, watching his sisters hands dance around her toned abdomin, probably the only male who was actually paying attention to her hand, as Kukui had gotten to work setting up the fire and the grill."Oh, Morgan could you go inside the lab and grab the food? Most of it's set up, the table needs to be brought out, and the burgers need to get on the grill." Morgan nodded, and walked off into the larger building leaving her alone with Kukui for a moment."Morgan is one of my best and brightest. He's good and honest, but he's also kinda sheltered, lacks the field experaince that i keep trying to get him out there into the world." Kukui said with a small chuckle."What about you, what are your dreams?"Another manWalked into the area, this one also having no shirt on, carrying with him a large cooler. "I brought the beer professor!" The man smiled walking up and placing the container into the sand near the large blanket that was setting up to be their picknic area. He opened the lid. "Oh great you must be morgan's sister." He waved to her."I'm kyle, another one of the proffessors lab rats." He said with a soft chuckle. Opening the container. He pulled out one can, cracking it for her, his hand passing over it for a second. "Morgan doesn't drink, but i'm hoping you do?" He said passing her the open can.Morgan returned and walked up to the group dragging out a small table, that had a few salads, chips, snack type stuff. And then started to help Kukui with the grill.
Bailey smiled as her brother walked way. She was happy for him in that he found such a nice life here working for the Professor. My brother is pretty special isn t he? She smiled at Kukui. She was partially envious of her brother because he seemed to content with the life he had made for himself. He did not need the approval of others like she did, he didn t require pleasing everyone to stay happy like Bailey did. Bailey thought about how the sum of her adult life thus far has been to please others, drawing her emotions from theirs. It had not always turned out well for her, the path of people pleasing often treacherous.As the professor asked her what Bailey s dreams were, she pondered, not truly understanding how she wanted to answer that. As a typical defense mechanism, she gave out a generic answer. OH just to make a name for myself one day. She fussed with her red hair nervously as she thought about the title of the video Attention Whore Gives Amazing Show in Airport Bathroom . She wasn t quite sure Attention Whore was the name she wanted to be known as, but Bailey Kale will one day be the star of this region.As the other assistant walked up to her and introduced herself, she first though about how cute he was. He seemed like the bro type, easy on the eyes but soft in the head. She knew what he was after as he began to strike up a conversation, they were a dime a dozen. Yeah I drink. She smiled politely, taking the beer. She took a long sip, the beer tasting a bit funny but she figured it must be the water in this region. So you work with my brother? Her vision lost focus for just a slight moment and then returned.
"Morgan is dependable. When he first got here he was frail, and we were worried that he wouldn't pull his weight but now years later and he's probably my best assistant in the lab." Kukui said with a small smile thinking over the past few years. As she said that she wanted to make a name for herself Kukui paused for a moment. "You should consider doing the island challenge while you are here in Alola.""Alola is too small to have a proper pokemon league, with only four islands, and about five towns we don't meet the population requirements for official gym sanctions and such, but what we do have is four beautiful and unique islands. For one of us to get into the pokemon league there is a trail that connects the four of them. Each island is overseen by the best trainer the Kahuna, and once you have completed the trail, and defeated all four of them you can enter into the pokemon league proper." Kukui stepped up to the grill to help Morgan, who looked back at his sister for a moment as she was with Kyle, he paused."Morgan never did the trail, I told him he should, but his focus was more on the academic side of things." Morgan shrugged slightly as he was being talked about."That and I honestly thought I would die, some of the trials these islands put you through are actually pretty dangerous." He added in his own defense before returning his attention to the food so he didn't burn anything. Igniel the espeon curled up in the grass, not wanting to touch the sand, but it's eyes were fixated on BaileyOnce the other two men had started to work on their food Kyle sat a little closer to Bailey, his hand reaching out, and touching her thigh, rubbing his hand along the inside of her leg for a moment aggressively. "You know you look pretty familiar. Could have sworn i saw you somewhere earlier today."When she asked about Morgan he shrugged. "Yeah, your brother is a boring ass, who doesn't do anything fun." He said with a slight smile."Why don't i show you around the beach a little." Kyle said. Standing up.
It was just then that someone came running down the beach towards the crew who was setting up. Professor! Professor! The figure came into the light of the fire. It was a girl, about Bailey s age. She had long black hair and a slender figure, though opposite to Bailey she seemed to dress in a manner that was very straight laced, even for a beachgoer. She wore a black bikini, but around her waist a floral coverup dangled as she came to a stop in the sand in front of the professor.She huffed and puffed as she arrived in front of Morgan and Kukui. Bailey noted firstly that she had much larger breasts than she did, something she always instantly hated other girls for. But even by the way that she talked and carried herself Bailey knew she would not be a fan, too goodie goodie. And something even bothered her about he way she looked at Morgan. Professor! Morgan! Nurse May at the Pokemon Center needs you both! She says its urgent! The girl namedStella Dixon sounded excited about whatever was happening, and as Bailey took another sip of her strange tasting beer, she wondered what the girl was up to with her big bouncy tits looking at Morgan like that.Around that moment is when she felt the hand around her inner thigh, the other lab assistant seemed to be getting a bit frisky, but he seemed harmless enough. She peeled his hand off and set it back on the towel with a pat to the back of his hand. Her vision seemed to be really suffering from the dusk light of Alola, perhaps the travel had been harder on her than she originally thought. I don t think we have met, were you at the airport today? She asked innocently. She heard the comment he made about Morgan, but something made her feel unmotivated to give retort, so she let it slide. As he stood up and offered to take her around the beach, she did not see any reason why not, taking his hand and rising to her feet, the world seeming to spin around uncontrollably. Whoa She took another sip of her drink as she nearly fell over if it was not for his hand.
If Stella did look at Morgan with any lust he clearly didn't see it, he was completely oblivious, in fact the way he looked at her was oddly like an older brother looking at a little sister. Morgan even pat her head lightly upon seeing her, but groaned shortly after. "But tonight was supposed to be our day off!" Morgan said wanting to make an excuse, not just to salvage the party, but also because he hadn't eaten yet."The food will be here when we get back." Kukui said quickly turning to the lab, grabbing his coat, and starting to hurry down the beach. Morgan turned off the grill. "Bailey I'm sorry duty calls." He said looking at his sister with a sort of longing. Then turning to Stella."Come on missy your with us, you drag us into something than you don't get to eat either." He said reaching out to playfully pull at her hair, and hurring after Kukui, he realized only after he had left that he had done so without actually introducing the third lab asisstant to Bailey and just sort of ran off with them. He looked at Stella. "What's the emergency?"From the beach to the pokemon center wasn't a long walk, but knowing this island, and the time of day, there were a few different things that it could be, most likely it was another viscous attack in the woods. Some pokemon, or even the occasional human would go out into them at night, and wind up nearly getting eaten alive by Melemele's massive ratticate problem. And that was only one of the number of actual dangers on this island.Kyle smiled as the rest of them left, His arm moved to catch Bailey with a swift sweep. "Easy there lightweight." He said softly, pulling her along the beach. Helping to guide her. This had worked out wonderfully for him. Originally he was going to spike Stella's drink, while everyone was so focused on Morgan's sister he was going to pull her away from the group, and make her wish she had paid any attention to him. Now he got to work out his jealousy not just on a girl, but on Morgan's sister.And she happened to be a total slut. "Oh I definitely saw you at the airport." His hand moved under her skirt touching her ass for a moment as he supported her, and walked her along the beach behind the lab, where the treeline helped to cut off the rest of the village, where it was more isolated and more difficult to run due to rocks, vines, and grass, among the fact that it was now dark outside, the moonlight helping to illuminate all of her soft features."Was that show only for the camera, or do you play for people live?" He said softly. His hands wrapping around her midsection, holding her tight, before pushing her towards the ground.
What was happening?Bailey felt the world spinning, she heard her brother apologize for having to leave but she could not bring the words to respond to him, nor did she quite understand what was going on. As Kyle held her by the arm and took her along the beach, each step a near tumble, she began to understand.Oh this feeling I know this No stranger to this situation, the strange introspective feeling she got when she was drugged crept across her. It was almost like she was a witness to her own life as if it were a movie, her form being taken along the dark beach and behind the bushes as she wobbled, only on her feet because of Kyle.Once his hand ran across her ass she knew exactly what was going to happen, after all it was not the first time. Bailey knew how to handle it though, just to relax. She knew people like Kyle who used drugs to down their prey were not afraid to take it further. As she felt him lead around along and his hand playing along her bikini bottom she knew it was going to be one of those nights.Oh Morgan I m so sorry. She thought, wondering how embarrassing this would be for him. He would think that she took Kyle off herself after having too many drinks. It was to easy to believe a girl like Bailey would just be loose enough to fuck a guy like Kyle minutes after meeting. And from the way he talked he knew of the video in the airport, easy evidence for him to prove she was just a slut.She was after all. What do you wannnt . She felt dizzy and faint as he pushed her hips and body down to the sand. Her hair spread out under her like a red blanket as he was above her, her skirt up just enough to see her green bikini bottoms.
Kyle simply moved his body over hers. He didn't speak when she asked about what he wanted. She probably already knew. considering what she had done in the airport.Instead he busied his hands pushing her down working to remove her clothes. He worked to pull of her shirt. his hands grabbed her skirt pulling it along with her bikini bottom revealing her pussy.Kyle mocked disgust as he looked at it. "You should have shaved if you knew you were a slut." He mocked her as he pulled down his shorts to reveal his cock."You wanna please me?" He asked rubbing her head for a moment. "Suck me off."He grabbed her hair clearly he was just intending to be rough with her. Most men who used drugs tended to enjoy holding power over their victims and this man seemed no different. Intentionally hurting her.In the bushes a pink frame could be seen for a moment watching before it vanished running into the woods to find its master.
Maybe my non shaved look was not as popular as I thought?She thought to herself as he pulled her shirt up, it sat there just above her bare breasts which jiggled up and down each time he moved her like a doll. As he feasted on the sight of her nude body she tried to breath softly and relax as much as she could, but the drugs made it hard for her to control anything. As he grabbed up her hair and tried to be all tough about pulling her hair, she slightly smiled. This was nothing, he was just an amateur at this clearly.Looking down his shaft the drugs really began to do their magic, her conscious reverting to the sex crazed deviant that desired nothing but attention. Taking his member in her shaky and nervous hand she brought her head up as much as she could, her pink lips near to his tip as she gave it a light and soft kiss. Ok. She said matter of fact. Just be nice ok. Her eyes were big and wide as she continued to kiss his mushroom shaped tip, her tongue joining the fray before taking some of his length into her mouth. She would seem shy about it, men liked the shy cute demeanor when they dominated her.She however closed her eyes knowing he wouldn t be happy with just that. Her mind was still in a whirl, but a single tear ran down her cheek as she gasped around his rod.
"Awh aren't you a good little girl." He pet her head gently being nicer to her once she agreed to suck him off. Kyle sat back spreading his legs so she could take more of his cock into her mouth.He grabbed her skirt tossing it along with her bikini bottoms into the wilderness. "Give me your top."He made the request for her to strip naked letting her prove herself on the beach as his hand pet her head softly giving her encouragement as she sucked on him small moans escaped his lips."You've done this a lot haven't you? You really are just a little attention whore. Do you like the taste of my cock?"He couldn't help but chuckle but at least he wasn't hitting her now.
As he leaned back Bailey under her delusion just went with the flow, trying to take a few millimeters of his rod at a time as it slid into her mouth. She could feel the ridge of his mushroom along the roof of her mouth, a weird feeling as her eyes tried to fixate through the drugged blur on the cock s veins. While she was willing to take more, she didn t take much, the energy and spirit taken from her more and more as she begun to feel like a rag doll. Her muscles relaxing till there was little but weakness.Bailey gagged heavily as his tip grazed the back of her throat, her tongue struggling to find its way around the bottom of his shaft as her throat convulsed. Her eyes felt so heavy that she almost wanted to sleep, but as her bottoms were stripped away from her, she felt the cold touch her hairy pussy lips and a jolt ran up her spine.Withdrawing from his cock, saliva and precum running down her lips and chin she took a few deep breaths. It s cold. She complained as her pussy prickled. She tried to get her top off but it was all too much for her, instead collapsing on her back with her head in the sand, red hair strewn about as her eyes opened and closed as she fought it.
As she tried to take off her shirt it was clear that she wouldn't be able to do much of anything on her own. He rolled his eyes, reaching down grabbing her top, pulling it off of her limp body, and tossing it away into the wild leaving her stark naked for anyone to see with no hope of actually retrieving her cloth. He slapped her breast a firm reminder that she wasn't supposed to be sleeping if he wanted her to be nice to her like she had asked. She said she was cold, but that didn't matter. "Just spread your fucking legs and let me have some fun." His words practically bitter about the fact that she seemed to have so little energy.He positioned himself over her, a firm hand pressing on her neck pushing her down into the sound so that he could better mount her now that his cock was hard, however he wouldn't actually get that chance. The world suddenly got a bit twisted as he blinked, a speck of blood. dripped onto Bailey's bare chest as kyle fell off of her disoriented and twitching for a moment. In the bright light of the moon two figures walked forward onto the scene, one a soft pink it's eyes aglow, the other Morgan at his Pokemon's side a sense of anger overwhelming the older brother as he looked at the scene that was unfolding.Morgan walked up to Bailey, he pulled off his shirt and laid it over his sister's breasts wrapping her up for a moment before lifting her up. "Are you hurt?" He asked calmly for a moment, he was holding her bridal style, something that did admittedly take a bit of effort, she would feel his legs wobble with each step for a moment as he carried her, but he never really complained. He looked at his old 'friend' Kyle, a sense of menace in his eyes as he looked over the other male. "Igniel, confusion."There was another burst of throbbing pain sent towards the other male trainer who convulsed on the ground for a moment his mind monumentally being torn asunder by Morgan as he protected his sister.
Though her consciousness was questionable, the overwhelming feeling of being clenched by the neck which caused her sexual nature to stir lifted suddenly. She did not know why, but she expected that other feelings much lower than her neck would take over soon. Instead she saw a bright blurry flash and then felt something warm drape over her. It was a strange comforting feeling, as if she was being protected by something. Noises and voices had all meshed together in her delirious mind by this time and she could make little out of what was going on around her.But one thing she was sure of was her brother s voice, a certain pitch in the indistinguishable noise around her that made her feel safe. While her mind and body had felt like it was floating since she took the first few sips of the drink, she now felt the overwhelming sensation of passing through the air as the sea breeze moved around her nude body. Where are you taking me? Be gentle . I m a good girl. Though she could hear Morgan she still responded as she would in this situation, a product of the delirium.
"I know you are Bailey." He said softly. "I'm taking you home to your own bed." Morgan walked through the sand, struggling here or there to actually carry her, he was huffing by the time he got to the door, thankful that he didn't lock it. Which reminded him he would eventually need to find her clothes tomorrow she had the spare key on her person. Walking through the house she would feel a lot warmer at least.Taking her upstairs was probably the hardest part of this whole journey, and all the while he was completely fuming. How the fuck did Kyle think he could get away with some like this. It was disturbing, especially since he had called Kyle one of his oldest friends on this island. He didn't know all the details, Igniel was a psychic type but he couldn't communicate directly, it was more empathic communication. It had come up to him while he had been helping at the center, and simply let him know that his something was very wrong, a sense of danger, and to follow it. When he saw Kyle about to strangle and beat his sister, he was furious.Which meant he would need to put out an arrest warrant for Kyle, and certianly he would need to tell his boss. Kukui would have him fired on word alone, especially considering he had the eye witness of Igniel. That meant at least Kyle wouldn't have a job if he stayed on the island he would probably be in even more trouble.Walking into her room, he gently lowered Bailey onto her bed, moving the blanket over her, so that she would be tucked in. "There you go nice and warm." He leaned over her for a moment, his hand brushing her forehead, partly moving her hair out of her face, but also to check her temperature and see if she was going to run a fever.
As the soft bed met her, she moaned as her body felt more relaxed than the uncomfortable beach she had been laid down on just minutes before. Bailey tried to come to her senses but the fog of the drugs was too great for her, instead she still felt as if she was in the situation, something she had all too much experience with. It had been a long while since that time in Hoenn, but she knew the self preservation skills needed to get through such an ordeal. The relaxing bed instinctually told her that it was the next phase.Rolling to her side as she felt the hand on her forehead, she scrunched the blanket up against her body. The cloth fell away to reveal her nude curves from thigh to breast, her upper most breast exposed and it s nipple erect.Bailey hmmmed and nudged the hand that touched her forehead, a small smile across her faces as she lay there with her eyes closed. She was very relaxed, her expression showing it from brows to cheeks. Reaching out her hand she grabbed for her prize, latching on to Morgan s cock through his shorts. Give my pussy a break boys I am only one girl. I ll take care of you don t worry. Her voice was slurred as she blindly fumbled with Morgan s pants trying to find the zipper to free his cock. All the while she grabbed, squeezed and rubbed the bulge that was his manhood through his pants in hopes his erection would guide her to the prize. Common, don t shy. She skipped over her words in a mangled tone as she outstretched her tongue and opened her mouth invitingly.
It didn't take much for a virgin like morgan to get errect, but at the same time his sister was clearly out of it. She was talking about various boys, and he couldn't help but think that maybe she was stuck in some sort of memory, as she was determined to work on undressing him, opening her mouth invitingly, clearly wanting to suck his cock, he took her hand off his crotch, and pushed her back onto the bed. Not because he didn't want it, but because she wasn't in the right frame of mind. "Bailey, you're drugged." He said softly. Even so his eyes were linguring over her nude body.There was some part of him that couldn't exactly resist her. He reached out and touched her, simply because he had never touched a naked woman before. His hand felt her smooth skin, trailed over her breast, down her stomach, rubbing her between her legs for a moment, but he stopped. If she wasn't allowed to fondle him he sure as hell shouldn't be trying to fondle her. He pushed her back, again."You need to sleep Bailey." He said softly. He pulled away from the bed, pulling the covers over her. "Please, go to bed." He stayed out of her reach, trying to make sure she would actually sleep, and once he thought she was going to settle down enough, he went to the kitchen, he poured her a large glass of water, and found the bottle of advil setting them up on her night stand with a small letter. Simply writing simply. 'For when you wake up, love morgan.'He wondered if he should write something else, maybe leave a proposition for her. She was being sexual now, but would she want him if he was sober? He looked at her for a moment, he didn't actually want to leave her side. The bed, wasn't a small one, two would easily have been able to share it. He thought about it. No he couldn't share her bed, not tonight while she was drugged. considering how she had opened her mouth he was pretty sure if he got into the bed something lewd would happen before she sobered up, so he called on the next best thing. "Igniel." The long pink feline walked into her room. He gestured to the foot of her bed where it gracefully without disturbing her too much moved and curled up. "Make sure she has good dreams okay buddy, keep away her nightmares." He pet the psychic types head.Regarding the note, he picked it up one last time, on the back he decided to write on it. 'If you still want me in the morning I'll be in my room.'He hoped it wasn't too forward. Setting it down, he walked across the hall he stepped into his room, stripping down to nothing falling on his bed, and before going to sleep started to make phone calls, first to the police, and then to Kukui. Explaining everything Kyle had done.Then once he was sure that kyle would pay for violating his sister, he tried his best to drift into an uneasy sleep.
Daylight crept into the vista windows of Bailey s bedroom softly at first before becoming more glaring as the sun rose. It would take a few hours of this naturally occurrence to wake the slumbering Bailey from her delirium and back into the conscious world. She lay sprawled out on the bed nude, her legs spread as was comfortable for her, her small breasts resting as she breathed shallowly. Her red hair felt crusty from the sand of the beach, but more notable to her was the pounding headache she awoke to as the sun rays crept over her eyes. Uggghhh. She would exclaim as she opened her eyes and shielded them from the sun with her hand. Her head felt like a drum set as she lay there for a moment looking at the ceiling. What a party. She wondered as she thought of how she could hardly remember it. It wouldn t be the first time she drank too much, Bailey hoped she hadn t made a fool of herself or Morgan in front of his coworkers last night at her welcoming party.Sitting up she looked around as the world spun around a moment before returning to it s axis. She needed some advil and a shower. She ran her fingers through her gross and sandy hair and gave herself a disgusted look in the mirror.With a raging headache she cared little about the world around her, instead walking out of her room still nude as when Morgan brought her home. Through the living room and to the kitchen she sought a glass of water, her bare ass only moving slightly as it was tight from her usual workout routine.She came to the counter and found the medicine Morgan had left her as well as the note. mmm that s sweet. She said in a grog as she noted Morgan s strange use of words to say that if she needed him he was around. Taking the advil in her mouth she held it there while finding a glass of water. After drinking she leaned over the counter for a minute to regain her bearings.
Morgan wasn't exactly refreshed by daylight time, he heard movement and thought that Bailey was awake, which was good. He moved out of his own bed, only really bothering to put on shorts out of some sense of decency. Walking down the stairs to greet his sister, he looked her over, and saw she was still stark naked. He blinked for a moment, but didn't actually find it all that distressing after yesterday when he had carried home her nude form. Or when he had watched her video. The fact that she was casually nude was actually pretty cute. He walked into the kitchen waving to her. "Morning Bailey."if there was one thing he wasn't sure of exactly it was how to talk to her about the events of last night, did she remember? did she care that she had tried to suck his dick last night? what about his own invitation? Was she going to notice the fact that his shorts did not hide his current raging errection, a mix of morning wood, and seeing an attractive woman naked in his kitchen like it was so casual a thing."Do you remember much about last night?" He asked trying to be casual about it as he went to the fridge and opened the door. He seemed to pretend like he was hunting for food. Though his eyes were more focused on Bailey than they were anything else in the house. Her ass alone was a lot for him to sort through and deal with. He grabbed the milk, and made a bowl of cerial. "Want some?"Did he approach the subject of her almost getting raped? how was he supposed to talk about that, maybe he hoped she would breach it. Then he could calmly explain that Kyle was a wanted man, and that he had stopped him before he had managed to hurt her.
Good Morning Morgan. She said in quick reply to her brother who suddenly appeared.She still leaned over the counter dizzily as she tried to process last night, no real thoughts or memories coming to her. Boy I don t remember a thing last night. She laughed to herself in the least headache inducing way. I prob drank too much again, I m such a lightweight. She gave an uneasy laugh as if to shrug off an obviously not ok thing of drinking too much. But I m sure it was a great party, I hope I didn t embarrass you at all! Bailey felt up to turning around and facing her brother, putting her hand behind her head as she felt awkward about being black out drunk at her welcome party. It was as she turned suddenly and she felt her small tits jiggle did she realize she was nude in front of her brother.Instantly her cheeks became as red as her hair as her eyes went wide in astonishment. How was her brother just acting so casual as she was there naked before him. Surely, he would notice her perfectly tight ass, toned abs, playful looking breasts, womanly hips. Normal guys can t act normal in front of her in a bikini why does her brother seem unphased as she is nude.Still groggy that morning it took her a moment, but she finally grabbed her crotch and breasts with either hand to cover herself. I m sorry . She pleaded, running from the kitchen and to the bathroom, her ass not missing a beat.
she honestly didn't remember a thing? was it a good idea to tell her than what happened? how would she react, he watched her suddenly realize she was naked, and it hit him that it wasn't some ploy to come on to him, or be casual about his invite to his room, she didn't remember propositioning him, so how could she think that the letter was an invite to do the same to her? He let out a small grown as she slammed the door to the bathroom, silently he weighed the options as he started to brew coffee. She had locked herself into the bathroom, which meant that she had no real clothing options in there.He walked up and gently knocked on the door. "Hey. So, I don't know how to talk about this." He said softly, deciding that she had to know. It was her body, and so she needed to know what had happened to it."Last night the party got cancled before it actually began, me and Kukui were pulled away on an emergency at the pokemon center, and we left you with Kyle. Kyle drugged you, and intended to rape you, but Igniel ran off and fetched me before he could. He tossed your clothing into the woods, and was about to mount you when i got there, and I used igniel to render him unconcious." There were laws against using pokemon against humans, but in that moment it was self defense so it wasn't like he was going to get into trouble."I brought you home, and while you were drugged, you... um... tried to take off my pants." He said softly, and this was where it got awkward, because the wording on his letter became a lot less innocent brother looking out for her and more an invitation of a deviant. He rubbed the back of his head."I didn't take you up on it, but... i'm the one who should be appologizing because... well I was tempted." He looked at the ground. "I was supposed to be protecting you, and instead I was inviting you back to my room when you were sober. I feel like such an asshole."
As Bailey ran into the bathroom, she felt more than a bit embarrassed. It was all the more reinforced when she looked at her reelection in the mirror, her cheeks still super red, almost blending with her few strands of hair. She knew that she would have to make a dash from the bathroom to her room in little more than a towel soon anyways, but Bailey decided she needed an extra long hot shower than morning to try and cure the hangover and the embarrassment of having exposed her brother to all of her womanly virtues.Of course, Morgan being the diligent brother he was, she soon heard him knock on the door, probably feeling as awkward as she did. She quickly ran and turned on the shower, making it as hot as possible to hopefully burn any sort of negative feeling away. Hey I need to talk to you about this. She heard him say. Bailey trembled a little bit as she thought about any sort of conversation with her brother about him seeing her naked. She jumped in the shower rather rapidly to avoid it and dunked her head under the shower. Uh huh I m listening! Bailey yelled through the sound of the water, shower curtain, and door. Expect she was not intending to listen at all. The conversation more awkward than she was able to bear in that moment. Instead she did her best to clean her hair of all the sand and grit that had accumulated in it during the party, washing it with the water and soup as she could hear her brothers muffled voice continue on its somber and dower path.Bailey threw in the occasional Uh huh to reassure Morgan that she was listening as she did her best not to. When finally he stopped with what he had to say Bailey poked her head out of the curtain. We ll don t feel bad about it bro, I m glad you could say all of that. Honestly I don t mind at all, its bound to happen. She hoped her words about their living in such close proximity and the fact he may catch a glimpse of her was inevitable would rectify the situation. Bailey honestly wanted to move on from the awkwardness.
the talk he was having was probably one of the hardest he had ever tried to have. It dealt with subject matter that was frankly painful to deal with, he had known Kyle for years, and over night everything he knew abut the man had changed in an instant. he had turned from one of his friends and allies into a lurking predator preying on peoples trust. What was more she had put him directly into a position where not only had he seen everything, but she had tried to suck him off, and for a brief moment he had completely considered it, he had touched her body, carressed her while she was high, and it all made Morgan think that maybe he was no different from Kyle.He had stopped himself from taking advantage of her, he had stopped caressing her, but he had touched her, and not in the protective way he was supposed too. His fingers had traced over her pussy, he had touched her clit, things a brother frankly shouldn't do. So it was no wonder that she was only giving soft 'uh huh' occassonally the entire thing made him want to break and she had been the victim.he heard the water running, and even as he had spoken with her part of his mind was imagining the water running over her skin, her fingers caressing her body with soap. her firm body warmed with water.Then came the most shocking of all, her reply. She didn't mind that she had nearly been raped? It was bound to happen? He had seen her video last night, even replied to her direct comment that she had left on the video in her reply that more content was coming soon. It was actually a pretty gross comment now that he really thought about it. Asking her if all her shows would be solo, or if she was intending to have 'guests'. He knew her comment last night had stuck out like a sore thumb, her comment about how 'all the boys needed to give her a break' and that she was a good girl.So she had just accepted the fact that he had feelings for her that were... not brotherly in nature, she just expected to be raped?What the actual fuck had happened to his sister in slateport?He opened the door to the bathroom, at this point he wasn't sure if her comment was an invite, or not. She seemed so casually dismissive about it, and he wanted to think about anything else other than last night, and the attempted rape. He was only wearing shorts so he was quick to discard them. "If you don't mind what happened last night, than it's okay to join you right?"He didn't really wait for her reply stepping into the shower with her. "Want me to wash your hair for you?"
Uh huh. She replied casually as she did a half dozen times before as her brother talked through the bathroom door and the nude redhead washed herself. Except this time as the water trickled over her and she sat there with her face enveloping the warm water with eyes closed did she realize that her brother s voice was not on the other side of the door any longer.Wait what happened last night? Her eyes shot open and grew wide as she did not dare turn around, instead she acted casually and held her arms tight to her chest with her hands just below her chin rubbing soap into her neck. It was all a haze really, nothing much of the night previous making sense. Though as she tried to think harder and harder, she did recall something about her being nude on the beach, her brother carrying her home, and grasping at shorts . Oh no. She froze as her brother pulled back the curtain and stepped in the shower with her.Did she fuck her brother last night? And now he was coming back for seconds thinking she was ok with it. Its bound to happen. She whispered to herself as she glanced over her shoulder. There behind her was Morgan, and a stiff rod between his legs. Her eyes went wider as he looked over his member, her brother not shy about the fact he was fully erect for his sister. Morgan himself was so forward about it, stepping in the shower and offering to wash her hair. Bailey was afraid, but not of Morgan, she was afraid that she had ruined something special between them. Her trip here was meant to be a bonding experience between siblings, and now it was day 2 and her slutty ways had already infected her brother.Bailey reverted to the only mechanism she knew of how to please men . Submit to them She didn t want to anger her brother, it was her fault for what she did the night previous. And she would be lying to herself if she hadn t been the least bit impressed with how her brother matured when she saw him yesterday.Thus Bailey used the tools she knew how to use with men to keep them happy. Morgan was one of the most important men in her life and was doing so much for her bringing her to Alola, why shouldn t she do her best for him?Thus her instinct only knew one way to respond: Whatever you please Morgan. She looked at him with a more confident set of wide eyes, and a bright smile like she gave the cameras.
Morgan took some shampoo off the shelf, he had bought something flowery knowing that his sister would be here, though he had imagined her using it herself rather than him standing here. He saw the smile on her face, and something was a bit unsettling about it, it kinda looked like the way she did when she was playing for the camera. He leaned over her, and started to wash her hair, brushing his hands through her hair gently, to help wash out the sand.His smile back at her, was slightly more melancholic, but also happy, he had wanted her right? but now he had a small glimpse into the nightmare that was her life. a life where someone could be raped, and say it was bound to happen. He brushed over her, looking over her, and he gave a soft sigh. He looked over her body, and he was glad that her skin was clean, no bruises no marks of the assault Kyle had given her. His hands were still gentle with her, caring and kind. Despite the fact that he was stiff and erect and clearly hot for sister his first priority was looking after her.This was something he had wanted right? there was a reason he had watched the video of her from yesterday. She had grown up beautiful, and she was the most important person in his life so why shouldn't he be happy about this? He even got to live out a dream of simply washing a woman's hair an intimate act like this was something well beyond the eternal virgin that he always was. He realized that he had gotten a touch silent, and a small nervous laugh escaped him."Sorry I've never actually done anything like this before now." He spoke honestly. Should he bring up the fact that they were siblings, was there some sort of rule for how this was supposed to work, he actually felt a touch awkward, what was he supposed to call her, hearing her call him Morgan was a bit impersonal, and he kinda preferred it when she was just calling him brother. "I'm not hurting you at all am I?" His touch was still reminiscent of the day before, when the two had stood on the balcony and his hand had held her side, this was Morgan being affectionate, far more so than he had gotten to be the day before now that the two were doing lewd things.Well Morgan would call them lewd, but to her this probably seemed insanely mundane.He started to wash her back, his soapy hands rubbing her shoulders helping to work out her muscles, he knew how to give a back rub, he had watched a few videos on the subject before, but this was actually the first time he had ever touched a woman like this. "I just want to see you enjoy yourself Bailey, I love you. So if you would like to tell me how to um... please you I'd love your guidance."
Bailey felt his hands along her shoulders, rubbing them so caringly that it made her relax despite the tense situation. While she was no stranger to being intimate with men, something about being with her brother made her feel like a virgin again, her skin crawling with nervousness and prickly tingles that made her want more. She couldn t at first believe she felt this way, but as she thought about it more, and the more he touched her so softly and gently she realized that this was the first man to ever touch her so caringly or intimately before. Most men just grabbed her, held her, squeeze her until they juiced her in many different ways. That wasn t to say Bailey didn t like being treated that way, but her brother seemed to be a touch different, almost inexperienced and heartfelt.She found herself enjoying it as he massaged her, so considerate of how she felt. It certainly was new to her that someone would care about how she felt mentally and physically beyond orgasms or even in some sort of breeding sense. Bailey closed her eyes as the hot water trickled over her and Morgan rubbed her shoulders, she could melt right there and she would be very happy.Turning around she made sure her brother s arms remained on her shoulders as she did not want to be devoid of that caring touch. Looking at her brother, bare to him as if the truth of her heart was exposed, she smiled a more genuine way through her golden eyes. You already have bro. Bailey said almost holding back a tear of joy, feeling no comfort or physical attraction like this before. For the first time she felt sexually drawn to a man not because of an overwhelming need to please him, but because she felt his pull and love. Bailey wanted to show Morgan this, how because of the feeling and love he d showed her that she wanted to reward him.Pressing her body against his, her breasts squishing against his upper abdomen, she slid down his wet body. Her tits would mash up against his cock first, but then it would bounce up and whack her in the chin, making Bailey giggle as she looked up at her brother. Keeping eye contact she would daintily take hold of his manhood, squeezing it between her fingers before kissing the side of it. Bailey wanted her brother to feel love, and if the love he wanted from her was this, then she would give herself to him however he wanted.Moving his tip to her lips she would glide it across her mouth as the water from the shower rained on her, just before opening up and taking him in. Quarter way . Half way . All the way to the stem she would show how much she could perform for him. While this would usually be accompanied with feelings of anxiety that she was not meeting a mans needs or wants, she instead felt love. It was a strange love, but despite this strange turn of events it made her feel good to have his cock in her throat.She would look him in the eyes, gagging, hoping he accepted all of this love she had to return.
Something changed when he started to show affection, the way she looked at him wasn't posing for the camera anymore, something real broke free in that moment. She called him bro, and like that the tension broke, it didn't matter that the two of them were related. He actually was about to move to kiss her, but then she started to traverse his body, the feeling of her breasts rubbing his skin made him breath deeply, and gold met gold, he smiled at her more ernest, more excited for what she was doing.When she kissed his cock he couldn't supress the shiver that errupted from his spine, he was actually being touched, now was his turn to be cared for. He felt like he was going to slip for a moment. He didn't break eye contact with her, though he did place one of his hands on her head, not to stop her, or even force her down on his cock more, no she did that on her own, he needed her for balance in the shower, cause he was suddenly struggling to breath for a moment feeling her warm mouth wrap around his cock.It was in a way the promise she had made last night, that she was a good girl, that she would do whatever he demanded of her. It was an intimate trust, and one he knew he couldn't possibly abuse. His sister was handing him something a lot more precious than his first blow job. It was a shame his mouth couldn't exactly convey much of his thoughts, there was a warm fuzzy static that seemed to dull his mind completely.She had called him bro, they didn't need to hide anything from one another. His hand held onto her head, but it was clear that he was enjoying this, the fact that she was gagging on his cock, taking him down to the body hair of his cock. "Sweet Arceus's judgement. Sis, you do this to me, and I don't know how long i'll last." It was the first time a profanity had ever probably left his lips, and even then it seemed tame, but the fact that she had pulled it out of him left his cheeks red with both embarrassment and pleasure.He couldn't help the moans that escaped him at that point. it turned out that Morgan was a vocal lover. He couldn't suppress his voice, and so when he spoke it was between pained gasps of pleasure, and loud moans strings of small words that didn't make sense in context. He felt his hips move partly on their own due to the flex of new pleasure, but at the same time he was trying to stay still for her, letting her do as she pleased to him because he knew her experience would lead him to greater heights of pleasure than he could achieve by using her. Even the hand on her head was more interested in gently brushing her hair, helping her to rinse out the soap than it was in controlling her head or motions.
Bailey smirked as much as she could despite his cock in her mouth. She could tell that her brother was really enjoying this, like it was something he had not experienced much before. Something about his lack of experience comforted her, like he was her s to train and no other girl would corrupt his expectations of her. She continued to slide his shaft in and out of her throat as she gagged each time it reached her limit. There was little that he could do to her that would be outside of what she wanted, all she wanted in that moment was to keep seeing such a happy face on her brother. Don t last. She took him out of her mouth and stroked his rod a few times as she smiled like a caring sister. Just relax and let what happens happen. She smiled, her golden eyes fixed on his as she stroked him with her hand, then kissing his cock with her soft lips. Bailey looked up at him as she took a lick with her tongue across one of his veins. I m glad I m here. A tear rolled down her eye before she took his full length down he throat again and gagged furiously.
The sound of her gagging was a bit weird. Morgan would have thought it sounded painful, but the look on her face as she went about doing so, the eyes that matched him, he realized that it was more an expression of love, and came to enjoy the sound of her gags as well as the feeling of her throat tightening and pulsing as she swallowed his cock. He moaned happily, and as she told him to relax and let whatever happens happen he nodded.Honestly he felt like his entire body was going to melt with her kisses, and her taking him down her throat gagging as his cock became slick and wet from her saliva aiding in her task. She said that she was glad to be here, and the look she gave him told him it was true. He saw the tear draw down her cheek, and a hand brushed the side of her face gently drying her eye. He still couldn't speak not really able to do much more than moan, but the essence of the caring emotion was there.He leaned back his cock going forward giving her more to work with, as his breathing intensified his entire body going loose for a moment as he felt what was happening. His cock was slick, and hot, becoming thicker against her throat, soft twitches that warned her what was going to happen."I'm gonna cum, wait." Morgan did do something, he pulled back, pulling his cock from her mouth, but keeping it set on her tongue. He let her stroke him out so that only the tip of his cock was in her mouth. As the thick ropes of hot cum started to pour out, he made sure that every single drop landed on her tongue so that she could taste him. "Say aww?" Virgin or not he did watch a lot of porn, and this was always a scene he had wanted to see in real life.He breathed more relaxed, and felt his knees wobble so he came down to his sisters level, looking her in the eye. "Would you swallow that for me?" He actually asked as if he couldn't command her, a small chuckle escaping his lips for a moment.The moment after she had swallowed down every drop and showed her tongue, he placed hands on both sides of her face, drawing her in for an intimate kiss. He held her body gently against his, kissing her heavily for a moment.
Bailey felt him pull back. It was cute, just another sign of how gentle he was. Most guys would pour it right down her throat as if it didn t matter. Though to Bailey it really didn t, but the act of pulling back did show her he cared somewhat, so she made sure to make her tongue dance around his tip a bit as he patted her head and she stroke him.The ropes of reward that came into her mouth were in fact rewarding, but Morgan s say aww made her laughAs Bailey laughed, a bit of cum seeping out the sides of her mouth as his cock pumped into her. She giggled a bit before making sure to lap the bit that escaped back up with her tongue. She figured as sweet of a guy as he was being, he deserved his seed to be swallowed. Bailey couldn t remember the last time she spit out, and she wasn t about to do it to her brother.Looking up at Morgan as he drew her upwards by the cheek, she swallowed deeply to show him that she was gonna enjoy every last drop of what he gave her. But something about the way he kissed her just after that made her feel like it didn t matter much. It was the first time ending any sort of sexual encounter of a man she was not worried she was not worthy. Morgan made her feel like a princess, and she was happy to make him a king.Bailey chuckled just as he did. I ll always swallow for you. She gave in to his intimate kissing, yet her hand still clenched his cock as she did not want to let go.Bailey wondered for a moment as he kissed her so deeply what all this meant. Just minutes before she was running from him in shame of being nude around him, to now being happy to swallow his cum. Yet all of this just felt right to her, that she didn t care. Did I make you happy bro?
there was no denying how hot it was watching his sister swallow his cum, or how good it felt when she licked his cock. Even the kiss that followed, while he could taste the salt and bitterness of his cum left on her breath he also didn't care, and when the kiss broke he was panting, she made a comment about always willing to swallow for him, which was in a way a promise that this while it was the first time would not be the last.and that promise left him excited. She asked him if she made him happy, and his hand caressed the side of her face gently, brushing her skin. his cock was still hard in her hand even as she stroked him, and he was left shivering from that feeling. He touched her softly, and smiled. "I've been happy ever since you landed." He said gently. He pressed his forehead to hers gently and his hands touched her sides."I've wanted you since we were on the patio." He confessed lightly brushing her hair, and taking her other hand stepping out of the shower with her, so that he could walk on more stable ground, but he wasn't leading her towards towels, he walked her towards the bathroom door, leaving the water running as if he was in a hurry to do something. "I watched your break out video." His voice eager for a moment."I'd like to be your camera man." He knew she was planning to do more live shows, and part of him wanted in. It became a touch more clear where he was leading her, their wet bodies leaving visible footprints as he walked to his room. Opening the door and leading her to his bed. "My only condition would be that above all else, I want to see you happy if it is something you are choosing to do.""maybe we could do it together, I know that incest is certainly a fetish, an attractive bro sis con show would probably drive a few people crazy." He brought her onto his bed so he could sit across from her."But above all, I want you to feel at home here. You've already made me happy beyond everything I could have dreamed sis. Now Show me how I can repay that."
As Morgan kissed her Bailey felt lighter than air, the feeling of euphoria surrounding her as she wondered if she had ever been so lucky in her life to fall into the arms, or even around the cock, of someone who actually cared. She did even think of it as being an incest thing, in fact she didn t care. So devoid of healthy relationships with men, she was happy to latch on to this one.As Morgan led her away she wondered what was happening, though she assumed he was taking her back to his room to fuck her. It was a typical guy thing, but instead of feeling used she felt grateful she could give something to someone who treated her so well. For so long Bailey had given parts of her to men who just took advantage, so the thought of him taking advantage didn t bother her at all.When Morgan mentioned that he had seen her video, she felt heavier than a brick, ashamed a bit by the thought of her brother seeing her in such a lens. She wondered if he thought of her as just a slut, as he lay her down on the bed she felt her wet hair hit his blanket as she lay nude before him. As he went on to say he wanted to be her cameraman however, Bailey s heart stopped, wondering if it was some sort of joke. Muh . My cameraman? Bailey looked perplexed, almost dumbfounded. She lay there with her legs spread inadvertently, her pussy just a foot or so from his still erect cock as he stood above her. You don t think I m a slut?.... how . How did you see the video? Her heart pounded. Thankfully by him saying it was her breakout video she knew he hadn t seen any of her numerous videos from Hoenn.
"I'm subscribed to that channel, it's a guilty pleasure of mine." He admitted that it was probably a bit creepy that he had seen the video, but that had only stirred on what he had felt about her. as she lay down with her legs spread towards him. he knelt down at the side of the bed, his hands went to her thighs as he pulled her gently towards him. His eyes looking up into hers as his hands brushed her nude form.Did he think she was a slut? he thought about his answer for a moment, but shook his head. "No, I don't see you as a slut Bailey. I think after what you said earlier today and yesterday, that you have lead a very difficult life, one I'm not going to question you about because i have no doubt that those memories are horrible and painful for you."He moved his lips down to her body kissing her stomach for a moment before moving down to her pussy, his tongue touching her clit for a moment, before he started to lick and kiss her. His eyes stayed focused on her. Watching her reactions to tell if he was doing this correctly, tasting her salty sexual juices. Which were honestly very pleasant he enjoyed the taste of her body. He gave her a smile.Once he was done licking her for a minute or so he stood up, his body linguring over hers, his hard cock almost touching her womanhood, so close that the heat of of the two were basically touching. "I don't see you as a slut Bailey, I see you as my sister, and now... mine."
She quivered as he kissed her pussy, her hand atop his head grabbing tufts of his hair as he pleasured her. It had been a long time since a man had gone that far for her, usually she was the one doing the work, that she mind, sucking cock was pretty fun for her. mmmmmmmmm .. Morgan She moaned his name as her eyes were shut tight. She looked down at him as he kissed her, and saw the hunger in his eyes for her. As he stood above her with his cock near her pussy she smiled, shifting in his bed as she spread her legs wider to accept his manhood, her pussy lips spreading as her knees grew farther from each other. Morgan She said in a cute whine. I am a slut. Her expression was serious. But just as the silent moments lingered between them her expression grew into a smile. Turning around she brought her face to his cock and turned her pussy away, feet on the floor. But I m your slut now big bro . Kissing his tip she looked up at him as her soft lips grazed over his mushroom. Be right back She got up from the bed and ran from the room, her swift footsteps pitter pattering along the floors of Morgan s home.In the other room her muffled voice bout be heard. No, not now Motoku, give me that. She snipped at her Tyrouge before pitter pattering back to Morgan s room.Coming back in still as naked as when she left, though noticeably moister, she waved her phone that was in her hand. I think it s time for a Part II? She smiled, waiting for Morgan to respond.
hearing his name from her lips in such a sexual way was appealing more than that he watched her seemingly process his answer, She was still enthralled to him or so it seemed. He was a bit worried that she would think less of him for having watched her porn video or even making such an offer. When she said she was a slut he was about to correct her, but honestly didn't know how to broach that. He didn't think of her as a slut. She she brought her mouth to his cock casually kissing it, as she informed him that she was now his slut. That made him chuckle.She walked off to her room, and he heard some conversation with her pokemon, apparently one had taken her phone, thinking about it she had two of them, and both were male fighting type humanoid egg groups. He blinked for a moment, the thought hitting him rather suddenly, As his sister returned with her phone saying that she was ready to make a part two, he blurted out his question without thinking about how it sounded. "Do you fuck your pokemon?"He realized a moment later that sounded really judgmental, when in truth he was actually excited, the answer illuminated his face as he looked over his sisters body, he stepped up to her, taking her cellphone, and immediately he was trying to see if she had anything in her gallery. "No one has ever managed to see a pokemon mating. breeding centers exist yes, and egg groupings yes all those things are well documented, but the actual breeding rituals are completely unknown, if your having sex with your pokemon than you count as one of the worlds most important scientific researchers!"He wasn't even joking, pokemon simply refused to have sex in laboratories or under observation it was so rare, male and female features often had to be documented in other ways than genitals. for a moment his researcher side showed, but he then he remembered his sister was naked, wet, and she wanted him not a pokemon. He paused for a moment. "Sorry, we can go over those experiences at another time, but I'm not joking when I say that your important now, it would entirely be possible to set you up with a pokemon field research grant if you so desired. There would be some documentation, filmography involved. Like not as sexy as what we are about to do, but filmed with proper equipment."He turned on the camera and pointed it at his sister. "Now, you said you wanted to make film number two, what would you like the world to know about you?"
As she stood there nude before Morgan, Bailey was stunned as he asked her about what sorts of ways she used her own Pokemon. Nervously she crossed her legs at the knees and exhibited an uncomfortable look on her face as he stared up at her. She wondered if in his mind she truly was a whore, using her pokemon like that. It wasn t that she got Pokemon just for that, Motoku the Tyrogue himself was meant to be a training partner for her as she worked out. But one day when she was really horny and sweaty and in the wild, she sort of encouraged Motoku to do things to her she never had done with a Pokemon and it was great.It was sort of unpassionate but it was sensual, Motoku when taking orders from Bailey did a very good job at pleasuring her. He even left his own present from time to time, and while an innocent Bailey was worried for half a second she would drop a Pokemon egg, she realized that was physically impossible for her and just became satisfied to enjoy the feeling of his juices rolling into her.Her Machop, Engine, however was captured with lewder reasoning. While Machop unto itself was sort of just like Motoku the Tyrogue, his evolved form Machamp seemed all too exciting to think about being held down or even tossed around as her pokemon handled her along it s cock. Its four big strong arms, one of each of her appendages would be perfect to dominate her at her own command. Bailey had been training Engine specifically to evolve him into a Machamp for a series of Pokemon sex videos she planned to do. I do Bailey felt like she as going to cry, wondering if her brother now felt shame about her. But when he explained to her the significance of what she was doing she suddenly felt better. Really? I just I guess I just though no one talked about it when they did it like it was really taboo. She held her stomach like it was filled with her Machop s seed again. Engine often got very excited when he was training with Bailey, filling her to the brim with sperm.Listening to Morgan go on and on about what she could do with the possibility of having sex with her pokemon and documenting it really did encourage her, yet as she stood there nude and wet between the legs she wondered what he really wanted and if he needed a reminder. You seem really excited about this She grinned at him. You want me to bring Engine or Motoku in? She asked coyly looking over his expression.As Morgan held up the camera she smiled. I didn t think so. She laid on her back and spread her legs as they hung off the bed. As the camera rolled her pussy would be front and center as she smiled and at up, her small tits perking as she thought about all the people who would be watching this.Holding her finger to her lips she quieted her brother. She couldn t have his reputation as a researcher be ruined by going on tape fucking his sister, so he would have to be the silent and anonymous cock between her legs. Hiiiii. She smiled. I told you all I wouldn t make you all wait long for a second video. She motioned for Morgan to come closer as she let the camera take in her body.
He supposed in some way it was taboo, it wasn't exactly what a proffessor would have called proffessional research mating habits of pokemon were probably best left to the imagination of others, and yet there was something significant about the fact that his sister had managed to do something that was often thought impossible. He didn't really think about it too much however, as even she offered to bring them in, his focus was already on her body, something more for him than even for the video he was filming.She motioned him to be quiet as they filmed. His cheeks puffed up clearly upset at the notion he had to remain silent, but he supposed that was for the best, he had to be the silent cock that was gonna slap into his sisters cunt. If he let out that the two of them were siblings than it could get the video to be flagged or something, not to mention it would hurt both their reputations. He understood the logic of why he should be silent, but it wasn't nearly as fun.He came in closer, filming over her body, looking at her wet pussy, going up to her breasts, showing off her gorgous curves on the bed. He wanted more. The camera would watch as he grabbed his sisters ankle. He silently pulled her towards the edge of the bed, and then flipped her over onto her front. He showed the camera her bouncy ass. Even going so far as to give it a spank. Showing his hand smack her ass hard enough to leave a pink impression of his hand.He grabbed her ass cheek, pulling them apart softly, showing her asshole to the audiance. Then moved down to her cunt. He then passed her the camera. Letting her hold onto it as he flipped it over to selfie mode.His hands went to her hips, grabbing them, pulling her closer to him. His cock touching her pussy now. He wanted the camera to see her face, as she was mounted, but he made sure to keep his face off the video feed, which lead to some awkward stretches. He rubbed the red tip of his cock raw against her pussy, letting her juices lube him up, she was probably expecting him to just take her, but he took a considerable amount of time to tease her, to soak his cock so that it was nice and wet with precum, and her sexual fluids.Then it slipped between her ass cheeks, and her brother's real goal was shown, as the red tip of his cock pressed against her anus, and was slowly thrust inside of her tight asshole.
When her brother handed her the phone she gave a bright smile, a unique angle that would be perfect for this little show they were putting on. She held it in both hands as she ogled the camera suggestively, also admiring her brother s body as he came in behind her. As he came between her legs she bit her lip, doing her best to play the innocent mare being mounted. As his rod positioned itself against her gateway she gave the camera a very suggestive smile. See today I have a partner in crime Professor Wood. Bailey giggled at her little pun as she let the camera observe the lower half of the man behind her, his cock just between her legs. I hope you all are ready because I don t know if I am he has a big cock and I just have my tiny little pussy as you all know. She recalled she let everyone see her tight cunt in the airport bathroom stall. So I hope that he will fit but for some reason I think I ll manAGE! Her sentence ended in an exclamation as Morgan thrust himself into her ass. Her mouth went wide with surprise as she nearly dropped the phone, its angle of view shaking around as she took in his rod to her asshole. She let out a loud yelp as her eyes were clenched shut, the camera seeing her labored reaction to the surprise she did not expect to be getting that night.Bailey turned her head to look up at her brother, her eyes wide and mouth still wide with surprise. She could not even conjure the words to express her pain, frustration, surprise, and ecstasy she felt in that moment. Her brother just did what an alpha would and now she truly was his bitch.Her eyes seemed to water as he pushed into her, Bailey had little experience with this and did not know what to feel.Looking back to the camera she remembered they were filming a video. OH my god my ass. Her brows furrowed for the audience.
It was something he had dreamed of but never thought he would ever be able to do. Sticking his cock inside of a woman's ass, and the reaction he got out of his sister was glorious. The sharp inhale she made when she suddenly realized what was going on, the pained expression as her mouth opened wide and she she looked at him questioning. He just reached out and gently pet her hair. She was his after all. He could do whatever he pleased.Right now that meant keeping his cock inside of her anus. He also had to keep his mouth shut, that was less fun. Considering he was claiming her as his own, he had a few things he wanted to say, ways to tease and taunt her at what he was doing, but he had to play the part of the silent protagonist in this one. He reached out and gripped his sister's hair, not so gently this time around. He held up her head so that her chest lifted off the bed slightly and the audiance would get to see more of her breasts. Though she was a bit more flat chested they still showed up, and he got to see what the camera recorded from his angle as well.Which included her pained expression.His cock bounced against her, digging deeper against her asshole, pushing heavily against her, before his hips actually started to thrust. He was going rough and raw at her, deciding that the best way to let her adjust to the intursion was just to go full at it. She was after all as she said his slut.He also had to admit that part of the reason why he wanted her hot and violent like this, was because he doubted he would be able to last. Bailey's ass was tight around him, it was also smooth and offered a good amount of resistance as he pressed his cock into her, and then pulled himself almost out, the way her body rubbed on him was like he was a perfect fit or something, and it drove him wild. It didn't take long before he had to bite his lips to prevent himself from moaning.He was still holding her by the red pony tail, his other free hand moved from her hip, and slapped her breast, a not so soft audible crack could be heard as he hit her rather hard. Despite all the nice things he had done and said with her, so far, it seemed now he wanted to go a little more rough.
"Ahhh!" She screamed! Her eyes welling up with tears as his hand cracked against her tit. The camera would see her small tits bouncing from both his strike at her and his violent thrusting as her skin began to turn a bright red just where he had struck her. It was such a stinging pain, only barely outmatched by the pulling of her hair, her brother practically lifting her off the bed by her hair.As she looked into the camera lense, hardly able to turn her head, she let the world see how so very fucked she was in that moment. It was an expression that could only say "I'm so fucked" either it being in a in a figurative manner, or in a way that could only say "he is so deep in my ass I am also eating his dick". Either way as her eyes drifted to the side to observe her brother's expression as he took physical control of her, she was astonished to see this side of him.While she loved her brother even before this moment, she was worried at first he wouldn't treat her the way she was used to, or even preferred in bed. Morgan seemed to be a really sweet and nice guy, the type to lay her down in missionary and slowly plant his seed in her womb. But now her total view of her brother had changed as he violently held her like the weaker bitch that she was, and furiously ramped her ass like it was no question that he owned her.Bailey could not be happier to feel the stinging. Looking up to her brother once again and then to the camera with a devious smile before biting her lip so seductively, she opened her mouth between gasps so seductively."Ughhh ahh hit me again .. master!"
When she said that she was eating his dick he couldn't help but laugh slightly as he kinda had to agree. Her ass kept pulsing around him, sucking on his cock it was magnificent. It felt wonderful but she had no idea how right she was.The next thing she would note was that the second she asked him to hit her, she would feel his fist, impact her stomach as he punched her lower abdomen. His hand crained her body up so that he could reach her and with no hesitation his free hand physically punched her. His fist pulling back to an area of her skin that would probably leave a darker bruise.His abuse however didn't stop. He was still busy fucking her ass, his balls slapping against her rubbing himself on her as he grinded deep inside of her. His cock twitched and pulsed like it was heating up. His hand reached up grabbing the breast he smacked seconds before, grabbing her nipple, and pulling on it, twisting her breast hard enough that he could make his sister cry or scream. Pulling her breast hard enough that for a second even he thought he would end up ripping it off, not letting go till he could see that her nipple was going to be a swullen purple because of him.Once he saw that was for sure, he let go, and grabbed hold of her other nipple. Repeating, the squeeze, and twist. Treating her body like she was property to be abused. He tried to make his voice sound deep, but he was moaning loudly now. His cock was twitching. Hot precum was leaking into her ass. He couldn't help it he was going to blow his load inside of her. He reached the apex of his thrust, grinding into her as deep as he could force his cock to go, and finally let loose, his cum spilling forth into her, making a complete mess of her insides, only for him to pull out as soon as his cock was done twitching, he dropped her red hair letting her fall to the ground. He waited a second before he slapped her ass.He tried to make his voice deep. "Clean up my cock pet. let the people see what you can do with your throat."
Bailey was incredibly sore from her brother hitting her stomach, hardly able to lift herself up from the bed as her breasts ached from his pulling and twisting as well. She looked at the camera and let it see all the damage he did to her, showing just how submissive she was as she bit her lip once again and lifted her face level with Morgan's cock with a painful expression.The frame of the camera would show her cum leaking ass to the left and her mouth coming up to the cock on the right as her small breasts and now bruising abdomen filled the rest of the frame.Bailey only nodded at her brother as she took his cum dripping cock in hand and kissed it's tip. She smiled at the camera before running her tongue under the shaft and along its length as she looked at the lens with the side of his cock in her mouth like an oboe.Smacking her lips against his rod, she smiled while stroking it with her hand."I hope you all enjoyed seeing me used like I was meant to be, just like a good girl should be used."
Morgan moaned as she sucked off his cock, watching her lips drink back all the cum that was dripping from him, she really did look like a good girl. He smiled as she said that she hoped the sight of her being used was enjoyed by many. He waited till she hung up the recording. He leaned down and picked her up off the floor lifting her back onto the bed, he then came to lay down beside her. His arms wrapping around her in a soft embrace. Holding her as he laid down on his bed next to her. Letting her stroke his cock if she so desired, but also just cuddling her.He wanted a bit of aftercare. He loved his sister, and he had just beat and used her unlike anything he had ever done before. His mind was still trying to process why it had been so violent in the heat of the moment, and why it had all felt so amazingly good to hurt her the way he had. He touched her gently laying on bed with her. He leaned in to kiss her neck softly as he pulled Bailey closer to him.Morgan shivered for a moment. "Honestly, I don't like being called master." He said softly, he looked at her for a moment with all seriousness. "I never joined the pokemon league, so Master is a term of respect I don't really feel like I earned even if I did capture you." He was holding her, and talking to her as he worked out the experiance in his head. Taking the time to process everything that just happened while still giving her affectionate touches and kisses between his words."But you can't be calling me brother or by my name on these video streams." He said softly as he rubbed his chin for a moment. "I liked the professor wood joke... I wouldn't mind using that for my screen name in all of this, I guess that can be my character in your live streams." He said with a mild chuckle as he pulled her closer, making it so that her face could burry into his chest as he held her."Maybe... stick to professor, sir, Oh teacher would be good especially if we can get you a school girl outfit." He said with a mild laughter. "I even have a lab coat for that kind of play..."He paused for a moment. "Off camera though, I love it when you call me bro... but every now and then... I'd love you to call me daddy."
Bailey felt sore after her brother's sensual abuse. Her stomach aching and tits throbbing and red marked. But it was all so good, and though she felt it so sweet that he would lay next to her to cuddle, picking her up off the spot where he used her at, Bailey did not feel done yet. The camera was off now, and Morgan seemed to return to his normal sweet brother roll as he held her close, conveniently allowing her to stroke his cock. But again Bailey wasn't content. Just because she liked to be used and abused didn't mean she didn't want to be brought to climax in return.Unwrapping her brother from her body, and sitting up in bed over him Bailey smiled as she ran her hand across Morgan's forehead."Ok so maybe now master.." she giggled as she lifted her right leg up and over her brother's body, setting it down on the opposite side of his torso. She planted the moist betweenness of her legs on his upper abdomen, rubbing it back and forth on his skin as she felt unfulfilled. Her lips would feel prickly and wet as the pouring rain as she rocked forward and back using her hips, leaving a trail of moist along her brother's body."Why not in the spirit of research we are about to do " she giggled and thought about all the Pokemon they would explore exploring her. " you my Trainer?"She smiled down at him. And then as if it were an emotion an idea crept across her face while she looked at her brother's lips.Lifting herself up on her knees she scooted closer to his head, until the very essence of her slit rubbed against his chin."And I don't think my trainer has given me a proper lesson on my pussy just yet You focused so much on my ass that I need a surge of my own..." her voice turned to a drawn out whine that implied much she desired. Her labia ran across either side of his chin as he could feel her moist and prickliness. Bailey still needed a level up from he trainer..
He chuckled at the odd tittle of trainer, he actually kind of liked that. "I suppose this would be you using, attract?" He said watching her lift herself up her knees scooting over his head for a moment as he looked up at his sisters flat stomach, her round breasts, and beautiful thighs on either side of his face. Not to mention the soft pink mund that was being pointed directly at his lips, he smiled for a moment."It's super effective." he said before pressing his lips against her pussy, kissing and sucking on her clit for a moment before letting his tongue take over and work her over. Working the moist pink skin, glad that she shaved her pubic hair as he rolled his tongue against her. His hands went to her thighs brushing up and down her skin to help feel and guide her as he worked her up with his mouth. The rest of the day had been about the two of them, having the day off from work the two of them had spent the entire day within the confines of the house without much in the way of clothing or destractions as they got very familiar with one anothers body. Leading to the two of them passing out in the same bed, messy with sweat, and the entire house smelling of sex between humans.Come the next day however, the two of them had to wake up. He stretched out and woke up first. Kissing her forehead gently. "Hey sis." He said softly his voice a little husky as the morning light poured over their home in the island. "I'll go make us some breakfast, we have a bit of work to do today in all honesty."He wished he was exagerating. While the idea of jumping into the research of watching his sister fuck a pokemon would be super interesting, and kinda hot, the difficult part of all of this was actually getting her registered as a lab assistant, there was a lot more recording that would have to be done than just filming a small porno with this kind of research. They would also need to get paper work recorded and that would suck. "I'm gonna make us coffee." He said getting out of bed, he didn't bother putting on clothing, at this point Baily and him had seen everything that wearing clothing when it was just the two of them seemed kinda redundant, also he was tired, and wanted coffee before he to do something like putting on pants. | 63 | ['Kalehad', 'Kukui'] |
27 | | A Series of Innocent Miscommunications, Pokemon (Achillea + Batman4560) | Clenching her sweaty palms into fists,Leagritted her teeth as she stared across the forest battlefield at her brute of an opponent. He had crossed her one could make fun of Lea in any way but no one was going to make fun of her Pokemon. So what if it was a little cherry? It wasn t a huge Whalelord or powerful Charzard, but it was hers, and the red headed girl was going to prove that it s spirit was just as powerful as the brutes ugly looking Todoile.They had met only a few moments ago, crossing paths as Lea wandered through the forest on the way to the next town. She had thought about ignoring him and continuing on her way, but Cherubi wanted the chance to prove itself in a battle. Lea couldn t deny her Pokemon that, she had to let her Cherubi try and win this battle with it s own spirit.As she waited for the first move to be played by either side, Lea felt a chill run up her spine as a breeze ran around her through the forest. She felt rather silly that she did not check the weather that day before setting out down the road. It was forecasted to be cold, but she only wore a pair of black cotton active shorts and a blue long sleeved t shirt. Yet the fury of this battle would warm her for now. As she stared across the field at her opponent, she put her hair up into her staple side bun, leaving only a few stray hairs to blow in the wind. NOW ARLO, USE MAGIC LEAF! She shouted, throwing out her hand as if she threw the leaves herself.All around the cherry pokemon, glowing lights began to rise from the forest floor, leaves called upon by the Pokemon s power rising to attack its opponent. CHHHHEEERRRRRRUUUUU! The small pokemon screeched, sending the leaves flying towards the enemy.It was just in that moment that the absent minded girl realized if she lost this battle, she had no money to give as a reward. But in her heart, she knew Arlo would come through for her she hoped.
Arronstood with a hand on his hip, half gloved fingers stroked at the three pokeballs on his side while he looked across at his smokin hot opponent who clearly couldn't take a joke.... Just like her pokemon seemed to be a joke. Totodile, nicknamed Shane sat on Arron's shoulder and the man looked at his drunk partner. "Look, she thinks I'd send you out to deal with a cherry. Sweetie! We like our cherries roasted! Bruce Rip rip em apart!" He shouted and tossed a pokeball on his belt into the grassy field. A bright light exploded from the ball as the pokeball shot back to Arron's hand. When the light cleared a Growlithe snarled and howled with rage.His blue eyes narrowed in on the woman and his hand pulled the strap of his pack over his shoulder and the red and black jacket that rested on his body to keep him warm. "Oh look... Magic leaf. Bruce, go ahead and counter with flame wheel!" Growlithe looked like he was about to chase his tail before a flame shot off his body in a circle burning away the magic leaf. "Alright lets wrap this up. I'm hungry and want some sushi. Melt it with Heat Wave!"Growlithe braced himself while drawing a deep breath of air, the fur on his body stood on end and started glowing for just a moment before he released a gout of fire from his mouth that exploded in a cone like shape. Without looking Arron turned his back on the woman and ran a hand through his short black hair while Shane jumped off his shoulder and started to stumble around.Arron's hand went to his forehead so that his index, middle and ring fingers were pressed to his forehead at an angle. He turned back around and called out. "If you give up now and let me take you out, we can laugh about this and maybe even be friends, otherwise I'll have to actually eat that pokemon! Or at least feed it to my team!"
The brutish boy opposite her must not have been paying attention. Lea stood there shaking at the knees as a concerned look overtook her face. That one Heat Wave was enough to faint her poor poor Arlo who floated to the ground with a distressed look all over it. The red haired girl thought she would cry, her hands shaking as she ran up and caught her Pokemon. Stroking its poor little head before grabbing its pokeball from her tiny waist and returning it for safe transport to the nearest pokemon center.Lea looked up at the boy, a pouty look on her face as her tongue pushed out her cheek in annoyance. What a meany butt, how could he be so brutal in a casual Pokemon battle like this. Or maybe it was Lea who was just a dumb dumb, perhaps she was in over her head in thinking that Arlo could stand up to Pokemon as fierce as that.Standing up straight, the small girl held her first up, the expression of anger and annoyance half lingering as she realized inside that it was mostly her fault this happened. You . You big meany! You ve already won! She shook her fist. Not sure what else to do in an instance like this. She wasn t a very angry person in situations like this, Lea just knew she had to stick up for herself sometimes.Reaching in her small pockets which were hardly deep enough to carry much in her short workout shorts, she remembered yet again she did not have any money on her. Well . Yea you win errrr is this a bad time to say I don t have any money? She hehe ed nervously and gave a frightened smile.
Arron watched the woman run up to the downed Arlo and his eyes followed the bounce of her body with a gleeful grin. Well isn't she full of spring? He thought to himself while she held her fist up to him and put the pokemon in its ball. Arron sighed and pointed back at her. "Hey! Put that tiny fist down before you hurt yourself or something." Quickly his hand grasped the pokebal and aimed it at Bruce. "Come on back buddy, that was a fast battle."By the time he had called back Bruce Arron noticed that the woman didn't seem to have any money and he rolled his big blue eyes. "Hmmm well if you don't have any money that's a serious problem. I don't battle for free ya know?" He muttered while Totodile waddled around behind him. "Shane! Sober up, I might need you in a bit!" Shane spit water up into the air and let it land on his face to wake himself up and flopped onto his rear while mocking Arron acting as if it were him."I'm afraid I'll have to go to the police about this. The laws are, you need to give something if you lose a battle that isn't a gym battle. Even then it's common to give some money up. But...." Arron looked the girl up and down slowly. "Maybe we can come to some sort of agreement. It's awfully lonely on the road with just some pokemon and I am going for my third badge... I could use some support. Looks like you have just the right amount." He muttered, staring straight at her chest."Okay, tell ya what. You're gonna come with me to the next town, and we are gonna get you a cheerleader outfit. Then you're gonna come cheer me on and jeer the Gym Leader to distract them and help get me my third badge. But until then.." Arron's hand reached out and eagerly fondled at Lea's breasts for a few moments, his face flushing a light red while he copped a feel with his fingers and palm. "Perfect, wow you're really soft. Yeah this will be great, lets go.... Say you got a name?"
Lea was still crouched on the ground near where Arlo was felled as the big brute approached her. She was very angry, and paid little attention to what Arron had to say as she pondered how fast she needed to get Arlo to a Pokemon center. She vaguely heard him talk about support, she wasn t sure what she would be supporting or why he felt like she had allot of it. Perhaps she knew she supported allot of Pokemon charities and that s why he was just going to employ her for a bit to cheer him on. Lea did cheerleading at her Pokemon school when she was younger so that would be perfect.Her anger was starting to wash away as he approached her, clueless as to his tone or the look in his eyes, she just sat there in her long sleeve shirt and shorts thinking about her days as a young cheerleader when her and her Cinccino Vesta would lead the parade in their small home town.But after her daydreaming lasted for a long while she felt a hand come over her breast and squeeze. Lea however being a very docile and forgiving person thought little of it as his hand squeeze her tit and rubbed it around. It felt sort of good in her mind so it couldn t be too bad, boobs were kind of cool and soft. Her mind made excuses as her eyes closed shut tight.But as he continued to rub, a warm feeling came across her and she noticed her nipples were beginning to harden and she had a tingly feeling in her nether regions.While she did not make him remove his hand, she did place hers on his in a please don t manner after a long moment of him groping her. It s Lea, and I could just tell you what cup size I am if you just asked, its B by the way, but you didn t have to find it out yourself. Her cheeks turned a bit flush as she looked away and submitted to the fact he was not going to stop touching her. But like, I used to have a cute cheer leading outfit back home, it was a pretty white and blue dress that had long sleeves and went shoulders to knees in a long flow, it was quite beautiful ya know! Talking about clothes made her feel less embarrassed, her smile bright and eyes full of excitement talking about cheerleading. All the while Arron s hand was on her tit without challenge. | 5 | ['Todoile'] |
28 | | RWBY - Loving Support (StarMech - Encryptment) | Amongst the forest of Vale, a figure rushed through A flash of yellow kept of crossing through the woods until eventually stopping at open field. Yang Xiao Long stood there, tapping her foot as she awaited the incoming arrivals. Her team, Team RWBY, had taken a simple extra curricular assignment of helping clear the area of a surprising gathering of Grimm that had been sighted amongst the area Thinking that it was a rather easy spawn that the students could perfectly be able to handle.And while their strength was not a big deal at first, the number of them exceeded what had been anticipated. As such, the teachers at Beacon Academy had managed to contact with the four girls and informed them that they'd be sending a fellow student A "Support Huntsman", as they were denominated Tasked with add extra strength to a team of huntsmen or huntresses rather than belonging to a single team.There was just a single inconvenience. Team RWBY had previously separated to cover more ground when the horde of Grimm made its appearance and, as such, were too busy to really re group, rising the risk. Yang being the closest to the rendezvous point put herself in charge of meeting this person. However, she was unaware that it'd be someone that she knew quite well...
Like the lockers which could send themselves to their hunters respectively, pods were made for the support huntsman to get into the field of battle much easier. As the metal box crashed down to the ground, the metal itself warped and shrank itself to the size of a short sword in the young man's hand. The young man had a dark blackish grey head of hair, bright green eyes, and wearing a set of leather armor on. He opened his eyes once the sword completed its transformation. For it was his sembalnce, his unique skill to transform metal objects at will into different shapes.He was knowing of who he would be going into the field for support, and was happy to finally meet back up with a couple of familiar faces that he would be soon to catch up with. He moved the spot and met up with Yang, looking her over as he ran up to her. "Support Huntsman Hunter Ashton reporting for duty, Huntswoman Yang Xiao Long."
Yang's eyes widened at the person before her. "Wait...No way!" Her body freezing for just a second before a energized smile manifested upon her face. She rushed to the young man in front of him."Hunter!" She exclaimed happily, "Dude, it's been ages! When did you get into Beacon!?"While her focus still reminded in her mission and reuniting with the rest of her team, it was hard not to be overjoyed at the sight of Hunter. After all, he had been childhood friends with her and her sister Ruby back on Patch. The three were quite close, growing together not too far away from eachother, but then having to split when the two girls had to leave to start their studies as huntresses."Damn, it's so nice to see you. Although I should save the hugs and handshakes for later, huh? If you're the one they said they'd send then we better move. Ruby and the others must be already dealing with more Grimm..
Hunter smirked at Yang's excited expression, "Yeah, it has been quite a while, I've gotten into Beacon a couple months back when I was sent a letter to join the support group." Hunter had received a letter like he said, only months after the two girls went into training, in which Hunter was instituted to stay at Beacon Academy in a separate building to be trained for the Support Hunters. And he was happy to finally find a familiar face among Beacon. "Its nice to see you as well, and yeah, later would be best. Where is your sister though? Is she with you?"He could see the Grimm starting to close in more closer to the two as the sound from the impact of the capsule was quite loud. "Well now, seems like we've got some company."
A pack of Beowulf Grimm soon made their presence known, growling and snarling at the two. Yang assumed a combat position, loading her two gauntlet shotguns ready to strike. "Well, she is here but if you wanna see her I guess we'll have to tear through these guys first." Yang said rather confidently.The monsters leaped at them. Yang quickly dashing towards them and delivering punch after punch, then kicking at an incoming Grimm's head before it could swipe her. With a well aimed shotgun shot, one of the Beowolves fell to the ground with a hole on its face, before disappearing moments later into smoke."We can take them! Right?" Yang exclaimed excitedly as she glanced at how Hunter was doing. Curious to see how much he had improved in combat.
Sounds good to me then. Hunter said, readying his sword, before the Grimm had a chance. He jumped into the air, plunging his sword into one Grimm to the next. The next came jumping at him, as he used his sembalnce to transform his sword into a bat, swatting the next Grimm strait into the air. I think I m able to hold my own, better than when we were kids, that s for sure. He joked, enjoying the chance to fight along side her again.
They fought the pack of Grimm, slicing and punching their way through as more of them fell and disappeared. Still with the Beowolves on their heels, Hunter and Yang went further into the woods. As they did the sound of combat was caught on their ears Someone was also there fighting the beasts...After crossing some bushed they arrived just in time to see a black haired beauty aim straight at one of the creatures and firing away before it fell down in death. The girl wore black and white clothes as well as a bow on top of her head. While Hunter himself didn't know this person, Yang certainly did."Blake!" She exclaimed happy to see her."Huh?" The girl turned around, "Oh, hey Yang. You doing alright? Their numbers rose up rather quickly." She appeared to look quite calm regardless of the situation. Then noticed the young man next to her, "Hm, and who's that...?""Oh, him? He's Hunter A old good friend of mine and our huntsman support. I'm surprised he was even around!" Yang explained in her usual peppy attitude, patting Hunter on the back as she introduced him to her. "Hunter, this is Blake. Blake this is Hunter.""Hey." Blake said with a quick wave of her hand and a smile, "thanks for coming to aid us up. We could use as many helping hands as we need. We can't leave so many Grimm roaming around where they can reach the city."
As Hunter and Yang made their way through the forest to her teammate, it was easy to tell that she was a friend and not foe due to the list Hunter had received before the mission. He didn't remember names that well but faces were easy for him. As he watched the other woman turn the Grimm to pulp, he was glad he wasn't on the wrong side of that sword, as well as glad to have another sword wielder around. "Its nice to meet you Blake. And of course, happy to help, they are becoming a rather beastly hazzard as of late." Hunter smiled as he got close to the two, looking over the both of them in the brief moment of rest, finally taking the chance to see what his childhood friend had grown up into, as well as her friend, both were equally beautiful, no questions asked."Blake, might you know where the others could be at right now?" Hunter asked, wanting to make sure that he could fulfill his role and make sure no one became injured or worse while on the mission.
"Ruby and Weiss aren't too far ahead. If we move on now we may catch up to them." Explained the black haired girl.Hunter now had the chance to see Yang and Blake more clearly, as they continued forward. Sure his mind was still focused on the mission, but his eyes kept diverting to the figure of her childhood friend. Sure, Yang was already quite beautiful the last time she saw her, but now? Her slightly bouncing bust was hard to ignore. Her firm yet round rear and nice hips, she was a bombshell! Blake was no slouch either So elegant and curvy. Any boy would feel his body warm up at their sight.Soon enough the sounds of combat would snap everyone back to the task at hand, "That gotta be them!" Exclaimed Yang, just a few feet further.They arrived just at the time of some more Grimm's demise. A powerful slice of a scythe combined with Beovolves trapped in ice, then shattering. Two girls stood victorious Of raven black hair and silvery white. Ruby and Weiss lowered their weapons, the latter giving a sigh of relief. "Not bad, if I say so myself.""We were awesome!" Said the much peppier Ruby, still unaware of the ones that just arrived.
Heading through the forest along with the two girls, Hunter headed through the forest along with the both of them, getting an eyeful of the two of them. As they made their way to the noise in question to see the other two handling themselves just fine, Hunter chuckled to himself. It seems like they re able to handle themselves just fine. I guess the academy was overreacting a bit when they sent me. Hunter thought to himself as he and the two got closer. Hey Ruby! Hunter shouted as he waved to his other childhood friend, trying to get her attention. Nice job!
In that moment of rest in between battles, the two girls glanced to see the rest of their team assembling alongside a new face. While Weiss simply rose an eyebrow and tilted her head slightly to see him due to her position, Ruby appeared to be in complete awe. Eyes shining like stars."Oh my gosh!! HUNTER!!" A dry gasp, and suddenly the red clad young woman leaped across the air before enveloping Hunter into a tight glomp that brought both of them to the ground.Weiss just looked in disbelief as Yang chuckled to herself, Ruby happily hugging his longtime friend as she exclaimed. "Hunter I can't believe you're here it's been so long!!" | 11 | ['Long', 'Xiao'] |
30 | | Fate/Lost Order (MasoKitty x Batman4560) | Things were getting bad... or rather, worse. The sky had darkened around all of Ohio. Of all the places in the world, Ohio was the one dealing with some strange magical energy. An almost clear blue energy surrounded the state and sparked when touched. At first it simply kept people from coming or going, however as days past those who touched the field were changed, skin turning a grey ash color, eyes blackened and postures slumped almost as if they had turned to zombies. The men, women and even children who touched the field started to swarm around the Q and stop those who were not effected by the field from getting into the building, that was a month ago. Now most of the state was changed, large groups of the changed people meeting at large arenas and places that could hold crows with ease.A figure in a tattered and run down grey suit crept in the dark of the Cincinnati Museum of History, quickly moving from display to display. Finally the figure stopped at a large rock that had a set of small steps carved into the side leading up to the top of the stone. A four inch long, three inch wide slit was roughly carved into the stone going almost completely down. The tall figure's head darted around to make sure that nobody was near while their hand fished in the pocket of their suit jacket and pulled a thick piece of white chalk from it.Quickly the figure started to draw a circle, around the stone roughly six inches away from the stone at any point. Next the figure wrote the name of gods in Roman, Greek, Hindu, French, Irish, and Japanese. Between each word was a glyph of worship and sacrifice and finished with another circle around that. Arrows representing chaos ran to the center where the circle was and the figure stood atop the stone. He reached his hand out and drew a small knife from his pocket and ran the blade over his palm. Blood swelled from his cut and tilted his hand to drip his blood onto the stone. The circle and stone lit up with a bright white light and the figure spoke in a commanding tone."Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation Let Gold the colour I pay tribute to Let my great Master James Shaw be the ancestor Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.I hereby declare. Your body shall serve under me. My fate shall be your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail If you will submit to this will and this reason Then answer!An oath shall be sworn here! I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven. I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell! From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three greet words of power, Come forth from the ring of restraints, Protector of the Holy Balance!"Arron Shaw stood still for a moment, watching the stone as gold light built up from the stone and a womanly figure was formed. The mage who summoned her cocked his head to the side as his jaw dropped. "King Arthur.... is a woman?" Arron asked while shaking his brown haired head and frowned with confusion. He reached to his left hip and fumbled with a black and gold scabbard hooked to it and presented the woman with a long, one or two handed sword. "King Arthuria.... I Arron Shaw have summoned you to a time far from your own in hopes that you would save this world." He stated while bowing his head towards the forming figure's feet.
Artoirastood among the exhibits, her eyes moved from side to side blinking for a moment but then she took in the man that stood before her. "Yes, It is I, Artoria, King of the Britains," She said simply as she listened to him, normally she was chosen or called by the holy grail to fight in a war between mages. But this is different this mage just said 'save the world' which made her quirk her brow. "Quick, please, what is wrong with the world? I assume there must be a great deal of issues for you to summon me. I will hear you out, at least, though I admit this is quite an unorthodox situation." She commented as she didn't seem against being a servant to this man to 'save the world' but she wanted to see if it would be worth her skills, she was a king after all she knew of responsibility and also knew that the people would be able to solve this issues. However, this didn't stop her from stepping in and helping her fellow countryman.
Arron found himself blushing for a moment, he had no idea that King Arthur was a woman or that she was a lancer class. How? He could have understood Rider to a point seeing as she rode a horse from time to time but lancer? It took him a moment to realize the woman in armor was speaking to him and he quickly smoothed out his clothes and stood up straight. "Well if you couldn't tell by the dirt on my face... things are bad, look around there isn't any power anywhere. A spirit, Caster I think... Morgan La Fey, she's somehow managed to harness the Grail and has become a Master..." He started to explain while looking over Lancer's shoulder to make sure that nothing was coming."First she brought some of the dead back to life, ya know, zombies and skeletons. For the servants of the grail war it wasn't too big of a deal. Lots of cannon fodder. But normal mortals weren't a match for the sheer numbers. Then a Saber class fell. She somehow killed Saber's master and bound Saber to herself, Then Rider, and it became a domino effect. Now she has all the classes under her control and there isn't anything that mages could do about it."Pacing back and fourth Arron ran his hand through dark locks of hair. "...They tried. I wasn't even supposed to be a Master this time around, the next war maybe... But they are all dead. Most of the mortals have been either killed or driven into hiding. And of all the places in the world, we are in Ohio....There wasn't much here before Morgan attacked! So you see, I summoned you to try and defeat Morgan, because if it was going to be anyone, it would be you or Merlin. I'm sort of shocked you're not a Saber class, all the things I read said you were, did I do something wrong with the incantation?"
Artoria stood tall as she listened to the panicked explanation, her eyes hardened as she could sense the man's desperation. She could relate from her younger days when she was the king of knights. Though that was long ago now have ruled a nation and grown she understood her purpose. However despite her imposing armor and demeanor she allowed the dirty mage to explain his situation. When he finished he had mentioned her not being a saber which she could understand the confusion: to a point."There was no choice in the matter my lance spoke to me to take up my holy purpose. It has helped me rule my nation with justice and rationality. Though I have learned and kept my humility throughout when i ruled. I am sorry I do not match what they have told you young mage. But I have heard about this Morgan La Fey, the harnessed of the grail, and the systematic assimilation of the classes after the destruction of the mages. I will accept this contract on basis that it is a holy purpose to serve and protect." She spoke with poise and she kept her cool eyes on him. Despite her words and her stance he could see there was warmth in her gaze from caring of the people that she ruled over, the duty she has held sacred for years.
Arron let his shoulders relax as Artoria accepted the contract and pulled his shirt back to expose his collar bone. "Then by these command seals, I pledge to honor your request for a holy need to serve and protect. Once the danger of the current Holy Grail war is complete I will give you the grail to complete your wish." Shaw stated and put his shirt back in place. "Now I'm not as skilled as Merlin, but I'm good, I can cast lots of different magics so please rely on me the way I'm going to rely on you."Slowly Shaw started to walking towards a door and looked out a near by window. He squinted and growled in annoyance. "Ummm.... Say are you feeling limber? Because there are about twenty or so skeletons roaming outside and drawing closer towards this place. Do you think your lance can take em down before they amass in more numbers? After that we should try to find a place we can call home and see about finding the closest servant to Morgan, she uses them as generals for her armies."
Her master could feel the holy aura surrounding her lance that was already out, she could use her true name of her lance. However she wouldn't waste her mana. She will only release 2 of the 13 restraints to create a decent energy wave toward their enemies. She felt she needed to be careful if they were to face off another servant that has turned master she would need to muster her strength as not only a heroic spirit, no, a divine spirit. Though she wouldn't do it yet as she looked at him, "there any innocents near this place master?" She asked coolly despite the power growing around her lance that looked like it could pierce the very hells or heavens with its reach.While her lance was glowing she looked to the window, "I defer to you master, it has been a long time since I have been called to fight in a grail war. Not to mention a war that is mainly against a previous servant turned master. So lead the way, my holy lance will carve us a way out, piercing at the heart of this evil." She said with passionate resolve as she waited for him to move as a guardian she didn't like leaving her master undefended in time of need.
Shaw leaned against the door and considered the options. "... Wait here, I'm going to skirt around the building and make sure that we aren't getting surrounded. If we are we might have to level this building. I'm not sure if there are any innocents in the area, plenty of other buildings someone could be hiding in." Shaw reached into his pocket and pulled a small string from it and put one end against Lancer's chest and the other to his. softly he spoke a few incantations and the string lit up for just a moment. Quickly he plucked the string and put it back in his pocket. "There, that is a spell to allow us to talk at a fairly large range. At least the size of this building. All you have to do is whisper and I'll be able to hear you, and likewise. If you don't hear from me in ten minutes.... Kick some ass."Arron turned and started to run down a hall, sticking close to the walls so he could look out windows every time he stopped to get a feel for the surrounding area. As expected there were more undead massing around the building. "...Lancer, whoever is running this undead army knows we are here, I must have given off too much magical energy on the way. I don't know if we are going to be able to take them all if we stay grouped up. We might get surrounded. As a Knight and King do you have any advice for defending a small fortress against overwhelming numbers?"
Artoria took the trinket nodding as she wore it to make sure that it was fascined to her body so she could use it and fight freely. "Alright, scout the enemy, then we will find a way to fight them Master." She commented as she kept her eye on the force that was growning, though despite this she remained cool as her lance at the ready as she kept her eye peeled. She needed to make sure that her master was safe but she wished to eliminate the enemies that swarm this area to protect who may still be alive. Her mind continued to formulate while he moved about.Though he finally asked her what they needed to do. "This building has a lot of access areas. There is no feasible way we will be able to defend it properly. We will set up some quick traps funnel them, then I will use my lance to carve us a way, but master is there a way for you to check and make sure we won't harm unnecessary bystanders in the attack? I know I have stressed this but I cannot help but think back to the battles I have waged in the protection of my different strongholds. With their different villages, we need to make sure is all." She commented hoping her master had a better compus of the area they were in. Since she was from an era that no longer exists and even exists away from the land she was eyeballing it.
"I don't know what to do.... If I could search for others I would have already. That being said we could try to move to a more isolated area and set up a flare of some sort to draw all these monsters attention. If we do that it might be easier to take down enemies without mistakenly hurting others. Is that something you'd be okay with doing?" Arron rubbed the stubble on his face and pried a window open and stuck his head out to look outside better.He pulled himself back inside and leaned against a near by wall. Hmmm, Lancer was said to be able to create light like the sun with her sword but I don't know any legends about her with a lance... then again I've never heard a legend about her as a woman either. I could create the light with a spell but it might be better for me to infuse the area around wherever we end up with magical traps to slow or destroy the undead and thin the numbers... Or... "Lancer, if we moved to an airport tower, would you be able to defend that area from swarms of attacks?" Shaw asked while he moved back to the area he had summoned Lancer in. Quickly he slid to a display of old weapons and grabbed a recurved bow and a heavy quiver of arrows. Testing the tension of the bow he made sure the string wasn't going to snap and strapped the arrows onto his thigh, tying them with a small band so that they wouldn't spill as he ran. Quickly he made his way back to Lancer and bowed at her the way he would any other Queen."Okay... If we move out a side window we can try to make it through the city to the tower, it's not too far away. From there we should be good to go. Are you able to fight without releasing a bunch of energy, I don't want to draw attention to us if we do have to fight our way through the area. It would be easier if they couldn't track our mana output and I think that's how they found us to begin with, summoning you wasn't an easy feat."
Artoria looked at the communication device as she frowned, "What is this 'airport tower' is it just a normal tower? What is an airport? Well, I could do my best, though I haven't found much that could stand up to my lance, master. Just lead the way to this tower!" She said with conviction as she put down the device noticing some of them getting even closer to this place she was in. It was serious though she was determined and steeled herself for the oncoming battle.When he returned and bowed to her Artoria just nodded impassively, "Absolutely master, I will follow your lead! I may be a king of a nation but right now I am your servant and my duty is to protect you with my very power." She commented as she even put her lance away that looked like a sword but it was just a smaller form of itself. When she nodded to him again, "Come on Master! They should be arriving soon also yes I can fight without expanding too much mana, if I have to I can wield my lance again and carve with its majesty. Anyway, I suggest we get going as I saw the parameter being swarmed by them. It will be only minutes before they reach us, no, seconds!" She said with urgency as her body looked tense and ready to spring into action at any second notice.
"What? I thought you spirits were supposed to be updated with knowledge about the ear you're summoned in.... " Shaw frowned and shook his head with annoyance at the situation over all. He was mostly mad that he had somehow managed to become a beacon for undead skeletons to track. "An airport tower is almost... its similar to a light house but it is to help signal.... it's like a giant metal bird." Arron tried to explain, not even sure if he was making sense."My lead?.... I'm not a fighter, I'm barely a mage. I did all this out of pure desperation!" He was starting to freak out, he had no idea if he was even cut out for this but someone had to try right? "Never mind, come on." Shaw pulled the bow off his shoulder and led Lancer towards the back door of the museum. "Okay, Lancer take point and head south from the door. Follow the large road to a big gate, I'll cover us with arrows!" Shaw shouted and kicked the door open with a thud.Quickly he back stepped and drew an arrow from the quiver and took aim not for a rib or hip but a knee. The mage released an arrow and caused the skeleton closest to the door to drop when half its left leg was taken out by an arrow that bounced to the floor after the shot was fired. "GO!" Arron shouted and started to fire off more arrows to thin the heard of monsters that were swarming around the building.
Artoria blinked looking offended as she just listened to him blinking some more sighing, "Okay...well then I will take your word for it master!" She says as she prepares her lance once more, knowing she would have a use. Just she would have to be careful not to expend a large amount of mana. Quickly she followed him toward the backdoor as she shook her head, "I am a king master, I can handle these monsters! You are my charge, but for some reason, I don't know what I should know here. So I was following your lead for knowledge!" She commented to him as he opened the door to the back with a kick of his foot, Artoria already was ready for the onslaught that was going to come, many battles in her mind flow through her mind as this is just another one.When her master launched his first arrow Artoria didn't need another reason she launched out of the exit with her lance drawn. It glowed with brilliance on its own without any enhancement from her mana. When a few of the monsters started to swarm her sweet with her lance knocking a bunch back with just one swing, then taking her lance piercing through several only to fling them in other directions. She was a beast on the battlefield and now her master got to see how she used her lance, though what she did next was something useful. She called her fabled steed, Llamrei, the steed was glimmering as she hopped on heading toward the large gate to the south while she took big swaths into the monsters as her master could see them flying here and there. Though this was all physical attack, no mana was being used to enhance her attacks which showed in the monsters despite being flung so far they land and get up very worse for wear. Regardless she was heading toward where her master had pointed out as creatures continued to fly back and fourth cutting a huge line through them.
Jesus she's so powerful, what's the point of me even carrying this bow? Arron thought to himself while watching Lancer work with amazement. It wasn't until she had started to carve a path with her steed and lance that he realized they would eventually flank the horse and over run her if the pair didn't keep moving. Arron drew a deep breath and nodded to himself then took off in a break neck sprint towards Lancer! "Hey wait for me!"As fast as he could, Arron jumped up to the back of the horse and wrapped his arms around the waist of Lancer. "Plow through them, we need to move quick!" Shaw called out while turning so that his back was pressed to hers. His legs hooked on the back of the horse and he took a chance, drawing an arrow and notching it. Just as he pulled the string of his bow back, a near by explosion rocked the ground and caused Arron to nearly fall of the horse, the arrow he was pulling launched, and bounced off the ground.As the ground quaked the skeletons started to twist towards the source of the explosion and one by one took up a soldiers salute as if they were waiting for their king to walk through their ranks. A man in a set of golden boots, red loins, golden bracers, a red cape and golden full helm with red plume, stalked towards the pair. In his left hand was a large round shield in his right was a massive spear and in Arron heart he knew what he was looking at."...Leonidas... We need to get out of here now, that's a Beserker class!" How Morgan managed to summon and tame a beserker class to use as a general was beyond Shaw but he didn't dare try to figure it out while on the back of a horse. As fast as he could, Arron twisted around and wrapped his arms around Lancer's body, holding close to her as the pair sped off atop her steed.The duo finally arrived at the airport tower and Shaw slipped off the horse and dropped to his hands and knees. His bow clattered to the ground while his sweat dripped to the floor. "... We need to figure out how much time we have, that guy was known for leading small armies against overwhelming forces and winning. Come on, lets get up top into that tower and we can figure out how to deal with him."
Artoria nodded as she continued to sweep her lance moving toward the large gate, she was making sounds of exertion but no sweat was on her brow. Her body didn't seem to stress out as she plowed the creatures aside. After seeing that her master was on Llamrei they continued finally reaching for the gate Artoria released one of her restrictions on her lance and suddenly blast smashed the gate down. She sighed knowing she had to spend some mana hoping that since they were near the horde they would just see that and then after heading to the tower they would lose their trail.Though there was a blast that made Llamrei stop for a moment as she glanced back, she noticed another man standing among the creatures. "Leonidas?" She questioned as she looked back at her master, but a beserker class isn't something to take lightly. "Yah! Ride Llamrei!", Artoria pushed on in the direction that her master had presented avoiding the beserker till they had a solid plan. She preferred something to use and to plan out rather than to be passionate and in the moment in her earlier life.When Artoria and her master arrived she noticed him slip off the horse, while she slipped off normally landing with a clink of her heel. When she stared down at her master looking like he was about to throw up she just crossed her arms looking resolved. When she heard him talk she sighed, "If he was known for tactics, I'd say with how fast my Llamrei is, maybe an hour at best...though I wasn't really paying attention and I know that having awareness tends to make finding and planning easier. Especially if he is known for that I have some sense about me, but I didn't spend my life waging war, only protecting my people, and making sure that I could protect as many as I could." She comments as she looked in the direction of the Leonidas while Llamrei just stood by whinnying and stoping his hooves while waiting on standby. Artoria wasn't sure if she should shoo her noble steed away or keep him on standby in case they would need to make a retreat in the next few minutes while her master recovered.
"Ughhh....." Arron pulled himself up to his feet and shook his head. "I'm sorry I I'm feeling drained. Keeping you in a physical form is taking a lot more mana than I expected or thought it would. It seems that summoning you at your most powerful was a far more taxing event than I realized. Not that I'm complaining or anything! I just need to rest. But not until we defeat Leo." How strong are you by the way? Think you could move some of those jets?" Arron asked, motioning towards some small planes while he picked up his bow and considered how he could help battle against a Beserker class. Maybe he could set up another summoning circle and try to conjure another servant? The rules of the grail war had already been broken, so why would he not be able to do that? But did he have the mana needed at the moment? No, he would have to get stronger he realized."My Queen, I'm going to go up to the tower and try to get a feel for what we have to work with, you block the gate with some of those planes... the big metal birds. Then meet me so I can imbue you with the knowledge of the world I have that way you know what most things are." He ordered and started up a flight of stairs. Inside the large radio tower he cleared off a table and moved the chairs around to block off one of two exits. Quickly he used his bow to bust out a few windows so he could fire at anything that came to the airport to try and kill the duo.When Lancer returned to the tower Arron looked her over and stroked the five o' clock shadow on his face. "Do you mind if I call you Art Chan, or Senpai? I could learn a lot from you after all." He asked and carefully placed a hand on her chest, almost unable to resist the urge to cop a feel of her breast. He spoke a soft phrase and gave her all his knowledge of the world he knew so that she would understand at least how things worked."Okay with that done..." Arron slowly pulled back from her plate covered chest. ".... Like I was saying he was good at making enemy forces numbers count for next to nothing, and his renown with a spear reached far. I'm a little shocked he wasn't summoned as a Lancer. We do have one edge over him though, as a beserker class he is strong against every other type, aside from Shielder and Avenger types. But he's also weak to every other class. Hell he might be weak to normal arrows." Shaw patted the quiver on his leg. "If you can keep him busy, I can pick my shots and take him out when he's not expecting it. Also, try to keep him between those planes and you, if they blow up he will take the brunt of the damage. Is there a strategy you'd suggest we use?"
Artoria crossed her arms as she kept glancing in the way they came, then her eyes focused on him. "I understand, Master, you did have to summon a lot of mana to pull me to you correct? Well, I feel I may be stronger than my other forms if I am to speculate. Though I wouldn't know all I know is that my mind won't let go of the Leonidas that is now coming after us." She commented as she heard him she nodded. "Yes, if he is a tactician it would be good to set defenses and protect ourselves from this menace. Though depending on how complex his stratagems are we may need to have more time to prepare for him. Oh?" She glanced at the 'jets' as she shrugged moving toward it, grabbing it while listening to him nodding. "Alright, master, prepare and do the best you can ARGH!" She grunted throwing the plane a bit landing against the gate. She barely broke a sweat waving to her master while she went over to the others in the yard.One by one, 'jets' and other metal objects joined it being smashed up against the gate as she had some sweat down her forehead as she had to use some mana to exert some of this power on these large of objects. When she finished she slowly made her way to the tower in front of her, she was going to learn of this world? That would be helpful if she was supposed to be any use to it. Her eyes kept glancing to her impromptu barricade as she went into the tower. Slowly ascended as the man could hear the heavy clank of her boots against the steel steps leading up the tower. When she reached the top she had noticed he had taken precautions as she smirked, "good master, at least all my heavy lifting won't be in vain." She commented as she glanced at him noticing that he looked rather ragged. Given the state of the world, she wasn't surprised due to the plea that he gave her when he first summoned her."Art chan?....Senpai?" She looked slightly bewildered or awkward though she just stared at him crossing her arms like she normally does. "Do you wish to give me such a silly name Master? I prefer Artoria, or Lancer I am not sure of this 'Art chan' or even what the meaning for 'Senpai' would imply." She said coolly almost like she was teaching him right from wrong. "I don't mind if you wish to learn of my exploits Master, but please may we stick to either my true name or my class?" She commented as she stood there stoic, though her eyes widened a little as she noticed him put a hand on her chest, she had a little bit of a red hue but she let him do it. Suddenly everything rushed to her, the development of the world, the working of technology, and everything that one person could use to live in this world which made Artoria widen her eyes nodding a little bit. "So this is an Airport, for transporting goods, people, and various other objects I see." She commented looking out now recognizing the Airport tower they were in as it was normally there to guide planes in, to land."Yes..." She blinked her eyes some but returned to her practiced calculated gaze as she listened to him. She had learned of this man that could make overwhelming numbers seem like nothing, and he is good with a spear? That could be bad or a stalemate for Artoria given she is a lancer and her holy lance is almost alike just she has more potential with piercing rather than slicing, though she does have blunt due to the strength of the rounded edges of her weapon. Again she nodded noting that the berserker class is pretty strong with a few exceptions while being weak still to the others as well. She never understood why they had it if their weakness was also a strength? The thought made her wince a little bit as she continued to listen to him. Artoria nodded to this suggestion, "Absolutely I will keep him at bay if you wish to fire down at him master, I should be able to find Leonidas a worthy opnonent but beyond that your saftey is my paramount master. Keep yourself out of danger while I am doing this, and perform with valor!" She said with strength finally hearing his last comment, "this sounds the soundest so far for a plan. Despite my now knowledge of this area, it still seems like it would do little to try to enforce the area for a man that has thrived off of this kind of adversity. I believe your plan is the best we have to go off of Master, I will go ahead and prepare for his arrival, Am I allowed to expend some mana during this fight? For precaution." She commented as she had made it to the door before looking back making sure with her master.
"Y yeah... Artoria it is then. It isn't like I'm an otaku or anything." Shaw muttered and slid his suit jacket off, tossing it across a desk and yanking his tie off his neck. She was right though, he was being silly in times of great danger. Granted he was doing it so he could feel normal again, he wasn't that far away from being a teen and he was forced to grow up rather quickly in this strange world that he was thrust into. Maybe once all was said and done. He wasn't sure if the plan would work, at all really. No idea what would happen. "Artoria, remember, no plan survives first contact. We are on the defensive here, we might be facing a large horde plus him. If that happens, strike the jets and blow them up when large clusters of enemies are around them to thin their numbers, one stray shot could be all it takes to take us out.. we need to be careful."The sun was starting to rise and Arron had driven some large fuel tanks to the various entry points of the air ports and placed more at large empty areas so that if they were needed Arron or Artoria could blow them up for an edge in a battle. "Artoria, you are free to use your best judgement here. It's just me and you as far as innocents go, and there is blood on both our hands, we are killers just like our enemies." Arron explained while pulling the string from his pocket and casting his message spell again so the two could communicate across the airport. "If I end up having to move, I'll let you know, but your first objective is to take out Beserker, once we clear the area we can leave and recover, I'll for sure need it."Arron stood atop the tower, bow in hand with an arrow notched in the string. He'd have to imbue his arrows with mana if he had any hope of hurting a Servant enough to finish him, but if the story was true, Leo, was defeated by a volley of arrows. Arron hoped he'd be able to magic up a similar effect. "Man I could use a staff or something instead of this bow, get all Merlin like on someone." He muttered while laughing. That was really what he would prefer but for now this was what he had to work with. "Artoria, can you hear me?" Arron asked while looking out in the distance and seeing a large cloud of dirt coming their way. "He's coming, and I can't tell if he's alone..."
While her master was driving around the huge metal trucks with gas in them Artoria kept them in mind while she stood a little before the gate. She was going to be the stalwart defender? Well, she will be a steel wall to this Leonidas, in fact, she suspected that he may respect this more than trying to draw him into ambushes. "Master, you are ready? I hear some noises outside the gate. I feel they may be preparing for a siege on our gate." she talked into the communication device as her lance was gleaming in the rising sun. Her eyes focused hard on the gate while she stood like a wall to any incoming monsters that may come through the door. Just like she had predicted they had blasted through the gate as little creatures began to pour out. Artoria glared as she held her lance outward to herself then charging the enemies. Her voice booming as she stabbed creatures left and right, doing sweeping motions with her lance glowing with holy light she obliterated most of the little ones. Though when more came she continued to stab, pierce and toss along the way as they continued to rush her she continued to mow them down."Master! He hasn't shown himself yet! Is he almost upon us?!" She glared at the latest group she massacred as most of them were focused on her trembling force rather than trying to take out Shaw himself. Despite all of the effort and action she was putting into her swings and piercing she was barely breaking a sweat. She had excessive mana and she, herself, was a powerful spirit that was capable of topping off with some pretty high class servants. Shaw saw even some creatures fly by him as she didn't discriminate how she killed them, heads flew, body parts flew in different directions as she sent tremors through her lance which caused some to just explode from the pure mana being thrust into them. The field was beginning to bleed and look like a battlefield though in this case a one woman army or even kingdom kept them at bay. Though despite her accomplishment she kept steadfast to her actions though haven't spotted the servant yet she continued to lay waste to the baddies that swarmed their defensive area. She refused to use the tankers yet till she really needed them and none of this rabble earned it.
Arron didn't fire off any shots, he needed to pick his targets carefully. While Artoria fended off undead after undead, he examined the bodies of the fallen from his perch. "...They are Spartan soldiers, undead... I think he's trying to wear you down before he makes his entrance. If you can, without expending all your mana and draining yourself, blast them to pieces, if you use holy power it should wipe the field before they can attack! I'm going to keep looking for him, but the wall works both ways, if he's behind it I can't see him!" Arron responded.More and more undead flooded into the airport and Arron was starting to feel the strain of desperation. Could the two of them actually stop a Beserker class alone? Could they even slow him down? Arron wasn't sure but the fact that he was still able to use strategy worried the Master to no end. Arron reached into his pocket and pulled a thick piece of chalk from it and dropped to a knee atop the tower's roof at its center. Swiftly he began to scribe a circle with a star in it's center. He took his quiver of arrows and forced each arrow into the roof inside the circle while Lancer continued to wage her battle. "Count to twenty, then if you need, take some of my mana, end those things!" He stood and backed up away from the circle and held his hand out towards it. A bright light flashed in the circle as he used magical power to cast a spell on his arrows. "Massa duplicare!" He pulled an arrow from the center, and notched it into his bowstring. As he did so, the arrows flashed and his entire quiver plus two more sets for each arrow he put into the circle appeared and floated above Shaw, each angling the same way his arrow did.At the same time, one of the walls of the airport blew in towards the runway, dust blew and rubble rolled as Leonidas entered the airport, his eyes gleamed a deep red from behind his helmet and a snarl rolled past his lips. When he entered the battle, those few who had survived Artoria's assault backed up and stood up straight. Leonidas stalked up to Artoria and stopped about thirty feet away from her. He looked up to her and spoke in a clearly strangled voice, as if it took all he had to not go insane and outright attack her. "...King of Knights, surrender and your death will be swift, resist, and I shall drive my spear through your heart and feast on it." He offered and slipped into a defensive stance, his shield raised to block his body, head ducked to the point that only his eyes were visible and his body bent and flexed so that he could resist any attack thrown at him. His spear rested atop the shield so he could thrust and counter. "SPARTANS! FIND THE MASTER! KILL HIM!!" Leonidas ordered and in that moment the rest of the Spartan soldiers started to fan out to find Arron.
Artoria continued to swing her lance around, though she knew the advice her master gave her as he could see waves of holy energy that blew away most of the undead. Though they kept storming the airport Artoria kept swinging her lance like it was a stick, and she was whacking flies. "That makes the most sense master! But you need to stay away! If they are storming the airport like this he intends to try to overwhelm me and find you! I know how this works, to fully kill me, kill the master!" She said angrily as he could see brilliant flashes of holy energy go off left and right. Despite this Artoria wasn't using that much mana on them and she hadn't even called her Lance's true name, the phantasm that would probably obliterate this group. Though what of the rest coming through the breach? Doing that would leave her helpless since releasing a certain amount of restrictions would drain a significant portion of her mana. She couldn't draw from her master that much! That would leave him defenseless! "Just keep up Master! Don't worry! We will stand tall!", She said with valor as she continued to kill the undead while she said this, bodies continued to fly back and forth even right by him.Artoria noticed this as well and was happy she didn't do something so foolish as unleashing her phantasm when the undead continued to swarm. Though she knew the tide would stem soon since Leonidas would find it suitable to try to take her on when she was 'weakened'. Well, she hoped that she could draw from her own reserves without taking from her master during this fight. Stab, energy blast, swipe, slam these things were going through her mind which went through her weapon destroying the creatures as they continued to swarm her. The normal group was something she was used to, and honestly, it didn't take much for her to destroy them as she could continue this for quite some time, though her mana source was finite she would reach the end or bottom of her reserves. She refused to use her master's so she would focus on conserving till the big man would show his face, and despite only using some her face had some beads of sweat from the actions she had been doing. The ground, however, was caked in blood and bodies obviously no life lost as they were all undead.Artoria grunted as she felt the explosion though she didn't move, she noticed the man that she was looking for. Despite his imposing figure, she stood there like a stalwart knight. The man charged up to her as she didn't even flinch even as his troops let him approach. "....You are a man of valor, I can see it in your movements I will not stand down. We will fight to see who deserves to stand upon this ground. The king or the Spartan that fights against the rising tide!" She roars defying his commands waiting for his attack, Artoria was ready for his attack and he would be in for a surprise to think that Artoria would be that easy to push around. In fact, she hadn't moved since the whole swarm of his little army, she had been planted this whole time taking on his undead horde. When she noticed him go into a defensive stance, she charged him though instead of using her lance she put all her effort into a kick to his shield to throw him off balance while swinging her lance around to attack while he was supposed off balance.
Arron hadn't noticed how Lancer dismissed her horse and gave up the high ground but Leonidas did. The kick she gave him was strong but not enough to force the Spartan to give up any ground, he had faced worse and stronger. Instead he rolled forward after the kick connected, ducking her swinging lance while he brought his spear up to stab not at her heart or head, but the inside of her thigh.At the same time as he made his stab, the Beserker flung his left arm out to deflect any back attacks while he spun around to face her again and started to circle the "King of Knights." Leonidas started to flip his spear around while mana started to flow from his body and create a shield around him. He understood what her lance was capable of and it seemed Leonidas wasn't about to simply let her strike him."THIS IS SPARTAAAA!!!!!!" He shouted, activating his Noble Phantasm, creating a massive shield of force around him. A wave of golden energy washed off of him and spread across the entire airport, compelling all in the area who were attacking to attack him. Arron's bow was forced to aim at the Spartan while the arrows he created all tilted the same way. "No.... I might hit her..." He muttered, struggling to resist the pull of Leonidas' Noble Phantasm! "Artoria, unleash your phantasm, break his shield and fall back, then wait for an opening to finish him... I can't hold these arrows much longer!"
Artoria grunted as she felt the weight behind the Spartan, she had slightly underestimated the man, he was built and solid which is why his history was so strong. Though Artoria wouldn't lose nor would she give ground they would be two imposing towers of their histories. Artoria wasn't prepared at first for what he did stumble a little barely bringing her lance in to counter or at least mildly parry feeling the metal scrape against her armor. She grunted loudly pushing his spear off to the side while countering only to find herself being pushed back a little as she glared. Artoria didn't answer the man no, she didn't feel like she had to, it was almost like he was just calling out to her in a usual fashion before an attack and her instinct was correct.Suddenly she saw him activate his phantasm as she adjusted to a defensive posture, the amount of mana he just released was astounding. It was boggling how this man could have died in his time! Imaging alone 300 hundred man group against an unstoppable force was something that made Arotria in some ways excited for the battle she was going into. Though this could be the feeling she was getting from the phantasm her body and every fiber wanted to duel this man as she looked more stressed glancing to her master hearing him she nodded. Using her own stance she closed her eyes, she only needs to break this Spartan's shield while also not trying to draw much more of the creatures. "I, King of Knights, will break this wall placed before me!" She yelled out though she said in her headRhongomyniad!the thought was powerful as a beautiful glow began to surround the lance, a holy power was beginning to course through it.I am releasing 6 out of the 13 restraints! She called out in her head as the power continued to swirl around her, the ground began to slightly shake as she became a beacon of light."I stand with my people against YOU!!!" She roared in defiance as she had built up the mana she needed which was something to rival the Spartan, like a cannon she aimed her lance down and charged toward him. The electricity from the blast wormed across the ground as she screamed suddenly a large blast equivalent to some kind of energy ray shot out of her lance, like a holy beam straight at Leonidas as she continued to push out the mana that she could use while releasing 6 of the 13 restraints she had from her round table.
The blast was immense, Leonidas was forced to raise his shield and brace as hard as he could. The sandals of his feet dug into the ground as the blast hit his shield. Sparks flew from the impact, lancing through the air and splitting the sky and causing light to explode in the darkness of Ohio. The Spartan screamed with rage and defiance while flexing as hard as he could and tossing his spear into the air at the same time his hand came up and caught the weapon. With all his strength he hurled his spear at Artoria while the impact of her noble phantasm faded, showing just how much damage her weapon truly did...Leonidas stood with no spear as it had been hurled at Artoria, his shield arm hung limply, the golden armor ripped to little more than a strip of metal on his forearm, hiding what was easily a broken arm. The man drew a deep breath while Arron lifted his bow. "Artoria.... Avoid the arrows, then finish him off!" He shouted and released the arrow from the bow. A moment later the other arrows flew after the lead arrow.The sky blackened with arrows, the lead smashing into the spine of Leonidas, followed by what seemed like a hundred magically created arrows, each one plunging into the mans back and neck, leaving him gasping for air. After using up so much mana, Arron fell to his back and simply laid there, staring up at the night sky while panting and realizing how much sweat was covering his body and he hadn't done much more than run and fire a few arrows. "Lancer... are you alive? If you are come up here.... I'm tired and don't want to move."
Artoria noticed Leonidas take that blast though it had severely weakened him however what she didn't realize was the spear he had thrown. Which she couldn't avoid right away as it tore into her shoulder causing her to wince feeling the warmth of her blood coming out of her wound she only glared at him.Artoria glanced at her master nodding to him as she looked to the man, "You are a powerful warrior. It was an honor for this small bout with you!" She called out though what she didn't think about was the volley that her master was producing. When the rain happened she dodged around the arrows as some even clanked off of her armor her face twisting as she dodged them easily but couldn't completely as they struck Leonidas.When he was gasping for air Artoria hoisted up her lance, then charged at the man her heavy metal boots strike the ground. "ARRRRRHHHH!!" She screamed out as she thrust her lance deep into his chest, the impact sent blood and different things flying in different directions as she had managed to implant her large weapon within the weapon as she noticed him begin to disappear she nodded to him silently. She knew that Leonidas was a warrior and to die like this was a way he would want to go as she pulled out her lance only to see him disperse as she turned to the tower. Her own body was slightly scathed, but the majority of her mana was intact for the most point. Hearing her Master's command she moved around the rubble and the bodies of creatures, making her way up she had put her lance away staring at him once she had found him. "I am master, Leonidas was a worthy man of his stature and history. Though I wouldn't be stopped! I will strike those down that stand against the world, and my master." She said with determination as she watched him on the ground, she held out her hand to him.
Arron laid motionless for a long period. He could see the rays of sunlight creeping up in the distance, the darkness of his first night as a Master was giving way to the golden orange hues of the burning sun. Shaw drew a deep breath of air and closed his eyes until something blotted out the rays of light and cast a gentle shadow over the man. Arron opened his eyes and smiled wide at Artoria. He looked her up and down, admiring her armor and the way she held herself."Yeah... you know, all in all tonight went well. But Artoria, you're bleeding. It looks like he got you a little, did you happen to let him hit you or did he get a lucky shot. If he were too strong, I wouldn't have been able to harm him at all with those arrows and you didn't use full power with your lance... Thanks for that by the way." Arron reached up and grasped Artoria's hand, letting her help him up.Slowly Arron dusted himself off and looked at his scruffy clothing. He needed to shower, shave and put on some new clothes. "Look... I'm gonna head into the airport and see if I can find some clothes or something. I think these places might have a lounge for us to rest in. After I've recovered some mana I can heal your wound, granted it might heal on its own after a while of not being in combat." Arron patted Artoria on the uninjured arm and gave her hand a gentle squeeze then headed down to change at the very least. He looted some old luggage on long forgotten belts and found a small razor, shaving the stubble from his face, changed into a fresh suit of a blood red shade. It was a little flashy but clean and comfortable.Lazily he wandered to a small lounge and laid in a cot swiftly drifting to sleep....He didn't sleep well, nightmares of terror flooded his mind, causing him to toss and turn with fret. Only an hour after drifting off he awoke and wiped the sweat from his forehead. His blue eyes darted around and he sighed with annoyance. "Lancer! Hey, I've been thinking... what if I tried to summon another spirit, A shielder or saber maybe? Do you think just the two of us can handle this? Ohio here might be the least protected of the states as far as Servants goes. But to do that I'll need another focus either way. Eh, I should try to increase my magical output first. Speaking of, Lancer, come here. I need to fix that wound and I'm already feeling better."Gently, Arron reached to her arm and mumbled some soft words, a blue light flashed from his palm and washed over Lancer, sealing the wound shut. "I don't think I'd be able to do that to a civilian, or myself even." He explained and looked into Artoria's deep eyes. A soft blush covered his face and he quickly pulled his gaze away. "...We should go or at least find some food.... Sorry for staring at you like that. It's just... You're very beautiful and it's been some time since I've spent this much time around anyone. Sorry."
Artoria glanced at the wound as she sighed, "his spear launched at me but he was off, he managed to graze me. Didn't really hurt all that much but none the less a surprise." She commented though she did spot how he was admiring her, which made her raise an eyebrow though she didn't say much only tucking some blonde hair behind her ear. "It was just a quick shot, and he honestly was a powerful warrior but I was underestimated, and he paid for his incompetence in battle. Though I think he appreciated being defeated by me overall." She commented as she glanced at the wound not thinking much of it as she pulled her master to his feet. "I didn't want to draw more of those creatures and I had taken care of most of his army by the time he had made stand here." She commented to the nights battle which was pretty easy in her opinion, Leonidas still was a tough warrior but her level was far above his.Artoria nodded to him, "Sure master, I should be fine ...I have a set of clothing that isn't my armor. If I need to, but I don't need any clothing." She commented, "Of course, master, if you wish." Artoria said simply as her steel eyes focused on him when he patted her shoulder and even gave her hand a squeeze it had been a while since she had felt such touch before. It reminded her of her child but only slightly giving her a small smile to appear on her face though only for a second before she returned to her impassive expression. Artoria followed her master keeping an eye on him, and the surrounding areas she was less concerned with her apparel than he was due to being able to shift her form with mana. She just kept an eye out for other servants that might be waiting in the breeze.While he had changed his clothes she continued to remain firm and protective never wavering despite the wound that she had. It had taken some time to heal and hasn't shown any signs yet due to only releasing the amount she did it did take some of her reserves. She was also ignoring the wound in favor of having an offense for her master instinct to protect weaved deep within her magical form. Even while he slept she didn't really move much sitting down and just watching out, though she did catch herself drifting a little. But she managed to keep a good watch over everything while her master recovered his mana when he had finished his nap Artoria was already alert.Artoria looked to her master while he spoke, her eyes observing him closely, "You wish to summon more? Do you have the sufficient mana master? I wouldn't doubt since you were able to summon me. But if you wish or think that is wise then I wouldn't stand in your way. Just make sure you think it through before you do something like that, cause of the danger of being without reserves it would put us both in. I am merely looking out for us both." Artoria said simply though he could see that she had some slight concern for him and her own well being going into this. This was no ordinary grail war, this was something entirely different than neither one of them was used to happen. "Oh? it is? Then maybe it would be wise to summon another to be safe, I may be powerful to face off so many by myself it would slowly drain at my reserves and then I would have to tap into you master and at that rate, we both could be facing a fatal situation." She commented at his status of Ohio and didn't like the idea of being caught with several servants at once."Hm, I think it might be worth it, but be careful is all I will say. The final decision I am leaving up to you Master." She said stating her opinion but ultimately she let her own master decide. She was a lancer, she fought on her horse and off of it, and she struck down his enemies so that they could achieve victory. She also was good at giving advice but deferred to her master in the long run out of respect of how they handled themselves and she believed so far that the young man was doing very well for himself in the sense of respect. When she saw what he was doing she gazed at him noticing his suddenly feeling the surge of mana seal the wound she let out a sigh of relief she had been ignoring it. Doesn't mean it didn't hurt but she wasn't going to complain about such a simple flesh wound. Though she did catch his gaze lingering, and his blush as she blinked some noticing him look away. "...You don't think you could do that to another mortal or even yourself? But...why than me...?" She asked but trailed off listening to him still shocked a bit she just shook her head a little, "...Yes, we should, and..." She gave him a curt nod, " is okay I haven't had the gaze of a master that felt me more than a weapon in a long time too. I appreciate ...that gesture Master." She commented as she looked to her shoulder and then to him again giving him a small smile.
"I don't think I can do it to another mortal or myself because I'm not composed of mostly magical energy. I'm just a conductor for it. Your body is solid because our mana wills it to be. It's easy to repair that, just pour some of my energy into a wound and give it some shape." Arron explained then pulled up a pant leg to reveal a rather nasty scar running up his calf. "Humans take time, energy and medicine to heal.... Besides my magics are utility and offensive based, not healing. I like to think of it as arcane and divine. I don't do divine stuff."Standing up straight, he dusted himself off even though he wasn't really dirty and ran a hand through his shaggy black locks of hair, giving it a messy bed head style. "Okay, lets get going." He said and started to walk towards a rack of snacks. He picked up an arm full of jerky, peanuts and a few bottles of water then grabbed an old duffel bag and shoved the items inside and slung the bag over his shoulder. "Think you could locate the Round Table? I want to try and use it as a summoning item to bring another spirit into the world, any of your former Knights could be called with it, granted completely at random. Honestly I'm shocked you came in as a Lancer and not a Saber or Rider considering what I used. Clearly I don't have this summoning thing down straight and I need the practice."Heading towards the doors that led to a parking garage, Arron pulled a map off a tourist rack and spread it out on a near by wall. "Okay, I think our next move should be New York, lots of museums and stuff, it's a crowded State even after everything has gone to utter shit. If we can kill the Servant there, we should at the very least be able to show others that this fight isn't hopeless. If there are other mages out there, they might try to summon something and fight back, hell normal mortals might try to fight. Granted they won't be able to kill spirits, but undead, golems, sure... Those can be beat." Arron traced a line going down the route they would need to take on the map. "So, Arturia, is there a car you want to take? It isn't often that we can just have whatever we want, but right now, there isn't anyone in the world to stop us, lets live a little." Arron gestured out to the parking garage and for Lancer to pick a ride in order for the pair to get moving to New York.
Artoria stood there listening to him, of course, her master was correct. She was just of mana and if she was to lose it all she would dissipate just like Leonidas as well as any other servant she had defeated in the past. This too she understood, her master needed time to rest and recuperate sure she could sleep and do it that way too but ultimately as long as it doesn't strain her master she could always be rejuvenated by him. She continued nodding to his comment putting a hand up to her chin rubbing it thoughtfully, "Yeah you do well with those arrows." She commented as she nearly got hit by one but then again what he did was an AOE attack which she wasn't surprised nor would she gripe about the situation cause, in the end, they worked together to get rid of the berserker.Artoria followed him along her heavy metal booted feet clacked against the floor. When she noticed he was picking up snacks and the like to keep him energized she just kept quiet. When he mentioned her knights she grew pensive, "I mean we could try, though I have our knowledge Master I assume you know that my round table was based in a country on the other side of the ocean. I don't think I can just summon it here when I want." She commented as she watched him get all the provisions he would need to keep himself sustained. "Well, it might have been a disturbance or the like that you got my soul rather than my saber or rider soul. I don't understand why it would make a mistake that grievous you had my hold sword from a long time ago, yet you got myself as I grew older and dawned my holy lance instead. That was all the very confusing and interesting part, then again the world is in disarray, there might be forces that since out of harmony might have contributed Master." Artoria comments as he does this her eyes scanning the area around them while he scavenges.Once they were finished Artoria just kept following him toward 2 doors that lead to the 'parking garage' which she noticed on the side due to the information that Master had shared with her, she knew and understood where she was at. "Sounds good Master, though do you want..." She stopped as they entered the garage she didn't know if he intended to use a vehicle or just use her steed but it seemed obvious to what he had chosen. Though she did keep listening to her comments about New York State and if they can fight and win they could bring hope back to the people there or even in the US. Artoria looked at herself and sighed suddenly a white light engulfed her where she was standing in some kind of military ish dress that allowed her to blend in better as she glanced at him. "You choose it, master, I am not sure of these things despite knowing about them. I prefer my steed regardless." She commented offhandedly. She knew that it was ruining her master's fun but she wasn't the one that really had that much fun.
The duo settled on a white twenty nineteen Mustang with a mostly full tank of gass and took off. The pair drove for a few hours and stopped to get gas with the sun rising to the halfway point in the sky. Heavy metal blared from the C.D. player built into the car, not doing much to hide the duo's travel. The mustang stopped next to a pump at a station that had long ago been abandoned. "...Hey, do you get hungry?" Arron asked and held his last bag of jerky to Artoria. His blue eyes lifted in spirits while he pointed to the store near the pumps. "I have to go rig the register so we can get some gas, I'll grab more food while I'm in there so don't worry about me keeping my strength up."Quickly Arron jogged over towards the station and started to whisper something under his breath causing the fingers on his left hand to light up with a purple magic and he held it just in case he needed to defend himself. The man slipped into the station and started to look around the gas station store, skirting the walls while he made sure that he was alone in the room. His right hand grabbed up a small shopping basket and moved down an isle of junk food that would last a long time. Moving towards the coolers he grabbed a few more bottles of water and a pair of sodas as well.Equally as quickly he "rang up" fifty dollars worth of gas then ran back to the mustang and filled the tank then slipped back into the drivers seat. He handed Lancer soda and smiled at her. "Give it a try, they are good." He assured her until a building rocked with a low rumble four buildings down from the gas station. Arron's eyes narrowed in the direction of the sound and his shoulders slumped. "I didn't sense anything.... Did you?" He asked but slowly slipped from the car and started to look around. "Assassin's aren't easy to detect when it comes to their mana, could be a servant in the area. Wanna check it out or do you think we should get going?"
Artoria got into the car looking around it was something that could be defendable but she couldn't see it taking very many hits. It looked like it had flair but nothing beyond any practical means as she just looked at him. "Master,..." She was about to ask but then thought about it nearly feeling silly she pushed down on the armrest for her and the window opened as she let her elbow sit on the new seal she created after rolling the window all way down. Her blonde hair blew in the wind well some of it considering she had it braided her eyes watching the American scenery change as they roared down the road. Her eyes glancing ahead and then to him nodding to him some then back outside to enjoy the world she had known though now was in a car away from it. Then again it was just like a robotic horse so maybe it wasn't so bad. When they pulled into the gas station she looked at him, "Me? I believe I can eat and replenish some mana that way. Though to be actually hungry cause I need it I am not entirely sure." She commented as she caught the bag with one hand as she glanced at it. It was beef jerky as she tore open the bag and began to eat it, the taste was interesting. She was used to it thinking back on the tough meat she had to eat during some battles or before them. Artoria glanced at him nodding, "Okay, I will go ahead and just watch out for servants and anybody suspicious okay?" She said as she nodded to him watching him run to the station.Artoria continued to eat the dried meat glancing at the road and things around them. It was so barren she couldn't help that the world was truly in dire straights. She knew that she had to help not for her master's sake but the world's sake on top of that. Though when she was satisfied she turned back around walking back to the car watching him collect food from within the gas station. Her eyes keeping good surveillance of the building making sure nothing got inside to disturb his little shopping spree as it looked like to her outside.When she noticed him come back she hopped into the Mustang finished the beef jerky not too long ago watching him fill up the tank she just sat there sighing some laying back. When he hopped in she felt something come at her and she grabbed it noticing what was in her hand she blinked. Artoria gave her master a questioning look but when he suggested trying it she lifted the can making sure the tab was facing toward her and popped it with a crisp pop. When the fizz had gone down she took a large drink of it and nodded gently. "Yeah, this soda tastes pretty good." She commented but when the rock hit or at least it felt like a thud she glanced over at the building blinking. "Master...", She commented as she frowned, "even if we didn't sense anything I suggest going to see what it case it is here to impede us we should take care of it." She commented after he asked for her opinion she glared at the spot that they both assumed it came from. "If we leave it be it could be another obstacle when we don't need it, master." She let another comment fly as she buckled herself up waiting for him to hit the gas while she drank the soda calmly.
Arron nodded his head in agreement and jumped out of the car, confident that Artoria would be either soon in toe or at his side. A quick flick of his right arm and a roll of his sleeve had Arron's hand started to glow with a dim blue arcane light. The man moved to the building and stopped at the side of the door and pressed his back to it. The man drew a deep breath and looked to Lancer. "Artoria, I'm going to kick the door in and move aside, you take point and I'll cover you. Just be careful in case of any traps or ambushes." Arron spun around the door frame and kicked the door as hard as he could before he dove aside and allowed for Artoria to take over.Moving into the dark building, the pair stalked down the main hall while Arron's blue eyes flickered from side to side. Cautiously, Arron checked each door on the first floor then started to make their way up a steep flight of steps. Every step they took caused the boards of the carpeted stairs to moan with a deep seated creak. Coming to the top of the steps Arron took a moment to rest and collect himself.Suddenly he jumped to the side and pointed his glowing hand forward. Shocked terror filled his eyes while he struggled to steady himself. "I ... Something just moved in the dark.... It had a.... I don't know, a skull for a face or a mask?" He stammered, questioning if he saw what he did as his eyes ran over the darkness. "Artoria, please be careful. I think there is more than one thing in here." Arron continued.Wandering through the darkness of the second floor, Arron glanced up and saw the roof had been caved in and under a pile of rubble a young woman with silverish blonde hair laying under a pile of rubble that most likely came from the roof!. Arron raced towards the woman and started to move the rubble while patting her face. "Hey, hey lady get up. You gotta tell me what's going on here..."
Artoria got out of the car calmly shutting the door, she conjured her lance to her side after making it disappear while they were driving. She held it at ready to transform it into a real weapon at a moment's notice. Artoria noticed her master's light which made her glance at the surroundings making sure nothing was going to pop out and harm her master. He was her charge, after all, nothing would befall him while they were fighting this menace. She glanced at him giving him a steely glance nodding, "of course, master!" When her master kicked the door in Artoria did kind of take cover but her instinct was to stand out in the battlefield to take on any incoming attacks. She glanced around blinking someArtoria took a position near her master, closely watching him as she looked around the hallway they were going down. Artoria took his lead as he checked she would be right there in case of an attack so she would get hit first. She did this typically all the time as she continued to follow her master up the stairs of the stairs. The walls in the building creaked as some dust fell here and there but it didn't make Artoria jump, she was aware of her surroundings and she would make sure that she wouldn't be taken by surprise. When they got to the top she noticed her master as she looked concerned, "you alright master? Do you need to rest?" She asked while her eyes continued to scan.Artoria finally formed her powerful holy lance in her hand as she held it at her side watching her master's reaction. Though she also noticed the being as she squinted a little, "I I think so master...I am not you want me to investigate?" Artoria didn't wait for his response as she held out her Lance, "come out!! Now!!" She commanded as she held out as her master could already see the faint glow of her holy energy surrounding the lance.Though nothing else showed up she conintued her walk with her master as he stopped. She did too though she never unsommoned her weapon noticing that the ceiling was caved in she followedher master in carefully. She followed her master in her eyes scanning around her in case this was an ambush as she was in high alert mode.
Arron crouched over the woman, pulling rubble off her body while he glanced over at Artoria. The man scowled for a long moment while he thought about what he had seen a few moments ago. It was servant for sure but he wasn't sure who. "Damn it Lancer, standing there isn't going to help. If we are dealing with an Assassin they won't meet you head on, they are going to attack you from behind. Help me get this girl outta here, she's barely breathing!" Arron shouted.Frustration was building up in Arron's body, this poor beautiful woman was out cold and the only one who knew anything about the servant they were up against. Then again that was assuming that she had actually encountered the Servant in question. Was it an assassin, a caster? Maybe something different with a reality Marble type Noble Phantasm. There were too many things to wonder about, they had to get out.With a great heave, Arron lifted the woman with silvered hair up in his arms and stood slowly. "Jesus you're heavier than you look lady.... Lancer, stay close and lead us out of here. We need to get back to the car quick!" He ordered, knowing that he could use a command spell to have her do exactly as he ordered as fast as possible but it really wouldn't have done them any good.Supporting the woman in his arms, Arron moved behind Lancer, watching her carefully, constantly checking his flanks and their rear. Every once in a while, Arron swore he could hear the ruffling of fabric behind them but when he looked there was nothing to be seen. After a quick run that left Arron gassed, he carefully laid the girl in the back of the Mustang and patted the hood of the car. "Lets roll!" He shouted and slid into the drivers seat, driving as fast as he could out of town.... "Artoria, let me know if that girl wakes up, she might be the only one who knows who's in control of this town!"
Artoria looked back nodding, "I am sorry master!" She rushed to the woman beginning to remove the rubble from the woman as she looked over at both of them. She felt like she had failed in some way but she wouldn't let him see that. After she had removed some of the rubble from the woman she helped him remove her from the debris.Artoria had helped him lift the girl up as she made sure that her master was sure to have the woman as she held her lance close to her. He was right if this was an assassin servant they would wait till the time was right to attack them when they least expect it. Thus Artoria would keep her senses on high alert though she would keep her eyes focused on her master and this new mysterious woman while she kept shifting her eyes to look around. "Are you okay Master? Do you ", Artoria asked worriedly though when she heard her master command her to help them get out she nodded. "Affirmative master!", She moved to the doorway waving her armored hand moving out into the hallway.When they moved through the hallways Artoria would go between her master and the girl making sure that they weren't attacked behind them or in front of them. Of course, she couldn't do much against projectiles but she would do the best she could when ti came to melee. Though they moved quickly as they finally made their way down to his car. When he had the girl secure Artoria dissolved her lance as she moved into the car after he yelled about getting into the car. Slipping in she sat next to him and then glanced back at the girl then at him. "Sure master, I will I will let you know." She said as they roared off into the distance.Darkness was swirling around in the girl's head as she stirred which makes Artoria glance once after a while. "Master I think she is waking up..." Arotria said as they continue to watch the girl. Though a groan finally comes from her mouth as she moved her hair out of her eyes. Her purple eyes take in everything as she groans again, slowly lifting her body up however she stopped wincing hard. "Argh!" She gasped as she could feel the pain of the whole being buried under the debris as she slowly sat up more though more struggling and wincing could be heard through her voice and expression. "W what...happened?", She asked weakly as Artoria finally allowed a small smile on her face. They had managed to save the girl, "What is your name? Why were you in that building?" Artoria asked as the girl shook her head holding her head. "M mash?...maybe?I am not even sure ...right now...I am having issues remembering", She spoke as Artoria looked worried."Master, the girl is having issues remembering things, I am not sure how we should deal with this," Artoria said blatantly despite the fact it sounded cold but with how things have been in the world she didn't want to take any chances on what could happen to them if they just openly accepted any person in the world. They could have been planted to take them out. However, Artoria's heart wouldn't let her completely follow through with a plan to do something bad to this girl called "Mash". "I I ...won't do anything...", 'Mash' said as she finally managed to adjust herself basrely sitting against the seat as she winced hard calling out some. She felt some wounds on her, some internal while others were open as she could feel some warm liquid, mingling with some more of a crusty feeling as she assumed she may have opened up some wounds that had just healed.
"It's fine... I'm sorry, I shouldn't be yelling. This is just the first person I've seen out in the open in a long time and she needs help. Forgive me." Arron apologized, almost hurt by himself and the way he spoke to his only friend in the world. As soon as they were in the car and driving down the road as fast as they could, Arron glanced back to see the silver haired woman stirring. He shook his head with regret and tried to keep his eyes on the road."If we were faster we might have been able to save her." Arron muttered, keeping his guard up. Now matter how fast or far he drove the man could sense a faint trail of some sort of Servant but couldn't pin down what the type was.If I were a better mage I could track down the thing and know what we were up against... I thinkArron thought in silence until the woman started to groan in the back seat.The young man didn't speak at first, letting her get used to what was going on. He slowed the car and started to pull over after she gave her name. Throwing the car in park and cutting the engine, Arron turned to look at Mash. "Hi Mash, I'm Arron, this is Arotoria... or Lancer. I'm a mage and she is a Heroic spirit. You look like you fell through the top of a tall building while fighting something. We pulled the rubble off you and carried you to the car, but we are on the way to New York to see if we can convince others to take up arms against Morgan La Fey. I think an assassin is after us and I don't want to let you out there on your own."Arron gestured towards the empty road and the large grass fields on any side of the highway. He wanted to get to New York but the sun was starting to set. "I think we are going to camp here for the night. You look hurt, I can try to heal you but unless you're a servant I don't know how effective it will be. Just let me know if you want me to try." Arron offered. "Lancer, will you do me a favor and scout the area, make sure we aren't being followed?" Arron asked, unknowing that an invisible Assassin Hussan of the Hand was riding atop the car and waiting for the perfect time to strike... | 35 | [] |
31 | | Crossing Lances ((Potter-kun/MasoKitty)) | Artoria Pendragonmoved through the modular room she was visibly irritated though it wasn't hard to see why as another figure stood by as the holy lancer eyed her alter counter part wryly. "Why did he have to summon you? I mean I am not even sure I would even use you. I could be more effective than you ever could Artoria." She commented which sounded weird to her as she was talking to another universe, another version that had lived her life. A darker, and more alien way of life. The way she handled her subjects and people it made her sick by how callous she was. The holy lance found another seat to sit in.Artoria Pendragon "Alter"she sat in the afformentioned seat that the holy lance had commented to. Though she had her arms crossed resting under her breasts, her pale yellow eyes meeting the other greenish gold, "There are many reasons"King of The Britians" for one maybe he wanted a servant that won't hesitate to do their mission and exert their will on the enemy. To completely destroy them in these twisted times that threaten humanity! Somebody that will grind these fools into dust!", She billowed as the holy lance just sat there unamused knowing there were other ways to handle this situation.The holy Artoria just "tch" at her Alter self which she felt was completely alien. "Anyway he said he was coming and wanted us both here. I don't understand, I rather be around my saber form than least I feel I can relate to her." The holy Artoria commented while the alter just laughed, "you two are pathetic! Saber form? At least the alter had something going, then again she had more of an under..." Alter lancer went quiet realizing she just mirrored the holy lancer. "Anyway, just stop talking we will figure out what he wants when he arrives!" The holy commented as the alter finally agreed to what the holy lancer said at least.
Michael walked into the room with a heavy sigh as he looked at the two versions of Artoria nervously. He had summoned both of them not long ago and they had been causing a menace throughout Chaldea with their constant bickering and fighting. He had to settle them down somehow, but he wondered how. He couldn't have them spare, they would likely kill each other and blow up Chaldea during the fight. That was when he came up with an idea and he hoped it would work out as planned.He looked at both the girls, his hazel eyes intense as he ran a hand through his short brown hair. He just needed to be upfront about it and his plan. "Look, I called you two here because your constant fighting with each other has been causing a lot of problems. I know you two don't like each other but you need to get along enough to at least work together so I have a plan..." Michael's voice trailed off as his cheeks tinted a bright red and he steeled his resolve."We are going to have sex until you two are okay with each other, alright!?" Michael managed to get out, looking firmly but embarrassed at them both.
Holy Artoria glanced at her master, though she didn't speak listening to him. Her alter form also sat there with an annoyed look on her face that clashed with Holy Artoria's indifferent face. Then when they listened to what he said about them being an annoyance, well they both were different. Alter Artoria and Holy Artoria were different people with different ideals. They both thought it was logical though they did almost blow up Caldera a few times to where the administrator had to tell them warnings to stop.Though their mouths both dropped as they stared Alter's arms sat at her side as she stood up staring at him imposing. "Master! You cannot be saying that I fuckthat do you? She isn't even deserving to touch my pussy let alone even give my breast a touch! Not even a kiss worthy Master!" Alter said as her pale yellow eyes glared at him.While they were talking Holy Artoria moved to the other side as she frowned. Though unlike her alter counter part she spoke level, "Master, why do you think coitus would help me work better with my loud mouthed, rude counter part?" Unlike Alter Holy was composed and spoke with poise befitting a king versus the tyrant King Of Storms.
Their reactions were about what he had expected he just needed to explain his thinking better and hopefully they would at least agree to go along and try at least once to see if they could get along better after. "Sex is the best way for individuals to connect, it links their very essences together and brings all involved closer. We can't have you two fighting to get over your differences and since I think you both have admitted to liking me at one point, I didn't want to make either of you jealous..." Michael rubbed the back of his head meekly, his face even more red. It was true that each of them had confessed to him at some point in the past week, what were the odds."You two might become closer this way and its a good way to vent stress without blowing up Chaldea...just consider it a friendly competition?" Michael decided to end it on that note, hoping that would be enough to sway them to try his method of conflict resolution.
Alter Artoria paused some as she looked down crossing her arms in deep thought. Was she actually going to sleep with Holy Artoria? Technically it washerself so it would be weird. Though Alter did love how her master destroyed his enemies and if it was a competition... Alter Artoria was quiet for a moment before she looked up smirking. "Do we make the rules master or do you? I would appreciate the chance to stuff it to my holy art thou counter part. I bet she hasn't even fucked Master. I made men bow to me in the bedroom." She boasted holding her fist out trembling laughing.Holy Artoria shook her head, "Master I understand the need for thiscompetition but why this kind of manner? Doesn't Caldera have an arena of sorts for me and my other self to do battle? Like the servants we are?" Holy asked coolly as the Alter smirked, "see master! I bet she is still chaste, older yet never taken a man into her bed or woman did you? You prude!" Alter said laughing some. Holy Artoria sighed gently putting her face in her palm, "with my other's idiotic sense of humor, i still see the way this would show a genuine bond with us? Or even the competition, though I believe I haven't given you the chance to state terms master." She commented as she just stood there not rising to Alter's taunts.
Michael chuckled slightly as Alter taunted her counterpart. He had already had sex with each of them after their confession but he wasn't going to reveal that to Alter...Artoria could reveal that bit of info if she wanted to. For now he simply cleared his throat and continued to speak after each of them were done. "I'll be giving you the rules now. We go until the end of the night tonight and you each get points for how often you make me and the other girl come. You get a point for making me come and two points for making the other girl come. Whoever has the most points at the end of the night, wins...sound fair?"Michael had a nervous grin on his face, he hoped this gamble could work but he couldn't tell just yet. Alter seemed on board wit the idea but would he be able to win regular Artoria over? She wasn't sure, but he was eager to see how they would interact with each other if they both said yes. While they both gave off majestic auras in public, he had learned they had interesting personalities in bed. He wondered how those two would meld together.
Holy Artoria listened to master's explanation and how this would be turned into a 'competitinon'. The idea was sound but she wondered if she could perform with her Alter counterpart. Artoria thought deeply on the idea as she put up a finger to rub her chin while hooked it on her jawline and under her chin. Alter only crossed her arms obviously thrown her lot in and even then she didn't even react much when she heard the terms. Though her eyes grew wider when she heard master's comments of points on themselves. "So if we manage to get each other to cum more points? Alright, I can do that heh holy maiden better be careful I will break you." Alter threatened as Holy just stood there not reacting.Finally she broke her deep thinking pose as she looked over at Master. She was silent for a bit even her master looked nervous due to her pause. Finally she nodded, "fine, master I will "fuck" her for these points. Though is there a limit or just till we both are tired?" Lancer had asked as he knew she was a stickler for understanding the rules of something, she was a king after all. Attention to detail was kind of in the fine print while Alter was growing more annoyed by the waiting looking like she would jump master or even Holy Artoria.
Michael just chuckled more at Alter's taunting, it was almost like she needed to taunt to make up for her own issues about herself. He was just guessing though, that might not have been the case at all but she was pretty sure in her ability to make both him and her counterpart cum. He nodded his head as he answered both of their questions one after another."Yes, that is correct, Alter and there is no limit, Artoria. Just until we are all tired. There is one more rule have to obey all my commands, failure to do so will result in you losing a point. Also, if you become too combative with one another I will take points off depending on how rudely you each behaved, understand?" Michael added that final rule with a smile before issuing his first order. "Now about you two strip each other and kiss while I watch?" Michael thought that would make for a pretty good warm up.
Alter blushed first as she watched her counterpart do the same. The two got naked as Alter shared a bit more blush while the cooler Holy seemed undisturbed at her naked state. Due to the fact she had slept with their master while Alter hadn't yet. "Come then Alter, master gave us an order.." She said though she knew her mastertechnically didn't actually she took it as such. Though Holy did smirk when she watched Alter get slightly meek, she met the pale yellow maiden with her string green golden eyes as she slightly crossed her arms under her breasts. "We need to Alter, what happened to all the loud mouth bluster?" The cooler blonde lancer stared at her pale blonde counter part.Finally Alter moved closer to the other Artoria, she looked into the eyes of her competitor as she got closer. So close that their decent endowed breasts touched each other. Holy glanced down then her eyes met Alter's which didn't seem so cocky now since she was in this position now. Suddenly Holy put her hand on the back of Alter's neck giving it a squeeze as she drew her in. Then the two Artorias mixed their lips met in front of their master as Holy was actually kissing the semi shocked Alter.
Michael watched with keen interest as the two were stripped and it was clear all of Alter s taunting from before was just for show. He was surprised to see Artoria take the lead and he chuckled at the look of surprise on Alter s face. Giving up so early, Alter Michael teased her, hoping to help the woman overcome her shock to make it a fair contest.
Alter glared at him for a moment shaking her head, "No! Master! I will do this" She said after she broke the kiss with her other self, then out of nowhere Alter began to caress Holy's breasts causing Holy Artoria to gasp out letting tiny cries which made alter blush but smirk as she continued to fondle Holy's breasts. Artoria gripped Alter's which made her gasp out as the two began to kiss again this time more sensual though you could tell that alter was more aggressive about it. She felt embarrassed that her master had pointed out her weakness or that shewasn't strong enough for the holy version of herself. This wasn't the case as the wondering hands continued to wonder, one hand went through Holy's hair slowly undoing her braid and letting the long locks of blonde fall down while her other hand went down Holy's body feeling and touching it slowly snaked over and gripped Holy's ass. Artoria couldn't help but groan and moan into the kiss they were doing pushing her own breasts into Alter's which caused the warrior to gasp out gently which made Holy smirk."So this means you are soft under thattough exterior Alter", Holy Artoria taunted finally which made Alter freeze for a moment not used to her counterpart throwing out taunts like that. Though she shot back, "I didn't think you were so sexual either! I thought you were more pious than that!" She commented bitterly as Artoria only glared at her then kissed her harder once again throwing a surprised face on Alter as they kissed again this time more aggressive and deeper. This time holy made sure she had room so she began to knead, and massage Alter's breasts lovingly, enjoying the touch of the soft skin and the nipples that she took into her fingers and tweaked. Obviously Holy was slightly trembling but nothing serious she continued to work on Alter's nipples pulling, rolling, and pinching them making her alter form cry out gently like a bitch and it made Holy smirk even more. Suddenly Alter let out a started gasp as Holy gripped the woman by the hips throwing her onto the bed ignoring her master as she smirked down at Alter's form. "You want to turn this into a competition? Well, then I will show you a competition!" She said hungrily as her master knew that once the switch was flipped, it was flipped.Alter really underestimated her counterpart to do such an aggressive attack as she spread her legs smirking holding out her arms. "Come then, Holy! Let me see what a goodie, goodie can do against a warrior. You may have had me gasping out with your sudden attack but I won't go down that easily!" She taunted the holy version as Holy Artoria only laughed leaping onto the bed grinding her already growing wet slit all over Alter's left thigh, while she moved her hands over the Storm King's body, touching her hips, breasts, running her fingertips up and down Alter's neck lovingly which was making Alter blink once and twice but only made her smirk. While Holy was doing this Alter bit down on her neck which made Holy hiss out in pain as she moved her thigh against Holy's pussy making her shiver and tremble while she laughed in Holy's ear, "don't underestimate me, Holy, you will regret it!" She laughed as she gripped Holy's ass again slapping it causing holy to cry out gently shivering some getting more affected by fucking herself than she should. Though Alter was reveling in it as she even took a finger, guiding it along Holy's wet slit she slicked up her finger, drawing back she began to prod and poke Holy's asshole finally able to with a whine she pushed her finger into Holy's ass as she began to play with Holy's butt causing the holy maiden to shiver and bit her lip. This caused Holy to turn around and feel up Alter's lovely mound, two fingers, middle and ring finger feel out the slit before dipping in and touching the dampness that was growing. "You are going to pay for that Alter! I won't lose not in front of the master!" She gasped out as she began to play with alter's clit which made the other woman whine out and shiver while she felt her nerves being attacked while Alter continued to plunge her finger into Holy's ass. | 11 | ['Pendragonmoved', 'Artoria'] |
32 | | Destiny: Zeros not Heros (Alpha and PlatemailBikini) | Historical records show that Mars had been the first world touched by The Traveler. A world that had been a barren lifeless dust ball, transformed into a living breathing cradle of research and innovation. Mars had been just improtant to the Golden Age as Earth had been. But now, like so many other places around the Solar System it was nothing but a broken husk. A graveyard littered with monuments to a dead civilization.Jacob Kell leaned against the instrument panel of his Sparrow, staring out across the blowing red sands from behind the opaque visor of his helmet from atop a high ridge. One foot tapped against the wind blown ground with a nervuous energy, the Spurs on his boots jingeling with the movement. Waiting wasn't in his nature, he needed to be out there, cannon in hand mixing it up with the enemies of humanity, he was a Guardian, it was his job. But instead he had been sitting on this ridge for far longer than he wanted to, but that was the problem with Warlocks, they never understood time."You sure this is the place Sigg?"From above his left shoulder an digitized voice let out a long, frustrated sigh as his ghost hovered into view, "For the....twenty ninth time Kell, yes, these are the coordinates that where Provided. Tiamat will be here you just need to be wait.""Oh yeah I'm sure she'll show up. When she feels like it. I swear, save the Galaxy a couple times, get everyone kissing ass and suddenly she thinks she's too good for me." He threw his hands into the air in frustration, "But who was there with her in the Vault of Glass? Me. Who had her back when she walked headlong into Crota's throne world? Me! Who walked headlong into hell with her to meet Oryx in combat? Oh you better believe it was me. But because she was the one who landed the killing blow SHE gets all the glory. And that thing with the old SIVA complex and the Iron Lord's? I did most of the work there.""I know Kell, I was there."The Hunter thumped his head against the bike's panel and let out a groan of frustration, "She is SO lucky she's got such a great ass. Otherwise I would NOT put up with this.""I don't see what that...""It should be a crime to sit on something that pretty..." He muttered whistfully, lost in some far of day dream.Sigg let out another sigh, "I hadn't wanted much. I hadn't wanted to get histories greatest Guaridan. But I had at least wanted someone competent. Someone worthy of the title....." He muttered, narrowing his single glowing eye at the now clearly distracted Hunter.
The whole ship jerked slightly, a wave of force rocking it, and a familiar sharp hum as the surface of Mars came into view. Beautiful really, red and glittering. Wait, no, those little flickers of lights were Cabal superweapons!Still pretty though."I have entered the co ordinates into the transmat, guardian," came a steady voice from inside her head."The stage is set, all the actors ready," hissed another not her ghost, the other one. Tiamat nodded, choosing to ignore the ahamkara for now.Come back when you have something interesting for me.The whole world dissolved, and she felt her body re align into a standing position as she dropped to the ground. Now all that remained was to find Jacob. She looked around, noting there was nothing here but sand and rock, a tall cliff wall rising above her."Is he late again?" Tiamat asked no one in particular, waiting to see which of her companions answered first: the ghost, the Ghost or the hunter, provided he was setting her up for a prank again. "You're always alone. You're the only real thing remember?" ahamkara ghost wins on speed, but could learn to be more useful."Radar say's he's right here, let me ping him for you," Khwari answered more helpfully, followed by the softping of contact. Then she suddenly froze. She turned around, facing the cliff, straining her eyes against the dust and the sun. Up on the ridge was a suspiciously humanoid shape."Hey, Kell! Is that you Kell?!" She waved her arms up and down, hastily stumbling backwards to get out from under the ridge."Please don't scream," Khwari interjected, knowing full well he was being ignored, yet feeling as if it was his duty to at least try, "This area is swarming with hostiles.""Kell! Down here! Woohoo?! Can you see me Kell?!""A Nova Bomb would get his attention..."
Kell hadn't paid much attention to the goings on around him, too wrapped up in his own daydreams about fortune and glory and all the perks that came with that. A stupid grin plastered across his face behind his visor.Sigg heard the shouting first and skittered to the edge of the ledge, looking down towards the yelling figure below before returning to his partner."Kell, she's here."Absentmindedly the Hunter swatted at the small robot, not paying enough mind to realize what was being said."Kell, you need to.." another swat.It shouldn't have really been possible, but somehow Sigg let out a huff of frustration and backed up several feet before charging forward at full speed into the side of Kell's head.He recoiled to one side from the impact, snatching at the Sparrows controls to try and keep himself upright and accidentally gunning the throttle causing the bike to lurch forward at an alarming speed before lanching off the edge of the cliff and going into a straight nose dive."Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit!" Kell hissed through gritted teeth as he plummeted downward, his cloak flapping wildly in the wind him.The nose of the Sparrow slammed into the ground and crumpled under the impact and Kell was driven into the ground before the heavy frame dropped on top of him with enough force to shatter every bone in his body. For several long moments, the world went black.Sigg wasn't far behind, hovering above the twisted remains of the Sparrow he set about his primary purpose, casting a beam of light onto the wreckage and after several seconds a loud groan came from under the wreck."...hate you....SO MUCH..." Kell groaned as he managed to shove the broken hulk of metal aside and sit up.
Tiamat waved as she saw the shape of a ghost peering over the edge, and waited for Kell to make his way down. Then she saw the tip of his sparrow come into view above."Oh man, is he gonna jump it?" If there was one thing she loved about Hunters, it was when they pulled stuff like this. Then the ship tipped over at far to steep an angle. "You need to get more of a run up," she called, heedless to the large metal object hurtling towards her."Get back!" Khwari's voice shook her out of her trance, and she stepped back hastily, feeling the wind rushing in her face and feeling the impact as the sparrow, Jacob and all came crashing down.She watched with her arms on her hips as Sigg brought him back, and chuckled as he left him right under the vehicle . As he emerged from under the wreckage, she cocked her head to the side in mock consideration and then nodded decisively."2 out of 10. You need to get less experimental and make sure you have the fundamentals down. I see what you were going for but the landing was a mess, yet not messy enough. For anexplosive finalelike that you need more of a boom, more gibbing you know? I'm standing right here and I'm not even wet," she patted her robes to show the distinct lack of blood, "You get one point for the thought, and Sigg saves you another one with that hilarious rez." She turned to the ghost, giving him a thumbs up. "Good job.""For the last time Guardian, 'competitive dying' isn't a real sport, no matter how much you pester Zavala about it.""Spoilsport," she muttered, and he pretended like he hadn't heard her."If you're quite done here, the facility containing the item is just over the next ridge. It's a Cabal warehouse, so it should be filled with guards."
"I'll get you plenty wet...." Kell muttered as he stumbled to his feet, clearly still not fully functional after the fall and the rez that followed, "get you so wet you'll love it." He dusted himself off then leaned down to pick up his dropped hand cannon before loosing his balance and sitting down hard in dirt. Sigg did his best approximation of rolling his eye before shaking from one side to side."Idoit."Kell struggled to his feet again, shaking his head and giving the side of his helmet sever solid smacks with his free hand, "I'm pretty sure Shaxx would argue that competitive dying is already a sport. Did I ever tell you guys about that time I beat Shaxx in The Cruible.""You never did that.""Yes, I did. You just weren't there. Now stop arguing with me. We got work to do."He turned on his heels to face Tiamat and bowed sarcastically to her with a flourish of his cloak, "Ah, so the great and powerful hero of all has decended from upon high to come slumming with we common rabble of the system. I am HONORED by your presence oh one of the legendary ass."He had laid the sarcasm on so thick that it was congealing on the inside of his visor, or maybe that was just blood he'd coughed up when the Sparrow had crushed him.
"If you want to get me wet, try setting off a grenade just as you make impact. That should send chunks of you all over. As long as you avoid using a solar one. Then again, that would make for a bigger boom..." AsTiamat rambled on, either having missed or ignoring his advances, she called up her ownsparrow, coloured the same crimson and gold of her robes.She mounted it, yet remained still, looking over her shoulder. "Load up a new ride and lets go check this place out.""A heads up Guardians, I detect three hostiles up on the ridge ahead. Judging from their movements, most likely psions." al Khwarizmi vanished in a flash, settling in within Tiamat's light."Just three of them?" She turned to Jacob, cocking her head in the direction of their goal, "Do you wanna take them, or would you prefer watching my 'legendary ass' in action?""He exists only for your amusement. Make use of this knowledge however you please, oh player mine..." "And you shut up," Tiamat muttered sharply to herself, her head lowered.
When faced with the chocie of facing down Cabal or gawking at Tiamat's ass all day, the correct chocie was fairly clear. Because if there was one thing that was as legendary as the feats she had accomplished, it was her booty, and for good reason. But he also knew it would be impossible to enjoy the view during a firefight so he may as well do his job and get in there to mix things up.With a heavy sighKell turned to Sigg who had already been in the process of transmating in a newridefor him.He hauled himself into the saddle, taking a moment to double check his cannon was loaded and turned his attention towards the Psions on the high ridge. He squinted against the sun, making on their shapes in the distance, the tell tale tracers from their rifles as they attempted to try and sight on the two Guaridans. There was a nature to Hunters, an impulse to gamble and show off and Kell was no exception to that stero type."Sigg, transmatt me a rifle."The Ghost complied with out much fussing and Kell brought the weapon to his shoulder. "How much you wanna bet I cant take out all three of 'em for here?"
"With that thing?" Tiamat gestured to the rifle in Jacob's hands. "No bet." She dismounted her sparrow, and strutted up to the hunter. She held up a a hand, and a hand cannon manifested, a heavy, gilded thing, its red and gold metal shimmering slightly in the sun. "With this?" She leaned in uncomfortably close, almost enough to bump their helmets together. "I'll do this whole job without my robes..." She then withdrew, turning on her heel and cocking a hip, causing her robes to flutter and bringing the mind to what lay underneath."That is a terrible idea.""A game within a game within a game. I approve."Tiamat ignored them and craned her arm behind her, holding out the hand cannon, dangling it in front of Jacob.
A hand canon at this range seemed like an impossible task, even a scout rifle would struggle this far but a hand cannon? There was no way it could be done. But doing things that seemed impossible was what Hunters loved to do. Get bragging rights for an insane shot AND get to see Tiamat strut around in the buff, it was a very hard thing for him to say no to. The visor of his helmet hide the arrogant smirk on his face as Kell reached out and took the gun from her, his hand lingering just a fraction of a second longer than it probably should have before he streached himself out along the length of the Sparrow, using the display panel to help steady his aim."Ok, so WHEN I make this shot, you're gonna strip down till you ain't got nothing to hide and go walking into a fire fight. Distracting, but I ain't gonna complain. What do you want IF I miss this?""When you miss.""You have no faith in me.""You're not as good as you think.""No faith.". Kell's attention turned back to the Warlock. Even with her robes on it wasn't hard to imagine what she had underneath, "So what's the counter bet?"
"First off, I said I'd ditch the robes, not the under armour." Tiamat crossed her arms over her chest. Sometimes she wished her friend would get his head out of the gutter. Not that her skin tight bodysuit would leave much to the imagination, but she had some dignity.Sometimes."If you can't make it? I'll stick to the spirit of the thing: you strip.""Can we not do this?"Khwari re appeared, bobbing up and down in front of the two guardians in a way that suggested apprehension."Us ghosts are here too you know...""Nothing you haven't seen before Khwari. Remember that time I hooked that sybian up to Failsafe?""Unfortunately.""This won't be any worse than that.""You track record with that statement fills me with dread Guardian."
"I would like to state that I agree with Khwari on this. This bet seems like something that could potentially put us at a tactical disadvantage. Failure to remove enemy socuts would alert the rest of the detachment to our presence. Just because Kell wants to sleep....""Shut up." He interrupted, "I got this. We got nothing to worry about. Even when she's running around without armor it's not like you guys can't just rez her when a stray round drops her. All this is, is a little fun between friends. Nothing else."Kell setteled himself back into his shooters position and lined up his targets, "And I mean, if we don't constantly test the limits of what we're capable of, how can we ever improve?""That's what The Cruible is for." Sigg looked to his fellow ghost, tiling on his axis in a questioning manner, "What's a Sybian? And why did she hook it up to Failsafe?""Can you stop talking and let me focus?"Kell sucked in a deep breath and held it then tapped the trigger. The gunshot sounded like thunder in the still silence and the first Psion fell from the ledge.Sigg let out a gasp of shock, "I can't believe you really...."Kell lined up his next shot, "I told you. I got this."Another shot, another body crumpled and fell."I got this."A third shot and a third drop."You really need to put more faith in me little buddy" he said triumphantly, rolling onto his back and sitting up, the handcannon whirling around his finger with arrogant grace."Maybe when you stop being a selfish asshole I'll give you the credit you seem to think you deserve."
When the first Psion dropped, Tiamat dismissed it as dumb luck.When the second Psion dropped, she got a bit worried.When the third Psion dropped, she sighed."Well shit.""The odds of those shots all landing are forty three thousand and ""Don't. Just... don't."Tiamat sighed again, her shoulders slumping. Then she steeled herself andunclasped her helmet, pulling it off and watching it de mat, drawing this out."Don't worry player mine, I'm always with you."After shaking out her hair, Tiamat set about unhooking her robes, removing them at a speed that could charitably be called 'glacial'. All the while she glowered at Jacob. She had been the one to set the terms of the bet of course, but that mattered little now, after the fact. Besides, he was the one who started it...Fucking hunters.Still, a bet is a bet, and so she set about slipping out of her gear. One by one, her many accouterments and garments de matted, leaving her in nothing but her black, skin tight bodysuit and her boots.Why did I have to wear the thigh highs today...Regardless of her objections, Tiamat in as close to nude as Jacob had ever seen was a sight. The suit was indeedvery form fitting, which allowed the light material to cover the body and prevent chafing or pinching from armour, but also made this kind of bet very favorable for the winner. Her beautiful body on full display. She was lithe and lean, with defined muscles and shapely curves, the black material of the suit only serving to make her form even more obvious against the red backdrop of Mars. Her large breasts especially stood out. The suit clung to them, supporting and lifting them.The she turned around, now very eager to finish this mission. And there it was.Her ass.The way the suit molded to her left it practically all on display. Every step as she walked away to re mount her sparrow caused it to jiggle enticingly. When she was finally back on her sparrow, the position gave Jacob a nice view of her from the side, especially her booty sticking out behind her."Keep staring you smug bastard. I'm gonna teach Sigg what a sybian is!""Please don't."
Kell would be the first two admit that sometimes he even amazed himself, and for the time being he wasn't going to admit how surprised he was that he'd actually managed all three shots. Dispite all the bravado he had expected only the first shot to connect. He also hadn't planned on backing out of their bet if things had gone wrong. You give your word on you keep it was a kind of unspoken rule amongst the Hunters. But today was a day where he didn't have to worry about keeping in his and instead just sat back to watch as Tiamat stripped down."Take all the time you need,"he said smugly, making himself comfy as he enjoyed the view. Sure she was taking her time and it wasn't a particularly titelating strip, but he still felt a certain amount of satisfaction."Ain't got no one to blame but yourself for this. Could have just bet glimmer. Or guns, or even that fancy little bike of yours. But you decided you wanted to show off. Not like I'm complaining. I mean...." He paused as she settled into the saddle of her Sparrow. Straddling it like she was caused all kinds of ideas running through is mind."You're drooling."Kell moved to wipe at his face only for his hand to bank off his visor, drawing a slight snicker from Sigg which was met by an attempt swap the robot away.The fun was over and it was time to do some work. Kell hit the throttle and pulled up alongside her, Sigg vanishing in a small flash. He hated the speed of the Sparrows and would hid himself when Kell rode."Maybe you can ride something else for me later on." He said with a smirk before kicking the bike into gear and launching out across the flat plane."I figure I'll take point on this one!" He shouted back "that way I don't be distracted by that magnificent ass!"
"Not much of a charmer, that Jacob Kell,"whispered the voice in her head."His confidence far outstrips his abilities, and he thinks he can merely walk on in and mate you like some Hive broodmother?"As blunt, and sometimes creepy as it was, Tiamat found herself agreeing with the ahamkara occasionally, and this was one such time. Jacob could talk big, but so far she'd not really been that enticed.If he thinks I'll bend over and fuck him just because he want to do me, He's got another thing coming... "You are the savior of mankind. The only being in this universe that truly matters. You will take only what interests you.""And just like that you've lost me," Tiamat said, revving her sparrow as she went to follow Jacob. The comment drew no reaction from Khwari, who was used to his guardian talking to herself. Tiamat followed close behind the hunter, watching the ridge ahead come closer and closer. She opened a commlink to Kell:"The base should be right below, we might want to stop and have a look. Or we could just jump on in before anyone misses the guards."The base in question was an old cabal warehouse, built before their first real experience with guardians if they thought building it against a cliff wall would offer any kind of protection. The item they were looking for a stolen Golden Age engram key should be somewhere in the stores. And if it wasn't, well it's not like thinning the cabal's ranks were a bad thing exactly...
Kell grinned and opened the throttle more. It was an odd sensation, going so fast but the armor blocking out the feeling of the rushing wind against his skin, but that didn't stop him from feeling the rush of adrenaline that coursed through his system. That was what he lived for, rush that came with the action."Stop and look? Do I look like a Titan to you?" He replied through the open channel.He didn't hesitate, launching the Sparrow off the ridge, sailing over the baracades and comming to a skidding stop inside the walls.Many years ago, when Sigg had first brought him into his second life, Kell had been carrying a small music player with him, a battered old peice of tech that had somehow kept him grounded and somewhat sane. Over the years he had dedicated more time than was probably healthy amassing a collection of Pre Golden Age music spanning all manner of genres. He liked to have Sigg blast it when he worked."Sigg. Play track ACSTT.""I'm not a speaker Kell." He complained as he reappeared.The Cabal troops began to advance slowly, clearly itching for a chance to open fire. Kell's hand hovered above the grip of his cannon, waiting for the right moment to draw."Just do it Sigg."A clicking sound came from the Ghost followed by thethe wail of an electric guitarthat seemed to startle the troops.Kell drew, the weapon never rising past his hip, his sighted on the closest target and feathered the trigger. The trooper's head exploded and the fight was on.
With a sudden tug upwards, Tiamat blasted off the ridge, shooting off from her sparrow for it to crash into the foes below. While soaring through the air, she raised a hand, a pearl of void light hovering just above her palm. In an instant it began to swell, and as she threw it at the ground far below, it continued to expand until the Nova Bomb was large enough to engulf a tank. It slammed into the ground, tearing apart cabal before vanishing as suddenly and violently as it had appeared. It its wake came several lesser balls of shadow, seeking out and annihilating the survivors. Tiamat absolutely loved the feeling of unleashing her powers on humanity's foes, the rush comparable to nothing else.A few volleys of gunfire and a grenade later, the part of the compound she had "claimed" was clear, and she turned her head to look at Jacob from over her shoulder, her gun resting against her other shoulder as she shot him a cocky grin. He may have won the bet, but she was still on top of the world!"Well, that was fun. You done yet Kell?"
The cannon at his hip roared, the muzzle flash of each round blossoming like a angry flaming rose who's bloom meant the dimise of his foes. Kell sidestepped a volley of searing energy blasts from the Cabal weapons, the smell of sizeling ozone buring the insides of his nostils even through the protection of helmet.The cannon clicked dry.His hand to belt, thumb catching the ring at the end of his knife's handle and he brought it upwards, an underhanded throw that ended with the blade imbedded to hilt in the skull of Psion that had stepped into his way. He swung behind cover, the thunder of Cabal weapons and the explosions he knew Tiamat was raining down upon them punctuating the steady drum beat of the song.He reloaded, the cylinder swinging open to discard the spent ammo, a fresh one loaded in before the empty hit the ground. A single flawless motion that he had performed so many times now that it was more natural than breathing."Keep you're damned shirt. Some of us show a little finesse when work."He lobbed a swarm grenade towards an advancing trooper, listening as small charges of solar energy slammed into it.Kell swung out from behind cover, his cannon raised and watched his targets, one round to each one cleared his side of the yard."There. You satisfied now?"
"Finesse schminesse," Tiamat gave him a dismissive wave, "you need to really shock and awe these buggers or they'll never learn not to mess with us humans." She watched as his grenade incinerated some poor phalanx."Besides, everyone knows warlocks are cooler anyways, so why even try?" Her voice toed the line between teasing and outright bragging. After a moment she struck a pose, her hands indicating at her body. "We're better dressed to. Even in just my under armour I'd knock you out of the competition."She knew inflaming this particular feud between their classes was a bad move, but at this point she felt she needed to pay him back for his constant lusting after her."Exterior cleared of hostiles, guardians."Interjected al Khwarizmi, attempting to steer the conversation away from the path his guardian had just sent it crashing onto."We are clear to enter the warehouse."
There was a certain level of arrogance Kell had come to expect from Warlocks over the years and by and large he'd managed to devlope a thick skin to it. But for some reason he was feeling particularly thin skinned today and rose to the bait she was dangeling in front of his face."Shock and awe. Last time I checked Titans where for shocking and awing. Ya'll where for being stuffy academics and getting yourselves exiled from The Tower. Meanwhile we're the ones gunning down the worst enemies humanity's seen since The Collapse."The story of Shin Malphur shooting down Dredgon Yor was always a bragging point for Hunters dispite not a single one of them ever actually meeting Shin they gladly boasted about his exploits as if he was some close personal friend."You two can bicker all you want later." Sigg cut in, irritation clear in his voice. Kell was bad enough of his own but Tiamat always managed to bring out the worst aspects of his already insufferable personality, "You've already done enough showing off for the day so maybe you can focus on working now if that isn't TOO hard for you."
"Oh, like Ghaul and Crota?" Tiamat ignored Sigg's words, but nevertheless approached the thick metal doors. They were reinforced, and the compound had entered lock down as soon as they'd started shooting. "Oh, what no. That was me," she finished, cocking her hips as if to punctuate her outright boast. With one hand on her hip, she held up the other,Khwari manifesting in it. He scanned the door's console."No luck, the whole system's in deadlock. Only way to access it is via an emergency panel, no doubt located behind all their defences.""Well, give me a minute to re gather the energy and I can blow the door for us." She walked away from the door, finding a relatively comfortable spot to sit down and meditate.Meanwhile, Khwari floated over to Sigg."Well, this is off to a good start..." As much as Jacob and Tiamat were volatile when they worked together, at least their ghosts got along well. It may have something to do with them bonding over having to take care of their dumbass guardians. All ghosts were made at the exact same moment, but Khwari had a far more mature voice than most ghosts, making him at least appear to be older. Couple that with his experiences with the more esoteric parts of the universe thanks to his working with a Warlock, and he often struck many as being a more worldly and sgaely person than most.
Sigg ler out another heavy sigh and not for the first time ever, questioned how he'd gotten saddeled with a miserable excuse for a Guardian like Jacob Kell. He envied Khwari, his Guaridan had accomplished much in such a short period of time, her name was spoken with respect and pride by all who knew her wile Kell was treated as an embarrassment with in the ranks of the tower. He watched as Kell stormed over to the door and began to hammer on it wifh one gloved fist, shouting at the Cabal inside the open up and let them in. Another sigh escaped the small floating machine before he addressed his fellow Ghost,"I suppose we can count it as a win that they're focusing on killing Cabal this time and not each other. I honestly don't understand why they continue to work together as they do. They don't even seem to like each other that much."The sound of hissing hydronics and grinding gears filled the air and Kell let out a triumphant shout as the doors began to open, "Hah! Ya'll see that! Sometimes all you gotta do is ask nicely and....."Heavy footsteps echoed from inside the bunker and a fully armored Collosus emerged from door flanked by a pair of Phalanxes. The Collosus towered over Kell and the Hunter looked up at it "uh.... can I borrow a cup of sugar?"It brought back one massive fist and backhanded Kell across the open yard with enough that his impact left a dent in the baracade he slammed into.
"Keep it down Kell. Meditating around enemies is hard enough without you making a fuss." She completely ignored the cabal, and the attack her "partner" had suffered. She continued to meditate, her concentration requiring more and more effort as Kell battled their foes in the background. The ghosts had already hid, and one of the Phalanxes had split off to approach Tiamat, who had her back turned to the action."Now."At the Ahamkara's warning, she shot to her feet, grabbing the cabal's gun arm and bringing it with her as she rose, leaping into the air. It wasn't enough to disarm the soldier, in either sense of the word, but it was enough to throw it off balance. She spun, using the arm for momentum as she slammed her open hand into it's face, a blast of void light sending it reeling backwards. It recovered fast, bringing its shield up, but Tiamat drew her rifle and sprayed a burst of bullets into the weak center. When it burst, she quickly butted it over the head with her gun, before dropping it and drawing her sword, sinking it into the cabal to the chest, cleaving its head in twain.As it slumped to the ground, she turned back to her spot, and resumed her meditation.
This was really not shaping up to be Kell's day. He staggered to his feet, in rough shape but not in need of support from Sigg, at least not yet. But he was feeling plenty ready to put an end to all this and call it a day. He took a confident step forward, his cloak catching the breeze and flowing out behind him in a dramatic fashion. He knew he looked cool at that moment and had no intention of loosing it."Hey, big and ugly!" He shouted towards the Collosus, waving his arms in the air to try and get it's attention, "I ain't done with you yet. You gonna try and take me it's gonna take way more than that asshole!"It turned it's attention back towards Kell and took a lumbering step forward.The Hunter grinned and reached for the light.The gun burned bright in his hand as he brought to level and two shots echoed like thunder across the open Martian plains. The first round took the Collosus square in the chest, the second dead center of it's forhead. The thread took the remaining Phalanx in the back of the head.The sound of the shots faded somewhere along the horrizon and the burning handcannon vanished from his grasp."Anyone else? Anyone? No? Alright then."He turned to Tiamat, "Admit it Princess, you're impressed."
Tiamat didn't respond at first. She simply sat there, deep in concentration. Khwari hovered apologetically over her shoulder. The, finally, she rose to her feet, stretching out her arms and shoulders, void light crackling along her limbs. "Yes, Kell. We're all very proud of your ability to preform a Golden Gun. It's very shiny." Her tone of voice wouldn't have been out of place on a kindergarten teacher praising a toddler for finally managing to color inside the lines."Let's just head inside and grab the item, shall we?" the Ghost was already floating towards the open door, hoping the others would follow."Yes, indeed we shall."This time, Tiamat took point, her sword drawn in case of hostiles. The corridor was tight enough that any long range weapons probably wouldn't be worth the trouble. The corridors were lined with doors, each of which seemingly lined with doors that led to corridors that do an and so forth. Luckily the Ghosts had managed to find the signal of the item, and was guiding the way, opening the correct doors to lead them through the maze. Each corridor was lined with storage crates and barrels, each ignored by Tiamat and her ghost.Khwari was floating behind, falling back until he was side by side with Jacob."I know what you're doing, you know. I see enough star struck kinderguardians chasing after her to know that you're interested. And also you're not very subtle at all."Tiamat seemed not to notice the conversation, as she was a bit ahead, off in her own mind probably.
Kell rolled his eyes and fell into step behind her, taking the opertunity to oogle her ass as they strode into the old Cabal bunker. The place was dead and he was able to fully appreciate the view of backside and how well the skin tight base layer she wore showed it off.He almost hadn't even noticed when Khwari had drifted back to talk to him and Sigg got in the first word, which unfortunately wasn't particularly flattering for his Guaridan,"He may have an attraction to her on a physical level, his behavior isn't unique to her. He's this much of a bragert with everyone. It's the reason no one likes him.""I am also hardly some wet earned rookie. How quickly you forget I was with her for more than a few of those big bad battle of hers. I just don't get any credit."Kell tilted his head to one side, his attention still fixated on her ass, "I do appreciate a good peice at the end of the day....."
Khwari sighed."You do certainly act like one."He bobbed low before rising up again."Normally I don't give out advice on how to seduce my guardian, but I hope moving past this childish behavior will follow. You must remember that Tiamat Enheduanna is a household name in the City. Most people want her. Hell, she's actually married to Lord Shaxx."Khwari had never seen the point of Shaxx's 'event'. Nowadays it was hard to find a crucible veteran that wasn't married to him..."Like it or not you're not doing much to stand out from the rest. So far all she has to go on is that you'd like to fuck her. Big whoop, so does everyone else."
"Most people are married to Lord Shaxx at this point. Hell, I'm married to Lord Shaxx and I didn't even want his stupid bow. Being married to Shaxx is really NOT that impressive a feat.""I'm still amazed you where able to find anyone who was willing to partner with you. You're also the only person Shaxx chose to divorce."A look of shock crossed Kell's face when the normally reserved Khwari chose to drop an F bomb in the middle of their conversation, wile the visor hid the look on his face, he did stop dead in track for several seconds before managing to stammer a response, "Look, I come out into the field with her, with banter and what not, we shoot things. Do I wanna get up in her business? Sure! Is it in the end of the world if I don't? No. Not unless she's said something about it? Wait? Did she say something about this to you?"
Another sigh."No, she hasn't. But you need to pick a direction and stick with it. If you want to romance her, put in the effort. If you don't, please stop acting like a creep.""Guys, there's voices up ahead. Cabal." Tiamat's voice spoke over the comms, causing Khwari to blink out, disappearing into thin air. "Also I heard you guys talking. Something about Lord Shaxx? You talking shit about my husband Kell?" She had stopped up ahead, standing at the ready at a door. "It's only a few rooms ahead now."As Jacob and Sigg caught up, she gave them a nod, before opening thew door and throwing in a grenade. As the foes inside dove for cover, she charged in, rifle blazing."Me marrying him may not be impressive. But how many of us have slept with him? I count me, Efrideet and Mara Sov."
"Woah woah woah woah. I am not a creep." Kell protested, "I am a charming rogue.""No, you're a creep.""Why are you always so negative?""Because I hate you."As they caught up to Tiamat, Kell pulled his cannon loose from it's holster and double checked the load. He suddered visablly when she mentioned sleeping with Shaxx. The idea of Shaxx doing just about anything that normal people may do boggled his mind. He had seen the Cruible Overseer drink coffee through a straw to avoid taking his helmet off. Dispite his discomfort at her statement one thought did float to top and he had to ask it, as he threw himself into the fray, sliding across the floor to reach cover behind a pile of shipping crates."Im probably gonna regret asking this. But does he leave the helmet on?"
As Tiamat closed in to her foe, a phalanx, she lowered her gun and sprinted forward, her last round enough to break his shield. She delivered a quick pulse of void light to his face, popping it like a balloon.Three more phalanxes and half a dozen legionaries were left in the room, and she was forced to retreat, ducking behind the same cover Jacob was occupying. She groaned, a few bullets having hit her after her own shields broke. She opened a healing rift, feeling the cold numbness wash over her as the energies healed her wounds."Oh, the helmet stays on. Always." She popped back up, firing a burst against one of the other phalanxes, not risking more than that. She shrugged, "Somehow he still gives great head though."
For the time being, Kell decided to let his partner do the heavy lifting, instead focusing his attention to the Psions on the catwalk overhead. There wasn't going to be any showing off this time."Sigg, I need a rifle."Without any arguing the Ghost transmattinga scout rifle into the hunters hands. He popped up from behind the crate, presenting as small a target as his could before sucking in a deep breath. The shots landed in rapid succssion, one two three, but the forth shot went wide. The laser focus he had been in suddenly shattered by Tiamat's comments about Shaxx."Oh fuck. Fuck I do NOT need that image in my head." He shot back as he dropped back into cover, a rain of shots hammering against his crate from above, "I swear it's like you enjoy nearly getting my head blown off some days.""I wouldn't mind seeing that "
Tiamat popped back up, this time tossing another grenade, which landed behind two of the legionaries, blowing them to bits in a burst of darkness. She reloaded her rifle, then switched out to her trusty Graviton Lance. A burst of fire, and another legionary exploded into void light, bringing another two down with him."Hey, it's the only way you're ever getting blown."
Shots flew back and forth, the smell of scorched ozone mingle with the sulfurly smell of spent gunpowder. The empty magazine dropped from his rifle to the floor with a clatter before he fed a fresh one in, "You thanatonauts are all the same. Always thinking about someone dying. You realize that's really morbid right?"A stray energy bolt from a Psion rifle glanced off Kell's helmet, scaring the faceplate enough for it to obstruct his vision. He swore heavily and dropped the rifle, fumbeling with the clasps on his helmet before tossing it aside.He wasn't a bad looking guy, simple and rugged with a squared jaw and a shaggy head of sandy coloured hair, a short beared covering his face. He quickly recovered the rifle and pulled his hood back up."Booooo, I hoped that would have splattered your brains all over the wall.""Not the time Sigg."He peering out from behind cover, taking count of the remaining troops, a few Legionaries, another Phalanx and that one fuckin Psion that had just ruined his favorite helmet, "Well, the good news is I think we already killed their commander. Bad news is they didn't stand down."He turned his attention briefly towards their foes, "HEY, YOUR BOSS IS DEAD. IF YA'LL SURRENDER NOW WE'LL BE NICE!" The offer was met with a focused hail of gunfire which Kell returned in find, putting down the Psion and the Legionaries.That wicked playful grin crossed his face as he dropped the rifle and stepped out or cover, bringing his cannon to level as the Phalanx turned it's attention to him, it's shield flairing to life.One shot slammed into the center of the shield, frying it's emitter, leaving the hulking brute vulnerable before a second shot penetrated it's skull, dropping it with a dramatic pop."Aaaaaaand that looks like the end of that. Come on. Admit it. You're a little impressed."
"Oh yes, very impressive. That was what? A psion, a phalanx and a handful of legionaries? Alert Saladin, we have a new Iron Lord on our hands." She got out from behind cover, shrugging her shoulders. "If you really wanted to impress you'd have ""Guardians, the signal is coming from above."Khwari chimed in, hoping to kill whatever ludicrous thing his guardian was about to say. He turned his eye to the ceiling. This particular room was taller than most of the others, and a ladder along the wall led up to a balcony overlooking the first floor. Tiamat pointed to the door on the balcony, a silent question."No, further up." Above even the balcony was the roof itself, and a small hatch."Huh, no ladder for that one." Tiamat stated, noting the lack of access to the hatch."Must be for some crane or drone or something.""Three meters ahead, on the floor.""Oh, thanks Lollipop." Tiamat sauntered over to the broken off ladder laying discarded on the ground. "Looks like someone doesn't want us to get in there..."
Kell scoffed at the mention of the Iron Lord's, "Scout Master Salad Bowl and his troop of Wolf Scouts wouldn't know what to do with someone as damned skilled as me. Really, I think if anything, old Salad Bowl should step down, let me run things. Different time and different place now. We ain't fighting warlords no more."He sauntered over casually to join her by the fallen ladder, Sigg porting in to hover above his shoulder as he came to a stop before looking upwards, "Well if whatever it is we're looking for is up there someone's gonna have to hold this ladder steady and let the other go.". He crouched down and took a firm grip frame, "I'll hold it, you climb.""You just want to gawk at her behind when she climbs up.""No I'm just being polite, after all, she is the greatest of all Guaridans and I am merely a humble gunslinger."
Tiamat giggled at the Hunter's comments about the Iron Lords. "I thought you Hunters were supposed to hate paperwork and administrative work?" She shook her head and began to ascend the offered ladder, shooting Kell a warning glare as she passed him. One that managed to convey 'don't you fucking dare drop me'.As she climbed Kell got a magnificent view of her rear, almost straining to escape her trousers. Each step on the ladder brought with it another jiggle of her truly juicy ass."Ahem". Khwari cleared his non existant throat, bringing Kell's attention to the fact that the ghost was hovering next to him, giving him a stern look.
Kell steadied the ladder, keeping an arm looped through one of the lower rungs wile one hand rested on the frame, "Well, if I'm in charge then I can decide if all that administrative shit is really nessessary. Spoiler, it isn't."Out of spite for Sigg more than anything he kept his gaze away from Tiamat's ass as she climbed, as much as he wanted to he wasn't going to give either of the ghosts the satisfaction of being able to claim they where right.He stared off into the middle distance, humming absentmindedly to himself before before the stern eyed ghost decided to get a little too close for comfort, "Can I help you with something?"
The ghost gave him the closest thing they were capable of to a glare."No, nothing..."With a fizzle, he de matted."You know," Tiamat steadied the ladder on her end, "I don't think that's quite how it works. Leadership and servitude are pretty much the same thing. All that admin work is necessary. Otherwise you're a shitty leader."
Kell started up the ladder, taking the first two rungs before kicking off and launching himself straight upwards to catch the top rung before hauling himself up onto the platform."Yeah, but organized leadership doesn't actually accomplish anything. It's nice and neat and all, but at the end of the day orders don't work. History prooves it. Imagine what would have happened if Shaxx had fallen back as ordered at Twilight Gap instead of rushing to clog the breach? We would have lost the whole city. Orders and the people who give them aren't always right.""You keep acting like not following orders is going to some how get you a commendation when all it causes is more work for me."
"Without 'organized leadership' there wouldn't be a city to defend in the first place. I know I've been called an anarchist before, but that's not even anarchy. Even an individualist commune needs some guidance. I mean, you think a band of lone wolf Hunters roaming the wilds would be able to rekindle the Golden Age all on their own? Without someone handing out missions, you'd just be a heavily armed vagrant with magical powers."As Tiamat finished her little rant, she turned around, spotting what had to be their target. A lone engram of archaic design sitting there on a little pedestal, in the middle of an otherwise seemingly empty room. She froze in place, watching the room cautiously, her ghost voicing her thoughts perfectly:"That has got to be the most obvious trap in the solar system."
"Hey, back in the dark ages we were all just heavily aarmed vagrants and we managed just fine without structure. I mean....sure we had to contend with Warlords AND Fallen but we managed, everyone got through it ok and now......" He trailed off as he realized his own line of reasoning was taking him towards agreeing with her. Wile very few people could out shoot Jacob Kell, out smarting him wasn't that hard to do.So instead he dropped the subject and instead focused on Engram sitting infront of them."Trap aren't that intimidating in my book." He said casually strolling over to the pedistol and with no hesitation snatching the Engram from it casually tossing it into the air and catching it, "Next!" He shouted into the nothingness, waiting for the trap to spring.Sigg let out an agravated sigh, not for the first time that day, knowing full well that Kell would in all likelihood did in whatever trap he had just intentionally set off and he would have to rez him again.
A soft fizzle sounded as the engram in his hand begun to de code itself. Flecks of light flitted to and fro as Kell's transmat started up, responding to the engram."Oh oh, that's not good." Tiamat backed off, opening a rift and crouching down in it as Khwari de matted. In a flash, the engram vanished, replaced with...A diamond. A perfectly cut diamond. Looking closely, Kell thought he could see something embedded in it. Something small, but definitely some kind of tech. It looked almost like a miniature "Greetings Guardians!" a speaker.The voice that spoke was deep and guttural, but filled with an unnerving joviality."If you hear this message of mine, it means you've fallen for one of the classic blunders: 'If something is obviously a trap, it must be a double lie'. Not so, as you've now learned. Do not worry. I have no intention of killing you. Permanently."Tiamat had perked up at the voice, and was now back over by Jacob, her rift still open and thoroughly ignored by her. She watched the diamond closely. A deep hum filled the air around them, as well as the stench of ozone. A clear sign of an incoming orbital laser. A sign Tiamat ignored, instead tapping the diamond."Emperor Calus? Did you shrink yourself and get into a diamond just to send us a mess "At that point the room filled with light, as the orbital blast incinerated them both.And then, seemingly an instant later, they were back, revived by their ghosts. Although no longer on Mars, but standing in a small, blindingly opulent room literally covered in gold. The only visible opening, a blazing force field, a wall of red that blocked any vision of the world beyond." age?" Tiamat finally finished, blinking and wincing in pain.
Confusion was a fairly natural state for Kell to find himself in. A few hundred years of his head rattling around inside his helmet had left his brain more than just a little scrambled after countless concussions. As Sigg always liked to point out that wile he was obligated to keep The Hunter alive, he was by no means obligated to make sure every single injury he suffered was mended. One time he had left Kell to suffer a particularly nasty case of food poisioning purely out of spite saying that he had no one to blame but himself for eating the ancient jar of nacho cheese he had found on a shelf somewhere in Old Chicago.So when they suddenly found themselves standing in a very grandiose, and in his opinion, tacky, looking Golden room, he was only slightly more confused than usual.He tilted his head to one side, inspecting the room around them, not even realizing he was still clutching the gem stone in his hand that Tiamat had been arguing with."Well. This is not at all how I expected my day to go when I woke up this morning."
"Welcome back guardians,"Khwari said, hovering just above Tiamat."To make a long story short, right after that orbital blast killed you both, we were nabbed by the Cabal. We are now aboard the Leviathan, no doubt for one of Calus' sick games."Tiamat sighed. And this was going to be a short mission... A voice called out from the ceiling, the same voice from the diamond."Ah, you are finally awake. Now we can begin. Two prolific guardians, good candidates for my Shadows. But, you must pass a trial: the first one will begin shortly. You will notice I have left you your weapons, and the goal is simple! As soon as the forcefield opens, you will find yourself surrounded by the Hive. Clear them out, and escape without dying, and you will have passed."Tiamat checked her rifle, confirming that it was still loaded, and gave Jacob a tentative nod. "You will have a moment to ready yourself. Ten... Nine... Eight..."
Kell clenched his jaw as he listened, checking over his cannon again as he heard the growls of the Thralls on the other side of the field. He hated Hive, something about them made his skin crawl and wile he'd never actually admit it he was feeling less than thrilled to be face to face with them in such vast numbers. He sucked a deep breath in through gritted teeth, trying to steel his nerves against the tide of flesh that broke against the field again and again, waiting eagerly to overwhelm the pair of guardians presented to them by The Emperor."You are really gonna owe me one once we get out of this one. Because this just went way beyond what you asked me to help with it."He leveled the canon, training it on one of Thrall, his finger resting against the trigger, "Sigg, gimme something with a beat."The Ghost let out a sigh and after a brief momenta trackfrom Kell's vast collection of Pre Golden Age Music began the play.The field dropped and the mass of Hive rushed forward, Kell feathered the trigger, sending a round slamming into the leg of a Thrall, causing it trip and several of it's buddies behind it to trip over it's collapsed form. | 45 | ['Kell', 'Tiamat', 'Crota', 'Sigg'] |
34 | | Shelter, Purpose, Redemption (Midnight) | A long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away... Millenia from now, historians will refer to the period as the time of the Old Republic. For those involved in it, it is a time of great conflict. Mandalorian clans clamor for war and glory beyond Republic territory. Even within the Republic, factions vie for power and control, to say nothing of the evil that stirs elsewhere. The Jedi are purported to be Guardians of peace and justice, but they are stretched thin, and hard pressed to present an answer to the turmoil that seems a fact of daily life in the galaxy. Even on Coruscant, the capitol world of the Republic, and home to one of the major Jedi Temples, the levels of the underworld are rife with corruption, crime, and suffering. It is enough to make it virtually impossible to sense everything that is happening on the planet, even for the more powerful Jedi masters. More than one agent of the Sith has taken advantage of this to strike into the heart of the Republic. It also makes it a perfect place for those looking to be lost, if they seek or are willing to brave a planet rife with Republic Soldiers and jedi. And it is here that our story begins.
Peace is a Lie, there is only Passion He awoke with a start as the words echoed in his mind, again, as his dreams turned to the events that had unfolded weeks before. Violet eyes flashed open and he drew a gasping breath of air as the illusion of that man's mask leapt at him from the fog in his dreams, his body jolting out of the closest thing to real rest he had in the past couple of days. It was far from the first time this had happened as well. Nearly every time he tried to close his eyes his troubled mind would not let him forget his betrayal and his cowardice. He woke up with a gasp, struggling not to make too much nose that might attract attention to his little hideaway, or worse, unconsciously pull on the ethereal tethers surrounding him and put a hole in another hideout. The young male bolted upright, barely missing the low ceiling of his temporary abode in a cold sweat, his left hand clutching at his chest and his right in the mass of fabric he had been using as a blanket. He took a moment to calm himself, trying his best to tuck away the fear that made his eyes water and his heart hammer in his chest, trying to work the emotion into a more useful one while his eyes searched every visible corner of his current home. He was tucked into the far side of the surprisingly spacious cavity he had discovered a little more than a week ago, feeling more secure with the low ceiling than he ever had with what amounted to a sky on this planet looming over his head. "Bolthole" was in fact an apt descriptor for his home, and really it was perfect for his purposes, though lacking in any form of amenity most sentient considered critical to a "modern life". It was a space that had been forgotten for who knows how long, perhaps once an alleyway that no longer served a purpose or just filler space between the roots of the layers overhead. The odd internal shape and crisscrossing pipes made this veritable urban cavern where only someone slender and apt at climbing and leaping could reach. The hideaway had a couple branching paths, a few hidden exits, and a single viable entrance, the elevation and claustrophobic crawls made him hesitate to fully explore the space, as the potential of discovering the lair of one of Coruscant's nastier denizens was always a present threat. From my Passion, I gain Strength He pulled his thoughts inwards, channeling that left over fear into something more useful, reaching out with the Force and pulling inward with one centering breath before opening his eyes again and forcefully banishing the spectre of exhaustion from his mind. The flare of passion, of anger was all it took, and a rub from his dirty hands was sufficient to clear his vision. In the sunless depths of Coruscant's underworld, it was impossible to tell the time. Over the weeks he had spent here even his biological sense of time was faltering. He had slept whenever he could find somewhere marginally safe, or when his tired body simply couldn't go on any longer, carrying himself as far away from where he had fallen as possible. He had heard the speeder crash some distance and some time away from where he had himself hit the ground, thankful in at least one of that man's teachings for not being reduced to a human splatter after falling who knows how far into the depths of this duracrete labyrinth. He gritted his teeth, squinting into the darkness long enough to find the soft sphere he had stolen from a neighboring vagrant. He was still here... he could feel it, the bond was week, but his dark presence was unmistakable after all these years, something he would likely never forget. He had spent days fleeing from that very presence, hiding while it waxed, and trying to survive as it waned, and even now... He hesitated once he found the sphere, squeezing it to illuminate his surroundings and begin his new daily routine. He briefly hesitated leaving his relatively comfortable little nest, shivering and looking up above him, listening for movement or the ever present thrum of machinery. This far from the surface, it seemed this planet hat two temperatures, it was either unpleasantly hot or cripplingly cold. The young male took a moment to let his warm breath wash over his hands before leaving his bedding and reaching out to touch the metal portion of the wall next to where he had been trying to sleep. Cold. He had always assumed that this meant it was daytime in the layers above, and took it as incentive to shift about in his little lair, finally pulling out of his bedding and dragging his cloak out and wrapping the heavy fabric around his body. His clothing, or what could be called clothing before the crash was almost totally useless, and he had long since discarded his black and crimson robes for much more civilian tatters, easily swiping some nondescript items off someones clothesline on the way to his hideout. His cloak was the only item he had kept, the solid black armorweave was both sturdy and warm, the same black fabric that might turn aside a blow from a lightsaber or bolt from a blaster providing sufficient insulation against the cold winds that occasionally swept through the small passage he called home. Wrapped in the cloak was his only other notable possession, the curved blade that he quickly tucked away into a belt hidden under his shirt. From my Strength, comes my Power He had grown up on the streets on a planet not unlike Coruscant, where the night sky and beautiful stars were obscured by towering buildings and local wildlife was subjugated by sentients, a human dominated word much like this one, though one not under the aegis of the republic, much less one of its core worlds. It was there that he honed skills that kept him alive in situations like this, and it was there where his Master had found him and his life got so much more complicated. Compared to the searing heat of Korriban or the unpleasant cold of deep space, Coruscant with its artificial heat and light wasnt as unpleasant as it could be above the first hundred layers or so. Down here though, it seemed to vary, rampant effects from above created storms of moisture and gusts of cold wind that the twilighters had long grown accustomed to evading, a perverse reflection of natural phenomenon that the young Sith had not quite learned to navigate. His skills were rusty, and as he checked the bundle of packaging that he had previously kept whatever food he had managed to steal or scavenge whatever meager amount he could consider his breakfast was the last of his supply. It was time to go out again, a thought that put a frown onto a dirty face. Coruscant was indeed the perfect place for one who wanted to be lost to be lost, but it held its dangers. Coruscant was the home of the enemy, of both the decaying republic as well as their watchdogs. Master had told him much about the Jedi and he had even got to see them with his own eyes before the blaster fire that struck their speeder kicked him overboard. He had been told without any lack of certainty that if he were discovered he was to take his own blade to his throat before they could interrogate or execute him in the event he was not separated. With the tone his master had taken he also held no doubt that he would have driven his own blade through his apprentice's heart than risk his capture. He slowly shifted and moved to exit his lair, checking to make sure no one was watching before using the Force to pull a heavy metal crate over and dropping down atop of it. With my Power, I achieve Victory This day continued as almost all of them did with the Sith runaway slinking out into the city streets. Even wrapped in his black cloak he still managed to draw eyes, potential informants or attackers, ignoring the headache that rose from the stress of suspecting every two legged being that rose and slowly reciting the Code under his breath, trying to bring to himself a measure of control. His days as a street rat were long behind him, and his skills were rusty, through more than six hours, he realized his luck was waning, and as he returned home, dejected and cursing his luck, with only a couple small nutrient bars to call his spoils he slunk back towards his 'home'. What he didn't realize were how rusty those lifesaving street skills were, or that his day was about to get much, much worse. Exhausted, hungry, and angry, he was too focused on feeling for that venomous darkness that he missed much more mortal sources of danger and blundered into what he would in mere moments realize was a trap. Through my Victory, the Chains that bind me are broken. "Hey there." He had been in the middle of examining the packaging when he heard the slimy sounding and heavily accented basic coming from his right. He had not noticed the figure standing just out of his field of vision, lying in ambush at the intersection just before the street that held his refuge and had just enough time to snap his vision up to the scaled being before he launced into action. His attacker acted much more quickly than the young male could react, and before he could reach for the blade hidden behind the small of his back he found both of his wrists grasped by rough clawed hands and his startled cry was silenced. In that moment, there was only confusion! He could sense the ill will that began to seep from the shadows, but this person, this thing was almost an empty spot in the force. How?! He cursed loudly in his native tongue and brought his eyes to bare on his attacker, glancing to the left and to the right. They had been waiting for him. "What do we have here" The apprentice opened his mouth to speak and was hastily silenced with a third clawed hand latching around his mouth. He had no idea where the fourth was. He was lifted bodily into the air and pulled away from the intersection, into one of the blind and poorly lit alleys nearby. His smaller frame made him easy for the alien to lift, and he could have easily thrown him over his shoulder. His struggles weren't much appreciated at all either, as the bestial creature slammed his catch into the wall once he arrived in the abandoned corner, blurring his vision and earning a pained groan. There was three of them, two humans and... the thing that was grappling him. The apprentice's eyes snapped up to the creature he was humanoid, save for two extra arms and scaly skin, a species that he didn't recognize at all, a reptilian face and a sneer pasted onto a snout filled with very sharp teeth. "Told ya we had a new twilighter on our turf" One of the much more human voices bubbled forth, dry sounding, but human. "Fresh looking one at that" The eyes of the alien's captive darted left, then right. He hadnt even been given a chance to talk his way out of his situation, and the malicious intent was clear on the reptilian alien's face. One of the men had already unwrapped one of the nutrient bars and was only silent because he was ferociously devouring it, the other had since tucked his own prize into his belt. The Force will set me Free "We Do indeed" snarled the alien. "Filching our food, living in our streets" His eyes had a hunger to them that deeply unnerved the young sith. "Like a Rat" It was painfully clear that this was no shakedown. These men were clearly from a local gang, well known for their brutality in attacking twilighters "You look like you came from the surface, or maybe you are a refugee. Shame you came all the way down here just to meet ME" The alien grinned. "You know... food isnt all that common down here in the underlevels, you cant just have it for free. Unless you catch your own" the threat was pretty explicit. "That leaves me with a decision though, doesn't it" For the second time in the day, the sith runaway narrowed his eyes and focused. He was not going to let this thug threaten him any more. He channeled his fear into anger, and despite his exhaustion began to call on the force. The twinge of darkness surrounded him in that poorly lit allyway, and none of the three thugs seemed to notice the rustling and rattling of nearby objects while their potential victim began to draw on that fear and burgeoning hatred. He had been freed mere weeks before by the Force, and in this situation he knew the Force would free him once more. The similar ice cold sensation of the dark side began to gather around him, an unmistakable pressure... unstable but terrifyingly strong.
There is no Emotion, there is Peace. Mornings like this, returning to the code was the sort of reminder that she needed. Her dreams had been troubled, restless. While she'd had the sense to avoid checking the chrono whenever she woke in the middle of the night, now there was no avoiding it. No time to be retreating back into bed. She had her routine, and by and large, she stuck to it, despite the fact that there was currently no one looking over her shoulder. If she was lucky, things would stay that way. Shower, breakfast, meditation. Today, though, she decided to start with meditation. She often did when her sleep was troubled. It helped for her to reflect back upon it. Vivid purple eyes, and such fury! Supposedly, the Jedi, some Jedi could foresee the future. She doubted she had any such ability. Her apartment was her home away from home, which was to say, away from the Jedi temple. Her belongings were relatively meager, and it was at times hard to keep it paid off, but it was worth having somewhere that was entirely hers. Her master knew about it, but as best she could tell, no one else did. It was small, one cramped bedroom, one cramped bathroom, and a cramped kitchen. She ate where she slept where she worked, but it possessed the greatest thing of all. It was cheap. She rarely traveled, her master usually opting to leave her behind when he departed but she imagined it wasn't unlike what life in a starship would be like. Once she was clean, fed, and dressed , she could set out onto the streets. Down here, as far as everyone needed to know, she was just another citizen. The lightsaber she carried was more likely than not an anomaly, but that was tucked away securely in her boot, out of sight, and the blasters on her hip were not a bit out of place down here. There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge. That was one thing she would never understand about the Jedi Order. They preached knowledge, understanding, and yet how could they claim knowledge of even their planet from the temple on the surface? Down here, in the lower levels of Coruscant, it was an entirely different world. Arani had never claimed to be a particularly ideal Jedi, and she knew that the sentiment was one shared by many . Here, though, among the teeming masses, she could understand. It was impossible to know, to really know what you were fighting for without seeing it for yourself. So she had an apartment down here that she dwelled in as much as possible, and she walked the streets. She watched, she listened, she talked.Perhaps the Force did not speak to her as directly as it did some, but she didn't need it to. It guided her to people, and people to her, and provided her with all the information she could ever need. There is no Passion, there is Serenity. She didn't have a particular destination in mind as she left her apartment complex. The turbolift seemed the natural next stop . Then she could hop a few levels, get out, and continue walking. This district was entertainment, and it catered to everyone. No matter what your idea of entertainment was or how questionably legal it might be, they had it here. Gambling, fighting, gaming, drinking, smoking, lust, greed, gluttony, or otherwise. She kept her head down as she walked, but her senses were sharp, sharper thanks to the force. It was through them that she realized the man next to her was intent on killing someone over some gambling loss. The fury, she knew, would fade in time, but quickly enough to save a life? Perhaps not. She could not claim any sort of immunity from emotion, nor could most Jedi. She was only human, and felt such things as strongly as most. The difference was that she made an effort to control them, not to be controlled by them. She didn't always succeed, and she didn't always try as hard as she might have, but she never said she was perfect. Pride was something else she had to work to tame, but how could she not be proud of her own talents, her skills? She'd worked hard to develop them. Turning off into a side alley she knew well enough, she tossed the holdout blaster that she had lifted from the man, rather confident he'd have a harder time murdering someone without it. Guardians drew their strength from...well, strength, and Consulars from the force, but she followed in the footsteps of her master as a Sentinel. She could not match a Guardian blade to blade, and a Consular could knock her off her feet with the force, but her talents were subtler, more deftly applied, and they served her just as well. The Jedi could not condone theft, but every credit, every item stolen from those who would do harm weakened them, and in turn, strengthened those who would fight them.There is no Chaos, there is Harmony.Today she had no grand heists planned, nor did any of her contacts seem to have anything to inform her about. It was difficult for a Padawan to establish an information network on Coruscant. Beyond the obvious logistical problems, she was never entirely sure who would ferry information to people she didn't want to have it. Still, she had a few she could trust, and they'd done well by her so far. Her feet carried her instead to a balcony overlooking a shopping plaza, ringed by neon lights and already swarming with people looking to purchase goods of every kind. To think, this wasn't even the district with the most shopping around! She leaned against the railing and closed her eyes, opening herself to the force. It was chaotic. No, not chaotic, it was just crowded. So many lives, all with their own worries, passions and hopes. If she was stronger in the force, would this deafen her? She did not blame the masters for being unable to penetrate the cacophony of life that permeated the city, even just one level of it. She was young, true, but she could hardly begin to make sense of any of it! Instead, she took a deep breath, drawing back her consciousness. She could not tell what was happening a block away, but if she was careful, she could sense some things close by. Better still was to let focus on it passively, where it could inform her without overwhelming her. A spike of anger or confidence could indicate an attack, though such things were much easier to predict somewhere quieter. Here in the crowd, it would be hard to tell if someone was pointing a blaster at her skull until they pulled the trigger.Too much information, too much noise. There was nothing here that she needed to buy, and no one here of interest. Not to her, anyway. Doubtless, somewhere here there was some good that she could be doing, but it would be akin to finding a needle in a haystack. Trying to slip through a crowd, or going back past the glitzy casinos and scantily clad street girls of the entertainment district did not appeal to her. So she'd go somewhere quieter. Turbolifts weren't the only way to travel between levels, of course, they were just the fastest. She wasn't in a hurry, though, with no pressing engagements. Time passed, minutes, hours. She walked purposefully, with her head down. Her robes were frayed just enough to make it look like she had nothing worth taking, and she had long since mastered the look of someone who knew where they were and where they were going. Gangers loved nothing more than a lone, lost target with creds, after all. Arani stopped short and blinked, glancing slowly around the street she was on. Empty. Suspiciously so. That wasn't what bothered her, though, it was something...she couldn't quite describe. She felt the force, strongly, nearby. Perhaps her wanderings hadn't been so random after all. It brought her to the mouth of an alley, dimly lit and largely uninteresting . Ah, a shakedown. Or maybe a murder? Three figures, two human, or close to, and one not. There wasn't much more she could make out in the lighting, but it was pretty clear they had someone up against the wall. She'd seen similar scenes play out plenty of times before. Sometimes they ended with blood, sometimes they didn't. Rarely did they ever involve someone who felt so strongly in the force, however. It was alien, and dark. It was the sort of feeling that sensible people got as far away from as quickly as possible. Objects rattling in the alley, gathering energy of the dark side, and Purple eyes. She caught a glimpse, just for a moment, but there was no mistaking the violent irises of the scrawny figure pinned up against the wall. It was all she could do to suppress a gasp as the memory of last night's dream came flooding back. The purple eyed youth was powerful, dangerously so, and while the gangers definitely had something coming to them, being torn apart in a dark alley was a fate even they maybe didn't deserve. She made not a sound as she glided around the corner, into the mouth of the alley, black leather peeking out from beneath her robes as she drew one of her blasters. Shooting opponents in the back wasn't generally a part of the Jedi playbook, but since none of those gathered here were interested in playing by their rules, she didn't see a reason she needed to, either. Her master need not find out. It only took a few steps before she was confident she was in range, and then she raised the weapon, squeezing the trigger and feeling the weapon jump in her hand. At this range, it was impossible to miss, though anyone who was familiar with blasters would recognize the blue bolt that took the closest human in the side as a stun shot. There was no missing the report of the shot in the confines of the alley, so now that she was confident she had everyone's intentions..."No sudden movements. Hands off the informant." Her voice was all cold steel, a promise lurking beneath that anyone who went for a weapon or tried anything stupid would be the next stunned, or, possibly, worse. "Our employer won't lose any sleep over a couple dead thugs." To emphasize the point, she flipped the blaster to lethal, edging slightly to the side to make sure she had a good shot on both of the two remaining gangsters. Despite the threat, she didn't really want to shoot either of the other two, but if they didn't comply, she knew that a threat was useless unless you were willing to follow through with it. There is no Death, there is the Force. That didn't mean she had to kill them, but kneecapping the big one would probably get the point across, if they didn't give her a choice. Or if the other human had a blaster. She couldn't be sure, but she did know that, with a little help from the force, she was a lot quicker than either of them. "You missed your check in, Violet." She didn't know what else to call him, and coming up with something that sounded like a code name was hard when also holding people at blaster point. "Let's find somewhere quiet to talk." She was taking a lot of risks. Now that they were distracted, would the youth strike? Even if they let him go, or he freed himself, would he have any interest in coming with her, or would he bolt? Or worse, attack her? No, the force guided her here, she had to trust that this was meant to happen. Or, if it wasn't, she was making it happen.
He quite literally had his back against the wall, each of his arms clutched tightly enough in the clawed alien's grip tightly enough that he was beginning to lose sensation in his fingers. The situation was getting worse and worse. As exhausted as he was, he was unable to tell if the scaly monster was being genuine about his threat to turn him into a meal. If he didn't have a third clawed hand cupped firmly over his mouth. His fear and fury were building inside of him, pulling the force around him to disturb debris and make the temperature plummet. By the time Arani arrived, it almost seemed like the Force was beginning to crystallize, and the temperature was rapidly plummeting. The thugs had not taken notice, however, it was already cold on that level, and at least two of them were too occupied to even notice the approaching stranger. The one who had noticed her was coincidentally the one who took the stun shot clean in the side, and he crumpled into a heap on the ground before the other thugs could even react. Certainly all eyes in that alley were now on her, including the violet eyes of the vagrant the scaly thug still had pinned up against the wall. The blaster shot certainly helped enhance her bluff and as the violet eyed male turned his gaze back towards the alien holding them. The remaining human seemed convinced, but the alien seemed largely confused, his cold golden gaze calculating whether or not she was bluffing. He did not speak, only letting out a deep hiss, but during that moment of confusion his grip loosened. That was all it took. As soon as his grip loosened, the male that Arani called Violet acted. His hands clenched and the Force twisted around him. Those violet eyes narrowed dangerously while the opportunity to return his pain and fear become present He could have escaped or even burst free, but something within him wouldn't let him... His attacker had to suffer. The scaly thug could only register surprise and pain as all four of his arms were violently grasped and twisted away. There was little finesse to such a nearly instinctive manipulation of the Force, but that was all that was needed, the invisible bonds looped and tightened, bones crunching while Violet's own hands dropped to his sides and his left fell under his cloak. Those violet eyes seemed to flash in the brief outpouring of the Dark Side, focusing his rage and hatred and nearly reflecting the alien thug's intent to kill. His hand fell under his cloak, into his robes, and left with his blade. His right stayed put, focusing the energies around him in locking ant twisting the limbs of his attacker together. On the outside, the weapon the human pulled looked like a fairly ordinary, but ornate dagger, with a bladed handguard to protect the user's knuckles from parrying blades. Such a puny knife would ordinarily inflict little damage to a tough scaled alien, but as the violet eyed force user would show, that was not the case. He gripped down onto the grip of the weapon as it leapt from the hidden holster and the sharp hum the weapon released was the first sign that that curved blade was much more than it appeared. Midway between his target the edge of the blade shifted to an angry red, a crimson outline that broadcast the fact that this little knife was a Vibroblade. From his left hip to his right shoulder that blade made a single arc, the blade clutched in a reverse grip in his hand. It hardly resisted as it carved into an arm, and made a path through the alien's shoulder and into his neck. The slash was not accurate but certainly enough, the knife slicing through flesh, sinew and even bone with barely a stutter, leaving a vicious streak of red light between them. Master had always said lightsabers were not preferable weapons for Sith stating that they were inferior weapons to a proper blade. He had always preached this, from the day he had started teaching him how to hold one, so it was really no surprise that the Violet eyed apprentice was given a vibroblade instead of a proper lightsaber. It certainly did its job, and the warm blood that splashed from the cut was a clear indicator of the brutal effectiveness of the weapon. This slash dropped his captor to the ground and freed him from his grasp, and the scraggly looking vagrant turned his gaze onto the sole standing ganger. He wasn't sure if he had put enough intent to kill into his strike on the alien, but he was certainly disabled him, and whether he bled to death or not mattered little. He had killed before, that much was clear while he stepped away from the body, and for a brief moment that intent to kill was focused on the survivor. The surviving thug, unlike his brutal leader or his other human friend, who was lying in a thoroughly stunned heap, had no intention of continuing to be antagonistic after seeing both of his comrades dealt with in the space of such little time. By the time the reptilian alien was on the ground gurgling and sputtering he had already loosed his blaster holster from his body, dropping it to the ground with the blaster still firmly in it. By the time Violet was able to settle his vision on the man, the pale thug had already lifted his hands into the air and turned partly away, white as a sheet. It wasn't surprising, they thought they were jumping an unarmed vagrant, and the female's proclamation had sold thanks to the blaster shot that knocked his human compatriot unconscious and sizzling. He had not even managed to finish the Nutribar, which stuck out of his mouth like a convenient gag. "Violet" spent precious little time re holstering his weapon and taking several uneasy steps towards his rescuer, not even giving a glance to the gurgling alien on the ground. He stumbled as he tried to make a little more distance from his dying attacker, sending a deathglare towards the remaining thug before focusing his vision once more on his rescuer. Slowly his thoughts returned from that fuzzy state of fury that they had been before, long enough for a bit of suspicion to rise. He was not terribly interested in looking a gift rescue in the mouth, but she was still armed and pointing her blaster, and even though his senses were dulled by his exhaustion he could feel the force around her. As he stepped toward her his own appearance became more clear he did not look well he was thin, battered, and looked like had not slept in days, the shadow of his long, tangled black hair doing little to hide the dark rings around those piercing eyes. His dirty clothes did not dispel the illusion of a vagrant either. He turned to address her, closing his eyes for a moment and took in a breath to calm himself while he approached, unsure of how exactly to approach her. "Yes..." he muttered. "Somewhere quie " and he cut off there. The sensation he felt was like an icy cold hand running down his back. He knew exactly what that sensation meant he had taken a risk bending the force like that, and in his anger had not thought that would have been enough. His heart rose into his throat as what warmth he had was sucked out of his body. His eyes widened and despite his covering of dirt he actually managed to pale. He had been detected. Perhaps she could feel it too, and might realize the reason for the horror that crept over his features, as well as the reason he quickly stepped up to and then past her, only blurting out a hasty. "ImSorryIneedToGoRightNow" It did feel like someone or something even more potent than he was had cast their gaze over that little ally, and through his bond he felt him Master was near. True to her appraisal, he was bolting, though the direction he took indicated that he was not attempting to flee from her. At this point he didnt care if she followed him, he was too focused on using whatever vestiges of his concentration that remained to suppress his presence. He didnt make it very far between the burning pain from being slammed into a wall, the continued exhaustion from malnourishment and lack of sleep finally cought up with him. He managed to put less than a block of distance from where he had been attacked before his legs buckled from underneath them and he fell onto the cold duracrete ground, panting and trying to quell the pounding of his heart in his chest.
The entire encounter was balanced on a knife's edge, there was no denying that. Now that she had shifted slightly, she could tell that the human thug who was still on his feet was packing a blaster. Possibly her robes would catch a shot, more likely it would burn straight through. So what, she she could drop him, but if the lizard was fast, he could be on her before she could get a second shot off, and Violet didn't look like he was in any condition to lend aid. The smart thing to do was probably to just shoot both of them, but she really didn't want to leave three unconscious gangsters in an alley. Already she had forsaken subtlety more than she'd like, but sitting by and watching wasn't something she could do in good conscience. Particularly not after the dream she'd had the night before. The human didn't seem like he was going to be trouble, at least. She had a bitch of a time picking out emotions from people in the crowded city, but this area, at least, was much less crowded. She was mostly getting...confusion? No outpouring of anger that she would anticipate would preface an attack, at least. Well, that wasn't entirely true, but the anger wasn't coming from him, it was coming from his captive. She had hoped that by interrupting the event, she would stave off whatever dark side energy was swirling about the violet eyed boy like a hurricane, but it seemed she had no such luck. So now what was she supposed to do? She didn't want to draw attention to him, and yelling at him to stop probably wasn't going to do anything. This wasn't the sort of thing that she'd been trained for, and she had zero experience trying to talk down malnourished Dark Jedi. Though the violet eyed boy hardly fit the bill. More than likely just some street kid with an affinity for the Force. She felt the Force, and then saw the flesh of a blade being drawn. It was a nice knife, a weapon that she might have, in any other context, have admired. Not surprising that he carried it , but she had set this entire thing up to try to prevent anyone else from getting hurt. So much for that idea. Some part of her registered that the weapon was a vibroblade as it flickered to life, and all the more dangerous for it. Most of her was worried about trying to contain the situation. In her estimation, the biggest threat to a peaceful resolution was now the knife wielding captive. She watched in horror as he effortlessly carved a line through his captor's body, blood spilling freely, though it perhaps paled compared to how the alien's arms were twisted back by the force, bones cracking beneath the pressure. Her finger tightened over the trigger, for a brief moment, and only remembering that she'd flicked the weapon to a lethal setting kept her from putting a bolt in the Violet eyed boy. She was too curious about him to shoot him down in an alleyway now, however frustrated she was that he'd just stabbed someone. Was it justified? Maybe. It was possible that he was going to die, but it was equally possible he hadn't been. Either way, she'd had the situation close to being under control! Either way, the ganger hit the ground in a pool of his own blood, dead or soon to be, if she had to guess. The other one had more sense, dropping his blaster and turning his back. After double checking to make sure that he wasn't looking, she used the force to pull the holster to her hand, careful that it didn't make too much noise. She didn't have time to saunter over to relief him of it, but nor did she want to betray herself as a force user more than she had to. As long as there was doubt in the human's mind as to whether she was or not, she'd take it. She tucked the blaster away, intent on tossing it later. Her other hand held steady all the while, though, blaster still leveled in Violet's direction. He was a threat now, and while he did put away his weapon, she wasn't yet sure what to make of him. How far she could trust him. Anything, really. For the first time, at least, she got a good look at him, something that cut both ways. Most of her figure was still concealed beneath her robes, but her skin was pale and her hair dark, albeit pulled back right now to keep it out of the way. The kid looked like a mess, not likely to be able to take her in a fight. Then again, she would have said the same thing sizing him up against the alien he'd just laid out. She did lower her arm, slightly, but her blaster stayed close at hand, clearly not ready to trust either him or the remaining gang member just yet. He was a Force user, and whatever her dream might have meant, blind faith was never sensible. Right, now they definitely needed to have a talk. Well maybe after She didn't feel it as strongly as him, likely, but she couldn't miss it, not standing right beside him. If asked to identify it, she'd not be able to, but she didn't really need to. She knew it was bad. There was no guarantee it was connected to what he had just done, or even to him, but it seemed too much of a stretch to think it was just coincidence that it had struck after she had rescued him. If nothing else, she knew it wasn't coming from him, which meant that even if he wasn't the purest heart out there, something worse was...hopefully not nearby. "Hey!" She was not done with him! Before she departed, she shouted over her shoulder for the surviving gang member to see after his friend. She couldn't say whether he'd live, or if the gang member would even want to keep him alive, but she couldn't save every life. As far as Violet was concerned, he didn't make it far. She didn't even really have to strain herself to keep up with him. Half unconscious on the ground, she was reasonably certain that he wasn't going to stab her. She was pretty sure she had something for this...ah, there it was! Holstering her blaster, along with her newly acquired one, which she strapped on beneath her robe, she drew a stimpack, crouching down at his side. This wasn't going to help his heart rate at all, which hopefully didn't pop, but if whatever she had just felt was attracted to the dark power he had just used, they needed to make some distance. This particular concoction had some painkillers and some stimulants, and she was reasonably certain it would at least let him power through his exhaustion for a few hours. If she really had to, she could probably keep him going longer, but it wasn't an actual cure for what ailed him. They pushed it too far, he'd just tear himself apart. For now, they'd have to take the risk. "On your feet. Long walk to my place." She was stronger than she looked and he was lighter than he looked. To start with, she'd pull him to his feet and drape his arm around her neck, half carrying and half dragging him away. If he wanted to stab her, this was going to be the time, but she had to take the risk. "Count yourself lucky." She muttered. "Guys would kill to get invited back to my place." Okay, closest turbolift. They needed the fastest way back to her place, and hoofing it was not going to cut it. On the bright side: he didn't have any wounds on him. Anyone who saw them would probably just assume she was escorting a drunk home. She hoped. Even with the stimulants, it was very possible that most of the journey would be a blur for 'Violet'. They'd keep him on his feet and stumbling, but there was a big difference between that and true alertness. At the least, the initial leg of the journey would be lost, more likely than not. The more time they had to cycle into his bloodstream, the more likely he was to actually come to enough to pay attention. Whether or not he was cognizant of it, the dingy alleys and deserted streets would gradually give way to moderate crowds and cleaner, if not particularly nice buildings. Packed together, built to a blueprint en masse, but they didn't look like a place where you'd get thrown into an alley more than once a month. Which was an improvement. At some point, too, she took the liberty of divesting him of his blade, though in his state, such an act was even more likely than normal to go unnoticed, at least until later. She hadn't shot him, at least as of the time she dragged him through the front door of her apartment, which counted for something. It wasn't really set up to receive guests, and she didn't want him on her bed, but she had a chair she could prop him up on. "You still alive?"
He did not resist her as she approached him. He could have drawn his weapon, yes, but he also knew she was armed and that there was no way he could protect himself from a blaster shot at this range, especially exhausted as he was. He was still gripped with fear when she approached him the heavy pressure of his master was drawing closer and his legs simply did not have the strength to carry him away from the growing pressure. Luckily he was about to get some help, and the sharp sting his exhausted senses registered was followed by the nearly explosive burst of energy from the stimulants flooding his system. Really it was a good thing that she had found him when she did, that burst of activity was all he had left, and with the stims he was at least able to stand with her help, moving further and further away from the presence he was dreading. The trip was pretty much a blur to him he did not react to any of the sights or sounds along the way, his dulled eyes only occasionally drifting to the sides and he only spoke to mumble absolute nonsense as she half carried him to the turbolift. Certainly whatever he had decided he needed to get away from was worth tearing himself apart to avoid. He was not going back, not after having so narrowly claimed his freedom. Back when he had more sense he had even devised a plan should his master find him again... If it came down to it he would rather die than be taken back into servitude to his master. Arani might be able to piece at least some of this together from his nearly exhausted muttering, but not likely anything important. In nearly every shadow he saw the metallic mask of his master, not helping at all with his heart rate. Through whatever stroke of luck that he had though, none of those images were real, and soon enough he was escorted to the insides of a cozy little apartment in a substantially nicer district. It took him a full moment to recognize Arani's question for him, practically falling into the seat she had provided for him as his limbs were once again starting to get heavy. "Barely" It took a moment for 'Violet' to respond, but he stated his response plainly to the his rescuer's question after which he leaned forward and used his hands to brace his head. The nameless twilighter took the moment of calm to try his best to recollect himself, putting his thoughts in order and very briefly recalling what had happened before. Once he had finally caught his breath he lifted his forehead from his palms to level those violet eyes at his rescuer, tilting his head to get a better look at her. He barely recalled any of their journey, but did at least remember this same person as the one who had assisted him in escape from the thugs in the alleyway in the deep layer that he had been previously trying to live. Trying was certainly the key word there, he was not doing well, and he certainly did look the part of a homeless twilighter who had not gotten enough sleep. The dark circles around his eyes clearly communicated that, and underneath his dirty, loose and very likely stolen clothes he had lost quite a bit of weight since he had liberated himself from his master, the only artifact of his time as a sith apprentice the sturdy cloak that he still clung to as he sat in that chair. Some clarity returned to his mind after he gave himself some time to recollect, letting his hammering heart slow despite the drugs and letting the seething fury that had previously been the only thing numbing him to fade now that he had the reliable cushion of drugs to fall back on. His hood had fallen back long before, and as he sat there in the chair shoulder length black hair fell messily around his face, sticking in places thanks to the coat of cold sweat he seemed bathed in. It took him another full minute to speak to her again, collecting himself enough that he was not just muttering incoherently. "Look" He began, a slight twinge of embarrassment rising in his chest, the burning in his face mostly sourced from being seen in such a lowly state. He did have a sense of pride, and it had been dragged through the mud along with the rest of him. "You didnt..." He couldn't find the words before he finally managed to convince himself to look up at her and swallow that pride long enough to acknowledge that she had saved his ass. He did not have that situation under control at all, a couple moments later and he would have had to lash out far worse. He sighed and finally gathered the will to say it. "Thank you for your help." He couldn't hide the almost dejected tone in his voice. He did not like to thank others, and that pride demanded of him that he think he was more in command than he was. For now, his gratitude was genuine though. He decided to say nothing about her improvised cover story for him, and as exhausted as he was he had not even realized she was a force user. He did not think she actually believed him to be some kind of informant even if he was likely a little more gullible than he would like at the time. Luckily for her his failure to realize that she was Jedi also meant that he was willing to let himself relax once he had finally decided he was safe. He could no longer feel the malevolant presence in the force following them... Master had lost his trail it seemed. His shoulders slowly lost their tension and he shifted forwards even more, the stimulants in his system still keeping him from passing out at least for the time being. He frankly was not aware of why she would step in and assist him when she had nothing to gain. Shortly after sincerely thanking her his attitude seemed to sour a little a bit, eyes deflecting and falling. "I do not have any credits or anything I can give you for helping me" He muttered the words. He was sincerely broke, and had spent what few chits he had on him long ago trying to buy overpriced food. He sighed heavily. "It... has not been a good week"
Arani was mostly focused on trying to get Violet back to her apartment, preferably both intact and without drawing undue attention to themselves. Fortunately, Coruscant, at least this far down, was not awash with good Samaritans. The smart play for those who dwelt down here was simply not to get involved with business that didn't concern them. In this case, it meant that no one called either security or an ambulance, which suited her just fine. Either would raise questions she wasn't yet ready to answer, even if she herself would not likely land in trouble. Still, it was impossible to overlook his muttering as they moved along, even if she only understood about half of what he was saying, and that half didn't entirely make sense to her. He seemed like he was running from something, she just could only start to guess what it was. The malevolent presence she had felt earlier filled in some of the blanks, but far from all of them. On the bright side, by the time she made it back to her own place, he had neither collapsed nor had his heart burst from the stimulants now coursing through his system, which she counted as a personal win. They had been selected around her own physiology, and while his wasn't that dissimilar, his malnourished state probably gave them a hell of a lot more kick to him. Judging by the way he collapsed into the chair, even those wouldn't have kept him going much longer. Good thing he hadn't been any further from her place. In his state, she knew better than to try to pump him with another dose of the stimulants . Rest was what he needed now, along with a hot shower and a meal. Despite the similarity of her residence to quarters on a starship, it could provide all three of those things, even if she'd be surrendering her bed in the process. Part of her was still wary of him, given his dark nature, but she was counting on his gratitude extending at least as far as not stealing back his knife and cutting her throat with it. Not that he was in any state to do that now, even if he were inclined to. She threw down her own hood as he composed himself, revealing hair of a shade not unlike his, though she had it much neater, partially bound back and not quite as long. Her eyes were a brilliant, sapphire blue in contrast to his own violet ones, and she made little effort to hide the concern in them. He was alive and capable of response, at the least, which was good. The stimulants would probably keep him awake for a short while yet, though probably not completely alert, depending on just how exhausted he was. Her robes blocked a good view of most of the rest of her, for the moment, though here and there light skin and black material peeked out from beneath. "You are welcome." A hesitant look slid onto her face for a moment, as the girl debated whether to bring up his knifing of the ganger. She decided against it, ultimately, intent on discussing it at some point, but probably after he was in a state more conducive to such talk. For now, he needed to recover, above all else. "I believe ...that is, I saw..." She sighed and shook her head. "Nevermind. Let me start over. I am Arani. Arani Crowe." She introduced herself, giving a slight bow before straightening up. "And you are something of an enigma. But I get ahead of myself, again. Wait here a moment." Turning on her heel , she disappeared into the bathroom. A short few moments later, she re emerged, approaching him once more. "For now, my home is open to you." She gestured, loosely, about them. "My suggestion is you start with a shower, and clean your clothes, but..." She offered a slight shrug, not going to dictate what he did, or indeed whether he was well enough to do much but slump in the chair and rest. "My only request is that you remain here long enough for us to talk, once you've recovered." She stipulated. Certainly Arani did not wish 'Violet' to feel like a prisoner in her home, but after going to all the trouble of rescuing him, she could hardly have him running off, not without getting some answers. Fortunately, the time it would take him to recover would likely ensure that they had plenty of time. For the moment, she sauntered over to a nearby bench, recessed mostly into a wall, and most of her workspace. With her back turned to him, 'Violet' was deprived of the view of her robes opening, at least wide enough for her to remove her gunbelt and set it out on the workbench, along with his vibroknife. She didn't want him to feel as if she was trying to keep him disarmed, nor walking around armed herself. Of course, she still had her lightsaber on her, but that was mostly as she didn't want to alarm him by whipping it out. "Oh! And you could share your name." She added, turning to face him with a grin. "But Violet does have kind of a nice ring to it."
The young man spent another moment in the chair he had been set down in, taking the moment that his rescuer left the room to draw in a deep breath to calm the swelling dizziness in his own head. The stims had not worn off yet, not at all, so he would not be able to sleep. Pass out... maybe... but not sleep. She had given him her name before she left at least, too. He did not look after her when she left, staring blankly at the wall opposite to him while she busied for those few short moments, only redirecting his gaze once she returned. He did remain silent while she provided him with suggestions as to what to do next, and he did remain silent until she asked him his name, having returned his unblinking gaze to the wall. A shower sounded good, and the idea of a hot shower had actually sparked a little bit of hope in him. He was distracted from that thought momentarily though, and glanced up at her from his seat. "My name?" He looked back down at his hands in his lap, his lips pulling briefly into a line. It was not a topic he was particularly happy to discuss. He had been given a name, yes, but he did not want that to be who he was. Master had even taken great care to help him forget the name he had gone by before he had been "saved" in the first place. Names meant much to a sith, and before he escaped he had hoped to claim one of his own anyway. "I don't actually have a name. I did once, a long time ago, but I don't remember it." That probably wouldn't sate her curiosity. If anything it probably made it worse and he silently chided himself over his choice of words. "Violet does actually have a nice ring to it, though it sounds even more like an alias." Especially after she had called him that in such a context. That surviving thug probably was going to put the word out at some point. He tilted his head and frowned, thinking the name over. "I have always been fond of names that start with a V, perhaps something simple for now..." It took a second for the idea to reach him through the fog of exhaustion. "Tell you what, call me Vee" Taking a name for himself felt pretty good actually, even in his sad state the pleasure of the decision could be read on his features. For the first time she had seen it he managed to crack a small, weak smile. "That being said, I think I will take you up on your offer of a shower." By this point, there was no reason to be suspicious of her, if she had wanted to do something untoward to him she had plenty of chances to do it. He planted his hands on the chair to prop himself up and willed his legs to stand, shifting and rising from his seat before setting his sights on her bathroom. Vee was thrilled for the idea of being clean again, and he was doing a bad job at hiding it, his violet eyes brightening while he again thanked her and stepped beyond the threshhold, closing the door behind him and lifting his cloak off his shoulders. He practically fell out of his clothes, taking a moment to examine himself in the mirror as his dirty and beaten stolen attire was stripped away. Under his cloak he had been wearing a fairly simple tunic and cloth pants it was simple and unassuming, though a poor fit for him. Once they were off however he ceased looking at all like a common wastrel. Underneath the clothes were more glances at the truth. Above the belt, he was covered in tattoos, the markings were simple, yet paradoxically intricate solid black designs swelled and swirled like flames on his torso, the tribal, almost savage shapes complimenting his form. Certainly they had been put there to draw attention to his body He had a dancer's form, and the tattoos emphasized the feminine curve to his hips, the slenderness to his shoulders, and made him look substantially less fragile than he ought to. Even though they were a relic of his past he couldn't help but stop and admire himself in that mirror before he finished undressing, his eyes wandering over the markings on his torso. They rose alongside both of his sides, curling around the sides of his body from his hips to wrap around his shoulders, terminating just below his neck but instead swirling like the talons of some alien bird of prey down his right arm all the way to the backs of his hand, forming a twisted sun on the back of his right. The tattoos on his left stopped just under his arm, but instead rose up behind his shoulder into a swirl like light being pulled into the abyss of a black hole, at the center of which was a savage symbol that few living creatures in the galaxy understood. The tattoos had a purpose of course, Master's own twist on the ancient sith markings and both a sign of his ownership as well as a focus for sith sorcery. Vee lifted his arms and glanced at the back of his hand, finally letting his eyes fall to his face and more importantly his neck. He had few scars, surprising for Sith, but he was never a duelist, and Master refused to let him spar with even other acolytes. Sith training blades usually left terrible scars, but the older ones, dosed with a paralytic venom inflicted the lightest injuries. The most damage he had obtained circled his neck right above his collarbone. It was a burn, a burn from an electrical surge during his last, and only other escape attempt, easily hidden under a metal collar or choker, but substantial enough that the young man could not help but raise his hand to ease his fingers along it, the mirror briefly shaking as his admiration gave way to fresh black anger. Turning away from the mirror Vee discarded his pants, throwing his clothing into a messy pile and stepping into the shower turning it on and barely waiting for the water to heat before stepping into the cascade. The water was bliss. Even when it was still cold enough to add the shock of awareness that only cold water could provide, Vee felt it scouring the weeks of grime that had accumulated on his form. Gods he could not have smelled good up close. The water steadily heated as he stood under it, adding an even more pleasant sensation to his aching head and limbs and Vee took a full moment to enjoy the heat before he actually began cleansing himself. He worked quickly enough, scouring the dirt from his body and relishing in watching it vanish down the drain. He hated being dirty in any way, a leftover from his childhood, and he wasted no time at all in moving to his hair once his body was finally spotless. His hair he was even more meticulous in cleaning, and only once the water began to chill again did he shit off the unit and step out, feeling refreshed as he could get. It had been a few minutes at least... he imagined his rescuer was likely getting impatient with her guest using up her hot water, but a shrug of his slender shoulders dismissed that idea quickly enough. He toweled off and took another moment to gather his hair, pulling the still messy but much cleaner near ringlets of black strands together before pulling them over his right shoulder in the front. While he was working on drying his hair a thought occurred to him, and he hastened his activity. Through the fog of fatigue, Vee realized that he had forgotten to ask Arani if she had a unit to wash the clothes he had taken off. Without another thought he quickly wrapped the towel that he had used to dry his form around his hips in a semblance of modesty and opened the door again. Stepping out into the much cooler room with his hair still producing drips of water to run down his torso and into that towel The young man had not put much thought at all into the idea that his rescuer might have the sense of modesty that he clearly lacked, as he emerged almost totally naked with a shirt in his hand, the towel hanging low enough on his hops that the two lines leading down to his pubis were plainly visible. "Eh... Arani, do you have a unit for the clothes or should I use a sink?" He still had those dark circles around his eyes, and he was still pretty thin, but he cleaned up remarkably well.
Didn't have a name? Well, this 'Violet' turned into more of an enigma with every passing moment. He'd not be the first orphan dumped on the street with no name and no family. On the other hand, he was no simple street kid, of that she was certain. With how much power was within him, he either had a real knack for the force, and for staying undetected, or he had received some training. It was definitely too early to tell, either way, and she wasn't looking to press him just yet. She'd find out, sooner or later, no sense rushing it. Beyond that, he apparently had a name at some point. Slavery, maybe? She offered a nod when he described Violet as an alias, as it did sound more a code name than a real one. Of course, having a code name could be useful. She made a note to file that away. If he stuck around long enough, maybe they'd have cause to use it. On the other hand, since it seemed like he was coming up with his own name, that was an alias of its own. She doubted it would show up in any Republic databanks, at least, so it probably wasn't worth bothering to look him up. "Vee, huh? It does have sort of a nice ring to it." She nodded. Short and sweet, as they said. He seemed happy, comparatively, to choose his own name. It brought a smile to her own face, as well. She wasn't surprised that he jumped on the offer of a shower, and she swept out an arm in the direction of the bathroom, welcoming him to get right to it. She stayed close at hand in case he stumbled or fell, but he managed to take to his feet and make for the bathroom, watching him go until the door closed behind him. As it did, she allowed herself a moment to confront her own suspicions. If he had an ear comm or a datapad, he'd have the privacy to send out a message. Who would he tell, though? There was hardly an infiltrator alive who'd allow himself to be reduced to this state to infiltrate a low level Jedi's apartment. No, while she appreciated her innate caution, she was confident it had no place in this situation. Instead of worrying without cause, she decided she'd take the opportunity to get more comfortable. Without him watching, she could draw her lightsaber and tuck it out of sight, well within reach but not obvious. She wasn't sure if he knew she was force sensitive or not, and she didn't want to startle him, given his dark tendencies. After that, she could finally shrug out of her robes, hanging them up in her closet. It would be no surprise that her attire underneath was significantly nicer than his, but for any who knew she was a Jedi, her choice of clothes was rather...bold. Her left arm was wrapped from shoulder to finger tip in black, a combination of leather and cloth that served to look both stylish and could catch a blade or a bolt if necessary. By contrast, her other arm was bare, unencumbered and with a bare shoulder to entice a little bit. It was rather overshadowed by the strapless top she wore, however, which was cute daringly low and bared a small strip of midriff. Like with her arm, it was designed in equal parts to entice and protect, making up for leaving parts unarmored by keeping her light on her feet. More importantly, she could draw upon the force to augment her abilities . Below the strip of midriff was a soft cloth skirt that could be described as little more generous than a miniskirt. Another strip of soft skin was visible where it ended, before it joined equally black thigh highs, which slid down her lithesome legs until they disappeared into her combat boots. Not the most colorful attire , but it certainly was striking. If anything, she looked a somewhat provocatively dressed scoundrel or smuggler, but it wasn't a bad look for her, and plenty more flattering than the robes. Of course, slipping her robes off didn't take her the duration of his shower . Instead, she wandered over to her workbench and set out her blaster pistols. A few shots weren't going to drain the power pack of either of her pistols to a noteworthy degree, but she did think it was sensible to give them a quick cleaning. The zeroing still seemed fine, and no other problems had presented themselves, so she returned them to the bench alongside his knife and moved to settle in on her bed and wait for him to finish up with his shower. It didn't take much longer for her to hear the water stop running, and shortly thereafter the bathroom door swung open and out stepped Vee. Arani maybe shouldn't have expected anything different than him stepping out in a towel. Even if he knew about the unit, there hadn't been nearly enough time for his clothes to wash, and he had nothing else to wear. What she hadn't been prepared for was how much of a difference the shedding of dirt, grime, and most importantly his ragged attire made to his appearance. He was...attractive. Dangerously so. She couldn't keep her eyes from roaming his body, drinking in his lean figure, dragging along his tattoos, which she had scarcely been able to notice before. They seemed both elegant and yet at the same time almost...primal. It was almost enough to send a shiver down her spine their own, but what finished the job was just how low the towel was hanging on his body. It was inevitably that her eyes would be guided downwards to the edge of it, her subconscious mind asking questions that silently reciting the Jedi code could not dispel. After a pause that was far too long for Vee to miss her ogling, she remembered that he had asked her a question. Uh, right, the laundry unit! Immediately, a cute pink red color stained her cheeks. She attempted to stutter out a response for a moment, before finally pointing to a small door in the wall next to the bathroom. If he opened it, he would find a laundry unit contained within, more than capable of fitting all of his attire and seeing it clean and dry with little difficulty. It'd take a few minutes, of course, but he had the towel until then. Arani was not in much of a state to think through offering him a pair of her robes . "Everythingshouldbeinthere." Oh gods, was she a Jedi or a blushing schoolgirl?
It was a little too easy to forget the modesty of the civilized world, and between his exhaustion and a general lack of modesty the male had failed to realize what kind of effect his nude body had on people. As he first walked out of the bathroom the first thing he noticed was that she had herself gotten into a more comfortable attire, that did not last long however as he quickly noticed something else when his own eyes moved meet her gaze. When his eyes found her again, the very second thing he noticed was her stare. The way her eyes ran over his form was something he was quite apt at noticing. She was drinking him in, and perhaps through the shock of his sudden appearance or the mutual underestimation of the impact of his near nudity would have he had caught her off guard. For a split second he was startled by this look that she was giving him, but he very much knew that look, an it sent a rush of pride through him in a nearly Pavlovian manner. There was no looking away fast enough, and even as that crimson hue painted her cheeks his lips shifted, the slightest twitch visible to the front of that towel. It was more than the tiny smile than he had given when he seized a name for himself earlier, with the right side lifting and those violet eyes focusing on hers, the satisfied smirk that briefly appeared on his lips showed that he had without any lack of certainty caught her ogling him. In that very short moment, she would see almost no signs of embarrassment or shyness in his body language he enjoyed catching that kind of gaze, and he certainly was willing to return it. Perhaps a more 'civil' male would have darted back into the bathroom and let her wash his clothes for him to preserve his decency, but Vee stepped forward, closing the door partially behind him. While Arani struggled to find the words to tell him where her cleaning unit was, he had some to a stop, placing one of his hands on his hip right above the towel he also tilted his head to the side. She was herself in much more comforting attire, and a little voice in the back of his mind questioned again her motives for rescuing him in the first place. She certainly hadnt seen his body when he was pinned against the wall in the alleyway, so it was unlikely that was her motive. He did cock his head slightly to the left, inviting more of his hair to fall wetly against his chest and his right brow quirked ever so slightly, his eyes quickly shifting from her face to the rest of her with the smile on his lips taking a more 'approving' form before returning to her own eyes, sorely tempted to tease her. That pink hue on her cheeks certainly did compliment the rest of her, and Vee realized that they might have some common ground after all. He did direct his attention to the door she pointed him to, however, deciding to bide his tongue for the time. He turned partially away from her, eyes leaving her entirely for a full moment before he nodded his head. "Ah. good" and stepped without another word into the bathroom to retrieve his things. He had nothing in his pockets worth preserving, only now noticing that she had removed his dagger and snapping his gaze up to her, then to the item on the bench when he did realize it was missing from its sheath. He placed his things in the unit and followed the on screen directions, facing away from her this whole time, long enough for her to get a splendid view of the tattoos on his back. A quiet breath could be heard while he calmed himself, the brief burst of emotion quickly pushed away with intent, and the last sounds he made while facing away were the affirming chirps of the washer before it hummed to life. Hopefully purging the weeks worth of grime out of the garments. With that bit of business finished up, he turned back towards his rescuer, silently taking note of all the weapons on her workbench as he did. The knife had been left out on purpose, clearly, and was well within reach if he needed it, she had also disarmed herself, which had its intended effect at putting him more at ease, some of the tension in his shoulders vanishing while he crossed the small space to take a seat again. "Thank you for that" he stated, the stims were wearing down, clearing the "wired" sensation that was plaguing him and helping him think a little more clearly, though that fog of exhaustion was still dulling his connection to the Force. "I feel more like myself again" He walked closer to her, shifting the chair she had provided for him and sitting down in it once more, shifting his legs JUST so she was not able to be able to see what was under the towel but not hiding at all that gravity pulled the cloth closer to his lap, hinting at what lie underneath. HE figured joining her on the bed would have been a little too forward . He let one of his hands rest in his lap, the other arm resting an elbow on the arm of the chair and holding his chin in the cup of his hand, supporting his head and curling his fingers over his cheek. Up close and clean like this, his less than human features were beginning to shine. The slight androgyny and bone structure had been one hint, but also did not seem to have the runaway body hair that a man living without a home might have as well. It was also clear that he was thinning quite quickly, though the tattoos made it harder to see his ribs were slightly visible underneath his skin. "I will answer your questions to the best of my ability, at least while these stims are keeping me awake." He didnt want to be too forward with his teasing. "Its at least one way I feel I could repay your charity" his tone had the slightest lilt to it.
After a long moment or two spent drinking in the eye candy, Arani was back on track and one hundred percent focused on...uh...their discussion? Certainly not how she had noticed a twitch beneath his towel, or that smirk of his that made it quite clear her normal subtlety hadn't done much to assist her in not getting caught out. She wasn't yet entirely certain if she was disappointed or thankful that he didn't immediately retreat back into the bathroom to preserve his modesty. Quite clearly he didn't care about hiding away his body . At that point, it would have mostly been for her sake, but maybe he suspected that continuing to enjoy the view was what she really needed at the moment. It wasn't as if the view he had available to him wasn't ample enough, for that matter, though his current state of undress made her feel very comparatively modest. Hah, not that she thought most of the Jedi up at the temple would agree with that. At any rate, beyond her own...'appreciation' for his looks, she did notice how much better he looked now. Perhaps not quite any less thin, part of his slenderness no doubt able to be attributed to malnourishment rather than just his build. For that matter, he was decidedly hairless, which had to be natural, or somehow compelled. Given that he hadn't been left with clean clothes or any way to wash up, she thought it very unlikely that he was keeping himself waxed living on the streets. Nor did she miss the exact moment where he realized that his blade was missing. It reaffirmed her decision to set it out in plain sight, his gaze breaking from her to look over to the weapon bench. Given his proficiency with the force, she suspected he'd be quite capable of summoning it from where he stood, though by the same token she'd be able to draw a blaster just as quickly. Given how much he seemed to be enjoying showing off and the amenities she was offering him, she wasn't worried. As long as he knew where it was, he'd hopefully remain at ease and they could talk. It was interesting seeing his tattoos from behind as he turned his back, not enough to distract her from the view, but it was easier to focus on the grace of the markings over how long his towel was hanging on him. The laundry unit was, fortunately, on the powerful side, Arani having had to use it once or twice to get blood out, and encouraged by that to make sure she had something that could manage. Vee's clothes would be a challenge, but she didn't think them beyond the capabilities of the machine."You look a lot better." Arani nodded after Vee noted that he felt like himself again, blush deepening for a moment as she realized how that had sounded. If the Force had brought her to him, and in turn brought him into her home, maybe it was onto something after all. In a perfect world, she would have taken all the time she'd had since he exited the bathroom thinking through the questions that she wanted to ask him, prioritizing them and weighing what would be pushing too much, what could wait until later. Normally she was sharp, she had to be to walk the streets of Coruscant on her own and not end up dead. He had managed to pull the rug out from under her, though, and she was just now coming around to thinking what she should ask, which meant some of the heavier discussion would maybe have to wait until later. In order to buy a moment or two, she clasped her arms together, stretching them above her head and rolling her shoulders. Arani was rather used to being alone in the apartment, and didn't pay too much mind to how the stretch would likely draw his eye to her rather ample bust, the way she arched her back as if pushing it out. It was a casual thing, though to the violet eyed boy, it would be easy to take as intentional teasing, depending on his mindset. She also didn't have the same presence of mind to cross her own legs where she sat on the bed, which meant if Vee was inclined to let his eyes wander, he might just catch a striking glimpse of blue from beneath her black skirt. It couldn't be said that the eye candy flowed entirely one way. Taking a deep breath, the light skinned girl licked her lips in preparation for the discussion, ideally drawing his gaze back to her face, though if he'd not noticed the fullness or soft look to her lips before..."Let's start hmm , simple. Where are you from? Native to Coruscant?" She had her suspicions that he hadn't been eking out a living in the undercity for more than...maybe a week or two? Of course, that left a lot of explanations open. Easy for someone to have a bad run of fortune and lose everything down in the lower levels of the sprawling Metropolis, and easy for someone to come worldly and into such misfortune. He was an oddity, but there were bound to be endless oddities on the planet. Arani was also acutely wear that the stims weren't going to last forever, and that he would probably crash afterwards, unless adrenaline or something else kept him wired enough to stay awake. She just doubted that would happen in any other way than combat, and she had no intention of it coming down to that.
If he wasn't already half dead from exhaustion he might have taken this woman's movements as enticements. She certainly seemed to be interested in the eye candy his body presented... perhaps... perhaps there was a way he could reward her for her help later. His eyes were drawn to her lips. As if he could make that sound like a favor. He knew little about how people interacted on this level so he decided to push the thoughts to the back of his mind. He himself settled back into his chair, doing his best to relax. That might have been a mistake, as desperate as his body was for rest it seemed that it took this as an opportunity to start falling asleep. The crash that was coming was likely going to be a severe one. Stims weren't toys after all. "No, I am not from Coruscant" His eyes drifted down, losing their focus for a moment, lips drawing into a line. "I am not exactly sure where I was born, it had a big city but it was much warmer, with a jungle full of predators. I am pretty sure it was an inner rim world though, and I am not certain if my people are even from that world." He hesitated. "I didn't stay there too long, and I have spent a lot of time moving around since then." He winced, a bolt of pain flashing through his skull, one of the warnings that the stims were rapidly wearing off. He glanced over to the cleaning unit rumbling away, as old and dirty as his clothes were no doubt they would take some time to clean. His eyes returned to her to finish what was left of his story. "I have been on Coruscant for about a month now, and on my own for a couple weeks. " He wasn't quite willing to describe WHAT he was doing on the city world yet, so he trailed off there. He wasn't about to tell her he was an Imperial Spy, or at least that he was dragged there by a Dark Lord of the Sith. Even in the underbelly of Coruscant, where credits reigned over patriotism, he sincerely doubted such news would be received well, because even if this woman was not patriotic, he certainly had no credits, and he doubted he would last long on the streets naked. Aand there it was. A second flash of pain earned a wince followed by the violet eyed boy almost doubling over. The plummeting crash was something he felt the strength leaving his body rapidly. His eyes glazed a bit and that flash of pain turned to a rush of dizziness. "Shit" he groaned, clasping his head in both hands. "There go the stims" The energy in his body was steadily being taken over by ache, the good thing was that he probably was not going to have a hard time falling asleep. He glanced back up at her, and in his addled state made a mistake. He tried to stand. It did not take very much, as he stood upright the world spun and then greyed. Then everything merely went black. His eyes glazed as he stumbled forward, threatening to crash directly into her. Even if she was able to catch him, or move out of the way, he was quite unconcious, and his body would go limp moments after. Luckily, in his malnourished state he did not weigh much despite the fall forward. Whether Arani would able to keep him from losing the loosely wrapped towel on the other hand was another story.
Well, that confirmed those suspicions, at least. Granted, not from Coruscant left open a lot of possibilities , so she was grateful when he continued into offering some clarification. She wasn't the most well traveled, but she could identify at least some of the more well known planets in the galaxy, as well as some of those her master had traveled to. Big city and a jungle...that didn't sound terribly familiar to her. Dxun? No, that didn't have any big cities, as far as she was aware, nor did the few other jungle worlds she could recall. Maybe if she spent some time poring through the jedi archives she could figure something out, but someone might get curious as to why she was pursuing such a specific line of inquiry, and she didn't really want to have to lie her way out of that one. Independent research? Maybe, but that'd take longer, and who knows if such a planet would even be that well documented? No, it wasn't that pressing of an issue, and it slid from her mind around the time she noticed a wince from the violet eyed boy, but still he proceeded to finish the rest of the story for her sake. So, about a month. Not too long, but long enough to be reduced to...this state, if he was without resources or support. "You look a little rough. Maybe you should "She sensed his imminent collapse a moment before it happened, and it left her with just enough time to brace herself to catch him. With him out cold, she could freely use the force, though she found she didn't need to augment her strength that much to catch him. He was pretty underfed still, after all. She wasn't heartless enough to dump him into a chair, so she guided him slowly back to the bed, setting him down on the edge of it and then laying him back. It was then and only then that she noticed the towel had slipped when he had collapsed, and she was facing a view that she had subconsciously wanted, but not really been prepared for. Glad he wasn't awake to see her staring or blushing, she hastily threw a blanket overtop of him, turning and striding away to hang the towel up to dry and trying to forget the image that now, as if to spite her, stubbornly refused to leave her mind. Bad enough for the Force to send her chasing after a pretty dark side force user and then end with him running around in a towel. Why did he also have to be so....gah! It seemed that his tattoos were, in fact, rather extensive. She retreated into her datapad to try to distract herself, engaging in some cursory research to try to see if she could pinpoint his homeplanet, but she didn't end up with much success. After about a hour, she hit the bathroom to wash up a bit, stripping down and then pulling on a tank top so she'd have something to sleep in. Normally she'd go topless, but now that she was sharing the place, that seemed a little bold. Even if she had just gotten to see virtually all of him, even if only for a moment or two. Despite the thoughts racing through her head, she found it easy to go to sleep, passing out next to Vee as she wondered what the next day would bring, the quiet thrumming of the washing unit still going on in the background. When Arani woke up, she found that she had shifted closer to Vee overnight, snuggled up against him, head resting on his shoulder. Grateful he had not yet woken up, she untangled herself from him, embarrassed, and slipped carefully, quietly out of bed, trying not to stir him awake. By the time Vee woke up, he would be greeted with the sound of food cooking in the kitchen. The apartment had few windows, so it was hard to gauge exactly what time it was, and she didn't have any clocks laying around . Arani had, in the meantime, pulled on some comfortable shorts and was working away in the kitchen, earphones in her ears to keep from disturbing Vee's sleep with music, though it also meant she wouldn't likely hear his approach unless he was particularly clumsy about it.
To say he slept like a brick was an understatement, once he was out he was out, and even dreams eluded him for quite some time. Slowly, he shifted and rolled over, groaning as the still omni present ache from all the excitement the night before weighted his limbs, seeming to make him want to sink into the modest bedding all that much more. The very first thing he noticed after that was the softness of the bed, the covers over his body. For a moment, he wondered if he was back in his old quarters, yet there was no metal sting around his neck, nor the grasp of metal fingers to throw him out of the bed when he overslept. Vee shifted uncomfortably at first, blinking away the blur from his eyes still half awake sitting upright in the bed. It took him a moment to recount the events of the day before... he had been trying to survive here, attacked by thugs, and rescued by a young woman. There was a momentary flood of anxiety where he looked down to examine himself for injuries, finding he was naked under the blankets but otherwise unharmed. His eyes lifted and surveyed the apartment it seemed his rescuer was not present, but the pleasant aroma of food indicated that she was not far. After taking a minute to gather the will to leave the comfort of that bed he swung his feet over the edge, letting them to the ground and making sure they would bear his weight before trying to stand. Aside from the residual aches from the previous day he certainly now felt much better and more importantly was aware of his situation. It was not as if he was ungrateful, in fact, with the dull recollection of her attitude the night before he had even surmised a way he might repay her for her kindness. He now had enough evidence to conclude he could trust her she had not taken advantage of him as he was unconscious and more importantly had not bound him or taken any other measures beyond covering him with a blanket, even left him alone in the very same room that held his weapon. Perhaps under another bent as he silently padded by her workbench he would have taken his weapon back, and with his master's teachings in mind taken this apartment by force, repaying her kindness with cruelty. Yet, he didn't. He felt he shouldn't. The force was a mysterious thing, and for the moment when his eyes fell on his weapon instead his shoulders eased down and he walked by, peeking into the kitchen and leaving the weapon resting on the workbench. He felt... better. More alert, more aware, certainly enough to realize he was still not wearing anything. He peeked into the kitchen, observing his rescuer bobbing to music playing into her ears. A smile touched his lips and for the briefest of moments he stood in the doorway to her turned back, cocking his hips while his lips turned into a full smirk. Now that he was himself again, he let his eyes roam, his smirk only widening again. Yeah... perhaps there was a way he could repay this one. He certainly didn't have much to give economically, and he assumed she had some sort of ulterior motive. No one was kind like this without wanting something. She didn't notice him though, and he decided that standing nude behind her probably wouldn't send the best message, so he turned and moved to her bathroom. It took Vee a little longer to straighten his hair with his hands than he would have liked he never really used brushes, preferring his fingers to achieve that semi unkempt look he liked, the mass of messy black however was tamed in time, and allowed him to examine himself in the mirror. He looked a lot better, clean, rested... it was painful to realize he was probably going to have to go back to the streets after this. He couldn't sense Master's presence, and a deep down in fact hoped that he thought he was dead. He Knew master was still alive, but perhaps he had left Coruscant, even if loath to leave the apprentice he had put so much work into behind. The thought of being thought dead by the Empire filled Vee's heart with more hope than he would have liked to admit to. The washing unit was next if he dressed himself he might leave a bit better of an impression and when he popped the machine open to check on his stolen garments his heart sank a little bit. Ruined was an understatement. His tunic had unraveled in the machine, but fared better than the pants, which had utterly disintegrated. Vee only made a quiet noise of distress once this discovery was made, sticking his upper half to recover and examine the only garnment that he had put in that still mattered. His cloak, luckily was intact. The armorweave elements of the cloak, designed to resist blaster fire, blades and blows from lightsabers was still in tact, and the violet eyed sith breathed a puff of relief to find it intact. He threw it around his waist as wearing it like a cloak would do nothing to hide his body if he wanted to use his hands, using a cloth cord to cinch it into a makeshift skirt, though the folds down the center parted enough for an opening down his right leg, exposing some tattoos or the other treasure he concealed with careless movements. Tying the sleeves finished the job before he returned to the kitchen. The food smelled good, he would be lying if he said anything else, having been surviving on junk food and nutribars for the last two weeks. He approached her quietly, but brazenly enough that she would at least notice him approaching, asserting himself into her peripherals before reaching out to tap her on the shoulder. He came to a rest beside her, glancing past his naked shoulder at her with a slightly more rueful tone to his otherwise quite playful smile. He was good at concealing his intents through the force though as he had not come to a realization that she was also Force Sensitive he made no effort to hide his presence beyond the norm, there was still no flash of danger at least, he had resolved to be friendly. "We have a bit of a problem" He quickly raked his mind for her name through the haze of the last night. "Arani." He added, lifting a hand to gesture to her washer unit. "I guess they dont make flop clothes like they used to." Luckily, with his body unresponsive to sensation he had a fairly easy time managing his own reactions to her unknowing display. Still, those tattoos might draw her eyes to a slightly more physical reaction to her dress and movements before he was able to cover himself. He shifted his stance, cocking his hip and resting the hand that was not gesturing towards the machine. "Its a near total loss" He didnt sound that sad about it, he didnt pay for the clothes after all, and for something he had stolen off a clothesline they did their job. His gaze settled on her eyes, visibly resisting the urge to drift downward to admire her tanktop, or even further down to admire the breakfast she was making.
With her earphones in and the music going loud , Arani was ignorant of Vee's initial approach. Had she been of the mind to, she could have reached out with the force and monitored him as he slept, but that seemed a little invasive. She wanted to distract herself from the too attractive for his own good force user currently occupying her bed, and keeping tabs on him would not have the intended effect. The Jedi put faith into the fact that the Force would warn her if he tried anything, but she doubted that he would repay her kindness with that. Surely the Force would not have lead her to him if he was to be her doom. She wasn't sure what he ate, or how much, but she erred on the side of more, given how skinny he looked. She didn't want him to eat himself to death, but he needed his strength back if they were going to...Actually she wasn't sure what they were going to do once he recovered. She didn't really have a plan. Report him to the council? That was probably the most responsible thing to do, but it seemed a little cold. Shifting her focus to the music over her thoughts proved much more pleasant. Not only for him, for that matter. Her hips swayed and shook to the beat of the song she currently had playing, which, considering the somewhat snug nature of her shorts, meant that Vee was given quite a show. As if that wasn't enough, she had to grab another pan from under the counter, and her bending down to grab it was probably as good a proof as any that he was feeling livelier today than he had been previously. She also wasn't sure just how he felt about caf, but she had needed the pick me up to start her day off, so she had brewed a pot of it, and was currently nursing her second cup. She tried not to over indulge with the stuff, but considering the strange turn her life seemed to be taking, she figured she had earned the right to indulge. Hopefully it would help her figure things out a little bit. Every moment he slept was a moment she could delay dealing with it, at least, and when he did emerge, he'd be a little more modestly attired than the last time she'd seen him. Or so she hoped. That hope didn't last much longer past his approach, Arani popping out her earphones and taking a half step back from what she was working on so she could turn her head to look at him as he tapped her on the shoulder. He'd hear some of the music still playing, a rather high energy song complete with intense guitar and drums. "Good morning, Vee, you're looking " She stopped short as she realized that he was still shirtless, turning a little more to face him and letting her gaze drop along his torso, taking a little longer than strictly necessary to take in the view. Under dressed. Sexy. That same cute pink color tinted her cheeks ever so faintly as she realized that he was still very immodestly dressed, wearing only his cloak tied off around his waist. At least that was better than the towel, though not by much. She licked her lips unconsciously, mouth suddenly feeling dry. "Better." If he was a little more in tune with the Force than the night before, it'd be hard to miss the pang of desire that she gave off for just a brief moment.Her staring also left him with plenty of opportunity to realize that part of her casual attire meant that she had yet to pull a bra on, and while she hadn't been wearing one last night, either, the thin tank top did a noticeably poorer job of hiding the fact compared to her other top. By the time she was able to tear her gaze away from his reaction, a rather striking reminder of the view she'd stolen last night, she had lost her chance to ask about how he'd slept, as instead he was explaining the absence of clothing. She was rather interested in knowing just why he had walked into the kitchen wearing so little. It made sense that the rags that he had been wearing hadn't held up in the wash, but that left them with something of a conundrum. "Blast, I hadn't thought about that." She grumbled, glad to have something to focus on that wasn't his state of undress. "Um, well..." She looked him over with a thoughtful frown. "Maybe you can fit into something of mine?" She had pants and shirts that were a little more modest, and his figure wasn't all that different from hers. "We'll have to get you a new outfit or two." That wouldn't break the bank, but she wasn't exactly flush with credits right now. He could use the force, though, maybe he could help her earn some of them back after? Ah, what was she thinking, he must be starving! They could discuss it over breakfast. "Oh, um, please sit down! Food's about ready." Once again she was glad to have something to focus on that wasn't him tenting his cloak kilt, and wasn't his shirtlessness. "Want something to drink? There's caf. Water. Uh, some juice." She wasn't flush with different drinks, but he probably wasn't used to even being able to choose, so even that selection was hopefully something he appreciated. "Then we can talk."
Her reaction absolutely did not go unnoticed, the way her eyes lingered as well as the more subtle signs of attraction were things he couldn't miss. Fortunately for her his lack of modesty extended to being quite fond of invoking that kind of reaction from viewers, and that fondness would likely make the situation a little more interesting for both of them. He had perhaps missed it or put it off when he was exhausted, but now... Well... his own eyes met hers and his smirk widened. This at least confirmed some of his suspicions that his noble rescuer had some ignoble traits. The gawking filled him with a bit of pride and also a bit of arousal, the unavoidable physical reactions showing in the slightest tinting in the pale skin across his own nose, as well as the not so subtle twitch in his makeshift kilt. For one who was accustomed to the different kinds of looks like that, her reaction, the way her gaze drifted down suggested that she had in fact been the one to remove his towel before he slept. That amused him even more Would he have even noticed if she had taken advantage? He was certainly out cold. He wouldn't care either way if she wanted him, it was a way he could get out of her debt. "I feel better. Thank you." He smiled, his eyes fixated on hers for long enough to assure her that she was the one staring, despite getting his own eyeful before. He didn't let her stare too long though, to see the rising in his garment, moving to the table and taking a seat, crossing one leg over the other to strategically block her view of that spot, as well as his body's own response to his teasing. Breakfast did sound amazing, and the idea of getting some real food made his stomach cramp nearly on reflex. Another wince hit him, but he did his best to hide this, still trying his best to maintain a somewhat friendly attitude. From the table he listened to her the mention of borrowing an outfit, and even getting him one of his own. He... didn't quite understand this woman but hid the aroused suspicion that such altruism naturally produced. Coruscant was not Korriban, where any gift offered always had a favor attached, as hard as it was for him to shake that belief. "Yeah, that might work" he said, musing to hide his suspicion. At least the night before she had been wearing some more concealing garments before he had vanished into the shower. "Probably not going to be a perfect fit, perhaps looser in some spots" his eyes leveled with her chest, but did not linger long enough hopefully to cause offense, more to emphasize his point. "But probably not far off" He paused, then smiled back up to her. "And some Caff would be nice... I haven't had any for nearly a month" Drugs were.... nice, and feeling the perk of something not quite as punchy as that stimpack would be very nice, help take off at least some of the edge he was feeling. He let a hand lift up to rake through his hair while his eyes lowered in thought, both still trying to discern Arani's motives as well as the potential of wearing a woman's clothes, fussing with the messy strands to pull them back over his shoulder and smooth out some of the more wild locks. His fingernails were long enough that he could feel them when he pressed through to his scalp, could probably do for a trim. Once he released his hair he let his hands fall to the table quietly, letting his eyes venture down to them, then back to her. Pragmatically accepting her offer would work, and, though he refused to admit it, the more feminine aspects of his build would agree with such clothing, at least until he could get some simple clothes of his own. "I do appreciate all your help" Appreciate, he was still struggling with WHY she was being so helpful in the first place Still, if he were in danger, he would have sensed it by now, so this woman was likely no trafficker, and her reactions to his form and his teasing seemed almost innocent. Maybe she was some sort of private investigator and thought he had valuable information. The way his brows furrowed ever so slightly was the only sign of this inner conflict while he waited, before he continued. "There isn't much within my means, but I am sure I can find a way to properly repay you." With that he shifted his hips ever so sightly to open his posture, dropping one of his hands to his covering and cocking his head lifting his free hand to his chin. Any Sith would realize that this was in fact a proposition for a favor, but would she catch on? Sith and Criminals had different tells after all.
Well, so much for her staring going unnoticed. Arani hadn't really expected that to be the case, but there was some small part of her that hoped she might get away with it. What was it about this handsome, violet eyed, shirtless dark force user that got her so flustered? Maybe it was the taboo part of it, that she was not only supposed to avoid such attraction in the first place, but particularly with those who called upon the dark side of the Force. The tattoos wrapped around his body also contributed, lending him something of an exotic or mysterious air. A larger part of it was less of a mystery, she only had to glance over at him to acknowledge that he definitely had looks going for him. She wasn't sure if it was better or worse that he seemed to almost completely lack a sense of modesty. It made her feel less like she was taking advantage of him, for what that was worth, but if he had been making efforts to cover up, maybe she'd be less tempted to drink in the view. "I am glad to hear it."She was grateful when he retreated to the table, helping to alleviate some of the distraction present, and giving her an excuse to turn back to the food. It was fine, for that matter, nothing burned or overdone despite how long she had spent ogling her new guest. It spared him the need to hide the wince brought on by his empty stomach as she thought over what clothing she had that might fit him. Any of her pants would probably work, he was a little skinnier in the hips than she was, but not by that much, and a belt would easily make up the difference there. By the time he was voicing his own thoughts on wearing some of her attire, she was bringing the food over to him, which left him an opportunity to glance at her chest, emphasizing the difference there in how snug something would fit him. Her blush returned briefly, but she wasn't too self conscious about her chest. At times it could be somewhat inconvenient, but she thought it looked good, and it damn well distracted guys, which she hadn't shied from taking advantage of once or twice. Maybe that was why the Jedi favored modest robes. She suspected that the Twi'lek master she had crossed paths with once or twice in the Temple could easily match her for bust size. Jedi were usually brought on young enough to keep it from being an issue, but she didn't doubt some of the boys would be vulnerable to distraction. "It will, serve you better than...than that, at least. Until you have a new outfit." "Certainly." Just like that she was back in the present, setting down a heaping plate in front of him and returning to get some caf. It was a rather extensive breakfast, meat, vegetables, eggs, a small portion of fruit on the side. Her breakfasts were normally simpler affairs, but she didn't doubt he hadn't been getting all the nutrients his body needed. While they might differ from what humans required, she imagined there had to be some overlap. She'd just also have to put groceries on the list of things to buy, now. "Don't eat too fast." She cautioned him, not wanting to be patronizing but suspecting his body might urge him to cram the food into his mouth as quickly as possible. She returned with a cup of caf and then set about preparing herself a plate, joining him at the table. Fortunate she had two chairs at the table despite living alone, but she had always worried that one of them would break or wear out before the other, and she didn't want to have to buy a new one when that happened. Even after she settled in and began to poke at her food, she seemed more interested in him than her meal. Part of that was the physical attraction, sure, but he was also intriguing in other ways. Namely, how the Force had drawn her to him. "I wish I could say I was this generous with everyone in need." Arani admitted somewhat sheepishly, pausing to take a bit of her food to collect herself, and figure out just where she was going with this. "But the truth is, there is something special about you. I feel...drawn to you, for some reason." Granted, without knowledge of her being force sensitive, he might interpret that as more of an admission of attraction than anything else, but she was putting it out there. She was grateful that he intended to try to repay her, at least. She didn't expect it, but since he had made the offer..."Well, there is maybe one thing..." She admitted, biting her lower lip softly, thoughtfully. "I shouldn't ask it of you, but if you think you are recovered enough, have your strength, your energy back...."
"There is nothing wrong with that, I admit, I have felt drawn to you as well." He absolutely misinterpreted what she was saying, but for him at least that admission just confirmed his suspicions so he returned her compliment. That she would rescue him due to an attraction made more sense than doing so because she was merely kind he had grown up knowing that any help he got would come at some sort of cost. Clearly it was not that different in the rest of the galaxy. Her admission was something he found fairly sweet. He was accustomed to more... assertive admissions. Maybe she was just shy? His thoughts however were something he put to the side when there was food in front of him. He actually winced again when a shot of pain shot through his stomach. Despite the painful growl he actually hesitated going for it. It looked good, far better than anything he had eaten in a long while, even the fairly humble meals he had made himself before he had been freed from Master. His eyes shifted up to her, looking over her features. If she had wanted to drug him she could have done so at any point, so he had at least ruled out malicious intent. Quickly enough though the hunger took over and he started. Heeding her advice to not eat too fast was easier said than done. After he took his first bite his eyes widened slightly and he dug in without any more hesitation. When he realized exactly how voraciously he was attacking the food he stopped, that twinge of color running across the bridge of his own nose from embarrassment. By then he had devoured all the food she had offered him, leaving a positively spotless plate. It felt... so good to have food in him again, something warm and filling compared to those tasteless meal bars. He shifted through quite a few different emotions, culminating in embarrassment from his display, sitting upright and closing his eyes to enjoy the sensation of being full again. Truth was, she was probably going to offer him work, but unfortunately for the young Sith that potential had been lost to him thanks to the previous misunderstanding of her previous statement. He swallowed the last bite and cocked his head slightly. "Think nothing of it " He said, his eyes narrowing and the corners of his lips twisting into a knowing smirk Once he had come to that conclusion at least his suspicion actually seemed to fade. He was quite used to using his body to trade for favors after all its what a Sith might expect, and with her staring... well, perhaps Coruscant was not all that different either. He pushed his plate forward and rested the utensil he was eating with on it, quietly moving to stand. "I have picked up some useful skills in my travels, and I am at least a little more durable than I look." The possibility that she was interpreting his own meaning differently than he was did not occur to him. He shifted and pushed his chair out, standing from his sitting position and offering her a knowing grin. "I do feel like I have gotten a bit of my strength back" Physically at least, the Force was still muddled around him, perhaps it was the blow to the head, or maybe even the near starvation. He figured he would recover soon enough though, and didn't want to creep out his host by meditating openly. Well. More than one way to jog his emotions, and she had requested it after all. He walked a couple feet away from her and cast her a smile, letting her see his body in profile before turning to her. "That being said, I do feel like I could repay you now" His grin widened and he relaxed his stance, hooking his thumbs into the makeshift garment he wore to let it ride dangerously low on his hips before letting it fall of of them altogether, falling to the floor entirely moments after. Arani could say whatever she wanted about his attitude, but the look he gave her just then was sweltering, matching the fact that her now stood before her with the full of his body revealed, as confident as he could be.
Arani had an easy time focusing on her food. Well, easy by a certain measure, anyway. Saying she was very motivated would perhaps be more accurate. The boy sitting across from her was very distracting in a number of ways. If she allowed herself to, she'd stare at him rather than touching her food, partially enjoying the view and partially trying to study him. Beyond being incredibly obvious and not particularly polite, it'd also run the risk of giving him the wrong idea about her opinion of him. Or maybe worse, the right idea. So it was easier to focus on the meal, particularly with him doing the same thing, though with significantly more reason to. She could only imagine when the last time was that he ate, and just what the quality of that meal was. She'd hardly call herself a wonder in the kitchen, but breakfast was pretty damn foolproof. At least, it'd kept her alive this long! She spent as much time as possible on her own, away from the temple, and that meant being able to cook for herself was something of a necessary skill. That said, she wasn't going to complain if they ended up going out for their next meal. She wasn't sure how to take the admission from Vee that he was also drawn to her, and she spent a fair bit of the meal puzzling that over. She didn't think that he meant it in the same way, that the Force was drawing him to her, but surely he didn't, they barely knew each other! She fancied herself attractive, but she did not want to be presumptuous. He must simply be referring to the same pull that had brought him to the alley in which he was in trouble. By the time she glanced up again, he had already cleaned his plate entirely! She couldn't help but giggle at the embarrassed pink strip across his nose, and how ravenously he had attacked the food. It certainly made her feel appreciated. She never really cooked for anyone else, and there was a warmth in her from the implicit compliment. Or maybe it was just his state of undress. She nodded slowly along with him as he mentioned having picked up some skills along the way. That was exactly the sort of thing that she was counting on. She hadn't really gotten a chance to assess his sublety, but if he had a light step, he'd be very useful on the sort of mission she embarked upon that the Jedi Council didn't necessarily know about. Even if not, she was sure that she could find a decent use for whatever talents he had. Even a distraction was something that would have come in useful once or twice over her career. "I'm very glad to hear it." He did seem a lot less likely to pass out today than when he had first stumbled in. "I don't want you to feel obligated, but " She stopped short as he hooked his thumbs into the only piece of clothing he was wearing, which predictably drew her eyes, likely as intended. Suddenly, the Jedi girl was at a loss for words, raptly watching as the garment slid lower on his hips, inch by inch, before finally, it fell away. Her mouth opened and closed several times as she got an eyeful of him, at least for the second time. She blinked a couple times before dragging her gaze up to his own smoldering one. Was he...did he get...oh, he was just....harder. A million things were running through her head at that moment. She knew with complete certainty that she needed to take a step back, clear her head, and clear up the obvious misunderstanding that was brewing between herself and Vee. No passion, serenity. Instead, she closed the distance between them after slipping gracefully from her seat, her lips crashing down on his. He was gorgeous, he was naked, and she didn't know the last time she'd been with a guy, and certainly not one this sexy, this...well, big. She knew nothing was less Jedi like, but why would the Force put her in this situation if it didn't want this to happen? As he might have predicted, her lips were soft, warm, full, and wonderfully kissable against his own. This particularly misunderstanding wasn't going to be cleared up anytime soon.
Her reaction to his rather sudden exposure was telling in of itself. He had figured she was interested, and for the brieftest of moments he realized that she might not have taken his actions well at all. Luckily for him, she took them rather well indeed, and after eying him and drinking in all he offered him, she closed in and he found himself with her pressed up against him. The rush of excitement broadened that pink patch across his nose while he noticed those signsof her own movements, the way she stood up without another word after drinking in his naked form, and of course when they met and her lips crashed into his own he fully returned that action. His own lips, only slightly marred but still soft, pressed back into hers to sample their soft tecture. Oh, he was already quite taken with the softness of those kissable lips, much as he had predicted. He let her body rest against his, easily allowing that ample and unguarded chest to press up against his own, his arms slipping around her to secure her in his own hold. Vee held her loosely of course, he had been the one to invite her, so he felt it only fair to not sweep her off her feet at least quite yet, his right hand curling around her hip, resting loosely on the side of her hip while his left rose to the base of her neck. His face pressed inward, meeting her kiss with a fair amount of passion, unable to control the swell of emotion that roiled within him. He was more than welcome to let her explore his body, but in the meantime satisfied himself with learning that lovely mouth of hers. His fingers quite firmly pressed into the nape of her neck, feeling the silken warmth of her hair while he kissed her shallowly at first, but deepening steadily, even running his own tongue out of his mouth to wet her lower lip, feeling just how soft that lovely pillow was before nipping at it playfully. To say he was content would have been a vast understatement, and the most easily visible sign of that contentment soon poked into her thigh. His body certainly knew the signs that service was needed, and he only broke their kiss long enough to give her a playful smirk while that unattended right hand found hers, his fingers circling around her wrist and guiding her palm to the heat of that shaft. She could feel his heartbeat exactly how excited he was. The invitation was unspoken but very clear he was more than happy for her to explore him, though he had the mind to let her dictate the pace this was his service after all, his own little way to thank her. This was certainly not the first time he had done something like this, but to initiate it on his own... it was exhilarating. No one had commanded him to do this, no one had forced him to do this, it was his own actions with his own body. And he loved that. Once her hand had been re positioned, he let go of her wrist and resumed that heated kiss, allowing a puff of hot breath to pass her ear before tilting his head and deepening It had been a little bit since he had kissed like this at least, and perhaps she would deduce that he was rusty, but eager.
Really, there was nothing wrong with kissing, was there? They were clearly fond of each other, if only at a superficial level of attraction, and considering the danger they had faced together, it was inevitable that some sort of connection would form between them. Not to mention the fact that the Force had drawn her to him in the first place! That's what she told herself, at any rate, and with the softness of his own lips to distract her, it was pretty easy not to give the potential wrongness of the situation any further thought. She was surprised, if only a little, at how soft his lips were, how pleasant he smelled . While he wasn't the most heavily muscled person she knew, his chest was definitely firmer than his own , so it was no surprise that hers would end up squished against him as they kissed. Not that Vee likely needed a reminder at this point, but it was made once more very obvious that his shapely companion was devoid of a bra, by feel rather than sight this time. His rustiness in kissing also aided in bringing them to roughly the same level, the Jedi girl not quite as experienced as him, but doing an admirable job of contributing, driven largely by instinct. Whether or not it was intended to be, his gentle, playful nip was taken as a request, and she obliged, parting her supple lips slightly, welcoming him to explore a little further, if he was so inclined. This had definitely progressed beyond an innocent kiss, if it had ever been, but Arani couldn't find it in herself to object. If anything, she was encouraging it, her hands roaming his body, tracing his sides, his back, anything and everything she could reach.While he was probably too close to see it, her fading blush returned full force as she felt something press against her thigh, a reminder of the view she had just gotten. Arani was exploring his chest , but offered no resistance as he took her hand and guided it down to rest on his oh! She let out a soft gasp, audible now that their kiss was broken, her eyes widening just slightly, in a way that was rather cute. "W wow." For how slender his build was, it was...well, there was no getting around it, it was big. The heat radiating off of it, the feeling of his heart pounding away, it was all rather intoxicating. How could she resist dragging her hand along it, loosely wrapping a couple of fingers around him and exploring that stiff sign of his enjoyment? She was endowed with nothing if not ample dexterity and she put it to good use, nimble fingers working skillfully along him. If she could pick a lock, she could certainly explore Vee's ah, excitement. Some small part of her was aware that somewhere along the line the innocent little kiss had morphed into something else, but it was easily overridden by the part that took one of his hands and guided it to her shapely rear. Fair was fair, after all, and he would find that despite the overall firmness, the curve of Arani's rear had just enough give to be pleasantly squeezable, if he was so inclined. Her hand left him to his own devices as quickly as possible, though, so it could roam to his back, urging him closer, deepening the kiss. This was lust, pure and simple, and Arani was willing to admit her greed, and that she wanted more.
It had been a while since he had felt a soft body against his, especially one this special, and Vee was not about to ruin it by saying anything stupid. Instead he let his instincts guide him, exploring her lips with his own and occasionally pausing to run his tongue over her lips or teeth. She let him deepen the kiss and he did, more than happily suckling on her lips while they maintained their renewed kiss and exploring her own form. Her hand on his excitement felt lovely, the wandering fingers earning twitches and throbs from the engorged appendage, causing him to occasionally gasp or hiss into her lips. He was sensitive probably a side effect of the stim and the bloodflow, which was not going away any time, and he did quite like it. After she began to explore his member he actually gave her his first little moan although it was muffled because his mouth was otherwise occupied. He also took the opportunity to explore her once the invitation was made perfectly clear. One of his hands was guided off her hip to her lush rump, and he waited no longer to begin exploring that. A gentle compress pulled them ever closer together, those full breasts of hers squishing soundly up against his flat but still decidedly slender chest and even their hips were allowed to grow close, close enough that he could feel the heat of her own excitement growing down there through his sensitive shaft. His hand shifted, cupped and allowed his fingers to sink into her supple flesh, pulling her ever so closer while he felt out the curve of her ass with his questing hand, dipping over the crest of it but never leaving the body of it. His hand massaged and groped, adding to his own arousal and at the same time managing to pull her to where the head of his manhood was pressing into her inner thigh. There he broke their kiss again, pulling away to look into her eyes. If she didnt have her own chest flattened against his he might have explored her there, but still he could feel her heartbeat, and he took the time to admire the string of saliva that grew between their parted lips before leaning in once more and delivering a peck to the corner her lips on the right, slipping off of them to her cheek and then slipping the side of his head by hers. "Im Yours. Whatever you want." He cooed the words directly into her ear, letting a hot breath roll over her sensitive flesh before nipping at her earlobe. Today at least he was at her service he would let her decide what they did, and when they would stop. It was the least he could do for her after saving his life after all. His lips slipped down her ear to her jaw, then to her neck. There he stopped only long enough to press his lips to her neck right over the artery, stopping long enough that she could feel the pressure before opening his mouth and suckling on the spot. The sound was lewd and its very likely that that very action would cause a little bruise to develop there. He didnt stop though, letting his tongue slip out of his mouth, the pleasurable suckle turned into hot and wet as he ran his tongue along her naked skin, dragging it over her collarbone before rising back up to continue on his quest to give her a very prominent hickie. All this time he held her, loosely yet securely, and his hand had slipped around her thigh from her ass, feeling at a substancially more tender spot along her inner thigh. Hie left, which had previously been at the nape of her neck had lowered down her spine, dragging his nails over her clothing so she could FEEL his touch while he massaged the muscles lying over her shoulderblades.
Cute was perhaps not a word that she would use to describe him, but it was hard to otherwise character the occasional noise she managed to draw out of him with her wandering hand. Well, other than arousing, but she felt that went without saying. Arani was not going to sit back and let him have all the fun, though, and she was quick to match her passion with her own, taking any opportunity she could find to nibble at or suckle on his own lips. They weren't quite as full as her own, but they were just as wonderfully kissable. She'd been with a few guys, but none that recently, and she couldn't say that any of them had kissed her like this. There was a hunger, a passion in it that, were she thinking more clearly, she might attribute to the darker tendencies he possessed. As it stood? She hardly cared from whence they came, only how enjoyable they were making the kiss. She was doing her best to ignore her growing excitement, and he was doing a wonderful job of keeping her distracted from it, focusing instead on the feeling of her breasts squishing against his chest, or the way that he accepted her invitation to explore the curve of her rear. His fingers sank in, just a little bit, and now it was her turn to let out a cute squeak, a sound he'd not likely have anticipated from the blaster wielding girl who had come to his aid in the alleyway. Not that he'd likely complain. It was certainly vanity, and nothing the Jedi would encourage, but she'd always appreciated attention. The occasional bold hand grabbing a handful of her rear, a reaffirmation that she was sexy, and Vee was providing that reassurance in spades. She was somewhat disappointed for the kiss to break, but she did need to catch her breath, and the pouty look she shot him was smoldering enough to stoke any man's fire. The whisper in her ear was enough to draw a shiver from her, but hardly was she done processing that before his lips had shifted to her neck, lingering on artery and then tending to the spot in the lewdest of ways. He was...he was going to mark her! "D don't " She gasped, though the objection was half lost among the lewd noise of his work. The last thing she needed was such a prominent mark of their salacious rendezvous, but as that tongue of his darted out and continued, she couldn't stop the next half of the statement from slipping out of her lips. "s stop." What had been a plea for him to relent had very quickly become a command for him to continue. Gods, but he was good with his tongue. It was also, she had not missed, too long to be human, and perhaps it was that which caused her back to arch, for her to press herself even tighter against him. Or maybe it was the thought of the dark force user marking the not so proper Jedi girl. "I I...need you " Another shiver. "to promise..." She gasped, her back arched. Her shifting had guided his length from brushing her thigh to sliding between them, batting his hand away but grinding against his manhood instead. "Not to be....not to be gentle." She didn't stay idle even as she instructed him, actively grinding against him, hands now settled on his shoulders for support. Vee would very quickly determine that those creamy thighs of hers were not just for looks, and given the implication of having them glide along his length, were arguably better than her hand. "I need this." She was no damsel in distress, no delicate flower. She was capable, and too damned pent up, and he had the equipment to solve that particular problem.
Vee pulled off of her neck after her initial utterance, looking at her with a mixture of expressions before that objection was lost entirely and turned for a command to not stop. Even by then it was already too late, and the red mark of his affections was beginning to bloom on her neck, slippery and with a sheen from his saliva. She was pressed so closely into him, and he her. Soon she had let go of his rock hard erection, in favor of of letting it tuck between her thighs, and she was already grinding up against him, so needy for attention. It seemed that this poor woman had been about as starved for physical attention as he had been for actual food. Vee smirked, made sense that they fulfill each other's deepest needs after all. He had a choice to make from there on he was half tempted to draw out her 'suffering', to dip between her legs and show her what he had learned to do with his mouth and tongue. She had seemed to enjoy his oral attentions above after all, but on the other hand the poor thing already had his excitement trapped between those creamy thighs of his, grinding herself against him like an animal in heat. "Very well..." He murmured, leaning in and shifting his hands lower, cupping both cheeks of her rear to pull her tight against him, thrusting himself along her hidden intimates and within her thighs while summoning what strength he had to lift her off the ground. He used the table to leverage her, setting her down roughly and pushing her torso back onto the table, ignoring any of the dishes that had to clatter away. "I am not very strong..." He growled "But Ill try to fulfill your wish". Sadly her torso was out of his reach now, or he would have gone back to nibbling on her neck, and that urge to sink below her legs returned. Well... he did promise. In the back of his mind he decided he would give her more of a proper service with his tongue. Ordinarily he probably would have, but she was already so worked up. With her weight resting on the table he was able to left her legs to wrap around his, pressing down on her torso slightly to get her angled. His hand pulled her shorts to the side and his other guided his manhood, rubbing the swollen appendage against her most sensitive part, then he pushed forward with his hips. As he promised, he was not gentle about it, the muscles in his arms going taught as he half pushed and half pulled her onto his length, pushing as far into her as he could in one push. The sudden pressure and heat all around him caused him to fail to push in all the way, either she was a little tighter than he was used to or he was much larger than she was. Either way he managed to give pause to gasp in pleasure before furrowing his brow and focusing, drawing on his inner reserves to push again. This time he went all the way until he felt something stopping him. The resistance there had to be the depths of her own body, he had filled her completely, from the lips straining around him, to the very innermost depths. He fell forward, catching himself on one arm on the table, looking down at Arani with lustful eyes. His face was a mixture of lustful pleasure and predatory focus, and he only let her have that moment to adjust to his formidable girth before he began pulling out, preparing to settle into a steady, forceful thrust. He seemed to be built to please a woman, and inside every ridge of him, every vein, he made sure she could feel.
Well that was something she was not looking forward to explaining. It probably wouldn't be visible on a holo call, and she had to have a few days before going into the temple again. Not that worrying about someone noticing the hickey was the first thing on her mind, but it wasn't the last, either. Vee's sizable stiffness was doing a damned good job at remaining at the forefront of her attentions, the poor girl still trying to come to terms with his slender figure and his not so slender endowment. Arani might have resented the comparison to an animal in heat, but contesting its accuracy was another matter altogether. Mastering her passions had never been her greatest strength as a Jedi, and being faced with her own pent up desires, along with something more than capable of tending to them, was more than she could handle. She held onto him as he lifted her up . She could feel several dishes clatter as she was set down on the table, and she had to wiggle a bit to settle in among them, but he probably wouldn't mind, particularly not with his unrestricted view of her chest. It was covered but even the impact of her settling on the table was enough to coax an enticing jiggle out of her bust. A brief doubt struck her as she realized just how quickly things were moving, wondering if perhaps they ought to stick with more foreplay, but those reservations scattered as the tip of his length brushed against her sex. She offered a nod that he probably didn't need at this point, her arousal impossible to hide. Had she known how well he would have heeded her request, she might have been less insistent, the feeling of him pushing into her enough to cause her eyes to roll back partway. She was convinced that any girl would have been a tight fit for that thing, but even that only seemed to delay him for a moment or two at most. The table rocked, the dishes clattered, and again the Jedi's perky bust bounced slightly from the force of his push. She felt so full! Even then, she wasn't certainly she had taken all of him, and that was saying something. His size offered no discomfort, only a distinct sense of excitement and a lovely warmth. Before she had time to adjust, he was already pulling back, and the lust in his eyes assured her that he wasn't going to hold back. She was embarrassed to find that she didn't want more time to prepare herself, she just wanted more of him. So instead she braced herself, resolved not to let him do all the work, poised to push back against him during his next thrust . Already the strap of her top was sliding off of one of her shoulders, and she licked her lip to murmur "Just like that "
Violet had reasonably never been good at controlling his passions even the ones he had not specifically been trained to cultivate. He was letting instinct guide his actions, now focused on bringing his rescuer as much pleasure as he could. Her continued reassurance helped, even as fast as this had progressed she was willing and eager, and it would have been a disservice of him to not reward her to the best of his ability. Hearing her murmur, Violet again lifted his eyes to her his lips quietly pulled into a toothy smirk, showing off the ever so slightly pronounced canines, glinting in the light of her apartment. His right hand moved off her side, slipping down to her hip, fingers digging into her soft skin to get a better handle on her while his hips cocked for another strike. For as long as he could, he kept up an even, strong pace, spacing his legs for a more secure stance while he drove into her again and again. Every thrust was an insistent pressure, rippling through both of their forms, the two bodies meeting to ensure that each and every time he managed to hilt himself inside of her, his manhood throbbing powerfully after each strong thrust. Inside of her, his body was working to ease those forceful penetrations, steady pumps of lubricant pumped out of him, mixing with her own nectar and quietly dripping to the table and floor beneath them with every strike. It felt simply wonderful, and that pleasure only drove the young man to keep going. Unfortunately, soon the reality of Violet's situation descended upon him. Despite what discipline he had, his body had far more pull over his actions than his mind, and the very brief burst of carnal energy he had mustered at the beginning of this encounter faded. With that rush of hormones fading, Vee's body "remembered" the lack of nutrients and rest that it had gotten and in a crashing cascade the strength he had mustered left him. For the briefest moments he tensed, and one of the strikes of his hips was substantially weaker than the ones that proceeded it. The pleasant view of Arani before him distorted quite severely in his vision. By this point, Violet was aware of the signs his body was giving him and acted before he overexerted himself TOO much. His final thrust was more of a push than a thrust, directed but not terribly forceful as he nearly fell forward. Quickly the hand that he had placed on her hip shifted forward as darkness began to fill his vision and moments after those vibrant eyes of his dulled he collapsed forward bodily. He did not fall on top of her, luckily, catching himself moments before his head would have fallen into the soft cushions of her breasts, a deep breath rattling through him while his vision cleared. Inside her, he was still throbbing, and from how fast his heart was beating, no doubt he was already near climax himself. When Vee's vision cleared, he found that his head had dropped and he had been staring for that full moment blankly into the creamy skin of Arani's chest. He tilted his chin back up, sheepishly returning his eyes to hers. "Sorry about that..." He murmured. "Guess I haven't quite got my strength back." Well, that was embarrassing. Vee took a moment to correct himself, still hilted in Arani while he waited for the strength to return to his limbs, pulling his hand back to pull a handful of black strands away from his face, giving Arana a sheepish look in turn. The thought of drawing upon the force dawned on him, but he decided against it, no matter his passion, it was not worth risking exposing himself and endangering this girl. Master was still out there, somewhere on this planet. His heartrate slowed over a minute of stillness and he tried his best to center himself, focused on recovering long enough to try at a second wind.
Arani was a decent liar, but if pressed, she'd have not had an easy time trying to deny that his toothy smirk as he drove himself deep into her again and again was doing things for her. Nor were Violet's efforts unrewarded, even beyond the pleasure written plainly upon her face, the soft cries and moans that slipped from between her lips to punctuate each thrust. Her top had never done a very good job of hiding her away, but it very clearly hadn't been designed to stand up a ravishing of the like he was providing, and the strap continued its slow descent down her shoulder until finally, a particularly solid thrust saw her spill free of it. Devoid of support, there was little to stop the jedi's perky chest from bouncing in time with his thrusts, helping to add another dimension to the view that he had from his position. The noise of their hips meeting again and again made her glad her walls weren't too thin, as Arani felt confident in that moment that anyone remotely in earshot would be able to harbor no doubts as to what was going on in her apartment. Her attitude already left little room for doubt, but if the young man needed any further encouragement, the fact that she was practically dripping with arousal beneath him likely proved sufficient. Despite the somewhat snug fit, it helped to ensure a very smooth, steady pace, his manhood's throbs matched with shudders and quivers from her beneath him. Violet wasn't the only one aware of his body reaching its limit. Beneath him, Arani tilted her head, a sudden concern helping to knife through the haze of pleasure that had been so comfortably draped over her since he'd first pushed inside. Though he did manage to catch himself as he fell forward before he had to rely upon the pillowy embrace of her chest, she nonetheless reached out, cupping his chin in her hand. She turned his head this way and that, gazing into his eyes and wishing in the moment she was more medically inclined. Some possessed an innate talent for using the force in such a way, reading the weaknesses of the body and addressing them in turn. She could only claim basic first aid, but it didn't take much to figure out what the problem was. "Easy, Violet " She murmured, the edge of lust in her voice replaced by a tone of concern. That wasn't to say her body had forgotten its lusts, but she could see past them, for the moment. "Shouldn't have pushed you into this..." Of course, he hadn't needed much in the way of convincing, and the fact that he was still achingly hard within her spoke of that. Sitting upright, she placed both hands on his chest, growing distracted only shortly by feeling out the shape of his body before guiding him gently, but insistently, backwards. Arani bit her lip as she guided him out of her, missing the warmth and the pure fullness he provided already. Nonetheless, she didn't relent until she'd pushed him back into a chair, guided him into a sitting position, and slipped herself into his lap to make the change in position a little more palatable. She had been tempted, to be sure, to use the force to help reposition him, but she could think of a number of reasons that was a bad idea at the moment, and it was far more personal to do it herself. She didn't yet guide him back into her, instead content to sloooowly grind against him, unable to resist the urge to glance down and stare at his length for a long moment, in all of its glory. "Can't believe I took that whole thing..." She muttered. Probably she was just teasing him, but she did sound remarkably genuine... Finally, she tore her gaze away to meet his once more. "Sure you're up for this?" She didn't want to blue ball the poor guy, but she could think of plenty of ways to finish up that were less strenuous. Less fun for her, but....well, he'd given her all sorts of material to work with, if it came down to her handling her own pleasure.
Violet was both simultaneously glad that Arani had reacted so well and furious at himself for being so weak. It was something he made a mental note to make up to her after she began to guide her out of him. For the brieftest moments he thought it was over, but it seemed he was more fortunate than that. She pressed him intently, moving him to stand and then pressing him back into one of her chairs. It did feel wonderful to take his own weight off his legs, and even more wonderful to have her move to straddle him in their position. "Right?" He chuckled. She was teasing him, but with his member free between them, it was obvious that her taking the whole thing was more impressive. Not that it had not been a tight fit. He briefly closed his eyes to refocus himself, opening them to take in the vision of this lovely thing resting in his lap. "Don't worry about it" he said, "I am stronger than this, I can take it" Perhaps he wasn't, but he would try. Violet smiled and directed his eyes down, his hand briefly leaving the curve of Arani's hips to venture down to where his arousal now rested. They could both see it now, though Arani's own view might have been obscured to the slightest having to look down. He was still dripping, in both of their fluids and the air of her apartment was so cold compared to inside her. He dragged his fingers over her skin, then over his. His finger traced over the slick nectar that had covered him and with a single touch pressed the entirety of his cock up against the area between her legs. Skin kissed skin and his swollen arousal pressed against her hips. Violet leaned back in his chair, despite the darkening of the skin under his eyes his coy smile was obvious. The contrast was clear, and the way he had pressed himself up against her made it painfully clear to both of them how much of him she had taken. "A beautiful fit, if I do say." He said, the satisfaction on his face evident. A potent throb ran up his arousal at that time, a single glob of shimmery liquid emerging from the tip, yearning to return. "I think this will work" Violet said, nodding. As long as he did not have to move too much at least, there was less of a chance of passing out. She was being far more merciful than he would have ever expected, sacrificing some of her own pleasure for her health. He was still having a somewhat difficult time wrapping his head around it. On Korriban such a moment of weakness would have been severely punished, even in such a... recreational setting. The Sith in him was loath to accept such mercy anyway. "Go ahead. I made an offer, I am sure you don't want to stop. I don't." Based on how she was squeezing him. He moved his hand, letting go of his arousal and moving them back to her own hips. "It will be a little less satisfying, I am sure, but I promise I can make it up to you when I am back on my feet". His fingers sunk into the soft flesh of her hips and he pushed up, guiding her to lift those hips of hers so he could aim the tip of his cock to help her drive it back home. Perhaps he was a little woozy, but accepting such compassion did not come naturally to him. Even if he woke up later with her still riding him.. well it was what he deserved for nearly passing out. He waited patiently for the sensation to hit him, focusing on the passion he felt to keep him strong. He took in a deep breath and lifted his eyes again, making direct contact with Arani's to give her permission to resume. He could tell that she was missing the sensation as much as he was , and he would be a poor sith if he did not encourage her lust.
Though Arani couldn't entirely avoid the frustration of being denied a conclusion , her compassion easily overrode it. That, as much as anything else, indicated her Jedi nature about as well as her fondness for blasters and underhanded tactics betrayed it. She suspected that his pride might sting at being unable to finish as he was, and the last thing she wanted was to have him beating himself up over it. Straddling him seemed to have the intended effect, which was to say, to give him something much more pleasant to focus on than any ill founded feelings of inadequacy. Alright, so she also just was still worked up and wanted to grind on him. It could accomplish both things at once! "Once you recover, I'd be interesting in seeing just how strong you are " Violet didn't yet have the pleasure of experiencing it, but carefully avoiding stepping on his ego was the least of what her silver tongue could do. Perhaps he'd get to experience more down the line. "So don't keep a girl waiting by getting over eager now." Perhaps the cold had been another good reason she'd practically jumped on his lap once he'd settled down. She couldn't deny that she missed the heat inside of her, though feeling it radiate warmth was an acceptable substitute, for the time being. With her now facing him, he needed to look no further than her chest to see ample evidence that she felt the cold as acutely as he did, and that alone was another excellent reason that they not waste time. Taking the time to demonstrate how much of him she had taken was an acceptable enough cause for delay, however. Drawing attention to the fact did not do anything to diminish her blushing embarrassment, but it couldn't take the wind out of her metaphorical sails either. A beautiful fit? She could do him one better. "A snug fit. I wasn't sure I'd be able to take it all " At that point, probably just stroking his ego, but he had firsthand proof that it had been a pleasantly tight fit, Of course, if she had to wait much longer for relief, his ego wasn't the last thing she was going to be stroking. "Don't presume to tell me my satisfaction, handsome." Attractive as he was, the thing she didn't want spoiling this moment was him being down on himself, and if that meant she had to lift him up herself, so be it. "What's less satisfying is a toy. Or fingers." With looks like hers, it was never difficult to find a willing partner, but particularly as a Jedi, doing such a thing with any amount of frequency brought with it a host of difficulties. Speaking of lift, she obligingly lifted her hips as he guided her, hovering over the tip of his weapon, poised to drop, but drawing out the moment even though her body screamed at her to let gravity impale her on him. All the while, save a brief glance down to ensure that she was lined up, she kept her eyes on him. "There's nothing unsatisfying...." Finally, she dropped, steadying herself on him but forsaking a slow, teasing descent to take all of him, in to the hilt, thanks in no small part to gravity's influence. "About getting to bounce..." To emphasize the point, she began doing exactly that, bringing all of the energy he currently had been drained of to the table . Each bounce was accompanied by a small, cute noise of pleasure, and Violet's position ensured he would find it impossble to ignore how her bust jiggled and bounced in time with her motions. "on a big..." The nectar he'd found himself coated in, as well as his own arousal, ensured that the motions were as smooth as they were unsubtle, filling the apartment with the sound of the hips meeting. "t thick..." The Jedi's composure cracked slightly as she drove herself towards climax, cheeks still pink and breath coming in shorter gasps. "cock !" Thank the Force her master couldn't hear her now. If Violet was still hanging in there, he'd have no illusions about how close she was. All she needed now was one good push.
Arani's playmate released a sharp hiss of pleasure as she descended onto him again, his chest rising as he was again wrapped in slippery heat. His back arched as much as it could, showing his partner just how much he enjoyed being buried in her, his head tilting to one side, freeing some of his hair to tumble down over his shoulder while he regained his senses. He was hanging on, and remained doing so, even as she began her bouncing pace on him. This was easier on him at least, the level of energy that she brought much more sustainable than his attempts to go all out on him earlier, and no less pleasurable at all. She had full control for the moment, and he let her have that, but did not just sit there and take it either. She seemed to be enjoying herself at least, and as she went, her composure faded and egged him into taking more and more action himself. From his position underneath her, it was indeed impossible not to take in the lovely roll and jiggle of her own luscious endowment while she enjoyed his own In fact, it took him almost all of his willpower to resist the opportunity to let his hands leave her hips to reach up and take a handful of each, he was sure she would let him, but at the same time,now did not seem to be the best time for that. She did have such a marvelously lewd body, and every bounce he made sure to enjoy it as much as he could. He was already starting to love drawing those noises out of hers, those cute noises of pleasure, his hands initially remained at her hips, helping her pull herself down onto his own hips to make sure he impaled her to the fullest with each roll that she gave. One of those hands however began to move, shifting over her supple skin to feel over her belly, fingers denting into her skin to feel the disruption, the bulge of his intrusion into her body. His eyes shifted up to hers while she spoke, and with each word that toothy grin of his grew and grew and grew. Oh he loved seeing this side of her It made his ego flare to have someone so focused on him, to be enjoying him so thoroughly gave him such a sense of fulfillment. Maybe it was because he had been trained to bring satisfaction to others, maybe he just enjoyed seeing this unabashed display of passion. This eagerness. She was getting closer, he could tell, and he was not far behind her at all. For how though, at least, he had a simple task ahead of him. To finish her off. While he could have drawn things out, reveled in her sinful body for just a bit longer, there would be more time for that later. He shifted his hands back to her hips and focused his eyes he was close too, so his priority was to drive her over before she did him, or at least reach that crashing climax together. She could probably tell too, the way he throbbed within her, the increase in his addition to the mix of their nectar which freely spilled out onto his hips, slickening each thrust. "I am..." He began, shifting hands to hers while he lifted his eyes met hers. "So pleased..." His hands grasped her own wrists, bringing her hands to his shoulders before returning his own to her hips. "...To Be of" He continued, gathering the reserves of his strength for a final explosive finish. He took control, lifting her hips off of his lap with strength that could only be called forth by the Force, pulling his cock from her core while angling his hips in such a way that he could manage his deepest penetration before he brought her down hard enough to make that ample chest bounce, letting her feel that cock of his hit every sensitive spot inside of her before pressing hard into the deepest part of her womanhood. His eyes squeezed shut and he gritted his teeth, trying to control the raging pulse in his neck at least long enough to do his best work. He was not done yet either, two more of these blows followed before on the last he simply pulled the two of their hips flush with eathother. At this rate, her orgasm was going to bring his forward, and she might even be able to see that insufferable 'I made you cum' smile. Far too lost in pleasure himself.
Since Violet seemed capable of resisting the temptation to take two good handfuls of her chest, Arani opted to take matters into her own hands. Reaching up, she cupped her own breasts, pushing them together in front of him, content knowing that he couldn't avoid the view even if he wanted to . The fact that the rough handling of her own breasts added to her pleasure as she rode him was a welcome bonus, but mostly the show was for his benefit, allowing him to enjoy the sight of her ample breasts squished together . Arching her back pushed them out slightly, as well, ensuring he'd not be deprived a view . She knew full well she had great tits, and she'd be damned if she wasn't going to flaunt them! Before long, much as she enjoyed the teasing, she had to shift her grasp to help steady herself, the all too pleasurable feeling of his sizable endowment driving into her again and again robbing her of some of her strength. It was good she didn't have to go anywhere after this, she did not possess full confidence she'd be walking for at least a little while. Perhaps the skill with which she worked her hips atop him did nothing to dispel the notion that her body was built for sin, but then again, she didn't seem interested in dispeling that notion, only reinforcing it. Grateful as she was for his assistance in driving his length deep into her with each roll of her hips, she continued to ride him as hard as she dared, not content to let him take over the effort. Part of the drive she felt no doubt revolved around trying to coax some noises out of him, though she didn't mind the sounds reverberating through the room, the terribly lewd noise of their hips meeting mixing with the cries and gasps torn from her throat. No one who overheard it could have mistaken it for anything but lust filled intimacy, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Music to her ears, and no doubt about it. Though she felt no particular rush to wrap things up , she knew that he wasn't likely up to that , and that damned, sizable cock of his was driving her inexorably toward orgasm. She scarcely dreaded its coming, but she would be loathe to put an end to this ride. She allowed her hands to be guided to his shoulders, grateful both for somewhere to brace herself and some solid leverage for aiding in her efforts, though shortly she found out that he had bigger plans. She might have suspected the force's presence in his sudden burst of strength, but it turned out to be very difficult to thoroughly think through the matter while she was having her brains plowed out, and as the anticipation of the next thrust sent a shiver dancing down her spine, she scarcely cared about the why or the how. Steadying herself, she held no doubt that she was ready for the next bounce of her hips atop him. As it turned out, she was wrong. His angled hips enabled his length to strike deep within her, which, in and of itself, didn't stand out from the countless previous times she'd impaled herself upon his cock, ensuring that he ended up buried inside of her to the hilt. This thrust, however, struck a particularly sensitive spot within her, tearing his name from her throat in a noise that was half gasp and half moan, leaving her breathless. "Violet !" Unrestrained by her own hands, her bust bounced temptingly before him, standing testament to the force of his thrust, the second blow proving more than she could take. Her sex, already a rather snug fit, now practically seemed to be begging for his seed, convulsing about him as she shuddered in his lap. By the final blow, she was already caught in the throes of climax, searching for the words to beg him to fill her with his hot, sticky load. If the poor boy was bent up, his rescuer was about to resolve that particular issue.
Arani's lover was indeed strangely quiet throughout their lovemaking. His expressions of pleasure tended to be more physical than audible, the way his sex throbbed inside hers, the way his muscles tensed up in that slender abdomen of his, the dilation of his pupils. Save for that, he released few moans, only gasps and the occasional hiss of pleasure, noises that increased, but were still drowned out by the much more lewd sounds of their hips meeting. Perhaps this was for some reason? For a man who refused to leash his own emotions, such expressions of pleasure would be giving into something, showing a vulnerability, and his subconscious refused this. Despite this he did let her know he was enjoying himself, in his own way. She would certainly be able to learn those little tells in time, certainly, the vagrant that Arani had pulled off the streets was growing quite attached to his rescuer after all. Something was certainly bonding them together, perhaps if he had not just used the last of his power to thoroughly intensify their collective experience he might have even tried to follow that connection. For now though, things had reached a peak. It was the sensation of her climaxing around him that drove him over. The way her sex convulsed and milked his caused that cascading pleasure to crash over like waves. His own orgasm started out simply and grew to a crescendo over time, so rapidly. His abdomen tightened and his body began to tremble, his eyes squeezing shut despite the tempting sight of her luscious breasts bouncing in full view of his face. He finally released a moan, a ragged one dredged from deep in his throat. He almost echoed her, but her name as it left his lips left as a more og a growl, a wordless admission of his pleasure as his body responded in kind. Her body was begging for his seed, and that begging would not go unrewarded. She could probably *feel* his orgasm before it even arrived, from the trembling pulse that she could likely feel traveling through her clinging sex. A pulse, a throb. As tight as she was around him she could probably *feel* that bulge traveling up his erection as his balls tightened underneath them. She got to feel in that moment those lovely subdermal ridges of his, dragging against her inner walls as it happened. He gasped again and shuddered as that bulge finally released the tip of his manhood, and with a powerful, pulsing twitch inside her he released the first blast of seed directly up against the entrance to her womb. His cum was indeed hot and thick, so much so that it clung to the walls of her sex, refusing to even leak out of her until it began to overflow. Before, Violet had determined that it was not time to paw at her, but now, as he was filling her starving sex was decidedly the time. Now that her arms were braced on his shoulders, she was open, entirely vulnerable to his finishing blow. His eyes snapped open and his left arm reached up and out, curling around her neck and shoulders to pull her close. His right leapt up to sink onto one of those pillowy breasts of hers, palm centered on her opposing nipple while he grabbed a full handful of that lovely, soft flesh. He groped and gripped, letting his fingers sink into the soft flesh of her breast while he pulled her closer and closer, his back arching as he unloaded into her. Now that she was this close, nearly chest to chest. He leaned in She could be forgiven that he was going to kiss her, and perhaps he could, but by the time he released a second rope of hot cum into her, his lips parted to reveal those pearly whites, and he leaned in and pressed his teeth into her shoulder once again. A primal mating bite. He did not bite down hard enough to draw blood, of course, but he would certainly leave yet another mark on her, and through his mouth and tongue, she could feel the same heartbeat that she could feel pulsing inside her milking sex. His heart was racing.
Though all evidence pointed to the contrary as their hips met again and again, Arani could be quiet when the situation demanded. In the comfort of her own apartment, and with an express desire to use her noises to tease him, she simply saw no need to try to exercise her stealth skills. Likewise, his own lack of overt noise scarcely bothered her, because she could read the signs. Perhaps the force gave her an edge in that regard, but regardless, it felt as if she'd need to be blind not to see him readily Violet was enjoying himself. Even if he wasn't eager , his body had no such reservations. Whether the force's hand could be seen in drawing them together or not, Arani wanted little more to help their bond along, and what better way than by draining those hefty orbs of his dry? She thought she recognized her name on his lips, barely, twisted into a throaty growl, but still riding the waves of her orgasm, Arani was in no state to tell for certain. It took her several moments to slow to a stop, but even then she wasn't entirely still, hips bumping against his as if to urge him deeper, or, indeed, simply to beg for his own release. Still sensitive from her climax, the feeling of his delightfully unique cock throbbing inside of her was almost more than she could take. It left her clutching at him tightly, another shuddering gasp leaving her throat as the first of his load began to fill her. She scarcely had time to appreciate the sheer warmth filling her before his hands fell upon her exposed chest. Though hardly enough to distract her from the feeling of his body doing its best to fill her to the brim, she couldn't ignore the groping, either, back arching even as he pulled her close. Though Violet had been granted no shortage of opportunity to fill his eyes, he could now say that he'd filled his hand as well, and with her ample bust, he would find his rescuer to be more than a handful, and his attention to her chest drawing at least as much noise out of her as his hips slamming against hers had. A tidbit to file away for a later time, perhaps. Now, as the tides of pleasure withdrew, even with Violet's length continuing to fill her to the brim , Arani found herself on the cusp of being able to manage a coherent sentence. And then Violet's teeth found the soft flesh of her neck, and he would be able to feel her convulse around him, her body doing its best to coax another rope of cum out of him. "Fuck . I n needed this." Arani finally managed, hips still resting snugly against his, and evidently not in any hurry to dismount. Though even if she wanted to, she didn't think her hips would cooperate for at least a few moments longer.
Of course, Violet had little to no interest himself in pulling out Given their current position and the fact that his limbs were losing sensation and strength by the moment he it was also unlikely he *could* unless she dismounted. With her body resting in his lap like that... Well... It certainly ensured that he was going nowhere and he was quite content with that. She was so snug around him, and the occasional convulsions of her core around him made sure to milk every remnant of that explosive orgasm out of him, occasionally producing the sensation of another trickle of seed against her walls, adding to the wad he had already released inside of her. His seed was not content to remain in place, despite her tight grip on his still iron hard member, and as they rested together Violet soon felt the telltale sensation of his own produce beginning to leak out of her. At least what had not been been forced deeper inside by his frantic thrusts soon trickled out, leaving trails of heat that descended and pooled on his hips between them. Oh dear, poor Violet might need another shower. Violet's sensual smile also never faded Ordinarily of course, one might have had a bit of concern for the... consequences of such a seemingly virile ejaculation, but the male seemed cool and collected, at least as the symptoms of afterglow faded from within him. There was no rush to pull out, no panic, or anything like that. He was confident that the only result of this joining would be a lingering glow on their relationship, but for now at least he was also not terribly concerned with reassuring his partner that there was zero risk to their unprotected sex. He recovered slowly over time, Arani could hear his breathing slowing, and through their mutual... connection could also feel his heartrate returning to normal. His eyes slowly regained their vibrant sheen and his Presence was again growing to what it had been after he had finished with his last shower. He was content to rest with her for now, though was certainly not content to keep his hands to himself. Even though the two of them were still recovering from climax his hands explored her By this point, both had lifted up to her chest, one palm each seizing a breast to play with. He was quite skilled with those hands of his, showing great dexterity in his kneading and pawing, making sure to memorize the spots that made her squeak and moan, and especially the spots that that made her clench around him. She was enjoying it, and he would be a poor Sith if he did not learn to capitalize on weaknesses and ruthlessly exploit them, and it was not like he was not enjoying it either. The massaging grips of her muscles around him ensured that he stayed nice and hard inside her while she rested on his lap. "Nnhm" He finally murmured. He needed that almost as badly as she did. He had been pent up, in more than one way. The release of that passion had lifted a great weight off his shoulders and for once, the fog of darkness cleared around him. It was powerfully therapeutic and his own senses were beginning to recover. In his solitude he had been weakening, both in body and in spirit. He tried to not linger on that thought so long that the pause became awkward, but he still offered her a simple smile and continued. "My pleasure." Probably not the most charming thing to say in the moment, but hey, what could he do? Hesitantly he released his hold on her chest and let his hands glide over her sides and down to her hips, fingers sinking into similarly soft flesh below her beltline. As Violet recovered, he let his eyes slowly close, his muscles slowly releasing the tension that had been building up over weeks before her very eyes How lucky the two of them were to find eachother... Violet had little reason to suspect that the Force had had a hand in bringing them together. For now he was also blissfully unaware of his rescuer's identity, although he could already begin to feel the fledgling bond that was developing between them. The rest was well received, especially after such intense exercise and slowly Violet began to rebuild his strength. He did not signal her to get off or anything The decision to dismount was currently up to Arani, after all Violet had promised to make it as much worth her while as he could.
Gravity could be a harsh mistress, and though it didn't seem that Violet had any particular complaints regarding being unable to pull out, one could hardly blame him for refraining from doing so. That some suspicions might linger whether he'd do the same thing in any other position, too, was another matter altogether, and, in truth, there might well yet be ample opportunity for him to prove or dispel such notions. As the surge of energy faded, and he finished pumping her full of a load of both amount and vigor enough to belie his weary state, she rested against him, feeling his heartbeat slow even had she been unable to perceive it through their bond. Perception always proved to be one category the force had been generous in endowing her with . She did need to catch her breath before even the Force could restore her to normal condition, but he didn't seem in any particular hurry to displace her, so she saw no reason not to take her time. His calmness did keep her from worrying overmuch about the virility of the force user beneath her, though the steady warmth in her core and the trickling of his seed out of her ensured she wouldn't likely forget about their pairing in a hurry. She did hope she'd left at least as much of an impression on the young man as he had on her, but she was hardly going to ask that. As she, too, recovered, made easier by the fact that she'd been in much better condition to start with, she could turn her thoughts outward, to the immediate future. There remained things they ought to see done, sooner rather than later, and while the temptation of remaining here with him all day loitered, she found herself resolved against it by the itching desire to accomplish things. Of course, with how generous his climax had been, perhaps a shower of her own was in order first and foremost... Such thoughts found themselves undermined by a certain purple eyed individual's penchant for wandering hands. She sympathized with the condition, though her own tended to pick up information and valuables at least slightly more than they found themselves drawn to indulging base lusts. That said, she'd never claimed to be the greatest jedi, and a single glance at her outside of her concealing robes wouldn't leave much room for thinking her a particularly pure one. With her position atop his lap, she didn't intend to allow his wandering to go unmatched, and those soft lips of hers proved just as pleasant against his neck as they might elsewhere. She showed more care than he regarding not marking him, if only because it would make the connection with the mark he'd left that much more obvious to any casual observers. "Alright, hands off." She half sighed, reluctantly sliding off of him before his hands could tempt her to stay. "Or we're going to be here all day." Maybe that wasn't such a bad thing, but given his condition...well, she didn't want to break him. Yet. Save it for a day they could both go for as long as their lusts would tempt them to. Before she could drag him out into public, Arani needed to find him something to wear. She strolled to her wardrobe and threw it open. Most of her more modest attire remained at the temple, while she'd stocked this little hideout with all the clothing her master couldn't be allowed to know she even possessed, let alone wore on a regular basis. A top being low cut or immodest seemed much less of an issue for Violet, but the preponderance of skirts didn't make plundering her closet the best choice for attiring him. Still, it was just for one day, and he might even be able to squeeze into one of the precious few pairs of pants she owned. It'd just be rather tight, more likely than not. Over her shoulder, she beckoned him over, a gesture that any other moment would look as good as her inviting him to bed. "See anything you like?" She inquired. "See if any of this is suitable. Just for the day" She instructed him. In the meantime, she needed to get herself ready as well, and giving him a chance to try a few things on without her breathing down his neck seemed like it might lighten some of the pressure of the decision. With that in mind, she'd wander off to get herself ready, which largely involved cleaning up the mess that Violet made of her. Brushing out her hair and applying a gentle touch of makeup to round things out would conclude the routine, once she'd made it that far. Shopping didn't call much for bright colors, so she contented herself with some dark eyeliner to help contrast her sapphire blue eyes, and equally dark lipstick, mostly to aid in the dark, mysterious aesthetic she liked to project. That it also helped draw attention to the plush fullness of her lips was surely only a side effect. While not achingly time consuming, cleaning up and making herself presentable did take enough time to grant Violet opportunity to try on a few different things before picking something out, though if he hoped to find something modest, or, more importantly, masculine to wear, he'd be woefully disappointed. A nearby, full length mirror could at least offer reassurance to the appeal of any borrowed attire. Whether or not he found the aesthetic his 'style', he could rest assured he looked good in it. | 35 | [] |
36 | | For the First Time in Forever: a Frozen Story (StarSiren & MysteriousD) | Annarubbed her head with one hand, her hip with the other. She hadn't been outside the Palace in ages and she'd been so excited! There was so much to see! So much to do! She felt as though she'd been waiting for this moment her whole life! Now that it was here, she didn't intend on spoiling it. On the contrary, Princess Anna was determined to see everything there was to see and do everything there was to do in her first ten minutes outside!She dashed this way and that, stuffing her face with delectable food, marveling at stores and carts and statues as she went. She didn't care where her feet took her, as long as it was outside and among the people! She was SO Excited!!Perhaps a little too excited...In her wonder and rush to see the sights of the marketplace, she'd tripped. On her way down, she'd reached for anything to catch her balance. Her flailing hands caught a bit of fabric but it was too late. Anna managed to fall with a sideways wobble, her arms waving about in the air like a helpless penguin. She hit the ground with a thump and rocked her head against a pair of boots. Her hip hurt. Her head hurt. But what throbbed the most was her heart.From where she lay on the ground, Anna stared up at the most beautiful man she'd ever laid eyes on.
Diego Vendrix clutched onto his coat as he looked around. He did not know why he was here... oh wait, he did. He was a diplomatic agent for his home nation of Mehica over out in the West. Far he was from the warm seas and lands of his home continent and he was here in the frozen lands. He was here namely to watch the coronation of Elsa into queenhood. It was a pretty basic affair and he arrived here with Usonian counterpart... who likely vanished.Diego sighed. He was inexperienced in the job and the government back home was... unstable. Namely the Republicans and Monarchists at one another's throats. He was cold, he did not know where to go and he stuck out, being the tannest man here. Despite having spent some time over in his homeland's mountains to practice for the cold weather, he was still pretty tan. Though beyond that, his brown eyes, black hair and boyish face did not grant him much appeal, at least in his mind anyway. As he adjusted his glasses, he saw that someone knocked into him.Diego's eyes widened a bit. Here lying was a very beautiful woman to say the least. Her fiery red hair that matched her piercing blue eyes and with a warm smile on his face. Always the gentleman, Diego lowered down to help her up. "My goodness, are you okay, miss? " Diego told her as he helped her up.
"Ughhh... Sorry." Anna struggled to right herself. Her shoulder bumped into his knee. Her legs sprawled out and her dress crinkled up past her knees. Part of her hair had come undone in the turmoil and it tickled her nose. She blew a puff of air at it as she took his offered hand. "Thanks for that. I'm Sanna. I mean I'm Arry! I mean brrrrrrrr!" Anna trilled her lips to get her nervousness out. Her pale cheeks flushed bright pink with embarrassment. She flashed a nervous smiled. "Let's try that again! Sorry for crashing into you. I'm Anna and you're gorgeous. I mean!" She searched for the right words. "You're, uh, not from around here, right?"Anna pushed her skirts back down and tried to smooth them out. There was dust and dirt on her coronation dress now and her hair was a mess. She'd managed to tear her stockings somehow too, but she wasn't thinking about any of that. She was focused on those amazing eyes, that stunning hair, that adorable face. This man in front of her had taken her breath away. She was a babbling fool and she didn't care."Oh, I didn't mean that in a bad way, like 'you look so weird, what are you doing here!' More like a 'I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you before.' Not that I've seen too many people lately though. Or, ever for that matter. I mean, I'm not a weird mountain girl who's been isolated away from people all her life. Well, I mean, I was isolated away from everyone for all my life, but only because they closed the castle and my sister kept herself locked in her room all the time. But there were totally people there! We had the butler, the nursemaid, the cook, the cleaners, all the basic staff. So, you know, there were people there."As Anna rambled, her hands flailed about, illustrating her speech. But the longer she went on, the more she realized it was getting weird."Oh, gosh, Im really sorry again. I I don't get out much. I'm not used to being around people. I talk too much and I'm really awkward. I'm just so excited for today and being out here and meeting everyone for the first time..." Anna's hand drifted towards this mystery man's as she spoke. Her fingers reached out and for a moment she touched his hand. "...meeting you..."Anna flushed and she pulled her hand back against her dress. "I umm, do you wanna maybe go somewhere and talk?"
Diego meanwhile was just smiling the whole time at seeing the cheerful and attractive redhead. "My name is Diego," Diego told her with a smile, looking at the pretty princess. He was answering her questions the best he could. "Yeah, I am not from here," Diego said as he was making sure that she was okay. Despite the dress being a little dirty, she still looked qyute stunning. However, the way she was looking at him was very surprisingly and heavily flattering.Diego let her go and talk. She remidned him alot of himself, regarding the talking and being wakward with people. However, he did look very surprised at hearing that she was a princess. It was certainlhy very surprising."I understand. No worries. I a the same way and I'm glad I got to meet a beautiful princess like yourself," Diego told her with a smile as he went to kiss her hand."Of course, I would love to go with you," he said, offering his arm for her to take like a gentleman.
"...Really?! Oh that's great!" Anna's expression burst into a massive grin. Meeting people wasn't terrible! She had just met this beautiful man, err, handsome man. Men were handsome. Women were beautiful. But yes, this handsome man! And already things were off to an amazing start!"Come with me!" Anna grabbed Diego's hand and led him away from the growing bustle of the castle square. "This is so exciting! What a wonderful day to meet you! It's the perfect day, really. And i can't believe we have so much in common! You like bright colors. I like bright colors. We both have two consonants in our first names. You don't mind my crazy awkwardness." Anna gushed as she walked. She led Diego along a stone building until they reached the back. Along the building's rear wall was a painted bench and just a bit away were several bushy trees and small blooming flower patches. It was picturesque and the din of the crowd was quieter here."So, I already told you all about me, the socially awkward Redheaded princess. Why don't you tell me about you? "
Diego had to admit, he was smitten by the charm and attention of the Princess here. He knew he had to meet her, but he had no idea that he would end up actualy meeting the princess, much less becoming very friendly with her. He squeezed her hand with a smile as they were talking. She was quite awkward, but then again, so was he. "Well, I can be crazy awkward too," Diego told her with a smile."I'm a socially awkward agent. I came from one of the countries across the sea because of the coronation. Granted, my country is in conflict and my superior wanted to put me away somewhere quiet. But getting to meet the lovely Princess Anna of Arendelle is worth it," Diego told her, trying to be gallant and kiss her hand. "But yeah, I'm not really royalty or anything special," he explained."I am happy we get to spend one together and get to know one another more intimately, he added, kissing her hand.
Anna flushed bright red. A boy had just kissed her hand! And not just any boy, acuteboy! She giggled to hide her embarrassment, but her laugh was too loud and lasted much too long for a proper princess. As Diego looked up from the delightful introduction he had just given the back of her hand, Anna's bright blue eyes met his.Her breath quickened and her wide open grin stuck on her lips. This boy was so charming, so handsome, so sweet, so.. soo... wonderful! He was a wonderful boy! No, man.. he was a wonderful man! In seconds there were tears in the corners of her eyes. Her lower lip trembled as a wave of emotion came over her. What if this was it? What if he was the one? That must be why her knees were shaking!! She'd been out of the castle for mere minutes and had already met her one true love!!! What should she do now?!"Wow. I wonder what that's like for real.."
Diego could not help but admire Anna. She radiated delight and affection in a way he never witnessed before. Her eues were wonderful and her smile utterly enchanting. He liked being around the Princess. Plus, he felt a sense of ease around her. Not having to worry about the problems of his life or so on.Her grin at him made him realize he was the cause of her joy and he could not help but rub the back of his head sheepishly. He never got along that well with people in general so having the princess be on good terms for him is really quite nice. He would definitely like to get to know her better, but she was royalty. He had his job to do, but it was just be a representative. He was never much for decorum unless he had to."What that is like for what?" Diego asked Anna when he heard say something. What he liked most with her is how he related to her. She is so excited to be out and see the world. The energy was contagious and reminded him of his own.
"What? Oh! Uh.." Had she said that out LOUD?? Anna's grin became suddenly sheepish. Why did she have to be so awkward around people! A million reasons came to her at once: she hadn't had practice, she was naturally a bit weird, she was bad with words, she'd spent her life locked in a castle talking to portraits, etc.But she had yet to pull her hand away. Her thumb had begun gently stroking his the side of his hand. Her eyes had not left his for even a second. She was certain she hadn't even blinked this whole time. It was almost like the universe had pulled these two people together. He was so close! She could smell his cologne and feel the warm glow of his presence radiating against her skin.Her eyes broke away, looked down just for a moment, enough to see his lips. They were right there. So close. From somewhere deep within a sort of courage welled up and took hold. She tipped her head, closed her eyes, started to pucker up and leaned in.While Anna had been mesmerized within her own mind, her body had moved. She had stepped closer and closer to Diego until she was standing only inches away. Her hand clung to his and she leaned in to kiss him like a lovesick puppy.
Diego could not help but chuckle a bit at seeing Anna's smiel become sheepish. She truly did remind him a fair bit of himself. However, when he felt her thumb gently rub on his hand, he realized she did not let go. He shrunk back a little bit, blushing harder. However, he did not let go of her either. He found his hand squeezing hers back. He could smell lovely perfume on her. He himself did not use cologne much, and did so because it was a gift.Diego wondered why the princess stared at him so amorously. He never had a girl look at him like that before and it felt really nice to say the least. He felt that it was like there was no one else around them except for them.He watched her move to a grace coming closer to him, as if she was... wanting... to... kiss... him...His heart began beating like drums and his face scarlet like tomatoes and yet... he leaned into give her the kiss they both craved. He did not know what force possessed them both to be so close, but he is growing to want her more and more. An arm wrapped around them as it was just the two of them.
The universe did not disappoint. A shock rolled through Anna's body as their lips touched and she experienced what it felt like to kiss someone for the first time. Her lips pressed against his, softly, sweetly, like a butterfly landing oh so gently on a flower petal. His breath was hot against her cheek. Her heart was beating so loud, she was certain he could hear it. His arm encircled her waist and pulled her body tight against his. Her hand found its way to his chest and rested against the finery of his clothing.It was all so fast and yet she could see each moment in time as it happened. When it was over, Anna blushed hard. Her eyes were once again open and staring into his but this time the tips of their noses were touching."Wow. I had no idea.."The rise and fall of her breathing pushed her chest against him. She stared into his eyes, first the left one, then the right one, then both at the same time. Then her eyes closed again and she leaned in for another kiss. This time, her mouth was slightly open and she was ready for something more than a sweet peck.
Diego's body shook like a quake and he felt his soul alight with a new sensation of passion. A spark lit up in him and a flame began burning. One that crarved more and more. All the world melted around in his eyes, leaving just her and him. He pulled her body tighter to his, closer to his. She awoke a hunger in him he never knew existed, except perhaps into those quiet moments by himself that he was only scantly aware of.He could only nod in response to her response on how it felt.He wanted ore. More of her.Diego's eyes had a fire in them and when Anna leaned in for the kiss, he went in deeper... hungrier. His tongue began swirling with hers as his hands began caressing her. His people were always a passionate people, full of emotion and openly expressing it.
Lips touched. Mouths opened. Tongues danced. Anna was hesitant at first, but only because she'd never done this before! She'd read about love and kissing plenty in some of the dusty old novels within the castle library, but reading and doing are two very different things. The touch of his tongue on hers was immediately strange and wonderful. She could taste him and he was delicious!Her knees felt like they could buckle at any moment. Thank goodness his arm was supporting her! She learned into him, let him take some of her weight. She wanted desperately to be closer to him. The fingertips of his hand grazed her exposed skin and she shivered. Not a bad shiver like she was cold. No, this was her whole body awakening and responding to a burning desire. It made her breath catch in her throat and a small moan escaped from their passionate kissing. Surely, Anna would lose herself in this! She griped his coat where her hand rested againt his chest and found that her other hand was free! She wrapped her arm around his back pulling him in even more.
Diego never kissed a girl until now. He never really dreamed of doing it, having resigned himself to bachelorhood... until now. But he wanted more. He needed more. He wanted everything of her and so much more. He felt her leaning onto him and he liked that. Her delicate moan sent a shiver down his spine and he felt her grip his coat. Her hand on his chest and wrapped around his back. He was relieved few were paying mind to him."That is delightful..." Diego panted out when they parted, their tongues hanging from their mouth and a thin stand of saliva connected them. "We can spend more time together if you wish," he said as he caressed her face caringly. "Would you care to, my princess?" he whispered seductively in her ear.
"Mmm.." Anna let out the tiniest of contented sounds as they both emerged for air. Her eyes were hazy with lust and she was nowhere near ready to leave Diego. Her face had flushed and her hands gripped him so tightly, like he might fly away if she let go. She nodded as he spoke. Yes. Yes, she wanted to stay with him. Yes, she wanted to be with him always. Yes, she wanted to spend all her time with him and get to know him in every way possible. She wanted him and she wanted to be his. His voice in her ear shot through the last of her defenses. His hot breath lingered on her cheek and ear. It sent bumps down her neck and into her very soul. She couldn't help the exclamation that emerged from her lips."Ahh! Yes!" After several laborious breaths, her words returned. "Yes. I would love that. I would love to do anything you'd like to do. I want to get to know you better.. I want to know everything about you! I want to share everything with you." Anna's hand moved to rest in the middle of his chest, like it was hovering above his heart. Her other hand captured one of his arms and placed that captured palm on her chest as well. She held it there for a moment, pressing his palm into the dip between her breasts and feeling his fingers resting on the tender skin above her dress. Her breath caught when she tried to speak again and it took her a visible, pleasurable moment to regain her composure. "Everything. I want to share everything with you. I.. I love you."
Diego did not know what came over him for this. Perhaps it was the pent up loneliness. Maybe it was the boundless charm and loveliness of Princess Anna. Or it could be the heat of the moment. However, he is enjoying this route and he did not want to stop. Hearing her breath how she would like to do anything with him and know everything about him... it touched him. It made him feel welcomed in a way that he never felt before. He desired to ber with her even more. He felt her hand on his chest, feeling his heart, which was beating faster.His desire grew when he felt her move his hand to her chest and go near her breasts. Instinct was demanding he claim her now. Then came her confession of love. It was as if everything was a blur. After all, they only knew each other for a few minutes yet... yet he felt something powerful and intense for her."T the same. I wanna know more about you. Not just as a princess, but as you a person. You wonderful smile. You kind demeanor," he said, emotionall overwhelmed before gaining his composure. "I love you too," he claimed before pulling her into another kiss. "We should go somewhere private... the coronation is not starting for a few more hours," he noted, feeling the temptatios of carnal pleasure beckon to him.
Anna nodded. Being alone with Diego right now, somewhere quite and secluded, it was all she wanted. Her mind tried to think of places to take him, but they were all within the castle. That's the last place she wanted to be right now. Even the town was busier than normal because of her sister's coronation. It was also difficult for her to think in her love drunk state."Yes, somewhere private. Quiet. Secluded. Romantic. The town is so busy right now i don't think there's going to be anywhere here like that. The castle is busy too, preparing for the coronation. I know a few places to hide in there." Her eyes darted into the distance, caught by a glimmer and she noticed the bridge. "Oh! We could always go to a cabin! There's lots of them in the woods. Or up onto the cliffs! We could hide in one of the boats. They're empty now that everyone is in town. Where do you want to go? I just want to be with you so it doesn't matter much to me where we go. I know it's crazy cuz we just met and all but i can't help how I feel.
Diego blushed a little when Anna said romantic, but he could not help himself. He saw how excited she look to try this and her mirth is contagious to say the least. He nodded in agreement in regards to how the palace is bustling with activity. He then noted the bridge and thought of going to a cabin. He figured there must be at least one they could have, or in the boats. "I know," he can only whisper back in response. They just met and were both lonely, yet this cycle of passion spun more, much to his desire."A cabin would work best. In fact, I have one reserved for myself during my visit here," Diego noted to her. It was close enough to the town to be a short walk, but still out of the way to where they would not be disturbed. It was not in the town due to the space reserved for the coronation. He slipped out with her, his hand holding onto hers as he went toward the area. Fortunately, it was only around a 10 minute walk and the area was reserved. He possessed the key to the ares and he would be let in. No one was around but them.When he entered the cabin, he took in how nice it is. The large cozy bed, the fireplace, a stove for cooking and a couple other pieces of furniture, such as a desk where his paperwork and so on laid. Unable to contain himself, Diego began another passionate kiss with Princess Anna, his hand now boldly gripping her butt. He yearned for her chastity and to take her like a beast.
Anna followed Diego like a giddy schoolgirl chasing a puppy. She entwined her fingers with his and ran with him to the edge of town, past the gate guards and across the bridge. The cabin was not far. Tucked back enough to feel secluded but close enough to run back to the castle on short notice.Anna had been in a cabin like this before, a long time ago. Her parents had a royal cabin in these woods and she vaguely remembered visits when the air was just begining to crisp and the leaves had just started to change. This cabin was smaller than the one she remembered but it was 1000 better because Diego was here with her.Their passion barely waited for the door to be locked. Anna had already kicked off her shoes and began to remove her socks, then suddenly Diego was pulling her up into a other embrace. A new embrace. The kind of embrace that preceeds hasty lovemaking. Anna was swept up into the moment. She kissed him fiercely, her teeth clanging against his. She laughed and went back for more. Her hands pushed his coat off his shoulders and worked it down to his elbows. He grabbed her ass and she moaned. Her hands were on his chest now, caressing the fabric of his doublet or vest or shirt or whatever. Clothes didn't matter. Only Diego and passion and love and a romantic cabin that would soon be anything but quiet.
Doegp began working off his coat and his clothign. It was some pretty standard clothing as he would not need to dress into his formal clothing just yet after all. His mind became enveloped in a hungry haze for her. He began working to help strip Anna of her clothing, being delicate as he worked off more and more of the clothing. Every passing second made him excited for what would be coming.He even went to kiss on her neck as he removed her undergarments and before long, his princess would be naked. Only for him to see and him alone. "You are endlessly beautiful, your highness," he whispered excitedly in her ear as he caressed her, waiting for her to remove the rest of his own clothing."I want you so much, Anna. You want this commoner to make you his?" Diego whispered as a lover in her eae, realizing the path he was on, but did not want to stop at all.
Anna's clothing came off piece by piece. Her dress was unfasted and allows to fall from her shoulders revealing her corsety. In one group effort, the garment was pulled over her head and allowed to flop onto ther floor. Her petticoat was next. Diego wasted no time untying the pair of bows that cinched it to her waist and pushing it past her slight hips so that it too landed on the floor. Next was her corset, which she helped him undo by guiding his hands to the stays and showing him how to unhook them. Once it was removed, only her white sleeveless shift remained. Anna pressed her body into his so that he could untie the cinched knot behind her back keeping the delicate piece of clothing on her body. Her breasts rubbed against the fabric of his shirt, her nipples expressing their excitement. Then the shift fell slack and slipped from her body to the floor. She was naked now. Naked in front of a man for the first time. She trembled, afraid of what she was doing and how fast she was moving, but he whispered to her. Diego whispered his words to her with all the fire and passion she'd been longing for and suddenly nothing else mattered."Yes!"His coat had already hit the floor so Anna went to work removing his shirt, his pants, his everything untl he too was just as naked as she was. She'd never seen a naked man like this. There had been pictures in a medical book in the library but it was nothing like this. "Oh!" She gasped as her eyes landed on his very obvious excitement. What should she do next? Should she touch it? Would he touch her too?Anna looked up into Diego's eyes with questions. She paused then, for the briefest of moments. She didn't have the words. Instead her mouth met his once again and she pressed her bare body against his. Flesh to flesh.
Diego's mind pasued as he admired Anna. How she covered her breast and maidenhood in shyness at being naked in front of a man, and not her husband no less. Though that may change in the future... he savored her passion and energy... her inner fire. He continued to stoke that fire, inviting her to come with him down the path of passion between the two. He saw her eyes widened when he made his offer. Would she be willing to throw herself wholly to this foreign commoner?Her eager response excited him even more, especially when his eyes caught glimpse of her transfixed look at his full erection, as his strong manhood. He admired how naive she was. Now, while he may have never been with a woman, he had heard enough stories and anecdotes from drunken men and women back home on sexual pleasure. It was a bit awkward, but he could now apply that knowledge.His body burned against hers, their heat rising in joyous sync. He wanted her. To make this princess his and his forever. His hands freely explored her bare beautiful body. He groaned in pleasure as he began playing with her breasts, all while he grinded against each other. He melted into glorious pleasure... he got an idea.He placed her on her back, spreading her legs before he went to lick at her maiden flower. He ran his tongue at her lower lips tantalizingly and lovingly slow, working to bring her to greater levels of pleasure. He would make Anna his. Nothing else mattered.
His hands sparked fire everywhere they touched her skin. Her back was set ablaze with the flame of Diego's love. Then her hips, her sides, finally her breasts. Ah her breasts! Never before had anyone touched them like he did! He caressed and massaged and pinched and pulled and squeezed and rubbed. Her pink nipples, already hard with excitement, stiffened into peaks of pleasure and she gasped loudly into the stillness of the cabin.Her hips pressed against his, pushing her sex along his manhood. They rode that wave together, hups pushing and scraping agaisnt one another in a dry hump while he fondled her breasts and she moaned. Her back arched behind her which forced her breasts further into view and her hips even harder agaisnt his own. She wasn't worried about falling, that had already happened and Diego's arm would catch her anyway.Moments later, he was easing Anna onto the bed. She lay back as he propped her up with pillows. She offered no resistance as he spread her legs apart and slid down her body. What was he doing? She thought yhe lovemaking would keep his face near hers. Why was he moving so far away? Then fingers grazed her labia and parted her inner sanctum."What are you ohhh! Ohhhhh!!"She scarcely had tome to ask before his tongue lapped at her mons. He tasted her lower lips, then parted them and began licking in earnest. Never before had Anna experienced anything remotely like this!"Ahh!! Ohhhh!! Wh aaaahhh! Ahhhh!! AHHHH!!!!!" She moaned loud and true, holding nothing back as Diego brought her to her very first orgasm.
Anna's moans were music to Diego's ears. She is completely new and unknown to the world of sex and hearing her be moved over the edge in pleasure so easily... it turned him on so much. He groaned out as he kept licking her some more. He went further in, pushing his tongue inside of Anna's maidenhood. She tasted so human, so unique... her scent made his cock twitch in desire. He felt himself becoming the dominant one here in their relationship.When he gave her her first orgasm, he took in all of her sweet nectar, watching her far off look of pleasure in ecstasy. She is his princess and he would never let her o for anyone. She is his and his alone."Did my princess like that?" Diego asked her teasingly. He began asserting himself over her. He moved her so she could face his fully erect cock, now shoved in her face. "I heard of how lovers would pleasure each other in such a way. I tasted your maidenhood and nectar. Now I suppose it is your turn," he purred, telling her to take in his manhood for her. He was telling her like a commoner yet also like a prince or even a king.
Anna was still reeling from her high when Diego repositioned the two of them so that his throbbing desire was well within her grasp. Whatever he wanted, she would do. She knew that intrinsically. She had given her heart to him less than an hour ago and soon she would give her body to him as well. This too, she knew deep in her soul.From where she lay naked on the bed, Anna looked up at Diego towering above her. Her flushed face had not gotten any better, but now she had a glow about her. Her smile was all dizzy and elated as she spoke. "I don't what you did, but it was amazing! You're amazing! Please just let me make you happy. I love you, Diego!"Anna reached for Diego's cock and wrapped her hand around it. She moved her hand back and forth, stroking him like she was milking a cow. She had no idea what she was doing. He had used his mouth on her so she kissed the tip of his dick. It was a touch salty but not entirely unpleasant. She licked it, then kissed it again. Her hand pumped while her mouth licked and kissed his tip. Was she doing it right? She looked up at him."Like this?"
"You already make me happy by being you," Diego responded back in equally romantic terms over to Anna. Her words made his soul sing and he knew they were becoming hopelessly addicted to one another. "I love you," he said with a sultry tone, looking at her affectionate and glowing look on her face. He did stay steady as she watched her try and figure out how to pleasure him.He sighed in mild pleasure as she began gently stroking. Her look of curiosity and desire looked nicely on her. He liked how she kissed the tip of his cock before licking it. Even with her gentle pace, it felt good and he has a very pleased look on her face. "Yes, like that. But don't be afraid to take more into your mouth. You are the princess and deserve it," he crooned at her, his fingers playing with her bright red hair.How naughty and intoxicating it was to teach a princess such lewd acts yet it also felt wonderful because he does truly love and care... two lost souls now finding the other and he wanted to take her further into the fires of passion.
More? Anna entertained the thought briefly. What exactly did he mean? He was too big to fit entirely and for a moment she panicked, thinking she might very well disappoint him. Then an idea struck her. The shape and size of him was akin to some fruits and vegetables she'd eaten. That might work.Anna nodded in understanding. "I'll try." She kissed the tip again but this time allowed her mouth to open afterward. Her lips parted and she cautiously slid her head down on him until she could feel the invasion on her tongue. Her hand adjusted. Anna's strokes were shorter now, so she pulled a bit harder to make up for it. With her lips fully wrapped around his cock and his entire tip inside her mouth, Anna paused. What now?Anna started to pull her head back. Having Diego's cock in her mouth didn't allow her tongue much movement. As her head pulled away, her tongue licked the underside of his tip accidentally. The noise he made at that moment caused her to pause once again. She tested a flick of her tongue against his tip once more.Encouraged by his nonverbal responses, Anna slid her mouth back down his shaft. She took more of him into her mouth this time, doing her best to rub her tongue on the parts of him inside her mouth. She felt her own saliva slip past her lip. She was drooling!! Drooling was unacceptable! Surely she could prevent this!Anna sealed her lips around Diego's manhood, creating enough suction to stop herself from drooling. She found that it was easier to rub her tongue on him if she moved her head forward and back. She began a slight rhythm: suck down and rub the underside, suck up and rub the tip. But after a few strokes, her lips were becoming dry and pulling on his skin as she moved. Anna thought of a solution immediately. She sucked up until her lips came off with a gentle smack and proceeded to lick the entirely of his shaft. Her saliva was hot, wet and slippery. Best of all it provided enough lubrication to keep her lips from sticking or pulling.As soon as she was finished, Anna greedily took Diego into her mouth once more. She experimented with how far she could accept him, reaching her puckered lips further and further down until she felt like she might gag. She massaged him with her mouth, letting her tongue press and rub against eveh part of him that she could. He had made her feel incredible she wanted to do the same.
Diego saw his princess go and try and take everything of him. He groaned softly in pleasure when she began taking all of him in. "That feels nice," Diego told her, reassuring Anna that she was doing very good. He was even seeing her drool and he smiled. "I like seeing my princess acting so lewd," Diego told her in a flirtacious manner as his hands ran through her bright red hair once more. "You are doing wonderful... please keep sucking me," Diego said to Anna in a loving yet asserting manner.He never felt so good before and seeing how devoted she was to pleasing him, despite her royal status. The entire ordeal made him hot like nothing else before."I'm about to give you your reward, my princess," Diego told her and he gently pulled out. "Open your mouth and stick our your tongue," he told her and when she did, it was just in time as he would cum all over her face and into her mouth. He did not want to shock and startle her by cumming alot in her mouth. That and seeing the sight of such a pretty princess covered in his cum is immensely invigorating."I want more... I want it all. To love every aspect of you," Diego said as he embraced her cool body once more. "Will you give this commoner all of you?" he asked her huskily.
Anna couldn't possibly blush any brighter than she was already. Lewd? Did she look lewd right now? She supposed that yes, she must. Here she was, a princess and second in line to the throne, naked in a cabin and on a bed with a man's penis in her mouth and covered in her saliva. A man she just met, no less! That was the very definition of lewd! She might have stopped at that moment if he hadn't followed up with such earnest words of encouragement. He liked it? He wanted more? She was doing a good job then!Invigorated, Anna did all she could to suck him deeper and harder until she felt his hand on her head, easing her mouth off of him. She stared up at him, her lips open and gasping like a fish. A thin strand of drool mixed with the beginnings of his precum formed a glistening line between her mouth and his cock. At his request, she opened her mouth further and stuck out her tongue in much the same way she would if she was being treated by a physician.The blast came then, all hot and white and steamy. It covered her face in thick lines and globs. Once it landed, it dripped and pooled. She startled as the substance landed and oozed down her skin. It was on her cheeks, her nose, her forehead, her chin. It was in her bangs and even just above her eyelids. Some of it even made it into her mouth and onto her tongue. She swallowed out of impulse and made a face. Whatever it was certainly didn't taste the best. But it wasn't awful either. It also cooled off very quickly.As Anna listened to Diego, a few more drops fell onto her lips agter streaking down her face. She licked them up with her tongue out of habit as she nodded. "Yes! Yes please! Take me and make me yours! I don't care about anything else. Just say I can be with you forever!"
Diego stood transfixed at seeing Anna try and lick the seed that he coated with her. Seeing the pure desire and love on her face made him hard quickly once more. He will take her. Make her his. He saw the loneliness in her eyes and it looked so much like his. Certain men would've exploited Anna to have her around their finger, unaware of her strength. Diego though... he loved her just as much, wearing his emotions on his sleeve like she did. She awoke something primal and repressed within him... and he has no desire to keep it restricted any longer."You are with me forever. When we finish here, I will take you as my wife. We'll be happy together. Either I can be here as Prince or you can come with me and we can figure it out in my homeland. No matter where we go, you are forever mine, my dear Princess Anna," Diego told her with a crooning yet genuinely loving smile as he caressed her cheek affectionately and lightly.He began grinding his hard cock against her wet pussy. "I love you so much, my beloved lewd princess," Diego told her, the word coming out like honey. He liked seeing her be flirty and sexy with him. Tempting her further into the debauchery. Once his cock was covered in her juices, he begin going deep inside of her. Clasping Anna's hips, he inserted himself deep inside of her. He gave her his virginity. Anna had given her virginity to this foreign commoner. He groaned softly as he savored just the immense pleasure of being connected with her.
Anna's face lit up visibly. Diego would really do all that just for her? Her heart nearly leapt from her chest. He wanted to marry her! She wiped her eyes as they began to tear. Her hands rubbed some of the cum off her face along with the hapiness leaking from the corners of her eyes. "You mean it? You really want to marry me? I know we just met but, i feel the same way! Yes! Oh Diego, Yes yes yes!!! Let's get married and spend the rest of our lives together loving each other!"Diego spoke such sweet words as he caressed her cheek and positioned her beneath him. She held her eyes steady, staring into his as he moved. She opened her legs to him once more, unashamed to expose her most sacred of places to her lover. Her hands lay flat on the bedsheets. She was only nervous for the moment of coupling itself. The act she was about to commit with her lover didn't frighten her at all.She felt him rub against her, exhaled as he pressed into her wetness and moaned. It hurt a little, but only a little and only at first. Anna winced as Diego entered her for the first time. He pushed inside her until she felt resistance. Something like a wall or a shelf was blocking his way. He thrust against it, applying more pressure. Anna grunted. Now it hurt. The pressure eased for a moment, then increased tenfold, then whatever was holding him back just vanished and suddenly Diego was filling her whole insides."Oh! Ow oh!! Nngh, Diego!" She called his name as her hips met his. Her legs bent around his frame, knees locking around his sides. He was fully sheathed within her and she shivered. "Mmm.. so this.. ah.. this is what mmm what it feels like.. to be one oh!" She released the bedsheets and slid her hands up his body.The moments stretched on for a lifetime. He held her, cradling her hips. She held his waste and let herself simply feel what it it was like to be full and held and loved. "I love you too, but do you really have to call me that? I've never been lewd before. Only with you. Always with you."
Diego could not help but beam at how Anne's face lit up. Unlike the cold as snow exterior of her older sister Elsa, Anna radiated warmth and mirth like sunshine. "Yes," Diego told her when she asked if he really wanted to marry her and nodded. He did not care for the crown or throne he just wanted to be with her. This amazing girl who radiated love and light. He could not help but admire her flawless body as she presented herself entirely to him.He was being slow and gentle, knowing that it usually hurt for girls though he also heard that orgasms helped lessened the pain quite a bit. Diego felt Anna's perfect legs wrap around him and he enjoyed just being connected with her, holding her. He was panting and breathing, enjoying te connection between and letting her get used to him inside of her."I am teasing," Diego told her before he began thrusting slowly inside of Anna, getting used to her hot tight wetness. "Oh god, you feel soo wonderful," he groaned out as he began fucking his beloved pretty princess. "Do not be afraid to let loose your passion, Anna. I can sense alot of inner strength in you," he said to her as he began going a little faster. His chocolate brown eyes held nothing but warmth for her. Holding her down onto the bed, he indulged in his hearts' desire, in finding romance with a princess no less."Does my princess once more?" Diego asked her, picking up the pace a bit to show what he meant.
Anna felt herself relax. Her body loosened just enough fornher to feel a sort of comfort from their coupling. Diego teased and she laughed. He professed so many wonderful things and she could only agree. A thousand times yes!When he began to move again, she found herself panting along with him. Each thrust produced more of her voice until she was moaning and grunting tonhis rhythm. She could feel every inch of his cock as he fully imbedded himself within her once virgin pussy. She wanted nothing more than to be connected like this, with him, forever."Ah.. ohhh.. mmm Diego! Ohh! Ahhh!! Mmm yes! More! Give me more! Ohhhh!!!"She rocked with him as he fucked her, delighting in each new sensation. Her voice grew in strength and gained a sultry edge. She was really feeling him now, really feeling what it meant to truly and deeply fucked. Her moans became pleas, which became screams of pleasure and in one sudden, violent moment, Anna came.Her entire body shook. Her muscles lost control. Her fingers clawed at Diego's sides while her legs cramped and locked in place, holding his length well and fully inside her as she rode out the most pleasurable experience she'd ever known.
Before long, Diego set himself up into a tantalizing rhythm, one where he would slam his hips with that of Anna's. Her moans and coos of affection just added fuel to the fire burning within him. His grip on her hips tightened and he let himself go faster and harder, especially when he felt Anna really get into it as well. He knew they would not have time to go at it further, but that was what the honeymoon would be for. His brown eyes looked into hers as he gave her a gentle love bite on the neck.He marked her as his.In fact, he would do so in such a primal way. When he felt her cum and squeeze his cock for all he had, he groaned out her name out loud before he would come inside, filling Anna up with his seed and claiming her inside and out.He rolled over so Anna was laying on top of him. " That... was... amazing," he panted, holding Anna tightly.
Anna could feel Diego's love pouring into her. It filled her up so full that she couldn't hold it all. It trickled down her ass and onto the bedsheets as she held her lover. She whispered sweet melodies into his ear and cooed his name passionately. She peppered his face with kisses.As they both wafted down from their passionate highs, Anna was spun up and on top of diego. She let gravity pull her closer and lay her body on him. Her face nuzzled agaisnt his neck as she rocked her hips. She was still quite sensitive and the motions made her moan just a little. She held her lover tightly with all over her body." that.. that was yea, amazing. You're amazing. Oh Diego, I wish we could stay like this forever!"
Diego kept panting, resting from the immense high he got. The past hour was something amazing. He went from a junior diplomat to a potential prince, all while having a wonderful and bubbly princess as his wife to be. His smile beamed when he felt her kisses on his face. It felt like something out of a fairy tale, but even greater. And not just because of the sex, though that did play an admittingly large part of it."Likewise... we should probably get dressed. Your sister's coronation starts soon," Diego commented, prefering to just stay and be here with Anna, but they both had somewhere to be and besides, he may as well meet his sister in law.Before long, he would be getting dressed and helping Anna getting dressed. When they would head back to the palace, everything was getting into swing with the cermonies beginning soon. Not many people noticed them together though those that did we a bit surprised to see them hand in hand. For the most part, Diego was talking to Anna a bit on himself and his homeland, one of nations in the so called New World.
Anna was reluctant to part from her newfound lover, but she discovered that getting re dressed was actually fun! They made of game of it, stealing kisses and sensual touches as layer after layer of clothing was reapplied to their bare skin. The only real thing that remained amiss was her once carefully plaited and woven hair. Now the braids were lopsided and strands of hair flew away from their coffered confines. Anna peeked at her reflection in the window and scrunched up her nose in surprise. She had left the castle so elegantly she could not return looking a mess. In a quick fix, she let all her hair down and her fingers went to work crafting a braid from each temple. She wound them back until they met and then braided them together. It wasn't elegant like before but it would do. Anna grinned at Diego. Now no one would suspect a thing!The trip back to the castle was filled with banter about their respective lands and favorite things and familes and hopes for the future. Anna wanted a huge family so no one would be lonely ever. She loved bright colors and happy moments. She spoke fondly of her family and her home. In turn she learned a great deal about Diego and his homeland.The pair made it back to the coronation in time for Anna to cringe at the exasperated looks tossed her way by the staff. Apparently she hadn't done as good a job as she thought of masking her disheveled appearance. Nevertheless she marched into the ballroom hand in hand with Diego, her head held high and smiling ear to ear.The guests were already piling in but Anna wanted her sister to meet Diego in a more private setting. She led him to one side of the giant room and pushed a heavy door open just far enough for the two of them to slip out into a lavish hallway. Once away from the crowd, Anna nearly broke into a jog, darting down corridors and around corners until she stopped suddenly outside an ornate double door."Elsa?," Anna asked after knocking.No one answered."Elsa I know you're in there. Please come out. I, um, I have to talk to you." Anna's voice was tentative now, but the room remained silent."Elsa?!" Anna asked louder.""Anna? What are you doing here? You should be in the ballroom. What happened to your hair? And your dress is crooked." The blonde queen to be stepped into the hallway from a different door. As she surveyed her sister's appearance, her eyes landed on the man standing beside Anna. She noted the intertwined hands but made no comment. "Anna really, it's my coronation day and you look a mess. Go get ready. I'll send Ingrid to fix your hair."Anna protested. "But Elsa I already wait i don't need Elsa! listen to me! I need to talk to you!" The younger sister stomper her heeled foot and Elsa's gaze narrowed."Anna, the coronation starts in a few minutes. Go get changed. We can tall after." Elsa spoke with an icy tone. When she finished she smiled politely at Diego and whisked herself away towards the ballroom.
Diego did the best to help out Anna with her appearance and he hoped it would work though he was also trying to come up with some potential and plausible excuses that Anna could use to try and answer any questions over in regards to what happened. One he gave for Anna to suggest was that he lost his balance and tumbled and she tried to help him and thus why they ended up a bit disheveled. When asked why he would be talking to her, Diego would point out he is part of an ambassador group for a new nation and thus maintaining positive relationships with nobility was part of a job.The excuse worked quite well to any of the staff of the guests who asked and he used it as a good follow up to introductions and polite meetings. He was not like his younger brother, who had a way with people, though he was polite enough to get good graces and he figured endearingly awkward enough to appear approachable and nonthreatening. He smiled at the staff and whatnot while he was with Anna.Speaking off Anna, he loved his time with the princess. How she wanted a huge family so no one would be lonely ever. How she loved bright colors and happy moments. And how she spoke fondly of her family and her home. Diego did the same. His culture leaned more toward large families he told her about the bright colors and how even they would take a rather bright view when it came to death. He spoke of his own family and his home. At the same time, he did speak politics to her, namely the division between those who wanted the monarchy and those who wanted republicans. However, the main issue was more over on the ideals, especially as the monarchists were backed up traditionalists, the churchfolk and the elite. He hoped to find a resolution and he told Anna how she could become the princess of his nation if she wanted if they can get it with his government. He was even excited to introduce her to his folks.In trying to meet his future sister in law, Diego saw her. Queen Elsa. She was pretty like her sister though aloof... seemingly. Everything about her told Diego she was repressed and nervous... likel holding something in and it wasn't healthy."Hello, Queen Elsa. My name is Diego Vendrix, an ambassador from Mehica, a nation in the west," he managed to say before she smiled formally at him. She wasn't dismissively of him, but more concerned and focused. "We'll be able to tell her at the party, though I am worried about her. She's hiding something massive and it's tearing her apart," Diego commented. "We'll talk to her after the party. It's gonna be okay," he reassured Anna. Once they were ready, they were there, Diego happily sitting with her. He noted a couple of his ambassadors raising eyebrows at him and discussing matters between them, though they were going to wait.
The coronation itself was a splendid if not simple matter. Words were spoken, passages read, hymns sung. A crown and a scepter were placed on Elsa's head and in her gloved hand, respectively, and she smiled like a nervous rabbit through the clapping. The whole thing was over fairly quickly, according to Anna. For Elsa though, it seemed to drag on for eternity. She just wanted to return to her room without incident, but of course she was required to mingle at least a little afterwards.At the party, Elsa patiently greeted each foreign dignitary and ambassador with the grace expected of a queen. She thanked them for coming and expressed wishes for continued good relations in the future. She kept her handshakes to the minimum amount necessary for queenly behavior and her plastic smile never left her face. It also never reached her eyes.Finally, her line of meet and greets ended and she relaxed into her chair. So far, so good. A butler making rounds paused to offer a drink to Her Majesty and Queen Elsa gladly accepted. She sipped from the glass, enjoying the fruity notes and mellow undertones, but decided it would be better chilled. Without consciously thinking about it, frost began trickling its way up the glass. Her next sip brought sheer dread into her eyes as the newly cooled liquid slid down her throat. What had she done?! Had anyone noticed??
"I am becoming concerned for Elsa. She's clearly uncomfortable with all of this. As if she didn't want to be here," Diego noted over to Anna quietly while they were watching the coronation. Diego managed to avoid talking more than necessarily to his superiors on the matters, promising to speak further on it when everything was said and done. Once the cornration was over and the meetings were held, Diego talked more with Anna and get to know her. While they were definitely both optimists, they had their little differences such as how Anna can be bubbly and full of energy while Diego could often be laid back and sometimes joked a bit of a slacker. Nonetheless, getting to know more about her was lovely like this.Furthermore, he would introduce Anna over to some of his fellow diplomats and ambassadors and they were liking her. However, they did see how Diego was close to her and they were planning to arrange some future meetings, especially with everything going on. Before long though, they went to meet over to Elsa, Diego being respectful to his future sister in law.However, when he went to see her, he saw her react suddenly all surprised. "Hey... you okay?" Diego asked Elsa as he went up to her with Anna, seeing it as a good time to talk and see what needs to be discussed with her.
"What? O of course I am. I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?" Flustered, Elsa nearly jumped out of her skin when Diego spoke. Had he seen it? She cleared her throat and called over a server. Setting her glass down on his tray, she turned to... to... what was his name again?"Dino, right? I'm fine. Perfectly fine. No problems here. Thank you for asking. How did you like the uh Coronation?" Elsa fumbled for words, desperately trying not to make a fool of herself. This is why she never left her room. It had nothing to do with her forbidden magic and everything to do with her lack of social skills."Elsa? Are you sure you're alright? I know it's been a stressful day. I bet you're just tired?" Anna offered compassionately. Why was Elsa acting so weird? Come to think of it, was she acting weird? Or is this how she always acted? It dawned on Anna that she didn't actually know because she didn't really know her sister. The red headed princess frowned. Elsa was the only person she had left in the whole world, except for Diego now. She really ought to fix that.
"You look stressed. Downright tense even," Diego told Elsa, with his arms crossed and looking a bit irritated at her, especially when she got his name wrong. "My name is Diego Vendrix, your highess," Diego corrected Elsa, but still being respectful and formal. However, seeing her fumble with her words and look just as awkward as her sister did have him relax pretty considerably."I may be a novice when it comes to my job, but even I can tell that something is bothering you. And it is not just the pomp and decorum here," Diego added as he looked over to Elsa with some concern. "Maybe we can try and have a meal the three of us and spend some time. It will probably help you feel better," Diego offered to Elsa. He did catch a glimpse of the frosted glass, but he didn't pay that much attention to it.He awaited to hear her answer and hoped everything was going all right. | 42 | ['Vendrix'] |
37 | | ✧ ѕтαя gυαя∂ιαиѕ ✧ 【тнє υи∂єѕιяαвℓє ✩ ᴄhєvαlíєr】 | "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" h v l r Welcome to Guardian Academy, a high school for the supernaturally gifted. It is a place where heroes are born and tales are forged, where students train to eventually take up the mantle as civilization's most gallant defenders. To become a Star Guardian is a privilege few are given, a position that takes a lifetime of hard work and dedication. For some, it is their true calling, though very few ever manage to transcend and reach for the sky above. Among the new class of fledgling Guardians, a single soul emerges as perhaps the most potent: Ahri. Yet, despite all of her arcane grace and raw skill, her academics seem to starkly lag behind the rest. Perhaps her mind is fixated upon something else, something far different from becoming a Star Guardian. Destiny is an interesting beast, one that cannot be tamed or predicted. What does the future hold for Guardian Academy's most gifted student? "Ahri! Wake up!" A familiar voice echoed distantly, repeating itself. Each repetition increased in both volume and clarity, until the image of a matching face coincided with the voice. It was none other than Luxanna Crownguard, a fellow classmate and friend of the gifted Ahri. If Ahri was the most powerful of their student class, Luxanna certainly was the brightest academically. It went without saying that the two probably complimented each other quite well. "Seriously? I spend my lunch time trying to tutor you... and you fall asleep on me?" The pink haired student huffed, crossing her arms against her perky chest. The pair were seated between two desks in the vacant student council room, which Lux was currently the student president of. "You know if you don't study, Miss Fortune is going to fail you." It didn't seem like the severity of the situation was having any effect on her friend's study habits. Lux let out a sigh of partial defeat, "What's gotten into you, Ahri? It seems like you're never focused. Like you're always thinking about something else." The smaller Guardian stood up from her seat, using her open palms to crease out the folds of her rather short skirt, which barely covered her supple thighs. "Look, I told Miss Fortune that I would help you, but I'm not going to waste my time if you're not going to pay attention." She rolled her eyes, tapping the heel of her boot against the the classroom tile. It went without saying that Luxanna was something of a teacher's pet, a trustworthy student who cared just a little too much about her own grades.
Gentle fingers tangle in disheveled pink hair, tugging Lux's head to the side in order to allow eager lips to caress the flesh of her neck. The sounds bubbling from the the slightly smaller girl's mouth only serves to spur Ahri on despite the half hearted hands pushing at her torso. Ahri knew that Lux wanted her just as much as Ahri NEEDED her, though it would take some skill to crumble the walls that her treasured comrade had erected. "Ahri, wake up!"No, no no no! Dammit all! The sound of a distant voice entered the dreaming girl's mind, suddenly shattering the delightfully raunchy dream. Eyes the color of violets blinked themselves open and a regretful groan sounds from the powerful Guardian. After a second of hesitation, she picks her head up off her desk, running her hands through her blonde hair to make herself presentable. There was a distant sort of quality in her gaze that made it clear that Lux's first few sentences didn't really reach her, but after a moment Ahri sobered up, so to speak. To Ahri's credit, she looked properly ashamed, and started fiddling woth her hands. She truly did feel bad for putting one of her closest friends through this, really she did. But there was a certain... Drawback, of sorts, to her celestial magics. Much of Ahri's skills had to do with, for lack of better terms, seducing and enthralling her enemies to lower their guards, but this in turn had always spiked her own libido. In the past, simple masturbation was enough to quench her carnal thirsts, but lately it was becoming increasingly obvious that this was no longer enough.She'd had something of a crush on Luxanna for the better part of a year, and now her dreams were infested with delicious fantasies of making the pink haired beauty her own, and she needed to relieve her urges multiple times a night in order to withhold herself the next day. In class and in recreation, she found her eyes narrowing and a powerful instinct to pounce on her treasured friend and take her without hesitation. But she genuinely loved and respected the other young woman, and was sickened by the thought of doing such things without her consent.Guilt and frustration had plagued her for the past several nights, hence falling asleep in class and her grades starting to slip."I I'm sorry, Lux." She stuttered, her ears flattened against her head. Ahri met the other Guardian's stern gaze with a sheepish grin, anxiously fisting her hands in her own skirts as looking into those sparkling amethyst depths became too much for her to bear. "I swear to you that this isn't intentional." | 2 | ['Luxanna', 'Ahri'] |
38 | | Sweet Heresy (Demaron19xGoodManners) | Zanafar station, a redoubtable outpost of the God Emperor in the cold void of the Halo Stars. It is one of many such installations laced among the outskirts of the galaxy looking out from Segmentum Obscuris. They existed for millennia, the edict that mandated their construction dating back to the first contact with the Tyranid species Xenoform. They were a reactionary measure taken by an Imperium fearful of yet greater Xeno incursions from unprecedented vectors across the galactic plain. The stations still exist to this day, used now primarily as deep space transit hubs or bastion outposts for beleaguered mining operations undertaken by the Mechanicus. Their operations may have changed since their inception, but this did not make them any less of an imperial installation, mounted with all the guns a star fort could muster, with system defense fleets patrolling the asteroid fields and gas pockets that they were stationed in.Zanafar station, is not one of these. Zanafar station, can barley be considered an operable station. Right along the trailing arm of the Halo Stars, perhaps the furthest out and farthest from the astronomicon. It is desolate and isolated, Rak'gol attacks are frequent and violent, and support is underwhelming. The station is a derelict, many guns are offline or do not function at all. It is a complete write off in every sense, but still, Zanafar Station stands, and it is not without a means of defending itself. By old edict between the Ordo Hereticus' chamber Militant and the Ordos Xenos, A mutual defense pact had been placed along the outskirts of the Halo Stars, in this fashion, members of the Adeptus Sorroitas have seen themselves stationed upon the desolate void fortress. Of their number there are a great deal of novitiates and raw recruits, those still fresh from the Scholea Progenium and its grueling selection process. Battle Sister Amarine, was one of these recruits.Amarine was in one of Zanafar's barracks, they were spartan and bare things made to house the brides of the emperor in great numbers. While this was appreciated, the fact that there were so few of them aboard the station usually meant that of the rooms meant to house at least fifty sisters, all of their wargear, and armor, that Amarien was often alone, with only usually three other sisters to keep her company during the few hours she had for reprieve. She was alone at the moment, such a thing was not unusual, her duty roster placed just behind her two sisters when it came to patrols and drills. She had at least several hours before she was due to proceed to the central chapel within the station so that she may bow her head in Prayer with her fellow sisters.For the moment, however, she was without any pressing matters to attend to. Her armor was old, far older than her and likely older htan her parents before her. Yet, all the same, it worked perfectly. By her cot, the furthest from the entrance, was a stand. She had finally removed it from herself, and now wore only the self sealing pressurized under suit. And unlike her armor, this took far less work in removing. She peeled it off of her lithe, toned body, she smelled of sweat and oil, as she knew she would. Hence, why she would be apt to take make use of the bathing facilities adjacent to the barracks. She was naked now, idly she covered her breasts with her arm and pulled open the heavy frame door to the locker room attached the barracks, the dull bulbs inside flickered to life hesitantly.The cold tile floors felt like ice on the soles of her feet, she did not mind them all that much. She made quickly for the showers, walking around the tile wall partition between the lockers and communal showers. Much like the barracks, it was oversized for what it played host to. the air already smelled sour with disinfectant and sanitizer from previous uses, a low mist hung just above the ground from ambient heat and poor ventilation. Going to one of the further showers, Amarine was quick to sigh in relife as tepid warm water spouted out from the dulled brass showerhead above her. She was completly alone, and in truth, that was just fine with her.
Mon Keigh... those lesser then the Eldar like the numerous plague called humanity. In ages past they would have been culled and put in their place if not simply cleansed from the stars... but that was then and now the Eldar did not wield such power. The Eldar still had power however, and the humans could have their uses if the moment was right, or the need was enough.This human outpost hadn t even detected her craft as she came in and made her landing, a single lone Banshee on a mission of dire importance.Irlihishhad felt honored to be chosen to serve her people even if it meant her body had to be modified and she must now lower herself with these human animals. The tall and lilith built Eldar female with long black hair had been here some time already. In her mission so far catching two of these brides of the emperor off guard and doing what must be done. What must be done was breeding them, putting the wombs of these Mon Keigh to work for Eldar plans. The sisters of battle were tough fighters, but outside their amor they were just human. A life of religious devotion depriving them of more womenaly endeavors. Virgins the both of them with hymen s that tore easily once put to task by the length and sheer girth of an Eldar cock. At leastIrlihish could find satisfaction from her mighty spear drawing blood from these pathetic creatures, as their uncooth voices cried out in pain while they learned their proper place.Irlihish had hidden both of the sisters but there was more to be done. She searched the outpost, dressed in nothing but a device on her forearm and a belt around her slender hips that held her blade and sidearm. She was here to breed, but if killing must be done... she came across a empty barracks, she could wait and hide for a sister to return. It would give her a bit of time to recover as well, that last human had proven to be rather greedy when the time came to seed her. Irlihish s nuts were hefty but it seemed human wombs were rather well suited for large amounts of semen... sadly it seemed human birthing canals were less well designed to handle what Irlihish considered a rather average sized Eldar cock.Once she was inside she heard something, the sound of water? She looked around and saw the armor and discarded undersuit. It seemed she had found another one already. With the silence and speed expected of a Eldar she reached the door and opened it. Slipping into the room filled with the steam of the water she saw her target. Another human female, another who would carry her Eldar seed.
The soothing low rumble of water passing through pipes. The gentle trickle of it against her skin, rolling over her body, shrouding her with a sense of warmth. She can feel the vibration of the station through her feet, the powerful plasma heart, beating to the will of the tiny beings that scurry through it's veins. Amarine was distant from her Sisters, in a way. Many, if not all of them, resented their stationing aboard Zanafar, seeing it as a sort of purgatory. They wished to be out slaughtering the foes of man and advance after them in dogged pursuit instead they are stuck aboard a derelict star fort, waiting for the enemy to come to them and try their luck. They all felt cramped, cloistered away and sealed inside of a metal tomb. Amarine minded none of this. to her, these cramped conditions despite the relative space was normal for her. She grew up within a Hive, the Scholea Progenium she was raised in deep within the central spire of a massive hive city on one of the countless hive worlds that dotted the Imperium of Man.Amarine ran her hands over her sweaty body, she was shorter than most of her sisters, but she was no less a warrior. Her body was a temple, toned and beautiful in its own rugged way. Her skin was a sable white, hidden away from the glare of a sun behind plates of plasteel and ceramite,she was unscarred, not yet suffering a wound in combat, unlike her seniors who she saw had a great many old wounds of service. Lacerations, flensing cuts, divots where chunks of meat were blasted away, bullet wounds and augmetic replacements, she had seen Sister superiors who more closely resembled those of the martian tech cult than that of pure humanity. Amarine wondered if that would one day be her fate, or would she not be so lucky as to serve a long and fulfilling life for the gold throne? Would she die in a matter of days from now? Or was her fate still uncertain? It would be best not to pontificate too much on this.The young Battle sister began to hum, soft and low, to herself. It was an Imperial Guard marching ditty that she had once heard a troop of Guardsmen sing while on patrol. She still remembers that day clearly, it was within the bowls of a Hive, she was with her Sisters, still in training, still learning how to use their armor without breaking themselves inside it. Under the glow of the lumen globes, the procession of Guardsmen seemed almost otherworldly, their flak armor spotless, their lasguns polished and bayonets glistening, they marched in perfect lockstep formation with the crimson garb of a commissar leading them in equally peerless fashion, the glint of a power sabre against their shoulder almost blinding. She closed her eyes, bright blue things that seemed almost teal at times. She pulled her fingers through her hair, the ivory white locks that marked her as a Sororitas more than any armor or bolter ever could. Her hair was slightly longer than what was standard, having frown a fair bit while on the station. She would have to have it cut by one of her Sisters when she got the chance. , in the meantime, she worked the knots and ties out of it, grunting softly with each pull, pursing her lips in frustration. This was always a pain. Her helmet was the cause of this in the first place, but there was not much she could do. She was aboard a station, she needed the sabbat pattern helmet in case of depressurization.She blinked, perking up, faintly, she thought she might have heard somthing. She glances around, the heavy steam filling the showers making vision difficult. The lights dim and brighten irregularly as was there want, and for a moment she spots movment and then it is gone, the shadows tricking her eyes. She shakes her head and scoffs at herself. Idly she itches the tattoo on her cheek, the Fleur D'Laise that marked her as one of the ordos militant. She goes back to her soft singing, lightly swaying under the water as she does so.
The poor eyes of these creatures. If she had been a Elder she would have seen Irlihish for sure but those weak human eyes betrayed the danger she was in at this moment. Irlihish moves about and watched the human bath for a little while longer. It reminded her that she to needed to bath at some point. Was off the sweat and fluids from these lowly humans she was breeding. The fluids of the last one still coated her long fat cock. Irlihish found the apperence of these human off. Her own body was say for her head hairless. These humans had hair everywhere, most strange was the bush of hair human females had around their groin. Even before she got a cock Irlihish s groin had been smooth and hairless. Though this experience did leave her with a question... were humans suppose to have different colors of hair on different parts of their body? The first sister she caught had been bald but her pubic hair was brown... and the second had short white hair but her pubic hair was golden...Irlihish slips the blade and the sidearm from her belt and sets them aside. She didn t need them to take on a unarmed and unarmored human who didn t see her coming. With the silence of a ghost she walked up behind the human. She was almost one with the steam and dim lights as she came to stand behind the human female with ease. Looking down at her with those black Eldar eyes. This was too easy... what real value was to be expected from breeding these creatures? But the banshee had her orders. Like lightening she struck. A hand on the back of that head of white locks suddenly and with some force force slammed against the wall of the shower, as another hand grabbed her right arm and pinned it behind her back, close to breaking it and would if the human didn t behave. Scream, or try and escape and I promise you this will be worse. She threatened in her best attempt at this low gothic. Her groin pressed up against the human s tone curvy ass, and her thick meaty shaft pressed against the lips of her virgin pussy... wasn t even erect yet and still it s size felt very unhuman.
Scream, or try and escape and I promise you this will be worse. Amarine's head was reeling, her consciousness in a daze. The impact of her head against the tile wall of the shower had nearly knocked her out. She wasn't in a position to resist anyone, much less understand what they were saying. her arm was brought behind her back, to the point of pain striking up her spine. It was enough to bring her back into focus, just in time for something bulbous to slip between her ass cheeks with considerable girth. She blinked the stars out of her eyes, she tried to pull away slightly, uncertain as of what was going on, still locked in the semi conscious state of having her head nearly cracked open.The mass of flesh between her cheeks began to grow in size, rubbing back and forth until it shifted back downwards against her slit. THis this got her attention more than anything else, she uttered something like a groan and tried to turn around, to turn over and look at what was happening her wits were beginning to return but not fast enough, nowhere near quick enough to prevent the imminent penetration.
Irlihish keeps the human female pressed up against the shower wall with her ass sticking out well enough for her to be entered... easy enough. It didn t take too long for the thick fat Eldar cock to reach near its full mass rubbing against human ass and the plump lips of the human s labia. The hand on the back of Amarine's head let s go and grabs the huge shaft of the Eldar cock near the base of its head. That bulbous mass of Eldar flesh rubbing and softly probing the entrance to Amarine's virgin pussy. Irlihish in her Eldar tongue makes a little prayer to the relevant Eldar gods in a matter such as this, her superior didn t want to take chances so around the base of her shaft was tatooed Eldar fertility symbols, and above that were a pubic bush would have been for a human was tattooed the symbol for the Eldar goddess of health and medicine on her smooth hairless skin.Thus it started, with the humans arm pinned behind her back and pressed against the wall the Eldar started to push her pulbous thick cock head past her plump labia and into her little virgin pussy. From the start the difference in size was clear, but Irlihish didn t care. She just kept pushing, feeding more of that huge rod of Eldar flesh into the humans tight birthing canal. Ripping her hymen apart and drawing forth her virgin blood with the coldness her duty demanded. Irlihish didn t care if this hurt or the human cried out in pain. Her hand having left her shaft and now holding the humans left hip as Amarine's pussy was stuffed from her lips to her cervix, that fat Eldar cockhead pushing hard against it forcing it to bulge inwards... just like the bulge along Amarine's abdomen.
There was a pressure, something intense and large, pressing against her outer labia folds, like a solid wall of flesh. Amarine squirmed, she opened her mouth to shout and turned around with fury in her eyes that turned to shock as she beheld a Xeno and then reason, sanity, or anything else, ceased to matter as a train of turgid flesh ripped into her cunny. She screams, outright agony tearing through her most sensitive of nerves as her most precious of places is utterly savaged. Her hymen breaks, along with her rationality as she begins to cough violently. The mass of flesh that could not possibly be a cock forges onward inside of her. Her arms go limp and she slumps forward, her tongue lolling out of her mouth, drool dribbling from her lips.She feels tingly, like her skin is on fire but she can't even feel it. There are black spots in her vision, they seem to increase as the Xeno forces more and more of her insane girth into her. Armine doesn't understand what is happening, thoughts and question surface to the forefront of her mind, only to be banished as the alien's hips meet her own, and the powerful member inside of her meets the entrance of her cervix. For a moment, she passes out, before being brought screaming back into reality.Armine cant breathe right, there is a pressure, something pressing outwards from inside, shifting her guts around with blunt throbbing force that seems to choke her lungs. She forces strength back into her limbs, if only for a moment before being restrained again, there is no purpose to her movements other than to just move, just to understand what was happening to her. Every few seconds her mind goes blank, pain shatters her senses before that very same pain brings her back from the brink and into reality, only for the cycle to repeat itself.But there was something else, something dreadful beginning to ply itself onto her mind. There was a heat, some searing burning sensation moving up from just below her belly, making itself known and not at all was it a displeasure, it was the exact opposite, in fact.
Lubricating her little snatch was only water, the fluids now being forced of her pussy to make, and the blood of her broken hymen which smeared against the pale flesh of the Eldar cock. Just like the blood of two of her other sisters already had before her. She watched this human put on such a pathetic display... by the gods she wished to get this mission over with. Irlihish tried to focus her mind on what waited her back home. Her love, the Eldar woman who already was carrying her true child. Now that was a experience of passion on a level these animals would never be able to understand.Irlihish started to thrust, to move her hips in a slow but dedicated manner as she fucks the tight little cunt of this human animal. I would say I m surprised at your behavior but it seems during sex you primates only further show how devolved you truly are. I m guessing you won t make it past your first filthy orgasm before your begging me to breed you just like those other two. The Eldar says with scorn and disgust in her voice. Her thin hips sending that huge fat cock in and out of that tiny human pussy with a force her slow movement seemingly shouldn t be producing, and yet it was. This xeno was raping her and there was not a damn thing the sister could do to stop it.
The poor sister is of her senses now, but there is a hell erupting inside of her that cannot be quelled. A hateful heart is being crushed by the insane girth of the Eldar that drives her hips desperately into her pussy. There is warmth, warmth and a horrible sensation beginning to make itself known now. Pleasure, screaming pleasure that she has never felt before, never before, alone and furtively caressing herself has Armine ever felt a sensation this brutally intense. It was like the flares of a sun were burning up her nerves with nothing but pure ecstasy, her veins were catching fire with a brilliance of trembling purity that was so sickly wrong. Shame, and Need was ruining her mind. "Ah! " Armine whimpered aloud, her hips shaking as an orgasm explosively ripped up her spine and careened into her brain, stars flashed before her eyes.Even though the Eldar let go of her arm, Armine she made no move to struggle away she couldn't even if she wanted to, her legs were useless sticks of meat that anchored her to the floor, her ass raised into the air, her face rubbing against the ground. Armine shook as she road along the wave of her orgasm, her ability to think once again being submerged, but now it was a well of pleasure that it was being forced into rather then that of pain. "N Noooo..." She whined aloud, her voice peaking into a trembling moan as the cascade of hormones hit her, her pussy clenching tightly around the girthy Eldar cock completely halting its movements for a tense moment as it squeezed around the Eldar like a vice of pleasure and wetness.
It seemed a life of training and spiritual devotion made little difference for a moment like this. Armine was trained to kill for the glory of the God Emperor, her body and womb was to know nothing of the duty of motherhood less the Emperor himself ordain it. It left her utterly unprepared for this, to being raped and having her entire world turned upside down by the fat cock of a xeno. "You pathetic creature." The Eldar says, her black eyes looking down on her with pitiless disgust. "That little human cunt of yours, so desperately begging for my seed, to give it purpose , the purpose your primitive genetics demand of the females of your race."Irlihish dreaded having to repeat this process 47 more times... but if it must be done. "Alight, lets put your pussy to the test." He says and starts thrusting harder, faster. If the human's cunt wanted Eldar seed so bad then she might as well hurry up and give it to her. That thick xeno cock throbbing and pulsing inside of the once virgin pussy of the sister. Heavy balls full of Eldar seed slapping up against Armine's clit as her ass is smacked against by the Eldar's groin.
"Gh, Ngh !" Armine whines, tears begining to streak down her face and lost in the shower. Her body is rebelling against her in its entierty, as her juices begin to leak, out from around the Eldar's cock, her pussy quickly becoming not only used to the penetration by actively relishing in the act. Her hips began to twitch, and then began to rock in time with the artless, forceful thrusts of the Eldar. There was no tact or passion in them, just the crude mechanical motions of the act, and yet it was enough to bring pleasure to Armine, who had never known it before."S stahhhp..." Armine hiccups, trembling as Irlihish increases the ferocity behind her thrusts. Armine curls her hands around herself, her heart beating fitfully in her chest, her small breasts rub against the tile floor, her nipples hurt from the abrasion despite the water. The heavy slap of Irlihish's balls against her clit send little shocks of pleasure throughout her body, each little slap accompanied by a sharp yelp from Armine, Her teal blue eyes open, crying fitfully she stares helplessly back over her shoulder up at Irlihish. "I It hurtsss," She pleads. "It hurtsss " she squeezes her eyes shut once more as yet another agonizing orgasm is pounded into her like a rapid fire burst of bolter rounds punching into her carcass without mercy or remorse, the pleasure nothing more than agony as the Eldar just continues to pound away, no tenderness, no compassion, no concern for Armine just a cruel mechanical subjugation.
Irlihish was here for a mission, not to find passion in the loins of a creature she saw as little above a animal. This universe was hard and cruel and sometimes to learn ones true place they had to endure that pain and cruelty. She should considering it practice for her future labor pains. Irlihish kept thrusting, kept fucking this poor little human's tiny little cunt with a cock too big for the tight warm birthing canal currently wrapped around it. Pressure was building in Irlihish's shaft and heavy nuts, her own climax was starting to build, the load of Eldar cum that would seal the sister's fate.Irlihish reaches down with one of her hands and grabs the back of Armine's white locks, forcing her up, her small breasts no longer to rub against the rough shower floor. "Do you feel that Mon Keigh? That throbbing in my shaft? I'm getting close, close to filling you with my seed." She says letting go of her hair and next cupping one of her small breasts. Though small the human's breasts were still larger then that of the almost flat Elder who was fucking her. "You've never thought of being impregnated have you? Your genes demand it and yet I bet it's never crossed your mind." She says as her fingers softly pinch Armine's erect nipple.
Armine couldn't help herself, passion overturning her reason and making her little more than a creature enslaved to her base desires no longer a warrior of the golden throne, now just a woman shackled and chained to her womb. "N No " She pleads. "Do Dont " She shudders again, another orgasm destroying her voice, turning any words into a slur of garbled keening. Her cunt clenches down hard around Irlihish and and she Armine stiffens up, screaming again in a mix of pleasure and agony, her teeth grit but eyes wide, she feels like she's dying as the iron like pole pounding into her continues to hammer away, she feels like she's dying because she is feeling so very alive, elation, pleasure, and agony, all mingling together inside of her as this damned Xeno fucks her cunt."You You can't!" She whines, "You musn't " Her voice catches as the eldar reaches around, cupping her breasts and with a light tug against her nipple she squeals, throwing herself back as her overly sensitive nubs shock her system. She leans back, trembling again, orgasmic pleasure radiating through her simply from the slightest of touches against her breasts from the lithe alien woman. "N Not my breasts " She whimpers. "S sensitive!" Armine can now feel the hot breath of Irlihish against her neck, the smooth toned muscles of her arms, and stomach, she was so very close no, gripping her holding her upright as her hips thrust against her own, delving her cock in and out of her cunt in hard and heavy strokes.
The Eldar keeps pulling and tugging on her nipple as she human quivers and shakes, her pussy in a mess of fluids and trembling flesh. "Your breasts will grow fat with milk, milk to feed the child I plant inside you. You and all your sisters." The Eldar tells her, her tone, both a threat and promise all rolled into one as her hips kept thrusting and pre cum was mixing with the fluids from Armine's cunt. "These bodies you all so foolishly have tired to make weapons will grow weaker, and softer as the fruit of Eldar semen grows in your Mon Keigh wombs."The thrusting once more becoming faster as the Eldar was getting closer and closer to her climax at last. She held her human captive close, one had grasping her tit and the other still on her hips as he plows into her loins deep and hard. "It's coming Mon Keigh, time to fulfill your purpose." She spoke as suddenly she slammed into her deep and hard, that massive Eldar cock throbbing and pulsing and at last from its head a thick torrent of hot Eldar cum erupts into her womb and pussy. The rod of Eldar flesh throbbing and twitching as more and more torrents of the hot thick fluids stuffs Armine's little pussy.
Armine gives in. She can't take it anymore, the pleasure, the sensation, it's all too much, she can't fight back against something like this, something so primal, something so wonderful and horrible all at once. She starts to buck her hips back against her, meeting her thrusts with her hips, panting whines erupt form her mouth, she reaches back and hugs herself back against the Eldar, trying to stuff her horribly wonderful cock deeper into her, her abdomen bulging slightly with each thrust into her warm, wet passageway. "M More!" She hatefully speaks. "Give More "It comes, something hot, something sticky and sweet, like molten lust it begins to jet up into her womb. The Eldar pulls her back against her, holding her tight, tweaking her nipple Armine screams to the heavens as the Eldar begins to cum, and cum, and cum, it was almost never ending, hot and thick, so delectably warm. Armine shakes, unable to help herself she cranes her head back against the Eldar, burying her face into her neck, her tongue lapping out, licking affectionately just under her jaw with soft sweet moans.
The elder keeps throbbing and pumping more seed deep inside of the human woman. Feeling the thick seed go from her balls to her head as she watches the abdomen of the sister grow with the volume of cum inside her womb. The licking was... cute... like a pet she supposed as this human showed her... affection? It was hard to tell, maybe her brain just finally gave in and she was now nothing by a breeding sow? That s a... good girl, a good Mon Keigh. Take my seed good and deep, I can feel how greedy your pussy is now that s it s finally come, hopefully your other 47 sisters are till agreeable.
Armine giggles, her eyes half lidded as she snuggles back against the xeno, shaking her hips slightly, trying to milk more out of the xeno. She was so... Full. She felt like she was flying no, she was flying, she had grown wings and flown away from it all, off towards the golden throne. Everything felt tingly, her entire body, like gold, she was cast out of gold Everything felt perfect, her head, it felt so light... She moaned again, the last few throbs of the Eldars cock pumping out another smaller load of seed that swelled her belly, pumping her womb full, capping her off with nice warm seed. "Full..." She sighed. rubbing her head back against the Eldar, quietly taking the Eldars hand still clasped on her breast in her own, running her fingers over the Eldar woman's. She leaned back as the Eldar began to pull out, whining pitifully, not wanting it to end. "No...." She purred. giggling again, insensate.
Well Mon Keigh if I don t pull out how are you suppose to suck my cock? The Eldar says as she pulls her huge thick cock out completely with a satisfying pop as the seal in her tight little pussy was broken and thick hot Eldar cum was free to ooze from her abused little cunt. Her other hand softly rubs the other breast and nipple of the human female, it seems this one was being a bit clingy... she would allow it for the moment. Come on Mon Keigh, get on your knees and suck my fat Eldar cock.
Drunkenly, still having her head spin like a top with hundreds if not thousands of countless conflicting emotions running thorugh her head and a heat unlike anything she's ever known or felt warming her body, Armine nodded. She turned around, still clinging to Irlihish partially. Finally, Armine got to see her tormentor, her lover, her abuser, her mistress She was gorgeous, beautiful, heavenly, Armine could go on. She shivered as the eldar continued to play with her breasts, palming them, squeezing them, stroking her nipples, she smiled and laughed lightly, swaying before remembering that she has to do as she's told she is a sister of battle after all, she has to do as instructed and purge... what was that last bit again? Oh well, it didn't matter, she crooned and went down on her hands and knees, shakily reaching out to caress the lightly throbbing mass of meat. It was all dirty, covered in her juices and cum. She smiles and leans forwards, licking the tip, inexpertly and clumsy, she makes up for it in dedication and determination.It's big, that much is beyond certain, she can just fit her hands around it. She makes sure to work her way down the length of Irlihish's cock, her tongue lapping up the surprisingly sweet cum from her still leaking tip. She opens her mouth as wide as she can only able to take the very tip of her head into her mouth, it will go no further unless her jaw wanted to dislocate. She whines at this, instead making sure to work her tongue as best she can everywhere else. Soon, she reaches the base, and ever so gently she brushes the eldars thighs with her hands, as she continues her cleaning still in a state of mindless bliss, wanting nothing more than to simply Feel everything of this wonderful creature that could make her feel so insanely Alive and tingly and warm and Before Armine can realize it she's standing up, shakily leaning against the Eldar banshee humming and singing that Imperial guard marching tune as she presses her lips against the Eldars own.
This human was certainly odd... had her brains been fucked out? So quickly? Irlihish had filled her up with plenty of semen, she could probably leave her someplace while she continued on her mission. She would need to knock her out though just to be safe, Incase she snapped out of this daze. This daze that had her humming and kissing her rapists lips like they were lovers rejoined after a long time apart.
Armine still rides on the wings of pleasure, a thing she had never known before until now and gifted to her in a most brutal and blunt fashion. For a blind man to first see the light, it is overwhelming, for a deaf man to hear sound, it is cacophonous. For a chaste woman to feel pleasure of a sort never thought possible, it is simply too much. Her womb was stuffed full of burning seed that seemed to bubble and slosh inside her, all the while thick streams of the Eldar's seed drooled out of her sore and abused gash. It was the pain of her ravaged insides, mixed with the forced euphoria of her many orgasms that had driven her over the edge. The Battle Sister was not of her senses from all this, and the unreality of the situation presented to her. An Eldar, a Xeno, on this station and violating her, it didn't make sense and now she was pregnant with its spawn.The still engorged shaft of the alien rubbed between her thighs, grinding against her ruined nethers that still leaked the emissions of the Banshee Warrior. Armine hugged herself against this Damned Alien, she giggled and laughed softly, hiccuping and shuddering as her mind tried to piece itself together and make sense of all this, but each time she tried to pick up the pieces, the glass shards of her sensibilities would sting her with the horribleness of the reality presented to her. The only thing that Armine could do to keep the reality of her defilement at bay way simple It was the Will of The Emperor. He had ordained for this to happen to her, He had decreed that she carry a Xeno child for reasons that were not for her to know. So, this was clearly then a holy task that she must preform, this Xeno clearly of divine mandate there was no heresy here this was all the work of The Emperor. Naturally. Obviously.Another clear truth, was that Armine felt the strength flow out of her by the second. She was tired, so incredibly tired. Even as she tried to slur her way through a prayer to The Empeor, something that came so naturally to her before, her eyelids felt heavy. She made a concerted effort to stay awake, to play with the long smooth hair of this Xeno, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to do so.
The xeno watched as the human woman was fading, weak little creatures they were after a hard fuck. She had a job to do, and this sister was already well bred. She took hold of the fucked silly sister of battle and picked her up, carrying her back out into the bedchamber of her barracks. Still alone, good. He takes her to her bunk and places her down on it. Sleep now, soon all your sisters on this station will feel what you do. She says as she presses the thick tip of her Eldar cock to her lips, a kiss in a way as a bit of Eldar cock leaks from the tip and onto her sweet red lips. With that the Eldar turns and leaves, her job here was done. The sister needed rest and she needed another zealous bitch of the Empeor to bend over and make beg.
It was time to leave, the Eldar leaving for her ship after the entire station had been fucked and bred by her thick futa cock.
A return home is what she needed, and her ship would provide exactly that. The familiar sloped and curved elegant walls of Eldar design were a welcome sight in contrast to the baroque and brutish architecture of the Imperium. And, while normally the return to that of more familiar sight would be comforting the truth in fact was different. There was something wrong. Something was amiss. The ship was silent, dormant, it was saved from being adrift solely by virtue of its covert connection to the Mon Kiegh station fort. Of the crew there was no trace, of the helmsmen and arms men there was nothing. Desolate and dead, there was no sign of any Eldar. There was a scent in the air, what should have been unfamiliar but now over the course of repeated exposure was becoming violently more common. The scent of Mon kiegh.Within the holdings of the Eldar ship, amidst the brutally fucked forms of countless Eldar crew, a Goliath pushes off it's latest conquest. Rippling with slabs of muscle and the eyes of a corpse. It senses it's next Victim.It starts to Howl:https: i.kym photos images facebook 001 326 593 f1e.jpg "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" | 24 | ['Hereticus'] |
39 | | Dread of the Vampire Coast (PlatemailBikinixDemaron19) | In the old world the undead and their masters the midnight aristocracy haunt the nights and dreams of their mortal cattle. In the new world however, along the Vampire Coast such forces also stir and cast nightmares into the minds of men. From fog covered ports and rotting docks ships crewed by the undead and captained by the undying set sail for spoils and mayhem. Among the ranks of those midnight lords and admirals was one Viktoria von Sclighten, captain of the dreaded ship the "Widow's Womb" and commander of her own little fleet of ships. The once elven mistress of this ship was a tall and rather thin creature, her hair dark and kept short, eyes black and fangs sharp. Her skin pale, which only further showed how thin she was with one being able to make out the faint outline of her rubs under her flesh. Yet maybe the most striking feature of Viktoria was no her thin figure and elven eyes, but the long and meaty cock she had been her long and slender legs. Just as pale as the rest of her flesh but certainly a thick and juicy slab of meat even before it was erect.Naturally now Viktoria von Sclighten was not a elven name or her original but one she adopted after she became a vampire. von Sclighten having been the last name of the vampire who turned her and maybe the only man she ever really loved. Back in her life among the cruel elves of the cold northern cities she had been a normal woman, with a functioning pussy and womb. A fact her three, late, Dark elf husbands could attest to and indeed her... children, from those days so long ago probably were still alive... probably. That was until she was captured by a vampire pirate and swept away from her home before she was to marry her fourth husband. In the start it was a miserable existence. The vampire captain raped her and defiled her loins with his thick undead cock and seed. It happened frequently but as time passed the hatred turned to something else... and anger became respect... and then love. Indeed in due time Viktoria was longing to do something she dreaded doing with her previous husbands... she longed to have his child. They tried, but vampire fertility was low at best. That was until they found the amulet. What it actually is... who's to say but it was found in the ruins of some Lizardman city. It increased fertility, and the soon Viktoria had her vampire lover rest his hand on her abdomen as she told him the news they longed to hear. The pregnancy was rough, but it was successful and into this world aboard a ship as the roars of the waves mixed with Viktoria's screams of pain she birthed the only child she considered 'true.' This happy time was not long to last, as a ship battle saw her love and captain struck down and in his finale act gave her the kiss. She took the name Viktoria von Sclighten then and there and in time using the power of the amulet she made herself a futa able to breed her captives.That was then however, and this was now. Viktoria sat on the throne in her cabin, naked saw for a cloak loosely around her shoulders, her thick fat cock resting across her lap. Before her stripped of all her cloths was another vampire, one of her subordinate captains who had failed her last task... much to Viktoria's displeasure. "Tell me little welp, do you think I am a merciful captain? That my time and "trust" are things that can be stringed along until the end and no punishment shall happen? I gave you one task, bring me my daughter, bring me my Elizibeth and you let her slip away." She says with a glare in her eyes. Her dear daughter was a rather free spirit... something her mother tolerated far to much to be honest. Especially if taken into account how she treated her other 'children' those born not of her now gone womb but her seed in the wombs of her slaves and captives... or subordinates who needed to be punished... many of whom were in fact the children made of such unions.
"Of course not Admiral." Pleaded the vampire known asZara Kuchler. "I almost had your daughter, but she evaded me at the last second. She fired a cannonade as I was chasing her through a fjord. Had I not pulled back we would have lost the whole ship to the landslide she caused!" Zara's shipShadowmaiden was one of the smaller vessels in von Schlighten's fleet, and so also one of the fastest.She knew that the excuse would not be enough. She has spent her entire time since the encounter preparing for her punishment. She had taken Viktoria's cock before all of them had but the admiral was ever the challenge. Even the most experienced Sartosan whore and most ruined Karond Kar slave struggled to take her. She knew there was nothing she could say that could save her. All she could do now was await the Admiral's punishment. She had prepared herself the best she could, trained, loosened her cunt in anticipation, lubricated it where her dead body could not. She could still feel however, and that part she could not prepare for. That mind melting mixture of gruesome pain and perverted pleasure the Admiral brought.
The captain rose to her feet and walks up to her naked and frightened underlying. Looking down at her with cold black elven eyes as Viktoria reached out and grabbed her Zara s red hair, pulling it hard as she made sure the undead bitch couldn t flee. Between Zara s legs would be pressed her commander s long and meaty cock. Vampires had no heartbeat but sill from Viktoria s organ when pressed against the cold undead flesh of another vampire... that dull throbbing could be felt, the dull beating of life pulsing through her fat shaft and heavy nuts. The captain had the power to make life, to plant it inside the womb of women... for a female vampire pregnancy and birth could be rather painful. You pathetic little trout, you bring me excuses, you come in here with those fat tits hanging in the breeze she says as she grabs one of Zara s lush mounds, squeezing it roughly against her palm and fingers and yet still your too stupid to be on yours knees trying to suck my mercy from my cock? I should have pulled out of that Nord bitch that birthed you and let her suck you out of my cock instead. She growls and bares her fangs in the face of her underlying before she tosses her aside onto the floor I made you! You owe me your unlife! She growls more but collects herself. "Well, since you couldn't bring me my daughter I suppose we will have to see what you can bring me." She says and walking coldly up to the woman grabs her by the hair once more and drags her over to a table. Lifting her up and with little mercy forcibly bends her over the table with her thick pale ass sticking good and out.Viktoria was not unfamiliar with what her underlying must be feeling. She to could still recall when she was mortal, being bent over a table, the fear and pain as a vampire pirate plowed her little elf cunt with his massive undead cock. Her fingers gripping and scratching at the wood as she cried out in agony and slutty moans. Viktoria pressed up behind her underlying, her thick meaty cock rubbing against her ass and the lips of her little pale cunt. The vampire organ growing larger and thicker as Viktoria's erection manifested.
When the captain rose, she knew she'd made a fatal mistake. She had tried to reason, rather than putting her mouth to a use the admiral might actually care for. She would pay for that dearly. The dull echos of pain as the admiral roughly grabbed her hair she knew would only by a taste of what was to come. The unnatural cunt splitter of a cock pulsed against her thighs, each beat sending shivers up her spine.Her mouth formed into a silent 'O' as Viktoria started manhandling her tits, the move bringing pain and pleasure in equal measure. She listened as the Admiral berated her and her mother, remembering the day Viktoria had forced her to watch her mother's death, choking on the Admiral's dick. The very same dick that was now about to claim her.She was thrown to the floor, the wind forced out of her lungs. She was expecting the admiral to take her there and then, rutting her right on the floor. At the Admiral's comment about what she could give her, she froze. So far she'd avoided the full brunt of Viktoria's attention, avoided being bred like a nordlander farm girl when the Vanaheimlings came a raiding. That was about to end. As fear gripped her, some twisted part of her, numbed by decades of watching others bearing the Admiral's spawn, couldn't help but wonder about their daughter . Would she inherit her red hair, or Viktoria's black? Would she be elf or human? Hybrids seemed impossible, unheard of in all her days. She would certainly have a great rack, both mother did and her skin would be icy pale. And pehaps She was roused from her feverish musings by the Admiral bending her over the table. This was it. There was no way out of this. Even if she had a chance of fighting back, of fleeing the fleet and never returning, her body was betraying her, her limbs refusing to move, shutting down in the face of the oncoming torture. All that she could do was wait as the Admiral lined up her massive cock with her pussy, and hope beyond hope that she would be gentle.In her heart, she knew she wouldn't be.
Viktoria give Zara a good and firm slap across her ass, the cold hand gripping the thick cheek after palm and rump made contact. The daughters of the von Sclighten line were the brood mares of their matriarch. Sisters birthing sisters from their loins along with the slaves and whores Viktoria took some dark fancy to. Holding to their breasts and feeding daughters that will one day grow and also know their 'mothers' displeasure if they fail... or it was time for them to have that pesky hymen done away with.Viktoria grasps her thick meaty shaft and presses her bulbous cockhead to the lips of the vampire lady. Rubbing that fat head of cold undead flesh against the little lips and tight slip of the read head vampire. "Pathetic, that Nord whore who birthed you had a bigger cunt then this when I found her. Though I think her people had her tending to the horses." Viktoria gives a dark smirk as she slurs Zara's mother and slaps her ass again for good measure. "Your small but you'll do, time to see if your even good for this." And with that Viktoria starts to push and force her fat meaty cock into Zara's loins. First her labia and with a slow cold pace her birthing canal inch by inch. Viktoria's thick pale organ forcing Zara open wide and spreading her tight around the erect shaft as it spears her.
Zara gritted her teeth as her as was swatted, barely keeping from yelping. Normally, pain was of little consequence to her, but in this context, the degradation and the oncoming impregnation left her on edge, her supernatural senses involuntarily registering every slight touch at well over even her pre death levels of sensitivity. Then she felt the cold tip make contact, and clasped a hand over her mouth to keep from making noise. She didn't want to give her that.The Admiral's word brought unwanted images into her head, of her mothers pussy, gaped and well worn by norscan thoroughbreds, Viktoria claiming her for her own. Conceiving her. She had been a feared name in many ports around the world. But here and now, she felt like nothing more than the bastard offspring of a norscan whore. She felt the tip sink into her, its immense girth stretching her out as it had once stretched her mother. Every inch was pain. Every sting of pain drawing out involuntary pleasure. Eventually Viktoria hilted, her cock prodding and grinding roughly against her cervix. She couldn't breathe, could barely do more than lie there and shake, bent over and abused.And that was just her entering.
That thick bulbous cockhead pressing hard against her cervix, making it bulge as it continuously threatens to simply pierce her womb... Viktoria s Elven groin pressed up to Zara s and her thick and plump ass. Zara certainly had inherited some fine features from that Norscan whore who birthed her. Her mother and Captian s hands running over her shapely birthing hips, vampiric nails dragging across flesh before she firmly grips her daughter... and thus it starts.Viktoria was in no hurry however, out at sea and days away from any port of call... she could enjoy herself and take this as slow as she wanted as the storm raged and the waves rocked the boat. Her pale thin hips start to move, first pulling back and then sending that thick throbbing shaft back into Zara deep. Viktoria watching as her huge cock slipped in and out of her bastard, watched as each impact made that thick norscan bred ass jiggle and bounce. Slow but with such power in each stroke of her hips.
"Ah!"At the Admiral's first real thrust, she had already failed her attempts to stay quiet, to rob Viktoria of that small joy. The cock was just too large, absolutely molding her insides to fit it. Even though she had taken this very cock before, she just never got used to it. Had she been alive, she would be screaming in pain right now, and even with her supernatural pain tolerance, she was suffering. Another thrust, and she felt Viktoria's hips slam into her ass, felt her cheeks jiggle lewdly. Her large features had gotten her many a free drink from horny fools in her days, and now they served only as decoration for Viktoria's amusement.Another thrust and she felt her guts shift, re arranging to accommodate the gargantuan fuck stick. That broke her."AAAAAHHH!"She began to scream, the sheer knowledge of how utterly the Admiral was ruining her enough to send her over the edge in a painful orgasm, her tunnel constricting even tighter around the member, milking it for all she was worth."Ah! Gods! No! Please " Each thrust fucked the air out of her lungs, cutting off her pleas before she could make them. Each pounding blow ending ripples throughout her body, causing even her fat tits to jiggle, trapped as they were underneath her, her nipples rubbing against the rough wood."I'll be Please! I don't wa Ah!"
Want!? She hisses and slams into her harder the next thrust you want northing! You are von Sclighten, born from seed in my own nuts and allowed to ferment in some norscan whore s womb. This is what all of you are good for in the end, to take seed and birth more von Sclightens. She resumes thrusting at a slower pace, taking her time. You ve seen your sisters bred, and heard them scream as they birth, that is what YOU WANT. She orders, demands of Zara as she keeps thrusting and fucking her too tight cunt.A strict and cruel woman Viktoria could be... cruel to slave or her own children. The traits of her former elven life continued on in her unlife after it. Her hand smacks Zara s thick bouncing ass once more, her other hand gripping her shaply birthing hips, vampiric nails piercing the flesh to draw a small amount of blood. Moan more you worthless bitch! She commands slaps Zara s ass harder this time.
If Zara could still cry, she would be crying now. Hearing her own mother say such cruel things, degrading her even further as she fucked her into the table, it was horrific. It was devastating. And it should not turn her on. Yet it did. She couldn't help it. Being utterly reduced to a piece of incestuous fuckmeat like this was warping her mind. She couldn't help it. She wanted to hate it,did hate it. And yet, some depraved part of her, the part that had once made her finger herself to orgasm as she listened to her mother rape her sister on the deck above, enjoyed this. Told her she was nothing more than this: pathetic rapemeat for her mother's cock.Every harsh thrust, every brutal prod at her cervix, caused her to rub against the table. Every slap against her ass sent jiggles that lasted for several seconds. Her mother's cock was bigger and thicker than any other she'd ever taken. Her wires crossed. Pain became pleasure became pain, and her screams slowly turned into moans. Soon she was screaming in another orgasm, but her word were very different:"Yes mommy! Sorry mommy! I'll be I'll be good! Fuck! Fuck me Fuck me more!"
Little whores all her daughters... suppose it made this part easier, well that and the fact Viktoria was more powerful then all of them... ya that also helped. You had better be good you little bitch, you and the bastard your going to birth after I finish breeding you, use those fat tits of yours for something other then chest padding. Vampire babies did in fact breast feed, it wasn t exactly milk though but it was close enough to consider it as such, even if it was a bit more reddish in color.Viktoria s massive cock plowing Zara good and deep as she rides the girl through her orgasm and keeps her body in blissful agony from having her cunt stretched so much by the thick throbbing girth inside her. But all good breedings needed semen, and as the waves rocked the ship and Viktoria s hips rocked her slutty redhead of a daughter her own was about ready to shoot forth and flood Zara s pussy. Get ready Zara! Here comes the first load of your punishment! The vampire futa grins sadisticly as her hips pump harder and faster plowing Zara with little mercy in that finale stretch. One more hard deep thrust and like the firing of one of the ships cannons a thick torrent of hot fertile vampire spunk was being pumped into Zara s womb. Viktoria s dick throbbing and pulsing inside of her as her hips twitch and jerk a few more time sending more and more of her thick semen deep into Zara s pussy. Her womb being plastered in the thick goo that was her mother s seed.
The moment Viktoria came, Zara's mind blanked. Every thought and emotion vanished in an instant, replaced by perfect awareness. She could feel the press of her mother's thighs against hers, feel her crotch slamming into her ass, feel every quiver of her fat ass. She could feel the massive cock twitch as it breached into her womb one last time, feel every spurt of cold jizz shoot out, could feel it fill her up.Then it all came crashing down. It hit her, the inescapable truth: she was going to be a mother. She almost whimpered as Viktoria pulled out, the absence of her bitchbreaker leaving an emptiness within her. She'd seen it happen to others, seen them break and shatter, seen them grow addicted to the pain and the pleasure. Addicted to the Admiral's cock. She never thought she'd end up the same way. Thought she was stronger than that. She wasn't. Being bred by her own mother like a mewling whore was indescribable. Nothing else would ever compare. And one day, her daughter would join her, reduced to nothing more than a cocksleeve for her grandmother.She couldn't wait.
Zara would be kept on the ship until they reached back to home port... if that was before or after she gave birth was to be seen however...It wasn t but a week later that the Widow s Womb found her next prey. A large ship from the Far East... a Junk? Or something like that, Viktoria didn t really take much time to learn about what lied further east then the old world and further west then the new. The trade ship may have been large but the Widow s Womb was a beast herself, and her guns tore into the wooden ship like a vampires fangs into flesh. The ship boarded and its crew met with the shreaking terror of undead carrying rusty blades and guns firing down onto them. The admiral herself in the thick of it, cutting any foolish mortal who challenged her in two with her blade pilfered from the crypt of some long dead Arabian prince. Her pirate costume a long red captains coat and hat complete with the black feather of some long dead bird... it s reanimated corpse was probably flying around the boat somewhere... Viktoria was lacking pants however had a undershirt, she had been occupied when the Widow s Womb fell upon its prey and didn t bother getting fully dressed.These ships usually had exotic goods on them, their exact value to a undead vampire was... questionable but still it was the principle of plundering that counted. What Viktoria was more interested in was plunder of the flesh and blood kind. Already her undead minions were descending on the whores in the lower decks, undead cocks violating living flesh. Viktoria was helping herself to the captians quarters. Pushing open the doors to find anippon womennaked on the bed... or was it Cathey? All these humans from the Far East looked alike... either way, as Viktoria was looking upon her this human whore would be getting a eyeful of the massive vampire cock about to ruin her body.
Takara Yamiri of the Dragon Spirit was not having a great day. Undead pirates swarming her ship, her first mate lover was going to his death, and worst of all she had been interrupted pre coitus, and she was still naked on her bed. Her crew had really fucked up badly this time. Nevertheless, she had been around this sea a while, and feared no foe that lurked the waves.Then Viktoria enters. A tall, pale, definitely not alive woman in one of those ridiculous outfits western pirates loved so much. She had to admit, she was hot tho, in a monstrous sort of way. She was still in the hormonal rush that comes just before fucking, so all she could focus on was those foxy fangs, and her impressive tits. No pants, that boded well for a fight, if she could just "What the fuck?!" She saw the massive cock standing at full attention. All her plans just died, her mind refocusing on just: "What the absolute fuck? What are you, you dead bitch, that you're more hung than my boyfriend?"
Viktoria grins well glade to see that got a reaction out of ya, I don t normally rush into battle without pants but we came upon your ship while I was still busy cumming inside a little whore of my own. Suppose it just makes this easier. She says and with vampiric speed rushes the naked foreign woman and pins her down onto the bed. Now play nice dear and this won t have to be as rough as it has to, though. She says as she presses forward and rubs her thick massive futa cock against the woman s warm wet cunt. I doubt you won t be screaming no mater how gentle I try to be. A grin and a flash of fangs as she ties and binds the whore s hands above her hand with some cloth torn from the bedsheet. That s massive vampire cock slapping against that warm little human pussy as Viktoria grinds her cock head against the plump labia oh her new slave.
Takara watches in shock, unable to bring herself to move as the vampire ties her up. The feeling of a hard cock rubbing against her snaps her our of it however. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! You're not putting that mammoth thing inside me dry! Listen, lady, I'm down for a little fun as long as it keeps me alive, but at least let me lube you up first." This wasn't her first rodeo. She sailed mostly in the north, which meant plenty of demon worshippers to deal with. She had this down pat, wear them out a little, wait til their guard's down, slit their throats while they're busy nutting. The sheer size of the vampire might be a problem, but she'd taken slaneeshi warlords in her days. This would be easy...Right?
Viktoria cocks a eyebrow as the far eastern woman was asking to service her cock before the rape started. Is that so? Well aren t you just a easy little whore. The Admiral grins and leans in, cupping one of Takara s lush tits and pressing her own lips to it, sucking and licking on the nipple as her fangs grazed soft supple flesh. Very well, you can have the honor of sucking my cock before I break your little cunt, not that it will help much. The cruel vampire said as she moves up onto her knees over the mortals midsection and presses her huge fat undead cock up against the woman s face.Viktoria was even feeling a little bit generous that she ripped the knot she made and freed the woman s hands so she would have a better time pleasing the vampires huge fat cock. Consider this a mercy, one mother to another. Viktoria says with a grin and gives Takara s tit a bit of a slap, she had been around long enough to tell the signs of a woman s body that had known children birth.
Takara scoffed at the vampire's words. She'd been through this song and dance before. Getting this over with, she took the cock in her hands, noting the coldness of it as well as the intimidating size. Then she went to town, licking the cock almost haphazardly, hoping to coat it in as much of her saliva as she could. Who knew how long she'd have? She knew people like this could be temperamental and change their minds a lot. She needed this baby wet before it tore her pussy apart.She ran her hands up and down the shaft, smearing her spit all over it, while her tongue lavished the underside. Perhaps she could even get this thing to cum right now, and spare her the trouble?
Her luck was that this vampire was more interested in her pussy then her blood, to wish for anymore would be pushing it. With a ruined cunt she would still be alive at least, until the vampire fucks her to death that is... hadn t even told her yet about the impregnating part. That s it you yellow whore, keep slobbering on my fat dick, you wanted it lubed up so get lubbing. Viktoria ordered with a bit of a growl as she reached a hand back and started to explore her new toy as well. Rubbing and starting to finger the former mortal captain with her long slender digits, tight little thing you are, you better get to sucking, and good.
Takara shot a vicious glare at the vampire. Racism, really? Out of all they ways this unholy beast had to degrade her by, she really played that low? She wasn't even mad really, just a bit dissapointed. She'd heard better attempts at angering her from a halfling. Still, she kept at it, breaking away from her slobbering momentarily to spit down her cleavage, slicking it up so she could use it too to massage the massive prick.Was it not for the inherently rapey nature of this, she'd actually be having a pretty good time. She took some pride in her handiwork, even when it was more of a hand job. And it wasn't every day she had a dick this big to work with. She had to wrap both her hands around it to properly jerk it.
Oh I m sorry, did that hurt your feelings? She gripped Takara s hair tightly and pulled it some I don t fucking care you human bitch! I don t even care what color you are, all your dumb apes are just good for fucking anyhow, fucking and blood. She says with a bit of a lick of her lips. Probably not wise to displease or give cross looks to the creature that views you as a food source. that s enough! She says with a growl and pushed the nippon whore away from her cock and back down onto the bed. You ve lubed me enough, I came here from that little cunt and my patience is growing thin. She proclaims as she grabs the woman s legs and pulls her in, spreading her open wide, very very wide outing the mature captain Takara s flexibility to the test. That massive vampire elf cock... the head pressing against the little pale lips of the mortal woman s cunt. Do a good job pleasing me yellow whore and I may keep you around. Viktoria says as she starts to push into her, starts feeding that too small human pussy that huge throbbing vampiric cock.
Takara gritted her teeth as she vampire yanked her around by the hair. She was about to say something in response to her taunting, but stopped herself as the vampire licked her lips. Perhaps keeping quiet was for the best.She hit the bed with a slight bounce, yelping as she felt strong, cold hands grab her thighs and groaned through closed teeth as her legs were spread to the breaking point. She'd rather die than give the bitch the satisfaction of hearing her scream. The sensation of cold, large cockflesh entering her was not too unpleasant at first. Truly a remarkable specimen, and one she might perhaps brag about having had, had this been consensual. Then it dug too deep, and slip her too wide. Pain seared through her nethers, and she let out a helpless whine.
Brag? To who? Her other freshly raped slaves? Her daughters? Her new sisters in knowing what it s like to be fucked and bred by the vampire pirate queen? Viktoria was grinning as she watches the woman start to feel the pain as that massive undead cock forces her little cunt open wide. Viktoria didn t even give her a moment to adjust, just started moving her hips and fucking that too small pussy good and deep. Not to fast at first, but already and painfully her massive pale cock was reaching from plump labia and smashing against Takara s cervixing forcing it to bulge inward to her womb. What the mater? Where is that fire and spirt from before? Your acting like a virgin going through her first pains now. The vampire captain said with a grin and a flashing of her fangs. Massive undead did still plowing the mortal pussy good and deep as Viktoria kept her legs spread out good and wide.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Takara's every exhale was filled with the expletive, repeated over and over as the massive cock stretched her cunt out, sending confusing and draining signals of mixed pleasure and pain shooting through her. She could feel her cervix being hammered as the vampire fucked her deeper than any non slaaneshi had ever fucked her. And those had used tentacles, which seemed downright thin in comparison to the vampire's log of a pussy breaker."Fuck. Shit. Fuck." Every thrust sent her rocking back, her head hanging limply as she struggled to brace herself, digging her hand into the fabric of the sheets in an attempt to stay in place. The action only served to please Viktoria further, a slight resistance, almost meeting her on every thrust.As for the vampire's taunting question, it remained unanswered as she turned every ounce of mental power to stay sane beneath the barrage of rape.
It was all so wonderful to Viktoria to watch, she liked to see haughty tough ladies like Takara be put on their place be they man or fey. She was above them all, they were either cattle to be fed upon, or stock to be bred. The vampire of the seas leaning in closer as her fat cock keeps ravishing Takara's mortal pussy at a punishing pace, her heavy fat nuts loaded with vampiric semen smacking against Takara's thick Nippon ass like the beating of drums on a slave galley.Viktoria grabbing one of the woman's tits and squeezing it firmly, feeling how soft and lush it was in her cold undead hand. "Yes these will do nicely, its important for a wench to have herself a good set of utters if she's going to be breast feeding, I'm sure these will get very swollen with milk in a few months." She grins "I might just have to help myself to a drink or two, make sure my latest bastard is getting fed properly." With that she presses her lips to the yellow woman's tit and starts sucking on her nipple. Her soft cold hand still squeezing the plump mound as her fangs graze the woman's areola.Not many outside of her own crew knew she could father children inside of women... or those with wombs. Vampires as rather infertile creatures was widely enough believed if maybe taken to literal by some who said it could never happen. Viktoria was going to breed this Nippon whore, give Zara someone to talk to down in the whore hold when her cunt wasn't needed.
Takara wasn't sure if the vampire was merely trying to get inside her head or not. Everyone knew Vampires, being undead, couldn't have children. And elves and humans didn't breed true, crossbreeding being impossible. Yet, the bitch spoke with such confidence that it was hard to push the thought aside. Still, she had an ace up her sleeve, which she gladly shared with the petty little fucker:"Sorry to tell you, but I'm infertile." Her delivery was far from desired, halting and out of breath and spat through her gritted teeth as the vampire plowed her for all she was worth. "You're far from the first bastard to try and put a kid in me, and you'd be the first to succeed." She lay her head back again, this time with a smile as she started to adjust to the size of her invader. She gently cupped Viktoria's head in her hand, stroking her hair. "Keep sucking though, it's the first competent thing you've done to me so far..."
Infertile? Well... luckily she had a little trick to fix that... or should one say, she had a trick from those old ones the lizardmen worship to fix that. She grins a bit and bites down a little on her tit, not enough to break the skin but enough to have her feel it. Sucking on her mound a bit longer before letting go and sitting up, looking her practically face to face, the fucking had slowed, it was still a massive cock plowing her but it wasn't as rough as before. "Infertile? My poor dear, that simply won't due, see, I rather like your little pussy, but if your unable to give me children then well." She grins a bit more as he fangs grow longer, making her 'point' about the situation. "But, I think there is a way we can fix that." She says, reaching into one of the pockets of her captains coat and pulling out a golden medallion encrusted with jade and rubies. It was clearly lizardman in nature. "Willing to give it a try? Or, shall I go ahead and have a drink?" Her womb, or her life...Even before she would have time to answer Viktoria would be moving the medallion down to Takara's abdomen, pressing the cold golden metal to her flesh. A intense heat would start to build in her womb, a great pain as the object was 'fixing' her... it was going to hurt like a bitch but Viktoria didn't really care, she wanted to see Takara's tits grow fat with milk. Viktoria's lips once more pressing to Takara's breast as she suckles from her lush mound and erect nipple. A cold and nimble tongue swirling around the nipple, fangs growing and suddenly piercing the flesh of her tit. Not enough to harm her to much, but enough to draw blood, blood that Viktoria was now drinking.
And of course as soon as she had adjusted to the plowing, even started to enjoy her more manageable pace, the bitch found some way to muck it up. The medallion burned hot as fire, and she screamed, feeling it knit at her insides, her guts bubbling and reshaping. She arched her back, her screams dying down as the heat faded, leaning her panting. The came the bite: sharp fangs sinking into her soft titflesh, the undead cunt lapping up the droplets of blood that rose from the wounds.She swore in Nipponese, cursing the bloodsucker. She didn't want to know what kind of freak would be birthed from this union, but she also wanted to keep her life. She'd let the beast rape her, drink her blood, even put a child in her, if that's what it took to survive.
She could throw all the curses she wished, they wouldn't change the facts of the situation. Viktoria started to thrust harder and faster once more as Takara's womb was now fixed and breeding was now on the agenda. Her massive cock dripping and oozing thick pre cum was the cock plows her loins with little mercy as it was coming time to seal this union and add another whore to her ranks of breeding stock. Her lips and fangs letting go of her tit as Viktoria sits up, grinning as she pounds the nippon whore harder and faster. "Get ready you cheap yellow slut, your about to start your new life as my bitch."
Takara's voice was growing hoarse as Viktoria picked up the pace, every brutal thrust forcing a yelp from her. She could feel the slickness of her goopy pre cum, could feel it ooze out of her over stretched hole as Viktoria's gargantuan cock battered for the home stretch."No, no no no!" Her protests fell on deaf ears she knew, but she couldn't help but try anything, no matter how small, to avoid this fate. "I don't wanna be a mommy! I don't wanna be a mommy!"
The vampire grunting like a beast as she enters that finale stretch, her cock throbbing and pulsing as her fat nuts were tightening in their sack. The captain had her latest prize, not to put her to work. The vampiric dark elf arches her back some as she slams her massive cock as deep as the mortal pussy would take the fat ungodly shaft. From the bulbous cockhead starts to shoot forth thick torrents of vampiric cum. Thick sticky ropes of the fertile undead seed being forcibly pumped into the warm mortal womb of its latest host. The entire organ throbbing and pulsing inside of her cunt as she was being bred.
Takara could feel the fat dick expanding in its final throes, the sudden pressure forcing her into a messy, unwilling orgasm. Waves of pleasure shot through her, scrambling her brain as she felt unnaturally cold cum splatter her insides, drowning her ovaries in potent seed. Her toes curled and her chest shot up as her back arched violently, the orgasm more powerful than any she'd had in years. She screamed, her voice dying off halfway, leaving a ragged quiet noise emanating from her mouth.It just kept on coming, more and more vampire cum packed into her aching womb, the utter corking the admiral's massive dick provided keeping it from overflowing. Instead she felt her insides slowly bulge, a visible bump building in her stomach. Liters of spunk filled her up, the strange sensation wracking her with another orgasm, causing her to go limp on the bed. Her eyes rolled back in her skull, her mind blanking, overloaded by the feeling of her womb being utterly and thoroughly bred for the first time. She could almost feel the seed taking hold, browbeating her fresh eggs into submission.It was all she could feel.
Viktoria watches Takara have her mind and will broken at that moment, watches her body and very soul face the harsh reality of the situation. Her cock kept pumping for a little while longer, so much thick vampire semen inside of her womb. It was thick and heavy, so damn heavy. Her egg stood no chance as it was swarm and its membrane violated by the undead semen as one finally got through it, the start of new unlife. "You'll make a very good breeding whore yet." She says with a sly grin before he cups one of Takara's tits again and runs her tongue against the erect pink nipple "Tits good and fat with mothers milk." She grins a bit more sadistically.
In a dark, dinghy tavern in the Marienburg harbor,Gerlinde Kempfawaits her prey. The reign of terror spread by the ferocious Viktoria von Sclighten ends tonight. She has the whole hunt planned out. She waits in the vampire's quarters in the inn, behind the door and ready to pounce the moment the filthy monster enters.The door opens, the bitch enters, and Gerlinde strikes, bringing her stake down towards the thing's heart.
She would certainly hit a target... it wasn't the vampire however but a simple undead crewman who had been hauling her belongings into the room. Belongings that fell and tumbled to the ground as the creature withered and turned to sea salt and ash... This assault on her luggage was not well received as Viktoria extended her booted foot and kicked the hunter hard in the stomach sending her with a loud thud into the opposing wall.
Gerlinde cursed her luck, and grunted as she slammed into the wall. Her vision blurred from the impact, she raised the stake like a tilean parrying dagger, and drew her pistol with her free hand. Righting herself to a tall, proud posture, she smirked at the monster. "Think you'll be so lucky again?" Her voice was sharp and taunting. It the slightest hint of approach, she would fire, and rush through the gunfire smoke to stake her prey.
Do you really think you can shoot me lass? Ha! I can think of many a elven bitch who put her fair body s hope that she could knock me with a arrow before I reached her, and I can tell you just as many elven whores ended up on their backs crying as I raped them. She grins with those sharp fangs of her showing so do ya really think you a mere human has a chance of shooting me? Look I ll give you a choice, if you put the gun down and get on your knees I ll let you walk away with a sore jaw and a sorer ass. Viktoria says as she cups the rather heavy looking bulge in the front of her pants if not however, well, always room in the brig of my ship for some blonde Empire bitch. Your choice, clocks ticking. She adds as she starts undoing her pants and pulls out that massive undead cock take it up the ass as a free woman, or have your pussy raped.
Something about the vampire instilled a deep fear in Gerlinde. She knew of the tales of course, of an immortal monster who plied the waves, pillaging and burning. In the tales, the beast cared only for one thing: sex. Many a tale spoke of her brutality, of how an entire order of Nordlander warrior women had been defeated and raped half to death, only left alive so they could carry her spawn of how even the druchii feared her after the Krakenlord himself had returned home from a raid, only to find half his slaves fucked to death, and the other half missing, of how the norscans steered clear of her fleet, and even other vampires fled her.And in that moment, she knew they were all true.With a shiver, she lowered her pistol, dropping the stake on the ground. She was outmatched, and outclassed. Her only hope was that the monster would keep her word. Wordlessly, Gerlinde Knelt.
Seems fair Was there any truth in these tails and deeds of mass rape? The first rule of being a pirate... make the story of your exploits even grander and bigger then they really are.With a grin Viktoria walks up to the kneeling woman and firmly smacks her thick meaty undead cock against the woman s cheek well well, looks like there are some brains inside that little blonde head after all. She smirks and taunts, that massive cock still pressed against her face as Viktoria grabs her blonde hair so she couldn t pull away. The chance she would hold up her deal was... well almost nothing. In all reality Gerlinde most likely just agreed to let this monster take her pussy and breed her.
Gerlinde knew the monster was likely to betray her, but it was the only chance she had. She knew it was foolish to expect a corpse to keep her word, but part of her held out hope that this one was honorable, like the Blood Dragons she'd fought in the past, even allied with once, to take on daemons.She gritted her teeth as the vampire grabbed her by the hair, a sensitive point for her.
Well mortal fools and their misguided views of honor... sometimes became undead fools with misguided views of honor. Views of honor Viktoria as a dark elf and now vampire had no interest in entertaining then or now."No no, don't grit your teeth, open your mouth, you need to get sucking after all. The faster you get to it... well... just hurry up and get to it." She says in a tone that was partially threatening as she softly orders the blonde mortal woman to get to work and suck the massive undead cock before her.
With a glare, Gerlinde tentatively opened her mouth, and took the head in. The cold flesh felt unpleasant, and the monster tasted of sex, this clearly not being the only time she'd been 'tended to' recently. Her descent upon the cock was slow and halting, the woman clearly inexperienced.
Viktoria always made a point of habit to 'unload' some of her own 'cargo' before going ashore. That yellow bitch from the far eastern seas was making a wonderful cock warmer, and the child growing in her womb was coming along nicely. "come on girl, I said I wanted my cock sucked not nuzzled on." She sighs and rolls her eyes. "Don't tell me your a virgin, I mean really, a virgin hunter? That's practically begging for trouble, should have you lot bred at least three times and able to suck cock without a gag reflex before they let you out into the wild. Makes my side of things so much simpler if the girl already knows the rules."
Gerlinde had in fact only had sex once or twice in her life, and had never been fond of giving oral. Thus, she really was doing her best as she slowly took in more and more cock, her tongue unwieldy as it pressed against the underside of the massive rod. Not one to back down from a challenge however, no matter how crude, she reached out and grabbed the vampire by the hips, using her arms to pull herself down. Almost immediately, the force of the effort was found to be disagreeable by her gag reflex, and she let out a wet gurgle as she shot back, falling back on her haunches and coughing and spluttering and gasping.
Viktoria smirks as she watches the human wench learn she was biting off far more then she could chew. A little to much for you? I said suck my cock or I ll rape that pathetic mortal twat, looks like you ve failed my terms of surrender. The elven vampire said with a grin on her lips as she grabs the hunter and using her overwhelming vampiric strength lifts the woman up by the neck. She grabs at Gerlinde s groin and rip away her clothing overnight that little and oh so unprepared pussy. Without much in the way of mercy she tosses the bitch onto the bed, coming up behind her quickly and sure she was good and bent over with that curvy human ass sticking out and up... that massive cold undead cock rubbing against her thick ass cheeks and her soft little pussy... that warm human pussy was built for the size of the vampire... her pussy was going to be raped and ruined. Maybe her incredibly short skirt like attire wasn t the best idea...
Deep in the hot balmy jungles of the new world there lived more then just cold blooded monsters, rotting brine coated corpses, and the occasional lunatic who thinks the stories of gold make it worth the risk... There to lived the Amazons, a all female tribal community who shunned and detested men. Some were born into the community, others escaped to it fleeing slavers or the sorry chains of marriage.That is not to say that the Amazons didn't have something to serve, that they did not have some form of chain and duty that bound them... For reasons unknown to outsiders the Amazons seemed linked to the Lizardmen, their warm blooded servants. They served in all manors needed of them, even in the ways their female bodies were built for nature for.Akasta Stor'loomwas a might Amazon warrior to behold. Her body a temple of the warrior female, and yet her temple still had needs, and the needs of others to tend to as part of her duty.Akasta was on her hands and knees, gripping the warm wet jungle dirt as her face contorted in pain and pleasure. Her thick and tone body bouncing forward as something struck her deep from behind. From her lips came cries of pleasure mixed with pain, the source being the large and girthy cock plunging deep inside of her loins. The cock belonging to a Skink who was making use of her as a source of his own relief. His cold reptilian cock too big for her little and warm human pussy. A warrior she may have been but she was still only a woman and no matter how strong her body was her pussy still small and weak to the touch of her cold blooded masters. She cries out and grunts as the fat Skink cock plows her from labia to womb. "mmm ahhhgggg! p please, mmm, great c cold one. M my loin can only take so, mmmmuch." She utters in a begging tone as her pussy was being abused by the Skink.
For some time now, the pair had been unaware of an observer, watching them from the treeline. Viktoria von Sclighten had originally come to the area following a treasure map looted from a rival vessel. It had promised Asur gemstones, and weapons of bretonnian silverine buried under an old lizardmen watchtower. Some hours into her search she had stumbled upon the two of them, the skink and an amazonian, rutting away. She had no interest in lizardmen, they lacked women to fuck and couldn't be raised into undeath, but the amazon was enticing.She was bronze skinned and pale tressed, a rare combination that would make her an attractive target all on its own, but it was her physique that really got her blood pumping. Hard defined muscles covered in exotic tattoo work, thick thighs, and curves Viktoria had slaughtered villages to look upon in the past. What was one little reptile?At the amazon's plea, she sensed the time was right to step forward."Worry not my lady," she said, affecting a cocky swagger as she emerged from the treeline into the small glade. She drew her sword, a withered, rusted thing that nevertheless hid a great sharpness and a magical bite. "I shall save you from this brutish animal!" With inhuman speed, she dashed forwards, just as the skink turned to hiss at the intruder. She delivered a deep cut to its neck, a wound that would have meant the end for a human, but was little but a nuisance for a lizardman. The thing dove to the side, unheeding of the way his "lover" cried out as the massive cock was violently torn from her tight pussy. It scrambled up on its feet, grabbing the spear it had left nearby, alongside what was clearly the amazon's axe. With a hiss, it leapt at Viktoria, poised to strike.Viktoria merely grinned, stepping aside at the last second and delivering another shallow cut, this time to its thigh. Then, before it could right itself, she slashed at the thigh again, deeper this time, and then another, to its calf. There was a sickening rip, and the lizard stumbled forward, its tendon cut. As it turned to lunge again, Viktoria drove her sword in its entirety through its eye, the thin blade emerging out the back of its skull.Sheathing her sword, Viktoria approached the amazon, extending a hand to help her stand. "No need to thank me. Not in words anyhow..." She let that sink in, shamelessly drinking in the amazon's naked body, putting her hand on her hip to draw the amazon's eye there. And to the massive bulge in her pants. She believed the implication spoke for itself.Of course, in the end she didn't have a choice in the matter, but it would really make her feel like even more of a hero if the woman just gave her what she wanted freely...
Akasta wasn t in a current condition to help the Skink, she certainly wasn t expecting this and cried out loudly as the fat massive lizard cock was unceremoniously pulled from her cunt with a wet pop. The amazon didn t have the strength currently to reach out for her weapon... the thick Skink semen that was oozing out from her cunt should have been clear sign to anyone that she and the lizardman had been going at this for some time.She glares up at the vampire you undead monster... get away from me... she says panting, coated in sweat as thick Skink cum keeps dripping from her little abused pussy. This was bad, in her condition there was no way she could stop this vampire... the bulge she was seeing in the unholy beasts pants didn t help the mater.
Viktoria sighed. Here she was, playing the hero for once, and all she got was more of the same. Well, that confirms it, going good wasn't going to work, and she should never stop doing whatever she wants to anyone she wants. With that in mind, she grabbed the Amazon by the back of her head, holding her in place, and very pointedly looked down to her dripping pussy. "Well, normally I don't go for sloppy seconds, but if you do a good job of slobbering on my cock, I might try it for once." With her free hand she unbuttoned her pants with a well practiced motion. Her undead monster of a cock sprung free, already larger than the skink's at half hard.Viktoria grinned, pprodding the tip to the amazon's lips. "The alternative is it goes up your ass."
The amazon grunts as her hair was pulled and she was given the choice, suck or suffer... either way she would suffer... she looks at that monster cock. The taste of the lizardman cock still on her lips and tongue, they may not look like it but those skinks rather enjoyed having their cocks sucked. Many rituals and ceremonies needing the cock of the Skink priest sucked on by a loyal amazon whore... well... maybe not a loyal one, plenty of ladies ended up here by less then loyal and willing means.Her blood still pumping from the sex, her pussy tender and plump from being pounded. She didn t have a choice... she leans in and opening her mouth she starts to suck and suckle on that thick pale cockhead. Cold thick skin against warm and living flesh.
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Viktoria grinned as she felt the Amazon get to work, her plump lips caressing her pale rod before the slick tongue wrapped around it. She placed her other hand on her head, not pushing her yet, but reminding her that failure to properly entertain would be punished. She wanted to see just how far this clearly practiced whore could go. It wasn't often she got to fuck an active participant rather than a thrashing cocksleeve, and it would take an Amazon's constitution to handle her."That's it, good girl. Now take me to the base, I want to feel those tonsils."
The amazon grunts and starts gagging as she tries to swallow more of that fat undead cock. Lizardmen were a bit more into fucking pussy then mouth but she wasn t totally new to the experience. Her eyes glance over at the dead Skink... his semen still dripping from her tender pussy... they turn back to the vampire as the amazon tries to swallow it, getting closer the base and to that fat undead cock getting a bit too deep into her throat.
Swiftly growing impatient with the Amazon's slow pace, Viktoria steeled the grip on her head, bucking forwards with her hips. At once, her massive cock forced it's way deep down Akasta's gullet, her neck visibly bulging at the strain. She held her in place, savoring the spasms as the amazon fought for air against the Vampire's supernatural strength. Twelve agonizing seconds passed before she finally relented, loosening her grip just enough for the Amazon to fight her off.
Panic and gagging set in as she was being chocked by the undead monster dick. The amazon finally manages to pull her mouth free, coughing and gasping for air on her knees and hunched over as she tried to no vomit. That thick amazon ass and lush tits jiggling as her body shock and trembled in fear and disgust at had what been in her mouth and so deep down her throat.
"Pathetic." Viktoria's voice was cold, dripping with vitriol. "I really thought Amazons were supposed to be tough. But here you are, down for the count as soon as a cock goes down your throat." She grabs her by the neck, forcing her to her feet and dragging her over to the rock she had bent over just minutes ago. Once more she is forced down. "With such a disappointing performance, I may need to take precautions, so you don't die before I cum."She released her grip on the Amazon's neck, pressing down on her back instead, squishing her tits against the rough stone. She slammed her fat cock down onto Akasta's ass, sliding it into the valley of her jiggling cheeks. "And so, I must regrettably leave it up to you: Pussy or asshole." She used her free hand to give her as a swat, enjoying the sensation of a fat ass rippling over her dick. "Choose, or I turn you over and bury myself in your throat again."
The amazon gaps and groans as she was forced against the rock and had that dick slap against her ass. Y you bitch. She says through gritted teeth as her ass was spanked. That thing would never fit in her ass... but her pussy... her pussy was for Lizardmen semen only... she tried to move... tried to get up but she couldn t. Her gaze Looking back to the dead lizard men... a tear rolling down her cheek. M my pussy. He says and tries to brace herself.... Viktoria could always resurect the Lizardmen as a zombie under her control and let the two love birds continue their fun.
At her words, Viktoria pulled back, lining up the tip of her rod against the Amazon's cum filled pussy. Normally, she rarely did such a thing as stick her cock in a recently used hole, but she had the same thought as the Amazon. Her ass would break, and she wanted her alive for just a little more. Moving her hands to Akasta's ass, squeezing her flesh hard, she thrust inside with little to no regard for the woman she was raping. Half her cock slid in on the first push, not bad for a mortal. Another hard thrust, and she bottomed out, pressing against the Amazon's cervix. A good few inches of her cock were still not inside, but she doubted an amazon were as 'flexible' as a druchii."Ooh, that's better." She pulled out a little, before thrusting back in, working up a nice tempo. "Your cock sucking needs some work, but I can see why that lizard was fucking you. Nice and tight, even after all this use." Her tone was mockingly conversational, letting the amazon know that even as she got the dicking of a lifetime, this was just another hole for Viktoria. "I am correct in assuming this wasn't a rare thing, you being plowed by those reptiles?"Awaiting an answer, her thoughts drifted to the dead lizard. Perhaps it was just the living's bothersome habit of being dismayed by death, but she got the impression that her prey might have cared for it. In which case it might still be useful...
The amazon was about to cry out for help or beg her to not do this but that was dashed as so much undead cock sunk into her. Eyes rolling back in her skull a bit as she let out a silent scream. Her voice returning in good order though as she gasps and cries out as her little used pussy was being fucked and fucked deep by the fat cold organ... at least the lizard and vampire shared that... both cold blooded. Thick warm amazon flesh full of life and blood bouncing as it was fucked hard by the pirate futa.Her teeth clenching and her hands gripping rock she was trying to hold it together but losing. Even if she tried to respond to her questions the only sounds that came out were painful moans and whorish groans as her pussy was tapped and raped.
Viktoria groaned as she felt the warm cunt wrapping around her cock. Her rock hard member pumping in and out of Akasta's stretched hole with the practiced ease of one who had ruined many a women in her days. She waited for a few more minutes, raping away at her newest toy, until she accepted that answering her questions was just beyond this slut for now. Bring her to the ship and keep her, maybe she'd be able to talk while getting pounded in a few months. Until then, perhaps she could use other means to make her talk...Still pounding away at the amazon beneath her, Viktoria raised a hand, clenching it into a fist. As she did, her other hand shifted its grip on Akasta's ass, allowing her to slip her thumb into her rear entrance, probing it to see how it would stretch. She said a few words in elvish, and her raised fist began to glow with a sickly pale light. As she spoke, the dead lizard began to rise. The skink shambled closer, turning its dead eyes unto the sight of Viktoria railing its former paramour. Even though it was dead, the sight before it seemed to have an effect, causing its still messy cock to harden.It approached Akasta from the other side, allowing her full view as it placed itself at her head. It stared blankly ahead, not even registering her. Its cock was now barely an inch away from Akasta's face, and Viktoria chuckled."Go ahead my dear, finish the job you started. Either you swallow his cock, or mine." She waited a moment before adding, "After its taken a round up your ass." The skink lurched, the tip of the sticky cock prodding at her mouth.
The amazon crying out almost didn t notice the Skink until it was right before her, her eyes widened in terror seeing one her divine beings now a shambling copse... and his huge fat cock once more reanimated to its ungodly size. This vampire was a cruel bitch... a monster... she couldn t... but this lizardman needed peace... with tears in her eyes she opens her mouth and starts trying to suck on the lizardman s cold zombie cock. Starting to suck the organ as tears ran down her cheeks as tears kept running down cheeks as she was spit roasted between the two huge and throbbing organs.
Viktoria was almost impressed. She had half expected to have to make the skink rape her throat. Instead she'd actually behaved and sucked it down. Pleased with this development, she continued to plow the amazon, making a game out of occasionally thrusting extra hard, sending her flying forward, scraping her against the rock and forcing her face forwards, deeper onto the cock. She had expected more resistance from an amazon, having heard tales of their savagery and prowess. Either they were lies, this one was a weak one, or Amazons, like most humans, simply lost their nerve when faced with superior elven cock.After a while, she felt the rush of an oncoming orgasm, and gritted her teeth. As she felt she was on the brink of it, she pushed Akasta forward, forcing her down once more onto the skink's cock. This time, she held her there, fingers clutching at her scalp. Another game, seeing what would happen first: her orgasm, or Akasta fainting.
The amazon was trying her best, trying to just focus on the lizardmen cock, but that was easier said then down as she gags and muffled screams from having her little cunt abused. Maybe if she had been caught not so deeply into fucking with this lizardman she would have put up more of a fight... any woman could be made weaker because of a good pounding.Still she had other worries now, her mouth and throat full of lizardman cock as the vampire played her game, her eyes watering and rolling back as she tries to push back from the skink but couldn't. Her little Amazonian cunt trembling as she orgasms around the vampire dick, drenching it in her fluids as she was close to just passing out from lack of air at this point. Dangerous games this undead bitch played. Warm vaginal fluids dripping down her inner thighs as drool drips down her chin mixed with the fluids of the lizardmen's cock... shivering and shacking...
Akasta's orgasm was the proverbial thrust that broke the whore's mind. As she felt that tight cunt cramp up around her, and her wet juices flow around her and out of Akasta, she came. With a gasped cry, she erupted, shooting her first load directly onto Akasta's cervix, painting it white. Like a cork shot from a bottle, that first squirt was soon followed by a flood of cum, liters and litres of magical vamp sperm filling up the thrashing whore. Still forcing her down onto the zombie cock, the question quickly became: can she stay awake until I finish filling her womb?For every moment that passed, more and more cum was dumped into the amazon, causing her taut, sculpted stomach to bulge slightly, the seal of Viktoria's cock in her cunt too tight for it to escape. With a sigh of relief, Viktoria finally pulled out, having spent the last minute or so filling Akasta to the brim. Cum flooded out of her now gaping hole, yet the action drew no reaction from the amazon. Looking up from her work, Viktoria realized that she had passed out.Well, that did mean she'd have free reign to fuck her some more... But she already had that, and his one had been somewhat disappointing. Still, she liked her looks, and she had just impregnated the whore, no doubts about it. Thinking back, her ship wasn't too far away, and she was going to stay at least a few more days, which was more than enough time for... Yes, that would do.She really was loath to leave Akasta's business with the skink unfinished, and the thing had taken two of her holes already. stepping away from the unconscious amazon, she commanded the zombie:"Go on, finish up, fuck her ass. Just until she wakes up though, when she does you bring her to my ship." She watched with amusement as the Skink took up the position, mounting Akasta and spearing his saliva slick cock straight up her asshole. The shock did not wake her though, although she was now groaning in her sleep. She left the skink to pound away at her fat ass, leaving to find her treasure.
It was a nightmare... a perversion of the great plan... a twisting of the old ones will and design... and that was before the baby was even born.
Elizabethlast child born from the womb of the elf that was now Viktoria the pirate... As a blend of dark elf and vampire she was certainly a beauty to behold. Stunning to see and with her assets had been able to use her body to achieve much in her 'life.' But she didn't want to end up like all of her half sisters... made fat with their mothers next bastard when it suited her... so she ran off... to find her own life... how strange then life would be found in a land of the dead?In one of the great tombs in the land of sand and sun Elizabeth was shielded from the light as she walked about naked. Each step she took with her long sexual legs causing her generous breasts and curvy ass to bounce as she strutted around this indoor ceremonial pool... now more so a place for the Tomb Queen's new 'wife' to enjoy herself and get 'wet.' Elizabeth stops before a alter and lifts up a small jug that she then pours onto her skin... sweet oils drip and fall onto her breasts, being rubbed into her supple pale flesh by her delicate hands. She takes one finger and softly sucks on it... she rather liked the taste... it reminded her of her love's cock.
The sheer cloth that obscured the entryway into the room shifted, revealing the shape ofQueen Khitri Tumarakh. As the queen of but a minor part of Nehekara, her lands were untouched by the wars that ravaged the rest of the lands, allowing its queen to focus on more... pleasant matters. She had taken in Elizabeth when she had first arrived, enamored with her beauty. From there, it had blossomed.While she had no more need for baths or oils, she greatly enjoyed her lover going through the old ritual of cleaning. She watched from the edge of the pool, shamelessly eyeing her lover's ass as she rubbed herself down. Slowly, she approached, rounding the pool to join Elizabeth, reaching around the elf to help knead the oil into her skin. Were she to look down, Elizabeth would easily see Kithri's large cock emerging from between her legs, growing harder by the moment as she caressed her beloved's generous breasts."My love, I can hardly wait. I know we agreed that you would join me in our chambers after you've cleaned up, but I need you now." She pressed a kiss to the side of Elizabeth's jaw. "I want to put a baby in you right here, in the hall of ceremonies."
Sometimes the rather meaningless things in life gave it purpose... and spice... plus who could say no to a woman like her oiling herself up before coming to bed to make love? That s what it was after all, not her mother s raping but love making. Sure she had at first been nervous to discover the Queen was a futa, but with time and a passionate courtship it all fell into place... that night the queen made her move... came to her guest s bed, Elizabeth didn t fight, or yell for her to leave. As the queen dropped her robe she in turn pulled back her bed covers and spread her legs.She knew her love was watching, she gasps softly as her queen starts to touch her body. A smile on her lips and a soft moan escaping them as she looks down and sees the royal staff of the tomb... that glorious darkly tanned cock. Her pale and oiled hands coming to brush and stroke the huge meaty organ, feeling it s veins and it s power.She shivered softly hearing her love s words mmm, my queen, my lord and master. I would scorn you for your overeagerness were not my own loins burning to carry your seed. Perhaps breeding here will invoke your gods aid, shall I scream their names in prayer as you fill me? One load for each deity.
Kithri moaned softly at her love's soft touch on her dick. She moan ended in a low chuckle a she pulled a hand down, plunging her fingers into Elizabeth's pussy, fingering her."My love, there are fourteen gods of Nehekhara." She wasn't against the idea of fucking her wife fourteen times, even in this holy place, but she wanted to be sure Elizabeth knew what she was doing. "Four of them not to be invoked unless you want their wrath upon you." The hand that was fingering Elizabeth angled, allowing her to push her thumb into her rear. "Perhaps invoke them only as I waste my seed somewhere else..." She nibbled gently on her ear.
The vampire woman moans softly as she feels her queen s fingers playing with her pussy and shivers as she feels the finger up her tight ass. Both holes oh so wonderfully tight, her pussy shivering a bit, trembling as she feels her queen pet her so. That little vampire pussy could still recall the wonders of the royal cock... how she had climaxed so quickly from its power, ashamed at how fast it had happened for her, never feeling such power and sensation from a cock... how her legs grew numb as they hung in the air and her toes curled in pain and delight as her pussy was fucked deep and hard... how it felt after it was finally said and done... laying there with her womb and loins so full of the heavy semen of her queen. Watching with both the proper fear and devotion as her queen's thick semen oozed from her abused little pussy... after all, a wife should both love and fear her husband's cock and cum. Going to bed that night as the new queen of the tomb to her glorious and powerful 'king.' Perhaps then I should mmm aaah only pray out your name then my queen and love? Pray that the world rejoice as the king lays her queen with child, as my lord dose her sacred and holy duty. She says as she brushes a finger against the tip of her queen s cock and gets a dab of pre cum. Bringing it to her lips and sucking the finger softly mmm, as I do my holy duty carrying your divine lineage. She was rather well skilled at speaking the lingo and showing proper respect to her 'betters.'"They say the seed of a royal line from these lands is as holy as the mighty river that once fed this land, and just like that river, it needs regularly to flood its banks. A wise ruler knows though how to direct that flood for the good of her kingdom." She says as she grips her cock a bit more firmly, feeling the thick fat flesh of the shaft in her palm and fingers direct your holy waters my queen, into your wife s needy little garden. Elizabeth kisses along the queen's jawline, ending in a kiss right on her lips, deep and loving.
"Hmmm, aren't you the little smooth talker." Kithri removes her fingers from Elizabeth's holes, using them to prod at her lips until she admits them into her mouth, wetting them with her saliva before using the slick digits to slather her cock in the stuff. "Very well, my consort. Prepare yourself for my flesh." With that, she thrust, spearing Elizabeth's pussy to the hilt in one smooth motion. She let out a long, low moan as she stood still, letting Elizabeth get used to her presence before she started moving, slowly thrusting in and out of her lover's sopping cunt, letting her hands roam her body to tease and massage as she pleased."From here, my love, I am at your service." It was a sort of game she liked to play, relinquishing control to her lover, letting them dictate what happened next. Waiting to see how long it took before they were ordering her to utterly pound their holes and fill them up.
Her lips parted easy enough, eager and willing to softly suckle on her lovers fingers.Elizabeth cries out, gasping and arching her back as she was stuffed to the hilt by her queen s great and fat cock. Moaning out with each thrust her queen made into the tight vampire pussy wrapped around Tomb King flesh. Her breasts bouncing softly and her ass wonderfully jiggling with each trust as her pussy was soaking wet around the great spear. Mmm, j just like that, j just fuck me like that, o oh gods your soooo big. She whines out feeling her little undead pussy pushed to such a limit of its ability to stretch. Elizabeth grabbed onto the table the oils had been on for support, leaning forward some as she feels the power and strength of her lover. Cunt trembling as it was plowed, eager to be bred by that powerful royal cock.
With a chuckle, Kithri reaches a hand forth to cup one of Elizabeth's breasts, kneading the soft flesh as she kept up her steady pace. Tomb Kings, ever implacable, showed little to no reaction to physical stimulation. Even now, hilt deep in her lover, Kithri was stonefaced and unmoved. That wasn't to say she didn't enjoy herself greatly, which Elizabeth would know she did, but she didn't show it much in the usual ways.She kept up her efforts, methodically working herself and her lover to their inevitable end, spearing her cunt again and again until she was on the brink. Lacking any physical reaction, she instead took to her voice to display her pleasure."My love, prepare yourself for my seed." With that warning, she bucked her hips, thrusting hard and deep into Elizabeth, holding her by the waist as she filled her up. A low moan filled the air as Kithri came, gallons of cum pumping into her vampiric lover's womb, white spunk dripping out of her stretched pussy as her hole was filled to the limit. As she finished breeding her lover, she readjusted her grip on her, wrapping her arms around her chest and holding her close to her own. She stood like that for a few moments, letting her lover bask in the afterglow, before she started thrusting again. She leaned in, whispering in her wife's ear. "One down, my love. How many more can you handle?"
Even if her love was short on physical reactions to their love making the vampire was not. Crying and moaning like a wanton whore as the royal cock of the tomb plows and stuffs her little pussy with its great size. Her pussy squeezing the fat ancient organ as her generous breasts and thick ass jiggle and bounce with each impact. A mix of pain and pleasure from her inhuman length and girth stretching such a tight little hole... Viktoria was likely never to admit it but her daughter certainly inherited her pussy from her.The moaning and crying out grew louder and more needy as her pussy was getting close. Her pussy had little time to prepare as the queen shoved in deep and with full vigor her pussy and womb as being stuffed with cum. Elizabeth cries out as her back arches as her pussy climaxes around her queen s cock. Drenching it with vaginal fluids that mixed with cum as the vampire cunt milks the tomb cock like any breeding bitch would. The semen was so thick, so heavy inside of her as most builds up inside her womb and still other drips and leaks down her long slender legs. A bulge under her skin, both from the size and girth of her lovers organ but all that semen making her abdomen swell some... giving her the wonderful appearance of being in the early stages of pregnancy.Resting against her love s breasts she pants and tries to recover, looking back over her shoulder as her husband whispers to her. A blush on her cheeks as she leans in and kisses her queen on the lips. It didn t really seem to mater is she could take it or not... she knew she would, until her lover was done, until she was pregnant. One of her hands reaching down, rubbing the place her pussy and her queen s cock met. Fingers brushing over tender plump labia lips and thick erect cock. Moans escaping her lips into her queen's as she could feel the thick organ moving once more inside of her.
Her wife's silence was all she needed. With no request to stop, Kithri continued. Using her grip on her wife's torso, she slams her down onto her cock, thrusting up to meet her, ramming her tight cunt with enough force to break the bones of a mortal. For minutes and minutes there is nothing but the steady rythm of an inhuman fucking. Again and again she pierced her lovers well used tunnel, every brutal pounding sending cum spurting from her, dripping to the floor. The sticky stuff flooded over the two of them, coating both their legs with its messy sheen.Kithri chuckled, planting sloppy kisses on Elizabeth's neck, the last few little more than licks. "Perhaps I need to teach you a lesson about not wasting what you are gifted?" With that, she slammed her wife down hard one last time, holding her in place as she came once again, cum flooding from her used cunt as her womb is stuffed to the limit. Mid orgasm, she lets go of Elizabeth, letting her fall forwards and off of her cock, hosing down her back and legs with cum as she collapses onto the floor. Quickly, she chases after her, kneeling behind her and grabbing her white painted hips. In one strong pull she brings her up to a doggy style position and spears her pussy at the same time, pumping the last of her virile load into her.Without a word, she leans forward, gripping her wife's hair in one hand and pulling it roughly as she continues to destroy her fuckhole. What starts as a brutal doggy style pounding quickly devolves as Kithri's sheer strength pushes Elizabeth down against the floor, ending up in a haphazard face down mating press.
Her eyes rolling up as her queen and lover keeps plowing her with little to no mercy, abusing her cunt and stuffing it with her royal flesh even as the thick semen was forced from her pussy and womb because of all the pumping and movement. Her ass bouncing hard and breasts slapping against each other and her chest from the rough movement, breasts that hopefully would be growing even fully with milk if she became pregnant. Whorish moaning escaping the vampire's lips, did it hurt? Yes, but it was love, she would endure it for her queen, her husband, and their future children.When the orgasm came her pussy was eager for it and she screams out in tandem with her cunt milking the fat dick vigorously. That was until it was pulled from her and she found herself on the floor with thick tomb king spunk coating her legs and lush ass. Body trembling and shivering as her cunt was still orgasming even with the cock pulled from it. It was a empty feeling she didn't have to feel for long as she was taken from behind. Eyes rolling back and her back arching, feeling the pull of her hair and grip of her hip as her queen pushes her to the limit. Her little cunt climaxing again around the fat cock as she screams out. "K Kithriii! Yo ur g going to break meeeee!" She let out in a cry, a mix of fear and lust. It would take this kind of ruthless passion if they hoped to make a baby...
Kithri stopped, her cock halfway in her wife's cunt, just deep enough to press against her womb instead of stretching it. She leaned down further, pressing a kiss to Elizabeth's pointy ear, whispering into it, her breath hot and wet."Only if you beg me to, my love."
Her pussy trembling, shivering around the fat royal cock as her pussy was so full of cock and semen thick and heavy. She weakly looks back, or tries to at least. A mix of love, fear, lust in her gaze, the way a wife being bred should look at her husband. "P please, more ge gentle." She speaks softly, tears in her eyes, the black eyeliner she had been wearing in the style of local women running a bit from her tears of pain and pleasure. Her mouth feeling dry, panting trying to keep her breath, breeding caused strange things to happen to the body of a female vampire it was both natural and not as it kept in line with the law of their gender and yet against the law of their status as unliving. Her lush breasts pressed against the rough stone floor, she much preferred the soft silk sheets of their bed when they made love... but she understood she had duties as the queen of a tomb king, one being ass up and face down with her husband's cock deep inside her cunt, and thick ass so wonderfully slapable. "I I can't carry a child I if you break me."
Kithra reached over, gently placing a hand on Elizabeth's cheek, gazing lovingly into her eyes."As you wish my love. Your word is my command." With that she slowly pushed in, watching her wife intently for any sign of where she should stop. Once she reached that point, she'd start to pull out just as slowly, then again and again, building up a comfortable speed, letting her wife recover and enjoy the feeling for having her pussy bred.After a while, she once more let out that deep sigh, and came again, stretching her lover's belly as she flooded her womb, the overflowing cum forming a vast puddle underneath hem by now. Kithra collapses over her wife, groaning slightly. "My love, I fear I may not have much left for you. So tell me, how would you like to finish this?"
She could go in deep, into her womb if she wished and most likely would. Elizabeth moaning and crying out softer as the thick cock slowly and steadily plows her pussy. It still felt hard, powerful, just how it was when her queen had such a large cock, but as Elizabeth's supple flesh bounces softly as they made love she found it nice and sweet.Her pussy the tender little hole it was was prone to climax no matter how hard her husband fucked her. Her pussy milking the royal cock and her crying out as once more she cums with her queen, fluids mixing over her shaft and in Elizabeth's womb. Feeling the weight of her queen pressed against her back. Her queen's breasts against her back, her own pressed against the stone floor, and her womb so full of thick semen... She groans as she felt sluggish "M my pussy is so full... I don't... I don't think my womb can hold any more of your semen my queen... m my breasts, use my breasts to fully satisfy you... bless my skin with your semen."
"Very well my love."Kithra withdrew from the well fucked hole, a long lewd slurping noise emerging as she left Elizabeth gaped and leaking semen. She very much doubted her wife could stand right now, and so opted for turning her over instead. Looking down at her wife's fuck drunk face and stained white body, she seated herself on her chest, and laid down her cum slathered cock right inbetween her heavy breasts. "Tell me love, do you have the energy to serve me, or should I use you myself?" To indicate what she meant, she grabbed each of Elizabeth's hands and placed them on either side of her tits, holding them in place as they wrapped around her gargantuan dick.
Elizabeth watched as she turned over and saw her wider lowering down on her. With her pussy finally free she would feel the emptiness, the dull pain from the fucking, and all that thick heavy semen oozing from her or clinging to her vaginal walls. She watches as we loves cock came to rest down on her breasts... so big... she shivers... she could feel her queen s nuts resting against her as well. As her large breasts envelop the cum coated cock she loved the feeling, the power of her mate. She kept her hands were her queen put them. Leaning her head a bit she kisses and softly licks and sucks on the bulbous cockhead. She starts moving softly, rubbing her breasts against the thick throbbing organ between them. She breasts the kiss, cum still on her lips my love... your cock... is it wrong that I find myself scared of it? She asked before she kisses the tip again even now...
Kithra hummed thoughtfully at her wife's confession, watching her worship her cock, those soft breasts caressing her member, and soft lips wrapping around the very tip."My love, fear in the presence of divinity is only natural. It keeps one humble." She started to gently thrust back and forth, gently humping her wife's tits. "Even so, you have nothing to fear. Even in the deepest throes of mindless passion, I need only a word from you to end it all." As if to prove her point, she withdrew back, leaving that wet mouth behind. "For even though I am the queen, I love you with all my heart. And that gives you an immense power. I am but the slave of a slave"
As Kithra pulls back Elizabeth found herself trying to press her breasts together more firmly as if to stop the cock from escaping her. A blush on her undead cheeks "My love... your cock and semen are divine... perhaps it is only right for a woman to feel as such before such a cock when she is being bred, when she knows that it has such a power over her... perhaps its something deep inside... a part of our primal side to help the female of the species submit to the male... Know this my love, I would never deny you that body which by right is yours, a wife to her husband, queen to her king... a slave to her slave." She says and parts her lips, she wanted the cock returned to her mouth.
Kithra laughs, the sound raspy and hollow. "I would never submit to a male. My love, you think too small. With my magic, I have taken the means to breed you, or any other woman. It is power one bows to. Power, not men." With that she once again sinks her cock into her wife's mouth, sliding it back into the valley of tit flesh, her rigid face twisting into a grin at the sight of Elizabeth's mounds jiggling with ever thrust, her doe eyes looking up at her with love and reverence even as her cheeks hollow with the effort of sucking her cock.Every thrust sends those tits shaking, her cock prodding harshly at the back of her throat, her hands tangle in Elizabeth's hair, pulling at times, in pace with the thrusts, at other stroking gently when she can see it's too much for her beloved. It's not long until they can both feel the final orgasm coming on...
Elizabeth keeps worshiping her queen s cock, sucking and slurping the fat organ as it reaches deep into her mouth and throat. Squeezing the fat meaty tomb king flesh with her lush lips and supple bouncing breasts wrapped around the massive cock. Her groaning around the organ as it fucks her torso and face, it all belonged to her queen, hers to do with as she wanted. Elizabeth s teeth softly grazing against the thick hard flesh as her saliva coats however much of that organ could fit into her maw. Tasting the pre cum building in her mouth as the climax was drawing closer and closer. In or out... it was for her queen to choose. Down her maw, or across her slutty submissive face and large jiggling tits.
Luckily, she doesn't have to choose. With a low groan, she cums, her cock buried deep in her wife's throat. She inches forwards, litres of cum flooding down into Elizabeth's gullet. As she inches forwards, she rises to her knees, slowly dragging the cock out of its snug confines. And then she pulls back, releasing a load directly onto her tongue, out past her lips, hosing down her face, gluing her hair to her head, further back, painting her tits white, rewarding them for their service. Back even further, white goo coating her belly and joining with the pool formed be the overflow from her pussy. It lasts for minutes, utterly covering Elizabeth. Then, finally, it is over.Kithra stands there in silence, watching her work with pride."Drink deep my love, a fitting bounty for your efforts."
That load... so much... she tired to swallow, some she could do nothing but swallow an still as that fat cock was pulled from her mouth cum drooled and sputtered from her lips as she tries to regain a bit of breath... she didn't need breath but it seemed to be a force of habit. Her body shivering as she feels the thick semen paining her body, her face, her hair, her tits, and joining the mess further to the south on her. She lay there, panting, her generous body stained with thick semen that laid heavy on her flesh.Elizabeth slowly cups one of her large breasts and tilting her head she softly starts to lick and suckle from her own erect nipple, her cum stained lips and tongue cleaning the small area of cum as she tastes her own flesh mixed with her love's sperm. "Th thank you my queen... hopefully my womb dose you proud..." She says, eyes gazing at her love longingly... well one of her eyes as the other was closed from all the cum spurted across her face.She sits up slowly, the cum clinging to her flesh for the most part though some was dripping from her breasts and chin. She took a hand and tried to wipe some of the semen from her other eye so she could see from both.
In the far north of the old world say the lands of Norsca a cold and harsh place were the ruinous powers in the south were the very gods that gave life in this realm... or at least didn't yet see fit to snuff it out.Along with men and trolls a type of creature that dwelled in this place were the Skin Wolves, mortal cursed by magic and blood to become large man wolves that hungered for flesh and blood. Their place in these lands was... complicated but they managed to survive with their wild natures and even could be found among raids launched on the south.Esthawas one such creature as she sat in her cave by the fire. Her cloths a patch of furs was skimpy at beast and did little to hide her own furry body... her large breasts and thick round ass. Clearly a female blessed by the serpent god of these lands... a god to other people know for 'their' favor of perversions.
A shape appeared in the mouth of the cave. A tall woman dressed uncommonly for these lands. Her long coat was far more suited for southern shores, and her boots were for working on a ship, not traversing a snowstorm. Yet, here she was, pale, and strong, and beautiful: an elven vampire. Viktoria smirked as she saw the scantily dressed skinwolf. She had been hoping to find the bastard who helped her worthless bitch of a daughter escape, but instead she had found this pretty thing, spotted the light of her fire from the storm outside. She could smell the slaaneshi corruption on her, but up here, that sort of thing was common.Besides, she got a long very well with followers of the Serpent..."Hail Skinwolf," she said, "Room for a visitor in your cave?"
The whores from her dark elf past and pleasure cultists... and the followers of the Serpent god... it may ultimately be the same god in the warp, but where one is likely to suck your dick for fun of it, the other is likely to let you get in close with the promise and then gut you... The Serpent god liked cunning and poisons after all.The skinwolf looks at the visitor, she certainly didn't fir the setting very well. "Room? I think a better question would be why is a undead leech up this far north? Especially one clearly from the coasts." She said having herself been on raids far from these cold lands, she had seen the lands of the new world, tasted of its fruits and goods... maybe a few captured Skinks, why waist good protein? The female skinwolf standing up, her supple breasts jiggly softly in the cold air as she glares at her visitor.
Viktoria made no attempts to hide her arousal at the Norscan's appearance, licking her lips as she watched her big tits jiggle."Why am I here?" She took a step forward, sizing up the skinwolf. She was larger than the elf, more physically imposing, but she lacked the preternatural presence a vampire had. It was like the campfire was dimming, and the world softly fading, eyes naturally falling on her of their own accord. She used that power here. She knew this literal bitch would be far more defiant than her usual "lovers", and she would even welcome the change in pace, but she would be damned again before she let herwin. "I'm an adventurer, you could say. Like you, I come here to hunt. Unlike you, I hunt more than just meat."She looks the norscan up and down, openly drinking in her body. Her massive cock is straining against her pants, and she can't wait to bury it in this skin wolf, but she wants to savor this, drag it out. Make it a fight, literally, or otherwise...
The bitch growls at the leech invading her cave is that so? Maybe we should cut to the chase and I just bite your cock off. She says as she bares her fangs. Despite this show of aggressive intent her nipples were getting hard and a fluid Viktoria would know well dripped from between the woman s legs onto the cold stone floor... seems the body blessed by the serpent was more open and excited at the idea of sex then the wolf wished admit.With fangs bared and flaws extended the skinwolf charges the vampire. Lush tits and ass bouncing with each step as she looked ready to take Viktoria s head off... both of them. She wasn t going to go down with a fight, even if it may be shorter then she guessed.The bitch would make for a good warm place to shove her dick when this was all over, good breeding stock.
Viktoria merely smirks at the wolf's threat. "Let's see if you bark that much after I collar you."As she charges, Viktoria bares her own fangs, hissing and meeting the challenge. As the she wolf charges, she feints a swipe at her head before using her vampiric celerity to sidestep her entirely, emerging behind the wolf and giving her ass a hard slap. A loud clap echoes in the cave, and Viktoria coos. "I could watch that ass quiver all day. Maybe I will..."
The thick furry wolf cheeks jiggling as the skinwolf stumbles forward from the slap and turns around, rage in her eyes and drool dripping from her bared fangs... otherwise a wolf mouth may be rather good for sucking cock... after it s trained not to bite too hard. You leech bitch! She roars in anger as she charges again, swiping her claws widely as Viktoria attempting to cut and tear her cloth and flesh. The people s of the far north weren t exactly known for advance tactics... well... at least not when away from their boats and the anger of the wolf god takes them.
Viktoria cracks her neck, rolls her shoulders and drops into a fighting stance as the wolf recovers, and as she charges, so does she. She gets in close, allows the wolf's swipe to connect and rip her coat across the stomach, four pale lines the only evidence of an injury on a bloodless monster. In return, she punches the wolf in the face, a mighty blow that sends her crumpled to the floor."You literal bitch! That coat cost more than the litter of pups I'll put in you!" In a rage she descends on the wolf, straddling her and attempting to punch and claw at her repeatedly.
Blood flys from her mouth as she hits the floor, she was a tough bitch though and even as she was jumped on by the vampire she tried to slut and claw back. This rape wasn t going to be easy. Still those large tits bounce and jiggle wildly as the motions of both females in the cold air of the cave. More rips and tears in her fancy cloths as the wolf didn t wear enough to really be torn at all.The skinwolf manages to get her leg into position and sends her knee right into Viktoria scrotum. The furry knee making contact hard with the fat and full futa nuts.
Viktoria gasps as the knee makes contact, doubling over. "That would have hurt were I alive," she taunts, grabbing the norscan by the snout and clamping it shut. She looks down to her own body, noting her increasingly tattered clothing. "You'll pay for that, if I so have to skin our daughters for their furs!" She has only her pants left now, her top shredded, exposing her own large tits to the cold air, the flesh jiggling with her movements as she uses her free hand to repeatedly punch the wolf in the side.
The wolf struggles but she could swear a rib or two broke as she was being punched by the vampire pirate atop her. Her coughing up some with her mouth close and blood dripping from the corners. She was in a considerable amount of pain, but she was fighting back less. Not only that but her pussy was rather drenched at this moment, her blooding pumping and clearly something had gotten to her lower bits, the serpent was both blessing and curse it seemed. She tried to weakly claw at Viktoria but it was clear this fight was ready for the next stage.
Senseing the change in the tides of battle, Viktoria begins to undo the buttons of her pants, muttering to herself. "Useless dog ruined all my clothes except the one thing I needed to take off..."With that done, her cock can spring free, and the vampire sighs in relief as it does. She wastes no time in rearing back and pushing her member into that dripping wet wolf cunt, sinking in as deep as it will go in a single thrust. She moans in satisfaction."Oh, you're absolutely soaked! That serpent god of yours seems to think you'd make a better breeder than a fighter."
As the pants come off and that massive cock springs free the skinwolf tries to struggle more, a tinge of fear at how damn big that cock was. It didn t matter however as she couldn t stop it, as that thick undead cock penetrates her tight warm pussy. Her cunt squeezing the organ as it comes in deep. Feeling the thick heavy crown kiss up against her cervix and forcing it to bulge inwards, barely able to hold the cock back from being womb deep due to size difference.She cries out in pain, her eyes rolling back, her pussy spasaming as she has a mini orgasm... a curse from her serpent god.
"What's the matter princess, lost your " Viktoria opened her eyes, seeing the blissful and ashamed look on the wolf's face. "Holy fuck, you came just from me bottoming out? You really are the Serpent's plaything!" She thrust again, working up a rhythm as she mercilessly battered the bitch's womb, stretching that cunt wide around her cock."And now you're my plaything..."
She tries growling but it mostly came as whimpers of pain from the fucking and her ribs. Her tight warm cunt wrapped tightly around the fat vampire cock as she is plowed deep and hard. Her large breasts bouncing freely along with Viktoria s as the two large breasts woman fuck and breed on the cold cave floor. She tries to close and squeeze her legs but was unable to with the vampire herself between them, she couldn t stop her rape. G Get off me! G get that b bloated corpse dick o out of me! She cries out, as her pussy keeps coating the undead cock with more of her warm fluids.
Viktoria leans in over the wolf, covering her for a proper breeding. "What's the matter, pet? Never had one this big before?" Viktoria's cock was large even for the slaaneshi, a fact she loved to rub in their faces.Instead, she re adjusted her stance, rising to her knees and bringing the bitch with her, lifting her ass off the floor to let her sink in deeper and harder. She wanted her to feel every inch of this bad boy as she put a litter in her. She undulated her body against the wolf, rubbing their tits together and planting teasing little kisses along her snout.
F fuck you! She roars our and cries out as she is lifted up by the now kneeling vampire. Her tight warm wolf pussy squeezing and milking that fat cold cock as it words to breed her like any other bitch. Her hands gripping Viktoria s shoulders, nails in her flesh as heavy tits rub against heavy tits.The kisses were unwanted, but... skinwolves respected power... deep in her core... a part of her understood this was the nature of things. That Viktoria was strong and by right of that strength could rape and breed her, could unload those fat nuts she had kicked earlier.
Viktoria laughs, short and rough, "I have many women who do nothing but fuck me, willingly or not." She buries her cock deep inside the warm wolf cunt, holding there. "As soon as I make you a mommy, you'll join them. Say goodbye to your life of raiding and pillaging, you're my breeder now."With that she starts back up, fucking her into the floor. She doesn't hold back, utterly pummeling the bitch and her cunt. Had she been a normal human, it was unlikely she would have still been able to reproduce after her womb took such a beating, but a skin wolf could. "I know you serpent worshipers are all the same, but I want to hear you say it. Admit that you love this. Deep down, you're no wolf. You're a breeding bitch for undead elf cock." Viktorias voice was low and vitriolic.
The whimpers and whines in pain as her cunt is plowed by the cold undead cock. Her warm fluids dripping down the fat shaft and heavy nuts as her cunt spasms wildly unable to hold back the onslaught. Lush furry ass and tits bouncing with the impact again and again as her will was being sheered away. Y you biiiiitch! She howls out in a mix of pathetic defiance. Ok! Ok! Yes! By the fucking serpent fuck me! Breed me you leech! Cum in me and don t stop! Her legs wrapping around Viktoria s waist, she wanted it, wanted that cock and cum.
Viktoria moaned, speeding up. "That's it you pathetic bitch! Howl for me as I plant a litter of half breeds in you!"With that, she slammed back in, bottoming out inside the wolf and hammering her womb. With a deep sigh of relief, Viktoria came, corrupted vampire cum flooding the skin wolf's fertile hole. More and more cum poured out of her, swelling the bitch's belly with its sheer volume.After a minute straight of emptying her still aching balls deep inside her new pet, Viktoria slowly pulled out, Estha's belly deflating slightly as cum flowed out of her gaping cunt. With another satisfied sigh, Viktoria surveyed har handiwork, smiling at the vacant, mind fucked expression on the bitch's face. Then unceremoniously, she grabbed her around the waist and threw her up over her shoulder, turning the leave the cave."You'll like your new home, pet," Viktoria patted her on the ass, "Our daughters are gonna be almost as hung as me, and I'm thinking I may leave your ass to them."
Another victim for the scourge of vampires and virgins along the water fronts of the world... and another rather normal day in this land of blood and rape.
The Moot, the home of the Halflings, the fat thieves of the empire... Halflings had other uses though... female Halflings did have female bodies after all.It all started late that night, a scream came from next door.Nancy Lambottomhad been at home, up in her bed, waiting for her husband to get his half drunk ass back up to bed and finish fucking her so they could have another baby... his spunk still on her stomach and bush... seems he forgot you have to actually cum INSIDE to made a baby... he had gone down stairs to sober up some when their neighbor came over and they got to talking.It wasn t too long into this a scream came from next door, the neighbors house and it sounded like the neighbors wife. They two men ran over but... they hadn t come back... eventually Nancy get her robe on and sneaked out of her home and over next door. She heard the crying, the grunting, the sounds of sex... she peaked through the window to see her neighbor, Lacy Hensfut, on hands and knees with a woman raping her... a woman with a huge cock.Nancy ran back home... as fast as she could. She got though the front door and locked it before falling on her ass, far bigger worries now then that she would have to wash we husbands cum out of her bush.
Nadya Holz, the scourge of Siegfridhof, had finally turned her lustful gaze upon Mootland, and had found it to be plentiful. It had been easy to sneak upon this isolated little village, and even easier to find a nice plump halfling to wrap around her cock. These pathetic little runts should thank their gods that a sylvanian noblelady like herself deigned to grace their undergrown bodies with her legendary member. She pumped in and out of this one vigurously, finally working up a rhythm with her flailing and spasming as she tried to fit a cock that would break most humans into a cunt five sizes too small for it. She was drinking the woman's confused and pained screams as greedily as she had drunk her husband's blood.Her head turned to look out the window as she heard a noise. A peeping tom, it seemed. Too bad she had just gotten started on this one..."Don't worry my love," said her wifeIrina as she headed to pursue Nancy. "I'll save some of her for you!"Irina dashed out the door, and set off after the halfling. She could smell her, the scent of fear and halfling and... cum? That was unexpected, but welcome, it meant she was experienced. She always hated it when that cute little farmgirl she'd been stalking for weeks just couldn't take a real cock.Arriving at the Lambottom house, she stopped at the door, listening for any sounds inside. She heard terrified breathing just inside. Perfect! She read the sign over the door, and chuckled as she pushed open the door. "Mrs. Lambottom, I assume?" Her voice was a cheap parody of the refined gentlewoman she was as she stalked towards the prone halfling. "A fitting name, as I do intend to leave your bottom quite lame indeed..."
Nancy was terrified. G Get away from me you demon! She cries out with tears running down her cheeks as she starts backing up on the floor until she could no longer as she came to a wall. Her robes open, exposing her full tits and unshaven cunt to the vampire lady before her. Semen still mixed with her bush as well as slapped across her stomach and breasts. Nancy was no strange to sex, or to breeding, she and her husband had made 5 little bastards with tonight suppose to be the sixth... it would be her sixth anyway. G Get away! Help! Help! She screams for any help there may be, but it would be no good, hers and the neighbors were the only homes for miles. There would be no help. Her franking breathing and moves making her milf breasts jiggle. Her pussy wet, body coated in sweat from the previous sex and now panic.She had seen Lacy being raped, seen the blond and reddish haired halfling milf being plowed hard and deep by a huge vampire cock.
"Ooh, someone's been having a fun night..." Irina mused to herself, looking at the cum glazing her upcoming victim's body. "Are you trying for a child? I can certainly help..."She approached, reaching down to grab the MILF by the throat, lifting her up against the wall until she was at eye height with the vampire. Despite her short stature, and her feet being well off the ground, Irina's cock still managed to press against Nancy's pussy. "Me and my wife are also trying for children. Us prospective mommies have to help one another out, no?" With that she unceremoniously began lowering Nancy down onto her cock, sinking into her inch by inch, Nancy's tiny cunt struggling to take the largest cock she'd ever seen.
Nancy found it hard to breath as she was grabbed by the throat and lifted clean off the ground. Her hands gripping the vampires as she struggles to no avail. The struggling making her tits bounce... though she went deathly still as she felt a huge throbbing cock press to her pussy and bush. Her eyes wide with panic and fear. N no please don t, anything b but aaaaaaaaaaw! She started to scream and grit her teeth in pain as the fat vampire cock was being forced into her halfling pussy.
Irina moaned openly and shamelessly as she forced Nancy down further and further, almost tearing her tight pussy open as she quickly bottomed out, barely half way down her cock. With a shrug and a grin at the halfling, she kept pushing, causing a bulge in the Milf's belly as she pushed directly into her womb."Oh, you halflings are always so tight! It's about the only thing you're good for. That, and a light snack..."
Nancy twitches in pain as her back was arched. She in great pain as her tiny halfling pussy was stuffed so much already to its limits. Her womb and birthing canal made to bulge as she was raped by this undead bitch before her. Her eyes rolling back into their sockets as her screaming turned silent as she felt like passing out. Her cunt twitching and pathetically unable to do nothing but squeeze the massive cock inside of it.A good tight halfling cunt, experienced and fertile.... it was a good place to plant some vampire semen to make babies... even if they may be a short when grown. Halfling women also produced a large amount of milk when pregnant, seemed halfling greed for food started as a baby, meaning these short walking wombs had their breasts become rather large and swollen in the months after breeding. In some villages halfling women just stopped wearing tops into their pregnancy allowing their large milk heavy breasts to freely bounce and jiggle in the open air.
Adjusting her grip on the halfling, Irina thrust forwards, sinking deeper and deeper into Nancy's guts. Her womb stretched like a balloon and her guts were pushed aside as more and more of that gargantuan cock speared through her. Finally, with a grunt of exertion, Irina's hips met Nancy's crotch, her balls slapping against her ass as they did. There was a visible protrusion in Nancy's body, the outline of a massive cock reaching up to in between the poor woman's tits."Mmm, delightful." Irina pulled out slowly, watching that monstrous bulge slowly recede, only to return as she bucked her hips and sunk back in. "I'm guessing our husband wasn't nearly this well endowed? Don't fret my dear, I'll make sure to finish the job he failed at: I'll be making you a mommy!"
Nancy was stunned, in pain as her pussy and insides were being ruined by the undead cock plowing her deep and hard. Her large tits bouncing and jiggling as she was raped and soon to be made pregnant with undead semen. Tears running down her cheeks as her mouth hung open, screaming and groaning as the cock was simply too big for her, she couldn t think! Her mind going to mush as she was likely to become little more then a fuck toy at this rate.
Irina too was moaning as she gripped the halfling tighter, her other hand coming to rest on her hip as she bounced her up and down her cock. The woman's insides fit her cock like a three sizes too small glove, and she was loving it. There were few things better than sinking her cock into a tight, fertile pussy, and the only two that came to mind right now were her wife and filling that tight cunt up with her cum. She pulled the halfling forwards, almost hugging her as she buried her face in her generous cleavage, muffling some of the screams. Thus, she walked about the house, admiring the rustic decor as she didn't so much fuck the halfling, but masturbated into her womb.Her walk was interrupted when the door once again swung open. Irina spun on her heels, baring her fangs and hissing at the intruder. Her snarl quickly shifted to a smile as her beloved Nadya entered. She was as radiant as ever, even as she was still balls deep in that woman she had been raping. Lacy was being held in place similarly to Nancy, but facing away from her rapist, and she had stopped screaming, her mind being too broken to accurately respond to what was happening. Instead she groaned and panted, like an animal, or one of the mindless corpses that made up the Holz's armies."My love," Nadya said, "I could not bear you absence any longer! Fortunately, these halfling are rather portable." She chuckled to herself, before she returned to rather vigorously pumping her cock into Lacy, which prompted a vacant moan from the woman, who weakly began to grind herself against the cock and its owner.
Nancy was loosing her mind, her legs and arms numb as she was used by the vampire and her cock. Drool leaking down her lips and chin as her pussy unceremoniously squirted from pain and over stimulation. Her face helplessly pressed against the vampires large breasts, she barely even noticed the other vampire and Lacy... poor Lacy... both these women had been good wives and mothers...
"Oh, beloved!" Irina visibly swooned at her wife's entrance. She began to take a few steps towards her wife, but stopped, looking down to Nancy, and then over to Lacy. With strong hands she forced Nancy's legs into a split, allowing her to essentially twist Nancy around on her cock so that she was now facing away from her. With that, she hurried over, every hasty step sending Nancy crashing into her crotch. As they came close, the two vampires embraced, and Nancy was pushed up against Lacy, who almost instinctively embraced her, resting her head against Nancy's shoulder, their bodies pressing together as the two vampire cocks rubbed up against each other through the halflings.Nancy could feel Lacy's hot breath against her ear as she panted and moaned, clearly to broken to feel anything but raw animal pleasure at the over stimulation. After a while, as the vampires launched into a passionate kiss, Lacy began to groan out something resembling speech."Fuck... Me..." She clung to Nancy, forcing the words out in between moans, as if what she was trying o say was important enough to say despite her condition. "Har... der..."
The two halflings were pressed against each other hard as the vampires fucked and embraced. Large plump halfling breasts rubbing against each other as Nancy was further faced with the horror of their their situation, her neighbor a broken mess and her own mind going as she rode the fat futa vampire cock. Her eyes rolling back into her skull as the pain and sensation of her cunt stretched so wide and so deep was melting her sense of reason and making her a slave to the feelings of her pussy.With pain and slavish feeling Nancy cries out as her little halfling cunt squirts and orgasms around the fat undead organ, squeezing the massive undead meat... shivering and gushing fluids down the fat shaft.
The two vampires kissed deeply and passionately, hands buried in each other's hair and gripping each other's waists. The two haflings were perfectly positioned, their heads pressed inbetween the gargantuan breasts of the two undead, each pelvis shattering thrust causing the pillow y tits to jiggle around them. The two milfs were rubbed up against each other, Lacy clingin g to Nancy while her brain was fucked to pieces.Irina broke the kiss, panting and out of breath. "My love, cum with me," she whispered."Always, love." Nadia pressed one last kiss to her cheek before reaching down and forcing four of her fingers past Lacy's lips, forcing her mouth open and causing her to gag, thumb hooked under her chin. "You filthy peasants should thank us and whatever pitiful gods you follow that two noblewomen of proper birth decided to use your wombs." Disdain bordering on hate was clear in her voice. Their thrusts grow more frantic, their moans rising until "Allow me, my love." Nadia grabbed Nancy by the throat, her grip like iron, and forced the fuck drunk halfling down into the very root of her wife's cock. In the same motion she used her grip of Lacy's jaw to pull her down too. At the same time they both thrust, fucking their way as deep into the two mommies as they could, and came.And came. And came.The two of them pumped liters of vile cum straight into the tiny wombs, so much that even though rivers of it leaked out from their abused pussies, their bellies still swelled up, deforming like balloons. As they did, Lacy screamed. A single, long, uninterrupted scream that sounded less pained than primal. Like she had forgotten how not to scream. Slowly, as Nadia continued to pump her sperm into the halfling, the scream tapered off, faded, and finally stopped. Lacy hung limp, not even unconscious, but too overwhelmed to function.As they finished, the two vampires simply separated, letting the ruined milfs slide off their cocks and onto the floor. Irina shot one last string of cum that painted the both of them, before she once again embraced her wife. An almost humorously chaste cheek kiss later, and the two of them were casually strolling away, arm in arm. Nadia shot one last look over her shoulder at the two cumdumps."We'll be back for our babies..."
Nancy was physically and mentally broken. Used like a incubator as her halfling pussy was stuffed with thick vampire semen, she couldn't think or even speak as it happened, as she and Lacy had their cunts flooded with cum and made pregnant by their betters.So much vampire cum... bitter and cold... a mockery to the warm and fertile nature of a halfling womb, but it would take all the same. Being so full hurt, but Nancy wasn't mentally sound enough to care or notice... she laid on the floor with Lacy, thick spunk shot across her body by a undead cock... she didn't know which... a single tear running down her cheek... her life ruined... her torment just begun.Nancy eventually builds up the strength to pull herself closer to Lacy, she didn't care that Lacy's face was covered in thick undead spunk, she leans in and kisses her raped and bred friend... lover. Tongues mixing along with saliva and vampire spunk... Halflings had many secrets... from secret human sacrifices... to the wives of two farmers having become lesbians in a affair behind their husbands backs. "L lacy... we were... I was going to became pregnant and then" she says with tears in her eyes "we were going to run away and have our own family together." Nancy cries, holding Lacy's cum covered body to her own. Plump halfling tits rubbing against each other and smeared with sweat and vampire cum....
Far across the seas and burning sands...The storm had come upon their ship quickly that night.Mariahadn't even had time to dress as she got out of her husband s bed let alone see to the safety of her three children as the ship rocked and turned and finally...It was a hellish night... and by the time it was over, and Maria was awake once again she was laying on a sandy beach... naked... her skin drying in the hot sun from the sea water. The mother and housewife in her early 40s laid there, her large supple tits moving softly with each breath... she was certainly a appealing sight to behold even for her age. She had become a wife and mother late in life, her oldest child had only been nine... her early life had been as a whore in a brothel at a port city... a life she sought to leave behind and kept hidden from her husband when she became his good and faithful wife.She was panting softly, weak and tiered still from spending all night in cold rough waters, what little warmth she may have had from her husband s touch didn t last long... but what she saw next was a surprise and not pleasant. Standing suddenly before her was a man... no... a... a Tomb Guard, a living skeleton, the mummified corpse of a Tomb King's most faithful and loyal soldier... She had never seen such a monster, but her eyes were drawn with fear to the fat mummified cock she could see under its front covering. Something she could see from the angle she had on the sandy ground. "P Please... d don't hurt me." She like any good honest woman heard the stories of monsters raping women. Beastmen using human women as breeding vessels... skaven using them as sex slaves... necromancers forcing women to service the cocks of their dead family members.But stories of a city in the sands where the dead soldiers of a age long gone fucked and bred the living women of now... not even that story had reached the lands of men... but she was soon to learn it first hand. She shivers in fear as she turns over in the sand, trying to hide away her large naked tits from this undead thing. Her arm going over her breasts to further try and do so as she keeps looking up to it...
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Far across the seas and burning sands...The storm had come upon their ship quickly that night.Mariahadn't even had time to dress as she got out of her husband s bed let alone see to the safety of her three children as the ship rocked and turned and finally...It was a hellish night... and by the time it was over, and Maria was awake once again she was laying on a sandy beach... naked... her skin drying in the hot sun from the sea water. The mother and housewife in her early 40s laid there, her large supple tits moving softly with each breath... she was certainly a appealing sight to behold even for her age. She had become a wife and mother late in life, her oldest child had only been nine... her early life had been as a whore in a brothel at a port city... a life she sought to leave behind and kept hidden from her husband when she became his good and faithful wife.She was panting softly, weak and tiered still from spending all night in cold rough waters, what little warmth she may have had from her husband s touch didn t last long... but what she saw next was a surprise and not pleasant. Standing suddenly before her was a man... no... a... a Tomb Guard, a living skeleton, the mummified corpse of a Tomb King's most faithful and loyal soldier... She had never seen such a monster, but her eyes were drawn with fear to the fat mummified cock she could see under its front covering. Something she could see from the angle she had on the sandy ground. "P Please... d don't hurt me." She like any good honest woman heard the stories of monsters raping women. Beastmen using human women as breeding vessels... skaven using them as sex slaves... necromancers forcing women to service the cocks of their dead family members.But stories of a city in the sands where the dead soldiers of a age long gone fucked and bred the living women of now... not even that story had reached the lands of men... but she was soon to learn it first hand. She shivers in fear as she turns over in the sand, trying to hide away her large naked tits from this undead thing. Her arm going over her breasts to further try and do so as she keeps looking up to it... | 127 | ['Sclighten', 'Von', 'Viktoria'] |
40 | | "Carrying The Ashes Of The Fallen" (Alvis Alendran / Pazzo) | His mind was shattered, swimming in and out of short bursts of consciousness. Not enough awareness yet for complex thoughts, but just enough to feel the jagged, gnawing pain ravaging the space between his ears, and just behind his eyes. His thoughts slowly returned to him, as his brain felt and processed more of his environment. The sounds of faint, hoarse coughing of in the distance, followed by a remorseful wailing a little closer. Metal clattering. The scent of unwashed bodies and grease...Max Sat up quickly from his spot on a cold rusted metal floor, his gray eyes wide, his face covered in streaks of black soot and glistening with sweat. His eyes then immediately clenched shut as the full force of his headache struck his nerve endings, making him bring one of his powerful hands up to hold the side of his head. He groaned.The year was 3045, hundreds of years after the human race had developed space flight, faster than light travel, and had colonized many worlds and star systems in a spherical shape with the earth directly in the center.The "Inner Sphere" it was called, and like humanity would always do until its extinction, there was war. And in this advanced age, the preferred weapons were colossal engines of destruction. Huge, robotic war machines called, "Battlemechs."The Inner Sphere was ruled by several noble houses, with each territory squabbling over star systems and resources like the feudal kingdoms of old. The constant warring and destruction had cost humanity a heavy toll in lives and knowledge, with many advanced technologies developed during the Star League era having been forgotten and buried under the rubble of countless battlefields.Only two decades ago, the infamous mercenary company known as "The Gray Death Legion" had unearthed an intact Star League era computer core, filled with the advanced knowledge that had been lost. Realizing its true value, and not trusting the local faster than light telecommunications network, the Legion made many copies of the data contained therein, and did their best to disseminate it themselves. In the few years that followed, a technological Renaissance was stimulated, and humanity made great strides in the realm of medical, military, and civil engineering.Liao engineers had been working on something beforehand, and the release of this old information had suddenly made older documents and blueprints suddenly make sense. Breakthroughs were made.Max was not entirely sure what the breakthrough was. All he knew was that his mercenary company had been hired out to acquire it.Like all grunts, he was only given enough information to complete his part of the mission, which was to pilot his fifty ton war machine, and to keep faster moving enemies off of the bigger, more powerful, but ultimately slower mechs, allowing them to punch a hole in the enemies defenses. Colonel Lawhorn had given him an order, and like a good Soldier Max had followed his orders without question. All he thought about was his payday. A payday that would likely never come now.Despite his best efforts, his company of eight mechs had been ambushed and outgunned by a vastly superior force. Within the first few minutes of battle, focused particle cannon fire had ripped through the Colonel's massive 100 ton king crab chassis, leaving it to be just another smoldering, rusted heap on some forgotten battlefield. One by one their mechs had fallen, with Max's Swayback being the last. He could still hear their voices screaming in agony over his radio, as they burned in the ferro fibrous coffins.... He flinched. As a new recruit, Max had barely known any of them, he was just a green, eager newcomer, wanting to prove himself in the eyes of his new comrades.His mech had suffered a reactor hit, making it overheat and shut down. His adrenaline had been pumping hard, and he had been bloodthirsty. He grabbed the battle rifle from its stowage rack, and kicked open the hatch of his stricken mech. He likely wouldn't do much, but he was determined to die with a weapon in his hands, and to go down fighting. As soon as his boots had hit the battle torn soil at his mech's feet, an enemy war machine had unleashed a barrage of short range missile fire at his Swayback, striking true. The Lance Corporal didn't remember much after that. He surmised the concussion from the blasts nearby had knocked him unconscious.Max rubbed the side of his head, easing the pain away, and slowly scanned his surroundings. He was in a four foot by eight foot metal room. Behind him was a small one foot square window, covered with bars, Artificial light filtered in from it from the sodium vapor lights outside. In front of him was a barred wall, similar to a prison cell.No, exactly like a prison cell. This was one of those mobile containment facilities, made to be set up in a hurry. And from the sounds of things, he wasn't the only prisoner here. Many people had been captured, and some in worse shape that he was. He tested his arms and his legs, stretching them, checking for any injuries. There was a slight twinge and soreness in his left shoulder, but otherwise he was not seriously injured.Inside of the cell was a folded gray blanket, similar to what one was issued in boot camp... Made of recycled plastic fibers.He grunted, and stood up, going to the barred door at the front of his cell. He knew it was futile, but he gripped the metal in his powerful hands anyways, and tried to shake the door, testing it.It rattled slightly, but otherwise held strong. A soldier then walked by, dressed in a Capellan green uniform, holding a combat rifle. The soldier was just out of his reach, else he would have tried grabbing at him.Just so long as he sent one of these bastards to hell before they killed him, he would be satisfied.He ran a soot covered hand over his short high and tight haircut, and adjusted his sleeveless olive drab undershirt they had left on him. He was likewise wearing his camouflage cargo pants, but his feet were bare. His boots must have been taken away when he was knocked out. His belt was likewise missing.No shoelaces or belt... Damn.He thought as he relaxed upon the bars, watching the patrol guard as he walked. Lost in thought. He looked into the cell across from his. He could barely make out the human outline in the shadows...Max shook his head, and slumped down against the metal back wall of his prison, snatching up his blanket, gnawing at its sewn edge with his teeth, ripping at it, growling angrily.Finally, the seam ripped. Max grinned, but then stopped as he saw the guard walk by again, eyeing him this time. Max wanted to strangle him with his bare hands, to choke the life from his damned haughty face.However, the soldier just averted his eyes, trying to give the illusion of a man defeated, someone who was no threat at all. The guard continued walking past.As soon as he was out of sight, max continued his work, tearing a few long strips off of his blanket, and tying them together like a makeshift rope."Just you wait greenie..." He wispered under his breath to the guard walking around outside. "...I'll have a few choice words for you, soon enough..."
All in all, it had just been a shitty week. A hard drop with limited intel, there ahd been a fair amount of reliance on recon work for the company to advance. Of course, that relied on the recon forces being able and ready to spot enemy traps. Mostly, they were good at it, until they wound up discovering that their active probe scans were being jammed. The alarm went out, but it was too late and most of the company was caught in a crossfire.They'd all fought like brazen bastards, and done probably mroe damage than an ambushed group had any business doing, but it was amazing what coudl happen when you were backed into a corner. One of the last to fall had been Tomoe, widely regarded in the company as one of the better pilots of light mechs, but also for being insanely reckless, relying on her mechs speed and agility to let her perform some truly remarkable feats of combat, but also putting her mechs through a lot of extra strain and punishment. She'd been piloting a Jenner with distinction, putting her weapons to good use and trying to keep the heat off of her comrades, but numbers told on them hard. A lucky round from a gauss rifle had cripled her mech, and she hand't waited to see what follow up fire would come for her. She'd bailed out, bidding her beloved mech farewell, adn made for some kind of safety.As it turned out, that hadn't gone so hot for her.A burst of autocannon fire had shredded the light woodland that she'd been heading for, the explosion of wood and steel had perforated her with light shrapnel, and laid her out. When mdeics had arrived to see to them, at least to see if they were surviors or not, she'd been bundled off by the enemy. Medical treatment and a small barrel of sedative later, she found herself coming to in a containment unit.She took stock of her room, and of herself. Those that had taken her had picked the shrapnel out of her, but not much beyond that. Still, it meant she wasn't wounded in ways that would slow her down. She stood up, stretching, finding a multitude of small aches adn pains that came from getting dusted with wood shrapnel. She wished she could have said that it was the firtst time she'd been hit with something like that, but alas, witht he way she fought, wounds like that were shockingly common.Tomoe wasn't the tallest person from teh comapny. just under five adn a half feet tall, she weighed in at around a hundred adn fifty pounds. At a glance her background put a lot of people off their guard, showing a lot of very clear signs of her Kuritan heritage. A closer look showed that she was a bundle of corded muscle, and she had the reckless aggression show that she wasn't ready to take crap from anyone. Her hair had been unpinned, adn hung loose down ehr back, psat her shoulder blades, adn she desperately wanted some kind of way to tie it back properly. Lacking that, she moved to the door to ehr cell, and rattled the door, checking how well secured it was.The short answer was pretty damned solid. She rattled it again, the noise starting to attract the attention of the guard that was patroling the aisle. She picked herself up with her hands on the bars, bringing her face more fully up to teh space to look oiut. She gave the guard the sweetest smile she could, all teh while mentally picking out he positions that she arrange his teeth in a necklace if she got her hadns on him for a few moments."Hey big guy. You look tense, want me to help you relax a little?" She called. The man made a face that dripped disdfain for her, but she didn't let it put her off. She knew she'd have to be rather lucky, adn him rather stupid to get anywhere with this, but it was worth the try.
The trained soldier, while not on the field that long, had lived with military doctrine since before he knew how to wipe his own ass. His father had served in the Lyran army, and then the federated commonwealth after that. Ever since he took his first steps, his father had handed down everything he knew. "Always be aware of what is happening around you. Dont ever be caught daydreaming..." That memory alone made him gnash his teeth.Max hated his father with his very core. But he had to admit. The old man knew what he was talking about. And so he listened, watched , and felt.The sounds of the dungeon were all around him, and so he filtered most of them out. All he listened to was that green cappelan gaurd, pacing back and forth, regular as clockwork. He memorized the pattern of his boots.Max contemplated his situation carefully, as he tied three strips of his recycled blanket together using square knots, and tested it. His makeshift rope was roughly eightteen feet long, and felt quite sturdy.The rest of his blanket, he draped over his shoulders, mith his makeshift rope in his hands, hidden under it.He stood up, and approached the bars of his cell door. The prison gaurd came walking past as usual, and a feminie voice could be heard, flitatious, yet husky. The voice was familiar, yet he couldnt place it.That didn't matter anymore, as Max saw his opportunity. The gaurd had turned away from him, to look at the cell across from him.The merc just grinned, and casually slid the bundled rope through the bars with one hand, with his other arm a few bars down. He loosened the rope, grabbing the raw end with his other hand. Max tested its weight. He then took a deep breath, and furiously tossed the rope around the front of the gaurds neck with deft precision.Max did not hesitate, and yanked upon the rope, steping backwards with all his might, gripping the rope with force. The gaurd stumbled backwards, gasping, dropping his rifle to the floor. He reached up to loop his hands in front of the rope that was cutting off his air supply, and struggled. His kevlar helmet was knocked from his head, and skittered to the floor.Max jerked the rope from side to side, then back, leaning on it, winding his arms into it, and even standing sideways on the bars, pulling against everything he had, screaming at the top of his lungs.The guard's face turned purple as he struggled futilely. Suddenly, there was a loud popping noise, as the makeshit rope broke in two.Max swore as he landed to the floor, hard, knocking the wind out the mechwarrior.The gaurd, dazed and weak, stumbled forward a few steps, only to trip on the raised walkway. He lunged foreward, Hitting his head upon the lower area of Tomoe's cell door. His neck bent at a sickening angle, followed by a wet crunching noise. His body then went limp.Max swore agan as he scrambled to his feet."Shit!" he yelled. He then called out to the cell in front of his, as the other prisoners hooped and hollered thier cheers. "Hey, that bastard has keys on him..."
Tomoe Felt a sick thrill go through her as she saw the prisoner across from her made a play. The makeshift rope was a decent play, though it clearly needed another layer of reinforcement as she watched it break. The guard fell at what could be possibly the worst possible place. SHe hissed in vexation at the whole thing. They were close now, close to breaking loose, and here they were possibly beaten by a broken blanket rope and sheer bad luck."Really? The guard has keys on him? I'd have never thought of that champ!" Tomoe shouted back to be heard over the roar of the others. She tested the bars again, knew that they weren't coming apart no matter what she did. Which meant she ahd to find a second option. She also needed one other thing."EveryoneSHUT IT!" She roared out. The cheering died out. "You want another guard to come in here looking for this one? To keep us quiet? Clam up and let me try and work something out here." She said acidly. When the prison was quiet again, she started moving. She gripped the bars, and used them as an anchor, walking her way up the door. The bars were strong, but had a decent amount of space between them. She slipped one of her feet through the door. She snaked her leg down the door, patting around until she could feel the guard, thanking hte Gods that she'd grown to be a long legged bitch.She felt her toe touch metal, metal that jingled. She smiled, seizing it between ehr toes, and lifting. THey wer connected on a string that seemed to be extending from a retractable unit, and that suited her fine. She stuck her arm through the gap in the next bars, letting her lay hands on the keys. She had a wolfish grin on her face as she let herself slide back out of the door.Feet back on the ground, she reached back out, pawing around the door until she found the lock. One deft turn later, she was kicking the door open, shoving the dead guard aside. She crouched, pulled his side arm free, checked it, and nodded. She also found a sturdy combat knife on him, which she added to her equipment. She was armed. And that meant they were in business.Tomoe crossed the hall with a smile, and unlocked the door to the man who had started this whole process."Nice play champ. You ready for the encore performance?" She asked him, stepping out of hte way to let him out while she moved to start unlocking the other doors. This was happening. They were starting a real escape. A little more luck, and they'd be on the move.
Max let out the breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, as he saw a military camouflage covered leg work its way out of the shadows and fish the guard's key away from him.A moment later, a familiar and most welcome face appeared, and unlocked the door to his cell.It was the female Kurita mechwarrior, that had been part of the other 4 man fire team for his company. To his shame, he couldn't remember her name. Tammy was it?He cast the trifling thought aside, and slapped her on the shoulder. "Good to see you're not dead..." He murmured.One by one, they opened the cells of the prisoner, letting them out, and checking them for injuries. For the most part, if a little starved, most of them were prisoners of war, Free Worlds League soldiers, mechwarriors, scientists, technicians, and a few civilians. Disturbingly however, there was no one else from his Merc Unit. Max spat at the floor and swore.Most of the released prisoners were grateful, with one notable exception.She was a sullen faced young brunette woman that could be considered beautiful, but her back and arms were covered in bruises.She did not react at all when her cell door opened. She just stood silently, looking out the window, watching a few scattered raindrops fall through the beams of sodium vapor light outside."You're early..." She said in a flat tone, laced with acid. "...just cant get enough can you?" She then growled as Max entered her cell. With speed that caught the mercenary off gaurd, the woman spun around, screaming, and charged at him, thrusting and slashing with what looked like an improvised knife. Max jumped back just in the nick of time, as her blade cut through the fabric of his shirt, but didn't touch his skin.He immediately assumed a defensive stance, his brain going into full combat mode. His instincts kicked in. His eyes focused on the sharp piece of metal in the woman's hand, only to see it waver as she faltered."You...You're not a Capellan?" she murmured, her voice quaking. Max did not relax his guard, assessing her posture. He visibly relaxed when the shiv dropped to the floor. The woman then looked around, and saw that the other prisoners were out, in the hallway. Her hand went to cover her mouth, as she sobbed. "I'm sorry..." She wailed. "...They always come around this time, and take me out into the camp, where they.... Do things..." she said, sobbing as she fell to her knees.Max's initial reaction was to help her, comfort her, but the soldier in him kept him cautious, and detached...Then he thought about what the woman had just told him. He then looked to Tomoe, and then to the dead Capellan guard. He was about the same size as Max, and the visored riot helmet would hide his face well enough. Max helped the woman to her feet, snatched up her shiv from the ground, handing it back to her, handle side first. "You might need this, as we are getting the fuck out of here..." He then looked around at the group of just released prisoners. "...all of us." He murmured, low and deep.That comment brought a few nods and more than a few whispered words of approval. He looked back to the girl. "Tell, me, where do they take you, and who all shows up?"The girl began speaking in low, hushed tones, talking of how there is an area nearby, consisting of stacked metal crates, creating an ad hoc private area, away from the rest of the base.The mercenary then quickly began stripping the soldier of his uniform, and quickly donned it. It was almost a perfect fit, but the boots were a size too small. He just crammed his feet into them anyway, improvising, and keeping his toes curled.He then grabbed a set of manacles from the wall, and gestured to Tomoe. "I have an idea..." He murmured, He then raised up his hands, getting everyone's attention."Alright, we are not out of the woods yet, and we have one chance. Here is my plan..." He said to everyone. "I pretend to be a guard, and take this one with me, in the manacles, but without their securing pins..." He started. "...We go to this area that was described, and we wait, and ambush any thirsty perverts that decide to show up, weakening their presence...""Absolutely not!" one older prisoner growled. "...Why should we trust you? How do we know you won't just leave us here and escape, using us as a smokescreen? I'm getting out of here right now!" he exclaimed, as he started walking towards the door. More than a few people growled their agreement, and started to walk with him.Max's adrenaline surged. With one well placed punch to the side of his head, the older prisoner's legs buckled, and he fell to the floor, groaning. "We have one shot to get out of here. If you hose this up by jumping out into a hostile, unknown environment, and alerting these bastards, I will send you to hell myself..."Max's tone was dark, low, and absolute. There were a few grumbles from the crowd, but no one else said another word.The mercenary then went to check on the older prisoner, and raised him to a sitting position. He then handed the man the keys to the prison."When I come back, I will knock 3 times..." He said to the man, who looked at him in a mixtures of anger and disbelief. "...At which point, we leave. All of us. In the event anyone else comes in that door, or you hear gunshots, then it means we have failed. Jump whoever comes in, or try and make your escape as best you can..." Max murmured to himThe old man's eyes went wide, but then he nodded, and clutched the keys tightly.He then stood up, and shouldered the gaurd's rifle, as his knife and pistol were already claimed by his company mate. He handed her the manacles. "You ready for this?" he murmured to her, as the tip tapping of a light rain could be heard starting on the thin metal ceiling above their heads.
So much happened, and in so little time. The brief conflict between the others made Tomoe almost move into action. If she took up the rifle and head out, she could likely take out a huge number of the guards, and raise enough hell to buy the others a chance at escape. Maybe not a good chance, but a chance. But she pushed the urge down, knowing that she had tasks to perform, and that these people were her people now too. Same company, same unit. A new family, a new group to link to. She pushed the thoughts from her mind.She didn't really know Max well, she'd seen him around during briefings and the like, there was a always a certain amount of turnover in that way. Frankly, no one had expected her to survive as long as she had, one of the most aggressive pilots in the unit. She'd figured that they left her on scout detail more often than not just to try adn keep her in mechs that would prove easier to replace when she wrecked them. And that was fair really, she was pretty rough on the hardware. She weighed the weapons in her hands, knowing that while she wasn't a bad hand with a rifle, she always did her best work up close. Pisolt and blade were her choices when she had them, though a nice shotgun wouldn't go awry for her either.Tomoe had to admit she wasn't fond of the idea of being used as bait. There were a dozen ways that it could go pretty wrong. But it was a chance to get personal with these pricks. She took the nife sheath and belted it on to her lower leg, letting her pants ocever it nicely, while she tucked the pistol into ehr waistband, safely out of the way on her back. She let out a breath, and took the manacles from Max."You realize this is insane, right?" She asked him, closinghte manacles on one wrist, sliding the lock pin in place on it, but not the other. Both cuffs being loose was hard to manage, very hard to hide. But she manage one. "But I guess that means you picked the right bait for the trap." She gave a grin, not one that looked like it had a lot of mirth, it was the look of a well fed predator anticipating another meal coming. It looked a shade unhinged."Let's do this." She answered, heading for the door She hunched her shoulders in, trying ot look afraid, to look vulnerable, and she was managing reasonably well. The compound was dark, the light rain blocking out any real moon or starlight, and small pockets of light were set up from some of the buildings. The base was actually reasonably well set up as a forward supply depot, and that annoyed her. This is the kind of thing that they should have been able to spot on satellite recon. This shouldnothave been a surprise. There were a lot of dead people that shouldn't be.She kept her stance, didn't look around as much as she could have, not wanting to make it look like she was actively plotting, even if she was. They only had one really good shot at this. Her pulse was punding in her temples, hammering away a rapid pace that had her almost quivering in place. To the caual onlooker it might have looked like she was understandably terrified of what was coming. But she wasn't. There wasn't an ounce of fear in her now, just anticipation and adrealine.The location that had been mentioned was coming into view, and Tomoe was instantly picking out points along the area that she could use. Points of cover, hiding places for the dead when she was done with them. She was glad of hte rain, adn the fact that the place wasn't paved. Mud hid spilled blood easily enough in the rain. Tomoe walked to the wall where she was out fo sight and had a place that it looked like manacles would be linked to. She swung them into place, adn let otu a long, slow breath."Keeo yourself scarce." She warned Max. She didn't think the kind of people that would be coming here wanted much of an audience.She didn't have to wait long for hte first arrival. He smirked as he saw her, advancing on her while lossening his belt."Got a new one it looks like. Always liked me a little Kuritan bitch on the side." he mused. Tomoe didn't look him in the eye until he was close."You'll just love me then." She countered. The man faltered a moment, adn she used that moment to swing her manacle free, the loose end hitting him in the face, staggering him while she pulled the knife free from her leg and leapt onto him, bearing him tothe ground while she rammed the knife into his neck. It was quick, it was quiet, and it was exactly what she needed at the moment. She leaned her head back, letting hte rain fall on her face a moment, letting it all wash over her. She stood up, looking to see wheree Max had positioned himself."Help me movce this asshole." She called quietly, getting a hold of the dead mans feet, and trying to drag him away.
Max nodded to her, likewise agreeing that this was indeed insane. "Yeah, but think of the fun..." He murmured to her with mock confidence.Their chances were slim at best, but he figured it was better to die on his feet, than to be enslaved in some capellan factory, making parts for things that were used to kill his employers.Likewise shouldered the door open, and looked around quickly, surveying the layout of the base.His viewpoint was limited, given that the makeshift prison was on a lower elevation than the rest of the base. There was however a small office pod perched up high on a spire like hill in what he assumed was the center of the base.From what he could see, this was a forward supply base, with many heavy airlift containers stacked nearby. "Alright, that matches the description of what that young woman told us..." He murmured to his mercenary comrade. He had Tomoe walk in front of him, making use of her submissive, hunched position. He thought to nudge her forward with the rifle to make a show of things for anyone looking on, but decided against it.A light, misty rain obscured visibility all around in the dark night air. That would make things noticeably easier. Max led her inside of storage pens, and sure enough, there was a space set up between the large shipping container pods. They even had a makeshift hitch point for handcuffs welded up high. Max quietly smoldered at their tactics, but none the less, figured they could use it to their advantage.Max lifted her handcuffed hands up to the hitch point, making sure they were loose. Tomoe would be able to relax her arms and lean on the cuffs to rest her arms, until they were needed. He looked around, seeing that no one arrived yet. He then drew her knife, and placed it in her dominant hand, with the blade running parallel to her forearm, concealing it between her arm and the surface of the metal containers.In response to her request to make himself scarce, he murmured: "Alright, I'm going to climb up on one of these containers, and try to keep a better lookout" He whispered to her.Max quickly climbed up a set of makeshift stairs made from smaller shipping crates, and took a vantage point, allowing him to survey the immediate area. He was greeted by an excellent view of his immediate area. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" He was right in his assumptions of this being a forward supply base. and from the looks of things a fairly quiet one. He casually walked along the tops of the containers, even spying a makeshift bridge across them made from a scrap armor plating. It looked to be rectangular, from the arm of a spider mech maybe? It had a melted hole in the center of it, likely from laser fire. He walked across it, holding his rifle just as he saw the prison guard hold it, close to his chest, to keep up the illusion.As he walked, he took in the area, making mental notes. The base was fairly small and compact, nestled in a tiny mountain valley, with only two points of entry to the East and West. Near where he was, he saw 3 Maxim type hovercraft, neatly parked in a row. Near them, through the haze of the mist and the sodium lights, he could barely make the outline of a smaller class mech chassis, possibly a spider or a commando, he wasn't quite sure it was so dark. Further away he could see the buildings on the supply base. He could only see one building that fit the description of a barracks, which at best might house eight to twelve soldiers. They already took out one, meaning that left seven to eleven.He chuckled a little at that, thinking of an ancient chain of convince stores that had started on old Terra. An ice cold big gulp would really hit the spot right now....Max grunted, and made an entry to stock up on soda at the first available opportunity. His adrenaline was running high, as his eyes darted this way and that, looking for any movement. One lone soldier finally made his way thought the three foot wide space between the crates to find the hidden area. Max said nothing, but raised his rifle to the soldier. The soldier waved him off dismissively.Max just shook his head, and chuckled, turning away as he walked to keep the soldier in view, it still being dark enough so that he wouldn't be recognized.He stood ready to pop that guard with the rifle should Tomoe have any trouble. The guard made a few snide comments, with Tomoe making a good spirited counter, enough to make him grin. As she jumped out of that shadows, and was upon the Capellan soldier like a hungry wolf upon a rabbit. She had dispatched him quickly with her knife.Tomoe was apparently an efficient killer, that would come in handy later. Max was getting ready to jump down and help, when he saw the flicker of a flashlight approaching his position. "Shit..." He murmured. He jumped down quickly, and helped Tomoe drag the corpse to the stack of smaller crates nearby, shoving his lifeless body under the tarp draped over them. He then relayed everything about the base that he saw to her."We have 3 more coming..." He said to her quickly, as he stashed the rifle nearby where Tomoe could get to it quickly. He then took the newest guards knife, and stuck it in his belt. "Look alive..." He said, as He clambered back up onto the containers. The three people were close enough now to make out minute details... Two looked like normal Capellan soldiers, while the one in the middle was shorter, fatter, and wearing a longer trench coat. He relayed these details down to Tomoe."Lets try to keep Trench coat alive if we can, maybe get some Intel out of him. He looks important." He whispered.He then inwardly swore as one of the soldiers stayed outside the crates, and lit up a cigarette.The other guard, and the short, fat man began making their way into the hidden area.Max made silent hand motions to her. First he pointed to both of his eyes, and then held up two fingers. He then pointed to her. Max pointed next to the entry way, then to himself, then made a slashing motion across his neck.The mercenary then walked across the tops of the containers, towards the entryway, staying out of view of the two others. He stood just above the smoking soldier, who was completely oblivious. These guys were lazy, and apparently complacent.Max took a deep breath, placed his rifle on the top of the container, and drew the knife he had taken from the other guardsman. He then jumped down, gripping the knife in both hands tightly. With his full weight bearing down on the blade, he drove the weapon into the Capellan's green felt hat, and into his underlying skull. He twisted it twice as his feet hit the ground, making sickening, wet crunching noises in the man's head.His body collapsed silently, but spasmed uncontrollably for a few seconds. Max let out the breath he was holding, as he felt his lungs start to burn a little. He yanked the blade free, shouldered the third rifle, and hoisted the dead soldier onto his shoulders in a fireman's carry fashion, and quickly walked down the narrow space, hearing the sounds of scuffling just ahead. He dropped the dead soldier, ready to spring forward with his knife as he rounded the last corner....
Tomoe knew that Max was probably right. The different outfit probably had some kind of distinction, but it didn't really matter that much to her. He was an enemy, and there wasn't much choice in what to do with enemies in her book. She was running hte numbers when they approached her. The shorter man cocked his head at the sight of Tomoe."Not our usual fare. We'll need to speak to the selection guards, I don't like surprises." The man groused. "But we'll make do. Grab her and bring her to me, I want her on her knees." The guard approached, and Tomoe started to tremble. It likely looked like fear, but it was nothing short of pure adrenaline. When the guard reached for the manacles, he found one of her hands came free."What the " the words ended as a small, hard fist crashed into his throat. Tomoe had her knife free and made a hard slice on his leg, ripping open his femoral artery, and he fell, gasping from a crushed larynx.The short man gasped, and turned to run, but Tomoe risked a throw with her knife. It landed high on his leg, and as he fell she pounced on him. She stuffed his face into the mud, silencing his cries. She drove her fist into his head several times until he stopped screaming, and stilled. When she rolled him over, he was still breathing. Not quite how she'd like to handle it, but there was work to be done here. She left the man where he lay, and dragged the other guard out of sight. More weapons, she made sure to loot him for what he had. Then it was time to go. She didn't really figure that the rate they were going that the other guards would be able to miss the loss of the dead men.She gave a signal to Max, and checked the rifle that she'd taken. Loaded, primed, ready. Not as much ammo as she'd like, but enough."You wanted the fat ass, he's all yours. I think it's about time to go active and get this over with. Standard layout for a base like this will put main power not far from here. I shut that down, their comms go dark, and I can mop up the rest of them. Can you get the others moving once the lights go out?" She asked.
Max nodded to Tome once in approval, as he eyed the dead soldier, as well as the dazed officer. "...You're going to make someone a fine wife one day." He teased her. This was a stroke of luck. The markings on the fat man's jacket marked him as a prison warden.He took a mental stock of the weapons they had acquired thus far:4 standard capellan combat rifles, all of them descendants from the venerable SKS design. Each with 30 round magazines, as well as 16 extra fully loaded 30 round magazines.7 fixed blade knives of various designs, 4 standard Capellan 9mm automatic pistols. The Warden was likewise armed with a pistol, but his was an artistic, pearl handled variant of what looked like Lyran manufacture, resembling the German Luger. Max Scoffed.He listened to Tomoe, and Nodded. "Yes, I can get them moving, I very much want to get the fuck out of here, to, but before we do anything rash, lets gather some more intel. For all we know, that unit that ambushed and killed everyone else is just over that ridge. If we go loud, we risk someone using a short ranged transmitter to warn them..."He then gave the Kuritan a level gaze. "If I'm wrong, and we are isolated out here, I will cut you loose, and let you slaughter these fucks..." He growled as he kicked at the fat Warden. " your hearts content. I'll even help, we can go loud and proud..." He said not so much to her, but to the fat warden who was coming to."The little man looked up at him, and then at Tomoe in sheer terror. Max had to admit that it was satisfying, seeing a pompous enemy officer full of fear.Rain started to fall a little heavier now, prattling all around them, forming small puddles that ebbed and splashed... Max wasted no time, and grasped one of the warden's thick pinkies. Using one of the knives, Max sawed it quickly, with one down stroke cutting into the bone and tendons, halfway through the joint, and then taking it off with one upstroke, and tossing it away.Before the terrified man could scream, he grabbed the officers hat off of his head, and then shoved it into his mouth. The man screamed into his hat quietly, clenching his eyes shut, with tears flowing from them generously. As his cries died down a few minutes later to choked sobs, max tore the hat from the officers mouth, and looked him dead in the eyes. His face lost all expression, and went white.Now that he established that he was willing to hurt the individual he would save time trying to convince the waste of flesh that he was serious."Here's the deal..." Max murmured low and deep, jabbing the tip of the knife into the Capellan's crotch, making him whimper. "...I'm going to ask you some questions, and you are going to answer me. In the event I don't like your answer, I start by taking an inch off of your penis."Markus then went quiet, holding the soldiers gaze. The older fat man's face froze, but he slowly nodded. He had proved quite cooperative, and answered all of Markus's questions quickly, and completely.The base itself was little more than a rear POW camp, with a few reserve units, and limited supplies.Of the Maxim tanks nearby, only two were operational. One of them was outfitted as an APC, while another was an ad hoc experiment of cobbled together spare parts. The other two were derelict, and just being used for parts.The only complete mechs in the area were the spider nearby, which was in good working order, but had suffered minor arm damage. There was also a lone locust out on patrol, on the other side of the hill.In addition to the four soldiers they had just killed, there would be two more. A lone radio operator, as well as a watchman in a tower by the front gate. Once the man had said that was all he knew, Max dug the knife a little deeper into the man's crotch. All that did was make the man insist that that was everything, and then start pleading for his life in a most pathetic manner.Max just shook his head. This bastard had intended to come down here, and rape, ravage, and do god knows what else to some poor girl. The mercenary didn't even think, and let his anger mount. Holding his knife tightly, he shoved the wide blade straight into the warden's throat, staring straight into his eyes, as he clenched his teeth angrily, veins defining in his muscular neck.The warden stared back at Max in disbelief, as his eyes went bloodshot, filled with sheer agony. Max felt no remorse whatsoever, and only got angrier. He twisted the knife violently, popping the neck vertebra in the wardens throat apart, with a sickening, wet crunching sound as the tendons and ligaments snapped.Max yanked the blade free as gouts of blood erupted from the wardens severed throat.The warden's head was still alive, looking at him, blinking in disbelief as his eyes slowly went gray, and his mouth slowly stopped moving.The mercenary spat angrily at the dead warden, kicking his corpse once, then twice, then again as hard as he possibly could, slamming his body into the metal crates nearby.His breathing was erratic, as he huffed and puffed for several seconds. After he regained his composure, The mercenary soldier picked up the bundle of rifles. "Alright..." he murmured to Tomoe over the rain. "...Go and kill the power, then execute those two remaining Capellan fucks." He growled low and deep, almost inhuman in its tone."I will get these weapons to the prisoners. I have no doubt the two remaining idiots will give you much trouble. When you are done, go and have a look at the Spider. I'll see what I can do with the Maxim Transports. And Tomoe..." He said to her low and deep. "...Comrade, remember, these bastards killed our friends. Don't be quick, make them suffer and pay for what happened to the colonel, and our brothers."Max didn't look the same at all, he was distant, darker than before. He didn't give her a chance to reply, leaving her with her rifle in the rain, pattering around her.
Tomoe didn't dwell on this sudden change that Max seemed to be going through. It suited ehr fine to go live, and if he wanted her to be more off the chain, then that was fine by her. The wolfish grin was back, and she scooped up the rifle without a second thought. She was on the mvoe quickly. The main power was coming from a portable generator. She knew exactly enough about this kind of unit to know it was expensive and dangerous. She settled for hitting the main breaker on it, closing off power to the base proper, plunging the place into darkness. Then she was on the move.She knew that she could hole up, wait for each guard to come by to check out the generator, but that wasn't what she was all about these days. She ahd a goal. She ahd something that resembled orders, though she knew she and Max were going to have to have a very serious talk about issued orders when there was no established chain of command. His orders suited her, so she follwed them through. Now though, it was time to really go to work.The communications building was on her way, and she noted that the guards were running for the generator. A few well placed shots, adn she'd have them laid out. But no. Not now. Not yet. She jogged tot he com building int he dark, and rapped on the door sharply. A moment later it unlocked, and opened."The hell is going on?" The man within demanded, starting when he saw a smaller framed woman looking up him with ehr head cocked to one side, smiling at him lopsidedly. Tomoe was drenched from her time in the rain, and that moment of hesitation bought her the time she needed. Her hand shot out, the knife in it neatly slicing the tendon on his knee, making his leg give out under him. She stepped intot he building with him, closing hte door behind her as he started to scream. She crouched beside him, covering his mouth with her hand adn shushing him."Shhh. Shhh. Easy. It's okay. It'll all be over soon." She prosmied him. She caught his hand as it went for his pistol, and she broke it without a second thought, twisting the fingers harshly. he howled into her hand, and she smiled. She could spend a lot of time with this one, but that wasn't the point. She ahd other tasks this night. She drove her knife up into his ribs a few times, and felt him go slack. As he staretd to fade she took his pistol and the service knife on him. No rifle, but she had one already. She smiled as she noticed he had smallish feet, and took his boots. She had them laced up adn on when the power came back on. She let out a long slow breath, and went back outside.The guards were coming at a dead run towards her, adn she only smiled as the tower painted her with a searchlight. She was walking slowly, arms out to the sides, lettign the rain fall on her easily, eyes tilted tot he sky for a moment, and she could hear the falter in the step of those coming for her. She darted ehr hands down and lifted them back up, a pistol in each one. Shots rang out, hitting each guard int he chest, and staggering them. These two were more careful, bringing body armour to the task, which made her pistols much less useful. Still each shot took a toll, staggering the men which opened her up to close the distance. She cast the pistols aside, no longer needing or carinng about them. She kenw the guard in the tower would be drawing a line on her, but iut didn't matter now. She had her dance partners.Low sweep of a blade, blood in the air, a shout of pain, and then she was driving her knee into the groin of the other man. He gave a shout of pain, but there was a dull thump as she made contact, showing he was armoured there as well. Still she swung a kick to the chest of her first man, feeling ribs shift from the hit, sending him off balance. As her second target came for her, swinging his rifle around Tomoe kicked the barrel away from her and slashed his wrist, opening a wound adn a vein. As he released the rifle, she seized it and dropped to one knee A pair of bullets smacked intot he mud near her, coming through the space her head would have occupied if she'd stayed standing. Ignoring her partners, she fired a burst at the tower itself. Rounds smacked into it, and she tracked the bullets into the shooter. There was a heavy crash as he fell from the tower to the ground. By then she had other things on the go.She tossed the rifle to one of her attackers, he caught it reflexively. She came into range and dragged a blade across his stomach, knife angling under the armour to lay him open, his guts spilling out of his body. As he fell to the mud screaming, she felt a fist hit her head, sending her to the side. She threw herself that direction, getting some distance, and then smiling as her last foe came at her. He was leaning down, a low tackling stance, and she was ready for that. She met him headon.His size and weight meant she'd lose a collision, but she slid onto ehr back and kicked up at him, heaving him over her and face first into the mud. As he was rising, he felt a flare of pain in his neck, and dropped. Tomoe rolled him over and smiled down at him."That's your spine. Neck down you're not much good. But you'll live for awhile like this. Remember this moment. Remember what happens when you're on the wrong side of a war." She told him. With that she head back towards the prison. When she met the others, the rain had washed hte blood off of her face, but ehr fatigues wer still stained more red than normal from her escapades."We ready to go?" She asked Max.
Max looked older somehow, his eyes sunken in. His mind was on fire, scared beyond belief that he had just killed a man, with a knife, slowly, in cold blood. Yet the rest of his mind was at ease, and relaxed. He felt as if the eyes of his former colonel and comrades were upon him, looking on in approval. He had never done something like that before, save for when her looped his shredded blanket around the guards neck. Oh hell! He had done that too!Icy claws of self doubt and loathing played at the edge of his mind, as his reality was tested. He had be running on adrenaline and hate before, and had been able to distance himself from what was happening, just focusing upon the moment, whatever needed to be done to survive. Now his stomach felt empty, and bottomless, as fear and remorse crept up his spine as he clutched the soggy bundle of rifle's to his chest, as he slogged through the mud back to the prisoner barracks, with the rain pelting the ground all around him.His boots were still too tight, and his feet were toes cried out in agony at being pinched and bent for so long. Max scoffed, and tossed the wrapped bundle to the ground, and plopped down in the mud on his rear, frantically tearing at his stolen capellan boots, ripping them off of his feet, and tossing them aside with a frustrated growl.What in the hells was he doing here, on some god forsaken world many light years away from the comfortable farmer's life that he could have had if he had just listened to his parents? He could be driving a combine somewhere, and could have married that cute red head 19 year old that had been following him around since she was 5... He took a few deep breaths through clenched teeth, Shook his head, ad stood up.There would be plenty of time for wallowing, reflection, and self doubt later. For now, he had a promise to keep. Max stood up, feeling a cooling rush wash over his feet as they sank into the cool mud and water about an inch. Nothing had ever felt so good as that. From this point forward, if he survived, he promised himself he would take nothing, no matter how small, for granted ever again. He snatched up the soggy bundle, and walked a little faster. He stood at the door, and as he had promised, her rapped upon the sheet metal panels with the backs of his knuckles. He then opened the doorway, and disappeared inside.He was greeted by many smiling faces at first, the first of which was the older gentleman from before that had challenged him. "I was wrong about you..." He murmured in his gravelly voice that sounded like he chain smoked and drank a fifth of bourbon for breakfast each morning. His expression then changed to one of worry. "...What of the girl?" he asked in a worried tone. "...Where is she?" He asked in a more urgent tone.Max just grinned "..Shes fine" Max whispered back. "...I cant say the same for the guards that she's about to eviscerate, but hey. I brought us a care package..." He finished, tossing the bundle to the floor, and unwrapping it, revealing the stolen Capellan weapons. He handed one of the rifles to the older gentleman, and then watched as the more able bodied people also armed themselves.He then knelt down where everyone could see him, and he scratched out a crude diagram on the floor with one of the knives."This is the layout of the base..." He murmured to everyone, and then pointed to the vehicles. "Two of these still work. Two Maxim transports, while we put Tomoe in that Spider..." He continued saying. "We steal enough supplies and what what not to last a week, and then we head east to this spaceport, about 300 miles away from all of the action to the west. We then either charter, steal, or Hijack on a dropship, and get the hell out of dodge..."Everyone then murmured and nodded thier heads in approval. At that point, two pistol shots were heard ringing out somewhere in the distance.Max's face lit up, and met the older mans gaze. "Fuck..." both of them said, as the scrambled for the dorr, tossing it open. Max clutched his rifle, training it high, watching as he heard rifle fire quickly follow, watching as the rounds shredded through the guard's chest, with him falling over the railing soon after. Max then grinned, "..Good." he said flatly. He then saw Tomoe standing in the center of the base's staging area, holding another rifle, grinning at him. "Yeah..." he replied to her, reveling in the moment. For the next few moments at least, they were soldiers again, not just prisoners.They made thier way to the Maxims, with the 20 ton Spider Mech standing over them, its upper torso lost to the gloom and mist of the rain. As the warden had told him, one of the Maxim's was in good working order, and easilly had enough room in its 50 ton chassis to carry all of the prisoners, with room to spare. The older gentleman introduced himself as Jason, and offered his piloting skills to drive the transport. As they had discussed earlier, Max left checking out the spider to Tomoe.Max directed a few of the release prisoners to gather up all of the food, medical supplies, and ammunition they could carry, and load it up onto the first Maxim Hovercraft, while he looked at the rest of them. The other two were little more than wrecks, one without an engine, and the other stripped of its drivetrain and hover blast fans.The last one however, was.... Well, interesting.The space normally used for cargo and armored personnel had been been taken up by a makeshift turret system that housed two weapons. One was a snub nosed particle cannon, side by side with a large laser barrel. It was effectively a heavily armed, lightly armored hover tank. Normally such a thing would be operated by a crew of four, but it only had one seat in it?Max ran his fingers over its controls, and started its fusion core. The hovercraft roared to life as its fusion reactor spun up its plasma loops, and then fell silent. It was still running, just equalized, and quiet.Just something they had cobbled together from spare parts, whatever they had lying around. Hopefully it would work for him...He spun the control levers for the turret, and chuckled as the heads up display whirred this way and that, tracking in the infrared, showing him a completely open sky, filled only with cold dark rainclouds."Yeah, I think we understand each other..." He whispered to the hovercraft.Max then went to everyone else, outside. He spoke to Tomoe and Jason directly, giving them a radio frequency to tune to for thier own, hopefully masked communications."I got the one Frankenmaxim started, but its questionable, but better than nothing I suppose.... How does that spider look?"
Tomoe nodded as Max explained that he was taking the tank. Suited her just fine. She'd been checking out the Spider, thirty tonnes of pure speed and agility."How's it look? It's still got a Pitban LFT 10 system on it! You have any idea how hard those are to find these days? Give me one of those and I'll make that mech dance on the head of a pin thirty meters in the air." She assured him. The mech wasn't well armed, it only really carried a pair of medium pulse lasers, but that was enough in most cases. Creative use of the rest of hte mech would compensate, though it wasn't easy on the unit. There was a large slab of armour that was missing off of one of the arms, but she knew that she could compensate for that. Otherwise, it all seemed to be in good shape."Get everyone moving then. I'll fire this beast up and get her going." She said simply. She'd located a neurohelmet, and had it tucked under one arm. She advanced on the mech.It wasn't a long ride up the small automated scaffold lift that had been set up to allow access to the mech, likely for a maintenence shakedown. When she reached the cockpit, she sighed, and vlamped hte helmet onto her head. The mech was in good repair, up here at least. She sat down in the control seat, and seated her neurohelmet on. She felt hte contacts rest on her head, touching her scalp. She let out a long slow breath before activating the mech. She closed her eyes a moment as the heavy pulse of the fusion drive lit up under her. She opened her eyes, and...It was like waking up for the first time.The night peeled away, the rain not nearly so oppressive and obscuring. Her mind was filled with sensory information that was fed into her, and she coudl already see all around her. She felt her face split into a grin, loving the feeling of being behind the controls of a mech again. She eased the Spider forward in a tentative step. The mech responded easily, a single flowing movement moving it foraward. She pulled up her com system, aiming at the preprogrammed bands, finding one that looked like it would be linked to the base and the vehicles."Max, you reading me? I'm going to put this thing through her paces, see how far out that Locust is. Get yourselves moving, and catch up when you can." Sje said simply. She threw herself into the mech then, pushing it to accelerate as hard as it could manage.The spider all but leapt into motion, tearing up great divots int he mud as it charged forward. Tomoe grinning wide as she felt the way the mech responded, almost an eagerness to move coming from the DI computer. Most people said that a mech was just a collection of components, that the computers were simply that, a sophisticated computer, but Tomoe had always wondered if there was mroe to it. After all, if it was justa computer, then there was no real reason that a new pilot often experienced headaches from the link. Each mech had a feel to it, a way it moved, something that was almost akin to a personality, but not quite. Still, she was loving the speed, and she kept tracking ehr eyes along hte sensor feeds, looking for that Locust. She wasn't worried about it hurting anyone, but she was concerned about it calling in help.Her sensors pinged, finding a distant signal, right on the edge of her sensors."Echo 2, good to see you out here! You're early, am I relieved?" The com call came in. Tomoe knew she on y had seconds to answer, so she put as much of a masculine growl in her voice as she could when she answered."Affirmative, head on back." She said quickly."Thanks! Looking forward to a little downtime." The locust turn and came towards her."Max, Locust is inbound. We've got one shot at this. I can set him up for a hit, but you're goign to have to take him out before he send a signal out." She sent out ont he other channel before letting out a slow breath. The Maxim's could keep pace with her, weren't far behind her, easily within weapoins range. But if the locust got up to speed, it was going ot be a problem to bring down. She stepped her mech tot eh side, opening up the path she'd taken, adn the Locust noticed, moving to head down the path. As it moved past her, she swept an arm out, giving hte mech a hard push, while signalling to fire her weapons.Burning laser fire lanced out, one shot going wide, but the other dragging up the leg of the other machine, burning through armour and intot he hip actuator, staggering hte mech."Now Max! Light him up!"
Max sucked in air through clenched teeth as he felt the hovercraft's rotors spin up, letting loose a roar of air that erupted from its base.It was an unnerving sense of vertigo, feeling the repurposed APC float around a little, side to side before its corrective jets stopped and stabilized it.It felt odd, Max had not driven a hovercraft since basic training, but her felt as if he had always known this craft. He linked his wireless communiocations system with that Of Tomoe's Spider, and Joseph's other Maxim.He then checked the Maxim's system health, and everything looked green. The unconevtional reactor was in an excellent state of health, being made for a much larger craft, as well as the overcharged jets. It would be unnaturally quick for a fifty ton vehicle, and was suprisingly well armed.He edged the differential drive sticks forwards, and the craft nudged forward. He the pulled back on the left stick, as the craft spun to the left on its axis, sliding to the right as it did a few feet. It would be like driving on ice. A little awkward at first, but not impossible.He grinned as he saw Tomoe's Spider step into his view, and then jog out into the night. He felt his adrenaline surge. This was it, they were actually going to do this...Max slid both sticks forwards, as he felt the crafts jets direct it after the spider, following behind at a comforable two hundered feet away. He glanced down at his radar, and saw a blue freindly blip behind him, the other Maxim keyed in as a freindly on his IFF.He then saw another blue blip on his radar, and his eyebrow arched. Max then felt his heart skip a beat as he heard the radio transmissions of the locust they were warned about. He grit his teeth as a moment of panic crept up his spine. Max then found his resolve as he heard Tomoe reply, and then grinned as the reply came back.That poor bastard was too tired to care, having been out on patrol all night for several hours. He was probably distracted with thoughts of a hot shower and a warm bed.He stayed close to Tomoe, trying to mask his radar signature with that of hers. Crosshairs appeared on his heads up display, giving him real time data on the smaller twenty ton Locust chassis.Its spindly legs always looked comical to max. It was a cheap, easily produced mech, and arguably one of the most numerous. He couldnt argue with its agility though, as he had piloted one many a time. He waited patiently as they got closer, keeping Tomoe inbetween himself and the Locust.As soon as he saw the bright red flash of her medium lasers spit out towards the Capellan mech, he drifted out quickly to the left, Zeroing in his crosshairs upon its center torso. Just as Tomoe roared out to light him up, Max slammed the triggers to both weapons on his control sticks.The large laser went off first, slicing through the night air with a hiss, as it carved its way deep through the paper thin armor of the locust. Maybie a quarter of a second later, the particle cannon let loose an incredible white blue beam of intensified energy, punching through the already damaged core of the light mech, turning it to slag.The striken locust tettered for a moment on its spindly little legs, and then fell over into a flaming heap, leveling the few cyprus trees that had been there a moment before.An alarm claxon went off immediately, as his heat levels spiked. Max clenched his teeth in annoyance, as he watched his heat gauge climb up into the red zone for but a moment, then quickly bleed off as gouts of steam flared out the back of his hovercraft.They had installed the heat sinks needed, but the heat sensors were likely a little too sensitive.He checked the status of his weapons, and saw that the large laser was recharged and ready to fire. The particle cannon however was still charging, and would take a few more seconds."Alright, good to know..." He murmured to himself."Alright, good job Tomoe. We just scored our first kill... Now lets see if we can make it to that forward base they spoke of...."
Tomoe had a wolfish grin on her face as the mech fell. She paused only long enough to approach the fallen mech and place the foot of the Spider on the cockpit. She pressed down, popping the the cockpit flat. No enemies behind them. No chance of signals being sent. No loose ends. She felt a deep sense of satisfaction that seemed to come more from the mech than from her, and that made her smile. If it was going to encourage her like that, then there wasn't much point in her trying to be restrained about what she did. And she wasn't going to play nice with what they were up against. If all she could really do was set up targets for Max and his tank, then fine, so be it. She'd manage just fine.She put the mech into motion, calling up any loaded nav points that it had, and what she found widened her smile into a grin. She was looking at hte forward base, the patrol route that this mech had been assigned to, as well as the main patrols for the base itself. She relayed what she had to Max, sending the data package to his tank, knowing that he was likely a better person to plan this than she was. Her approach was likely to just charge into the base adn hold the trigger down until the lasers fused from overheating. She eased the mech into motion. She wanted to keep herslef alert, but also wanted ot make sure they made it where they were going ready to fight.Tomoe blazed something of a trail for hte hover tanks. They never did terribly well in any kindof real terrain without some kind of pathfinding. She kept ehr eyes ont he sensor readouts, wishing that she had some kind of additional intel reports, some kind of uplink that might give her satelite link. So long as she was wishing, she wanted to be back home with her family, safe and in bed with a large bottle of sake. Both things were as likely to happen in hte next ten seconds. She gave her head a shake. Training crept back in, pushing back her thoughts of home. There was a word for what she was feeling, something her mother had taught her.Heimthra was the word used for longing: for home, for the past, for things to be as they once had been. Even the gods were said to know that yearning, from when the worlds were broken. She wasn't as sure about Gods, but she knew that the feelign could be dagerous if left unchecked. Great warriors could be felled from within far easier than from without. She needed to be sharp.Finally, well into the night, her sensors lit up. She slowed her mech, allowing more power into her sensors, pushing her reach out somewhat to just tag the other signals that she was getting."Max, we've got multiple contacts. System reads...a Locust, a COmmando, and...shit, a Blackjack. We playing this your way or mine?" She asked over her coms.
The young mercenary's shirt was bunching up uncomfortably at the small of his back, due to the hastily constructed seat of his maxim heavy hovercraft.His electrical systems had developed a hiccup at some point during the trip, and his display's were plagued by intermittent noise and static. Every so often Max would thump the base of the displays, which would make the noise go away about half of the time. He could only guess what in the hell the problem was, given the cobbled together nature of this craft. He only prayed it held together long enough for him to get to something more reliable...Then he heard Tomo's voice come in over the intercom, visibly shaken as she swore at the sight of the Blackjack.Max grit his teeth. Those carried long range auto cannons, Not enough firepower to kill them outright, but in the right hands could easily whittle them down until the other two mechs closed in to bring their shorter range weapons to bear."Fuck..." He murmured into the coms. The radar blips were steadily growing closer and closer, even though their IFF's were keyed in as friendliest. "What to do, what to do..." he murmured to himself softly, forgetting that he still had a hot mic..."Concentrate all fire on that Blackjack..." He whispered into his microphone. "I will soften him up with long range fire as soon as he gets in weapons range. Use the valleys and gullies to creep up on them."He then swore again as he turned off his coms. The longer and the more they were at this, the more it seemed like a fools errand. All they had was the element of surprise. He could try to squeeze off a shot from here, as the Blackjack was the closest, and within range of both his laser and particle cannon. But hell, if he missed, it would give away their position, and all of them would be on top of their little force like white on rice.he nudged his throttle a little, and then positioned his Maxim hovercraft on top of a somewhat high hill overlooking the valley, with a visual on the Balckjack, which was approaching them.He then heard an incoming transmission coming in from another channel. "Spider two seven, this is reaver, what's your status?" The female Capellan voice came in over the airwaves.Fuck it. They only had once chance at this... He killed his hover jets, and allowed the craft to settle itself on top of the hill, steadying it. He then swung his turret at the blackjack, said a quick prayer, and then hit both his trigger's as his crosshairs turned red.White hot particle blasts shot out of his main weapon instantaneously, ripping through the air towards his target. He had been aiming at the blackjack's oversized cockpit, but saw both the laser and the particle cannon blast barrel into the Blackjack's left thigh, making it explode in a brilliant display of melted myomer and slagged armor. The blackjack teetered for a moment, and then fell over hard on its side, facing away from them.All at once his alarms went off, as his heat gauge spiked, blaring red warnings across all of his screens. "Tomo!" He roared across the coms, "Hit that Damn commando!"
Tomoe was on edge, knowing that there wasn't going to be much chance of things going well for them. She let out a breath, planning out an assault, a plan of action to somehow squeak out a victory. They couldn't afford to take too miuch damage here, they had to do this right. She looked at her waypoints, seeing hte route she was suppsed to be follwing, but she had to agree with Max, staying on course was likely a fools errand. She had to be ready.The lasers in the torso of the mech were primed, hot and ready to go, she just needed a target. She was getting close tot he Blackjack, knew that she could spring a trap easily enough, but she'd need heavier support fire from Max to actually bring it down. She heard her com crackle, a request coming in fromt he Blackjack, but before she could answer the lances of fire arced out to hit the mech, pulling a leg off. She grinned wolfishly. It was a perfect shot to her, and then came the call for hte Commando. Dangerous enough, she knew she had to act now, before the enemy had a chance to organize, to bring more heat down on her, or worse, the tanks. Terrain wasn't great for the hover vehicles, and they could get pinned down fast.The mech leapt forward at her urging, the feeling of eagerness still there, like the mech wanted to push itself as hard as she did. There was a grin as she made a beeline for hte COmmando, no stealth, no subtlety o it. She saw it swinging an arm around, adn she prayed that the mech knew how to dance as well as she wanted it to. The harsh glow of a charged laser came clear, adn was aimed at her. TOmoe threw the mech into a sidestep, rotating around in a pivot to swing the whole mech over to the side, the harsh blue light of a Large Laser slashing through the space she'd just been in. She gave a laugh of pure singing adrenaline, riding hte high as she plowed forward. Teh two lasers in ehr torso lanced out, scraping along hte armour of hte Commando, leavbing brilliant molten lines in the mech beforee the enemy pilot realized that she wasn't goign to duel with him. SHe was set to collide with him.The Commando started to move, trying to extricate himself fro teh scenario, but Tomoes was too close for that. She goosed the jump jets, thrwoing herself forward harder, adn raising her up off the ground as she came at him. The knee of her Spider came up in a perfect collision witht eh enemy cockpit, shattering hte viewport and caving hte structure in completely. She blasted the jets hard to push herself up over the now slagged mech, and spun her around as she did so. She landed on the ground adn slid, gouging a trench in the ground as she slowed, her mech leaning forward in a crouched posture. Before there was another moment to consider any other course of action, she was off again, the mymer strainging to match ehr orders, and she felt the distant phantom pain of the empathic connection she shared with the mech. Strained muscle. Nothing to worry about now. The Locust was retreating back towards the base, but she had him dead to rights. Laser fire arced out, slashing along hte Locust, while it turned torso to face her, adn blazed away at ehr with a brace fo machine guns. Teh fire stippled along ehr mech, one burst hitting hte arm that was missing armour, but not enough to do mre than piss her off. Laser fire stabbed out again, this time piercing clearly through the mech and sending the Locust staggering as it tried to recover from damage to it's gyro. Tomoe leaned her shoulder intot eh movcement, hammering into the lighter Locust, sending it flying intot he ground. The armour was pierced, adn it looked like the charge had caved int he last of hte gyro on the mech."We're clear for now!" She called into her com for Max to hear. They were living gloriously right now by sheer balls and brutality.
Max clenched his jaw in triumph as he watched Tomoe's spider take out the final hostile with a well placed mecha knee strike to its cockpit, shattering the glass and likely crushing the pilot to an unrecognizable pulp. He glanced at his radar display, only to see it clouded with gray static. He smacked the side of his console sharply, the metallic clang echoing in the cockpit. The LCD display flashed white for a second, and was then replaced with a wire frame display of the battlefield, with no remaining radar blips upon its surface.Max felt the gyro stabilizer of his hovercraft start to rattle. He turned in his seat to look at the large, armored disk that dominated the rear bulkhead. As soon as he did, it leveled out, and the craft hovered lightly."Alright, good..." He murmured low and deep into his headset, as he maneuvered his hovercraft thought the terrain to the fortifications nearby. It appeared to be a large perfect square of plasteel prefabricated barriers, hastily set up, with several heavy crates stacked inside. No sensor signatures of any living creatures, and no activated power sources, save for a few halogen lamps set up around the perimeter of the walls.He veered his Maxim in along the roadway, and up into the open area through the walls. It wasn't even a gate per se. The roadway itself intersected inside of the walled structure, criss crossing in the center. Four stacks of crates in each corner, with several trailer type mobile building set up here and there. It seemed eerily calm and quiet. They were far enough away from the battle lines and deep within enemy territory at this point, so the Cappelans had moved most everyone forward. That would explain why they were able to plow through the guard lance they had just made contact with. They were likely a reserve unit consisting of pilots that were not held in high esteem, with substandard mechs that of which maintenance was just not a top priority.Max thought for a moment, as he made a few passive sensor scans of the area. Nothing was showing up on his heads up display at all. He glanced to his map, and saw that the starport was at worst, only a day away, deeper into enemy territory, where they likely wouldn't have any more problems, until they made contact with the star port itself."Alright..." He wispered into his headset. Technically there was no need to whisper, it was just a force of habit of his when behind enemy lines. "Move everyone into the structure, and lets see whats in these crates." He continued. "...I'm going to have a look at the systems on this maxim, and see if I cant figure out whats causing my displays to malfunction."
Tomoe was starting to come down from the adrenaline high that she'd been riding during the fight, and that left her almost shivering. She took a few deep breaths to steady herself, trying to find that cold focus that she'd been taught to seek in moments like this. Using her father's heritage to try and tame her mothers, it had...mixed results most times. She heard Max making the statement about going over the displays in his tank, and she couldn't resist the answer that came to mind."They probably malfunction because they're held together with spit and chewing gum. But good luck!" She had a cheery tone to ehr voice as she spoke. She was...well, decidedly not helpful at this point, but she had to admit she wanted to get a look at her mech adn see if there was anything in the base that they might be able to use to try and patch up her missing armour point on the arm.She eased the mech forward, feeling like she was actively fighting the mech in some ways, like it wanted to justgo, but she needed it restrained. It was like a hunting hound on a leash, straining to do what it was made for. She found the gantry that would be used for a light mech, probably where the Commando had been parking before it's untimely demise. The Spider didn't seem to accept being powered down easily, she had to initiate the shutdown process twice, but it did finally die out. The feeds from her neurohelmet went dark, and she sighed, lifting the heavy job off of herself. She set the helmet down, adn massaged her temples, the beginnings of a headache coming in, though not nearly as bad as she'd gotten with some other mechs. The DI computer and her just hadn't had enough time to get acquainted with one another yet, but that could come in time. She remembered the first time she used her Jenner, and the way it had felt like someone was trying to split her skull with an axe after she was done her training cruise.She opened the hatch, and got out of the mech, stretching as tall as she could to keep the stiffness out of her joints. The gantry was a portable job, something meant to be set up in places like this, but they had the needed lift system to let her ride back down to the ground. She slowed the lift as she passed the missing armour point on the arm. There was a large hole in it, likely from when she'd been raked by the locust's machine guns. It was a wonder that she hadn't lost any more functionality out of the limb. This only cemented her idea that she'd need to pick through the base and see if there was anything that they could use to better prosecute their little activity here.She was pacing down lines of crates and containers, noting the sheer lack of movement from anything that wasn't their crew. She'd not found any real heat signatures or the like on the sensors from the Spider, it looked as though the mechwarrirors that had been guarding the place had been largely left to their own devices. Likely rotating out from the POW camp they'd broken out from, that still left them in good shape. She let out a breath as a wave of long suppressed fatigue started to wash over her. She was going to need a nap. And some food.And Gods dammit, she could use a fucking smoke.
"Max, and his Maxim" he grumbled, as he was elbow deep inside of the electronics bay of his jury rigged 50 ton hovercraft.The vehicle was little more than a mass of spare parts, all wired together by some bored technician with nothing better to do. Max was amazed that the conglomeration was even functional, let alone effective in combat. It had been there for him when he needed it though, and already had a few mech kills to its name. "Maxim..." He breathed. The original Maxim hovercrafts were designed and built in the year 2689, more than three hundred years ago. It was intended as a heavily armed armored personnel carrier, piloted by a crew of 4, to deliver troops to combat, while supporting them with weapons fire. The stock engines were powerful for that era, able to propel the massive vehicle up to speeds around 130 kilometers per hour. Its base armament was considerable, consisting of an array of short and long range missile racks, backed up by a trio of heavy machine guns. The rest of the craft was devoted to carrying armored troops. He had been one of those armored troops not too long ago, and held a great respect for the design, and its comfortable accommodations.After he had a better look at the vehicle, he saw it was just as much of a Maxim as it was a flesh and blood monkey. The only thing this one shared with the original was the frame, and exterior armor panels. The engine was the first thing he had noticed, being significantly larger than what he had remembered, and if anything, looked like it belonged to a mech, not a hovercraft. The presence of a stabilizer attached to it confirmed his suspicions. They had used a salvaged reactor, gyro, and targeting computer, and somehow mated them to an old Maxim. He found a data plate nearby, seeing that it was from a CRB 20... "Holy shit..." He breathed, as he wiped the grease and grime away from the stamped sheet metal, revealing its serial number.He recognized it. These components belonged to a 50 ton crab mech, the very same one that one of his brethren had piloted. It was lost three years ago, with no clues as to what happened. "Well, that solves that mystery..." He grunted. The mech must have been destroyed, and then later salvaged. The computer systems of the crab had apparently integrated well with the vehicle, allowing it to be piloted by only one person, and appeared to be stable. It was as if the machine itself refused to die, hungry, and eager for revenge. Into its turret, two salvaged weapons had been rigged, the before mentioned large laser, as well as the particle cannon, giving the vehicle a good amount of firepower even for a medium sized chassis.The work itself was actually impressive. The welds and fabrications were damn near perfect, as if it was treated like a work of art. The wiring however, had been haphazard, with things cut and sliced wherever, with minimal insulation.After running a few diagnostic checks, he was able to pinpoint the interference to a few badly grounded cables. He simply wrapped the frayed areas in gorilla tape, and everything had seemed to stable out. He made a few minor adjustments to the reactor, thinning its mix, as well as its auxiliary power unit.Four hours later, her fired up the reactor, listening to its hot blue fusion loops coil and coalesce within its ultra magnetic torus shaped confinement, humming away softly as its hover jets made the whole craft seem to float like a cloud. It was a mess, but a refined one. She had treated him well, and he actually felt confident that this old girl would either see him through to the end, of allow him to die in a blaze of glory, just before he took his place among his ancestors.Some of the other freed prisoners had reported back that the crates had been loaded with food and medical supplies, which seemed like a blessing.For a jailbreak, things seemed to be going surprisingly well. But, it was always calm before the storm. The space port was still two days away at flank speed, call it three to be safe.He coordinated with the other prisoners, and set up a watch schedule, using the passive sensors on the other APCs to keep an eye on the immediate area, as well as leeching off of the satellite transmissions. The immediate area appeared to be clear.Max smiled, and allowed himself a relaxed breath. Using some scrap plastic tarps, he fashioned himself a crude hammock in what was left of the APC's troop bay, and allowed the soft hum of the reactor to lull him to sleep. He slept lightly, keeping the Maxim at the ready. Its engine would run for ten years given the nature of fusion power. A comforting thought as he drifted off.... | 19 | [] |
41 | | Rise's Good Luck Charm (Abderian and Azayzal) | As her hiatus were starting to come an end, Rise believed she would be able to come back as if she had never left, even better than ever in fact. Her flame may have been snuffed out for a short amount of time, but she had been doing this for years and all it would take would be a single performance to have that light shining brighter than ever now. So why was she suddenly starting to become so nervous? The facts were difficult to ignore the closer and closer the big day came, expectations were going to be high for the return of Risette, fans starved to see her perform again would move onto someone else if she just missed the mark. Maybe Rise was only being paranoid, but that didn't stop what felt like a whirlwind of butterflies from forming in her stomach as she thought about what could go wrong.Going through every advice strategy in the book, from breathing exercises, to tea, to even listening to relaxing music which had only worked against her, the last thing Rise wanted to do was listen to someone else's work, it only made her think about the possible shortcomings of her own. So when the usual remedies didn't work Rise decided to swallow her pride and watch a few interviews with various idols to try and figure out how they managed to chase away stage fright, one claimed to have to a good luck charm, a ring around her finger that she just needed to touch. Rise wasn't someone who stubbornly denied the existence of good or bad luck, she just never saw it being tethered to material objects, having a lucky ring or hairpin to find comfort in just felt too good to be true. Rise was a social person, what she found comfort in were things like praise from fans, her grandmothers love, interaction with her friends. Her friends...that was something that stuck with Rise, maybe it wasn't that good luck charms were pointless, she was just restricting herself in how she saw them.Her decision to invest a good luck charm lead her to calling Naoto, Inaba could handle itself just fine without the Detective Prince, Rise's own dilemma left her in need of a friend. When Naoto had arrived she explained her predicament, the stage fright she had felt, and asked if Naoto was free just for today, after all there was no better distraction than an evening with friends. As the hours passed Rise was easily able to ignore the butterflies she had felt, Naoto really was someone she had needed, for much longer than a single day. Which was why when the two of them had called it a night, Rise had only pretended to fall asleep, laying awake in bed for an hour just to play it safe make sure that Naoto would be resting. Cautiously crawling off her mattress, she approached the sleeping bag that had been set up for the detective and gave Naoto a little nudge just to be safe, with no response, Rise grabbed the length of rope she had hidden underneath her bed.Overnight Naoto had been bound, gagged, and hidden away in a suitcase like a valuable secret, a secret that Rise had to keep from night all the way until early morning. It was a good thing her team excelled at being fast and efficient, she would have felt guilty if Naoto would have had to spend a lot of time in such a small space, but the train and limo ride afterwards had only taken about three hours, Rise even made sure to keep up a quick pace when walking to her hotel room, tempting as it was to stop and wave at fans who were there waiting both in and outside of the building.With her room being just an elevator ride and a short walk down the hall, Rise had taken a breath when she made it inside without any issues. "Now lets get you out of here." She said pulling the suitcase into the middle of the room and laying it on her floor, both gentle in the motion and undoing the zipper, Rise wouldn't want it getting caught on the detectives hair after all. "I hope the trip didn't feel too long, Naoto kun, now you can stretch a little." A sweet smile spread across Rise's face, her tone making it seem like it was just a casual conversation as the top of the suitcase was lifted and she placed her hands beneath Naoto's arms to sit her up.
Everyone had heard about Rise plan to return to the stage the excitement of her fans was building everyday and all of her friends had known for sometime that she desired to step back into the spotlight. However none of them, fans or friends, would have suspected that the bubbly, positive and all around confident idol would be feeling any kind of pressure to perform. It was certainly a surprise for Naoto when she received a call from her close friend but the detective prince was more than happy to help however she could, albeit she wasn't entirely sure how she could be of assistance but she was determined to try her best. She considered taking some books for guidance from her grandfathers library but in the end decided against it after all it sounded like Rise just needed the support of a friend and she was capable of doing that, right?Arriving in the afternoon time flew while the two were together. The pair reminisced about old times and just did the usual stuff that girls do when they hung out together, it was one of those rare times were Naoto did anything truly feminine, it made her feel slightly uncomfortable but she was happy to help Rise and she felt a little happy about doing something feminine for a change. Naoto had drifted off feeling quite happy about being able to help clam Rise's nerves and she knew that her idol friend would shine in the spotlight much light she had always done maybe even brighter than ever before. However while the detective was deep in her slumber it seemed Rise had something else in mind.Upon waking up Naoto shifted and found herself unable to move and in an extremely tight space. Panic struck and she begun to struggle mind racing with the possibilities of what could of happened. The tight confines of the suitcase made it difficult for the detective prince to move around at all but eventually she felt the rope that was keeping her so tightly bound, her fingertips rubbing against the suitcase and even as she tried to scream she found that she was gagged and all that would come out was a muffled whine. Then suddenly she remembered that she was Rise and a new wave of terror washed over her as the idea of the idol being similarly trapped gave her a renewed strength to continue struggling against her binds, although it turned out to be rather fruitless as whoever had tied her up was experienced at doing so.Her container was knocked around a bit and her muscles ached from being locked in the awkward position. The detective prince was running all manner of scenarios were through her head but the first and foremost thought was to find someway to confirm Rise's safety. However when the suitcase stopped and was laid against the floor a faint, familiar voice could be heard and as the zipper opened Naoto squeezed her eyes shut while the light blinded her and Rise's voice spoke softly down to her. At first she felt wave of relief but it turned to icy horror as it slowly dawned on the prodigy that Rise had been the one who had tied her up and put her through the harrowing event. Terrified eyes gazed up at the sweet, smilingly idol who was acting as though nothing was out of the ordinary. Naoto flung herself away from Rise and tried to crawl away from her 'friend', shrieking a muffled scream into the gag before curling up into a ball her muscles burning with agony from the three hour trip.All she could do now was lay there entirely exposed to Rise's twisted whim.
Rise hadn't been at all concerned when hearing the scream escaping her captive, it was a hotel she had been to more than once and the walls were near soundproof, her team had made sure of that. She was an idol after all and occasionally Rise wanted to include just a little bit of practice between rehearsals and concerts, Risette had powerful lungs so it was important that the walls would be able to catch most of her voice in order to avoid disturbing the others guests. So Rise hadn't feared a scream muffled by the gag in Naoto's mouth being heard, if anything it told her the necessary steps she would need to take in order to make the detective into an ideal good luck charm. It already looked like Naoto lacked the strength to fight or escape despite her attempt to crawl, looks like the detective prince was out of energy after a long ride, Rise saw her chance to take advantage of the situation."Trying to crawl away like that isn't going to do you any favors, Naoto kun." As Rise spoke she picked up the suitcase once more and wheeled it closer towards the bound detective. "It just tells me you'll need to spend more time in here, when I am here, and when I'm not." After saying that she gave the case a few pats to let Naoto know she may go back in the moment she had just gotten out. She may not have sounded too cross, but there was a sternness in Rise's expression, understanding that Naoto would be panicked after escaping such a cramped after so long, but also needing Naoto to understand that there was only so much tolerance in trying to get away or get help. Today was already going to be busy after all, the sooner her good luck charm understood, the better."Still even if you're not doing exactly what I want, let's get you somewhere more comfortable." Rise's physical strength was nothing impressive, but with Naoto being around her own size it wasn't too difficult moving the detective across the room, taking a breath she took one of her captives ankles in each hand began to drag Naoto across the room and towards the bed. "I would have taken your gag out too, but I'm not going to risk you screaming again." Not that it would be a problem, just way to try and deter Naoto from making any attempts at calling for help in the future. Despite her goals Rise was kind of glad she had excuse to keep the gag in, it was a cute look for the already fearful detective.Releasing both ankles and going for beneath Naoto's arms, Rise began lifting the detective up onto the mattress, front side first only to then turn her over onto her back. "You're much lighter than I thought, but that's a good thing since it means I don't need a lot of energy to carry my good luck charm around with me." Climbing up onto the bed, Rise straddled the detectives hips, placing her index finger on Naoto's cheek and gingerly trailing it down. "Just looking at you I already feel a lot more ready to go on stage than I did before." She leaned down, going silent for a moment so that her warm breath would brush against Naoto's neck and ear. "I know there's plenty more you can do for me." After saying that Rise's hand left her captives cheek and went right for Naoto's thigh, palm resting on atop of it and gingerly grinding against it.
Naoto gave a few more pitiful squirms trying to gain anymore distance between Rise and herself before laying on her back, panting heavily through the gag. The burst of adrenaline had run out and now she was really feeling the exhaustion and soreness from being confined in such a small space for so long. The detective prince glared at Rise as she spoke, a small part of her wondering just what had made her decide to do such a twisted thing to her friend a small glimmer of hope that maybe this had some link to the other world, or shadows, or anything that could excuse Rise's insane behavior. Her fearful eyes flickered between the idols face and the suitcase that Rise was patting, the one she had been packed up in, a tremor of terror showing in her eyes as she looked at the, now, extremely threatening luggage the experience fresh enough in her mind that she would do anything to avoid it and as such she complied with her former friends wishes.Naoto didn't offer any struggle as Rise dragged her by her ankles towards the bed, the detective prince seemingly giving in or at least for now. Once again she turned her thoughts to trying to figure out what Rise wanted or why she had done all this, none of it made sense to her. At the mention of her gag she started to work her jaw in an effort to somehow get it out of her mouth but the twisted idol knew what she was doing and there was no way the entrapped blue haired girl was going to get it off without her hands. As they reached the edge of the bed Naoto started up at Rise, her eyes pleading for the girl to stop and start making sense, she would even accept this as a joke, albeit one gone way to far but she just wanted to understand one simple thing. Why?It was surprisingly easy for Rise to lift the bound detective, Naoto was lighter than she appeared as she always wore clothes that hid her petite figure and tried to make herself look slightly more boyish and bulkier. While she lay there on the bed Rise said something interesting, using the term "good luck charm" when referring to the detective prince. Did the idol see her as nothing more than some charm to carry around and make her feel better? She tried to pull away from the finger that trailed down her cheek and the way Rise continued to speak only confirmed her earlier thoughts, her former friend now thought of her as nothing more than an object. Naoto now glared angrily at her captor, struggling with renewed fury at the idea of being thought of as such but she couldn't move with Rise on top of her and the hand that traveled down her bound body made new thoughts of horror rise up in her head as the helpless detective could do nothing to stop the idol from doing anything she wanted.Please she thought to herselfPlease just let me go a small tear rolling down the side of her head as she lay at the mercy of someone who didn't even see her as human anymore.
Rise had paid close attention to Naoto's actions so that she would be loaded with plenty of ammunition to use against her captive, while neither seemed like much the glare and the attempt to remove the gag herself were reason enough Rise to be harsh with Naoto. "You know Naoto kun, I didn't really care for how you looked at me earlier. I think a blindfold would do you some good." Considering that the detective had just been freed of the suitcase suddenly having her sense of sight taken away would probably feel like a gut punch, something Rise had taken into account. Grabbing one of the pillows on the bed, Rise began to shake it out of the case, with the pillow out she pressed the cloth in her hand together, resting it on top of Naoto's eyes, Rise began tying the ends around her head to have it function as a makeshift blindfold. "There we go, it should also help soak up anymore tears." Rise giggled as a way to get the point across that felt no pity either."Another thing I saw you do was try to take your gag out." To add weight to her words Rise went for the top of Naoto's head, fingers sinking into the short blue locks then following it up with a firm tug. "You don't ever decide when to take your gag out, even if you're on your best behavior, only I decide that." Rise clenched her teeth and sounded irate when doing so in order to further scare Naoto before lifting the detectives head up by the hair and shoving it against the mattress. "I'd like to think I can just end it there on a warning, but it's clear I need to do more." With an idea already in mind Rise scooted off of Naoto's hips and grabbed the hem of the detectives pajamas pants and began to pull it down and off Naoto's legs. "This should add perfectly to your gag." Rise's hands falling onto her captives underwear when saying that.Going through the same motion as removing the pajama bottoms, Rise left Naoto's lower body entirely nude then began balling up the underwear she held in her hand. Meanwhile the idol used her free hand to tug at the knotted cloth inside of Naoto's mouth, pulling it out and lowering it around Naoto's chin, as soon as that happened the balled up underwear was quickly stuffed inside, Rise keeping her hand on the lower part of her former friends face to make sure Naoto wouldn't spit it out. "Don't worry, if you do a good job at proving yourself to me, I'll take this out of your mouth as early as tomorrow morning." In the end Naoto would still be dealing with a sore jaw, reason enough to make anyone think before they acted. After giving her warning, Rise pulled her hand away and lifted the cleave gag back up to let that be what kept Naoto's mouth stuffed.Crawling over to the side of the bed, Rise sat up against wall, legs spread and pulling Naoto close to her and sitting the detective up, the other girls back pressed up against her front. "How about now, Naoto kun? Do you still want to scream or crawl away?" Rise rested her head on her former friends shoulder. "Or are you going to be a better behaved good luck charm?" Rise's hand went right between Naoto's legs, rubbing two fingers against her labia. "If you want to prove yourself to me, you'll keep your legs spread."
Naoto watched someone she, until recently, considered a close friend, her eyes flicking from Rises face to look around the room for anything that could help her escape her situation. She continued to work her tongue at the gag until the wet muscle was utterly exhausted. At Rise's words she froze up, eyes widening in horror. She shook her head barely able to muster up the energy to struggle anymore but she had to continue fighting back... Didn't she? Even though she had been sleeping she still felt so very tired, so drained from the terror of being held captive and not knowing where she was or what was happening. As the makeshift blindfold was tied around her eyes cursing her back into the darkness once more, Naoto blinked back tears she swore she wouldn't give the crazed idol the satisfaction of letting her see the blindfold soaked with tears. It was a small victory that she had to take for herself.While Naoto was taking her tiny victory Rise continued to talk. Her words making the bound detective freeze up.What is she going to do to me now she thought to herself wearily. Wincing as her hair was roughly grabbed and she would have shouted in pain were it not for the gag silencing her. Her body tensed as the idol spoke angrily down at her, speaking of warnings and needing to do more before roughly tossing her head into the bed. Without sight the only way Naoto could tell Rise had gotten off of her was by the weight on her body being removed something that would of been relieving were it not for what happened next. While Rise was worked on removing her pajama bottoms Naoto was wriggling her hips and vainly struggling as she had done so earlier. The motion was slowly becoming weaker as she was just about reaching the end of her rope and with no way to stop her former friend from depantsing her she let out a quiet sob. The detective princes body trembled as her pitiless captor rest her fingers on her surprisingly feminine and lacy panties and Naoto despaired as she was powerless to do anything except let out a pathetic whimper.Without hope she didn't even try to struggle as Rise removed her panties as easily as she had her pajama bottoms. There was a flicker of hope when her gag was removed "P please... Rise let " she begun her tone pleading, begging and terrified but ultimately she was silenced as the balled up panties were stuffed into her mouth, uncomfortably stretching her jaw. A hand making sure she didn't spit them out while the gag was slotted back into place. Instinctively her thighs closed in a futile way of hiding her privates while her cheeks flared red hot in shame of being seen in such a pathetic state like this.Rise shifted her around, pulling her between the idols legs and sitting her up as though she were a doll to play with. The snaking hand wormed its fingers between her squeezed shut thighs gently touchimg and rubbing on her labia. With Rise so close to her it would be easy to see the wet patches ln the blindfold from where she had been sobbing. The woman's words whispered softly into her ear as her former friend rested her head intimately on her shoulder it was almost like they were lovers. Naoto shook her head in reply to Rise's question and pausing only for a moment before she slowly started to spread her legs giving better access to her pussy in an act of shameful submission.
Rise went back and forth in her head trying to decide if Naoto speaking was worth punishing the detective over when her gag was out, well it was nothing more than begging, no threats or demands to be let go. It was clear she already had Naoto at a low point so now it would just better to take advantage of it, watching as her captives defiance slipped away Rise decided that was something worth of praise. "Good job, Naoto kun. I know you'll definitely like this a lot better now." She followed her words up by giving Naoto multiple kisses to a part of her cheek that wasn't covered by the cloth of the gag, then craned her neck over a bit to plant a kiss on Naoto's lips best she could despite the gag, a little something Rise wanted her good luck charm to work for, it could be a much more intimate kiss if the cooperation continued and the gag would be safe to remove.With a lot more room given to her by Naoto, Rise picked up the pace that her fingers moved little by little, wanting to take her time build it up instead of rushing it, she wanted to make sure that Naoto felt every bit of it and with that blindfold on she knew the feeling would only be enhanced. "You know I feel like this should be the other way, not the tied up part, but who exactly is pleasuring the other." Rise did have to get herself ready later today, so having Naoto put her mouth to use would definitely help alleviate some of that stress. Though if she was honest just touching the detective was a pretty effective means of helping forget her worries, especially all those adorable whimpers and looking at that tear stained blindfold, it made Rise eager to find just what else she would be able to squeeze out of Naoto.As the rubbing reached a certain pace, Rise decided to slide her finger into Naoto's slit, curling and uncurling it so that it would brush up against her inner walls. "Now that I think about it, is this going to be a first time for you, Naoto kun? I doubt the former detective prince would have much time for intimacy." Not that Rise had very much experience either, Risette took a lot of time from her day after all, it was more to fluster the other woman, as well further get the idea across that Naoto was her good luck charm by saying former detective prince. "Maybe I should have packed a few toys with me as well, I know what I'm going to go shopping for after my concert." Her voice lowering to a soft and sultry whisper to let Naoto know that she wasn't kidding, the index finger of her free hand brushing across the detectives nose for added effect."You know this also gets me really excited for the future as well." When saying that Rise forced a second finger into Naoto, pressing both together and making a scissor like motion, her free hand joining in the attention as well as she pressed her index against the very end of Naoto's slit to have it press against her clit. "We'll have our own little private moments together, everything I want to try out on you, I'll be able to take out your gag and listen to every noise you make at full volume. It just sends a shiver of excitement down my spine, Naoto kun." Rise gave Naoto another kiss on the cheek. "You really are a perfect good luck charm."
Almost as if the idols words were a challenge Naoto promised herself right then that no matter what happened she would refuse to ever completely submit to Rise, to never enjoy anything the idol did to her, after all what could she possibly do to her that would be enjoyable? Naoto's mind rebelling at the praise as though the shameful act of giving into Rise's twisted desires wasn't enough now the deranged Idol was going to praise her for it! The detective prince swore she'd... she'd... Do what? She'd already tried to escape and look where that got her. A twisted knot of shame made her cheeks flush red while her former friend kissed them and eventually her just reminding Naoto just how weak and powerless she was in this situation. A fresh set of tears being blinked back as the hopelessness of her situation continued to sap her will.The bound tomboyish girl's thighs trembled while Rise picked up the pace with her fingers. She seemed to be enjoying tormenting her 'good luck charm' strong fingers rubbing and feeling every inch of the most intimate and private area of the detective prince. With the blindfold taking her eyesight away from her the sensation was greatly enhanced causing her body to respond automatically, lips swelling up with arousal while she was ashamed to admit that she was getting wet from the idols touch. The idols words sending a cold chill down her spine as she spoke of "Pleasuring the other" flashes of dark imagery entered her mind as she imagined what Rise would force her to do and it made her whimper in fear.Almost as if driven by her toys wetness she continued to pick up the pace of her rubbing, Rise's long fingers easily slid past her lips entering her slit where they flexed and unflexed inside her brushing against her inner walls causing them to clench around the invading fingers. Rise's words had rung true, the former part especially stinging, with her constantly helping the police solve cases while trying to keep on top of her studies Naoto never had time for intimacy, hell she rarely ever had any alone time and as such she hadn't had time to explore her own body very much. It was very rare for her to masturbate and she had never used a toy on herself before, something that the idol promised she was going to change while she continued to caress Naoto as if she were a lover.At the prospects of the future a second finger entered her slit, forcing a muffled moan out of the detective while she grew increasingly wet. The scissoring motion hitting spots that the blue haired girl didn't even know she had sending shivers of pleasure up her spine. Her body twisted and she was desperate to get away from Rise's hand that seemingly knew all of her weakest spots. The thought of spending 'little private moments' together made her stomach drop as Naoto realized that Rise would play with her much like this anytime she desired, it hadn't even crossed her mind as she had foolishly thought that the Idol's intention was to fight off home sickness or just to have a friend with her but no it seemed she had other ideas. A tear slipped down from the wet blindfold, rolling down her cheek just as Rise kissed it and praised her for being a perfect good luck charm. It seemed that Naoto's life had taken a dark turn.
With how wet the blindfold was starting to get it was tempting for Rise to want to pull it off Naoto's eyes and see what a mess the detective had become, but not yet she told herself, it would definitely be worth it more in the morning. For now she just brushed the side of her index finger along the single tear that had managed to escape from beneath the blindfold. "You know Naoto kun, even if you had somehow managed to escape could really just take up the role of the detective prince again." She rested her head on Naoto's shoulder, making sure the detective would hear every word of it. "After all you were deceived, kidnapped, now you're here crying. That doesn't sound very much like a detective, much less a detective prince." She was stranger to trying to hit someone psychologically, playing mind games with staff and security during concerts to make sure they could do the best possible job. Despite Naoto's intelligence she decided to poke at her captive a bit, Rise thought Naoto might be vulnerable enough to try."Naoto kun, are you trying to get away from me again." She asked, voice low and threatening but it was nothing more than a warning, her focus was more on Naoto's slit more than anything. "I guess you really aren't experienced around here, you're absolutely soaked." Rise made the same motion with her fingers a few more times before finally pulling them out "My fingers are just covered." She teased before wiping the two digits off on the surface of the mattress "I'd say it's time we take it a step up, feeling around in there already, I'd say I know where a lot of your weak points are now." Rise half lied, she didn't know the exact spots but considering Naoto's reaction to her finger she was bound to eventually hit a sweet spot with what she had in mind next.Scooting back on the bed, Rise placed a hand on the detectives shoulder and began to lay her back down onto the mattress. Climbing off and walking around the bed, Rise stopped in front of Naoto's legs, wrapping one hand around each ankle and starting to spread both open. Getting back on top, the idol didn't hesitate to open her mouth and run tongue along her captives sensitive folds once close enough. "Let's give you that one last push." That was the last thing Rise said before busying her tongue, running it up and down Naoto's slit and have the tip of tease the detectives inner walls.Though it wouldn't be long until Rise stepped up from simple teasing, spreading the detective by resting one finger on each side of the detectives sensitive folds. With a bit more room to move around, Rise dipped her tongue inside of Naoto's entrance and had her wet muscle brush against the her inner walls, as well giving some intention to other parts, index finger of her free hand going right for Naoto's clit and pressing against it.
Naoto was so focused on trying to resist any sensation of pleasure that the idol was trying to draw out of her that when Rise spoke the words cut through her like knives. In all of her grandfather's books, that featured the suave and cool mannered detectives she had tried to model herself on, none of them had been so easily deceive. In fact whenever the heroes of the stories were kidnapped they had always found a way to outwit their captor and escape. Never were the men so easily overpowered and reduced to crying while laying naked exposed to their attacker. The nibbling doubt's that the detective prince had always pushed to the back of her mind were rising to the surface. She could never see herself as the princely character others made her out to be. Naoto in her vulnerable state couldn't help but find herself questioning all her attempts to emulate the men she idolized in those books when she had been taken and reduced to this state so easily.Even lost in her own despairs the threatening tone made her tense up, freezing slightly as if she was expecting Rise to deal out some harsh punishment for some imagined slight. Nothing came however. Instead the idol continued to point out her shameful arousal at her hands. The teasing words making her cheeks turn a bright crimson while her former friend wiped herself clean and went on to indicate that they were no where near done. In fact Rise's words brought up a faint memory of when Naoto had been working a case. She had been using one of the officers personal computers when she stumbled upon a strange folder. Curiosity being in her nature she opened it only for it to be filled with images of woman doing... things... to other woman.The detective prince had quickly closed out of the folder but some of the images had been burnt into her mind and now they cropped up as Rise talked about taking it up a step.Surely not she thought to herself. The deranged idol wouldn't go that far now.. would she? Naoto didn't have much time to think about this as once again the dominant woman moved her about the bed as though she were nothing but a toy. Feeling the soft tongue brushing against her folds sent a surprised shock up her body, eyes widening under the blindfold, for the first time she was thankful for the gag as it was able to muffle a quiet sound of pleasure.Naoto had hoped that would be as far as it went but Rise had other plans. The puffy folds slick and wet with arousal were spread while Rise dipped her tongue inside of the detective princes entrance. This time she had to hold back a groan. It felt good not that she would admit it and she most definitely didn't want her former friend knowing. However it didn't end there the tongue delve deeper into her folds. She could feel the wet muscle brush against her inner walls, hitting against the sensitive areas Rise had scouted out with her fingers. Naoto's clit was sticking out from her hood the attention to it sent a bolt of pleasure rocketing up her spine. It caused her thighs to instinctively clamp around the idols head and she was unable to stop a moan of muffled pleasure escaping her lips.
Naoto may not have made as much noise at first, but considering there wasn't a lot going in the room besides the two of them, Rise was able to hear that what had managed to escape past the gag. She considered that good progress to start but that didn't even compare to the sound that came of the detective prince next, that moan not to mention Naoto clamping down on her head definitely made Rise pause the movements with her tongue for a few seconds, unable to stop herself from smirking. "You didn't even try and kick me away, Naoto kun." She wanted to make sure to get that jab in before continuing, just to get the point across that Naoto was making the transition from detective prince into ideal toy.That was the last thing Rise had said before fully focusing her attention back between Naoto's legs, debating in her head whether or not she should push her former friend over the edge or stop at the last moment in order to tease her and make Naoto beg. It did sound appealing, trying to get Naoto to whine and beg for more, but Rise also had to remember that her captive probably still had a rather firm grip on her pride. The idol decided it would be better to keep going until Naoto would hit a climax, besides it wasn't like she was letting her captive go anytime soon there would be plenty of more opportunities to tease and edge Naoto in the future.Rise decided to rest her hands on Naoto's thighs, gripping tightly and sinking her nails into the skin before her mouth was back on the detectives crotch. Going for the one spot that had easily made Naoto jolt, her clit, Rise started off by just running her tongue along it up and down but it was long until her lips were rested atop it and she began to softly suck on the sensitive nub. With each moment that had passed the intensity had picked up more and more, putting her nails into play as well to drag them along the surface of Naoto's thighs, not breaking the skin but leaving a line of visible scratch marks.
Naoto's had her thighs tightly squeezing around Rise's head while the idol licked and toyed with the detective's inexperienced slit. While it was true that she had been rendered helpless by being bound, gagged and blindfolded her legs were free and she should have tried to alteast kick her tormentor away, right? The little jab had been more affective than Rise would realise. The guilt of not continuing to resist because she was afraid of how Rise would punish her. That along with Naoto's perceived flaws at being captured and the fact that she was scared. All of that was weighing down on her making her doubt herself, making her wonder if it would just be better to give into the deranged idols desires and submit and just become her 'good luck charm'While Rise focused her attention back on her toys shamefully wet pussy Naoto mind was still reeling under her dark thoughts. Despite her intelligence Rises words had struck her to the core and made all of the niggling little doubts she usually ignored or masked with an air of confidence. The worst part of it all was the dark, little thought that was slowly growing in her mind. The little thought that pointed out how good it felt. How no matter what she had done with herself, albeit those were very few times, it didn't feel as good as this. Even being being tied up and captured send a guilty shiver of pleasure through the detective prince's body. It was something that Naoto had been denying this entire time. So used to being seen as independent, strong and reliable so why did the idea of being forced to submit under Rise excite her so much.While Naoto's mind was so preoccupied with sorting out the twisting feelings that were welling up inside of her, her body was being far more honest. The increasing wetness, the swelling of her labia and the way her clit was standing erect from her hood were all signs that despite her protest Naoto was enjoying what Rise was doing. Pale thighs framed the gorgeous idols face while she lapped away at the sopping slit. Once she turned her attention back to the bound woman's clit that was standing as a testament to her shameful arousal. Even as Rise ran her tongue along it Naoto's body shuddered by the time her former friend wrapped her lips around the sensitive nub Naoto's mind was aflame with pleasure, the white hot sensation obliterating the dark thoughts and leaving her thinking of nothing but the desire to cum. Even gagged as she was Naoto's cries of pleasure grew louder. Even the sharp nails that were being dragged down her thighs elicited muffled squeaks of joy.The disgraced detective prince's body curled, pert chest nearly pressed into her tightly squeezed thighs. There was a loud moan followed by a rush of girly cum that would wash against Rise's face while she made her good luck charm orgasm, perhaps it was even her first orgasm. It certainly seemed likely as Naoto fell onto her back, legs dropping spread, chest rising and falling quickly while she struggled for breathe beneath the gag.
No protests, no attempts at trying to keep quiet, looks like she managed to break good portion of Naoto's resistance, or at the very least made it impossible to ignore, well in the end Rise still had plenty of ammunition to use against the detective, letting Naoto experience an orgasm meant tempting the detective in the future. She decided to take advantage of the high a person would get off an orgasm, lips leaving Naoto's clit and instead moving down to suck on her captives sensitives folds before lapping up some of Naoto's fluids before lifting her head back up. "Sounds like you enjoyed yourself, Naoto kun." Rise already forced an orgasm out of of her former, time to rub it in.Rise sat with her legs crossed and waited before continuing, watching the rise and fall of Naoto's chest as the detective tried to catch her breath, sure it would be less of a wait if the bundle of cloths were removed but Rise wanted to remain firm when it came to punishment, so the gag would remain in place until the next place. When Naoto's breathing started to calm, Rise crawled around the bed to sit on the opposite end of the detective price, grabbing her captive by the shoulders and pulling Naoto up to sit down on her lap. "I never took you for a masochist, Naoto kun." Rise pressed the tip of her index finger against her former friends cheek, moving it around in a clockwise motion. "Don't try denying it, I heard that squeal when I scratched your thighs." Her voice was low and Rise made sure those words were said right into Naoto's ear, free hand soon going for one of the detectives thighs, palms resting atop of it and grinding against it."Would scratching you again turn you on? Maybe if I just bit down on one, after all it's important I leave a mark there that shows you belong to me." The grinding had stopped and instead Rise planted her nails on spot of Naoto's thigh, keeping still in order to build just a little bit of suspense before finally dragging her digits up the detectives thigh, again only leaving a noticeable line of scratches but not breaking the skin. Rise's hand then moved around towards Naoto's back, sneaking it's beneath the detectives pajama top despite the pressure of the ropes and scratching there as well. After that she pulled her hand away and just had her nails glide along the surface of Naoto's torso, teasing that the detective could end up getting scratched at any moment.Yet it didn't happened and instead Rise rested both hands on the mattress and began to scoot back. "I wish I could play around with you more, but I have to get ready to go practice." Once off the bed she placed her hands back onto Naoto's shoulders and turned her to have the detectives head laying on the pillow, she then leaned down and gave her former friend a kiss on the cheek. "You can just use the time to rest, I'm when you're up it'll feel like no time at all has passed." After those reassuring words, Rise began to walk towards the rooms exit, feeling content for now from what she managed to get out of her good luck charm.
Naoto's breathing was ragged, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tried to gulp down mouthfuls of air around her gagged lips. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced, the small ones she had managed on her own paled in comparison. The sensation of pleasure had made her mind all warm and fuzzy and for just a moment she had forgotten her perilous situation. It all came rushing back however as Rise shifted her attention from the detective's sensitive nub to her captives folds that were slick with cum. The idol's decisive words struck a heavy blow on Naoto salting her wound while making her mortified over her shameless behavior.Rolling onto her side the captured detective turned toy curled up into a tight ball, if her hands had been free she would have hugged her knees. This position didn't last long however as Rise had other ideas in mind for her good luck charm. As soon as she steadied her breathing Naoto felt her former friend crawling around the bed until she was sitting opposite of the detective prince. She was pulled into the idols lap forced to sit there like a pet dog which included the addition of petting in the form of Rise's finger circling her cheek. Their forced closeness caused the dominant woman's words to brush heated breath against her ear as her words caused Naoto to blush darkly. She wasn't so naive as to be unaware of what masochist meant and Rise's poor victim would rather be gagged and tied up in the suitcase for a week than admit to her former friend that the scratching had turned her own.However it didn't seem like Rise would need a verbal admittance from her good luck charm as the hands that were resting atop her bare thighs planted the idols well kept nails into Naoto's soft thighs. There was an immediate reaction of the blue haired detective arching up before she forced herself to sag back down into the idols lap. She had been expecting more from her tormentor but the moment of stillness was extremely effective at throwing her toy off balance. The sudden drag of nails against her thighs made her back arch up once again unable to stop herself despite having forced herself to relax only moments ago. It didn't stop there however as Rise delved her hands under Naoto's pajama top, manicured nails drawing lightly over the even softer flesh that lay beneath. Naoto couldn't help herself, she squirmed against her owner and even let out a small, pathetically needy whine.The assault was over just as quickly as it had begun. Rise's hands quickly withdrew and as the last soft feelings of pleasurable scratching died away Naoto was laid on a pillow while the Idol informed her that she needed to go to practice. The kiss on the cheek would of been sweet if the deranged woman hadn't tied her up and stuffed her in a suitcase. Laying there for a while Naoto waited until she was sure Rise wasn't coming back. It was the perfect opportunity to try and free herself. While Rise was at practice Naoto wriggled off the bed falling to the floor with a thump. She wormed her way across the floor trying to find anything that could help her get the rope untied on her wrists. Eventually she bumped against the leg of the table and started to rub her wrists against one corner of it.
After leaving the room Rise's main focus soon became getting ready to practice and then the practice itself, but even then Naoto never left the idols thoughts. It was that little piece in the back of her mind that provided Rise with some much needed comfort, as well something to look forward to at the end of the day other than sleeping, dinner, or just watching TV until she eventually dosed off. Even as she finally arrived at practice with the person coaching her not afraid to be loud or harsh if a mistake was made, Rise was still able to power through it, not just because of experience but because of her good luck charm as well. While her practice session wasn't over in a snap, it definitely did help the time pass until she was finally free to go.While getting back into the groove of things had left Rise feeling a little tired, it wasn't tired enough to stop her from doing a little shopping. Her staff wouldn't get worried so long as she wasn't gone for too long, so she gave her staff an innocent farewell to go and purchase a few less than innocent things. Fortunately the shop she went into hadn't been very busy, Rise heard a few surprised gasps as she browsed around to find the perfect toys to use on Naoto, but no one got in her way or interrupted her as she filled a basket with one toy after another. Even when she went to checkout the person working the register had only opened their mouth to say how much yen Rise had owed before placing it all in a bag, which she paid and told to keep the change, with how much Rise made as an idol she would probably just end up losing it in the hotel room.When she got back, Rise had expected to find the detective laying on the bed asleep, yet what she found instead was one that was empty. For a moment she panicked but it quickly subsided when seeing Naoto there on the floor, a little inspection she could see that her captive was trying to cut the rope. Rise decided that she would surprise her good luck charm, quietly closing the door so that way there wouldn't be a sound before starting to quietly tiptoe over, once the detective was in arms reach Rise leaned down and placed a hand on Naoto's shoulder to try and catch her off guard. "Looks like I really can't just leave you alone, huh Naoto kun?"She pulled her hand away and dropped the bag onto the floor before leaning down and starting to dig inside of it. "I'm not too mad that you were trying to the rope, I was planning to use a new restraint." From the inside Rise grabbed a pair of soft leather handcuffs, snapping them around Naoto's wrists before beginning to untie the rope, loosening the knots and tugging it off her captives body, much as she enjoyed the pattern that was made, it was keeping the detectives top near impossible to remove. "Now let's get this off you." Rise said, grabbing the hem of the pajama top and lifting it over Naoto's head before moving it back to bunch around the detectives arms. "Now that I have all this rope, to use, maybe I should tie your legs together."
Naoto had crawled off of the bed and along the floor while Rise was away at practice. It had taken her far longer than she would have liked to find anything with that had enough of an edge that gave her a chance at wearing away or loosening the ropes that bound her wrists. She wouldn't waste such a golden opportunity however as Rise hadn't tied her to the bed or otherwise left her unable to attempt the escape. She was so preoccupied with rubbing her bound wrists against the corner of the table leg that she hadn't even heard the idol returning to their room. The sudden hand on her shoulder making the detective prince cry out shrilly into her gag as she was pulled away from the table leg. Rise was back and Naoto knew she hadn't even made it half way through the ropes around her wrist.Expecting the idols wrath she was surprised to hear that she wasn't angry a small wave of relief shamefully washing over Naoto. That was until she heard Rise say that she had planned to use a new restraint. The good luck charms stomach dropped while her mind raced at what her former friend was planning. Hearing the rustling of the bag beside her Naoto instantly knew that Rise had been shopping, although her meager experience left her in the dark on what she could have possibly bought. Feeling the soft leather around her wrists she hated to admit it but it felt much nicer than the coarse rope that even now tightly restrained her torso. As Rise slowly untied her wrists and even undid the rope that snugly held her petite frame the idols toy couldn't help but flex and stretch as the pressure on her chest subsided. It felt surprisingly good to be out of the chest harness Rise had tied.Whimpering and whining through her gag as Rise tried to pull up her pyjama top, Naoto even brought her legs up to try and push the idol away. However she froze up and allowed her chest to be exposed at the mention of her captor tying her legs with the spare rope. She had just been freed of it and had no desire to be tied up again and even shook her head in protest, she even shamelssly spread her legs in an attempt to appease her former friend. Hoping it would get the message across that she would be good as long as her legs were left free, the experience of being bound and stuffed into the idols suitcase being an obvious trauma for the once proud detective. The threat was enough for her to give up part of her dignity if it meant avoiding it.
Rise could tell what Naoto was trying to do, but a proud smile spread across her face when seeing that the detective had immediately given up on the attempt and spread her legs. "Aw, I knew that sooner or later you wouldn't be able to resist me." She teased, resting her palm between the detectives legs, gingerly rubbing against it. However that was only to give Naoto a false sense of security, as rewarding as it felt to see her captives act of submission, that was only because Rise was here now to keep her under control, she also needed to know Naoto wouldn't try anything while she was away as well. "As much as I want to play with you here, I can't let the fact you tried to get away slide."Her hand left Naoto's crotch and went for the bag of toys she had purchased, it was good thing she bought a nice assortment that caused both pain and pleasure. The first thing she pulled out of it was a pair of metal clamps, she shook it between her fingers to give the detective only an idea what was to come before lowering it down and pressing it against Naoto's stomach, allowing her to feel the cold metal. Then without warning, Rise opened up both and snapped them right onto Naoto's nipples to try and catch the detective off guard, then wrapped her finger around the chain so that way further strain would be felt on both nubs. "This could be enough, but I think you need just a little more discipline."A little more was maybe just a bit of understatement, unraveling the chain from her finger, Rise stood up and pulled Naoto up beneath both shoulders with her. Pulling the detective towards the bed, she laid Naoto's upper half down on the mattress but left her rear stick out and legs to dangle off the edge. From the bag she grabbed a paddle, while it wasn't anything large when Rise gave it a few test swings against the air she knew that it was going to sting. Rise gave Naoto a smack on the rear to know what was to come "So here's what I'm thinking, five hits for every misdeed you did while I was away." Rise put a hand to her chin to think. "You betrayed my trust, I let you have a soft bed to sleep on which you crawled out of, then you tried to break the rope." As she spoke she only lightly tapped the paddle against Naoto's rear. "I know I told you I wasn't too mad, but it's still something you need to be punished for. So that makes a total fifteen, fourteen since I only gave you one."After that Rise didn't hesitate to give Naoto three more sharp smacks on the rear "Eleven." Though as she said that Rise only gave a few light taps in order to build suspense, then after a minute had passed hit Naoto again, this time it was times in a row they didn't come as quickly as the previous three, giving only a brief pause between each. Knowing at this point Naoto's ass was starting to sting, Rise decided to start grinding the paddle against one cheek to cause further discomfort before finally finishing the job, hitting Naoto six more times without pause or hesitation. | 17 | ['Risette'] |
42 | | A new Digi adventure~me and Ryu_Momochi | "Damn it!" came a feminine voice from inside a pile of rubble surrounded by a cloud of dust. Suddenly, the source of the voice became visible as the slender frame of a Renamon burst ouf of the rubble and landed gracefully on the ground. This was no normal Renamon though. It looked.......very feminine. Unlike the normal kind that didn't really show any signs of gender, this one was obviouly female due to having a large, furry bosom, partially covered by the usual tuft of fur on a Renamons neck. Not to mention, her body was a bit more human shaped. Thin waist, slender hips and a perky little backside. She was quite the attractive Digimon. Though, things weren't going well for her as she had just arrived in the human world to find her tamer, before suddenly being attacked by an evil little Agumon.It was no stranger though. She knew this Agumon. It was a perverted little bastard that became obsessed with the special Renamon due to her sultry appearance and had been looking to take her as it's mate. Since she always told him to buzz off and he knew she was heading to the human world, he followed her, intent on taking her as his furry prize, using force to do so. This Renamon was quite fast, but this little Agumon was a tenacious bastard. It would seem it's lust for her gave it increased strength. If things kept up like this.......Renamon would have no choice but to submit to him.
A soft sigh left his lips as he walked down the city streets. his short black hair a stark contrast to the ice blue of his eyes, showing he was something special... although no one could figure out how. He was carrying a small device, it looked like a cell phone, but it wasn't, in fact, even he didn't know what it was,"What in the world is this...?" he said to himself, his gloved hand moving to press at a few buttons,"Does it even make calls?" He shrugged a bit, shaking his head,"Man... screw it... I'll figure it out later... I'm late for class..." he said, starting up at a running pace. He'd been in this school for about a month now, and so far he'd managed to stay out of trouble. He was always finding a way to get expelled or suspended, even if it wasn't his fault. He closed his eyes, sighing as he thought about it,'I can't be late... not today...' he said as he continued to run, but he didn't run for too long, suddenly something was thrown into him, causing him to fly back a bit as he held it,'What the...?' he thought as he flew back, landing in a heap in a nearby park, pain rushing through his body.
Eyeing her opponent a moment, Renamon suddenly dashed at him, but was swiftly met by a pepper breath to the stomach, sending her flying off. As she flew threw the air, she knew she hit........something sort of soft, before coming to a stop. Her head was swimming, so she didn't realize her curvy body had gotten knocked into a young human male, her body resting on his as if she was cuddling up to the guy, which was sure not the case.
He coughed a bit as his eyes opened, staring up at the sky,"O ouch... wh what hit me...?" he said as he moved a bit, feeling something on him. He felt as though he'd been hit by a truck. Everything inside of him hurt, but it didn't hurt too much, well, not as much as he thought it would. He moved softly to get up, looking down a bit at what was on him,"W what...?" he said softly, trying to figure out what was going on.
"Ow, that hurt." said Renamon as she sat up on the human, rubbing her head. When her vision cleared, she suddenly realized she was straddling the young man, face to face with him. She was quite surprised that this was what she landed on, as well as the suggestive position she ended up in. Though, she eventually spoke."There'll be time for that later big boy, but I got work to do." she said, hopping off his lap and dashing back into the fight, unaware the guy was her actual tamer. That was another thing that made her different than the usual Renamons..........she was VERY flirty and affectionate.
He looked at her for a moment before she spoke, but when she did it took him by surprise. His eyes went a bit wide,"W wait..." he said as she ran off, unsure what just happened or what she even was. He slowly made his way to his feet, holding his arm a bit as he looked over at her, watching as she fought a strange little dinosaur thing. He moved and made his way closer, limping a bit as he watched them,"What did I stumble into today...?" he said as hsi hand slowly moved into his pocket, grabbing the device, he didn't know why he did it, but he held it tightly.
When the boy grabbed hold of his digivice, Renamon felt a sudden surge of power and had no clue where it came from. Though, not wishing to waste the chance, she used her new found power to dash right at her small opponent and take him out in instant, sighing in relief as she watched him re digitize and go back to the digital world. Dusting herself off before she turned around, she was met with the sight of the guy with his hand in his pocket with the digivize glowing. She knew what this meant, but felt like teasing the poor guy, her tamer."My, my, I've turned men on before, but never have I made their pants glow. You must really want to do me." she teased, crossing her arms under her impressive bosom while cocking her hips to the side.
He coughed a bit, laughing at her flirting,"Oh shut up... I'm in too much pain to want to do much..." he said as he panted softly, taking a deep breath as he tried to regain himself,"Now... first things first... what... who are you?" he asked as he moved a bit closer, limping and wincing with each step,'Guess I'm hurt more than I thought...' he thought to himself, looking her over a bit. He had to admit she was very sexy, but he wasn't even sure what she was, so he didn't know what to think yet.
"Do much? So you want to do something, but not much. Pervert......." Renamon replied, her sly smile showing she was just teasing him and not actually mad or anything."You should really take it easy. If my tamer ends up falling over dead cause he didn't know when to lay his ass down, I'm in trouble." she added, walking over to him and getting up under his arm, his arm around her shoulder so she could help him walk. Leading him over to a nearby park bench, she gently sat him down and stood infront of him and went about the task of explaining what she was, what Digimon were, what a tamer was. Basically, everything he'd need to know.
He chuckled softly as she moved to him, walking with her and sitting down. He listened to her, not really sure what to think or say when she was done. He absorbed it for a bit before he spoke,"So... basically..." he said softly as he looked at her,"I won't be able to get rid of you no matter what I do...?" he said, a soft smirk on his face. It was something he did when he was confused, and right now, he had every right to be,"Well... seeing as you'll be around for a while... and I'm already..." he checked his watch,"Two hours late for class... might as well head home..." he said, slowly starting to get to his feet.
"Hilarious." Renamon sarcasitcally replied back..........These two were made for each other. When he got up, she quickly got back under his arm so she could help him home."Well, point the way master. I could sure use a shower to get all this dust out of my fur." she said, finding her dirty fur to be quite uncomfortable."So tell me.........what are these.......things you already have in mind for me?" she playfully asked, seeing no reason to stop her flirting.
He chuckled softly as they walked, pointing to a house not too far away,"Over there..." he said with a soft yawn. He heard her and chuckled a bit,"Hmmm... well..." he said, putting on a thoughtful face,"Those are some things you'll have to find out on your own..." he said as he let his free hand move, poking her side softly and playfully as they walked, giving a soft chuckle, wincing a bit as he pulled out his keys, putting them into the door and unlocking it.
Renamon just laughed at his response, pushing the door open."You know, I think you probably need a shower more than I do. Perhaps you should go first." she replied, hoping he would invite her in to join in the shower, but would be surprised if he didn't. Her wiles didn't always work on everyone.
He chuckled a bit, moving towards the shower,"I think I need one more than you do..." he said, walking with her into the bathroom, moving nad turning the shower on, watching the steam starting to appear,"But mine's more for blood than anything..." he said as he started to take off his shirt, acting completely natural as he did, although giving the occasional wince of pain.
"Let me help master." Renamon told him, reaching up to help remove his shirt, her large breasts pressing lightly against his quite muscular chest. He really was quite an attractive tamer. It was only natural he got an equally attractive partner.
He nodded a bit, feeling her press against him as she removed his shirt. He gave a soft sigh as his chest was revealed, showing the scratches and small cuts. He looked down at them, making sure none of them where too bad. He moved and unbuttoned his pants, but then stopped a bit, hesitating a bit as he finally remembered that she was a female. He had never been good when it came to girls, always seemed a bit shy.
"No need to feel shy master. It's not the first I've seen." Renamon replied, gently placing his hands on top of his and guiding his pants down, eyeing his manhood as she stood back up."But it is the best I've seen." she whispered to him, leaning forward so her breasts were pressed firmly up against him.
He couldn't help but blush a bit more at her comment,"Come on..." he said, shaking his head, trying to get his mind to calm a bit, slipping into the shower. He was a bit nervous, but he wouldn't show it too much as he slipped under the water, taking a deep breath as the water stung a bit but relaxed him more than anything.
"Come on and do what master? Anything you say, I'll do." Renamon replied outside the shower door. While she certainly wanted to get busy with him, she wouldn't force him to if he didn't share the same urges.
He chuckled a bit and shook his head,"Just get in here... you said you needed to get the dust out of your fur..." he said as he let the water rush over him a bit, making his hair stick to his forehead,"Besides... it's really kinda tough to stay up when you're hurt and surrounded by slippery porcelain..." he said as he took a deep breath.
Renamon was happy to oblige, in the shower in an instant, standing right in front of him."Indeed I did." she said, letting the water wash her fur as she stood almost up against him, looking even sexier wet than dry.
He looked her over a bit, letting his eyes scan her, indeed she did look very sexy wet, but he wouldn't say anything. He sighed a bit and let his arm set on her shoulder, keeping himself under the water as he let his body relax more,"You know..." he whispered to her,"I'm glad I met you..." he said as he closed his eyes,"I just wish I could relax more..."
"Well, I know of a great way to relax. Though, in your condition, it may not be wise." Renamon added, her suggestive tone making it quite obvious what this thing was she had in mind.
He wasn't really fully there, his mind exhausted,"Hmmm... oh... show me..." he said as he took a deep breath, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the heat of the shower. He could smell a slight difference in the air, it was almost flowery, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.
"Alright. In that case, do you want me from the front, or from behind?" Renamon asked, standing on her tippy toes to lightly lick his cheek. If he wanted it, she'd certainly show him a good time.
He couldn't help but shiver at the lick, smiling softly,"Hmmm... either is fine with me..." he whispered, taking a deep breath, something about the smell was making his body warm up, making him feel different than anything else he'd ever felt before.
"Well, I have always liked it from behind." She whispered, running a furry hand across his jaw before she turned around, bending over and putting her hands against the wall of the shower, her firm ass offered out to him. Even covered in fur, it was still quite nice. It was just........different than a humans, obviously. But, she had all the right parts and might even make for a better lay than any human woman.
He smiled softly as he moved, looking her over a bit. He could see she was very attractive, even by human standards. He blushed a bit and bit his lip, moving and leaning over her a bit, kissing her neck softly,"Hmmm... no foreplay...?" he asked softly.
"Well, I usually prefer getting straight to the point. Not like it really matters, does it? We'll have LOTS of time for foreplay later?" she added, looking over her shoulder at him.
He chuckled a bit and gave a soft nod, moving her just a bit and giving her a gentle kiss on the lips, his hands moving up her sides and to her breasts, ghosting over them a bit before he began to caress them. He was just exploring a bit, seeing how similar she was to a human.
Renamon returned the gentle kiss, moaning lightly when he began to caress her large breasts. For the most part, she seemed like a combination of a normal Renamon and a Human. She was 100 Renamon, but was of a rare kind that ended up with a human like figure. Digimon bred amongst themselves, so she had all the These special breeds didn't always have easy lives. Having such curvy bodies instead of the normal kind got them LOTS of unwanted attention. Some more than others. Angewomon for example, with a skimpy outfit and pretty much all human body were accosted all the time. This Renamon hadn't met a single one that hadn't been raped or even molested at some point. Renamon would have to deal with that as well, as her mega evolution, Sakuyamon, was also very human like. Not to mention, the digivolving sequence involved her being nude as Sakuyamon for a brief time. So, if it was interrupted at just the right time......
He shivered softly as he began to let his shaft move, between her legs, rubbing softly at her slit as he let his tongue slip into her mouth. He let his tongue explore a bit as his hands caressed her breasts. He didn't know too much about Digimon, really just everything she told her, so he wasn't even sure if they could have children or not with humans. But right now he was too wrapped up to care, he needed something, and she was the only one able to give it to him right now.
Honestly, when it came to human digimon cross breeding, she didn't know what would happen either. She had heard stories of various kinds of humans screwing the more human like female digimon, but had never heard of any resulty children. Still, the thought wasn't on her mind as she returned the kiss with her head turned to the side as she had her back to him, pressing her firm ass back against his waist as she felt his manhood already pressing against her, which she took a step further by moving her hips down, letting him slide in a bit, moaning into the kiss as she did so.
He shivered a bit as she moved down, feeling himself starting to push into her, his tongue rubbing against hers gently as he slowly let himself slide up into her tight passage, moaning softly into her lips. He'd never felt anything like this before, she felt so amazing. His hands continued to caress her breasts as he hilted himself deep inside of her, feeling her body tensing and squeezing him,"Mmm..." he whispered softly.
She returned the moan, her tongue working around his own and his entire mouth quite expertly, her arms raised over her head, wrapped back around his neck as he got fully inside of her. Sure, she was no virgin, but she had never been with a human before. It was certainly different than a digimon, but quite good. Hard to say which was better.
He began to thrust slowly in and out of her, his hands continuing to caress her breasts, squeezing them every now and then as he shuddered and moaned into her lips, sucking on her tongue as he did. She was good at this, far better than he was, and he wondered how much she knew that he didn't, but he would wait to ask until they were done.
Renamons moans only grew louder and more intense when he began to thrust into her. Not long after, she began to grind hips back in rhythym with this, so that when he thrusted up into her, she ground back against him, maiximizing penetration and increase the pleasure for both of them.
He groaned, pushing as deep into her as her body would allow, his hands continuing to caress ehr breasts as his tongue moved, slipping from her mouth as he let out a soft groan,"Mmmm... s so good..." he whispered to her, closing his eyes as he began to thrust in different angles, searching for the spots that would give her the most pleasure.
"Feelings mutual....." Renamon whispered back, smiling before letting out a loud moan when he found her.......special spot. That one certain angle that sent waves of pleasure through her entire body with each movement.
When she moaned loudly he couldn't help but smile, thrusting faster and harder against that spot. His hands continued to move and caress her breasts, his fingers finding her nipples and rubbing them softly before pinching them gently,"Hmmm... y you like that...?" he whispered to her, biting his lip gently as he felt the pressure building deep inside of him, knowing he wouldn't be able to last too long.
Renamon just nodded her head, moaning too much to be able to speak. She could feel his was nearing climax. She herself wasn't quite there yet, but that didn't really matter. He was obviously less experienced in sexual matters than she was, so it was no surprise she could hold out longer.
He groaned loudly as he continued to thrust deep into her, his hands caressing ehr breasts as he moved, kissing her deeply once more,"Mmmm... I... I c can't h hold b back too much longer..." he whispered with a soft groan, shuddering as he continued to push deeper and faster into her.
"Don't worry master, let it all out, cum deep inside of me. I am here to please you." Renamon whispered, turning her head back to gently lick his cheek.
He shivered and groaned loudly as he continued to thrust into her, unable to take it any longer he gave a loud moan as he came, his seed spraying deep into her as he held her tightly to him, nibbling on her neck as he slowed drastically.
Renamon moaned rather loudly. She didn't cum herself, but feeling of his warm seed filling her and his last powerful thrust was quite amazing. She savored the moment, until it finally subsided."Now aren't you glad I found you?" she asked with a smile before sliding away from him, giving him a playful wiggle of her ass before stepping out of the shower.
He shivered a bit as he panted softly, letting the water rush over him,"Hmmm... jury's still out..." he said with a smirk as he moved slipping out and wrapping a towel around himself, moving and kissing her softly before slipping out of the bathroom, heading towards his room slowly.
Renamon smiled at his comment before wandering off, wanting to explore his place. Though, she end up only looking around for a little while before sneaking into his room behind him. Once there, she quickly spun him around pushed him back onto his bed, followed by her hopping on top of him, straddling his waist."You know, I don't think it's very fair you came, while I did didn't get to." she said with a sultry smile as she ran her slender fingers around his chest and abdomen.
He was looking for some clothes when she spun him around and pushed him onto the bed. He was going to say something when she spoke, giving a soft smile,"You're right..." he said, licking his lips a bit,"We should do something about it..." he said as he looked up at her, shivering as her fingers ghost over his skin.
Renamon didn't say anything, she just smiled as she leaned back, so she was sitting up straight on top of him before gently grinding her womanhood against him, hoping his body would be as willing for another go.
He shivered a bit, giving a gentle moan as she ground against him, his hands moving and ghosting over her sides as he looked down a bit, watching as her slit rubbed against his slowly hardening shaft, showing he was ready for more as he licked his lips softly.
"Hope you don't tire easy, as we got the rest of the night to show you my skills." Renamon replied, smiling down at him before raising her hips and slowly starting to slide down onto him, enjoying the feeling once more.
He smiled softly as she did, giving a soft shuddering moan,"Hmmm... I... I've always had a... a good amount of stamina..." he said as his hands ghost over her sides more, helping her slide down on him until he was fully inside of her.
"Good to know, as us digimon can go at it for hours and I'd prefer you not die in the middle of sex." Renamon teased, smiling down at him with a light laugh before she lifted herself up a bit then just slammed her hips back down, quickly getting into a fast pace of bouncing on his lap, and grinding her hips against him.
He smiled and gave a soft groan as she slammed her hips down on him, pushing himself fully into her,"Mmmm... I won't." he said with a soft chuckle, his hands moving over her breasts and caressing them, shuddering as she continued to bounce hard on him.
Renamon placed her soft, furry hands over top of his and held them firmly to her breasts while her pace only further increased, followed by her leaning her head back and letting out moan after moan.
He groaned loudly,"Mmm... s so good... and tight..." he moaned as he looked up at her, biting his lip softly,"Mmm... h how many... how many times have you been... been fucked?" he asked, his hands continuing to caress her breasts, rubbing and squeezing them.
"N Not sure.........I don't really keep count of that type of thing....." Renamon replied, barely able to speak herself as she released his hands and lowered them to clutch at the bedsheets beneath them. Yea, this time was looking better than the last. Way things were going now, she was definitley looking at a great orgasm. Perhaps she liked it more on top, than from behind, despite what she said. But, as a digimon, who knows? They're awfully unpredictable.
He smiled as he let his hands move to her hips, helping ehr bounce faster on him as his hands moved over her rear, squeezing teasingly as he pushed deep inmto her with a loud groan,"Mmmm... fuck..." he said as he leaned his head back.
"Fuck indeed......" Renamon almost cried out, speeding up even more as she felt her orgasm approaching quite quickly now. Her muscles already began to tense around him in preparation for the.......event.
He groaned and smiles, moving and pulling her down, kissing her deeply as he pushed deep and hard into her, shuddering as he felt her tensing over and over around him, letting him know she was getting closer to her end. His hands ghost over her rear as he bounced her, growing closer to his end as well as he hit the spot that would drive her over the edge. | 60 | ['Renamon'] |
43 | | The Old Ways (LadyWonder / Pazzo) | Imagine if you will, a shadowy, moss covered hill top, in the dead of night. Now imagine a silvery full moon high overhead, bathing the area in its beautiful, subdued light.On top of this hill are several stone megalithic structures, made in ancient times as a sort of calendar, so that where viewed from a certain point, they would align with the stars and the planets, as a means of keeping time. Or at the very least, that was what the makes had intended.Now they were being used for a much darker purpose. On top of the hill was a flat, massive disk of cut granite, carved with five indentations, and little grooves carving their way all throughout.Gathered around this stone circle were many shaded figures, all kneeling, and wearing heavy black robes. Their chants were a hypnotic droning, all murmuring the same thing over and over, is some savage tongue that was forgotten long ago.In the center of this circle, stood a lone figure, standing tall, with his robes swaying gently in the breeze. A heavy brass gong could be heard booming from somewhere in the distance, as a procession of twelve people slowly shuffled their way up to the stone circle. They were arranged in three ranks of four, with the outer eight wearing robes of a deep red, and carrying what looked like tallow sticks. They burned in a manner similar to a candle, only that the flame they produced was a sickly, pallid green. The four young women in the center were all dressed in gauzy, white dresses that flapped and buffeted in the wind. All of them were beautiful, but their eyes were glazed over, and distant.Each of the four women was led to one of the four indentations in the circular stone slab, and made to kneel. The other eight in red robes joined those in black, in their droning hymns.Elder mason stood there in the center, thinking about the past event that had led to this...Several years ago, the magic and power that had flowed so freely within his organization had started to wane for some unknown reason. He researched the old texts to complete exhaustion, and performed many a sacred forgotten rite to try and restore balance to his coven. Everything was done exactly as it was written, but all efforts ultimately failed.But then someone reached out to him. Some handsome, wealthy businessman in a hand tailored white suit, with a handsome, if devilish smile."Every year, on the summer equinox, you are to sacrifice four of your newly awakened. Do this, and it will not only restore you coven's power, but make it grow."The elder had dismissed it as madness. Three years came and went, and their magic had stalled to nothing but a lazy ebb. In desperation, he performed the rite as it was described by the mysterious individual. One of the four had been his own daughter. Blinded by his need, he sacrificed her anyway, and the survivors power was indeed restored. That had been only a year ago, and this was to be the second ceremony.Elder mason drew back his hood, and regarded the four young girls that sat around him, on their knees, oblivious to what was about to happen to them. His eyes were wrinkled, and tired. He felt dead inside, hollow and forlorn. Was this truly to be the future of his coven?This was the old ways. It had been done many time before him, and would be done many times after. If not him, then someone else. The coven's power could not be allowed to die, no matter what the cost.And the cost was great indeed.The elder made no expression, but merely drew a heavy looking, wide bladed sword made of pure silver, and brought it down upon the first girls neck swiftly. Time seemed to stop for but a moment, as he head slowly fell from her shoulders. Her body fell into the depression made in the stone, with her blood filling it up, and flowing down and around through the grooves cut into its surface, glowing with an unholy, powerful red light.Elder mason closed his eyes once, and exhaled. He did the same for two more girls, and as their blood flowed, the red glow seemed to strengthen. He felt the core of his power rejuvenate, as their life went to feed their source.Drunk in his need to feel the rush of magic, the Elder brought the sword up to strike the last girl, using the same fluid swing. But the blade stopped just a millimeter from her graceful neck.White hot agony ripped up the right arm of the elder, as he screamed, the flaming ruins of what was his right arm burning away to ashes, and dropping his sacred sacrificial weapon.For a moment, the girl's hypnotic gaze faltered. He then fell a tremendous rush of power being expelled from her suddenly...The next thing elder Mason knew, he was waking up from laying on the circular stone slab, with the morning sun blinding his eyes with its brightness. Sharp pain wracked his right side, and he looked at it. To his horror, his right arm was completely burned away.The other that were present were likewise groggy, and just now coming out of their haze.A few of them came to their senses, and immediately went to attend to the stricken elder.His power... he felt it wasting away, getting weaker just as before...Terrified and furious all at the same time, The Elder used his remaining arm to shove the initiates away from him. "...Find her!" He roared at them. "...find her now!"
Poppy's hazel eyes fluttered open as the morning sun shined between her curtains. It was a welcoming site since the weather forecast had prodicted it to cloudy, but many things can change by the end of the day. Pulling back her covers a flutter of nerves and excitement greeted her stomach, along with rumbles of a hunger. Out stretching her arms she climbed out to be and made her way down stairs. Her over coven sisters had risen too all talk about the evenings events.Unlike most days today was greatly important, not only to the five girls but also the coven. The elder had stumble across an old ritual to help revitalize their ancestors power that had been fading over the hundreds of years. In a rare occurrence all the girls where born on the same day and time, be holding them with great power once they turn of age. Which happened to be today. At 21 their magic is at it's peak. Normally a 'coming of age' type ceremony ritual is formed to help the the power bind tighter to the host so it will last but today everything would be done differently.The forgotten ritual requested for such occurrence for the Coven to regain it's once glorious power. Where they could conjure spells without the need for potions, just pure natural magic from the elements themself. The orders where simple and vague. They had tradition clothing to wear, and require to drink a 'spiritual' drink which would help their power to be shared. Or so it was to believe.That evening the young ladies got ready, giggling and chatting as if getting ready for a party. For the past few weeks everyone has been saying what an honor these girls are doing and how things are going to change for the better. It fed into their minds, making them believe that nothing else matter. Poppy felt just like that, that she and the other girls where the key and she cou im d help her coven. She was honored and knew her parents would be grateful and proud. She starred down at a phone of them both. The edges of the paper where slightly tattered now but the imagine was as clear as the day it was took."They would be so proud of you!" Hannah said over her Poppy's shoulder. "Thanks Han" Poppy replied with a warm smile. Hannah was her closest and best friend, in fact the two where more like sisters. Her family had taken her in after the untimely death of her parents. They died almost 6 years ago now. Their death still felt wrong, not just because they where so young but because of how they died. A tragic car accident she was told by the elder. Now the coven didnt live in the past, there seemed more then normal to the un trained eye but her parents where meant to be at work on the said day, not driving around on the other side of town. It just didnt seemed right but she never told anyone how she felt. She knew they would say it was her grief and denial.A call from outside broke her from her thoughts. It was Elder calling for them to come down. All the girls headed to the dining room and sat around the oak wood table that laid in the middle. Drinks had been poured out for each girl. Sitting down they all took a glass and gave thanks to the elder for his hard work for the coven. Poppy notice the Elder watching them closly. Sip by sip they drank, each falling in today a daze more and more. Poppy stopped drink as she notice Hannah fall from her chair in a daze, her eyes glanced over. A few cries could be heard around her from all of the girls parents. Alarm bells ringed in her ears but it was too late. What ever this potion was worked fast and Poppy had no control over her body. It was like she was paralyzed. A few other people now came to the table, dressed in their robes, picking the girls up one by one. "I'll give some time to say your goodbyes. It's agreat sacrifice and honor in which you are all doing for you coven" Said the Elder before leaving the house and heading off to start the ritual.The people carried them up to eclipse hill, where they held all the rituals of any kind. It was yhe most sacred part of the land and held it's own kind of power. Thought out this time Poppy laid screaming in her own mind. She was trying anything to get even a toe to move butit was impossible. By the time she focused on what was before her she saw her best friends throat being slit like a hot knife through butter. With each slit of a girls throat Poppy could feel this charge running through her vains. As the blade drew close to her own neck, now being the last girl alive she knew she could die like this. To have her best friend and other friends slaughtered like bigs when they believe they where here to help. No it wasnt goung to end like that. Not today and not for Poppy.She drew all the energy and power she could master in a ball in her mind. She had no clue on what she was doing but all her emotions built up as the clouds did in the open air. She scream out as loud ass she could and suddenly she could breath. Like she was trapped in a glass box full of 2ater and suddenly she could be heard. Her eyes where shut closed and she breathed heavily a few times. Taking the last of her courage she opened her hazel eyes. Everyone around laid ok on the ground motionless. At first she thought everyone was dead. But after close inspection on the elder she knew otherwise. Wasting no time she fled eclipse hill, not even bothering to head back to the town. She had no idea how many of the covers people where down and didn't want to risk anything. She knew everyone was in on it all. Feeding them lies while knowing they where to be slaughtered for their own selfish needs.Poppy ran till she felt as if her chest was about to gave in. She had somehow made it to the next town. In fairness it wasnt too far and she knew she couldn't stay here. Heading into a store she quickly grabbed a change of clothes, changing in the changing rooms. As she made her exit she noticed the cashier flirting with one of the guys parading in a tight tank top. She was facing the other direction to the tip jar so Poppy pulled up her hood and took her chance with the tip jar and made brisk exit. She felt awful for stealing but she couldn't run around in the same clothes and money. She didnt know how long they would stay asleep for and they would be looking for a girl in white not a girl in Jean's and hoodie. Plus their was enough money for her to catch the next coach out of town. Anything to give her more a chance living was worth stealing. She didnt know where she would end up but anywhere from here was better.
Alex just grumbled as he brought his muscular hands to his temples, and rubbed at them as he clenched his eyelids shut. He had been awake for almost thirty six hours straight. The Sherriff of Morgan County stood up to his full height of six foot six inches, and growled angrily as he grasped the empty coffee cup that sat upon a mountain of paperwork that still had to be done.He shuffled over to the coffee pot, and seethed with hatred as he saw it was likewise empty. Pile! he roared out over the silence of the darkened work area, wishing to summon the Marine who had just been deputized only a week ago. He was a good kid and showed promise, and everyone had taken to calling him Gomer Pile as a nickname. It was only then that he remembered it was only him at the office, as everyone else had went home four hours ago.Nicknames were a thing for everyone here, based on some aspect of the person s personality. The only rule was that you never got to choose your own.Unflatteringly, everyone had taken to calling Alex Wolf of all things. He just shook his head at remembering his moniker, wondering why they chose to call him that of all things, as he growled low and deep in his chest. He shuffled out into the hallway, walking across the well worn marble floor of the olf building, towards an even older vending machine that looked like it belonged in a museum. Its compressor still whirred away though, and the owner kept coming in to refill it.Alex fished around in his trousers for some loose change. He then reached up to put it in the machine, only to see that it was taped over with out of order written across the front of it. Alex growled loud enough at this point to make the sheet metal in the walls resonate and rattle. His face then relaxed, and took on a surprised expression, as he heard a familiar chuckle behind him, somewhere in the waiting room.The sherrif whirled around, his loose black tie dangling from his neck and white dress shirt. Seated upon one of the 80 s style square framed chairs, was an older gentleman dressed in slacks and a polo shirt, holding a cup of designer coffee from the Star schmucks down the street. He sipped at it slowly.Alex grunted, as his eyes narrowed. He knew the man, or at least knew his scent. It carried with it the subte undertones of magic and knowledge. Not quite human, but not quite something else either.The man reached down to the small table to his left, and retrieved another full, steaming cup of fancy coffee from it, and handed it to the Sherriff. I thought we could talk for a moment The man murmured up to Alex.The Sherrif looked to the man, then longingly at the offered cup of joe, then back to the man, as he snatched it from his weezened hand. What the hell are you doing here Mason? Alex growled to him, low and deep, as he yanked the annoying lid away from the drink, and sniffed it appraisingly. His keen senses did not detect anything amiss, just the fresh aroma of roasted coffee beans, with a hint of carmel. Well The old man murmured. I d like to report a missing person. Alex just growled, and sat next to the Elder, as he started to describe the young girl who had just escaped him | 3 | [] |
44 | | Of Shinigami and People (Tentacle_Lover and Myself) | Kouta sighed, sitting in his classroom on the top floor of the Karakura high school leaning his head on his propped up hand and glanced out the window. It was so unbelievably boring in this city and in the school itself with nothing to do. Sure he could see the ghosts and spirits floating around the city but there weren ??t any in this school and while the others could talk to him about what they knew or remembered but not in school. He sighed and idly listened to the lecture going on and brushed his hand through his short sandy hair and looked at the teacher with bored blue eyes. ??When will this be over. ? He mused to himself and turned his attention back out the window. It was a cloudy day outside and looked like it was about to rain, that was what the meteorologists were calling for all that week or so.He was one of the rare humans that possessed massive amounts of reiatsu and was often hollow bait, and infact he ??d run into a few in the past but always managed to get away from them somehow. It was scary knowing that something evil could pop up anywhere to try and consume your soul. ??I wish I knew how to fight those things..they creep me out. ? He muttered.
Rangiku Matsumoto had been given a rather....special....assignment by her Captain. She had been sent on a long term assignment to the living world....posing as a High School student of all things....just to watch over some human. Still.....this was no ordinary was a rare one with a massive amount of spiritual pressure....and it was to be her job to protect him from Hollow's. After all, it would be disastrous if a Hollow consumed that kind of power. Or worse yet, if the boy was killed and became a Hollow himself. No....that couldn't be allowed to happen....and so to prevent it she had been chosen to go and watch over him.Walking into the classroom in a school uniform, the boys of the classroom immediately stared at her, whilst girls looked on jealously. Matsumoto's blouse was half open, revealing much of her more than ample cleavage, and as usual she had foregone the restraints of an uncomfortable bra, so as she walked to take her seat her large breasts were bouncing slightly in her shirt. She immediately knew who the boy was, and ignored all others as she walked over to take a seat beside him before the lesson began, sitting between the boy and the window so she was fully in his vision whether he wanted her to be or not. She wasn't sure he'd know what she was.....but if possible she was supposed to keep her status as a Shinigami a secret. She just needed to get friendly with him to make her job easier. "Well hello there, you look spaced. Something interesting out there?"
Kouta indeed had massive spiritual energy, almost god like in concentration he turned it on any hollow or enemy period it ??d be disastrous as well. He knew he needed some training in it as he could feel it coursing in and around him. Kouta was looking out the window and didn ??t notice Rangiku entering the room until she sat herself down right in front of his vision. The situation instantly went bad due to all the jealous stares he was getting because everyone assumed that there was something between them. ??Uh ? Hi? ? he asked, jerking back some and blinked at her, subconsciously brushing a hand through his hair. Probably because of how beautiful she was, he was blushing intensely as well.But he was also staring at her for a moment, tilting his head. ??Oh Uh yeah. I mean today ??s lecture is all review and the instructor ??s a windbag but he doesn ??t notice when students doze or don ??t pay attention. ? He explained to her. ??Wait ? you ??re the woman that ??s been tailing me for the last week or so ? ? Kouta said in a low voice to keep it between them. ??Is something wrong? Uh ? damn I dunno what to so ? you ??re so beautiful it ??s making hard to focus. ? He said and looked up at her eyes. An unusual reaction, most stared at her breasts but he hadn ??t since she sat down other than the obvious moment initially.
Matsumoto had to admit, she was surprised he was staring at her eyes and not her chest, that was where most men, and women to be honest, would be staring. Perhaps the boy was gay or something.....a slight smirk worked it's way onto her face....oh she could enjoy finding out at least. "Hm? I'm beautiful huh? Well aren't you rather forward" She leaned towards him slightly, her cleavage becoming even more emphasised to him, along with the fact she wasn't wearing a bra just becoming even more obvious. "But thank you for the compliment" She chuckled slightly, then blinked at his statement she had been following him. So....he had some awareness of his surroundings at least.... "Hm? Oh know....I was just shy the last week is all. Nothing to worry about" She waved a hand dismissively, trying to set his mind at ease a little. She couldn't let him know what she was unless it was absolutely necessary after all. "So then, how about I introduce myself anyway? I'm Matsumoto, Matsumoto Rangiku" She held out a hand, awaiting his response.
Shifting for a moment as she leaned forward, making her extremely large breasts bounce and wobble some it was obvious he was trying hard not to stare. At least he had some modicum of modesty about it but it was hard not to look! The human eye was naturally attracted to motion and those did A LOT of moving around when they bounced even slightly. So she was playing at being coy or shy eh? Well there was no reason to assume otherwise, it ??d happened in the past afterall. But he did have to give it to her, when he found them out in the past the ladies would always just up and vanish and he ??d be left alone for a couple weeks until another appeared. What was this about? Did he have some kind of fanclub he didn ??t know about?Well now that she introduced herself properly it ??d only be fair to return the gesture wouldn ??t it? He ??d accept her hand but turned it over and lightly kissed the back of it like some kind of medieval knight or hero. Yes he was doing just to kind of rub it in the other guys ?? faces but it was also a mild means of flirting with her and winked. ??It ??s nice to meet such a woman. I ??m Soran Kouta. ? He replied to her and smiled some at her, handsome despite his usually grave expression.
Matsumoto was.....surprised to say the least when he rotated her hand and kissed the back of it, chuckling slightly at his little demonstration of chivalry, barely able to contain her grin at the reaction the rest of the boys in the class were having. Oh she loved when she got the chance to mess around like this. "My my, you really are forward now aren't you? Or are you just shameless hm?" Of course she already knew his name, though she had no idea he'd be so flirty. Was he always like this with women? Did girls approach him often? Or perhaps he knew already that she was a Shinigami.....well.....whatever his reasons for acting as he was, it was making her job easier at least."Well it's a pleasure to meet you. Mind if I just call you Kouta? And you can just call me Rangiku if you want. I never was one for all that formal crap" She waved a hand dismissively, finding herself unable to help admiring his looks just slightly. He certainly would fill out a set of Shinigami robes quite well.....
??Then that ??s what I ??ll call you then Rangiku. ? He chuckled when she said she didn ??t go for that formal crap and seemed to want to be casual. But in actuality, Kouta was a reserved, almost self effacing young man and didn ??t really try to get too much attention. He ??d learned from repeatedly fleeing hollows that it was a far better idea to just keep a low profile about it. ??Oh, no I don ??t mind at all. ? He said to her and offered her a little smile. Kouta didn ??t know much about her other than the fact she ??d been tailing him for a week now, but she ??d explained that away and he wanted to just believe her on it. But by the gods, she was so sexy! He loved how big those breasts of her were and was trying very hard not to stare at them like everyone else. He ??d made it a point that if he ever had any interest in anyone he ??d never fall to just staring at their chest. It was rude afterall.The class would drone on and on and soon the bell rang to dismiss the class, the teacher blinked as if he didn ??t even realize how long he ??d been talking. ??You ??re all dismissed. ? He said. ??Have a good day you slackers. ? The guy said and grumbled. ??And stop staring at the girl you damn horndogs. ? He said and pointed squarely at Kouta who ??d been paying some attention. ??Learn from Soran there! ? he barked and marched out. ??Oh damn ? ? Kouta said and facepalmed when he ??d been called out like that and was nearly instantly surrounded when he stood up. Some of the guys were trying to flirt with Rangiku, but Kouta was reacting to rebuff them away from her saying it was her first day there and to give her some room to adjust. ??oh shut up you damn teacher ??s pet. ? One guy, obviously a bully said and swung a right hook at him.Reacting on instinct, he sidestepped the punch and grabbed the guy ??s arm and with one heave, and to Rangiku: a burst of spiritual power: hurled the boy across the room. The bully slid along, not knowing how it happened but just thought that the floor was greased or something and got up. ??This isn ??t over Soran! ? he said and swaggered out, as did his cronies. ??Sorry about that Rangiku ? they ??re always like that toward me ? ? he said and thought. ??Would you like me to walk you home today so they won ??t bother you anymore? ? he offered politely.
Matsumoto chuckled at the teachers words, though he himself was infact sneaking the occasional peek at her chest, though the way she was sitting probably wasn't helping. Though she couldn't help laughing as he pointed out Kouta, shaking her head as she stood up, raising an eyebrow at how he defended her. She could've handled herself sure, but it was much more fun letting someone do it for her, especially when she got to see him in action. "Hm...." She hadn't been fooled by the outburst of spiritual pressure, and she was intrigued by it.....that had only been a fraction of his power.....but she could sense all the potential within was more than she'd imagined it to be.....oh this assignment was going to be very fun....."Hm? Walk me home? Well...." She rubbed her head, not counting on this. She had been given a tiny little apartment right across from where Kouta lived, so she could keep her eyes on him, though that could be....awkward.....if he found out. "Well.....I guess if you really want least part of the way anyway" She grinned, playfully offering him her arm, returning his playful flirting from earlier.
He chuckled good naturedly and accepted her arm, taking it in his own and walked out of the classroom with her, side by side. Yeah now everyone they passed was whispering and making a big deal about it, some wondering how such a guy like that could score such a smolderingly hot babe like she was. The fact was that Kouta had a small fanclub in the school himself but a lot of them were underclassmen that had a crush on someone older and in a higher grade then they. That was a mere infatuation though and couldn ??t go anyone really due to his own tastes and the differences in lifestyle. As they exited the school he waved to few friends he had and continued into the city with her. ??So where ??d you come from? We were told we ??d be getting a transfer student in the class and I can only surmise that that ??s you. ? He told her, attempting to be friendly. ??You ??re much taller than most of the girls around here and ..uhm..bustier.. ? Kouta blushed at that and rubbed the back of his head with his free hand, not realizing they were still arm in arm. His own apartment was still a bit on the small side but it wasn ??t too expensive and was the upstairs to an empty business. If he were so inclined, he could open his own there and do well.
My my, this boy certainly was brave now wasn't he? Talking about her chest so openly like that. It certainly was rather forward. "Hmmm....well're certainly one to speak your mind aren't you?" She grinned slightly. "Plenty of boys stare at my chest, but they don't usually come up to me and talk about how big they are..." She chuckled, leaning a little closer, her breasts pressing into his arm slightly. "As for where I'm from....well.....let's just say it's far far away shall we....?" She hadn't really thought up a story to explain where she had come from, nor was she really that familiar with the geography of the living world. She had little reason to learn such things after all, so she'd just have to try and bluff it for the moment. "So do you like girls with big chests hm? Do you often go up to them and talk about how big their breasts are?"
Ok now it was his turn to be stumped and visibly tripping over his own thoughts as they played through his head. What was wrong with him?! Normally he wouldn ??t do any such thing, but there was something about her, he could feel it. Like ? he could really just trust her and that was more important to him she also had a feeling that he could say such things without a problem. Judging by how she was pressing those big tits into his arm, she didn ??t mind the talk about them at all in fact, it seemed like she was playing them on him to make him trip. And he did. ??Uh ? eh ? wow.. ? he said, ??You really threw me for a loop with that. ? Kouta laughed a bit and looked at her. ??No not really. I ??m actually really self effacing and modest about stuff like that. I don ??t know why, but I feel like I can say anything and you wouldn ??t mind. ? He said and blinked. ??So ? if I do say something that ??s odd or sounds off call me on it ok? ? Kouta asked her and looked at her eyes and smiled again. So she was far away huh? That would explain it, judging by her looks he ??d say somewhere in America probably or maybe Germany where women tended to be taller and had fairer complexions like she had. ??Er ? yeah ? actually I do like women with large breasts.. ?? he said, sounding flustered and embarrassed to answer the question in that way. But he was being honest as he had nothing to gain from lying.
Well, at least he was honest, she'd give him that. Still, he was so cute when he was just made her want to mess with him even more. "Oh so you do like women with large breasts hm? The larger the better is it?" She pressed against his arm a little more, his arm almost slipping between her breasts, only her thin blouse stopping him by this point as they walked through the streets, fortunately empty so nobody was really seeing them. "I bet mine are some of the biggest you've seen now aren't they?" She chuckled slightly, leaning against him for another few moments, before pulling away just slightly. She didn't release his arm from her own, but she had stopped rubbing her chest against him. "And don't worry, if you say something weird I'll be sure to say something to you, but until then, just carry on speaking your mind"She looked at him and grinned, before looking ahead to carry on walking. "So then Kouta, got yourself a nice big chested girlfriend?"
When she pressed her breasts against his arm, almost shoving his arm into them and shivered some, blushing darkly. Wow ok that was new, no girl had ever done that to him and it was making him flustered outrageously. It ??d also send him into confusion in how to respond to it and just shook his head a bit and sighed some and smiled at her. As they walked it seemed like the two of them were becoming better friends then they expected, and was trying to ignore the fact feeling those lovely boobs were giving him a hard on. ??Uh ? no I ??m actually single. ? Kouta said. For a few moments he was wondering just what she was going to do next. It really seemed like she liked him enough to play with him in the way she was. ??I live alone and people don ??t think much of me because of it, I don ??t know my parents as my grandparents sent me here to go to school and put me up in a property they owned. ??It ??s not much but it ??s still homely, a bit big for one person though. ?
Matsumoto smirked to herself as she noticed the bulging in his pants, chuckling as they walked, nodding along as he talked, though she was starting to feel just a little.....strange. As he was getting aroused.....his Spiritual Pressure seemed to be changing slightly. It was becoming more......arousing.... It wouldn't have an effect on most people, but to her, someone quite highly spiritually was having quite the effect. Matsumoto shivered slightly as she felt herself becoming just a little aroused, a heat growing between her legs, whilst her nipples hardened slightly, becoming immediately visible through her tight blouse. "Must be nice for you to not have to worry about things hm?"
Kouta did notice her arousal but was polite enough not to mention anything about it, but it just fed his own really his bulge growing a bit more. He looked at her surprised she'd say such a thing and smiled some, as far as he knew she didn' tknow. About him having to run away from hollows, even destroying on when cornered one time he couldn't tell her though. she'd think he was crazy and he was starting to really like having her around she was nice and relaxing. "Well I do have a few things to worry about. I've been chased in the past by weird monsters with weird ass skull masks." he said casually. "Probably just some stupid gangmembers or something but they were pretty insistent." Kouta said. "I don't remember the details one time but I was cornered by one and seemed to fall into a trance and when I woke up the thing was screaming in agony and disappeared." he said, watching he reaction, testing her.
It seemed the two were starting to enter something of a vicious cycle. As Matsumoto seemed to feed Kouta's arousal, his spiritual pressure was getting more intense, increasing her own arousal. Her nipples were now rock hard, plainly visible through the thin material of her blouse, and the heat between her legs was starting to turn to moisture. " chased huh? Must be gang members like you said..." She grinned slightly, though raised an eyebrow at his mention of one of them screaming and disappearing. Though it only lasted a moment, before she just tilted her head and appeared confused. "Weird. You sure you weren't dreaming or something?" She shivered slightly as her nipples rubbed against the fabric of her blouse.....she'd have to get it off the second she got home. Still....right now she was intrigued that he had somehow managed to destroy a Hollow. Still, it seemed like it had been an accident, one not likely to happen again....meaning it was all the more important she be there to protect him.
Kouta perked a brow and saw how she was seeming to play it off as something else. Maybe it was the mixed signals he was getting, seeing her body becoming more and more aroused was distracting. He shivered some trying to adjust his cock in his pants so it wasn't biting into the zipper or the fabric of the pants. He was struck for a moment by a strange vision involving Matsumoto bouncing on his lap and almost screaming in pleasure that made him throb even more. "I probably was, you're right. sometimes dreams can be surprisingly lifelike." he agreed with her and and laughed some, rubbing his head. Maybe if she had to protect him like she was thinking she should just move into his place with him, it'd be easier on her. They were getting near where they lived at least and he noticed but she didn't seem to, deciding to play with her a bit, he tripped on corner and fell against her a bit, his hand accidentally grabbing oner of her huge breasts."Oh ah damn I'm sorry I've been enjoying time with you so much I didn't notice the curb." he joked some and looke embarrassed.
Matsumoto stopped and blinked as she felt the hand grabbing her breast, shivering and unable to suppress a slight moan of pleasure, before looking down at Kouta and raising an eyebrow, though rather than slap him as most women probably would, she just smirked slightly. "Well well, you really are a forward one aren't you?" She smirked as she watched him, his hand still on her breast even though he was stood upright by now. "So then? You going to let go? Or...." She stepped a little closer. "Are you going to make sure the other one isn't gonna get lonely?"
Kouta blushed at her and squeezed again, winking some. He did pause for a moment and shivered some at her invitation and looked around and then squeezed teh other, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples. "You don't mind so I guess Idon't mind giving you alittle joy from it. I can see how you're shivering" He pointed out and glancedd about seeing there was nobody there and pressed agaisnt her some, pinning her to a wall behind her and even began to tenderly kiss her neck, nibbling at her as he pressed his clothed boner against her hips. His spiritual power surging up now as he was fully aroused and she could tell if she didn't break it off he was going to conceal them and probably take her right there and then.
Matsumoto just smirked, then shivered and groaned as he grasped her other breast, feeling as his thumbs rubbed across her rock hard nipples, stumbling slightly as he pushed her back against a wall, moaning loudly and tilting her neck to give him easier access so he could kiss it. She could feel his spiritual aroused he was....and it was arousing this point he wasn't going to take no for an answer...but then again, she wasn't going to tell him no. "Mmm....." She rubbed her leg against his erection, licking her lips. "My my.....aren't you a big boy....? You like big breasts.....I like big cocks.....lucky us hm?"
Kouta grinned deviously at her and used deft fingers and popped her buttons on the blouse open and soon freed her huge breasts and simultaneously unzipped his pants letting his 9 inch cock bounce out stiffly. He kissed her lips rather boldly and hooked his hands under her thighs and lifted her up, using his thumb to pull her panties aside. In one motion, he buried his big cock deep into her body and smirked and began to pull away and licked her nipples. "Mmm" he smiled and began to bounce her up and down as he began to hump up into her, soon pounding into her vigorously.
Matsumoto groaned as he popped the buttons on her blouse and allowed her breasts to finally bounce free. Now that they were out of the tight confines of her clothing they were clearly even bigger than he would first assumed. Her blouse had been tight enough to be really suppressing them....but now they were free in all their glory. "Mmmm.....come on big boy..." Matsumoto smirked as she felt him lift her up, groaning as he pulled her panties aside, then screamed out in pleasure as she felt him bury his entire 9 inch cock into her with a single stroke. She didn't care that they were in plain sight on the street, that anybody could come by and catch them, she just wanted this....raw...passionate sex. "NNnngh....that's it....fuck me hard...."
He grinned at her and held her close to him and continued to thrust into her vigorously. Her pussy felt so good and the way it was clenching around his phallus and milking at him was driving him wild. He liked how she was screaming in pleasure and went back to playing withher breasts as he rammed himself deep into her pussy, threatening to penetrate her womb. Kouta was able to rather strongly hump Rangiku, funneling his spiritual power around to keep it going not caring that someoen could come by and see it. "I love how you feel Rangiku." he moaned to her softly. He pulled up and kissed her lips reather hotly.
Matsumoto squealed in pleasure as he continued playing with her body, ramming into her so hard, so deep. "Nnnnngh.....a little more...." Oh god...if only he was a little bigger he could truly penetrate her depths. God she wanted to feel it....feel his cock in her womb. "F focus.....focus your spiritual pressure in your cock....please!" She'd heard of a technique where Shinigami had focused their spiritual pressure during sex to increase the length of their cocks, and with Kouta's power.....god he could at least another 3 or 4 inches to himself if he got it right.
Kouta held onto her, loving how she sounded when she was pleasured and kept pounding up into her, bouncing her up and down. God it felt so good that he was probably going to splooge directly into her womb too. "I'll try" He panted some and concentrated, abd soon increased the size of his penis to maximum, gettting it right subconsciously. He'd pierce directly into her womb deeply a he moaned and thrust up into her harder. "oh god Rangiku. If we keep going i"m going to cum" he moaned. | 26 | ['Kouta', 'Rangiku', 'Matsumoto'] |
45 | | Digimon Chaotic Net | Written by BrightChaos"Fox Leaf Arrowheads!" A fox like Digimon with silver fur launched several energy blades to strike the attacking Digimon. It was nothing like the world they had known before."Black Ice!" The virus Gabumon spat out ice on the ground and the lumbering Tyranomon fell onto the ground shaking it."Hurry! Before he recovers!" Renamon called and the Gabumon followed closely before. While these attacking creatures must be Digimon they did not show the independence that a Digimon should. It was like they were an imitation of some sort. They knew this was not the Digital World they had come from. But it was like it in many ways.The due reached what they were told was Kowloon level 2. The two stopped to take a rest."Where do we go now? Our world is lost..." Gabumon asked. Renamon did not have an answer and simply looked to the ground. "Watch out! That thing will hack your account!" Someone called and several people starting moving cautiously away as a small lion like Digimon walked through Eden's Comic Mania Forum. The chatting about the most recent comic issues stopped as the Digimon looked up to the people. Some headed to the circular platform and vanished as they logged out. But Liollmon looked around confused. How had he arrived here? And where were his friends?"Where am I?" Liollmon asked curiously. But no one seemed to want to answer."No, someone just hacked their avatar." One person tried to calm everyone down."Yes, and it can hack ours just as easily!" A more panicked person explained. "Nothing to be afraid of. This isn't do bad." The blond haired boy said to himself looking over the freaky landscape of Kowloon level 1. Once could see what it had once been. Long ago it was coded as a play place for children. But now it was distorted by all the hacking and corrupted code. Several monitors were stacked up to the left and to the right a giant torn up stuffed bear stood. He looked to his Digivice as his class mates mockingly asked if he had been hacked yet on the DigiLine."Chances of being hit by a hacker are low." Daniel told himself and took a deep breath and a few more steps further in. All he had to do was make it through an hour and they would be satisfied and stop bothering him. Seth sat at the computer desk and took the headset in his hands. This had become so routine for him. He put on the headset and his body grew still. When his eyes opened he looked at Kowloon level 2. His eyes scanned it until he found the DigiMarket. If he was going to make it in this business he was going to need a Digimon. The group he had been working with broke up and of course they up and vanished along with the Digimon they had.When he looked through the Digimon on display in cages one behaved different then the others catching his eyes. "Digimon not found!?" Micheal shouted in disbelief looking at the game screen. He had all been ready to start battling the other tamers but his character was gone. He heard people in line behind him complaining so he sighed in annoyance and logged out to let the next person play. A beep came from his Digivice and he looked at his DigiLine mostly as something to do as he walked. But the message was addressed from the missing game character? Was this a joke!? Had someone somehow stolen it and wanted money?He reluctantly went to public computer and placed the headset on. Even though he had never seen it before he know from other's descriptions what Kowloon was. He could even tell he was pretty far in."Now or never..." He said walking further in. He just hoped he had enough money saved up to pay these freaks off.
They knew they were extremely rare Identical twins, being uncommon enough, were never opposite genders. Of course, they had started as a single zygote with the XX set of chromosomes, but she split into two identical females. Then, somewhere along the first trimester, nature had its way, and Baby A mutated into XY. LeeAnne and Lucille became Lucas and Lucille, and they wouldn't have had it any other way.Firstborn Lucas, the Master Manipulator, wore his light blonde hair on top, shaving the back and sides down to a stubble. Lucy wore her hair long and parted it drastically to the right, and kept the left side of her head shaved as well. Their eyes were muddied swirls of hazel, shifting the dominant hues between green, gray and blue. They stood at the exact same 5'3 height, and had identical industrial piercings in their left ears' cartilage.The duo were lingering around Eden's Comic Mania Forum when they heard the commotion. A golden lion cub creature with a blaze of electric red mane was prowling around, hissing fiercely as the players scattered the scene. Many vanished into the circular platform as they logged out, but Luke and Lucy wanted a closer look."No, someone just hacked their avatar." Lucy tried to calm everyone down."Yes, and it can hack ours just as easily!" A panicked Luke retorted.Lucy was always more brazen of the two, while Luke the more reserved, but he wasn't about to leave his little sister here to investigate on her own."Look out bro!" Luke exclaimed as the territorial creature stalked toward Steven, a schoolmate of theirs."Critical Bite!" Liollmon cried out in fear as Steven turned to face to commotion."Shit!" The muscular boy cried out, sending his elbow out, in either self defence or attack, he wasn't sure until contact was made...Luckily for Steven, it was the latter... Instead of being bitten by the Holy Beast Digimon, the execution of the low success rate attack was flawed Steven's elbow collided with the Rookie Digimon's lower jaw, and the static electricity of his mane surged.Landing into the pair of twins, Liollmon cried out... They stumble in hesitation, but ultimately they want to see if the creature is alright."Steve, you're such a jerk!" Lucy complained. "Can't you see he's afraid?""Well, shit, kid..." Steve said, running his fingers through his curls. "He attacked me..." "Woah, don't be scared..." Plotmon told herself. "Almost out of here now..."The small pet like Digimon padded her way along the outskirts of Kowloon level 1, desperately trying to put as much distance between herself and the DigiMarket as possible. Her eyes swelled with intimidation as she sensed other Digimon present. She just wanted to get home, and she was certain that home laid just outside the place she had suddenly found herself in.This place was a creepy, run down playground with chunks of streaming data particles dissipating into the electric air. The growling voice of nunemon could be heard in the distance as the sky darkened into eveningtide. Plotmon darted behind a stack of old broken monitors as she trembled in fear. She could see a tall, lanky boy, presumably one of the hackers who locked Digimon in cages. Alraumon sighed, her purple vine fingers wrapped around the bars of her cage she had been a prisoner since early this morning. It had been a long grueling day as a ware in the DigiMarket, sitting alone in a cage among other Digimon on display. The flower petals upon her head perked for the first time as she laid eyes upon a human boy.He had jet back hair and friendly green eyes, and something about him piqued her interest."Hello," She meeped. "I'm Alraumon." Blacktailmon had somehow managed to escape from the Digimon Battle Games, but yet, she felt a bit of a kinship with the boy who had tamed her. Twitching her violet and ebony tail swiftly, she lurks silently in the darkness. A quiet gasp escapes her lips as she watches Michael log in, and then quickly back out in frustration. The virus type Digimon tapped into his DigiLine and penned a short message to her boy partner."Meet In Kowloon"
Written by BrightChaosAs the strange creature were making around frantically as this frightened Liollmon. One a larger one surprised him he lunched with his Critical Bite attack. But it was a hard move to execute and he messed up and ended up crashing into his target felling the hard elbow on his jaw. He growled from it as he quickly scrambled back to his feet.The beast let out a low growl as he slowly took a step forward."Are you looking for a fight?" The lion like Digimon asked in anger as he began to circle the trio. He looked to Steven in paticular and eyed him."You seem to be a fighter. Are you these people's leader?" He asked demanded. Daniel moved cautiously but heard a quite voice. He looked around but saw no one. Where had it come from? Was one of these monitor's on? He walked up to the screen only to then hear something behind him. He turned around to lock eyes with the stalk eyes of a Numemon. The boy jumped back startled crashing into the monitors and soon found himself covered in them."Owee...." He complained. He heard a beep from his Digivice but didn't have time to look at it as the Mollusk Digimon crawled closer. Seth stopped to look at the plant Digimon that even introduced herself to him from the cage. Her behavior was so different and his curiosity spiked."You got a good eye. We just caught that one recently. An older teen who seemed to be running the sale said. He had jet black hair and brown eyes and wore a cap."How much for this one." Seth said quickly wanting to get to the point."8000 bits." The seller said with a slight amused tone."8000? For a Child level Digimon?!" Seth protested."Take it or leave it." The seller said smugly. Seth realized he had made the mistake of showing to much interest. He wasn't going to get a good deal now. But for some reason he knew this Digimon was important."7500." He offered."Deal!" The other guy agreed. He took out his Digivice and transferred the bits. The seller let her out of the cage. Seth reached for her "hand" to lead her."Come with me." He said not wanting to say more while at the DigiMarket for fear of drawing more attention. "Okay! I can do this." He said as he logged in. He ran a hand through his brown hair as he looked around at the strange landscape. He stepped off of the circular platform and glanced back to his Digivice. He saw the new message and then send a reply.I am here. Where are you?It confirmed with a beep as he sent it. He didn't immanently see any hackers. Were they able to conceal themselves somehow? He forced himself to relax as he waited.
A group of three Hackers watched as two very unique Digimon worked together to take down a Tyranomon. One virus Renamon launched an energy attack with a critical hit, she wore teal blue gauntlets over her silver pelt. She was paired up with a virus attributed Gabumon who successfully executed an ice type attack, effectively eliminating the Champion Level opponent. He had white scaly skin and wore a black pet down his back, hiding his face.The Silver Renamon seemed to be calling the shots, as the Black Gabumon followed her away from the scene. The Hackers trailed behind, eager to observe further and capture the pair as they rested in Kowloon Level 2. Steven let out the merry ha ha he was known for, brushing his fingers through his curly brown hair again."No way, little buddy." Steven responded to the growling Digimon circling their feet. "I wouldn't want to fight you bare handed!!'d slice me to ribbons!"Steven approached the monster at the Theriaux twins' feet, but only to extend his hand toward Lucy. Lucy rolled her eyes, she knew the only reason Steven stood so close, his hand hovering near her head, was to put her in a compromising position near his waist. She shoved him away at the hips as she knelt beside the feisty Digimon. Luke stood on his own accord when the lion Digimon asked if Steven was their leader."No way Lucy would ever take orders from me." Steven retorted, harassing the blonde with an elbow to the shoulder."Well that's because you couldn't lead a cat out of a paper bag." Standing finally, Lucy scoffed. "And don't be such a liar, you're the biggest bully in school!" To be fair, he had pushed Lucas around more than enough times throughout middle school."Oh, when will you let that go?" Steven groaned. Plotmon scattered behind the big, torn up Monzaemon plushie and hid behind the neighboring tower of monitors as Daniel came over to investigate.Ooooh, this is bad...She thought to herself.I'm going to get poached for the DigiMarket for sure...Suddenly, the boy shouted out as he toppled over the stack of monitors Plotmon had just been trembling behind, sending it crashing down on top of himself. A slug like Digimon retracted its long slimy tongue to bear its teeth at Daniel as growls rumbled from its huge mouth.Two green slimy arms extended from Numemon's side, palms full of dung piles, and he began hurtling them toward the blonde. Alraumon listened intently as the two ebony haired humans haggled the the price on her head."Hey!" She shouted as Seth tried to talk the older teen down on the price. They came to an agreement quickly and just like that, her cage was open... "Huh?"She watched curiously as the boy extended a hand towards her. He asked for her to come along, and since the boy had just eagerly paid for her freedom, she assumed she must oblige at least until she got out of the busy Marketplace.She hopped down from her imprisonment and took her leafy purple hand into his, walking quickly along. Sure enough, the boy courageously showed his face in the mysterious depths of Kowloon. Edging along the shadows, Blacktailmon watched as the boy nervously looked around before picking up his Digivice.I am here. Where are you? The Digimon scoffed, was that the best he could do? Nevertheless, she pridefully stalked her way out of the shadows, her golden eyes blinking as they adjusted to the light. She used her big purple gloves to push herself up onto two feet and put her paws on her hips."There you are." She said, not pleasantly.
Renamon kept her battle posture as her eyes still kept an eye out for trouble. It almost seemed almost to quite. Gabumon, now knowing better plopped down to catch his breath.One hacker looked to the other. He sent a message.We can sell these two in Under Kowloon for a good price.Renamon's ear perked up as a light buzzing sound appeared."Look out!" She called but it was to late as a large land swiped Gabumon sending him flying and he fell unconscious. Renamon looked up as the Kabuterimon diving in for another attack. A hacker rode on the insect's back calling it's attacks. Liollmon slowed as the trio seemed more playful if obnoxious then an actual threat."Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I am Liollmon. What is this place known as?" The small lion Digimon relaxed his composure to appear less threatening. If he was going to make sense of his current whereabouts he was going to have to work with the natives here. Daniel had to cover his nose as one of the dung only missed his head by abit. Why was the virtual world even able to imitate that smell? He turned and started to run as the Numemon chased after him."Haha you loser. Already Numemon he doesn't have any Digimon." A voice came out and a hacker appeared disabling his stealth program. It was a young man with a white mask on wearing a suit. The Numemon stopped his attack and waited.Daniel stopped and stared at the guy in disbelief. What was he to make of this."I thought there was a Digimon who escaped the DigiMarket here. But if you had one you wouldn't be cowering like that. But I can take your accou " The masked man stopped at catchinng Plotmon out of the corner of his eyes." or maybe I was wrong. You're a better actor then I thought. I'll be taking that Digimon." He stated firmly. Daniel's expressing changed form shock to confusion. He didn't have a Digimon. Seth was glad that the Digimon cooperated. Once they were out of earshot of the DigiMarket he turned to look at her."Tell me. Where you instructed to act that way back there?" He had to ask. Most of the Digimon he met were made from the DigiConversion process to ensure loyalty. But this one just seemed different. Micheal stopped at seeing the Digimon reveal herself. There was no mistaking it. That was his character from the game. He looked around half expecting there to be hackers waiting to ambush him. But there was no one else.Then to his surprise the game character talked. And seemed upset."I'm sorry....are you?" He wasn't sure if he should just flat out ask if she was Blacktailmon. Was this some kind of hacker trick? He wasn't will educated on the subject. | 5 | ['Brightchaos', 'Gabumon', 'Renamon', 'Liollmon'] |
46 | | koibito and Lilly (Rwby) | Glynda grimaced as she sat in her chair reading an article in the newspaper about some new advanced dust being produced. As she sat looking stoic faced she pushed up her glasses and shook her head.The beautiful headmistress knew all about this new revolutionary dust and she stood up on her heels. Both me and her know all about this... She grimaced feeling the tightness in her purple pants. The woman giving a glance out the window.Her sudden affliction from being exposed to that new dust... She hated it. Why did she have all these urges... why did this thing between her legs have to be there now.... as she pondered this a glance at some young female students in the courtyard below. She glanced to her scroll and punched in a number. Hello Winter... it s me can you make time to come down to Beacon... I have. cough things to discuss with you if that s not to much to trouble you with.
"Right" Was all Winter had said over the scroll before hanging up the call.It was two days ago that it happened, Winter was at Beacon due to General Ironwood having business there. The Schnee was asked to help Glynda Goodwitch with a Dust project involving some new variety. A bit of clumsiness and an explosion later, and the two had been... Transformed.High heeled thigh high boots tapped against the floor with each long step as she walked with intent down the halls towards Glynda's office. Luckily her usual uniform consisted of pants, it made it easier to hide that.. Thing.The door swung open to Glynda's office before the young woman closed it, leaning against the large wooden surface. Her slanted usually scowling eyes closed for a minute as she took a breath, opening her naturally icy gaze to the teacher at the desk at the front of the room."I assume this pertains to the other day" Winter spoke calmly with the slightest flush to her porcelain skin, a slight, hard bulge in her white pants becoming harder and harder to hide."Have you... Ahem tried it yet?" Winter cleared her throat asking as professionally as she could muster. It had only been two days and since trying to hide this thing, Winter had taken the first attempt at solving the ache by her own hand the night before, but it wasn't enough. This thing pained her at this point, begging for some sort of release the woman had to contain.
I ...yes this is about the other day... and no it s unsightly.. I mean it s so big.. Glynda sighs. I really screwed things up. As she moved with clear signs the bulge was causing a bit of a drop in her overall grace.As she sat in the chair being all business not letting the look on her face waver. We need to start discussing a reverse for this mistake... and while I wager that could take a few months. We still have these things to deal with.. She said rubbing her thighs against her prick and gazed at Winter. So we need to come up with ways to make sure none of our students know about the little mishap... I do not want to be the one on some tabloid because she gave into the benign urges this cursed thing between my legs in the vested interest we need to do some research between the two of us to ascertain what causes flare up for either of us... if that makes sense?
Winter folded her arms under her chest as she too kept a professional look and tone. "Indeed..." She simply answered at the remark, it was indeed unsightly, she couldn't let anyone know about this either."I agree" Winter said almost immediately to Glynda, putting her weight on one leg as she let the other bend slightly, trying to let some of the pressure off though the friction into the thicker fabric of white khaki only made the affliction down below twitch with need, the pleasure not yet defeating the stern look on her face.When Glynda asked if what she said made sense, Winter raised a brow. "Are you suggesting we inspect these things, and perhaps... Relieve each other of this issue?" Asked the woman as she looked to the side. It was an easy conclusion to come to, she herself had considered the option when she had attempted upon herself."Yes, that makes sense" Winter spoke a little lower as she took a couple steps from the door towards the Beacon teacher. It seemed even at this suggestion it was all business, neither of the women willing to break their professionalism even here."Where... Do we begin, though?" Asked the equally stoic woman.
Well... we must touch each others thing... and well examin any different between each other. Such as is one more sensitive then the other? Is there a texture difference. Which one has more veins also which one is larger. As this was said Glynda looks at Winter. In a way she never did before.As she lingers her eyes up and down. She trails her gaze along Winter s figure finding her duck getting hard and slightly painful so a wince might have been visible. Tell you what though why don t you take off your pants first. I wager we can get started from there yes? She said a brow raised.As she stood up she goes to grab some rubber gloves. As she pulls them on and walks around to the other side of the desk and gazed upon Winter. As she rested her rump upon the desk.
Winter smirked slightly, smugly as always. "Very well" she answered calmly as she followed Glynda to her desk where she sat.Standing before her in full uniform, Winter reached down and undid the belt underneath her underlining blue vest. Beyond the clinking of the buckle she undid the button with a sightpopbefore the sound of her zipper echoed through the quiet office. Revealing icy blue panties underneath that barely contained her new growth, Winter pushed them and her pants just to her thighs.Out it flopped, springing high and proud, Winter's cock was revealed. Underneath her shaven bare, soft pussy was shown, no testicles to be seen merely her pearly white lower lips underneath a massive rod. It too was pale, not very veiny at all, pristine like herself if anything, with only a neatly trimmed tuft of fur gracing above upon her pubis.At the release of the pressure her constricting trousers gave Winter sighed softly. Her cock twitched solidly where it stood, swollen with absolute need as it was presented to Glynda.
As Glynda then dropped low in a seeming stripper practiced squat. She then took a gloved hand. She gently looks it over and almost feels a pang if jealousy at how smooth the skin was.It was warm even though as she looked it over it was a bit thicker then her own but not as long. As she glanced and rubbed her hand along the shaft. The feeling it was quite enjoyable to the touch she even gave it a little test squeeze.This was the dick of one of the Schnee Heiresses and it was the eldest. She looked at it and felt a sudden hunger in her depths. A bit of moisture in her mouth almost without end. So.. uh describe your feelings does it hurt when I do this or.. She notes the rock solid feel of it. Her professional composure slightly wavering as she spoke.
Winter took in a small, sharp breath as the thick glands at the tip of her extension were manipulated and squeezed."It... Doesn't hurt" Winter said quickly, almost sarcastically as Glynda too knew already. Her hands clutched lightly at her elbows as she folded her arms once more, standing proudly as Glynda inspected her glorious Schnee cock."Continue..." Winter asked, face flushed ever so slightly. Her rod pulsated and twitched against the rubber gloved hand as it toyed with her tip and then her shaft. The woman's sharp icy stare gazed down at Glynda as she took to Winter's member like a precious relic meant for study."It's pleasant..." She spoke gently, urging Glynda on without breaking her pride as a Schnee.
As Glynda looked at the semi royal shaft of Winter, she had a lapse a moment and brought it up to her nose a moment. Giving it a soft little sniff, then looks up at Winter, and cleared her throat. "So, tell me when you please it... how do you move your hand?" She tried to stimulate Winter's shaft a little and looked at it the same as a science experiment despite the lewd nature this presented.A moment as she squat down her feet splayed her butt hanging just inches off the floor yet not touching it, as she examined the shaft, the gloves were starting to feel a little damp from touching the shaft, and she slowly pushed back her glasses. If Winter looked down she might be able to see all the way down Glynda's cleavage, the way her perky breasts sat it was clear the buttons on her shirt struggled to keep back the force and weight of her bust.As she slowly works her hand up and down upon the shaft, her expression not changing, but inside her mouth drool was pooling, and so she kept speaking to an absolute minimum, she only really seemed to have obvious moments where she had to swallow the pooling saliva. As she took in the scent it seemed to cause a reaction with her own shaft, which was starting to quiver inside her tight purple pants. As Glynda slowly pressed and rolled her hand along the shaft watching and waiting for any sort of differing reaction.
Winter nodded softly, as stoic about the lewd natured gesture as Glynda was. When asked about how she moved her hand she instead waited, watched as Glynda took the initiative as she slowly stroked. The shaft pulsed lightly in the older woman's hand as she gently stroked back and forth, pre cum dotting the glove with a light moisture as she continued jerking her off."Just... Like that" Winter finally answered as she noted the motion of her protected hand, "but... More rapid" Winter explained.Neither of the two were naive, they both knew what this was. However both women had their pride on the line and their respective careers and reputation in them to think of, they each couldn't let their guard down. There was a sort of mutual understanding it seemed, which to Winter at least felt more open and true than if they were to just break down like mindless sluts. It felt comfortable in this normally would be awkward situation."If... You could inspect it's taste?" Winter suggested, as if together they were studying an object on equal footing despite the position. Her pristine tip twitched with need as it rested so close to Glyna's lips.
Calmly looking at her she smiles, and then goes in not even with a moments hesitation, she stuck out her elegent pink tongue and started to lick at the shaft, slowly. Her eyes not wavering, and she despite being in this position wasn't treating this dick the way a slut would by fawning over it, no she was here to make sure a test was completed, as she then took the head slowly into her mouth first, and even tried chewing it ever so slightly with her teeth, not hard just rolling the mushroom head just lightly between the flats of her teeth.As she then slowly took down more, till she couldn't, after all she wasn't a slut and she did have a gag reflex still to worry about. The more she went down the more she tasted, and looked up. It was clear as day though Winter wasn't as used to having this thing as she seemed to think, as it did taste only a little slightly unwashed. As she tasted a bit of sweat along the ridges, she takes it down hands now holding Winter's hips, she goes back and forth sucking, her expression though not changing but it was getting harder to keep down the excitement as she bobs her head back and fourth sucking. She wasn't stupid either, she had confiscated enough magazines to have read a few while she was bored, not that she'd had the time ever since team Rwby became a thing, that group of girls kept her much to busy to worry about being bored.As her mouth goes along and the rather obscene sucking sounds and the way saliva was dripping from the corner of her lips, and she swallows down the taste smoothly. Before popping off after having a nice big gulp of her taste go down her throat. "Tastes fine..." She said as she stood up, "Now it is my turn." She said stepping back a ways and then moving to slowly kick her heels off and then slowly peeling down the purple pants of hers, letting out her dick, it was just like Winter's no balls and just sat above the pussy like it was just an over grown clit. As she then slowly settled onto her feet and eyes Winter.
Winter shuddered softly as for the first time she had felt a woman's mouth over her new length. Her eyes closed softly as she bit the inside of her cheek to keep quiet. Winter's cock quivered lightly as Glynda began to suck her down. It was warm and glided so lovingly over it with more grace than a hand could ever hope to accomplish. Back and forth Glynda silently bobbed her head as she blew Winter, her toes secretly curling in her high heeled boots as she nearly lost it over the incredible feeling.Popand just like that Glynda stopped with an enunciated sound before she backed up. Taking a deep breath to collect herself from the edge she was just at Winter finally answered."Right" she simply said as the Beacon teacher pulled down the leggings under her pencil skirt to reveal her lengthy cock, ever so slightly thinner than Winter's but longer. Glynda's glorious pussy was on display underneath her graceful dick, and taking a step closer, Winter reached down to gently cup the length with her bare hand. She didn't crouch down just yet, merely meeting Glynda's height as she underhanded the member.Pulling gently Winter pushed the foreskin over Glynda's tip before pulling it back down to save the excess friction from the tip. Unlike Glynda however, Winter was now more riled up than before and so her hand moved faster, jerking Glynda off steadily for moments. Turning her hand back around however she began properly beating off the long member aiming it up and towards her as she pumped her delicate hand up and down, looking down at it before her gaze returned to Glynda's.
Glynda didn't stop her, after all she was simply helping her test the limits. As she was then thrusting her hips ever so lightly to meet Winter's hand. Moaning ever so lightly. As she then pushed up her glasses. "Come on? is... is that the best you got? show me what one of Atlas's best can really do." She undulates her hips forward and her hips impact with Winter's hand. As she was at work thrusting her pelvis forward, indeed it was longer then Winter's but not as thick, which didn't mean it was a skinny dick either, no it probably still be thicker then most boys at Beacon Academy.As her hands reached up she grasped Winter's shoulders, and as if letting the heat of the moment, she grasped Winter by the face and then goes in for a passionate kiss pressing into her a leg raised and wrapped around Winter's waist in all the while. It was clear her resistance had faltered and she was giving in just a little enjoying the moment and kissing the beautiful pale woman deeply on the lips. The kiss was met with sweet moaning, and much of the kiss being pushed into a more deep set one. Her tongue buried into Winter's mouth dancing around with her tongue forcing a bit of a tango to proceed between them.All the while the situation just made her dick grow harder and hotter in the moment, and it was clear as day she was losing it. Still, thank god it was just with Winter.
Winter smirked at the comment and began pumping Glynda's shaft with vigor, jacking her off ruthlessly before she was kissed. The Schnee girl relented to the contact of her lips, tongue meeting hers to wrestle against it in a deep kiss.As a lengthy leg wrapped around her face, the two confident women gave in but lost no ground with one another. Winter pumped faster, feeling Glynda pulse and twitch same as when she was nearing the edge herself, and so she jerked more rapidly, not stopping for even a second as the two made out.Winter became more and more aroused but she wanted to see Glynda's limit. Though, given how her last attempt on herself went... She imagined that it would take more than one blast to satisfy either of them. This test would need to be more thorough.A hand still free, Winter reached underneath the cock she beat off so ferociously and gently toyed at the woman's lower lips as she stroked her cock.
As the sudden touch to her nether lips hit, it was like a light switch and suddenly. Winter is taken and laid against the coffee table shoved onto her back. Behind her had been a coffee table. Some chairs and couches for when guests came, and there in she beared down upon Winter looking into her eyes, "Do not tell a single soul of what transpires here tonight understood, not a single word... not even a hint." As she said this she leaned in kissing Winter on the lips.Tasting her once more, the deep kiss continued.As she then moved her pussy lips to bury down upon her, and she even angles her dick, pushing the head of it right against Winter's own pussy underneath her shaft. Gazing deep into her eyes, before with just a thrust inserting herself into Winter. As Glynda then began thrusting her hips intentionally to get Winter going knowing if she herself was so heated Winter was also likely.
Winter gasped aloud as she was thrown onto the coffee table behind them. "Ooof!" she grunted as she hit the surface, "Glynda what are you " the woman gave her demands to which Winter nodded softly with a still stoic expression. "The same goes to you" Winter spoke sternly before she felt the tip of Glynda's hot length press between her ivory white folds.She was already soaked, letting Glynda's tip glide easily along the lips before she slid in gently. "Ngh... Go on" Winter gave her permission, still so casually even as she was about to be penetrated. It had been a while since Winter had last had sex, and so the cock was a nice welcome. On top of it all Glynda knew how to please her with it it seemed, despite not having had any practice with it yet. Girls knew what girls wanted after all.The entrance of her tight cunt clenched and kissed along the plump helm that teased at her, as she awaited Glynda's next move, readying to be fucked by the woman as her legs spread, pants high enough to let her spread but low enough to reveal herself.
Glynda pinned down Winter's shoulders and then mounted her, beginning with hard heavy thrusts that send lightning through the spine. Neither of them were virgin women, they knew of sex, and despite the fact neither of them were married, they had nightlives. As such it was clear as day once Glynda picked up the pace, she knew what she was doing, and only a little bit of understanding was all it took to master sex.As Glynda slammed her shaft deep into Winter deep, the slapping sounds of their hips meeting, nice and wet, soaked sounding as the motions continued. As groans slowly leave Glynda, she took her glasses and tossed them onto the couch, undoing her hair letting it fall into place. Hands unbuttoning her blouse and letting her breasts bounce freely. As she groaned out massaging one breast with a free hand the hard standing nipple outright obvious.
Winter huffed and grunted as Glynda started pounding her younger pussy, her walls clenching and squeezing around the invading member. Curling her legs up on either side of Glynda, Winter bucked lightly to meet her thrusts, moaning as she began humping with vigor. Wordlessly she watched as Glynda undid her blouse and tossed her glasses. Winter herself decided to stay clothed for now, her uniform more of a hassle to get off as well as on if they were caught. Still her decently sized breasts bounced lightly in the confines of her uniform as her rounded backside clapped against Glynda's hips with each thrust.The Schnee's cock swung back and forth as Glynda pummeled her, a hand rested up around her back as the other reached for the breast Glynda wasn't fondling herself. Her own wetness increased as did her hardness. Winter groaned in a lady like manner, still graceful even as she was being fucked raw."Come on..." Winter encouraged in a stern huff, "go on that's it..." she told her as she looked up at the woman with as fierce a glance as what met hers. She was about to cum, and she wanted to try her new appendage out too.
As she worked on pounding Winter, she then began to realize something, nefarious crept into her mind. As she pounded Winter, her lust began to surmount and her face with its steely visage, changed to one of wanton, as she pounded into Winter. The rapid hip slapping sounds and slow moans escaping Glynda came with a nice sloshing wet sound each time her pelvis met with Winter's a nice moist sound followed suit."Mmmm, Winter.... how... how long has it been since we... gave the girls at this school a proper physical...check up?" She asked almost wanting to hear it been a while so she had all the excuse in the world to schedule some personal physical examination of the girls at this school. What was with her? Was this the cock's doing? Loosening her mentality, shifting it to something more lewd and uncontrolled. As they were both near cumming, Glynda bit back her voice and continued hammering.Then suddenly, she felt a feeling in her goin, "Ahhhh..." Without any ceremony she buried down into Winter and came nice and hard.
Winter s cunt gripped tightly around Glynda as she pummeled into her crudely, the wet clapping of their hips resounded in a powerful echo through the room. Each slam into the schnee woman made her pert ass jiggle rapidly against the edge of the coffee table she was being fucked into. You don t mean?... ngh... Winter gasped at Glynda s question supposedly unrelated to the situation at hand but the sudden thought made Winter s cock tense up.The closer she got the tighter she gripped. Even being railed Winter kept her poise, raised to keep composure in even the most strenuous of activities. Her expression didn t go without however as the woman grunted and groaned softly with each cram of that incredible cock into her tight folds. Soon each pump into her made Winter s dick twitch and pulse as the two neared the edge together.Winter s mind flooded with the surprise of what Glynda had said, and at the very last moment what would become of her sister flashed through her mind. O obscene! Winter gasped aloud to herself not revealing what she was thinking as rather suddenly glynda stopped with a final clap and then silence for but a moment. Oh! Ngh! Ugh!... Winter huffed as Glynda s spunk began to pour into her. Haaaahnnn that s it... she encouraged in ragged forced whispers. That warmth was too much and as she felt glynda cumming her own inner walls clenched. Off time from Glynda s orgasm, Winter suddenly came after, her juices gushing around the older woman s cock before suddenly her own rod spasmed lightly.A rope of hot jizz spewed from the tip. Due to the angle, her cum streaked up her own body, staining her usually always pristine uniform that she had neglected to remove. Blast after blast spewed her own mess over herself. Reaching up she draped her wrists over Glynda s shoulders. Ahhh... haah... mmm... Winter panted as she gazed up slyly at the teacher. It s definitely my turn... she huffed.
As Winter's behavior changed, Glynda smirked, "Are you sure you don't wish to save it up for someone more important." Now in the back of her mind Glynda was really wanting to have that physical exam between her and some of the young cute students. Heck, she was feeling really randy right now, and looks at Winter smirking, as she sat back and lifts her shaft, and then eyes her. "Come on then... show me what you got." Glynda's folds were glisteningly slick now with juice, and her dick bubbled seed from the tip."Mmmm I feel a bit of numbness between the legs, I wonder if this is how the men feel after a good blow of their load." Glynda was absent mindedly imagining getting the naive little team Rwby. As such, she licked her lips nice and slowly, "Ohh...." The thought was making her dick hard, and the veins showed she wouldn't be long before she came again.
Winter chuckled softly, I think I don t have to worry about saving up with this thing she retorted as Glynda pulled her throbbing rod from her. I imagine so she answered the woman s next rhetorical question of the male experience seriously. I m curious to feel this myself she said calmly as she sat up, Glynda s seed gushing from her perfectly pale little cunt. Ahhh... she sighedStanding to her feet, heeled boots clacking against the floor as Winter stayed fully dressed save her pushed down trousers, the girl approached Glynda with a sharp glare and a smirk. She backed the blonde against her desk, moving between her legs.Winter s cock remained it s pale sheen only slightly flushed even after cumming. Her body almost seeming sacred behind the uniform she intended to keep on for safety. Leaning over her, Winter gripped her pristine cock and aimed herself, gliding her tip along the slick lower lips of the woman. Oooh... Winter already could feel the sensitivity burning in her loins and length, and as unceremoniously as Glynda came, Winter plunged her cock all the way in in a single thrust.Winter s nose scrunched at the sudden pleasure jolting through her new cock. Guh... she gulped as she stood still for but a moment, before she started to slowly thrust.
As Glynda smirked at her and throws her weight against Winter not wanting this young thing thinking her station as a military captain kept her from being put in her place.With Glynda having forced Winter into her back again she helped herself to grinding down upon Winter s shaft and undulating up and down as she smirks. Then had a red lewd face going on as she pushed down upon Winter s cock hammering herself down. Groaning masterfully. This feels even better.
Winter relished in the feeling of Glynda's round hips forcing down against her from atop the desk as she pushed in in tune with the woman's bucking. This feeling was incredible, was this what it was like to fuck a woman? To feel a tight pussy clamping around her pristine girl cock? It was no wonder young boys were so horny and seemingly always on the prowl. If this were really how it was... She would have to instruct her sister to help them out more. This feeling, this pleasure, it was unfair to keep it pent up, she needed release!Winter huffed as she pumped roughly, sporadically against the teacher. She reached up and groped Glynda's chest, fondling her breast roughly with gloved hand. Never before had she been so attracted to breasts, so in need of touching and groping another's. Winter's cock twitched as her clumsy thrusting brought her to the edge all too quick."O oh no... I I can't stop I'm gonna... Hnnn..." It was clear Winter was trying to please Glynda and hold back as long as she could. Her free hand reached down and gripped Glynda's cock as she started to stroke her off rapidly, trying not to finish too quick but ohh it was coming soon!"I I can't..." huffed Winter, her cock was throbbing, pulsing, swelling, she was going to cum. "Unghk!" Winter let out an unladylike grunt as she pushed in deep. Still jerking off Glynda she panted as her cock began to spill thick load bare into her pussy. "Gah!" Winter's brow furrowed as she tensed with every shot, flooding her cunt with every last drop of cum before finishing, panting hard as she idly beat off Glynda's girly dick.
Eventually later the two of them had freshened up. Glynda working on a cup of tea her hair being dried after a quick shower after their wanton little event. She had been writing something in as she had made documents detailing their event here today.Winter was likely to finish soon here so Glynda called out. I will be calling the girls in for a physical examination here in a little bit.. while it s true enough that we have changes we still haven t the idea how much a difference we have.... so I want you to do me a great favor okay, and be the physical examiner for this months Physical exam?
Winter showered as well after the encounter, being sure to clean her cock especially as if shining her sword. It was a pristine Schnee cock and as a part of her she felt a small pride over it as she did the rest of her own body.Dressing back in her uniform Winter met Glynda again to be asked a favor."Physical examiner?" Winter asked, "I... Don't understand I'm not qualified to " she raised a brow at Glynda. "I see..." Said Winter with realization, "but will I be allowed such?" she asked, "I'm not a nurse, will the school allow it?"Winter knew what Glynda was trying to do, and though she had reserves, her newly found libido could not resist the idea. Even if she was questioning Glynda's methods, she was in.
Smirking. It s fine dear. She brushed her fingers through Winter s hair as she then hands her a naughty looking Nurse outfit. Then cleared her throat. The school will allow it cause I am the head master. That being said I wager you want to get ready and know how to take measurements and such yes... now go get ready I will be calling the girls up... With that she moves to the intercom and began to turn it on and speaks into the microphone. Team Rwby, and Nora Valkiery and Pyrrha Nikos please report to the headmistresses office for your physical exam. She then placed a measuring tape and grins. You best be getting ready they will be here any minute now.
Winter froze as Glynda caressed her hair, looking into her eyes as she was handed an outfit. "This... Is highly irregular, wont they suspect something? Are you at least having all of the girls in school receive the same?" She asked. Given that Glynda was filling out forms she assumed that the rest of the school would receive their monthly physical too, though the boys by someone else, and she didn't assume she'd be the one to examine all of the school's girls."I mean.. This isn't even the nurses office" Winter questioned, looking at the scrubs she was provided. At the very least it was a simple dress style scrub in an icy blue color as well as a cap. "Surely we should tell them to meet here and then go there?" Asked Winter.Meanwhile the girls slowly started to meet in the halls on their way. "This is weird right?" Asked Yang, the blonde bombshell of team RWBY. She walked backwards in her brown boots, hands resting on the back of her head as she faced the girls with her. | 28 | ['Ironwood', 'Goodwitch', 'Glynda'] |
47 | | Honeyed Words (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable) | Lunia was just a simple Imperial girl who made a decent living in Whiterun. She was curvy, a body built for offspring as some old Nords would say. She had bronze skin and warm brown hair and even warmer hazel colored eyes. She worked at the Bannered Mare as a barmaid, making sure everyone had plenty of food or drink. It helped Sadia and Hulda a lot and it kept her busy. She had heard rumors of a large Argonian who went from Hold to Hold, taking married women into his bed and ruining them forever for their husbands. It earned him quite the reputation, as well as a bounty or two. He was said to have nearly beaten a Redguard to death after he attacked the lizard for sleeping with his wife. But that was probably all just talk. Until she finally met him.He was as massive as they said he was taller than any Nord and twice as muscular. His scales were black as pitch with various long bone white horns on his head and lining his jaw. He wore ebony armor and carried an ebony warhammer as he stomped to the firepit and sat down.
She smiled and went over to him. "Hey there, handsome. Welcome to the Bannered Mare, can I get you anything?" She asked with a smile.
"I don't suppose a night in your bed is available to me?" His voice was husky, eyes forest green and boring into her.
"Well, I dunno.. For the right price it might be.. " she said.
He looked her over slowly, "You aren't the type to sell yourself. Too beautiful and smart "
She smiled. "Then you should know it's not really for sale, handsome.. "
He gave a shrug, "Worth a shot." He said, "Argonian Bloodwine and whatever food you recommend." He smiled softly.
She smiled and nodded as she left and came back with venison and potatoes, and a bottle of Argonian Blood Wine. "Here you are, handsome."
"Thank you." He said gratefully, "I'll let you know if I need anything else." He said and gave her a few septums for herself.
She nodded and smiled as she kept bringing him wine throughout the night. "Do you have a place to stay tonight?" She asked him.
"Here, maybe," he replied, "Unless another woman throws herself on me again." He chuckled.
She smiled and shrugged a bit. "Well I wouldn't say I'm throwing myself on you but my room is open if you need it.."
"I thought your bed wasn't on the menu." He smirked, "I'm getting a lot of mixed signals here, and I don't even know your name "
"I'm offering my room to a stranger in need, not my body.. " she said with a smile.
He gave a low, playful hum, "More mixed signals but I accept. I appreciate your kindness. It is quite refreshing."
She smiled. "You're very welcome." She said. "We also have a bathhouse out back if you so need."
He gave a soft groan, "How much would that be?"
"Well.. I'd say free for the night.. You've been a very generous tipper.. " she smiled.
He smirked and stood, easily towering over her, "In the back, you said?" He asked.
She backed up a bit, trying to hide her blush. "Yes, in the back.."
He nodded and moved to leave through the kitchen to get to the back of the Mare so he could bathe.
She made a noise and gasped a bit before rushing to grab some towels before moving to knock on the door of the bath house. "Uh.. Sir, I have some towels for you, I forgot to stock them earlier.."
He had only gotten his gauntlets and chest plate off when she came knocking. He was raw muscles chiseled from stone. "Ah, thank you. Much appreciated. That would have been awkward."
She nodded and tried not to stare at him. Sure, nords had their appeal but she had never known just how attractive argonians could be.
He took the towels from her gently before shutting the door.
She made a noise and headed home and up to her room. She bit her lip gently. What a massive hunk of meat.
After a while, there was a knock on her front door, and after she answered it was the Argonian. He wasn't in his armor, it was tied together by a thick rope he carried on his back he wore a simple white shirt and tan trousers that made him look just as big as his armor did. "It took me a while to find where you lived, I seem to intimidate people here." He smiled.
"Oh! Oh divines I'm so sorry, I should have told you it was Breezehome.." She said. "Please, please come in..!" She said, backing out of the doorway.
He ducked slightly so he could cross the threshold, looking around at the comfortable living space, "It's lovely here.." He remarked gently.
"Ah, thank you very much! This was many years of hard work.." She said. She moved to place some blankets on a sleeping mat. "My room is upstairs, I'll be down here if you need anything, okay?"
"I couldn't sleep comfortably knowing you're down here on the cold ground...the fire will suit me fine." He said.
"No no, I insist.." She said. "I'll be fine, okay?" She said.
He frowned softly, "Alright. But if you become at all uncomfortable, I want you to come and kick me off your bed."
"Alright, very well.." She said with a smile.
He nodded and set his armor down by the stairs before heading up, "Good night. Thank you again."
She nodded. "Good night.. Oh! I didn't catch your name! My name is Lunia.."
He stopped and came back down for a moment, "Perhaps one day I can give you the Histname I was given when I hatched. But everyone has taken to calling me Steals Many Wives."
She giggled a bit. "I think I'll call you Steals for short.. Is that okay?" She asked.
He smirked and gave a nod, "I think I would like that."
She smiled and nodded, moving to lay down on the mat.
He headed back up and moved into her room, pulling off his shirt before crawling into bed. He relaxed and got comfortable before he realized he was scenting, nostils flaring as he had his snout burried in her pillow.
She smelled sweet, far sweeter than any other female that he had been with recently.
He had been with other Imperials, what made her different? He made a noise and did he best to ignore the sweetness as he went to sleep.
Being in her bed did him no favors. She was playing hard to get, she smelled sweeter than any mountain flower.
As much as he loved ruining marriages and the women therein, he had to respect those women who set boundries. Though he would love nothing more than to bend her over her own bed, he had to respect her wishes.
It was difficult, though. He hadn't had a woman in almost a week now. She woke up in the morning and began cooking, hoping she wasn't too loud.
He groaned softly, his dreams plagued by visions of her wrapped around both of his ridged cocks. He barely slept at all. But he forced himself out of bed and pulled back on his shirt as he headed down.
She was smiling, wearing an oversized tunic as she cooked up eggs and checked on some of the tarts she had in the oven. "Ah, good morning Steals.. Did you sleep well?" She asked.
"As well as expected." He smiled softly, "And you?" By the Hist, she was doing this on purpose.
"I slept well.." She said. "Any plans for the day?" She asked him.
"Probably head back on the road. It's a bit of a ride from here to Markarth..." He replied.
"Markarth? What business do you have there, if you don't mind me asking..?" She asked. "Sad to hear you'd be leaving so soon.."
"I live there.." He answered, "It's a nice enough Hold... if you don't mind the corruption.."
"Ah, I see.. Well, I suppose if you find yourself in the area again, you stop by and I'd be glad to have you over again!" She said with a smile.
He smiled softly and nodded, "I would love to come over again."
"Thank you.. Now, would you care for some food?" She asked him.
"I thought you would never ask." He smiled, "I'm starving."
She smiles and serves him up some morming tea and breakfast, and simply sat and ate with him, chatting before she moved back up to her room to get dressed. "Just give me a moment, I'll walk you to the gates!"
By thetime skew came back down, he was carrying his armor and was ready to go, "Breakfast was delightful, by the way."
"Thank you so much! Now come, let's get you home okay?" She asked as she opened the door for him.
Btw nodded and headed out, waiting for her to lock up before they headed toward the stables.
They passed through the gates and smiled, moving to lean up and kiss his cheek. "Safe travels, Steals, I hope to see you soon!"
He nodded, "I'll be sure to come back soon.." He said before heading down the path to leave.
She smiled and nodded, waving as he got onto the carriage and left.
He sighed softly, "Guess I'm losing my touch.." He muttered.
His trip back home was filled with nothing but thoughts about her. The more he thought about her, the more he had to have her.
He huffed and tried to ignored it, going about his own business. But it only got worse.
He could still smell her, and just the thought would drive him mad.
He hadn't been home a week before he decided that he would go back. She had to feel the same, right?
She would never show it, but she was more than missing him. She could smell him on her bed, she was ashamed in a way, embarrassed that a stranger had caused her to lose her head like this. She had dreams about him.
He paid for a voyag carriage back to Whiterun and tried to think about how he should approach her about it.
She woke up in a sweat, biting her lip gently and groaning. "D Damned argonian.." She said softly.
He huffed as he watched Markarth grow farther and farther behind him as they rode to Whiterun.
She was in thr Bannered Mare, serving drinks and food, and making sure that there were towels that she could use. She needes to bathe, and hopefully a bath would take him off her mind.
By the time she felt like she could breathe long enough to get in the bathhouse, Steals stepped through the door.
She looked over and smiled before stopping dead in her tracks. "S.. Steals?" She called.
"That's what I'm called. Mostly." He replied as he moved to sit down.
She moved over and smiled. "What brings you back here?" She asked as she set down a bottle of Argonian Blood Wine and a plate of food.
"Missed the sights." He replied, taking the wine and gulping it down.
She felt a little deflated, but kept up a smile. "Ah, yes.. Whiterun is a beautiful city.." She said.
He glanced at her and set the bottle down, "I more meant the women "
She tried to keep her face from flushing. "A Ah well I'm sure you could find some somewhere, yes.." She was embarrassed, but truly hoping he meant her.
He chuckled softly, "Would it be rude if I offered you some septums to keep me company? The journey here was rather tiresome."
She made a noise. "No, not at all..! I uh.. Well, now? I was about to bathe but if you want I could keep you company!" She said. Oh no, she was getting flustered.
"Oh, I wouldn't want to keep you." He said, "I can wait."
She smiled a bit. "Are you absolutely certain?" She asked.
He nodded, "I won't be going anywhere for a while." He set his warhammer against the table, "I won't let anyone sit here until you get back."
She nodded and headed off to the bathhouse out back, grabbing a towel and a change of clothes.
He enjoyed his food and wine, savoring her faint sweet scent as it lingered for a bit.
She went in and closed the door, hanging a sign that said that the bath was occupied. She made a noise as she dipped into the hot water. Her heart was racing, what had gotten into her?
He finished his food and requested more wine when Sadia came for his plate. He rested his chin carefully in his hand, his horned chin made such things rather difficult, and glanced around the inn. Some nords were glaring but he ignored them, his sharp eyes easily the most intimidating thing about him.
She groaned and sank into the bath. How was she going to talk to him? The more time she wasted, the easier it would be for him to find some other girl. She sighed and finished up her bath before getting out and gettinf dressed, and going to meet him.
He looked up when he saw her and smiled softly, "So how does one hundred septums sound to cover you missing work?"
She nearly tripped. "A A hundred septims? S Steals I don't know if I could rightfully accept that.." She said as she sat down.
"Fifty didn't seem very fair. I make more than that busting some Breton's nose." He remarked, "If I'm stealing you away from your job, I want to cover it."
She made a noise and sat across from him. "Oh.. Alright, very well.." She said
"If you aren't comfortable accepting it, I can give it to the owner?" He asked.
She shook her head. "No no, it's fine.." She said. "So.. You've got me here, what now?"
"I just wanted to talk.." He said, "You already know of my promiscuity, so I'm not really an ideal nest maker.." He played with his wine bottle and made a noise. He hadn't really courted before. He usually just took.
"Steals, what.. What are you saying..?" She asked.
"I want to claim you." He stated firmly, "But you're different. You aren't lonely or feel unloved. You aren't married. So I'm at a loss. I don't usually find free women fun, they're as adventurous as I am so it just seems pointless. No one to anger or pick a fight with."
"I I.. Oh.." Her face reddened considerably. "W Well.. Uh.. I I would.. Like your companionship.." She stammered. "A And if you want, the bard has made passing comments about me if you're itching for a fight.." She joked.
His sharp, slitted eyes immediately locked on Mikael, who was watching with furrowed brow. Steals reached and grabbed her wrist, pulling her from her seat and into his lap, his hand falling to her ass. The ebony was cold, she could faintly feel it through the fabric.
She gasped. "S S Steals what are you doing..??" She asked in a harsh whisper, her face a dark red.
"Putting that boy in his place." He whispered back before he dipped his head and dragged his tongue between her breasts as his hand gave a firm squeeze of her ass. All Mikael could see was his sharp teeth and tongue against her neck and his face flushed quickly with rage.
She gasped and bit back a moan, trying not to look at Mikael. She let him do what he wanted, mainly because it was thrilling.
His teeth moved against her neck as his free hand moved over her side and up to her breast, squeezing that and her ass firmly as he let out a low hiss.
She covered her mouth and panted. "S Steals, I I think you've made your point to Mikael, u unless you're just having fun now.. ?"
"Listen here,!" Mikael was marching over and Steals easily moved Lunia off him and at a safe distance as he stood from his seat, towering over the skinny nord. Mikael instantly lost his nerve."What is it, bard? Do you take issue with me staking claim? A real man takes what he wants, never plays with it like it's food.""That's enough, both of you." Hulda scolded.
She cleared her throat and held his arm gently. "U Uhm.. S Steals maybe.. Maybe we should go.."
Steals looked to her and nodded, grabbing his warhammer easily with one hand and putting it over his shoulder.
She held his arm as they walked out and back to her place. "I bet Mikael's going to be sore tomorrow.." She laughed softly.
He smirked and chuckled, "He's half the man I am. If you want a woman, you take her. Let her know who's in control."
She laughed a bit. "Is that how you plan to claim me, Steals?" She asked.
"If that's what you like in a man." He said looking down at her.
"The prospect is definitely promising.. " she smiled.
He chuckled softly and waited for her ti unlock the door to her home and followed in after her. Once he shut the door, he picked her up easily and pushed her against the wall, "So something like this?" He hissed out, his voice huskier.
She gasped and moaned weakly, only able to nod in his grasp.
His tongue moved over the tops of her breasts before dipping into the valley and dragging up along her neck. "Have you ever noticed the size of Argonian horns before, Lunia? How some are smaller or longer than others?"
She shuddered and nodded. "Y Yes, I have.. W Why do you ask..?"
He let out a low, almosthungryhiss. "It signifies which male is the alpha of his tribe. And if you notice," his teeth moved over her neck slowly, "My horns are larger than any Argonian you'll meet in your life."
She shuddered hard and moaned lowly. "O Ooh divines, Steals.. Y You're obviously the alpha.. "
"That's why I take what I like. It's my right as alpha." He snarled lowly, "And I am very keen on you, Lunia."
She moaned lowly and played with his horns gently. "Th Then take what you want already.. " she panted.
He easily carried her up the stairs to her room and dropped her on the bed before easily tossing off his armor, "Did you know that you have driven me near feral this passed week?"
"N No but I would love a demonstration.. " she said, her face flushed darkly.
He pulled off his chest plate and removed the thin leather underneath, showing his full nude form to her. He had plates where his cock would be, they looked like large harder versions of his scales. He moved over her and easily pulled her dress from her body like he was born to do it.
She moaned weakly and her hands fpund their way down to his plates, as if she wasn't in control of them anymore.
He hissed and moaned lowly, her soft fingers felt wonderful against the hard scales. She felt them twitch gently, as if they were going to move. He moved his tongue over her breasts before sucking on her nipple roughly, careful of his teeth.
She arched and cried his name out, playing gently with the soft, sensitive spot that opened up when his plates parted.
He gasped and hissed, the opening becoming wet and twitching softly under her touch. He felt challenged, forcing her legs apart as his massive smooth hand worked over her clit and the slit of her opening.
She moaned loudly and her delicate fingers kept prodding at the vent gently, her folds wet beyong belief.
"How are you so wet already?" He asked lowly before he moved down and held her legs open, working his long thick tongue over her clit and slit, moaning lowly at her taste. She enjoyed a lot of fruit, he noticed.
She arched and moaned loudly, gripping his horns. "I I guess you have that effect on me.. !!"
He chuckled lowly and continued to work her. It was slow but Divines was it amazing. He knew just were to move his tongue and for how long, leaving her shaking and breathless.
She was drenched and squirming, keeping one hand on his horns. "F Fuck, fuck it's so good, Steals !!"
He moaned lowly and continued his work. He teased her gently by randomly pushing the tip of his tongue into her core before working her clit like nothing happened.
She arched hard. "F Fuck, Steals d don't tease me !! Please !!"
He made a loe noise and worked her faster, gripping her full hips and digging his nails gently into her bronze skin.
She arched hard and moaned lowly as she gripped his horns and tried not to grind her hips against his snout.
His tongue pressed into her to add some friction, his breath oddly cool against her heat.
"F Fuck !! I Its so good, I'm gonna cum !!" She cried.
He hissed gently and continued to work his tongue over her clit.
She gripped his horns tight and let out a loud cry, rocking her hips against his snout as her juices gushed all over his tongue.
He snarled and licked her clean almost greedily, his ling thick tail nearly smacking against the bed.
She pants hard. "H.. Hah.. D Divines.." Was all she managed.
He moved to sit back and made a low noise. His cocks had pushed free of his vents, pink and slick and covered in hard plate like ridges.
She shuddered and slowly moved up onto her elbows before looking and gasping. "O Oh.. Oh my.. I I had no idea.. T.. Two..?"
He nodded, "You don't have to take them both right away. We can work up to it."
She swallowed and nodded. "O Okay, Steals.." She said. "Wh Where do you want me..?"
He hummed softly, "That depends. Do you want to suck me off or do you just want me to plow you like farm land?"
"I I don't know, wh what would you prefer?" She asked.
"I am a fan of both." He answered, "I am a simple man with simple pleasures."
She made a noise and bit her lip as she gently took onr in her hand and wrapped her lips around the tip of the other with a soft, low moan.
He hissed softly and watched her, "G Good idea, you'll get a better feel for them this way."
She shuddered and nodded, looking up at him with hazy eyes as she began taking more into her mouth.
He moaned lowly as he watched her stroke the top cock and sucked on the bottom. She wasn't as slopping as the other women before her, which was nice.
She melted and started slowly swallowing from tip to base, pumping her fist faster.
He moaned lowly and gently gripped her hair, "Run your tongue over the ridges." He told her, "Your thumb, too."
She moaned lowly and obeyed, running her soft tongue along and over every ridge, with her thumb working the others.
His head fell back and he gave a loud, guttural moan, "Oh, Hist, just like that. Fuck, it's perfect "
She melted and continued, her face a dark red as she obeyed his every wish and order.
He moaned loudly and helped guide her if he wanted more from her, his moans plentiful and guttural.
She continued, her face a deep red as she worked both of his cocks perfectly.
"F Fuck, I'm getting close... !!" He growled, "I hope you're prepared !"
She moaned loudly and nodded, working him faster.
His breathing picked up before he gave a loud cry as he dumped his massive load dowb her throat and all over her face.
She swallowed what she could before pulling back, letting some drip onto her breasts, his cum mixing with her saliva and bridging from his tip to her lips and tongue.
He looked and made a low noise, "I suppose you're ready for me now."
She panted and nodded. "I I believe so.." She said.
He pushed her onto her back and forced her legs open before pushing his lower cock into her core. He moaned lowly, the ridges of his upper cock rubbed against her clit as he pumped into her slowly.
She arched hard and cried out as his ridged cock pushed into her. "D Divines, Steals, y you're massive !!" Stating the obvious, but it was still very fun to hear.
He moaned lowly, "So I'm told " He replied and steadily picked up his pace. He was so slick, easily creating his own lube.
She arched hard and screamed his name as she clawed at the bed.
"S So, how does your first session with an Argonian feel ?" He hissed gently.
"F Fucking.. Incredible.. !!" She cried, drooling already.
He smirked deviously and moved rougher, plowing hard into her, "I'm glad."
She tossed her head back and cried out as he slammed into her spot. "F Fuck !!"
"Oh, right there ?" He asked and moved to abuse her spot, his plates grinding against her folds.
She arches and screams loudly. "F Fuck yes right there !!" She cried.
He snarls and moves rougher, faster, holding her legs open firmly so his upper cock can work easier over her clit.
She gripped at the sheets tight. "Fffffuck !! O Oh divines !!!"
He hissed and snarled lowly, hunching over her and pounding into her harder
"H Haaah f fuck I can't take it I can't take it !!" She cried as she almost doubled over, climaxing hard and squeezing tight around his massive cock.
He hissed and moaned loudly, "F Fuck, it's so tight!"
She cried out as she rode it out. "F.. Fuck.. !!"
He pulled out and moved her to all fours before pushing into her again, slamming into her.
She arched hard. "F.. Fuck.. !! S Steals, such a beast.. !!"
He leaned down and bit her shoulder gently, gripping her hips tight as he drilled into her.
"F Fuck, fuck Steals I I can't take it, it's so good.. !"
He hissed softly, pulling his teeth back, "I fucking love hearing you praise me."
She cries out again and slumps against the bed. "Y You're positively.. Insatiable.. " she moaned lowly.
He hissed in her ear, "You love it, don't you ?"
She arched hard and moaned lowly. "Y Yes yes I love it, I love it so much.. !"
He chuckled lowly and moved at a brutal pace, his vent slapping against her and his scales making loud wet noises.
She arched hard and screamed his name loudly. "I I'm gonna cum again.. !!"
"Good. You'll stop when I say so." He hissed in her ear.
She nods quickly and grips hard at the sheets as she screams, wrapping tightly around him once again.
He groaned and picked her up, bouncing her over his cock easily.
"S Steals n no I'm s sensitive !!" She cried loudly.
"Ask me if I care?" He hissed, "I need to cum."
She whined and nodded, her eyes rolling back a little bit. "F Fuck.. Fuck I'm so close !!"
He bounced her harder, his cocks throbbing harder and harder.
"F Fuck, you wanna cum, don't you... ?"
"Of fucking course I do." He snarled, moving her harder.
She lulled her head back and cried out, bucking hard against him. "Th Then do it.. P Please, I beg of you.. "
"Hist, I'm close. I'm so fucking close." He growled, moving desperately
She was screaming, bucking her hips against him. "M Make a mess of me ! P Please I beg of you !!"
He bit her shoulder and moved faster before slamming her down and pumping her full of his seed and his other making a mess of her thighs and abdomen.
She let out a loud cry as she climaxed with him. "O Oh divines, it's so good.. !! There's so much.. !!"
He nearly fell over but used his tail to keep balanced. He helped set her down gently before cleaning her up with her dress, "I'll help with the laundry.." He said.
She panted hard. "Th Thank you.." She said.
He moved to lay beside her, barely managing to fit on her small bed with her there, but he didn't mind. "So?" He asked coyly
"I... In.. Credible.." She was on the verge of passing out at this point. | 214 | ['Lunia', 'Hulda', 'Sadia'] |
48 | | Rise of the Pokeanthros (PlatemailBikini & Diego) | Everything hurt.That was how Diego felt as he struggled to get up. He had no idea what happened. One moment, he was walking alongside his Gardevoir and savoring the nice day... The next, he noted above there was a strange multi colored light ad before he knew it, there was some sort of massive explosion that enveloped them. When he got up though... he felt something different.He stood up and screamed in shock. He was a Pikachu... kinda.It was like he was a Pikachu stretched into a human shape. He had the yellow coat, the red cheeks, his ears are now Pikachu ears and he even has a tail. However, he still has human eyes and face. He was now on his feet and walking around. However, he was now also naked... he had no idea what was going on. All he had was his glasses...Sophia!"SOPHIA!? WHERE ARE YOU?!" Diego shouted, looking over for his Gardevoir.
With a long groan, Sophia groggily rose to her feet, clutching her head in her hands. In the distance, she heard her master shouting for her. Was he in danger? She spun around to face him, and then groaned again as the sudden movement made her head spin. She fell to her knees, and planted her hands into the sand, willing her world to stop spinning. As she did, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the water. Her face looked subtly different, although she couldn't quite figure out why...And then she saw it.Orthem, rather.A pair of large orbs hung from her chest, threatening to burst out of her dress. They looked like human breasts... And when had she put on a dress? She rose unsteadily to her feet once more, surveying her new form in the water. She was no longer floating off the ground, instead standing on a pair of long legs, with thick thighs that ended in and she lifted the skirt to check wide hips and a large rear.She was wearing panties, and a curious touch confirmed they hid a sensitive pussy. The touch sent a shiver of pleasure up her spine, unlike anything she'd ever felt, better even than winning a fight against a gym leader's strongest pok mon.The voice of her master calling for her snapped her out of her daze, and she turned to him once more, his voice coming from over a nearby hill. As she tried to move however, she fell flat on her face, never having had legs before. She let out a cry as she did, and another groan as she hit the ground. Confused and somewhat overwhelmed by the situation, as well as frustrated by her inability to even walk, she simply lay there, hoping her cry had alerted her master.
Diego began managing to be able to walk better and faster. Initially, he was pretty concerned about being naked for some reason, though a quick check in his surroundings realized that there was a burnt patch underneath him. The likely conclusion was that he electrocuted his clothes off. But still... he was a freaking Pikachu person now. What was going on?! How long were they out?! However, he was grateful for one thing.His new ears. He was able to pick up the familiar cry of Sophia and was running toward her. He saw that she was on the ground. Only by the time he got there, he noticed how different she looked. She looked more human now, based on her impressive new breasts, her longer thicker legs and... oh my, more stuff."Sophia, are you okay?" Diego asked her, concern and panic over the situation overriding the fact he was in the nude with an attractive lady. He was holding her and hoping she could recognize him, which she could based on his psychic aura and vocie.
With a deep sigh, Sophia sat up slightly, leaning on Diego for support. She felt something soft brush against her arm, and finally looked up. Oh. Well that was also new. Her master looked noticeably different, covered in short yellow fur. She thought for a moment, squinting her eyes at him. Had he evolved? Could humans do that? Or perhaps whatever had made her more human had made him more pok mon? That somehow sounded more plausible, despite its ludicrousness. It had a strange balanced sound to it, and she'd never heard of Humans evolving before...She rubbed her face, wiping off a few clingy grains of sand. Slowly she rose to her feet, letting go of her master to gently step away, making sure to control her legs properly. She shot her master a soft smile and a nod, showing that she was okay. She'd long since mastered the tricks to interacting with humans, since they didn't understand pok mon speech. That's why she had also developed a habit of snarking at them when to their faces when no other pok mon were around. "Oh, and of course you're a pikachu, and not something I can easily boss around..."
"Yeah, I do not think you can boss me around anyway," Diego snarked back at Sophia before he paused and realized somethign. He could understand her. He. Could. Understand. Her. "Sophia, I could understand you," Diego said as he grabbed her shoulders, looking surprised. However, he than got a better look at her. "You look kinda like a human... and since I'm like a Pikachu now... I think Pokemon and people fused together... But are we the only ones?" Diego could not help but wonder out loud.However, he did embrace her, relieved she was okay. He sighed with a smile as he hugged, but blushed a bit as he realized that since he was nude, Sophia would be able to fell his nude body onto hers.
Sophia understood at the same moment her did, recoiling slightly in shock as it truly sunk in just how utterly her life had just changed. She stood frozen as he embraced her, staring into the middle distance. This wasn't the first time they had hugged she'd been with him since the very beginning of his journey after all but the change had altered even that, and she was now aware of just how naked he was, feeling his new fur dully against her dress. She gently pulled him away, fighting a blush."Well," she cleared her throat, "perhaps we should return home?" Instinctively she had turned and pointed towards the path home, pointing the way with one hand and taking his hand in her other one as if to lead him there. She let go as soon as she realized. She was so not used to being understood by humans. Well, whatever he was now..."There is little reason to suspect others were affected, the blast seemed rather localized. Either way, the professor would want to know, and could perhaps even hold the answers we seek."
"I actually like holding your hand," Diego confessed to Sophia with a smile, regrabbing her hand before turning over to the direction of their home. Diego began leading her there and he began looking around. It was quiet... way too quiet. Sure, he had them live here for the tranquility, but there was an odd sort of quiet. Diego looked around the hills if there was anything and all he saw was a large blimp flying away.For some reason, he felt like it would not be the last tey saw of the blimp."Yeah, we'll call the professor tomorrow. Meanwhile, we need to get used to this," Diego told Sophia while walking with her toward their home. "I guess we'll have to share the bed them," he said, reeling from these new revelations.
Sophia let her master lead her around, focusing her attention to working her legs properly. She didn't think much about his comment, nor see the blimp overhead, too focused on not stumbling again. She was not going to take another tumble if he could help it.By the time they were back home, it had already grown dark, and she didn't mind the idea of leaving the professor for the next day. Walking was so much more tiring than floating, and her underused limbs were quite sore already. She blushed slightly at her masters suggestion, and moved to cover it by turning towards the living room and nodding to the couch. After a few silent moments she remembered he could understand her, and added "I'd hate to impose master. The couch if more than fine."
No. You re my partner after all, and sleeping on couches is not comfortable, Diego told her with a bit of finality when they arrived back at the place. It was a pretty nice and basic home for them to be in. Diego stretched a bit. We have a lot to get used to, Diego notes, wondering what sort of changes they d Have to do. We ll face then together though, right? He said confidently and smiling at her.
Sophia nodded determinedly, "Yes. Together." She could definitely get used to being understood. With some hesitation, she entered the bedroom, and sat down on the bed. It wasn't very large, built to hold only one person. The thought of sharing it with her master sent a shiver up her spine, which she suppressed. She's never really considered intimacy with her master like this before, but it seemed her new body came with a few different implications than her old one.Her stomach growled, and she sighed. That was another thing. "Am I going to have to eat human food now? Or can I eat both? I rather like poffins, so I hope so..."
"Well, let's check it out. It should still be possible," Diego said as he checked the fridge. After sampling some of the food he nodded. "Looks like I can still eat normal food," Diego said before offering some to Sophia for her to try along with Poffin. It looks like she could enjoy it though Diego also noted he could have some too. "Well, it looks like we don't have to worry about changing our diets," Diego said as he decided to cook a bit for them.
Sophia hummed, still chewing on the sandwich she'd been handed. She swallowed, looking thoughtful. "So that's what human food tastes like..." She left her opinion of it up in the air, yet finished the meal. Then she settled in, sitting down in a chair as she watched him at the stove, letting out a long, relieved sigh. "Oooh, that feels better. How do you people stand it, having towalk everywhere?" Having taken a load off, she now realized how sore her feet were. She leaned over a bit, running a hand down her legs. Well, they may not be the most efficient mode of transportation, but they did look good. Long and smooth, and with thick, juicy thighs.This may be strange, scary, and inconvenient, but at least she looked good.
"Well, our legs were built for it. Besides, you walked back as a Ralts and Kirlia," Diego told her with a bit of a smile. He wondered how she could've forgotten that. Diego did take a look at how Sophia was doing. Her legs before transfromation were just elegonated and slender like back as Kirlia, but now she had distinct curves and thighs to them. This combined with their natural length just made her look attractive.Diego's red cheeks became redder before finishing cooking up some macaroni and cheese. "Yeah, after dinner we should prepare for bed," he told her, bringing the bowl of mac and cheese for them.
Sophia scoffed. "A lifetime ago," she said as she waved dismissively. It was true she had walked before, but that had been years ago, and even back then she had hated it, preferring to simply stay in her ball until needed. Or being carried around.She gave a polite nod as Diego sat the bowl down in front of her, and levitated over a spoon. She had used her powers without considering whether or not she had them still, but was quietly relieved that she did indeed still possess them. With some care, she scooped up a spoonful and brought it to her lips, parting them slowly before bringing it into her mouth. She then slowly pulled the spoon out through her closed lips, leaving it near spotless as she thoughtfully tasted the concoction. She had secretly always been curious about human foods, and was somewhat excited to finally try some.She tried her best to hide her pleased reaction, but doubted her success as she eagerly dug in.
"Yeah, yeha, you always insiisted I carry you at times," Diego told her with a chuckle. "Well, you now have to get used to it. Then again, you have really nice legs," Diego could not help but comment with a blush. Their bond of Pokemon and trainer or even that of friends was on track to become something more."How are you enjoying the macaroni cheese I made?" Diego told her, watching Sophia dig in after a moment of trying to remain composed. "If this is the new normal, then I do want us to get to know each other better, Sophia. You've always been there for me and we've always had each others' back... and I want that to remain the same," Diego confided in his Gardevoir.
Sophia, always a sucker for some compliments, couldn't help but to blush at his comment about her legs, awkwardly shifting in her seat. As for his other comment, she just chuckled nervously. "It's... it's okay," she said, her neutral tone at odds with her clear enjoyment of the food. "But yes, I suppose now that we can communicate more clearly, it would only be appropriate that we get to know each other. Although I can't help but be a bit disappointed that you apparently don't know me too well yet." The slight amusement in her tone did a good job at hiding the truth of that statement. She liked to think that she knew him very well, if her guess at his attraction to her was at all accurate.As for her own attraction to him, well... She might need some time to figure this out. She had never really experienced attraction like this before, and certainly never thought of a human like this, especially not her own trainer. She couldn't deny her own needs, and the heat she felt whenever they were near, but she's never really done anything like this before. Perhaps she should take some time to herself later, when he was asleep, and figure herself out...
Well, you ve observed me and know how I work and I know how you work too. You like teasing people and being treated like royalty, Diego respondes to his long time friend and companion with a cheeky smile. You do mean a lot to me and this is a massive change we need to figure out, Diego confessed to her as he went over to sit right beside her with a smile on his face. What are you thinking about? He asked her, going to hold her hand.
Sophia scoffed at his cheeky comment, and flushed slightly as her took her hand. "N nothing. Honest! I just might need some time to figure all of this out. On my own." She sat in silence for a moment, before realizing how her comment may have sounded. "Not all of it of course!" She withdrew her hand from his hastily. "There's just... certain things that I need to do on my own." She tried to hide her embarrassment behind a smug look. "As much as you might hate to hear this, you're not where my world starts and ends."
Diego's ear drooped a little at her comment before sighing. "All right then, that's fair," Diego told her before eating his own macaroni and cheese. Granted, he did not have many friends of his own so he counted often on Sophia to be at his side. Now he wondered if she would leave him his side with her newfound freedom... then again, with this situation, who knows?He ate the rest of his dinner quietly. "I'll sleep on the couch and you can have the bed tonight so tomorrow I can try getting a new one," Diego told her, making notes of what they would need.
Sophia ate the rest of her meal in silence, pondering her situation. If she was to remain like this, then she should at least adjust to it. Or perhaps the professor could fix it? But did she want to return? Being half human could open up so many possibilities. So many things were barred from her as a pok mon, and now she would have a chance to experience that life. She blinked hard, clearing her head. Whatever the answer, that could all wait until the morning."Okay, thank you." She felt a little bad about kicking Diego out of his own bed, but since he had offered, it would be rude to turn him down. And the more enclosed bedroom would be a better place to... experiment... with her body in than the more open living room. She rose, giving a polite bow as she did. "Thank you for the meal master. I think I'll retire for tonight." She went to leave for the bedroom, feeling tired, yet excited. As well as other feelings she had no words to explain.
Diego wemt tp fall onto the sofa and then jus went over to skeep. He began falling asleep as best as he could, but it was a bit uncomfortable to say the least. That and he had to figure out how to sleep now with his tail. The fur and the ears did not seem that much of a hindrance, but he was tryong to rest as best as he could.Despite this, he could not help but wonder what Sophia was thinking. He sighed and got up to get water. Sophia was probaly asleep by this point...
After settling in to the bed, Sophia waited until she was sure Diego was a sleep. She couldn't bear the embarrassment if he found her in the midst of what she was about to do. Stripped of her dress, she lifted the covers to inspect her naked body. The glow of the lamp illuminated a strangely human body, stark white and far thicker than she was before. Granted, it was hard to see past her breasts, given their size. That's where she started, with a curious hand cupping herself, rubbing her nipple. It felt good, in a way she couldn't quite explain to herself. Curiosity satisfied, her hand wandered south, feeling her toned, taut belly, and the dip of the navel, before grazing over her clit."Oh." She bit back her surprised half moan. Now that feltgood. She spent some time exploring her pussy, tremendously enjoying the process. Eventually she sunk one of her slender fingers into the hole. It felt strange. Tight, and warm and wet, and as she explored herself, she found one spot that sent stars dancing in front of her eyes. Deciding to withdraw before she could no longer keep quiet, she pulled her hand up, noticing the glistening wetness coating her finger. Taking a page from the women in those films Diego didn't know she knew he had, she popped the digit into her mouth.The taste wasn't bad, per say, but she didn't understand why the women had found it so delightful. The act did hold a certain appeal, if only through sheer taboo, and the warm rush of having done something so perverted.That done, she'd sent her hand south once more, this time to explore her thighs and her backside. Her rear was large, round, and quite soft, and the feeling of having it rubbed was one she greatly enjoyed. Her thighs too, were thick and meaty, but were firmer, packed with muscles. Here too, her touch felt good.
Diego for the most part was getting to drink a glass of water and he wondered what was it that would await them in the future. However, as he was drinking his water, he caught something. A whiff of something. A slight hearing of something. The sound was a little familiar to his ears though. He did not pay much attention to it at first before he kept hearing the sounds and the smell was growing stronger. It was stirring something in him.When he finished his water, he put more focus into finding the source of the sound. He turned to go to Sophia was sleeping and he was dumbstruck.She was masturbatng. Playing with herself. However, in doing so, she was triggering his instincts to mate. One that began affecting him because of his newfound statement. Additionally, he was now able to head her quiet soft moans. As such, he was staring there and oogling at how she was playing with herself.Not only that, Diego's own scent was spreading into the room, one that Sophia would recognize.
When Sophie caught the scent of the heady, musky smell, her eyes shot open, and she looked around frantically, spotting Diego immediately. She let out a scream, and bolted out of the bed, holding up the blanket between them. "This isn't what it looks like! How long have you been standing there!?" Sophia's panicked mind finally realized the significance of the scent, and could feel its effects. She panicked this was the absolute last thing she needed right now. She had barely managed to figure out how she worked now, and was in no shape to start doing shit like this.In her panicked stupor, she struggled to think of a solution, and hastily decided that the best one was to get him away. A surge of psychic power shot from her outstretched hand, sending her trainer flying out of the room, colliding with the far wall.Immediately afterwards she realized what she'd done. She wanted to go check on him, but couldn't risk it. Couldn't bear facing him now. Embarrassment and fear and shock sent her instead rushing for the door to the bedroom, pulling it shut and barricading it with her own body. She slumped onto the floor, clutching at her head and breathing heavily.
Diego did not know what he was expecting. However, her shock disrupted him out of his, but before he could actually responded away, he got sent back flying toward the wall hard with a psychic blast. Diego was now udnerstandably dang irritated, but when he went over to check up on her, he noticed she went and barricaded the door. Diego did not know how to fell. He felt angry, upset, confused and a little betrayed.He kept banging on the door and while he could've burst open the door with his new electricity, he had little control over it. Eventually, he quit. "Fine." Diego said, tiringly and resigned before he went and exited the house, needing to blow off some steam. He went and practiced some attacks over out in the wild. And to distract himself from the worries... the fears... that their new state would drive them apart. About an hour or so, he fetl somewhat better, but he was also pretty tired and so he decided to try and shower. Fortuantely, the coat of Pikachu was pretty fine so he had no risk of shedding or whatnot, so instead he could shower in peace.
Sophie stayed put, tensing up whenever Diego hit the door, fearing what he would do if he broke through. Fearing what she would do.When he stopped, she held her breath. This was it. He would break the door down. Then, nothing happened. She grit her teeth, her imagination and paranoia running wild. Was he charging up first? She had only a little experience with breeding, but knew in her heart that a pok mon's pheromones, and a human's stubbornness and preference for violence was abad combination.Then suddenly, nothing continued to happen. She strained her senses, but couldn't detect him anywhere nearby. Letting out a sigh of relief, she slowly began to steady herself. She couldn't risk leaving the door unguarded, so she looked around the room.Perfect.With some telekinesis, the door was barred with a sturdy dresser, the handle jammed with a chair. Her work done, she finally returned to bed. The events had left her less than eager to continue her exploration, and had likely soured her thoughts on the whole concept. Instead, she settled in and tried to fall asleep...
Diego had finished showering before he went out. He felt refreshed yet also a sense of tiredness. Realizing it would take forever to try and dry with a tower, he went outside and shook the water off normal like a normal Pikachu. He got rid of most of the water from his fur and so he was able to dry the rest with his towels. However, he then went and inside and looked back at the room. Trying to mentally prepare himself for the possibility of his partner Pokemon ditching him, he just went to the sofa and laid there, trying to fall asleep.However, the lingering remnants of their scent in the air made it very difficult to sleep and Diego became haunted by growing desires to be with her... their connection was still there and still strong, but now growing stronger...
In the morning, there were a few blissful moments when Sophie was merely waking up in a soft bed, wrapped in warm sheets. Then the events of last night hit her like a hyper beam. That scent was unmistakable. Diego had tried tomate with her.Sophie was no stranger to pok mon mating of course, but in this new body, withhim? She was barely figured out how she worked, let alone if her feelings for Diego even run that deep. She was nowhere near ready to deal with this. And worst of all, that musk would be something he would be unprepared for. Humans didn't really have that, and she fearedf what it would do to him. What he would do to her.She couldn't face him. She needed time to process. She needed time to think.Getting up, and getting dressed, Sophie faced the barricaded door. She wasn't going to open it. She would simply have to stay here, where it was safe. She wondered if he was awake yet, the sun outside the window indicated it was late morning, and she could hear pidgeys chirping outside. She sat down on the floor, back to the barricade like she had been last night."What am I going to do?"
Diego had woken up, not feeling all that better. Granted, he was now not tired, but the events of last night kept knocking him on the head. Being human, powerful mating sensatios was something that humans were not accustomed so this was something that would drive someone mad. However, this along with the emotional problems just neutralized one another enough to where he could be functional. He got up and made some breakfast.He looked at the locked room. He was not sure how to feel or what to process. He wondered if he left the house and he returned, she would no longer be there. He sighed, steeling himself before he went and placed breakfast at the door before he left the house, trying to process all the emotional truama and so on. Near the bowl he left a note:"Sophia. I do not know what happened last night, but if you do not want to be with anymore, just tell me. I have no idea what to do or feel, but I do not want be a burden on you. I'll be back around sunset Diego."
Making sure Diego had left, Sophia removed the barricade, and quickly scouted out the immediate surrounding. At first she missed the bowl, but then she looked down, and bent over to pick it up.Reading the note, she felt a pang of guilt. Of course he didn't know what was happening. Most humans are kept in the dark about this sort of thing after all. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. No. Knowing or not, Diego had tried to mate with her. And she would not have been able to stop herself. Or him. Her actions were simply in her own defense. She wandered over to the table with her food, note still in hand. She pondered it as she ate. It wasn't as though she wanted him to leave. They hed been companions for years now, and she loved him deeply. She just wasn't sure she loved him in that way. And quite frankly neither of them were in a position to be thinking about that right now. They still needed to figure out what had happened to them, and maybe find a way to reverse it. If they reversed it, they wouldn't even need to think about that other thing.That sounded like a good plan.
Diego spent the day trying to deal with his powers, practicing. It helped channel his aggression out along with just venting at the stress and complications of it all. He had no idea if he would be like this forever. If they were, and then what? They were a lot of complex questions and the idea that it would end potentially seperating them bothered him a lot.For hours he practiced every move he could think of. Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Iron Tail... he knew a lot of moves and even those he could not remember what Pikachu could learn, he would try and figure out for later.However, he did see some mysterious figures walking around and the odd scent of something not quite human nor Pokemon was around.When it was sunset, Diego was walking to the house. He did not know what to expect, but he braced himself nonetheless...
Sophia had spent the day in thought. She took advantage of her solitude, using the bathroom's full length mirror to better inspect her new body, and, when her curiosity got to great to hold back, fingered herself to completion in the shower, experiencing her first real orgasm as her pussy clamped down around her fingers and her free hand gripped at her tits. She had gotten more used to thinking of herself in these crude terms, and even found it somewhat fun.Fun aside however, she kept returning to the question: what to do now. As the hours ticked by she steeled herself to face Diego. She resolved that should things spiral again, his fledgling skills were no match for her own, and she would not hesitate to use them, should she feel threatened. She kept the bedroom door open, a refuge to hide in should thing go wrong, furniture ready to barricade herself.Then, she stood in the living room, and watched the door, and waited for his return.
Diego opened the door and looked to see Sophia was there. He was tired and sweating, having an almost musky scent to him. However, he was not sure how to feel about her given how she was here. Was it because she wanted to be here? Or was it because she could not take care of herself and needed him? "Hey," he said to her as he nodded to her before walking past her and going to the shower."Tomorrow we continue to the lab and talk to the professor," Diego told her before going inside the bathroom Despite the shower having washed it away, he could still smell her scent. However, a punch to his side provided fresh pain to distract him from that and he just showered in relative peace and quiet.He dried inside of the bathroom before stepping out. "I'm guessing you still want the bedroom then?" he asked her tiredly.
Sophia balked at the casual way he just strode right past her. She made no attempts to stop him however. Part of her still wanted to avoid the inevitable confrontation, and she didn't have the courage to start one. And besides, if they went to the professor, perhaps they would be able to help them, or at least have some people around in case things went south.She waited in the living room hor his return, arms crossed meekly in front of her, looming near the bedroom door. When he emerged, she tried not to look to afraid, not wanting to put him on edge. She just nodded at his question and retreated into the bedroom, standing rather awkwardly just inside the door frame in case he wished to say anything else.
Diego sighed before he looked at her. "Sorry about everything," Diego told her. He was not an idiot, but if this was going to be a problem. Might as well get it out of the way. He sighed before he went off to leave her alone. He felt their bond was being jeopardized, but he did not know anymore. He could no longer hug his partner of so long and that look she sent him...He stared at her, wondering if there was anything she would say to him or otherwide. It was the look she shot him. One of fear.It hurt."Good night," Diego told her before laying on the sofa. He felt not just physically tired, but he felt also emotionally tired by the whole thing. He hoped going to the professor would bring out some answers...If not... what would he do?
Sophie watched him intently as he took his place on the sofa, mulling over his words in her mind. Deep down she knew he would never hurt her, not willingly. It was unwillingly she was worried about. Pheromones can be strong."Good night..." she half mumbled, her throat hoarse and heavy with exhaustion. She withdrew into the bedroom, barricading herself inside her save haven, and fell asleep hoping tomorrow would bring about a better day.
The next morning brought some relief, at least with the promise of a brighter tomorrow. Beyond that though, Diego did not feel much change. He got up and kicked on the door. "Come on, we better get going," Diego told her before going over to eat breakfast by himself. This tense atmosphere between them was drudgeful and painful, but he did not want to bother her.He still made her breakfast, because he was a sentimental fool who still cared. He stepped outside the house and waited for her. He put on clothes, despite it feeling a bit weird, maybe it would be to try and maintain a sense of normalcy,
Sophie awoke with a start at the kicking, scrambling to face the door, hand outstretched and ready to fire off a Confusion. As her sleep ridden mind finally processed his words, she clutched her outstretched hand, feeling a little embarrassed about her reaction. She got off of the bed, and got dressed, not even bothering to check if any other clothes than the ones she had had when she transformed fit her.She waited by the door until Diego was outside, then emerged, leaving the bedroom door open just in case. A rumble in her belly reminded her that she hadn't eaten in quite a while, so she devoured both the breakfast Diego had made her, as well as a few other items she was sure he wasn't going to miss. Then, she steeled herself, and walked out the front door.
Diego had been waiting for Sophie to come over to the area. Granted, given how long it has been since she ate anything, she was likely eating more than just her breakfast after all. Hiwever, when she would arrive, she was still wearing her would be clothes. Once she was ready, he began leading her back to the lab.It was still pretty quiet and there was something he saw. Diego's eyes widened a bit. For most of the time they were walking, it was just silence... an uncomfortable silence from tension and he felt miserable not talking ith her."Sophie... I think we may need to confront something," he said, his eyes now wide as he points to what appears to be a duo of Mightyena walking hand in hand... The fact one still wore clothes and the other was nude with a collar seemed to indicate they were just like them.Was it not just them???
The walk passed in silence, Sophie deep in thought. She was hoping the answer to all her problems would be found at the lab. A foolish hope, but all the hope she could cling to.She was roused from her thoughts by Diego, and followed where he was pointing. A blush rose to her cheeks as she saw the shamelessly naked mightyena. So there were more of them, affected by the transformation? And this one was stark nude, showing no care for their state. If only she could be so lucky as to not care.Now she needed to find the professor, needed to know what was going on.
"I think that used to be a trainer and their Mightyena," Diego whispered, looking back. It seemed to imply that they were nit just the only ones. In fact, as they got closer to the laboratory, they would see more of them. Pokemon human hybrids. Most were just talking and trying to get used to things while a few others were freaking out.The lab meanwhile was seen bustling and Diego was leading Sophie toward it."Alot of people are taking this better than expected," Diego could not help but note.
"Better than expected," Sopshie mumbled, suddenly feeling very self conscious about her apprehension. If other pok mon were fine with it, why wasn't she? She sheepishly liften an arm to her opposite elbow protectively, eyes to the floor.She saw a few others however, who looked as worried as she was, which made her feel a little better. She wasn't alone in this.As she spotted the lab, she sped up, almost leaving Diego behind in her haste to approach.
"Well, there's no widescale panic or ruined buildings or riots," Diego noted, feeling a little better about this. However, he was wondering if most people were calm or if there was something else in regards about this.However, he was surprised to see Sophie fart toward the lab and Diego managed to outpace her becasue of his speed."Good morning you two," Professor Thorne said to them with a smile. It was the professor... though now as an Alakazam hybrid. His luscious beard was now matched with the Alakazam mustache and he was still in his lab coat and where. He looked calm as always."I was expecting you," he adds. They were after all, his usual guests over in the area,
Sophia stopped in her tracks. She should have seen this coming, but she hadn't. She looked around the lab, watching morphed assistants flitting about with stacks of papers and handheld devices of all kinds."Uhm... Hello Professor Thorne." She gave him a shy smile, still feeling a tad off balance. "I'm sure you know my question." Nevertheless she gestured at herself, her face a mask of confusion. "What is this? What's happened to us? How did this happen? Can we return to normal?" The dam burst, and as her questions flooded out of her, so did tears, as all her worry and stress and fear poured out of her.
"Use Calm Mind my dear," Professor Thorne noted to Sophia in the same way a father would to his child. He had known the pair since they were rookies after all."As for what happened, we are still developing the theories. However, it appeared that through some unknown organic substances, the line between humanity and Pokemon has been blurred. While the usual reaction has people transform into Pokemon they spend the most time with, other reactions appear to be more sporadic, fitting of personalities. Myself included. This may mean the nature of the transformation may supercede our current theories," Professor Thorne said, levitating in the air before deciding to levitate Diego and Sophia, bringing them closer to him to analyze."As for who and how, we are investigating that, including the claims of mysterious aircraft spotted days earlier that have been seen across the various regions," he added. "As for a return to normalcy... I am unsure. Barring perhaps a miracle from a legendary pokemon such as Jirachi or Arceus, this appears to be the new status quo," he says.Diego meanwhile went ans hugged Sophia, the same way he did back when she would be panicking or worrying about something. A familiar comforting gesture. "It's gonna be okay, Sophie! Whatever happens, we'll figure it out together, okay?" Diego said, wiping her tears."Though I sense something more utrgent troubling you," he says, looking at Sophia. | 45 | ['Sophia'] |
49 | | The Colors Of Dragons [East X Izzy325] | The last year had seen dragons burn, and a world grieve, it was a passing of an era, any man woman and child could see that. For two hundred years, Balerion the dragon Aegon the conquror brought with him from the land Valeria had helped to defend the world, and now it was gone. Along with it's many children, of the host of 19 dragons. Now they had 10, with the largest of them was still strong and powerful, but they had been declining even before the blackfyre's had fought for the throne.Now the largest was dead, and Averis Blackfyre felt a lot like the smallest dragon at the head of the table. He was forcing himself to smile, the last night had brought an end to a war after all he should feel relieved, he would get the throne that his brothers, his uncles, and his mother and sister had all fought for. Yet this was no victory dance. It was an awkward celebration a feast surrounded by enemies. His banner, the black dragon on a plain of red, was behind him, and would be set aflame after the celebration was done. His wife's to be banner, the one that his entire family had died to try to get rid of, would remain, the 'proper' red dragon on a plane of black.'Fire and Blood' the words of the Targaryen would also remain, while he had been told not to speak his own families chosen words. The meisters wanted such things lost to history. The Red Keep was nice, he had never actually been to Kingslanding before, he had spent his life on Dragonstone after the Blackfyre's had liberated it and used it as their base of operations. He could feel eyes on him, and he couldn't help but wave nervously.His green eyes, and darker hair were traits born from his mother. Though he did have his father's pale features, strong jaw, and the tall frame of a targaryan all things that stayed with them even when their blood was 'diluted'. His eyes strayed over the host of the tables, he could pick out at least 3 women whom he would rather sit beside, but if he so much as looked to touch another woman right now, last of his blood or not he was going to get his hand chopped off. So his hand was forced, and he would have to marry the woman sat beside him. He looked to her, briefly before breaking eye contact and looking back at the meal he could barely touch. They had never spoken before, he didn't know anything about her other than that she was the enemy.And now she was going to be his wife.
Much of the world had changed since Aegon the conqueror first took over the seven kingdoms. There was war and blood between houses as all of them tried to take power for themselves. Much of the fighting wasn't even fought with swords and arrows. The political animals that existed in Kings Landing seemed to inhabit the capital loved the fighting more than the armies and troops. One thing that many learn growing up in the noble houses is that no matter how 'civilized' these people were. These Lords and Ladies they loved nothing more than bloodshed and power. Anything they could do to take more for themselves was done. Often without a second's thought to the people who would be impacted the most.Emilya Targaryen knew how to play the game. She knew what she needed to say and who to say it to. Albeit the girl was still learning but she was quick on her feet. If nothing her family taught her to use her strengths to her advantage. One thing that was instilled in Emilya was her beauty. Even in the room she sat in she was undoubtedly the most beautiful girl in there. Her silver golden hair cascaded down her back in beautiful thick waves that framed her heart shaped face. Her bright violet eyes contrasted sharply with the smooth and pale skin. Her body developed into full womanhood.Her grandmother was one of the most politically savvy people Emilya knew. She taught her everything she knew. She coached her on what to say. But she also told her what to do. Which is how Emilya found herself in a undesirable predicament. Next to her sat the man she would marry soon. The man she would spend the rest of her life with . The man whose family most recently tried to kill off her family. But that was something everyone in room conveniently decided to ignore.Emilya turned and looked at Averis. The pair caught each other's eye and quickly looked away. But one thing the girl tried to do was make sure that she didn't show any fear. In front of the people they had invited but also to each other. They didn't know each other yet. How could she trust him? In fact, how could she trust any of them? The girl opened her mouth to address the man sitting to her. "Averis..." she trailed off not sure what she could say "How are you? I'm sure these past few months and even years have been hard on you and your family." She wanted to seem sympathetic but also to gage where he was at. Was he angry? Hateful? Happy? Apathetic? She needed to know.
She spoke to him? He blinked for a moment thinking that maybe he hadn't heard his name called, but then she asked him how he was in the moment. The months and years had indeed been hard on his 'family' House Blackfyre were all of the targarian's bastards, which meant that the majority of them were cousins and not real true born family. But when they had been legitimized the entire group of them had been quick to form bonds. Since he had been the previous kings bastard he had been the main line of the family, along with his two elder brothers, his sister and his mother.All of them gone now. He sighed and closed his eyes, sorrow was a better word to describe his demeanor when she asked him about his family. He let out a deep mournful sigh as he picked up his glass of wine and sipped some of it, the music helped, but it didn't matter really, he didn't want to get drunk on the wine or on the festivities, he didn't want this feast. "Emilya?" He asked her name for a moment as if he had forgotten it, and then looked at her, she did have a sort of beauty about her. "I loved my family, but they are gone now." He spoke with a soft sigh as he leaned back into his seat.When he opened his eyes he looked to his 'wife' looking her over for a moment, he evaluated her with a soft eye, trying his best to think about how to approach her. She was such an unknown and yet she was asking about his family. "I'm sorry for yours as well. For what it is worth I didn't really want this." He said softly, he needed her, at least half the armies of the kingdoms were loyal to her, he had no idea what would happen if something bad were to happen to her. Yet at the same time he had no idea if she was planning to get rid of him.Their families had killed one another. How could he trust her after that?
He missed his family? From what her Grandmother told her about the Blackfyre family the only thing they cared about was getting more power. In fact, she told her that they might even kill each other to get what they wanted. Emilya didn't know who to believe. She knew her Grandmother was cunning but she always had her best interest at heart. She knew nothing about Avis. Was he saying this to win her over? Did he think she would be ruled by her emotions? Or was her truly a rare find in Westeros. A man who actually allowed others to see his emotions. Only time would tell.But they needed each other so what he would gain from lying she had no idea. Her Grandmother brought her up to believe that everyone had an ulterior motive when they did something. Rarely was something done at face value. The look in his eyes told a different story though. Not one of cunning and bloodshed but rather of pain, sorrow, and maybe anger. She could sense that even if they couldn't trust each other just yet that he might not be as evil as her family told her."Thank's been difficult but hopefully the bloodshed is over." They both knew that wasn't true. The way their families craved power it wouldn't be long before there was in fighting amongst themselves or with another powerful family. Although Emilya pitied the fools who would go against a family with dragons. After Emilya said it she couldn't help but laugh for a moment. She knew it was a ridiculous thing to say. "Sorry, I'm not mad. It was just the thought of them never fighting again was laughable." The party around them was in full swing and it looked like it wouldn't be ending anytime soon. "It looks like they are having fun...despite the fact that they were only just trying to kill each other not too ling ago."
The bloodshed was indeed over and done with. Yet the way she laughed made him a touch uncomfortable. Her blood was fully targaryen which meant that only time would tell if she was as insane and depraved as the worst of her family. Every time one of her line was born the gods flipped a coin to see if those around them would suffer. At least that was what his family had told him time and time again, so he couldn't settle down. Not while the kingdom was split fifty fifty. Yet she was right the idea that these people would never come to blows again was laughable cause there was no doubt that if either one of them died by accident than the six kingdoms would split down the line again ready to spill each others blood at a moments notice."This party is honestly a bit much for my taste." He poked at his food for a moment watching lords ladies and servants all around dance to music, feast and drink. at least they could find some sort of comfort in this show, but he was stuck in his chair along with her. He knew full well that this party wasn't for them, it was for the people who had died in the conflict finding relief now that there weren't people willing to try and set the kingdoms aflame with dragons fire. "Still I don't think anyone would listen to me if we tried to put a stop to it." He shook his head, they were king and queen and yet no one was going to listen to them for a while.cause after the wedding would come the bedding. Normally it would be the highlight of the night. A chance to see his new wife, but after everything that happened it felt more like he was going to be forced to rape her even though he himself didn't really feel like having sex. He paused to get a drink, should the two of them talk about that? He felt worry in his gut for what would come next, but he didn't know what to say. "this is more their wedding than ours I suppose." He said with a laugh. | 5 | ['Balerion', 'Aegon', 'Averis', 'Blackfyre'] |
50 | | Kingdom Hearts - Under the Back Cover (@Koibito x @Princess Kaylin) | Kingdom Hearts Under the Back Cover Koibito x Princess Kaylin A kingdom hearts roleplay of various characters through the timeline of the series Hopefully Xehanort and his multiple versions of himself don't screw with it anymore. KoibitoMay 13, 2019It was the age of fairy tales. Long before the worlds were headed towards their ultimate fate, long before the world itself was at the brink of ruin. Light filled the vast land and peace was abound. The Light fought the Darkness, young wielders of the Keyblade a powerful weapon of light that struck down the darkness that would harm those around it, as well as cultivating the light itself to preserve it.The masses of Daybreak Town, where the light was watched over and cared for, were mainly made up of these young warriors who fended off the dark.The young residents, members each of one of the five Unions that presided over Daybreak Town, received missions when they were needed. Sent off to other worlds where the Darkness plagued to take back the land and gather the light.Today's was a trip to the Dwarven Woodlands. A small party had set off on an average Heartless clearing mission, eager to prove themselves to their Unions. The party got separated though, only two of the members were nearby a young boy by the name of Akihiko, and a redheaded girl he remembered from earlier, that he now saw being overwhelmed by a couple of the Heartless.Red and white shoes padded the dirt path rapidly as Akihiko ran for the young girl. He brandished a simple Keyblade, the hilt that surrounded the handle being blue in color, with the blade being a single rounded shaft with a star like formation for the key teeth. The tip was a mounted sphere and a small point came from the other side of the teeth, and it's keychain was a hollowed star symbol. Rearing the weapon back, Akihiko leapt at the Heartless coming from behind the girl and swung strong, and true. The small shadowy creature dissipated in a single strike, as the redhead in white fought off the one in front of her.Letting go of his Keyblade for now, letting it disappear from his grasp, the boy turned around and rubbed the back of his head through short, wavy, dark green hair. "Hey, you okay?" The boy asked kindly, however... He didn't notice another couple of shadows forming behind him, signalling that more Heartless were appearing."Watch it!" Another voice called as another young man vaulted around Akihiko using his shoulder, to jump behind and in one swipe take down three Heartless that were about to jump the two."You two alright?" The silver haired boy turned back, giving a thumbs up and a cheery smile.Akihiko's calm expression slumped with a furrowed brow at the other boy who just showed him up in front of a cute girl. Though, he didn't recognize this kid from the party he'd started out with, was he out alone?"C'mon, there should be more up ahead!" he told them before sprinting off leaving the two to take on more up ahead and maybe help out more Keyblade wielders along the way.Akihiko straightened the thick collar of his short sleeve red and black top as he looked back at the girl. "Should we go help?" He asked, before the two ventured towards where the other boy went, and unbeknownst to them towards another wielder that needed help.Princess KaylinMay 15, 2019 As the stranger was speaking to the red head, the camera would slowly pan into her eye as she stood there hesitant with a stick in hand. Twenty Minutes Prior "Get Kaylee out of here!" A man in a crown and a dark blue emblem cape swings his arm as he keeps his sword facing forward with black goo dripping off it and sizzling into smoke. An old guard nods his head as he grabs the redhead's arm, "Come along princess" An old white haired man with a scar and wrinkles started to walk rather quickly towards the throne and pushes a switch before slowly moving down the stairs cautiously. The long red hair from the child lingers as she reaches for the man who now was engulfed by several black shadows tearing at his armor and trying to climb into him. "DAD!" She is pulled far enough in as the floor begins to shut. A massive shadow of a creature reaches as the floor closes just in time before it could get in. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" The guard kept moving forward as he arrived to a sealed door. " need to go....I know how to open the doorway but you are not safe here...." The girl kept crying as she yanked her hand away looking at the strange markings on the walls. It showed cloaked figures and one with a book in hand releasing those of shadows. "I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT ABOUT MY FATHER! WHAT ABOUT THE KINGDOM!" The guard growled a bit as he took out a small lion statue, "This is your father's heirloom from his father and now it is yours....the prophesied book drawn on the walls were to bring things from the days that have not speaks of a threat and of are to leave this world through the door." Kaylee snaps as she holds the figure tight. "I AM NOT LEAVING ANYONE! FATHER AND THE OTHERS NEED..." The door above being broken in. The guard glares as he points with his sword, "THE DOOR IS GOING TO OPEN YOU NEED TO GET THROUGH.." "BUT I CAN'T LEAVE FATHER OR YOU OR.." "DON'T LET OUR LIVES BE IN VAIN GIRL NOW GO!" As the guard spoke the door blasted open and heartless started to swarm. A bright light seeped from the cracks of the door behind the two as it opened and started gushing inwards. The guard turned kicking Kaylee in the stomach leaving a print on her blue silk dress as she fell backwards and the door shut. The last images she saw was of her father's guard being covered in black alien looking men. "SIR RODRICK!" Kaylee fell through as she hit a bunch of leaves and branches. She grasped a branch dropping the little lion statue below her. The branch cracked a bit as Kaylee let out a scream falling below. She felt a sharp pain as she looked over seeing the little lion next to her broken and a key chain looked like a small key with a lion head dangling off it by the chain end. She would reach for it trembling as she paused hearing loud rustles. "Shit.....what am I to do now..." Two black smoke figures came out of the bushes. One of them leaped as its black antenna things curled towards her. She felt its hands on her shoulder as it clung onto her. Kaylee screamed as she reached grabbing a stick and swatted at its side. The creature puffed a bit of smoke as it stumbled off and started to sway. "KEEP THE HELL BACK!" She swatted at it again before grabbing her father's statue now keychain and turning holding the stick. The camera zooms into the princess' eye as a reflection of a heartless leaps at her yet again. The time fast forwards into the events that transpired back to the moment of the fateful meeting of two hearts. Akihiko straightened the thick collar of his short sleeve red and black top as he looked back at the girl. "Should we go help?" Kaylee swallowed a bit still standing holding the stick tight. She looked at the area the other one ran and back to Akihiko. "I uhm...uh thanks.....and I mean those things attacked my home....where the hell are we and why did blondie charge ahead like he is some kind of boss." She pauses as eh turns red noticinging Akihiko's face. "Look uh...I do not know where we are but...I need to get father's kingdom is under siege from those things....and they are not stopping..." The princess fixes her silk blue dress as she notices the tears on the hem and bottom skirt showing a bit of her leg. She would quickly cover it up and then rub some of her tears from her eyes. "Guess we do not have time for introductions...." Kaylee would follow the stranger into the darkness towards the fights ahead and the allies in need. KoibitoMay 15, 2019Akihiko jogged with the red headed girl in white who wielded a Keyblade like him, even more gracefully so as he'd seen before he'd saved her back before he got showed up by that other kid with the silver hair and red scarf. Didn't matter to him, that guy went on ahead and Akihiko got left with the cute girl in his party.As the two ran ahead, the dark green haired boy looked to the girl, "name's Akihiko" he told her, "yours?"Catching up to the boy from before, halted for some reason, the two came to see a young girl about their age being helped up by the silver haired kid."Name's Ephemer" he told the newly reunited group as Akihiko and the other girl approached, "get behind" said Ephemer as he held his own Keyblade out. A golden shafted blade with spread, decorated teeth swiped away the Heartless like nothing as he protected the girl.Akihiko pulled forth his Keyblade once more and stood to fight, but as one more appeared Ephemer had another idea. This shadow was bigger than the others by a small bit, it's body thinner and longer, with a more imposing frame. This was a Neo Shadow."You take the girl and hide, we got this" he motioned to the girl dressed in white that had followed Akihiko. At first Akihiko was going to protest, why should this punk get all the glory and show him up again? But it was then that he realized he was charged with protecting an innocent girl who herself was rather cute. It was a done deal.After hesitating for a moment Akihiko nodded, he took the girl's wrist and ran with her urging her to keep up behind. Swatting away a couple Heartless with his Keyblade, Akihiko pulled the girl with him into a thicket of roots coming down from a tree above them. "Okay.. Here's good" he said, looking in the distance to keep an eye on Ephemer's fight.The Neo Shadow dodged Ephemer's first strike, "this'll be tough... You ready?" He looked back to the girl with him.Princess KaylinSaturday at 1:08 AMStrelizia followed them as she spoke faintly, "So Ephemer and you seem to be saving redheads from a similar fate....must be deja vu for you." The pale skinned green eyed redhead smirked as she kept behind the two strangers. She kept a steady pace as she spoke,"Don't mind me....I am here to help miss....."Kaylee nodded her head taking a deep breath. She kept near Akihiko with a bright red face and an almost looked fatigued. As she rambled, Strelizia would let out a sigh,"Introductions can happen while we go to help the others in need.....I am is a pleasure to meet both of you."Kaylee blinked as she swallowed a bit,"K...kaylee....." She closed her eyes for a moment as the group caught up with Ephemer."Where...are one answered..." Strelizia spoke faintly,"We are in the woods outside of Daybreak Town.....many worlds cross here....seems like your's had a door to this place as well."A loud roar sounds in the woods....the thuds were getting closer as a shadow started to emerge. A dark figure in a cloak was in the distance speaking to some heartless from the book, "Find the heart......she couldn't have gotten far."She loooked to Ephemer,"Ephemer.....I am not sure but I do not think it is smart to have this woman with us....I think the trouble is attracted to her."She glances back as she holds her hand out and summons a keyblade. Strelizia steps in front of them as she gets to Ephemer's back slashing down another heartless. The big one slowly moves through the woods as the strange man steps through the shadows and vanishes. "Ephemer's right....take the girl and get out of here...whatever she is they want her heart!"She slashes again at another one stumbling back as she bumps into Ephemer."Akihiko get her to safety now!"Kaylee shook her head as she felt herself being yanked. She glanced back as the two fought while Akihiko took her away. The princess breathed heavily as they finally made it to safety,"We....we need to help them...."Strelizia glances as she sees the Neo shadow appear and start fighting with Ephemer. "Ready as I will ever be....just try to keep up."KoibitoSaturday at 1:26 AM"Aha" Akihiko chuckled at Strelitzia's comment as they arrived on the scene, before she pranced around the boy to speak with the young girl. She seemed bright as the light they were protecting but confident in her innocence. Most of all to Akihiko... She was beautiful!This new girl, Kalee, she too was rather cute he noticed as they dove under the tree roots. When she worried for the two, Akihiko shook his head, "nah, they got this" he assured her. The boy didn't want to admit it but that silver haired kid, Ephemer, he was stronger than Akihiko and it seemed so was Strelitzia.Ephemer stood back to back with Striletzia as they faced down the Neo Shadow and a couple more small Heartless. He grinned at the other's bravado, "will do" he answered as he leapt forward and ducked an incoming claw. Ephemer sprung back up however and slammed the flat of his Keyblade against it's claws to hold against them with a slight struggle, to expose the thing's midsection."Striletzia!" Ephemer called as he swung upwards to fling the creatures arms above giving her the shot. At the same time the boy with the red scarf dashed the opposite way towards the other Heartless who faced Striletzia at first, taking them all out again in one swing. If Striletzia could follow through, they would make quick work of the Heartless and would be safe."You... Said you came from a door?" Akihiko asked confused. It was a little odd, different from how he and others usually came to be in Daybreak Town. That was just it too, they weren't IN Daybreak Town, so how did she appear here? He'd have to ask his Union Leader about it, maybe this girl was important somehow.Princess KaylinMonday at 2:59 AMStriletzia watched as she ducked feeling Ephemer fly over her and taking out the threat. She raised her blade and rushed charging and slashing through the next three heartless before she stumbled and fell over something. The Neo Shadow smirked a bit as it had it's leg out tripping Striletzia. The neo shadow reached with it's hand as it raised the other starting to ready its claws.Strilezia let out a scream as she raised her blade blocking as it swung twice being deflected. It lost its grip as she kicked the creature in the stomach and rolled back near Ephemer,"W....what the hell....this one is tough...."She tenses up as she feels a finger scratch and cut part of her dress revealing her skin under the lightly armored dress."EPHEMER!....STAY....BACK!!...."Kaylee was shivering as she clung to her knees hearing the noises. She cringed as she heard thunder erupt above as if the skies were about to break at any moment." was some bright doorway hidden under my father's throne....but what about your.." She looked up at Akihiko as she went to speak and jumped from another loud bang from outside. She was now clinging to the boy if he didn't stop her and she was trying to hide her face,"I...I just want this day to end....everyone's dead...and they are still after me..."She had tears rolling down her face as she heard a few more thuds.Outside a darkside was moving through the woods. It's feet slowly move by the tree making the area dark as it pauses. It would begin to lower before it hears someone screaming in the distance. The creature turned and started heading towards the battle not far from there.KoibitoMonday at 11:24 AMStriletzia wasn't able to land her attack and the Neo Shadow Heartless swiped her barely. At her shout Ephemer spun around and aimed his Keyblade forward."Fire!" he shouted, as the tip started to glow, dancing magical light collecting at the tip of the Key where it flared up into a mass of flames that Ephemer shot in a single bolt at the Heartless. The cast spell crashed against the Neo Heartless, dispersing it entirely.Akihiko raised a brow as Kaylee explained herself. "Well... I kinda always lived in town, and one day I got a Keyblade, decided to join my Union, and I fight Heartless like them, that's how most of us came here actually" he explained, though it was little information for someone with no context. As the ground rumbled from more of the chaos, Akihiko embraced Kaylee as she clung onto him.'Oh man... This, this is great!!!'Akihiko thought to himself as he held the young girl. "H hey, don't worry it's alright" he assured her, "we'll get you back to town, Master Invi might know what to do" he told her.As the battle ended, a larger foe began to approach, were they not out of the woods just yet?Princess KaylinMonday at 12:39 PMKaylee tenses up as she shivers looking at Akihiko, "But...but your...AH" She cringes more as she hears the thunder and holds onto Akihiko tighter. As she clung to him the footsteps moved further away.Striletzia breathed heavily as she saw the neo burst into dust. She glanced over seeing Ephemer with the moonlight behind him. "Thanks Ephemer..." She stood up as she stepped closer with an almost bright red expression. She paused as her face turned pale. She gritted her teeth and charged in raising her blade towards Ephemer, "DUCK NOW!" She aimed it a little above his head as she shouted, "THUNDARA!!!!!" Thunder erupted from the blade as it launched into the now darkening sky. The clouds blocked out the moon as rain began to fall. The lightning bounced off the shimmers of droplets and became stronger before landing into something dark. Two eyes opened as a hand reached holding its face with a giant moan, "EPHEMER ITS A DARKSIDER!" She stumbled as she felt woozy. She glanced up as she noticed a cloaked figure hoping along the trees, "WOOOOO looky looky...that redhead is not the princess..." The strange man smirked as he leaned against the top of the tree he stood on. Lightning light up the sky behind him. "You two are not the targets...heck why did I even bother if she escaped.." He snapped his fingers, "Go ahead destroy or play with them whatever...our mission is on pause.."KoibitoMonday at 3:54 PMEphemer ducked just in time for Striletzia to cast Thundara, causing lightning to come crashing down against the large creature approaching them. "Crap" Ephemer gritted his teeth lightly as they all looked up at the gigantic Heartless."Dammit..." Akihiko grumbled as the larger one arrived. "This one's a problem" he muttered, "okay, Kaylee stay here I need to help them" he said before running off towards the battle. He held out his hand, Keyblade appearing within it as he joined the fight.Ephemer noticed the other boy and had an idea. He threw his Keyblade at the Darkside, it bounced off of it with a painfulthunkbefore Ephemer jumped up to catch it, getting the thing's attention. He aimed his Keyblade and looked at the other two."Everyone now!" he told them.Akihiko nodded and aimed his own Keyblade forward, and together along with Striletzia had she joined them, their blades began to glow as light shot forth, clashing against the Darkside to finish it for good.Princess KaylinMonday at 4:17 PMStriletzia screamed as she threw her blade stabbing it into and letting the keyblade blast light into the creature. It roared as it felt the three blades slowly draining its power and started to dissipate. It roared as it let out a cry and forced itself to reform. Kaylee blinked as she saw flashes of her father and friends dying. Then she watched as the three try to hold it off and started to panic. "They are going to's toooo strong...." She let out a scream as she rushed out and held her father's stone tight. "LEAVE THEM ALONE! YOU WANT ME TAKE ME!" She thrust her fist into the beast as she charged past Akihiko her hand glowed as a keyblade formed and blasted white light coming from her into the blade. She breathed heavily screaming as the light slowly pierced through the creature. The cloaked figure started clapping, "There she is....there's my pure heart....oh little how you have grown..." He was shouting down but Kaylee would grit her teeth. Kaylee closed her eyes as she screamed blasting a larger beam, "UNCLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME!". The cloaked figure watched as he saw them slowly dissipate the shadow. Kaylee gasped as she fell over sweating and the blade vanished. "My my my...getting you to reveal yourself was a bitch." The man hopped down as he glanced at the three figures near his niece, "Guess I will just take my niece and leave you three too it...." He would hesitate stepping over to her as he kept his cloaked hood on.KoibitoMonday at 4:46 PMThe Darkside was defeated, and the three plus Kaylee now stood. Akihiko smiled at the young woman, then to Striletzia subtly winking at her. The battle was won, at least they thought until they spotted another figure, a shadow?The three Keyblade wielders all stepped forward to fight, but the figure stopped and vanished as quickly as they came.With no darkness left around and the skies clearing, they were now safe.Ephemer pointed his Keyblade forward and cast forth a ball of light that expanded into a white portal before them. "Let's get back" he told them all.Once through they all said their partings for the day. Ephemer told Akihiko to meet him the next day if he wanted to help him with something, and he waved to Striletzia. "What was her name again... Stri.. I'll have to ask later" he mumbled to himself before leaving Kaylee with Akihiko.The dark green haired boy grinned to Kaylee, "let's go to my Union Leader, she'll be able to figure out how to help you out" he explained before leading her through town.They had started in a wide open town square of sorts. A large fountain rested in the middle with some shops and meeting halls around, the residential areas spreading outwards from there.In the center of town was a large castle, riverways spread from differing layers under the castle and the two approached. "Master Invi!" he called out as they approached the entrance, "Master Invi?" He called again, "we found someone who needed help!" He shouted, hoping to explain the situation efficiently to his Leader.Princess KaylinMonday at 5:56 PMStriletzia smiled as she turned hearing Ephemer hesitate,"Striletzia....nice to see you again...maybe I will see you around....this place is not that big after all...could say we are only the square. "She giggled at her obvious pun before waving and walking off.Kaylee breathed heavily as she was helped through the portal. She glanced at Ephemer and Akihiko as she was held,"W...what...was that....where is uncle....I heard his voice prior..." She felt as if she was in a daze. She clung to Akihiko's side as she felt him moving them through the town. She glanced upward as they made it to a castle,"Seems like home......mine is bigger." She smirked making the most awkward joke possible before she heard Akihiko shouting.Master Invi stepped out with her snake mask placing it on over her face. She held her chest a bit, "Akihiko...I'm glad you made it back in one know I get worried when sending anyone out.." She paused as she looked at the strange girl, "She looks exhausted... Akihiko bring her inside....I will get the potions...""Potions.....wait..I am fine..."She breathed heavily as she looked at Akihiko,"Why is she wearing a mask...""THAT IS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN....." She took a deep breath,"You are hurt and I am offering you a bed....please bring her inside...if she refuses then I will have to bring the supplies out here....we have to do something to aid that poor girl..."KoibitoMonday at 6:04 PMAkihiko chuckled at Kaylee's joke before master Invi appeared. "Master!" He exclaimed with a cheeky smile as she expressed a calm worry about the young boy. "Hah it's no problem!" he flashed a thumbs up confidently. Invi was always careful and quiet, as if always watching. She rarely if ever showed any larger emotion, but that didn't mean she didn't care about her Union."Huh?" Akihiko asked when Kaylee asked about the Forteller's mask, "Oh, they all wear those" he answered casually with a smile.Carefully Akihiko helped Kaylee into the castle, where a couple other wielders helped get her to the bed. "Master, that girl she said her name was Kaylee she sorta just... Appeared out of nowhere, that's weird, right?" He asked, trying to give all the information he knew, even if he wasn't the most articulate."Also the Heartless were taken care of!" He exclaimed proudly.Princess KaylinMonday at 7:46 PMKaylee frowned as she was brought in by strangers to a bed. She felt herself being helped drink some green liquid as she moaned. The princess looked over as she was told to rest closing her eyes drifting off.Master Invi blinked as she spoke faintly, "Strange......she came from a door...." She rubbed her head as she muttered, "I will need to talk with the other masters.....this does not sound normal....did she say where she came from?" Invi took a deep breath as she placed a hand on Akihiko's shoulder, "I need you to look after her...I will ask at the next meeting if we can bring her in to talk to....Maybe she knows about the peak of those shadows."KoibitoMonday at 8:47 PMAkihiko held his chin as he thought back, "I... Don't think she did, sorry" he told Master Invi. When she placed her hand on his shoulder he looked up at her with a soft look, "is there anything I can do to help, Master?" Asked the boy enthusiastically.The boy wasn't the best wielder and he was a rather one track minded pervert, in fact he'd only joined this Union because of it being lead by a woman having picked before he had met Master Ava, but he was happy to do what he could and collect Light for his Union as well as help out the Masters in any way. He was a good hearted child if not a bit lecherous in nature.
One Week Later Master Invi nods her head to the other masters as she speaks, "Alright the reason I have two people waiting outside is because we had an incident a week ago....many have heard the rumors of a girl appearing from a door...we have found out she attracts the heartless and came from a different world. She also showed signs of a keyblade meaning she might have been one of those brought by the book to the present from the future....The master requested for her to be watched over....I conquer if she has them coming then she is in danger...and as others here pointed out." She glances to bear, "This puts us at risk as well....I know the dandilions wanted to take care of her so I will let you go out there to recruit her."Invi stood at the door as the others left past her along with a few going towards Kaylee. Invi gestures to Akihiko to follow as she walks back into the closed shop and heads to the kitchen, "Alright so I need to make sure you are ready to handle the princess.....someone needs to look after her...she may be able to use a keyblade but she is not a wielder..." Invi starts to prep food and cook as she pauses catching some whip cream on her finger. She smirks as she lets her greed slip a bit and spills it a bit on herself, "ooops...guess I need someone to show me the ropes on this...."She looks to Akihiko, "Now Akihiko...when a woman has the look of want and deliberately drops cream...what does that mean you do....not"Mean while Kaylee takes a deep breath nodding to the masters in her now stitched up dress. "Greetings...uhm..." She glances around, "Anyone see Ephemer I wanted to thank him." She pauses hearing several questions before feeling herself tugged rather protectively away from them, "Thanks....Guessing Master Invi had the meeting from all the questions....they do realize I do not understand any of this as well...and I want to go home right..."
Akihiko rested against the wall, hands behind his head for support as he awaited the meeting to end alongside Kaylee. The green haired boy looked over to her, smiling silently as the two waited together.The doors swung open and the five masters emerged. As four of them approached Kaylee, Akihiko's Union leader came to him. Invi gestured to the boy and looking confused for a moment, he followed Invi into the room.They were near the castle in a storeroom, boxes laid around the room leaving the middle space open. Invi retreated to the kitchen in the next room and came back with what seemed to be some whipped cream, speaking of Kaylee and his mission casually as the mysterious woman always did."Yes, Master Invi" Akihiko nodded at her request. He couldn't help but grin at the idea, he'd get to be protecting a cute girl, what was better than that?Suddenly Invi was interrupted as she seemingly purposefully dropped a bit of the whipped cream on the thick robes she and all the masters wore. Akihiko's eyes widened at her next question, it was vaguely known within their Union that the master would at times 'reward' the Union members, some were lucky enough to peek beneath her robes, though never her mask or hood. Was he... Was Akihiko about to be rewarded by a master?!"I know!" The boy eagerly raised a finger as if a light bulb just went off. All the masters wore layered robes but atop their shoulders a shawl of sorts with a hood lay. Akihiko reached underneath the shawl, reaching for her chest from outside of her long sleeved purple robe that came down to her hips, atop another longer robe that hid her legs. Slowly, the boy eagerly groped, curious of the master's chest. How big or small must she have been? The robes hid so much he was eager to see them fall piece by piece.
Invi let out a moan as she arched her back feeling him grasping her rather large breasts under her cloak. She squirmed a bit as she rubbed her back and butt against him. She felt the whip cream slide and fall spilling onto her slightly opened robe covering her blue mini skirt and bare legs. "Good first move.." She would wiggle more as she slid her hands behind her onto his sides feeling his hips, "Now what is the plan..."
Akihiko grinned from behind Invi as he had her by the chest, reaching up to play with the taller woman as her backside brushed against the boy. Already a bulge grew within his white overall shorts as he pressed it against her.So calmly she had complimented his move, she was the master here no matter what the young boy could do. "Master... Do I really get to do this?" The boy asked eagerly as he felt skilled hands reached back to play at his sides. Akihiko had never seen one of the female Foretellers nude before, his heart pounded in his chest at the idea, adrenaline rushing through him at the prospect of getting such an honor."I... Hmm..." Akihiko thought for a moment before a grin crossed his perverted little face. He moved from behind Invi to stand at her front now before reaching forward. The darker blue robe she wore atop seemed to part from the left, and so the boy reached for the wrap at her waist to loosen it before gripping at the folds to part them. Revealing a long robe of lighter color underneath. This one parted from the right, Akihiko pulled it apart as well leaving her arms covered and shawl untouched as he wouldn't dare, but robes open fully to him now, letting him view the master's body."I incredible..." Akihiko gasped softly.
Master Invi smirks a bit as she nodded to Akihiko. She would feel his hands starting to open the robe to see the white blouse above the mini skirt. She let out a moan as she felt him beginning to get aroused and press against her back. "Remember...the point is to treat the one you are being intimate with the utmost respect...treat them like someone who means the world...." She let out a moan again as she felt the robe now sliding off her. She would feel the hood tug with it and fall. Her mask was still securely on but her was an hour glass...very mature and was definitely a fully grown woman.
Akihiko nodded as he marveled at the body before him. Master Invi, a real woman, curved with decently plump breasts and a lovely round backside that he pushed flush against with the arousal in his shorts.Invi's body was exposed in full to him as the robes pooled around her feet. Akihiko reached up, as she was taller than the boy, and gently groped her breasts from behind her. He felt their weight in his hands, kneading and molding them softly is his grasp. He gently trailed his fingers over her nipples before he gripped them lightly between his fingers, giving a soft tug to them both."M Master...." Akihiko gasped softly almost to himself in amazement at the feeling of her. He let one hand leave her chest for now as it slid gracefully down her toned hourglass abdomen. His fingers brushed over her pubis as he gently felt between her lower lips. Clumsily at first, it was easy enough to figure his way around as he felt the small nub that was her clit and gently caressed his finger back and forth over it. | 7 | ['Koibito', 'Akihiko', 'Kaylin', 'Xehanort'] |
51 | | Necronomi-Nope (ZoneyGirl and TheShadowOne) | The young woman pressed her lips together as she stopped outside of the large house that was set in the middle of a forest. It hadn't been lived in for over ten years, since the last owner went insane and killed their wife ad than themselves. People were afraid to go near it, said it was haunted and people went insane when they did try to stay in it. It didn't matter to her, she was looking for one of a kind pieces. Things that stood out and no one else would have. She bought them for cheap. fixed them up and sold them for a higher price. Profit and that was how she liked it.Amelia as a young woman in debt for spending years in college. She worked part time at a diner and had an internship with a local law office as she worked to snag a better job and hope it would pay for law school. She made some money by selling antiques ad other unique pieces after buying them cheap at estate sales or similar things. This is what led her to the old brick house covered in the skeletons of ivy and roses.She pulled auburn hair back into a ponytail, grabbed her purse and phone and headed inside the building. A few other people were looking around the house. The rooms were filled with items and price stickers. People wandered around and took their time, picking up a few things that caught their attention. Amelia eventually found her way to the study.It smelled of dust, books, and leather. A large cherrywood desk sat in front of a large window that faced the backyard. Bookcases stretched across the walls full of books and curios in glass. A few mummified remains of creatures, a variety of bugs persevered in wooden boxes with glass covers. Antique knives and other odds and ends. It was a jackpot for Amelia. The one of a kind pieces she loved.Wandering over to the desk, Amelia ran her hand over the hand carved patterns in the wood. It was a beautiful desk and the price sticker only said two hundred bucks. With a new case of varnish, cover up some scratches and repair two of the feet she could triple her profit with it. She opened up the right hand middle drawer and her hands were drawn to a book. It had some grotesque almost human like face in the center of it. The leather looked old and was pinned back crudely. She couldn't take her eyes off of it, picking it up she paused. Her fingers grasped paper on the back, not more leather.A face of disgust as she flipped it over and saw the book had been torn in two. "Useless," she muttered about to put it down. She didn't know the writing it was in and the ink had a weird almost red hint to it. It still grabbed her attention, she couldn't put it down. Talk to the owners and see about them giving her the book with the desk and whatever else she would buy.Amelia sat back in the leather chair and flipped through the half of the book she found. A few pictures of terrifying creatures, symbols in blood. "Is this some book to summon demons," she scoffed at the thought. "Like it would actually happen," but Amelia wanted to find the other half of the book. If not to sell, just to keep it for her own collection.
Thomas sighed softly as he sat in his mother's lawyers office. He was listening to the old man drone on in a monotone voice as he read her will. He sighed a bit louder before speaking Enough of the stuff that doesn't concern me. Just get to the point that you called me here. You know me and the old hag didn't have much in the way of a relation ship. He nearly snarled at the old man. The lawyer blinked a bit before sighing as well. Very well, She has left all of her worldly possessions. She has two houses and a old building down town. He handed him all of the paper work for it. She does not have any debt so they are yours. She may have been a bitch in life but she knew how to take care of her family. Thomas took all of the papers and looked them over Anything else? The lawyer looked at him Yes, There is a chest in her bedroom bound in iron. She says do not open it. Do not move it. Do not even look at it. She said that it was cursed and will only bring death to those that open it He nods to Thomas.Thomas perks a brow and shook his head softly There is no such thing as curses or demons. He got up and shook his head softly. He turned and headed out of the office and then the building. He walked to his truck and climbed in God damn idiots and there superstitions. He mumbled to himself as he buckled up. He started the truck then shifted into second before pulling out into traffic.He headed to his mothers building in town to see what the hell is in the building. All the time growing up. He knew nothing about the other house or this building. He pulled into a parking spot before leaning forward to look up at the building So this is it. Huh, Walked past this place all my life and never knew she owned it He rubbed his head before he climbed out. He grabbed the packet he was given. He reached inside and grabbed the keys. He tossed the paper packet back in the truck. He locked it up before heading up to the door of the building.He looked up at the building What the hell could she of been storing here? He sighed a bit before shaking his head once more thinking it might clear his head. He tested the keys till he found the right one. He unlocked the door and walked in. He closed the door behind him and tested the lights. He blinked when they came on. Well damn, She kept the bills up to date He chuckled a bit. He walked through the building and sighed a bit seeing all of this old crap and furniture.He left the store and locked up before walking to the truck. He unlocked it before climbing in. He started it up and headed to the main house. He pulled up to the house before parking. He climbed out then headed right to the garage to see if his father's classic car was still there. He grinned seeing the 60's Impala Good, The hag didn't sell it. He walked over to the hiding spot for the keys. He grabbed them and unlocked the car. He climbed in and looked around. He started it and was utterly surprised to see that it was perfectly tuned up and running perfectly. Would she? He was wondering if she would keep it tuned just for his father. He sighed and revved the engine a few more times. He turned off the car and climbed out. He locked up the car and pocketed the keys. He would head to the house then unlocked it. He walked through the house and just looked over things for now. He stopped in his mother's room and down at the trunk he was warned about. I wonder what is in there He looked over the iron bands and frowned a bit seeing that the were strongly bound to the chest its self.He got up and headed back to the garage. He grabbed the angle grinder and headed back inside. He plugged in the tool before starting to cut the bands off. He had to be very careful or he may catch everything on fire. He turned it off once the last band was cut. He sat the tool aside before pushing open the trunk. He looked down inside it seeing a lot of old crap he could care less about. Old pictures, Old cloths and even an old gun his grandfather used in world war two.He blinked finding a folded up brand new cloth. It stuck out like a turd in a punch bowl when surrounded by the old stuff. What is this? He grabbed it and looked it over before he started to open it up. He blinked seeing a half torn book. He grabbed the book then tossed the cloth aside. He looked over the book Some kind of leather. Badly tanned at that. . It is still rough. He looked back at the papers and frowned unable to read the script on the pages Some kind of old writing He scratched his head then started to flip through the book till he found some modern paper stapled to a page. Looks like some one was working on it. He chuckled a bit before starting to read out the spell. He blinked a bit before laughing hard Wow, It seems that I found a spell book He shook his head softly and looked it over a bit more Wonder if it will be . . He blinked and looked around slowly when the lights started to flicker. He frowned when they went out Son of a bitch He grumbled. He got up and headed down to the basement. He checked the breakers before flipping the master one There He headed back to the room to look over the book.He tucked the book away in his jacket then left the house. He locked the house up and climbed in his truck to head home. He parked his truck and climbed out and locked it before heading into his house. He tossed the book on the coffee table and moved to the kitchen. He jumped when some thing slammed into the front door. He walked to the door and peeked outside. What the hell was that? He pulled the curtains aside and looked outside seeing nothing.He shook his head softly Must of been a bird hitting the door or something He rubbed his head before he headed back to the kitchen. He looked around a bit and frowned some more when he started to feel like he was being watched. He shook his head trying to ignore the feeling and reminded himself that he was the only one in the house. He grabbed the coffee pot and started to make some coffee when there was another bang against the wall that he was standing close to. He rubbed his face before he took a few deep breaths It must be a storm kicking things up He quickly finished making the coffee before heading back to the living room.He sat down and grabbed the back half of the book then looked it over. It only had two pieces of modern pieces of paper but only one was readable. The other was smudged in what could be either ketchup or blood and he was opting for the first. He sighed and tossed it onto the couch next to him before grabbing the remote No need to work your self up. He mumbled to himself.
The day was successful. Amelia had gotten several items from the house that would make her a profit. They were now in her garage so she could start working on repairing them. Getting them ready to be sold. Save for the half of the book. It sat on her dining room table in front of her as she stared at it. Her elbows propped up the table, fingers laced together and her chin resting on her hands. The book had snagged her curiosity, almost like ab obsession that formed since the moment she picked it up. The deformed face stared on the front cover stared up at the ceiling, but she swore the eyes in it looked right at her. They followed her as she moved around the room.She had emptied out the rest of the desk. It was mostly papers that weren't important. However she did find a dog eared, faded red folder with stacks of paper in it. They seemed to be translations from the book and than spoke of the other half. It was torn in half to protect the world from the evils within the book. The evils that could bring about the end of the world. They spoke of demons and spooks.Most of the papers wrote about a cabin and the events that transpired when the book was read years ago. The survivor had torn the book in two and wanted them to be far from the reach of the other half. It warned to not read from the book, never read from the book. While part of Amelia wanted to just read some of the transcribed works, the logical half that was telling her spells and demons weren't real. It was the feeling of dread that crept up her spine that kept her from doing just that.There was a sudden bang in her kitchen and the lights went out. Amelia stood up quickly, the chair she was sitting on being sent to the floor with a bang. "The shit was that," she muttered to herself and grabbed her phone. Quickly putting on the flashlight so she could see. She walked to her circuit breaks and found the ones that were out. Flipping them back on and her home power back on. There was something in the air. It wasn't good either.She grabbed the paper that gave the last known location of the other book and a phone number. She called it but got no answer, only the voice mail. She knew the area code, it was a few hours away. But something told her to explore it, to look for answers. She shoved the folder and book into a leather satchel and was out the door. Heading to the the location that was listed. She might be able to get some answers as to what it was. The other half of the book might give her answers anyways. She wanted them.
He frowned and looked around a bit as there was several more bangs on the walls What the hell is going on? He got up and walked to his office. He unlocked his desk and grabbed his colt m1911. He pulled back the slide before releasing it. He would head back downstairs and then outside. He grabbed his phone and turned on the light before starting to look around Any one there? If there is some one out there. Step out and present your self! He called out as he slowly turned a corner.He blinked a bit seeing nothing. He frowned and continued on till he ended back to the front door. He shook his head a bit then headed back inside. He grabbed the book and a few other things. He turned off the coffee pot then left the house. He climbed in his truck and sped out of his drive way. He headed back to his mother's house. He skidded to a stop then turned off the car. He climbed out and rushed inside then rushed up the stairs skipping two stairs at a time.He took a hard turn and walked up to the box where he got the book from. He tossed crap out and looked through it for any information on the book Why the hell would she have this with out any other information? He growled out softly. He got up and would continue to look through the crap his mother had collected over the years. He shook his head softly before he headed to his father's office. He dug through piles of papers and files. He jumped when there was a few hard bangs on the house God damn it! What the hell is that?! He walked to the window and looked out it. He looked around a bit before slamming a hand down on the seal when he seen nothing.He turned and continued to search but nothing was being turned up. He headed downstairs and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed the tea pot off the stove before filling it. If he was paying attention to what he was doing he would of noticed that the water was now blood. He turned off the water then put it on the stove. He turned on the flame before he walked to the living room and sat down. He grabbed the bag and dug out the book before starting to slowly look over the pages.He frowned a bit when he started to get a strange feeling again. He looked around a bit then sat the book down then got up. He walked over to the front door carefully as he placed a hand on his gun. He slowly peeked through the peephole. He relaxed when nothing was there. God damn, What has gotten into me? Reading a book will not cause anything. He shook his head softly. He walked back to the couch and flopped down before grabbing the book once more. He went back to slowly looking over the pages. He wondered what the words meant and what it was wrote in.He put the book down when the tea pot whistled. He got up and then headed in to the kitchen. He turned off the burner and grabbed the pot before pouring some into a cup. He dropped the pot quickly as he backed up seeing bloody water and a eyeball floating in it What the hell?! He looked at the glass then looked at the tap. He turned it on quickly and blinked seeing that it was just water. | 4 | [] |
52 | | The Darkness in the Light (Azecreth & PlatemailBikini) | Remnant. A land bestrode by darkness. Mankind clung to a tenacious existence, fighting for every inch that it could grab from the dark claws of the beasts of Grimm. Bastions of civilization shone on the four continents: Vale, Atlas, Vacuou, Mistral. Their walls were strong, and sturdy, and cities thrived beyond them as they carved out a trail through the darkness.But not all could be contained by walls, by rules. Many dreamed of a better life, and were willing to take the risks to go beyond and try to blaze their own trail. They established their own settlements, and tried to create civilization in the wilderness. Some survived, many died. For without the protection of the military of the Kingdoms, settlements were woefully undefended against the hordes of Grimm that could come upon them. To hear of a mass slaughter was not uncommon, when there were even survivors to limp back with their tails between their legs. Yet a few managed to survive, and the reason for that was the Huntsmen. Not beholden to any one nation, they could be hired to defend settlements from Grimm attack, so long as one could meet the fee.This was exactly the case when it came to the settlement of Amlaren. Situated in the foothills near the Kingdom of Vacuo, the warm climate was no deterrent to those who dwelt in the city. It had initially been set up by Dust prospectors, who had turned to mining various metals from the mountains themselves and shipping them back to the Kingdom for a tidy sum. This meant that they were able to foot the bill to have a couple of Huntsmen come out for security, especially when the last one had been seriously injured in a Grimm attack.That was whySarawas here. Boots crunched on stone as she walked down the winding path from higher up the mountain back towards town. There had been a small incursion of Grimm, nothing too difficult to handle for her. Especially not with her partner Kemuri at her side. The two of them had gone to school together, and since they had proven to be a good team they had stuck together when they became full Huntresses. Her polearm rested on her shoulder, a comfortable weight amidst the sweat and the beating sun from above."See, that wasn't so bad," she remarked, the first stone buildings of the village coming into sight as they walked along. "I told you this job would be fine." There had been a debate over whether it was worth taking this job, given there were better paying options, but her good nature had won out in the end. If everything was this easy, then it wasn't a bad idea.After a moment she glanced over, flashing Ri a grin. "So, got anything in mind now that we have some free time?" One never knew when another Grimm attack might come, but they probably had at least a bit of free time to take advantage of
Kemuri hummed thoughtfully, and stretched out her arms, thrusting her generous chest out as her back popped. "Well, after a fight like that, I was just going to visit that little massage parlor I mentioned earlier. Work out a few kinks, introduce the girls to some, you know, usual stuff. Then maybe hit the inn and drink a barrel of wine and shag whomever looks prettiest." Ri had somewhat of a one track mind, and often spent her free time either lazying about, getting drunk, or getting laid. Add to that the slight tent in her pants that she'd had since one of the serving girls a curvy, older woman with "bazongasthis big, I swear" had bent over a bit too close this morning and practically showed her chest into Ri's face. Something she normally condoned, provided one followed up on it.As they entered the town, a few of the locals gathered round, praising the huntresses for fighting off the grimm. Ri basked in the attention, making a big show of retelling the story to a few that clung to her as she walked. " And then I cut through the beowolf in one strike!" Her crowd "ooh" d as she drew herdaisho and swung them both upwards, mimicking her earlier attack. "But, another one had gotten into my blind spot", she whirled around, miming shock "And I didn't have time to block it's swipe!" The crowd gasped, one man asking "what happened", and she lept into the air, her body dissolving into black smoke, swirling around the delighted audience. She then re formed, dropping down onto the ground, her swords now combined into anaginata, which she thrust into the ground like a spear. "That's what I did!" she exclaimed as she stood up, raising her hands into the air as the crowd cheered.After her stories has run out, the crowd dispersed one by one, Ri putting on a bit of a show for the ladies, flexing her toned arms and shooting them flirty winks. As the last one left, she was standing in front of the Inn, and, coming down from her attention induced euphoria, realized that she'd not at all kept track of Sara.
Sara nodded as Kemuri laid out her plans, most of which involved the two subjects that were nearest to her heart. Specifically, booze and girls. Well, no one could say that Ri wasn't predictable, and it was that nature of hers which made her such a good friend. They knew what the other liked, they respected each other, and in the end it let them work well as a team. How many people could say that?They didn't have much longer to chat as the pair found themselves approached by a small crowd, eager to learn what had happened. With a small grin Sara made herself scarce, hovering nearby while allowing Ri to do all the talking. She seemed to enjoy that sort of thing, and she was really good at story telling too when it came to making everything look dramatic. She was doing a lot better at it than Sara would have anyway, so she didn't mind in the slightest.Eventually the crowd began to slowly disperse, Ri having exhausted her current repertoire of stories related to earlier in the day. They had wound up in front of the inn in the process of their walking, and once the crowd had dispersed Sara approached her partner, wearing an approving look as a hand rested on her hip. "Very nice," she remarked with an approving nod. "You practically had them eating out of your hand there." It wasn't too hard to imagine that Kemuri might have gone into a job in entertainment, in another life. Maybe something to consider if the Huntress lifestyle got too dangerous, perhaps.Having addressed that, she would turn to her goodbye. "Well, good luck to you tonight. I'm going to go and see if that merchant they were talking about showed up yet. Past that, I'll improvise a bit. See you in the morning, probably." With a wave she turned, heading towards the middle of town. She was sure Ri would enjoy herself, and she planned to do the same, once she had taken care of some business.
"Ah, there you are," Kemuri said as she spotted Sara approaching. "Well, have fun with that, and good night!" She waved her friend off, before heading into the inn to leave her gear. She always brought various gadgets and weaponry to jobs, like bombs and medical supplies and other useful tings, that she didn't need if she was just going to the spa. She took Yokare and Yugure with her though, never one to leave her precious blades behind.After a brisk walk, she found herself at the spa, and was greeted by the owner, an older, stately woman. She wasted no time in securing time with one of the girls, the daughter of the owner in fact, and settled in on the table. She was completely nude, her back arching as her massive tits made it impossible to lie flat. She didn't mind however. It would only help her in her ultimate goal of seducing her caretaker into giving her a "happy ending".The young woman took a double take as she saw the way the massive chest lifted her off the table, and wore a blush on her pretty face as she approached. Her service was deft, and much needed, and some flirty banter and some purposeful moans set the stage for when she was asked to flip over, and revealed her massive erection. Although clearly nervous, the young masseuse was eager to dig in, and began stroking the cock with the same skill she had used on her back. It was far from enough however, and Ri lasted far longer than the girl could have ever anticipated.In the end, they were discovered bythe mother, who had come to admonish her daughter for taking too long. A few well chosen words of encouragement, and a cheeky request for the girl to learn how to do her job properly, and she had the mother tending to her too. The two took it in turns to stroke, lick, suck, and eventually, ride her absolutely massive cock, and when Ri finally came, shooting litres of cum onto their faces and exposed chests, painting their already pale skins even whiter, she left temporarily sated and with a wish for her to "please come again".She never did learn the mother's name.Like the trip to the spa, the rest of her evening was spent as planned, beating the local toughs at a drinking contest and stealing their women, all three of which spent the night in her bed, getting sixteen inches of faunus cock up their asses. To avoid pregnancy of course...In the morning, she awoke in a pool of cold sweat and exhausted women, the best way to start a day. She picked the prettiest girl, a cute little blonde with fat tits, and left her one last load of cum on her belly, chest and face, before leaving them to wake up on their own. Once down in the tavern area, she sat down for breakfast, waiting for her friend to meet up.
Sara was waiting for Ri when she emerged from her room in the morning, her partner looking as confident as ever. There was no need to guess what she had gotten up to last night, even if she only had the vaguest idea of what her friend was like. That was partly the reason why she was here already, because she tended to wake up earlier.For her part it had been a successful day. She'd bought some supplies from the merchant who had arrived, just as she had hoped he would. Nothing too essential, but some extra Dust, some food, things that made being here a lot easier. Besides that she had taken the time to sharpen her weapons, have a nice meal, and just kick back and relax. There was nothing like it after a good fight. Even if she wasn't relaxing in the same way that Ri was.Though there had been one bit of unfortunate business, but she had been waiting to meet up with Ri so they could chat before addressing it. It did involve the both of them after all.As Ri sat down at the table, Sarah strolled over and sat down next to her, placing an order for pancakes and sausages in addition to orange juice for her meal. She was dressed casually at the moment, and stifled a bit of a yawn as she faced her partner. "Good morning. You look like you had a good time," she noted with a small smirk on her face. The only thing she was curious about was the number, though she had no doubt that Ri would fill her in on all the details if she felt like it.Once they had been given their drinks, she lifted her glass with a nod towards her partner. "To another day of living," she said before taking a sip. There were a lot worse places to be than here.
Ri yawned as a way of greeting her friend, using her hand to give her a casual wave that was immediately turned towards the waitress, ordering her own meal of bacon and eggs. She sunk back in her chair, spreading her legs wide and slinging her right arm over the back, never one concerned with proper behavior. "Good morning indeed." She gave a look about the room, noting the few glares she got from some of the locals, including one man who she had beaten last night. "I swear, every small town out here is the same," she said with a shake of her head, failing to hide a smug grin, "glares and jeers for the faunus. Then I take their wive and daughters and stuff them so full they can barely remember their own names." Ri considered it a form of vengeance on the humans, knowing she'd left a wake of faunus bastards behind her.She lifted her glass in mirror of Sara, giving her a nod in return. "Aye. To another day." She took a swig of her water, setting the glass back down. "Now, you look like you've something to say." She paused a moment, then added, "Five, by the way. The masseuse, her mother, and three barflies stolen from their braggart boys." She raised her arm, adding a literal flex to her point.
Relaxing in her seat, Sara hadn't really needed the number that Ri provided. But she also knew that she was going to get it anyway, as inevitable as the sun rising, Well, not that she could blame Ri for it either. That confidence was what made her a worthwhile partner. And the fact that she could handle herself in a fight helped too. So she couldn't help but chuckle a bit at her flexing as if the outcome of such a contest had ever been in doubt.She took another sip of her drink before answering. "Oh no, I don't. We've been together too long for me to have anything to say. But someone else does." She leaned over the table, speaking in an almost conspiratorial manner. "I was told that someone fairly noteworthy has been raising a fuss about what we've been doing." By 'us' it mostly meant Ri, for fairly obvious reasons. But Sara included herself as well, if only because they were a team. An attack on one was an attack on both of them. A grin came to her face, one that promised action and a bit off fun to boot. "I was thinking that maybe we should swing by and have a small chat, see what their grievances are and how best we can address them. If you're up for it."
Ri grinned. "What person would ever have a problem with us?" Her tone was light and mocking. "We who save the town from grimm and boredom in equal measure." She finished her meal rather quickly, wolfing down the food. "But sure, in the spirit of unity and friendship and all that jazz, we should definitely see what we can do to clear up this misunderstanding." Ri half suspected she knew the issue. Well, far more than half knew, but the question was if her race factored in at all. In her experience, people took far greater offence to their women being fucked when it was a faunus doing them. She sort of hoped for the latter. It would give her an excuse to see what women in this person's life she could tame. She might do that anyway, but it always tasted sweeter when they were racists.She waited for her friend to finish before rising. "In fact, my schedule is all clear. Let's go pay this guy a visit."
"I'm glad you agree," Sara replied with a grin. Somehow she was not surprised by her friend's reaction, and in turn she did her best to finish her food in a relatively swift manner. This was the sort of thing one couldn't leave festering for all too long. Otherwise it tended to inflate to an even bigger issue, and the next thing you knew you were being driven out of town on a rail. Best to avoid that if they could, while they had a good thing going.She was soon done with her breakfast, giving a content sigh before nodding as Ri suggested they go right now. "Sure," she replied before rising from her seat. The waitress would be able to handle the leftover plates, she had no doubt. So for now she left the inn, guiding Ri along as they made their way towards the house of the person in question.That ended up being one of the larger buildings in town, carved into a rock face and looking very ornate. Clearly the owner had quite a bit of money to spend, or was someone influential. Sara could only imagine what the inside looked like, given the effort put into the exterior of the multi storied building. "So, are we going to knock, or will you be using your patented 'knock down the door' strategy?" she asked as she glanced over at Ri. "If we're trying to be diplomatic I would suggest the former."
Ri scoffed at her friend's suggestion. "When have I ever strayed from the very picture of a graceful diplomat?" She then paused for a moment, holding up her hand, pointer finger extended. "Don't answer that, we don't have all day."Ri tipped her head backwards, looking up at the facade rising above the pair. "Fancy place anyway, shame to ruin it." While she may give of the image of a thuggish sex fiend, she would more describe herself as a hedonist with high confidence, and the key part of being a hedonist is appreciating the finer things in life. It didn't much matter if they were curvy girls with vaccums for mouths, or a luxurious architectural feat, she appreciated them all the same.Well, not all the same. A building can't suck her off. Still, the point was that it looked very nice and she was the kind of woman to appreciate that.She shrugged and knocked on the door, stepping back to await a response.
Sara rolled her eyes, just in time for Ri to amend her statement in order to prevent a snappy comeback. Not that it would stop her partner from trying. "Good cause I was about to ask whether those rumors about that shapeshifting Grimm were true, and what you'd done with the real Ri." It was one of those things people liked to tell ghost stories about, but no one had actually seen in a manner that could be confirmed.For now, having appreciated the exterior of the building, Ri knocked on the door. They had to wait for about a minute, before some muffled words reached them. Sara drummed her fingers across her hip as she waited, though she was confident that this was more annoying for her partner than for her.Luckily for all those involved, the door swung open before Ri got bored enough to just knock it down anyway, in spite of what she had said. A heavy sound of a lock being undone preceded it, before it swung open to reveal a young blond haired woman in a maid's outfit. She eyed the two Huntresses in a coldly professional manner before speaking. "Good morning. What business brings you here?" she asked, her tone and posture making it clear that she didn't want to have her time wasted."We're here to speak to your boss," Sara explained before glancing over at Ri. Somehow she expected that her friend would have a bit to add to that, given who the messenger was.
Ri smirked as she saw the maid. Now thatcould suck her off. She wore one of those classical maid uniforms too, the ones with the rigid skirt. Those were among her favorite garments. Just bend your paramour over and go to town, no fiddling with zippers of holding the hem up. This one looked like a challenge too, with that cold demeanor. Ooh, given the chance, she'd make hermelt.Realizing Sara was looking to her, she snapped out of her daydreaming. She looked from Sara, to the maid, and back again. Shit, that was her leaving her room for a pick up line. On the spot, her mind kept drifting to ones she'd said last night, but she doubt they would work on a professional instead of a bundle of drunk girls with shitty boyfriends."And perhaps you, if you're free later." She winked, adopting a more prominent posture.Not her best work, but too late for regrets now. She could still wing this! Later! Now was the time for business.
Sara managed to hold back any sort of reaction to Ri's pick up line, since it was one of the weaker ones she had come up with. Maybe the heat was getting to her or something. She was normally much more on the ball when it came to flirting with the ladies.Her attempt seemingly fell on deaf ears, the maid huffing and turning up her head at Ri in clear refusal. It seemed she would need to be worn down after all. Yet a few moments later she opened the door, stepping back and allowing them to enter the stone structure. "The Master is in the garden. Follow me please." Giving them one last, hard look, she turned and began walking away.Sara was quick to follow as they moved, admiring the tasteful decorations along the way. There were a few sculptures, stone work, murals on the walls, metal chandeliers, and the like. She had been worried about it at first, but it even seemed like the stone kept this place cool in temperature rather than overheating.. The money spent on it had definitely paid off.Falling back a couple steps, she glanced over at Ri with a grin. Of course she had no doubts that Ri would be watching the swaying rear of the maid, to the detriment of anything else. "Still a bit tired?" she asked, needling on the performance earlier. "It's fine, I'm willing to take her off your hands if you'd rather have a nap."
Kemuri bristled at the teasing, ears going flat against her head. "Hey, fuck you. One time I try to be professional for you, and this happens." Her features softened, and she smirked. "Guess that teaches me not to make that mistake ever again." She walked in silence for a bit, clearly enjoying the view. Then, she shrugged. "Besides, I can fix this. Real haughty chicks always bend in the end. Just give them some tension to play off, and they loosen up sooner or later."
"Sure, sure," Sara replied with a shrug as Ri assured her that this was a situation that was easily fixed. It probably was, given her skill with the ladies. The real question was how long that would take to happen, and how much effort she was willing to devote to it. Knowing Ri, it could be quite a lot. In turn she flashed her friend a wink. "Just save at least a few of the ladies for me, alright? I'm gonna start feeling lonely over here."If the maid in question heard what they were saying, she did a good job of pointedly ignoring all of it. If the challenge was half of the fun, Ri was going to have that in spades.But they arrived at their destination at last, entering a large room with a high vaulted ceiling. Stone pathways wound between green shrubbery and tall trees, while pools of water trickled down from waterfalls and burst out of fountains. It was a flagrant display of wealth when one considered the environment that they were in. Water was not the sort of thing that was cheap here.Nearing the center of the garden, the maid would bow respectfully. "Sir, the two Huntresses are here," she announced, before stepping off to the side to observe the proceedings. Which meant less of a chance to ogle her backside, but that was just a sacrifice they would have to make for now.The figure she had spoken to turned from the tree he had been examining, a small set of clippers in one hand as he grinned. He was on the heavier side, and he wore something closer to a gardeners outfit than fancy clothes, at least right now. There was no doubt that he had plenty of those, if everything else was any indication. "Ah, welcome, welcome. My name is Stanton. What can I do for our brave defenders today?"
"Worst comes to worst, we could always just share... Might take the both of us to handle this one actually." Ri chuckled, stretching her shoulders.Ri gave a low whistle as they emerged into the garden. Now this was her kind of place. Maybe an open sky, some more waterways, and she'd definitely call this paradise. All that was missing was a few babes in tiny bikinis handing out food and drinks, and she'd be set for life. At least until she got bored of it. She gave the maid a nod and a smile, mouthing 'thank you' as she stepped aside. Courtesy was important after all, and a lady like that needed to be treated a certain way.She observed the man. He seemed harmful enough, and she liked a man who appreciated nature. He also seemed to lack that almost instinctive twitch and look she often got for racists, so that was a good start. A beat passed after he spoke, and she looked to Sara, before taking the opportunity to speak."Hello Stanton." She put a hand on her hip, giving him a smile. "I'm Kemuri, Ri for short, and this is my friend Sara. We've heard some things about you, and figured we should have a talk." She left the rest of the talking to Sara, who actually knew what kind of 'fuss' he'd been raising.
Placing clippers on a nearby table, Stanton relaxed from his work as Ri introduced the two Huntresses. He seemed to respond well to how he was addressed at least, appreciative of the respect that they gave his status in the community. Though how long that would last was anyones guess, as Sara well knew. She already had some mental bets in her head."That's good to hear. I'm always in favor of having these sorts of matters resolved quickly and fairly privately. Prevent discord and anger from spreading, I'm sure you understand," Stanton replied with a warm look. Sara did her best to keep the same way, waiting for him to get to the point already. She had a fairly good idea of what it was, but Ri didn't after all.Stanton was quick to nod, though he did take a sip of some lemonade that had also been on the table before going on. "As for why I wanted to talk, it's fairly simple. I've heard of your non combat exploits in town, and it has me concerned. Not simply for the example that it sets, but what it could do to the morality of the town. I appreciate your willingness to defend us from the Grimm, but I fear for the example that it's setting for our youth."
As Stanton made his case, Ri's face fell slowly into a slight frown. Of course..."Stanton, you seem like a reasonable man. Hell, in some places, men with your position and power wouldn't even speak to me, and some have rallied mobs against me. But you seem reasonable, so I'm going to be straight to the point with you, and I apologize if this seems crass."She speaks animatedly, with many gestures and motions with her hands. Afterwards, she looks to Stanton, giving him an opportunity to react before continuing regardless of what that reaction is."I can't help it if women want to fuck me."She leaves the statement hanging for a moment."Now, I understand your concerns, I don't agree with them, but I understand them. Two good looking women roll into town and sleep with all your women, then leave. Now all your women have expectations you can't meet." She turns to Sara. "Sorry if I'm kind of going off here, but I've been thinking about this for a while now." She turns back to Stanton. "I know that I can be a bit of a flirt, but everyone I have been with?" She gestures around her, implying a group of people. "Have wanted to be with me. All of them."Finally she sighs, her ear flicking in annoyance. "So, what exactly is the problem?"
An eyebrow rose on Stanton's part as Ri explained her dilemma. Needless to say, that was the sort of claim that he wasn't buying. She might be a Huntress, but that was a fairly large ego even for someone like her. And certainly not an excuse he would accept.Meanwhile, Sara shrugged as Ri glanced back at her. "Huh," she muttered, giving a small shrug in turn. "That's more introspective than you usually are." Not that that was really saying much given the subject of her introspection, but she was somewhat impressed nonetheless.After a moment though, her surprise was placed with an amused smirk. "At this rate people might start thinking you're the smart one of the group, you know.""Of course, as long as there is consent I see no reason that you should not be able to live to your own wishes," Stanton replied, cutting in as he addressed the main thrust of Ri's finishing query. "What I am concerned about is the example it sets for the younger generation. Many look up to and aspire to be Huntsmen, and seeing the two of you acting in such a flagrant manner could bring about a certain moral.....degradation, shall we say? The standards of our society should be maintained after all."Huffing in spite of his congenial smile, Sara's arms folded over her chest as her foot lightly tapped on stone. "So what, you want us to be a bit more discreet?" If so, that was a losing proposition. Ri was never discreet, especially when it came to her conquests.The question was met with a curt nod. "Precisely," Stanton assured them. "If you are willing to heed my request, I would be willing to assist in ensuring your needs are met. You are our noble protectors after all."
Ri simply shrugged back at Sara. "I have my moments."One of her large vulpine ears flicked as Stanton finished and she hummed thoughtfully. "And what kind of assistance are we talking about here?" Ri liked the sound of his deal, she enjoyed a little bit of wheeling and dealing with the upper class , but she had some worries. "Because that is a very broad term with lots of different meanings. Some of which are better than others."The last thing she needed was to find out this guy was gonna pressure girls into something they didn't want. Call it egotistical, Ri was very proud of her ability to not just acquire lovers, but keep them coming back too. She neither wanted or needed some human to intercede on her behalf.Also, her veteran sense of danger told her there was a non zero percent chance this guy meant setting them up with sex slaves. She'd seen it before, idyllic little rural towns with a seedy underbelly. Or rather, a seedy top, since it was almost always the leaders. And slaves meant faunus slaves. That she couldn't allow.Still, she thought,let him explain himself before you get ahead of yourself. | 20 | [] |
53 | | She Betted Her Ass. (Princess Kaylin x Zeth) | "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" After a fierce trainer battle n the woods, DEREK STEEL stood the victor. He was a rising trainer who had met Jennifer on the road to Vermilion city. But after the fight it turns out this cute girl trainer had no money to pay for her loss. Well this was Awkward. "So you have no money? How are you going to compensate e for this loss?" He asked her bluntly. This wasthe first time this ad ever come up in his pokemon trainer career. He was not sure what to do ere really.
The girl with the black and blue short sleeve jacket, a light yellow top, a white skirt, and black boots took a deep breath. She returned her pikachu as she muttered, "Whatever....I don't have any money I know this.." She paused as she looked at the boy turning bright red. "Look how about a date alright...."
Derek looked at her ad blinked. "A date?" he replied. Did she mean a actual date? Wait! he heard of this. A certain manga where the girl said 'date'and actually meant sex! Derek also blushed and said,"Very well. We will go on a 'date'. I am free this afternoon." Even after saying that he wasn't sure how to go about this. Should they find an inn? or maybe just go in the forest and shag all natural? | 3 | ['Steel'] |
54 | | Where Titans Fall [ Wiki x Wikkit ] | Generals gathered in their masses " This is some realllllll shit boys!!"A voice came over the comms, some where between the chaos of the firefight and the blaring music from some place else.Issaccould care less, rolling through a window of this factory setting they were on. He put two bullets into a nameless, faceless enemy. The lad turned and moved down a hallway, not heeding any care to how the body flashed and broke apart into various digitized pieces, those also breaking and fading into nothing. It was a simple SIM training exercise he'd been guilted into helping them train more since he was about to graduate as an Elite Pilot from the academy. The black haired male, leaned over a rail, putting a kill shot in the dome one another enemy who had one of his brothers little friends in their sites. "Stay alert. . ."Just like witches at black masses Abigail inspected her self in her dorm mirror. After all this time, she was actually going to be an Elite pilot. They where going to get to choose a Titan. Meet their AI. It was happening. She turned and tilted her head. Long light red, pinkish really, hair in brushed back braid, swung from side to side as she moved. She still wasn't too sure which exact class she wished to commit to, since she excelled at each one equally. This was a dream come true, for her self and her family. It was a true honor. Also the fact she loved every second of it. Moving her waist length braid over one shoulder, she looked out the window at the base. By this time tomorrow this place would be a memory. . . She leaned against the window sill, sighing into the wind.Oh lord yeah!
Bellesighed, walking down the hall with his hands in the pockets of a light tanned colored jacket as his head turned to look out and up through the slotted windows that shines the rays of sun above them. He was already becoming close to done with at least most of the basic training stuff and soon he would become even more independent and on his own without harder struggles and decisions that he had to be much more aware of now...things would be different and ready or not he had to face them sooner or later anyway.Mitsuwipes the sweat off her forehead, 2 to 600 feet. Closing one eye, target moving left by 6 degrees. Softly speakig and keeping it in her mind before slowly moving her finger and firing with a loud ear piercing bang like a rail gun and a cannon firing at the same time as the bullet ripped the target in half at an angle from top left to lower right at the waist. hmph not bad....wonder about ripping them outward from the middle.... sitting up and looking around before deciding to try again as more loud bangs almost like the sounds of thunder radiated from her rifle as she fired again.
Tossing his pistol at an enemy, The pilot snapped up, bending one leg and delivering a brutal kick to one last soldier.END MISSION The screens of the pod flickered and fell away, mechanisms starting up and whirring to life to allow the students exit. Issac remained for a moment, contemplating the day. He wasn't even slightly peeved at having to carry everyone through that last SIM. He was set on the day and it's events. The day you got your Titan. More importantly, your AI companion. Having a far off stare for more then a few moments, he snapped out of it with a sigh and shake of the head. "Keep it together Issac. . . "He got out of his chair, moving to his personal closet to get his real life pilot suit on. He noticed a message waiting for him on the network. It appeared to be about the choosing. They'd moved it up to fifteen minutes from now. Cursing, he closed the SIM pod and dashed out his dorm, running full tilt to the docking bay where the new titans where located.X X X X X X X X X Blinking a few times, the rose haired girl read the message, flinging her arm in the air "IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!" . Yelling out her window, she raced out of the girls dorm, making a direct line of contact to Mitsu. "Did you just get that message?! They moved the ceremony to fifteen minutes till!! " Running down the hall, the girl, jumped off a wall and vaulting over a group of other students. She twisted her body, shifting her weight perfectly to maximize her jump potential. Landing, she bounced back into the sprint, working her arms and legs to maximum.
She turned hearing the voice, looking up at the other before turning and sitting up to stretch facing the building before packing the gun around her shoulder and walking out to change into her normal uniform as she wore a sleevlesss tank top with the heat outside being out in the sun a bit. With that she got a quick shower before changing into her normal uniforms and finally heading out then.Belle could hear the mostly familiar voice distantly in the hall, seeing he mostly forgot about it at all but at least being out for now so he could just head there now.
The door to the hanger burst open,Issacdashing towards where the Titans where docked at, withAbbyhot on his heels. The two looked to be utilizing their pilot gear to maneuver faster, expertly traversing the hanger through wall runs, dashes, quick jet boosts and general acrobatics. The male still made it to the station before the girl, though only by a breath." REPORTING FOR TITAN " Both stopped in unison, straightening up to attention and saluting. They remained there till the quartermaster gave them the go ahead of at ease.
And with that she could finally see the huge metal doors and the hatch design between them that usually locked them before moving through as the sound of footsteps could be heard by another women as she joined the squad before stopping to stretch and meeting everyone else, belle eventually arriving himself mostly the same way with no obvious rush.
Issac glanced over at the others, vaguely remembering their names. Though they had to be elite pilots to be here receiving this new breed of Titans. The specific AI's where another brand new concept, something not before heard of as of yet. Though incredibly useful in battle.Abby remained at ease, too preoccupied with the task at hand, it was always a dream to be a pilot, and today was that day.
Everyone mostly still stood, waiting for the orders then before eventually heading deeper into the hangars, four titans appearing at the end of the hall oddly but seeing that they had already those to be assigned to the latest pilots it would seem as they were oddly and finally met with the behemoths of an ion and two ronins along with the thicc boi legion. Mitsu gave a huge smirk now just looking up and staring at the legion as belle looked around. | 8 | [] |
55 | | (FF7)7th Heaven Fight Club(godfang+Anjeru) | Midgard was still a city falling apart, but Tifa did her best to make it feel like home. The martial arts fighter, after the incident with Kadaj and his brothers, had retired again to help Cloud run their delivery business. She had what most people would call a family, with Marlene and Denzel, but it wasn't all smiles. In fact, at times it frustrated the busty, black haired girl. Why? Because the man she loved as the most clueless creature she had ever come across.Everyoneknew how she felt about the spiky haired fighter, except him. Cloud played it off as if he had no idea she had feelings for him it wouldn't surprise her if he actuallydidn'tknow. Marlene and Denzel even called him dad and, even though they called her mom, he still made no hint to even being aware of her. This caused her large amounts of frustration.One day, when the frustrations had become more than she could handle, Tifa decided she needed a way to vent or else something bad would happen. She made flyers for what she called "7th Heaven Fighter's Club" where fighters could come to test their skills. Tifa established it beneath the city, making it an underground fighters circuit save the few flyers she passed, the clubs whereabouts were spread by mouth to mouth communications. It became a popular thing among the city's thugs and 'bad' boys, giving Tifa the chances she needed to fight to help her curb her anger at Cloud.Tonight was one such night that she needed to vent and vent badly. Tifa had dressed up and made dinner for Cloud, only to have him ditch her. When she called his cell, she, of course, only got his voicemail. She felt like a fool he had probably changed his mind again and just didn't feel like telling her for fear of being a disappointment to her. Tifa wore her old clothes tonight, the white top, black skirt, straps, and boots. She tied her hair in the long tail she used to have and today she brought her best pair of fingerless black leather gloves.When she reached the club beneath the city, the fighting was already well under way. A group of three thugs were taking on a formidle young warrior. She knew instantly the one would take out the three. Tifa had a sense about these things and, as she predicted, the thugs were on the ground bleeding in moments. The young woman padded her way to the center as the the thugs were dragged off and asked for any challengers to her title as the clubs ultimate fighter.A beefy, 6 foot 4 man stepped forth in thugs gear to challenge her probably one of those defeated thugs' friends, she thought. He came at her as soon as the music started, throwing a punch at her head. She dropped quickly and swung her leg out in a wide arc to trip the man. He fell, but flipped back onto his feet in a mere second. Tifa brown eyes narrowed and she smiled slowly perhaps she'd get a decent work out tonight.
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubKai was, and is a warrior at heart. Not content with his life as a Turk, He seeked out thrills at the most primal level, those of pure unarmed combat. Since the dawn of time, men and beast alike, knew what it meant to fight. To survive against someone or something bigger, stronger, was the mark of a true survivor in those times, and the pride of being one, was something all men covet. Even before he was a turk, Kai was a survivor. Born in the streets of Junon, he was getting into fights everyday. It seems to be a logical choice when he was recruited into the military. Around this time, Weapon attacked Junon, and it was due to his heroic effort in fixing the jammed canon mechanism, that the huge gun affectionately known as 'Sister Ray' was able to fire, taking out the weapons head.Ever since the war with Sephiroth was over, Kai was transfered to the turks, doing many missions on behalf of Shin Ra, in an attempt to keep order. Working as a turk, however, was different from being a soldier. It was about politics, and things that happens behind closed doors. Sometimes he wonders if he lost that survival instinct when he started doing this. It was when he heard of the underground fighting club in the slums that Kai felt his inner beast awakening. He would leave his turk suit behind, and came in, a humble fighter, eager to hone his skills. And said skills turned out to be far above his own expectations. During the course of three days, he has defeated no less than twenty fighters, each a veteran of the establishment. He can feel himself awakening to his primal side with each victory, and his nickname of 'The Fangs of God' was a testament to the respect he had earned.He never once, fought Tifa though. Tifa was somewhat a legend amongst turks, as the woman had survived, and even bested some of the best senior turks in combat, during the war with Sephiroth. Kai himself had heard stories about her skills, and today he's seeing them first hand. Sitting like a king, somewhere in the back, he took in her every movement, her every sway, fascinated by her in a pure way. Not once did his eye focused on her bouncing breast, or her shapely behind. He saw her as a fighter, and gave her due respect."Hey, fangs, You wanna have a go at her?" Asked one of the fighter that people called 'Hammer' due to his habbit of ground and pounding his opponents."Yes" Kai said with a predatory grin.
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubTifa ducked under the heavy thug's fist as it came towards her face. Her arm curved in, elbow on her hip, one knee planted firmly against the floor. Pushing herself up with her outstretched foot, she put her full weight into the thrust of her fist as she uppercutted the thug squarely in his jaw. Blood burst from his mouth and nose as the thug flew back away from her, straight into the onlooking crowd.She straightened herself as the thug struggled to get up from the wriggling pile of bodies. When he did, he spat out two teeth among blood, and glared at the busty woman. Tifa only responded with a small smirk. The man looked as if he intended to keep fighting, but his face was a mess and the other places she'd hit on his body were aching unmercifully.The thug spat again with a growl. "Fine," he snapped, showing his bloody teeth as he spoke, "you win this time, but I'll be back." Then the man slammed people out of his way and left, returning to the slums of the city.Tifa brushed a locke of raven hair from her dark eyes and peered at the, once again, awe struck onlookers. She was still the undefeated fighter of "7th Heaven Fighter's Club". Her frustration at Cloud had faded a little and she debated returning to the bar, but then she decided to go ahead and accept one more challenge to make sure she didn't punch the man she loved squarely in the face whenever it was that he did return home."I'll accept one more challenge," she said to the people. "Any takers?"
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubShe is indeed impressive. A good fighter with both speed and power. Her technique, it seems to him, is not one perfected through hours of training, but one developed in war. When her punch connected, Kai half grinned half flinched. Such a nice impact. No way the thug is recovering from that. Hell, if HE got hit like that, he might not get up. As the thug went out, he and a couple of other people in the crowd patted him on the shoulder, telling him that he fought well. He didnt seem to care though.When Tifa offered to fight one more person, it wasnt Kai who was excited the most, it was hammer. The man began jumping around and punching him on the shoulder. "Come on Fangs! Go! Give us a fight to talk about!" He said in his high pitched voice. Hammer is somewhat of the local announcer slash bookie, and he does his best to get people excited about a fight, giving people nicknames and such. 'Fangs' was Kai's nickname, because apparently his canine is quite prominent, and he was also very sharp in the ring."I'll take that challenge" Came Kai's reply to the girls offer. He walked towards the center as people began murmuring. Hammer got on top of a crate and started his usual announcing antics."Ladies and gentlemen, the main event of the evening! The challenger, the unbreakable fangs of god, goes up against the seventh heaven sensation! Kai Versus Tifa! Get your bets right here folks, this ones gonna be good!"Unphased by the commotion, Kai simply extended his arm, offering his knuckle to Tifa in a gesture of sportsmanship, much like how a boxer would touch gloves before a fight. His short cropped hair damp with perspiration after a good fight earlier, and as he threw his shirt to a nearby crate, the lights fell upon his powerfull torso. Scars criss crossed the chisseled abs and chest, showing that he had more fights than most people here, and those fights werent simply for sports.
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubTifa had to supress the urge to smile at Hammer's excitement of the upcoming feat. He had always been one to rile the crowds and she appreciated it if the crowd was excited, it helped to get the adrenaline surging through her blood. The fights here were almost like an orgasm to her. She was always shaking, covered in perspiration, and pleasurably sated when she returned home.As 'Fangs' stepped into the fighter's circle, Tifa tapped her knuckles to his in response good, a warrior who knew to respect. This would be a nice change of pace from the normal thugs that frequented her club. Not that she minded when they did, they made a good target for the venting of Tifa's frustrations. After what Cloud had pulled earlier in this evening, Tifa's frustrations were still running hot.The young woman's brown eyes took note of the man's scarred abdomen this didn't surprise her. Most of the warriors who fought here had scars, including her. It was just that Tifa carried a lot more emotional scars, over physical ones. As Fangs stood before her, the 7th heaven sensation, Tifa began to grow excited the way that warrior's do when faced with a challenge. She slipped into her trademark fighter's stance, holding her balled up fists at chin level her legs widened out, the left slightly farther back the her right. She pulled in tight, lowering her shoulders. Beginning to pass her weight from one foot to the other, she bobbed, the long raven lockes of her hair following her every movement."Ready to begin?" she asked, both to Kai and to Hammer Hammer wasn't the club's official announcer, but Tifa let the man have his way as she held great affection for the formidable fighter. This would be the last fight in which she would be present and Hammer was always excited to see her fight.
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubThe crowd was beggining to get excited, yet the fight hasnt even begun. Kai is somewhat an attention whore at heart, and ever since he was a kid, he would always do things with a certain flair, a certain swagger. Fights were no different. He faced the crowd and stomped his foot on the ground, urging them to do the same. In a matter of seconds the whole room caught on, and a heavy rythm filled the room."Readyyy, go!" Hammer yelled out with all his might, and the crowd errupted. Despite all that, and his previous swagger, Kai played it safe. He had too much respect and common sense to just swing wildly at Tifa. His stance is high and light, bouncing around on the balls of his foot. His first few offense, were like foreplays, not meant to finish her off in any ways, but to set her up for the climax."And the chalengger starts out with jabs and low kicks! Jabbing! Jabbing! Patient like a predator!" Yelled Hammer as Kai's hands moved in quick stinging motions while he circles around her. It was a dance, a ritual, and when he would do a slightly more forcefull display by throwing a low kick at her long luscious legs, the crowd would react like they saw a knockout punch. Such is the combination of Tifa's legendary mystique, and the charisma and respect of the newcomer."This is just the start folks! As we all know, Fangs is used to doing it all night!" Hammer said once more
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubThe legendary fighter she may be, but she couldn't help the smirk that came across her face at Fangs display to rile up the crowds. She liked that the patrons were so enthusiastic for their display of skill, percision, technique, and just plain fighting ability. Tifa was well known for her own abilities, and for her part in the saving of the world not once, but twice from the maniacal plots that belonged to the Great General Sephiroth. No one had dared stand up to the mad man, but she and her friends had. That alone, that she had come out alive from that battle, made her legendary.As Fangs circled her, she returned each jab with one of her own of equal skill and power. As his kick swept out towards her long, pale legs, Tifa dove, not under, but over his leg and, as she landed, she rolled and leapt back to her feet in a matter of seconds. Tifa's fists were quick to send return jabs at his abdomen and chest, just little indicators of the real power she held behind her fists.The crowd was riled, stomping their feet and roaring loudly now. Tifa's show of agility had only served to rile them even more. Half of the crowed were cheering her on, but the other half was cheering on her opponent. She had heard of Fangs before, but never had she witnessed his abilities first hand. Now that she was, she could see how the man had gotten such a reputation in her fighter's circle.
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubA few of her offense, grazed him, and he can feel the stinging pain on the parts of his body her attacks almost landed on. Though it was less than a minute after they started, he felt like they have been doing this forever, completely immersed in the fight. Nothing outside of this fight mattered, or even existed to him. Sweat began to appear on his brows, not because he is tired, for his stamina would put horses to shame, but due to the intense concentration.This fight, he felt safe. He could be the warrior he wants to be, without risking his life. This fight, is his comfort zone. A haven amongst the chaotic life of a Shin Ra enforcer. Simple pleasures are hard to come by in Midgar. You cant walk in the fields, or fish and cook your catch over an open fire. You cant sleep on the open beach and watch the stars. Hell you can barely see the sky due to the polutions. This is his simple pleasure. This fight, and every other one, its just as relaxing as all the pleasures of a simple life.When Kai shot a high kick towards her, it was as the moment of penetration in sex. Rough, sudden, signaling that playtime is over, and its now time to pick up the pace. The kick seemed slower than most, but in that illusion, lies a perfection. From the twist of his hips, to the follow through, the flawless kinetic linking from the point of contact with the ground, all the way to the whipping motion of his legs, the kick could not have had better form.
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubA light sheen of perspiration began to glisten across the fighter's pale skin as she did her best to avoid his jabs. She too, however, could avoid them all and when they connected, she got a good indication of the power his own fists held. Tifa was beginning to realize she didn't need to hold back against her newest challenger.His high kick came at her and she ducked to the side, but not quite quick enough. He struck her shoulder and she winced, sliding back from the impact, though she managed to keep her balance. The spot he struck began to ache unmercifully and Tifa knew he wasn't playing around anymore, so she knew she shouldn't either. Tifa kicked off the ground and dashed at him the agility she was so well known for. She slid low, before placing her hand onto the ground. Her brown eyes narrowed as her arm ached in response, but she ignored it and pushed herself off the ground with her hand. Her foot came up at him as she twisted her lithe body to strike his side with her well known "dolphin kick".The crowd watched as the fight intensified the fact alone that he had managed to strike the Legendary Tifa was amazing to the on lookers. A many a pair of eyes watched Tifa move in on him in mere seconds, widening as she pulled a signature move against 'The Fangs of God'. It seemed they were done playing.
7th Heaven Fighter's Club14 years ago"Do you see those Dolphins Kai?"The young boy shielded his eyes from the sun, trying to see what Zangan was pointing at. Out in the lagoon, sleek powerfull figures jumped up through the water, making small rainbows around them as they seemingly launched themselves with grace. The boy smiled widely, as only a young boy can, amused at the wonders that nature held."Yeah, beautifull fish arent they?""Not really a fish, but yes, they are beautifull" Zangan answered with a chuckle.Its been a week since Zangan decided to teach the young boy how to fight. Today, he took him to a lagoon near Junon to show him something. "Now how do you think they jump so high, off the water, when they dont even have feet?" Zangan asked, drawing a confused frown from the dark haired boy. Zangan motioned him to watch from the side, as he went into a stance. "This is how.."Present dayHis eyes went wide as he covered up. There was no time to avoid her, no time to dodge the masterfull technique that was shown to him a long time ago. He knew it was going to be a big impact, and she didnt dissapoint. Her strike sent a shockwave throughout his entire body, lifting him a few inches of the ground. He struggled just to absorb it and land back on his feet.The second he landed, Kai's mind went to auto pilot. He went to a sequence know as 'Beat rush'. Zangan taught him many things, but this is the basic. A flurry of punches flew Tifa's way as the turk rushed forward, pushing back the confusion about seeing Zangans technique used by this girl.
7th Heaven Fighter's Clubreplied. Im really getting into this, and i think it can go beyond just a hentai rp, and become a good story on its own
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubThe succession of her attack came as no surprise to the 26 year old fighter Zangan had taught it to her because of her mastership over his other techniques. However, Fangs was quick to recover and came at her with a flurry of punches that looked a lot like her own "Beat Rush" manuever. This caused the woman to faulter a moment and one of the punches caught her abdomen, causing her to fly up and back. As she recoiled from the blow, she flipped and landed on her feet.Breathing hard now, Tifa contemplated if it was indeed the move she thought it was. Brown eyes narrowed again and her black hair clung to perspiration covered skin. She was going to have to test the thoery going at him with two attacks, instead of one. If he reacted the way she thought he would, she wouldn't succeed with one of the moves. The woman bounced on the balls on her feet, her body beginning to ache faintly, buying a moment of rest.Then it came. She kicked off her back foot and darted forward, weaving to the side to attempt to slam into him with the full force of her body a watered down version of the "Meteodive". If he dodged the technique the way that Zangan had taught her to dodge it, she would miss and slide across the ground to spin around and grab his leg. If that did indeed succeed, she'd jump into the air a good six feet with a push of her strong legs, twirling around to throw him back into the ground with "Meteor Strike." However, she did not use her full strength on this, as it would have been strong enough to kill a person. If anything, he would be quick enough to find a way to alter his fall to a point where it caused minimal damage. Especially if he were a student of Zangan, like she suspected he might be.
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubAs the fight became a grappling contest, the crowd suddenly roared, some in excitement, some in worry. The reason Kai earned the nickname 'The Fangs of God' was due to his wrestling skills, which was the focus of his training with Zangan. He wasnt the most agile fighter, Zangan saw it, and tried to focus on his strengths instead. He shifted his weight forward as Tifa tried to pick him up, dropping his center of gravity to make it impossible for her to gain leverage. Now he is practically lying on her shoulder as they both lie on the ground, his right arm wrapping her neck in a tight guilotine choke that didnt get completely through, but was still hard to get out of."Tifa went in for a slam! Bad move, but can she get out of it!?"With the momentum of the fight slowing down to a ground contest, Fangs began to shine. He gave a couple of shots to her ribs. The shots werent powerfull, due to the awkward position, and the inability to get a good kinetic link going, but it was meant to wear her down.His flashyness may prove to be Kai's undoing in this match though, as he attempted a fancy spinning move that would get him a mounting position on her back if it succeded, but the complexity of it means she has an opening to sneak away
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubIt appeared there was more to this fighter than she had originally percieved she thought as he put her into the choke. She took the shots he dealt, letting him wear her down but also giving her room to retaliate when the chance arose. And it did Fangs began to live up to his reputation of flair as he did a complex spin to end up on her back. Grinning, Tifa dropped flat to the ground and rolled out of the way, causing him to land on his feet where shehadbeen."You're a lot better than I first anticipated," Tifa said as she fell back into stance. "But I think your petinance for flair in battle could cause your loss."She talked tough, but she too was beginning to wear down. The two adept fighters had been at this for awhile and if they didn't finish it soon, both were likely to drop. She bolted forward again, this time using her own faster version of "Beat Rush". As he moved to block, she planted her hand on his shoulder and flipped, spinning around to send a kick into his side she hadn't struck yet.
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubThe crowd stopped cheering, afterall, how can they cheer if they cant even breathe? The fight captivated them, it was action, drama, suspense, all in one. A beautifull story being told by the visceral clash of limbs and bodies. Like lovers racing towards the furious climax of their lovemaking, the intensity was off the hook. The contrast of style was very apparent, yet seemingly a perfect fit for each other. The gracefull, agile movements of Tifa, the powerfull, high impact moves of Kai. One was all the atributes of a woman, while the other a man. Some watched with jaws dropped as the two exchanged offenses.He didnt even dodge Tifa's kick, tightening his muscles to absorb the blow, catching her legs right after it damn near broke his ribs. Any other man would fall from one or two of Tifa's strike, but not this one. Not the unbreakable fangs of god. His legs went to hook her remaining one, pushing her forward and tripping her, as he tries to get a front mount.Perhaps its the adrenaline, or just the way her shirt clung to her sweaty sexy body, but for one micro second, Kai had a flash of her image, on all four, being ravaged by him all night long, but he pushed the image away and with a roar, pushed forward with all his might, wanting to finish this now.
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubTifa heard the crunch of his ribs straining to not snap from the sheer force of her blow and gave out a small gasp of surprise as he hooked her free leg to cause her to fall to the ground. Now, she wasn't a sore loser, and really, if she lost to this man, it wouldn't be so bad. However, the sheer pleasure she was getting out this match kept her going despite the aches in her body. Sweaty, hot, gasping for breath it was like they'd been having sex, not fighting. Really, this moment, was giving her the rush of her life.She planted her hand squarely on the floor as she fell back and, using his hold on her to her advantage, she used every bit of strength she had to flip and slam him into the ground this wouldn't be too terribly strong due to the positioning as well as the strain on Tifa's lithe and slim form. The adrenaline kept her going and as he hit the ground, she leaned over and pressed her arm across his throat, using her body's remanining strength to try and keep him pinned.Panting, she peered down at this amazing fighter with her brown, fire lit eyes. She grinned subtly and leaned down to whisper, "I think we'll be going at this all night."
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubHer quick response did caught him off guard, and the way he used his momentum showed him how calm and collected she is. As she pressed her fore arm down on his throat, he thought to himself that if she is Zangans student, then she must have had a completely different training method than him. The forearm choke, though simple, needed to be applied perfectly, with every body part being in the right place. And even then it would still have some openings that a master in the art of grappling can take advantage of. Luckily for him, thats what he is.He shifted his body weight to one side, feinting, then all of a sudden threw it the other way, using the small opening on her outer side to reverse it, mounting the lovely woman, and throwing some ground and pound offense her way. If she was indeed trained in grappling by Zangan, then she would go to the guard position, and wrap her legs around his chisseled midsection. It would be a very sexual position if a man and woman ever do it, but it was a technique designed to keep the opponent immobile, and unable to move around.After trying a few hammering punches, he tries to pin her arm over her head. Anyone else watching would find this bout to be erotic in nature, but if they thought of it that way, the crowd didnt show it. Afterall this was two of the best going at it, and to them, this is a display of martial arts in the highest level, and their appreciation to it allowed them to watch with pure hearts.It was clearly the furious race to the climax, an orgasm waiting to explode, but who will give in first?
7th Heaven Fighter's ClubThough she had been trained by Zangan in the ways of martial arts, Tifa had adapted her own style over the years to add to what she had learned. This gave her the ability to adapt quickly in battle. The offense came at her quickle and she fell into the defense, wrapping her legs around his midsection in a scissor lock to hold him immobile. When he went to pin her arms, she grabbed his wrists in her hands and held him off.At this point, it was who ever faulted first. Neither could move and had to grapple for leverage over their contender. As she narrowed her brown eyes to peer up at his, breathing hard, sweaty, and pumped with adrenaline it occured to her the position that they were in. Oddly enough with how riled she was, it didn't bother her. It actually put an erotic picture of them writhing across sweat drenched, tangled silk sheets.Suddenly, the music stopped and the club's lookout began to be heard over the speakers that Tifa had meticiously wired around this spot. "ShinRa has caught wind of the action and have dispersed troops. Evacuate now!"
"God damnit!" Kai cursed aloud. "I almost had you!". He was more annoyed than scared that Shin ra troops were on their way. He's a Turk, it would be easy to find an excuse, send them off, get them off his back. Soldiers, unlike their all capital letter counterpart 'SOLDIER', are about as low as you can be within Shin ra. Theyre the grunts, the expendable people who are thought off as assets rather than employee's of the huge coorporation. Their pay would be less impressive than even the most lowly of paper pushers in the office. He would know. He was one of them. And god forbid he would give his former comrades any trouble. No, Kai may be up high now, in the company of the Turks, but he never forgot where he came from."Come on, lets go. Best not to fight them, some of the guys here arent ready for real combat yet." He told her, as he got up. Hammer was already running to the exit, his street savy had saved him from many encounters with the law, and he's used to running away from them. "Come on! Follow Hammer! He'll lead you out!" The fighter ordered the crowd, a hint of his old military ways shone through in the way he is directing the chaos. This was of course nothing compared to the mess that was Junon during the Weapon attack, but the men werent trained soldiers like those in Junon.He kept his cool, picking up his shirt and shoes, wearing them cassually as his eyes met the brown orbs of Tifa. "All night huh? Maybe next time?"
She, too, was frustrated at the sudden interuption of the best fight she'd participated in, well, along time. As they both rose from the ground, she began to feel the aches that the adrenaline had pushed off. Tifa could ignore it, not wanting to show weakness among the fighters. She waved out the fighters, knowing that, even though she was on decent terms with President Rufus and the Turks, there was no gaurentee about the Shin Ra Soldiers especially since she was running an underground fighter's circuit.Those dark brown orbs returned the man's stare as he adressed her and she couldn't help the small smirk that crossed her luscious lips. "I'll look forward to it, then." Is what she replied, before turning on her heel to follow the crowd out. Her long, pale legs carried her effortlessly and after a moment, the famous beauty was gone from his sight.Tifa managed to return home on her sprint, though, when she got to her room, she fell across her bed with a groan, her whole body aching pleasurably. It really had been a long time since she had such a fulfulling fight and she couldn't wait for the rematch, allbeit she needed rest first.Her eyes fluttered shut and before long, the young woman was asleep. The night was long and restless, as she tossed and turned, the mysterious man who rivaled her invading her dreams, taunting her, fighting her, challenging her with that god like stance, even caressing her.It was unlikely that she should be able to push 'The Fangs of God' from her mind any time soon.
"Hey Rookie, what are you waiting for?"Reno's lazy voice woke Kai up from his daydreaming. He just cant seem to stop replaying the fight in his head. He remembered every single second, and spent his night thinking about what could he have done better, why he didnt get a decisive win once the game went into a grappling match, but above all, he wondered why on earth did she use Zangan's technique. Even with the lovely senior turk Elena writhing under him, complimenting his size and stamina, his mind was on the seventh heaven sensation, and the incredible match they had. The two have had casual sex a few times, and has a good friendship going on. After the bout with Tifa, Kai was in desperate need to get rid of his excess energy and adrenaline. Elena couldnt be happier."You tired from banging Elena arent you? Wuss!" Quipped the fiery haired senior turk."Hey, you're just jealous cause all you get to fuck is baldy over there!" Kai shot back, pointing at Rude, Reno's long time work partner. The two were as close as brothers, and in reality, Kai is the one who is jealous over their close bond, as he himself doesnt have a partner, much less one as reliable as Rude.Rude stood, cool as ice. The two men throwing insults at each other is now a regular part of his day. Perhaps its because Reno and Kai are quite alike. Both young, both easygoing, and both are intense personalities who doesnt compromise with anyone when it comes to their way of doing things. Eventually, the two stopped yelling, and began laughing like a couple of drunks, even though they havent got any alcohol into their system yet."Come on kid, we'll show you this cool bar. The bartender's got boobs the size of rude's head!" Reno Chuckled as he points towards the seventh heaven bar. Realization dawned on Kai's mind, that fate isnt done with him and Tifa yet. As he followed his two seniors, he muttered under his breath."They're not THAT big..."
"Mama. Mama, wake up!" Came the voice as Tifa's body moved under the soft shaking of small hands.Tifa yawned and opened her eyes to see Marlene leaning over her. "Morning Marlene." She sat up and stretched languidly, enjoying the pleasurable ache still in her body from the night before. She would be bruised, no doubt about that, but she had given Fangs a run for his money."About time you're awake," the young girl said, leaning up and away from her. "I saw Reno from the window, he's coming with Rude again today."Tifa laughed softly as she got up from the bed to move to her closet. She hadn't managed to change after returning home, she did so now. Her old gear is what she only wore for the nights she went to the fighter's ring, so now she was in her normal leather like clothes that she'd found were much more comfortable and had been easier to fight in when Kadaj and the others had attacked.She let her hair down, then smiled as she turned to her daughter, of sorts. "I'm not surprised, those drunks just can't stay away." She laughed again, taking the small girl's hand. "Why don't we go greet them?"Marlene nodded and the two made their way out of the room and down the stairs to the part of her home that was infamously known as "7th Heaven."
"Hey barkeep! Booze!" Reno droned lazily as he bangs the bar table with his gloved hand. Rude, on the other hand, sat on a table near the entrance. It was somewhat unusual that he doesnt sit with Reno, and Kai decided to see why that is. Pulling a chair up in front of the silent turk, Kai sat and felt the ache of his ribs flare. "Hey man.."While most people other than Reno wouldnt know how to start a conversation with Rude, Kai does. He knew Rude was a boxer the second they met. Its just his instinct, that he notice such small things, like the way Rude puts his weight on the ball of his foot, and how light his step is, Rude, is a textbook boxer. "Seen the title match last week man?" He opened with some sports talk, also textbook male behaviour. As shallow as it seems, some men do bond over their fondness of watching a certain sport."Good fight.." He said shortly. Offering Kai a box of chocolate coated breadsticks which he kept in his jacket. Kai's response was that of a man who just saw his friend transform into an alien. Sweets seems like the exact opposite of what Rude would like."Rude..You're acting weird, is something wrong?" Kai asked again. Meanwhile Reno is still on the bar, awaiting for the bartender, who hasnt showed up yet.
The was the sound of a flurry of footsteps and a moment later, the small, raven haired child came from the hall. She laughed, running up to Reno. "It's uncle Reno! Come to get drunk again already?" The girl teased. "One of these days Mama Tifa is going to ban you.""Haha! Marlene, be nice," Tifa could be heard saying as she walked out from the same hall, the leather flap part of the back of her skirt flowing behind her. She waved to Reno, eyeing him as she came up behind the bar. "What's it going to be today, yo?" Tifa asked.Her brown orbs meandered to where she knew Rude would be seated. He always always sitting at the table by the door whenever the Turk came into the bar. Suddenly, the woman's eyes widened as they settled on the man sitting across from Rude.'The Fangs of God' was a...Turk? It seemed fate had a strange way of making itself known. Quickly, she pushed off her shock, trying to play off that she had no idea who he was."Who's the newbie you brought with you, Reno? Thought you only ever came with Rude." She said it with a small laugh, raising her hand to wave at the bald Turk.
"Just the usual, Scotch on the rocks." Reno told her in that laid back style of his. As Tifa asked him about the newcomer, he turned around to face Kai, who is currently looking confused at Rude's sudden weird behaviour. The bald headed Turk is looking down at the table nervously, clearly still awkward around Tifa who he had a crush on. Reno shook his head, finding his partners shy demeanour to be amusing."New guy, we're showing him the ropes. He's Elena's newest boy toy!"At the impromptu introduction, Kai walked up to the bar, still holding a box of the chocolate breadsticks in his hand. "Im Kai. Nice to meet you." He said, his demeanor clearly alot more easygoing than the man she met the night before. Kai's eyes locked onto Tifa's once more, slightly less intense than their last eye lock.When he noticed Marlene nearby, Kai smiled. "Helo there little girl! Are you afraid of..Vampires?!" He half yelled, playfully breaking the breadstick in half and using them as make shift vampire fangs as he does an exagerated vampire pose. Reno winced, as if the embarasment of being a friend of this man is physically painfull."Dork.." He shot out. Kai likes kids. He grew up in an orphanage, his father was the caretaker of the establishment, and as such he is used to working with children. Marlene reminded him of the kids he left back home, and the nostalgia put him in a somewhat melancholic mood.
"Ahaha, Elena always gets her picks," Tifa teased as she flipped over the glass, tossed in the ice, and then poured in the scotch. She slid it across the bar top to the waiting Reno.When 'Fangs' approached the bar, she eyed him warily for a moment before nodding. "Nice to meet you...Kai," she said. Then she blinked, almost bursting into soft laughter as he went on to amuse Marlene.Marlene blinked from her spot next to Reno, then started laughing. "You look more like a walrus with those than a vampire," she said amongst the laughs. "Don't you think so, Uncle Rude?"Tifa couldn't help but laugh softly, before leaning back against the counter behind her. "Can I get you anything to drink, Kai?"
"Y yes..A walrus." Rude stammered, trying to avert his gaze from Tifa. The big man pretended he was typing something into his Cellphone, despite it actually being off. Its funny how he can punch people in the face without even showing any expression, but one girl can make him so nervous. He doesnt even have the crush on her anymore, but he's just that shy."But Walruses are dangerous animal during mating season sweety" Kai's grin grew wider, as he pats Marlene's small head. She was such an adorable little girl, that he wondered, is it wise to let her grow up in a bar?"Im actually not big on alcohol, so something non alcoholic, or at least something light." He replied to her question. Reno snorted at his words. "He's some kind of hermit." He joked."How old are you sweety?" Kai asked Marlene, offering her a breadstick.
"I'm 7," Marlene said as the man patted her soft hair gently, taking the offered breadstick. "I live here with Denzel, Mama Tifa, and Papa Cloud." She smiled as she finished that sentence, obviously happy with the family and home life she had. Then she climbed up on top of the stool beside Reno, idly kicking her feet, happier that she could be closer to eye level with everyone this way.Tifa smiled at Marlene's acceptance of the new guy she had always been an open and loving little girl, which made the young fighter happy considering how much herfamilyhad been through since she was but a wee child. The lithe form of the fighter moved to the small fridge, her gloved hands wrapping around two sodas. She pulled them out, shutting the fridge with her foot, before setting one in front of Marlene and the other in front of Kai."She lives here with me while Barret tries to make good money harveting oil," she explained as she came out from behind the bar. "He wants a better life for her than living in the ruins of Migard. Anyway " she walked over to the table where Rude was seated and set her hands on her hips "tell me you saw the title match! If you missed it, you missed one hell of a fight." She was saying this to the whole group in reality, but playing it off as adressing Rude considering it would be odd for her to know Kai's fighting style since this was theirfirstmeeting.
"Mama? Papa?" Kai thought to himself. Was she married? She didnt seem like the married type, and she didnt wear a ring. A sudden pang of dissapointment and jealousy shot through his mind. It wasnt like he fell in love with her or anything, but she was the most intrigueing woman he met in a long time, if not ever. Leaning closer to Reno, Kai whispered,"Hey, this Cloud guy, is she and him a couple?""Nah, nobody knows WHAT they are" Reno replied, before breaking into a smirk."You bastard, you want her also dont you? Elena aint enough? Hey Ti Umph!"Before Reno can say anything, Kai wrapped his neck in a tight, if somewhat harmless sleeperhold, grinning at Marlene as he does so. Reno has a big mouth, and he'd rather shut him up rather than have him say something awkward. "Hey Marlene, you like wrestling? You wanna learn?" He jokingly said as Reno flailed about. Kai moved him in an angle that would make it impossible for him to hit a glass.Rude on the other hand, has his own troubles. "G good fight.." He said, looking onto the wooden table as if he found a treasure map carved onto it. "T too bad it ended in a draw..""Yeah..Too bad.." Kai called out, still shutting Reno's mouth. "They would have went on..All night long. If it wasnt for the time."
"Oh no, mama, uncle Reno's gotten himself into trouble again!" Marlene said among a fit of giggles, watching as the red headed Turk tried his best to free himself from Kai's hold. Tifa looked away from Rude to peer at the commotion, having to fight back the urge to crack up into a fit of laughter as she watched Reno flail about."Reno's always getting into trouble," Tifa said as she walked back over to gently tap her fist onto the Turk's head. "Yo, when you going to learn?" she taunted, laughing softly as she took a seat next to Marlene on the empty stool.Her long pale legs crossed and she leaned back, propping her arms onto the bartop. Her brown orbs strayed to Kai at his words, knowing very well what the fighter was referring to and it definitely wasn't the title match she had been talking about."Rude, your partner seems to have gotten himself into trouble again," she said with a small laugh, letting go of Kai's comment...for now.
A sudden phonecall saved Rude from further awkward moments. He took the phone out swiftly, pressing it to his ear. "Rude." He said proffesionally, no hint of the awkward bumbling man who sat there a few seconds earlier. He listened to the caller for a minute before closing the phone."Reno. Work." He calmly called out, fixing his shades so that they sat snuggly on his nose. At the word, Kai loosened his hold on Reno and stood up. "What happened?" He asked. "Office held hostage." Rude told him. Kai wasnt surprised. Even now, anti Shin ra groups are all over the place. The success of avalanche seems to spawn many copycats.As Kai went to walk to the door, Reno pulled him and shoved him back onto the bar, nearly spilling the glass of soda onto Marlene, save for Kai's quick reflex, catching it just before it fell. "Not a place for rookies, you sit tight, do your paperwork later, and go home." Reno's voice was serious. That seriousness when it comes to work, was what made many turks respect Reno. They knew, when the time comes, Reno will deliver. Kai merely nodded, he knew his place. He may be as good as Reno or Rude in combat, but being a turk is more than just fighting. Its doing things efficiently, and leaving no loose ends."Good luck." He told his two seniors as they walked out. Now away from their eyes, he sat next to Tifa and sighed. "Wild night yesterday huh?"
In an instant, all the fun housing came to a complete halt as Rude took the call. When he explained what was happening, it didn't surprise Tifa in the least. She and the other ex members of Avalanche had come to a peaceful existence with ShinRa however, their legacy lived on to spawn other groups who wished for the downfall of ShinRa. "Same shit, another day," Tifa said to Reno, "take it easy guys. Come back safe." And then they were gone.She leaned back against the bartop a bit more. When Kai sat next to her and said what he did, Tifa turned to Marlene and ruffled the small girl's hair. "Hey Marlene, won't you go find Denzel?" she said with a smile. "He'll be estastic to see you." Marlene nodded her head and hopped down from the stool, grabbing the cell from behind the counter she was required to take with her whenever she left."Alright mama, be back soon!" was all she said as she left the bar.Tifa then turned back to face Kai, her brown eyes taking on a more serious look for a moment. "Wild night indeed...Fangs. Never thought I'd see you in my bar, much less as a Turk."
He didnt even let her finish her words. Once it was obvious that they were on bussiness mode, Kai stood up and caged Tifa against the bar, his hands pressed against the wooden bar on both sides of her busty frame. "Ok, lets get to the point. Who taught you how to fight like that?" He half whispered.They were once more, oh so close. His lips a mere few inch away from hers, his powerfull torso, nearly grazing her womanly body. It would seem that the two has a bad habbit of getting into compromising positions, even when they arent trying to do anything."One man, and one man only mastered that style, and my eyes dont lie. Why are you using master Zangans ancient Ten Ryuu Shinken technique huh?'This was far more than just a matter of him finding a person with similar style. Zangan was a father figure to him, a man who taught him everything he knows, and showed him just how wide the world is. One day Zangan dissapeared from his life, and to this day Kai searches for clue still.
The sudden changing of positions found her caged in between his powerful arms, back pressed against the counter. Her eyes narrowed as her blood rushed, her heart beating furiously against her ribs. The fight from the night before came rushing back and suddenly, quite the contrast to her normal character, she wanted to close the few inches between their lips."I should be asking you the same thing," Tifa replied, not moving herself from the position he had put them in she knew she could get free, allbeit with a great deal of effort. Fangs was quite definitely her equal and she didn't feel like making this situation more awkward."He was my teacher," she finally said with a gentle sigh. "Cloud and I grew up in Nibilhiem. Before the fire, before Sephiroth went insane, Zangen taught me. He said he saw great potential in me as a fighter, so he would teach me all he could. I was quick, picked up everything with ease, and eventually, he taught me the greatest of his techniques." Those brown eyes glittered hotly as she smirked. "One of which you saw, and obviously recognized, last night. Now...your turn, Fangs."
He listened to her, took in every single word to get the things he wanted to find out. In the end, he didnt find out much about Zangan, other than the fact that he wasnt the only one who the old man taught. In a way, he didnt expect to learn much. Zangan was always a mythical figure in his mind. One who can do anything, beat anyone, knows everything. If Zangan back then told him that he can break the moon, Kai would look up and begged him not to do it. Now that he's an adult, he see's Zangan for what he really is. A wanderer who just happens to be a great fighter, and yet one who doesnt have what it takes to lead a normal life. It doesnt, however, changed the fact that he see's him as a father figure."I...Was another one of his student. Judging by the timeline, he met me first before he met you. He taught me how to fight when he saw me trying to fight off a soldier who had too much beer. Not much to say..He left quite abruptly."He sighed, and looked down, his eyes inaverdently staring right into her cleavage. "I dont suppose you know where the old man is?" He asked once more, looking back up at her face, this time giving some space between them.
Tifa relaxed a tad now that it seemed he wasn't so on the offense. When he asked her if she knew where their master was, she sighed softly. "After he brought me to Midgard...I never saw the old man again." She said as she leaned into the counter behind her, those brown orbs looking up into his regretfully."In my travels with Cloud and the others to stop Sephiroth," she explained now, "I stopped at my home in Nibilhiem. When I played my favorite tune on the piano, a letter became known to me. Zangan had hid it. In it, he explained that he knew what ShinRa had done to the town and he that he was having trouble jumping nowadays." She sighed softly. "That told me that maybe the old man wasn't doing so well...but I had no way of finding him, so there really wasn't anything that I could do except live on with everything he had taught me."She nibbled her lip thoughtfully, "the last thing he left me was the instructions to what he called my final and ultimate technique."
"Final technique?"To him it sounded unlike Zangan. His training was never so flashy as to have something called an 'ultimate technique'. Zangan taught him the basics, and told him that he should forever learn those basics. Fundamentals are the most important, he would say."I think he taught us different things. Some of the things you used, i never saw before." He called to her as he walked towards the front door, shutting it, and placing some tables in front of it. As he walked back towards her, he kicked off his shoe and took his shirt off, putting them on a nearby table before kneeling on the floor."Now i believe we have some..Unfinished bussiness?" He growled, motioning for her to get into the last position they were in, eager to continue their dance.
He was quite eager to finish their fight, she noticed and she weighed the options. Cloud wasn't one to keep to the strict socialities of keeping in touch, so she never knew when he would choose to come home. It wouldn't do her any good if he decided to return home if they were fighting her spikey haired, obliviousfriend, still had no idea that she had opened a fighter's circuit.Watching Kai kneel, she got the impression he wanted to startexactlywhere they had left off the night before. Her body still bore evidence of their fight, but she had a good amount of her strength back now that she had gotten some rest. Though...she wasn't sure this was such a good idea considering the effect their fight had upon her.Though she, too, wanted to see how this fight would end. So, she moved towards him, narrowing her brown orbs thoughtfully. "Unfinished business? Yes...I suppose you could call it that," she mused, crouching down to re wrap her legs in a scissor lock around his hips, her hands grabbing his wrists last she remembered, they had been in a grappling match.
Its different atmosphere right now. They were both more calm, adrenaline not yet rushing. In this state, Kai noticed things he didnt notice last night. The softness of her thighs around his chisseled abs for one. Her long luscious legs, seemingly inviting him to just grab them by the ankles and spread them wide.He was trying to find the exact position of their arms, when he started noticing her breasts right in front of his face. He wasnt shy about taking a few seconds to admire them. A bulge started appearing, rubbing against the girls lower region. Kai is an incredibly well endowed man, and the bulge would make it obvious, even restrained, its an impressive size.He suddenly pinned her hands above her head, lowering his face towards her, his hot breath scented like mint, but the fire in his eyes was nowhere near as sweet. It was a feral animalistic flame, threatening to consume them both. Like a slab of rock, his hard body brushed the tip of her nipples, rubbing the fabric of her clothing into it."All night long..huh?" He growled
Tifa caught him staring at her breasts for a moment, but she wasn't able to dwell on it long as she felt the bulge building against her. She would've said something but words didn't seem to be a possibility at this point, her mind spiraling towards something she wasn't sure she wanted to think about, but with him pressing against her like that, it was hard not to.She gasped with surprise and suddenly found her arms pinned above her head. Her eyes widened in response and she had to restrain herself from wriggling under him as his hot breathe fell across her parted lips."Not exactly what I meant," she groaned out, admiring his chiseled frame as it hovered over her. Body built by the gods, she was sure. Cloud wasn't even in her mind at this point. Never had she felt such an intense attaraction. It threatened to comsume her in its fires, and leave her a shadow of her former self.Brown orbs stared up at him, mingling with a mix of hot lust and a slight hesitation of what she had gotten herself into.
Slowly his lips descended on hers, but it was a feint, like a jab before a big overhand punch. His real target was her long elegant neck, lips and tongue assaulting the area with a killer instinct that would match a wolf going for its prey's jugular veins. He was indeed a predator, and his lust was unmatched, neither was his skills.Their body rubbed together, as he soon moved on to her slender shoulder, biting it semi roughly. Their body heat joined as one, and the two balls of fire were soon a blazing sun, filling the room with their heated lust.Once he had enough of her neck and shoulder, his talented lips began undressing her, button by button, growling ferally up at her as he slowly stripped her.
Tifa's reaction came forward as a mixture of a growl and a moan, head turning almost on instinct to give him more of her pale, slender neck. Kai's talent shown through in all things, it seemed. Tifa wasn't the sort to be doing this, but that fire that had been burning inside her the night before had returned, ten fold. She didn't understand it, but nor could she deny it. It was like asking the waves not to crash upon the shores, it was undeniable. This fire threatening to consume her would not denied.The bite made her cry out, the sting of it stroking her fires ever brighter. Her legs fell to his hips, no longer scissor locked, but instead hooked to pull his chiseled body closer to her own. His teeth were working at her clothes now and she was amazed once again was this how it was supposed to be? Her times with Cloud were already paling in comparison, white against black. Never had she felt like their was lava running through her viens, not with Cloud. Never had she been afraid to be entirely consumed by the fire that now raged between the two bodies on the floor.Fangs' attentions made her want to squirm, to moan ceaselessly the attraction had been there the night before, but it had not been so intense that it threatened to swallow her whole. Her arms shifted beneath his hold as her body gave a small squirm his growl causing her to shudder as her top shirt falling open to reveal milky cleavage begging to be released from the vest like contraption holding them in place.
The vest was pulled off her so roughly it almost ripped. He didnt care, this is like a fight that went on and on, now the foe is weakened and he is simply going in for the kill. Her bra was also pulled off without subtlety, flung to a far corner of the bar. His muscles ripled with power, like a beast ready to rip the girl apart, and before she can say anything, he pounced on her oh so luscious breast. His lips claimed the nipple, sucking roughly, like there wasnt enough time in all the world for him to do what he wanted to it.Her other breast didnt go uncared for, as his hand massaged them powerfully.His tongue was moving in a different rythm altogether. As his hands ravaged her body, his tongue danced around her nipples, a butterfly teasing and torturing her relentlessly. He was on fire, he can feel it. He hasnt felt this alive ever before."All night..wont be enough for what i want to do to you" He told her as he looked up from her breast, licking his lips before shoving his tongue into her mouth, trying to prod her lips open to snake inside it.
Tifa gave a surprised cry as his hands roughly rid her of any material to cover the upper half of her body. She would have said something, but then his lips were on her breast, her nipple being tortured by his tongue, his hand paying equal attention to its twin. A gasp slipped by her lips and she found she could not help but arch into his burning ministrations. It was like he was a wolf and she were his prey, the way he was devouring her.Her lithe and pale form writhed under his tan, muscled one the pair were such a contrast in looks and technique, and yet were a perfect meld of the two, melting together hotly to create something even better. Soft moans escaped from their material prison as his burning intensity threatened to consume her whole.His comment, about all night not being enough with what he wanted to do to her, made the fighter bite her lip as she was both aroused and nervous, as if he was set to feast upon her flesh, which in a way, he was. Her eyes fluttered shut as his tongue roughly demanded enterance to her mouth and in accordance, her lips parted beneath its onslaught. She was burning, turning to ash never had she felt so alive, never had she been so afraid.
He hungered for her, didnt rush anything, wanting to savor her every taste. Minutes passed that felt like hours. He was sweating, faster than it took him to sweat during their intense fight. Soon enough,his member felt like it was about to burst, trapped in his pants, begging to be freed from its cage, to set upon its latest prey."My cock..take it out..You know you want it.." He taunted her with a playfull smile, backing off abit to give her some space for reaching down to his pants. Home. Or at least thats what he thinks it is. Cloud pulled the key of the ignition of Fenris, his powerfull Shinra model bike. He had been traveling for abit, wandering aimlessly out in the southern plains, and now he's back. Pulling off his sunglasses, the young man went to open the door, but something is jamming it slightly."..Weird.." He muttered, the bar cant possibly close at this hour. He knocked on the door briefly, but when no one replied, he decided to just force the door open, pushing it so that the thing behind the door is shoved away. The sight that greeted him was enough to make even his eyes widen."..Tifa?"
Her brown orbs stared at him as he leaned up, her mind slowly digesting his words. Her small teeth worried her lower lip as she contemplated her choices at this point, but as much as she wanted to deny his taunt, she could not. Fingers deftly began to pull apart his belt and werejustabout to undo the button to his pants as a noise caught her attention. It was a slight shuffle and she realized it had to be from the barracade Kai had placed against the door.The burning brown orbs instantly cooled as they came into contact with mako enhanced blue ones. Shock caused her to freeze and she simply stared at her spikey haired love interest for a few moments that ticked by like hours. Suddenly, her eyes widened as she realized what she had been caught doing.Her hands pulled away from Kai's pants as if they had been burned and she scrambled up from the comprimising position they had been found in, her arms covering her trembling, bare breasts. She didn't rise up from the floor, finding that her knees were shaking, so she remained seated, her face turning red. "C cloud..."
If Cloud was jealous, or disgusted, it did not show. Perhaps his ability to show his emotions died long ago. He didnt even stop, merely re closing the door and walking inside. Heavy boots echoed through the bar, as the two young man stood a mere ten feet away. In Kai's mind, this was the most awkward thing he has ever experienced. If things were different, he would be breaking the mans arm for disturbing his fun, but the name that came out of Tifa's mouth sounded familiar."Cloud...Papa Cloud.." He muttered to himself. How could he be so careless? Of course she's taken. He didnt see any wedding ring on her, so he must be her boyfriend. He contemplated, should he just punch him and free himself from this mess? He should, its the easiest and fastest way. This guy looks scrawny, definitely not a fighter of his standard, and he's a turk, he can get away with it. Kai clenched his fist, and contrary to what he thought he would do, waited for the punch to come to him. He felt bad, if that was someone else messing around with his girlfriend, he would be pissed off as well."Keep the noise down" Came Clouds cold reply as he pass the two. Dissapearing into the second floor like a cactuar in the desert. Kai was left confused, looking at Tifa's direction before reaching for his shirt."Well, i guess thats that." He said with annoyance in his voice.
She knew he would be cold, that his response would be cold as it always had been but she couldn't help but admit that she wanted him to be jealous. Tifa just seemed to sit there as Cloud left them to make his way upstairs, anger sifting in to push away her shock.Always so goddamned indifferent...probably wouldn't care if we'd been fucking.Never had she expected him to bethiscut off, as if the time they had spent didn't mean shit to him. As she if she were nothing worth getting upset over.Angrily, she picked up the discarded pieces of her clothing, slipping back into them, nimble fingers adjusting her mussy hair. "I'm sorry, but it seems as if the ice has been brought down," her words coming to him as a mix of annoyance and irritation there wasn't much emotional difference between the two, but she was definitely feeling a tad of both.Clenching her hands at her side, she took a deep, long breath, to help soothe her ired temper. She had to talk to Cloud, to explain...but really, what could she say? What he had walked in on had been something mutually ensued, it wasn't like Kai had forced her to do anything against her will. She almost wish he had forced her, so she had something to defend her actions, but she nothing besides the truth. She knew this wasn't going to go very well, just as it always went. Cloud always came and went when he pleased, she didn't see that becoming any less frustrating, even now.
"So..Boyfriend has comunication issues huh?" Said the turk, trying to break the ice, even though he was still in a weird position. As he buttoned his shirt, his eyes met hers, dissapointment showing in them. But perhaps its for the best, he's a turk afterall, and turks dont get involved with civilians, outside perhaps a few one nighters, something that he wouldnt mind with Tifa, if she didnt have a boyfriend."You should have told me you know, saves us this embarassing moment."Soon, his shoes and black jacket was back on, proper and neat. Now a turk stood where a beast once was. He was a different person when he donned that jacket, one who lives for his work. Turks may get a reputation as shin ra's lackey, but there wasnt a single turk who didnt believe in their cause, and right now, that cause is the one thing keeping Kai's focus, and not leting him curse out loud at his frustration."Im gonna go. Heres my phone number if anything comes up." He said softly as he placed a card on the table.
Tifa's brown orbs tracked the man as he went about righting his attire. At his words, she shook her head, watching as he placed his card out for future occurances, like he knew somehow that they weren't going to be spending that much time apart. "I agree that the moment was awkward," she said, shaking her head, "and that Cloud does have some serious communication issues, but." She paused a moment not sure why she wanted him to know this. "He'snotmy boyfriend."It was true enough. The few times her and Cloud had had sex, it was more like he had fallen into bed with her. He was always cut off and indifferent to everything and anything except battle, including her.This was why she sought the heat of primal battle during the cover of some nights. It was highly frustrating to be around Cloud who seemed oblivious and indifferent to the fact that she had been in love with him since way back when. Either just oblivious or he just didn't care. "He blew me off last night," she explained briefly, "I didn't expect him to show his face so soon after that."
The words hit him like a bat. "Wait wait...NOT your boyfriend?!" The turk blurted out. He had to hold himself back so that he doesnt bend her over the table and take her right there. It was pretty clear to him, that although this Cloud person isnt her lover, she doesnt feel comfortable having sex around him. He doesnt understand why, she doesnt seem like the shy type.Kai's brain began to work, approaching the situation as if its a fight. In fights, if one option seems to be hard, then its always worth it to start looking for other options. He clearly wont get what he wanted here, so perhaps he should try move the scene away."Wanna go out?" He asked with a grin. "I know this really nice place. I mean if you're single, whats the harm of going on a casual date?"
"It's...complicated," Tifa responded after the look on Kai's face announced that he was clearly surprised by her response. Her feelings were obviously mixed about what had just occured between the trio despite his cold attitude to her, that wasn't something she wanted Cloud to catch her doing. Though, the ass had blown her off the night before. She pushed her black hair over her shoulder and contemplated.There was no harm in going with him, she supposed. After all, Cloud could care less about what she did apparently. She could probably drop dead and he might not care, much less even notice. Those now cooled brown orbs studied the Turk thoughtfully. "Know what, why not. Don't see the point in sticking around if he's going to be that way," she said.She turned and walked to the bar, jotting something along the lines ofI'm going out, be back later. Take care of Marlene. Scribbling her name down to sign the small note, she put it on the table nearest the stairs and then came back towards Kai.
Now how would he react? Without his adrenaline rush, Kai found himself being awkward. He's no longer acting on instinct, but rather with his mind, which is far less decisive. He would even go so far to say that he becameslightlynervous at the prospect of having to pull off a successfull date. What would she like? She doesnt seem to be the flowers and candlelit dinner type, but then what do they have in common? He's a turk in real life, he runs around doing shady bussiness. Tifa is a bartender with a motherly instinct in real life, about as far away as you can get from him.Luckily, if theres something Turks are good at, its keeping your poker face on. "Come on, we can use the Shin Ra elevator nearby to get to the higher level." He motioned for her to follow him, after deciding to just take her out on a walk. From there, he'll look for openings or good places to go depending on her mood.The elevator required a Shin Ra id card, and was guarded by automatic gun drones. Nothing just anyone can use. It is placed all over the city, and leads to different places, all ensuring Shin Ra has quick access to send people where they wanted. As the door opened, they arrived at a park, clearly located in a good side of town. Children played around, as their parents sat by a fountain, eating crepes."Come on, theres something i wanna show you" Kai told her as he walked towards the eastern part of the park. His hand almost went to take hers, but he stopped, deciding its not cool.
The busty bartender followed after him, shutting up the bar behind her as she left. Tifa couldn't remember if she had ever had a date before and honestly, she was a little anxious around the Turk after what had occured between them not too long ago. That sort of element wasn't her forte, nor was it anything she was used to. She was pretty sure it was the first time she had felt anything of that sort for anyone, especially a Turk.Tifa followed after him, sort of trailing off mentally as they went. Trying not to think of Cloud and what he had seen. And, even though the adrenaline had ceased, Tifa still felt an odd ache in her body she wasn't used to. A sort of intense unfufilment she found her brown eyes watching him. Admiring the way he moved without meaning to.Lashes fell as she blinked, registering his words and she nodded. Looking around at the area around them, she wondered what he could be showing her. Giving a small smile, determined to not be so nervous he seemed to be too Tifa took his arm and walked with him, hoping she didn't overstep or ruin it.
Turks dont blush, thats just the law of the universe. Kai is a turk. He damn near broke the law of the universe. "What the hell is wrong with me? Im not 16, why am i acting like i am?" He thought to himself, suddenly feeling self conscious. When she went to grab his arm, he flexed his biceps, a macho instinct that reacted to a female touching his muscled arm. Perhaps he didnt have to try so hard, afterall, she already showed her animalistic side to him, and that should be proof enough that she is at least attracted to him.Relaxing ever so slightly, Kai led Tifa to a balcony overlooking the lower levels of Midgar. In the distance, the massive cannon 'Sister Ray' stood tall, remnants from the war with Sephiroth. "I..Saw you there you know." He started. "Long before we met. It was during the whole weapons debacle, and you were captured."Kai's mind went back a few years. Before he donned the black suit of a Turk. It was then he first saw the raven haired girl, fighting furiously on top of the cannon. The cannon he tried so hard to fix, and protect from the monsters that suddenly attacked. It was off the record, but as the weapon was attacking Junon, smaller monsters appeared inside it, trying to jam the sister ray. It was through Kai's heroic effort that the cannon was released from the smaller monsters attack, and was able to shoot again. After that, he climbed out of the shell chamber, he saw her. Fighting with Scarlet, that woman from Shin Ra.
Tifa overlooked the scenery provided by the balcony, the abandoned Sister Ray standing tall and prominant. She let go of his arm to lean against the balcony, unaware that this gave him a rather nice view of the curve of her ass since he was standing just behind her. And the fighter did have a rather alluring curve to the entire length of her body she seemed to curve in all the right places.Despite their earlierintimacy, Tifa felt rather self concious in Kai's presence. And Tifa wasneverself conscious. Jealous, maybe, but never that. Her head turned a bit so that she could look at him over her shoulder, her trademark white pearl earrings catching a bit of light. "Oh...I remember that." She said. "We thought Cloud had died and Shin Ra took the rest of the group as prisoners."She blinked and then laughed softly, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Got to give that bitch Scarlett what was coming to her though. That was probably the highlight of that experience."
He wasnt shy about tilting his head to find the best angle for admiring her ass. She is to him, the manifestation of universal desire, and he simply cant wait to see her in all her naked glory.A boyish laughter escaped Kai's lips when Tifa talked about bitch slapping Scarlet."I think you were being nice, you can easily throw her off the cannon if you want." Said the young Turk as he sat on the railing. The breeze in the park was definitely nice. He came here often when he wanted to relax. Motioning forto the nearby ice cream vendor, Kai took a plate of banana split. He scooped up a piece of banana and ice, shoving it inside his mouth before doing the same, and offering it to Tifa, placing the plastic spoon a mere inch away from her lips."Here, you should be spoiled abit for a change."
Tifa laughed at his comment, lifting her hand to help stifle the noise he was right of course. She could have easily thrown the wench off the side of the canon and, at the time, she had been sorely tempted to. Brown orbs secretly observed the way Kai's body rippled when he moved. She couldn't help but think of the times she'd seen his magnificent torso bare.Lost in her admiring, it took her a second to realize he was holding a bite of banana split to her lips. She gave a soft smile and spread her lips, leaning forward to take the bite. As she pulled away, she swirled her tongue across the spoon to catch any lingering drops of ice cream. She smiled as she leaned back, eating the bite, before licking her lips."Mmm, it's delicious," she murmured, a little absent mindedly. Her thoughts had somehow trailed back to their earlier encounter. Taking her finger, she scooped up a bit of the ice cream onto her fingertip, before holding it in front of his lips.
Just like that, his body began to heat up once more. The swiftness of his movement was near predatory, and his lips enveloped her finger instantly. Public display off afection, normally he doesnt like people who indulges themselves in such behaviour, but right now he's in one of his adrenaline rush, and when that happens, he focuses on one thing and one thing only. Tifa is the one in this case."mmmh.." He growled, licking the very tip of her finger, then going on to suck on her finger, locking his stare on hers. He hopped off the railing and turned the position, cornering her, back to the railing. The way he is licking her finger has nothing to do with ice cream, it was clearly very sexual, and his tongue was hitting sensitive spots on her slender digits, finding pleasurable spots in the most unlikely areas.Luckily for them, there werent anyone around, and as he finished suckling on her fingers, he pulled her closer by the waist. "Im tempted to take you right here..right now"
Tifa had expected a little play from her offer, but not to this extent. What he was doing to her finger was purely sinful, and delightfully arousing. She didn't think a man sucking on her finger could arouse her in such a way, but what he was doing with his lips, tongue, and teeth on the digit was indeed arousing. A soft moan was supressed as she returned his heated gaze.The brown orbs began to take on that familiar heat as he pulled her to him. Her body heated like it had before and her skin became almost hypersensitive. His words, the growl to his voice, caused her to shiver in his arms. She had never been so attracted to a man, or his animalistic nature just looking at him got her blood pumping.Her teeth bit her lower lip as she looked up at him. "I can understand the urge," she said in response, though she too wasn't one for public displays. Tifa had always been a rather private person regarding her sexual life, appetites, and urges, but she just couldn't seem to control them around this man.
This time, everything wasnt spur of the moment. It wasnt something he cant stop. Things are all thought out, planned, and Kai can stop when he wants, or IF he wants. He doesnt. His lips closed in ever so slowly, giving her time to back out should she chooses. He was gambling, showing his desires like this isnt the most tactical thing to do. It wasnt 'playing it smooth' like Reno would have done, no, it was a rushed decision to show his affection, and he didnt regret anything."You can back away now if you want.." He whispered. Nothing scares Kai, not even WEAPONS. If the Omega WEAPON were to show up now, he wouldnt even sweat. , but here, in front of the raven haired beauty, a trickle of moisture made its way down the back of his neck.Now their lips are about to meet, and the sunset is at its most beautifull phase. Reno dived behind a wall, a stream of Laser following his every movement. The 'little problem' turned out to be a group of terorist who had access to one of Shin Ra's old Guard Scorpion type sentinel. "Rude! Im gonna lure this thing to open ground! Get your ass to a building and get ready to blast the hell out of this bad boy with the launcher!"And with that, Reno ran towards the park, the big machine lumbering after him with surprising alacrity.
Her brown eyes looked up at him and she remained silent, contemplating her next action carefully. Shecouldpull away, but the question was did shewantto? She didn't know, but she was nervous and she was never nervous. She faced obstacles, choices, with a set jaw and a unmovable sense of determination. Even when they faced down Sephiroth, or Kadaj, or took down the WEAPONS, she had never been nervous. She had never been scared.Kai scared her. Or rather, she was scared of what he could dotoher. He was consuming her and she couldn't understand why complete opposites that came together in a perfect clash of elements. "I could..." she whispered, her hands resting against his chest. They shook slightly, hopefully unnoticably. "But...I don't want to," she ended up murmurming against his lips as they came down on hers.Raven lashes fell shut and she leaned into him, letting her hands slide up so that her slim arms wrap around his neck. Her lips parted and caressed his own, her raven lockes glittering in the remaining light.
A trail of light, followed by a large explosion. Kai nearly jumped and scooped Tifa in his arms, reflexively protecting her, though he knew full well she doesnt need to be protected. He barely had time to enjoy their kiss, and now some oversized rogue machine is bursting into the Park, stepping on the neatly arranged flowerbeds, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. A familiar figure sprawled away from the lumbering arachnoid behemoth, Reno looked just like he was when they were at the bar. Relaxed"Sorry babe, gotta go work. If you help get these civilian away, i'll give you a nice hard...workout tonight" He told her winking. The situation seemed under control to him, even admist the chaos, Kai reacted like a turk. He surveyed the area, and circled from the best angle, appearing next to Reno."Watcha want me to do boss?" Kai asked with a grin."Keep that thing in place" Came the answer, and the two Turks dashed off to flank the machine from both sides.
She was a bit surprised when Kai swept her off her feet, though she knew he had done it almost purely on instinct. That was one thing she noticed about the man he was very...primal. Instinctial. Not that that was a bad thing, really. He set her to her feet and explained what she could to help. His last added comment and wink made her warm instantly, a faint blush tinting her cheeks when he turned away and leapt to assist the attractive red headed turk.Cocking her head a moment, she surveyed the running masses not a lot of people had been in the park but the ones that had been, a good majority of them were children. If there was one thing Tifa drove on fighting for, it was to keep the children safe especially Marlene and Denzel. She was quick to dash forward, scooping up children and returning them to their frightened parents. Helping them run from the park, escorting them and signaling them, trying to keep them from panicking for the probability of anyone being trampled.Tifa had the park cleared in a few minutes and she skidded to a halt as the last couple ran off. She flung her head back, black hair flying through the air like a blanket of silk. Brown orbs sought out Kai and Reno as they went about teaming up on the trampeding behemoth that had invaded upon her and Kai's seemingly very short kiss. She wanted to knock its head off for that alone, her gloved hands quick to snap into fists.Her long legs carried her forth, pale but strong, her hair flowing as she ran. She came to a skid and halted just out of reach of the contraption, narrowed eyes watching carefully, seeking out Kai and Reno frequently. "You guys got this handled?" she shouted over the noise it made, "or do you need a hand, yo?" she always seemed to addyoto the end of sentences when Reno was around suppose it could be seen as a friendly gesture between the two.
"Yo, Civilians should stay out of Turk bussiness." Reno replied with a smirk. His sleeve was torn from when his arm was almost caught by the machines pincer. Kai is now riding the machine, using the blindspot Reno created to climb onto the machines back, punching through the weaker plating on its back, trying to peel off its shell. His hand was a mess, shrapnels and the sharp edges of the penetration spot digging into his palm and knuckles, blood streaming out like a river."Hey hey! You're supposed to keep him still! Not try to kill it yourself! Get down here rookie!" Reno yelled as he rushed forward. "Dammit Teef, looks like i need help afterall! Get the legs!".A red blur moved to the right, jamming a metal baton into the small opening between the leg plating. With a roar that one wouldnt think the laid back man would be capable off, Reno turned the switch on his weapon, sending a shockwave of electricity, shorting out the circuits of the right front leg. The machine buckled, stumbling to the side, its artificial inteligence unable to cope with the multiple eratic pattern of its assailants.Kai took the oportunity to climb even further up, trying to reach the head, though it would require the machine to be further be taken off balance. Rude peered through the sight of the rocket launcher and shook his head calmly. "Reno, you're on top of a gas Line, if i shoot the rocket, it would be dangerous. Get him further away, or take him out on your own." He told his partner over their com bead.
Tifa's own lips twitched at the corners as she tried her best not to smirk at Reno's words. He was quick to change his mind, as the machine seemed impossible to take down this was a good thing. If Tifa was known for anything, it was the sheer amount of strength she could pour into a signal blow.Legs, huh?She surveyed the damage already dealt and carefully planned the next move eyes trying not to stray to Kai. She was in battle now and needed to focus it was unlike her to be worried for the Turk, but this she shared with Reno with his worry regarding his rookie.There was no way she would be able to lift it. The contraption had to weigh a ton. She was strong but...she didn't think she could manage that. She slid into a crouch that was becoming more familiar to Kai, dashing forward as if she had be shot off a spring. Tifa was aiming for the injured leg that Reno had brought it down with, planting her hand into the ground and swinging a powerful kick into the damaged limb, the sheer power off it nearing severing it as she tore through wires and the like. The machine came fully down, trying but unable to bring itself back up on one leg.She planted a hand on the leg and vaulted over it, taking her fists and interlocking them as she brought them down onto the other leg. The metal dented but didn't give, so she pushed off her feet and came down again, growling as this time her fists broke through and broke into the innards of its leg. Tifa winced as she jumped back the only thin about being a martial arts fighter was sometimes pain came with the style. Her hands throbbed and she snapped her head around, hair swinging out as brown orbs sought out Reno, then Kai."Get clear!" She shouted. "I'm going to useit, Reno!" She knew that the senior Turk had an idea of what she was talking about the Turks had only ever caught her using her final limit break once, but had known that that was something they never wanted to be used on them. "If it's still moving after that, I'll send it flying and Rude can blast its ass!" she added, knowing that Rude was always watching their backs.
"Oh boy, Rookie! Get down from there!" Reno called out. "I got him i got him!" Came the confident reply. Kai climbed up to the head freely, now that its immobile. He quickly wrapped his arm around the metal face and used his legs to push himself off the back, snapping the machines head, ripping it off, though cables still connects the head to the body.The machine flailed about, unable to execute its offense, now that its primary camera is damaged. Of course, Shin ra's design isnt so fragile, the machine also had sonar radars to detect enemy locations."Thats an order!" Reno barked, and this time, Kai obeyed. He proved his point by snapping the head off the machine, and his loyalty as a turk somewhat overides his ego and battle lust. Landing nimbly on the ground, he followed Reno's instruction to clear the area. When Tifa stayed behind, he almost dashed to get her, but Reno held him back."She's gonna be caught in the explosion!" He yelled."You idiot, she IS the explosion!" Reno replied, giving the clear signal to Tifa.
Tifa nodded her head at Reno's signal and took a deep breathe. Legs pushed her off and she flipped back away from the machine, feet catching her easily as she now stood behind it. The wind shifted and the strands of her hair played about her face delicately. Brown orbs narrowed as she centered the flow of power in her body to a single fist. That fist began to burn intensely and she could feel the power it wielded this was Zangan's final act of teaching before he had disappeared. He had taught her to center her power and create a massive explosion from her strength alone it wasn't something people could normally do and whenever she did use it, the enemy usually didn't move again."Alright you! Back to the bucket of bolts!" she shouted and crouched, pulling her fist back as the power began to cause her fist to glow intensely. "I'm done with you!" Tifa moved so fast, it was like she had simply disappeared. Her fist struck the machine dead center in its back as she came down upon it. The contact was impressive. The power in her fist shone brightly almost blinding everyone around her, before it all moved into into the machine. And...boom!The result was devasting. A massive explosion shot forth and the machine, rather the pieces left of it, took to the air from the sheer force of the blow, before falling back to the ground with audible thuds, the ground shaking.The dust began to settle and Tifa could been seen standing in a rather impressive sized crater, her hands settled upon her shapely hips as she surveyed the remains of the machine. The wind swayed her hair about her as she gave a soft smirk it hadn't failed. The machine wouldn't be getting back up.
Reno let out a low whistle. "Quite something that limit break of hers."Kai, however, didnt look impressed. He could take the machine out, but Reno, his superior ordered him to back off. Male ego kicked in, and he started looking for flaws in that show stealing technique of hers. "Hmph..wouldnt work against a living trained fighter..The setup was too long, and that took too much energy. A miss would have screwed her." He said, crossing his arms like an annoyed Kid."What are you getting so defensive about? We got the job done, thats all that matters." Reno answered calmly, signaling Rude that the battle is over. "Good work partner."Kai walked over to Tifa, looking somewhat annoyed. "Hmph! Showoff.." He told her half jokingly.
Reno always seemed to be impressed with her technique but she could tell that Kai was not. Not that she was surprised by that. They were both apprentices of the great Zangan and so, with their opposing styles, it wasn't surprising that they would be competitive. And they were. Though, at times, their minds wereoccupiedwith another form of excercise tha sparring, as the scene in the bar had proved.Tifa blinked at Kai's irritated expression and couldn't help but chuckle behind a gloved hand. He looked like a boy who had just had his favorite toy taken away. "Awe, what's the matter?" She jabbed his torso playfully with a finger. "Did I hurt your ego?"She knew he was picking apart the wayFinal Heavenworked, though she had purposely not used its full potential. He was going to assume it took too long and used too much energy, so she let him think that. When, in reality, she could use the ability in under 60 seconds if the situation called for it. She stretched her arms, first to one side and then to the other. "What should we do with the debree?" she asked, this time addressing Reno, brown orbs sliding to look at the red head.
"Cleanups arent our work, Turks arent janitors." The senior Turk said, picking up the phone and calling in for a cleanup crew. Rude came running towards them, lugging the heavy missile launcher like it was a light shopping bag. He was glad he didnt have to use the heavy artilery. "Good work.." He told Reno and Kai, looking away from Tifa."No you didnt!" Kai protested Tifa's words like a sulking boy. "I could have killed that machine twice as fast!". Anyone looking at the two, would never have thought that they were just seducing each other, and having an escalating sexual tension between themselves. They look more like rival siblings, and in a way they are. Little did Kai know, Reno was about to drop a bomb."Teef, you helped us out once more. First it was the whole Bahamut thing, now this. I think its about time i offer you a job. Wadya say? You'd look good in black suits, and it'll nail you more money. We can even get Marlene into a nice Shin ra private school, get her good education."Kai almost yelled. Where the hell did that come from? Its hard enough for him to be proffesional around this girl, but to work with her? How can he do his job as a turk, when his work partner is someone he is so personally attached to? And he knows she cares about marlene, its a tough deal to refuse. Rude on the other hand, was hiding behind a tree, silently cheering.
She couldn't help but chuckle again at Kai's response. Quick to sober up though as Reno spoke to her. Her? A Turk? Honestly, she couldn't picture it. Though, running the delivery business with Cloud had become rather taxing because of their complicated relationship. And Reno's offer to put Marlene into a school was almost too good to pass up.Brown eyes moved back to Kai and saw his expression she could tell he was against it. She could guess why. Tifa was already working with someone whom she was attached to so if she accepted, she could see it as jumping from the pan into the fire. She remember his smoldering look earlier when they had theirmatchat her home and knew the analogy was the truth."I don't know, Reno," she said, after thinking for a few moments. Her eyes moved back to the Senior Turk, her arms crossed. "Cloud and I already are runningStrife Deliveries. You know how he can be with the paperwork." She trailed off and tilted her head back. "Though...the offer is tempting. I don't suppose you'll give me some time to think it over?"
"Of course, its not something i expect you to answer without giving it thoughts. You know where to find me."Mere minutes after Reno finished talking, a crew of black uniformed Shinra soldiers entered the park, clearing up the debris and sealing off the area from the gathering crowd of civilians. News crews are already broadcasting reports about what happened, and it pissed Reno off to no ends. "Rude, Mercer, cut off their transmition." He said to his cellphone, and within seconds, sounds of protest from the reporters can be heard. Of course its not something Reno havent heard before."Hey.." Kai said softly to Tifa, leaning back onto the same railings they had just been intimate against. The loud noises in the background seemed to be nothing but distant voices to him, and it was clear that something was in his mind. The young man took his jacket off and placed it around her, once again, doing things without realizing it."That offers a pretty good one. Good for Marlenes future." He told her matter of factly. "You're her 'mother' right? So i guess you know that you should put her needs before yours."The sky darkened slightly, when the young man turned to her with a straight serious face. "Whatever you choose, im still fucking you tonight."
Tifa nodded to Reno and then followed Kai back to the ledge they had been kissing at before the machine had so rudely interupted them. She leaned on it with her elbows, smiling a little to herself as he draped the blazer jacker on her shoulders. The gesture was sweet. His words hit home and she knew he was right, but before she could answer he spoke again.Her eyes widened a bit and she chuckled. "Confident, aren't you?" was her response. He sounded so sure of himself. So confident. Like heknewahead of time what fate had in store for them. "We'll see." She chuckled again, before her expression sobered."In a way, I am Marlene's mother, yes. Her mother and her father were killed when she was very young. She doesn't remember them. Barret, I'm sure you've heard of him, took her in. He brought her here and after the whole incident with Sephiroth, she ended up just staying with Cloud and I. We're the closest thing she has to parents. I would give up everything to keep her safe and happy." She explained, brown orbs looking at the darkening sky. "She wouldn't want to be seperated from Denzel, I know that. He was orphaned shortly before Kadaj's gang came to Midgar. We took him in as well and the kids became really good friends and close. So...if Reno can guarentee to give Denzel the same as Marlene, I could take the offer without a guilty conscious."She sighed and turned her eyes to him. "I'm sure you can tell that Cloud and I have a very...complicated, if not indifferent relationship. I've had feelings for him since way back when. We grew up together. But..." she shook her head softly "he has never returned my feelings, even when...we slept together. It was frustrating. It's why I made the club, to vent."She pushed herself off the ledge and turned fully towards him, pressing a hand to his chest, able to feel his heart beating beneath it. "If I became a Turk, Marlene would get the schooling she needs, I could get away from that indifferent Jerk, and I...could see you, a lot more than we can now." The last part she said a little quietly, embarassed. A quite out of character emotion for the fighter.
The silence between them seemed to be louder than the crowd, but then Kai's laughter boomed out, drowning everything else like a tide of thunder. He seemed to naturally position himself at the centre of attention sometimes, and the onlookers all stared at him for one moment."You're quite something arent you? Of course i already knew that" It may seem like a fairytale for two people to just meet and connect the way these two had, but for the young man whose hands are still wrapped in bloody bandages, its all just natural, in his own animal instinct driven way. That same animal instinct drove him to pick her up on his shoulder, like a caveman and took her away."What the hell are you trying to do Rookie?!" Reno asked him with an amused look."My shift is done, im taking her back to my place and fucking her roughly."Reno laughed out loud. "Have fun, see ya at work tommorow." Turks are a fun loving bunch outside of work, where they become cold calculating profesionals. People were staring at the couple, murmuring about the brashness of the young man, of course Kai didnt care, but when he saw a small girl pushing through the crowd with a young boy following him, he quickly dropped Tifa to her feet."Marlenes here." He grumbled like a boy who had his toy taken away.
Tifa gave a loud noise, a half laugh and half squeal, as Kai tossed her onto his shoulder and began to stalk off, like a general who had just secured his prize of the day. "What are you doing?" she said, while laughing, though she quickly ended up blushing as her question was answered though it was aimed to ask Reno's very similiar question.She just ended up half hanging there, trying her best not to laugh at Kai's very manly, kind of egotistical, behaviour. Brown orbs then blinked as he set her back onto feet, mentioning something about Marlene being here. She turned and saw the young girl running towards them, Denzel quickly following behind her. Tifa pulled away from the Turk and moved to kneel down as Marlene finally reached her."Mama! I found you," Marlene said, slightly huffing as she had been running for a few minutes after hearing all the commotion. "Me and Denzel saw the explosion, I knew it had to be you." The little girl laughed and Denzel nodded, before stepping forward. "Cloud seemed kinda grumpy when we got home and we saw the note, so we came to find you. The explosion kinda gave ya away," the boy said."Yes, I suppose it did," she said with a soft laugh in response. "Hey, I'm going to go talk with the Turks for a little while. I may not be back until morning, but I have my cell if you need me, ok?" both the children nodded. "Also, when I get back, I want to talk to you about something." They nodded again. "Ok mama," Marlene said, giving the fighter a hug. Denzel stepped in and did the same.After a moment, the three seperated. "Can you get back on your own ok?" Tifa asked. Denzel seemed to puff out his chest as he nodded. "I'll protect her, don't worry!"
Kai waited for the two to dissapear, looking left and right like a burglar about to steal something. When he was sure they were out of earshot, the man picked Tifa up again, and ran off like some sort of thief. He took her to the elevator they used before. Once they were inside, all hell broke lose. Kai punched the control panel, breaking it and ensuring the door wont be opening anytime soon."Now you're all mine!" He roared, pushing the girl chest first against the cold walls. His hand went for the target, her underwear, pulling roughly, making it dig into her cunt before ripping it apart. His jaw clamped on her shoulder roughly, he wasnt subtle, nor seductive. He doest tease or gently pull a girl towards lust, no, he is a beast who drags them into it. One whose lust is furious and unstopable. His fingers entered her and rampaged inside her, making wet slapping noises that filled the whole elevator."Mine...You're all mine.." He muttered. After awhile, he moved back, and zipping noises reached Tifas ears. Out came a powerfull rod, nearly a foot long, and thick as all hell. Not waiting for Tifa to react, the man turned her around, forcing her to get a good look at the member thats going to be inside her.
Tifa had to surpress the urge to laugh again as Kai vaulted off with her like a pirate with his treasure. It wasn't long before they were in the elevator they had ridden to the park. She jerked a tad in surprise as Kai's fist shoved into the control panel, effectively causing the elevator to stall."What are you " her question was cut off mid sentence as he shoved her roughly, front first, against the wall of the elevator. Her palms pressed flat against the cool surface, though she didn't move to push off. Her back arched as his fingers roughly tore the black panties from her already moist core, before she cried out as his fingers sunk deeply into her and his jaw clamped down on her shoulder.Never had she known someone so animalistic, and dear god, it was intense. She moaned as those strong fingers molested her, her cunt only growing more and more wet around the digits. When she was flipped roughly, she caught sight of his large cock as it sprung free. Her eyes widened as she tried to catch her breath from his earlier attack. "Dear God..." she whispered she wasn't entirely sure she could handle such a rod. She suddenly felt like a nervous virgin all over again, and a tad overwhelmed by its girth and the sheer size of it.
He knew that look, every girl gave him the same look when they discover his mighty shaft. Its a nice ego boost for the young man, in a very shallow way, but also a way that no man can resist. He pounced once more, breathing heavily. His powerfull grip held her just the way it did when they fought, and brought the busty young woman to her knees, literally. He didnt even say anything, merely pushed the hard tip of his manhood to her lips. If its too big, a woman might get scared of the pain, but letting them suck on a cock, feeling it in their mouth is one way to familiarize themself with the member, hence aleviating the fear. Of course thats not why Kai placed her in this position, he just wanted a blowjob."Its all yours.."He may seem like a selfish man by his action, but whatever he does, it goes both ways. He kept saying that she is his, but he is just as much hers. He would do anything for her, and somewhat expects her to do the same. His towering figure casted a shadow on Tifa, the rock hard member still pointed straight at her face.
The busty, raven haired fighter was not a selfish lover. When she gave herself to a man, she gave her all just the last man she had attempted to be this way with, well, it had been strictly a way one way street. So when her fellow fighter pushed her to her knees with his fighter's strength, she did not resist. Nor did she shrink from the more than impressive cock that now pressed against her lips.She had been fantasizing about this moment since their fight in the club. Her lips parted and she took the head of his shaft in between them. Tongue darting out like whip to wrap around the mighty cock as she slid it further into her mouth. Now, Tifa was not some eager schoolgirl who had no idea of what she had gotten herself into she knew she could not fit his entire length in her mouth. What she could not fit into the warm recesses of her mouth, she curled her hand around, stroking in time with her tongue and mouth motion.Her free hand slid under his rod to cup at his balls, caressing them as she sucked in her cheeks to create better friction as she continued to give the fighter pleasure this way.
"Oh Yeah!" He roared out loud, the man didnt hold back his moans and growls. He showed his apreciation and arousal with every deep rumbling noise he made, with every thrust of his hips . "My're so good.." He told the girl. His rugged hands carressed her silky smooth hair gently, looking down onto her face with a warm grin that told her how much he is thankfull for her generous treatment."Nnngh!" Suddenly he shifted gear, holding her face in place and pumping his powerfull hips, trained and strengthened from countless hours of wrestling. Long hard tower of meat going in and out of her throat, all the while the young man growled out his encouragement. "Nnngh! Take it! Suck harder babe!"She truly was excelent, he didnt expect her to be so talented, or perhaps she's done this alot before? It doesnt matter, he isnt the jealous type. What does it matter if she slept with the spiky headed jerk from before? He'll fuck her alot harder than that wimp ever could. After what seemed like an eternity, He pats her head, telling her that he's about to shoot his load, letting her react the way she wants to take the burst.
If there was one thing that Tifa loved, it was the vocal appreciation he was surrendering. Hearing the animalistic sounds he made was such a turn on. A vocal guy was definitely her thing. And this was so much more intense than her experiences with Cloud the spikey haired fighter paled in comparison more than she could comprehend, and the turk hadn't even fucked her yet!There was a little resistance as Kai pushed his thick cock further into her mouth. She was not used to such an impressive piece of equipment, but she managed, with his encouragement, to keep from gagging on it. It wasn't that she had a lot of experience, per say. Tifa had always been a natural at whatever she put her hand to, this was no different.She took it, over and over, sucking harder and deeper as he encouraged. Her own enjoyment made in little noises as she pleasure him this way. When he patted her silky hair and told her he was at his peak, she inwardly smirked and began to really go at it, to really throw him off the edge of the cliff into the waves of release waiting at the bottom. A slim hand drew down his length, before she put her finger to the corner of her outstretched mouth, her mischevious brown orbs looking up at him all indication that if he wished to shoot his load into her mouth, he could before she closed her eyes and went back to it hard and deep, trying to work throat muscles around it when it pushed deep.
He shot out his hands to both sides of the elevator, pressing so hard on the walls it made a small indentation on the metal plates. He was reeling, her sudden offensive was overwhelming him by alot. It felt like theyre still fighting, he held back defiantly, gritting his teeth even as his body trembled from the girls lashing tongue. "Haah....nngh..oh that..all you have?" He taunted, smirking even when a trickle of sweat crawls down his cheek.When he did Cumm, he was a force of nature. A flood that consumed all in its path, drowning all yet leaving the land revitalized. He took long deep breaths, catching his own rythm. His hips didnt stop moving, gently pumping to let her clean him off. "Your inner slut sexy.." He said as he bent over to kiss her head.His cock wasnt only huge, it has inhuman endurance, just like he does in fights. As she sucked it, the cock didnt soften one bit, always ready for another round. If anything, more blood flowed into it, making it slightly bigger, by a 10th of an inch."Round two my little fuckbuddy.." He chuckled, grabbing her hair and shoving the girl back to the cold steel wall, this time pushing her breast onto it and pulling her ass back onto him, letting his cock fall upon her lower body, giving her a picture of just how deep it will go in. The turk then did something peculiar, placing his own watch on her left wrist."Tell long does your puny boyfriend last inside your cunt?"
She almost wanted to chuckle when he taunted her but she held it back, focusing purely on pleasing her animalistic fighter. He was like a fountian when he released and her throat worked to gobble it up he tasted devine, she noted. Hot and thick, musky. The experienced fighter managed to swallow most but after he pulled free from her lips, she had to slide her tongue along them to lick up the leaking portion.His endearment was dirty, but it only served to stroke her fire higher and she enjoyed it. She wasn't ashamed of the sexual nature, she embraced it like a fighter embraces their unique style. She, too, chuckled when he called for round two and groaned as her pulled her up by her hair and shoved her back against the cold elevator wall. The cold caused her nipple to harden and her breasts to tingle.Tifa had to surpress the urge to wiggle her bottom back against him, biting her lip as his magnificent cock laid on her. Dear god, it was going to go deep. She knew that. Though, it served to only excite her.Brown orbs blinked and she turned her head to look as he placed his watch on her slim wrist. His question caused her to blush. "" she was embarrassed to admit that Cloud had never really seem stimulated by her, so the few times they'd had sex, it hadn't been anything worth remniscing over. "An hour," she muttered.
Kai held back a laughter when she said 'an hour'. Such a short ammount of time for such a hungry woman. He pinned her arms on the wall, making sure she can get a good view of the watch. "Well, i'll outlast him by three times over." He promised her, licking the back of her neck. Suddenly, without any form of warning, he slammed inside her. The impact was nothing like sex, it was more familiar to a punch, or an attack, banging Tifa's form onto the wall, making a loud metalic thud echo throughout the elevator shaft."Oh god! Your cunt is so tight!" He howled, giving her lovely ass a playfull slap before fucking her roughly. He didnt wait, didnt try to build up tensions, it was all out brutality from the get go, banging her repeatedly onto the wall, making a rythmical symphony of loud noises, a mix between his groans, the metal wall getting hit over and over, and the wet slapping noise of their sex."Nngh! Say my name! Say it!" He told no, he commanded her.
Tifa shuddered with unhindered excitement at his words and almost screamed as he pounded his thick and unrivaled cock into her tight pussy. She was pushed forward hard from the impact, hitting the wall, but where most women would have cried in pain and begged for mercy, she reveled in this. Another loud moan given in appreciation of his treatment of her.He, too, vocalized his enjoyment of her cunt and slapped her tight ass. She cried out at the slap with another, but much longer moan as the sting of it added to the pain and pleasure she was getting from his cock. And he did not hold back. He brutally pounded into her and Tifa only screamed out her pleasure, her hands balling into fists. Her head cranked back as she moaned again and again, clearly enjoying herself.When he commanded her to say his name, she was happy to oblige, the way he was pounding into her. But. She didn't say it, she more screamed it."Kai! God, Kai! You're cock is so huge!" she moaned out. "I can't believe how good it feels inside me!" Words jumbled at parts from the pounding. "Oh god Kai!"
People may pass by outside and hear their loud noises, but that turned Kai on even further. He WANTS people to hear them, hell, if he can get away with it, he'll take her in front of everyone in the park. Her begging further aroused his bestial self, and impossible as it may seem, his thrusting became even harder, taking tifa to her limit and breaking said limit into a thousand little pieces. The first hour passes by like a storm,the room is filled with their scent of sex and sweat."Ride me my slutty little lover!"He commanded, pulling her to the ground, on top of him as she faced away. His hands went away from her hips, giving her full reign as he admired her lovely ass and gave it a playfull squeeze, hard throbing cock still embeded deep inside her, hitting a different angle now that she is on top."God you're the best fuck i ever had"
It didn't really occur to her that people could hear them, at least not in this exact moment in which involved his hard cock pounding inside of her. Really, she could think of anythingbutthat. This was by far the best feeling, their fight the only thing coming even close in comparison.By the one hour mark, she swore she had cummed atleastfour times that she could count. She may have been off by one or two since it was becoming increasingly more difficult to think coherently. Her body gleamed with sensual perspiration and the elevator smelled of their encounter, but she didn't care. He moved and suddenly, she found herself seated upon his mighty shaft.Even wrapped up in their sexual encounter, and consumed by their passionate lust, she couldn't help but smirk at his comment. Least she knew she was better than that cocky blonde turk, Elena."Likewise," she managed to gasp out as she set her hands upon his thighs and began to slam down on his cock from this new angle. Her moaning became loud once again, her nails biting into his skin as she rode him, almost expertly, muscles of her pussy clenching around him like a vice each time he slid into her, her hot juices only serving to make it all the most pleasurable to him.
He arched his back slightly and shuddered. His cock can easily last as long as he promised he would, but his midsection was begining to feel slightly tired from the hour of hard workout, and he would prefer to rest up slightly so that he can give her a fitting grand finale. This however, doesnt mean he is lazy. When Zangan taught him about fighting, one of the basic rule was 'always keep your hands up, dont be lazy', and Kai believed that to be true, even in sex. His hands went to her ass and massaged them roughly."Admit it..You've been wanting aah..My cock..Since the day we met."His dominant side stirred, and it wasnt long untill the turk started thrusting upwards, bouncing the girl up and down on his lap. She is a wild beast hidden in a rabbits skin, he almost cant believe that this girl riding him like her life depended on it, is the same one that was so motherly and calm when Marlene was around."You're mine!" He roared, pulling her by the hair to make her fall back onto his body, as he diligently grinds her out.
"That was...aaahh...only yesterday.." She moaned out, grinding down against him even as she slid up and down on his cock. "But...nnnn, its true. I aaaaahh...have."The 7th heaven sensation, as she had been called, was not one quick to wear out. If he could go for three hours, she could too, even as her body protested. Muscles began to grow tense, but it was nothing compared to the sensational feeling his cock was stirring inside of her. Her nails dug into his thighs and she cried out as he began to thrust into her again.When his hand shot up into the strands up her hair, she cried out again and obediantly fell back against his body. This angle caused his cock to rub more diligently against the walls of her pussy, though his sheer size and girth made that an easy feat for him."Hhnnn, yes, Kai!" she clenched tightly around him, cumming again on his cock.
Just another hour before he made good on his claim. At her sixth orgasm, the fighter chuckled, he would laugh out loud if his breathing permitted, but it didnt. "Six orgasms..and i havent cummed once?". He pushed her forward, onto her stomach, raising her ass high in the air. He can feel himself wearing down, so might as well make the last hour all about deep penetration."Nnngh...Im going in deep babe.."He acts like this is nothing, but she is indeed impressive. Never had he expected her to last so long. Most girls gets wiped in under an hour of his savagery, even Elena, who is a strong woman by all rights can only keep up with him for half an hour before passing out from exhaustion, both physicall and mental. Tifa has lasted over and hour, and had the strength to ride him for another hour. But now he will end it, finish her off without mercy."AAAAAAAAH!"He shoved it in suddenly, pulling all the way back quickly, and slamming back in strong. His long hard strokes not only had intensity and momentum, it had velocity as well, thrusting in and out of her like a frenzied piston.
Tifa couldn't help but stifle a chuckle even now in their midst of fantastic fucking, he was trying to taunt her. Not that she should expect any less of a rival fighter, really. She gasped as he pushed her down onto her stomach and elbows. She shuddered at his words, his sensual promise to penetrate her deep.She screamed as he suddenly slammed into her this way, the action indeed causing his thick rod to hit her deep. He filled her up so nicely and she vocally shared her appreciation as he began to thrust in a frenzy. Hard and deep, fast, over and over again.Finally, the last hour passed, and from this angle she had orgasmed for her lover at least three more times. She was panting. Sweating. But she refused to give up, her limbs trembling, mind pushing off the black dots that danced across her vision. She wasnotgoing to pass out."Nnnnn, oh god, Kai! It's so great!" giving him vocalized compliments as he did her. Never would she have thought to have cum so much and for so long. Not to mention so hard! He was amazing!At the end of the last hour came, she was just on edge of her tenth orgasm, almost wanting to bite into her arm to keep from screaming her pleasure.
A beeping sound rang through the small room, the timer on his watch signaled that he had ravaged her for three hours straight. A great feat of endurance, even for him. But his hips kept on pounding her, for a full fifteen minutes after that. As he felt his cock pulsing, the man pulled out and shoved the girl down, again pulling her hair to put her where he wanted her to be, sitting against the elevator wall where he took her first."Open wide slut.." He muttered, jerking off his impressive rod in her view.Blasts after blasts of thick white cum, landed against her face and breast. He simply kept blasting her, as the obscene ammount of cum, litteraly a flood compared to Clouds little streams. The fluid crawled down her face, pooling in her cleavage. With a smug look of victory, the young man stared down at her."Best sex YOU ever had, clearly.."
Vaguely, she heard the beeping of the watch and felt a tad victorious that she hadn't given into the urge to pass out while he was pounding her. He didn't stop though, kept on going for another fifteen minutes.Justas she was about to reach that tenth orgasm, he pulled from her and pushed her back to sit against the wall of the elevator.As his cum flooded across her face and breasts, she couldn't help but shudder, the feeling of his poweful orgasm pushing her over the edge and again, her juices came with the final orgasm.Once everything seemed to calm down, she licked her lip of the cum that lingered there and even used her fingers to wipe up what was on her face, before using her tongue to clean them off diligently. Her legs were trembling and she doubted that she could move as she tried to desperately regain her breath."Rub it in why don't'cha," she said with a small laugh. "Yes, though, thevery best."
He did rub it in. In her face that is, as his still hard cock was pressed against her cheeks and lips, urging the girl to clean him up. He was breathing hard as well, legs still planted firmly on the elevator walls. Laughing at her comment, the young man gave a warm smile, kneeling down to kiss her forehead."You're ALSO the very best i've ever had.."He went silent for a bit, just sitting next to her, and putting his jacket around her now naked body. In his bestial impulse, he ripped her clothing apart, and now theres no way she can get home. The only thing to do is to take her back to his place Via the elevator, and give her some clothes.People think Midgar is comprised of two levels, the slums under the plates, and the upper level above the plate. What they dont know, is that theres a third level, which is inside the plate itself. In here is a wide network of tunnels, elevators and other things that allows Shin Ra to be in control and have access to quick transportations. The elevator not only goes up and down, but it also stops in the middle, and from there, another elevator can take them to Shin Ra's main building."Come on, you're coming to my place." He offered, picking her up on his back like a child.
The young fighter couldn't help but chuckle, even as she went ahead and helped clean up that still rather rigid part of him. Even now the taste of him was exotic and she couldn't help but find that she liked it. When he leaned down to plant a kiss on her forhead, she gave a smile at his words.Good. It was good to know the amazing encounter was memorable for both of them.She pulled the Turk jacket around her as he laid it on her shoulders. The man, in his rough display of affection and lust, had pretty much effectively torn apart her wardrobe. Not that she minded, though was she going to go back to the bar like this?He seemed to read her thoughts and she squeaked as he picked her up, almost like a child. She gave a small chuckle, holding the jacket with one hand and the other arms settled over his shoulder and loosely held on around his neck."Probably a good thing. I don't think I can walk right now," she laughed softly.
It took only five minutes for him to get back to his room. Of course, being a Turk, he has access to many things no one else does. Like Private elevators. The Turk floor is pretty quiet, since everyone is always either out on duty, or resting . It looked pretty much like a very expensive hotel, though one without much decoration. Not many people are allowed in here, and in fact, All Turks are expected to do their own cleaning and house chores, this way they dont need to allow Shin Ra cleaning staff inside."Heres my room" He whispered, opening a door. His room is quite neat looking, but thats because there isnt too many things inside. The main living room consists of a huge bed, a TV and a cabinet full of paperwork. Nearby is a pantry, and what was supposed to be the bedroom. Since Kai prefers a more simple setup, he uses the living room as a bedroom, and the empty room is now used as a small gym."Here we go..This is the kind of place that you can get if you become a Turk. Its not much but its the safest place you can be in. The school for Shin Ra kids are in the 58th level."Shin Ra tower is indeed a small city of its own, it has all the things a city needs, though the food is brought from outside. Its a whole new world inside, one not many people can get into.
The simple set up of the Turk floor, or Kai's room for that matter, didn't really surprise the young woman. Turks were very proffessional, so she expected a clean, neat sort of hotel like appearance. That and she had been around a good number of Turks in her lifetime.You get a good feel of people when you're around then enough, she mused.When he spoke to her, she nodded at his words. Tifa still wasn't sure what she wanted to do about Reno's offer to make her a Turk it really wasn't a deal shecouldpass up if Marlene and Denzel were to have a good life. Their happiness had always come before her own, she wasn't about to let that change now.She asked him to let her down and when he did, she pulled his coat around her naked body tighter and moved sit on the edge of the bed. Kicking off her shoes, she smiled a little up to him."Mind if I rest a bit?" she inquired.
He locked the doors after placing her on the bed. The door not only requires a retinal scan, it also needs passwords. He punched in a few numbers and an audible click can be heard, as the room is now secured. He moved around the room in a near ritualistic rythm, doing things without even thinking. Clearly he's doing a routine he's done everyday.First he took of his tie and placed it on the table. Then his shoes, pushing them under a desk. Afterwards he went to a table with pictures of many people, presumably dead comrades judging from the small candles he is lighting. When thats done, he takes off his shirt and pants, standing naked once again before the tired girl."Rest?" He climbed on the bed, pulling his jacket away from her."No rest..Next round!" He roared, pinning her down and placing those long legs on his shoulder. The night went on, as the young fighter is intent on making her pass out. The sex is equally as rough as the first round, but since theyre on a bed, it felt fresh, new positions made possible by the huge space and soft bed.
Tifa watched as he went about the room, obviously doing a daily routine. Something he's done many times by the looks of it. The pictures took her a bit by surprise, but she knew what it was like to lose comrades and friends. Aeris had been murdered many years ago and, even now, Tifa could not forget the woman. She wasn't able to dwell on it long as Kai came to stand before her stark naked. As tired as she was, she couldn't help but lick her lips at the sight he presented.Before she could say anything, he was pulling the coat from her and pushing her back. She cried out as he pushed himself back inside of her pussy, her legs on his shoulders. The night went on like this, orgasm after orgasm rushing through her as the hours passed. Kai didn't relent. He kept going as if he suddenly had the stamina of a god, as if they just hadn't spent 3 hours in an elevator, fucking like animals. She lost track of the number of her orgasms after eight and many, many hours in, at least 4, she was so wrung out, so tired, so wonderfully exhausted and sated, she actually blacked out. Tifa groaned and rolled over, finding herself pressed against a muscled and male body. Her lashes fluttered, her body still aching and tingling from the intense and utterly amazing sex Kai had given her. Never in her life had she experienced anything quite like what Kai had given her. At this point, screw Cloud. He could go fuck a horse for all she cared Kai was definitely the better of the two."Mmmm.." She stretched, her muscles protesting.
No woman ever pushed him this far. NONE. In fact, no two women at once ever got this far. Three came close, but that wasnt a fair comparisson. When the Turk at last shot his load, he was gasping for air, something that never happened in a fight. She was wild, definitely the best fuck he's ever had. The bed was drenched in sweat and cum, but that didnt bother him at all. Laying next to him, he held the limp form of Tifa tight in his strong arms. A show of closeness, and the willingness to let her into his life."Damn..." He exhaled once before falling asleep. He was still asleep when Tifa stirred. Sleeping, he was a different person. All that strength,all that fire, gone. He's just a simple boy from Junon, with an innocent smile and the body of a greek god..and a giant morning wood that would indeed turn those gods green with envy."Mmmh..." He replied to the groan, his rock hard body not budging an inch. Now that morning is here, the view from his room can be fully appreciated, a nice birds view of the whole city, and the far horizon beyond it. No other building is as high as the Shinra tower, so nobody can really see them inside here.
Tifa heard him groan and she slowly allowed herself to become more aware of the surroundings around her. Her whole body ached pleasurably, and she didn't want to move, but she suddenly had the desire to do something a little more on the naughty side. Cloud has always disappointed her and she never could explore her sexual desires. Kai was exactly what she needed, he was sweet and kind, but also rough and kinky, just the right balance that she needed. He wasn't awake yet and she had the best idea to wake him up.Tifa noticed the large morning wood waiting for her as she sat up and stretched her arms. Giving an almost naughty smile, she placed her hands on his thighs and knelt over his legs to lower her head and blow gentle air onto his hard cock. Drawing her tongue along the head, she nipped ever so gently and then slid him inside of her mouth. Her hand, one of them, stroked the base of his length, the other softly starting to caress his balls.She worked him like this, wanting to try and give him even half the pleasure he had given her the night before. Never had she been so satisfied and she wanted to rock his world in a similiar way. "Mmmm," she gave a soft moan at the thought of pleasing him, the vibration traveling along his cock as she continued to pleasure him.
His eyes fluttered open quickly from the sudden sensation. He jerked up to sitting position, but the lovely sight that greeted him was something he didnt expect. "Good morning beautifull.." He said with a big grin. "Looks like somebody's addicted to my cock.." He chuckled. Laying back down, he gave her free reign over his shaft, closing his eyes to enjoy her naturally talented tongue."Aaaah...This is the life..Nice job..nice suite..A lovely wakeup call..Mmmh..suck it harder babe..I've been DYING to get a titfuck from you.."He gritted his teeth, trying to resist the assault, but she was simply too talented! Now that she's in control, its going to be hard for him. "You know, if you take the job..We can do this"
Tifa tried her best not to chuckle at the reaction she was getting from the god like man she had in bed. She pulled her mouth away and instead lifted her breasts, squishing his cock between the large, soft, silky smooth, globes. "That's true, we could," she said as she began to slide his cock inbetween her breasts. Each time the head of his shaft came up towards her face, she licked it with her tongue and sucked it into her mouth for a moment, before letting it go and repeating the process over and over."Think you could handle this every day?" she questioned inbetween sessions of torturing the man. She could see herself doing this everyday. It was fun to pleasurably torture this strong man like this, to have such an amazing man at her mercy. It was a rush, and she was loving every minute of it.
Looking up at the ceiling, Kai tried as hard as he can to hold back. Her breasts were divine, and here he is, probably the first man to ever receive such treatment from the notoriously busty girl. "Every day..Every single day, and maybe two three times in weekends.." He tried sounding confident, but the strain on his voice is obvious. His hips started thrusting up and down, fucking her breast playfully, trying to reach her waiting lips."Last night was nothing girl..If you take the job offer, i'll aah.." He paused, gritting his teeth. "I...I'll show you a whole new world of pleasure.."It took less than twenty minutes for him to cum, blasting his load all over her face again. His reserve of cum is seemingly endless, as he shot out as much fluid as he did last night."So...Should we go find Reno, or should i make you cum a few times?" He challenged her with a grin.
Tifa only chuckled as she continued on her pleasurable path of torture. She kept her breasts tight on his cock as she continued to stroke him, each time the head reaching her mouth where she sucked it, and licked, even sometimes nipping at it so carefully. In twenty minutes or so of this torture, he came like a fountain, as he had time and again the night before, splashing his seed onto her breasts, neck, and face.She took a moment to clean herself up before she pounced down next to him, nipping at his ear before pressing a kiss to his lips. "Mmm, why don't we have a little more fun first?" she teased as she took his lip, nipping at it playfully. Tifa took his hand and slid it between her supple thighs."See how ready I am for you?" she moaned against his lips as his hand came into contact with her damp netherlips, her clit already throbbing. It seemed that teasing him to climax had an affect on her as well.
The hot dampness made his fingers tingle. With a smirk, he pushed two fingers inside her and spread them wide. "Finally found a man who can keep up huh?.." He whispered softly in that taunting manner of his, his hot breath carressing her neck. He can feel his cock staying hard, becoming even harder after the orgasm in fact! He rubbed it on her stomach. With a sudden movement, he sat up and placed her on his lap, going for those lovely set of breasts. Like a man who knows his way around his own home, he sucked on the most sensitive part. Such is his talent, that one night of furious lovemaking results in him knowing her body inside and out."You have the best pair of tits i've ever sucked on.." Kai said, lowering the girl slowly onto his awaiting rod. The penetration was slow this time, a leisurely and relaxing pace, a contrast to the hurricane of last night. Once he hilted himself inside her, the turk slowly rocked his hips in a teasing rythm, wanting to make her beg before he goes all out.
Tifa couldn't help chuckle even as he went after her large breasts like a dehydrated man would water. He left no part of her untouched and was quick to find her most sensitive spots after only a day of knowing each other carnally, he'd learned every inch of her beautiful body. Not that she was complaining. She loved it. As Kai was teasing her about it, it was indeed true, that she had finally found a man that could keep up with her sexual appetite.She moaned and clutched his shoulders as he entered her, this time slow, and torturous. He meant to make her beg for his normally rough and thrilling fucking, which she knew, with that large and ever so pleasing cock pushing its way inside of her, she soon would. "Ah god," she gasped out as he seated her upon his length, before gently rocking her, causing her to writhe a bit with pleasure in his lap. Her legs astride his hips, tight against them, she trembled."Ah, please, give it to me like you really want to," she moaned after managing to surpress it for awhile. "Oh god, please fuck me hard, Kai." She clenched her hands on his shoulders and her nails bit into his skin, though not too roughly. | 108 | ['Marlene', 'Kadaj', 'Tifa', 'Denzel'] |
56 | | Poke'Sex ((bedlam x dahnei)) | The early morning sun peeked in over the tops of the WireRoot Town trees. Pidgeys shook the morning dew from their feather before fluttering up into warm rays of morning. Just beyond the trees was a clearing several acres wide and long, where various habitats for abandoned and otherwise unrehabilitatable pokemon to reside in the comfort of their own element. The habitats were separated by several yards of green grass, where Grass and Normal type Pokemon would usually play. The entire enclosure was blocked off by picket fences high enough to keep younger Pokemon from getting themselves in danger, but not so high that the older Pokemon would feel trapped. At the head of the fencing was a rather impressive ranch mansion, white and leafed with blue and gold. The sign over the front, double doors had Sawa Research, Rehabilitation, and Relaxation Center emblazoned on it.The Sawa Center, as it was called, was the closest thing to a Pokemon Center in WireRoot Town. It provided a safe haven for injured and abandoned Pokemon, a place for trainers to rest and recover, and it also had its own local brand of PokeChow and medicines for travel. The Sawa family themselves, consisting of professor parents and their three children, were responsible for the data collection and distribution on Pokemon breeding. The book was called the Pokemon Breeder s Manual and Guide, but is often shortened down to PokeSex . It is also sometimes rumored that the Sawa family did very intimate research with their Pokemon. Whether or not that was true, the Sawa family always published a new version every year and it s considered a coming of age ritual in their family for the next child in line to gather the data for the next release.Today would begin Hanabi s journey for information.Hanabi Sawaput the last of her ribbons in her hair. She came running downstairs, nearly tripping over a sleeping Charmander at the foot. The Charmander awoke suddenly, but instead of going on guard, he simply rubbed his eyes and followed Hanabi into the kitchen. There, the two set upon the task of pouring PokeFood into various, brightly colored bowls. After that, they filled a metal tub with fruits and berries and vegetables. By this time, the sun s rays were pouring in through the gaps in the window blinds.Other pokemon began to stir now. An Espeon leapt gracefully onto the counter, taking a small bowl labeled Cleo from the assortment of containers and disappearing with it. A Khangaskhan appeared, hefting the metal tub up and resting it against her pup absent tummy. Hanabi and her Charmander had managed to place all the bowl onto a rolling cart by the time the Kangaskhan had arrived and the three of them headed outside. They were greeted with a veritable stampede of hungry Pokemon, each of them taking a bowl appropriate to their size and type. After the older Pokemon had more or less emptied the cart, Hanabi sat down in the soft grass to hand feed the baby Pokemon. Each of them received a handful of PokeChow, then a fruit to round out their diet. Fyuu, that s hard work. Hanabi said as she and her two helpers pushed the cart and tub back inside, But a good start to the most exciting year of my life. Setting the breakfast things aside for a waiting Vaporeon to clean, Hanabi made her way to the front of the mansion, to make sure no abandoned Pokemon and or hurt lost trainers had arrived in the night without them hearing their arrival.
Kai Lanzhou paused for a moment from his drawing feeling the gentle morning breeze ruffle through his shoulder length silky black hair. He had stopped from his morning walk to the Sawa Ranch as a inclination to draw sight of the bird pokemon set off for the morning rites true to their instincts and behavioral patterns, not that the whole science thing was of much importance to him anyway. He just loved to sketch the creatures in nature as well as the scenery itself. Next to him laying with head resting on his paws was a rather unusual Arcanine, Kai turned his attention to his white furred friend and smiled.The Arcanine, then Growlithe, had been found by Kai when he was young wandering out in the forest beyond his home village. He didn't understand at first the reason why he had been left abandoned there in the middle of the clearing, so small and wounded, yet his father had told him that the white fur, although striped with grey streaks, left him at a natural disadvantage in the wild and I was fortunate enough to have found him alive. Kai was attached to him from that day forth and named him Wren. He had been his friend and companion ever since.Kai put away his sketchbook and slowly stood, stretching as he rose. He slide his shoulder bag on making sure that the five PokeBalls on the modified strap were facing outwards. He started off on the last leg of his long journey. It wasn't like he had stopped far from the ranch though. Sawa Ranch was just on the edge of town and it only took Kai about twenty minutes to get there. When he did finally begin to pass through the front gates of the ranch, he marveled at all the beauty that was on display at the ranch. He never tired of the sight of pokemon, their majesty never failed to amaze him in the least and he thanked the powers that be that he was graced with the chance to live in this world everyday.He reached the front door rather rapidly and gave it a knock. He had heard stories about the family that ran the Sawa ranch and their infamous Pokesex books but that was part of the reason that he wanted to come here. He wanted to capture a new facet of pokemon lifestyle, a part that he had been wanting to add to his sketchbooks for years mating. Besides, if the book came out with a publication ever year like it was rumored then why wouldn't he be able to make a little extra money himself to selling some of his illustrations to add to the next publication.Kai couldn't wait for what could be the best experience of his life. He looked over his shoulder to Wren who looked more like an obedient dog than a pokemon at the moment but he could tell by the way his tail swished as he knocked that he was every bit as anxious for the experience as he was.
It d taken awhile, but Hanabi managed to make it around some still sleeping Pokemon to the front of the house. She pulled the front doors open, putting her whole body into it until her Kangaskahn came and helped. Thanking the Pokemon quickly, she turned to see the boy who was knocking. Her face lit up immediately with a sweet smile and sparkling eyes. Hello! She chirped. The sound brought a small, curious entourage of Pokemon to the front doors, Welcome to the Sawa Ranch! My name s Hanabi! Please come in! She ushered the curious Pokemon back into the house, where they promptly scattered into the various areas of the place. Just inside the doors was a huge den with several mini dens set into lowered spots, each featuring a couch set and entertainment center. Off to the far left of the main den area was a counter with a machine similar to those in a Pokemon Center. Hanabi sister,Reiya, was behind the counter, preparing for the morning with a Chancey. Reiya saw her sister and the new boy come in and waved at them, Good morning! Can I get you anything? Hanabi asked, bouncing with every step, A room? Rest for you Pokemon? Medicine? Supplies?
Kai was a bit taken aback by the pretty girl who answered the door not to mention the fact that she seemed so happy to see someone at her door as early as he was. He figured she must be the youngest daughter of the Sawa's seeing as he knew most of the others by their photos from editions of the PokeSex. As he crossed the threshold, he noticed that there were Pokemon littered about the whole house either sleeping or helping out with household chores. He carefully stepped around Pokemon in the hallway as he followed her into the den. He didn't know why she had brought him into this room but he just gave a silly grin as he followed.He reached the next room and stopped in his tracks as he noticed who he expected was the girl's older sister. If the girl was beautiful, her sister was gorgeous. This one had to be Reiya, who had been the one who put together the latest version of the family's famous tradition. He wondered if the whole family was as attractive as these two but he wasn't going to complain. It wasn't everyday you came to pledge yourself to a year long expedition to aid someone so attractive.Her question was given in a soft yet lifting tone that made him smile because she was quite literally bouncing with energy. He was struck though with how to answer her. Wren came padding up next to him pushing the back of his leg gently as if to goad him forward. He took a deep breath. No turning back now."It is so very kind of you to ask but I've actually come to assist you." He looked at the younger sister, who he assumed might be the next one to fulfill the Sawa family tradition, his hand absent mindedly scratched the back of his head. "I was wondering if you wouldn't mind me making sketches to help with the family research. I mean, I wouldn't ask for much more than recognition for my work. It has been kind of like a dream of mine to contribute to the PokeSex."With his request out in the open, Kai seemed to loose some of his composure and his gaze dropped down to the floor at Hanabi's feet. Wren showed a small sign of concern as he leaned his head against Kai's thigh nudging him a little.
An immediate blush smeared Reiya's face as the question echoed in the air. She turned away quickly, many of the older Pokemon's faces actually turning to look. Their various expressions ranged from amused to horrified. Hanabi's, however, was an expression of excitement. Clearly there was a secret here that neither of the young trainers knew about. As Hanabi began to answer, a deep, very sexual sounding voice flowed into the den."Sketches for the PokeSex?"Taiya, Hanabi's older brother and Reiya's twin , chuckled softly, "You're quite a risk taker. Drawing nothing but a year's worth of Pokemon fucking?""Taiya!" Hanabi pouted, puffing her cheeks out, "Don't do that! You'll scare him off."As Taiya shrugged and began to descend the stairs not but ten feet from the mini PokeCenter, Hanabi and Reiya threw their arms up. The eldest Sawa had just stepped out of the shower and had fail to come downstairs in anything but a towel around his waist. It was his unfortunate habit of showing his body off that bothered his younger sisters to no end."Will you at least get dressed before breakfast?" Hanabi squeaked, trying not blush."Really?" Taiya sighed, then with a lecherous smile, "But you guys never complained before."Reiya immediately ushered her twin upstairs and Hanabi turned to her guest to apologize."I'm sorry for that, my brother's ego is sometimes more than he can handle." She coughed into her hand, trying to remember the topic before their were interrupted, "Ah, yes, illustrations. I think it's a great idea! But, you'll have to talk to my parents to get the final approval. Until then, can I interest you and your pokemon in some breakfast, Mr...?"
Kai didn't know what he was supposed to expect from them but he definitely couldn't have hoped for anything more than Hanabi's expression of utter delight at his offer. He even noticed how Reiya had blushed at the thought of what his offer entailed though it wasn't like he hadn t thought of it having read over the last editions of the book. He was hanging on her response until a very sexual sounding voice broke his focus diverting all of his attention to its source.His face flushed almost instantaneously as his eyes devoured the sight before him. If Reiya was gorgeous then her twin, Taiya, was even more so especially half naked. His perfect blonde hair was dripping wet and fell around his face as his question was asked. His slightly pale skin glistened as if he had just gotten out of the shower. The only thing keeping him from being completely nude was a simple white towel wrapped tightly around his waist. Kai wasn't sure why that made him feel a little disappointed but his blush deepened at his words. He had known about what his offer had entailed and wasn't sure if he should offer that it was something he had been doing for a short time now.He was about to respond when Reiya and Hanabi exclaimed at his current state of dress and ushered him out of the room much too quickly for Kai's taste. He shook it off and looked back to Hanabi who was apologizing for her brothers actions but quickly returned the subject to his offer. Apparently he would have to get approval from the heads of the house but her approval meant a lot to him. He knew that he had at least one person on his side and since Hanabi was the next to uphold the tradition, he figured that was better than nothing. His mood perked though at the thought of having breakfast. A free meal was hard to come by, even for someone like him."The name is Kai, Kai Lanzhou." He reached down and patted Wren's head and while his other hand fell upon his five PokeBalls on his shoulder bag strap. He knew that they would be hungry as well. Wren nudged his hand in anticipation. "I would love to have breakfast with you and your family." He gave a small smile and giggled a little at the thought. Just being here was interesting, he wondered what else this place had to offer for entertainment.
Hanabi moved towards the kitchen and dining room. A number of pokemon littered the kitchen, cooking, cleaning, eating, scolding. In the middle of the kitchen sat a large, round table. At the table sat the Sawa traditional breakfast. Eggs, bacon, ham, steak, hash browns, fruit, whatever you wanted was most likely on that table and if it wasn t, they d be able to get ahold of it. Hanabi pulled out all the chairs from the table to make room for the Sawa family and any trainers who had stayed the night. In moments, Taiya and Reiya came in. Reiya was still in her nurse s outfit, a slightly skimpier version of the usual Nurse Joy uniform, which showed off her flat tummy, and Taiya was in an open button down shirt and torn jeans. Standing side by side, the two looked like a pair of dolls. Ooh. Reiya purred as she sat down, the squatting motion flashing her pink Clefairy thong for a second, Who made breakfast this morning? Before Hanabi could answer, a roar of Pokemon entered the room. Behind them came their trainers, an assortment of characters who gathered around the table, eyes wide with excitement. Not long after the rush, the kitchen fell silent, save soft footsteps.MijiroandAilaSawa were the legendary creators of the PokeSex, as well as two of the most gorgeous people in the Pokemon world. Mijiro had come down in a lab coat and black slack . Aila was dressed in a yukata styled in the colors of an Absol. Her hair was tied up in two pigtails to mimic fox ears. They bowed together, elegant and regal exuming from their being. The trainers applauded the entrance and waited for them to sit. Aila beamed a blushing rending smile at all the trainers, but stopped momentarily on Kai. Well, good morning. She greeted, her voice soft and melodic, almost like a Bellossom s song. She turned her head to greet the others, Thank you for joining us this morning at Sawa Ranch. We are always pleased to have you here.
Kai waited for a few moments before he followed Hanabi into the other room. He stood off to the side unsure of where to sit down. He was about to just sit somewhere when Taiya and Reiya walked into the room scattering his thoughts as he couldn't stop staring at them. They were freaking hot and he couldn't help but notice how unreal they looked while they stood next to each other. This family was truly out of this world sexy and Kai was having some trouble hiding his unruly arousal. He had to visibly bite his lip as Reiya sat down and he caught a slight glimpse of her undergarments that left little to the imagination and he didn't seem to mind it one bit.He moved to sit but he paused as a crowd of trainers and Pokemon piled into the kitchen and took seats and began eating. He had no idea who they were but felt a little out of place because of the shear number of them. Wren moved in closer to him as they entered, not ever really liking large groups of people. Kai actually got a little more anxious as well. He never really did well with large groups having been an artist for so long he hated loud groups and places.He edged a little toward the door but didn't get far as the famous couple that started the PokeSex entered the room. He once again was floored with how beautiful the family was. His anxiousness faded as Aila's gaze fell upon him. He felt the heat rising to his face as she talked to him."I am pleased to finally meet you as well. I've been invited to join you for breakfast." He took a seat next to Reiya and smiled up to Hanabi, "I really appreciate you for your kindness." He gave her an appreciative smile and turned back to Mijiro and took a deep breath before letting it all out. "I've actually come to ask a request of you. I hope I'm not being too presumptuous but would like to assist your daughter on her journey and illustrate the PokeSex..."That's it. He though. He had said it and there wasn't anything to take it back. He knew he had to ask before he lost his nerve. At least this way, he could have a meal out of it even if he was rejected.
A silence fell over the dining room. Pokemon and trainers alike stared in wonder at the bold young man. Reiya visibly caught herself from spewing her orange juice over the table, while Taiya just gave a Cheshire grin."Illustrations?" Mijiro echoed, before the hushed clamoring of the trainers grew at all. His handsome, wise face formed few wrinkles as he considered the offer. A smile and chuckle came shortly after, as if he were reliving some fond memory. Aila looked over at him and, in a moment only shared by those deeply in love, chuckled as well."It's an interesting proposal to say the least." Aila replied, taking a bite out of a strawberry held delicately in her long fingers. There was another long pause before she continued."The Pokemon Breeding and Mating Guide is a year long process. It takes into account the very limits of human and Pokemon relations, the strength of your will, and the depth of your passion." Aila licked her lips, "Mijiro and I went through many hardships that tried our love and our patience. There is no telling what challenges you will face in the year ahead of you...""But..." She popped the remaining strawberry piece into her mouth, "I can tell that you have infinite respect for our work and immense passion for your own. If you wish to contribute to our Guide, then I see no reason to hold you back."
Kai waited with baited breathe as he looked slowly from Aila to Mijiro. His anticipation of this moment was eating him alive even Wren had stopped moving looking over to the others. He didn't even notice that the room had fallen silent at his question but he did realize that his whole future could depend on their answer.He had waited so long to get this far. He had always thought that the PokeSex could use some king of illustration just to make it not only more informative but also slightly more interesting, to say the least. He didn't start his artwork with that goal in mind but he later found himself more and more driven to be the first illustrator of perhaps the Pokemon Breeders most famous book, a small claim to fame but one that he would hold with much pride at doing something he loved as much as drawing those creatures he cherished.As the couple before him spoke, he found himself in a mix of emotions. He was truly happy that they would accept him but he also understood now what kind of responsibility he now had, a duty he owed to the Sawa family. His eyes brightened visibly and he bowed his head respectfully before he returned their gaze once again."I can't tell you how excited and relieved it makes me to hear those words." He spoke up then looking around the table to the other family members, "I promise I won't let you regret this decision." As he prepared to say more his stomach grumbled and he stumbled over some non distinguishable words before saying, "Maybe I should start with breakfast first "He scratched the back of his head embarrassed and attacked the plate of food before him to hide his reddened face. He didn't know where to go after this but he knew that he was hungry and that he was one his way to his destiny. He just hoped that he was as prepared for it as he thought.
Reiya fidgeted in her seat as their mother spoke of passion and hardships. Her and Taiya had grown close when they had accompanied each other on their own journeys. Unable to stand whatever was bothering her, Reiya shot a look at Taiya, then turned abruptly out of her seat and stormed out of the kitchen. Taiya shrugged casually, then eyed Kai for a moment before following his twin out. Mijiro and Aila looked at each other and chuckled. Slowly, conversation grew back into the room, paired with the various calls and purrs of Pokemon.Hanabi, who had not noticed the exchange between her siblings, was beaming again, Ah! This is so exciting! We re going to be known as the two who began a whole new tradition in the PokeSex. Beside her, her Charmander purred and wagged its little flaming tail. About an hour passed by and soon the kitchen was empty, save Mijiro, Aila, Kai, and Hanabi. Mijiro went outside to retrieve a few Pokemon to help clean, while Aila mulled over what the two young trainers were to do to prepare themselves for the coming year. Well, before anything. Aila said, taking down her hair and letting it fall about her shoulders, We need to find Taiya and Reiya. Kai, their rooms are upstairs, across the hall from the bathroom with the light blue door. I swear, those two are always conspiring behind my back
Kai was listening to what Aila had to say before he took a bite of his breakfast and then was a little taken aback by the explosion of flavor in his mouth. Now, it wasn't like he hadn't expected the food to be bad and all but he didn't expect a mass produced meal of this size to taste this awesome. He was distracted with it for a moment before Reiya abruptly got up from the table and left, her brother shrugging an calmly following suit as if she did this often.Time crept by afterwards as Kai sampled most of everything on the table. He had a rather interesting conversation with a breeder next to him that had come all this way to show off his skills to the famous PokeSex creators. But before long he had to leave and return to his home, so he left. Unfortunately there had to be a rather unpleasant trainer there who didn't like how he had just shown up and gotten more attention than him. This trainer having long black hair and the usual trainer get up approached Kai."You've got some nerve, ya know." He said rather rudely. "For someone with a rejected albino pokemon." Kai stood up quickly and turned around obviously insulted. His Arcanine, Wren, got up from his position next to him and growled."You know for someone who is in the presence of such nice people, you seem to lack manners." He looked over at the others. "If you'll excuse us, I'll teach him some manners." Kai walked out of the room to the front of the house with the obviously insulted insulting Trainer followed him to the field next to the house.Kai turned on him and waited for him the pull out a PokeBall or something saying, "If you think that my Wren is such a reject, why don't you try and defeat him then." He smiled as Wren stepped forward into the area between them his white mane swaying a little in the wind and then added, "If you can defeat us, I'll leave." The trainer thought that he had this made and smiled."You are going to regret that, "He said as he reached behind his back and pulled out a PokeBall and throwing it out he shouted, "Come out, Ludicolo."The lily pad pokemon came out and from that moment, Kai knew this wasn't going to be to hard. People always seem to underestimate the power of him and Arcanine. The Trainer shouted out for Ludicolo to use water gun on him, trying to go for a quick victory over his fire Pokemon.Kai saw this and said to Wren, "Quickly, Wren ,dodge it and hit him with a Flamethrower." Wren swiftly dodged to the side and a stream of fire spewed forth from his mouth hitting the much slower opponent knocking him off his feet. The dazed Pokemon was returned by his master who then sent out a Slowking."Slowking, Zen head butt, now." commanded the trainer but Kai commanded that Wren jump above him to dodge and come down to use crunch. The blow connected to the shoulder with Arcanine landing upon the poor Slowking knocking him out with his weight and attack. Wren jumped off and moved back to Kai as the Trainer, who was pissed, threw out his last ball. "Mudkip, go."The pokemon appeared before them but before the trainer had time to command an attack Kai shouted out, "Wren, Thunder Fang, now." Wren moved gently but swiftly and bit his foe with his electrified fangs and the helpless Mudkip promptly fainted. Before the Trainer had any time to react Kai called out to him."You are not really worth the time, ya know." He said mocking his earlier comment, "You should have known, Arcanines are fiercely loyal and not as easy to train as some would like to think, albino or not, Wren and I stuck it out and became strong together against bullies like you. Let this be a lesson to you, looks can be deceiving, I'm a lot more powerful than just some pleasant boy with an albino Pok mon." He turned to leave, "Now, if you excuse me, I believe I've missed the rest of breakfast." as he left the defeated Trainer to deal with his injured Pok mon.He brooded a little on his way back considering that if the boy had been a little more trained then he could have been defeated by him, and then where would he be. He would have had to leave. He was so stupid sometimes. Good thing the trainer hadn't ever realized the fierce speed and power an Arcanine can deliver in battle, even when at a type disadvantage. He hadn't know how long his battle had taken and hoped that he could catch Aila in the kitchen to talk more.Upon entering the room, Kai noticed that a lot of the people who had been there were gone and he returned just as Mijiro left. Alia addressed him and he figured he might as well go and get them so he could start preparing. "I'll go and figure out what they are up to, and hopefully we can then get started on preparing."Kai went upstairs and was still admiring how he was about to start one of his greatest dreams. He followed his directions and noticed that the blue door was slightly opened. He was so deep in his thoughts that he entered the room without knocking and froze from what he saw.
Mmm, Taiya Reiya panted, visibly shaking. Both twins were naked, with Reiya propping herself up against the sink counter. Her legs were spread and barely holding her up. Instead, Taiya s broad shoulders held her as his face was obscured by her legs, Four times, are you s serious? Taiya pulled his head back to look up at her, licking his lips, Tired already? That s so unlike you, hun. Reiya blushed and bit her bottom lip. She ran her hands through Taiya s hair, I m not tired. I just don t want to get caught by any of the trainers still in the house Let them catch us. Taiya stood up, his erect cock coming to full view before he pressed it to Reiya s wet cunt. She shuddered and bucked her hips gently. He lifted her legs up onto the crook of his elbows, leaning her back into the heavily fogged mirror behind her. Reiya groaned as her brother s thick cock pressed into her for, as previously mentioned, a fourth time straight to the hilt. Her arms immediately wrapped around his neck. If we keep this up, you re going to get me pregnant. Reiya purred, locking her ankles together behind his back. I d be okay with that. Taiya pulled back as far as his sister s legs would let him and slammed back into her, shaking the counter and rattling some items off of it, I love you, Reiya. I love you too.. She laid her head against his chest, her eyes barely open as she turned to face the now open door. She inhaled sharply, the motion causing her muscle to tighten around Taiya, who shuddered in pleasure, Taiya! The brother smiled and cocked his head towards the door, his blonde hair falling over lusty eyes, I see that your concern are not unfounded, dear sister..
Kai froze at what he saw as he opened the door, which swung open as he let go of the handle. Now Kai wasn't one of those types who shirked at sex, hell he was going to be devoting himself to the act for a whole year, it was more of an expected reaction to seeing someone you didn't expect to be doing it to be in mid coitus as it were. But seeing that blonde with his calm comments as he thrusted into his sister made him blush, not to mention his voluptuous sister's look as he walked in on them just as she climaxed.Kai wasn't really sure at what was the appropriate thing to do but upon hearing others coming up the stairs, possibly other trainers, He stepped inside and closed the door behind him quickly. He looked over the two, who still seemed a bit flushed which told him that not only had they done this before but they had done it often, today. He looked the pair over again because honestly it was definitely a sight to see, especially with a straight look at Taiya's smooth ass and Reiya's perky breasts . He was just grateful that his clothes aptly hid his own erection.He couldn't look away so he absent mindedly said, "Aila sent me to find you so I could begin preparations for the trip."
Taiya chuckled, pulling away from a put off twin and walking towards the intruder. His cock, in its full prominence an impressive seven inches, pressed up against Kai's stomach as Taiya put his hand against the door and leaned forward. He smelled of sweat and musky, dirty sex. The gleam from the sweat only served to make him look more ethereal and godly, "You've got a lot of balls to be coming in here in the middle of us having our fun time. It's not everyday Reiya wears those little Pokemon undies... if she wears any underwear at all."Reiya followed suit, hopping off the counter and coming up to stand next to Taiya, "What should we do to him, babe? He's stirring up quite a bit of commotion in the house.""Well..." the brother stroked his chin, thinking, "I suppose it would only be fair to give him a taste of what the next year is going to be like."Before Taiya even got the word "taste" out of his mouth, Reiya had dropped down to her knees and was furiously undoing Kai's pants."Eager little girl, aren't you?" Taiya chuckled, patting Reiya on the head.
Kai didn't have enough time to figure out what was happening but blushed deeply as Taiya got so close to him, his cock brushing up against his shirt The wetness of his sister leaving a damp mark. His breath caught in his throat as Taiya offered to give him a 'taste'. He only had time to think of how he had wanted a 'taste' ever since he had seen the two of them as Reiya attacked his pants and freed his own cock which sprung to attention at its full 6 and a half inches. He could tell his was a little shorter than Taiya's but his length may have been beat but his width was certainly a bit wider than Taiya's, an even match in his eyes.Kai may have been too awe struck to make the first move but not going to be out done and simple by the fact that it was already rubbing up against him. Kai moved his back and braced himself against the door giving him a little room to play and grasped Taiya's rod in his fingers, gently exploring his length hoping to force a reaction from the luscious boy in front of him. He looked up into Taiya's eyes with greed and lust in mind."She isn't the only one who is eager " he said a smooth grin spreading across his face :3
Reiya smiled as the organ popped her in the forehead, leaving a little string of precum. Before she could attend to it like she had planned, Taiya held her back. The older twin growled as Kai's hand brushed the length of his cock gently, "Very ballsy."Taiya grabbed Kai by the shoulder and whipped him around at a sharp 90 degree angle. Now Kai's back was to Taiya and his front was still toward a very eager Reiya and the counter. Reiya, knowing her role, promptly took Kai's cock in her mouth, elliciting a deep, reverberating moan as it just barely tapped the back of her throat. Reiya forced Kai's pants down the rest of the way and pressed the head of his own cock between the younger trainer's cheeks."Something tells me you're not entirely inexperienced." Taiya growled into Kai's ear, putting the entirety of his body down along Kai's back, "Wouldn't you say, Reiya?"Reiya nodded as her tongue flicked about the crown of Kai's head. She wasn't entirely paying attention to her brother's antics, seemingly enamoured by the large member in her mouth.
Kai wasn't surprised by the growl that he had forced out of Taiya and felt himself throb as he smacked Reiya in the head. However, he hadn't expected Taiya to grab him and winced a little as Taiya roughly spun him so that he was behind him. Kai knew what Taiya had in mind and as his cock pressed up against his ass he knew he was going to like these two.Reiya didn't seem all that interested in the goading of her brother as she devoured Kai's dick pushing it fully into her mouth. This coaxed a moan out of Kai which caused him to push back a little into Taiya letting him get a better feel of that hard body behind him. He let out another gasp as his hot breath passed over his ears."I could tell you, but wouldn't you rather find out yourself " he stifled a moan from Reiya's menstruations by biting his lip.
Reiya rolled her eyes at the boys' playful conversation, sucking down Kai's precum. She pulled off for a second and took both his balls into her mouth, letting a free hand jerk his cock. Her other hand slid down between her thighs and began to play with her, the slick noise of her cunt as loud as her slurping or her hand on his dick."Heh." Taiya grabbed Kai's hips and bucked forward, not entirely surprised that he could enter with just enough resistance, "I wonder who the lucky dick was that got this first."
Kai couldn't hold himself back anymore as the warm wetness of Reiya's mouth descended to his balls. He hand spared no time as it proceeded to stroke him off. He could hear her moan with pleasure as she started to play with herself. He bit his lip holding himself back for just a little longer enjoying the feeling of her tongue.All of his effort was lost though as Taiya thrust inside of him, pushing himself in completely to the hilt. His balls tightened and as he let out another moan, hot seed burst from his cock covering Reiya's hand. Though he had spent himself that didn't mean the fun was over. He pushed himself backwards toward Taiya's cock working it inside of his ass."He's around," Kai gasped as he felt Taiya's length building up his passion again. He reached his hand back lacing it into Taiya's smooth hair and turned his head pulling Taiya's lips down to his. He'd been able to last like this for hours but he wasn't sure how much time they had left before someone came looking for him. "hmmmmmm " He moaned again at the thought of being caught with these two sexy beasts
Taiya wrapped an arm around Kai's waist, not holding back the force in his thrusts. Reiya whimpered as the warm liquid drizzled down her back and hand and the counter."What a waste." She said, putting her mouth back around the head and suckling it.Taiya granted Kai the kiss, but quickly jerked Kai's head to the side to reveal his neck. He licked his teeth, particularly a pair of protruding canines, and bit down on the skin, with enough for to just barely break the skin.
Kai was loving the attention he was getting from the pair. He was a little disappointed when Taiya's broke their kiss but quickly gasped out loud as his canines sunk into Kai's neck."Ahhh . Fuck " his yelp continued into a moan as he started to get more into the motion of the thrusting from Taiya's. His passion was quickly building back as his cock grew back to its prominence in Reiya's nurturing mouth. He occupied his hands by reaching around to the back of Reiya's head pushing gently at first before forcing her further onto his cock. He knew she had wanted more of it before, and he was more than willing to give it to her.He had himself between a rock hard cock and a moist mouth and he was loving it. He started teasing Taiya's length within him by flexing his ass every time he was thrusting inside him to coax more of a moan out of him. He didn't know how much longer he was going to last with these sex fiends but he was going to give them everything they wanted. He was a boy who liked to please.
Raiya purred happily, running her tongue along the bottom side of Kai s cock. Taiya chuckled darkly, his breathing disjointed by Kai s flexing. He leaned back, grabbing Kai s shoulder for leverage. With a devious grin plastered on his face, Taiya slammed into the young trainer with thrusts not unlike a jackhammer. At the same time, Raiya sucked Kai in deeply, hitting the back of her throat with him. With no apparent gag reflex, her nose was pressed to his groin, her tongue lapping at his balls greedily. You should consider yourself, lucky. Taiya growled, Not everyone gets this kind of treatment from us. We re a picky pair. | 23 | ['Hanabi'] |
57 | | "Running the Penumbra" (MiriGorl29 x Pazzo) | An unmarked, night invisible tactical aircraft quietly sped through the air, nimbly dodging low slung power lines like an acrobatAlex Sat in the plush, heavily gorilla taped drivers seat of his heavily modified Banshee. The VTOL looked like a cross between a full sized 80's van, mixed with an AV8 type Harrier Jump Jet, with the capabilities of both. The engines however in each wing, that kept the craft aloft, had doubled in size, as well as more than doubled the maximum speed and agility of the craft.About the size of one of those short buses for troubled youth, It could easily carry a twelve man fire team into a heavily contested drop point while laying down considerable suppressing fire with its multiple rotary barrel auto cannons mounted on the front end. as well as get them back out again after they had completed their mission, with room to spare. However, all of its spacious interior was currently filled with things like pork rinds, and large tanks of pressurized Dr. Pepper.The combat rigger lay back in the drivers seat, happily sipping on a 128 ounce fountain drink that he had just acquired, letting his eyes roll back into his head, like a crack addict, just getting his fix.He could be considered handsome for a middle aged human, with a well built, athletic body covered in tribal style tattoos, as well as an impressive amount of classic, delta ware chrome cybernetics. His dark skin, and short black hair told of a heavy Native American heritage. Half of his mind focused on the taste of his glorious carbonate beverage and various snacks he just picked up...The other half of his mind was occupied with flying the craft, his brain directly linked to the sensors and controls of the aircraft via a fiber optic wire stretching from his left forearm, snaking across the floorboards, and into the dashboard of the aircraft. Such an intimate connection to his VTOL allowed him to control it with the precision of his own hand, allowing for feats of piloting not otherwise possible.He didn't so much pilot the Vortex, he Became the vortex. The rush of air into its engines became his breath, the flow of fuel from the turbo pumps became like his heard and veins. It was a little uncanny, but Alex was one of the best and highly sought after vehicle riggers in the area. But right now, he was enjoying his ill gotten gains for a series of missions, and well placed investments. Perhaps it was time to retire then? He could live comfortably somewhere in the Dakota territories...Just as he was taking another mind relaxing hit off of his drink, something loud glanced off of the bullet proof glass canopy of his vehicle, making him jump, and almost drop his drink. The aircraft likewise dipped low in the air for a moment, as his concentration was momentarily distracted.A bird perhaps? He was almost home, he could buff it out later...Then, just as suddenly, three more metallic sounds glanced off the belly armor of his Banshee. Those were either pistol of sub machine gun rounds... But, as high up as he was?He sat upright in his chair, and focused all of his mind into his aircraft, taking the sensor suite of the banshee as he would his own eyes, scanning the immediate area.Just below him. about one thousand feet away, were the roof tops of a Renraku factory, that made... whatever it was that Renraku made there. That company was so huge they likely made a little of everything. As he looked over and through the area, in the spectrum of visible light, infrared, and ultraviolet, he saw two things that looked really interesting...A small party of six people, armed with what looked like sub machine guns, were chasing a lone figure that was running and leaping quite gracefully. He was just about to dial in the magnification on his cameras, when a static filled transmission crackled into existence on his radio communication frequency. Frequencies only used by the truly desperate, and more interestingly shadow runners...
"Shit..." Eve said under her breathe as the next few rounds whipped past her head. Even through all the exertion her body was barely sweating, her breathes coming even and calm through the ensuing chase. Beneath the exterior that appeared every bit a human woman was equal parts machine and living tissue working in perfect harmony and in fact the machine parts only pushed the living pieces beyond what was normal.Her ears picked up the steady, heavy humming of the VTOL overhead before her eyes picked up on it's silhouette, and the way it slowed and began hovering meant that she was speaking to someone with interest at what was happening below. "Pilot!" Her voice would come over the mic as fresh bursts of the sub machine gun sounded in the background, with timing only a machine could anticipate she ran to the next bit of cover expertly diving behind a large air conditioner unit.Peeking over she leveled the sights of the pistol in her hand and squeezed off a few shots, trying to at least slow the advance of the ones hunting her."I don't have time to go into this, but I'll tell you what you need to know if you help me out." Eve said over the mic, "I'm guessing you have some serious hardware on that machine and I could use it." She added hoping the weapon systems could be turned to her benefit against those chasing her. "If I could trouble you to level those weapon systems at that group allowing me to escape I'd be very greatful." Eve added, moving to another part of the roof. The key for her was to keep moving so they couldn't surround her, her only hope once she ran out of roof though was to try and hope she could make it to next one.Eve scanned the area and knew the next building was a few floors lower than the one she was on now, and that meant while the machined parts in her legs may take the impact of landing the living parts could buckle under the pressure and her slowed or wounded now would surely guarantee her capture.
Alex's ears twitched, as his sensors and heads up display pinpointed the transmissions as coming from the figure being chased across the rooftops below. She was requesting an extraction.He enhanced his view through the aircrafts sensors, his mind completely oblivious to the spilled soda on the aircraft's floorboards.In his enhanced images, he saw what looked like a breathtakingly gorgeous brunette, with tattoos running the length of her left arm, wearing a black mini dress that was likely a few sizes too small. She was shooting what looked like sub machine gun back at her pursuers, an older model Ingram MAC 10, with a suppressor. A sexy gun for a sexy woman.Still, those things ate through ammunition like it was going out of style. He had always been an Ares Predator kind of person himself.He listened to her request of using his Vortex's rotary cannons to lay down some supporting fire...Alex's brain immediately went into overdrive, and asked several questions, all in the space of one heartbeat.One: Who was she? Why was she being chased by Knight Errant security forces across the rooftops of a Renraku factory? Granted, Alex had no love for Renraku based off of the shit they pulled on him last year. They had offered him a job, and he had done it, professionally, to the letter. When it came time to pay him for his work, they had unloaded upon him, forcing him to flee empty handed... and with a vortex with a marred paint job, and scratched armor.She could possibly be troublesome, maybe she would turn that weapon on him as soon as she was aboard, and demand she fly him somewhere, or steal his aircraft entirely? If she was faking her situation, she was a damn good actress. Alex looked back at his full load of cargo. He would be a little clumsy in the air, but he could manage.He surmised that anyone willing to piss off Renraku couldn't be all that bad."Fuck it..." He said out into the air. He mentally willed the craft to spin around, with both of the crafts chin turrets swiveling around menacingly, as the craft came in lower. The twin linked three barreled auto cannons spun up, and fired a quick burst at the three pursuers on the rooftops, chewing through the plascrete structure like a hot needle through wax.One of the bastards was hit directly, and exploded into a red splatter upon the roof, the other two dove down behind whatever available cover they could find.Alex brought the craft in low, between the two remaining guards, and the fleeing woman.He then mentally had the vortex open its rear hatch. Even with all his precious cargo, there was room for a pretty girl.The inside of his craft had a few surprises just in case she tried anything stupid once she was on board. He also had his predators in easy reach in the front seat with him."Thank you for contacting Uber..." His voice blared out upon the loud speakers of his hovercraft, as the spotlights flooded the area ahead of him. "...Your ride is now here, please come aboard, as Wyrmtalk is on tonight...we are about to miss it." | 3 | ['Sat'] |
58 | | [ Tortoise and The Cheshire] 12th Place, Grimauld Street | The sun was setting down when the Order of the Phoenix set out on a new mission. As always, the seemingly inexistent 12th Place on Grimauld Street was pumping with life, last second preparations being made, last words exchanged in case some never returned. The situation was getting completely out of hand. Dementors attacked muggles, not that anyone actually cared much for Harry s cousin, the Ministry of Magic refused to acknowledge the return of Voldemord despite all the signs and the Order of the Phoenix had to be restored. In a sense, it was both an honour and a curse to be part of it. In the entrance, Kreacher mumbled something about his hopes that none of them would come back alive, only to receive a kick from the annoyed Ron. In all honesty, despite the encouraging smiles on everyone s faces, people were terrified of what would happen if they were to fail. Little by little, their missions helped out both the magic and the muggles worlds without them even knowing, yet the price was incredibly high. Thankfully there had been no casualties thus far, only Hermione s unfortunate accident with her broom that resulted in her breaking her ankle. Broken bones were never too much of a problem though, and it would take a couple of days for the potion to work and the bone to be as good as new if not better. An elbow pressed against the cabinet at the entrance for support, Hermione offered her best friends a smile. Harry, Ron, please be careful, she implored as the two boys pulled her into a group hug. She pressed her forehead against Ron s one with a smile for a second before kissing Harry s cheek. The thought that she wouldn t be helping them was unbearable, but at least she wouldn t be slowing them down with her injuries. Swallowing back her tears, the young woman nodded and the last goodbyes were exchanged. One by one the Order teleported, causing a choked sob to escape Hermione s lips when Ron waved goodbye with a goofy smile and disappeared in a puff of smoke. She exhaled and shook her head, looking around. There was no way she would let Professor Snape know what she was going through, nor show a sign of weakness. Despite the fact that the Order invited him in, he was Hogwarts most hated professor, especially when it came to Gryffindor. She didn t hold things against him, but they weren t exactly having tea parties and going shopping together either. During the stay at Grimauld Street she realized that he wasn t as awful a person as he let on back in the potions class and came to talk to him without having to fight a snarl. Sighing softly, she folded one of her legs at the knee, hopping around. Kreacher let out a happy snicker and ran past her, off to polish some of his previous owner s things. Despite all her love for his kind, she hated the old elf. There was absolutely nothing in him that reminded her of the adorable Dobby. Shaking her head, the eighteen year old beauty struggle to advance through the old house, every step accompanied with a creaking sound that made her fear for her life. Hopping along, she paused in front of an old mirror to examine the absence or presence of tear stains on her face. Thankfully the ivory skin was nowhere close to being puffy after a night of whining and the beautiful hazel eyes were as large and innocent looking as always. It felt odd to be in muggle clothes at that point she was used to the gown they were forced to wear at Hogwarts. Her curvy hips and slim legs were tightly hugged by a pair of washed out jeans ripped on her knees and next to the pockets and a tight white V neck sweater showed just how slim she was while at the same time offering a glimpse of her firm C cup that grew considerably over the summer. Her hair also grew out, falling down to her mid back in shaggy waves with lighter streaks in them, and she was even wearing a hint of makeup some mascara and a touch of blush. Despite the circumstances, she looked better than ever. It was perhaps for that reason that Ron suddenly started acting more affectionate toward her, and she thought their relationship could end up leading somewhere despite the fact that she was a little tired of his games. Perhaps they weren t even games, at times Ron just acted like a child while she, intelligent and mature, acted like a woman. Shaking her head, Hermione continued down the hall, trying to figure out what Snape was doing. The only reason he was left behind was to look after her and make sure her bone healed right. Instead he was doing God knew what. Professor? She called out, instead receiving a happy meowing on behalf of Crookshanks who came running to rub up against her. Crookshanks, she groaned in exasperation, nudging the cat with her foot. Not the right time, she shook her head only to receive an offended sound before the cat proudly walked off, dismissing the owner. Professor Snape, could you help me out? She called out again, leaning up against the wall.
As the various members of the Order departed on their individual assignments, 12th Place, Grimauld Street fell into an old silence it had not felt since these new invaders had found a new home within its dark walls. This new quiet, broken only by the shufflings of Kreacher as he passed through the hidden passages in the walls and the creakings of the ancient structure settling, suited Snape just fine. It provided an atmosphere he could easily work in, and more than once the Head of Slytherin caught himself humming as he bustled to and fro, managing bubbling beakers and frothing test tubes, checking colour and smell as any Potions Master would. Not to mention that Harry and Ron had departed as well, now free to use magic whenever they wanted instead of being confined to Hogwarts. With this new freedom, they were allowed to perform missions of their own, which meant most of the time they were GONE. Oh the joy! Snape's heart, however small and despite constant rumours that he had none, leapt at the mere thought. In all honesty, he should be off committed to a few as well, but ever since that little fool Hermoine broke her leg in a so called 'accident' he had been left to make sure she didn't get into any trouble, as she seemed apt to do hanging around fellows like Harry and Ron. They didn't even have the decency to pay attention in class much less offer any respect an instructor and Head of house would deserve! Hermoine, however, seemed to worship the subject, ALWAYS having the right answer, at the right time, never getting anything wrong. It could be infuriating at some times, ONE of these days, Snape had vowed, he would put her in her place, show her that she was NOT indeed correct all the time! So focused was Severus on this new line of thoughts that he dropped one of his steaming beakers, burning a stinking hole through the tip of his shoe and straight through the dusty carpet sending up orange sparks and a whisp of blue smoke."By the skin of Merlin's right !"Yet his curse was never finished, as Hermoine's voice rang out asking for help. More than likely the silly girl had fallen down again. Cursing his luck he stomped out of his, now slightly smoking room, and started down the hall, calling out coldly as he rounded the corner in all of his dark and imminent authority:"Yes, Hermoine, what is it?"He found her leaning against a wall in all of her young and teenage beauty which never ceased to amaze Snape at how a frizzle haired, buck toothed hazel eyed girl turned into this picture of absolute attraction before him."Can't you see that I'm working? What is so important that you have to run screaming through the house?"He asked in his usual cold and ignorance of the obvious tone.
The time it took for Snape to get over to Hermione, the girl had all the time in the world to fall down again when she attempted to climb the stairs without crutches. Unable to get up, she simply sat there, infuriated by her own uselessness. A part of her wished she stayed in the muggle world, blissfully unaware of the wondrous place she grew to call home, where she could hug her books, get a boyfriend who could not Confound her or put a love spell and simply live a normal life. Instead, she was sitting in a house where a house elf was on the loose, eager to do anything in his abilities to ruin her stay why of course, a muggle in a house of noble lineage, how preposterous, and her cat that seemed to be more than it let on. Either way, when Snape s dark voice filled the air, giving the poor girl shivers, she was rather happy to see him. It was a strange thing to think, and didn t even sound right, but desperate times. I apologize Professor. I wasn t aware of the fact that you were working, since unlike certain people I m not able to climb stairs, she pointed out politely, offering him one of her sweetest smiles that was laced with a hint of mockery. Hanging out with Ron and Harry turned the sweet little girl a little rougher around the edges, and with everything that was going on she wasn t in the mood to take Snape s attitude without talking back. After all, she was a full fledged wizard despite the one year of Hogwarts she still had to complete. If only Hogwarts allowed its students to skip years, she would have graduated years ago. They said you were supposed to help me around, she explained, reaching out and unceremoniously grabbing the teacher s hand to stand up. He would likely threaten to kill her or actually go ahead and do it, but it was worth it. Could you help me upstairs? I could help you, she pleaded, tired of feeling like a tool. Ever Kreacher was of more use than her. Sniffing the air, she arched her eyebrows and glanced down, scoffing but quickly bringing a hand over her lips. I m sorry Professor, she mumbled, trying not to laugh at the fact that the Half Blood Prince actually made a mistake while making a potion.
Severus crossed his arms, glaring down at Hermoine where she lay crumpled at the foot of the stairs,"Watch your tounge, young lady,"He snarled, drumming his fingers on his biceps,"Just because you don't have yourfriendsto back you up doesn't mean I'm going to take any of your talk."Stepping off of the bottom step he stood on level with her, fighting the urge to pace back and forth and deliver a lecture, he had every intention to let her lie where she was in order to punish her willingness to spout lip and he told her so,"I have it in my power, Ms. Granger, to leave you as you are if you continue to disrespect my person and Head of Station. I will NOT abide such !"The lecture he was dying to give, however, was cut short, as Hermoine lunged up and took hold of his hand, pulling herself into a standing position. Noticing immediatly that her hands were quite soft, he growled and shoved the thought away at the same time pulling his hand from her grasp. As unceremoniously as she had reached for it, he had just as unceremoniously pulled it away."In case you've forgotten, Ms. Granger,Iam the Potions Master of Hogwarts, and have no need for a student's help!"The word student was laced with utter contempt, although he couldn't quite seem to forget the thrill that coursed through his body when he heard the word 'help' exit her lips. With great majesty, accompanied by a great sweep of his black robe he started up the stairs, convinced he had erased from her mind any intention to pursue him and press upon him any of her...'help'...he had almost reached the top when he was stopped by a soft giggle that had undoubtedly followed a sly insult. Whipping around in the same majestic fashion that he had hoped to depart in, he marched down the stairs, a deep crimson creeping up his pale neck,"What did you say Ms. Granger?"He nearly roared, stopping at the last step allowing him to tower over her crippled form. Etched across his face was an expression that needed no translation, one that clearly shouted:EXPLAIN YOURSELF!Another emotion in close proximity with his anger swiftly arose as he beheld Hermoine, eyebrow cocked coyly, a tender hand placed over her soft lips, hazel eyes sparkling with bugger that. Behind his mask of fury a wave of confusion passed. Where did those words come from? He hadn't used anything like that since Li ...he glanced down at his still smoking foot and suddenly realized. With something like a mix of panick, slight fear, and still strong anger he glared at Hermoine, silently demanding an answer.
Hermione exhaled softly. Either Snape was going senile or nuts, she had no other explanation for why he loved lecturing people even when they had really done nothing wrong. He was like an old man, yelling at the children across the street for stepping on his lawn, even if the lawn wasn t mowed. She nodded politely when he spoke. I am aware of that, Professor, but you are acting like a child, she pointed out, deciding to go all out. It wasn t as though he could actually do anything his title didn t mean much at the Order and she doubted he would actually physically hurt her. Therefore, it was her time to talk back if there had ever been one. I am tired of not doing anything, and I would like to help you even if it s something small. I mean, every scientist had a lab assistant, she stated, exhaling in exasperation as he went on up the stairs without helping her. What was even the point of him returning downstairs? He was, after all, absolutely unbearable.Suddenly, he returned down the stairs, giving her a brilliant opportunity of finally getting up that bloody stairway. Oh, how she missed Ron. I said that I was sorry for laughing, she replied, watching him turn crimson. She wondered if there was a potion for that or he was naturally capable of turning such a deep shade of red. Surely Fred and George had something to do with it. I just found it amusing that the Potions Master of Hogwarts who doesn t need a student s help would go on and spill potions all over his shoes, she explained calmly, trying not to get him any angrier than he already was. Despite her best attempts to hide it, she was somewhat afraid of the teacher.Nonetheless, the fear wasn t as strong as the desire to get upstairs. Professor, just help me upstairs, please, she requested, sliding a gentle hand underneath his elbow to hold on to him. Despite the fact that her hand was gentle, however, her grip was tight and there was no way she would let go of him. Jumping up one step, she glanced at the man who was at her eyelevel by that point. I really appreciate your help, she taunted, taking another hop up the stairway, relying heavily on Snape s help.
Snape bit his tounge, growling quietly to himself, to keep from barking "5 Demerits from Gryffindor!" It was agonizing enough to be trapped for weeks in the same house that she was in, much less attempting to bide with her sharp and unharnessed mouth. They could only push him so far before he would crack, and about to crack he was, although for an entirely different reason. When he had spilled the potion onto his foot, the mixture inside had blended in with the leather of the shoe, seeping into his skin and causing a mild reaction in his body similar to a stronger and more potent 'Attraction potion'. Needless to say, Severus, Hogwart's Potion Master was beginning to feel a pull he had not felt in years, and one that was very unbecoming of an instructor in one of the most presitgious Wizarding schools in the world. He had to hurry back to his room to fix up an antidote, but none of that could happen with Hermoine tagging along and nagging him."I'm no scientist, Ms. Granger,"Snarled a lightly sweating Snape through gritted teeth, glaring daggers at the firm hand on his elbow,"And I have as much need an assistant like Voldemort needs more followers!"He turned, fully intending to rip his arm from her grasp, but it was more steely than he had anticipated, nearly pulling him off of his feet. Growling a bit louder than he had been before he resigned himself to quietly assisting the crippled student up the stairs,"In case you haven't noticed, mistakes are often made by all sorts of people, no matter their station. I'm not one to talk, Ms. Granger,"He leaned in, cold, dark eyes boring into her's,"I would have to say that you and your...friends,"He enunciated the word with as much disgust as he could,"Have had more than your share of mistakes."Presently, and all the while with Snape radiating his absolute distaste for the situation, they reached the top of the stairs, his face now blanketed in a sheen of perspiration that looked as if he had run around all of London at least a dozen times. Within him boiled so many familiar feelings that it almost hurt to have them back again and he began to look at Hermoine in such a way that wouldn't behoove him to do so in the presence of anyone else. Silently he cursed the effects of his mistake which would more than likely prove to be more dastardly than any that Harry, Ron and Hermoine had ever cooked up. Behind his frigid mask of intolerance and authority he screamed at Hermoine to leave so that he could flee to the dark recesses of his room and quickly mix up the antidote.
If there was one word to describe Hermione, it was stubborn . The girl had a tight grip on the man and she was glad to see that it didn t take him long before he finally gave up on his attempts to push her away. In all honesty, she was surprised he would try despite his lack of heart, how could any man in his right mind push away a girl in need like that? It wasn t as though he was going in another direction, either. A part of her wondered if he was up to something bad and that was the reason he struggled to keep her away. Perhaps he was back to his Death Eater habits, she wondered, concerned. Studying the male s perspiration covered face, she felt the concern increase. There was definitely something Snape was hiding, and she wouldn t rest until she discovered what exactly. I don t recall claiming I don t make mistakes, I m just a student, she replied, smiling. Besides, all of their mistakes ended up fixed and always made things better. Except that time when she turned into a cat, not the brightest of her moments. Professor, I promise I won t be a bother, she stated, sighing. Why in the world did that man have to act that way? Certainly, there was the complicated past, but what did she, Harry or Ron have to do with it? And why don t you relax outside of Hogwarts? She wondered, shaking her head. Finally, they reached the top floor and she released his arm after having considered doing something else to taunt him. She hopped along by his side, her leg growing less and less painful to step on by the moment. In an hour or two she would be as good as new. Professor Snape, are you alright? She suddenly wondered, noticing that he was glistening under the light. Of course, the potion, she reprimanded herself, feeling a wave of guilt cover her for suspecting the worst. What exactly was that potion? She wondered, pushing the door of the potions room open to hop into it.
Snape's worry and anxiety increased as Hermoine quickly hopped her way into his room, grinding his teeth he strode in after her, no longer able to fight the want to watch her rear end as she bounced along."NOTHING is the matter with me, in the least, nothing for a student to worry about!"Snapped Severus, crossing his room in 2 quick strides, sight growing hazy as he fought the effects of the potion with all of his might, deliberately ignoring the sweat slowly rolling down his now very pale face as he 'clinked' beakers to and fro searching." the...potion, Ms. Granger."He continued, oblivious to the fact that his voice had become quite strained and the cords of his neck stood out beneath his skin as he frantically shoved aside more of his equipment. Where did he put it?"Nothing...nothing at all."With shaky hands he clasped the jar he had been searching for, a clear container that held a deeply blue liquid that if ingested would surely draw away any unwanted effects given by any sort of concoction. With a gasp he brought it to his lips but severly misjudged, bouncing the lip off of his beak like nose and causing his hold on the container to loosen, sending it into a slow spiral away from his fingers to the floor with a crash that surely sounded louder to Snape's ears than it really should have been. Glancing down at his foot in horror, Snape turned his now wide eyes to Hermoine and croaked in an attempt to still mantain the authority that everyone saw him as :"Ms. Granger, out of your own well being and personal safety I ask that you exit this room quickly and put as far a distance as you can between yourself and I."Already the consequence of the potion began to take effect and a new Severus Snape began to take hold, a calm smooth Snape, more sure of himself than any previous Severus Snape could have ever hoped to be, a reborn Snape that held up a finger, now fully composed and stated,"On second thought, Ms. Granger, I'm sure I could use your skills..."Executing a swift turn her began to examine beakers, formulating in his mind something that could be created quickly, difficult enough to provide a small challenge, yet simple enough The new Snape grinned to himself, rubbing his hawkish nose,"I'm going to need you to find the Mer people scales, they should be in the cabinet over there."He indicated which cabinet with a slight guesture in the direction leaving Hermoine to do the rest.
What in the world was wrong with that man? Certainly, he had his quirks more so than most other people she knew except perhaps Luna, but this was plain weird. The teenager prayed it was the potion that was getting to him, not the pressure. Professor, swallow your pride for once, she mumbled, rolling her eyes. She decided to ignore him since any attempt to have a conversation would result in him nagging and turned around to study the multiple liquids, gels and whatever else was contained in the jars and beakers. All of a sudden, however, her attention was disrupted by the sound of glass crashing and liquid spreading on the ground. She had no way of knowing what it was, but since the teacher was relatively casual about it, well, as casual as Snape could get, she shrugged it off. What truly worried her, however, was the fact that he was frozen with eyes wide in horror something one rarely if ever witnessed.Surely something awful was happening. Professor, I don t , she started but was cut off by the calm, smooth voice informing her that he would like to use her help. For the first time the girl was granted what she wanted yet she wasn t satisfied. Something told her that the male was up to no good, that she would get something other than what she bargained for by helping him. Since when did he even acknowledge the fact that she had any skills? Of course, she nodded and moved over to the cabinet. It turned out to be a bitch to reach, but the girl struggled to open it, her shirt sliding up her back to reveal bits of the smooth skin. She quickly picked up the scales and hopped back up to Snape, sliding the jar onto the table next to him. What are you doing, Professor? She wondered, curious what potion he would make something existent or an experiment.
Severus, being no fool and knowing quite well what a cabinet placed in high position would do to a girl clothed in a top that would undoubtedly ride up as she reached, caught his full share of smooth creamy skin that absolutely begged to be touched. No need to rush things, though, plenty of time to align, set, then fire."Thank you, Hermoine."He said, cheerily, a tone definitely unbecoming of him but no less than a pleasant change,"We,"He raised a beaker eye level and tapped its side, swirling the crimson contents within,"Are going to see what we come up with after a few mixtures. More or less an experiment."He set the beaker down and began to add a few of the scales she had brought over to its depths. The liquid began to froth and bubble softly as if it had been placed over a small flame, which was obviously not the case. Snape appeared pleased and beckoned Hermoine closer."Look, it's a positive reaction, see how some of the bubbles aren't rising to the surface, but instead, moving in a circular pattern near the center of the beaker? That's a good sign."Snape delivered this explanation quite close to Hermoine's ear almost as if he were telling her a secret, but then he straightened, beaming, something stretched across his face that no one had really seen for some time. A smile."Now,"He continued, bustling back to the glass and selecting a test tube of purple colour,"I'd like for you to take the stirring rod and after you putthis,"He indicated the test tube in his hand,"Into the beaker, stir the mixture once clockwise, then 3 times counterclockwise, repeat this 10 times. NO MORE than 10!"He emphasized, holding the beaker out for Hermoine to take."I'm going to go over to my desk to see if I can't find the crushed dragon talons I left in one of my drawers."He began to step away but stopped himself, concern creasing his face,"You don't need anything to support yourself do you? I wouldn't want to have you fall, you might hurt that leg more!"This phrase itself was very startling for two obvious reasons, one for the sudden care, and two for the utter hypocrisy as not 5 minutes earlier Severus had shown a clear uncaring attitude for whatever happened to Hermione's leg and probably would have jumped for joy had she taken the opportunity to hurt it again. Such was his character. 'Was' being the key word in this sudden and suprising situation. Without a doubt this new Snape would have to think fast to explain his sudden change of attitude to the young Ms. Granger before she caught on as to how the potion had affected him. If she caught on at all, and if such was the case, Severus would be a very happy man indeed. A new man, if you will.
Hermione glanced up at Severus to make sure it was him speaking and not Kreacher playing some cruel trick on her while Snape was tied up in the basement. We? She tried not to dwell on the pronoun, which was proving to be quite easy considering the tone. She moved closer obediently when he mentioned that there was a positive reaction and tried to remember the properties of every ingredient used to figure out what Snape wanted to achieve with the experiment. Perhaps he was on to something huge which was the reason for a sudden case of split personality. Whether it was the case or not, she most certainly preferred the sudden warm side of him. Or so she thought for about ten seconds before Snape s voice filled her ears, almost causing her knees to grow weak. He was starting to freak her out, despite the fact that his deep voice next to her ear caused shivers to spread throughout the frail body. There was something incredibly arousing about the proximity and intimacy of his actions although she refused to acknowledge it. I I see, she nodded, completely taken aback by the sudden smile. No, something was wrong with Severus.He didn t give her the time to ask what it was, not that she expected much of an answer even if he had. No more than ten, she nodded, stirring the mixture patiently and completely ignoring his existence while she concentrated on the potion in front of her. She counted under her breath, suddenly distracted by the hypocrisy of Snape s voice. Of course, he was mocking her, trying to remind her just how useless she was with her injury. She nodded to herself, trying to believe that nothing strange was going. However Granger was Granger, and she couldn t help but ask, especially as she saw the beaming face. Professor, you are acting strange. Not that I mind, of course, but is everything okay? She wondered, glancing at him again in an attempt to figure him out. In the past, she had been certain that smiling would have killed him, shattered a mask or caused his heart to stop. Now, however, she had to admit that he looked rather good when smiling even though it was hard to adjust to the creepiness of the thought.
"Keep an eye on what you're doing, Hermoine!"Admonished Snape loudly over her question,"NO MORE than 10, or you just might shrivel the flesh from our bones!"Abandoning his search Snape strode over to Hermoine, peering over her shoulder and carefully monitoring her progress before nodding and giving her a big grin,"Very good!"He complimented, something he almost never gave to anybody, even the students from his own House. Placing his hand on her shoulder he gave it a squeeze, as if in pride, although his fingers lingered a bit longer than normal. Smiling Snape resumed his search, accidentally on purpose brushing Hermoine as he did so, skirting around her to open drawers and sift through their dusty contents for the bottle of crushed dragon talons. Giving a triumphant "Ha!" He stood up clutching the bottle in mention, shaking it like a maracca as he did a little hop skip jig over to Hermoine. Sliding the bottle over to clink against the beaker he nudged Hermoine with his hip, grinning from ear to ear. It was quite apparent that Snape had largely changed into someone he was very clearly not. The nudge he had given would have been commonly seen between a boyfriend to his girlfriend and he seemed to have taken on a smooth and carefree attitude not like the old Snape at all who was strict, cold and stringent. Leaning on his elbows beside her he laughed, becoming more at ease,"There we go, now..."He pointed at the talons,"When you're done stirring, I want you to add that to it, but I'm gonna let that pretty little head of yours,"He poked her temple playfully,"Figure out how much. It's an experiment! Have fun with it, eh?"He straightened, a grin still plastered across his face and to be quite honest, it hurt just a little bit seeing as his skin hadn't been stretched in that manner for quite some time.
Hermione was like a frightened child when Snape loudly answered over her question, silencing her with a few words. I m sorry, I m sorry, she mumbled in exasperation, slowly returning to stirring the potion. She fell silent, staring and counting until she finally twisted the wand one last time. Suddenly, a hand came to rest on her shoulder, a compliment flying her way. At that point, the poor student almost stirred another circle but managed to pull her hand away just in time. Very good The words sounded almost as though they came from a different language when coming from the frightening Professor. If earlier on her suspicions were vague and paranoid, at that point they came very much real, based on undeniable proof. Something was very, very wrong with professor Snape. She studied the lingering hand, her heart skipping a beat from the sudden attention. Strangely enough, it felt Good. Suddenly, he nudged her with his hip, causing her to stare at him like he was incredibly dumb or simply out of his mind.Nonetheless, she chose to obey him for the while, until her leg was healed enough for her to move properly. Thankfully the potion worked like a charm, the girl able to step onto her hurt limb without wailing in pain. She looked up at him, her jaw almost dropping. Have fun with it, pretty little head? She couldn t help but blush slightly at the compliment, having never expected such treatment on behalf of the professor. Either he was on to something truly huge, or he wasn t the professor. She chose not to take chances, and after dropping an amount of dragon s talons she deemed appropriate, she swiftly turned around, pointing her wand at him. Who are you and what have you done with Professor Snape? She questioned in a cold, firm voice although a part of her wished the man in front of her could remain the way he was.
Severus took a quick step back, hands raised in a complacent position,"Whoa, whoa, easy there Hermoine, there's no need to light up, ok? We're on the same side..."He used a tone and manner generally reserved for hostage situations, which wasn't far from their current situation in all honesty."I'm still Snape, always have been Snape, and I don't plan on letting that change any time soon. Is something the matter? Something wrong?"He spoke smoothly, relaxed with a voice filled with concern, as if he were unaware that he stood on the wrong side of a wand. To think of, it wasn't that big of deal anyway, Granger was so steeped in 'good' that she would never use any of the Unforgivable curses, she'd settle for Harry's trademark spell, Expelliarmus or something similar. If all else failed, he could always act like...Snape? A confusing thought, but one that would probably set her at ease if need be, the thing was, he didn't really feel like it at the moment, a bit fearful that if he did, he might lose this perfect image of Hermoine in charge: Striking, beautiful red hair haloing a hard set, freckled and lovely face. Despite the injured leg, she still struck an alluring pose, one that outlined her attractive curves beneath her jeans and shirt. Her upraised arm had ridden up her shirt yet again revealing more of her pearly white flesh just begging to be touched, kissed and enough. He visibily shook his head to free his thoughts, wrong time, right place, get this straightened out first, then take a chance..."I'd much rather you put that wand away, Ms. Granger, then we could discuss what's going through your head right now."He tried, using his authoritative tone that had most students quaking as soon as he opened his mouth. He wouldn't mind that reaction right about now, it might make her think twice about threatening her own Professor. He shifted slightly, remembering that he had slipped his own wand in his robes within easy reach, it hadn't been too long since he had last drawn, he'd still be fast enough if need be.
Hermione blinked as Severus raised his hands and told her not to light up. As though Snape would ever consider saying such a thing. The man she knew would have mumbled something under his breath and after a few minutes of trying to decipher it she would realize that it was an insult along with some kind of a menace about either getting her expelled, ruining her life or making Gryffindor come in last with so many demerits that they would land into the negatives. Instead, he remained composed, speaking to her as though she was the bad guy in a hostage situation. She bit down on her lower lip, considering the possibilities. While it was true that she wouldn t step into the forbidden spells, she has practiced several others that could possibly injure and get him still until the rest of the order returned. Considering her options, she studied him cautiously, noticing the shake of his head. Before waiting for him to speak, she called out Reducto , a relatively minor spell to cast him aside. It was the second time she tried it and since the first time had been with a larger object, she was surprised to discover that the strength of the spell was more important than she imagined, sending him flying against the wall. It was all the spell did thankfully, since it was cast right as he spoke in that numbing tone of his. Oh crap, crap, crap, she mumbled, running up to the Professor, kneeling next to him with an air of concern. She leaned over, mere inches away from him, her cleavage fully exposed from the deep cut of her shirt. Professor, I am so sorry, she murmured, hopeful that she would not end up getting hurt. Are you okay? I was honestly convinced that someone infiltrated the house, she kept on mumbling apologetically, trying to get him to forgive her before he considered taking her head. Her hand came to rest on his shoulder as she spoke, just to check for broken bones. Thankfully the blast hadn t been too forceful the spell only propelled the person back. The dungeon wall would have been extremely painful, yet that one was a lot softer on the body.
It's a mighty strange sensation to be standing and talking one minute, then to be thrown through the air the next. For Severus it was this exactly, however, there happened to be an added plus that seemed to accompany every poor bloke who was tossed willy nilly. Time had slowed to where he was able to study the problem he had gotten himself into. 10 ft. from impact: It had started off well, thought Snape. If only she hadn't pulled that spell on him he was pretty sure that she would've been in his grasp as easily as a mouse is caught by a hypnotizing snake. 6ft from impact: All in all he really shouldn't be disappointed, in the end he could act so injured that she would take pity and they could move on from there? After all, this might just damage his back, shoulders and or arms, rear end, Merlin knows what else, his voice would still work... 3ft. from impact: Damn. This is going to hurt, old boy. Severus groaned from his spread eagled position and tried to roll over. A sudden ache in his back, shoulders AND arms, rear end, and head kept him from moving any further."Ouch..."His eyes fluttered slowly open to come face to chest with Hermoine's rather amazing knockers. Snape shut his eyes again trying to figure out where his terms were coming from, it was almost as if this potion had taken him back a few years. A grin surfaced through his grimace of pain: Not that he minded, he always wanted a couple years returned to him, he believed to be rather deserving."Ouch."He groaned again, holding a hand to his head,"There was no call for THAT, Ms. Granger, I was perfectly happy to negotiate and talk this situation through."He tried to sit up, found his face nearly buried itself into Hermoine's cleavage so he lay back down again gingerly."Who in Morgan le Fay's green fingertips would have infiltrated, Ms. Granger?"He asked in an attempt to be scolding, yet failing almost very misereably due to his proximity to Hermoine, his sudden arousal, and his main goal to seduce the young student.
Bloody hell. Hermione watched Severus attempt to roll over, almost as pathetic as a turtle flipped over by a little bully. She winced, biting down on her lower lip as though she was the one to get tossed against a wall. For a moment, the teenager contemplated telling him that things could have been worse, but she didn t want her head on a stick. Oh, he would hurt her so much once he recovered. She was certain that this time the man would snap and resort to actual violence. Perhaps if she treated him and took care of him, the ice around his heart would melt and all would be forgiven? No, they weren t in a movie starring Jennifer Aniston and he was not precisely a bad boy with a broken past. Snape scared her almost as much as Voldemort scared well, everyone in the magic world. Blimey, she mumbled softly, trying to think of something when she felt his warmth right next to the soft mounds of flesh that were her chest. She glanced down at him and backed away slightly, offering him an apologetic, awkward smile that suggested her readiness to run away despite the pain in her leg. Well Professor, if you wanted to negotiate, you shouldn t have reached for your wand, she pointed out, sighing. His inability to be scolding made it easier for her to respond without shaking. I don t know, but better safe than sorry, she exhaled, shaking her head. I m sorry Professor, let me help you up? She offered, leaning in to grab his arm and pull it over her shoulder. The position was incredibly intimate and odd, her face almost pressing against his neck, her arm sliding around his waist. Nonetheless, the girl thought that she was strong so she gave it a shot, carefully pulling him up along with her although it ended up not working very well.
Severus' eyes shot open, shining with indignity,"Ireached for my wand?"Incredulousness dripped from his lips like honey out of a bear's mouth,"Ireached for mywand?!"He repeated, the pain in his sad, abused body beginning to fade,"It was YOU Ms. Granger who got it into your head that I was some sort of imposter, and it was YOU who figured it would be a good idea to whip out YOUR wand and attack me with it!"He exhaled all of this in one breath, falling silent save for his grumbles as he tried to right himself, supported by her semi capable form, and a form Snape finally got to press his own to, a voluptous body, curved in the right places so that, despite the awkard position, the Potion's Master was still able to fight right in almost perfectly. The soft globes that were her breasts strained slightly against the fabric of her shirt, giving Severus a tantalizing peak as they bulged slightly over the top of her shirt while she strained to lift him. Snape almost went a little limp just to watch her strain a little more. Correction: To watch her chest strain a little more. He was quite aware of her hot breath against his neck, washing over his tingling skin, as anyone would, and for a moment he considered leaning a bit so that her mouth would brush against it but he elected not to do so, for the main reason of: he really couldn't keep his eyes off of her chest. Thankfully her face was turned away from his and she couldn't see his obvious scrutiny. When he was sure he could handle himself, he gently pushed her away, his forearm not so accidentally brushing her chest as he grabbed her shoulders and gently moved her."I'm fine, thank you, Hermoine..."He said, coughing and brushing the old dust from his robes, doing really nothing to solve his coughing which increased in volume and intensity slightly before he caught on that he should quit dusting himself."Thank you."He said again, realising that he was making a bad habit of repeating himself, for a moment he stood, in an awkward situation, as how can one really truly react when you were thrown to the floor by another's spell? For now, silence reigned as Snape attempted to gather his thoughts and plan his next...action.
The girl shrugged staring at the grumbling man. There went the new Snape and back came the old, she thought to herself. Well it s your fault Professor for suddenly acting like a human being, and a happy one at that, she pointed out, unaware of the fact that the soft orbs were swelling above the cut of her shirt as she struggled to help him up. The man was incredibly heavy, or at least he was for someone like her. He was also surprisingly comfortable and warm when she had expected him to feel like a lizard cold and disgusting. When his forearm suddenly slid along her chest something she obviously mistook for an accident, and removed her, she nodded, almost disappointed that he didn t let her make up for her actions. He then started coughing all of a sudden, sounding like a chain smoker. Professor? She mumbled, terrified. It wasn t possible for a shove like that to actually severely damage any of his internal organs, right? Are you alright? She questioned, hardly taking notice of the fact that he repeated his gratitude twice, something she would have usually dwelled on for hours. She was genuinely worried for the teacher since she was almost hippie like in her love for everything human, only her love was a little less drug influenced.She stood up, wiping the dust off her knees before studying him in an awkward silence for a few moments. Resolute to make things a little more normal, if that was possible in their situation, she skipped back to the table where the potion was being made, unaware of the fact that she was once again offering her teacher quite a nice view of the two bouncing mounds of flesh. She paused by the potion that still seemed rather normal or at least looked like it wouldn t explode, and studied it silently. The color was turning rather strange, almost bright purple. What in the world could such a strange mix possibly do? Some kind of a magical weapon of mass destruction, perhaps, she thought excitedly, momentarily oblivious to the fact that he was still hurt. So Professor, you are not going to attempt to kill me, right? She glanced up at him, not even pausing to hear his response. If not, could you tell me what exactly this experience was about? She questioned, leaning up against the counter.
Grateful from the silent reprieve Snape stalked over to Hermoine's side, peering down at the potion for a moment, before shrugging and throwing her a lopsided grin,"I dunno."He shrugged as he picked up the beaker, swirled the contents inside and watched bubbles pop on the surface or just plain disappear."I couldn't tell you, just thought'd it'd be fun, you know?"He put the container carefully down, still staring at it's contents, before glancing up at Hermoine, his nearly black eyes meeting her's. A dull throb reminded Snape of his most recently aquired injuries and he clenched his teeth, reaching for the back of his head, finding almost immeidatly a good sized lump quickly forming. Cursing he turned only to have another pain assault him near his lower back, reaching behind himself to comfort the spot, his shoulder grated and protested, causing him to reach for that as well beginning a tiny train reaction of Severus groaning and yiping as he attempted to treat all of his sore areas. It was almost like some sort of tribal dance. Either way, it had left Snape leaning against the table, panting in sudden exhaustion and a slight, dull pain."Hermoine..."He said, slowly,"Be a dear and oo! An' see if you can search that cup ow! Tha' cupboard for the healing salves, I should have...aahh...have several."He pushed himself to his feet, ableit painfully and among much 'ooches!' limped his way over to his desk. It would seem that he had taken the fall harder than he would have originally believed. With luck some of the salves would take away the brunt of the problem and set him back on track, for now, he leaned against his desk watching Hermoine as the cupboard he had directed her to was also a bit out of reach. Snape choked back a snicker. Clever little man.
Hermione shook her head, sighing. What a waste of time. Disappointed was not a sufficient word to describe her current state. At least her leg had mostly healed overtime, and she could walk in a relatively carefree manner. The same could not have been said for her Professor, who seemed to be in pain all over. She frowned, realizing that it was his back that was mostly hurt, since he was pushed backwards. Poor man, the spine and the head were so easy to injure Hermione felt a pang of guilt, yet telling herself that Snape deserved it for everything he had done in the past helped. Oh, she could hardly wait for Harry and Ron to come back so she could share the incredible experience. It was wrong, yet she felt very excited.Skipping over to the cupboard, she stood on her tiptoes, the shirt once again riding up her taut stomach. She pulled out the small star shaped box with green gel in it before glancing back at the professor. The problem with the salves? They had to be applied onto the place that was hurting, and she doubted that the Professor could reach all the way down his back. She walked up to him, looking around. There was a bed in his room, yet even thinking about what she was going to say made her blush. Uhm Professor, go lay down. And um, take off the robe, she spoke quietly, biting on her lower lip. I did this to you, I ll help you out. If you let me, of course, she quickly added, a part of her hoping that he wouldn t.
It took everything in Snape's willpower to keep from jumping with glee, and of course, the threat of more pain. This was playing out better than he had expected. Ever so gingerly he pushed himself off of the desk and gave Hermione a small grin,"Of course I shall let you, Ms. Granger, I'm not a man to stand in the way of a seemingly determined female."Daring to wink he limped his way across the creaky floorboards and towards his bed. Cot, as it felt sometimes. A bed of solid rock. There was hardly anything in this cursed house that was enjoyable. Aside from, perhaps, what would happen in a few minutes, if Severus played his cards right, which he fully intended to do, chances like this didn't come around...ever. Carefully setting himself upon the edge of the bed he paused for a moment, as if resetting himself to a new position, which was partly true. The other half was to give him an opportunity to lock eyes with young Ms. Granger as he began to slowly remove his robe in a way that was certainly not becoming of a man of his station, nor stature. However, he did so anyway, sliding it, shall one say, almostsensually from his shoulders, during which he let it slip to the ground with a quiet 'fwup'. Still mantaining eye contact he reached up and began to unbutton his shirt, not as slowly as his robe, definitely fast enough so that she didn't feel uncomfortable right away. He wouldn't want to scare her away too soon, no, not at all. In what seemed like no time at all, Severus removed the shirt from his body, the clothing coming off of his lean, lithe arms easily to a reveal expected pale skin underneath, however, suprisingly corded with a muscle that one would usually find on, perhaps, bikers, or even pole vaulters. A relatively thin, yet still attractive physique. The subconcious Snape took the golden opportunity to flex slightly as he tossed the shirt away, and in that motion suddenly remembered that, yes, he was in pain. With an almost indescernible groan he lay down gently, massaging the bridge of his nose with the fingers of both hands."Hermoine," He said in a smooth voice that didn't really betray the pain he was surely feeling,"Come here."The seductiveness laced within his tone was not immediatly decipherable, but clearly present. The stage was ever so slowly, being set.
Hermione s eyes widened slightly at her teacher s comment, a blush coming to her cheeks. Was he flirting with her? It was the strangest thought on Earth it was less likely for Snape to flirt with her than for Voldemort to suddenly acknowledge the fact that he was evil and make amends. Shaking her head, she tried not to over analyse things, which was proving to be quite hard considering the fact that not only did she have a steep learning curve but was also a girl. She watched Snape lump over to the bed, undoing his robe. It caused her to blush once again and attempt to avert her eyes, yet another attempt that was proving to be futile. There was something incredibly sexy about the movements of his shoulders and back, the muscles tensing when he removed the robe. Although he was as white as she had expected him to be, there was far more muscle than she thought there would be. The robe made the man seem a little chubby, yet it turned out that it was all muscle, a sight that almost caused the girl s jaw to drop. Like every girl, Hermione entertained thoughts about some of the teachers it was quite normal at her age. Severus Snape, however, never even brushed her subconscious up until that day. Their sudden proximity and his ability to speak to her with at least some respect made her heart throb for some reason.His voice tore her out of the sudden flow of fantasies, and the girl slowly swallowed before making her way toward him. It was similar to waiting in line, only she wasn t certain whether she was in line for a rollercoaster or a visit to the dentist. O okay, she whispered nervously, the smooth voice causing her to bite on her lower lip with a rather excited expression. Oh, young girls like her were truly far too easy to excite. She sat down next to the hard body, hesitating for a moment. She glanced at the cream in the small pot and nodded to herself, quickly rubbing her hands together to warm them up before sliding her fingers into the pot. Coating her hands in it, she slowly pressed her hands against the middle of the man s back, leaving the warm mass there. Her palms slid along each side of his ribs in motions shaped like V, slowly spreading the greenish substance along his skin. Her touch was very light at first, until she found herself forced to rub the salve into his skin. Her fingertips dug into him, extremely skilled bored in the muggle world, she decided to take massage classes one summer. It proved to be quite boring, yet she went through with it, hoping to impress Ron one day at the time. Her fingers ran all over his back, caressing the smooth skin and digging into the tense muscles undoing a few knots in the process. Does it hurt? She wondered softly, her voice hardly audible.
"Not so much when you're doing it..."Snape murmured, shifting slightly under Hermoine's skilled fingers as she deftly worked her way over his body, easily chasing away his aches and pains. Severus was not blind, he had seen what her reaction, however slight had been, and it would've taken a fool to not notice the quaver in her voice, the sure sign of a young woman excited. It was hard to hide what sounded like a purr of content from Snape, although she was sure to feel it rumble slightly beneath his skin, like the growling of a quivering earth as you stood upon it at the eve of an upcoming earthquake. Interpret as you will. Severus rolled his shoulders, sighing as everything slowly faded into a dull bliss, kept alive by Hermoine's travelling fingers as they dug and massaged over Severus' well muscled back."You're actually..."Snape's comment was interrupted by a small groan of satisfaction, his shoulders rolling again,"Actually quite good at that..."Suprisingly. The Potions Master didn't really expect a simple student to know so much about easing the body into a quiet stupor, a physical hypnotizing session. It occured to him it was something he should do more often, after a stressful week at Hogwarts. Come to think of it, almost every week was stressful, he could hardly think anymore, something like this would definitely set him straight and relaxed."You don't, perchance, take appointments, do you?"Snape jested, looking over his shoulder at Hermoine with a devilish grin that suggested more than a massage at said appointments. Indeed, if the young Granger kept up with her fingers, she might have an 'appointment' right now, and from the look in her eyes, he was pretty sure she wouldn't pass it up.
Hermione blinked, clearly surprised when the slight quake ripped through the professor s body. She had no idea how to interpret his actions any longer, yet with his hard muscles resting underneath her fingertips it was hard not to let her mind wander to places it never should have approached. When he rolled his shoulders or groaned in satisfaction, she had to pause to inhale deeply before continuing, trying to get her breathing to return to normal. Instead, it seemed to grow slower with excitement while her heart pace kept on accelerating to the point where she was getting woozy. The older man s comments didn t do much to help her, either, suggesting that he enjoyed her actions more than she should have since she only volunteered to spread the salve across his back and nothing else. In all honesty, she could have just stopped there the salve would have started working and eventually get through his system to heal whatever was wrong. Surely it was already working, the cream was incredibly effective. Nonetheless, she slid her fingers into the green solution again, spreading it higher up to his shoulders, easing the incredible amount of tension there, before letting her hands slowly slide down until they reached his lower back. It was at the same time that Snape s comment followed, causing her cheeks to grow bright red. Professor, she protested meekly, sounding like a schoolgirl in love with a teacher yet too giddy and playful to admit it. Inwardly, she was cursing herself for ever sounding so deft, especially with Snape around. Surely he would make sure to turn her life into Hell once whatever was up with him ended. I don t, she replied with a toothy grin. I might though, if you ask nicely enough, she added teasingly, deciding to see just what the man was up to. | 25 | ['Voldemord', 'Hermione', 'Kreacher'] |
59 | | Full Metal (Kratos and me) | Raya was walking around central wondering what she would do on a quiet rainy day "I wonder what Ed, Al and Winery are up to right now" she sighed sitting on a wet bench letting the rain hit her and looking at her right hand and thought "Man i look just like Ed does" She pulled out her watch and thought about how Ed, Al, Winery, Russel and Fletcher all cheered her on and then how her father Roy was so pissed when she became fuerer. "Man a lot has happened in the past year, even crushing on Ed."
Edward had never had an easy life, things could have gone much better for him and his brother and yet the two managed to cope with the lives that had been given to them. So long ago the two tried to bring back their mother from the dead.. and it had cost them dearly, yet nothing hurt him more then seeing Al stuck within the cold empty shell he had to call his body.. and although the two had seen Winery occasionally they were still more wanting to find the philosophers stone more then ever.Roy had always kept him rather busy with tasks to complete yet so far all had helped with trying to find the stone that could possibly change everything, and as his mind quickly thought of Roy memories of Raya entered his head. Al was looking at him directly now as he slightly dazed of before he felt Al poke him which caused him to snap out of it. "Now you did not have to do that.. I was just thinking.."Al cut him off and if he was not pure metal would have smiled but his voice showed his emotions nether the less. "I know what you were thinking about... it was guaranteed to happen brother.. your thinking about Raya...Quickly he cut of his brother acting like that was not the case "Why would I be.. I was just wondering where would we go next.. i hear I have to get something from Roy.. a new task, and apparently we might be working with someone.." the train came to a halt before he looked outside before realizing. "quick.. this is our stop.." he darted off a few people making comments as the two left the train dragging what they took onto it with them..
Roy was waiting for them there and called out "Edward, Alphonse over here boys" he stood with his wife Riza Hawkeye. Roy said "Boys welcome back to central. The task is to go and evaluate Lyor. Oh and you'll be working with Raya." Roy smirked and hollered "Raya come here hun" Raya walked over with some food for Ed "H hey guys. Long time no see." She looked at Ed who was a bit taller then her and they were both 18 "Hello Ed" she said blushing at him.
It was rather a clear voice that Roy always had, and it seemed that he was waiting for the two of them. Ed was a little surprised that the person they would be working with was Raya mainly because of her being the daughter of Roy and Riza.. but he would not complain, after all he had missed her a little bit. It was always good being taller then her though as for quite a while there he would have a go at anyone who said the word short.. if it was about him.Alphonse seemed to beat Fullmetal into saying anything and quickly spoke "Hello Raya.. it should be interesting having you with us... I am sure Edw.."Edward then quickly lightly punched his brothers suit to get him to go quite as he quickly cut in.. slightly flustered "..what he was going to say, is I am sure.. that with your help everything will be easy.. and that is all, so do we start now.. Roy?"His attention turned to him now before looking down at his state alchemist's recognization... looking at the gleam it gave off, it had brought him some trouble, but it took a little while for people to warm up towards Al and Ed.
Roy said "Yes, you three are to board the next train to Lyor Ed. Al here is some light things from Winery to take care of Ed and Raya's automail." Riza hugged her daughter "I know your the new fuerer but, i am still your mom so you be careful ok" Raya just burst out not thinking "Mom Ed's here" and she blushed grabbing their hands "Lets get out of here, Dad i want a report of what goes on here when i get back." Roy smiled "Yes My daughter...i mean Fuerer" he was still having trouble getting use to his daughter being the new fuerer.
It was interesting to see Roy not used to having to refer to his daughter with a title and yet Ed could not help but lightly laugh at the whole scene. "How is Winery, it's been a while since I last heard from her," he was asking a question to try and change the subject just a touch, Al let out a sigh before speaking" we have some time before that next train, I might go and do some research on the philosophers stone and give you two time to get ready for what is ahead.". Edward slightly blushed hearing Al's words " I might research with you, after all being a fuerer Raya probably has important things to do before we all leave together"
Raya stood there listening to Al talk about the stone. She turned around and said "Al i'm not sure why the stone is so secret buti wishyou luck." She then went to talking about Winery "Winery's fine she said she would be busy watching Alicia so she asked me to say hi. And Ed i need your help with something while Al goes and does his research."
Alphonse nodded in agreement with Raya " no one seems to say why it's so secret but I am determined to help Ed find it..."Edward had already started trying to push Al to get the two of them walking as they heard about Winery before Ed stopped walking " since that is the case , I am sure you will be okay researching by yourself brother, yes?" Al nodded before starting to walk" don't miss the train you two..." Ed watched his brother walk off before turning to Raya " let's walk then so you can tell me what I need to help you with, I will look after her Roy, I promise"
Roy smiled "I know Ed" he then left with Al. Raya pulled him to around the corner and made sure they were alone "Ed i need to know something, to make sure i dont hurt my self." she looked him in the eyes.
Edward watched as his brother and Roy walked away, he watched them until they were almost gone when he muttered something almost like a whisper " I will get you your body back Al, I promise..." as he felt Raya start to move him he was slightly confused as they now were around the corner alone. He listened to what Raya was saying before scratching his head lightly. "what is it that you need to know?" he gazed back awaiting to here her words not quite sure what the fuerer would be going to say next"
She looked at him lust in her eyes "Ed i want to know what you truely think of me"hoping he liked her the way she liked him. "Ed i want to make sure we have same feelings about each other" she said blushing slightly.
Ed was rather surprised that Raya of all times decided to ask such a question. Part of was saying to lie so that complications would not happen during the task yet he was old enough to make his own decisions. "well I like you as the person you are but I know nothing can happen between us because of your role, for quite some time I guess I have had a crush where my face would blush up If someone mentioned you" he fell quiet now looking within her eyes. "I answered your question but what is your answer to that question after all we should be fair with equivalent trade" a soft laugh left Edward as he waited for her response.
She turned red "I am the fuerer i am allowed to date who i date Edward" she said and leaned foward kissing him on the lips. Stepping back and breaking the kiss she said "I had to know if you loved me if not its ok i wont wait for you" she turned to walk away "Oh and Ed just know you were given my first kiss ever" she left saying "I'll be waiting for you and Al on the train" and soon she was gone.
Ed was expecting the words that left her next and it made sense why she asked such a question at such a time, his face could not help but blush with heat as he felt her lips on his of which he imagined them before. He almost felt like he had insulted her with his response to quite a serious question. A slight look of surprise was still on his face as he saw her leave of which he finally gave chase yet it seemed a little late "Raya wait... " he continued to try and run after her but it was evident he would have to wait until later when they were all going to board the train was when he would speak the right words, taking things a little more serious. He sighed once realizing he would not catch her and he knew not where his brother was. He was alone and so decided to head to where the train would leave from, it was over three hours until they would have to board and so he started practicing small amounts of alchemy while he waited.
Raya was sitting outside the train doing a little alchemy to make some rocks form a heart in the air "What did you need Ed when you told me to wait" she looked at him slightly teary eyed.
Edward looked at the floor hearing Raya speak, he had not even noticed her over there and well because of her role as a feurer. Well he just did not feel as close as he once was yet he gazed at her hearing the question. I guess I thought I was not ready,.. that is all. I might be a little scared of losing you.. after all you have been a great friend even since I first met you. His eyes gazed at her his blonde hair getting slightly in the way before he clapped his hands together and then put them against the ground creating a necklace and a chain with a silver heart connected to it.. chances were that would probably last years and yet he looked over to Raya before offering it to her, I promise I will make something better for you.. and I will start acting more like myself..
Raya smiled at him putting it on "I dont care if you act like your normal self or not when around me just let me know what you feel." Her green eyes seemed to glow in the dim light of the train station. She made him a clip to attatch to his watch chain that said "Ed and Raya" her face was slightly red from blushing.
Ed slowly nodded in agreement "that i can do... I am sure of it Raya" It would have been harder for the events that had just occurred to probably happen around Alphonse, but then again who knew.. after all his brother knew something was on between them, lightly he took the clip and attached it to the chain of his watch, it was a little in plain view but he could deal with it.. after all his watch was most of the time hidden away, and who knew.. soon he would probably be proud to be her boyfriend as such.., soon Al would be here as he looked up "we got about an hour and a bit before the train.. Al will probably be here in half an hour or so.."
Raya looked at him "Want to sit and hold hand while we wait" she asked blushing knowing he was nervous about al finding out. SHe smiled "Its not like anyone can make me change my decision" she said smirking at him
Considering Raya's age she seemed almost childish at times,. but then again Ed knew he was not exactly the most mature person either.. "Nope.. and even if someone told you to change.. even if you were not a feurer.. you would decline.. that I know.." He moved closer to her before sliding his hand into hers.
SHe giggled looking at her hand in his "Your probobly right Ed. So what can we do til the train leaves" she asked looking and smiling happily at him
Ed knew he was not probably right,... he was definitely right.. it was one of those things he was certain about, and when that was the case... well he had yet to be proven wrong on such feelings.. as it had never happened yet. The only mistake he had made so far, was what happened when Ed and Al tried to bring back their mother.. and what happened afterwards but he was not sure it was actually going to work,.. so technically it was not something he had been certain about to begin with. That and his understanding of alchemy was at least more solid now, and with the philosophers stone.. this could all be fixed or so he hoped. "That depends.. we have quite some time.. alone as well.." Gently he kissed her cheek, "I am sure we can think of something.. that could occupy some time.."
SHe blushed "What did you have in mind Ed. To be honest i thought we could walk for a bit holding hands. Oh how it would make dad mad" she thought of how Roy would react to seeing her and Ed to gether.
Edward thought about what she had said before lightly laughing "It's not like Roy can do anything about this.. after all you do have more command then him,.. and the main thing he wanted to accomplish if he received your role.. was that everyone wore miniskirts.." he thought for a moment before then smiling "I wonder what you would look like in one Raya" He had said it deliberately knowing it would probably make her blush before finally answering her question "I am fine with what we are doing now.. although you told me earlier.. that was the first time you kissed someone earlier.. how about I show you a real kiss that I have heard about and been shown a few times.."
She blushed when he mentioned the kiss "Ok what is it like Ed, a real kiss i mean" she then added turning red "I have a mini skirt i wear sometimes on my days off" not sure how he would react to that.
He could not help but smile at Raya's remarks.. and then as he saw her turn read he was curious to what else she was going to say, before Edward's smile remained his eyes slightly lighting up. "Well a real kiss.. it's not something you can really explain.. not even in alchemy as it generally involves an emotion most call love,.. that's a true kiss anyhow.. their seems to be three different methods of kissing.. you have the small kiss on the lips.. a kiss where your mouths are more open, your tongues meet each other.. and then just a kiss out of pure lust.. but generally a true kiss only refers to the second option.." A slight blush appeared as he recited this information, it did just show thought their were a few other things he had learnt about that was not alchemy.
SHe turned red "I see Ed and did you want to do that kind of kiss or something" she said looking at her necklace he made her
Edward decided he would not answer this question but instead lent close to her his breath brushing against her lips before he placed an arm around the back of her his lips closing onto hers, soon he would get her to part those lips of hers, but for now.. this would at least get Raya started.
Raya blushed and closed her eyes knowing she loved him and would get to have a true kiss with Edward. SHe thought to herself 'i hope we work as a couple'
Edward kept one of his hands entangled in hers the other arm was now lightly holding her with it's embrace as he then lightly licked at her bottom lip to ask her to part them from him. Technically if one was to look at this, it was not really equivalent trade.. but then again, somethings that obviously did not apply to when it did not related to alchemy.. which he was certain this was something that this did not relate to at all.
SHe blushed and let her lips part for him thinking 'i hope we never loose each other'
The instant that he felt Raya's lips part was the moment he slid his tongue within her mouth, slowly he traced around hers with his tongue dancing with hers, wrestling with it lightly his embrace around her holding a little more firm, as if to keep the two together, although Edward had been a little shy earlier today.. Something felt different.. and in saying that he felt more well.It was about time something was done about this crush that had been around for a while.
Raya held him tighter not wanting him to let go. Roy and Al were walking back "Al I hope that you three work great together on this trip to Ly...."Roy stopped and saw Raya and Edward kissing each other and said "Raya? Edward?"
It was a shame the kiss was cut short as a blush appeared hearing Roy's voice, that would mean both Al and him would have seen what occurred between Full Metal and Raya, but then again.. they were allowed to make their own choices "Hmm?.. what do you want Roy" Lightly whilst he was their so close by, Ed decided to kiss her lips lightly again, to show her and himself that he did not care if others knew.
Roy walked up to them and smiled "So when did the Fuerer decide to get a boyfriend" trying to make Raya blush. Raya kissed Ed back "Just now dad, I figured it was time to see how he felt and turns out he loves me" She looked over at Al and asked standing up "Hey this ok with you Alphonse"
Alphonse in truth had no issue with it and so decided to voice such a thing. " I think its great that you two are finally together.. Ed used to talk about you when we were away.. missing you.. it was obvious he had a crush.."A slight blush appeared on Edwards face but he did not deny such a thing. "I know you might not agree with it Roy.. but i have made my choice and since Raya is fuerer.. she is allowed to also make her own choice"
Roy smirked at him "Actually Edward I was about to tell you to get with her already. But since we walked in on you both kissing I dont have to now do I" Raya snapped her fingers and caught her dads arm on fire to shut him up "Enough already dad"
Edward laughed gently slightly surprised by what Roy had actually had to say, after all this time.. well Roy had always been rather mysterious. His daughter was a little like him, but a lot easier to get along with at least. "Hmm well we got about fifteen minutes before the train gets here.."Alphonse could not help himself but made kiss noises at the two of them, before feeling a rock hit him on the head casually thrown by his brother.
Roy laughed a bit at how his daughter was acting "Oh come on guys its just for fun" Ray set his other arm on fire not even blinking "Not now dad or i can switch ranks between you and mom" roy stepped back a bit pissed that she threatened to lower him back to cornal and bump Riza to general.
That threat seemed to scare of Roy, and although it had brought a smile on his face a little he two was getting a little tired of them having their fun. Alphonse would probably bug them about it later anyhow, but until then... it was of no issue. "Raya, I know your fuerer but Roy earnt that spot he is in.. I don't think it is fair to say that, make him just clean the toilets for a week if he continues or something.."
SHe seemed to snap out of a trans "Oh your right Ed its just i hate how they were teasing us and well..." she trailed off her eyes showing she hated it when she acted like this. Roy walked up and hugged her "I'm sorry Raya honey your right, You and Ed are good to gether and dont worry I will take what punishment you give me for teasing you like that" Raya was shocked at her dad. Riza walked in and said "Well i see your having fun tormenting your daughter Roy." She smiled at Ed and Raya "You guys are cute together Ed"
Only a faint blush showed on Edwards face now as he was starting to get more used to the idea of him and Raya being together. It felt odd that he was with the feurer but at the same time, it felt right because it was Raya. He went to say something before seeing the train pull up to the station, "Well then Roy,.. I will get this mission done.. Riza, nice seeing you again.."Alphonse started to then walk up to the train before looking over at the two "come on you two, lets get the task complete.. then you two will have more time together.. a laugh escaped the younger of the two brothers before he then darted onto the train as Ed started to chase him before they found their seats and all sat down, Raya being next to Edward.
Ry sat next to the window and threw a small box to her mom "Hppy anniversery guys" the box had a small picture of them on their wedding day. Riza got tears and Roy saluted them as the train pulled away. Raya looked at Al "Hey Alphonse what do you think of me and your brother Ed being together, and be honest"
Alphonse if he could have shown emotions via his face right now would have a cheerful grin but instead he had to answer with words, something he was used to "I think it is about time Edward acted upon his feelings,.. after all he was starting to drive me insane with how much he used to talk about you.. even just before we got here..Edward let out a sigh before speaking "what he says is true.. but after all I did miss you Raya.."
As the train moved Raya said "Its ok i talked about you alot to Ed. ANd i even spoke of how i wondered how Al was doing." she didnt want to seem like she ignored Al
Ed nodded to what Raya was saying, but also at the same time felt a slight jealousy come over him when she said such words.Alphonse laughed lightly as he saw his brothers reaction to what had been said before deciding to speak "Look brother.. no need to be jealous.. after all Raya is all yours.. but if i had a human body..." He knew how to make his brother tick.. and it was fun to see him all jealous..The reaction was priceless from Edward after that as he started to go off at Al who simply just let him
Raya pulled Ed close to her holding him as tight as possible "Oh Ed its ok i mean i choose you to be my boyfriend didnt i" she said wanting him to blush and calm down as she nibbled his ear
The moment Raya put her arms around him Edward calmed down partially relaxing but still a little jealous, well until her words where said a faint blush appearing as he felt her nibble on his ear. "That is true.., Looks like i have not changed much over the years though.. I still easily get fired up over nothing.."Alphonse lightly laughed before speaking once again "Thats just who you are Ed.. I remember when you used to be shorter.. oh how you used to react to people that were taller then you.. or said comments about your height"
Raya said letting go "Father told me about the fight you had with him where you hid in the crowd and he said 'this is so hard to do since he's such a small target' and how you reacted" she blushed "I thought your rant was so cute that was the first thing dad told me about the full metal and since then i've liked you Ed"
Edwards face partially lit up with embarrassment as well as a slight anger, but he shrugged it off the comment afterwards instantly calming him down. "It was a cheap tactic.., but it seemed to work for him until the end."Al just remembered how Roy would do anything to win, he had even attacked the crowd just to try and find him.. well actually just to get him.
Raya said "I hope i get to see you and dad fight sometime Ed. It would piss dad off to have his own daughter root for the other guy" she giggled and thought it would be fun to watch them fight.
Edward could not help but smile before speaking up with a confident look on his face, "This time I will make sure I win though... maybe after this mission I will ask for a battle sometime, I am sure you could arrange it for us Raya, if he declines"
Raya smirked "Well duh the brigadear general has to obey the fuerer" she smiled and looked at Al "If you want i can even arrange for you to fight me Al. Have the Elrics vs. the Mustangs"
A small laugh escaped Edward before he slowly spoke "It would be interesting.. but..."Alphonse cut him off as he started to speak "Sounds like a great idea.. but don't think I will go easy on you being a girl and the fuerer.."
Raya looked at him and laughed "Hehe no way Al i want to to fight me the way you and Ed fight" she looked at them both "When we are done with this we are to have a spar between the three of us anything goes ok" she looked out the window at Lyor finally showing up in the distance and getting closer
Edward could not help but laugh gently, some of the fights they had.. well they could end up a little dangerous but nothing life threatening at least.. just painful. Still hearing what Raya said he spoke a simple two words "I accept.." His eyes looked out seeing Lyor approaching and then he lightly kissed her cheek before looking over at Alphonse."Well if brother accepts.. I have no reason not to"
Raya opened the window "Great and since its so close i say we get out here and race" She had a huge smile as she jumped out the window and ran beside the train "Come on Ed lets run. Al see you at the station"
Edward quickly wasted no time leaving with a wave as he to jumped out before starting to run next to Raya "You know I will win.. I have practiced more.." It had been a while since he last raced her, and well last time it was a quick defeat... but this time he was determined. "Winner gets to kiss the other passionately.. but that was probably gonna happen anyhow.."
Raya smirked as she ran "I wont let you win easily Edward" and she started to run faster not letting him have an easy win "You will have to beat me to get title of winner"
Although Edward because of what was the prize offered would have just let her win, he had to at least make it look like a race and so darted after her before quickly catching launching himself off the ground forwards before continuing to run. "We are allowed to use alchemy right?.." a small grin showed on his face as he continued and propelled himself forward again.
Raya knew what he was asking for "No alchemy just pure human energy, come on ed we have the same automail limbs this should be a piece of cake" she said laughing seeing the train station
Edward propelled himself backwards now with a quick symbol he made with his hands before running next to her "Fine.. I won't cheat with my advantage" He laughed as it was now going to be a rather close race the station right their.. Al waiting watching for the winner."Come on you two.. I would have expected you here by now.."
Raya smirked "Coming Al. later Ed" and she pulled a brick out of her bocket dropingit in the sand and ran faster "Your so slow Ed cause its cause your short" she actually called him short on purpose to make him go faster as she was almost to Al.
A small growl left Edward as he heard what Raya had to say, she knew that would get him to run faster but he only ran to catch up to her.. before both made it to Alphonse at the same time before he lightly laughed.. "I guess we share the prize?"
Raya smiled "Sorry i called you short Ed" she gave him the full prize of a deep and passionate kiss as payment for what she said
Edward kissed back his tongue dancing with hers inside her mouth since after all he had said it was to be equally shared and since they came a draw, he had to put his effort of the kiss to before slowly sliding away."..I take it you to were racing.. for the prize of deeply kissing each other.. You were planning to come a draw the whole time weren't you Ed..."A cheeky grin shone on his face before he just lightly held her before slipping away a touch "So were here..I guess we better be more serious now, since this is mission time.. but afterwards we can all relax again"
Raya walked to the end of the station "Well mission is what dad said" she crossed her arms and pointed at the church were Ed had fought and shown Rose what happeneds when you ignore equivalent exchange. Raya turned and looked at him "About a week ago i found some things that may held you out Ed" she ment involving the philosapher stone. Rose came running "Guys glad your here some one has a red stone and using it to destroy things near the church" Raya nodded "Ed Al lets go" and she ran and pulled her gun out as she ran. Reaching the fight she shot off a bullet into the sky to stop everything "Thats enough" everyone went silent seeing the fuerer in Lyor.
Edwards eyes widened slightly with surprise at what Rose started to tell him before he spoke "Could that be.. It might be,.. Hmm don't worry me Raya and Al will see what we can do.." Quickly he darted after her Alphonse following him. It seemed quite a few people were surprised to see Raya,.. since after all the fuerer rarely took on missions, as petty as this.. well that's what they thought it was. It seemed a few had a look within their eyes that they wanted to attack her,.. but he knew that if that happened Al and him would be the first to attack.. "were is the cause of this.. I want to see for myself this such a person.."
Lust came out with a man that had a red stone and she said "Hello boys, I see the new fuerer brat came with" Raya pointed her gun at lust saying "Lust right, nice to meet you the names Raya Mustang your pal pride fought my dad Roy Mustang" she could tell the stone was a key to Ed and Al's search "Ed you get the stone while i deal with lust" And she ran and began to fight lust. Lust smirked "Your not bad its as if you were Ed himself"
Edward was a little disappointed wanting to get a little bit of revenge on Lust but instead he decided to follow what Raya said and so headed towards the man with the red stone knowing to be a little cautious. "Give me that stone.. or will I have to take it by force?" The man just laughed before his hands started to glow from the stone before Edward quickly darted to the side watching as chunks of earth came flying at him, at the same moment that he dodged already he felt contact of what felt like electricity collide with him sending him flying backwards before he quickly landed and brought out his metal blade from his automail and then clapped his hands together and touched the ground sending a tremor at the man who just simply moved to the side. " I will get that stone.. I will make sure of it"
Lust charged and began to fight Rina "So why are you here little fuerer and what are you to Ed. He's just a weak little thing that no one cares about" and she stabbed rina in the left shoulder where the pain is the worst. Rina screamed "Aaahhh" and grabbed her and quickly looked at Ed then back to lust once she saw him look "I'm here to help and as for Ed. I'm his girlfriend and he is not weak or unloved pleanty of people care for him and say he is strong. You have no idea the hell he went through" And she snapped her fingers and blew up everything surounding both of them to kill lust and she flew back covered in blood as lust layed dead
Quickly Edward started to move watching as more electricity was shot at him before an idea struck. With little to no effort he quickly brought out the iron in the floor before darting away from the area he had done such a thing. He had heard about metal conducting electricity and it seemed that because it was a stronger supply then his automail it surged straight into the raised metal before Ed came in with an elbow into the man before reaching down and opening the mans hand taking the stone he had from him.His eyes then looked away walking towards where he had seen what looked like the work of Raya.. seemingly exploding everything. It seemed this had stunned Lust but the homunculus slowly stood back up regenerating what had occurred to her. He quickly ran over blade from his automail still out.. before watching Lust disappear...I guess we will see her again..Slowly he lent down looking at the blood covered Raya. "You should know they don't die so easily.. are you okay..?"
Raya slowly got up "Yeah...i'll be fine" she said coughing up some blood from the explosion. She looked around and saw everyone staring at her as Rose ran over shouting back "Al get over here, Raya you ok" Raya nodded to her then said softly "I'm fine gu..." she passed out hafl way through her thought.
As soon as Edward saw the blood he was already starting to run towards Raya. Alphonse seemed to be doing the same but it was Ed that caught her in the end when she fell collapsed probably from exhaustion.. and backlash of the fire. Slowly they all then moved into somewhere a bit more covered and Ed started to study the red stone.. but it definently was not the philosophers.. so it would not have enough power.. to bring back his brothers body for him to bind the soul onto it.
Raya slowly opened her eyes and coughed up a tiny bit of blood as she sat up wanting to move "Hey whats the news on the stone Ed" she giggled but stopped when some more blood come out "Wow i must of fought hard to still be coughing blood" she went to stand up and wobbled a bit "I need to get some water and wet my throat. I'll be right back ok guys"
Although Raya seemed to have gained consciousness again Edward still had hold of her, slowly he let her stand up by herself but after hearing that he started to walk with her "I will go as well,.." He mainly wanted to speak a little in private to her, but also to tell her not to go so hard at it.. "the stone is a fake as well.. it's completely incomplete.."
Raya walked and felt bad "Sorry Ed, i guess i was hoping that it would be getting you closer to your old body and getting Al's back completely" she stopped over the sink and coughed as a bit of blood hit the metal sink. "I guess i took a harsh beating from that damn humanculis bitch huh Ed" she said closing her eyes as she coughed again and held her injured left shoulder and turned on the water to wash the blood out of the sink. She screamed at her self only loud enough to let Ed and only Ed hear her "God i'm so stupid" she slid to the floor back against the cupboard and held her automail hand up towards the light as if to grab it from the floor while holding her watch "I'm the fuerer, i should have know that bitch would be strong" she hit the back of her head on the cupboard. "I should have know better maybe i should just switch ranks so dad is fuerer, mom is brigadear general and i am coronol, and let dad have his fucking mini skirt army" she had never sworn before and now she sounded as if she were about to kill her self "I dont deserve to be the fuerer dad should have been picked, he would be better then me anyway"
Edward managed a soft smile but it was hard to do in such a scenario.. so many people risked to much for him, and even her in the role she was,.. she should have known better to just try so bashfully to take down a homunculus in the method she tried. He crouched down closer towards her when she slid down to a lower level, and her emotions showed directly in her voice and eyes. " You know that's not what you want.. you received the role after proving yourself.." It was uncommon to here Raya swear, that was something Ed knew.. their had been once or twice such a word had left his voice but it was also rather uncommon for him, since usually his alchemy spoke better then his words. "Your father is just as hot headed as you are.. If given the chance.. change would happen to a degree that would be to much to handle.. and I just can't stand Roy anyhow.. so don't give him a more commanding role over me.. after all I am just Full metal Alchemist.. but I would prefer to be called that then a dog of war.. as some refer to state alchemists."
Raya looked up at him and placed her non automail hand on his cheek "Your sweet Ed you really are but sometimes its just to much for me to do the job alone" she tried to get up and stand but she coughed up both blood and vomit into the sink this time showing the blood was stopping finally. She looked at him "Ed i have the power to give you a rank in the military you know that right, and you also know from what Armstrong said 'State Alchemists have the same rank as a major' If you want i can give you that rank and make it so you work under me and me alone, no more Roy or anything. Please think of that and tell me what you want me to do" she then left and sat on the couch leaving him in the kitchen alone to think of her offer.
Although the offer was tempting, and even though Edward remembered how high up a state alchemist compared to the normal military.. he now had to really think about it.. Raya would probably allow him to continue trying to get the philosophers stone,.. but their would be times where he would have to do as she said. Although that would probably not change anyhow.. since she was feurer her word.. was law almost. He watched her leave thinking it over..I will get your body back Alphonse.. I promise..Finally he came to a choice walking in towards where she had headed into, before speaking up a little "I have made a choice.. I would like to take up that offer as long as it allows me to keep trying to find the philosophers stone so I can get Al.. his body back"
She motioned for him to sit by Al so she could talk to both of them with one direction. Raya took a deep breath and smiled at him and Al "Ed i gave you the choice so you would be allowed to do so as you please for you would report to me and no one else. And I will do anything in my power to help you both with your search." SHe pulled out a solid black box and set in in her lap and looked at Al "Alphonse Elric as Fuerer of the State Military i offer you the choice to have what is in this box if you so desire. Know this though if you choose to accept this you will be expected to not regret the choice and know full well there will be no going back once you take it." her voice was stern and serious like when she was giving orders to havoc and the others. She waited to hear Al's answer.
Edward got the gist from the way she motioned to sit by his brother.. probably because it would be easier to speak to the both of them if she could just look the one way. Hearing Raya say such a thing, brought a slight smile to his face, it would make everything easier since right now.. his locations were set by Roy.. Mustang, and this had not got him closer really to his goal of finding the philosophers stone.. well other then when he used to just disobey.. and go by himself, to then eventually return."Me..?" it almost sounded like if Alphonse was surprised by this offer.. and seemed to be thinking about it for a moment before deciding to answer properly.. "I mean.. I understand.. and therefor would like to have what is inside that box, knowing that I can't go back on this choice..."
Raya smiled and as she opened the box she pulled out a cloth and unwrapped a watch "Alphonse Elric I Fuerer Raya Mustang here by grant you that rank and abilities of your brother Edward and welcome you as the newest State Alchemist. You alchemist name has been choosen as 'The Lolay Alchemist' Because of your loyalty to not only your brother but also to those you know in the military" she handed him him new watch and hoped that he would enjoy being the same rank as his brother Ed. She then smiled at Ed "Edward now you can both report to me alone" she leaned forward and kissed ed on the lips and hugged al.
Al almost seemed to be a little excited and so picked up the watch before looking at it before then knowing what to do. Quickly he drew a transmution symbol on himself before then transmuting the chain to himself, this then allowed the watch to hang from about waist height, and was in clear view.. but somehow managed it not to clash with his armored body.. well more so just his body since the armor was his body.This time Edward did not blush as he felt Raya's lips on his own. Instead he waited until she finished hugging Al before pushing his lips lightly against hers.
She got the kiss from Ed and said "so you two shall we head back home to Central so you can show Winery your new watch Al. Not to mention Ed you can rub your guys' potions as under me alone in my father Roy's face" she smirked knowing he would have fun tormenting roy. She stood and said "So Major Edward Elric and Major Alphonse Elric When shall we head home to central?" she smiled liking their new titles.
A look of triumph showed upon Edwards face upon hearing her say that, in fact it was something to look forward to since he could neither defy the fuerer or his daughter in that regard.. and them being the same person, it just made everything more interesting.Al seemed to nod liking his title of Major.. and the fact he was now called the Loyal Alchemist.. like his brother he had a title.
Raya smiled and walked to the door "Alright then lets head home you two" she opened it to find her father and Winery on the other side "Dad, why are you and Winery here" Roy said "I got a call waying you were hurt and she came to check your guys' automail" Winery walked in "Hey Ed, Hey Al so you guys got in a fight huh. Who was it"
One thing that neither of the Elric brothers had expected was that Winery and Roy would be here, the fact they had managed to get here so soon after such a battle was rather amazing to say the least. This just meant a chance to throw what he had in Roy's face and annoy him with it.. slightly immature but somethings just did not change regardless of the time passing. "Well I heard that Raya fought with the homunculus Lust.. and as for me,.. I am slightly unsure what his name was but he had a stone of a dark red.. that seemed to have some power.. but all it was , was an incomplete philosophers stone.. useless to use in getting back what we want.." He took a breath before then looking at Roy "I now out rank you in the military.. and only speak to your daughter regarding missions.. and I might have to set you a few tasks.. like the waste of time ones you gave me.." A laugh escaped him before looking at Raya "I can do that yes?"
Raya sighed "Ed you dont out rank him and yet you do. The way you do not out rank him is your a Major he is Brigadear General, The way you do is that you obey my orders only so its a 50 50 slot." she hoped he would not get mad "Now then as for the fight, i am just fine dad and i dont ne..." she passed out from lack of rest after the fight and fell to the floor. Roy sighed and caught her "Appearently you do need my help Raya" Winery looked and said "Al when did you get the watch" Roy looked up and smirked "She gave it to you huh"
A small sigh left Edward after hearing such a thing, he was hoping he purely just out ranked him.. but that was not the case and so was slightly disappointing. It seemed Raya still was recovering a little, and Roy had beaten him to catching her as she started to fall.Slowly Al nodded to what Winery had said before once again nodding to what was said by Roy "Well she is the fuerer she can decide if she wants to give such a thing to a person like me.."
Winery smiled "Well i'm glad Al, now then Ed lets check your automail" Roy layed his daughter on the couch "She works way to hard"
Edward just lightly smiled at Winery before allowing her to start working on his automail, it after all did feel a little.. well loose and weakened, since the last repair it had really taken a few solid hits, and so probably needed some parts tightened other parts replaced.
Raya woke up and saw Winery working on Ed's arm "So you are here, guess that means dad is to" she sat up and sighed as she looked at her father "Why did you follow us, and i want the truth" Roy sighed and leaned back "I was hoping to get some action to and i thought bring Winery with for you and Ed" Winery rolled her eyes and did not say anything
Roy as always did not seem to have a true excuse, the whole statement seemingly made up on the spot.. he was probably just concerned and heard a homunculus had been in the area that the two were heading to, and so followed close by.. Winery either volunteering.. or knowing Mustang.. she was dragged along without getting a choice. "Same old Roy.. can't even entrust the fuerer to deal with a mission that you had suggested.."
Roy turned to Ed "Its not that i dont trust the Fuerer, i am concerned for her as a father when it comes to lust and the others Edward, after the incedent with pride i thought you of all people would understand that" Raya froze she had heard of it but had no idea that her dad or even Ed were involved in it
That was enough for Edward to go quiet after hearing what Roy had to say, there really was not much of a counter for such a thing and so silence was the best option.. "still, even as a father.. you should know us two Elric brothers are here to protect her,.. and if it was not for the fact that I had to help Rose with the city and rescue a few people.. next time I can help her and I am sure Ed will say the same.."
Roy stood up and was about to use his alchemy when Raya stood and left the house "No more fighting them dad" and she was gone
Although Winery was still working on his arm, he pointed for Roy.. and Alphonse to go follow, he was not going to let go of Raya that easily, after all she needed her automail looked at as well. Al quickly started to take off after her, although it was much less silent then it was quick. He was not sure exactly which way she had gone and so had to run off in one direction sending Roy in the other. "Raya.. I mean.. Fuerer.. come back.. Are you here?.."
Raya had found a small stream nearby and did a small bit of alchemy for Al to find her. Roy ran straight towards the light from her alchemy "Raya!" Winery said "Ed lets go i can check her there"
Alphonse was the first to spot the alchemy's glow, and knew it was Raya.. it was a sign to show where she was to them, but it was a little odd for her just to run off like that. He knew his brother Edward would have been the first to start running after her, if it was not for Winery working on his arm.. but that would not take to long, quickly he started to move.. having a feeling Roy would have seen it as well, which just meant they would probably find her at the same time.Now that Edward was able to move with out a screwdriver in his arm he nodded at Winery before speaking"Yes.. lets go then,.." once that was said, he walked out side and then using Alchemy he propelled himself forward which made him land on a roof top as he then started to dart in the direction the last surge of the alchemy circle she had preformed started to disappear .. the glow growing more faint but it gave enough idea,.. and because he was propelling himself with alchemy.. it was possibly just barely that he might beat Roy and Al.. or at least he was trying to
Raya sat by the water waiting to see who would reach her first. She had been crying and thought that they were gonna be angry, her dad would yell, al would ramble about being worried, ed would yell about her still wounded and winery would complain about the automail. Winery ran as fast as she could to get to Raya hoping she was ok. Roy got to her first and said "Dont run off like that hun. You scared us all"
Edward was slightly shocked to see that Roy had beaten him but landed on the floor nearby a slight look of concern on his face as he looked at Raya. "You should not run off by yourself.. being the fuerer.. and well, one of the only people .. that I find myself ..really caring about.." it was almost difficult for him to say that as his eyes looked down before slowly looking up as he heard what sounded like Al followed closely by Winery."Good you found her.. I was hoping you saw that glow from the transmution.. what did you transmute by the way Raya?" He seemed to be asking curiously as if trying to break the tension to make the others forget that she had run off aggravated.
Raya took her automail arm and pointed to where she had taken some of it apart and then tossed Ed a heart that said "I love you Edward Elric, dont ever change anything about you at all. I love you, temper and all" Roy was shocked to see she used part of her own arm for the transmutation. Winery sighed and just went to work fixing it up "You know Ed was the one who worried most about you" Raya looked up at him tears in her eyes "I dont want anymore fighting today"
It was true really what Winery said but that did not stop the blush from appearing across Edwards face seeing what she had made for him, it was rather unexpected and the fact she had used part of her automail.. as the material to transmute it, just made it all the more special it being a part of her, A soft smile crossed his face before he started to speak "I am fine with that.. truce for now Roy?"
Roy thought of only one thing that she would put involving Ed, lov, and the way he was "Sure runt, truce" to which Raya looked at ed waiting to see his anger and that was all it would take to cheer her up. Winery stood and moved to work on her leg.
Although he had agreed for a truce that comment was uncalled for and off course just like old times his anger flared up and Al quickly stood in front of him to stop him as Ed tried to run at him wanting to take a few swings,.."Good old brother.. still can't hold your temper.."
Raya laughed "Let him go Al this is one thing i dont mind for fighting today" her voice had the proof it was making her feel better "This anger when someone calls him short or any form of the word is what i fell in love with" Winery smiled "Well all done Raya" Roy walked over and helped her up "Sorry for making you upset honey" Raya shook her head and then went to kiss Ed.
Edward slowly calmed down feeling Alphonse let him go once Raya had said to,.. sure he wanted to rush at Roy right now, but found that the organized duel that would to be occurring once it was arranged was enough for him to get back at him, unlike last time.. he would be more prepared and ready, his alchemy faster then before, and well he had learnt a little from a few battles that had taken underway.
Winery stood over by Al and watched as Roy smirked. He looked at how Ed did not attack and said "Whats wrong, Ed the runt scared to fight me cause he is dating my daughter" Raya looked at Ed and said "I hold you punch" ANd soon raya had her dad in a arm lock wanting ed to get him saying "Only i can get away with calling him short dad" Roy laughed "Ha, i've been calling short since i met him. Come on Ed i want to see what the shrimp of the milarety has got" and he broke free from Raya knocking her down.
"What did you call me.. Edward the runt of which you can hardly see because he is so much shorter then you?".. Commonly Edward always misheard things when it came to people calling him short or something of that regard and so it was classic for him to mishear what was said, and think something worse had been spoken. Watching as Raya had been knocked off him a little before hearing what Roy had to say again he glared partially before speaking "No alchemy.. unless you want to take this outside.." He then started to run at Roy just simply wanting to punch into him.. alchemy would just make it to complicated.
Roy stood and got ready to snap to use his flame alchemy "In case you had not noticed Edward we are outside, of course i doubt a pipsqueak like you would realize that" and in a flash there was an explosion and Raya was shielding her eyes from dust. Winery shouted "Raya you alright girl" Raya say "Just fine them being normal is starting to chear me up"
Edward had not noticed that when he had charged at Roy, and during the time he had spoken in retaliation the thought never crossed his mind to notice what was around him, and so it still felt like he was inside before hearing that a slight look of surprise and quickly he managed to pull up a wall of dirt using alchemy before retaliating by firing a sphere of ground at him. "Still just as feisty as ever.. i see Roy.."
Winery sighed and sat by Raya saying "To think you have to deal with this everyday, and worse one of them is your own dad" Raya laughed "Yeah my old man is pretty hot headed aint he, of course no where near Ed and thats what makes it cute for me dating him" Roy was using his alchemy every chance he got saying "Come on Ed the runt of the military should be better then this"
It was not that Edward was not trying.. it was more that he was planning to catch Roy off guard, he was acting like it was just like last time except he was a little quicker with his reactions, that was until he started to use the nearby earth to cause the ground to grab Roy before he jumped at him his auto mail blade out, a shield made out of the ground forming as he got closer prepared for Roy's counter which would be coming.. any moment now.
Roy did not see him coming since he was trying to get him self free first "Damn it Ed you have gotten better and..." Roy was cut off as raya shouted "Ed stop dont hurt him" Roy looked up and tryed to counter fast but his gloves had been torn offduring the fight, which might have been why Raya said to stop
Ed had thought ahead of Roy for once, of which when entrapping him,.. small parts of the contained earth had small shards of what seemed like glass, and so using some more sand he had deliberately made it so that the glove that Roy usually used would be ripped before instead of hitting Roy he broke the containment he created before smiling a little. I thought ahead this time.. and when I first attacked you.. I managed to grab your spare.. a small smirk crossed him before he pulled out of his pocket Roy s spare glove glove..
Roy smirked "You've gotten much better from back then Edward, i'm proud of you for never giving up" Raya smiled "See you two can get along, it just takes a quick spar or two to do it" Winery sighed.
To say the least Alphonse was rather proud of his brother for showing what he had realized after the first conflict with Roy, it showed that he had learnt something..and for quite some time he knew Edward.. wanted to beat Roy and so maybe now this would make Full Metal Alchemist.. more determined to get the philosophers stone. Although the Loyal Alchemist.. knew that his brother was always determined more for his sake.. to get him his real body back.."I knew that if I looked back at the mistakes I made back then I could fix them.. and I plan to do the same to this.." he tapped his arm that was automail before looking at Al "I will get you back your body.. I promise"
Roy smiled "There's just one thing you need to remember Edward" he walked up and set his hand on ed's head "You cant get to cocky or nothing will work out right" Winery smiled as Raya walked over to al. "Al i promise to help geet your body back in any way i can as both Fuerer and Ed's girlfriend"
Edward almost laughed a little before just managing to stop himself before it escalated. Hearing such words from Roy.. after what their first fight had been like, and the fact that cocky was almost a word designed to fit a person like.. well Edward himself, it would be a hard thing to directly accomplish still he managed to utter "thanks for the advice.."Alphonse if he had managed to smile..would have done so now before he spoke quietly back in return to the two. "And your bodies back.. not just mine.."
Roy and winery were silent when Raya hit the ground. Raya held her automail arm and said with tears starting "Al i can not get mine back for they were lost in a fight. You and Edward were made this way by using the taboo and only you guys can get your old bodies back" she was keeping her self from crying and held the tears back not wanting them to fall
Edward sighed remembering that this had been told to him once before, technically even the two of them could not get their bodies back because of the failed human transmutation they did said such a thing,.. but they could bypass the rules of equivalent value.. and hopefully change all that.Alphonse angled his head down a little looking down a soft sigh leaving him.. "Sorry... I did not know Raya.. Edward never told me.."
"Edward is the only one other then my parents who know and he did not tell you because i made him promise to let me say it" Raya sat on the ground as Roy walked over and sat by her as rain began to fall "You were strong then and you are strong now Raya"
Edward looked at the ground before sighing "I would have said something.. but a promise was a promise.." he sighed once more before he offered his hand down to her "Like your father says.. after all, I need you more then ever.. "
Riza and all their friends showed up and Riza said "Raya, we all need you daughter and Edward more so since you can calm him" Raya looked around and stood saying "I would like to offer Ed a militery uniform to be worn when ever he wishes"
Edward looked at her before shaking his head "I would have to decline such an offer.. as i would prefer to just wear similar to what i wear now.." part of him still did not want to be known as a full military dog and really, he just wanted the position he had because it meant not answering to Roy, and he would be able to have more time .. with Raya his girlfriend.
Raya sighed "Alright Ed you win, no uniform" she got up and headed in the direction of central headquarters saying "Lets go guys" she dreaded having to get to wrok and wished she could ditch but the was not optional. Roy, Riza, and Winery all saw she was depressed and had no idea of what caused it
A slight look of triumph showed across his face, something he was glad of was that he could wear just his normal clothes.. which meant like always he was being different.. but hey that was Edward for you. The look upon his face turned into slight confusion afterwards seeing her emotions change a little and it was not something that he liked to see Raya looking like. Slowly he followed deciding to ask later instead of now.
Roy and Winery were silent the whole way. Raya sighed a few times and stared at her watch. Riza thought she should lower the tension so she spoke up "Hey Alphonse how did you three do on the mission today"
Alphonse looked at Riza, before deciding to to reply back to what she said, " well it seemed okay but it was a little bit troublesome,still it might help us on our search, what do you think Edward? "Ed's sighed before deciding to respond. " yeah I guess, but is not getting us any closer to the philosopher's Stone in my opinion,"
Riza smiled "At least you boys get to spend more time with Raya, she needs the company" Roy, Raya and Winery all walked ahead talking
Alphonse simply just fell quiet after that for a little before speaking quietly "I guess.. but even with us around.. she just does not seem like she used to the year previous.. when she seemed so much more upbeat.." Edward nodded before letting out a sigh "It's just a phase.. with my help I know Raya will be fine.. so don't worry.. I won't let anything bad happen.."
Raya stopped at her office and said "Well time for reports" when she opened the door she saw her friends, armstrong, havock, everyone. Riza walked up to her daughter and said "Its been a whole year since you became fuerer, i thought we should celebrate it"
Because Ed did not usually pay attention to the military other then the things set for him to do, he did not know about the surprise that was being held, .. so he entered slightly surprised himself.. but it did look like something that Raya could relax to for once, after all such an occasion like they said was worth celebrating "Congratulations.."
Raya hugged Ed and was so excited "Thanks everyone" Winery smiled and enjoyed the cake. After about an hour Roy said "I would like to ask Ed and Raya something" Everyone went quiet and held Ed's hand tightly. Roy smiled "Ed if you want i would like to give you my little girls hand. Raya is it ok for me to do this" Raya's eyes widened and she hugged her father "Only if Ed takes it dad"
Alphonse at the party seemed to do more relaxing then everyone else just sitting down and then not moving from that location, after all he got comfortable.. and then it was no point moving from such a place.. seeing as it seemed Ed was now busy with Raya anyhowEdward almost blushed hearing such a thing from Roy before he thought about it just for a moment "I think .. me and Raya should not rush into things so quickly.. but you will be the first to find out Roy.. when I plan to propose.. after all I think I might need you to make it all the more special.." Slowly Ed looked around before grabbing a glass and raising it in the air "I would like to propose.." He fell quiet everyone seemed to have shocked look on their faces as he laughed gently.. "a toast.. to the Fuerer and her family.. for without them, what is now taking place.. would not be,.. and if it were not for them.. well we probably would not even have jobs as we have them now.. so I hope for their sake.. everything gets easier.. and that me and Raya can be in happiness together.." he then finished before drinking what seemed to be wine before watching as others finished off the toast.
Raya smiled and then went over to Al and said "Hey Al, thanks for being there for me and Ed. Mostly Ed, your a great brother to him and i'm glad your here" she hugged him and then stood up saying "Alright time for special event to happen everyone outside" she clapped her hands together and then touched the window causing it to shatter as a slide like slope hit the ground and she jumped out yelling "Come onn Elric's"
Both Elric's looked at what had taken place before both darting towards the window before sliding down the odd looking slope, right at the end, Quickly Edward moddeled a little flick that would cause them to land on their feet.. unless they somehow did not manage to do such a thing. As he slid down he reinforced it to make sure the glass would hold his brothers weight before getting flicked upward of which he did half a flip landing on his hands of which he then flipped himself over completely so he was on his feet. Just like normal.. here he was showing off.
Everyone followed and once on the ground Raya said "Hey Ed want to fight dad. I know he wants to" She knew the two would love to fight again and she wanted everyone to have fun. "But it will be different this time. Its gonna be me and dad against both you and Al"
Edward could not help but laugh slightly before stopping himself knowing even though she was the fuerer, she would not appreciate him laughing at such a suggestion. "I remember you told me about wanting such a thing.. but once we start it is not over till the end.. what do you say Al..?""I say lets show the Mustangs what the Elrics can really do.."
Roy smirked and said "This time however i will be facing you Al" Raya said smiling "Ed dont you dare hold back on me now" and the two snapped shooting their flame alchemy and the brothers
Edward had a feeling such a thing would be said, and yet knew that the two of them would start at the same time. In watching for the moment he already had the preparation of symbol made by his hands to use before as the flames came at him a pillar of earth stopped it before he scaled up that and came downwards at Raya creating a disturbance in the wind using it to blast her to stop any counter attacks before rushing at the fuerer.The first attack Al did not bother to dodge but rather he had already prepared a counter for after, using the metal that had come of him a touch by the flame.. and combining it with the black soot.. He touched the ground which he had drawn the alchemy crest with his foot before he disappeared into a dark fog before rushing at Roy from the side a trail of sand behind him as he prepared his next alchemy attack.
Raya clapped and touched her right arm turning it into a blade like Ed and dodged him and countered with the sword and said "Ed i want a challenge got it" Roy dodged and said "Alphonse your not to bad for your first fight against me so far" and as to suprise everyone Roy pulled a glove off and used normal alchemy to create two swords for him and Al to use then placed the glove back on.
When she swung and countered with the blade he quickly had to block with his automail arm before jumping away withdrawing the blade within before hearing what she had to say "Fine.. you got one then.." he then started to attack with a few attacks before he lent down pressing his hands to the floor to push her away from him with a huge gust of air, the moment he let the alchemy start was the moment he then rushed at her.Alphonse took the blade before putting it on the floor and drawing a circle with three triangles and a star intersecting it all before it glowed making the sword grow a little larger since it's handle was to small for his armored body's hands. Then he picked it up before preparing to attack
Raya dodged and countered with flame alchemy and running at him while the smoke was still in the air to have coverage "Your not bad Ed, i'm actually having fun" Roy smiled and said "Having fun yet Al" Everyone watching was shocked to see the flame alchemist Roy Mustang using a sword, and seeing how well Ed stood his own against Raya
Edward had already contemplated her next move of using the smoke, and so used the earth beneath him to create a shoddy human like sculpture to take his place since the smoke would make it harder for her to see and she would think it was him. He then did a low swivel kick into her legs before preparing a alchemy cage yet he was not quick enough to trap Raya within it.Alphonse started to swing the blade with reasonable dexterity considering the disadvantage of his armor. Obviously Roy was better just sticking with alchemy but it did make things more interesting to have Roy using a blade over Roy.. just well firing fire at him the whole time.
Roy was having fun with the sword fight against Al. Raya dodged and quickly swung at her feet to get Ed "Ha that may have worked on dad but not me Ed"
Edward up to now had thought the two would be similar but it seemed Raya was actually harder to predict which would make everything more interesting as he moved back once again before pressing down on the floor with both hands which to begin with nothing happened. That was how he wanted it to appear before he started to swing at Raya with his automail blade.Alphonse started to try and think how he could disarm Roy pressuring him but so far it seemed not to be possible for him.. then again this was the first time he had ever used a blade,.. used to only using his body and fists.
Raya jumped back and said standing up straight "Hey Ed, what would you say to a hand to hand fight us against you guys" Roy stepped to by his daughter and tossed the sword to the side as Raya turned her automail back getting rid of the blade.
Edward decided he did not have to answer but just tapped his automail for the blade to disappear back into it, "I know Alphonse will prefer such a thing.."Al eagerly threw the blade to the side before raising his fists ready for what would be an easier fight, he doubted Roy would be able to beat him.. since for his size he had a lot of speed.
Raya smiled and said "Before we start though, Ed can i get a kiss for good luck" Roy rolled his eyes but he knew she would not try anything, but if Ed did he would use his alchemy and got ready so that Ed knew she was not trying anything but to get a kiss.
Ed laughed not purely trusting what she had to offer but still took the chance nether the less before lightly kissing her seeing as Roy seemed to be ready to fight if he took advantage of the situation by doing some sort of cheap move. Slowly the soft kiss ended before he pulled away readying himself up "Begin.."Al was the first to move getting himself closer to Roy before swinging a simple left hook.
Roy ducked down and swiftly spun knocking Al's feet out from under him and jumping back.Raya threw a punch getting close to Ed and said "Ed i'm really having fun with this and thank you for the kiss" She threw punches and kicks trying to see what moves would get through and seeing how well she could do against him.
Alphonse was slightly thrown off balance before rolling to the side and getting back up deciding that Roy would possibly be a challenge He started with a low left kick before blocking Roy's attack with his left arm before his right arm came with a short jab to his stomach knocking him back ,Most of the moves he managed to block an occasional punch or kick getting through but not enough to knock him back or stop him from trying, no instead he started to counter throw, before then using her weight and force against her, using one of the punches thrown he swiftly moved and ducked pulling him over him which caused her to be flipped onto her back because of the punch she had thrown. He offered his hand down to help her up "Gonna give up yet?"
Raya sighed and then crossed her arms knocking him down and flipping to sitting on his stomache and said "Nope, not yet Ed" she then leaned down and kissed him deeply and passionately before getting up and getting ready to fight again.Roy sighed and said "I give Al, i must say your much better at this type of fighting then i am." he held his hand out in defeat and smiled looking at his daughter and Ed "I wonder who will win their match"
Alphonse put down his guard before just standing and turning towards his brother and Raya "well they both will not accept defeat easy.. after all they are stubborn" a laugh escaped him before he went quite now wanting to watch the fight.Her move had caught him by surprise yet he did not complain after the kiss that came briefly before Edward got up after she did and was quickly prepared. Swiftly he started to attack using a lot of fake attacks to make her unsure which were going to connect or not before he took a few steps back ready for more.
Roy laughed as well "Well you know Al, Raya is ten times faster then me which is how she is able to keep up with Edward so well. She said that she would like it if he gave her a hard time in a spar since no one other then me has ever been willing to face her so this is a great chance to see which of them is better"Raya laughed as she dodged and attacked moving to Ed and grabbing him from behind she said "Your real good and i like how you aint going easy cause i'm girl" she flipped over him pulling him to the ground on his back and said "You give up yet shorty" she stared down at him with a loving smile.
A laugh escaped Ed as the question was asked to him, although she had said she was glad he was not going easy on her because of gender his role as Full Metal Alchemist was also not to hurt the fuerer and so in saying that he had to try and hold back a little but that comment made him snap "What did you say.. did you say Shorty.. of which is so small you can't see him and that is extremely weak" quickly he moved getting her away from him a new determination showing as he then started to attack not really restraining himself to the point of Edward was putting in the effort to try and fight rather then make it amusing.
Raya laughed "Hahaha, Ed your so funny. Yes i did call you short but think about it, I am a little shorter then you so i have no real reason to call you that." she stood up straight and said seriously "I just love seeing you loose control of your anger, its one of the things that keeps me falling deeper and deeper in love with you" she held her hand out and said "Edward Elric, I Fuerer Raya Mustang here by admit defeat and claim you the winner of this fight" she then hit the ground and said "I cant go any more even if i wanted to" She removed her uniform coat to reveal that her arm had lost alot of the parts to it and smiled at him "Thanks for the great spar Ed"
Although Edward had not thought about that, even if Raya was shorter then him.. she was female so it was partially to be expected. He was partially surprised to hear that she was admitting the defeat of the spar, yet he simply managed a smile instead. Seeing the damage on her automail he shook his head lightly before crouching down speaking to her "You should not push yourself so far.. you know how Winery gets when we damage our automail.."in truth Edwards had only been damaged a touch but as Winery would say.. it was her masterpiece anyhow.
Raya sighed "Yeah i know, but this is after a whole month of not going to her for that very reason. I hate when she yells at me and says 'You may be the fuerer but you still have to watch your self with my work...' and stuff like that you know" Winery walked up and said "Alright both of you time to fix you up. Ed you should have watched out for her since your dating her mister"
A small laugh escaped him, in truth sometimes Winery could be a bit of a handful to deal with.. but most of the time she was tolerable. ".. don't try and blame me for my automails superiority.. you should have pride in your best work.." it was obvious he was quickly trying to change her method of thinking before sighing lightly "It's still fixable by you though.."
Winery chucked a wrench that she did not use on the automail at him while she fixed up Raya and said"Ed thats hardly the point. You should be more concerned about her and watch how hard she is on her automail"Raya quickly stepped in and said"Winery its not his fault. I refused to even let him see how bad my arm was and not even dad knew until just now. So please dont blame Ed"Winery sighed and said"Yeah i know, i just get so worried about you two and without Al in his own body it makes everything harder. I guess thats why i am so hard on you and Ed when it comes to your guys' automail"Raya was shocked and smiled"Thanks for the concern Winery. Your the best friend i've had outside the military and that aint Al"
Since Edward was pretty used to how Winery would react in such a situation he managed to dodge out of the way before watching Alphonse catch what had been thrown. ".. best friends don't try to kill others with Wrenches.." He laughed showing that he was joking before noticing Alphonse had walked a lot closer"Ignore my brother Winery.. you know he is grateful for your friendship.. just Ed does not know how to show it properly.." Al seemed to laugh watching his brother glare upon him.. which made the laugh last a little longer.
Winery sighed and finished moving to now work on Raya's leg saying"Yeah i know Al. Ed go get me a towl would you."Raya looked at the two brothers then back to Winery and asked"How did you fair growing up Ed"
Edward instead of answering decided to go get the towel now, he did not like exactly talking about himself growing up since to much had happened that was bad for him. He returned handing the towel to Winery before managing a smile "if you want me.. I will be in the next room" once that was said he left and went and relaxed on the chair there looking over at the wall for a momentI really was a little reckless.. Winery is right,.. i should be more careful..
After Winery was done she used the towel to wipe her hands off and said "Raya a lot happened back then you should talk to Ed or even Al about it" She got her stuff and went next door to work on Ed's automail and said to him "Ed if your going to be with her, she needs to know your story" Raya sat there and looked at Al and said "Hey Al was it wrong to ask about your guys' childhood" she felt so bad about asking that she was willing to drop it now and never go back to it again.
Edward knew that he probably should have told Raya quite sometime ago what his past was like, but it sometimes felt painful to speak about since after all in trying to do what they did back then Alphonse now was stuck in that Metal Suit as his body, hearing Winery speak he looked up towards her before sighing "I know.. I just am not ready to tell her such things.." Alphonse looked towards Raya hearing her speak before slowly shaking his head " It was not wrong asking about it.. but it is hard for brother to talk about.. since he feels completely responsible for everything that took place.. " Al took a breath before he spoke once more " I think it would be best for him to tell you though,.. instead of me or he might be a little annoyed at me after"
Raya stood and told everyone to do their normal things as she turned to Al "Thanks for the tip Al" she walked up and moved the helmet of the suit to see the seal tieing his sole to the armor and said gently touching it "I swear to you Al i will do everything i can to help you and Ed get your true bodies back." She stepped back and looked at him "Please excuse me i have a certain blonde alchemist to find." She walked over to where Winery and Ed were and said leaning against a wall "Um Ed sorry i asked its ok if you dont want to tell me about your past" Winery had just finished and decided to leave with out a word leaving the two alone.
Al always felt a little odd as he felt his head being removed, hearing what Raya said he just hoped she would not end up like him from trying what would need human transmution to bring him back. After hearing Raya say that he placed his head back on top of his body being able to see properly now.Ed slowly turned hearing Raya's voice before noticing that Winery had left to obviously leave them alone. A sigh escaped his lips before the blonde alchemist started to speak "To keep it simple.. my mother died.. and me and Alphonse tried to bring her back to life,.. although it was more my idea then his, of which instead of success.. we ended up with a partial monster, and.. then something tried to steal Alphonse away taking his body of which I sacrificed my arm.. to save him,.. although as you can see all I could do was bind his soul to that armor until I found a way around the rule of fair trade.. that being the philosophers stone."
Raya sighed and looked at him "Ed i just saw the seal on Al and i gently touched it and said 'i swear to you i will do everything i can to help you both get your true bodies back' and i meant it Ed." she walked up to him and placed her left arm that was still normal on his automail feeling the cold metal on her skin she said "I swear i will help you til the day i die because you guys have a chance to get your bodies back. I dont and its ok i would rather you and him get back to your true selves then me anyway" She stepped back and handed him his watch saying "You dropped it during the fight, try not to loose it runt" she called him runt on purpose to see him get pissed.
Edward went to react to what she had said but he simply just smiled at Raya before speaking "Your more of a runt then me... after all I am taller then you these days.." his eyes settled upon her for a moment before he simply said one thing "thank you... for everything,.." It was something that the full metal alchemist felt he had to say, since she as Fuhrer and as a friend had done so much and all he had done in return for quite some time was just be a friend, and now a lover.. or at least that was what seemed to be developing rapidly between them. A strong relationship that was expected to happen eventually. It had just taken some time to actually arrive at the point where he would find out Raya's feelings and understand his own and act upon them instead of feeling limited to what could be done since she was the Fuhrer after all being so important to the military.
Raya looked at him and said softly "Ed do you like taking things slow or would you like it if our love moved faster. I dont want to be seen as the Fuerer to you, i want you to see me as just Raya Mustang your love." She kept her eyes on his not caring if turned away or not she wanted to know what she could do. She stepped closer to him and said "Please tell if you want this relationship to move faster then it is"
Edward looked at Raya for a moment listening to what she had started to talk about, a small smile crossing him since it was unexpected but he liked that she wanted to become more of Raya Mustang to him and less of the Fuhrer that she was. Instead of looking away his eyes stayed focused to stay looking into hers and then words started to leave him "I am fine with how ever it will go,.. as long as your happy with it that is,.. but maybe we should move things a little faster and get to know each other better.."
Raya looked at him and said softly "Thank you for everything Ed, i would like it if we could hang out and get to know each other more. I would also like to know Al and everything about you." she hugged him happy that he wanted to get to know her as Raya and not just the fuerer.
Edward liked the sound of that smiling at her before holding such an expression on his face "me and Al will tell you about us, and i do hope we get to spend more time together. . Maybe we can even get to see each others love for each other" a wink followed the last statement of which he hoped she would agree with what had been said
Raya smiled "Thanks Ed. You should feel free to tell me when you want and dont worry if you think something should be kept from me" she did not want to push him so she walked to the door and said truely happy "Lets go get Al and Winrey for a picnic."
Edward smiled a little relieved at least before nodding "I Will make sure to not keep anything from you anymore.. I promise" he walked up to her now before nodding "Heh.. those two, If Al was in his own body.. I could just see those two together.. we used to argue over who would marry her.. of which generally he won.."
Raya looked at Winery and Al and said "No way Al won the fights of who would marry Winery! So Al if you did have your body how long before you would kiss her" Raya was now hoping Ed would join her in making them embaressed
He could tell his brother was blushing inside, and even though it did not really show, even the body language and the utter silence from Al was showing it quite strongly. "Oh come on Alphonse.. don't be shy.. we both know you would not waste time with that.. and who knows.. from what I could tell, Winery would not exactly protest.." a soft laugh escaped him as he noticed something uncommon on Winery's face. A blush that was extremely a rare sight for the type of out going person."..Brother.. why.. would you ask that ..?" his voice showed a strong nervousness although if he had his true body, it would have been a lot easier to see, except because they had been brothers for so long they knew how each other felt without having to exchange words or looks.
Winery grabbed her wrench and was about to through it when Raya said "Al i'm sorry but its just so hard not to pick on you and Ed. Besides it is your life and i am a friend so i wont pry into it"
Edward was already prepared for if the wrench came flying at him. One thing was Winery was a touch predictive. A good thing at times like this. Hearing Raya save the day though the smile remained before he decided to be daring ."i think they would make a cute couple though. ."
Winery threw the wrench at him anyway and said "Shut up Ed at least Al doesnt get mad when people talk about how small you are compared to him. He is always calm and please remember he would be shorter then you if he did not have to be in the armor" Raya sighed "True the armor does make the youngest seem the bigest. Dont worry Al I'll be sure you get your body back." she smiled and said "Lets go eat" | 183 | ['Raya', 'Russel', 'Winery'] |
60 | | On the dark side(Luna and TheDarkerMe) | There was one thing that Shadow Link could not stand and that was being defeated. He was superior in every way to his counter part, however he had still been defeated. The master sword was powerful. Powerful indeed. Even though he hadn ??t said much in their last encounter, Shadow Link actually had a conscience, contrary to Link ??s thoughts. He wasn ??t just a monster and he didn ??t disappear when he was defeated. Days after Link had left the water temple, he had reformed and was out for revenge. He had gotten all the way out to Lake Hyrule, but had no plan.His body was no longer pitch black. He had gained definition since he had reformed. His skin was now a slight shade that was gray and his eyes were still red. His outfit was still just as black as he once was before. Only his pants were white. Since he had been born of Link he had all of his memories, and the most defenseless person he could harm right now was a girl who lived on the ranch ? alone. He would use her to get to his counterpart, Link. All he needed was a good hideout, and he knew just the place.He would take care of his transportation later. Right now it was to the Lon Lon Ranch. He had reached the Ranch after sundown and broke the front gates. He knew she would be inside by now, and probably sleeping. He slowly opened the door to the mainhouse and went upstairs, finding her in bed just as he thought. He looked around for something to tie her with and sure enough there were ropes of twine. The second he touched her she woke up, but he fixed that by easily knocking her back out again. And so he proceeded, tying her hands and ankles up and carrying her to one of her own horses. Placing a hand on one of them, the horse turned all black. He had full control of it now. He hauled the girl on top of it and then walked it back to the house. He drew his pitch black sword and wrote in big letters:CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, LINK. SEE YOU ON THE DARK SIDE.He would be taking her to the entrance of the shadow temple in the graveyard of Karariko village. He wondered if Link would find him, and how long he would take. He then rode off to his new hideout, taking his hostage with him on his shadow horse.
Link had a bit of a problem, not only did he have a cold... But the problem also happened to be about 5'4'', and had an attitude problem. He wasusedto females with attitude problems. He had grown up around some, had met more on his travels. But this one, this was way above him. He didn't even KNOW the girl, and she was damned determined to defeat him in a spar!He had been relaxing, since defeating Ganon. Zelda's hope to send him to the past where he could relive his life, failed. So now he just wandered around as an Adult, and wondered on what to do with his life. Sure he got a lot of attention, he was the Hero of Time. But in reality he just wanted to be left the hell alone. He had worked hard for the peace that was now in the land.This girl, this annoyance of a female was ruining it. He could swear she was part horse or something. She kept up with Epona, and only seemed to need small breaks. Whatever she was, she had trained harder then anyone he had known... Just to interact with him. It was flattering, and all together way too much of an annoyance. He came to a stop at his favorite ranch and dismounted. "Look, can't you just leave me alone please?"Lumina rolled her shoulders back, flashing him a bright smile. She was a slightly tanned female, with a runners build. She was of Gerudo descent, that much was obvious in her look. But she was so short to be one of the amazonian women. That was part of her downfall. She had been cast out because of her blood faults. Her mother had just chosen the wrong man to have a daughter with.Her skin only slightly tan, not the dark golden of her Gerudo sisters. Her hair was more reddish brown then anything else. Held back in a ponytail, and her bangs braided and pinned back. Her eyes where a bright silver blue color. A coloration her mother said came from her father. A father that Lumina had never come to know. She wore simple clothing, a tunic and leggings. With boots that where good for running.She had mastered all the weapons needed on her person for the trip. A dagger for really close ranged fighting. A strong bow, with a quiver full of arrows. She had a pair of finely crafted blades, as she dual wielded. They where of a fine quality, but she COULD get better if she could only return home. But she was outcasted for her mothers crimes. Crimes of trying to overtake the ruling body of the Gerudo people. Trying to make herself a Queen and her daughter a princess.Now the only way that Lumina could go home, was if she beat the Hero of time. Or so said the crackly old Gerudo woman that ran their people. She said the fates had degreed, that she must be in the shadow of the hero of time. She must defeat him, and then she would be capable of returning home. "No can do, I have to beat you at your own game. Even if it means going through everything that you do."She followed link inside, and came to a dead stop as she stared at what he did. "Well Fuck." She said plainly as she lightly scratched the back of her head. The male took off like a storm and leap unto his horses back. Lumina squeaked and followed after him, her feet moving rapidly as she darted after the male. Her went to Karariko Village, and then jumped off.Link raced up the stairs, the female close behind him. Whatever, he could probably use some help anyways. He wasn't so prideful a being that he wouldn't accept it. Malon was in danger, and quite frankly he cared a lot more for the girl then Zelda. He raced up the steps and took the closest shortcut to the Graveyard. Racing towards the entrance and sliding to a stop.Some things had changed, he could sense it. The temple had probably shifted it's layout and more then that... there was his other self standing there with Malon. "Shadow, give back Malon!"Lumina stared in awe at the male that was up by the entrance to a Temple. As she had been attuned to be Temple Maiden, one sent to clean out the first chamber... She knew what Temple energy felt like. "Sweet mother...." She whispered her eyes widening.
It had been a while but the wait was worth it. Before him stood his arch enemy, his other half. The half that would soon be destroyed and be absorbed into his body. Malon was on the other side of the room, laid out across a stone slab as if she were to be apart of some kind of offering. However, he had not anticipated the Gerudo girl who was behind him. He wondered why she was there, but then again, someone like her posed no thread to the darkness, and she could easily be contained since she was in his element. If she tried to attack she ??d be ensnared in shadows that would encase her at will. He only had to worry about Link and his master sword that was unfortunately the only thing that was impervious to his trickery and element.Once he defeated Link, he would take both girls and make them his. Using them as pets. Once that was done, he would take the castle using the power of Links Master Sword. That would be his new domain, and Zelda, the Lon Lon girl, and this wench would be apart of his harem. They were all equally attractive, and probably all pure. He liked nothing better than plunging an innocent womans purity into absolute darkness and lust. ??What took you so long? Do you not care for this girls life? I was beginning to get impatient. ? Shadow Link smiled as the shadows crawled up the stone slab and caressed the unconscious girls cheek. ??I was getting bored of keeping her under the shadows spell. ? He said and then smiled.
Lumina shifted a little, a light seeming to come from her. But this was just her energy being pushed out by the closeness of the shadows. She had trained with the priestesses for a reason. She contained an inner light that was similar to a Sage, but nowhere near as strong. She twisted her hand and lifted it up a little as she murmured something in the desert tongue. She shifted next to Link and leaned in towards his ear. "You get the girl, I'll distract your other half..." She said gently. The girl meant a lot to the Hero, she could tell that. Blue eyes narrowed as she grabbed unto the Hero's arm. "Get us up there" She whispered.Out came the Ocarina, he just nodded at the girls words. If he could get Malon out of there. Get her somewhere safe like the Temple of Time, everything would be alright. The song was played and they appeared on the symbol before Shadow and the unconscious Malon. Link made to run straight at Shadow, Master Sword drawn, but shifted at the last moment to plunge towards Malon, to try and save the girl. Once he had ahold of her, he would play the song that was needed to get them to safety. From what he had seen of the Gerudo fighters, Lumina could hold her own against Shadow for a bit."So Shadow half... come play a game of blades..." Lumina said as she drew her blades, a light seeming to permeate from her pores as she pulled herself in a position of defensive. It could easily slip to offensive though, because of her dual blades. One arm was back, the other before her. The one before her was held in a manner that her blade was held horizontal. While the other was held up at the level of her ear, the blade tip facing him. "Or are you afraid of a girl." She stated.
http: s4ndap.jpgShadow kept his eyes on the Gerudo girl, but figured that even if Link managed to get Malon free, he could bring this one to her knees and take her hostage. It was like a swap out, but since this one had incurred his wrath, he would be much more aggressive with this one. He smiled at her pathetic taunt, and then decided to try and use that tactic against her. ??Afraid of a girl? No. However, I ??m sure a puny little insect like you ? doesn ??t have the guts to attack me. ? Shadow said with a grin on his face. He wouldn ??t fall for this girl ??s minor insult.When Link got close enough, shadows exploded before him, caging of Malon from him. The shadow hand that was caressing her cheek was now moving towards her neck. Malon awoke when she felt a pressure on her neck and gasped seeing the shadow choking her. She nearly screamed, but she couldn ??t even do that. She looked at Link with wide eyes as she made gasping noises, hoping he would hurry and save her. ??This is pathetic. I can ??t believe you, Link. Bringing a woman to defend you while you save you ??re precious Lon Lon girl. Or perhaps, she is simply your sacrifice, so that you can distract me long enough to get her out? I don ??t care either way. I will corrupt this girl and feed off of her resentment for you once she realizes you don ??t give two shits about her life. I ??ll get stronger with every moment ? feeding off of this ones heart. ? He smirked at the Gerudo.
Lumina felt the laughter bubbling up inside her, her head tilting back a moment, sharp eyes watching him. She smirked faintly and then shifted. While he was talking to Link she rushed towards him, moving as smooth and graceful as a dancer. Her body twisting like a top on one foot, as she released a double slash towards him. The light seemed to increase as she fought, something she hadn't previously had happen. Unless she was training in the Temple.Her eyes narrowed, as her lip quirked with a smirk. "Whats the matter Shadow, can't handle a little girl?" She taunted as she slipped into a crouch and slashed towards his waist quickly. "I could give a damn less if he cared for my life. I have to defeat 'The Hero of Time' in order to return to my people." She snapped as she grinned brightly.Link raced towards Malon, looking towards Lumina as she attacked. She spoke so viciously, and it made him wince at her and Shadow's words. But Malon was choking and the only thing he could do was... Light... LIGHT! He pulled his bow from his back and knocked a light arrow. Then pointing it towards the congestion of shadows he released the arrow. Watching as it burst with a giant snap of light. He should be able to get Malon now!"Hang on Malon, I'm coming!"
Despite being mildly distracted with Link, Shadow had already had his shield up and blocked each blow that she threw at him. He was getting thoroughly annoyed with this gnat, but he didn ??t show it. He simply smiled at her. ??So you think if you can defeat me ? you can defeat him? ? He started to laugh and took the opportunity to connect her shadow with his own. ??I admire your bravery girl. But where there is light, there is always shadow. ? He began to turn black and took on the form of her. Despite her attribute of light, she was simply out of her element here. He could do all sorts of things in this temple. When he changed, his weapons did too. ??I ??m sorry girl, but you are not facing your so called ??hero ?? of time. I play dirty. And I won ??t hesitate to run you into the ground. ? His voice was the same it seemed. With each move she made, he would make the same move. It was like fighting a mirror almost, except Shadow had better speed and reflexes.Malon flinched as the arrow hit its mark and dispersed the shadows. She took a deep breath and then sat up. ??You came to save me ? ? She looked at the battle happening behind them and then sighed. ??Why is this happening? Will she be okay? ? She asked Link.
Link scooped up the female from the platform and held her with one arm. "Shadow is my Darker Self... He's got a sore spot about it. He and Lumina are fighting. I hope she'll be alright, but I am more worried about you." He said gently as he removed the Ocarina. "I will come back for you Lumina!" he called out as he played the song he would need to bring him to the Temple of time. When the arrival was in completion he set Malon down and shook a little. Damn, this was all too much it seemed. He had been idle too long."Look Malon, you should be more then safe in here. Do you understand? Once I get Lumina, I'll take you to the Great Fairy and she can protect you both till I can defeat Shadow." he said lightly.Lumina was a little annoyed at his actions. So he blocked her, whoopdee doo. Now he molded into her shape and looked like a shadowy version of herself. "Amusing, you have tits as well." She taunted as Link fled with Malon. She would be more then fine, she didn't need his help. She twisted then and smirked, as she slid backwards towards the ledge and twisted. Reaching for a pouch on her waist.Gerudo special elixers, something that she had managed to swipe quite a few of and stash... before she was cast out. She popped the cork with her teeth. Held the vial between her teeth, and then started to suck the thick liquid out. It was bitter and disgusting, but she wasn't going to be distracted. He was faster then her, and that was quite obvious, but she had one thing he didn't. True flexibility created by years of dancing and training.She raced towards him again, still sucking down the potion. It was a pain reliever, and a relaxant of sorts. It would make it so she felt no pain, so no matter how he struck her she could get back up and fight. It had dire costs when it wore off, but for now she had thirty minutes to an hour where it would work. It also was an elixer that increased her speed, and pushed her past points that her body normally wouldn't go.
Hmph. What ??s that she has there?Shadow thought as she drunk the elixir. He had remembered all the trouble Link was during their fight. He had drunk two potions during their fight, and even had a fairy with him that healed him right up.No matter. She seems to have gained some speed, but I can keep up with her no matter what. Its just a matter of me being able to parry her attacks. If I ??m fast enough, I could do that. However, whatever she had just drunk seemed to push her past her limits. No matter. I still have an ace up my sleeve.Through all this thinking, Shadows body was moving all on its own. He had no more control over it unless he released the spell.Malon almost felt sick when they warped to a strange temple. She blinked and then looked at him, listening to what he had to say. ??Your dark side ? ? She whispered, looking down at her feet. ??Promise me, Link. Promise me you ??ll be okay. ? Malon took his hands and held them to her chest. ??I don ??t want to lose you. ?
Link sighed as she spoke to him, looking down and to the side, almost like a scolded child. He smiled weakly as she held unto him and he held her close. Kissing the top of her head. "I promise Malon, I'm the Hero of Time and Hyrule... I think I can more then handle my darkside again. I honestly feel that all he wants is recognition. That's all a shadow really wants, to be looked at for more then what they are on the surface." He said lightly, and then looked to the side. "I can stay for a little, but I can't stay for long. I have to make sure the guards of the temple are up and working." he said lightly as he walked towards the pedestal that held the stones. "Stay here... please"Lumina was not annoyed at all it seemed. Though he mimicked her like a shadow, she still fought as if she was playing a game. She didn't see him as a threat, but it was a ploy to get him to drop his shadow game and face her as himself. When she thrust her blades forward, she took a moment to suddenly jump up on the ones that he mockingly thrust forward. She twisted on one foot while standing on the blades and slashed for his hat, as she leapt backwards and crouched.
Shadow realized he would be getting no where just doing this. He would be better off fighting as who he was. He released her shadow and reverted to his former self before getting nicked with her blade. Of course, he wasn't nicked on the skin but he wasn't too happy she had touched his outfit none the less. He began to use the shadows to his advantage. Even though she controlled light as a sage, she could still not fight them off for long. The darkness was too overwhelming and could snuff out her light.As he went to attack her, he made sure his shadows held her so that she could not dodge. She could block but that would be all she could do. "Foolish girl. Do you really think you'd be able to beat me in my own territory?" He demanded.Malon sighed and then hugged him tightly. She knew it was selfish for her to try and stall for time, but she loved him. She couldn't say it though, not even now. "I'll stay here for you, Link. Anything for you."
Lumina was startled, she was pushed back and trapped. Her body twisting to try and get free. But the shadows held her, and she was being pushed back. She crossed her blades to defend herself and just leaned back further and further as he attacked. She was going to break soon, and actually what broke first was her swords. The sound of shattering metal filled the air, as her blades broke and she let the hilts clatter to the ground. She quickly snapped her hands up, clapping them on the edge of the blade.A trickle of sweat tickled her back as she held the blade. A bead of blood rolling down her arm. She had cut herself on his blade, but she would hold it off the best she could. This was the only way to truly keep herself from dying. A solid enough blow and she would be down.Link smiled softly as he stroked the ranch girls hair. Kissing her lightly on the cheek. "You'll be safe here, and then I'll make sure things are taken care of. For now, we need to worry about other things. I need to return and get to her and do what needs to be done." He said as he stepped back, he reached for the ocarina and took a breath. "I'll be back Malon, I promise."
Shadow grinned when her daggers fell to the ground with a loud clank. She had managed to stop his sword from slicing her straight down the middle, which slightly impressed him. However, he needed her alive so there was no real power behind the force he put in his swing. He grinned at her and then adjusted his shield a little bit before hitting her on the head hard with it. He made sure not to crack her delicate human skull, however. Malon was gone, but she was still here. That meant he needed her to hurt Link emotionally. At first he just wanted to lure him, but now he wanted to hurt him. The more darkness the soul of his opponent had, the stronger he got.He made sure his shadows had hold of her. She could do no more struggling, and if she wasn ??t knocked out she would at least be dazed. The shadows wrapped around her entire body, and only her face remained unbound. He then pulled out a black Ocarina, and conducted his own symphony that allowed his shadows to bring him anywhere he wished. He would go back to his beginning, however he was sure it would take Link a while to figure out where he had went with the girl.
Lumina growled as she pushed him back, sweat rushing down her back as she fought back against him. The shield blow made her dazed, due to the elixer she had downed. She gave him a hazy looked as she stopped struggling. The shadows swallowing her up and taking her to wherever it was that Shadow was taking her. Her mind hazed more as she let the sweet oblivion of exhaustion take her. Her body pushed past it's breaking point.Link arrived in time to see a swirl of shadows. He looked around for teh female, and found her not there. Frowning he sighed and pressed his palm to his forehead. This wasn't good! Where could Shadow have gone, where did Lumina go. He wandered around the area, searching, and when he couldn't find them he played the song and returned to Malon. "I believe he's taken her somewhere. I just need to figure out where." he stated lightly.
Shadow placed the girl against the wall, and the shadows immediately clung and held her in an upright position. He pulled her arms so that the were spread out on either side of her, fully extended. The shadows held them in place. He grinned, satisfied at his work, but he needed to make sure she had no hope of escape. He began ripping off her clothes, stripping her down of everything and running his hand through her hair in case she had something hidden. He didn ??t want anymore trouble with this girl.Not only that, it was time to corrupt her, and Shadow had a good idea on how to. He slapped her in the face, trying to bring her back so she could realize what he had just done. She wanted to see her squirm and be humiliated.
Lumina groaned faintly, as she was slapped. Her eyes sliding open, her vision trying to right itself. She tried to move and found herself unable to. She yanked hard and felt a stretching feeling that wasn't good. Gritting her teeth she lifted her head up, and focused her eyes on the male before her. He had such a smug look, and was that her shredded clothing on the floor? Gods be damned! Her hair pins where gone as well, she wondered if any of her, no all her jewelry was off as well.Her eyes narrowed as she focused on him. Did he think this would humiliate her? He was far from the truth. Gerudo women did their worship without clothing, at least in the sect she had been in. It was so that they where without worldly virtues when they worshiped what they believed in. "What the hell is wrong with you." She said in a low gravely voice.Link sighed in defeat as he pulled the Ocarina to his lips. He played the song and drew himself back to the temple. He felt bad, for not getting there on time. But Lumina was a strong woman, she could hold her own most definitely. "Well, they where gone when I got there." He said softly as he walked towards Malon.
"What's wrong with me?" Shadow repeated with a grin. He then began to laugh, slow at first but then it gradually turned into a louder, more intimidating laugh. "Nothing..its too bad that you decided to replace the lon lon girl as a hostage...for you. She would have been fun to play with, but not as fun as you. I'll break that defiant spirit of yours one way or another.." He grabbed her right breast and then began to message it, kissing her neck softly."This is my fault." Malon whispered, looking down at her feet. She was so ashamed of being so weak. "I'm sorry, Link. I really am." | 17 | ['Link'] |
61 | | Gaijin Hero Academia (MysteriousD & Angel-Chan) | Diego Vendrix had finished recording today's lesson in class in secret and was preparing to head out. He knew that tomorrow would be when Izuku and Bakuguo would be back in class. Now, Diego Vendrix stood out in class. Sure, he lacked any animalistic features and the worst one could say about him was that he was not as physically fit as he should be, but he still did damn well enough in class in his grades and his Quirk to do so. However, it was also that he was headstrong and determined. He became a hero to do the right thing and because he could do so. Sure, his Quirk of creting illusions through light seemed kinda low key, but then he showed them what he could do and they paid attention. Perhaps it was this that led to him befriending Izuku. The guy has patience for him and how... un Japanese he was.And not just because he was a Mexican American. He was aware of Japanese customs and while respectful of some, others he defied and pointed out. He had disdain for Japan's heroics system that emphasized popularity. The issues he had toward Japan's view on mental health, even with the strides it has made along with many Japanese people's lack of understanding in regards to marginalized groups and their treatment. Even with the rise of Quirks, they still didn't get it. And being headstrong, he made his opinion known. Perhaps this is why he defied Aizawa'a rules in regards to not talking to Izuku or Bakuguo and letting them fall behind. He was smart and stealthy enought to do without getting caught.However, despite that, he got along well with most of his classmates and he was appreciated for his unique perspectives and viewpoint. Besides being close to Izuku and Ururaka, he very much liked Momo. She was quite fascinated with him being a foreigner and given how he had the opportuity to talk to an attractive and intelligent friendly classmate, he liked spending time with her. And he has a jumbo sized crush on her. One he did not do much to show given how he viewed himself as not attractive. He was not ugly, but beyond his more civilian like body shape, he did not have much defining features, at least beyond not looking Japanese, but even then, there were any non ethnic Japanese people in Japan now and have been for several decades.Of course, there was also his other friend, who was the other foreigner of Class 1 A. He waved at her with a smile when class ended.
Usually being a transfer student was a hard task but in this case being part of UA and class 1 A it was a piece of lovely cake! Angel Wolf was a kind girl and despite wanting to be a hero and save everyone some gave her one look and easily brushed her a side due to her standing at 5'2 and having such a small body with a cute round face and porcelain like skin and sky blue eyes and gold locks that reached her waist. Not to mention her very shy and anxious personality and the fact that she was quite insecure about her looks when she had to use her quirk. Now of course she was a different person on the field and when training. She wanted to become a great hero and to save people which is why she had to get over her changes. Being with Class 1 A though really helps her forget about it not to mention she wasn't the only transfer student either.Diego was a pretty cool guy and he seemed to have a bit more of a straight forward personality and said what was on his mind with no fear. She wished she could be a little bit more like him! Heck, she wished she could be like most of her classmates.Now there she was sitting in class with everyone, class finally was over. Getting up from her seat she grabbed her bag up in her arms ready to get going and thats when she noticed that Diego was waving at her. She smiled giving a wave back hurrying over to him. He was a pretty cool guy and a good friend and she knew of his big HUGE crush on Momo which is why she always tried her best to help him get some alone time with her. "Whats up Diego? Doing anything after class? I heard Momo's gonna have a little study group going later. If of course you were interested in going." The girl teased slightly.Momo always held little study groups to help everyone out the best she can. thats why a couple times a week, if wanting by others, she would get together with everyone and study together.
"Hey Angel, how are you?" Diego said to Angel with a smile as he met up with her. Bith being foreigners, he naturally gravitated toward her. He also admired her pretty awesome Quirk. One that basically let her create some sort of light based armor. It just kinda looked like a wolf because of her wolfish traits, such as her ears and tails. However, he figured it was not from her Quirk, but inherited from a parent, the same way how Tokoyami has a bird head. He was pretty sure the bird head was not from the Quirk anyway."Maybe, I will be going over to make a visit," Diego told her and once they were out of range, he put up an illusion. "I'm gonna be doing something to help a friend," Diego told her wit a mysterious smile. None of the class really knew that he was helping Izuku and also Bakugou, given the what the former was doing. Of course, he was also very sneaky about it and it took him a bit of a while to convince Izuku to accept his help. He knew Izuku could be nervous with this, but Diego was persistent in his convincing."Besides that, I'm not sure though I am looking forward to meeting the supposed older students," Diego responded as he was heading back to the dorm section in order to sneak the audio clip of the class in the best way he knew how. Disguising it within a cupcake for Izuku to eat and then listen. Beyond out of class, he would do chores or do the research Diego suggested he do."How ar eyou ejoying dorm life?" he asked her.
It s going good I guess. Nothing really to interesting right now. Maybe that s a good thing she chuckled softly watching him c waiting for his reply. But what she got gave her a little surprise. Oh? A friend? She asked once he put his illusion up. She had to hand it to him. She thought his quick was pretty cool and it can definitely come in handy and be quite helpful in a lot of scenarios. She could guess who was helping. He was always thinking about what s right and wrong and was never afraid to really express that and she really looked up to him. He s got confidence and guts and she really didn t. Oh yeah huh? I guess that s true. It would be fun to meet them. They might have some good tips to learn from too. She have a nod agreeing. Yeah, it would be nice but it also made her kinda nervous too. They had a lot of experience and yeah she might have had some but they fleshed out their quirks and are probably really good. Of course they are though or they wouldn t be meeting them. Dorm life is fine. Everyone is so energetic and it seems to be a blast hanging out! It s interesting living around so many other and learning about them more so then before. So I m enjoying it so far what about you? | 4 | ['Bakuguo', 'Vendrix', 'Aizawa', 'Izuku'] |
62 | | The Fox, the Crane and the Angel: A Naruto RP (MysteriousD & Angel-Chan) | "Whelp, I win again," Diego told with a smirk as he looked as his surrogate younger siblings and showing them a royal flush. It was a pretty quiet day for the most part. Naruto groaned before chuckling with a smile at them and getting up. If Naruto Uzumaki was considered a pariah or at least used to be, by Konoha. Diego Vendrix was not far behind. He was a foreigner child, based on the name alone and his appearance. The tan skin was different from most others, his brown eyes were pretty normal along with the black hair, but he just looked subtlety different. He did not fit in with anyone, not even the dark skinned ninja from Cloud. However, he was notable for his kekkai genkai. Plasma Release Combining wind and lightning chakra, he ionized the air and could create plasma for things like making barriers, plasma blades or explosive attacks. It was a little bit like Storm Release, which used lightning and water.This led him to train and become the student of Itachi Uchiha in the period of his life before becoming an ANBU. Diego and Itachi were an odd pair. Almost like a coemdy duo on differing temperaments, yet both had some hobbies they shared and talked philosophy alot. It's why he did not see Itachi's betrayal coming. None of it made sense. It's why he tried to stop him, but someone got in his way before dueling with Itachi... he told the Hokage this and it spread that Itachi either had an accomplice or was coerced to commit the Uchiha Massacre. Diego became somewhat crippled from the attack and had to focus on taking care of Sasuke now as well. Granted, he did not talk much with him though he did encourage to try and befriend Naruto. Which happened, but in the rivals brothers sort of way where both of them pretty much communicated through friendly insults and fighting.Well, whatever worked. After all, the rookies did listen to him because he actively gave them and advice and helped them.Right now, they were dealing with Tsunade as new hokage and Itachi returning as part of some crepey organization. Diego rescued Sasuke and Naruto from them while Lord Jiraiya chased them off. That was the second time he rescued Sasuke and Naruto, the first time was from Orochimaru when he was about to bite Sasuke's neck... but stretched his own to do so and nearly got his head blown off by one of Diego's kunai. He was still technically a Genin given how he was crippled before he could take the Chunin Exams, but still went and tried when Team 7 did. He made it to the finals and he succeed in defeating Temari after her pyrhic victory against Shikamaru. Of course, Orochimaru did still hurt Naruto with that seal on the Kyuubi's own, which required Jiraiya to fix. Diego did get promoted and so he was enjoying the free time he had left before he had more work to do.
The Blonde haired girl only gaped at the royal flush that Diego had slapped down and shook her head. "Theres no way! You win every SINGLE time! Your cheating!" The girl declared a little sulky and pouting as she crossed her arms. Though she couldn't keep pouting for long as a smiled once again appeared on her lips. She was just thankful Diego was here and that everything was ok in the end. Well of course somethings were still quite not ok but she had her brothers here and thats what really mattered at this time. Moments like this can't be replaced. "Ill just try harder next time and be sure to beat you both." She declared placing her cards on the table.She looked towards the clock though a little worried. "Hey Diego? When did you have to go again? Do you think we can go do some training? I think it would be fun! Right big brother Naruto?" She asked obviously excited.
"How do I cheat here?" Diego said to Angel with a smirk before he began cleaning up the cards. He looked to Angel. She was about a year or so younger than Naruto, so she was still in the Academy and working to help train her. She was found by himself and Naruto years ago and they took her in. She called them their big brothers and while she would become a bit of an outcast like them, she did not let it get her down. However, Diego was grateful they could finally out more about the source of her mysterious powers and capabilities when Tsunade decided to become the Fifth Hokage, thanks to the determination of Naruto."I'm not sure. I do know that things have been quiet since we saved Tsunade though I also heard Jiraiya would be coming into town," Diego told her while Naruto looked curiously. "Wonder what pervy sage would want?" Naruto asked with his usual bluntness before the door was knocked on violently and when open, Diego would see it was Sakura Haruno. Sakura was one of Naruto's comrades and while she was not intially on good terms with him, she and Sasuke grew in closeness with them. He saw the look of panic on her face and he wondered what was up. Last time he checked, she was training in being a medic nin by Tsunade.
The girl puffed out her cheeks. I don t know but I will find out eventually. I won t give up She giggled. He more then likely wasn t even cheating and she knew that. She enjoyed these little moments too. The thought of him going out again though was weighing on the back of her kind. She cared so much for her brothers and honestly they did so much for her. She had nothing and now she had like a little family of her own. She couldn t even fathom the thought of losing either one of them. She would surely be heartbroken. That is true. I hope it can last a little longer. It s nice to have a little peace and quiet now and then. I appreciate our time together. She explained. Jiraya? Really? She asked curiously. She wondered too what he would be doing here but it could be a great opportunity to train maybe but man did the guy have such bad tendencies about peeking on women. Keeping him in line is training in itself. Her head quickly turned to the door when banging was heard giving the girls heart a bit of a startle placing a hand in her chest as she quickly stood up a little unsure when the door was open but when it revealed a certain pink haired ninja she sorta relaxed but what had gotten her in such a state? Sakura, what s going on are you alright? She had asked curiously looking her over head to toe waiting for her answer. | 4 | ['Sasuke', 'Jiraiya', 'Uzumaki', 'Vendrix', 'Tsunade', 'Itachi', 'Konoha', 'Naruto', 'Uchiha', 'Hokage'] |
63 | | Corrin, Let me protect you!: A retrainer's desire! ((Saber_AturiaXMasoKitty)) | Corrin glanced down at her feet as they pressed against the dirt road, they were heading to a neutral port town to head to the rainbow sage. Apparently, the rainbow sage had a way to unlock her Yamato which she needed to fight against the evil King Garon. The one that threatens Hoshido and killed her mother. Her mother, the thought stings her mind like a wasp over and over again. To think that she almost decided against joining her siblings, her birthright, to fight at their sides for Hoshido. "S sister! W what are you thinking about?", A little voice appeared as Corrin glanced over it was Sakura. She had joined back when they were heading past the fort which they were besieged but she had managed to recruit her childhood friend from Nohr that had taken out her to see the world for a bit when they were children."Just...mother...", Corrin said barely as she had only a few moments with her mother, well a few days during the time her memories came back and she realized at that time her 'father' was. A man that stole her away from her real father then killed him during a raid. It was so heart wrenching as she held a hand to her chest. She wanted peace! She wanted peace with her Nohr siblings and she wanted them to get along with her Hosido blood siblings. But there was no way that was going to happen, she choose a side, and this is the side she choose which her other family would fight her tooth and nail. Sakura finally frowned looking down, but then her eyes finally trailed back up to Corrin. "We will avenge mother! Besides, you are fighting with you true family S sister! Mother would be happy to know you are! Once we find Ryoma and join once again as a family we can do anything!" Sakura tried her hand at a rousing speech Corrin smiled at her stronger now as her stride grew more confident. "You are right Sakura! I am glad we are bonding so quickly. I want to know my siblings...I missed so much time with you all." She commented as another behind them just grunted."Speak for yourself, Sister..", The voice was cold and very mistrusting it was Takumi he had a negative look at Corrin since the moment she had joined Hoshido. No matter how much reassurances she gave the archer he refused to open up to her like Sakura and even her sister Hinoka was very emotional when they both talked to her near a village in a valley that she had gone to help in. "I still don't trust you...I won't ever trust you...I feel you are waiting for a moment to strike us in the back." Takumi commented walking ahead with some of the troops that were in front of them. Sakura just walked by Corrin as she shook her head, "Don't worry S sister, he loves you, he is just having difficulty accepting you completely like us all. I know that...s sounds horrible but is how Takumi is." She commented as Corrin gave Sakura a warm smile, "Don't worry Sakura, I understand..." she glanced up at the bright Sky with the sun shining down on her. It gave a certain warmth she hadn't ever had while in the Northern fortress during her childhood while in Nohr. She had missed it, though soon it would turn to night as they pressed into Nohr territory. Though she needed direction on her sword and the rainbow sage would help her lead the Hoshidos to victory. "...O oh dear ...s sister!", Sakura spoke up as Corrn was roused from her thought to look over, "yes Sakura?" she asked as the young priestess smiled brightly, "where is Kaze? He and you have been getting closer lately!" She asked as Corrin blinked yeah where did he go? He had been coming around and talking to her about the past and everything. It was odd that he was nowhere to be seen.Just then Hinoka walked up to them laughing, "he is just with his brother Sakura! Haha! They are talking after that nasty business with Mokushu!" Hinoka said as she looked at Corrin a smile turned tender and even her eyes watered up again. "I am glad you are back sister! This time, I won't let those Nohr dogs take you away from us again! You are with us your true family!" Hinkoa declared as Corrin frowned, sure she was with her birth family but she still felt a family connection to Nohr. However, she made a choice: even if that meant siding against Xander and the rest of them she would expose the King for what he was: a ruthless evil man. The thought gave her resolve to continue on, finally, Hinoka and Sakura could see that Corrin's steps had grown more confident and she had returned to her usual stride. "That is my sister!" Hinoka patted Corrin on the back while Sakura smiled brightly, "we will find Ryoma and be complete again and then we can finish this awful war!" Sakura cheered which was unusual for her due to her shyness but Corrin smiled knowing it was the energy they felt from having her back in their family after being kidnapped so long ago. "Yes, as a family we will seek out the Rainbow Sage as Ryoma did and then we will travel onward to the capital of Nohr! We will end this fight so that nobody else has to die!"Corrinexplained as her spirit was at an all time high!
Kazewas well aware of Corrin s status as princess while he wasn t of royal blood himself, his family had served the royal line for years, and he considered himself to be the young princesses retainer even if he had never told her directly. Afterall it was his fault in not telling Sumeragi that he didn t trust tne Norhians when King Garon wished to meet them, and this mistake led to Sumeragi s death. This was a chance to make things right, to protect Corrin and help her attain justice for the loss of her mother, father, and years of imprisonment in the dark kingdom of Nohr. Peace almost felt like an unattainable solution at this point, Takumi seemed to want nothing less than war, and even as his cold and firm tone was directed to Corrin, Kaze s purple eyes looked back to the royal with a hint of concern but also slight coldness. Takumi had never trusted Corrin, and it wasn t as if Corrin hadn t mourned the loss of her mother either, she wasn t at fault for that.Of course no one noticed the cold look Kaze gave Takumi, he was a bit of distance away, keeping hidden but still close enough that he could keep an eye on Corrin. Or at least, Kaze assumed no one noticed him Kaze. Came a familiar, slightly cold voice from behind that caused the ninja to flinch. Ah, brother I didn t see you there. As green haired man turned to the redhead behind him, he calmed his nerved and gave a nod to his older brother. Unlike Kaze, Saizo was an official retainer to Lord Ryoma, with all the prestige and honor that was entailed. Likewise, his elder brother was the lord of their house, so it was further expected of Kaze to follow his brother s orders. The area here is safe, I don t think Corirn and the others are in any danger. You ve been spending a lot of time with Corrin lately. Saizo spoke, his tone cool but not harsh. I ve been noticing that. I imagine some of it isn t just to keep an eye on her safety... As Saizo continued to talk, Kaze gave a reluctant pause, soon shaking his head. It s nothing. I seek to be her retainer. I want to make things right afterall. After I failed her father... trailing off, Kaze remembered that night in near vivid detail, his eyes closing shut as familiar images came to the forefront. Just remember, she needs a retainer. She needs someone who can help keep her safe. This is a trying time for her. Kaizo was blunt as usual, but Kaze deeply appreciated the mans advice. Giving a nod, the younger of the two brothers looked back to Corrin as she talked with Sakura and Hinoka. No one will harm her under my watch. Kaze spoke calmly, giving anod back. For now I ll be keeping an eye on her from a distance. Perhaps it s better that she be able to focus on her siblings and the task ahead. I m sure she doesn t need me bothering her. Speaking with a hint of self deprecating humor, Kaze moved further onwards towards the town, he could meet up with Corrin there again if necessary, and it was best to make sure that there was no real Nohrian presence there. It was a neutral town, but in such uneasy times, threats could be anywhere.
Corrin moved with the group as they headed toward the port, finally, Azura came up close to Corrin her face shown of concern as the rest moved a bit so she could join Corrin at her side. "Be careful Corrin, you will find your other siblings...I know how you feel about them..." She said almost like a warning as Corrin shook her head. "I...I think I could get through to them if they just listen to me...that is all." She continued to explain as Azura shook her head, "that isn't how this is going to go Corrin, you made a choice." She said simply her tone unusually harsh, then again she had to be due to Corrin's inability to think realistically and she knew that the Hoshido siblings didn't want to bury their sister. Well as far as she knew that they all cared, but Takumi seemed to show other thoughts on the matter.Suddenly a switch of her mood again, Corrin couldn't lie that she did make a choice. Why did it feel right and then also so wrong at the same time? She knew that her heart was huge but she didn't realize that same quality that people adored about her would strike her so deeply. " can't mean that we cannot reach them? I...I won't have to kill them will I? I can' know this!" She pleaded almost with the blue haired woman as she shook her head. "You may...nothing is ever all light my dear Corrin. Take heart and steel for the trials to come soon. Though don't worry you have your family all around you, you have me which will support you with my very strength Corrin! Draw from them, and know they will be there." Azura was normally very quiet and disposed Corrin couldn't believe how passionate the songstress was suddenly being."Okay, Azura. I ...I need to deal with this and know that choice lead me down a path and now I must walk it. For Pease." She said simply as she looked up again noticing that they were nearing the Port City, though her eyes spotted the two ninjas speaking together however they were moving away in the direction they were going. Corrin was about to go run to Kaze and talk to him since she felt so embarrassed about screaming out to him a while back while he was just trying to do his job though when she attempted she felt Azura's hand on her shoulder. "He is just going to scout ahead Corrin, let him do what he needs to do...protect you." She commented as Corrin just sighed, "he isn't...even my retainer...though I have heard whispers he hasn't come forward with I just want to know more about him and figure him out." She explained as Azura nodded slowly. "You wish to know him? Let him come to you, let him talk to you and allow to know you, Corrin. Through our trials, we learn more about our comrades." Azura continued as Sakura looked over at Azura, "speaking of that...A azura I know...we have lived together...b but I don't know you that well even through all that time." Sakura commented as Azuara just smiled sadly shaking her head, "there isn't much to know little Sakura."She dismissed the priestess as she nodded looking solemn though it was true Azura couldn't speak of her past as it revolved around Valla. She would be whisked away painfully like her mother if she were to break her silence. The curse to all those that dwell outside the dead kingdom, Azura often wore a pained expression when she felt so far from her comrades but that was her fate, to know the revelation but never be able to speak it. Even to her beloved Corrin which lies in the middle of it, she shook her head of the negative thoughts as she smiled. "Anyway, just be prepared my dear Corrin, this will be a challenging time for you and it will only get worse as time goes on." Corrin heard Azura as she moved ahead determined to get to the city as they were nearing the border of it. She could see the various buildings growing in size as they come closer.As the main force made its way to the town Corrin finally noticed Kaze talking to his brother as they seemed to be discussing battle plans at least that is what she thought. When she had gotten close enough she made her way to him, "Hey Kaze!" She called out happily as her Hoshido royal outfit glinted in the setting sun giving it an orange white appearance. "I didn't see you all day! Guess you were doing your job well right?" Corrin said happily as she stared at the man noticing he was adopting his trademark smile when they conversed. It was weird most she heard was that Kaze was seeking to be a retainer but for some reason his smile seemed more for something else. Though those thoughts were pushed aside as she looked between them, "Is there any trouble?..." Though she asked this they both could tell there was an underlying tone to it as they both know that she had once called the Norhian royal family her family. So it would safe to assume that she was trying to avoid them while she made her way to the rainbow sage to learn more about the Yamato.
When Corrin began to approach, Saizo gave his brother an almost knowing nod, and soon turned to the silver haired princes to bow before he left for parts unknown. The green haired younger brother of the two soon looked to Corrin as she asked if there was trouble. No, I did some exploration of the town and it seems fairly safe. I don t know how long we ll have until we can get a ship however so we could be here a day or two. I ll be making sure that nothing bad happens between now and then. We should try taking it easy we may not get the chance to do so again for a while. As a few others of the Hoshidan army approached Kaze recognized a few of them. Silas had been talking with the Diviner, Orochi. He wasn t quite hearing their entire conversation, but whatever it was seemed to make Silas smile, so Kaze was glad at least some of them were enjoying themselves. Is everything okay, Corrin? I saw you were talking to Azura earlier. The blue haired woman had a way of making Corrin take things seriously, and Kaze wasn t always a fan of that even if he was a professional most of the time there was something about Corrin s smile that made him relaxed just the same. I did see a place where most of us can spend a night at rest here though, if you wanted me to show you where that is. Around them the town id seem to gawk and stare at some of the newcomers, as the war between Hoshido and Nohr had become far more serious than most realized and quite a few thought having Hoshidan royalty within their town likely meant trouble. Of course the Hoshidans had anything but the desire to stir up controversy, but that wouldn t stop the Nohr army if they were able to intercept them, would it?Digging his foot briefly into the ground, Kaze looked Corrin over, finding it hard not to admire the way she practically glowed in the light as well. Clearing out his throat, he then gave a shake of his head. of course if you prefer I can continue to scout and keep an eye out for any dangers around here. I doubt there are many, but it s best to be prepared in case the worst happens, right?
The group of girls had split past Corrin to go into town to grab supplies, talk around, and just relax. Though Hinoka was always on the lookout and she often had her Pegasus at the ready in case she would need to make sure nothing went down with her sister Corrin. Corrin enjoyed the fact that most of her army was bonding, talking, and just enjoying each other's company Silas was a question due to his defection from the Nohr army. Her childhood friend was particularly interesting due to the fact he was willing to throw everything away just cause of her. It kind of made her feel guilty but on the flip side, she was happy she had such loyalty to command even in old acquaintances. Though Azura stood by Corrin as she glanced at Kaze giving him a warm smile despite how cool she was overall."So far nothing is wrong Kaze, Hinoka refuses to stay still, and Sakura is following her around making sure she dosen't get into trouble. Then again I doubt that would really work anyway." She commented as Sakura was just too timid, to begin with. So having her follow Hinoka around would just mean that she would just become a patsy to the pegasus rider. "Ah, Kaze, I see you have been keeping the ways safe for Corrin? We had an uneventful trip considering reports of troops trying to obstruct our path. The Ninja clan that we had to rescue Kagero from was especially a thorn in our side, it is also nice that Seizo is also working as hard as he is. I suspected he would be a little suspicious of Corrin, but...Takumi is making that more apparent." Azura said though she glanced between the two suddenly she smiled. "Well, I suppose I should go in and figure out where we are staying. I will leave you two alone." Azura said as she walked away from them holding her negata in her hand heading into the city not turning back.Corrin laughed, "it seemed that Azura didn't really want to wait and my siblings are basically rushing to get into the city and mess around. So you have my attention for tonight Kaze if that is okay." She commented as she remembers how she acted toward him the thought still lingering on her mind like a bitter taste or stinging sensation. Though when she saw that Kaze had changed his stance and acted like his usual Ninja self she laughed gently waving her hand dismissively. "Saizo has that covered, I bet he could cover this entire town if he wanted to. I wouldn't mind if you showed me Kaze, that is if you wish to go back to scouting with your brother, I won't hold you back. I know how paramount it is to keep me safe." Corrin commented as she gave the green haired Ninja a warm smile.
As Sakura, Hinoka, and some of the others passed the two on their way to the town, Kaze gave a respectful nod to his superiors. They were important of course and he wanted to show them the utmost of respect. Still, once they were gone his attention turned back to Corrin as he gave a slight nod. Hinoka does make sure to keep after Sakura, they re pretty close. It s good to see they re forming a bond with you as well. It was something he was a little worried over, Corrin feeling alienated by her siblings but Takumi aside they had all warmed up to her rather quickly. We should look for a good place to stay while we re here, I agree. I think there are a few inns further into the city, those might be a good place to start, Azura. Speaking to the songstress for a moment, he likewise gave a nod to her as she soon left, once again leaving Corrin and Kaze to their own devices. Your attention? Perking up slightly at the thought, he soon shook his head. I think it would be fine if I let my guard down for one day then. I doubt anyone here is looking for our blood or anything like that. As Corrin walked alongside of her, he gave a nod to her when the discussion turned to Saizo. He s a stern man but he means well, and I know he s looking out for everyone even if he s Ryoma s retainer. And, if I want to keep you safe, being by your side is probably one of the best places to be for that, right? As he asked a small smile came across his lips, looking back to the silver haired noble. While our allies look for a place to stay and scout the town, was there anything you wanted to do, Corrin? He d follow her anywhere, but since they had at least one safe night more than likely, the thought of doing something with her crossed his mind and it was far from an unpleasing thought to him.
Corrin nodded, "Yeah they were the first I met, and honestly they were the first to be happy about it. I am glad, after what happened with Xander...and the royal Nohr family...I was unsure but you all seemed so welcoming." She commented as she watched Kaze for a bit though he could see a hint of fear at the thought of Takumi and how distrusting the sibling was toward her. It often bothered her how much he fought against her. Though she would show him that she would be trustworthy and that she stood with Hoshido. When Azura left Corrin waved and smiled at her while glancing back at Kaze.Corrin giggled at how Kaze reacted to her comment as she listened to the ninja. "Yeah what I heard is that this city is a neutral territory even though we are at war there is not to be any fighting here. So I think it allows us some time to just relax a bit you know Kaze? We have been fighting so much already which ...I wish we didn't have to you know?" She commented glancing at Kaze out of the corner of her eye. She continued to listen to him nodding gently giving a gentle giggle, "Yeah I think so, I mean if you really want to protect me it would be right here. I..." Corren looks down a bit, "...I wanted to say sorry for yelling for you that one day while we were in the forest. That was completely foolish of me Kaze, I knew you were making sure things were okay and busy with it and I kept calling out to you." She said quickly though when she heard Kaze ask a question she looked embarrassed though she coughed quickly. "I...I was wondering what there was to do around here? I ...haven't been out of the fortress were King Garon had me imprisoned Kaze. If you have any information and able to use it I am your guest tonight." She said smiling nervously looking up at the Sky seeing it change hues as the day shifts to night. | 7 | ['Hoshido', 'Ryoma', 'Corrin', 'Garon'] |
67 | | 「σανγυινε 」|| 1x1 with DarkMudkip || | "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" She had sewing practice that day, as she had it twice a week, and even though she was working on a new piece of needlepoint, it was so dreadfully dull. She had sewn enough stitches in her life to be content hundreds of times over. She was spacing out again as she worked, staring out the window, hands almost moving on their own as they expertly worked at pulling and threading the needle. She hardly had to watch where her hands went now, as she had practiced so often, it was simple muscle memory.She fought off the bile that pooled in the back of her throat the medicine she had to drink daily always ensured she felt like vomiting, but it was a necessary evil. Her father had told her that there would be a bride ceremony in a weeks time, and that she would be attending her first one, and potentially her last. Megohime stopped and set her needlework aside, rubbing her sore wrists with a soft sigh, a flutter of anxiety flickering to life in her chest.
"But I don't want to go to the ceremony..." Akihime frowned, "None of the other boys interest me...""That's too bad, now isn't it?" Yoshitsugu said, leaning against his cane, "You have tilo uphold tradition.""Tradition is pointless at this rate." She muttered and she hissed when he moved to smack her thigh with his cane."It is the way of things and you will accept it." He stated firmly. She huffed and looked out her bedroom window, wishing she was out in her little vacation home looking out at the farm hands as they worked well into the night. There was one she would rather get so dressed up for, but he was human and she would outlive him. And it only made her heart hurt more."Masamune?" Kojurou called, knocking on his lord's bedroom door. There was loud rock music blaring from the other side. "Masamune sama, are yiu getting ready for the ceremony?""Nah." Masamune called. Kojurou scowled lightly."You have to get ready.""It's not for a few hours!" Masamune protested. Kojurou sighed."Just don't waste a lot of time." He said.
Megohime moved over to where her ceremony gown was hanging, just waiting to be put on. She ran her fingers over the soft, stiff fabric, entirely white with no patterning at all. It only brought her more dread. She called for the servants to help her dress, wrapping her in the many layers of snowy white fabric that contrasted heavily with her long raven hair. The color didn t suit her at all, only further accentuating her pale skin, her scarlet eyes standing out like blood on a white cloth. It would take quite some time to pin up all of her hair, needing to brush it out and carefully do her hair up with simple golden hair pins to go with it it didn t matter however, as she was to wear a veil that would hide them anyway. Her face was painted heavily with white makeup to further create the look of porcelain skin, her lips a deep red to match her eyes, and black eyebrows painted over her own small ones. She hated all of it, the stuff clothes, the heavy makeup that felt it would suffocate her, she hated every single bit of it. Last of all was the veil, placed over her head carefully after the paint on her face had set, one of the servants handing her a looking glass. Her lips were painted into a slight smile, even though she could feel herself frowning.
Masamune hated these dumb ceremonies. They were outdated and pointless and he hated them. Why couldn't everyone move on, get with the times like he did? He wore the ugly suit but he hated it. He didn't take out his earrings even though his mother begged him to. He pulled his messy hair into a half ponytail and slipped his boots on instead of the shitty loafers."Whu do you hate your parents?" Kojurou asked. Masamune glanced at him."I don't, I just think this whole thing is stupid."
The Date clan was hosting the ceremony this century, so the servants were all rather busy preparing the week up until the event. Human cattle was brought in just for the occasion high quality humans no less and the dining hall was filled with flowers, all white of course. When night finally fell, the first guests would arrive, most coming in expensive luxury cars, or even much older car models, kept pristine over the years.Megohime was surprised her father used the car, which he rarely did, but riding a horse or carriage was no longer acceptable and brought far too much attention. She rode in the car alone, except for the chauffeur, as her parents would only make their entrance after all of the brides had gathered. Many brides were going to be there, but so were many grooms, all looking for a wife.
Akihime stood around in her uncomfortable shoes and whimpered softly as she looked about. No one came to her, no one even looked at her. Like she was plagued. Why? She was just as pretty as the others, and her clan was as powerful as anyone elses. So then why did they avoid her?Masamune was in the corner on his phone, looking up every so often to look at the girls. At least they all looked pretty.
Once the brides and grooms had been milking about for some time, the rest of the clans would enter to enjoy the party as well, socializing and drinking, all in expensive looking clothes.Anytime Akihime met eyes with anyone, brides included, they would quickly scamper away, it was almost as if her father himself stood right behind her to hand her off and scare off suitors in the process.Megohime was a wallflower, keeping to herself, doing her best to steady her shaking hands. Already three suitors had approached her that night, yet she hardly remembered any of them. She was so nervous she wanted to vomit, and the overwhelming smell of blood in the room didn t help her nerves. She was starving.Making sure no one was looking at her, and that either of her parents were in sight, she slipped her phone from her sleeve and started to fiddle with it. It was small and blocky, only having a simple, overly pixelated screen and a game or two. She had heard phones could make calls, but hers couldn t, and she didn t know how to either. She was content with the game on the phone though, a simple game that had you stack blocks of varying shapes on top of each other.
Akihime frowned softly and just sat off to the side, another year where no one would talk to her."Hey," a voice called to Megohime gently. It was Masamune himself, and he was smiling softly. "Cute phone. I remember when they first made those."
Megohime brought her head up, and when she saw who it was, she looked like she was going to about die of a heart attack. She quickly shoved her phone inside her sleeve and glanced around. Masa D Date sama..! I had not heard you approach, please forgive me! She bowed to him, worried he would now tell her father. It was rude of me, I I should not even have such a thing here. Her speech was a bit unusual, entirely formal, and it threw him back a few centuries, proper speech taught by a proper family.
He smiled softly and gave a small shrug, "What do I care? You look like you're having as much fun as I am. Which is none, spoiler.."
She fiddled with her sleeve, stealing one more glance around before looking up at him, deep scarlet eyes focusing on him. So... You are not going to tell my father? Her eyes were red, but they weren t glowing as if she were hungry, they were simply her eyes, though a bit odd even for a vampire.
He shook his head, "Nah. Why would I. It's rude." He said with a smile, "You know my name but I don't think I know yours.."
She lowered her gaze a bit, feeling her cheeks burning hot under her face paint. Tamura Megohime, desu. She said softly. Y You had mentioned that you remembered when my phone had first been created... Does that mean that there are more? She asked curiously.
"Oh, yeah. Way more advanced than that." He said before pulling out his. There was onpy one button on the whole thing, the rest was just a screen.
Megohime blinked, staring at the thing he held in his hand with a look of confusion before looking back to Masamune. I do not understand... How do you use it if it only has one button?
He moved to stand beside her and pressed the button, causing the screen to light up, showing an image of a band album. He swiped the unlock and the screen change to a myriad of various little icons. "It's touch screen..!"
He saw her flinch a bit when he turned the phone on and unlocked it, looking to him, then back at the phone, to him again. How does it do that? It looks so different from mine, they cannot be the same thing! She protested, but her curiosity was easy to see. And this touch screen, do the buttons come out from there?
"Yeah, watch." He touched an icon that looked like a little pad of paper and a white screen replaced the icons. He tapped it and a small keyboard appeared at the bottom, full QWERTY like her little Nokia.
Her jaw about fell off from her skull as she watched him bring a small keyboard out of no where. How did you summon that? She looked up at him, her eyes practically glowing with excitement. Can it do more?
He laughed softly and pressed the home button to go back, "Yeah, I got some games and stuff...even music.."
How do you fit all of that inside? I mean, it is only a thin little thing! She paused for a moment, then decided. Can you teach me to use one? One like yours, I mean.
He nodded, "Yeah, sure, they aren't too hard to understand.." He smiled, "Maybe I can just invite you over to hang out some time.."
He couldn t see it from all of her makeup on her face, but her face flushed when he said that, clutching her hands together and looking down. I I do not think my father would approve of anything outside of marriage.. She said softly.
"Then...marry me. Iunno." He said and gave a soft laugh, "Your dad can kiss my ass."
No one ever defied her father, especially not herself. She felt like she would melt the paint right from her face with how hot it was growing. Y You are preposing to me..? She asked, voice quiet looking almost terrified at the thought of marriage.
", if you look like you're gonna die..." He answered, "Didn't know I was that unlikable..."
No, no! She quickly blurted out, looking back up at him. It is not that I do not like you, I have just... never... Really been proposed to.. She admitted. It is more terrifying than I thought.
"It was a really half assed proposal, if i'm honest." He smiled softly, "If I invite you over with the pretense of "testing how good a wife you'll be"," He used air quotes for that, "Your dad can't make a fuss."
She looked a bit surprised, and quite a bit shocked, a glint of mischief in her eyes. You can do that..? She asked in a hushed tone, almost sounding excited at the concept. And you will promise to teach me how to use a telephone like yours?
He nodded, "Yes, and yes." He grinned, "I'll even get you a fancy iPhone like mine."
I could never accept such an extravagant gift..! She bowed her head a bit. Plus, my father would never allow it... He does not even know of my telephone now.
"I'm sure you'd do a pretty good job of hiding it like you have that one." He smiled.
Megohime smiled back up at him, nodding. I promise to not lose it. She agreed.The night went on rather well, and many marriage proposals were made and many accepted, and by early morning, everyone was leaving for home before the sun could rise.
"I'll see you around, ok?" Masamune said gently as he bid Megohime farewell, "I'll take you with me to pick out your new phone." He whispered.
Masamune would see the same excited twinkle in her deep red eyes, Megohime giving a small nod before bowing to him. She bid him a farewell and quickly headed out to her waiting car, getting into the backseat, and disappearing behind the car door.
Masamune smiled softly and went to head back inside, stopping when Akihime passed him to leave with her father. She looked devastated, she always did when she left these ceremonies."Don't you worry, Akihime, you'll find a husband soon." Yoshitsugu told her. She merely nodded as they moved to the car. She honestly just wanted to change and crawl into bed forever.
After Akihime and Yoshitsugu followed Mitsunari, who looked just as sour, only but for different reasons. He paid Masamune no mind either, not even glancing his way. Lastly was a woman with long white hair, dressed in simple black business attire. Her hair was groomed into a neat ponytail, and other than the black blazer and skirt, she wore tights and heels. Her skin was white, white as bone, and the same color as her hair, and her eyes were like two chips of crystal glass, hidden behind thick white eyelashes that followed Masamune momentarily before she looked away and continued her silence. There was no mistaking her for what she was: a lowblood, a mongrel, lower class her ears made sure people knew of her status. They were long and sharply pointed, much like her fangs that were hidden behind red lipstick.
"And you, Mitsunari, did you find a suitable wife?" Yoshitsugu asked once they entered the car. Mitsunari snorted, staring out the window and keeping his gaze from his adoptive sister and her disgusting handmaid."No. The women are all disgusting." He stated. Yoshitsugu made a noise."A fair response." He replied.
Amaya was silent as she had been the entire night, keeping to herself as she went over a few things on her PDA. As well as being lead handmaiden to Akihime, she also helped Yoshitsugu with his day to day things. She really just did anything she was told, her main job being attentive to Akihime and what she needed, but when Akihime didn t require her, Yoshitsugu used her to deal with the tasks he didn t care to.
"Ama..." Akihime called gently, "Do you think I'll have time to go to the countryside this weekend...? Stay there a while...?" Yoshitsugu glanced at her from the corner of his eyes but said nothing.
Amaya could tell Yoshitsugu didn t particularly like when Akihime ran off to the countryside manor, her daily studies usually always were neglected while there. If you brought your studies with you, I m sure you d have enough time for three or four days. She said, still scrolling through the PDA, only stopping occasionally to type into it.
Akihime frowned but conceded, "Yes, Ama..." She muttered. She just wanted to see that sweet young farm boy when he worked the fields.
The rest of the ride was quiet and uncomfortable, like most car rides were when they were together, but once they arrived home, it was apparent they would all go their own ways as they usually did.
Akihime immediately moved to get off the God awful dress and make up and get in the bath. She could hardly breathe let alone be comfortable.
Amaya tucked away her PDA to head off and make preparations for Akihime s journey to the countryside manor, needing to plan out her schedules and routines so she wouldn t fall behind in her studies.The shipping warehouse was huge, with blacked out windows and as far as the eye could see in the fairly lit building were large shipping crates, stacked halfway to the ceiling. A newly brought in shipping crate was being unloaded of its cargo, just another shipment of food, this time a few locally sourced products. The work was tedious, but easy for the most part, especially since most times, the food didn t fight back. Keep moving! Quite a few of the men had guns either in hand or at their sides, shuffling off the human cattle from one container to the next.There was a disturbance at the back of the line though, the sound of a struggle and one of the men yelling. said keep movin ! There was a solid thud followed by a cry of pain, a woman s cry she was the last one inside the carrier and refused to get out. She was still in her street clothes, only having recently been captured and shipped, so she had yet to be tagged and sanitized, and she wasn t about to comply with such a thing. The man had smashed the butt of his gun into her face when she disobeyed, busting her nose and leaving a nasty gash over the bridge where it was surely broken.
"What's goin' on over here?" The sound of heavy boots made their way to the container and the men stood quickly at attention."Sir! One of them is resisting." One of the men answered. The man that came over was tall. Massive brute of a man with long wild white hair and an eyepatch over his left eye. He folded his arms over his chest."Get out." He ordered, "Or I'll come in there and drag you out."
There indeed was one human resisting, and her nose was gushing blood to boot. She was all the way in the back corner, hand over her nose with blood dripping through her fingers, and wild eyes locked onto him. She said nothing, only watching him with terrified eyes as she refused even then. She was a skinny little thing, with tangled black hair and dark eyes, surely she would fetch Motochika a fair price, so he at least had to make sure not to maim her.
He moved into the container and grabbed her by her hair, "Let's go." He snarled and dragged her out.
The woman let out another cry of pain as he dragged her out by a fistful of her hair, and soon he could feel her clawing and hitting at his hand and arm, trying to break away from him even as he easily overpowered her. The rest of the human cattle watched in fear, all waiting in a group to be sanitized, tagged, and given new clothes. Let... go! She finally spoke even trying to go so far as to try to bite down on his hand.
He threw her into the group line and trapped her between himself and the other cattle."If you try to run, I'll break your fucking legs."
She stumbled and fell to the floor, staying there for a moment before turning her head and spitting on his boot. Her eyes still held fear, but she had twisted her expression into one of rage. Go fuck yourself. She said, almost numbly.Amaya had nearly finished preparations to send Akihime off, having her clothes packed as well as her study materials, now she was just finishing up the schedule she had to stick to.
He stared down at her before he slowly began to laugh, which turned uproarious."My, you have some spunk." He said once he calmed down."Woman." It was Mitsunari, he had come out of his room, "Get in here."
His sudden laughter unsettled everyone, even his own men, no one daring to say or do anything at all, so they all just stood by and watched.The woman was equally as startled, but only grew angrier when he spoke. She was spunky? She had been abducted and piled into a cargo container for hours, and he found this whole situation cute or some shit? Drop dead... Drop dead you piece of shit! She kicked out at his ankles, too angry to try and be level headed, head still reeling from being struck with a gun.Amaya stopped in the hallway, looking over at Mitsunari with a small frown. I have to give these papers to Yoshitsugu sama regarding Akihime sama, can this wait?
He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the front of the line, "She goes first. If she tries to fight too much, taze her."
Aye, Aniki. The man at the front of the line nodded, taking her by the arm when she came up to the front. Strip down, put your clothes and shoes in the trash. He ordered as he readied some sort of large looking piercing gun. Her heart sank into her stomach and she glanced back at everyone around her, all of the men with guns, the other captives, and Motochika. Some of the captives took pity and looked away with a frown, as if to give her privacy, but she felt dozens of eyes still on her. Now. She hesitated before complying, starting with her shoes and socks, then stripping off her shirt and pants, putting them in the trash can like she had been ordered and standing with her arms crossed over her chest. All of it. The man seemed irritated at this point, loading a flat piece of metal with numbers on it into the machine, just then dawning on her what it was. It was a cattle tagging gun. She felt her legs jerk slightly as her body screamed at her to run, but her feet were frozen to the spot. Her face burned hot as she reached behind her to unhook her bra and pull off her underwear, tossing them both into the trash as well before quickly covering her chest with her hands.
She heard Motochika chuckle again as she was hosed off and scrubbed down with rough brushes. He couldn't wait to break her.Mitsunari scowled lightly. "Fine. Hurry up." Hr said and retreated back into his room.
Nana did her best to avoid looking at anyone, keeping herself covered the best she cough as her skin was scrubbed nearly raw with freezing hose water. Afterword she was given new clothes to wear, which looked like they were just green hospital scrubs, and after she had put her clothes on, still dripping wet, she had her ear tagged. She screamed in pain as the cartilage shell of her ear was tagged, feeling warm blood trickle from the tender wound. She was then brought back before Motochika, half soaked and miserable. Do you want her sorted with the other women, Aniki? Amaya had her suspicions on what he likely wanted, making a soft noise and heading to Yoshitsugu to give him the schedule Akihime would follow on her trip away. She knocked softly on the door before entering, closing the door behind her and standing in wait or instruction. She still wore the blazer and black pencil skirt from the night before, and she already knew her clothes would more than likely need to be thrown away.
Motochika made a noise. "No. I think I'll keep her." He replied."Come in." Yoshitsugu called, sitting at his desk.
The man gave a nod. What shall you have me do with her for now? He asked.Nana scowled deeply, feeling her heart pounding hard in her chest. She had no idea how she had come to be apart of human trafficking, but she was now going to be this awful mans personal toy. It made her want to cry, to throw up, knowing he was more than likely going to force himself onto her or worse. I have the paperwork for Akihime sama s schedule. She said, moving to the desk and holding out the papers for him to take. I hope you ll find these acceptable.
"Just set her aside for now. Keep an eye on her til I'm ready to leave. I want to make sure there isn't any riffraff." Motochika replied.Yoshitsugu took them and looked them over before giving a nod and handing them back."Yes, these are satisfactory. Thank you, Amaya."
Aye sir. He nodded and took Nana off to another part in the warehouse, taking her to one of the empty cargo crates and locking her inside on her own.Amaya bowed to him, then turned to leave. I ll let Akihime sama know she can leave when ready. She said, then left the room. She left the itinerary with a servant to give to Akihime, returning to Mitsunari as he had ordered. Mitsunari sama? She knocked gently on the door, a faint frown on her face.
Motochika was standing around making sure none of the other girls tried to make a break for it, but after the show they had just witnessed with Nana, he didn't think they would try to stray far or cause trouble."Let me know when they're ready for orders to be made." He said before turning to go retrieve his new girl.The door opened and Mitsunari let her in. He seemed tense. Like almost angrily so."How does Gyobu look to you? Well enough?" He asked. He wasn't one for small talk, usually.
He had been told of where she was locked away, and as he approached the cargo container, it was deathly silent from within.Amaya was a bit taken aback but nodded. He seems well, still drinking all of his blood and doing his daily transfusions as well. It wasn t like Mitsunari to ask her about anything other than something he had ordered of her.
He moved and knocked on the cargo door, "Oi! You couldn't have died that quickly in there."He gave a nod and shut the door. "Blouse. Off." He said. Ah, that's what he wanted.
He could still smell that she was alive, head her heart beating, but she didn t answer. Had she passed out from shock of the situation? It had happened before, so it wouldn t have been too odd.Amaya frowned softly, silently obeying as she unbuttoned her blazer and carefully removed it before working on the buttons of her blouse. The skin under her shirt was marred with old wounds and bites, across her chest and stomach, down her sides, and even a few on her back. She left her bra and skirt on, standing still so he could just do as he wanted and get it over quickly.
He huffed and unlocked the door, "I'm going to count to three and then I'm opening this door and coming in there." He said, "One..."Mitsunari moved and bit roughly into the flesh above her breast, drinking in her blood deeply and holding her wrists tight to keep her in place.
Nothing, not even the faint sound of shifting fabric from inside, it was entirely still inside, what was she playing at?Amaya grunted in pain and clenched her fists, body tense as he fed from her. He had bit so deeply, she was sure his teeth touched her ribs, but she only allowed him to drink his fill, keeping her eyes fixed on the far wall.
"Two..." He called louder. It wasn't like she could do anything to hurt him anyway. He was far superior to her.After a moment or two, he pulled away and wiped his mouth, "You can go." He stated.
She still didn t crack, didn t call out that she would come out, nothing. He knew she had to be scared, but she also seemed to be unpredictable, which kept him guessing as to what she was going to do once she came out of the cargo crate.The bite on her chest didn t close, simply losing blood from the punctures that his teeth left in her flesh. She gave a brief nod before moving to redress, even though she stained her blouse when she put it back on. Once she had finished, she left to clean herself and try to salvage her shirt.
"Three." He pulled the cargo door open easily and peered into the darkness, looking for her silhouette."Amaya?" Akihime peeked out of her room, frowning. She could smell the blood, "Did he attack you again...?"
As soon as he opened the door and peered in, he was met with a fist to the face. She sucked in a breath when she punched him hard, staggering back and holding her hand, her wrist sore.Amaya stopped to look at Akihime, shaking her head. I m fine anyway, I ve gotten your fathers approval on your journey to the countryside manor, so you may leave at your leisure.
Motochika made a disapproving noise before he grabbed her hand and crushed it, feeling the bones pop and break, "Nice try, I'll give you that."She nodded, "Arigatou...please be careful while I'm away." She requested gently.
She let out a horrid scream, one worse than when she had been tagged. She sunk to her knees right there in front of him, trying to yank her now crushed hand out of his massive one and away from him. A few of his men came running to make sure everything was alright, and upon seeing Motochika was dealing with things, they left again.He could hear her sobbing quietly through clenched teeth in pain, shoulders shaking hard as the color slowly drained from her face. The pain was unreal, making her vision blurry and she tasted bile in the back of her throat. Thank you for your concern, may your trip be pleasant. She bowed to her before retiring to her own room, her demeanor changing and she seemed to deflate a bit.
"Guess you'll think twice before doing that again, eh?" He asked, hands on his hips, "I'll have it looked at if you apologize.""Ama..." She moved out quickly and headed toward her room, "I didn't mean to seem cold...are you sure you're alright? Do you need help...?"
She rocked herself slightly, cradling her quickly swelling hand in her lap, hunched over as she fought tears. F Fuck you..! She barely managed out, glaring up at him.Amaya was already peeling off her bloodied shirt, moving to the small bathroom that connected to her bedroom. No, I m alright, it s nothing that needs to be worried about.
He shrugged and grabbed her by her wrist, "Alright, guess you don't need medical attention. Let's get going.""Mm...alright. If you're sure. Tomorrow I'll braid your hair and make you a new flower crown before I go!" She said through the door, "I'll even bring new flowers for us to press!"
She yelped in pain when he yanked her up by the wrist of her broken hand, seeing white spots and tasting bile in the back of her throat. Nana stumbled after him, doing her best to keep up as tears of pain blinded her. Of course, I would love that, Akihime sama.. Amaya said softly, glancing at the dozens of dozens of dried flowers she had decorating her room.
Motochika dragged her to his car and pushed her into the back with him before tapping for the driver to go."So, dog, you got a name?" He asked her, "You're rather clean for a street rat...""Ok! Good! Sleep well, Amaya!" She called before heading off back to her room.
The car was a large luxury vehicle, having a very roomy back seat for such a large man. Nana sat on the floor of the back seat away from him, still cradling her broken hand. She barely heard his question when he asked it. Would she be able to do anything for her hand? Would wrapping it up help it? No, her hand had been crushed by him, wrapping it up would only further push the broken bones out of place. She couldn t move it at all, not even a twitch, of course, not that she wanted to.She brought her attention back up to Motochika, looking at him through tears. I m not a fucking dog.. She managed out.
"That doesn't answer my question,dog." He said before pointing to her hand, "Apologize and I'll fix it."
My name isn t dog..! She forced out through her teeth again, refusing to apologize, and refusing to accept her new pet name he had picked out for her.
"Well, you don't want me namin' ya, do ya?" He asked, "I might call you something much uglier than dog."
She turned her head away, still in a great deal of pain. Nana. She said quietly, not looking back at him.
"Thank you." He said politely, "Motochika." He replied.
Go fuck yourself, Motochika. She muttered bitterly, keeping herself turned away from him in her little corner of the car.
"Do you want me to break your other hand?" He asked lowly, "People only speak to me that way once."
Twice. She corrected firmly, turning her head to look him dead in the eye. I ve done it twice.
He chuckled, "That you have. I did say I liked your spunk."
She sneered and turned her head away in disgust. Why was she holding conversation with this man? What was he even planning to do with her? He had said he wanted her around, but what for? The different possibilities that came to mind weren t pleasant ones.
"Last chance," he said, "if you apologize, I'll fix your hand."
Nana frowned down at her very swollen and very bruised hand, which throbbed with excruciating pain with every beat of her heart. Sorry. She managed to mumble out over her swallowed pride, deciding it best to treat her hand lest she wanted to render her hand completely lame.
Motochika pulled out his phone and dialled a number before putting it to his ear, "Nobu, get everything ready, you have a new girl coming in to be looked at."
She gave a glance over her shoulder, wondering if he was truly going to hold up his side of the deal just for an apology. She shook her head slightly, trying to shake the nausea as the adrenaline from her trying to attack Motochika started to wear off, ramping up the pain in her hand even more.
She heard his phone beep and he hummed softly, "Alright, we got a doc who will fix your hand once we get home."
She didn t answer, just rested her forehead against the car door and squeezed her eyes shut tight, feeling like her world was spinning, and she would be sick.
When the car stopped, they were at a rather swank looking estate house. Motochika climbed out and beckoned for Nana to follow, "C'mon, let's go get you fixed, aye?" She could faintly hear sea waves outside and smell the salty air.
Not wanting her other hand crushed, she obeyed, though a bit green looking as she climbed out of the car. The estate was one even nicer than the one she had lived in with her father as a child, but she didn t put much thought into it, only followed Motochika inside.
He took her inside and down to what reminded her of a wine cellar, but it was converted into an infirmary. A young man, maybe a little younger than Motochika, looked over and smiled softly."Hello, you must be the new girl." He greeted, "My name is Nobu, but you probably already knew that. Come," he pat the examiner table gently, "take a seat and I'll do what I can."
Nana eyed him warily, but moved over after a moment of hesitation, sitting on the table and carefully extending her hand to him to show him her wound. Her hand at this point was a deep purple and red, swollen, and obviously badly broken.
"God, what happened?" Nobu asked worriedly."She punched me so I punished her." Motochika answered. Nobu frowned."You can't just do that, no one will buy her.""No, she's my personal bitch, it's fine." Motochika said.
Nana flinched slightly at the word.Personal bitch? So he was going to use her in that way? She had to close her eyes again and bite back the vomit that pooled in the back of her throat. You re fucking disgusting. She muttered under her breath.
"I get that a lot. It's more a compliment now." Motochika said. Nobu made a noise and gave Nana a small dose of morphine to help with the pain as he carefully reset her hand.
Nana could feel herself relax as the morphine slowly set in, eyelids heavy as it finally hit her just how tired she really was. How many days had she been awake now? She couldn t remember, only that she had been awake ever since she had been kidnapped.
Nobu gave a soft noise, "She's gonna need surgery. You busted her hand really good.""Goddammit..." Motochika muttered, "Fine, do what you gotta do. Find me when you're done." He said and left.
What s going to happen to me? Nana asked quietly after Motochika had left the room, eyes fixated on the wall.
Nobu looked to her before looking back at her hand, "Do you want an honest answer?" He asked gently.
Not really. I wouldn t have asked if I didn t.. She said, turning her head to look at him. Am I going to die here..?
"If you're lucky, he won't kill you right away.." He said, "Maybe just use you for food. If you're lucky..."
She didn t understand what he meant, was he going to harvest her organs or something? Was he some sort of cannibal? Use me for food..? He could see her becoming more groggy the longer the morphine spent time in her system. And what if I m not lucky..?
"If you're unlucky, he'll be bored by the end of the month and just kill you." He said gently before laying her down and getting a small table for her hand.
Nana didn t respond, just stared up at the ceiling with a blank look on her face. Of course she realized she would die, she just didn t think it would be so soon. She closed her eyes, too tired now to keep them open, slowly slipping into unconsciousness.
He gave her some anaesthesia to keep her asleep as he worked on repairing her hand.
It would be quite some time of waiting before Motochika was notified that Nana s hand had been patched up, and she was resting in the infirmary until the anesthesia wore off.
Motochika came in and saw her whole hand was casted. "How long until she can use it again?""Uh...a month? Maybe two? You broke her hand to a near mush, Motochika sama." He answered. Motochika huffed."Fine. Call me when she's up." He said and stormed out.
Nana would get some much needed rest for the next couple of hours, waking slowly and looking around before sitting up. Had it all been a dream? She looked down at her hand in a cast and frowned, knowing it hadn t in fact been a dream.
"Hey, you're up...!" Nobu smiled, "I'll give you some time before I let Motochika sama know. Are you hungry?"
Nana felt herself for any other wounds she didn t have before falling asleep, but found none. Yes. She said quietly. What would be her best bet for staying alive longer than a month? Continue to fight? Obey her captor?
Nobu nodded and moved to his larger than average mini fridge and pulled out a bento with homemade onigiri with pickled plum, cucumbers and carrots and fried tofu. "Here. I have plenty more where that came from."
Thanks. She took the food and ate quietly, glancing at the doctor a few times as she ate. He wasn t very big, and she didn t see any guns or tasers, would it be possible for her to subdue him and try to escape? She picked up some pickled vegetables with her chopsticks. She could probably use those to either take out an eye or even stab him in the neck with them, but she didn t know how close Motochika was, and if he would hear them fighting.
"I hope it tastes ok, I'm not a very good cook.." He smiled softly.
It s fine. She said, a little stiffly, but seeing the situation she was in, he understood. Thank you. She ate in silence for a moment or two longer, then spoke again. Should my fingertips look like this still? She asked, moving her hand a bit to motion she meant her hurt arm.
He furrowed his brows and moved closer, "Look like what?"
When he moved closer to see her hand, he heard her. I m sorry. She stabbed the chopstick in her hand hard through his neck, using enough force to pierce his throat and jam it through to the other side, then she tackled him to the ground. She didn t give him any time to recover, quickly scrambling to her feet and running for the door. She quickly and quietly left the infirmary and ran up the stairs, following the path she remember to the front door, ignoring that the front of her clothes were splattered with blood.
"And just where do you think yer goin', huh?" Motochika's voice rang out. He stood at the top of the stairs, watching her with his only good eye.
Nana didn t slow down when she heard his voice, quite to opposite in fact. She pushed her run into a sprint and when she reached the front door, she threw it wide open.
How he got from the top of the stairs to outside the front door she didn't know. All she registered was that he was in front of her now.
Nana slammed into his chest, stumbling backwards before trying to run under his arm to escape outside, heart jackhammering in her chest.
He grabbed her by her shirt and threw her back inside and into the wall at the other end of the room. "And just how did you get passed Nobu?"
Nana hit the wall with enough force to knock the air from her lungs, making her gasp and struggle a bit to catch her breath as she crawled back onto her feet. The blood splattered across her shirt was fresh, and it wasn t hers looking for a new way out, Nana turned and ran down another corridor, holding her ribs as she went.
"Oh no you don't." Motochika hissed and caught up to her easily, grabbing her and throwing her to the ground.
Nana cried out as she was slammed into the ground hard, feeling like her ribs had been badly bruised in the process, but she only tried to get up again.
He slammed his booted foot down on her back and pinned her there. "Beg me to forgive you. Go on. Give me a fucking excuse not to just kill you right here."
She wheezed when he pressed down on her back, forcing her back down onto the floor. I I... She clenched her good fist and turned to beat on his leg, her face intense with a look of desperation and anger. I d rather die then beg a piece of shit like you!
He slammed his foot back down on her back, nearly shattering her spine, "That's all the excuse I need."
Blood splattered from her mouth and across the marble floor, a strangled noise coming from her as she slowly sunk to the ground, limp under his boot. He had stomped on her hard enough to break her ribs, which punctured her ruptured organs. Blood leaked steadily from her mouth as she lay on the ground, struggling to breathe, vision slowly going dark.
"You're lucky I bore easily." He snarled before grabbing her by the hair and dragging her off back to Nobu.
Nana only managed out a groan of pain, eyes dull as he dragged her back down the stairs, leaving smears of blood as they went.
"Nobu!""Y...Yes...!" It was hard for him to talk, his throat hadn't fully healed yet. Motochika dropped her onto his table amd pointed at her."Fix her, keep her drugged.""You...g got it...Motochi...chika...sama..."
Nana hit the table with a heavy thud, laying unmoving on the cold table and staring up at the ceiling. She hung partially off the table, now completely unable to draw in breath, vision blurring again as tears filled her eyes and she lost consciousness from the pain.
"Wh...what did you" Nobu asked. Motochika scowled."Maybe broke her ribs. Almost her spine." He answered."J Jesus..." Nobu coughed."Can you fix her?""I mean...I can probably fi...fix her spine..." He answered, "It will require a...a lot of""Do it." Motochika said and left the cellar.
Nana was in and out, blurry scenes flashing before her for mere moments, blackness swallowing her and keeping its hold on her firmly. She stayed in that blackness for what seemed like years, unable to move, blink, hardly even think. She felt things, slight pressures and faint pains, but she only saw blackness. Then it was bright, and she was staring up at a ceiling, one she didn t recognize. She tried to swallow, only to find she had several tubes down her throat. She gagged and tried to pull whatever was down her throat out, only to find her hands cuffed to the sides of the bed she was in.
She heard a voice but was too fogged up by the drugs to really know who was speaking to her.
Nana gagged and struggled, tears forming in her eyes from the uncomfortable feeling of having a tube down her throat, starting to panic a bit and looking around to see what was going on around her.
"Easy, easy." That was Nobu's voice. How was he still alive? She stabbed him straight through the throat.
She tried to speak, only to cough violently and gag, fighting the tube in her throat. What was going on? Had it been a dream, stabbing him in the neck? Why was she asleep again? Why was she restrained and hooked up to so much medical equipment?
"He broke your spine, but thankfully it wasn't severed. Any more pressure and it would have snapped clean in half." He told her, "You gotta keep the tube in, it's helping you breathe and eat right now."
She stared at his face, which went in and out of focus, then looked at his neck, not even a scar. Had things happened how she remembered them? Blurry and foggy memories of trying to run from Motochika, him appearing in front of her eyes in seconds... Then nothing.Even so, she found it hard to be calm with tubes down her throat, if being uncomfortable painful almost. She wanted to talk, to ask what was going on, how long had she been out.
"Ah, it's uncomfortable, huh?" He asked before moving to hook an oxygen tube around her nose before carefully pulling the tube out.
She coughed and gagged even after the tube had been removed, but finally found relief. Wha What happened..? She asked with a raspy voice.
"Like I said, he broke your back...I had to preform extensive surgery to keep you from becoming paralysed." He said before rubbing his neck, "No hard feelings, by the way..."
So it hadn t been all a dream? How was he alive, how did he not have a single mark on him. What are you? She asked, keeping her eyes glued to him.
"Oh, uh..." He paused, "You didn't know? We're vampires..."
She just stared at him, didn t respond or freak out. Of course, the reason had to be that she was losing her mind. She turned her head slightly to look up at the ceiling. How long... was I asleep..?
He hummed, "A few days or so...? Maybe longer?" He answered, unsure.
Why didn t... He just kill me..? She asked groggily, still on too much meds to feel any real pain from her wounds.
"I guess he likes you.." He said gently."Nobu!" Motochika came down quickly, "It's been weeks, is she fucking up yet?" Weeks? Nobu just said it had only been a few days.
Nana s yes widened slowly and she looked to Motochika in horror. She had been unconscious for weeks? It felt like she had only just fallen asleep. Weeks..? She croaked out.
"Almost a goddamn month, honestly." Motochika hissed.
The question was gnawing at her, it had been since Motochika had chosen her personally back at the warehouse. Why did you keep me alive..?
He looked her dead in the eye and crossed his arms. "You look like a good fuck."
A tear fell down her cheek as she stared at him, feeling dread clawing it s way up from her stomach. I won t.. She barely managed out in a whisper.
"You ain't got a choice, missy." He stated before motioning for Nobu to leave. He did, reluctantly, and Motochika looked Nana over slowly.
Nana clenched her fists and pulled at the metal cuffs that kept her hands down at her sides, watching Motochika closely. She was still so groggy from having just woken up, and after being unconscious for weeks as well. Get the fuck away from me. She hissed.
"I own you, I can get as close as I want." He said before his hand moved slowly over her thigh.
He felt her muscles stiffen under her and she drew in a breath, then jerked her leg violently away from him. Don t touch me! She snarled at him.
"Make me." He replied and pushed his hand under her gown, making a noise as he touched her.
Nana s entire body went stiff and she started to kick at him, tried to squirm away, anything that would get his hand out from between her legs. I said don t fucking touch me! Fear was in her voice this time, panic clear on her face as she thrashed and her adrenaline spiked.
"I have to inspect the goods. Make sure you're worth your weight." He told her.
Nana s face was flushed red, and she had tears dripping down her cheeks. She kicked at him again, this time catching him hard in the chin.
He caught her ankle and forced her leg back down. "Settle down."
Please stop..! She begged him, unable to stop her tears or even wipe them away. Please, don t touch me anymore, I won t try to run away again, I promise..!
He gave a noise and continued to touch her, "No. I have to make sure you're good enough."
Her face was red and twisted into a look of misery, lips pressed firmly together as she squeezed her eyes shut tightly.
He touched her thighs and her waist and her chest and everything he was really interested in before moving away, "I suppose you'll do."
Go stick it in a blender. She managed out, turning her head away, trying not to cry.
"How about I stick it in you instead? That sounds much more pleasant." He growled.
She flinched at that, having nothing more to say, and what could she say? She was handcuffed to the bed, and still on iv drugs, he could do whatever he wanted and she wouldn t stand a chance.
"That's what I thought." He said lowly before stalking out of the cellar.
Nana s recovery would be slow, she had broken her back after all, but Nobu s treatments worked wonders, and the only lasting effects seemed to be the weakening of her legs. She would wobble and fall sometimes, but other than that, she would be able to walk with relative ease. For the most part, Nobu kept her mildly sedated under Motochika s order leaving her mostly spaced out and just sitting in the infirmary bed, only soon it dawned on her that she wasn t in the infirmary anymore, but laying in a large bed on her back, far too high to even think of trying to move.
"And how are we feeling today, hm ?" Motochika asked with a smirk, "You look tired "
His words came to her ears slowed, almost garbled, taking a few moments to register to her. Nana turned her head slowly, slightly, her hazy eyes looking at him blankly, pupils large. She didn t speak, just looking at him with a blank expression who was he again? Where was she, and was was she there?
He walked his fingers up her thigh slowly, "You know, it's about time I had a bite from you you've been here long enough "
She blinked slowly, letting out a soft groan, shifting her leg slightly away from his touch, only really registering it as a small annoyance. Don t.. She grumbled, like she was rudely woken by someone, and just wanted to go back to sleep.
He moved over her and nuzzled into her neck, taking a slow deep breath. Aside from thr drugs, she smelled sweet.
He could hear her heart beating in her chest, hear the blood moving through her, and he could feel her hands pressing on his chest. She was weakened greatly by the drugs, so her struggling was just as weak, pressing feebly against his chest to try and get him off of her. No... She protested, trying to work through the fog in her mind, trying to find the words to tell him off, and the strength to fight against him.
His hands snaked around her waist and pulled her tight against him, trapping her arms against his chest so she couldn't fight before she felt a sharp burning pulse through her neck as he drove his fangs into her neck.
She let out a small cry of pain, squirming a bit, but ultimately unable to do anything to get away from him. After a moment more of struggling, she stopped, too tired from the drugs to continue her struggle.
He pulled away and took her hand,covering the wound as he meandered over to his bathroom to get the first aid.
She laid there with her hand over the bite, blood trickling through her fingers and dripping onto the bed, the wound throbbing with each heartbeat. Nana let out a weak groan, barely able to keep her hand on her neck where he had placed it, nodding in and out of consciousness.
When he came back, he cleaned it and gauzed it, wrapping it tight enough to keep pressure on it. "I dare say you don't taste as bad as I thought you would."
She hadn t tried to run off this time, hadn t even moved from her spot on the bed, but she did mumble out an insult about him shoving it.
He shook his head, feeling a soft contact high from the drugs in her system and laid down for a moment.
She watched him in her haze, staring blankly before attempting to sit up, but not making it very far before she slid back down onto the bed.
"Little unbalanced there " He smirked, "Where ya goin' ?"
Nana only tried to crawl back up into a sitting position, actually managing to stay upright. Don t feel right... She muttered, referring to her drugged up state.
"Yeah, medication does that." He smirked, "You poor thing "
I don t like it.. She said, trying to put force behind her words, trying to be stern and, and what? She lost her thoughts again, squeezing her eyes shut. It was terribly frustrating how foggy her head was.
"Aw " He cooed and pet her hair, "You poor human girl "
She lazily smacked his hand away from her hair, rolling her head to meet his gaze. I don t need pity from a monster. She muttered.
"How rude after I take you into my home " He feigned hurt.
You kidnapped me.. She murmured, face contorting into hurt and misery. You ve violated me... Nearly killed me..
"Who knows what would have happened to you if I hadn't taken you in, hm ? I don't know what happens to the girls we scoop up off the street " He said.
The streets..? Did he think she was a run away, or possibly some prostitute? I was leaving my classes when you guys grabbed me, you took me from my home...!
"Nah, that's not how that works." He said, "No point in taking well to dos."
What do you mean..? She croaked out, looking more angry than miserable. I know what life I lived..!
"They found you on the street." He stated, getting angry, "Are you calling my men liars?"
I was walkinghome..! And I am, either that or stupid..! He could see that the drugs were starting to wear off, Nana starting to become more lively.
He towered over her before suddenly grabbing her hard by the throat, "You shut your fucking mouth before I get someone to staple it shut. Do I make myself clear?"
She felt her airway being pressed in, and she couldn t breath at all, struggling out of instinct. Grabbing at his wrist, she raked her nails down his arm, trying to loosen his grasp so she could breathe again.
"Do you fucking understand?" He growled, shaking her a bit roughly.
When he shook her, the memory of him stomping on her back came back to her. The way she felt the bones in her back crunch, how blood had sprayed from her mouth, how she thought she was going to die right there on that floor. She nodded her head, tears in her eyes as she did, fear gripping her tightly.
And then he let he go. Just like that. "Good." He said, "I'm glad we reached an understanding. You probably need more pain killers.."
Nana hacked and coughed, gasping for air as she held her throat. N No... I don t want anymore.. She protested, her head was just finally started to clear up, she didn t want anything else, even if her back still hurt.
"Doctor's orders." He said and moved to grab her pain killers.
Nana crawled across the bed, trying to move to the opposite side of the room to escape him, but he was by the door, and there were no windows in the room. No, I don t want any more..!
"That's too damn bad, huh?" He asked as he filled the syringe.
Nana felt her eyes burn with tears, and fear kept her from trying to run to the door beside Motochika, the only other escape being the bathroom attached to the bedroom. The door had a lock, but she doubted it would hold against his strength.
He filled it and moved over to her, "Just make it easier on yourself, girly." He said firmly.
I don t need it..! She backed away, glancing around for anything she could put between her and Motochika, but there wasn t much.
He was on her in a second, sitting on her and grabbing her arm firmly, "Hold still."
Stop!! Get off of me! She screamed and struggled, kicking and trying to worm her way out from under him, but found no such luck.
He jammed the syringe into her arm and injected her with the pain killers.
She cried out when he jammed the needle into her arm, struggling hard under him, but soon it was obvious the medication was starting to work. She got that bleary look in her eyes, pupils growing huge as her struggling slowed and weakened.
"There we go " He said as he moved away, "That's more like it "
The needle mark trickled a bit of blood from the force he had used, already starting to bruise, but she was no longer unruly. She laid on the floor, watching him lazily with her eyes, arms and legs spread out on the floor, long hair a tangled mess.
He picked her up and dropped her on the bed. "You good ?"
Her head rolled to the side as she was dropped roughly on the bed, but she managed to slowly pick it back up, her pupils fully dilated at this point. ...feel... good.. She mumbled out, the pain killers he had just given her producing a euphoric high for her, making her feel like she was on cloud nine.
"I can make you feel real good if you want " He said as he moved over her.
She shook her head slowly, closing her eyes and mumbling something he couldn t quite make out as she tried to stop him with her hands on his chest. No... I don t want... I don t want you.. Her words were a bit slurred, and she herself was hardly coherent, but she still clearly registered her situation.
"That's too bad " He said and started pulling at her clothes.
Nana felt like her head was stuffed with cotton, not able to help it when her eyes closed, for how long she didn t know, but when she opened them again, her top had been pulled off, and a warm feeling was between her legs. The more she focused on it, the more she realized it was a soft pulsating feeling, something that felt good. Her fingers curled to grab at the sheets beneath her and she let out a faint noise, a soft moan. She looked down to see what was causing such a sensation, only to find Motochika between her legs. He had taken her hospital gown pants as well, propped her legs open and was using his hand to touch her most intimate part. She hadn t noticed how she was breathing raggedly already, that her face was flushed, or how wet she was, only how good it felt as he rubbed her clit quickly and roughly. His other hand kept one of her legs pushed open wide, and as she watched him with a dazed expression, she noticed that he too had removed his clothes and was aroused as well. N No.. She interrupted her own words with another moan, falling back against the bed as she tugged at the sheets, the warm pleasant feeling spreading up into her belly and making her inner thighs twitch.Was he someone she knew? He had to be if he was touching her in such an intimate way, but she struggled to remember even his name. She squirmed, but this time from the building feeling of pleasure, rolling her head to the side as another breathy moan escaped her lips. I It s too much... I I can t.. She gasped and whimpered, feeling her swollen throbbing clit be pressed down by a rough thumb once more.
"Hm ? What's the matter, don't you like it ?" He asked huskily.
She was dripping wet against his fingers, her hot core trembling each time he rubbed against her clit. Her skin was soft, softer than he had thought, and he could hear her heart racing. s too much.. She slurred out, toes curling as she muffled a moan into the pillows. He hadn t been touching her for very long and already she was hot and ready for him, perhaps she was a virgin after all?
He made a noise, maybe he had to rethink where she really came from. But he didn't stop regardless.
It didn t take long before she was squirming and pulling at the sheets, face flushed deeply and her eyes squeezed shut, body trembling before tensing up. She gasped and arched her back slightly before slumping back against the pillows with an expression of euphoria on her face.
He stopped and pulled his hand away, moving over her and pushing into her slowly.
She reflexively tried to close her legs, but it was no use, and he pushed into her with somewhat ease. Motochika was large though, and she was tight around his cock, trembling still from her climax. It... It hurts... She whispered, trying to squirm away. It was too much for her to take all at once, and she felt a sharp pain, making tears come to her eyes, but was that the only reason? You can t... It s too big, it hurts...! She whimpered, gripping the sheets until her knuckles were white.
"Shush, relax...I'll wait." He said and stopped moving to let her adjust.
The pain didn t go away, but it slowly receded, and so did the look of pain on her face. Nana loosened her grip on the sheets, opening her eyes to look up at him. Who was this man? She knew him right? He was... he was... who was he? She sunk back into the clouds of her high, Motochika having given her just a bit too much.
He started moving when he noticed she wasn't looking like she was about to die. She was still way too tight, but he wasn't complaining. She felt good.
The same feeling came again, a warmth spreading up from her nethers, and occasionally a jolt of pain. Her head was swimming, making it hard to focus on any one thing the creaking bed, the gentle slap of skin, the warmth between her legs that felt good, the heavy weight on top of her, the soft grunts from Motochika, and the quiet moans from herself. More... feels good... She murmured, her own hand upon her breast, groping it lazily. Touch me... more.. She begged, wanting him to touch between her legs again, to touch her breasts, it made her throb and whimper, hips giving a few thrusts.
He groped her roughly, moving faster and thrusting deeper into her until he couldn't reach any further into her.
She would dip in and out as he used her body, going between compliant and unresponsive, and by the time he had finished and filled her with his seed, she was completely unresponsive. Her breathing was shallow, and her heartbeat slow, but she was still alive and breathing.
He made a noise, "Maybe I should shove a pill down your throat. Don't want any spawn wiggling around."
She was out cold, laying still against the bed, even when Motochika pulled out of her and climbed off of her. She didn t even stir when he removed his heavy body from her own small one, but Nobu had said the drugs might cause drowsiness or even cause her to sleep a lot.
He made a noise and cleaned up, before getting dressed and leaving.
Motochika was a busy man, so it wasn t unusual if he didn t always come home to sleep or even sleep at all, so the next morning when one of Motochika s men went to clean up the bedding in his room, he was surprised to see the product Motochika had picked personally still sprawled out on the bed. He turned away when he saw she was undressed, but after not hearing any screaming or movement, he looked back out of curiosity. She was quite pale, even for a human, and the smell that came from her was foul the smell of bile. He took a step closer and saw vomit in her hair and on her face and chest, the soft sound of gurgling and wet wheezing registering in his ears, and then he bolted down the stairs for Nobu s clinic, not even bothering to close the door to Motochika s bedroom on the way out.
When Nobu heard, he about blew a gasket. He rushed to get Nana back into the clinic to purge her system and keep her from dying. When Motochika came back, Nobu gave him an earful but he didn't seem to listen.
Nana s condition was critical, heart rate so slow her blood pressure was barely enough to keep her heart going. She had been choking on her vomit for who knows how long and had nearly asphyxiated to death, and she was still a mess from when Motochika had last used her. She needed a good scrubbing to remove the vomit and seed from her person, and she would need to be monitored closely for the next few days.
Nobu did everything he could to keep Nana alive, angry with Motochika that he would allow this to happen.
Even unconscious, Nana looked exhausted and worn, circles starting to form under her eyes, and her slender frame starting to look thin. Hopefully Nobu would be able to fix her up again like last time without any permanent damage.The Kawabe family was an old one, probably one of the oldest still around, but it was also the smallest, currently only having one remaining member. Jin had maintained the good sized plot of land the Kawabe s had controlled for centuries, making sure its people were happy and thriving, as well as their land, but as she turned down marriage proposal after marriage proposal, whisperings started to go around that she was intentionally trying to kill out her clan. She ignored them all, mainly keeping busy with the humans who resided on her land, which was mainly fertile farming land, and quite a bit of it at that.Yukimura had been sick since he was a young boy, having many allergies to foods, always causing him to get violently ill whenever he ate, and he would develop terrible rashes when going out into the sunlight. His parents said it was because of his sensitive skin, but no matter what creams or sunblocks he tried, he would always develop horrible red rashes that would blister and cause fever, so he could only ever go out during the darker hours. On cloudy days, he could get away with going outside with an umbrella and covered entirely, but the land mostly had fair weather, so he was mostly confined to the house until dusk.
There was one day, a man showed up. A very odd, veryoldman. Well, maybe not terribly old, his hair was only beginning to grey. But that made him ancient by vampire standards. He came calling for Jin, wanting to marry her. Save her clan. It was odd. Very odd, really. But he, like all the others, was turned down.Akihime liked to watch him at night when he worked. She found him to be enthralling. She was enchanted by him and how sincere he was. He worked hard every night and when he was done, he would use his tool as a spear and practice fighting styles with it. Oh, how she longed to be beside him and watch him up close. To admire him at an arms length. But she knew it wasn't meant to be. She could never stay long enough to be with him. It broke her heart.
Jin always had the servants turn away all suitors, but inform her of who had come asking. It was Hisehide Matsunaga, my lady. Thank you. Jin dismissed the servant, sitting alone in her tea room.She wasn t young, but she wasn t ancient either, perhaps... It was time to accept a marriage proposal. She set her tea aside. Noko, please send word to Hisehide Matsunaga I would like to speak with him at the soonest convenience. Of course my lady. Her servant called from outside before leaving.Most would see what he did as silly, using his hoe as a spear but he was actually quite good with it. He had long shaggy hair pulled into a loose ponytail and red brown eyes, he was a bit thin, but had decent muscles from farm work.
When Matsunaga received word that Jin wished to see him, he came to her right away."My lady." He greeted with a bow."How I wish I could be with him..." Akihime muttered, "He's so gentle and kind..."
Jin was dressed in one of her best kimono s, sitting in wait for him in her tea room, having prepared fresh tea for him. She bowed to him in response, feeling a pit form in her chest. I m glad that you accepted my invitation. She said as she picked up the kettle to pour the tea for the two of them. I figured it was time to consider marriage. She said softly.Yukimura stopped to take a break, leaning against the hoe and looking out over the fields he had been managing.
"I'm flattered you chose me." He answered, "It's an honor, my lady."Akihime made a noise and decided to see if there was any work nearby that she could apply for. It would give her an excuse to see him.
It would be two nights before they would wed, an official wedding ceremony taking place at Matsunaga s much larger estate, and with no one but themselves attending. It wasn t unusual for private weddings to be held, but even so, it felt like an omen to Jin. From what she had gathered over the last day, Matsunaga was a formal, unemotional man, with little expression and little time for anything other than his business. His modern estate resided on a large hill overlooking a densely populated city, a drastic change to Jin s traditional home in the countryside, but she would adjust. She waited for him now, Matsunaga being pulled away from the quiet marriage by work, thankfully after the actual ceremony had taken place. She stood with a sake cup in hand, staring down at the still full glass, still dressed in her wedding gown.Yukimura was running late night errands like he usually did, driving the family pick up truck down to probably the only convenience store for miles. He had eggs and bags of rice from his families farm to deliver to the store, as well as ingredients for his medication to pick up. Hello! I have a delivery of dried rice and eggs! I ll unload them in the back if you d like! He called as he entered the store.
Finally he showed himself, sitting beside her, "Forgive me for taking so long. Small annoyance, easy to deal with."There was a clatter and a gasp followed by a soft whine. Akihime hadn't expected to see him, in fact she was going to try and slip away to watch him. But he was here and their first meeting she made a fool of herself by tripping and dropping the mop and bucket she was carrying.
She perked and looked to him, shaking her head and finally setting the cup of sake down untouched. No, it is no trouble, my husband. She said softly, but her tone held little affection. Both of them were rather aware that their marriage wasn t built off love, merely for politics and the sake of both their clans.Yukimura rounded the corner quickly when he heard the crash, moving over immediately to help her. I m really sorry, I didn t mean to startle you..! He apologized, then noticed it was someone he had never seen before. I didn t realize old man Jirou hired someone for the night shift..!
"It was a lovely ceremony." He remarked."A Ah, yes, it's my first day...! Er, night, I guess..." She smiled softly as she stood, "A Aki desu.."
It was. She nodded in agreement, her stomach tying itself in knots. Other than the soft music playing from the stereo, the room was silent. She found it uncomfortable, especially so since Hisehide was dry at conversation, if he made much at all.He offered her a dirty hand before quickly pulling it back and wiping it off on his dirty jeans before offering it again. Yukimura! He said, a big grin splitting his face, and something catching Akihime s eyes. Short, sharp canines.
"Do you wish to consumate tonight or at a later date?" He asked. Even that had to be run like a business?Her eyes widened slightly and she took his hand before giving a gentle smile, "It's nice to meet you, Yukimura.."
Everything was embarrassing about the way he asked it arranging it like a meeting, how monotone and nonchalant he was about it, and it being her first time as well. She picked up her sake and drank it down easily, setting the cup down gently and giving her reply. Tonight is as fine as any other time. Sorry again for startling you like that, let me help you clean it up! He offered, his tone and expression more enthusiastic that his physical state appeared healthy pale skin and dark circles under his eyes.
He nodded, "Very well then. Tonight it is.""O Oh, you don't have to! You look really sick...!" She said. Her complexion wasn't any better really.
Yes, my husband. She said in agreement, waving to have her sake cup refilled. As old as she was, she had never been with a man before, but new plenty of sex. Matsunaga seemed bland and uptight enough, perhaps he was a man of simple pleasures? She glanced in his direction as she slowly sipped on the sake, trying to gauge how he might be with women, or he s ever laid with one before.Yukimura waved his hand. I ve been sick since I was a child, I m as strong as the next man, plus, it s just a bit of water.
He looked stuffy, maybe he was the "one then done" kind of man. He didn't seem all that interested to lay with her anyway.She blushed heavily as she used some rags to clean up the mop water, "Y Yeah...I'm sorry, that was very rude of me to say..."
The looked back down at her drink, moving it around in the cup slowly she didn t have much trouble with the thought of him only laying with her until she conceived a child, at least then there would be no fuss about keeping him satisfied.Yukimura helped sop up the water with a few rags as well. It s fine, really, I ve heard it all before, didn t hurt my feelings a bit. He said with a smile. His hair which was previously always down in a loose pony tail was now pulled up higher, showing his deformed ears, only it looked more like someone had removed the top shell of his ears.
Once the "festivities" died down, Matsunaga stood, "Shall we?"She frowned softly as she looked at his ears. Was he a lowblood? That would explain his pale complexion and illness. He probably didn't even know either.
She set down her empty cup and stood, giving a small nod, and together the two of them made their way across the manor to his private bedroom.Yukimura looked to her and paused, seeing her frown. Are you ok? He asked, tilting his head slightly.
They entered his room and he locked the door before easily removing her wedding dress.She perked and smiled softly, "Yes, I'm sorry...just thinking..."
She found it odd that he felt the need to lock the door, since the only others in the house were the servants, and she had hardly seen any of them at all. Jin let her silks fall to the floor, feeling the cold air on her skin, making her cover her chest out of habit.Yukimura seemed to take her word for it, nodding and flashing a smile before continuing to clean the floor.
He guided her to the bed before suddenly pushing her down onto the bed, undressing himself.They finished and she sighed softly, "Thank you. Um, you said something about medication?"
Jin let out a grunt of surprise when he pushed her down onto the bed with more force than she had expected. She picked herself up, crawling more into the bed so she could turn to face him. Oh, right, Jirou dono makes my medicine, it should be a dark red powder. He said as he stood, holding the wet rags.
He moved over her and pushed her legs open so he could work her clit a little roughly.She took the rags and dropped them into the bucket, dragging it to the back before coming back, "Did he say it was already made?" She asked as she started looking around for the powder.
Jin flinched at the sudden feeling between her legs, she had touched herself a few times, but Matsunaga was too rough, and it felt rushed. M My husband, there s no rush.. And please, not so rough. She said softly, reaching out to touch his face something she didn t really think about, something she just did before she could think a mistake. Ah, yes, and it s usually kept up front so it doesn t get sold to anyone else. He said with a sheepish smile, like it had accidentally been sold to someone else before.
"You don't like it rough?" Matsunaga asked, "I assumed you did considering how cold you are ti people.""Has that happened before?" She asked, finally finding it and placing it on the counter for him.
Jin was taken a little aback, actually embarrassed, letting her hand drop away from his face. I I.. She had no words to respond with, eyes wide as she stared back at him. How was she supposed to answer his question? She didn t want to start the marriage off badly, and she had never thought of her actions as cold before. She tried to be polite to both humans and her own kind, having her servants send away suitors kindly, and unwelcome guests just the same, but she had never been rude before. I did not mean to come off that way.. She dropped her gaze, swallowing what little pride she had left in this situation. Forgive me if I ve offended you, my husband.. She said, jolting a bit and biting her lip, Matsunaga still rubbing her clit throughout the entire conversation. Only once, and it was returned rather quickly, but it still gave everyone a heart attack when they realized what had happened. He grinned again, showing off the sharp but short teeth that almost glinted in the light. Oh, and the eggs and rice, let me unload them for you! He said, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb.
"Oh I'm not offended. I much prefer to bed this way, I figured you wouod as well." He replied.She blushed and nodded, "A Alright, thank you!"
Jin gripped the sheets of the bed. I m here to serve you, my husband, if that is what your tastes are, then I shall accommodate you. She said, it taking every ounce of her being to not get sick by saying those words, unable to keep his gaze while saying it.Yukimura gave a nod and turned to jog out the door, returning with a crate of eggs, taking them back into the walk in fridge before returning to the truck for more. He delivered two crates of eggs and four bags of dried rice, storing them all in the stock room before heading back up to pay for his medication. Everything should be fine in the stock room until Jirou dojo arrives in the morning, so you shouldn t have any issues with them!
"I appreciate that, thank you very much " He smirked darkly."Thank you so much." She smiled, "I really appreciate it, I probably wouldn't have been able to get them in on my own."
Jin didn t see his sinister smirk, too flustered to look him in the face, leaning back against the pillows as her face became more flushed. Initially it was a uncomfortable and painful at the pace he started out with, but now that she was starting to become aroused, she was becoming more wet, lessening the friction. She pressed her lips together, letting out a shaky breath as he continued, feeling herself growing warm, and between her legs, a throbbing begging. It s no problem, really, the old man says he can do it himself, but his back has been giving him pain lately, so I just do it for him too. He fished a wad of crumpled money from his dirty jeans, counting out the three thousand yen he d need for his medication.
"What's the matter? Maybe you would prefer this?" He asked before pushing his fingers into her and pumping them roughly.She took it gently and put it in the register, "Well, I'm always glad to have a strong handsome gentlemen help me sometime.." She said before her whole face turned red and she looked away, "I am so sorry, that was completely inappropriate of me!"
Matsunaga was not a gentle lover, was not forgiving, and most certainly was not patient. Even when he blooded her, he bit her deep and hard, almost to the point where even moving her fingers hurt her shoulder. When he was done and satisfied, he told her where she could find her room, and promptly sent her away. She was shown to her room by a servant, who bowed and left all without saying a single word. She bathed and dressed her wound, which was tender and hot to the touch, already bruising deeply. She would endure it all, every bit of it, every single odd quirk or desire, all for the sake of her clan. What kind of disappointment would she be to her parents if she were to let the clan be snuffed out so easily? She dressed in her night clothes, only having a small amount of luggage with her until the rest of the things she would need to live with Matsunaga were delivered, entire body sore as she laid down.He was certainly an odd man, reserved yet intrusive, watching always, and hiding many secrets. It mattered not to her, as her stomach ached for blood, and soon if her husband allowed it she would be able to taste real blood once again.Yukimura s own pale face was flushed and he shook his head N No! I would love to help out when I can! He sputtered.
Motochika made his way to a little out of the way bar he went to sometimes, enjoying straight booze and just the noise. Nana's whining was grating on his ears.She blushed softly and nodded, "As long as I don't pull you away from anything important.."
Hey A voice pulled Motochika out of his foul mood and brought his attention to the person who had fallen instep with them as he made his way toward the bar. Two ta get sucked off and fifty to fuck, what dya say ? It was a young vampire, a low blood, but she wasn t too hard on the eyes. Had to be twenty, short and thin, with short, wild pink hair the same colored eyelashes, big gold eyes and plump lips. She was a bit lacking in the chest area, but had a nice enough ass to make up for it. I usually come here after I m done with my work, so not very likely.. He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
He glanced at her before looking ahead again, "Don't have any cash, sorry." He said blandly.She fidgeted, "I'll give you some water on the house for when you's very lonely here.."
I gotta cash app on my phone. C mon, you look frustrated, lemme help with that She didn t slow down or seemed deterred, pulling her cracked phone out of her pocket and waving it with a slight grin.Yukimura nodded. Thank you, I ll have to stop by again soon. He was leaving already? Well, that was a given, he was just a customer, she couldn t really expect him to stay all night.
"Not right now, sweetheart, some other time, ok?" He said, hands in his pockets."I won't keep you...! Thank you for the delivery, I will leave a note for Jirou san." She smiled, "Please come back soon."
She didn t seem to like the sweetheart comment, making a face, but shrugging her shoulders and turning. Suit yourself. She said, and was off to find an actual customer.Yukimura gave her a smile and a nod, leaving down the road in the same old pick up leaving Akihime alone is the overwhelming silence.
Motochika shrugged and headed into the bar to relax for a bit.When he was out of sight, she deflated against the counter and gave a whine. "He's so perfect!"
A few stiff drinks later and Motochika had nearly forgotten all about Nana s whining, breaking her was harder than he had initially thought, but he seemed to be able to temporarily tame her with heavy sedatives. The girl with the wild pink hair came to mind again, but with a girl off the streets could he really trust she wasn t riddled with diseases?
He stood and moved out of the bar after paying and went to go find the pink haired whore.
He didn t see her after immediately leaving the bar, but there were quite a few alleyways nearby, and the bars were busy, so she was bound to be picking up clients in the area still. It only took a few minutes of walking and looking down a handful of alleyways before he spotted two people concealed in the darkness, soft grunts traveling down the alleyway.The smaller of the two was bent over facing the wall as what he assumed was the client partook in what he had payed for, the woman s dress pulled up over her rear to expose it for her client.
"Hey." He called, "Wanna make some real money and have a roof over your head to earn it in?"
The man looked up at the voice, and upon recognizing who was talking, quickly removed himself from the woman and ran. Wh Hey! She watched him leave before letting out an irritated string of profanities, pulling up the underwear that hung around her knees before looking to Motochika. It better be a fuckin boatload, you scared off my customer. She muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. So? What s this about? You havin a party or somethin ? I ll let you film it, but I don t do snuff video s.
"No snuff," he told her, "I have better paying clients. People very much willing to give you more money in one sitting than you would see working out here for a week. You get food, clean clothes, and a roof over your head. You work for me and you keep 60 of what you earn."
She studied him, looking a bit skeptical. And what do you get out of this? Forty percent isn t very much to feed, house, and clothe a single prostitute, what part are you leaving out? Well at least she wasn t stupid, though the stupid ones didn t last long on the streets.
"Say I need a little snooping done, like I need dirt on some people. You get what I need and you live a little cushier plus sixty percent of your pay. You'll be able to live how you like." He said.
He could tell by the look on her face that she was interested no, money hungry was a better word her eyes nearly had dollar signs in them. Alright, I ll take your deal. She said with a grin. But you better hope you got your deep pocket pants on, just cuz I fuck for a livin don t mean I ll give you a discount for bein nice.
"I won't personally need your services. But if any of my men need you, charge them how you like and keep all of it." He told her.
Fine by me, when do I start? She asked, making sure her hair was smithed out and lipstick wasn't smudged as she moved down the alleyway toward Motochika.
"Right away, if you like." He said, sticking his hamds in his pockets.
Then let s go see what kinda digs ya got. She said, motioning for him to lead the way, hoping she didn t have to walk the entire way to where ever he lived.
"I have a car just down the street here.." He said and headed off. It was a nice car, kinda sporty but mainly for show.
She followed after him, whistling lowly at the car and checking it out like she was trying to gauge how much she could sell it for. Nice car. She commented as he unlocked it and together they both climbed in.
"Thanks, it gets me around." He said nonchalantly as he drove to his estate, "You get your own room, I don't think I said that?"
I felt it was implied. She said with a casual shrug. So whadd you do that makes it so you require snooping?
"I'm, uh..." He mulled it over, "in a rather interesting business practice that requires a lot of know how on some very prominent people. Distribution, if you will..."
She let out a laugh, finding it cute that he was trying to word what he actually did in a better light. Jeeze, and I thought you were scary! You can just say it, not like I m really in much of a better profession.
"Human trafficking for the sole purpose of consumption.." He told her, glancing at her expression.
She looked over at him and simply stared back with a blank expression. What, you re expecting me to be some kinda bleeding heart for humans? It ain t our fault they re all we can eat to live. They don t apologize to the food they eat, why should I?
He smirked and gave a shrug, "Good enough response for me, if I'm honest."
She gave a snort of laughter and a grin, then saw the house they were pulling up to and sat up in the seat. Are you kiddin me?! She looked over at him. Yer fuckin loaded!
"I do enjoy money, yes." He said, "Like I said, I have a lot of high paying clients."
They pulled up the long driveway after the gates opened, and once inside the house, she followed him down a few halls and down a set of stairs to what she only assumed would be some sort of dungeon and she had been tricked, but it wasn t. The doors opened, and a very generic looking clinic was inside, a bright sterile white room.
"Another one?" Nobu sounded unhappy, "One wasn't enough, you had to get two?""Shut up, she's got a different job." Motochika said, "This is Nobu, he's just gonna check you out, make sure you're healthy.."
Cheating on me already, how cruel She teased as she moved over to the bed in the room and sat down. And I can tell you now, I don t have any diseases.
"That's part of my job, but a clean bill of health is always good." Nobu said. Motochika waved his hand."I'll be back in a few." He said and left. Nobu glanced at Ren's ears and made a noise."Pureblood or do you have a Maker?" He asked.
The prostitute watched Nobu move around the infirmary, gold eyes watching him closely. Little bit of a personal question, don t ya think? She sounded a little less light hearted. Well, I wasn t made, but I don t know, probably a mutt. Never seen my parents, not that I remember at least. Nana was waiting for Motochika on his bed like she had been for a while now, healed up for the most part from her overdose, but still on the sedatives. It was mixed into her food, that and something that always made her throb between her legs. No matter how much she touched, how many times she came, she couldn t get the throbbing to go away for hours. It was a struggle for her when all she wanted was to sleep, too tired and confused from the sedatives, so she often gave in to try and remedy the issue herself. She clutched at the sheets with one hand, other hand down the front of her hospital gown pants as she rubbed and touched herself, almost desperately. Her breathing was coming out in hot puffs, toes curled, and eyes shut as she lay on her side, soft whimpers and moans coming from her.
"Just standard questions..." Nobu said, "How old are you?"The door opened and Motochika stopped, watching her quietly for a second."Need somethin?"
About eighty I think. She said, letting her eyes drop down to her lap, when was the last time they had been to a doctor at all?Nana opened her eyes, but didn t stop touching herself it was clear as day she was high as a kite, pupils dilated fully, and that same groggy expression on her face. It won t go away... She whimpered, her movements quickening a bit, becoming more desperate. No matter how many times I She bit her lip, curling up a bit. Touch me.. It almost sounded like a demand.
"Sex?" He asked before he caught himself, "Gender Sex."He smirked darkly and moved in, closing the door and moving to the bed, "Of course "
Male. They said simply, like they weren t wearing a black cocktail dress and heels.Nana didn t stop touching herself, soft moans and grunts escaping her as she rubbed her clit steadily, even as Motochika climbed into the bed with her.
Nobu looked and furrowed his brows, "Male?" He repeated.Motochika tugged off her hospital pants before pushing his fingers into her and pumping them slowly, "Don't stop." He ordered softly.
Ren looked back at him with a nod. Yup, like as in the ones with dicks. He said.Nana nodded, one leg held up by Motochika, and the other laying flat on the bed. Her breathing became rugged, and she was already rather wet, rubbing herself as Motochika had ordered. He could feel her thighs trembling in his hands, her heat clenching around his fingers as he pushed them into her. More... Touch me more.. She whispered, letting go of the sheets beneath her so she could grope herself through her shirt.
"I..." He stopped, "I know what male means. It's just..." He gestured to the dress and heels, "May I ask why?""I can't touch you any more than this unless you want me suckin on your tit." He told her.
Brings in more customers, people like it a lot more than I expected, so I stayed with it. He shrugged. Plus I ve found men find it easier to approach a working girl than a working man. Nana whined softly, but opted to grope her own breast instead, thrusting her hips in quick bursts as he pumped his fingers in and out of her. Her whole body tensed when she came, letting out a soft gasp and thrusting her hips a few more times roughly, slowing steadily until she relaxed back against the bed.
"I suppose that's fair." He answered and took a blood sample to analyze, "So we have a moment or two, you wanna split some hairs?""Feel better ?" He sounded teasing as he pulled his fingers from her.
How so? He asked, examining the bandaid Nobu had put on his arm.Nana nodded, but slowly crawled onto her hands and knees, crawling closer to Motochika and working at undoing his belt, rubbing and touching him through his pants. More.. Her womanhood was trembling again already. I want to touch you..
"Well, do you have any hobbies besides your profession?" He asked, "I like to make bentos for the servants.""Oh, well, I'm not gonna stop you " He smirked and moved to make room for her.
Money. And, well, fishin . I ve never tried it, but it looks fun, I like watchin the nighttime fishermen that go down to the beach with their nets n poles. He said.Nana unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, freeing his semi erect cock and taking it in her hands. She leaned forward putting her hips in the air as she licked and sucked on the head of his member, stroking the base to get him hard.
"I hear it's relaxing.." He said softly, "Oh, uh, can I know your name? If I don't, Motochika sama might just call you whore all the time and that's rude.."Motochika moaned lowly and watched her as he began to swell and throb, precum beading at the tip.
Ah, yeah, he didn t really ask for my name. He said, brushing some of his hair behind a pointed ear. It s Ren. Well if anything he certainly looked like a woman upon first glance, slender and delicate looking.Nana had improved greatly at using her mouth to please him, sloppy and unskilled when he had first gotten her to satisfy him, of course she was sober, so there was a chance she made it unenjoyable on purpose. Yes, surely this had to be the version he liked most of her.She kissed down the side of his shaft, licking and sucking as she moved back to the head to slowly lick up the cum dripping from his cock, bringing her eyes to look up at him as she did. She was a fast learner, at least remembering the things he had told her to do the times before that he had liked.
"I like it.." He said gently before perking when he heard the analyzer beep. He looked everything over with a nod, "Everything checks out!""What a good girl " He remarked with a smirk, "You remembered what to do "
I told ya I was clean. He said, crossing his arms over his chest.Nana let out a soft moan at the praise, licking up the cum before moving to take the head of his cock into her mouth, sucking and moving her head at a steady pace.
"It was also to check your general health. There are still diseases we can catch from humans.." He said, "He just likes to be thorough.."He made a low noise and sank back a bit, closing his eye and just enjoying her.
Alright, alright, I was just teasin anyway. Ren waved his hand dismissivelyShe pumped the shaft of his cock as she took more into her mouth, using her tongue to rub the underside of his cock. She pulled him out of her mouth to lick up and down the shaft again, then taking him back into her mouth as much as she could.
She would be at it for a while, her jaw begging for a break before he finally finished. He didn't force her to swallow this time, how kind of him.
She must have been satisfied from their activities, as when he finished, she slumped back down onto the bed. His seed dripped from her mouth, and she simply swallowed it, forced or not, it made him happy when she drank every bit of his cum, even licking it from her lips.
"You didn't have to do that this time around..." He told her, "Though I am proud that you did "
Jin has only been with Matsunaga for roughly a week, and already it was hell. He had started to show his true colors on their wedding night, and ever since then continued to do as he pleased. He would do humiliating things to her, make a display of her, mock and tease her, even getting rough with her. She was doing her best to endure all of it, trying to keep herself strong for the sake of her family and her clan, but it was starting to become difficult.
It was hard with all the physical abuse. He would come home and hit her as hard as he possibly could, making sure that the bruises and marks would remain hidden. He was a monster, a disgusting being that was only using her for her money and land.
He would only hit her in places that were easily covered by clothes, never striking her face. He would pick apart everything she did or wore, mundane things such as her hairstyle that day, or even how she required a knife to feed.
He was particularly cruel in terms of sex as well. Some times he would leave her tied to the bed with multiple toys tied or taped to her while he was at work so she could be easier to use when he came home.
It was on those days that the servants would hear Jin scream and cry in pain, sometimes lasting for hours on end.It was easy to tell when Matsunaga was in a foul mood, and even easier to tell when he was going to beat her, only ever calling Jin to his office when he wanted to do so.
It was becoming more and more than she could bear each day, he only seemed to get worse and worse.
It was only when she found out that he was starting to evict residents in her land so he would be able to build another museum for his dusty trinkets. She was furious, the humans that lived there were like her family, she had tended to their needs for many decades, and they were kind to her in return. She wouldn t stand this.She made her way toward his office, limping slightly from the deep bruise he had given her on her thigh and hip from a previous beating, not bothering to knock when she entered his office, nor bothering to close the door behind her. What is the meaning of this? She demanded, holding up a letter of eviction along with a hand written letter from one of the families asking why she would want them gone from their family home.
"And greetings to you, too, my wife..." He said, removing his glasses to look up at her, "What is the meaning of what?"
She moved over to his desk and practically slammed the papers down in front of him. You re removing the people under my protection from my land? Her words were practically hissed out.
He leaned over to glance at the papers and made a noise, "Ah, yes, I need the land for my things..."
What things? Things so important that you re turning families and elderly onto the street? She sounded angry and disgusted. I will not allow such a thing, husband, please reconsider the location of the project. It was hard keeping herself in a somewhat right state of mind, what kind of person would do this?
He looked up at her like she was a child throwing a fit, "No." He replied simply.
Her eyes widened slowly as she stared with her mouth open slightly. Where are they supposed to go? What are you going to do for them?
"Nothing. They'll figure it out, I'm sure." He said and went back to his book.
She stared at him in shock, her rage reaching a boiling point. I won t allow you to build on my land. She said quietly.
"Technically, it's my land." He told her, "I will use it how I wish."
He was a monster, a horrible creature wearing mans skin. He had violated her in ways she couldn t have even fathomed possible, mocked and demeaned her, beat her, and now her people would suffer? She wouldn t allow it. He had taken every bit of her, and now he would take everything the humans on her land had.She acted without thinking, something she would never have previously thought of doing before. Jin struck him hard across the face, knocking his glasses off, which bounced off the desk and landed on the floor.
He sat still for a moment, as if processing what she had just done, before he stood and pulled something from one of the drawers of his desk. It was a little bottle of what looked to be water, and he calmly uncapped it before pouring it slowly over her head. It started to burn right away, like he had dumped hot oil over her.
It soaked into the kimono she wore and ran down her arms and back, the feeling of her skin melting making her drop to her knees with a horrible scream. She pulled at her clothes, trying to get the dress soaked with what she could only assume to be holy water off her, only burning her hands as well in the process. Her hair too was soaked with the liquid, and it dripped down the side of her face and onto the front of her clothing, only making her writhe and scream louder at Matsunaga s feet. The pain was unbearable, her flesh immediately turning bright red and blistering terribly, even actually melting away in some spots as she desperately pulled her clothes off and away from her. She clutched her hands to her face once she had gotten her soaked clothes off, hunched over shaking as the vision of her left eye blurred and faded, the water still dripping from her body.
"Strike me again or go against me and I will do a lot worse than just pour holy water over you." He said.
She couldn t speak so was in so much pain, shaking more violently as her body started to feel numb. Her head and back felt like boiling oil had been dumped on them, and her thoughts were quickly becoming incoherent as she went into shock. It felt like her head was cooking, only letting out a grunt as she collapsed to the floor fully, losing consciousness.
He buzzed for his servants who came in and did their best to get Jin out and to the in home healer.
The pain would wake her not long after, the servants having washed the water from her body and dressed her wounds, but hadn t given her any pain medication. Matsunaga had most likely told them not to, and even though the holy water was gone from her body, she still felt it burning her flesh.Most of her head and half of her face had been wrapped, along with her neck, shoulders, back, upper arms, and hands.
"We're sorry, Jin dono..." One of them muttered apologetically, "We wish we could help more..."
She shook her head the best she could, having been laid down on her stomach so her back could rest. Thank you for treating my wounds... You may leave me to my rest.
They nodded and left her in peace, wishing there was more they could do.
JIn knew Matsunaga was punishing her for hitting him, letting her be in pain to remind her of the mistake she had made. She trembled with agony, clenching her jaw hard, which made her face hurt. Endure it. She had to endure it.
The pain was unbearable, but she would persevere. She had to for those living on her land.
Over the next few days, it would take great effort to even just move around, but she would have to travel much further than just around Matsunaga s estate. She took some time to travel, back to her home estate, needing to set things right with the village Matsunaga had forcefully evicted without compensation.
"Jin dono!" Everyone clamored around her when she appeared the night of her arrival, obviously scared and seeking answers.
She was still heavily bandaged, but at that moment the heartache she felt for her people hurt more than her burns. Please, everyone, calm yourselves..! She called, trying to bring the volume down a bit. I ve come here tonight asking for your forgiveness, as the loss of your homes is my fault. My husband had plans he did not inform me of, nor did he consult me on the matter. Even more so, I beg your forgiveness as I cannot stop the eviction, but please know that I did try. She felt tears burn at her eyes and she got down on her knees before them. I cannot save your homes. They will be torn down, and you will all be left without a roof over your head, but I will not let a single one of you go homeless..!
"No, Jin dono, please..!""You aren't at fault, Jin dono!""We could never blame you!" They all tried to get her back on her feet, she didn't need to grovel."We owe you so much already..!"
No, you losing your homes is something you never should have to experience. She shook her head and motioned for the servant behind her to come forward. I didn t want to let you suffer with the consequences my husband forced upon you, so I ve taken it upon myself to buy each and everyone of your houses. The servant moved forward, handing each resident a check, all with a rather hearty number on it. Please accept this gift, as it is the only one I can give to you..!
They all started to cry, dropping to their knees and bowing as low as they could as they all thanked her profoundly.
It wasn t enough, she still hadn t given them what they truly deserved, which was their homes back, but she had paid for each house in full and then some to help them with the costs of finding a new home. After she thanked each one, told them how dear they were to her, and how much they would be missed, she returned to her home. She sent the servants away for the rest of the evening, unable to stop the tears that flooded down her face, and only wanting to be alone.
There was no way she could truly make up for the loss Matsunaga caused her people but they were grateful enough for what she gave them.
Jin would spend days in her room, feeling an empty hole having opened in her chest, lacking the desire to do much else than to lay in her bed chambers by herself. She sent the servants on leave, wanting to have the estate entirely to herself as to hide her weeping. It almost felt like the loss of a child, that solid punch to the gut that kept her from moving all day and night.
Some scouts from the Date moved through the area to investigate the quality. The Date were expanding and they had their eyes on the land forever. When the scouts saw the manor, they moved inside to look around."Looks like they just upped sticks..."
It was strangely well kept for an abandon manor, no dust or broken things, doors were all well kept and fully furnished. Why would such a nice manor be abandon?
"Maybe they were forced out,couldn't take anything?""Maybe they were killed?""Shut up..." They kept looking around, maybe Masamune or his parents could make use of this stuff.
What are you doing in my home? A woman s voice came from behind the men, a disheveled figure standing behind them in the hallway. The figure was that of a woman s, in a white bed yukata and stained bandages that were partially removed to expose red and burned flesh.
They all jumped and looked, eyes wide before running off screaming.
Jin watched the men run from her house, not bothering to give chase, only closing the doors behind them that they had left open before returning to finish changing her bandages, her wounds aching at the air that touched them.
They returned to Kojurou, panicked and afraid, telling him of a ghost in an abandoned house. He scowled at them, finding the idea silly, but let them take the rest of the night off anyway. He headed to this haunted house, surely there was an explanation.
The house was like the men had described, old but perfectly manicured the roadways and paths around the estate were also clean and kept well, obviously well traveled. Surely this house wasn t abandon?
"Hello!" He called, "I come on behalf of the Date to apologize for rudely entering your home uninvited!"
There was silence for a moment before the front door slid open, a woman heavily bandaged but well dressed at the door. Date? What are you doing so far into my land? She asked.
Kojurou looked and his face flushed, "U Uh, um...well..." He looked away, "We assumed this land was available for purchase so we were scouting it. I I would ask you forgive my masters, they didn't know someone was living here."
One of the villages was sold for land developing yes, but the rest of this land is very much not for sale. Her expression softened. I m sorry, you ve come all this way for naught, but this land is not for sale.
"It's not your fault, if anything it's ours. Please forgive us for inconveniencing you...!" He said, blushing more.
She stepped out of the house, moving over to him, long golden hair pulled to her right side away from the bandages. I will not hold qualms against you for being on my land, but my husband is not as forgiving, you should leave before he becomes aware of your presence.
"Husband?" He looked disheartened by such news, "I see...we will leave as quickly as we can..."
Her felt a bandaged hand against his cheek, and Jin smiled sadly at him, the action causing her pain and discomfort. Thank you, it was kind for you to come in person, but this land isn t safe for humans any longer I m afraid.
His cheek tingled under her cool touch. Humans? Right, he had spent so much time as Masamune's servant that he forgot he wasn't a vampire either. "Of course, I will notify my masters when I return home."
Thank you. And then her touch was gone, hand back at her side. Her visible eye looked tired and full of anguish, not even looking up at Kojurou she looked completely alone.
"Um..." He blushed before pulling out a card and scribbling some numbers on it, "if you need anything, please call..." He said as he offered his number to her.
She blinked and looked at the card in surprise, then reached out to take it, holding it carefully in her bandaged hand. Thank you... I will. She said softly.
He bowed politely and saw himself out. His heart was pounding as he left, his face burning even brighter.
She was beautiful, even under all of the bandages, long golden hair and eye, with the tell tale pale skin of a vampire. How was she wounded so terribly if she was the lord of that land?
He frowned softly as he thought about it, the only way she could be harmed so extensively is if it was by some holy item. Who would do that?
It would trouble him for days, something that refused to leave his mind no matter how hard he tried. She didn t seem like one to start quarrels or disputes, the humans on the land seemed happy, so why had she been wounded so terribly?It was something that was becoming frustrating to think about, it interfering with his daily work, until one night he received a message on his cell phone from an unknown number. Katakura dono? I m sorry if this message reaches you at an inappropriate time would you be able to speak in person?
He nearly dropped his phone and Masamune looked over at him from his PS4, "You good, chief?""H Hai! Excuse me!" Kojurou said and left quickly to respond,"Yes, of course. Where would you like to meet?"
It seemed like ages before a reply, but was probably only a few minutes. If it is no trouble, my estate, I m afraid I m not the most presentable.
"I will be over there shortly." Kojurou blushed and peeked back into Masamune's room, "Ne...Masamune sama?""Haa?" Masamune didn't even look up."May I be excuse for the evening?""Yeah, sure, I ain't goin no where." Masamune replied. Kojurou bowed quickly and left in a hurry.
The drive through the countryside to her home was a peaceful one, and this time, when he approached the estate, he could see lights on, and a few people milling about doing chores outside.
He parked out of the way and made his way up to the house, ringing the bell before waiting patiently.
The door opened and an older woman bowed to him, silently inviting him in and motioning for him to follow. She took him down the long hallways and stopped before a door, bowing before opening it. Inside it looked like a traditional tea room, with cushions on the floor for two.
He moved in and looked around quietly, admiring the decor. He was always a fan of traditional things.
He heard the door behind him open again, and this time JIn entered, a soft smile on her lips, but her eye still quite sad. Thank you for coming on such short notice... I felt it would be rude to ignore your gift. She said, setting a tray of tea out did she mean his phone number? She was wearing a traditional kimono again, and even with her bandaged hands, she served tea for him.
"I It's no trouble, truly. I would be remiss to not offer you any help should you need it.." He couldn't help looking at every single bandage, angry with whoever did such an awful thing to her.
She set the tea cup before Kojurou and carefully slid it forward for him, glancing up to see him staring at her hands. She pulled them away, feeling shame. Forgive me, I ve been in much more presentable states, unfortunately today is not one of them. She apologized with a bow, her long golden hair swept over one shoulder in a loose tie to keep it neat.
"M..." He hesitated, "May I ask who did this to you...? Was it a hunter...?"
Her eye was still focused on his tea, staring at the steam rising from the cup, and for a moment, he thought he had overstepped. My husband. She said calmly, though quietly, like it pained her to say such words.Her husband had given her such grievous wounds? How? And for what? There could be nothing that would excuse him maiming her so terribly.
"I am so sorry..." He muttered, trying to keep his voice level. His fist clenched tightly and his brows furrowed. "No man has any right to treat a woman so poorly."
She watched his expression, found it odd compared to the one Matsunaga would ve given her. He had emotions in his eyes, more than just rage, and sick glee when she cried out in pain. She looked down at his tea again, clenching her own fists, making red bloom on her bandages. Please, there is no need to apologize for others actions. She said. It has already been done, and cannot be undone... But I do thank you for your concern. Her chest ached, and for the first moment since her marriage to Matsunaga, she felt something other than fear or uneasiness.
He forced his fist to open and he exhaled before he picked up his tea carefully."Thank you for allowing me into your home as a guest.."
She bowed her head in response, allowing him to enjoy his tea in peace. Why had she called him over? Why had she made such a rash and foolish mistake? Surely he wouldn t want to lay with a married woman, let alone a maimed married woman. It was purely on impulse, something she had probably made up in her own head but he was handsome, and she could tell he had been among vampires his fair share. Still, it was foolish, to expect him to fulfill her unmet desires, to satisfy her in the ways her husband couldn t.
"Are you alright?" He looked concerned, frowning softly as he set his tea down gently.
She heard him speak, but honestly didn t register his words right away. She had been so desperate for a gentle touch, it made her hot and bothered. She had suddenly moved, faster than Kojurou s eyes could register, only realizing that she was now leaned across the space between the two, the gap now closed and her hand on his cheek as she kissed him deeply.
His eyes widened and he tensed out of surprise before he flushed heavily and his heart started to pound. Why was she kissing him? What had he done? Was it his question? His expression softened and he kissed back slowly. It was probably because of her husband, he treated her so poorly.
She slowly crawled closer to him, carefully pushing the tea tray out of the way so she could crawl into his lap to kiss him, bringing her other hand to his cheek, caressing his face with bandaged hands. Jin made a faint noise when he kissed back, only further getting her worked up.
"I I won't hurt you, will I?" He asked softly against her lips.
She shook her head slightly, taking the moment to catch her breath. No.. She whispered back, letting her hands run down his jaw to his neck, then down to his shoulders as she kissed him again.
He kissed back and carefully held her close against him. Should they be doing this in here? She didn't seem to mind.
They did seem to have enough privacy, no servants around, nor did he hear anyone outside the room. She straddled his lap she as was a bit more comfortable, his smell intoxicating as she took the lead and gently pushed him down onto his back. Surely hers was still too wounded, so it was understandable that she didn t lay back on hers.Straddling his hips now, she broke the kiss momentarily, opening her eye. Is this alright with you..? She asked softly, not wanting to force herself upon him if he didn t want intimacy with her.
He nodded, blushing softly, "Y Yes, this is fine.."
Jin nodded before kissing him again, slowly and deeply, letting her hands touch him gently, fumbling with his belt.
His hands moved to untie her obi carefully and then the sash, fumbling a bit to get them off.
She helped him remove her obi and sash, letting them pile on the floor beside them as her kimono fell open to expose her. She managed to undo his belt and open his pants, tugging his shirt out from his pants then unbuttoning them, he saw them when she pulled away to help him out of his shirt. Deep large bruises across her chest and stomach, old and new they looked terrible, like she had been hit by a car, the bruises spread out over her breasts, down her stomach and to her hips. The extended further down her thighs and up her shoulders to her arms as well, the rest hidden by her clothes that hung off her.
He frowned heavily, "Jin dono..." He said softly and his fingers ghosted over the bruises.
She stopped, letting him touch the bruises on her body, a soft frown on her face. They only hurt when pressed on.. She said softly. They ll go away soon enough.. What kind of monster was her husband, leaving such extensive wounds on his wife like that?
"I'm sorry you're treated this way.." He said softly, "I'll try to help you forget.."
Her face flushed, and all she could do was nod, leaning down to kiss him gently his words touched her, made her feel like a person. She helped him out of his shirt, keeping her kimono on her shoulders, both for warmth and for extra protection for her burned back.
He helped her undress him, pushing his clothes aside so they were within reach. He laid naked under her but gently pet her sides to help keep her comfortable.
She kissed his jawline down to his collarbones, stroking his cock so she could put him inside of her. She enjoyed having no rope or gags or toys, enjoyed taking her time with someone who wasn t rushing her or impatient and humiliating her. She kissed his chest softly, moving back up so she could rub herself against his length to help him get hard, the feeling nice for her too. He could see it on her face, hear her breath hitch as she rubbed slowly against his length, her damp heat sensitive and throbbing. She gently took his hand, brought it away from her side and placed it against her cheek, leaning into his touch and holding her hand over his.
He blushed softly at the romantic gesture, trying not to ruin it with how quickly his cock swelled in her hand. He ran his thumb gently across her cheek bone, "Whenever you're ready.."
She nodded, adjusting herself so she was over him before slowly lowering herself onto his cock, letting out a weak moan as she did, moving her hips slowly to adjust to his size as he sank deeper into her. She sat nearly flush against him, giving her hips slow rocking motions now and again as he filled and stretched her, then slowly she brought her thrusts to a more steady pace. She placed one hand on the floor beside his head, rolling her hips in long deep motions as she moved herself over his length, the feeling of him inside her alone making her breath come out in soft puffs with each thrust. Is this ok..? She asked softly, wanting for him to find pleasure as well.
He was moaning softly, his hands over her hips to help guide her, "Y Yes, this is wonderful..." He breathed.
Jin nodded, keeping her steady pace as she kissed across his chest a few more times, then sat up so he pressed more into her as she rode him. Her breathing was becoming labored, and she kept one hand on his stomach to keep herself stable, slowly increasing her pace. He felt wonderful inside of her, made her weak in the knees, made her legs tremble and soft moans escape her.
He moved his hands to her thighs just so he could keep touching her, his moans low and throaty.
Jin was breathing heavily from both the effort of her movements, and the pleasure. Each time she rolled her hips back, he pressed into a spot inside of her that made her jolt and gasp, her stomach clenching and her heat trembling around his cock, only making her movements that much more desperate.
He moaned lowly and continued to pet her thighs, softly bucking his hips into her spot randomly.
She was soon leaned over him again, breathing heavily against his chest as she rolled and thrust herself against him, feeling her stomach clenching tighter and tighter. K Kojurou... Touch me more.. please..? She requested breathlessly, her legs cramping as she continued on.
He moved his hand between them and gently rubbed circles along her clit. Oh, he was much better than Matsunaga for sure. He wasn't harsh or rough with her at all.
Another wave of hot pleasure made her stomach clench as he rubbed her clit, slow and steady. She bit the back of her hand to stop herself from moaning loudly, her core trembling and tightening around his cock. Kojurou... I I..! She gasped again, her pace quick and deep, nearly on the edge of her orgasm.
"Go ahead, Jin dono.." He moaned softly, "I won't move any faster unless you want me to.."
She nodded, biting the back of her hand and arching her back slightly. I do..! She breathed out, nodding her head. D Do as you please..!
He worked her faster, his touches still gentle with only a faint roughness from the friction. She could feel him throbbing harder and harder inside her.
Jin moved forward to be over him once more, leaning down to kiss him as she reached her climax, her walls tightening and trembling around his cock.
He felt like fireworks were popping behind his eyes as he lifted her up under her thighs to move her so he wouldn't empty his seed inside her.
She let him lift her, leaning forward a bit more so he could pull out of her, feeling his warm seed paint her inner thigh as she rested her head against his shoulder, thighs still trembling.
He set her down gently over his abdomen before carefully holding her waist.
She took a moment to catch her breath, sitting up with a flushed face. I m sorry.. You re a mess now..
He looked and shook his head, "It's alright, I can clean everything when I return home.."
I can have a bath prepared for you if you d like, I couldn t just send you home dirty. She said softly, crawling off of him so he could sit up.
He did and nodded, "Thank you, I appreciate that very much.."
Jin nodded, redressing herself before leaving to go have a bath started for both Kojurou and herself, returning to inform him that his bath was ready, and to give him a clean yukata to wear to the baths.
He thanked her and headed off to wash, following the servant that guided him before he got into the bath.
Jin went to wash up in her own private bath, asking a servant to clear the tea room and return Kojurou s clothes to him so he d be able to be dressed in his own clothes going home.
When he cleaned up, he put back on his clothes and hung up the yukata out of politeness. He left the bathroom and moved into the foyer to wait for Jin.
Jin entered the foyer not long after Kojurou, hair damp and fresh bandages on her. Thank you for joining me here today, Kojurou, Forgive me if I was too brash.
"N No, no, not at all. I offered to help any way I could. I just did not expect it to be in that way." He smiled softly
Her face flushed and she averted her eye. I would still like to offer my apologies... As well as my bed again, if you do need it..
His whole fave went red and he cleared his throat gently, "O Of course, it would be an honor.."
Please, you don t have to be so formal with me, truly, I am not your master. She said gently.
"You're still my better, I've been raised to show all high bloods the respect they deserve.." He replied.
She moved a few steps closer so he was close enough to touch, reaching out with a bandaged hand and touching his cheek again. Please, I am no better than you simply because of my lineage, we re equals, Kojurou.. She said softly, smiling at him. But I can t force you to change... I only hope if I can be of service to you, you will call on me as well.
She felt his cheek heat up more and he nodded, "O Of course...thank you for your hospitality.."
Megohime was at the estate with Masamune when Kojurou arrived home, the two of them playing video games upstairs in his bedroom. She had been over about half a dozen times at the point, and every time she would always indulge Masamune s bad habit of going straight to his game room. She would sit with him for hours on end, wanting to play anything and everything, always marveling over all of his technology, and even having a great time playing with him as well. She was a quick learner, but if her parents found out she was playing video games all night, she would be in for a rough time.
"Masamune sama?" Kojurou peeked in and Masamune waved from his spot beside Megohime."Hey!" He greeted before looking over with a scowl, "You smell like sex." Kojurou's face lit up and he sputtered in embarrassment.
Megohime s face flushed too, and she looked to Masamune. Sex has a smell..? She whispered to him, glancing over at Kojurou. Surely he had bathed well enough, but with a vampires keen sense of smell, it was hard to hide.
"Yeah, it's kinda musky.." Masamune whispered back."I am an adult, I have needs!" Kojurou argued. Masamune smirked."Aw cute " He teased.
Megohime s face was flushed still. Does it only happen to humans? She asked quietly, almost as embarrassed as Kojurou.
"Nah we could totally make thr same smell if you wanted " He told her with a smirk.
Her face flushed hot, turning redder than Kojurou s, hiding her face in the pillow in an attempt to escape her embarrassment.
He laughed and Kojurou cleared his throat."Call if you need me.""Yeah, yeah " Masamune waved Kojurou off and he left. "You ok there, Mego ?"
Her muffled reply came from the pillow of an I m fine. Needing a moment to steady her heart before she could continue with her video games. She broke the silence after a few minutes, cheeks dusted pink. Does... Does sex always stink..?
"Depends on how sweaty you get " He replied, "Why ? Wanna find out ?"
She pressed her face up to her nose in the pillow, face hot again. She hesitated before finally answering. I just don t understand how stuff like that works.. She mumbled.
He waved his hand, "One day I'll show ya " He teased.
Megohime got even more flustered, and quickly mashed a few buttons on her controller, continuing the fight on screen, beating on Masamune s character.
"Wha hey!" He laughed and started fighting back quickly.
So you want me to go to this Date guys place, work him over and get some information? Ren was looking at the file Motochika had handed him, looking it over with bored eyes. Am I looking for anything in particular?
"Whatever you can find bank statements, expansion plans, cattle deals..." Motochika replied, "Whatever we can use to get money or favors out of them."
Sure thing, but is Date even into men? He doesn t seem like the kind to really like cock. Ren said, tossing the file on the table.
"You personally met Date Masamune?" He asked, hands on his hips, "How do you know what he seems like?"
Of course I haven t, but you don t think people talk? He s not exactly a shut in either. Doyouknow him? He asked.
"I know he's arrogant, a real blow hard. He talks a lot but I'm not always invited to their big parties." He said.
Well then there ya go, sounds straight as an arrow to me. Ren said, stretching his arms behind his back. Look, ya already got me the hair extensions, an the snipped ears, you said it yourself I m a convincin woman, let s just go with the woman guise for now.
"I thought that's what I was going to do." Motochika said with a raised eyebrow, "Yer the one who assumed I'd be dumping amanon Date."
Ren s face flushed and he looked away, crossing his arms over his chest. Y want the shit or not? He muttered.
He chuckled, "If you're ready now, we can go."
I just need to change, and a bit of information? He stood up. Know what kinda women he s into?
"Well, I'm sure an asshole like Masamune likes women with a little bite to them. Some sass or what have you." He said, "I'm sure you'll learn what he likes when you get there."
Fine, fine. He waved his hand and headed down the hall to his room to change and get himself ready. When he came out, he was wearing a tight, mid thigh length red velvet dress, with a low cut back and a deep V thin straps kept the top of the dress up, and the straps crossed over his back in an intricate pattern. He had done light makeup on his face, pulled his now long hair into a ponytail with bangs hanging down to frame his slender face, and wore a black choker, with red heels to match his dress. Ready? He asked, applying a coat of chapstick to his plump lips.
"Ladies first." He smirked, gesturing him to lead the way.
Ren swept his long hair over his shoulder, walking passed Motochika and out toward the car. Just try not to stare at my ass too much.
"Believe me, I have no reason to." Motochika replied as he followed Ren to the car.
Are you talking about that human woman you have locked in your room? Ren asked as he got into the car.
"Maybe." He answered as he got in and started off toward the Date estate.
Oh come on! You can t just be vague and shit! Everyone knows you have some girlie up there, we can all smell her, so fess up! You love her or something ? Ren asked with a grin.
"Nah, she's just some good tail. Bites back." He replied, "I like when they bite back."
Hm. He put his chin in palm, studying Motochika as he drove. I dunno, you seem to be pretty infatuated.
He scoffed, "Not even remotely." He said, "What gave you such a God awful idea?"
Mm, your men, mostly. They talk a lot, men tend to talk when they re happy. He said, giving a lazy shrug. They think you re smitten.
"They're idiots." He scoffed, "She's just here for tail."
Ren smirked a bit. You keep tellin yourself that, big guy. He said, patting Motochika s bulky shoulder.
He glared lightly, "You like your current employment status?"
I do very much As do your men and your clients He said with a wink. But don t worry none, I m not spreadin shit, haven t even seen what the woman looks like
"You might never see what she looks like,to be honest.." He said, "Last time she tried to make a break for it, nearly killed her.."
What, did she have a gun or somethin ? He asked, looking over at Motochika.
"Nah, she just made me really angry..." He answered, "I think she tried attacking me though, but I can't remember."
You do realize you re probably like, a hundred times faster an stronger than her, right? He said, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes, I'm aware. I wasn't born yesterday." He replied, "Almost severed her spine."
Ren groaned and slumped down in his seat. You probably coulda just tripped her ya know. He muttered.
"Yeah, I could have." He muttered, "Wasn't really at the forefront of my mind.."
He huffed softly. Well, I suppose she is replaceable if you aren t all that attached to her. He said.
"Yeah, if I wanted I'm sure I can find someone exactly like her." He replied, "Shouldn't be too hard to find a bitch with some claws."
That is if you get out of the house and actually put effort into it, you can t just wait around for her to fall into your lap. Ren pointed out.
He shrugged, "I get enough girls coming in for cattle, I'm sure any one of them would do anything to get out of being food." He said.
Ren only gave another shrug, having no arguments left, and seeing a fair point in Motochika s argument.
When they reached the Date manor and were buzzed through the gate, Motochika parked the car and brought Ren up to the door. Kojurou was the one to answer."Can I help you, Chosokabe sama?""Yeah, just got a little gift here for Masamune. Since his soon to be ain't really his wife yet." Motochika said. Kojurou scowled lightly before moving to let Ren in."I will inform Masamune sama."
Ren smiled softly and bowed her head to Kojurou before entering, following Kojurou inside, only glancing back at Motochika once.
He gave a half assed salute before leaving. Kojurou took Ren to Masamune's door, where loud music was blaring through."Masamune sama, Chosokabe sama brought you some company." He called. Themusic turned down and the door opened before Masamune's eye dropped to Ren.
Ren smiled at Masamune, bowing to him politely. Motochika sama has extended my services to you at no cost, as a congratulations on finding a wife. She said softly, looking up at Masamune. How may I be of service to you for the evening ? She purred out, sweeping some of her hair over her shoulder and tilting her head a bit.
He blinked before letting her into his room, "What kind of services?" He asked.
Anything you could ask for She moved in and sat on his unmade bed, crossing her legs, the skirt of of dress riding up a bit more to expose her thighs. Leaning back a little on her hands, she watched Masamune. I m sure it gets rather lonely up here, alone all day
"Yeah, sometimes..." He said as he moved closer, "Sometimes I like it alone, though. What about you, is it lonely in that big house with Motochika?"
She sat forward and put her hand in her chin, pouting. Motochika sama hardly even notices that I m there. She said. Hardly brings me much company either. A little lie wouldn t hurt.
"How rude of him to treat such a cute guest so poorly." He said, "A trait you will not find in me."
Ren smirked softly and reached out to gently touch Masamune s hip, hooking the belt loop and pulling him closer. You ll fulfill that promise for me ?
He smirked slightly, "I would do it rather happily, in fact "
Ren pushed Masamune back a bit, kneeling in front of him and working on unbuttoning the jeans he had on. She leaned forward and kissed his hipbone as she stroked his member, kissing across the flesh beneath his navel.
He relaxed and moaned lowly. He was really pent up Megohime was cute but she wasn't ready for anything like this. He was glad to finally relieve himself.
Ren trailed her kisses down to the base of his cock, sucking on the base of his shaft as she worked the head, feeling him swell in her hand. Even he had to admit that Masamune was rather attractive, but he was also sure he wasn t all that much into men, leaving him fretting over what would happen when he found out but only a little.
Masamune moaned lowly and gently brushed back her hair as he watched her, his neck and chest flushing gently.
She glanced up briefly, not stopping her work, moving to suck and lick up his shaft before taking the head of his cock into her mouth. She fondled and stroked him as she rubbed her tongue against the underside of the head, making soft noises as she worked.
He moaned lowly and pulled his hand back so he wouldn't pull at her hair. He gripped the bed sheet tight and just watched her, his breathing labored.
It s ok to touch me.. She mumbled out, removing him from her mouth briefly before taking him back into her mouth, sucking and bobbing her head steadily.
"I just don't wanna yank your hair.." He rasped, "Not much else I can grab.."
She pulled him from her mouth again, lipstick smeared. Pull my hair then. It was almost like an order, running her tongue up his cock slowly to tease him.
He shuddered and grabbed a clump of her hair, giving a firm tug as he moaned lowly.
Masamune felt a hand rest on his hip, Ren making a faint noise and pushing Masamune s cock further into his mouth. She had been a prostitute for years, and taking a good bit into her mouth and throat was no issue at this point. Ren had even had his own intimate bits changed for his espionage, having Nobu change his male genitalia into female genitalia. They planned to have him stay for at least a week, and though the surgery would take a while to recover from, it wasn t permanent, and his currently female genitals would return to that of male anatomy.
"J Jesus, you're really good at this..." He huffed, his cock throbbing more and more. He was getting close.
Motochika had said he was sending his best girl, but Masamune was just assuming he had been fucking with him, but she seemed to know exactly what she was doing, even letting him pull her hair. She almost seemed to enjoy him pulling her hair, moaning softly against his cock when he did, fondling him gently to help him along.
He hissed and cursed softly before he suddenly shot his load into her mouth, firmly tugging her hair again.
Ren groaned weakly, the feeling of his seed filling her mouth and dripping down the back of her throat one she still found unpleasant, but regardless, she waited for him to finish completely before swallowing his seed and pulling him from her mouth.
"S Sorry, sorry, I should have warned you.." He gasped softly, letting go of her hair, "I didn't mean to just bust like that.."
She licked her lips and smirked a bit, hair tussled from him tugging on it. I m here to take care of you, Masamune sama Think nothing of me
"Ah, it's still polite to give fair warning.." He said, "What about you, do you...wanna keep going?"
Ren got up on the bed, leaning back a bit and spreading her legs for him, taking his hand and pulling him onto the bed on top of her. Only if you re ready.. ? She teased.
He smirked, "More than ready " He replied, positioning his cock at her entrance.
He could feel that her folds were already wet, and that she wasn t in fact wearing any underwear under the short little dress. Ren would do as Masamune pleased, letting him take her, riding him a few times, and even sucking him off once more.Motochika was rather enjoying Nana, especially in the state she was in on the drugs he continually fed her, but he had to admit that he was neglecting her a bit. He always had his men take her out and hose her down to clean her up daily, but her long hair was now terribly matted and tangled, the ends of her hair slowly forming one large mat from lack of brushing. That and the green scrubs she wore was becoming an eyesore and bothersome to deal with when it came time to fuck, she needed some tlc desperately.
"Alright, Nana, come here.." Motochika said as he came in with a grooming set, grabbing a chair and patting it, "Your hair is a mess, we're going to fix it."
That day, he had requested Nobu only dose her with the sedatives, so he could properly groom her without her trying to suck him off or start touching herself. She obeyed, crawling out of bed and moving over to the chair where she plopped down in it, too spaced out to speak much at all really.He would need to brush for a long while that or simply remove the entire dread with the scissors.
And that was exactlt his plan. He took the scissors out of the grooming box and just cut out the glob of rats and tangles in her hair, fixing any uneven parts so it didn't look sloppy or like she tried doing it in her stupor. It was way shorter now, but it gave her a kind of charm. She had great cheekbones for short hair.
With her hair newly cut, it fell just beneath her chin, showing off her delicate shoulders and slender neck. It wasn t a professional cut, but it was definitely much better than the rats nest that was her longer hair, plus, now he could see more of her face.
He looked her over to make sure it was even and made a noise, "You're a lot cuter with short hair.."
Her eyes still had the same dead look from the drugs in her system, but regardless, she filled her role well enough. It had been weeks since she had tried fighting back in anyway, but being on heavy sedatives constantly would do that to a person her smell however had changed. It was only very slightly, but it was different, and there was no mistaking what the smell was. She was pregnant.
He made a face, "Shit." He muttered and grabbed her arm before pulling her out and down to Nobu's clinic.
She stumbled after him, doing her best to keep up, muttering her protests of him moving too fast.
He took her down to the clinic and set her on the bed, "I need an abortion.""Whoa, whoa, whoa, what?" Nobu looked to him with a soft scowl. Motochika made a face."What, she's pregnant? I don't want that shit." He said.
Nana sat on the bed where she was put, not moving much other than to look around, then to Nobu and Motochika as they spoke together.
"Are you sure...?""I'm pretty sure I don't want a kid." Motochika said flatly. Nobu rose his hands and moved to get what he needed ready.
Their voices were garbled to her, slow and unintelligible what were they talking about? Why was she here?
Nobu laid her down and tied her to the bed before he started to flush out the sedatives with saline. "We'll be here a while." He said. Motochika made a noise and turned to leave."Call me when she's ready."
It would take a few hours for Nana to be mostly cleared of her sedatives, and when she was mostly sober and coherent, she was angry. Her eyes were wild, crazed almost, and over everything else, she was angry. She tried to bite Nobu several times, and only screamed and thrashed when he touched her, yelling countless expletives at him.
"E Easy, easy! Look, you're with child, it isn't good for your health that we keep it, we have to terminate!" He argued.
She only spat at him, baring her teeth and struggling harder. You think I give a shit about my health right now at this moment? She snarled through her teeth, her hatred burning in her wild eyes. You re torturing and raping me!
"You're pointing the finger at the wrong person!" Nobu said firmly, trying to move closer so he can knock her out.
You re helping him! You re helping him fuck me! She was almost frothing at the mouth, screaming so loud it hurt her throat. You drug me up day after day and are complacent! You continue to fix me up time and time again when he breaks me, and you make sure I m healthy for him when he wants to fuck me, how am I at all pointing the finger wrongly!? She was right, he fixed what Motochika broke, and when she got sick or was hurt when Motochika got too rough from excitement, he would patch her up. He regulated her sedatives, did her checkups, and made sure she had appropriate nutrients he was ensuring she would be healthy enough for her to endure her never ending torture.
"It's my job," He told her, "I can't just sit here and say, "Oh, sorry, Motochika sama, maybe I should just let your human die this time!" That would just end my life right there next to yours. Then what? What do you think happens then? He gets a new doctor who won't go against his word and he'll get a new human to torture. If you ask me, I think we're both in the safest positions."
Then trade with me. If my position is so safe and favorable, why don t you take it? Her eyes were like a feral beast, scared and hurt, distrusting of all of those around. Trade with me, you fucking monster.
"Why don't you just fucking kill yourself then? Stop pissing Motochika off so much then you won't have to see me as often. I hear splitting your wrists in a warm bath is the best way of doing it." He hissed before pumping her full of anesthetics.
She tried to fight him away from dosing her, still baring her teeth and glaring hatred. Give me the fucking knife then. She managed out before she fell unconscious from the drugs.
He sighed heavily and combed his hair back before he went to work removing the halfling growing inside her.
Nana woke from the pain deep in her stomach, which wasn t excruciating, but it hurt nonetheless. She didn t know how to feel about the loss of the child that had been forced upon her, she didn t know how to process it, or even where to start.Did she feel sadness that she lost her first child?Was it even really hers?Did she love it?She hadn t even been aware she was pregnant until that day.
When Nobu finished, he gave her a little more painkillers before letting her rest.
She only laid still in silence, staring up at the ceiling as she drown in her thoughts, a numb feeling weighing on her chest.
Nobu called for Motochika, telling him it was done and that he could take her in a few hours. But Motochika wasn't a very patient man. He came to pick her up immediately."Motochika sama, really, she's too weak to be moved." Nobu argued. Motochika huffed."She can't just recover in my room?""No, I want to keep an eye on her."
...You fucking disgusting piece of shit.. Nana s quiet voice came from where she was strapped down to the bed. You fucking piece of shit!! She was shaking she was so angry, kicking and thrashing anew, even through the stupor of the pain killers. I ll fucking kill you! I ll fucking gut you!! You re a vile, disgusting asshole!! She snarled.
"Ah, there's that spunk." Motochika remarked with a smirk. Nobu tried sedating her to get her to calm down.
She screamed at Motochika the entire time until the sedative took affect and put her back to sleep, but she fought it the entire time until she was completely out.
"Fine, fine. Keep an eye on her. She's too rowdy, I might almost kill her again." He told Nobu. The doc sighed heavily."I'll make sure she's back to how you wanted her.."
Akihime sama, both your father and your brother are demanding you home, they don t want excuses any longer, and I cannot leverage you anymore time than I already have. Ama ya frowned as she watched Akihime stock shelves.
Akihime frowned and stopped for a moment, "You're you think I would have enough time to say goodbye...?"
I don t know, all I know is your father is growing impatient. She said, soft frown still on her face why did Akihime take it upon herself to do such trivial human work? Why was she lowering herself like this?
"I'll go back with you, I promise, I just want to say goodbye." She said and quickly hurried out of the convenience store.
Amaya opened her mouth to speak, but Akihime was already gone and out the door, leaving Amaya alone in the small, now unmanned convenience store.
Akihime ran down the road as fast as she could, wanting to get to the fields to say goodbye to Yukimura.
Surely he would be there like he always was, using the hoe as a spear, practicing for fights he would never have to fight. Only that night the fields were empty, not a soul in sight.
Her breathing was heavy and her eyes grew sad, "Yukimura...?" She wheezed, looking around with almost heartbroken eyes.
Had something happened that night? Had he finished early? It wasn t that late, so where had he gone? The faint scent of blood caught her attention, an all too familiar scent that brought her attention across the fields to the barns.
She hurried over as fast as she could, heart pounding as she moved to the barn, "Yukimura!"
All the barns were dark, most being relatively small, and some containing some livestock. She narrowed down the barns the scent was heaviest in, leading her to the farthest barn, yet it was empty. That couldn t be right, the smell was all over the barn, smelling heavily of Yukimura.
"Yukimura...?" She called, "Can you hear me? Where are you?" She was so worried, what if a vampire had gotten to him? Oh no, she never got to tell him how she felt. He was dying or already dead and she never got to say she loved him.
She had to strain her ears to listen for any noises that would indicate where he was, then she stepped on something metal. Beneath the hay in the barn was what looked like a metal hatch, secured with a heavy padlock.
"Yukimura!" What were they doing to him? Why was he locked up under the floorboards? She tugged hard at the padlock, willing the metal to weaken, "Yukimura, can you hear me?! Please say something!"
She could feel the metal of the padlock start to pull apart, and beneath the hatch, chains rattle, and an anguished groan. Was he hurt? Why wasn t he responding to her?
Panic made her blood run colder than she remembered it being, falling on her ass when the padlock finally pulled apart and gave. She scrambled to push the trap door open and peek down into the darkness, "Yukimura!"
Inside was dimly lit with four batter powered lanterns in each corner of the small room, in the center Yukimura was heavily chained in place, a thick bamboo rod placed between his teeth and fastened into his mouth. Blood dripped from his teeth, biting down so hard the bamboo was cracked. Heavy boat chains were wrapped around his chest and secured to the ground, shackles around his wrists and ankles, connected to the walls and floor at several points. Blood dripped from his eyes, which were horribly blood shot, and wide open, letting out another muffled growl when the door opened.
Her eyes widened slowly and she braved to move down into the makeshift prison, "O Of could I not see it sooner...? The medicine should have been my first clue..." She muttered numbly.
His fangs were dug deeply into the wood of the bamboo gag, biting down so hard his gums bled. He stared at Akihime with wide eyes full of delirium, bloodshot to the point the entirety of his sclera were deep red hungry eyes. All of the chains that held him were steel, even the cuffs of the shackles were made of thick steel, but the chains keeping him to the ground were made of silver, pure by the looks of it.
She stopped a little bit before him and smiled sadly, "You're a vampire, aren't you, Yukimura...?"
He only stared back at her with those hunger crazed eyes, pulling hard on the chains and letting out a muffled scream, saliva dripping from his mouth and down his chin.
"You need to feed, don't you? You've probably been starved for so long, you're going crazy..." She said, "My blood won't be very good for you...but I want to help.." She said gently and moved closer to try and remove the bamboo.
He lunged for her as far as he could, but didn t get much closer, choking and growling, desperate to get closer to Akihime the only source of blood in sight.
She flinched a little and tried to reach the ties for the gag."Hey, hey! You don't want to do that!" A voice called and someone quickly grabbed the back of Akihime's shirt and yanked her back,
Yukimura only struggled more, lunging again and again, screaming and growling behind the gag, rage in his eyes as Akihime was dragged back up the stairs and out of the small concrete room.
"Why are you people torturing him?! I demand his release!" She hissed. Sasuke made a noise."Can't do that. He's all that's left." He replied. Akihime looked confused and taken aback."All that's left...?"
Akihime sama. Neither of the two heard her approach, but she stood in the doorway with a frown, showing Amaya had considered Akihime s time to say goodbye spent.
"A Ama..." Akihime looked desperate, "I I can't leave, Yukimura, he...he's one of us! They're keeping him here and starving him, he's crazed!""That's not what we're doing.." Sasuke said, "It's for his own good."
It s none of our business. You ve mettled too much with the humans, it s time to return home. She said firmly.
"But I can't leave!" She argued, "Please, just a few more days, that's all I ask!"
Amaya pressed her lips together to form a thin line, silent for a good couple seconds before she spoke. I ll see what I can do, but don t be surprised if your father ends up showing up here himself.
Akihime moved and hugged her tight, "Thank you so much! I promise I will make this up to you!"
Amaya frowned and let Akihime hug her, standing awkwardly in the barn doorway. I hope these few more days will benefit you. She said, her tone defeated.
"I will take whatever punishment father has planned, I swear! I won't forget how kind you are, Ama!" She said. Sasuke sighed and rested his hands behind his head." vampires are so strange.."
Says the human keeping a vampire for a pet. Amaya said, turning her cold gaze onto him. It isn t any of my concern, but why?
"It would take too long to explain." Sasuke said, "But really, he's much safer here."
Amaya studied him briefly, then turned to leave. I ll return home and inform your father, do spend your time wisely. She said to Akihime, then started off for where she had parked the car.
"I promise to make this up to you!" She called after Amaya.
Amaya only stopped once to bow to Akihime before continuing off, the only noises that could be heard being the muffled screams from Yukimura in the cellar beneath them.
"Come on, let's get you home. I have to go find a new vampire proof lock." Sasuke said as he walked off. Akihime moved to follow but looked back at the trap door before going back to try and help Yukimura.
Yukimura picked his head up when Akihime came back down, his desperately hungry eyes watching her every move.
"Daijoubu..." She whispered and moved closer, reaching to carefully untie the bamboo gag, "I'm not very tasty but please take what you can from me.."
As soon as the gag was out of his mouth, he lurched forward and bit down hard on her shoulder, and though his teeth weren t long, they punctured her flesh well enough. He sucked greedily on her shoulder, even through the fabric of her shirt, unable to use his hands to move it away.
She gasped sharply and whined, tugging away the fabric for him, "D Daijoubu...l let me help...""What are you doing?!" Sasuke yelled, having come back when he realized she wasn't following.
Yukimura s hands were still restrained with the chains, so Akihime would be able to get away from him with relative ease, but he didn t stop feeding even when Sasuke came in.
"I just want to help..." She said gently, "He's suffering...""We keep him stunted for a reason...!" Sasuke argued. Akihime glared."Then tell me what it is!""I can't...!"
Yukimura suckled at the wound like a greedy babe to his mothers teat, and even though it tasted bitter and foul to him, he couldn t get enough. His body found some relief with the liquid filling his stomach, if only slightly, and he was going to drain every drop she had.
She felt dizzy and forced herself to move away, looking when the wound didn't immediately heal."Oh Jesus.." Sasuke grabbed a rag and held it to her bite mark, "Let's go." He said and dragged her out.
Yukimura didn t seem happy that his meal was leaving, struggling and growling as blood dripped down his face.
"G Gomen, Yukimura!" Akihime called as Sasuke dragged her away."Girls are so weird..." Sasuke muttered bitterly.
Amaya had the entire drive back to the estate to think of just how badly returning without Akihime would go, and by the time she got there, her nerves were beyond frazzled. Please forgive me, Yoshitsugu sama, but Akihime sama was insistent on staying a few days longer.
Yoshitsugu's eyes were unamused. "Mitsunari." He said blandly and the teen immediately fell on Amaya, wrapping his hands tight around her throat."You know better than to fail me, Amaya." Yoshitsugu said.
Amaya felt the icy grip of fear digging its claws into her spine, and she instinctively tried to draw in a breath. Forgive... me..! She pleaded, eyes glued to Yoshitsugu with a look of fear.
Mitsunari released her and smacked her to the ground, kicking her and stepping on her repeatedly."Well, I do so hope Akihime is aware that she will share in your punishment." Yoshitsugu said.
Amaya was kicked around like a rag doll, dirtying her suit, and filling the room with her cries of pain. When she heard Yoshitsugu s words, she didn t her best to get onto her hands and knees in front of him while Mitsunari kicked her in the ribs. Please allow for me to take her punishment as well!!
"I'm afraid I cannot allow that. She'll never learn if she doesn't also receive punishment." He told her, leaning against his cane.
Please! Allow her mercy, I will take her punishment and she will return home! She stayed at his feet refusing to budge.
"She will face her punishment. Your loyalty is admirable but she must learn." He stated.
She didn t budge still. Allow her to witness me taking her punishment in her place! I believe it will have much more affect than her taking a physical punishment!
"Why do you persist in this matter? My word is law, Amaya." He stated firmly.
I I do not know, but please, allow me my request, I beg of you! She kept her forehead pressed to the floor, shaking slightly.
Yoshitsugu scowled lightly before tapping the end of his cane against the ground. "Very well. She will have these final days and then you will show us where she has been hiding. Do not abuse this rare act of kindness."
Amaya nodded her head. Thank you, Yoshitsugu sama, I will not forget your kindness.
He waved her off, not wanting to look at her further.Akihime braved to leave the store the next night to see if Yukimura was still in his frenzy. She hung up the "Will Return Soon!" sign and rushed off to the fields, her chest aching with worry.
Yukimura was in fact still inside the small chamber beneath the barn, only now he was no longer in chains. He had a small cot down there, his urges having waned greatly since he fed from Akihime.
The door opened after several moments of his ears ringing, "Yukimura...?" She asked softly.
Yukimura was jerked from being spaced out, standing quickly and moving back to the far end of the room. A Akihime!? No! Stay back, it isn t safe!
She smiled softly and rose her hands, "Daijoubu...I wanted to see if you needed more help..."
His memories of the night before were hazy, and he had a terrible nightmare, he had drunk Akihime s blood. N No I m alright... Thank you.. Did Sasuke send you?
She shook her head, "No, I came of my own free will." She said gently, "I was worried about you.."
Yukimura felt a sweat break out, starting on his neck. I m fine.. He felt his teeth start to ache again. I It s not safe for you to be here, I m ill..
She shook her head, "I know what you are, Yukimura..." She said gently before pulling her collar down gently to show the bruised bite mark on her shoulder.
Yukimura felt like he was going to be sick, quickly looking away as the conflicting desire for him to feed again became overwhelming again. So it hadn t been a dream? He had bit Akihime and drank her blood. I m sorry, it s my illness... It drives me to commit perverse acts, forgive me.
She laughed softly and shook her head, "Yukimura, you aren't were never sick..."
What do you mean? How do you know? We ve only just met! He was a bit upset, but how could he not be? He hurt the nice girl at the corner store, his embarrassing illness had been exposed to someone other than Sasuke and the old couple who raised him.
She blushed and showed him her own stunted fangs, embarrassed to come out to him this way.
He stared at her fangs for a moment before slumping down onto the bed, sitting in disbelief. I don t understand..
"I'm sorry..." She blushed, "I won't tell anyone, I promise...I just wanted to help you.."
But I hurt you. He said quietly. How does that help me? How is it worth the outcome if I have to hurt others?
She felt bad, guilty even for having to live similarly, "It's better than being caged like an animal..."
But I hurt people..! He looked at her again and her heart hurt instantly his face was twisted with despair, sadness, and fear. She knew it well, her father made her feel that every day she was with him.
"Hai...I know, it's awful,'s just how things are..." She said, "I'm sorry, I didn't have the right to tell you..."
He looked back to the floor, putting his head in his hands. What does this mean? What do I do now?
"Just keep doing what you're doing...I love you no matter what..." She said before her face turned dark red, "O Oh...oh no.."
Yukimura looked up, his own face flushed red. Y You what..? His embarrassment was overwhelmingly clear, completely thrown off track of his previous thoughts.
"A Ah, it's nothing! S Slip of the tongue!" She sputtered, just as embarrassed if not more so. She couldn't believe she just accidentally confessed to him.
Akihime s three days were up, and as Amaya had promised, she personally took Yoshitsugu and Mitsunari to where Akihime was, silent the entire time she chauffeured them to the small village.
Akihime had no idea Yoshitsugu and Mitsunari were coming to take her home, just dreading the sight of Amaya so she would have to leave Yukimura and this cute little town for who knew how long.
Amaya s face was bruised and she had a freshly split lip, but was otherwise unharmed, parking the car outside the shop Akihime worked at, feeling her own dread increase. How was she supposed to explain that Akihime was pretending to be human?
Akihime saw the car and prepared her speech to apologize up and down to Amaya but froze when she saw the bruises on her friend's face as well as her father and adopted brother come out of the car, "O Oh God..."
Amaya held the car door open as Yoshitsugu and Mitsunari climbed out, closing it behind them and following them toward the connivence store, keeping her head down and her mouth shut.
Akihime rushed out, looking panicked, "F Father! Mitsunari...! Wh What a pleasant surprise!""You're late." Yoshitsugu stated firmly. Akihime turned paler."H Hai...forgive me.."
Amaya said nothing, didn t try to argue or interject on behalf of Akihime, she didn t even look at her.
"Let's go, Akihime." Yoshitsugu said. Akihime bit her lip."U Um...I can't leave yet...""Why not?" Mitsunari huffed. Akihime lowered her gaze."I need to fulfill an order first..."
Akihime could almost feel her fathers displeasure, and her adopted brothers rage, but her attention was quickly brought away from them when she heard the familiar rumble of a truck coming down the road. Yukimura was coming right on schedule.
She hurried behind the counter to get the medicine ready for him when he walked in. How was she going to explain this to him? That she wouldn't be allowed to come back?
Yukimura had to pass the three odd looking folks standing just outside the shop, carrying a few sacks of dried corn under his arms.
"Hello, Yukimura..." Akihime smiled sadly, "Ready for pick up?"
Yukimura had to pull his eyes from the three, finding them a bit strange looking. Ah, yes! I ve brought the delivery as well. He said.
"Arigatou...I'll let the old man know.." She said. Yoshitsugu watched Yukimura, something about him familiar but he couldn't place how."What is your name, boy?" He asked. Akihime felt her body tense, eyes widening slowly.
Yukimura perked and turned to look at Yoshitsugu, the young mans smell something so familiar. Yukimura, desu. He said with a bow of the head.
"Family name?" He asked. Akihime moved and tried to deter the conversation."I'm ready to go home now, father.." She said nervously.
Yukimura looked a little embarrassed. I was an orphan... so the couple that raised me gave me their own.
Yoshitsugu moved and pulled Yukimura's upper lip up to look at his fangs."Father!" Akihime pushed his hand away, "What are you doing?!""An orphaned vampire, hm? Much like Mitsunari here." Yoshitsugu said. Mitsunari narrowed his eyes slightly before looking away.
Yukimura s face flushed and he quickly stumbled back, covering his mouth to try and hide his shame. It... it isn t like that..
"Why don't you come back with us? We can help you, you know. Better than whatever these people are hoping to do." He stated. Akihime scowled."He's happy here, you can't just take him from his home."
I... I can t just leave my family.. He gave a nervous smile. A And beside, my family helps me with my condition.. He said, fiddling with his medication.
"I could help you control your black outs." Yoshitsugu said."Father!" Akihime rose ger voice at him.
Yukimura wavered, letting his gaze drop to the floor. My family... Helps with my black outs..
"Do they really ?""That's enough!" Akihime yelled.
Yukimura said nothing, staring down at the floor as he gripped his medicine so tightly his knuckles were white.
"Yukimura, you don't have to listen to him. He doesn't dictate your life!" She told him
I wouldn t hurt anyone again... He muttered, not able to bring his gaze up. I hurt you..
She looked even paler now, "Yukimura...""We will allow you to say your goodbyes." Yoshitsugu said nonchalantly.
He stood frozen for a moment before nodding, not saying a word as he hurried out the door and back to his truck to return home.
Akihime moved to Yoshitsugu and rose her hand to strike him but Mitsunari forced her to the ground quickly."Shame on you, Akihime." Yoshitsugu scolded. She glared up at him but didn't struggle."You're a bastard." She hissed. Mitsunari punched her in the head and she whined."You will not speak to him like that!"
Amaya didn t move a muscle, standing behind Yoshitsugu silently, knuckles white and a clear look of fear on her face. She wouldn t be able to do much for Akihime.
"Let her up, Mitsunari. She will understand her wrong doings when we return home." Yoshitsugu said. Mitsunari let up on Akihime and she pushed herself up, dusting off her pants and blouse angrily.
Yukimura would return shortly, on foot this time, as to not leave the family truck up at the corner store. He looked scared, carrying only a small bag of clothing with him.
By the time he got back to the store, Akihime had been forced into the back of the car and was being glared at by Mitsunari."I'm so glad you agreed." Yoshitsugu said.
I don t want to hurt anyone again... I want to learn what I am. He said softly, holding his bag tightly.
Yoshitsugu gestured to the car, "Then please, right this way."
Yukimura nodded and Amaya took his bag, loading it into the trunk as he climbed into the car, sitting across from Mitsunari, offering her an apologetic glance.
Akihime only gave an equally apologetic smile before her gaze lowered again. Yoshitsugu sat beside Yukimura and tapped his cane against the floor to signal Amaya to drive.
The car carefully crept forward, moving smoothly down the road and away from the small town, the four of them sitting in deafening silence as they made their way back to the estate.
It was God awful, she felt sick and she wanted to just vomit right there in the car."Are you excited, Yukimura?" Yoshitsugu asked.
Yukimura almsot flinched when he spoke, looking over to Yoshitsugu and giving a stiff nod. I am rather looking forward to learning about myself and who I am.
"As am I. It isn't everyday you see a vampire living as a human." He replied with a near cruel smile.
Yukimura frowned, feeling a twinge of shame, for he had only just found out himself that he was a vampire.
"Father, please...this is a lot for him right now.." Akihime said softly. Yoshitsugu waved his hand dismissively.
It was a painful ride home, the only one doing the talking was mostly Yoshitsugu. When Amaya pulled up into the driveway, she parked and got out to open the door for Yoshitsugu.
He hobbled out and Mitsunari followed him. Akihime smiled sadly at Yukimura, "Go ahead.."
Yukimura was terribly nervous, nodding and climbing out of the car, moving aside to let Akihime out and wait for her.
She blushed and smiled softly as she climbed out, "Arigatou..." She muttered shyly.
Yukimura offered a small smile and a nod, Amaya closing the door behind Akihime once she was out of the car.
They headed inside behind Yoshitsugu, who turned to Amaya once they entered the foyer, "Amaya, why don't you show our new guest to one of the spare rooms, let him get settled in I need to have a word with Akihime.""F Father..." Akihime looked scared, knowing full well what this "word" really was.
Amaya froze momentarily, looking to Yoshitsugu with wide eyes. ..You said.. She let out in a whisper, hands clenched into fists. Yukimura didn t understand, looking from person to person in confusion.
"Do not disobey me, Amaya." Yoshitsugu stated before his eyes landed on Akihime, "Let's go." Akihime numbly followed Yoshitsugu up the stairs before looking back at Amaya.
Amaya watched as Yoshitsugu and Akihime started off down a separate hallway, fists clenched and teeth bared, shaking as she started to silently follow after Yoshitsugu rather than take Yukimura to the guest bedrooms.
Mitsunari got in her way, glaring down at her from the higher step he was on, "This is not what Gyobu asked you to do."
Get out of my way. She growled lowly, taking a step up the stairs and trying to shoulder her way passed Mitsunari.
He grabbed her and threw her down the stairs, not caring that Yukimura was still there and watching.
Yukimura stood stock still, frozen in place as he watched Amaya tumble down a few steps before she righted herself and skid to a stop. This isn t what you promised!! She yelled after Yoshitsugu. You didn t promise me this!!
Yoshitsugu merely glanced at her before he continued on his way down the hall. Mitsunari continued to block the stairs, glaring down at her.
Amaya bore her fangs at Mitsunari, standing up before turning and shooting Yukimura a look. Come. Was all she could manage out in her rage, Yukimura following immediately.
Mitsunari watched her hatefully as she passed, making sure she didn't try to chase after Yoshitsugu.
Amaya nearly slammed the door on Yukimura after she had shown him his room, leaving him alone to unpack his things and settle in.
Mitsunari was blocking the room Yoshitsugu and Akihime were in, watching like a hawk.
Amaya knew she would receive punishment for her earlier actions, resigning herself to her bedroom to allow herself time to calm down.
When Akihime was finally freed from her father, she tried to hide herself as she hurried to her room.
Motochika hadn t given her any sedatives since her abortion, leaving her locked in his bedroom. Sometimes it seemed like he wanted to make her suffer, that he wanted to humiliate her, using long lengths of rope to tie her up in humiliating positions, leaving her like that for hours, and occasionally coming to use her as he pleased. Sometimes he would administer whatever drug he used to keep her aroused, and sometimes he would simply fuck her as he wanted.
He liked seeing her in misery, it made things fun for him. It was funny to him how she pretended to hate it, especially when she was on the aphrodisiac drugs.
She would bite her tongue anytime he started to touch her, often times already dripping wet from the drugs. Spewing out hateful yelling and slander was another go to, but after a while it became hard for her to focus on her words as he thrust into her.She had been positioned on his bed for hours now, ass in the air and legs spread wide, bent over so her head was resting on the pillows, and her hands tied behind her back. Knots bit into her flesh, pulled tight and put in just the right places. He fit a knot just against her clit, making sure it was snug as he adjusted the ropes so her weight leaned into the knot, making any sort of movement painfully pleasurable. A ball gag had been fitted for while he was away, not wanting her to wear out her voice before he could hear her yell again. Saliva dripped down her chin, sweat covering her body, and her hips trembling as the knot pressed into her clit, making her whimper softly, face flushed. She wanted badly to rock her hips, to rub the knot against her swollen clit, to have release, and at the same time, she just wanted down.
The door opened and Motochika stepped in, smirking darkly at her, "Why hello there "
Nana flinched when the door opened, and she let out a grunt, entire body going tense as she swung slightly, sweat dripping down her face. Her labored breathing was only made more prominent by the gag in her mouth, full breasts pressed tightly into the ropes around them, her juices dripping down her inner thigh as her womanhood trembled.
"Do you want me that bad ?" He cooed as he moved over to her.
She glared at him the best she could in the humiliating position she was in, letting out a muffled noise from behind the gag.
"Oh you do ?" He asked, reaching to palm her ass before giving a good swat, "I knew you would warm up soon "
Another muffled scream came from Nana, struggling against the rope regardless of how it dug into her, trying to break free. She wanted to hit him, to claw at his eyes, to spit in his face, kick him, beat on his head with something heavy, but it was no use, the rope wasn t going to give.
"Aw, do you want me, Nana ? You're pretty wet, you know " He taunted.
She screamed again into the gag, wishing she could kick him, but her ankles were tied to the bed, keeping her legs forced open. She hated him, hated him with every fiber of her being, and she wished she could tell him that.
"Well, I don't really have a whole lot of time but I think I can have a quickie " He told her as he moved behind her.
Nana wriggled more as she heard the sound of his belt buckle being undone, then his jeans zipper, biting hard on the rubber gag as she tried to protest.
"Ah, it'll be quick I'll even be nice and pull out this time " He said, rubbing the head of his cock against her slit.
Her womanhood trembled against his cock, slick with her juices, meaning it would be an easy entrance. Her knuckles were white from clenching her fists, trying to chew through the rubbed of the gag, but found no such luck. Her thighs trembled, and her ass was sporting an angry red hand mark from where he spanked her. She had some rather lovely assets, full breasts and a nice ass, and she looked even better tied up and bent over for him like a bitch in heat begging to be fucked.
He pushed into her slowly at first, groaning lowly as he buried himself inside her, "Oh fuck "
He heard a muffled sob from her, body shaking as she did her best to glare her absolute hatred over her shoulder at him, tears falling down her face as he buried his cock deep inside her.
"What's the matter ? Don't you like it ?" He asked before he started moving.
Hatred burned brightly in her eyes, tears dripping down her face. She didn t really have many options other than to stay still or let him move he.
He was right about it being a quickie, and he was at least nice enough to pull out before he came inside her like he said. He cleared his throat and made a noise as he pulled away from her to clean up, "Thanks for that "
Her eyes followed him as he moved away from her, full of rage and misery, looking like she wanted to kill him right there, but she was tied up, and he was free.
"I'll see you around " Motochika winked and headed out of the room once he was redressed, leaving her as she was.Matsunaga was sitting at his desk, looking over his museum papers before he called to have Jin summoned to his office.
It was a servant who replied to Matsunaga, and he sounded a little worried. Jin dono has yet to return from her travels, Matsunaga sama, i in fact she s sent word that she is extending her leave..
He rose an eyebrow slowly, "Is that so...?" He asked with an eerie calmness, "And she is still in her country home?"
He could feel his servants fear through the com speaker. Ye Yes sir, she has been there this entire time..!
He hung up without another word, standing and leaving his office as he headed out to his car.
Jin had been enjoying her time with Kojurou, the two of them both enjoying passionate time in the bedroom, as much as their time drinking tea and relaxing. Jin couldn t go out during the day to walk with Kojurou through the gardens, so he had gotten her a parasol modified for vampires use. She was happy, smiling more often and even laughing on rare occasion, enjoying every moment with her lover.
Kojurou couldn't be happier, really. He was glad to have someone with his same interests to talk to. Sure, Masamune was decent company when he wasn't distracted with his games or music but Jin made it fun and enjoyable to be in another person's company.
Kojurou had already come and gone that day, having to leave suddenly after their love making when he had gotten a phone call from his lord. Jin paid no mind to it, knowing he was a busy man, allowing him use of their bathhouse before leaving she had no idea the danger looming ever closer.
When there was a knock on the door, the servants assumed Kojurou had forgotten something and had come back for it. Upon seeing it was Matsunaga, they were too scared to call for Jin.
Jin was on the deck, enjoying the view of her gardens in the safety of shade away from the sun. She had no idea that her husband had arrived or that he was heading right for her, enjoying her last few moments of solitude and serenity.
"Enjoying yourself?" Matsunaga asked behind her, leaning down slightly so he was nearly level with her.
Jin felt her entire body tense, and she turned to look at him, eyes wide. She hadn t heard him enter the room at all, hadn t smelled or sensed him. Matsunaga, what are you doing here? Disgusting, completely disgusting, the stench of human was entirely and completely enveloping Jin.
He looked unamused, almost annoyed. "Just curious as to why my wife has extended her useless vacation and reeks of another man. A human, no less."
He could see the terror in her eye, smell it radiate off of her body. She clenched her fists and forced herself to look away from him. You ve had no need of me, I figured I wouldn t be missed. She said stiffly, entirely avoiding the other man part of the issue.
"You are still my wife. I need to keep appearances." He stated before roughly grabbing her arm, "Who is he?"
She turned her head away, shrugging him off her arm. Do not touch me. She said softly.
He grabbed her by her hair and tugged, "Who is he?" He repeated.
She cried out in pain as he pulled on her still wounded scalp, blood blooming on the bandages around her head. I m not going to let you kill him..! She had always been too soft towards humans, it was disgusting, and why the Kawabe clan had died out as much as it had.
He threw her to the floor and returned inside to interrogate her servants. Kojurou wouldn't be safe for much longer.
Jin stumbled out of the room after Matsunaga, holding the side of her head to try and ease the pain as she grabbed the back of his coat. This isn t your home..! You do not get to run rampant here!
"Oh don't I? What's yours is mine, dear. That's what we agreed on when I saved your dying clan." He stated.
Her face twisted in grief, the thought of Matsunaga getting his hands on any of the servants she employed causing her more pain than he could do to her physically. Katakura. She muttered, not letting go of him, but no longer looking at him either.
He turned to her slowly, "The Date's Right Eye?" He asked, "Oh, Jin. Surely you have higher standards."
She felt her face flush with shame, shame that she would even for a moment agree that Kojurou was low pickings as her husband implied. Her grip tightened on him. He is a far better man than you. She said lowly.
He scowled slightly before he smacked her hard across the face, "You will not disrespect me."
She stumbled from how hard he hit her, bumping into the wall and holding her face. It s not like it s hard to do. She said bitterly, the words leaving her mouth before she even realized.
He pressed her face into the wall, almost with enough force to crush her head, "You will refrain from disrespecting me."
Blood started to drip down the wall from her wound, Jin gripping his wrist tightly, but holding her tongue. Jin sama! A servant had rounded the corner to find their lord at the mercy of her cruel husband. Leave the estate! She ordered, face twisting with pain. Tell everyone to leave, now!
"No, no." Matsunaga pointed his finger at the servant, "All of you stay. If I see even one head missing, there will be consequences."
The servant looked terrified, looking from Matsunaga, then to Jin, who looked like she wanted to cry. She cared deeply for the humans she employed, and he used it to his advantage. Do... Do as he says.. She whispered, and like that the servant was gone, off to tell the others, and to warn them not to leave the estate.Jin gnashed her teeth, glaring at the floor. Don t hurt them. It wasn t clear if she was begging or demanding, voice shaking.
"And if I do?" He asked, leaning in close, "What can you do to stop me from enjoying a good meal ?"
Jin flinched when he moved closer, grimacing at him putting his weight against her head. Please.. She was going to beg now? Surely she could do much better than that.
He pushed off of her head and walked away, "Tell Katakura he is no longer welcome here. I'll punish you appropriately later."
Jin sunk to the floor, blood dripping from her head, the same emptiness slowly taking hold of her heart again. He was the last thing that made her feel alive, and Matsunaga was forcing her to send him away. How was she supposed to tell Kojurou? How would she word such a message? She felt tears slip down her face, sitting alone in the hallway.
Kojurou was about to make his way back when his phone rang. Seeing it was Jin, he answered it right away, "Jin dono! I was just about to make my way back."
The line was quiet for a moment before Jin spoke. Katakura dono, That was strange, she usually called him Kojurou, and she sounded like something was wrong. I ve made a mistake, please don t come back here you aren t welcome. Her hand shook as she held the phone to her ear, her heart aching as she said such hurtful things, ending the call before she could hear his response.
He stood quietly for a moment before he pulled his phone away to look at the screen.Matsunaga smirked as he played with Jin's hair, "You did the right thing."
She didn t bother to stop the steady stream of tears that flowed down her face, not daring to jerk away from his grasp lest she anger him again.
"You will forget him." He said and turned to leave her alone. At least to let her marinade for now.
He seemed to feed off of her suffering, enjoying every moment she was unhappy. She sat alone in the room, knowing there was no means of escape. He kept her servants on the estate grounds, knowing she would never leave them behind.
After letting her sit in her own sorrow, he took her down to a private room that he had converted into a holding cell for her.
So I see you ve perverted even my own home. She muttered, looking over the steel lined walls with disgust. I ve already told you, I m not leaving without my family. Family? Her pet servants? It was cute that she was continuing to play human.
"Then you won't leave." He told her simply before forcing her into the cell and chaining her down.
She kept her eyes closed and her head turned away from him, lips pressed together firmly as he restrained her with the heavy chains. This is abhorrent. She whispered.
"So is betraying your husband with a human." He replied calmly, "This is a kindness compared to what I could do."
You re awful..! She sneered out. You humiliate and degrade me! At least with thathumanI don t have to worry about that!
"If you weren't so disobedient, I wouldn't have to resort to such awful things." He said before admiring his handiwork.
He had wrapped the chains tightly around her, ensuring no chance at all of even thoughts of escape. Disobedient..? I ve done everything you ve asked of me! Her face was flushed with humiliation and anger. I ve endured your awful bedroom preferences without a word! I ve endured the beatings you give me silently, and I ve let you control even how I dress and appear willingly!
"And yet your servants are still employed? The humans on my property are delaying their move. Amd who could have any hand in that but you?"
How can you expect me to abandon my family so readily..!? She asked, staring at him in disbelief. There she went again, fussing over humans, pretending like their life had more meaning than as cattle for vampires.
"They're meat." He stated, "Nothing but food. They don't love you. They fear you. They only do what you say so you don't kill them."
You re wrong! That s what humans think of you! You re the one constantly proving that you are the monster they fear! She snapped at him.
"Well, we'll just have to prove them wrong, won't we?" He said and left her alone for a little while.
Her heart was being twisted and torn, worried deeply about what he would do to her servants. Many had been with her for decades, and she always did her best to be fair and accommodating, almost as if she were caring for her own children, and that s how she saw them. All of the humans on her land were dear to her, she helped them in anyway that she could over the years, and being unable to protect them was her greatest fear.
When she saw him again, he merely moved over to her and broke her thumb like it was a small twig.
She hadn t been expecting it, hadn t been prepared for the pain, letting out a scream of both shock and pain, body going stiff.
He made a small noise of satisfaction before moving to her index finger and broke that one too.
She was more prepared this time, biting back her scream of pain, shaking from the pain of him breaking her fingers.
He frowned softly and pulled her index finger from its socket.
The pain of him pulling her broken finger from its socket was too much to bear, and a horrible scream was ripped from her once again, shaking as tears rolled down her face. She wouldn t beg for forgiveness, she wouldn t grovel at his feet, she refused to apologize. She did try to struggle away from him, but there wasn t much give on the chains.
He grabbed her middle finger and broke that one like the first two, her hand slowly becoming a mangled mess. Another satisfied sound came from him, a smirk tugging at his lips.
He liked to hear her cry out or even whimper in pain, finding a sick pleasure in it. She had first discovered that when he had marked her, biting so hard and violently into her shoulder it hurt for weeks after. Her sobs and cries echoed in the room following after each crack and crunch of her finger bones, and soon, both of her hands were a twisted and swollen mess, all ten fingers badly broken and mangled. She had no other choice but to suffer in the way he liked it, putting up just enough of a fight, all while obediently taking the punishment, she feared if he grew bored before he deemed her punishment over, he would go after her servants.
"How do we feel today, Jin?" He asked as he came to see her, "Hungry ?"
Surely she was hungry, she needed to heal her wounds, and without blood, they would simply remain how they were. Matsunaga also restricted the amount of blood he allowed her to ingest regardless of the situation, ensuring she would be weak and subservient. No. She answered, still kneeling on the floor in the dark room.
"Are you sure? Those wounds look rather serious.." He remarked as he circled her slowly.
I m not hungry. She forced out, doing her best to keep her tone even. Her hands hurt terribly, but she wasn t going to accept any blood, knowing Matsunaga would take it from her servants.
He made a noise and left her in peace. He would be back, though, forcing small, minuscule amounts of blood down her throat to keep her going. Not enough to heal, that would be too kind, even for him.
Jin would fight him when he came to feed her blood, trying everything she could to refuse drinking the blood, but soon he got tired of her struggling, using a steel o ring gag to keep her mouth open, feeding a tube down her throat and to her stomach so when it was time to feed her, he could do so easily.
Eventually the feeding tube became tiresome and so he took it out and starved her for a while, leaving her down there for God knew how long.
Jin would first weaken physically, then mentally, seeing and hearing hallucinations, blacking out, and even drinking blood from herself to try and dull the pain she was in.
"Jin..." Matsunaga had finally decided to show himself. He had something with him, something sweet smelling.
Jin was slumped over, still kneeling on the ground when she heard Matsunaga speak. She flinched at his voice, slowly picking her head up to look at him, eyes glassy and expression blank. She had to be starving at this point, her body wounded terribly and using her own power to try and heal itself, Matsunaga not having fed her for a good week or two.
He held out a wine glass full of blood, "Would you like to have some?"
When her eyes landed on it, she practically started to drool, reaching out with her broken hands, her desperation on her face. She was stopped just short of the much needed blood, the chains only allowing her to reach so fair. She trembled with effort trying so very desperately to even touch the glass with her fingertips, tears in her hungry eyes. P...Please... She whispered.
He moved over and helped her drink it, smirking softly to himself. Like he knew something she didn't.
She guzzled down every last drop, feeling the pain of her wounds subside nearly instantly as her fingers started to heal. Her mind was in such a fog, she didn t even think twice about licking the glass clean, her golden iris s tinged and streaked with a deep red.
"I'll be sure to tell the corpse of your youngest pet you enjoyed her blood." He told her cruelly.
Her eyes moved to look at him, and her face slowly twisted into an expression of horror and anguish, hunching over and letting out a strangled sob. She hadn t even realized that she had been willingly drinking blood, and that of her servants no less. Bringing her mangled and healing hand to her mouth, she forced herself to be sick, vomiting until she had nothing left in her stomach, crying softly the entire time.
"Oh, come now..." He frowned, deeply disappointed, "Why waste such good food?"
They aren t food..! She rasped, voice cracking. They re my precious family..!! Jin managed out through sobs, her entire body shaking with grief.
"You licked the glass clean, Jin." He remarked, "Surely, they're only precious to you as a meal.."
She felt shame and disgust for herself, lowering her head until it was almost touching the ground. I I didn t.... I would never mean to harm them..! Her voice came out weak, tears blurring her vision.
"You didn't." He said, "I did. There's a difference, dear wife."
What was the difference? It was her fault they were being slaughtered and bled like cattle, she might as well have been the one doing it.
"I will be back later. Perhaps the old woman will be more for your taste." He said as he walked away.
No!! Please! Spare them! Do anything to me, just please don t hurt them! She begged after him, pulling and straining against the chains. Please!!
He looked back at her and scowled, "We'll see, won't we?"
He could hear Jin s pleas as he left her in the room and moved down the hall.
He smirked softly to himself and left her to her sorrow for even longer than before. She needed to be foaming at the mouth by the time Katakura came poking around.
It wasn t hard to turn a vampire feral, especially a wounded one, one simply had to starve them long enough or inflict enough damage to render them in a state of violent mindlessness. It only took two weeks for Jin to become almost entirely feral, a red haze covering nearly the entirety of her eyes. She struggled violently, screaming and snarling, baring her teeth at anything not a meal. She was almost like a wild beast, unable to speak or act rationally.
Something dripped onto her face and upon looking up it was a severed arm. It was being dangled over her head through a hole in the roof of her cell.
She stared up at it with her wide, wild red eyes, then immediately tilted her head back, mouth open to catch the falling blood. She let out snarls and grunts, trying to stand to get closer to the precious liquid, but the chains kept her kneeling. She was being kept just on the edge of turning irreversibly feral, being fed just enough blood every so often to keep her sanity from slipping away.
Kojurou was finally at the estate, too selfish and confused to obey Jin's request for him to never return. He entered her home and looked around, wondering where all the servants had gone."Hello? Is anyone home?" He called. Matsunaga stood at the top of the stairs, looking amused."Ah, you must be Katakura." He greeted. Kojurou looked and bowed."Hai. Kojurou desu. May I inquire as to who you are?" He asked. Matsunaga began to decend the stairs."Matsunaga Hisehide. Jin's husband." He replied and smirked when Kojurou turned pale.
If this was the man who Jin was married to, then Kojurou was staring a monster in the face. Jin was so receded into herself when she first met Kojurou, her smiles had been forced and terribly sad, eyes hollow. The more time he spent with her, the happier she seemed to grow, her personality blossoming and showing though her muted demeanor. Her smiles had been warm and gentle, as was her personality.This was the man responsible for causing Jin such misery? Where was she now? What had happened to her servants?
"Where is Jin? Her servants?" Kojurou asked. Matsunaga moved to stand before Kojurou, hands behind his back."Her servants have been...let go," he answered, "but Jin is this way. Follow me." He turned to leave and Kojurou hesitantly followed.
The feeling of dread twisted deep in Kojurou s stomach, the way Matsunaga worded things, the way he had to take him to Jin rather than call her out, or even turn him away outright. And she had let her servants go? Why would she do such a thing suddenly. As Kojurou was led further into Jin s house, the smell of blood became unbearably overpowering, yet he saw not a drop of it. Growls and snarling reached his ears, the sounds of heavy chains rattling, and the scraping of stone.
The feeling of dread grew heavier the closer to the sounds they became. Matsunaga pushed open a door and allowed Kojurou in first, "She's just over there."
The room was dimly lit, but he could manage out most of the room, and it looked like a complete nightmare what he found inside. The walls and floor were splattered with blood, old and new, severed limbs and entrails in piles on the floor, and in the center of the room, the source of the awful noises. Jin had her back to the door, but Kojurou could still see that she was struggling to get to the severed arm that was dangled above her, just out of reach and dripping blood onto her face. She growled and grunted with effort as she pulled on the chains, mouth open and tongue out to catch even the smallest drop of blood. She was completely disheveled, only wearing a bloodstained white yukata, long hair tangled and bloodied.
"J...Jin dono..." Kojurou was floored, eyes wide in horror, "Wh...What happened?""She cheated on me. Naturally, she had to be punished." Matsunaga answered, "As do you."
Her punishment for cheating was for her to become feral? He had pushed her so far that she was this bad already? She turned on Kojurou, having caught his scent, snarling and snapping at him, trying desperately to reach him. Her eyes were nearly entirely red, only small amounts of her iris and pupils remaining, large veins running along her eyes and down her cheeks. Her teeth had also changed, her once stunted fangs now large and long had he taken her teeth out?
"Oh my God..." Kojurou muttered. Matsunaga made a noise before opening her cell and pushing Kojurou in, who tried not to stumble too close to Jin."And your punishment is letting her kill you.""I will not!" Kojurou snapped. Matsunaga smirked."The only way she'll reverse being feral is if she gets blood." He said and left.
She was still trying to get to Kojurou, even minutes later, struggling mindlessly, snapping her teeth and snarling. The more her looked her over, the more he saw traces of wounds upon her. The last two fingers on her hands were still broken and twisted, the other fingers bruised, burns covered her in large splotches, as did heavy bruising. How long had he been forcing her to endure her suffering? Was it the entire time he was gone?
"Jin dono...please forgive me for allowing this to happen to you..." Kojurou muttered, looking heartbroken at her state of mind.
She didn t hear him, didn t pause or even hesitate, she just continued to try and get to him. Trying to give her his own blood was too dangerous, and trying to get the arm hanging above her meant getting close to her.
What could he do? There was more than likely no way he could help her in this state. Not like this.
Jin would struggle for hours, even well after it was obvious she was past exhaustion. After nearly a full day, she collapsed, gasping desperately for air, and drenched in sweat. Tears fell down her face, and saliva running down her chin. ... ro... jurou... Her voice was strained, barely able to form words.
He wanted to move closer but he stopped himself, forced to stay in place, "Jin dono...? Are you alright?"
She was slumped forward on the ground, unable to properly lay down, and was forced into an uncomfortable position. Jin s breathing was labored and ragged, face pressed against the blood stained floor, eyes starting blankly ahead of her. She was still somewhat there, able to recognize who was in the room with her.
He dared to move an inch closer, "Jin...?" He asked softly, "Can you hear me...?"
She didn t move, only her chest heaving as she seemed to struggle to breathe. Sta...ay... aw....ay..!! Her garbled voice came out, strained and tired.
He moved back and frowned, "How can I help you...? You don't deserve to stay like this...!"
She wasn t able to form fully structured sentences, which was understandable, as it probably took great effort to focus on speaking at all. K...Kill... me...
"I will not!" He blurted out, "I could not even if it was my only option!"
She barely managed to pick her head up just enough to look at him, tears overflowing from her blood red eyes. ..please... Blood splattered her face, stained her teeth, and it occurred to Kojurou, that all of the cars parked beside the house weren t Jin s, and that the servants had never really left.
He looked up at the arm before looking down at her with a deep frown, "Jin dono, I cannot...who would avenge your family if you are gone...?"
She didn t have an answer for him, and even if she did, she doubt she could say it. Days seemed to go by, and Jin could no longer talk at all, nor could she even struggle, eyes entirely red, and too weak to move.
Matsunaga would return, smirking all the while, "And how are we fairing today?" He asked. Kojurou glared hatefully."Reverse what you have done to Jin dono.""You aren't in a position to be making demands." Matsunaga stated.
Jin could only lay slumped forward, eyes glassy and her breathing coming out in wheezes. The only thought bouncing around her head was feeding, gorging herself on blood.
Matsunaga moved toward Kojurou and he instinctively scrambled away, causing Matsunaga to chuckle."Do you want to help her?" He asked. Kojurou looked reluctant but nodded. Matsunaga held out his hand and Kojurou hesitantly took it. With a sharp twist, Matsunaga turned Kojurou's arm and cut it with a knife he had been hiding, causing Kojurou to call out.
The soft sound of chains rattling behind the two men brought their attention back to Jin, who was attempting to get back onto her knees, but was too weak, staring at Kojurou s bleeding arm hungrily.
Matsunaga pressed the blood out like he was milking it, letting it fall onto the floor and pool towards Jin.
Jin clearly didn't even think twice about licking it off the ground, moving as close to the puddle of blood as she could. She lapped at it desperately, something far beneath a high blood to do, a humiliating act.
"Pitiful, really...""You're the reason she's even like this!" Kojurou yelled before suddenly hit with a dizzy spell. Matsunaga tied the wound with a cloth and left the cell."I'll be back to feed you. Don't want you dying just yet."
Jin licked the floor clean, only able to get so much as her chains would only allow her so far. She was suffering greatly, and something told Kojurou her suffering wasn t over yet.
"I'm so sorry, Jin dono..." Kojurou muttered as he watched her, " sorry..."
Jin didn t know how much time had passed, large gaps in her memory, only small snippets of information from every now and again. She was conscious, but every cell in her body felt like they were on fire, so she laid still on the ground, head pounding.
When she was coherent enough, she could hear Kojurou screaming. Like, really screaming. Matsunaga had him in only his slacks, tied to the cell bars and hitting his back with a long thin tube of bamboo. His back was split and bleeding, civered in partially healed scars and reopened ones. How long had she been out of it?
Jin brought her tired gaze up, blurry and barely able to see what was happened. N...No...! No..!! She forced herself to move, to struggle to her knees, body on fire. Stop!! Stop it!! She tried to lunge at Matsunaga, terror on on her face.
Matsunaga stopped and Kojurou gave a wail of relief slumping against the bars."Ah. Good to see you're awake." Matsunaga greeted her.
Jin would ve bitten into Matsunaga s leg to pull him away from Kojurou if she could. Leave him be..!!
"He is not innocent of any crimes, Jin. He must be punished as well." He told her, "You cannot atone for everyone.."
I can..! I will!! Her face was twisted with desperation, red splotches still in her eyes. Let me take his punishment! He s been punished enough, he s human..! He can t take as much as I..!
"He'll take it until I feel he has been absolved." He stated, "You are in no position to make demands of me."
You ll only feel he s absolved once he is dead and in pieces..!! She snapped. Or is it that you can no longer get it up hitting me?
He smirked before chuckling softly, "Very cute, thinking that attacking my masculinity will divert my wrath. It will not." He stated before whipping Kojurou's back with the bamboo again, forcing him to cry out in pain.
Jin pleaded with Matsunaga, begged and swore and threatened, none of it mattered, nothing got him to stop. Soon Jin s voice was hoarse, her throat sore, staring numbly as Matsunaga hurt Kojurou.
When both Matsunaga's arms shook from swatting and swinging, he stepped away. Kojurou was nearly in tears but he swallowed them."I suppose it is your turn now," Matsunaga said, turning to Jin, "if you'll excuse me, I will return shortly."
Jin kept her eyes on Kojurou as Matsunaga left, fresh tears slipping down her cheeks. Kojurou... She barely managed to choke out his name.
"H...hai..." He strained to respond, his throat just as sore from his cries of pain.
Please forgive me... She hung her head, watching her tears drip onto the floor. I couldn t protect my family, and I couldn t protect you..
"You are not to blame for any of this..." He wheezed, "he is nothing more than a child with too much power and time..."
She shook her head, scattering her tears. I shouldn t have involved you, I I should have warned you more readily, made you understand how violent of a man he was..!
"Jin dono, none of this will even make me regret my time with you...I wouldn't regret it even if there were a gun to my head.." He told her.
He will... He ll make you regret it... He ll ensure that he does so.. She said softly.
"He will have to kill me first.""I can arrange that." Matsunaga said as he returned, "If that is what you wanted."
Jin picked up her head, looking to Matsunaga. He has received his punishment, release him, I understand now this was an ill advised relationship, it won t happen again.
"Oh, no, I'm not nearly done with him." He said before he moved behind her, tugging hard on her yukata to show her back.
Jin flinched when he pulled the back of her yukata down, cold air reaching the bandages that protected the burns on her back. He is a human, he will not survive what you want to make him endure. She ground out through her teeth.
"As the Date's Right Eye, he can endure more than you give him credit." He stated before cutting the bandages away from her burns.
She stiffened, the air uncomfortable against her wound. He doesn tdeserveit! She ground out.
"He's just as guilty as you are." Matsunaga told her.Kojurou glanced back as best as he could."If you were a better husband, I wouldn't have to satisfy your wife for you." He said. Matsunaga chuckled."Of course, so you say.."
Jin couldn t look behind her, couldn t see what Matsunaga was doing, could only hear him moving behind her, and her own breathing.
She heard him test what sounded like leather before a sharp burning snapped across her back. It was like holy water was injected straight into her back.
Jin lurched forward, pulling hard against the chains, entire body going stiff. She let out a pained scream, eyes wide and her vision blurring from tears and pain.
"My, you reacted rather well to that." Matsunaga stated before snapped the silver tipped cat o nine across her back again
The silver barbs dug easily into her flesh, ripping across her skin and opening wounds across her back in one stroke. She screamed again as the barbs raked through the tender wounds on her back, splitting them open as easy as an overripe peach.
He watched the blood ooze and pour from her and only whipped her harder, her screams causing Kojurou to become violent.
Jin would scream, but she wouldn t beg for him to stop, he wouldn t even if she did. The tender flesh that was healing nicely was now torn open, bruised deeply and hanging from her back. She was shaking and gasping, slumped forward slightly and staring blankly at the floor.
He had to stop after a short while, arms still slightly weak from beating Kojurou."You probably need blood after this..." He mused, "Perhaps I can get some from Katakura in a moment."
She was struggling to keep her breathing steady, looking over her shoulder at him. What...? Tired already..? You ve lasted longer before.. She managed out pointedly.
"Using your new toy has worn me out, beloved." He stated, "If you wished, I can continue."
He is not a toy! She snarled at him, baring her large fangs at him in anger.
"Oh, he isn't?" He asked, "You seem to enjoy him as of he were one."
What do you know? Only what you want, assuming I took him and keep him like you do with your collections..! Humans are deeper than their flesh and blood..! She hissed.
"Because they think and feel?" He asked, "So does every other living thing that can be consumed."
And thus, bonds are born and nourished from that..! Her voice cracked, the thought of her slain servants weighing heavily on her. Something you would never understand! Something you will never be able to obtain!
"Something I don't desire to have." He stated, "Bonds weaken you. Because of these, you are reduced to a tearful mess over humans who will just die anyway."
And if I didn t, I would be a tearful mess anyway, you ensure that when you beat, rape, and torture me. She said lowly.
"I will see to your death myself." Kojurou hissed at Matsunaga. Matsunaga didn't seem very phased by his words."I cannot wait for that day to come." He replied. The next few days were hell in earth. Kojurou was constantly bled for his blood, which Matsunaga fed to Jin to keep her from dying. When Kojurou needed to recover, it was Jin who would suffer. He made sure to use things that would take her much too long for her to heal with, pure metals were mixed into each of his torture tools to make sure she was suffering appropriately. He almost got off on it, really.
Jin had been lashed, burned, electrocuted, flogged, and even drown, wearing her down both mentally and physically. Kojurou was forced to watch all of it, even when she was forced to ingest blood with flecks of silver and gold inside of it. It only took seconds for Jin to collapse to the floor vomiting, body trying desperately to purge the harmful metals that burned and corroded her insides, and only minutes for blood to start coming out of her nose and ears.
Matsunaga was having too much fun, watching them both suffer for something he didn't even care for. It had been weeks that they were both down there, losing hope quicker and quicker by the day.
Jin was too exhausted and in too much pain to much much at all, so when Matsunaga yanked her up by the hair, and pushed her onto her back, she only cried out softly in pain.
"Don't hurt her anymore!" Kojurou yelled. Matsunaga took an odd, pear shaped device before forcing Jin's legs open and tying them to keep them from closing.
Jin s face flushed with humiliation as he pushed her legs open, forcing her yukata to part and expose her lower half, only having on underwear underneath her clothes. Kojurou... don t watch.. He couldn t see what he was doing, only catching a glimpse of the object in his hand, but she knew it would be either painful or humiliating, or more likely both. She felt hot tears slip down her cheeks, not wanting Kojurou to ever bear witness to the humiliating things Matsunaga forced upon her behind closed doors.
"Why do shy all of a sudden, Jin?" Matsunaga asked as he cut her underwear from her body. He moved to grab a silver knife and hummed softly to himself.
Jin s lower lip quivered, and she squeezed her eyes shut tightly, forcing out more tears. Please don t look... Kojurou..! She managed out, voice cracking. How humiliating, to be stripped bare and exposed in such a position, it made her wish for the lashings again.
Matsunaga turned to Kojurou, who looked just as scared as Jin."Don't look away." He stated coldly before turning back to Jin. He castrated her slowly, making sure the silver of the knife burned her as it went. Kojurou struggled hard, tugging at the thick ropes."Stop!! Stop it!! You've done enough to her!!"
Jin let out horrible screams as he cut away her most sensitive flesh, trying desperately to thrash or kick him away it was all in vain. He had secured her rather well, and except for being able to squirm and shake in pain, she wasn t moving.
Matsunaga continued to hum as he worked, finishing in no time at all. "There...that ought to deter you for a while."
Jin couldn t help but to vomit from the pain, her entire body shaking as her nethers throbbed, and the feeling of warm liquid trickling between her legs being the only thing she could focus on.
That's when Matsunaga took the odd metal pear and pushed it into her womanhood.
Blood was dripping steadily from where he had castrated her, parts of the flesh burnt, other parts remaining open to bleed profusely. When he pushed the slender object into her, she stiffened and grunted, finding it unpleasant. Most of it went inside of her, and some remained outside, reminding her of the toys Matsunaga liked to use on her.
He started to turn the small dial and the object began to open, stretching her in a very uncomfortable away.
Jin held her breath, clenched her teeth and balled up her fists, trying to muster through the pain, but the more it opened, the more it hurt, and finally she let out another scream. Her scream became a sob, shaking her head as new tears poured down her face, finally breaking from all the pain Matsunaga had forced her to endure. Please...! Her plead broke through her sobs. Please stop..!
"Hm?" He faked interest, "What was that? You want it to stop?" He asked. Kojurou tugged at the ropes."Whatever you're planning, you can turn it on me...! She's faced enough...!""Do be quiet, Katakura, we're having a discussion."
P Please no more..! She gasped out in a whimper, shaking from pain.
"I will only stop if you swear to sever all ties you have with Katakura. You will never speak to him again, nor will you ever look at him." Matsunaga said. Kojurou looked horrified and angry."How dare you! Robbing her free will! You are below subhuman!" He yelled. But Matsunaga merely ignored him.
Jin let out a sob, it was the last thing she wanted to do, she loved Kojurou, loved how kind he was to her. She was selfish though, and her selfishness had killed her family. I swear..! She barely managed out in a whisper, nodding her head. If she renounced Kojurou, then surely that meant Matsunaga would allow him to leave with his life?
"J...Jin..." Kojurou sounded devastated. Matsunaga smirked and closed the pear before slowly pulling it out of her.
Blood leaked out from her womanhood as the tool was removed, and Jin herself looked completely crushed, face twisted with anguish as she cried silently. She couldn t handle anymore pain, it was too much to bear, and she felt like she would break. She at least wanted to spare Kojurou from death, even if it meant her own misery.
"Now then," Matsunaga turned to Kojurou, who continued to jerk and tug to try and free himself, "to deal with you.""You won't get away with this.""On the contrary, I believe I have."
No..! Please, he s endured enough, please release him..! Jin watched Matsunaga approach Kojurou in horror, struggling against her own binds.
"I'm sorry but he has to die. He's seen too much." He stated as he grabbed the silver knife and moved to Kojurou.
She only started to cry harder, shaking her head and begging for Matsunaga to spare him, begging for Kojurou s forgiveness, unable to do a single thing to help him.
Matsunaga stopped when he heard a ruckus on the floor above them."Kojurou!" That was Masamune's voice."Masamune sama! Down here!" Kojurou called. Matsunaga huffed."Oh dear."
Jin stopped and listened, feeling relief that Kojurou might actually be spared, hoping and praying Matsunaga would still his blade.
Matsunaga had no choice but to back off as he heard Masamune hurry his way down to the holding cell. When Masamune burst in, he nearly flew into a frenzy."What the hell is going on?!' He yelled. Matsunaga exhaled."Just some good old fashioned discipline."
Jin was still chained to the floor, clothes covered in blood, partially undressed and legs tied open. Masamune could smell blood from the both of them, and with how the both of them were situated, it didn t make the scene look any better. Matsunaga was the only one free in the room, with a knife in hand with Jin laid out in the way she was, and Kojurou restrained to face her, Masamune could only guess what he had been doing, or planned to do.
"Oh, I'm going to enjoy beating the shit out of you." Masamune growled. Matsunaga scowled lightly."Pick one of them and leave, boy. I have no time to deal with you." He said. Masamune fumed, steam almost literally coming out of his ears."Untie Kojurou.""Masamune sama, no! Please, take Jin from here! She's far more important than I!""Shut up, Kojurou." Masamune hissed.
Jin looked actually and genuinely relieved, weeping silently at Masamune s choice. Although she didn t wish to stay with Matsunaga, she feared even more that she would have to watch Kojurou die now she no longer did, and for that, she was grateful.
Matsunaga untied Kojurou and he fell to the floor, Masamune helping him up and taking him out."You should have left me." Kojurou muttered. Masamune scowled as thry left."This isn't over, Kojurou." He told him.
Jin lay on the floor, staring up at the ceiling blankly as she listened to the fading footsteps of Masamune and Kojurou. Her chest ached, but she was beyond grateful at least his life was spared, perhaps he would be able to avenge her family.
"That just leaves you." Matsunaga said as he turned to Jin.
Jin only turned her head away, not wanting to even see a glimpse of Matsunaga. It didn t matter what he did now, she knew that Kojurou was safe.
Matsunaga unbound her and pulled her to her feet, "Come now. We have much to do."
Jin cried out when she was brought to her feet, blood running down from between her thighs and dripping onto the floor, stumbling after him.
"Come now, it isn't that bad. You'll heal eventually." He told her.
Jin ground her teeth, glaring at him. You ve butchered me, and tell me how my pain feels? She muttered bitterly.
"Yes. A pep talk, as it were." He said, "Do you not find it comforting?"
About as much as the knife was. She muttered quietly as they left her now empty home behind, and moved into his pristine car, even with how much of a mess that she was.
"Things will be much more pleasant from now on, Jin." He told her as he moved to sit beside her, "It'll be like these last few blissful weeks never happened."
She didn t want him to be close to her at all, the pain of simply sitting making tears well up in her eyes as she glared out the window. Pleasant for which one of us?
"Both of us, dear." He remarked, "Perhaps it was pleasant for Katakura as well? I know you do enjoy your guest parties."
She didn t say anything, only pressed her lips together in a thin line, closing her eyes and clenching her fists. He was a terrible creature, one she wish she had killed when she had first met him.
"I suppose that's an unfair question." He said, "Forgive me."
When have you ever been one to consider others feelings? She hissed out, keeping her gaze out the car window.
"I do my best to take into account of a lot of people's feelings." He said, "Mainly the people who supply my museums with note worthy works."
Jin trembled with rage, he had just inflicted terrible suffering upon her, an now was speaking with her like nothing had ever happened?
Things didn't seem to change after he took her back to his home. The beatings resumed like they had never stopped and he continued to use her when the need arose. And now there was no Kojurou to help ease her grief and pain.
On top of all the abuse, Jin was now confined to the bedroom specially fitted for her. It was a decently large room, with an attached bath and toilet, the door and walls reinforced and the window barred with silver bars. Everything she did took place in that room, her meals were served there, she was beaten there, and she was even raped by Matsunaga there. He usually tried to conceive a child with her, but on occasion, he would penetrate her anally, enjoying her pained cries. Regardless, anytime he used her body, Jin would clamp her teeth down hard onto her arms, leaving deep bite marks.
He came into her room early one day, looking mildly annoyed but that was nothing new. "We've been summoned," he said, holding up a letter, "it would appear that Date boy went crying to daddy and now I'm to be questioned in front of the clan heads. Good grief." He looked at the bites in her arms and scowled lightly, "You'll have to cover up, dear."
Jin was sitting in a chair by the window, her only bit of outside world she got. When he came in and spoke, she kept her gaze outside, only when he finished did she turn to look at him, dark circles under her eyes. I suppose that is what happens when you slaughter two dozen humans, and torture a prominent family s servant, dear.
"I suppose you're right. I should have killed him and said it was to protect you. That would have ended it more smoothly, I believe." He said, "Regardless, please prepare and cover your arms. We mustn't fuel the flame." He told her before leaving her room.
Jin watched him silently as he left the room, waiting until the door was closed and locked again before she stood and changed. There was no point in fighting it, for if she didn t, he would beat her and have her dressed himself.
When she finished and was ready to leave, Matsunaga came to let her out and leave with her to see the clan heads. "Do behave in front of them, dear. Don't do anything to embarrass us."
Jin had dressed herself in a fine kimono, wrapped her arms and head to keep her bites and burns covered from what her dress couldn t. Like telling the truth? She asked, almost numbly as she left his manor with him, body still sore and aching with pain.
"You will tell them that Katakura is the reason you are in such a state and I had to defend you from him. He found you killing your servants in a frenzy." He advised.
That wound was still fresh, and the mere mention of it brought tears to her eyes, the heavy feeling in her chest becoming even heavier. And if I refuse? She whispered.
"Then I will starve you until you are no more than a feral and put you down." He told her.
Jin kept her head turned away from him, closing her eyes to keep her tears from escaping. Was death a better option at this point? Did it really matter if she lived or not?
Death would mean she would never see Kojurou again regardless if she was freed of Matsunaga or not. She would never have another chance to be with him.When they arrived at the council meeting headquarters, a servant came ti greet them and escourt them inside.
Jin ignored the looks she got at her wrapped up head and partially blind eye, entering the large building with Matsunaga, making her way to the meeting room where the council would take place in.
Upon entering the council chamber, all the clan heads were there Motochika, Shingen, Uesugi, Yoshitsugu, Hideyoshi, Ieyasu, and Date. Masamune and Kojurou stood waiting, Masamune looking as furious as ever. Kojurou just looked relieved to see Jin.
Jin moved to her seat without a word, sitting down and waiting for the meeting to begin, putting her hands inside her sleeves, keeping her oath to Matsunaga and not even looking at Kojurou.
"It has come to our attention that Matsunaga Hisehide is to be tried for the torture and mutilation of Kawabe Jin, final heir to the Kawabe, and Katakura Kojurou, loyal retainer and servant to Date Masamune." Yoshitsugu stated."Grave charges indeed." Shingen remarked.
Jin had a faint scowl on her face, keeping her head held high as she listened to the accusations against her husband, all of them entirely true, but still humiliating.Hideyoshi kept his massive arms folded over his chest, listening to the accusations in silence, towering over all other clan heads easily.
"Are any of these things true?" Yoshitsugu asked. Matsunaga looked as calm as ever."Of course not.""Bullshit!" Masamune yelled. His father shot him a look."Masamune." He stated firmly and Masamune sat back down."These are all merely things to throw off how truly despicable a human being Katakura truly is." Matsunaga added."A bold claim considering his family has served my clan for generations." Terumune replied, "Not once have I had the impression of any ill will."
Perhaps asking Kawabe her perspective would arrive us at an answer? Uesugi said, hands on his lap.Jin felt even more empty than ever, like her soul had been torn out and her heart crushed inside her chest. What my husband says is true, he only harmed Katakura to rescue me. Even sayin the words made her feel like she would vomit and pass out, wanting to slice open her own belly. Protect you from Katakura? How? Hideyoshi asked.Jin remembered her conversation with Matsunaga on the way to the meeting. I will starve you until you are no more than a feral and put you down. Katakura happened upon me as I was killing my servants, Her expression didn t change in the slightest, but Kojurou knew these words were not her own, in the short time he spent with her, it was clear just how much she had treasured her servants. He never explained why he assaulted me, and I never bothered to ask.
"Are you shitting me?!" Masamune snapped. Kojurou looked heartbroken, but he understood why she did it. She had to protect herself and the last of the humans she loved so deeply."Kojurou had been gone for weeks! When I got there, they were both beaten and tortured!" Masamune yelled."Ya got proof, Ryuu niisan?" Motochika asked. Masamune looked to Kojurou and his Right Eye merely nodded before removing his suit jacket and collared shirt. Tugging off the tank top under showed Kojurou's mutilated back, the wounds still healing and some even infected. All eyes landed on Jin."Please show us your back, Kawabe dono.." Ieyasu requested politely.
Jin clenched her fists under her sleeves, scowling deeply. You want for me to undress here? The bandages on her head seem rather indicative, I feel undressing her here isn t necessary. Uesugi said softly.
"Masamune sama..." Kojurou whispered and Masamune glanced at him. Kojurou gave a look and Masamune perked up."Right! He castrated her, too!" He stated. Motochika looked to Matsunaga with a furrowed brow."Your own wife?""I was not the one who did it. Katakura is a monster of a human." Matsunaga said. Yoshitsugu looked to Motochika."Please take her to another room and inspect her.." He said. Motochika stood and moved to Jin."Come on, miss." He said.
It was understandable for Jin to be angry about being treated in such a manner. First you want me to undress in front of a room full of men, now you want me to have a traffickerinspectme? Am I being mistaken for a prostitute? She growled out.Hideyoshi said nothing as Jin passed her gaze over the men, only looking back at her, Uesugi held his tongue as well, eyes closed and a soft frown on his face.
"Kawabe dono," Terumune began, "we only seek justice for what has been done. Chosokabe, though his morals are skewed, will only inspect to see if the accusations made against your husband are true. He will not touch you or do anything to cause you discomfort. Isn't that right, Chosokabe?""Yeah. I'll keep my hands in my pockets." Motochika said, and thusly shoved his hands in his pockets.
Jin averted her eyes, taking a moment before standing from her chair. Fine. Was all she said, and followed Motochika out of the room. They were only gone for a few minutes, and when they returned, Jin took her seat silently, looking rather unhappy.
"Well?""Her back is fucked. He used some kind of whip with a pure metal, it isn't healing. Plus under those are holy burns." Motochika said as he sat down, "And the castration, yeah, he did a shit job. Nobu could do better drunk.""What do you have to say for yourself?" Shingen demanded. Matsunaga only looked mildly put off."I only arrived at the tail end of Katakura's onslaught.""You're so full of shit!!""Masamune," Terumune scolded, "another outburst and you will be removed."
I did it to myself. Jin interrupted the conversation between the men, face dead pan. You inflicted such grievous wounds upon yourself? Uesugi looked to Jin, disbelief and a bit of shock in them. Why? Is it anyone s business but my own? So Katakura did not injure you then? Hideyoshi asked.This entire ordeal was too much for Jin to handle emotionally, she felt like she was going to faint. He did. She answered softly, hearing Matsunaga s words like they were being whispered into her ear. He confined me in my home, and beat and raped me. Saying the words aloud was like receiving a punch to the gut, but if she was to keep Matsunaga satisfied and away from the last humans alive that she loved, she had no other choice.
"This is all he said, she said," Yoshitsugu droned, "with no real evidence then we have no choice but to drop the charges.""Oi, jiji!!" Masamune shot up, "If you think he's getting away with anything !""Masamune sama..." Kojurou grabbed his arm gently, "it's done...""However..." Ieyasu frowned, "if your weakened mental state puts the remaining humans in your care in danger then the remainder of your land is forfeit. It will go to the humans until your mental state improves."
Jin didn t even bat an eye. The land is owned by my husband. She said calmly. But I have no issue with returning the land to the humans residing within. Surely death was a much more favorable outcome she knew what her days to come would be filled with. More torture and forced rape until she was pregnant, and even then didn t guarantee her safety.
"Regardless who owned it, it belongs to the families now." Shingen stated. Matsunaga's knuckles turned white but he remained seated. A small comfort to know that her family could keep their homes."We will conduct bi weekly evaluations of your mental state, a formality to make sure you won't continue to self harm." Yoshitsugu said."I have a doctor for that." Matsunaga said."I would prefer an unbiased opinion." Terumune remarked."Agreed." Shingen added.
Have I no say in my own treatment? Jin asked, tone sharp. I ve been humiliated and inspected like some sort of prize cattle, and now I m being treated as a child who cannot make any decisions on my own. She scowled deeply. I may be the last Kawabe, but what I do with myself at the harm of no one else is no one else s business. I don t need an advocate.
"Jin dono..." Kojurou sounded so worried."If you are doing yourself harm, it must be prevented before it reaches an extreme." Shingen told her, "If you are showing signs of becoming feral, we need to stop it."
Feral? Have you any other insults for me? Have you had a look in the mirror recently? Hideyoshi spoke up, a deep set scowl on his face. Your eyes and your teeth are proof enough. Jin felt shame burn from ears to chest, her teeth still overgrown, and eyes still retaining faint red streaks from her torture. She turned her head away in shame, clenching her teeth. Do what you like. She hissed.
"It's for your own safety, Kawabe dono, that's all," Ieyasu frowned, "we would hate to put one of our oldest to rest."
Jin only gave him a glance, but said nothing more on the topic of her becoming a feral. If this trial is being dropped, and it being the only reason for us being here tonight, I ll assume this council is adjourned?
"Yes, you may leave." Yoshitsugu remarked. Masamune was fuming and Kojurou stood quickly."Jin dono," he called but stopped. What could he say to her?"This ain't over." Masamune growled. Matsunaga gestured Jin to leave, not saying anything to them.
Jin paused momentarily when Kojurou called out to her, but her palms grew clammy, following Matsunaga out as silently as they had come.Kojurou knew Matsunaga had forced her hand, that he had given her little choice in the matter. He experienced first hand what he had been doing to Jin, and she had suffered far longer than Kojurou had.
"Kojurou, Masamune, ikuzo." Terumune said and Kojurou lowered his gaze before bowing to the clan heads and leaving with Masamune and his father.
Yukimura hadn t been with Yoshitsugu very long, but already his health had improved greatly. He was given his meals in the form of blood, which he drank from porcelain dishes rather than from humans directly. His skin wasn t as ashen, and the circles under his eyes barely there.When Nana was on her drugs, she was ravenous, always wanting to be touched or to touch Motochika, she could never get enough. She let him use her how he wanted, complying to every demand just how he liked. When she was sober, she was angry and it was clear her mental stability was suffering greatly. The last two times she was sober, she nearly chewed her tongue clean off the first time, and the second, she had given herself a concussion slamming her head into the wall until she passed out.
Akihime seemed so much happier with Yukimura around. She obeyed everything Amaya and Yoshitsugu told her to do, all so she could spend time with Yukimura when he wasn't busy. She was beaten hard for disobeying her father but thankfully the bruises and marks were all but gone.Motochika was a little amused with her mood swings, but seeing the damage Jin had made him feel a little guilty for what he was doing to Nana. So he did his best to try and make her like him.
Yukimura didn t seem to mind her company much, but Yoshitsugu kept him rather busy. He had schooling, but since he was a vampire, it was only homeschooling, and thus deemed not enough by Yoshitsugu s standards. Still, regardless of schooling and being properly fed, years of going without proper nutrients left him with fits of uncontrollable urges, something he had to learn to control quickly.Nothing worked while she was sober, she would only scream at claw at him, leading to her needing to be gagged and bound, only to be glared at. On her drugs however, she was as docile and willing as ever, offering herself to him, or even begging him to touch her. More.. ! More ! She panted and whimpered under him, her soft moans of pleasure filling the room. She was covered in sweat, her knees pushed up to her chest as he thrust into her rear, womanhood still healing from the second abortion not mere days ago. It didn t seem to matter where he put his cock, in this state, she simply loved the feeling of him filling her up completely.
"Yukimura!" Akihime called,their studies done and she was free, but he still had a lot of things to do, "How did it go today?""Fuck, you're crazy " He moaned lowly, slamming into her harder, "Can't get enough like this, huh ?"
Yukimura looked a little worn down, stopping and turning to let her catch up. Ah.. it s been a little rough, today especially.. He said, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. Don t worry though, I ll be alright..! Nana gripped the sheets beneath them tightly, nodding, cheeks flushed and her breasts bouncing with each thrust. It feels so good.. She whined, wet from excitement and gasping softly at the toughness of his thrusts. It feels good when you re inside me, Motochika sama.. !
Akihime smiled and walked with him, "If you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask. Father is very strict with lessons but he's usually pretty lenient when it comes to needing help."He shivered and smirked, "I ain't gonna get tired of hearing that "
His face flushed a little, and he looked embarrassed. It s.. just... I m having trouble controlling my urges.. He admitted sheepishly.It was easy to see that Nana was close to her climax, her thighs twitching and her toes curling, tugging more urgently at the sheets until she finally came, gasping out his name.
She blushed softly and smiled, "Ah, those are always the hardest.."He grunted and hissed before he reached his own climax, dumping his load inside her.
Yukimura nodded, keeping his gaze ahead of him, finding that anything set off his urges. Yeah... Yoshitsugu dono says that they ll recede, but they feel like they last forever.. Nana slumped back against the bed, breathing heavily for a moment before looking up at Motochika. I love you..
"It takes time but they do eventually go away..." She told him, "What's on the agenda now? More training?"He blinked before pulling away from her and moving to redress."No you fucking don't..." He muttered.
He glanced at her, holding up his books a bit. More studying. Sadly, I m not the best at tests, so Yoshitsugu has had me focusing more on my studies than my physical training. Nana reached after him, grabbing his wrist gently. Motochika sama..
"Well..." She blushed more, "My door is always open if you want help.."He glanced back at her, scowling softly, "You're high.."
Well, I actually could use some help... if you have the time..! He looked a bit flustered, cheeks flushed.She was in fact rather high, her glazed eyes fixed on him, trying to slip her hand into his. That doesn t change my feelings..
She smiled brightly, "I'd love to! I am free now, actually !" She chimed."It does when you can't stand me any other time.." He told her.
Gr Great..! He smiled back at her. Thank you..! He said, motioning for her to lead the way. What other times..? I always love you don t I..? She tilted her head, looking confused. Do I not show it enough..? What was she talking about? Did she not remember her times while she was sober?Ren was in for his monthly checkup, making sure he was still clean with him servicing private clients as well as Motochika s men.
She nodded and took him to her room, which was decorated with a lavish simplicity. Elegant but not over the top, like her. She moved to her desk and set her books aside and gestured for him to sit, smiling from ear to ear."No, you don't fucking show it at all." He said, "When you're sober, you try to throw shit at me. You call me names and I have to tie you down to keep you from hurting yourself."Nobu made a noise as he waited for the machine, though he was sure it would come out as clean as it always had."Clients still good?" He asked, making small talk.
Yukimura moved over and set down his books, taking a seat on the bench chair of the desk. He sorted out the books he needed, and the ones he didn t, pulling out his notes. His handwriting was neat, but by the lettering was a bit simplistic, and mostly kanji.She shook her head. When I m sober..? She echoed. I don t know what you re talking about, Motochika sama.. Ren sat on one of the rolling chairs, eye still bruised from when Masamune had found out he was really a man. Steady, but boring. He said, spinning in the chair before pushing over to where Nobu was sitting and watching the machine. Is Nobu short for anything, or is that just your name? He asked, stopping beside him and leaning back against the counter.
She thought it was cute,everything about him was so endearing. She sat beside him and smiled, "What first?"He snorted and stood, "Sure you don't...""It's just my name.." He replied, "Boring, I know..."
Yukimura was still a bit embarrassed about his lack of knowledge. Ah, mostly language... I can read decent enough... Just can t write all too well.. Nana s eyes grew misty, and she looked even more confused. I wouldn t lie to you.. please, Motochika sama, I don t understand...! I dunno, Ren tilted his head back to look up at the ceiling. I like it, simple, rolls off the tongue easy. No bu He purred out, a soft smirk on his lips.
She smiled, "Well then..." She took a piece of paper and wrote out the characters in hiragana and katakana. "Let's practice.""Just shut up, Nana." He scolded, "You don't know what you're saying."He blushed softly and looked away, "Uh...thanks..." He muttered shyly.
Yukimura nodded, taking out his own piece of paper and copying down everything Akihime wrote, doing his best to keep his characters neat and accurate. He did struggle a little with larger, more complicated words, but was a quick study with reading.Nana slowly let go of his hand, tears leaking from her eyes and rolling down her cheeks, wiping them away with the backs of her hands. I m sorry.. So besides making sure no one dies around here, what else do you do? For fun, that is. I never see you at the bars, or out at the girly clubs. Ren pointed out.
She was very patient with him, helping correct any mistakes he made. She was a way better tutor than Yoshistugu was he was way too forceful and sometimes hit Yukimura if he got something wrong. But she didn't even raise her voice."Just...hang out and relax, ok? You hungry?" He asked, hands in his pockets."Ah, I'm a little introverted. Never liked clubs. Motochika sama's men make me uncomfortable.." He answered.
Yukimura liked studying with Akihime much more than he did with Yoshitsugu, his knuckles especially appreciated it. The two spent hours working together, and by the time they finished, Yukimura was even more exhausted than before. He set his pencil down and stretched in the chair, leaning back a bit. It s probably time I turned in.. He laughed slightly and gave her a sheepish grin, turning to her. Yoshitsugu sama won t be happy if he finds us up this late. He didn t even notice it, the hunger hadn t set in just yet, but the fact that his pupils were slits were more than enough sign to show he was famished, and was starting to lose control.Nana nodded, still sitting in bed and wiping away her tears. Y Yeah.. She answered, sniffling softly. Even me..? Ren asked, twisting the chair a bit back and forth, his knee brushing close to Nobu s as he did. Ren had his hair pulled back into a sloppy bun, bangs hanging down to frame his face, and wearing only a tank top and some shorts.
"I think we should get you some nutrients first.." She said gently, "Your eyes are starting to turn..""Alright...stay here, ok? I'll be back with some food..." He told her, moving to leave. He stopped at the door and looked back at her, "Your hair looks cute short.." He said.He blushed a little more, ", you don't make me uncomfortable.." He said before the machine beeped. He looked to the computer and smiled, "Ok, looks abnormalities.."
Yukimura hadn t even noticed, turning his head away in embarrassment. S Sorry.. He stood quickly, trying to collect his things. I ll go right away..! Nana looked up, face flushed. It is..? She touched the ends lightly, a faint smile on her face. Thank you.. What is it that makes you uncomfortable..? Ren asked, moving his chair a bit closer to his, reaching out to ghost his fingers along Nobu s jaw.
"A Ah, I didn't mean to offend you!" She said quickly, "It was just an observation!"He nodded and headed out of the room, shutting the door behind him.He averted his gaze, looking uncomfortable, "They're all assholes, really...not people I really care for...Motochika sama does what he has to for our kind so he has to act tough. He's a decent enough guy.."
Yukimura felt the fit coming on fast, his teeth aching and his head pounding. I It s ok..! He muttered, forgetting his books and moving to the door, worried he would go into a full blown frenzy if he didn t leave right away.Ren got up from his chair, circling around Nobu as he talked, stopping behind him and draping his arms over his shoulders. Well, I won t disagree that they re assholes, and Motochika has been quite kind by offering me a home and a job.. He said, leaning up against Nobu s back. And you ve been more than kind to me..
"P Please be careful...Mitsunari some times likes to fuss about nothing...!" She warned.He blushed even more, "A Ah, well, just doing my job...!" He said.
Yukimura nodded, reaching for the door handle, but it was too late. His vision grew tunneled, and his body steadily felt hotter and hotter, a deep thirst taking hold of him and making him freeze, holding his head. And I m very grateful that you re taking care of me Ren s lips brushed against Nobu s ear. He moved to to rest his chin on his shoulder, running his hand across his chest and down his stomach, slowly pushing his hand lower and lower.
Akihime grew nervous, watching him worriedly, "Yukimura...?""Whoa, whoa...!" He grabbed Ren's wrist, "A At least buy me dinner first...!" He joked.
Yukimura stumbled a bit, catching himself against the door and letting out a soft grunt, his breathing becoming labored, heart pounding in his chest, skin feeling like it was on fire.Ren looked a little disappointed, but didn t pull his hand away just yet. I didn t really take you for the kind of guy to dine before strenuous physical activities, but then again, I figured you don t really partake in them much either..
"A...are you alright?" She asked, taking a step towards him."You would be right, I've never been with anyone, same sex or otherwise.." He admitted shyly.
Yukimura had turned and moved closer to her before his brain had even registered it, hands gripping her wrists firmly as he pulled her forward and kissed her heatedly.Ren made a noise. Well surely there s a first time for everything ? And plus, don t doctors tell you it s healthy to be active ? He purred in his ear, moving to slowly straddle him, sitting on his lap.
She made a loud noise of surprise, eyes wide and face flushed, before she kissed back with a small moan."Ah, well, yeah...a healthy sex life is good for the mind and body.." He told him, hands gently resting on his thighs.
He kissed her deeply, holding her close for a moment longer before pushing her back toward her bed, pushing her down and climbing on top of her. His breathing was labored, and he could feel the front of his trousers growing tight, but it felt too good to stop.Ren made a soft tutting noise. Naughty boy, neglecting your health like that He said, wrapping his arms loosely around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair.
She was gasping softly, looking up at him in a daze. "Y...Yukimura...?"He laughed shyly, "Yeah, shame on me..." He replied, "I guess you wanna help me with that...?"
He pulled away from her slightly, but she could tell it took some effort. I I m sorry... He managed to mutter out. I need you.. If you ll let me Ren purred lowly, bringing his hand up to caress his face, running his thumb over Nobu s lips.
She shook her head, "It's alright..." She muttered, "Please keep touching me..""Can I just ask...why the sudden interest...?" He asked quietly.
Yukimura nodded and leaned in to kiss her again, moving his hands to touch Akihime through her clothes, touching her breasts, hips and thighs. His need only increased the more he touched her, and soon his hand was up her skirts and rubbing her through her undergarments. Sure You re kind to me, treat me like a decent person, and you ve never asked for a discount He leaned forward to kiss Nobu, slow and gentle, making sure he was comfortable with the pace.
She was gasping and whining with each touch and pet, her face dark red and lips parted, "Yu...Yukimura... !"He kissed back slowly, hands moving from Ren's thighs to the small of his back.
Yukimura pushed her skirt fully up to her hips, sucking gently on her neck as he pushed his hand into her underwear, and his fingers against her clit.Ren brushed some of his hair behind his ear, keeping close to Nobu on the chair, slowly deepening the kiss, shifting slightly to rub against him.
She gasped and melted a bit, her eyes fluttering as she moaned weakly and she grabbed at his shoulders." room is beyond that corner door there.." He said against Ren's lips, gesturing to the door in the far corner haphazardly, "If you'd rather go in there?"
Yukimura crawled on top of her, capturing her lips in another kiss as he pulled his hand away to undo his belt, his cock throbbing painfully in the confines of his pants.Ren chuckled a bit and kissed him again. What, afraid to get caught ? He teased, kissing him again.
She tried to help him however she could pulling off her blouse and unzippering her skirt. She was left in her bra and panties now, a garter belt holding her stockings tight around her thighs."I'm just not too sure how comfortable or sturdy this chair is " He replied with a soft tease.
Yukimura was barely out of his own clothes, only patient enough to get his belt undone and pull his cock from his pants before moving over her. Precum dribbled down the head of his cock, pushing her bra up to free her breasts so he could kiss and suck them, simply pulling her underwear aside so he could push inside of her.Ren sat back before climbing off his lap and standing. I guess that s fair, don t wanna break your chair He took his hand and lead him to where Nobu have waved in the direction of his room.
She was so ready. More than happy and willing to give herself to him. But her door opened and she jumped out of her skin,"Akihime, Gyobu wants you to " Mitsunari stopped when he saw what was going on. He was quiet as his rage slowly began to bowl over, "You get off of her, you disgusting farm rat!!" He yelled as he moved quickly to grab Yukimura."Mitsunari, don't hurt him!" Akihime pleaded as she covered herself. She was so embarrassed.When entering Nobu's room, it was neat and tidy, small and simple and sterile white. A very simple man indeed."Ah, I'm sorry there's no 'surprise, he's pan' banner and streamers hanging from the ceiling.." Nobu said sheepishly.
Yukimura was practically pulled from his fit as Mitsunari yanked him off Akihime, quickly trying to get himself into a somewhat decent state. M Mitsunari dono!! I I it s not what it ! It was though, was it? How was he going to explain this?Ren closed the door behind him, moving to Nobu and kissing him again. It s fine.. He said in between kisses, moving him back against the wall.
"Get out!" Mitsunari yelled and threw Yukimura out the door before whirling on Akihime, she flinched away from him in fear. He pointed at her, visibly shaking."Gyoubu willnot be happy with this."He kissed back, holding Ren gently around his waist as he relaxed against the wall.
Yukimura tumbled out of the room and out into the hall, sitting on the floor in a stunned silence for a moment before quickly hurrying off to his room. He didn t know what had come over him, he had just acted on his urge, he never meant to do such an inappropriate thing. Surely even if he was smitten with Akihime, he wouldn t have gone so far so fast.Ren felt himself getting excited he did find Nobu s genuine nature attractive, he said what he meant, and he wasn t necessarily an asshole about it. He reached and pulled Nobu s shirt up, to his shoulders before breaking the kiss to pull it over his head.
Mitsunari pointed out the door and Akihime fixed her clothes quickly before hurrying to see Yoshitsugu. Mitsunari went to deal with Yukimura.Nobu let him, kissing him again when his shirt was off before his hands moved under Ren's tank to caress his back.
Yukimura was in his room, pacing back and forth, eyes still slight slits, but he was too nervous to notice or care. His hands sweated, and he bit his nail, terrified of what would come of it.Ren let out a soft moan, kissing Nobu almost urgently as he ran his hands down Nobu s arms, touching his chest gently.
His door was pushed open roughly and Mitsunari stood in the doorway."Do you have any idea what your actions could do to this family?" He growled out.He pulled off Ren's tank and tossed it aside, nipping and kissing and licking his neck and shoulder.
Yukimura jumped when the door slammed open, bowing his head in shame. P Please forgive me, Mitsunari dono... I never meant to do such a thing..! Ren let out a soft murmur as Nobu kissed his shoulder, face flushing, hands working on his belt buckle. He took careful, slow steps backward toward the bed, pulling Nobu along as he did. Bite marks and bruises covered Ren s entire abdomen, even a few ligature marks on his back and shoulders.
"If you defile her anymore than you already have, you will bring immense shame upon Gyoubu, do you understand?!" He yelled, "I will not allow that to happen!""Please tell me these are here because you like it rough and not for other reasons..." He muttered, "I don't want to be beheaded for mass genocide..."
He kept his head down. I I understand, I m sorry, He repeated. I don t know what came over me..! Ren was silent for a moment, heavy breath falling on Nobu a shoulder. I like when my customer is happy and I get paid.. He said softly. Pay then no mind, they ll be gone in the week..
"If you touch her again, I will cut off your fingers and hands until they refuse to grow back." He sneered before storming out.He made a soft noise and unbuttoned Ren's shorts, "I won't ask you to quit...but please be a little more careful...ok?"
Ren kissed his neck. I ll be fine, I promise. He said softly, kissing across his shoulder.
He made a noise and nodded, "Ok..." He muttered, pushing his shorts from his hips.
Ren was already hard, cock pressed firm against his underwear. He stepped out of his shorts and moved to sit on the bed. How do you want me..?
"Depends on what you want me to do.." He smiled softly, "I've never really done this before.."
Ren laughed. It s really your choice, you re the virgin here, surely there s something you can think of?
He blushed and made a noise, "I could...use my mouth...?" Wow, he really was a virgin.
Do you even know how? Ren shook his head, patting the bed. Just get comfortable. He said. Let me do the work.
He blushed and moved to lay down, "I I'm sorry.."
Ren moved to crawl on top of Nobu, smirking slightly. Don t worry, I can help you out of your virgin ways He teased, leaning down and kissing him.
He laughed softly and kissed back, "Sounds good to me "
Ren pushed his hand down the front of Nobu s underwear, fondling him slowly and gently, kissing him slowly and deeply.
He moaned and kissed back, cock throbbing from the attentiin. Ren's hands were so soft.
Ren slowly increased his pace, stroking his cock to ensure it was hard for him. Pulling away, he moved down between his legs, taking the head into his mouth and using his tongue against the tip.
He melted and moaned lowly, body heating up slightly, "Oh, fuck... "
Ren found it cute the way he was practically putty in his hands, paying attention to the head of his manhood for a bit longer before taking more of him into his mouth. He rubbed his tongue along the underside of his cock as he bobbed his head, even touching himself a bit a he worked.
He was a puddle, loving the attention he was receiving. It felt way better than if he were pleasuring himself. Maybe because Ren had experience.
Ren always enjoyed sex, it was something that felt good, and was fun, he was good at it and almost liked the fact that he could get anyone off, but it was different with Nobu. He felt almost like when he first started prostituting, the same feeling of urgency for intimacy. He stroked himself as he kissed and licked down Nobu s cock, sucking gently on the sides before taking him back into his mouth with a soft moan.
"F...Fuh... " He gasped out, his cock throbbing hard in Ren's hand and mouth. He was greatly enjoying himself.
Ren pulled away from him, the trail of saliva from his lips to Nobu s cock breaking. Do you want to be inside me? He asked softly, crawling on top of him and kissing him again.
He made a small noise and nodded, "Y Yeah...please?"
Ren shifted in the bed, beckoning for Nobu to follow. Grab my shorts off the floor, I ve got condoms and some lube..
He nodded and moved to grab his shorts quickly, "Did you plan this?" He asked with a tease.
Ren couldn t help but laugh as he laid back on the bed, propping himself up on his elbows. No, but sometimes a client catches me outside of my room, and I like to be prepared.
He smiled softly and passed the shorts over, "That's fair.."
Ren took the shorts and dug the condoms and lube out, unwrapping a condom for Nobu and helping him put it on before taking some lube into his hand. He warmed it before putting it onto Nobu s cock, stroking him slowly to make sure he stayed hard. You can put it in, but just go slowly. He instructed, laying back again.
He nodded and positioned himself before moving slow, already biting his lip from the tightness.
Ren kept his legs spread for Nobu, gripping the sheets slightly as he pushed into him, letting out a soft grunt as he did. It wasn t painful, not anymore at least, but it still didn t start to feel pleasurable.
"I I'm sorry, am I going too slow?" He asked, looking worried.
Ren shook his head, adjusting his position. No, it s fine, go at what pace you want. He said, reaching up to cup Nobu s cheek, pulling him into a kiss.
He kissed back, "I don't wanna hurt you, that's all.." He said as he went back to his slow pace.
Ren shook his head. I doubt you will, enough talk though.. He muttered, kissing Nobu s shoulder and moving his hips a bit to get him going.
He moaned softly and finished pushing into him before he started moving at a slow pace. He didn't want to do any more unless Ren said.
Ren kissed and sucked on Nobu s shoulder, cheeks pink at the feeling of Nobu inside him. He figured he d have to guide Nobu on what to do, but was curious to see what he would try on his own.
His movements were a little sloppily but that was to be expected.
The two took their time, Nobu bumbling a few times, but Ren kept him straight. When they finished, Ren helped clean up, then dressed himself to leave, no laying around with him after. Sorry I can t stay, my clients usually start rolling in around now, so I have to go get everything ready.
"No, I get you...I understand..." He said, "Do you wanna...share a meal later...?"
Ren knew it was stupid to let his emotions run him, he was a prostitute, and his job was to fuck for money, not love. Sure. He said, looking to Nobu with a smile, fixing his hair.
He blushed softly and smiled back, "Great...I'll see you later, then.." He said. Before Ren left, Nobu mumbled "daisuki" under his breath.
The door closed behind Ren, and Nobu was alone again, left to gather himself and go back to work.
"That's fair..." He muttered and went back to work."Gyoubu," Mitsunari entered Yoshitsugu's room, "I caught Yukimura with Akihime. They were about to commit a most heinous crime.""Such as?" Yoshitsugu asked, watching Amaya pour his medicinal tea."Yukimura was going to defile her." Mitsunari said. Yoshitsugu turned his head slightly."Oh? A most heinous crime indeed."
The crash of porcelain on the marble floors brought their attention to Amaya, who stood with wide eyes, frozen in her spot beside Yoshitsugu, staring at Mitsunari. She was covered heavily in bruises, lip split badly from her beating. She had dropped the tea pot in shock, shaking with rage.
"Is something wrong, Amaya?" Yoahitsugu asked, looking up at her, "I do hope you plan on having that replaced."
Amaya looked down immediately, biting back her rage and nodding, fists clenched tightly and teeth bared as she crouched down to pick up the broken tea pot. Forgive me. I ll have it replaced right away.
"You did not answer my question, girl." Yoshitsugu said firmly, "What's wrong?"
Nothing. I was only disturbed by the news Mitsunari sama has brought. She was still shaking, but she kept her head down so her expression couldn t be seen and ugly, twisted snarl of rage.
"Yes, most disturbing. We should have to punish him, won't we?" Yoshitsugu said gently.
She gripped the broken shards in her hands tightly, blood dripping into the spilt tea. It is not my place to say. She ground out, but her fangs ached to tear flesh.
"You may go, Amaya. Thank you." Yoshitsugu waved her off gently.
Amaya bowed her head and quickly cleaned up the rest of the mess, leaving the two alone to finish their conversation.
Yoshitsugu made a noise as he drank his tea, "We will deal with the boy in a moment, Mitsunari.""Of course, Gyoubu.." Mitsunari agreed.
Yukimura had been locked in his room for hours, giving him plenty of time to fret and worry over the consequences of his actions he paced his room again and again, sweating profusely.
There was a pounding on his door, "Yukimura," Mitsunari called through the door, "it is time to face judgement."
Yukimura moved quickly to the door and unlocked it having locked it in the first place upon Mitsunari s order. He opened the door and stepped out, frowning softly. Is Akihime ok..?
"She is fine. However, your punishment is about to begin." He said, "Come." He turned and started to leave.
Yukimura s stomach was doing flips, and he quietly followed Mitsunari, head down and lips pressed tightly together.
They walked down the stairs to the foyer, then down a side door to chains and various scary looking tools.
Yukimura looked around the room with a deep frown, it looked like some sort of torture room, cold and isolated.
Mitsunari pushed him over to a pillory, locking only his hands before taking an iron rod and smashing it against his knuckles.
Yukimura saw white, pain immediately shooting up from his hands, knuckles splitting open and bleeding, but the first hit was not enough to break them. He nearly collapsed right there, letting out a scream of agony.
Mitsunari scowled and smacked his knuckles harder with the rod, not satisfied until he heard them break.
And break they did, the second hit was enough to break fingers and the bones in his hands, another scream escaping Yukimura as he tried to yank them free of the pillory. M Mitsunari dono!! Please stop!
"Gyoubu said you needed to br punished for laying hands on Akihime. I am happy to oblige him." He stated, tossing the rod away.
Please let me speak with him! Apologize! He shook his head, tears slipping down his face. It was a mistake..! I I never meant to hurt her..! Hurt her? What was he talking about?
He scowled heavily, "What are you talking about?" He asked dangerously.
Yukimura thought they knew, thought it was part of the reason why they were hurting him. I I bit her... Drank from her... I never meant to, it was an accident..!
Mitsunari's eyes widened slowly before he moved to grab a new tool. It was a pair of pliers, and he jammed it into Yukimura's mouth before ripping out his fangs.
Mitsunari broke many of Yukimura s teeth jamming the pliers into his mouth, and with the strength he used to tear them out, he ended up only breaking more of his teeth. Blood gushed from his mouth, spilling onto the floor as Yukimura wailed in pain, trembling. The blood smelled pure, untainted by humans or other breeds it smelled of a high blood.
"What...?" Mitsunari dipped his fingers in the blood and smelled it before looking sharply to Yukimura.
Yukimura didn't even look to Mitsunari, he was too enveloped in pain to notice his sudden interest in the smell of his blood. Yukimura had cropped ears and short fangs, yet his blood smelled of a high blood, a royal bloodline.
Mitsunari left in a hurry, going to inform Yoshitsugu.
Yukimura fell to his knees, letting the blood drip from his mouth with a numb expression on his face, tears in his eyes.
"Gyoubu," Mitsunari moved into Yoshitsugu's room quickly, the old one talking with Akihime sternly about giving away her body before marriage, "the farm rat...I think he may be a high blood.""Oh? Is that so?" Yoshitsugu asked, "What makes you say that?""His blood. It smells pure." Mitsunari said. Akihime scowled."What did you do to him?""Ripped out his fangs for feeding from you." Mitsunari growled. Akihime's face lit up and she sputtered."H How dare you !""Akihime," Yoshitsugu said firmly and she froze, "we will discuss that later. Let us go see the boy." The old vampire stood and leaned on his cane as he followed Mitsunari to Yukimura.
Yukimura hadn t moved in the slightest, just trying to adjust to the pain as he sat on the floor, hands still locked in the pillory.
"Yukimura?" Yoshitsugu called, "My, Mitsunari, you sure did a number on him ""He had to atone, please forgive me."
Yukimura picked his head up, looking to Yoshitsugu. Please forgive me, Yoshitsugu dono..!
"Oh, my dear boy, I'm sure you didn't mean either of your nefarious deeds." Yoshitsugu said, "But I'm not here for that. I'm here for your blood."
Yukimura looked confused, shifting uncomfortably as the pillory didn t allow him to sit fully on the ground. I don t understand..? What about my blood?
"It is pure. Mitsunari is convinced you're a high blood." He said before carefully sticking his fingers in Yukimura's mouth until they were heavily coated in his blood. When he removed them, he smelled them gently."This familiar to me.." He muttered.
Yukimura grimaced when Yoshitsugu put his fingers in mouth, all of his teeth throbbing with pain from the fangs that had been torn out. High blood? What does that mean? He hadn t yet been educated on the hierarchy of vampires yet, so of course he wouldn t know.
"You're a pure blooded vampire, the highest and most prestigious of our kind..." He told him, "but not just any high of the old ones...""Gyoubu?" Mitsunari looked confused.
He shook his head, staring still at Yoshitsugu with furrowed brows. I... But I was always with gramps and obaa san...
"I will have to look into this..." Yoshitsugu said before hobbling away."What should I do with him?" Mitsunari asked."He still has to atone for feeding from my daughter.""Of course, Gyoubu."
Please wait, Yoshitsugu dono! Please tell me what this means! He begged after the old man, desperate for an answer.
Yoshitsugu stopped and looked back, "It means that you are one of us, dear boy. Royalty, in a manner of speaking."
Then.. He stared at Yoshitsugu, eyes watering with tears. What of my parents..? He asked quietly.
"Most likely killed." He replied simply, "A tragedy, indeed. If I can find a connection, surely we can pay proper respects."
Yukimura shook his head and sat back on his heels, tears dripping down his cheeks, this was too much to take in all at once.
Yoshitsugu left after that, leaving Yukimura to his thoughts and Mitsunari trailing behind him. Yukimura had been sitting there for a long time before he heard someone coming back."Yukimura...?" It was Akihime, "Oh God...what have they done...?" She moved over, holding a small blood bag in her hands.
Yukimura s wounds hadn t healed at all, broken knuckles still split open, and dried blood now covering the front of his chest and on his chin. He picked his head up when he heard Akihime, frowning softly. Akihime..! He looked worried for her, even though he was in a far worse position than her. Please forgive me..! I I never would ve tried to..! He let his gaze drop, and he looked ashamed. I would never mean to defile you... Is that how he had seen the situation?
She only smiled kindly, "Daijoubu daiyou...I will never scorn yiu for your urges...they happen to all of us. Here," she held up the bag, "I brought this so you can heal...! O Positive! The good stuff." She smiled more.
He looked at the bag, but didn t move for it immediately. I I can t... Mitsunari dono took out my fangs.. He said softly.
She frowned before looking away shyly, "What if...what if I fed it to you...? W With my...m m m my..." Steam came out of her ears as she became even more flustered.
Yukimura stared at her for a moment in bewilderment before he understood what she was trying to say. His own ears and face turned a deep red, and he became flustered as well. I I couldn t ask that of you..!
"I If you can't eat on your own than I have to help...! I don't have any straws..." She muttered, "Maybe if I tore the corner? You could sip it that way?"
He nodded, face bright red, and he was avoiding looking directly at her now. W We can certainly try.. He agreed.
She nodded and tore a hole in the corner of the bag just big enough that he could drink without spilling it everywhere. She offered it and blushed, "Here...take your time.."
Yukimura moved so he could drink from the blood bag, careful to not spill any onto the floor as he did.
"I'm really sorry about Mitsunari nii..." She muttered, "I'm not sure why he's so protective of me and my father..."
Yukimura pulled away from the bag before shaking his head. What I did was wrong... He said softly.
She blushed, "But I liked it..." She muttered, "So I don't...think it's anything to fuss over.."
Yukimura blushed and kept his gaze down. I ve angered both you father and brother... He pointed out, knowing they d both be on a tight leash from then on.
"Father is just very traditional...but if we get married, then..." She suddenly stopped and looked down, "I I'm sorry..."
Yukimura shook his head. It s alright, Akihime... You should probably go, I don t want you getting in trouble because of me again... Jin s throat was sore, voice hoarse from her constant screams of pain. She had been viciously raped and beaten by Matsunaga ever since the council meeting, left locked up in her bedroom alone for sometimes days at a time. She stopped struggling and fighting back for the most part, but Matsunaga liked to hear her cry and scream in pain, and would only hurt her worse if she didn t. When he wasn t using her body for pleasure, he was torturing her, sometimes both at the same time.Her eyes looked tired, and she had deep bags under her eyes, having lost weight as well. She prayed every night that it would be her last, and Matsunaga would kill her, accidentally or not, but he was meticulous, and never went far enough to kill her.
"Not until you finish at least half of the bag.." She said gently, smiling again.He came into her room again, this time empty handed. Oh good, more rape."Good news, Jin." He said, "You are with child."
Yukimura nodded, moving forward again so he could drink from the bag, knuckles and mouth still aching badly.Jin turned her head slowly, looking away from the window she sat at whenever she wasn t needed by Matsunaga, looking at him without expression. Oh, is that so. And then she turned to look back out the window, saying nothing more.
When he finished, she hid the bag and stood, "I'll be back tomorrow, ok? You did nothing wrong so I won't allow you to falsely suffer.." She told him gently."Oh yes. Don't worry, it's mine." He told her, "Isn't that wonderful?"
Yukimura didn t argue with her, but he also didn t feel the same. He had hurt her and nearly defiled her, how could he not be in the wrong?Jin said nothing, only staring out the window as she always did, no biting remarks, or sneers, only expressionless calm. The only time she showed expression was when he was hurting her, forcing her to tears.
Akihime moved and kissed his cheek gently, "I'll see you tomorrow..." She whispered.Matsunaga moved over and pulled her head back."I asked you a question."
Yukimura s ears flushed hot again, and he watched Akihime leave, his heart thumping in his chest.Jin winced in pain, staring up at him, not moving an inch. Yes. She forced out, barely managing a scared, sorrowful smile. She felt like he d break her neck with how hard he was pulling her head back.
Matsunaga smiled softly and released her hair, "A joyous occasion indeed."
Jin quickly let her head drop back forward, neck aching along with her scalp. She felt like if she moved, even breathed, he would hurt her. She stayed in her chair, fists clenched on her lap, at least now she might get relief from the constant abuse.
"I hope you're as excited as I am." He said as he headed for the door.
He smelled blood, Jin s blood, his sharp ears picking up on the sound of scraping on bone. Jin was biting herself again, having bitten down deep into the back of her hand from the stress and flourishing feelings of self hatred.
He glanced back with a soft scowl, "What an ugly quality you have, dear."
She didn t answer, didn t look back at him, only removed her fangs from the flesh, and biting her hand again. She would do this when Matsunaga would rape her, silently bite her arms over and over, sometimes biting down to the bone. His personal doctor told him it was a stress reaction, but as long as she didn t try to take her life, it wasn t life threatening.
He made a noise and left the room without another word. She would be fine. She was rather resilient.
She would spend the next hour or so repeating this, making a mess of herself, and the floor at her feet.
The abuses were at least lessened. There was no real damage done to her body now with her pregnant, but he still preformed anal sex with her when he was in the mood.
Jin never did anything to herself that would harm the child growing within her, but her arms were in such terrible condition, blood would seep through her bandages daily. She felt no different with the news that she was going to be a mother, no flutter in her heart, no feelings of warmth.
"Alright," Motochika spoke to Ren as they headed out, "so this guy you're going to, he's a real freak. He will kill you even given the chance. Don't do anything to piss him off."
Ren stared down at the folder in his lap in shock, it was nearly empty. This is a joke right? Don t piss him off, this just barely has his name! He waved the file at Motochika. What am I supposed to work with, you don t haveanything. He said, dressed in an expensive and ornate kimono and geta sandals, hair and make up done in a traditional oiran style.
"All I know is he has no qualms with beating you to near death if you make him unhappy. He's a fucking hermit, that's why I need you to go in there and grab what you can and get the hell out." He said.
Ren looked nervous, looked down at the fine, staring at the picture of his next mark. Do you even know what he prefers in bed?
Motochika remembered much too vividly the slow healing wounds on Jin's back, "A submissive..."
The burns and torn skin was as fresh as if he had saw them yesterday, and the castration job made his own private bits ache with pain. He knew just how much danger Ren was in, but the information he had gotten on the Date last time was worth near millions. Anything on Matsunaga would be just as, if not more valuable.Ren sat back in his car seat and let out a heavy sigh, visibly nervous. I hope you know I gave up a dinner date to do this last minute assignment. He muttered.
"A dinner date?" He asked, "You had a date? With who?"
Oh, now you re interested! Well I m not telling He teased, crossing his arms over his chest. Just make sure I don t come back in a coffin or anything.
"I'll do my best." He said, smirking softly, "Don't give him a reason to put you in a coffin."
Ren didn t even know whatwouldput him in a coffin with this guy, only knowing he was crazy and liked to be dominant in bed. When they arrived, he was surprised to find a modern home, expecting Matsunaga to live in an old style home. I m impressed. He said, leaving the file in the car as he got out, his wooden geta sandals clacking on the driveway.
"Good luck! Call if you need help!" Motochika called before driving off. When Ren got to the door, a servant answered with a frown."Can I help you?"
I ve been sent by my master, Chosokabe Motochika, along with the shipment of human cattle Matsunaga sama has requested. Ren said, bowing his head to the servant.
"Ah," she seemed a little less tense, "of course. Please come in." She moved to let him in.
Ren stepped inside, hands folded in his sleeves as he looked around briefly, the house immaculate and cold looking, much like it s owner.
"Please wait here while I retrieve Matsunaga sama.." She said gently before heading up the stairs.
Ren stood in wait, hearing nothing at all throughout the manor, except the faint footfalls of servants as they went about their jobs.
"An oiran?" Matsunaga appeared at the top of the stairs, looking confused at the sight of Ren.
Ren looked to Matsunaga and offered a gentle smile and a bow. Motochika sama has extended my services as thanks of such a large purchase, both he and I are truly grateful to be of service to you.
He gave a small noise, "Well, if you should make your way back to him, give him my thanks. Though I am not one for prostitutes actresses or otherwise.."
Ren carefully made his way up the stairs toward Matsunaga, scared, but determined to bring Motochika something. Surely there s something that I can be of service for, regardless if you have a disliking towards those sighing my profession.. ?
"Can you make a decent pot of tea?" He asked, "Don't expect me to actually sleep with you. It would upset my wife."
Of course I can make a decent pot of tea you stupid old fuck, it s practically the only thing in your file that you take an interest in. Motochika even had me signed up for a stupid tea ceremony training, not to mention having me study on the art of tea, the most boring thing in the world! Was What Ren wished he could say, but only smiled softly and bowed his head once more. Of course, what would you prefer?
"Whatever the servants have hiding in the cabinet. Perhaps you will do better than them." He said.
He picked his head up and smiled at him. Of course, I ll be but a moment, will you allow me to use the kitchen?
"Yes, yes, off with you." He said flatly. It was going to be impossible not to just kill him.
Ren felt irritation on the back of his neck, finding the nearest servant and having them take him to the kitchen. He prepared the water and the loose tea leaves, setting everything on the tray before being led back to Matsunaga, who was up in his office.
When Ren came in, Matsunaga watched him like a hawk, "That was rather quick, I'm impressed."
Ren moved over and set up the tray stand so he could prepare the tea before Matsunaga. I didn t want to keep you waiting. He said, scooping the tea leaves into the stainer and letting the leaves steep, setting a cup out in front of Matsunaga.
He took it and sipped it slowly. He made a noise and set it back down, "Not bad."
Ren set the tea pot aside and bowed to Matsunaga. Thank you, Matsunaga sama. He said gently.
He waved him off and went back to his work, "I'll summon you if I require anything.."
Of course. He said and bowed to him, leaving him in his office. There wasn t much he could do to get things from his office, but surely there was other information elsewhere in the home.
Asking around would seem suspicious. Guess he had to go sniffing around on his own.
Ren did just that, wondering the mostly empty home and peeking into any room that was unlocked.
He found a library of sorts. There were bookshelves filled with books but there also filing cabinets. An archive room maybe? Probably somewhere to stuff old files and forget about them.
Ren quietly closed the door of the library browsing through the books for a bit to see if there was anything worth while in them before moving to the filing cabinets.
The files held old purchase info for his museums large sums of money thrown at humans for antiques. Some files held off record stuff, hush money for those who stole for Matsunaga. Even illegal purchases of human cattle. No wonder Motochika didn't have any receipts from him besides this job.
Ren took pictures of it all, using his phone as the camera, a soft scowl on his face. He put back each piece of paper where he had found it, making sure everything looked the same before moving onto the next files. Once he had gotten enough photos, he cleaned up the room, putting things back in order.
As soon as he left the room, he bumped into Matsunaga. "And just what were you doing in there?"
Ren only stumbled before correcting himself and bowing his head to Matsunaga. Excuse me, I was merely interested in seeing what you had to read, sadly I am more into current literature than anything else, so I found nothing of interest.
"In this room?" He asked, "With all my business notes and archives?"
Ren didn t falter one bit. That s why I m leaving it, please forgive me, I hadn t realized it wasn t a usual library until I looked at the spines of the books.
He scowled lightly, "Of course. And I suppose Chosokabe didn't ask you to snoop through my things?"
Ren only bowed his head again. Of course not, Matsunaga sama. My master has only sent me here to be of service to you.
He made a noise and held out his hand, "Your phone, if you don't mind."
My phone? Sure. Ren said, digging into his sleeve and pulling out a flip phone with a few charms dangling from it, setting it in Matsunaga s hand. Of course he wasn t an idiot, Matsunaga would want to see his phone and go through it, but he wouldn t find anything of interest in that phone besides messages from clients, pricing, dates, times, and locations. Ren had several phones, and it wasn t like he walked around with just one. The one he took pictures with was hidden much better.
Matsunaga flipped through it and furrowed his brow before handing it back and walking away. No way he would just give up like that.
Ren watched him go as he slid his phone back into his sleeve, knowing just how close of a call he had just had. He d have to wait until later to send the pictures to Motochika, as taking out his second phone now would be too risky.
Walking around was boring, as the servants did their best to avoid Ren when he came around. Maybe Matsunaga didn't like for them to talk to guests.
Ren found their behavior strange, but figured it was something Matsunaga caused. After walking around the manor for a while to look at the art inside, he decided to go out to the garden. This was by far the most boring of all his jobs.
At least the garden looked nice, probably just for appearances. Matsunaga didn't seem like the gardening type.
Ren walked around the rather large garden, finding it rather beautiful. It was outdoors, but the walkways were covered with shades, so he could explore the entirety of the garden as he pleased. When at the very edge of the garden, he looked up toward the large house, and found someone staring back st him from behind bars. Ren frowned, but didn't try to call out, or even communicate. Who was that woman? Why was she locked away? She looked terribly sad, like she was suffering greatly.
When Ren came back inside, Matsunaga was there to meet him again, "Did you enjoy your little walk?"
I did, your garden is lovely. Ren said with a nod. Is he following me? Surely I didn t upset him by walking in a garden and looking at the plants? Is there something I can do for you, Matsunaga sama?
He said nothing, instead moved and jammed a silver knife into Ren's chest, scowling softly, "Clearly you have seen too much."
Ren stood stunned for a moment before looking down at the knife protruding from his chest. What? What? What? What? I don t understand, what s going on!? Ren stumbled back, trying to catch himself before he fell, but his body wouldn t respond, and he fell to the floor.
Matsunaga stood over him before picking him up and dragging him down into the basement. "Now, I do so hope Chosokabe isn't fond of you."
Ren couldn t move a muscle, he could hardly breathe, only able to stare at Matsunaga s feet as he descended the stairs, panic rising in his chest.
He dropped Ren onto the floor and destroyed the intricate kimono he was wearing to get it off. He nade a noise as he looked over Ren's body, making a small noise.
Ren s eyes held panic in them as he stared up at the ceiling blankly, the knife still protruding from his chest. Around his thigh was a phone holder, and inside a phone Matsunaga wasn t familiar with, as it wasn t the phone that Ren had handed him. Tears leaked down Ren s face as he was stripped, not caring for the clothes, but rather what Matsunaga planned to do to him.
"What's this?" Matsunaga asked as he removed the phone, "Holding out on me?"
Ren couldn t look at Matsunaga, only hear him speak. He wished he could call for Motochika, but at that moment, he couldn t even move his eyes.
"You were hiding a seperate phone, I see. So, you are spying for Chosokabe, then. I'm very dusappointed, really." He remarked.
What was Ren supposed to say? That he was sorry? He wasn t, and he wouldn t have said it, even if he could.
Matsunaga unlocked the phone to go through it, wanting to know exactly what Ren had found.
The phone only popped up with an error message reading: No SIM card found . Surely Ren wasn t just carrying around a phone with no SIM card, so where was it?
"Hm. It would seem I will have to pick you apart until I find that SIM card." He said, "What a fun time we will have together."
Tears fell harder from Ren s eyes, glinting with fear as he stared ahead at the ceiling, trying his hardest to move, even if an inch.
"That's assuming you've hidden it somewhere in your body." He remarked, "I guess we'll have to see, won't we..." He said and moved toward his tools.
Ren couldn t move, couldn t shake or scream or cry, only lay still as tears poured down his cheeks, making his makeup run. The knife in his chest was but a dull ache, but he was still fully aware and awake. He had hidden the SIM card as a precaution, he always had, but he couldn t even give it up to Matsunaga even if he wanted to, it was like Matsunaga wanted to hurt him.
"Let's try a little dissecting, see if it isn't hidding in your insides." Matsunaga said as he came over with a razor sharp knife. He moved and dragged the knife slowly down Ren's chest under his collarbone and stopped just under his belly button.
Blood poured from the incision, and he could almost hear the scream that wanted to escape from Ren, eyes wide. He could feel the cut clearly, feel the knife sink into his flesh and split as he dragged the blade down his belly, but he was trapped inside his own body.
Matsunaga began poking around, as if looking for the card in his guts making small remarks to himself like "no, not here","not there, either". He was truly a madman.
One thing Matsunaga did find, was a lack of female anatomy, outwardly having female genitalia, but inside, Ren didn t have a uterus or ovaries, not even scar tissue or where they might have been.
Matsunaga scowled heavily, "How utterly disgusting. Chosokabe thought it funny to send me a transvestite. He even mutilated you to make it look real."
Ren found his comments hurtful, Ren wasn t a transvestite, he was a man, this was his job, what did it matter how he got it done? He wished he could speak, wished he could move, he d tell him off and spit in his face.
Matsunaga continued to dig around, making soft disgusted noises as he did so, before finally pulling his hand free and moving to wash it, "Well, no SIM card there.."
Ren had already passed out twice by that point, feeling like he was going to suffocate even though his breathing was still rather normal. His thoughts were a mess, and he couldn t even focus on anything.
"Where did you hide it, hm? In your fake vagina, maybe?" He asked, "Should I go digging around in there?"
Ren wanted to cry, wanted to beg him to stop he could endure pain, but this was an entirely different kind of pain. He couldn t even give Matsunaga what he wanted, even if he wanted to.
"Oh, right. You can't answer me." He said, before just jamming his fingers inside Ren's nethers.
It felt just like when Ren s clients were too wound up and tried to start before Ren was even ready. It hurt, uncomfortable and every movement painful, and Ren couldn t even grunt in discomfort, only able to have more tears flood down his face.
Matsunaga wormed his fingers around, almost genuinely looking for the card inside Ren.
There was nothing inside his nethers, nothing that wasn t supposed to be there. Where could Ren have possibly hidden the SIM card?
"Hm. If I could, I would remove the knife so you can tell me." He said, removing his fingers roughly.
I ll tell you! I ll fucking tell you! I d even give it to you! Just please stop!! Ren wanted to plead with him, beg him to stop.
"Should I?" Matsunaga muttered, grabbing the hilt of the knife, "Hm...maybe. If for but a moment.." He said and pulled the knife free.
Ren lurched forward with the blade as it was removed, a horrible scream escaping from him, having built up from being cut open, poked and prodded. He nearly got sick when he saw his belly still split open, starting to hyperventilate.
"Perhaps that was a bad idea." He said and moved to push the blade back in.
Ren grabbed the blade itself, keeping it from piercing his chest again, hand shaking as he looked to Matsunaga. St Stop... I ll give it... I ll give it to you, just stop..! He managed out.
"Where is it?" He asked, "I'm not a very patient person."
Ren wanted to shove the knife into Matsunaga himself, but instead reached into his mouth and pulled out the SIM card from his cheek, holding it out. I can go now, right?
Matsunaga took the card and put all his strength into driving the knife back into Ren's chest, "Not just yet."
Ren tried to push back, tried to push Matsunaga away, but the blade slowly sunk into his chest again, slicing open his palm. Please... He managed out before he slumped back against the metal table, eyes locked with Matsunaga s.
Matsunaga moved away and cleaned the card before returning it to the phone. He then went and reset it, effectively wiping the whole thing clean.
Ren wanted to scream and cry, this had never happened before, he didn t know what to do. They had never made a plan for what to do if he was caught.
Motochika was getting anxious, he hadn't heard from Ren in days. He couldn't just go knocking, that would put Ren in more danger."God dammit."
He hadn t gotten anything from Ren, no info, no check ins, he didn t even answer his client phone under one of his men s numbers as a decoy.It was so unnerving that Motochika hardly even noticed the large package he had received in with his mountains of mail. It wasn t unusual to get copious amounts of mail, or even numerous large boxes full of supplies for his trade, so he easily brushed it off as such.
He was pretty stressed but he had to trust Ren. Maybe he should work on all this mail, he had been letting it pile up and he shouldn't have.
The large box was heavy, and it sounded like there was another box within the cardboard one, which was a bit odd, but nothing too alarming.
He made a noise and carefully cut the tape, "What the fuck could this be? No return address, figures."
He opened the cardboard box to a pine one, but not just any pine box. It was a coffin, an old fashioned child size coffin. Was this a threat of some kind? A move to intimidate him? There was no letter, and the box had been nailed shut whatever it was meant to be, it wasn t funny.
Motochika furrowed his brows, a bad feeling sinking into his stomach. He had to walk halfway across his hoke just to get a pry bar for the coffin, and when he got it open he scrambled back like he released a vampire killing virus. Ren was in the box, his eyes in a jar by his head which was no longer attached to his shoulders. His arms and legs were sectioned, arms from the shoulders, his forearms from the elbows and his wrist from everything else. He was bifricated with his legs also sectioned from his hips, knees, and ankles respectively. He was packed in tight to make sure he would fit properly."Jesus fucking Christ!! Nobu!! Somebody get Nobu, goddammit!!"
No one bothered to peek in to see why Motochika was screaming for Nobu, they just ran down to the doctor as ordered, telling him Motochika was in urgent need of him in his office.
Nobu looked confused but obeyed, leaving his little clinic to go to Motochika's office. "What's going on?" He asked as he came in. Motochika could only point, and when Nobu looked into the box, he almost vomitted, "Oh my God! Help me get him down, now!" He said and Motochika had to shut the coffin again so he could carry Ren down easier.
Ren had a stab wound on his chest, but whatever had been used was removed, so there was no telling if he had been stabbed with a holy weapon, or staked. Other than being cut up like a butchered pig, Ren was clean of all blood, not a single drop in the box. Had he been bled dry? And what of his eyes, would they be able to be salvaged?
When they got the coffin down, Nobu had to fight his tears to stitch Ren back together."Wh What the fuck happened...?" He asked lowly. Motochika stood silently for a moment before choosing to speak."Retaliation, I guess...Ren must'a got caught.""Get out." Nobu growled, "I need to focus." Motochika left without another word, mentally kicking himself.
Ren was in over a dozen pieces, some parts of him stored in jars within the coffin eyes, tongue, and even his genitals had been removed and put in a jar. The stab wound in his chest looked like it had been made with something silver, whether it was a holy item or not wouldn t be clear until Ren was stitched back together.
Nobu could smell more silver and he felt around for any heat. In Ren's stomach, it felt like a furnace, and Nobu reluctantly had to reopen Ren's previous chest opening.
When he undid the stitching, silver crosses nearly poured out from his abdomen, falling onto the table covered in blood and smoking. He could see nearly a dozen at first glance, all varying in size, but none larger than his hand. He could see most of his organs had been moved out of place, a few cut open and still healing slowly, and all of them burned from the silver. Ren s head was by far the least touched, only his hair, toungue, and eyes removed.
"Jesus fucking Christ..." Nobu muttered, voice cracking. He needed to have this monstrous act reported to the council, so with shaking hands he took his camera and photographed everything before he carefully removed every cross.
Some crosses had to be cut out of him, having been in long enough to burn into his flesh. It took hours to line up and reattach every bone, nerve ending, and muscles, and even then, his body wouldn t be stable. Ren would be bed bound for weeks, months even, as his body recovered and reconnected itself into one. And of course, that was all if Ren hadn t been stabbed in the heart with a holy weapon.
Nobu stayed awake the whole time to make sure there was no negative change in Ren's status. He drank a bit, which escalated to a lot over time.
Ren looked like a human puzzle as Nobu put him back together, parts sewed and stapled back together even his eyes were closed and secured with tape and gauze to keep his eyes from falling out.
"God, why did this have to happen...?" He muttered, fingers working numbly as he came down from a drunken stupor.
Ren s severed head lay at the top of the table, body laid out how it needed to go back together. How much blood would Ren need to ingest to heal these wounds? Would this turn him feral?
"God, Ren..." He muttered, stitching Ren's ankles back onto his legs, "This is awful...he even butchered yiur hair.."
Ren s real hair had started to grow quite long, so much so he almost didn t need his hair extensions anymore. Now there was only wispy ends that Matsunaga had left behind.
He finished one foot and then moved to the other, working slowly to make sure it was all aligned properly. He had to stop every now amd again to keep from crying.
What had Motochika meant when he said Ren got caught? Wasn t he just a prostitute? Isn t that why he was always sent away for jobs?
Did he sell Ren to Matsunagabecausehe was a prostitute? That was what Motochika brought him on for, sure. But to send Ren into a literal lion's den for some extra cash, it didn't seem right.
Motochika could be a real asshole at times, but he wasn t that horrible wasn t the kinda guy to turn around and sell one of his own off for a few extra bucks? Was he?
Nobu was angry. Worse, buzzed and angry. He finished up Ren's foot before downing a whole nother bottle of booze and going off to find Motochika.
Ren was kind, he didn t deserve to be cut up and mutilated the way he had been. Did Motochika knowingly send Ren to be cut up like that? Ren never would ve accepted a job like that, would he? No. It wasn t him.
"Motochika!!" Nobu slurred. The giant of a vampire looked over and rose an eyebrow."Don't you have a low blood to put together?" Motochika asked. Nobu stumbled and got in Motochika's face, who recoiled at the choking smell of alcohol."Why did you send Ren to that monster? Hm? Did you just get tired of paying him so you sent him to die?""What the hell are you talking about?" Motochika scowled. Nobu jammed his finger in Motochika's chest."Ren wouldn't be fucked up so bad if you didn't sell him to that psycho!" He slurred angrily. Motochika blinked slowly before clocking Nobu good."Firstly, you're drunk. And you know better than to screech at me like a woman. Secondly, what does it matter? Ren's a prostitute. He knew what he was getting into. If he didn't like it, he coukd have backed out.""It matters cuz...cuz..." Nobu felt sick. Motochika smirked and laughed."Fuck, don't tell me you love a whore ""Shut up!" Nobu slurred.
Did he love Ren? Sure Ren was nicer to him than anyone else at the estate, and actually treated him with respect, not to mention he was his very first, but did he actually love him?
"Wow, Nobu that's a step down ""Says the guy who's keeping a human hostage in his room." Nobu growled. Motochika stepped hard on Nobu's chest."Who the fuck cares, huh? I needed a rat and I found one. Do you know how easy Ren is to replace?Dumb fucking easy.He's only here to fuck and make me money, so you're going to fix him up so I can put him back out there.""I I won't...let you...!"
The thought of something even remotely similar happing to Ren again made Nobu want to vomit, how could it not do the same to Motochika? Ren came back in acoffin, in a coffinandin pieces, and he just wanted to patch him back up and throw him back out there?
"You're a fucking monster." Nobu growled. Motochika snorted."A monster that put a roof over your head and money in your pocket. Where would you be if not for me? Huh?""I had a stable job before you came along!""Yeah, preforming autopsies and feeding from the corpses. Don't kid yourself. Get back in your little clinic and fix up my whore." Motochika ordered.
What if he didn t fix Ren? What if he let him stay that way? Then he wouldn t have to be in danger anymore, he wouldn t feel pain or wake up from the nightmare he had experienced. Ren had seemed willing to be used by Motochika, but this was just too far.
But then he would never see Ren again, or hear his voice and see him smile. Or be with him ever. Sure, he would fix Ren. But then he would push for him to leave. That hurt much less than just leaving him in pieces.
Ren would still be in his clinic when he returned, laying on the table exactly how he was left in pieces.
He frowned and became incredibly depressed as he moved to get back to work.
Ren s skin was soft and cold, oddly still feeling very alive even after being bled dry and cut up.
"Don't'll be like this never happened..." He muttered before picking up the needle and thread to start working. It took him days to put Ren back together he was the most complex jigsaw puzzle he ever had. But he did it. The stitches would be easy to remove once the parts healed back together in their proper order. Nobu finally took a moment to relax, hands aching down to the bone.
It seemed like Nobu barely had his eyes closed for a minute, before terrible screams torn him from his sleep. Ren has finally regained consciousness, now screaming and thrashing on the table Nobu put him on to work on him. His eyes were covered with a bandage to help them heal, which left Ren blind for the time being. He was begging and screaming, swatting at things that weren t there, kicking and pleading for mercy.
"Ren! Ren, it's ok!" Nobu moved and held him down by his shoulders, "It's alright, you're safe now! Take it easy or you'll rip the stitches!"
Ren s fear was nearly palpable, face twisted with absolute horror as he kicked over nearby tables of supplies fighting against Nobu. I already gave it to you!! I gave it to you, so please! Please, stop hurting me!! The stitches on his left arm gave out from the struggle, arm dropping away from his body and onto the floor.
"Ren! Please, listen, it's ok!""What the hell is all the screaming?" Motochika growled. Nobu glared and nudged his head."Hold him down, I need to sedate him." He said and Motochika took Nobu's place as the doctor grabbed a nearby sedative and filled a syringe. He moved back and injected it into Ren's still attached arm, though those threads were threatening to give too.
Motochika could feel how hard Ren was fighting, blood coming from every part of him that was stitched, the gauze protecting his eyes soaking up with blood and tears. Please..! Please, let me go..! His voice cracked as the drugs started to work, his struggling becoming less and less. Please, no more..! I can t take anymore..! He slowly slumped back against the table, still begging and pleading for forgiveness, even as he started to drift into unconsciousness.
Nobu was shaking as he moved back, Motochika letting up on Ren once he settled down."G God..." Nobu muttered numbly. Motochika made a noise and opted to leave, forcing Nobu to reattach Ren's arm.
Ren has regained consciousness, but it was clear his mental capacity was not at its best. The trauma and stress was more than likely keeping him in such a deranged state, and as for how long he would be in it, or if it would be permanent, wasn t clear. For the time being, it gave his body time to rest and heal without movement, sedated and fed intravenously. What had Ren endured? And for what? What information had he gotten that was so important it nearly killed him? Would he even remember it?
Nobu did all that he could to keep Ren calm while he was in the inbetween of lucidity and unconsciousness. He brushed his hair and made sure he was clean, pain sweats were awful and he knew Ren wouldn't want to marinade like that. He kept drinking, in fact it became even heavier. He would have to ask Motochika if he had talked to the coucil yet.
Ren looked like he was in constant pain and he was. Reconnecting nerves in a severed limb was one thing, but reconnecting such a large amount of nerves all at once, it was agony. He was already burning through Nobu s blood supply faster than he could replenish it, and he would only need more. His lucid moments were improving, but he could still see the panic on Ren s face when was awake.
He did his best to keep the environment calm when Ren was cognitive, not wanting to send him flying into a panic. He tried to keep his pain managed too, ignoring the fact that the blood packs were running lower and lower.
Ren s healing was coming along nicely, slowly, but nicely, but he was also burning through blood bags faster than Nobu could replace them. He needed them for his wounds though, and with the wounds having been inflicted with silver, it would require more for a low blood like Ren to heal.
"How's it coming?" Motochika asked as he came in. Nobu turned his head, eyes unfocused from the booze."Slow." He slurred, "But it's going." He flopped his head back to watch Ren and Motochika scowled."I saw you had a resupply request.""Yeah, he's taking a lot of blood to heal." Nobu said, "But that's ok...""It isn't. Blood is money, and I'm losing it.""Whaddu want me to do? Huh?" Nobu swirved back, glaring heavily, "He needs it to heal.""I need it to feed other employees. If he doesn't improve any more than he has now, kill him.""No!" Nobu got angry and defensive, "I won't!""Then speed it up." Motochika hissed and left.
Over the next few days, Ren regained consciousness as well as mental stability, able to mumble somewhat coherent sentences to questions Nobu asked him. M legs hurt... but they re numb too... I don think I can move my toes yet though... He mumbled, the wrappings around his eyes still remaining, eyes healing more slowly than the rest of his body.
"It'll take time..." Nobu muttered, laying his head next to Ren's arm, "You're doing great.."
How long..? Ren started to tremble, Nobu able to hear the anguish in his voice even through the exhaustion. How long was I there..? How many years...?
"Not years, hun...a couple months at most...I was so worried about you..." He muttered numbly.
Ren s tears hurt his eyes, having to bite his lip hard. I m sorry... m sorry I didn t say it back... I was scared... I was scared you didn t mean it, or that I d mess it up... I m sorry..!
He lifted his head to look at him before moving closer and resting his head beside Ren's, "Don't apologize...I wasn't angry or upset then and I'm not now...I'm just glad you're home.."
Ren cried quietly, laying still on the table with Nobu beside him, crying himself to sleep.
He laid his head beside him a bit longer before moving to check on how much blood was left.
Ren didn t know what time it was when he woke up again, always having his eyes wrapped up, so he couldn t see the clock in the room, only hear it ticking. He felt stiff, both from his body healing and from the gauze wrapped around him to help keep him together, and it was only when he was focusing on his own body did he hear the breathing in the room. It was quiet and even, but he could tell someone was there beside his bed. Nobu..? He turned his head very slightly, Nobu telling him to keep himself as still as possible to keep from tearing the stitches.
"Sorry, he's out..." Motochika's voice sounded, "Asked me to watch you while he got blood from the cattle."
He saw Ren flinch, lower lip trembling a bit as his lips turned to a frown. Motochika.. He sounded ashamed, turned his head back so he was facing the ceiling again. You didn t have to watch me... I m not going anywhere..
"Nobu has been the worst fucking hen with you, if I didn't park it, he would start throwing things." He stated, "It was either sit here with you or listen to Nana scream."
Ren lay silently for a moment, then spoke up. It can t be much fun just watching me lay here.. I m not much to look at..
"Not in this sorry state, no." He replied, "But I'm working on getting the other council members together for another hearing about Matsunaga. Though he may uproot all my dirt digging, I've had just about all I can take with him."
Ren bit his lip so hard blood formed in droplets. I don t have to go.. do I? He asked weakly, his fear and discomfort clear in his tone.
"'Fraid you do. They need to see the damage to fully convict him of wrongdoing. But you won't hafta look or talk to him." He said.
I don t even know if Icanlook at him.... Nobu says my right eye isn t healing, and my other eye is too light sensitive to see much... He was shaking. If I go before him again... he ll kill me for sure..
"I won't let him near ya, Ren, you'll be fine. You just need to tell the council what happened." He told him.
Cap n... I m really sorry I m a coward... If I wasn t such a coward, I wouldn t have given up the information I found.. wouldn t have begged so pitifully like I had... But I can t..! He shook his head. I don t know if Nobu told you... But you don t know what he did..! He whispered, voice trembling. He put a mirror on the ceiling above me so I could watch, he cut me open and stuck himself inside me... the things he took out of me, the things he left inside me... He had to clench his jaw to keep from crying. It was too much.. I can t relive that again..!
"Settle down before you have a panic attack. There ain't nothin I can do, you have to go. You'll be fine, ok? If you want, Nobu can tag along and be your service dog. You ain't a coward,'re way braver for still going even though you knew how dangerous it was.." He told him
Ren was quiet for a while, then he turned his head to face Motochika. I remember it all... the papers and files I mean.. He said softly. Even if the pictures are gone, I remember everything on those papers..
"That's good...that'll help a lot during the trial." He told him, "Don't worry about it too much, ok? The trial won't be for a while. Just focus on gettin' better.."
Ren nodded, having very little to do other than laying as still as he could in his bed lest he lose his arm again.
When the trial was finally agreed on, Nobu came with Ren like Motochika said he would. Mainly because Ren couldn't fully walk on his own yet, but it was also to offer Ren an achor in case he had a panic attack. They drove for a long time to the assembly building but when they got there, Nobu helped Ren to the side room to keep him from Matsunaga, "You're doing great.."
Ren was wheelchair bound and needed someone else to push it for him, leaving him almost as lame as he was when he was bed bound. He could at least see with one eye at this point, but his vision still wasn t back to normal. This ll probably be the first time I m not looking forward to taking my clothes off in front of a bunch of people.. He muttered, joints still sore and stiff, wearing a sterile hospital gown over his wrapped up body.
"You'll do great.." Nobu assured him, kissing his head gently, "We show the damage quick as lightning, then get you clothed again and back to the room away from Matsunaga.."
Ren still hated to even hear his name, but just nodded. Hopefully I don t lose an arm this time.. He said, trying to joke with Nobu.
He smiled softly and pinched his cheeks gently, "I brought a sewing kit just in case." He teased.
Ren groaned at his cheeks being pinched, but didn t try to wear Nobu s hands away. It still doesn t feel good...!
"Aw, you big baby do you want me to kiss it all better ?" He grinned, "Get you a sucker, too ?"
Ren s face flushed. Shush..! What if one of the clan heads heads us or something..!? He whispered, embarrassed for once.
He waved his hand, "Let them. What do I care? Only one who pays my bills is Motochika.." He said gently, "And he doesn't care what I do so long as I don't kill anyone important.."
They are only the most old and powerful vampires to exist to date..! Ren pointed out.Masamune and Megohime s relationship was slowly building, the two spending more and more time together as time went on, and it didn t take long for the two to become intimate. Megohime was still shy however, so up until that point, kissing was about all she could handle. That seemed to change however, as this time, she let Masamune take control, let him take things farther until they lay together in his bed, her beneath him as their kissing heated up.
"And yet you're the only one that matters.." He smiled softly.Masamune was by no means a patient person. He tried his best with Megohime but he could only handle so much. He was thankful that she had warmed up a lot more this time around, cuz as he kissed her his hand moved over her thigh slowly and under her shirt.
Ren s face flushed a bit, and he averted his gaze. Hardly so.. He muttered.Megohime didn t push his hand away, didn t shy away or ask him to stop, in fact, this time it seemed as though she couldn t have enough. She kissed him almost desperately, clutching handfuls of his shirt to keep him close, both her skirt and her top riding up a bit. He could hear her heart pounding, smell her excitement, tell that she was enjoying herself just by the way her body trembled ever so slightly.
Nobu chuckled and looked when Motochika came in."They're almost ready." He said and Nobu nodded before patting Ren's hand."I'm gonna go get the kit from the car, I'll be right back." He said and headed out.Masamune groped her breast firmly, kneading it in his hand over her bra. He made a soft noise, she may not have been very big but it was still very nice.
Ren nodded, giving a slight wave as Nobu headed out to the car, not able to do much other than to sit and wait for him to return.He heard a soft moan from Megohime, her face flushed as she pulled away momentarily to breathe, panting hard against his neck. M...More.. She whispered, almost begging him, her nipple growing hard under the fabric as he touched her.
It was very quiet for the longest time before the door opened."Hello," Matsunaga's voice greeted as he entered the room, "I was almost convinced they didn't bring you."Masamune's hand moved under her bra and gently pinched her nipple, twirling it gently in his fingers.
Ren felt his blood turn to ice in his veins, looking up with an expression of absolute horror. N No.. Y...You aren t allowed... He barely managed to sputter out.This brought Megohime s head back with a gasp of pleasure, a soft whimper escaping her lips as she gripped the hem of her skirt, pressing her legs together around her hand. She had her eyes closed, lips parted slightly as she savored every touch, wanting nothing more in that moment but for Masamune to touch her more and more.
"Hm? Not allowed to what?" He asked, moving over to him."You alright there?" He asked, tone husky, "You're squirming a bit "
Ren couldn t follow with his eyes, couldn t even glance at Matsunaga as he moved closer. here.. He could barely speak now, fear gripping him so tightly he couldn t even shake. He couldn t breathe, couldn t move, he was so petrified that every muscle in his body was tensed, making a few spots of blood show through his bandages.She didn t try to open her eyes and look at him, only squirming a bit more against him. I It feels good.. She admitted to him.
"That's unfortunate." He stated as he moved over, looking over the bandages and the stitchwork, "My, what proud work Chosokabe's medics preformed.""I'm glad." He said and moved to run hos fangs over her neck, his hand moving back down to her thighs.
Ren felt like all the blood was being drained from his body once again, hearing his blood rushing in his ears, his skin grow cold and clammy. He squeezed his eye shut as Matsunaga moved even closer to inspect his stitches and bandages. He wanted to run, to get up and run like his body was screaming at him to do, but he couldn t move, not even an inch. And even if he could get up, his legs wouldn t be able to fully support his weight yet, and they d detach. He was sweating and in near tears. Nobu..! He could barely even whisper out his name, barely able to form words as he felt himself start to disassociate. Nobu..! Nobu..! He begged for the medic, wishing he could scream, wishing he could run, wishing he could do anything.She shivered at the sensation of the sharp tips running over her flesh, letting him push his hand down between her legs. She opened her eyes slightly, still breathing a bit heavily as she stared up at the ceiling, listening to the soft rustle of fabric against fabric as he moved.
"Nobu? Is he the one who fixed you? Did he like the crosses I left?" He asked, his finger moving to tug gently at the stitches of his arm.His fingers moved to gently rub her through her panties, his lips and tongue attacking her neck gently.
His touch felt like acid on his skin, but he was fixed in place in his wheelchair, feeling like time was slowing to a crawl around them, leaving him alone with Matsunaga. No. He heard himself mumble something, but couldn t understand what came out of his own mouth, didn t know what had come from his own mouth. He felt like he was suspended in his terror, thick and cold, unable to even feel his own body as he sat in the wheelchair. He didn t feel the tugging on his stitches anymore, the feeling of acid on his skin ebbing away as his vision warped and elongated, the edges growing dark and hazy.Megohime let go of her skirt, allowing her legs to open a bit more, finding herself sinking back against the pillows. She let out a soft breath, feeling a deep warmth spread over her as he rubbed her, never before feeling such a pleasurable thing. Her hips gave a slight buck, and upon finding more pleasure in greater pressure against her womanhood, she dug her nails into his shoulders. Touch me harder... She whispered, her tone changing to that of an order.
He didn't feel the knife Matsunaga had hidden dig under the stitches to cut them loose,like what he was doing was perfectly ok. That's when the door opened and Nobu had come back."What the hell are you doing?! Get out of here!!""Ah, you must be Nobu." Matsunaga said, stepping aside. Nobu became blindingly angry."Get out!!" He yelled amd Matsunaga rose his hands before leaving. Nobu moved over and cupped Ren's cheeks gently."Ren? Ren,can you hear me...?""Harder?" Masamune asked, "Someone's a little starved " He teased,pressing his fingers harder against her.
Ren s eyes were glazed over and staring blankly ahead, not saying a single word as he stared right through Nobu, slack jaw expression on his face. He heard him calling out to him, but felt it too strenuous to respond, feeling like even blinking would tire him out even more.Megohime s hips bucked again, gasping in ecstasy as he pressed her clit firmly, almost making her eyes water. She tugged at his shirt, trembling with an embarrassed expression on her face.
"You're safe now, I promise, I won't leave you alone like that again.." He assured before looking over the damage and fixing what had been cut."You ok?" Masamune stopped to look at her, "Too much?"
Ren didn t even flinch as Nobu worked as reconnecting the cut stitches, just staring ahead blankly. ...I thought he was going to kill me... He finally muttered out, sounding far away.Megohime s face was flushed red. Y You can t tease me and make me feel so good at the same time...! She whined softly. It isn t fair..!
"I would never let that happen.." Nobu assured him, "Never in a million years.."Masamune laughed softly and pet her leg, "What's that supposed to mean? Teasing is supposed to feel good.."
Ren blinked slowly, tears rolling down his cheeks. I just want this to be over with.. He said softly. I want to go home. Megohime felt her skin tingle at his touch, face still flushed to her ears, using the sleeves of her sweater to cover her mouth. It does... She mumbled, shy about talking openly about their sexual encounters, but still in the mood enough to leave her legs open for him.
He nodded and finished the stitching before brushing some of Ren's hair back gently."We will as soon as the hearing is done.." He said. The door opened again and Motochika peeked in."It's time, let's go." He said and Nobu nodded before moving to push Ren."I won't leave your side.." He said gently."Then relax " He said and moved to kiss her head before he moved slowly under her panties and worked her clit.
Ren wrung his hands as he was rolled out of the private room and into the long hallway that led to the council room, heart beating in his chest, knowing he would have to face Matsunaga again.Megohime nodded and let out a shudder of a breath, clearly enjoying his gentle touches by how she muffled her moans and whimpers with her sweater sleeve.
When they entered the council area, the heads minus Motochika all sat in wait. Motochika was standing at the podium in front, Matsunaga at the other on the opposite side. Nobu moved Ren to the other side of Motochika, away from Matsunaga,and stood beside him."And what brings Matsunaga before us again?" Shingen asked. Motochika held up the pictures of Ren after he had been sent home in a box."He has cauaed purposeful harm to one of my workers, butchering him like a pig and filling him with near lethal levels of silver.""It was done in self defense." Matsunaga said.Masamune went back to kissing Megohime's neck as he worked her slowly, not wanting to overwhelm her.
Jin was also absent, Matsunaga s doctor sending a note in her absence that she was both mentally and physically unwell due to her pregnancy.Ren took a quick glance around, looking at all of the serious faces that stared back. Butchered like a pig. Self defense Both statements made him want to vomit. Please, Matsunaga dono, allow Chosokabe his piece before speaking. Uesugi said, raising his hand to silence the other clan head.He felt her core growing more and more wet as he rubbed her, his fingers becoming slick with her juices, and soon, she was unable to contain her moans. M Masamune...! She gripped the sheets tightly, turning her head to kiss him again, a deeply desperate kiss.
"And why did you send one of your own to Matsunaga?" Terumune asked. Motochika handed over the photos, whixh repulsed everyone."I was concerned for the safety of his wife and wanted to make sure he was not further harming her. As my right, I sparked my own investigation into the matter." Motochika answered, "He responded by sectioning Ren.""Hisehide?" Shingen asked. Matsunaga scowled softly."This investigation is a falsehood. He sent the creature into my home to snoop through my things. He had pictures taken of my personal transactions for my museums.""You could have grabbed a burner and done that yourself..." Terumune snorted.Masamune kissed back and worked her faster, getting off on her sounds. He could feel himself begin to throb.
Ren gripped the arms of the wheelchair when he was called a creature, but he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to interrupt the trial. Do you have proof that he committed such a crime? Uesugi asked, his expression as neutral as always.Megohime kissed him deeply, her thighs trembling hard before she squeezed them closed, her core tightening and trembling as she came. She let out a strangled moan against his lips, holding the front of his shirt tightly, breathing heavily.
"I have the sim card as well as the phone." Matsunaga said, setting down the phone Ren had used. It was a plain and simple looking phone,and it didn't amuse Terumune or Shingen very much."You could have bought that for yourself. It could very well be your own phone." Terumune scowled.Masamune slowly pulled his hand away and kissed her collarbone and neck slowly, "You good ?"
Ren recognized the phone immediately as his own phone, looking back to his lap, catching Uesugi s attention. Is this truly your phone, Ren? Ren sat silently for a moment before nodding. Yeah, it is. He muttered.Megohime nodded, face flushed and she nodded, looking up at him. It felt really good..
"Did he take your phone without cause?" Shingen asked. Nobu gently took Ren's hand, noticing him become even more tense."I'm glad been a long while since I was with a girl last " He said.
Ren didn t feel comfortable bringing his gaze up to look at the council before him. I took pictures, yeah... He nodded numbly. But I only handed over the SIM chip after he pulled the silver knife out of my heart... After he had spent nearly an hour digging around in my insides. His voice was shaking, ears flushed at the thought of the horrifying experience.
All eyes landed on Matsunaga and his expression became incredibly annoyed."I don't think that really matters here.""I think it does." Shingen stated firmly.
And even after I handed over the SIM, after I begged for him to stop and let me go, he just put the knife back into my chest... I was conscious for days... The whole damn time! He clenched his fists hard and couldn t help but let his tears flow, shaking as he had to recount the nightmare he suffered through.
"Can I take him out of here please? Before his mental state deteriorates further?" Nobu asked. Motochika waved his hand and Nobu moved to pull Ren out of the room.
Ren was hyperventilating as he was wheeled out, tears pouring down his face now, the healing wounds aching in remembrance of his torture. And what have you say to that claim, Matsunaga dono? Uesugi asked calmly, the faintest of scowls on his face.
"It's ok, you're ok...he won't hurt you." Nobu soothed, taking him straight to the car."I don't believe anything said in my defense will truly be believed." Matsunaga answered calmly.
Uesugi made a soft noise, bringing his hand to his chin. The evidence brought against you is quite incriminating, however, we are here a a neutral council, and will hear both sides testimonies before coming to a conclusion, regardless of personal opinions.
"As I said, he sent that she male into my home, took photos of my personal files and was attempting to find a means to blackmail me.""Does that honestly warrant you sectioning Ren like he's some form of poultry?" Shingen asked angrily. Matsunaga stood silently for a moment."I will admit, I went a bit overboard."
A bit overboard is a bit of an understatement. Hideyoshi rumbled, looking at the pictures on the table before him. And of these? Uesugi asked, holding up the pictures of the crosses within Ren. And returning the boy in a coffin?
"A message more to Chosokabe than anything else." Matsunaga answered, "Another thing I may have gone a bit overboard with.."
Uesugi let out a soft breath and set the photo s down. For now the council will review the evidence and consider both parties testimonies Chosokabe dono, Hisehide dono, please adjourn to separate rooms for the time being.
Motochika exhaled and left to go check on Ren. Nobu was sitting with him, petting his knuckles with his thumb as he held Ren's hand."How ya holdin' up?" Motochika asked. | 1,406 | ['Megohime'] |
68 | | A new Lopunny | Slowly moving through the trees, a tall slender tan colored figure crept along as it searched for something to eat. It's gold and green eyes glimmering brightly in the afternoon sun that flitted through the treetops. The lopunny slowly hopped along an overgrown path through the woods in search of roots or berries to eat. She had both of her dainty small hands pressed close to her rather large chest. The lopunny sighed as she paused and looked around with a tiny frown upon her slightly pouty lips. She wasn't very good at hunting since she hadn't had to find food for herself since she was a very very young pokegirl, back when she was still a bunary. That was before she evolved.Jewel, for that was the lopunny's name, was a beautiful pokegirl. She was tall and slender, standing at about 5'8" and she was 120 lbs. Her figure was a little curvey with slender shoulders and a tiny waist that flared out into wider hips with long firm legs. Her legs were a little muscular and firm, showing off the amazing strength she had. At the end of her legs she had tiny feet. The pokegirls fur was a silky chocolate brown, but her front from her nose all the way down to between her legs back to near her tail was a cream color. Her calves and feet were the same color, as well as the lower half of her ears and the fluffy fur around her wrists. She had a fluffy tail right above her perky tight round ass. Her eyes were big with long eyelashes framing the forest green and golden orbs and she had a cute little pink nose that wrinkled slightly when ever she smile.As she thought of her owner, her floppy ears moved to cover her eyes a little before she shook her head and pushed all the thoughts of her past out of her mind. They were depressing thoughts and she didn't want to think about it at the moment. So she lifted her cute little nose into the air and sniffed before smiling when she caught the scent of some berries. Smiling a little wider, she moved in the dirrection that she could smell them from and spotted a bush with the berries. Moving over to it, she began picking and eating the fruit.
To be honest, I don t know much about pokegirls, so I m going to make one or two things up. Not too far away from the berries the Lopunny had spied, a young man lay on a bed of leaves, one leg crossed over his other leg, bent as it was, his foot swaying idly through the air. Halloway Michaels, something of a starting trainer, had clear blue eyes focused on the sky high above, of a similar shade of blue. He d only recently started his journey, and had only one pokegirl a flat chested Rattata he got from his older brother. Unlike well, most pokegirls, this one wasn t very attractive at all, but she was wild, and surprisingly strong. Perfect for capturing weaker, prettier pokegirls.The purple furred Tina sat with her legs crossed several feet from her master, Halloway. He stood at a rather impressive 6 2, with dirty blonde hair that framed a handsome tan face. His strong chest and wide shoulders were covered with a somewhat tight black shirt, over which he wore a dull green jacket with the sleeves rolled up. He wore jeans and a pair of hiking boots besides, and his leather bag lay below his head, though the stuff he had in his bag didn t make for a good pillow. As Tina stood up and with her keen nose became aware of the nearby Lopunny, she knelt down. Master, she whispered, and Halloway pushed himself into a sitting position. Yeah, Tina? he asked, brushing his rear off as he stood up.Tina pointed, and a wide grin spread over Halloway s face as he caught sight of Jewel. She was a 10 by any scale, with such a hot, tight little body. Halloway reached into his bag for the necessary pokeball to catch this wonderful little prize. Tina, tackle, he said, and with Halloway grinning the entire time, Tina launched herself at Jewel. The thin, strong pokegirl caught Jewel around the waist in mid leap, landing with her in a heap on the berry bush. The ripe berries, thick and red, burst on impact, covering the two girls with the sweet juices of the berries. Feeling himself already start to harden, he threw the pokeball at Jewel, the ball cracking open on contact, red energy covering her furred body, before it coalesced into a bright pink collar around her neck. Unlike normal pokemon, the pokegirls couldn t be confined to a pokeball instead, it formed a collar on them, which still declared them as property of a trainer.
Jewel was eating berry after berry to satiate the hunger pains in the pit of her belly, She was so focused upon the berries that she didn't notice the human and rattata right away until the other pokegirl was rushing at her. Turning slightly, she grunted in surprise and pain as the smaller girl tackled her to the ground. She felt several of the ripe juicy berries burst beneath her and she squealed softly as it covered her slender body. Kicking at the rattata, she managed to land several nasty looking scratches and powerful kicks to the smaller pokegirl before she felt the ball hit her in the side.Looking down in surprise, she watched the ball open and red energy beginning to cover her. Her eyes widened and she pushed Tina away from her angrily as she began struggling against the light that covered her sexy body before she felt it focus around her neck. Growling softly, she grasped at the collar as it began to form around her neck. For several minutes she fought with the light before she gave in, too weak to fight too much and a moment later the pink light solidified into a collar that graced her beautiful neck. It had been many weeks since she had worn any kind of collar and she didn't like having to wear one any more but she knew the routine and how things were now that she belonged to a trainer once more.With a sigh, Jewel looked down at her berry covered her body and made an irritated sound in the back of her throat while tugging at the collar around her throat with one hand while touching the sticky juices from the berries that now covered her body. The lopunny could feel the stickiness in the thick fluffy fur of her ears and it irritated her even more because she hated her fur being a mess. Slowly looking up, she looked up at Tina with an untrusting gaze, her ear twitch a little before she looked at her new master with narrowed eyes. Ever since she had been abandoned by her last master, she didn't trust trainers or their pokegirls and it was easy to see that she didn't trust Halloway.
The moment Jewel had been captured by Halloway, Tina fell away with her hands grasping at her tanned underbelly. She was more or less all muscle, which made her place as Halloway s capturing pokegirl easy, but Jewel was no weakling. She d landed several blows on Tina s tan colored stomach, and purple furred arms wrapped over it as she waited for the stinging to stop, her eyes closed tight. Tina, are you alright? Halloway asked, kneeling down next to her. Tina nodded, leaning into Halloway with her head on his shoulder as she rested. His arm wrapped around her slender shoulders, holding her there for a moment, before he looked over to his newest catch. His eyes trailed lecherously over her tight body, enjoying it.Halloway pulled off his jacket, setting it across Tina s shoulders as he stood up, making his way over to Jewel. From his leather pack he drew out a wash cloth and a bottle of water, wetting it. Hold still a sec, he said, beginning to try and rub some of the juice out of her fur, starting on her chest, grinning a bit to himself as he squeezed instead of just washing. His arm wrapped across her upper back, hand coming to rest on the back of her head. He flashed her a winning smile. So, what s your name? he asked, getting this out of the way before he set to taming her. His cock twitched in response to that thought He couldn t wait to fuck her sexy body.
Jewel could smell Tina's pain. While normally she would of felt bad for causing the smaller pokegirl pain, she didn't this time. Instead she felt victorious that she had been able to hurt the attacking girl in herown weakened state. As she knelt there, she noticed the trainer looking at her and she tensed when she saw the look in his eyes, covering her body the best she could while glaring at him. Jewel didn't like the way he was looking at her and she watched him warily.As he stood up, Jewel shifted around uncomfortably before moving back from him as he walked towards her. It was only when he began rubbing her fur with the wash cloth that she became still, watching as some of the bright red juices began to come out, but when he squeezed her breasts she tried to jerk back from him. Lifting her hands, she shoved his hand away from her with a soft grunt before muttering softly in the language of the pokegirls. Jewel wasn't about to let him know that she could speak the common language of humans. Though what she said was clearly ment as an insult as she wrapped her arms around her chest and pouted, being difficult.
Halloway smiled softly as his new Lopunny did her level best to cover her tempting body from his eyes, but he would not be deterred. Only when she pulled back and shoved his hand away did he show even an ounce of irritation, but he would press on. Aw, come on, I ll be good, he said softly, reaching out to her stomach with the cloth, his other hand in plain sight. He pressed it to the soft fur, working some of the red juice out of it, kneeling down to rub up the side of her leg with the cloth. He figured it would be best to try not to do much else in order to wash her.He continued to scrub diligently at her body, working the juices out, before he stood up with a small smile on his face. See? Just trying to wash you, he said with a smile, squeezing out the cloth to let the red juices mixed with the absorbed water fall to the ground. She would take a bit of work
Jewel turned her head away from him as he spoke, gasping softly when he touched her stomach. The lopunny was fairly ticklish and each time his hand and the rag passed over her belly, she squirmed with a soft squeak before stilling again. She watched him work the red juice out of her fur though the once pale fur was now stained red and she pouted slightly as she gently grasped one of her ears and began cleaning it. It seemed that as long as Halloway didn't do anything that she deemed funny, she was completely still and silent.
Halloway smiled softly at his new Lopunny as she pouted and began to wash her ears, a thought striking Hal a moment later... There was a river just down one of the forest's few paths, where he and Tina had stopped the previous night to get water and have dinner... And he still did have shampoo and the like on him. "Come on I think we can get that out of your fur," he said, his hand grabbing at her wrist. "Tina, get our other pack, will you?" he asked, as he still had his small leather one on him. A wide canvas bag was their other 'pack', and things like cooking and cleaning supplies rested within its confines.Tina, who had just finished nursing her wounds, nodded and stood up with Halloway s jacket still wrapped around her slender shoulders. She headed back to where they d slept the night previous, and stooped over to pick up the canvas bag, jogging after her master a moment later. They soon arrived at the river, at one of its deeper parts, and Halloway motioned for Jewel to get into the water. I have some shampoo that can probably get that out I ll help, he said, perhaps a bit too enthusiastic, and he kicked off his shoes and pants, revealing the set of trunks he always wore beneath. Considering the amount of water he encountered in his travels, it never hurt to wear them all the time.
Jewel reluctantly stood up but the prospect of getting the rest of the redness from her fur made her move. She hated being messy unless she was the one that did it and usually that was only when moving through mud because mud actually made her fur softer. As he grabbed her wrist, she grunted softly and narrowed her eyes before looking at Tina as she picked up the bag. With a sigh and a shake if her head, she silently followed Halloway to the river.Looking out upon the water once they reached the river, she remained still on the bank as she listened to the sound of the running water. Jewel noticed him motion for her to get into the water and she didn't need to be told twice. Taking a running leap at the water, she smoothly disappeared beneath the surface of the water in a perfect dive. For several minutes she wasn't seen until she finally surfaced. Her soft fur was soaked completely and it clung to her sexy body as she began scrubbing at her long ears, watching as streaks of red flowed away from her in the water.
Halloway was about to get into the water himself when a streak of soft brown fur blew past him into the water. Grinning to himself, he crossed his arms over his stomach, waiting for his newest pokegirl to resurface. When she finally did, Hal had to reposition himself so that his growing cock didn t quite stick out as much as it normally would, tucking it into the waistband of his trunks. Her sleek fur outlined every inch of her sexy body, and all Hal could envision was those perfect tits in his hands, that hot, tight ass of hers meeting his hips every time he thrust into her from behind.He was getting really horny, now.Hal slid off his shirt, revealing the tanned, muscled frame beneath, and he did a running cannonball into the water, resurfacing a moment later with his sandy blonde hair dark and drenched in front of his face. He parted it from his eyes, and caught the bottle that Tina tossed to her newly resurfaced master. He squirted a healthy amount onto his hands and came up behind her, his hands coming to lay on her hips, working the shampoo into her fur in a massage as his hands moved up, traveling the smooth plane of her back, working out the red juice.
Jewel shivered a little as she dipped one of her long ears into the water again, focusing on getting as much of the berry juice out of them first. The water was a little cool but she liked it that way. She had her back to Halloway and the bank of the water as she groomed herself so she didn't notice him moving around until he dove into the water and she felt a small wave of water splash against her back and she shook out of instinct before sighing and running her fingers through the fur of her ears again while ignoring him.It was only when she smelt the shampoo and felt him place his hands upon her hips that she tensed a little and she looked over her shoulder at him, her eyes watching him carefully as his hands moved along her back. A minute later she looked away and looked around the area. She had been to the river before, she was sure of it but she just didn't know when she had been there before. Shaking her head, she looked at her ears again.
Strong hands continued to massage the soap into the Lopunny's back, the red juice slowly being cleansed from her sexy body. All through this, Halloway had a decidedly disgruntled expression on his face... He was trying to figure out how best to make his fantasy of fucking her into a reality, and it wasn't as if she was making it easy... He stepped a bit closer to her, hands massaging her stomach now, his imprisoned, fully hard cock pressing against her lower back. By no means was he a small man, either in his body or a certain part of his anatomy.
A tiny smirk was on the lopunny's lips as she stood there infront of him. It was as if she knew that he was getting a little fustraited as she made things difficult for him. Jewel could smell his arousal and it made her softly grunt before rolling her eyes a little and she went to move away from him when he moved closer and placed his hands upon her stomach. A moment later she felt his cock pressed against her lower back and she froze. For a moment she just stood there staring into the water before sighing and turning to face him. "You know, you should just say that you want to have a taming session instead of trying to hint about it." she said smoothly.She knew that it would probably take him by surprise at how well she could speak since wild pokegirls didn't usually know how to speak like a normal human unless they had been owned before. "Besides, I know the way of taming. I've been through it before." she said, though the last part was said a little bitterly. She placed her hand into his and scooped up some of the shampoo into her hand before cleaning her ears.
Jewel was right Halloway was surprised. The hell? You can talk? he asked with his eyes wide. He hadn t expected that especially since she was making everything so difficult for him, when Halloway didn t really know how to tame a wild pokegirl anyway. He d made it with two domesticated ones and he wasn t used to having to work for it. Alright then, he said, trying to get back some of his lost composure, I want to have a taming session, he said with more confidence than he felt right now. However, what good guy there was in him past the jackass that he normally was, begged him to stop she was obviously hurting and bitter over something. So the "jackass" and the "good guy" compromised to not fuck her just yet. Er After you re cleaned up what s your name? he asked with a sheepish smile.
Jewel rolled her eyes with a soft sigh before nodded while scrubbing the fur of her ears gently until as much of the red juices were out of her fur as possible. "Yes I can talk. I was taught how to speak." she said to him, her body turned just slightly so she wasn't facing him completely nor was she facing away from him completely. After she finished washing one ear, she dipped her ear into the water and rinsed it off before getting to work on the other ear. She snorted softly at his request and she sighed softly. The lopunny found the human very amusing and she just shook her head again in amusement before rinsing off her ear.But once he asked her about her name, she paused and sighed before turning to face him while working on rising out the rest of her fur. "I had been named Jewel. But seeing as how you're now my master, it is up to you on what my name is." she said to him.
Halloway watched her for a few moments, crossing his arms over his stomach as he waited for her to finish cleaning herself up. "Jewel, huh? That's a pretty name... Well, is there any name you'd like?" he asked, knowing full well that he was bad with names. Tina chose her own name based on my mother's, to be honest," he said with a small sheepish smile, referring to the rattata that had been with his family for quite some time. SHe'd originally been his older brother's, but he'd given her to his little brother once he got a good harem going.
Jewel shook her head slightly as she finished washing the shampoo from her fur, watching the suds float away in the river. "I think I'll stick with Jewel. It took me long enough to learn that one." she said as she moved towards the more shallow water to look over her wet fur. There was still a light reddish tint to her fur here and there but nothing like it had been earlier and she knew that it would fade in a day or two.With a satisfied nod, she knelt in the shallow water and went about combing through the fut on her ears and around her wrists. It was a common habit for lopunnys to be almost obsessive with grooming and making themselves look pretty. "And what's your name?" she asked Halloway.
"Jewel it is, then," he said with a satisfied smile. "And my name's Halloway Hal works just as well, though," he said, his eyes trailing appreciatively over her sexy, red tinted body. "And the rattata's Tina," he said after a few moments of thought, and looking over Jewel's body... Damn, he really did catch a good one this time. "Jewel, you said you went through taming before what kinda' jackass let someone as beautiful as you slip by?" he asked, more curious than anything. Besides, she'd seemed bitter and full of resentment when she mentioned being tamed before his damned inquisitive nature made him want to find out.
Jewel noticed him looking her over as he introduced himself and his rattata, Tina, causing the lopunny's cheeks to heat up but he wouldn't be able to tell because of her fur. A moment later though, a frown formed upon her slightly pouty lips and she sighed while rubbing one of her ears. "Yes, I had been through all the taming and such before by my last master." she said gently. "He was the kind of jackass that abandons his pokegirl in the middle of the woods when she hasn't evolved yet and isn't as strong as his much more powerful raichu." Jewel looked away from Halloway and glared down at the water, gazing at her reflection for a moment before hitting it and making the water ripple. "He left me here saying that I wasn't good for anything but a good fuck every now and then but he still didn't need me cause the others were better. I was just a weak pokegirl that looked like a fluffy bunny."
Halloway listened to her speak about her master with an angry look in his eyes... He'd met people like that groups of pokegirls were called harems, yes, and there was a master servant relationship obvious in the way pokegirls were treated like pets, but it still pissed Hal off. He considered pokegirls in his own harem, such as Tina, to be more friends and companions than mere fucktoys. Halloway crossed the distance between himself and Jewel, placing his hands on her shoulders from behind. "And that's what made you evolve into a Lopunny, right? Well, look at what he's missed out on a sexy Lopunny smart enough to make me look like a jackass," he said with a reassuring smile."So just cheer up, alright? I'm your master, now, and if we meet that jackass again, we can kick him in the junk," he said, grinning.
Jewel had smelt Halloway's anger as she spoke and she wasn't sure if it was anger towards her or towards her ex master. But when she looked at him, she knew it wasn't towards her that his anger was directed towards. "No. It was having to fend for myself that caused me to evolve. It was the only way I could get stronger." she said softly before smiling a little more when he complimented her on both her looks and her intelligence, causing the girl to giggle softly.Staring up into his eyes, she nodded with a small smile. "Okay. And thanks." she whispered. She smiled a little wider at the thought of kicking her last owner in the junk and it made her giggle again.
Halloway smiled down to Jewel, glad to see her in better spirits. Well, you sure weren t getting stronger with a jackass like that, now were you? And don t mention it, he said with a wink, before he looked her over. It s good to see a smile on your face, Jewel, he said, his smile only widening as he heard her giggle. His hand came up under her chin, I d like to see that more often, he said, voice soft as he leaned down a bit, pressing a soft kiss to her lips, letting it linger for a few moments.
Jewel slowly shook her head with a sigh. It was true. For a while she had steadily gotten stronger and stronger before her power just stopped growing so her last owner just kept pushing her and pushing her, telling her how pathetic she was when she couldn't get stronger. He had even resorted to verbally, mentally and physically abusing her. But when that didn't work, he just tossed her away. When he took her chin into his hand, she looked up into his eyes with a soft mew as he told her that he liked seeing her smile and he wanted to see it more often. But when he pressed his lips against hers, she gasped softly before lightly kissing him back.
Halloway pressed his lips in a harder, more loving kiss against her own. His arms tightened around her waist, holding her drenched body against his for a few moments. Jewel, he murmured softly, as his hand gently squeezed her tight, sexy little ass. Are you ready for a taming session? he whispered against her lips, kissing down to the soft brown fur of her neck she might be able to feel him, erect in his trunks once more. Halloway was clearly going to be a different master than her last one instead of abusing his pokegirls, he was much nicer to them, even if he could be a bit demanding and lecherous when he was horny.
Jewel was taken by surprise by his harder kiss and she gasped gently before kissing him back as she wrapped her arms around him. One of them she wrapped around his middle while she wrapped the other around his shoulders, her hand resting on the back of Halloways neck as she closed her eyes the rest of the way. But once she heard her name flow from his lips, Jewel opened her eyes and looked up at him again as he questioned her about being ready for a taming session and she blinked slowly before swallowing as he kissed along her neck. A moment later she nodded. "Yes. I'm ready." she whispered in his ear before tilting her head back.The lopunny could smell and feel Halloway's arousal, his erection pressing against her belly through his trunks and she slowly ran her hand along his back before reaching down to the front of his trunks where she fiddled with the tie of his swimming trunks.
Halloway reached down, using semi dextrous fingers to help her undo the ties on his swimming trunks, and he shimmied them off a moment later. His cock fell free of its former prison, and though not "huge", Hal had certainly nbever received any complaints. He kicked his trunks off to the side and he knelt down a bit to scoop her into his arms. Continuing to press soft kiss after tender kiss against her lips, he carried her onto dry land, before he fell to his knees, setting her down on the ground. His hand curved over her shoulder, and ran down her soft fur until he could gently squeeze one of her breasts.Meanwhile, his cock seemed to ache to him, needing the relieving touch of this beautiful Lopunny.
Jewel looked down as he opened the ties of his trunks and shimmied out of them, blushing a little and she felt her skin heat up when she saw his cock sprink free of its confines that were the trunks and she cleared her throat softly as the trunks were kicked aside. A moment later the lopunny gasped when she was lifted off her feet and she wrapped her arms around him with a soft grunt of surprise before she kissed him back once she felt his lips press against hers. She made a soft sound in the back of her throat that was somewhere between a purr and a soft chirp. It was a cute sound, especially coming from her. It was only when he laid her down on the ground that she broke the kiss and she looked up at him with a small smile. She shivered when his hand ran down her body to her breasts and she bit her bottom lip.
Halloway returned her smile as he cupped her large breast, squeezing softly before his hand ran down the sofr fur of her stomach, ,eyes locking with hers as he gently stroked her between her legs, dipping the tip of his smallest finger into her, gently twisting it for a moment before he lowered himself down on top of her between her soft brown legs. "Mm... you're so sexy," he murmured softly, before pressing a soft kiss to her lips, the thick heado f his cock lining up with the slit between her legs.
Jewel softly whimpered as he squeezed her breast in his hand. It wasn't a pained whimper. It was more along the lines of a pleasured one before she gasped when he slid a hand between her thighs and she hummed gently while she shivered. She allowed her long legs to fall open a little for him as his finger dipped into her a bit and she stretched out on the ground as he lowered himself over her between her thighs. "Thank you." she whispered before sighing into the kiss he pressed against her lips. The lopunny was a little nervous when she felt the tip of his cock against her pussy. Her new master was bigger in length and girth then her last master and she was sure it would be a little uncomfortable until she adjusted to him.
Halloway smiled softly to Jewel, as reassuring a smile as he could possibly muster, though the look of nervousness on her face was enough to give him pause. He spat on his hand, lubricating his cock a bit so that it would be easier on her, before he slowly pushed the head of his cock against her velvety folds. Slowly, he slid the head of his cock into her, inch after inch of his shaft disappearing inside of her. With a gasp of pleasure, Halloway leaned down toward Jewel, pressing a soft kiss against her lips, deepening it with his tongue as he continued to pull out to the tip of his bulbous head, before sliding back in, about halfway, giving her time to get used to him.
Jewel watched him lubricate his cock and she had a grateful look in her eyes before she felt him push the head of his cock against her folds. Looking down again, she gasped as he pushed against her before the tip began to sink into her tight body and it parted her inner walls, making her close her eyes and softly cry out as he pushed more of himself into her. Her body tightened around him partially in protest and partially in excitement. She tore her gaze away from between their bodies just in time to see him leaning down to kiss her and she softly returned it. The lopunny's body was trembling gently as he pulled out of her then pushed back into her.
With one hand Hal gently groped one of her large tits as he continued to thrust between her soft, spread legs, an expression of pure bliss on his face as he kissed Jewel. Tight moist perfect. With every long, gentle thrust into her, he delved deeper, filling her with more of his rigid cock. His lips and tongue left her sweet lips, and with strong arms Hal pushed his upper body off of her. He looked down into her eyes, before they trailed over her sexy body, watching every moment she made with his thrusting. The jiggle of her breasts, and every wince we his larger cock caused her even the slightest amount of pain.
Soft gentle moans and whimpers of pleasure and discomfort escaped her lips only to be swallowed by Hal's lips as he moved against her, her back arching just a little. The pokegirl could feel her body being spread more and more with every inch that was pushed into her and she was already squirming a little with arousal. As he broke the kiss, Jewel softly panted and stared up at him, her eyes darkened with lust as she panted, her lips parted a little. The lopunny followed his gaze down along her body and she looked down to where her nether lips were spread wide apart by his invading cock and the sight caused her to tighten even more. "Mmm H Hal." she whimpered. Her large breasts bounced and jiggled each time he thrust into her and it was only when he moved a little too fast or too hard that she made any sound or sign of pain or discomfort.
Halloway s gaze was finally dragged away from her alluring body to her beautiful eyes, gazing deep into them as he continued to piston in and out of her lovely womanhood. Jewel, he groaned loudly, sweat starting to bead on his forehead. As she tightened even more around his thrusting cock, he felt pressure begin to build up in the head of his cock It wouldn t be too long, now her pussy was driving him crazy. His groans were in symphony with her soft moans. I m gonna cum soon, he announced in a breathless whisper,fingernails digging into her soft breast as a hand clasped upon her tit.
Jewel could smell his arousal peek and she knew even before he announced it that he was going to cum soon and she wrapped her long soft legs around his waist as she moaned a little louder. She tilted her hips slightly and let out a soft cry as the simple movement allowed him to sink even deeper into her body. "I I'm going to cum too." she whimpered. "Please Hal... please, make me cum." She stared up into his eyes as she pleaded with him before a shuddering moan escaped her lips as his nails dug into her breast, making her wince a little.
Halloway groaned as he slid even farther into her body, the base of his shaft sliding past her cuntal lips, sheathing his cock entirely inside of her. "Jewel," he groaned softly, his thrusts beginning to only speed up as he built up toward his climax. His eyes, hazed over with lust, gazed down into her own, before trailing all the way down her body. From her jiggling, soft breasts, to her tan stomach, still somewhat stained with red, down to the sweet junction between her thighs wrapped tight around his waist, his cock disappearing between those wonderful lower lips again and again. "C cumming!" he groaned softly as he thrust deep into her, his hot cum filling her to the brim, leaking out around his cock as ounce after ounce of hot, steamy seed filled her wonderfully tight cunt. Halloway shuddered through his orgasm, thrusting erratically before he lowered himself onto her, breathing heavily.
Jewel felt Halloways entire shaft sink into her all the way up to the base and she bucked her hips a little, grinding their hips together as she panted heavily. She watched his gaze slowly move lower upon her body from her breasts to her tummy down to the v of her thighs, making her blush a little as he gazed at where their bodies were joining. Each thrust set jolts through her body and her soft yips and moans filled the small area as she got closer to cumming. When he announced he was cumming, she didn't register what he said but when his hot thick cum started filling her, Jewel gapsed before throwing her head back as she screamed. Her pussy tightened around his cock even more before caressing and squeezing it over and over as she came. Her body writhed and bucked a little beneath him until her orgasm finslly dissapated and wore off. After it went away, she laid their breathing heavily with him laying ontop of her small body.
Jewel's scream of rapture was as music to Hal's ears, and stirred new life inside of his member for but a second before he decided it would be better to give them both a break. He pulled out of her, rolling onto his side next to her, panting like an animal. His arm reached out, and his hand closed on her small shoulder, pulling her onto her own side, his arm wrapping fully around her slender waist, cuddling with her in the post sex glow. "Jewel," he murmured softly, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of her lips, before he rested fully on the ground, cock lolling against one thigh. "That was fucking fantastic... best I've ever had..." he managed between his labored breaths.
Instead of feeling him start to soften before he pulled out, he remained as hard as before and she softly whined as he pulled out of her, suddenly feeling empty. Looking over at him, she smiled when she noticed him panting much like she was at the time and she moved over to him when he pulled her onto her side and she curled up against his side with a soft sigh, laying her head on his shoulder. The pokegirl could feel his release still trickling out of her body and running down her thighs before dripping onto the ground. She softly murred when he kissed the corner of her lips and she smiled up at him. "That was the best I've ever had as well." she whispered between soft gasps.
Halloway returned her smile with one of his own, and a gentle kis on her cute nose, his breath still somewhat labored. "I'm glad," he said, his arm wrapping tight around her waist so he could press his lips against hers. "You ready to get to bed?" he asked in the time that it had taken him to wake up, capture, wash, and fuck Jewel, daylight had waned from what had went from a new to well spent day. And though he thought, no, knew he could go another round with this sexy pokegirl, he figured they might as well get some rest, and maybe get to some city the next day.
Jewel giggled softly when Halloway kissed her upon her nose and she smiled gently while cuddling close to him before kissing him back with a soft purring sound. "Yes, I'm ready for bed." she said softly. "You've tired me out." Yawning softly, she laid her head on his shoulder and draped an arm over his stomach. If someone would of told her that morning that she would be caught by a trainer that she would actually like and recieve some kind of pleasure from, she would of laughed her ass off and walked away. But it had happened and she was happy for that to of happened.
Halloway chuckled at her words. "You tired me out, too," he teased, his arms wrapping around her slender waist, pulling her closer to his body as his eyes came to a close. He considered moving, but... well, he was sure Tina would take care of them with perhaps a blanket. Turning a bit more toward Jewel, Halloway fell asleep. The next day, after they'd woken up to a warm blanket and a meal prepared by Tina, they broke camp, with Halloway's arm looped around Jewel's waist as they made their way through the woods, on to the next city in Halloway's little trip throughout the countryside they needed to pick up some more supplies, anyway, with only food enough for one more meal in their pack Tina and Jewel could forage well enough, but Halloway was less than gifted at the task. "It's beautiful out today," Hal commented with a smile, squeezing Jewel around the waist a bit. He'd pulled on a simple white shirt and cargo pants, leaving off his jacket in the cool air of the forest.
As she woke up the next day, Jewel could smell the meal that Tina had made and her stomach growled a little. After eating they broke camp and headed on their way. As she walked at Halloway's side, Jewel could feel his strong arm wrapped around her tiny waist and she smiled gently. Halloway was much nicer and stronger then her last master and it made her happy. Hearing Hal speak, she looked over at him and smiled a little wider as she nodded. "Mmhmm, it is." she said softly. The sunlight shone down on them through the leaves of the trees around them, causing Jewels tawny fur to sparkle a little.As they moved through the forest, Jewels ears suddenly perked up when she heard something. Gently pulling Hal to a stop, she looked around before she heard it again. It sounded like a males voice from somewhere up ahead on the path and she recognized the voice, making her ears droop again with a soft growl and a frown as the male voice suddenly called out again, calling her name. Sighing, she was about to move forward when a young man appeared up ahead of them. He had long strawberry blonde hair that was pulled back into a ponytail and piercing grey eyes. He was about Hals height but he was thinner and he didn't look very muscular.Spotting the trio ahead of him, the young man jogged towards them and looked at Hal while pretty much ignoring the pokegirls. "Hey, you haven't seen a buneary anywhere around here have you?" he asked. "Her name's Jewel and I've been searching for her."
Halloway looked to Jewel in question when she pulled him to a stop, his weaker senses not yet picking up on anything. "What is i " he started, before he, too, heard the yelling of a male's voice, calling out the name of the beautiful pokegirl by his side. "Your old ma " he managed to get out, before these words, too, were cut short by Jewel's former master breaking the cover of the trees, approaching them. Halloway managed to hold back a grin if indeed he was Jewel's old master, this'd be a snap. The guy was a twig, and Halloway'd always been a strong guy perhaps not as strong as a pokegirl, which was his motivating factor for becoming stronger, to bridge that gap a bit.Halloway looked to Jewel for a moment, before his arm left her slender waist, and he stepped forward, closing the gap a bit, highlighting the overall size difference between them. "Nah, I haven't seen a buneary around here. I do know a lopunny named Jewel, though," he said, motioning to the drop dead gorgeous pokegirl. Halloway didn't know her before she evolved, but he was sure that it was an improvement. It'd be hard to be sexier than Jewel was now.
The lopunny heard Halloway begin to speak and knowing what he was about to ask, she nodded with a soft grunt. "Yes. That's him." she said as the other male approached them. She listened to her old owner speak but she was looking past him as a pokegirl emerged from the trees behind him. It was clearly a raichu, judging by the long tail with the lightning bolt shaped tip and the ears. The electric pokegirl was very volumptuous though she was a little on the pudgy side unlike the lopunny who was thin, slender and very athletic, but busty. But even though the raichu was pudgy, she was still a very beautiful pokegirl.Jewel felt Halloways arm leave her waist and she looked up at him as he moved forward a little and she smiled slightly as her long ears twitched again, tilting her head a little. But when he motioned towards her and drew her old masters attention towards her, she became a little nervous as the other male stared at her in shock before he grinned. "Looks like leaving you here did just the trick. Worked better then I thought it would." he said. "Come one Jewel, lets go." The lopunny took a step back as he moved towards her and reached out, shaking her head with a frown. "N no Roger. I'm staying with Hal." This caused Roger to start getting angry, the young man glaring slightly and he narrowed his eyes. "Jewel, I said come."
Halloway considered the thin, young man named Roger, before looking over his shoulder to what was very clearly a raichu. She was beautiful, true, but he far preferred Jewel, and not only for her beauty. She'd proven quite intelligent, which was only an unexpected bonus. As Roger began to approach Jewel, Halloway stepped between them. "I can't vouch for Jewel back when she was a buneary," he said in a conversational tone, "but right now, she could probably put her foot through your skull. And if you hadn't noticed, you don't own her anymore," Halloway said, cocking a brow down at Roger. "Far as I can see, you got three choices. Get the fuck out of here right now," he said, holding up one finger, before a second one raised, "or get the shit beat out of you by her. Choice three," the third went up, "is I administer the ass whuppin, which I'm all for. Which one is it?" he asked, as Tina, too, broke the cover of the trees, coming to stand by her master and harem companion. Not only was he out numbered, but probably out matched with Jewel's strong legs, Tina's combat experience, and the fact that Hal could crush the thinner Roger.
Roger swallowed softly and looked back at Halloway as the stroger male threatened him. He gritted his teeth and looked back and forth between Halloway, Tina and Jewel a little nervously before a lecherous smile grew on his lips. "How about we... make a deal?" he said. "You let me spend one round with Jewel as a.... final farewll, and I'll give you what ever you wish for as long as it's in my power." Hearing his offer, Jewel made a sound of disgust and anger while glaring angrily at him, her eyes flashing with disdain.All the while Rachel, Rogers raichu, moved closer to his side with flashing brown eyes when Halloway threatened her master and she growled as sparks jumped from the yello dots on her cheeks. Rachel wasn't the smartest of pokegirls but she was loyal to a fault.
Halloway cocked a dark brow down at the smaller man, Roger. Whatever I want, eh? Hey, Jewel, anything you want so badly that you d fuck this idiot again? he asked, looking over his shoulder to his newest companion and pokegirl, before looking back to Roger. His eyes fell on Rachel, and he flashed her a winning smile the thought of fucking her was appealing to someone like Halloway. Though he d prefer the thin, busty, sexy Jewel any day, Rachel was a pretty pokegirl, that couldn t be denied.
Jewel looked up at Roger then at Halloway with a frown. "Nothing in the world could make me fuck him again." she said softly. "I will never touch him again unless you command me to, for you are my master now." She slowly looked away from Halloway to look at Roger and Rachel once again. They seemed almost perfect for each other but she wondered where Rogers other pokegirls.Roger glared at Halloway when he was called an idiot but he remained silent, crossing his arms over his chest as he waited for Halloway's decision. From at his side, Rachel felt her cheeks heat up when Halloway smiled at her and she giggled softly while looking away from him and her tail swayed back and forth.
Halloway considered both Jewel and Roger for a moment... He felt a bond with Jewel, and he doubted she would ever forgive him if he made her sleep with Roger. So finally, Halloway sighed softly. "Sorry about this, Rog. No sale. Get your scrawny ass out of here," he said, before he looked back to Jewel with a small smile. Who needed that raichu when he had a sexy little lopunny all to himself. Halloway returned to Jewel, pressing a soft kiss to her lips to add insult to Roger's injury, before he motioned for them to follow, making his way along the path Roger himself had gone down, as he knew the next city was somewhere in that direction.
Jewel stood there with pent up breath and when Halloway turned Roger down, she sighed softly and smiled at Hal with a grateful look on her face. She smiled up at him and she made a light purring sound as she kissed him back while running her fingers over his cheek. "Thank you." she whispered to him before he pulled away. She happily turned and followed him along the path.When Halloway turned him down, Roger curled his hands into fists and glared at Hal and the two pokegirls with him. "You'll regret this decision." he spat. "You better watch your backs. Rachel, come on." He grabbed the electric pokegirls wrist and pulled her along behind him as he turned and moved back along the way he had come not too long ago.
Halloway smiled softly at Jewel. Don t mention it you owe me a fuck, though, he said with a teasing smile, before they set off. Halwaved dismissively back at Roger, his longest finger held high in response. Yeah, yeah fucker, he called back to them, before his arm wrapped gently around Jewel s slender waist, holding her tight to his side, a small smile persisting on Halloway s face.A short while into their walk, however, Halloway brought his hand over his face, looking into the sunlight. The light gleamed off of pristine white buildings in the distance, and the sound of people slowly filtered into the forest. Looks like we finally made t to the city, Jewel, he said with a bright smile her way.
Jewel blushed a little and giggled as she gazed up at him. "Gladly." she said softly with a matching teasing smile. She heard what Roger said but since Halloway pretty much ignored him, she did as well as he led her and Tina away from Roger and Rachel. She liked how he held her tight against his side and it comforted her alot.Hearing him speak to her, Jewel looked up at him and nodded with a small smile before shielding her eyes as she gazed through the trees. "What are we going to do here?" she asked softly.
Halloway chuckled a bit at that. "Well, I'm glad to see you have no objections to fucking me, at least," he said, the chuckle becoming a full out laugh. When she asked her question, she received a shrug in answer. "Dunno yet. Could hop a ship and head to one of the nearby islands for a while. At the very least, we're picking up some supplies here we're running out of food pretty quickly. Plus, I got something to drop off," he said, patting his pack with a small smile.
Jewel made a soft sound of embarassment when he laughed and she looked down at their feet for a couple of minutes before looking up at him again as he answered her softly asked question. She was a little nervous at the thought of riding on a boat since she had never been on one before but she was sure she could do it. The lopunny nodded slowly and smiled up at him. "That sounds interesting." she said softly before looking at his pack when he patted it. It made her curious but it wasn't her business what he was dropping off.
Aw, you don t have to be embarrassed, he said in response to her looking down to her feet for a little while. He reached down, hand coming beneath her chin so he could tilt her pretty face toward him. He pressed a soft kiss to her lips before he pulled back. And you don t have to worry about the boat ride, he said, noticing her nervous tone. It s actually a lot of fun. Now hold on a sec, he said, as they d entered the city by now. He pulled a tan envelope from his pack, and scribbled an address on it in marker before he dropped it in the nearest mailbox, located on a street corner. Well, my work for the month is done, he said, before he looked back to her with a wink. Returning to her side, he swept her off her feet, just as he d done at the lake. Hey, Tina, you got the list, right? Mind handling the shopping? he asked, his intent clear. Tina nodded emphatically, before, with their bags still held on her purple furred back, ,she headed for the market sector of the city.
"I'm not embarassed." she said defenssively though she knew that she was and that he knew as well. She pouted slightly until he kissed her and she slowly smiled while gazing up at him. "Okay." she whispered before pausing as he pulled out a tan envelope and watched him write on it then drop it into a mailbox. "Your work? What do you do?" she asked before squealing softly as she was swept off her feet and she wrapped her arms around his neck, burrying her face into the curve of his neck as people stopped to stare at them for a moment.She looked over at Tina and smiled gently, watching the smaller pokegirl hurry off before looking at Hal again. "Where are we going?" she asked him.
Halloway chuckled softly at her lie, knowing full well that he d embarrassed her. I m well, a lot of nutjobs in the world are explorers they find stuff out in the wilderness, and report it. I m one of the guys sent out to validate stuff like that I was out there checking for a lab that the first pokegirls were supposedly made in it was just some meth lab, he said, rolling his eyes at that. He pressed a small kiss to her forehead as she lay in his arms, a bright smile on his face. Where d you wanna go? Tina ll find us wherever we go, anyway, he said, shrugging he had a tiny tracking chip on him, and a remote in his pack was normally used to find him. Quite handy, it was. He had to get another for Jewel, though
Jewel thought about what he told her and laid her head on his shoulder. She had never thought that a pokegirl could of been made in a lab and it confused her a little. Before she could think too much on it, he distracted her by asking her where she wanted to go and she shook her head with a slight shrug. "I don't know. I don't know anything about this town." she murmured to him before nibbling on his neck.
"Well, one town is about like any other, I've found. There's hotels, restaurants, things like that. We're also more or less on the water, so we could even head down to the beach," he said simply the stream they'd been at the previous day fed into a river that, in turn, fed out onto the world's largest ocean, this city being a port to that particular ocean. And whilst he wasn't a huge fan of the water, it was always nice to lay out and sunbathe.
She looked at him while thinking to herself before grinning and beginning to wiggle in his arms a little, pressing her chest against his while nipping and licking at his neck. "The beach can wait until later. Lets go someplace private where we can't be seen." she said, her tail twitching slightly as she smiled up at him. Pressing her lips softly against his, she kissed her trainer and master lustfully.
Halloway was surprised at her sudden sex hungry behavior, his lips pressing back against hers in a heated kiss. "Sounds like a plan," he managed in the kiss, before he pulled back from the kiss. Immediately, he headed for the first place that came to mind the nearest pokemon center. To the nurse behind the counter, Hal flashed a winning smile. "'Scuse me, my Lopunny needs a place to rest for a while," he said, emphasis on the word 'rest'. The nurse smiled kindly and nodded, understanding sex for a pokegirl was often the best cure for them. The nurse motioned toward a small room at the end of a branching hallway, and Hal entered it, it being a small room with a wide, strong bed, and a nightstand full of "toys". "This good enough?" Hal asked Jewel teasingly.
Jewel began laughing softly as he carried her. Some of the other trainers that saw them smiled and shook their heads in amusement before continueing with what they were doing. As they entered the pokemon center, she looked up to Nurse Joy as they entered and she grinned while feeling her cheeks heat up a little. She buried her face into the curve of Halloway's neck at his words with a soft mewl and Jewel kept her face there until they entered the room. Slowly lifting her head, she looked around before nodding. "Yes, I think so."
Hal laughed softly all the way into the "rest room" Joy had provided them with, quite amused by Jewel's embarrassment her shyness was very cute. Halloway set her down gently on the bed, before he pulled his t shirt over his head, unzipping his pants a moment later he was ready to take Jewel's sexy little body again... but... "Wanna take the lead this time, Sexy?" he asked as he sat down, pants half undone, a smile lingering on his face.
Jewel squirmed in Hals arms as he laughed at her and she pouted slightly until they entered the room and he laid her down on the bed. Turning over onto her hands and knees, she slowly crawled further onto the bed then she turned over again to sit down and watch him as he began to undress. "Maybe. But first I'd like to watch you undress." she said with a grin.
With great appreciation Halloway watched Jewel crawl on her hands and knees farther onto the bed, a small smile highlighting his face. "Yes, Mistress," he said teasingly as he stood up once more, and shimmied his pants off, his underwear next to go.Finally, as if an afterthought, he kicked off his shoes, his clothing a pile on the floor, along with his bag. Cock still hardening, he struck a pose for her with a wink.
Jewel leaned back on the bed, lounging comfortably on it while watching him with a small smile. When he struck a pose infront of her, she giggled and grinned while sitting up on the bed. "You're silly." she said softly, her eyes sparkling brightly. She sat there watching him, a look of both lust and excitement on her face.
"Yeah, yeah, but you love me anyway," he teased back as he struck another pose, a rather goofy grin on his face. "Now, O' furry mistress of mine, anything you want me to do?" he asked, amusement and lust brightening his own eyes, his cock now fully erect, ready to be planted inside Jewel's tight young body.
"Oh really?" she asked while sitting up again while gazing up at him with a small grin. "Are you sure about that?" Jewel laughed again with a grin before moving so she was on her knees and she motioned for him to approach her, her eyes glittering excitedly.
Halloway approached her with a bit of a smile tugging at his lips. "Fairly sure," he said, his own eyes glittering mischievously.
I know. .Jewel slowly reached out when he got closer and she ran her fingers over his chest. She crawled a little closer to him and started kissing and licking his collarbone. The lopunny liked the taste of his skin and began lapping faster at his collarbone and then his shoulder while one of her hands moved down to gently grasp his cock and stroke it lightly. "You feel very excited." she said against his shoulder.
Halloway groaned softly as her tongue ran over his collarbone, his hands smoothing over the soft fur of her back, hands squeezing her tight ass. Mm I got a sexy lopunny pressed up against me of course I m excited , he said with a soft laugh, groaning at the feel of her hand on his hard cock. His hand moved around from her ass, hand pressing against her flat stomach, whereupon a finger began to run up and down her pussy lips. You know, you don t need to just lick my collarbone I think something else could use your mouth s attention, he said, bucking into her hand a bit as if to highlight his point to her.
Jewel made a soft sound that was somewhere between a purr and a chirp as she continued to lick his collarbone. "Would a sexy lopunny bouncing in your lap make you even more excited?" she whispers in his ea while slowly pulling him further onto the bed, her soft moans filling the room as he began rubbing her pussy lips with his finger. "You want me to lick else where huh?" she asked before moving so she was licking his nipple. "Is this where you want my mouth's attention?" she asked teasingly while continueing to stroke him with her hand.
Halloway chuckled softly. "Probably... Only one way to find out," he said teasingly, his cock more or less pulsing in her hand as he ached to fuck her... she kept this up too much longer, and he'd cum in her hand. "I think you need to head a bit lower... like, below here," he said, motioning to his stomach.
Jewel gently pushed Hal back on the bed so he was laying down, removing her hand from around his cock as she moved down the bed a little. "Well, you just lay back and make yourself comfortable." she said gently. "And I'll take care of the rest." She grinned at him while running her hands along her chest and stomach in a teasing seductive way.
It didn't take much to get him to comply, and his hands came up behind the back of his head. "Sounds good to me," he said with a smile as he watched her run her small hands down her sexy tight body... She was driving him wild, and she'd barely touched him yet.
Once he was laying down, she slowly crawled between his legs and leaned down, kissing and licking her way down his stomach to his groin where she wrapped her fingers around his cock again. She nuzzled his pubic bone for a moment before licking the head of his cock. Moaning softly, she licked him again before softly suckling on him.
Halloway sighed happily as she licked and kissed around his crotch, before gently suckling upon his shaft... Heaven... One hand came up from behind his head, and rested on the back of hers, gently running through the fur on the back of her head. He hadn't had a blowjob in forever...
Jewel looked up at him from under her long eyelashes while slowly bobbing her head and taking more of him into her mouth, her tongue running over his shaft. She felt his hand resting on the back of her head and she suckled on him. She rarely gave blowjobs, not really enjoying them herself but if it made her master happy, she would do it. She closed her eyes again as she sotly purred around him.
Halloway's fingers gently stroked through the soft fur on the back of her head as she bobbed up and down on his hard shaft, and soon his hands came up beneath her head, pulling her off of him. "You're going to make it too easy for me to cum, hot stuff," he said with a wink. "Now, lay back," he commanded, pushing her down onto her back, before lowering himself onto her. He pressed soft kisses to her breasts, before kissing down her stomach, his tongue tasting her own sex with a soft lap.
Jewel looked up at him when he pulled her off of him and she blinked in surprise and confusion until he spoke to her and she smiled with a giggle. She obediantly moved onto her back and laid down, stretching out along the bed for him before she softly cooed as he kissed her breasts then kissed his way down her belly. But when she felt his tongue against her sex, she gasped and whimpered in pleasure.
Halloway slowly pulled her legs onto his shoulders as he licked at her cunt, before digging his tongue into her velvety folds, enjoying the taste of her womanhood. "Mm... you're tasty," he said with a teasing tone, before he parted her lips with his fingers, lapping at her clit, flicking it with his tongue.
Jewel mewled softly and moaned as he hooked her long legs over his shoulders and began licking at her cunt, trembling as his tongue pleased her. At his teasing, she made a soft sound of embarassment before groaning as her lower lips were parted and he licked at her swollen clit, the tiny bundle of nerves throbbing with her excitement as she squirmed beneath him and moaned.
"Enjoying this, my sexy little Jewel?" he asked with a teasing grin as he ran his tongue slowly with the broad side of it over her cunt, before he finally pulled back, letting her fall to the bed. He crawled over her, lining his cock up with her wet cunt, and with a wink, he thrust into her, farther than he had the first time they made love.
"Uh huh." she murmured. When he let her fall back to the bed, she grunted softly and looked up at him as he crawled over her body. Jewel tilted her head to the side when he winked before throwing her head back with a cry of pleasure as he penetrated her deeper then before and she arched her back. Moaning loudly she wiggled her hip and tightened around him.
Halloway could only grunt in pleasure at her tightness, one hand coming to rest upon one of her sizable breasts, gently squeezing it. "Damn, you're tight," he muttered, before he slowly slid out to the head of his cock, before sliding slowly back in, savoring the feeling of her wet, velvety pussy constricting around his dick.
Jewel arched her back and pressed her chest into his hand while gazing up into her trainers eyes, softly moaning as he pulled back then slid slowly back in. She trembled a little and whimpered lightly while parting her legs some more for him and murring in pleasure. "Oh master." she moaned to him.
Jewel's words only spurred him on in his pleasure addled state of mind, and he leaned down, crushing her lips in a passionate, loving kiss, cock driving into her time and time again, enjoying the feel of her tight body. Even now, it wouldn't be too long before he'd fill her cunt with his hot thick sperm.
Jewel wrapped her arms around Hal's shoulders and eagerly kissed him back while moaning and lifting her hips so he could thrust deeper. Each time he thrust into her, her breasts bounced a little and she moaned louder, her sounds muffled by his lips.
Halloway remained with his lips against hers as he pistoned down into her, his thrusts slowly becoming more erratic as the pleasure he felt grew. He let out a muffled sound of pleasure as he thrust down into her one last time, his hot seed spurting from his cock, Halloway pulling out quickly, his seed covering her stomach and tits with ribbons of white after their first time, he was now more mindful about her becoming pregnant.
Jewel felt her release rushing in and she felt as if she would explode as her body tightened around his cock more and more as she got close. She cried out when he thrust into her one last time and his hot seed filling her for a moment pushed her over the edge. As he pulled out, she began trembling as she came and she felt his hot thick seed covering her stomach and tits, the white semen getting into her silky fur.
Halloway smiled gently down at Jewel as his cum dripped out of her pussy and settled into her soft fur. He reached over to the bedside table and picked up a few tissues, rubbing some of his cum out of her fur thankfully it was thick enough so that little of it actually got into her fur. He balled the tissue up and threw it away, before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. "Sorry about that didn't think you really wanted to get pregnant," he said with a soft laugh.
Jewel slowly shook her head and smiled up at him. "It's alright. And you're right. I don't wish to. Not yet anyways. I'm too young to be a mother." she says gently while running her fingers over her fur where his seed had landed. When he kissed her, she softly kissed him back with a soft sigh.
"Aw, you don't even want to mother my kids? My feelings are all hurt, now," he said with a teasing smile before he rolled over next to her, relaxing in the post sex glow. Sex just always put him in a fabulous mood he thought it impossible to be in a bad mood after a good round of fucking.
She laughed softly and stretched out on the bed before rolling over onto her stomach after he moved so he was next to her. She laid her head down on her arms with a small smile on her lips and her eyes partially closed as she became extremely relaxed, softly purring as she gazed at him. "I feel so relaxed." she murmured.
Halloway gazed back at her with a small smile on his face, before he slowly got onto his knees. He leaned over her a bit and pressed his hands against her back, gently massaging. "What about now?" he asked with a small smile, working his hands down her back.
Jewel closed her eyes the rest of the way with a soft gasp and her tail twitched a little as she murred again and she smile. "Ohh, that feels good." she said to him while nuzzling her face against the bed. "I'm so glad you found me."
Halloway gently rubbed the heels of his hand against her lower back, continuing to massage lower and lower, before he squeezed both of her buttocks. "I'm glad I found you too, Jewel," he said, working his way back up now, a bright grin on his face. He enjoyed making her feel good... just about as much as he enjoyed her making him feel good.
The lopunny softly squeaked when he squeezed her butt and she looked back over her shoulder at him before giggling softly, her tail twitching a little more while smiling widely up at him. "Where did you learn to do that?" she asked him softly.
Halloway chuckled softly at her question. "You learn a lot of stuff on the road. I picked up this in South City," he said, referring to what had to be the sex capital of the world a lot of pokegirls lived there. Halloway lay down next to her, a small smile on his lips. "Just glad you enjoyed it."
She slowly nodded as she stretched out some more and heard her back crack a little before a feeling of relief washed through her. "You've traveled alot, haven't you?" she asked him, opening her eyes to look at him again. Jewel hadn't been to very many places and most of them were different fields and forests.
Halloway shrugged at her question as he rolled a bit, arm wrapping gently around her waist. "More than most, probably. My job takes me just about everywhere. Been to both sides of the world," he said, which was a point of pride for him. He liked his job, to be honest. He met lots of people, and went to interesting places, though he always had to make it back to civilization in order to get paid. "What about you, Jewel? Been many places?"
Jewel looked at him, a look of awe in her eyes. It was clear that the lopunny was impressed. When he asked her if she had been many places, she shook her head. "No. Mostly woods and forests and medows." she said gently. "Roger prefered to keep us in places where there were alot of wild pokegirls so he could train us. We never really went far from his home towan where he started his traveling."
Halloway could not help but grin. "You're going to go a lot more places than that, now. Unlike Roger, I'm not afraid to get too far away from Mommy," he said with a low chuckle.
Jewel giggled softly at his words and smiled at him. "I look forward to it. I've always wanted to see what the ocean looks like and here was are, in a town near the beach. And I've always wanted to travel to colder parts of the world to see what it was like." she says to him.
Halloway looked a bit surprised at her. "You've never even seen the ocean ?" he asked, wondering how that could even be possible. "It's a sight you'll never forget, I can promise you that. I have a feeling this is going to be a journey of firsts for ya. First ocean, first tundra, first master who can actually please you," he said teasingly. "And if you wanna see cold, we're going to need to get you a jacket. It gets below zero up north," he said, having been at the north pole himself before it wasn't an experience he enjoyed.
Jewels ears drooped a little and she shook her head. "No. The most I've seen was the rapids and rivers." she said to him with a sigh. She listened to him speak again and she blushed as he teased her before she nodded in agreement. "I suppose it is true." she says with a gentle sigh. "And no, you won't have to get me a jacket. I'm a lopunny. My fur will get thick is the colder climates."
Halloway shrugged. "I'm pretty sure you're still gonna get chilly if we get below zero," he said, having felt the cold himself. It wasn't only that, though the wind chill could be murder. Literally. "Anyway, we won't know 'til we he head up that way. First, though, we gotta get out of this city. Wanna go see the beach, or shall we hang out here 'til Tina gets back with the stuff?" he asked.
"I'll trust you. After all, you're more experienced then I am." she says gently while snuggling up close to him, laying her head on his shoulder. "Lets stay here until Tina gets back. I'm sure she would like to go to the beach with us." Jewel becomes quiet as she lays with Halloway, thinking to herself while running her fingers through the soft fluffy fur on her ears. "Halloway... do you... do this with Tina?"
Halloway nodded she was right, though he also knew Tina would find them wherever they were at. The tracker on Hal really was a time saver. When Jewel asked her question, Halloway quirked a brow. "What brought this on all of a sudden?" he asked, curious.
Jewel looked away from him and shrugged. "I don't know. I was just wondering is all." she says gently. "I don't mind if you do." She looked up at him again and tilted her head to the side a little.
Halloway smiled softly at that. "Well, I won't lie I lost my virginity to her, but I don't have sex with her now. It's kinda creepy for me, since she's been like an older sister to me," he explained. "Besides... why do I need her to fuck when I have a sexy Lopunny?" he asked with a grin.
Jewel felt a little embarassed when he admitted that he lost his virginity to the rattata but she didn't mind. She blinked before chuckling and nodding slightly. It would be kind of creepy to have sex with someone that was like a sibling. Pushing herself up a little, she leaned over him and softly kissed Hal on the lips before laying down again. "I don't know." she says with a chuckle.
Halloway hadn't really thought like that when his brothers had sicced Tina on a horny teenaged Halloway, but things had changed as he had gotten older. "Say, my sexy little Lopunny wasn't jealous, was she?" he asked teasingly, a bright grin on his face.
Jewel felt her cheeks heat up even more as he teased her and she was grateful for her fur which hid the blush. "No." she said defensively. "I wasn't jealous."
Halloway chuckled darkly, one hand reaching for her shoulder. He pushed her over onto her back, before he pushed his hands against the bed, pushing himself up so that he could look down at her. "Are you suuuure, Jewel? It's alright to want me," he said teasingly. "Because I'm all yours if you want me to yourself," he said, kissing her quickly on the nose.
Jewel yelped in surprised when he turned her over and she stared up at him with wide eyes, blinking owlishly at him before she began playing with her ears. "Y yes, I'm sure." she said softly. "I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being selfish and keeping you away from Tina." She squeaked softly when he kissed her on the nose and she squirmed beneath him.
Halloway chuckled softly at her response. "You aren't keeping me away from anything... but if you do want me all to yourself, that can be arranged," he said with a grin, a hand gently cupping her cheek, before he pressed a soft kiss to her lips, his other hand giving one of her sizable breasts a soft squeeze, enjoying the feel of her heavy breasts.
Jewel smiled gently as he cupped her cheek and she turned her head slightly to gently lick his palm before he softly kissed her. She smiled into the kiss and closed her eyes while wrapping her arms around him as he reached up and squeezed one of her breasts softly, making her moan gently.
Halloway chuckled softly as she licked his hand, and he returned the kiss wholeheartedly, before he pulled back. "You haven't answered," he teased he really wanted, no, needed to know if she wanted him to be exclusive to her. He didn't really mind... he just wanted to know. And he stopped from potentially having sex with her to find out, so he obviously meant business.
Jewel whined as he pulled back and broke their kiss, pouting slightly as he teased her. She looked away from him, not wanting to answer at first but as he waited, she quickly broke down and answered him. Sighing, she looked up into his eyes before nodding. "Yes. I want you all for my self." she said to him.
Halloway smiled down at her, and he pressed a small kiss against her chin. "Was that so hard? And I'm all yours now, Jewel," he said with a wink, before he pressed a kiss to her lips, a deeper, more passionate one than before. "Think we have time before Tina gets back?" he asked, hand gently squeezing her breast once more.
Jewel shrugged slightly as she smiled, tilting her head back as he kissed her chin. "No, I suppose it wasn't." she said before he kissed her again, making her moan softly into the kiss. "Mm, I'm not sure. I don't know what all she had to get or how fast she'll find us." she replied to him before a soft murring sound escaped her when he squeezed her breast again.
"She'll find us pretty quick once she's done with the shopping... I kinda got a tracker on me," he said with a sheepish smile. "Well, screw it... she can wait for us to finish if she comes back early," he said, pressing a long kiss against her lips, before he trailed down to her large tits. One hand gently squeezed one, whilst he gently kissed and nipped the other.
Jewel arched an eyebrow at the news of the tracker before chuckling softly as he said 'screw it'. She was pleased when he kissed her and she ran her hands along his chest and over his shoulders as he squeezed one of her breasts while kissing and nipping the other. Her body arched gently beneath him as she closed her eyes and murmured his name. His kisses and nips caused her to start getting aroused again and she ran a hand through his hair.
Halloway could feel himself getting hard again as he touched and kissed her lovely body. And he was just about to sate his lust when the door opened. Tina, laden with bags, came inside, letting the bags fall to the floor. However, when at last she looked to the couple on the bed, she blushed. "Er... Should I have knocked?" she asked, unable to suppress the smile that found its way onto her lips a moment later.
Jewel was enjoying Halloways touches and lips as he aroused her again, making her softly moan for him and wiggle excitedly beneath him. But when the door opened, Jewel jumped with a soft gasp and looked at Tina as she entered, her eyes widening with embarassment and surprise. At her question, Jewel looked away while heat filled her face.
Halloway groaned in exasperation and sat up, before finally standing up. "Yeah, but it's alright," he grumbled, the mood now ruined. He pulled on his pants, tucking his erection into the waistband to let him soften up. He pulled on his shirt a moment later. Halloway passed his jacket to Jewel, mindful of the cum he left in her fur. "You get everything we need?" he asked Tina, to which she nodded. "Mmhm. Even picked up the ferry ticket it leaves in about an hour," she said, holding up a large ticket on which "three passengers, leisure cabin" was stamped.
Jewel slowly sat up, watching as Halloway pulled on his pants and tucked his erection into his waistband before she looked over at Tina. She took his jacket from him as she stood up and she padded into the small bathroom connected to the bedroom, closing the door behind her. A moment later the sound of running water could be heard as she carefully washed the cum from her body the best she could without gettin her fur soaking wet. Her fur would still get a little stiff from it but it wouldn't be as noticable. A little while later sh stepped out of the bathroom while running her fingers through the fur on her ears, grooming them.
Halloway smiled softly when at last Jewel returned to the room. "Keep the jacket until you dry out," he said, whilst Tina busied herself with the bags, moving things around to make them more manageable, before she passed Hal his leather bag. "Come on. I'd like to get settled in on the boat before it ships out," he said, as Tina passed Jewel a rather light bag, quite used to her position as pokegirl of burden by now most of their bags lay on her strong shoulders.
Jewel nodded with a small smile. "Okay." she whispered while slipping it on and zipping it up after a little struggle, beging careful with her claws so not to rip it. "Thank you." She felt a little odd wearing clothing but she would get used to it. Looking at Tina, Jewel smiled gently and shouldered the bag that she passed to the lopunny. By the look of Jewels strong but slender and curvy body, she could of easily carried more bags which she offered to do.
Halloway offered her a small smile, and Tina merely chuckled when Jewel offered to carry more bags. "I got it," she assured her she really didn't mind carrying all the bags. She just liked to feel useful. Halloway's arm linked around Jewel's waist, and thusly ready, Halloway led them out of the room.A short walk through the city later, they arrived at the docks. The clear, blue sea spread out before them, sparkling in the brilliant sunlight, meeting the pure white beach with the gentle push and pull of the tides. Halloway took a deep breath of the salty air, before he led their small group to the ferry, which was sounding its horn as a call to any who were boarding. Hal led them straight to their room, whereupon Tina shrugged off their bags, and Halloway set down his own leather pack which he had taken from the pile Tina had had on her back. "Home, sweet cheap ferry room," Halloway said with a chuckle.
Jewel tilted her head while gazing at Tina before nodding. "If you're sure." she said gently before being distracted by Halloway when he wrapped his arm around her slender waist and she smiled up at him while laying her head on his shoulder while they walked side by side and headed out of the room. As they walked through the city towards the docks, she looked around curiously until she spotted the ocean and her eyes widened with awe when she saw the wide blue body of water.She could smell the soothing scent of the sea and hear the waves crashing on the beaches. "Is that the ocean?" she asked Halloway as they walked up the dock. After entering their room, she slowly removed his jacket that he had given her to wear and she hung it up on a hook next to the door in their room. She giggled after Halloway spoke and she grinned over at him.
Halloway waited to reply to her until they were in their room, whereupon returned Jewel's grin, before he took a sat on the one of the two beds within th ferry room. He was clearly planning to make Jewel his constant bed mate. "And yes, that was the ocean," Hal said with a roguish wink, before he lay back on the bed, eyes on the ceiling for a few moments. He felt like getting a nap after their "workout" earlier.
Jewel moved over to the bed where Hal laid down and knelt on the edge of it, leaning over him with a small smile. Her long ears fell down and framed her cute face as she smiled down at him. "Master Hal, can I go explore the ship?" she asked softly. "I'd like to look around a little bit. Please?" She blinked curiously and licked his cheek affectionately before nuzzling his neck.
Halloway smiled up at Jewel softly as her ears came down around her face. He had to admit, she had never looked cuter. "Sure," Halloway said with a soft chuckle, and coming to rest on her cheek as he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "Just come back in a little while, 'kay? We'll be having dinner here shortly, and I expect dessert," he said with a wink as he slipped the tracking chip out of his pocket, a small, adhesive square, onto Jewel's back, hidden in her fur. He couldn't help but worry about her.
Jewel giggled and kissed him back, nipping playfully at his bottom lip before she pulled back a little. "I'll besure to be back soon. Promise." she said before giggling again when he winked. With one last kiss onto his cheek, Jewel pulled away and slipped out of their room, disappearing down the hall. But she wasn't back in ten minutes nor twenty. As the half hour mark came around, she still wasn't seen. Infact, she was no where near their room.
Lecherous thoughts began to drift through Halloway's mind, leaving him horny by the time the half hour mark neared... and it was at that moment that he realized it had been half an hour, and the sexy lopunny was nowhere to be seen. Requesting the tracker from Tina, he listened to the faint beep of it, the circular screen showing that Jewel's beacon was off to the side, with a little triangle showing that Jewel was a bit higher up on the ferry. He set out of the cabin, heading after the triangular beacon.
Jewel was on one of the upper decks of the ferry, cornered at the end of the corridor with her back against a locked door. She was doing her best to fend off the Raichu that kept attacking her over and over while her old trainer watched on with a smirk on his face, waiting for her to weaken enough for him to take her. "Stop!" she cried out as she blocked yet another punch only to barely miss another that came at another angle.
Halloway turned off the tracker when he made it to one of the upper decks, finding Jewel at the end of the hallway. He held up a finger in front of his lips to tell her not to speak about his presence, and with practiced ease, he began to sneak up on Roger. Leaning toward him a bit... "Hey, Sunshine," Halloway whispered right into Roger's ear, before his arm wrapped around Roger's neck, his other coming up beneath Roger's arm, wrenching it in a way that would almostr feel like it was being dislocated. "Tell her to stop hitting Jewel or I break your skinny little neck," he said, loud enough for Rachel and Jewel to hear.
The lopunny's eyes lit up when she saw Halloway and her momentary distraction cost her because she got hit in the face and she fell back onto the floor, covering her head and curling her legs up towards her chest to protect her stomach and head from the raichu's powerful hits. Roger jumped in shock when Hal whispered in his arm but before he could turn, an arm was wrapped around his neck and he gagged softly before groaning as his arm was wrenched back. Looking at Rachel who was still hitting the curled up Lopunny, Roger called out to the raichu. "E enough Rachel." he called and the girl turned to look at the two men, blinking curiously.
Halloway slowly wrenched Roger's arm back a bit farther, causing a rather painful pop, though he didn't quite dislocate the man's arm yet. "Now, what I'm going to do, y'see, is let you go in a few minutes. And if I ever see your pathetic ass around here or near my Jewel again, I'm going to tell a friend of mine about you. And if you don't end up dead by the end of the night, by god, you'll wish you had. Do you got me?" he asked, squeezing Roger around the neck a bit. " And you gotta let me fuck your raichu," he said. It wasn't like Roger had any sort of choice in the matter, with the mugh bigger, much stronger Halloway.
Roger cried out and Rachel made a sound of concern when she heard the pop. "Master?" she squeaked softly, taking a step towards them while her tail flicked back and forth. "Stay there Rachel." Roger groaned before looking back at Halloway the best he could. He gritted his teeth and glared at Hal before nodding the best he could. "Yeah, I got it." he began to say until the second part of what Halloway said then he shook his head. "I won't agree to that. Go ahead and disloacte my arm, but I won't agree to that."
Halloway considered Roger for a few moments, before he shrugged. He jerked on Roger's arm, indeed dislocating his shoulder, letting Roger drop to the ground a moment later. He placed his boot on Roger's neck a second later, to keep Rachel from attacking. "Just consider that payback. I won't call the authorities on you for trying to take an owned pokegirl," he said, before he left Roger, passing Rachel to kneel down next to Jewel. "Jewel... Babe, are you alright?" he asked softly, hand stroking through the fur on the back of her head.
Another loud cry of pain escaped his lips as his shoulder was dislocated and he dropped to the ground with a loud thud. Before he could move out of the way, he felt the boot on the back of his neck and he grimaced while closing his eyes. "Alright, now get offa me." he groaned before the boot disappeared. Once Halloway moved away from him, Rachel rushed over to him and gently helped him up. "Come on master." she whispered to him, slowly leading Roger away. Hearing Halloway speak to her, Jewel lifted her head and looked up at him before launching herself into his arms. "I will be." she whispered to him. "My cheek hurts though."
Halloway's arms wrapped tight around Jewel's waist, holding his beloved lopunny tight to his body. "I'm glad I got here before they could hurt you any ore... I'm so sorry you got hurt, Jewel," he said softly, lifting the chip off of her back surreptitiously, slipping it back into his pocket. Halloway slowly started to get up, one hand on her rear, holding her body to him, holding her as one might a babe, waiting for her firm legs to wrap around him so that he could take her back to their room.
Jewel nuzzled her face against his cheek as he stood, smiling gently before wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm glad you found me as well." she whispered to him with a soft sigh. After he stood completely, Jewel wrapped her long legs around his waist while laying her uninjured cheek down on his shoulder and closing her eyes. "Did you rest any Halloway?"
Halloway chuckled softl at her words. "I'm afraid I got to thinking about you, and I got too hot and bothered to rest," he said with a wink, hand stroking through the soft fur on the back of her head, glad to have his beloved Jewel in his arms. He was glad that she hadn't been taken by Roger, asshole that he was. He had grown far too attached to Jewel to let her be taken by Roger, asshole that he was. Halloway turned his head a bit, offering Jewel a small smile, before he pressed his lips against hers.
Jewel giggled softly and covered her eyes a little with her long ears to let him know that his words had embarassed her a little before she murred softly as he stroked the soft fur on the back of her head. She closed her eyes with a smile and she licked his cheek affectionately. "Are you still hot and bothered?" she asked him.
Halloway offered her a bright smile when she covered her face with her ears. "Aw, come on, don't do that. You're too cute to hide that," he said with a soft smile, hand stroking across her cheek before his hand went back to her rear. "And not as bad as it was. But if we stay like this for a few more moments, I'll be back to where I was," he said, as he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "Now... d'you wanna take care of me here, or back in the room?" he asked, showing a bit of his exhibitionist side.
The lopunny giggled softly when he called her cute and she peeked out at him from between her fluffy ears before slowly revealing the rest of her face with a small smile. Jewel softly kissed him back and wiggled her hips against his as he spoke before shrugging. "I'll take care of you where ever you wish me to." she said softly.
Halloway smiled softly, slowly coming to kneel down on his knees. He leaned over, setting her down on the deck of the ferry. "So, are you going to take care of me with all of these clothes on?" he asked with a lecherous smile as he leaned over her, giving her the perfect opportunity to undress him, his eyes trailing over her sexy, curvy body.
Jewel shook her head slowly while beginning to remove his clothing, tugging his shirt up over his head while grinning up at him. She kept rubbing her body against his the best that she could in order to tease him.
Halloway's cock grew hard in his pants as she rubbed her soft, furry body up against him, and he slowly pushed himself up a little bit, waiting for her to pull his pants down, and a moment later, he got onto his side, kicking his pants and shirt away, leaning against the wall she had been beaten against, waiting for her to get onto his lap.
Jewel could smell his arousal as sherubbed against him and she murred lustfully while running her fingers through his hair. After a moment she opened his pants and began pushing them down before watching him move to lean against the wall where she had been curled up against when Rachel was beating on her. Moving onto her hands and knees, she moved forward and crawled into his lap, leaning down and kissing him softly yet passionately.
Halloway's hand came up behind her head, gently stroking over the soft fur, and over her long, silky smooth ears. His lips pressed against hers, tongue slipping past her lips, deepening their passionate kiss. "Mm.. Jewel, I'm glad I found you," he mrmured softly, his hand coming to rest on her tight, sexy ass, squeeing softly, cock pressed against her lower stomach.
"I'm glad you found me as well." she muttered against his lips and moved closer. She could feel his cock against her stomach and it made her murr again while she reached down and began stroking his cock with her fingers. "How badly do you want me Halloway?" she whispered.
Halloway gently groaned as her soft hand wrapped around his hard cock, his eyes coming to a close. "Mm.. if it weren't for the fact that you could beat me up, I'd get right down to business," he said with a soft smirk, his eyes trailing down to her tiny hand wrapped around his hard cock. He really wanted his belovd Jewel. He let out a long sigh, his hands coming to rest on her hips, oen hand coming up a moment later to gently grasp one of her large breasts, and he leaned forward a bit, gently licking and sucking on one of her nipples.
Jewel giggled as she teased him, dipping her head to nip and kiss at his neck and collarbone while she continued to stroke his cock. "That still doesn't tell me how much you want me master Halloway." she purred, putting a little emphasis on the word Master and she nipped at his earlobe. She softly gasped as he grasped her breast and began licking and sucking on her nipples, making her moan.
Halloway chuckled softly around her nipple, before he pulled off with a light pop. "I want you more than I want to beat Roger's ass... And that is a lot," he said with a quick wink, groaning softly as they continued to rub up against nd tease one another, a small smile on his handsome face.
Jewel laughed gently and rubbed her chest against his for a moment before nodding. "And I want you more then I want you to beat his ass." she growled lustfully. With a slight shift of her hips and a small movement of her hand, Jewel positioned him between her soft thighs before sinking down onto him with a moan as he filled her warm wet body.
Halloway chuckled softly to himself. "Mm.. I feel wanted," he said with a soft laugh, his hands traveling up to her breasts, squezing both of her tits as she lowered herslef on top of him, alloway's cock sliding deep into her, filling her with his hard shaft. "Great," he murmured softly, leaning back a bit, letting her take control.
"Good. You should feel wanted because I'll never want anyone as much as I want you." she growled against his lips before beginning to ride his cock. She let her head fall back while she moaned to him. As she rode him, her fluffy tail twitched and her eyes closed in her pleasure.
Halloway growled into her neck as he pressed a soft kiss to her neck, before he glanced down to her pussy lips spread around his hard shaft. "Mm... I've never wanted anyone so badly, either," he said, before he leaned back down, thrusting up into her a bit every time she bounced on the rigid cock inside of her. He groaned softly with every movement of her body, his pre cum dripping into her pussy as he grew more aroused.
The lopunny bounced in his lap even faster while panting softly and whimpering. She could feel his shaft stretching her pussy and penetrating deep inside of her body as she moaned his name. Each time he thrust up into her tight pussy when she bounced down upon him, she felt him going deeper and deeper.
It did not take long for the hairs around his crotch to be crushed by her tight, furry body, his hand coming to lay on the small of her back, eyes closed as his other hand came up behind her head, gently stroking through the soft fur of her head. "Ah.. god, you're wonderful, Jewel," he murmured softly, before he finally sit back fully, enjoying their coupling inside of her tight, wet body. God, she was driving him crazy.
She placed her hands on his chest while she moaned and bucked in his lap, her rather large breasts bouncing each time and raised and lowered her hips. Jewel was tightening around him and her nipples had become almost painfully hard as her arousal pumped through her veins like red hot heat and it made her a tad bit dizzy but she didn't stop her movements.
Halloway could feel his sure to be mindcrushing orgasm slowly work its way over his mind, his eyes coming to a close as he finally pushed her down on top of him, his hands grasping her hips as he thrusted up into her, his hot cum filling her tight, wet pussy, Halloway groaning her name loudly as he reached completion inside of her body before he sat back, still a little soft but still quite useful for her self satisfaction.
Jewel yelped softly when he grabbed her hips and she gasped when he thrust up into her while cumming. She felt his hot seed filling her pussy and she moaned while grinding her hips against his, enjoying the feeling of him burried deep inside of her. She was so close to cumming and she was hanging on the edge just before her release. All she needed was that small nudge to push her over the edge.
Still in the throes of his orgasm, Halloway grabbed her hips, tilting to his side as he manuevered her under his body. Now in the missionary position they seemed to favor, he pulled out of her to the head of his cock, before thrusting back in. Having not felt the tell tale contractions of her muscles, he still wanted her to feel her orgasm... and so his hand delved between their thighs, fingers tweaking her clit as he fucked her against the floor.
Grabbing onto him, Jewel's eyes widened as he turned her over onto her back and she looked up at him, making a sound of protest as he pulled out of her most of the way. But her sound was cut off by a cry of pleasure as he thrust back in, making her arch her back as she tightened around him. The feeling of his fingers tweaking her sensative and swollen clit while he fucked her sent the lopunny's mind realing as her moans and cries of pleasure rang out around them, her legs wrapping around his waist as she got closer. "I I'm going to... I'm going to cum!" she squealed, her hips bucking against his while her lips parted as she panted for breath.
Halloway's fingers continued to gently work her clitty, his lips taking in one of her nipples to gently suck, other hand mauling her breast as he lay nerely entirely on her, fucking her hard and fast with a cock that had come to full hardness agan, trying to bring his beloved Jewel to her orgasm. Already, people in the various cabins on that deck were starting to peek outside, watching as the Lopunny and her master fucked on the deck of the ship.
Jewels long legs trembled around his waist while she clung at him, her claws digging into his back and leaving faint scratches along his shoulders as she panted and cried out. She bucked her hips against his while opening her lust glazed eyes to gaze up at him with arousal and adoration within her eyes. The combined feeling of her master fucking her while playing with her clit and the people in the different cabins around them watching them send her over the edge. Throwing her head back, Jewel screams as her pussy clamps down around his cock as she came.
Halloway's breathing soon grew labored as he pistoned in and out of his beloved Jewel's tight cunt, eyes closed tight as with every long slide into her pussy, he grew closer to cumming again. As Jewel began to cum around his hard cock, his hand left her clit, her breast, and his lips left her nipples, simply rocking in and out of her now for self gratifiaction. Soon, he was pushed ovrr the edge, his cum filling her convulsing her tunnel, before he lowered himself over her. With their mixed cum dripping out of Jewel's cunt, Halloway pressed his lips to hers, kissing her hard, deep, and passionately. "Jewel," he murmured, feeling love and lust for the soft lopunny beneath him.
Jewel laid there, completely drained from her orgasm as he continued to rock in and out of her. His continued movements drew out her release and she whimpered, trembling a little. When he came again and filled her again with his seed, the lopunny gasped gently. She could feel the mixture of their cum dripping out of her as he lowered himself over her body. She made a soft mewling sound when he pressed his lips against hers and kissed her, kissing him back just as passionately. "Mmm, master." she whispered to him. She could hear some of the people that were still watching them murmuring to each other and she buried her face into the curve of his neck.
Halloway smiled down softly at her as they lay there, juices slowly coating the floor beneath them. "Mm... my sexy Jewel. Would it be entirely shallow if I said I loved you right now?" he asked teasingly, pressing a soft kiss to her pink nose, his hand coming up a moment later to gently stroke across her soft brown cheek.
Jewel stared up at him, surprised at his question. "You... love me master?" she asked him softly, giggling a moment later after he kissed her nose. "No, I don't think it would be shallow if you said it." she replied, leaning into his touch.
Halloway had meant it as a joke, but he actually considered that when she questioned him. He smiled warmly down at her. Perhaps that could explain the fact that he was fiercely protective of her, and more cuddly with her than he'd been with any other lay of his. "Yes," he said without a moment of hesitation, before he pressed a soft kiss against her lips. The people in the cabins, the peep show becoming more of a tender moment, retreated. Halloway pressed another soft kiss to her lips before he slowly rolled over with her body in his arms, snuggling with her for a few more moments, acutely aware of the fact that eventually the people running the ferry would have to do something about the people fucking like, ha, bunnies on their ship.
Jewel smiled tenderly up at him and kissed him back with a soft murr, her ears twitching when the people disappeared back into their cabins. She giggled again as he turned them over so she was on her stomach, laying ontop of him. "We should go soon Halloway." she said gently. "I don't want you getting in trouble."
Halloway sighed softly... As much as he wanted to just lay there with Jewel, he knew they head to head back. Halloway reluctantly pulled out of her, rolling er onto her side before standing up. He fetched his clothed, getting dressed before he glanced over to Jewel. And the moment they were both back on their feet, he leaned down a bit, whispering into her ear: "I'm going to "tame" you all night," before he pressed a small kiss to her neck, before he began to lead her back o their room.
Jewel whimpered as he pulled out of her before she slowly stood up as well, watching him get dressed. When he whispered in her ear, she giggled softly and looked up into his eyes, her tail twitching happily. "Do you promise?" she asked him gently while following him back towards their cabin.
Halloway offered Jewel a quick wink, his hand coming to rest gently on her tight bottom, before he squeezed. "Oh, I promise," he said, before he made his way into the cabin, where Tina awaited, curled up on one of the two beds, fast asleep Halloway chuckled softly, efore he leaned down a bit and pressed a kiss to the top of Jewel's head.
Jewel giggled softly with a smile when he placed his hand on her rear and squeezed it. As they entered the cabin, she saw Tina asleep on one of the beds and she smiles gently. Feeling Halloway kiss the top of her head, Jewel looked up at him and leaned against his side.
Halloway pressed another kiss to the top of Jewel's head, before he led her over to the bed that was currently unoccupied. He began to slowly undress as he got her down on the bed, his touches becoming more intimate when he was finally naked...Halloway awoke to the sound of a horn bellowing out into the air, Hal rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. One arm was pinned down to the bed, and he glanced over tosee Jewel laying on his arm, a small smile coming to his face as his other arm came around, wrapping tightly around her waist. He could remember last night well enough he had made love to her all night long, as promised... At least three or four times, and they had finally passed out in a sweaty tangle of limbs. He gently pushed her off of him before he sat up, stretching his arms out above his head.
Jewel barely even stirred when Halloway began waking up, murmuring in her sleep as she shifted a little but didn't wake. As he wrapped his arms around her waist she sighed and turned to him a little with a small smile and she snuggled up against him with a soft murr. Some of her fur was a little stiff and matted from Halloway's sweat and cum. As he pushed her off him, she groaned softly and her eyes fluttered slightly before nuzzling her face into the pillow beneath her with a soft murmur.
Halloway smiled gently down to his sleeping Jewel, before his eyes trailed down her sexy form, down to where her fur was matted and rough looking from sweat and other bodily fluids. Meanwhile... he was just worn out. He stretched his arms out above his head and pushed himself to his feet, popping knuckles, fingers, arms, neck, back, knees, and toes. Feeling quite a bit better, he knelt down to gently nudge Jewel. "Come on, babe. We only got about an hour before we hit the shore," he murmured, before he got back up, going to look for his pants and other assorted pieces of clothing.
Jewel sighed when he nudged her and she lifted her head to look up at him and she nodded sleepily. "Okay." she murmured. "What am I supposed to do about my fur?" she asked, looking down at her messy fur. They certainly had a wild the night before. He had made love to her over and over again in different positions until they collapsed onto the bed in a messy, sweaty heap and she could still feel some of his release within her and she loved the feeling. She moved over to the edge of the bed and smiled gently while gazing up at him. "You were.... amazing last night." she whispered. | 187 | [] |
69 | | Soul Calibur: The peacefull days of Siegfried Schtauffen | Trancending time, a tale of soul and sword eternally told. Soul edge, and Soul calibur, two legendary swords that had been the object of desire for warriors all over the world, are now gone. Sealed away for eternity by the hands of a man who was once the most feared being in the world. Siegfried Schtauffen, was once known as nightmare, the so called 'Azure Knight' who spreads terror across Europe with the blade Soul Edge in his hands. His heroic act of self sacrifice in the quest to destroy Soul Edge, has earned him royal pardon by Hildegard Von Krone, the heir to the Kingdom of Wolfkrone, and he is now a free man, able to walk the world without being chased around like a villain.Siegfried fell to wanderlust, as well as a different, more enjoyable kind of lust, and travelled the world, enjoying the days of peace he now has, and fucking the brains out of the women who once chased him and tried to kill him. Its funny how each and every one of them seemed to fall head over heels for the young man. Perhaps its his good looks, or his chisseled physique. Or perhaps its his incredibly well endowed manhood, or his near inhuman sexual prowess. Whatever the reason, he had them hooked.Despite knowing the effect he had on women, Siegfried never thought that they would actually come seek him out. Especially not the one in the bathroom right now, changing her clothes. He was glad though, she was one of his favourite fuck, and in appreciation of her appearance in his castle, the long haired man plans on rewarding her. Today he wont fuck her, he will make love to her. His sleeping robe, made of silk, did little to hide his impressive physique, as he sat on the bed, sipping red wine."Come now. Dont keep me waiting, i want you now my dear." He called out to her.
Hilde heard him call out to her. She felt the bred blush mark her face and she continued to take off her clothes, a little more quickly now. She removed her helmet from her head, her long, straight red hair falling out. She continued and took of the rest of her Armour and the tunic she wore underneath. What she was left in was somewhat juxtaposed with what she wore over the top of it. She was left standing in a black lingerie.She wore a black and white silk corset. the silk fabric had red flowers on it and on the front had ribbons criss crossing over, with a bow at the top which he would have to undo. Along with that she wore a pair of black panties. She walked out of the barthroom and over to him. The mere sight of him like that turning her on a little. She stood infront of him and looked at him, a light blush on her face.Hilde did not know what it was, but ever since the day she had given him the pardon, she always wanted to please him, weather it be sexual or not, okay mostly sexual. It was a strange desire, since she was a princess, she was the on always being waited on hand and foot, but with him, there roles seemed reversed.
He gave a warm smile, placing down the glass, and walking closer to admire her. She is indeed a vision of beauty, and he took in her appearance like an art curator would a masterpiece. "My my princess..You keep taking my breath away like this, and i'll die from suffocation." He said in a low growl. His arms snaked around her waist to pull her closer. The strong arms that wielded the 150 lbs of solid steel, is surprisingly gentle in embracing her."Tonight will last forever my dear.." He whispered as his lips found her shoulder and kissed a trail to her neck. His rock hard body, separated from her by the silk robe, and her lingerie, but his heat can be felt. He swung her swiftly, playfully, like a dancer would his partner,pressing her back softly against the wall. His lips went to its intended target, her luscious full lips, suckling on her lower lips at first, then pushing his tongue inside her mouth, practically begging her to suck on it.He took his time, as their reality became filled with the powerfull kiss, blanking out everything else. It was ten minutes later, that he pulled back gently, that sly boyish grin on his face as he sat on the bed. A huge bulge, easily a foot long prods his robe, threatening to emerge from inside it."Princess..You know what i like..Would you please grant me my desire?" He asked her, eyes locked onto hers with honest lust.
Hilde looked at him as he stood and moved closer to her. She could feel his eyes on her. She smiled lightly at his comment. She moved into his gentle embrace, loving the feel on him against her body. She closed her eyes before she said "I only want to please you, not to kill you" she said.She heard his whisper and she closed her eyes, gasping when he kissed her shoulder and neck. No body could make her feel like he made her feel. She opened her eyes when he spun her around and pressed her to the wall. Her lips were taken from her and she felt his tongue move inside her mouth. She knew what he wanted her to do. She sucked on it lightly.Hilde liked it when he took his time. It was more enjoyable for her, not that every other time was not enjoyable either. When he pulled his lips back, she found her self wanting more. A pout almost formed on her face. She watched as he sat back on the bed and said "I'll indulge you tonight Siegfried" she said.Slowly she walked over to him and knelt down infront of him. Her hands slowly pulled apart the robe. His cock, no...phallus, was a more befitting term, was fully erect and waiting to be pleased. She slowly moved her head towards it and began to lick it up and down, making it slick with her Silvia, before she began to suckle the underside of the head, teasing him a little for a reaction. Her tongue then moved up and spun little circles around the very top before she took in the head, suckling lightly on is, while her hand stroked the rest of his shaft.
He moaned out loud, letting her know how much he loved what she is doing. His mighty cock twitched every now and then, when her tongue made contact. Ever since they first met, he had always been fascinated by her lips. Her full, crimson, luscious lips, and now, to have it wrapped around his cock, is litteraly a dream come true. The fact that a princess is on her knees and sucking him off is another big bonus."Mmh..Such masterfull lips.." He whispered once more, his eyes locked onto hers as he looked down, before moving on to her cleavage. He pulled the ribbon off in one fluid motion, letting it flutter to the ground. Not many girls can handle his cock with such ease in their mouth, but Hilde is a good cocksucker. His hands carresed her cheek and temple with such gentleness, making the act of sucking his cock seemed warm instead of dirty, loving instead of lustfull, Romantic instead of Skanky.He is like a cliff breaking a storm, lasting inside her mouth for more than half an hour now, not showing any signs of cumming yet. Feeling its time he please her, the young man held her face still, making her look up. "That was bliss..Now..What would the princess want to be done to her?"
Hilde looked into his eyes as she sucked his cock. Every now and again she would take a little bit more of him into her small looking mouth. She felt his finger remove the ribbons on her corset. She looked back into his eyes as she continued. He made her feel loved with his caresses on her cheek and temple. The act she was committing was not dirty to her.She could have pleasured him all night like that if he wished her to. She felt his hands hold her face and pulled her away from his cock. She smiled at him and said "You already know what I want..." she said softly. She slowly stood and pushed him back onto the bed. She then put a knee onto the bed, in between his legs and began to climb on top of him.She looked down into his eyes, her hands running up his chiseled chest and said "How would you have me tonight" she asked him.
Without warning, he pulled the red haired princess and pinned her to the bed, making sure her head fell upon the pile of pillows near the headboard. "How do i want to have you?" He asked, dropping the entire robe to the floor, revealing his glorious naked body. His abdominal muscles and chest in clear view of Hilde. "I want to have you..all night.." His voice was thick with unbriddled lust, promising her a night of fiery passion. His cock landed on her stomach, showing her how deep it will go when inside her.With his teeth alone, Siegfried began undressing her, pulling off the strings of her corset, freeing her body from its tight constraint. When he revealed her body, his lips didnt waste time, and began suckling on her breast. Masterfull licks, like the brush of an artist. Each stroke telling a story, accentuating something thats already there from the beggining, and creating new sensations.As his lips went to work, so did his hands, pulling her underwear down to her ankle before spreading her legs. He went down to her cunt, eager to repay her treatment with his big wet tongue. He prodded her cunt, his tongue slowly rubbing her insides, focusing on one part for quite abit, before moving onto the next part. "You taste like red wine.." He told her between licks.
Hilde smiled a little when he picked her up and put her on the bed, her head in the pillows. She watched his face as he spoke before he took off his job. She looked at him and bit her lower lip. He was like a god, just perfect. She heard his words that were filled with lust. She looked at him and said "You may". She felt his cock on her stomach and she would much rather it be inside.She watched as he began to undo the confines of her corset with his teeth. Soon it was off and she was left to him in her panties alone. He took her breast into her mouth and she groaned. He knew she had sensitive nipples and breasts. No doubt he would exploit such knowledge. Hilde closed her eyes enjoying his mouth on her breast.She felt his hands pulled away her panties and he opened her legs. She felt his tongue slide inside. She closed her eyes and moaned softly. By the gods, he was good at what he did. She looked down at him and grinned at his comment. Her hands lay on the sheets beside her, digging in slightly. "Your tongue feels so good..." she moaned softly, wanting more from him.
His dancing tongue made sure that her clitoris was also taken care of, flicking it quickly and circling the sensitive little flesh before pressing the flat of his tongue onto it, and giving a hard lick. Siegfried has had many women, but amazingly enough, he remembers each and every detail about their body, every sensitive spot, every preferences and favourite rythm. His tongue slowly but surely went to her sweet spots and tormented it with sensual licks. Slowly building up her climax, but immediately stopping when she's about to reach it. He looked up to her with a tricksters grin before repeating the torture, bringing her right to the edge and then pulling her back. Hours after hours passed before he climbed onto her, swiftly, decisively."Now i take you to heaven." He said, kissing her on the forehead. He didnt need to ask, he knew exactly what she wanted, and she need not bother saying it. His cock proded her entrance, entering her gently inch by inch, holding it in place once his monstrous member is embedded fully inside her. He growled, and stayed still. His cock isnt too big, its perfectly big, but he knows that Hilde prefers to take it slow. The first thrust didnt came untill a few minutes later. A long firm stroke that rubbed his entire shaft on her stretched out inner walls. Then he held still again, repeating the thrust a few seconds later, then again..and again. Each stroke slightly harder than before. The gentle waltz soon turned into a furious tango, his lips making sure her sensitive nipples are taken care off as he moved from one breast to the other."Hilde!" He called out at the one hour mark, showing no signs of slowing down.
Hilde moaned as he teased her cunt with his tongue. Not letting her go all the way. Pretty soon she was begging him to let her have her orgasm, but he was relentless and continued. She found her cunt aching for release and her clit swollen and sensitive.She looked up at him as he spoke. She was relived he was finally going to give her the fucking she wanted from him. She gasped and moaned as he entered her slowly, she could feel everything about his as her walls held onto his cock. He began slowly as she liked it. His lips on her nipples made it better. Pretty soon he was thrusting into her relentlessly. An hour had passed and during that time she had come at least 5 times on his monster cock. She loved the feeling of it inside her as he jack hammered into her.She held onto him like a cat as he did, her nails digging into his skin. She looked at him when he called her name. She was in heaven, he had taken her exactly where he said he would and she didn't want him to stop. "Yes" she moaned out closing her eyes, feeling another orgasm coming.
His sweat poured and dropped on her body. As the clock struck midnight, Siegfried grabbed her and pulled her up on top of him. He supported himself on his elbows, eyes fixed on her breast. His body was a throne to the princess, one where she can sit and rule over him. His cock is the royal scepter which is the symbol of her reign. "Nngh..will the princess take me? Im all hers.." He teased, devouring her body with his stare.His hip was still pumping upwards, slowly bouncing her around. Soon he stopped moving, and folded his arms behind his head, smirking as he gave her full reign over his body. "I wont move an inch unless you command me, highness.". His cock was still hard and throbbing, his resolve and stamina far from spent."Im all...Yours..Highness." He said lovingly.
Hilde could feel the sweat coming off his body. He picked her up with a great ease and put her on top of him now. Sometimes she hated how he knew exactly what she like. Riding him was probably on of her favorite things. Her pussy quivered lightly as she slid her self back down over him easily, her cunt gaping open from his previous fucking.The look he gave her, god it was so arousing. She bit her lower lip and slowly began to move her self up and down on him, moaning for him. She loved how he could fill her so completely. She closed her eyes and said "Ahn....Siegfried.....touch my breasts" she moaned out to him. She loved how he could make her feel.She looked down at him, her hands resting on her chest as he leaned on them as he rode his shaft. She looked at him and moaned. She would not be able to walk after this, but she didn't care, right now, she just wanted to fuck her self on his cock till she got her next orgasm, or she got him to finally come, which would probably be a feat for any women.
Siegfrieds powerfull hands traveled from her legs, to her ass, giving them a firm squeeze."Such lovely ass my beloved highness" he said, placing an emphasis on the word beloved. Siegfried wasnt only fucking her body, he was making sweet love to her heart, spoiling the fiery haired princess, giving her everything she ever wanted from a man. Afterall, his freedom now is because of her, why shouldnt he be thankfull?When she gave him the order, his hands were already travelling to her breast, brushing her sides along the way. Once again Siegfried showed the uncanny ability of giving a woman exactly what she wants. He kneaded them to the rythm of her bouncing. Sometimes he used his thumb to play with one of her nipples, then the other one, then both at the same time.Another long hour passed and Siegfrieds moans became louder. His huge cock throbbed inside of her hot soaking cunt as he finnaly felt an orgasm coming. "Princess! I..I will cum..In about 20 minutes.." He gave her fair warning, furiously pumping his hips upwards to meet her movements, impaling her deeper than ever.
Hilde closed her eyes as she rode him. He felt his hand on her ass. Se moaned in appreciation and looked down at him. She felt his hands moved up from her sides to her breasts. She closed her eyes as his fingers would at times toy with her nipples. She groaned and rode him a little faster than before, moaning louder now.When he told her he was getting to cumming, she had came another two times, a third time fast approaching as his thrusts got faster and harder. She closed her eyes and moaned out, cumming again over his twitching cock. She held onto him and arched her back as he fucked her. She looked down at him. Setting him free was probably one of the best decisions she had ever made.She looked at him and she bent down a little to his chest and began to kiss his neck, trying to get him to come for her. After about 15 minutes she pulled her self off his cock and she took him into her mouth again and said "Cum for me Siegfried, cum in my mouth" she said begining to suck him off, he head bobbing up and down over his long shaft.
What a way to end their session. Outside, the sun is starting to rise. Looking down at her enthusiasm for his seed Siegfried Chuckled, and pushed himself onto his knee, moving his hips as he fucked her mouth with a sense of urgency. His cock went deep into her throat as he held her face in place. "Its coming princess..And its all yours!" He roared, his cock pulsed wildly and sent a torrent of thick hot cum into her mouth, filling it completely.His orgasm took him almost a minute, as he unloads his entire load into her. If he shot it inside her cunt, there is no way she, or any other women wont be pregnant. He was left panting, the intensity of his orgasm surprised even the young warrior. As he pulled out of her mouth, his cock suddenly grew hard again. He was ready to go once more, to ravage her all day till she passes out."I can fuck you like a slut till you cant walk for a week.." He said with a menacing tone, as he pushed her onto her stomach."But i wont, because i love you my dear princess." Came his usual caring voice, as he hugged her from behind, pulling her to a comfortable position. "Now please sleep..You must be exhausted."
Hilde closed her eyes as he erupted in her mouth. she swallowed all of his come, loving the taste of it. When he finished she licked him clean. She saw him grow hard again and she blushed lightly. When he spoke, she thought he might actually do what he said he would. She was tired now wanting sleep, she must have come like what, 9 times?But he didn't and she was relived and said "Yes...I am". Her eyes slowly closed and she fell into a deep sleep quickly in his arms, totally and utterly exhausted by him.
The next day, Siegfried snuck out of bed, kissing Hilde's forehead gently, making sure not to wake her up. She wont be up for awhile, and he would allow her rest. Today, he's certain another woman will come. One who he can fuck all day long, just like he did Hilde. Before he bathed, Siegfried went down to the kitchen of his palatial mansion, grabbing some bread and cheese.Sitting down in the garden, The half naked man relaxed his muscles, and enjoyed the peacefull morning, breathing the cool air as he listened to the song of birds. Truly it was a time of peace, and he cherishes every single day.
Sophitia looked about the castle. This was siegfrieds castle, it would only be a matter of time before she found him. She looked around the outsides first. She was in luck, She found him in the garden sitting. She gasped. Her was perfect. A god in living form. She walked up to him slowly and she touched his shoulder and said "Seigfried...".Just touching him gave her a chill like no other. The man was indeed a god.
It was indeed a pleasant surprise. Siegfried first met the greek warior women before he became nightmare, and back then he found her to be the most beautifull woman he had ever laid eyes upon. After he was freed from nightmare, he met her once more. She was even more beautifull. She was however, married to a man, though that didnt stop Siegfried to fuck her brains out as they snuck into a secluded temple. He was, of course, ten times better than her husband, and their sessions would last all day."Did you come here..For another round?" He asked with a predatory smile.
Sophitia looked at him and she blushed lightly at his comment. She sat down slowly next to him. She was nervous, and who would not be in the presence of a god in human form. She looked over at him and said "I think you already know the answer to that" she said to him softly. She blushed lightly and looked down for a moment. Would he desire her again? She did not know. She knew he had been with many women.
He rose to his full height, and picked her up like she was a child. "Such a slut..You left your husband for me? Why? Was he not as big as me? Or perhaps he cant please you?" His taunts were harmless. Mere teases with no hostilities in them. They were playfull words meant to distract her as he carried her to a marvelous bath. The room was grand, made of white marble, with warm water coming out of a lions head on the walls."This is where i will take you..But only after we bathe..You must have travelled far to get here."He dropped his robes as he walked towards the water, giving her a view of his muscled back and tight behind. The water seemingly licking his legs as he submerged himself to sit in one of the shallow end.
Sophita seemed to look down and away from him when he teased. She blushed and said "He dose not know". He carried her inside through the castle to the bath where he put her down to the floor gently. She bushed lightly when he dropped is robe. She looked him up and down before she said "Alright".Her nervous fingers down to her sandals and she began to take them off. Her bracers also came off before her hands removed the clasps at her shoulders which kept her tunic in place. She clipped it and pulled it of her and let if fall to the ground. She was standing naked infront of him for a second time now.She stepped into the warm waters and sank down into them slowly, doing as he wished for the moment.
His cock broke through the waters surface, still ready to go after ravaging Hilde all night long. He took Sophitia's hand, and placed it on the monstrous shaft, reminding her just why she spread her legs for him the first time. It was simple. Unlike his relationship with Hilde, which was warm and full of history between the two, theirs were animalistic. He was simply the best she had ever had, and will ever have. No other man, especially not her husband, has ever took her to the heights of ecstasy that Siegfeid was able to take her to at will. From times long gone, women had always wanted the alpha male, this time was no different.She herself was a goddess, almost litterally in terms of appearance and sexual appetite. Siegfried could understand why her husband wasnt enough for her. "I want you to pleasure me with your breast..But no using your mouth untill i say so..Understand my slutty little goddess?" He asked her, leaning back and giving her a view of his abs and chest.
Sophitia watched as his cock stuck up from under the water. His calloused had took hers and put it on the shaft. She looked at him and blushed lightly for a moment before her hand seemed to squeeze it a little. She remembered the first time she had touched it. It sent shivered down her spine thinking about it. She remembered all she had felt with him and she had not been able to get it out of her head. No one close please her like he did."I understand" she said softly her hands moving to her breasts and placing them around his shaft, slowly titty fucking him, moving them up and down over his rock hard shaft.
"You are...nnghh..definitely the best titfucker i have ever met.." He told her when his large cock is enveloped in her equally impressive breast. Of course it was just flattery, the ninja Taki is a close competitor for that title. It was a perfect fit. It is fitting that such a well endowed man is fucking such a well endowed woman. It was a relaxing morning for him, the warm water, the soft breasts. "Now..Suck it.." He ordered."You ever done this for your husband my little slut?" He asked her, he knew the answer would be no. No one can bring out her inner slut like he can. What he is enjoying right now, no man, not even one bound to her by sacred oaths of marriage, has ever had.
Sophitia blushed lightly when he told her he was the best titfucker he had ever met. She continued, moving her breasts up and down his shaft. When he gave her the order, she began to suck on the tip as her breasts continued to move up and down. When he asked her the question, she blushed again and said "No...he never asked for it..." she said. She then put her mouth back over his cock and continued to suck on it. The whole ordeal was so scandalous, but it being that way turned her on even more. Oh how she couldn't wait for him to fuck her.
Siegfried suddenly pulled her up to his level, kissing her in ways so intimate, it was a mockery to her marriage. He knew he was taking something that should be the right of another man, but he didnt really care. He doesnt know who this man is, and even if he does, its his own fault for not being able to please Sophitia the way Siegfried could. His massive cock rubbing her stomach, reminding her of his physical superiority to her husband."Now i fuck you hard.."He simply placed her on her hands and knees in the shallow water, slapping her ass and rubbing his cock on her entrance. He penetrated her like one would a mine. Bit by bit, allowing her to enjoy every friction. "Nnngh! Say it! Say my cock is bigger than your puny husband's!"
Sophita cried out a little when he suddenly pulled her up and kissed her. Her eyes closed and she kissed him back, the emotions in the kiss taking over her, she had never felt something such as this. She felt his cock rubbing up against her stomach and she as reminded of just how much better he really was.She heard him speak and her anticipation grew. He put her on her hands and knees. She moaned when he teased her by rubbing her entrance before pushing into her slowly. She moaned and closed her eyes, loving it. She obliged to his requests and moaned out "You cock is bigger than my husbands". She could tell she was in for a long day.
"How much bigger slut?" He asked again, torturing her with a painfully slow pumping. His huge cock spreads her apart and caused tremendous friction inside her. He would sometimes surprise her with a sudden slam of his hips, making a splash in the water as his cock penetrates her deeper. Afterwards he moved back to the slow rythm, trying to make her beg for a good hard fucking that he knew she adores."I bet you think of me when you fuck him dont you?..But it doesnt work..cause he just cant measure up"His hand freed her hair from her braids, before rubbing her sizable breasts. He showd his obsession with he breast quite clearly, massaging them in the same rythm his hips tortured her.
Sophita moaned as he continued to torture her. Her cunt clenched around his as each time he slammed into her to be a tease, she would tighten around him. She blushed lightly and said "Very much so....4 inches at least" she moaned. She blushed and moaned softly as he fucked her slowly, her stretched out hole getting wetter and wetter.His hands on her breasts felt wonderful and she groaned closing her eyes. She blushed when he said that she thought of him when she fucked her husband. How did he know her so well. She closed her eyes and said "Please...fuck me harder'" she begged him.
A loud slap on her ass echoed through the room, and Siegfried began picking up the pace. His rythm was alot like her husband, giving her a sense of familiarity, though it was clear that it wasnt his usual furious rythm. He pulled her hair backwards, using it as a reign, as well as making her see directly into a clock on the wall. The large clockwork is made of heavy irons, and is so well made it was clear that it is a precious item."How long does your weakling last in bed hmm?" He asked her, giving another slap on her ass, and rewarding her submissiveness with three hard thrusts, before going to the rythm.
Sophita groaned when he slapped her ass again. She closed her eyes as he fucked her slowly, her hands balled into fists before she opened her eyes as he pulled her head back with her hair, making her look up at the clock. She moaned loudly when he gave her a few hard thrusts before returning to his torture.She hear his question and she groaned again when he slapped her before she moaned out " 5 best..." she said blushing lightly as he continued.
"I'll outlast him by 175 minutes..Mark my word..And when i do, you're completely mine!"He fucked her hard, going in a frenzied pace as he ravaged her cunt from behind. 5 minutes passed like nothing, as the godlike man puts her husbands endurance to shame, showing her just what a real man can do to her body. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and still he pounded hard. Giving the occasional slap on her ass.He would reach out to her mouth, putting two fingers inside, urging her to suck on them as if it was his cock. Of course his cock is alot bigger, but it should do to tease her.
Sophita moaned loudly as he began to fuck her relentlessly as she craved him to do. It did not take long for her to come, infarct she came twice by the time he had stuck his fingers into her mouth. She sucked down on them hungrily. She moaned out his name, bucking her hips, wanting him as deep as he could go.She closed her eyes. She was completely lost in the feeling as he ravaged her. "Ahhh...." she moaned.
At the two hour mark, Siegfried pulled his finger out of her mouth. Gods, he loved how wild she is, moving her hips like that, impaling herself deeper onto him. His lubricated fingers began prodding her ass. He always wondered if she would enjoy anal sex, and now is the perfect time to find out."You like this?!" He asked. His pumping rythm still at a hard pace, while his fingers did their work carefully, explorin the new possibilities of taking her anal virginity, once more fucking her in ways her husband cant even dream about.
Sophita felt him pull his fingers from her mouth and begin to prod at her as. She groaned as he did and she closed her eyes and said "Yes...". She loved everything and anything that he did to her. Not even her husband could have ever convinced her to do anal, but Sigfried was a man of wonders in the bed room."Fuck my ass Siegfried!" she moaned out.
Lust didnt cloud his expertise. If this is indeed her first anal fuck, then he would make sure she remembered it as the time he took her to a whole new world of pleasure, and not the time he ripped her hole, and gave her a painfull week. The saliva coated finger continued on their work, thrusting in and out of her tight hole, spreading them apart at times, preparing her for his cock. Of course his fingers doesnt compare to his thick member, but its a start.Once the clock hits exactly three hours, he hasnt blown his load yet, outlasting her husband by 36 times longer, just as he promised her. He pulled his cock out ever so slowly, faking an exit before thrusting in again just to keep her off guard. It seems to him, her ass is ready, and he is about to claim it."Am i not a god? You deserve one like me..not a mortal man who lasts a mere five minutes.." He growled, licking her back. His cocks head lingered on her saliva coated ass,waiting for her to say something, teasing her, taking extra care to ensure her readiness.
Sophitia closed her eyes ad he loosed up her ass so he would not hurt her when he finally took her. She bit her lower lip as he did so, moaning and groaning. She loved the way he could make her feel. No one else could mirror the pleasure he gave her.After some time she thought he would pull out and move to her ass, but he moved back inside her so suddenly that she yelped a bit in surprise.She heard him speak, his tongue running up her back increased the erotic feeling she had. she closed her eyes, feeling his cock pushing against her ass hole. She the said "Fuck my ass...fuck it till you come!" she said.
Inch by inch, the thick rod entered her ass. He groaned, loving how tight it is. The sound of running water, seems so far away. Her body is his world for now, nothing exist outside those lovely curves, none mattered beyond her porcelain skin. His cock isnt easy to take up front, from behind, not many can withstand its monstrous dimensions. With a powerfull thrust, he embeded himself fully inside her."Nnngh..your body is so wonderfull.." He commented, words stroking her heart as his hands stroked her body. He playfully lathered her sides with soap, a sensual cleaning sensation that was meant as a treat for her, since she must have travelled far to find him. Once her sides and back are clean, his hands clamped on her waist, as he began moving his hips, giving her what she, and about every other woman what they wanted, a good, hard fucking, from a man who knows how to fuck a woman.
Sophita closed her eyes and groaned as he slid into her, bit by bit, at a teasing pace. She could feel him stretching her tight virgin asshole. She closed her eyes and moaned out "Ahnnn Siegfried....your cock is heaven". His hands felt good on her sides as he lathered her body with soap. He then began to move in and out of her ass. She opened her eyes and her hands gripped the tiles at the bottom of the bath. "Oh my god!" she moaned out. He was so big inside her and her ass clamped onto him like a jack. | 40 | ['Von', 'Hildegard', 'Siegfried', 'Krone', 'Schtauffen'] |
70 | | (FF7)Fate's Intervention(Kratos+Anjeru) | "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Amelia Cortez pulled up into the driveway to her simple, two story urban home. She shut off her car, grabbed her bag off the passenger seat, and hopped out. The 5 foot 5 girl, with thigh length jet black hair, very pale skin, and a very shapely body with an ample bust, made her way into the house. "I'm home mom!" she called out as she made her way upstairs to her room. She was anxious to get back to her game now that classes were over. Not even dressing out of her school uniform, she plopped down onto her bed and set her bag onto the floor. She flicked on her tv, used her foot to click on her playstation, and picked up the controller.She stretched out on the bed and happily loaded her file when the Final Fantasy 7 game menu came up. She was just starting the 2nd disc Aerith had just been murdered by Sephiroth. Cloud and the others were getting ready to leave the city of ancients. As she got into the game, running around fighting random battles, and searching for as many treasure chests as she could find, the weather outside began to get worse. Soon she heard thunder rattling her windows and the power began to flicker.Anxious, she contemplated turning off her game and just going to sleep. Flashes of lightning could be seen from her window and swiftly, she moved to turn the game station off. As she pressed her finger to the power button, lightning struck the power supply to her house. She screamed as a shock ran up her arm and sizzled throughout her body she flung her head back and squeezed her onyx eyes shut. The shock began to fade and she swayed back, falling onto the floor, sprawled out.Breathing heavy, covered in a sheen of sweat, Amelia tried to remain conscious but was fading in and out. She raised her hand and stared at it, beginning to panic. Her hand was see through! Amelia could see the tv through her hand! She tried to get up, but a wave of dizziness swamped her, and she promptly passed out on her floor. It felt like an eternity later that her eyes fluttered open, blurry objects coming into her range of vision. She heard voices, but was too dizzy to focus. The place she was laying in was cool, and it felt like she was laying on cement but...hadn't she passed out in her room? The last thing she remembered was playing Final Fantasy 7 in her bedroom at her home. She had just been ready to leave the city of ancients with her team on Cloud, Vincent, and Tifa... when...that's right! A lightning storm had rolled into her town in Washington. She had tried to turn off her game...only to...she squeezed her eyes shut, unable to remember exactly what had happened.Where was she?In all actuality, she was laying on the pathway that led out of the city of ancients. Her uniform blouse had opened to the top of her breasts, and her stockings had tears and rips in them. Her long hair was spread out under her thin, small frame, her pale skin still damp from a slight sheen of perspiration. The yellow ribbon in her hair was almost falling out, loosely laying across her chest with random strands of her midnight hued hair. She felt...sick, and weak, and thus, she didn't move just yet. She couldn't see yet, her vision still blurry, so she kept her eyes shut, breathing slowly.
Cloud had been running around for quite a while now in this small location, it was surprisingly hard to even contemplate getting out.. and yet for some reason the group relied on him to lead them when it was obvious not even he was quite sure how to get out of the city of ancients. He sort of just started to run around towards locations that could be important later because of the items that the chests contained in parts of them, that and well they had to go through quite a few battles because of his leadership but that meant they would all at least get stronger, well so it seemed ? he had noticed Tifa a few battles ago seemed to learn something new, and .. apart from that seemed to hit a little higher.. but compared to him well, she was not the strongest of the group.. which at points Cloud knew he was not the strongest either.Finally it seemed that Cloud had started to find the right location to head towards and all it had required was for Vincent to point out something Strife had not noticed earlier, and so now they started to follow a pathway when something odd seemed to be occurring, the more he tried to move the harder even thinking started to occur. Even Vincent who usually was the sharpest out of the main leading three had not seemed to notice anything until it had hit them all,.. was this a trap cleverly setup by Sephiroth.. to stop them from getting out of this city of Ancients.. Cloud was unsure and he managed with difficulty to move his arm and grab hold of his buster sword, but other than that nothing could be done.Tifa was having difficulties two before a bright light came between them, it seemed to surge with what seemed like power and it did not seem like an attack but yet something else. It came almost as a pulse and it seemed that it would have taken much Materia to be able to generate such power at such a magnitude.. it was either that or Sephiroth had really done it this time, yet this was not an attack.. it was not hurting anyone but instead just blinding them.. well that was because whatever was happening, was occurring right there in between them all and no matter how hard any of the three tried they could not move to do anything about it.Now that the light had started to die down a little, some of the surging going straight into the ground it seemed they could move a little at least.. yet as he could see more Cloud let his hand slide away from his main blade as a female seemed to be appearing in front of them. It seemed already the others were trying to interact and all he could do was gaze, she did not look like she was from around here.. something about her, and the way that whatever had brought her here.. it had such power.. that it stopped all three of them from moving. ??are you okay ? how did you get here..? ?? even Strife had questions now.. but no answers were seeming to be heard as almost all the surging that had occurred was gone, most of it seemingly absorbed into the floor.His eyes could not help but gaze a little at the females form in front of him, yet he did not gaze for too long knowing Tifa would kick up about it and probably make some comment about being some sort of pervert ? which generally that was not the sort of person Cloud was but this person interested him, apart from the way she appeared anyhow yet he would not instantly trust her since who knew if she was going to help.. or somehow destroy them all with such power.. that was shown earlier. ??Tifa.. Have we got any remaining potions of any kind... or can you see what you can do?... she seems to be hurt, .. or well I guess I don't know.."
Amelia heard a voice and it caused a shiver to run down her spine in a sort of weird sense of recognition...Did the man speaking say...Tifa? As in Tifa Lockeheart from her favorite video game? She groaned as Tifa stepped forth with a nod to heal her weary body with a potion. In an instant, she felt like herself again, not a single ache in her entire body.Her eyes fluttered open and those violet hues were found to be looking into a very familiar pair of Mako enhanced eyes. Her eyes would then widen as she jumped up from the ground and moved away from them. She looked wildly around herself, panic settling in as she realized she definitely recognized the place she was in The City of The Ancients."W where am I?" she asked Cloud, looking between Tifa, him, and a very silent, but typically stoic Vincent. She was shaking visibly, her wild hair flowing out behind her, the yellow ribbon fluttering in the slight breeze. "W why am I here? I was at home and then..." she trailed off, realizing if she was indeed in the game and NOT hallucinating that she couldn't very well tell them that. They had no idea they were nothing but a game in her world, controlled by advent gamers like her...or was it the opposite? Was this a different dimension, in which they were real and not simple game characters? She had no idea.
Cloud looked at the female now with a slight odd look on his face... he thought for a little longer keeping his thoughts to himself for a moment before walking up to Tifa and whispering into her ear "Look.. i think we should at least lead her out of this place,.. because right now.. she just seems confused lost..and well talking about things to her self that are not making sense..." Vince just watched the group of them before starting to walk Cloud started to walk before stopping" well... first lets get you out of this place.. and as for where we are.. this is the city of the ancients.. the exit is not that far, and then maybe you might recognize something familiar... I am Cloud Strife... over their is Vincent Valentine.. and well thats Tifa Lockheart.. I would not suggest making her angry if their ever comes a chance that you might accidentally cause something... and well you are?"It was all he could really do,.. introduce himself to the confused girl.. and tell her the names of the others so at least if she had a question.. she could address them either by first or last name.. It would not take them long now to get out of this location, they have been going for what felt like hours.. and although it felt partially worth it, well he was getting a little tired of it all really just wanting to get out of this gloomy place.. well that was his opinion on it anyhow.
As Cloud introduced himself and the others, Amelia pretended to not know who they were...though she did, because it was the teamshehad put together to fight Jenova's arm after Sephiroth had killed Aerith. At that thought, she realized how Cloud must be feeling. They had all just buried their friend in the lake of the city and as much as Tifa had seen Aerith as her rival for Cloud's heart, she knew the girl had been upset at her friend's passing. "Oh..." her train of thought snapped back into place like two lego pieces coming together. "My name is Amelia's nice to meet you, Cloud." She glanced to the exuberant woman and the stoic man, and managed a small smile. "As well as both you, Vincent and Tifa."The young woman was beginning to feel more and more panicked though it would have been a dream come true to be in front of Cloud and his team members, there was no way it could possibly happen. Was she hallucinating? It couldn't be that, she thought as she glanced down at her hands, then back up it all felt unbelievably real.She smiled at Cloud's words and nodded. "I would like that, very much. I'm afraid I don't know the way" she lied "and I don't feel like being lost..." A small laugh. "Thank you, in advance, for any help you guys give me."
No one out of the group was going to get over Aerith ??s loss that quickly, even Tifa who seemed sometimes jealous of the way Cloud.. and the now deceased Aerith.. got along at the time. The burial was a sad time, which not much words were said.. but at this moment he was managing a little better. The monsters from around here, he had mainly taken it out on and in doing so, well ? it was a distraction. Vincent seemed to start walking a little more, his method of trying to get the group moving with little to no words being said,.. that was the sort of person he was, and it was not something that was going to change.Upon hearing his name he simply turned away his cloak swiftly moving with such a maneuver, he had no interest in speaking to this stranger.. who had came from a power like none other seen before. Tifa was at least a little more kind and spoke back but it seemed Cloud was the main person who was speaking at this time. ?? Don ??t mind them.. we had a loss ? and well.. Vince, he has never been one much for words.. ? Slowly Cloud now started to walk and in doing so looking over his shoulder ??Well come on then.. I grow tired of this place.. ?? truth was he just wanted to get further away from Aerith ??s grave ? as such and well, he would have his revenge in due time.. this was something he knew for certain.
Amelia didn't take any offense to Vincent's stand offish behavior, it was honestly no less than she expected from him. That he even acknowledged her was more than she had seen coming. As they started walking, her perfect team of Cloud, Tifa, and Vincent, Amelia began to trudge along behind them. Her mind was choatic because she was frantically trying to think of how she was going to return home she had been zapped here by some freak accident involving the power supply of the game station, itself. Never in her life had she heard of an experience such as this was it fate's way of telling her that her life was nothing but a cruel joke? Honestly, she was nothing more than your modern teenager. How in the hell was she going to fight off the kind of monsters she knew to be in this game?When they came to the exit of the city, she found that she had subconsciously stopped moving. She turned her head back to the city and looked upon it with sad, but knowing eyes.I'm sorry for your death, Aerith, but you know as well as I, that ultimately, your death is what's going to save the world from destruction.And when the time came for them to know, she doubted it would help ease her loss. She glanced back to the brooding, often at times detached, ex soldier. "I'm sorry for your loss," she said, "but I know that your friend will never forget you, just as you willl never forget her."Somehow, she wasn't sure if her invention into this world was a good thing. Couldn't she end up changing the very path this world was set upon? And not particulary for the better? She could end up causing more harm, than good. Amelia knew she had to find a way to get home, soon, before she altered this world's destiny from its set course.
Cloud turned and faced her as she heard Amelia start to speak, her tone almost spoke out saying she knew something they did not but he decided not to question it just really wanting to get away from this area. Aerith was gone,.. and this would be the last place.. that he had wanted to remember her,.. being buried of all things. So the quicker they all moved on the better it was going to be. His eyes looked at her slightly confused now as the statement continued... "I never told you her gender..." did she really know more then she was telling,.. later on he would ask. But it seemed Tifa was not worried and Vincent had shown at least a slight trust by acknowledging, but anything more then that was rare.. the fact he had just not walked away without even noticing .. that was rare in itself.If and when Vince would speak it would be in short sentences, or just a word or two.. that was who he was.. Which Cloud Strife had not notice a change.. since well most of the time he had known him now. They all moved as a group before he started to look around. "Prepare yourselves,.. incoming from the left, and the right... they will try to flank us if were not careful.. Amelia I do hope you know how to defend yourself.. after all we can't look after you the whole time.. if you plan to stay with the group for a little. He had nothing to give to her but instead looked to Tifa who had been carrying everything so far.. despite the guys were probably stronger. She began rummaging before finding at least a blade and throwing it near Amelia's feet "Hack, swing slash.. I am sure you will get the hang of it, alright lets deal with these fast.. The exit is only just up ahead.. so after this lot of monsters, we should make it outside and be able to rest.."Cloud now pulled out his large buster sword from it's hilt, it's size was almost part of it's novelty, yet it was a light sword.. yet required reasonable amount of strength or at least skill to use it effectively in combat, Vince seemed to just pull out his classic guns that had caused much havoc in plenty of other fights as the three circled around a little making sure no one would be ambushed although Amelia was probably not used to their way of fighting.. he could just tell when the blade had been thrown to her feet..
Amelia's white teeth caught her lower lip as she bit it nervously she'd slipped up with what she had said about Aerith to, at least, help console Cloud over her death. He was right, hehadn'tmentioned that.Crap.At this rate, she was going to put herself out before she could even make a dent on the world's fate.Figures.Amelia didn't say anything in response but simply looked down at her feet, unsure ofwhatto say in return. Then she said, "Lucky guess, I suppose." She wasn't sure the ex soldier would believe her, but it didn't matter, because soon the enemy was upon them.Tifa tossed the samurai like sword to her and Amelia picked it up with semi wide eyes she was expected to fight? Well, that made sense. Pull her own weight, and all that jazz. Though...she only played video games when it came to fighting, she had formidable knowledge to use in a real battle, especially pertianing to the use of weaponry. She tossed the blade to and fro between her hands for a moment, then decided to just wing it follow the video game influence, really. The young woman dashed forth and pushed off the ground with a foot, coming down from above to slash the monster at head level. It didn't fall, so when she landed, she rolled and swung from right to left to slash it across the middle. It took the hits and growled, swinging its hand like limb out to swat her. She hit the ground and groaned, before jumping up to run forward, stabbing the creature in the chest. This seemed to be the final blow and the creature fell to her blade as she'd done this, she had been counting on the others to take out the other enemies that had presented themselves to their meager team.
Tifa looked upon the girl as she rushed forth to fight, almost in a warped sense of awe the young woman that had mysteriously appeared before them appeared to be able to handle a sword rather well. However, the young fist fighter didn't get much of a chance to ponder about it as one of the monsters charged her. Tifa put her hand on the ground and pushed off, flipping over the creature to land behind it. She moved forward and began to hit it with her strong fists in a flurry of punches. She turned at the waist agily, bringing her foot to the side of its head causing it to fly away from her and hit the monster that Amelia had managed to down.It staggered to its feet and Tifa nodded her head towards the young girl. They both came at it, Tifa from the left, Amelia from the right. They cross attacked the creature, Tifa kicking it squarely in the gut to cause it to fall back and fall straight into Amelia's flurry of slashes. The creature howled in pain and anger, struggling to attack backm and managed to land a blow against the newcomer. Amelia flew back and hit the ground with a 'oomph', but this gave Tifa the moment of distraction she needed. She grabbed the creature's foot and knelt, suddenly pushing herself off to jump into the air. The fighter spun quickly and then threw the monster back into the ground this was her familiar move called The Meteor Strike. After the monster hit the ground, it didn't get back up again and Tifa landed back onto her feet easily.
Cloud could not help but just watch at the two started to fight and even more.. fight together, although to begin with Amelia looked completely clueless she seemed to be handling okay considering.. it almost seemed like she knew what she was doing.. then again that was not impossible it just did not look like the case upon her first appearing. Because of being stuck in thought a monster had got a clear attack knocking cloud back,.. luckily Vincent had acted quick shooting it fairly straight in the mid torso knocking it back slightly before turning his attention to his own that had now jumped at him,.. he darted quickly to the side to miss it before firing off a few more shots at it and then starting to move around it again,Moving reasonably quickly to distract it slightly before coming in slamming the butt of his gun against the creatures skull before this time making the gun glow with fire, before shooting it at close range, causing a fireball to ignit the creature as he kicked it away and just to make sure fired more shells into it. Althought burnt and angered now.. it still tried to attack and so he jumped to the side as Cloud had swung his massive sword sending the other monster back as he then lunged himself at Vincent's. After all it was fair since he had helped him out.. That was enough help from him though as Vince slammed it to the ground unloading a few more choice shots before firing one last one this one exploding itself into its target. Cloud on the other hand was now just flurrying his large blade at the creature before bringing it back, and making it glow blue before bringing it across sideways before almost in a split of time reverting his direction of attack coming from the left instead of the right catching the monster of guard. "Tifa.. think fast.." As he said that the monster came flying at her, she would only have a split second to act but he was sure she could do it.
Tifa snapped into action, pushing off the ground to twist around and slam her foot into the side of the creature's face. It howled in pain as the power of her kick splintered bone, broke through its skin, and caused blood to burst forth. It shot away due to the hit and smashed into the rock walls. It fell and did not get back up again, wheezing for a moment, before ceasing to move at all. The young fighter gave a huff and a soft smirk, before waving for Amelia to follow as she walked back over to Cloud and Vincent. "That takes care of that," Tifa said, brushing her hands off. Her brown orbs slid over to Amelia as the girl came to stand by them, her clothes a bit torn, but otherwise unscathed. "You did suprisingly well."Amelia nodded in response, unsure of how she had been able to do what she had maybe when she had been transported into this world, she received the basic knowledge that was required to survive. She wouldn't write it off, considering the fact that she was here that in itself was strange enough. "Ah...thank you, Tifa." She murmured, feeling a little odd as they all looked at her. Her voilet eyes lowered as she sheated the sword. Her small hands lifted to take the very long and thick yellow ribbon out of her hair, letting the long raven lockes free to spill around her. Then, she found a way to attach the sheathed blade to it and strapped it to her shapely hip. "I don't want to be a burden," Amelia said.
Cloud watched as Tifa dealt with the last of them that he had sent flying towards her, quickly she seemed to move and almost effortlessly the fight was over before he looked at Vincent who seemed to just turn away now that the fight was over almost ready to leave. To say the least Tifa was not the only one slightly surprised by Amelia, at first.. he was almost worried at the look the three of them had received when she was told she had to fight a look of, you have to be kidding,.. almost a look of like .. how would I be of any help but then she fought better then any of the three could have predicted. Slowly Cloud's eyes looked at the two as they walked closer now noticing Tifa compliment Amelia " I don't think you will be a burden if you can fight like that.. For a moment their I thought I would have had to fight double."A soft laugh escaped him as Vincent turned around and faced the other three. Although he would not admit it, he to was rather impressed but was not one to talk much unless needed. "Lets leave already.." Once that was said he then turned and started to walk away knowing the others would follow. Cloud just watched as Vince now walked off a sigh leaving him "A man of few words like always.. Come now you two, may as well not let him get out of our sites, after all if another ambush happens to just him, we might end up walking up and finding him unconscious.." now he started to walk after Vincent knowing the two would follow.
Amelia nodded as she turned to watch Vincent walk away from them she couldn't help but admire his ability to keep himself distached from the world around him. Probably because of what happened with that girl...Lucrucia? No...that wasn't right, but she knew who she was thinking of. The scientist who had worked with Hojo back when Vincent had been a Turk. Her eyes then slid to Cloud who she knew was an Ex member of Soldier and who had his own trumatic past to come to terms with. Tifa did as well, though, having shared part of her past with the spikey haired blonde. Silently, Amelia started to follow after Vincent, almost hypnotized by the way his red cloak flowed in the wind."So, where are you guys heading?" Amelia asked as she found Tifa walking beside her. "I mean...well, where is it that you are heading after leaving the City of the Ancients?" She hadn't remembered if they had mentioned the name of this place or not, but she wasn't really going to be able to censor everything that she said to them and around them. It would just be too difficult, considering she had no idea how long she was going to be with them.
Although he was not actually looking back at the group he could feel a pair of eyes looking at him,.. and he could tell it was the newcomer,.. she had appeared oddly in front of them and yet seemed almost as if she did not believe was going on. It made little sense and so Vince just chose to ignore, like he does with quite a lot of things. Each step caused a slight sway in his cloak the wind catching it occasionally making it move more, but he was not one to mind. Cloud seemed to just watch as Amelia seemed to be watching how Vince's cloak moved.. and yet for some reason felt a little jealous.. but that was not something he was going to show. Instead he quickly just caught up since out of the group he had managed to slightly fall behind not paying attention. Hearing the question he decided that it was his to answer. After all.. Vince was more navigation then decider.. that role was generally left up to Cloud."Hmm,.." Cloud could not remember if they had told her the name of where they were but ignored it nether the less, and decided to answer the question at hand " Well, I think the best idea is for us to head to Bone Village.. maybe rest their the night, and then from their.. we could head up Corrall valley and maybe after that the Forgotten City.. but we might change our mind after the rest,.. although I think eventually.. we will head that direction anyhow."
Tifa's brown orbs caught Cloud staring at the newcomer and she felt a pang of jealousy, one that she had only felt when Aerith was around Cloud. Writing it off as curiousity, she turned her gaze away from the spikey haired fighter and looked at the ground as they walked. It was curious though...none of them had really mentioned the exact name of this place, so how was it this girl who had seemingly appeared from know did she know where they were at? Shrugging it off, she followed along, almost as quiet as Vincent, which was a bit out of character for the martial arts fighter.Amelia turned her gaze from the mesmerizing motion of Vincent's cloak to the spikey haired blonde Cloud. Silently, she remembered the first time she had played Final Fantasy 7, what her thoughts had been. She had been wondering why the men in the games always had to be so good looking and why the men in real life had to be so dull and drab. Amelia remembered thinking how cool it would have been to be part of the game's universe...funny, how fate managed to change one's life always with a sense of irony. She smiled to Cloud, "I don't want to be in the I'll see if I can get out of your hair once we reach the Bone Village then." She said it almost regretfully, hoping one of them would deny her that and ask her to stay, or maybe just even attempt at offering her their help. After all, wasn't this every girl's dream? To be in the game that so many people wanted to be a part of?They continued walking on as they spoke and it wasn't before long that the four of them were trudging through the glass like forest that would take them to the village. Amelia's violet eyes couldn't help but admire the woods never in her world would she ever see something as amazing as this. She couldn't help but stare, unable to keep a small smile off of her fate always manages to screw up ones future. Not that I'm's just going to suck that I have to find a way home. It would be selfish to alter their fates just because I wouldn't want to leave.She thought it silently to herself and knew it to be true.
Cloud had never really noticed when Tifa was jealous, and so when he looked back to see her look away and then look at the ground he did not have a clue what she could be thinking about. He would usually find out eventually this he knew,..Amelia seemed to know these locations better then what was expected for someone that seemed like she felt out of place, just the way she presented herself said this about her..I doubt she would actually be in the way, but she probably does want to get back to where ever she came from.. because I have never seen a teleportation spell like the one she came in..Cloud looked at her before continuing to walk, maybe he would ask the others if she could travel a little longer with them if that was what she wanted. Their was just something he liked about her.. It did not take them long now before they arrived in the woods that lead to the village, they rather were quite stunning this was something he noticed Amelia seemed to be rather dazzled by, then again not many people had ever seen anything like it.. so that was no surprise. Vincent then stopped before leaning against a tree placing his hand to the side as if to say stop for a moment. Slowly he began to speak as he walked up towards Amelia "Look.. I don't trust you, so before we just let you go run off once we get to the village.. Spit out who you really.. are,.. what are you, you sure don't seem around from here.."A quite surprised look crossed Cloud, not very oftenly did Vince speak so it almost seemed rare "Vincent, we don't need to know that.., all we need to know is she is not from around here.. that spells says so,.. never have i seen something like it.. I do trust her.. which is why I was going ask you two if she could tag along for a little longer.. after all I don't see her as a burden and maybe her knowledge from Amelia came from.. might help us,.. What do you say Tifa..? Vince? Is she allowed to stay.. that's if you want to Amelia.." Vincent just slowly walked away turning with a swift movement before he spoke "I will see you two at the village.. and maybe you Amelia.." Once that was said he disappeared into the forest and Cloud just sighed. "He has always been a little odd since we met him.. But nether the less.. he will be waiting at the village so we may as well get out of this forest."
Amelia wasn't surprised by Vincent's reaction, but felt a tad hurt though she could not explain why. She lowered her amethyst eyes and said nothing as the dark haired man disappeared into woods.I really am in the way...was her thought before Cloud's words registered. Her eyes raised to him and she remained silent still. Tifa crossed her arms. "I think I'm with Vincent on this one, Cloud. We have no idea who she is. She could very well be working with ShinRa, or worse, with Sephiroth." Even as she said the words, she knew it was unlikely considering how Amelia had shown up before them. "Well, whatever, I'm going ahead as well. I'll see you at the village." Tifa said, before she took off, disappearing into the woods in front of them. They weren't too far from the village, so she'd be there in no time.Amelia stopped and hung her head, eyes looking at her feet. "I'm sorry Cloud...maybe I should just leave you guys doesn't appear that things will go well if I stay..." her words were low, her long black hair hiding her face. She almost wanted to cry, though she couldn't blame them for treating her this way. "I don't know how to get home...I never intended to end up here...even if deep inside, this is where I wanted to be..."
Cloud now watched as Tifa walked away.. her comments that had been made, could have been true but the thing was he did not believe them, and was starting to think maybe she was jealous for some reason of Amelia.. from the attention Cloud had been given her and so took the easy way out instead of showing it. He had expected Vincent to eventually speak up or run ahead, it was common for him especially in areas that were not so dangerous.. but he had a feeling that the fact that both of those two had agreed with each other.. meant Cloud was the only one that actually trusted this girl. He just listened for now unsure of what to do, of how to react.. it was not commonly that he had to deal with a female after her emotions had just been affected by words that had been said. Slowly a soft sigh left him before he lightly placed a hand on her shoulder his grip slightly firm but not painful."What do you mean you never intended to end up here..?.." His voice was slightly softer then normal as he then lightly placed his hand against her cheek moving it from her shoulder in the process and lightly raised her head so that his eyes could look into hers. "Were do you come from.. if not from here,.. as long as you promise me you will tell me this someday.. I will try to help you,.. and as for leaving us guys now.. you just need to gain their trust.. which should happen in time.. Vince.. will probably be the last person you would gain trust off.. But if you run away from us now.. you might never get home.. or more to the point you might get lonely or lost around this vast world.."
She was rather surprised when Cloud's hand touched her and lifted her face so that he could look at her. In fact, the action almost made her want to blush, though she managed not to. Her amethyst eyes returned his gaze for a long moment after he had finished speaking. "I'm not...from this world," she said, turning her eyes away from his, setting a hand on top of the one on her shoulder. "There was an accident, then a bright light and I blacked out...when I came to, I was here. That's all I know." She admitted to him what she could, not wanting him to become panicked or anxious, or anything really. It wasn't uncommon for things like this to happen, after all there was magic in this world and, as it was, Jenova was the colamity that had fallen from the sky. It wasn't completely unheard of."I don't expect you to trust me, or for Tifa and Vincent too either," Amelia said as she turned her gaze back to Cloud's, gently squeezing his hand. "But, I can promise you this, Cloud. I do not work for ShinRa and I have no connection, in ANY way, to the physcopath Sephiroth. I know that may be hard to believe, considering I seem to know a lot about this world, but it's true. I don't mean you any harm and if I could, I would like very much to travel with you until I can find a way home."
Upon hearing those words Cloud was not that surprised really,.. he just listened now letting her tell him what ever she was going to, and her story was believable enough..Maybe she was forcefully brought here.. Maybe Tifa.. is right that Sephiroth could be involved with her or something like that..Those thoughts did not linger in his mind though as he did not believe them anyhow and upon feeling her squeeze his hand, he slowly moved his hand down the side of her lightly still holding it now within his grasp listening to what else was coming from her. His blue eyes continued to gaze into the depths of hers before finally Cloud put a finger against her lips as if to signal her to stop talking for a little. "I understand.. and although the others do not agree with it, I want you to stay with the group.. I am sure in due time the others will agree with it.. Vincent will probably just ignore the fact your with us.. but if he ever says anything to you.. he probably is just worried about the safety of the group.."A small sigh left him before he continued to hold her hand. "I will make sure to help you be able to get back to your world.. even if that means later having to make the group go their own ways.. but come now lets get to Corral Village and rest a little, after all maybe if you rest some more you might remember more about what happened.." Partially he knew thier was more to the story but he was not going to force her to speak... Vince would probably try a few times.. but he would help her deal with him.. and as for Tifa, well she would be interesting.. to say the least but all would work out eventually.
Amelia's eyes widened a bit, feeling his finger against her lips almost surprised that the spikey haired man had silenced her. She had to admit though, she did tend to drag on sometimes. It was sort of a bad habit of hers. She was happy that Cloud trusted her and knew that, maybe in time, Vincent would too. He always came off as distant and indifferent, but she knew that was because he didn't want to become attached to people who could die. In took her a moment to realize that Cloud still had hold of her hand and had to once again push off a blush. This was the second time that had happened, Amelia realized as her violet gaze returned his mako induced blue one. It was the mark of SOLDIER, she knew, but his eyes were still the most beautiful eyes she'd ever seen.Softly, she nodded her head and pulled away to begin walking forward again. She stopped though, and turned, offering him a smile. "Thank you...for believing me, Cloud. It means a lot. I was afraid I'd be alone." Were her words before she turned again and began walking, knowing he would be right behind her.
Seeing her smile a small sigh of relief left Cloud, for a moment their he actually thought Amelia might actually leave because of the things Vincent and Tifa had said, and as she started to walk so did he. He managed to stay reasonably close but walked behind her slightly watching her hair for a brief moment before looking away and speeding up his pace, "I should probably lead you through here.. If i let you lead.. who knows were we might end up.." A soft laugh left Cloud showing it was a joke but his face had a slightly serious expression as the last thing he wanted to have happen was become lost in this forest.. it might be dazzling but who knew what it was like at night.Cloud then started to lead before turning to the left and continuing to walk, it seemed luckily this area was pretty direct anyhow.. and so it might have actually been fine with Amelia leading but he was just making sure the two would get out of here.
"I guess you have a point," she said with an embarrassed laugh, following behind the spikey haired fighter now instead of leading. Back home, playing the game, she never would've expected to see this side of the young fighter. It really was a pleasant surprise, she had to admit. Now only if the brooding Vincent came around, she thought to herself with a small smile. Maybe, in time, he would and she could become a part of the team, to help them in their war with the great general Sephiroth. She was so lost in thought, she didn't notice that they were coming up to the village now, the mystical tree's beginning to give way to the pathway leading into the bone structured village. Violet eyes peered around almost in awe of how the small village was formed. She had never seen anything like this and really, it was kind of cool to see. "Well, looks like we're here," she said to Cloud as she looked around, not seeing the busty fighter Tifa anywhere around. Or Vincent yet, from what she could see.
Usually Cloud was not to open with people, being a little more like Vince and a lot less like Tifa.. he would suggest himself being the middle between them,.. what they were if both were taken away from their extremes, although he did have his moments. Sometimes even quite emotional but he was getting better with dealing with everything. Most did not get to see Cloud like he was now though.. especially after what events had occurred reasonable recently. But Amelia brought out more what was better within him.. made him feel stronger about how he should be feeling or how things seemed better when he acted on a side that rarely showed.. he trusted her, and it would take a reasonable amount to break that trust. Something that he could not say a lot.. but something about her, just made him think that way. Hearing her speak brought him out of his thinking as he slowly turned, looks like the others might be around in the inn or something like that already.. or knowing Tifa, shopping.."Vincent had truly just disappeared from the others but after a while saw Tifa walking around before moving swiftly before appearing in front of her "We need to do something about this stranger.. Cloud is acting odd around her,.. and she could jeopardize everything.. she is to much of a risk,.. that you truly know.. right?"
Amelia nodded gently, her violet eyes peering about to see if she could find signs of the others. When she did not, she turned back to Cloud with a small smile. "Maybe, you know them better so you probably know." She said taking a moment to stretch her arms above her head. Then, running her fingers through her raven bangs, she spoke again. "I guess we should go to the INN then too, Cloud. They could be waiting for us." She really didn't believe what she said, if anything they would be waiting for Cloud, but definitely not for her. She knew that the other two mistrusted her and most likely didn't want her around. She hoped that would change.Tifa's brown orbs lifted from what she had been looking at as Vincent approached her. She listened closely to his words, before nodding softly. "I agree with you, Vince. Which I know is rare...but I don't trust her." She said, crossing her arms across her chest. "However, I don't think we can blindly judge her. Maybe there is some way we can test her worth...what do you think? You're better with this than I am." Which was true, usually Tifa was the open friendly one, but something about this girl was nagging at her. Something was off.
Those words made Cloud think for a moment and really it was more Tifa he knew then Vincent, even to him.. Vince still had his secrets that he was sure no one alive knew.. but they were a part of why he acted the way he did, it almost seemed foolish that such things would affect him so and he would not come to trust the people that he had to journey with, enough information so they could at least understand. Truth was Vincent was waiting to get rid of her, and Tifa.. was a mixed personality that seemed to be siding for once unpredictably with Vincent something that was uncommon the two usually not agreeing about much. Obviously neither trusted Amelia and so their minds were settled. Sure times were dangerous but it was silly to not think of a possible new ally as a possible enemy at the same time. " I am sure in due time, you will be able to call yourself one of the group until we find a way to return you to your origin.."Vincent went silent as Tifa spoke, she was spot on with her comment, but their was enough reason not to.. she did just come out of no where, and her knowledge for apparently never being in such an area.. made little to no sense. Vince thought about her next comment before thinking of something "I am sure.. if Amelia is one we can trust their will be a point were it will all be proven to us.., we should start with the basics, try to find out a little about her.. but the true test is their will be a chance were individually at separate times we will need saving. its inevitable.. and when that happens, we will see for ourselves.. if she is truly worth trusting."
Amelia's violet eyes slid over to look at Cloud as the made their way to the INN in the bone village, her long black hair flowing in the wind behind her slender form. She listened to his words and smiled, glad that someone here wouldn't be against her. She supposed it was too much to expect them to trust her blindly. It was likely she may have acted the same if she were in their shoes. Her train of thought became interrupted as the INN came into view. "Should we go look for Tifa and Vincent or just wait at the INN for them?" she asked, turning her head to look at him again.Tifa nodded to Vincent's words, knew them to be true and let out a sigh, rolling back on her heel to look at the dark man. She felt kind of bad that they were being so judgemental to the young woman, but with the way she had come into their lives was something to be mistrusted. Tifa had only ever seen monsters and Sephiroth use that kind of magic, but she also couldn't help but think that maybe that young woman could be someone who did need their help. She wasn't sure how to feel about this, so she began to contemplate wether or not she should travel so directly with the group. She could leave it to Vincent if she chose to leave, she knew that. Curbing her thoughts, she nodded again to his word. "Should we go back to INN, Vincent?"
Cloud did not really have to think when he heard Amelia ask such a question. They would eventually turn up if they wanted to come to an Inn.. and well, Vincent was the type of person who could possibly sleep with trees all around, not needing to confine himself into an area that you have to pay to stay in. Simply he shook his head before speaking "They will come here if they want to.. It would be better for us just to rest a little in the INN while we can" Slowly the blonde haired fighter moved closer to her before gesturing for them to enter "Don't worry.. I got you covered for the inn costs.. after all accommodation these days is never free unless we have seriously helped out people of that area before.." He organized rooms for them all and told the innkeeper about the other two that may or may not show up..Vincent thought for a moment before sighing "You can if you want.. I might spend some more time out here.. alone if you don't mind.." Vince then started to walk away towards the opposite direction "I will meet you and Cloud in the morning.. Tell him that if he asks.." That was all he said before disappearing into the forest looking up into the night when he found an alright spot. Am i being a little to harsh on Amelia.. Usually if Cloud trusts someone then things are fine.. yet i find myself just like Tifa judging the person who might need our help to get back to where she came from..
Amelia thanked Cloud with a small smile and dipped her head down. "I think I will go rest then...thank you, again, Cloud, for your support." She said, bowing her head before turning to move down the way to her room. She closed the door behind her with a soft sigh, starting to feel a little overwhelmed. Her feet carried her to the small bed where she undid the ribbon holding her sword, putting the katana in the corner of the room. When she heard the door next door clicking shut, she knew Cloud had gone into his rented room and she bit her lip, beginning to pace. Was she dreaming? Was this all just a dream? What if she went to sleep and woke up at home? Strangely, she didn't want that to happen...this world was probably better than her own, with the judgemental guys in school always trying to hit her up like sdhe was some common trampt. She had problems at home and here, they all didn't exist. Amelia was free to be a different person here, though it would be selfish of her. She was interferring in their lives and if she chose to stay, she would be changing their futures just to change her own.Amelia was still pacing. She began to feel claustriphobic so she began contemplating sneaking out of the INN for a walk. She paced to the window and saw Tifa walking into the building, but she saw no sign of Vincent. Biting her lip, she quietly opened the window and lifted her leg over the sill. Swinging over, she hopped out and looked around. When she saw that no one had noticed her leaving, she began to walk around the bone village, looking at this and that, thinking almost intensely. After awhile, she decided to wander north into the village and came to the treeline that led to the forest. Not wanting to get lost, she didn't wander too far in, maybe two or three trees.She turned and sat against the tree, her knees drawn to her chest almost sadly. She wanted to be here, but then she didn't. "I miss home..." she whispered, "...but at the same time I don't." Tears rolled down her cheeks as she buried her face in her arms atop her knees with a sigh. "I don't know where I belong anymore." Tifa walked into the INN and asked the innkeeper if the rooms were taken care of, and she was told that they were. She asked for Cloud's room number and, after receiving the number, she walked down the hall and gently rapped her gloved knuckles against the wooden door. "Cloud...?" she said his name softly. "Are you there? I'd like to talk to you...about Amelia." She said the last part almost warily, as if it might upset him to talk about the issue at hand.
Cloud watched as Amelia left of which he waved her off with his left hand watching her leave before sighing,Who is she really.. If i help her, get back to where it is maybe that will keep Tifa and Vince happy.. But no matter what they say.. I can't just let them push her away when she needs our help.. She looks like she does and does not know this world.. so it would be bad to leave her alone in it.. loneliness is something none deserve.A sigh left the blonde haired fighter, not really sure what to do, he sort of did not want to go against the other two if they disagreed with Amelia.. but part of him was telling him to, he decided to go to his room and just lay down for a little. Rest was something he could do with anyhow.. a lack of it had been around since the loss they had all experienced.. well all but that newcomer.. he still could not get her out of his mind and Cloud was unsure why.. He figured soon the others would be returning shortly.. so until then, rest was the only thing he could do if he could manage it. It was getting harder to do, but he was sure he would manage since so far everything else had been dealt with and as a person he had learnt quite a bit.. yet everything felt a little repetitive.. go to a new area.. kill things that attack it, he was starting to wish this all was not required to take Sephiroth.. it was obvious he wanted revenge, but he was neither ready and neither was Vince or Tifa.Vincent had been just sitting alone for a little while now, it was something he used to do a lot.. but now a slight normal loneliness struck him, it was not uncommon for him to feel this way.. but ever since losing her so long ago, he did not let much close to him and kept to himself.. it was just the only way he knew how to deal with everything. It seemed Tifa was keeping herself together rather well.. he had expected she would have been the first to break out of the group.. but in truth it seemed Cloud was the one that seemed the most broken out of the group.. except with the new arrival of Amelia.. he seems to at least look like he is coping better.He was sitting in silence before he heard someone standing up and running towards it silently moving from tree to tree before stopping above and behind Amelia listening to what she was saying. "What do you mean.. you don't belong here.." Vince then dropped out of the tree right next to her, in this situation usually he would have just walked away.. but since Cloud seemed to care about this one.. he would not go against Cloud.. but instead possibly stop the blonde haired fighter.. from making any mistakes if such a thing would occur. Cloud sat up not answering at first before hearing the last part that Tifa had to say.. "Yes I am here.. come on in" He was sitting up now before he stood up and opened his door and gestured in "well then.. if you have something to say about her.. speak now, but I am still bringing her along regardless unless she chooses otherwise.."
Amelia gave a start, startled by the sudden appearance of Vincent's voice. She hastily lifted her head and wiped at her eyes, angry that he had caught her in such a weak moment she had never let people see her cry and she wasn't about to let that change, just because she was in a different world. She wasn't the weak, weepy, vunerable type of woman and she didn't want to be seen that way. Dropping her knees, she placed a hand on the ground and twisted at the midsection to look up at him with her violet eyes. "You distrust me so want to know my big secret? I'm not from here, obviously. There was a flash, then a jolt, like my body was on fire, next thing I knew, I was here in your world," she said as she shook her head. "I didn't come here by choice, I don't even knowhowI ended up in this world, so different from mine, and I don't know how to get back. And yes, I know a lot about your world because it's often spoke of in mine that's why it seems like I know things I shouldn't if I indeed am new here." She sighed and turned her eyes away, once again leaning against the tree. "I understand why I'm distrusted, but as I told Cloud when I told him this, I amnotpart of ShinRa, nor am I in league with Sephiroth." She finished talking and awaited what he would say to her now, afraid what she had to offer him in the way of words wasn't enough. Tifa came into the room as Cloud let her in, listening to the blonde she'd been friends with for years, since the days of Nibilhiem. Never before had she douted him, so why was she now? She didn't quite understand it maybe her jealousy was getting the better of her again. Maybe it was that she didn't want to see Cloud slipping away from her again like when Aerith had been alive it had been a little obvious that Aerith and Cloud had had a little more than a budding friendship and if she had lived, maybe they would've become something more. Tifa was afraid this would happen with Amelia he always seemed to drift away fromher. "I trust you, Cloud. I always have." Tifa said. "I just want to make sure you know what you're doing. That you're absolutely positive she's trustworthy. I just don't want to see anyone else die..."
Vincent knew already the first part, but the details after that were what interested him a little. The statement about the two different worlds.. was a little confusing and upon hearing how this world was spoken about in hers,.. was when he started to completely did not know what to say. "You may talk as much as you want Amelia.. but I will not trust you until I see that I can trust you,.. that is how it goes around here, one simply just does not get trusted.. You probably remind Cloud of Aerith a little.. and that is why he trusts you, but I know she is dead.. and your not from here.. that's all i can believe.. and all I can trust.." He went around the tree turning to the side his cloak fluttering before he lept to another nearby tree stopping and appearing behind her. "If i find out your lying.. I will make Cloud leave you behind.. He does not need to make the same mistake twice.." Hearing what Tifa had to say he almost instantly answered 'then why do you not trust my judgement on Amelia..' but he held his tongue seeing as she was continuing. He moved a little closer to her just walking near before speaking. "I know what I am doing.. if we push her away,.. she is as good as dead in our world.. then if we bring her along, the way I see it is we need the extra fighting power.. and.." Cloud fell quiet before he placed a hand against Tifa's cheek. "Just trust me please now.. I don't expect you to get along with Amelia straight away.. but at least make it easier for her to be around.. your words affect her emotions to.." that was all he said before the blonde haired fighter walked out of his room before knocking on Amelia's door "Amelia.. are you in their.." he knocked a few more times before walking back towards his room seeing Tifa walk out "Weres Vince by the way.. I thought you two would have come back together.."
Amelia sighed as she stood from her spot, turning to face the dark haired man with a mixed expression. It seemed to be half anger and half hurt, it wasn't one to be distinguished so easily. "You know. I understand you not trusting me, but the intensity of it is becoming ridiculious." She said as she tried her best to not avoid looking at him. "If you won't trust me until I give you reason to trust me, why can't it work the other way? Shouldn't you trust someone unless they give you reason to not trust them?" she asked, turning her back to him with a sigh. "Everyday it's the same...I'm sick of being looked down on. I haven't done anything to warrant this!" She sat back down and rested her forehead against her drawn up knees. "If you don't want to trust me, then fine, I understand. Don't trust me." She said quietly on a sigh. Tifa bit her lip as Cloud's words hit her, she knew that he was right. If she trusted him and his judgement, she shouldn't have been being so hard on Amelia. Cloud had a good sense about these kind of things, usually. He came back to her after realizing Amelia wasn't answering her door. "He's out in the woods, I'm sure you expected that," Tifa said as she sat on the edge of his room's bed. "And...I think I saw Amelia leave her room, but I'm not too entirely sure on that. She kind of stands out I'm pretty sure it was her."
Vincent looked at Amelia before speaking "It's not that I don't want to trust you.. I just can't trust people straight away.. after all you did just randomly appear in our location.. at that exact time.. just slightly suspicious.." he began to walk away before speaking "I would trust you for Cloud's sake if I have to.. but I will never truly trust you until you have proven yourself.." this was all that was said before he disappeared into the forest, he would be back by morning but for now it would be pointless to try and follow him since already he was completely out of sight,I sure hope for Cloud's sake.. she is worth trusting, I am not sure he could lose another.. or worse get backstabbed by a liar.. if that is the case..Cloud after hearing what Tifa had said looked down for a moment at the floor "I should have guessed about Vincent.. but still I best go out their and check on Amelia.." Once that was said he left the Inn rather quickly before heading into towards the forest knowing she would not have gone very deep within, slowly but surely after some quick searching his eyes caught her and so he walked closer "Amelia.. come now, this forest is not the best thing to hang around in at night alone.." he had no idea that Vince had been talking to her earlier or the reason why she was out here, so just assumed she was out here alone because she felt unaccepted as a group member.
Amelia watched as Vincent walked away, shaking her head slowly before dropping her head back against the tree with a sigh. She could understand his hesitance in trusting her, but it wasn't any less frustrating. The young woman sat in silence, contemplating what she should do, what she would do. Should she go back to the INN, or go off on her own to find a way back home? Lost in thought, she almost jumped when Cloud's voice reached her ears. Her violet eyes snapped up and she looked at him, her expression a tad saddened. "Cloud..." Her hand reached up to wipe at the invisible tears that had managed to slip down her cheeks, she hoped he hadn't seen them. "...sorry...I just needed some air." She said it quietly, and yet made no move to get up from the ground where she sat, her long black hair spilling around her to blend with the shadows. "I didn't want to bother anyone...that's why I left through the window. I didn't think you saw me leave," she whispered, almost a little happy that he had come to find her. That he had been worried about her. At least someone seemed to care about her well being, she mused as she lowered her eyes to peer at the ground.
Cloud as he approached could see her sadness, and even a few tears that fell, that was why at first he had not announced himself till a little closer, which upon doing so she tried to act as if crying what not what she had just done. Her voice.. her eyes, they both held sadness and even though she then told him the apparent reason she was out here, he partially knew the real reason. After all.. she seemed in no hurry to move, and it almost looked as if the thought had crossed her mind to leave the group because of the trust issues. "I didn't see you leave.. Tifa told me she saw someone that looked similar to you.. walking towards the forest as she entered.. I even have the feeling while out here you met Vincent again,... he used to not be that way apparently, but I guess it's who he is now.." Cloud sighed and then lowered himself to her level sitting close but not invading Amelia's space. "I used to come outside sometimes when I had an issue.. or a problem.. I would just gaze at the stars.. try and even work out why I am here,. the answer is never clear.." a soft sigh left him before he continued "At first.. i felt I did not deserve to be in this world, and I became a SOLDIER to try and make a difference,.. those days are long gone thankfully,.. but what I am trying to say.. is things might seem tough now, but you will fit in.. or at least I will help you get home somehow.. regardless of what the others think.. so stop looking sad.. I want to see a smile on that face Amelia.."
Amelia listened to Cloud's words and she knew all too well what he was talking about she supposed it was a little unfair that she knew about them and they didn't know about her. If they knew the truth, if...he, knew the truth...would he still be as nice to her as he was being now? Vincent was right. There wasn't any reason they should trust her, even though she would never use what she knew against them. Already, she felt close to Cloud, like they had known each other for much longer than just this day. Amelia moved to sit next to Cloud, knowing he hadn't sat close for fear of invading her space. She turned her head and rested her brow against his shoulder with a very small laugh, her face hidden by her hair. "Thank you...Cloud." And she meant the words, more than he knew. It didn't make sense to her why his words could affect her so easily, same as Vincent's she was never usually so affected by words.
For some reason as the words left Cloud's mouth.. it almost felt as if she already knew all of this but he continued anyhow. Some of it might seem new to her, but nothing seemed to be of surprise.. which meant she either understood or already knew.. but still he continued until he finished.. before hearing her response. He felt that the words that next left Amelia's mouth.. were ones she meant, and he did not mind her resting against his shoulder a little. It was better to be closer to people then be so distant. Slowly his voice aroused back up after being silent for a little while. "So do you promise me.. no matter what the others say, that you will try to keep a smile on your face.. after all if you need to just ignore the,.. and trust the people that trust you.." Cloud now went completely silent lightly sighing before completely laying back and looking up at the sky. It was quite a scene and so he gestured for her to do the same with his hand just trying to get the two of them to relax more.. it was what both rather needed at this moment before returning to the inn.Vincent had decided to watch what was occurring after he saw Cloud.. he was originally just going to leave Amelia alone completely.. but was curious as to what was to be said.. their was no point telling Tifa what happened, it was obvious she would get jealous.. and so Vince would just stay quite.. "So you trust her that much.. to speak a little about your past.. and compare yourself.. " he spoke in a whisper.. before disappearing again..
Amelia let out a small sigh and allowed herself to fall back onto the ground to enjoy the view that Cloud was gesturing to. And she was glad she did, because the view really was one to admire. Her long black hair spread out under her as she folded her arms behind her head as she looked upon the serene tranquility of the sky. Softly, she said this would be before Vincent had slipped off into the darkness to him, "I want nothing more than to be of help to you and to the others, Vincent, and even Tifa. And I know that I haven't actually done anything to warrant your trust, or theirs, but I would do anything I could to prove it." She stopped for a second as she studied the stars. "And even if I did find a way home...if you need my help, I would stay here and help you." This would be the last thing said before Vincent chose to sneak off again. And now there were a few moments silence as she closed her eyes and relaxed with a soft sigh.
Cloud could understand such a thing, but also knew why the others were not so hasty to trust her considering.. still one had to not be to quick to judge, all three of them could be penalized at the moment for doing such a thing.. if someone was to bring up the fact that they judged without knowing.. Even Cloud who had not to much reason to trust her other then a gut feeling,.. was to hasty to trust her, but it was one of those things.. you either don't trust them or you do upon meeting them. "It would be selfish of me.. to make you stay here just so you can help me.. No I will help you get home.. but allow you to stay for a while at least.. because I like having you as company.." This was not something commonly said by the spiky haired ex SOLDIER and if Vince had heard it.. well he would have been surprised, but Cloud knew that he had already disappeared.. he had heard what Vince said quietly before hearing rustling of the leaves as him and his cape took off into the forest more.
Amelia smiled softly at Cloud's comment, it surprising her. It also caused her to blush softly, and she was thankful that the darkness of the forest would hide it. She had to admit that she liked having the spikey haired man as company as well, and she once again was afraid that she may be dreaming. Even if it were a dream and, one day, she would wake up, she knew she would never forget the experience. For as long as 'the game' had been out, since 1997, girls and guys had always imagined being among the presence of the characters and Amelia wasn't excluded this, in a way, was a fantasy come true. It wasn't going as ideally as well as she would have liked, but it was to be expected. Not that this whole thing had been intentional she was here purely by accident. "I wasn't entirely happy at home..." she admitted softly, knowing his should know the truth if he was so willing to help her return to her world.
Although the lighting of the night could possibly be playing tricks on his own eyes, Cloud was sure what he had said, had brought a blush to Amelia's face but decided not to say anything just in case it would embarrass the female. He had not really expected her to speak as his eyes looked up at the sky still his gaze then moving down and to her after hearing unexpected words starting to leave her mouth as if Cloud deserved to hear them. "You weren't?... must be tough coming to two different places.. and getting similar reactions I guess.. although truthfully I don't know if this is the case.. after all, you seem from a different location altogether.. and you seem to carry a look on your face like you can't believe your in such a place.. as if you have wished for such a thing.. but now that your here.. it was not like it was expected.. Please.. tell me more about where you come from.. maybe I might actually know how to get back there,"
"You are good at reading people," she mused, looking over at him for a moment as she thought of how much she could actually reveal to him. Obviously, she couldn't tell him that their world was a game to her in her's. "I grew up in similiar place of sorts..." she tried to think of how she could explain her world. "In a city, bustling with life. I've lived their most of my life, with a mother, father, and two siblings an older brother and sister, twins, actually. In a nice, two story, humble abode. You think I'd be happy...but..." she sighed softly. "My older sister ran away and was murdered. After that, my mother became over obsessive and tried to control every aspect of my life, almost turning into a father became a drunk and abused me along with my brother. In turn, my brother took his anger out on me as well when father wasn't around. My world is vastly different from yours...the majority of it urban and bustling with life. Our comfortable family lives are often illusions as well as our friendships, where as I know or rather feel...that the friendships formed here amongst you guys are real. I envy that...and it's also one reason I am happy that you trust me. It's a nice feeling." She trailed off with a sigh, closing her eyes.
Cloud guessed that Amelia had a good point when she had said what had been said, it was true really. But it also generally allowed him to judge fairly upon first impressions something which had only turned bad once,.. but it was always a chance such events could occur again and another life would be lost to Sephiroth's cruelty. He would not waste anytime slicing his novelty sized Katana straight through the females delicate looking body, which was something that was slightly fearful about one of such evil. The warrior listened intently his blond hair slightly getting in front of his eyes in one part as he looked at Amelia speaking telling him what he figured to be somewhat truth, somethings still obviously being withheld but this was a good start to say the least. "I see why you would not like such a thing,.. it sounds a little different to what I am used to but.. it is understandable why you would want to come somewhere a little more carefree and easy going.. if the people gave you a chance.. I do trust you,.. I just want to tell you that again,.. just so you know, no matter how many people say cruel things around here.. or things that might seem to make you feel down.. I will be here for you.. if you need me.."
"Thank you Cloud," Amelia murmured with a genuine smile tinting her pale lips. She sat up enough to lean over towards him, pressing a small kiss to his cheek quick and innocent enough. A light peck. She then sat back and sat fully up, stretching her arms high above her head. Setting then back down a moment later, she leaned back on her hands. "I really do mean it. And I know the others may come around, but you truly have been more than kind to me...and I couldn't be more grateful," she admitted to the spikey haired fighter, avoiding his gaze as another soft blush crossed her cheeks. She knew she wasn't entirely safe here, there were so many things that could cause her death,ifshe could die. There was always the possibility she may just be dreaming. Though now, having spent this time talking with not only Cloud, but even Vincent, she wished it were not a dream. Even if she came face to face with the dreaded Sephiroth with whom she knew would not hesitate to drive his blade through her, especially if it turned out to be a way to hurt Cloud. The silver haired general always seemed to get such pleasure torturing Cloud she wanted to help him, to keep the young blonde with a smile on his face. He didn't deserve what Sephiroth was doing to him. She looked over at him and smiled. "Should we go back?"
Although not entirely used to such an action that Amelia took place he appreciated it,.. it had been a little while since affection was shown because it generally was a bad idea to show such a thing.. one was not meant to get to attached just incase something happened to them.. but that was not possible with Aerith and Amelia would prove to be no exception this the blonde haired fighter knew. For quite sometime him and Sephiroth.. had been almost direct enemies and rivals, and now Cloud wanted revenge for the death of Aerith and the trouble that the silver haired general had caused.. that and the plan he had to cast meteorite onto the world to make it heal itself.. so that he could become one with the life stream.. destroy all life and then use this planet as a vessel.. it was Jenova's teachings that surged through him, and it was the reason why Cloud had to mainly stop him.. so that the world would not be inflicted and life would continue. Just the thought of Sephiroth made Cloud shudder a little, slightly in fear,.. and also in anger, the reason.. was it would be dangerous if Amelia was with them at the time.. because it would be another that could be taken away from him and that was something he would not be able to cope again with. "I agree.. lets return,.. it is starting to get a little cold and we should sleep since we will leave to continue our journey.. in the morning that is, I want to see you up nice and early, understand?"
Amelia smiled at his playful tone and stood up all the way with a quick hop onto her feet. She stretched her arms again and smiled, turning to face him. "Yessir," she said with a small sound resembling a chuckle. It wasn't a bad day really, for her first day in their world. She just hoped that the others would be more receptive to her presence. Even though she had told Cloud she would not flee from the distrusting behavior, but if it seemed like to her that she was causing friction between Cloud and his friends, she wouldn't hesitate to leave. She was not going to screw up the young blonde's fate, not if she could help it Vincent and Tifa were meant to be in his life, she was here purely by accident. Feeling a bit emboldened, she stepped close when he stood and wrapped her arms around his waist to give the young ex soldier soldier a gentle embrace. Her face flushed red and she hid it as she hugged him. "No matter what happen, Cloud, I was glad I could meet you," she said. Tifa sighed as she sprawled back onto her bed and idly thought of what she should do. She wanted to run and not face Cloud becoming close to another girl that wasn't her. Vincent could handle things, she knew. If anyone could gauge someone worthy of trust, Vincent was one of them. She sat up and picked up a piece of paper, scribbling out a note saying she was going back to keep an eye on Marlene and that if Cloud needed her for anything, he should call. Walking out of the room, she handed it to the INN keeper and left the building, and then soon after, the Bone Village itself. Marlene probably needed her more than the others did and she knew they would not hesitate to call upon her if they needed her.
It was good to see that her mood seemed better, that was definitely a good thing, which was the main thing Cloud had aimed to cheer up. And gratefully he accepted the hug this time seeing the blush that seemed to show on her face as the two became a little closer, he wondered how true she would stay to her word, but for now just the fact that she had answered was enough of an answer for him.. part of him believing that Amelia meant what was said... to a degree at least, something else seemed to be on her mind a little and it was seen within her eyes, something not being mentioned but it probably was not worth asking about, right at this moment anyhow. Tifa was always one to get a little jealous at his actions.. and yet still the fighter could not work out why,.. to him they had just been close friends for quite some time, anything else between them.. never really happened. "Likewise.. come now, lets return to the inn.."Vincent to pass sometime was just moving around the forest not exactly rather loud when he stumbled across the two again, it was not that he was shocked at seeing the two embrace each other.. it was just Cloud really was just not thinking level headed giving her such a chance to get to close.. when their was to much else at stake. Instead of hanging around he left again going into the forest once more before seeing what looked like Tifa, quickly he darted towards her.. before catching up, a little surprised to find out it actually was her, and it seemed she was leaving the group.. obviously the whole introduction with Amelia.. was to much when Cloud seemed to show more feelings for her then Tifa had received the whole previous year. "I see you are leaving us..? That's not like the Tifa I know.."
Amelia pulled away from Cloud and nodded. She turned away from him, her long raven hair flowing out behind her almost like the way Vincent's cloak did sometimes. She yawned, realizing today had taken a rather large toll upon her. The young woman needed her rest and she was sure Cloud did too considering what him and his friends had just gone through the day before. Going through the death of a friend was never easy and she knew that Cloud had been close to Aerith before she had been murdered by Sephiroth. She walked beside Cloud as they went back towards the INN, a little lost in her own thoughts. Tifa almost jumped a little when Vincent spoke, surprised by his sudden appearance. She turned to face him, her brown orbs watching him silently for a moment. "You're right," she admitted softly and sighed. "But...after Aerith's death and Amelia's sudden appearance...I think I just need a break away from it all. And I know Marlene is having a tough time with both Barret and I gone." She rubbed the back of her head and lowered her eyes, not admitting that part of the reason she wanted to leave was so that she didn't have to watch Cloud get close to someone else. "Just do me a favor and keep an eye on Cloud. He's too trusting sometimes," she said, before than adding, "And on Amelia too. Just...she may not be against us, so don't betoohard on her." Tifa was too nice for her own good sometimes, but she knew this was the right thing to do at least for right now.
Although for now Cloud was acting normal, when it was time to find out that Tifa had left the group for a little.. he would be rather shocked, and a little sad and disappointed. She always made everything better but he had not really noticed the feelings she had for him to the full extent. Even though she had Barret.. part of her had liked her from quite a few years ago and that was something that seemingly seemed not to change about her but had been more hidden to show she was tougher then falling into what could be a bad choice. Slowly he walked with Amelia, the rest was the only thing on his mind at the moment, it was something that was needed and it was mainly needed so his mind could relax.. possibly see Aerith for one last time, within a dream.. before realizing it was time to move on.. and get back Sephiroth for it sometime. Vincent could not really say he was rather surprised hearing what she had to say, but he let her speak for a little longer.. it was all understandable but none of it was the real true meaning. This was something he knew for a fact and although he had never told Cloud.. he knew her feelings rather well, after being with her on this journey for quite some time now, "I can't promise that to much.. I still don't trust her, there for I can only be weary.. until I know that Cloud is not making a mistake.. but lets be honest Tifa,. I know the real reason your leaving.. what you truly need a break from.. I can see it, your jealous..." He went silent before deciding to finish "After all this time, you still have not told Cloud your true feelings.. for a long time,.. and even then back so long ago that you once told me about.. you still held back.. You can't stand that Cloud is falling for someone else.. when you have always been there for him.. and if that is your real reason, maybe go take sometime off.. I will make sure Cloud makes no mistakes.. but it will be different without you" It was rare for Vincent to speak so much and so he fell silent completely "I will tell them in the morning.. that's if they don't find out.. before"
The INN keeper greeted them as they walked into the INN. "Your friend has checked out and she asked me to give you this letter," he said, handing the letter to Amelia. Swiftly, she opened it curiously and read it aloud so Cloud could hear it too.Cloud and Amelia. I've decided to head back to Kalm to take care of Marlene. I'm worried about her. Please don't be upset, it's not like I'm leaving forever. I also need time to come to terms with Aerith's death. I know I did not trust you, Amelia, but please lookout for Cloud and Vincent since I cannot right now. See ya soon. TifaAmelia blinked and looked up from the letter to Cloud. "Is she okay?" she asked, hoping she was not the cause of why she had left. Tifa smiled at Vincent's words. "That may be true, but it doesn't mean I am going to stay." She said and playfully jabbed at Vincent. "I will be back after a little bit, take care of him for me." She said and then turned to leave, her long black hair bobbing behind her as she made her way out of the village.
A slight look of shock crossed Cloud's face as he heard such a thing. Since Vincent did not sign into the INN at all that could only mean that Tifa had decided to leave.. and a few of the reasons were obvious although the letter was what slightly surprised him. There was truth in it, but he partially felt that it was not the case but was surprised to see the last part about what was said mainly directed to Amelia. At least even though she would be gone for a while, she showed a somewhat trust for her. The warrior looked at the ground for the moment before managing a smile "She is fine..the toll of Aerith's death hit us all quite hard.. and although Tifa seems so strong.. really she was just trying to hide the fact of how it was affecting her.. and so like everyone else she needs a break.. and Marlene probably needs her more then anything at the moment.. "What happened next was rather uncommon for Vincent, usually he avoided contact but his hand lightly grabbed onto her shoulder after walking with her for a moment as she went to walk away. Slowly Vince turned Tifa around just for a moment saying just a few things "Just promise you will return.. and that you won't be gone for to long.." slowly he then let go and started to walk away slowly so if she did respond he would hear it, once that was all over he took off into the forest deciding to go to the INN knowing the other two would know the news finally, but he still had to have a chat to Cloud about Amelia.. and how he would come to trust her.. if and when she proved herself.
"That's good," Amelia said with a relieved sigh, the tears she had felt beginning to build up, retreating for now. "I was worried she left because of me..." she admitted softly, folding the note up and slipping it into the pocket of her school uniform skirt. "I don't know how I would handle it if I knew I'd caused your team to split..." she shook her head, that sentence would having been said just as Vincent was coming into the INN, but she wouldn't see as she was just turning away at this point. "I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused, Cloud. And I know I have caused trouble, so don't say that I haven't," she said with a soft sigh. "I'm going to sleep now I think..." it was said so softly she wasn't sure he heard it, but she waved her hand and made her way down the hall and back into her room. The door softly clicking shut behind her, she let out a sigh, letting the sadness she felt wash over her finally. She slid down the door and sat, pulling her knees to her chest. Even though the letter proved that Amelia wasn't the cause of Tifa leaving, she still felt like she was. Tears rolled down her cheek and she sighed, resting her forhead against her drawn up knees.
Although Cloud would not say anything about the tears that he had seen starting to crop up he still knew that even though Amelia had said that she did not feel that it was her fault for Tifa deciding to go her own way for a little while.. in truth he already knew that she was partially blaming herself and although she was a small influence to Tifa it would have not been enough for such a person like the strong willed Tifa, to just decide to leave. Sure her reason on the letter was fair enough.. but there was obviously some other factors that had made her make such a decision. Vincent had only just walked inside to see the two talking to each other. Seeing how the two took the news of one of the party members leaving for now. As Amelia started to walk off he could see just by how she was carrying herself with each step the emotions that were flowing through her at the time.. pure blame almost, instead of doing something about it himself though he just walked up to Cloud ??I see you both know Tifa is leaving for a little while.. Look she is blaming herself for such a thing ? but you were more the effect of her leaving for now.. then Amelia.. go make sure she is coping alright.. we don ??t need her blaming herself for something that she had little effect on.. ? Cloud was a little surprised by how Vince had put it but quietly said ??I was the main cause?.. ? He could almost not believe that before he started to walk down after Amelia lightly knocking at her door ??Mind if I come in for a little bit Amelia? ?
The knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, ones that had begun to meander towards home. She was surprised to hear the knock, but perhaps Cloud was a little more perceptive than she had originally thought. Perhaps he had seen through her forced cheery demeanor. In truth, everything that had happened today was beginning to wear on her. And, despite how hard her home life was at times, she was beginning to feel a little homesick. Of course, Vincent's cold attitude towards her only served to push her into wanting to go home. Cloud seemed to be the only one who even wanted to know her. To even want to talk to her.Amelia rubbed at her eyes with a soft smile and pushed herself up from the ground. Turning, she grasped the doorknob and pulled the door open to face Cloud, a smile on her lips it was half genuine, half forced. Her blouse had been unbuttoned a bit to allow her max comfort, so her rather considerable bust gave off a nice view of cleveage she had forgotten that though and so she didn't move to fix it. Another sign the day was wearing on her, she was getting tired and emotionally drained. A slim hand pushed her impossibly long hair behind her shoulder as she pushed the door open more, allowing for enough room to let Cloud in. "I suppose it's okay," she said softly.She turned and moved towards the bed, ending up sitting on it and facing him. Her voilet eyes watched him as he came into her room and softly clicked the door shut so that any other patrons in the INN wouldn't eavesdrop on their conversation. "Is something the matter?" she asked curiously she didn't know he was here because he had caught on to her feelings of blame and of being a third wheel. She felt like an outcast and vaguely, she wondered if they had picked up on that.
The truth was although Cloud had noticed how she was feeling as of this moment roughly, it seemed Vincent was the one unexpectedly.. that could actually see some what her emotions at the moment. It at least showed he was softening to the stranger as such.. which to Vincent would be exactly what Amelia was really.. but Cloud did not like to think of her as such a thing. People who were considered strangers were just people you had not met yet.. and so because he had met and spoken to Amelia a little more.. The thought never crossed the fighter that the two had talked a little more then what had been seen or heard. As the door slowly opened it was almost a surprise to see how she came to the actual door, smiling even.. but it was a little forced.. that was rather obvious, and she seemed oblivious to the fact that well..Maybe if Cloud had pointed out the fact that her cleavage was being shown in a reasonable view she would probably instantly do up the buttons to hide such a view, it was more obvious by the way she spoke.. just then anyhow, on how she was feeling inside though.. emotions seemed to be slightly lacking as she spoke softly to notify him that it would be okay for him to enter. Hearing such a thing he slowly walked inside the INN's room before closing the door behind him as his eyes sorta just fixed themselves onto Amelia for a moment before hearing her speak again. "Nothing is the matter regarding me.. nothing at all,.. but Amelia.. what if I asked you the same question.. I know you said you were going to bed and all. But is something the matter?"He spoke almost quietly before pausing and taking a breath "It's all effecting you pretty heavy.. so I would not be surprised to hear that your blaming yourself for Tifa to end up leaving for a little.. but thing is about Tifa,.. well she will come back later.. maybe even bring Marlene to meet you.." A soft smile crossed him before he finally asked "Do you want to talk about it.. or shall I just leave?" His eyes now slightly lowered just looking partially at the ground. As he slowly started to turn around, her lack of much response.. was starting to make him almost feel unwelcome when.. he knew and so did Vincent that she was trying to take more of a burden then she could handle.
", it's alright, Cloud," Amelia said softly with a smile, this time a genuine one. "You can stay if you'd like...I'm sorry I keep worrying you." Patting the spot next to her on the bed, before pulling off her school loafers and stockings, leaving her long and pale legs bare. She set them on the floor beside the bed. When he sat beside her, she turned her head to look at him. "You just have to imagine how...overwhelming this is. I mean, because, I'm not from this world even...and it's so different from mine." She admitted, brushing her hair back from her face. "And I admit I feel responsible for Tifa leaving, though I am sure I will get past that." She also wanted to say something about Vincent's behaviour again, but decided against it, not even knowing at this point that it had been Vincent that had sent Cloud to check on her. "Thanks for worrying about me," she said with a soft laugh, not used to people checking on because no one usually cared enough to do that.
One thing that Cloud could tell was although that first smile was not exactly purely true, the emotions behind it mixed.. the one that was shown just as she spoke was more genuine to say the least. He managed to get the idea, from her patting the bed near her to move to such a location and so the blonde haired fighter did such a thing slowly sitting down on such a place. Her words had quite some relevance and yet no matter how hard he tried to think of it from Amelia's point of view he struggled a little, and so could partially understand just how hard it was for her even though she seemed to be amazed by the world that they were in at this moment. "It's just something I tend to do almost naturally.." Slowly he placed a arm around her gently before looking into her eyes once more "I wish I could make it easier for you.. you sound like your world is worse then here in a way.. but the treatment you have received so far.. is making it hard for you to fit in here as well.. I guess no matter how well I think I can do somethings.. other things.. just can not be affected by me.."
Amelia blushed as Cloud's arm came around her and she suddenly began to feel nervous. As much as knew she should pull out of his hold, she did not, because she wanted to be there. She just wasn't sure as to the reason why. "'s alright, Cloud. Really," she said softly, raising a hand to gently cup his cheek with it. Her violet eyes looked into his lovely mako enhanced blue ones. "You're the only one who's managed to make me feel like I have a place here. To the others..." she dropped her hand and sighed, leaning a bit into his arm. "I'm sure you know what I'm going to say. I really feel like a nuisance to them. I can't seem to help myself because of how...cross, they seem to be towards me." A slim hand tucked some stray hairs behind her ear, a soft blush still on her cheeks.
Cloud knew that Amelia would feel nervous when he put his arm around her, but he felt it was necessary. He had partially expected to pull away but was relieved when she didn't. " I was hoping you would say that. Otherwise I would have pulled away" her eyes made a nice contrast to his as his blue gaze looked deeply within hers before letting her speak a little longer before softly his finger pushed against her lips as if to tell her to stop speaking just for a moment "I wish everything was easier for you.. but that is something I have no control over.. still I have been giving you what you deserve, I trust you Amelia.. and so I hope you can say such a thing back in return and mean it... I am sure Vincent will take a shine to you eventually.. after all originally the two of us did not get along but now we both care what each other thinks.. and although he does not know it.. I try to look out for him when I can.. just like I want to look out for you.."
Amelia listened to his words and nodded, knowing they were true. She remembered playing through that part of the game, when Cloud and the others had fought a creature to get the key to Vincent's coffin. Even when they released him, he hadn't orginally wanted to go alone. It was only after they went to leave had Vincent decided to go with. He had been cut off and curt with Cloud for awhile, before he eventually lightened his own way. So Amelia knew his words to be true. She blushed more as his finger remained against her lips not being able to help admiring the strength he held in his hands. Hehadto have a lot of strength to weild the Buster Blade, she thought vaguely. Still, she didn't pull away from his arm and her eyes were trapped in his mako enhanced eyes.Her heart beat skipped nervously, then kicked into overdrive. Why was she suddenly so nervous, she wondered as she swallowed, slowly moving his finger from her lips so that she may speak again. Though, "You're right. Thank you, Cloud," was all she said. She knew she talked a lot, it had been one of her bad points for as long as she could remember. Talking his ear off and annoying his to the point of making him want to leave...she didn't want to do that. Violet eyes returned his stare curiously and nervously, her hands resting on her bare knees to keep them from touching him as they seemed to want to do very badly.
Although most thought Cloud to be a rather strong willed person,.. mainly strong because of the blade that he chose to wield by choice., his emotions were a different story.. where out of the three by far he could easily become the weakest at times.. but only when everything really was severe. Feeling her move his finger, he only had just realized that he had still kept it there his arm around her just staying as his mako enhanced eyes. To him moments like these were worth more then any fight.. where he would wield his Buster Blade to victory as he had the determination to never lose when it was a possible outcome to win. He could see a nervousness crossing Amelia, her emotions partially showing in the violet gaze that seemed to be fixed into his, like his was into hers. Was this the emotions that Cloud possibly thought it was. there was a slight chance. But he would not rely on such early judgments but instead would see what would develop out of it.It was a surprise just to hear her say that and nothing more but it caused a small smile to cross the fighter and then he let out a small sigh before speaking "I can see you want to be closer.. so stop restricting yourself.. move closer, I don't have an issue with it.." his smile was almost soft and a partially rare site since Aerith.. and although he remembered her.. part of him said he had to move on a little but he was not rushing into anything.. instead he was just letting some feelings at least develop or to be more accurate give a chance for something more to be created with someone just as interesting.. as what she was.. She partially reminded him of her.. except she had something else about her.. which was probably what had made him trust her so easily. "well are you going to stop denying yourself.. Or will I have to move us closer?" a soft laugh escaped him his eyes not leaving hers waiting for the response.
His words surprised her and for a second, her eyes widened just a bit. Barely noticable, in fact. He was able to read her so easily, it was beginning to feel as if he knew as much about her as she did him not that he knew she knew all about him, of course. Really, how are you supposed to tell someone that, in your world, they exist only in a video game? The answer: you can't. She wanted to leave it at I'm from a different world. Let them think what they will. There was no telling how long she would be here, in fact, this could be the only oppurtunity, the only night. She could very well wake up in her room tomorrow. His words urged on the more bold part of Amelia and looking down at her hands for a moment, she debated. Then, she did as he said and moved closer, sliding completely into the embrace of his arm, her half bare thigh pressing against his clothed one.Her face was only inches from his and she could feel his breath on her cheek. Lifting her violet gaze once again, she turned her head to look at him, a soft blush coming across her cheeks when she saw how close he was now that she was cuddled against his side. She swallowed nervously, her heart fluttering. Not understanding why she felt this way she was acting like a nervous school girl with a crush! This was Cloud the flesh, real, solid he wasn't a game character here. He was a person, like her. "You read me so well," she said with a nervous laugh, lowering her gaze shyly to her hands again.
It was more a natural gift and instincts that had developed over time which allowed Cloud to read emotions so easy, it did help being able to be all emotional himself.. it allowed a understanding but made everything so much more obvious. Sometimes it was a weakness.. and other times, a benefit.. this time it was a strength but did that mean next time it would counteract that and become a weakness again like it had for Aerith.. he had not been able to deteriate her will to try and stop Sephiroth .. and he had not been strong enough to protect her.. and already he knew he could not allow it to happen to anyone.. let alone Amelia.. He was determined to help her get home.. or at least keep her safe, that was his priorities regardless of what the others thought.. and although he did not know this would alter his reality completely.. the decision had already been made by him.It felt a little nicer feeling her give into what she wanted, the two of them a lot closer his arm slightly tightening the grip around her a touch as the embrace seemed to pretty much hold the two closer to each other. She was still extremely nervous but that was to be expected since not everyone got to ever get this close to Cloud.. it was a rare occasion but something about her.. Amelia's violet eyes.. the clothes she wore, the personality even Cloud could not explain how he felt... still he lightly managed a smile hearing what she had to say "It's a talent of mine.. that I have learn't to master over the time.. but you are right.. I can read you very well.. better then most.. but that is a good thing.. aren't you happy about the two of us being so close at this moment?" he then slowly lent his head to the side closing that gap so that he rested against her holding her close his warm breath on her soft cheek before spontaneously even he did not know what he was doing as he lightly kissed her cheek ever so gently before realizing what he did looking away "Sorry.. I should not have.. I don't know what came over me"
Amelia blushed even more red at his words and nodded softly. She was happy now that they were closer like this. It was a dream come true for her, really, this wasCloud. Girls back home fawned over him, obsessed over him, even some made fanclubs for him. Amelia wasn't such a rabid fangirl. She had just often found herself thinking about what it would be like to meet and talk with Cloud it was turning into more than she could ever have hoped for. Perhaps her being transported here wasn't such a bad thing. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize he'd kissed her cheek until it was already over.She blushed softly and heard his apology but was quick to turn her head, not realizing their lips were so close together. "No! Please...don't apologize, it's ok, Cloud..." she said softly, suddenly lost in his beautiful eyes again. Her heart fluttered nervously and her stomach flipped. It felt like butterflies were playing around inside of her tummy. "Cloud..." she blushed softly again.
Cloud was almost a little surprised at his own actions,.. when he had said he was unsure what had come over to him.. well that was not exactly a lie. After all he had always had a small issue showing emotions like such but that had just came out unexpected, where he felt like he just had to. Hearing her speak he only noticed how close her lips were to his as she turned to him saying his name with a brightening blush across her face. His eyes were locked into hers now.. and he could not help but just continue to gaze within the violets before Cloud decided to just contiue showing the emotions that had shown from him earlier.Their lips were to close.. to the point he could feel the breath of her, the slight warmth it held.. how inviting it was. That was when Cloud just forgot about everything else and slowly placed his lips against hers softly but lightly kissing. When he had decided to come into her room to speak to Amelia.. he had not planned to do anything like this, but it had come over him unexpectedly.. and was probably more true to his feelings that had been hiding.. although he had not known her for long.. the fighter could not help such feelings.
Amelia's eyes grew wide in shock for a moment when Cloud's lips pressed against her own lightly, but before long, her eyes fluttered shut and she leaned into his body. Her lips pressed gently against his own in return as she cuddled in the embrace of his arm. This was so strange to her, but she didn't mind it at all. She had never been kissed...and to have Cloud, of all people, give it to her, indescribable. After a long moment, she broke the kiss to breathe she was so inexperienced. Her lashes lifted and those voilet eyes were looking at him again, though this time with a little more curiousity in their depths. "Why..did you do that?" she asked curiously, their lips still so close together that when she spoke, her breath fell across his lips. Softly, almost hesitantly, she lifted a hand to touch his pale cheek, brushing back a blonde spike from his eyes so she could see him better, before her fingers merely lingered against his cheek. Her own cheeks were heated with a gentle blush as she looked at him she really wondered if she was hallucinating this whole experience because of how badly she had wanted Cloud and the others including Vincent to be real. This couldn't be real, could it?
It was to say the least a little obvious that if Amelia had kissed or been kissed before that her experience to such a thing was a little limited but nether the less it was a nice kiss of which even though she seemed to not be used to such feelings Cloud was glad it occurred although knew if Vincent found out.. well he would probably get some sort of lecture about Aerith and then how he came to trust Amelia only because he found an attraction to her.. Because of such reasons he would have to hide it from Vince.. and well, if Tifa found out, she probably would become really jealous.. and would have stopped speaking to him for a little. His mako enhanced eyes looked within her purple gaze before his hand interlocked fingers with hers before slowly he answered the question she had asked "All that matters.. is that you enjoyed it.. of which did you?" He looked within her eyes waiting for the response, after all his actions had even surprised himself but now that they had occurred Cloud was glad that something happened like that. The fighter in him was trying to discipline him not to show such emotions since if he got attached and if she were to die.. or go home, well it would probably be like losing someone all over again,.. and he was unsure if he could take it a second time.
Amelia blushed a slight more as the spikey haired fighter interlocked their fingers. She suddenly felt so self conscious after all, in her world, Cloud and the others were drooled over and obsessed about as being hotter than any guy in real life. Not even the guys who would cosplay Cloud wouldn't look nearly as good as he did. She felt suddenly so...ordinary. What was there to like about herself? She mulled over it and smiled to his question. "Ah...I did. Did you?" she asked him shyly. What they were doing was probably not a good idea, because of the fact she was from a completely different reality, not just world. There's such a vast difference between their worlds her world whorshipped and created his world, where as his world had no idea of her world's existance. For all she knew, she was dreaming, and when she woke, she'd be in the middle of her bedroom floor where she had passed out after the lightning storm. Or she could very well be in a coma, and this was simply the place in her mind she had chosen to reside in. She moved closer, almost afraid this really wasn't real. How often did people travel into their video games? Never, as far as she knew. She wanted this to be real, Cloud had been so nice to her since she had arrived, though she hadn't given him the full tale of her world and exactly how she had ended up in The City of The Ancients, where Aerith had been put to rest in the lake. She didn't really knowhowto explain it.
Cloud was unsure if the kiss was actually better knowing she did not come from where he came from in location wise,.. but also possibly because of how different she was to everyone else in his world, well.. it brought a uniqueness he had never seen before but it was more the fact he could tell the inexperience that she had and well.. something about Amelia was very alluring to the point of he was unsure of his actions towards her.. since his attitude partially changed in the presence of the stranger to the others.. but to him she could be a lot more. Maybe this was the start of something. He thought for a moment before slowly nodding "I did rather.. it was quite nice.. although it seems you might need a bit more practice to get used to it.." a soft gentle laugh escaped him showing that he had in fact noticed that, in particular probably had been her first kiss which if that was the case would rather surprise him since Amelia was not the type of person that he would have guessed not to kiss before,.. or maybe her personality only brought something out of him which possibly meant the two were destined for each other. "Amelia.. would you mind... if I was allowed.. to have another?"
Amelia blushed at Cloud's words because she was hoping that he hadn't noticed her inexperience, but he had. It was a little embarassing, she had to admit. Her violet eyes searched his mako enhanced ones for any sign of displeasure at her inexperience. Softly, her fingers tightened in his and she slowly nodded her head to his question. It must not have displeased him, because here he was asking her for another. "Yes...that would be alright..." she said with a shy smile, trying her best not to blush anymore than she already was. Her long black hair rested over her shoulders and spilled down her back, pooling at her waist on the covers of the bed, only subtly shuffling when they moved closer, or talked softly. "I would like that..." she admitted to him with a smile, eyes looking up at him shyly.
Part of him had expected the almost rather shy Amelia to answer the response that came from her, or at least he had hoped to hear those words in particular of which when Cloud did, a small smile crossed his face noticing her blush had not intensified past it's warm glow already showing on her face. Hearing her next comment the fighters smile remained before he slowly moved closer stopping just in front of her lips "I was hoping you would say something like that.. Amelia" gently he then moved his lips that touch more forward so that they were touching now before his lightly parted his tongue licking her bottom lip lightly as if seeing if her lips would part for his so their tongues could meet.. Cloud did not care about her inexperience but more found himself just wanting to do this with her.. because she brought something from within him that rarely showed itself.
Amelia's lashes swept down as her eyes shut, her body leaning into him as the spikey haired fighter kissed her once again. She made a soft noise as his tongue flicked across her lips and this in turn caused her lips to part so that his tongue could gain access to her mouth. She blushed and laid her free hand against his chest, almost unable to believe that this was actually happening. It was every girl's dream, in her world and maybe even his, to be with Cloud like this. The closest anyone in her world got to experiencing this was to kiss a Cloud cosplayer, a normal person who dressed to look like him. The real Cloud was a much better experience, Amelia thought, not even wanting to pull away from him in the least when she normally wasn't nearly as open as this. She was usually reserved and cut off, not wanting to be hurt by being rejected or turned away or betrayed, but with Cloud she just couldn't seem to help herself.
Cloud was not surprised as he felt Amelia leaning into him a little as the began to kiss again, upon her lips parting, slowly his tongue entered within the space she had allowed before starting to dance his tongue against hers. It had been quite a while since anyone had even seen this side of Cloud.. yet part of him was enjoying this time that the two of them were spending together. Amelia brought something special out of him,.. upon first seeing her, everything felt a little different which although he had no clue at the time whom she was, he felt instant trust.. a judgment that was usually rather accurate and this time it was. Faintly his breathed lightly through his nose continuing the kiss for a little longer one of his hands lightly massaging her back as he continued to hold her.
Amelia was swarmed with a variety of emotions, from nervous to happy and so forth. She was so inexperienced and nervous, afraid she was going to disappoint him. And yet, she was happy to be here with him like this. Her tongue lightly touched upon his own as it slid in to mingle her touch hesitant, shy, but curious. The kiss was amazing, to say the least, especially when the warrior slid his hand down her back to hold her close. She made a small noise into the kiss, against his lips. After the kiss lasted a few a moments, she broke it to suck in a breath of air, unused to how to breathe during a kiss since she had never done it before now. Her eyes looked up into his own, a soft red tint on her cheeks. "Amazing," she whispered, blushing.
It seemed although Amelia was quite new to this sort of interaction with a person, she seemed curious enough to use her tongue back against his faintly, the touches were soft and although it lasted for a little while he had expected that she might need to breath shortly not entirely used to how to breath upon kissing like that obviously. The soft red tint across her cheeks was quite evident before he heard the words that left her mouth before slowly nodding in agreement "Quite..." he found saying anything else was actually quite a hard task his mind a little blank of what it should actually be saying in this scenario before Cloud took a small breath his mako enhanced eyes just simply looking upon Amelia. ".. Well I hope that was as good for you as it was for me."
Amelia looked upon Cloud's face as he studied her with his mako enhanced orbs, orbs that felt to her as though they could see to her very soul. His softly spoken words caused her to blush once more. "It was...I don't see how it could be anything less than perfect," she said softly in response. She felt so vunerable, and yet safe. Two complete opposite feelings she didn't understand so well, not when she was here, held so gently in Cloud's arms. Never in the game had she seen the spikey haired warrior show this much caring, this vunerability of himself. It warmed her heart that he trusted her enough to show this side of himself to her. To her, it was a gift she would dear to her heart for a long time to come, even when she returned to her own world. "I can't believe this is real," she mumured. "If it's a dream, I hope I never wake up."
It was quite unlike Cloud to expose a possible vulnerability to people, but he trusted Amelia enough not to end up using it against him. Partially it felt like feelings could be slowly developing for her, that really should not be but the blonde haired fighter was not going to tell her about that. After all he had shown a glimpse of it instead and so was now leaving it up to her to find out more if she wanted to. Hearing what she said a small smile crossed him before he spoke "I don't think it is a dream.. Amelia," He still lightly held her before speaking "I will help you get back like I promised though, we do not know what will happen to you if you stay here, but I do hope we have quite some time together at least." It was obvious he had feelings for her, they showed in the way his eyes looked upon her, the way his words left his mouth. Cloud was obviously starting to fall in love, and he could not prevent it since it seemed all so natural.
Amelia nodded her head at his words and just lightly leaned into his embrace, suddenly not wanting to return home. She didn't want to be apart from Cloud they'd only had so little time together...if she did return home, she hoped it would not be for awhile. To give her some time to understand these feelings she was devolping for the spikey haired warrior. "I hope it's not for awhile yet," she mumured as she laid her head against his shoulder, her unusual eyes looking up at him with a small smile on her lips. "I want...more time with you," she admitted, a soft blush on her cheeks, suddenly feelings nervous again. Was she falling in love with him? Was that it? The thought was exhilerating and frightening at the same time. He wasn't real in her world...right? So unless she stayed here forever, she wasn't sure how their romance would go, except for it to be blazing but brief. She didn't want that, but knew she couldn't keep herself from Cloud, not anymore.
Hearing Amelia's word the spiky haired warrior could only simply agree. She seemed to have relaxed a little into him yet Cloud did not mind this at all, noticing he actually felt more comfortable with how she was starting to act towards him. Hearing her other words a soft smile crossed him noticing the nervous expression that seemed to cross her face. It was a sign of honesty but also the slightly shy nature that seemed to exist for the stranger to this world. "And I like the sound of you being around more often... everything had been so harsh after the loss of Aerith, but i feel so much more relaxed around you Amelia, ever since seeing you.." He rested against her a little just glad they had time for moments like this and at the rate this was going partially he knew it would be hard to let her go home.. but he never knew if it would be alone or not... possibly he would go with her yet that would be decided over time or maybe it was not even in his control and so he would just help her until the time of departure as such and see what happened from there.
Amelia blushed a little as Cloud leaned against her, only slightly. She bit her lip, her heart fluttering. "I...feel the same. Being in a new world, so different than my own...I should be freaking out...but, with you, all that seems so far away. I hope Vincent may be able to see past his distrust of me, as well," she admitted. She pulled him close and hugged him, just for a simple moment, before she pulled away. "He's probably wondering what's taking you so long and we should get some rest," she added after a moment, her blush still evident. She laid her hand on top of his and raised it, kissing his fingertips gently. "I will see you in the morning?"
The hug was gentle and innocent enough with a hint of possibly something else, a blush seemed to still stain her face as if it was always there but it was a little cute to see at least. Cloud managed a small smile hearing what she finished of the small light kiss he felt on his fingertips before responding "Of course.. and don't worry about Vincent.. He will begin to trust you after a little while, after all even when I first met him I did not trust him and he did not trust me but that was quickly fixed." The warrior sighed before slowly letting his arm slide from around her "Well then as you said,.. I should probably go and we all need some sleep after today,. See you in the morning Amelia.." He spoke her name quite softly before slowly walking towards the door before turning around and walking up to her to lightly kiss her cheek of which briefly he hugged her once more before now actually leaving to go lay down in his own room.
She blushed as he took the last chance he could to hold her, to press a kiss to her cheek, before he actually left her room for the night. Amelia spent some time mulling over his words, knowing that they were true and also some time picking apart what had just happened. If it had been real or if the day's trauma had gotten to her. Eventually, she allowed herself to realize it was real and curled up under the blanket in the bed. A soft smile spread across her lips as she finally began to doze off, thinking about the spikey haired young man that had managed to capture her heart in such a short time. Amelia was used too waking up early, but she didn't wake until she heard Cloud's knock on her door. She rolled over and mumbled for him to come in, rubbing her eyes. "Did you sleep well?" she asked with a soft yawn.
For the first night in a while, once Cloud laid down sleep seemed to quickly take a hold onto him of which tomorrow would feel like it came quickly. As he slept his dreams showed him what he had done with Amelia replaying it in a perfect third person viewpoint, as if he had watched himself kiss her and speak the words. Slowly after dreaming for quite some time the fighter got up, He never really slept for to long since it sometimes could be a time of vulnerability. But more so in this case he wanted to spend some more time with her as soon as possible sort of thing. Amelia was almost addicting to Cloud and he was not sure why. His hair never took long to get exactly right before lightly he knocked on her door. Hearing what seemed to be a mumble of, 'come in' the door soon opened before he walked in towards her nodding lightly at the question "The best I have had in quite sometime... what about yourself?
Amelia sat up in the bed slowly and stretched her arms high above her head, working out the normal morning kinks she was often likely to get. "I slept well," she murmured, looking over at him. It came back to her, the words, kisses, and caresses that they had shared the night before. A soft blush spread across her cheeks as she let her eyes roam his face she was beginning to feel a little vunerable still abed and so she slid her legs out from under the blanket, readjusting her skirt so that her lithe, pale thighs were once again covered by the plaid material. It was a strange thing, to be trapped in another world, especially in her school uniform. She stood and buttoned the shirt, closing the material over her cleavage now that she was awake enough to realize it. She reached down and pulled her stocking back over her long legs, before standing up to face him. "I'm glad you slept well," she said with a soft smile, violet eyes searching his handsome face.
As he waited for Amelia to get up a little he could not help but smile a little watching as she quickly readjusted her clothes after realizing she was a bit revealing at the moment although part of Cloud had not been complaining at all. A soft smile crossed him as he heard her words as their eyes caught for a moment of which he was partially lost within her gaze before the warrior walked up and slid his arms around her. "I just wanted to remind you last night.. was not a dream, by either of us... I do hope you don't mind..." he said it softly before lightly kissing her cheek, "Come now.. breakfast will be ready soon. I got Vincent to order it for us, although knowing him.. he will be waiting at table waiting for us to order instead.. You know how he is.. only talks when he wants to sort of thing.." a soft laugh escaped him, It probably was odd to see him like this. It seemed she was bringing out a side of him that had been forgotten because of the whole Sephiroth conflict and it was good for it to show once again finally
Amelia couldn't help but blush as the ex soldier walked up to her and proceeded to wrap his arms around her. She felt a pleasant shiver race down her spine as he kissed her cheek, allowing herself to rest within in his arms. It was such a strange thing, what this was, but she couldn't help but enjoy the peace the two of them seemed to share in each other's company. She blinked. "Oh yeah, that's probably true. Ummm, thank you again Cloud..." she murmured as she pulled herself back from his embrace to slide her stockings and shoes back on. Grabbing up the sword and adjusting it to her hip for now. She turned her violet eyes back to him. "Shall we go then?" she inquired softly, still feeling a little shy around him after what happened the night before.
None | 90 | ['Aerith', 'Sephiroth', 'Cortez'] |
71 | | Spirited Away (Faolan and me only) | Chihiro took her parents throught the building that led to the spirit world and said "Come on you guys i want you to meet Haku and everyone" her mom Jill said "But honey there is no one here" and her dad Joe said "Hey who is that" and he pointed to a boy standing across a rock bed that looked like the starts of a river. Chihiro ran to him and hugged him "Haku!!! I missed you."
Ever since Chihiro had left Haku hadn't quite been the same. He still ran around spirit town and took care of the things he needed to. But it was as if something was missing. Some spark of inspiration. All of the other spirits had noticed.Many had tried to cheer him up, but it didn't seem to do any good. He smiled and laughed when he was supposed to, but everyone knew that he still wasn't truly happy.Every week Haku would come back to the bath house and check the big tub to see if she had returned. It was no use. Every week he came, and every week she wasn't there. But even still, six years later, he came every week, only he was even more sad and lonely.Then one day he was sitting on the edge of the big tub and kicking a stone back and forth inside so that it would make loud cacophonous noises. His back was to the gate way so he hadn't noticed Chihiro finally returning. Suddenly a body hurtled into him, grabbing him from behind. Instantly his body had begun to change, his muscles bunched up and his claws started to come out but then he heard a voice that he'd been dreaming of hearing for years."Chihiro? Chihiro!!" Haku shouted with joy and lifted little Chihiro up in the air, spinning her round and round with joy. After six years Chihiro wasn't really so little anymore but to a dragon spirit like Haku it was no problem. "By the ancestors I missed you Chihiro."The young boy had grown up into a truly impressive young man. Haku was handsome and strong and tall. He hugged her to him as if he never intended to let go.
Chihiro smiled and blushed a little "Haku i missed you to and you've grown cuter" Joe said "Chihiro who is that boy" Jill asked "And how old is he you know your just turning 16" Chihiro sighed "Mom, dad this is Haku and he works here" she led them to a spot to sit while she told them where they where and asked "Haku how old are you now since we met when i was ten and your were 12 i think"
Haku blushed at her mention of him becoming cuter. He hugged her to him and then set her down. He then turned to her parents as she introduced him."Hello ma'am, and sir," he said to both of Chihiro's parents as he bowed low. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. Yes I work here. Take care of things."He smiled at her funny question about ages. Then turned to her parent's again."I am 18 now sir," he said to Joe.
As they were talking a girl came running up "Haku your needed at the big tub" she turned and saw Chihiro "Huh Sen your back" she hugged her. Chihiro smiled hugging back "Hey Lin whats going on" Lin explained about a stink spirit in the big tub and chihiro ran. The other four followed her go to the big tub taking an herbal soap token as she passed the formen. She got to the tub and said "Hello again sir and thank you for the gift last time it came in handy" she ran the wter and began to pull a bike out again and clled for help.
Haku ran with Chihiro as they headed for the big tub. It was so good to have her back. Chihiro seemed to be taking charge just like she always had. Without a moments hesitation she had jumped right in with the stink spirit and set to washing him good.Something was very different about this time though. Chihiro was shaped differently than she used to be. Six years had widened her hips and ronunded her bottom and given her ample breasts to fill out her top. Now that her clothes were getting wet they clung to her frame seductively, showing off every curve and shape of her now very sexy body."Oh," Haku stood dumbly staring at his childhood friend. He could feel her parent's standing right next to him. A furious blush filled his face. His brain cast about for something to do to distract him from what he was seeing and to get him away from Joe and Jill lest they notice how he was looking at their 16 year old daughter. "Ah, hot water. Chihiro will need more hot water for this."He ran around the wall to the water tank and focused his will for a second. Then his body began to change. Haku the handsome young man became Haku the dragon. Then he opened his wide many toothed dragon mouth and breathed. A bright flame erupted from his maw and enveloped the base of the water tank. Soon the release valve on top began to whistle as the steam tried to escape.
Joe yelled "Chihiro get away from there" and Jill said "Honey she seems to be ok, lets just watch how she acts around here ok" Joe seemed to calm down. A voice from above yelled "Chihiro do you need some rope" she looked and saw Zeneba, Yuubba's older twin. "Granny i need some help" Chihiro yelled back as she was thrown a rope then she said "Lin help me" Lin ran past Joe and Jill bumping his arm "I'm coming Sen just hold on to the rope" Soon everyone that worked at the bathhouse was helping to pull the rope like before. Then everything spewed out of him and everyone stood there watching as a great river spirit came out and said "Thank you again little one" then he seemed to land beside Haku "Kohaku my fellow river spirit protect the girl" then he left leaving Chihiro and Haku's dragon form behind.
"I will protect her," Haku told the river spirit solemnly.Then he focused his intent and slowl his form shifted back to that of a human man right before the eyes of Joe and Jill. He bowed to them both then turned to help Chihiro back up out of the big tub. Once again though he found himself staring at her. Her clothes plastered tightly to her lithe yet curvy body accentuated everything that was nice to look at about her."Good job Chihiro," he said with a smile. "You've saved him again."
Chihiro smiled as Zeneba came down to greet her parents "Well its part of the job as a worker of the bath house right Haku" knowing she had been free. Zaneba said "Welcome parents of Chihiro, you both have a splendid daughter" Chihiro ran and hugged her "Granny can i work here again please" Zaneba nodded "Sure Chihiro you take such good care of our guests i dont see why you cant" Joe said "Hold on just where are we" Jill looked around and saw that her, joe and chihiro were disappeareing "Honey whats happening" Lin came running with some rice for them "Here eat this" and then tossed a roasted newt to CHihiro "Hey sen why haven't you told them this is the spirit world and the river you guys crossed is the border" Chihiro looked at her "I forgot and its to late to leave now cause its all water now we have to stay."
Haku stood there worrying for a bit about what Chihiro had just said. He wanted very much for her to stay, but he worried that she would bring her parent's here without telling them what they were getting into."So you are here to stay for good Chihiro?" Haku inquired. It still made him very happy she was here no matter what else.Then he pulled out a couple chairs so that her parents could sit while they ate the rice.
Jill was un able to talk and just watched to learn what they should do. Joe asked "Chihiro is there any way for us to leave?" Chihiro looked at them "To be honest dad i'm not sure we have to wait for the water to leave but til then you guys can learn and help me with working here. Hey granny are there any open rooms for us and for Haku to join us." Zaneba nodded "Yes there is a room next to Lin." Lin ran over and said "You really messed up with having them with Sen but i guess its ok."
Haku wasn't sure he wanted to room up with Chihiro's parents but it seemed like she really wanted it so he didn't protest. He stood there wondering what to do, then realized the easiest answer."Hey Lin," he said. "You want my room? We can switch. That way we all don't have to share one room."
Joe sat there shocked at how CHihiro seemed to fit right in here "So where are we, and is he a dragon" Jill looked at Haku "WHat is going on" Lin told Haku "Sure thanks Haku" she left to move her things. CHihiro looked at her mom and dad "We are in the spirit world now and yes dad HAku is a river spirit which means he can turn into a dragon"
"Hai Joe," Haku replied. "I am a river spirit as Chihiro says. I try to keep everyone safe around here and I can do deliveries."He wondered what Chihiro's parent's would be able to do here. They would need to find a way to contribute before too long. But he figured they had at least a week.
Joe said "My little girl better be safe or your going to be in trouble" he tryed to sound like a protective father. CHihiro said "Dad stop i've been here before i'll be fine plus i'm in love with haku" she turned red and ran hiding her face in her moms shirt. Jill held her "Oh Chihiro you found someone I'm so happy you know if he could get to our side of the river he can visit anytime. I know how about we make a small river for him and name it after him that way he can come visit." Chihiro looked at her mom "Really we can make him a home" Joe said "Why not" he was not sure about the boy but he wanted his daughter to be happy.
Haku's face burned with embarrassment when Chihiro admitted her love of him aloud. At the same time though his heart lifted as if it would burst from his chest. It beat inside him faster and harder than he ever remembered. The one thing he had been dreaming of for the last six years had come true. Chichiro loved him."You would do that for me?" he said. "I would love to be able to visit you on the other side of the river."
Jill asked "We just need to know what to call it" Joe nodded. Chihiro said "He is the guardian of the river that gotcovered up with appartments" Joe asked "You mean the Kohaku River" Jill went over and hugged him "I'm sorry you lost your home but we'll give you a new one Haku" Chihiro was happy seeing how her parents were taking to her spirit world friends and sometimes second life.
Haku blushed furiously as Chihiro's mother gave him a hug. He shyly hugged back, unsure exaclt what to do then bowed to her as they parted."Thank you so much Jill san," he said stammeringly. "Would you like to come see the room that you will be staying in?"
Jill smiled "Sure and Haku you dont have to be so formal. I mean i want to know the Haku Chihiro talked about when she said she had a contract here" Joe nodded as Chihiro blushed not knowing if Haku would be the same as back then"
"Hai Jill san," Haku grinned, but still blushed. He was nervous around Chihiro's parents. He loved Chihiro so much, he didn't want to leave a bad impression. "Come on it's over this way."Then he let his excited energy carry him away and start to run down the hall.
Joe and Jill followed Haku and Chihiro. Chihiro said "Haku please just be your self...Huh hold it" she pushed her parents to the side and bowed "Hello Great Radish Spirit" the radish spirit waved happy to she her and kept walking. Chihiro remembered everything she learned while under Yuubaba's contract.
"Okay," Haku smiled at his favorite person. "I promise to be me. Oh hello Great Radish Spirit."He bowed to the elder spirit then kept leading the way down the hall.
The Radish Spirit held out two roasted newts for Haku and Chihiro then looked at her parents and pointed to them curious. Chihiro looked at him "Huh oh these are my mom and dad they are going to be helping me out this time" The radish spirit smiled and continued walking to the baths. Chihiro smiled "He is so nice Haku. Things havent changed here much have they"
"Haha no they haven't changed much at all since you left Chihiro," Haku replied with a grin. "Yuubaba is one of the wisest of all, and always has been."
Chihiro smiled "Yuubaba is so mean to you and me though Haku" she thought back to before "She wanted you out of her office and said you would be dead soon anyway. That was when i saved you by taking Zanebas seal back to her and Komaji told you i did it for you out of love" Chihiro blushed as she spoke of the past. Her mom and dad smiled seeing how different she was now then at home in her usual shy mood.
"well I jut think Youbaba is only a very practical old spirit," Haku replied. "I don't think she means to be mean. She just doesn't see how people can sacrifice to change destinies because of love."He chuckled at her blush and without thinking his hand reached out to softly touch Chihiro's red cheek.
Joe smiled "So this is the room huh, well what will we have to do to help out while here" Jill looked at her daughter "Chihiro why was that girl Lin calling you 'Sen'" Chihiro looked at her "Oh that well mom thats the name Yubaba gave me when i had a contract here" Jill smiled oh. And its nice to see Haku is eing himself for you honey" Lin came running in "Sen we got a prolem an evil spirit wants entrance to the bath house and Zaneba said to get you and Haku" Chihiro ran with Lin "Lets go, Haku could you bring them with to watch they need to see how things are done" Lin and chihiro ran to the bridge to stop the spirit.
Haku concentrated for a moment and suddenly his body and limbs grew longerr. His skin turned to scales. The long whiskers of his moustache lengthened and dangles. His horns grew from his head."Climb on," said the mighty dragon to Jill and Joe. When they had clambered aboard his back, Haku sprang into the air and flew swiftly after Chihiro.
Joe and Jill soon saw their daughter in front of an evil spirit and Jill jumped off "Chihiro" lin stopped her and said "Let Haku do it" Chihiro stood her ground and said "Your not allowed to be here sir please leave we dont want trouble" The evil spirit swung and slapped chihiro on the cheek "Little human girl i am a demon who can easily kill you dont talk like that to me" he grinned seeing her parents. Chihiro just said not moving "I dont care if you do kill me as a hard worker and Zaneba and Komaji's granddaughter i order you to leave" The demon slapped her again "You must want to die"
With a careful shrug of his back Haku deposited Joe into a large tub that happened to be full of water nearby. Chihiro's father would be wet and uncomfortable but at least he would not be in danger. His heart raged at the sight of Chihiro being slapped to the ground. His roar shook the building. Chihiro would see that Haku was no longer the immature young dragon she had known."She said leave. we do not ask politely twice."Then he smashed into the evil spirit with all of his flying power. Claws were extended and horns lowered.
Chihiro's parents ran and stood by Lin and watched scared. Chihiro stood up and said "Haku i'm fine" she ran and pushed the demon off the bridge sending him to the water under them and then before she realized it the demon grabbed her pulling her to her death to. Jill ran to the side screaming "Chihiro!" she closed her eyes "Haku save her" Joe was scared it might be to late "Haku do what ever you can. Please son"
Since Haku was already in physical contact with the evil demon it was no trial for him to easily reach out and hold Chihiro. A quick snap of his clawed hand rent great tears through the demons arm flesh and caused it to let her go. A flap of his wings and a kick of his hind legs sent Haku and Chihiro up and the demon down at an even faster pace."Some demons are not to be trifled with even by one as formidable as you my heart."
Everyone cheered as they landed and Chihiro's parents ran over to her happy she was ok. Jill was in tears from being scared "Oh chihiro honey i'm so happy your ok" Chihiro hugged her mom. Joe walked over and stood by Haku's dragon form "Hey thanks for saving her Haku" He patted Haku on the head then went back to his daughter "So Chihiro what is the first thing we have to do to help this place out" Chihiro dove at him hugging him "Thanks for wanting to help dad" Jill stood up and called Haku over saying something she thought would cheer him up "Come on Kohaku lets get the blood cleaned off you son. And call me mom from now on ok" Chihiro smiled "Here that you see you as a son in law"
"Of course Joe," Haku replied. "I would sooner take any hurt than allow it to happen to her."He smiled to see how Chihiro's parents stepped in to console her. Idly he licked at the errant scratch he'd received in the scuffle. Then Jill walked over."Ok thank you Ma.. I mean Mom," stammered Haku with a blush, then allowed himself to be led away.
Lin ran and walked with "I'll help mam" Jill smiled "Thank you Lin" and the two girls went to an empty room as lin got the bandages jill spoke to Haku. Jill smiled as she spoke to him in his dragon form which made it easyer "You Know Haku i'm glad that you where able to get Chihiro to open up more when she met you 6 years ago when she was 10. Until you two met she never wanted to do anything" she went on about how much her daughter changed cause of him as she cleaned and dressed his wounds
"Your welcome m..Mom," Haku smiled shyly.He'd never had a mother before. Dragons not being born with parents to know. Coming from eggs as they did. He bore up under her ministrations with little wincing and no utterances."I'm glad that I helped her. And I am glad that she has come back. I missed her very much."
Chihiro had told the foreman to let lin and them know she took her dad to meet komaji in the boiler room. chihiro said "Grampa Komaji i brought dad with to meet you" joe said "Hello" Komaji smiled "Hello, Chihiro you want to get me some herbs from the drawer by you there" she nodded and ran it over to him. the soot balls juped and worked faster seening her back. "I brought you some food to" komaji called luch break and got his food from chihiro. She turned and said "Dad dump the sprinkles for the soot balls" Joe did and was amazed at how they scrambled | 37 | ['Haku', 'Chihiro'] |
72 | | Stars and Magic: A Teen Titans RP (MysteriousD & Ms.Goody2shoez94) | Jump City... a beautiful city found off the coast of Oregon. It s known for its San Francisco and Bostonian influences, the successful harbor, its cultural collection, and of course, being the base of the Teen Titans. A collection of young superheroes in training, they hone their skills and protect Jump City from its fair share of super criminals and other madmen, likely due to its occultic past, financial importance and the nearby government sites laboratories. However, time goes on and people grow. Many local shops have founds themselves displaced and replaced by corporate highrises, more people began going in yet some things remain the same.Like the Teen Titans around Jump City, though they were older now. In fact, some were different. The truth was they would be moving from Jump City and with most criminals out, they thought it was time for them to head out and try new things.However, in the meanwhile, there was still criminals out and new threats. But with new threats... came new heroes.Diego Vendrix was one of those heroes. From the outset, he did not look like anyone special. Granted, he would get an odd look because of his dress, that being wearing a trench coat and fedora, even if it helped with the weather. Here though, it was an homage to his master... Doctor Occult. The oldest modern hero, he was in activity back when many of the legendary Justice Society of America were just kids and thus he was held in quiet reveration by them and those who knew of him... he and the Crimson Avenger symbolized the beginning of the era of the superhero.And such, Diego was following his footsteps, entrusted with his Mystic Symbol of the Seven. Currently, he was a bit unknown and an amateur detective, but he was still a hero, helping out the team againstt the Amazing Mumbo, who was currently trying to brainwash people to become his "assistants", indicated by their blusih skin and formal attire. However, thanks to the Symbol, he could exorcise the magic out of them.
Since being on Earth, the only thing that Starfire had ever been linked to is her friends and their fight for peace from criminals in their city. With the decline in criminals to go after, it made her friends start looking for the things that they would do next. Just like when regular children transition into adults, it was a time of change and decisions.Sometimes Star felt as if she was the only one without something to look forward too, so much of her identity was wrapped in these friendships that she felt uncertain about her fate. Cyborg was considering going all the way to Central city, he had been offered a position at S.T.A.R. Lab. Robin too was heading east back to Gotham, but he was going to go to college. Beast Boy was recently reconnecting with some friends from the past and spending more and more time with them. As much as she loved Raven, she had always been more of a loner and has been spending more time learning the depth of her powers. Which means she spent a lot of time isolated in her room and anyone who interrupted her would pay the consequences.With everyone else being busy, Starfire spent a lot of time patrolling the city from above, look for anything to that appeared abnormal. On the news there had been some alerts about people appearing to have cyanosis and medical professionals were having trouble finding a cause. Keeping her ear to the ground had not provided her without information, but she was able to piece together some possible locations by pinpointing the spots where all the victims had been found.All of the reported sighting and the two captures had happened in the warehouse district. She examined a few of the different buildings before she found some activity. Through a large window on top of a building she saw that the probably abandoned warehouse been turned into a small theater. There were a bunch of brown metal folding chairs facing and empty platform with lighting all around, almost everyone of the seat were filled, and like the description they were all a strange shade of blue and with extremely formal clothing. Star could only think of one person who would do this sort of thing.She checked her surrounding, she needed a way in that was a little more guarded than breaking in from the roof. She noticed there was a back door with a bouncer like person, and there were a few more blue people who were entering the "venue".The door would be wide open and the people unsuspecting. She dropped down next to the bodyguard and before he could get a chance to relax or raise the alarm she gave him a swift punch that laid him out. This was her chance to get a better view of what was the security like inside.
Diego meanwhile had just cured the latest person and this one wa s abit more well together regarding their bearings. They explained to him about how they saw some of their friends were going about and walking to somewhere. They could not remember much else, likely due to the fact that they wer ein a trance at the time. Diego asked if they could remember anything else though when they checked their car, the GPS was put to head toward a specific warehouse. Diego thanked the man and began heading there in his car.Diego did not like cars much, or rather he did not like driving them. Likely because he found the entire experience of driving to be stressfult. However, he could nto get on foot and it was not like he could fly or such. Maybe he could eventually learn some magic to help with that, but for now, he stuck with what he knew. And that was driving his old Beetle around to get where he needed to go. He adjusted himself and looked at the warehouse.However, it was who was there that surprised him.It was Starfire. Ever since he was a teenager and he visited the City during a classtrip, he remembered seeing Starfire for the first time. Her smile. Her waving. He pretty much gained the biggest crush on her right then and there. Since then, he devoted to following her, which was why he accepted going to Jump University over when he got old enough to. Just so he could spend more time around her and get to meet her.He followed her to the other side of the building, where there was a back door there. One with a bodyguard, dressed like your standard circus strong man, but blue and with a jovial expression on his face.Diego saw Starfire punch him out and Diego went to try and exorcise the man. He no longer looked as brutish, though his wear gave Diego the impression he was a willing participant. "Looks like you can use some help," Diego said, going up to Starfire's side and introducing himslef. "I'm... I guess you can me Occult. Don't have an official title yet. You're Starfire, right? It's really nice to meet you," he said. He was hiding his mouth with a scarf though he had a clearly excited look on his face.
She was surprised when the man appeared beside her and even more so when he started to heal the bodyguard. She hadn't heard him come up behind her a moment ago. Her eyes searched him curious about his costume. She was used to people hiding their identity, but she could barely see any part of him. The main thing she could see was his eyes, and they were extremely expressive. "Its nice to meet you. I think that your skills might be more helpful after we get through Amazing Mumbo. He's kind of a trickster, we'll have to be careful."She cracked open the door slightly, just enough so that she see into the room . There two other body guards, both with blue skin and a strongman suit, and they were standing behind the crowd full of people. Mumbo was not on the stage yer, he was probably preparing for his "show". Turning back to Occult,"I will take down the guard on the far side of the room, and you get the one on this seide," she waited for his confirmation."Ready. Set. Go!' she opened the door and raced through to the guard on the far side, easily taking him out. The crowd was filled with cries as they saw the what happened and started to panic. "Can you try to reverse as many people as you can before he realizes what is happening," there were about fifteen people or so.
Diego was pretty excited meeting Starfire and he could not help but admire everything about her up close. Plus, she seemed genuinely happy for the assistance. He nodded when she pointed out they needed to be careful. He saw the group of the people who were under similar magical incantations. "Why bother enchanting them?" Diego wondered out loud before Starfire noted that they needed to take out the guards. Starfire went and knocked one out while Diego went to the other."Hey! Whacha doin?" he asked before Diego looked. "My own magic," Diego said as he flashed the Mystic Symbol of the Seven and exorcising the possession that Mumbo put on the thug. He passed out as Mumbo's magic left him. When Starfire asked if he could reverse the process, he nodded. Diego took out the Mystic Symbol and flashed it. Channeling magical energies, he began using it to purge the possession from the audience."What are you doing to my assistants?!" Mumbo said, looking huffy someone was upstaging him. Diego looked at him and was briefly reminded of what Doctor Occult once told him. That nothing in magic is free. The price always involved suffering. However, he had currently been only dealing with physical suffering, undergoing pain when he cast magic. When Mumbo tried firing a beam of magic, Diego generated a force field to deflect it."It was going to be a magnificant show, robbing all the backs of Jump City and now you ruined it," Mumbo proclaimed.
Starfire had not expected him to take on Mumbo, she had never heard of him and knew nothing of his powers, but he quickly showed that he could hold his own against the villain. What really surprised Star, was the same way he wielded his force field, it reminded her do much of Raven, but his magic was different. His personality, or what she gleaned of it so far, as well as his powers were so different from Raven's they didn't come from a dark place. He seemed almost the total opposite, a ray of light and hope.Recovering from her shock, Star knew that she had to act, there were many people sitting around and watching the commotion like they're not in danger. She could tell that this battle would most likely destroy the inside of the warehouse, so she ushered out all the former "assistants". Most of them were confused about their location and it took some prodding to get the slow and confused out of danger.Though he was holding his own, Star ran to Occult's side when she had gotten everyone to safely. "Nice job holding him Occult," she was ready to do her part. She would have to find a nickname to his super name because it was quite the mouthful. She stepped back into a fighting stance ready help take on Mumbo.
Well, when it comes to assistance, quality is better than quantity, Mumbo said before aiming a blast of magic at Starfire... that Diego got in front of and repelled away with the Mystic Symbol of the Seven. How do you keep doing tha ? Oh, OH! So you re the new whiz kid around. Well, your tricks are nice, but mine are better, Mumbo said to Diego before binding him in some rings. Doctor Occult s old news and you re no user like Dr. Fate or Her, Mumbo said, that last part seething. I wonder if he s talking about Raven, Diego commented as he was trying to break out. Physical strength was not his strong suit though. No! I mean Zatanna! Stealing my audience, he said angrily. She was around first and she s a better magician than you, Diego commented as he tried to break out. And I m not a kid. I m Occult, Diego respondes to the mad magician.
She was hoping that Occult wasn't letting him get in his head, she needed him focus for whatever was calling came next.Mumbo had used three rings to bind Occult to keep him from using his amulet. She broke the top one apart with her hands, but before she had a chance to get another off,Mumbo was sending rings toward her. She sped off out out the way, but she dropped her ally on the concrete floor. There was one more ring locking his arms in place and another locking his legs together. Star figured it was better to attack him head on so she would have more time to get Occult out.Without hesitating she charged at Mumbo, she missed the first few rings he threw at her, he eventually got one around her shoulders and with a quick flex of her chest the ring popped off. She plowed right through him before turning back to unleash Occult."I can grab onto him we just need a way to hold him down without him breaking out".
Diego was free from one of the rings, but the others were on. However, he was able to move his arm briefly into a better position so even when he was bound once more, he still had access to the Symbol. Despite some difficulty, he managed to get up.Diego pointed out his symbol at Mumbo and began flowing. What are you doing? He shouted as his head was hurting and the wand was glowing. Snapping you out of it! He said as he was undoing the magic of the wand. However, it also left him vulnerable. Break the wand! He shouted at her, having him distracted
Starfire leaped forward easily grabbed the wand from Mumbo, her strength was no match for her. She tried to break the wand the first time and it didn't break completely, the wand bent a little but at this point it was still recoverable. She took a deep breath and put pressure on both of need of the wand, the second time was the charm the wand snapped in half and she could feel the energy leaving the wand. Whatever essence that gave the wand it's power was leaking out and Mumbo knew it, she could tell by the blood curdling screams that he knew he was back to being an average person.Grabbing some random rope that was on the ground Star tied him up, finishing her not with a bow. "Isn't it the most perfect bow," she looked over at Occult. She had forgotten that she needed to release him. The rings broke easily under her hands. For what was impossible for other was the equivalent of squishing a marshmallow."We make such a good team," her bubbleliness shining through now that their mission was complete. She reach out for a high five. "I guess we can just turn him over to the authorities. We're lucky no one was seriously hurt. "
"Well it is a nice bow," Diego complimented her as he admired how she effortlessly freed him with her strength. It was not just Starfire's beauty, heart and kindness that drew him to her, but it was also the fact that she possessed a great deal of strength and power. "Y yeah, I guess we do," Diego blushed, smiling at her smile. He gave her a high five with a grin! He got to fight alongside Starfire! It was awesome!"Yeah, we should definitely turn him in," Diego said to her with a smile. They turned him over to the police, who had arrived to check up and investigate on Mumbo and take him in, thanking them for their work. From what Diego noted, it actually got pretty quiet in Jump City. Many of the criminals seemed to have gone away or attracted to other venues. Perhaps that was why he did not see as much of the Titans as he did so."Maybe we can celeberate by going out to eat?" Diego suggested to her before blushing a bit once more as he realized he more or less asked her out on a date. When it came to appearance, Diego was pretty average. He was of the exact average male height though appeared a bit shorter due to his stocky frame. He had black hair and brown eyes so not much special there and his face could be considered boyish in a sense. Beyond that and the tan skin showing he was of Mexican hertiage , he was viewed as ordinary. Sure, he never got breakouts of zits and always took care of his hygiene so he was not ugly, but he did not think people would consider him handsome.
"Oh yes! We must go eat, even though I've lived here from quite sometime I love eating Earth food. Especially pizza, I love that I can put whatever toppings I want on pizza," her friends usually ordered her a separate pizza because she was known for having such weird pizza toppings combinations. How was she to know that chocolate sauce and peperonni didn't go together, she just knew that she liked peperonni and chocolate."We must go and celebrate with pizza. I saw that you brought your car, but to be truthful I'm not used to being couped up in a car. Not that you car is small, but I'm just used to flying everywhere!" She quickly half apologize when she realize that she sounded like she insulted his car. In fact if Star knew how to drive it was probably the kind of car that she would have, but she would probably never learn to drive.
Diego loved seeing Starfire be excited and he felt a sense of elation knowing it was because of him. "Yeah, you can do alot with pizza!" Diego told her with a smile. "However, I tend to be pretty basic with my choices. Either extra cheese or pepperoni," he said, shrugging his shoulders though he still smiled at being with her. "No worries! I know my car is a bit small, but I love my Bug. Besides, it's got an odd sort of charm to it," Diego told her with a smile as he looked at it."Well, I wouldn't mind you carrying me though I am a little scared of heights. Maybe we can walk over to a pizza place and talk while we do so?" Diego suggested to her. Given how the warehouse district was among the busiest with various longshoreman and late night workers, there were more than a few eateries open in the night, and he spotted two or three pizza places nearby they could go to. After all, it'd feed all of hungry physical workers pretty well.While DIego was walking with Starfire, he wanted to know more about her. He had undone his scarf and left his coat and hat in his car, so he was just wearing a jacket underneath along with still his cargo pants and his shoes. "How's it like being on Earth for you?" he asked her, wanting to know more about her.
"I wish you would let me carry you. You would not be the first person I carry up with me. You know I'm super strong, so I won't drop you. I would also promise not to fly too fast and scare you. I would probably stay closer to the ground, so I wouldn't scare you too much. It's just something to think of for the future". Usually people tended to react well when she carried them because she always tried to be gentle. If she could lift Cyborg with no problem, she would have no problem lifting Occult.In not time they were off down the road looking for a pizzeria. They were a odd looking couple in the way they looked. Starfire was pretty well know in the area and people were well verse in her tall and lithe shape. And she was almost always seen in her purple costume. As people would pass by it was Occult who caught their eyes, they were all curious about the man who wearing a trench coat. Even in a place that had plenty of fog and cold weather, trench coats had kind of faded out for hoodies.The stares went mostly unnoticed to Star, when she was with the rest of the Teen Titans they garnered a good amount of stares.She couldn't help but wonder about the man standing next to her. She knew that the humans wore costumes to protect the people around them, but some of the people that she was closer too she had been able to see them out of costume. One person in particular she had seen out of costume more than in costume.The walk to a nearby pizzeria was very short, after they put the order in for their food they found a table in the corner. "You obviously know about me, tell me about you," she had noticed certain things about him. He was an average cute looking guy,but she wondered about the amulet.
"I trust you my life. It's just also something I need to help dealing with," Diego told her, giving her an appreciative smile. He did mean it though. While heights was something he was pretty unnerved by, he would not mind Starfire carrying him. On the contrary, he would probably be happy to. For now though, he would probably prefer just walking and getting to know her while on the walk.Meanwhile, Diego did note the stares, but did not pay much mind. He kept the coat close to him. The trench coat was a bit magical, belonging to his mentor. The magic did not do much beyond provide some passive protection but it did mean he can wear it in more weather one could expect a trench coat to be comfortable in. Besides, he tried to be spiffier than John Constantine.Diego did blush a bit at what Starfire mentioned in regards to how he knew alot about her and then she asked him about himself. "Most of my life I was an ordinary person. I went to school, got good grades and trying to deal with the future. Of course, I never had a lot of friends growing up, but I did like reading, especially about the occult and other magic stuff. I guess my life changed in two big ways. First was when I visited here a couple years ago back when I was in high school. I actually got to see you and the other Titans save the day and I really wanted to know more about superheroes," Diego explained to her, a bit sheepish on how he got into stuff. In more than afew ways, he was a bit like Control Freak, but much healthier, being only a bit chubby at most compared to the rotund villain. Also, way, way nicer."When I began looking into superheroes, I wanted to know more, and that's when I learned about Doctor Occult. For the Titans and other young superheroes, we look up to the Justice League. For some members of the Justice League and other adults of the time, they looked up to the Justice Society of America. The ones around World War 2 and really brought the idea of the superhero family together. But they... the Society, they looked up to Doctor Occult. A detective who used magic... the first man who one could call the first modern superhero," Diego explained, getting passionate into it. "I wanted to meet him and get to know about him. Turns he's retired for the most part and when I helped him with some magic thing... he offered to train me," Diego said, his smile softening."I had to learn a lot of stuff on being a detective and on magic. It was alot of hard work, but he believed in me and I kept going. Now, he's leaving it up to me. He inspired me to go and be the hero I wanna be and now I wanna do the same for others in my own way," he said, looking at the Mystic Symbol of the Seven.
Star realized how unique his story was. So many other heroes did not have a mentor to look up to and learn from. While so many heroes looked up to heroes from the generation before, very few actually go to speak with them let along anything else. He had obviously had an extensive amount of training, because he seemed to utilizes his skills very confidently when faced with danger. It made her think of her own story, her descent to Earth, and all the thing she had learned about herself since being here.Her eyes fell to his symbol as spoke of his hopes and goals. She too wanted to live up the expectation that the people had for her. She had always been a part of the team and now that they all had other things going on she wondered if she would be as efficient on her own.Maybe she wasn't meant to be on her own, it seemed like it was fate for her to meet Occult, . It didn't seem right to call him bu superhero name anymore. "Its up to you, but do you really want me to call you Occult all of the time? I mean right now we're out in public and anyone could overhear what we're saying. We wouldn't want your personal life to to mix with this, because this can become a bit much". She couldn't help but wonder how his family felt about what he was doing?When their pizzas came, Star wasted no time chowing down on her food. She had ordered pizza with pepperoni, bacon, banana peppers, and marshmallows. She had a little bit of every flavor sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, and umami. It was perfection.
Diego looked surprise as she asked him what she should call him and then Diego began thinking more on this. While he thought this would just be a one time thing, the way Starfire phrased her question implied that they would be working together more often in the future. He liked that idea. Nay, he loved that idea. After all, working with one of his favorite heroes as equals was like a dream come true. At the same time, it did bring up the idea and reminder that she was beyond her superheroine moniker. She was her own person. Granted, Diego long knew that, even before getting into superheroes. After all, they weren't too different from celeberties. Many put them on pedestals, but at the end of the day, they were normal people. However, he really began realizing the importance of having a personal life beyond being a superhero.Granted, he did figure that some superheroes did date each other, but he wondered if that meant mixing their personal lives. Beyond that, were the Titans themselves. He figured Starfire was her real name, but he now wondered what it was. All of them had names that none really sounded like they could be names. He doubted Robin's name was actually Robin. Raven seemed like it could be her real name, but even then, it was an assumption.They were more than their masks after all.He would trust her. They fought together side by side after all."My real name is Diego Vendrix," Diego said to her with a smile, introducing himself to her not just as a superhero colleague, but as a real person, one with whom that a bond beyond that of their caped identities current possessed. His pizza meanwhile was only pretty basic though there were subtle aspects to it. The crust was not the normal one, but buttery with herbs and garlic in it and there was extra cheese on it. He smiled at Starfire and began indulging in the pizza with her. He did raise the eyebrow at the marshmellow, but she ate wha she liked and he respected at."If you wanna tell me yours, you can, but we should wait until later," he said, noting to be somewhere private though he wondered how much of the Titans had a life outside of their work. Only one he could think of was Robin and even then, he could not make heads or tails.
" It is so nice to meet you Diego, what you did today was very brave? I know you're just getting started with this hero thing, but you have such a good heart, that I definitely see you going far. Not only super nice and caring but you're very relatable".Star thought of all the other heros she met, most of them genuinely were good people and wanted to make peace on earth, but there were the few who were more arrogant. They were so confident in their skills and hyped on praise from people and the press that sometimes they would put themselves and innocents in danger. She didn't see anything like that happening with Diego, because he was already so humble.With no problem Star finished her whole pizza, she needed to replenish herself after that fight.It was getting close to evening the sun would be setting soon. "Would you like me to walk you to your car?"The afternoon had been fun and she was not ready to go. She didn't know when she would see him again or in what capacity she would want to see him. While they kicked butt earlier, this afternoon session felt more like a first date than celebratory pizza run. They had talked about some things going on in their lives that few other people knew.
Diego blushed brightly, like the briliant crimson of Starfire's hair, at the sound of her words. He never really been complimented like that before especially by an attractive girl he liked. He just did his best and hoped it would be enough. He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and he had on a very flattered smile. It was nice being praised like this.In the end, he was just trying to do his best in the world. He was just a detective after all and an amateur one at that. He was not gonna go in like cops can. He does try his best as a private investigator, but his inexperience means he has to find workarounds, especially since he has not taken an examination to be an official licensed PI. Not that he did claim to be one though. The rest of the date went by nicely, with Diego eating his pizza alongside with Starfire.The leftovers he was going to take over back to his place. However, perhaps the best part was getting to know Starfire as a person and talking about some of the close things in their life. For example, Diego did not know Starfire had an older sister named Blackfire, one who seemed to be more sultry yet sinister than her. He looked surprised at how the Titans would be going with their lives and he wondered if that's why he was seeing less of them. Then again, with crime at its lowest and under the control of the police, it seemed to make a lot of sense."Maybe we can spend more time with each other?" Diego suggested to Starfire when he put his leftover pizza in his car.
"Oh?" There was excitement on Star's face as she search his for a reaction. " I would like that very much. I find myself having a lot of time on my hands recently," she said. The Titans had did their job at keeping the city safe. There was no way to tell how long the peace would last, but she knew that she should enjoy the time she had while things are still slow."I would love to spend time with you, and not just time eating pizza. Maybe I can help you with one of your cases, you know with four eyes being better than two, or we can train together, or you can let me take you flying," she was talking faster thinking of all the things that they had time to do together. She really enjoyed his company. Not to mention he was very open in his attraction to her.This worried Starfire just in the slightest. She hoped he hadn't formed an idea in his head of what she was supposed to be like being that he had met her before as a regular person. She had really only ever been in one other relationship and they had ended it mutually to preserve their relationship. While they had both moved on she still craved companionship, and Diego seemed like he would be a nice catch. He was a completely different person than Robin, so she knew that she needed to give him the chance to prove himself ."Will I see you tomorrow?"
Diego s heart beat a bit faster at the thought of spending more time with Starfire. While he was a detective, most of the stuff was either relatively tame such as missing items, spousal problems or other things. He has not solved murders. I d love to do all those things with you! Diego told her with a smile, his blush returning a bit. Like Starfire, he was quite open with his emotions and passions though while it was intentional and cultural in part for Tamarans, for people like Diego, it was an innate part of being him because of his differentness.However, he did realize he needed to slow down and get to know Starfire as a person first. He doubted that she would be interested in him it s what happens when you spend most of your childhood by yourself. Sure! Maybe we can go on patrol together! Diego offered to her with a smile before going on thought. What would you like me to call you when we re not out being superheroes? he asked her.
She was surprised that he asked name, over the years she had gotten so used to everyone calling her Starfire. Her friends knew her real name, but they always just called her Star. She wasn't sure if people just assumed her real name was Star, or if they didn't care to ask. No one ever used her real name, and because of that, the fact that he even asked warmed her heart. He really did want to know her as a person and not as someone that he had looked up to. "My name is Koriand'r. You can call me either," she wanted to give him the option."I can't wait to go on patrol with you, I think that we'll have so much fun together". She leaned in go a goodbye hug. She squeezed him just a little to show him her excitement for their plans tomorrow."Goodbye," she waved as she turned to leave. With two steps she was off, flying home. She found herself humming to herself. For the first time in awhile she felt like she had something to look forward towards and she was excited. Sure she wasn't going to school or had a fancy new job waiting for her, she wanted something different out of her life. She had a feeling that Diego is exactly what she had been looking for.
"Koriand'r? That's a lovely name. Maybe I can call your Kori for short if you're okay with that," Diego told her, smiling at her. He wondered how many people called her as such. He figured the rest of her friends knew, but he wondered if they all called one another by their superhero names and not their real ones. Was it an age thing or was it because they preferred to given how on the clock they all were.Diego happily leaned in and hugged Starfire back. Unlike her though, he did give her a good squeeze. Diego was a very touchy feeling person. Most people with his condition weren't much on that, but he suspected the Mexican hertiage along with perhaps the desire for comfort associated with it explained why he was a bit different. He loved hugs though and he was happy that she liked it too. "I cannot wait either. We'll have a lot of fun together and I would like to spend more time with you," he said to her. They agreed to meet up around the same time tomorrow as they met today.Elation was Diego's state of being. He went into his car and began driving, feeling a sense of wonder like never before. He wanted to know mroe about her... about Kori... to know more about the person behid the flights and starbolts and he wanted to show her more about himself as well."Welcome back, Star," Cyborg would say to Starfire when she flew back to the Tower. He was checking the safety perimeters of Titans Tower.
"Hello Cyborg," she was still humming to herself. "Isn't the sunset so beautiful," she turned to look at the sun that was sipping down past the ocean. She was skipping around on the landing looking off into the distance. She felt this warmth in her chest, and it had been quite some time since she had felt it."I guess," he responded. They got a great view of the sunset and sunrise everyday, so he really didn't see why she was skipping the way she did. The truth was that Star tended to be happy about the little things in life, which made her an easy friend to be around. She saw the joy beauty in everything and was most definitely the most optimistic of the group. "Is there a particular reason why you are humming and skipping around like its the first day of spring," they started to walk back in the living quarters where Robin, Raven and Beast Boy were lounging about."She probably had a butterfly cross her path," Raven said very monotonely. Which made Beast Boy bust out laughing."No," Star said very defensively. That had happened yesterday, but she wasn't going to tell them that. "I'm so happy, because I met someone. I met a man, " she practically sung his name. It made her so excited to tell someone about him.Three heads turned to look at Robin, there was a frown on his face, but Star did't even notice."I swear he is the nicest guy I ever met. His name is Occult. I would tell you his real name, but I'm not sure how he would fell about that. He's just so dreamy. I was on patrol when I saw something unusual and we met and we just worked so well together. He's so kind. He asked about me. Not in the way that the new casters do or someone who is a fan, he genuinely wanted to know about me as a person. And he loves pizza, or at least he like it. What else could one ask for in a person. He is perfectly perfect," her smile was more than just a little bit dreamy.When no one spoke, she had thought she had did something wrong until Raven busted out in laughter."Never did I think there would be anyone in the world who could stand your bubbliness besides Robin. The poor guy doesn't even know what he's up against," she cackled some more."I'm happy for you Star," Robin hugged her and looked her in the eyes so that she would know he meant it genuinely. All he ever wanted is for his friend to be happy.
"That's some awesome news!" Beast Boy told her with a smile. Seeing Starfire happy made everyone else happy. Even Raven was smiling at the happiness of her friend. "And given by the name, he's one of the new heroes here," Cyborg noted, looking interested at what could be some new friends to help out at the area. Robin himself, besides his smile at seeing Starfire being happy, was quiet. Perhaps he was wanting to check out the person himself. He also wondered about the name. It was a little bit familiar. Occult itself would not stand out, but in the context of a superhero name, it was a reference to something. He would look into it later though."How's he like?" Robin asked, wanting to inquire more. Everyone had grown and change. They all grew a little taller and a bit stronger, a sign of the ties passing. As they all talked and got to know more, the sun set and night would soon come for them all to go to. "Well, tell us how youg big date goes tomorrow," BB told Starfire with a smile as he stretched for bed soon. "Yeah though a patrol should be interesting. Not a lot of bad guys left here, including the new ones," Cyborg added in some thought.It was the decline in crime and then growing up that would lead on the next great adventure, but they were all a call away. They would always be friends.Next Day...Diego was waiting ervously in the spot where tey would meet up. He was already in his hero guise as Occult. He wasn't thinking on much besides maybe changing his costume a fair bit to hide his face and such. FOr now though, he was pretty all right with how he was right here though. He wondered how Kori was doing.
Diego probably saw her in the air, before Kori came close. She wasn't try to be stealthy, there was no need. The people of the city had gotten quite used to the sight of single or groups of heroes flying through the sky.She landed next to him and ran into his arms. "Hello, how are you today? I had talked to my friends about you and they're excited about meeting you in the future. Actually, Robin said that had heard about you. He's the only one who kind of stays up into the news. He's gonna be moving soon for college and he wants to make sure that Jump City stays safe even once he leaves," she was rambling as she had the tendency to do on occasion."What is the plan for today, are we flying, are we riding in your car? There's a possibility that we won't even find anything worth looking further into".
Diego's face lit up and he beamed when he saw Starfire arrive. He hugged her when she ran into his arms and twirled her around. He could not believe that just yesterday he got to meet Starfire and now he was greeting her as if they were lifelong friends. He did not understand how or why, but they just seemed to click. However, he also knew he would need to devote alot of time and understanding to truly get to know her. Koriand'r... Starfire..."I'm doing all right," Diego answered her question before listening to her explain. Much like him, she rambled, but he found it endearing. He knew it could be difficult at times, but he needed to show her the same level of understanding. "Oh wow, really? I wonder if this is because Batman heard of Doctor Occult," Diego commented in surprise. Granted, he did hear from the good doctor that Batman and Zatanna were good friends and given how they were both detectives, it was likely that's how Batman kept in the know. Plus, Batman was in many ways the modernization of the classic "men of mystery" that compromised the first generation of superheroes, mainly those without superpowers."Robin heading out back. Wow, guess we're all growing up," Diego noted to her with a smile. "I'd actually like to go flying. I know you wouldn't drop me and or let something happen to me. I trust you," Diego told her. He had been debating this for awhile, but he needed to do this.
More squeals erupted from Koriand'r. She was surprised that he would even let her do this, he had seemed pretty fearful of it before but she wasn't going to back of now that he said they could. There's several ways we can do this. We can do a fireman's carry, I can sling you over my back, or it could be like a piggy back ride. She wasn't sure which one would be the most comfortable for him. She knew slinging him over her back would not be the most romantic, she just didn't know what to do."I know the best way to do it," they were already pretty close to a parking garage, so she led him the rest of the way there and ran up the stairs. She never let go of his hands the whole way there. " We should start by kind of hovering so that you can gain some trust from me and then when you're ready we can take off."
Kori's smile and her squeals of delight is all the evidence Diego needed to reassure himself. Yes he might be afraid of heights, but he has complete and total trust in her. Besides, being able to be in her arms for such a period of time was also a pretty good plus. He began thinking on what could be some ideas to try and do so. "Maybe something like a piggy back ride at first to provide more stability," Diego suggested as he led Starfire upstairs through the parking garage. It did not take that long and soon, they were on the top floor.He felt her hands in his and he could not hide the grin nor the blush on his face.He grabbed onto Starfire and nodded. He trusted her and smile. "All right, we'll start with hovering then, clasping his hands into hers.
First Kori Moved her hair out of the way. Her long red hair was always down, but she didn't want it to smother him.She bent over enough that he could just hop right on, she pulled his arms tight around her neck. "You're okay to hold on tight, you won't hurt me at all.," slightly jumped so that they were hovering slightly above the pavement. She moved on the slower side not wanting to shock him too much.When she felt that he relaxed she hovered over the edge of the structure before jetting off a little higher. They were maybe 7 or 8 stories up, not nearly high enough for her, but what she hoped was a comfortable level for him. After a few minutes she started to gradually started to ride higher and higher. "How are you doing back there?"
Diego smiled and hopped on her nack, holding onto her tightly. "You have nice hair," he could not help but comment with a smile on his face. Holding tightly, he saw Starfire begin lifting them up. He did know if it was because of how far they were up or because she trusted her, but he was comfortable. Granted, he was still nervous, namely because while he was not as chubby as he used to be, he was not all that muscular and could not hold onto her as forever."I'm actually doing all right. I think I get it. I was scared of riding on airplanes and such because I feel like I have no control. Like I'm contained and not bounded. But here with you... I feel more secure because it's you. Though we should probably try other ideas like you hanging on to me since you have a stronger grip than me," Diego told her with a smile. That and his fer of flights was only when with like hundreds of feet. He did not get vertigo or anyting, but it took alot more height to make him uneasy.
"I hope you're ready for some real fun," Kori's smile grew broad as she sped up a little faster. She sped up even a little faster. "Hold on real tight friend," right before she stared to do dome loops and twirls. She was full of laughter and kept a firm grip on his arms. She kept fling around till they were at a park at the top of the hill that she liked to go to. Right before she got close to landing she switched her grip from his arms to his legs so that she could come to a slow walk.She let him down so that he could have a break." I wanted to come down after all my loopty loops, because I wasn't sure how you would react".
Diego saw Starfire s smile grew and he hold on a bit tighter, a little nervous yet also excited at what was coming for them. She began flying faster, doing loops and twirls. He felt her arms around him. He felt safe, protected.Initially letting out a scream of shock, he began laughing in surprise and mirth. This was a new level of excitement and rush he felt. With her at his side, he felt like he could do anything! That was amazing! I guess you really love to fly? Diego asked her with a smile, looking like he was on a roller coaster. He was still calming down from the exciting rush, but it was definitely a load of fun! You like the lark? He asked her as he gathered his bearings ar where they were.
" I love coming here. If you look one way you have the most beautiful view of the ocean, and then if you turn around and look the other way you have the most perfect view of the perfect view of the ocean. Its one of my favorite place and I thought I would share it with you," they kept walking until they came to a tree with ample shade. She sat down to enjoy the breeze that was flowing through. She let her hair hang down her back so that it would just flow behind her, it was her favorite feeling besides someone actually playing her hair." I thought you would really enjoy this place, because you don't seem like the type into the hustle and bustle of the city. I just love coming up here and watching everything. It is the most perfect place to relax and eat lunch. We'll have too come back another day.
Oh wow, it s very beautiful the view, Kori, Diego looked at the sight. It was certainly quite nice to say the least and it was one of the reasons why he ended up moving over to Jump City in the first place. The scenery was utterly magnificent. Yeah, we can have pizza or something else to enjoy here, Diego told her with a smile as he sat next to her, enjoying the view. I do actually like the city a fair bit. My dad and mom grew up in Mexico City all their life, Diego told her, giving her background on him. How were you parents like? He asked her. If it s all right for me to ask that, he added , hoping he did not offend her or touch a nerve.
"They were a lot like me, sweet and kind people who loved giving their time to others. The Tamaraneans were always such peaceful people, but my parents are no longer alive. The only family have left are my siblings. My home planet, Tamaran, was destroyed in a war. My parents were able to get my siblings and I to safety, but then they went back to try and gave our home and they were killed in the process. I miss them very much, but I try not to dwell on it," she looked out for a moment but tears were starting to pool in her eyes."My siblings and I get a long great. There was a period of time when Blackfire and I had trouble, but she grew out go it and get a long a lot better now. What was it like for you growing up, hopefully not as dramatic as things were for me".
Diego's hand went to squeeze Kori's hand when she was speaking about her tragedy on losing her parents. He was very surprised to hear that her own homeworld was very destroyed. He could not even fanthom what that even would be like. However, he took a deep breath and then he leaned in to give Starfire a much needed hug. "It's okay to miss them. I'm here for you," he said to her, holding onto Starfire tight and letting her cry if she needed to.Once she got what she needed to out of her system, he smiled at her. "I'm happy to hear you and your sister are doing alot better," Diego added with a smile, still huging her with a smile. "My childhood was not much special. I did not have a lot of friends. My brother and I had trouble getting along at first, but now we are on alot better," he added.
Cry she did. It was not the same emotional hysterical cry that she would have broken out into year ago but it definitely still did hurt. She laid her weight into him as she cried, her arms looped around his middle. Sometimes she just need a good cry, everyone did it was something that she thought was a healthy outlet."I think that all sibling have a small amount of tension between each other. There's a little bit of a time period where they feel like they're in competition when each other. In reality they're the one person who is biologically programmed to be your bestfriend. So, I'm glad that things worked out with you and your brother".It was a good time for them to lean against the tree and enjoy the shade and the breeze. "I wish that life could always be this good. No troubles, no worries, no crimes, that would be a perfect world".
Diego let Starfire cry, his mind trying to process everything. Given how she said her world is gone, but not her people, it was likely they found a new home, but still... it definitely seemed to be an extensive heavy matter.He did smile at her comment about his brother. Yeah, you re right. Though he d be surprised by what I m doing. He d never picture me being the type to be this active. I d always staying indoors and reading or something he said with a smile, huffing Star some more.Diego leaned against the tree and against Kori. We Can Probably achieve that, If we keep working at it, but still have to live our life, he said with a smile as he scooted over closer to her, enjoying being in her presence. How things has changed so much, but he wanted to be with her.
"Why are you so wise," she tucked her head underneath his rubbing her skin on his own."Sometimes I'm just emotional and I have a hard time thinking rationally, but at least you don't make me feel bad about it. Sometimes people do. They just don't get me. I can't tell you how good it feels to be understood," she was happy in heart, here with him.She wanted to say how good it felt to be in his arms, but she wasn't sure if it was too soon to say. Being that they just met she didn't want to run him off scared. She was developing deep deep feeling for him. She hoped that he was feeling the same way, she had a small sense that he did. The way he held her while she cried. The fact that he still continued to hold her once she stopped. Not to mention that he was able to open up about his own struggles with his brother.She decided to test the waters a little moving closer so that she was in his lap looking up at him. She practically crawled inton his lap settling her bottom on his crossed legs, one arm was still hooked around his middle, the other laying in her lap, her hair was hanging over their shoulders, and her legs dangling. She settled in wondering what his response would be to get brazen action.
"I'm not that wise. I'm just too stubborn to quit and I always been open wth my emotions. It's part of my culture," Diego said, still embracing Starfire. He listened to how she mentioned it could be hard trying to be rational. He understood that heck, he had to talk to himself to remain calm long enough to do what had to be done. However, Kori was not judgmental. She also understood him, being open with the emotions.Sure, he had problems communicating them at times, but he still tried.Diego was a little surprised by how Starfirei moved herself so she was in his lap. Feeling her sit on him and feeling her embrace. Seeing her wonderful self just made him happy. Diego just brought her closer to her, leaning on the tree so she can lean on him."You're amazing as well. There aren't alot of people I can be emotionally open with outside of my family, Kori," Diego told her with a smile. He long past seeing her as just a superheroine, but also enjoying getting to know her as a person.
"What are we doing," she asked from below. She didn't want to look him in the eyes a little scared of the chance there would be rejection in his eyes. He had not said anything when she moved into his lap and she wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. She had to know what he was thinking, because her mind was moving a million miles a second. Diego just had this way of prying her open without really applying any pressure.Taking a deep breath she sat up do that she was facing him. "The truth is that I'm falling for you fast, and it's a little scary. I've really only end in one relationship and though that ended in friendship what if our didn't. Then there's the fact that we just met and that this could all be too fast, but I've never felt this strongly about anyone, ever. This connection is just so strong," she rested her hand over his heart.She wasn't sure if she was caught up in the emotions from her crying earlier, but she could feel her heart swelling in her chest. She was terrified of him feeling differently .
"Cuddling?" Diego asked her, initially a bit surprised by her question. If Kori looked into Diego's eyes, she would see acceptance, happiness and a bit of shyness. His arms wrapped around Starfire tighter. While he did crush hard on her, the crush was now becoming something far more. Something far more intimate and passionate."The same. I'm falling for you fast as well. I never felt like this before. Liking someone this much and wanting to be with them," Diego confessed back to her as well, his hand going over to ehrs and he was smiling at her. He did not know if it was because of their open emotions, their need for someone to understand and be there for them or some other factor, but he was already quite close to her and growing closer still."I want to know you so much, Kori. Your likes, dislikes, all about Tamarean culture... I want to teach you about Mexican culture and I just want to know all of you and share my emotions with you," he said to her, hugging her close. "I'm surprised. No one has ever liked me that way. I'm not much of a looker like your friends are for example," he teased himself a bit.
Like any other sphere of commrades, gossip and drama tended to spread pretty easily and it made her worried that he had known of her past with Robin. They had tried to keep it underwraps but they had failed at hiding it from the other members of TT, what if they failed to hide it from people outside. Noticing the lightness in his voice and the happiness in his face she let the wordiness drop from her. They were happy now and there was no need to bring up the past unless he asked. Right not Kori only needed to be focused on what would happen between the two of them and this instant connection they seemed to have.Taking an even bigger chance than the last one, she seemed to be taking a lot of risk today, she leaned in to place a soft kiss on his lips. Nothing too aggressive, but enough pressure where Diego wouldn't question whether it was on accident or not. The kiss felt right, it felt amazing. She felt herself smiling against his lips. " I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself".
Diego was not sure what he was expecting. Hell, he was not expecting their friendship to evolve into something like this, especially so quickly. Yet, there was already such a solid connection forming. Their emotions seemed to sync with one another and he wanted to help her. To help her call Earth her home and really cement herself here. However, none of that prepared him for what was happening.She kissed him. The heroine that he nursed a massive crush on for the past few years and who he was now friends with kissed him. His heart was beating faster and his face became red. Yet he broke into the biggest smile ever. He then went to kiss her back once more, his own smile now on hers."Neither can I. You really are a wonderful person, Kori," Diego told her with a smile, his hands going to clasp hers.
She was going to go in for another kiss when her phone started to ring. There's lips had maybe two millimeters of space between them, and though it was tempting to ignore the phone call. She saw that Beast Boy was video chatting her. She answered and didn't think anything of including Diego in the screen. He was dressed as Occult."We're ordering Chinese, when are you gonna be home?""You knew I was gonna be spending time with Die Occult. We'll probably eat out you don't need to order me anything. Wait I take it back order me some wontons. Oooh and the chicken with the green beans. Thanks I love you friend," she wanted to go get rid of the distraction"Nice to meet you Occult. Star couldn't stop talking about you last night. It was all,' hes so amazing and kind and cute and,'" his imitation of Star was terrible, but that didn't stop him from trying. It made the other three laugh in the background. Raven was practically cackling taking joy in the pain others felt from embarrassment."I think it's time for you guys to go," she quickly turned them off. They had purposely done that to see who she was with, they didn't really need to talk to her at all. She could feel the heat in her face.
Diego was going for another kiss toward Starfire before they were interrupted by her communicator going off. He straightened a bit, wondering if it was initially an emergency. However, it turned out that they were just going to check up on her. Nice to meet you too, Beast Boy! Diego told her, wanting to leave a good first impression on them. And everyone else as well! He said, though he then saw they were teasing Starfire. Well, that would not do. Glad everyone s having a fun time though i didn t think Raven would be the giggling type. Is it because the rumors of her and Beast Boy being an item are true? Occult could not help but counted, his smile becoming a bit roguish and managing to leave the two aforementioned bright red. Cyborg meanwhile kept laughing and Robin raised an eyebrow with a smirk. Your friends seem nice, Diego said to Kori before he went to kiss her once more after they were interrupted.
"Beast Boy has kind of a crush on her, but Raven isn't very intuned to her feeling and being lovey dovey. They'll figure it out, because Beast isnt one to back down because a challenge seems a little difficult," she confessed to him. She wasn't the person to tell if you wanted a secret kept. She had no problem voicing her opinion on things even without prompting."Now where were we," she settled back into the kiss her arms wrapping around his neck, bringing her chest closer to his. As she deapened the kiss she reach up to thread her fingers through the back of his hair. She didn't want to let him go she just wanted to absorb all of his affection and attention. Eventually she needed a break and rested her forehead on his."Your lips are amazing," she only have him a quick peck after her words.
Well, Raven will need to face that. I don t know much about her, but I get the feeling dodging your emotions is not the best way of handling them, Diego responded to her with a smile. His smile became more sultry s he dove back into the kiss with Starfire. As he deepened the kid with her, he could feel her long tongue wrap round his and caress it. He loved being with her. Everything about you is amazing, Diego told her with a loving smile as he snuggled her close to him. Should we continue elsewhere? He asked her with a grin.
She gave him one last peck before reluctantly climbing out of his lap. "Where will we go? If we go back to the tower we will have no alone time, there is no way to sneak in without passing by all of them lounging in the living room. The building is the most secure place she had ever been in,".When they figured it out, she let him hop on her back and she blasted off. She held a firm grip on his arms and she had no qualms about her speed or her turns.
Well, I can take you to where I live, Diego suggested to her with a smile. Initially, he considered living in the Jump City university dorms, but for his own reasons, he chose instead to go to an apartment instead. However, the apartments were affiliated with the university they catered primarily to students and advertised as such. Difference being that other students or young people also lived in them and thus had their own rules.Diego lived by himself for the most part, since he did not have a roommate, at least this time. He had one in the prior semester, but he ended up transferring to a different more specialized university and thus had to move.Diego began pointing out where he lived in the direction when they were flying. I do have an idea, Diego added. When at the apartment, he led her to the top. He then unlocked the door on top of the building and led her downstairs and through the empty halls to his apartment room. My home away from home, he said with a smile.
By going through the roof they skipped running into anyone that would have recognized them or made the connection of whose room they were going in. Kori always wanted to make sure that she kept his identity safe, he wouldn't be Occult forever and he didn't seem like the type of person hero who wanted to be in the limelight at all let alone his personal life.Like anyone else, she took the time to explore his place, there were pictures of his family, a book shelf with books but also some other odds and ends, and the place was clean . She stopped in front of a picture of his family. She could feel how close everyone was in the picture."You're exactly the kind of person I thought you were,".
Diego s apartment did not have a lot of stuff, likely because he was a college student and therefore most of his stuff would be at his family s home. However, the apartment was still pretty nice. Most of the furniture belonged to the apartment though there were some stuff of his. Notably a couple of pictures of him and his family. Usually himself, his folks and his brother, but here was also one of him and the whole extended family from both sides.His bookshelf, another thing belonging to the apartment, was filled with his books. Usually textbooks, but also his own books, a couple on history or magic or philosophy along with a few graphic novels. Speaking of, the television was surprisingly a bit older looking, though likely because it was from the apartment. There was a game console nearby with a couple of games.He kept his place clean and orderly as best he could and the fridge was filled with different food.
"So," she turned to face him. "What happens next, we are obviously attracted to each other, we just made out at the park, are we ready to take this further? I've never really done anything that far, but when I'm with you I get these urges that I've never really had before," she slowly walked across the room toward him. She was obviously nervous she was biting her bottom lip as she looked at him.Stopping right in front of him, it was probably the first time in the history of ever that, Koriand'r was at a loss for words. "I... I .... You make me feel things, but even beyond that you make me feel safe. You make me happy," now tears were shining in her eyes as she tried to process her thoughts. She reached out for Diego, one hand on his shoulder the other grabbing the front of his shirt to pull them closer together. She stared into his eyes, she had never been so enamored by anyone,
Diego was unsure himself. She was his first relationship, was it? Should they take it slow? But would that work for her? He does not know much on Tamaranians and he needed to know all he could about her people, biologically and culturally so he would know what to do and how to best be with her.He was surprised by her response a bit. He adjusted his glasses, something he would do sometimes when he was thinking. He saw her pause. While doing do, he also took the opportunity to take off his hat and trench coat along with his shoes and socks he took off earlier. He didn t need them while hear in the apartment after all. You make me happy too, Kori. It s been amazing getting to know you and wanting to know more about you and be with her, Diego confessed to her as well. Her own open emotional state was causing him to be open as well. He was definitely quite surprised.He was just as enamored with her, he realized. The wish to find his special someone, the dream he held on since boyhood was here. To be with someone like this.His brown eyes looking into her own green. He leaned in and kissed her once more, his arms around her. He craved being with her. Follow your heart. What do you want? He says to the amazing kickass woman he was with.
"You make me feel things, " she was struggling to say what she really wanted. She knew he just wanted to make sure she was comfortable with the way that things were having, but she was a little flustered trying do get it out. She felt like she was just talking around in circles without saying much of anything at all. She rest her forehead on his chest. "I know what I'm trying to say but I'm having trouble putting it into words. You make me feel things sexually," she found herself a little flustered.Kissing was different, while it was intimate it was different than what she really wanted to do with him. She had grown up in a very modest house, when her parents passed she wasn't old enough to worry about things. Even when she was dating Robin they kept things pretty light, probably because she didn't speak up about how she would feel."I want to be intimate with you. I want to know what it feel like to really be with you," she reached out to caress his face. Her thumb traced over his bottom lip.
Diego could not help, but blush a bit at such things. Starfire was definitely attractive and she always displayed a confidence in how she was and her personality. Despite that, he was still surprised to see her innocence. He felt her rest her head on his chest, which was a bit odd givne how she was a bit taller than him, but then again, she was a kickass alien warrior woman from outer space. However though, his hands clasped with hers and he looked at her."I want to be intimate with you too, Kori. I want to feel your warmth and your touch. You are always open with your emotions. That's what you told me on how Tamaranians are," Diego comforted and reassured her. One of his arms went around her waist and he pulled her in for a kiss. Though this one was more passionate and wanting."Ready?" he asked, wanting to know if she was ready. He did not know if the first time was important in Tamaranian culture or how they were with sex.
She moaned softly against his lips, she wanted him so badly. She could feel this knot of pleasure building up inside of her. Almost like a warm glow. She was happy that he understood how she felt, because it was so embarrassing trying to explain herself to him. She leaned in for another passionate kiss, if possible this one left her more breathless. "Yes, I've never done this before, but I have these deep feeling for you and I can't think of how better to show you my feelings," she was kind of stumbling over her words."I am," she followed him to his room. Reaching to the bottom of her shirt, she pulled from the bottom so that her sports bra was showing. She had left her boots and socks back in the other room, so she reached for her hips to pull down her pants. She folded her clothes to the side and she stood infront of him in her bra and panties, her hair flowing down her back and the light from the window hitting her skin.
"Likewise," Diego responded to what she said in regards to how they were trying to explain their feelings to one another. They are their feelings and they indulge in them. And now he wanted to indulge in these intense emotions. "I am growing so clsoe to you and I want to show you how much I adore you," Diego told her with a smile on his face, savoring the kiss and just everything that made Starfire... Starfire.He went to his bedroom. He closed the door and he wached Starfire began removing her violet top along with her pants of sorts. While the sleeveless top remained, it covered mroe of her and she replaced her violet skirt with some leggings. But now, he was ble to see her more exposed, including her bra and panties. He could not help but stare at her once more, her peftect orange skin and toned and slightly muscled body. He admired her perfection and beauty. "You're beautiful," he could not help but say to her with a dreamy smile. He did snap out of it and undressed himself.Unlike Kori, Diego was more ordinary. He was of a stocky frame and he did not have that much muscle. Sure, he walked and hiked a fair bit, seen in his legs and he has lost a good bit weight starting in his last year of high school. However, he was not tones or muscular, heck he still had a bit of chub he still needed to lose. He removed his shirt and his pants, leaving in his boxerbriefs. He wondered what she would think of him.
One of the things that Kori liked about Diego, was that he is imperfect. She was concious of of her body and how it fit into the human idea of what is and isn't beautiful. Even if Diego didn't fit in to what most people would consider beautiful, he was still very attractive. Even through his self conciousness she could see the kindness in his eyes, his broad shoulders, strong back, and that he had a bigger butt than most men. She had already gotten a glimpse of what was under his clothes when she laid against him early, and she had not thought beside he would make a perfect pillow if they ever went back to the park for a picnic."You're like a giant teddy bear and you're all mine," she came close enough to wrap her arms around his neck. She purposefully looked in his eyes hoping that he could see the truth in her words. She leaned in for another kiss to relax him, and after a moment she pulled away so she could reveal the rest of herself to him.Her bra tended to compress her breast, so when she took it off there was a slight drop in her breast as her full orbs were released. She sighed in contentment stretching now that they were free to just be. Her breast were the same hue if toasty orangr as the rest of her body, but her nipples were a medium brown. Her areolas were not too large, and her nipples stood out in the chill her arousal like the eraser of a pencil.
Diego blushed a bit on how Starfire complimented him, yet looking into her loving eyes, he smiled back and he happily kissed her. His heart swelled with elation at finding someone who liked him for him. "I am all yours," he whispered lovingly into her lips during their wonderful kiss and he was then treated to a new wonderous site as she stepped back and revealed her breasts to him.They were perfect. Perfect orange breasts that complimented and showed off Kori's beauty and seeing her stretch in freedom and comfort made him smile some more. Diego went to ebrace her once more, caressing Starfire's body. She would be able to feel his growing erection as they were both giving into their desires.Guided by instinct, Diego leaned in to plant a gentle kiss over to Kori's breasts, showing how much he adored her and how much he enjoyed being with her. He craved being with her
Kori hummed in pleasure as he planted a kiss on her breast, she could feel her arousal swelling inside her from just the smallest touch. She knew that there was more adding to the fuel of her arousal. Kori loved the way he looked at her, like she was the most beautiful person in existence. It was also the way he made her feel, when she was with him she always had this feeling of being completely safe and appreciated by Diego. He treated her like she was goddess. She never knew this was how intimacy could be.She arched her back slightly so that she was pressing her breast out to him. She wanted to touch him as well, so her long arms reached out to caress his shoulder and his arms before beginning to trail down his shoulder blades and upper back. She switched positions so her arms were underneath his. This way she could feel his sides and obliques but could still run her hand over his chest.
There was no denial about it, Diego has fallen in complete and total love with Koriand r. Everything about her is wonderful and incredible. He wanted to get to know her more and more. To always be by her side and now... to grow old with her and share his happiness with her. He felt her strong yet slender arms around him, making him feel protected and cares for. You are incredible, Diego told her with a loving smile. He gave one of Starfire s nipples a gentle bite, all to tease and arouse her. He was craving her... to be with her.He kept playing with her breasts for a while, letting his fingers savor her round assets before he stepped back and pulled down his underwear, exposing himself fully to her. In terms of size, he was pretty average and nothing special, yet now so close to her, he wanted to show her everything. He leaned in to another gentle kiss, where she could now feel his hard on on her leg.
Star felt her vaginal walls clench as he gently bit on her nipple. "Uh," she whimpered everything stopping to focus on his touch. But then he was pulling away and confusion crossed his face until she realized what he was doing. Her cheeks turned red watching him pull the last barrier he had, and she knew it was her turn.She didn't meet his eyes as she reached for her waistband of her underwear. Even once they were down she kept her legs kinda cross slightly covering her sex up. She felt a chill in the air, it was the first time she had been naked in front of a man ever and she was a little unsure about how to continue on.She took a second to turn around away from his eyes to focus on his breathing. "Okay," she said aloud before turning back to face Diego.She walked back over her hard nipples inline with his collarbone, her breast falling just under his chin. "I'm ready, are you?"
Diego was wondering whether Kori would want to go al the way like this. However, his menta question was answered when he saw bend down and began removing her panties, exposing her wet maidenhood to him, causing him to shiver with delight.His shyness briefly collided with his instincts, but then his feelings for her came in and crushed any hesitations or doubts he had in his mind for her.Diego nodded and he pulled her into a kiss, this one more passionate and wanting. He was grinding his hard on against her, and he wanted her to feel how much he cared s out her. I m ready, he said as e lined up near her.
As they kissed she backed him up so that the back of his legs were hitting the bed, she pushed just a little bit so that they were falling back on to the bed. She sat dlightly on his pelvic bones, her hard nipples rubbing across his chest. She straddled his legs so she was closer to his dick, but her mouth never left his.In this position his cock was up against her glistening pussy and she loved the pressure of it sliding against her clit.Not able to wait anymore, she pulled away from him so she was sitting up. She lined up her pussy over his cock. She slowly started to lower herself down on his cock, her hands on his chest steadying her. "Mhmm," she moaned as she felt his head pop into her pussy. She lowered herself some more, her pussy coming up against her hymen. She pushed further, her hands grabbing him tight as she broke through it. She settled down fully on his cock and just enjoyed the feeling of being seated on him.
It did not take long before they were on the bed. Diego's mind blissfully began melting away into the pleasure into being with the wonderful woman he is in love with. He felt her hot body touch his and it was like fireworks. Just feeling the heat from her wet maidenhood was enough to send shockwaves of pleasure through him, but enough teasing. It would be time for the main course. Their lips parted, Diego's brown eyes staring endlessly into Starfire's green...He grasped the bedsheets in ecstasy as she began loweing her pussy onto his cock. He gave her his virginity and she to him. "Oooh goodness that's good," he breathed out in kismet as he felt euphoria overtake him. He leaned in closer to her, kissing her as they were finally one."I love you... I wish to be with you forever," Diego told Starfire lovingly and with true affection.
She felt as if her head was spinning, this couldn't be real life. For the second time that day tears welled up in Kori's eyes. Words that she had long to hear from someone who was not her family and not her friends were spoken. They were obligated to love her, Diego loved her in a a way they never could. She smiled down at the man she adored," I love you too," her words were spoken in a confident tone.Everything about them had been fast, but she didn't question if his words were truthful, because she could feel the care and compassion he had for her rolling off of him. Like her, he felt deeply and he wasn't ashamed to show her his feeling. With him sitting up it was so easy for her to kiss him back, her hands wrapped their way around his shoulders holding him close to her.Finally adjusted to his girth, she started to roll her hips on his. Her pace was snail like at first her body adjusting to this new feeling, but as her pleasure started to grow so did her pace. She rolled her hips back and forth her grip on his shoulder increasing while her head lolled back in pleasure. She hadn't expect this overwhelming feeling to take over her. She hummed to herself as she worked her pussy on his cock, between gravity pushing her down and the rhythm of her hip rolls he was pressed up against her cervix.
Diego's smile turned into a beam. He longed to hear such romantic words and his heart singed to hear them. He found a kindred spirit, someone he wanted to be with forever. His happiness was reflected in his eyes and vice versa with her. Their romance blossomed rapidly yet it was true and meaningful. They were both strong emotional souls and they felt at ease with one another. He savored her kissing back, feeling her nude body onto his. He no longer just saw her as a heroine... but as his close friend... his companion... his lover. No longer on a pedestial, but hand in hand as equals.He felt her hips move slowly and he let her dictate the pace as they got used to it. He felt her muscles tightened and her jucies rolling down his thighs and before long, he began getting worked up in the primal lust of it. He did not know if Tamaranians had some sort of pheromones or something, but regardless, something wonderful was happening between them and he wanted it to experince it more with her. He began thrusting his hips back with her, bouncing in beat of her. His hands moved to squeeze her wonderful butt.He craved being with her... with Kori forever and he now understood why people really loved sex... especially when it was lust and love. The mix of passion, longing and romance.
Her humming had turned into full blown moaning. She was in heaven, the pleasure she was feeling was almost overwhelming, but in the best way possible. She wanted to drown in the feeling that were drumming up in her. She knew that the fact she felt so deeply for Diego was what was making this such a memorable experience.Wanting both more control and more of him, Kori pushed Diego on to his back, her hands hands gripping his chest and shoulders as she rode him hard. Everytime she bottomed out her clit rubbed against his abdomen pushing her further towards her impending orgasm. She moved his hands to her bouncing breast before she replaced her own grip on his body. She knew what she wanted and she wanted him to give it to her her.It felt so different to be with Diego versus her own clumsy fingers. Why had no one told her that it could be like this. She could easily see herself becoming addicted to this feeling. There was the pleasure she was getting from the sex itself, but also the high from the way she was using his body. The fact that Diego was allowing her so much control was something she had never experienced. She wasn't used to being in charge or controlling the situation, but she was learning to love it. Forgetting how strong she was compared to him she really gripped his shoulders as she rode him, her impending orgasm was coming at her like a freight train.
Kori's moanings was music to Diego's ears. He was grateful that the apartment was relatively empty because of the time of day and the fact he was on Spring Break, hence why he could spend this much time with Kori. He indulged deeper and deeper in the intenstiy of it all. However, he also let Kori take control of it. He felt her hands grab his body as she was riding him. Seeng his favorite heroine ride him and be in control was surprisingly arising.Seeing her gleeful smile and her wanting expression, all because of him turned him on even more. He felt her grind harder against him, especially when his hands were redirected back onto her breasts. He obeyed his princess and squeezed her breasts and nipples. He was becoming more and more addicted to this pleasure. She was leaning onto him and controlling him, letting her dictate it. He felt her grip hard onto his shoulders and he felt his own climax approaching. They were both virgins after all.However, he still hold on. Only when she came did he cum, wanting desperately to cum together with her and make it even more enjoyable... and it truly was.
She bit her bottom lip as she looked down on his loving face, a whimper of desperation coming from her lips. It was the biggest turn on in the world to know that this man loved her as much as he did. She wanted to spend the rest of eternity like this loving Diego and making love to him."I love you so much," her heart swelled with her admission and right after the freight train that was her orgasm came whipping past her. Her vaginal muscles clamped down on his dick with wavelike contraction that flowed through her whole body. Her cries continued until her orgasm ripped through her body leaving her huffing and puffing on his chest. She had felt her orgasm everywhere, all the way from her nipples he was gently pulling on to the tips of her toes. In the aftermath of said orgasm, there was a wet mess between their thighs, her body hot and sweaty from her activity, and she had never felt better. Her head was cloudy with love and lust while her muscles were the most relaxed they had been ever.Placing her chin on her arm she looked down at her lover boy. "A girl could get used to this," a big grin spreading on her lips. They would have to figure out a better plan because Koriand'r was a loud and enthusiastic lover and this wouldn't work once people were back from vacation. Maybe they would have to move it to the Tower?
I love you so much too, Kori, Diego groaned out in pleasure. When she climaxed, so would he. Feeling her hot wet silky folds squeeze him for his seed broke him and he relented. He came hard, harder than any other time he pleasures himself and filled her hot needy womb with what she desired. It was as if he entire body became lit in flames her in something even more so.He flowed in delight, his head spinning from the euphoria of love and lust, yet all his attention was on his wonderful love. Seeing her there with her content and sultry smile made him feel happy. He leaned up a bit to wrap his arms around her and bring her down over to him, so she was resting on him. He loved having her near him, all while he stroked her hair. We need to this more, he said, though he also enjoyed the quiet serene nature of her being with him.
Fully intending to show him how much she enjoyed herself Kori leaned up to claim his lips, her still hard nipples brushing against his chest as she did so. Seemed like no matter how much attention Diego gave them they seemed to have a mind of their own. She rubbed them back and forth on his chest, her vaginal muscles clenching his soft member. She was and insatiable creature and now that she had a taste of Diego, she felt like she was going to be addicted to his body.She kissed him deeply her hand cupping his face lovingly. "Thank you for being my first, and hopefully my only. I was waiting for the right person, and I'm glad it was you. You are such a special human being. It's almost as if you were made for me," she looked him in the eyes as she spoke. Her green eyes searching for a reaction as she spoke her truth.
The gentle kiss between the two set the scene to relax though Diego still savored the heat from Kori s body. He could not help but go and tease her a bit of pinching her erect nipple. His legs were entangled with here and he was still recovering from the intense sexual high they are on.Cupping her face in return, when they parted from the kiss, he gazed at her amorously. Likewise, you are my first and only. I am happy I met you and you re a wonderful person, Kori, he said to her as he snuggles her under the covers. His own expression mirrored hers, they found what they were looking for.
She snuggled into his side her head resting on the crook of his shoulder, it was where she was the most comfortable. " I want to do so many things with you. I want you to teach me Spanish, so you can feel like you do with your parents. I want to know what it's like for you going to school and being Occult at the same time. I want to learn to drive, and all these other cool things you do," in truth he was the kind of person she wanted to spend her life with but she was terrified of scaring him off so she would hold off on that for a little longer.But she did adore Diego, and laying with him in the afterglow was great. She figured that anything would be great as long as she spent time with him.
I ll try my best at helping you learn it, Diego told her, unaware that Tamaraneans could mean languages by lip contact. His smile grew more when she mentioned on her wanting to become involved in his life and he wanted her in his life. I want the same. I want you in my life, Kori and I want to be in yours as well, he said , snuggling up to her beautiful bare body.He breathed deeply in content at being with her. Just them being in the nude together was bliss for him. He gave her another kiss while he was resting. Perhaps we can have dinner later, he said to her with a smile.
"Dinner sounds nice," she leaned in for another kiss finding it hard to leave him alone.After they showered and dressed, Koriand'r asked Diego to take her to his favorite Mexican restaurant, there were a few throughout the city, but she wanted to know where his favorite was. They flew to his car and from there they drove and for Kori was very exciting to be in the car, it was her first time ever. Like Diego with flying, she had been a little nervous to be restricted in the vehicle but the longer he drove the less nervous she was . She was more worried about the fact that she was seeing things from a different point of view. She was so used to seeing everything from above.When they were settled in the restaurant, Kori started to show off her Spanish. She was able to order or food by herself and the waitress was impressed by both her accent and how fluid she was.
Diego stayed and kissed with Kori a bit more in bed before they had to get up in shower. Granted, it was a bit of a long shower since Diego could not resist kissing and groping his beloved heroine while they were in the shower and the only reason it did not turn into a full fuck session was likely because they were both still recovering from their first time.Before long, they were dressed and Kori flew them to his card where he left it and began driving her to his favorite Mexican restaurant in town. It was a bit hard finding one in Jump City, but it being a cosmopolitan area, there were a few places he found that served real good Mexican food. He likes driving her around and seeing her observe the outside, but liked flying with her a bit better.He was impressed by how Starfire s Spanish was, being as good as his own. Granted, Diego spoke Spanish all right, but his own awkwardness and how he was raised meant his Spanish was a bit more different sounding than a native Mexican speaker. He still admired how she learned. You re incredible, Diego told her as he ate the chips and salsa, waiting for their main course.
"I was thinking. Once you go back to going to school all week, I'm gonna have nothing to do. I can't wait for you all day at your apartment, and with crime tapering down I need something to do. If crime goes up, I will sole focus on keeping Jump City safe. Until that day comes I think that I want to get a job," though crime fighting was very important to Kori, she didntn consider it a job anymore. Back when the city was plagued with criminals and her existence relvolved around fighting crime, she considered it the best job in the world.It was time to see what other opportunities were out there for Kori. She hadn't really thought about what to do after Teen Titans, no different than kids who didn't know what they wanted to do after highschool. She wasn't even sure if she was allowed to stay on Earth or how she would go about making a life here. Things were so up in the air, but now that Diego was in her life she felt obligated to explore some of her options.
Diego paused a bit and he began thinking. They are now an item, so they have plenty of big decisions to make. "I'll help you with that," Diego told her with a smile as he was trying to figure out how. "I don't know how many of you or the other Titans have like papers and such, but I figure something like the Justice League or so on would be able to help with that. However, there are already some heroes that work in their hero identities," he said quietly. They were in a far off table and there was not many people around, hence why they could talk as such. His hand went to squeeze hers, giving her a supportative smile."I do have a couple of ideas you can do and I'm sure your friends can also help you with that," Diego added with a smile. He took a sip of his soda while he himself began thinking. "I'm also thinking on some stuff too. I only have a couple more weeks in class," Diego said before he kept thinking some more. "If your friends are going to move out of the Tower, then maybe we can live there for the time being," he offered to her.
"Really, you want to move in together,"she scooted her chair to the side of the table so that she could give him a hug and a peck. She had been so excited to build up their relationship and the idea of moving into together was super nice. They could be together all the time, spending the day doing there own thing and then spending every night with each other.She was excited by the fact that he was into her plan. She had a lot to do in the next few days to pull this all together. She would have a whole place to decorate and a new job. There was so much to do, it was almost like starting a whole life. She knew that there was no way she could have a normal job, she would get bored and there was the fact that her skin was orange making it hard to blend in with everyone else.They would be a crime fighting couple, but they would also have their own seperated lives so that they wouldn't get tired of each other.
Diego blushed a bit and he hugged and kissed Kori back. While he liked having his own space, he was also tired of living by himself. The idea of moving in with her and being able to spend time with her some more was an absolute dream. Granted, they had a fair bit to do. He caught her own excited smile and o on. There was a lot of planning, but being with her would be absolutely worth it. However, there was also the question for the Tower. Surprised to the both of them, that would be answered in a bit in a message to Starfire coming from Beast Boy. "Hey Star, hope you're doing all right! I know you're probably spending time with Occult, but Robin has got some big news for all of us," Beast Boy told her."Oh wait! You can bring Occult too! Since he's your boyfriend and that you both have plans, he probably should be listening to this too," Beast Boy said after a moment of thinking. "Meet us back here in the Tower in about an hour," he explained to her. Now that surprised Diego a bit. He wondered what news BB will share. "I wonder what your friends have to say. And I would like to move in with you. That will make us closer," he said as he leaned in to kiss Kori.
"I promise you will love my friends. They're all big jokesters but on the inside they're a bunch of softies who would do anything for each other. They are the best friends that a girl could ever ask for," and she wasn't exaggerating. She really did love her friends. The only person she would above them is Diego. He was a completely different kind of love, but that did not discount or cheapen the feelings she had for her friends. They had helped her make Earth her home. They played the biggest part in her making Jump City her home instead of Kori settling somewhere else.With there bill paid they got in his car and headed to the infamous tower. Once parked Koriand'r picked up Diego and flew him upstairs to the opening. She just loved flying and she looked for any excuse to do it. It was also a lot faster than waiting for the elevator, or so she figured she had never used it to know if it was actually as slow as she pictured it too be.That didn't matter, though. She was leading her boyfriend into meeting her best friend. They were all in the living room celebratory pizza boxes everywhere. "Whats happening guys," was the way she announced their arrival."Oh and this is Occult. Or as I prefer to call him Diego. My boyfriend," there was no wiping the wide smile off of her face. She was so proud to be introducing such a kind hearted wonderful man to her friends.
"I wouldn't picture Robin nor Raven being the comedic sort," Diego responded with a bit of a smile. His hand squeezed Kori's once mroe. The rest of the time was spent eating. He introduced her to some of his favorite Mexican dishes. However, Diego also admitted that he liked his food pretty simple. Like a simplecarne asadaand the like though he also introduced her tochorizo con quesoand a bit other things. He also partook in the traditional beand and rice, a staple. Granted, he was not that big on beans, but if Kori really wanted to understand the culture, then he would need to show her as much as he could. The leftovers they pakced away and they ended up near the tower, with Starfire flying them the rest of the way there.He felt comfrotable flying in her arms. He could always trust her. He was smiling the entire time and he savored the freedom in being with her just in the sky with her. Just the two of them, in serene tranquility.He did note that there was all sorts of pizza and he was admiring the the Tower. Titans Town. With the Teen Titans. He could not help but admrie them. They had grow a fairbit from when they started out, especially Robin based on that growth spurt. No longer was he just the Boy Wonder now apparently."Pleasure to meet everyone," Diego smiled at them all and he began noting everyone there. He was pretty open with her introducing him by his name. He began noting how BB and Raven seem to be standing next to one another. "Glad you could make it. Pleased to meet you," Robin said as he offered his hand and Diego shook it. Diego shook the hand of the leader and there was a bit of an understanding between them. That Robin trusted him because Star did and to do better for her than Robin could do. Diego would follow that promise. "Likewise. You're definitely one of the best," Diego complimented him."You are kinda like Robin. You look like everyone else, but you're probably among the more dangerous ones," Cyborg joked while Diego shook his hand with a smile. "Well, I got some magic tricks, but I'm sure in a straight fight, Robin would beat me," he said in some self depreciating humor.
"What he can do is better than any magic trick. We've seen some amazing things that other heroes can do, but this is different from what Raven, Shazam, or any of the other magic wielding heroes that we know," which caused Raven to have a challenging look on her face. She was always looking for a sparring partner, but Kori would never volunteer Diego, because she knew how vicious her friend could be. "The fighting is something that can be worked on with time, but he's especially good at assessing the scene. When I met him on patrol the other day he just seemed to know what to do. He was a big help," she wrapped her arm around his shoulder pulling him closer to her. Her taller height made it easy for her to lean her body weight into him.It was a move that unintentionally showed everyone in the room how into Diego she was. If her humming and singing the day before didn't signify how happy she was with him, her posture and her facial expression definitely did."Since we are here with you guys it would be a perfect time to give you the good news. I know that the low crime rates in Jump City will not last forever, but in the meantime I'm looking for my next new adventure. I want to do something useful that can still help people. What I was thinking...remember how when we were last at headquarters and we heard about the space station that they were putting together? Well, I also heard that they were looking for people to help put it together. I thought I would volunteer to help put it together. When they were trying to recruit people before, people were not able to, because they had aliases that they need to maintain. I'm orange, it would be quite hard for me to blend in with regular society, but what if I had a good job where I didn't have to blend in?""It's a great idea, Star," Robin perked up. "Occasionally you would have to go to headquarters for check in such and then you could spend some time with me and Cyborg," he had previously told them about how the station was going to be launched from somewhere in the southwest, since the material for space station were being built out in the Wayne Enterprise factories on the West Coast.All four of them seemed to perk up and started to congratulate them, but that wasn't the only thing that they wanted to tell them. "Ssh I have more to tell you guys," she interrupted them."On top of that, Diego and I want to move in together. First we have to focus on making me a legal citizen, but after go through that process I can have any job I want and we can go about getting a place together," she revealed the second tidbit of information.
Diego could not help but look over into Raven and waved at her. He did not expect such an interested look on her face, but he wondered if this was her doing better with her emotions. "I was trained by Doctor Occult, an old timey hero," Diego explained to them before he showed off the artifact, the Mystic Symbol of the Seven. Cyborg whistled in being impressed while BB's eyes widened a bit. Even in teams like the Doom Patrol, they've heard of Doctor Occult. He hugged back Starfire, savoring being by her side and unable to blush at the praise she was giving him.Diego was looking at everyone's reactions and so on in regards to the news about how crime was pretty much low in Jump City, least low enough for them as superheroes to not get involved. "Yeah, there's alot of satellites and space station parts that people are trying to add," Cyborg commented, noting on how that would definitely help Starfire. Private space companies and governmental space organizations already spent large amounts of money into bringing stuff into space. This job would allow Starfire to be somewhat productive or at least lvie comfrotably.The positive news grew with the sign of them wanting to move together and Starfire becoming a legal citizen. That got their attention a bit more. Out of all of them, Starfire was the only one that did not have Earth based citizenship. Robin, Cyborg and Beast Boy already had theirs given how they were human when they were born. Raven meanwhile had citizenship through her mother, who was born normally in the US before ever going to Azeroth. In fact, Cyborg had managed to track down a couple of relatives of Raven's, namely Raven's aunt and her family, which Raven had been making plans to visit when she was ready."Well, you are welcome to stay here for the time being. That actually reminds me of my other announcement," Robin said before clearing his throat. "We've already gotten a fair bit of good news, but here is some more. We all know this time of peace of quiet in Jump City and in the sister organizations of the Titans won't last forever. There's always gonna be villains coming around. However, there will always be heroes coming as well. Within a few years, the next round of Titans will be moving in here," Robin told him. That caused Diego to be surprised. He did wonder of that meant Robin will graduate from being Robin. "We'll get to meet some of the candidates within the next few weeks, but for now, we'll celeberate all the hardwork we did and a better future," he said with a smile and Diego joined in the cheering of the Titans.
Kori's face split her mouth opening up into a big O. They had talked about it so long ago that she hadn't thought of it before. "Oh my goodness. Diego, you should put in for the position. You would be a great a great leader. It would give you a chance to keep improving your skills and on top of that you were worried about your fighting skills, it would be the ultimate opportunity to improve on everything," When star thought about all the improvements that she had made in the years she was a titan, she couldn't help but think it would be the best move for Diego. He was almost done with school and there was no reason he shouldn't do it.While Koriand'r thought it was time for her to move along this would be a great opportunity for Diego and it would provide them the perfect excuse to stay in Jump city. She jumped around happily this was all working out so perfectly.Now was not the time to speculate the future, it was time to celebrate the hear and now. Though they had ate an hour before, she munched on some pizza while sitting on the couch next to Diego and Robin. There were a few eyebrows the first few time Diego called her Kori, but besides that her friends only showed their approval of the new couple.It warmed her heart to see her friends accept her boyfriend so readily. Beast Boy was all jokes and games. Cyborg was showing Diego how his blasters and different gadgets worked. Robin made some promises to spend some time one on one with Diego to work on his fighting skills, whether he made it on the team or not. Raven sat on her corner of the couch joining in whenever Beast boy forced her to. He was good at drawing her out of her shell.After all the food and excitement, Koriand'r took Diego on a tour around the tower showing him all the rooms of their lair. Eventually she got to her room, she had been saving it for last, because she wanted to build up anticipation for her favorite place. The carpet being pink, was the only trace of her younger self was the only trace of her younger self in the room. Her bed was a huge four poster white bed with a canopy over head, in the far corner she had chaise poised to look outside when the stars were visible.
"Think I might be a little old for that as a Teen Titan," Diego responded to Kori with a smile. "Besides, I'm getting the feeling that the leader will probably be like the next Robin," Diego responded to her. He was almost done with his first year of university, but he still had a long way to go. However, he would still like to be here and be with her. "Well, it's still a fair bit away," Robin noted to them, smiling at Diego's own comment in regards to it. Right now, it was just a matter of everyone interacting in a very friendly like manner and talking about the plans for the future.Beast Boy was going to work as a forest ranger of sorts while also interning under the hero Animal Man, likely to take his place. Cyborg meanwhile was working more toward laboratory work and getting more prothestics out to the people who needed them. Diego could not help but admire a lot of the high tech equipment and while not gifted in the knowhow in computers like his brother was, he was still eager to learn and examine everything. Diego appreciated the assistance from Robin, though Robin did also note that it'd be tricky given th different styles. Robin relied on acrobatics and leaping while Diego's style would likely be dealed more toward defensive styles and using his weight. However, the basics could still help Diego.Rarven for the most part was quiet though she did profess a good bit of interest in regards to his Mystical Symbol of the Seven and Diego was able to talk to her a bit with magic. She still knew more than him, but she did seem pleasantly surprised by the stuff that ht did know some stuff.While everything was winding down, Diego was given a tour of the place and he got to see Starfire's room. It was as cheerful and pink as he figured it would be. "Oh wow, it's really amazing!" Diego told her with a smile while looking around. "Your friends are awesome. I'm glad I got to meet them. Guess that makes them my friends as well," Diego told her with a smile as he gave her a hug and a kiss.
"Our friends are awesome, but you're even more awesome," she grinned at him. He was smart, kind, and the coolest guys she ever met She wanted to spend the rest of eternity showing him.She pulled him over to the chaise in the corner, the seat of it was thick enough that the two could lay together and look outside. The stars were just starting to peek out as the sun began to set. The view was amazing and she was glad that she was getting to share this moment with him. When they moved in together she would get to rest in his arms everyday in between transporting things for the space station, Diego going to school, and fighting crime.Kori felt so safe with his arms wrapped around her, her back to his chest, and her head on his arm, it was like his body was made for this. Her own personal life sized teddy bear. Turning in his arm she went in for the kiss, one hand cupping his head bringing him closer, and a hand on his shirt pulling his body closer. She would just have to replace any ripped shirts later.
"You're the most awesome then," Diego responded back to her with the biggest smile on his face and he went over with her to see the area outside. Night was falling and from what Diego could tell, everyone was gonna start preparing to bed. The rest of the team was okay with them occupying the Tower for a while until the new team would move in and it'd mena Diego anf Starfire could stay in Jump City for the next few years and save up money for a home and such.Diego was liking having his beloved battle princess resting on him. She relied on him and trusted him and he would do everything he can to never let her down. He felt her grasp his lips with her own, in an intense kiss. He could begin feeling what she was wanting. "We should probably continue back in my apartment," Diego told her when they seperated from the kiss. "Otherwise Beast Boy will smell us and it'd get very awkward," he added before awaiting her to pick him up and to go back to his apartment."
She whined in complaint she wanted him now, " I really don't care who smells us, who hears us, or who know. I know that I really really really really want you. Right here! Right now, underneath the star," she pulled him in close for another passion filled kiss. Her friends were not clueless, and they all had to deal with Beast Boy and Raven going at it until they got past their honeymoon stage. She would just have to try and bring her volume down for the next half an hour.She pulled him down to the soft rug on the floor so that she was on top of him. When he tried to sit up, she put one strong hand on his chest to keep him. "I really want this babe," she looked down at him the need evident in her eyes.
Diego looked more than a little surprised at the very amorous look Starfire was giving him. She craved him and he could not deny her, especially with the kiss. To some extent she was right, Cyborg and Robin were pretty well aquainted when Raven submitted to her urges and demanded Beast Boy mount her and the two usually left the building. They respected one another's privacy after all. That and they figured Raven was embarassed to talk about it... or more embarassed that deep down, she was the bigger pervert of the two and was actually submissive in her intimacy with BB."Let me try something actually," Diego paused when they finished the other intense tongue filled kiss. "I've practicing some massive spells," Diego added and using the Mystic Symbol, he cast what looked like a dome of light. It appeared briefly for a moment. The markings of the dome's permitted could be faintly seen on the floor. Diego stretched his hand outside the dome and snapped his figners... no sound."Now we can be as loud as we want," Diego said to her and he noted that Starfire already locked her room. He felt her on top of him and she could feel his hard on through his pants as she rested. "I want it badly too. You're amazingly sexy," he whispered in desire to her, letting her take charge once more.
She raised her eyebrows at him, they could be as loud as they wanted without anyone hearing them? Kori rolled her hips over his erection. "If you are so sure that I can't be heard outside of this bubble I say we experiment to find out how many decibels this bubbles of yours can hold," she smiled. She knew she had been quite loud the last time they coupled and she was curious to see how strong his magic is.She pulled of her shirt and quickly chucked her bra on to the chaise. It was so nice for them to be free of the compressing material. She grabbed one breast in each hand testing the weight of them. She played with her nipples causes them to turn into stiff peaks all while grinding on Diego's growing organ. She was teasing herself just as much as she was him, but she liked to see him worked up underneath him.She put a pause on stimulating her nipples to finnish ripping off his shirt. She threw the tattered remains out og the way, so that she could focus on his body. She kissed him hard on the mouth, and allowed her kisses to trail down his neck over his shoulders, and then she was moving down his body right to the waistband of his pants. She started to unbutton his pants and quickly slipped them down his hips.Kori cupped him through his underwear, they were so close only his underwear and her pants separated. She first wanted to show him how much he appreciated him. She pulled down his underwear to watch his cock pop out. She wasted no time stroking him, she licked her hand to get it ready and stroked his length while her mouth kissed around his hips and thighs.
Diego smiled back, surprised at seeing Kori so sultry. Her innocence gave way to pure lust and desire... and he liked it. Unknown to him, Starfire resmebled her own older sister Blackfire in her look on her face. However... he did like it. He liked behing wanted. He was granted the show of her playing with her breasts, all while she ground against the hard on in his pants. He was groaning softly in pleasure, desperately becoming harder.He felt his shirt be ripped off and he then welcomed the intense kiss. Her long tongue danced with his as his hands went over to squeeze and grope her breasts. He then felt her kiss his neck and down his body and feeling all of her appreciation. Before long, his own pants and now his underwear was removed, leaving him naked and his hard cock fully revealed. He felt her soft hand grasped his length and tease him while she kissed near him.He kept groaning and shivering in pleasure. "Turn around for a bit," he says to her and when she did, he would remove Kori's stained panties and see her wet pussy. Her intense pheromones turned him on even more and he leaned in to kiss her wet pussy.
She twirled her body around so that her lower half of her body was over his face. She had never had anyone do to her what she knew was coming, and she eagerly helped him pull off the rest of her clothing. She shivered feeling the cool air of the room hitting her moist lips. Then he was touching her and the cold was no longer the reason she was shivering.As he put his mouth to work on her she had to do the same for him. Her lips places kisses all around the head of his cock before sliding it into her mouth. She sucked on his head, her hand slowly working over the shaft, getting used to the way that he felt in her mouth. Her long tongue slid out over the top of his cock keeping it moist for her hand to firmly stroke him. Feeling a little bit more comfortable her hands planted themselves on his thighs, bracing her body so she could take more of him deeper. She took him a few inches past his head, and came right back up to his head. It was a lot easier than she had thought it would be and she knew she could take even more of him. So, going back down she easily took his whole length in her mouth. No coughing or gaging, just his cock filling her mouth and the tip into her throat .
Diego felt Starfire shiver on top of him when he began licking her. Sure he only lost his virginity to Kori very recently, but he was still a teenage male. When he turned of age, he watched porn and read hentai during his adolescence and jacked himself off. Granted, he mostly stopped when he got into university since he became focused on his studies and his growing superhero work, but now he did not need any of those. He has a wonderful loving girlfriend now and he wanted to show how much he loved and appreciated her.He shivered in delight as he felt her place her gentle kisses on the head of his cock before she began taking in his girth bit by bit. He was not all big, being of average size yet she adored and loved him for who he was and vice versa. His groans grew louder as he felt Kori's long tongue wrap around his whole length and smother it with her warm wet mouth. Wanting to pleasure his girlfrind in response, he began delving his own tongue deep inside of Kori's pussy. His own tongue explored her warm wet folds. Her exotic Tamaranean nature made her even more attractive. Being people of open emotion and passion, they encouraged that in others, which included in strong pheromones and detecting the arousal of their partner. However, Diego did also figure they were very humanlike otherwise, which he indicated by finding her clit and giving it a gentle pinch to stimulate Kori.
When his finger pinched her clit Kori gave a yip and her body jumped. It was a delicious sort of pressure she hadn't been expecting, but she definitely wanted to feel again. She moaned feeling him touch over her sex, his touch was going to be the end of her. It wasn't going to be some crazy villain who wanted to hurt others, that she could handle. She had trouble giving up control of her body, she felt that their activities were so much more than sexual, she could feel his passion and emotions in the way he lovingly touched her.She wanted him to feel all her passion as well, so she upped the ante. She picked up her pace of the rate she pushed him down her throat, making sure that each time her nose was touching his sacs. Which gave her the idea to fondle, them she was pretty sure he would be sensitive there. While making sure to not neglect his cock, she fondled one sac and then the other, she could tell that his muscles had gotten tight with the pressure of mouth. Her fingers glided over the cords of muscles, wondering what it would taste like when they released his cum after all this.She abandoned his cock momentarily to let her tounge trace over the muscles, right before allowing her large long tongue to wrap around one sac and then the other. They both deserved the same attention of her tongue swaddling them in warmth. Her hand that had previously been stroking his cock stroked his now especially lubed up cock.
Diego could not help but smile at seeing Kori nearly jump and seeing her shiver in surprise and delight. From what he understood, while they were a passionate and caring people, soft touches were not something they were necessarily used to. In fact, when he was shared how the team met, he found it fascinating how the Tamareaneans had a warrior like culture to them, which made sense to him in retrospect. As such, he wanted to show Kori that soft touch and show her how much she meant to him. He was rewarded when she began gping harder on him.Besides taking in all of his girth, he felt her gentle fingers squeeze his balls and stimulating him further. "Oh goodness..." he groaned out. Both of them were turning each other on more and more. It was an insanely addictive experience. Diego felt that he could just run away with Kori and live the rest of their lives nude and fucking to their hearts' content. He felt a brief pause when she took her mouth from his cock before feeling her tongue wrap around his balls and squeeze them gentle, causing them to groan louder.He respoinded by delving his tongue deeper and then sticking a few fingers. he would be cuming soon, but he wanted to make her cum first.
The soft sighs that were previously leaving Kori's mouth turned into loud moaning at the feeling of his tongue plunging into her vaginal canal. She loved the feeling of his tongue and how sure he was of his movements. All his actions were causing and immense amount of pleasure to build up within her lower abdomen. She pressed back onto his mouth grinding her hot wet snatch back on his tongue. She wanted this feeling of ecstasy to never end.His constant action caused her to push more weight back on his mouth, she wanted him to envelope her vaginal muscles, to continue his ministrations until she was screaming in his sound proof bubble.
Starfire's loud moans and screams of pleasure served as Diego's reward for his hard work and no one was the wiser thanks to the barrier. He felt her press her maidenhood into his mouth, submitting herself to him. He loved her taste and he wanted more of it. Of her sweet nectar. He wanted more of her. He wanted all of her.Only when he would get Starfire to cum, would he cum as well. He rewarded her with alot of hsi cum, having been built up from the pleasure he was having with her. "That was amazing..." he panted out, recovering from the intense high. And that was just the foreplay...
Her cries grew steadily until the pressure mounting in her abdomen exploded looking for relief. She rode the waves of her vaginal walls clamping down on themselves, they yearned to be penetrated by something long and girthy. She had been unprepared for the flood of pleasure and emotion that was released with her orgasm. Diego let his orgasm wash over him right after her own began, so she tried her best to catch as much of his cum in her mouth, as she stroked him to get every bit out.She was too tired to turn all the way around but she turned 180 degrees so she was resting on his belly. She just wanted some of his warmth as she recovered from the epic event. She cried and hiccupped trying to get her words back. She licked the last of his cum from her lips as she quieted herself. " That was the most amazing feeling I've ever had," more tears came as she trembled.
Diego was barely coming down from the sexual high, his head spinning from the birst of pleasure. He did feel Kori rest on his stomach as they werr recovering from the dual pleasure session. He was surprised to see her tear up though the big smile on her face indicated they were tears of joy. He was tired himself, but he managed to bend over and pull her closer to him, wrappinf his arms around her. "I love you so much, Kori," Diego told her with a romantic grin, caressing her face, savoring getting to hold Starfire and how they made one another happy.He took the time to just enjoy being there with her. Naked, sweaty, happy. However, he could also feel her intense warmth. Because of how he moved her, her wet pussy was on his thigh and her breasts near his face. He kissed Kori's forehead lovingly.
She hid her face in the crook of his neck, she felt so dramatic, but her orgasm was so intense and it had felt like her heart was bursting she loved Diego so much. She held on tight to him," I love you too. I don't think I could ever stop loving you. You're stuck with me now," she caressed his face as she whispered the words into his ear. She wanted to stay like this forever happy, sated, and in there own little magical bubble.For awhile she started to cool down, but as she started to shift her position her pussy was unintentionally pressed up against his thigh. She moaned at the contact of her clit and the muscles of his thighs. It caused her softening nipples to tighten right back up against his chest. Even when he didn't mean to he did things to her body.
"I feel the same so it looks like we're going to be together forever then, and I love that idea," Diego said, feeling secure in the strong grip of his beloved girlfriend. He laid there holding her, his body cooling down from their session. Howeber, he felt her move, her drenched pussy against his thigh and he felt her nipples harden on his chest. He felt her soft scent and her warmth spread. They were intoxicating and addictive to one aother and he never wanted it to start."Looks like we're ready for the main course," Diego told her as he adjusted Star so he could grind against her wet pussy though here he was taking the lead, this time, he would dominate her.
She panted softly rubbing her pussy at the slow pace Diego had set. More fluid flowing from her as her arousal built back up. She reached up to roll a nipple between her fingers. She pinched, flicked, and twisted it between her fingers. Enjoying the effect it was having on her pussy and the rest of her body. She leaned in for a kiss, she had to have him.
Diego kissed back, aroused from seeing Kori tease herself and he decided to help her by squeezing her large breasts while pinching and pulling her nipples. You re intoxicating, he whispered hotly in her ear.He laid her down, with him on top before he slowly went back inside of her, feeling her warm wet folds squeeze. She craved him and he would happily give. But he also craved her. Needed her. We re going to be doing this every day at this rate, he said with a lustful groan.
She was a little surprised when he rolled their bodies over but she easily relaxed as she felt him bottom out inside of her. With her head thrown back she moaned loudly. A girl could get used to this. Her boyfriend balls deep in her telling her how much he loved and adored her. It was quickly becoming her happy place. " I should hope that we do this every day, and several times a day on the weekend," she responded a smile plastered on her face.She tried to keep in time with his thrust clamping her vaginal muscles down on him, every time he entered her. It felt so good to have his weight on top of her.
I love doing this with you. Being connected with you. You re amazing, Diego whispered lovingly in her ear as his passions began taking over. Both of them really were passionate people yet Kori had a way of pushing him even more so. He adores her. You re the first person who s made me happy like this and I wanna show you how much I appreciate you, he said softly yet sensually as he began going at a faster and tougher pace, recalling the warrior culture where she comes from and wondering if they may like it rougher and wilder.
Kori could feel her vaginal wall gush around his cock as she took his cock. It was the best thing in the world for her to hear his sweet nothings. She leaned up to kiss his mouth taking his furosious thrust. "Mmmhm," she moaned against his lips loving the intensity he was giving her. "More. More please," her fingers were gripping his arms hard, she forgot her strength in the building of her orgasm. She felt it coming. His words were doing a number on her and she knew she was gonna cum hard when it hit.Soon she was practically begging him. She was shaking underneath him with the intensity of her orgasm that was building. "Please don't stop sweetheart. I'm I'm gonna cum," she was right on the edge of being taken over.
Diego hissed and groaned in pleasure, feeling how tight and wet Kori was. Their second time yet it was even mroe incredible. He focused on going hard and rough, his hands on her hips and Kori's moans of pleasure encouraged to keep going. He felt her pressure go, but he focused more on the pleasure. He leaned in to give a kiss on Starfire's neck, even giving her a love bite, marking her as his, always and forever."I'm gonna cum soon," Diego said with a groan of pleasure. He would feel Kori's legs around his waist and he was connected closer to her. He was shaking as well and the new rough intensity was amazing. He leaned over to her, feeling her breasts on his chest as he kept going. Both of their bodies were drenched in sweat and their bodies were growing even hotter. "You're addictive to me," he whispered.
She wanted him forever and always she could never see herself growing tired of him. The feeling of his chest against her own was enough to tip her over the edge. The pressure of her orgasm had been prodding at her consistently and it finally burst, just when she thought that she couldn't take anymore of it building up. Star held on to him tight as her orgasm surged through her body leaving her seeing actual stars. She clung to him as she rode through the waves her orgasm, settling underneath him as his own orgasm came rolling through. Everything about them was intense, the way they met, the way they felt about each other, the way that Star's body reacted to Diego. It was weird to think that their forever was just getting started.
"Oh fuck,"Diego thought to himself as he finally came inside of Kori. He already came hard in her mouth minutes ago, but this was far greater than that last one. His mind went blank from pleasure and his vision went white as he held onto her, filling her up with his hot seed while her own climax squeezed him tight, encouraging him to fill her up to the brim. How their bodies reacted and synched with one another. It is pure ecstasy.He laid beside her, holding onto her nude sweaty body as best he could. He was tired, his head was spinning, he felt like he was on fire... and he loved it. He was hopelessly addicted and in love with Koriannd'r. Starfire. Kori. He rolled over holding her so her hot body rested on his. "That was wonderful," he breathed out.
"You're wonderful," she smiled at him before going in for a peck. They were both too tired for her to to demand much more than that, but it would be sufficient until they both recovered their energy. For the moment she just enjoyed being in his arms, basking in the afterglow of their hot sweaty union. She watched her lover's breathing, she watched the sun go down over the horizon, and the stars slowly reveal themselves. She was completely content.As the sweat dried on her body there was nothing she longed for more for than the soft sheets of her bed. She pulled away from him to stand up and pulled him up after her to lead him to the bed.She there herself on the bed and pulled his warm solid body toward her, so she continue to enjoy his heat. That was how she fell asleep, in his arms, and she hoped that not another night would go by without Diego.
The next hour or so was just the mere blissful act of being one another's presence. Diego never thought he would be like this with someone, especially with Kori, but he was happy how things are turning out and wnated to do more to make her happy. Everything about her was wonderful and magical in his eyes. He was content and happy, simply enjoying the calm atmosphere. Eventually, he stood up with her help and made it to her bed.Diego knew it would be a bit of a while before they could actually move in together and do even more couple stuff, but for right now, he was happy. He would soon fall asleep with her, completely comfortable with her.Hours would pass and the sunrise would come, him still snuggling with Kori.
Days later, in Diego's bed, Star woke up with one leg across his body, her head in the crook of his neck, and her arms wrapped around his body. She felt so warm and safe, the sun beating down on them from his window. It was her ideal conditions for in the morning. They had spent the last two days at the tower, but since it was close to classes starting back for Diego they wanted to start spending time at his apartment, since it would be awhile before they got a place of their own.She kissed his cheek before nuzzling his body closer, this was the perfect morning only to be ruined by her communicator going off. She pulled the sheet tight around her breast before leaning over to grab the communicator and answer it. Robin popped on the screen, and for the first time in awhile he was in serious captain mode. It completely surprised her but it pulled her out of her dreamy state. "What's happening," she asked, but his only response was to head back to the Tower and bring Diego with her.She quickly woke up Diego,"we need to get dress, now! Put on your Occult garb," she was scrambling to get out of bed so that she could put her own uniform on. She hurried up with dressing and soon they were running toward the back entrance, that had basically became their front entrance whenever she came over to his place.When they got outside, she grabbed on to Diego and took off toward the tower. They were landing on the deck in no time the others were dressed, geared up, and ready to leave. "We'll give you both more information on the way, but right now we have to get going. We were assigned this mission after a distress call was intercepted."
The next few days were relatively uneventful. Diego spent some time getting to know all of the Titans more and helping them out in some form and fashion. Whether it was bouncing off technological ideas with Cyborg, getting some basic defensive training with Robin, helping out Beast Boy with some errands or talking about magic with Raven, he d gotten to them all a bit more and he even helped them all in return. However, most of his time was spent first and foremost with Starfire. He spent a couple days with her in her room, but with Spring Break almost done, they went over to spend time in his room instead. Most of that time was spent nude, enjoying being intimate with one another and cuddling with one another. Today was one such morning, Diego resting in bed with Kori in his arms.However, the calm morning was interrupted by some serious news coming from Robin. Given how Starfire got her game face on and he she told him, it was something big and not of the norm either. Diego got dressed a bit as his superhero outfit. It was still the same, but he had on a new piece of gear it was a form of face mask that made his dark and gave him more protection and concealment. It blended into the shadow of his hat and coat, giving him a more Mystic look. What s going on? Occult asked as they arrived and they were moving over to the T Plane. We intercepted a distress call from several miles over at a government experimental site. That there s some sort of attack, Robin told them and they were all flying over there to said government site. It looked like it Was damaged. Some sort of major accident happened. I m picking I ll all sorts of exotic radiation, Cyborg notes. Can we proceed? Robin asked and when Cyborg nodded, they began going in order for them to check and see what was going on in the building.
As they landed on the lawn of the site, there was noone to greet them and inform them of what was going on, which is how they would usually decide how to proceed in this sort of situation. As the got closer to the stairs leading up to the building they could see there were guards who were laid out. They quickly assess the area to see if there were any survivors and if the area was safe. "What happened here," Beast Boy said what was on everyone's mind."They're sitting facing the building, almost... almost as if they were being attacked from the inside. We need to be careful heading inside," they all followed behind Robin. The metal doors would have usually been closed, and have needed to be open from the inside, but they were wide open. They watched each other's backs as they headed into the building, they had not came across a live soul, yet. They passed artillery rooms, office, a chow room, and more offices, there were less and less windows until they got to the center of the building where the labs were located. The laboratory was completely destroyed with things thrown about. Cyborg's radiation meter had been buzzing their whole walk, but it was off the chart once they entered the lab. They looked around looking for any clues as to what happened.Starfire stumbled upon a person who was coughing in a corner. They were wearing a lab coat and a badge, they were one of the lab assistant. She waved over Occult so that he could see what he would do. If they could get some information out of him as to what kind of accident occurred they would be able to prepare themselves for what they would find. Cyborg continued to walk around the lab until he came to a point in the wall where the beep became a steady beeping noise that irritated the ears. "Guys, there's something underneath this wall, behind it, or something. Ask him what's going on,"
The government building was your uusual laboratory facility though Diego did take notes of plenty of metal doors with locked along with serious damge done to the areas. Beyond the scientisits, there was also the wounded and hurt guards. Many of them had wounds that could be fatal. In fact, from what it looked like, everything here screamed a reaction. It was not some sort of coordinated attack, but more some sort of rush job. Though given how many of the guards were helping their comrades and the scientists up, it was little surprise that whatever happened, the guards were able to chase them away, albeit whoever was here got away with some of the higher end scientists."T they came from there," the scientists said, coughing up blood. He was hurt pretty bad, but he got up and scanned his hand over to a certain part of the wall. It scanned his hand befor eopening, revealing that the wall was actually some sort of giant gate. Inside was some sort of large gate like structure. The electric crackles in the air indicated it was active a while back. "What is it, Cyborg?" Robin as he went to scan it. "It's some sort of extradimensional gate... some of this stuff was Control Freak's tech," Cyborg noted as he ran his scams. "You think he could be behind it?" he asked. "Not his MO, plus he's still under ice," Robin added while looking at it."Well, whoever was here, they took our missing scientists... they smell... weird. Like... familair, but not right," Beast Boy noted before the machine began activating. "I've gotten the last coordinates up. According to the math, the place is an Earth like ours," Cyborg said. The portal opened and the team nodded to one another. When they entered, it was indeed another Earth, but the portal area was much different. It was some sort of stronghold where they were at, with more injured guards and the sounds of noise."Sounds like there's trouble," Robin said as he led them. Occult could not help but get the feeling that something was familiar. When they came to the site, they were surprised by what they saw. It was teenagers... like them. However, a quick ispection revealed it was not the case. Robin glared at one. "Talon... so my suspicions were right," Robin said before said figure turned. "You?!" Talon noted in surprise before facing them. "We're on a negative Earth," Robin explained before Occult's eyes widened. "Wild guess: Heroes have villainous doppelgangers while the villains have heroic doppelgangers," Occult noted and Robin nodded.Talon attempted to kick Robin, but was countered. "TEEN TERRORS, GO!" Talon, the sidekick of Owlman cried out and they came to assist their leader. Grid, some sort of android went to attack Cyborg. When Raven flew to attack, she had to shield herself from a light yellow cloaked figure, though while despite wielding light based magic, her smile showed she was anything but nice. The treasonous daughter to the benevolent entity, Peristera. Beast Boy meanwhile fought back against a monstrous red beast... the chimeric monster with a human shape, Feral. Starfire meanwhile would have to fight against a malicious Tamaranean, Darkpyre. Occult meanwhile seemed to lack a counterpart so he went to free the hostage scientists.
The other Tamaranean was just as fierce of warrior as Starfire. Star kicked and blocked punches from the young woman, occasionally getting in a good hit but taking quite a few of her own in the process. She got in one good kick, that put some distance in between the two, Darkpyre had let her get in a kick that sent her flying across the room giving her a moment to check on Diego. He was helping all the personnel of this facility get to safety. Seeing that Starfire was distracted by him, Darkpyre couldn't help but taunt her. "Let me guess he's your boyfriend," she smiled as their faces came close. Though Star didn't answer, her eyes told on her. " Aw, you're in love with him aren't you? He's quite the cutie, I'll have to have my turn with him when I'm done kicking your ass," she puckered up her lips at Star.It sent Starfire into a rage, the thought of another's hands on Diego. She charged at Darkpyre pinning her up against the wall before getting a few punched right in her jaw. She was in full on attack mode. Darkpyre tried to counter and get away from the wall, but being that Star had her pinned so well there was no getting out, so she used other tatics. "I can't wait to get my hands on him, he seems like a sweet guy. The kind of guy I would love to corrupt by f ,"Darkpyre didn't finish her sentence, because she used stars anger to distract her so that she would lessen her hold.Then Starfire was penned up against the wall with Darkprye in her ear," I can't wait I'll make him forget he ever knew your name," she teased. And with a shove they were off the wall. The two of them circling each other and getting in hits.The rest of the team was also struggling, they were essentially fighting their equals. They just needed to get all the scientist back on to the right side, and do what they could to help the people here.
Occult meanwhile took the chance to basically begin freeing the scientists. From what they overheard, the portal opened up and the Teen Terrors kidnapped them for plans of interrogation and turning over to the Crime Syndicate for the creation of various nefarious devices. Once Occult freed them, he led them back to where the portal back was open and he helped them escape. He took a deep breath anf looked back to see the team. While they seemed evenly matched, Diego noted the Titans were slowly getting their advantage due to the fact that despite the ruthlessness of the Teen Terrors, they spent most of their lives terrorizing those weaker than them and not having anyone fight back against them.They though. The Teen Titans. They devoted their lives to protecting and saving other people.However, Occult knew that if there was an evil Titans, there likely be an evil Justice League so he needed to help gain the advantage. From what Occult heard Talon, the one that was the evil Robin, calling the Tamaranean Darkpyre, it gave him an idea. If the rule of opposites worked here..."Hey Darkpyre! How much of your attitude probelm was because your sister?!" Diego shouted to Darkpyre, hoping to piss her off. It worked given how the dark Tamaranean glared at him ans shouted at him to not talk about Brightpyre, who Diego reckoned was this world's version of Blackfire. It also left her widely open for Starfire to attack her.
It was obvious that unlike Star and Blackfire, the two sisters were not working on improving their relationship. Her nostrils were flared and her eyes looked deranged, it would seem that Diego's words really hit home for the young woman, taking her eyes off Star at a really bad moment. Wanting her fight with the Tamaranean to be over, his time when Starfire kicked Darkpyre across the room, she followed it up by tackling her this time to keep her advantage. They struggled against each other for a moment, but Star refused to lose the upper hand. She proceeded to follow her tackle up with a couple a punches, that finally kept her down. She sighed as she shifter her hair to the side," say hello to your sister for me," she dismounted the other woman's waist.A beam of red light barely missed her as she rolls of Darkpyre's body, but before she has a chance to retaliate, Cyborg is there sending a powerful blast toward Grid. They could work together to pick off each member of the Teen Terrors and then they could close the portal as they exited. Seeing that Cyborg was handling Grid with no problem, she zoomed across the room to where Robin was battling, Talon. He was the best fighter of the Teen Terrors but unlike the Teen Titans, they were not used to taking two people on at a time and easily crumbled under the pressure the two of them put on him. Beast Boy could be heard laughing on the other side of the room as he constantly switched fighting styles and creatures. Raven walked up to rest of the group sighing obviously annoyed by her boyfriend,"as much as I like him we really should leave him here and continue on through the portal."With a flick of the wrist Raven sent Feral flying against the wall,"Come one, Loser. It's time to head home," she put her hand out for him to grab on to. They were all safe with barely any scratches, ready to go home before the situation became bigger.
"Agreed though I get the feeling we are missing something though," Occult noted to them as he was thinking. Something was not right or at least bugging him about this. Robin nodded and went over to examine Talon, who was now unconscious. He rifled through and found what resmembled the Communicator that they likely used. They were square instead of circular. After a moment of examining them, he passed it to Cyborg. "He's right. I know of this place a bit. Instead of a Justice League, there is a Crime Syndicate. Instead of a Secret Society of Supervillains, there is Justice Underground. If we really want to help people, we need to stop or itnerfere with the plans of villains everywhere, including here," Robin noted to them. Occult nodded though he wondered why his counterpart was absent, if he had one to begin with."Agreed. But how?" Occult asked Robin as he passed the communicator over to Cyborg. "Well, there's gotta be more Teen Terrors besides these guys... maybe we should take them out?" Cyborg proposed with a smile. "Wait a minute. Like all those bad guys we froze a couple years ago. Maybe their hero versions here are frozen as well?" Beast Boy proposed, with Robin nodded, indicating it was worth investigating. "But it's a group decision? Should we take a bit of time to do this?" Robin asked them all. It was a tricky venture after all.
Anywhere there was crime they had a duty to fight against it, to protect people everywhere. "Let's do," Kori agreed with the others, and soon Cyborg was temporarily closing the portal so that no baddies were getting through either side. It was bad enough that the Teen Terrors had discovered that the portal was open. Any villain who measures the rate of radiation would have realized that something was afoot, and taken advantage of the situation. All they had to do was unfreeze the hero's of this dimension, so that the people here had heroes who cared and protected for them. "Okay guys, being that this dimension is so similar to ours, I imagine that the heroes are in statue form not too far away from where their counterparts were turned," they headed out on foot surveying the area.Though there were similarities to Jump City, it felt nothing like home, they walked around undetected by any villains. When they got close to the spot Robin suspected they would find the statues, Beast Boy turned into bird to get them a better view of what was going on. He was only gone for a few minutes before he came back to give them an update. "I didn't see anyone down there, but there's no telling if there would be any traps," he admitted. It was the only problem with getting a bird's eye view, he wasn't detectable, but some details were missed."I think unfreezing them should be right up your alley," Cyborg gestured to Occult and Raven. The rest of the group would go in for backup in case there were any traps, but those two would have the capabilities of turning the heroes back.
Occult smiled and nodded as well. Cyborg had closed the portal, having gotten the coordinates and would be able to open it from elsewhere by synching with the right technology. Everyone followed around, scouring across this world's version of Jump City. Given how all the frozen baddied that the Brotherhood of Evil recruited were transported from France over to a secure center, it seemed like they may not be in Jump City. However, the Teen Terrors were also prideful vindictive teenagers so them showing off the heroes they captured would fit their MO, Robin argued, hence why they were looking around the area. They would need to be quick and efficient as possible here.Of course, they ended up finding the place. Alarge glass building. After BB scoped the place as a bird, he noted there was no one there. "I'm more of a novice at you are with magic, but they seem to be more stuck in a frozen state which should be easy enough for us to do. You take the lead and I'll back you up on it," Occult told Raven with a smile. Indeed Raven woud begin casting a spell to free the people and Occult would follow her example, serving as a form of modifer or reinforcement for the dual spell. He had been studying hard with magic and the Mystic Symbol of the Seven should help focus the energies even more so to free everyone.He recognizes some of the faces here as those of the villains, but here obviously heroes. Before long, the spell worked and began liberating the heroes. One came up to them. He had armor similar to that of Slade, but instead of a coppery bronze and black, it was like a bluish gray with a white pattern and on the opposite side. After a moment of quiet, he nodded. "Valorguard. Thank you for liberating us," the super soldier hero said. "The Teen Terrors are currently out of commission and here's one of their communicators," Occult said. "Yeah, it was Cerebral's plan... the Brotherhood of Good tried their best and now we have to finish the job," he said to them."That leaves the Crime Syndicate though," Robin noted to them. "Yeah, especially since they'll have the tech to create another portal," Cyborg added. "We'll provide the opening. though we would like you to identify yourselves," Slade's counterpart said. "They're the heoric counterparts to the Teen Terrors. It appears that through some accident they've made it here and being the heroes the are, stepped in to help," a somewhat familiar voice said. It was Control Freak or rather Control Freak's heroic counterpart. Rather than dressed in aClash of the Planets outfit, his outfit resembled that of theAstro Voyagersseries though with a coat on him along with having short hair. Despite sounding and looking like Control Freak, he carried himself much differently. He lacked a condescending tone or self abosrbed essence. Indeed, he carried himself jovial and genuinely heroic. Perhaps this is what made mirror unvierses so interesting. Despite the smilaries, how different it was. He was too distracted by the right to see how the Titans felt facing people who fought, looked and sounded like them yet clearly weren't. Though here in a bit of peace, he could see all the subtle differences in how they carried themselves, true hints of the differing personality. "We thank you for your help," he said."Dude, he's like Control Freak but... so much nicer. Like Control Freak was kind of a weird nut but here, he's kinda like your weird but cool cousin," Beast Boy noted in surprise. The others nodded. "Mass Medium, do you think you can hack the teleportation systems of the Crime Syndicate?" Valorguard asked. "On it," he said. His own gadgets had a more silver and slick look than Control Freak's. "I'm also hacking into some media systems to alert Justice Underground," he added.
The Titans were walking out of the portal... exhausted, tired, but victorious. The last several hours were spent assisting in the other world. Indeed, the Crime Syndicate was now at each others' throats, allowing Justice Underground to regroup and reinforce to take them down while the Teen Terrors were taken out. "Well... we definitely did a good job winning," Occult told them all with a big smile at spending alot of time with Starfire and her friends. He did wave back at Mass Medium, who helped open the portal. He waved back and tipped his fedora to them before closing the portal. "Guys... I don't know about all of you, but I'm gonna hit the hey after dinner and a shower," Beast Boy said to them as they were back inside of the tower."Agreed. We've all earned a long rest team," Robin told them all with a smile. Occult meanwhile was holding Kori's hand the whole time while they walked inside. He was wondering whether she would wanna stay in the tower or head back to his room.
Because she was taller, Kori always found herself with her arm looped around Diego and when they were standing still she would always lean on his shoulder. He had taken his new mask off as they had came back through the portal, so she was able to rub her cheek against his as she curled into his body. That's how she was as they all stood around the living room debriefing their trip to the alternative universe. Though they vaguely knew about the other world connected to theirs from other super heroes who had gone through, but it was a different thing to experience it. It was obvious that everyone was quite beat and they would start heading to their rooms soon."Time for us to hit the hay, as well. You think you could make that shield that you did before," she whispered in his ear. Koriand'r didn't really give him a chance before she was pulling him off to her room. "Good night everybody," she yelled over her shoulder. She loved her friends, but the day had been long.She pulled him into her room and onto her comfy bed. "Did you ever think that something like that would happen to you," she slipped off her boots and her tights before starting on the rest of the clothing. She pulled off her clothing distracted by his response. She had been to other worlds and place, she could only imagine how this felt for him, having gone from being a regular boy, to becoming Occult while balancing school, and then working as Occult in an alternate universe.
Diego smiled at feeling Kori rub her cheek against his as they were back at the Titans base and looking back on a massive mission. He blushed lightly at what Kori was saying, but nodded. veryone else gave their own nod to her and goodnights, all of them too tired to really pay attention to what would be happening. Diego did smile back and before long, he was back in her room. He put up the barrier to hide their sounds from the rest of the team. Before long, he was treated to the wonderful site of Starfire taking her clothes off in front of him.He himself began stripping as well, still staring at his beloved Starfire. "Only in my wildest dreams. I did not think I would go on such a wild ride, but I love every moment of it, especially since I am with you," Diego said, down to his underwear before he went and gave Starfire a hug and a kiss from behind. He was smiling lovingly at her through his glasses, his big brown eyes filled with adoration and emotion for her.
Kori relaxed back in his arms enjoying all the heat of his body radiating from his body to hers. Every night since the first time she spent each night in his arms, some nights in her bed and others at his. She loved being back in her safe space, his arms. "I agree that everything is better when you're around. You've changed me," she smiled even though he couldn't see it. She wiggled her bottom against the girth that was growing against her ass cheeks.She did not have a huge bottom, but for her frame her but was tight and high. She had the perfect amount of cheek and curvature to her derriere, and she used it to slide his cock in between the clefts of her cheek. The warmth of his cock made her pussy grow wetter at a faster rate than it had been already. So, Kori reached between her thighs until she had Diego in her hand. She squeezed hum softly a few times enjoying the way that he felt in her hands before taking him to slide along her wetness. She spread her legs and leaned forward more, which not only gave Diego a view, but made it easier for her to slide him right into her.
Diego blushes once more and smiled at hearing Starfire s sweet words. He never thought he could be this happy with someone and he did his best to try and enjoy every moment of every day with her.He groaned softly at feeling her soft hands grasp his manhood, gently teasing near her hot wet folds, beckoning his cock to return to its one true home and become once more with beloved Kori. He kept grinding and teasing her, even leaning to kiss her on the neck. How do you want it, Kori? Do you want to take charge or do you wish for me to take control? He asked her lovingly, yearning for her.
Sliding the head of his cock between her labia, she contemplated how she wanted to precede. She really wanted to be fucked, but she also liked the feeling of grinding him into the bed, too many hard decisions.Kori slid his cock into her opening, and pressed her hips back until all of him was seated in her. She moaned softly enjoying the feel of being full. She reached back for Diego's hands pulling them to rest on her waist. "I would love for you to take the reigns from here," she rose a little over and inch off the seat of his cock before pushing her hips back on him.
Diego waited to hear what was his beloved s decision. He wonderful exotic scent was turning him on more and more, groaning in soft pleasure at just her hot touch. He adored her, craved her.His groans became loud when she sat down on his cock. He felt her hot wet folds squeeze his dick, not ever wanting to let go. He was once more one with her. Their perfect blissful state. When he heard her say she wanted him to take control, he nodded.He leaned forward to give a love bite on her neck, being a bit more rough and primal with her. His hands went to Kori s luscious breasts, squeezing them while pinching her nipples. He began leaning her forward.He was gonna fuck her doggy style.
Her nipples had already been growing hard with desire, but the moment she felt Diego's hands on her breast she felt her areolas pucker and her nipples throb with pleasure. They were so tight, just like every other inch of her body they were wound up tight with pent up sexual pressure. Him pinching Kori's nipple caused her hips to jerk on his cock. She reached out in front of her, her hands fisting the comforter on her bed. " Uh. Diego," her voice didn't mask any of the emotion she was feeling.She didn't mind his roughness, in fact she craved it. Though she was so much stronger than him, she loved the idea of him pounding her from behind till she was screaming so loud she was testing out his bubble.
Diego groaned louder at feeling Kori jerk in response to his touch. He watch her grab the comforter of the bed and present her ass to him. He could not resist her. Not ever. Diego leaned over and granted another love bite to Kori and pinched her nipples harder as he had her practically on all fours. Feeling her intense wetness, he began ramming her.He was going fast, hard and rough. He submitted to his intense loving desires to fuck Starfire like the horny perverted animals they were and thanks to the barrier, they could be as loud as he wanted. "I love you so much," he panted out in her ear.
Kori's heart grew heavy at his words. She could feel the love that Diego felt for her in the way he caressed her skin and the tone of his voice, and then his hands were gripping her hips as he used her weight to push and pull her body. She could hear the constant squishing as he thrust his cock in and out of her, she was dripping wet. "I love you so much Diego," she barely got out. She loved how full he made her feel, her heart, her life, and her clenching vaginal muscles.
Diego's panting grew heavier and louder. In the moonlight of the open window in the room, he and her were gleaming with sweat from the intense lovemaking. He kept his grip tight on her, only letting go to squeeze and tease her hanging tits in the air. Thanks to the barrier no one could hear the sounds of their intense sex. Her warm wetness pleasured him mroe and more. His heart sung with joy at hearing her say she loved him.They were going to be together forever."Does my Kori want it inside?" Diego could not help but tease her as he would be cumming soon, leaning on her so she could feel his hot wet body on hers.
She wasn't sure what made her thought of it, but she did want him to come inside. She wanted Diego to cum inside of her and give her babies. She always knew that one day she would settle down and have kids, and she couldn't think of a better partner than Diego. He was smart, kind, empathetic, and everything she would want in a spouse and father of her children. "Cum inside me Diego," she pushed her hips back into his, her ass slamming into his pelvis constantly. "I want you to give me all of you. I want to be with you forever, I want to be a family, I want to have your children. I want whatever will make you happy," she groaned as her orgasm came over her.In her after glow she leaned on the bed and thought about the line of thinking her mind had been concentrated on moments before. A few weeks ago she had never thought about what she would be doing when the rest of her class of Teen Titans had moved on to more adult roles in their organization. "Even though it was spoken in passion, I really meant what I said,".
Every word that Starfire spoke aroused Diego even more. Her declarion of love anf affection rocked him to his core as he felt her ass slam into his pelvis. Hearing he wonderful words of hers pushed him over the edge and as he felt her orgasm squeze his cock, he came hard. He came harder than ever from the times they were with her. Every word ws in agreement. He wanted to be with her forever. To start a family with her and live a long and happy lifer together with her. As he finished cumming inside of her, filling her more than previously, he rested on the bed, holding her in his arms."And I am in agreement. I want to be with you forever. To start a family with you and grow old together with you," Diego told Kori with a loving smile on his face. He was caressing her own face lovingly and he wanted to be with her so much. He felt her heat and warmth on with his.
Before sleep took them over, they spent the night talking about their dreams and hopes for the future. With each other they would have have the happily ever after that they both wanted."Wake up," Koriand'r jumped on the bed continuously waiting for Diego to wake up. The last few months had been crazy for the couple as Diego finished his first year of school while Kori tried to get her things together to be come a citizen. After weeks of going back and forth to offices, getting endorsements , and providing proof that she was searching for a job. Today she had been waiting for the mailman to arrive, today had been the day that she was going to receive her citizenship paperwork and she was so excited to see if she was accepted. Once her citizenship was taken care of, they could settle on a job, qualify for an apartment, get married. Basically all the things they had spent months talking about they would finally be able to do.She went to open it, but she couldn't do. She had thought she would be able to, but her nerves were getting the best of her. "I know they have no reason to deny me, but I want you to open it. This is a big moment for the both of us," she handed him the envelope.
The next six months were everything wonderful thus far. He had finished his first year of university and during the summer break, he was able to finally move into a new apartment. It was still around the university so it would be easy to go. Meanwhile, Kori was guarding the Titans Tower and living in it up until she can move out as a citizen. Everyone had gone their seperate ways. Robin became Nightwing and is now operating in Gotham. Beast Boy was interning as a Park Ranger while working under Animal Man. Cyborg was now working in STAR labs ad Raven finally worked up the courage to meet up with her aunt. As such, they were all moving forward with their lives.Diego sat up in bed, wearing only PJs. It was the weekend after all. The past few weeks have been around getting endorsements from the Justice League and himself for Starfire to get her paperwork done and so on. He was looking forward of her moving in with him so they could be as intimate as they wanted.Diego got the letter and he opened it. He squeezed her hand and opened it. He smiled. It was like they expected. It was a confirmation. "Welcome to being a resident here of the United STates and of the world. Including with your ID Card," Diego gave to Kori with a massive smile. She could now do stuff like officially get more long standing jobs beyond the stripend from the League and so on. She could move in with him and begin doing so much more.
Again Korand'r danced on the bed, she felt like if she leaped hard enough she would jump through the cieling. They had been waiting for this moment for months. She could finally accept and assignment from the League, and when the new class of teen titans moved in she could move out of the tower and into of her place of their own. It would be the start of forever."I know we won't have everything settled before you start your fall semester, but that doesn't make it any less exciting," she finallly plopped down on his bed. Her long orange leg were rastless with excitement and red wavy lock were a wild mane around her shoulders. The things she had wanted the most in the world was finally happening. She couldn't believe it. "There's so much to do, I'll officially be accepted into the program to be a builder for the space station, and with my new found income within a few months we could have a place of our own. Something not to far from the univeristy but also not too far from the beach. And french doors that lead to a big porch, with a big green yard. Of course we'll have to get a swing for our porch. There has to be plenty of room for our future family and when our friends come to stay," she sighed turning on her back. All of her dreams were coming true.She needed to run, she needed to fly, she needed to burn off all of her energy. "Get dressed dear. I know we planned on be lazy today, but that isn't going to be happening.
Diego beamed at seeing Starfire beam as well. It was officially another massive step for them. "Indeed!" Diego said as he went to give her a massive hug with her, even planting a kiss on his beloved's cheek There was so much indeed to be done. Starfire could now do more official work, as in apply for work rather than having to be requested and so on. It would also give them some more income since most of Diego's was in savings or in college right now, so they could plan some more. He just stared at Kori with a wonderful gooey smile as she began saying how their future home will be like.He saw that look in her eye. She needed to go out and fly. To express her emotions."All right. How would you want me to get dressed?" Diego asked her, wondering what was it that her plans would be for their day out to celeberate. He gave her another kiss.
"Something kind of casual but not too loungey,"She pulled out somethings from his closet. Kori had a small section for her own clothes since she was always over Diego's place anyways. She hated sleeping alone in the tower, she always made time to check on it everyday and all the notification went to her communicator to alert her if there was anything wrong. In the last few months she had worn more regular clothes than she had her whole time on Earth. Before she only wore her uniform and pajamas, but there were times when she would go out with Diego and she would want to blend in. Well, as much as she could considering her height and the unusuallnedss of her appearance. Sometimes it embarrassed her or made her angry that people would stare, but she was slowly getting over it. The only person's opinion that matter is Diego and he thinks the sun shines out of her behind, and she wasn't going to correct them.Kori quickly dressed before running to the kitchen and rounding up some snack for them. They had talked about doing this the second time they hung out, but they never had the time. Kori was going to fly Diego out to her favorite spot for a picnic. They would lay out on the blanket, eat lunch, cuddle while enjoying the sun rays, and hopefully watch the sunset from the hill. It would be the perfect date. She wanted in the kitchen for him.
Diego smiled and nodded before he began going to get dressed himself. He made extra space in his apartment for Starfire and while she could technically stay here extensively because she was not a tenant, she was able to come and go as she pleased and thus, there was space for her to put her own clothes. She normally would wear her pajamas or her outfit, but her wardrobe grew over time, usually from clothes her friends gave her to stuff he would buy for Starfire. He noted Kori liked the designs, but she was not all that keen on buying too much clothing and she'd just as often wear Diego's own shirts when she was relaxing.He did glare back at the people that stared at her, but he did figure that it also came with the fact that she was known in the area and such, carried the baggage of fame. It was why Diego also proposed to Star moving to a newer place where they could get pribacy, even if our of Jump City.Diego followed Kori to the kitchen to prepare for them to make the picnic. "Looks like it's that picnic date," he said with a smile.
"Yes, sir! Me, you, and my favorite place on Earth all afternoon," she pulled her handsome man close for a kiss. There would be plenty of time for that later. She wanted to focus on finishing up the snacks so they could hit the sky. She placed all their goodies in her backpack and grabbed a suitable blanket from his closet. With their lunch, a blanket, and Diego in tow Kori headed for the roof of the building. The building was only one story so it was a quick journey to the top.Kori opened her arms for her love to come to her, and with his position secure she bounded off the roof, the force of her jump causing the wind to tossle both of their manes. It felt natural to scoop Diego and take off, they had done it so many times she never worried about him being fearful. He was no longer tense like he had been when they first started to fly together, and it gave her the confidence to be more daring adding flips, turns, and drops to their route. She loved that he trusted her so much, he no longer feared falling or being up high as long as she was with him.Soon they had landed at the little park, and like all of their other trips, no one was there and they had the whole place to themselves. She let Diego down and prepared the small feast she had packed. When she had everything done she sat criss crossed apple sauced and waited for him to do the same. Let's enjoy each other," .
For the picnic, Diego had packed in some sandwiches along with a couple of side dishes for them to enjoy along with some pretty healthy punch for themselves. And of course with the silverware and the plates and blanket and cups. Once everything was ready for them, Diego went into Starfire s arms and before long, they went off into the sky.Diego may still have been a little ware of heights, he had gotten a lot better thanks to Kiri, and he always felt safe and secure in her arms. He was just happy and content being with her. He enjoyed their time together in the air because it was just the two of them and no on else.Diego helped set up the picnic when they arrived and he went to embrace her. I love you so much, Diego told her so much as he went to squeeze her hand, letting her rest her head on his shoulder.He began putting the meal for them to enjoy.
'"I love you too," she turned her head so that she could plant a kiss on his cheek. Her head on Diego's shoulder was her happy place. She breathed in his scent, it was mixed with the salty air from the oceans around then, and created a heady mixture that she quite enjoyed. Kori could stay here forever, but as much as she didn't want to be pulled away from this little sanctuary eventually there talents would be needed elsewhere. They were committed to staying Jump City the next few years while Diego finished school and she wanted to enjoy the time they had in the city.They enjoyed their time together, the weather was perfect for lounging around. She enjoyed her sandwich occasionally sipping on some punch. She snaked on some nuts and fruit that she had packed. When she finished she curled her body into her long legs resting over his lap.
Diego faced the endless blue sky and ocean. The smell of the salty air was nice, but being here with Starfire was infinitely nicer. His hand went over to squeeze her, savoringhis beloved's presence. Just the two of them here. Tranquility and comfort at its finest. It could not last since they had work and other things to do, but for now, it was a plesasurable eternity. They ate sandwiches, fruit and nuts and some chips Diego bought while drinking the ounch. Diego wrapping his arms around Starfire as she rested on him."I love you, Kori," Diego told her as he kissed her forehead and rested on the tree, looking at the sky. It was just the two of them relaxing.
She relaxed into his body, her belly full of food, her eyes barely open, and her heart full of glee. This is how it was supposed to be, it would stay like this until they had kids of their own They would still love each other more than anything, but their dynamic would change. Koriand'r looked forward to that day. "I love you more than all the star's in Earth's sky. Which you can't say, because you haven't been to space, yet. One day we'll go. We did get to experience another dimension together," she recalled the last minute trip they had went on months ago.Kori couldn't help but think of all the things she wanted to explore with Diego. She knew they would have a long list of things they would want to do together once things settled down for them.
Diego sghed in contentment, savoring how happy he was with Kori. They're a loving couple and he is already planning for their wedding and so much more. He wishes to be with her forever. "I would love to see the stars with you together, but you are more beatuiful than all the stars, and your heart bigger than all the cosmos," he told her affectonately before he leaned in to kiss her forehead with a loving grin.He was watching the sky and the birds. "I love relaxing with you," he whispered lovingly, his hand going through her red hair."What would you love to do while we are here?" he added.
"What I would really love to walk around the shoreline. It's about a two mile walk from up here and I know that you really enjoy going hiking. So I think you would enjoy it. It would be all down hill and then when you're tired of playing in the sand we can go on and head back home," she smiled.Regrettably she stood up and started packing up all of their things. Maybe they would even be get there toes a little wet. There was nothing Kori enjoyed more than sand in her toes and the wind blowing her hair. She quickly put the backpack on their back and then they were heading down the rocky pathway. The were able to walk for the most part, but at certain parts they would have to slide down over big boulders. Ocassionally the hill would get so steep at points, they would run down the hill because if not they would fall. In those moments a peak of laughter always left Kori's throat, it excited her to run down the hills that way.After about forty minutes she was dropping her backpack on the sand. She was covered in sweat, her hair plastered to her forehead. "I could really use some cooling off," Koriand'r smiled as she reached for the him of her shirt revealing a black T shirt bra. The black really contrasted with the orange tone of her skin, as evident by the black high cut thing when she pulled her jeans off."Are you gonna join me?" Before she could get an answer she was walking toward the cool waves, leaving Diego in the dust and her hips swinging from side to side.
"Definitely it would be a lot of fun," Diego told her as he got up and began helping to pack things up for the picnic, but despite the end to that quiet little moment, they would be able to continue to enjoy one another's presence. Diego packed up the rest of the stuff and taking his own backpack, they began hiking through pathway.Diego walked beside her, holding her hand in hand, loving being in her presence. Her hands were soft, her smile brighter than any sunlight.... Diego adored everything about Kori. The hike was a usual one, taking in the lovely sights of the wild and the relative tranquilty of nature. All while holding Star's hand. However, tey also had to go over rocks or go down hills, which he found pretty fun, but he also had to make sure he did not trip or fall. But hearing Kori laugh made it all worth it."This is beautiful," Diego said to her looking at the beach they arrive and he sweating as well. It was now pretty hot out. However, it became hotter when he saw Starfire reveal her bra and underwear underneath before she tempted him to her in the waves, her lusciious hips taunting him. It did not take long for Diego to strip down to his swimtrunks and joined her, embracing her from behind and kissing her neck. "I am always at your side," he whispered in her ear.
The cool waves crashing over their bodies felt amazing, she leaned back into his body, it was the most perfect afternoon that they had in some time. Of course it wasn't meant to last.With her better than average eye vision star could see something entering the atmosphere. Within a few moments she realized it was not a thing, but a person. Being that her communicator was not going off, she realized that it was a friendly. This person was someone who was of Earth visiting Jump City or an alien who was aligned with Justice Leauge or one of the daughter organizations. Within a few more second, Kori knew exactly who was landing in the sand.She left Diego's arms to run to the girl on the beach. "Sister," she screamed as she ran open arms to her sister. "Oh how have I missed you," she wrapped her arms around her big sister. Blackfire too wrapped her arms around her little sister. They didn't always have the best relationship during their teen years, but as young adults their relationship had improved greatly and they were back to the best friends they were as children."I have missed you too little sister," Blackfire stroked a strand of hair so that it went back behind her ear. Looking past her sister at Diego she lifted a single eyebrow as her gaze searched over him. "You've been busy," she quipped, never taking her eyes off of him. "He doesn't really seem like your type," she instantly started to think of Robin and the relationship her sister had with him. There had been no mention of him in their correspondences, which made her wonder how serious she was with this guy.Kori's eyes flashed as she looked at her sister, showing that she was indeed serious about this guy. "For you information, Diego is my exact type. He is smart, funny, kind, and the most empahtetic human I have ever met. So, leave it ," she was cut off by her older sister."That's all I need to know sister. You are a better judge of character than most. I believe you. In fact I'm sure we will become fast friend," for the first time Blackfire smiled at Diego.
The embrace between the two coid not last forever, however, he then saw that someone was arriving over at the beach. Star pointed them out and before long, there was another Tamaranian there. Diego was surprised to see who it was. It was none other than Blackfire or K'omander, the older sister of Starfire. He heard bits and pieces of her. Namely how she stood out from her people with her darker edge. The fact that she had black hair was definitely an interest. He could also tell the difference in personality from their mild interactions and appearance. Blackfire held herself more confidently or perhaps mroe brashly than Starfire. She had a more flirty and provactive vibe to her than her more innocent and cutesy sister. While Star was the good girl, Blackfire radiated the bad girl vibe. Though he also tell Blackfire looked a bit older. Like perhaps she had to grow.Then again, Blackfire did spend the last year or so of her atoning her actions by joining the Omegas, a group of vigiliantes in the Vega System.Diego raised his eyebrow at what Blackfire said and looked back. Then again, she was not wrong. Diego was not ugly by any means, but he did not seem like the type to be a hero nor attract someone as traditionally attractive as Starfire.He then blush and got a sheepish smile at Starfire's praise of him before turning to Blackfire with a smile. "Pleasure to meet you then. My name is Diego," He introduced himself with a smile as offered his hand for her to shake.
With her lips pursed she looked down at Diego's hand and then over his form again. She could see how he would appeal to her little sister, everything about his facial expression showed that he was a kind hearted person. A smile cracked her lips as she reached out to hug him tight. "My mother would have reached from the beyond and strangled me if I would have shook your hands instead of hugging you. Surely you understand how emotion driven us Tamereans can be, especially this one right here," she pointed her thumbs at Kori. The truth was Blackfire was hard on both of her siblings, it was her particular way of showing how she cared about them."Sorry to ruin your little day on the beach. I just really wanted to see you. It seemed like you had so much going on, so I wanted come check on you. It looks like you have everything under control," she liked seeing her sister happy. There was a time period that she may not have been so happy with her sister, but after taking some time to work on their relationship, things were better.
"Yeah, but I was not sure if it was your thing or not. But I get that. My cultyre is the same way," Diego said, hugging Blackfire back with a smile. In a way, he could see her appeal. Everything about her screamed cool older sister and he understoof why it took so long for Star to really notice Blackfire's faults. At the same time, Diego probably would've noticed them upon meeting her or at least suspected her. Charisma and charm was not that effective on him. After all, his younger brother was a very charismatic and charming fellow so he was used to seeing that sort of power of people skills."You did not ruin anything. In fact, we welcome having you here, Blackfire. Though given how Kori said your name is K'omandr, maybe I should call you Koma then?" Diego told her, offering a new name for Blackfire, hoping it would help her out a fair bit."We should head back so we can dressed and maybe the three of us can go out for a bite to eat," Diego offered with a smile.
Blackfire's eyes narrowed at him. She couldn't tell if the human boy was sucking up or not, most of the humans did not call her by her birth name. The name Blackfire caught on easily, because she was so different from her peers. For the longest time she had wished she blended in, but eventually she figured out that she wasn't supposed to. "I think that I would like it very much, the only other people who call me that are my siblings. From what I hear it may not be long before you are one of my siblings as well," she looked back and forth between the pair."Yes we must have food," Kori was always hungry because of her high metabolism and couldn't wait to take her sister to the Mexican Restaurant that Diego had taken her to on their first official date. She would make her sister like her suitor over chips and guacamole. She didn't expect the task to be hard being that Diego was so lovable and she saw the way that her friends had easily accepted him when she brought him into the folds. His ways would grow on her sister.After they dressed she reached out for Diego's hand so that she could lead the way to his apartment. They left her sister in the front room while they showered and changed real quick.They were getting dressed in his room, they had taken a shower together, when Kori thought to finally give a disclaimer about her sister. "I know that she is a little rough around the edges, but I promise she is one of the most kind heart women I've ever met. Like me she feels things deeply, she just a little better at hiding it than most. Don't take anything she says too personally, because she's just doing it to test your buttons. She's definitely used my own triggers against me when we were younger. Now, she's practically harmless Koma has been turning over new leaf these last few year. She's done a lot of good for people everywhere," she filled Diego a little bit on their history. They were both extremely important people in her life and she wanted this to go well.
Diego smiled back at Blackfire and hoped that he would be able to get along with his future sister in law. He did note that she was looking a bit hesitant, but she did mention she liked it. Diego also noted on how excited Kori was in regards to spend more time with her sister. Diego led them back over to theri spot so tey can go and get dressed and be able to fly back to their apartment.It did not take long to fly back to their apartment. Diego was becoming better with his magic, being able to do small scale but prominent things like being able to summon the Symbol of the Seven to him at any time to keep it from being stolen and some other tricks. He was not sure if he would be able to learn to fly, but he would at least be able to do more to help Starfire.Diego knew that Blackfire was waiting for them so he could not be too intimate with Kori. However, he could still enjoy her presence, her warmth, her soft touch, and her kisses. However, he was also listening to what she was saying on Koma. He did talk with the team on how she was like. Beneath her cool older sister bive was her bad girl persona and beneath that was a young woman who got screwed because of her circumstances and made a lot of mistakes that's she been trying to correct."I know. Her people skills remind me of my brother's. Charming and has a way with people, but I could also tell that's had it rough," Diego noted to Kori with a smile. "I know she's a good person," he added as he was finishing the shower. When they finished and they got dressed, Diego went to greet Koma with a smile."Sorry to keep you waiting," he told her before giving her another hug to help.
"Sure you are," Koma rolled her eyes acting more annoyed than she actually felt. They hadn't really been gone long enough for her to be upset, but she wasn't going to tell them that. It gave her little bit of joy to unsettle people. Her sister thought the sun shined out of her ass, so it tool a lot for her to annoy her. Really she acted the way she did to keep things lively."Diego!" Kori yelled as she grabbed on his arm. "We must take her in your car. She's never been in one before. I think she would throughly enjoy the experience of the wind blowing in her hair," she turned to her sister. "I know you'll probably think its lazy, but being that Diego can't fly, we drive sometimes when we have to go somewhere far. It feels like flying when he's on the highway, minus expending energy,"."That does sound lazy, but I'm down to try it," she was curious about what it felt like to ride in a car. She would fly with her sister later, so they could have a chance to talk about the things going on.With a huge smile on her face,"to the car," Koriand'r shouted pulling the two love of her lives behind her. "You'll love this place!"They were out the door and on their way to dinner.
Diego raised an eyebrow at her. If she was trying to be sassy with him to get a rise out of him, then she was not gonna succeed. Diego being socially awkward and not getting jokes or humor alot growing up as a kid. As such, he grown capable of handing when soemone was tyring to get a rise out of him or mess with him. He just smiled and nodded at her. However, he was a bit surprised by what Kori suggested on him takig them in the car.Diego smiled and nodded. He did get better at driving and was more comfortable at it. Cyborg coming by to help him teach him the basics and modifying the car also helped out alot. Meant his Beetle would now last a lot longer as well.Diego was leading them to the Beetle and once they were all strapped in, they were going out. Blackfire would notice the city has changed a fair bit since she was last there. The club she visited back when she appeared on Earth had closed down for a large cafe for example. She would recognize the Mexican restaurant as being relatively new.Before long, they've arrived and he opened the door for them. "How much has the city changed for you?" Diego asked Koma.
"Quite a bit, it's crazy what could happen in two years. I've never understood you earthlings and all your high rise apartments. It wasn't like that at home. There were a few tall building outside of the palace, but here it seems like there's constantly more and more. If she wasn't attached to you, I couldn't see little Kori staying here, Earth is different than anything we've ever know. Despite knowing the language, the culture here is very difficult to learn" she remarked on the reasons she hated earth. If it wasn't for her love of her sister, she wouldn't come to earth unless on a mission with the Vega system, and they didn't spend too much time on Earth with all the other groups there to protect humanity.Her sister frown at her which caused Blackfire to sigh dramatically. "Obviously once you start popping out my nieces and nephews I guess I'll have to start liking earth a little more," she conceded watching Kori's face perk back up at her sister's comment. The only thing that would make it better is if her little brother was here too.They paused to put their orders in before Kori brought them back to the conversation. "Koma's right about one thing. Earth is different from the other places we've seen. Sometimes I still make errors, when I don't understand the culture I'm being introduced to. The one thing that always make things better is that I'm here with you," she leaned over to give Diego a quick peck on the lips."You guys are disgusting," Koma interrupted. She wore a smile on her face that contrasted greatly with the tone of her voice.
"Well, it is the result of a lot of people going in one place. It's not all that different from towers," Diego said before he looked to what Blackfire was saying. "Every place has different cultures and there are different cities. There are plenty of small towns and more naturesque places," Diego added, a bit surprised at Blackfire's hostility. "I figured you'd prefer the cities given how from what I heard about from Kori was that you were a partying girl who preferred hanging with people nd the night life," Diego asked her in earnest surprirse.However, he did see that Kori did cheer up from Koma mentioning she would still be coming around. Diego was helping Koma pick out her orders and what there is. Diego smiled back at his girlfriend as he kissed her back before raising an eyebrow at Blackfire."Wait, since you were better at speaking than Kori was those few years ago, didn't that mean you kissed more guys?" Diego asked her with a smile. Diego and Kori bonded alot of ver the months and knew plenty about each other and so on. This included her seeing Diego whenever he can be sarcastic or witty, sometimes being able to stump Raven with his comments, but the smile he had on was playful and he wondered how Blackfire would react to someone responding back to her.
Koma couldn't suppress the laugh that bubbled up with his slight dig. "It wasn't just guys, " she purposely left the line open for interpretation. Though Koma had a hard exterior she still craved affection, occasionally. She had kissed more people than she could possibly count, and usually it had nothing to do with learning the language . "I think you might be right little sister, he does make things a little better," she chuckled some more. It seemed like the trio would have no problem getting along, now that Diego had put his foot down.Soon there food was coming out, and Kori let Diego further explain everything before they started to dig in. Both sister's had a huge appetitie and had no qualms about trying any of the things he had ordered. By the time they were stuffed, there wasn't a scrap of food left on any plate. "That really it the spot," Kori rubbed the food baby that had developed. Being that she was on the thinner side, whenever she ate a full meal she would get a little belly from the large amount of food she consumed."We've stuffed ourselves full, she's already seen our special spot, where should we take her next?"
Diego raised the other eyebrow at that little comment. However, it did give him a bit of insight on how Blackfire Koma worked. She still craved affection like Star though her past and casual aloofness meant that she did not get as much as the emotional intimacy as Star did. Perhaps that was why Kori was happier than Koma at the end of it all. "Well, not just abit better," Diego told her with a smile. And of course, he invited them both to have. One of the simple joys of casting magic was an increased magic as one can use the extra fat to fuel the magic capabilities.So they all indulged in the chips and salsa, the chorizo queso dip and the various Mexican dishes they all ordered. They even of course had room for dessert. Diego had recently published his first novel while still in class, so it was helping him with the pay alongside his own projects and whatnot. They wer doing well, Kori and Diego, with a smile on his face being with her."Well, maybe we can show her where we live and then maybe we can take her bowling?" Diego suggested. Bowling was one of his favorite activities to do, being a good place to spend time with people and a casual sport.
"Have you ever been bowling," Kori turned to her sister. "Apparently just because you throw the bowling ball really hard and fast doesn't mean that your pins get knocked down. It just mean that the pins you do end up knocking down end up breaking, " she laughed thinking about the first time they went bowling not too long ago. The attendent had at first been suprised to hear that a girl had broke the pins in half and then when he realized who she was had gave her some pointers. She was getting the hang of the game and vowed to beat Diego one day.They first went back to his apartment so they could properly show her Diego's place. It was homey and comfortable, and Kori spent a considerable amount of time there even though she still technically lived at the tower.At the bowling alley they put on some shoes and headed to their reserved lane. Kori helped Koma pick out a ball, while Diego set up their lane.
Diego could not help but chuckle, remembering how Diego took Kori bowling for the first time and how she just pretty much shattered the pins. They did count as a strike though and over time, she got better. Granted, Diego's own bowling prowess came as a result of using magic to keep his hands steady though with Star, Diego was waiting for her to get good enough at being able to launch the ball fast enough to overcome the slight curvature. It was all in good fun and not a competition though.Diego showed off his apartment over to Koma and he saw Blackfire looking over some of his stuff and possessions, including pictures. He noted how she had an almost nostalgic and warm smile. He wondered what she was thinking.They then headed over to the Cosmic Bowling Alley, getting their lane and bowling shoes. He got the lane set up and began playing. He was decent enough but not an expert. He got better over time though and it was a pretty laid back sport.He also saw how Blackfire seemed to be taking it all in. The peace maybe?
Like Kori did the first time she bowled, Koma couldn't help but slam the ball down the asile. A cheer roused from the tables next to them who watched the feet. Koma was slightly embarrassed by the attention, but when her baby sister wrapped her arms around her yelling," strike," she quickly got over it and hugged her sister back. She knew what it felt like now and could make the adjustment. She didn't want to break all of their pins.Kori was able to throw her ball with very little effort and still picked up a ton of speed. She herself did not get a strike, but she did pick up a spare her second go around."You know this is something we could do all the time if you weren't so far away,"Kori looked over at her sister."It could be, but I'm not made for this lifestyle the way that you are. Settling down on Earth, having kids, and all that comes with that," she guestered to Diego. She was happy to see her little sister happy and while she knew someday she would have a partner in her life, she wasn't sure if something like this was for her."It's just something to think about. You don't have to work with me, but the Justice League has a bunch of other projects going on that you would be perfect for. It's something to think about. Promise me you'll think about it?"Though she smiled at her sister Koma answered," Can you be sappy after my turn to bowl?"Kori smiled back, hearing the yes in her sister's tone.
Diego saw that the sisters were bonding over their fun game. Bowling was one of the few physical activities he enjoyed doing besides hiking. Lasertag was fun, but he knew he'd be at a disadvantage with the girls being able to fly, evem though the area was pretty confined. Granted, he was looking into finding some of the bigger places for them to play laser tag in so it would be more capable. He turned to what Blackfire said on her trying to figure out her own life decisisons.Diego went to sit next to Blackfire while while watching Kori be preparing for her round next."Something on your mind?" Diego asked Koma, seeing the pensieve look on her face. He had an inkling of what was bothering her, but he wanted to make sure. He wanted to help ehr. That was how he was as a person after all. Liking to help people.
With Kori up to bowl Koma felt more confident talking about more personal things, she knew how her little sister was and she hated to worry her or anything that would put a strain on their relationship. They were pass the time period where they would be jealous of each other and be in competition, but there was still the fact that Kori had everything that Koma ever wanted. She had made mistakes that caused the previous strains in their relationship, and there was a part of her who felt like she was still trying to make up for it."I made mistakes in the past, and to be truthful I'm not sure why she ever forgave me for the awful things I did to her. I see all the things she has, you, her friends, a new home where she fits in, and the fact that she has a true purpose and I can't help but feel like maybe this is me receiving penacne for the things I did in the past," she gave a cheer when her sister knocked all but two pins. It was a hard split, but she knew her sister would get the split."My bright little Star think that I can have this too, but I don't think I've ever forgiven myself for what I did," there was something about Diego that compelled her to be honest. She had a feeling it was his kind eyes that passed no judgement on her.
Diego looked to Koma. He did know a good deal on K'omandr... including the negative stuff. "Star is a good person and she likes seeing the best in everyone, including her older sister who never got a fair shot," Diego said to Koma with a small smile, watching Star bowl. He put his hand on her shoulder. "What about you? Star has told me you've been doing alot of good now. As long as you're trying to make up for it... you'r not a coward. You're moving forward," Diego reassured his future sister in law.He recalled something, from a show that he was quite fond of. "In one of my favorite stories, there's this line. "If a man can acknowledge the adversity in the path before him and yet he still struggles toward the light, then his spirit can't be broken,"" Diego quotes with a smile on his face. "Ever since I heard that line, I try and live by it. You're strong, Koma. Don't ever stop struggling toward the light. One step at a time, go to a better tomorrow. I believe in you. Star believes in you. You need to believe in yourself. You can do it," he reassured her with a softer smile as he went to hug Starfire for managing to clear the hard split.
Her eyes teared up a little with emotion but she quickly squelched it refusing to let a tear fall. When did she get so soft, she mused to herself. Diego running over to give Kori a hug gave her time to fix herself before her sister rejoined their table. She gave her sister a high five, a genuine smile on her face. One day she would feel worthy of happiness and being able to move forward. When her sister was busy devouring the nachos they had order she mouthed a 'thank you' to Diego. He had no reason to be so kind a supportive to her, yet he was. They would have a strong bond going forward.They kept bowling until cosmic bowling was over. The girls danced with each other under the flashing lights as the alley blasted dance hits and crazy music videos. It was the most fun the girls had together, in forever. Time seemed to fly by fast, and then they were getting kicked out at closing time."Thank you for bringing me guys," Koma said as they walked to the car. "I wasn't sure how it was going to after that first frame, but considering I only broke pins those first three frames is great,"."Yes it is," Kori's high pitch voice chirped from the front seat just before yawning. "It was quite fun, and now every time when you come we'll have to do it again to see if you get better," Kori was happy to see her sister enjoy something. She knew that she had the tendency to be hard on herself, even though everyone else had forgiven her for the actions she had made during her dark period.Soon they were back at Diego's apartment and Kori was pulling out some blankets for her sister. They hugged each other tight before going their separate ways. Koma tuckered into the couch, and Kori slipped into Diego's room. "She really like you," the biggest grin spread across her face.
Diego smiled back at Blackfire. He mouthed a kindly 'no problem' at her. He knew that she had been doing pretty well working with the group of space heroes and thus needed a confidence boost. Of course, they finished their bowling game and proceeded to dance to the music beats. He was smiling and enjoying himself the whole time and given how the alley was relativelu empty, it was mainly the three of them dancing in their particular session."Well, it as a lot of fun and it was wonderful getting to know you," Diego told Koma with a smile on his face as they were getting into the cat. Before long, they were driving over back to their their place. Diego was relieved that the session went so well. He found Blackfire to be enjoyable company and whiel she was certainly more flirtacious and sassy than Star, he also knew that Blackfire was still tyring to do deal with her behavior in the past.It was a nice and quiet drive back home and of course, Diego set up the couch as best he could to be a bed since there was not much other furniture she could sleep though from what Diego could tell, she as pretty comfortable. Diego entered the room with Starfire and smiled at her. "Yeah, she deserves some happiness," Diego told her as he began undressing to change into his pajamas.
"You know who else deserves some happiness," Kori asked as her long legs got her across the room in three steps. She reached out for the waistband of Diego's pants the back of her fingers running back and forth across his skin. Her think wrist easily squeezed it way till her hand was able to cup his cock and balls in her hand. "Can you think of anyone?"Her other hand reached for the button of his pants. She made quick work of his pants, pulling them out so that he could step out of them. She then reached for the buttons on his shirt, kissing him in between each one she unbuttoned. She pulled his shirt down off his shoulders and took in the sight of him just in his underwear. She ran her hands over his strong shoulders her hands moving medially until she was able to wrap her arms around his neck.
Diego smiled, seeing Starfire's smile turn sultry. He put on the barrier up so no one could hear them. He shivered slightly and groaned softly as he felt Kori's soft hands go to grope and squeeze his cock and balls, causing him to start turning hard. He let Starfire begin undressing him from his cloth, eagerly returning her kisses back. Before long, he was in his underwear, his growing bulge quite visible. His arms wrapped around Starfire's neck.His hands began working on removing Starfire's shirt and then relieving her wonderful breasts of their confining bra. Seeing Starfire's lovely cleavage made his cock twitch in anticipation. His lips captured Star's as his hands worked to remove her shorts as both already removed their shoes and he yearned to see all of Kori once more.
Once Diego had her out of her short's there was only two flimsy little strip of material separating them from each other. She pushed him back on to the bed, giving her the space she needed to slide her own panties down her legs. Right after she stalked over to the bed reaching for Diego's own underwear. There could be nothing hindering Kori from getting what was hers.She stradled Diego's body, her wet pussy on his stomach, and leaned forward so that she could take his mouth. Her kiss was very aggressive, everything about it said how much she needed him and his touch. Her hand's were all over him, on his cheek holding him in place, then tangling up his hair, pushing down his shoulders in a way that told him to stay where he was at, and then finally one hand reached back for his stiff cock. Kori could feel the wetness from his leaking precum, he was just as ready for it as she was.Kori lifted her hips, her mouth continuing to dominate Diego, as she pressed his cock into her pussy. Her kiss softened as she gasp against his mouth, the initial stretching of her pussy always seemed to stun her silent. She worked her hips over his cock until she felt herself bottom out. It was only then that she pulled her mouth away, so that she could sit up on his cock. With her hands planted firmly on his chest she teasingly rolled her hips into his. "I've been waiting for this all day," she sighed her gaze never wavering from his face.
Having met Blackfire now, Diego could really see that Kori could be like her older sister when it came to her sultriness and desire. He let himself be stripped bare as e could see the glistening of Kori's wet maidenhood. He licked his lips in excitement. He felt her warm wetness on his stomach and he returned the kiss passionately. He could feel her want and desire in how her hot body laid on top of his.He needed her. He craved her.His hands squeezed her breasts, her thights, her everything. He liked it when she took charge. He loved feeling that she wanted him so much like that. It was absolutely incredible to say the least. He felt his cock go back inside of her hot wet tightness, back to where it belonged. He groaned in the kiss as his tongue was dominated by hers. He watched her sit up on him, looking at him with that amorous look on her face. Her half lidded sexy look."Me too. I love doing this with you," Diego said, moving his hips so his beloved princess of the stars could bounce on him better. Every shockwave of plesure made him shiver with want. He sat up a bit to whisper in her. "I crave this more and more. Before long, we'll be addicted to this every day," he said as he kissed Kori's neck. The sex was better and better and he even noted to Star that maybe they could retire early to become nudists and just fuck every hour for the rest of their lives from how addicted they were to the other.
This was the best feeling in the world. There was nothing else in the world that gave Kori this feeling, not even cuddling up next to Diego after sex. She loved how powerful she felt riding Diego, she knew it took love and trust for him to allow her to take this kind of control over his body. She also gained so much happiness from looking down and seeing his facial expression washed in pleasure. It stoked her ego to know that only she could only take him to that place.When he started to thrust his hips into her body she pressed down on him with more fervor. She pressed her breast into his hands enjoying the way his rough hands felt on her smooth skin. "Baby," she moaned desperately as she tried to keep control of her pace. She closed her eyes just enjoying the feel of him filling her up. "You feel so amazing,". | 177 | ['Avenger', 'Vendrix', 'Occult'] |
73 | | Familiar With Your Familia (Blazorna and wiki234) | Orario, the town that lies above the monster dwelling labyrinth called the Dungeon. Many gods and goddesses came down to the Earth out of sheer boredom, and wanted to live amongst the mortal races.Within the Guild that manages the adventurers who explore the Dungeon for spoils and riches, a man in his early twenties was looking at a list hanging on a wall. Adventurers were all part of one Familia or another. This man was once part of the Eros familia, led by Eros, a god of lust.Despite the god, this former member of the familia was not perverted, but his god unfortunately gave him an unwanted reputation which eventually had him leaving. He was only a level one adventurer, his weapon of choice being a shortsword and an arm mounted shield.Right now, he was taking the day off from searching for a new Familia, wearing a black tunic and pants held up by a belt, where his sword was sheathed at the hip. He was a human with a pale skin complexion, his physical appearance being fit yet not muscular. He kept reading the nicknames of the people who recently leveled up with his green eyes, his face fully exposed due to his black hair being cut to a short length."Bye Bye Eggplant Baby? Who thought that was a good nickname?" He asked to nobody in particular. He kept reading the names, his mind thinking about how he felt about each one. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and sighed.
Manahad walked for a while now, her steps soft and light as she minded her own business through the small town she would continue to grow up in, especially now she was mostly alone and had to make most of the decisions herself especially how to deal with other people and the obvious choice of fighting style and weapon. A mostly simple bonestaffbut with a blade at the end, as well as rather largebugon her right arm that covered almost all of her arm but having a quarter on either side as it sat there idly on the middle of her arm. Today was the hopeful day then for her to finally grow up and be part of something bigger as mostly everyone else who were able to fight could do, hoping for now to explore a bit more and maybe even bump into someone who looked like a god maybe continuing on with crossed arms.
The adventurer sighed and stopped reading the list of nicknames before he walked off. He walked around, wondering what he should do. He glanced around and saw several people recognize him and sneering at him, believing him to be a pervert. He knew he wouldn't be accepted by the larger ones like Loki Familia, and he wasn't patient to be a blacksmith like these in Hephaistos Familia."Look out! Aran the Pervert is coming through!" One of them shouted in mockery. The adventurer, Aran sighed and looked around. Even out of the Eros Familia, he was still treated the same. He kept his arms crossed and walked on towards the exit. The satchel he had his savings in fell , unaware of this due to his frustration distracting him.
Musubi, a mostly short but fierce girl had a casual but slightly heated aura beside the fact she was one if the great elemental goddesses with herself being the sometimes short tempered flame goddess that matched everything with her natural sometimes stubborn, headstrong and obvious aggression associated with the elementOf course to her she had little interest in the personal lives of humans but other than roaming around especially in a different form it was boring and there was probably nothing to gain or lose much of being in a weaker form like thisWith her hood up the girl idly walked by, turning as she stopped to look up slightly, passing the odd human by a few feet and stopping as she saw something fall. even the wisdom of the gods are useless like ash... she started before following behind, don t forget this...and it seems it won t be good for either of us to be alone for long again... Goddess form Mana continued to wander around, sitting somewhere against the wall for shade, now overlooking most of the center of the plaza as she sat there wondering what to do obviously just starting but being scared that there s no potential she could see for the moment of doing much of anything, holding her glaive and just looking at it wondering what it would even be like then to have something made from such a strong monster or material.
"Life already has proven to not be fair to begin with. " Aran said while looking over his shoulder. "And are you lost, kid? Better stay away from me. Being with me just brings me more trouble than I want." He grumbled as he saw people looking at him with disbelief. With that he ran off, hoping to ditch the girl. As he ran, he had started to wonder why she decided to speak to him, but that line of thought was soon leading to him imagining being branded as a degenerate and being imprisoned.He eventually wound up in Daedalus Street, his mind too distracted for him to notice where he was going. Cursing under his breath, he looked around, trying to see if he could find a way back to Main Street. | 5 | ['Manahad', 'Eros'] |
74 | | MACUSA: The Hunt (Izzy325 x FatherGrief) | The Magical Congress of the Untied States didn't allow just anyone into the Department of Magical Enforcement. Everyone knew that. To even apply to get in candidates need to show abilities that surpassed the normal range of a witches or wizards powers. It was no small feat and many didn't make it past the first few tests that were given to weed out the weaker candidates. Being an Auror for MACUSA was a highly sought after job. It brought a lot of prestige to one's family and it said a lot about one's magical abilities. Most people could only dream of getting an owl that told them they had made it past the last set of tests. When the news finally broke it was big news in a family. Celebrations were had, people drank loads of fire whiskey and gillywater and money was given freely....well this was for people who were apart of American wizard royalty.Alison "Ally" Warrenknew all too well how the American wizarding world functioned. If you weren't apart of the old families in America then it would be difficult for you to make a name for yourself. Ally tried her best throughout her life to distance herself from her family's money and power. She didn't want their connections and she didn't want their help. In the long run it would only mean that they had something to lord over her head. Everything they did they did for a reason. Their was always an ulterior motive behind something her father was doing.Kent Warrenwouldn't have accepted anything less than perfection. While in school she needed to make sure they she remained at the top of her class while also being one of the most well liked students in school. She had to keep a smile on her face despite how much she hated everything that her family was making her do.After graduating from Ilvermony Ally tried to do her own thing. She went back to New York City and got her own apartment much to the dismay of her parents. They couldn't understand why she didn't want to live with them. Even after all of their manipulation and games throughout her childhood. Kent showed up at her house in a fit after a few months. He tried to emotional guilt her into moving back. Mostly so that he could keep an eye on her. He wanted her to take a office job within MACUSA but she had bigger dreams. Which is why she found herself where she was in life.Ally found herself outside the WoolWorth building in downtown Manhattan. She made her way upstairs and reported to her department. There she was told who her partner would be.Jasper Rassmussen.She thought to herself. She was pretty sure they had gone to Ilvermony together. She wasn't entirely sure they had graduated together but she knew his name. A secretary led Ally towards her desk where Jasper's desk was located right next to her. "Mr. Rassmussen should be here in a moment." The woman said before hurrying off to her boss. Ally looked around for a moment unsure of what to do next. Jasper would be there any moment and he had been employed for a hile. She imagined she would just take his lead until she got her bearings.
Jasper Rassmussenhad fought his whole life fighting for the position he finally had. He had studied constantly as he made his way through the years at Ilvermony, excelled at defense of the dark arts, as well as, potions, and had applied for the position of Auror with MACUSA the day he graduated, moving to New York and settling down in a cheap apartment owned by a wizard he had met his first day there. Outwardly he seemed calm and determined as he prepped for his aptitude testing but inwardly he was panicking, knowing his entire future hung on the results of the test. After agonizing days of waiting, he finally had received the owl telling him the best news of his life.He went out to celebrate afterwards, and finally was struck how few connections he had. He had focused on studying and practicing so much that he hadn't cultivated many friendships throughout his time at school, his parents had both passed away, and his brother..... Well even if he knew whereLutherwas it's not like he wanted to share his news with him. So he had sat alone at home, swigging fire whiskey and trying to not feel lonely even while he was getting what he had wanted for so long.He thought of his brother a lot that night. He thought of how Luther had become one of the magical worlds most wanted criminals. How he had disgraced the Rassmussen name, making it infinitely more difficult for Jasper to get to where he was. There had been a time where the name alone would've have guaranteed him a shot at the test, but now it was worth less than a back massage from a Whomping Willow. He couldn't wait for his chance to show the world that the Rassmussmen blood was still the blood of heroes and that Luther has merely been a kink that had been worked out.Since that day, Jasper hadn't really thought of his brother much. He went through the basic training and preparation to be an Auror, learned as the trainee of a more experienced wizard, and even proven his abilities by taking on rogue creatures and wizards across the United States. After a couple years, it led him to this day. He wasn't sure why his brother was on his mind as he made his way into the Woolworth building, but he tried to shake the thoughts and instead focus on what the day meant for his future.He was getting his first case as a full fledged Auror. He knew he was getting this opportunity much younger than most did and he took pride in it, even if they had seen fit to stick him with another fledgling Auror so that he would not be pursuing the case alone. The only part that bugged him was that he knew the partner. Ally Warren. He knew they had gone to school together, but he was pretty sure she was even younger than he. Which made sense considering she always seemed to top his scores in most subjects. He idly wondered why she wasn't further in her career, but he had heard that she joined the Department of Magical Enforcment only recently.He strode confidently through the halls of his department, his long black coat billowing out around his thighs. He opened the door to the office he was expected to be in a few minutes before their meeting was to start, and was surprised to see the young woman seated already and patiently waiting. His heart skipped a beat as took in the beautiful female. Her long brown hair, her deep hazel eyes, the soft curves of her her body. He couldn't help but admit that time had been kind to her. He walked over towards her and took the seat near her before speaking. "I suppose we will be working together Alison. It's nice to see you again."
Ally looked up to see Jasper talking to her. It had been quite some time since they had last seen each other. He had grown much taller but that was to be expected. From what she remembered he wasn't creepy so that was a plus. Ally herself was surprised to see how much the men in MACUSA thought so little of "pretty women." Or perhaps because of her family name he just thought she didn't deserve to be there. But despite how much money and power her father had she wouldn't allow herself to use it. She wanted to prove herself. To make a name for herself without help from anyone else. She had something to prove to everyone but most importantly herself."It looks like we are. It's nice to see you too." All Ally knew about him was that he was a year above her in school. She knew he was a fairly good dualist. The club at Illvermony was pretty hard to get into and he was allowed in. She'd also heard rumors about it throughout the campus. As long as he could have her back she didn't care. "But you can call me Ally. Everyone does." Ally brushed her hair behind her ear trying not to look into Jasper's eyes. His eye color was mesmerizing. She couldn't look away. There was a duality to them. They held such warmth and so much pain. Something he no doubt tried to hide to the world. Ally didn't want anyone to see the crack in her amour either.Before either one of them could add anything to their conversation someone walked up to their desks interrupting them. "The Head of Magical Law Enforcement would like to see you both. His office is all the way in the back you can't miss is." Ally looked over at Jasper trying to gauge if he knew anything about it. He could clearly see her confusion and shrugged his shoulders. They walked back towards the his office and Ally knocked on the door. A gruff voice on the other side said "Come in. And shut the door behind you."Mark Graveswas apart of one of the oldest wizarding families in the United States. His family was one of the founding families of the Magical Department in MACUSA. From the rumors Ally had heard he was a no nonsense type of man. He didn't play any games and he didn't like liars. In fact, he didn't like most people. He didn't trust them. Ally couldn't fault him for that. The kind of career and things he has seen she didn't blame him. "So you are the new recruits." His blue eyes looked them both up and down before laughing. "Neither one of you look like much but you both had some of the best scores we've seen in a long time. So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt." He grabbed a folder off of his desk and flung it at Jasper who caught it. "In that file is everything you need to know. There is a rouge wizard out in the Mid West who is killing No Majs. Figure out who it is and apprehend them. If you have any questions bother someone else. You aren't in school anymore. You can leave now." He said. Ally was too shocked to say anything. But as the pair turned to leave he stopped them. "Oh yeah, don't get killed." With that Ally and Jasper walked back to their desks to look over the file.
Jasper listened to the explanation provided by the gruff Head of Magical Law Enforcement idly. He knew that there case was likely to be tracking down a rogue wizard, that was central focus of their position after all. Instead, his mind was preoccupied with the look she had given him when they had first seen each other on the other room. It was as though she had seen right through him. He was used to woman seeing him and occasionally hitting on him due to his looks, advances he always turned away to avoid letting anyone into his life. The look she had given him though, it was as if it cut right through the walls he had up, and immediately assessed that he wasn't as steady as it seemed.When they were dismissed, he stood and took the file before nodding to Mark and turn in to the door. He opened the office door to let Ally pass through before him and followed close behind. As they walked towards their desks, he decided to try and get to know a little bit more about his partner. "So, have you been on any cases like this since you started?" He knew it was unlikely, considering she was fresh out of training, but he hoped her response would reveal something about how much he could rely on her as a competent partner.They soon reached the new desks they had been assigned, close together in order to aide their partnership. He laid the file on the desk, sitting down and looking at the female instead of opening the file. "These rogue wizards tend to be willing to do anything to avoid capture. We are likely to be attacked and to have to defend ourselves. There is a large chance we will end up having to face Unforgivable Curses. Have you ever defended against them?"
Ally wasn't the type of woman who needed a man to do things for her. She had always been independent as both a woman and a witch. She didn't need a man to do much for her. But she was pleasantly surprised that he held the door open for her. Most people would open the door for themselves and then hold for the person behind them. But Jasper held the door for her more out of respect then a wrapped view of women being weaker than men. She muttered a thank you before leading she lead them back to their desks."No I'm just like you. I've just started and this will be my first case. I've heard about a lot of these types of cases. One of my cousins use to work in this department and he told me how surprising some of these rouge wizards can be. The power that some of them wield can be a little terrifying. But that's probably why they went rouge. They thought they didn't have to follow the rules because of their power."Once they sat down it seemed that Jasper wanted to get to know each other better. Ally wasn't opposed to it. At the very least it would make them work better as a team. She needed to know that whoever was with her she could count on. "I've defended myself against them before to the best of my ability. I don't have much experience with the killing curse but then again no one does. Well no one alive." Ally grabbed the file from Jasper's desk and flipped it open. "How about you? What's your experience before coming here?" She asked as she looked up from the file and brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. "I know you were a pretty good student so I would imagine you are pretty good at defending yourself."Ally herself was particularly good with defensive spells. During her time at Illvermony she excelled with those particular spells in addition to martial magic. "From what I remember back in the day you could win a duel against most of the students in your year. Hopefully that's still true." Ally quickly glanced through the file before sighing. "It looks like we are going to Texas. There is a rouge wizard killing nomaj's. But it's odd there is no rhyme or reason to these killings. Why would he pick these people are random. They didn't even live near each other. What do you think?" She asked handing the file over to Jasper once more. | 5 | ['Warrenknew', 'Warrenwouldn'] |
76 | | Resident Evil (xMILENKOx & Anjeru) | Its finally over, or so I thought After Kijuju, I thought Umbrella's legacy had finally died with Wesker in that volcano. I was wrong. It was only a few months until I got the call. I thought I would finally get a break from saving the world from Bio Terrorists. But those bastards just don t give up. It was another hot day on the island of El Blanco of the North Eastern coast of Cuba. The beautiful island was scattered with small villages, forests, swampland, mountains and of course at its heart was Granando a great Capital City which stood on the ruins of a great Aztec city of the same name. El Blanco had only gained its independence from Castro's Cuban regime 6 years ago. The Island was seen as a perfect staging area for any attacks on the United States. As always the streets of Granando were filled with people rushing about in desperation to earn a living. El Blanco had no real economy and as result of this was filled with poverty. Its leader El Presidente Jose Gonzalez was one of the few people with any wealth. He ruled the island with a iron fist comprised of ruthless propaganda and military force. Though he opposed Fidel Castro he was no better than him. One a revolutionary now a dictator."La Plagas ha comenzado!..."Spoke a men who stood in the darkness of a Hotel room. The blinds drawn as to only let in a little light. The air thick and humid though the man stood dressed in a full suit as he held a cell phone to his ear. The Plague has begun, with only this sentence spoke the man hung up the call. This was Pablo Grenco, an associate of the late Ricardo Irving. Pablo had been in El Blanco since the Kijuju incident. If Wesker's plans to unleash Uroborus upon the world should fail Pablo was instructed to unleash Las Plagas upon El Blanco in the hope for Las Plagas to reach The United States of America. Though Pablo wasn t just in El Blanco to for fill his mission, he was also here to obtain a G Virus sample. Standing by a window Pablo was barely visible in the darkness. He was a tall man standing around 6'4" with a strong build. His head was bald and he sported a well groomed black hispanic style mustash. His dark brown eyes hidden behind a pair of black shades. Pablo was dressed in a cream suit with a red shirt which was open at the collar to reveal a hair chest which showed needle scar from Las Plagas and Uroborus vaccinations. Las Plagas had already began to spread through Granando and slowly the population was becoming infected.The Military presence in Granando was strong. Soldiers patrolled the streets, road blocks were everywhere and armoured vehicles lined the sidewalks. One such vehicle a BMP 1 Armoured Personnel Carrier was just entering Granando. The APC and its crew had been to a village to deal with a riot of farmers. Inside the APC 6 Soldiers, cramped and extremely warm due to the heat of the day. Carlos Mendez was one of these soldiers, he took of his helmet and wiped the sweat from his brow."What was with those farmers?... they had slaughtered there life stock!..."One of Carlos's comrades questioned."I dont know, but the way they came at us!.. It was like they were fucking possessed!"Replied another soldier. Carlos meanwhile remained silent. He couldn t get over what he and his friends had just done. Men, Women, Children and even dogs! Had just tried to kill them. Luckily they had AK 47's and a RPK Machinegun mounted on their APC. Pitch forks and shovels were no match for their fire power. As the APC approached Granando the heavily fortified gate seemed to be deserted. No guards in the towers, no guards on the ground. The T 55 Tank which sat in front of the gate seemed to be lifeless with its hatch open. The APC came to a halt as the driver noticed the strangeness of the situation."What the hell is going on here?..."The Driver muttered to himself. Soon the men in the back took notice of the lack of movement."Hey, why aint we moving?!.."Asked one soldier."The Gates closed and blocked by a Tank!... and it looks like no one is here!.."Explained the driver. With this the back door was opened and everyone but Carlos and the Driver exited the APC. Staying close to the APC the 5 soldiers slowly walked towards the front of the APC."Rahg..ah!.."A strange noise echoed from one of the guard towers, to which the 5 soldiers aimed there AK 47s at. Another strange noise came from the other guard tower. The 5 man looked from tower to tower in confusion as they stayed close to the APC for cover. Carlos remained sat unaware of what was happening outside."HELLO?!.."Cried one of the soldiers. His voice echoed throughout the area and was soon greeted with a response. From one of the guard towers a soldier stood with a RPG in hand. His movements sluggish as he lifted the rocket launcher up onto his shoulder and pointed down at the APC."RPG!.."Cried one of the soldiers as he took aim and fired at the soldier in the tower. But it was to late, within seconds a rocket propelled grenade fired down upon them hitting the front of the APC. The 5 men were blown to pieces and the front of the APC badly damaged killing the driver. Carlos was thrown out of his seat and against the opposite wall knocking him out.Meanwhile back in Granando in a BSAA safe house Chris Redfield was busy looking over CCTV monitors. The BSAA had covertly set up camera's around the City to help track down Pablo Grenco. Since the Kijuju incident the BSAA had obtained details of all of Ricardo Irving's associates and had systematically hunted them down. Leavening only Pablo Grenco. Sat in the darkness of the surveillance room Chris Redfield watched the screens with tired red eyes, a cup of cold coffee sat on the desk from the night before."Where are you hiding you son of a bitch?!..."Chris mumbled to himself as his eyes darted from screen to screen and occasionally to a notice board litter with photographs of Pablo Grenco. The BSAA safe house was located in one of the poorest parts of Granando inside a old Hotel which the BSAA had taken over. The government didn t know about the BSAA presence in El Blanco and hopefully neither did Grenco.
After the incident in Kijuju, Jill had flown back to the states to recover from the ordeal she'd faced being under Wesker's control. She had been disappointed in herself no matter the extremities taken to control her, Jill had never thought she'd attack her own partner, Chris Redfield. As much as she hated the fact that she had, if she hadn't, it could still be possible for her to be infected and under outside influence. Chris and Shiva had saved her by ripping off the device implanted on her chest. Once it had been removed, Jill was herself again. After Wesker had died in the volcano, she'd wanted time to come to terms with herself, so she'd returned home and took a leave of absence from the BSAA. She'd been residing in Seattle for a little while now, in a one bedroom apartment overlooking the bay. Today she was leaving. The BSAA had contacted her and informed her that the Las Plagas virus had appeared in Cuba. They'd already sent Chris and were now asking her to go as well. Only a few months had passed and she wasn't really ready to deal with Las Plagas and Uroborus again, if she ever could be ready for something of the like. However, Chris had saved her and she would never turn her back on her partner is he needed her. She boarded flight 141 to Cuba via the SeaTac airport and before long, she was stepping on the land that belonged to Cuba. Jill met with a BSAA representative who then provided her with a means of transportation, files on the Las Plagas involvement, and gear. She suited up, pulling a bulletproof vest on over her black tank top. She strapped two pistol holsters over her jean clad thighs, and then slid two Glocks with 9mm magazines into them. She grabbed a 1100 Remington shotgun from the trunk of the jeep and stapped it to her back. Lastly, she strapped her machete to her left boot before she climbed into the vehicle. Jill pulled the brim of her hat down to help shield her from the sunlight, then started up the jeep and began to head for Granando, where she would meet up with Chris at the hidden BSAA outlook. "Sunuvabitch!"the young woman cursed, standing over the bodies of her father and brother who were very clearly now deceased. They'd both been part of the Cuban Military, but today they'd returned home...different. They'd attacked and killed her sister and mother. The remaining family member had been forced to take her father's magnum from its case and shoot them."What the hell just happened?!"Covered in blood, the 5 foot 5 woman of 22 years moved to the upstairs bedroom. She stared at her blood covered body in her full length mirror and decided she wasn't about to let the military off the hook for what they'd done this time. Considering where her father and brother had been, there was no other explanation. Something while in the line of duty had changed them and she was damned to hell if she didn't find out what that something was. Sliding the magnum in the back of her black jean's waistband, she slid on her boots and went to clean off what blood she could. She left the house while tying up her long, black hair into a pony tail. Granando was quiet from what she could see, a little too quiet for her liking. She looked over the empty streets with chocolate eyes, before turning and running towards the town's center. If the military were here, or even watching like the BSAA were, she was bound to find them eventually.
"Good, you have done well Pablo, now for your reward. The G Virus sample is located in the Hospital's research lab. They do not know what it is or of its potential! Wesker my have died and with him so did Uroborus! But the G Virus is still a great weapon that we must have! Go now Pablo and retrieve your reward!"A maniacal Russian voice echoed from Pablo's cell phone. These words brought a grin to his face. The G Virus was now once again the most desired bio weapon on the global black market. Its value was not only measured it money, but also in the power it would give to those who had it in their possession. The Granando sample was recovered on a cargo ship destined for Kijuju that was hijacked by the Cuban navy. Without any proper laboratories capable of testing or examining the sample it was stored in the Hospital s research lab. No one in Cuba knew of its affects but they knew it was in some way connected to the horrific incidents in Racoon City."Ok..."Pablo replied simply before hanging up the call and putting the cell phone into his inside jacket pocket. He turned to a table to the left of him where a a bomb proof refrigerated briefcase with a set of hand cuffs attached to the handle and a Desert Eagle magnum sat. He first lifted the magnum and holstered it to a holster attached to his right side hidden by his jacket. Then he took the case and cuffed it to his right wrist. Turning away from the table he made his exit. Walking casually out of the room and onto the balcony walk way that over looked the hotel lobby. He made his way down the stairs and casually out of the door passing other guests who littered the lobby coughing and groaning but not speaking. Soon Pablo was on the street, it looked like a ghost town as he made his way to the hospital. Passed confused people wondering aimlessly around as the infected slowly got worse. The Las Plagas parasites gradually taking over their hosts nervous systems. "Got him!..."Chris shouted as he watched closely as Pablo showed up on one of the monitors. With a knock at the door a rookie BSAA agent entered the dark room."Sir, Jill Valentine is on her way here..."The agent informed Chris who for a moment took his eyes of the monitors to turn and face the rookie agent."Jill?.. she s supposed to be on vacation why is she coming here?.. this is just a simple arrest."Chris questioned, after all he knew Jill wasn t doing to good after Kijuju and why the BSAA decided to send another agent here was confusing. After all it was just meant to be a 4 man mission. Infiltrate Granando set up surveillance post and camera then eventually arrest Pablo and destroy the G Virus sample. Chris shook his head as he turned back to the screens to find Pablo had vanished."MOTHER FUCKER!.."A angry, tired caffeine fuelled Chris shouted as he slammed his fist onto the desk. The rookie agent quickly returning to his guard duty. As Pablo made his way to the hospital a local man who appeared drunk staggered towards him. Pablo simply continued to walk and ignored the man who walked straight into him."M relo vato!.."Pablo shouted angrily as the man crashed into him and desperately tried to hold onto Pablo's shoulders. Though Pablo s words were abruptly ended as he noticed the mans eyes were slowly turning red. Pablo in a panic shoved the man into the road causing him to fall onto his back. Pablo now quickened his pace as he made his way to the Hospital. As he got closer the streets got more populated. As desperate people demanded medicine for what the government was calling a flu epidemic. Though the fearful people were calling it Las Plagas The Plague. Carlos slowly came too. As he slowly lifted himself up onto his knees while his vision slowly became less blurred he adjusted his uniform and picked up his AK 47 whilst leaving his helmet on the floor of the APC. He slowly crawled out of the vehicle and stood up straight stretching his arms and legs. Unaware of the blown apart pieces of his comrades behind him. Though a strange noise brough this horrific sight to the 18 year old soldier. Who turned quickly and took aim in the direction of the noise. As his vision returned he began to see the devastation of the RPG attack. His eyes quickly shot up to the Majini who had fired the RPG. The Majini looked down at Carlos before noticing his RPG was not loaded. Carlos froze at the sight of the crazed looking soldier who was quick to throw the empty RPG at Carlos. Carlos though was quick to dodge the RPG. Though from the other tower a AK 47 armed Majini stood up and was quick to let out a terrifying scram before firing an entire magazine at Carlos. Instinctively Carlos dived for cover behind a concrete barricade which took the majority of the gunfire. As the Majini stopped to reload the adrenaline fuelled and terrified Carlos took this opportunity to make a run for the gate. As he got close to the gate the AK 47 armed Majini had reloaded and fired again upon Carlos. Bullets spraying the area around him hitting the gate and the tank which blocked it as Carlos safely made it into Granando, or so he thought.
The civilians of Granando were quickly becoming inhabited by the virus, turning on each other was only a minimal progression away from happening. Pablo would come across many said infected inhabitants on his way to the hospital the hospital itself was flooded by the majority of Granando's bodies. What the people thought was a flu epidemic had caused them to panic and seek medical attention at the only plausible recreation center of Granando. Though the city was suffering economically, that did not stop the masses from heading towards the hospital for any medical attention they could receive, but it wouldn't be long before medical attention was no longer of importance to them. Marika saw the man with the briefcase as she meandered her way around the city, deciding that, with the majority of the city flocking to the hospital, it may be the best place to come into contact with a person of military influence. That really was her only goal at this point, to find out what had caused her father and brother to go beserk. That man though, he seemed out of place, too well dressed to be a normal citizen of Granando. Shaking off her suspicion, she just kept running on by to reach the hospital as quickly as she could it wasn't too far from the city's front gates and her house couldn't have been more than 6 blocks from the hospital. She was bound to find what she was looking for, considering the Cuban military had been gaurding the gates into the city for awhile now. She was almost at the hospital when a man tumbled into her, causing her to fall back. The man groaned and as she looked up at him, she saw the familiar unnerving glow of red eyes her father and brother had those same colored eyes when they'd tried to kill her. As the thought completed, as if on cue, the man lunged at her angrilly. She rolled quickly to the side and launched herself to her feet, sliding around to face him as she pulled the magnum from the back of her jeans. The man was coming at her again and she tightened her index finger on the trigger to fire a single shot inbetween the man's eyes. He fell and ceased to move. Marika sighed and eased up a little jesus christ, what was happening around here? Jill pulled up to the BSAA temporary base of operations. She knew Chris would be surprised to see her here, as the BSAA representative had told her, he was yet unaware of the Las Plagas infection spreading among the people. As far as he knew, they were still only here to apprehend Pablo."Hello,"Jill said to the BSAA rookie standing at the small buildings main enterance. The rookie saluted her and she shrugged it off."Chris should be aware of my arrival. If you'll be so kind as to take me to him, I'd appreciate it. There's a situation occuring that he needs to be informed about. It's of the upmost importance."She would see him nod."Right away, Ms. Valentine. Follow me."The rookie then turned and opened the door to let her inside. Before long they were heading down the hall to where Chris had set up his station of surveliance. She stepped past the soldier then to come up behind Chris where he was seated."Chris, it's good to see you again."
The gunshot echoed through the streets. Those not infected or not yet fully changed reacted as expected to the gunshot. Ducking for cover and screaming. Though the Majini all seemed to look defiantly in the direction of the gunshot. They could sense one of their kind had fallen after all the Las Plagas parasites are a social organism. A loud scream came from one of the Infected who proceeded to climb upon a abandoned APC. This one seemed to be a lot more dominant compared to his fellow infected. Other majini started to turn to face him as if awaiting orders from a superior. This was a Master Plaga that had had infected the body of a Soldier. The soldiers was visibly a strong and healthy man, this possibly the reason the master plaga had chose him. The superior Majini's eyes were focused on the direction of the gun shot, as he looked over the crowed he noticed Marika. With another loud scream he pointed at her and slowly the hoard began to turn and face Marika. As Pablo pushed his way through the crowed he too reacted to the gun shot with panic. Ducking quickly before he upholstered his gun and pointed it in the direction of the gun shot. Those who were not infected or not yet fully changed around him panicked more at the sight of Pablo s gun. Using this Pablo forced his way towards the hospital, pushing past Majini and humans. Humans moving out of his way. Pablo fired one or two warning shots into the air which cause the crowed to panic more. Though soon he had forced himself into the packed hospital lobby and had disappeared into the panic stricken crowed. The superior Majini quickly turning to face the other gunshots at the Hospital briefly taking his eyes of Marika. "What are you doing here?.. you should be resting.."Chris replied simply and sharply as if he was her father. She slowly stood up giving up on finding Pablo on the screens. He turned to face Jill as he leaned back on his desk as he waited patiently for a reply. It felt like only yesterday when he last saw her at her house relaxing for a change. In truth Chris was neither ready for another mission. Kijuju had taken a lot out of him and with Shiva refusing to leave Africa to join he was abit heart broken. Carlos made his way up the long and deserted road that led from the city gates to the city itself. Passing abandoned homes of the citys poor. Stray dogs roamed the street in search for food as did the vulchers and crows that flew over head. There was obvious a lot of death about and this caused the young soldier to shake as he desperately made his way back to the city's centre. Soon he could see the crowed in the distance. Feeling nauseous and fatigued he pushed himself harder as he tried to sprint. Though the gunshots from the crowed caused him to slow down and crouch slightly whilst holding his AK 47 ready. Still shaking he cautiously made his way towards the crowed. Soon he noticed Marika. The young soldier took aim for her though still his body shook."D.. d.. Dro... Drop!..."He stuttered in panic."Drop the gun!..."He eventually got his words together before crouching down on one knee as he tried to steady himself in case he had to shoot her. The crowed ahead and the soldier standing on the car in the distance distracted him causing his eyes to dart from the crowed to Marika constantly.
"Indeed I should, but there isn't time for it." Jill said as he stood to face her. It was good to see him again and to know that he was safe, though she still felt quilty for what had happened back in Kijuju. Chris was well aware of this as well, she knew. He'd visited her a few times over the last few months before he got the call from the BSAA regarding Pablo's whereabouts."The BSAA requested my help. I'm afraid we have more problems to deal with than just Pablo."Jill then handed him the folder that the BSAA representative had given her. "Inside that folder you'll find all the information that you need, however, you're not going to like it. The Las Plagas pleague has been spread here, in Granando. The city gates' armories are already said to have been infected, and mass panic is beginning to spread along with the virus." She sighed. "It's happening again, Chris. We have to stop it before it gets out of hand. We cannot let what happened in Kijuju happen here. I guarentee if we can't stop it here, it will make its way to the US." Jill didn't want to do this again, not especially so soon after kijuju, but she didn't have a choice. She wasn't about to let Chris, her partner to whom she owed her life to, go at it alone. Marika caught sight of the soldier pointing at her damnit! She'd been sighted by these things and, through the wriggling masses, they began to come at her. When she heard Carlos, she pleadingly raised her hands but did not drop her gun. "I can't! P please! They're going to kill us and this is all I have to defend myself!" As if they knew, a few of the Majini charged her and she dropped back. 5 shots left in her magnum, Marika shoved one Majini away from her, aiming to shoot another in the head. The shot was successful and the skin gave no resitance as half the Majini's head was blown off. He fell and she turned to shoot the other coming at her, once in the shoulder, then again in his neck, watching as the jugular burst and blood spurt. He too fell and then some of the Majini went after the suited man she'd seen before. Marika dashed at Carlos, then ducked and rolled to come to a crouch beside him, breathing hard."There's something wrong with them! I'm not the enemy, I promise!" She almost had to shout as the crowd's screaming got louder and the panic became more wide spread. People were beginning to trample each other in a desperate attempt to get away from where the gunshots were being fired.
Pablo pushed through the crowed inside the hospital. His eyes looking out for any signs giving direction to the research lab. The sounds of panic all around whilst people fought to get into the Hospital. In the crowed the Majini were savagely attacking non infected people though with all the chaos around no one noticed as slowly but surely the parasites multiplied and hunted down new hosts. Pablo managed to make his way to a elevator, pushing the button with the barrel of his gun as stood almost pinned to the wall by the mass of people desperate for medical attention. As soon as the elevator arrived Pablo forced himself inside, others tried to follow him but were greeted only by his gun. Wildly he fired at those who tried to enter the elevator. Two men tried to hold the doors open, Pablo was quick to execute both men. Single head shots at point blank range caused the men to full back into the crowed spraying brains and blood on those behind them. Pablo grinned sinisterly as he reloaded his magnum as the doors shut firmly. His eyes scanned over the buttons until he found one which said 8th Floor Research. Pressing the button again with the barrel of his gun before enjoying the space he had around. His cream suit splattered with dirt, blood and sweat. As the elevator went up a repetitive tune played from a small speaker temporarily making it seem all was safe. The elevator eventually came to a halt with a loud thud as the brakes kicked in followed by a loud ding noise as the doors opened. The research office was dark, the power must have been cut off. With his gun held out in front of him Pablo exited the Elevator. Slowly he moved through the office, his head constantly turning as he searched for the Lab entrance. Eventually though he found a large secure metal door with a card reader electronic lock."Card reader?... fuck!..."Pablo muttered realising not only the power was out but also he had no key card. Hopefully with his free hand he began to play around with the doors handle when suddenly the labs own backup generator kicked in. Through the door Pablo could just hear the sounds of everything coming to life. Outside though the hospital remained in darkness. The card reader soon buzzed to life and a red light shined from it as a obvious indication of the door being locked. Though soon other sounds came from behind the security door. Sounds of movement. With this Pablo began to bang onto the door."OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!..."He ordered as he continued to attack the door. Then soon the sounds on the other side grew louder and the person on the other side began to bang on the door. Muffled groans could also be heard from inside the lab."OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR NOW!"Pablo ordered again, suddenly the card reader's light changed green with a beep and the door slowly opened. Pablo stepped back and took aim as the person on the other side came into view."DECONTAMINATION COMPLETE!"A female computer voice echoed from inside the lab. Pablo froze for a second as the person on the other side of the door came into view, along with one or two others staggering in the distance."The T Virus?.."Pablo said with a grin, to him these Virus's were just products he could sell. In front of him stood a T Virus Zombie, obviously the T Virus was being researched her too. The T Virus wasn t very popular but it had some worth on the Black Market. Casually Pablo shot the Zombie in the head causing its head to explode. His sadistic grin stretched wider as he watched the head pop like a balloon. Carlos didn t know what to do, he continued to shake and his breath got heavy. As Marika came to his side a promised him she was a friend not foe Carlos turned his attention to the hoard moving there way. Realising trying to fight them would be suicidal Carlos grabbed Marika by her arm before quickly standing and turning around."Lets get out of here!..."He said quickly before he began to run almost dragging Marika."What s going on?!!!"Carlos asked in panic as they ran away from the Majini hoard which was quick to give chase. The superior Majini screaming and louder causing the other Majini to frenzy and become even more blood thirsty as they charged after Carlos and Marika. Non infected people were trampled by the hoard. Chris took the file and began to read through it. After a few minutes he looked up to Jill."Why didn t they show me this before?!.. Las Plagas?!.. They send me here on a routine arrest and recovery only to leave me in the dark about the fact that Granando is all set for a outbreak!"Chris was already stressed and this new made him angry, as he flicked through the rest of the file his mood got worse. Once finished reading he threw the file down onto his desk before rubbing his aching head."If this situation is as bad as you say why haven t they sent more people?... Its just you me and the five rookies!"Chris continued to question as he rubbed his head."Ok, what s the plan?.."He asked after taking a deep breath and trying to calm down.
Jill could understand the anger and frustration that was so obviously flowing through Chris. She stepped up and placed her hand, covered in her fingerless leather gloves, on his shoulder. "I know, Chris. I understand the frustration. However, they weren't aware of what was going to happen at first. It was only recently that information about Pablo's plans were leaked." She shook her head and sighed. "For now it will be just us. Our new orders are to apprehend Pablo and to contain as much as the infection as possible. If we require back up, we can call it in. The BSAA office will send us what they can." Marika sprinted off with Carlos, reloading her Magnum as she pumped her legs furiously. "I don't have any fucking idea what's going on! But we need to get away from this fucking horde and bolt up for now!" She said as they ran. The Majini followed them for awhile, but as the other city inhabitants screamed, their attention became diverted. They were coming back up to her house and she pulled Carlos in through the front door. Her foot kicked the door shut and she ran to the kitchen, grabbed a shelf board, and proceeded to block the front door. She then promptly fell back onto her ass and huffed to regain her breath. "I was hoping the military would have answers to what's occuring..."She admitted to the soldier once she was able to breath without searing pain in her lungs and throat." seem as clueless as I." The research attendant sighed and set the keycard down onto the counter with a sigh. She hadn't been at work long, but already things were going haywire. Someone had gotten their hands on the Las Plagas virus and had spread it...somehow. She had to go to the hospital and get the samples before someone got to them. Making her way to her basement, she slid on her labcoat and walked to the phone sitting on her desk. She dialed the hospital's number and waited for someone to pick up the line on the other end. No one answered, as she feared. So that meant the virus was progressing and progressing fast. Samantha hung up the phone and plopped down into the office chair to start rapidly running her fingers over the computer'sd keyboard. Her glasses reflected the bright glow of the computer screen as she accessed the files on both the G virus and T virus's storage specifications at the hospital. Her expression grew grim...someone had opened the vault to the virus' and the contraption before her indicated the samples were gone. She had to get to the hospital, now, hopefully before the culprit escaped. Her slim fingers grabbed up the sniper rifle sitting in the corner as she made her way out of the room.
Pablo slowly entered the lab casually shooting the few Zombies that staggered around it aimlessly. As the last zombie fell to the ground Pablo holstered his magnum and approached a containment unit. Placing his case on a trolley next to the containment unit he uncuffed himself from the case and then unlocked it with a combination of 666. The refrigerated case gave gasping hiss as it opened. Pablo then turned to the containment unit, it wasn t as fancy as those he had broke into in the past and within a few seconds it was open. Inside sat a single vial marked G. Carefully Pablo reached in and lifted out the Vial, then he reached into his case and pulled out an injection gun in which he loaded the vial."Just in case..."He muttered to himself, willing to inject himself to keep the sample. He then set the loaded injection gun into the case and closed it then locked it before cuffing it to his wrist again. He looked around to see no sign of the T Virus, but with the zombies he fought to get in here it was obvious it was no longer retrievable unless taken from the zombies cadavers. Pablo shook his head, he was no surgeon or scientist. He then carefully made his way out of the lab and back into the dark research office. As he was dragged into the house Carlos dropped his gun and fell to his knees. The fear alone caused him to vomit. On his hands and knees he vomited, his breath heavy and his body shaking. He was only 18 and had only served in the Army for 2 months and already in one day he had seen so much death and destruction. Slowly though he realised they were safe, for now. Wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt he turned to face Marika. He took the shirt off and laid it over the vomit. Now he was dressed simply in a white vest, drab green combat trousers that were tucked into his combat boots."I... I... I... I shot a pregnant women today...."Carlos muttered as he sat down beside a wall leaning on it for support."She.. She came at me with a sickle!.. she tried to kill me!..."Carlos continued to tell off what happened this morning at the village him and his unit got sent to."A whole village turned against us!... Dogs as well!.. we had no choice!..."Carlos continued to speak as though in confession. A single tear rolled down his cheek as he sat traumatized by the whole ordeal. He reached for his belt and upholstered his pistol sidearm. Taking it in his right hand he shoved the barrel into his mouth. Tears now streaming from his eyes. "Ok, any idea where we can find Pablo?... I haven t had a solid lead on him since I got here!.. Hell how do we know if he s still here?.. If he s released Las Plagas why would he hang around?..."Chris questioned still very frustrated by the sudden change in the situation.
Marika stared at the sobbing young man and then, when he put the gun into his mouth, she bolted up and smacked it free from his hands. It clattered to the floor loudly and she then slapped her hand across the man's cheek. The sound reverberated in the silence. She glowered at him. "Don't be a fucking idiot!" She once again grabbed him by his arm and dragged him to his feet. She pulled him after her as she stalked into the livingroom where 4 bodies lay 2 females and 2 males. She released his arm and turned to him, yelling now. "When they give you no choice, what the fuck else can you do?! You see these bodies? Do you?! This is my fucking family!" Tears began to stream from her chocolate eyes and she sobbed out the story about how her military father and military brother had come home altered, like the Majini they'd come across in the city center. She told him about how her father and brother had attacked her mother and sister, how they'd torn the girls apart as she watched, shocked and frightened frozen. And lastly, about how she had to shoot them after they'd come after her. "They...t they...they don't give us a choice...what else can we do if we want to live?..." Samantha had her driver take her to the rear enterance of the hospital and she snuck in through the parking lot's elevator. She hoisted the gun to shoulder level and aimed through the scope when the doors opened to allow her enterance to the research lab. Strange...she dropped the gun and holstered in back onto her back. Instead, she pulled a Glock from her labcoat pocket and slowly, she moved into the room. The staff was all dead already. They'd been shot from what she could see. A rustling of movement in the containment chamber caused Samantha to drop down behind a nearby filing cabinet for cover. After a moment, a bald, suited man came from the chamber. This must have been the thief he was carrying a case, a refridgerated case at that, likely to carry chemicals or...a virus. She decided to follow, rather than confront. "I've come to believe he's after the virus for himself," Jill was saying. She dropped her hand from Chris' shoulder and moved around him to grasp his cup of coffee. Jill raised it up and sipped it, then stuck out her tongue as she set it back down typical. Not enough cream and sugar. "My guess is Irving sent him a sample of the virus to let loose, but that left Pablo without the sample. He probably made a deal with someone that, if he contanimated the people, they would reward him. After all, there is a scientist here in Granando who's been studying the T virus and G virus." Jill shook her head and turned to study the monitors he'd set up. "Whoever planned this whole incident likely found out where the scientist kept her research samples."
Pablo casually made his way to the elevator unaware he was being followed. Once inside though he turned to face out of the elevator though still was unaware of Samantha. Reaching out to the control panel he pushed the button for the top floor. After all by now the ground floor would have been swarming with Majini. High ground seemed like the best idea. The doors slowly closed and the elevator shook again as he it went up. As he waited for the elevator to reach the top floor he pulled out his cell phone and called his contact."I have the G Virus..."He informed the Russian man simply.Good, you have done well Pablo now how do you plan on getting it to me?... I would assist you but but I do not see why I should pay to pick up my merchandise when you can deliver it to me...The Russian man replied."Don t worry my friend, I will find away..."Pablo replied before hanging up the call. With a shudder and a ding the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened. Pablo stepped out and hastily looked around for roof access. He casually walked through the maintenance room until he came across a set of stairs leading to the roof. Without hesitation he rushed up the stairs and forced his way through the door. With harsh hiss he closed his eyes as the bright sun hit him in the face, his shads had slid down his nose a little and exposed his eyes. With a hand in front of his eyes he slowly walked out onto the roof. Look all around him at the streets below, chaos everywhere. He grinned happily knowing this was his doing. Carlos for a moment was lifeless, as Marika dragged him he was like a rag doll. Though soon they both stopped."What if we don t want to live?"Carlos replied still filled with guilt. The guilt mixed with the fear and ultimately caused him to show signs of depression and post traumatic stress. Being a soldier was all about your physical strength, you are never trained to deal with the horrors of war only how to play your part in their beginning. Carlos leaned again a wall. Still his body shaked."There is so many of them... we got no chance anyway. We might as well save ourselves the pain your Sister went through... a bullet to the brain, we wouldn t feel a thing..."Carlos's words growing every more darker. His mind was filled negativity and death. Chris listened carefully before rushing into action. Quickly he grabbed his 9mm Berretta from his desk and holstered it into his hip holster."The Hospital! Its the only place in Granando with the facilities to contain and research a Virus..."Chris explained know there was no labs in the city and that the Hospital had recently received a lot of new equipment to help fight diseases. Chris moved past Jill and left the room."Tom get yourself geared up we are heading out!.."Chris called out to his Rookie. The other four agents would be left to guard the hideout. Tom was quick to rush down stairs ready for action packing a MP5 Sub Machine Gun. Tom was a rookie and desperate to see some action, though a little too keen. Chris had already saved him from being shot by the Granando Military. Tom made his way outside and around the back of the building wear a Humvee with a mounted 50 Calibre machine gun was hidden beneath a camo net."Jill lets go..."Chris ordered as he made his way out of the building just in time as Tom pulled up outside in the humvee. Chris climbed into the passenger seat and awaited Jill to join them.
As Pablo stepped into the elevator, Samantha lowered her gun and bolted off to the stairs. She was quick to climb them, her heels clicking against the steel of the steps. As she came to the access door that led to the roof, Samantha stopped and caught her breath. Her head leaned forward so she could peer out the window that gave her a look at the roof that man was out there. She wasn't entirely sure if she could handle him, but she couldn't let him get away with the virus. Samantha pulled an ear com from her pocket and attached it to her ear. She tapped the talk button. "Terrance? You there? Yeah, I made it to the research lab in one piece, but a man has stolen my research sample of the G virus. I need to get it back. Uh huh. Yeah. Keep an eye out for reinforcements and inform them of the situation. Radio me if that does occur. Yep. Gotcha. Samantha, out." Marika sighed and wrapped her arms around the young man, trying her best to comfort him even as the tears continued to course down her cheeks. "Even if we don't want to live...there may be other survivors out there...we can't just let them die, can we?" She asked him softly, leaning back to peer into Carlos' eyes. "Even if what's happened already eats away at my soul and haunts every day of life I live, I can't die knowing I did nothing to help...We can help them, Carlos."She did her best to comfort and console the young man, even though deep inside, she was frightened beyond belief. There was nothing that could make her feel better about people tearing people apart. Jill nodded as Chris made his outburst about where the virus was held. "Exactly! That's where I was sure it would be, as well." As Chris left the building and climbed into the Humvee with the rookie, Tom if she remembered correctly, Jill too moved to hop in. The humvee started and she sat back, pulling her shotgun off her back. "Now! The infection has already spread, so we're going to have to fight our way into the hospital." She said it as she poised the shotgun at eye level."You ready, Chris?"She wasn't sure if she was ready to go through this again, but she had Chris' back and would never leave her partner to fight on his own.
Once Jill was in the Humvee, Tom was quick to drive. Racing through the streets of Granando passing the Las Plagas chaos. Chris refusing to watch the carnage and simply looked ahead whilst Tom's eyes couldn t help but stray as he watched Majini attack survivors. Toms eyes shifting to Chris in the hope he would tell him to stop so they could help but Chris did not give the order he only watched the road. Right now Pablo was Chris's main priority. Soon the Hospital was in sight. The front of it was still swarming with Majini."Go round the back..."Chris ordered as he pulled out his pistol and checked it over before holstering it back in his hip holster. Tom did as he was told and brought the Humvee around the back of the Hospital and entered the underground parking lot. As the Humvee entered the parking lot Chris's eyes set upon Samantha's car. He could see the driver."Stop.."Chris ordered, with this Tom brought the Humvee to a halt. Chris climbed out and upholstered his gun. He looked back to Tom and Jill."Cover Me!"He ordered before moving towards the car, taking aim the red dot of the guns laser sight appeared on the drivers head as Chris slowly approached."Get out the Car!"Chris shouted once close enough to see the driver whom he had a clear head shot. Pablo looked around him casually trying to find a way off the roof. Though with the hospital being the only large building in the area and with no helipad the roof had no outside access. Pablo growled angrily before turning around to face the door from which he had came. His eyes widened as he caught a glimpse of Samantha. Quickly he drew his gun and took aim for the door."Show yourself!"Pablo shouted as he stood ready to shoot. His right hand holding the briefcase tightly while the cuffs kept it attached to his arm. He had no plan on loosing the sample. Carlos was silent and sat still as Marika held him. He felt useless, he couldn t even protect himself let alone other people. He wasn t even a fully train soldier, his kills earlier in the day were purely down to luck.
As they sped through the masses of civilians and attacking Majini, Jill shot shells into the heads of what Majini she could, taking out a total of eight or so before they reached the hospital. When they pulled around the back, she reloaded her shotgun and jumped off the back of the Humvee. Her eyes locked onto the other truck as Chris shouted orders to the driver. Slowly the door opened and a 6 foot 1 man in a lab coat stepped out from the driver's side, his hands held up in a sign of peace. Jill wasn't so quick to judge and carefully leveled her aim on his chest the man's brown eyes were watching them from behind short brown lockes of hair and a pair of cliche 'scientist' glasses. She spoke a moment later, asking, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" "My name is Terrance. I'm a scientist studying the G and T Virus with Ms. Samantha Vallerez." He replied, still keeping his hands up in the air, afraid if he didn't, that they would shoot him. "When Samantha went to the check the sample status, she was alerted to the fact that they were stolen, or released. Just moments ago, she contacted me from the roof via her com. She told me she had followed the man who she assumed had stolen the sample and was planning on engaging him to get it back."Jill glanced over at Chris with sudden recognition. "It has to be Pablo! We have to get to the roof, Chris!" Marika sighed as she released the trembling young man. She didn't really have a plan, but there was no way she could stand back and listen to this countless slaughter anymore. "We have to dosomething, Carlos. We can't just let whoever did this get away with killing our comrades, families, and friends." She stood and turned away from him, clenching her fists tightly at her sides. Marika then glanced at him over her shoulder, a determined look in her pained eyes. "I can't stand by and let this continue. I'll understand if you don't wish to come along with me. It is your life, Carlos, and I will not force you to fight with me." The man on the roof spotted her just as she'd planned. The young, tanned, brunette used the cover of the door to hide her pistol under her lab coat, in the back of her jean's waistband. She then opened the roof door and stepped out, hands held up in surrender. Her long hair hid the tiny com in her ear and she left it switched on as she came into the eye line of the suited man. "What are you doing up here when there is such disarray in the streets below, sir?" She asked, showing genuine curiousity in her features. She stopped just a few feet away from him. "I mean you no harm."
Chris lowered his gun slightly as the man explained himself. Though he glared at the man angrily. No matter how many times he had stopped the T and G Virus people were still using them. The scientists may have been only researching it but the fact they had samples made them a target for Bio Terrorists and made Granando the site of a possible outbreak. Hearing Jill's words Chris nodded."Tom stay with Terrance don t let him out of your sight!..."Chris ordered before he made his way towards the elevator. Tom was quick to jump out of the Humvee with his MP5 sub machinegun on show as he approached Terrence.As the elevator arrived Chris entered and hit the button for the top roof. As the doors closed on Chris and Jill and the elevator moved up the shaft Chris turned to Jill."When will people learn that T amp G are not to be toyed with?... Iam sick of mopping up Birkin s legacy!"Chris's words were full of anger, so long had he fought against Umbrella only to see their legacy live on after their demise. "WHO ARE YOU?!"A angry, stressed and slowly beginning to worry about the situation Pablo shouted. Holding his gun out in a more aggressive way whilst his other hand held the case's handle tighter. Pablo's eyes were fixed on Samantha. Soon the Elevator had reached the top floor. Chris unholstered his pistol before dashing out of the elevator and towards the roof access stairwell. Half way up the stairs he heard Pablo's voice. Stopping in his tracks he looked back to Jill and signalled her to be quiet. Carlos slowly lifted himself up to his feet, picking up his AK 47 as he did stood."Your right, I can t let you go out there alone..."He said with a forced smile still obviously terrified of what they would face.
Samantha eyed this bald man with a hidden feeling of disgust. She knew he was responsible for the atrocity occuring in Granando at this time and for the countless number of bodies piling up on the city's streets. However, she put on a friendly smile and kept her hands up away from where she had hidden her gun. "My name is Samantha Vallerez. I'm the head scientist researching the G virus here in Granando." She spoke as soon as the com in her ear activated as she spoke to Pablo, she was listening to Terrance as he explained that the reinforcements were on their way to the roof at that very moment. She did this to ensure Pablo would not hear when Terrance chose to communicate with her. Now she simply needed to buy time until the man and woman Terrance had told her about reached the roof. "As I told you before, I mean you no harm. I just am curious as to why you're taking my sample of the G virus. I intended to study it for a purpose." Jill listened to the conversation taking place on the roof between the scientist and Pablo. She was getting the feeling that Samantha was trying to buy time because of the way she was speaking to the man. She signaled to Chris, pointing to the door with a nod. If they took too long, Samantha could very well be killed, though Jill too was tired of cleaning up the messes brought on by humanity's insane curiousities. "Thank you..." Marika murmered to Carlos. Despite the tough front she was putting up, she didn't want to face the slaughtering outside alone. She knew she stood no chance alone. She moved towards the window in her livingroom and barely cracked the blinds to peer out to the street outside her house. She faced Carlos again. "It appears that the streets may not be an option anymore without the use of a vehicle. Perhaps we should use the roofs?" She knew that since Granando was so economically challenged, the housing units were somewhat squashed together. Traveling via the roofways posed as the safest route. where? They hadn't yet decided where to go in the city. They had to find out what was going on and try to put a stop to it.
Chris nodded and was quick to move in. Charging up the stairs he burst through the door in the hope to catch Pablo of guard."DROP THE GUN PABLO!.."Chris ordered as he moved to the left side of Samantha, he kept his eyes fixed on Pablo. He had waited days to finally see Pablo in the flesh. He was even tempted to shoot him right here right now though with the death of Irving the BSAA needed Pablo if they were going to find others like him. Pablo was just about to respond to Samantha when the BSAA agents shown up, though luckily never fired his gun in panic. He slowly stepped back his aim switching constantly from each of the 3 people who now stood opposite him."THI IS MY REWARD!... YOU CANT HAVE IT!... I WILL DIE BEFORE I GIVE UP THE G VIRUS!..."Slowly but surely Pablo was nearing the edge of the roof where a street littered with Majini would await him. Then he got an idea, he wasn t going to get away with the G Virus alive. Suddenly he dropped his gun and reached with his free hand to his briefcase."You want the G virus?..."He said as he unlocked the case which gave a hiss as it opened. He then reached in and pulled out the injection gun before uncuffing the briefcase from him."Come and get it!..."He said quickly before injecting himself in the neck. The empty injection gun fell to the floor and Pablo staggered back falling off the roof. As he fell to the street the virus began to infect his body. A loud thud echoed through the street as he landed on his back. He appeared dead but slowly the G Virus began to fix his broken bones, the sudden impact and mass injury escalated the mutation rate. Pablo then screamed in agony, the scream eventually changed into a roar. "NO!.."Chris shouted as he ran to try and stop Pablo injecting himself, but it was too late. From the roof top Chris watched as Pablo mutated. His left arm growning monsterously big, his left hand grown small tallons, a large eye grown out of his left bicep. the left side of his torso gradually grown in mass causeing his clothing to tear apart. The infection soon spreading to his legs causing them grown more muscular monstrous. His neck to altered as it shrunk in length but grew in girth causing his gold chain to snap off. His right arm grew only slightly with most of the mutation taking place on the left side of his body. Right now he looked like the second stages of William Birkins mutation with the damage inflicted upon the hosts body from the fall causing the mutation rate to increase initially."Shit!... Hes mutated!"Chris muttered as he continued to watch Pablo. Pablo slowly stood up, and with arms stretched out he let out a fearsome roar. The Majini that surrounded him looked on in confusion. Though they could sense the infection. Pablo then was quick to look up to the roof to see Chris. With another loud roar he jumped and latched onto the side of the hospital and with his talons he climbed up to the roof. The building shook and loud crashing noises could be heard as his talons penertrated the buildings walls for support. Chris was quick to run back towards Samantha and Jill."Get off the roof!..."He yelled as he pushed them both towards the door. They had to get away quick before Pablo reached the roof. They were ill equiped to fight him. Meanwhile the Majini followed Pablo and gradually began to surround the Hospital insearch of a way in. Tom stood watching Terrance without realsieing Majini had began to gather in the parking lot. "Ok.."With a deep breathe Carlos was ready to follow."We should head for my Barracks its not far from hear and hopefully there will be some of my comrades there who can help... also it is well fortified so we will be safe there..."Carlos informed Marika before heading upstairs.
Jill wanted to curse as Pablo fell off the side of the roof after injecting himself how many times was she going to have to go through this? She kept her gun aimed at eye level as Chris darted forth to peer over the edge. Suddenly he turned and shouted. Jill could feel why the whole building was shaking as Pablo's mutated form began scaling the building. She didn't hesitate. They were in no way prepared to handle a G Virus mutation. Turning, she grabbed the scientist's arm and darted towards the door. The building shaking like it was made it hard to keep her balance, but both the woman seemed to be able to manage as they came to the roof's door, Chris on the back of their heels. They darted down the stairs as quickly as they could manage."We should take the stairs down, Chris!" Jill said over the loud clamoring of Pablo's scaling. "We'll be dead, fodder for the Majini, if Pablo catches us in the elevator!" Marika nodded as she darted up the stairs in front of him. She made her way down to the end of the hall, to her parent's room, and walked inside leaving the door open for Carlos. She opened the window and crawled out. "The roofs of the housing should be low enough for us to scale and travel on. We don't want to be caught on the ground with those...things running around. Let's door our best to stay high." She said as she peered back at the soldier, now standing on the side roof of her home.
With a loud crash Pablo had scaled the wall and threw himself over the ledge landing onto the roof. The eye on his left bicep looked around hastially as what was left of Pablo searched for Chris, Jill and Samantha. Pablo memories and control over his body were both deminishing as the seconds past. He remembered passing through the door when he came up onto the roof so with this he charged through the door with his extra body mass crashing through the frame of the door. The sounds of voices and footsteps alerting Pablo to Chris, Jill and Samantha's location. With a mighty roar Pablo charged through the walls untill he was out on the stair well."Run!..."Chris shouted as the wall behind him collapsed as Pablo burst through. As he made his way down the stairs he almost pushed Jill and Samantha down the stairs. Luckilly the stairwell was far too narrow for Pablo to follow them but the beast was quick to use his initiative and pull away the elevator door before droping down the elevator shaft as he continued his persuit. As they scaled the stairs Pablo forced his left arm through the wall in the hope to strike any of the three with his talons. Chris stopped suddenly as Pablo's arm crashed through the wall between him and Jill."You two go I will try and distract him!..."Chris ordered before fireing a few shots into Pablo's arm. Chris then made his way back up a few steps and fired a few more shots. Pablo sensed the agression towards him and began to climb back up the shaft. Meanwhile down in the parking lot Tom was still unaware of the majini that were gathering behind him. The sound of shuffleing though soon got his attention as he turned to face the hoarde. Terror soon filled the young man before he began to fire wildly at the manjini who with this charged him. Tom fired around him until he was eventually surrounded and beaten to the ground. A few majini dropping down to their knees as they continued to to maul the rookie B.S.A.A agent. Carlos was quick to follow Marika as they made their way across the roof tops, all around him he saw Majini flooding the streets in search for them. Holding his AK 47 tightly as he tried his best to be discreet to avoid the Majini noticeing them.
Jill did her best to duck and roll under Pablo's attacks through the walls that led to the elevator shaft. She fired shots of the 9mm bullets at the arm, each time it appeared to swat at them."Alright! Be careful Chris! Jill shouted, a tad worried. Many times the two found themselves almost losing each other in these damned situations caused by Umbrella's legacy. She shook her head and bolted down the stairs, pulling the scientist along with her. It wasn't long before they came down to the enterance and found Tom being attacked by Majini. "Tom!" Jill shouted his name as she reloaded a new clip and began firing. Each bullet was precise, finding the attacking Las Plagas infectee's quite literally between the eyes. By the time she came close to him, she knew they had been too late. Tom was dead, a mutilated corpse laying in a pool of blood and organs. Jill finished off the Majini and turned, watching as Samantha ran forward to check on her assitant that had taken refuge in the truck. Jill listened for any loud banging that would give her any sign of Chris or Pablo as Samantha spoke to her companion. Marika motioned for silence as the crossed onto another roof, catching sight of gathering Majini below them. She kept her gun close and ready, knowing the slightest noise would alert the monsters to their whereabouts. Growing up in a military family, she knew basic silent communication so she signaled for Carlos to move onto the next building as she kept an eye on their rear.
As Chris fought with Pablo as the man and the monster made there way back up the stairwell elevator shaft. Every time the ugly mutated talon was on show Chris wasted no time in take a few shots. Soon his clip was empty, Chris was quick to reload but as he replaced the clip Pablo had struck again. His talons just missing Chris's stomach but caught his combat harness. It wasnt long till Pablo pulled back his talon and Chris followed. Crashing through the hole in the wall Chris was soon face to face with Pablo. Lucky enough Pablo's talons were tangled in Chris's uniform. Chris pushed the barral of his pistol against Pablos face and without a care pulled the trigger. With a loud roar Pablo lost his grip on the wall and both him and Chris fell down the shaft. Dropping his gun Chris was quick to unsheath his knife and cut himself loose and climb up onto Pablo's back. With a loud crash Pablo hit the bottom off the elevator shaft. A cloud of dust billowed out inot the parking lot as the stunned beast lay almost lifeless with Chris safely clinging to its back. Picking up his gun Chris ran out of the elevator and towards Jill."Quickly we have to get out of here before he wakes up!.."Chris ordered as he removed his shredded shirt to reveal a sweat soaked white vest that clung to his physique. Carlos led the way moveing in a tactical style as he scaled the roof tops from one to another as silently as he possibly could. The crowd below makeing plenty of noise to cover any slight noises they made. Soon the Barracks were in sight and gunfire echoed from them. Carlos could see the gate guards fireing from the guard towers of the fortified barracks."I knew the Barracks would still be standing!.."The barracks was where Carlos was trained, he grew to hate those who trained him so fiercly but he knew they were men who could help and protect him better than anyone else he knew in the city.
There was a gaigantic thud and Jill turned in a complete 180 degree arc purely on reflex. Her eyes narrowed carefully as the dust settled. Then they widened with relief as Chris came charging out. "Chris! I'm glad you're okay!" She said with relief, her visible tension easing up a little, but then it tensed right back up."Tom is dead, Chris. I did my best but the Las Plagas infected got to him before I could shoot all the bastards." Jill told him as he discarded of his torn shirt. Now wasn't the time to admire his physique, but she knew Chris has always been well built. She moved around to alert Samantha and Terrance that they were going to be moving out. Both the scientists came out of the humvee and back to Jill and Chris. Remembering that Samantha already has a 9mm pistol, Jill pulled her spare 9mm and tossed it to Terrance. "You're expected to carry your own weight if you want to survive this," She said, then turned to Chris and gave a firm nod. "Alright, let's go!" Marika's eyes lit up at Carlos' words and at the sight of the active gunfire from the tower gates. That likely meant that the fort barracks had survived and they had a good chance of finding other survivors that weren't infected. "You got a way to let them know it's you and not the infected approaching? I don't really feel like being shot because I was mitaken for one of those fucking monsters." She said as they drew closer.
As Pablo lay motionless his body continued to mutate. The gunshot wound and the damage to his body from the fall all began to heal. The damage causing more rapid mutation. His right arm growning larger with talons replaceing fingers. What was left of his suit continuied to tear apart as his over all size increased. Chris turned back to face Pablo as he reached the Humvee. With a sigh and a shake of his head he knew the worst was yet to come. His gaze soon fell upon Tom though it soon returned to the Humvee as he climbed into the drivers seat and started up the vehicle."Get in..."He ordered with a angry tone. He hated knowing all he could do know was flee. With Pablo current state of mutation any more wounds inflicted upon him would simply increase the rate of mutation and heal in minuites. As they came to the final roof top Carlos stopped and crouched. His eyes scanned over the crowed who were frantically trying to force their way through the gates of the Barracks. The Crowd was not all Majini some were survivors seeking safety. Un aware of this the soldiers inside the the Baracks fences fired excessive ammounts of ammunition from guard towers and through the gaps in the chain link fences."I dont know, it looks like they are just shooting on sight! It would be suicidal to even approach that gate..."Carlos replied as he rubed his head as he tryed to think of a solution to this new found problem.
Jill snapped her head, motioning for the scientists to get into the Humvee. They did as she ordered, Samantha climbing into the passenger seat and Terrance in the back. Jill moved to Tom's mutilated body and gathered up his discarded weapons, strapping them to her empty holsters and such. Turning, she jumped onto the back of the Humvee and took seat behind the mounted gun. "I'll take control of the mount," she said to Chris. There was no telling what they would come across in their treck through the city, but she wasn't going to go down without one hell of a fight. "Shit...what should we do?..." Marika's small white teeth nibbled at her lower lip worriedly. She didn't want to die at the hands of the Majini, but damn, being blasted away by the fort soldiers wasn't a way she wanted to go either. She closed her eyes and sighed, fingers working at the crease of her brows. Then she thought of something, and opened her eyes, looking over Carlos quietly for a moment. She couldn't see one, but he might have hidden it on his person. "Do you have a radio, Carlos?"
Once everyone had got inside the humvee Chris was quick to drive out of the Hospital parking lot and out into the streets of Granando. As the humvee raced through the streets all around chaos spread. The Las Plagas multiplying rapid and consuming the population of the city. Chris's eyes were focused on the roads ahead as he recklessly drove through the city with no idea where he was heading. Power sliding round corners almost causing the humvee to tip over a angry and stressed Chris Redfield searched for a safe place. Soon the road was not clear, a old military road block stood in their way. The soldiers who guarded this barricade who now were infected along with other Majini all stood fearlessly as the humvee charged towards them."Shit..."Chris growled as he suddenly turned the humvee throwing it round 360 degrees in a u turn. The back of the humvee knocking a few majini flying as the vehicle hit them. The majini roared fiercely as they all took arms against the humvee throwing stones, bottles and even the weapons they had used to beat people to death with. Chris was quick to get the humvee moving again as they drove back the way they had came. Though suddenly from the side of the street a majini soldier stumbled out of a cafe armed with a AK 47 assault rifle. Chris locked eyes with the monster as it was quick to take aim and fire upon the humvee. In a matter of seconds a spray of bullets darted towards the humvee. Chris kept drive but was struck in the shoulder momentarily causing him to lose focus. The Hum then spinning out of control and crashing into burned out tank. Chris was thrown through the windscreen and crashed against the solid hull of the destroyed tank. Laying dazed slumped against the tank Chris drifted in and out of consciousness unaware of the majini hoard that swiftly approached him. Meanwhile back at the hospital the large eye on Pablo's left bicep opened suddenly and looked around hastily. The large beast slowly lifting itself to its feet to find its prey had escaped. Standing tall and slightly larger than before the monster that was once Pablo let out a blood curdling roar. Its strong talon tipped arm spread out as its deformed body continued to grow. His jaw dislocating as a new head grew from inside his throat forcing its way out of Pablo's skull. Extra talons grew out of his back like the spikes of a porcupine. His legs grew longer and changed shape almost like the hind legs of a dog. What remained of Pablo had slowly diminished and all that was left was a towering monster with a thirst for blood. Carlos was quick to search himself though it was of no use. Somewhere in the chaos of today he had lost his radio. His mind raced as he desperately searched his mind for another idea. He was quick to turn to Marika."I have an idea.."With this he removed his vest and stood up on the roof top. Waving the white vest like a flag in the air he desperately tried to get the soldiers attention."HEY!... OVER HERE!..."This daring plan caused the majini below to notice Carlos and Marika on the roof. Carlos's eyes looked down to see the majini begin to gather around the building below. His gaze soon returned to the barracks where one of the guard tower soldiers stared at them through the lenses of a sniper scope. Carlos took a deep breath hoping the sniper realised he wasn t infected, though his worries were soon over as a single shot beheaded one of the majini below. Carlos smiled briefly as the sniper began to kill off the majini that tried to climb up to Carlos and Marika. Carlos then arming himself with his AK 47 and began firing down at the crowed desperately trying to clear a path between them and the barracks.
Jill clung desperately to the mount as Chris drove almost maniacally through the streets of Grenando. She fired it up the mounted gun and began to fire rounds into the crowd of Majini. It wasn't easy to aim, but she managed to take down a good number of the blood hungry infected. When Chris swept the humvee around in the 360 arc, she cried out and had to brace herself to keep her body from tumbling out onto the streets. For some reason only god knew, the soldiers were firing at them perhaps they too were infected. She cried out as a bullet hit her leg and lodged in her shin that was going to hurt more than later than now, she cursed. She wasn't the only one to take a hit though as she heard Chris cry out. Then suddenly, the truck hit an empty tank and the whole group was thrown from the vehicle. Terrance wasn't so lucky as Chris, his throat being sliced open as he flew through the windsheild. Arterial spray was immediate and he bled out within moments. Samantha was flung into the wide of the tank, her right arm snapping upon the force of the impact. She crumpled to the ground and struggled through the pain, using her left hand to fire 9mm rounds at the Majini gathering around them. Jill, having sat in the back, was a little more lucky and only ended up flying from the back to land upon the ground with a painful oomph. Her back ached almost as bad as her shin. Gritting her teeth, she pulled the blade from her leg holster and used it to dig the bullet out, crying out loudly as she did so. She got the bullet out then put the blade away, tearing off a piece of her shirt to tie it around her leg to keep her from bleeding out. Now that she had her wound taken care of, she rushed as best as she could to Chris, trying to shake him into full awareness. "Chris!...Chris! C'mon, you can't cut out on me like this! Wake up! If we could handle Kijuju, we can handle this!" Marika gave a sigh of relief as the soldiers began to give them a rain of bullets to allow them to move towards the barracks gates. She raised her gun and fired at the Majini making their way up to them. "C'mon! We need to make a break for it! It's our only chance!" She said to him as she grabbed his arm, indicating she was going to make a run for it. And she did. Jumping to the next and final roof, she rolled, took to her feet and bolted, making sure to give Carlos cover to follow after her. Several Majini fell victim to her bullets before she was forced to reload and slip in a new magazine. It wasn't long before they were almost at the enterance of the barracks. "We're almost there!" She shouted over the chaos.
Slowly but surely Chris came too. The noises around him at first muffled but slowly they became clear as did what he saw. As Jill shook him he saw only a blurred figure before him. Soon he saw Jill before him and could her hear words. Catching only If we could handle Kijuju, we can handle this! Chris shook his head and slowly stood up. Looking around him he noticed Terrance was dead, he looked around more in search for Samantha. For a moment his wounded shoulder didn t seem to bother him until he tried to pull himself up. With a loud groan he managed to get up. Noticing Jill and Samantha were both wounded he knew they had to find somewhere to hold off for a while to at least treat their wounds. Noticing Jill had a leg wound he put his head beneath her arm and wrapped a arm around her to help her move. He looked over to Samantha."Get up we have to move out!.."He ordered as he tried his best to move away from the approaching majini with his partner by his side. Hoping Samantha could keep up. Stumbling down a alley way Chris led Jill into a old apartment building. Leaving her by the stair case he returned to the door way to wait for Samantha. The majini had some distance behind them and if they could lay low and hide maybe the majini would pass by the apartment building without suspicion. Carlos followed Merika closely, gradually growing braver and acting more like a solider rather than the scared little boy he appeared to be earlier. The sight of the barracks gate opening to allow them entrance and the cover fire they received from the guards boosting Carlos's moral. As he reached the gate he turned to cover Marika."COME ON!"He cried as he fired upon the majini who desperately chased Marika. As soon as Marika was in reach Carlos grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her into the compound. The gate closing swiftly behind them. The speed of it all caused Carlos to fall backward and bring Marika with him. The guards around him continuing to shoot dead the remaining majini.
Jill did her best to keep her balance as Chris helped her down the alley towards the now abandoned apartment complex. Samantha was coming up behind them, keeping close. She kept low and quiet, before then opening the door to the complex after the Majini had lost sight of them. Her hand waved Jill and Chris inside, before she followed and pulled the door shut behind them. Samantha peered around and looked for something to bar the door with. She decided on a steel pipe resting in the corner, using it to bar the door shut against anyone trying to come in from outside. Grimacing, she now held her broken arm, the appendage throbbing unmercifully. "Let's go upstairs, we're likely to find things of more use in one of the apartments," She said, looking at Jill's hastily wrapped leg wound and Chris' untreated shoulder. "We can treat our wounds, maybe find some food and take turns for a bit of rest." Samantha then walked over to the steps, heading up. She kept up best she could with Carlos, noticing the way he finally snapped into action as a soldier, instead of the frightened young man she had stopped from killing himself earlier today. Marika fell in after him as the gate slammed shut behind them. The force caused her to tumble forward on top of Carlos as they fell to the ground, breathing hard. She raised herself to her elbow and peered down at him. "You okay, Carlos?"
Chris nodded simply in agreement to Samantha's plan to search upstairs. he looked down to his wounded right shoulder and slowly tryed to move his right arm. With a groan he kept it still. His left arm reaching down for his knife which he was quick to bring to his shoulder. Carefully he cut out the bullet. With another groan and a few mumbled obsenitys the bullet popped out of the wound followed by a quick gush of blood. Dropping the knife chris was quick to apply pressure to the wound with his left hand."Good ideas, we need to fix ourselfs up and get some rest before we even think about going back out onto the streets..."He then looked to Jill."Can you manage the stairs?.."He asked in a careing tone, there was ground floor apartments she could search if she was unable to climb the stairs with her wounded leg. "Yeah, yeah Iam good..."Carlos replied slightly out of breathe with a smile. The current situation around them seeming to stop for a moment as Marika lay ontop of him. Though this was soon ended and reality hit back hard through the voice of the barracks commanding officer."You two! Get on your feet!"Shouted a short over weight middle aged man wearing a officers cap. Carlos was quick to slide himself from beneath Marik and jump to his feet and stand to attention. The officer looked Carlos over before looking to Marika."Your lucky to have got in here!... we had orders to shoot anyone on sight who approached the gate!"The officer informed them before looking back to Carlos. Carlos knew this officer and the Officer began to reconise him."Ah, Carlos... I take it the rest of your unit is dead?"The officer questioned Carlos, after all it was this barracks Carlos and his unit were dispatched from to deal with the farmers riot this mourning."Yes Sir, we got attacked by those things..."Carlos replied respectfully. The officer then looked to Marika whom he gave a seedy grin."And who might you be se ora?"
She grimaced, watching as Chris dug the bullet from his shoulder, remembering how it had felt. Jill had done it to her leg and it had not been a pleasant experience. Eyes watched as he adjusted a pressure wrap, her sight semi hindered by blonde strands of her hair. Somewhere in all the confusion, her hat had fell from her person and her shoulder length hair had come free. She nodded gently, hearing the caring tone in the underline of his voice. She didn't want him to worry about her, not after what had happened in Kijuju. "Don't worry about me, Chris. We've been through worse." She said it with a smile, before looking to see Samantha holding her broken arm, pain evident on her face. She turned her eyes back to Chris and nodded. "Lets get upstairs then...I can manage with a little help. There's not much here in the lobby that will be useful to us." She motioned for Samantha to come with. Marika climbed up off of Carlos as the officer came forth and addressed them. Good, it seemed that the men stationed at the barracks knew Carlos. That was good for them, they were likely going to get whatever help they needed, or at least some help. The officer then addressed her and she held out her hand in a move of friendly introduction. "My name is Marika Cortez. I'm the daughter of General Cortez, and sister to Private Cortez." She told him, smiling again, though she knew that he was going to question her about his fellow army men's whereabouts.
Chris nodded, with his left hand still held firmly on his wounded right shoulder he approached Jill. Putting his head under her left arm he supported her as the 3 survivors made their way up stairs. Carefully Chris helped Jill climb the stairs. After Kijuju he had grew closer to Jill, after all for a while he thought she was dead. As they got to the top of the stairs Chris slowly slid out from under Jill's left arm. Still applying pressure to his shoulder he knew he had to find something to patch up his wound. This unfortunately causing him to have to let Jill go. He looked around to see a few doors on this floor, he then looked up the inside of the stairwell to see 2 more floors above."Ok Iam going up to check the rooms on the top floor, Jill you take this floor and Samantha you take the next floor.."Chris ordered once again taking charge of the situation. His eyes quickly looked to Jill briefly before he turned away from the women and made his way up the next flight of stairs and then to one after that untill he was on the third and final floor. Nothing looked as he was expecting, the hallways were tidy and there was no sign that people had rushed in or out of the rooms. But then the outbreak occurred at mid day, so most people would have been out of their apartments. There were 4 doors on this floor 4 doors, 4 rooms. Chris slowly approached the first door. Standing beside it he knocked on the door. With no answer he took a step back and kicked the door open. The door swung open with a loud bag then a thud as it hit the wall. The apartment was dark and looked unoccupied. With his right arm Chris pulled out his gun as he slowly entered the room. His eyes scanning the rooms as he entered each one in turn. He found nothing of use in any of the rooms apart from a mirror in the bathroom. Turning on the light he stood in front of the mirror. His left hand still applying pressure to his wounded shoulder. Knowing he had to do something about it now he set his gun on the sink before removing his sweat soaked vest. Folding it up he then tied the vest around his shoulder making a makeshift dressing for the wound. Chris then picked up his gun and left the first apartment. Chris made his way to the second apartment. Without knocking this time Chris kicked the door open. Straight away the smell of alcohol over whelmed him. As he slowly entered the apartment he found a old man sat in a arm chair in a obvious drunken slumber due to the number of empty bottles that lay all over the floor. Noticing a half empty bottle of whiskey on the side Chris picked it up with his free hand and took a quick drink. The alcohol helping relieve his pain and calm his nerves. Looking at the old man Chris saw nothing he could do, after all the man looked well unconscious. Maybe by the mourning he might be of use. With a grin, Chris set the bottle back on side table he then left the second apartment. "Ah so your Cortez's kid?.. I take it he s dead, he s not been seen all day..."The Officer replied without a care after all the situation had got so out of control in such a short time death had become normal. The Officer looked Carlos and Marika up and down."You two are a mess, go get yourself cleaned up and get some rest! Tomorrow I have to send some men out into the city, El Presidente wants us to restore order to Granando.."The Officer informed them before adding."You two will be going with the men I send!..."The Officer grinned before walking away from Carlos and Marika. Carlos turned to Marika and smile."Come on lets go inside... I think we could both use some rest.."Carlos spoke as he looked over his dirty blood splattered clothing and body."and a shower..."He added with a laugh. Even though they had been through hell this mourning for now they were safe.
Jill gratefully accepted Chris' help up the stairs, but carried as much of her weight as she could manage knowing he must be in as much pain as she. Over the time since Kijuju, she had felt guilty for what had happened, but at the same time she had grown closer to him since he had actually come by her home on several occassions to check up on her. Her time with Wesker, under his control, had made her realize how much she valued Chris' part in her life. She nodded as he let her go. "Be careful, Chris." She said as he disappeared up the stairs. Samantha peered at her a moment, before speaking. "You two seem close." "It's a long story and really, we don't have time for it. But...I do care very much for Chris. I owe him, he saved my life." That was her response, though she knew it was much more than that. She nodded her head and signaled Samantha to go up. "Listen to what he says. Go check the next floor." The other woman nodded and proceeded upstairs. Jill let out a sigh and peered down the hall. It was a relatively small sized complex, no more than 4 apartments per floor. She pulled her 9mm from its holster and took aim as she limped to the closest door on her right. Tapping the pistol on the wood, she waited. When no answer came, she tested the knob and was surprised to find it unlocked. Limping in, she surveyed the main room. This apartment was empty, everything strewn about rather carelessly. Her best guess was that the occupants had panicked and tried to flee Granando, though they probably hadn't made it far. Her somewhat wobbly legs carried her into the bathroom and she scoured the medicine cabinet finding some low grade aspirin. It wouldn't help a helluva a lot considering she'd been shot, but it was better than nothing. Popping a few of them, she stuck the bottle into her pant's pocket and made her way back out. Seeing nothing of further use besides the food left in the small kitchen, she left the first apartment. She did this same routine with the other three apartments, finding them in a similiar state much like the first one. Once her floor was clear, she went back to the hall and took a seat nearby the stairs. Her back pressed to the wall, her injured leg stretched out in front of her, the other bent at the knee, her arm resting on it. Her right hand kept grip upon her 9mm as she waited, that hand resting on her outstretched leg's thigh. Samantha found nothing in two of the apartments. As she came to the third, a young man opened the door and greeted her with a very frightened expression. She did her best to explain the situation to the man and he took it all in rather quietly. When she went to ask him if he'd come with her to the others, he slammed the door in her face saying he wasn't going anywhere near those monsters. She shook her head and moved on. In the final apartent, she did her best to find any materials that would help set her broken arm. Not finding much, she a man's shirt laid out on the ground and used it to make a sling. She groaned the entire time, as she put her arm into her makeshift cast. Sweat broke out from the sheer intenseness of the pain. Once she had down that, she left the apartment and made her way back down to Jill. Marika nodded, looking down at her own blood drenched clothes and blood splattered skin. "I can argee to that..." she said as she moved to the area that the soldier had told them to get cleaned up at, expecting Carlos to follow her. "Why did you join the military, Carlos?" She asked, glancing back at him as the walked, her gun now being placed in the waistband of her jeans, the safety on.
Chris found nothing or no one of use in the other two apartments. As he made his way back onto the landing now topless with his vest wrapped around his wounded shoulder he approached a near by window. Outside it was getting dark and the Majini that had once gathered outside seemed to have moved on to another part of town. The night was quite the chaos of the day seeming to have stopped for the night. Casually Chris made his way back downstairs to Jill and Samantha."You two should get some rest..."He said simply feeling the least wounded. Chris then sat beside Jill and reached over to her wounded leg. Pulling her home made dressing away from the wound a little he looked in at the wound."It looks clean, we won t have to amputate.."He joked as he let the dressing go back down before pulling his hand away from his partners leg. Sitting beside her with his back against the wall Chris tilted his head back and looked up to the ceiling. He yawned as he cracked his neck left to right before shaking his head and looking at Jill."When will all this stop?"Chris asked, he was sick of chasing bio terrorists and killing monsters. He wanted to go back to S.T.A.R.S busting people who only had normal weapons to fight him with not bio weapons. His eyes looked Jill over, he still wasn t used to her new blonde hair. As they arrived in the bed room Carlos made his way to his bunk and threw his Ak 47 down onto the bed before removing his dirty vest. Hearing Marika's question he sighed as he sat on his bed."There was nothing else. It was either the army or live on the streets..."He answered simply as he removed his boots. He then reached into his locker and pulled out a towel."You want to shower first?"He asked respectfully as he handed her the towel. After all this was a male only barracks and he didn t know if she wanted privacy to wash. Every other man in the Barracks was on guard duty or sleeping.
Jill looked up as Samantha came back down the stairs, quietly taking a seat across from her. She was about to ask the scientist if she'd found anything, but the woman only shrugged and shook her head. Jill sighed and dropped her head back against the wall. It was a few moments later that Chris returned as well. Her brow quirked as she was greeted by his bare top she had to admit that he had chiseled out nicely. Muscled, but not overly so. She watched as he pulled the bandage away from her leg. As he inspected it, so did she the bleeding had stopped that was good. She laughed at his joke and nudged him with her shoulder. "Thank god for that. Can't very well be saving the world on one leg," she said as she set her 9mm on the floor beside her. She wasn't going to holster it in case she needed it at a moment's notice. At Chris' next words, she let out a sigh, dropping her head back again but this time looking at him instead of the ceiling. "I don't know when it will stop, but until it does, we cannot give up. And, at least we have each other. It would be hell doing this alone," was her response, offering him a faint smile. Her hair bobbed a little as she nodded. She knew all too well what Carlos was saying, since she came from a military background. Her fingers wrapped around the edge of the towel and she took it with a grateful smile. "Thank you. I'll try not to be long," she reassured, making her way into the showers. Growing up in a mainly male family, Marika wasn't too picky about privacy brother's often did give their sisters that option. She stripped off her blood stained clothes and set them on the ground, out of the way, her weaponery on top. With a faint sigh, she began to wash her family's blood from her shapely, youthful body.
Chris smiled and casually took hold of Jill s hand and gripping it gently. Her words making him feel so much better. Looking her over once again before looking over to Samantha."Go on you two best go get some rest, might as well use the beds upstairs I don t think the owners will mind..."He then let go of Jill s hand as he slowly stood up. Walking over to a book shelf that sat next to the door he pushed it in front of the door before moving more furniture in front of the door to barricade it. Reaching for his holster he pulled out his pistol and check it over before reloading its almost empty clip. Once he was sure his gun was ready he holstered it. He knew they both needed to rest so someone had to stay awake and keep watch. As Marika showered Carlos made his way to the laundry. Finding a fresh uniform in his size and one he thought would fit Marika he brought the clothes back to his bed. As he passed the shower room he couldn t help but look in as he walked past. Catching a glimpse of Marika showering he bits his lip before hurrying away in case she saw him. He then set the cleaning clothing on his bed ready to be put on once they were both washed. Carlos sat on his bed as he waited for Marika to finished.
Jill gently returned the squeeze to his hand and nodded, using the wall to pull herself to her feet, holstering her gun just before she did so. Samantha got up as well and the two women followed Chris. Once inside, Jill nodded as he went about barracaded the door which was a good idea. Not that she expected any less from him. One had to take every precaution possible in a situation dealing with Umbrella and their damn Legacy. Samantha made her way to the sofa in this apartment and stretched out on it on her back. Exhausted and not used to a situation anywhere near what she had been through today, the scientist was quick to pass out. Jill wasn't surprised, though she sighed softly. "I hope she learn from this...that damn virus needs to be eradicated, not studied." She grumbled. Marika finished showering and turned off the water, her slim hands wringing out her dark hair. Taking the towel, she wrapped it around her tan body and carried her stuff back to the bed room of the barrack. "I'm all finished, Carlos."
As Samantha left, Chris's focus was all on Jill. Moving closer to her he listened to her."If she doesn t she will learn fast she wont make it through this..."He said simply in reply as he once again took her hand as he stood with her. Squeezing it lightly his eyes focused on her eyes. He leaned closer as if to kiss her on the lips but his head soon moved to the side of hers."Go get some rest I will keep watch..."He said softly into her ear before letting go of her hand and moving away from her. Walking over to a old arm chair that sat in the lobby he sat down facing the barricaded door. He watched Jill as he waited for her to leave the lobby. Carols smiled as Marika returned to him. Grabbing himself a fresh towel he headed for the shower room."I got you some clean clothes, Its a uniform I know but its all we got.."He informed her as he disappeared into the shower room where he stripped the dirty clothes from his body before turning on the shower and cleaning his body.
She had to admit to herself that when Chris pulled away, she was a little disappointed. However, at his words, she shook her head. Jill limped lightly over to where he was seated and sat herself on the ground beside him, resting her back against the side of his leg. "Every time we get seperated in a situation like this, it never goes well. I'm not leaving your side." Jill said to her partner as her lashes lowered and she tilted her head enough to rest it against his thigh. She figured this had to be more comfortable than lying against the wall, which was her only other option if she wanted to stay in the lobby with her partner. If he minded, she silently hoped he would let her know. "Thank you," Marika murmured as he left the room, now that it was his turn to shower. She let the towel peel off her 5 foot 5, 26 inch waist, D cup form and laid it across the bed. She put on the uniform, giving a small sigh she had never wanted to wear this, but it was much better than running around in blood soaked clothing.
As Jill sat down beside him Chris couldn t help but smile. As she rested her head against his thigh he reached down and gently ran his finger through her hair as he stroked her contently. He slowly slid of the chair and sat on the ground beside her. Wrapping his arms around her he pulled her close. His face now close to hers again but still he hesitated to make a move. He was silent and just sat their staring into his partners eyes. Carlos soon returned from the shower room. Casually removing to towel and getting dressed in front of Marika. After all he was used to acting so carelessly in the barracks. Soon he was dressed in a fresh uniform. He then picked up both the towels."You can take my bed if you want. I will take my friend s..."He informed her simply as he walked to the laundry room to get rid of the towels along with the dirty clothing.
Jill felt Chris stir and opened her eyes to see as he lowered to the ground. Then, she smiled gently as he wrapped her up in his arms and held her to him. Her eyes looked up into his own and she couldn't help but think how much they had been through together since Umbrella's first outbreak. Maybe fate had brought them together again they just couldn't seem to stay apart, something always happened that brought her to him or vice versa. She cared deeply for Chris, she knew that, because when she had attacked him under Wesker's control, it had been the worst moment of her life. Never did she want to hurt him, ever. Her hand reached up and gently caressed his cheek with her hand. "We'll make it through this, right? Marika blushed as Carlos changed in front of her and she carefully diverted her eyes trying to give him some semblence of privacy, even if he didn't need it. When he came back to the beds in the barracks, she was stretched out on her side, looking at him. She smiled and patted the bed. "I think together would be good. We've been through a lot today and I'd prefer to keep you close in case anything happens. I'm not about to let you die on me." Marika said with a small chuckle.
Chris smiled and he felt Jill s hand upon his cheek. Moving his face against her hand."Yeah we will make it through this, we ve been through worse..."Chris said with a smile before leaning in and kissing her softly. He had waited so long to be this close to her. Though he knew the situation wasnt the best for it he couldn t help himself. Pulling away from the kiss he waited eagerly for a response. His eyes locked on hers as he waited desperately to see how his partner would respond. Carlos smiled as he climbed onto the bed and laid onto his side facing her. The barracks were almost empty with most of the men outside on guard. A few lay sleeping in a few of the beds in the same room as Carlos and Marika."Don t worry we are safe here.."He said with a smile as he lay facing her. Enjoying this moment.
Jill nodded then became a little surprised by the descent of his lips upon hers she knew this wasn't the best time, but the small action was something she swore she had been waiting forever for. She just thought it never would've happened after what she had done in Kijuju. Her eyes stared back into his and then she smiled slowly, sliding her hand to the back of his head, pulling it down again so that there lips met once more. She didn't know if they would make it out alive, so she wanted to bask in Chris while she could. Marika smiled softly and came closer, scooting up to him. She was now close enough that they began to share their body heat, so she rolled onto her back, still not very far from the young man. "I hope so. After today, I'm not sure where safe is anymore."
Chris leaned into Jill more, his naked torso pressing against hers as he returned her kiss. His hands firmly taking hold of her hips in a strong yet gentle grip as he embraced her. He had long waited for this moment after all there was a time when he thought he wouldn t have a chance at getting close to her. As Chris returned the kiss he slowly pushed her back causing her to lay on the floor. Leaning over her he continued to kiss her deeply with his left hand still holding her left hip and his right hand giving him support by being placed firmly on the ground above her head. Carlos remained on his side as Marika got closer to him. His eyes casually looking over the uniformed female as she lay so close he could feel the heat from her body. He bit his lower lip nervously as he remembered the quick glimpse he got of her in the shower."Your safe now don t worry.."Carlos replied with confidence though he knew tomorrow when they left the barracks it would be a different story.
Jill let him lay her back on the floor of the apartment complex lobby, lips still locked with his as the kiss continued. The hand on the back of his neck slid upward, into his hair as she very slowly broke the kiss to look up at him. She had to see his face, to know that she wasn't hallucinating or dreaming. "I didn't think you would return my feelings after what happened in Kijuju, Chris..." She admitted softly, her free hand softly tracing the contours of his chiseled, naked torso. "And, I know I say it a lot, but I'm sorry for that day. I never wanted to hurt you." And it was true. She remembered fighting that damn device, though it was a losing battle just because she didn't want to hurt him. If he hadn't come for her...there was no telling what would have happened to her. She gave a nod, not sure why the boy seemed nervous though, of course, she didn't know that he had seen her soaping her body down in the showers not too long ago. In retrospect, it was even. He had changed in front of her, giving her a nice peek at his own youthful body before she had modestly turned her eyes away. She smiled and allowed her eyes to close, his body heat seeping into her to make her pleasantly warm. "That's good...though tomorrow is a different story all together."
As Jill spoke of what happened in Kijuju Chris gently run his fingers of her chest, the scars left behind by the device could still be felt even through her shirt. Looking up to her he smiled."Its ok, your not Wesker's puppet anymore."He replied simply as he leaned down and continued to kiss her. His legs soon moveing between hers as he lay ontop of his partner on the dark lobbys dirty floor. Chris still topless with his vest wrapped around his shoulder and only his combat pants and boots to cover his lower body. It was a warm night so the lack of a shirt or vest didnt bother Chris. Thankfully too the area was silent, the monsters all seemed to have gone away. It just seemed so perfect. Chris continued to kiss Jill more passionatly. His breath grew heavy as he slowly began to kiss from her lips and down the left side of her neck. His right hand moveing under her head cupping it whilst his left hand held her left hip firmly. Carlos smiled before moveing closer to Marika. Still laying on hos side he put one arm over her held her close."Dont worry about tomorrow.."He whispered softly into her ear before kissing her gently on the cheek. Obviously growing more confident as they got closer. Though for Carlos this was a first time being so close to a women. After all he had spent most of his young adult life in the Army who were constantly useing him all the time. Thus stopping Carlos having any chance to meet a girl let alone kiss one or even for that matter have sex with. He was a Virgin.
Jill couldn't help but smile as his fingers touched the scar that lay beneath the material of her black tank top. His words only served to make that smile more evident. He really was too good to her, or so she thought as they kissed again, more slowly, passionately. His hand was at the back of her head now, in her mussed up blonde lockes. His lips traveled down her neck and she couldn't help but turn her head a little, instinctively giving him more of the pale column. Her uninjured leg came up, thigh rubbing against his side softly and her hands continued to gently caress whatever part of him they could reach, mainly his shoulders and upper chest. As his came across her to pull her close, she couldn't help the small smile that tinged her lips. She let him pull her up against him, her side against the front of her body, their warmth seeping into each other. She turned her head and rested it against his chest Marika was a virgin too, though she wasn't likely to admit it. Her father and brother had pretty much put her on lockdown, never letting her near boys or men, always chasing them off whenever she made any good male friends. It had been a frustrating existance, but she supposed she was free now, in a warped sense of view.
Chris hand slid from Jill's hip and gripped the thigh which rubbed against his. He slowly began to rub his body against hers, his crotch rubbing seductivly against hers and a evedent erection bulging and pressing against Jill's crotch. As Chris kissed down her neck he soon found himself kissing down het throat to her chest. Without a thought of the messed up situation they were caught up in and the lack of privacy the lobby gave, both of his hands came to the bottom of the tank top. Pulling his head away from her he smiled at her as he slowly lifted the tank top up and over her head. Throwing it to the side carelessly Chris leaned in once again this time kissing her chest, his lips gently caressing her scars. Meanwhile his hands gently slideing down her sides back to her hips. With Marika's head resting on his chest Carlos nervously kissed her head before resting his head down on the pillow. His eyes closeing as he lay contently holding Marika as he rested. His nerves slowly fadeing away as her warmth comforted him.
Jill made a soft noise after her tank was pulled from her body and his lips were caressing the scar that was the testament of her time under Wesker's control. She was left now in her tight fitting jeans and the black bra that encased her sizable breasts. The lifted and fell with each breath, pressing against the cloth as if asking to be freed from their material prison. Jill trembled beneath Chris, unable to think of anything other than him the warped situation didn't even seem to register at this moment. The pain that had been throbbing in her leg seemed to have faded and all she could feel was Chris, rubbing against the most intimate part of her. She rubbed back, her legs still astride his hip. Marika smiled at the small kiss on the top of her head and returned one to his cheek, her body subconsciously curling to the contours of his. She began to wonder what tomorrow would bring, if she would live through the challenges of facing the monsters that had taken her home from her. "I'm scared of what tomorrow will bring..." She confessed softly, almost as if she were ashamed of her fear.
Breaking the kiss Chris sat back, straddling Jill s waist though his legs holding his weight. Chris looked down at Jill. A rush of excitement filled his body as he admired the sight of the women he had worked so closely with for so many years. His eyes now setting on her breasts, reaching down he took hold of the bra clad breasts firmly. His strong hands squeezing the breasts he had admired from time to time trapped within tight fitting uniforms. He then slid one hand around her back and unclipped the bra before removing it from her body and setting it down beside her tank top. A playfully grin slid across his lips as he carefully but quickly rolled over onto his back bringing her with him forcing her to now straddle him. He held her hips firmly now as he looked up admiring her breasts, he continued to rub his crotch as he lay beneath her. With her sudden change of position Carlos moved closer and lay with her in the spooning position as he held his arms around her waist. With his face now close to the back of her head his breath was on the back of her neck. He listened to her before kissing the back of her neck gently."Don t worry I will protect you... after all you did save my life."He replied reminding her that if she wasn t there for him earlier he would have shot himself.
She blushed as Chris' hands cupped her breasts, biting her lip as a ripple of pleasure slipped through her body. Soon the bra came off and her pale orbs were in view, a soft pink, semi erect nipple on each. As he rolled them over, she was careful not to put very much weight onto her hurt leg. Jill returned his playful grin with a smile, her hands sliding over his built chest she had found herself admiring more than once before. Leaning down, her breasts pressed to his chest, hands now on his hips, her lips, teeth, and tongue paying attentions to his neck. She shivered gently as he pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, the area being very sensitive. It made her body warm pleasantly as they laid there together on his bed. Her hands lay on his own as they rested around her. His words made her go back to when she had stopped him from shooting himself, when he had believed he could not be forgiven for what he had been forced to do. Marika was now glad she had saved him. Not that she wasn't before, mind you, just more so now that they had become good companions to each other.
"Oh, Jill!"Chris moaned as he enjoyed the attention she gave his neck, now his pleasure peeking he wanted more. His hands slid down from her hips to her belt which he was quick to un buckle before un zipping her fly."I want you!"Chris moaned once again as pleasure over whelmed his body. His erection now bulging harder in his pants as he felt her breasts against his chest. Chris had dreamt of this moment for so long, ever since they first met a rookie cops he had always had a crush on her. Though with them becoming partners the Job took over and destroyed any chance of them being together. All those years of pent up desire seeming to explode within him. With her jeans undone he was unable to remove them due to the position, his hands retreating back up her body with one hand gripping her left side whilst his right held the back of her head as he enjoyed the attention she game. The strong muscular man trembled in pleasure as he lay on the dirty lobby floor with his long lost love on top of him. Carlos breath continued to blow on the back of Marika's neck as he lay with her in such a intimate position. He had never been so close to a girl before and this was made obvious by the bulge which soon pressed against Marika's ass."If I don t make it through tomorrow, I want you to know Iam glad I met you.."He said in a slightly nervous tone, after all it was dawning on him how dangerous tomorrows mission was going to be and that he may not see Marika again. His arms around her waist holding her tighter.
"I want you too Chris." She said against the skin of his neck, her hand trailing down to unbutton and unzip his own pants. Teeth gnashed his neck as she bit upon it gently, her free hands nails dragging down his chest. She let herself bask in him for another moment before climbing off of him and pulling him back to hover over her so he could remove her pants. Marika could feel the bulge pressing against her and she blushed, glad he couldn't see her face. His breath on the back of her neck was causing her to shiver every now and then, tickling her senses to warm her body even further. Her lips curled into a smile, her fingertips gently caressing the backs of his hands. "I'm glad I met you too, Carlos"
As Jill removed her pants Chris was quick to un buckle his belt and un zip his fly, pushing his pants down a little so to show of the bulge in his tight fitting boxers. He was quick to pull the boxers down to reveal his man hood. The large strong cock stood tall as Chris lay beneath Jill. Reaching up to Jill he took hold of her left hip whilst his right hand pulled her underwear to the side to reveal her pussy. He gently pulled her down upon his cock which soon pressed against her pussy. He moaned softly in pleasure as he watched Jill in this position, a woman he had longed to get this close to for so long. Taking hold of both her hips he slowly and gently pulled her down upon his cock, slowly its disappeared up inside her as he lay back on the dirty lobby floor. His eyes watching his cock enter her in awe, occasionally looking up just to check it was Jill and that he wasn t dreaming. Moaning loudly as his naked cock slid up inside her, with the intensity of the moment and their current location Chris found no time to put on a condom, though he didn t care the feeling of Jill's inside around his cock was enough to make him forget anything. Enjoying the moment so much Carlos saw it as a chance to get even closer to Marika. Carlos had no experience of any sexual activity and naively the arm which lay beneath her body moved up and gently felt her breast whilst his other arm which came over her slid down between her legs. Gently he began to kiss the back of her neck and slowly work his way round to the side of her neck. Coming his far had made him nervous, with no idea what he was doing he tried his best at foreplay whilst trying his best to avoid shaking nervously. Not only was this a new experience for him but they were in a public bedroom other men lay on beds nearby sleeping and the men outside patrolled the Barracks who could easily step in any moment which not only added to his nervousness but also excited him.
Jill's head rolled back as Chris' cock rubbed against her wet enterance. She had dreamed about this for so long she thought she may still be dreaming, but with his cock pushing his way inside of her, there was no denying it. Not with her warm and wet walls clenching down upon the hard member as it pushed inside. Before long, she was seated upon him, her hands pressed to his abdomen, head thrown back as she gave a deep and long moan. Marika was surprised at the sudden touch of his hand on her breast and between her legs. Even through the material, the touches caused pleasure to run up the length of her body. She had to bite her lip to stifle a moan, afraid of waking the sleeping was kind of a thrill, really. The fear of discovery.
Chris also moaned loudly as his entire cock disappeared up inside Jill, holding her hips tightly he looked up to her in awe as he panted heavily the sight of her sat upon his cock was one that he had dreamed of for so long. Chris then sat up whilst slowly he thrusted as best he could up inside her obviously needing her to move with him, with his hands still on her hips he brought his face to her chest where he proceeded to suck on her left nipple whilst occasionally biting it softly. Enjoying the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of Jill's pussy thrilling him even more causing him pushed forward so he was once again on top of her and she lay on the lobby floor. Cupping his right hand behind her head while his left hand pressed down on the floor beside her Chris leaned in and began to kiss her lips passionately as he began to take control. slowly he slid in and out of her gradually getting faster and harder as her walls stretched to accommodate him. The risk of this moment thrilled Carlos also, noticing she was enjoying his touch he sighed in relief as he continued to fumble around with her as best he could in the hope he could please her. His lips continued to trail along her neck whilst his hands gently caressed her breast and between her legs. As he got more and more excited he began to unconsciously start to grind his body up against her as they lay in the spoon position. Trying his best to be as quiet as possible with the snores of other men being the dominate sounds in the room. They lay upon the bed covers, Carlos knew if this was to go any further they would have to take it under the covers and be as discreet as possible to avoid interruption.
Chris' mouth on her breast and nipple was better than she had imagined it. When he laid her back onto the lobby floor in the position they'd been in before, she couldn't help but moan from the new angle in which his cock was striking her. Lips parted and she kissed him back passionately, tongue dueling with tongue, her nails digger into his shoulders as her leg hooked around his hip to keep him close. The faster and harder he went, the more she moaned, her vaginal walls gripping at his hard cock with each thrust, milking him, gripping him, giving him the pleasure he was giving her. Her hips arched into each thrust as she held onto him. Her lips pulled from his as she gasped, her neck arching back as his cock managed to strike deep within her, hitting that spot that was almost unreachable, a shockwave of pleasure running through her. "Oh god...Chris!" Marika had to turn her face towards the pillow to stifle her very, very soft moan that came in response to his touches. Her hips moved against his hand almost subconsciously and after a moment, she pulled away enough to roll over so that she could face him, her lips beginning to caress his own, somewhat naively and curiously, as if she had never done it before. Her hands stroked across his chest as her body came up to press against him that way.
Chris continued to fuck Jill harder and faster, his balls slapping against her as his cock plunged deep inside her with every thrust. Noticing Jill enjoying the deep penetration Chris continued to give it to her as deep as he could as he lay over her. As he felt her vaginal walls clamping around his cock he couldn t help but moan against her lips as they kissed. His body now sweating profusely as he vigorously fucked his partner. Hearing her call his name also added to the pleasure, as her neck arched back breaking the kiss Chris leaned in and once again began to kiss her neck lustfully whilst he fucked her hard. The noises of their love making echoing throughout the silent halls of the apartment building as the lay on the lobby floor so openly in view. Carlos moaned softly against Marika's lips as she turned to kiss him, his hands now wrapping around her and holding onto her back as he pulled her closely as he tried his best to return the kiss, noticing she was a unskilled in this as he made he feel more comfortable as he continued to kiss her returning the caressing of the lips. Around them the sounds of men sleeping was all that could be heard over their soft moans and kissing noises.
Jill tried her best to censor her moans, but with the way Chris was pounding his cock into her it was nearly impossible. She bit down on her lip to try and help that, but still the moans slipped free, echoeing softly throughout the empty lobby. She really didn't care who heard at this point, not when she finally got to be with Chris like she had always dreamed of being. Her nails dragged down his back as he slammed into her again and again, her leg hooked astride his hip. She shuddered hard and moaned loud she didn't think she was going to last much longer at this rate, not with Chris, not with his hard cock slamming deep inside of her. Marika's hand roamed over his chest as she shyly nipped his lower lip with her teeth. Her leg gently rubbed against his own, her heart racing with both arousal and fear there were other soldiers lying in the barracks and all they had to do was look at them to discover them. It was frightening but stimulating at the same time. She didn't understand that.
Chris continued to slam his hard cocking into Jill s pussy over and over. He moaned loudly also without a care as he fucked his partner of so many years. He felt himself close to Cumming, though he didn t want to stop until he had satisfied Jill."Oh Jill..."He cried in pleasure as he leaned over her as he continued to pound her pussy as hard as he could. His cock now aching but this didn t stop him it only caused him to continued on as hard as he could. Desperate to please his lover. His breath growing heavier and strain showing on his face as he tried harder and harder to hold back his orgasm, his cock aching to explode deep inside her but Chris held back as best he could whilst keeping up the paces as best he could. His moans now more continuous and louder as he tried his best to pleasure Jill. As they lay on their sides kissing Carlos casually removed his clean shirt to reveal a clean vest. The pleasure she was giving him coupled with the risk involved made him want her more. He threw the shirt to the floor before going back to Marika who he continued to return her kisses. One of his hands sliding down her back to her ass which he playfully squeezed. His breath getting heavier but he tried his best out keep it quiet. The sounds of snoring and men rolling around in their sleep surrounded them.
Jill began to moan louder, her pussy clenching tight around him, covering his pounding cock with her slick juice. Her nails clutched desperately at his shoulders as she tried her best to hold back but then she couldn't anymore. Suddenly, she cried out and arched into him, her vaginal walls clenching down almost unbearably tight, flooding his cock with shuddering pleasure and a wash of hot cum as she orgasmed and orgasmed hard. "Oh god! Chriiiis!!" Marika blushed as he pulled off his shirt and even more so as his hand cupped her nice, shapely ass that seemed to fit perfectly into his grasp. Shyly, she began to gently rub her thigh against the bulge now evident in his pants as she leaned back enough to pull off her own top the benefit of wearing the same uniform is they had the knowledge to get each other out of it. She leaned her head back and kissed him again, this time a little more forwardly now that they had gotten the hang of how to do it.
As Jill climaxed Chris let go and allowed his cock to explode deep inside her, his own hot sticky cum mixing with hers deep inside her. Chris moaned loudly with her as he fell weakly upon her. Laying on top of her panting as his cock continued to pump out its load deep inside Jill. Chris could feel a stick mixture seeping out from around his cock and dripping down upon the dirty floor. Chris wrapped his arms around Jill before kissing her softly on the forehead."I love you.."He finally told her how he felt even though it was very obvious how they both felt after what they had just done. Chris lay there for a moment his cock still inside Jill. Slowly he pulled away from her, his cock sliding out soaked in a mixture of his and her cum, as he pulled his whole cock out a string of cum stretched from his cock to her pussy which soon snapped as he pulled away further, this soon followed by a small dribble of cum which dripped out of Jill's pussy. Chris sat back relaxing against the wall, his cock still hard and wet as he looked over at Jill as she lay there freshly fucked. A sight he thought he would never see. Carlos moaned as Marika's thigh rubbed against his bulge. He continued to kiss her for a moment before stopping to remove his vest. Carlos now growing more and more aroused. His hand on her as sliding up over her trousers and sliding down under the waist band of both her pants and underwear where he squeezed her bare ass beneath her clothes.
Jill blushed at his words, though after what they had just done, she had suspected as much. She let out a long sigh, trying to slow her rapid breathing. Her thighs were sticky and wet from a mixture of their cum. Pushing herself up onto her elbows, she peered around and reached out to grab a small cloth from the pocket of her jeans. Hands used it to clean herself, before she pulled on her clothes a little slowly, her body still aching, throbbing, and weak from the fuck session they'd just had on the floor. When she was done, she came back to Chris' side and pulled the last cloth she had out, handing it to him. She sat down beside him and pressed her lips to his cheek, giving a soft smile. She whispered, "And I love you, Chris." She gasped into his lips as his hands slid into her pants to cup her bare ass. Never before had anyone touched her even close to something like this it was exciting, it made her heart race. Her lips moved from his to nip their way across his chin, before down the side of his neck where she stayed to nibble, bite, and suck for a few moments. Her hands dragging nails down his chest as she continued to naively and softly rub her shapely thigh against his clothes erection.
Chris watched as Jill cleaned herself up, as she handed him the Cloth he casually wiped his cock clean before putting it back into his pants, seeing as he only was wearing his pants and he had ot removed them he wasn t long to get dressed again. As she kissed his cheek he wrapped an arm around her as they sat in the apartment lobby."Let s go upstairs.."Chris whispered to Jill as he slowly stood up. Remembering a room on the top floor with a king sized bed and a working shower. It beat hanging around in the lobby and all had been fine this far so Chris saw no point in hanging around the Lobby. Holding his hand out to support Jill. Carlos moaned more as Marika's thigh rubbed against his crotch, he slowly began to grind against her thigh enjoying the sensation. His hand still groping her bare ass curiously slid over her ass and to the back of her legs. In doing his her pants were pulled down a little exposing her ass partly whilst Carlos's fingers made their way between her legs from behind. First he came across her ass hole but was quick to carry on realising what that was. But soon he found another entrance, one he had never felt before. Casually his fingers touched her lips with one sliding inside her a little.
Jill nodded and took his hand as she helped her up from the lobby floor. Looking around now, she guessed this probably hadn't been the best spot to passionately fuck, but that hadn't really occured to her before now. They had been so caught up, they had been swept away by it all. She let him carry part of her weight as they ascended the stairs, now that she could feel her injured leg again it wasd actually surprising she had been able to ignore it. But that was a good thing for sure. Marika gasped as his finger partially slid into her small virgin hole, a blush spreading across her cheeks as her muscles clamped down, her insides burning warm, sensually so. Her leg continued to gently rub as his erection, before pulling away, her hand slipping down. She slid it inside the waistband of his pants and boxers, her small hand nervously wrapping around his cock.
Chris led Jill up the 3 flights of stairs to the apartment in question. As they entered he closed the door behind them before pushing Jill up against the wall and kissing her deeply. His hands held firmly on her hips as they stood in the surprisingly well kept and tidy apartment. Chris continued to enjoy Jill s body even though it wasn t long since there little moment in the lobby he couldn t help want a little more, now they had some privacy. They had a king size bed in the bedroom, a large couch in the living room and a shower in the bathroom and the privacy of a locked door and blinds on the windows. Carlos moaned as he felt Marika's hand holding his cock. In response he slid two fingers inside of her and slowly began to slide them in and out of her at a steady pace as he lay with her on the bed in the barracks. The risk of getting caught made things more exciting even though things were already exciting enough.
Jill gasped with surprise as Chris pushed her against the wall, his hands tight on her hips as he kissed her deeply. She moaned from the attention and wrapped her arms around his neck, her tongue sliding into his mouth to caress against his own. Already, she was beginning to warm again even though they had just had their intimate moment in the lobby below. Chris seemed insatiable for her, but she had to admit, she was insatiable for him as well. With the coming day, it wasn't known what was going to happen to them, or maybe to just one of them. She wanted this time with Chris, with the man she had loved all this time, in case she never got it again. She moaned gently, quietly, against his chest to help muffle it. Her fingers wrapped around his cock and began to stroke in an up and down motion, first slow...tentive, as if she were testing the waters, getting used to the feel of the hard organ in her small hand. His own fingers were caressing her most intimate part and she returned the favor by increasing her own explorative pace, enjoying the soft noises she got in response from him. Her heart raced with fear of discovery, but it only served to heighten her arousal, oddly.
Chris wasted no time as they kissed as he pulled off Jill's tank top again and let it fall down beside the closed door. He continued to kiss her deeply against the wall of the apartment hallway. Wanting her again his heart began to race and his breath grew heavy as he rubbed his body against her. A bulge remerging in his pants which he rubbed against her crotch sensually. Soon he un clipped her bra freeing her breasts once more before kissing down from her lips to her chin then to her neck and eventually to her chest. Down on his knees in front of her he kissed down across her chest to her stomach. He then began to unbuckle her belt, and undo her pants before letting them once again fall down to her ankles. Holding her hips firmly he kissed down from her stomach and down between her legs. Pulling hard on her underwear he let them fall to her ankles also before lifting her legs up so that they rested on his shoulders whilst he was on his knees and she had her back against the wall. Holding onto her thigh firmly Chris then began to lick her clit lustfully. Carlos let out a louder moan than before but tried to muffle it by kissing Marika. He caressing of his cock turning him on so much. He began to finger fuck her pussy alot harder now in response whilst his other hand pulled at her vest desperate to remove her clothes as they lay on the bed above the covers luckily not waking any of the men who slept around them.
In the privacy of the apartment, Jill could let her hang ups go, let the moans come out uninhibitited for fear of their companion and the other inhabitants of the complex being able to hear their passionate sounds. Her body trembled from his lips on his skin and the cool air sifting about the apartment. She was going to return the favor, but at this time, she could only drop her head back against the wall with a small shiver and a moan, his tongue on her clit sending shockwaves over her body. Her hands were in his hair, eyes glancing down, finding the sight of him eating her pussy quite erotic, it only serving to turn the blonde on more, even though they had just fucked in the lobby no more than 15 minutes ago. Jill just couldn't seem to get enough of her partner. Marika felt Carlos' hand fumbling with her top, so she leaned back enough to pull it off of her person, her tan breasts spilling into view. Dark nipples pressed against his chest as she once again came back to him, her hand caressing his cock slowly, softly, then hard and fast, enjoying the reactions she got from each pace. Her own breathing picked up as his fingers slid in and out of her tight and wet vagina, the walls clenching down with pleasure each time they returned to slide back within her.
Chris remained on his knees in the apartment hallway with Jill up against the wall with her legs over his shoulders as he continued to lick her clit. His tongue lapped against her clit lovingly whilst he grasped her thighs tightly enjoying the feeling off them either side of his head with her pussy in his face. Taking he left hand of her thigh he reached under her and pushed two fingers up inside her freshly fucked pussy. He could still feel the warm sticky cum inside her as he finger fucked her whilst licking her clit. Carlos let out a moan as her breasts came into view. He removed his vest quickly before wrapping his free arm around the back of her neck and pulling her face to his lustfully as he began to kiss her deeply. He breasts pressed against his slim yet muscular tan torso. His hand that played with her pussy pulled away fro a moment and pushed her pants down further till they and her underwear were around her knees. Now Marika was fully exposed to anyone who would look in their direction. Sliding his hand back up her inner thigh Carlos returned his two fingers to her pussy as he vigorously began to finger fuck her hard now as he got more excited. The fact that they were doing this in such a public place with other men sleeping only a few metres away and men outside who could walk in at any moment Carlos didn t seem to care as it added to the excitement.
Jill moaned as his fingers slid into her pussy, his tongue still working her clit. She writhed as her body trembled from his expert caresses. Chris seemed as if he wanted to devour her, body and soul, leave her weak and unable to be without his touch. And it was working. Her hands clutched at the wall behind her as she dropped her head back, moaning long and loud, her pussy still sticky with cum even as she began to grow wet and hot from his touch. Marika blushed as her full body came into view, only a small thatch of hair covering her virgin pussy. Remaining partially aware of what was around them, she pulled away from and slid her pants and underwear completely off. She pulled the blanket from under their legs and pulled it over them, before she undid his pants and pulled his bare cock out. She disappeared under the covers and tentively pressed a kiss to the head of his cock, before dragging her tongue up along the side, even as she continued to use her small hand and fingers to caress the hardening organ.
Chris continued to lick Jill's pussy longinly loveing the taste of her, he had waited so long to be with her in this way. His fingers which slid in and out of her like a cock began to move faster his knuckles pounding against her entrance as th fingers wen in knuckle deep with every thrust. Looking up Chris watched in awe as his love thrived in pleasure. Now that both Carlos and Marika were both naked and under the blanket things seemed to heat up. As Marika disapeared beneath the blanket Carlos was puzzled for a monemt before he felt her lips on his cock. For a moment he went out o breath as he lay under the covers as if just resting after all Marika was no longer visible. Carlos moaned softly as she caressed his cock with hand and tongue. Though for a monent he had to hold of his moans as another soldier entered the room, luckily the soldier was far to tired to look over at Carlos and notice the himan sized lump formed under the blanket that was Marika but he would sure be alerted if he heard moans. Carlos but his bottom lip as he tried to avoid makeing noise as Marika pleasured him.
Jill's head rolled as she moaned, her pussy wet and clenching over his fingers as they fucked her, knuckle deep each time. "Chris...oh god, Chris." She moaned again, her body trembling under his touch and tongue. After being fucked so viguriously in the lobby, she was still very sensitive and very turned on. If he kept up this torture for much longer, she was going to orgasm again. Never had she been given such loving attention like the kind that Chris was bestowing upon her. Sure, she'd been laid before, but never like this, never had it felt the way it did with Chris. Jill had been in love with her partner for a long time and just the thought of being with him like this was enough to make her shudder with pleasure. Marika heard shuffling and realized that someone must have entered the room, so she stopped her exploration of his cock. She only breathed upon it as she listened. When she heard no movement and the snores of the soldiers, she knew the man must have fallen asleep. Her heart skipped a beat as the adrenaline pumped in her blood, arousing her even more. Her lips returned and locked around his cock as she took it deep into her mouth, sucking strongly. Her hand cupped and caressed his balls as she pleasure his cock with her small, wet mouth.
Chris's fingers continued to fuck Jill's pussy harder and harder whilst his tongue flicked against her clit over and over again. He had longed to be in this situation, to taste Jill, to fuck Jill and to love Jill. He wanted to make her cum again, so he continued his play on her sensitive pussy still red from the hard fucking it received earliar. Carlos kept his mouth shut as he tried his best to stop his moans escapeing. He enjoyed the sensation of his cock in Marika's mouth. Her touch onhis balls also adding to his pleasure as he lay back enjoying his night with her.
Jill moaned louder again, knowing she wasn't going to last much longer by the trembling beginning her toned thighs. Her eyes almost rolled into the back of her head from the sheer pleasure of it all, hands, no, her nails clawed at the walls as she arched up almost as if it were unbearable. Then it hit her and she almost cried out as loud as she had in the lobby, her orgasm hitting her hard as she shuddered, inside and out. She did this for a moment longer before pulling her mouth away, the string of saliva between his cock and her lips snapping as she poked her head up from under the blanket. She kissed him deeply again, her hand gently stroking his cock, softly, barely, as if to tease and torture his senses. Her long, tan leg rubbed against his own as they lay there beneath the blanket, among the soldiers sleeping in the barracks.
Chris continued to pleasure Jill right through her orgasm, as she finished he pulled is now wet sticky fingers from her puss an let her legs down from his shoulders so that she was standing again. Chris then stood up infront of her and smiled."You look so good when you cum.."He said with a playfull smile. Carlos returned her kiss as they lay together. Takeing hold of her hips he pulled her ontop of him so that she lay ontop of him. The tip of his cock gently brushing against her pussy as they lay under the covers in the dark populared barracks. His hands held onto her hips firmly as he continued to kiss her.
Jill blushed as she leaned back against the wall. Her breathing was just beginning to settle again, it having been fast and heavy from what Chris had done to her. Her legs still trembled from the aftermath of her orgasm, Chris' teasing comment almost, almost, embarassing her. She smirked softly. "I'm glad you think so," she said with a small chuckle as she grabbed the back of neck, pulling his head down to kiss him deeply. Marika had to bite her lip to keep herself from moaning as her rubbed the head of his cock against her, her hands gripping against his chest. She had never had sex before and she was growing nervous, not sure how to procede. Lips parted as she kissed him back, her tongue dueling with his own she wanted this, so much in this moment, but she was afraid it would hurt more than she had heard from her friends and mother. But Carlos was someone she could trust to take care of her, she knew.
Chris casually removed his clothes in the hallway before takeing Jill by the hand and leading her into the bedroom of the fancy apartment. The room was dark lit only by a lamp in the cornor which glowed dimly. A king sized bed sat in the room. Chris let go of Jills hand before he walked over to the bed. He lay down in the middle of the bed and looked to her."You gonna join me Miss Valentine?.."He asked playfully as he lay naked on the bed. His strong muscular body lay there for her pleasure. Noticeing Marika was nervous he smiled."Its ok Iam a virgin too, your on top your in control.."He spoke trying to reasure her. He lay beneath her under the covers in the dark barracks. His hands on her hips whilst his virgin cock stood up beneath her its head touching her virgin pussy. He lay back waiting patiantly for her to take the lead.
She couldn't help but blush as Chris casually stripped off his clothes and meandered his way into the bedroom. Jill wish she could have been at ease with her nudity as Chris was. She followed behind him, limping just a tad from her leg wound the bullet may not be in there but it was still not an easy wound. She smiled at his comment. "I believe I will, Mr. Redfield." She with a small laugh, crawling onto the bed with him, her hands on his hips as she dipped her head to press a kiss the head of his rather impressive cock, her hair spilling around her young face. Marika blushed, not entirely sure what she should do at this point. She wasn't sure she wanted to be on top like this, as she was so nervous. Tentively, she pressed her hips down, letting the head of his cock stretch her. Feeling no pain, she pushed down further, biting her lip to stifle a moan.
Chris lay back smiling blissfully as he felt Jill's lips on his cock. He enjoyed the sight of Jill's lips on his cock with her hair hanging low. Enjoying this he lay his head back and spread his arms as he enjoyed haveing Jill do this. Laying on the bed of the apartment. Still ignoreing the chaos that surrounded them as they continued to enjoy each other throughout the night. holding her hips more firmly as he lay back allowing. Shivering as the new sensation that surrounded his cock slowly. He looked up to her with a smile."Are you ok?..."He asked her curiously as he lay back watching her contently as they lay beneath the blanket.
Jill closed her eyes as she wrapped her lips around his cock and slid in into the recess of her hot and wet mouth. Her tongue slid along the length of it, her hand coming down to caress his balls as she took his cock deep into her mouth. Her free hand dragged its nails down his thigh as she pleasured him this way, hoping he was enjoying it. She couldn't think of anything other than pleasing Chris, having temporarily forgotten the tragedy that had befallen Granando because of Umbrella's legacy. "Yes, I'm ok..." Marika mumured softly, feeling his cock now pressing against her hymen. Biting her lip, she pressed her hips down quick, stifling the soft cry of pain as he became buried deep within her folds. She sat there, seated upon him, unmoving as her body adjusted to the length of him inside of her virgin pussy. Then, she began to slowly ride him, doing what felt good, hoping it felt the same for him.
Chris lay back enjoying the attention Jill gave to his cock. He moaned softly and as he lay back he reached up over his head and held tightly to the bars of the head board. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes as he continued to moan. The feeling of his cock inside her mouth sending shivers of pleasure through him."Mmmm, that so good..."Chris moaned, why hadnt he shown how he felt about her earliar he thought. Maybe then they could have enjoyed this moment inthe safety of one of their homes. Though he thought this, he showed no sign of stopping Jill. He simply lay back gripping the headboard as he enjoyed the blow job. "Mierda santa!..."Carlos moaned, quite loudly as he felt his entire cock enter her. A first for both of them but at what risk. As she began to ride him he looked around to make sure his moan hadnt woke any of the other soldiers. Luckilly none seemed to notice. Relaxing he lay back and continued to hold her hips as she rode his cock. Carlos looked up to Marika and smiled.
Jill's quite talented mouth continued to work on his cock, a chuckle coming to mind as he voiced his appreciation of her affections. Her lips spread wider as she took his cock as far into his mouth as she could, deep throating his rod as she gave a soft moan, her hand still gently squeezing and caressing his ball sac. Jill tucked her hair back so that he could watch her suck his cock, just like she had watched him eat her out. Marika gave a soft smile back, her hands pressed to his lower torso as she began to slowly ride his cock. Getting used to the feeling, a pleasurable sensation beginning, she tried moving a little faster and had to surpress a loud moan, it coming out as a soft noise of pleasure, her pussy gripping tightly at his cock.
Chris looked down to watch Jill as she worked her magic. He soon began to moan more, his cock growing tense as he felt close to cumming. He gripped the head board tighter as he tryed his best to keep his head up so that he could watch Jill. His body grew hotter and began to sweat heavilly. His tense cock soon explodeing in Jill's mouth. Another hot load pumped out of him and into her mouth."Jill!.."Chris moaned as came. Carlos gripped Marika's hips tighter as she rode him faster. He soon sat up and wraped his arms around her before kissing her passionatly. As he sat up he discarded the blanket without a care letting it fall of the bed as the two sat exposed on the bed as they fucked. He tried his best to thrust upwards as she rode him. Now anyone who was in the room and awake would see them.
Jill did her best to swallow his load as he came into her mouth. Some dribbled from her lips as she pulled up from his cock, her tongue licking up the leaking semen. She finished crawling up onto the bed, stretching her naked body out next to his own. "And how was that, Mr. Redfield?" She asked on a chuckle. Marika didn't care really either as Carlos discarded of their blanket, but she kept her moan quiet as she kissed him back. Her hips thrusted back down on his as he pushed his hips up, burying his cock deep inside of her. She shuddered, her nails scoring his back as her legs wrapped around his waist, the new angle pulling her pussy tighter around Carlos' cock.
"O, it was good Miss Valantine.. now how about you type me up a report?.."He joked as if they were in work. He turned to lay on his side faceing her. The arm he lay on slid under her head and pulled her close whilst the hand on his other arm playfully rubbed her breasts, slowly working its way down to her pussy where he gently rubbed her. Chris smiled to Jill before kissing her soflty on the lips. Carlos moaned into her kiss and was soon to push forward more. Now he lay ontop of Marika and her head lay at the bottom of the bed. With her legs wrapped around his wiast it was easy to chage posistions. Carlos then cupped his hands under her head as he continued to kiss her as he began to take control gently fucking her at a simmilar speed she had rode him. The moon light shined in and caused their sweat soaked bodys to shine. Around them still men slept, unaware that there was a young virgin couple fucking in the middle of the room tottally exposed.
Jill moaned as he caressed her with his hand, her tongue sliding along his own as they kissed. Her nails raked down his torso as they continued to thoroughally enjoy each others bodies in this one moment of solitude they could get. She pulled her lips away and nipped his neck. "You're insatiable, Mr. Redfield..." she murmured on a moan. Marika moaned softly, biting her lip as he began to take over the pace. It felt so good what he was doing and she had never felt like this before. She had expected her first time to be painful and awkward, but it was surprisingly pleasurable and she tingled, her toes curling as they writhed together on his bunk. Her eyes closed and she dropped her head back, her hips moving back against his.
Chris smiled as he playfully rubbed Jill's pussy whilst they lay together. He smiled in response to her words though a soft yawn escaped his lips as his eyes closed. His fingers still playfully rubbing her pussy as they lay peacefully. Carlos continued to enjoy the new sensation as he fucked Marika. Though as he continued he began to get the hang of it and continued to pound her pussy harder and faster. As the couple lay naked fucking on the bunk surrounded by sleeping men in other bunks. The risk factor adding to the intensity of everything and soon he felt a a farmilliar sensation amoungst this new experiance."O, o shit!.."He moaned as he came deep inside her. Stopping his thrusting he lay ontop of her as his cock exploded unloading a hot sticky load deep inside her. Pressing hos mouth to her chest he tried his best to muffle his moans so not to wake anyone.
Jill chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to his lips, drawing her tongue across them. She took his hand from her pussy and brought it to rest on the curve of her ass as she kissed him. "We should get some rest, Chris," Jill whispered against his lips. Bringing her body closer to his, she slid her thigh between his and cuddled as close as she could, feeling him down the entire length of her body. Her hands caressed his sides softly as she laid her head against his chest and yawned, closing her eyes. As Carlos' thick and hot load of cum shot into her, it was like he had pulled the trigger. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and she had to hide her face against his neck as she came hard around him, her walls clenching down like a fist on his cock, flooding him with her own juices. She panted softly, holding him to her as she tried to regain her composure, a little glad they had not awoken the men the risk of being caught was a huge turn on, true, but she didn't actually want to be caught.
Chris simply smiled in reply as he lay beside Jill and slowly drifted into a well needed slumber. After all he hadnt slept for days in his search for Pablo. Though it had seemed that the comfort Jill gave him and the exhuastion of their love makeing had tired him out. Chris slept soundly beside her like a baby as they lay naked together in the apartment. Carlos lay still for a moment after Marika had came. He then slowly slid out of her, his cock followed by a a small gush of cum which oozed out of her and ran down from her pussy to her ass and eventually soaking the bed sheet. Carlos sat up on the bed and reached for a towell, he casually wiped his cock dry before handing Marika the towell with a smile."That was amazeing..."He whispered to her before crawling over to her and laying beside her. They lay upside down on the bed with their heads at the bottom of the bed. Carlos kissed Marika softly on the cheek.
Jill smiled softly as Chris went to sleep peacefully in her arms. Her hand stroked over his hair. He needed his rest, as did she, they had been through a lot together. Not just today. Her eyes were shut and she let out a sigh against his head. At least if they didn't make it through this alive, she had finally been able to tell Chris how she felt. And not only that, but she had found out that Chris had similiar feelings. That alone made everything she had been through worth it. She smiled again softly and began to doze off. Marika took the towel from Carlos with a blush and cleaned herself off, noticing the slight bit of blood on the material. After she was done, she set the towel back onto the floor. "It was amazing, but we should get dressed. It's a wonder we weren't caught already," She said with a chuckle, reaching down to pick up her discarded clothing, slowly sliding back into them before stretching out the right way on the bed, leaving plenty of room for him to lay beside her. | 90 | ['Grenco', 'Fidel', 'Gonzalez', 'Irving', 'Jose', 'Castro', 'Umbrella', 'Wesker'] |
78 | | The first SeeD of trouble (Zafirah, godfang) | While Rinoa would never have admitted this to anyone, she was no stranger to... well, sexy dreams. The sheer amount of sexual tension that had been building up among her friends while they journeyed to save the world was nothing short of astounding but she'd always been the odd one out when it came to the SeeDs, and she wasn't really surprised when she found out who Squall's heart really belonged to. She didn't blame him, really the other woman had been there when she couldn't be, and that went a long way to settling those questions.No, she was no stranger to those sorts dreams. But they had never been so... vivid. So extensive. And so... well, so thorough. As she started to wake, shifting slightly as she curled out from the fetal position, one of the first things she became aware of was the lingering dampness between her legs. The second thing she became aware of was that she was unusually sore sore in ways that she hadn't felt since the war against Ultimecia, ways that usually had to be mended with healing magic. And then there was the crisp seawater tang in the air, reminding her of the time she'd spent at Fisherman's Horizon some months back Wait. She hadn't been near the sea for weeks now. Why was she smelling the ocean?A shock of fear rose up her spine, waking her fully, but Rinoa gulped her fear down, trying to stay calm for a bit longer and took in her surroundings. She was in a ratty hotel room the sort that the Forest Owls had moved between so long ago when the only concern in her world was freeing Timber. She was still dressed in her traveling clothes, though they were wrinkled and a little stinky. She had no idea how she'd gotten here, and she had no idea who had put her here, and... oh, she hoped this wasn't why she had had so many dreams...Instinctively, she closed her eyes and let her heart search out for the Guardian Forces that had come with her, willing them to Junction with her and arm her... but there was nothing. Siren and Carbuncle's presences just weren't there. The cold knot in her stomach tightened, threatening to send her into a panic, but just as she started to give in she felt... something else. Another Guardian Force, but... older. Stronger. Primeval. Just the sensation of it in the back of her head was enough to send a chill up her spine, and this unknown force was with her, bound to her, or maybe she to it.Well, whatever it was, it was the only clue she had. Rinoa took a deep breath and reached out to the presence lurking within her, calling it forth to the material world...
One would question, what is it like to live as a Guardian Force? What do they do while theyre not being summoned and protecting those they were junctioned to? Do they have little house somewhere, with little book cases where they keep their reading materials? The answer, like one would suspect, is no. Guardian forces are simply creatures who exist in the minds of those they are junctioned to. And as such, when they arent in the material world, they wander in the minds of their hosts. They see their memories, their past, and sometimes they even stumble across hidden desires or other deep rooted psyches.He, is a guardian force. One who existed long before others. He came from a time when names arent needed, and ever since that time, he did what he was supposed to do. He guarded. He was the sentinel who pushed back the darkness encroaching on the land of men. Now people would tell him that he is a guardian force, yet in those times, people would tell him he is a guardian god. He took pride in such claims, yet he knows he isnt a god. He is one who wields strength, and would often use it to protect, yet he is no saint either. He has fallen to desire and worldly lust, just like the humans he protects, but he never considered it to be a bad thing.He flits from one part of her memory, those of her childhood, of innocent times, to a time where a golden haired man would take her in bed. The guardian scoffed at the mans puny effort to please her. He is simply a mere man, and could not compare to the ways the guardian ravaged her. Just as he enjoyed watching her memories of the endless nights she rode him, a mental ping appeared. Apparently the girl in question is summoning him, and he obeyed.His form, naked save the loincloth and the ceremonial armbands around his powerfull arms, materialized before her. His hair, long and wild, like an untamed forest, smells just like the leaves of a woodland grove. Landing softly on the bed, he knelt in front of her, face mere inches away from hers. His canines are long and flawless white."Another round?" He asked with his deep growling voice.
Rinoa's voice stuck in her throat as the Guardian Force made itself manifest in front of her. Her hands twisted in the sheets as he came down to her level her sitting on the bed, him kneeling before her and as his scent washed over her, it stirred a strange longing within her body. A familiar, wantful ache that only tightened her grip on her sheets.. He was... gorgeous was not the right word. Gorgeous implied something human, or sculpted, and though this body was muscular, powerful, and ruggedly handsome, there was something... not quite human about the way he was looking at her.What frightened her more was that something about the hunger in his voice was also very familiar. "An... another what?" Rinoa mumbled as she shrank back from him, eyes wide with a mixture of fear, and dawning, gnawing memory. "I... I just wanted to find out what was going on," she said, her own voice trembling. "Who are you? Why am I here?"
"Another round..Of mating." Came the blunt reply. Banter and modesty were beyond him. He gently pushed her back to the bed, climbing over her, moving in ways not natural for someone built so heavily. He was like a big cat, power and grace combining in his movements. "We have been mating everyday for seven nights now..Perhaps you are in heat." Again, he said matter of factly. "Did you not come to this lodge because you hunger for more of what we did?" He hovered slightly above her, his godlike body in plain view and within her reach. The strength in his muscles were easy to see. He could probably rip a man apart with his bare hands, but those same hands are the ones that have carressed and pleasured her for many days now."We are resting in this..Horizon of fisherman, do you not remember?" His voice showed a hint of concern. Despite the danger and predatory sense he is emmiting, he is, in fact, her guardian.
She began to say something protest as his hand came down on her shoulder, pressing her down into the bed, but lost the words as he settled over her. The bed was old she could feel the springs sagging unevenly beneath their weight the way old mattresses always sagged, and his touch was nothing short of electric. Frightening, but electric, and that much more familiar. Those dreams she'd thought she'd had were beginning to look a lot less like dreams to her mind's eye, and more like plain old memories..."N no," Rinoa responded quickly, eventually finding her tongue again. Gingerly, she reached out to him as he floated above her and lightly touched his chest she was having trouble thinking of him as a spirit, now, he so very definitely had a gender and gulped nervously. "I mean, I think I might remember... you know," she added evasively, glancing away. "But I don't remember getting here, or meeting you, or how we met, or..."She suddenly flushed a deep scarlet. "Did we really... have sex, every night for a week?" Rinoa asked meekly.
Like a confused child, the guardian tilted his head to the side and frowned. His weight didnt shift at all, staying on top of her as his hard chest rubbed her palm. "Yes. Every night.." The guardian then broke into a mischievous smile, the first time today that he showed some sort of wit and emotion. "All night long..."His hand slides down her sides like a hunter traverses a well known path in search of his prey. "And sometimes..during the day.." She can feel him grip the sides of her pants, and suddenly sliding them off by pulling them upwards, leaving her shapely legs pointing upwards. "And the afternoon.." He continued, the hunger in his voice becoming more and more apparent. "And sometimes..." His voice trailed as he pressed his tongue on the skin behind her knee and licked upwards to her heel. "We did you put it?"Two iron grip held her ankles in place, it was apparent his physical might was unearthly, fitting for a guardian force, but the sentience of his action, the way he seemed to have a will of his own, that she cant control is very much uncharacteristic of a guardian force, as they were supposed to be completely obedient. "Ah yes...Fuck all day.." He finished by spreading her legs apart widely, giving her a good view of his body, and more importantly, the giant inhuman bulge in his loincloth. It was easily twice the size of her previous partner, and it seems like it can break her in half in the most pleasurable ways imaginable.
Rinoa shivered as his tongue traced the curves of her calf, squirming in his grip against the bedsheets. She'd been so caught up in watching that fathomless, hungry gaze of his that she'd not even realized he was undressing her until she felt the air against her nethers, still slick with her own wetness not just from her dreams but from renewed want. Her mind was going a million miles a minute, and it was hard to focus on anything but the powerful presence before her and, with her legs split in the air before him, primed to take him inside her, her gaze fell down to the loincloth he was wearing and the massive manhood it scarcely concealed."N no," she gasped, shaking her head to clear it against the fog of lust that was beginning to shroud her mind, struggling in vain against the iron in his grip. Her face was flushed with embarrassment, fear, and a familiar, aching desire. "We shouldn't," she added, trying to be fervent and iron willed about the whole thing a sentiment undermined by the terrible vulnerability of her position, the depth of his power, and the fact that a part of her very much wanted him inside her. "I don't know what you think we did, but I'm not that kind of girl..."With every word, she sounded much less sure of that fact.
Her defiance amused him, and in a quick burst of speed, he devoured her lips, pushing his large tongue inside her mouth, invading it thoroughly. He kissed her like an animal, but he tastes like fresh spring water. Her ankle still in his vise like grip, bent backwards, almost level with her head as the guardian agresively rubbed his clothed cock on her soaking nether regions, promising her an experience that will stretch her to her utmost limits of endurance and flexibility. He continued his assault on her lips, joining his mountain breeze like breath with her hot human one.When he pulled back slightly, a strand of saliva can be seen trailing from his lips to hers. "I have no problem taking you by force.." He growled as his now naked cock falls upon her stomach, showing her how deep it will penetrate her should they have sex. "But perhaps you prefer to enjoy it as well?" He said motioning for her to touch his rod with her small hands. It looks like they cant even wrap around it fully, as the cock was as thick as a womans wrist.
The panic that had been building in the back of her head threatened to scream as he leaned in over her, stifling anything she might have said with weight and lips and more. Rinoa's eyes widened briefly as his tongue invaded her mouth but he tasted like the outdoors, like purity, something older than she could imagine, and what was left of her protest was sundered. Her eyes fluttered shut as she sucked back on his tongue, drinking his presence into her, letting go of the fears that had so recently knotted her insides together. A third presence his hands on her ankles, bending her over backwards, his lips and tongue in her mouth, and suddenly the unmistakable sensation of that massive cock rubbing against her lower lips took her breath away in a wanton, moan. Her back arched sharply, pressing against him with what little leverage her awkward position could manage, until he pulled away.When her eyes fluttered open again, there was a distant, almost dazed but paying rapt attention to his words. Rinoa licked absently at her lips, catching her breath as she dabbed the strand of spittle into her mouth with her tongue, and looked down to her stomach where his cock now rested as the slap of skin on skin reaches her ears. Wordlessly, she shifted as best she could and wove her arms downwards, reaching gingerly, hesitantly, for his manhood, only half remembering what she's supposed to do with something that large but the memory of her dream catches up with her. Guided by half remembered memory, she places both of her small hands at the base of the shaft and slowly stroking upwards, circling it between both hands and caressing upwards, lingering beneath the head of the rod. "Was was it always this big?" she murmured anxiously, mostly to herself.
"You made it bigger putting it in your mouth." He told her. The guardian purred at her touches. She may act like an innocent girl, but her hands are truly talented. He howled suddenly, rubbing his massive cockhead on her cunt, using her hands to stabilize it and keep the long rod in position. When he thrusted inside her, he caused friction to both her palm and her cunt, which he spreads wide with the thick shaft. His thrusting lacked technique, subtlety and refinement, but his thickness, intensity and obvious hunger for her body made up for it. His powerfull abdominals squeezed and squirmed as his hips moved back and forth, his flexing muscles a marvelous sight of masculinity, a treat for any womans eyes.His stamina clearly was also inhuman. It took the better part of an hour before he actually lets out a groan. His cock and hips relentlessly pounded the lythe human girl without mercy, trying to overwhelm her with the extended bouts of fucking. "Nnngh!..You wonderfull.." He whispered.
Rinoa had tensed up at his howl, shrinking back instinctively the noise cut through the sensual haze, touching that part of her that was afraid of him but then hesplit her open, pushing himself inside her. She cried out in pain as her pussy stretched agonizingly to accommodate the inhuman girth of his cock. He thrust inside her again she whimpered out in fear as she felt her insides pushed apart, feeling every distinct contour and curve of his cock and as he thrust inside her again, there was a second sudden swell of sensation, mingling with the wake of the first, and mind numbing in its intensity.A thought crossed her mind, distantly, as she surrendered to the flood of pleasure washing through her body with every thrust, setting all her nerves afire. She'd lost control of the situation the moment she'd called him down with her legs pinned in the air, lower lips open and visible to anyone who walked in the door if he wanted to expose her to them, and her senses blurring together in an orgiastic haze, there was no use fighting it. No use worrying about it now. Had she been trapped like this, she wondered abandoned in a hotel room, attached to a powerful spirit that would simply fuck her senseless every time she came to? It wouldn't be so bad, to be like this forever, a little voice in the back of her head chimed in as Rinoa's orgasm reached its crest. There are worse fates than this. And Rinoa ached inside as she wanted to say Yes! or No! as her body flooded her mind with every reason she could think of for just giving in. If he had been human, she would have been torn asunder but he was something more than mortal. The ache of his cock in her cunt was scarcely noticeable anymore, leaving just the waves of glorious sensation. Submission was not so bad......but in the back of her mind, she remembered what happened when she had been weak, and other wills had subsumed her own. Rinoa opened her eyes, dreamily, and gazed upon the man spirit fucking her with a new light. If he'd noticed that she'd come, there was no sign of it he was spreading her open as if he'd not been between her legs for the past five, ten minutes, as if he'd just started. There was no animosity in this. This wasn't torture. This wasn't mind control. For whatever reason, he he wanted her, like she knew she wanted him inside her, pounding, shaking the bed with every thrust. He might not be human, but what human could compare to this? A smile briefly lit her lips as she let her head loll back onto the mattress, putting her hands around his cock again , and gave herself to whimpers as she felt another orgasm starting to build, a fluttery crest of the growing wave...His voice brought her out of her reverie. She didn't know how many times she'd come since that deep voice had last reached her ears she'd lost count somewhere between four and five, and they were coming faster and faster as he worked her body like a machine. "I didn ," Rinoa gasped, trying to draw a breath and remember how to speak, "dinn't think it was was ever OH, yes, more like that..."
He was indeed, a relentless sex machine. Hours passed as if they were mere minutes, and still his hips moved in the same fast rythm that he started out with. No human man can ever achieve this feat of endurance, and this is perhaps why so many summoners had become addicted to the guardians mighty rod. He gave out a roar of dominance everytime he feels her climax, yet gave her no chance to rest. He himself havent climaxed yet, despite the extended period of time that they fucked like wild animals. His powerfull jaws would sometimes clamp on her shoulders or legs, trying to draw a scream from her to sate his predatory instinct.Despite what may seem like an extremely taxing physical activity, she didnt feel fatigue. The guardian is an avatar of primal vitality, and his presence alone is enough to grant endurance to those he is junctioned with. Much more so when he is 'inside' them physically. His mind momentarily went back to a particular encounter with a legendary female warrior of time imemorial. The two would mate for days, due to the aura he is generating, and the warriors unmatched physical prowess. Another era has seen him in service to a courtesan famous for her sexual skills, and during this time, the courtesan made sure to teach him the intricate art of lovemaking.When her hands returned, he began changing his rythm, using one such technique he was taught. His hips moved in a slow long circular motion, stretching her walls to the side in a relaxed pace. Her leg was allowed freedom, as his hands supported his torso above hers, kissing her forehead then stealing a long hungry kiss, all the while his hips danced with hers. "Am i satisfying you, summoner?" His growl fell to a soft whisper, sounding suspiciously like the calm before the all consuming storm.
Rinoa bit on her lip as he pulled back, the taste of his tongue searing its way into her conscious mind as he shifted. She'd never mistake this for a dream again, not when the real thing was impossibly vivid. Ankles freed from his grip, her slender calves came to rest on his shoulders, and when he changed his rhythm, adding a circular motion to his thrusts, she squeezed harder on his massive shaft with what strength her thin wrists could manage. "Never had " she began, gasping for breath, keeping a handle on her words through the throbbing of her pussy, "never anything like this before. Never thought it could be like this..."Her muscles didn't ache. There was no soreness from being propped up so long, no residual pain in her ankles from being pinned... he could have had her bent over a table or a counter and she wasn't sure she would be feeling that. It was wonderful ecstatic rapturous and while she'd managed to keep her voice down, despite his less than subtle attempts to provoke her further, if he ratcheted his efforts much further, she would be letting the whole hotel know exactly how hard she was being fucked.
The rythm was uncharacteristically gentle. He was obviously up to something, something violent. His lips sealed hers once more, seducing both her body and her mind. His hips waltzing for what seemed like an eternity. "Your previous lover..Is inferior to me. Is he not?" His tone rose abit, clearly a prelude to the upcoming storm as his hips began moving faster once more, the loving gentle waltz soon turning into a tango of escalating fury, rocking the bed violently again.Without any warning, he pulled out of her, and propped her hands onto the headboard, gripping her waist in an iron vise of a grip. "Summoner..Prepare your self!" he roared out. Leon Mullins, is a traveling salesman, and he knows all the cheapest places to stay, the restaurant with the biggest portions, and the most shady of pawnshops. However, for once in his life, he regretted staying in the hungry bear inn. The place was normally quiet, but today, someone in the room next to him is banging something against the walls, so hard that the wall itself shook, and the hanging light in his room swayed around."What the hell are they doing there?!" He thought to himself. Indeed the room was shaking. The meteoric impact of his hips caused the bed to slam against the walls. It would seem the guardian is intent, on taking her to the limits of her endurance.
Riona had mumbled something mutely in answer to his question her last was nothing, an awkward child fumbling in comparison to him and she was pretty sure she was almost getting the hang of this whole being fucked silly by a primordial power thing. He was almost taking it easy on her, reserving the true depths of his inhuman strength. She should be sore, she should be aching, but with every thrust she found herself revitalized. There was no hunger, no thirst here, only the rushing sense of having something moving within her, setting all of her senses alight."It's so good," she moaned between breaths, finally making her lips work in a way that they would make words. "Hyne take me oh GODS, don't stop..."He roared an answering challenge, and she felt his hands roughly remove her from the pistoning shaft, to the bed Rinoa blinked, dazed, why would he do that? She wanted to touch him, she wanted to hold him inside her and then as he started pounding her again, she yelped in surprise and gripped the baseboard of the ratty hotel room's bed with all of her strength. He was penetrating her with a qualitatively different power, now one that was radiating through her body beyond her ability to control. It was like being possessed, except except not at all. Before, when Edea and Ultimecia had taken control of her body, it was paralyzing, terrifying, as though she might never be herself again here, he was energizing her, telling her body what to do and she LIKED it. She WANTED it, even as it scared her just how much she wanted this.
It truly was a loud day indeed in the hungry bear inn. All day long the complaints about the couple having loud violent sex came in, but the front desk couldnt do anything. The girl checked in alone, but it is clear that someone is in there with her, giving her the time of her life. Its just impossible though, how they seemingly went on hours after hours without stopping. The only explanation is, that there are multiple men in the room, perhaps 5 or 6, taking turns fucking her brains out.In reality, the guardian has been ravaging the raven haired beauty for 12 hours straight. It was something quite common for him to do, but Rinoa was able to do it only by the preserving aura of vitality he exhudes. Here, in this most feral of sexual positions, he took her to heaven, or hell, depending on how you look at it. Only when the 12th hour came, did the guardian let out a loud bellow, sending a shockwave throughout the room, bowling the furnitures over. His cum overflowed like a summer flood, revitalizing the land, his essence was even more potent than his aura, healing the girl more effectively than any elixirs.The room looked like ground zero when they were done. Giving Rinoa one long last kiss to show her his appreciation of their mating. "Should you want another round..just say so.." He whispered, cock still hard inside her. | 16 | ['Timber', 'Squall', 'Rinoa'] |
80 | | Chasing Shadows (( TheDarkerMe and Loki-sama )) | Acheron let out an impatient breath as he stood outside of the rest stop going into Portland, Oregon. Sitting astride his own custom Harley Softail Sportster. He was originally on his way to Nashville, Tennessee because he heard of some researcher making claims of having discovered Atlantis. On the way however, Savitar had told him that was being taken care of and that he was needed here instead. So he was here. Now that he thought about it, he'd been attempting to get a Dark Hunter stationed here so he could kill two birds with one stone.Though all he saw right now was a bunch of bikers likely on their way south taking a break. Picking up bits and pieces of their thoughts here and there, he found that this was a chapter of the well known, Hell's Angels gang who was on their way to "Church" which meant meeting basically. A few of them had glanced his way, but as usual due mostly to Ash's constant "FU" aura, even hardened bikers knew to keep their distance. The thought brought a smirk to his lips.He remembered Savitar had said something about an incident that occurred in a lab not too far from this place. When he asked Artemis about it even she was tight lipped. Not that he was expecting the goddess to help him much. She'd done such a FINE job helping in the past what with watching him be beaten to a bloody pulp by her brother. A tick developed on his jaw before he simply shook his head and kept his senses open. Something apparently was going to go down either near here or at this very place.It was then, when he noticed near the restroom a couple of men were hassling a woman. He immediately recognized the men as Daimons, but something about her aura was... weird. And while he could pick up the males' thoughts, he found himself unable to read her's at all.What the hell?!
Just passing through, that's what she had told herself four months ago. But the problem was, there was no one here protecting the people. She had come through, and noticed that right away. Even with her shields on as high as she had them, she still could sense a Daimon for up to twenty miles away. She had come to this rest stop because there had been some rumors of young woman vanishing from it. So she had decided to investigate.She traveled with the Hell's Angels, they seemed to be fine with the young woman. She didn't get in there way, and paid for the gas that was used. She had traveled with a man she had dubbed 'Papa Bear' very fitting considering she was everything a grandfather would have been, had she had contact with her biological grandfather. He was a kind old man, that took the pale and shaking girl in when she had first appeared in Portland.The man didn't know what she was, which was fine. But he knew that she could handle herself. Decked out like the men, she looked like a leather clad angel. Delicate features, almost shatteringly pretty. Her eyes slightly slanted, and a perpetually sad look to them. Her eyes had an illusion cast on them, to make them look just plain old baby blue. Though someone with enough powers could see her true eyes. The dark blue outer ring, that melted into silver, that melted into purple at her pupil.Her hair was pure white, pulled back in a clip with her bangs framing her features. The bangs reaching her collarbones, and the hair clipped in the back reaching near her waist. Her clothing was leather, minus her top. She wore leather pants, that hugged her waist and ass and then loosened down around her legs. She wore leather harley boots, a pretty little gift from 'Papa Bear'. Her top was a black to the skin shirt, cut a little lower then she usually liked but it served it's purpose. Her black leather jacket was made to withstand traveling, and that was a good thing.She came from the restroom, and the males came around her. Heckling her, she pretended to be frightened by the blonds, but interested. When the Daimons pulled her out behind the building, further then the restrooms, a feral grin overtook her features. "Now tell me gentlemen, what has you so far from your hunting grounds?" She asked as she whirled on them. Her shields dropping. The whoosh of energy was enough to make the dust rise up and rush out from around her feet.Her hand came up the ball of shadowy energy forming, as she laughed. "Nevermind, forget I asked that. You are the ones stealing and destroying the young women who have gone missing here." She said as she stepped forward. "My name is Shadow, simply shadow. As a righter of the wrongs cast on women kind, I will destroy you as swiftly as possible. You aren't worth my time." She stated firmly as she lashed out the ball at one males chest. Then released another at another.They where similar to God Bolts but a bit different. Formed out of the shadow energy that few actually truly learned to wield. There where three that had no braids and beads in their hair. The three that did would be her problem. Blades came up from gods knew where, but Shadow knew she would have to work fast. As they came at her she dropped to her knees and slid across the gravel, slipping between one of the warriors legs. She spun rapidly by using her hand to turn and then rapidly twisted her body to slam a kick into the mans hip.There was a crunching sound as the Spathi dropped and started to scream. She had been trained for this, trained to kill. The sure and pulsing aura of death... was enough to assure that.
Ash tried once again to read her thoughts, but everything came up a complete blank. What did that mean? He didn't like this one bit. While he had to admit with a smirk of his lips that the woman before him put Artemis' crafted beauty to shame. He slid his Oakley sunglasses down a little bit as he watched her approach the other men. She also had guts to even try to take on this clutch of Daimons by herself. Whatever she was. Acheron could sense her energy as she dropped her shields and so did a couple of the Daimons apparently as one or two of them had been stunned a moment.Rolling his shoulders in the distressed black duster he wore over the black Misfits T shirt he strode over to the fight in his dusty leather strides tucked into his straight black Doc Martens. His raven hair pulled back in a ponytail accenting his strong features he cracked his knuckles in one fingerless gloved hand and then the other. He'd be damned if he was going to even allow the possibility of anything happen to this woman. He remembered that Savitar told him. That people close to him would be blanks to his ability to read minds. While the Daimons minds were open to him he still couldn't get a sense of her while he approached the battle she was in. While he back was to another Daimon who was trying to attack her from behind, Ash lashed his hand forward and it was as if the Daimon had been grabbed by the collar of his shirt and jerked back towards Ash's waiting hand. Catching the man he placed one hand under his chin in a firm grip and the other at the back of his head and jerked. With a sickening wet crunch the Daimin found himself able to actually watch his back as his head was twisted backwards. The body toppled a few steps before falling to the ground. Ash threw a god bolt into the body for good measure turning it into little more than a pile of ash and soot on the ground.Ash didn t have time to play around. This had to be defused quickly before it caused a problem for any standers by. Luckily, Papa Bear and most of the other bikers were in the bar at the moment enjoying their rounds. Unaware of the fight going on.
Shadow ignored the man that came to help her. She would deal with him later. Her eyes narrowed as she dodged the spathi she was still working on. She spun in a full circle releasing a handful of what appeared to be, and where, kunai. The bladed projectiles flew true, hitting the normal daimons in their inkblots. Leaving her with One healthy Spathi, and one injured. Then she felt the sensation she felt whenever one of their holes opened. Gods be damned, why did the fates always play her as their fool? She ducked and braced her hands on the ground, spinning her body in a full circle and kicking out feet as she went. The world inverted as she spun her body and flipped.She brought the heel of her boot down upon one of the new Spathi's. His head crunched wetly as the scent of blood filled the air. Her nostrils flared for a moment, and her eyes narrowed as she spun. A blade releasing itself from her sleeve, one that hadn't been there a moment ago. Made into a projectile by a burst of magic. It took the spathi in the heart. Then she released on on the spathi that was on the ground with the broken hip.She gave a cry of pain as she was suddenly hauled back by her hair, one of the males had her by her hair. The Spathi's beads fell against her shoulder as his fangs pierced into her neck. Sending piercing pain through her as the pulling sensation washed over her. Her eyes closed, as she pretended to sag. Her mind ran through the spells she had learned. Then she released a long gentle sigh. The Spathi made a gagging sound, and the female smirked. Though she controlled shadows, her mother had taught her a spell. It was called "Liquid Sunlight", a spell which had gone down with Atlantis.The Spathi burst into flame, and turned into dust. The blood leaking from her wound was a bit luminescent and looked nearly gold now, rolling down her body as the wound slowly stitched closed."Man, can you shield, cause if you can damn well do it!"Shadow sent the telepathic command to the man that had come to her aid. With that done, in her opinion more then enough warning, she drew her arms into her body. The shadows pulsing around her as she took the bolts of power thrust at her by a particularly vicious one. The smell of singed leather and a bit of hair filled the air.But the shadows continued to pulse, and then suddenly exploded into a reign of knives that spread through the area. Designed to only fly so far, and ONLY pierce flesh. They would melt away after a certain point, and those that connected with flesh, would have a nice little core they would release. Her blood on the ground had been what had fueled the blades. So each of those blades had a miniature piece of sunlight. With that attack released, the female went to her knees panting. Her eyes closing as she gasped for breath. Fuck, that was too much. She shouldn't have used that last ability. Fuck, Fuck...Her vicious was darkening and that was never a good thing. She didn't know if she could really trust the male that had come to help her.
Acheron had to admit that whatever she was she could damn well handle herself against the Spathi. Her movements were fluid, there was no wasted motion, and in the brief instant where he thought he would have to step in to save her, she'd taken control of the situation quickly. The spell she'd used had surrpised him however.Atlantean magic?! That sort of magic sunk to the depths with my mother's people! How does she know it?This woman was indeed full of surprises. His fascination was cut short however when he heard her mental warning to shield. The energy that hummed through the air was proof of the need. Taking her warning to heart he put up his own shield as her aura seemed to explode with eldritch power.He watched as the energy exploded from her, taking out the rest in an orderly fashion despite the chaotic manner the spell went off. He could feel the energy beat against his shiled, and was glad for the warning. That would've hurt like a bitch. When he lowered his shield after he was sure the spell had subsided, he noticed her power was dimming. She'd used too much power, and was fading. He ran over and caught her before she would fall to the concrete, holding her, slowly sitting her down. Up close, her beauty was even more arresting, he brushed a finger along the snow white bangs framing her angelic face. Yet he'd seen just how dealy this woman was, and he could still feel her power, though having tapped into too much of it she was now a bit weakened.His first order of business was to check the wound on her neck from the bite. Pressing his palm over the wound he begun about healing it. As he did, he wondered what course of action would need to be taken. The only Dark Hunter in the area he could think of would be Zoe, who he'd contacted prior to his coming to Seattle. Sebastian's was the closest haven he could think of, and thankfully that wasn't too far. Looking down at Shadow he wondered.Who are you?
The females mind barely knew where she was, or what she was doing. She panted as the energy pulsed around her one last time and died. She went to her knees, but ended up in strong arms. A sensation that she hadn't felt in a long time. These did not seek to hurt her, either. Which was a strange turn of events. He held her as if she was special, someone to save. The sensation of a healing spell rolled over the wound on her neck.It sealed up, and the pain slowly left her. But the problem was, with her shields down, her mental barriers destroyed... She couldn't control certain aspects of her powers. It allowed him a window into her mind. The scene that rolled through his mind, would make a normal person cringe.Tears rolled down the child's face as she stood up. White hair falling across darkening and blood filled vision. A cry slowly slipped from the girls lips. With that the fist of a much larger man slammed into her stomach, making her curl up and spasm. Blood leaking from her lips, as she vomited on his boots. She cried, and curled up. Sobbing and shaking. The voice of the man filling her mind. "Take the pain and use it, damnit! Stop being a child, you are a Goddess! Awaken and fight. Don't let yourself be fooled. I'll kill you if you don't fight back!" The man screamed at her. The pain throbbed through her as the attacks continued. She wiped the blood from her mouth and fought to dodge. From the way her mind was formed, she was no older then eight. And she was already being put through so much. She followed the words of the man speaking to her, energy gathered and the world ran black. Shadow spasmed as she was held in the mans arms. A scream silenced behind tightly closed lips. She rolled her head to the side, hands curling around her stomach as she shook. Trying to curl away from the man. She hadn't passed out, but her vision was darkening. She couldn't pass out, she couldn't!
Though part of him was focused on healing her and keeping an eye out for their surroundings, part of him felt for the woman in his arms. Centuries ago, he'd been forged in the fires of shame and humiliation, and then to be killed and brought back as a god to oversee a war that would determine the fate of humanity itself. He could understand her pain, he'd endured much the same.Though in her memories the man had called her a goddess. That brought an inquisitive look from him. Sure, she had an appearance that could rival even Artemis herself, but the power he'd seen her display in dispatching the Spathi had been pretty damned impressive. Could she have something to do with what Savitar was talking about? He knew better than to ask. He knew the god wouldn't tell him directly, but in some 'round the fucking barn kind of way that told him nothing so he didn't screw the pooch that was fate.When he felt her bite back a scream and turn in his arms he held her tighter. "It's okay. I'm here to help you." He said reassuringly, knowing that those memories coming back could be the cause of it as well. She was likely reliving those painful events all of the sudden.
Shadow's eyes opened, her shields gone, and her natural appearance evident. She used magic to make herself look quite a bit more plain then she actually was. Her eyes were multi colored. Three colors, purple, blue and silver. Her eyes shifted a little as she stared at him a whimper leaving her. She shuddered a little and twisted a little in his arms. Her eyes closing as she arched away from him. "Don't just don't touch me!" She snapped as she tried to twist out of his arms. She didn't want him hurt, but the barriers of her mind were collapsing here in his arms.Other memories came to light as her mind started to fade out a little. Her breathing leveled out in a manner of stress and serenity, all in one. Her hands gripped his arm as she collapsed down against his chest. Her eyes closed as she whimpered a little.She crouched down, now about eight or nine. Her body poised at the ready to leap. The same man from before was there and he was watching her as she darted through the obstacle course. Her body was alive with power too much for one so young. She had to keep pushing herself, the man shooting at her. Bullets hitting a shield that she had created one hand moving it as she darted through the course. "Keep going you dumb cunt. Seriously? You're supposed to be the child of a God, I know homeless people with more ability then you." The man snapped at her. Shadow whirled around as her hands came together. Her first kill was the only thought in her mind. Her hands came together as her eyes closed. They opened to watch the shocked look on the mans face. "Hows that for a Goddess." She whispered as she watched the blood dripped down from the mans eyes. Then she crossed her arms before her and then slammed her arms out. A familiar attack to Acheron at least happened. Shadows burst around her as daggers slammed into the man. "Fuck you." Shadow regained the control of her being as she gasped faintly. Too much stress and what the hell was this man. "Let me go." She whispered softly as she tried to pull away. Her eyes closing as she gripped her leather jacket. "I need to move." | 8 | ['Savitar'] |
81 | | The New Mutants on the Block (Selo and Anji-Nii-Chan) | "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Walking up the drive way was a mostly young male wearing all black clothing. He was heading to the Yoshira School for the Gifted. This was no school for normal kids, and by normal they mean regular humans. This school was set up like its counter part, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, it was a mutant's school. But unlike Xavier's school, this one didn't have it's own force of mutants that fight of evil, they left that to the X Men in America. Instead, the kids broke into their own groups and acted out their own ideals like that. All of it was peaceful enough to prevent full out fights, until a slightly large group of the older kids acted out more harshly than normal. They haven't done much since that fight, and the school was finally open to new students once more, and this young man was one such student. He was around his upper teens, almost in his twenties soon. His mutant powers that were seen by others was his exceptional sight and hearing, flexibility and enhanced athletics. Than also he had a pair of large black fox ears on top of his head, but he had no tail. He also had another power, but he didn't tell it out much. He was able to shift in and out of shadows, and use the shadows to 'repair' his body. He had a bag slung over his shoulder and another on his back. He walked up to where his dorm was and walked in, tossing his bag into a corner. It was still the break at that time, so he had free time to roam around and get used to the place. And that was what he was going to do. He headed out, his black hair covering over his eyes, but not at all hindering his vision. He listened in on people's conversations with out them knowing, watching all the other boys play sports such as basketball and football, while others, like him, just sat or stood around. He had his hands in his pocket, and was one of the oddest out there, if that was possible, by wearing all black on a sunny day, and pants to boot.
The school had been through its fair share of trials it didn't have to have a super human crime fighting team to have its own problems. It had split down the middle during its original stay among the population good students versus the rebels, the students who had decided they were better and wanted the world in the palm of their hands. Anje had been on the good side of the split and had defended the school and its honor, but due to the damage the rebels had caused, the school had to be closed. That meant Anje had to return home. Today, however, she was happy to receive the letter telling her she was able to go back. The joy she felt in her heart could not be described with words she had never fit in with society being a mutant as she was. People were afraid of her and her abilities. Her most well known ability was 'puppet master'. She could control people's actions like they were on strings, to an extent, but it was the power people feared the most. You fear what you cannot control. It was a common practice. She was unpacking now, in her single room nobody had wanted to room with her, which she expected. So, really, it didn't bother her too much. She was more of a solitude persuasion. After she was done packing, Anje decided to explore the school's redone layout. It was as beautiful as she remembered but she really wanted to find out what had become of the gardens. Her black lolita type of dress was low cut, tight, and fell to her mid thighs. The sleeves were short, trimmed with lace, and puffy. A black ribbon tied around her neck and connected with a unique design to her dress. Her long light pink hair fell down her back and stuck out against her milky pale skin, a small top hat of sorts adorning it a rose from the time of the old school decorated the brim beautifully. Long black stockings reached her knees and she wore school girl type loafers basically, she stood out, but she didn't mind it since she felt so out of place to begin with. She skipped down the stairs like she was hopping clouds and made her way out the back doors towards the gardens.
He walked around, feeling most people were ignoring him except the few who spoke about his ears he proudly wore. He walked towards a tree and sank into it's shadow, as if through a hole in the ground. He then came out in a more secluded place, the gardens. The only people here were some florakenetics, or people who could control plants, and a few other people. Despite his true like to death, his other was to plants, namely flowers. He knelt down in front of some red and white rose bushes, holding one up between two fingers. "Such a small thing to catch the hearts of so many people." He said softly, standing up now. He looked up at the mostly cloudy sky, hating the sun as that was his main weakness. He could stretch shadows out when he repaired him self, but only so far in sun light. Sun light also weakened his usage of any shadow power, but did not affect his physical abilities. The longer he stayed in the sun, the weaker his power gets, but starts to replenish it self while he sits in pure darkness, the clouds were a neutral zone for him. "Still too bright." He said, his eyes having adjusted to almost pure darkness. He then looked to a set of stairs and saw a girl in a lolita out fit, a black maid dress and a top hat head band. She's an interesting character. He thought and then he faded down into the bush's shadow, moving out of sight and came out in her shadow behind her. "Lovely evening, isn't it?" He questioned, leaning over her shoulder as he said it softly.
"My goodness!" The girl said in surprise as she turned to face this young man who'd approached her as if from air. He looked about her age, herself being 18 just old enough to escape her parents over protective clutches. "You startled me," it was said with a small laugh, "not that it shouldn't be something I should expect considering where we are." She turned on her heel with a smile, her hands folded behind her back as she trotted towards the flowers. "It is beautiful today," she answered his question finally as she leaned over to touch her fingertips to the air just above a rose. Then she twiddled her fingers and the flower followed accordingly. She gave out a giggle and then sat down on the fountian ridge just opposite the rose bushes. Her pale, doll like eyes moved back to the man with the fox ears unusal that. She had never seen it before. Interesting. "I am Anjerika Yumino, but I suppose you may call me Anje. It's what they all call me."
He smirked as she walked to the fountain. "Call me Selo Golna Yaku. You can call me Shadow Fox." He said with a smirk. He then perked his ears to one side as he heard some noise. "What was that?" He questioned, the voice very faint, even to him. "Sounds like...arguing." He said and started to walk off in the direction. "Wana come and check it out with me?" He questioned, looking back to Anje. He stood with his hands in his pockets, slightly slouched over. His hair blew in the soft breeze, just barely revealing his perfect blue eyes, them being the brightest part about him, other than his pale skin which probably lost more than half its pigment. He almost looked like a ghost in fact, having avoided the sun for nearly seven to eight years, even before then he spent most of his time in the house rather than playing out door games. interesting name to go with an interesting man. The doll like girl tilted her head and her light pink hair spilled across a pale shoulder. "Arguing?" Anje listened closely, but could hear nothing. Extensive hearing wasn't really her forte, though. "I will take your word for it since this seems to be one of your areas of expertise." She pushed herself up off the fountian ridge. She, too, was pale, unbelievably so. She figured it had something to do with her abilites a doll for a doll. Of sorts. It didn't help that she wore all black for the exception of the white rose attached to her hat. "I will follow you then, Selo." She nodded her head in a salute of sorts, indicating that he should take the lead since she wasn't aware of where the fighting was taking place. Fighting was something she did not want here. Not after what had happened last time. She wasn't about to lose her home...again.
Selo then smirked and walked of, leaping over the bushes with simple ease. He then started to go with a brisk jog to where he heard the noises, making sure Anje kept up. When he got there it was a Pyrokenetic fighting what seemed like a speed demon. The fight seemed to be favoring the speed demon, but Selo didn't feel like seeing it end with either of them winner. He then sank into the ground where the crowd was casting a shadow and came up in the middle of the fit, black tendrils grasping the feet of both combatants. "Stop it, now!" He ordered and the pyro got ready to burn him with the already lite flame. Selo spun on a heel, swinging his foot into the air and struck the flame with his boot, putting the flame out before he shot it out. "I said stop." Selo stated with more force. "And who are you, my dad?" The Speed demon questioned. "No, I am the one stopping this fight. I just got here and I am not wanting to get kicked out because a couple of teens can't control them selves enough to leave it to words." He said, still holding both of the kids by they ankles. "No, will you two quite it?" He ordered, his hands held like fists, bent at the elbows and aimed at either boy. The boys looked angered by Selo's intervention but then loosened up. Selo then pulled the shadows down slowly when he saw them do this. "Good." He said and started to walk off, the crowd already breaking up now, seeing as Selo became the kill joy. When Selo turned his back, the Pyrokenetic lite his lighter back up and started to shoot his back, the Speed Demon rushing him. Selo then sank into the building's shadow, just before either of them got close, and came out next to Anje. "Come on, these guys don't seem to like me much any more." He said with a chuckle and started to make with the crowd.
Anje's wide eyes stared at the angry students as they went about being pompous jackasses. When Selo popped up beside her, she moved slightly in front of him to face the two as they approached more cautiously this time. "Stop," she said, "fighting will get you nowhere. In fact, fighting will get our school shut down. So it would be in your best interest to cease and desist." The two were eyeing her warily. Her powers were unknown to general populace, so they had no clue what they would be up against. "If you do not," Anje warned, "you will force my hand and you will have no choice but to stop." Her voice had taken on a soothing note, a timbre that tickled the senses. Selo would see through it with his superior hearing it was another tactic of puppet masters, to control with their voices. Influence those around them to do what they wanted. The speed demon was falling into her trap pretty easily, as was the arsonist. They probably hadn't come up against someone with this ability, especially with the doll like appearance she gave. "Now," she smiled politely and wiggled her fingers in a walk, "go." The two departed, walking away from them against their will. Their steps were a tad jerky as if they were fighting them all the way and they made no sound as Anje made sure to keep their smartass traps shut. When they made it into the building, she released the control and turned away from the crowd that was now peering at her curiously. "Come, Selo." She said. "The fight appears to be over and I was quite enjoying the tranquility of the gardens."
Selo's ears were going crazy as he started to her her voice. It was like he heard her voice with his ears, and his mind, but seeing as she directed her powers on the other two, the power wouldn't affect him as harshly. He had noticed this power before, but only once, and it was used on him. His sensitive ears made it hard for him to counter act such a controlling power, and made him an easy target for that kind of power as well. "Y yeah." He said, slightly unnerved at what he heard, but still seemed to like hanging out with Anje. He had publicly displayed his more secretive powers, and knew he would most likely regret doing that later. Soon they made it back to the garden and Selo stopped. "Correct me, your power is being able to control people through your voice, isn't it?" He asked once they were mostly alone. Only one other person was there, but they were out of hearing range and probably wasn't even paying attention. Selo turned and faced her, crossing his arms over hist chest. "I heard that tone of voice once before, and when I did all I remembered after was me sitting in my house when I was all ten minutes away from there. I heard it more directly back then than just now with your voice, but I still remember that tone." He said, also having a vivid memory to boot with his mutant powers, a more human 'power' he had.
Anje placed herself before a lovely rose bush, one mixed with red, white, pink, and yellow roses. Her right hand hovered over a yellow rose and she once again wiggled her fingers. The petals of the flower danced in time with her slim fingertips. "It's one of my stronger abilities, yes." Anje said to him as the wind shifted through her hair. "I am what one would call a puppet master. I am no master, but my abilities seem to revolve around puppet like things. Making people into puppets, dolls, and whatnot. The voice is one aspect of that. As well as body control, as if they were connected to my fingertips by thread. I'm told there is more, but I've yet to discover what else I can do." She was sure to keep her voice low even if the person near them wasn't a threat, she wasn't about to expose her vunerabilities to someone she didn't know. Though, that was really what she was doing, wasn't it? Selo was a stranger to her, but she didn't get the vibe off of him that would make her wary of being in his presence. "Why do you ask, Selo?" She questioned, looking up at him from her perch with curious eyes.
Selo looked to the ground in front of him. That kind of power would make someone very distrusted, because how do you know they won't use their powers on you? Selo then looked to her and could see through her eyes that she wasn't the type to abuse her powers. "I...just wanted to be sure, is all." He said then smirked, putting his hands in his pockets once more. He looked over at the other person near by, seeing them hover water over plants and drizzle it down on them. A water controller, interesting. He looked back at Anje and smirked. That could explain her doll like appearance. I had thought she was more like my, a recluse from the sun. There is a lot of things that I should try and figure out now. He thought, being an analyst of many things. He wanted to know stuff, and the more he knew the happier he was, and more prepared for things as well. Such as with the pyro earlier, he had already learned most pyros needed a source to use their fire, they manipulated it, not create it. That helped him get rid of his power and render him useless so he could better defend him self. What other ways can she control people? I shouldn't ask her to figure it out on classmates though, she might not like that and it would be wrongly using her powers on others. He thought, staring out into space now, his eyes aimed at the flowers as he did think. It was obvious he was deep in thought, anyone could look at him and tell he wasn't looking at the flowers.
Anje nodded, catching the subtle hint that he wanted to know more but wasn't going to pry. She raised her eyes, still playing with the flower as she looked to the other body in the school's gardens it was a woman, one who looked about the same age as them, maybe younger. Anje had seen her earlier she was out here using her water abilites to make sure the plants were watered. Anje smiled and pushed herself up from her crouch. "Miss! Would you like to come and sit with us?" she called out, sending the subtle invitation on the wind which she knew would reach the girls ears. Mizu perked up, raising her multi colored hues to stare at the girl that was addressing her from across the fountian. She stopped her hands from continuing to water the flowers in front of her, deciding to see what the girl and her companion wanted. She jumped up onto the fountian ridge and stepped literally onto the water. Her sandaled feet skimmed the surface as she walked across and before long she was standing on the other side in front of the two, in her simple, kimono style dres it was white, loosely tied open to show her pale neck and upper chest, little patterned leaves decorated the silk material in an assortment of colors. A red sash tied it shut at her waist, coming together at the back with a bow, the remaints of the sash flowing behind her. Her long jet black hair was spilling down her back and floating on the breeze behind her, a red comb rose clip pulling it back out of her face, beads hanging off it in a cute design. A brown eye stared at the two, a blue one doing exactly the same. She smiled softly, "hello there." Her voice was soft, innocent the girl herself was only 15 and was here at the school due to her parents orders. Everyone in her family was normal except for her, so they'd sent her off to avoid any reprocussions her abilites would have on the family. She seemed friendly enough, standing there before them.
Selo then looked up to hear Anje calling to the other person over. Selo watched her and saw how she walked on the water. She can increase the surface tension of water as well? So she doesn't only manipulate, she controls. Selo inferred. "Evening." Selo said in a kind tone or voice. He then looked to Anje with a look of asking what she was doing. She put his hands in his pockets and looked to the sky, seeing the sun start to come out. He would move under a close by tree, a small one but it provided enough shade for him to hide from the sun. "Hope you don't mind my evasion for the time being." He stated, nodding his head to the sky as he looked at Anje. "The names Selo, what's yours?" He questioned, looking at the hydrokenetic. His hair dropped down over his eyes once more as the breeze died down. Selo could feel there was somebody watching them, but heard nothing of them, yet. The boy stood on the building's edge, looking down at the three people speaking amongst each other, having followed the water controller. "The names Selo, what's yours?" The only male would say. Damion smirked as the winds shifted once more, blowing through all of their hair again. Hmm...I wonder what other powers they have. He questioned, having been in the crowd during the fight. He leaped off the building and started to drop and then floated down and landed about seven feet away. "HEY!" He called out in a cheerful tone. "I couldn't help but over hear the convo here. Wussup with all ya'll?" He questioned with a smirk on his face. "OH! By the way you can call me Ion, but my named is Damion. I've gone by Ion for most of my life just to let ya 'know." He said, his voice soft and flowed in the breeze. There was a soft wind circling him, it didn't hinder hearing him or him hearing the others, it just made ripples in his clothing and hair.
There really was no rhyme or reason as to why Anje was doing what she was doing. Having been part of the school's original downfall, she wanted to get to know a good number of the students possibly to help avoid and prevent what had happened before. As the new comer landed and addressed them, Anje's large and pale eyes would study him quietly. "Ion, huh? It's nice to meet you, my name is Anjerika." She said softly, idly beginning to play with a tiny yarn ball she had pulled from her pocket. "Call me Anje if you'd prefer." She glanced over at the water user and nodded. "Thank you for joining us. You may call me Anje as well." She played with the string as the soft smile was addressed to small group they seemed to be forming. She glanced at Selo to see how he was handling this and saw that he was melding with the shadows comfortably, resting outside the rays of the evening sun."As you wish, Anje." She glanced with her mis matching eyes to the males in the group. "A pleasure, Selo. And to you as well, Ion." She seated herself beside the other girl, studying the men she had seen a bit of the fight that has occurred but not much. In awe of Anje's abilities, as well as Selo's. "My name is Mayuno, but I've always called myself Mizu water is pretty much who I am and that's why I like the name." The girl was also obviously of japanese heritage the only thing that was off was her eyes, but that had been an attribute that had come forth along with her abilities.
"What y'all conversing about?" Ion asked, looking from one person to the next carefully. So the Shadow User named Selo couldn't stand in the sunlight, but why? He then looked to the one named Mizu, Japanese descent, water controller, and still kind of young. The third person, another girl, was named Anjerika, or Anje. Ion couldn't tell what her power was, maybe she was a plant controller, until he saw her pull out a ball of yarn and started to control that as well. A controller of all, puppet master. That is a very useful ability indeed. He thought, the more he knew about his friends the better. Selo looked at Ion and could tell he was trying to figure them out, just as much as he was them. "We just started talking, so nothing much." Selo said, in a half apathetic tone. He looked to Anje and then to Mizu, and finally to Ion. "So, how long have all of you been going here?" He questioned as he looked to each one. "I just got here today. I normally stay hidden quite well." He said with a smirk. "I've been here since I was about twelve. I'm sixteen now." Ion said with a smirk and sat down. The amazing thing about him sitting, his head and torso stayed at the same height as when he was standing, an empty space between him and the ground. A soft howling of wind coming from below him was also heard as the wind picked up.
Anje listened as the two men of the group conversed. She smiled, playing with the thread she'd pulled from her pocket. Her eyes raised as the question was posed. "I've been here since the school opened 6 years ago, so since I was 12 as well, Ion." She said it with a smile, then looked curiously at Mizu to see what the other girl would say. Her thoughts wandered as she turned to observe Ion's floating the wind had picked up to flow beneath him, so she was assuming that his power had something to do with controlling the wind. That was probably why he had been able to hear their conversation even though he hadn't been close to them.Mizu took her turn to answer the question. "3 days for me," she said. "My parents were afraid I'd disgrace the family, so they sent me here." She tilted her head, the black hair spilling over one shoulder as she looked to Selo with a smile. "It appears we are the newbies here, Selo kun."
Selo looked to Mizu and nodded in agreement. The two of them were the new people on the block. "Disgrace the family? Sounds like they were just afraid of your powers, or afraid of what other would think about them if someone found about a mutant in the linage." Selo commented. He started to sound like a few of the people who did not like humans, but Selo was only commenting. "My family sent me to live on my own as if I were a normal kid. They never found out I was a mutant until I sprouted my ears." He said with a chuckle. "My family just never liked me at all. Once they found out I was a mutant they thought it was a perfect chance to rid my presence from them." Damion stated still floating where he was. "I guess I'm sorta lucky...or not." He said starting to ponder the situation.
Mizu listened to Selo intently, then nodded. "Yes, I do believe you are right. Coming from a traditional japanese family, something that would disturb the order would be seen as a unneccassary occurance." She nodded again. "The heir to the family can't be anything other than ordinary," her hands played with the water in the fountian base, "and I am far from ordinary, so once they had another child to ensure the stability of the family, I was sent here." She looked back to smile. "That's alright with me though. I can already tell I will be much happier here than at home." Anje listened to each of their stories as to how they'd came to the school. She knew one of them would ask her for a similar story, but she didn't say anything and only listened. Her small, thin, but feminine fingers continued to play with the thread. A few moments later, a loud bell rang out. Anje's head lifted and she smiled, saying, "that would be the class bell. We should get to homeroom." It would be the last class of the day, just one to where a attendence could be recorded to make sure all the students were present before night.
Selo heard the bell and looked to the other three. "What was that bell for? I thought classes wouldn't start for a little while now." Selo questioned looking mainly at Anje for an answer. Ion left before Selo had asked his question and wasn't controlling any winds to hear the question, so he continued on walking. Selo would follow behind Anje until he got an answer to his question, or until she got to a place where he wasn't allowed to follow.
Anje watched as Mizu ran off ahead, not really surprised that the youngest of them seemed to be so eager and forthright. She hung back and walked with Selo at a leisure pace, her fingers still idly twiddling with the the thread. It seemed as if it were hard for her to keep her hands idle a side effect she was sure had to do with her set of abilities. She peered over at Selo as he questioned her and smiled knowingly at his confusion. "It's not really a class, per say." She nodded and opened the main door, allowing him to walk in before following. "After the last incident that caused the school's closure, mandatory periodic records of attendence were set into motion. Every morning and evening, we are required to go to homeroom so that the teacher's can make sure none of the students are falandering about, causing trouble." She was saying this as she took the stairs to the second floor hall, heading to room 2 C.
Selo listened to Anje's words and nodded to it all. This was giving him an idea. What if we stopped the kids who were fighting? Maybe try and get them to see it affects everyone and not just them? Possibly get them to stop fighting in all or something... He started to think, and then pulled out the small slip of paper with his room number on it. "4 A. Hmm...I guess that's the fourth floor then?" He questioned no one in particular. "Aye, Anje! Meet me in the gardens tomorrow, I wana talk to you about somethin'." He called out just before she got out of sight and headed to his single room. He requested it, not liking to share a room. He would head to the room and immediately start to head for bed, and do what was required or what not for the school.
After the attendance was taken, Anjerika left to return to her room where she sprawled out on her bed, in thought. The fight earlier had made her see that nothing at this school had really changed. There were still the egotistical partakers who only attended in hopes to show off their powers to the world. These were the types of mutants that Anje disliked the most. She saw her powers as a way to help make the world a more peaceful place, but apparently she was the only one who thought so. She sighed and soon, she was asleep. It was at 8 in the morning that she woke and she vaguely remembered Selo saying something about wanting her to meet him in the gardens because he had something he wanted to talk to her about. She redressed in her lolita clothes and combed her hair. She then picked up the small doll that always went wherever she resided and sat it on her shoulder. The pale little male doll seemed to sit up on his accord and was dressed in a simple suit, with hair and eyes as pale as her own. Anje turned and left her room, making her way down the stairs and out the back door that led to the gardens. When she arrived, she no sign of Selo yet, so she sat beneath the tree he'd favored the day before, leaning back against the trunk in the shadows.
Selo came out standing next to Anje, wearing a pair of clothing similar to what he wore the other day. He was also leaning against the tree, standing up, looking down at his new friend. "I was thinking about what we did yesterday, with that fight." Selo said out of no where. "What if we tried and teach all the kids like that? Or show them that fight harms more than the person in front of them, aye?" Selo suggested, pushing off the tree but staying in the shadows still. "Sounds like a grand idea to me! I'd love to show some bad kids how the rest of us feel!" Damion said floating in on what looked like an orb of swirling air. "I'm not wanting to cause any harm or trouble. I just want to show them that their fighting is getting everyone in trouble, and not just them." Selo stated plainly in his defense. "Oh, yeah, sure. I understand completely. But you gotta realize, not all the baddies will listen to reason and that's when ya gotta beat it down into 'em!" Damion said, hopping off his power made vehicle.
Anje didn't jump or show any surprise this time when Selo chose to appear using the shadows that belonged to the tree she was leaning against. She listened to what he had to say, but before she could respond, the air user was back and joined in the conversation. She couldn't help the small chuckle that slipped free from her lips. It almost felt like it was the old days of the school, before the egotistical students had caused it to close. "I do believe it sounds like a good idea," she said once she found a moment of silence between the two men. "I did something like that, before the school was shut down."Mizu was lounging on the fountian ledge not too far away from the small group conversed. She was listening intently, kicking her feet idly as they hung over the edge. "It sounds like a good idea to me!" she said with a chuckle after Anje had spoken her piece.
Selo smirked at how the others agreed to do what he asked of them, not many people would do this kind of thing they were doing. "And I think those kids we stopped yesterday may have a bit of a vendetta against us now, so lets look out for them from now on, they may be targeting us for their next deed." Selo warned. "We might have to stick mostly together as best we can too, so we can watch each others backs. There can be some people our powers are either weak against or have no affect at all." Selo advised, knowing that the other three should already have known this or thought of it. Ion smirked and could hear voices near by. "Some people are close." He said and Selo nodded, "I hear them too." Selo stated, looking up in to the distance. "But the sun is limiting my vision right now. I can hardly see fifteen feet ahead of me." He said, his judgment of distance off. Ion could see the people speaking clearly, and most likely the two girls too, one of them being the fire manipulator from the other day, and two of his friends. "Their talking about fighting Selo here." Ion said and Selo simply crossed his arms over his chest as a reply.
Mizu thoughtfully turned to stare upon the two fifteen or so feet away that Ion had mentioned. One she recognized as the fire manipulator from the day day before if he challenged them, or even just Selo, she knew she would be able to come into play. Her water manipulation could do serious retiribution against a fire user. Her eyes traveled back to her group Ion, Anje, and Selo. "If the fire user comes demanding a rematch because of yesterday, I can help teach the whelp a lesson," she said, angry that a good number of the students at this school seemed to be obsessed with just fighting each other.Anje raised her eyes, then nodded gently. "Mizu's abilities would be good for a fight involving a fire manipulator. However," she paused a moment before continuing, "unless he comes over here and actively starts trouble, I cannot condone unnecessary violence on school grounds." She tapped her fingers together idly as her eyes slid to watch the two students conversing about Selo. They narrowed thoughtfully, before sliding back to Selo where they rested as she thought.
Selo smirked at his friends already backing him up. "No...if he wants to fight me I'm sure I can hold my own." Selo said, still smirking. Something deep inside of him was starting to 'surface' now. His facial expression had changed from one of apathy to sadistic glee now. He started to walk forward and held a hand out behind him, "Stay here, I'll be back." He said, moving up to the group of students talking about him. "I couldn't help but hear you guys speaking about me?" He said, his head hung with his hair covering his eyes. "May I ask why you want to speak about me with out me in the conversation?" Selo asked, tilting his head to the side, still smirking. "Why would I tell you, cat boy?" The fire user said with a smirk on his face. "Oh, I don't like that tone." Selo stated, "And should I correct you on animals, I have fox ears. You know, the Vulpes vulpes." Selo said. "Like I need you to teach me about anything!" one of the other boys said, stomping on the ground. The earth then shook underneath his foot, sending the quake at him. Selo leaped into the air and landed down on the boy's shoulders, light as a feather. "You guys wana play then? Alright, lets play." Selo said, his tone of voice completely different now. He leaped back into the air and was spiraling down and thrust his fists to the chest of the fire user. He then sank down into one of the boy's shadows as electricity flew through the air. The boy with the quake power then lifted a large piece of the ground into the air and suddenly dropped it on him self, Selo steping out of his shadow. Selo then looked to the electric boy and had an evil grin on his face, cracking his knuckles and walked up to him. Blackness started to creep around Selo, covering his body and building a shadow like armor. His figure started to turn from a boy with fox ears and fox eyes to that of a shade. The boy started to freak, walking back and falling on his ass. He then started to try and push himself away, Selo walking closer and closer, tendrils growing from his body now.
Anje watched the fight with growing apprehension. Something was nagging at the back of her mind about Selo and his abilities. She had heard of shadow manipulators and their abilities, but there was something she was forgetting...what was it? Her pale, almost lifeless like, eyes narrowed as he began to, well, change. Suddenly, it snapped into place like plug into an outlet. He was losing control! That's what she had forgotten shadows had a tendency to make a user go out of control, almost like a berserker. All pure power, but no cognitive control over that power."Wait here!" she snapped quickly to Ion and Mizu, standing now. "I mean it. I need to stop him, so I'll need you to stay here no matter what happens. Do you understand?" She turned narrow eyes upon the two and Mizu was quick to nod. Assuming Ion would listen as well, Anje turned and began to strode towards Selo as he advanced upon the once cocky but now frightened student of the academy. Deadly determination in her steps.The doll like woman stepped in front of the student, facing the Shade version of her new friend. "Go, get away now, I'll handle this," she said to the student, though she did not take her eyes from Selo as he advanced. "Go to the two sitting by the fountian and I advise that you do not cause any more trouble..." she did not put any manipulation into her words but the student listened anyways and scrambled back towards Mizu and Ion. Anje's eyes turned back to Selo.Anje focused the power in her to her voice like she had the day before. "Selo. Stop moving." A simple two word order, her voice ringing with the strong manipulative power. She wasn't sure how her power would affect his berserker form, so she was going to start simple before she had to resort to her stronger puppet master powers.
Selo started to shake his head as the commanding voice rang in his mind. He then snapped to, the yellow eyes staring dead into the manipulator's own. "AH, A PUPPET MASTER MUTANT. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THERE WERE SOME OF YOU STILL AROUND. DID YOU SERIOUSLY THINK YOUR COMMANDING VOICE WOULD AFFECT ME?" Shade Selo said. His voice sounded hollow and echoing within his own vocal cords. The next moment, the shade sunk into the ground and came up behind Anje, the tendrils aimed to stab her and instantly shot at her with a furious speed.
Anje closed her eyes and let out a breath, her body quickly dropping and rolling to the side as the tendrils came to stab her from behind. She snapped around and her eyes opened, angry and glowing now. "You must stop this at once!" she snapped, the impulse in her voice becoming a great deal stronger. "I am not your enemy, Selo! You know that!" She added, crouching down, expecting that the shade was going to come at her again."What do you have to gain from attacking me?" she inquired even though he wasn't likely to answer her. She didn't want to be forced to use her powers against him, he was her friend now after all and she could hardly believe he was attacking her like a foe. Anje wasn't a weakling. She wasn't about to go down without a fight, friend or not, though she wanted to avoid unneccessary violence. She wouldn't fight back unless she had to.
Selo looked at her and simply hung limp now, his arms at his sides and his head looking at the ground. The Shade still had control of him, but Selo was fighting to gain control once more. "EVERYTHING!" The Shade said, putting his hands in front of him, thousands of tendrils leaped forward, but suddenly stopped inches away from Anje. "An Anje?" Selo said, staggering back now, the shade dissipating now. He fell to the ground, the shadows leaking off his body, revealing the true Selo. He was out cold not, laying on his back in the shadow of a large tree, the tendrils melting in the sunlight. Ion looked at the two 'friends' and started to question if he could trust Selo still. He wouldn't be sure if Selo would suddenly go berserk and attack him unaware, and with this thought, Ion put Selo on the danger list in his mind. "Is he out?" Ion called over to Anje, holding the frightened male in a wind orb, not hurting him.
Anje braced herself for the attack but was surprised when Selo came to and the Shade retreated for now. He shakily said her name and she straightened as he proceeded to pass out onto the ground. She moved closer and knelt upon the ground beside Selo, gently touching a hand to his chest. "Yeah, he's out," she called back, her voice normal again. The Shade's words concerned her. He had said he had everything to gain by fighting with her. What exactly did that mean?"I'm going to take him to his room. You and Mizu take care of the others," she said, using her puppet 'strings' to lift Selo off of the ground. She remembered that the sunlight weakened him, so she wanted to get him out of the light and back into the shadows. 'Carrying' him into the building, she used her manipulation to get his room number from administration.Before long they were at his room. She opened the door and walked in, setting the young shadow user onto his bed. She then sat on the floor next to the bed to wait for him to awake, her hands playing now with the doll that had been sitting on her shoulder, pale eyes staring at it blankly.
After a little while, Selo started to wake, slowly opening his eyes. When he finally 'woke' up, he bolted into a sitting position, "Anje!" He called out, breathing heavily and then fell back to a laying position. He turned his head and saw her sitting on the floor. He let out a sigh of relief. He thought he had a bad nightmare of him fighting Anje, using his shadow manipulation, but in truth his 'dream' was the Shade controlling him, and was actually a real fight. "I thought I was about to kill you...It was all in a dream." He said, still thinking it was. "We were fighting each other...just after I kicked some teen's butt. I thought I was about to kill you." He said, repeating his first statement. "Was it a dream?" He asked, still unsure if it was or not. "What happened? Last thing I remember was heading to that group of kids talking about me...then it went black." He said, trying to recall his actual memories.
Anje listened to Selo as he talked about their confrontation as if it were no more than a dream. Once he had managed to calm down, Anje stood and moved to sit upon the side of the bed so that she could look at him without having to turn her head at any odd angle. Slowly, she shook her head. "It wasn't a dream." Those pale eyes watched him closely. "When you fought the others...I assume you lost control. I heard it happens sometimes with shadow mutants. Sort of like a...berserk form, called a shade." She did her best to explain it, though it too had been a very new experience to her. "I stepped in to keep you from seriously injuring those punks and..." she sighed softly, her hand pushing pale hair back from her face. "...I guess 'you' didn't appreciate my interferance. You did try to attack me. Said...'you' have everything to gain by attacking me. When 'you' went to attack me seriously, the real you came to. You passed out and I brought you here." She explained. "You've been out for a little awhile. I was starting to worry."
Selo sat up as she got on his bed to listen. As she explained, he hung his head, looking at the sheets under him. He knew what she was talking about. He had this happen to him once before. It always happens when he is about to fight. He shook his head and looked up at her. "I'm sorry Anje...It happened once before. I thought I had controlled it after that. But I guess not. That Shade, he calls him self Oles. I sometimes hear his voice in my head, but I can push him down most of the time. He thinks, by killing other mutants, he can become stronger." Selo said, still looking at his bed. "That's why I don't like violence. It calls to....'him'." He informed. "When ever I go into that Shade form again, use your strongest Manipulations. Please, do it for me." He requested, finally looking up at her, his eyes completely serious. "Do what ever you can to knock me out of it, before I can hurt anyone." He added on, putting his hands on her knees.
"Don't worry, that is my intention." She reassured him as he set his hands on her bare knees. "Though, I have to tell you, he seems to have a good deal resistance to my manipulations. He mocked me for even trying that type of ability against him." She didn't like this, not at all. A shade thinking he could absorb the powers of mutants by killing them wasn't good. Not at all. "He seemed familiar with me...or my type of mutant." She laid a pale hand atop one that rested on her knee. "Has he come across a Puppet Master before that you are aware of?" she questioned him, eyes watching him. It could very well be that she was in danger around this young man...but she didn't want to pull away from him. Selo wasn't intentionally meaning her harm, so she wasn't going to turn her back on him.
Selo started to scan his memories, looking back as best he could then it hit him. "It was a Manipulator that brought him out." He said, looking up at Anje once more. "They spoke into my mind, first giving me subtle thoughts and images until they had a real grasp on what provoked him. They brought him out to attack their enemies. He must have learned to stop their voices from controlling him." He said and then thought for a moment. "Wait...if he can absorb that technique...then he can do it to others." He had a moment's pause, "And so can I." He added on. "Try to manipulate me with your voice." He said, jumping out of the bed and standing in the middle of the room. "Tell me to do something." He stated, standing at attention in front of his friend.
Anje listened to him as he spoke, realizing then why the shade had resisted her voice. It seemed she was going to have to rely on her other abilities to subdue the shade if they ever encountered each other again in the future. Selo then jumped up, in sudden recognition of what this all could imply. He told her to manipulate him. She sucked in a breath and closed her eyes, centering her power into her voice. When her eyes opened, the lifeless pale orbs were glowing at the rims. When she spoke a moment later, the manipulation urge was nearly impossible to resist, her tone soothing and relaxing, creeping into his senses to make him do what she wanted "Hit me."
The surge ran through his ears and entered his brain. For a moment, he was about to hit her, his eyes turning to pure black orbs, raising his fist and then he just stopped. His eyes went normal and he dropped his fist. He looked at her with a slight surprise. "It only made me raise my fist. But it felt like when I was going to a Shade, rather than being manipulated." He informed. "I don't think the voice will work on me then. Though if you give me okays like that, I'm sure Oles will try and comply to them." He warned with a nervous chuckle. He then sat down, looking to the floor now. "Wow...makes me wonder what other abilities me and him can resist." He questioned, then looked up at Anje. "You know?" He asked with a half grin.
She, too, was surprised. The glow faded from her eyes she hadn't used the full strength behind her voice manipulation, but pretty damn close. Never had she come across a person who could overcome the manipulations the way Selo did, and Oles. In a frightened her. Would he be able to surpress the shade if he came forth? She wasn't sure. "Hrm. If he takes me up on the offer, that's up to him. It's not like I'm not prepared when I issue such an order when using the manipulations," she said with a slight chuckle. Her head turned so that she could peer at him, some hair sliding over her shoulder. "I must admit I am curious, as well, if not a little...intimidated. I haven't come across anyone who can resist the manipulations it's frightening, yet intriguing."
He looked at her and then shook his head. "I need to get some fresh air." He said, walking to the wall and phasing into the shadow. He then came out at the basket ball court, it being sundown now. He walked around, holding a hand to his head trying to think, while staying in the shadows so he wouldn't drain any energy from him self. "How can I do that? I thought my only actual powers was Shadow Play. Is it the shadows that is giving me a shield against these things?" He questioned aloud. "Shadow, barrier, help, protecting." A young kid said, maybe the age of eight at most. "Dark beings jump on him and don't want to loose him. They keep him safe while he does what they say, mhmm." He added on, Selo looking over at him. "Aye, who are you? What are you doin' out here?" Selo asked, walking closer. "No get close, Dark Beings want Ingenuus" The boy said, his voice having a slightly Latin accent to it as he spoke now. He then started to murmur something under his breath, speaking Latin now. The whole time her was there, he was crouched down, sitting on his toes, rocking back and forth as if he had a mental disorder. Selo stopped his advance when the boy, who seemed to call him self Ingenuus, told him to. "Okay, what Dark Beings are you talking about? Are they on me?" He asked, looking about his own body. "Dark Beings can't be seen, not unless they wana be seen. But Ingenuus can see them, yes he can. They whisper in Fox Boy's ear, yes they do." He said, Selo not really understanding what he meant by it all.
Anje sighed as Selo phased out of the room through one of the walls. She supposed he had a lot to think over the only question now? Well, to either wait here, seek him out, or go back to her own room. Each option had its good and bad points, but she figured she should go find Selo and make sure he is okay. The lolita dress clad girl hopped up from the bed, pink hair bouncing, and she made her way to the door. Before long, she reached the lobby and left through the back, catching sight of Selo's figure near the basketball court...but that wasn't what she focused on. Apparently, a child was speaking with him. She wondered what was going on. A soft sigh. He wasn't being challenged again already was he? The young child seemed intent on speaking to him about something, so she waited for a moment before it seemed like Selo was getting maybe a little uncomfortable. She stepped off the back steps of the school and began walking towards them through the now deserted grounds. "Selo? What's going on?" she asked softly as she stepped towards his side, her doll like eyes seeking out the child's front now that she could be able to see his face.
Ingenuus "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" The boy looked up to see the doll like women, her calling Selo. So, that is his name? Wow He thought and then started to rock on his toes again. Selo shrugged, looking at Anje, "I don't know. This kid says there are dark beings on me " "Dark Beings wana control Selo boy, yes" The boy stated, cutting Selo off. "See?" Selo questioned, looking at his friend. "He calls him Ingenuus." Selo said, trying to remember what that meant. "Isn't that Latin?" He asked, whispering the question to Anje instead of out loud.
Anje simply raised her brow at the question. After a moment, she nodded to Selo, even as her pale eyes studied the odd young boy sitting before her. She didn't say a word, not for quite a few moments. Just studied the young boy. Curiously. She then lowered herself to her knees in front of him. Anje rested her hands on her thighs and looked at him, on this level, much closer to his own. "Are you speaking of Oles? The Shade that inhabits him?" she asked curiously.
Ingenuus looked up at the Doll Girl. "No, the Dark Beings, little guys on his back, whispering secret things." He said and then leaped up, tackling Doll Girl away from Selo, then stood up and looked at Selo, "Ingenuus save Doll Girl from Dark Beings, they try whispering evil secrets to her, but Ingenuus stop them." He said, starting to look crazy now. But as he tackled Doll Girl, he passed a bit of his 'vision' to her. It would allow her to see any spiritual beings for ten minutes then it slowly fades away over a five minute period after those ten minutes. The Dark Beings on Selo looked like little black imps with black flames licking off of them. There were five on his back. There was also a few ghosts around the school grounds.
Anje gasped as the young boy tackled her back onto the ground, mumbling something about the dark beings on Selo again. She set the young boy up and then blinked as she stared at Selo. Dear god, there were dark beings on his back! The boy wasn't crazy. Her eyes widened, then narrowed carefully. "He's right, Selo...I can see them," she murmured curiously, pushing herself to knees again, before standing up, holding a hand out to the young boy to help him up as well. "Do you feel no influence? They are speaking to you," she commented, not really being able to make out what the creatures were saying, but if the boy words were of any indication, they were talking of her to Selo.
Selo looked at Anje curiously then over his shoulder to try and see what she was talking about. In that moment, her could hear voices speaking in his head. She wants to kill you. She doesn't like you. She'll betray you. Is what Selo heard then shook his head. He knew these things were false, but his mind was grasping them so truthfully. "No...lies, lies!" He said, grabbing his head and shaking it now. "Stop them, why are they speaking to me! Stop them...they're lying!" He said, falling to his knees now. Ingenuus looked at Selo and crouched down as well, but kept his distance. "Ignore Dark Beings, they go away when they get no attention." He said, trying to look Selo in the eyes now. The boy then looked up at Anje, "Help him, friend comfort better than anything." He said with a soft smile. "He needs to ignore Dark Beings to scare them off." He said, "Or make them stop for now." He added on, knowing that if Selo lived with them his life as a mutant, they would need a lot of ignoring to be taken off him.
Anje looked worriedly at Selo, then down to the small boy, before nodding and stepping towards her kneeling friend. "Selo! Listen to me," she started, using no manipulation in her voice. She wanted to help him on her own, without her powers. Her form knelt beside his own and she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a gentle embrace. "Listen to me, Selo. Ignore them, don't listen, they're not telling you the truth." She said softly, tightening her arms around him. "I'm not going to turn on you, I'll never betray you, and I really do care about you. You're the first friend, the first person I've ever been drawn to." She hoped her words were helping him. The last she wanted was for Selo to suffer. He was a nice young man and from what little she did know about him, he didn't deserve any sort of torture like this.
In one instant, Selo stopped suddenly and a black orb circled around him, pushing Anje away from him. "Stay back..." A voice said, similar to the Shade Selo's voice, but with more evil intent within it. SNAP! The sound of bones cracking, as if every single inch of Selo's skeleton had snapped, broken like a twig, and Selo fell to the ground, half unconscious once more. He then slowly stood up, all the shadows having retreated now. Ingenuus stood up and walked over to Selo, poking him in the forehead. "Pote." He said with a giggle as Selo looked at him quirked eyed. Selo then glanced up at Anje and then to the ground. How can I be a friend of her's? I'm more unstable than those kids... He thought, still looking at the ground. The vision Ingenuus granted to Anje would now wear off, but as it did she would still see the 'demons' on Selo's back, but they would fade into nothingness as the vision did the same, and so would all the other spirits around the grounds. "Sewo such a silly boy now." Ingenuus said with a chuckle. Selo looked up at the boy once more and sighed and chuckled afterward, and smirked up at Anje, showing a face of 'I'm alright, don't worry'. But it was a lie, though not a very noticeable one.
Anje simply stepped back and surveyed the situation playing out before her. It all seemed so weird, she had never encountered a mutant such as Selo. He wasn't the only ones with problems, though he thought he was. There are secrets that Anje is hiding, as well, one involving the doll she often carried with her. There wasn't a likely chance that her secrets would be discovered unless she became very close friends with the group they had seemed to gather since arriving here at the academy. Anje watched the young boy, noticing vaguely that whatever he had done to alter her sight was now fading, leaving her to view a now, once again, semi normal world. Selo's lie wasn't lost on her. Being one to control others at times, she was very adept at reading emotions and catching the underlining meanings in words. He wasn't ok, she knew that. What could she do for him? "Shall we go back inside, Selo?" she asked, before then stopping and looking to the young boy. He seemed more than able to take care of himself, but she was a very caring person and thus offered "Do you need help back to your dorm room?" | 50 | [] |
82 | | (FF7)Left in Shadows(Mortals_Dream+Anjeru) | "You have your orders," Tseng was saying, though she was opt to tune the man out. "Sephiroth was said to be spotted in the lands between Cosmo Canyon and Nibelheim. I'm aware that isn't very helpful, but search the area throughally. It is likely the rumor is false, but we cannot allow it to pass if it is indeed true. Understood?" The upwards infliction at the end of his sentence made the novice turk snap back to attention. Tseng's brow rose, "well? Understood or not?""I understand," Anje said. "I am curious to know why Rufus has ordered a novice like myself to research into this rumor. If it is true, I know for certain I am no match for the great Sephiroth. I'm likely to be killed."Tseng shook his head. "Like I told you, it is a 99 chance the rumor is false. There is only a 1 chance of you actually coming face to face with the man. Anyhow, you aren't ordered to aprehend him. Just to verify if he is alive and in the area. We cannot risk him coming after Shinra again. We've just managed to rebuild what was lost."Anje sighed. "Understood. Tell President Rufus I will follow the order and report in daily. He will know the moment I find the man, if I do." Tseng nodded, "Then off with you. We should not waste time."She turned and left the briefing room, making her way to her private quarters. Anje hadn't been with the Turks for very long, only a few months, so she wasn't happy to be send on such a delicate mission. If the rumors were true, she knew she could end up dead. No Turk stood a chance against the Great Sephiroth, but she had no choice. The President's order was of the highest rank and she had to follow.Walking into her room, she grabbed up her keys, her weapons, keycard, and cellphone. Then she left the building they'd established in Junon to make her way to the vessel awaiting her arrival. She boarded the boat and before too long, she was in Costa De Sol and getting into her waiting vehicle.When she arrived at Cosmo Canyon, she made camp just inside the forest that had been lowered to ground level by Cloud's team when they'd defeated one of the Weapons. Each day, she reported back to Tseng that she had not sighted Sephiroth no matter the distance she traveled.On the 4th day as she made her way back to camp, she was struck dead in her tracks at the sight that greeted her. The Great Sephiroth was standing in the short, redhead's campsite. His dead, cold eyes were staring directly into her own emerald hues. Her hand shot to grasp onto the pistol concealed on her back there was no way she could escape now that he'd spotted her."You," the man started, "are becoming a nuisance. You are in the way of my plans. I can't have that, now can I? Mother would be most displeased."Anje knew she was in trouble. "I'm not here to interfere," she reassured, "I was just sent to verify whether or not you were alive.""That's the problem. If word gets out I'm alive,Cloud" the name was said with clear distaste "and his band of misfits will hunt me down. My plan cannot be at risk of exposure at this time." The man's eyes gleamed maniacally. "Which means now that you have seen me, you must die."With that said, the general charged her, sword aimed directly for her chest. She managed to dive to the side to avoid the blade and as she rolled to face him, she pulled the pistols from the back of her belt. She tapped the button on her cell that she knew would ring Tseng he would hear what was going on and inform the president. Cloud and his friends would know, one way or another."Sephiroth!" She deliberately said the man's name, knowing Tseng would snap his attention in response. "Even if you kill me, they will find out. You will be stopped!""Unlikely," Sephiroth responded. "Now, die!"Anje fired the pistols but the general was fast, blocking the bullets with the blade he always carried with him. He darted at her again and shouldered her to the ground. As she hit the dirt floor hard, he was quick to shove the sword into her upper left hand shoulder to pin her. She lost grip on her pistols as she fell back and cried out in pain as the blood spurted she couldn't move as the man hovered over her."It's a shame really," he said as he kneeled down and touched her now blood stained shoulder length hair. "But it can't be avoided."Anje growled angrilly and spit in the man's face, "kill me if you want! It won't matter!"He locked his hands around her throat and squeezed, making it so she couldn't breathe. She clawed at his hands, trying desperately to breathe but her vision began to fade. She wheezed and then, everything went black.
Vincent leaped through the trees, his powerful legs taking him from tree to tree as easily as any squirrel. He was hurrying through the woods but his dark eyes were still taking in every facet of the land in front of him, searching for the one thing that he had come her to find. He hadn't been ignorant of the rumors of Sephiroth being in this area, and he had even been in the area searching when he had gotten the phone call. Apparently Shinra had lost one of their Turks in the area and she had seen Sephiroth herself. Of course it was hard to tell if that was what she had really seen or if she was just shouting that out of fear, but it had been worth looking into. Vincent didn't care too much about Shinra but the world was finally being put back together and another visit from Sephiroth wouldn't be good for anyone.His sharp eyes caught sight of something and one hand went down to the large handgun on his belt and drew the weapon. The three barreled weapon tracked across the forest floor until it came to rest on the slender form lying on the forest floor. Blood had stained the grass around the body, the wound the blood had come from obvious on her shoulder. The black haired man kept the weapon on the woman, not for sure if this was the missing or Turk or not. It wouldn't be the first time that he had seen a person playing dead in order to get the drop on a person.A breath shuddered her chest though, taking a lot of the choice from Vincent's hands. It was go down there and try to save her or watch her die in front of him. The man might seem cold to many people but he still didn't see any point in letting a woman die if he could stop it.Vincent landed on the ground beside her and flung his cape to the side so that he could kneel beside her without in the way. He reached to his blet and pulled the thing vial of one of the many potions that he carried aroudn with him. It wouldn't heal her wounds completely, that woudl take some time but it would make it so that her recovery woudl be assured. Instead of the sure death that there was now. He tipped the potion down her trhoat, the light green liquid pooling in her mouth and slidding down her throat. Vincent could tell it did her some good, her labored breathes becomeing easier and the sluggish flow of blood stopped.
The day kept playing through her mind like it was on permanent repeat, the pain slicing through her again and again like Sephiroth was still there, stabbing her repeatedly. The wound the general had inflicted upon her continued to send shock waves of pain throughout her shoulder, arm, and chest. Then there was something cold pouring into her mouth and instinctively, she swallowed the liquid. Almost instantly the pain dulled and she could breathe easier, her chest not falling or rising in sporadic bursts anymore.She hovered in and out of consciousness, trying to work her way out of the shadows that now envolped her. It took a great deal of time she wasn't sure how much time passed before she managed to even crack her eyes open. All that came to her were shapes and everything was blurry. She couldn't tell if it was night or day anymore, either. She coughed a little and managed to open her eyess a bit more, a figure kneeling beside her coming into view.The blurry figure didn't look familiar to her and she tried to push herself up, but she couldn't seem to keep herself up and fell back the mere inch she had managed to push up. "W who are you?" she managed to ask gently, still feeling a little weak. "Where am I?" Suddenly her eyes widened. "Wait! Sephiroth! Where is he?!"
Vincent looked down at the woman as she began to stir from her unconcious state. It looked like she was finally starting to wake up from her wounds, faster than he figured the potion woudl do on its own. She must be a bit tougher than she looked. Still it was obvious that she wan't going to be going anywhere anytime soon, her wounds still making her too weak to move anytime soon."Vincent." The dark haired man said, answering her first question with his normally quick speech. "Sephiroth isn't here anymore if he ever was. Just lay down and rest. You aren't going to be able to do anything about it if he is anyway." Vincent placed his hand on her good shoulder and pushed her back to the ground."Your boss was looking for you." Vincent stood to his feet and let hsi gaze look over the trees around them, making sure that there wasn't anythign out there. Sephiroth aside there were plenty of monsters in the area that could take a hurt woman like her easily. In fact it was suprising that it hadn't happened already.
She groaned but allowed him to push her back down. Vincent, he said was his name. She remembered hearing from the Senior Turks about someone with that name, who used to be one of them before Hojo went mad and experimented on him. "He was here..." she said defiantly as he seemed to question whether or not the General had been there. "Hence why I am in the shape that I am right now." Her head turned to glance about, glad when her eyes landed on the tent she had constructed before Sephiroth had invaded her small camp. "He's up to something, that bastard." She cursed softly, then turned her head to look back at him. "I believe I owe you thanks...even if Tseng did send you, I probably would have died without your help. He got me pretty good." She sighed, trying to push herself up again so she could maybe get to her supplies. "I'm surprised he didn't kill me. He seemed dead set on doing just that." | 5 | ['Tseng', 'Anje', 'Sephiroth', 'Shinra'] |
84 | | Bioshock, another lighthouse, another city, another man. (Alpha and Zoney) | When he had first heard the stories, Nick had refused to believe it. A lighthouse in the middle of nowhere hiding a secret enterence to a sprawling underground city that constantly worked towards defending itself from the next global war by creating the most advanced weapons possible. The whole thing sounded like the deluded fever dream of some junkie or shell shocked vet from the war. But something about it had stuck in the back of Nick's mind.What if in the confusion in the days following The Great War someone had been able to secure the resources needed to create their own secret society. To gather enough people to build it and make it run. In his mind he began to build a vast conspiracy of industrialists, political leaders and land barons that could have made all this possible. He began writing letters, making phone calls, chasing down every quack he could find who had some idea of this place until he was able to put together a more clear picture of what had occured and where to look.Fifty two miles from the middle of nowhere he found it, exactly what was described, a lighthouse sitting atop a barren hilltop. Inside it a freight elevator plunged him into depths of the earth and the doors opened to a dozen gun barrels pointing at him. He found himself being hauled out of the elevator and a mask being thrown over his head as he was dragged through the streets, catching glimpses of strange machines gliding low between the buildings and others trudging along roadways.He leaned against the cold stone wall of the cell they had thrown him in, battered and brused after being thrown a stiff beating to which he had protested, saying that as a member of the press he had a right to be there, something that the guards had seemed to laugh off.He ran a hand through his tosseled dark hair and let out a heavy sigh, which quickly turned into a groan of pain that left him wondering if maybe they'd cracked one of his ribs during the beating."Well, this is a fine fuckin mess...." He said to no one in particular, mainly because there was no one around for him to say it to, so he was left to talk to himself.
Terra was founded under the fear another great world war, a man who had seen too much on the front lines. The countless death of allies, enemies, and innocent. Something cracked in him, something drove him to make a place that would be safe from the next world war. That would be ready for it. Through the miracle of technology, drive, and desire. Terra was form. Tucked under the Earth's surface, in a pocket between the hot molten core and the crust. The city was formed. Driven by technology, industry, and military power. They were ready for the next world war.Terra was a city under the iron rule of General Nathaniel Hawthorne. Once a General in the British special forces. He had been on the front lines, he had seen remains so twisted up he couldn't even tell what side they were one, if any at all. A mix of shell shock, desire to protect his family and friends, and to show the raw military might of a brilliant mind. The city was dark and grimy, most of its citizens worked factory jobs or in the mines. They struggled to get food on the table, struggled to have proper medical care, and struggled to survive in life. The lucky members of society were military figureheads, owners of the factories and mines, or just the lucky bastards that brought money, art, and entertainment with them. The city was far from the utopia Nathaniel had dreamed of. The citizens were unhappy and unhappiness lead to rebellion.The Children of the Surface they called themselves. Led by Gabriel Hightower, a man who had seen too many friends perish in the heavy labor. Too many children get sick from the toxins in the air, and too many people abused by their military overlords. He gave people a chance to fight for what was right, he planned raids on facilities to not only get weapons, but food, medical supplies, and other necessities for the citizens that didn't want to join the rebellion, but needed the help. He relied on various specialized members, his pride and joy were the group of Runners.Judith had been a runner for years. Gabriel had found her half beaten to death by a solider after she turned him down. She knew the lower districts like the back of her hand. Dressed in dark, form fitting leathers that gave her freedom of movement. Strawberry blonde hair was cut short and hugged her face. She had been tasked with a job from Gabriel himself. Word of an outsider had reached them, a man from the surface had gotten here a few days ago. He imprisoned right off the bat, Judith was to extract him.She had gotten into the jail, raising a hand to the communication device she shared with her current Eagle Eye. A man perched on a high building with a sniper rifle, watching her back. Ready to take the shot if it was needed. "Alright Roger, I'm heading out of your eye line. Keep me updated if anything big follows," she told the man. Getting a curt reply as she jumped behind the wall of the prison.She stuck to the shadows and made sure none of the patrols saw her as she made her way to the cell she had been told the man was in. She got up to and looked over dark haired man that look beat up, but alive. She pulled out a metal device and pressed it against the lock. A few seconds later a controlled explosion would destroy the lock on the door and Judith pulled it open."If you don't want to stick around here and get executed by a firing squad, I suggest you follow me," she didn't have time to explain. Roger had just given her a warning that a Goliath was going to be making its patrol and Judith did not want to deal with that. She grabbed the mans wrist and start down the she had came, dragging the stranger with her.She heard it first, the sound of something large and metal coming towards them. There was a small supply closet and Judith forced them two of them in there. She was pressed up against him as she closed the door, barely having enough room to turn around. The Goliath could be heard outside, scanning for anything out of the ordinary. Slow and steady breaths left her lips as Judith's hand when to the EMP device that would at least give them a few minutes to escape the large metal hulk. "Stay quiet," she told the man softly.
He wasn't sure if he had fallen asleep, or if had blacked out from the pain the beating had causes him, but next thing Nick new he was being shook awake by someone woman. She didn't look like any of the soldiers who had done such a heavy number on him. He rolled over, letting out a low groan in response to her instructions to keep quiet. He had too many questions, too many things that he didn't understand about any of this. He allowed her to usher him out of the cell, his head throbbing as he tried to get his bearings, tried to piece together what he was seeing but having very little luck. Next thing he knew she was shoving him into a closet and pressing him up against the door."What...what's....." The sound of grinding metal, of heavy metal footsteps on the stone floors outside. He froze, his breath catching in his throat as he listened to seemingly impossible sound of a walking machine, "What the hell is...."
Judith took a deep breath of air in. She could hear it right outside the door, her hand not on the EMP device went against the male's mouth. Silencing any further words, a Goliath was made to seek out dangers. Heightened senses and sensors would find them quickly if a single noise was made and they picked up on it. All she could hear now was her heart beating in her chest. It was a few minutes before she heard the metal hulk head down the hall. Only until she felt it was safe enough to leave the small closet did she open the door. Peaking out and making sure the coast was clear.She stepped into the now empty hallway and turned back to the man she had been sent to rescue. "That was a Goliath. One of Nathaniel's prized pets for his military. You hear one of those you get somewhere and be quiet. Pray they don't find you," she hissed through her teeth, raising hand to the device in her ear. "Roger, how we looking outside?" she asked the eagle eye.It was about half a minute later Roger got back to her. The coast was clear and if she wanted to get out, it had to be now. A convoy was coming up to the prison and judging by how it looked. It was the General himself coming to deal with their newest visitor.She didn't say anything as she led the man through the prison, taking a little extra time to assure nothing saw or followed them. As they got to the wall she tugged on the rope she had repelled down earlier. Passing it to the male. "Start climbing," she had little time for pleasantries. It could be saved for when they weren't in a prison and far from the reaches of the government. Safe in one of the many hidden safe houses they had in the city. Citizens that didn't open support the Children of the Surface, but they also didn't stand for the abuse by the General. They left members move through quiet and wait for the heat to die off. Quiet support, the one they needed most.Judith kept an eye out as the man would begin climbing up the rope. No more Goliaths and she was grateful for that. Roger was keeping an eye on the convoy, giving her a countdown to how long they had left before shit would hit the fan. They were cutting it close, she could hear the nerves in Roger's voice. The convoy would be here soon and once they knew the prisoner was gone, they would send out the forces. | 4 | [] |
85 | | 「ғɪʀᴇ ᴇᴍʙʟᴇᴍ: ᴛʜᴇ ғᴀʟʟ ᴏғ ʜᴏᴜsᴇs」【𝔖𝔦𝔫𝔣𝔲𝔩_𝔉𝔞𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔵 ℭ𝔥𝔢𝔳𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔢𝔯】 | "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" , ' s , , s s . s s, , s. The Great F dlan War looms. The drums of war beat over the horizon, three titanic kingdoms clashing across the land. The realm is in turmoil, beset by conflict and destruction. At the forefront of the battlefield dance the Adrestian Empire and the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, throwing their armies against one another as the Leicester Alliance watches like a shark stalking its prey. From the south, the Adrestian Empire led by Edelgard von Hresvelg struck the first blow, laying siege to the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus' capital city and all but slaughtering the royal Blaiddyd family. It seemed that the war would be a brief one, with the death of the royal family and the fall of the capital city, the Kingdom of Faerghus seemed on the brink of capitulation. Yet, the son of the royal Blaiddyd family lives, his brief stint with death forging a conviction that would make the entire continent tremble in fear. After the Blue Lions had licked their wounds, the armies of Faerghus have regrouped, a strong counter attack thrusting the Empire from their lands. The Imperial Adrestians have been forced back south, with the lions following closely behind. Between Dimitri and the southern realm stands their old home, a place where these three kingdoms once co existed peacefully. "Garreg Mach Monastery... it's been awhile." The Monastery was ablaze, the flames of war having engulfed the main courtyards. The bodies of fallen warriors blanket the land, their blood painting the once emerald grass streaks of crimson. Soldiers from the Kingdom of Faerghus burst through the main entrances of the ancient monastery, the remaining Knights of Seiros fighting valiantly to protect what little remained of their headquarters. "Protect the Archbishop at all costs!" A short haired woman bellows between the dying screams of men around her. Commanding the few survivors was Shamir, an instructor of Garreg Mach Monastery and a Knight of Seiros. "Hold them here!" An armored knight shouts as Faerghus warriors hammer against their lines. "We have to hold them until Edelgard arrives!" She shouts as she looses an arrow from her bow. Indeed, reinforcements from the Empire were en route. They just needed to hold them for a little longer. "They were supposed to be here hours ago!" A knight screeches as panic begins to spread among the ranks. "They'll be here! Now hold the line, we must protect the Archbishop!" Time was running out. Just how much longer would the line be able to hold for? Then her answer came. From between the clash of shields and steel, a single figure surged forward: a golden lion, rugged but very much alive. Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, the Prince of Faerghus. Wielding his lance, he struck down the knights before him before charging through the open gap. Ferocious, daring, strong. Dimitri had grown so much from the last time Shamir had seen him. "Damn you!" Shamir let loose another arrow, the projectile knocked easily from the air by the skilled warrior. It wasn't long until the lion was pouncing upon her, claws at the ready. The two warriors shuffled back and forth as the situation fell apart around them. As Dimitri and Shamir danced the waltz of death, the remaining Knights of Seiros had each fallen in battle. Now, Shamir was the only knight left. "I'll kill you!" She drew a knife, charging towards the Prince with an unbridled rage. Before her blow could land, Dimitri stuck her with the back end of his lance, knocking her to the ground. In a single strike, the light faded from Shamir's eyes... "Chain her. I'll deal with her later." The Prince of Faerghus had more pressing matters to attend to, marching through the now desolate hallways of the familiar Monastery as he sought out his final prize: the Archbishop herself. Knowing exactly where to find her, it wasn't long until he found himself pushing through the doors to the Monastery's throne room. "Rhea." the Prince growled, the name spitting forth from his lips like a snake's venom. There she was, standing before him with all of her proud elegance. Just looking upon the woman brought rage boiling to the Prince's surface, for the Church of Seiros stood by and did nothing as the Empire ravaged his people... killed his family. Even worse, Dimitri knew of the Archbishop's plans to align the Church with the Empire, something that he could not allow. Marching forward, the wounded lion threw his spear against the ground, grabbing the Archbishop by the collar of her dress. "I should kill you where you stand." a single, sapphire gemstone stared deep into Rhea's eyes, studying her face for any sign of fear. When he found none, Dimitri threw Rhea down against the ground. "No, death would be too much of a mercy for you." He growled once again, each words oozing with vitriolic rage. It was clear from just a single glance that Dimitri was a shell of his former self, the traumatized Prince filled with copious rage. Dipping at the waist, the Prince leaned down and grabbed Rhea by the hair, pulling the Archbishop up to her knees. With his face mere inches away from hers, Dimitri glared into the very vestiges of Rhea's soul. "I'm going to break you like the pretty, little thing that you are. For that is the justice you deserve."
The sound of her people dying, defending her from the assault that was currently going on lead by one of the Monastery's previous students. How time has changed since than, no one could have guess the war that would erupt. Well almost no one, the Archbishop of the church had sensed it from the beginning, possibly a divine message from the goddess. However Rhea hadn't acted simply sticking to her believes, she had planned on being a neural player, however a message from the goddess had lead her to side with the Adrestian Empire, while not specifically allies just yet the two groups where forming an pact. One that that Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd seemed to want to put a stop to. Rhea had seen this attack coming though even with the goddess divine help, her church had little effort into fighting off Dimitri's assault. While her noble warriors fought Rhea prayed in her chambers to the goddess, she prayed for this war to end. The last message they had heard from Edelgard's forces where not good being days away from sending help. This was to be the Church of Seiros' final night. Footsteps soon sounded off as Gilbert was finding his way inside Rhea's chambers. He was injured, mortally and wouldn't last very long. "Milady we must find you a exit, before it becomes too late." Gilbert spoke breathlessly thought the archbishop didn't move keeping her eyes closed as she continued to face the statue of the goddess. She knew praying would not save them now, but she would do so anyways. Moving over to Rhea, Gilbert went to grab her shoulder to turn her around. "The goddess will not help us now Archbishop, please we must re " Gilbert was cut off as a arrow came flying into his back from a archer What awaited Rhea next was the blue lion, and his army making there way into the throne room. Closing her light green eyes for a moment before starring at him. She didn't show fear, nay she still held the look of a mother looking at a cub. She had been like a mother to all the students five years ago, and now one of her cubs was badly damaged and wanted revenge. She understood his will, though she did not agree with it. Edelgard's plan was to reunite the lands of F dlan under the Church of Seiros, as Claude had mentioned that the Holy Kingdom Faerghus was planning to cut ties with the Church. This was why the church had chosen to align with the empire. Rhea eyed Dimitri closely she had a air of respect for the sole survivor of the massacre that befell his family. Rhea hadn't wished that upon him, nay she had even fought with Edelgard on such terrible actions though the Empress had told her to stay out of her affairs and went it did it anyways. The church did not move to intervene either, so they were slightly at fault. The lion's anger and thirst for revenge was understandable. As the blonde warrior dropped his lance, and came marching Rhea didn't move, nor did she flinch as he grabbed her collar. She didn't speak either not yet anyways, she figured death would be awaiting her soon. Staring back into his eyes, she await the grasp of his hands on her neck, though none came. Rather she was tossed on the ground, and with a yelp of surprise she glanced up at him. "My dear your anger is understand, but do not lower yourself to such deplorable acti " She had begun to speak knowing slightly what he meant, though hadn't picture the boy from five years ago to be the type. However as he lifted her up by her green hair, and she got to her knees she sensed the boy she once knew was gone, what Edelgard had created was something far worse. "What you're planning is not justice, my dear lost child. Kill me if you must, but do not seek the kind of revenge you speak of now." Her eyes stayed the same, looking up the lion as if she was above him still despite literally being beneath him. She hopped her words would get through to him, though she made no action to fight. What was she to do cast a spell down on someone she once thought of as like a child? She would let the goddess decide how this would unfold, so she simply kept her gaze locked into his.
Every word that dripped between the Archbishop's gentle lips only served to enrage the lion further, an insatiable hatred brewing deep within him. A part of Dimitri knew that Rhea had nothing to do with his family's tragic massacre. No, such crimes were reserved for Edelgard alone... yet it seemed that all sense of reason had completely fled from the once handsome Prince entirely. The Church of Seiros did nothing as his lands were invaded, his family slaughtered. It was because of this that in Dimitri's mind, Rhea was practically as guilty as Edelgard as well. "Shut... up!" The heated exclamation reverberated through the halls of the throne room, the Prince raising his open palm before bringing it down upon Rhea's face. The echo of his words were followed by a resounding smack, the side of her cheek reddened by the blow. Clenching her emerald strands, the boy made sure she could see his ruined, disheveled face... what the scars of her indecision had brought upon him and his family. "What do you know about justice?" He growled, his offhand navigating downwards. He quickly unclasped the armor that shielded his pelvis, the metal plate sent clattering against the floor as his hand reached for the hem of his pants. "My family is dead because of Edelgard... because of you." It wasn't long until he pulled his the waistband of his pants downward, revealing his throbbing manhood before the woman that he had once viewed as his very own mother. "Death would be a mercy that you don't deserve." With that, the Blue Lion made ready to ravage his defenseless prey, pressing the head of his strong cock firmly against her soft lips. Looking into her eyes, Dimitri could see the conviction within Rhea's emerald pools, which possessed a distinct lack of fear. Rather, it seemed as if the Archbishop was looking down upon the lion, despite the compromising position that she found herself in. This only antagonized Dimitri to the point of madness, who gripped the back of Rhea's head as he forcefully pressed himself against her closed lips. "It's time to atone for your sins." His voice hung into a deep growl once more, like a lion asserting its dominance... it was time for the beast to claim what was now rightfully his. Impatient, Dimitri's spare hand pinched down upon Rhea's nose, blocking the air passing into her lungs. He would grip her tightly as she inadvertently squirmed under his grip, but soon she would be forced to open her lips... and as soon as she did, the lion would force himself inside of her... With her mouth agape, Dimitri jammed his hard length deep inside of her mouth, giving her no time to get used to the strong smell or taste. Instead, he plunged his full, sizable cock deep into her throat, its well endowed girth blocking out the air from her throat. "Your life as the Archbishop is over. This will be your fate... to serve me and atone for what you have done." Slowly, he pulled her head backwards, his length retreating outside of her mouth. But if Rhea thought the violation was to be over, she would be sorely mistaken. Before it could fully leave her mouth, he thrust vigorously once more, this time the head of his cock plunging deeper into her throat. "You best get used to the taste, my sweet."
Rhea really couldn't believe what was about to happen, was the once sweet and innocent Dimitiri really going to....rape her? A woman who acted like a mother to every student of the Monastery him included. Had the man gone this far into the depths of insanity. She would soon find her answer as she felt his hand slam into her face in a slap causing the walls to echo with the sound. Soldiers stood at the ready behind their lord as they watched him. This just made Rhea more displeased on how far gone he was. She feared what he might do to Edelgard, she would have to make sure he would never get that far. Though right now she had no way of doing anything besides starring at her poor child before her. She brought up her hand to touch her cheek having let out a small yelp from it. Being the archbishop she had not felt such violence before, this was entirely all new to her. She had been more pampered in life than most lords. She was protected virgin who belonged to the goddess as a messenger. Though where was her goddess now? Not that she would question it long, it was not her place to question the mother, if the goddess did not want to intervene than so be it, she would just take the onslaught that would befall her though she would not take it without a bit of resistance. Her emerald eyes followed his hand that went to his armor that covered his lower body, and she watched with disgust as he begun to undo it. Was he really going to rape her in front of his soldiers... Where they really going to let it happen. Her eyes trailed to Felix, and than to Mercedes students she had also treated like her own kids. Yet they did nothing, much like the church had done in defending Dimitiri's family and kingdom. Turning her gaze back to Dimitri she looked up at him hearing his words. "You really are lost my child, and I'm sorry." She simply let out her eyes showing a bit of sadness that one of her dear students would trail so far down the path into insanity. She didn't eye his cock as it was released from his pants rather keeping her eyes locked onto his. "If you wish to continue down this path, I can not stop you. Though I'm sure Claude or Edelgard will." She simply commented her eyes finally trailing down to his quite sizable cock. She didn't react at all to it rather turning her gaze back up to him. Her mouth remained shut to not allow him to stick it inside, she would keep fighting as much as she could in hopes that he would change his plans. She fought pointlessly as he forced her head forward and soon she could feel her lips touching the tip of the blue lion's throbbing cock. Her eyes glancing down at it again, was this really what he thought atoning for sins was, pleasing someone sexually? She had to fight back to the urge of tears, Dimitri had been the one she had the most faith in upholding his righteous ways. This was the same boy who would say 'Killing was wrong and unjust', and other comments of justice. Her mind was brought back to the present as she felt him pinch her nose She held her ground for about a minute before opening her mouth to breath, and she knew what would soon greet her. Gagging almost instantly as he wasn't easy at all, she could feel the cock bulging in her throat as the full length was inside. The taste instantly overcoming her mouth it was quite foul from all the sweat and build up from him battling his way up here, and it was hard to tell the last time the Lion had a chance to bathe anyways. Least to say it was a pleasant taste and it made her want to vomit though she would not give him that victory instead she took it. As he begun to pull out mentioning this was her new life she gasped for air though it was a big breath as Dimitri soon forced his cock back inside claiming it's new territory. Goddess above she thought as his cock went even deeper in her throat blocking her breathing entirely for a few moments. Spit would soon start to pour out of her mouth as the saliva was building up. She made no attempt to pleasure him, no she would not work her tongue, Dimitri would take his pleasure without her help. She looked back up at him her emerald eyes still looking down upon him in a sort a way, even with the massive cock dominating her mouth right now. She didn't try to bite down or fight as while she did think he was in the wrong, he was still a child of hers in her mind, and she would not harm her child. At least not by her own actions.
Rage boiled from within Dimitri, his vision clouded by his insatiable desires for revenge. The once gallant and charming Prince could see Rhea as nothing more than an enemy... one that he would vanquish without impunity. "Don't you dare look down at me!" He growled, forcing his cock deeper into Rhea's throat. He wanted to watch the tears that swelled in those beautiful, emerald eyes, watch as her throat was completely and utterly violated by the very man she had raised. Gripping her hair, he held her firmly in place until Rhea began to involuntarily gurgle and choke, her eyes fading as she no doubt succumbed to the depths of unconsciousness. But he wouldn't let her escape so easily. Pulling her away, he once again slapped Rhea across the face prompting her to breathe fresh air back into her lungs. "You can't go to sleep yet. I'm not done with you." He spat, the string of saliva falling upon Rhea's already tear stained face. Tightening his grip upon Rhea's hair, he pulled the archbishop to her feet, dragging her across the audience chamber and towards the throne that stood erect at its back. "I loved you like you were my mother. But now my family is dead because of you." Without an ounce of mercy, his hands found Rhea's regal cloak, his strong hands taking hold of the fabric as he began to tear and pull the Archbishop free from her dress. It wasn't long until Rhea's clothes were nothing more than a tattered mess, the remains of the once conservative dress now leaving little flesh to the imagination. Her chest was exposed as Dimitri wasted no time ripping off the skirt that covered her legs, revealing the undergarments that lay beneath. "Ah. I almost forgot. An Archbishop must remain chaste." Dimitri grimaced, the very thought of stripping Rhea's virginity causing his cock to throb in a sadistic delight. Pulling Rhea's hair backwards, he forcefully turned Rhea's face before planting a kiss upon her cheek. "Don't worry. I won't take such a prize from you just yet." He explained with an air of ruthless confidence. "I'm going to make you fall in love with me first." His fingers ran between her legs, rubbing at Rhea's chastity through her panties. "One day, you're going to offer this to me. Beg me to fuck you like the whore of an Archbishop you really are." He chuckled before pushing Rhea's face down against the throne. He pushed her up, so that both of her knees remained in the seat with her rear positioned conveniently towards him. "Until then, I'm just going to ravage your other hole." Giving her no chance to realize what was happening, Dimitri pushed Rhea's panties to the side before forcing his saliva drenched cock against Rhea's puckered star. It was a tight fit, but it wasn't long until the head of his cock had pushed the walls apart, penetrating deep inside of her. "This hole is mine now." Dimitri growled, thrusting his full length into her. He moved slowly first, but the Prince's impatience soon gave way. The Lion would soon increase his pace, violently thrusting as his waist collided repeatedly with Rhea's exposed rear. "You hate it now, but you're going to learn how to enjoy this. I'll make sure of it."
The once composed Archbishop was now a mess of sweat, tears, and saliva. Her perfectly kept hair was now a mess, and she quite frankly did not look like herself anymore but a weak and compromised woman. She was breathing heavily as the Lion's big cock kept pounding it's way into her throat. As her vision was starting to grow dark, and blurry she closed her eyes in an attempt to accept her body shutting down to escape from this situation. Though her assaulter clearly had different plans as she was pushed away the cock leaving her mouth and his strong hand soon smacked into her pale face. She let out a noise that could only be a whimper of sorts, though it was hard to believe the archbishop could whimper. Though at this moment she wasn't really the archbishop but Rhea a woman who was being brutally conquered . Feeling Dimitiri's spit land on her she looked up at him, despite everything her gaze remained just slightly different now as the tears started falling down her cheek. Feeling her hair be yanked she flinched slightly though got to her feet reluctantly. "Child..... cease from this foolishness!" She let out feebly as he dragged her to the throne. She watched the blue lion's eyes or rather eye as she tried to understand his pain more. Would anyone react this way in his situation or was he merely like this the entire time and the massacre simply let him become his true self. Either way it hurt Rhea to see one of her dearest children so broken. She had opened her mouth to speak upon his comment but stopped as he clothing was quickly removed, no one had ever seen her in her undergarments let alone naked so this was a shock to her. With her chest exposed she meagerly attempted to cover herself with her arms, she had an alright chest nothing special though, her beauty was more subtle than that of big breasts, and a large ass. No Rhea was quite petite and looked quite young for her age. She let out another small whimper as she felt the man kiss her cheek causing her to shiver slightly. It was quite nerve racking going from his brutal face fucking to this. "You.....are very broken child....please for the last time repent and let me go." She pleaded her normal mature voice quite more human sounding, her face of the archbishop was falling and leaving her as Rhea the woman. The taste of his cock still firmly taking her mouth and it was pretty prevalent each time she talked. She did however take solace in the fact he didn't plan on taking her virginity. Though he did plan to tease her clearly as his fingers pressed across her virgin pussy teasing it slightly causing her to shiver, this had been the first time she had ever felt such a sensation. As her face was pressed into the throne she opened her mouth to protest that she would never beg for him to fuck, she could not see a future where she would want his cock inside her. However what stopped her from talking was him mentioning her other hole and tearing her clothes off revealing her bare ass. Without warm up her virgin ass was soon ravaged. She wasn't sure how to really react besides screaming out in pain. This was a lot worse than his throat assault her ass had never had anything go inside it, let alone something so big and he wasn't being gentle. "T T Take it out right n n now!" Rhea screamed her hands clenching into fists as the pain was to much her teeth gritting together. There was no pleasure from this, just pain, and it was the absolutely worst pain she had ever felt. | 6 | ['Von', 'Hresvelg', 'Edelgard', 'Blaiddyd'] |
86 | | ..::Yᴏᴜʀ ɴᴀᴍᴇ::.. [Pᴏᴛᴛᴇʀ-Kᴜɴ & Iʀᴏɴɪᴄ] | DesperatelyMitsuha Miyamizuran throughout the busy Tokyo streets, her hair thrashing against the breeze that caressed her anxious skin. There was someone she had to find, to talk to, to get to know. He looked so familiar asshe watched him pass by along the train station, and she could tell that she looked familiar to him too by the way hiseyes widened with disbelief and curiosity. Unfortunately, they both rode on different trains, leaving them unaware of where the other would be once the train ceased moving.It felt as if she were running for miles, her breathing growing chaotic as sweat beaded against her brow. Every corner she turned, every street she passed, he was no where in sight. No I have to keep searching. She encouraged herself as she rested for a moment on a bench, catching her breath and wiping the sweat away with the back of her hand. The summer breeze was unforgiving as the heat was intensifying, making her searches grow even harder.Once she felt rested enough, she would rise to her feet and begin to pace through the busy city streets. It was nearly impossible to find a specific individual in these crowded boulevards. Taking a different approach, she would go somewhere that wasn t as occupied with anyone, making it easier to spot the mystery man. Her fianc , Akihiro, must be wondering why she would arrive home at such a late time. But she didn t care. She needed to find him.Just when her motivation was starting to diminish, she caught sight of something in the corner of her eyes. It left the hairs on her skin standing up, chills sprawling throughout her flesh. Was it him? It looked like him, but he was so far away from her. Squinting her hues to get a better look at the person strolling by she would find that it was him! It was the man she was trying to find all this time! Attempting to keep her cool she would straighten her posture, take a deep breath and walk by him casually. She held her breath and bit her tongue, crossing paths with him for the very first time. His scent trailed into her flared nostrils, and she couldn't help but finally breathe. He was walking further away, and she couldn't just not say something after she spent all of this time searching for him... Was he looking for her too?"H Hey there, sir?" Mitsuha pivoted around, hair whipping behind her back as her golden irises searched the mans back before he would eventually turn around to meet her gaze. "Do I know you from somewhere?"
Taki Tachibana had never felt his heart pound so hard than when his eyes had locked onto her own as their trains passed one another's. All thoughts flew from his head, the only the he knew was he had to find her. He bolted from the train at the next stop running in the direction her train had been going. She was all he could think of, like an all encompassing storm. Gone were his thoughts of a lovely dinner with his wife, Hikari. He had texted her as he got off the train saying he was called in to stay late at work. Why had he done that? Why had he lied to the woman he married? All to try and find this fleeting phantom of a woman? He felt so drawn to her in though, in a away he couldn't explain.He stood at the top of a staircase, his breath ragged and sweat dripping down his forehead. He was starting to lose hope, his resolve slowly fading as the intense glare of the summer sun battered him in his three piece suit. It certainly wasn't designed to be ran in like this but he didn't really care. He just knew he had to find her.And that's when she appeared, as if out of nowhere, at the bottom of the step. His breath caught in his throat, he didn't know what to say...should he even say anything at all? He took in a deep breath and slowly began to walk, but he couldn't find the right words! What could he even say to her? He had felt compelled to chase after her? He felt...attracted to her strongly for no reason? As they passed, he could smell the lovely shampoo she had in her hair and just a faint whiff of perfume that seemed to match her perfectly.Thankfully she broke the silence first and he quickly turned around to acknowledge her, nodding his head strongly as he gave her a small smile. "I feel like we do...from some long off memory, but it's hard to say...." He stepped towards her, grasping her hand with his own and holding it close as if to prove she was real and she wasn't going to vanish. "This might sound odd...but would you like to go out for some drinks? Also....what's your name? Mine is Taki..." Taki smiled, a faint blush on his cheeks as he offered this mysterious woman a larger smile. He just felt so comforted by her presence.
It is hard to say I just know I ve met you before. Mitsuha responded before her hands were clasped with Taki s. She grinned, savoring his touch and not finding it awkward at all that a man she just met was already touching her so intimately. My name is Mitsuha. I wouldn t be opposed to going out for a few drinks with you. Would this be tonight or some other time? She inquired. If It was tonight she would have to call he fianc and make some arrangements according to what Taki wishes to do.
"I agree, I don't know when or where but I feel like I know you really well." Taki nodded in agreement to Mitsuha's statement as he let go of her hand, slightly embarrassed as she spoke her name. "Mitsuha, huh? That's a beautiful name." Taki's grin widened, a faint blush on his cheek as he chuckled slightly. It had been a long time since he had last felt like happy and joyful. At her question, he didn't need to ponder for long."How about right now? I just got off work and...I don't have anything going on now." He spoke frankly as he had just told his wife that he had been called in to stay late at the office, which meant he wasn't going to be expected back to the house until early tomorrow morning. He hoped Mitsuha would say yes, otherwise he'd be wandering the city for sometime without all that much to do!
"Right now?" She restated his suggestion before pondering on it for a moment. Her fiance was probably waiting for her and wondering where she was. "Let me call my fiance first and let him know I am going to be hanging out with a friend." Mitsuha grinned in his direction before pulling out her iPhone. She made a few taps before she pulled the phone up against her right ear, clearing her throat once she heard the phone be picked up."Hey honey! Yes I am well. Oh, really? Well I just wanted to let you know I am going to be hanging out with a friend for a while, I'm not too sure when I will be back home. Leftovers are in the fridge for when you get home from work. Okay? Love you, bye.""Looks like we're all set to go!" Mitsuha continued to smile, her cheeks starting to ache from it. She never felt this sense of happiness before, her heart was pounding inside of her little chest. "I am kind of unfamiliar with Tokyo and what is has to offer, mind taking me to a spot where you think is good?" She inquired before standing right by his side, golden hues gazing up at his face with admiration.
Taki's heart was also pounding in his chest when Mitsuha mentioned having to call her fiance. They had just met but already they were preparing for a tryst, calling and texting their significant others in order to give an excuse for seeing someone else. How could two people be so attracted to each other so fast? He didn't seem to care much though as she quickly turned around and said she was good to go."Of course. I've lived here my whole life so I know some pretty good spots." He gave her a thumbs up and then grasped her hand again, giving it a small squeeze. They each wore rings, representing their current relationship status but neither of them really seemed to care all that much as he gave her hand a squeeze, a blush on his cheeks as he offered her a small smile. "Is this alright?" He asked Mitsuha, unsure if she was alright with their hand holding he himself was rather enjoying it though, his heart beating in his chest and his grin wide, having never felt happier in his entire life as he led this beautiful girl to his favorite bar nearby.
Once Taki gripped her hand so delicately she would give it a firm squeeze, strolling along the path he directed. "This is alright." She replied back, looking down in embarrassment with a small blush painted on her pale cheeks. If this was any other stranger she would decline holding hands in a heart beat... but with Taki, there was something different yet familiar about him. She could feel it on the tip of her tongue but nothing was coming to mind. Instead of focusing on how she knows him she would relish in the moment they were currently spending together. Besides, she never lied to her fiance, she told him the truth that she was going to be spending time with a friend... she just didn't announce the gender or circumstances of their introductions.The bar wasn't that far away, approximately 15 minutes away from their meeting place. It wasn't really full at this time of hour but soon enough it would be. Good thing they got there just in time before the chaos unfolded. The hostess greeted them and sat the duo down at a booth before giving them menus to glance at before the waitress would swing by the take their food or beverage order. "This is a very nice place. You have good tastes." Mistuha giggled coyly as she gripped her menu and began to read what was listed. She was a bit shy around him now that they were truly alone together in public.
Taki enjoyed his stroll with Mitsuha to the bar, walking to the nearby bar he frequented quite often. He laced his fingers with her own, gently squeezing and rubbing his fingers against her own, enjoying this small amount of contact between them, his smile ever present on his face as they arrived at the bar and quickly got a seat. He only ever came here with his co workers so there was no chance of any of the staff recognizing him with a woman other than his wife. That was a nice layer of security but at this point he didn't think he would even mind if his wife, Hikari walked in on them talking right now. He could just say they were old friends.He ordered his normal drink, a whisky on the rocks and then offered Mitsuha a small smile. "Order whatever you like, it's my treat, Mitsuha." Her name just seemed to roll of his tongue perfectly and the act of saying it made him warm, like floating on cloud nine. He grasped her hand again, rubbing his thumb against her palm as he looked into her eyes, his own eyes filled with affection and love for this woman he had just made, but he felt like he had known his whole life.
I ll take a Sex on the Beach, please. Mistuha stated her order to the waitress who nodded her head and headed off to retrieve the desired beverages. I appreciate it. She thanked Taki for offering to pay for their drinks. Hopefully she wouldn t get too tipsy today but knowing her she was a complete light weight. I m having a good time. She specified before gripping his hands just a little tighter. It didn t feel strange at all being this close and intimate with Taki, it was as if it were meant to be. Her fianc didn t even come to mind as she continued to hold onto his hand gingerly. Here are you drinks. The waitress sat down each beverage to the correct individual. Anything else at the moment? We re okay for now, thank you. Mistuha responded before taking her hands away from Taki s and gripping onto her drink, giving it a quick swirl before pursing her lips to the straw. Taking a hearty gulp, she would grin, savoring the taste. Wow, this is pretty good! I can t understand how you can drink whisky like that. I need something sweet that barely tastes like alcohol.
I m glad you are having a good time. Taki grinned sheepishly as he brought Mitsuha s hand up to his lips, gently kissing the back of her hand as his face flushed with a blush but it was clear he was having a great time as he took as sip of his drink once it arrived, watching as Mitsuha drank her own. Oh you know, I m expected to be manly and I hated it at first but it grew on me. Taki laughed, telling her the truth of how he acquired a taste for whisky as he raised the glass up towards her and gave her a wink. Want a taste? Can I try yours? Taki offered and eyes her drink, having never had a Sex on the Beach before.
"Sure, I'd love to take a sip of your whiskey." Mistuha said before taking the small glass from his hands into her own. "Feel free to try mine, I don't mind. It taste's kind of pineappley, so I hope you like pineapples!" She giggled before bringing the glass to her lips, taking a small sip that would lather her tongue evenly. It was strong, making her cough as soon as she removed the glass from her rosy pink lips. "Wow, I can't believe you can stand this now. I would've never tried to get used to it." She shook her head in disbelief before reaching for her own glass once he was finished taking a sip from it. Already her head was starting to feel light and fuzzy, her head swirling subtly.
Taki took a sip of Mitsuha's drink, enjoying the flavor of it as he watched her drink his, chuckling softly as she coughed right after taking a sip. It was definitely a stronger and more potent drink than her own as he took his glass back and gave her a playful wink. "It's definitely not for everyone, but it grows on you overtime. I still think I prefer your drink though." He chuckled playfully, the booze starting to go to his head as well, his cheeks flushing slightly as he reached up and gently cupped her cheek with his hands, rubbing his thumb over her smooth skin."You are so beautiful, Mitsuha..." Taki whispered softly, his eyes slowly fluttering closed as he leaned forwards, his nose gently brushing against her own as his lips planted firmly to hers in a loving and affectionate kiss, his arm wrapping around her waist and his tongue brushing gently against her lips, seeking to gain entry to her mouth and judging her own reaction to the sudden kiss. Would she pull away? Or was she wanting this just as much as he was?
"I am? Oh, please!" She would giggle as his hand invaded her flesh, caressing it softly before her eyes widened from him leaning inwards. Her heart galloped, unknowing what to do as he continued to creep in closer to give her lips a kiss. Reluctantly she kissed him back, feeling the warmth of his lips collide against her own. His wet muscle lashed out and licked her lips invitingly and playfully, taunting her to open her own to grant it access. Her own tongue slithered out to coil around his, their saliva connecting together, A soft moan left her mouth and poured into his own, her cheeks growing redder by the interaction with him and the booze.
Taki moaned back for Mitsuha as she parted her lips their tongues preforming a lewd dance in and between their mouthes, their breathes getting hotter and shorter with every passing, passionate moment they kissed, their saliva dripping down their chins as they both didn t seem to mind showing their lust and want for one another.Taki could feel his cock growing rapidly in his pants as he reached out with his hands. One landed on Mitsuha s soft and exposed thigh, rubbing and squeezing her warm and lush skin as his fingers slowly crept upward while his other hand reached for one of her breasts, giving her mound a tender squeeze beneath her dress.
Just as Taki was starting to get touchy Mitsuha retreated from the kiss before embarrassingly clearing her throat. Maybe we shouldn t do these things in public. She stated bluntly, but held the suspense until speaking again. But maybe we could go somewhere and finish what we were about to start? She said with a wink. She sipped on her beverage some more and before she realized it she drank the entire drink. Now she was feeling extremely tipsy, giggling each time she looked at Taki like a middle schooler staring at her crush.
Taki seemed saddened when Mitsuha pulled away but his grin widened when he realized what she was implying as he licked his lips, as if he were trying to savior her flavor. This star struck lovers were truly getting ready to start an affair and both seemed truly excited and eager for the prospect. How quickly do you want to continue? I m all for going to a love hotel for the night but... he leaned in and whispered playfully in Mitsuha s ear now. They have a pretty private restroom here...if you d like. His voice was teasing but wanting , clearly he d go for it if she did as he playfully nibbled and sucked on her earlobe to accent his comment.
"Hm, the bathroom sounds like a fun idea, I never tried that one out before." Mitsuha grinned, giving a small gasp as his mouth found its way to her earlobe. "Well, what are we waiting for?" She scooted out of her booth and stood up, her black skirt on her form tightly and her white blouse almost too small for her torso. Her curves could be noticed from a mile away, especially with her current clothing situation. "Lead the way, why don't ya?" | 17 | ['Desperatelymitsuha', 'Akihiro', 'Miyamizuran'] |
87 | | Age Doesn't Matter in Love ( Ghostxtiger and Chiechan ) | Saotome Nodoka had finally gotten the divorce from her deadbeat husband and was now living alone in a nice house in town. She had been living alone for a while anyways, but with her husband finally legally out of her life, she felt she could let loose and try again. The thing was she couldn't see herself with a man...and so had begun to look up classifieds for ladies. Still that had had no success.So it was, on one day Nodoka was on her way to the shopping area, humming to herself, and carrying her bundle over her shoulder, and smiling. The sun was bright, and all seemed to be well.
Hikaru Yamashita was a drifter at heart. No one really knows anything about her since she doesn't stay in one place for very long. She lived for the road and has been on her own since she was fifteen. She was kind and caring but hid behind a tough persona. She was just passing through this town just like all the others, riding her motorcycle down the street and taking in the sites.When she stopped at a red light. She took off her helmet that hid her face to enjoy the breeze for a moment before moving on.
Nodoka stopped at a light and turned to look at a woman on a bike. She suddenly took off her helmet and Nodoka bowed to her a bit, but when she got a good look at her face, she was spell bound. The girl was just beautiful. She tried to speak..but couldn't. She knew that some ladies her age, had fallen for younger men, but she had never heard of them fallen for younger ladies...but she couldn't take her eyes off of her.
Hikaru sat at the light as she watched a drop dead gorgeous woman walk by. She was stunning and she could see that she was a bit older than her but she didn't care. She smiled warmly at the woman and leaned back on her handle bars. "Hey cutie, where ya headed?" She asked as she looked up and down at the woman.
Nodoka blushed as she spoke to her. She bowed very politely, hoping her face didn't betray her passion for the girl. "Um...I'm very sorry..Um..I'm just headed to the market...May I help you with something?" She said with a blush, her eyes temporarily distracted by the girl's ample firm chest.
Hikaru chuckled as she saw the woman blush. She loved to she women be all shy. It just makes it more fun in bed. She was planning to just pass on through this town but she figured why not have some fun. She leaned over more to press her chest more against her handle bars which the woman was obviously looking at. "You want a ride?" she asked, hatching a plan to get this woman in bed before she leaves.
Nodoka blushed even heavier and looked down at the ground. "Oh..I don't know..I ...I don't think I on the bike...and I'm sure..I' make the weight off..." She was so flustered..she didn't even know what to say after that. She knew that the girl held the upper hand..which was just fine. She wanted it that way...the girl could do as she wanted to her...Nodoka would not argue.
Hikaru just laughed at the woman's shyness. "It's fine" she said with a charming smile. "I'm used to having a cute girl riding behind me" she added as she put the kick stand down and got off her bike to walk over to the woman. Close up, she was even more beautiful. "I don't think I ever got your name" Hikaru said, still smiling at the woman.
Nodoka softly gasped as the girl dismounted and walked to her...She softly said " Nodoka...." She bowed again. "And...I'd be honoured to ride with you." She said softly. Her face said it all...she was completely smitten with Hikaru. Anything the girl wanted, she could have now. She gave a gentle smile and said. "Your mother was indeed blessed to have had such a remarkable and lovely daughter."
Hikaru smiled wider when Nodoka agreed then seemed to frown when she mentioned her mother. The frown quickly went away and the smiled returned as she took Nodoka's soft and delicate hand. She led her back to her bike and sat down, handing her the helmet. "Here, put this on" she said "Oh, I'm Yamashita Hikaru by the way"
Nodoka ofcourse was a very wise and observant woman. She took note of the change, and noted that there was bad feelings in that direction. She gently got on the bike and softly put thehelmet on. She more than happily wrapped her arms around the girl...feeling the warmth of the girl's back against her soft chest. She then leaned forward and softy said "Where shall you take me now...Miss Yamashita?"
Hikaru didn't have anywhere in this town and wasn't planning on getting together with this woman in some roach motel. So she decided to just take the woman to where she was going and back to her place. "Well, you said you where going to the market" Hiakru pointed out as she kicked up the stand and started up her bike. "I'm new to town so where would this market be?"
Nodoka really only went to market to keep herself busy...and to be honest...She must rather that the girl and her spent time together."Listen.." She softly said. "I would like to have some tea first...Why don't we drop by my place first..and we can have a small bit of tea?" She hoped that she could get the girl to stay longer. She found herself attracted to her like a magnet, and wanted to know more about her. She softly rested her head on the girl's shoulder, and hoped she was not coming on too strong.
"Straight to the point. I like it."Hikaru thought as she smiled back at Nodoka. "Sounds great" she said then turned her attention to the road. "Now show me the way" she said as she started down the road "and hold on tight."
Nodoka did both willingly. She directed her carefully and clearly down the streets to the small little cottage she was staying at....and she kept her arms softly around the woman..sighing happily at the feel of the girl.
Hikaru was enjoying the fell of breeze as well as the slender arms of Nodoka wrapped around her waist. She followed Nodoka's directions when suddenly her bike started sputtering and slowing down. "Oh come on. Not now you piece of crap" she said mainly to herself as she tried to keep the bike from stopping but it inevitably did. Hikaru's frustration was evident as she pounded her fist on the handle bars. "Sorry, looks like my bike died on me"
Nodoka stiffled a small giggle and said "Well..My house is not that farther away. Perhaps we could walk the rest of the way..and I could call a friend to help bring some gas?"
"Well ok. But I think there might be something else wrong with it" Hikaru said, pointing out the gauge which says full. "I'm gonna push it to your place of that's ok. I don't trust any one else with my bike"
She nods and dismounts and walks softly and slowly with the girl. "Might I ask where you are heading?" She said with a small smile. "I don't mean to's seem so young to be travelling around so much."
"Nowhere" Hikaru said flatly as she pushed her bike and followed Nodoka. "I just like to travel." Hiakru was never one to tell her life's story to people she just met and this time was no exception.
Nodoka meeped and went quiet. She felt bad she kept pushing all the wrong buttons with the girl. However, it had been so long since she was a young girl herself she guessed she had lost touch. Soon, after a long walk with silence...they reached her house. She bowed again. "Um...could I invite you in for some tea while we wait?"
Hikaru looked over Nodoka house. She thought it was rather cute. "You have a nice house. I would love to see inside" she said with a smile. "I would like some tea thanks" she said as she waited to be led inside.
Nodoka slowly led the woman into her humble Japanese cottage. She showed her into the small sitting room...and excused herself. She shortly returned with some okashi and kocha for them..and served it very elegantly. She was not the foremost expert at tea ceremony, but she was no slouch at all. However, when she had finished all of the serving, and they both were drinking, she could only stare at the woman's lovely face again."Sorry..for the humble... offerings. However, I live alone..." She says softly.
Hikaru followed and sat down cross legged and looked around as she waited for Nodoka. She watched in awe at the way she served the tea. She's never seen a tea ceremony before. "Thanks" she said as she took the tea and took a sip. "This is really good" she said then took another sip before putting it on the table then grabbing a snack."You live alone huh? So, are you seeing anyone at the moment?" She asked before she took a bite of the okashi.
Nodoka smiled as the girl complemented her tea abilities and enjoyed her humble servings.Then she heard the girl ask the question she knew would come. She thought for a moment, and then gave her best answer."No...not yet. I'm a traditional I'm not good at chasing." She paused. "I' for Ms. Right to come and claim me..." She a little emphasis to the MS. part, hoping the woman understood her meaning.
"Ms. huh?"Hikaru thought as a smile formed on her face. "Well, to be honest. I'm a Ms. Right Now type of person since I don't stay in the same place very long" she said truthfully. "But I was toying with the idea of setting down and finding a nice girl"
Nodoka blushed. "What if..that nice girl...was...a bit ...older than you?" She asked softly...her hand softly going on the table, leaving it open for affections from the other girl...she tried to give Hikaru her softest most loving smile. She thought.
Hikaru leaned back and placed her hands on the back of her head, seeming to be in thought. "Age doesn't matter to me" she said as she smiled at Nodoka then put her hands onto the table and took Nodoka's hand in hers "As long as there is a connection"
Nodoka softly smiled. back. "I assure you...there is one now." She said softly...and smiled gently at the girl. "I would be honoured to be your lover....and to make you feel loved and pleasured everyday..."Her silky voice flowed like a melody...and she sang an old Japanese folk tune to Hikaru..smiling softly as she did.
Hikaru smiled as she listened to Nodoka sing. She wanted her now more than ever. "You have a beautiful voice." she said softly after she finished then placed her hand on Nodoka's cheek, lightly caressing it as she slowly leaned in.
Nodoka was happier than she had ever been. A young lady of such beauty had taken her as a lover. Nodoka closed her eyes..and pursed her own lips...and when their lips touched, she meekly kissed back...opening her lips, so the woman could feel free to kiss her as deeply as she wished.
Hikaru moved her hand to the back of Nodoka's neck and lightly caressed it as she kissed her. Her lips where soft and tasted so sweet. She kissed her lightly for a moment before going deeper, sliding her tongue into the woman's mouth.
Nodoka moaned gently, and sighed as she felt the tongue slide softly into her mouth. She went weak....but yet let her tongue rub softly on the invading tongue...her eyes looking directly into the woman's, letting her see her love.
Hikaru moved her tongue along Nodoka's for a moment before breaking away and smiling at her. "Would you like to go to the bedroom now?" she asked bluntly.
Nodoka nodded slowly and stood up...leading the girl into her small bedroom with a simple bed inside...Once inside, she slowly began to move her kimono, gently removing it and then the under wrap under it.
Hikaru went to the bed and sat down as she watched Nodoka undress. She leaned back on the bed, supporting herself with her arms as she smiled at her.
Soon..Nodoka was down to bra and panties...She removed those and softly dropped them to the floor. She then went to her knees in front of the girl. "You are the first to see me naked in so many years..I, hope I meet up to your expectations. How may I serve you first?"
Hikaru just smiled wider. She was more beautiful than she imagined. "Have you ever been with a woman before?" she asked as she ran her hand down her body.
Nodoka sat there, trembling before the woman. "No...never...this is my first time. My...I must seem like quite the be so old..and yet so nervous. But I will do my best for darling."
Hikaru took Nodoka by the chin and gave her a short kiss. "It's fine babe. It doesn't matter to me" she said as she pulled her up and on to the bed. "I'll show you what how beautiful and magical it can be between two women" she said then kissed Nodoka on the neck as she pushed her down on her back.
Nodoka blushed and nodded, laying back softly. She had wanted this for so long, having read romance novels about biker girls raping older neighbours...but the daydreams were over. Today she would be taken by a beautiful princess.She leaned up and stroked the woman's cheek as she began to remove Nodoka's clothing. "You are the most beautiful girl ever....I truly mean it."
Hkaru smiled widely at Nodoka's complement "Is that right?" she chuckled as she helped Nodoka remove her clothing. Soon she was naked. She then pressed her body on top of her's "And you're just as beautiful." she said as she traced her finger down Nodoka's body. "I've met a lot of beautiful girls and you blow them all away"
Nodoka just enjoyed the attention. She never thought it would be this good. "Oh Hikaru chan..." She softly spread her own Hikaru access to her lovely woman hood....and began to kiss her softly, letting her small lips press against the girl's much more fuller and stronger lips.
Hikau grinned widely as she saw Nodoka spread her legs. She gave the woman what she was craving. She kissed her back moved her hand further down in between her legs and began to lightly rub the woman's clit.
Nodoka put her finger into her mouth, biting it softly to stifle the cry as her womanhood was stroked by the beautiful woman...she closed her eyes...and just relaxed in the pleasuring motions of the fingers.
Hikaru continued to rub Nodoka's clit as she gave her neck light kisses. She moved the kisses down to her breast then traced her tongue along her nipple before sucking on it.
Nodoka was shaking all over, moaning hotly as her clit was softly rubbed and now as the woman expertly began to suckle on her breast...not since she had finished weaning her child, had her breast been suckled...and it felt so right. "My..My love yeeess...."
Hikaru chuckled then lightly bit down in her nipple before sucking on it again and moving her finger down to the woman's folds then slowly pushed it inside her.
Nodoka shivered more...and stroked the head gently. " love...I'm so very very close."
Hikaru grinned then pushed in a second finger and thrust in and out hard as she rubbed the woman's hard nub with her thumb.
Nodoka shuddered, and threw her head back and cried out, cumming hard all over the girl's fingers, soaking them in her soft loving juice. "Ohhh....Hikaru chan...I love you..."
Hikaru smiled down at the woman as she came. She pulled out her fingers and licked them, savoring the woman's taste until she spoke. She looked at her shocked "W What?"
Nodoka leaned down and kissed the girl on the lips. "I said I love you....and I meant it...from now on...I'm your humble servant, your wife, whatever you wish from me....I'll make you feel that you're in Paradise every day, my darling."
Hikaru was not expecting this. She only wanted some fun. Not have the woman fall in love with her and she wasn't sure she could return the feeling yet. "O Ok" she said, giving her a nervous smile before rolling to her side and bringing Nodoka close to her.
OOC: Sorry for being gone so long...I hope you will continue rping with meNodoka softly lay the woman back..and tried to go between her thighs so she could return the favour and make the girl cum so many times. She wanted the girl to feel the same bliss she had made her feel.
OOC:Oh sure. It's ok Hikaru took Nodoka's face and brought her back up to face her "You don't need to do that right now." she said before giving her a soft kiss. She was not really in the mood anymore after what the woman just said.
OOC: What did I do wrong?How can we get these two back togther?
OOC: Oh don't worry. She was just a little freaked out by what she said. Just keep going and she'll come around.
Ghostxtiger said: Hikaru took Nodoka's face and brought her back up to face her "You don't need to do that right now." she said before giving her a soft kiss. She was not really in the mood anymore after what the woman just said. Click to expand... Nodoka looked at her lover oddly. She was old enough to know when someone had lost their passion. "Did something wrong Hikaru san? What was it?" She held her close. "I'm sorry if I frightened you off.."
" you didn't do anything wrong" Hikaru said as she wrapped her arms around Nodoka "I just...never had anyone say be" she admitted.
Nodoka smiled softly. "Well...I know the feeling..neither have I." She kissed her darling's cheek. "I will try to keep it slow...but know this..I am a devoted woman...and will never double cross or two time you. now...enough words...let's just kiss..." She tried to continue the kissing they had done earlier.
Hikaru listened to Nodoka then just nodded as she kissed her back, rolling her on her back then breaking away and softly kissing her neck. She was still a little freaked out by what she said but it did feel nice that someone loved her. Though she was not ready to sat it back just yet.
Nodoka just went weak in the strong girl's arms...letting her push her back and kiss her strongly. she sighed and wrapped her arms around her again..and kissed for a long time. For Nodoka this was Heaven.
Hikaru was enjoying this as well. It felt so good embracing and kissing this woman. She continued to kiss her then broke away and smiled at her lover "I'm glad me met" she said as she held Nodoka's face in her hands.
Nodoka face stayed bright pink as Hikaru said those words, melting her heart even more. " feel exactly the same way..." She sighed happily. She held her darling close....and smiled. "You're the most beautiful girl I ever met."
Hikaru smiled at her comment "Thank you. And you are just as beautiful" she said as she gave her light kisses then looked out the window to see that the sun has set. "hmmm....what time is it?"
Nodoka hmm'ed puzzeledly...and then looked at her small watch. "Oh my...eight o'clock. Might I make you some dinner?" She bows. "I don't have much...but I am fairly good cook."
Hikaru smiled and nodded at Nodoka "I'm sure what ever you cook will be great" she said then got up and started getting dressed.
Nodoka did the same, but dressed much quicker..and then washed herself up quickly, and began to make them both a nice full meal. Soon, delicious warm smells were coming from the direction of the kitchen.
Hikaru just dressed in her panties and t shirt since she was not planning on going anywhere. She wondered around the house for a while until she caught a whiff of the smells coming from the kitchen. she made her way there to see what Nodoka was cooking up.
Nodoka was making a variety of traditional Japanese dishes for them to have from unagi kabayaki to tempura. She continued to set food aside as she finished it, but at one point when she turned to see Hikaru, her face went very red again. "Oh my..." She said.... seeing the lovely girl clad only in her panties and shirt. * *
Hikaru just chuckled at Nodoka's blush "Why so shy" she asked as she walked over to her and hugged her from behind "I mean you've seen me naked so seeing me in this is not so bad" She chuckled then smelled the air "mmmmm...smells great" *X3*
Nodoka blushed. "Well..please's still new to me....not in a bad way...but..well..feeling like this...can be distractive." She giggled and then quickly prepared to serve everything on the small table. When she had everything set, she sat down and bowed graciously and said. "Please..enjoy this meal, Miss."
Hikaru just smiled as she watched Nodoka set everything up then sat down across from her. She was starting to get used to the idea of staying here with Nodoka. She took the first bite "Wow, this is amazing" she said then continued to eat. It was indeed the best meal she's had in a long time.
Nodoka smiled happily as the girl dug into her meal. In fact, it had been a while since she could cook for someone, and she had forgotten the pride she had gotten from others enjoying her food. She slowly ate herself, but spent most of the time enjoying watching Hikaru eat her food hungrily.
Hikaru finished soon after and smiled at Nodoka before sitting up then sitting back down next to her "You're a fantastic cook" She said as she put her arm around her and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead.
Nodoka blushed and enjoyed the kiss from her darling. "Thank be honest...It felt good to be cooking for someone else again. I hope it's something I'll be able to do for you again soon." She kissed her cheek.
Hikaru smiled and wrapped her arms around Nodoka "Well I can really get used to this" she said as she rested her head on Nodoka's shoulder.
Nodoka blushed and enjoyed the warmth, and the words of the lovely girl. She too let her body softly relax on the girl's and felt the girl's heart beat in time with hers. "Would you go somewhere more ...comfortable Dear?"
Hikaru smiled as she lightly kissed Nodoka's neck "What do you have in mind beautiful?" she asked with a chuckle as she continued to give her lover light kisses.
Nodoka blushed and said "Well..I have a very nice warm fluffy bed in the other room..." She purred as she cuddled more in the lovely woman. "I could let you see more of me again."
Hikaru just smiled wider. "Sounds good" she said as she stood up and helped Nodoka to her feet before leading her to the room. She stood behind her as she gave her light kisses on the back of her neck.
Nodoka blushed, loving the adoration and attention. She gently pulled her darling inside, and out of habit of modesty, she closed the door. And then slowly removed her garments.. She softly coo'ed "Can I remove your clothing too? I'd love to give you a special massage." She smiled.
"Sure" Hikaru said then pulled Nodoka in for a kiss. "Massage huh? Sounds good. Will it have a happy ending" she chuckled.
Nodoka responded to the kiss wetly and lovingly...wrapping her arms gently around the girl and beginning to remove all her clothes. "Oh..I assure you...I'll give you all the happy endings you want."
Hikaru grinned as she let her lover undress her "So, what do I do?" she asked as she sat down on the bed.
"Now you lay on your belly..." She said..and took some lotion, gently applying it to her hand. She gently began to run her small soft hands along her darling's flesh. "Hmm..and just let the good feelings take sweet sweet lover."
Hikaru did as she was told and laid on her belly. She let out a relaxing sigh as she felt Nodoka's silky smooth hands along her body. "mmmmm that feels great " she said as she closed her eyes and enjoyed her lovers touch.
Nodoka slowly continued to move her hands along the smooth strong back...occasionally kissing the part she was massaging, even the nice firm buttocks. She then moved down to her thighs and calves before slowly turning the girl over and beginning on the front. As she began with her shoulders, Nodoka softly kissed her lover's lips. "How are you like this so far, my darling?"
Hikaru melted from her loves touch "ohhh yeah " she sighed as she kept her eyes closed. She could defiantly get use to this.
As she continue to massage and stroke the strong back and butt muscles..she leaned down and began to press her lips on her lover's back and lick it softly. "You taste like darling..." She whispers as she gave the girl a slow tongue bath with her massage.
"mmmmmm " Hikaru sighed then turned around and pulled Nodoka on top of her,grinning as she leaned up for a long kiss. "How about that happy ending?" she chuckled.
"Oh my..." Nodoka said with a giggle "Are you asking me to do something naughty with you, my darling? That would be so wrong..." She leaned forward and tried to kiss more with the girl, gently moving her hands out to massage the young breasts again.
"Heh, if that's wrong. I don't want to be right" Hikaru chuckled then moaned out when she felt Nadoka's hands on her breast. "mmmm that's nice " | 94 | ['Yamashita', 'Hikaru', 'Nodoka', 'Saotome'] |
89 | | Until Dawn: Sam and Ashley (Jack Stalker and The Heavenly Knight) | UNTIL DAWN: SAM AND ASHLEY "Ohh god..."Samgroaned loudly, the reached a hand up out of the bath water to muffle her voice. Her other hand continued to thrust her hungry fingers deep into her quivering snatch beneath the water as she finger fucked her self with eager abandon. Everyone who had come here had someone to fuck! Mike was fucking Jessica, Chris was likely going to get it on with Ashley, and Emily was fucking Matt. That left Josh.. and since his sisters death he hadn't really seemed to recover enough to put him on Sam's radar. That left her alone, alone on this nice little get together in Josh's cabin. Alone upstairs in her bath while the others were likely off elsewhere, half of them fucking.She imagined Matt taking Emily for a walk and the aggressive little whore fucking him on a bench or table out in the snow somewhere. Emily was still likely fucking Mike on the side, and the fact that Mike had taken Jessica off to a cabin to drill her all night long would likely have made Emily jealous. So jealous that she would be forced to fuck Matt just to dispel her feeling of jealousy towards Jessica. The only people she supposed might not be fucking would be Josh, who had disappeared to do something, somewhere, along with Chris and possibly the prudish little Ashley. God... Ashley!"AHHHUNNHH!" Sam moaned again through her fingers, then spasmed a little in the bath at the thought of the hot, tight bodied redhead with the perfect round, taut, firm little ass. Those 'fuck me' shorts Ashley was wearing over her tights had been driving Sam crazy all night, it was part of the reason she had kept pestering everyone to get the boiler working so she could take a bath. Bath time in Sam's home was the only time she could get away from her parents to rub one out quietly. Here in the cabin it was almost the same, though she was making more noise than she would have liked.She stopped suddenly, was that someone outside? She shivered, drawing back from the brink of her orgasm, left teetering on the edge as she splashed about, standing up and grabbing a shirt towel which strained to cling to the top of her nipples and barely stretched down far enough to cover her pussy from sight as she stepped out of the bath, her bare feet moving from rug to floor boards as she headed to the door and flung it open.No one. There was no one there... although she thought she caught sight of Ashley downstairs... was that her? Had she been spying on her? Had she just run down there?Sam padded out and the pitter patter of her feet on the floor, then the stairs, left a wet echo and a trail of footprints as she rushed to catch up with her. "Hey Ash... was that you upstairs just now?" she said, catching up to the girl she stood with her hands on her hips, then gestured up with her right arm, pointing upwards in the direction of the bathroom as she stood at the bottom of the staircase heading up. As she lifted her arm, her towel slipped free and dropped, pooling about her ankles as she stood there. Her body was toned, tight, defined obliques and abs from a long time spent keeping in shape at the gym. Her legs were shorter than she would have liked, and her tits were small but perfectly rounded. If she wasn't so confident she might have been embarrassed by the fact that she was now standing naked in front of her friend with a shaved pussy that made her look like a soaking wet schoolgirl who had just slipped out of the pool. "Uh..." she opened her mouth to apologise, but instead just looked at Ashley, guarding her reaction. Slowly, very slowly, she moved her arms to self consciously cover her nipples and slide a hand down to nestle between her thighs, shielding her pussy lips from view. "Mind handing me my towel?" she asked. "And then telling me what you were doing upstairs..." she stared at her. "... what you were planning to do tonight... with the boys all gone..."
Jack Stalker said: UNTIL DAWN: SAM AND ASHLEY "Ohh god..." Sam groaned loudly, the reached a hand up out of the bath water to muffle her voice. Her other hand continued to thrust her hungry fingers deep into her quivering snatch beneath the water as she finger fucked her self with eager abandon. Everyone who had come here had someone to fuck! Mike was fucking Jessica, Chris was likely going to get it on with Ashley, and Emily was fucking Matt. That left Josh.. and since his sisters death he hadn't really seemed to recover enough to put him on Sam's radar. That left her alone, alone on this nice little get together in Josh's cabin. Alone upstairs in her bath while the others were likely off elsewhere, half of them fucking. She imagined Matt taking Emily for a walk and the aggressive little whore fucking him on a bench or table out in the snow somewhere. Emily was still likely fucking Mike on the side, and the fact that Mike had taken Jessica off to a cabin to drill her all night long would likely have made Emily jealous. So jealous that she would be forced to fuck Matt just to dispel her feeling of jealousy towards Jessica. The only people she supposed might not be fucking would be Josh, who had disappeared to do something, somewhere, along with Chris and possibly the prudish little Ashley. God... Ashley! "AHHHUNNHH!" Sam moaned again through her fingers, then spasmed a little in the bath at the thought of the hot, tight bodied redhead with the perfect round, taut, firm little ass. Those 'fuck me' shorts Ashley was wearing over her tights had been driving Sam crazy all night, it was part of the reason she had kept pestering everyone to get the boiler working so she could take a bath. Bath time in Sam's home was the only time she could get away from her parents to rub one out quietly. Here in the cabin it was almost the same, though she was making more noise than she would have liked. She stopped suddenly, was that someone outside? She shivered, drawing back from the brink of her orgasm, left teetering on the edge as she splashed about, standing up and grabbing a shirt towel which strained to cling to the top of her nipples and barely stretched down far enough to cover her pussy from sight as she stepped out of the bath, her bare feet moving from rug to floor boards as she headed to the door and flung it open. No one. There was no one there... although she thought she caught sight of Ashley downstairs... was that her? Had she been spying on her? Had she just run down there? Sam padded out and the pitter patter of her feet on the floor, then the stairs, left a wet echo and a trail of footprints as she rushed to catch up with her. "Hey Ash... was that you upstairs just now?" she said, catching up to the girl she stood with her hands on her hips, then gestured up with her right arm, pointing upwards in the direction of the bathroom as she stood at the bottom of the staircase heading up. As she lifted her arm, her towel slipped free and dropped, pooling about her ankles as she stood there. Her body was toned, tight, defined obliques and abs from a long time spent keeping in shape at the gym. Her legs were shorter than she would have liked, and her tits were small but perfectly rounded. If she wasn't so confident she might have been embarrassed by the fact that she was now standing naked in front of her friend with a shaved pussy that made her look like a soaking wet schoolgirl who had just slipped out of the pool. "Uh..." she opened her mouth to apologise, but instead just looked at Ashley, guarding her reaction. Slowly, very slowly, she moved her arms to self consciously cover her nipples and slide a hand down to nestle between her thighs, shielding her pussy lips from view. "Mind handing me my towel?" she asked. "And then telling me what you were doing upstairs..." she stared at her. "... what you were planning to do tonight... with the boys all gone..." Click to expand... The whole trip was one Ashley had been looking forward to for a while, not because she was wanting some alone time with Chris but rather because she wanted to see how Josh was doing. Despite how stupid she acted sometimes Ash still cared about everyone in the group and she worried about them greatly, especially Josh. After the last time they were here everything changed for them and she was hoping things could go back to normal.At least as normal as things could get given the situation. When Chris asked her to ride with him up to the cabin she agreed but it wasn t because she liked him. She needed to use Chris for this trip and hopefully stay as far away from Sam as much as she could. It wasn t because she didn t like the blonde it was because she liked her too much. Everything about her just made her knees weak and even if Ashley wouldn t admit it she dressed a bit slutty in hopes that Sam might look at her.When they encountered each other up on the ski lift she couldn t help but stare at Sam s body from time to time, hoping she wouldn t notice before physically making herself wrap an arm around Chris s to keep herself from loosing balance because of how wet her thighs were getting. After they finally got settled in and Sam announced to everyone she was going to take a bath Ashley whimpered at the thought of her alone and naked before following Chris around the cabin.They eventually ended up in the basement before she lost him and went back up stairs. Once back into the main room she began looking around, wiping dust off of things before hearing footsteps behind her. Slowly she turned around and went deep red as she was greeted with the sight of a dripping wet Sam, who was wearing nothing but a towel. One that left very little to the imagination she might add. What? She asked before blinking as she was still trying to process everything, her eyes staying on Sam s face even though the so desperately wanted to look down. How was she so perfect? No I just got back from the basement, have you seen Chris? She asked as she quickly tried to change the subject. However when Sam dropped her towel her eyes went straight down and stared at her beautiful firm breasts before traveling down to the pink lips of her mouth watering pussy.Ashley didn t know how much time had passed as she stared but Sam s words brought her back to reality. Yeah, of course I can. She said embarrassingly as she quickly bent over and picked it up before offering it back to her. Sorry I didn t mean to look, you just look really good. Have you been working out? She asked as she hoped she could play it cool, last thing she needed was for Sam to think she was a pervert or a whore.
Sam skipped to the side as Ashley bent over to pick up her towel, taking in an eyeful of her perfect ass, before redirecting her eyes to the girls as she stood up. "The basement huh? Well, I guess it's just as well none of the other boys are around... and that Chris hasn't come back upstairs, well, not to my knowledge anyway. They would have gotten a look at me without my towel.. and then I'd really be embarrassed." she admitted with a twisted grin and a tilt of her head. "Seeing as it's just us girls here though..." she trailed off. Taking the towel from Ashley she made no attempt to replace it, instead simply slinging it over one of her shoulders and keeping hold of a corner with her left hand, while her right went up to her hair, running her fingers through it, slicking it back a she looked Ashley up and down. "I always thought Chris was a bit wimpy for you Ashley. I mean he wouldn't even shoot a squirrel if he had the chance, not that I advocate animal slaughter you know, but some guys wouldn't pass up the chance to try and impress a girl with some gun play." she shrugged. "Anyway... I definitely think you can do better."She smiled as Ashley complimented her, and did a twirl, looking at Ashley over her shoulder as she span all around and finally stopped with her back to the girl. "Thanks. I hit the gym almost three times a week usually. I like to stay in shape, I brought all sorts of gym kit with me just in case they had a private gym here somewhere." she explained, "I bet you're in pretty good shape too Ashley, you're certainly rocking those shorts. It's a shame that the weather outside means you have to wear those tights though, you'd look a lot better with bare legs." she confessed. She swayed back and forth, turning half on and back again. She ran her free hand, which wasn't keeping the towel dangling over her shoulder, down her side and across her stomach, teasing the fingers across the top of her mound as she spoke idly and casually to Ashley, brazenly unashamed of her nakedness."No point wasting time looking for Chris now, he's probably off with Josh, planning a prank or messing about. Boys will be boys, won't they. Why don't you come upstairs with me? I need some help and you are the perfect candidate. Come along Ashley, I won't take no for an answer." she insisted, taking Ashley's hand and pulling her towards the stairs. She stopped at the bottom, stepping behind her and whipping her towel off to snap it at Ashley's ass. "Come on. Up you go first. I don't want you staring at my ass, after all. Just head into the bathroom, I need some help finding my watch, I must have dropped it in there somewhere, but the lights are not working too well.. Another pair of... eyes... is just what I need." she continued, moving to begin shooing Ashley further up the steps. "Come on Ash... don't make me beat that tight little ass of yours." said Sam, "And you know what the boys are like... if they caught us standing about like this, with me naked.. they'd think we were fucking or something!" she added, a smirk on her face as she moved towards Ashley.
Ashley honestly didn t know where more heat was located, her head or her once again dripping wet pussy between her legs. No matter the answer she tried her best to focus on just Sam s beautiful eyes. Unfortunately when the other girl decided not to put the towel back on she couldn t help but shift her eyes over her body more before finally putting her foot down. Well mentally putting it down. Chris is alright and honestly he s a great guy who s really nice. I m not really into bad boys. She replied as she tried to get her blush to die down. Sam s comment caught her off guard but she quickly shook her head in response. You re too kind, I m nothing special really. She replied as she looked down at her feet, her heart beating a bit faster as she felt the heat warm up in her chest. When she looked back up she saw Sam twirl and she felt her jaw drop. I see that....I definitely see that. She replied as she began chewing on her bottom lip. Oh no I m not, my ass is pretty fat and my thighs are a bit thick. I don t have a stomach anymore because of my diet but....thanks. Ashley replied before nodding and looking around. Yeah you re lucky Josh or one of the other boys didn t see you. Plus I ve seen you half naked once or twice before when we use to change in front of each other while spending the night with Josh s sisters. She commented before feeling her hand being pulled. Oh you don t need me up there Sam, I m as blind as a bat. She replied before gulping as Sam took a somewhat dominant stance. The towel stinging a bit as she was pushed up the stairs. Okay, okay I m going. Just take it easy and let s get some clothes on you before one of the boys see you. She said as she looked back at her and got one more peak before going upstairs.Once up stairs she walked down the hall before going into her room. Slowly she began looking around the room, searching the desk for any signs. The wind outside causing her to jump as a tree branch hit the window. I m not seeing it around here... Ashley said before getting down on her hands and knees, her head sticking underneath the bed so she could look around. As she did her ass stuck up in the air.
Sam noticed the blush on Ashley's face as they continued their conversation. "Not into bad boys huh. Maybe you'd be more into bad girls?" she said in a joking tone, or at least it might be taken as joking. Sam figured that maybe Ashley was into bad girls,. naughty girls, after all lesbianism was the acceptable face of homosexuality and bisexuality was just a skip away from that. If Ashley wasn't fucking every boy who stepped her way, which Sam figured was the fact, then perhaps that was because she was saving herself for the right girl? In any event Sam wasn't really concerned with what Ashley's plans were... her own were to turn the girl towards pussy, even if it meant hard fucking some sense into her. She'd heard plenty of guys saying that if you fucked a girl hard enough they would come around to your way of thinking. It was a theory Sam would not mind putting to the test with Ashley. "And don't put yourself down. You're special, real special Ash. Maybe lose the beanie and loosen up a little. I think I there's some wine upstairs I snuck out of the dining room." she offered. Alcohol, one of the best tools ever invented."Oh, you remember us changing do you?" said Sam. She was going to say something else, but it was distracting, thinking about josh's sisters, what had happened to them, how it left Josh... then realising that all she really cared about was the fact that Ashley was so wrong about her ass. "Nah, I have to disagree with you there Ashley. I'm telling you your ass is fine, you don't even need to work on it in the gym." she shook her head and grinned. "And that's where you're wrong Ashley. I do need you. Up there. I need you very much. You're the only one who is really helpful. Can you imagine me asking Jessica? Or Emily?" she chuckled. "I imagine that right now they're both pretty occupied anyway. You know that Josh offered up that little get away cabin to Mike way too fast. Mike probably paid him off so he would have somewhere to fuck Jessica. I bet she's noisy as hell. As for Emily, she had to take matt far away from here.. so she could fuck all that rage out of her about Mike waltzing off with Jessica. God... doesn't it make you grateful that you aren't involved in all that drama? That's what you get when you get involved with boys." Sam explained as they headed upstairs.Sam Smirked as Ashley went into her room, following her in and closing the door with a click, then a swirl of the latch that gave out another resounding clack. She noted where Ashley's head was, dropping the towel to pool on the floor at the side of the bed, well within her field of view. "Well, I guess I don't need to rush to get anything on, now that we're sequestered away in here." she quipped. "You know that I was talking about the bathroom... that's where I think I left my watch... but your thoughts were to head straight to my room." she said, stepping up behind Ashley she slapped her ass sharply, then left her hand there, feeling the heat through her shorts before moving her fingers to the belt, pulling Ashley out from under the bed. She pulled her up onto her feet, facing her completely naked. She rested her left hand on Ashley's hip, moving the right to slide down her own naked body until it was nestled between her thighs. She lifted her hand quickly back into view, spreading the fingers to display the strands of cunt juice which were strung between her fingers. "You made the right call coming in here though... can you see how fucking wet I am? That's from thinking about you Ashley." she leaned close, as though she were going to kiss her, then shoved her back onto the bed."Take off those shorts... just the shorts... and I'll think about letting you have a taste of my hot wet cunt, the one you've been thinking about since you started staring at it downstairs." she told her as she sucked on her fingers, her tongue tracing about the strings of girl juice which she had gathered on her digits. "I want to see how wet you are Ashley... and believe me, I know you're wet. Who wouldn't be this close to a body like mine? All hot and bothered because of you." she grinned, lifting one leg to place a foot on the bed, her cunt lips silently squishing together as she did so.
As Ashley continued to look for her watch she continued to hear the other woman talking as she followed behind. Bad girls? Yeah right. The only bad girls I know are you and Emily...well lately Emily has been more of a bitch then anything else. She replied before laughing at her statement. Well I m glad I don t have to deal with that drama. Honestly I almost came by myself but I figured Chris was probably the easiest guy to get along with so why not? She asked before hearing the door close, shrugging it off after hearing the lock click. If I didn t know any better I would say you like my ass. You should know the beanie and the ass are a package deal. She said jokingly as she tried to hide her embarrassment. However all of her bravery ended the moment she saw Sam s towel fall to the ground well plus the part about not needing to rush about getting dressed also got her engines going just a bit. Yeah well I thought your bathroom was directly connected to your room...I mean I m pretty sure it s right over... Before Ashley can finish her sentence she receives a smack on the ass that makes her moan. Quickly she covers her mouth as her eyes go wide.What the fuck just happened is all she can think before she s pulled up by the belt and made to face Sam. In all her naked glory she s standing right in front of her and Ashley is completely speechless. Sam... She finally manages to say before watching her hand drip between her legs and bring back the most heavenly looking sight Ash has ever seen. When she moves in to kiss her all she can do is close her eyes before grunting as she s pushed onto the bed.After catching her breath and sitting up she turned the deepest shade of red yet. What? She asked but soon she was to lost in the sight before her to question anything. Would she really let her taste her pussy if she got naked? What did Sam taste like? So many questions were running through her head as her fingers began shaking. After a few minutes she finally managed to get her shorts off before tossing them to the side. Am I really making you that wet? How? I mean have you seen yourself Sam? You re the hottest girl here for so many reasons. She said quietly as she spread her legs open and propped her knees open so she could give Sam a nice display of her wet pussy. Even though she was wearing leggings, Ashley was so soaked that the crotch of the fabric cling to her pussy and revealed a very messy as well as a very swollen pair of pussy lips that continued to leak her juices down her shaking thighs.The one day she was thankful she didn t wear underwear. Well technically that wasn t true, when she first arrived she had underwear on but she quickly ruined them and had to discard them or take the chance of getting frostbite between her legs. In any case she was glad they were gone now and as she waited for her next instruction she stared up at Sam s cunt. The way her lips dripped and the way her swollen clit present itself nearly made her faint.
"Yeah, I almost came by myself too,when I was alone in the bathroom a few minutes ago thinking about your ass, but I held off. I think you'll be glad that I did." laughed Sam as she watched Ashley wriggle out of her shorts. All the while she stroked at her pussy, the lips puffing and separating as she slowly but surely deepened her strokes, until the two fingers of her right hand were dripping with secretions, the fluids weeping from her slit beginning to bead and the heavy globules dripping away to streak her inner thighs as an obscene slopping sound filled the room alongside the shuffling as Ashley finally managed to remove her shorts. Sam looked down at her crotch immediately, licking her lips at the sight of the soaked and sodden tights stretched tight across Ashley drenched cunt lips. "No panties? God Ashley, I can see everything! As for guys.. they know, they can tell when a girl is squirming, when she's soaking herself. How long have you been like that? Chris likely slipped away to jerk off, he's probably jerking right now, thinking about you. Hell, all the guys are likely fucking or jerking right now.. why should we miss out. Why should I miss out." said Sam.She crawled onto the bed between Ashley's legs, straddling a leg, allowing her soaking quim to stroke along Ashley's thigh and soak through her tights, plastering them to her skim with Sam's juices. She stopped, hovering above Ashley, her lips mere inches from the other girls. "I've seen myself in a mirror, sure. I'm a short, tight bodied little blonde... I prefer looking at you though Ashley, but the truth is I just can't wait for you to strip off. I need you right now." she smirked, grinding her slit against Ashley's thigh, she reached down with her right hand, using two fingers to begin stroking at the sodden mess of Ashley's tights where they clung to her weeping slit. Her probing stroking fingers pushed at the fabric, driving it into the groove of her cunt as he used her other hand to ease into Ashley's hair, sliding behind her neck, tightening their grasp on the strands, tugging them tight and pulling Ashley's head up so she could lightly brush her lips against the girls. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth, moistening Ashley's lips as they slashed across the slit of mouth. "I guess it's a pity that Chris did not realise that you weren't getting wet for him, but for me. You were getting wet for me, weren't you Ashley? I was getting wet for you." she rasped out the words before forcing her lips against Ashley's. She kissed her with a hungry eager energy, a passion which exploded and drove her into a hard and long kiss which left her gasping and her heart racing as she pulled away. She sniffed the air, staring into Ashley's eyes as she removed her hand, bringing both hands down to bear on Ashley's cunt as she leaned back, straddling her thigh."Fuck... you are so hot... so wet... and you smell so fucking... innocent. But you aren't, are you Ashley? You're not innocent... you're a bad girl, disguised as a good one. Did you know I could have fucked Chris in the cable car earlier? I think he's just bursting to lose his virginity." she chuckled. "And Josh almost raped me in the basement when we were fixing the boiler. I could tell how bad he wanted me." she smirked. "But I wasted both opportunities to have cock... becausethisis what I really want... youare who I really want..." she paused, a tearing sound echoing through the room as she tore open Ashley's tights, exposing her cunt to the air... and to Sam's eager fingers which slid straight onto her hot wet flesh. Two fingers twisted and twirled, spearing into Ashley's slit, probing deep as they spiralled around to begin lightly stroking at her clit from the inside. Her other hand moved to bring the thumb to bear on Ashley's clit, massaging the little bud with folds of her flesh as she teased her digits close to it without ever touching. The entire time she kept looking into Ashley's eyes. "...what I really want is tofuckyou Ashley. I knew you were into girls.. that's good. It's good that you are into me.. because if you weren't I honestly think I would have ended up raping you this trip. Does that shock you Ashley? That I would act so much like a guy... because of how much you turn me on, because of how much I want you." she growled, massaging slow and pumping her fingers hard into Ashley as she grit her teeth. "Don't just.. ahhhh... don't just lie there Ashley... I want your NNngHH!! Your fingers in me... I want you to fuckmy hot, tight, wet, sweet little pussy, just like I'm fucking your juicy, nasty, filthy little cunt." she gasped, the slopping sounds intensifying as she drilled her fingers into Ashley's sodden snatch.
Where was this side of Sam coming from and was she really playing with herself in the bath while thinking about me? This was the burning question that was pulsating thoughout Ashley s mind as she looked up at the beautiful blonde goddess who currently had her soaking wet burning pussy on her thigh. It s warmth melting though her leggings as she could feel the tiny shifts of Sam s hips on her cum soaked thigh. The words that left her mouth were shocking and yet it was like Ashley was in some sort of wet dream.Every word and action that she was doing felt so incredibly dirty but that only made her pussy throb more. She wanted more, no she need more. Right now however she wanted to kiss Sam, she was only inches away so close in fact that she could smell the left over minty after taste of the gum she had earlier. You re so sexy Sam, you have no idea how hot you actually are. She replied softly as she turned her head and tried her hardest not to blush again at how sweet Sam was being with her compliments even if they were very naughty comments.However the moment Sam s hips moved, Ashley was right back to looking into her spectacular eyes and she stayed that way until her eyes were rolling into the back of her head. Because not to long after Sam began humping her did she begin rubbing at her messy little pussy. It wasn t gentle either, it was quick and controlled as well as very chaotic. It felt beyond words, the way her fingers rubbed effortlessly against her pussy was a sign of just how horny she was.She had wanted Sam for so long and she had a burning need that only she could put out. When her hair was pulled back her beanie fell off but she didn t care. Especially after Sam licked her lips, she wanted to just taste that tongue. She wanted to fight and lose control to it, she wanted it to invade her filthy mouth. Chris? Who s Chris? She asked though pants and whimpers before nodding quickly at the question. Yes ma am, I tried not to get horny. I even hung out with Chris most of the night in an attempt to keep myself from thinking about you but I just couldn t help myself. I m a dirty girl who deserves to be.... She replied between her moans before being cut off by Sam s forceful kiss. She didn t mind it, she in fact loved how forceful she was being. Ashley always said she was a switch but deep down she knew she was a submissive little lesbian slut. When Sam pulled away she panted and stared into her eyes as she pulled her fingers away. smells so hot in here, you smell so intoxicating Sam. I just want to bury my face between your legs. Please. Please can I bury my face between your legs? She begged before stopping dead in her tracks when Sam mentioned Chris and then Josh. Slowly she began to come down from her high as she thought about Josh s sister until Sam ripped opened her leggings and slid two thick fingers into her mess of a pussy. Then Sam said she would have most likely rape her if this hadn t happened.The thought alone made her shiver as she thought about being pushed down and flicked in the snow by a horny drunk and pissed off Sam. It made her pussy clench tightly around the invading fingers before she let out a silent scream as she cummed hard and squirted on Sam s fingers before the left over juices splashed onto the bed.This however didn t stop Sam, who just continued to finger fuck her as her other hand rubbed circles into her very sensitive and throbbing clit. Ashley bit her lip and nodded at the command as her toes curled. Slowly she reached up and squeezed Sam s ass, gently running her hands over the exposed flesh before gently rubbing at Sam s sticky musky heavenly pussy. The first thing she noticed was the warmth, then as her fingers slid in she noticed just how wet she actually was and it was all because of her. This realization caused her nipples to harden as she stared into her eyes. Can I kiss you? You taste so good Sam. She said blushing as her free hand reached up to squeeze one of her breast.Something she had been wanting to do since she saw her naked. Sam easily had bigger breasts which was only fair considering Ash had a fatter ass. While she waited for an answer Ash began fingering her faster as she added a third finger and began gently playing with her nipple. Her eyes tried to stay focused but Sam s continued assault on her pussy caused her to arch her neck and roll her eyes back as her tongue hung out. She looked very much like a bitch in heat as her she spread her legs open as much as she could. The heavy musk of their sex was beginning to fill the room as Ashley took everything Sam was giving her like she was nothing more than a street whore.
Sam couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that firstly the opportunity to get Ashley alone had come about. She figured that Chris would have decided to 'man up' and make a move on her by now, the fact that he hadn't was his loss. He might get to spunk into Ashley's cunt at some future point if she got desperate and allowed him to fuck her, unless she decided to keep him under control with a hand or a blow job, but he would never get to make Ashley come the way Sam was going to. All he was going to get would be the sloppy mess that Sam left for him, when she was done fucking Ashley senseless. Secondly she never actually thought she would make a move herself, but Ashley's tight little ass got the better of her, she couldn't help herself and she'd been completely serious with her comments. Ashley needed to be fucked, hard, and Sam was the one who deserved to feast on her flesh like she was a fucking banquet laid out for her use, and her use only. Sam hissed as she thought about Ashley, right there beneath her now. She squirmed on her thigh, rubbing the folds of her cunt back and forth along Ashley's drenched tights. All the while Sam rolled and twisted her fingers inside Ashley's tight cunt, having to force it to stretch around them, while her other hand worked at lightly teasing around Ashley's clit. She briefly wondered if the girls nipples were as hard as her own, which were now two protruding bullet like nubs which pulsed painfully. "Ahhhhnnnn!" she groaned, feeling her juices soak through Ashley's tights to bathe the skin beneath."I'm hot am I? Hah... Hot for you, Ashley. I'm done fantasising about things. Life's too short... I'm taking what I want from now on, and that means you." Sam forced the words out through gritted teeth as the slopping sounds beat against her ears as she finger fucked Ashley, faster and harder, only easing off when she decided to use her thumb to tease and torment her clit, alternating between focusing on slop fucking her cunt and circling her sensitive clit nub with rotating pressure from her thumb. Ashley hot wet quim was soaking Sam's fingers with its wet heat, allowing her to drive the digits deep into her sucking cunny and probe towards the depths of her cunt like the fingers were a small cock. "I don't want you to not think about me Ashley. I want you to think about me all the time, think about my hard nipples, my juicy mouth, my tight little cunt. Think about how wet I am for you... think about the next time you can get me alone, so L can fuck you. That's what I want you to think about you dirty, horny little slut." she hissed.Slop! Slop! Slop! Slop! the sounds of her finger fucking echoing in her ears now as she thrust into Ashley with increasing energy and gusto, her short, tight, naked body writhing against Ashley's thigh as she fought to maintain the harsh assault on her cunt with her fingers."God.. you are fucking soaking Ashley. Dripping. It's like I'm fucking you underwater of something! Are you pissing on me or is that your fuck juice pouring out of you?" Sam said teasingly, licking her lips again, driving into Ashley. The girls sucking cunt made her wish she had a cock to drill into her instead of her fingers. She still had other ways to pleasure her though, to pleasure both of them. She let out a moan as her fingers were squeezed together as they rotated around inside Ashley's tight cunt, allowing her to curl back her fingertips to gently tease at the underside of Ashley's clit, while outside her body Sam's other fingers moved to circle and push against the throbbing nub of the girls sensitive nub. "Fuck.. you nasty little bitch... really!" exclaimed Sam as Ashley declared that she wanted to put her head between her legs. "Is that what you really want to do? Eat out my pussy? Shove your tongue into me and fuck me with it... until I cum hard on your face? Fuck Ashley I never knew you were such a filthy little whore. You really are one, aren't you? God, I never imagined you were this far gone... it makes me wonder how many other girls you've fucked, how many got to you before me." she hissed through her teeth. "Maybe I should... holy fuck... you're coming!!" Sam said with some surprise. She immediately covered Ashley's mouth with her own, swallowing the girls moans as she intensified her fingering and finger fucked her through the orgasm which followed, cunt juice virtually flooding down her arm to her elbow, as she drilled her merciless fingers into Ashley's deep inviting and spasming cunt.Sam lifted her cum soaked fingers to her lips and sucked them clean, slowly, watching Ashley all the while. Then she lifted herself up a little as she felt Ashley's hand son her taut firm ass, her cunt sticking to the leggings which peeled slowly away to leave her hanging cunt lips puffy and red, her juices beading beneath the folds, weeping forth from her gash to eventually hang and drip onto the already drenched fabric as she finished sucking Ashley's cunt off of her fingers and drilled them back into the girls hot wet snatch, three fingers mashed into one phallic mass of flesh to defile her tiny quim. "OH FUCK!!" Sam gasped loudly, shuddering slightly as Ashley penetrated her cunt with her fingers. She lifted herself away, almost pulling off of Ashley's fingers. Easing the sensations long enough to edge herself and stop from coming, before she lowered herself back down, fucking her tight young cunt onto Ashley's fingers as she resumed her own diligent and rhythmic fucking of the girls dripping gash. "Yesssss..." she hissed. "Ah fuck, yes... kiss me Ashley... kiss me while you fuck my tiny cunt." she gasped, grunting, jerking slightly as she ground against Ashley's hand."Ahhh... uuuhhh... nnnggh! groans and grunts began to spill from Sams mouth, often interrupting her and cutting off what she was about to say. "AHhhh... yes, squeeze my tits... harder... pinch the nipples you little bitch.. ahhh god... you're no fucking virgin for sure... ahhh!" Sam gasped, rolling her eyes as she fought against the rising urge to come hard on Ashley's fingers. "Easy... ahh... when I come.. I want to come on your face." she hissed, theSLOP!, SLOP!, SLOP! of her fingers in Ashley's gushing cunt increasing as the girl spread her legs. Eventually Sam groaned as Ashley's fingers worked her and she took hold of the girls hand, pulling Ashley's fingers out of her cunt and sucking on them in front of her just as she had sucked on her own. With a grin she shifted her completely naked body up the clothed Ashley, until she was straddling her face. "Eat me.. make me come on your face." she demanded
Ashley s eyes were so glazed over with lust that it took everything in her power to look into Sam s eyes without them rolling back again. The sensation of having her pussy fuck was beyond words, it felt so good and Sam was hitting places that she was never able to hit on her own. Every time she had fingered herself at home while thinking about Sam she managed to cum and on one occasion squirt but this was something else. Sam had manged to make her squirt on the first time and she nearly passed out. Thankfully she was in so much shock about the whole thing that she was able to keep herself awake. Not to mention Sam helped her a lot by fucking her still while giving her orders.However the sight of Sam whimpering and moaning on her fingers is what really gave Ash the energy to stay awake. She didn t waste anytime and quickly kissed her. The kiss soft and innocent at first before turning passionate as she slid her tongue into her mouth. She began fighting for control as her fingers fucked Sam harder, faster and with more passion than any cock could dream to match.Her free hand began to pitch her nipples before she pulled away from the kiss so she could dive forward and suck one of them. Gently rolling the nipple in her mouth before biting on it as her fingers continue to fuck her cunt relentlessly. When Sam pulled away she whimpered and let out a sigh before she was pushed back onto the bed. After Sam shifted around and put her pussy in Ashley s face the redhead lost any trail of control she had. She tried to speak but her words caught in her throat as Sam s pussy lips hung down to meet her face. Only inches apart she could feel the heat radiat right now on her before smelling the heavy must that nearly caused her to cum herself.It was so strong that it made her mouth water and it caused her pussy to twitch. She continued to stare for a few more minutes before reaching up and squeezing Sam s ass cheeks. Slowly she lowered the puffy, dripping wet and red lips of her friend s pussy down onto her face before taking a small lick. Fuck.... Is all she could say before she slid her tongue in deep and began to fuck her friend s pussy with it. As she began to eat, Ashley spread her friend s ass cheeks apart and looked at her asshole before shivering as she closed her eyes.Ashley s small pink tongue began to nap out her pussy as her hands squeezed her ass. She twisted it, darted it out and curled it upwards inside her before pulling it out so she could suck on her clit. After she was positive she gave her clit enough attention she dived back in and continued eating, Sam s tasty musky juices running down her chin and splashing all over her face. She was so sticky but she didn t care, she didn t care about how messed up her hair was now or about how her makeup was ruined. No of it mattered, only Sam s pussy mattered right now.
Sam had shifted her hips when Ashley kissed her, starting to fuck herself onto the girls fingers, all while tongue fucking her mouth with a crazed energy. The kiss beginning casually, then transforming as she pushed her tongue into Ashley's mouth to taste her spit. She pushed hard into the kisses, groaning breaths into her mouth as she seared her lips into hers with a fierce enthusiastic fire. She wanted to strip Ashley naked, to feel her nipples pushing against her own, to feel her hot skin stroking against her flesh. However she was too impatient, too wrapped up in the moment to wait. Sam groaned like a slut in heat, her own sinful and carnal gasps merging with the sounds which escaped Ashley's mouth during the moments their lips were apart. Her cunt was gushing, flooded, strings of girl cum sloshing against Ashley's fingers as intensely as Ashley's cunt had wept all over Sams. When Ashley leaned down to take a nipple in her mouth, Sam bucked and jerked, almost coming. She bit her lip and gave out a strangled guttural moan of pleasure, instantly moving her hands to Ashley's head. Grasping it and holding her against her assaulted nipple. Shuddering and shaking as the girls mouth attacked her bullet hard nub.She twisted around, straddling Ashley's face while moving to get a look down her body. She reached out, sliding her fingers back into Ashley shot drenched cunt, while looking down between them towards Ashley's face. Her cunt was leaking heavily, with strings of girl cum starting to hang and stretch, slashing against Ashley's face and mouth as Sam groaned in anticipation. "Fuck me then Ashley. Fuck me with your mouth you dirty little bitch. Show me how much you love cunt, my cunt." she moaned again. "Can you imagine how long the boys would last if they saw us like this? They would fucking come in their pants, wouldn't they? Come from seeing innocent little Ashley reveal her true nature, that of a cunt licking filthy little whore." she grunted, spitting her words forth as she twitched and moaned at the feel of Ashley's tongue entering her, forcing apart the folds of her cunt, splaying her pussy lips aside as her gash was violated by Ashley's hungry tongue.A loud groan resonated through the room, then Sam lowered herself further, grinding her sopping cunt onto Ashley's mouth and nose. At the same time she bent forwards, hands moving to slide around Ashley's ass. Her nails dug through her tights, tearing them further and leaving Ashley's ass with red trails in her flesh as she clawed at her. Her mouth lowered until she could smell Ashley's cunt, then her tongue was lapping along the grooves of her cunt folds as her own cunny was assaulted by Ashley's mouth. The tip of her tongue stroked open Ashley's cunny, one side at a time, then she drove her tongue inside with a eager desperation, a hunger for cunt that overwhelmed her. Hot spit and cooling breath assaulted Ashley's quim as she alternated lapping with thrusting strokes, feasting on the juices of her previous orgasm as she pushed to squeeze another out of the girl. Her lashing tongue shifting to swirl around her clit and tease close to the sensitive nub, while at the same time she felt her own cunt being lashed and defiled by Ashley's diligent tongue fucking.Her cunt was pouring over Ashley's mouth now, and she couldn't take any more, didn't want to talk any more. "Ahhh god... I want to come... fuck.. make me come Ashley... ahhh!! Push a finger into my ass! Fuck my asshole. I want to come on your face, so make me you little bitch, make me come... ahhhhnngHH!" she groaned, almost delirious with pleasure as she let her head loll back down so she could continue feasting on Ashley's cunny. Covering her with lips sealed against flesh, hot tongue embedded in cunt and her fingers scratching red trails down her ass in deep troughs.
Ashley didn t know if it was something in the air that was causing her to act like this but she didn t care. All she could think about was how wet and needy Sam was, all that mattered was the taste of her juices running down her throat as she gulped them down like she was dehydrated. The taste, the smell and the sounds all came crashing together to make an experience that caused Ash to nearly lose her mind. Yet she endures and continues, her tongue begins to quicken as her hands continue to play with Sam s toned ass. Who gives a fuck about them, I m only worrying about pussy and the only pussy I care about is yours. She quickly replies before giving her slit a few long and slow licks as she pulls her hand away. Quickly she licks her finger before thrusting it into her as she begins kissing her ass.When she feels her tights rip open she shifts a bit and gives Sam a much better view of her holes before blushing at the realization that she still has a heart shape bush above her dripping snatch. She doesn t have time to think about it for long once Sam begins licking at her. This single stroke nearly causes her to go cross eyed as her toes curl and her ankles rotate from a spasm. Even though she was once again close to an orgasm she buckled down and returned her tongue to Sam s pussy before pulling back with a pant. You want me to what? She asked as she was completely shocked. Did Sam really want her to finger her asshole? She was kidding right, she couldn t do that.However without much warning she reaches up and licks at her asshole. Taking a few steady licks before sucking on her finger and pushing it into her. At first Sam s tight asshole barely moved so Ash licked around the rim and over her finger before pushing the digit knuckle deep. Does that feel good? She asked as she slowly began to pump the finger in and out of her filthy little asshole. Ashley didn t wait for a answer because without warning she wrapped her lips around Sam s swollen clit and began to suck. She flicked it, rolled her tongue over it and sucked on it as her finger continued to fuck her soon to be ruined asshole. You call me a slut? Sam I think you might be one too. She replied between sucking as her other hand began to finger fuck her pussy. There was so much cum leaking out of her that Ashley wondered if she had already cummed but she figured she hadn t given the fact that she was still moaning like a whore. Part of her wanted to know how far she could take this, could she push Sam to far and be punished? The idea of having her own ass fucked caused her asshole to twitch as her pussy squirted from the idea of being spanked. In fact there were so many things she wanted Sam to do to her. Maybe she would consider taking a bath together. After all she was definitely going to need one not to mention she wonder if Sam would let her spend the night in her room.It was getting colder by the second and she knew the blankets in her room were probably iced over by now. As her thoughts began to run all over the place she felt her back arch up as her pussy cummed for the second time. This caused her to scream into Sam s clit as her lower half shook. Fuckkkk.....will you just cum on my face? Please just squirt all over my whore mouth, hump my face like the bitch you are. She screamed out as she felt another orgasm approaching.
Sam squirmed and bucked like a whore in heat as Ashley licked at her and then inserted her finger into her cunt, the assault of sensations was wearing her down, her body almost convulsing as it bucked, twisted and jolted from the continued violation of her cunt by Ashley. Sam gasped, groaned, grunted, moaned, her rasping strangled breaths filling the bedroom with sounds that if heard from outside would have made anyone listening cum immediately. Sam knew if anyone was outside, perhaps whoever had gotten her attention earlier, then it would be easy to tell, just from looking for a pool of cum. Then her thoughts were back with Ashley as she brought even more attention to Sam's cunt as Sam swirled her tongue inside the cum and fuck juice filled mess that was Ashley's orgasm wracked quim. She lapped wildly, taking strings of Ashley's ejaculate and sucking them down her throat, savouring the taste of the girl as she as good as raped her with her mouth.She squirmed as Ashley kissed her ass, licking and attacking the cunt in front of her with even more energy and devotion. Her swirling tongue traced down each side of Ashley's cunny, teased across her clit, then plunged into her gash, lashing against the hot wet sides of her vaginal tract as she probed as far as she could into it with her small delicate tongue. At the same time she squeezed and scratched at her ass, leaving her mark on Ashley's buttocks, before she nestled her lips against Ashley's clit, teasing and toying with the flesh around the nub, as she reached back to claw at her own ass, peeling apart the buttocks as Ashley kissed it. Waiting to feel the finger she had demanded being driven into her cunt to help force an orgasm out of her wretched hide. "I want you to fuck me in the ass with your finger. I want you to shove a finger into my anus. I want you to drive it deep into my rectum. I want you to violate my rectal chute while tongue fucking my cunt... is that enough for you Ashley? Now fucking do what I told you to you little bitch... ahhh ... I want it... fuck me... fuck me in my ass... please... ahhhhnngh!! Do what I fucking tell you to Ashley... auughh!" groaned Sam angrily through her clenched teeth. Her body was tense and taut as she waited, dripping cunt juice onto Ashley's tongue as she did so.Sam did not answer Ashley's question about feeling good, or anything else, because as soon as she felt Ashley's wet tongue on her ass she started to buck, her muscles stretching, straining. Her entire body began jerking and jolting fiercely, almost as though she were being electrocuted. Then as Ashley's finger drove inside her sensitive anal passage and Ashley's mouth assaulted and defiled her tight little cunt. Sam orgasmed violently, her entire body convulsed and her quim spat a flood of squirting foul sinful fluids all over Ashley' mouth. Sam's eyes closed and her body bucked and arched, her cunt lifting away from Ashley's mouth to continue squirting her fuck juice across the girls face and cheeks as her tight pucker squeezed at Ashley's finger like a vice as her ass quivered and her body was wracked with a spasming and devastatingly violent climax. "GYAARRGGHH!!" she screamed out loudly, bellowing her orgasm through her lips as she shuddered over and over as her liquid sin poured forth to defile Ashley with its hot juice. Her body expelled her ejaculate in a hot spluttering explosion of frothing girl cum, her voice straining to breaking point and then growing into a silent scream as her quivering shivering flesh collapsed onto Ashley, her drooling mouth left to rest against Ashley's exposed mound as she gasped and groaned unintelligibly against the girls shredded tights and juiced up cunny."AUUUNNGHHH!" she groaned, barely aware of the close to gushing quim close to her lips. She pushed herself up into all fours and looked back, opening her eyes and seeking out Ashley's face. "That was so fucking good. You really know how to use your mouth, don't you Ashley?" she gasped. "I thought I might have to teach you... ahhh..." she managed to form the words, her thoughts in disarray as she continued to leak cum out of her ruined cunt. She hissed, drawing in a breath through her teeth. "I'm not sure who you were planning to fuck this week, but you're going to have to put that on hold. I don't want to be licking someone's cum out of your cunt next time I fuck you... of course I can't make any promises myself about that." she gave a twisted almost evil chuckle as she lifted her leg over Ashley and rolled to the side, pushing up to stand by the bed, looking down at her. Her thighs were streaming with fuck juice, the hot fluids streaking her inner thighs all the way down to her calves and ankles.She stretched her arms over her head and looked down at Ashley, her body was taut and toned, her obliques defined and her abs prominent, her short legs stretching as she went up on her toes for a few moments. "Get up and strip down. I want to see all of you." she instructed the girl before her. "Then pull out the blue case I know you must have seen under the bed. Then we can work out what to do next with you... because I'm not finished with you yet Ashley... not yet."
The moment Sam started to beg for anal was the moment Ashley lost it. No longer could she hold anything back so without warning she slid a second finger into Sam s tight dirty asshole. She started to fuck get back door without remorse as her tongue continued to fuck her musky, puffy red dripping pussy. When Sam finally cummed, it went everywhere. Her juices covered Ashley s face in so much sweaty, sticky and musky cum that Ash cummed right after. Pussy juices squirting all below her thighs as she lapped up as much cum as she could. It filled her cheeks up, causing her to gulp down every bit of it before licking more of it off of her pussy lips. Gently she sucked on them as she pulled her fingers out of Sam s asshole with a loud pop.Quickly she popped her fingers into her mouth and began to suck them clean. The taste of Sam s asshole caused her to giggle before she smiled and kissed her ass cheek. Glad you liked it, your fingers and tongue are much better than mine however. She replied before kissing her thighs a few times until Sam got up. Ashley watched her as she moved before blinking and then nodding like a deer stuck in headlights. Was she really wanting to do more? How horny was she? Did Sam really want to fuck me that bad? Ashley asked herself as she stood up and began to get undressed. First she took off her hoodie before lifting her sweater off. Next came her bra before she peeled the ruined leggings off of her long nice legs.Once she was naked she covered herself up with her hands before getting on her knees and sliding under the table. When she found the case the crawled back out and stood up, sitting the case on the bed before turning towards Sam. Is that all you wanted me to do? She asked softly as her hand gently rubbed Sam s hand while she looked her in the eyes. Ashley didn t like the idea of sharing Sam this week but she would do anything to keep this going. She just wanted to be fucked by the one girl she hasn t been able to stop thinking about. After all what shame did she have left, she was butt naked, her pussy had a red heart shaved bush above it and she was covered in female cum. Her hair was sticking her to her and her thighs were so wet she was becoming raw. Despite this she just wanted to have Sam fuck her more. She had years of hormones to deal with.
Sam wiped the back of her hand across her mouth, then turned it around to lick what dregs of Ashley's ejaculate she could from her skin. Licking her lips a final time she looked Ashley up and down with a semi satisfied, confident smirk. "You look so fucking innocent Ashley, but the truth is so fucking shocking. I had a mental bet going that you might even be a virgin, but the way you fuck pussy? Hell, it makes me wonder who got you started. I should track them down and thank them for priming you for me." she announced with a grin. She watched as Ashley stripped down, stepping in closer to help her occasionally, kicking her clothes aside with a bare foot until Ashley was just as naked as she was. She looked her over with an appraising eye, letting her right hand slide down to nestle between her thighs as she looked at the girl. Sam stroked her wet fingers through her quim, spreading her cunt lips, exposing her pink gash, feeling several trickles of cunt juice weep out to streak her thighs as she kept herself soaking with a couple of fingers. "You look so fucking good like this. We better make use of the time we have, before Chris or someone comes looking for you. Unless you want the rest of the gang to know that I fucked you?" she smirked. Sam didn't really care who knew, in fact she'd wear it like a badge of honour.She watched Ashley bend down and get the case. She never thought she'd get a chance to use it, it was exhilarating a little and she moved forwards, giving Ashley's ass a squeeze until she was back on her feet, facing her. Sam looked down, taking in the sight of her bare breasts now, she reached out, trailed her fingers about Ashley's tits before resting her fingers and thumb against a nipple and squeezing it, twisting it and giving it a tug until the distended nub slipped free to bounce back against Ashley's chest. "No, that's not all I want you to do Ashley. I've waited long enough to get my hands on you, do you really think I'm going to let you waltz off so you can get hunted and fucked by one of the boys? Mikes a fucking animal. I know for a fact that he's fucking Emily still, right under Jessica's nose. I wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't already fucked her this trip. He'd do me, no question.. and the thought of fucking you? Well, he'd likely wreck your tight little pussy so no one else could use it... and we can't be having that, now can we?" she shook her head and wagged a finger.Sam popped open the case. Inside were a pair of handcuffs. A paddle, a many tailed whip of supple leather, a strap on dildo with harness, an insertable vibrator, nipple clamps, an Anal plug and a ball gag. "Pick something for me to use on you... it'll spice things up even more Ashley." she told her, turning her around to face the case. Sam stood in close behind her, her tits pressed against Ashley's back as she slid one hand down onto her ass to squeeze it. The other eased around to squeeze her right breast, teasing the nipple, before sliding down Ashley's stomach to sink between her legs, Sam's fingers easing into the groove of her sodden recently fucked cunt to idly play with the folds of Ashley's dripping cunny. "Come on Ash. Don't keep me waiting... my cunt is soaking from that fingering and licking you gave me. I think it's only fair that I make you scream like the whore I know you want to be. You think I brought all this stuff just for show? I had a feeling this weekend would bring out the freak in a few of us." she smirked, tilting her head to suck Ashley's earlobe between her lips, her mouth sucking at the soft flesh before gripping and tugging it between clenched teeth. As she waited for Ashley to comply, she moved her other hand around to ease down Ashley ass crack, probing teasingly at her anus with a stray finger, while her others continued to tease a Ashley's cunt.
There was a certain innocent love that filled Ashley s chest as Sam praised her. It felt so good to be told she was good at what she was doing. Especially considering the fact that she was a virgin. Well...I guess you ll have to track yourself down considering that was my...first time. She whispered softly as she felt her cheeks heat up. While she was definitely a party girl she just never met the right person or had the opportunity to get some. Well besides Chris but she was pretty sure he was gay. However she did watch a lot of porn, not to mention she masterbated way to much. This unhealthy obsession had lead her to buying a variety of different toys. Each one she would use on herself while watching porn or thinking about Sam.It was usually Sam that she thought about but she would never admit it. She didn t mind if the others knew, she just didn t want Sam to tell them how slutty she was. Would she admit to being Sam s bitch? Definitely but beyond that she wasn t sure she could without fainting. In any case her thoughts were pulled back down when Sam twisted her nipple. Quickly it became red and swollen like her ruined pussy while she let out a moan. After the suitcase was opened up she bit her lip and almost giggled.There was so many wonderful toys she wanted to try out but the first thing she wanted was for her ass to be used. Could you please handcuff me and bend me over your lap? Then maybe spank me? She asked nervously as she let out little moans of excitement. The way Sam s teeth felt on her earlobe was heavenly and it caused her skin to develop goosebumps as she rubbed her ass back against her like a bitch. Even after the mind blowing orgasms from earlier Ashley still felt so raw and open.Yet she needed to be used, she wanted Sam to use her so bad it made her pussy weep and caused her pucked asshole to whimper in need. She wanted her neck sucked, she wanted hickies all over her body and she wanted that damn anal plug buried in her virgin asshole. Then and only then did she want Sam to fuck her senseless with that thick mouth watering dildo. Would that be okay? She asked again as she was referring to the handcuffs and the paddle. Which was something she had always wanted. For some reason the idea of being spanked was a massive turn on for her that she just couldn t help but think about.
"Wow, your first time with a girl? You should have told me... I would have fucked you even harder, made it really unforgettable." replied Sam with tilt of her head, as Ashley confessed to her innocence having been fucked away a precious few moments beforehand. "The thought that I broke you in for girls is making me so fucking wet again." she smirked, continuing to drive her fingers through the grooves of Ashley's tight cunt, as well as against the viciously tight rim of her anus. After a few moments of toying with her, she eased both her hands free of the alluring holes and around to slide up Ashley's body until both her tits were being grasped by Sam's eager digits. Her fingers and thumbs moved quickly to capture Ashley's hard nipples, rolling them between them, then tugging them in a crude and vulgar fashion as she pushed against Ashley from behind, her nipples squashing against Ashley's back as she folded into her. When Ashley spoke. she stifled a laugh, pushing her forwards to bounce on the bed face first. She reached down next to her and picked up the handcuffs, moving to grasp at Ashley's wrists. "No. That's not all right Ashley. I wouldn't be able to do you properly stretched out over my lap." she said, shaking her head as the cold metal hit Ashley's wrists and the ratcheting sound of metal on metal filled the room as each cuff was tightened.Sam crawled onto the bed to Ashley's side and ran both her hands over the girls taut ass, squeezing the firm cheeks of her globes until her nails left scratches tracking across them. She gave each cheek a sharp slap with the palm of her hand, then she picked up the paddle, flipping it over and bringing it down with a sharp SMACK! She listened to the resounding echo with a tilt of her head and a smirk. At the same time she slid her left hand under Ashley. squeezing a tit, before sliding that hand down to her mound, letting her fingers tease against Ashley's nub, pushing folds of her flesh against it and around in a circular motion, slowly, carefully. SMACK!.. another strike, reddening her other ass cheek. "I was down in the basement with Josh earlier, did I tell you?" SMACK! the paddle laid against an ass cheek, leaving it quivering, shuddering, shivering from the blow. Each strike battering the swell of Ashley's ass flat with the impact as Sam's fingers teased at her clit."I found a baseball bat down there." SMACK! "Do you know what my first thought was Ashley?" SMACK! "It was that I should fuck you with it." SMACK! "There's no way you could take it in the ass of course, not that your tight ass would stop me from trying..." SMACK! "But I figured that it would be best to loosen you up first. Maybe with a plug..." SMACK! "Maybe with a dildo. I wasn't sure... now though..." SMACK! "... I think I'll try both." SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! she paused to place the paddle down and run her fingers over Ashley's red and faintly welted ass, huge patches of red decorating her ass cheeks as Sam dug in her nails and left red racks streaking down her globes, from the small of her back where her cuffed wrists rested, to the base of her as cheeks where they met her thighs. Marked by Sam's claws."Are you really a virgin?" asked Sam, leaning down, licking Ashley's left ear, sucking on it before allowing the lobe to pop free of her lips. She scratched her fingers up Ashley's back, from her wrists to the base of her neck, where she grasped hold of a fistful of her hair. "Will I hear a pop when I ram that strap on into your tight little cunt? Or stretch out your asshole?" she sniggered. "I'm really bringing out the sick, twisted little bitch in you, aren't I Ashley? Well, you tell me three things about yourself that I don't know about you. Three things you want to do... and then I'll stop, otherwise your ass will be so red you won't be able to sit down for a week." she smirked, SMACK! the paddle landed again, shuddering flesh spreading on impact. Sam's fingers tightened in Ashley's hair. "Three things and I move this hand back into your filthy cunt." she hissed. SMACK! "Then I might tell you a secret about someone here that will shock you." SMACK! "Come along Ashley... the boys could be looking for you right now... so you better be quiet as well." SMACK!
A few soft whimpers left her lips as Ashley closed her eyes and tilted her head back while Sam was rubbing against both of her holes. The first hole was wet and throbbing as it desperately tried to thrust against her hand. However she didn t move her hips, she instead just stood there like a toy. She wanted Sam to take care of her so she just did whatever her mistress wanted. She continued to stand still until soon her legs started shaking as Sam rubbed against her asshole.It felt so good that she couldn t stop herself from letting out a deep moan. After she did Sam moved her hands away from her holes and began to play with her breasts. No longer did she wince at the feeling of having her nipples pinched but instead she was mewling loudly as she began rubbing her fat ass against Sam s pussy. What she wouldn t give for Sam to have a big cock right now. She could almost feel it, she knew it would be thick and long. She knew she wouldn t be able to take it but that only caused her to get wetter as she imagined Sam fucking her tight little asshole without remorse. You can always still fuck me harder, I m not going anywhere Sam, if it was up to me I d lock us both in here all week. She said smiling before she was pushed face first into the bed. A frown resting on her face once Sam told her no about her request. However the frown quickly disappeared when she felt the cold metal of the handcuffs against her wrists. This caused her to giggle in excitement and joy before she let out a low groan as her ass was smacked. The pain causing her to squirt on herself a little as she looked back towards Sam.Without warning another hit landed on her asscheek and she moaned louder before nodding her head. Yes ma am, you said he wanted to rape you down there. She replied before screaming out as another slap hit her fat ass. Fuck... Ashley said almost drunkenly as she tried her best to listen to Sam. When she mentioned the baseball bat she whimpered. Part of her wanted her to go get it and fuck her raw with it but she was too scared that she wouldn t be able to take it. Her train of thought didn t last long before she was back to screaming as her ass was turned crimson red, the skin sore and stinging as it threatened to bleed. When Sam replaced the paddle with her fingernails Ashley moaned softly as each fingernail felt like ice being placed on her burning asscheeks.However what followed was a deep animalistic groan of pleasure as Ashley squirted some more all over herself as Sam pulled her hair and played with her ear. Yes I m a Virgin, please Sam....don t stop please.. She begged before crying out in pain and pleasure as her ass was slapped. I ll tell you anything. I promise just please touch me. Ashley continued to beg as she humped the bed below. After another slap went to her ass she broke. I want you to bite my neck, I want you to suck it and leave marks all over it. I don t care who sees I just want them to know I m yours. She replied before panting before another slap caused her to pant even louder. I want you to eat my ass, I know it s dirty but I want your tongue inside me. Then I want you to fuck it. I don t want one of the boys to fuck my asshole I want you, please don t let them. I need you to Sam, it has to be you. She said almost in tears as another slap caused her to buck her hips and squirt. I...stole a pair of your underwear in high school. I still have them and when I m alone I sniff them while I finger myself. I ve always wanted to be gagged by a pair of your dirty underwear. She added as she was shaking and squirming beneath the paddle, her ass turning purple as the flesh was starting to bruise.
Sam's fingers were slick with Ashley's cunt juices, the fluids having washed down her hand to her wrist when she had been fingering her tight young cunt. It didn't stop her fingering her clit right now though, or prevent her from having a strong grip on the handle of the paddle that she was using to redden Ashley's taut ass cheeks. Some of what Ashley said, after Sam scratched trails of red down her already tanned ass cheeks, made her blink. "You really are a filthy, disgusting little pervert at heart, aren't you Ashley? It's always the ones who look so fucking innocent, isn't it? The ones you think would have joined a fucking convent. Instead of being pure little examples of decency, they are the worst ones, the ones who have been suppressed and constrained for so long that when they get a chance to cut loose they just go plain crazy." she chuckled, "I'm not sure what I'm going to do with you Ashley, but rest assured... I am going to fuck you for sure." she smirked, releasing Ashley's hair to ease that hand beneath her and down her body between bed and flesh, until her fingers were once more teasing about her clit from beneath her, while her other hand moved to drill a couple of fingers into her hot snatch, her thumb teasing at Ashley's ass hole as she did so.Ashley was a sick messed up little slut, it seemed. Warped and perverted. Sam simply grinned at most of the comments spilling from Ashley's dirty mouth, shaking her head a little at some while she maintained a relentless assault on the girls fuck holes with her fingers. She spat onto Ashley's ass, withdrawing her cunt fucking hand to smooth over the deep red patterns spread across her buttocks. "I hope I didn't paddle your ass too hard, I want you to be able to sit down after all." she mused aloud, her fingers tracing around the paddle burns which were fading, slowly but fading. "Leaving you marked up with love bites though, that will have the boys wondering who you were making out with... they probably wouldn't even think you were fucking, actually fucking. Hmmmm... it might even trigger something in Emily... you know that she wants to fuck you, right? I can always tell, though with her it would likely be more a power and hate fuelled thing. An angry fuck to get rid of some of her frustrations at having a cuck instead of Mike fucking her." she continued her commentary on her friends. "As for not letting the boys fuck you, well, I don't think any of them would be capable of rape, except maybe Josh... but based on what you were all responsible fro regarding his sisters, he'd be justified in my eyes to do anything he wanted." she shrugged, sucking on her fingers a moment before driving them back into Ashley's tight cunt as she finished talking."My panties? I hope they weren't one of my good pairs." she chuckled at Ashley's words. "I'll let you have some before you go. Of course I'd expect you to cum all over them before giving them back." she gave a twisted grin, "As for not letting the boys fuck you, i'm not sure if any of them would really have the balls to... but you know what I would like? To see one of them fucking you.. maybe I could spy on you taking it? Taking a hard cock in your holes." she smirked. "Not that they deserve your virginity, I'll be taking that Ashley, won't I?" she removed her fingers, pulling Ashley's head back and forcing her back to arch, Sam moved to bring the strap on dildo up against Ashley's lips. She positioned it on the bed beneath her lips. "Suck on it. Get it soaking with spit... right to the hilt, or as far as you can Ashley... because it's going deep inside your cunt until your virgin hole bleeds all over it." whispered Sam into Ashley's ear as she leaned over her, pushing her lips towards it before releasing her. Leaving Ashley to struggle alone, her feet padded across the carpet and boards as she moved over to her dresser and with a smirk pulled out some panties. Choke on it if you have to. Suck it down. Fuck your mouth with it... like a good girl. The better you do, the more I'll tell you about."
All it took was Sam s hand touching her clit for her to cry out before she whimpered loudly as her fingers went back to drilling her loose pussy. She tried to tighten around her fingers but when her thumb pressed against her asshole she was to turned on to be tight anymore as her musky juices squirted over her friend s amazing fingers. They felt so good inside her, she wanted to stay like this forever but she knew she needed more. After crying out and squirting a bit more she moaned happily when Sam spit on her ass and then rubbed it in with her hand. She felt so disgusting yet she felt like this was what she deserved. She wanted to be Sam s good little fuck toy, she wanted to eat her pussy and ass everyday this week. She didn t care what she had to do, if she had to be her personal seat then she would do it.When she mentioned Emily she blushed before biting her lip. Even though she was kind of a bitch, she was still hot. Not remotely close to Sam but hot. Then when she mentioned Josh raping her she got quiet before she was back to moaning as Sam started to finger fuck her again. No, the spanking was perfect. I deserved it and if I need more please give it to me. She replied as she cummed on Sam s fingers, he orgasm caused her vaginal walls to squeeze tightly around her fingers before she was panting heavily. When the dildo was placed in front of her she rolled her eyes back to look at her lover. Please take my virginity, please Sam...I want you so bad. Well you please take me? She begged her before she gladly started sucking on the toy, it slid down her eager throat before reaching half way. Once it got there she started to gag but she kept sucking the thick rubber cock as she wiggled her ass. The idea of giving Sam s underwear back to her covered in her cum caused her heart to flutter as her wet gags filled the air.Slowly she pulled back and took a deep breath before taking it back into her mouth. When she went in the second time she started to face fuck herself with it. Saliva running down it s leng as her lipstick smeared all over it. The thickness caused her eyes to water as her mascara began to lightly run. All the while her asshole twitched and pulsated as she humped the bed. The sheets rubbing enough of her swollen clit to cause her to squirt a little more. After working it for a while longer she pulled back. Could you fuck both my holes? I really want something in my ass. I know it s dirty but I need it so bad. I want to be ruined by you. | 20 | [] |
90 | | The Fall of Hyrule ( [-Odyssey-] and Myself ) | Riding through Hyrule Valley Link had just gotten back from a more rather relaxing time at the Hylia fishing hole. He jumped the fence with Epona before riding up the hill to the Ranch. It had been some time since Link last visited the ranch and he thought it was time to visit a good friend of his. Unknown to him was the Gerudos were gearing up and planning a raid, A raid which would be to the start of the next war. Link watched as the sun was starting to set and it would of been a long ride back to the forest and he knew Epona was tired from all the riding today. "All right girl I guess we'll have to take shelter at the ranch." He smiled and started to gallop up to the ranch and inside of it. He only had vauge memories of fighting gannon since Zelda sent him back to his normal time and he got to grow up normally, making friendship with Malon and growing up with her. He showed up at the ranch often but recently the dreams were returning and he didn't stop by as often.
Malon was out feeding her horses, which was usual at this time of the day. She had no idea about the future that would have been if not for Link. When she heard Epona galloping into the ranch she turned around and smiled. As soon as Link stopped, she took a carrot and let Epona munch on it while she watched Link. "I can't believe how much she likes you. I'm a little jealous." She laughed a bit. She had grown fond of Link as well. He was turning into a strong young man and she liked what she saw.
Link laughed abit and jumped off as Malon started to feed Epona. "Well she has been raised by one of the best horse breeders." He just shook his head and smiled softly. "Malon what have you been doing to keep yourself busy besides working here?" but as they spoke Gerudos were riding up through Hyrule valley and into Castle town. The New prince of thieves was going to meet up with the Princess and try to talk to her. But that was only a ruse since he knew he would be blown off again. Zelda's Bodyguard and Friend and Son of Impa, Toscha, walked beside Zelda. "I dont think we should be even talking to this Gerudo. You and I BOTH know what his father tried to do." It was only Zelda,Impa and Toscha who knew of what happened. , Toscha only knew because when he was born His mother told and he was able to receive the visions of what happened.
Malon Malon smiled at Link and then felt Epona eat the last piece of her carrot. "I guess so. But you know Link..its because you've been so kind to her. I'm sure Epona...really loves you." She said the last part quietly and blushed a bit. She didn't think Link noticed, but she was referring to her feelings too. "..I think I'll go get her some sugar cubes. I'll be right back." As she made her way to the rest of the horses she sang her usual melody, swaying her hips to the tune while walking.
Zelda "I know what his father did, but if I continue to deny his requests, I'm worried about him becoming even more hostile." Zelda stated before sighing deeply. She didn't want her city to be attacked and conquered by this boy. She was curious though and wondered what he wanted. "He persists even though he knows our answer. If I reject him again, he might be planning on attacking, so.." She looked at Toscha and shrugged. "I think it would be best to at least hear him out, okay? I know there's a risk."
Link nodded and watched Malon then looked at Epona and gently tapped her on her sides before looking over the ranch. "Looks like today is going to be a nice night." He ran a hand through Epona's Mane before he started to walk her over to the stable and help Malon put her into the stable. Meanwhile back at the castle the Gerudo prince was waiting keeping his cloth wrapped around his body. Toscha looked at Zelda then nodded. "All right Princess, I just have a strange feeling about this." He was protective of Princess Zelda, one because it was his job to be but two was he cared deeply for her and didn't want anything bad to happen to her.
Malon fed Epona a sugar cube and then closed the stable door. She turned to Link and opened her mouth to say something but then closed her mouth. Her expression suddenly changed and she looked sad. "'ve been visiting me less and less. Did I do something wrong?" She knew Link had a good relationship with Zelda. She was worried that they were much closer than she wanted to believe. "I get so lonely sometimes. My father is still away, but even if he wasn't its not like we talk much." She looked down.
Zelda nodded. "Me too, but its a risk we have to take for Hyrule." She got up from her throne and then walked to the door. She didn't like waiting around for others to do such simple thing. The Gerudo prince looked like his father, but was much younger looking of course. "I have decided to hear you out, Gerudo Prince. You have my attention." She crossed her arms and waited for him to talk. He looked ominous in his clothing and dangerous as well. But she showed no fear.
Link looked at Malon and sighed. "No no its nothing like that. Its just that i've been having these really strange dreams again. Not sleeping and just traveling and i feel as though if something did happen i wouldn't be up to full strength and i would be unable to help." He sighed and looked at Malon and smiled. "Dont worry it doesnt have anything to do with you or anyone else..i just feel that its a weakness on my part."Garu looked at Zelda and nodded giving a soft bow. "Thank you princess. You see i think that the time has come for my people to be brought out of the desert, where there is little food and little water. The Hylian wars are over so there is no need for you to treat us as anymore then a neighboor. We have done nothing wrong since. We served out our time for the crimes from that war so many years ago. there is a new generation and I feel they shouldn't suffer just because that a preveious generation Did. You must understand Princess I am only looking out for my people." As he spoke Gerudos were infiltrating the castle. slowly taking out the guards.
"Link.." Malon started and then took his hand. "Whenever you're tired, you can always come to the Ranch when you're tired. Nothing ever enters the buildings and maybe..maybe I could help you sleep next time. I know some lullaby's.." She pulled him into an embrace. "You don't have to worry about being weak around me, okay?" She was a simple farm girl, and no one bothered her. She didn't need protection all the time because she would never be a target. "Come anytime you want, okay?" She looked up at him.
Zelda listened to his words but she knew what he wanted would be impossible right now. She didn't trust them and the civilians didn't either. "I'm sorry. It takes a lot longer for traditions to fade. Your people are still known as theives around here. There would be a lot of hate and suspicion if I allowed you to come back. I cannot allow it..for your own good. That is my final answer to that request." She hoped she convinced him that she wasn't just concerned about her people and herself.
Link looked down at Malon and smiled and nodded. "All right Malon." He smiled and yawned abit. "So how about we start a little bonfire and just relax hmm it would be good for that?" He looked up to the sky to see the night stars so out and so clear. "I'll go gather the wood and supplies, you gather anything else you think we might need." He smiled and ran a hand through her hair before heading out to the wood pile to gather the firewood.Garu looked at Zelda and bowed and started to walk out. two guards looked at Him. "Im sorry that it had to come to this." He whistled and the two guards standing at the door were quickly taken down as he threw off his cloak and drew his sword "You have forced my hand..If i cannot have I shall take." Toscha quickly moved himself infront of Zelda. "Princess run." He moved ahead and rushed meeting sword to sword with the gerudos.
Malon smiled, a light blush still touching her cheeks as she watched him gather wood. "Look out for spiders." She called. She then began to head for the barn, singing once again. After milking the cows and bottling the milk, she got two blankets and then headed back out to their spot. She spreaded out one blanket for them to sit or lay on and put the other one down. She spotted him coming back and then smiled once more, putting an end to her singing. She hugged her legs to her chest and watched him.
"Torsche!" Zelda didn't want to leave him to fight off the three of them. However, she would just get in the way. "Please, don't die.." She ran to the back of the room and used a secret passage behind her throw to escape the frey. Zelda hoped that the rest of her guards would come as calvary for the both of them. She knew something was wrong when they came back once more. She continued to run down the torch lit passage that would lead to the Tempule of time.
Garu watched as Zelda ran off and her bodyguard ran foreward. "Willing to die..well that wont happen..yet." He rushed Toscha and ducked slamming his head into his stomach then grabbing his head and kneeing him putting him down quickly. "Im dissapointed I thought you would of put up more of a fight." He looked at other Gerudo's "take him to dungeon..he'll be useful to make Zelda show herself." Slowly more and more Gerudos moved into Hyrule Castle town and the caslte. Anyone who resisted was killed openly. "we'll make her know that it feels like to have nothing while someone else has everything." Toscha kept a link to Zelda, speaking into her mind. "Princess, stay away. what ever you see and hear..stay not come back..I just wish i could of protected you more...You are on your you." with that the connectionw as cut as one of the gerudos knocked him out.Link walked back over carrying the wood pile. He set it down in front of them and began to set up the wood pile. Once he got it all set up he stood up and moved away from the fire before casting Din's Fire, sparking the wood and lighting it up. He then walked over and sat down beside Malon and smiled. "lovely night."
Zelda managed to slip buy the Gerudo's and she stopped at the gate that had closed after sunset. Tears ran down her cheeks as she heard Tosche in her head. "I will come back for you, Tosche, and my people." She whispered and then climbed over the gate.Link, where are you?Zelda thought as she struggled to get across the stream. Once she was out the water, she heard the moan of a monster and began running to the safest closest area. The Lon Lon Ranch. Luckily she was a quick runner.
Malon nodded and when he wasn't looking, she scooted closer towards him. She took the blanket and draped it over his shoulders and hers. "There's a lot of stars out today. It makes it all the more beautiful." She took out a bottle of Lon Lon milk. "I know how much you like this so I got some for you, Link." She said, looking up at him. She had an uneasy feeling tonight. It wasn't because of him, it was like something bad was happening outside the ranch. She tried to ignore the feeling the best she could.
Link looked at Malon and smiled and took the milk. He opened it and drank abit before putting it away. "Thanks. Malon, yu know I do." He smiled and set the bottle down resting his hand upon her thigh. He knew she cared about him and he did too, perhaps tonight would be their night to tell how they both feel. Garu looked at the throne and walked over to it and put his sword away and sat down. "Search every place, we have to find her!" He shook his head then looked around and laughed. "Princess Zelda... you cant hide forever." She would of noticed as soon as she slipped away the gate started to open and 2 garudo riders looked around before riding off to search for Zelda.
Malon looked at his hand on her thigh and blushed. "Yeah..I know a lot about you." She put her hand on his and looked into his eyes. She wanted to tell him how she felt, but she wasnt sure how to. She had never liked anyone like this before. "Link...I umm.." The words got caught up in her throat and she shook her head. "I'm glad your with me tonight.." She said with a nervous smile.
Zelda could hear the Gerudo's galloping after her. She made her way through the fence that belonged to the ranch. She was on her way to the very back of the place to hide. Then she saw Link and Malon sitting together. She had obviously interrupted something, because Malon jumped when she heard Zelda. "I'm sorry.." She said breathlessly as Malon got up. "Princess, what happened?" Malon asked. "The Gerudo's took over Hyrule.."
Link rested against Malon but when she turned from the Princess Link got up. "Gerudos? lead by who?" He sighed and pulled on the hylian sheild and fixed the holding of the Master sword. "Malon, keep Princess Zelda here. Im going to go scout Hyrule town and see whats going on. "If any trouble happens head for Zora's domain. its the safest place for you." Link looked at them and smiled. "Malon take Epona. she'll carry you swiftly to the Zoras or anywhere if needed." He then headed out of the ranch and into the town. Gerudo riders were searching everywhere for Zelda. "that ranch, we haven't checked." The two gerudos nodded and headed up. seeing the gate locked they broke it open.
Malon nodded and hurried to Epona's stable. She would get her ready just in case. Link had asked her to keep Zelda safe and she wouldn't fail him. "They're here." Zelda told Malon. "Should we leave then?" Zelda got on Epona. "Lets go." Malon sighed and got on Epona, a little upset that Zelda had took it upon herself to get on Epona first. Epona jumped the fence and headed to Zora's river. Malon looked back, hoping Link would be safe. "There are monsters in Zoras river, so be careful Malon." Zelda told her.
Talim had decided to go out and aid the two other riders in their search. She actually wanted to find Zelda before them so she could please Garu. Garu had only spoken to her once when they were younger. He had told her not to give up her bow and arrow training when she was just about to give. Ever since then, she always dreamed of being at his side. She had to get his attention though. "This would be a lot easier if it wasn't night time." She spotted a figure moving along the horizon and decided to follow.
Link had snuck into Castle town and looked around. it was true that the Gerudos were taking over. Anyone who resisted them was executed on the spot so the castle town's ground had some blood that ran in the streets. "innocent." He sighed and shook his head before heading off to get to the temple of time. The riders seemed to notice the pair riding as well as Talim did, they then started to ride their horses to get the pair. "If we get them then the prince wil be most pleased with us."
Malon looked back and saw the riders in the distance. Luckily, they were at the entrance of the river. Zelda got off Epona as quick as she could, but Malon petted her. "Go back to Link if he needs you girl.." Zelda grabbed Malons hand and dragged her away. "Don't fall into the river, you might get hurt by a monster." Zelda said as they made their way to the waterfall. Malon nodded and then spotted an Octorok in the water. She ran with Zelda so she wouldn't get hit from a distance.
Talim saw the other two and sucked her teeth. "I saw them first, dammit!" She slapped her horse's rear to make him go faster. Finally she arrived at the entrance and saw them run uphill. "Who's the other girl..?" She asked, but then shook her head and began running after them. She deflected the monsters attack while running after them. Didn't they know this place was a dead end?
The Octorock was different it seemed. it looked bigger and it had physcially blocked off the path whipping its tentacles at the two girls as the Gerudo riders got off their horses and headed up the hill after Talim. Now Zelda and Malon were between a "rock" and a hard place with the Octorock blocking the path and the Gerudo theives coming up behind them.
Malon screamed when the octorok closed in on them. Zelda sensed the Gerudo riders and lowered her head. "They're here. Its over." Malon pulled herself together. She had to protect Zelda. "Take your clothes off. I'll pretend to be you.." Malon suggested. "What? I can't do that!" Zelda protested. "Yes you can, they won't hurt me and they'll let you go!" Malon stated and then began undressing. Zelda hesitated but did as she said and the girls swapped clothes, ignoring the monster.
When Talim saw the monster she growled and then took out her bow and arrow. This Octorok was mutated and the princess was most likely its target. She aimed her arrow to a spot that would drive it away and not send it into a frenzy. She fired into its side and hit right on the mark.
The Ocktorock let out a groan as the arrow hit its mark and it started to move away as the other Gerudos came up. one stood behind Talim and shook their head. "it was keeping them pinned great!" He hissed and headed after the two girls. "You two over there freeze." They quickly drew their swords and looked at them. "hands up now!"
Malon and Zelda both put their hands up. "Please, let my friend go free," Malon began, trying to sound like a princess should. "I borrowed her horse, but she's done nothing wrong. If you let her go, I will cooperate with you." Zelda still had an uneasy feeling. Garu knew what she looked like, so even if they fell for it, he wouldn't. What would he do to her?
Talim put her bow away and walked up to the two girls. She was pissed off that she couldn't take all the credit, but she said nothing of it. "Aren't you running the Lon Lon ranch?" She was speaking to Zelda. Zelda nodded. "Get out of here then and have some milk and horses ready for us."
As "Malon" was trying to run the 2nd Gerudo grabbed her and threw her down to the ground. "You have much to learn young Talim." He tied her hands behind her back. "It doesnt matter if we are searching for 1 and come with 2 we take all..." He pulled her up and tied her to the saddle horn of his horse then looked at the Real Malon in Zelda's outfit and then tied her to the other horse. "Lets go. and know I will be telling the prince of your mistakes, pray he's more forgiving then I would be."
Malon gasped as they tied up Zelda. Her plan had failed, and now they were both in danger. Suddenly she was tied up to a horse as well. "Let her go!" She demanded once more. Zelda looked away. Malon would be found out sooner or later. "Link..I'm sorry I got her mixed up in this." Zelda whispered. She had to think of something before it was too late.
Talim glared at the man. She wanted the Prince's attention but not this way. "I was going to follow her. I'm not stupid. Just thought we'd get some free supplies along with her. Whatever." It was a lie, but she didn't care. She started making her way back to her horse.
The man looked at Talim. "free supplies?!. we are THEIVES, we'd take it anyway. No need to ask. Really are you sure you are gerudo?" He shook his head before getting back onto the horse that held the real Zelda and made the horse walk back to the castle town followed by the horseman who had Malon. They untied them from the horn and lead them up into the castle. "Prince Garu, we have the Princess and another woman who was with her."
Zelda kept her eyes down, but she knew Garu would recognize her even if she was in different clothing. Malon glared at Garu, showing that she was not afraid of him. She wasn't sure if she should continue her act. At least not with the real Zelda next to her. Talim Talim had decided to to stay at the doorway. She hoped to keep a low profile just in case that man did mention her mistake. She pretended to stand guard and listened closely. Even though she was nervous it didn't stop her from oggling Garu.
The man pushed "Zelda" foreward and looked at Prince Garu. "The Princess Sir..." Garu just shook his head and sat back laughing. "Do you really think me to buy that...You dolt you have the two mixed up..She is obviosuly a bodyguard and handmaiden ment to play as double should something happen and." He walked up and walked over to the Real Zelda and ran a hand against her cheek. "She is the real princess." The garudo looked over at the two. "But Talim " Garu glared. "Silence. I dont care if it was or wasn't her mistake. You are the superior and should of known the difference and taken responsibility!" Link stood guard a bit away, disguised as a gerudo.
Zelda already knew that he wouldn't be fooled. She slapped his hand away from her cheek. "Where is Toscha?" She demanded. Malon was upset her plan didn't work. She had failed Link, and now Zelda was at this mans mercy. Its not like she could fight them. She sighed and looked at her feet, now hoping Link would save them.
Talim grinned and had to keep herself from snickering. She then decided to make her entrance. She put a hand on Malon's shoulder. "Sir, this girls got a ranch not to far from here. Permission to raid?" She couldn't believe she had just talked to him and did it without studdering. "No! My ranch means everything! I won't let you!" Malon shouted, turning around and biting Talims arm. Talim was surprised at Malons sudden attack and tried to push her away. "Get off me, whelp!"
Garu looked at Malon and struck her face to knock her away. He then looked at Talim and nodded. "Go ahead, send a team to do it." He then looked at Zelda and laughed. "Ah yes, your bodyguard..we have delt with him. no need to worry about it." He grinned and looked at the two girls and nodded. "Have them taken and put in more acceptable outfits." He then headed back to the throne and sat down and nodded to the guards who grabbed Malon and Zelda and dragged them off to get them dressed.
Malon cried out when she was struck and fell to the ground. Tears ran down her cheeks and she looked at Zelda, stunned. Zelda looked at her for a second but when she heard Garu she turned back to him. Her eyes widened but before she could say anything, the guards took hold of her. "No!!" Malon screamed as she was forced to her feet. "My ranch means everything to me! Please, no.." Malon sobbed as she and Zelda were dragged out of the room.
Talim nodded quickly. "As you wish, my Lord." She turned and smirked at her "superior" before leaving. She couldn't believe he had just spoken directly to her. She spotted Link. "Hey you. Come with me. We've got a raid to do." She then walked past him, gathering a few others as well. She wouldn't skrew up this time.
The prince held up his hand and looked at Malon. "Talim, you will take what supplies we need but leave the ranch intact. It can be of use to us, as long as she cooperates with us." He then sat back as the guards dragged them off to a room. There they stripped them down and forced them into short silk nightgowns and stockings. their hands tied behind their back and a collar wrapped around their neck. Link looked at Talim then nodded and headed out with her to get the supplies from the ranch.
Zelda closed her eyes as they stripped her down but said nothing. Malon on the other hand struggled until they put the collar on her. She then began to sob quietly as they dragged them both back into the room. "I'm so sorry, Malon. I didn't mean to get you involved." Zelda said quietly. Talim As they rode to the ranch, Talim looked back at Link. He seemed unfamiliar. She'd have to keep an eye on him. Once they got there, they began loading their carriages with supplies. They even captured a few horses.
Garu watched as Zelda and Malon were brought back to the main room. He looked them over and licked his lips before walking over to them. "There we go, outfits more suitng of slaves." He laughed and looked at Zelda. "My how the mighty have fallen. But now it is your role and you'll learn to accept that. Ah as for your friend, yes I had someone look into it..he's the dungeons." Link stored Epona away and headed in learning details and guard rotations.
Zelda glared at Garu. "Youwillset him and Malon free..Or you'll regret it, Gerudo prince." She simply said. Malon tried to be as calm as Zelda was, but she couldn't stop her tears. "Link will save us," She sniffled. "And he'll defeat you in the process..." Malon finished. Zelda wondered where Link was in all this. Did he escape the Gerudo riders?
Talim had finished raiding the ranch and left it standing like Garu had asked. A few stayed back to take care of the remaining animals since Malon was gone. Once they came back to the castle, Talim took her place just outside the thrown room, keeping guard.
Garu looked at Zelda and laughed and looked at Malon and just shook his head. "You think that Link would be able to beat me.. Well then why isn't he here hmm?" He just shook his head and looked at Zelda then nodded. a guard pushed her foreward and forced her to her knees infront of the prince. He smiled and ran a hand against her cheek. "you look good Princess."
Zelda blushed and looked away from Garu. She didn't like how she was on her knees so she began to get up. Malon was very close to losing it again. She could never be as calm as Zelda was being right now. Even though she was looking danger right in the face.Talim continued to listen, making sure she wasn't obvious about it. She was hoping The Prince would slay Zelda, but that didn't seem to be his plan. She could understand that, but what about the other one? Why was he keeping her?
Garu laughed then looked at a guard. "Have her taken to my chambers, tied up and exposed..I'll deal with her later. and as for you." He looked at Malon. "I think our prisoner could use some entertainment." He laughed when another guard grabbed Malon and started to drag her off to the prison.
Zelda gasped as he ordered his underlings to move her into his chambers. She struggled as they pushed her into her own room that he had converted into his. Malon looked backed as Zelda was seperated from her. "Let me go!" Malon shouted as she was pushed in the opposite direction. She was too weak to put up much of a fight. She didn't know what Garu was planning to do with her but didn't care to find out.
Garu walked into his room after sometime and looked at Zelda tied up and exposed. He licked his lips and walked over to her. "Now my slave, what am I going to do with you?" The guard pushed Malon to the prisons and up to one of the cells. Toscha was against the walls, hands shackled up. he looked beaten and bloodied.
Zelda glared at the wall in anger. "You're a sick man.." She growled. She struggled against tie ropes futily, trying to close her legs. What was he going to do whth her? Zelda did not want to know.Malon landed on her knees as they forced her into the cell. She began to sob once more, her back to Toscha. In fact, she didn't even know he was their. "Link..where are you?" Malon whimpered.
Garu looked at Zelda and crawled over her,running his hands over her body before slipping a hand up along her stocking clad legs and up to the edge of her dress. he looked at her and grinned. "You have no idea how much i've dreamed of this."A guard came in and opened the Cell door. he was followed by another who went in and pulled Malon up and out. "Shh relax." It was link. He looked at her and "forcefully kissed her,pinning her against the wall.
Zelda closed her eyes as she felt his hand running along her leg. She couldn't help but blush more upon seeing him on top of her. "Dreamed of what, Gerudo prince? Forcing yourself on me or finally getting a woman in your bed?" She continued to glare at him.Malon was about to panic, but she recognized Link's voice and felt relief. However, he suddenly pinned her to the wall and she gasped in surprise right before their lips met. Her body relaxed as they kissed and she closed her eyes.
Garu laughed and looked at Zelda and kissed along her neck as he slid his hand up her legs and up under her dress as his other hand slid along her sides. moving his hand over her chest and squeezing her breasts.Link kept her pinned and looked at her. "struggle abit, make it look real." He kept her pinned sliding his hand over her sides,running his hand up her leg before slipping a small key into the top of her stockings.
Zelda flinched when he squeezed her breast and immidiately began struggling underneath him. He was going to violate her and she was helpless. The rope was taught around her wrists and ankles and she doubted she could get free.Malon quickly obeyed and began to struggle against him. She squirmed, pretending to fight him off and even screamed at one point. She felt the key in her stockings and realized that was his plan all along.
Garu laughed and looked at Zelda as she squirmed underhim. he smiled and pressed against her sliding his hand up along her thighs to the tops of her stockings as he slid his hand in between her legs. "Go ahead and struggle all you want my pet. it will just make it more fun for the both of us." He smiled and kissed her forcing his tongue into her mouth.Link Forced himself against her before looking at the other Gerudo. "Mind some privacy, cant really have any fun with someone watching me..really." He then looked at Malon and kissed her neck and whispered to her. "I'm going to get you out of here."
Zelda closed her eyes when he put his hand in between her legs. A small cry escaped her lips when he forced his tounge into her mouth. Her breathing excellerated quickly as he kissed her and she turned away, breaking the kiss.Malon nodded and continued to struggle falsely against him. Having him so close made her feel strange and she was sure her face was bright red. She wasn't screaming any longer, just whimpering.
Garu looked at Zelda and grinned and licked along her neck as he rubbed his hands against her panties for abit before slipping his fingers into her panties and rubbing his fingers against her. his other hand unzipped his pants and pulled his dick out and rubbed it against her silk clad legs.Link Kissed Malon then as the guard left he stopped. he looked at her then to the door. "That key should help get you out back, The key should also unlock his cuffs. He is Toscha, Zelda's bodyguard..take him and get him some medical help."
Zelda's body stiffened underneath him as he touched her most sacred of parts. She wanted to close her legs but she couldn't. The rope prevented her. She felt the head of his cock on her leg and her breath caught in her throat. "N no!" She screamed and began to squirm once more."But what about you, Link?" Malon whispered, turning around so he could untie the rope that bound her wrists. She knew that if there ever was a time to confess her feelings, now was the best time.
Garu watched Zelda squirm and scream as he rubbed his fingers against her before sliding his fingers into her. He grinned and kept rubbing his cock against her legs. "No point in resisting My pet, Im going to have you whither you like it or not." He smiled watching her reactions.Link looked at Malon and kissed her. "I'll be fine." He untied her wrists and looked at her. "Quickly get him out of here and to safety. we'll need him if we are going to overthrow the Gerudo Prince."
Zelda was getting wet quickly, probably because she had never been touched there. Tears began to run down her cheeks as she moaned, feeling her nectar seep out of her virgin pussy. "Stop it..please.." She moaned. She was close to losing all control of herself. She had no way out, and she was panicing."Okay, but.." She took Links arm. "Link..I love you. So please, don't die." She whispered, kissing him back softly and looking into his eyes.
Garu slid his fingers deeper into Zelda and laughed. "If, If you give into me. fully becoming my slave..I wont force..i will take you gently,without restraints or bonds, You will accept what happens and I wont have to harm you."Link looked at Malon and smiled. "Don't worry I wont, Now hurry get him and get out of here I don't know how much longer we've got."
"No..never! I am no ones slave!" Zelda cried. She refused to give into him even though she was on the virge of panicing. She closed her eyes once more and bit her lip so she wouldn't moan.Toscha! Toscha!She thought as she tensed up under Garu, fearing the worse.Malon smiled at Link and then backed away, taking one last look at Link before going to Toscha. She put one of his arms over her shoulders and then tried to get him to his feet. "'re heavy..please wake up." She whispered.
Garu just shook his head as he kept fingering her for abit until he pulled down her panties and pulled his fingers out of her. He watched her for abit before he moved up and slid himself into her. "You are mine now."Toscha's eyes slowly opened he looked around and looked at Malon. "Who are you?"
She had got wet enough for him to easily glide into her, but when he got to her resistance and broke through it she cried out in pain. She could feel herself bleeding and her eyes began to tear up as she realized that her innocence was gone. "No..." She whispered, holding back her tears.Malon gave him a stern but innocent look. "There's no time for pleasentries, we have to go.."
Garu let her get adjusted to his size before he started to pick up the tempo and push harder and faster into her. He smiled and licked over her neck and chest as he kept pushing against her. "You are mine and shall be always dear princess." He laughed and kept pushing against her as he started to lick over the top of her breasts.Toscha went with her but he could feel Zelda's pain. "Princess..."
She writhed which each thrust and began to sob. "Toscha..." She whispered as Garu continued to thrust into her. She closed her eyes and began to moan underneath him, giving into him at last. Her body relaxed so it wouldn't be as painful.Malon looked at him and frowned. He needed medical attention, but the village was so far away. At least it was daybreak.
Garu kept pushing himself against Zelda going as deep as he could before he was getting close to release. He watched her before pulling out of her and releasing all that he had over her legs and thighs.Toscha kept slipping in and out of consciousness. He had lost alot of blood and really needed medical attention.
She shuddered as he came on the lower half of her body and then opened her eyes. She had been close to cumming but he had pulled out. She was breathing heavily and looked exhausted. "I hate you.." She whispered.Malon managed to get him all the way to her ranch, but the Gerudo's were still standing guard. Lucky for her one of the horses had gotton loose and she helped him on top of it before getting on herself and riding to the village.
Garu laughed and looked at Zelda before getting up and cleaning up. He walked over to his dresser and looked at her. "Your attitude needs worked on so for punishment. I think I'm going to let the Lizalfos have some fun with you." He laughed and untied her from the bed then tied her hands behind her back and dragged her from the room.Toscha faintly could see what was going on. He was just too far out of it to understand who this pwerson was who was helping him and his connection to the princess.
Zelda nearly tripped over her panties when he dragged her out of the room. She didn't know what kind of monsters he was using for her punishment, but she had a bad feeling. Talim had been just outside his door, and her face was red. She was glaring at Zelda as they passed and began to follow.Malon finally got him to the village on the foot of Death Mountain and got him into his mothers old home. She got a red potion and some bandages from the stores and ran back. "Drink this while I clean your wounds."
Garu dragged her to The back prisions where her kingdom ahd captured a few of the Lizalfos who had attacked. He laughed and threw her into their cell. They looked at Zelda then to Garu, Garu laughed and nodded. "Have fun."Toscha looked at the bottle and drank it, slowly regaining his energy back. He groaned abit being able to feel his wounds again. "we need to get back."
Zelda had her back to the wall in seconds. She began to shake upon seeing the lizalfos and closed her eyes, calling out for Toscha once more. Talim grinned at Garu. "A fitting punishment, your highness."Malon shook her head as she stripped his shirt off and began cleaning his wounds. "You're not in any condition to move."
Garu looked at Zelda then looked at Talim and nodded. "I know thats what I thought." He laughed and started to walk away from it and head back upstairs. The Lizalfoes watched Zelda before two rushed and grabbed her.Toscha shook his head. "It...doesn't..matter, My job is to..protect her. No matter what." He tried pushing her away and sitting up.
Zelda screamed as they grabbed her. She tried to wriggle away from them, but it was no use. Talim continued to follow Garu, struggling to keep up the conversation. "She had the honor of sharing your bed and still she did not surrender?" She made it a question."No! What good are you to the princess if your dead?" She forced him back down on the bed with her weight and glared at him. "Don't be stupid. Link needs your help, but he needs you to recover first.."
The Lizalfoes kept her pinned down as they climbed over her and felt her up. One of them even grabbed her nightgown and ripped it away from her as another did the same to her panties. Garu looked at Talim then nodded. "Now we must find the sages."Toscha just laid back and shook his head but finished off the red health potion and sighed.
She blushed when they began feeling her up, squirming underneath them. "N no!" She shouted as they stripped her clothing off her body. "The sages?" Talim repeated. "What for? What do you plan on doing, my lord?" She asked.Malon began cleaning his wounds and then bandaging them up. "My name is Malon. Whats yours?"
The Lizalfoes kept Zelda pinned down as they felt her up. hands were moving all over her body before one moved over her and pressed against the top of her body. Its cock brushing against her thighs as it flicked its tongue out at her face. Garu thought about it for some time before answering. "I plan to bring back my father so that he can control this place..Hyrule..and if I cant bring him I am sure I can bring back his power."Toscha looked at her. "My name is Toscha. I am one of the last Remaining Sheikah and Guardian of the Royal family."
Zelda was not sure how long she could last in the cell before breaking. When one of the Lizalfos crawled over her she screamed once more. She felt its rough tongue against her cheek, licking up some of her tears. "That is a noble cause, Prince. Allow me to help on your crusade. I'll do whatever you ask of me. No questions asked."Malon tilted her head and finished bandaging him up. "I see..Aren't Sheikas ninja's or something?" She asked with a grin.
The Lizalfoe kept licking at her as its cock rubbed against her thighs before it grunted and slid itself into her and started to push against her. It growled and another came forcing itsway to her motuh, rubbing its cock against her face before forcing its way into her mouth. Garu nodded. "All right."Toscha was starting to feel a little better. "We are like. we use silence and stealth to help us get our jobs done."
Zelda felt the monster enter her body and cried out. Before she could do anything else the other one stuck its cock in her mouth. Her screams were now muffled. Tears ran down her cheeks. "I' happy to hear that. I will follow you to the ends of the earth.""Silence, huh?" Malon asked as she washed her hand. "I guess thats cool."
The Liazalfoes grunted and the one inside of her slid deeper in and picked up the tempo of its thrusts. the one in her mouth pushed against her mouth to make her suck more. Garu nodded. "I know, I know." He pulled his cloak around himself. "which temple first?"Toscha nodded and looked around the room. "its usefull."
Zelda began to suck on the cock in her mouth so that it would stop pushing into her. She was already on the virge of climaxing because she almost came when she was raped by Garu. Talim sighed at her loves lack of response. "Lets go to Kokiri village. The sage has to be there. It'll be easy to find them.""I wish I could do something. All I do is get in the way. Zelda was kidnapped because of my weakness..."
The Liazalfoe groaned as she started to suck on it and the other one pushed harder and harder inside of her. Garu looked at talim and pulled her over and pressed his head to her's and smiled. "always come up with the best ideas don't you?" He smiled then headed out to the horses. "All right lets go."Toscha slowly got up and off of the couch and walked over to the bookshelf and leaned against it. "All you can do is try your best. you wern't able to handle a fight against them."
Zelda could feel her body begin to stiffen and she came, moaning against the cock in her mouth. She writhed underneath them. Talim blushed when he pulled her so closed, and when he pressed his forehead against her she tensed up. When he proceeded, she followed. "I'm glad that I can help." She got on her horse.Malon shook her head. "Link trusted me with Zelda though..."
The lizalfoe inside of her began to release inside of her shooting up into her as the one that she was sucking on began to release as well. Garu looked at Talim then got onto his horse. "Lets ride!" He hit his horse and galloped off to the forest temple.Toscha looked at her. "And I was entrusted with the whole royal family." | 89 | ['Epona', 'Malon', 'Impa', 'Zelda'] |
91 | | Star Wars: Fear of the Dark (Quatum Tangle x Dicequeer) | Star Wars: Fear of the Dark "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" 8 BBY Thurra System Planet: Thule Night Time Beauteous as it was barren the planet of Thule was considered one of the great Sith Strongholds in the lost histories of Galactic Antiquity. Tales of the Old Republic a time when space was still wild and shaping, of which neither Jedi Order or the forming Republic had made their alliance against the Mandalorians. A time long, long ago where in parts of the galaxy far, far away the Sith created vast empires and dominated parts of the Unknown Regions without contest. Thule was said to have once been a grand agricultural world for the Sith however, constant exposure to Force Storms, much like those that battered Dromund Kaas and Ziost, had stripped the mineral rich soils and revealed vast deposits of rare metals and crystals.Obviously mines were formed and vast crystal quarries were discovered with unique qualities gifted by the storms centering about a Nexus of the Force. Sith gravitated to this planet en mass during the days of Naga Sadow erecting temples and colonies. Various species were enslaved from near and far and brought them to work. Humans from the Tapani Sector made a majority of these slaves with few other captive species being sprinkled between but a time passed and things changed.With the fall of Naga Sadow the Sith had one great empire that followed and with much of its history and conflict forgotten, or willfully denied by the Republic, so was Thule, once more forgotten along with many of Sith Worlds. Stricken from record and memory the Purebloods had died away and left in their shadows the inheritors.A military Oligarchy formed soon after the Sith left Thule to engage the Republic with much of the Planets fleet. When they never returned eight generals took charge and utilized the vast resources the planet held to revitalize the military complex and introduce independent industry in the Thurra system. Eventually the generals changed roles and the military power structure transformed into a Barony that would be led by an appointed High Baron. In that time they had various conflicts with the Chiss and the Vagarri, the former of which found a peaceful resolution and trade with. To the point the second largest alien population on Thule was Chiss by a census count of almost twenty percent.The teachings of the Sith never left however. Temples still stood and it wasn t until the arrival of the Jedi Knight, Drevveka Hoctu, that these landmarks of a Lost Empire were nothing more than places of idol worship. The first of the Thulian Witches she erected the Arts Academy and renewed the Sith teachings almost a thousand years after they had been abandoned.This planet much like its history has been scarred, brutalized, and forgotten. Yet beneath the surface Thule had always been a center point of power and influence. Something which the High Baron, Tygil Ortus, took as a fact of pride, remembering the tales his mother would tell of how the Sith of Thule maneuvered through the Galaxy unsuspected. Making motions: Small waves of influence with important consequence. All so they could reach this moment, the moment Tygil could open the doors to his private kingdom and manifest his destiny!Looking out his high window at the desolate night the Baron watched as wild pack of hounds raced the steppes dressed in a glowing moss displaying an aurora color. Their shadows drifted in synchronized motion. Leaping from stone face to stone face they were absolutely fearless of the fall below. The night bristled with a cool wind under the pale light of a waxing moon. Dressed in a long black robe the thin man untethered the binds and let the fabric drift from the length of his slight frame as a chill rushed over his skin. Fingers waved out in the darkness letting his mind trespass beyond his body. There were new arrivals to his home, a small collection of women and a few men. He focused through the force his sight flickering through the perspective of guards and servants. Strange looking Witches and the name of a planet hung heavy on his tongue as he clutched his fingers into balled fists. Dathomir He punctuated with an exhale of excitement.With almost a glide to his bare footsteps he moved across the dying embers of his fireplace towards a large open wardrobe filled with fine fabrics and odd ends. He was just as those Thulian beasts and felt the desire to fade into the night. He wished to see these guests first hand, know them, before formerly being introduced.
It was cold on Thule, but Macabre was often cold. He spent most of his time on a temperature controlled ship. So other than the odd desert planet most planets were cold to him. He was thankful for his poncho, the inner lining of which was covered in totems and fetishes. He had expected to be dressed in traditional Nightbrother garb, but apparently the witches didn't particularly care if they looked presentable. Oh perhaps Sharzenza had argued for their clothing to stay.Sharzenza Ketra was not your typical Nightsister, and because of that Macabre was not your typical Nightbrother. Sharzenza was for all intents and purposes a deserter. She had decided to take her chances as a bounty hunter rather than live as a Nightsister. She'd taken Macabre from Dathomir when he'd barely been old enough to fight to raise and serve as her weapon. It was strange that she was specifically called for for this mission, but the Nightsisters had offered her too many credits to turn down. If she had asked Macabre he would have said it was because they didn't expect them to return, but she didn't, she never did.Macabre absently wondered if the other Nightsiblings here were also outcasts. They didn't look like it, but it was hard to tell. He'd sat with the other Nightbrothers on the the flight over, but they hadn't been talkative and Macabre certainly wasn't one to start a conversation. Macabre hated talking, he never felt like he could find the right words.It wasn't just his clothing that made Macabre stand out amongst the small crowd of Nightbrothers. He was significantly shorter than the rest of them, standing a good head smaller than the next shortest one. Sometimes Macabre wondered if Sharzenza was disappointed he hadn't grown taller or purposely picked a runt because she didn't think he'd be missed. He was pink in color, not exceedingly uncommon but none of the Nightbrothers in this group were quite as bright. Still in some ways he fit in. His traditional tattoos and for once did not make him stand out and the spear on his back was in line with the weapons the other Nightbrothers carried.There were other things about him that made him different to his brothers, secret things, things even Sharzenza didn't know. His connection to the ichor of Dathomir was his best kept and only secret. After years of watching Sharzenza perform her magiks, in a desperate moment he'd tried to copy her and had succeeded. So, in secret he'd conducted experiments. To see what spells he could cast. It hadn't been all of them. He'd never been able to push an object or create lightning, but he could produce objects that vanished into smoke if he stoped concentrating, could heal small cuts, at least on himself, and imbue his totems with energies. He'd even been able to speak with the dead something Sharzenza Ketra only ever spoke of. His powers were Macabre's treasure, and the only thing he was more proud of than his fighting prowess.As they got off the ship the Nightsisters convened to make a decision about what their first move would be. None of them had specifically given command, so it could take a while. One of them, if Macabre remembered correctly her name was Thish, ordered the group of Nightbrothers to scout about. Macabre looked to Sharzenza, who gave a curt nod, before he followed orders. He had been trained to obey any woman that asked something of him, but Sharzenza above all.Macabre wandered off in a different direction to the other night brothers, choosing to look ahead rather than establish a perimeter. He wandered a bit, lazily exploring the nearby allies, confident that he could handle any ruffians he might run across. His look alone tended to keep most people away.
From the moment that Sharenza and her outcasts landed upon the one of seven extended ports off the acropolis where the High Baron s Palatial Estate sat. It was often asked if the large towering Manor was Baron Ortus home. Many a visitor would be corrected to know the length of a city that spread across these plateaus were the whole of his enviable estate. Below within the wide crevices of the high Thulian Steppes of Zozan was an even greater expanse blooming with lights and interconnected networks buildings integrated into the stone walls sprawling for kilometers outward filled homes, bazaars, and a wealthy commerce booming in the recent flood of intergalactic trade.Before Macabre would even step foot from the landing shuttle a dozen or more servants dressed in fine robes of a myriad colors surrounded them. Their faces were hidden behind Ivory and gold laced effigies of the Ancient Sith, contorted in expressions of joy, terror, and wrath. By the size and shape of these servants they appeared to be a mixture of men and women. They practically swayed and danced about the Dathomiri entourage. Hands touched and lead like a swarm of distractions singing and chanting a welcoming hymn that was standard for all newcomers to the Baron s home.It did not appear that the Witches by any means enjoyed this display shirking the hand touches, but as they were lead into the building, past two large statues of men kneeling with their heads hung low in reverence, they noticed very little else than refusing the playful pestering of colorful gauzy fabrics being draped upon them. Walking into the halls art and style dripped off the walls in beauteous grotesque. Mirroring objects filtered a myriad of reflections distorting as they trailed across marbled floors.No one would notice one of the servants that moved close to the smaller Macabre. Short and lithe in comparison to the other nightbrothers, the young man practically folded into the shadow of the man that stood beside him. An ivory face stricken in terror faced down as a firm hand pressed to the Zabrak s shoulder. Such strange people you are The man spoke with a thick accent. The Thulian servant gripped tighter upon Macabre as they crossed a small alcove, and with a pull and push of force the tall man pinned the Zabrak against the indention in the walls. A finger calmly pressed upon the lips of the young man. Be careful not to trust what you see here He warned. Rich brown eyes swirled beneath the white ivory fixated on Macabre, the man s finger drifted as both hands then held the Zabrak s shoulders. Thule appears to be many places to many people, and easily distracted minds do not notice when small things go amiss. There is danger here for you if you are not careful and you should be. You are special unlike the others who look as you do. The servants voice was rich in its reverberating tones and possessive hands trailed the neck of Macabre, fingers laced about the outcropping of horns still holding him still. It was clear that the man was fascinated by his alien nature. What could not be simply ascertained was a motive and a chill distinction could be felt as the possibilities trickled through thought like a stream.Thule was unlike other worlds that Macabre had the privilege to visit. Something deep within it ebbed with a living presence, an eminence dark and intruding as boring into his being. The young Zabrak didn t know it then but what he felt was a Nexus of the Force. A strange phenomena where the Force welled up from specific points in the Galaxy, some called it a vergence, others a fulcrum. It enriched the dreams of the Nightsisters that had come here. Sharenza would have felt a surge of confidence like never before once entering the system but little did she know it was not reaching out to her.With a warmer cadence the man let his hands fall to either side of Macabre s face as he asked, Do you trust these women? That same unsettling pull of the force that could be felt light years away seemed to concentrate now on the Zabrak as the man s voice flooded with compelling darkness. The amber glow of the hallway lights appeared would seem to dim as the Thulian man s gaze took upon a hypnotic trance, before the second question roiled with the Dark Side and his voice echoed with the faint sound of hundred dying screams, What do the Nightsisters want from the High Baron?
High Baron s Estate was opulent in a way Macabre was not used to. He was used to the decadent mansions of the kind of person who had need for a bounty hunter, but those tended to be gaudy and rarely had weight to them. Here on Thule the buildings felt old in a way that gave them a sense of grandeur. Macabre had no academic interest in architecture or any real sense of why these buildings felt substantial in a way others had not, but he made note of the difference anyway.Macabre dutifully followed the Nightsisters along with the other Nightbrothers through the streets and into the strange building the Baron called home. As strange as this place was compared to the rest of the galaxy it seemed mostly harmless. The local customs were unfamiliar, but Macabre's customs would have been unfamiliar to them in turn. Macabre could keep an open mind. He was mostly excited to be among his people again. It had been a long time since he'd seen another Nightbrother and longer since he'd spent time with one. He was secretly wishing that this would lead to Sharzenza having them work more closely with Dathomir, but he wasn't going to get his hopes up. Instead he was trying to make the best of the little time he had with his brothers. He'd work up to courage to talk to one of them tonight for sure.Macabre's opinion of the dancing servants was mostly a passive interest. He wasn't particularly curious about them, but at least they weren't hostile. He didn't even really initially mind when one of them touched him. Macabre wasn't a stranger to physical touch, although most of it involved combat. He did sometimes use it to communicate when he was feeling particularly overwhelmed, but Sharzenza would always punish him for that. However he had a reputation to uphold, not just his own, but the reputation of the Children of Dathomir. He prepared to turn and bare his teeth at the servant only to find himself forced into an alcove. This he did mind.Macabre thrashed against the servant, but despite his skill in combat, his strength was never in his, well, strength. He tended to rely on his speed and skill, so it was easy for the man to hold him in place despite his attempts to buck him off. When a finger pressed to his lips he tried to snap at it, but without the proper leverage he only managed to gnash his teeth ineffectively. As the man spoke what sounded to Macabre like a threat with his hands on Macabre's shoulders Macabre redoubled his efforts to escape. He was sure this man intended to hurt him. Perhaps pick off their party one by one and had chosen Macabre as the weakest link. That would be his mistake. Even without the space to draw his spear, Macabre was dangerous, but as Macabre readied to spring his attack the man moved his hands up Macabre's neck letting them settle in his horns. This caused Macabre to settle some, pausing his attack and ceasing his wiggling. The cause for this was two fold. One, Macabre's horns were sensitive, all Zabraks' were, so the fingers lacing through them caused sensation to run down Macabre's spine. Two, Macabre knew what an aggressive hold was like and this was not one. Sure, he was still held in place, but the other man couldn't really do any damage from there. If anything Macabre could cut up his hands simply by bucking his head. Macabre had no idea why the servant was touching him like this, but it wasn't to hurt him.It was only after pausing that Macabre truly started to process what the man was saying. The power in his voice made Macabre's throat feel tight and tongue feel heavy, but he had been asked a question and was expected to answer. "You misunderstand," he said simply pausing for too long before continuing. His voice was small and soft. It emphasized how young he was. He couldn't have been much older than twenty. "It is by their mercy we are allowed to exist," again a pregnant pause. "I am never told the plan," the truth, but it wasn't like Macabre didn't have guesses. Dathomir was no friend to the Empire. Not since the Empire abandoned their consummate son, or so the rumors go. The Nightsisters, while powerful, were small in number. A call for allies could not go unanswered, even if it was assumed to be a trap. That why they sent Sharzenza. They needed someone expendable."Let me go," Macabre said in as stern as a voice as he could manage. He didn't move to try and escape again, or even remove the hands from his head. There was a part of him that was enjoying the closeness. He was rarely this close to people outside of a fight, and he was getting a similar rush. His pupils were visibly dilated, his breathing was heavier as his hearts sped up in tandem, and he really wanted this servant to punch him already. He bared his teeth at the man again and growled deep in his chest. | 4 | [] |
92 | | Midnight, TX ((w/ Cerberus)) | "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Benginmina "Beni" GummAge 27Resident of Midnight,TXWitchOwner of the adult shop of Traverse StBengimina Gumm was the other resident witch in Midnight, TX. She was nothing like her older cousin related on her father's side of the family she didn't spend much time with her but when they did Beni often got scolded for the type of magic she practiced. Unlike her older cousin there was no reason for her to stay a virgin. In fact a good amount of her powers came from sexual energy. She was the proud owner of the only adult shop in the town, shure it was a tiny little place with a limited stock compared to larger towns but she always gave her customers exactly what they wanted and exactly what they needed even if they weren't totally sure what that was. Ben's shop was at the end of Traverse St the last little shop on the corner of the building. The shop was located in the basement and was accessed through some stairs that led down to the main door. Above the shop was her apartment. It was a spacious single bedroom. She loved the high ceilings and nearly floor to ceiling windows that were on the west side of the building.Music was floating through the apartment and Beni was just stepping out of her morning shower. She always had a shower in the morning, it was how she got her days started. On the mornings she didn't have a shower often were days that some would label as 'bad'. Shutting the hot water off Beni reached for her towel that she kept on a hook just outside of the shower only an arms reach away. She wrapped it around herself and then began to dry off. Smiling a humming to the song that was playing she began her morning routine, brushing her teeth and putting in her contacts. Next was preparing a healthy breakfast.
Vao Couer'dorAge: Human Apperance: 30s actual age 700Resident of Midnight.TxHellhoundJack of all trades,resident handy man See more Vao Couer'dor walked into his small little home as he shook his head and tapped his dogatgs which caused his soul lantern to appear on his wast which he unclipped from his belt and put it away inside of his desk. "Another day more souls..if anyone needs me i'll be heading to home cooking for a drink..or five." The young hellhound grabbed his jacket as he wrapped his tail around his waist and let his fires flare up for a second to warm himself up as he walked back out as he was heading into the main city. As he head into the city his tail and ears were kept hidden under a long jacket and a black cap he always wore.Outside of Crystal Desert, Hapdun sat just idly kicking his feet against the old wood porch He was like many others in this town something special. What looked like a jacket that always seemed to be wrapped around his neck was in all actuality his own wings as he was a dragon shifter but he had been exiled to the land below and his wings broken and the bones removed so now he was living among the mortals and living in Midnight.
Guitar slammed the shovel into the thick clay dirt and wiped his forehead with the back of his gloved hand and glared to his partner,Mika, who was sitting on the trunk of their vehicle smirking as she stared off into the distance. The skyline of Midnight in view to them."You could have at least helped or i don't know maybe not killed them." He grumbled at her grabbing her attention. She blinked her heavy deeply set gray eyes and focused them on the man in front of her. Laughing, Mika shrugged her shoulder and jumped off of the trunk."Couldn't help myself. The bastard wouldn't stop crying and kept going on and on about all he wanted was to see his family again when he already knew they were dead. What's the point of keeping a nuisance like that around?" She asked and raised her hands high above her head and stretched out her limbs and rolled on to her toes. Then she dropped her arms as she exhaled a deep breath. He grumbled pulling the shovel out of the dirt and walked over to the trunk he popped it open and threw the shovel in hitting the back of the trunk."I'm all dirty and sweaty now and it's not even 9am." Guitar groaned and titled his head to look at Mika. "I've got to be so unlucky for getting paired up with the likes of you, and not to mention you are THE MOST disgusting woman I have ever had the displeasure of knowing." Guitar rolled down the sleeves of his white button down shirt and pulled up his suspenders. Next he put back on his double chest holster which held two glock 42s followed by his suit jacket. Out of the breast pocket of the jacket he pulled a cigarette case and lighter. The cigarette case instead held joints he had previously rolled himself. He placed one between his lips and lit. Taking a long drag and blowing the smoke upwards he replaced the items and fished out the car keys from his pocket. He titled his head to glance of her his left shoulder noting that their destination wasn't too much further away."I'd say we've got maybe a forty five sixty minute drive before we get there." He said moving top get into the car at the driver's seat.Mika had already gotten into the passenger seat once Guitar had pulled the keys from his pocket. She pushed her stingy blonde hair out of her face and nodded "Let's get going then. We're supposed to be meeting up with some other's from the organization aren't we, or do you think we'll arrive before them?" She asked and looked over to Guitar who did not answer her. "No matter. I'm just excited." She said. As the city of Midnight was waking up the young baker and pet store employee was sitting at one of the outdoor bistro tables in front of the bakery enjoying a freshly brewed cup of coffee with 10 sugars and a tablespoon of cinnamon creamer and a fresh piece of banana bread smeared heavily with butter. The pet store was owned by the Token family and her love of baking brought her to the bakery."Ah just how I like it!" She moaned her hands wrapped firmly around her green coffee mug. The young woman was Tulip Token, she was a werewolf, a special breed that looked more animal than human in her natural state. From what she understood her animal like appearance had to do with a mutation in one of her genes but it seemed to happen to the oldest born female in her family every 2 3 generations. This pattern led some of her older family members to believe that it was from the curse placed upon their family that originally made them into werewolves. It didn't bother her though, at a young age when it became clear she had the mutation her father gifted her with a charm bracelet. The bracelet gave her a human appearance as long as she wore. It was rare for Tulip to be caught without the bracelet and if she wasn't wearing it she was around the people who knew her the best and whom she trusted with all of her life."I can tell today is going to be a good day!" See more Guitar Remess 32 Hunter Guitar is the second hunter in his family taking after his uncle when his mom was attacked and permanently paralyzed from the waist down when he was just 12 years old. His mother had been attacked by a werecreature one he still intends to hunt down and kill someday. He learned a majority of his skills and gained his knowledge from his Uncle but was recruited by the organization after they heard of his talents when he took down 3 vampires. He deeply dislikes being dirty and prefers methods of killing that will result in him getting dirty the least. Mika Yonofsky 20 Hunter Telekinetic powers Mika was never a normal child. Though abnormality was not how she got to where she is in life. Her mother was never meant to be a parent she was one of those accidental teen moms who was forced into caring for her mistake. Her mother made sure that Mika knew how she felt about her daughter. That she hated and despised her and wanted her out of her life. Sadly these were not empty threats but promises ones she tried to fulfill a number of times but while trying ended up killing herself. It resulted in Mika growing up in the system. She eventually found herself in juvie and then recruited into the organization. She does as she told and enjoys having a purpose in life even if that is killing. Tulip Token 21 Resident of Midnight Werewolf Works at the bakery and her family owned pet shop Human Form Werewolf Form
Vao kept his jacket wrapped around his body as he made his way to Home cooking as he walked in. He looked over at the bar and gave a little whistle and smiled as he headed over to his normal table. Almost every night and morning Vao would come in and sit at the booth and watch over what was going on though most of the townsfolk knew that the hellhound held a torch so to speak for the beautiful waitresses Though those whom knew what Vao actually was knew not to mess with the main bar in town. He often would come by when done with his work to catch some dwn time and see what was new with the surface world that he often spent time in. It was rare that a hellhound would stay so long on the surface as many concidered it too cold but he was tasked with retrieving someone's soul and when he did he felt sorry for the person so he reported back that he had lost them and so was ordered to stay until he found them and thus he stayed in Midnight. He grabbed one of the menus and looked everything over as he relaxed in his booth while he started to read the newspaper that was placed on the table he was always at.BOPH, simply known as Voron was a long standing secret society that had tried to safeguard humanity from non human threats. They had been hunting down any creatures that were not human and either outright killing them or capturing them. What troubled them was how many years ago they had created a prison which held one of the most dangerous threats that humanity had ever faced and now this town was built on top of the prison. They had blended themselves into those whom had settled into the town and when they had learned who was non human they had made their moves against them "with the rate you eat them tulip, we're not going to have any to give to the customers." Mordici just sighed as he shook his head and nursed his cup of tea as he looked at his best friend and coworker. "Just so you kbnow too all those carbs are gonna make ya bloated and fat." He liked to tease Tulip knowing he had seen her go through a day's worth of pastries and not seem to gain a single pound. Mordici was a corvid, a shifter that took a crow form and sometimes in his humanoid form he had wings and was sometimes mistaken as an angel but the black wings were often giving others an impression he was a fallen Angel. During the day Mordici worked with Tulip at the bakery but at night he often took flight and was the town's resident look out, after the past trouble with Patience Lucero and Colconnar it was determined that someone should serve as an early warning system and who better then a crow watching from any high perch in the city See more See more
Tulip looked down into her cup of coffee and at her banana bread. She mumbled mocking Morici's words "you're gonna get fat and bloated Tulip." She murmured and rolled her eyes taking a big bite of the bread then stuck her tongue out at him."You're just jealous cause I have a perfect figure and don't have to work for it." She laughed and then shrugged her shoulder. "But this is the only one I've eaten this morning." Tulip took her napkin and wiped her mouth. Inhaling deeply she looked up at the bright blue sky. "We should do something fun tonight! I don't have to close the pet store tonight so I'm totally free!"
Mordici looked at Tulip as she mentioned about doing something fun. He then nodded as he swiped some of the bread and ripped off a piece of it before he let her have the rest as he ate the banana bread. "All right if you have a good idea for what we should do tonight im down for it." He normally didn't do much at night as he liked to just keep watch over the city but there were times even he needed a little break and so he felt it would be a good idea to try and do something for the night with Tulip. "So any good ideas?" He mocked her abit as she always had good ideas and most of the time if there was any trouble it was probably come from an idea that Mordici had but they always managed to walk away from it.The corvid shifter just looked at his best friend and smiled, the pair had always been together from childhood and was always down for whatever his friend wanted to do. People spoke that they would make a cute couple but nothing really ever came of it, Mordici was always at her side which was why he worked at the bakery but also because he was able to get his hands on some of the fresh baked breads.
Benjamina had made her self a simple but healthy and fulfilling breakfast. It was a yogurt parfait made with grape nuts, because granola didn't hold its crunch, clementine, freeze dried strawberries, and vanilla honey greek yogurt. Typically she ate her breakfast as she got dressed for the day and this morning was no different. She took her bowl with her back to her bedroom and set it on the dresser then went over to her closet. The doors were sliding and she tapped her fingers against her thigh as she stared into the wardrobe wondering what would fit her mood. She snapped her fingers and bounced back over to her bowl, took a bite and then back to her closet. She pulled out a pair of dark bluejeans, a paisley patterned button up shirt and some brown ankle boots. Placing the clothes on her bed she went and took another bite of breakfast and looked at her outfit one more time to confirm that's what she wanted to wear and her answer was still yes. So she got dressed and continued to eat her breakfast.With her outfit chosen she finished eating, did her makeup and then got dressed. She grabbed her purse and headed out into town her destination was Home Cooking. Beni liked to come some morning to do the paperwork side of her business until her store opened up at noon. "I was thinking we can go check out that new roller rink! After 10 on Thursdays it's adults only! They play great music and serve drinks and really good shareable plates, appetizer type food!" Tulip wiggled in her seat and was raising her eyebrows with a big smile on her face as she took her sip, and locked eyes with Mordici knowing he would say yes but none the less waited patiently for an answer from him. For a few weeks now she had been casually mentioning the skating rink to him.When he smiled at her she clasped her hands together and sighed out yes! "Oooh I', excited now! Let's get to work! Places is about to open." She stood and stretched her hands high above hand and rolled on to her toes and then rocked back on them as she lowered her hands. Grabbing her now empty coffee mug and the plate the bread had say on she went inside.
Vao was sitting in his normal corner booth when he sniffed the air. He smiled as he kept reading his newspaper before he got up and wandered from his booth and made it around until He was able to get behind Benjamina and set his hands upon her waist as he sniffed at her hair and smiled as he let his tail slink out from his coat to wrap around her waist as he nipped at her neck and laughed. "And how is my favorite witch?" He stayed quiet as he waited for her answer as he kept behind her. Many would think with how he acted they were together but Vao himself was a greed hound and saw great potential in Benjamina's powers and so he was always around, though he knew that she was well aware that as a greed hound and would never be satisfied with just one person but that perhaps he truly did care about her but that was a question for another time. Mordici just laughed abit as he watched Tulip head back inside. He just shook his head and followed her in. "you just really want to go skating don't you?" He didnt quite see the enjoyment of it but then again he was able to fly and so anything else never would compare to the freedom of flying. He rubbed at his shoulder blades for a second as it had been some time since he had actually stretched them out as he tended to keep them unseen as even those who knew he was a supernatural didn't take too kindly to seeing black wings which were commonly associated with demons and fallen angels and with all the demonic issues that had plagued Midnight in the past it was better safe then sorry.."So how many sheets do you think you're gonna sell hmm?" He walked to the storage and started to prepare to pull some fresh dough as he then started to work on getting it cut, molded and ready for the oven. Outside of MidnightMikhail Andreyevitch Loskov, Also known as Kestrel paced back and forth as he was reading over the papers that he had found in the file cabinent as he had already taken photos and sent copies over to Voron. Once he was done he set the files down as he walked over to the Order members whom he had ambushed and strung up hanging upside down from the rafters of the building as he drew out his knife. "If there is any consolation for you, you can be assured that your friends will be joining you so you wont be lonely for long." He walked behind each of the 4 people who hug there and ran his knife over their throats cutting them as from where he cut and hanging upside down the blood would rush out quickly and they would die quickly.Kestrel looked at the paper as he grabbed a match and lit it before tossing it onto the paper watching it catch before he started to walk out of the building. He grabbed his radio and keyed in. "Kestrel here, the safehouse has been cleansed and all information acquired." Mikhail Andreyevitch LoskovAge: 37Resident: N AVoron Assaassin Hitman See more
She squealed happily and leaned her head back and over her shoulder looking at Van! Banie smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before turning back to her her laptop. She had only just opened it but now that Vao was here she figured she wouldn't be getting all that much work done."Mmm better now that I'm seeing you this morning. "She paused her fingers slid down and dragged along his tail and she moaned so softly "And my favorite hound? Gonna finally make me yours tonight?" She asked micheviously. She knew that one partner would never be enough for hi and she didn't mind that. In fact Beni never saw her self settling down in the traditional definition of the word, but she did love the idea of being his number one. That's why she asked knowing his answer would most likely be know she hoped one day it would become a yes. "YEP!" Tulip yelled out to answer Mordici. "You've just made me a very happy girl." She winked and went to clean her dishes. Once that was done she double checked to make sure the silverware and plates were stocked up and ready to go."Probably 3! 4 if were having a great day." She said returning into the back area and leaned against the wall watching him shape the dough. "Have you noticed lately that some of our regulars, haven't been so regular anymore?" She asked and pressed her hand to her stomach. "Like Mrs.Tru, she hasn't come buy in a few weeks! I know she can get tangled up in her books but it's rather odd of her to miss out on goodies for so long. We've really been mostly getting passer by."She added and titled her head thinking of what could be the possible answer. Guitar and Mika had finally made into the city limits of midnight and they both immediately felt a change one so strong it made Mika gag."Ugh what the fuck was that! Tell me you felt it too." She mumbled and covered her mouth trying to get her gagging under control.Guitar cut his eyes over to his young partner and saw her reaction to the strong barrier. He sighed "Yeah I do feel it. I forget you haven't been on many missions, some places have strong drawing of supernaturals and as a result up." He said trying to explain in the simplest term she would understand. That concentration can have affects on us humans who know what to look for or rather I should say are more intend with this hidden world adjacent to our own." He added and pulled into the parking lot of the hotel."Oh God I'm gonna throw up!" Mika tumbled out of the car the moment it stopped and hurried away immediately vomiting. When she was done she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and then returned to Guitar's side. He had already gotten their bags from the car and was heading inside."You need to get that under control. It will either lessen the longer we stay or slowly get worse." He said his words a warning he hoped she took to heart. Mika merely nodded and followed inside.
Vao looked at Benjamina and chuckled abit as he trailed a hand down her back before he gave her rear a playful squeeze before he noticed she had her laptop out as he ran a hand through her hair before he grasped it as he let out a low growl as he whispered into her ears. "why do you ask questions that you already know the answer to. You know thats not who I am, I don't settle..I want everything and everyone." He let his tail play around her waist,threatening to slip into her jeans before he uncoiled his tail from her. He let out a low irritated growl from his throat as he let go of her hair as he then sat beside her and shook his head. He wasn't irritated with her but more so with the Order who worked to protect humans and supernaturals."I know you have connections hun..tell the order, that the circles..have decided not to give any assistance citing that the issues they are having are and I quote, human issues that do not have any bearing on use and that it is an internal conflict that humans must deal with on their own." He knew it wasnt going to be a popular desicion or answer since hellhounds were extremely powerful creatures and with their control of fire could do serious harm to any human but the circles didn't want to get involved in human conflicts. Mordaci looked at Tulip and smiled abit as he heard her remark how happy he had made her but when she mentioned how some of their regulars weren't showing up he frowned abit. "Yeah, I have noticed that and it does worry me abit but everyone has their lives and sometimes they get busy." he just shrugged as he walked over to place some of the rolls onto the cookie sheets for her to bake the rolls as he started cutting more raw dough and worked it to get more ready so that once the first batch was done the second could be quickly put in.
Bein whined and looked away. She knew she should not have asked that. She hated when his mood changed and it was becuase of her. Bein took her seat and turned her computer back on and pulled a folder out of her bag. Pausing from what she was doing Benjamina turned to Vao with wide eyes. That is not the answer that they wanted. She sighed heavily but nodded her head. I ll be sure to pass that message along. Beni leaned over and placed her hand on his cheek turning his face towards her. Vao I love you, and I know I ll never be enough for you, I just want you to someday say how you feel for me. Kissing his lips gently Benjamina smiled and let him go. Once inside Guitar and Mika went to the front desk and checked in. Keys in hand they headed upstairs to their room. They immediately unpacked their bags And started getting set up. Guitar pulled out a laptop and two other items. The first was a small red box with an antenna on it and then second a cord. The red box was a secure internet connection, one that could not be hacked into and it was how him and Mika would be able to communicate with the organization. With the computer set up and turned on Guitar started a video phone call.It rang only twice before it was picked up and connected. On the screen set a a man, and you could only see him from the neck down. We ve made it into the city smoothly. We did unfortunately have to kill our informant, he gave us what we needed though. What is our next steps? Guitar asked and waited patiently for him to answer.
Vao looked at the witch beside him as he nipped at her neck while she worked. He knew how she felt but to him it wasnt anything he could truly say. He was a greed hound and always wanted everything and anything he could get his hands on. He sat beside her and let his tail wrap around her waist. "I know its not the answer they want but its the one they are going to get. Many on the council are greed hounds as well, Plus a few Anger and Lust hounds. They arnt going to take really kindly to poking their noses into human affairs unless there is something that could benefit themselves. I know the order wants help and you know I wish I could do anything but my hands are tied." He motioned to the pair of dogtags that hung around his neck underneath his shirt and tie. "I do anything on the surface without their approval..they'll know As much as I'd want to help I cant."He reached into his pocket and pulled out what to anyone else would look like a normal cigarette but when in actuality was a hellhound's version. Stronger and had a different smell to it, sometimes a strange sweet smell and other times a bitter and foul smelling scent, much like rotten eggs eggs due to the sulfur that was in it. he tapped it against the bar and sighed. "and tell me my pet, whats wrong with being my number one?" It wasnt long for the connection to be picked up and when it was he only allowed his neck and below to be seen, never his face which allowed a brief amount of anonymity and secrecy as the leader of Voron. "You were able to get all the information you could out of him? Well a cleanup team will be sent but as for now your orders are to meet up with the local agent we have here. he's very effective at his job so you wil aid him in whatever task he sees need for you in rooting out the order and the supernatural threat in this world." He hung up the call without giving them a chance for questions or anything.
Guitar clicked his tongue loudly against the back of his teeth and closed the laptop with more force than necessary. "Bastards!" He grumbled and looked around the room his eyes finally landing on Mika. She looked less pale but still pale enough to be concerned. "Come on. Let's go and get some food. I saw a bakery on our way in. Something sweet and simple might help you and it will definitely calm me down." He said standing and smoothed his hands down his pants attempting to eliminate wrinkles."What about our assignment?" Mika asked her voice soft and caring little, the thought food made her stomach tighten but she begrudgingly followed behind Guitar. In no time the two were back down in the lobby, then out the front door and heading towards the bakery. Guitar allowed for his focus to be split, half was making sure Mika didn't puke before he could get some food into her and the rest was observing his surroundings, making mental notes of what he felt were supernatural auras.Out the corner of his eye he saw a woman with strawberry blonde hair and though her outfit was well put together she didn't seem so. Her har was so tangled it would be a miracle if all the knots could be combed out. Her clothes had a mixture of blood and dirt on them and he could see that she was limping her right hand holding tight of her left arm. He wondered if she was supernatural or just a woman having a really fucked up day. The woman Guitar made note of was the absolute last soul the residents of midnight expected to see walking their mortal plane once again. Her eyes were wide with terror, her makeup smudged and her hair wild. Her 1000 pant suit had been reduced to second hand goods and even then the goodwill wouldn't take it. She put all her strength into walking. The only thought going through her head was get to Home Cooking.If I can just make it there, just a little further and then I'll get some help, they'll help me. These were her only thoughts and They helped her get to her destination despite the pain, fatigue, and dehydration her body was feeling. Leaning all her weight into the doors she pushed them open and stumbled past a man who was exiting. She looked around and gasped"Someone please...please help me." She said and those were the only words she spoke as she fell to the ground and not gracefully at all. Just about every patron had their eyes on the now collapsed woman.Benjamina's eyes went to the woman just like everyone else but unlike these people who only saw this woman as a stranger Beni saw her as evil and was torn between shock and confusion. She simply turned her head to Vao and just the look on her face he would know what was going through her mind.
Vao looked at Benji before he turned as he heard someone stumble into home cooking. Unlike many other people in the town, Vao was unknowing to the damage and threat that Patience was to the town. He showed up a few months after the whole debacle as the circles had tracked down a soul that had picked up residence in Midnight."Hold on easy there." He got up and walked over to Patience and took hold of her good arm and helped her to the bar. "Rags,water, some food." He could tell that she probably had gone through the ringer. "What happened to you? You look like you went twelve rounds with Mack truck going 90 mph on the highway." He looked at Benji before motioning for her to get some help for Patience. Mordaci finished pulling some finished pastries out as he started to put them out on display before looking out to the main street as he saw Guitar and Mika walking in the direction of the Bakery. "Look alive lips, we're going to have some company." He laughed calling her by the nickname he had given her many years back. He made sure that all of the pastries were freshot and kept under the heat lamps on display as he also turned on the small fan that would work to spread the lovely smells around the shop.
Patience was just barely holding on to her consciousness, and with that she held on tightly to the strong arms that had picked her up."You should take her into the back room." Beni said and sighed heavily as Vao listed off things to help clean her up and treat her wounds if she had any. Begrudgingly she went to get the things he had asked for. When she had gathered all of them she made her way to the back room where Patience was lying on the table knocked out cold. It was as if she had finally given in now that she had found some help. She set the items on the table around Patience then turned and shut the door."This women doesn't deserve our help." She said dipping the rag into the hot water and wringing it out. She then wiped off Patience's face then her arms. "You came to town just after she had done all that damage. She shouldn't even be alive." Beni commented and checked her for wounds but saw none. The blood must not have been her own. She did have some bad bruises though. Tulip rolled her eyes at the nickname and was about to scold him for using it but stopped when the bell over the door rang. "Good morning! Welcome in." She said cheery and with a bright smile. "What can I get you folks this morning?" She asked and handed them some menus. "Oh and we have some bread and biscuits just coming out of the oven, and I highly recommend either on any of our sandwiches." She said smiling and looked them both over.Guitar nodded and gave a friendly smile. "Thank you." He said and looked over the menu but it didn't hold a lot of interest to him he handed it to Mika who glanced over it."I...I'll take a peppermint tea and one of those biscuits you mentioned."Mika said and then turned away and took a seat at one of the tables that sat in the corner."Great! And for you sir?" Tulip asked turning her eyes to Guitar."A coffee, largest size you've got and one of those cherry cream cheese danishes." He said pointing to them in the display case. Tulip totaled up his order and took his payment. She told him once it was ready she would bring it over for them. Guitar went and joined Mika she was starting to look less pale but that wasn't really saying a whole lot.
"Well if she shouldn't be alive and yet she is so that demands answers to questions that everyone will have including you and so it will be better to have her in a place where we can keep her contained until we can figure out just why she is here, or is that not a good thought and you rather just toss her out into the streets where anyone could find her and then who knows how this town will react hmm?"He just shook his head as he pulled out a knife and worked on cutting away Patience's clothing as he sniffed the blood then sniffed at her body. "It doesn't belong to her or else it would smell like her. I'll see about having the scent given to someone whom I can trust will find out who it does belong to. In the meantime Beni, be a good girl and get some fresh clothes for her." Vao let his tail unfurl from his waist as he looked at Benjamin. "Consider this an order, keep her alive and here." Mordecai looked at Tulip and smiled before he went back to get the fresh biscuits that were ordered as he grabbed a small basket and put the biscuits together before he pulled out a nice warm one and handed it over to tulip once the tea was ready as he went to get the coffee pot all set up. Once it was done he poured it into one of their largest mugs before he handed it over for Tulip to bring to the customers who were sitting at their inside table. He didn't recognize them but didn't worry about it too much as coffee and food was always going to draw people from near and far.
Blinking she stared dumb founded at him as he left the room closing the double sliding doors behind him. She was alone with an unconscious Patience. Order?!? ORDER! She practically screamed and turned her gaze to the woman. Her clothes were ruined so Beni didn t take any care in trying to perseve them. She began to tear at them. How dare he! He...he...he can t even be honest with me about his feelings and now he s giving me orders I m some kind of servant? That bastard! I m gonna Beni jumped back when Patience inhaled deeply and began to cough, it appeared almost as if she was taking a large gulp of air after having held her breath for a period of time.Thinking quickly Beni ran to the storage closet and grabbed a thick pair of workers gloves and heavy iron chain that had been placed there for a situation just as this one. The gloves were to protect Beni as she was vulnerable to iron as well. She went back to Patience who was coming to. She intended to wrap the chain around her ankles and wrist to keep her from doing anything that could harm her. Where....where am I ? Patience mumbled as her eyes slowly fluttered open. Tulip placed the items on to her serving tray and walked over to her new customers. Alright here you go. She said and set each item down gently and carefully so not to spill anything. Anything else I can get you? Flavored creamer, honey and butter or maybe some jam? She asked Some lemon slices and honey and butter would be nice. Mika said taking the cup in her hands and inhaling the scent of peppermint deeply. I m good with just this. Guitar said and lifted the cup to his lips. He blew on the hot liquid then took a sip. He smiled savoring the flavor. It was a well brewed cup. Sadly to say he had expected it to be burnt tasting and would have to add cream and sugar to get past the bad bitter. I ll get those for you right now! She said and walked off to behind the counter once again.
Vao didn't take long to come back though he had a small bag with him when he returned. He looked at Benji before glancing back over at Patience before he set his bag down. "Brought some things that may help to ease your mind my dear." He grabbed his bag and pulled out bracelets and put them around Patience's wrists and locked them with a small key before he put a necklace around her neck and locked it as well. "A tampering tool us hounds have when dealing with demon kin. It can render their powers dead and if you so worry about this woman I'm sure these will work."He looked at the heavy iron and shook his head, that was old witch knowledge and the hounds used more powerful and modern techniques but he enjoyed having some of the old power at his side which is why he kept Benji around. "I'll take her and see what I can find out my dear and when I do you know that you will be the first I will tell." He removed the heavy iron and set them aside as he helped Patience stand up. "Easy now, Beni I'll take her out the back as to not startle your patrons." He looked at Patience and started to lead her out the back to his own place. "I'll have some questions for you but first to get you cleaned up." He lead her through back ways and shadows to get to his apartment without being spotted by the townsfolk as he ushered her inside. Mordicai watched Tulips and smiled abit before he headed back into the kitchen and started to look around before sighing. "Great and here I thought I had gotten all the spices we needed, lips! I'm going over to Home cooking to see about borrowing some spices we need otherwise it's a trip to the store to buy them, think you can hold down the fort?" He laughed abit knowing all too well the young woman could hold her own but he had no idea about the danger that was sitting right inside of their store or what was looming in the city.He walked out before heading over to home cooking but stepping in he could easily detect an air of hostility before he glanced around before heading to the back. In doing so he saw Benji and the iron and could tell she was upset. "Another fight with Vao was it? Finally smack him with some iron hmm?" He knew the young witch favored the hound and he often spoke with her about him, listening to her when the two had a argument or something.
Patience hissed at the feeling of the iron against her skin. She was just regaining her consciousness when she was hoisted to her feet and pulled out of the room and out the back of the restaurant. What s happing...I need to tell them. She said trying to get through the fog that her mind was in. Everything seemed to be moving at hyper speed while her mind was swimming though cold molasses. I have to warn them. She said softly closing her eyes and leaned onto who ever it was that was holding her up. Benjamina will listen. She ll listen to me. Patience sighed and lifted a hand to her head. She has to listen to me. Beni groaned in response to Vao and watched as he escorted Patience away. Bastard She took off the gloves and tossed them on to the table. She then plopped down into a chair and folded her arms across her chest and Anglican tapped her foot. This is all She looked to the door and saw Mordi coming in. No...but he deserves it this time. More than previously. She mumbled and took a deep breath holding it for a bit. What are you doing over here? Isn t the shop open? She asked looking him over. Of course! Tulip was gathering the few items the customers had requested.Guitar s eyes followed the man as he crossed the floor and headed out. He wondered why he left but figured it wouldn t be long before he was back. How are you feeling? Any better? He asked his voice soft and low so that Tulip couldn t hear their conversation. Mika nodded her head taking another sip of the tea and tore off a piece of the biscuit. Yeah I actually am. Much better. She said looking down into the cup of tea. She s not human. Mika whispered to Guitar cutting her eyes to Tulip as she walked over holding a plate with the things she had asked for. Guitar nodded slipping his hand into his pocket. Here you go. Lemons, butter, and honey. Tulip said giving them both a smile she looked down at their cups and noted Guitar s was ready for a refill. Can I get you some more coffee? She asked and turned her head to Mika surprised when she grabbed on to her wrist. Ummm Mika gave a soft smile and shake of her head Sorry I didn t mean to scare you it s just this bracelet. She said lifting Tulip s hand to examine it. She touched each charm but focused on one in particular. It looked like someone combined a cross and question mark with a star. Tulip tried to pull away but Mika held onto her tightly. Now this one here is interesting. I ve never seen anything like it. What is it? She asked Oh it s my family symbol. Tulip began to explain but as she did she felt a sharp pinch in her hip. She screamed out and jumped away looking down to her hip she saw Guitar had stabbed her with syringe full of a bright yellow green liquid. Let me go. She growled and snatched her hand away from Mika as she did the charm Mika was examining broke off of her bracelet. Tulip stumbled back falling into a table and knocking the items on it off and ultimately the table over. She scooted away from them and her vision began to get blurry. What s happening?! Who are you people She growled as her eyes began to glow and she started to transform into her true form. Oh my, Mika said watching as Tulip stumbled back and she looked at the charm that broke off. Well you certainly are not human. She said and picked up a lemon squeezing it into her tea and added a little honey. She stirred it all and then took a sip and nodded Mm so much better. She said and tilted her head watching Tulip s transformation. Don t worry. You re not gonna remember any of this. Guitar said standing up and adjusted his jacket and walked over to Tulip who was struggling to keep her eyes open. I...wont...wont forget. She said and Eiht that she was knocked out. Guitar squatted down and examined the girl. Her pulled a second syringe from his jacket and pressed this one against her upper arm. He pressed it firmly to her arm and filled with her blood. Never seen a werewolf like you. He whispered and turned to Mika who was still eating her food and drinking her tea. Hurry up! We have to make it seem like we left before she was knocked out. He said and placed the vial of blood back into his jacket along with the first one he used to knock her out. Mika did as she was told and decided it d be a good idea to take a picture of the charm. She then did her best to reattach it to the bracelet but couldn t so she placed the charm in the girls hand and closed her hand around the charm. They made it look like some one had tried to rob the place but was scared off by Tulip. Well that was a cute little bakery. We should go back tomorrow. Mika said as they left the bakery to return to the hotel I m also pretty sure that guy was a super too. She said to Guitar who only nodded. We re off to a good start. Hopefully her blood can tell us a good amount about exactly what she is. He said and patted his jacket pocket.
Vao looked at Patience and helped her sit down on his couch. He looked around before he pulled up a small stool. "Right now she doesnt seem to be in the mood to speak to you and well currently you arnt in the condition either. You need a good shower and some food and clothes. I'll get it all handled but it will take time and resources. I will take care of you but it goes both ways as well and for that you will serve me for now, with whatever I need." He let his tail flick from side to side as he got up and walked to his kitchen. "Bathroom is down the hall and to the left. Take a good hot shower and get cleaned up. Tell me when you are done and I will have some clothes waiting for you. " Mordicai looked at Benji and nodded. "Yeah we are open and running but I came by to see about getting some more salt. What I did have it seems like we have run out so I was seeing if I could snag some more from here." He tilted his head as he watched the young witch. "" so what is it this time, what's got you so bothered with that hellhound anyway?" He knew that they liked to be side by side but even couples could have friction against each other from time to time.
Beni simply nodded her head and told him he was welcome to whatever he needed and knew where to find it. Well... She took a long deep breath and stood up to retrieve her bag. She dug her hand into it and pulled out a tarnished cigarette case. She didn t smoke cigarettes but it instead healed joints. Pulling one out and then her zippo lighter she placed it between her lips, lit it and took a long deep drag. About 20 ish minutes ago Patience stumbled through those doors and just before you got here he just whisked her off. Not giving me a single iota what he s doing with her or better yet why he took her. She grumbled and tapped the ashes on to the floor. Patience s mind had finally come out of the fog that it was swimming in and as she did she was her surrounding were unfamiliar and further more she didn t recognize the voice speaking to her. Serve? She repeated and looked around taking in the living room I don t serve anyone, especially dogs like yourself. She stood looking about the place again. I am in Midnight, I can feel it, and if you won t take me to Benjamina then I ll just find her myself. She stood up wobbling as she did. She used the arm of the couch to steady herself before heading to the door.It doesn t matter how she feels. She needs to hear what I have to say, or even Bobo or Manfred. Joe...he d listen regardless of how he feels.
Mordicai looked at Benji and thought about it for a while before nodding to himself. "Well you can think of it like this, would you rather want to deal with her here where anyone could walk in, see her and cause a big reaction and problrm before we even figure out why she is back or would you rather want him to question her in a private place and keep her out of the sight of the townsfolk." He just shook his head thinking about it before he grabbed the bag of salt."I wouldn't worry too much about him. He is a tough hellhound and if anyone can handle her then it is him." He gently placed a hand upon her shoulder as he started to walk out of the back room before turning back. "Stop by the bakery some time, i am sure that Tulip would love to chat with you and see you." He then walked out of the back room and headed back to the bakery. As he headed to the bakery he had to wonder just why Patience had shown back up.As he made his way back to the bakery he noticed that the lights were out which was odd since the place was open. Walking in from the back he set the bag down and called out. "'Lips, im back and got the salt that was needed." After hearing no reply he ealked out to the front and saw her laying there. Rushing over to her he gently lifted her to sit up as he sat down by her. "Tulips, can you hear me? What happened?" Vao let out a low growl at the insult as he made a fist and a chain of fore sprung up from the collar that was around her neck as he yanked her back aeay from the door as he growled. "Do not think i am some fool, I can tell there is something very off about you, it comes off of you and it is very strong." He watched Patience and let his tail swing from side to side. "This is MY town and i am not about to just let you go wandering about and starting issues with people. The look Benji had for you was one of shock and anger so if she acts that way then the town will only act much worse as Benji is the heart of this town. So how about we try this again. I keep you safe and you answer sone questions for and help out around to pull your weight."
Benji grumbledDoes he have to be so logical? "Yeah I'll stop by later, I have some work stuff I have to get done." She patted his hand and smiled at him as he left with the spices he came for. She tapped the ashes on to the floor and relaxed back into her chair once more closing her eyes to calm herself. Tulip slowly opened her eyes when Mordicai pulled her into his arms and began to rouse her. "Mordi" She whispered wincing and looked up at him. "I....I don't head hurts." She groaned and turned into his arms. "I don't know." She repeated. Patience stumbled backward falling to the floor from him yanking her. Her hands went up to the collar touching it and then looked down to the leash made of flames. She clicked her tongue and gathered herself standing to her feet once again. She let his words sink in and waited for him to finish speaking."I don't need your protection. From this ridiculous collar you've put on me you're not trying to protect me instead I'm a prisoner." Patience glared at him and left the living room and went to the bathroom to shower up. "You are a fool thinking keeping me like this will be of benefit to anyone." She then slammed the bathroom door and locked it.
"Its okay 'Lips lets just get you up off this cold floor and get you something for your head." He gently held onto his closest friend and gently helped her up and ushered her to a chair. "Ill make you some tea and something for your head." After he set her at the table he went to the back room to find some ibprophine and then started to boil some water for the tea. "Lips, is there anything you can remember about what happened?" He was curious as he had only been gone for a short period of tiime and they only had the two customers who had come in and yet now thery were gone.He heard the whistle of the teapot and got up to get thebhot water and make Tulips some tea to relax. Along with his baking skills it was truly his tea that was the best in the bakery for whatever need you had he would have a tea for it. He came back with a mug and handed it over to the young lycan. "Here, drink thisbto relax and here is somerhing for your head." He smiled and set down 2 small pills that would help with her head. Vao watched Patience go into the bathroom and shut the door. He let his fires flare up for a second before he turned amd went back to the living room. He could tell that she was strong but there was something else and if the feeling he got from Benji was the feeling of the whole town then it was wise to keep her whwre he could question her and kerp an eye on her but what he didnt know was that she wasnt alone.Inside of the bathroom was a good sized shower that probably could hold more than one person but the materials arpund the bathroom only suggested one person resided here. There were lights but also high up torches that lit and yet their flame did not burn anything which suggested they were not ordinary flames. Patience's shadow moved and ran a hand over her shoulder. "A great start. But really my dear i think that you can do better." While he wasnt able to take physcial form yet he was still attached to her. He was the crawler's second in command and the one who made it possible for her to return to the living world. He was known as Jack of Blades.
Tulip sat in the chair, the whole time she had been clutching on to her bracelet tightly and didn t realize until she was sitting upright. She opened her hand to see the broken charm and sighed. She removed her bracelet and tried to reattach the charm she fiddled with it for a few minutes before giving up and knowing it needed to be repaired by a professional. Lucky for her, her mother would be able to fix it but for now she tucked it into her pocket. Though it wasn t ideal but as long as she carried it on her person the charm would be effective, the glamor masking her identity. Mordi She spoke softly and looked up at him when he placed the pills and tea on the table. She took the pills and swallowed them down then sipped the tea. Thank you. I...I just can t remember. I know that the two customers had paid and left and maybe I had started to clean up then...then.... She closed her eyes frowning and her brow knitting together in frustration. I must have hit my head. She thought on that statement for a bit. That made sense why else s would her head be hurting so much and her memory fail her if she hadn t hurt it. Jack... She spoke softly looking at his shadow figure in the mirror. I m weak, you did not prepare me well enough to come back. Now look! She groaned gesturing to the collar. I won t be able to remove this disgusting thing for several days! Why did you allow this to happen? You could have easily prevented it. She growled and turned away from the mirror and moved to the shower. She turned the hot water one and waited for it to warm up. Once it did she stepped under the hot stream and moaned happily at the feeling of it on her. So wonderful She sighed happily her hands running over her body teasing her breast and nipples as she did.
Mordicai looked over Tulip and sighed abit as he looked at the shop. "well, I will have to ask around to see if anyone saw anything but in the meantime I do think you should go and see the doctor. You must of hit your head and probably have a concussion so I'd have that looked into the first moment you get. If you'd like I can close up shop and accompany you to the doctors then see to it that you get home safely." He was a little worried about what happened and why and if they would come back but right now his main concern was his closest friend. He smiled and watched tulip to make sure that if she had a concussion that she didn't pass out from it so he wanted to keep an eye on her. He noticed that she was trying to work with the charm before she pocketed it."The charm, 'Lips are you sure its going to be okay or whats going to happen?" He knew she rarely ever took off that charm so to see that it was not on the necklace and pulled off raised abit of concern for him as he knew the charm was very important to her and keeping her form but other then that he didn't know much about it as it was her family and personal and despite knowing her for so long he let her keep her family and personal issues to herself. "Because my sweet pet, If you had come in strong they would of known something was wrong and then their defenses would of gone up and you would of recieved much worse that that collar, perhaps put back in that painting I got you out of or perhaps burned at the stake." Jack watched as she moved to the shower as he paced abit. he would of loved to be there with her and touch her like he did when he first found her but he wasnt able to enter her world yet but given time he would be able to. "Right now you look like a weak and wounded some sort of puppy, and you can use that to our advantage..That hellhound seems intrigued with you. Play with it, use him and gather as much information and power from him and others around." He kept his eyes upon her while she got into the shower. "so you'll gather what you can and make them think you want to help them..I'll have the court release something into their world..Nothing too devastating to begin with but nothing too easy for them either. We have to gain their trust then once we have gathered everything I'll be able to enter and really cause trouble and we shall be able to release the crawler from his prison."Jack chuckled to himself before he went back to just being her shadow and always watching her. "remember babe I will always be watching you so do not think you are ever alone. Do what you must to be able to perform this task." With that being said he fell silent to let the beautiful woman take her shower. | 26 | ['Benginmina', 'Gummage', 'Beni'] |
93 | | Singularity F return: Parasitic Debauchery (Rin-san and Potter-kun) | Prologue: Fuyuki Hive mind.The whole city was dark. The Grail War here had clearly, however, turned very disastrous, as what one could not see from above, the ground was clearly covered in worms. Bodies lay about, drained dry and sucked out of all possible nutrients and meat to feed them. Of the few walking bodies, they were only all female, completely infested, their bodies clearly having been altered, thighs having become a bit plumper, while their breasts have grown, swelled a bit to a larger size, leaking drops of milk, made more suitable for the man who had caused all this.Amidst some rubble from a clear fight that had taken place only mere minutes ago, two figures fawned over one man, while his servant stood near him. Medusa watched, albeit moaning softly herself. After all, Shinji had infested her first to enhance her capabilities, and most importantly, her loyalty. She could feel it, the worms squirming inside of her pussy and ass, her legs shaking and buckling as she tried to stay still. One soon fell out, plopping onto the ground covered in pussy juice, its body wriggling on the ground in a pool of her juices.Before her, two other girls had fallen. Rin and a new servant, Ishtar. She could tell this Rin hadn't come from here. After all, she was ordered to dispatch her and Shirou earlier to stop both of them from opposing Shinji. This Rin had come from another time, with a rather similar looking servant to her. Despite how strong she looked, somehow they had dealt with both easily. Both of them had worms wriggling inside of their ass and pussy, and were both struggling to resist. But with Shinji's tantalizing cock in front of their face, she knew they would both fall."N.. neve..." Rin struggled. For all her resistance, her body failed her first, as her mouth opened up. Soon, she had it wrapped around his thick, fat cock, going down on it as Ishtar watched with a horrified face. Rin's eyes fluttered, widening with joy and happiness as she served her new Master. His meat plowed into her gullet multiple times, choking that tight little neck till he plunged it deep inside, unloading inside of her mouth, a thick, healthy serving of jizz, as well as a special little something, as Ishtar could see something else wriggling down Rin's throat. "N...nooo!" Before she could try to flee, Medusa held her down, as Shinji pulled out of Rin's cum filled mouth, letting her guzzle it down as he decided to give Ishtar a taste too. His disgusting cock forced it's way in, plowing inside and anchoring inside, giving a sense of hopelessness as Ishtar pushed futilely. The man cackled madly, as he had his fun with her, before she too could feel his cock throbbing inside of her throat. Her gagged moaning meant nothing, muffled pleas going nowhere as she could soon feel the first flood of jizz ejecting with hard force from his cock. There was so much, that even a Servant like her couldn't keep up. Her eyes soon rolled up to the back of her head, as she could feel it squirming down her throat, wriggling down into her stomach.After a few minutes, the Servant fell hard with a thud to the ground, next to her former master, both of them with immense amounts of jizz flowing from their lips. "Mm Such a good look for both of these sluts, don't you agree, Rider? I've gotten so much stronger! Kehahaha! Screw everyone! I'll control all of you losers! I've become powerful! All you bitches are mine! Mine!" He snickered as he looked at their shivering bodies, before snapping his fingers, letting his worms crawl over and swarm their bodies, infesting every hole and part of them."Alright, hurry up. Get up you dumb sluts!" Once every worm had crawled inside each girl, they both slowly began to get up on Shinjis command. Rin and Ishtar looked at him, before giving wide, forced smiles, looking almost quite creepy. "Master " both girls replied, before they crawled over to him. "That's right sluts, come to your owner. Turn around and spread your asses wide open, so that I can fuck the shit out of you both!" They happily complied, turning around, and placing each hand on their asses, pulling their plump rears to expose their holes. "F fuck us please! We're sorry for disobeying you! Fill us with more of your generosity!" He grinned, as he approached Rin first, and as he fucked her wild, Rin's tongue hanging out as her whole body jumped with each thrust, his fingers fucked Ishtar in the ass. "Just wait slut! Once I'm done with this whore here, I'll get you next!"Rider watched with a heavy feeling in her chest, a mix of her own feelings, and of a literal worm inside of her. There was no hope here...
Ritsuka awoke in a cold sweat his eyes shooting up as he shot up, his breath ragged. What was that sight...that city covered in worms...all those women and those two girls in particular. Who was the man commanding all those worms...was he real? Or had that all just been one giant nightmare. He looked around and finally remembered where he was. He was on a beach, taking a much earned vacation with some of his servants.He was bare chested, his chest covered in a small sheen layer of sweat and wearing a pair of green swimming trunks. His body was well toned, it had to be with all the battles he had fought recently. He looked out onto the sands of the beach and the ocean. He saw her servants having a good time, splashing around and play. He smiled slightly, happy to see them having a good time, that had earned this break just as much as he had. Still, that nightmare lingered in his mind...those worms and that city....His body shivered slightly as he tried to force that image from his mind and just focus on having a good time with his servants.
"Something wrong, Sempai?"Mashwalked up to Ritsuka. She noticed him wake up so suddenly, looking quite alert, scared stiff. Placing her palms on his forehead, Mash checked his temperature, wiping his face clean as well. "Sempai, do you have a nightmare fever? Whatever it was, it's okay now. After all, your shield is here." A gentle, warm smile came over her face. She was quite emitting of warmth, almost soothing it immediately."Master! Are you okay?!" Running over,Jeannerush over to check on him. As soon as he got up, it felt as though each servant detected his distress. Soon,Raikou,Nero, andShikicame all over. All of them soon began to fawn over him. "Are you okay?" "Master, are you doing well?!" "Master, is there something wrong??"
"Mash...." Ritsuka spoke softly, bringing his hand up to Mash's cheek and gently cupping it as he offered his first servant a small smile. "I had a small nightmare during my nap but I'm okay now that you are here." His smiled widened as his other servants approached, their concern for him calming his nerves. Now though, the lust from having seen that nightmare was at the forefront, a large bulge now apparent in his swimming trunks as he looked to his servants."Sorry to ask...but could you all help your Master relive some stress?" He asked with tinted red cheeks and a silly grin as his cock throbbed in his trunks, clearly in need of attention as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Mash's, his tongue lashing against her own lips, seeking to gain entry to her mouth as he waited to see how the other servants would react.
"S sempai! Mmpgh " Mash's lips opened up as she felt his tongue attempting to gain entry, allowing it to enter and come inside, exploring all over inside, as Mash let her own tongue dance with Sempai and share saliva. Her hands moved on their own, as she moved his hand underneath the skirt of her bathing suit, feeling his fingers stroking against the lines of her pussy beneath her panties."L let me deal with this one!" Jeanne got down onto her knees, as she worked to undo his trunks. His green trunks came down his legs, as she watched his erect meat slowly rise up in front of her face. Opening her mouth, the Saint of Orleans took the throbbing, pulsating head of his cock inside, licking underneath the glans and slurping up any dirt, cleaning it up quite nicely as she savored the taste. "L let me help as well!" Kneeling close next to Jeanne, Nero's head lowered underneath till she could see his hanging balls, cupping them with one hand, as she leaned in to lick them. Her pink tongue lathered and spreaded her saliva all over his hairy nutsacks, occasionally gathering up all sorts of stuff and swallowing them up. She'd even lick the shaft when she could, sharing it with the saint.Moving behind, Raikou lifted his head, before setting it down softly on her nude, soft pillowly breasts. "Please, rest nicely on my chest, Master. I will be here to comfort you should you fall asleep again, ehe." As if to follow up, Shiki took his other free hand, placing it on her breasts. "Please, feel these up to your liking as well "
Ritsuka eagerly kissed Mash, his tongue lashing against her own and swirling around inside her mouth as he felt his head rest between Raikou's large breasts as his cock was engulfed by Jeanne's lovely mouth as she eagerly licked and sucked on his throbbing cock, his pre cum dripping into her mouth and throat as Nero attended to his swollen balls as his hand eagerly squeezed Shiki's breast, her flesh molding beneath his skilled digits as he let out a moan into Mash's mouth before he pulled away." all are amazing...I want to fuck each of you...who should be first..." Ritsuka inquired, a large grin on his face. There was a bit of a contest they had come up with to decide these things. The girls would both pleasure him and each other and whoever came last would be the first one he fucked as a reward. He was eager to see if they would engage in that competition once more.
"P please! Do me first Master!" Jeanne quickly answered, "After all, I'm tending to your swollen meat!" Moving up, Nero objected. "No fair! I came here as well, and I'm getting his hanging balls ready. After all, I worked up all his semen, so I should receive all of Master's seed today!" Fully enveloping her breasts around his head, Raikou leaned in forward, as if to only allow him to hear her voice. "Fufu... you know who is the best at pleasuring you. Why don't you allow me to satisfy your desires, Master..?" His grip on Shikis breast tightened, as her hands clamped down on his own. "Clearly, you know that I'm willing to do whatever it is you'd like. I'm open and ready for any position, Master "Watching all the other female servants fond and fight over him, Mash seemed to waiver for a few minutes. After all, these were all legendary or powerful figures in history and time. However, she soon steeled herself, as she planted another kiss on his mouth, before pulling off, gasping after swallowing a mouthful of his saliva. "Sempai! Let me warm you up!" They all soon ramped up their own efforts, fingering themselves, pleasuring his body, and getting his own meat stiff and ready. How could one man choose between all of them? | 7 | ['Shinji', 'Medusa', 'Ishtar', 'Shirou'] |
94 | | Star Wars: A Stygian Bargain (Quantum Tangle x Lala) | Star Wars: The Stygian Bargain "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" 55 BBY Cha Raaba System Planet: Ylesia The Spice Rack Cantina Mid Day It was common practice for slaves to trade hands in Hutt Space. Ylesia was one of the foremost Spice Processing worlds in the outer rims, so when Spice Trade funneled through Kessel to Nar Shaddaa many warm slave bodies made the travel. Once transporters made the drop offs it is was simpler to just sell off the slave labor and purchase a new crew that it was to feed and bed them. Those sold off it would then not be uncommon to travel dozens of planets in a years span before settling on single owner or ending up working the Processing Factories on Ylesia where most slaves ended. It was not an enviable existence by any stretch.The lucky ones were bought by prosperous shop owners in the region the most desireable were bought by the Cantinas to entertain guests. For those with credits their bodies and minds could be cultivated to satiate other desires than simple sight. It was a rough existence but the Outer Rims Territories rarely saw equity among the lower classes.A pity genuinely, Ebbyn Shaa, thought to himself. For while he might praise constructive cruelty the baseless crushing of sentient will seemed fruitless and disappointing. An individual no matter their capability or status had uses beyond mindless physical labor. A mind and body could be cultivated for so much more, a philosophy he d earned during his years in a Republic Medical Academy. Indeed the Umbaran was a servant of the Galactic Republic . But the value of life had always been a subject that obsessed in his inner most thoughts. Shaa had judged the worth of millions and what determined their benefit to exist at all.Cold and calculating yes, but the pale man felt it a most pertinent balance to overly sympathetic thought. Wasn t that the most empathetic approach? To not let emotion and impulse cloud one s good intentions. And he was a good man, a better man.A tall figure he practically towered over most as he entered the Cantina wearing a flowing black Umbaran Shadowcloak, and a synthetic uniform comprised of black leathers dressed in white and blue materials. The sides of his head and his face held no hair, but the lengthy strip that he possessed were shaped into tight white braids, with metal jeweled clasps binding them together and allowing the braided tail to hang over his cloaked shoulder. His ghostly gaze practically undressed the room full of merchants and low lifes.Shaa held his gloved hand tucked formally in front of him as if a noble or diplomat. His dress and presence spoke of a wealth he may or may not have had, but it was further evidence to his beliefs the individuals reacted upon first seeing him. Despite their judgement whether dismissive, excited, suspicion, or annoyance they made their distance subconsciously away. They could instinctually realize presence of power when it approached. Yet that to the Umbaran was a clever illusion he d cast through combination of dress and body language.His surroundings was filled with murk of smoke and the scent of strong liquors and floral aromas coming in from the jungle scape outside. Yet above all else there was a pungent stain of spice in the air. Whether it be from the nearby factories, or those few independent contractors that chose to work those areas, and filtered through the air. The Umbaran s nostrils almost flared in annoyance at the scent but he kept his composure as his vision settled upon a lightly pigmented Rutian Twi lek slave girl that had been making her rounds about the floor. What a rarity her kind were this far out. Even the Twi lek slave trade knew better than to send their stock to Ylesia, when they could sell them to the more profitable pleasure dens elsewhere. That only meant she d had an unfortunate luck with handlers and owners.Standing now at the dingy bar flanked by filth and grime laden men, obviously they were the afterhours of a mining shift nearby, the Umbaran pleasantly genuflected with hands spreading open and out. With a thin lipped smile the piqued Doctor Shaa spoke, I was told to speak to a Treban Brudd about the acquisition of slaves. Looking down at the man behind the counter he did not break contact as he lightly added in his sharp foreign accent, It is of certain importance that I make this purchase soon.
The spice addled band swayed lethargically on stage, bleating out an often off key tune that warbled to the far corners of the Cantina. It was hazy and dim inside, a respite from the strangling humidity that gripped most of the jungle planet. The hewn stone walls kept the place cool without the aid of artificial generators, though they remained constantly clammy with collected moisture. Not so different from the caves of her homeworld, Nima ven thought as she threaded her way past the regulars that reached for handfuls of flesh wherever she went.Ylesia had been her home for nearly a year now, though she long ago stopped considering any place home. The word lost meaning in the constant shuffle from one place to the next, especially considering she had no say in where she ended up. Even Ryloth held no place in her heart these days. There was nothing there for her. Not anymore. She belonged nowhere, and drifted through the galaxy like space dust.A broad hand swept over the generous curve of her rump, brazenly displayed by the immodest covering her dancing silks offered her, when she sauntered past the miners gathered at the bar after shift. Her top offered little more covering than the skirt, a tiny bikini edged in gold that served to present her pert assets from the outset. The translucent material flashed with an iridescence her skin seemed to share, a very faint blue unlike most of the bold hued Rutian Twi leks. Gold bands enclosed wrists, ankles, and upper arms, along with a thicker one around her slender neck where a chain was sometimes placed. Her headpiece was a modest gold band worked with intricate coils and set with moonstones that favored her coloring.Nima ven s lekku vibrated with mild irritation at the brash act of this spice covered miner, though she saw Master Brudd eyeing her from across the room, so she lowered her lashes demurely and tittered as a comely flush swept over her cheeks. Her face was sweet perfection: all big, beautiful eyes and pouting lips, a delicate chin, high cheekbones. One look from her could turn the gruffest bounty hunter into a quivering porglet. More petite than most of her kind, she had a taut dancer s body, slender and toned but with ample offerings of hip and rear that never failed to draw the male gaze. Yet there was a reason she was here and not in one of the more popular Cantinas or pleasure dens, a reason she d been passed around more often than most slaves as alluring as she.Most seasoned slave owners picked up on it right away when she was on the block: that flash of defiance in sapphire hued eyes, that refusal to bow her head and bend her shoulders and weep over her fate. Slaves unbroken by their circumstances were dangerous, an undesirable risk many were unwilling to take, or unwilling to train out of them, no matter how attractive the packaging. Master Brudd had obtained her as part of a package deal and, though she was a large draw for the regulars in his Cantina, she had used up almost all of her chances when she broke a bottle over a mine supervisor's head the other night. But what could she do? He'd keep her, or he wouldn't.She often wondered what might have been if she weren t discovered, if her parents ploy to keep her hidden beneath the floor hadn t been exposed by neighbors desperate to save their own daughter from the slavers. The screams of ghosts followed her from place to place, the sound of blasters, the stomp of militant boots atop the panel in the floor. Hands reaching, always grabbing, hauling her out and grabbing her breasts as they declared what a fine price these would fetch. She would have been more. What, she could not say. Just more.A presence caught her attention as she gathered empty cups from a table near the back. A presence, before the figure himself eased into the Cantina. She couldn t explain it, but certain people triggered a little ripple of sensation down her spine like a chill in the night. This tall, regal man was one of them, and she found herself stealing glances at him as she worked.Not only did he awaken that strange sensation in her, but he was also rather out of place in this seedy little den. The others saw it too, shifting aside as the man confidently made his way to the bar. It was at that moment that she saw him turn a glance her way, striking at her with those pale eyes. This time when she ducked her chin down quickly and coiled her lekku in close, she meant it. Gathering her tray, she hastily made her way toward the back. Her heart galloped in her chest and she put a hand there to quell the frantic beat. Though others here and there had triggered that little feeling in her, she had never felt it so intensely before as she did coming off this man. She wished she knew what it meant.A moment later, she heard Master Brudd s coarse voice bellowing for her. Nima ven! Come! | 2 | [] |
96 | | Dino Rangers (1x1 with Usani_Chu) | Dr. Tommy Oliver sat staring at the clock. While he was normally a very enthusiastic teacher today just seemed to be off. Much like his students Tommy craved for Fridays to be over. While he didn't really have any big weekend plans the currently black ranger was looking to enjoy some down time. The veteran ranger had been known for enthusastic hobbies and trying to live life to the fullest. But, even he enjoyed a quiet afternoon every once in a while.He glanced out over the class currently heads down into their tests. He looked at the students and made sure to take an extended glance at the newest version of the power rangers. They were a good group of kids and he was especially proud of how far they had progressed as a team. Finally he locked onto to Kira. His house guest for the last few days, god only knows what the school would think if they found out, and close friend. Tommy knew that she had a rough home life and was glad to help the yellow ranger out. But, things had been weird between them. Kira seemed to almost avoid him first thing in the morning. Part of him worried that she didn't have enough space.Tommy was drawn from his day dream by the sound of the bell. Quickly standing he called out, "Okay everyone pencils down. Please leave your test on my desk on your way out. And remember enjoy your weekend. But not too much." With that last part he half glared at a couple of football players known for throwing wild parties on Friday nights. Tommy stood by the desk watching the stack of papers pile up as the students left.
Kira Ford had had a rough week. Math was her weakest areas of knowledge so with it being Friday and also midterm day for some of her classes including Algebra 2 it put her in a...well let's just say a rather sour mood. But, at least with Dr. Oliver's tests she seemed to always shine which somehow surprised her cause normally she was a bad test taker regardless of the topic. Could be that for once she had a high school teacher that actually made coming to class fun and always seemed to keep her interest. Hell even their field trips were a blast! She'll never ever forget the day her and her now best friend Ethan and Connor had discovered the Dino Gems and Dr. Oliver's lab, that was a life changer to say the least. The now 18 year old normally kept to herself and didn't really have any friends in the beginning. But, now she had two of the best friends she could ask for and one hell of a life as a Power Ranger, specially with someone like Dr. Oliver guiding them!Living with him definitely had it's awkward moments but those moments were more just her own personal matter cause usually she'd wake up the next morning from a rather heated dream about him and would not be able to make eye contact through the day. She would be lying if she said she didn't find Tommy attractive that was definitely true considering her dreams she'd been having. So, the past week had been a life saver since he gave her a place to stay so she could finally be away from her lush of a mother. Sadly her dad left them just about 5 years ago and for some reason that's when her mom started picking up the bottle again and sadly Kira sometimes would come to school with a bruise or 2, unfortunately she didn't wear makeup so some of them were hard to hide. That was when Dr. O stepped in to talk to her privately and so when she told him she told him everything and he was the only one who knew it all, if it was anyone she trusted with something as deep and dark as that it'd be him. So, when he offered her a place to sleep he refused to take no for an answer no matter what excuse she'd come up with. She'd didn't have to pay rent as long as she kept up her grades and of course helped around the house and even his lab, which she loved being in his lab!As soon as the bell rang Kira looked up at the clock then closed her book and slipped it into her backpack. She had finished the test about 15 minutes earlier than everyone else. She then got up and grabbed her test and walked over and laid it on Dr. O's desk and walked out. This time though it wasn't to avoid eye contact, no this time it was because she had a band rehearsal and was playing tonight at Haley's Cafe Cyberspace. She grabbed her phone and sent out a mass text to Ethan, Tommy and Connor,"See you guys tonight! We start setting up at 6pm, don't be late!" . Kira, Ethan and Connor for obvious reasons only to them had Dr. Oliver's personal cell number.:View: https: watch?v IimscdrB9N0:View: https: watch?v 4HvMPlW4fK0
Tommy watched the class leave before checking his phone. He saw Kira's text and smiled. She was a very talented musician and he always enjoyed her sets. Her music was filled with passion and she seemed inspired by the world.He finished packing his things. Her show wasnt for a few hours so he had some down time. Tommy decided it was probably a good idea to blow off some steam. There was a gym nearby where the doctor could go and ignore the world for a short period.After a brief workout and necessary shower Tommy met the guys at the cafe and waited for the set. To unassuming or uncaring eyes this was just a teacher supporting his students.
She met up with her band mates about an hour before show time. Kira knew her friends always showed up early because they enjoyed hearing her soundcheck. She wasn't sure if Tommy would come for soundcheck, sometimes he would show up right before the show started instead. The idea of him showing up for her soundcheck gave her knots in her stomach.Haley walked over to Kira and placed a hand on her shoulder, she smiled, "You seem like you have the jitters today, here this smoothie should help." Kira smiled as she blushed, "That easy to tell huh?" Haley nudged her gently, "Not hard to tell since we've been getting more people here whenever you before now, don't let stage freight get to ya girl you got this!" She then walked back behind the counter and went back to work.Once they were set up Kira turned to her band mates, "Patiently then Freak You Out." They smiled and nodded then started up then Kira started to sing. Luckily she started off smooth after she took a slow breath with her eyes closed, believe it or not Tommy would tell her that whenever she first started training as a Power Ranger so she used it whenever she was really nervous before soundcheck especially.:View: https: watch?v Lv AEWrKXFk:View: https: watch?v J8f2sMl5FNo
Tommy ordered his usual smoothie and sat with the guys. Like so many times before he had flashbacks to Ernies. He thought of the old gang and wondered what they were up to. Maybe he should try and get back in touch with them.He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of a guitar string. He turned to the stage just in time to hear Kira begin. When they finished the song the crowd erupted into applause. Tommy was very proud of his student and eager to to hear the rest of the set.Ethan seemed to ask him a question that Tommy barely heard. Giving a half hearted base answer seemed to satisfy the young ranger. Tommy had been lost in thought and the moment. Kira was something amazing. A thought that he quickly tried to brush from his mind.
When she sang 'Patiently' you could tell with how much passion she put into it that she was thinking of someone. Kira eyes would lock on Tommy but then quickly look away when he caught her gaze. Once they finished their soundcheck Kira smiled at the applause, it really made her smile knowing that people were coming to see her song more and would even come for soundcheck just to get an extra ear full. "Thanks guys, stick around for the full show! We'll be starting in an hour."She then hopped off stage and grabbed her smoothie from the table as she sat across from Tommy. "Glad to see you were able to pull away from your teacherly duties for my soundcheck Dr. O." she smiled cheekily. Connor smirked, he was the only one that knew her secret and she hadn't even said anything. By now he could read her like a book, he could see how she'd look at Dr. Oliver at times.
"Oh well a teacher must be so much more than an instructor. He has to be a mentor and a conciser of fine music," Tommy said with a smile. "Or of soccer and computer programs." He quickly added looking towards the boys. Tommy was worried that maybe he was getting a little to comfortable with Kira.Sure she had been his roommate for the last few days and Kira was the new yellow ranger. But, there was still a certain level of decorum that he needed to present. And the type of rumors that could fly around would ruin both her life and his career. "But no pending any giant monster attacks there is no where else I would want to be. I support all three of you."Tommy had often wondered if Zordon could leave his capsule would he have been this kind of mentor. Going to games, gymnastics events, or even science fairs. He liked to think the blue alien would have. Dr. Oliver tried to emulate Zordon when ever possible."So how big is the set tonight?" Tommy asked a little unsure of the wording he needed to use.
Kira always hung on to every word Tommy spoke even if she couldn't always make eye contact with him. She sipped her smoothie then cleared her throat and looked up at Tommy then skimmed the room a bit as more people began piling in. "Adding a fourth song to the set that's a duet with an old friend of mine. So just four tonight. But, I'm working on a cover song and my buddy that's coming to sing with me is gonna send my demo CD once I finish it to her producers!"Connor beamed at the news, "Kira! Hell yeah girl, rock on!" Kira grinned as COnnor gave her a high five and she gave one back. "Thanks, yeah I'm excited but so damn nervous cause this is a really big producer! He's worked with Avril Lavigne and so that alone makes me a nervous wreck, heh." With Connor and Ethan around she was able to be more laid back and less nervous around Tommy. Ethan smiled, "Dude that's awesome, trust me I got a feeling you'll blow them away!"
"Yeah you got this. Just play like you always do and trust yourself," said Tommy. He hadn't realized how big of an event this was going to be. But, he wasn't worried Kira knew what to do and she seemed genuinely excited about this opportunity.Tommy spent the next little while sitting back just listening to the three friends visit and heckle each other. Once again he was reminded of his own past and rangers of Angel Grove. But, that seemed like a life time ago and now these were the chosen rangers. Kira especially seemed to flourish under her new role and the one she was making for herself.
Eventually it was time for her to go on stage. But, just before she did her friend Kylee Styles tapped her on the shoulder. People saw Kylee walk in and were whispering in surprise to see someone like her here! Kira turned around and grinned, "Oh Kylee you're early!" Kylee smiled and hugged her best childhood friend. "Heh, yeah I know but I figured I'd show up with my surprise before you started." Suddenly her Producer Amelia Stone walked over to both young women. "Ah, so this is the Kira Ford you've been talking about?" Kylee smiled, "Oh yeah! She's got some insane crazy talent!" Amelia smiled, "Amelia Stone but please call me Amy." She put her hand out for Kira to shake. Kira looked almost like a deer in headlights as she chuckled nervously, "O Oh, oh gosh um hi! Pleasure to meet you, th thanks for coming!" Amy smiled, "No problem at all, can't wait to see you two before together."And soon it was time. Kira hopped up on stage and soon the show started, Kylee watched from backstage so that way she didn't draw any attention away from Kira. Connor and Ethan looked at each other in shock when they saw Kylee walk in then paid attention as soon as the music for the first song started up. Kira started singing 'Patiently', truthfully when she wrote that song months ago she only had one person on her mind when she wrote it, Tommy.
Tommy was equally surprised to see Kylee. He remember that she was a famous singer and a long time friend of Kira. It was wonderful seeing the two of them back together. Returning to his seat he watched the first song with the guys. This was a song he had heard her play a few times and it was always such a beautiful piece. She seemed to pour more of her heart and soul into it everytime she played.It was strange though. Tommy noticed that she seemed to focus on him almost the entire time she was performing. While it was more than likely a figment of his overactive imagination Tommy still wondered if there wasn't something going on there.
They show went very well! Kira could tell people were really enjoying the show. She remembers when people would come in and they'd talk so loud they'd almost drown out her singing, crazy how things changed so quickly. "Alright guys! I'm so glad you guys are having fun, now this last song is a song I wrote with someone very close to me. We've reunited after 3 years and decided to dust off an old song we wrote together. Everybody please welcome Kylee Styles!" She crowd began to clap as Kira grinned and clapped along as her friend walked out on stage and waved at everyone then hugged Kira.Kylee got onto the other mic and nodded at Kira when she was ready. Kira nodded back with a smile then began the song. It was a song 'True Love' about a crappy breakup that Kylee went through, Kira helped her get through by writing this song.Once they finished the cafe flooded with applause and cheers and Kira looked and saw Kylee's producer Amelia clapping as well which made both girls grin. Eventually people started to leave here and there, some stayed behind to get both Kira and Kylee's autographs. Amy approached them both, "You two were amazing! Kira I definitely would love to hear more from you soon. Kylee said you're working on a demo is that right?" Kira smiled and nodded, "Actually yeah I am!" Amy nodded, "I look forward to hearing it." She then gave Kira her card, "Call me and we'll set up an appointment when you're ready." "Wow thank you so much Amy, I definitely will!" Amy then left and Kylee joined Kira and her friends at their table, "Kira I told you she'd love you!" Kylee beamed. Kira smiled, "That was definitely the must nervous I've ever been during a performance." Ethan congratulated Kira then said he had to head out same with Connor since he had a Soccer game this weekend and needed to practice.
Tommy listened to every song intently. He focused on every word and cord finding himself hung up on every bit of the performance. Kira was truly in her element. It was admirable to see someone in that position.As they sounds of the show died off Tommy finally broke words with the boys. All three shared their enjoyment of the performance and expressed the desire to see another show soon. The red and blue rangers quickly departed leaving Tommy alone with the two ladies. "Well since its just the three of us how about some food. My treat?"Tommy was really enjoying his time out and figured that as a teen Kira probably didn't want to be cooped up in some house out in the woods all weekend.
Kira stretched as she scrolled through her phone then looked up. "Huh? Oh yeah definitely!" She looked over at Kylee, "So, able to cheat on your crazy diet for a night?" she smirked. Kylee chuckled softly and nodded, "Yeah, I think I can for one night." "Awesome! You'll love the burgers and fries here, the food as well as the smoothies are amazing!" Kira grinned.
Tommy ordered the food and the three sat and visited. Once the food arrived conversation seemed sparce as the trio ate. The teacher was grateful for the company and change of pace. The two young women were wonderful conversationalists and really made him feel welcome. As the evening came to a close Tommy paid the bill and looked to the ladies. "Well thank you for the wonderful night. Much more fun that my usual Fridays."
Kylee smiled, "Definitely a lot less hectic then mine!" she chuckled softly. Kira smiled then yawned as she stretched. "I'm beat. Constant studying for my midterms were nerve wracking all week. Just glad to have them done and over with. Damn I can't wait to finally graduate in 3 months." Kylee hugged her best friendly and smiled warmly at her, "You got my number chicky, shoot me a call and let me know how that appointment with Amy goes once you have it!" She turned to face Tommy and smiled politely, "It was a pleasure to meet you Dr. Oliver. I can definitely understand why she talks so highly of you." Kira looked down shyly and blushed as she bit her bottom lip and swallowed a lump in her throat. "Take care guys." Kylee then walked out and headed back to her hotel so now there just stood Kira and Tommy as Haley started closing up with Trent. Kira cleared her throat as she looked up, "So, shall we had home for the night?"
"Yeah that sounds nice," he said. They walked to the car in relative silence. Tommy helped her load his stuff into the vehicle and the two headed out of town. It was strange for this to become so normal. Over the last few days of her staying Tommy had become used to driving the two of them out to his place and her staying. He had thought that it would never not be awkward but this was becoming a nice routine. On the way Tommy chuckled slightly. "So you talk about me a lot now?"
Kira blushed as she smiled shyly unable to hide it as hard as she tried. "Heh, w well I mean I I'm not the only one who does. Hell even Connor talks about how awesome your class is. It's weird to hear him talk about a class he actually LIKES." she giggled softly as she looked out at the scenery as he drove. Her hand twitched slightly due to the fact that she was holding back because she wanted to grab his hand so badly. That was one of the many things she loved about Tommy physically, he had amazing hands, just...something about them...strong and everything. The idea of him holding her and...other things had her thighs clench together and her face turn red.
Tommy gave out a slight chuckle as she stammered through. It was obvious he had put Kira on the spot and was enjoying the moment. Not but a minute later the pair arrived at his house in the middle of the woods. Once again Tommy rushed to help her with her things. "Well I'm going to head downstairs to do a bit of work before I turn in. Enjoy your evening." Tommy turned and headed towards the dino skeleton replica. Opening the passage he headed to the basement the new rangers used as a base. Tommy sat at the computer and began going over some old designs.
She hopped out of the jeep and grabbed her bag while he grabbed her guitar. Normally Kira hated it when people touched her guitar but Tommy was an exception, he was always very careful with it which made her smile. She walked into the house and slid out of her boots and carried them to her room after grabbed her guitar from him, she smiled, "Alright you too." Once she got into her room she closed the door and leaned against the cool would and let out a deep sigh, "Damnit!" she said out loud to herself, "These thoughts have got to stop!"
After a short while of working on some ranger items Tommy looked over and noticed his school bag. Inside was a giant stack of tests that were not going to grade themselves. Sighing he opened the leather satchel and got to work. Almost an hour went by and Tommy had managed to get about a quarter of the way through them. He sighed once again and looked at the clock. It was getting late and Tommy was getting frustrated. "Ill finish in the morning," he said to himself.Tommy got up and stretched. His well formed and toned muscles were feeling the strain of being hunched over the computer. Maybe another hot shower before bed will do me some good, he thought to himself rising up the stairs from his lair.
Kira knew by this point there was only one way to get rid of this mental and now but also not new PHYSICAL frustration. She had been down this road once before while being here. She groaned in annoyance as she threw off her shirt then slipped out of her jeans and under the covers. She reached over to her nightstand and grabbed in the drawer a black vibrating wand then clicked off her light. Soon all that could be heard in the darkness was a slow vibrating hum.Kira then closed her eyes and reached underneath her blanket and used one of her hands to tease one of her nipples. Making her moan softly as it began to harden, her other hand holding the toy as it traveled down her body to between her legs. She moved it around each of her inner thighs making her breath catch as she let out another groan. Damn she was definitely relieved Tommy was in the basement...or so she thought...
Tommy walked around the house for a few minutes. Checking that the door was locked and the alarms were set. Even with Kira in the house his evening routine was very engraved into his head and he did little to deviate from it. Satisfied that the house was taken care of Tommy went off to retire.Walking down the hallway he caught himself stopping by the door of his guest room. From inside he thought that he could hear a slight humming noise. This wasn't the first time he had heard it but didn't think much of it. Pressing his ear to the door Tommy began to hear Kira making sounds inside. His hand reached for the door and he second guessed himself. Kira was an eighteen year old girl. She didn't need her teacher checking in on her.He was about to walk away and caught himself. No there might be a problem that she didn't want to tell him about. A quick peek wouldn't hurt. Tommy quietly turned the handle and peeked through the crack and was greeted by the sight of Kira under the covers. Judging by the sounds and her movements he knew exactly what the yellow ranger was doing. Close the door, he thought. But, he was unable to look away from the sight before him.
Kira eventually moved it over her mound, running up and down her pussy slips slowly then in slow circles making her moan. Eventually the toy reach her clit and she held it there. Causing her to let out a long yet soft moan as she arched her bag then suddenly Tommy's name slipped best her lips ever so sweetly. Her other hand now teasing her other breast as she began running the toy ever her clit with more force causing her to bite her lip, whimpering.
Tommy watched with keen interest. His mind, long since forgetting this was his student and teammate that he was watching, was become muddled with a lustful curiosity. Hearing her moan out his name came as a pleasant surprise to the now black ranger. Tommy activated the black crystals power and turned himself invisible. Pushing the door every so slightly he slipped into the room and quietly closed it behind him. Tommy sat still watching the bed to see if she would react to the door.
minot18 said: Tommy watched with keen interest. His mind, long since forgetting this was his student and teammate that he was watching, was become muddled with a lustful curiosity. Hearing her moan out his name came as a pleasant surprise to the now black ranger. Tommy activated the black crystals power and turned himself invisible. Pushing the door every so slightly he slipped into the room and quietly closed it behind him. Tommy sat still watching the bed to see if she would react to the door. Click to expand... Kira's breathing picked up and she could feel her juices already flowing down one of her thighs. Suddenly when she heard the door she jumped and gasped as she looked around frantically while covering herself up. "H Hello?" Her heart pounding like crazy.
Tommy didn't move and kept his breathing to a minimum. He was trying his best not to panic. He simply had wanted to watch her as she finished. Than he was going to sneak out. Now Kira was aware of his presence. Just because she happened to moan his name didn't mean that she actually wanted him to walk in on her. Tommy had always held to the belief that fortune favored the bold.Standing up Tommy removed the invisibility glamour and smiled at Kira. He simply stood and stared at her blanket covered body. What does one say in this situation? The black ranger decided not to say anything at all and walked up to the bed. He reached for the blanket and gave it a slight tug trying to pull it from her body.
minot18 said: Tommy didn't move and kept his breathing to a minimum. He was trying his best not to panic. He simply had wanted to watch her as she finished. Than he was going to sneak out. Now Kira was aware of his presence. Just because she happened to moan his name didn't mean that she actually wanted him to walk in on her. Tommy had always held to the belief that fortune favored the bold. Standing up Tommy removed the invisibility glamour and smiled at Kira. He simply stood and stared at her blanket covered body. What does one say in this situation? The black ranger decided not to say anything at all and walked up to the bed. He reached for the blanket and gave it a slight tug trying to pull it from her body. Click to expand... When Kira's saw who had been standing in her room she felt like fainting. She knew she wasn't dreaming either. "W We at are you " Her voice trailed off as her eyes followed every move he made towards her. Kira's was trembling like crazy when he reached for her covers. Her mind was screaming at her to stop him but her heart was pounding so loud in her ears she could barely hear her mind. And her body betrayed her too as her arms slowly dropped down when he uncovered her. Kira looked down, avoiding Tommys gaze.
Tommy looked her young body up and down. Her skin was flawless and her breasts sat high and firm. A slight shudder ran down his spine as his desire grew. Laying on the bed next to her was the black toy still humming away. Still not saying a word Tommy sat on the bed next to her. He reached for the toy and ran it up her long leg. As it reached her inner thigh he began moving it in tight circles. Slowly he worked the device towards her vagina teasing the young woman every step of the way.
Kira's body was already so worked up that when Tommy started using the toy on her Kira's eyes rolled back and closed as her head fell back and she began to moan softly. Her legs started opening as her hands gripped the side of the bed gently.
Tommy finally brought the small toy to her most sensitive area. The vibrating object rubbed against the already wet flesh as Tommy moved it around. He dipped it into her warm core just enough to tease her. He still hadn't said a word.
The fact that he hadn't spoken still was a bit nerve wracking for her but at the same time with what she feeling both physically and emotionally she sometimes didn't notice it. She whimpered as she felt the smell vibrator enter her. She could feel it just barely touching her clit which made her tremble.
Tommy continued to work the toy around. Her moans were inticing and maddening. Finnaly he cleared his throat and whispered out. "Should I keep going? Do you want me to stop?"
Kira's eyes were closed and her mind was completely foggy and lost in the moment. That when Tommy spoke it almost spooked her which is why she gasped softly, her eyes opening. "U Um..." she shook her head no and suddenly she realized that didn't answer either question so she eventually found her voice as she spoke softly, "P Please don't stop..."
Tommy nodded and smiled. It still felt wrong but at least he had permission now. He continued to work her pussy with the toy. Leaning in close he took one of her nipples in his mouth sucking it.
Kira had closed her eyes again just before she felt Tommy's warm mouth now on one of her nipples. She shivered hard and whimpered and moaned as she bucked her hips, finally feeling the toy on her clit. With everything she was feeling now she was having a hard time sitting up. Her body would lean back slightly but she didn't wanna move back causing Tommy to move away.
Tommy sucked on both of her breasts for a short while. But it didnt seem like it was enough. Placing the toy to the side he moved more on to the bed. He climbed on top of her and kissed her lips for the first time.
When he climbed on top of her Kira exhaled a shaky breath as she laid on the bed. When he kissed her her entire body trembled from head to toe and she moaned softly against his lips, wrapping her arms around his neck. Kira's head was feeling fuzzy but in a good way, she almost wouldn't have believed what was happening if Tommy wasn't touching her right then.
Tommy continued to kiss her for a few minutes. They were heated and passionate. After a short while he began trailing the kisses down her body. Starting at her neck, than breasts, than stomach, and finnaly coming down to her core.
Just from the kisses alone Kira's core was aching to be touched. When Tommy began kissing down her body Kira was breathless when he pulled away from the kiss. She then started to arch her back as he moved down her chest and stomach. When he got to her core she gasped just from feeling the heat from his breath on her.
Going in slowly Tommy took a moment to take in the moment. Here he was with his students leg almost around his head. He leaned and gave the slit a delicate lick. Another short moment later he grabbed hold of her thighs and dove in licking and tasting her sweet center,
She whimpered softly and trembled when she felt his warm tongue slowly go up her slit. But, it was when he began finally really going in and tasting her. She gasped and arched her back, placing her hand on the back of his head, moaning deeply as her hips moved.
Tommy spent a few minutes just licking her core. The taste and her moans were like an aphrodisiac encouraging him to continue. He moved his left hand over feeling for the small toy still buzzing away. He continued to tongue fuck her as the toy was brought up to tease her clit.
Kira threw her head back and cried out loudly the second the toy touched her clit. She knew no one would hear her since they were in the woods. She was panting as her hand tightened in his hair as she bucked her hips. "T Tommy..." she cried as she rode against his face and the toy.
Tommy continued with his assault. As she moaned and called his name he began to speed up. He wanted to taste her release. He wanted to drive her to the point of no return and give her the climax she had been fantasizing about.
The second she felt her clit throbbing against the toy she knew she was close to cumming. She leaned up and bucked her hips faster as she panted harder. Kira's head was lightheaded from all the intense pleasures she was feeling all over her body. She whimpered as she bit down on her bottom lip and rode his tongue faster, "I I'm g gonna...gonna...ah shit!" She fell back against the bed and arched her back and cried out loudly and came and for the first time harder than she ever had before, she felt herself squirt. She had never done that before but she knew about it from some of the porn she had seen while watching some late at night on her phone whenever she needed a little help. She continued riding out her orgasm then went limp as she caught her breath, staring at the ceiling trying to take in what just happened.
Tommy sat through as she explosively finished against his face. He rode out the experience as her body twisted in pleasure. Tommy waited until she was done that sat up. He wiped off his face and tasted the sweet dew that now was on his fingers. Tommy looked down at the young woman who now made no attempt to hide her body from him. "Well that was quite the finish." he commented running a hand across her body.
She watched as he licked his fingers and honestly she thought it was the sexiest thing she had ever seen. Then feeling his hand on her now sensitive skin made her tremble hard. You think Kira would've felt shy after all of it but she was just almost in a daze of almost disbelief. She chuckled slightly, "Y Yeah you're telling me." she breathed heavily.
He continued to sit on the bed his hand slowly moving up and down her smooth legs. He wanted to continue on. Her young body was enticing and pleasing to his eyes. But part of him also though that maybe the should talk first. After all he had essentially snuck in and tongue ducked her to climax.
She eventually slowly sat up, biting her lip nervously. She swallowed a lump in her throat, she wanted to continue to but she had also never gone that far and wasn't even sure if he'd be okay with it. "So..."
Tommy could see she was reluctant as well. But, she hadn't thrown him out of the room yet or called the cops so he took it as a good sign. His left hand trailed across her legs and up her body. When he reached her head he pulled her into a kiss.Tommy had a very particular taste for this sort of thing. But she wasnt ready for that yet. Hell Tommy didnt even know if she had even tried something like this. He chose to remain quiet about his real desires and instead stayed slow and almost passionate.
When he pulled her into another kiss she instantly melted into it as she leaned into him, wrapped her arms around his neck. She could already feel her body heating up with anticipation again. She knew this was a slippery slope she was going down now but she didn't care anymore. He hadn't walked out or stopped anything they were doing and that told her all she needed to know.
Tommy broke from the kiss and rose from the bed. If they were going to do this than might as well go all the way. He began disrobing. He was slow and methodical with it. Never breaking eye contact he smiled at the naked woman before him. "Say the word and we can stop," he said pulling his pants down .
Kira's eyes locked on his as Tommy stood up to undress. She nodded understanding what he said as she watched him remove his clothes. She had a feeling he was built but seeing it underneath almost made her pulse quicken. Her eyes trailed from his shoulders, to his chest down to when he began removing his pants. Her pussy was starting to ache all over again just from watching him.
Tommy finishes removing his clothes and climbed on top of her again. He started gentle kissing her easing her into things. As the kissing became heated and more intense he lined his member with her slit. He looked to her giving her a last chance to back away.
Kira moaned softly in the kiss as she leaned into it. She shivered slightly when she felt his cock position at her entrance. Her eyes met his just before he went further. She nodded, telling him to keep going. She braced herself for what she was about to feel for the first time. Her arms stayed wrapped around him as she opened her legs a bit more.
Tommy pushed in. He was very slow allowing her to adjust to him. He felt some resistance knowing what it was. His hips jerked slightly pushing past rhe barrier her hymen.
Kira buried her face into the crook of his neck as she squeezed her eyes shut trying to push past the pain. She gritted her teeth as she whimpered in slight pain feeling tears sting the corner of her eyes. Her hips twitched in response and eventually started moving a little, slowly adjusting to him. Her tight hold around him eventually loosened as the pain slowly turned dull.
Tommy held her close as she worked through the pain. As soon as she began to move he did as well. His thrusts were slow and gentle. He kept a steady ryhtem getting her used to the feelings.
She felt her walls form around him like a glove. She began to moan softly as she felt him beginning to move with her. She leaned back against her pillow and moved a bit faster now that the pain was gone. Her hands were braced on his back as she looked up at him.
Tommy maintained eye contact as he thrust back and forth into his friend. He picked up a little speed but tried to remain gentle. Her first time deserved to be special and not some romp she would regret.
Every thrust into her Kira could feel herself stretch even more and at some point she felt herself beginning to tighten around him a bit. She rested her forehead against his then leaned up and kissed him deeply and started grinding her hips.
Tommy continued the rapid thrusting drawing closer and closer to climax. She was an exquisite beauty Andy he had never imagined himself with her in this position.
Kira has had feelings for him for quite some time now and to even be with him like this was unimaginable. Her heart was racing like crazy as her breathing picked up. She could feel her orgasm getting closer. Her nails gentle dug into his shoulders as she tightened even tighter around him now that she was nearing her release. "I I'm almost there." she breathed as her head fell back as she moaned loudly.
Tommy knew that he was going to be getting close as well. There had always been rumors that he was a womanizer and had a different girl every weekend. At one time that may have been true but now he was simply to busy with his students and duties as a ranger. As the finale drew closer Tommy knew that he had a decision to make. He had forgotten a condom in his lust addled mind and did not want to finish inside Kira. But, he would try and cross that bridge momentarily the first thing was finishing off the vixen in front of him.
Kira bucked her hips faster as her panting picked up. She then knew what would help get her there, she looked up at Tommy. "Tommy, pick me up and sit me on your lap." she breathed as she continued grinding into him.
Tommy nodded his head and with a little bit of awkward moment rotated the pair. Now he was siting down leaning back on his arms. In his laps on her knees was the beautiful Kira. Tommy could not recall a more beautiful women that he had been in this position with. "Take it slow," he said. "Just do what fells natural."
Actually this position was even better than the one she had in mind originally. Now she had complete control of her movements. She nodded as he spoke, "Okay." Kira then slowly began moving up and down, getting use to the new angle and use to the feeling of hoe deep he was now inside her. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply as her hand laid gently on his chest and she just moved at a slowed pace at first. Eventually as the sensations and sensitivity built she began moving a bit faster each time, her breathing picking up and moaning.
Tommy held her hips as she moved up and down. His eyes followed the swaying of her breasts and the shaking of her body. He could feel the his moment was approaching and he had no way of pulling out. "Kira I'm getting close you need to stop."
Kira leaned down and spoke softly into his ear, "It's okay, I'm on birth control." She kissed on his neck just as she felt herself squeezing around him which made her shudder hard. She was seconds away but wanted to climax with him.
Tommy continued to hold on to her his eyes now glued shut in pleasure. A familiar tingle began to grow from his body. With a final gasp he called out, "Shit, Kira I'm gonna.." His voice trails off as he gasps filling her void with his release.
The second she felt Tommy climax Kira followed right behind him. Her eyes rolled back as she dropped her head back moaning in complete ecstasy. She eventually started riding him slowly as she finally rode out her last bit of energy from her orgasm. Eventually she laid on his chest, breathing heavily as she regained herself.
Holding her close to his body, Tommy tried to catch his breathe. This had been a whirlwind experience that he had never imagined that would happen. He ran a hand through her hair as the pair sat riding out the orgasmic bliss. "Wow Kira that was amazing."
She smiled softly as her nails gently ran up and down his chest. "Yeah it definitely was." She leaned up slightly and nuzzled his neck comfortably and sighed softly as she finally started to relax.
"I'm not sorry for what just happens. But, I am sorry for how it came about. I shouldn't have just barged in on you." Tommy ran his hands lightly across her body. "You don't regret this right?"
"Oh hell no I don't regret it one bit. Honestly I'm glad you did." She hesitated to speak her next thought as she smiled shyly. "A Actually I had a dream one night that you used your Invisibility power and snuck in my room without a sound and you laid next to me and touched me one point even...went down on me." she giggled softly, shyly.
He couldn't help but smile at her confession. "Well I guess dreams do come true," he said with a laugh. He realized that he was still in side of her and both were covered in a thin sheet of sweat and after effects. "We may want to clean up a bit."
"True except the only difference was I could see you. In my dream you stayed invisible the whole time." She sighed, "I'm comfy and too drained to move." she chuckled.
"Well maybe next time I can play the phantom stranger," Tommy said laughing. He was a little unsure if she would want a next time. Who knows by morning she might completely come to her senses and have him arrested. But, maybe this will be different. Maybe this relationship would progress and he would be able to introduce her to his ideas on sex. "Why don't we just get some rest for now."
Kira smiled, "That sounds fun." she giggled. She then nodded as she yawned softly, "Sounds good." Kira honestly hoped this wasn't it for them. She had a bad feeling he'd completely change his mind and maybe even throw her out because it would make things even more awkward if she was living there.
The pair shifted and began to rest comfortably in what had become Kira's room. Sleep came quickly and easily as the events of the evening winded down. Tommy woke early the next morning. He still had Kira wrapped in his arms. He managed to undo himself from her and went to shower. After a quick clean up he made his way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. It was saturday so barring a ranger emergency no one was expecting the pair anywhere.
Kira eventually awoke not too long after Tommy did. She looked around and noticed Tommy was gone that sudden feeling in her stomach appeared but then she smelled food cooking and soon the feeling disappeared. She then got up from the bed and slipped on a tshirt and shorts then went downstairs into the kitchen. "Morning!" she greeted with a smile.
Tommy looked over from the stove and smiled. "Good morning," he said. He slid over a plate of eggs and bacon. "Not much of a breakfast but it is the most important meal of the day." Tommy realized just how much of a teacher he sounded like. He chuckled to himself pouring coffee. "And of course the most important beverage of the day."
She chuckled as she shook her head and grabbed a coffee cup. "You're so cliche you know that?" She poured herself a cup of coffee and fixed it up how she liked it. She then took her food to the table and sat down blowing on her coffee then sipping it.
"Well comes with the territory." Tommy said joining her at the table. "Being a teacher and a mentor you pick up certain bad habits that you don't even realize." He had other habits as well on a personal level but now was definitely not the time. "So about last night. No regrets or anything right. Your still comfortable with what happened?"
She was blushing at his question and even behind her coffee she was sure he could probably tell too. She nodded, "Y was of the best nights I've had in a while. U Um...what about you, are you okay with what happened?"
"Yeah I am. I just wanted to make sure we were good," he said. "It was unexpected but quite nice." Tommy returned to his meal. "So plans for the day?"
Kira smiled warmly she felt like her heart was gonna explode with joy. In truth she was madly in love with him but she wasn't gonna admit that...not yet anyway. "Well, here's my 2nd question...will we be able to do it again?" She wanted nothing more than to spend the whole day with him, she adored being around him. He never treated her like a teenager but like the young woman she is, she respected him so much and he inspired her to always achieve her dreams!
Tommy nearly spit up the sip of coffee that he was taking. He had not expected such a blunt and straightforward question. "Yeah I mean I don't see why not. Of course we can." Tommy thought about what was going to happen. She just had her first time and was already wanting more. Tommy had desires of his own and it had been a long while since he was with someone new to them. Best to take things slow. "Definitely we can." The black rangers mind raced with ideas and images of Kira.
She couldn't get last night out of her mind. His tongue, his hands, the way he'd thrust into her at just the right moments. The thoughts alone caused her to squeeze her thighs together almost as if trying to cause friction. She exhaled a trembled breathe that definitely wasn't supposed to be as loud as it came out. She sipped on her coffee looking away shyly. Her mind couldn't stop, she craved not just sex buthim.
Tommy smiled across the table at her. He finished his meal and cleaned up the dishes. His mind raced with ideas on how to introduce her to his world. He would have to start small and ease her in. Maybe just a little light hand play. Then if she likes it things could get more interesting. He imagined her tied up blindfolded with res hand marks on her ass.
Kira eventually finished her food then took her dishes to the sink. "Thank you for breakfast." She smiled then leaned up and kissed his cheek. She sat back down at the table, her mind racing like mad. She squeezed her thighs together again while biting her bottom lip then eventually spoke up. "...Is it weird if my body still feels everything from last night?"
Tommy soon added her dishes to his sink of clean ones. He was always careful to clean up after himself as he did not like messes. As Kira spoke Tommy turned and dried off his hands. "Of course. It was all new sensations. Great new sensations. And they can only get better and more exciting." Tommy was happy to answer these questions. It even gave him the opening he had been hoping for,
"I Its like I can still feel every motion, sensation, all of it. And it's making my mind go crazy and my body. It's like I'm craving more!" For some reason she had a hard time looking at Tommy when she said that.
"Don't be embarrassed Kira. You are simply opening up something new and exciting in your life. Trust me I felt the same way my first time." Tommy came over and sat next to her. He took her hand in s own. "Once you get comfortable there are other things we can try."
She bit her bottom lip, "Other things?" A slight smirk appeared on her face. Kira didn't say it but some of her dreams about Tommy were more than just sex sometimes. Well, they were sex but there was a lot more to it and before she had ever met Tommy she had never had dreams like this ever before!
Tommy smiled at Kira. "When I was about your age I dated a girl. Another power ranger actually. We were each other's first. We tried a lot of thing. One night she told me a secret. Apparently she had been captured by a villain and I guessed she liked being tied up. So we gave it a try. She didn't think much of it but I did. My next few girlfriends and I tried it out and things sort of evolved from there. I guess I'n asking if you would be interested in trying." Tommy went for broke and threw all his cards on the table. Best she learn now and not before things get to heavy.
It almost floored her everything Tommy had told her, especially since one of her dreams did involve her being tied up. She actually had a bit of a fantasy but she was a little nervous to tell him. She rubbed her arm nervously as she bit her lip nervously and looked down and in another direction. "U Um well...I've had a couple of dreams about being tied up and w well...something else I've learned and so I I have this...fantasy."
Tommy smiled at her confession. It appears that maybe she was more ready for his ideas than he original thought. "Well tell me what it is. Maybe we can better learn what each other like."
She pursed her lips together as she tried to find the right words to start with. Kira closed her eyes and sighed deeply, "This is gonna sound crazy but...well when we were watching the history of the other power rangers we had found one of you when you first became one. But, you were evil at first because of what Rita had a hold of. And then eventually we saw when you became the white ranger and everything." She swallowed a lump in her throat, "Well, one night I had this dream that you caught me in your lab reading something I shouldn't have and when you caught me you weren't yourself..." She refused to make eye contact with him as she continued, "Y You basically found ways to punish me for what I did and at some point I would...I would beg for more...I I liked it."
Tommy adjusted his glasses remembering his times as the villainous green ranger. But, here he was hearing a fellow ranger telling him that that's the version he wanted. "Yeah I think we can arrange something. "Is this something you want to try immediately?" Tommy's mind raced with what he would need. IT would be easy to stage something like this. "Are you sure you want to jump right in?"
"Honestly it doesn't matter to me when. I was gonna leave that up to you. But, first I seriously need a quick release and I can't wait anymore." She grabbed his hand as she stood up, "Wanna help me?" she smirked. In that moment all Kira wanted to feel was his tongue on her again and she's always been fascinated by his hands for some reason too.
Tommy felt himself being led away from the table. It took a moment but he decided to take charge. While she was off guard, using years of training he spun her around. Tommy held onto Kiras arm and brought his front to her back. He held her close and whispered in her ear. "Is someone eager to play?"
The way Tommy suddenly switched things and the way he whispered into her ear she could hear his tone. And that tone made Kira ache between her legs and tremble hard as she nodded and leaned back against him.
Tommy held her in place. His other hand began to explode her body playing and toying with her. He had no intention of tieing her up this test to see if she was ready for something more aggressive.Tommy whispered again. "I didnt hear you."
A deep breath with a slight whimper escaped Kira's lips as she fought back a moan. Her head rested on his chest as she trembled again, "Yes." she said softly.
Tommy gives her a quick slap on the ass. Releasing her arm he tells her plainly. "Than March to the room." Tommy watched her as they walked his eyes transfixed by her ass.
She gasped then shuddered with pleasure when he smacked her ass. The sting quickly became heated and traveled to her core causing her to moan softly once more. Then she did as she was told and walked back upstairs to her room.
When they made it to the bedroom Tommy once again got behind Kira. He placed his hands on her shoulders holding her still. His hands travels down grabbing rhe hem of her top and pulled it up. Once it was removed he knelt down doing the same with her bottoms. Once she was completely naked he pushed her forward. Once she was bent over Tommy reached forward and began rubbing her core.
Kira helped get out of her clothes, luckily she still wasn't wearing panties or bra so less clothes to take off. She then placed her hands on the bed when Tommy bent her over and started rubbing her. She moaned softly as her eyes closed in pleasure, she pushed back against his hand.
Tommy inserted his fingers into her once she was worked up. The pair of digits sold in and out working the girl up. Tommy's other hand massaged her ass feeling the firm globes.
Feeling his fingers enter her made her gasp loudly and groan. She could feel them go deeper with each inch and damn did it feel good! Kira knew she wanted more for sure, especially now. She wanted more all right, she wanted the whole day with Tommy like this. She wanted him to work her over so much that she wouldn't be able to walk by the time night fell. Most people may think it's crazy to have sex right away after your first night but Kira recovered rather quickly.
Tommy was pleasantly surprised by her actions. Kira recovered quick and was ready to dive in head first. She was going to be a lot of fun once things progress the way he hoped.After several minutes of fingering Tommy stood and withdrew his fingers. He brought the forward seeing I'd she wanted a taste.
She saw when he brought his fingers towards her. Kira realized then what he wanted her to do. She then grabbed his hand and moaned softly as she took his fingers into her mouth and sucked and licked them clean. Kira had actually tasted herself a long time ago once before, she had forgotten what she tasted like.She then suddenly realized they forgot to mention a safe word. One of her dreams he had mentioned that before having their kinkier sex so she kinda hoped they had one now just in case got too intense for her.
Tommy let her lick his fingers clean. Backing up slightly he gave her a bit of room. "If things get too much. If you feel uncomfortable, worried, or scared say grove. If you say grove everything stops. Do you understand?"
Kira was relieved, almost like Tommy read her mind or something! "Yes, I understand." Now she could really enjoy herself knowing there was a plan B if needed but hopefully not!
Lining himself up Tommy slid himself inside Kira. There was less resistance than the previous night but she was tight and warm. As he began using her body he brought a hand down lightly across her ass.
Kira groaned and even pushed back against him as he entered her and smacked her ass. Damn she loved the way he felt inside her, she knew she would never get enough of it. With one hand on the bed for balance she used her other hand to play with one of her breasts, moaning softly.
Tommy was careful to not be as aggressive as he wanted to be. This was all new for her. He continued to pound into her from behind slapping her ass every few thrusts.
Kira was tough, the way she fought was proof of that so she knew he was holding back. "I won't break! More, please!" she begged in a pleading tone as she leaned her head back.
Tommy slapped her ass again. This time he was sure to leave a mark. He became more demanding with his thrusts into her body.Kira was indeed a strong willed woman. Tommy was afraid he'd run her off. Now he was looking forward to breaking her in and using her.
Kira's mind was running wild during every single moment and sensation that Tommy was sending through her body. Her body felt like fire on the inside and every time he smacked her ass it was like electricity through her spine. She then grabbed one of his hands and put it around her throat, "Please!" she begged. Kira had many dreams where Tommy would choke her and yes even now she could still feel it. She liked it just enough to make her a bit light headed but not full off cutting off air. Her other hand sat flat on the bed for a reason, it was her way of letting him know when to stop. "If I tap twice, let go." she said showing him the finger she'd tap with.
"I'll watch," he said clearly acknowledging her want. This wasnt his first experience with choking. He had once hooked up with Trini and she had been into it.His large hand gripped tight as he continued to use her from behind. His free hand held onto her hip steadying himself.
Kira gasped slightly at the feeling of pressure on her throat. It was a new feeling so of course it surprised her. She felt Tommys had squeeze but only slightly then geld it there.Kira then began pushing back against his cock and fucking herself, moaning as much as she could manage.
Tommy kept a steady grip on Kiras throat. He made sure to angle his arm so that as she rocked herself she didnt accidentally choke herself out.He mostly held still allowing her to rock against himself. It was a wonderful sensation and he was excited by how playful and creative she was rapidly becomin.
Kira's body was was trembling all over bit with excitement. "Mmmm!" She started moving against him faster, fucking herself harder. She knew she would cum any second now.
Tommy could feel her movements becoming more rapid her breathing heavier. He knew her climax was close. Part of him wanted to continue. To withhold her orgasm make her beg. But she said she wanted a quickie so he simply began meeting her thrusts drawing her closer to the finish.
Kira was seconds away from cumming. She reached down with her hand and began rubbing her clit as Tommy thrusted faster into her. "C Close.." she got out with his hand still on her throat. She felt him squeeze just slightly and that alone made her rub her clit faster because it began to throb making her groan. Her juices dripping down one of her thighs now. She began bucking harder and faster, "C Cumming!" She began cumming hard and even squirting, her finger tapped twice on the bed signaling him to move his hand away.
Tommy removed his hand but remained deep inside of her. As she started coming down he pulled out letting her ride out the rest of her orgasm. He sat on the bed next to her running a hand lovingly up and down her back.
Kira wrapped her arms around him and snuggled up against him. Her heart was full of so much love for this man and she was dying to say it but she wasn't sure if she'd scared him away.
Tommy rubbed her back and played with her hair. He knew important intimacy was after this aggressive of sex. She may someday reach a point where she didn't need it. But at this stage it was very important. "that was wonderful Kira."
She nodded, "It was." she said softly. She may be a tough chick most of the time but she actually really enjoyed something like this after sex like that. She hoped it wouldn't be the last time. "So...would it be strange if I said that...I...I don't want all this to be just about sex?" Kira was trying to tell Tommy without actually saying the words.
"No of course not." Tommy looked at her and smiled. "I'm thinking that this could turn into something really special. We will take it slow and see what happens okay."
Kira nodded, she was definitely glad she didn't say it. She smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder, "Sounds good to me." She definitely knew one thing was for sure, school for the next 6 months was gonna be very interesting and very difficult focusing wise for her.
Tommy held her close and enjoyed the moment. It was sudden but very nice,. It had been quite sometime since Tommy had felt a genuine connection with a woman. And that's what Kira was to him now. Not just a student, friend, or teammate but a woman that he was close to. Things were going to change and Tommy knew that there would have to be some ground rules. But, that could wait till later.
After a bit of just enjoying the comfortable silence Kira looked up at Tommy with a smile. "So, what shall we do with our free time today? I mean although the idea of staying in bed all day is definitely ideal since we both work so hard at school and with training."
"Well I do have some work to get done. But, I can procrastinate a little bit." Tommy said laughing. "But I'm free for most of the afternoon. Is there something you want to do? Besides your little fantasy?"
Kira positioned herself on the bed so she could lay on the bed with her head in his lap. "Don't really know, I'm up for anything. Want me to tell you more details about how many fantasy played out?" she smirked.
Tommy was growing intrigues by the naked womans words. He had his own fantasies but hers was scary and inticing. "Yes please. Tell me everything."
She looked up at the ceiling as she began to get in lost in thought remembering one of her dreams. "I...It was so weird. So, I was out with a group of friends. In the dream I was already in College, we were still living together too. Well, one of my friends had a friend who's mother had apparently been with you a long time ago and she had over heard her mom talking to someone on the phone. So, I wasn't told much but just that you had a dark side I guess. So, after I headed home I realized your jeep was gone so I took the chance to go into the lab and see if maybe I could find something. Heh, honestly don't know why I wanted to know but I'm a curious person and once something gets stuck in my head it won't leave til I figure it out. Well, eventually after doing some digging on your computer, I found a super secret folder hidden. And it had photos and even videos of people. Women tied up while men used toys, their hands, tongues, hell all kinda of interesting ways when pleasuring them. Some were tied to chairs, others with their arms behind their backs or above their heads or to a bed. So many positions." He'd be able to read Kira's face and see she was really getting lost in her head now cause she trailed off as she spoke and kinda zoned out.
Tommy listened intently. This had gone from a teenage girls simple fantasy to a complex narrative. He couldn't help but chuckle as her worst trailed off. Obviusolu lost in thought as to images she had seen.What she didnt know is that Tommy had experienced many of these things. He had the tools to let her try these things. "And than what happens?"
Hearing Tommy's voice snapped her out of her daze, "Huh? Oh sorry!" She cleared her throat as she gathered her thoughts to continue. "Um well just as I started watching one of the videos after seeing a handful of photos you walked in. I was so focused on the video that I didn't hear you come in so the next thing I know I suddenly felt your hand on my shoulder as you spun me around in the chair to face you. The look on your was a mixture of anger but also I think intrigue and excitement. You had asked me what I was doing going through your private files and I just...I couldn't lie to you. So, I told you what I heard but didn't give any names obviously. You took a moment to take in what I just told you then made me turn back around continue watching the video but while I watched you told me to not move or take my eyes off the video no matter what and somehow this time your voice it was...much deeper and the tone was very well...demanding then your hands began roaming down my body and touching me all over." She sighed, "I woke up after that."
"Well if it was evil Tommy in your dream than I can only imagine how long he would prolong things. As for me well I guess I'll have to show you sometime. Thank you for sharing that was really hot actually." Tommy replied to her story. It was just a beginning but from how she reacted to the pictures she described Tommy had a pretty good idea what Kira wanted.
Kira smiled as she nodded, "Yeah, he definitely did. And glad you liked it." She then sat back up and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Hey, why don't we do some training. I still got a bunch of energy I wanna let out!"
Tommy nodded and rose from the bed. "Yeah let me get some clothes real quick." He excused himself to his room to throw on some training gear. For some reason he grabbed an old green bandanna. Tying it around his head he laughed remembering his teenage years.As he waited for Kira he began stretching out. He was curious how he would react to her with a different sort of physical activity.
Kira changed into a pair of black tights and a yellow sports bra. She was relieved that now she could dress a little more relaxed around him now that they were pretty much together. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail then headed downstairs into the living room.
Tommy stood in the living room waiting. He was in the middle of stretches when Kira walked in. "Okay you ready?"
Kira stretched a bit before coming downstairs. She nodded, "Yup! Let's do this!" She went into her stance and was ready for him anytime.
With a huff Tommy dropped into position. He held the stance as he slowly circled Kira. He looked her up and down. Kiras breathing was steady and her defense prepped. Tommy made the first move going in for a spinning back kick.
And before Tommys foot even hit the ground Kira hooked her foot under his leg and grabbed him by the arm and flipped him. She couldn't help but give a smirk when she got him onto his back.
Tommy looked up from the ground. "Oh that's how it is," he said. With a bit of flourish he hooked his legs and back and threw himself to his feet. Shifting his weight he changed his stance.Kira wasnt going to fall for his usual range fighting. Ye decided to go grappler and use his bigger size to pin her.
Kira gave him the'Bring it on'motion with a smirk. "Come on Tommy.." she said in an almost teasing tone, "give me a challenge babe. You know I'm one hell of a fighter and can take on just about anything." she smirked playfully.
Tommy dove in and fainted with a haymaker. Quickly he changes direction and twisted around Kira slapping her on the ass as he passed by. "Careful, I've done this once or twice."
Kira was just about to attempt to block his hit but unfortunately she missed when his hand swung behind her and slapped her ass. She clenched her jaw and gave a slight growl as she backed up to reposition herself. Kira absolutely hated losing to Tommy.
Tommy smirked and moved into position. He knew how Kira was. Especially when sparing she was a winner and hated to feel like someone out moved her He gave her the same taunt that Kira had given him.
Kira's eyes squinted as her jaw clenched. She took only a few seconds to calculate her next move. She then did a running jump into the air and hooked her legs around his neck but making sure most of her weight was on his shoulders so she didn't choke him and then pinned him to the floor with her thighs, squeezing just enough to give pressure. "What now Tommy? I think you're getting rusty. I've heard the jokes you've made but ya know maybe you're right, maybe you are getting too old for this." she said mockingly with a playful smirk.
Tommy wasnt above playing dirty. He brought his fingers up and began tickling the back of her knees. Once her legs loosened from laughing Tommy rolled up out of the way. "I'm not old I'm experienced." Tommy swept in and dropped low. He swung his right leg in hoping to take her feet.
Kira started laughing when he tickled her, she was super ticklish and she hated it specially when used like this. Her legs hit the ground when Tommy had moved and before she could react she felt Tommy's leg right under her feet. She knew in this position she wouldn't have enough time to plan a move just right.
Tommy continued the sweep and kicked her legs out from under her. With a thud she hit the ground and the older ranger pounced. He flipped her onto her stomach and grabbed her arm pinning it behind her back. With a smirk he admired her shapely rear. "Surrender?"
Kira struggled when Tommy had flipped her over onto her stomach. She growled in frustration as she continued to struggle with her arm pinned behind her. "What are you gonna do if I don't?" she said sharply. "Ya know pinning me to ground with your weight on me is a weak move."
"In a fight Kira you must use every advantage possible." Tommy continued to hold her down and used his free hand to touch her lightly through her bottoms. "Besides if you surrender I might make it worth your while."
Kira was new to these sensations. Normally she'd laugh at his idea for her to surrender but his fingers felt so good. She swallowed trying not to show it. She hooked her foot under his leg preparing to flip him but her body began to betray her and she began trembling, "N No..."
Tommy adjusted himself when he felt her leg try to hook. He moved a knee over to pinch it down as he continued his massage. He could feel his fingers growing damp. "You can still surrender?"
She cried out a combination of pain from the pinch and pleasure as his fingers moved into her. Kira's body was screaming for her to give in. After struggling more, trying to fight him off she eventually went limp. "You got lucky this time."
Tommy smiled and let her up. As he helped her to her feet he spoke. "Sorry about that. Guess I didn't really play fair. Can I make it up to you?"
"Well I can think of a few things considering how worked up you just got me from your teasing." She said with a smirk as she went towards the stairs.
Tommy smiled watching her leave. He couldnt help but watch as she flaunted her body and walked away. He followed behind slowly as he did Tommy undid his head band and held it in his lef t hand.
She slipped off her sports bra half way down the hall. She then walked into her room then slipped off her pants then sat in the bed with a smirk.
Tommy followed her to the room. On his way he grabbed her bra and walked into the room. He grinned at her naked form and smirking face. "Hello," he said striding into the room. He walked over and stood in front of her.
She smirked up at him, "Hello yourself." Her hands resting behind her on the bed as she leaned back, tilting her head and watching him.
Tommy stood at the front of the bed and stared at her. She was learning quick and needed to be rewarded. He smiled and held out the bandanna and sports bra. "We are going to play a game. Lay back on the bed. Hands above your head."
Kira smirked playfully, "I've always wondered if you had a real kinky side." She laid back onto the bed and placed her arms above her head.
Tommy used the bra and headband to tie her hands up. Than he showed her how to escape. Once she was tied back up again, "Grove is the word again." Tommy than got up and began to walk out of the room. "I'll be right back."
Kira couldn't help but wonder why Tommy showed her how to escape. But then that's when she remembered telling him about her fantasy. She smirked to herself and eventually worked out of her ties then snuck down to the lab. She actually wondered if he actually did have dirty secrets on his computer. She then sat down at his computer and she giggled softly noticing it wasn't logged out. After doing a bit of searching she found a folder with videos and started watching some of them.
Tommy came back to the room with a simple card board box. He looked in the room and found her missing. He had shown her how to break the bonds 8n case she got overwhelmed. Maybe she had.He wandered about the house and saw the lab open. He made his way down ready to apologize. That's when he saw her at the computer and remembered her story. Smiling he put on his best evil Tommy vibe. "What are you doing Kira?"
Kira was so distracted by what she saw that when she heard Tommys voice she jumped. But that was when she recognized that tone from her dream so she didn't turn around she just paused the video and closed it. "N Nothing."
Tommy sat his box on the ground and walked up. He tried his best to keep a menacing posture. Back straight, small steps, and narrowed gaze directed at her. Tommy circled some of the items in the room as he spoke. "So you come down here uninvited and begin to snoop through my things? Not very lady like or ranger like in this case." Tommy began a slow walk in her direction.
Her pulse was quickening when she felt his eyes on her as he walked towards her. "I Im sorry, I promise I won't do it again!"
"I know you won't Kira," he said as he raised a hand. He started by gently touching her shoulder before coming up at her throat. "I know you won't." Tommy's hand came around to the back of her neck and he turned the yellow ranger around. Forcing her to sit in the chair Tommy brought her hand up to the computer mouse. "Keep watching."
Her heart was pounding like crazy from his hand on her shoulder then neck. When placed her facing the computer again and hand on the mouse she slowly clicked another video. This one was of a woman being tied to a chair, blindfolded and had a vibrator used on her. Watching was making her ache, causing her to groan.
Tommy watched and almost broke character. The situation was exactly like she had described and he had planned. He leaned down and opened the box.Reaching in he grabbed a series of lengths of cloth rope. and began affixing them to the chair. "Dont move Kira."
She nodded and continued watching the videos. She could feel that same aching from earlier building between her legs making her groan softly after she watched the woman on screen squirt.
Tommy tied her ankles and arms to the chair. He was careful to make sure that they were on good and tight. As he finished, the black ranger leaned in close. "Now you are trapped Kira. You should have behaved yourself." He took the green badanna from his pocket and used it as a gag. Before backing away again he broke character for a moment. "Tap the chair twice with both hands if you want to stop." He kissed her on the cheek as a sign of reassurance before returning to his box to grab something else.
She opened her mouth as he tied the bandana around her mouth. When he got out of character to show her when she wanted to stop she nodded. She then went back to watching the videos.
Tommy reached into the box and pulled out a small white and tan egg shaped device. Turning a small switch he smiled as the little vibrator began to buzz. He switched it off and walked back to the tied up girl.Reaching over her shoulder Tommy switched the video to a girl being led by a collar and leash. He ran the small egg up and down her body not turning on the vibration, just letting the smooth surface touch her skin.
She began watching the new video Tommy started. Kira couldn't help but be intrigued by what she was seeing. The feeling of the smooth egg running over her delicate skin made her moan softly.Kira has always been the kind of woman who always called the shots and hated to lose. But with Tommy bit was...different. She would never, ever submit to any other man. But with Tommy, she trusted him with her life and wants nothing more then to be loved, guided and protected by him. So the video definitely was quite entertaining for her.
Tommy's hands slowly slid down her body. He continued to slide the small device across her body until he reached her most sensitive area. With a smirk he slid the vibrator up into her.Than without warning he stepped back and simply observed as she watched the videos on the laptop. The scene showing a woman placed doggy style on a couch. Her leash tugged tight to a hook in the wall. The man in the video would spank her and each time he did Tommy would hit the vibrator for a small second.
As Kira watched the video she felt hot flashes started to hit her because of how aroused she was from what she was seeing and not touching herself. So, when Tommy hit the remote the first time it made cry out loudly and arch her back, her nails digging into the chair. "Tommyyyy!" She cried as she bucked her hips try to get the toy to move against het clit.
Tommy used the remote to turn down the device. "That's right yellow ranger submit. Give yourself in," he said in his best evil voice. He was finding it difficult to keep incharacter, but this is what Kira wanted.As Tommy hit the button triggering the vibration, he found himself enjoying this false sadisticness. Kira was wonderfully responsive to his amusements.
Kira was finding it hard to focus on the videos anymore with the toy inside her. As soon as it began vibrating she leaned back against the chair and felt her juices dripping from her already. She whimpered as her hands clenched and unclenched, her clit was throbbing as the toy vibrated against it making her moan louder.
Tommy watched with delight as she drew closer and closer to a climax. He switched the dial on the remote turning it up to maximum slowly. Than without warning he cut power entirely. The black ranger stood by silently watching her squirm.
Kira gasped as her eyes widened when he slowly increased the vibrations. Her body while still being bound was able to just barely lift her ass and arch her back as her cries echoed all throughout the room. But then when he stopped it seconds before she exploded she cried out in agonizing frustration. She was so overly frustrated from the intense pleasure being jerked away it caused tears to well up in her eyes now that her pussy throbbed and ached for release. "Pleeeeease Tommy! I need it, pleeeeease, I was so, so close!!" She begged as her body trembled hard. If he listened closely he'd be able to hear her pussy juices now dripping to the floor forming a puddle.
He gripped the remote tight as he listened to her plead. She was so delightfully submissive either sh meant to be or not. Tommy hit the device turning it to its lowest setting. He stood behind her waiting for a reaction.
Kira gasped then let out a long moan as she arched off the chair again. Her hips bucking trying to get more friction from the low vibrations of the toy, "P Please..." she just barely got out in a small voice as she squeezed her eyes shut and bit her bottom lip hard.
Tommy had to remind himself that this was still her first day. As much as he desired to make her beg more it was not the time. Slowly he turned up the toy edging her closer and closer to climax.
Kira cried out when he turned up the toy. "Mmmmmm oh fuuuuck! Shit, yes, like that!" she cried as she threw her head back against the chair. Her legs began shaking a bit as she neared her release, "O Oh god, I'm gonna " She shrieked as she tried to hold off but she couldn't hold back anymore and soon came while crying out in pleasure.
Smiling Tommy watched as Kira climaxed. The more devious part of him wanted to leave her like this but that would be fun for another time. He turned off the toy and slowly began untying the yellow ranger. "How was that?"
Kira didn't realize how shaky her body was until he untied her. She was breathing heavily as he untied her, her head hanging down as she went limp after her arms and hands were free, "A Amazing.." she said softly.
He gave her a soft kiss as they got Kira up on her feet. "You did very well," he said. "But now you should probably take a minute."He guided her back upstairs. Once she was resting on the couch Tommy brought her some clothes and water. "So what were your thoughts on that?"
Kira plopped down onto the couch then took the tshirt and shorts and slipped them on then sat back down. She grabbed the bottle and sipped it as she nodded then sighed contently. "It" she smiled shyly as she blushed a bit.
"You did very well," Tommy complimented her.His mind raced with the events of the past few hours. The teacher didnt regret any of it but there was a lot to process."Are you still okay with this?"
Kira looked up at him and nodded as she smiled softly, "Are you?" She hoped honestly that this wasn't a one time thing. She had feelings for him so it was more than just about sex for her.
"Yeah,'he replied smiling. "I think we might have something here."He placed a hand on her leg and looked Kirs in the eyes. "If we keep this going we need to be discreet. I am still your teacher after all."
Kira nodded as she smiled, "Of course. But I won't lie, school is definitely gonna be a lot more interesting now and class may be difficult for me." She giggled as the thought crossed her mind.
"There will be some adjustment period but we can find a way to manage. In the mean time we still have the weekend to figure things out."Tommy kissed the top of her head and held her close. "I do actually have a bit of work to finish. Why dont you take it easy and iwill see you for lunch?"
Kira grabbed his hand as she stood up then kissed him softly, "Okay, don't work too hard. I'll be outside if you need me." She walked outside to the yard bare foot cause she planned on doing some practicing and it was easier without shoes, specially since she was in the yard so it was easier on her feet.
Tommy once again found himself spending a few hours in the lab. he had a theory that the dino gems had far more power than they had uncovered.His tests so far were inconclusive but he was sure there was some validity tothe idea. Tommy finnaly looked at the clock and realized it was almost two in the afternoon. "Better go check in with Kira," he thought to himself
Kira was practicing some of her moves like her kicks and also working on her flips and jumps to. Over time since she's been a ranger she's come to realize with all the practice and fighting she's become a lot more flexible which made it easier to move about.
Watching from the window. Tommy was able to admire her technique. She moved quite gracefully.He watched for a few more minutes before opening the door. "Hey are you hungry?"
Kira turned when she heard Tommy call to her. She grinned and nodded, "Starving!" She then walked back inside and exhaled an exhausted sigh as she stretched and walked into the kitchen.
Making a simple meal of sandwiches and chips. Tommy are in a comfortable silence enjoying the company. "Well I'm done with work for the weekend. Anything you want to do?"
Kira started eating as she listened then shrugged, Don't really have anything in mind. What about you?" Kira was exhausted from the busy week so she really didn't have any major plans in mind.
"Well baring any emergency I say we lay low," he happily replied. He was hoping for a repeat performance of sorts from this morning."Quiet afternoons are the reason I moved out here."
She smiled again after finishing her lunch then gout up to put her plate in the dishwasher. "Honestly, I couldn't agree more. It's been a busy week so a relaxing night at home sounds perfect." Kira then walked over to Tommy then sat on his lap and straddled him, she leaned down and kissed him softly.
He placed his hands on her hips as she sat in his lap. Tommy returned the kiss seeping it as much as he could. It felt right with her sitting there. His hands massaged her legs as the kissed
With how he kissed her Kira could already feel her arousal building between her legs. Which in itself caused her to moan softly against his lips as she moved her hips, grinding against him slightly.
A small moan escaped his lips as she rocked against his hips. Tommy gripped her hips a little harder. He was sure Kira could feel his hardness rubbing against her.
With how turned on she was, feeling his bulge against which her made her move a bit more. She knew if she kept going like this she'd cum just from this action alone.
Tommy began to think about what he wanted to do. His hands left her thighs and slowly trailed up her body. As they reached her wrists he moved them togther holding them tightly between the pair. "Do you want to try another thing?"
Kira looked down as Tommy held her her hands together. She then looked back at him when he asked her a question. She nodded, "Yeah...what do you have in mind?"
Tommy had the pair stand and while still gripping her wrists escorted her back to his room.As they entered he went I to his closet and removed a locked leather case. As he opened it he called out over his shoulder. "Strip down to your panties" his voice sounding authoritive.
Kira watched with curiosity as Tommy looked for something in his closet. She wondered what he had planned after seeing him bring out a leather case of some kind. She then heard his instruction and nodded then stood up and stripped and was soon only in her panties as he instructed. She then sat back down on the edge of the bed.
Tommy pulled out a pair of shiny metal handcuffs. He stepped towards Kira and har her stand. Tightening the cuffs behind her back he whispered in her ear. "Whenever you want to stop simply say Alpha."He than began to push her on the bed on all fours.
Kira watched as Tommy coughed her. She was surprised that they were not too uncomfortable. She took in the info about the new safe word then nodded before he put her on all fours.
He stopped for a moment and just stared at her. Her mostly naked form bound and waiting for him in bed. He stepped up behind her and placed a hand on Kira's bottom. With one quick motion his hand came flying down slapping her right cheek.
Kira shivered when she felt his warm hand running over her ass. She then groaned loudly when he spanked her. She pushed back against his hand wanting more.
Tommy was thrilled by her response. She didnt cry out, push away, or demand he stop. Kira was proving to be a perfect little sub.His right hand came down. This time striking against her left cheek. He than spanked her twice more in rapid succession.
Kira cried out in pleasure when he spanked her again. "Mmmm Tommy!" The stinging sensations soon became tingly and traveled between her legs making her shiver.
Tommy slapped down on her ass again. Thistime after he hit, the ranger brought his hand to his face. He could smell a hint of her arousal. "Having a good time I see," he said turning back around.Back at the case he brought out a long black corded switch. One test swipe in the air brought forth a long swish sound.He stepped up behind Kira and gave her a few light taps on each cheek.
Kira moaned loudly in content as she pushed back against his hand when he smacked her ass again. "Mmmmm yes Sir!" she moaned softly.It wasn't until she heard the swish sound that made her freeze up and her eyes widen. When she felt the slight sting she yelped then bit her lip before finally muttering out nervously, "A Alpha!" That was a bit much for her.
Tommy quickly ditched the cane and unhooked he cuffs. "Its okay Kira," he said holding her."This is why we have a word so they we can stop when we nnee too."
Kira wrapped her arms around his neck when he uncuffed her hands. She snuggled against him and sighed a relaxed sigh when she was in his arms. She nodded, "The cord was a bit much for me, I think my pain tolerance isn't as high as I thought. Weird right?" She chuckled nervously, softly. | 232 | ['Ford', 'Oliver'] |
97 | | Gargoyles: Whitestone Chronicles - (Survivor00 & Z-Byte) | Gargoyles: Whitestone Chronicles Gargoyles: Whitestone Chronicles Whitestone Keep had kept its vigil over the English Channel for centuries, perched atop the White Cliffs of Dover as a silent guardian for as long as anyone could remember. Once used as a lookout against invading forces, it had long ago been abandoned and left to crumble away into the sea. But the castle had stubbornly refused to surrender, even as its defensive walls crumbled and the keep was overgrown by moss and ivy, it stood proudly, a battered warrior of a time gone by. Perched on the roof of the keep, strangely untouched by the elements that had ravaged its surroundings, was a single statue, the lone defender of the crumbling castle. The stone figure watched the sunset with sightless eyes, the pale stone bathed in an orange light. The sun sank steadily towards the horizon, painting the sky with a palette of golds, reds, and violets. The air began to still, the only sounds were the faint crashing of the waves at the base of the cliffs and the chirping of crickets in the grass. Finally, the glowing orb disappeared below the edge of the sky, the last rays clinging desperately to life for a few moments before fading away. Once the darkness fell, a new life stirred within the castle grounds. The statue ?? a Gargoyle sitting in a thoughtful pose ?? seemed to tremble, cracks forming in the light gray stone. They spread, snaking from its taloned feet all the way to the wild looking mane upon its head. The stone began to chip and fall away, as something tried to escape from the confines of the statue. Finally, with a crash of falling stone, the Gargoyle burst forth, spreading her wings widely as she stretched and yawned. Her ivory skin seemed to glow in the pale light of the rising moon as she stood over her ??kingdom ??. Shrugging off the last chips of stone, she flapped her wings briefly and vaulted from the roof, gliding over the defensive walls and out past the cliffs. The ocean below her was a sheet of inky water and foam, the crashing surface laced with slivers of the moon. The Gargoyle smiled softly to herself, using the updraft from the sea below to give her lift, letting her swoop with grace up and into the sky. Her name was Ellice. She ??d been living at Whitestone Keep for ? as long as she could remember. The Keep had been her life, given her shelter. Kept her safe. She might have lacked a Clan, but she knew that it was for the best. Her white skin stood out too much at night, and having not wanted to be a burden and danger to her Clan, she had run off when she was but a hatchling. Having lived most of her life here, she hadn ??t seen another Gargoyle since she had ran away ?? but even the memories of her parents and siblings were growing distant and hard to recall. She flared her wings and turned back to the castle, clearing the sheer edge of the cliff with ease, swooping up over the wall and landing with a soft noise in the grass. She walked around the courtyard, the grounds overrun with weeds and ivy. It was a quiet retreat for her, a place where she would relax and meditate each night before setting about repairing the castle as best as she could. She was part of the reason that Whitestone was as in good of a condition as it was in. She had spent decades replacing and maintaining the bricks and stones that made up the castle walls. Still, her youthful appearance and nature showed that she was still ?? in the terms of her species ?? barely into her 20s. Quietly, she sat down cross legged in the grass, closing her eyes and smiling. ??Good evening, my friends ? ? She spoke softly, her voice mature, but her tone innocent, almost childish. Across from her was a collection of nests, where a group of hawks had taken claim as their home. They had been her family, teaching her the ways of how to survive. ??It ??s going to be a busy night tonight ? ? She looked up at the castle walls that she was constantly repairing, and the pile of collected stones that she had piled up to use. ??But first ? ? Her stomach growled ? ? Breakfast ? ? She giggled to herself, standing to her feet. Ellice dug her claws into the rock wall, climbing up to one of the still standing towers, looking quietly out at the inky sheet of water below. In the light of the moon, she could see the land on the other side of the Big River. Often, she had wondered what was over there, but it was simply too far for her to glide to. She smiled again, licking her lips as she spread her wings wide, leaping out towards the edge of the cliffs once more. She dove down towards the water, much like her friends would do, building up speed to catch the fish by surprise. As she neared the surface of the water, she quickly angled her wings and almost snapped horizontal, raking her clawed hands into the water, sending a spray of cool water flying. She felt something hit her talons, and clutched her hands tight, swooping back into the sky. She smiled, lifting the stunned fish to look at it. It was a big one, a very good meal. She banked back towards the cliffs, using the updrafts to lift her once more. She landed carefully, folding her wings back against her. "I am sorry, friend. But I must eat..." She said softly, almost mournfully, to the fish that was now flopping around in her hands. She pinched quickly behind the fish's head and it went still. She quietly walked over to the fire pit she had made, pushing the fish onto a stick. Using two stones and a pile of dry grass, she quickly started a fire, propping the fish up over it and waiting.
Whitestone Keep...It was much farther out of the way than he had expected.Mathias Zane, heir to the Zane estate, was arriving at the broken castle which he had just purchased with much of his grand inheritance, much to the rest of his family's chagrin. Instead of settling down in a rich mansion with a rich wife popping out rich heirs for the rich family, he finally achieved his youthful dream of buying the keep that had once belonged to his family in the days gone by.Days in which this keep was in much better repair.Popping the door of his black sedan open, he stepped out and took a good look at how his new project looked in the moonlight. He had been hoping to get here at least a few hours before sunset, so he could have a clearer look around. He'd seen it before, but was never allowed closer for safety reasons. The place was in horribly poor repair, and even with only the moonlight to shine over the stones, he could see that a rock could fall out of place if a bird so much as crapped on it.Luckily, that is why he brought his hat!It was a helmet, to be precise, one of those mining safety helmets with a light on the top. Pulling it out of his car, he strapped it under his chin, his dark, shoulder length hair curling just before his neck as it was forced against his scalp by the safety apparatus. He unbuttoned his 'good shirt', leaving only the white undershirt to complement the black jeans he wore. Sure, they weren't 800 dollar clothes, but he was the black sheep of the family. Might as well wear the wool.Flicking the headlight on, he closed his car door and locked it with a touch of his remote. The two quick cheeps was all he needed to get moving, placing the keys back in his pocket. Before he pulled them out, though, he felt the pictures of the castle the previous owner had taken. He withdrew them as he started walking towards the outer gate, flipping through them as he compared them to the real deal. It all looked the same, and even though the pictures were taken during the day, the moon and stars were so perfect and bright out here, away from the city lights, that it might as well have been a cloudless, sunny day to his eyes.God he loved the night.As he grew closer to the main gate, he continued looking at the pictures, his brow furrowing for a second after seeing one in particular. He looked to the keep, then back to the picture, the keep again, and gave a sigh.That pretty gargoyle statue he liked must have fallen. Now that was a shame... it was such a unique piece. It seemed to be made out of solid stone, though, so maybe it didn't shatter too badly where it hit the ground. If he was lucky, maybe he'd find enough pieces to put it back together, or at least use it as a reference to have another made.With a smile, he stood at the main gate. A sane person would have waited until daytime, or at least taken a friend along for safety. But a sane person did not just buy a castle with the hopes of restoring it to its former glory and creating a legacy that only his oldest of ancestors could claim to. So in he strolled, using the pictures as a guideline to find where the beautiful stone gargoyle had fallen.
The fish had just started to cook, steam rising up from the scaled flesh when she first picked up the sounds of something new, something she had not heard before. Ellice looked up from the glow of the fire, cocking her head slightly as she listened to it grow closer, a loud, unnatural sound. Bright, unknown lights shone through some of the holes in the walls, playing across her ivory flesh. She looked quickly to her sleeping friends, raising a finger to her lips. "Be quiet, my friends. I will be back..." she whispered to them, quickly climbing the wall to give herself a better vantage point. Was this new thing something dangerous? Or was it a new friend? Ellice kept low as she peeked over the edge of the wall at the strange...thing...below her. Two bright lights, brighter than any torch or fire, shone upon the stone walls of the castle. A loud, feral growling came from the beast, making her claws grip a little tighter into the stone, if she had to defend her home, she would. But something within the beast moved, part of it opening to step out. She blinked in confusion and surprise, looking upon the unknown figure. He ?? it was certainly a male by the looks looked much different than herself. No wings, no tail...he was not a Gargoyle...what was he? Was it a human? She knew that she had hidden from the humans to keep her Clan safe. And now one was here! Ellice kept herself hidden as he approached the castle, a strange torch resting upon his head. She quickly ducked down when his gaze turned upward, pressing herself to the floor until the beam of light fell away from her. She crept along the top of the castle wall, looking over the other side of the wall as he entered, following him as he explored the castle grounds. It started to make her feel a little nervous. She saw her small garden, the piles of rocks she had made to fix the walls, and knew that he could see them too. She could also smell the fish it was getting close to being done. If she waited too long to retrieve it, it would be ruined, and she would not be able to eat tonight. But she didn't want him to see her... As she leaned over the wall to look at him, a piece of loose stone gave way under her weight, the rock dropping to the ground with a dull thump! and she quickly ducked, hoping that he hadn't seen her. Her heart thumped nervously in her chest, and she swallowed the lump in her throat.
He heard the stone as it was falling, the clicks of the smaller pebbles giving it away and giving him plenty of time to move. As it thumped harmlessly to the ground, his first instinct was to look up at the source. The spotlight beamed against the side of the stone wall, but he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Just broken stone from a weary keep that just needed some tender loving care."Ah, you're just falling apart, aren't you?" He chuckled as he spoke to Whitestone, rubbing his hand along the rock wall as though he was rubbing the back of a tired friend. "Well don't you worry about it, old girl. You're in good hands now."Chuckling to himself, the young man began continuing his stroll, searching for the gargoyle that he hoped had not shared that stones fate. When he came to the spot where he thought it'd be, he was not only surprised, but disappointed not to find anything. He looked up, then back to the picture, certain that this is the spot where the picture showed she was. Looking down at his feet, though, he didn't see the toppled stones. In fact, he didn't see anything except for a few scraps and chips of stone that looked like they came from the stone above him. They couldn't have belonged to that gargoyle unless she had been hollow. They didn't make hollow statues back then...Did they?At any rate, he didn't lose hope. If she didn't fall forwards, maybe she had fallen backwards. Behind this wall was the courtyard, so if she had toppled from her lofty perch, than she may have landed on that side. With a smile, he began walking around the walls, keeping one hand on the walls to balance himself as he steps over the scattered stones.It wasn't long before he had gone around enough to find the entrance to the courtyard, but as soon as his eyes fell into the darkness, he had to pause. He could see a dull orange glow, flickering against a distant wall. Fire? Fire meant people, and people meant that somebody hadn't told him everything."Is someone here?" He called, hearing his own voice echo against the walls. It wasn't safe for him to go into the darkened courtyard, because if he had a violent squatter on his hands, he didn't want to be surprised, or ambushed."I'm not the police, and I'm not going to make anyone leave..." He slowly began walking in, making sure to keep his eyes sharp and his hearing sharper for anyone sneaking up on him. If he did find someone, he was probably either going to pay them to relocate or offer them a job. Any homeless person would jump at the chance, and those that wouldn't... well, he knew how to defend himself enough to keep out of such a dangerous situation."If there's anyone here... I just want to talk. That's all."It would seem his search for the gargoyle would have to take a rain check.
Ellice quickly ducked down behind the ramparts as the rock fell to the ground with a clatter of loose pebbles bouncing against stone. She peeked over the side to make sure she had not hit the human, but quickly hid herself once again as his torchlight played up over the walls, passing over where she had stood moments before. There were no shouts of alarm, just soft words, and when she crouched to peer over the walls again, he was rubbing his palm along the stone, speaking as though to the Keep itself. She blinked, continuing to follow him with her eyes as he walked around the castle wall.He was looking for something ?? that much she was certain of. But what? Ellice crept along the upper walls, watching her footing as to avoid another accident that almost got her caught. As he approached the spot where she slept, her eyes widened as he looked up at the spot, before down to the chips of stone that had fallen when she had woken.He was looking forher.Terror gripped her ?? she had tried so hard to remain hidden. How could have someone found her? Should she flee? What would happen to her friends? A scent that tickled at her nose told her that the fish had begun to burn and was ruined. She had killed for nothing tonight ? but her guilt was quickly pushed aside by her fright again as he moved along the wall, heading for the courtyard entrance. She followed him back around, her mind racing as she watched him stand before the open gateway.His voice called out, echoing against the courtyard walls. He saw her fire ?? he knew she was there. She stood and actually spread her wings to fly, but where could she go? This was all she had! ??Please, don ??t hurt my friends! ? She finally spoke, her desire to protect them surpassing her own desire to keep safe. ??I will come out, just don ??t hurt them. ? Ellice hopped down from the top ledge of the wall, landing several feet away from him. Her wings and tail were drawn protectively around her body, and fear could be seen in her eyes as she looked at him.
When he had heard the voice, he was thinking that, if she were a woman, then she'd be much easier to speak to. As 'unfair' as it was, he tended to treat female strangers better than males. Some double standards are just hard to break.However, the echos kept him from knowing where exactly the voice came from, so when he saw a figure plunge from above and thud onto the ground, he thought the worst. He took a step back out of shock, a small gasp leaving his lips as his eyes tried to disbelieve what the saw.His lamp illuminated a pale, winged figure with a long mane of hair. Her body was huddled against itself, with something resembling wings cloaking her frightened frame. She had a tail that curled around her legs defensively, and instead of a human face, she had this strange beak, and resting above it were two horribly fearful eyes.Perhaps it was the terror she exuded that kept him feeling it himself. His mind's natural instinct to flee from the creature he did not understand was overshadowed by his natural empathy, giving him time to think about who or what he was seeing.It wasn't human, that was for sure, not even one in a really good costume. She looked too real, and any outfit of that quality would have more than likely NOT protected the one inside it from the jump she took. There was something else about her, too, something familiar...In any case, it was obvious that he should be very careful. For all he knew, her friends were a lot less afraid of him, and any sign of hostility could provoke them to come down from the walls and attack."It's... okay," he told both her and himself, letting out a sigh as his nerves slightly calmed. "I don't want to hurt anyone."He slowly took a step forward, both of his hands out to his side to show that they were empty. He wanted to get a better look at her, to solve this nagging puzzle in his mind. "My name is Mathias Zane. I'm... the new master of this keep, Whitestone."As he approached, his mind started to clear, familiar features slowly bubbling to the surface of his thoughts like an arm waking up from being slept on the wrong way. His mind kept pricking him with signals that there was something he was forgetting, that this creature was more alluring than he realized. His eyes shone with curiosity and a glimmer of compassion, a trait that many of his family members stated was a sign of an improper businessman. To Mathias, it was simply who he was."I don't think I've never seen anything like you before. Do you have a name?"
The cone of bright light from his torch forced her to shield her eyes as it flashed over them, turning her head away from the beam and looking at the ground. She expected him to attack, to run, anything but just stand there. Her parents ? one of the few things she remembered of them ? had said that the humans did not understand them, and they feared and attacked what they did not understand ? But as she stood there before him, he did nothing, only staring in stunned silence at her visage. The silence was torturous, she was too afraid to even take a breath for as long as they made eye contact. His eyes, while still fearful, seemed to calm long before hers, and his breath escaped from his mouths. She drew back initially at the sound of his voice, despite how calm it sounded.She took another when he took a step closer to her, her wings drawing a little tighter. She almost seemed to be hiding inside her wings, like a child hiding underneath a blanket to keep the monsters away. Much about her personality seemed childish. She didn't know what to say, or even if she did, how to say it.He didn't seem...mean...and he said he didn't want to hurt anyone...She flinched when he raised his hands to the side, but slowly started to lower her wings a little, starting to reveal more of her body to him. Since privacy was something she had had an abundance of before tonight, and her body had long outgrown any fabric she had once owned, she stood more or less naked, only a scrap of old, brown cloth ?? torn from one of the drapes ?? hung around her waist as a crude loincloth. She was most definitely an adult in body. Her ghostly white skin reflected the bright light of his torch as she stood still, her eyes panning nervously along the ground at his feet, unable to make eye contact with him, only fleeting glances."My name ? " She said softly, almost a whisper. ??I am called Ellice ? ? Her eyes lifted a little bit, still only making eye contact with him for the shortest of moments before looking back to the ground. ??You are the new Master? ? She said softly, lowering her head in a gesture of respect.
"Ellice," he said quietly, not wanting his voice to be much higher than hers to avoid scaring her. He saw her as a wild animal, but one that he could eventually walk up to and touch, like a deer. He didn't want to frighten her, especially not knowing what she could be capable of. For all he knew, this childish disposition could just be an act she seemed like she could be terribly powerful if provoked."Yes... I'm the owner of Whitestone," he smiled a little, noticing her little bow. She was so nervous, yet she still went out of her way to show a little respect to him. He didn't ask for it, so perhaps she was genuinely frightened of him. Of course, her demeanor seemed to be softening with time, showing the human that this creature was starting to get used to him.He, on the other hand, only became more and more surprised. She had an amazing body, young and natural. It was rare for him to see such pure beauty considering his wealthy lifestyle and the 'prosthetic perks' it grants to the women. If her voice had been a hint to her femininity, this was the conclusion. Despite her young attitude, most women would kill to have her curves.His hand rose to his helmet and dimmed the torch, not wanting to blind her and hoping to get more eye contact. As he put his hands back down by his side, he felt the stiff photo of Whitestone in his pocket, making his thoughts flash as a sudden connection was made in his memories.It was an impossible connection... but then again, she was impossible herself. Perhaps it fit."The last time I saw this place..." he began, referring to his photograph as he took another slow step closer. "...I saw this amazing gargoyle statue perched on top of the wall. I came tonight and it was gone... but now you are here, and you look just like the statue.""Ellice... was that a statue of you?"It was the only thing he could think of. After all, it was so well crafted that maybe she was considered a guardian of the keep. Obviously, they would have built a statue to honor her. She didn't seem like the kind to ask for anything like that, but honestly, it was the sole conclusion that came to his mind, the thought of simply mistaking her for a statue in the photo gone out the window the second he saw the silken light of her flesh.No stone was that alluring.
Ellice continued to stand there before him, slowly beginning to calm down. The human named Mathias had not threatened her, not made any aggressive movements, had not even raised his voice towards her ? Her wings flared out fully, completely revealing her form to him for a few seconds before she drew them around herself like a loose fitting cloak. The tip of her tail curled nervously around her ankle and she chewed slightly on her bottom ??lip ?? for a moment. He was the owner of the Keep ? did that mean ? ? She lowered her head shyly, staring at the ground for a moment, but finally, she raised her head to look at him, the first time their eyes had met. Thankfully, he had dimmed the torch. Her eyes met his for the first time that night. Her eyes were a curious slate gray, still holding their naivety. ??Does ? does this mean you own me too? ? She asked him softly, her voice almost inaudible too. This wasn ??t what her parents had been discussing all those years ago ? She took a startled step backwards when he moved closer to her, her eyes widening in surprise. ??Don ??t ? ? She began, her eyes fleeting over to the fire pit and the nests. But he did not come closer, instead beginning to speak.His voice was nice. ??Statue? ? She asked, blinking as she looked to the spot on the wall where she slept, overlooking the Big River. Her ivory skin reflected the moonlight, making her appear almost to glow a little. ??That ? that was me ? ? She said, turning back to him with a sheepish smile. "When I sleep, I am encased in stone..."
Well, that just made a world of sense. "You sleep in stone?" He asked with a lightly puzzled expression curling his lips and face. "So... if you were the statue..."He thought about this for a moment, her barely heard question actually managing to reach his ears. He did not advance on her, because she seemed to be very protective of something just beyond the fire. Perhaps her 'friends'? At any rate, she did pose an interesting point."...Then I suppose yes... that would make you mine."Mathias wasn't a fan of slavery, nor was he a fan of taking advantage of someone's naivete. In this situation, though, he sees a lot of opportunities opening up for him. As long as he doesn't try making her do something she'd regret, then there wouldn't be any harm in 'owning' her, would there? And yes, the concept of her being his 'pet' of sorts was an... appealing one. He couldn't understand the appeal, but he definitely felt it."But that's a good thing," he told her softly, letting his hands rest by his sides as he watched her stand protectively over her secret space, where the fire flickered just out of sight. "If you're mine, like this keep, then that means I get to take care of you, and perhaps your friends too, if you'll let me."He took another step forward, a gentle smile playing across his lips. "If you don't trust me, I understand... but do know that I'll do everything I can to keep you and your friends safe. I promise."
" the stone..." She spoke softly, still keeping her body hidden behind the 'cloak' of her wings. "It is...a natural process for us. We call it 'Stone Sleep'..." Ellice watched him meekly, always ready to flee if she needed, but he seemed to understand her fear, and thankfully did not move towards her. However, she blushed deeply as he said that she was, indeed, his property since he owned the castle. She nodded softly and bowed her head in respect."I understand, my Master."Her words were whisper soft, but obedient. This was obviously new to her as well, not only his presence, but that he owned her. She slowly let her wings draw back behind her, revealing her bare and supple form. Her pale skin seemed to glow softly in the moonlight. "What is it that you wish from me?" She said innocently, cocking her head as she looked at the worn castle wall. Thankfully, her innocence prevented her from thinking of all the bad things that he could ask of her.She still cautiously stepped back when he approached, her eyes darting over to the nook that held her friends. He said he would protect them, but she...He was her Master. She should trust him..."Oh...okay." She nodded, slowly stepping aside for him.
The word Master... it had a very endearing quality to it. Pride welled up in his heart, because though she was naive, she was still technically his first true subordinate. His corporate employees didn't matter, as he wasn't really part of the company anymore, and they were always out for themselves anyway. He was determined to build a rapport of some sort with this beautiful creature, who was growing all the more beautiful the more she opened up to him.Though, aside from all the kinky things he was surprised came to his head, he couldn't think of anything he could have her do for him. She did step aside, though, and he decided to take advantage of the situation. He moved closer to the fire, slowly, and noticed the lump of charcoal skewered by the stick. It took a moment to discover that the lump was actually a fish, and he took the wooden shaft carefully out of the fire, turning it over and looking at the charred ocean fish."I see you cook just about as well as I do," he chuckled, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his unique knife. It looked like a claw that you hold in your fist, with the blade sticking out of the side like a bladed talon. Slowly, he dug the knife into the fish, watching it steam, nearly smoke the room."Hah, well, most of it's burned," he said, opening it up for her to see as he continues shaving the side carefully. "But there are more than a few scraps that you can salvage. All I need to do is cut off the burned bits here..."When he was done, he had a small pile of ruined fish at his feet, with a small fillet sitting on a flat stone beside him. Wiping his knife on his pants, he placed it back in his pocket and offered the meager feast to her. "I don't know how much you need to eat... and now that I think about it, you were probably too busy focusing on me to worry about your fish. If you don't mind, I'm going to go get a snack from my car for us to enjoy to make up for it." | 12 | [] |
98 | | Ikki Tousen RP(Name in the works)~me and Ryu_Momochi | Hakufu Sonsaku happily drank her juice box as she strolled down the sidewalk, heading towards school for the day. In the typical somewhat skimpy school uniform, it was no surprise that such a curvy young teenager drew plenty of stares. And as usual, being quite ditzy and a rather dumb blonde, she didn't notice it a bit. Even the more obvious things, such as the occasional pervert making a lewd comment as she walked by. So, she just continued to school, oblivious the whole way there about the lecherous thoughts she put in peoples heads with her sexy, curvy, busty body in that little school uniform. Though, noone bothered her on her way to school. Slurping down the rest of her juice, she crushed the box and tossed it in the trash, before making her way up the steps.
Ryu yawned as he sat quietly in the hallways. His deep blue eyes scanning each of the people walking in. The deep blue of his earring could be seen clearly, letting everyone know just what he was, and he was good at it too. He sighed, letting his hand move up through his dark hair, messing it a bit. He'd been all through the school, in all meanings of the word, and he was bored. He closed his eyes softly, taking a deep breath, getting a lot of different scents in the area. He let a hand move up to his shoulder, just naming off names in his mind of those he'd been with. He opened his eyes softly, noticing someone coming up the stairs,"Hmmm...?" he whispered softly to himself, not recognizing the girl,"Who is that...?" he said as he slowly started to stand up, moving in behind her a bit, but keeping a good distance, not wanting to make himself known too early until he figured out who she was.
Hakufu was oblivious to him for the time being, as she entered the school building. With so many people around, it would be hard for her to notice one out of place, following her. Though, if the crowds thinned out, he'd have a harder time following her without getting caught.
He smiled softly as he continued softly, his eyes scanning her body. She definitely had the curves, and the skin, that he liked. He just couldn't imagine why he'd never tried to get with her before. He shook his head gently, still just following her, every now and then he'd smile a bit more as the wind lifted her skirt, showing him her panties. He could already imagine what he would do to her, but his eyes moved up and down her as he kept his distance, making sure not to make it look like he was following her.
As oblivious as earlier, even when the crowd thinned out with people going to class, Hakufu was unaware of his presence. Even when she eventually stopped at her locker to get her books out and put some in, even with the door not blocking her view, she still didn't notice him. It wasn't so much he was good at much that she was too bright.
He smiled softly as the crowds seemed to thin out a bit, moving behind her,"Now now... what's a beautiful thing such as yourself doing all alone in the hallways?" he asked, his hand moving and ghosting over her side a bit,"You never know who could be roaming these hallways..." he said as he laid his head gently on her shoulder, taking a soft deep breath and taking in her scent. It was hard enough for him to keep off of her, but he could do it, he'd make sure that he'd have plenty of time for her.
"Just getting ready for class." Hakufu replied, not really caring, or perhaps even noticing his hands brushing her side lightly. Though, she did notice when he put his head on her shoulder."Uh..........what are you doing?" she asked, looking back over her shoulder at him. Most people would be able to pick up the undertones of his actions but Hakufu..........she didn't have the slightest clue what was going on.
He smiled a bit, his hand moving over her hip gently,"Just getting to know someone I've never met before..." he said, pulling his head off her shoulder gently,"I'm Ryu... and you are...?" he asked, his hand still on her hip, pulling her a bit closer to him. He couldn't believe how oblivious she was, but maybe she just didn't care. He gave her a soft smile, trying his best to look friendly.
"Hakufu...." replied the girl, a little wary of him. Though, not from how he was touching her, but incase he decided to attack. As for what she did not react at all to his touching, it was a little of both. She was both oblivious to his intentions, but didn't really care as he wasn't doing anything bad yet. Now, if he suddenly stuffed his hand in her panties, that might set of some warning bells in her pretty little head.
He smiled a bit, moving and pulling a card from his pocket,"Nice to meet you Hakufu..." he said, handing her the card,"Meet me here after school... I'll treat you to something to eat." he said with as smile as he moved away a bit, his eyes looking her up and down,"Wear something nice... Karaoke doesn't really require it... but you're meeting someone new..." he said with a soft chuckle as he moved away from her a bit.
"Uh...ok......" Hakufu replied, somewhat dumbfounded as she suddenly gave her the card. Though, with a shrug of her shoulders, she slid it into her shirt before hurrying off the class. After school, she hurried home and hopped out of her uniform before slipping on a nice little summer dress. Not as skimpy as the uniform, but it hugged her great curves nicely.Looking at the card, she followed the directions till she reached the building."This it?" she asked noone in particular as she looked up at the building, noticing the closed for renovation sign.
He smiled softly as he moved, fixing up the place a bit before moving and opening the front door,"Hey..." he said with a smile,"Sorry bout the sign... it makes it so only the people we want will come in." he said as he held the door open, waiting for her to enter. He knew she wouldn't understand what was going on, but it was okay, he had a bunch of food out and waiting for her as he moved inside, sitting at a seat and waiting for her,"Well, do you like the place?" he asked with a smile.
Hakufu didn't questions his explanation. It seemed plausible enough to her."Not bad." she replied, as she sat down next to him and surveyed the great looking food he had laid out."Wow, it's like a feast." she added happily, a bit starry eyed at the sight of all the flood, oblivious to anything he did next to her.
He chuckled,"Well... only the best for the prettiest..." he said as he leaned back a bit, smiling softly at her. He grabbed a bit of food and took a bit. It was all handmade, and it had to be because of the special ingredient that he put in. He knew she wouldn't be suspicious, but he took precautions just in case, making sure that each thing had just enough to make sure she'd end up feeling the effects, but not too much so she'd realize it early,"Go ahead, dig in... it's just for the two of us." he smiled.
Hakufu really didn't need an invitation. By the time he told her, she already had a plat full of food and was scarfing it all down, barely even stopping to chew, swallowing mouthfuls by the whole.
He smiled as he watched her eat, grabbing a bit himself every now and then. He leaned back a bit and turned on the tv, a movie coming on and he let her eat to her hearts content as he feigned interest in the movie, just waiting for her to show the effects. He let his hands move over her side a bit, pulling her a bit close to him,"Heh... so, do you like the food?" he asked as he grabbed a bit more food.
"Yes, it's delicious." Hakufu replied with a full mouth. When he pulled her closer, Hakufu actually scooted closer willingly. Still, things like that didn't set off any alarms. With how airheaded she was, it took basically a slap across the face to get her notice anything was up.
He smiled as he held her,"Good... wouldn't want to think I made a bad impression on the first meeting..." he said as he flipped through the channels a bit. He knew with how much she ate, she'd start to feel the heat rising inside of her soon, but he wondered how much she'd feel the effects, it was different for every girl, and with how she had been acting, he wondered vaguely how she would react, but he would wait and see, just flipping through the channels until he found something good or she did.
"Woo, spicey!" said Hakufu biting into one last piece of chicken, mistaking the heat building in her to be due to the food.........that wasn't actually spicy."So.......stuffed......" she said, slouching a bit as she patted her stomach, the straps of her dress slipping off her shoulder, one side of her dress dangersouly close to revealing one of her impressive melons.
He chuckled softly as he let his hand move over her side and down to her hip,"Hmmm... well, I'm glad you enjoyed it..." he said as he looked her over a bit, seeing her dress starting to slip off a bit. He was hungry too, but for something very different than what she was, and he knew that she'd be feeling it just about now. He let his hand move down over her hip a bit, teasing over her rear as he flipped through the channels still.
As usual, Hakufu thought little of what he was doing. When his hands occasionally brushed over her rear, she just sat back up straight. Finally noticing something was a about his touches. Still, the warmth in her body continued to increase."It's hot in here. This place got AC?" she asked, fanning her self with her hands, causing her breasts to jiggle slightly.
He chuckled a bit and shook his head,"Sorry... Ac's been out for a bit..." he said, looking at her softly,"If you'd like, you can take some things off..." he suggested as he continued to flip through the channels. He knew she had taken a lot of the food in, and it would start effecting her more, he knew first would come the heat, then the want, then the need... it would only be a matter of time before he could have his way with her...
"Eh, I guess so." Hakufu replied, not hesitating as she sprung up off the couch and pulled her dress up and off, over her head and tossed it to the side."A little better, I suppose." she said as she plopped back down, now in just a strapless white bra and panties. They were basic cotton and a classic look, but boy, did she ever pull it off well.
He had to say that he was surprised when she moved, pulling off her dress and standing there in nothing but her underwear, but he didn't show it. He could see all the curves of her body perfectly and it was tough for him to resist,'How dense is this girl?' he thought as he felt her sitting ehr back down next to him,"Sorry bout the ac..." he said as he let his hand ghost over her thigh a bit, feeling just how smooth her skin was.
"Meh, it's alright. ACs are loud and annoying anyways. This ain't bad though." Hakufu replied, writhing a bit under his hand. Though, it wasn't from his touch.......persay. She was starting to feel more of the effects of his little drug. Whatever it was doing, it caused his simple touch of her thigh, to send a tingle of pleasure to her pussy.
He smiled softly as he felt her writhe a bit,"Hmmm... well, I'll have to make it up to you..." he said as he let his hand continue softly up and down her thigh a bit. He moved his head a bit and made a thoughtful face,"Now... how should I do that though...?" he asked, mostly to himself as his hand moved up over her side a bit, teasing towards her breast but not making a move yet, just waiting to see just how sensitive she would get.
"D Don't worry about it...." Hakufu replied, writhing a bit more, his hand moving up her body sending a constant tingle through her whole body. She couldn't but let out a gasp at how these simple actions were getting her so hot and bothered. She had been groped by people before, but nothing ever felt like this.
He shook his head a bit,"Uh uh... I've got to do something to make it up to you..." he said as his hand continued softly, moving up a bit and gently cupping her breast a bit, hearing her stuttering a bit,"But what can I do...?" he said as he looked at the tv, still trying to see just how sensitive she had gotten.
Hakufus gasps soon became full on moans when he gripped her breast. She didn't answer him, but she did look him in the eye. Her eyes made it obvious what she wanted right now, what she needed him to do.
He saw her look into his eyes and he smirked a bit,"Oh... thought of something?" he asked as his hand caressed her breast gently, moving her a bit to sit on his lap with her back to his chest,"Do tell..." he said as his other hand moved to caress her other breast, slipping under her bra to tease her skin as he nibbled a bit on her neck.
"T Touch me.......more......" Hakufu managed to get out between moans. Everything he did, no matter how simple, sent ripples of pleasure through her entire body.
He smiled as he sucked softly on the nape of her neck, making a small red mark as one of his hands moved down, slipping up her inner thigh gently,"You mean like this...?" he whispered softly in her ear, moving and teasing softly over her panties, rubbing just a bit as he kissed at her neck, enjoying her moans.
"Yes!" Hakufu full on cried on, her panties growing wet at his touching. She couldn't help but start grinding her hips into his hand, wanting more. More touching, more kissing, just.......more.
He smiled as he nibbled on her neck softly, his hand moving and ghosting softly over her slit through her panties,"Hmmm... you're so warm..." he whispered in her ear,"And your skin is so soft..." He licked softly at her neck, sucking and nibbling a bit,"And you taste so good... I just want to eat you up..." he said as his hand moved, slipping into her panties and rubbing softly at her slit, feeling just how wet she had gotten from just all this.
"T Take me........" Hakufu moaned out. Sure, his touching was amazing, but feeling his hand in her panties, she just couldn't but crave to full thing. She wanted it, she wanted it bad. Though, he was in the drivers seat. It was up to him to when and even if to oblige her.
He smiled, nibbling on her neck softly, sucking a bit again,"Hmmm... why should I?" he whispered teasingly in her ear as his finger slid softly over her clit teasingly, pinching it softly and rubbing it between his fingers as his other hand caressed her breast gently,"Maybe I should just tease your cute body... until you explode...?" he said as he moved her head a bit, kissing her lips gently.
"P Please........." Hakufu moaned out. She was reaching her breaking point. With this weird drug, he probably wouldn't even need to do her to get her to climax. Hell, at this rate, all he had to do was continue his light teasing she's cum before she knew it.
He smiled, nibbling on her neck as his finger teased softly over her clit, before his hand pulled away slowly, not letting her near that sweet climax,"Hmmm... promise me then..." he whispered in her ear,"Promise me you'll be mine alone... to do with what I please..." he said as his fingertips gently pinched her nipple, pulling a bit on it to give her a sweet pleasure,"Promise me and I'll give you what you need..."
Normally, Hakufu wouldn't agree to be someones obedient little pet like that. But normally, she wasn't under the effects of this drug. There'd be time later to regret it and try and get out of it. For now, she wanted it too much."I I'm and forever to do with as you please......" she almost cried out, writhing in anxiety and desperate need as he continued to tease her.
He smiled as he moved, slowly slipping her panties off of her, seeing just how wet she had gotten,"Then take what you need so badly..." he whispered to her,"Take what you need from your master..." he said as his hands moved, taking hers and letting her move down to his zipper, showing her what to do before moving up to caress both of her breasts, caressing them gently.
Hakufu let her lead him along in unzipping his zipper. Though, one it was all the way down, her free hand grasped both his pants and boxers before pulling them quickly down to his knees. She wasted no time, her back still to him as she raised her hips, moaning loudly as she slowly lowered them, finally getting what she was craving so badly.
He smiled as she moved down onto him, pushing himself deep into her as he nibbled on her neck,"Hmmm... so warm..." he whispered in her ear,"I've been asking around about you..." He whispered,"Hakufu Sonsaku..." He nibble on her neck as he ground himself against her, stirring gently inside of her,"You seem to be quite the strong fighter... or so I've heard..." he said as his hands caressed her breasts gently and teasingly.
Hakufu heard him, but was too filled with lust and a craving for pleasure that she didn't bother to answer him. Instead, she just lowered herself fully on him, wasting no time before she started to bounce up and down his lap, going slow at first, but increasing speed, moaning loudly as did, her large breasts bouncing lightly in his hands.
His hands caressed her breasts as she bounced on him, his lips pressing small kisses to her neck,"Hmmm... so this is the great fighter Hakufu..." he whispered to her, his fingers pinching her nipples a bit and pulling them as he thrust up, pushing himself against her bounces to push deep into her,"You feel amazing... I'm going to enjoy playing with you over and over again..." he said as one of his hands moved down, rubbing gently at her clit.
"More......more....." Hakufu begged, bouncing furiously on his lap, his thrusts and touching of her clit just shot her pleasure through the roof. She was in absolute ecstasy.
He smiled as he continued to thrust deep into her, his hand caressing ehr breast and rubbing at her clit as he felt her body tensing around him over and over. He knew she wouldn't be able to take too much, but he would let her take as much as she needed as he nibbled on her neck, movign her a bit and kissing her deeply, his tongue slipping into her mouth as he bounced her harder on him.
Hakufus moans became muffled, but were still loud as she kissed him back. Her body tensed forward, already nearing her orgasm. She wasn't very..........experienced with sex. So even though she had strong body, she hadn't yet learned how to really hold an orgasm back very well.
He smiled, his tongue ghosting softly over hers as he continued to push into her. He could feel how strongly she was tightening around him, and he knew she would end soon. He wanted to feel it, wanted to feel her end as he continued to push deep and hard into her, his hands continuing to caress her breasts. He was getting closer to his as well, but he would wait for her finish before giving her her first order.
As it happened, her eyes closed tight and she basically let out a muffled scream into his mouth, stopping in his lap with him fully inside of her as her orgasm hit her like a bus. It was so powerful, sending ripples through her body.
He smiled as he felt her body tighten hard around him, his hands on her breasts as she came,"Mmm..." he whispered into her mouth, still holding the kiss as he gave a few soft grinds against her, letting her orgasm last a bit longer, giving her the feeling she wanted so badly. He smiled softly into her lips, slowly pulling away as she finished,"I bet that felt good..." he whispered to her.
Hakufu nodded her head, breathing heavily as she just slumped back against him. Her orgasm had left her quite drained. But, it did satisfy the effects of the drug, as her lust had been quenched, and she was no longer sex crazed. Just.......satisfied and tired now.
He smiled as he held her to him, letting his hands ghost softly up and down her back,"Hmmm... I'm glad..." he said as he moved, kissing her lips gently. He would let her rest for a bit, let her regain her strength before they continued their playing. He was glad he could get her do as he wished.
"It felt.......really nice." Hakufu whispered, still mostly out of breath as she put her hands on his shoulders and rested her forehead on his shoulder as well. Even though no longer under the drug effects, she didn't regret anything she had just done. If anything, she was glad she had gotten to experience it.
He smiled softly as he let his hands ghost softly over her sides, holding her to him still,"Hmmm... good..." he whispered as he let his hands move to take hers,"You know though... I didn't get to finish..." he said as he nibbled on her neck a bit, figuring she had rested enough, and even if she hadn't he would have his end no matter what.
Hakufu was about to speak, but only moaned when he hipped at her neck, her fingers wrapping around his hands, holding them. She was still tired, but certainly didn't seem to detur him from what he had in mind.
He smiled as he moved slowly, slipping out of his clothes and slipped off her bra, letting their skin press against each other,"Hmmm... you're so warm..." he whispered in her ear as he moved, spinning her so she was facing him, pressing her chest to his as his hands ghost over her sides,"I love how your skin feels against mine..." he said as he ground against her once more, feeling her growing wet once more.
"I.....I'm not sure I can handle a second time." Hakufu replied, pressing her chest further into his, loving the feeling as well. Physical endurance and sexual enurance did not seem to go hand in hand. While Hakufu was a tought fighter, being inexperienced in sexual matter, she tired quickly, not being use to it. Though, not like she was going to say no to another amazing feeling.
He smiled softly as he nibbled on her neck a bit, licking softly at her skin,"Hmmm... please...?" he whispered, giving a soft teasing thrust up into her, sure to send a jolt of pleasure through her as his hands ghosted softly over her sides. He wanted all of her, every hole she could provide, but he would wait, take his time with her, since he knew she wasn't as experianced just yet.
Hakufu moaned loudly, arms going around his neck when he thrust up into her."O Ok..........but don't blame me if I pass out....." she added with a weak laugh as she held tightly onto him, waiting for him to ravage her again as he pleased.
He smiled as he moved, nibbling on her earlobe a bit,"Don't worry..." he whispered in her ear,"A strong fighter such as yourself should be able to handle it..." he said as he moved, laying her back a bit as he began to thrust into her, pushing himself deep into her with each slow thrust. He was searching a bit, waiting to find that one magical spot that would drive her insane with pleasure before he sped up to his own personal speed.
Hakufu moaned quite a bit as he laid her back and started to slowly thrust into her. Now that she was no longer wildly craving it, this slow pace felt just as nice. She had no idea he was searching for her..........sweet spot, but as he continued to do so, he got closer and closer.
He smiled softly as he watched her enjoy his pace, moving softly and kissing at her chest a bit, his arms wrapped around her waist to hold her steady as he continued, getting closer and closer. He let his tongue ghost softly over her breast, teasing it a bit before moving to her nipple, letting his tongue flick it softly as he looked up at her, watching her reaction to him.
Hakufu released him, one arm resting next to her head on the couch, while the other draped off the side. As he started to kiss and lick her as well, her pleasure only go, then suddenly, he found was he was looking for as she cried in pleasure for a moment, backing arching and toes curling as he found that oh so nice spot inside of her.
He smiled as he heard her cry out in pleasure, knowing he'd found what he'd been looking for. He continued to let his mouth focus on her nipple as he continued to thrust, hitting that same spot over and over as his other hand moved to caress her other breast, wanting her to feel so many different pleasures at once, wanting her to go insane from all the stimulation.
Hakufu no longer moans, she full on cried out in pleasure now as he just hit that same spot again and again and again, while his tongue continued to work her large breasts, which were themselves quite sensitive. God, it felt even better than last time. She would no doubt, not last long this time, but would savor every second.
He continued to pleasure her with every touch, ever sensation as his hands and mouth worked on her breasts. He loved hearing her cries of pleasure, pushing against the spot with each hard thrust. He was getting close to his own end, and could feel that she was near the same. He smiled softly as he thought about how little endurance she had, but he knew in time she'd grow more and more, and knew she'd learn more and more as he moved, kissing ehr lips deeply, his tongue slipping into her mouth to rub gently against hers.
Hakufus legs suddenly wrapped firmly around his waist, almost as if she was afraid he'd stop. She held him close still, returning the kiss before her back suddenly arched again, once more, a powerful orgasm rocking her entire body. Even as it subsided and left her about to pass out, she continued to kiss him, her legs quickly falling back down, as well as her arms, feeling like jelly now.
He shuddered as he felt her tighten around him once more, unable to hold back anymore himself, he kissed her lips deeply as he gave one more hard thrust, pushing deep into her as he came hard, spraying his seed deep into her. He continued to thrust for a few moments, prolonging both of their pleasure as he held her tightly to him, his lips pressed firmly to hers as he enjoyed the feeling of her body against his.
Hakufu continued to weakly kiss back, enjoying the feeling of his warm seed entering her. Though, the feelings of pleasure didn't last as her vision got darker and darker, until her whole body just fell limp beneath him. She actually had ended up passing out. Such amazing feeling in such a short span had taken it's toll on her and her body absolutely needed rest at this point, or she'd end up suffering from exhaustion.
He smiled softly as she passed out, shaking his head a bit as he moved, grabbing her bag and pulling out her phone. He took down her number on his before dressing, giving her one more soft kiss on the lips as he pulled a blanket over her,"Hmm... we'll have to do this again sometime..." he whispered, knowing she wouldn't hear,"And I'll make sure to teach you some... fun things..." he whispered as he let his fingertips ghost over her cheek softly before he moved to leave. He had other girls he had to see tonight...
Meanwhile, whilst Hakufu slept peacefully, naked under the blanket in the abandoned building, Ryofu had elected to walk around town, being bored out of her sexy mind. It was a hot day, so she dressed in an outfit usual for her skimpyness. A short skirt, that like so many others, flashed her panties constantly and tight button short sleeve shirt that not only showed alot of cleavage, but also visibly strained greatly to contain her massive rack.
He walked silently down the street, his hands in his pockets after putting in a pair of headphones. He knew where to meet this one, but wasn't so sure if she'd be there this time or not. They'd already had a bit of fun, and she knew that he would want more, and he knew she would too. He put some music on and listened to it as he walked casually towards his destination, making his way there he knew she had been by recently by all the guys pointing a bit towards the way he was going, a soft smirk on his face as he thought of her. | 74 | ['Hakufu', 'Ryu', 'Sonsaku'] |
99 | | naruto time(me and jemnai only) | Sakura was sitting under a tree about a mile from the konoha gate enjoying the nice weather thinking 'i wonder what i should do today'
One of the messangers arrive at Sakura location with a note from the Hokage."Sakura the fifth Hokage has given you a mission"the unnamed ninja said to her.
She stood up and smiled "Alright thanks, where do i need to go for the mission." she hoped that she would get to go to a new village for once.
"Its all in this scroll"the ninja said as they hand her the scoll with what her mission would deal with.
"Alright, go tell Tsunade on i'm off" she said turning and heading out for her mission. After about an hour she stopped and took a look at the scroll. | 5 | ['Tsunade'] |
100 | | 1X1 Twiligt rp. Niki-Gale and I only. | The setting takes place in Phoienx where a girl named Angel was going to Forks City to stay with her Aunt and Uncle for the summer,because her mother and her step father were going on a trip on the road for a while,so she thought it would be nice if she stayed with her Aunt and Uncle for a bit and she wonders if she'll make any new friends in Forks City or not and she sighed. It's about 3pm in the afternoon on a nice summer day out like today. Angel had her stuff all packed up and she let her mother and her step father take her to the airport so she could fly to Forks City where her Aunt will pick her up from the airport in Forks City right at 5pm in the evening. Angel wonders what Forks City would be like different from Phoienx and she was very excited about this trip. Angel's step father carried her things to the car and they all got into the car and her mother drove Angel to the airport so she wouldn't miss her flight to Forks city. They all arrival at the airport and Angel carries her things to the luggage room and the people put herl ugage onto the airplane and Angel shows her ticket and the co pliot of the plane escorts Angel to her seat and Angel sits down in her seat on the airplane and her belt up before the plane takes off. The plane begins to take off and flies up into the air and Angel looks out her window of her airplane and wonders if her Aunt and Uncle will remember her or not. Angel's father passed away about a year ago in a fatal car accident that took his life and Angel misses her father a bit and she sighed. Angel's aunt was already at the airport in Forks city waiting for her plane to fly into the airport. Angel's plane lands at Forks City airport right at 5pm and everyone get's off the plane and grabs their lugage and they all walk into the arrivals and Angel sees her Aunt and her Aunt sees her and they both hug each other,because they haven't seen each other for 2 whole years at all. Angel's Aunt helps Angel with her stuff and put's it the trunk of her car and Angel get's into her Aunt's car and her Aunt also get's into the car as well and her Aunt begins to drive Angel to their place for supper and talk with her for a bit. Angel's Aunt drives her car into the driveway and parks it outside of the garage and oepns up her door and then Angel's door and Angel get's out of the car and grabs her lugage and walks into her Aunt and Uncle place and it has changed a bit and she walks upstairs to her room and put's everything away in the right place and her room is so nice and perfect and she loves her room she is in. It's now 5:30 pm in the evening.
Kaname sat on his front step across the street watching the new girl carry things in to the house smelling her blood on the wind hit him hard and his fangs came into view as he thought 'Damn she smells nice, i'll have to keep an eye on her'
Angel looked at the guy that was looking at her from across the street and she shurgged her shoulders and walked inside of her aunt and uncle place and she liked it here alot. She carries her things upstairs to her room and begins to unpack her stuuf and everything was unpacked and all put away in the right place of her room. She remembered Bella telling her about this place about vampires and werewolves that roam in the forbidden forest north of the town and the school.
Kaname answered his cell and noticed it was none other then his buddy Edward Cullen calling him to chat and Kaname said "Sorry Ed i know your worried about me living in town but a new girl just arrived and her blood smeels as strong as Bella's and i'm thinking i may need to protect her as you protect Bella" and he nicely got off the phone and walked across the street to welcome his new neighbor.
Angel's aunt and uncle ansswers the door and said to him,"Hey Kaname what brings you over here for a visit,please do come inside and you can meet our niece in about 5 minutes,please have a seat and make yourself at home, can we get you anything to drink like water or pop Kaname hmm.?" Angel heads downstairs and she was a bit surpise to see the guy from across the street here and she said to her Aunt and Uncle,"Whom is this guy,I've never ever seen him around here before,should I be worried about him or not worry hmm.?" Angel's Aunt and Uncle said to her,"It's ok he is not a threat to any of us at all,he keeps a close eye around this area of the twon,don't be such a worry wart ok Angel." Angel nods her head and she sits down on a chair in the living room and waits for this guy to introduce himself to her.
Kaname smiled at her and said "Mr and Ms Crystal you never mentioned your neice being so beautiful, why she looks pretty enough to eat, figurativly speaken of course." he had a slight souther accent that complimented his soft deep voice. He turned to the girl and smiled "Miss my name is Kaname Kraine and if you need anything, anything at all you just holler my name i will be at your side in the blink of an eye" he gently kissed her hand like gentle man and then mentioned to her aunt and uncle "Oh by the way my friend Edward Cullen called asking me to move out to where his family is again, but i told him no as usual now cause there is a new lady to keep safe here in forks and he winked at her.
Angel's Aunt and Uncle said to him,"Thank you for the comment you gave us about our niece and she has her mother beauty,except she has her father eyes. I know that you both will become friends and get along with each other Kaname." Angel said to him,"Nice to meet Kaname Kraine and that is ok with me if you want to protect me at times. My friend Bella told me about Edward Cullen how nice he was to her and always watched out for her all the time. She even told me when Edward saved her from James and his family helped them both out. I have heard many stories about The Cullen family Kaname."
Kaname smiled happy to hear that she knew about what the Cullen's did for Bella "Well now thats good cause they are having a picnic tomorow and they invited me" he smiled at her and grabbed her hand and asked "Miss May i ask what your name is and if you would care to join me tomorow for the picic, i hear Edward and Bella will be there too." and he kindly waited for her to answer still loving the smell of her blood but did not show that he was a vampire, yet.
Angel looked at him and said to him,"My name is Angel and of course I'd love to go to the pinic with you and it's been a while since I've seen my friend Bella, her and I can catch up on things and have a girl talk as well. Can I go to the pinic with Kaname pretty please Aunt Luna and Uncle Drake pretty please?" Angel aunt and uncle said tp her,"Sure you can go to the pinic with Kaname we trust him with you and Kaname make sure you have Angel back home no latter then by 10pm tomorrow night do we have a deal Kaname hmm.?"
Kaname smiled "Very well then Angel, I shall see you tomorow for the pinic" he stood to get ready to go home "Sleep well My Angel" he blew a kiss at her and then turned to her guardians "May we make it 11pm, I would like to take her to a place for some ice cream if its alright if not then 10 it is Mam" He stood pationatly for their answer.
Angel's Aunt and Uncle said to him,"Ok have her home no later then 11pm tomorrow night Kaname and take good care of her as well, as Edward takes really great care of Bella Kaname." Angel said to Kaname,"Good night now Kaname and see you tomorrow at what time will you be picking me up hmm.?" Her face slightly blushed when Kaname blew her a kiss and she wonders if this was a begining of a new friendship for the time being or not.
Kaname lightly bowed "Thank you" then turning to Angel, he walked over and asked "I will pick you up at 9 am so we get there in time for lunch alright Miss." He kissed her cheek and went to the door saying "Goodnight Mr and Ms Crystal" smiling he said "Good night Princess" and left to his home across the street and up to his room that had a view of her room, not intentionally though.
Angel said to her Aunt and Uncle,"I'm going to get some sleep now good night Aunt Luna and Uncle Drake I'll see you both in the morning ok good night." Angel walked upstairs to her room and she crawled into her bed and she pulled the sheets and blanket over herself and she automatically drifted off to sleep until when ever morning comes along. Angel's aunt and uncle went to bed as well and they both fell asleep as well for the night and didn't wake up until whenever morning comes along for all of them.
Kaname slept thinking of Angel and how beautiful she was saying "She has the perfect name cause she looks like an angel."Soon morning came and he got his jeep ready to go and went over to Angel's house at 8:30 am to give her enough time to get ready for the day. As he waited for her he thought 'I wonder how she will look today.'
Angel was already awake and she grabbed her key to lock up the front door behind her and she was wearing a nice pink top,pair of nice jeans, and her blonde hair was up in a braid and she said to him,"Good morning Kaname,how did you sleep last night hmm.?" She locks up the front door and get's inside of Kaname jeep and put's her seat belt on and she was wondering what else Kaname was up to next.
Kaname smiled at her and started the jeep "Well I slept nicely for the first time in a while from Meeting you Princess" he said as he started to drive out to the Cullen's home, smiling at her thinking 'Damn she is hotter in the day light and smells even better' but asked "Are you wearing perfume, i smell cherrys"
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"Yes I am wearing perfume and it does smell like cherries,just like Bella perfume smells like Vanilla and if any other male vampires did ever try to hit on me,would you tell them to leave me alone or don't do anything at all? I'm just wondering that's all Kaname."
Kaname smirked "Well Angel, I would keep them away from you at any cost honey. And does this also mean that you know I'm a vampire too." He knew she saw the vampire in him and was happy she was hanging out with him.
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I knew that you were a vampire,I could tell by looking at you when we first met last night and I'm glad that you are protecting me Kaname and thanks for the lift to the pinic ,shall we get out of your jeep now or not quite yet hmm.?" She didn't mind hanging out with a vampire as long as the vampire was nice to her and not mean.
He smiled "Whatever you want to do is fine Angel" He liked the fact she knew his secret and got out then whipped to her side letting her out "Well lets have some fun today My Lovely Angel" letting her know she was like bella to edward, she was his drug. First one to greet them was Carliel, who said "Welcome Angel, Kaname has said alot about you. Good to see you again Kaname" Kaname looked at him "Carliel" then they went and had fun during the picnic talking with everyone.
Angel was not afraid of vampires at all and she sees Bella and Bella sees Angel and she said to her,"Long time no see Angel I'm glad that you came to the pinic so we can hang out with each other and catch up on things,let's go for a walk come on Angel." Bella said to Edward and Kaname,"Me and Angel are going for a walk,do not worry if we run into any kind of trouble we'll hollar your names out ok,we'll be fine Edward and Kaname ok. Come on Angel let's go for a walk now." Angel get's up and follows Bella and said to her,"I found your diary and I thought that I'd return it to you and here it is Bella and I kept in a safe place so no one could touch or read your diary at all Bella ok." Bella said to her,"Thanks for bringing my diary back to me and this is the forbidden forest where Edward saved me from some werewolves come on let's explore this forest don't be nervous or scared Angel." Angel looked at Bella and said to her,"If Edward and Kaname found out were in the forbidden forest,we'll both be in a bit of trouble and I don't feel like to get a leciture from Kaname at all we should head back Bella." Bella continued on walking into the forbidden forest and Angel followed Bella into the forest and it was so beautiful and Angel had a bad feeling about this place.
Kaname and Edward got a bad feeling and started to walk through the forest to find the girls. Kaname looked at Edward "Where are they at." Kaname was very worried about the girls mainly Angel cause he just found his love. Edward was looking and trying to hear Angels thoughts to help find them.
Bella begins to run and so does Angel and they both begin to run away from a pack of werewolves that was chasing them both. Bella stopped running and so did Angel stop running as well and the 6 werewolves cornered them both and Bella said to Angel,"Hopefully this will work." Bella holloared Edward name hoping he could hear her holloring for him. Angel looks at Bella and she hollaered Kaname name out as well hoping both of the guys heard them hollaring for help. The 6 werewolves kept coming towards them both and Angel said to Bella,"I thought you said that their were no more werewolves around but you were wrong Bella,were going to get told off by the guys oh well."
Ed and Kaname showed uup in no time, and Kaname shouted in his angry vampire voice for the first time "Ya were'olves get 'way from 'em!" he shouted no taking his eyes of the wolves "Angel ya girls a'right" his soutern out full blast.
The were wolves looked at them both and one of them tried to lounge at Bella and Bella quickly steped to the side and the werewolf banged up against the tree and it was knocked out. The other 5 were wolves retreated from the area and Bella said to Edward,"Yeah I'm ok,I know that I shouldn't of brought Angel here at all I'm sorry Edward and I'm sorry as well Kaname." Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"Yeah I'm ok just a bit shooken up that's all Kaname."
Edward said "Bella lets just go back alright" and he took her back leaving Kaname and Angel alone. Kaname stared at the wolf passed out and walked over to Angel checking to make sure she wasnt hurt "Ya sure ya aint hurt" he finished checking then hugged her tightly "I am so happy yur alright Angel"
Angel said to Kaname,"I'm sure I'm not hurt at all. I told Bella we shouldn't entered into the forest,she didn't listen and pelase don't tell me off at all Kaname ok." Angel hugged Kaname back and she felt much more safer in his arms then in anyone else's arms at all. Bella followed Edward back to the pinic area and she stayed close to him and didn't want to tell him that she saw James older brother in the forest at any cost and she sighed.
Kaname smiled at her "ANgel why would i tell you off, i'm just glad that your alright" he held her chin to look in her eyes and said "I only care about you being happy and being safe"
Angel said to him,"I'm glad that you won't tell me off at all Kaname, and thanks for saving me from those were wolves thank you Kaname." She looked into Kaname eyes and she smiled at him and she'll always felt safe with Kaname even though she knows that he is a vampire and she let's him lead them both back to the pinic once again.
After the picnic died at about 7 pm Kaname took Angel to a movie for a few hours and asked "What movie do you want to see"
Angel said to Kaname,"I wouldn't mind seeing a nice romantic,comdey,and adventure movie with you Kaname,let's go and see Watchmen please Kaname.?"
Kaname said smiling "Alright hun we can watch whatever you want"he got them tickets and some pop and popcorn to share. "Shall we" he said leading her to get seats.
Angel said to Kaname,"Sure let's go into the movie theater now and where do you prefer to sit in the front or in the back of the shows Kaname. I prefere to sit either in the back of the theatre or in the middle aslie seats in the theater you can choose where you'll like to sit."
He smiled at her "Lets sit in the very back row so there is no one behind us" he started to head for the very last row of seats thinking 'I am going to kiss her as much as i can'
Angel said to Kaname,"Ok with me that we sit in the last row of the seats and I'll go in first ok." Angel walked into the last row of the seats and she sits down and waits for Kaname to sit down beside her and she hoped that they'll both enjoy this movie together and not be a bit scared of it at all.
Kaname sits next to her and watches the movie not scared at all hoping she would be a bit scared and grab him for reassurence thinking 'please let this night go well'
The movie begin to start and it was really good at the begining of the movie and Angel got a little bit scared at one part of the movie and she quickly grabbed Kaname and hid her head behind his shoulder and hoped that scary part of the movie was almost over and she also hoped that this night would go really good as well.
He pulled her head out looking in her eyes "I love you Angel and i want you to e mine" he then kissed her deeply and passionately not wanting to let her leave his side.
Angel said to Kaname," I also love you as well and I'm not ready to give up my mortal life not yet Kaname." She returned the kiss as well and she let Kaname kiss her passionately on her lips and whispered to him,"I'll always be yours as long as I can enjoy my mortal life for a bit longer Kaname."
He looked into her eyes and said "I could never bring my self to end your life now and have you become like me, not unless you asked me to. I will wait for how ever long it takes Angel my sweet piece of heaven"
Angel said to Kaname,"Ok with me,I'm glad that you can wait to turn me into an immortal but not right now Kaname. I'll always be by your side no matter what happens Kaname ok." Angel kissed Kaname again on his lips and she has no idea what is making her feel like this towards Kaname only and no other guy in her life.
Kaname kissed her back "I have no reason to turn you with out you wanting to" he looked in her eyes and asked "My i please have permission to do something else though my sweet Angel" his eyes were full of love for her.
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"Depends on what else you want my premission to do with me and could you please tell me what else you want to do with me with my premission, my dearest Kaname hmm.?" She enjoyed Kaname kissing her lips and she felt really safe with him and was enjoying her evening so far and the movie was at another good part and she wonders what else Kaname wants with her.
Kaname looked in her eyes "Since it is only 7 pm, May i have your permission to take you home to my house for a few hours" he placed a hand on hers as he asked
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"Sure you can take me back to your place for a few hours and the movie is over now. It was a very good movie and I enjoyed seeing the movie with you Kaname,and let's head back to your car now ok,please lead the way back to your car now please and thank you Kaname."
He led the way thinking 'does she know why i want to have permission'. He smiled at her "I had fun watching the movie with you to Angel"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes that was a pretty good movie we both saw with each other. Could you please excuse me my cell phone is riniging I won't be long ok Kaname." Angel answered her cell phone and it was Bella just checking up on her and she said to Bella,"I'm fine Bella I'm with Kaname and so far our night has gone perfect,I'll call you later Bella ok bye Bella." Angel closed up her cell phone and got into Kaname jeep and said to him,"It was only Bella checking up on me. I'm like a little sister to her and I haven't been inside your house,I hope your parent's will like me Kaname."
He turned away a bit sad saying as he started the jeep "Its just me there my mum and dad died last year in a car crash" he started driving to his place. Once there he got out and opened her door and led her inside his emty house.
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"I didn't know that your parent's died last year in a car crash,I'm really am sorry to hear that Kaname. You have a nice place here,it's a bit bigger then my Aunt and Uncle place,I'm telling you the honest truth Kaname."
Kaname smiled at her "I know you are and thank you Angel" he grabbed her hand and led her through the house giving her a tour then ending it with his bedroom he said "This is my room, please have a seat on the bed" He smiled at her though his eyes showed he longer to hold her there.
Angel looks around Kaname room and she sits down on his bed and takes another look around his room and said to Kaname,"Your welcome for me caring about you and staying by your side,but I have to be back at my aunt and uncle place for 11pm and it's about 8pm at nighttime and it has been a nice night for us both,thank you for everything Kaname." She was comfy sitting on his bed and wondered how long they'll stay together for as boyfriend girlfriend with each other.
Kaname went over and sat next to her pulling her into a tight hug "I love you so much Angel and we shall be together forever if you like." he looked her inthe eye and said "And you just let me know what to do for you" He pined her on her back and stood over her on his hand and knees "" he said trying to control the darker vampire part of him but failed. He looked at her his eyes a blood red color now and took pinningher hands above her head with his and placed his other hand on her crotch rubbing her pussy "Please forgive the way i'm acting" his soft southern voice now turning to like james as he lost control from her scent kissing her neck and rubbing her pussy making her wet.
Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"I love you too so much,and you need to know how to control your inner dark vampire when it comes towards us mortals girls. You are forgiven how your acting and I wish their was away to make you control your darker vampire side. I wish Bella told me how she manage to control Edward,why didn't she tell me." Angel felt Kaname kissing her neck and she gently groaned and she felt his other hand rubbing her crotch and she felt her pussy a bit wet and wished she knew what she should do and felt her hands being pinned over her head and she slowly tries to struggle out of this sitauation at any cost and she sighed. Bella said to Edward,"Oh know Kaname is letting his darker side of his vampire to take control of him,we got to help Angel out and their must be away to stop Kaname being like James what should we do Edward.?"
Kaname let her go and thew him self aagainst a back wall to knock him out of it knowing Edward could read his mind "I'm sorry Angel, I'm so sorry. You should leave before I hurt you" He turned to look away and started crying and sent a thought to Edward 'Let Bella and everyone know its ok i drove him back' He had tears going down his eyes and said "Please I never want you to be hurt, your to precious to me Angel"
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"It's ok Kaname,please don't cry,because your going to start to make me cry,please stop crying Kaname please." She hands Kaname a klenx for him to wipe away his tears from his eyes and she said to him,"You'll never ever hurt me at all Kaname,you are also prescious to me as well. You made me feel like that I belong here and thanks for a wonderful evening I had with you. If you need to get a hold of me,here is my cell number ok good night Kaname." Angel got off the bed and she wonders if Kaname will walk her back to her aunt and uncle place or not.Bella was glad that Kaname hold off that darker vampire side of him and she hoped that Kaname and Angel will stay together for a very long time after what happened tonight.
Before she could go anywhere Kaname grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug faliing back on the bed so she was on top and he said still teary eyed "Please dont leave yet. I...I wonder if maybe you could see about staying here tonight, I dont want to be alone tonight." He let her go and sat up and said "There is a secret that Edward and I have kept from you and Bella couse of who it involves, the only ones who know are Ed's family and they found out after the attack on Bella" giving her the notion it involves James. He got on his knees in front of her putting his head on her knees saying "If i tell you, would you stay with me even then" his tears came back this time scared she would leave and never go near him again.
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"No matter what happens I'll stay with you for tonight,but how am I going to explain to my aunt and uncle about me staying here for the night hmm.? What is this little sercert you need to tell me about James and Edwards family.? No matter what you tell me I'll stay with you for ever until death comes to one of us. But what will my excuse be that my aunt and uncle will believe me what should I say to them any ideas or suggestions you can think of Kaname hmm.?" She looked at him and wiped the tears away from his eyes and she gently lifts Kaname chin up and she gently kissed him on his lips to let him know she'll stay with him and knew that it would make him feel much happier and more safer that she stays with him for tonight,so he won't be so worried about her safety.
Kaname said "Call and tell them i got hurt protecting you from thugs and your staying here to make sure i'm alright. Then I'll tell you the secret ok, but you cant let Bella know or she will worry way to much ok" He was worried of how she would take to the truth of his past.
Angel nods her head and she dials her aunt and uncle phone number and it begins to ring and Angel's aunt answered the phone and said to her,"Hey Angel how was your night tonight?when will you be coming home hmm.?" Angel said to her Aunt on the phone,"I'm not coming home tonight because Kaname got hurt by protecting me from some thugs and I decided to stay here with him tonight to see if he'll be ok. Ok with you aunt Clarie and you too Uncle Alex.?" Angel's aunt and uncle said to her,"Ok with us both that you stay with Kaname for tonight ok see you tomorrow morning then sometime ok bye Angel." Angel closes up her cell phone and said to Kaname,"My Aunt and Uncle said it was fine with them that I stay with you for tonight and I promise I won't tell Bella about your past at all,you have my word you can trust me Kaname. Do you have an extra pair of pjs I could burrow for tonight since I'm staying with you.?" She turns off her cell phone and put's it into her purse and she hangs up her purse behind Kaname door of his bedroom.
He pointed to his dresser and said "Second drawer hun" he was looking at his feet trying to think of how he would tell her. Then he looked at her and watched as she changed "You have a beautiful body Angel" hoping she would not care about this bit of his past and waiting for her to sit down.
Angel said to Kaname,"Thanks for letting me know where the extra pjs are thanks Kaname." She pulled out a nice pair of pink satin pj bottom and the pj top was pink slik and she quickly changes out of her clothes and into the pjs and she said to Kaname,"Thank you for the comment about my body is beautiful,thansk Kaname." She was the pjs and folded her clothes up into a corner of the dresser drawer and she closed the drawer behind her and she sits back down on his bed and was ready to listen to his story about his past.
Kaname held her hand and softly spoke "You know how James had a slight southern accent, and how i sounded just like him a little while ago"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yeah I know that you and James both had southern accent I read it in Bella's journal about him,why do you ask me for?Are you and James kinda of related or not at all?I'm just wondering that's all Kaname." She continued on listing to Kaname story about his past and she begins to write it down in her own private journal that her father gave to her for her 13th birthday party.
Kaname looked in her eyes saying "Yes we are related." he took a deep breath before he went on, "He was my older brother. He was killed when Edward and his family saved Bella from him." He closed his eyes crying "I wish he 'ad ne'er run 'way then Bella would a ne'er been bitten by him." his southern strong and prominent as he spoke.
Angel wrote this down in her journal and said to Kaname,"I had no idea that James was your older brother until you told me now. But why did Edward and his family spared your life for and I won't tell anyone at all I promise Kaname." She gently hugged him and she promise that she'd never ever leave him at all and she continued on wiping all of his tears away from his eyes. This is the first time she has ever seen a male vampire cry like this. She said to Kaname,"If James never ever bit Bella at all,he'll still be alive. But if Edward didn't save Bella,she would of died, and I have no idea why James was like that to Bella for oh well. You still have me Kaname and I'm never going to leave you even though you are James younger brother,as long as you promise me that you'll control your darker vampire side and will not let it control you do we have deal Kaname.? Will I be staying in the guest room for tonight or not Kaname.?"
He held her close "I was not here then which is why i was not killed. And you will be in here with me." He stood up and gently layed her down on the bed on her back and said "May i get permission to do some sexual thing to you as me and not the dark vampire side" he aske softly placing her hands above her head and kissing her lips.
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"I do see your point their that you weren't their and you didn't die unlike your older brother did. Sure you can have my permission to some sexual things with me as yourself and not as the dark vampire side at all. But how do I know that when you do some sexual things with me as yourself,your dark vampire side will not take over you Kaname hmm.?" She returned the kiss as well and kissed Kaname on his lips and she was glad that he was himself once again.
He smiled "I promise he will not come out at all tonight" he let her hands go and placed one of his on her breast and the other on her crotch kissing her.
Angel said to Kaname,"Ok I do believe you that you won't let the dark vampire side of ever comes out tonight. But if it does,don't be surpise if I slap you across the face to make you regain control of yourself ok." She felt Kaname hand on her breast and she felt his hand feeling her breast through her pj top and she felt Kaname other hand on her crotch and she let him kiss her lips once again and she returns the kiss as well and was really glad that he asked her out to be his girlfriend and she knew that he'll protect her at any cost.
He moved the shirt and began to suck on her other breast while slipping his hand under her undies and let a finger enter her softly "I love you and would like to do so much with you but only if YOU want to, i shall never force you to do anything." he said happy to have been allowed this much "Just tell me what yyou want and i will give"
Angel felt Kaname sucking on her other breast and felt his hand underneath her undies and felt his finger slowly entering her pussy and she said to him,"The only thing I want from you is that you do not get me pregnant at all,I'm not ready to be a mother not until I graudte from highschool which is next year Kaname. I love you too Kaname and you can let your hands explore my body and that's it and nothing more futher understood Kaname."
He stoped sucking on her breast and said "Alright nothing more then this I promise" he layed his head on her chest and closed his eyes listening to her heart beat as he began to move his finger in and out to finger fuck her and he asked "If I were to promise you that you would not get pregnant would you allow more then this?" his voice was soft and full of wonder but also full of comfert to let her know he would not go further til she said he was happy just like this and would wait.
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"If you could figure away out not to get me pregnant at all then I'll consider you can do more then this if you promise me you won't get me pregnant at all Kaname." She let a small soft moan escape from her mouth while he continued on fingering fuck her with his finger going in and out of her again. She was enjoying this so much and wondered if Edward and Bella ever did this or not.
Kaname gently removed his finger and kissed her getting up and going over to a box on the dresser. He pulled something from it and walked back over sitting on the bed and laying over her showing her the condom he said "This will keep you safe but like i said i am fine with using my hand only til you are ready" he layed next to her resting his head on her chest again and sent a thought to Edward 'I told her about James being my brother and she is still here, i think she is the one ed' He closed his eyes happy that she was still with him.
Angel said to Kaname,"Ok with me, you can stop using your finger now and I'll wait until you put on the condom to protect me from getting pregnant by you Kaname, and I'm happy with you so much and have you ever heard someone by the name of Esme? I have read about her in Bella diary and I have no idea whom she is. Do you know whom she is Kaname hmm.?" She smiled at him and let him rest his head against her chin and she also laid down beside Kaname and she said to him,"Would you like me to pull the covers over us both or not quite yet Kaname hmm.?"
Kaname hugged her tightly for saying he could do more "Thank you Angel. Esme is Edward's mother, Carliel is his father and his two brothers are Emet and Jasper and his two sisters are Rosalie and Alice." he put the condom on after stripping, then he started stripping her saying "Not just yet Angel. I want to know something." He looked her in the eyes and asked "Are you sure you want to loose your virginity now." he could smell she had never been penatraded or violated like this and was scared she may not like getting fucked for the first time "Tell me please are you really ready to loose the inocense you have" his eyes were full of concern and worry.
Angel said to Kaname,"Thanks for letting me know the name of Edward's parent's his sisters and his two brothers thank you Kaname. Yes I am ready to loose my virgitny to you only and make sure that the condom stays on all the time and I'm just a bit nervous and scared about this,but I'm defently ready,do not worry I'll be fine with this, and your welcome for letting you go futher then the kissing Kaname. Just hope that no one ruins this perfect night for us both at any cost Kaname."
Kaname held her close as he kissed her then rubbing her to get her wet again he said "No one ever comes here so we will not e interupted Angel" He got up to get ready for entering her pussy and said "Angel your so wet and there is something you need o know" he put his cock just touching her entrance for her to feel haveing it there first as he whispered "I to am a virgin and would not want anyone to take it other then you" and he pushed his cock in her poping her cherry and once all the way in he stopped to let her body ajust to him being in her.
Angel whispered to him back,"I had no idea you are still a virgin just like me and I'm glad that you are taking my virignty and I love you so much Kaname." She felt his cock inside of her pussy and she gently moaned with a little bit pleasure in her gently moans and she gripped the sheets of his bed and this felt so darn amazing to her and she was getting use to his adjustment with his cock inside her pussy.
Kaname smiled at her "I never thought i would find you, your the one thing to make me happy. I was starting to loose faith of finding the right girl and then you came and the wind gave me your scent." he moaned as he hit the back wall of her pussy "I cant tell you have hard it is to not bite you cause of the evil but i will wait with no problems. I never want to hurt you in way Angel" he slowly starts to pull out then go in thrusting into her softly.
Angel said to Kaname,"I'm glad that you've found me and I'm glad that I'm the right girl for you only and no other guys will ever interfere or try to break us up at all. I promise Kaname." Angel moaned again when Kaname was thrusting in and out of her pussy again."I know that you'll never ever hurt me at all or try to bite me. I'm glad that you can wait until I'm ready to be bitten by you only. I'm enjoying our night so far,are you also enjoying this as much as I am Kaname my love.?"
He held her close thrusting in and out of her slowly going faster and harder "More then you can imagine Angel, you know that name is perfect for you" he smiled at her then kissed her deeply getting close to cumming "Angel i'm getting close, good thing i have the condom unless you would like me to cum somewhere else" he said moaning
Angel let's Kaname hold her tightly and she said to him,"Thank you for the comment about my name is perfect for me. My mother named me Angel,because she believes that Angel's really do exist among us mortals and immortals. I know that angel's and vampires do not get along with each other,I have read it in a book once Kaname. Thank goodnes you have the condom on and I'm going to cum anytime soon as well if you keep thrusting inside of me more faster Kaname." Angel kisses Kanmae deeply back on his lips and she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold herself from cumming all over Kaname condom.
Kaname kissed her back and said "Good i want you to cum first Angel" he went faster to make her cum before he does "Oh Angel i love you so much" he said holding her as close as possible not wanting to let her go and asked looking her in the eye "Angel would you care to move in here and live with me" his voice was soft and full of compassion
Angel finally cums all over Kaname condom and she said to him,"I'm not sure if my aunt and uncle will let me move in with you,I'd love to move in here with you,but I'm not sure if my aunt and uncle will like the idea or not Kaname. I love you too and you sure do care about me and I'll ask my aunt and uncle if I'm allowed to move in with you Kaname ok." Angel kissed Kaname back and she felt him holding her more closer to him and more tighter then even before and she was fine with all of this.
He kissed her back "I'm sure they would be fine with it as long as your safe right. And I promise to never let you get hurt." He came and pulled out quickly as the condom was starting to fall off by the time he was out "Just in time, Dont want this to fall off when i'm in you right" He blushed looking in her eyes. His had flashed to a golden brown and now were not the red color
Angel said to Kaname,"Yeah as long as I'm safe my aunt and uncle will defently let me move in with you Kaname. I know that you'll make sure that no one ever hurts me at all,I believe you Kaname. Yes that was perfect timing that your condom fell off after we were both done cumming. I need some sleep now I'm a bit tried out Kaname. Good night Kaname and see you in the morning and where will you be sleeping for the night hmm Kaname.?" Angel slowly crawls into Kaname bed and pulls the sheets and cover over herself and his bed was very comfy unlike her bed at her aunt and uncle place.
Kaname cleaned off and layed right next to her, putting his arm under her head "Right here if thats alright with you Angel" he kissed her forhead and cuddled with her
Angel said to Kaname,"It's ok with me that you lie right next to me,I'm fine with it and goodnight now Kaname." She cuddled up with Kaname and she drifts off to sleep on his shoulderblade and she was out like a light and was very tired out from what happened.
Kaname watched her drift off thinking 'I am so lucky' he kissed her cheek then fell asleep to
Angel continued on sleeping away and she didn't wake up until whenever morning comes along. She was really comfy with Kaname and hoped that they were both not moving too fast in their realtionship with each other.
Kaname woke up and smiled at her "Morning Angel did you sleep well" he asked her kissing her
Angel woke up when Kaname kissed her lips and she said to him,"Yes I did sleep very well and it's about 7am in the morning and I have to get myself ready for school which starts in about an hour and a half Kaname. Could you please give me a lift to school please and thank you Kaname.?"
He smiled "Sure since i go there as well, so does Edward's family and bella. You'll get to see everyone again" he got up and started to get dressed "You are so beautiful Angel, I love you so much" he walks over to her andkisses her deeply on the lips
Angel said to him,"Thank you for the comment you gave me about how beautiful I look Kaname. I can't wait to see everybody again and I'll get dressed now ok Kaname." Angel wlaked into Kaname washroom and she changes out of her and into a nice casual aquamarine shirt,she is wearign a pair of blue jeans with beads along the pant leg of the jeans and her shoes were white. She washes her face up and she brushes her hair out and put's it up into a ponytail and she brushed her teeth and she was already for school now and grabbed her backpack as well. She kissed Kaname back on his lips more deeply and said to him,"Let's head for school now shall we Kaname my love hmm.?"
Kaname smiled "Alright lets go" he took her to the jeep and headed to school with her next to him
Angel smiled at Kaname and she let him keep her close to him at all times and she get's into Kaname jeep and closes the door behind her and put's her seatbelt on and waits for Kaname to get into his jeep soon.
Soon they get to the school and he parks next to another jeep with two guys in it while on the other side are two cars one with two girls and the other with Ed and Bella. Kaname gets out and says "Hey guys you all remember Angel right" the four people look at her and the blonde girl says "Yet another girl to add to the family" Edward jabbs her in the side and Bella runs over to walk with Angel to the group. Kaname says "Rosalie, Carliel said your were to be nice to her" Alice joins Angel and Bella while Emmet, Jasper and Edward try to calm Rosalie down so that a fight does not break out.
Angel continues on walking with Bella and Alice and all three of them wlaked into the school and sat in the cafetira where they usually sat all the time together. Bella said to Angel," I'm so glad that Kaname and you are together you two make a perfect couple together. He'll protect you,like Edward protects me from harm Angel. I'm excited that all of us are gradurating this year from highschool, how about you Angel.?" Angel said to Bella,"I'm also excited about graduating this year as well Bella. I have a bad feeling thta something bad is going to happen anytime soon I can feel it,how about you Bella.?" Bella looks around the cafetira and she also feels it as well and wished that Edward and Kaname would hurry up and come into the cafetira.
Kaname, Edward, Emmet, Jasper, and Rosalie are all out side and Ed sends Rosalie inside to get them all. Rosalie looks at Alice and Bella saying "Guys its Victoria and she has a new guy with her same strength as James." Alice stands up "SHit lets go guys it looks like school will have to wait" and she runs out side with the others to meet up with Ed and them. car pulls up and soon the town finds out they have protectors. Carliel and Esme get out of the car and stand with the others. Carliel says "Get ready to fight again guys" as Victoria and a new guy named Kris.
Bella said to Angel,"Let's go and hide right away we'll both be safe come on Angel follow me and I know where we can hide trust me Angel." Angel nods her head and she follows Bella into the gym and they both hide in the girls change room and Angel said to Bella,"No matter where we go,we always end up in trouble. I wish we could help the others out Bella oh well sigh." Bella and Angel both keep quiet and Victoria mother Kira walks in the change room with two werewolves to try to pick up Bella and Angel's scent as fast as they could. Angel quickly withdrew a small dagger that would protect Bella and her at any cost, and no one knows that Angel is sercertly a slayer that slays pure evil werewolves only and not vampires or vampiress at any cost.
Kanae caught the scent of wolves from the school and runs in. Now behind Kira and the werewolves his harsh voice rang out "Kira I thought you left here after your son in law James died, mother" calling her mother was built in since she treated him like a prince after his brother james married victoria. Kira turned around "Ah Kaname how are you my dear" In the blink of an eye he was in front of Bella and Angel "I would be way better if you took you daughter and her new toy and left" Kira smirked smelling the human girls "I see, my son in law has fallen for a human. Why dont you let me meet her Kaname"
Bella was too scared to move and she said to Angel,"Any ideas on how to get out of here without us getting taken by Kira werewolves guardian hmm Angel.?" Angel looked at Bella and said to her,"I have no idea on how to escape from this situation,I don't want kaname to know what i'm truly am and if he finds out what I'm truly am,he won't have anything to do with me at all Bella. I'll figure away out of this situation I promise Bella ok." Bella nods her head and one of the werewolves shapeshift into another male vampire and he uses his hand and uses it and he slowly moves Bella towards him to see what Edward would do. Angel saw this and she needed to do something but wasn't sure what she could do to help Bella out at any cost.
Kname yelled back to Angel "It doesn't matter if your a slayer of wolves I love you all the same just dont move and i'll be able to keep you and Bella safe" He glanced back quickly to show his eyes and heart only cared that she had become his world and he would find her no matter what just to be with her. Kira smirked "You fool kaname can you truely love a demon slayer, dont forget vampires are demons as well and get slayed just the same" Kaname screamed "Shut up I love her with my soul and if i die by her hand then i will accept it with open arms"
Angel sees the other vampire ready to sink his fangs into Bella's neck and she withdrew a holy cross and held it up against the vampire that was about ready to drink Bella's blood. The vampire backed away and let go of Bella and she threw some holy water at the vampire and the holy water hits the vampire servant and turns to dust. Angel helps Bella up and said to her,"I had no choice,but to kill that vampire servant from trying to drink your blood. We better stay still for now ok." Bella nods her head and the werewolf quickly lounged attack towards Kaname and was ready to bite him with his werewolf fangs.
"You fool" kaname shouted as he swung a sword and sliced the werewolf in half. He jumped back and landed next to angel "You alright Angel, i need you to stay here and kill what ever comes at you be it wolf or vamp got it" he kisses her cheek and stands up to defend them "I love you no matter what"
Angel said to Kaname,"Ok with me, but do not worry I'd never ever kill you at all,unless if I had to kill you. I won't I promise. I love you too Kaname." Bella said to Angel,"Kira,Kris, and Victoria are all gone because the rays of the sun scared them off,we'll be safe now Kaname and Angel." Angel put her dagger away and her holycross away as well back into her backpack and she zips it up and said to Kanmae,"I'll be in the cafetira with Bella to make usre that Edward, Bella and Edwards family are alright ok Kaname." Bella and Angel both head back to the cafetira and they sit down again and begin to eat an apple each.
Kaname turned back to his normal self "I'll come with" the three of them went to the cafateria where the Cullen family was and everyone in the school was thanking them for saving them one girl named Jessica ran over to bella "Bella oh thank god your ok" she turned to kaname seeing his fangs were still showing "Thanks to you to vampire"
Bella said to Jessica,"I'm ok thanks to Kaname and Angel they both protected me from harm. Those two do make a pretty good team with each other." Angel said to Bella,"I'm getting some fresh air for a bit I'll be fine don't worry Kaname and don't worry too Bella ok." Angel left the cafetira and she walked outside for a bit and sat down on a pinic table and she looks up towards the sky and she suddenly sees another vampire outside and wondered whom this vampire was and she shrugged her shoulders and ignored that other vampire presence.
Kaname and Edward walk out side with the cullen family and see the dark skined vampire and Kaname and the vampire hug. Kaname smiled "Your a little late Luerant You just missed Victoria" Luerant smiled "I actually came to see if you all were ok Kaname my old friend" he looked at the girl "Kaname who is this deliteful creature" Kaname put his hand on Angels shoulder "This is my new life Luerant her name is Angel" Luerant bowed "A pleasure miss Angel"
Angel looked at him and she said to him,"It's a pleasure to meet you as well Luerant. I have heard stories about you and they are mainly good stories that my mother, father, my aunt, and uncle told me about you and they were all good things,nothing bad at all." She felt Kaname placing his hand on her shoulder and her right shoulder blade was a little bit sore for killing one of Kira vampire servants.
Luerant pulled out some healing ointment "Kaname may i have permission to heal her hurt shoulder" Kaname eyes widened he had not noticed. He quickly got down to check her shoulder and saw a claw mark from the vampire servant "Angel why did you not say something any mark from a vampire could be dangerous" he never took his eyes off of her "Luerant" luerant threw him the ointment and kaname got to work on her shoulder.
Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"I didn't want to say anything to you at all,because I knew how worried you'd be about me,I know that any claw mark can be dangerous from a vampire.I know what the risk is. At least the vampire servant didn't bite my neck,that is more dangerous to be bitten by an evil vampire." She felt the oniment on her shoulder and it felt a bit cold and she felt the healing oniment working and she hoped that Bella didn't get hurt at all.
Luerant sat down next to her "So Angel tell me how did you and Kaname fall in love" he smiled at her. Meanwhile Kaname focused on her shoulder "Don't worry Bella's fine she didn't get hurt" there was a bit of blood on her skin and he knew how it was affecting Luerant and he said "ANgel your bleeding let me clean it please before either of us loose control ok"
Angel looked at him and said to him,"We both fell in love with each other about a day ago,when I first came here to stay with my aunt and uncle for a while. We talked to each other about stuff and I'm happy with Kaname and I love him a lot, and he loves me and no one is going to cause us to break up with each other at all Luerant." Angel said to Kaname,"Ok with me that you clean up the blood on my shoulder go right ahead Kaname,as long as you don't turn me into a vampiress ok."
Kaname smiled at her "Promise" and he started to lick the blood off and clean the wound while everyone in the school watched at how Kaname and Angel were so trusting of each other. Luerant smiled "Thats good that you love each other and ANgel i'm amazed at how well you trust him, a good relationship needs trust like that."
Angel said to Luerant,"Yes that is correct to have trust in a realtionship with a vampire, I trust Kaname a 100 and I know that he'll never hurt me at any cost and I'm glad that he is healing up my wound." Angel smiled at Kaname and said to him,"Thank you for healing up my wound Kaname and next time I'll becareful ok I promise."
Kaname finished with her wound and said with a small bit of blood on his lips "Your welcome Angel" Luerant stood and said "Well you all seem fine so i shall go now" and he left as Kaname whiped his mouth.
Angel said to Kaname,"I didn't know that you vampires could heal a mortal girl wounds on her shoulderblade,their wrists and even the mortal girl neck as well. You sure know how to impress a girl Kaname and I'm much more better now thank you again Kaname." Angel smiled at Kaname and she gently hugged him and didn't let go of him at all.
Kaname smiled "Anything for you my Angel" he said hugging her back not letting go. The entire school started cheering for how Kaname kept to being like a hero and not bitting. Kaname kissed her neck and said "Lets go home ANgel"
Angel said to Kaname,"Ok with me that we go home and I have to study for my english exam that is happing tomorrow in English class Kaname." She grabbed her backpack and carried it over her shoulders and she headed towards Kaname jeep and wonders how she can explain to her aunt and uncle about moving in with Kaname and she wonders if they'll like the idea or not at all and she sighed.
Kaname smiled at her "I'm sure you'll find a way to tell them about what i asked for you to moe in" he said trying to cheer her up.
Angel said to Kaname,"Of course I'll figure away out to ask my aunt and uncle for me to move in with you,and I hope that they'll let me move in with you Kaname. They'll probably say yes to me Kaname." She smiled at Kaname and she was glad that he cheered her up.
Kaname kissed her then took her home and dropped her off at her anut and uncle's before he parked and went into his house. He thought 'I hope your right Angel and they do let you move in, i just hope your right'
Angel said to her aunt and uncle,"Can I please move in with Kaname,he'll keep me safe from harm please aunt and uncle? I really do want to move in with Kaname please say yes.?" Angel's aunt and uncle said to her,"Ok with us that you move in with Kaname we trust him a 100 sure and we already have your stuff pack and let's takes your things over ot Kaname place shal lwe let's go." Angel carries some stuff and she sees and Kaname and said to him,"I'm allowed to move in with you,and could you please show me to my room that I'll be staying pretty please Kaname.?"
Kaname smiled "Sure thing hun" and leads her to the master bedroom where his parents had everything clean. Kaname spoke as he got a few thing off the bed in a hurry "Sorry i guess i had some things of theirs out like they went away for the weekend" he put them in a box.
Angel said to Kaname,"It's ok Kaname,I sometimes keep things with me that belonged to my father before he died of a heart ache about a year ago.I was more closer to my father then to my mother I have no idea why Kaname." She put her things down in a cupboard and her aunt and uncle brought the rest of her stuff and Angel walked downstairs and helpd her aunt and uncle with the rest of her things. Angel's aunt and uncle said to Kaname,"You better take really great care of our niece and make sure no one tries to hurt her or harm her at any cost,understood Kaname.?" Angel put all of her clothes into the empty dresser drawers and she was glad that she was allowed to move in with Kaname and she smiled at him.
Kaname smiled "Don't worry i proise nothing bad will ever harm Angel, I love her to much to let her be hurt" he bowed to them and helped her put some things in the closet, like dresses and other things that need to be hung up.
Angel's aunt and uncle both noded their heads and they let Kaname and Angel be on their own for a bit. Angel said to Kaname,"Thank you for helping me put all of my stuff away thank you very much Kaname." She pulled out her english text book and she sits down on her bed and said to Kaname,"I must study for my english exam now Kaname,you should also be studying as well as I am studying Kaname."
Kaname grabbed his book from on a pillow "How about we study together" his eyes had turned to a golden brown color.
Angel said to Kaname,"Sure we can study together,I don't mind at all Kaname and let's begin to study now shall we Kaname.?" She opened her book up and slowly begin to study for her English exam for tomorrow in english class and she is glad that Kaname is study with her.
Kaname smiled "No problem Angel. And the reason i hurried to hide those items is cause they are meant for you"
Angel said to Kaname,"Thank you for hiding those things that were meant for me,and what were the things that you hid from my aunt and uncle that were only for me Kaname.?" She was always curious all the time and she couldn't help it being curious she get's it from her mom.
He went and got the box "Toys" he said showing her sex toys
Angel looks at them all and she said to him,"Sometimes I'm fine with sex toys and sometimes I'm not fine with them at all,just depends on what kind of mood I'm in though." She went back to her studying nad didn't want to fail this exam at any cost.
Kaname smiled putting them away "Alright hun" he kissed her and left to shower while she studied
Angel was done studying for her exam for tomorrow in English class. She changed out of her clothes and into her pjs and laid down on her bed and she slowly begins to drift off to sleep for a bit while Kaname was in the shower.
When he came back he got on top of her kissing her "Sleepy my princess"
Angel feels Kaname kissing her while she sleeps and she said to Kaname,"Yes I am sleeply my dear Prince,I have ot get up at 6am in the morning and my english exam is right at 7:30am Kaname."
He layed beside her "Then sleep well my sweet Angel"
I fall back asleep once again and leaned my head against your shoulderblade and I mumbled to you in my sleep,"Good night my dearest Kaname and see you in the morning then." I stop mumbling in my sleep and was really comfy on your shoulderblade.
He smiled "Good night my dear sweet little Angel" Kaname said looking at how sweet she looked asleep in his arms.
Angel was back to sleep once again and she felt Kaname arms wrapping around her while she sleeps in his arms and she wonders if they'll both do really good in their English exams or not this semster and she sighed in her sleep.
Kaname whispered to her as they slept "Dont worry you'll do fine" Kaname was a light sleeper cause he had to be on guard.
Angel nods her head to agree with Kaname what he just whispered into her ear while she continued on sleeping away and was getting really comfy with Kaname body and she leaned her head on his chest and his chest was so comfy as well as his shoulderblades were so comfy to sleep on.
Kaname held her close so she could sleep soundly
Angel felt Kaname holding her closely while she sleeps soundly and it started to rain and thunder outside and Angel hates thunderstorms especially the thunderboomers that always wakes her up from a good night sleep,that she is always in.
Kaname whispered "Its ok its just rain try and sleep" and then he sang "I am a demon. I have an angel. And we are in love. I'm a demon in love. In love with an angel." he sings trying to make her feel safe during the storm.
Angel heard the song he was singing and she forgot about the storm and continued on sleeping away and she remembers that her father always sang that song to her to help her sleep and it was like a lubly song and she was not afraid of the storm at all.
Kaname song for a bit longer before he fell asleep "Night my Angel"
Angel was out like a light once again and she enjoyed sleeping with Kaname and she has no idea why and she sighs in her sleep.
Kaname slept soundly with her and held her close to make sure she was safe
Angel eventually woke up from her sleep and she said to Kaname,"I need to get something to drink,could you please get me a glass of water pelase and thank you Kaname my love hmm.?"
Kaname got up seeing it was morning and yawned "SUre my dear sweet ANgel" he left and came back with water for her
Angel smiled at Kaname and she yawned and stretched for a few minutes while Kaname was getting her a glass of water and she enjoyed her good night sleep and was glad that she slept better with Kaname beside her.
He came in and smiled "DId you sleep well princess"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I did sleep well my prince,how did you sleep hmm.?" Angel slowly begins to drink her glass of water that Kaname handed to her and she was enjoying this morning so far and so good.
Kaname smiled "Best i ever have" he said kissing her cheek
Angel was done her glass of water and she said to Kaname,"I'm glad that we both actually had a good night sleep for a change,and what is for breakfast my dearest love Kaname hmm.?" She brushed her hair out and put it up into a ponytail and she felt more better thta her hair was off her neck for a change.
For some reason his fangs grew to full length and he was wanting to bite. He warned her "ANgel i dont know why but i want to bite" he bit his for arm trying to get rid of the need to bite and not wanting to scare her. "Damn it, i hate being james' twin" he said through his teeth of biting his own arm.
Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"You must stop thinking about biting mortals,because if your fangs grow full length once again,all of the mortals wil lbe terrifered about you and scared of you Kaname." She was getting a bit scared now and hated when she sometimes get's scared a little bit by Kaname full length vampire fangs.
His eyes saw her and he smelt a bit of her fear and snapped out of it. His fangs retreated and his eyes got water as he hit the floor his arm bleeding "Oh god ANgel i i i'm so sorry" he ran to his old room and closed the door scared he might do something to her. He sat in a corner hiding his face in his knees.
Angel sees Kaname running into his old room and she hates it when she let's fear get the best of her and she sighed and got herself dressed and she pulled out an amulet of some kind and she recoinze it and she leaves her room and enters into Kaname old room and said to him,"I found this in backpack it's an amulet of somekind,it might help you have better control of your evil side. My father wore this amulet and it helped him out a lot of times,I want you to have it,please take this amulet from me please Kaname. Let me clean up your bite please trust me Kaname,I'm not going to hurt you at all ok,I have to learn to have better control of my fear. I'm so sorry how I acted, I'm still going to stay with you Kaname,we both promised each other that we'll stay together Kaname,don't forget that promise at all Kaname ok."
He looked at her crying "Thank you Angel" he said taking it. He saw her bare neck again and closed his eyes "No..i'm not hurting anyone..stay back" he screamed at him self trying to keep the evil back.
Angel says something and the amulet was around Kaname neck and the amulet helped Kaname evil side go away. She looked at how bad he bit his arm and she grabs a damp cloth and put's it into some warm water with healing herbs mixed intop the water. Angel said to Kaname,"Hold still this might sting for a bit ok,if he does sting,grab a hold of your bed it will help you not think about the stinging ok." She placed the damp cloth on his arm and she washed out his bite and rinsed the cloth off once again and put it back into the water and let the water soak all over Kaname arm and she could tell that Kaname was slightly in pain a little. Angel wraps an attetion bandage all over his arm and said to Kaname,"Your bite on your arm will heal up in about 8 hours ok Kaname and your welcome Kaname my love."
Kaname bit his lip from pain. When she was done he said "Thanks now you go get to school, i'm gonna stay here cause of my arm" he turned and looked out the window not wanting to keep her from the test.
Angel said to Kaname,"Are you sure your going to be alright while I'm at school for my test? Don't worry after I'm done my test,I'll turn my cell phone on ok Kaname. See you when I get back from school and your welcome for taking care of your arm ok Kaname,see you later my love." Angel gently kisses Kaname on the cheek and she leaves for school and get's on the school bus. Angel get's off the school bus and walks to her English class and she makes it right on time for her exam and Angel looked all over her exam. Angel was the second student done her exam and she hands in her exam to her english teacher and she had no idea that her English teacher was a werewolf,she could sense it inside her teacher soul. Angel slightly shudders at that feeling and all of the students left the classroom and Angel turned on her cell phone just in case if Kaname needed to get a hold of her for any reason.
Kaname was worried about how he acted and he called Angel.
Angel answers her cell phone and she said to Kaname,"How are you feeling now Kaname? The exam went pretty good,but I think that the English teacher is actually a werewolf,I sensed some kind of inner immortal creature inside the English teacher soul and not sure what it could be. I'll be home in about 2 hours from now,I'm fine Kaname,and thanks for checking up on me Kaname."
He said "I'm glad you did ok and yeah he is" he sounded like he was in pain and asked "What herbs did you use my arm is stinging real bad ANgel"
Angel said to Kaname,"I used the normal healing herbs and they have no garlic in them at all Kaname,I'll be home more sooner then 2 hours Kaname,I have to go now and eat my lunch up ok love you Kaname and bye my love."
He smiled "Alright ANgel by love you to" he hung up and sat there waiting for her.
Angel closes her cell phone up and put's her cell phone into her pant pocket and she finishes her lunch up and she has no more classes at all today. Angel leaves the cafetira and she walks outside and get's onto the bus,and the bus takes her home. Angel get's off the bus and she walks into Kaname home and she yelled up at him,"I'm home from school Kaname my love."
Kaname ran down to her and hugged her "I'm sorry i was not there to make sure nothing bad happened" he was crying which told her he was worried real bad about her safety. He softly said "Thank god for the Cullen family" he slid down to the floor in tears happy she was ok and not even caring about his arm.
Angel hugged Kaname back and she said to him,"Nothing happen to me at all,I'm safe and your glad that your friends with The Cullen family and I brought your homework back from math class,here is your math homework Kaname." She knelt down beside Kaname when he slid down onto the floor and she gently held his hand and gently kissed him on his lips,to let him know that she is safe and nothing happened to her at all.
He leaned forward pinning her to the floor and kissed her back "I am so glad your ok ANgel. Please let me love you now" his eyes were full of joy and lust for her at that moment. and his tone was slightly that of his evil side but he was not loosing to his evil.
Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"I'm always fine and I heard a rumor about another evil vampire is around this town and I have no idea how he wrote this threating note to me nad have no idea how he knew which one was my locker. Here is the threating note he sent to me Kaname. I have no idea where this vampire is at all,it sort of looks like a bit of your writing and also Kris's writing as well Kaname. After you read this note,you can love me,as long as you keep your evil side under contorl Kaname."
He read it and his evil side came out "Kris why now why choose now to get me to fall to darkness" he said out loud seeing it said 'Angel you will die if you keep the vamp in a cage, you will die by me' Kaname crushed it as the talisman hit the floor from the chain snapping and kaname got back so he would not hurt her.
Angel said to Kaname,"I have no idea why Kris wants you to fall into darkness at all,I wish I knew why Kaname. For now on we both must becareful in a sitution like this Kaname. I'll be alright if you'll be alright as well,and what do you mean by you want to love me right now.? I'm just curious to know that's all Kaname." Angel got up off the floor and she wonders what Kaname will do next and she sighed.
Kaname carried her to the bed and pinned her down. Struggeling he said "" he ripped her clothes off and went down licking her pussy ashisgreeneyes turned red hoping having her in his arms would calm him down.
Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"It's ok I forgive you,but whatever you do,don't touch my right shoulderblade it's slightly in a bit of pain,and have no idea why." She let Kaname hold her into his arms and hoped that he'll eventually calm down and Angel grips the sheet of his bed and she gently groaned when she felt Kaname licking her pussy.
After about fifteen minutes he calmed down and looked her in the eyes, with his now green again "I am so sorry Angel it may be from the attack the other day with Victoria." He stripped him self and layed next to her his soft voice was back as well "Let me see"
Angel said to Kaname,"It's ok I'm glad that I was able to calm you down,and I'm glad that your normal self again. And sure you can see my right shoulderblade,you can take a look at it ok." Angel turns over to right shoulderblade and she has a bit of bruise on her right shoulderblade, and the bruise looked like she was badly hit by somekind of a sportsball that some of the girls pick on her and really don't like her alot and she sighed.
"What hit you, it looks like it was a sports ball" he said conserned about her shoulder.
Angel said to Kaname,"I was hit by a basketball by some girls that hate me,because my boyfriend is a vampire,and plus they are all rich and snooby girls,think they can pick on a girl like me. As I told you once before,I'm happy with you even though you are a vampire,and most mortal girls fear vampires,but not me,only once in a while I let my fear get the best of me Kaname." Angel gently yawns away and she slowly closes her eyes and turns back onto her left side and places her head against Kaname bare chest.
Kaname held her gently as she fell asleep "Thank you for not hating me Angel" he kissed her and thought 'i should have been there'
Angel continued on sleeping away for a bit,because she had a bit of a tired day at school today and she mumbles to Kaname in her sleep,"Goodnight as well Kaname,I'll probably wake up around 3pm in the afternoon and your welcome for me not hating you at all Kaname."
Kaname smiled and kissed her neck gently as he fell asleep with her.
Angel felt Kaname kissing her neck gently and she gently groaned in her sleep and she felt Kaname fall asleep with her while he was holding her.
Kaname slept peacefully with Angel next to him.
Angel eventually woke up right at 2pm in the afternoon and she yawns and stretches for a bit and watches Kaname still sleeping away and she wonders what else is next they are suspose to do next now.
Kaname slowly woke up and said "ANgel is something wrong. If its the note then believe me when i say i will handle this" he held her close to him "ANd i would like to know if you have thought of my offer to give you a long life with me when your ready" knowing she was not ready yet but wanting to make sure she knew he was serious.
Angel said to Kaname,"It has nothing to do with the note at all,I can't always sleep all the time.We'll eventually have to get up Kaname. No I'm not ready for a long life not right now. You have to wait until after we both gradurate from highschool Kaname."
Kaname placed his hand on her cheek "Dont worry Angel i wont force you to do anything and i know we cant sleep all the time but now that some one threatened you i wonder if your safer here or at your aunt's" his eyes were filled with worry
Angel said to Kaname,"I'll be safer with you then at my aunt and uncle place. I know that you won't force me into anything at all,and when my father was threaten he hid my mom and I inside his coffin and the vampire didn't find us both,because we both pretended that we were dead,but we were alive Kaname."
Kaname asked "Coffin? was your father a vmpire?" he sounded worried
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes my father was half vampire half human and he was more human then vampire. Theo nly time he showed his vampire side if my mother or I were in danger,that is the only way he showed his vampire side, and he didn't harm my mother or I at all Kaname,i'm really am fine just a little bit hungery that's all. My father was a good vampire not evil at all."
Kaname closed his eyes "I'm glad he was kind but with that you can see how i am so worried for your safety" he held her close not wanting to let go
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I can see why your so concern Kaname about my safety. I'm always safe with you and I'm glad that you are concern about my safety all the time Kaname." Angel let Kaname hold her closer to him and she knew how much he loves her and cares about her as well, Angel smiled at Kaname and she hugged him once again.
Kaname said softly "I...i was wondering if i could ask you to do something for me. But know i would never force you to"
Angel said to Kaname,"Depends on what your asking me to do for you,and of course I know that you'll never force me at all Kaname,I trust you Kaname."
Kaname layed next to her and took a deep breath. "Is there any way i could ask you to give a bit of blood" He did not know how to ask her without sounding desperate. "It would not involve me biting you maybe if you cut your finger or something" he said trying to sound like he was offering ideas. You could see in his eyes he was scared from asking her to do this.
Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"Fine with me that you cut my finger and drink a little bit of blood from my finger Kaname,as long as it's not from my neck Kaname."
He was shocked at how willing she was about a serious thing like this. He held her hand "Thank you" He cut it just enough to make it bleed for a bit and put it in his mouth drinking her blood. He layed next to her with her finger in his mouth "Your so giving" he said making sure his fangs did not break skin so he could avoid turning her.
Angel said to Kaname,"You taught me how to be so gving and you'd asked me very nicely for you to drink my blood from my finger and I hope that you have enough blood now Kaname ok." Angel also laid down beside Kaname,while he drinks a bit of her blood from her finger.
Kaname stopped and bandaged her finger "Thank you ANgel I really appreaciated it" he stood up and walked over to the window "Your to kind to be anything but an angel"
Angel said to Kaname,"Your welcome Kaname and thanks for bandaging up my finger after you drank my blood from my finger. Thank you for the comment you gave me,that I'm too perfect to be anything else but an Angel thanks Kaname." Angel gently hugged Kaname back and she gently kissed him on his lips.
Kaname smiled "Your welcome Angel" he was thinking of howhe longed for her and now he had her
Angel said to Kaname,"You'll always have me all the time Kaname and I'm little bit hungery now,could you please make me a small garden salad please and thank you Kaname my love hmm.?"
He smiled and left to get her a salad "Sure you wait here hun" he kissed her as he left
Angel stayed in her room and waited for Kaname to come back with her salad and she wonders if her father is watching over her or not and she sighed. Angel loved it here and never ever wants to return back to Phoinx ever again.
Kaname came back with her salad "Something on your mind hun" he said sitting next to her not even eating anything
Angel said to Kaname,"Nothing is on my mind at all,and thank you for the salad and it looks very good to eat Kaname." Angel smiled at him and she slowly begins to eat her salad.
He smiled and layed back "Your welcome hun"
Angel slowly eats her salad up and it was perfect and she said to Kaname,"This salad is very good and I love it thank you Kaname." Angel was done all of her salad up and she also layed back down beside Kaname again.
Kaname looked at her and a stunned look appeared on his face and he sat up suddenly. Thinking out loud he said "He...he wouldn't dare" hie soft amber eyes turned red as he spoke showing his evil vampire self was starting to come out "Angel give me the letter again"
Angel hands Kaname the letter again and she said to him,"Is everything alright,or is something bothering you very badly hmm Kaname.?" Angel was a bit worried about Kaname when he got like this and she knew that she'll have to stay away from him until his evil side was gone again.
He held the note and said "You can not leave my side" his evil now fully showing. He looked at her and grabbed her hand "Angel i wont hurt you but you can not leave my side understand. please say you do" concern was in his voice as he crushed the note in his hand
Angel said to Kaname,"I won't leave your side at all I promise you Kaname,and your kinda of hurting my hand,don't grab my hand so tight please losen your grasp up just a little bit please and thank you Kaname.?"
Kaname jolted and let her hand go "Sorry its just the one who wrote this is probly wanting me to either turn you or let him drink your blood and kill you" he turned and faced away from her "Go ahead and ask who its. Please do it for me. ASK WHO IT IS!" he wanted her to do so in case she wanted to go to her aunts for a while. He clentched his first hard enough to make his own hand bleed
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"Whom is this person that is after you or me?I can't stay at my aunt and uncle place,whom ever it is,will look for me their first. I do not want to leave your side at all,and I promise you that I'd never leave your side at any cost,and I always keep my promises all the time Kaname. Please don't make me leave at all Kaname please don't."
Kaname turned to her with tears in his eyes. His evil side was crying for her safety "Its my dad" he said softly to her
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"Oh ok thanks for telling me that it was your dad that wrote this note to you." Angel walked up to Kaname and she gently hugged him and comfort Kaname while he had tears in his eyes and she gently leans Kaname head against her shoulder and stayed with Kaname while he was upset.
Kaname held her close "Promise if you ever get taken you will send Edward a message for me to get you"
Angel said to Kaname,"I promise you that if I ever get taken away from you,I'll send Edward a message and tell him to tell you to come after me I promise you Kaname."
He held her close "Thank you, now we should sleep" he said looking at the dark sky
Angel said to Kaname,"You are welcome Kaname and yes let's get some sleep now,good night Kaname." Angel put her pjs on and laid back down on her bed and cuddled up with Kaname while they sleep.
He layed with her and did not sleep all night to make sure she was safe all night
Angel suddenly woke up from her sleep and she said to Kaname,"I think that someone else is inside your home,I can hear some noises downstairs in the living room and I can hear tow were wolves slowly begining howling and I have no idea why Kaname."
Kaname smelled his father and Victoria "Stay here" He went down stairs and saw Victoria "What do you want" she grinned "To distract you" Kaname's father stepped in side the room and said "Hello girl"
Angel glared at Kaname father and said to him,"Stay away from me I'm warning you right now vampire, and what the blazes do you want with me?." You'll never take me away from your son never ever and I hope that your own son kills you first."
Jason smirked "He'll come to see that your kind are ment to be food" He grabbed her and knocked her out so she could not get any help. He then took her to a spot hidden in the forest. Kaname burst in and screamed "Jason!!" He then ran and woke the Cullen family up "I need Edwards help" Esme saw that the evil side of kaname was in full control.
Angel hates it when she get's knocked out by the enemy and she slowly woke up in a guest room of some kind and she has no idea where the blazes she is now and hoped that Kaname would be able to find her before it's too late. Edward wakes up and said to Kaname,"Ok I'll help you out and where would your father taken Angel,any ideas or suggestions Kaname hmm.?" Bella said to them both,"I remember hearing Victoria talking about an aboannoed mansion in the forest that is like a hideout to her and to your father as well,that is all I know and please find Angel before it's too late Kaname."
Kaname said"ThanksBella you stay here tobe safe" he turned to Ed "Lets go it's the house i gerew up in" Kaname lead the way and stopped burting in the door "FATHER WHERE IS MY FIANCE" he shouted into the old house. Jason stepped out with her tied up by him "Fiance? Since when does a vampire mary a human" Kaname screamed "SINCE NOW"
Angel looked at Kaname and she never heard Kaname call her his finace until now and she looked at Kaname father and said to him,"Yes that is true I'm Kaname fiance and your gonna be sorry for taking me away from Kaname.Untie me right now Jason.I'm warning you Jason."Edward was ready to fight and waited until Kaname told him to fight to help him save Angel from his father.
Kaname jumped and landed in front of Angel and snatched her from Jason. "I'm taking her home with me father" he said not looking at Jason while he untied Angel and said "Jo to Ed for now" His voice was like James'. He then stood and looked at Jason "If you ever take my love and try to make me turn her just so your happy...." He jumped back and landed next to Victoria killing her "I will kill you next father" He then pointed out some were wolves for Ed to kill.
Angel felt the ropes being untied and her hands could finally breathe once again and she started to back away from Kaname father and saw Kaname kill his own mother and she has no idea what she should do next. Edward sees the werewolves and he goes after them both and get's ready to kill the two werewolves while Kaname was fighting against his own father.
Kaname faught his dad and then got pushed back to where Angel was. Jason said "You will never beat me unless you drain a human of their blood" while pointing at Angel. Kaname looked at his fiance then back at his dad. He stood up and with out looking away from Jason, Kaname got behind Angel and put an arm around her waist "Angel its up to you. We can leave now and risk him coming after you agin." he closed his eyes "Or you could be turned and i could kill my father. I'll let you choose since its your blood" Jason waited to see what the human girl would do.
Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"I'm not ready to be turned at all,I do not want to drink any mortal blood at any cost,I wish we could think of away to kill your father without me being turned Kaname. Their must be another way to defeat your father Kaname."
Kaname smiled at her "All right." He turned to Ed and said "Edward any way i could get some blood" he had no other way except for risking his own death in order to kill his father if he could not get any from Edward
Edward killed the two werewolves and said to Kaname,"You can finish drinking these werewolves blood,they'll make you a bit more stronger then you are now Kaname. You can defeat your father Kaname just focus and you'll do fine against your father."
He smiled "Thanks keep her safe for me Ed" he said as he went to get the blood. He drank it and seemed like he was James and not Kaname "Now father, we shall see who dies" Jason laughed and threw a knife that got stuck in Kaname's shoulder as he charged at his father. Grabbing it and attacking Kaname got cut up pretty badly. After a few hours the fight was over and Jason was dead. Kaname stood there bleeding and before he hit the floor he asked "Is she safe" then blacked out
Edward manage to get Angel to safety and Bella watched over Angel while Edward returned back to Kaname side and he tended to Kaname cut and carried Kaname over his shoulder and they both return back to The Cullen family home and Edward gives Angel a wet damp cloth to place onto Kaname forehead while Edward lays Kaname on the spare bed in the guest room. Bella follows Edward out of the guest room and into the living room and they both sit down on the couch and begin to watch tv for a bit. Angel keeps the wet damp cloth over Kaname forehead to help him slowly recover from his blackout he had and Angel sighed and hoped that Kaname will eventually wake up.
After about an hour Kaname came to and his evil side was still present. He saw Angel and sat up pulling her into a tight hug "Thank god your alright Angel. I never want to be forced to ask you that question agin" he said referring to if she would be turned or not in front of his dad. He slowly loosened his grip and turned to normal and said "Are ya hurt at all Angel" his soft southern accent back tellingher the evil had disappeared for now.
Angel hugged Kaname back and she said to him,"I'm alright the only thing that kind of hurts is my ankle that's all,I think your father must of somehow spranged my ankle that is all that is hurting. I do not want to be asked that question ever again,and the only way I'd be asked that question if I get very sick and then I'll be ready to be turned or when ever the prom is over Kaname. You need to rest now Kaname,I'll be right over their laying down on the couch ok get some rest Kaname my love."
Kaname layed back and held her hand. "Angel, if you ever get that sick before it comes to turning you i would ask you if there was ever anything you wanted to do as the last thing of being human"
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"If I ever did get that sick,the only thing that I'd want to do with you,is eventually give into you and your desire about us two making love with each other that is all I want to do with you Kaname ok."
Kaname smirked "Heh making love, nothing else" he closed his eyes and tryed to picture her on the day he turns her 'so not ready to do that' he thought
Angel said to Kaname,"When ever that day comes I would like us to get married first and then make love with each other,before you turn me Kaname. I'm feeling pretty healthy right now and I won't probably get that sick from about 10 years from now Kaname."
Kaname slowly drifted off "You ok with how i asked you by saying we were ingaged like that" he passed out again before she could answer
Angel whispered into Kaname ear and said to him,"Yes I'm ok with that how you asked me to be engaged to you Kaname. If you need anything else I'll be laying down on the couch Kaname,enjoy your sleep."
Kaname squeezed her hand "No..please..lay here.." he said looking at her in slight pain from the fight
Angel felt Kaname squeezing her hand and she said to him,"Ok with me I'll lay down beside you then Kaname.I know you are still in pain from the fight,just continue on resting up Kaname ok." Angel laid down beside Kaname like he asked her to do and Angel gently leans her head against Kaname chest and she slowly closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep for a bit.
As they sleep Kaname has nightmares of Angel either being killed or turned into a vampire that kills him. He sat up suddenly screaming "NO!!" he looked and saw he had clentched his fist causing Angel's for arm to bleed. He got to the floor crying "ANgel i'm sorry, i'm so sorry" and he gently licks the blood
Angel suddenly wakes up and said to Kaname,"Calm down Kaname it's ok,I'm still here,please stop crying please Kaname,it was only a nightmare you had,I'm fine Kaname." Angel sees Kaname licking the blood up on her forearm and notices it that it's healing up and she knelt down beside Kaname and put her hands on Kaname face to wipe the tears away from his eyes.
Kaname finished and sadly stood up "Its getting dangerous to be around me Angel. I cant keep you safe if this happens" he was still crying scared that eh might bite her the next time a nightmare came
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"I know it's a bit dangerous to be around you Kaname, I know how it feels to have nightmares,trsut me it's not a good sight to have nightmares Kaname. If you want me to leave you and stay away from you,I will then,see you around Kaname." Angel started to slowly walk away from Kaname and she wasn't sure if she was doing the right thing or not.
He got behind her and pulled her into a tight hug not letting go. His voice changed to that of his evil side "You cant leave. If you do the other vampires will kill you or even turn you against me by bitting you" he held her so she could not look at him. He said softly "If anyone comes near you i want you to lie and say i have bitten you. Now please dont move or this illusion wont work" He gently took his fingers and made to puncture wounds looking like he bit her. "That is just my nails, i wont ever really bite til you ask" he said gentlylicking the blood from her neck.
Angel felt Kaname pulling her into a tight hug from behind and knew that he wouldn't let her go and Angel said to Kaname,"I promise you that if any other vampire tries to turn me I'll lie to them and said that you bitten me already ok Kaname. Hopefully this illsuion will work of yours Kaname. Is their anything else you want me to get you a glass of water or are you ok Kaname.?"
Kaname cleaned her neck and then loosened his grip "Please dont let anyone force you into anything or i might kill them" he seemed very worried about her safety more then his
Angel said to Kaname,"I'll be alright Kaname,Bella and I are going for a walk and we both have two daggers to defend ourselves. Because Edward gave Bella two daggers one for her and one for me to defend our selves,we won't be long on our walk Kaname,and if we end up in any trouble we'll shout Edward and your name out ok Kaname. We'll be back in about 10 minutes Kaname ok." Angel left the guest room and Bella and Angel both went for a walk around the house and they were both talking to each other,unaware that a male vampire with venom inside of his soul was following the two girls.
Kaname nodded and watched her leave with bella. Laurant followed the girls knowing that his best chance for a meal was the new girl Kaname had. Laurant jumped and bit Angels wrist and then looked at bella with blood thirst eyes "Your turn girl"
Bella yelled out Edward and Kaname name and Edward quickly caught up with Bella and he kept Bella away from Laurant and glared at him and said to him,"Your going be sorry for biting Angel in her wrist,you do not want to face Kaname wrath once he finds out what you did,he'll kill you and keep away from Bella and leave her alone." Bella caught Angel when she was biten in the wrist and she slightly cursed underneath her breath and hoped that Kaname would get here as soon as possbile.
In the blink of an eye Kaname was face to face with laurant and spoke as if he were James "Your in trouble and this time no one can help you since your the only one left" Kaname bit and tore a piece of Laurants neck off and threw against the wall breaking bones
Bella said to Edward,"You were right about how protective Kaname is of Angel and I've never seen Kaname act like this at all until now,just hopefully he can save Angel without turning her Edward." Edward hugged Bella and said to her,"Just like how I was protective avout you Bella dear." Angel winches in pain and she passes out from the poisonus bite in her wrist and she knew how much pain Bella went through when this happened to her about 3 years ago.
Kaname left Laurant on the floor in pain "Edward make sure he doesnt move" Kaname then went over to bella and Angel and took angel in his arms. He softly tapped her cheeks "Angel wake up i need to to choose" he looked at her and hoped she would come to. He took her wrist and removed all the poisen and a bit extra to make sure he got it all. He then stopped and took her to the guest bed. Placing a damp cloth on her forehead he said "Please wake up Angel. Bella stay and watch her" he then went back to Laurant and said "You tryed to girl ANgel you are no longer worthy of life" he then killed Laurant and stood looking at him.
Bella said to Kaname,"Hopefully you can wake up Angel Kaname and she is slowly waking up now." Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"What the blazes just happened to me,am I going to be ok Kaname.?" Angel was a bit scared now and didn't know what else she should say to Kaname.
Kaname looked at her still in his evil form "Laurant bit you and i sucked out the poisen and killed him" He tourned back to the dead body on the floor "Angel your wrist will take a while to heal but there is something i need you to do now that this has happened" He went over to her and in a flash he had her in a tight hug "I'm sorry but you have to make the choice now if you want to be turned or the next time it will be to late and you might die from the massive pain from being turned" Edward walked over to Bella adn put an arm around as the two watched Kaname and Angel
Angel said to Kaname,"Thank you for sucking out all of poiosn out of my system thank you Kaname and I'm not sure if I'll enjoy being turned or not,but remember what I told you,before you turn me,I would like to be engage to you Kaname." Bella very queitly said to Edward,"You do have the engagement ring that Kaname got for Angel give it to him and he can purpose to Angel Edward.?" Bella didn't mind Edward arm being around her at all.
Edward tossed Kaname the ring. Kaname put it on Angel's finger and said "Marry me Angel" his normal self not yet back. Edward pulled out a second ring and said "Bella be mine forever" and he put in on bellas hand. The guys waited for them to answer
Bella looked at the ring and said to Edward,"Of Course I'll always be yours forever and the ring is so beautiful Edward thank you Edward." Bella hugged Edward and she gently kissed Edward on his lips. Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"This ring is so beautiful and you have great taste in jewerrley and of course I'll marry you Kaname,as long as you go back to your normal self again Kaname."
Edward whispered into Bella's ear "Do you still want to become like me" he said softly kissing her neck. Kaname smirked and closed his eyes, opening them he said in his normal voice "I need you to give an answer now ANgel. Would you like me to turn you into a vampire like me"
Bella whispered to Edward back,"Yes please I'd love to be a vampire like you Edward,I'm ready for the change." Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"Yes you can turn me into a vampire like you,but remember what I also want to happen when you turn me into a vampire Kaname." Angel moved some hair away from her neck and she exposed her neck for Kaname to turn her.
Edward pinned her carefully to the floor "This may hurt Bella but it wont be anywhere near as the pain you felt from James" He took a moment then bit Bella's neck to start her turning into a vampire. Kaname pinned her to the bed and let his fangs grow as he got ready "I know we become one" he said taking the time to get the naked to full fill her request. He placed himself inside her and thrist in taking her virginity away and as the pain came he covered it by bitting her neck thinking 'this is only the start of your new life'
Bella closed her eyes and felt Edward turning her into a vampire and his bit didn't hurt as much as James bite hurted her. Angel winches in a bit pain after Kaname sank his fangs into her neck and she felt a bit weary and a bit weak after she was turned. Angel slowly woke up back in their room at Kaname parent's house and she was slowly recovering from being turned by Kaname.
Kaname was asleep in a corner in her room and slowly woke up "Hey ANgel i thought you would want your om and dad to know about being ingaged" he said not mentioning to tell them she had been turned, that was up to her.Edward looked at bella after stopping and asked "What do you want to do now"
Bella said to Edward,"Let's go back to your room and get some sleep ok with you Edward.?" Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"My mom is alive,but my father is dead,my mom is engaged to a guy that is going to be my step father. I'm not sure how they'll react if they know that you are a vampire Kaname,and I'm also a vampire as well." Angel climbs out of her bed and she sits next to Kaname in the corner of their room and she hugged him and also kissed him as well.
Kaname kissed her back "Its up to you if yo tell them that you and i are vampires but other wise you should let them know your getting married" he said smiling at her
Angel said to Kaname,"I'll just tell that were getting married and not that we are vampires,because my step father I think he hunts down vampires for money I'm not sure though Kaname." Angel smiled back at Kaname and knew that he right about that they should know they are getting married to each other.
Kaname smiled "Can i come and meet them as your fiance" he wanted to be ther to support her and to meet her mom
Angel said to Kaname,"Of course you can come with me and meet my mom and also my step father as well as my finace Kaname,and they are staying over night at my aunt and uncle's place."
Kaname smiled and walked with her "Alright shall we then"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes let's go and meet my mom and my step father and yes let's walk,but I need to get dressed first of all,do you have a dress that I could wear that use to be your mother's Kaname hmm.?"
He smiled and pulled out a white oriental dress with pink cherry blossoms on it "Here this was her favorite one" he handed it to her smiling
Angel put's the dress on and said to Kaname,"This dress actually fits me and how I do look in this dress that was your mother's hmm Kaname.?"
Kaname put a hand over his nose to keep him self from getting a small nose bleed "You look gorges Angel and i think mom would like it if you wore her clothes since they fit you"
Angel said to Kaname,"Ok with me I'll wear this dress then Kaname." Angel pulled out her nice body spray that smelled like cherry blossom and she knew what this smell did to Kaname and she sprayed it on herself and all over her body and said to Kaname,"Let's get going and please try to control yourself around me with this nice smell of my body spray ok Kaname."
The smell brought out the evil Kaname for a bit and he grabbed angel keeping her in the room for a minute "Aw do i have to you smell so nice i just want to attack you"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes you must control yourself and control your evil side right now Kaname. My mom and step father don't like seeing an evil side of a vampire Kaname."
Kaname said not yet his normal self "Aw thats to bad since its the evil side that saved you from death" he fell back to the floor and looked at her and said softly "I'm sorry Angel its the scent i think i should wait here for you just call if you need me ok"
Angel said to Kaname,"I forgot that it was your evil side that saved me from death,and also your good side as well. I thought that you wanted to meet them oh well,I'll be back sometime tomorrow night Kaname. You know how my mother and step father always want to spend time with me, see you later Kaname." Angel leaves the room and she walks outside and walks over to her aunt and uncles place and she hugged her mother and shook her step father hand and showed them all her ring that Kaname gave to her. All of her family were really happy for Angel and Kaname and Angel knew that if she didn't return back to Kaname later on tonight,he'll be really worried about Angel a lot and she sighed.
Kaname ran over and hugged her from behind "Why didn't you wait i was trying to thinkof a way to be accepted by your family" he said kissing her neck and leaving a hicky directly over the bite would to hide it. His evil side was out and acted cool "Hey everyone so what do you think of angels ring. I thought she should have something fit for an Angel as her name was perfectly choosen for her" he smirked at her to let her know what side was out "Right hun"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes that is right my love,and here is the ring that he gave me do you all like it and please be honest with me.?" Angel's aunt,uncle her mother and her step father said to them both,"That is a pretty engagement ring you gave to Angel Kaname you two make the perfect couple congraultions to you both." Angel knew that Kaname was his normal self once again when he is around her family.
Kaname stood up and smiled "I'm happy ANgel has such a nice family. I wish mine was still here" he said the last part sort of sad about the fact that he had killed the remaining ones from kidnapping her
Angel said to Kaname,"I'm glad that you like my family and they are nice. I think they really like you Kaname and let's head back home shall we Kaname my love.?" Angel waved bye to her family and followed Kaname back to their home and she wonders what Kaname has in mind for them both to do.
Kaname nodded and walked with her "Alright honey lets go home" they got back home and he took her to their room and asked "Would it be alright if i let the evil side out for a bit" his voice showed he wanted him mom but also wanted her to not worry
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"I'm still a bit frighten of your evil side,but if you want your evil side to show a bit,I'll try to get use to your evil side Kaname as long your evil side doesn't try to kill me at all Kaname,but be gentle with me my love ok."
He smiled "Of course Angel" he closed his eyes and let the evil side out "Hey and why would i kill the one i saved from death huh" he said pinning her to the bed and putting her hands above her head with one hand and putting the other down below saying "Ready for me to have my fun"
Angel said to Kaname evil side,"Yes I am ready for you to have your fun with me now,but be very gentle with me ok." Angel felt her being pinned to the bed and felt her hands being held over her head and she was slowly getting use to this a little.
Kaname's evil side said "Lets think of a seprate name for you to use to tell when im out and the good side of is not" he kissed her neck and licked over the spot where she was bit by the good kaname "so you let the good kaname bite you huh"
Angel said to him,"Yes I did let the good side Kaname bite me,and why would it matter to you?He covered up that bite on my neck so my family wouldn't know that I'm a vampire."
"Thats so sweet" he said and kissed directly over it tasteing a little dried blood "Anyway you should think of a name for me that way you can tell when i'm out instead of using the good side or the evil side all the time" he moved his free hand to her pussy area and began to rub her gently "Feel good Angel"
Angel said to him,"Yes that was sweet of what Kaname did for me and I'm trying to think of a name I can call you when your in your evil side hmm.?" Angel felt him rubbing her pussy area and she gently moaned and it actually did feel good.
He kept rubbing her and said "Anything comig to mind hun" he looked at her smiling that she wasnt fighting being pinned down like before "Have you really become completely ok with being pinned down" he asked with a slight smirk on his face
Angel looked at him and she slowly begin squrim to try to get out of being pinned and said him,"How does this name sound to you Drake.? That is the only thing I could think of or come up with."
He thought about it and said holding her down loving it when she squirmed "No good, how about Dark" and he rubbed a bit harder on her poor area wanting her to become wet
Angel said to him,"Dark it is then." Angel felt Dark rubbing her poor pussy area and Angel tries to squrim a bit more and tries to escape from being pinned and she bit her bottom lip and tried her best not to moan.
Dark smirked "Oh i think the angel is trying to hide her pleasure" her quickly stripped her of her undies and moved to where he was looking at it and said "Time to give you some extreame pleasure little Angel" dark slowly began to lick her pussy and looked up at her "You like that" he said still licking her
Angel said to him,"Yes I do like that Dark and maybe I am hiding my pleasure from you you never know Dark." Angel finally stops bitting her lip and she gently let out a small soft moan escape from her mouth while Dark licks her pussy with his tongue.
He smirked "Maybe you need to let your body take over" he said licking harder and sliding a finger in side her pussy "Oh your really tight" he said licking harder and fingering her at the same time
Angel said to Dark,"Don't forget that I'm engaged to Kaname Dark ok." Angel felt Dark licking her pussy,and then fingering her pussy really hard and she moaned like heck and finally gave into Dark's desire and hoped that when Kaname went to his good side,he wouldn't be mad at his evil side for what he did to Angel.
Dark smiled "Thats it Angel, yes let your body take over and give in to your desires" he began to undress her then undressed him self and sucked on one of her boobs squeezing the other in his free hand and looked at her "I'm gonna go in now alright" he said letting her feel the tip of his cock on her pussy
Angel said to him,"Yes I'm ready,just hope that Kaname won't get upset with you,for what your doing with me Dark." Angel moaned when she felt Dark cock inside her pussy and she wished that Kaname was the one that took her virginty away,not Dark.
Dark smirked and said kissing her neck "I'll have my way with you later" and he let Kaname out. Kaname looked around and saw the position they were in and said softly "Angel honey are you ok" he closed his eyes and got off her since he had not broke her hymen to pop her cherry yet "I am not going to take your virginity like this" and he layed down lext to her letting her decide if he should pop it letting her know it would hurt
Angel said to Kaname,"Yeah I'm ok thanks for asking me Kaname my love." Angel slowly closed her eyes and she drifted off to sleep for a bit and leaned her head against Kaname shoulder blade and she was out like a light.
Kaname smiled and whispered "I'll take it another day honey" he softly kissed her and driffted off to sleep as well
Angel continued on sleeping away and she suddenly woke up in about 4 hours and she felt a bit stired up about something and has no idea what it could be.
Kaname woke up and said "Angel whats wrong" he seemed worried about her and sat up trying to find out what was up
Angel said to Kaname,"I feel like that someone else is in this room besides just the two of us and not sure if I'm right or not Kaname.It's probably my imgiation playing tricks on me that's all Kaname."
Kaname hugged her "We are the only ones here Angel" and he gently kissed her neck
Angel felt Kaname kissing her neck gently and she siad ot him,"It was only my imigation playing tricks on me that's all Kaname,and Kaname I really want you to pop my cherry before the night is over only you Kaname."
Kaname looked at her and said "Alright. Lay back Angel and get ready cause it will hurt to have it popped ok" he noticed that they were both still nude
Angel lays back down on the bed and said to Kaname,"I know it will hurt,I did research about it and I'm ready Kaname and please keep your evil side insideo f oyu,don't let him take over again understand Kaname.?"
Kaname smiled at her and kissed her "He will never come out when it come to this unless you ask for him to come out" he gently held her hands above her head and kissed her deeply as he slowly put his full length inside her and stopping to wait for the pain to go away
Angel feels the pain going away and she said to Kaname,"That is a good thing your evil side won't come out unless if I ask for him to come out,which will probably be for a long time Kaname. The pain is gone away and I'm glad that you are taking my virginty away from me Kaname." Angel kissed Kaname on the lips and she smiled at him.
He smiled and kissed her "I am actually giving you mine as well Angel" he said as he slowly began to move in and out giving her the pleasure of being his first true love and his first time.
Angel said to Kaname,"That is ok with me you are giving me pleasure Kaname,and this feels so darn good,I love this Kaname." Angel moaned again when Kaname was slowly going in and out of her pussy and she gripped the sheets of the bed and was more comfortable when Kaname was giving her pleasure.
Kaname smiled and asked as he kissed her neck "Would you like more pleasure from me going faster so you came have your first orgasm" he licked her neck and spoke with passion
Angel smiled back at Kaname and said to him,"Yes please I would like you to go more faster so I can have my first oragsm with you only Kaname." Angel groaned when she felt Kaname licking her neck.
Kaname smiled "Alright Angel let me know when you think your gonna cum ok" and he started to go faster and just a bit harder to get her to cum for the first time.
Angel felt Kaname going more faster and harder then even before and she said to Kaname,"Oh god I'm just ready about to cum oh god keep going oh god Kaname."
He smiled and said "Bite if you want to keep from screaming when you cum" as he went faster and harder for her to cum for the first time
Angel nods her head and she gently bites Kaname on the neck to stop her from screaming and she finally cums all over his cock for her first time and releases her fangs from Kaname neck hoping that she didn't hurt him at al lwith her gentle biting.
He stopped so he could hold off on cumming "Did you like that feeling Angel" he asked kissing her gently
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I did love how it felt,it felt so darn good,and i hope that I didn't hurt you when I bit my fangs gently into your neck Kaname."
He shook his head "No you did not hurt me" he slowly moved in and out again and said "Is it ok if i cum in you or do you want me to get a condom hun"
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"You can cum inside of me Kaname,I want you to cum inside of me please do Kaname.?"
He hugged her "You know you could get prenant right" he wanted to make sure she understood what all could happen if he came and did not have a condum
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I understand that I could get pregnant,and I'd love to get pregnant with your child Kaname,we'll both make great parent's my love."
He paused and looked her in the eye "You really want to be pregnant dont you" he was suprised at her answer which is why he asked
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I really do want to get pregnant with your child Kaname,please make me get pregnant by you only Kaname."
He nodded "When i cum it might hurt you" and he began to go hard and fast as he gently bit her neck and drank a tiny bit of blood
Angel felt Kaname cumming inside of her and it did kinda of hurt for a few minutes and she didn't scream when she felt Kaname biting her neck and drinking her blood a little. Angel continued on griping the sheets of the bed again and moaned out Kaname name only.
Kaname thrust hard one last time as he came inside of her, filling her pussy with his cum he said "Angel thank you for being my sacred maiden"
Angel said to Kaname,"You are welcome for me being your sacred maiden Kaname,and I wonder how long it will take until I find out if I'm pregnant or not Kaname. I enjoyed that very much and now we should rest and get some sleep now ok with you Kaname.?"
"We can do this anytime you want ok Angel, and yets get some sleep now" he gently pulled out of her and layed next to her
Angel said to Kaname,"That is ok with me that we do this any time we both feel like to do Kaname and goodnight Kaname." Angel closes her eyes and she leans her head against Kaname chest and was glad that he was laying down next beside her.
Kaname smiled "Good night Angel. I love you" he said as he slowly passed out holding her close to him
Angel continued on sleeping away on Kaname chest and she mumbled to Kaname in her sleep,"I love you too Kaname."
Kaname slept soundly and woke up early the next morning and layed there thinking about how to try and keep his evil side 'dark' from getting out and not go after angel for sex. He said to himself 'Dark if she gets hurt and its from you...' "your mine Dark if you hurt anyone" Kaname sat there looking at her and actually her his other half Dark speak to him 'dont worry i wont attack her, though i would like to have one night with her' Kaname whispered so as to not wake her "I dont know Dark"
Angel continued on sleeping away and she eventually woke up in about 2 hours and she yawns and stretches for a few minutes and she quickly crawled out of the bed and quickly ran into the washroom and she threw up and knew that she was pregnant for sure and she was hppy about this.
Kaname sat on the bed thinking of a way to tell her family and everyone. He sent a message to Edward 'Ed tell bella that angel is prego and try to not let it get out of hand and be a huge deal ok' He sighed and walked to the bathroom "Angel honey you ok" He asked rubbing her back
Angel said to Kaname,"Yeah I'm ok,just getting the signs of being pregnant with your child,it'sd no problem at all,I can handle this on my own Kaname,as long as you stay by my side and help me through with this pregacy Kaname."
He sighed and got down beside her "Of course i will help you through this Angel now want to go tell your family and bella" he said making it sound like this was great and he kept up his spirits to keep her cheerful even though he was worried about how she will be as time goes on. "Hey Angel tell me how many kids do you want"
Angel said to Kaname,"My family already knows that I'm pregnant I called them on my cell phone and they are happy for us both Kaname. I'm really am glad that you are going to help me through this pregacy thanks Kaname."
He smiled at her "I just wish i had at least one family member that would be nice like your family but as far as i know they are now all dead" he said sadly thinking of how the baby might be afraid of his heratege on Kanames side "What will we do" he said to him self a bit worried
Angel said to Kaname,"Everything will be ok,you'll see Kaname.Please don't worry about a thing,because when you get worried,you also get me worried as well. My family has except you in their life,everything will be fine Kaname,you'll see,you got to trust me and I'm always right Kaname my love ok."
Kaname sighed and looked at her "Thats not it. I do trust you with my life and i just worry that the baby wont have a chace to know the things i went through growing up" He sat there with her in the bathroom and thought of how James was the one to show him how to fend for himself when lost. He thought out loud "I wish i knew why James turned evil like that"
Angel said to Kaname,"No one knows why James turned evil like that,not even I know. If I knew why James turned evil,I'd tell you Kaname. Don't worry our child will do fine in this world,we'll make wonderful parent's nad we can teach our child how to be good,if you want our child to be good,I'll need your help to show our child the way of good Kaname ok."
Kaname smiled and kissed her "Thank you, but we will need to make sure he she is understanding about Dark" he sighed knowing that danger will be around and Dark will be on guard and probly come out if need be
Angel said to Kaname,"Don't worry we'll make our child understand that Dark is a bit dangerous to be around Kaname,I'll worn our son daughter ok you have my word Kaname." Angel kissed Kaname back on his lips and she smiled at him.
Kaname kissed her then sighed "He wants out to talk with you. You decide Angel" he closed his eyes and waited for her to choose and Dark waited as well not forcing anything for once
Angel said to Kaname,"I'll talk with Dark as long as he doesn't go after me for sex,that is the only way I'll talk with him Kaname and make sure that Dark understands my descision Kaname ok."
Kaname did a slight nod to say yes as his eyes slowly opened to the color of Darks and the now red eyes shined at her "Dont worry i aint gonna attack you for sex" he sat there and acted almost human. He smiled at her "So Kaname's gonna be a daddy" he thought of if it meant he to would be a father or if he would be left out completely "I would like just one night with you before the pregnancy gets far along. And that of course is all up to you"
Angel looked at Dark and she said to him,"I'd rather wait until Kaname and I child is born before you have one night with me,and do not worry we both won't leave you out of our child life,but if our child is born,I can't guarntee that he or she will be comfy around you or not,I have no idea what Kaname nad I child will react to you Dark ok."
Dark sat there "Thats fine i just what the kid to know both sides of its father and i would wait forever if i am promised just one night at least with you" he closed his eyes getting ready to let kaname back out "I am ready to go back if you want Kaname again"
Angel said to Dark,"The child will know both sides and we must wait until the child is born and I think for a female vampiress to give birth to a child it only takes about 3 months instead of nine months I think,I'll figure it out Dark." Angel laid down back on the bed and she was resting up and wondered if this child will be nice or mean when it's born and she sighed and continued on resting up for a bit.
Dark layed next to her and kissed her cheek "Would you like Kaname back. To be honest i do like being out and spending time with you, though i seem evil as kaname says it just that i act on his feelings. When i pinned you that night like that it was because i was acting on wish want to become one with you not to be evil" he explained how he was more of act on instinct then being evil and kept making sure if she wanted him to stay out or if she wanted kaname back as he gently rubbed her stomache
Angel said to Dark,"You shouldn't of pinned me like that at all I do not like being pinned like that,because when another vampire pinned me like that about 2 years ago,I killed him with my wooden stake and stabbed it through his heart. I almost wanted to kill you like I killed a male vampire about 2 years ago Dark. I know you like being out,but I just don't want you to go after me for sex while I'm resting and pregnant Dark I hope thta you'll understand my point of view Dark and I would Kaname back please and thank you Dark."
Dark siled "Sure anything for you Princess and i'm sorry for being like that and i'm sorry for hurting you if i did" with that he kissed her on the lips passionately and then layed next to her as he let Kaname back out after telling her that he loved her as well. Kaname looked at her and said "I hope that he didnt hurt you or scare you when he said he loves you as well"
Angel said to Kaname,"No he didn't scare me at all when he said he loves me as well as you do Kaname. I can't wait until our child is born I hope that our child will be healthly just like were in really great shape Kaname and good night now Kaname." Angel closed her eyes and leaned her head on Kaname chest and she was out like a light once again.
Kaname smiled and watched her sleep as he talked with Dark 'exactly what did you do' Dark smiled 'i told her sorry for i always act on your feelings and that i would die if i ever hurt her or the baby' Kaname smiled 'thanks Dark' Dark smiled 'you need sleep, later' and then it was silent and kaname passed out and was a light sleeper to make sure he could protect his new family
Angel continued on sleeping away and she enjoyed sleeping on Kaname chest and she curled up more closer to Kaname body and she was having a nice dream and no more nightmares.
Kaname got up the next morning and sat in bed with her still sleeping on him as he spoke to Dark. 'Hey why do you act on the feelings and instincts i have' Dark spoke serious but softly 'its just something i do, you and i get it from you mom. she was the best female vampire ever and if i had been around and in my own body i would have fallen in love with her' Kaname sighed 'i miss her Dark' Dark sighed as well 'i know you do but you have a women still and she is even ok that i m here' Then as if they were one set of eyes they both looked at angel asleep in kanames arms
Angel eventually woke up from her sleep and she yawns and stretches and said to Kaname,"Good morning Kaname,I slept very well and thanks for everything you have done for me, and I'm little bit thristy could you please get me a drink of water please and thank you Kaname." She smiled at Kaname and felt the child slowly starting to kick inside her tummy and she wonders if Kaname felt their child kicking or not yet.
He smirked at her feeling her tummy "Do you like the feel of our child's tiny kicks Angel" he said softly as he put his hand on top of hers and kissed her forehead before he got up to get her drink. When he got back he said "Its so thrilling feeling him her kick, i've been up all morning just letting my hand rest over your tummy and feeling him" his eyes were full of joy "Even more amaing was how fast Darks face lit up when i let him out for a bit to feel it as well"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes the tiny small kicks feel so nice inside my tummy,I can't until we figure out if this baby is a boy or a girl I wonder when I should go for an Ultra sound to find out what our child is a boy or a girl and thank you for getting me a glass of water thank you Kaname." Angel slowly begins to drink the glass of water and she was fine with drinking water.
Kaname smiled and rubbed her tummy then kissed it "Your welcome and i say let it be a suprise. Honest honey i dont care what gender the baby is. Oh have you thought of any names you like hun" Dark had been listening to them talk and was excited 'offer that i would love it if an option for a boy was after me Dark' Kaname said 'ok i will Dark'
Angel said to Kaname,"Fine with me darling that we leave this child a surpise and I hope it's a girl and I can name her after Bella that would be a pretty name if it was a baby girl Kaname what do you think Kaname hmm.?" Angel was enjoying lying in bed since she is pregnant.
Kaname smiled "Yes it is may i make two suggestions, one for each gender?" Dark was really anxious to see the baby and what he she would be like 'hey kaname can you believe it you are a daddy' Kaname had to smile as he said 'No Dark, WE are a daddy' at that dark had a few tears escape from actually being included as the child's dad
Angel said to Kaname,"We have two more months left until our child is born and hopefully someone in Edward's family will be able to help me deliver our child Kaname."
He smiled "I'm sure Dr. Cullon would be happy to do that. And Dark would like to know your opinion on naming the baby after him if its a boy"
Angel said to Kaname,"If we do have a baby boy,we can name him after Dark I have no problem with that at all.Oh yeah I forgot that Edward's father is a docotor.
Kaname smiled and kissed her "Yes he is and would you like to have Dark out for a bit princess" he waited to get an answer before doing anything other then rubbing her tummy where the baby was.
Angel returned the kiss as well when Kaname kissed her. Angel said to Kaname,"I just don't want Dark to try anything funny when I'm still pregnant,you can let him out for a bit as long as he doesn't try anything funny with me ok."
Kaname nodded and lightly closed his eyes. His voice changed slightly as he spoke before opening them again to let her know Dark was out "Angel, Thank you" his eyes opened and they showed deep gratitude for the name if it were a boy that she had in her tummy. He kissed her lips gently then rubbed her tummy and spoke softly as if he were the same as kaname now "Hey baby its going to be so great having you in our lives" his eyes glowed showing that he would be like kaname from now on unless it was to keep her and the baby safe "Really Angel thank you for saying you would give the baby my name if it is a boy"
Angel said to Dark,"Your welcome for naming the baby after you if it's a boy Dark. I hope this child won't bite people at all,hopefully the child can keep his or her vampire side hidden,and not harm innocent people at all Dark." She felt Dark kissing her again and she was ok with it.
Dark smiled "Angel i hope it is just like you" he then looked at her and said blushing, dark blushed, "May i give you something that i have waited with since you and kaname met"
Angel said to Dark,"What is you want to give me and Kaname since we met Dark hmm.?"
He layed her back and put her hands over her head holding them pinned and whispered "This" and then kissed her deeply and passionatley on her lips not showing any sign of letting up but istead his tougne asked for entrance into her mouth gently as his eyes were shut 'i waited to long but i had to earn her trust' he thought letting her feel the love he had with that single kiss
Angel felt Dark's kiss and she said to him,"That kiss was perfect and no trying anything else at all Dark ok. Why do I all of sudden have a major craving for chocolate? Dark could you please go and get me some chocolate please and thank you Dark."
He let go and even helped her up and smiled "I only wantd to give you the one deep kiss with out any say from you. Now that i have i promise Angel" He smiled and left and after five minutes was back with some chocolate for her. He then smiled and asked "Anything you need at all just ask me ok"
Angel said to Dark,"Thank you for getting me some chocolates Dark,I'll keep that in mind if I need anything else I'll ask Dark,but i'm fine for now."
Dark nodded and sat on the bed thinking to kaname 'hey if i were to stay out more evenly with you would she hate me?' Kaname shrugged 'i dont know dark, ask her'. Dark watched her and sighed his gaze going over every inch of her and longing to explore with his hands
Angel lays back down on the bed and she needs her rest and sleep,most pregnant ladies always need their sleep. Angel pulled the sheets and blanket over herself and dozed off to sleep once again.
Dark smiled at her and gently kissed her forehead "Good night Princess Angel" he then got up and walked over to the dresser and picked up the formal picture of Kaname, James, Jason and his mother Krystal. He looked at it and said out loud "Kaname you have to tell her why i call her princess." Kaname nodded and said 'i hate being the prince to take over as the next king, even carliel treats me as king' Dark sighed deeply and said "Kaname either you tell her this secret or i will, and if i tell her she may not like the trueth of why i am here since my dad was the other half of your father Jason" He set the picture near her so she would see it when she woke and sat by the window
Angel eventually woke up from her sleep and she yawned and saw a picture of Kaname and his family and she was a bit puzzled at this and wonders why Kaname and Dark always call her princess for,and she sighed. Angel looked at the heartshaped golden locket that her mother and father gave to her and she wonders if this locket is somewhat connected between her and Kaname and she shrugged her shoulders.
Dark, who was still out said "Did you sleep well princess" his eyes seemed troubled and hid a secret a major secret from her. He sat and looked out the window sighing and knew he would have to explain since Kaname had passed out leaving Dark alone with Angel.
Angel said to Dark,"Yes I did sleep well,and why do you and Kaname always call me princess for? Am I missing out something,plus my mother and father gave me this heart shaped golden locket necklace to me. On the back of this locket is a symbol I do not understand or reconigze,want to take a look at this necklace ot see if you can figure out what this symbol means hmm Dark.?"
Dark sighed and looked her in the eye, his showing regret for Kaname keeping this most important secret from her "Angel that symbol is of your fathers clan and it is also the symbol that keeps vampire from killing anyone from your family bloodline" he then got up and walked over talking the picture. He sighed as he looked at Krystal and Jason "The reason why Kaname and i call you princess is because Kaname is to be king of all vampires. Which is also why Dr. Cullen and his family obey any thing Kaname says." He sighed and sat and opened her locket easilly to reveal a picture of Her mother and Kanames mother Krystal "You are to become the queen, the first human queen in the vampire society. I hate that i have to tell this to you since prince Kaname has passed out from being to scared to tell you him self. Also my father is the other half to kanames father" Dark began to cry from not knowing why Kaname never told anyone this horrible fate of his bloodline.
Angel looked at Dark and said to him,"I never knew this sercert at all,why didn't my real father and mother ever told me this,why am I always the last one to know about this, me be a princess and eventualyl a queen,not sure if I'll be any good at helping Kaname out with anything roaylity." Angel was a bit shocked at this news and she has no idea what to do now and she sighed,and finished eatting her box of chocolates and she also finished her glass of water up, and sighed at this shocking news.
Dark sat behind her and wrapped his arms around her to comfort her and said softly and caringly "You dont have to make any decisions you dont want to Angel. All official decitions are made by Kaname you are more hen a princess, you ave become our life and you can do anything you want we will make sure you are happy with anything you decide ok hun" he had begun to rock side to side to comfort her like Krystal did to Kaname growing up
Angel said to Dark,"What happens if the other vampires don't like me and try to kill me what will Kaname and you do,to keep that from happing hmm.?" She felt Dark rocking her side by side and she slowly begins to realx and rests her eyes.
He held her as close as he could "Angel if anyone comes with in an arm's reach of you with out Kaname's say i will forcefully take over and hold you against me and threaten to kill any who hurt or even think of hurting you, i promise" Kaname woke and asked if anything he could do. Dark tilted her head and kissed her lips softly "Would you like to talk to Kaname now that he is awake me princess"
Angel felt Dark kissing her lips once again and she said to Dark,"You and Kaname both know how to protect me from harm that might come our way. Yes please I would like to talk with Kaname please and thank you my princes."
Dark smiled "Anything for the princess" he then kissed her forehead as he closed his eyes. When the kiss ended the one holding her was Kaname and he was sad and so sorry for what he did "Angel i i'm so sorry for not telling you i had never wanted to do this but with me as the only one of my bloodline left i am forced by vampire laws to become king, please forgive me" he had started to cry as he held her
Angel said to Kaname,"It's ok, I forgive you Kaname and I'm fine with this whole situation,please don't cry Kaname everything wil lbe alright." Angel gently holds Kaname to let him know that she is here for good.
Kaname looked at her "Angel I hope that you will forgive me for makeing Dark tell you what is going on" dark sighed and said 'you still dont get it kid she aint going to leave'
Angel said to Kaname,"Of course I can forgive you for Dark telling the truth you are forgiven Kaname. I'll never leave your side ever,unless if another vampiress took you away from me,that is the only way I'll leave."
Dark smirked 'told you kid she aint going' Kaname pinned her and kissed her deeply, his tounge wanting to enter her mouth
Angel felt Kaname pinning her and kissing her and she let Kaname tongue enter into her mouth and she was glad that Kaname was all cheered up.
He smiled and held her close "I love you Angel"
Angel said to Kaname,"I love you as well Kaname and I think the baby is coming I can feel it, It has been 2 months now Kaname."
Kaname got up "Angel if thats true then we have to get you to Carliel. So i need you to be ok with Dark taking you, he is faster then i am ok hun"
Angel said to Kaname,"Ok with me I trust you and Dark,I want you both to see me giving birth to our child Kaname and Dark,and please hurry."
Kaname kissed her then let dark out. Dark knelt and got ready to pick her up "Are you ready hun, Kaname has sent a message to Ed warning them so we should hurry and get you to his place alright" He picked her up and waited for her to get set
Angel said to Dark and Kaname,"I am ready and take me to Edward's place please and thank you." She gently wraps her arms around Dark neck and she was ready to go.
He nodded and jumped out the window to the trees and then took her to Ed's place where they were met by Dr. Cullen. Dr. Cullen met them "Prince, princess please this way" Everyone had an area set up and he got Angel settled in and hooked up to iv's and all that stuff. Dark held her hand and asked "Would you like me or Kaname out hun"
Angel said to Dark,"I would like Kaname out please and thank you Dark ok." Bella enters into the room and she helps Edward and his family out with this and wondered what a vampire mortal baby boy or girl will look like.
Dark smiled and kissed her cheek "Alright princess, If that is what you wish" and then he let Kaname back out. Kaname smiled "Thanks for everything Dr. Cullens" Carliel smiled "Dont worry. Know Angel the labor might start soon if your water broke so be ready for any pains ok"
Angel said to him,"I know that the labour pains will be a bit painful I know a friend of mine that went through this." Angel held Kaname hand really tightly and she started to breath in and out and starting to push a little bit nad knew that her water must of broke.
Alice came in "Angel i want to help you ok" she took angels other hand and was excited to see the baby
Angel nods her heads and she continues on pushing as best as she could and she pushed hard enough for the baby to born and she said to Dr. Cullen,"Is this a baby boy or a girl I hope it's a baby boy."
Dr. Cullen had Esme clean it up and said "What will you name the baby if it is a boy? And what if its a girl?" he had a birth certificate in his hand and waited to tell her till after he had a nae to right down. Ed looked at her "I would like Krystal after my mother if it is a girl and she said she would call it Dark after my other half if its a boy" Carliel wrote down the name and gave her the paper. Name of child 'Dark' and she was given her baby boy to hold as everyone smiled. Dark said 'i look cute'
Angel smiled at the baby boy she just gave birth to and said to Kaname,"Would you like to hold your son Kaname,don't worry you just gently hold him in your arm Kaname,he is so adoreable and cute."
Kaname smiled as he got to hold his son "Angel he is so perfect, just like his mother" he gently kissed her lips and was happy. Dark looked and said 'i never thought i would have a baby named after me' Kaname smiled "Dark is happy his name sake is so cute" he giggled and handed the baby back to Angel
Angel rocked the baby boy very gently and carefully in her arms and said to Kaname,"Yes our son is so perfect just like we are perfect,and all of this giving labour to our son,has made me a bit tired out I need my rest, and thanks to everyone that helped me through this.I'm really am thankful to have friends. Good night everyone."
Esme took the baby and put him in a little crib and said "Alright both of you stay here and rest and tomorow we will see if you are well enough to move around ok" Kaname nodded and layed down next to Angel "Good night princess"
Angel said to Kaname,"Good night Kaname my prince." Angel closed her eyes and she rested her head against Kaname chest nad she felt defently safe around Kaname and Dark and so will their son feel safe around them both as well.
Kaname and everyone slept well and Esme stayed with the baby so that Angel could rest the first night.
Angel continued on resting during the night and she was very proud of giving birth to her son and knew she'll make a great mother just like Kaname and Dark will both make great fathers.
Kaname slept and in the morning Dark was sitting by the crib looking at the baby. Dark sighed "I have never had anything named after me. He is so cute" he reached in and placed is finger in the baby's hand "He is so soft"
Angel eventually woke up from her sleep and saw Dark looking at the baby and she was glad that her son wasn't afraid of Dark at any cost.
Dark did not look away from the baby "Morning princess, the little prince is cute like his mother. Thank you for nameing hi after me and for loving both side of Kaname, it means alot to me really" he smiled at angel and never moved from the kids side
Angel said to Dark,"Good morning to you as well and of course all babies are cute when they are born weather they are human or not human Dark,and your welcome for naming the baby after you Dark."
He picked the baby up as if he were a natural at it and brought him over to her and sat by her "Here hun have your baby boy" Rosalie was in the door way watching "Looks cute you two and i gotta say he looks just like you Dark" Dark smirked not looking at her "Thanks rose" he had called her rose since long time ago when he first met the Cullen's family
Angel held her baby boy in her arms and said to Dark,"He looks like Kaname and he also looks like you as well Dark." Angel cradled her son in her arms and the child slowly fell alseep and she smiled at her son.
Rosalie looked at them and smiled "You guys want anything to eat or drink, give us a reason to use the kitchen for once" Dark smiled "just water for me"
Angel said to Rose,"I would like a small garden salad that is all." Angel continued on paying attetion to her son and she loved her son so much.
Rosalie smiled at them "Ok so water for Dark and a salad for the princess of the new vampire leader" trying to be stuck up but also joking around with Angel at the same time "I'll be right back Angel"
Angel nods her head and she continues on being very content with her son and she notice that her son slowly opens his eyes up and she smiled at him and his eys were just like Kaname eyes.
Dark smiled "Hey kid your named after me. Angel i wonder if he will have an alter like me and Kaname" he said touching his son's hand softly.
Angel said to Dark,"I have no idea if he'll be like Kaname and you,I have no idea we just have to wait and see,and let time go on to see how well our son will grow up and be like when he get's older."
"I hope he doesnt have o deal with an alter hun, i dont want that trouble on him" Kaname smiled 'i should let you be out more'
Angel said to Dark,"I do see your point their Dark,I also don't want to deal with an alter ego especially when it comes to a baby boy Dark and Kaname."
Dark gently kissed her cheek "My princess i have to go now ok, you know how to get a hold of me for anything" he then closed his eyes and fell into a chair. Rosalie stood in the door and said "I is he ok" Kaname opened his eyes and said "Hey guys, i guess Dark spooked you Rosalie" he smiled as he went and got the water and salad and went back to angel. "Time to eat hun" he gentally put the baby back in the crib so she could eat "So are you doing Angel"
Angel said to Kaname,"I'm doing much better now,the water is for Dark and the salad is for me and thank you for the salad Roselie it looks really good and yummy. Thnaks for bringing me my salad to me Kaname." Angel slowly eats her salad up and it tasted very good to her and she was almost done her salad,when she heard the baby begining to cry.
Kaname smiled and thanked Rosalie as she left. He sat next to Angel and said "Hey hun when do you want to head home, so i can get my jeep" he then drank the water and thanked dark for getting it.
Angel said to Kaname,"We can head home soon in about an hour from now and the baby is crying,I'll be right back Kanama,unless if you want to try to mkae our son stop crying go ahead and be my guest Kaname my love."
He smiled "You stay put and eat." he walked over and held the baby and sat down in a chair rocking him and letting him suck on his finger "He needs a pacifier hun, for something to have instead of my finger" he laughed a bit.
Angel was done eatting and said to Kaname,"Your right about that Kaname,that our son needs a pacifer,instead of sucking on your finger and I'm all done eatting now Kaname my love."
Esme and Carliel walked in and said hi. Dr. Cullen went to Angel while Esme gave Kaname a pacifier and took the dishes out of the room. Carliel smiled "So how is the princess to day, you ready to head home. I had Emet go get your jeep so when your ready you cna leave guys"
Angel said to Carliel,"The princess is doing much better now,I feel more realxed then last night and I'm happy with my child I gave birth to. Thank you for getting the baby a pacifer thank you very much." Angel got off the bed and walked over to Kaname and their child and she sees how well Kaname is taking care of thier son and smiled at them both.
Carliel smiled and left them to be alone. Kaname looked up at her "I'm a daady for the first time" his eyes sparkled greatly with happiness as he looked at her "And i have a kind family too"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes you do have a kind family and you make a great daddy,as I make a great moomy for the first time as well Kaname,we can leave for home when ever you want to. Do you have a crib at home to put our son in so he can sleep in hmm.?"
He smiled and stood up handing her baby Dark "Yeah mom always made sure to keep everything from us growing in the nursery she had. Dad let it be the only human thing she could do" He began to pack the things they were given and got ready to head home.
Angel carried the baby in her arms and said to Kaname,"I can't wait until baby Dark slowly grows up to see what he'll be like when he is a kid,I hope our son won't be any trouble for us both at all Kaname." Angel carried the baby Dark to the jeep and waited for Kaname.
Kaname followed her "He wont be trouble at all cause of us and Dark taking care of him" He smiled and helped them into the jeep so they could go as Ed came over. Ed said "Hey you guys take care and call if you need anything ok, and Carliel said to call you gguys family, so later bro" and he walked back over to Bella and waved at Angel.
Angel said to Edward,"Thanks for the tip,I'll tell my family that the baby was born and the baby is doing really well in health wise." She waved bye to Edward,Bella and rest of Edward's family too. Angel said to Kaname,"I do see your point their that me,you and Dark will keep an eye on the baby,and hopefully no evil male vampire henchmen tries to kidnap our child,that has happened so many times,I have read it in the book."
Kaname sighed "It happened to my mom, James was taken and that might have been why he turned evil" as they drove home he said "It happened cause the guy got close enough to take him and everyone saw the sings. When mom brought it up dad said that she was crazy so she sat back and watched it happen. Trust me that wont happen to baby Dark"
Angel said to Kaname,"I never knew that James was taken away from your mother at all,any other sercerts I need to know since I'm going to be ruling by your side Kaname hmm.?"
He looked at her as they pulled into the driveway "Not any right now hun ok" he got out and said "Lets go show your ant and uncle little Dark"
Angel get's out of the jeep and she walks into her aunt and uncles place and everyone saw how cute the baby was and her mother and step father said to her,"What did you name the baby boy please tell us all Angel or Kaname pretty please.?"
"Dark" Kaname said smileing at them "We named him Dark after my other self and cause it was dark out when he was born" he looked at them and smiled "Would you guys like to hold him"
Angel's family was fine with that name and Angel's aunt said to Kaname,"Yes please I would like hold baby Dark please and thank you Angel and Kaname,if it's ok with you both.?" ANgel said to her Aunt,"It's fine with me that you hold your nephew go right ahead,as long as it's ok with Kaname as well."
He leaned forward and acted cocky as he put his arm around her shoulders after the baby was in her auts arms "If it wasn't ok i dont think Kaname would have asked, and its ok with me as well princess" his attitude showed it was Dark out. Kaname was mad 'Dark' but he also understood that her family had to get use to Dark as well. Dark stood up straight and said to everyone "Forgive me for forcing my way out but i wanted to formally meet everyone. I am Kanames other self, the baby is named after me." He bows in respect "I am Dark, and as kaname's other half i wish that you all enjoy seeing and holding the baby"
Angel's family looked at Dark and they knew that they had to get use to Dark as well and Angel hopes that her family will like Dark as much as they really like Kaname. ANgel's Aunt was holding the baby and then her uncle, then her mother and then her step father was holding the baby. Angel said to Dark very quietly,"When were with my family could you please just call me Angel instead of princess,I don't want my family to know about you and Kaname sercert ok Dark." She was fine with Dark arm around her and she was happy to see how her family excepted baby Dark into the family.
Dark looked at her and said just loud enough for the to hear "But why would you want to keep your new life as a princess a secret from your ownfamily hun, i dont understand" he sat down on the back of the couch and layed back so he was stretched across the back of it and said "Angel why dont you want them to know, its very important for them to know so you can see if they will support you or not. Kaname had me tell you so we could tell them" he closed his eyes trying to understand and added "Even Kaname wants to know why"
Angel said to Dark,"If my family finds out that I'm a princess,they'll keep here and won't let me have my freedom and my family defently over reacts when they find out that their are people that are roylatily nad I doubt that my family will support,they'll probably won't have anything to do with me,you,Kaname or the baby. That is how my family can be like,and I don't want to remain here without my own freedom." Angel sits down on the couch beside Dark and knew excatly that her family will be like this.
Dark looked at her and kissed her "Angel there is no doubts allowed with this, you have to tell them. I know you dont want to lose them but they need to know honey. Please at least talk to them about it for me and for Kaname" his eyes had tears in them and he was about to cry. He let the tears fall and said softly "I want them to know what life their baby girl will have"
Angel looked at Dark and said to him,"Ok I'll tell them and don't blame me if they keep me here and try to keep me and baby away from you and Kaname. My mother and step father are more strict then anyone else in the family Dark,not sure how they'll react to this though." She gently kissed Dark back and she walekd back into the family room and wodners how she'll tell them all about that is a princess and Kaname and Dark are vampire prince's and she sighed.
Dark stood and went with her and said "Dont worry i'm here and nothing will keep us apart even if i have to turn you to get you your freedom Angel, i will do what i have to"
Angel said to Dark,"Fine with me,but I think they'll all understand the situation that were in and here goes nothing." Angel said to her Aunt,Uncle,Mother, and Step father,"I need to tell you all something and not sure how you'll react to this but, Kaname and Dark are both prince's of all vampires and I'm a princess of all the vmapires,I just found this out about 2 days ago,I hope that you'll understand the situation I'm in,please understand." Angel's Aunt,Uncle,her mother and stepfather were all shocked at this and said to her,"Wow this is the latest news we have all heard,but we will support you and let you have your freedom for sure,we won't hold you back at al lyou have our words ok." Angel said to them all,"Ok with me,I'm glad that all of you understand this and now you know the truth."
Dark put his cocky attitude back and said "See my princess you were worried they would hold you back, when all it took was telling them." he looked up at them and said "Thank you everyone for being supportive, and i hope you all will call to visit us sometime"
Angel's family said to them both,"Of course we'll call you before we vist you both and the baby take good care of our little girl Dark." Angel's stepfather hands Angel the baby back to her and said to her,"You sure have grown up the last time I saw you and your baby is so cute and take really good care ouf your mother and I grandson ok Angel." Angel said to her stepfather,"I will really take great care of your grandson and the family as well,bye stepfather." Angel said to Dark,"Are you ready to go home or would you like to stay around my family for a little bit longer hmm.?"
Dark smiled "We should get home before he wakes up and starts crying" he then thanked everyone for supporting Angel and went to the door waiting for her
Angel catches up with Dark and said to him,"We can head home now,that was a bit too easy,I'm surpised that they didn't stop me at all,something fishy is going on around this place I'll eventually figure it out Dark."
He smiled and put an arm around her "Well you have me to help you"
Angel said to Dark,"Of course I have you to help me Dark." Baby Dark wakes up and he begins to cry and Angel said ot Dark,"THe baby is crying,he is probably hungery Dark."
"Then we best hurry home so you can feed him" Dark said kissing her cheek
Angel said to Dark,"Fine with me,were almost home Dark and I know how to feed a baby,my mother taught me."
He smiled "Thats good hun" and he opened the door to their home and saw that it was a bit messy from dishes being everywhere and clothes on the floor but nothing major
Angel walked into the nursey room and she grabbed a blanket and placed it over her breast while she was breast feeding baby Dark. Baby Dark stopped crying and he was done feeding. Angel gently rocks Baby Dark to sleep and put's him gently down in the crib and tucks him in and she pulls her shirt back down and smiled at her son sleeping away.
Dark watched her from the door and activated his mothers protection charm to keep the baby safe.
Angel said to Dark,"Baby Dark is so cute when he is asleep,he kind of reminds me of my younger brother that my motrher had,before he died about a year ago from crib death."
Dark looked sad "Sorry to hear that hun"
Angel said to Dark,"It's ok,but I think another vampire that is a bit threaten by my family,killed my younger baby brother,that is what my gut is telling me,I hope that I'm wrong and not right."
Dark went to her and said "Dont worry are baby is safe with us"
Angel looked at Dark and said to him,"How do I that the baby will be safe,you know some vampires can break any kind of charm or spells other vampires use to keep their family safe."
He sighed and held her close "I have been protected by this very charm my mother set to keep me safe after James was taken. WHen vampirs came for me they burned. Plus i have other ways to make sure the baby is safe, dont worry ok" his eyes were soft and full of comfort
Angel said to Dark,"Ok I won't worry about the baby at all,he'l lbe safe,i believe you Dark." Angel gently leaned in and kissed Baby Dark on his forehead and left the nursery room and headed into their room and Angel snaps her fingers and her clothes turn into her pjs and she lays down on the bed and stares up towards the celling.
Dark walked in and layed next to her "Angel whats wrong, please talk to me" Dark was worried about her and did not know what to do
Angel said to Dark,"It's nothing,I'm just still getting use to this new life I have,everything has changed so far in my life Dark,don't worry I'll be fine Dark ok.I just need more rest that's all I need Dark ok."
Dark smiled and rolled to on top of her and looked down into her eyes and asked "Angel may i have permission to explore your body. I promise i will not attack" his eyes glowed with wanting to make her feel better and forget about everything for just an hour at least
Angel said to Dark,"As long as you don't attack me for sex,I'm not ready to get pregnant with another child,not for a while Dark,go right ahead and explore my body,you have my premisson Dark."
He smiled and a hand slid down inside her pj bottoms and began to rub her clit "Thank you love" and he kissed her deeply and passionately as his free hand began to remove her shirt "Just let me know if i dont anything you dont like" He then took both hands and removed her clothes completely and let his hands roam over every curve in her body "Your body is so perfect Angel, i love it and you. I mainly love how you love me as well as Kaname" and he kissed her again as one hand massaged a breast and the other began to rub her pussy again
Angel felt Dark hand sliding into her pj bottoms and felt his hand slowly rubbing her pussy and she slightly squrims a bit . Angel returns the kiss as well and felt his other hand massaging her breasts and she said to Dark,"You are welcome for me loving Kaname and you also,and thanks for the comment about my body Dark."
Dark slowly kissed his way down her neck to her breast and began to suck on it as his fingers slid inside her and he said "Angel, your so wet. I may have to do something about that" he spoke as if he was going to enter her, but instead he moved down and started licking her pussy to clean the juices away and get a good taste as he moaned "You taste so sweet hun"
Angel said to Dark,"Thank you for the comment you gave me about my cum tastes so sweet and keep your vampire fangs inside your mouth at all times,I enjoy being half mortal half immortal and not ready to be fully turned not for a while,I'm little bit thristy for a glass of water,I'm not really thristy for blood not for a long time Dark."
He snapped his fingers and some water popped up beside her on the table as he began to slide his tongue inside her wanting her to cum "Angel baby cum for me" he went harder to give her more pleasure
Angel finally cums for Dark and said to him,"You made me cum when you used your tongue inside of my pussy,I need a sip of water now ok." Angel takes a small sip of the glass of water and it quinched her thrist for a bit longer.
He smirked and said "You know its your choice to have me do something to you" he then began to suck on her clit as he fingered her fast
Angel moaned again when Dark was sucking on her clit and felt him fingering her more harder,and she said to him,"I know it's my choice if I want you to do something to me,but I'm not ready for anything else Dark ok."
Dark looked up at her still fingering her "Ok princess, but you are gonna have to cum again and it has to be bigger then your last one" his old self showed a bit in his words as he went back to sucking on her clit. Kaname watched unable to came back out at the moment and prayed angel would be ok.
Angel said to Dark,"Fine with me after I cum bigger then my last one,can we please rest up Dark please." Angel cums again and it was bigger then last time and she was a bit tired out from all this.
He smiled and moved to beside her while keeping his fingers inside her "Sure thing, we can rest hun. I'll even let Kaname back out be fore we pass out" Dark removed his fingers and put them in his mouth as he turned back. Kaname was shocked to find her taste as the first thing he got. He turned and faced her "Angel honey are you ok, Dark didn't do anything bad did he"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I'm ok,and no Dark didn't do anything bad to me at all Kaname,I'm really am fine Kaname." Angel hugged Kaname and she rested her head against his chest and smiled at him. She hears the baby crying and said to Kaname,"I'll be right back baby Dark is crying Kaname." Angel crawled out of the bed and she walked into the nursey room and found baby Dark blanket and she gives the blanket to baby Dark and he stops crying and she smiled at him.
Kaname stared at the celling worrying about how Dark was turning back to his old self when ever he was alone with Angel like that and sighed deeply closing his eyes
Angel leaves the nursey room and she walks back to their room and laid down beside Kaname and she gently closed her eyes as well and thought inside her mind,"Why is Dark trying to force me into something that I don't want to do I'm not ready to get pregnant again,not until from 2 years now then I'll be ready."
Kaname sighed showing something was bothering him. He put an arm around her and held her trying to tell himself it was ok
Angel said to Kaname,"What is wrong Kaname,is something wrong,you can tell me what is bothering you or worrying you,please tell me what's wrong.?" Angel was a bit worried about Kaname and she comfort him,like he comforted her when something was wrong with her.
He sighed and held her as close as possible "Its just, Dark is turning into his old self somewhat and that could be dangerous now. I'm scared he might do something that would hurt our marraige and how the baby grows up" he had tears in his eyes as he spoke. Dark made it so his voice came out only "I was not going to change back to my old self, i only acted that way from wanting to give her pleasure and to get it out of my system before it drove me mad. Dont worry i aint gonna act that way again unless she wants me to and only when its here in bed" Darks voice then spoke softly "Angel i want you to know that if i was to enter you i would pull out and do everything possible to keep you from getting pregnate again" and with that Dark was gone and passed out so only angel and kaname where left
Angel said to Kaname,"I do see your point thier,but I don't think that he'll jeoparize our marriage at all Kaname,when I first met you and then Dark I was a tad bit scared of Dark,but now I'm getting use to this new life you have given me Kaname. I will always be here for you no matter what happens in the future Kaname,I'm really am happy with you Kaname,everythign is going to be alright Kaname." Angel wipe the tears away from Kaname and she gently hugs Kaname and she gently kisses his lips to help him realx and not worry.
He relaxed a little but only enough to enjoy her kiss "I'm still scared Angel" he said holding her as close as he can
Angel said to Kaname,"Please don't be scared,because when you get scared,you also make me scared as well Kaname,please realx Kaname."
He looked at her "I'm sorry hun"
Angel said to Kaname,"It's ok Kaname,we have always survived in this life we both have for a bit Kaname. I love you Kaname,I hear a noise it's coming from the basement,and I have no idea what that noise is."
Kaname imedeately turned into Dark. Dark got up and said "Angel go to the baby and stay there no matter what. If you need me just yell got it." He then grabbed his fathers dagger from the drawer and went to the door "I love you and be careful" He went into the hall to slowly investigate what was in there home
Angel quickly runs into the nuresy room and stayed with baby Dark and she wonders whom else could be in their home and she was a bit scared and she pulled out her father's holy dagger and kept it close to her at all times and stayed with her child.
Dark slowly went down stairs and shouted "Who the hell is in my home and why are you here" A man sat in the corner and said while holding his daughter who was about two days older then baby Dark "Dark calm down be fore you wake up Sasha" Dark turned and saw him and sighed in relief "Damn it Chase you know better then to come like this." Dark shouted up to angel "Angel honey come down here and bring the baby" Dark motioned for Chase to come stand in the light so Angel was not scared
Angel put her father's dagger away and she carried baby Dark in her arms all the way downstairs and said to Dark,"Whom is that guy,I never seen him at all and what is he doing here hmm.?"
Chase handed his daughter to dark and bowed "Forgive me Princess for how i entered your home. My name is Chase Alsbeth and i am the person in charge of the council for which your husband leads." Dark looked at her "Angel he is also an old friend and forgets to knock, bad habit he needs to loose now." He turned into Kaname and said "And this hun is his daughter Sasha, she is about 2 days older then baby Dark" Sasha giggled as she went back to her father.
Angel looked at Chase and his duaghter and said to him,"It's a pleasure to meet you Chase, and your daughter is so cute and adoreable. You are forgiven for entering the home,I forgot that some vampires like to knock and some like to enter without anyone knowing their presence is around." Baby Dark slowly woke up and he sees another baby and he looks at his mother and then at his father. Angel said to Kaname,"I think your son wants you to hold him again Kaname my love."
Kaname smiled and took baby Dark and said "Hey you would you like a friend" He showed his son Sasha and said "What do you think" Chase smiled and said "The young prince is very cute my lady, may it be alright for us to stay with you guys for a few days to go over plans for the ceramony of crowning the new king and queen. Princess angel i would love for our children to be good friends growing up"
Angel said to Chase,"Ok with me that our children can be friends when they both begin to grow up,I'm fine with it as long as Kaname and Dark are ok with this as I am Chase." Angel sees Baby Dark begining to play with his father hair and she smiled at them both.
Kaname winced at the slight tug of his hair "Hey runt that my hair" he said playfully to his son. Yeah chase you can stay and i would love for Dark jr. to have a friend" He smiled at angel for help as he felt more tugs on his hair
Angel said to Kaname,"See our son baby Dark loves playing with your hair Kaname,it's so cute,don't worry our son won't pull any of your hair off your head,he's not like that at all Kaname." Angel slightly gigles at how Dark jr. is getting along with his father as well as he get's along with his mother.
"Yeah well does he have to pull so hard" Kaname said smiling as Chase laughed. Chase said "He is so like Dark, definately a Dark jr."
Angel said to Kaname,"Babies like to pull on parent's hair as tight as they want to Kaname,he'll eventually stop pulling and tugging on your hair Kaname."
Sash giggled and pulled her dads hair as well and chase said "Ow...she definately thinks its fun" Kaname and chase both laughed
Angel also laughs as well and Dark jr. smiles at his father,his mother,then Chase and then he flashes a nice smile at Sash. Angel stays close to Kaname and Dark jr.
Kaname caught the smile and said "I think he like her, look at that smile. Just like Dark alright" he chuckled
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes your right Dark jr. likes Sash I can sort of tell. Dark jr. reminds me of you when you smiled at me and now were together as husband and wife and then king and queen Kaname. I think Dark jr. needs his diaper changed you can change his diaper for a change Kaname."
Kaname smiled and took his son to get changed "I'll be right back hun" he kissed angel then left. Chase sat down on the couch holding his daughter "Princess how are doing with this major change" he knew she would not trust him easily and he understood after how he let them know he was there "I hope that the kids get along well" he said smiling at his baby girl
Angel said to Chase,"I'm getting use to this new life,and I'm actually enjoying this life,way more better then my other life I use to have. Of course Dark jr. will get along with Sash,Kaname and I will make sure that no one causes any problems between Dark jr. and your daughter Sash Chase ok." Dark jr. watched his daddy change his diaper and his first word that he was ready to say was none other then Dada.
Kaname finished and rushed down stairs "Honey he said said 'dada' and it was so precious to hear" Kaname had a few tears from the joy of what happened in his eyes
Angel said to Kaname,"That really is great news that our son said dada those must be his first words he wanted to say,I'm that Dark jr. is slowly starting to talk,it will take more time for Dark jr. to say more words Kaname my love." Dark jr. looked at his parent's and he smiled at them both and he slowly drifted off to sleep in his daddy arms.
Kaname smiled and said "I think he should meet who he is named after once he is up again" and he sat down next to Chase so where is your wife Chase she hardly leaves your side" Chase looked at his girl and said "She died while giving birth to Sasha, so i named her after her mother" Kaname sighed "I'm sorry to hear that man"
Angel sits down beside Kaname and she was a bit occuiped how Dark jr. was sound alseep in his father's arms and she gently leans her head against Kaname shoulderblade and she slowly drifted off to sleep as well and knew that Dark jr. would become a strong vampire just like Kaname and Dark are both strong.
Kaname smiled and took her to their room after putting Dark jr. in his crib and told chase that sasha could share the crib and that chase could have one of the empty rooms for now and then went to bed him self
Angel continued on sleeping away and she snuggles up really close to Kaname and places her head against Kaname chest and smiled in her sleep.
Chase slept in the nursery that night and kept both babies happy and quiet so angel and kaname could sleep.
Angel slowly wakes up from her sleep and drinks more of her glass of water and she sighed and fell right back asleep once again.
Chase had walked to their room to check on them seeing her fall back asleep was nice. He thought to him self 'from here on i am their protector and i will propose that our children be ingaged when old enough' he then went back to the nursery and saw baby Dark with an arm over Sasha's tummy as if he knew to keep her safe
Angel woke up once again and she crawls out of the bed and sits by the windowsill and looks out the window and stares up towards the starry nightsky and she sighed.
Kaname woke up and said "Angel honey are you ok, whats wrong" he asked and got up a bit worried about her
Angel said to Kaname,"Nothing is wrong at all Kaname,I just love to look up towards the starry nightsky,that is all Kaname."
Kaname walked over to her and smiled "Ok hun, i'm gonna go check the baby" he kissed her then left to the nursery. Once there he said "Angel come see"
Angel walked into the nursery and saw Dark jr. with his arms over Sash tummy and she said to Kaname,"Our son is protective about Sash,just like you are protective about me Kaname,that is so cute and adorable what Dark jr. is being protective about Sash." Angel smiled at Kaname and she gently kissed him on the lips and felt reallly safe around him like she has all the time.
Kaname smiled then pointed to Chase "Poor guy has been here all night making sure they were ok and stayed asleep so we could rest" Kaname put an arm around her waist and said "The guy has been making sure i'm ok since James left when i was 5. He may not seem the type but Chase has been watching over me for my whole life, he is 5 years older then me." Dark said 'Kaname see if i can come out' Kaname looked at her and asked "Dark wants to know if he can be out for a bit hun"
Angel said to Kaname,"I had no idea that Chase is 5 years older then you are Kaname,that is a good thing CHase has been watching over you ever since James is gone. Sure Dark can come out for a bit,I'm fine with it Kaname."
"Alright hun. I will talk to you later" he kissed her softly and then let Dark out. Dark looked at Chase and the babies "Aw now aint that cute"
Angel said to Dark,"Yes that is cute they all are sound asleep,which is a good thing Dark." Angel felt a bit unease about something and she wasn't sure what she was feeling unease about and she sighed.
Dark looked at Chase and said softly "Your tense Angel, whats wrong" his voice was stern, full of concern for her wanting to know why she was so tense
Angel said to Dark,"I feel a bit unease about something it has nothing to do with you,Kaname,Chase,Dark jr or Sash. I just can't explain why I'm all sudden feeling unease about something I wish I knew what it was Dark."
Dark looked at her "Could it be how fast your family said they would support you being the princess" he knew that was a big part of it
Angel said to Dark,"Yeah your probably right about that I feel bit unease and this is the first time my family has ever supported in something like this being a princess,is a big thing for sure Dark." Angel continued on watching Dark jr. and Sash as well and she smiled at them both while they both were sleeping.
Dark smiled at her "Would you like to talk to them about it hun" He held her close and said "I can leave a note for him to watch them while we go talk to them"
Angel said to Dark,"Yes please I'd love to talk to my family about this more,and fine with me that you leave Chase a note to tell him watch over Dark jr. and his daughter until we come back,hopefully none of my family members are in danger at any cost."
"Alright hun" Chase spoke and said "Forget the note just go the kids are safe" he stood up and covered them up "I have decided to full fill your mothers wish of me guarding your family" Dark thanked him and left with angel to talk to her family
Angel opens the door to her family home and she walked into her aunt and uncles place and she was a bit shocked it was like someone else was here and trashed the whole place up. Angel quickly ran into the safe area and she said to her family,"What happened to oyur home,whom trashed it up,is everyone alright.?" Angel's mother said ot her,"Yes were alright and not hurt,your stepfather manage to get the picture of a bunch of vmapires trashing this up,they have something against the royal vampire families nad we have no idea what it is Angel." Angel quickly said to Dark,"Get up here right now Dark,we have a slight porblem,please take a look at these pictures nad you may know whom these vampires are hurry up Dark."
Dark was there fast as if he flew there and took the picture and growled as his eyes turned red with hatred "Why them" He looked around and saw a claw mark and placed his hand over it showing his hand fit it perfectly "This is bad" he did not look at any of them as the saw his hand fit the mark like he put it there
Angel said to Dark,"What do you mean by them,what does these vampires have a grudge against royal vampire families,did you leave this claw mark,were you the one that did this,tell me what the blazes is going on Dark.?" Angel was starting to get a little bit scared now of Dark.
He sighed and fell to his knees "They are my fathers family, they are here to kill me and my family which means we need to get home and give Cha..." just then chase burst in the house and set Sasha down and fired a fire ball out side "I wont give you the prince" his fangs were full length and he brought the kids up to Angel and fell bleeding, the babies untouched "Princess take them. My king we must do something they have set your home on fire" Dark was gone and saving everthing as he put out the flames with water and then met his fathers family in the street "You dare try to kill my son and his mtothers family, die" and he went feril and began to kill the vampires right before Angels eyes and her family "I will protect her and her family if it kills me"
Angel looks at Chase's wound and she said to him,"Please trust me Chase,I can heal any kind of wounds please trust me Chase ok." Angel grabs some warm water and mixes up some herbs into the water and she cleans Chase's wound out which he was beelding from the chest and she said ot Chase,"This might sting a bit,if he stings a bit grab a hold of that pillow ok Chase." Angel cleans all of chase's wounds up and she wraps a bandage around Chase's chest and said to him,"It will take about 4 days for your wound to fully heal up ok,Sash needs her father,she shouldn't need to loose another parent' like she did her mother ok Chase their your all better now." Sash and Dark jr. watched Angel take care of Chase's wound and they both crawled over to Angel and Angel gently picked them both up in her arms and held them both and hoped that Sash's father will be alright and same with Dark as well.
Soon Dark stood in the middle of the road and had the people who attacked all but dead. There were two left and Dark was cut up badly. One of the men said "King Dark take heed, a human for que..." before he could finish dark had sliced them both in half leaving none alive as he slowly walked back and collapsed in the door of the house as the rain began to pour
Angel said to her Aunt,"Please hang onto Dark jr. and also to Sash,Dark needs my help,he is badly wounded as well,I'll be fine ok." Angel ran downstairs and saw how badly Dark was cut and she dragged Dark into the house and closed the door behind her and she begin to clean all of his wounds out with water,and other stuff thta cleans any infection out of your wounds or cuts. Angel used the same healing herbs and made them more stronger nad she uses the healing herb water and the healing herb water slowly heals up all of Dark wounds and she wraps a bandage around his chest and whispered to Dark,"You will be alright Dark,Chase, Dark jr. and Sash are alright just pelase be alright as well."
Dark snatched her wrist and said "Hun i heal faster with blood but i dare not ask you, not now when there is no time soon for kaname to stop me" he looked at her his feril blood thirsty eyes tearing up as he spoke "I will have to take from one of the ones i killed" he let her go and stood up about to go out side again
Angel said to Dark,"I do see your point their,but when you drink blood from the ones you kill,please let Kaname come back please and thank you Dark.?"
He stopped and did not touch the door "Angel he knocked him self out telling me he is useless during times like this" he turned and slid to the floor looking at her. The feril side of dark going away "Angel i dont know what to do, if i take blood from them kaname wont be back, ever. Thats why they came knowing i would need blood" he began to cry Chase slowly came down the stairs "Sir take from me, that is why i am here"
Angel said to Chase,"I guess your wound is slowly healing up,but don't forget that your daughter Sash still needs you in her life. I'll be upstairs checking on Dark jr. and Sash ok,see you both upstairs."
Chase bowed "Thank you princess" he then went over to Dark and said sitting next to him and holding up his wrist "Sir you need to stay strong and keep kaname here with us" Dark bit him and sucked out some blood and healed fast then licked the bite mark clean to seal it and the both went upstairs. Dark looked at everyone and felt like he should not be there with his clothes soaked in blood and he turned to leave
Angel and her family said ot Dark,"Please don't leave,you can change into some clean clothes over their in that drawer that belongs to Alex,they'll probably fit you Sark,please don't leavemyou can stay in the spare room downstairs and you too Angel and the nursery is also downstairs to your left,please stay in the basement for as long as you want to Dark."
Dark stopped and said "I dont want to stay knowing you all were attacked by my fathers family because of me killing him to save angel" he started to tear up and hit his knees "I dont want to risk putting you in anymore danger. I cant even begin to imagine what you would do if i turned evil and bit randomly"
Angel said to Dark,"We'll get through this Dark,we can get through anything,as I always tell Kaname,"Do not worry about a thing,everything is going to be alright Dark. Because Dark jr. needs both of his parent's if you walk out on me and Dark jr. he'll never know whom his father is Dark,I can't raise Dark jr. all by myself at all,I'd rather have you and Kaname around me and the baby please don't leave,I'm always here for you and Kaname Dark ok."
Dark looked at her and said "Thank you Angel for loving me so much" she pulled her down and held her tightly in his arms "Thank you for so much, i sometimes feel like i dont deserve you" Kaname came to and saw what was going on 'Dark what happened' Dark said "Kaname is coming out for a bit. I love you so much angel" he kissed her and then turned into kaname. Kaname looked around and then at her and his clothes seeing the blood "Angel, what happened"
Angel said to Kaname,"We were attacked by Dark father side of the family,they tried to take our son,but thanks to Chase,he protected our son and his daughter from Dark father side of the family,that what happened Kaname,but everyone is alright and here is some change of clothing for you to change into. Plus Dark father side of the family burned your parent's home and we can live in the basement of my family home and their is a nursery where our son Dark jr. will be safe and so will Sash as well Kaname."
Kaname stood up and went to the door and saw that Dark had use his powers to save the house from being destroyed and all the stuff in it had been untouched by the flames. "Looks like we got some work to do at getting the stuff from the house before it falls down" he was going to need everyones help but was not sure if he could ask her family to help
Angel looked at her family and her family said to Kaname,"Of course we'll help you get the rest of things out of your parent's home,before it totally falls into pieces Kaname and let's start grabbing what the things that aren't burned ok let's go."
Kaname smirked "Thats gonna be all of it since dad made sure to protect the shit from anything" he then looked up at them and said "Mind if i ask why you guys all were so quick to support angel in being the princess and soon to be queen"
Angel family said to Kaname,"We all decided to support Angel since she is princess and she is going to become queen,we always have supported her in her whole life Kaname. We all promised Angel's father thta we'll watch over her and help her out in anyway that she needs our help with,that is why we quickly decided to help her out Kaname ok."
Kaname smirked and said as he stood up "So you guys are all ok with the fact that one day she might ask for me to turn her" he looked at angel hoping that day would not come right away if at all but he had to make sure for his own knowing of her family
Angel's family said to Kaname,"Yes we'll be fine if one day you had to turn her,her father was half vampire half human. Were fine with it we'll support Angel in anyway that we can Kaname." Dark jr. woke up from his sleep and he cries again and Angel said to her family,"Dark jr. is hungery again I won't be long see you all later." Angel took Dark Jr. upstairs into her room and she laid Sash down on a small crib that wasi nher room and she begins to breast feed Dark jr once again.
Kaname smiled and then went with chase and everyone to start getting things out of the house before it collapsed
Angel was done feeding Dark jr. and she changed his diaper and put a clean diaper on and threw the dirty diaper away. Angel gently pats Dark jr. on his back and he burps and he looked at her and said his second word which was mama. She smiled at Dark jr. and placed him down in the crib beside Sash and she tucks them both in and hums a lullaby her mother taught her and both of the kids were asleep and she watched over them.
Kaname and Chase both watched and felt like she really was an angel sent to watch over the kids. Chase walked in and said "Princess you are a natural" Kaname stood in the door and watched his wife and best friend get along and said "Honey we were gonna go get the stuff soon"
Angel said to Chase,"Thank you for the comment,I watched my mother and my mother taught me how to become a mother so when I'm old enough I can have a child of my own,and I did have a child of my own Chase." Angel said to Kaname,"Thanks for letting me know your getting the stuff soon Kaname my love." Sash slowly woke up and she begins to cry and Angel said to Chase,"Your daughter is crying just letting you know that's all."
Chase went over and quieted his baby girl saying "You know princess when you call her Sash, it sounds better then Sasha" Kaname smiled and watched them for a bit
Angel said to Chase,"Thank you for the comment you gave me and your right Sash sounds more better then Sasha." Angel continued on watching Dark jr. and she said to Kaname,"Our son is so quiet now,he needs sleep."
Kaname smiled walking over and hugging her from behind "As does his mother. I'm sorry for what happened and how dark said the truth if he drank from those he killed to save you and your family" his voice showed slight sadness
Angel said to Kaname,"I do see your point their,I honestly do believe you Kaname,and everything is going to be ok now Kaname ok." Angel hugged Kaname back and she gently kissed him on his neck.
He smi8led at her and said "I thought that Dark was going to have to turn you to keep you safe, I got so scared Angel" Kaname burst into tears and said "I dont ever want to have to let you turn but it might have to be that way someday hun"
Angel said to Kaname,"I know that someday I'll have to be turned,but not right now,if I ever did needed to be turned,I want you to turn me,not Dark Kaname ok." She comforted Kaname again and hugged him tightly.
He looked at her "How long do you think till you ask to be turned. I would like to know so i am ready when it comes to that"
Angel said to Kaname,"I probably won't be ready to be turned from a year now Kaname. But if it's any sooner,I'll let you know ok Kaname my love."
He smiled and kissed her "Thank you hun"
"Your welcome Kaname." Angel returned the kiss as well and she sees Dark jr. slightly being a bit flightly and she said to Chase,"I think you better put your daughter back into the crib,that is the only way Dark Jr. will stop being figty Chase."
Chase put his daughter down and she crawled over to Dark jr. and held his hand giggling. Kaname said "I think our kids are in love"
Dark jr. stopped figty and he gently held Sash's hand and Angel said to Kaname,"I agree with you Kaname,they are in love with each other,but they must be old enough to understand what love truly is Kaname."
Chase smiled "So we let them grow up together and see how they act from there" Kaname smiled "Thats a good idea Chase"
"I agree with you Kaname and you too Chase." Angel smiled at Kaname and then at Dark jr. and also at Sash as well.
Kaname smiled "Alright you take care hun and we will move stuff from the house" Chase bowed to her and left with kaname
Angel said to them both,"I will see you both later,and I'll keep an eye on the kids see you both when you get back."
They both smiled and waved as they left to get the stuff from the house. About 3 hours later a loud crash was heard and Kaname and Chase stood out side the house Kaname grew up in that was now a pile of ash on the ground and Kaname bit back tears of seeing every memory be crushed as the house fell
Angel heard the loud crash as well and she knew that Kaname house came collasping down and she knew that Kaname will be upset and she is always their for him and she waited until he comes back and she'll comfort him in anyway that he wants her to comfort him.
Chase come running in and said "Princess Kaname need you, i'll stay with the kids" Kaname had fallen to the ground and did not move when the members of the council came and started questioning him about the killings that Dark had done. Kaname had a wall of black flames around him to keep him seperated from everything else
Angel ran to where Kaname was and she sees some council people and saw Kaname surroned in a black flame cage and she wasn't sure what to do and looked at the coucil and said to him,"Kaname did not kill Dark father side of his family at all. Dark killed them,because he was protecting me and his son from harm,don't hurt Kaname or Dark at all,they kept our family,please reconsider this harsh descion please." She courtesy liked a princess and hoped that the council will change their minds.
Kaname shot over to her and put the flames around them both as a council man shot a fire ball at her saying "Stupid human" Dark was suddenly out and said Angel stay quiet or they will kill you, they hate humans. The flames are mine to keep kaname and now you safe from their powers" He shot a fireball back killing the man who attacked Angel "She is not involved in this so leave my wife alone" The council members said "You have forgotten that your father forbid you from marring a human girl Dark" Dark bit his lip "Damn it your using dad against me" He looked at Angel and said "I know how you and kaname dont want this but i might have to turn you now to keep them from killing you"
Angel looked at Dark and said to him,"I rather Kaname turn me not oyu Dark,I don't want to be like your father side at all Dark. I only want Kaname to turn hope you understand Dark." Angel wishes her family could help her out and she sighed.
Dark nodded and said "I understand but i might have to come out after wards to help you show them your not human, so your going to have to bite your lip so they dont know and think this happened back when we first got to gether" He let kaname out. Kaname said quietly "Angel you sure about this"
Angel very queitly said to Kaname,"Yes I'm sure about this Kaname in order to protect our family and my life I must be turned,unless if a mircale happens right now Kaname." Angel's mother ran to where the council was and she glared at them all and said to them,"You have forgten what I'm truly am,I'm the queen of all vampires and my husband was the king of all vampires as well,if my daughter decides to be turned I want to help her through this new life she'll be getting,and if she doesn't like her new life,I'll be very upset with all of you council vampires that rule underworld." Angel was a bit a shocked at this and wished her mother told her this a lot sooner.
Kaname held her close and licked her neck and said "Get ready Angel" The council all knelt down in front of Angels mom "Queen, please you know the rules, Kaname can not have a human wife"
The queen said to the council,"I was human just like my daughter ,and my late husband was a vampire,you didn't have nothing against us both at any cost,you let my late husband and I be together and get married and on the honeymoon I asked him to turn me, and he did turn me. Can't you please reconsider this rule until Kaname and Angel get married to each other. If you don't let them get married first,I will go higher up your heads council,you know that I can do that,please change this rule. If not I will tell the head vampire what you are doing and once he finds out what you council members are doing,he'll kill you all change this rule right now or else I'll tell the head vampire hmm.?" Angel whispered to Kaname,"Before you turn me,let's see if the council will obey my mother rule or not let's just wait and see please Kaname.?"
The council said "We have strict orders from the head vampire that he cant not wed a human girl my lady" Kaname sighed and said "They wont, i'm gonna bite now ok hun" he gently sank his fangs into her neck and began to turn her as the flames disappeared to show him biteing her neck. The council all stared at him and said "Prince Kaname what are you doing" Kaname held her close to let her know he loved her no matter what
The queen looked at council and said to the council,"You got your wish that Kaname turned my daughter into immortal,if she doesn't like this life at all,don't be surpise if she ends up killing you all later on in the future. If she does kill you all,you all deserve the punishment she will give you all." Angel's mother shook her head and wondered why the head vampire let her late husband keep her as a human,but not her daughter as a human and she sighed. Angel felt Kaname sink his fangs into her neck and she winches in pain from being turned and she doesn't wake up at all and her mother was really worried about her daughter and wondered how Dark Jr. would react once he finds out his mother is not human anymore. He'll be probably be scared of his parent's for the rest of his life.
Kaname slowly sank to sit on the ground and pulled his fangs out as he held her close "Angel, wake up please" The council all sat and watched as the prince held his wife. Dark soon came bck out and said "Ma'am come hold your daughter for a moment please" He then used his power to imobilize the council members.
The queen looks at Dark and she holds her daughter for a few moments and grabbed a damp wet cloth and she gently placed it over her daughter forehead and hoped this will help her slowly wake up. Angel felt the damp wet cloth over her forehead and she slowly wakes up and looks at her mother and then at the immbolize council members and wondered what Dark is going to do now.
The council members are all scared and saying "Please Prince forgive us for we were only following orders from yo..." they were cut off by dark. Dark yelled "I doubt that my uncle would allow for her mother to be human for the length of time she was and then send you to kill her daughter. You also tried to kill her for being my human wife, and for that the penelty is death" he reached out and was getting ready to kill them "This is for endangering my wife and her family you worthless vampires" and he struck them all across the gut killing them. He then went back over to Angel and her mother "Angel are you ok, Thank you ma'am for giving me the time to save her"
The queen said to Dark,"You are very welcome Dark,and our plan did work,and Angel needs a lot of rest now,she has had too much excitment DArk,keep the damp cloth over her forehead,it will help her realx ok." Angel said to Dark,"Yeah I'm ok Dark,just a little bit scared that's all."
Dark looked at her "Why are you scared Angel" he was worried that his actions of killing the council members was what scared her and hoped that her being turned was nothing compared to that. Chase came running out with both children "Prince, Princess are you both alright. My Queen" Chase imedately bowed to Angels mother and said "My Queen why are you here, you should be inside with your family making sure they are ok"
Angel looked at Dark,"Im scared that Dark jr. won't call me his mama anymore if he finds out I was turned,he'll be afraid of me Dark,that is what I'm scared of Dark." THe queen said to Chase,"My daughter needed my help more then anything,and she is now immortal,the council is dead now,they didn't like the idea that Kaname has a human wife,and I wish their was away to make my daughter mortal once again. Oh well,the council got their way Chase."
Dark sighed and held her as tight as he could "Angel our son is vampire and he is smart already. He knows he has to keep Sash safe even though he is only a week old, i dont he could ever be scared of you. No one could honey" Chase smiled and said walking over with Dark jr. crying for her, his mother "He is right princess, see he wants his mother" He handed her baby Dark and held Sash who was smiling at her.
Angel held Dark jr. in her arms and she rocked him to sleep in her arms and he stopped crying for now and she looked at Chase and then at Dark and said to them both,"I do see your points and since I've been turned,I do not want to drink any mortals blood at all,I don't want to be a murder like Dracula at any cost Chase and Dark."
Chase smiled and said "Even Sash knows your still the same Angel she met. Princess the only thing that has changed is that you now have vampire powers like your husband" Dark smiled at her "I'm getting Kaname so you can be with him alright Angel." Soon Dark was gone and Kaname was back out. Kaname pulled her into a tight hug and began to cry "Angel, i'm so sorry. I wish you be turned back, i never wanted to have to turn you"
Angel said to Kaname,"It's ok Kaname,I'm not mad at you for turning me,you did the right thing in order to protect your family Kaname. Nothing will ever ruin our marriage Kaname ok,please stop crying Kaname." Angel looked at Kaname and she kissed him on the lips to let him know that everything will be ok.
Kaname deepened the kiss and after a few moments he looked up at asked "I'm sorry ma'am but i did not get your name, and you said you are the queen of vampires. Please tell everything for i am a bit confused" he was looking at angel's mom. Chase moved to Kaname's side as his counsuler.
Angel's mother said to Kaname,"My name is Kira,I'm the queen of all vampires and now you know what my name is Kaname. Take great care of my daughter and the new princess as well,I'm going to make sure that everyone else is ok see you all again soon." Kira walked away from them and she walked back in the family room and all of her family were alright and not hurt at any cost.
Kaname sat there frozen and held his wife and son "Your mom is the queen of all vampires? Angel what does she mean" Kaname was cusious and worried that he might have just found out something that she had kept from him "Angel please tell me what you know of this i'm a bit nervous haveing just met the queen and find out she is your mother. I...i dont know how to act know" Chase went inside and said "Lady Kira, may i ask as to why you kept this from your daughter. Kaname is freacking out, scared he may do something wrong now that would upset you"
Kira said to Chase,"I have always wanted to tell my daughter the truth,but I'm not sure how she'll react,until I knew she was old enough to know about whom I'm really am Chase. I didn't mean to scare or freak out Kaname at all Chase,I'm really am sorry." Angel said to Kaname,"I didn't know that my mother was the queen of vampires at all,until tonight Kaname,I'm also a bit shocked at this as well,please don't be mad or upset at me please don't Kaname." Angel felt tears falling from her eyes and she sat down and hugged Dark jr. and wiped away her tears.
Kaname cryed and said "I'm not upset or mad at you Angel, i never could be. I just dont know how to act around the queen" Dark came out cause of Kaname pushing him out and said "Damn it Kaname just cause you found out something new dont mean you gotta push me out you know" Dark then helped Angel up and said "Lets get inside fast alright Angel." Once inside he said "Queen Kira long time no see your highness, why have you come to your full awareness and stopped the council"
Kira said to Darkness,"I had to stop the council,but they wouldn't listen to me to keep my duaghter as a mortal,I'll have a word with the head vampire myself to see what has goten into him Dark,plus I had to try to save my daughter life before council tried to kill her informnt of you,me and Kaname as well. But the council is dead now thanks to you Dark,and not sure if the head vampire will be very pleased about this or not Dark." Angel takes Dark jr. and lays him down in the crib and tucks Dark and Sash in the crib and she stayed with the kids and sighed.
Dark sighed watching angel and said "No offense Kira but i fear you need to talk to your daughter more then anyone and explain to her the truth of this situation" Chase sat in a chair near by and said "Princess are you alright" he was worried about angel
Angel said to Chase,"Yes I'm alright,don't worry about me I'm fine. I wish my mother told me this alot sonner instead of me finding out that she is the queen of all vampires,I'll be fine Chase." Kira said to Dark,"I will talk to my daughter,but I notice that she is a bit weak,and could Kaname back and help Angel,she needs Kaname help right now Dark."
Dark bowed to her and said sadly "He keeps saying he is ashamed of him self for having to turn Angel, and refuses to come back out no matter how hard i try" He was within ear shot of angel and felt bad that the side she fell for was scared, ashamed and was hiding behind the stronger side
Kira said to Dark,"Tell Kaname it's alright and not to be ashamed at all,I forgive him and I know that my daughter will also forgive him as well Dark,"I will talk with her now." Angel said to her mother,"Why didn't you tell me that you were the queen of all vampires,I wish you told me alot sooner mother, and one quick question,whom is the head vampire I need to know this right now,please tell me whom the head vampire is right now mother.?" Kira looked at her daughter and said to her,"The head vampire is none other then James oldest brother and his name is Victor,and he'll eventually come after you,Dark Kaname and Dark jr. He wants your son so badly so he can make your son as evil as James was once before,I'm sorry that I didn't tell you,Dark Kaname at all until now,I'm truly am sorry pelase forgive me see you all later good night everyone." Kira walked away and she laid down on her bed and she sighed and fell asleep.
Kaname slowly came out and sat on the couch scared of what all had just happened and wished that he could turn angel back 'dark i dont know how to act around kira now' Dark sighed 'just be yourself trust me you can count her as an ally'
Angel kisses Dark jr. on the forehead and she feels a bit weak and she suddenly passes out from what happened,being turned by Kaname and she tries everything to help her wake up,but nothing is helping her right at the moment.
Kaname rushed over and held angel "Angel honey you ok? Angel wake up, please i dont want to loose you now. your the first person i ever loved"
Angel slowly wakes up and said to Kaname,"I must be a bit weak,but not sure what I could be weak from,when a vampiress is weak,does that mean she needs to drink from her loved one that turned her or not Kaname.?"
Kaname nodded softly and pulled her close so that her mouth was close to his neck "Go ahead and drink Angel, i'll be fine and you need to drink some blood ok" Chase kept the babies from watching and said "Do it quick princess, i'm not sure how long dark jr. will be distracted"
Angel nods her head and she gently sinks her vampire fangs into Kaname neck and drank enough blood to help her not ot be so weak and she licked the vampire bite up and licked the blood off her lips and she quickly hugged Kaname back and was glad that he wasn't nervous or scared around her mother.
Kaname held her close "Angel i want you to know i will still be nervous around your mother, because she is the queen alright" he sighed and prayed that he can one day be himself again
Angel said to Kaname,"I do see your point their Kaname,please don't be scared of my mother at all Kaname. I feel much better now,I hope I didn't hurt you when I drank yoru blood from your neck Kaname,thank you Kaname." Angel rested her head against Kaname shoulderblade and she slowly closes her eyes and smiled at Kaname.
Kaname said "Angel, you could only hurt me by leaving either by choice or by death. Biting and drinking my blood is one way you could never ever hurt me"
Angel said to Kaname,"I'm glad that I didn't hurt you when I drank your blood at all Kaname,I'm so comfy right now Kaname,please don't move your shoulderblade is so darn comfy to me. I would never ever leave you at all,because we have our son Dark jr. in our lives now Kaname."
Kaname smiled just as Sash looked and giggled at them. Chase said "I am happy to see your feeling better princess, please let me offer you my blood for if you ever need it ok"
Angel said to Chase,"Next time I need blood,I'll ask to drink your blood from you and hopefully nothing will happen to me at all Chase, and I'm feeling much better now thank you for asking me Chase." Angel continued on nuzzling up against Kaname and she gently nibbled on Kaname earlobes for a bit.
Kaname smirked down at her "Is my dear wife a little longing for fun" He turned to chase as he stood holding her "Chase watch the kids and call if there is an attack" he then took Angel to her room and shut the door behind him and said "Now that we are alone feel free to drink more if you need to"
Angel said to Kaname,"I'm ok for now,I had enough of your blood to help me not to be so weak at all Kaname,I forgot that nibbling on your earlobes is one of your turn on spots sorry about that Kaname." Angel smiled at Kaname and she crawled into their bed at her aunt's place and she was comfy and waited for Kaname to join her in bed.
Kaname went over to the bed and got above her and looked down into her eyes "Iwant you to spend all of tonight with Dark and to have fun ok" he smiled and wanted her to have one full night with dark in all ways she can think of
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"Fine with me,as long as Dark doesn't get me pregnant at all,that is the only condtion I have,hope you'll understand my condition Kaname."
Kaname smiled at her "Of course Angel, why would i not understand" Kaname then let Dark out for the night. Dark opened his eyes and saw he was above angel and said "He set this up for us didnt he" his eyesshowed he knew kaname did something and he asked "So how long do i get with you tonight" his voice held concern about this
Angel said to Dark,"Yes Kaname did set this up and I think that you get one full night with me tonight,and he understands my one conditon I have Dark,as long as you do not get me pregnant Dark."
Dark looked in her eyes silent from being able to have a full night with her "Your ok with me getting you tonight as long as you dont get pregnate"
"That is correct Dark as long as you don't get me pregnant at all understood Dark,hopefully none of my family will bother us at all tonight Dark."
Dark closed his eyes and layed on her being sure to not crush her and whispered "Why would you be ok with this, you know the effect you have on me and how i am the one to act on instinct more then anything. I am afraid of hurting you Angel"
Angel said to Dark,"Yes I know how you react around me and I know that you are scared that you might hurt me, and I'm also scared that I might hurt you as well,but Kaname wants us both to spend one full night with each other Dark."
Dark kissed her and said softly his eyes still closed "Thank you Angel and i apologize now for anything that i might do that might hurt you"
Angel returned the kiss and said to Dark,"You are forgiven,the only thing that hurted me what you did to me,was when you accidently spranged my left wrist from the first time you attacked me and after me for sex. I'm not ready to get pregnant again not for a while Dark ok."
Dark looked at her "I promise" and with that he kissed her deeply on the lips as his hands began to explore every inch of her they were allowed so he would know what she was like all over
Angel felt Dark deepen the kiss a bit and said to him,"I know that you'll keep your promise,if you don't Kaname can stop you don't forget Dark ok." She felt Dark hand slowly exploring her clothed body.
Dark whispered in her ear "I know, but for now just enjoy it ok Angel" he then left a trail of kisses down her neck and then back up to her lips. He kissed her deeply and passionatly
Angel felt Dark kissing her deeply and paisonately and she whispered to him back,"I will sit back and enjoy this for sure Dark."
With her words Dark slowly began to undress her so he could see what kaname was blessed with. He stared at her now exposed body and said placing a hand over her heart and said "You are the most perfect thing i have ever seen Angel"
Angel said to Dark,"Thank you for the comment you gave me Dark,and I thought that I was never beautiful even when I was a mortal,most popular girls would always pick on me and always pushed me into the locker or into the pool,I didn't have a good life when I was younger Dark."
"Would you care to rub in their faces that you have become more then they dream of being" he said hoping to help her get a bit of pay back on these girls who tortured her.
Angel said to Dark,"No it's ok,I don't go below their level at all,I'm really am happy now with Kaname,you and Dark jr. in my life Dark thanks for the offer but I'll pass Dark."
Darks eyes began to turn a darker shade showing the full vampire instinct was taking over and he was loosing control and kissed her in a way that showed he had lost control
Angel was a bit shocked at this and wished that Dark would eventually gain control once again and she felt him kissing her in away he lost control and she sighed very queitly underneath her breath.
He was no longer in control and his hands were fast exploring her body and he said "ANgel i love you" yet unlike the first time where he forced her, this time was more carefull scared that he might still husrt her
Angel felt his hands exploring her body a bit faster and said to Dark,"I love Kaname and I also love you as well Dark." She tries her best not to groan or moan until Dark slowly regains control once again.
Dark pulled himself to the wall and hit the back of his head to gain control and he started crying "Sorry i...i wish i could control the urge to just attack"
Angel looked at Dark and said to him,"It's ok Dark,I think I might have something that might help you keep yourself control,it worked for my father and here where this pendent,and it will help you be in contorl same with Kaname ok please trust me Dark ok." Angel places the amulet around Dark neck hoping this would help him.
Dark slowly calmed down and after 5 minutes he was back in full control and sat down next to her placing his hand on her cheek "Thank you Angel for never running away when i stop my self from huting you like that. I know the first time i scared you badly and so i am sorry for that and this time"
Angel said to Dark,"It's ok Dark,you are forgiven and I'm glad that you are back to your normal self again Dark,I knew that Amulet would help you get back to your normal self again."
Dark held her close "Thank you, now is there anything you want to do before we pass out Angel"
Angel said to Dark,"Your welcome Dark and I can't think of anything else we can do before we pass out at all sorry Dark,unless if you have something in mind Dark."
Dark smiled and closed his eyes "No, i'm fine with whatever you want"
Angel said to Dark,"Let's get a good night sleep for a change Dark,goodnight Dark." Angel closed her eyes and she fell asleep once again and was glad that Dark jr. was alright with Chase and Sash.
Dark smiled and said softly "Night princess sleep well" and he closed his eyes and fell asleep as well
Angel smiled at him while she sleeps and she cuddles up more closer to Dark and whipsered ot him,"Good night prince."
Dark and Kaname both smiled and slept soundly with her
Dark jr. woke up from his sleep and he begins to cry non stop again. Angel woke up and heard Dark jr. crying again and she climbs out of the bed and enters into the nursery room and she gently picks up Dark jr. and carries him to her room to help him stop crying.
Dark was sitting and said softly "Poor guy cant sleep can he" he smiled at them as she came in the room with the baby, "Chase probly passed out big time"
Angel said to Dark,"I have no idea why Dark jr. can sleep some nights and some nights he can't sleep at all,I have no idea what is troubling Dark jr. at all Dark." Dark jr. looked at Dark and he gently holds out his arms and Angel said to Dark,"Looks like Dark jr. wants you to hold him go right ahead Dark."
Dark took his son and said holding him as he slowly calmed "He is like me Angel, he can tell your scared of being a vampire now" he slowly looked at her and smiled to tell her its ok
Angel said to Dark,"I forgot that Dark jr. can tell when someone is scared,just like Kaname and you." Angel watched Dark jr. calming down in Dark's arms and she smiled at them both and watched Dark take care of Dark jr. when he slowly closes his eyes again.
Dark looked at her worry filled his eyes "If your scared just talk to me or Kaname and we will be able to help more" he handed her the baby and said "Just think of us as your personal happy place you can go to get your fears taken away"
Angel holds her son in her arms and said to Dark,"I do see your point their,but I will be fine Dark ok and I think Dark jr. wants to spend the night with us both,are you ok with it Dark my love hmm.?"
He smiled and said "If that is your wish"
Angel said to Dark,"Yes it is my wish for our son to sleep with us for one night Dark,good night Dark and good night as Dark jr." Angel gently kissed Dark jr. on his forehead and she laid back down on the bed with Dark jr, in her arms and they were both sleeping right away.
Dark smiled and tucked them both in before he fell asleep as well hoping that everything would be ok in the morning
Angel held onto Dark jr. and she woke up and said to Dark,"Dark jr. needs his diaper change,could you please change his diaper for me please and thank you Dark.?"
Dark got up and took the baby to the nursery to change him and then once done he layed him back in the crib with Sash. As he got back in bed he said "The baby is in the crib with Sash"
Angel said to Dark,"That is good Dark jr. is in the crib with Sash,hopefully he'll be able to sleep now,without waking any of us up from our sleep,good night Dark." Angel reclosed her eyes once again and drifted off to sleep for a bit and all of a sudden she begins to toss and turn in her sleep for no reason at all.
Dark has not yet passed out and tries to wake her up "Angel" when it does not work he undoes her top and kisses her deeply while placing a hand on her exposed breast thinking 'please wake up and tell me whats wrong'
Angel quickly wakes up and said to Dark,"How did you know that was one way to wake me up when I'm tossing and turning in my sleep Dark hmm.? I just had a bad dream that is all Dark."
Dark looked at her "To be honest, i didn't. I knew one of two thing would happen, a you would not feel it and b you would slap me"
Angel said to Dark,"Oh yeah I would of slap you,your right about that one for sure Dark. I wish I could have one good night sleep for a change Dark."
Dark looked in her eyes and said "I can make that happen if you want and trust me enough princess" he hands had moved to on her exposed breasts while he smiled. He kissed her deeply as his left hand left her breast and made its way down to her pussy area and stopped when he touched her clit
Angel looked at Dark and said to him,"I do trust you my prince,the bad dream I had was that the head vampire made an appearnace and he kidnaped Dark jr. and Sash and lure me, you, Kaname, and my mother into a death trap of somekind and not sure what the death trap was though Dark. No getting me pregnant understood Dark." She felt Dark hand rubbing her exposed breasts and felt his other hand on her pussy and felt him touching her pussy,and she slightly shivers for a bit.
Dark smiled "He wont do that since he is my uncle and swore to me that he would not harm those in my home for he cherished my father" he then left a trail of kisses down her neck to her breasts saying "You really are perfect Angel"
Angel said to Dark,"I do see your point their Dark,I shouldn't be worried,I'm fine now Dark. Thank you for the comment you gave me that I'm really am perfect and beautiful Dark." She felt Dark left a trail of kisses down from her neck and down to her breasts.
He began to suck on a breast as his lower hand slides a finger inside her and moves it to give her pleasure "I will make your nightmares go away Angel"
Angel looked at Dark and said to him,"Fine with me that you make my nightmares go away Dark." Angel felt Dark sucking on her breasts again and gently moans when she feels Dark finger inside of her pussy.
Dark smirked hearing her moan and slowly moved down and began to lick her and nibble a bit on her clit saying "Hun you should let your body take over"
Angel said to Dark,"If I let my body take over,I'm not sure if I'd be able to keep my body under control,I don't won't to risk in getting pregnant not until a long time Dark." Angel moaned again when she felt Dark nibbling and licking her clit and she grips the sheets of the bed.
Dark sighed and said "Its ok for you to let your body take over. I swore i would keep you safe from getting pregnate again" he slowly moved up and kissed her as he slid his finger in her again
Angel moaned again and she said to Dark,"I hope that you'll keep your word Dark." Angel let's her body take control of herself and her body squirms a little bit.
He smiled and kissed her as he began to move his fingers faster in and out of her and whispered in her ear "Angel, i want you to cum for me"
Angel looks at Dark and she nods her head and she is ready to cum anytime soon and she feels Dark finger going more faster and she finally cums all over his finger and said to hi,"I cummed for you like you asked me to cum."
Dark smiled and said seductively "Good girl" then he strips them both gets above her and says "Ready"
Angel said to Dark,"Yes I'm ready,and this better not get me pregnant if he does,I'll tell Kaname on you Dark."
Dark slid him self in side her slowly as he kissed her "Dont worry so much Angel, i swore and i am not going to break that" he slowly began to thrust in to her and said "Now let your body have control and enjoy the pleasure, Princess"
Angel said to Dark,"Fine with me Dark," Angel let her body take control now and moaned when Dark was slowly thrusting inside of her.
Dark began to go faster and bit harder with his thrusts wanting her to cum a few times and enjoy her self. "Angel, i love you so much"
Angel said to Dark,"I love you so much as well Dark. I'm going to cum anytime soon Dark,but not sure when I'm going to cum Dark."
Dark kissed her and went even faster for her to cum as he was just starting to get close he said "Angel i want you to cum once more before i pull out"
Angel finally cums one more time for Dark and she gently moaned when she was done cumming all over Dark member and she needed to catch her breath for a bit. "I cummed for you Dark,that felt good,but now I need to catch my breath ok."
He felt her cum then grabbed an old shirt of his and pulled out cumming into the shirt and said "Alright Angel you rest" He gently kissed her then set the shirt on the floor and fell onto his back next to her catching his own breath and said 'kaname i kept my promise' Kaname smiled 'thanks dark'
Angel closed her eyes and she fell right asleep once again and was enjoying her sleep for a bit and rested her head against Dark shoulderblade and she was tired out and sighed in her sleep.
He smiled and was soon out himself and sighed happy that he was able to have the night with her
Angel smiled in her sleep and cuddled up close to Dark,and hoped that Dark would let Kaname come back out for a the rest of the night.
Kaname slept and in the morning was awake and waiting to see Angel's eyes look at him and he sighed 'thank you for not harming her dark' dark smiled 'i promised to not hurt her didnt i'
Angel smiled at Kaname and she gently kissed him on his lips and said to him,"I'm going to check up on Dark jr, Sash and CHase ok see you later my love." Angel crawls out of their bed and puts a housecoat over her body and zips the housecoat up and walks into the nursery and sees Dark jr. fully awake and same with Sash as well.
Sash giggled as she saw Angel. Chase was out cold in the chair holding a dagger just in case he had to protect the kids. Kaname walked up behind angel and said "He works so hard to keep them both safe"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes he does work so hard I agree with you Kaname." Angel sees Sash giggling at her and she smiled at Sash. Dark jr. said "mama, and dada" Angel said to Kaname,"Did you hear what Dark jr. just said I heard him,did you hear him too Kaname hmm.?"
Kaname smiled and said "Yes i did hear him hun, now we need to see what he calls Sash" he laughed as chase woke up. Yawning chase said "Morning everyone"
Angel said to Chase,"Good morning Chase." Angel said to Kaname,"Yes it will be interested in what Dark jr. calls Sash when they are both old enough to talk to each other." Dark jr. holds his small arms up towards Kaname and wants his daddy to pick him up out of the crib.
Kaname picks him up and says "Hey you, so what will you call Sash huh son" he spoke softly to his son and smiled at sash who giggled "'ark" Chase said happily "Guys she spoke, she said ark, must want to say Dark"
Angel said to Kaname,"Chase is right Sash is trying to say Dark,but she said Ark,our son will think of what to call Sash when his talking get's more clearer Chase."
Chase and Kaname smiled. Sash began to cry "Ark, ark, Dark" she was crying pretty badly feeling alone. Kaname set Dark down by her and Sash slowly started to stop crying "dark"
Angel said to Kaname," Sash and Dark jr. are getting along with each other, which is a good thing Kaname my love." Angel watched Dark jr. and Sash.
Chase smiled "Seems Sash has already fallen for him, did you see how she cryed his name then stopped crying once Kaname put him next to her"
Angel said to Chase,"Yes I did notice that and we can't let Dark jr. let his fangs go near Sash's neck not at any cost Chase."
Chase smiled "I know princess but i dont think he would do that, not with how protective he is over her" Kaname smiled "He has a point honey, you've seen how Dark is protective of Sash. Plus they are way to young to use their fangs yet"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I do see your point their honey and your point as well Chase,I see how protective Dark jr. is about Sash,which is a good thing,someday he'll grow up and be Sash's knight in armor,just like you are my knight Kaname."
Kaname smiled and said "Alright time for food, Chase go get us some eggs and blood tablets so we wont have to bite anything for a bit" Chase bowed and left "Yes sir"
Angel smiles at Kaname and said to him,"I'm happy that our son is in great health Kaname how about you Kaname hmm.?"
"I'm fine" he said as chase came back in. Chase smiled and said "Breakfast is ready guys"
Angel slowly eats her eggs up and she has never ever shallowed a blood tablet at all and wonders if she could shallow it or not and she sighed.
Kaname smiled and showed her "You put it in your cup of water and wait til its disolved" after his had completely disolved he showed her his water had turned to blood and he drank it "Its an easy way to get blood. And when you dont have water you can swallow the like a pill"
Angel places her pill into her cup of water and watched it dissolved and it was done disssolving and she drinks it up and said to Kaname,"Your right this is the easy way to get blood,thank you Chase." Angel was done her blood and wiped a little bit off her face and smiled at Kaname.
Kaname smiled and said "How do you feel today my princess" Chase smiled and put a tiny bit of blood on his finger and gave it to Sash and said "Would it be alright if i gave Dark some blood, Sash was given it before her mother died so she is ok"
Angel said to Chase,"That is fine with,only a little bit not too much,but you should see if it's ok with Kaname as well Chase."
Kaname nodded "Its alright Chase go ahead and give him some to taste" Chase thanked them and got some blood on his finger for Dark to have while Sash giggled at him
Dark jr. tasted the blood and he made an awkward face expression from tasting blood for the first time. Angel said to Kaname,Looks like Dark jr. isn't too keen on the taste of blood."
Sash giggled and tugged at her dads hand for more. Chase moved his hand for sash who smiled as her tiny fang nicked his finger and she sucked the blood from it. Chase smiled "She is so much like her other and those fangs are so cute, Dark will learn in time that blood is ok for him. Just be patient"
Angel said to Chase,"I'm always patient,I know how to be patient with my son Dark jr. and I think he is hungery I can tell Chase."
Kaname smiled and handed her their son and said jokingly "Then feed him pretty mother" Chase smiled and felt his daughter stop sucking and looked to see her smiling "Dada" Chase's eyes lit up and he smiled "Sash just said dada"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I will feed our son my love." Angel said to Chase,"That is good Sash said dada to you. I'm glad that my son and your daughter are friends Chase."
Chase smiled "As am i princess. Kaname, you need to call you uncle who is head of all vampires and let him know about the attacks recently" Kaname nodded and left to make the call and came back saying "He said he would be here with in the hour. Angel go get your mother, she should be here when uncle arrives"
Angel walks into her mother room and wakes her up and her mother wakes up and nods her head and she follows her daughter to where Kaname Dark Uncle will be here in an hour. Angel sat in her room and breast feed Dark jr. again and she gently pats him on his back and he burps again and she wipes his mouth off and fixes her top and put's her top back over her breast and rocks Dark jr. to sleep.
After an hour had passed a man stood out side and yelled "Kaname, where are you boy" the mans voice was not harsh, but instead gentle and full of eagerness. Kaname opened the door and stepped out "Right here Uncle and please dont call me boy anymore" The man walked over and said hugging him "I am your uncle and i will call you what i want" Kaname sighed as Dark came out "Hello Uncle Goren" Goren smiled and said "Dark long time no see" he froze and sniffed the air "Kira, Kira are you here" he knew the scent very well of his sister in law
Kira said to him,"Yes I'm here I'm inside the house with my daughter and her baby,don't need to yell out my name Goren." Angel hid behind her mother and Dark jr. was still sound asleep in her arms.
Goren smiled at her and said putting his arm around Darks shoulders "Kira you look as beautiful as ever. You never change do you" he walked over to give her a hug and said "I am very sorry for the attacks on your daughter and everyone. I would have stopped them myself had i known of them" Dark walked over to Angel and said "Dont worry hun, uncle Goren is one person who you can trust with your life. In fact he is the one who watched after kaname and me when dad went mad after mom's death"
Angel said to Dark,"Ok I believe you Dark." Kira said to Goren,"Thank you for the comment you gave me,and you are handsome as ever too Goren. Your apology is excepted,but thanks to the council Kaname had no choice but to turn my daughter into a vampiress Goren."
Goren turned to angel and sad with true sorrow in his eyes "I am so sorry my dear, if there is ever anything i can do you just let me know ok. Kira i will do all i can to see if there is a way to turn her back if she wishes it" Dark turned back into Kaname. Kaname said "Uncle, may i know why those council members said that it was your order to attack us and that i could not wed a human" Goren was silent showing he had truely not said this "Kaname, i love you as a son and trust me i would never send anything or anyone to attack you or your family. Vampire or human, i would let you have your princess be whoever you liked"
Kira said to Goren,"Yes their is away for a vampiress to become mortal once again,the cure is somewhere hiden in Count Dracula castle in the lab of his,don't you remember that at all. I remembered that for sure Goren. But the only way to find the cure is if a male vampire is willing to risk his life to bring the cure back to make a vampiress back to mortal once again. But this male vampire must be able to face all of the dangers that lie in Dracula castle in his lab. This male vampire must be able to kill werewolves, lycans, and about 6 vampiresses thta are guarding the cure,no vampire has ever been able to come back alive,that is what I excatly remember,you should remember too Goren."
Goren turned to her and smirked "Yes but i am no normal vampire now am i Kira. I shall go and get it personally and while i am gone Kaname is in charge of everything" Kaname ran to his uncle and said "But you cant, what if you get injured uncle. Please let me go with you" Goren sighed "Kaname no, you have to stay here and take care of Angel and your son" Kaname turned away from him "I still dont want you to go alone" Chase walked out and said "I shall go with him. Angel would you take Sash in as your own until we get back" Kaname lost it "Chase no you are her only parent, if anyone is to go with uncle it will be me unless angel says otherwise cause i do not want him to go alone"
Angel looked at her mother and then at Kaname and she said to Goren,"Let your nephew go with you,he is a pretty good fighter,he can fight no problem. Let him go with you please Goren." Kira said to Goren,"Angel is right I've seen how well Kaname Dark both can fight,they can kill werewolves,lycans, and vampiresses in no time at all Goren." Angel tosses Kaname a sword and said to him,"This sword can kill any kind of immortal creatures,I have used this sword so many times it will help you Kaname,please come back safe and sound Kaname and you too Goren."
Goren walked over and knelt down in front of Angel and said softly "My dear are you sure you want me to take your husband with me knowing he could get severely hurt doing this" He completely ignored Kira at this time as he wanted to give Angel his full attention. Kaname and chase both sighed and watched angel also wanting to know if she was sure about this
Angel said to Goren,"Yes I'm sure about this,you have to trust Kaname,please trust him,he'll be a great help to you Goren,I know what the consequenches are,I believe in Kaname,you should also believe in him as much as I do Goren." Kira was a bit pleased how tough her daughter was being.
Kaname dropped the sword on the ground and ran to her and pulled her into a tight hug "Angel i am thankful that you are letting this happen and i swear to you, i will come home safely and you will be human again" Goren stood and said placing his hand on her shoulder "You are very brave to do this Angel. Your so like your mother was when i met her years ago. I will have the Cullen family keep an extra close watch over you guys while Kaname and i are gone ok"
Angel said to Goren,"Thank you for the comment you gave me about I'm so much like mother thank you Goren." Angel hugged Kaname back and smiled at him and said to him,"I have always believed in you Kaname when we first met and I know that you'll come back safe and alvie with the cure,may fate be with you both."
Kaname kissed her and then went and got the sword and tied it to his side where it belonged. Goren gave angel a kiss onthe forehead saying "We will be back as soon as we can dear" he then went over to her mother and said "Kira, i know i'm to late with this but for give me for my actions" and he kissed her on the lips deeply. When he pulled back he turned to kaname and got ready to leave "Be strong both of you and never give up hope on us" Goren then glanced back at the girls hoping they would be ok. Kaname sighed and wished there were another way, he was scared of leaving Angel and his son alone for a long period of time
Angel looked at her mother and said to her,"I never knew that you and Goren were an item at all,you sure know how to charm a guy mother." Kira face slightly blushed when Goren kissed her on the lips deeply and said to them both,"We'll never give up hope on you both at all,be strong as well Goren and Kaname." The two girls watched the guys leave and prayed that they'll be safe on their journey for the cure.
The guys left and talked about all that had happened. Chase said to the girls "Lady Kira, Princess Angel, may i suggest heading in before it storms" he to was hoping for safety of them.
Kira and Angel both headed inside the house and said to Chase,"Were in before the storm hits Chase." Angel places Dark jr. back in the crib beside Sash and Dark jr, gently placed his arm around Sash to let her know it will be ok and not be afraid of the storm.
After about two months Chase runs in to the room and shouts "Lady Kira, Princess Angel, they are back" his voice was harsh and was full of worry. Goren was helping Kaname walked up to the house and they hit the ground. Goren shouted "Angel hurry Kaname needs you" Kaname just glared at his uncle for sounding like he was dieing "I am not Dieing Uncle, no need to worry her" Chase ran outside and said "Kaname do you need blood, you know you are welcome to take mine if need be"
Angel ran outside and said to Kaname,"Are you sure you ok Kaname,you need to get that cut looked after on your chest,hang on Kaname." Kira saw how badly hurt Kaname was and grabbed some stuff and mixed it up and Angel gently cleaned out his cut and said to Kaname,"This is going to sting like hell,just hang onto my hand if it stings too much ok." Angel said to Goren,"I know what I'm doing,I've tended to Kaname wounds and cuts once before,so don't worry ok."
Kaname quickly snatched her wrist before she could put anything on the wound and said "Angel could i ask for some blood, i have told you before i heal faster when i drink blood but i want to get your permission" Goren said "Angel do it, he went in and came out with the cure for you with out my help saying he wanted to make it up to you for having to turn you"
Angel looked at Kaname and said to her mother,"Make sure Dark jr. isn't watching this take him inside please mother." Kira took Dark Jr. back inside and Angel said to Kaname,"You have my premssion to drink some of my blood as long this cure makes me mortal once again.go right ahead Kaname."
Kaname brought her close in a hug and said softly "Thank you Angel, for everything" and he swiftly bit her neck and began to suck some blood out. Once he was healed he withdrew his fangs and licked the bite closed and said "You have no idea how much i owe for this honey" he pulled out the cure for her and said "Here this should make you human again, but only take it if you want. No one is forcing you to do this" Goren and Chase went inside and Goren explained the whole thing to Angel's family.
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"I want to be mortal once again Kaname,please don't be mad or upset with me with this descison I finally made. Hopefully Dark jr. will still know that I'm his mother,I have no idea how to use this cure,could you please use the cure on me please and thank you Kaname.?"
Kaname grabbed the cure and smiled as he said "You just drink it hun, and of course our son will know you. He knew when i had to turn you didnt he"
Angel said to Kaname,"Yeah that's true Kaname,here goes nothing." Angel drank the cure and she drinks all of it up and feels a bit werid and feels like she is mortal once again. Angel hugged Kaname tightly and was so happy he was ok.
Kaname held her close and smelled in her scent and said "Angel, you smell great. I love your smell best when you are human" he smiled and sounded so happy that she was human again. Goren stood up and smiled "Kira may i speak with alone for a minute"
Kira looked at Goren and said to him,"Of course you can speak with me alone,and what is it you need to talk to me about hmm.? I've have not broken any vampire rules at any cost,I always have protected my daughter Goren." Angel said to Kaname,"Control yourself with my scent you smell please control yourself Kaname ok."
Kaname carried her inside and showed her that Dark jr. still knew she was his mom. Chase smiled as Sash said "Ngel" Goren sat with Kira outside "Kira i know when we left i kissed but you never said anything about it and i was wondering how you felt about it"
Kira said to Goren,"That kissed felt very good to me,and you caught me off guard when you kissed me liek that,I didn't know what to say when you left sorry Goren." Angel held Dark Jr. and said to Kaname,"Sash is trying to say Angel,but she is saying" ngel,it's ok she'll learn to say everyone names eventually Kaname and Chase." Angel laid her son back down into the crib and smiled at Sash and Dark Jr.
Goren looked at her and said "Kira would it be to much if i asked to date you" Kaname smiled and said "Angel i told you they would reconize you"
Kira looked at Goren and she said to him,"No it won't be too much for you to ask me to date you at all Goren,but no rushing into things too much ok." Angel said to Kaname,"Yes your right they both recoinze me Kaname." Angel smiled at Kaname and she leaned her head against his shoulderblade.
Kaname and Chase both smiled at Angel. Goren smiled and said "Thank you Kira, you are so kind as always"
Kira said to Goren,"I'm always kind,I learned from my belated husband how to be nice to other people,as long as they are nice as well." Angel smiled at Kaname and at Chase as well and she kept really close to Kaname at all times.
Kaname looked at angel and said "Angel, Goren is not my real uncle. He told me to say uncle that way i would not be tormented about how i was raised" Goren walked in "Its true and i have been given permission to date your mother by her Agel"
Angel said to Goren,"That is fine with me that you got my mother's premission as long as you treat my mother with respect Goren." Angel said to Kaname,"I never knew that you would of goten tormented if you didn't call Goren uncle at all Kaname my love."
Kaname sighed "It was more or less to keep James away from me" Goren smiled "Angel thank you for being ok with your mother and i being together"
Angel said to Kaname,"I do see your point their Kaname,and your welcome Goren that I'm ok with you dating my mother,I'm fine with it."
The guys smiled and Chase said "Angel some one wants his mom"
Angel looked at Dark jr. and she picked him up again and she sat down on a rocking chair and begin to rock Dark jr. to sleep and put his soother into his mouth because he was slowly teething a little.
Kaname and chase smiled at her. Goren said softly "Kira your daughter is a natural"
Kira said to Goren,"Of course my daughter is a nautral she learned from me Goren." Angel smiled back at Kaname and at Chase as well and she also fell asleep in the rocking chair as well.
Chase gently took and put Dark back in the crib with Sash. Kaname took Angel upstairs thinking how lucky he was to have her as a wife. Goren sighed "So Kira where shall i sleep tonight"
Kira looked at Goren and said to him,"You can sleep on the couch in my room while I sleep on the bed and please remain on couch for tonight,because I have a habbit of hogging the bed up." Angel felt Kaname carrying her upstairs and she smiled in her sleep and let Kaname tuck her in bed for the night.
Kaname got in next to her and kissed her cheek then fell asleep as well. Goren smiled and put his arm around Kira's shoulder "Come on lets go to bed" he was just fine with being on the couch
Kira said to Goren,"Fine with me,let's get some sleep now shall we Goren and see you in the morning Goren." Kira leaded them both to her room and showed Goren where the couch was and she crawled into her bed and pulled the sheets and blanket over top of herself and she fell right asleep once again. Angel felt Kaname kissing her cheek and she smiled in her sleep and she kissed Kaname back on his cheek before she fell asleep.
Kaname smiled. Goren kissed Kira good night then layed down on the couch happy to be in the same room as her "Night my sweet Kira"
Angel continued on sleeping away and she got more closer to Kaname while she sleeps and wonders what else is going to happen next between them all. Kira smiled in her sleep and she tossed and turn in her sleep and hogged up all of her bed and was so comfy now.
Kaname held her close while he slept. Goren smiled and slept comfy on the couch
Angel didn't relaize that while she is sleeping she was also playfully nibbling on Kaname earlobe and knew excatly what it does to him and she wants to make love with Kaname only and has no idea when.
Kaname actually refused and said "Hun sleep, its been a long day ok"
Angel continued on sleeping away and she remainded in a deep sleep and can't wait until morning comes along.
Everyone slept soundly through the whole night.
It was morning now and Kira was the first one to awaken from her sleep and she yawned and stretched for a few minutes and she climbed out of her bed, and she gently nudged Goren to wake him up from his sleep now.
Everyone slept still. Goren slowly opened his eyes and said "Kira what is it"
Kira said to Goren,"Do you have any blood tablets on you,my blood is a bit low and I'm thridty for blood,hopefully you have a blood tablet on you Goren.?"
He layed there and shook his head "No i dont sorry, but..." he paused and pulled her on top of him pushing her mouth to his neck "You can have some of my blood Kira"
Kira said to Goren,"Are you sure your blood won't have any bad effects on me.?I just don't want to end up like Dark ended up Goren,that is my only concern I have,if I drink a bit of blood from your neck Goren."
Goren sighed and wrapped her in a hug and said "You will be fine. Now drink before you get weak Kira, i want you to be strong"
Kira sinks her fangs into Goren neck and begins to drink some of his blood and hoped that her bite didn't hurt him at all and she drinked enough blood to help her be strong and she removes her fangs off his neck and licks the bite up with her tongue. The bite was all healed up and she licked a bit of blood off her lips and said to goren,"I hope that my bite didn't really hurt you alot if it did I'm sorry Goren."
Goren smiled and placed a hand on her cheek "Kira, take all you want. I love the feel of your fangs being the ones to bite me so please, drink all you wantmy love"
Kira said to Goren,"I drank enough blood from your neck Goren my love,i'm not so weak like I was before,I'm feeling much more stronger then last time my love,I had enough blood,and thnaks for the comment how you like my fangs sinking into your neck Goren my dearest love."
Goren smiled and pulled her into a kiss and then said "Kira even if you are not weak anymore i still want you to drink all you want ok. You have had tablets for to long and i want you to have your fill of fresh blood"
Kira said to Goren,"I had enough fresh blood for a bit,if I drink anymore of your fresh blood,I'll probably end up being sick to my stomach,and I do not want to be sick Goren." Angel eventually woke up from her sleep and she yawned and crawled out of the bed and stretched for a few minutes and she let Kaname continue on sleeping away.
Goren smiled and held Kira close "Alright love but then could you lay here for a bit with me" Kaname sat up and said "What you doing Angel"
Kira said to Goren,"Of course I can lay with you for a bit Goren,I don't mind at all Goren." Angel said to Kaname,"I'm just going to the washroom to have a nice realxing shower,why do you ask for Kaname hmm.?"
Kaname smirked "Just wondering"
Kira laid down beside Goren and kept him company for a bit. Angel said to Kaname,"Ok I won't run away at any cost,I shouldn't be long in the shower ok see you after my shower Kaname." Angel walked into the washroom in their main room and she turned the shower on and removed her pjs off her body and she stepped into the shower and the water felt so nice against her naked body and wonders why Kaname was smirking for and she shrugged her shoulders and sighed.
Kaname sneaks in and grabs Angel saying "Hello love" his voice shows that kanameletdark out. Goren smiled as he layed with Kira and said "Would you like to move to your bed for more room to cuddle"
Angel knew that Kaname let Dark out and she said to him,"Hello my prince,I just needed to have a shower so I can feel so nice and clean,I'm fine Dark." Angel was almost done her shower and she smiled at Dark and wondered when he'll let Kaname back. Kira looked at Goren and said to him,"Fine with me,that we move to my bed more comfortable then this couch Goren."
Goren sat up not letting go and stood up holding Kira in his arms and carried her to the bed and set her down gently saying "I love you so much Kira" Dark smirked and said "I came to join you princess, just for even a little bit if thats ok"
Kira said to Goren,"I love you so much as well,but I'm not ready to have another child,the child could die of crib death like my 3rd child died of crib death Goren." Angel said to Dark,"I don't mind that you join me in the shower for a bit I'm fine with it my prince."
Dark proceeded to kiss her and did not care that he was still in his pj's and that they were getting soaked. Goren smiled at her and said softly "Kira i wont do anything untill your ready" he then layed next to her and held her close as he closed his eyes happy to just be with her if nothing else
Angel returned the kiss as well and the water felt so nice against her body and she smiled at Dark and she was now feelinga little bit more realxed then last time. Kira said to Goren," I know that you'll won't make me do anything until I'm ready Goren,which I'm fine with." Kira rested her head against Goren chest and she falls back asleep for a bit.
Goren smiled and stayed up watching her sleep thinking how beautiful she was. Dark pulled back and smiled "I gues i should undress huh" he wanted to seem funny as he looked at his shirt sticking to him from being soaked by the water
KIra continued on sleeping away and was enjoying her sleep. Angel said to Dark,"That would be a good idea for you to undress so your clothes don't stick to your body Dark."
Dark smiled and undressed in front of her and tossed the clothes to the side for now as he looked at her "Angel you should know that i was asleep when Kaname let me out, more like kicked me out but still it was me who said just wondering. Sorry if your upset at all" Goren sighed and soon fell back asleep with Kira in his arms
Angel said to Dark,"I'm not upset at all Dark,I understand that Kaname let you out when he was asleep,it's ok my pirnce." Angel smiled at Dark and she was almost done her shower and wondered how her mother and Goren are getting along with each other. Kira continued on sleeping away when she felt Goren arms wrapping around her and hopldimng her close to him while they slept.
Dark pinned Angel against the shower wall and said "Angel you are so kind, sometimes i think i dont deserve to be loved by you. Even after how i acted when you and Kaname first got together, i was suck a jerk to you"
Angel said to Dark,"It's ok Dark,you are starting to react like that once again,please control yourself,if you don't control yourself,Kaname will stop you Dark,please unpinned from the shower please and thnak you Dark,you are slightly hurting me."
Hearing the words 'hurting me' Dark snapped himself back letting her go and turned away from her and stepped out to get dressed and leave "I never want to hurt you Angel, forgive me" with that he left and went to the roof to think about why he was going to his old self again
Angel turns the shower off and she get's herself redressed and walked into the nursey and picked up her son and whispered to him,"Whenever you get old enough,hopefully you'll never have two sides to your body Dark jr. my son." Angel carried Dark jr. into her room and breast feed him again and changed his diaper and carried him back to the nuresy room and she laid him back down in the crib beside Sash and sees Dark jr. sharing his baby blanket with Sash and she smiled at them both.
Chase was in the room and asked "My lady did something just happen, you can talk to me about anything ok"
Angel said to Chase,"Nothing happened at all,except Dark is slowly going back to his old self once again,that is all that happened Chase."
Chase sighed and motioned for her to sit and talk with him and said "Dark is just having a hard time right now Angel. You see he was never shown love of any kind, Kaname was forced to have Dark out 24 7 to seem strong and with you being the first person to show him love....Lets just say its not easy for him, he probly told you he doesnt think he deservs it right"
Angel said to Chase,"Yes that is correct he told me that he doesn't deserve my love Chase, and I have proven to Dark that love can exist in this world Chase.I'll be fine Chase,I was just checking up on Dark jr. that's all,I'm just going to step outside for a bit of fresh air Chase,do not worry I'll be fine ok."
Chase smiled at her "Alright princess. Oh when you get outside i do believe you will find Dark on the roof. You should talk to him, he really needs you princess ok" He looked at the children and smiled "He told me that he loves having a name sake"
Angel said to Chase,"Thanks for letting me know where Dark is,as long as he doesn't attack me at Chase see you later then." Angel walked outside and sees Dark sitting on the rooftop and she climbs up a tv atena ladder and said to Dark,"Chase told me you were here and he told me when you were younger,you were never showed love,that is what Chase told me. I didn't know you had it hard as a kid Dark."
Dark pulled her close to him and said "Your gonna get hurt if your not careful silly. And you never asked about mine and Kanames childhood so we never said anything"
Angel said to Dark,"I'm always careful don't worry I get hurt at all,I've been up here so many times in life,and Chase told me that you need me right now,as long as you do not attack me Dark." Angel sat down beside Dark and leaned her head against his chest and stared up towards the starry nightsky for a bit.
Dark sighed "I did not want to do that to you in the shower hun, i'm so sorry. Forgive me for being a total jerk"
Angel said to Dark,"It's ok Dark,I forgive you Dark ok,I always forgive you or Kaname all the time,unlike most mortals wouldn't forgive their loved ones at all,I'm different from those other mortal girls in this world Dark." Angel continued on looking up towards the sky and was enjoying this fresh air for a bit.
Dark layed down so his back was on the roof and said "Angel what made you fall in love with me and Kaname"
Angel said to Dark,"What made me fall in love with you and Kaname,was how both of you were really nice to me,and made me feel welcomed in this town. And you both have protected me from any danger that comes our way Dark,and what made you and Kaname fall in love with me hmm.?"
Dark closed his eyes and smiled "Kaname fell for you cause of your personality but..." he turned onto his side and looked at her "I fell in love with you cause you were the first one to ever be ok with me and that really got me Angel"
Angel said to Dark,"Your welcome for me showing you that I'm fine with you and Kaname,people are right that I have a good personatliy and very nice towards other people Dark." Angel continued on relaxing with Dark and she kept her head against Dark shoulderblade and was enjoying this starry nightsky tonight.
Dark pulled her close and lifted her chin and spoke in japanese "Arigato Angel chan" and kissed her deeply.
Angel felt Dark kissing her deeply and she returned the kiss as well and wasn't sure what that means in Japanse and she said to said him,"What ever you said to me in Japanase sounded very beautiful and romantic Dark."
Dark smiled at her "It means 'Thank you Angel'. I love you so much"
Angel said to Dark,"I love you so much as well as I love Kaname so much too Dark." Angel cuddled up more closer to Dark and she suddenly heard another howl and said to Dark,"What was that,the howling sound is getting closer to us Dark,I have another bad feeling about this."
Dark stood up with her and said "Angel listen carefully, i want you to go tell Chase and Goren to come here while you and your mom watch Sash and Dark jr. ok" He kissed her then jumped down to the ground to stand guard.
Angel walked back inside of the house and said ot Chase,"I have been hearing some holwing sounds coming this way,Dark needs your help to stand guard,go help Dark Chase, and I'll let Goren know as well ok Chase. My mother and I will protect Dark jr. and Sash ok." Angel walked into her mother's room and said to Goren,"Dark and Chase need your help as well to fight off some werewolves that are coming this way,please help them both and my mother and I will remain inside go help them please Goren.?"
Chase ran and stood by Dark. Goren placed a hand on Angel's shoulder and said "Angel your very brave, now be strong and keep the kids safe ok" he then left and soon stood to Darks right with chase on Darks left.
Angel and her mother both stayed in the nuresy with the kids and Dark jr. was slightly fussing again and he woke up and wanted his mama and Angel picked up Dark jr. and she held him in her arms again and grabs a soother and Dark jr. begins to chew on the soother,because he was begining to teeth a bit.
Dark stood with Chase and Goren when a group of wolves showed up and the leader said "Where is Angel, i came to see my old school mate from a few years ago" Dark growled at him "What do you want with my wife, and who are you" The man smirked "My name is Nick and i am her fiance" Chase ran inside and told Angel what the guy Nick said about being her fiance and that Dark is about to attack. Foren held Dark bark as Dark screamed "The hell you are, i never saw a ring therefore she aint your fiance" Nick laughed "Please does she even know your a damned vampire Dark"
Angel said to Chase,"Whatever that werewolf Nick said to Dark,it's not true I'm not Nick's finace at all never ever have I ever been his finace at all Chase,here you hold onto Dark jr. becareful he is startign to teeth." Angel glared at nick and said to him,"I have never ever been your finace never ever Nick,your just jealious of Dark,because he is more stronger then you and more good looking then you'll ever be Nick,leave us alone or else Dark will kill you Nick." Angel stayed behind Dark and didn't move from his side at all.
Nick looked at her and smiled "Angel dear have you forgotten that i proposed and gave you a ring before you left to move here" Dark started to turn feril and Goren was starting to have a hard time holding him back "Angel do something, Dark's going feril and wanting to kill" Dark snarled and bared his fangs at Nick.
Angel said to Nick,"I don't remember that at all,I had my reasons why I left where I originaly came from,to get the hell away from you,you are a threat and a danger to all of us,I don't like you anymore Nick,I love Dark only and Goren can't hold Dark back anymore,your funeral is now,unless if you leave now and never ever come near me or my family ever again Nick." Angel said to Goren,"I never ever been engage to a werewolf at all,I have no idea what the blazes he is telling,it's all a lie Goren and Dark."
Goren got knocked back and he shouted "Dark no!" Dark jumped over Angel and pinned Nick to a tree and said "Now you die wolf" and was about to bite him and kill him by draining his blood.
Angel said to Dark,"Enough Dark you know that I can't stand the sight of blood anymore,just tell him to leave us alone and if he ever comes near us ever again,you'll kill him,please trust me Dark,if you kill this werewolf,I might never ever talk to you ever again,please stop this my dearest prince.?"
Goren was silent and Chase stood in the doorway holding Dark jr. Dark froze his fangs inches away from the major vain in Nick's neck. Dark jumped back and landed behind her and pulled her close resting his head on her shoulder next to her neck "Scram mut" was all he said as a beat up Nick ran away with his commrads. Goren pulled Dark back and moved so that Darks fangs bit him and not Angel. As he was bitten Goren said "Angel get in the house now, please you should not have to see him like this now please get inside" Fang had bitten hard and was drinking quite a bit more then he needed to and Goren was doing his best to hide this from Angel so she would not be scared.
Angel was already inside the house with Chase,Dark jr. and her mother and Angel said to Chase,"May I please hold my son now,thank you for watching him and Dark jr. needs his mom now ok Chase." Kira hugged her daughter back and was glad that Dark didn't sink his fangs into her neck and Angel was alright and wondered if Dark would be alright or not.
Dark soon withdrew his fangs and passed out. Chase ran over and shouted "Kaname" Goren sat there holding Kaname and said "He's ok Chase. He just passed out thats all" Goren did not even bother to mess with his neck which was still bleeding and stood up and took Kaname inside.
Angel put Dark jr. back to sleep and she laid him back down in the crib beside Sash again and put the baby blanket over them both so they wouldn't get cold during the rest of the night. Angel said to Chase,"Are you sure Kaname is going to be alright Chase,I'm a little bit worried about him Chase." Kira leaded Goren to the room that Kaname Dark and Angel both shared and she said to Goren,"Hopefully the prince will be alright Goren."
Chase stood in the doorway and said watching Kaname "He'll be fine Angel, he just needs to rest now" Goren put Kaname on the bed then sank to the floor on his knees and out of breath "Damn, i guess he took more then i thought" and he passed out after leaning his back against the side of the bed and his neck started to finally slow down on the bleeding from the bite mark. Chase walked over and sighed and said "Angel, Kira, they are both fine this has happened before we all met you. Kaname took to much this time and Goren just over did it by pushing himself to far" soon Chase had bandaged Goren's neck and both guys were sleeping ok.
Kira carries Goren into her room and she lays him down on her bed and she lays down beside Goren and she slowly closes her eyes and she get's some sleep once again. Angel crawls into bed beside Kaname and she slowly closes her eyes and she drifts off to sleep for a bit.
Chase smiled and went to the nursery and slept in there in case the kids woke up.
Kira gently placed a wet damp cloth over Goren forehead while he sleeps and she whispered to him in his ear,"Next time please becareful Goren,I love you Goren and night now." Angel stayed beside Kaname in their bed and she was glad that he got rid of that werewolf Nick and his werewolve friends and Angel sighed in her sleep.
The guys slept quietly through the night. Goren was a bit unsure of everyones safety.
Kira woke up from her sleep and she gently kissed Goren on his lips while he was sleeping away. Angel gently kissed Kaname on his lips as well while he sleeps away and hoped that her kiss didn't wake up Kaname at all and she continued on laying on the bed still.
Soon morning came and Kaname woke up and said "What happened, my head is killing me"Goren slowly opened his eyes and looked at Kira "Kira is Kaname ok" he was more worried about kaname then him self
Angel said to Kaname,"Dark passed out after he drank some of Goren blood and when he passed out,you were yourself Kaname,just rest, don't move too much, I'll be getting some groceries for the house,don't worry I'll be fine Kaname ok. Just rest up you need more rest ok I'll be back in a bit Kaname ok." Kira said to Goren,"Yes Kaname is alright his head is just killing him,and Angel has gone to pick up some groceries for here,she'll be alright on her own ok Goren."
Kaname was in to much pain to stop her. Goren got up and said "Kira you go take care of Kaname" he then left and quickly caught up to Angel and said "You should never leave the house alone Angel, Kaname will worry to much"
Kira looked at Kaname and she gently placed a damp face cloth over his head and said to him,"Goren has gone with Angel to pick up some groceries for the house ok don't worry about her too much Kaname ok." Angel said to Goren,"I know that Kaname worries about me,but he needs to know that he can trust me Goren and were at the grocery store and please try to keep your fangs inside so you don't scare these mortals at all Goren ok."
Kaname sighed and relaxed a bit "Kira thats good i am scared of her being away from us, i dont want her to get hurt" Goren leaned down and whispered "Angel dont worry i've been around humans for years"
Angel whispered to Goren back,"I believe you and we got the things we needed to get and most of groceries are for Dark jr. and Sash and some of it for us too." Angel brings all of the groceries to the shopping desk and the cashier ringed everything in and said to Angel,"Your total is 60.00 dollars madme." Angel hands the cashier 60.00 and she said to Goren,"Could you please carry the bag of groceries their a little bit heavy for me to carry thank you Goren." Angel and Goren both returned back with the groceries and Kira said to Angel,"Kaname wants you Angel ok don't worry Goren and I will put the groceries away ok." Angel walked into the room and she said to Kaname,"Kira said you wanted me,and what is it you need Kaname hmm.?"
Goren smiled at Kira "Hey cutie" Kaname got out of the bed and ran to Angel and hugged her not caring how bad of condition he was in and said "Please dont just leave with out some kind of protection. I know i'm being over protective and paranoid but i just get scared you'll be hurt"
Kira said to Goren,"Hey good looking and let's put these groceries away shall we Goren,I'll put the kids stuff in the nursery and you put the rest of groceries away in the fridge ok." Kira said to Chase,"Here is some bay toys for Dark jr. and Sash to play with and share and some diapers as well Chase." Angel hugged Kaname back and said to him,"I know how protective you are about me,but next time when I get some groceries,I'll ask Goren or my mother to come with me,nothing happened Kaname I'm not hurt ok. You should be back in bed resting up Kaname and I'll join you in bed ok."
Goren smiled and put the things away. Chase nodded and said "Thank you my queen"Kaname stood and held Angel saying "I'm fine i dont want to over sleep princess, now lets go get something to eat ok"
Kira said to Chase,"Your welcome Chase." Kira watched Goren put the groceries away and she said to him,"You look so very manly when you put the groceries away Goren my love." Angel said to Kaname,"Fine with me that we get something to eat my prince and I'm going to make myself a chicken salad,that is what I feel like to eat,what are you going to make Kaname my prince hmm.?"
Goren smirked and said seductively "You think so Kira"Kaname said walking to the door "I'll try one of your salads for once hun, i want to see what its like to eat as a human and not a vampire for change. Is that ok" he looked at her to show he really wanted to try living like her as a mortal human for a bit.
Kira said to Goren,"Yes I do think so,we better behave the Prince and Princess are coming into the kitchen Goren,behave." Angel said to Kaname,"Sure you can try one of my chicken salads my love and I made it this morning and I'll grab the salad out of the fridge ok." Angel founded her salad she made and dished out a plate for her and also for Kaname as well and said to Kaname,"Here is your salad I hope you like it Kaname."
Goren nodded.Kaname tryed it and smiled "Its delicious Angel. Do we have any dressing stuff you like"
Kira said to Kaname,"Try the honey mustard sauce it tastes really good on the salad Kaname here you go Kaname, come on Goren let's leave The Prince and Princess alone come on Goren." Angel put some honey mustard sauce on her salad and it tasted really good and she said to Kaname,"I'm glad that you like my salad Kaname."
Goren reluctently went with Kira.Kaname tryed it and said "Wow this is good"
Kira smiled at Goren very seductivly and said to Goren,"Where did we left off when you kissed me Goren?Were back in my room hmm.?" Angel said to Kaname,"I'm sorry if I got you worried Kaname I didn't mean to,but I'm fine and Dark jr. is crying I can hear him crying he needs us both,let's see Dark jr. come on Kaname."
Kaname followed her and said "Its just that i was not with you when you left but i'm glad that Goren was with you"Goren said "I dont remember Kira your gonna have to help me out"
Angel said to Kaname,"I do see your point their Kaname,but I'm glad that Goren was with me as well." Angel entered into the nursery room and Dark jr. was crying and he wanted his daddy to hold him and change his diaper as well. Kira looked at Goren and she gently kisses Goren on his lips and she sort of deepens the kiss up a bit and hoped that Goren will also deepen their kiss up as well.
Kaname picked up his son and said "What you crying for, you supose to be a big guy for Sash" Sash giggled and reached out saying "Angel" Chase smiled as he watched his daughter.Goren deepened the kiss and pinned Kira to her bed then said "I'm a little evil in bed, just to warn you" he said smirking as he kissed her neck wanting to bite so badly "I just want to bite you Kira, your that pretty"
Angel looks at Sash and she smiled at her and said to Kaname,"Your son needs his diaper change and plus he is still teething as well,you should know how baby vampire fangs can hurt the child Kaname." Kira looked at Goren and she said to him,"Yeah I know that you can be evil in bed and please becareful when you bite my neck,bite it gently and not too hard Goren." Kira knew that she was pinned down on the bed and she tries to squirm a little bit and knew how much Goren liked it when a girl squirmed.
Kaname winced at the memory of his fangs coming in and reached for something for Dark jr. to teeth on.Goren held her down and said seductively "Kira are you trying to bring out my evil side"
Angel was watching Kaname and see how well he was doing with his son and watched Kaname grabbed another teething toy to chew on. Kira said to Goren,"No I'm not trying to bring out your evil side at all Goren,and why do you have me pinned down to the bed for hmm.?" Kira kept still and she sees Goren fangs slowly showing and she wonders what the blazes he is up to this time.
Kaname soon finished and said "Well i hope he doesnt go through the pain i went through"Goren smirked and kissed her neck then sat up letting her go "Just hoping to spook you a little, i could never stand myself if i was to hurt you"
Angel said to Kaname,"I hope not ethier,because if his fangs really do hurt him while he is teething,we won't get much sleep Kaname." Kira said to Goren,"I do see your point their,you did kind of spooked me out a little bit Goren." Kira gently groaned when Goren licked her neck and she was glad that he let her get up for a few minutes.
Kaname smiled and said "I went through hell when mine came in and i hope our son does not have to"Goren smirked "I did spook you...Good my goal is met. Now you can punish me any way you want i dont care, just as long as you dont leave me cause i never meant harm Kira. Honest"
Angel said to Kaname,"I do see your point their,I hope our son doesn't go through hell at all if he does,then we'll take turns trying to put him to sleep ok Kaname." Kira said to Goren,"You know that I could never punish you at all,I'm not like other vampiresses that always punish their loved ones I'm more kinder and genetler to you only Goren ok."
Kaname smiled "I am happy you love me so much Angel"Goren smiled "Thank you Kira"
Angel said to Kaname,"I have always loved you,Dark and even our son as well Dark jr. and he is now sound asleep for bit,please put him back in the crib beside Sash please Kaname my love.?" Kira said to Goren,"You are welcome Goren." Kira smiled at Goren and she closed the door behind them both and she laid down on the bed and waited for Goren to join her.
Kaname gently set his son down and stared down at him "Its so hard to believe that he is mine, i feel as if i'm in a dream that wont end" he seemed abit down but his smile showed he was happy to have a son and wife.Goren sat on the couch where he slept the night before and said "Are you tired Kira"
Angel said to Kaname,"It's not a dream at all Kaname,its for real Kaname my love and why are you down for hmm.?" Kira said to Goren,"No I'm not tired at all Goren my love,why are you tired Goren darling hmm.?"
Kaname sighed and said "I'm really scared that you and everyone will be hurt or that i might loose you to death by being bitten"Goren stayed on the couch "No you just seem tired"
Angel said to Kaname,"Don't be scared,you'll never loose me Kaname never ever at all,I'll make sure of that Kaname my love." Kira said to Goren,"No I'm not tired at all Goren,I'm fully awake Goren."
Kaname pulled her into a hug and said "Dont ever leave my side when we are outside of the house Angel, please"Goren layed back on the couch and sighed to cover up a yawn "Alright if your sure"
Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"I promise I won't leave the house at all or leave your side at all,next time I leave to pick up groceries I'll ask you to come with me ok." Angel returned the hug as well and smiled at Kaname. Kira watched Goren stretch out on the couch and she get's off the bed and she hugs and kisses Goren for no reason and wonders why she is reacting like this for towards Goren and she hoped that Goren didn't mind this at all.
Kaname smiled and held her close "Thank you Angel"Goren smirked and said as he put his arms around her waist "My arent you acting differently"
Angel said to Kaname,"You are very welcome Kaname." Kira said to Goren,"I have no idea what you did to make me acting like this for,did you put me into a trance of some kind or not hmm.?" Kira grinned back at Goren and she wonders what he is up this time and she smiled at him.
Goren smiled and said truthfully "I did not do anything to you nor would i ever want to do something like putting you in a trans" He let go of her and said "Maybe your just realizing your true feelings for me and am unable to control them"Kaname took angel to their room and layed down with her saying "I love you so much Angel"
Kira said to Goren,"Your probably right Goren,that I'm showing my feelings to you how I feel about you,what are your feelings towards me hmm Goren.?" Angel said to Kaname,"I love you so much as well Kaname." Angel smiled at Kaname when they were both laying down on the same bed and she rested her head against Kaname shoulderblade and she felt so realxed now.
Kaname smiled and just relaxed with Angel.Goren smiled and wrapped his arms around her and said softly and with love "May ishowyou my feelings Kira"
Angel was enjoying realxing with Kaname and she gently kissed Kaname on his lips. Kira said to Goren,"Yes you may show your feelings for me Goren go right ahead Goren my love."
Kaname deepened the kiss and pulled Angel ontop of him.Goren smiled "Thank you" and with that he kissed Kira and swiftly moved to the bed setting her on her back and hanging above her and said "Are you sure your ready for what i want to do Kira"
Angel also deepened the kiss as well and she didn't mind that Kaname pulled her ontop of him at all and she wonders what else Kaname wants. Kira said to Goren,"Yes I'm ready for what you want from me Goren,as long as you be gentle with me Goren ok."
Kaname held her and said breacking the kiss "Angel please let me know if you ever do want to change into a vampire alright, no matter how you come to the decision"Goren smiled and said "Alright i promise" she said gently pulling her shirt off
Angel said to Kaname,"Whenever I'm ready to be turned into a vampire,I'll let you know ok,but I'm not ready to be turned yet Kaname." Kira said to Goren,"Of course I'm ready for what you want from me Goren,and I know that you'll be gentle with me." Kira let Goren take off her shirt and she let Goren be ontop of her and she was ready for this.
Kaname slowly kissed angel and said "Lets get some rest princess"Goren kissed her gently as he undid her bra and whispered "How long have you gone with out this, it may hurt you again" he wanted to know everything before he went further as he gently kneeded a breast with his left hand
Angel said to Kaname,"That is a great idea we get some rest my prince and rest up really good too my prince." Kira felt Goren undid her bra and she whispered to Goren back,"It's been at least a while since I've done this with anyone and yes I know its going to hurt a little bit Goren."
Kaname slowly passed out holding AngelGoren slowly removed the rest of Kira's clothes and said "How sure are you about letting me do this Kira"
Angel closed her eyes and she fell alseep beside Kaname and loved it when he held her while they were sleeping. Kira said to Goren,"I'm a 100 sure about this what you want to do with me,I have always trusted you Goren ok."
Kaname held her close all nightGoren nodded and quickly stripped himself and layed on top of her so their bodys touched and kissed her as he slowly slid two fingers into her and began to work them in and out to give her pleasure "Let me know when to go further, i want you to not feel pain Kira"
Angel felt how close Kaname was holding her to him while they sleep. Kira said to Goren,"Of course I'd let you know when to go futher Goren and you'll never hurt me at all ok." Kira begin to moan with pleasure when she felt Goren slid two fingers inside of her and she slightly squrims a bit to get more comfy and loved it when Goren was on top of her.
Goren smiled and kissed her as his fingers moved faster
Kira returned the kiss as well and felt Goren fingers moving more faster and she gently moaned and hoped that she was doing the right thing,which is the truth and this felt so right to her.
Goren slowly removed his fingers and said repositioning "Are you ready for this Kira"
Kira said to Goren,"Yes I am ready for this if you are ready as well Goren."
Goren smiled and kissed her as he gently slid himself into her and waited until she got use to him inside her
Kira returned the kiss as well and she got used to Goren being inside of her and she smiled at Goren.
Goren smiled back and slowly began to move kissing her deeply and said mentally to her "I love you Kira"
Kira moaned when Goren was slowly sliding in and out of her and she said to Goren mentally back,"I love you too."
"Tell me if i hurt you" he said as he slowly moved faster and a bit harder in and out of Kira
Kira said to goren,"Of course I'd let you know if you hurt me Goren,but your not hurting me at all Goren ok." Kira moaned again and was loving this so much and she could feel like she could cum anytime soon once again.
Goren smiled and kissed her while going even faster and whispered "Cum for me my queen"
Kira heard what Goren said and she cummed for him only and cummed all over his member and she moaned when she was done cumming.
Goren moaned and came inside Kira and said "I love you and will die for you Kira"
Kira said to Goren,"I love you too,I'd also die for you as well Goren my love,that felt really good Goren my love." Angel wakes up from her sleep and said to Kaname,"I"m going to check up on Dark jr. to see if he needs to fed or his diaper needs to be changed,I'll be in the nursery Kaname my love ok."
Goren holds her close as they slowly fall asleep.Kaname smiles and said "I'll walk with to watch you, it just amazes me at how well you are ok to this life with me"
Kira was out like light and loved sleeping beside Goren in her bed. Angel said to Kaname,"Fine with me that you walk with me to the nursery and I'm enjoying this life with you Kaname,I have no regrets at all,and were at the nursery now and looks like Dark jr. is awake and he looks he is hungery and needs his diaper change."
Kaname smiled and kissed her then said "Well then i guess you should go take care of him, love." Kaname loved watching her take care of Dark jr. as if she had been doing it for years.
Angel kisses Kaname back and she picks up their son and takes him to another a small room in the nursery and she breasts feed Dark jr. once again and burpos him and then she changes his diaper and she knew that Dark jr. wanted his dad to hold him and Angel said to Kaname,"Our son wants to see you here you go Kaname my love."
Kaname held their son and smiled. Dark said 'Hey kaname think i could come out for a bit' Kaname said "Angel Dark wants to come out" he wanted to let him out but it was not up to him only since Angel was part of his life and their son.
Angel said to Kaname,"Sure Dark can come out for a little bit I'm fine with it and our son is so happy and so is Sash as well."
Kaname nodded and let Dark out. Dark smiled at angel and said "Thank you for letting me come out Angel, you truely are a princess and a very kind and loving person"
Angel said to Dark,"Your welcome Dark,you can hold Dark jr. go right ahead Dark ok,I trust you and thank you for the comment you gave me that I'm a caring loving princess and also a loving person as well Dark."
Dark held the baby and said "Angel i would not say those things to you if it was not true"
Angel said to Dark,"Yes I know that if those things weren't true you wouldn't say them to me,but I can tell you mean it Dark ok. Dark jr. sure likes you as well as Kaname." Dark jr. gently pulled on Dark's hair hoping he wouldn't get upset at him at all.
Dark smirked and laughed saying "Hey go easy on me squirt, i need that hair" he knew that Kaname did not like his hair being pulled but Dark did not mind cause jr. was still just a baby.
Angel smiled at Dark jr. and at Dark as well. Dark jr. stopped pulling on Dark's hair and he falls asleep in Dark's arms.
Dark smiled and layed him down. time skip Kaname was sitting out side watching people go by on the street and he called into the house "Hey Dark could you come here" he had been talking to his other half Dark who jr. was named after.
Dark jr. came outside and said to his father,"Yes what is it father,and why did you want me to come outside for? I was helping mommy with the dinner daddy.?" Angel was done cooking the supper and she stood inbetween the door frame and watched her husband and their son talking to each other. Sash was 7 years old now and their is a year between Sash and Dark jr.
Sash stood by Angel and watched the guys as well.Kaname said "Son i dont think you have met the person you were named after. I think its time you met my other half Dark, he is how you were named" Kaname knew that this might be to much but his son needed to know both sides of his father.
Dark jr said to his father,"I don't mind meeting your other half at all father,I won't run away or cry I promise father." Angel kept quiet and knew that their son wouldn't be afraid of Dark at all.
"Alright but remeber if you get scared its your fault" Kaname stood up letting Dark out at the same time.His hair grew a few inches and his eyes turned to amathyst and his voice deepened a bit. Dark turned and said "Hey kid, last time i saw you, i held you as a baby. You sure have grown in 6 years"
Dark jr. looked at Dark and said to him,"Yes I do remember you holding me as a baby,I haven't forgoten your face or hair at all. I remember I gently pulled on your hair when I was a baby and you didn't mind that at all." Angel said to Sash,"See Dark jr. isn't scared of Kaname other half at all Sash,he'll be fine with Dark."
Sash smiled "Yeah i think its great that Dark is kind. He was so gentle when we were babies" she blushed slightly remembering how Dark jr. would stay so close to her to protect her "Its strange that Dark doesnt keep as close to me anymore."Dark watched as Sash walked back inside and said not turning to his son "Say jr. i've noticed your keeping your distance from Sash not that your getting older. Why? You used to never let her out of your sight, not to mention holding protectively of her at night" he thought he should take on this part since Kaname was not talking to him about it.
Dark jr. looked at Dark and said to him,"I'm going to stay close to Sash see you inside Dark." Dark jr. ran inside and he gently held Sash in his arms and didn't let her go at all. Angel knew that her son will stay by Sash's side for the rest of the day and evenings that lie ahead of them all.
Dark walked over to Angel and said "Why does he act as if we dont see him hesitating to be near her. I just dont get what he is afraid of"Sash blushed and said "Dark kun your very clingy, its not like you. Not since we were babies anyway"
Angel said to Dark,"He is afraid that he might loose Sash to another male vampire,that is why he is not hesitasting anymore,he needs to protect Sash,he'll be fine you'll see ok Dark." Dark jr. looked at Sash and said to her,"I don't mean to be too clingy towards you,it's just that I'm afraid that I might loose you to another male vmapire or loose you to a mortal slayer that can kill our kind I don't want to loose at all Sash ok."
Dark sighed and said "I wish he would talk to us more and not keep things held in. And i wish Kaname would talk to his kid more"Sash kissed his cheek and said "You wont loose me. Now what shall we do for the day Dark"
Dark jr. said to Sash,"Let's go for a walk in the garden and I heard that the garden is beautiful around this time of the season Sash." Dark jr. gently kissed Sash on the cheek and he smiled at her. Angel said to Dark,"Do not worry our son will come to talk to us when he feels like to,please don't pressure our son into talking to you,he'll talk to us more ok just give him time and let him spend some time with Sash now ok." Angel gently hugged Dark and she gently kissed him on his cheek and she smiled at him.
Sash blushed and said "Yeah that sounds fun Dark"Dark sighed and said "I know i just wish he would not be so silent all the time you know"
Dark jr. leaded him and Sash out to the gardens and he smiled at Sash. Angel said to Dark,"Give him time,he won't be slient anymore,it just takes time Dark I understand your point of view Dark,he'll be fine ok."
Dark nodded "Alright, lets go finish up supper while they are in the garden ok hun"Sash stopped dead and stared at the flowers in awe "Oh Dark its beautiful. I wish we could stay here forever"
Angel said to Dark,"Sure we can finish supper up and it's all cooked up and made,Sash and Dark jr. already had supper so go ahead and help yourself to supper Dark ok." Dark jr. smiled at Sash and said to her,"I also wish we could stay here forever as well Sash and I enjoyed the supper that my mother made for me,you,herself and for my father as well Sash." Dark jr. picks a beautiful red rose from the garden and hands it to Sash and he smiled at her.
Dark smiled and kissed her "Thank you Angel, for everything."Sash was silent as she took the rose wondering why Dark jr. was being so talkitive and trying to be romantic with the rose.
Angel returns the kiss as well and said to Dark,"Your welcome anytime Dark,and I hope you enjoyed your supper Dark. Dark jr. smiled at Sash and he heard a howling noise coming his and Sash way towards them both and he keeps slient and wonders what could be after him and Sash even though Sash is 7 and he is 6.
Dark smiled at Angel "Thank you i did enj..." he was cut off by a screamSash had screamed in fear of seeing a wolf standing before her and Dark jr. "Who are you, what do you want"Chase stepped in front of the kids and said "What the hell do you want with my daughter and my lord Kaname's son"
Angel quickly ran outside and she sees the wolf and said to Chase,"The wolf has something inside of his mouth it's note of somekind and it looks like it could be for Dark Kaname." The wolf slowly walked up towards Angel and he hands her the note for Dark Kaname and the wolf ran away and Angel said to Dark,"This note is for you and Kaname,here you go Dark." Dark jr watched the wolf leave and he hugs Sash and said to her,"I wonder whom would send my father a note oh well,let's get back inside now come on Sash,Chase,mom, and dad."
By now Kaname was back out and he looked at the note. He smirked "Never knew her to be one of them or that bold as to send one of her dogs here" she giggled a bit as he looked at everyone.Sash held tight to Dark jr. and said "Dad what is he talking about"Chase sighed and said "Its probly Lily, a childhood friend of his from when he was little. Lily moved away when Kaname was 10 and never told us why her family wanted her to stop being his friend. Looks like she is a werewolf, but from the smirk i would say she wants to visit"
Angel said to Sash and Dark Jr."Chase is probably right and are you ok Kaname,you look like you are a bit up tight is something troubling you Kaname hmm.?" Dark jr. held onto Sash tightly as well and leaded her back into the house and they wait for everyone else to come back inside as well and Dark jr. sighed and wonders whom this Lily girl is.
Kaname took Angel inside as Chase followed and said "Everyone Lily is a werewolf who thinks she can make me her lover and does not know that I'm married to Angel or that your are my son Dark." Kaname sat on the floor and sighed "I guess i thought that when she left she had given up but the letter says'Kaname I will be coming to take your love and be your wife tomorrow at 10 am be ready'Sash walked over and said "Well Mr. Kaname i guess she will be in for one hell of a shock with your wife, son, me and my dad all here." she giggled and Chase just smiled.
Angel looked at Kaname and she said to him,"You should of warned me ahead of time,but I know a male werewolf that will be perfect for Lily and she'll forget about you and move on in life Kaname. I wonder how Lily will react to this that I'm your wife and Dark jr. is your son Kaname." Dark jr. said to his father,"Aren't you happy with Angel even though she is mortal?I'm glad that my mother is mortal still,but how are you going to tell Lily the truth.?"
Kaname looked at his son and said "I will always be happy with your mother Dark. Its just that i dont know how to explain this to Lily since this is the first i have know she is a werewolf""How cute Kaname. The kid looks just like your evil side and you even took a human to be his mom. So is she your lover or just a food supply" Every one turned and saw Lily standing in the door way staring at Kaname.Kaname quickly stepped in front of ANgel and Dark jr. and said "Lily just so you know Angel is my WIFE and Dark's mother. touch them and you will die, slow and painfully"Lily looked Angel over from head to toe and said "Should have turned her. Dad said that if he finds human sent on me from visiting you he was going to kill the human. Thought you should know."She then smiled and walked over to Angel and said "Glad to see your the one making him happy, by the way who did you have in mind for me Angel"
Angel looked at Lily and said to her,"My father has taken pictures of male werewolfs that are lonely and single and are looking for a mate and here is a few pictures of the male werewolves that are single go right ahead and take a look at them all." Dark jr. growled and hissed and showed his small vampire fangs towards Lily and Angel looked at her son and told him,"That is enough Dark jr. please don't growl or hiss anymore please stop that son." Dark jr. noded his head and he listened to his mother and stayed close to Sash and said to her,"Sorry about showing my small vampire fangs towards Lily sorry Sash."
Sash smiled "It's ok Dark your just keeping me safe"Lily looked at all the pictures and asked "who is the white haired one, he is the best looking one of them whole lot. I love the golden eyes"the guy lily is talking about http: photos 31 ... 19591l.jpg
Angel said to Lily,"That is my older step brother very rare I see him,and do not worry I can arrange a meeting for you to meet him,and you can meet him in about 5 days. I need to find where he is Lily ok." Dark jr. said to Sash,"Yeah your right I was keeping you safe Sash and my mother is right that I need to keep my anger under control Sash."
Kaname stood by the kids with Chase and said "Son its ok. Angel I never knew you were related to a werewolf, why didn't you say anything?"Lily said "Hey Angel what's your brothers name and is he nice? To be honest I don't like guys who are mean to women."
Angel looked at Kaname and said to him,"My older step brother saved me from another vampire many years ago and another were wolf tried to bit me but my older brother pushed me out of the way and he took the bite instead of me, that is how my older step brother and I are related,no I'm not a werwolf at all Kaname and now you know the truth." Angel said to Lily,"My older step brother name is Kurt and it's hard to find him,he has gone into hidding once again because too many hunters are after him that is why he has gone into hidding Lily."
Kaname hugged Angel and said "I'm sorry for sounding upset, i guess i was a bit worried. So shall we let Lily stay for supper"Lily looked at him "I dont want to over stay my welcome Kaname, i can always head home to eat" she turned to leave and said "Hey kid take care of your girl Sash there, she seems to love you"
Angel hugged Kaname back and said to him,"My older step brother would never ever hurt me or lay a hand on me at any cost he is a bit different." Kurt entered into the house and said to his sis,"Hey Angel long time no see and so this guy is your husband I'm happy for you both and you must be Lily and I'm Kurt."
Lily smiled at him and said "Hello Kurt I must say your cuter in person then this picture."Dark jr. stood by Angel and said "Mom who is that and why did he just walk in like he owns the place. You should tell him to be polite and knock when its not his home"Kaname knelt down by his son and said "Dark calm down i'm sure your mother will talk to him, just be patient ok."
Kurt said to Lily,"It's nice to meet you Lily,and you are very beautiful Lily and shall we go for a nice walk for a bit hmm Lily.?" Angel said to her step brother,"Next time when you pop in to visit,could you please knock instead of walking right in please knock next time step brother ok." Kurt said to Angel,"I'll remember that next time Angel and your son is so adoreable and good looking as well and it was nice to see you once again Angel and family and Dark jr. take great care of Sash and also your mother and father ok and let's go for a walk shall we Lily.?"
Kaname turned into Dark right before Lily and Kurt saying "You sure don't seem happy about your sister's family being vampires Kurt"Chase said "Dark we have a meeting with your uncle and the vampire council to tell them when you will be tur..."Dark glared at him and with slight anger said "Chase i'm not turning my wife until she asks to be turned and i wish you would let the vampire council to drop it"Chase bowed and said "My apologies lord. Princess Angel, Prince Dark jr. excuse me"Dark jr. said "Bye Chase, later Sash" sash waved
Kurt leaded Lily outside and they both went for their walk and Kurt said to Lily,"I have nothing against vampires at all,and I'm happy for Angel and her family and where should we go first to get to know each other better hmm.?" Angel looked at Kaname and at her son and said to them both,"Could you please excuse me I'm a little bit tired good night Kaname and Dark jr. see you both in the morning." Angel walked into Kaname and her room and she laid down in the bed and she crawled underneath the sheets and the comfort and she slowly closes her eyes and she drifts off to sleep for a bit.
Kaname sent Dark jr. to bed and went to the room and sat down by Angel and asked softly "Angel are you alright"Dark went to Sash's room and sat down by her to keep her safe while looking out her window.Lily said a bit nervous "I'm not sure to be honest Kurt. I'm a little worried about your sister, she seemed a bit upset that you only wanted to see me. If i was her i would want to see my brother more then just a hello and leave."
Angel said to Kaname,"Yes I am alright nothing is bothering me at all Kaname I'm fine really." Kurt said to Lily,"I do see your point their,but most vampires don't like werewolves at all,and I'm glad that my step sister is happy,when she is happy,that makes me feel happy Lily."
Kaname smiled and layed next to her "Alright"Lily said "Kurt she is your sister and if you didn't smell it then allow me to tell you. SHE HAS NOT BEEN TURNED YET. KANAME REFUSES TO TURN HER. I thought that you would have caught that since your her brother"Dark jr. ran up to them saying "Hey Kurt, Lily what are you doing. I am worried about mom"
Kurt said to Lily,"I do believe you Lily,that she hasn't been turned into a vampire by Kaname yet,and if you want me to spend time with my step sister,then I'll do it just for you,hopefuly the rest of family will except me for what I am." Kurt said to Dark jr."Your mom will be alright Dark jr. don't worry about her too much ok she'll be fine Dark jr. ok trust me." Angel smiled at Kaname and she gently kissed him on his lips hoping he didn't mind that kiss from her.
Kaname smiled and fell asleep next to her.Chase and Sash walked up and Chase said "Excuse prince Dark but its getting late. Lily, Kurt if you like my lord Kaname has said you both can stay the night here"Sash said "Lets go to everyone" she grabbed Kurt's hand and pulled trying to get them to follow
Kurt followed Lily,Dark jr,Sash,and Chase back to the house and said to Chase,"That was nice of Lord Kaname let us stay at his home as his guests,I think I'm coming to like it here Lily." Angel watched Kaname fall asleep beside her and she leans her head against Kaname shoulderblade and she also falls asleep as well and smiled in her sleep.
Lily smiled "Thats good Kurt"Dark jr. said "Dad said you guys could stay with us so that he could be the start of a friendship between vampires and werewolves"Sash smiled "I think its great he wants to be allies with you and Lily"
Kurt looked at Dark jr. and said to him,"I agree with Sash that this is a good idea that your father wants to start a friendship between vampires and werewolves and where do Lily and I sleep since were the guests hmm Dark jr.?" Angel quickly woke up in her sleep and she also stirred in her sleep as well and hoped that she didn't wake up Kaname from his sleep at any cost and she sighed and wonders what will happen next between all of them. | 991 | [] |
101 | | A Whole New World (for Apra & Bob's Your Uncle) | "...a diamond in the rough."Those words echoed in Jafar's mind as he watched Aladdin descend into the Cave of Wonders. Finally, he thought to himself, the lamp was almost in his reach.Both Abu and Aladdin had been instructed to take nothing from the cave except the lamp. Aladdin was going to follow those instructions to the letter.Abu...not so much.Aladdin's descent was interrupted when Abu saw something especially sparkly and shiny and grabbed it. The disguised Jafar shouted out in disappointment as Aladdin disappeared in a swirl of colors. Before the Cave disappeared beneath the sands, it pronounced "When the diamond returns from the land of ice, the second lamp will be found." And with that, the cave disappeared. Far, far to the north of Agrabah, the Kingdom of Arandelle was enjoying summer.Queen Elsa and Crown Princess Annahad worked hard to bring prosperity to their kingdom had succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. The royal pair had retired to a private beach and were enjoying playing in the sun and surf and just taking a break from being rulers when a swirl of colors suddenly appeared in front of them.Queen Elsa immediately stepped in front of her sister, her hands raised, summoning her powers."Just stay behind me," Elsa told her sister, as the two waited to see what would happen.
Aladdin was just a hairs breadth away from handing over the lamp to Jafar when the rock beneath his fingers crumbled. He had a choice to make as he fell: the lamp which seemed important or his best friend. He dropped the lamp and grabbed Abu, holding him tightly as the two fell backwards into the swirl of colours. The light was blinding and the pair of them closed their eyes, glad to be in each others arms if they were going to die.A moment later and Aladdin hit the ground hard. He bounced his head off soft sand and let out a grunt as the air was knocked out of him. Slowly, he opened his eyes and blinked for a moment. The first thing he noticed was that it was cold. It looked like it was summer but he was freezing! After growing up in the constant heat of the desert, anywhere would be cold to him. He climbed to his feet, not noticing the two girls in bikinis behind him and dusted the sand off his pants. Where are we Abu? He asked and felt the monkey tugging on his pants. Hey! Knock it off! Aladdin turned around to see where Abu was pointing and then he noticed the women. Oh! He said and jumped a little. Who are you? Where am I?
The two scantily clad sisters stood poised to strike, when suddenly a man appeared where the swirl of colors had been.A man and...a monkey?The man didn't look like anyone either Anna or Elsa had ever seen. For one thing, his skin was a light olive color. His hair was black. Not brown Black. And the attire he was wearing...And then he said something in a musical language. It sounded like...well, neither sister was sure what it sounded like, but it didn't sound like any language either one of them had ever heard before.Elsa was about to blast him with ice anyway, on the "better safe than sorry" policy, but Anna grabbed her shoulder."Ikkah gajor dat, Elsa. Se!" Anna pointed at Abu. "Dat ur un ape. Jehg ar bair sit dim e booker."Anna ran back to a picnic basket and came back with a bowl of blueberries.Kneeling down, Anna extended a hand holding some blueberries toward Abu. "Vill doo hah no in bair, ape?"
Aladdin and Abu looked at eachother and then at the two obviously crazy women. Why were they wearing so little clothing in this weather? And what were they saying? Abu looked at the basket of blueberries and shot forwards before grabbing a handful and stuffing an insane amount of the fruit into his mouth. He then threw some at Aladdin who caught them and ate them ravenously. He had never had fruit like this but it was amazing! Aladdin groaned in pleasure and then looked back at the women. My name is Aladdin! He said in a slow voice. This is Abu! Aladdin didn t know if the girls were missing a few marbles or they were like some of the merchants that rarely came to the bazaar. Was he in a different world? He had never seen a map of anything other than Agrabah so that was all he knew of the planet.
The two girls laughed at the sight of the monkey when he stuffed the blueberries into his mouth, his cheeks puffing out. They momentarily forgot they were facing intruders on the private royal summer beach, but instead focused on trying to understand what the intruders were saying.When the man pointed at himself, and then the monkey, the women nodded.The blonde pointed at the man and repeated "Iamaladdin," then at the monkey and said, "Thisisabu." She then pointed at herself and said "Elsa." Next she pointed at the other woman and said, "Anna." Anna waved at the monkey, and offered him more blueberries.Elsa then looked at Aladdin and asked, "Sah hava gajor dew hair, Iamaladdin? Ug havordin kohm dew it?"
No no no! Aladdin said and waved his hands. Aladdin, he gestured to himself. Abu. He pointed at Abu Who had scampered over to Anna and was climbing over her. He seemed to like that girl. Hair? That was the only word he had managed to pick out. Both of the girls had a pretty laugh and pretty faces. This is my hair, Aladdin said and pointed to his black locks. This is yours, he stepped forwards and pointed at Elsa s platinum hair.
Elsa and Anna exchanged a quiet whisper and nodded. Anna pointed at the monkey on her shoulder and said "Abu." She took the monkey over to the picnic basket and dug out apples and blueberries and strawberries to feed Abu, laughing at his antics. Elsa smiled at her sister and pointed at the man. "Nononoaladdin." When he pointed at his hair and said, "Hair," she gave him a confused look. When he pointed at her own braids, she suddenly understood. "Ar," she said, pointing to her own braid. "Ar."
Aladdin held his palm against his face and shook his head. Aladdin, he gestured to himself again. Could these girls be from a different world? Abu seemed to like them although he liked anyone that fed him. Right now, he was sat in Anna s lap eating an apple. Aladdin s mouth was almost watering. He had seen apples plenty of times but they were still quite a rare commodity. Hair... He said to Elsa and pointed to his black hair. Where am I? He asked. Here? Where is here?
Elsa pointed to her hair and said, "Hair. Ar. Hair. Ar." Well, she at least knew how to say hair in this Aladdin's native language.Elsa suddenly realized she was nearly naked in front of a strange man."Anna," she told her sister, "Vee birda noch clay osh."Anna looked down at herself, blushed, and hurriedly grabbed two wraps, throwing one at Elsa before covering herself in the other.Once Elsa covered herself up, she looked at Aladdin. "Sah haven er dew, Aladdin?" she asked, clearly puzzled. "Og havar com dew frah?"
Aladdin looked at Abu Who was still eating fruit and looking at Anna as though he had two beating hearts for eyes. He was head over heels for her. When Elsa started to talk to him, Aladdin frowned and shook his head. I don t understand? He said. Arabic... He said, pointing to his mouth. I speak Arabic... do you know someone that speaks Arabic? He asked. Aladdin tried to make gestures that showed that Arabic was his language but he couldn t think of what to do.Abu climbed up onto Anna s shoulder and started to feed her pieces of fruit so fast that she wouldn t be able to swallow before he gave her another piece. Both he and Aladdin were used to scoffing what little food down as quickly as they could and Abu was scared that all of this food would somehow disappear.
Anna had to bat Abu away from trying to feed her, but she did so with a giggle."Dat ur great, Abu, dat ur my a spice," she said, laughing as she patted his head.Elsa was studying Aladdin as he talked, clearly not understanding what he was saying, when a light of realization entered her eyes. She turned to Anna and said one word."Trolls!"Anna looked confused for a moment, then the light of realization entered her eyes as she nodded in agreement. "Trolls!"The two exchanged a quick whispered conversation before turning their attention back to Aladdin."Gee us at oyoblink fur ah clay us, Aladdin, sah tahr vy dig mid pah trolls.." Elsa said excitedly. "Da veal vight hava da skole gajore!" She motioned for Aladdin and Abu to remain where they were while the two sisters headed toward a small tent nearby."Ug spice ult dew vile, Abu," Anna added, motioning toward the open picnic basket. "Bear icky kuhvel!" she added with a laugh. With that, the two sisters headed toward the tent, disappearing inside.
Aladdin and Abu cocked their head when the both shouted Trolls . What are trolls? Aladdin asked Abu. When the girls headed into the tent, Aladdin had been looking at Abu and their surroundings so he didn t see them gesture for him to stay where he was. Abu went over to the fruit and Aladdin started to walk towards the tent. So uh, he froze when he stood in the tent. He had a feeling he shouldn t be here.
The sisters had been chatting about this stranger in their midst, not paying attention to the entrance of their changing pavillion. Both had removed the tops of their bathing suits, in preparation to changing back into their traveling clothes, when Aladdin walked into the entrance of the tent. The girls froze, wearing nothing but their bikini panties.Aladdin saying, "So, uh," was enough to spur Elsa to action. A blast of magic came forth from her hands, encapsulating Aladdin from his neck down in a cube of ice.Elsa turned the cube so Aladdin was facing away from the two nearly nude sisters."Ervers!" Elsa said angrily. "Jag fritter deg nahr vye blur ahndrey."Anna, who was a bright red at being exposed like she had been, started giggling. Elsa looked at her sister sternly, then started laughing too. The two continued laughing and talking as they changed into a traveling blouse, skirt, boots and other appropriate clothing while Aladdin faced safely away.
Aladdin had the best scene of his life before his eyes. For two seconds. Then Elsa shot him with something that he had never seen before. It looked clear like water but he couldn t move. He looked down at himself and saw that he was encased in clear ice. I m sorry! He said with a blush on his cheeks. He honestly hadn t meant to walk in on them naked. He didn t have time to look at Elsa s expression but he heard the two of them laughing so he hoped they had forgiven him. Elsa? Anna? I m sorry, he said and watched as Abu slowly lifted the flap. He saw Aladdin in ice and then monkey leaped up next to his head. He looked at Anna and pointed to the ice. He tugged on it and started to bite it. He d never seen it before.
Anna was buttoning up her blouse when Abu came in. He was clearly upset by the situation, chattering away. Anna finished dressing and said in a cheerful voice, "Ikky bikmore, Abu, Anvil vor adu." She found a little box of caramels in the tent and offered one to Abu to appease the little monkey.Elsa was now dressed in similar traveling clothes as Anna, with a colorfully embroidered white blouse and dark, full length skirt. But with her braids coiled on her head like a crown, she looked as regal as the Queen she was.Elsa stepped in front of Aladdin and shook her head, clucking her tongue,."Ervers," she said dismissively. "Vet dew hava vye gajor med ervers?" A mallet and pick made of ice appeared, floating in the air, and began chipping away at the ice that Aladdin was encased in. The hammer and pick seemed especially focused at chipping away the ice around Aladdin's midsection, with perhaps a little more enthusiasm than care.
Abu was clearly happy with the caramel that Anna offered him. He put one in his mouth and then another and then another. He climbed over to Anna and cuddled into her neck. He was smitten. Aladdin looked at Elsa, wondering what she was saying. Then, a huge hammer made of some sort of crystal appeared infront of him and started to bash away at the ice. He flinched and closed his eyes as it got closer and closer to his midsection without it taking any car. He sucked in his stomach to try and get as far away from it as he could.Once the ice had been chipped away, he dropped to his knees and breathed in and out. He was shivering from the temperature and from the fear of being impaled by the pick. Do you have something warm? He asked and rubbed his arms. He wasn t dressed for this climate.
Even though she didn't understand a word he was saying, Elsa could see that Aladdin was cold. Being magically encased in ice would do that to you, even in the middle of an Arandelle summer. Feeling sympathetic, Elsa got a rough towel and a blanket for Aladdin."Vie four later tell tet ug fahr no an slotted till ah tah nod senare," Elsa told her sister. Anna scratched the friendly Abu and nodded. Motioning for Aladdin to follow them, Elsa and Anna led Aladdin to whatlooked like a miniature Viking longboat,big enough for three or four people, pulled up on the beach. Elsa and Anna climbed into the boat and started getting it ready to sail.
Aladdin pulled the towel around his body tightly and looked up at Elsa. Thank you, He said with a small smile and then followed Elsa when she motioned for him. He climbed on board the strange looking boat and shuddered a little as it rocked. He clung to the side for support until his knuckles were white. He couldn t swim.
Elsa nodded at Aladdin, not understanding what he was saying, but assuming by his facial expression that it was some sort of gratitude. She then raised her hands above her head. When she did, Anna held on to the boat with one hand, while wrapping the other one around Abu.A wind suddenly filled the boat's sail, pushing it off the beach into the water. As the boat moved deeper into the water, Anna began pointing to distant mountains and other sites on the shore, telling Abu about all the things they were looking at. She knew for certain Abu didn't understand a word she was saying, but it felt impolite to the little monkey.Elsa remained silent, however, as the moved back and took the till of the boat. There was a little smile on her face, though, as she guided the boat through the waters.
Aladdin leaned over the side of the boat and started to vomit violently. He didn t like being on the water. He was terrified that he would fall in and the motion of the boat was making him feel dizzy and queasy. Abu had also turned a shade of pale green but he managed to not vomit. He cuddled into Anna s chest and listened to her strange language as she pointed out various mountains and trees.Once Aladdin had stopped vomiting, he could look around. This country was very beautiful. He d never seen so much green in one place. The mountains made him feel tiny but in a good way. If it wasn t for the weather, and the princess that he loved back home, maybe he would have stayed here.
There might have been an eye roll from Elsa on how seasick Aladdin was getting. They were in the calmest of waters, on a calm summer day, and the wind she had conjured was almost a gentle zephyr. Nevertheless, she did try to keep things as calm as possible.As for Anna, she saw her new friend was a little ill, and gave him a small bottle with just a swallow of liquid in it, only enough for Abu. "Dat row vie morgan," she told the monkey. She pantomimed a frown, patted her stomach, pretended to swallow the liquid, and then smiled brightly.Eventually the boat beached itself near a large field, empty save for large rocks scattered all about."Vie ur hair, Abu," Anna told the monkey excitedly, "Dat ur hair trolls bor!"
Abu took the bottle and drank it and he felt better. He smiled and hugged Anna before climbing onto her shoulder and looking out at the scenery. Once the boat had stopped, Aladdin climbed off as quickly as he could. He felt better now that he had sand beneath his feet. He heard Anna talking about trolls and hair again and he wondered what she was actually saying. He walked over to Elsa and gently touched her elbow. What are we doing? He asked. Do you know a way I can get home?
Elsa stepped away from Aladdin, momentarily startled by his touching her. She shook her head, indicating she still didn't know what he was saying. She then said something to the air.All of the sudden, the moss covered rocks started rolling around and turned intoTROLLS!And not just trolls. Rolling singing trolls. Trolls that sang and rolled and danced.Elsa's and Anna's names came up in the lyrics quite a bit. The trolls also took a liking to Abu, tossing him about as the changed from troll to rock to troll rock and then back again and again When the trolls finished singing, they circled around Aladdin, and queries were passed back and forth between trolls and sisters."Perhaps I can be of some assistance," an elderly troll said as he approached the humans and monkey. "I am Pebbie. And you are?"
Aladdin had to dance out of the way of the rolling trolls. He tried to get to Abu to keep him safe but he couldn t reach him before they tossed him away. Aladdin glared at Anna and Elsa, wondering who these people were. He jumped when an ancient looking rock walked over to him and began to speak in his language. I can understand you! He said and grabbed Abu as he came close. Who are you? Where am I? Aladdin was scared now. He was surrounded by strange talking rocks and a woman that had magical ice powers.
"As I said, I am Pebbie, though I am referred to as the Grand Pebbie on occasion," the troll replied. "You are in the kingdom of Arendelle. From your accent, I surmise you are from the Kingdom of Agrabah. Sorry, the Sultanate? The Sultanate. I have seen more than a thousand years, so some details are off. But if I remember correctly, it is more than a thousand leagues from there to here. My question for you, young man, is how you have gotten from there to here. From your attire, I suspect it wasn't by normal travel."
Pebbie? Aladdin asked and reached up to stroke Abu Who was hiding behind his head. I m from Agrabah. I was asked to go into a cave... the cave of wonders... the sultan s advisor, Jafar. He asked me to go into the cave of wonders to fetch a lamp for him. He said that we couldn t take any treasure other than the lamp but Abu saw a huge gem and picked it up. We ran and as we were close to getting out, Jafar poked us with his staff and we fell into a swirling portal. We ended up here. Aladdin looked at the two women who seemed to know these Trolls. What language do they speak? I ve not heard it before.
"I should suspect not," Pebbie replied. "It's been more than five hundred years since I learned yours. I don't think there's a word for the language we speak here in Arendelle. In your land, the humans here are all called North Men, but that doesn't include just Arendelle. Just as Agrabah is not the only kingdom in your part of the world, Arendelle is not the only kingdom in the North. As far as the Cave of Wonders..." Pebbie shook his head. "It's not a myth I am familiar with. But as it said, it's been more than five hundred years since I learned the language of your land. And it is more than a thousand leagues between Arendelle and Agrabah."
Aladdin couldn t understand what pebbie was saying. A thousand leagues away? How was he going to get back home? Is there any way I can get home? I don t know how I can get home. Abu climbed off Aladdin s shoulder and walked over to Anna. He climbed up her and pointed at Aladdin. He tried to mime that he needed comforting. Aladdin ran a hand through his black hair. I m stuck here... there s no way home... | 28 | ['Aladdin', 'Jafar', 'Bikinis'] |
102 | | Private meetings with the Hokage (Trapcest x Sausage-sama) | Sarada Uchihawas just finishing up giving a report along with the rest of her team to the Hokage. As usual the mission had gone well, the team now had years of experience under their collective belts after all, so even challenging missions weren't too much of a problem for the trio. Once they had finished their report the original plan had been for the team to head for their favourite restaurant, it had become something of a tradition for them over the years to celebrate every successful mission, no matter how small or insignificant it had been. Today was a little different through, the Hokage had asked Sarada to stay behind. The team had offered to wait for her just outside of the office, but she assured them she'd catch up and that they shouldn't delay their celebration, so the rest of the team had left not just the office but the building, heading off in their usual good spirits, whilst Sarada was still standing in the middle of the Hokage's office.She wasn't nervous though, the Hokage had been like a father to her over all these years, so despite his official position she was completely relaxed as she stood there. "You wanted to see me alone sir?"
Naruto gave the young girl a smile, as she stood to attention as the door closed behind the rest of team 7, leaving just her and him in the room. Dismissing the ANBU from the room, Naruto pressed a button under his desk to lock the door,although the windows were wide open. Over the years Naruto had grown fond of Sarada, since she was a young girl and began to groom her not only for the Hokages hat, but also to be his. As he matured Naruto discovered his sex drive simply was too much for poor Hinata, so he used Sakura, he used Tsunade and now he would begin to use Sarada. "Yes you aren't in trouble or anything don't worry" the blonde said with a cheesy grin, getting up he walked around to Sarada towering over her despite her growth spurt. Having to bend down quite a bit he went for it, and slapped a sloppy kiss on the young girl, his tongue running all over her lips and shoving itself into her mouth, before he broke it a bridge of saliva connecting the two for a moment as he straightened up . "I have been dying to do that for ages" he confessed.
Sarada wasn't nervous, she knew she had no reason to be in trouble, if anything quite the opposite. She'd been working hard lately, there hadn't been any mistakes and she knew there was nothing to worry about. As far as she was concerned Naruto had probably just wanted to provide some of his usual fatherly encouragement and praise to her, and she had to admit she was rather looking forward to it. Her relaxation however meant she was caught completely off guard when Naruto suddenly leaned in to kiss her, the girls eyes going wide as she offered no resistance to his tongue thrusting into her mouth, sending shivers through her body. When Naruto pulled away she stared up at him, in a state of both physical and mental shock, attempting to process what the hell had just happened. "H H Hokage.....?" She finally managed to speak, though she still wasn't completely sure what had just happened was real. " what....? Why...?"
The blondes cock was already swelling up in his pants after he kiss, as he watched the young girl bluster and bumble through some words as to why. "Come on Sarada chan isn't it obvious why? Because I love you silly, I promised your father I would look after you, especially as you are getting older, I have seen a lot of people making eyes at your Sarada chan, I need to put a stop to that. Of course who else better to be your partner than me, even your father would agree, after all he put me in charge of your well being" Naruto said with a rather shitty argument, although the way he said it made him sound 100 percent sure in his own twisted logic. "You look so much like your mother when she was your age" he said stroking her black hair with his augmented hand, and then caressing her cheek. "Do you not love me too Sarada chan? I always thought we were close, like father and daughter" Naruto said with a fake dejected look in his face, as he slumped backwards onto the sofa against the wall.
"I...uh...I...that..." Sarada's mind was racing, she was trying to process what he had said, though in her state of shock she wasn't quite processing it all correctly. What he said was making....a weird kind of sense. He loved her, he'd promised to look after her. And she knew all too well about the way people looked at her, Sarada wasn't stupid, she'd had 'the talk' from her mother years ago. was saying he wanted to be her....boyfriend? Like...make everyone know about it so they'd leave her alone? "But....uh....but you're married. What about Hinata?" Sarada blinked, turning and watching him go over towards the sofa, then taking a few steps towards him. "I mean....and...I don't want everyone to be talking about you or badmouthing you or...." Her mind was still racing and trying to figure out what had just happened, and what Naruto seemed to be wanting, she was still in such a state of shock and confusion that she was just defaulting to her lifelong trust in her most prominent father figure, Naruto. | 5 | ['Hinata', 'Naruto', 'Sarada', 'Uchihawas'] |
103 | | Broken Wands and Worlds (Apra and RPM) | Voldemort was dead. That much Hermione was sure of.And now she was with Ron Weasley. That much she was sure of, too.What the bloody hell had she been thinking?It wasn't that Ron was a bad bloke. Quite the contrary. He, her and Harry had been the best of friends for the last seven years. It was just that Ron was kind of, well goofy.Ron meant well. And he did bring loyalty, determination, not to mention the support system of the Weasley family to the table. But Hermione needed someone who was more her equal. Someone like Harry. Not Harry, of course. He was too much like a brother to Hermione after all this time. But someone like him. Smart, capable, determined.Truth be told, Hermione had no experience at all dating. Oh, sure, for the last few years, she had no problem getting dates to the dances and other social events. But she had never actually dated anyone. Had an actual boyfriend. She had been too busy fighting for her life against Voldemort and his allies. So in the last few weeks, when it was uncertain which way the war was going to go, eighteen year old Hermione had latched on to the closest thing she could find to a romantic relationship.But now Voldemort was dead. And now Ron Weasley was her boyfriend.So she stood on the bridge, smile plastered on her face, holding Ron's hand, and making sure no one could see the doubt she was feeling inside.And then Hermione didn't have to worry about her doubt anymore. When Harry broke the wand in two and threw it into oblivion, it broke into more pieces. Five pieces in all. And nearby, five virgins who had been battling Voldemort disappeared. Including Hermione Granger. Somewhere, there is a beach. A warm, sunny beach where the birds cry out over the water, where the rainforest runs right up to a golden, pristine beach, where waterfalls and lakes can be seen through gaps in the foliage, and where two bamboo structures stood, one labeled MENS CHANGING ROOM, and the other WOMENS CHANGING ROOM. Underneath the sign for the women's changing room, someone had scrawled "Wardrobe changes available inside, free of charge."Suddenly, five people appeared on that beach. Considering that they had just been through a life altering battle, they looked fairly decent. Of course, the change of clothes might have helped.Neville Longbottom'sface still looked bloodied, but other than some stiffness, he felt much better than when he had appeared on the beach. Gone were his ripped sweater and slacks and other bloodied garb, not to mention his wand and the sword. He found himself instead wearing oversized surfer shorts and a green tank top that reached several inches past his waist. His feet were bare, but the sand felt soothing ln his feet and between his toe.Neville wasn't the only wardrobe change though, and probably the least disconcerting.Twenty year oldAngelina Johnsonfound herself also standing on the beach barefoot. But instead of something like Neville was wearing, she found herself wearing flimsy purple underwear, with a black, translucent wrap on top.Harry's one time dance date,Padma Patil, ended up in a better position. She appeared on the beach wearing a knee length white terry cloth robe and nothing else, but at least it was closed and fully covered.Now twenty one year oldFleur Delacouralso showed up on the beach barefoot, but she was only wearing a semi translucent nightgown and skimpy panties underneath.Hermione Grangerprobably suffered the worst of the lot. She appeared barefoot also, her long hair tied neatly in a ponytail behind her, wearing ragged cutoffs and a sleeveless white blouse. The blouse was transparent, however, and it was obvious that Hermione wasn't wearing a bra beneath her top.There was wide eyed stares as the group remained motionless for a few seconds, and then Hermione spotted the dressing rooms. Crossing her arms over her chest, Hermione screamed, "Don't look, Neville!" as she and the other young women ran to the women's changing room, disappearing inside.
Neville was tired. The battle had been won at last, the horrible seventh year at Hogwarts was brought to a close. Throughout the year, he had been subject to tortures and violence like never before, from the Cruciatus Curse to any number of creative punishments his Death Eater Professors could come up with. It had left his body physically weakened to a state he, at one point, thought he would never recover from.Thankfully, he had found the Room of Requirement once again, giving him a hideout from school, which also ended up helping the Order eventually overthrow the Tyranny that ruled his school. Neville managed to recover, with only a few scars scattered across his body. Throughout the battle, he had managed a few more scars, but the memories in his mind would stick with him until the end of days Nagini's head sailing through the air, the sword of Godric Gryffindor in his grasp, chopping the head clean from the snake's body. Voldemort turning to ash, defeated by the wizard he had orphaned. And Bellatrix LeStrange, slain by the mother of Neville's first crush. Despite the significance of Voldemort's death, Bellatrix dying was by far his favourite moment of the night.So here he was, sitting back on the steps, holding back tears as he looked on at the idle form of one of the Weasley twins he was embarrassed that even now, he could not tell the twins apart. And his former professor, Remus Lupin. And even Lavender, who seemed to be nursing a bite on her neck. It was all too much for him. And then, a light filled his vision, and he disappeared. "Oof." he groaned, collapsing into the sand.Wait... Sand? There wasn't sand at Hogwarts? Is that... the ocean?Neville looked up, finding himself on some sort of beach. What magic was this? The ocean nearby, and beside him? Hermione, Padma, Angelina, and Fleur? What on Earth was going on? He felt his mouth go dry as he looked on, not realising he was staring. It was only when Hermione shouted not to look, that he finally looked away, embarrassed by what he had seen.As the witches ran off, Neville tenderly rose to his feet. His right wrist was in pain, sprained, hopefully. But looking around, he had no clue where he was.His hand moved to his back pocket, finding his wand. "Lumos." He said softly, but no response. "Expelliarmus. Accio. For fuck sake." He swore, finding the wand useless. He hadn't felt this helpless since Hermione had petrified him in their first year. What was going on?
"Qu'est ce qui s'est pass ?" Fleur exclaimed, forgetting for a moment that the other women in the changing hut were English, not French.Fortunately, among Hermione's many talents was an understanding of French."I...I think...I don't know," she said with a shake of her hand. One moment, she was worried about how to tell Ron she really didn't want to be his girlfriend, the next, she was standing on a strange beach.Where Neville Longbottom, for all practical purposes, saw me topless, she thought to herself, looking down at the transparent top she was wearing. Suddenly, a thought came to her, and she began patting herself down. "My wand is missing," she said. "Does anyone else have their wand?"None of the other young women had their wands either."Maybe Neville has his wand," Angelina suggested."I'll go ask him. I'm probably the most presentable," Padma offered, tightening her robe around herself. Padma said this while looking pointedly at Hermione's nipples. Hermione blushed as she crossed her arms over her chest.Stepping out of the changing room, Padma shouted to Neville. "Neville, do you have your wand?"
Neville looked up as he heard Padma's voice, asking if he had his wand. His hand rose, displaying the thin cherry wood wand. "I... I have my wand. But I can't cast anything." He exclaimed. To demonstrate his point, he aimed into the air and yelled "Expelliarmus." Not even a puff of smoke came from it though. For all intents and purposes, this wand was just a stick."It doesn't look like magic works here... whereverhereis." Neville told the girl. Looking down at his own clothing, it was odd that he had appeared in the perfect clothing for this area, whereas all the girls needed to get changed. He didn't mind the view that they had briefly given them. But to his embarrassment, thinking back at Hermione and even Fleur, he could feel his arousal grow, an erection forming in his shorts. Not ideal, considering the shorts did very little to hide his growing bulge.
If Padma had noticed the evidence of Neville's "excitement," she didn't act like it. Instead, she nodded and said, "Better get comfortable, Neville. We may be in here for awhile." She paused before adding, "You might want to look around, but don't stray too far away. No idea what sort of surprises might be in store on this island." With that, Padma ducked back inside the women's changing hut to relay the information she had garnered to the other women.
Neville nodded, putting his wand away and beginning to explore. The sand, and the weather, was hot. It was thankfully not to an unpleasant extreme, just comfortable enough while quickly working up a bit of a sweat. Neville admittedly had never been to a beach before. His grandmother was not fond of muggle only areas, places she labelled as such because there was no magical component to it, and nothing to keep the muggles away. She was not the type to hate muggles, of course, but she believed some separation with the magical was always good. So this was his first time feeling sand beneath his feet, and experiencing the ocean so vividly.The nature on the island was breathtaking too, trees as far as the eye could see, and he thought he could hear a waterfall nearby. Opting not to go too far without the others, Neville turned back, hoping the girls wouldn't be too much longer.
"Good news is that Neville has his wand," Padma advised. "Bad news is that it doesn't work."Hermione considered that for a moment. It could mean that wands and magic and such didn't work here, Or perhaps whatever translocated them to wherever they were had done something to the environment where magic didn't temporarily work.Or...and Hermione didn't mean to be unkind with her thoughts, just could be reflective of Neville's capabilities. If someone more capable was wielding a wand, they might be able to make it work. Like Ron, Neville wasn't a bad bloke, just...Hermione interrupted herself to remind herself that Neville had actually stepped up by wielding the sword of Gryffindor and killing Nagina.Hermione was in serious danger of getting lost in her internal debate when her thoughts were interrupted by Fleur asking, "I thought there would be new clothes we could change into."As soon as Fleur said that, a slot appeared in the wall, with a sign above it saying "Deposit all clothes here to receive new wardrobe.""Oh, bloody hell will I strip down to nothing to see what pops out," Angelina declared."Well, we can't hide here all day," Padma rebutted."Before we do any of that," Hermione interjected, "Would you ask Neville what kind of wand he has, Padma?"Padma gave a little smirk before again tightening her robe and going outside."Neville, you about?" she shouted. "Hermione wants to know what type of wand you have."
Neville glanced up as Padma called out again, confused at the question. Why was that important? "Uh... Cherry wood with a unicorn hair core. I... I don't remember the length. Maybe nine inches?" He suggested. He approached the changing area, where Padma stood, ensuring he stood on the opposite side of the door to where she held it open, so he did not accidentally peek inside. "Here... just be careful with it." He said cautiously, handing his wand over to Padma. He figured they could attempt to use it, if Neville was somehow cursed with a lack of magic presently. Just as his confidence with magic was at an all time high, he was turned into a squib. Merlin, it was as if fate had it out for him! "How long until you guys are decent? We need to figure out some sort of plan?"
"Yes, well, we have to sort some things out, Neville," Padma replied, taking the wand with one hand. Neville's comment about getting decent reminded Padma that, under that thick terry cloth robe she was wearing , she wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing. Blushing, she clutched the lapel of her robe together with her free hand. "You're going to have to be patient while we do."And stay away from the entrance," she added., ducking back into the changing hut. As if to emphasize Padma's point, a barely visible bubble suddenly appeared around the entrance of the hut. The bubble expanded just enough to push Neville backwards a dozen steps or so before disappearing with a barely audible 'pop.'Inside the hut, Padma found the other three women discussing what to do about their wardrobes."Well, there doesn't seem to be anything to do but stirp and chuck our clothes, if we want something better to wear," Hermione concluded.the other young women reluctantly agreed, and with varying degrees of embarrassment, the four removed their clothing and put them in the designated slot. During the removal of their clothing, the women kept their eyes averted from the others.Well, mostly averted. All four women noted something different about their own bodies, but only Fleur seemed to have the courage to broach the subject."I do not wish to be crass, but..." Fleur paused, then continued hesitantly "I am not in the habit of removing all my hair...down there."The other young women also admitted that they had never shaved "down there," though they were all as smooth as silk now between their legs.The women placed all their clothes in the designated slot. A sign above the slot appeared that read "Processing." The embarrassed women fidgeted impatiently as they waited.Outside, above the changing hut, a giant, cartoonish "thought bubble" appeared that read, "Processing. Do not approach. This means you Neville."
"Of course, of course. Take your time." Neville said, understanding that they were in a worse position than himself, as they had appeared on this island wearing practically underwear. Sighing, he sat down beside the hut, and a moment later, he felt like he was moving...Looking down, he noticed how he was somehow being pushed along the ground, and panic began to settle in. He almost screamed for help, until the bubble suddenly popped out of existence. Panting, the man stood, seeing the trail his ass had made along the ground, and the thought bubble that had now appeared above the hut. "What on earth... Are you guys using magic?" He called the last part out. With the cartoony nature of the thought bubble, he could not see that as some muggle structure.
"Well, yes, but not of our doing," Hermione called out from inside the structure. "Just give us a few more minutes, Neville."
Neville nodded, forgetting for a moment that they couldn't see him. "No worries. Take your time." He said again, looking out across the horizon. There was no sign of any other land, nor boats or broomsticks. He hoped that someone knew what had happened and was working at this very moment to get them home. | 12 | ['Hermione', 'Weasley', 'Voldemort'] |
104 | | Across the Digital World (Kalafina and BrightChaos) | The teen boy looked up at the alien city before him with awe and confusion. Even with his own eyes it was hard to believe. It was a few minutes before he had recognized it but it was the same place he had seen many times before in the game. The creatures here also looked familiar. But they were much larger and more ferocious in person. He hesitated at the city border but took a large breath and went in. A few of the creatures looked at him but didn't seem to pay him much mind.Just a day before he had just been Samual, or just Sam as his friends called him, an average kid struggling to stand out. But now he suddenly found himself in what he through was an online game. He recognized each of the buildings.As he walked to the main plaza he heard a beep from the electronic device in his pocket. He pulled out the new device. Had it been what brought him here? He wasn't sure. But looking at the message he recognized a challenge. It looked just like one from in the game. He turned and looked at the large building at the center of the city. The coliseum. Maybe he could get some answered there. He walked in. At first he was excited when he saw some other people just like him. But when he reached out to get one's attention his hand passed right through them. These were just avatars being transmitted from his own world.He heard an automated voice call his name. He went to arena to see another avatar looking back at him. Could he even fight in the world. He looked at his Digivice to see the image of a familiar Digimon he had battled with in the game. He tapped his finger on her image as a light emerged from the Digivice.
"This is just what I had been waiting for!" A female voice echoed when her image was finally tapped by him. Then, the light appeared. And shortly after that, the figure of a female Digimon, mostly known as Ranamonslowly materialized right in front of the young man. While they were at it, the enemy avatar seemed to summon another kind of Digimon. What looked like a pretty wild version of Greymon, growling at them and baring its sharp fangs.The blue skinned lady stared at her partner for quite a while, as if waiting for instructions. Until she finally snapped. "Well? Give me your order! What shall I do next? Don't tell me this is your first fight...?" She finally inquired, right before the Greymon attacked. Ranamon managed to dodge it barely, while helping her partner do so himself. It seemed in that world either and both, Digimon and tamer, could get attacked." Get a hold of yourself or we will be in danger!"
As the water nymph appeared Sam recognized her from the game. But she seemed very different in person. The brown haired teen heard her voice for the first time. But then a low growl caught his attention and he looked up to see a huge dinosaur creature. It spat out a fireball that speed towards Ranamon. Sam froze in place feeling the air around him grow warm. She managed to leap out of the way and even from up where he was he could feel the room shake from the impact. The fear gripped him. This was nothing like watching the battle on a screen,His Digimon chastised him for his inaction. He had to force himself to focus. He had an elemental advantage over his foe. His green eyes saw his opponent activating a Speed Plugin S. This would increase Graymon's speed. He must be planning to avoid Ranamon's attacks. He quickly went into his Digivice and activated Offense Plugin S to boost Ranamon's attack power."Feign an attack, then attack for real when Greymon dodges." He said to his Digivice. Thanks to the arena setup only a Tamer's Digimon would be able to hear the orders. Sam stepped forward and took hold of the rails looking down at the fight below.
She stared at the enemy Greymon for a while, patiently, or not so patiently, waiting for her partner's next order. Until he finally seemed to react. A thin smirk rose to her lips, while she created a small cloud and pretended to aim that at the enemy dinosaur. It reacted as it had been foreseen. He tried to dodge the attack, only to receive a stream of water coming from Ranamon that did weaken him greatly."Yes! Way to go!" Ranamon then exclaimed, looking truly happy, already celebrating their achievements. "But this isn't over yet. Let's finish this!" She insisted, trusting her partner would now how to quickly have her defeat the enemy Greymon.
The dinosaur Digimon gave a roar of sock as the blast of water impacted it. It was working! The Greymon was reeling from the attack. Seeing the massive creature staggering from the attack was exciting! But they would have to finish it. Best if they did it before Graymon launched another attack. Hit him with Jealousy Rain! Sam called to his Ranamon. He was confident if that attack connected it would take Greymon down since her attack was boosted and Greymon had already taken damage. He gripped his Digivice in anticipation feeling an adrenaline rush. An orange glow shined from Greymon's mouth as he prepared another fireball. | 5 | ['Samual'] |
106 | | Hellsing x Blood+ - Another Story (Wiki234 & Felicia Florence) | 'Time to wake up Saya..time to wake.........up' Waking up after a 30 year hibernation to the soothing voice of her deceased sister Diva, that wasn't the first thing she would have like to awake to. On a long list of things to happen after breaking out of her cocoon, she would have never expected to have awakened in a location that was not her beloved old family tomb. Yes, that's right, she'd been in a cocoon for the past 30 years.Hibernating. She'd pierced the glowing lavender placenta and emerged reborn. Completely naked, covered in the revitalizing juices that kept her warm and comfortable while submerged in a vegetative state. Hair having grown as long as Rapunzel's shlopped to the floor and spewed across the ground Soaked in the thick muck of glowing afterbirth goo.This whole situation was odd, even by her standards. No, not the cocoon or wakikng up in her birthday suit. The fact she'd been moved from the old family cemetary's tome to an unknown location. Who had moved her and for what purpose? This didn't feel like'home', the air around her felt foreign as she passed out of her cocoon like a newborn emerging from its mother, trying to slide to the ground somewhat gently, the goo covered mass of hair breaking her fall as she hit the ground. And like a baby fawn, she found it difficult to move, getting her footing on legs she hadn't stood on in decades. This awakening felt different from all the others during the span of her 300 years. Immediately, something didn't sit well...usually upon waking up she'd feel a sense of euphoria. Much like how a child would react when being praised. Her slate would be clean and her memories usually wiped clean until triggered by a sight or a certain smell. Meaning, when she'd awaken after the hibernation she'd have no recollection of who she is, where she is, or what she is. Only, this time she'd awaken like only seconds had passed since she'd fallen, she remembered everything that had taken place with Diva.More Importantly, Kai, where was Kai? It seems that someone had visited recently because there, in the corner, was her Katana andan average pair of clothes , along with a fresh towel. Deciding it was best to clean up and get dressed, Saya examined herself...."How long was I asleep?" She looked a bit older...just by a year or two, and embarrassingly enough she noticed her feminine regions had "Rounded" out since since last awakening. Becoming somewhat curvaceous and desirable to the eye, which made a streek of red flash across her face as she held her breasts in her hands, cupping them. Something she couldn't have done before. Her bBreastsnoticeably heavier and bra size has gone up to an ample D cup. When she'd gone to slip her bra on "How they get this big!? What's the point?!" Her bust definitely had developed from a tiny B cup. Automatically, she started bouncing up and down. "How do you fight with these things?" They like to jiggle around, that's for sure. She'd have to get used to the extra weight, for now.'What a fucking'The rest of the outfit consisted of panties and a few family photos, and she quickly learned that her bra could be used as a hidden pocket! Perhaps these breasts did have some use after all, this extra space was good for hiding things. What was a problem though, was the lack of understanding of geography. She wasn't a freakin' cartographer, how was she supposed to know where she was!? But, as luck would have it, she noticed a small map inside of....this was a tomb but it wasn't her family tomb, this one was a lot bigger than the one she remembered. Examining the map she was shocked as her mouth nearly dropped to the ground, eyes bewildered."ENGLAND?!"How the hell did she get there? Fuck, that was only the tip of the iceberg. Once she made her way out of the tomb, she instantaneously responded to the cries of Chiropteran from what was a small village marked in red on the map. Whoever it was, at least they had the curtacy of hinting where she was and leaving her a change of clothes. Again, the cutesy earmuffs were for another life, she left that behind, discarding the scarf too as it was now nothing more than a hazard. Immediately she went to work, and it didn't take too long for her to dispatch of the vampiric nuance. Unfortunately, the small town had all be slaughtered by the time she'd arrived. Not a soul left in tact. Already her life was repeating a patter of destruction all too familiar. Everywhere she went, a plague of death would follow. All around her the bodies of the dead litered the grounds of a once prosperous old town. From the geographical point of view, the buildings were very very old and this town no doubt was out of the way enough where new people did not often visit.During the battle she noticed her stamina had increased, her movements were like that of Flash Step now, and her blade cut through enemies like butter. But here lied the part that haunted her memories, something she'd normally have Red Sheild do due to the trama it would cause, beheading the infected town of humans who cling to that thin thread of life as they marinated in the bloodbath of puddles of blood scattered across the gunky wet muddied burgendy ground....she didn't have any other choice. It was like Vietnam all over again. But if she didn't kill them, the infection would spread and then the body count would skyrocket. The world would be at risk once more. "I'm sorry..."...She did what she had to do, and after she'd taken care of the grim deed, she thought practically about the situation there were more Chiropterans out there. Fearfully, pondered the idea of what might happen if some had gotten away the lengths she'd need to be willing to go to stop an outbreak."Someones been playing with Chiropteran DNA..." It was the only answer to why this was happening. Standing in the middle of town beside of fountain spewing watercolored red liquid from the deadbodies floating in the water, she started to skim over the map she had. Not paying too much attention to two figures who were observing her. "M Master...she...she killed all of them...ever single one..." Seras had mostly been mortified by the fact this woman, dressed in seemingly normal cutesy clothing straight out of a winter catalog with hair grown down to her anckles, killed women and children, slaying them with the back of her blade before trotting off. Sir Integra had informed them of sightings of those strange new creatures that'd been killing off vampires and humans alike, now in their own backyard of England. These monstrocities were tough to kill, but taking off the head was the only thing that killed them and that within itself was difficult because if the head wasn't seperated from the body at a distance they'd just regenerate in a similar fashion to Alucard...hard bunch of fuckers, they could take an anti tank rifle to the chest without batting an eye. Now with the appearance of this strange woman who slaughtered these nosferatu with ease, things didn't sit right with Victoria. "Sh Should we....confront her?" Followed by a whining scared "I don't want to go down there!!! Did you see what she just did?! I'm still trying to process what I just saw!"
Alucard watched from the distance, his clothing of his familiarly menacing red jacket and hat, black boots, white gloves, and suit like buttoned up shirt and pants. They had luckily been able to deal with the situation for now though it was such a pain in the ass to be in the position they were now, especially since these weren t the normal bitch ass vampires that were too easy for him to kill or any sign of the dirty bastard Anderson and his sickening wack jobs of the church.Looking around with crossed arms, he turned to see the strange women though with an odd sense of familiarity that had already threatened to gnaw at those long dead and thought feelings. she must know about these vampires, they aren t normal than the damn nazis, they have a familiar but totally different scent....equally seems though we can use that confusion to our advantage.... seeing the women seemed to just be as strong or a bit stronger than sera s even as a simple comparison.With that he walked over and jumped down, his black boots making the familiar echoing crunch against the ground and rocks around him. well you seem confused....and different along with them, your no normal vampire...not the ones I usually have normally dealt with... just standing a few feet.
Alucard is the only Fuck Mothering Vampire allowed to wreak havoc! Who the fuck was this bitch dressed like a lolita to come zooming out of nowhere and steal all his kills? When he'd landed on the ground somewhere near Saya, she'd already turned on her heel to meet him. When her eyes met his, he'd see first hand how those serious brown orbs turned a shade of glowing scarlet red. The scarlet in her eyes faded as she turned to grab her Katana, not making a quick motion to grab it. Oh, he'd know if she intended to fight, but this seemed like she was gathering her things. Tying her weapon to her back with the strap that was connected to the sheath. An air of dread filled the air as she turned back to him and reconnected their gaze. No way this little thing could give him a massive hard on during a fight like Anderon! There was no way this tiny woman would ever even lay a scratch on him! And there was no way she had the lady balls to actually be walking towards him...And here she was, standing in front of him with a slightly menacing air. "....." And instead of pulling out a weapon she held up a map. "....I don't know how to read this, nobody ever taught me.." outright explaining, she couldn't read that fucking map! "I'm not in England, am I?..." Followed by, a faint "Please tell me I'm not in England.."
Alucard sighed already annoyed at the slight confusion of obviously what she was doing compared to the bodies. well actually a better thing to state is your a fucking vampire too....apparently who killed people who could have helped you? Wondering but not knowing it was already like that anyway of course but still smelling the fresh blood as she killed some herself. well whatever, your not too far off little red... giving a smirk and a chuckle at the odd joke, well why you do us a favor and we ll help you then.... wondering what to even do himself with her though for the obvious moment.
"They were infected, I couldn't let them live." What caught her off guard was when he said:"Vampire Too". Now that he mentioned it, this menacing man that towered over her like a skyscraper did have a different smell to hi. Saya should have sensed it before she came up to him but she was so self assured an in control of her abilities that she didn't have the fear of God in her to help guide her actions. Specifically when approaching a man who was clearly a predator! Not like the kind of predator he'd accuse the Roman Catholic Church of being, saying they'd be on Date Lines: To Catch A Predator But, the kind of predator that could have taken her life in an instant were it not for the kind of battle prowess she displayed. "What kind of favor...?" Okay,maybethis was To Cath A Predator....Just then, Seras got a call on her mobile phone from, you guessed it, Sir Integra....Verbatim, Seras relayed a message to him. "Master! Sir Integra says to pick up your God Damn Phone when she calls you. Why do you even have a phone if you're not going to use it!? Also, she says " Seras' throat tightened for a second "I'm sorry, Master but She says: I'm about ready to take a 9 Iron to your 70" plasma widescreen TVandI'm Canceling Netflix the next time you don't answer your fucking phone.You pathological nightmare of a Man Child!" Integra knew exactly how to get Alucard's attention, if anything canceling the Netflix would be the thorn in his side. Everything he had saved on his queue would be erased permanently and then when she resubscribed he'd have to find all his favorite shows and movies over again, and that was just a BITCH move from Integra. He couldn't just order Seras to do it because she couldn't memorize his queue and there was a good chance he didn't remember either that's what the queue was for after all.
ehhh fair whatever but if you were gonna do that at least call me! Giving a laugh as of course that didn t make sense at all just meeting her now. Suddenly alucard turned then, tell her then that if she expects me use to use a phone to HOOK UP SOME GODDAMN DIAL UP ITS NOT THAT HARD! Even if I wanted to do you know how much of a bitch to really is for me!! Tightening his fist a bit and showing an annoyed expression with his monstrous teeth. well anyway.....would you do me a favor girlie and come back with us since your lost, seems there s nothing left here anyway and besides I m gonna have to deal with a bitch of a women later on today... giving a sigh as he tried to remember at least the last two or three shows he had on next at least with the worst happening anyway.
Seras retailed the information, shouting from the ridge, giving away her position "She said she called you five times! She said she's calling you again...." When his phone didn't ring the sixth time, Saya looked over the flip phone and stealthily took it from his hands. "....Low battery, you forgot to charge it." Handing it back to Alucard before Seras threw down her phone to Alucard. She second the speaker button was pressed Sir Integra's voice could be heard on the other end shouting "I called you to ask what you found! You've been going for hours, you left at sundown."
" and she expects me to do everything...." rolling his eyes as she looked at the other, " well excuse me there..." taking the phone back before turning to take the phone. " and your point is? well anyway who cares, we're coming back with little miss apparently is a vampire and killed a different kind of vampire thats not the normal morons. i can sense and smell their a bit different and the lady too.." glancing back at saya a bit cautious and confused but not scared. " well anyway always ms grumpy as all living fuck, we are coming back as three now so byeeee..." hanging up the phone before she could even say anything more anyway. " well anyway guess its time to head back from this dumb shit show..." turning to slowly walk off with the two at least then | 8 | ['Saya', 'Diva'] |
107 | | [Resident Evil RP] Old World | Since the death of its most recent proprietor, the Salazar castle was left to the public. With its ancient grounds and architecture, it was natural enough that it would have been a popular site for any visitor or tourist. Considering the things that had occurred there, it was all the more cryptic and thus attractive. A dark beauty. The abominations that had been funded and created there had long since been eliminated or removed, but the rumors and the stories would remain as a permanent stigma. The lives and villages that it had helped to destroy would also haunt the dark palace and its entire rural region for some time to come.All of those things were reasons for its infamy and immense popularity. The various government parties involved had done their best to quiet the facts and the hearsay, renovating the broken pieces of stone and statue, dragging out the bodies, shooting down the feral dogs. It had finally reached a point where certain people could go in and make the final preparations before it became another tourist attraction. It was all too easy for someone like Ada Wong to make her own entrance through the front door. If anyone asked, she would be another news reporter willing to publicize the place and advertise for it. Her true intentions were hardly so trivial.It was heard that one Leon S. Kennedy would also be available for interviews, if they would catch him. He had been called back to tell the tale, or stand in as the most knowledgeable security personnel should anything go wrong. Who knew if he would come. Her intentions had not been designed around his visit or for anything else but her own objective. Still, it might have been nice to see him again.Simple as it was, she needed only to be sure that no one else would ever come across or have a means to recreate the souvenir she had taken away with her. It was an easy mission, if it could even be called that. It might even be considered a waste of her time. Time was a luxury she possessed now, for her visit, and she spent it by browsing the galleria. Even she seemed to possess an appreciation for old art every now and then.They hadn't returned for each other, but who was to say that they couldn't just happen to run across one another?
Ever since returning to the States, Leon had done all he could to try and avoid the media circus that was spewing all sorts of praise and how he had saved the world from certain destruction or whatever it might have been that the Los Illuminados cult had been wanting to set loose upon the world. What he honestly could not get off of his mind was how the the leader of the group, Osmund Saddler wanted to use Ashley Graham as a means of spreading the Las Plagas virus to control everything and everyone back home.And yet, even after he had returned home and given some much needed time off, it felt as though there was something that he felt that was left unfinished. During the course of his travels through Europe, he had once again encountered a familiar face in the form of Ada Wong, a woman he had thought died in the aftermath of the T Virus incident back in Raccoon City of about several years ago.It honestly would not take him long before he had finally packed his bags and passport to once more head back to Europe to find out anything new or anything that he might have missed on his first go round here. Upon arrival in Europe, he had heard musings from some of the more affluent townsfolk about how the Salazar Castle was now opened to the public. It honestly irked him that it wasn't torn down considering the nature of the happenings that occurred there several days prior when he was on assignment. However, the last thing he also needed was to deal with any media here as well, for he was honestly done speaking to them about what had happened there. If all else failed, he needed to travel incognito so as not to be interviewed. Either that or deny any comment. After all, no one needed to know a damn thing as to what happened here.When he came upon the outskirts of the castle, he merely sighed and shook his head when he looked at it. He honestly could not understand as to why they would leave this thing alone after some of the most barbaric things had happened here: The denizens in the village being controlled against their own will, the mutated beings that ran rampant and even running into Jack Krauser as well. But for what, he wondered.Nevertheless and against his own better judgement, Leon would force himself to step into the renovated castle one more time, his eyes closed and his face bent into slight frustration.
With her wasted moments in perusing a piece of new artwork, Ada took a few more measured minutes to decide that there was too much shadow falling amongst the drapery. It was in a depiction of a window looking out into a sunny countryside. If she wanted to see something so droll she could have looked behind her out at the real landscape. That one was gray and unlit but at least it was real, with the portent of a storm coming. Perfect for an old gothic castle. When she did turn from her place to make her way to that said scenery, she noted his arrival. Right on time. He didn't seem particularly happy to be back and she couldn't blame him. The moment he had stepped into the doors, she was certain that the recent officials in charge of running the castle's affairs would be there to assault him."Mr. Kennedy, thank you for coming, how was your flight? Would you please wear this?" A middle aged English woman had begun, handing him a name tag and pass and pamplet and walking him down the lobby, a few other assistants in her wake. There was no end to the question she could ask out of pleasantries and courtesies alone. All rhetorical, for she didn't quite pause long enough to wait for answer before going on to another. "Your bedroom is on the third floor, room seven. We've taken the privilege of organizing a few things to make it more guest friendly, you see. When we've dropped off your bags we would love it if you could come by the vintage parlor on floor two for tea if you have the time of course." The interview room, where lights and cameras and people were already and almost always set up. Apparently they were also planning on filming a documentary there about old estates. For him, it was supposed to be a casual affair, with several chairs and old sofas gathered up around the central one. Someone had even made tea and scones."Actually," a much calmer voice managed to stop the flurry, coming from behind in their wake. "Mr. Kennedy's presence is requested at the security department. There's been an interesting new development we would like his opinion on. Your interview will wait until later." It wasn't a request.She was dressed in business attire, cream blouse and trim black suit with dark stockings, to be believable. A small, bright red scarf, was wrapped around her pale throat. She would have blended in with the rest of them well enough, but he would know she was anything but what she oftentimes portrayed herself to be. Ada lingered long enough upon the periphery of the small crowd before the other individuals began to settle down. With a tilt of her head to invite him, she turned to be on her way out again along a different hall.
The aggravation factor Leon felt as soon as he stepped inside the castle only jumped a bit when he was then suddenly the center of attention by a few of the employees that worked here.Man... What more do I gotta say to get these people to shut up?He thought in an aggravated manner as he veered his eyes off to the side and frowned a bit in annoyance. The light in this place seemed to only magnify the slight frustration that was beginning to build with his iced blue irises and the way his body was hardwired to lash out at the next dimwitted SOB that asked him about the happenings in this place clearly denoted that he had just about enough of being a celebrity.As he continued to get railroaded around by these employees, he was about three one hundredths of a second away from looking at the British female and telling her what he was really thinking about going to the interview room when he had heard an all too familiar voice speak up, causing him to snap his head in the direction he had heard it come from. When he finally spotted her, Leon's body tensed again, but not with the same unsanctioned irritation as he felt previously."Uh... Yeah." Leon spoke before looking to the employee and waved a hand at her. "I'll be alright from here on out." He added as he then followed Ada over to the different hallway, his eyes fixed on the back of her head as the two managed to separate themselves from the frenzy they left behind.
He certainly didn t seem to be very happy, but at least it wasn t nearly as bad as it had been when he was hounded by castle property employees. Ada was a bit surprised herself that they had not stopped her as well to shove a name tag into her hand, too. While she led on to no real point in particular, anywhere quiet and away from the mainstream seemed a good idea. The woman could feel his eyes on her, unwavering the moment he had recognized her voice. It had been a fair amount of time since she had last left him her parting gift. Not nearly as long as the years before that, though. Cat got your tongue? It was somewhat surprising that he had nothing to say to her, most likely because there was simply too many things to say and ask. She had led them back to the gallery and this time went on to go past it. Not as many people cared to drift too far away from the central area unless they were in tourist groups. The fact that there was still security personnel on the grounds meant that there were lingering suspicions for safety. Leon s invitation and visit would hopefully put an end to the more valid paranoia without stamping out the superstitions and scare factor for paying guests. You don t seem to be very happy about all of this. She pointed out without looking back to him. The way she was going would eventually lead to stairs, and another way up the floors to his original destination.
Leon seemed to just be content with the fact that he was walking in silence behind Ada, but upon hearing her comment and question, he could only look off to the side and gave a bit of a scoff before looking back at her. "Better than having a Ganados trying to rip it out, I can assure you." He answered before placing his hands in the pockets of his dark naval blue jeans and sighed a bit before he continued."How can I still be happy when I still got plenty of questions to ask you. For one, you never really answered my question about why you were working with Albert Wesker." Leon added, his brows furrowing slightly as he then followed Ada up the stairs. "Another question I have is why they still left this place still remain after some of the stuff that went down here. I'm not sure if you wondered the same thing, but then again, maybe you did." He concluded.
His first was the same question that he asked before. Just like then and now Ada seemed to have no real intent on answering. She didn t mind shedding some light on the second, as if it weren t already an obvious answer. It all comes down to money. Was the simple answer. The stairway was rustic, some steps uneven. It was dim but a few modern light fixtures had been strung overhead for the average explorer. The candles at the wall were cleaned out from their holders with new white wicks, unlit. One would think that, with all their renovations, they could spare a few more dollars to take care of the smell of must and mildew. Not everyone knows exactly what happened here, Leon. Maybe it was better that way. The media always took precautions to be sure that the average human being didn t know the whole truth. It had happened with Raccoon City, why not at some remote village in Spain? Who knew how many people had their sights already set on the castle before anything had happened at all? How was the flight? She couldn t help but to grin as she asked it, opening the door back into the hallway where they had arranged the rooms. Small talk. It felt so uncharacteristic and foreign to her, to them, given the situations they usually met in. She stopped in front of his door, glancing at the luggage that had already arrived and waited besides it.
Leon was fairly certain that Ada would answer this way. To be honest, it wasn't exactly a surprise that she was only in it for the money and nothing else. That was normally how had had come to know her as far back as Raccoon City during that hellish nightmare he had to endure alongside Claire Redfield. Leon merely shook his head and scoffed quietly as he followed her up the stairs, finding a few unbalanced steps along the way as he was directed up to the upstairs rooms."Yeah. Nobody but you and me, anyway." Leon answered back as he stepped beside the door that led to his assigned room. "As for the flight, it was not that much different ever since I was sent out here several days ago before that island was blown to hell." He added. "I suppose I can give you your overdue kudos for throwing me that specially made rocket launcher that put Saddler out of his misery." He concluded, lowering his head and shaking it from side to side in thought."But, I suppose that was in the past. Not much more anyone can do about that." Leon spoke again before going silent while shrugging a shoulder.
Maybe somewhere there was a sense of goals and twisted justice within it all. But if Leon was convinced that she was as shallow as the rest of the tourist agencies to put her life on the line for the sake of a few pieces of green paper, it was just as well. It was too complicated to explain it any other way. The only one that could really understand a person was themselves. Though even then she sometimes couldn t explain the course of her actions, particularly in places where Leon was concerned. Well, maybe you should count yourself lucky then, Ada commented at the mention of their survival. You and Ashley Graham. His mission might have very well been a failure without the strings she pulled. As for Ada, luck could only go so far with the things she did. For her, she needed to stay one step ahead of it all. And here I thought you might thank me for theotherparting gift I gave you. Ada smiled as she turned towards him, leaning at the corner of his door frame. How else would he and his charge have escaped the island? Or did you throw that out already? I thought the blue ribbon suited you. A single note of light laughter, and she pushed off the wall to be on her way. If he wasn t going to invite her inside with the key he had been given, she wasn t going to stick around.
Leon looked up at Ada when she spoke of him and Ashley as well as to how lucky he might have been, but really, there wasn't much that luck could've done. Luck to him was just what they said about you in a hand of poker with the rest of the guys down at the local corner bar. At least, that was how he felt about the whole concept of it, anyway."I'm not gonna lie to you Ada, but sometimes luck doesn't have much to do with what went on during my stay here." He commented with a shrug of his shoulders. "But I suppose you have every right to say that." Leon added, shaking his head once more.When Ada made the next comment about whether he had theothergift she gave him, Leon's eyebrow twitched for a moment in realization. "That, and the jetski, too." He answered after reaching into his jacket's pocket and pulled it out, the small white teddy bear keychain, adorned with a smaller baby blue ribbon around the neck that had the key to the jetski which led to his and Ashley's escape. "Thanks to you, I had to get a trailer for it if I wanted to head out to the beach." He commented, despite the look on his face didn't show it, the tone he used hinted towards amused sarcasm.
She tilted her head at his own given opinion on luck. Maybe their perspectives didn't differ so much after all. She didn't give anymore away than that. It was even possible that he already knew. The man was oftentimes more than she expected, especially considering the first time she had met him in Raccoon City. Who would have ever expected a rookie to make it past his first day, much less the day that the virus broke out, and become the man that he was now.When he took the small bear out from his pocket, her expression changed, genuinely and pleasantly surprised for the moment. She didn't expect him to hold on to it. Maybe hook it at a rack somewhere at his home during the off chance that he could vacation long enough to visit the beach. Not carry it with him where ever he went, be it back to Europe or anywhere else."Never thought I'd see this guy again," Ada smirked, turning the plush bear in her fingers as he held onto it. The jet ski had been something she had managed to acquire from her resources, like the boat and the helicopter, but the bear was all her own. "Anyway," Ada finished, dropping her hand and stepping next to him to go past. "I'll let you get back to your busy schedule."
"Actually Ada," Leon said when she thought about slipping past him. "I'm probably gonna be hanging out here for a little while and by that, I mean keep away from the media circus for as long as I can before I do go back downstairs. Besides, I believe there's something more you wanna talk about." He added as he replaced the jetski key and mini teddy bear ornament back into his jacket pocket before digging out his room key this time to unlock the door and allow himself entry."If you feel like coming in, you can. Besides, if I know you like I think I do, you'll only vanish like a shadow into the night and not see me again for another few years." He joked a little before he stepped inside the room he was assigned. "And if you're wondering as to why I still held onto that keychain you gave me, I decided maybe I needed a good luck charm." He commented again with the same dry wit.
She took a few steps before pausing at the invitation that was and wasn't really. Placing a hand at her hip, she thought for a moment to decide and then couldn't help but to glance over her shoulder at his remark with a bemused smile. Well, it wasn't as if she had too much else to do during the day when the place was crawling with civilians and crowds anyway. If there was anything that she might like to inform the US government official of, off the record, now was probably the best time. Secrets in the field weren't exactly nice things to keep, and she already had far too many."Don't mind if I do." She conceded, turning to go in after him and bring the door to a quiet close behind her once the luggage was moved inside. "So this is room seven. Much nicer than the niche I was assigned." This one was a large and typical suite, but obviously reserved for special guests. Broken furniture and dust had been cleaned out, along with any blood stains. It was nothing more than a livable, vintage hotel room now. "You're like a celebrity here. But you don't seem to like the attention." He would have had it worse if people were more honest about the Las Plagas, vicious human parasites, everything."Any idea of how long you'll be staying this time?" Ada asked as she went to the window, extending out as a seating area in a half circle. She checked the curtains and the view, looking out over the courtyard, though she was really looking for any loose cords.
"Of course I don't like the attention. All it's doing is just bringingunwantedattention that I don't want or don't need. Besides, it's bad enough I had to put up with that back home." Leon explained once he was in the room and settled himself down in a chair with a small sigh then crossed one leg over the other and placed his chin in his hand while resting the elbow on the arm."As for how long I'll be staying this time, I'm just out here on some personal business, so I got plenty of time on my hands." He added, looking up at Ada as he spoke. "There was also a feeling that I left some stones unturned, most of which begins with you." He concluded.
"Your fifteen minutes of fame is running over. It'll fade soon enough." She reassured him. It always did, even for a shadow as great as Umbrella had been. Once she was satisfied with the view, or rather, the fact that no one was out looking in, Ada pulled the curtain closed and walked over to the desk beside his chair."What made you so sure that I would be here, too?" There was genuine curiousity. Sometimes she didn't know where she would be assigned from the next day to the next hour, rare as it was. "Or were you hoping that I might have left something else behind for you to find?" She doubted that, if there really was anything left over from the ordeal, it would be very pleasant. Maybe that was something left for the both of them to find.
"It's been running over for quite some time, I believe." Leon answered with a shake of his head and a sigh. "The day after I came in through the southern tip of Texas and found by the Coast Guard and National Guard that was stationed there, they all saw me and Ashley pull up on the jetski and instantly thought of us as illegal immigrants before they saw the badge I had." He added, shaking his head again and smirked with a bit of sarcasm behind it."As for how I knew you'd be here Ada," Leon answered before giving a shrug of his shoulders then glanced up at her when she came around and settled herself on the desk opposite him. "Well... Let's call it a gut feeling. It hasn't been wrong ever since." He said.
A gut feeling? Ada echoed, a brow arching. She knew what that was. Instinct. Intuition. But she didn t believe it was the only thing that had led him back. In a way she had been likewise expecting him, if that was any contribution to the way of their reunions. That may have very well been the greatest part to it actually. It also meant that she was becoming predictable which was dangerous in its own right. Were you both really mistaken for illegal immigrants? She couldn t help but to come back to, amusement in her tone. She leaned back on the desk, hands braced at the edges. From her place she could watch over and slightly behind or beside him. It kept him in her view but his visibility for her wasn t quite as clear. Maybe you both spent too much time here. The pair of them were as white as a sheet, so she couldn t help but to find it a bit humorous.
"Hmph." Leon answered, shaking his head as he also found the slight bit of humor behind his statement. "Try telling that to them. They wig out over everything." He added, chuckling lightly as he spoke. "What, with the recent terror threats and all that other jargon." He commented as he looked ahead of him when Ada disappeared from his view but stayed within his peripheral vision."But back to my 'gut feeling' statement." Leon stated before he aimed his eyes to her once more, seeing her out of the corner of his eyes. "I'm guessing you also had a thought somewhere within the back of your mind that I was gonna be here too. Am I right?" He then asked.
As stringent as their borderline rules and regulations were, for any country, it was a shame that they did little good in the face of a professional. Ada herself had slipped in and out of any given region without a trace whenever she needed to. At least they meant well. Me? Maybe She said lightly, smiling as she stood up to pace conveniently out from his gaze and behind the seat. I knew it was only a matter of time. Female intuition is a powerful thing. Her hand touched the upper arm of his chair, fingers smoothing over the wooden edge of the back as she went around to the other side. There s some unfinished business left here. Her hand brushed beside his resting elbow in passing before she gathered it up to cross her arms over her stomach. In this castle, I mean. She grinned and turned to glance back at him where she stopped. Or did you think I meant us?
"Just as I thought." Leon remarked with another quirk of his eyebrow as he spoke. "The power of intuition is never wrong, whether it's male or female." He added, smiling a little to himself as he watched her circumnavigate around him, lightly touching his resting elbow as Ada passed by before narrowing his eyes slightly in question when she mentioned something about unfinished business. Before he could get the question out, it was answered for him, stating that it involved the castle."Hm. How appropriate." He stated simply before shaking his head. "You and I must be thinking the same thing, wondering if there's anything else left here after all of the things that happened here. But then again, who knows? Maybe there's nothing left to pick through except particles of dust." He added.
Let s hope that s the case. Ada replied rather somberly. She didn t seem to be very enthused about the entire ordeal. Clean up work isn t really my department, but with you around, this might just be a bit more bearable. She was better working alone in any worthwhile case. Hunting down the specimen, staying out of the limelight, getting into a certain mess only to get out of it with whatever she needed without looking back That was her specialty. Finishing up any loose ends might as well be menial labor. Had it been her own job to begin with, there would be nothing left to clean up after anyway. The now nonexistent research island was testament to that thoroughness. So, what do you say? It ll be like old times, in a way. Ada extended her offer. I ll let you know if I find anything suspicious if you do the same. Maybe I ll even help you get rid of the complications again.
The offer Ada presented to him sounded reasonable, considering their strengths. After all, who else would be better suited to work as partners in the shadows better than these two? While Leon provided the grunt work, Ada was known to wander off into the shadows and do her own thing, even providing some unknown assistance along the way. It was the same exact way how the two managed ever since the incident several days ago and way back a few years ago back in Raccoon City.Nodding at the notion, Leon would then slowly extend a hand out to Ada. "I'll shake on it." He spoke with a small smile. "Furthermore, I'll see if I can do a few things to help you out as well." He added with a quirk of an eyebrow.
It seemed as though this would work out rather well. Or so one would hope. As it was, in the here and now at least, there wasn t anything in particular that she needed to hide or an objective she was after. When it was all said and done and it came time to leave the castle for good it wouldn t be the same. But that was something she could try to forget come the next assignment. Good. This might just work. Meet me in the library on the basement level tonight after light s out. Ada took his hand, but rather than shaking it, simply held on to it between them for the moment. Her touch was cool in comparison to his grasp. My room is down the hall and to the left, number eighteen. She informed him as she began to show herself out. Feel free to visit if you re looking for a place to hide. The woman stepped past the open door, glancing back as it closed behind her. And maybe if you re bored, she added with a wink.
Perhaps it might not be so bad after all, Leon figured as he felt Ada grip his hand in hers. After all, it wasn't like Ashley was going to be kidnapped again after all the things that had happened previously. But then again, who was to say that there could be something else waiting in the wings for either one of them? After all, odd occurences just seemed to pop up on them from out of nowhere and with quite the frequency, too."I'll make sure to keep those in mind." Leon answered with a small chuckle as he watched Ada begin to leave. "You already know where I am, so drop in any time you're bored or you feel like you need something to tell me." He added as he rested his arm down on the arm of the chair he sat in.Once he was alone which to some degree he felt wouldn't be for very long, considering the other engagement he had to "attend" to Leon sat there in the silence of his room shaking his head to himself. "And so it begins..." He muttered to himself idly.
What kind of person was she supposed to be, really? Today she was a reporter, a long time ago she was a casual, middle class woman, with an interest in one of Umbrella's employees. There was a time when she didn't even wear red, but that was a long time ago. Ada Wong wasn't designed, so to speak, to be a person who looked out for anyone but herself in her profession. Yet she often found that she was still capable of transient things like attachment, integrity, inexplicable actions. She's had her moments. Some things life couldn't quite predict. She was only human.Even though the woman had picked that particular word from a few select others, she was still musing over it, wondering if it had been suitable. Nostalgia? It might have been the building and the things she perused therein. It certainly seemed to suit the ambiance. He did bring back more than a few memories. So long as her own mind kept them somewhere in her head , the world would work well enough. She only had to be careful not to surprise him too terribly much with whatever she said. The same went for herself.That night it began to rain just as anyone had predicted. The Spanish countryside was blotted out by the absence of the moon, making the castle appear and feel as isolated as it truly was. Within the refurbished rooms and lobby, the chandeliers were dimmed and people mulled about to their rooms. Deep into one of the castles studies on the ground floor, Ada looked through the bookshelves by lantern light. She was dressed much more practically, all in sleek black and boots. Most of the books had to do with anatomy, parasitology, science and biology and physics and everything beyond the scope. They weren't very interesting. Instead she was looking for something remotely possible to miss. A book on top of the highest shelf with a special script or map between the pages. A section disguised as a compartment with a key, or a switch behind a row of encyclopedias. People like herself might have believed that they had seen and traversed every bowel and niche there was to creep into, but one could never be too sure.Her best lead wasn't in anything she browsed through. It was just a sound. A muffled thump against a shelf or behind a wall, maybe beneath the ground. That wasn't the sound of the door opening. She had been comfortable with the barren room she had spoken within, with the American agent, in earlier that day. But that was because she could see everything. She knew it was empty and without bugged wires. It was a different set of circumstances now. If the sound had been Leon or not, she would find out soon enough.Extinguishing the lantern, Ada picked up the black shadow of metal from the shelf and lost her place amongst the tomes of Spanish history.
There was a lot on Leon's mind shortly after Ada left as would he when he had to go to that interview he was supposed to have gone to. Some of which was what Ada really had to say to him in regards to what she was doing back here even after all was said and done back on the island before it was blown to shambles. When the interview was done, stating that he had a prior engagement that he had to attend to, the first place he headed back to was back upstairs to his room to prepare himself for the event that was taking place later tonight down in the library.After taking what he needed his signature knife and familiar 9mm handgun out of one of attache cases he came with , he strapped the handgun to his holster near his waist on his right side and placed the small eight inch blade in its respective sheath near his left shoulder before throwing the jacket back on to cover them. To say that me might be expecting trouble would be a moot point, for in his line of work as a Special Agent it was always this very familiar mantra that has kept him alive ever since. Expect the unexpected. Corny? Yes, but it stuck with him.After stepping out of his room, he headed downstairs to the basement library with a calm look in his eyes, heaving a quiet sigh to himself as he walked on. A few short minutes passed before he stopped in front of the library doors down in the basement, looking from side to side making for certain that he wasn't followed. Once he felt that it was "safe", according to what he believed, he opened the library door and allowed himself inside then shut it behind him with an audible thump."Ada?" Leon's voice rang out in the dimly lit room. "It's only me." He added as he glanced around from side to side once more, wondering where she could possibly be in this dusty old place. For all intents and purposes, she could've possibly disappeared yet again.Figures. She's probably not here or I'm early.He thought as he walked around library, his boots offering a cadence as he moved about, passing through the various books here.
Her steps were completely silent. The gun was held up parallel to her body with her finger on the trigger and her palm steadying it, ready to fire at any given moment. It was completely natural, to be in a stance that was highly attuned to every rustle and cue, ready to react at a moment s notice. There were more sounds at hand when one stopped to listen, but she held enough restraint and discernment not to aim in the direction of every stray echo.The rain crowded and drowned out most of the sounds in a quiet and constant roar. It dimmed the talk that turned to whispers from the guest who couldn't quite sleep yet. They were actually beginning to talk about some sort of gala. The exclusive kind where champagne and dresses attempted to mimic the excess of the past. The rain also muffled the creaking around the room, mostly from the old wooden shelves that groaned constantly beneath the weight of the same books they had borne for centuries. Ada swept her way up and down the aisles like a crimson specter without her color, finding the same hollow that she had come in with, making sure to check what little she could see of the dark ceiling above. It was a wonder how she could possible see anything at all. The only light came from the nonexistent navy glow at the upper tips of the window. She remembered enough of the layout from her time basking in the shadows of the lantern.If the sound had been created by anything she had in mind, than a lack of light would be more helpful than the presence of one. She had just begun to think that the pending situation could be dismissed when it came again, this time closer. She could smell it. It was mold and dust and decay. Everything familiar. The faded wooden floor beneath her heels slipped on something that may or may not have been rain, and the moment one more indication of sound gave away a direction....That thump was definitely caused by the door. It also was the second sound she had heard, which meant that it wasn't the first. Before the fact had even been confirmed with a familiar voice, Ada had already turned around aimed her gun at the opening where the light filtered in from the hallway. The gun point rested upon the jagged rows of books along their shelves, despite being several rows over. Who knew if the bullet would make it through the shadows even if she did pull the trigger? It was better he didn't find out. She said hello and goodbye by gunpoint. Best not make it a habit to pull the trigger, too.The breath she had held was able to exhale, slowly, once Leon decided to look around the room for himself before she decided to reply. She did so by making her way back to that lantern, lighting it again.
Silence was all that Leon got in reply as he continued to meander about through the library, looking through the books that resided therein. He wasn't big on silence, for it usually led trouble and trouble as Leon put it to himself on a mental scale was never something he was easy to cope with. His bootfalls would then begin to slow themselves down progressively with each step he took before slowly reaching to his right hip under the jacket and loosened the straps on his handgun then slid it out nice and slowly, looking from left to right in silence as his heart rate began to raise slightly with the feeling that something was amiss.When he continued to hear nothing, Leon would then slowly lift the handgun up and held it with both hands near the right side of his head as his narrowed eyes continued to dart left to right with a look of suspicion on his face.From out of the darkness and to his immediate left, Leon's eyes caught the glimmer of a lantern being lit.Shit!He thought before jumping back behind the bookcase he stepped out from and clenched his teeth tightly, thinking somebody else was there. He then extended both hands with the handgun outward then rounded the corner slowly as he came face to face with a different version of Ada's silhouette near the lantern, eventually giving off a sigh of relief."Christ. You had me going for a second." He said before lowering the weapon to his right side then placed it back in its holster. "Everything alright down here?" He then asked.
By shedding a bit of light upon the situation again, Ada was expecting the attention along with its reasonable reaction. She only glanced towards him while the pale shadow cast on his movement, waiting, when he had come out and around. It seemed that the habit of sneaking up on the man was a hard one to break, even when it wasn't exactly intentional."Sorry," Ada apologized lightly with a shrug, her own gun still in her right hand. "But for what it's worth, your entrance had my attention, too." Which might have implied that he had indeed been at gunpoint without knowing it. No harm, no foul, right?"I think there was someone, or something, else in here just before you." Ada went on to tell him rather honestly. Was there really anything that was 'all right' or even remotely normal and safe in any ancient castle anymore? "Maybe it was just my imagination or a lost visitor. Or at least let's hope that's all it was. Have a look around." Whatever had been there had not used the entrance and exit that Leon had just come in from. After her sweeping of the floor in the dark, the quiet stillness that came over the room with the pair of them in the light, it was unlikely that the source of the sound was still there. Which meant there was another exit.
I had your attention too?Leon thought for a moment before glancing around the library, pondering who else could've been here at this hour of the night. Besides, most the guest that were here were retired to their rooms for the evening. When he couldn't find anything that was physically here aside from him and Ada, Leon only shook his head and shrugged his shoulders before he spoke. "I didn't see anyone or anything coming in nor was I followed." He said, keeping a wary eyed gaze trained across the expanse of the room."We might as well have a look around. Besides, I think we're all too familiar to the layout of this place, given the many surprises it had." Leon remarked as his eyes continued to look around for a little while. If not for nothing, there was a strong possibility that here was someone who knew a little bit more about this place than they did. But who?With that in mind, Leon's first course of action was to look through the various books, thinking that there might have been a hidden switch or trigger plate of some sort around here. However, he had to keep his wits about him, because according to Murphy's Law, anything that can go wrong can and will go wrong.
"Maybe it shouldn't be too surprising... If this place turned up with some new secrets. Or a few old ones," Ada thought out loud, checking the adjacent shelf along the wall where Leon had chosen to begin his search. If there really had been someone else in the room, they would have exited through the wall. All her walking around the shelves already showed that the floor was relatively solid.Scrutinizing the spines of the tomes lined up, both at eye level, below, and above, amber eyes looked for any betraying hint. If one little thing was out of place, if the dust betrayed a set of fingertips, any mark at all. The entire endeavor might have seemed pointless and tedious if not for the fact that she knew what she had heard. Unfounded paranoia was no longer a viable hunch that bothered her anymore. Anyone would suffer from the sheer stress and frequency of it.The longer they went without turning up a clue, Ada was beginning to think that it was nothing more than the old pains of the castle's groaning structure."Nothing. Any luck over there?"
Leon only continued to pass his hands over the various books of Spanish literature upuntil he spotted one particular book that had the familiarLos Illuminadosinsignia on it, causing him to stop near it and narrowed his eyes in contemplation.That's a start.Leon thought to himself as he then made a slow and steady reach for the book then gripped it. But even as he held the book while it was still on the shelf, there was something about the book that seemed different about it. It felt significantly heavier than how most hardcover books, almost as if it was being weighed down. More importantly, the feel of the book didn't feel the exact same way most books were supposed to feel, too.With a glance over to Ada before glancing back at to the object he held, Leon said, "I think I might have something for you." He stated in a quietly methodical voice before giving it a tug, pulling back years of dust and cobwebs in the process. Just as he previously thought, the book was actually a switch of some sort or another.The next sound that was heard other than the clank of something hitting the wood from under the "book" he pulled, was the sound of stone sliding across the ground. Without a second thought, Leon would then make a grab for his handgun once more then held it up upwards once more before looking to Ada and giving her a silent nod of his head.
With his nod, the woman made her way over towards the source of the sound. It might have been strange that nothing rumbled or moved as a result of the mechanics before, when there had been another departing presence. Whether or not they had found the same portal or a different one, it was clear enough that there was something to go by now.It was the same looking solid shelf that Ada walked to but the array of tomes that it held were tighter along one narrow section than the rest within the same row. It was a discrepancy that would have been difficult to see or find next to the multitude of other shelves. Even the lock was located in another section. The craftsmanship was remarkable in that no other hint was noticeable. The wood seemed to flow along one solid and complete panel. That was, until she pressed against the edge and the hidden pillar swiveled, appearing identical all the way around. She glimpsed the other side once where the wall of stone had moved behind it, and when she was certain that it was clear, stepped through with her gun up and out.The shift in the atmosphere was abrupt. The library had been warm and almost humid due to the rain, filled with the scent of yellowing pages and dust. Here it was cooler with a slight chill. The walls and floor were stone with the distinct trickling of water some ways off. They were at the top of a small staircase which led down into a deeper abyss, curving past a corner where her light of her lantern didn't quite reach."Must be a part of some waterway." She observed dryly, wondering now if she really had been there before. They had seen enough sewers in their lifetimes. She glanced back towards him, knowing he was close, before going ahead.
The whole time that Ada was leading the way, Leon would then follow suit by stay at her back while at the same time remembered that danger could also come up from behind someone and kick you in the ass when you weren't looking. It was yet another familiar mantra that he had thought of along his travels and it served him just as well.The whole time Leon stayed behind Ada, he would then turn his back towards her then slowed his steps down considerably so that his footsteps gave off little to no cadence as he glanced from side to side with his handgun held outward and steeled himself in preparation for any or all sudden movements. The last thing either one of them needed at this point as they prepared to enter the passageway through the moved bookshelf was someone or something getting the drop on them.When Leon felt the atmosphere change from the warm and humid stench of the library to the chilled one of this area, Leon glanced over his right shoulder then looked upwards to the ceiling before looking straight ahead of him once more."Won't hurt to check it out, I assume?" Leon answered in a steady and quiet voice as he then turned back around and lowered the handgun to the side before heading off after her to at least keep up with the way the lantern was moving.
Not unless there s a crocodile down there. Her evocation of the age old event apparently amused her enough to produce a short hmph of laughter. If there were anything worse than giant tarantulas, that would be it. It was one particular event that he truly had saved her from, among others. Despite the jest, she kept her focus forward as they descended down the steps. She could hardly hear his footfalls on the stair behind her over her own silent treading. The oil lantern hung from a hand, weapon at the ready and braced above it. Looks familiar, she decided after a flight must have descended a level, They all do. The longer the abyss extended, the less she expected to find. Whoever had been in the library with her likely knew their way around and had fled quickly. They were likely a ways off by then.Eventually the pair made it to the bottom. There were still no additional lights, artificial or medieval, that kept the pitch black at bay. The floor was uneven and damp, as were the walls, the low ceiling. They framed a small, dark, canal that ran through the center. It seemed that the underground moat was carved directly out of the ground some centuries ago. Who knew what unfortunate servants were assigned the task, and how often there was a cave in. The smell was remarkably neutral, wet stones and mildew. The water wasn t stagnant, so whatever waste had been there had likely passed through to where ever it flowed and led.Ada followed along one path until it split into two and she finally paused from her pressing forward to wait back by his side. Pick one.
The mere mention of a crocodile made Leon remember back to Raccoon City during their run through the sewers. In all honesty, that was the last thing he needed to be reminded of as indicated by a slightly irked reaction on his face.I needed to hear that like I needed a bullet hole in my head.He thought as he continued to keep by Ada's back while glancing down the side of the stairs."Haven't they always looked familiar to either of us?" Leon stated as then reached the bottom of the steps with her then followed her through the damp and uneven floored corridor up until the road split off into separate paths. At that point, Leon reached to his waist under his coat where he had kept a flashlight on hand then pointed it ahead of him after turning it on. It wasn't much in terms of shedding light, but at least he knew that it would provide him with a means of keeping an eye on whatever it was ahead of him."One of us going a different way or the both of us going one way?" Leon asked, looking at her with an arched eyebrow.
The light that he cast strayed from the diffuse glow of the lantern, not able to assimilate with or capture it as a glow of its own. Next to the thick dark, even light was all too easy to be lost in.At his prompt, Ada looked to return his gaze with underlying surprise. The curve of her lips and quirk of her own brow answered for her if habit's dictation alone had not been enough. It wasn't just a fork in the road that separated the pair. It was everything around them and the worlds they belonged to. Why should a little decision like this be any different? Some things changed, but not everything did."We'll catch up later." She told him as she walked, going to the left side closest to her. Networks like these always tended to run together again sooner or later.
Leon only watched as Ada left, sighing to himself once she was out of ear shot and muttered to himself, "There she goes again... And once more, I'm out here all alone." He said as he then took the right side this time, keeping the flashlight ahead of him as he walked onward, his boots giving off the same cadence he began with ever since coming down this way.For the most part as he walked, there didn't appear to be anything of major importance, for it just appeared as though it was nothing more than just what Ada described to him fairly recently. However, he couldn't quite shake the feeling as he walked by himself that there was someone or something there with him. In all honesty, this sort of thing seemed to remind him of that strangely eerie feeling he had ever since Raccoon City, doubly when he walked down that corridor that led him across the upper floor of the rundown police station which, in itself slowly became a madhouse of mangled flesh and moaning amongst other things that did not need either reminding or remembrance. But here in this waterway, all he could see and hear in this area was nothing more than the unsettling silence and darkness all around him. It was in that silence that he could hear his own heartbeat raise slightly until he could hear it thudding into his ears and his breathing became somewhat shaky.He had not gone more than 40 paces into the tunnel that something whisked by him at a great rate of speed and power, but whatever it was, it was just far too fast for him to clearly see given the limited radius the flashlight gave him. The resulting whoosh of wind would then force him off balance and dropped straight back to the ground with a thud on his rear and a grunt before looking all around, wondering just what in the fuck was that thing.There was however, just one little problem.The room was now pitch black due to the flashlight's battery cover popped off and its D batteries that powered it had been emptied out onto the ground."Shit...!" Leon hissed to himself before turning back around and scurrying back the way he came at a full sprint, not wanting to stick around for long.
She liked to think that it was much better, working alone. There were no distractions. Her attentiveness and senses were at their height. There was no one to rely on, and thus no excuse for mistakes that may have occurred as a result of consequences not her own. It was such a hassle to have to take care of somebody else and pull their weight along with her own. Just watching Leon's ordeal with the president's daughter in tow was testament to that fact.Still, she couldn't deny that Leon was capable. For all that he had insisted that they stay together, telling her not to run off on her own, working as a team, there were certain merits and situations she had been able to be pulled out of as a result. And she still repaid her debt, gratitude, nostalgia, or whatever it was that lingered, by helping to ensure his survival as well.An old and empty waterway with a runaway visitor had been the least of her worries as far as splitting up went. Ada walked down the damp corridor with her light in one hand and her lantern in the other, seeing nothing but the same rough walls, hearing the drip and run of water, and with the essence of damp mud and wet stone permeating her senses. It wasn't until she came to another fork that she paused, looking around the wall of the path to find a third. Leon wasn't anywhere in sight and that wasn't too surprising. As soon as she had begun down the path next to the one she had emerged from, she caught a discrepancy in the patterns. The ceiling was higher, darker, and filled with a multitude of bats beginning to stir for their nightly hunts. Her breath stilled to keep out the stench as she backed out from the clutch's nest, focused on disturbing them as little as possible.The moment she turned around to go another way, she noted a shadow which dropped down and swiped at her. The electric lantern bobbed and the shadows flickered on the walls, illuminating the giant winged vermin as she jumped back, a gun shot resounding with its screech. That was no normal creature. It barely doubled over at the shot embedded into its furred chest before lunging at her once more.Through the multitude of sounds, the rest of the nest began to shriek and take flight, spiraling downwards to soon fill the tunnels. Ada fired again at the one in her path and dodged past it before the tip of its clawed wing knocked the lantern from her hand. Leaving it, the lingering reach of its glow snuffed out by the bodies crowding in behind her, the woman relied on her memory to take her to where they had come. Whenever she felt the hiss of her pursuers at her ear she would fire a shot back, lending bursts of light in sparks from her gun to take a freeze frame of the scenery.It could have been anyone, or anything, that she had collided into in the dark, but she knew it was him by his scent, his form. Everything, really."Don't go left," she told him breathlessly. She had already grabbed his hand to pull him with her away from the way she had come and down the other aisle, using her other hand along the wall as a guide. Maybe it was the one he had just investigated, or another one completely. There was no time to bother with a slope of stairs that the things could sweep up upon. By that point, the more convoluted, the better. It sounded as if the beating of wings were everywhere in her ears.
It would only be a matter of time that trouble would soon start for someone and Leon felt as though he had entered the epicenter of it all once more. And trouble, he felt, was honestly the last thing on his mind. As he kept running at the same clip, Leon would then hear something coming his way once again. Then again, it wasn't so much as it was coming his way when it was more like in the very same direction he had heard it coming from. It sounded like it was going back a ways, but he could definitely hear the sounds of gunfire two shots, to be precise somewhere far off. It was the the only thing he could make out, but the sound was unmistakably clear. It was Ada's gun.Great. Now it I got two problems to solve now. One, I gotta get out of wherever this hellhole is and find Ada along the way!He thought as he kept charging along with a head full of steam until something or someone slammed into him at about the same clip he had been running at, causing Leon to trip over the foot of something and crashed onto the side of his body and skidded a few extra feet.Looking around, he could then make out a familiar scent a female scent at that as according to the perfume he could smell. Even by the voice he heard, it was once again unmistakably clear."Fancy running into you." Leon answered back with a bit of sarcasm as he then picked himself off of the ground then glanced at her with the same look on his face despite it felt as though he had given himself a self inflicted case of road rash. By then, he could then feel Ada's hand grip his own then led him down the same pathway he went down earlier. At least that was what he thought, anyway."Is it already a bit late to tell you to not come down this way either?" He then asked in a raggedly breathing voice.
She was not only winded from the run but also the fall, though Leon had likely taken the brunt of the collision. No matter how disoriented or what vertigo fought against a more balanced state to be, they had to keep moving. The dark and the impending sense of the confines could take out anyone with a sense of claustrophobia. Her concern was not so much the sense that they were completely lost and blind than trying to lose the horde that followed behind them."Yes." Ada had answered his delayed warning, not that there had been sufficient time or choice to decide or go anywhere otherwise. They were still running and it was a reckless thing to do in the dark. A part of her wanted to blame him for getting caught up in their predicament. She had been thinking about him enough to be distracted into stumbling upon a rook of the winged vermin. Her methods were hardly this sloppy or direct. At the same time, it was his luck and help that would get them out of it eventually.While she had no idea why Leon would not suggest the path they currently took, they didn't seem to collide into anything. Yet. What they needed was a place to duck out into for the colony to pass. The palm of her fingerless glove was ragged as it dragged along the wall to predict the turned and corners until finally the wall broke to begin again in the shape of a covered circle. In the midst of their sprinting, she grabbed the edge of the metal structure and abruptly halted them both."In here!" She told him as she pulled him next to the niche in the wall. Before she could completely scramble into the tight area or help to pull the cover shut, the wind from the flying pursuers hit while they passed, their sonic screeching grating her ears while the leathery wings swept and tugged at anything in their way.
Leon would eventually keep the pace with Ada as his strides soon picked up despite his hand was still being held by her. Eventually, the screeching of those winged pests would soon begin to build as he looked back into the blackness of the tunnel under the assumption they were coming up quicker than he anticipated when he also heard the beating of wings growing closer and closer. After a few moments, Leon could feel those things zipping past him, getting an agitated set of sounds coming from him and swinging his free hand around in continued frustration. "Get off of me!" He growled before raising his handgun back and squeezed off three rounds as well, causing the same number flashes of brief light to appear in back of them. One shot struck a bat squarely in its face, causing it to fall into a bloodied mess. Another zipped through the wing of another bat, causing it to screech painfully and slam into the side of the tunnel with a dull thump. The third shot however, wasn't as successful as the others were, for it just ricocheted off the side of the tunnel and struck the ground harmlessly.Even with that showing, the bats just seemed to keep up with the chase and the screeching as the two continued to keep running through up until Ada made the move to pull themselves away from the screeching and such and hide inside of some sort of niche. It was definitely a tight fit considering where they were, but sometimes a tight fit was better than staying out there with that racket and the number of those dreaded things. Speaking of the racket, it was so raucous, that even Leon had a hard time trying to keep himself from ripping his ears off. With a great deal of effort considering the amount of noise, Leon would then force himself to then reach up to the lid Ada was trying to close and gave her the requested assistance to eventually pull it shut with a long groan, eventually shutting it after a while.
A heavy heave was all that it took for the iron grate to swing shut to a close. The groan of its hinges were drowned out by the high pitched squealing that echoed and reverberated off of the cavern walls. It was a small portal that they found themselves in, and from the feeling of the opposing wall not even an arm's length away, there was a rusted grate to barricade the other side. The constant sound of water made it very likely that they had taken up a temporary residence within one of several drain networks.Being able to take a brief respite from the sprinting they had just done, Ada rested against a much warmer and palpable form than the concrete outlining the niche. The space was as limited from the door to the wall as it was from side to side. It would have been manageable for one adult. As it was, Ada found herself crowding into what was left of the additional space, and that meant coming rather close to her partner. She was hardly preoccupied with where the details were so long as the sound stopped and she could catch her breath. Each part fell into place sooner than later anyway. Her thighs straddled his waist, head rested on his shoulder, and breathy exhalations brushed against his neck as the air attempted to catch up with her.Both of her palms pressed against the curve of the circular sloping wall behind him, but her weight was against his form regardless. In comparison, she was so lithe and slender. Feminine. More than the beating the passing wings on the other side of the wall, she listened to his heartbeat.
Not long after the lid was shut, Leon let a small sigh of relief rush out of him slowly before he laid his head back on the wall, his breathing slowly returning to normal within minutes even after of all that running to get into this small hideaway. It wasn't much, Leon figured, but it was far better than having to continue to fend off those winged rats out there. Either that or god knows what else.Another thing he noticed as he stayed right there with Ada was that she was straddling his waist and had her head laying down on his chest, possibly looking pretty winded after all of that running. Not for nothing, but even after something like that, he couldn't really blame her. After all of the BS he had to put up with in his previous line of work despite being on the job for one day he would want something comfortable to curl up onto as well. Shame it wasn't quite available to him at the given moment, so he had to put up with it for right now.Some moments later, Leon wedged his other hand out of the cramped space between his thigh and the wall and reached it outwards before resting the palm of his hand on Ada's back and patted it a few times gently before looking down at her. "You alright down there?" He asked.
The most of her stalling was attempting to come to terms with the carelessness that had gotten them into the current position in the first place. That wasn't to say that she could have known or predicted the overhang of bats waiting for her along the path she chose. It wasn't something that could be planned and thus avoided. Still, it had been a setback she had not counted on. In her line of work, that was never something to aspire to. The fact that they were also better off without a light, as she had so naturally noted on colliding with Leon, meant that there might have been more surprises just lying in wait for them to come out.When the ringing on the other side of the metal grate seemed to finally die down, the creatures either finding flight out from the tunnels or going down endlessly along another path, it was time for them to move, too."Never better," Ada responded with an unseen curve of her lips. Maybe it was tinged with a hint of sarcasm, but only barely. She arched her back slightly, slowly craning her head to push up from the ground and his form. A puff of warm air blew briefly over the skin behind his ear as she did so. It was an innocent exhale, really. As innocent as Ada could be, anyway."Ready to go?" She asked, partially sitting, partially hovering, over him with her back against the curve of the wall.
Leon nodded in reaction to Ada's question, despite he gave a slight shiver due to that puff of air blowing past his ear. Nevertheless, he decided against reading too much into what she was doing despite the fact she was moving around so slightly."Yeah, we should probably get going. Never know what this place is going to be like once the real fun begins." He answered before pressing his other hand to the curve of the wall behind him then pushed forward, accidentally brushing his thigh in between her crotch as he attempted to stand up straight.After the accidental brush, Leon jerked his leg back from Ada's crotch suddenly as he then straightened up slowly. "Sorry about that." He said. | 46 | ['Kennedy', 'S', 'Wong'] |
108 | | A Skull Grunt’s Bet(Encryptment & RocketGirl) | I wasn t like the trainers who just hung around on the routes after becoming older, I had a title to protect, and even though becoming an adult, it didn t change my love for exploring the islands, finding more Pok mon, and just relaxing on the grounds of the tropical beaches. Even though Guzma disbanded Team Skull and became a pretty famous golfer, there were still some people who just couldn t quit the grunt lifestyle. I d encounter them from time to time, mostly whenever they d see me they d know who I am and turn tail after beating them in battle after battle for so many years. Though it seems like with the new season coming around, they were getting themselves some new recruits.On one of the days, enjoying laying in some of the tall grass where the Pok mon usually reside, it seems like one of these new Team Skull members was looking for newer trainers to pick on for their Pok mon and Pok dollars, after getting attention of the Grunt, it seems like no one taught her not to mess with people around here, nor who I was. It was easy to tell by the look of what seemed like confidence in her eyes, while she decided to speak her part.
Rebecca had been seen as a lowly Skull Grunt for way too long. The problem here was two fold. She had ambitions of being respected by the other grunts, to rise up and be an admin. But she was too stubborn to listen to the other's, particularly when told that Team Skull was no more. She had been proving herself a lot though recently, hustlin' and layin' the smack down on some 'loser' trainers, when she came across another lowly trainer. Team Skull, represent! We can t pay the rent! Had a lot of fun, but our youth was misspent! She yelled at him threateningly. "Look looser, I'm going to take you down. Pokemon battle. Three on three, all cash in. Our Eye's have met, now you have a bet, Yo!" She thumbed her Pokeballs that she kept on her leg garter, knowing that she had a team that far surpassed any normal grunt with their Yungoose and Salandit.
Seeing the grunt's team was a bit more advanced than just a Golbat or a slowpoke, I knew it wouldn't take much to beat though, switching through a few of my pokemon, I bring out my Mimikyu, Decidueye, and a Ditto, just to go a bit easy on her. "Fine then, if you're really looking to lay all your money on the line, don't hate me once I clean out your savings." Releasing my pokemon from their balls onto the field, I wait for her, knowing full well all my pokemon are over level 50. This was gonna be another easy battle with just a naive grunt.
Rebeccaturned and shook her assat the trainer. "Kiss my butt!" She said as she flung her own three Pokemon onto the field. In a glow of white out popped an Ekans, a Mareanie and a Pawniard, all of them raring for a juicy battle. She doubted his Pokemon could be stronger than her own, all three sitting in the mid 30's range, which she thought was quite good."For this juicy pot, I'll give you all I got!" She said in an intimidating tone as the Ekans' ability kicked in against his Pokemon, lowering their attack. She was determined to get another notch on her belt from a trainer thoroughly trashed. "He's not so hot!" She thought to herself. making sure that each of her Pokemon lined itself up against his own.
It didn't take long once my turn was up and Decidueye using Spirit Shackle on the Mareanie, taking it out of the battle instantly in one swift hit. Using the Ghost Z Crystal, it powered up Mimikyu's Shadow Claw against the Ekans, taking it out as well. All that was left was Pawniard against my ditto. "Are you sure you wanna boast when you haven't really thought through about who you were up against?" I boasted, as my Ditto transformed into her Pawniard, mimicking all its moves, stats, and ability. "Your move, and sorry, there won't be any backing out now that you've bet this much!" Smirking, I let my chamionship badge out from under my scarf.
We stand up to even the strong, yo! We stand up, but not for long, yo!" She called out. She was starting to sweat a little though, She'd never been so handily pushed back, not by any trainer, let alone some random kid she challenged. She knew that her wallet was practically empty anyway, so losing here was more a matter of pride than anything. He was pushy and over confident, but had the means to back it up, unlike herself. She called for her Pawniard to useFeint Attackon the Decidueye, but it didn't quite take out the Pokemon as she had hoped, although it did seemingly do a decent enough job."This is whack yo! you set me up yo!" she called over, her pride still there enough to talk smack to him.
Set you up? Hey you re the one that challenged me to a fight and I agreed. Probably should ve specified some rules for the battle instead of reading through page one of the grunt guidebook lady! I call out to her, smirking as I was ready to finish her off now, Decidueye, Spirit Shackle! With that, Decidueye landed a hard and final blow onto the weaker Pawniard, instantly fainting it. Look, I m hoping that next time, you learn to just avoid me, or I ll crush you in another battle, like you and the rest of the grunts. I mean, your leader decided to take an easier life instead of doing this all the time.
"Our leader is great, yo! But he don't decide my fate, yo!" She said in the standard tone of her comrades. She was disgusted that she was so easily toppled by some random trainer. She tossed her last 5 Poke on the ground in front of him, showing how little she had when she'd offered the challenge. She looked over at the fainted bodies of her teammates, recalling them to their balls one after the other."Well, I'm taking my leave." She said, slowly turning her back upon her opponent, kicking the dust momentarily in a huff. She didn't leave immediately, her defeat washing over her as she found disgust in herself.
Alright then, good luck, I ll be here all week long if you want to get beat again! I call out towards her, before leaning down to pick up the pokedollars and turning round to go back to running in circles to hatch some eggs I was holding. As it seemed that a lot of trainers were doing it for optimal egg hatching. I knew she d be back not too long after, as grunts are just stubborn that way, they never truly gave up their ways. After not too much longer in the field, I made my way back to my house to rest for the night.Making my way back to the field again after picking up my daily eggs, and dropping off extra Pok mon to some labs for other trainer s starters to continue training my Pok mon as well as hatching more eggs.
The bitter grunt ran off, vowing to herself that the events of the battle wouldn't deter her. She wasn't a reckless trainer generally, but she wasn't one to cower in the face of strength so easily.She remained close to the Pokemon center, picking off trainers that were desperate to get their Pokemon healed. She was crafty in that way. Instead of fighting them for cash. She battled for any candy or valuable items that they were carrying. In no time at all she had pocketed enough to pump up her team, her Mareanie and Ekans evolving as her team reached level 40 across the board instead.Her thirst for revenge led her to run back to him, thoroughly unprepared and ready to take him down a peg. "Yo!" She called out, watching him run around in circles. "I'll be taking your cash now!"
I wasn t keeping idle the entire time she was gone, which didn t seem like long, as I managed to hatch some more Pok mon, and raise my Pok mon team up to level 59, which didn t seem like much of an improvement, but their hidden stats are where their power lies. When she finally came back, I sighed, so ready to get this over with, and hoping that she would stop. Alright, well do you even have any cash this time? I ve heard of a grunt robbing trainers near the poke center for their rare candies and items. So if you don t have any money, what will you bet? And unlike you, I don t bet rare candies or items, so don t even think about it.
Rebecca was confident to play his little game, expecting that she wasn't going to lose. "Well sugar? What do you want then, I definitely ain't carrying no cash yo!"She cocked her hips and span a Pokeball upon her finger, the undeserved confidence almost oozing out from her body. She looked him up and down, her return hadn't taken long, and nothing seemed to have changed with him. This only furthering her undeserved confidence as she laughed, her Skull necklace bouncing against her modest chest.
Hmm, well then, I ll take your clothes! Head to toe, all of them, that cool? After shouting that to her, there was no way she was going to accept such high stakes just to beat me, was she? Willing to lose the clothes off her own back just for one battle, then again, with curves like hers, it wouldn t be bad for her to lose.
Rebecca laughed at his proposition, more a sign of her over confidence than her worry at the terms of his deal. "Damn yo! If you don't want to have a beat down I can just take your cash now yo! No need to try and scare me off!" She tossed her ball in the air, winking playfully before she caught the ball once again.She stood firmly, looking sternly at her opponent. "Fine. Double battle dude. I'll win your cash. In the unlikely event of my loss, you get every bit of fabric that touches my skin." She said. Making a finger gun motion before tossing out her Toxapex and Pawniard.
I didn't expect her to take on the bet, but now I guess i'll have to show her up now. After she threw out her pokemon, I tossed out mine as well, a pair of good fighters who were a perfect match against hers. The first was to go against her Toxapex, it was my lvl 52 Alolan Raichu next, was to go up against her Pawniard, it was my lvl 55 Passimian. "Fine then, since you want to go with a double battle, we'll have to raise the stakes, won't we? Well then, how about after you've been stripped, you get down on your knees and apologize to me!" I wanted her to stop, even if I knew that she wouldn't no matter how much I would put her through. "Since you started the battle, i'll at least let you get a hit in before I finish this battle."
She knew she deserved that cash, or at least to get her own money back. She nodded slightly, as if to agree to his terms, lying to herself that she actually had any chance of winning. She licked her teeth a little, assessing the situation. She never thought that she was a bad battler, but this trainer struck total fear into her about her abilities. Looking at him there, standing so confidently was the first tingling of any doubt she had about her actual ability to win.Rebecca called out for Toxapex to useBaneful Bunker whilst she called pot for Pawniard to use Dark Pulse a wave of dark purple energy flying towards everyone on the field.
I could tell what her intentions were with this battle, as well as see her fear in the way she spoke. As she usedDark Pulse both pokemon had been damaged, but it was an effective move against Raichu in this battle suffering a nice quarter of his health in damage, Passimian wasn't as phased by it though. As it was my turn now, I had Passimian useGiga Impacton Pawniard taking down most of its health, bringing it into the red. Meanwhile, I knew the move she was talking about but played into her little game, letting Raichu attack Toxapex withQuick Attackand get poisoned from the attack.
Rebecca smirked, to her it seemed as if she was going to win. She had set up her moves perfectly, as far as she was concerned. She looked over to the frail Pawniard, knowing full well that he was likely to not make it to the end of the match, but she pushed forward regardless. The way Toxapex was battling was a stark contrast to how easily she had been taken out earlier that same day by this same trainer.She smiled once again with undeserved confidence. She called for the Pawniard to useDark Pulse once more, the move working wonders in her mind at taking both opposing Pokemon down a notch or too. With this she also examined the Raichu, it definitely looked as ifBaneful Bunker had done it's job, setting her up for her Toxapex's next move. She called out for it to attack the Raichu as well, following her last move up with a double strengthVenoshock.
While the attack against Raichu didn t take him out, it did leave him on low health, and Passimian was far from half health. Having Passimian use the same moveGiga Impacttook Pawniard down, Raichu didn t have to worry aboutBaneful Bunkeranymore, so I had him useThunderon Toxapex, taking it down into the red, being effective against it.
Rebecca was thoroughly shocked at the turn of events. She was slowly beginning to realize that perhaps this trainer was better than she expected. However, she was never one to admit defeat so easily, especially considering the wager she had placed down upon the battle. Both here and in the battle she was on her back leg. She suddenly realized that if she handed over her clothing, she had no way of buying any replacements, her satchel just full of items and a few items of jewelry at this point.She knew that she had to make an effort to follow up her attack and make the most of the arena. She called out for Toxapex to useSurf, knowing that she had to make some more notches on Passimian if she had any hopes of winning her battle and keeping her dignity.
Surf barely had an effect on Passimian or Raichu, it took Passimian to half health, but it took Raichu to a quarter health. Finally being my turn again, I had Passimian use Giga Impact again, to finish Toxapex once and for all. And it took her entire team down, once and for all.Laughing lightly, I brought my Pok mon back into their balls, after that, I finally walked back over to her, with a huge smirk on my face. So then, about our bet?
Seeing Toxapex fall limp against the battlefield, she could feel her heart drop. She may have been a thief and a criminal, but she was one that wouldn't neg on a bet. She took a step back, tossing her bandanna and hat out in front of her, almost as if she was setting a boundary for him to follow. Having him see her face was rough enough, but she was quickly going to end up in a very compromising situation.She crossed her arms in front of her as she grabbed the hem of her t shirt. She lifted the thin material quickly, making no show of it as she tossed it to the floor also, her large skull medallion falling back against her chest. Her bra was an innocent looking pink lace with the clasp in the front, a stark contrast to the outfit she wore to match her teammates. Once the ill fitting t shirt was removed from her body, it was obvious that her breasts were more sizable than they had appeared beforehand.She felt embarrassed, but really didn't want to drag out the situation, and soon her shorts and boots were a part of the ever growing pile of her clothing. Her socks were a pale white trainer sock,clashing heavily with her black silk panties, the woman standing there in her underwear.
Scooping up the clothing, I smirked, looking the girl over as I make a grabbing motion with my hands. "And here I thought you Skull Grunt girls didn't wear bras, guess I was wrong. And...I didn't say just your outer clothing, I meant all of it.....and don't forget you're going to need to get down on your knees." I said, stuffing the now strewn clothing into an extra bag I had. "After that...well, your pokemon are knocked out, so its not like you could win them back, could you?" Grinning, I took just a step closer over the emotional boundary she had set. "Plus, you look much cuter without the bandana."
"I'm getting to it!" she snapped, her nerves getting the better of her. The way he was teasing her, staring at her, it made her nervous, but she could also feel herself getting aroused. It was something she had never done before. She wanted to ague that she still had Pokemon left, but the whole thing seemed like a moot point at this juncture. She started with the socks, peeling them off of her feet slowly, trying to buy time before she had to remove anything else. She tossed the small pieces of white cotton, the pair falling heavily to the dusty scrub.Now she was stood in just her underwear, timidly deciding which item to shed first. She fumbled with the waistband of her silk panties, before moving to play with the straps on her bra. She felt like he might be annoying him with how long she was taking, but she was fighting against her modesty at this point. She decided to bite the bullet, grabbing the panties and pushing them down to her ankles before kicking them over to him. She shivered a little, the cool air rushing over her nethers, her pink hair shaved into a little heart over it.She felt ever so exposed, taking off her medallion before reaching up and unclasping the toggle between her breasts, arching her back and flinging the pink lace. Her breasts bounced free of their casing, her nipples standing firm upon her chest as they were exposed. Her body bared for all that cared to look.
Thankfully the two of us weren t really close to any town, so being in almost the open near fields of tall grass gave her a slight bit of cover from any passing trainer. After she kicked off her panties, I smirked and chuckled, Huh, I always wondered if the carpet matched the drapes, guess I was right, and such a cute pattern too. Though after she finished with every last piece of cover, I picked it all up, putting them into the bag. Perfect, now then, I hope you didn t forget about the second part of our deal, right grunt? I said, walking closer to her, eyeing her up and down, taking in each and every single bit of bare skin.
She took one knee, exposing her little slit, then two, hiding it once again. With each drop of her height her breasts swayed substantially, her obviously malleable breasts needing support to halt their movement as she moved. She paused as her breasts settled, feeling more embarrassed by the little things her body was doing now than the actual nakedness in front of another human being. The wind blew through the trees, her nipples puckering as the cold air rushed around her."I'm sorry for trying to take your items" She said, as sincerely as she could muster.
As she settled herself down, and after I ve made sure to crush her spirit a little, it was glad to see the rewards. The naked girl down on her knees apologizing was quite a sight, to see such a reformed grunt. But it was time to break her spirit once again, Hah, that s alright of an apology if you can call it that. This may make me feela littlebetter...but it doesn t make up for all you ve done. No, I want an apology for that, and it ll also get you your clothing back. I said, before looking down at her, dropping the bag of clothing behind me. I slowly begin to unbutton and unzip my jeans, dropping them to the ground, along with my boxers. After which, I said, I ll make sure to make you learn from your mistakes and apologize for real to me.
She thought it was over, so it was all the more of a shock when the man stood in front of her and began to unbuckle. She couldn't believe that this was where it was headed, but it wasn't like she could protest. She was here, on her knees, naked as the day she was born. Nobody would have any sympathy for the situation she had gotten herself into.Her eyes were naturally drawn to the dick that was mere feet from her face, dead in her eyeline. The sight was unlike anything she had seen before, which only made her all the more nervous. What was he expecting, more importantly, what was he expecting her to do ... with that!? Her breathing quickened as she felt all the more naked than she had before, her petite naked body essentially free game for him right now. She wondered if this had been his plan from the start, almost as if she had waltzed into his trap. But ultimately it didn't matter, she was in his domain now.
It was truly my plan from the start of the battle, to make sure she learned her place. I could see the fear and nervousness in her eyes when I presented it in front of her, and it only brought a grin to my face. Walking ever so closer up to her with the base of my cock in hand, my shaft only now mere inches away from her face I let go of it, letting it drop directly against her face. The hard 7 1 2 inches slid across the length of her quite scared face, over her eye, cheek, and mouth. And after what felt like minutes, were merely only seconds that went by, before I opened my mouth once again. "Now, i'm sure you grunts haven't had much experience in the sex ed. department, but i'm sure with some 'hands on' experience, you'll learn pretty fast."While this was going on, most likely unknown to the naked girl on her knees, there were other trainers catching and battling pokemon now, inhabiting the field more and more, though thanks to the tall grass the two were in, they were pretty concealed.
With his dick rubbing over her face, she wasn't sure how to react. She really was stuck between a cock and a hard place. He might actually hurt her but, as strong as she was, she would basically be helpless to do anything about it. She may have gotten herself into something she couldn't get out of ...She turned to crawl away, and then stopped suddenly. She felt very awkward, and didn't have another word to say either. She was about to leave out of pure embarrassment, but she really did have to honour her bet. She was a grunt of her word. Her slit glistened in the low light, her body cold from the exposure. On all fours she was like a Miltank, her breasts swinging beneath her like udders.
Setting down the bag, I pulled out the bandana and slowly got closer to her. After getting behind the quite helpless girl, I positioned myself to line up the head of my big friend with her slightly wet slit. I reached forward and wrapped the bandana around her face, knowing she'd want to hide it at least.Not even a second after though, I pushed, forcing my cock into her awaiting slit. Feeling the tight wetness, it felt warm yet a bit cold with her body temperature, so I decided a good dicking down would fix that.
She could feel the bandanna tied aback around her face before the near immediate stretching of her pristine slit to accommodate something insanely thick and warm. She could feel him deep inside of her, stretching her, the unfamiliar sensation causing her to squeal."W...wait..." she said, his hips pressed firmly against her ass, the entirety of his throbbing girth filling her. She couldn't believe that losing to this man had put her in this position both metaphorically and physically. "... I ... I'm not ready. ... I'm not on protection ... I ... ahhhn." She said, finding any excuse she could think of that might end up sticking. Hoping he would leave her be in some manner.
He didn't care for her excuses, nor was he putting up with them. "Well then, if you're not on protection then you're going to either have to overpower me or beg me to pull out when I get close." I said down to her. I had already taken her down a peg with the battles and the stripping, but I wanted to utterly break her and make her reform.My hands were going to work, sliding down her body and latching onto those hanging breasts of hers, groping and teasing her nipples. While down below, with each thrust I was pushing her against the ground, forcing her ass to stick up more for me. The sounds of the wet slapping of each thrust into her got louder and louder, the friction definitely causing her skin to warm up a bit more. | 33 | ['Guzma'] |
109 | | Threads Through Time [Avengers - rskde & virginia] | Lucille Lowewas not nearly as enthusiastic as her best friend about this double date. Sure, she'd agreed and she'd put a decent bit of effort into her outfit even the large red bow tied around the band holding her ponytail in place was perfectly shaped thanks to Edith, and Lucille would have lying if she were to say she didn't feel cute in her navy blue halterneck dress and reasonable heels. Of course her friend had also casually insinuated that the fact that her bright red lipstick that all but matched her bow was a bit excessive and made her stand out in a bad way, but Lucille knew better than to take pre date Edith at her word, the leggy blonde always got a little nitpicky before a date that she was particularly excited for. If she'd thought that it was true, she might have joked that Edith was concerned about being outshone but that was impossible because there wasn't a person Earth who shone brighter than Edith did.They were meeting their dates in town, something Lucille had insisted on instead of letting the men come pick them up because what if they turned out to be creeps, so it was a brief cab ride and a little walk away but that was fine. It was a nice afternoon just cool enough to be comfortable but not cold enough to need a sweater, probably not until night hit. The plan would probably take all afternoon first the ferry to Coney Island because Edith had thought it would be romantic, having heard about a particularly romantic ferry ride that a coworker went on, then an afternoon at the theme park. And it did sound fun, Lucille was just... not sure what she was supposed to get out of it. She wasn't really looking to date, not when she had a job lined up and starting in a few months, and double dates with Edith rarely worked out well on account of them having vastly different tastes in men. "If he's like the last one, I'm quitting and going to a bar." At two in the afternoon on a Saturday. Her best friend had a type, and his type tended to attract a sort of friend that Lucille wasn't nearly as interested in as Edith was. "No, Lou. He assured me that his friend was very kind, and had a lot of energy. He did sort of mention he was on the shorter side, but I didn't think that would matter much to you." No, that didn't matter much to her. She perhaps preferred it when she didn't have to crane her head to look up at the man. At only five foot five inches, the tall, broad shouldered friends of Edith's dates that she met were a neck cramp waiting to happen. Not that she didn't like her men... manly. She appreciated it just as much as anyone, it just wasn't the only thing that mattered.Chances were she would end up just entertaining her date while trying to make sure that Edith's went well, that had happened before. If things were ever too bad she was sure she could ask her friend and they could leave, but it wouldn't happen. She would put up with the worst date in the universe if her best friend was having fun, which meant that they both knew that her threat about disappearing off to a bar was nothing more than bluster.Lucille's lack of investment left Edith to be on lookout. And look out she did, letting out an immediate "I see them!" the moment the two men were visible. A second later though he blonde's face fell and she looked down at her shorter friend. "Oh Lou I'm sorry. James didn't tell me that... well, you're not really looking to date right now anyway, right? Because I was told that he was a great person to talk to." Lucille, curious about why her friend's tone had switched to one of sympathy, stretched up onto the tips of her toes to get a look at where her friend was staring. Oh indeed. There was the man she had to assume was James, and next to him was a short, scrawny blonde who looked like he might blow away if a breeze picked up. I m underwhelmed. I m so sorry Lou, he barely counts as a date, if you don t want to do this, we can what? I was talking about James, you were talking him up but I'm unimpressed. She laughed as Edith tried to hit her with her purse, dodging out of the way easily and taking a few quick steps to put herself ahead of her friend for 'safety' before they came to a stop by the men who were waiting for them.
Steve Rogershad been dragged around by his buddy, Bucky Barnes, on a whole lot of double dates over the years. They were complete opposites, though Steve really seemed to get into more trouble than Bucky did, people never really wanted to mess with Bucky because of how big and strong he was but Steve.. Well, he was practically a punching bag for any prick with a mind to hit him. However, his determination was unmatched by most people, having already tried to enlist in the United States Army multiple times, despite not being physically fit due to many conditions he had, such as a weak skeleton and a multitude of other physical deformities that stopped him from being able to go to war with the Nazis or the Japs.. If the Army wouldn't even take him, he doubted that the Marines would even look at him with a straight face, not that he would want to join them anyway, what with his best friend already enlisting in the Army.Bucky looked damn good in his uniform, wearing it practically every opportunity that he had, having already passed basic training and having orders to go on with the first wave of soldiers to go to Europe, though only the soldiers going knew exactly where, there seemed to be Nazi spies everywhere nowadays, something that they were always on the lookout for in case any secrets are spilled. Little did the population know, orders to wherever in Europe the Boys were headed to was the least secret thing that the government had their hands in at the moment. Steve wanted to find a date just about as bad as any guy did, but truth be told the real reason he had accepted going on the date was to visit the recruiting station at the amusement park they would be going to.. He had a feeling that this date would end like every other one did, with Bucky having his arms around both girls and going off to a hotel or to his home for some fun with the two, they would leave him alone to do his own thing. He had honestly lost count of the amount of names he had used to try and enlist, but it was definitely enough to earn him some jailtime if he continued.. He just wasn't the type of man to stand by while everyone else was shipping out to fight the good fight, the war that everyone would be known as heroes for fighting. This war against the Nazis was like a fairy tale coming true, the heroes going off to fight the villains and winning, because they had to. They had already kicked the Italians and Germans out of Africa, now it was time to take the fight to the Japanese in the Pacific and the Germans in Europe, Steve had to get in on this thing if it was the last thing he ever did.He takes a breath and pulls his cotton jacket to straighten it, having dressed casually nice for the double date, while he didn't expect it to go anywhere, he was still a gentleman at heart, and would dress to impress like any sane man going on a date. Bucky practically towered over him, standing at six foot something, while Steve was around five foot eight, making him hard to see in a crowd and often forcing him to use Bucky as his lookout when around a lot of people."There they are." Bucky grins while motioning to the two that were whispering to one another, prompting Steve to look them. "Don't stress too much, Steve, I made sure she was pretty." Bucky grins, though Steve knew that was probably more for his friends benefit than his own, it was pretty hard for him to even talk to women, not being confident or having the looks or body that attracted women of this day and age. On top of that, he didn't have the panty dropping uniform that Bucky now donned, scoring bonus points with any woman who felt like doing their patriotic duty of sending off a soldier before he went to go to war."Which one's mine?" Steve asks while glancing at Bucky."Redish hair, blonde's mine." The soldier gives the two a wave while they started to close the distance.Steve takes a nervous breath, straightening his jacket once more as they got closer, at least this one was shorter than him, Bucky had often forgotten that Steve stood a little on the shorter side, which had led to a few awkward encounters of a generally taller woman.. in high heels.. He shudders at the thought."Heya girls, you ready for this ferry." Bucky gives that dazzling smile while almost immediately taking Edith's hand, they had hit it off pretty fast beforehand, unlike Steve and his date."I'm Steve." He offers out his hand to Lucille, a sort of awkward gesture for someone you were going on a date with.. Then again, he wasn't quite sure how else to greet a date.
The auburn haired woman's nose wrinkled, not towards Steve but towards Edith and Bucky, who were already holding hands and heading towards the ticket booth. She glanced back at the skinny blonde man and reached out, grasping his hand firmly to shake it like it wasn't odd at all. She wasn't sure if that was his intended gesture or not, but that was what she was willing to offer at the moment. "Lucille." He was taller than he looked from a distance part of that was probably because his friend was tall, but he was also just so skinny that he seemed smaller than he was. Still, their eyes were nearly level when she was wearing her heels.The other two already knew each other and knew they were interested, this was always what happened. Edith and the guy she definitely wanted to kiss would dart ahead while Lucille had to meet and gauge whatever stranger she'd been presented with. Steve had a nice face, and he had the bonus of being slotted immediately into the category of 'safe', which was more than some men she'd been introduced to got. "Should we go get tickets? I'm sorry your friend was so willing to humor Edith." Ferries weren't romantic, they were like... water cabs. "She gets... ideas in her head, and it seems like everyone just sort of goes along with it. So let's go get to know each other on the tourist boat, I guess?" She was interested in talking to Steve, at least. It would be boring if they just ignored each other the whole time. "She'll figure out it's not romantic when it takes three times as long to get to Coney island as it would have if we took a cab over the bridge and everything smells like fish." Her lips quirked upwards a little, green eyes bright with amusement but also a little bit of mischief like the fact that she thought this wouldn't work out the way her friend wanted was their little secret.Carefully, she dug into her small white purse to find the money that she would need for the ferry. She had cleaned it out recently, so now it only had her lipstick, wallet, and a pocket knife. Should she always have a knife on her? Maybe not. Did she always have a knife on her? Yeah, pretty much. It was a useful thing to have."But the theme park will be a nice place to be, I think. I sort of like the games I know some of them are rigged, but that's just extrachallenge." Another little spark in her eyes, and an easy grin. Lucille was going to give this a shot, at least in the way that she could have a sort of friend to hang out with until the date was over. It would be more fun than silently walking with him or trying to ignore him, and as long as he didn't do anything weird or rude she was willing to give him a chance.
Steve and Lucille seemed to fall a little behind as Bucky and Edith immediately started to make their way towards the 'romantic' ferryride that the group was supposed to take together, though Steve had a feeling that it wouldn't be very fun, really the amusement park was meant to be the main attraction of the night. Bucky had probably just picked the ferry to have plenty of time to lock lips with the gorgeous blonde that he had met beforehand. "It's nice to meet you." He gives her a sort of nervous smile, having never been really good with these sorts of situations, Bucky had always managed to drag him into double dates that ended poorly for him, it was just routine at this point.Lucille seemed different though, like she wasn't interested in Bucky at all.. That interested him, considering his 'date' was normally all over him just like Bucky's date was. So maybe this could work, or at least he would be able to just talk to her and get to know her a bit.. He could be social! Right? Steve bites the inside of his cheek while looking over to the mentioned ferry and laughing. "I think Bucky only agreed so that they would be stranded together." He admits while looking at the two already getting on the boat. "What if we didn't get tickets?" He looks to her while stuttering a bit, it was a bold idea, to separate from his buddy and his date. "They already know each other and.. Honestly it gets a bit depressing to see your buddy end up with the girl every time." He admits with a small smile on his face. "We could get a cab, beat them to Coney Island.. And not smell like fish." He offers, using the words that she had used to describe the ferry ride, truth be told there seemed to be nothing romantic about it, and if they were away from the already happy couple, maybe they could do their own thing."And still get to know each other in a vehicle of some manner." He slips his hands into his pockets and looks to the beautiful woman in front of him, Bucky often found him beautiful dates, but none of them had ever been interested in really even talking to Steve past an introduction and firm handshake, they always crowded Bucky."You'll not believe it, but I'm really good at carnival games." It was true, his philosophy in life was to not give up, he had practiced those games every time he had gone to the carnival with his parents and had gotten pretty good at the games, maybe he could win her a few prizes before going to the recruiting center.. That wouldn't be so hard. "Or we could always just ride the slow water cab and talk there." He offers, having already put his options on the table for her, not being the one that enjoyed making decisions.
Take a taxi instead of the ferry? "Oh no sir," she said, tone gently chiding, "it's entirely too soon to start on the separation tactics. Ma put too much sense in me to agree with that." So they would take the ferry. "We're on a double date, you can try your luck at turning it into a solo one once I've gotten to know you." Or at least a friendly hangout, she still wasn't sure how she felt about this whole 'date' thing. Lucille had things to do eventually, and she figured she'd get into the whole... dating thing properlyafterthe war was over. The whole thing appealed to her, and she liked the idea of settling down eventually. Just probably not with anybody Edith set her up, that was the sort of thing she'd have to figure out for herself.The auburn haired woman paid for her ferry ticket with a sort of firmness that didn't leave much room for arguments about a gentleman's role during a date. She wasn't necessarily opposed to being treated to things, but that could be saved for at the amusement park, if he insisted. Money was tight for a lot of people and she knew that, and she wasn't going to put burden on anyone just because that was what social standards dictated. She had a job, she had her own money, she would take care of herself for now.Ahead of them Bucky and Edith boarded, with him guiding her up the ramp as though it were ragged terrain that she needed support through. It was cute, honestly. Did she think that this was going to work out, as her best friend already seemed to be convinced that it would? No, absolutely not. Time would tell, but it seemed like every time Edith dated anyone who seemed at all like her, things went south somewhere. Obviously, since the leggy blonde wasn't already married, but it never seemed like things ended well they were explosions of drama and hurt feelings and Lucille was already half sure that was the direction this would go. Not for any particular reason she could tell about her best friend's new squeeze, just because she felt like she could sort of predict things at this point."Go on a lot of dates?" She asked Steve curiously as they boarded the ferry. The answer was probably going to either be 'no' or something along the lines of her experience a good number of double dates that ended in nothing. He probably wasn't getting dates out of flirting with women on the street, unless he had an absolutely irresistible personality. Though he had some pretty catching eyes, she had noticed that already. "You don't seem super thrilled." But she probably didn't seem super thrilled either. "But hopefully you're at least willing to prove you're good at the games, we can at least make sure we're not bored." Anything that involved darts or shooting, she could win at. "If you're particularly charming I might let you buy me a hot dog later."
Steve laughs and rubs the back of his head, hoping that he hadn't sounded creepy by suggesting that they split off, though honestly he really didn't want to be near Bucky when he was with this girl of his. He nods his head when she solidifies this decision by telling him he could try his luck once she knew him better. "R right, I'm sorry Ms." He says while keeping in step with her to board the ferry. "I'm sorry, I'm not a very smooth talker." He admits to her, having the feeling that things already might not be working out... Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing, after all he could just get to the recruiting station a lot easier if he wasn't with her. But she surprises him by buying their tickets, maybe she was still interested in talking to him after all.Not really having a stable job, it was kinda a relief that she wanted to buy their tickets to the ferry, honestly he had thought that Bucky would set him up with another girl who wouldn't like him but would try to squeeze every bill out of him possible. He gives her a nod as they board the ferry. "I really appreciate you buying us tickets." He says, still trying to choke down his nervousness as he talks to the very beautiful auburn haired woman that walked next to him to get on the slow water cab that would take them to the carnival.Seeing Bucky help Edith up the ramp made him roll his eyes, Bucky was probably gonna get pretty far with her tonight, but he doubted it would last past that point, especially with Bucky having orders to go to war now. He walks with Lucille to a spot on the ferry a bit away from Bucky and Edith, sitting down next to her and staring down at his feet until she started her conversation with him, making him jump a bit before looking to her with those eyes that she liked. He gives her an apologetic smile before shrugging. "Bucky always sets me up with someone whenever he finds a date, but they never end up talking to me.. And most of the time they go for Bucky." Steve admits while rubbing the back of his head. His physical deficiencies seemed to be a bit of a turn off to most women in this age."I'm thrilled that you want to talk to me." He admits with a laugh, his hands awkwardly in his lap while he sits next to her, not super close to her as he wanted to give her personal space. "I think I'll be able to win you something.. I get to pay for the games though.. Since you paid for the ferry." He says while giving her a small smile, maybe this would not be as bad as he thought, he was obviously just really awkward and a bit hard to get to open up when it came to talking to total strangers.
"No 'miss'. Just Lucille. Lou, if you want to be informal." She'd called him 'sir' first so he was probably responding in kind, but she hadn't actually intended for them to be formal with each other it had just sounded funnier. She made a dismissive gesture when he said that he wasn't a smooth talker. "I understand you and you're not making me uncomfortable, so you pass. If I wanted somebody to just flirt at me I would be dating one of the other guys Edith introduced me to. All you need to do is be good at conversation." She didn't want to be bored. Her standards were low but her long term expectations were non existent so it didn't really matter.She had expected him to make a fuss about her buying tickets, it tended to give her an out quickly where she could say that the guy was rude and didn't respect her independence definitely an excuse she would pull out just to get out of things since the expectation was that men pay and it wasweirdfor her to but Steve just thanked her and moved on, probably respecting the fact she'd done her best to make it seem like she wasn't going to argue about it. Point in his favor.They sat down with a little space between them, though Lucille did turn a little in her seat to angle herself towards him for better conversation. It would be weird to talk while she was facing away from him, after all. "You don't have to agree to go on them." He could just say no, so why didn't he? "Can't be great gals if they're going after their friend's date, either." It didn't matter how terrible her own date was going, nothing in the universe would have her trying to get attention from Edith's date. "So maybe you should consider that actually you're just avoiding women who don't care who's dating who when they want somebody." Didn't sound like the sorts of women worth getting to know, at least in her opinion."Thrilled? That's flattering. I don't think anyone's been thrilled about anything I've done... maybe ever." Which might have said something about her life choices? Who knew. She wasn't going to put too much thought into it. "Won't fight you on that, I'm all for fair. And she might like to be won something, by somebody who wasn t going to be show offy about it. She wondered what he d be good at though, throwing didn t seem like a thing the guy was gonna be impressive at and a lot of them were that. The ferry took off from the docks and Lucille glanced out the glass less window nearest to her lazily, not particularly interested but able to appreciate the experience at least a little. Being able to look at New York was always nice, it made her think. Now more than ever, thanks to the things happening overseas. The world was big and dangerous and it put things in a different perspective to look at where her city fit into it just one small little piece of a big and much more volatile picture. | 7 | ['Lowewas', 'Lucille'] |
110 | | Love Lost - Me and Mortals_Dream | Yuugao had broken her habit, she had come early. Before everyone was going to show up. Slowly she crouched before the grave, five year, it had been five years. She placed the lilies on the Cenotaph and perched herself a little more steadily. Then she began her prayers, for all those passed. For the man she loved. For a year, she had been on the edge of deciding to become a Jounin Teacher, but she had remained in ANBU. It was as if a small part of her, could not let that life go.It was the part of the woman, that still craved revenge. Onyx eyes stared at the cenotaph, as royal purple hair filled her vision. Her head tilted down, as a scroll fluttered to the ground before her. It was sealed by the hokage, and it was an account that was dated a year after the attack. She knew she shouldn't but someone had left this for her. She ripped the seal open with a kunai, and started to read over the accounts. It listed all the deaths and the aggressors and possible killers from that attack.She stopped as she got to Hayate's name. Her vision going red. She stood, dropping the scroll and turning. "Baki" She hissed beneath her breath, as she afixed her mask over her features. Beneath the mask, her features had one resolved look, death. She would bring him death. With that she vanished from the grave side, her feet moving faster then they ever had. She was a blurr to those looking. She jumped across the rooftops. Her feet pulling her along to the apartment she used to share with Hayate.She skidded inside of the room, and got her travel gear. Stocking up on every bit of weaponry she may need. She stopped and picked up Hayate's katana. Crossing it with her own. She could dual wield them, a trick that few could accomplish. This was her mission, her own personal mission. She dawned the cloak of an ANBU and then vanished from the house. She reappeared on the roof and began running again. She was probably setting off all sorts of alerts, to those that watched her.But she was determined now. Tsunade slammed her hands on the desk, as she whirled around on Shizune. "I told you she wasn't READY! I told you that, it's only been FIVE YEARS!" The blond stated as she threw out her hands. "You just handed her the name of her lovers killer, and expect her not to go and murder him? One of my ANBU Captains is on her way to destroy a treaty we painstackingly set up." She said as she collapsed in the chair and rubbed her hands over her face. She needed a drink and badly."None of the Current Captains can even stop her, not even together. Not when she's like this. There is a saying, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Well a woman scorned has no fury like one avenging a death." Tsunade said as she rubbed her fingers over her face and then stopped. "But there is someone who can..." She said as she began to write out the mission specifics and sent off the messenger hawk, to Hatake Kakashi.Wrapped in a black S Rank Mission scroll cover, the mission specifics would literally arrive in his lap.Hatake, Uzuki san has attained information she wasn't supposed to have. Wasn't ready to have. She knows Hayate's killer now. You are to retrieve her if possible, if not then do what you must to make sure our peace treaty is kept with Sunagakure. Treat this as the highest of S Rank missions, you are now reinstated as an ANBU Captain, if you feel the need is to be had. Retrieve or Destroy. Those are your choices.
Kakashi had simply been enjoying the day before the messenger hawk had arrived with the scroll. It had been a nice day, the older ninja simply laying out in the sun. One of the dirty books that he loved so much was laying across his face, blocking the sun from falling across his one showing black eye. The slight bump of the messenger hawk landing on his chest roused Kakashi from his sleep and he lifted one edge of the book, staring down at the bird.He wrestled for a little bit on whether he should bother opening the scroll or not. After all he was retired from this whole thing. Still it wouldn't hurt to at least look at the scroll. He didn't have to do what it said after all. The older ninja retrived the scroll and quikcly scanned over it, his one eye darting back and forth as he read.Yuugao? That was a name that he hadn't heard for a while. Both her and her former husband had been close to him. Both had been supurb fighters even with Hayate's illness. They had all known that he would die eventually, but when he was killed Yuugao hadn't taken it well. She had sworn vengance even though there was no one to swear vengance on. With a name now he wasn't too suprised that she had gone after that person.Kakashi stood slowly to his feet, slipping the book back into the equipment pouchs that surronded his belt, the hawk taking off from his chest. The silver haired ninja shoved his hands into his pockets and looked in the direction that the sand village lay in. He had known her husbands killers for a few years now, keeping it from his friend in order to protect her. She woudl hurry off, but Kakashi could catch her, even if he stopped for quipment first. With the decision made Kakashi leapt off, his body becoming a blur with speed.
Desperation drove the woman, the wind sliding across the smooth surface of her ANBU mask. It was unique in it's design, all the others smiled while hers was just a flat line. It showed no emotion like the woman now would show no mercy. Her lover, her love had been stolen from her. Had been taken from her grasp before she could even have a child. She would exact her revenge as she saw fit. There was no other life for her. No other reason to live. There was her revenge and her job.There where no others that even bothered to speak to her outside of work. Even her old sensei had completely stopped talking to her, weeks after that fateful conversation she had. She felt utterly alone in the world, with Hayate gone. She would see revenge, and then seek her end. There was no reason to stay here. That was her resolve, she kept to her chest as she ran. It would still take her time to reach sand, at least a day or two. Even if she pushed herself on soldier pills, she still needed to stop to rest.She WOULD have REVENGE. Her mind screamed that to her as she ran, onyx eyes where empty and cold behind her mask. She was what every Kunoichi strove to be in the ANBU field. Empty, emotionless, a ruthless killing machine. That was her purpose, to deliver death. She would hunt Baki until he was dead, till she was appeased.
Kakashi was well known as one of the most powerful ninja's in the whole of Konoha. He was stronger, smarter and above all faster than pretty much any other ninja. Of course Yuugao was pretty much as good as he was and she was driven by revenge, a powerful force that gave her an edge of most people. Kakashi was still the faster, but with her head start on him and her drive it still took him almost a day to pull in front of her.Of course any sane ninja would set up an ambush for her, using her push forward to hope she would be blind to any sort of traps at the sides. They might be able to take her down with a minimum amount of damage to her and it woudl be over. The silver haired ninja couldn't do that to her though. She was an old friend and she was an old student. She deserved better than to simply be beaten over the head and dragged home like an unruly child. She deserved a little bit of understanding.So when Yuugao rounded the canyon bend she would be able to see Kakashi waiting for her, back against the wall and one of those horrible books held in one hand.
Yuugao ran as hard as she could. Rest wasn't on her mind, and when her body was pushing for rest she took a pill. She found herself coming to a stop through as she saw the male leaning against the side of the Canyon. She came to a stop, skidding on the ground and causing a streak of kicked up dirt behind. She shifted her body, spinning and drawing Hayate's Katana and leveling the blade on the male waiting for her. Her arm slid to the side as she laid the blade against her arm and twisted her arm in a semicircle, slipping into a fighting position."Hatake get out of my way, and do not impede me..." She whispered in a harsh and low tone. Gone was the rational woman that was behind the mask. The mask was on and it was the ANBU captain that was in the forefront. She tilted her head back and stared straight at him through the eyeholes of the mask. Her eyes leveled on him harshly. "Go away Hatake" She stated firmly as she raced at him. "I will not, I WILL NOT be stopped!"
Kakashi didn't even bother to look up from his book, instead slowly turning one page. He was well aware of the danger the woman posed, and he knew that he couldn't take her if he was distracted at all, but he also knew her as a person as well as a fighter. She wouldn't strike him down if he didn't jump at her, and she would probably still be rational enough to talk to him first. Maybe anyways."What did you think you were doing. This is putting many people in danger. After all sand is small but elite, they won't thank you for killing one of their own." Kakashi slowly turned the page, but he wasn't reading instead just using the common activity to put her off her guard."Would Hayate thank you for getting yourself killed?"
Yuugao growled softly, slipping down further into her stance. "Damnit fight me, or get out of my way!" She snapped as she shook faintly with the anger pulsing through her. Her eyes closed behind the mask as she sought to regain control of her emotionless state. Damnit, it was hard enough facing Kakashi now. After he had completely dropped out of her life for so long. "Hatake, go away!"She didn't care that they would not like her killing one of their own. If she died, then she would die. She wanted to see Baki's blood painting her blade, feel the satisfaction that she had avenged his death. "At least then I wouldn't be alone anymore." She hissed out at his last comment. Fine he wouldn't get out of her way, then she would run past him. Which she did, in a sense. She applied chakra to her feet and then ran across the wall opposite of him.
"You have choosen to be alone. We tried to reach you but you did make it quite hard." Hatake saw her go to the wall and slapped his palm against the stone, his chakra sinking into the rock and one of the many ninjitsus that he had learned taking affect. The cliff thrust itself out in front of her, adding at least a road block to her progress."And my orders are to stop you. Unless you can change my mind somehow." Kakashi lowered his book and slid it away into a belt pouch, his one showing eyes finally looking up at her. "The war will kill hundreds. Is your revenge worth that?"
Yuugao came to a stop at the road block, glaring back at him. "You where the ones that stopped seeing me. Whenever I went to the memorial you weren't there. I went at the time we would meet, you just stopped showing up. You didn't have any missions out of Konoha, so I took it as you where done with me." She snapped back as she darted up the road block now, flipping over the edge of it."There will be no war, because when I commit the act, I will do it as a Rogue" She whispered in a low and harsh voice. "Do you really think I would impact my village in such a harsh manner? Kill me Hatake, because that's the only way you'll stop me." She stated as she ran then, leaping to the other side an scaling up the rock face as fast as she could. If she could reach the high ground, she'd have one over him.
"You were caught up in the past Yuugao. I couldn't help you with your behavior that was obviously hurting you more than it was helping you. Sometimes all you can do is move on." Hatake took up the wall beside her, keeping his body inbetween her and the direction that the sand village lay in."You think that the sand village will take an excuse like that. They may be our allies but there is little love lost. They will claim it was on purpose, they will draw the other villages into it, and then Konoha will fall." Kakashi suddenly slid to a stop on the rock face, his legs going wide and his hands touching the rock, giving his chakara the conduit it needed. THe rock reached out, grabbing at Yuugao's feet.
Yuugao growled softly, "I was trying to seek the future. Find a better path, you stopped coming to our meetings. I was looking towards the future of being a teacher, but you where the only one making it worthwhile. Hatake." She hissed out as she tried to get around the block he has set up. She growled low in her throat, and shook her head a little. "Come on damnit, let me through!" She cried out as she tossed her mask off. Shattering the porcelain on the rock face far below.Tears trekked down her face, and the reaching of the hands was successful. She ended up on her face, and just did her best to keep from completely breaking. "Hatake, please... " She whispered softly as she found herself crumpling. Damnit, she was stronger then this!
Hatake sighed and kneeled down, still sticking to the wall beside her. She had been a good student and a good friend. Hayate's death had taken a lot out of her though. She might have gotten over it if it hadn't been for this little piece of information. She might have been able to move on if it hadn't been for a stupid person making a stupid choice."What do you want me to say. Go kill him, have fun, make sure he suffers." Hatake drew hsi chakara back from the stone, letting it go back to its normal state. "Okay, but we do this right."
Yuugao kept her grip on the wall, her eyes glaring at him as she turned her head away. Hair hiding her features from him as she pushed herself back to a standing position. Her eyes staring away from him as her hands gripped at her sides. "I will do as I must to avenge his death. I swore it on my honor that I would avenge him when I knew his killer. Do you really wish for me to lose my honor?" She said in a hissing tone.Her honor , her job, and her revenge. Those where what was left to her in the world. "I'd rather if you just left me alone, like you have the majority of this year." She snapped as she bolted. After he released the stone, she took that as her chance to go.
"You also swore to protect the village. Is that honor no stronger." Kakashi knew that he was fighting a lossing battle there though. Some loved the village more than anything but Yuugao had been completly dedicated to her love, and whiel she pressed on after because of duty with his killer known that wasn't enough. For Kakashi though he had both here. Yuugao was a friend and stopping her saved her as well as the village.Kakashi followed after her, keeping pace with her. She was fast, but Kakashi had built his life on being the fastest. "If you want to do what you keep saying your going to have to stop just waving that sword around and use it."
Yuugao actually came to a complete stop at his words. Her body straining, but her mind holding herself back. She had sworn loyalty to Konoha. She had sworn it on her life. She looked at the blade in her hand, and then twisted it a little. Suicide was an interesting contemplation. It would help her regain her honor, considering no matter what she did, she'd lose it. Her eyes closed as she sighed, going to her knees for the final time in this fight of theirs. A mental battle between two that had lost so much.She let the katana roll from her hand unto the ground as she tilted her head down. "Just kill me then, Hatake." She said softly and gently. Her old Sensei killing her would be a welcome action. It would be part of his mission, and she'd die at a skilled and honorable hand.
Kakashi looked down at the woman, seeing her break as the two sides of her warred with each other. Of course he hand't wanted that for her, she was a friend above all else, but he couldn't let her do what she wante either. Kakashi stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it lightly."You know that I'm not going to kill you." Kakashi said. He might have not let her do what she wanted but he wasn't going to kill her and he figured they both knew it. "You are too good to waste to somethign stupid like that."
Yuugao leaned against the male, her shoulders shaking now. A shinobi was supposed to put all emotions aside. But those that found a bond that increased their work capacity, where encouraged to cultivate it. She had such a bond with Hayate, a bond that had shattered her when he had died. Now with his killer so close at hand, she could do nothing about it. Nothing but wish she could die from the shame she felt. She was torn between doing it herself, and egging Kakashi into it.But she knew that was impossible. She shook faintly as she looked up at him now, those dark eyes of hers filling up with tears. It was obvious she hadn't been sleeping well at all lately. Smudges beneath her eyes, and a paleness that went beyond her usually pale complexion. Nor had she smiled in awhile, it was obvious by the frown lines that where upon the woman's features. She had grown so much in the years she had known him. Yet he seemed to have remained timeless.
Kakashi was well known for not making connections to people, at least nothing close and personal with anybody. He might have taught plenty of ninjas but the problem of course was that all of his studetns were younger. They might have a good relationship but the real problem was that all of his students were young and that stopped a real and menaingful relationship. And all of his old friends were slwoly dying off it seemed. He didn't have enough friends to let one more go."Come on. If sure that the Hokage won't mind if we come back right away." Kakashi held a hand out for Yuugao, waiting to help her to her feet again.
Yuugao shook as she just felt the weak laughter flitter from her lips. Her hands pressed to her face as she shook. She had pushed her body too much it seemed. Too much work, too little care. But ANBU rarely where allowed breaks anyways. Tsunade would enforce one upon her now. Slowly Yuugao stood up, but her head spun with dizziness. "Kakashi, old friend..." She whispered softly and weakly. Her hand gripping his arm as she leaned her forehead against his arm. The poor woman was utterly exhausted.She sighed softly as her eyes closed and she bit her lip faintly. Return, and she wouldn't get in too much trouble. She hadn't done anything, but she had the intention to betray Konoha. If she had done it now, who was to say she wouldn't do it again in the future?
Kakashi let an arm drap over the woman's shoulder, holding her against his own body, trying to lend her some strength. He had never really seen her as weak, but she certainly seemed to be that way now. Fragile and exhausted and though he knew that she still had strength if she needed it, she was near to tapped out."I don't think you are going very far today though. There is a stream nearby, and I even know there is a warm spring that feeds into the stream. You look like you need the rest before you decide to do anything."
Yuugao leaned against him, sighing softly as the man helped her in ways that others couldn't. She nodded faintly as she walked with him, towards where the hot springs and stream where. They would camp for the night, and then she would return to Konoha. But first she needed to fix herself. She saw the steam and sighed softly as she approached where the warm water was. She left Kakashi's half embrace and stood at the waters edge. Dropping into a crouch she then sat down and began to undress.She made quick work of it, and slipped into the water. Around her team she never had modesty, she had no need for it. Pale body pinkened thanks to the warm water, and a sigh of relief fled her lips. "It's good for the weary old battle worn joints... get in here old man." She called out tauntingly.
Kakashi had never been very modest himself, his choice of books shoudl make that quite obvious, though the male part of him certainly appreciated Yuugao. She was his friends and his true thoughts were for her mentally but a small part of him couldn't help but look her over. A toned body, thanks her her ninja work and a body that would have been beautiful anyways. He had seen her before of course, he had worked with her before and she had never had a problem with men seeing her, but even then she was claimed.Kakashi stripped his clothes as well and slid in beside her, the water rippling around him. Even with his nakedness though he kept the masks on over hsi face. The water came up to his chest and the glorious warmth felt good even to him. "So how did you find out."
Yuugao stretched out into the water, her eyes closing as she relaxed. Toned muscles absorbed the warmth, sucking it up as if it was a cold day. She felt the stress leach from her as she slumped a little lower. Her eyes scanning over her body. The scarring that covered her, for now shinobi went through life without getting a few. She had some on her legs, and a particularly nasty one across her chest. She remembered how she got that one, had happened on a mission when Kakashi was her Captain. The scar ran down from the hollow of her throat, to her belly button, between her breasts. It had almost killed her, but Kakashi had managed to get the opponent away at the last moment.It was the largest scar, but there where still many. She turned her head to look towards him. She reached out slowly, her fingers gliding up his shoulder. "A little birdy dropped a file in my lap." She said lightly as she slipped closer to the male, leaning in against him. Her Captain had been someone she had looked up to. He had lost more people in his life, then anyone else she had known. He knew what it was like to have only a handful of people let. Her hand reached for the mask, slowly so he could easily stop her if he chose. "You're alone with me... I'd like to at least see your face."Comfort, that a familiar face was really there... She needed comfort more then anything.
Kakashi had slumped into the water as the relaxed, closing his one showing eyes to the world. Still the sound of her moving in the water made him open his eye and look at her. He didn't stop her hand and he let her pull off the mask as well as his headband, revealing both of his eyes to her. He looked at her through both eyes, something he didn't do very often with anyone. He knew why she wanted his mask off and he was fine with giving her what she needed if it was this simple."Any idea who would have done that. They would have to know how you woudl have reacted to the news. Is someone trying to start something." It might seem that his statements were somewhat off putting, snapping the mood in the air, but he did have his reason. She had been the lover of a friend and even if Hayate was dead there was such a thing as loyalty. Moving closer to hsi lover would not be loyal.
Yuugao removed the covers from him. Her fingertip slowly running down his scar for a moment. She leaned back and relaxed down into the water again. Dark amethyst colored hair pooling in the water and spreading around her. She listened to him in silence and sighed. How many years since Hayate had died, since she had felt the touch of another. Some part of her was craving it, and the other was hating herself for doing so. Would Hayate approve. Her eyes closed as she tried to search for an answer to that question, while answering Kakashi's question."I feel it was someone that wanted me to know the truth." She said lightly then stopped as the feeling washed over her. There was a rush of wind around them for a moment. As a large white bloom was snatched up from one of the trees, the flower was swept in the wind, and allowed to land in the water. Swirling on top of it. Yuugao's eyes widened as she reached out and picked up the bloom. For a moment she could feel a presence behind her, she looked and saw an outline of Hayate. It was a shock a pure shock. Naruto had spoken that Hayate and the 3rd had visited him... she hadn't believed.The form waved to them, and then turned his back. Giving a snap of a hand over his shoulder in a goodbye manner. Peace, he was at peace now, why? Because she had decided not to avenge him. She held the bloom to her chest and sighed, eyes closing.
"That coudl be." Kakashi's mind followed the devious pathways that he was used to, imagining who it might be that could want the two villages to fight. It wa just an exercise though, falling into Yuugao's belief that this was something more beneficial than something sinister. Kakashi coudl hope that it was true after all. It might be.The brust of wind twisted Kakashis short hair and his head snapped to the side following the blossom to the ground. It certainly didn't seem to be hostile and Kakashi couldn't say why he thought it, but there seemed to be something else in the action. Some sort of feeling that this was how it was supposed to be. By Yuugao's expression the flower meant something more to her though.Kakashi did see Hayate's outline just before it faded away and wrapped hsi arm around Yuugao's shoulder, getting his own feeling about what woudl be alright from his old friend.
Yuugao's dark eyes closed, a chill racing through her. Despite the heat of the water of which she was residing in. The tears welled up as she held the blossom to her chest. Her eyes closing as she felt the shudder race through her again. She shook, her shoulders sagging as she bit her lip hard. Yesterday had been the anniversary of his death, and now this? Was it finally time to pass on, to let herself live again. She wasn't exactly sure that was possible for her. Her eyes closed as her shoulders shook, the tears streaking down her face.The woman allowed him to pull her closer. Watching the fading figure of her old lover. He had attained peace, and could finally move on. It was her fault he hadn't moved on, but now that she had done what was needed... let go, he would have rest now. Her teeth snagged her lip, as she curled up against the male, her shoulders shaking and body wracked with silent sobs. She wasn't a loud noisy crier like some women where. She just shook with the force of her grief, as she held the blossom tighter.The sharp scent of the flower filled the air as the petals loosed themselves from their formation, fluttering to the water and swirling around. Filling the air with an even heavier smell of their petals. "The past is the past, we have only the future to look towards. Life is for the alive..." She said in a weak voice.
Kakashi drew Yuugao close to him, holding her body close to his as her body rocked with the power of her sobs. His own eyes were locked on his retreating old friend. As Hayate's outline slowly disappeared from this exsistance, for maybe the last time this time, he coudl feel a bit of peace himself. Hayate had been under him asfter all and if Kakashi had trained him better he might not have died, or at least the guilt ridden emotions that all survivors had. Kakashi had become quite good at them over time.The older ninja pulled her a bit tighter as she spoke and then let her pull away from him. he looked down at her, looking down at the woman he held. She did look delicate, something to be protected whether that was true or not, and he put one finger on her chin and slowly lifted her face. He looked into her eyes with his own and smiled slightly."Final Words?"
The female looked up as his finger guided her face up. Dark eyes locking on his dual toned gaze. She reached up and lightly cupped his scarred cheek. Her head turning so that her cheek pressed to his hand. "Final words, and a mixture of ones that where told to me a long time ago." She whispered softly as she shivered lightly. The scent of the flower was heavy, the message clear and concise. It was time to move on, to really move on. She could seek comfort in this mans arms, a place she couldn't find elsewhere. Her hand slid back into his hair as she leaned foward."Comfort me in the way that only you can, Kakashi..." Yuugao found herself whispering softly as she leaned in. Her head tilting to the side as she slanted her bright red lips over his pale ones. There wasn't any make up involved, her lips had always been bright. Kakashi had joked in the past, it was from when she bit her lip so much. But she didn't care, she wasn't focusing on that she was focusing on her feelings. The feeling of her lips against his. The feeling of how right it was.The feeling that being loved by someone, at least like this, was always alright. That Hayate would have wanted this. He would have wanted her to move on and live. Who better to live her life with then the one that had been a part of both of their lives, the one that had seen Hayate's final parting with her.
Kakashi nodded at her last sentance, drawing her into the kiss without any other comment. He didn't feel reserved about it at all, but instead was more than happy to sink into these feelings with Yuugao. Maybe it was something in the air or just the tension and emotions of the past day for them both, but it felt right to him and it was obvious that she felt it as well. Their lips met, gently at first but Kakashi was quickly searching her mouth, his tongue exploring her lips in order to find out about her.He had wondered about this woman, afterall her body and personality were a great draw to Kakashi but he had never thought much past that. He wasn't going to stop the two younger ninjas from getting closer to each other and as their relationship blossomed it was obvious that it was beautiful. So he had let it go and moved on. Now with a second chance though he was happy to take it.The older ninja wrapped his arms around her, one hand resting on her lower back and other hand resting against the back of her head. Fingers tangling in her hair and pressing her closer to him with both arms.
Yuugao slipped into his arms more, her breath playing across his lips as she allowed herself to be taken in by his pleasure. It was wonderful, to finally have a lover again. She had been so cold, so empty and alone. All she wanted was to feel the warmth of another's touch again. She shuddered as his mouth met hers gently at first, but then increased in intensity.She met his kiss, space by space. Her body reacting to him rather well. She had always wondered more about him. She had seen him nude before, all of the ANBU team had seen each other. She shuddered as she pressed closer, her hands pressing to the small of his back now. Her body rubbing against his as she straddled him and pulled herself even closer. She pulled back from the kiss to pant for breath.Her eyes lighting up now as she watched him.
Their tongues tangled against each other as the two of them kissed, their intensitiy rushing to meet each other at the top. Kakashi's arms gripped her close but besides that he allowed them to roam, rubbing across her upper back, lower back, and of course going lower and cupping her firm ass. It looked like years of ninja training really could make quite a sexy and toned woman.As he touched her and pulled his body close hsi cock began to rise, the hard length now rubbing up against her lower stomach. Her skin was wonderfully smooth, the years of battle not seeming to bother her smooth flesh in the slightest. Kakashi's hands reached down and grabbed onto Yuugao's ass, pulling her up against him. He took the slender woman over to the side fo the hot pool and lay her down onto the grass."You can imagine where this is going." Kakashi put his hands on her knees and slowly pushed her legs out to the side.
Yuugao kissed him, pouring all that she was worth with kissing into it. Her tongue tangling with his, fighting to dominate his and him. She shuddered and moaned as he cupped her ass, stroking her ass and her back and pulling her even closer. She could feel his erection on her stomach and rubbed against it as her tongue tangled with his. Suddenly he was pulling her from the grass, and she laughed softly as she watched him parting her knees.She may be soft, but she still have scarring on her body. She took care of herself when she had the chance. She hummed faintly at his words and then hooked her legs in his. Suddenly flipping them so she was straddling his knees. "I do, but you don't..." She said as she rubbed her hands along his thighs and leaned down to let her tongue snake up the length of his erection."We both have to be more then ready to go... to play. Mmm make a kage bunshin, Kakashi. Just focus on having it pleasure me, and I'll work on getting you ready. Remember concentration..." She teased softly.
Kakashi let her flip him over onto his back. If he could have stopped her enough was truly an acadmeic question because he didn't want to bother stopping her. He definitly wanted to get at her pussy of course but he was a ninja and there were always plenty of choices for him. Her tongue lapped around the length of his cock and he could feel the bolts of pleasure shooting through his lower body. Still no sound came from his mouth though it certainly did feel good."I'll remember if you think you can concentrate on what you're doing." Kakashi's hands came up, working through the katas and in a burst of smoke there was another naked Kakashi standing in the clearing. This one though was still wearing his mask though he was naked everywhere else. The masked Kakashi kneeled down behind Yuugao, and pushed on her legs a little bit, spreading her legs out a bit farther.His fingers went to work, sliding along the skin of her thighs before coming to rest at the juncture between her legs. Her spread open her lips, showing off the delicious pinkness that had just been hidden. The masked Kakashi leaned forward and brushed his covered mouth agaisnt her pussy, giving her the same tease she gave him.
Yuugao sighed softly as she worked her hand and lips on him. Her tongue flicked out to stroke across the top of his cock, humming softly as he formed his clone. Dark eyes closed as the female sighed lightly and licked up the length of his shaft. Slowly she took the head of him in, and sucked as she massaged her tongue on the underside of his cock.She mumbled around the flesh in her mouth as he spread her legs wider. Sucking a bit harder, and teasingly as she worked on his cock. Her humming increased at the teasing of his fingers, as he spread open the flesh there. Her breath came out around the flesh of his cock as she pulled up off of him just a little. She shivered then at the sensation and moaned faintly.Her lips descended again, twisting a little as she sucked on his cock. She knew he was enjoying these sensations, and she wanted to give him more.
Kakashi didn't let out any noises as she skillfully worked on his cock but he did have to shift his hips, that small movement conveying his pleasure to people who really knew him. She was good at this, a skill that only came through plenty of practice he knew. He could guess where she had gotten most of the practice but he did have to wonder if she had picked up all of her skill there. Or if maye there had been someone before.The male ninja's hands moved down to the top of her head, runnign through the purple tresses that so set her apart. He didn't want to put pressure on her head, after all she was doing wonderfully without any sort of help, but he wanted to touch her with his own hands. Nto just touch her through his clone.His clone though was beginning to get to work on her with more skill as she did the same. He slid his half mask down his face so that his tongue could go to work on her. His fingers pressed open her pussy, spreading it all open to his touch while his tongue pressed against her insides. He pressed in as far as he could go, her sweet taste covering her tongue as he shoved into her. He searched around the inside of her pussy, trying to find out everything he could about her body.
Yuugao had figured Kakashi would be the silent type. She just wondered how hard it would be to get him to cry out. She dragged her teeth lightly against his cock, and swirled her tongue up to the tip. Sucking lightly on that most sensitive part of him. Her hand rolled his balls lightly in it, squeezing gently and pulling down ever so lightly. She was glad she had gotten as much experience with Hayate, as she had. It would come in hand with this male that was underneath her.She shuddered as his hands stroked through her hair, and she sucked on him harder. Encouraging him to play with her hair more. She sighed around him and pulled more in, then sucked hard as she pulled up off of his cock. She kept this pattern up, even as the Kakashi behind her went to work. She shuddered beneath his touch, but had a single minded determination that he would cum before her.She could feel the press of something wet, and realized it was a tongue. A jolt racing through her as she whimpered faintly and actually fought for her control, for a moment. He teased and taunted her, his tongue pressing into her, and taunting her senses. She shuddered and rubbed back against him, urging him on. Giving small sounds each time he found a nice spot.
Yuugao's mouthfelt wonderful, there was no other way of saying it. She was wet, warm, and wonderfully tight and had obviously had plenty of experience in the past. Kakashi certainly had plenty of experience himself, fame and a mysterious nature giving him plenty of time with the ladies, and she was by far the best he had. He continued to run his hands through her hair, enjoying the silky feel, and showing her his appreciation.Most of his concentration was on her own pleasure though, wanting to make her squirm. He knew that if he could make her cum first she would be happier to do a good job on him, and he always loved knowing he made a woman cum. There was nothing sexier than the look on a freshly fucked woman's face, even if there wasn't any actually fucking.So he began to go to work with his clone. The tongue searching through her pussy, tasting all of the parts of her pussy and focusing on those parts of the pussy that he had found were the most sensative. He began to work with his fingers as well, stroking the insides of her thighes and the edges of her pussy.
Yuugao released a pleasured moan, as his hands slipped through her hair. This was what she had been looking for, this was the pleasure she enjoyed so much. She sighed around his cock as she pulled up a little, plunging back down and pulling the tip into her throat. Her mouth and tongue still working on him as she sought to give him as much pleasure as he was giving her. She almost lost her concentration, moans leaking from her bright red lips that where wrapped so tightly around his cock.His tongue went to work on her, exploring parts she didn't even know could come alive. Hayate certainly hadn't made her shudder like this. he had been good, but not this good! A moan of delight fled her as she gripped unto his hips now. Stopping and just sucking as she tried to reign in her control. But he was ruthless, he wanted her to cum first, and she could feel that pleasure mounting more and more. She was almost there, teetering on that edge.Her lips descended hard, wrapping around his cock and sucking ruthlessly. It seemed she was intent on the fact, that if she was going to cum she was going to take him as close as she possibly could. As she went over her hands massaged into his hips, her own hips bucking into the mouth of the clone. Her breath rushed out as she pulled all of his cock into her mouth, and reveled in the fact that he was probably going to end up gasping. ? | 39 | ['Baki', 'Yuugao', 'Hayate'] |
111 | | [Final Fantasy XII] Dreams To Dream | It had not been long over a month since she had stepped past the village's ancient magic gates and never turned to look behind her. Her first recollection upon awakening into the world of Ivalice was the warmth of the dawning sun on her face, the cool tide of open wind from across the plains, the oceans breathing gently against her cheek. When she had reached the edge of the land she looked up and saw the reflection of the water against a clear and inverted bowl of azure overhead, no canopy cover. Her eyes bore witness to saw how the sky went on for an eternity. Love at first sight.When she first traveled within the vessels that sailed the skies, the blue embraced her. It had been an experience and feeling indescribable. Even now, as she was grounded and merely worked, finding odd jobs hunting bounties and repairing sand clogged vehicles, her goal was to touch the sky again. Just another ride in the endlessness, and another, and another. Learning about Ivalice and its people and races, its history and cultures. Learning about herself and her dormant interests brought to life with the rebirth she had chosen.But birth itself was a traumatic event, and her new life was not without its shortcomings. Gil was scarce, Viera were not common upon the roads of Rabenastre despite all its varied populace. She also had many talents, few places to put them forth in the adequacy they deserved. The Humes had a tendency to stare. So long as they did not bother her, they got along fine with a certain degree of isolation. There were shortcomings, surely, but she had chosen them. It was still incomparable to the former lifestyle she led.On some portentous day during her usual visit to the bounty board, there was a more peculiar sign that had been not authorized and posted. It spoke of adventure and great rewards in cryptic tones that spelled trouble and danger, mentioning a shipwright's guild in Archades. But other than that, it was vague. She took it with her, of course.
Balthier stared down into the large crate on the landing pad beneath theStrahl, his expression showed regret. The mithril helmet of a judge sat amongst the chocobo hay that packed the crate. The final symbol of his old life as a judge. With a breath he laid down the last piece of wood on the crate, nailing it in. So ended his career as a judge, it was time to be a sky pirate...After securing the crate in his ship's cargo hold he came back down the ramp, running a hand through his hair after the work. His old armor was heavy, it had been a heavy burden too, dealing with his father... He forced himself to grin cooly, patting the gun at his side assuredly. He was docked in a major docking port, airships flew about outside of the closed port the humming engines.The first thing he had did was post an advertisement at the local tavern, hoping against hope to find some competent hands that might be willing... Or desperate enough to go into pirating in the skies. There weren't many that were suitable for the job. Balthier had run into trouble a number of times over his short time as a pirate, not like being a judge...He knew the armored protectors were on the lookout for him, under his real name of course. He was under a new alias now. He had gotten his ship and ditched the place, only taking his armor with him. He didn't know why he didn't leave it in his quarters... He hummed an old tune as he went about his large ship, it would need some upgrades. He contemplated on whether to fix it with weapons... Running a smart hand along the bottom side of it, smooth metal...
She had often come to the place where the airships rested. It was usually from afar that she watched, or somewhere along the sidelines. A position there was the best way to learn and hear their workings. Otherwise, when the foreign woman was not a passenger, she had little business being there in order to come as close as she would have liked. Maybe it was because she was female, or maybe it was her race. The Humes could be suspicious and possessive. Rightfully so, for it was their ship and they were valuable. Unless she managed to take an ad involving their construction or repair first, it was difficult coming too close. For now she could.It was difficult finding the proper shoes to match the arch of her feet, but her tall white sandals were subtle enough as they tapped against the steel deck along the docks. The armor of a Wood Warder was unnecessary when she was not out collecting bounties, and so she wore a simple gown, white with earthen colored sleeves and sides, the length slightly above midway of her thighs. She had donned a pair of umber capris beneath it."This belongs to you?" She asked to announce her presence and intention, presenting the ad she had begotten. It was a fine ship. She had never seen its make or model before, which made it a very curious sort of prospect. Either its proprietor was a clever and wealthy designer, or possessed some sort of exclusive connection which lead to such an auspicious treasure. At the very least, he appeared to be a normal man.
Balthier's attention turned from the glossy underside of thestrahlto his visitor, a Viera. A rare sight indeed... The man crossed his arms and regarded her appraisingly, her straight up posture and feminine figure made him smile lightly. "Yes, she is under my ownership, TheStrahl," He gestured behind him in a wide arc of his arm, turning back to her and putting on a charming smile, "I see you are interested in adventure and riches. I do hope you take your moral values lightly... Or are willing to learn to." He continued around the ship's frontal underside, inspecting the flawless coating."You see, my peculiar applicant. In this job there is no room for morals." His attention was turned back to his ship, his appearance belied his curiosity for this girl, "You have passed the first test, you were willing to apply for an unregistered job, I wasn't expecting applicants for weeks.""Although I must admit..." He looked at her with an almost sultry eye, "I'm happy with the looks of you." He complimented her easily.
Was she desperate to have taken the flier, vague and suspicious though it was? Desperate, no, curious, more likely. In the end it was ultimately the ship herself that had drawn the Viera. He scrutinized her form in a way that was more than just a idle wandering of the eyes. He made little secret of it, but it was perhaps a deeper glance than he let on. She did the same for him in her own subtle manner. Judging from his vessel alone, and perhaps the same could be said of most other pilots, this one was no ordinary Hume confined by the laws and ways of their land and cities. The things he said supported that notion. In a strange and unexpected way her intuition told her he was not so different from herself.All of this in just a few brief moments while she followed the tour along the exterior of the ship. Time would tell any misgivings. And so it would also with her parting from The Wood."Morals may be but another choice," she mused. "A way of life." It was not an entirely human concept. The Viera could be said to have their morals as well. A strong distaste and distrust, a wrongness, for outside dealings and wars overall. Her 'moral values' then and now were thusly adjusted. The same could be true to happen again depending on the circumstance. Even now her trust for Humes was very little, lying along a long stretch of years ingrained without their favor.The tips of her ears brushed beneath the wing of the ship as they passed it by, her fingers touching the metal much like his had before. Her claws made not a sound or scratch with the delicacy of her touch. Her bright amber eyes turned from the hull and towards the man once more as he once again sought her. "Let us hope the mere looks of me may very well beget what remains of your expectations. Your next test?" She prompted expectantly, straightening to cross her arms.
Balthier continued to smile at his new friend as she questioned him on his next trial, or rather... Trial by error. "I like your mentality. The Viera have an admirable way of living life, one I could aspire to if I lived three times longer." His keen eyes went from the recruit to the piles of crates just outside the docking bay entrance, armored soldiers were stalking about, seeming to ask questions... It seems the empire was not far from being on his heels. It was time to go. But could he trust this one? Her eyes showed something of neutrality, but he could see she had a fire. Her next test...One soldier peeked inside theStrahl'sdocking bay, evidently unsure of what he was looking for. Balthier walked briskly, placing a hand on the Viera's shoulder, he was a head taller then she. "Your next test will be combat... I need to get the ship running so that we can escape to the next city. I have weapons up in the bay of the ship, walk slowly so as to not alert our guest..." He whispered to her with a slightly urgent yet still cool headed tone.The solder was dumb, no doubt, he examined the boxes scattered about the entrance and had not seen the hulking mass of thestrahljust beyond his eyes. The plattoon would soon be on the two.They started up the ramp into the ship when Balthier asked, "Your name, Vieran?" He asked as they boarded.
Those were very bold words for a Hume. To become like Viera. It may have been out of a sense of pride, or simply what she had known and done herself, that gave her cause to question it. While there was still much to be said and much skepticism to be held the Viera stilled her tongue. Antagonizing a potential opportunity and one that held her growing interest was not the wisest path to take so soon. Her silence on the matter might have been enough in and of itself. The comment passed just as many tangents did, though, and the true tasks and information at hand hand grew deeper by the moment.Soldiers were not frequent visitors to the place of commute except when there was trouble, or criminals, afoot. Her new acquaintance had to him more than just a fancy ship after all. She turned her attention from them to the touch laid at her shoulder and her eyes flickered to his. It was rare for a Hume to rival her height. Once she was in her proper attire it might very well become better matched. Her belongings were few but plenty for her, and she had gathered them all into the pack she bore at her back before coming. She did the same any chance she visited the Aerodome.Somewhere from the moment when she had taken the parchment from the bulletin, to the point that she followed the man into his ship now, she had become an exile twice removed."Fran." The interior of the ship was nothing like those created for bearing passengers. This one was a fighter, like her, and she was pleased with it. There was no flinching or backing down to the challenge he so nonchalantly presented in combat. "Yours?"
The sky pirate had walked into the ship's hold and looked through the crates and boxes lined up along the sides, "Ah!" He found the weapons cache that had been confiscated by the judges a month ago, he had been on that hold up. Some outlaws attempting to move arms into Archadia. He took a crow bar and wrenched it open. "Fran, we'll have to exchange pleasantries later, you may call me Balthier." The wooden panel of the crate fell to the metal floor of theStrahl'sbay. An assortment of weapons laid in the hay before them. He smiled down at the collection and then up at her, "I am the leading man in our story." He said, sticking a thumb at himself.The soldier outside, after properly investigating the crates came about and staggered as he discovered the large ship, fumbling for a piece of parchment he looked at the picture of the same ship that laid in the aerodome dock that he saw before him...The same. "Sir! I've found it!" The soldier ran back towards the terminal to notify his commanding officer.Balthier turned from the crate to the shout that issued outside. "Looks as if our time's about to run out. Make yourself useful Fran." He smiled at her and winked, briskly walking to the doorway at the far end of the bay to get into the cockpit. Twisting a switch and allowing the ship to recognize it's new owner the engines began to hum. TheStrahlwas a quick ship no doubt, but it's folding wing design required it some time to get ready.
Balthier. The corner of her lips couldn't help but to twitch slightly at his own introduction. A leading man of a story? And what did that make her, exactly? Like he had pointed out it wasn't quite time for an interesting sort of discussion. The crate that had been uncovered offered up an assortment of weapons she had not seen or worked with since her wandering. But they were all familiar, belying a similar principle. For combat.While the pilot left to begin their departure, Fran set down her belongings to settle there, taking up a long Flame Staff from the assortment. She tested its weight by turning it in both hands, gaining some insight upon its properties. By the time a series of footsteps could be heard storming for the steps leading into the ship, the first soldier along the line was forbidden entry, bearing the brunt of a thrust from the staff into the armor of his chest. The rest either fell or scrambled to either side of the ramp to avoid the cascading effect of the fall. There was a group of them, five or so, that were gathered at the base of the steps that Fran appeared upon the apex of."This ship knows a new master now." Fran informed them, the whirring of the gravitational discs buzzing in her ears. Standing against what appeared to be Imperial soldiers did very little for her reputation, but she was no longer a stranger to disobeying the authority. So the ship was stolen. She held as much fidelity to the Empire as the Viera had for the world."Seize them!" One of the masks called out, the remainder advancing again as they brandished their swords. They were met with her as the guard, jumping back down to the dock, throwing off their blows with a twist or swing from her blunt weapon. Their was no knife edge, but her turns and arcs lent her enough force to crush armor and bones if the point she struck was weak enough. Her discerning eye would judge the points that were. Despite the crates that littered the bay, it was more than enough room for her to move with the weapon she had chosen, allowing only so many to crowd in around her at once.The last man standing along the group fell as Fran launched a powerful side kick, sending the man sprawling across the dock to its entrance where another multitude had caught up and now ran towards her in full force. With the space yet to close between them, Fran hurtled a large whorl of fire at the men, turning the metal armor they wore near red from the intensity lent by the staff. That done, the pitch of the engines changed, and she hurried back into the ship while the soldiers were left to either catch up or strip out of being burned."Let us go!" Fran called as she guarded the ramp before its closing, finding a bow to pick off the remaining pursuers as they came too close.
Balthier tried to take no notice of the fighting going on in the next compartment, but he heard no calls for help. Pulling back on the controls the Strahl rose sharply, one soldier midway into rushing Fran fell backwards and grabbed onto the ramp as it took off. Balthier pulled another switch and the ramp began to close, crushing the man's hand before having to let go and falling the two story drop. TheStrahlcontinued up into the blue cloudy sky, it's wings disengaged from their curled in positions and spread out, ready for high speed flight. "Spread your wings..." Balthier handled the throttle, focused ahead on the sky, they would flee to Dalmasca, certainly more hospitable and outside of Archaedes grasp. Balthier pushed the throttle forward hard, gunning the engines, "and Fly!" he exclaimed dramatically. TheStrahlsmoothly flew forth, en route to the neighboring kingdom of Dalmasca.The ground had become a blur. Balthier turned about in his chair, "A fine job my accomplice." He complimented, smiling as he laid back into the headrest.
She kept her balance as the ship shuddered and then rippled through the air to begin their course, making her way to the front of the vessel. The borrowed weapon was laid back to rest within the bed of straw from which it came."You've planned the fates to play your story." Fran said to the man, impressed with the ship, the situation, and the uncertainty of everything. She ducked beneath the frame leading into the cockpit where he awaited her to spare her ears. Looking about the room and its controls from where she stood, Fran took only a step closer before leaning against one of its passenger seats to regard him. "How quickly was I to play a part." A hand went up to smooth back a portion of her ivory tresses. Her formal attire would seem to be most suitable to the new profession she had rushed into. She would change to it at the next best opportunity."So quick were you to judge that I would not leave you to abandon. How?" She inquired. He might have been an able warrior, too, but he had relied on her so completely that he might have been left utterly unguarded.
Balthier crossed his arms, taking into account each of Fran's questions. TheStrahlsailed smoothly through the sky, well above the clouds now, away from danger. Luckily the Arcaedian task force had decided to come to the Aerodome on foot. He smiled at her regarding of his story, so she played along with his game."Perhaps... I had a good feeling about you." He swiveled in his chair, regarding the blue sky in the canopy as they sailed their way through it. "I do have to test your competence somehow, and this ship has a few tricks of her own if my intuitions were not correct." He flipped a switch on the console, standing up and regarding Fran at full height. He smiled fully at her as he returned to the rear compartment, speaking to her over his shoulder as he went through the doorway, "Besides, the leading man always has something to rely on at the last moment if all else fails." He patted the gun in its holster on his thigh, walking smoothly.The sky pirate regarded everything within the ship as he walked down the hall, past the boarding stairs. Truth be told, Balthier had dealt with the Viera before on his missions as a judge, mysterious folks they were, not quick to trust others. He could very well have been wrong about Fran, he may very well still be."There are more tests to come my friend." He called out to her across the ship as he made his way to the back lounge and fitting rooms. He went into the pantry and withdrew a piece of fruit, taking a bite of it, he weighed his next movements out. "If you haven't figured it out already, the Archadian judges are after me and my ship... Dalmasca should make a good refuge, given we have clearance to land." He informed her of the essentials for now, chewing on the soft red fruit in his hand. "I'm thinking about acquiring more vehicles..." He said.
She followed, though part of her attention had strayed to the view and the console they left behind. It was just as important to see the rest of what the ship had to offer. Besides, along the passage there would still be more time. More if she and he both chose to stay thereafter Dalmasca. The gun at his side was duly noted. Playing the lead role in his own fantasy might have very well lent him a sort of invulnerability to various dangers. Such a thing would have been unrealistic had there not been a good amount of credibility to his back up plans."She has been stolen from the hold of Archades," Fran spoke, stating the obvious as she ventured into the lounge. From everything she had gathered and the writing upon the ad, it made the most sense. There was still space and various places to be furnished. The decor and presentation of inside and out were modest. He did not appear to be a modest person. "Recently, at that." Still he possessed intentions to take more. He was no ordinary thief."Her name?" It was the way of people to breath life into valuable things. Everything, animate and inanimate, possessed a name and sometimes even a title, as if name's were not enough. Fran leaned against a counter surrounding the area of cupboards but she did not sit, setting her long nails clattering over the dark granite once. "What is your plan there? What shall Dalmasca cling to?" He was free to keep his secrets as surely as she, but there were other points of interest she had right to know. His plans or what he would decide to surprise her with next, for instance."The next trial will test and reward us both. That is the share of the accomplice you sought, is it not?" He might have known of some treasure, or at least possessed some form of compensation, for the journey she had just rashly boarded upon. Fran was not to become easy prey to his thievery, but what he had planned, or not planned, might have been worth the adventure itself.
"She is the Strahl." Balthier answered, coming also to the counter, he took a similar stance as he leaned against it, though he did not tap his nails against it. He looked her straight in her fair face testingly. "She was indeed stolen recently. I once had free entrance to Archaedes." He knew she had no idea of his past, and he would not give that information up easily. As if anyone could make the connection between him and Doctor Cid, his father. Fran was an interesting creature to be sure, easy on the eyes, her facial expression rarely changed."You've got me wrong, Franny." He tried on the pet name, still staring her in the eyes with a charm only he could master, "I never said I had a plan. But I hear things in local taverns..." His words lingered as he looked at her, trying to capture something in those eyes. It would be a closer proximity the Viera was not accustomed to to be sure, he took a last bite of the fruit, gnawed away to the core now.Balthier backed off, disposing of the finished food, he stalked about the room, straightening out his billowy white shirt and gold vest. "There are rumors of a new vehicle, a hovering contraption, it would come in handy for heists. We'll investigate once we arrive." He informed her.
The Strahl. A good name for a good ship.They met at eye level from across the small island of space while he divulged just a glimpse what could very well have been his greatest treasure. It seemed that there would be more to come. Had he been an officer or guard or something more, there in Archaedes? If she stayed long enough to learn she may know. Now was not that time.Her nose wrinkled slightly at the strange name he used on her. Shame that the word Balthier could not be so easily manipulated. Her mind was not suited for devleoping clever little teases. Even if it was, she would be hard pressed to use them. What point was there in it? Despite the vague distaste she held for the nickname he addressed her by, Fran held her ground along with her gaze. Those amber eyes betrayed nothing more than her clarity upon the situation and the desire to see it through. Living in the moments this individual brought with him might very well prove more interesting within a day than the time spent alone in a month. It already had."A wealth of information often lies at the bottom of an empty pitcher." She was curious about this new machine mentioned now. Of all the new things in Ivalice she could experience, machines seemed to hold a special place. They could take to the skies. "These ears may not hear the whispers of the Wood, but the chatter of men never cease." She made her way towards the screens along the fitting rooms with that pack she had brought to go behind them, excusing herself, "A moment." It would be best to change now and be better ready for anything.
Balthier smiled a bit at her little metaphor, she was awkward, but wise. "Indeed." He said, "I'm sure those things will come in handy in the future." He came to the two fitting rooms of the Strahl as Fran occupied one of them, curious about what she wanted to change into. That casual wear she had didn't seem to fit his style at all, made her look quite simple aside from her extra extremities oversized nails and all. Balthier toyed with the idea of peeking over the screen as Fran changed, but immediately thought against it. Looking like some desperate jerk was not part of his story.He pursed his lips as he listened to the shuffling of clothes, putting one leg up and leaning against the opposite wall, he could see her brown skinned heels beneath. "Hrm..." He mumbled thoughtfully despite himself, scratching behind his ear.TheStrahljerked suddenly, had the auto pilot turned off? The jerk was followed by an alarm, proximity alarm. Something had closed in close to the ship. "Can't be there already..." Balthier remarked, stalking briskly out of the room and away from perverted thoughts. He took a seat at the driver's seat, looking about the canopy. Clear skies... Another thud issued throughout theStrahl. A great thunder of powerful wings was heard overhead even beyond the rushing air as the ship sped. "Wyrms! We ran into a school!" A single black wyrm flew above and screeched at the canopy angrily, the rest of the family not far behind no doubt. It was the equivalent of rattling a hornet's nest.Balthier took control of the ship, pushing the yoke forward and going into a dive. "Hang on!" He called out behind him.
He hovered nearby. She found it somewhat amusing that he would have nothing better to do or distract himself with on a ship so spacious than wait on her. Nonetheless, she took her time without too much concern for his prescence. He did not ire her with his eyes. The metal leatherette armor that she had been given and crafted from her time as a true Viera was still something special to her, knowing that it was the last of those gifts and that which truly belonged to her. It was a material thing, for she possessed her knowledge and skill sets, but there was some comfort in it.It was after she had pulled back the mane of white and begun to place her helm that the rock came over the body of the Strahl. Her hand braced against the mirror for balance and she sat to fix her heel support hurriedly. The switch in attire came not a moment too soon. Bursting out from the fitting room, feeling more herself than ever in the sudden situation, Fran quickly made her way back to the central area. It was not a simple task when the ground was fickle about which plane it chose to level at. Her hand caught the edge of the door frame as the nose began to point directly downwards, and she dropped to catch a seat and swing into the co pilot's place."What are her defenses?" Fran asked as her eyes scanned over the panel to find them herself, touching the things that she had seen before or bore some familiarity with comparing other models. A YPA design, with some modifications that made it one of a kind. "The turrets?" Her fingers were already flipping the more logical switches that might culminate to such an expenditure of energy, escape or offense.
Almost all of Balthier's attention was fixed upon keeping theStrahlstable through the sharp dive. He gritted his teeth, holding the shaking yoke. "I... Haven't fixed her with weapons..." Balthier admitted, still wrestling with it. He turned the ship into a spiral so as to confuse the rogue wyrm chasing them down. The shrill screeches of the rest of the creature's family could be heard, not far behind. The pilot did not dignify Fran with an explanation to a pirate ship not having any armaments, whether he was embarrassed or too caught up in keeping them from getting clipped out of the sky might have been hard to tell.TheStrahldove beneath the cloud line, dragon in hot pursuit, it's wings clipped to it's sides as it dove along with her. The rattling of the cockpit ceased if only for a moment as they came out from the clouds, wide plains sprawled beneath them, Dalmasca's cities off in the distance."I believe we should land..." He said, biting his lip in determination he pulled back on the yoke, the ship slowly came out of it's dive, wyrms still hot on their table. "Can't lose these ones."
"No weapons?" Fran echoed, admittedly a bit surprised at that fact. No wonder the signs had been coming back yellow. Escape it was. When that was not even feasible any longer, a more direct confrontation was inevitable. But against a school of Wyrms? "We land, then what?" Fran asked, sparing the pilot a wary glance from her panel. Mysterious and powerful though he might be, she was highly doubtful that even the best warrior would not fare well against a crowd of powerful dragons, or even a multitude of young ones. Unless he meant to leave the ship to the beasts while they made their own escape. That could not be an option."Go west," she began to suggest, "There are obstacles along this desert that should aid us yet." An outcropping and network of towers, or the natural formations of rock that walled off various sections of one sandy plain to the next. "A cradle of rocky labyrinth may hide a ship, provided we manuver well." Eyes darting along the rapidly progressing ground, trying to ignore the screeching howls of the creatures tailing them, Fran locked upon a prime location."There!" She pointed to indicate its position, the darkness from a ravine among a rocky plateau evident. It was near impossible to spot from afar and at their level, but something had drawn her attention to it regardless. "It looks just wide enough. It leads into a network of unknowns."
Balthier twisted the controls hard as a firey breath issued from above, attempting to cut off the ship in it's flight path. Balthier put on a calmer expression, "We land, then work from there." He replied vaguely, pulling a lever, he retracted the wings to their original positions, the Strahl was now more maneuverable.He smiled as she put a marker down on the HUD, showing the plausible hiding spot, "Excellent work..." but why was it so dark? Another screech from the pursuing wyrms shook him from that thought. Time to act. Balthier piloted the ship, dodging and weaving amidst the flapping wings and hulking bodies, all after the same target. He dove low just before the plateau, aiming to cut into the canyon, "Just wide enough is fine with me..." He remarked cooly, but pulled up at the last second, leveling out above the canyon.His assumptions were right, that was mist down there. SOmething of a rarity. But it might just save them. He jerked theStrahlhard to the right, engines moaning as they sped along just above the rocks. A dragon circled around, coming directly at the Strahl. "Bloody " No time for second thoughts, he pushed downwards, the Strahl dipped down into the dark mist...He cut the engines down to nothing hard, coming to a landing on the ground beneath the haze. The dragons circled above. Balthier was breathing visibly, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead with his sleeve. "Well, that was interesting." The angered screeches could be heard above, the wyrms mad they did not get their revenge.
By the time she realized exactly why she knew and was drawn to note and discover the area she had indicated, they were already over it and with no other option. "Mist!" She could feel the fine hairs at the back of her neck and her tail standing on end before they had even plunged headlong into it."There is a way through these caverns and out again. There must be." Fran murmured to herself as her fingers danced over a screen she had pulled up along a portion of the console, the camera attempting to scan and zoom into the dark crevices and outlines before them to find or forge a path. For her, the danger was not passed. If anything, she had just begun to become urgent. The metal carapace that sheilded them from the outside could only ward off so much of the Mist. Its aura, presence, and scent, was everywhere. And in such heavy concentration."The hatch, Balthier." She told him, her voice tight and as restrained, composed, as she could muster. Too much longer, the length of time it would take to wait out the dragons circling overhead, and she would not be so controlled. "I go to fight the Wyrms alone. I must get out." Attempting to focus, her hands clenched and unclenched as she looked down on them, the red haze beginning to affect her vision.
"Fran...? Are you alright?" He questioned her, but complied instantly. The urgency in her voice was unquestionable. "Are you reacting to the mist? I don't think we can take off quite yet." Balthier weighed his options again, the Viera looked as if she might explode. The hatch hissed open at his command. He got up very slowly as she got worse. He backed up from the cockpit, pulling the gun from his holster. Could he shoot her?The unmistakably eery feeling of the mist roiled in the now open hatch. What could they do now? Balthier waited there, waiting for Fran's next action.
She could no longer muster the tolerance it took to apologize. That would have to wait until later. If he had not decided that she was too much of a risk to be abandoned by then. As the Mist rolled into the ship, her breathing grew heavier, ragged. Finally she jolted up and bolted out with a growl, hurtling past the Hume and desperately searching for the exit she knew of in her better mind before it was lost completely. So much Mist. She had never experienced such a heavy concentration of it, all at once, everywhere, from the very bottom of the ravine and filling towards the very top, overflowing and penetrating every corner and crevice of everything.A heavy spear had found its way into her hand before she rushed out, headlong into the bottom of the midst. From that point there was no place to escape it but up, so up she flew, her armor lending her the greatest agility that her lithe body was so capable of. She vaulted from ship to rock to rock, through the densest cloud of it all before escaping into the bright desert sun and air. And into its swarm of giant wyrm. It could have been suicide. It was. Had it not been for the empowering Mist that had driven her berserk.With a roar, the wyrm dived after the Viera, the spear finding home within any point that it could without discretion for thick hide or soft underbelly. Certain points allowed her to throw herself upward and onto the very back of the beast itself, a triple fold, Mist enchanced Magick unleashed and consuming the giant corpse before she escaped with a powerful leap to the next. The Mist wound and poisoned those that were knocked down into the ravine had they not been finished before the fall. Spells from the wyrm hurdled against and hurt her, singeing the tips of her hair or burning her skin, but she could not feel the pain and the signals to stop.Where the sky over the Strahl had once been dense with a ring of wyrm ravens, only two more remained. One fell and brought the spear down with it, implanted within its eye and penetrating into its skull. The other collided with the Viera head on, throwing her up into the air. Her descent brought with it a heavy blow downwards on the wyrm. Jumping back to brace herself for another blow, Fran's vision blurred and left a black void in its place, collaspsing after the forced bout.
As Fran collapsed, theStrahlcame up from the mist, rotating about to the formation of dead dragon bodies littering the plateau. Balthier had almost missed the lithe form of his new recruit. The Strahl slowly lowered down, with the engines still running, Balthier leapt from the hatch to retrieve her...Fran would later find herself at an inn in Rabanastre of Dalmasca. A fire was going in the hearth. "The mist has some significant properties... Perhaps I should have known better..." Balthier wrang out a piece of cloth of cold water, feeling over her burn wounds. Nothing totally severe, but she would feel the worst of it after waking up no doubt.The blind rage he saw in her eyes was something he would learn to be fearful of, surely. He sat at a chair at her side on the bed, soaking over her burnt skin with the cool cloth.
A sleep of fatigue to shed the effects of the Mist upon her psyche was likely the only option for recovering herself. In any other circumstance the ability to unleash a certain expenditure of power may have been enough. In such cases channeling the Mist from her form through some sort of exertion was enough. The desert ravine being filled with the culmination, saturating everything and every escape, was another story.The first note that Fran became aware of before rousing was the scent of the firewood. It was sweet and aromatic. The ache from her burns, be it from the wyrm or her own spells, was next. Along with the cool cloth. Her armor, deceptive though it was in its cover and weight, had managed to ward off most of the damages. The sleeves to her attire had been removed in order to access the burn at her left shoulder which had penetrated through the material, and a portion of her slender legs had been afflicted along a small area of her calf and upper thigh. A groan accompanied the clearing of her head as she breathed in and opened her eyes. The injuries were nothing a good cure spell would not fix, provided she was feeling apt enough to execute them."Balthier.." Fran raised herself up to her elbows upon the bed she had been set upon with a wince, trying to sit up and somewhat disoriented. Had he remained with her after witnessing how the Mist ailed her? "What of the wyrm horde?" They had not needed to wait out the rest of their lives, challenging their patience with that of the group that had followed them, but at what cost? "I did not.. attack you?" She ventured, looking him over to be certain.
"Relax, Fran..." He gently pushed her back to the bedding, moving down to her injured calf to help relieve the burns. "A good man knows better then to sit idly in the face of a woman's scorn, you flew right past me." A scroll of cure sat on the end table beside the bed, Balthier had been reading it's wealth. Enough to cast a lower level cure possibly."I am unharmed..." He assured her, "The wyrms you made rather quick work of, I started up the Strahl about as soon as you left but only caught you as you collapsed..." He took the bloodied cloth, washing it out and re wetting it. "They got at you some. So I picked up a scroll at the spell shop." It had been a good chunk of his reserve gil, but it would be worth the cost if he could assure this mighty force was on his side.He set the cloth to the side, recalling the memorized incantation to cast cure to mind. He put two fingers to his temple and closed his eyes, a soft aura arose from the floor around him, soothing and blue. Moving the two fingers at his temple down to point at Fran, the cure magic surrounded the worst of her injuries, taking the pain away.
Perhaps taking her out of the fray and from the desert had been a courtesy that any decent being might have done. He went a step beyond it with the room she now resided in and the way in which he tended to her wounds. A good man was thought to exist in theory, but Fran would have believed it only in theory alone. Likely any other Viera would not believe it at all. The Humes loved to use the land and destroy its originality. In an age ruled by the Archaedes Empire, or really any power of war, Humes and goodness were not two concepts which mingled well. Here, he even if he were only one man carving his path through the skies, it seemed to make all the difference.Fran was quiet and listened well to his recollection of the recent events, her ivory brows slightly furrowed. She could not detect any sarcasm, irony, bitterness, or regret. It was puzzling. He was an enigma. She had never thought a Hume could be thought of so deeply. She had never been tended to by one either. She would not have trusted one to do so. Here he was, doing just that."Nn.." The spell he had just recently learned was new and unpracticed but the effort and will he infused within it was worthwhile. She could feel the heat from the burns marring the red and angry skin cooling to an extent that the water and cloth had been unable to reach. The effect penetrated the afflicted locations, soothing the rest of her fatigue, and ebbed to leave behind a distinct warmth. By its end, her hand lifted to lightly close over his own where he had indicated her. "You have my gratitude, Balthier of the Humes."
He looked down at Fran's hand upon his own, a mildly surprised look on his face. The first showing of trust she had showed since their rocky meeting. His hand remained there as he sat down to the chair he had been watching her on minutes before. "Of the Humes... I hardly represent my own kind." He laid her hand down gently upon the soft bedding, scratching his chin in a thoughtful look, "I suppose I feel responsible for your current state, so I had to do something." He sat back to the chair."You may save your gratitude, work with me, Fran." He looked intently at her, his keen eyes imploring her to accept, "Become a sky pirate with me." Balthier leaned forward again, a thin smile graced across his lips as he once again held her hand out to her, no longer out of sympathy, but of an offer.
"And I for my own," Fran found herself murmuring at his correction. It was true that a Hume sought out by soldiers and a Viera apart from her Wood were unlikely to be involved with much business amongst the typical masses. Shaking her head slightly, "This is no fault of yours, but that of the Mist. Too much and it afflicts me as Viera. It is maddening." Its effects and what it did and her inability to fully control it alike. He did not have to take responsibility for what she could hardly blame him for, but he did, and very well. That was what struck her.The woman was feeling better now, and had begun to sit up once more with less discomfort. What they did from there, after she would need to apologize, was anyone's guess. She had not expected him to offer her what he did, that important proposition, in that moment. What final test had she unknowingly just passed? Or was it he to her own?Blinking at his offered hand, Fran carefully and soundlessly picked herself up from the bed to sit, moving her feet to rest upon the floor beside to face him properly. "Sky pirates." She repeated, sorting through her thoughts before coming to that important and final decision. It sounded like the perfect profession. She inclined her head towards him in a nod, her hand coming to clasp his and shaking it once. "So we shall be."
He held her grip for a while then, nodding. "Good then! We should plan out our next movements then." He stalked briskly about the bed, pulling out more parchments. Maps...Later, the new partners stalked the halls of the castle Dalmasca, where Lady Ashe resided at the time. They were looking to "borrow" from their peaceful hosts...Balthier looked left around the corner, marble halls. His gun was raised in the air as he peeked around. He watched as the armored Dalmascan guard continued on out of sight. He looked right then, marble halls, devoid of life. He gestured with his free hand silently at Fran behind him to get her to cross the hallway to the locked door. They were close to their first acquisition.Taking a second look out down both ways and satisfied with the sounds of things, he crossed the hall to join Fran at the door. The Viera's ears would surely hear things quicker then his simple Hume ears could, but he was the leading man after all..."Can you unlock it Fran?" He asked under a quiet whisper. Songs could be heard coming from the direction of the main hall, the heiress Ashe was having one of her first dinners with her new husband. Everyone was well and distracted. Just the way it should have been.
She had never envisioned herself as a thief, a criminal, or an outlaw. But what were those things but more roles and morals which society guided? They had both already proven that one structure was not necessarily the only one. The pair had no part in the things that bound their pasts. Things changed, and riches left stagnant for royalty were better pawned for something actually useful. Upgrades and additions to their vessel and freedom ride, for instance. Those things taken for granted were better off in their hands. Sky Pirating was also a profession that seemed to suit her various talents much better than droll bounties and meaningless labor. She had known that there was more to life outside of Eruyt Village. More to the mundane that oftentimes shrouded Hume cities also. It seemed she had found what she did not even know she was seeking.Kneeling at the ornate handle barring their goal, Fran diligently rattled and picked at the contraption used to bind it. There was a spell that had made it immobile at first, but it was simple enough to negate it. "A moment's more." Fran murmured quietly back to the partner standing guard over her as she worked. Aside from the dulcet notes from an ornate harpsichord floating down the hallways, security was considerably lax. After a bit more poking around the contraption, exchanging one clear pick for another, each hidden in her hair, a click that signaled its opening announced its give. That singular sound in itself was perhaps the most deafening.Quietly pushing the door inwards, Fran glimpsed its corner before standing to enter with Balthier behind her. They were in a hushed corridor lined with mulberry colored carpet and priceless little trophies displaying precious gems, embedded within crowns, pendents, tiaras...Anything that was far too gaudy to be worn but perfect for showing off to regal visitors."Are these what we sought?" Fran asked thoughtfully, delicately lifting an intricate crystal ring from its artificial finger and turning it in the display light. They would be very well off for a considerable amount of time. Just enough time, though, before the next heist.
Balthier quietly pushed the door closed behind them without so much as a sound, his eyes going from one side of the narrow exhibit hall to the other, treasures. "It'll do nicely to meet our ends." He said, holstering his gun on his hip quickly, withdrawing a pair of linen sacks from his belt he tossed one in Fran's direction. "Take what you can carry. You never know when we'll have to get running." He started down the hall, deciding to start on the other side.He turned the corner to find another hall, a circular showing room at the far end. A tall statue an ancient king with a sword posed in the ground graced the middle, it almost looked life like... "Sad... Dalmascans love to live in the past..." He began collecting memorabilia as he worked down the hall towards the statue, "It will be their downfall."
Catching the bag fell a portion open to accept the treasures stolen into it. Fran picked what appeared more valuable in their comparable worth and easy to separate into things that might make their resale run more smoothely. A handful of pure gems may have been more than a cheap presentation within a cumbersome necklace. But others were better off left intact. She was thorough as she worked her way back, keeping their weight in mind, catching Balthier's musings. They matched with the figure."Change is ever a cumbersome concept," She supported his notion, in a way. "But from where we stand, their relics are welcome." She had been examining a bracelet beaded in crystals when she perked, her attention drawn away and an ear swiveling slightly toward the way they had come. The only exit. "Someone comes."
He shoveled in a last piece of treasure into his sack at Fran's warning, throwing it over his shoulder. "Nothing works out perfectly, it would seem." Looking about quickly he nodded to the armored statue. "Let's hide for now, perhaps they're not aware of our presence..." He bound up the statue, hiding behind the huge figure, finding a foothold in the old king's armor.The door opened...
"Isn't this supposed to be locked at all times?" The voices began as they investigated the entrance, and exit, to the room. Guards, from the sounds of rattling armor while they shifted about the open door to analyze it however they could. Not the most fortunate turn of circumstances for their heist, but fortunately two was all they sounded to be. Likely inexperienced from the sounds of it, at that."A Are you sure they didn't just forget to lock it after perusing the treasure room this afternoon?" A younger guard attempted to suggest. There was a thoughtful pause." 'Suppose it's possible." The first supported, though he wasn't entirely convinced. After a beat or two more of silence. "Say... Wasn't there a bit more to this room?" Once they had taken notice that a few key things were missing, the tension was palpable. "Go call a few more guards to come investigate but don't alarm the Lord and Lady."One set of footsteps hurried away while the second proceeded deeper into the room, attentive and slow. Fran gave Balthier a wary glance from her place behind a pillar, waiting. The moment the guard's had passed her she sidestepped silently, reaching out to grasp the jeweled hilt of the display sword and making a diagonal cut. The guard went down with a yelp before shouting for still more help. It was yet too blunt to incapacitate him fully."Come!" Fran called urgently, making way to the door with the sword she had acquired before it would be soon filled with guardsmen. The moment she skidded back into the hallway, the rest had just begun to come down the way.
Balthier complied, swinging himself off the statue, "Couldn't make it easy for us could you?" He said at the breathless guard as he jumped on top of his helmet, slamming his face onto the ground before bounding over him after Fran. The two blew through the half open door, sliding simultaneously on the marble floor, they spotted the cavalry coming from the way they came."Stop! Thieves!" One shouted, sprinting forward with a lowered spear.Balthier took aim with his gun, one arm stretched far as he looked down the aim. He cracked off a shot at the guard's helmet, knocking him on his back. "He'll feel that whiplash in the morning." He turned to Fran, nodding, "Shall we?" He started down a diagonal marble floor, opposite of the front gate from where they had infiltrated the castle."They'll have closed the front gate. We'll have to make our escape elsewhere." He took a blind shot down the hall behind them as they ran, knocking another guard down. He shouldered the loot more securely as they ran, making sure not to spill any. They ran in the direction of the rear of the castle, they would soon burst through a door into a large hold, several mounts lined the walls...
Their situation had obviously begun too easily, run too smoothly. The moment the pair of patrols had noticed something amiss and called the rest of the cavalry a new sense of danger and capture only added to the experience. There had been a map that Balthier had somehow gained a copy and access to. Where the entrance and exits were located could be recalled, but considering the unknowns of what guards were actually stationed where, which doors were actually locked down, fortune and guesses were as good as any other. Along with directions dictated by whichever path led away from immediate capture.They had managed to sharply turn a few corners that might leave a portion of their pursuers guessing for a moment or two. It was just as well, as the new room they found themselves in was just as, if not more, intriguing than the foyer full of gem treasures. It was a modeling and testing room for an assortment of machina and technology, though it seemed mostly devoted to storage. They may have very well found the rumored invention, or inventions, that the Dalmascans had developed. There were models that had never been seen before, by anyone. We can use this. Fran began, though which she was not yet sure. Knotting the opening of the bag holding her acquired loot, she carried it along with her as her free hand ran over the strange metal bodies of the crafts lined up. The moment she touched one particular vehicle at the end, she located a trunk behind the seat and tossed her winnings into it before moving back to the front. Swinging a leg over the central and single wheel, the machine s engine glowed a vivid cerulean as it reacted to her touch on either handle. She indicated the seat behind her, I leave the guards to you, from your throne.
Balthier stood back as Fran chose their escape method, smiling despite the hurried situation. She had a natural affinity for machines, he would have to let her get a better look at theStrahlwhen they got back. If they got back... Nonsense!Their pursuers had just gotten through the entrance into the garage, they scanned over the room and spotted the two. Balthier tossed his loot in the back under the chair and slammed the thing shut, jumping off of it and swinging into the chair. "Nothing more suited for the leading man! Let's fly!" He declared, reloading his gun with a loud dramatic click, he held onto the seat with his legs and steadied his arm with both arms. He cracked off a shot as the crowd of guards came down into the threshold. A spear flew over, aimed for Balthier's head. He ducked just in time, "Ah!" He declared in feigned surprise, running a hand through his hair and cracking off a shot at another projectile spear headed right for the blue engine orb.
The engine hummed with the sound of a hollow wind as Fran turned the handle to stir it, the wisps of air curling around them to raise the feathery tendrils of her ivory hair. Pulling up it lurched into the air, rocking forward it likewise began in a direction proportional to her weight. The guards either ducked aside or were knocked down by the small and slanted wings extending out behind Balthier's seat. A roll of her ankle on the brake and a sharp turn could be made away from the too small door they had entered where a gathering of guards were trying to clamber in all at once."Strike the switch!" Fran called back to her partner as she wrestled with the bumps and jerks of the machine as it chose to be finicky. Despite the intuitive control, matching the intent of her body as it tipped and steered, it would take some taming.There were several doors and openings to the storage garage, one at the ceiling and two at the end of the long room, one larger than the other. Any of them would do so long as they could hit the button to spring them open in time. A volley of shots scattered around the duo on their mount as a set of guards reset their aim, the propeller wheel at the back wheezing with disgruntlement as it was chipped. It might not endure too much more abuse as she swerved around the stationary displays and hoped that nothing would hit.The door was still closed, but she headed expectantly towards it, the air rushing and hissing over the ground as she brought it low.
Balthier leaned with the mount as she attempted to make turns and jerks as they came under fire. "One escape route, on the house!" He exclaimed, raising his gun high forwards over Fran's head, he pulled the trigger on the door controls. It blew hot in a shower of sparks right beside the door, splashing well over the door's threshold as well, presenting possible danger. "Do it." He said, nodding at the back of his driver's head.He ducked hard as a projectile hit the back of his chair, jerking the bike forward violently. He hoped Fran would be able to hold the erratic thing steady. He had faith in her... The doorway would lead to a long tunnel that would eventually lead to the outside plains. TheStrahlwas landed in a set of woods he had designated as safe enough. The port was decidedly too dangerous to lay anchor in."Fran, I need to tell you. The ship's parked in the plains. Just go straight away from the castle." he directed, holding on to one arm of the chair with one hand and laying his gun on his shoulder with the other. He might need to make more shots considering what was waiting outside for the pair...
The door to the hanger shuddered open as its wiring shattered beneath the gunshot, rattling and struggling up half way before the thing quit completely. Fran revved the handle and pushed down on the pedal on one side, swerving sharply right and tipping the vessel to a sharp tilt as they ducked beneath the gate to clear it. The right side of the base scraped the ground but was otherwise unaffected by the time she pulled upright as quickly as she had evaded the upper clearance. The door behind them clattered to a heavy close as soon as they had passed it, snapping the chaos and sounds away behind them.Only Balthier s voice and the hum and sputters of the protesting vehicle met her ears within the long and intermittently lit tunnel. It seemed that they were well on their way to their final goal. The Strahl. The plains and forest beyond. Fran confirmed, gripping tight to encourage the transport to take them there. Hear me, hold out. She added for the machine itself. At spot of moonlight at the end contrasted from the artificial light, signaling the end of that tunnel.
Balthier lent his weight to the bike as they narrowly tipped over to clear the threshold of the door. Leaning around the chair he shot a round at the mechanism that rolled the door up. It blew off in another shower of sparks, the door coming to a halt before crashing back down with a loud thunder. The sound travelled with them in echoes as they raced down the service tunnel.He loaded another two rounds into his pistol, snapping it back into place with a barely audible click over the protesting hum of their escape vehicle.Click."That was a spectacle..." he stated with a cool grin, thankful for the brief moment of quiet. He braced himself into his chair, mentally preparing himself as they approached the lunar light...The slope went upwards as it lead to a soft hillside. The blew out back into the streets of Rabanastre, no guards were waiting. "Just as I suspected, they couldn't have mobilized the troops fast enough. Onward!" He cried, looking sideways to the crowds of city folk staring in awe at the vehicle and it's two occupants.He gave a friendly salute to the on lookers as they passed off. They would be at the plains soon, and would come to the forest, and their ultimate escape.
If that had been a spectacle that they had left behind in the palace, then the one they displayed flying over the streets of the city was another with no parallel. The air traffic went on much higher above, along with the patrols. Fran attempted to stay low enough to keep out of the way of other vessels roving over the city, high enough to avoid the different shapes and sizes of pedestrians below. A plume of silvery gray and blue smoke was sputtering from the end of the carrier where it had been damaged in their impromptu escape.Revving the rotating wheel to renew the glow of the magicite powering the engine, Fran willed the thing to press on, the crest of the city gates and those plains beyond coming into view. The way it occasionally shuddered and dipped showed its strain, a few cries coming up from the people below when they happened to chance beneath the passing shadow darting past the shop signs.It was only a matter of time before the air patrols were tailing them. While the officers may not have realized the depth of their multiple crimes committed in a single night, they certainly knew the violations they made in the public. A twirling red light beamed down and attempted to follow them from the airship hovering overhead. Halt! Land and await further instructions from the nearest foot soldier! You are ordered to land! The voice of the announcer from their speakerphone was mottled with all the noise and wind rushing through her ears as she pressed them back, squinting ahead. Of course, ignoring everything, they broke over the gates and the warning shots from those soldiers guarding it, making a beeline for the cover of the trees. Balthier, take flight ahead, Fran called back as a very brief warning. The vehicle would soon be exhausted and the hatch still needed opening, the engine prepared. Luckily the craft behind them was slow. If they made it in time the Strahl could easily outrun it. Balthier himself could go from his vantage point as soon as she abruptly stopped the brake.
She needn't have said a thing to Balthier before they landed, without a reply he bounded off the backseat towards the Strahl, half the hull hidden beneath the canopy of trees. The hiding spot had served them well, their pursuers had no doubt thought they would be chasing them down upon their limping vehicle. He bounded up the ladder to the Strahl's main hold, patting the glossy hull. Such would not be the case...The sky pirate started the engines warm up process, turning about to the ladder again and jumping down. "We've got a minute before we can take off." He took the loot from her, heaving both over his shoulders and nodding to their newly acquired vehicle. "We shouldn't let the girl go to waste should we? Park her inside the Strahl."The move was bold, but they would need a short range vehicle for the future. Beyond the gathered trees, roving lights searched for the two thieves, the police airship roved overhead, threatening to spot them. | 44 | [] |
112 | | Into the Web w/NobleLance | See more "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Greece is such a petty place to be, especially at sunset. Lena Oxton is at the grounds of some ruins, climbing up on one of the pillars as she is trying to get a good look at the rest of the area. "Hm...I can't see anything so far." She moves to the rooftops of the ruins, doing it as stealthy as possible. She stops as she found something, a gathering of a group that are moving equipment into a carrier. "Yep, Talon is here alright. They are moving stuff for transport..." She has an ear piece, so she would have to be on standby for now. Tracer sighs as she moves back just a little, waiting for her orders.
See more Watching her from afar Widowmaker could only sigh in annoyance."I swear you are the worst at stealth my petite rump roast."He muttered in French as she was visible at sunset in a yellow jumpsuit. He'd take aim from afar and switching his ammo for the dummy rounds for his dummy in his silenced sniper rifle. He'd shoot the first shot to whiz past her ear to feel like a flick and knock her earpiece off her head. The second shot would strike her left supple butt cheek as he grappling hooked to another position and then purposely shot the right cheek as well from afar with a smirk. She needed to learn she was not subtle and this was his favorite game to play with Tracer. | 2 | ['Tracer', 'Oxton', 'Widowmaker'] |
113 | | Dominating Westeros (RoleplayMaster x Wveth) | Charles Frey, known to his friends as Charlie, was the outcast of his family. While most of them were smaller in frame, both in terms of build and height, Charlie was the opposite. Standing at six feet, five inches, somehow his larger body made him stand apart from his brothers and sisters. His father, Walder, also did not look too fondly upon him, giving him all the menial work that the old man usually reserved for the girls. Thankfully, sex not included.So he was busy in the stables, grooming the horses, unaware of the commotion happening in the dining hall. There was a meeting called, he of course knew that. But he was not invited he never was. Hell, he would be surprised if any nobles knew he existed, if he was honest. But they were family, and he supposed he still cared for them. The dark haired man had a stubble upon his cheeks, having shaved somewhat recently but deciding to let it grow. He was a terrible monster of a man in terms of size, his face only half matching that descriptor.Sighing, he heard the door to the stables open, hoping that was one of his many sisters coming to relieve him.
Arya Stark was an arrogant girl. Not even eighteen years old yet, but she already considered herself far above most people. Far enough above them, in fact, that she could kill whoever she wanted. She had the skills. But, as much as she sometimes wished otherwise, she would only kill to avenge her family. Maybe if Eddard Stark, her father, hadn't been so honorable and kind to her, she would have turned out even worse. But he had been, and perhaps it was the only thing keeping Arya even remotely heroic. She certainly could be terrifying. But family was everything for her and it always would be. Nothing would ever be more important.Unfortunately, it was her hubris that got her humiliated, broken, disgraced and ultimately killed. It all started after she had nearly finished her first major bit of vengeance against the Freys, who had murdered her brother and mother at the Red Wedding. The entire Frey family lay dead in their main hall. All but one. One she was lucky to have even heard about. And perhaps, if she hadn't been arrogant enough to announce herself, she would not have been destroyed."I killed your family," she said with a small smile and eerie, staring eyes. "Your father. Your brothers. All of them."
Charles looked up as a foreign voice began to speak, not recognising who it came from. His eyes fell on a much smaller girl, with a tom boyish style to her, and a thin sword to boot. He looked unimpressed, but it soon turned to a mild anger as she confessed to her crimes. "And now you feel guilty and decided to turn yourself in?" He asked dryly, grabbing the metal tool nearby that was used to de shoe the horses. It was long and had a point to the end of it, so he knew it could be lethal. Especially in his hands.Approaching the girl, he could see she would be a quick opponent, yet one full of arrogance. Swinging his weapon at Arya, he brought his foot out in the opposite direction, so as she attempted to dodge, his unexpected foot would get her off balance. The hand holding his weapon came back to her again, this time with his fist making contact with her face, backhanding her with weapon in hand. The sheer force of this hit would knock Arya to the ground, and a chokehold would soon knock her unconscious. When Arya awoke, she would notice a few differences. She was naked, head absolutely pounding from the defeat she just received. A tight collar was around her neck, with a chain going from it to the wall. It was a choker chain, meaning if she tried to move from the wall, it would choke her more and more. It was adjusted so it would never kill her , but would hurt and knock her unconscious. Her nipples stung too, as if they had been played with relentlessly while she was unconscious. And finally, a strange feeling in her ass. It was wet and slippery, almost as if it had been lubed up with something. It was an uncomfortable feeling, as she's never done anything in that entrance.Charles sat nearby, watching his victim as she awoke. "Wakey wakey, Stark bitch." He said in a singsong voice, evidently learning her identity from the surviving sisters.
Arya slowly came to, her concussion having taken away some of her memory exactly what had happened. She remembered going out to look for Charles, she remembered finding him, his back turned to her. And then, nothing. Her small hands reached up to feel the chain as she realized her situation. What had happened, though? There was no wayhe was the one to beat her. No, surely someone else had snuck up on her before she'd delivered the killing blow. Already her mind was racing to find escape attempts, but as she was feeling her collar and chain looking for some way to remove it, she noticed the strange sensations.Her nipples. He'd touched her. The strange feeling on her rear end. What disgusting thing had he done to her?Her hands continued to explore, looking for options, but now she glared daggers at her captor. It couldn't be over. Her revenge was not complete. No, she had to find a way out. "If you know who I am," she began, in that soft, childish and smug voice of hers, "then you should know that I'm valuable. Trade me to the Starks and I won't come back to kill you." That was a lie. And her voice, normally so smooth and confident, was just slightly shaky due to her concussion.
His eyes followed Arya as she touched herself, feeling for any damage and looking for any way to escape. As she suggested he trade her to her family, he couldn't help but laugh. "Trade you? You're kidding, right? Everyone thinks you'redead. Whether I traded you to whatever's left of your pathetic family, or the highest bidder, no one thinks you would be the real deal." He had doubts himself, but the fact that she was so devoted to the role, made him think she had told the truth about her family name."No. I like my stark naked Stark bitch. You're going to be a bit of a pet for me, I think. Bark when I tell you to bark. Sit when I tell you to sit. Plenty of rewards will come, or plenty of punishments." He suggested. "And trust me, you won't like the punishments.Standing up from his chair, Charlie walked over and placed a bowl of water on the ground near her. "Drink up if you need to. But no hands." He ordered. A minor order, but it would be good to see how difficult she would be to corrupt and convert.
Arya's face twisted in anger as Charles laid out his plan for her. She knew, immediately, that it was never going to happen. Nobody would ever hold her down like that, especially not as some sick and twisted pet. She didn't even bother to respond to his generous offer of water, except by kicking the bowl away. "My family knows me. Are you stupid? Do you really think they're going to make a mistake?" But she was too angry now it showed that she was scared. The chain had clicked a few times when she'd kicked the water away, and she realized it was a choker, and what the consequences of trying to run would be. It was the first time in a long time that she'd been this scared. Killing the Waif had made her feel invincible. Now some stupid stable boy had caught her? It was humiliating.Ad this was the first time she noticed that Charles was actually an attractive man. She shook her head. Where had that come from? But maybe she could use it to turn the power dynamic around. Still, she knew nothing about seduction.
The man simply rose an eyebrow as she kicked away the water. "Hey, I was trying to be nice. No need to be so rude." He said innocently, walking over. He did not see Arya as a threat at all, able to push her away if she tried coming for him. Reaching for the chain, Charlie gripped it and lifted, choking Arya suddenly. He kept her like this, raised and hanging in a kneeling position, letting the air leave her for a few moments, before releasing and letting her fall roughly to the ground.Pushing Arya over, the large man placed his knee on her back, pinning her to the cool concrete. And a moment later, a loud slap echoed around the room, as he hit her ass. And a second. And a third. "That's three. I want you to count these out loud. If you count them, there will be less." He promised, hitting her ass a fourth time, and waiting for her to say the number 'four'. If she complied with his instructions, only twenty slaps would connect. If she didn't, it would be fifty.
"Hnngk!" Arya made a soft strangled noise as he held her up. Immediately she thought he might have already grown bored of her and decided to kill her. But that was part of the reason she pissed him off anyway he'd be more likely to kill her immediately. It was better than staying alive and being humiliated or tortured. She was ready.But of course, she was released, falling over the ground with a sharp inhalation, holding her throat. Another strangled noise came out of her mouth as she recovered, like a little growl. A moment later his knee was on her back and she cried out. The spanks were humiliating, of course, but she was used to pain. So used to it, in fact, that the little tingle after the slap wasn't entirely unpleasant.She shook the thought away, breathing more normally after the first few spanks. She didn't make any noise from the pain, and instead reached back with her arms, her hands finding whatever part of his leg they could and clawing at them hard and mercilessly.
He sighed in annoyance as she clawed at him, gripping one of her wrists and pinning it behind her back painfully. "I guess you won't make it easy on me." He said aloud, slapping her ass and counting it out for her. His hand targeted the same spot every time ensuring that even if she had a resistance to pain, fifty slaps later, she'd definitely feel it.Knowing that it was likely this would happen, Charlie had kept rope in his back pocket. So after the spanking had finished, Arya's hands were quickly bound behind her back. Finishing, the man rolled Arya onto her back and spat in her face, before getting up and moving back to his chair. "The sooner you come to grips with your position, the better." He warned.
When he grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm painfully to hold it, it reduced the maneuverability of her other arm. Arya grunted with frustration as she realized that she could no longer fight back, even as she longed to tear the bastard's hip to ribbons with her nails. The spanking continued, the first real torture Arya was subjected to. Each already painful slap made her ass more and more tender, until she was bright red, tears in her pretty eyes, her body shaking from the pain as she tried not to sob, not to give him the satisfaction.She writhed as he turned her around and spat on her, her ass flaring up if it touched anything at all. She didn't look at him, repeating her list of names to herself, escaping into it. Adding Charles Frey's name. Still he could see her tears, her red face, how she moved to not let her ass touch anything. Arya picked at the rope with her nails, testing it.
He simply waited and watched her in silence, before deciding to leave her be. It was not to stop punishing her, but instead to challenge her. See how long she could go without needing anything. He began to check on her every few hours, ensuring the rope was still nice and tight, and sweetly asking if she needed anything By the time he had Arya reach her breaking point with no water or anything, he had opted to enter the room with one of his sisters, the smaller, yet more curvaceous girl wordlessly dropping to her knees and sucking his cock, the member completely hidden from view to Arya the entire time. "So bitch... still going without water?" He asked
Arya was meditating, or something close to it. She kept thinking of her family, repeating her list to herself. She wanted to be unflappable, to be able to take the torture and the deprivation. But after two days, the thirst had become unbearable. Her body was thinner, eyes exhausted, cheeks more hollow. Even her ass hadn't completely recovered from the hardcore spanking she'd received. Arya sobbed quietly when he wasn't around, but she was still determined to die. Just to die. No matter what he dangled in front of her, she wouldn't give in.When he came in with one of his sisters, Arya watched and blushed heavily when she dropped to her knees to service him. In her weakness, she noticed her attractiveness again. She lamented that she had never gotten to lose her virginity. With someone she loved, not like this. Never like this."You're disgusting," she said weakly. "Get out of here and let me die."
He rolled his eyes. "I figured I could wait you out, make you realise that you didn't or couldn't die." He sighed. "For once, you have proven me wrong." He announced, before smiling. "I have to give you something to live for."Approaching the girl, she was far too weak from her lack of food and water to fight him. His cock wet with his sister's saliva, it was soon pressed against her pussy lips, Arya pushed into the doggy style position. Her hair was longer now, almost back to how it had been back in Winterfell. That turned out to be a curse , as he gripped onto it roughly, forcing Arya to look forwards at his naked sister. And finally, Arya would feel her virginity taken away from her. His cock seemed massive, but she had nothing to reference it to. It stretched her impressively, his thick girth spreading her, his large balls roughly slapping against her pussy. He was not gentle with her, despite it obviously being her first time. And as she stared ahead, Arya would see the completely devoted look Charlie's sister had, staring at the two of them jealously, her fingers rapidly pumping in and out of her own cunt.
Arya felt her face pressed into the cold floor, struggling to turn her head enough to look at Charles, to see what he was doing. Her head was jerked forward and she was forced to look at the naked woman. A wave of disgust washed over her naked body as she shut her eyes. "You pig," she whispered harshly, "you fucking pig!"A strangled cry came from her lips as Frey began to steal her virginity. She didn't want to make any noise for him, but the sudden invasion was utterly overwhelming. Intense, painful, and something else. Arya tried to pull away but it was no use. She was trapped and his cock was pushing into her small body. She bit her lip, forcing herself to be quiet as tears formed in her tightly shut eyes. "Ngh... you rapist bastard..."
He laughed quietly, slamming his hips into hers as he fucked her virgin cunt. She was nice and tight, the perfect size for him. "Hey... It might be rape now, but soon, you'll learn to enjoy yourself." he promised, his hand reaching down between her legs. As much as he did not care about her pleasure, he wanted to corrupt Arya, make her see that his way was the only way. And that through him, she would feel things she'd never felt before.So his fingers deftly played with her clit in ways she thought unimaginable, undeniable pleasure coursing through her thanks to the double headed pleasure coming her way. "Imagine what will happen when I finish. A disgusting Stark baby, one born with a Frey. Our houses were to be joined with your traitor brother and my sister, but they can be joined through us instead. My family name will live on through your sons. Doesn't that sound like fun?" He asked rhetorically.
"I'll die before that happens!" Arya shrieked, and boy did she ever mean it. "And I'll die before I enjoy anything you do to me!" It was easy to cry out now, since the sex was still just pain. Besides those two outbursts, though, she got quiet, determined to not show her pain as much as she could help it. What she couldn't help were the tears starting to stream from her eyes, but luckily she was forced to look at the strange girl, so Charles couldn't see her tears anyway.The sensation of his length filling her was overwhelming, but pain was something Arya understood. Even as her fingers dug into the dirt and every thrust hurt more than she could have thought, at least she understood the situation. She could deal with it. Her ass was still on fire as well, so when his body pushed against it, it would send another wave of fire through her.Just then, as her cunt moistened to accommodate its invader, the pain started to fade just a little. For now, though, it was nothing but a relief.
He soon felt the pussy wrapped around him wetten, her arousal getting to her, her body making her feel things that her mind attempted to fight. "Aww, look at that! The dumb bitch likes cock!" He cooed, never letting up from his assault of her pussy. It felt amazing, and unintentionally, Arya was doing an amazing job of milking him of everything he had.His fingers worked her clit faster, and soon, she would feel an eruption inside her as he began to cum. Each thrust emphasised a shot of cum shooting inside her, filling her womb and hopefully impregnating her. "Such a good slut." he groaned happily, still thrusting away post orgasm. He eventually slowed to a stop and pulled out, wiping his sticky cock on her ass cheek."I realise that pain cannot convince you to do as I ask, at least not directly. But you seem to be a good soul." He commented, pushing her into the dirt a little more as he stood up. "So... You will continue to eat and drink, or else I'll take my frustrations out on my innocent sisters, the ones you wanted to keep alive. For every meal you skip, or water you pass on, you'll find one of the girls missing a finger. Or a toe. Hell, could be an arm if I'm bored enough." He shrugged casually. "So behave." he instructed.As he stood nearby and out of reach, his sister moved closer, silently putting her face between his ass cheeks and eating out his ass. "Oh, fuck." he groaned quietly. "See? Won't you hate it if Jessie here would come with your meal tomorrow, and she's missing her thumbs? Behave." He ordered, putting a bowl of water near Arya so she could drink. | 17 | ['Stark', 'Walder', 'Arya', 'Frey', 'Eddard'] |
114 | | 𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡 𝔒𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔯 - [ ʏᴜᴍᴀ x ᴄʜᴇᴠᴀʟɪᴇʀ ] | "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" "They set the world on fire. It wasn't a war anymore it was a remaking. Some losses are inevitable. Some... unthinkable. Now they've built a new world. Armies of steel and thunder. They're rewriting history." In 1946, the world teetered on the brink of total domination by the Nazi Empire. The Allies had been rendered to their knees, and perished 'neath the malevolence of the Schutzstaffel's continued advancement in technological research. Europe lay in ruin, dominated by industry and fueled by its prisoners of war, and it didn't take long for the Empire to cast its eye upon the United States the capital of the world. By 1953, the old world surrendered, and offered its neck to the bloodied red banner and its ideas of a new age of mankind.The war afflicted USA painted itself as the ideal a colored landscape, a revival of the roaring twenties. It remained headed by an American spokesperson, though it served only as a facade, for Nazi influence had long injected itself into the Whitehouse and corrupted the very foundations of its power. Civilians were heavily regulated and were made to abide by listed zones and curfews, and the poor and war torn populace were allocated rations and aid when their need was dire. Laws were pressed by martial standards the SS patrolled the streets in frightening numbers, and the Gestapo raided suspect residences freely and without consequence. Most had submitted to the New World Order, and had slowly settled into a sense of normalcy and routine. But there were few who still donned their duties and anger, manifesting in form of rebel movements across the globe. In 1955, the population held its breath at the assassination of General Heinrich Engel, former leader of the Nazi scientific movement and tyrant of the American Embassy. The victory was short lived, however, for the death of one monster gave rise to many others. The incident provoked a mass shooting of civilians deemed suspicious of rebel involvement, the bodies of which hung upon the walls of the embassy 'til the crows began to claim them. The concept of survival proved simple, albeit difficult to swallow. Silence, and obedience. Obey, or die. Clear skies, clean air each graced her senses and was met with deep gratitude. Lena's chin had lifted towards the clouds, having once forgotten what they had looked like, and she stepped from the boat ramp in vacant and bewildered thought. Her mind cast back to home, and she pictured the crumbling ruins of Warsaw, the barbed fences of its many work camps, and the thick grey fog which lingered eternally above them. Like the rest of Europe, Poland had been torn down by the war. Lena had admired the Americas on old stamps and postcards, and for the first time she was able to finally behold them in person. Normalcy became apparent to her, presented in vast crowds and neon signs which glowed even in the blue of the midday sky. Yet, there was a certain, uneasy weight to the air, and amidst the poster girls and bright billboards it didn't take long for her to notice the red banners which lined the harbor. Swastikas glared like the eyes of the beast. And beneath them, the grey demons themselves devout members of the Schutstaffel, mingled among the harbor crowd. Lena had long practiced the art of caution, and knew well to avoid attention when none was needed. But as she approached the gates to the feigned free world, a lump formed in her throat. Though she was still some fifty meters away from the gated checkpoint, the on duty officer had already set an eye upon her, peering from beneath his peaked grey cap. She swallowed, and lifted her chin as to at least wear the mask of confidence. She had nothing to hide. Nothing to hide. Nothing to hide. She was, perhaps, a peculiar sight short haired, as was the rule in her former station, and oddly clothed. Her lithe figure bore a plain white blouse and pleated navy skirt, falling a short ways past her knees in an elegant format. Atop this otherwise normal attire, however, was an olive colored coat which seemed a few sizes too large. A coat intended for men, it seemed, with its padded shoulders and large breast pockets. Most strikingly was the presence of rouge lipstick on an otherwise pale and naked face no doubt the marking of a poor girl who had been given her first cosmetic gift. She carried a cheap black purse over her shoulder, and hugged a dossier of type written documents to her torso."Fr ulein."The man stood from his station as Lena approached, his arms folding loosely behind his pack. She peered up at him with a small nod in greeting, and from the dark look in his gaze, she knew he was already looking for a reason."Do you speak English?""Yes, sir." Lena's voice was small, bearing the subtle and almost absent grace of her home accent. She held out her dossier, which the officer took, and his eyes lingered down upon her for a moment before dropping to her documents. The front most page, headed by a read triangle stamped with the letter 'P,' covered her identity, and of course, her former address."... Aslau Stammlager. Gross Rosen." His gaze lifted, and her lips parted. He was making her needlessly nervous. "Yes, sir, I was granted amnesty from the Gross Rosen camps only this February passed. The documentation is all in there." Again, he read on. Gloved fingertips peeled the pages apart, and he ran his vision down the many given references in support of her release. His brow raised, and though his expression remained firm, she could tell he was amusing himself. "Service and good behaviour." He exhaled sharply through his nose, his own accent thick with hints of his homeland. "What service would that be, might I ask?" Her lip quivered. It was known that amnesty was scarcely given to those charged to live among comfort women, and so she did not know why he scrutinized her so. It took conscious effort to prevent herself from frowning in his direction, and the corners of her lips quivered in agitation. "I was stationed in comms, sir," she began, withdrawing her breath, "I translated speeches and radio communications for intelligence and new arrivals." A deep scowl presented upon the officer's already rugged features, and her fingertips tingled in sudden nervousness. "An interpreter. You speak German?" His tone was bitter as he returned to his native language. She nodded. "You might've told me this to begin with and spared me the effort. Show me your arm." Her breath hitched in her throat. "Sir, with respect, I have done this on the ferry already " The officer clicked his tongue. She exhaled, reaching to lift her sleeve, but the material was stiff and would not bundle tightly enough for her to show him what he wanted. Her eyes glanced in either direction, conscious of on lookers, and she resorted to shrugging off her coat completely. She dropped it along with her bag to the dry floor, and unbuttoned the cuff of her blouse sleeve. The cotton was rolled to her elbow and she held out her forearm. A numbered tattoo was present on the flesh 3087980A. The officer gripped her arm, running a gloved thumb firmly across the ink to check that it was permanent before pulling away. She grimaced at the sensation, and was quick to return her coat to her shoulders. Indeed, Nazi officers stationed in the Americas knew well to be wary of those claiming to hail from labour camps. Whilst many had been given the privilege to rejoin society in recent days, most prisoners particularly those held in Europe had no property nor funds registered to their name, and were thus forced to stay within the camps regardless. Lena, however, had been granted the will of her great uncle a former cobbler, whose shoe making aspirations had led him to purchase a small home in New England. That home now resided under the name of Lena Zielinski, a former Polish prisoner of war, whose home was reclaimed four years ago at the age of sixteen. "Keep these on your person, and present them when asked." The officer spoke, still uneasy of her entry as he lifted the iron latch and allowed to gate to slide partways across. He handed back her dossier, allowing access to a new land. "Welcome to New England, Fr ulein." It had been easier than expected, no doubt, but she could still feel the weight of the Nazi's glare against the back of her skull as she departed from the ports. She preferred the authority of her homeland, somehow, for the threats there were blatant and easily recognized. Here, they were subtle, but frightfully potent like a pit of snakes, hidden 'neath a thin veil of attractive silk.
, ' , ' , , Easier than expected? "There she is. Right on schedule." In the sea of refugees and steel hatted soldiers stood a group of German officers. Leather clad with trench coats that pooled around their ankles and Luger pistols strapped to their waists, the men quickly locked their gazes upon their target, watching as she passed through the nearby security checkpoint. For many weeks, the Gestapo had been on the hunt for a Polish girl from the Gross Rosen camps, who carried in her bag a set of top secret documents passed between a long line of traitors and commandos. It was believed that American partisan groups were eagerly hunting this information, having forged documents allowing for the prisoner's release and even managing to arrange her transportation to German occupied America. "Ausgezeichnet. Wait for the signal." The men watched as the border officer turned towards the group. The soldier had been given orders to light his cigarette if the numbered tattoo was a match to the woman who had escaped the camp. Indeed, just a few moments later the soldier had placed a cigarette between his cold lips and brought the small flame towards his portrait. It was time to move. The six men dispersed, moving in different directions like they had rehearsed many times before. The first soldier moved down the nearby alleyway to cut her off while two more followed several paces behind her. The rest maintained a safer distance, silver submachine guns clasped in their hands just in case things turned unexpectedly violent. It wasn't long until the entire group was in position to make their move, the first soldier emerging from the alleyway in front of the woman. He pretended not to notice her, appearing so suddenly that she would not be able to change course before unceremoniously colliding into him. "Ah. Entschuldigung, Fr ulein." A faux smile creased the man's lips, who seemed eerily unsurprised by the sudden impact. "Are you alright?" He remarked, this time in thickly accented English. The girl would be given hardly enough time to respond as the two officers behind her closed the gap between them. "Don't move." Another voice ordered from behind, the pointed barrel of what could only be a pistol placed up against the back of her oversized peacoat. It was only a moment later that the second man threw a dark bag over her face, obscuring her vision as the three men forcefully grabbed her and dragged her into the adjacent alleyway. The three soldiers quickly managed to pin the lithe Polish girl up against the dirty wall, any attempts to struggle under their grip futile in the face of overwhelming odds. "We've got her. Go fetch up the Wagen." In the absence of sight, the woman would be able to hear the sound of jackboots running away. "Good morning, my sweet, little spy." The officer let loose a chuckle. Clearly the officer took great amusement in his horrifying profession. "Do you have the documents we're looking for?" s s s s s s 31 M 6'2" 190 s 1 2 3 "Who knew PTSD smelled like cigarettes and whiskey?" 0900 HOURS New England Perched on the top level of an abandoned apartment complex sat two, rather broad silhouettes. They had been there since the night before, waiting for their target to finally arrive aboard one of the ships that came into the harbor. "Tell me again why we're looking for this girl?" A gruff voice sliced through the morning fog, the unsettling aroma of trapped cigarette smoke congregating in the room. Even between the artillery and gunfire, Commander Richard Winters had always hated the silence the most. The long periods of serenity that betrayed his survival instincts. Even when overlooking the beautiful waters below, Winters could hear the lamentations of the dead echoing through his mind. "It's on a need to know basis. She's got something that we need." Sitting beside the commander was another man sent from Resistance Intelligence. He was slightly smaller in stature, wearing a dark sports coat and sunglasses that hid his pupils from the light... and wandering eyes. Held up to his face was a pair of binoculars, pointed towards a ship that was just docking at the harbor underneath. "I know a dozen girls that got something I need..." The Commander retorted, "...Never tried this, though." He leaned back in his seat, propping his leather jackboots up against the open windowsill. Winters was a larger man with broad shoulders and possessing a chin sharp enough to kill Nazis. Most notably, however, the man sported a rather iconic leather eye patch over his right eye... a trophy of sorts that he earned during the war. It seemed like it was only yesterday that he was a stupid, young boy with grandeur dreams of heroism. It wasn't until he made his first jump into hell that he realized that war was nothing like he had expected. "It doesn't look like she's on this boat, either." The man sighed, before suddenly straightening himself. "Wait. I think that's her." Winters dropped his feet from the windowsill, picking up his own pair of binoculars and peering through the optic with his left eye. "Which one?" "Brown hair, olive coat." "They all have brown hair and olive coats." "Younger... uh, probably in her twenties. She's carrying a black purse, I think." "The one at the checkpoint?" The Commander whistled, "She's a cute one. Damn, you sure know how to pick them out." The two men watched as the woman made it through the checkpoint, though it didn't take them long to immediately notice that something was amiss. "Uh oh. Looks like our rabbit has some wolves on her tail." Winters watched as the group of Gestapo officers dispersed, one man running into the alleyway before the others made off in the other direction. "Shit! Shit!" The man hopped from his seat, picking up his rifle before rushing towards the door. "Let's go!""Uh, where do you think you're going? You gonna shoot up an entire German checkpoint by yourself?" The man paused, "We need those documents! If they fall back into German hands..." "They're the Gestapo. They'll just take her to the same place they always do. Then we'll infiltrate, get the documents and the girl. Piece of cake." He scooped up his equipment bag as he spoke, slinging it over his shoulder before moving towards the door. "Just get the safe house and the escape vehicle ready. I'll do everything else." "Wait." The Commander opened the door, stopping in the open doorway."We don't need the girl. Our orders are to kill her to avoid anything from leaking.""If you say so." With that, the Commander disappeared.
The harbor crowd was parted by the light click of oxford heels as Lena stepped away from the gates, merging into the streets beyond and moving with a certain degree of haste as her hands fumbled through her pockets. After some effort, she produced a silver watch from her coat and held it level with her gaze. The engraving had faded and the finish was dull, but it worked well enough. She muttered something beneath her breath, and her brows dipped into a light frown. She was late by a few minutes, and she hoped the arranged car would wait a little while longer. A brief moment spent upon the tips of her toes allowed her a small glimpse of what appeared to be her cab in the distance. Her pace quickened at the sight of it, though it was short lived in her nervous haste, she was unable to veer around the officer who intercepted her path. She walked flatly into him, gasping sharply as the air was knocked from her lungs and panicking briefly as the watch flew from her grip. She stumbled back, and then forward again her knees buckled as she hurried to catch the silver timepiece before it rolled further away. She dusted it off, and green eyes lifted to behold the man before her. Nie. "Excuse me..." She dipped her head, apologizing quietly and moving quickly. But another man blocked her way, and then another. Nie. She had been promised safe passage. The press of gunmetal against her spine caused her to hold her breath, and her gaze flickered among passersby each paid no heed, out of fear for their own lives. There was barely a moment to negotiate before her vision fell to black, and she was pulled into what she could only assume to be a back alley. Her taste of freedom had been terribly brief. "Don't touch me." Her voice quivered, and her form leaned back as to maintain her balance against the wall. Her fingertips pressed into the brickwork, and her head tilted downwards, listening intently for all her lack of vision. Of course, weak words weighed little, and she felt a hand clasp around her forearm. She flinched hard, and suddenly spat venom. "Fass mich nicht an," her voice was clearer now as she spoke in a tongue they would better understand, and she wrenched away from his grip, almost falling sideways as she did so. "Gestapo Hunde. I have nothing for you." She should have known better than to throw insults at men such as these. Lena had long learned how to behave around Nazi underlings, but she was frightened, and so lashed out like a cornered animal. The sound of guttural laughter did little to help her uneven breathing, and she held stiff as her bag was ripped from her person. Lena could hear its contents being emptied on the floor loose coins, a single key, and the dossier of papers she had used at the checkpoint. She could hear documents being shifted and flipped, and the low muttering of officers who could not find what they were looking for. One of them tutted after a moment, and she let out a sharp yelp as she was seized by the collar. She was lifted partly upright, and her heels dug into the ground the man who held her pulled her pea coat apart and pushed his hand into the large inner pocket another binding of documents was pulled from it, and she was released back against the wall. More rustling. This time, she did her best to silence her breathing as to listen, and heard the falling of silence as they examined the paper. Parts of it were in German. Other excerpts had been rewritten in Polish. Most alarmingly, much of it had been replaced with some form of cipher there was no decoding document, and presumably, Lena held such knowledge in her memory. Her lip quivered at the sound of a humored chuckle. "Clever." One muttered, shifting his bootheels against the concrete. "Very clever, Fr ulein." A lump gave rise in her throat, and she pulled hard against their grip as she was once again dragged away. She presumed the worst a nest of Gestapo, and an empty room. Lena had seen it before, and knew of the methods used to deal with suspected spies. She had failed, and so bid her blessed daylight farewell.
There was a smug aura of satisfaction that lingered between the Gestapo officers as they finally found the documents they had been searching for, which had been hidden cleverly between the pockets of the girl's jacket. Though the documents were obfuscated by some level of unintelligible code, keeping the information out of the hands of the hands of American terrorists was far more important than understanding the intelligence themselves. Hope would soon give way to terror... and It wouldn't be long now until Lena's most vivid nightmares would find themselves basked in reality. "Get her in the car." The sound of squeaky brakes reverberated across eardrums as the Gestapo officers opened the door. The Germans then lifted the defenseless Polish girl from her feet, dragging her back out of the alley before unceremoniously tossing her into the backseat of the car. They took extra care to not let their little spy escape by handcuffing her hands around the inside of the door, the blindfold that hung over her face still clouding her vision. Once she had been properly secured into place, the door was slammed shut and the car began to move. The nightmare had begun. The car ride was brief, ten... perhaps fifteen minutes maximum. Without her vision, it would be impossible to know what sort of direction she was going, but even without the blindfold, the foreign Polish girl would probably have some difficulties making sense of the New World around her. Two German officers occupied the front seats of the car, while several more Volkswagens tailed them closely to prevent any sort of escape. It wouldn't be until the engine's whirring had ceased and the sound of opening doors that Lena would be signaled of their arrival. The men grabbed her, unhooking her from the door before taking her into some sort of building. "We looked through everything. There's no decoder." One of the men muttered as they walked through the mysterious building. As they descended several flights of stairs, the air got remarkably colder... and there lingered the faint stench of death that one would never forget from residing at the concentration camps. "and it's not any Allied code I've seen." "Interesting. Perhaps the Fr ulein will know more about it." As they walked down a long, straight corridor, a loud sound suddenly blasted through the hallway. A single gunshot, a scream, then silence. "Don't be afraid, my little spy. Your death will be much slower than that, I assure you." Eventually, Lena would be forced to take a sharp right, through what she could only guess was a doorway before finding herself in another room. It was then that the door was shut, the officer reaching over to pluck the blindfold from her face before discarding it to the side. "Welcome home, Fr ulein." The officer cackled as Lena's vision returned. The small room was dreadful, a sterile room shrouded in almost complete darkness. A single, decaying light hung from the short ceiling above, even the smallest vibration would cause the lightbulb to temporarily short out. But worse than the furnishings was the smell, the strong odor of bleach rising from the floor. No doubt the previous occupant had been murdered, the blood hastily scrubbed off of the floor before the arrival of their next victim. With Lena were now only two of the officers that had abducted her moments ago. "Have a seat." The officer pulled a chair from underneath the metal table, the only furniture that existed in the torture room. He gave Lena no time to register his words before another Officer smacked her across the face, pushing her into the chair violently. "I'm going to give you one chance to do the right thing, Fr ulein" The first explained to her, placing a paper and pen down onto the tabletop. They then placed one page from the documents that had been hidden in her jacket in front of her, the coded message that only she could interpret. "Decode this." He commanded, knowing full well that their newest prisoner wouldn't be so willing to cooperate easily. The officer placed his hand underneath Lena's chin, strong fingers forcing her to look up towards him. "I suggest you choose you next actions very carefully."
Lena's pace was staggered and unsteady, shaken by her nerves, failing to trust her unwelcome escorts as they pulled her blindly through unknown corridors. The gunshot almost sent her reeling backwards, and she maintained her balance only through the tight grip of the Gestapo who held her upright. She breathed a silent whimper, counting her quivering breaths, and muttered something to herself. The smell of bleach was nauseating, and the sudden sound of the door clicking shut behind her signaled the true beginning of beginning of her nightmare. She almost wished they had left the blindfold in place. She scoured her eyes over every corner of the room, searching immediately for an opportunity, and she found none. She was seated briskly, and pressured instantly. She stared at the pen she was handed. Was she strong enough to use it as a weapon? Perhaps, if only as a means of making them shoot her as an early exit. Her hands curled tightly into the fabric of her skirt, and she gazed vacantly at the entourage of symbols before her. She had been complacent ever since she was first taken from her home in Warsaw. She did as she was told, and survived through the continuous transcribing and translation of documents at the request of Nazi communications. But this time was different. The had broken years of trust, tempted by a man who had promised her freedom in the Americas in exchange for a small favor o encode and courier documents, far beyond her understanding. There would be no forgiveness for this she would die, no matter her choice of action within that room. "Nie " The concept was frightening, so when she was taken by the chin, only a moment passed before she pulled herself away so harshly that she came clean off of her seat. She fell to the ground and pushed herself towards the wall, her palms pressed against the bleached floor. Then, she laughed a quiet, nervous laugh, provoked by hopeless fear. Her head held low and so her hair obscured her vision, and she spoke softly. "Idioci. Do you truly believe that I am the decoder, as well as the courier?" Her lip trembled beneath her quiet lies. "You Gestapo... aren't selected for your brains, are you?" Indeed, she had resorted to stalling, in the vain hope that some flavor of opening would arise in the meantime. A miracle, by all guesses.
"Ah. I find it odd you would mention that." The man crossed his arms against his chest, a muted chuckle echoing between the corners of the compact prison cell. If the little hummingbird was suggesting that the Gestapo officers were dull, then what was she for making such a remark? "If you are not the decoder, then I suppose that we have no further use for you, do we?" The man shrugged, before turning towards his subordinate. "Scharf hrer." Leather jackboots clicked together as the man snapped to immediate attention. "Kindly put a bullet through the good Fr ulein's head." The Officer displayed no interest in questioning the little spy any further, even though he could easily see through her thinly veiled lies. "If she cannot decode them, then we should dispose of her." "Jawohl." The soldier stepped forward, his strong hands grabbing the Polish girl by her brunette head. He pulled her away from the wall and towards the center of the room, forcing her down upon her knees in front of them. "Guess we're not the only ones without any brains, hm?" The man drew out his sidearm, the barrel pushing through her bangs so that the cold steel pressed firmly against her forehead. She would have no choice but to watch as his finger slowly made its way to the trigger, ominously stroking the curved piece. It was the end of the road for the little spy who thought she could escape the grasp of the Iron Fatherland. As if time moved slowly, she would be forced to watch as the trigger inched backwards, waiting for the inevitable descent into darkness. Click. The sound would be louder than any gunshot she would ever hear, the soft click of the empty handgun reverberating throughout the cell. The men tried their best to stifle their laughter, before both erupted into a chorus of unabashed laughter. To mercilessly execute a degenerate enemy of the Fatherland was perhaps the greatest thrill a sick Gestapo officer could ever bask upon, but to watch their victim tremble, cry and plead for their life before their last moments was a joy unparalleled. Like had been promised as they were walking through the halls just moments before, death would not be so easy of an escape for the traitor. "Aha! Look at how the poor Fr ulein trembles." The Gestapo officer pushed past his subordinate, glaring down at the frightened woman beneath his feet. "Yes! That is the face that I want to see!" The grotesque, insane laughter that escaped the clearly unhinged officer's lips would have been enough to fill any nightmare. "Oh, you are so much prettier this way, my little spy." He opened his palm, striking her across the face without any mercy. His hand then found her throat, pushing her back up against the wall as his fingers dug violently into her nape. "I'm going to make you squeal for me. Yes! Mmhm. You're going to show me so many beautiful emotions before I snuff the life from your eyes. We are going to have... so... much... fun." He held her throat until he could feel her struggling for air, her pupils slowly beginning to roll backwards before he would finally release her. "Ah, but I am late for lunch. Not to mention that Oberkommand will want a report on our successful capture." He turned towards the door, adjusting the collar on his jacket. He gave two knocks on the door, signalling the guards on the outside to open the cell door. "Scharf hrer." The officer turned towards the other soldier as the door slowly slid open. "Do what you will in the meantime. So long as you keep her in one piece. If she decides to talk, notify us." With that, the Gestapo officer disappeared from the room, leaving the captured spy alone with his dog. "So, it's just the two of us, now." The man remarked as the door came to a close. He placed the empty handgun on the table, his hands eerily reaching towards his belt. "Let's have a little fun, shall we?"
She recoiled as she was approached, and grit her teeth as she was pulled strongly by her hair. Her hands raised instinctively to balance herself upon her weak knees, which threatened to buckle beneath her, and in her shaken state she uttered near silent words with the last of her breath. " even now resignedly and willingly, I accept at thy hand, with all its anxieties, pains, and sufferings, whatever kind of death it shall please thee to be mine." Even Lena still turned to her lost God after her years spent in subjugation. Tears welled behind closed eyes, and her lip trembled at the cold press of steel against her forehead. The seconds felt like hours, and she jolted sharply at the hellish click of an empty round. Her eyes opened in sickly realization, and the tears she had held back began to fall. Her hands dropped beneath her line of vision, and she closed her quivering fingers together, digging her fingernails into her palms as to stifle her sobbing. Their laughter made everything infinitely worse she stared up at them, wide eyed and humiliated, tear stained with an incomprehensible cocktail of fear and hatred. The strike to her face leveled her back to the full reality of her situation, and she gasped sharply as her teeth cut into her inner cheek. Her tongue rolled at the metallic taste of blood in her mouth, and she could not stand to resist the man's hand in time as she was seized and pushed heavily against the wall. Dark crimson pooled at the corner of her lip, blending seamlessly with her rouge, and her hands gripped tightly as his own as her throat was squeezed. Only when weakness demanded that she drop them did he release her, and she fell to the floor, holding her bruised neck as she gasped for air. Words of torment fell upon deaf ears. She wondered how many times she'd be deprived of death, before she'd start begging for it. Oddly, when the superior took his sudden leave of the room, she felt more in danger than she had before. From her unseemly position on the floor, she stared up at the other an underling, no doubt, who took great pleasure in his position regardless. She watched his hands, heeded his words, and pressed herself further back against the wall. She wished she could sink into it. "Nie, please," she shook her head, reviling herself for pleading with him, and pulled her coat tightly around herself. "Do not deprive me of my dignity, if I am to die." Alas, appealing to a Gestapo's good nature was scarcely successful, if at ever all.
Indeed, asking the Gestapo for mercy would prove to be a woefully futile effort, for she would have a better chance of success prying steel with her bare hands. The German Officer simply laughed at her, for she had not been the first to implore him for mercy. After all, these were the tactics they used to create their aura of terror, to ensure that any person who dared to rise up against the Fatherland would understand the consequences of their actions. No, there would be no mercy for the defenseless Polish girl this day. "Dignity?" The German Officer curled his hand into a fist before ruthlessly swinging towards Lena's face. The punch crashed against the flesh of her soft cheek, violently knocking her face to the side as the man let loose another grizzly cackle. "A Polish whore like you has no dignity to lose." He spat, taking a moment to revel in the damage he had caused. "You're going to learn the price of betraying the Fatherland. Then you will die." His words sprung forth like venom, the man navigating back over towards the table. A nearby drawer slid free, unveiling a leather pouch from its depths. What was inside of it, surely no person would want to know. "I'm going to make you sing, Fr ulein." The man revealed a strange, metal contraption, an object that looked like two wires affixed to a leather band. While Lena was left to contemplate what he was planning on doing with such a device, the soldier was already looming above her. With nowhere for the poor girl to flee, he quickly grabbed his victim by her short hair, moving the strange object towards her face. It went without saying that the man had done this many times before... and despite Lena's inevitable struggle it wasn't long until he had forced the metal wires between her teeth, the leather band locked firmly behind the back of her head. It was some sort of dental device, used to keep a victim's mouth pried open and to prevent them from biting down. "That look suits you, spy." He taunted her, placing his hand underneath her chin as his other unclasped his belt. He pulled the leather belt free from his waistband before wrapping it around Lena's throat, tightening it until the leather bit into her flesh. "Are you ready for your punishment?" He growled, pulling down the band of his pants to reveal his grotesque, throbbing erection. As horrifying as it was, rape was perhaps the most efficient tool in the interrogator's repertoire. A female spy stood almost no chance once they found themselves at the hands of their merciless foe. He grabbed her brunette locks once more and pulled her face closer towards his waist, the tip of his manhood pressing up against the spy's already parted lips. "We know you can decode those messages. I'm going to give you one more chance to do the right thing." His eyes watched Lena's terrified expressions, though even if she chose to acquiesce to her captor's demands, she would be unable to vocalize a response given her current situation. "Ah. I can't understand what you're trying to say." He taunted her, "Oh well, at least I gave you the chance." Without hesitating a moment longer, the man forced himself between Lena's parted lips, his invasive length pushing forward and immediately to the back of the Polish spy's throat. It seemed that Lena's nightmare had begun.
The taste of iron pooled on her tongue, her cheek throbbed, and she slumped 'neath the shadow of the officer. All notion of reason had left her, and she pulled against the grip in her hair. Her palms pushed hard against his legs, and the soles of her feet scraped against the floor in a desperate and flailing effort to drag herself away from him. Lena was entirely unnerved by the small bit of apparatus he wielded, and she tried to bite down, to no avail. She pinned it as some form of dental equipment, or horse bit. She was utterly humiliated. She scowled pertinently at his taunts, and her form both tensed and trembled in fear and anger. Her eyes became wide with horror at the reveal of his erection, and ultimate intention. She whined and resisted, turning her head against his assault only to be greeted by the pain of his grip and the sting of the belt against her flesh. His arousal basked in her terror, and there was nothing she could do. Nothing she could say. Vain attempts to verbalize came out as meek whimpers, tasked by both the metal apparatus and the pressure on her windpipes, and all physical efforts to escape had been met with little other than pain. She should've stayed in Poland. The invasion of his length was relentless, and straining. Her hands pushed against his thighs and her fingernails dug into the fabric of his trousers. Almost uncontrollably so, her mouth had begun to salivate against him and the metalwork, and dribble formed at her lower lip. Her eyes burned with dried tears, and she swallowed reflexively, pressing her tongue against the underside of his shaft. She could still draw breath, though only barely the obstruction of her assailant and the belt around her neck inhibited her air intake and caused her to hum and whine against him with every exhalation. Lena was becoming increasingly dizzy a faintness owed to the sudden waning of oxygen in her system. She teetered on passing out. She wished she would.
The German Officer growled as he relentlessly ravaged Lena's mouth, taking an incredible, perverse enjoyment in the nature of his profession. He pinned her hair back against the wall, ignoring the hands that attempted to claw and push him away as he violently thrust his waist against her frightened portrait. He groaned upon feeling his victim's tongue press up against the underside of his length, the sight of saliva uncontrollably dribbling from the edges of her lips only encouraging the man to violate her more mercilessly. The Gestapo were most efficient when it came to torturing their victims, knowing many, grotesque techniques to make their victims squeal. As soon as the officer noticed Lena's pupils begin to dilate, he immediately removed his invasive length from her mouth. "Oh, Fr ulein, you cannot sleep just yet." His words were followed by a smack across the Polish spy's face. He then reached down, his fingers claiming Lena's chin as he turned her face up towards him. "Your mouth is quite pleasing, my little spy. Maybe instead of killing you, we could yet find other uses for you." He chuckled, before retaking his former position. Sparing Lena no quarter, the man once again violated her mouth, his hardened length pressing deeper inside of her throat as she was forced to face the violent piston once more. Tightly gripping her hair, he thrust into her face with staggering ferocity, the back of Lena's head unable to move from the wall from the sheer force of each thrust. "Yes, instead of killing you, I'll make sure that a thousand men get to rape you." He laughed, "Then only after your holes have been used by a thousand men, will you be allowed to die." While feeling a tongue helplessly lap across his shaft was a good feeling indeed, nothing rivaled the amount of pleasure he received watching an enemy of the state face their most dreaded moments. To watch as the Polish girl's eyes begged for mercy, while her body trembled in unequivocal fear was indeed the greatest pleasure any Gestapo officer could ever experience. The Gestapo cared little for whether or not their victims eventually talked... for it was more about the method... the example. It was their duty to make sure that anyone who dare raise a hand against the Fatherland would understand the consequences of their actions. It wasn't long until Lena's pupils were dilating once again, the Officer pulling away at the last moment before his subject could slip into the safe veil of unconsciousness. He gave her the opportunity to breathe, waiting for her to come back to her senses before repeating the process once again. He did this several times, until the defenseless Polish spy would no longer be able to discern just how long he had raped her mouth for. Eventually, the German Officer would release a groan as he drive himself deep into Lena's throat a final time, his pulsating member releasing a thick, bitter substance into her mouth as he finally climaxed inside of her. Hell had ended, for now. The Officer pulled away, pulling up his pants and redoing his belt. "We'll be visiting soon. The next time, we won't be using just your mouth." He chuckled. "Welcome to America, Fr ulein," Several hours later... "I hadn't been informed that the SS would be coming." Within the Gestapo headquarters, a single man stood in the entryway, a rather imposing figure wearing the all black uniform of a Schutzstaffel Colonel. "Guten Tag, Ich bin Standartenf hrer Staufen." He spoke in a clean, however slightly accented German. Across his face he bore an eyepatch, a not uncommon sight for men that had fought during the war. "I'm here to see the prisoner." He explained, reaching upwards to remove the dark, officer's cap that sat atop a mess of dirty blonde hair. The Gestapo officers that greeted him looked at one another, before turning back towards the Officer. "She is still in processing. We cannot release her without the proper paperwork. Even then, you will need to wait until the interrogation has been completed so we can give our full report." The Colonel shook his head, "I just need to ask her a few questions." A small smirk formed across the man's lips. "Don't worry, I'll be quick." The Gestapo Officers conversed with one another for a few moments before turning back towards the Colonel. "I am sorry, Standartenf hrer, you must wait until the interro " "Do you have a phone? I would like to call the Reichsf hrer. I would like him to know that his orders are being held up by his own men." He explained, indeed, the leader of the SS was also the head of the German police. "Scharf hrer. Take the Colonel to see the prisoner." The Officers relented. "He will be in the room with you for your questioning. I am sure that this is acceptable?"
Minutes bled into imaginary hours as Lena's consciousness swayed to and fro, her eyes beginning to roll back against the assault. The strength in her arms waned, and eventually dropped to her sides. The last bit of effort was paid into restraining her reflexes as she felt her stomach muscles begin to tighten. Her moments of numbness were cut short each time by the officer's careful timing of short breathing periods, to which her body would instinctively draw deep breaths as if they were her last. His release into her throat was sudden, and bitter, and her eyes widened as the feeling dragged her back into full daylight. The taste was foreign, and she was forced to swallow, her eyes watering at the shock of it and her body keeling forward the moment she was released. She coughed, trembled, and coughed some more her fingertips scraped against the floor as she acknowledged his threats and she was rendered worldless. His sardony and taunting words only worsened the strange taste in her mouth, and his departure from the room left her humiliated, disgusted, and unfathomably angry. As soon as the door clicked shut, her hands lifted to claw at the device on her face. She dragged the leather past her skull, and it clattered to the floor. "Szumowiny." She hissed, kicking it across the room for good measure. She then paced, attempting to shake off her light headedness, and ran her hands through her tousled hair. She was a mess her eyes were raw, and her coat hung loosely from her elbows. Her face... She wiped the saliva from her jaw, taking off her smudged rouge completely as she did so, and leaned her palms against the desk to steady her swimming mind. She swelled on his words. "Pieprzy ci ..."Her teeth grit, and she glanced carefully around the room. No windows, no vents, no open doors. Nothing but cold tiles and minimal furniture. She thought about wrenching a leg from the desk. Ridiculous. Alas, her eyes cast down to the pen which had been left behind, resting atop the single page encoded print. She drew a long, quiet breath, and picked it up. Metal. How careless. Lena tested her ideas by jabbing it lightly at the back of her hand. It hurt, and she imagined even she might be able to use it as a shiv with a little effort. But gestapo attire was well woven and sturdy, and wouldn't allow for such an attack against the chest. Regardless, she held it tightly in her hand, and moved towards the doorway. Red faced and still livid, she slid down the wall beside it, positioning herself directly against the opening side so that the door would hide her as they entered. Her eyes closed in thought. Not the chest, not the back, but... She'd stab them in the back of the knee. Or at the very least, she'd try to. It'd allow her enough time to break into a sprint, though she was unsure what would follow besides almost certain death. She did not know the building she was in, nor did she know where she was within it. Regardless, she was unfazed as she assumed her seated position by the door, and did her best to steady the incessant shaking of her hands. The first man to walk through that door would be in for an unpleasant surprise, if she succeeded. And then... Whether through the front door or via a bullet through the brain, she was leaving this place, free from the threatened actions of the man she could still taste at the back of her throat.
Through the halls of the Gestapo Headquarters, two figures moved down the narrow corridors, the soles of leather jackboots echoing off of the desolate walls. It had been many years since the Commander had seen the inside of such a place, the harrowing halls triggering images that the disturbed veteran would have preferred to have forgotten. The Gestapo Officers eventually led him towards a room at the far end of the hallway, standing at the entrance. "Here we are." The Gestapo officer remarked, signalling the guard to open the doorway for them. As the door came open, the officer beckoned for the Schutzstaffel Officer to enter. "Danke." Richard stepped through the doorway, immediately noticing that no woman was in his immediate visage. It was then that the man fell under the spy's hastily arranged ambush. From the corner of his eye he noticed a sudden movement, one that immediately appealed to his sense of danger. It was the girl, striking from the corner of the room and aiming for what seemed to be his legs with a shiny object in her hand. A knife? He didn't hesitate, moving forward and pivoting as the little spy attempted to stab at the back of his legs. "Entschuldigung," he remarked casually, reaching down to hastily pluck the woman by the wrist. The Commander was much larger than the lithe, Polish spy, his strong hands firmly controlling her wrist so that he may better see the weapon clasped in her hands. "A pen. Clever." He mused to himself, a single sapphire glancing over towards the woman in front of him. She was noticeably younger than him, with tear stricken eyes and a head of short, disheveled brunette. Yet, despite her modest, unkempt appearance, the Commander found the flame that burned in her eyes rather alluring... for those gorgeous, little gemstones seemed to convey so many emotions: Fear, anger, desperation, sadness, hatred. "I actually forgot mine at home. May I?" Richard squeezed the woman's wrist, until the pain would eventually force her to drop the pen upon the ground. He then moved towards the table, placing his leather briefcase upon it. "Has she deciphered any of the code yet?" He opened the locks on his briefcase, sliding a box from its contents. The Gestapo Officer that had violated Lena just a few hours ago followed behind the Commander, immediately striking her across the face before pushing her towards the ground. "You stupid, Polish whore!" He growled, before turning towards Richard. "No, She has refused to talk so far." His glare found its way back down towards the defenseless woman at his feet. "But I have ways of making her talk, just you watch." His hands made their way back to his belt, undoing the buckle as he prepared to ravage Lena once more. Behind the Gestapo Officer, Richard unveiled what appeared to be two pieces of a tire iron, a cylindrical, metal rod and a rubber handle. While the man was distracted, Richard pressed the two objects together in a clandestine fashion, the unassuming objects clicking together without much effort. In only a few moments, the two pieces of metal had been put together to form a fully functional, Welrod pistol. By the time he had finished, the Gestapo Officer was pushing Lena backwards against the wall, his pants lowered down to his ankles as he attempted to defile her. The Welrod pistol was silent, no louder than a leather boot stomping down against the ground. Neither Lena nor the Gestapo Officer would realize what had just happened as the Officer suddenly noticed he was having difficulties breathing. Blood began to trail from the gaping hole that ran across his neck, the man desperately reaching for his throat as he could feel himself gurgling upon his own blood. His first instinct was to scream, but only the grotesque sounds of choking bubbled to the surface. The man fell to his knees as blood trailed down his neck and began spilling over his black uniform. "Mfghhhh!" His frightened eyes looked up at Lena as he desperately held onto his neck, clinging onto his last moments of life before finally collapsing onto the ground. "Hm. I was trying to shoot him in the head." The Commander now spoke in English for the first time, his hand traveling to the back of his silent, bolt action pistol. He pulled the breaching block back, chambering another round. "What's your name, girl?"
Lena had played the scenario through her head over and over. Imagined it to every last detail. So why, why did it not work? Her heart had nigh stopped when the door finally opened, and she moved exactly how she had rehearsed in her mind despite this. But now she stood awkwardly, her wrist seized by her target, grimacing as her resistance was met only with pain. She dropped the pen, and it clattered to the floor. Wide, burning eyes glared at the newcomer, and her stomach dropped. She recognized the black attire of the SS immediately, and it was not a welcome sight. The Gestapo were vile and wild, yet predictable in this manner, whereas the Schuzstaffel were a high rise of sinister and conniving intentions. They had managed every aspect of her former residence, and had long hammered a instinctual sense of fear into the back of Lena's subconscious. The strike to her face had knocked her cleanly out of her entrancement, and her attention drew towards the man from before. She wished he had walked through the door first she might have succeeded in her intentions, had it been so. "Get away from me !" No amount of gifted wit would subside the officer's brute strength, and she was shoved up against the wall with an iron grip. Her hands clawed and her legs kicked, and she could feel her flesh bruise beneath his hands. She whined through gritted teeth as her skirt was pulled upwards and her legs were pushed apart she made every effort to make it as difficult as possible for him, and in her desperation she failed to catch on to the subtle movements of the other officer, whose calm demeanor showed no signs of change. Her entire form jolted at a low, sharp sound a hollow thump, and the whistle of air. Her face felt warm, and she could see blurred spatters of crimson upon her nose. The weight against her form had wavered, but she remained frozen, regardless. There was a gurgling and a heavy thud as the Gestapo dropped to his knees before her. Her eyes tracked his own, wide in shock, and she watched as he fell back against the tiles. A dark pool of blood swelled around him. Lena held her breath, until she couldn't. " Oh Christ." She choked as she finally exhaled, edging across the wall as a means to get away from the body, stepping over his legs in the process. But she couldn't stop looking. She felt sick. Blood had been sprayed upon her face and chest, and stained the crisp white of her blouse she wiped at her face with her fingertips, and whimpered when it the blood did little more than smear. She gazed up at the SS Officer, and studied his features, seeking an semblance that might give her an indication as to why. Then he spoke, and her tenseness lapsed in a veil of realization. Her legs quaked, and she leaned into the wall for support. A short breath exhaled into laughter a morbid, nervous laughter, quiet and suppressed beneath her lowered gaze. "You're no Schutzstaffel," she began, her voice faint with exhaustion, "the SS would not move for a Polski nikt." One hand was used to pull the collar of her coat back up and above her shoulders, her head raised once more to watch the man's movements as he chambered another round. A grim smile pulled slightly at her lips, for she knew well that a weapon like that would make for a poor choice in escaping. It was just him, and her. She was glad that she didn't trick herself into the hope of being rescued. "My name is Lena, and I'm one of two individuals able to quickly decode the documents you seek." The back of her skull leaned against the tiles. "The other is in Warsaw. He hates Americans." Her eyes never left him as she prattled. Blonde, fair he would have suited the SS. The thought almost amused her, and she sighed. "Though I suppose the American resistance has the time and resources to decode it on their own. And I suppose that bullet is for me."
The Commander watched with stoic interest as the hummingbird retreated backwards, melting into the wall as nervous laughter mixed with the Gestapo officer's gurgling throes. She was correct to surmise that he was not actually with the SS, though such an obvious statement made the edges of his lips crease upwards into a grin. "Maybe I am. Does it matter anymore?" He paused, hearing the name of the woman he was about to kill. "Lena. That's a lovely name." He replied, turning towards the desk to find the documents that the Resistance had sent him searching for. As he began to stuff his briefcase with the documents, he continued to listen to listen to Lena speak. It wasn't long until she had caught on to her fate. "Call me Winters." "You'd be correct." His words were softly spoken, the slight hint of hesitation noticeable in his voice. That hesitation was the only difference that existed between him and the monsters that he fought, for the Schutzstaffel killed and tortured happily. His single eyed gaze turned back towards the Polish spy, "My orders are to take the documents and terminate you." Indeed, the Resistance would not need her to decode the information as they had been the ones to come up with the system themselves. Once the documents had been properly secured into the briefcase, the Commander pointed the Welrod pistol in Lena's direction. "Tell me, hummingbird. Do you want to live?" He whispered, waiting for Lena to make peace with this world before being sent into the next. He waited... he listened... his finger slowly reaching towards the trigger. The anticipation fell to an anti climactic halt as the Commander finally lowered the pistol, the weight of his conscience overwhelming his ability to shoot. He bit his lip, his brows furrowing in mild frustration before he suddenly burst out into an unceremonious laughter. "Sorry, kid. Bullets are getting pretty expensive nowadays. I hope you understand." Taking the briefcase, he moved over towards the door, beckoning for the spy to follow. Command was certainly going to raise hell over this. "But I'll tell you what... if you come with me, I'll buy you a drink instead." He knocked on the metal entryway, signalling the officer on the other side to open the door. As the door swung open, the Commander reached out with his pistol, the suppressed crack of his pistol echoing throughout the hallway as another monster fell to the ground, lifeless. It wasn't everyday that Winters got to shoot up a Gestapo headquarters... this was going to be fun. "Make yourself useful." He tossed the briefcase over to Lena, watching as it soared through the air and into her embrace. "If you want to live, I suggest you not fall behind me." As soon as his hands were free, he holstered his pistol, reaching down to claim the submachine gun that was slung over the dead Gestapo officer's shoulder. As he pilfered the corpse for survival equipment, he managed to obtain several magazines and more importantly, a fresh carton of cigarettes. "Thanks, bud." He patted the dead officer's shoulder before turning towards the way that they had came. Yet, before they could make their escape, several black suited men appeared from around the corner. The guards immediately noticed Winters standing over the dead body, running towards them with their guns pointed. With Lena still hidden inside of the cell, the Commander came up with quite the bright idea. "She escaped! Sie ging diesen Weg!" The Commander turned around, pointing down the opposite hallway. Without even questioning him, the German soldiers ran past him with their weapons drawn. Once they had run past and were moving in the opposite direction, Richard raised the submachine gun, the deafening sound of automatic fire blaring as the Commander cut both of the men down with a single burst of fire. Looks like things were about to get interesting...
My orders are to take the documents and terminate you. Lena's eyes closed beneath a light frown, and she raised a hand to her face, rubbing her temple and eye socket. Her head hurt. Everything hurt. The corners of her lips quivered as she stifled her upset, though his next question threw her off kilter, and she exhaled a sharp and quiet breath of morbid laughter. "Do you ask all of your targets that question? Of course I want to live." Her tone was grim and sardonic, and her gaze fell to the floor in what could be perceived as acceptance. She held herself still, expecting a gunshot which never came rather, after a series of strangely long seconds, she was instead met with hefty laughter. She startled, and her eyes opened wide, hesitating a moment before looking up towards the American. Her brow was knitted, her expression almost... offended. She had faced the prospect of being shot so many times in one day that it seemed to be something of a joke now. Lena was thusly rendered dumbfounded, her breathing fast paced and her hands curling into fists as she recollected her disarrayed thoughts. The following events were quick, and beyond her current hindered perception she stared blankly as the guarding officer entered, and fell. Only the sight of the briefcase hurtling towards her pulled her out of her trance, and she gasped, pressing back into the wall as she fumbled with her grip, cradling the case against her chest. What was he doing? Shouting. He was summoning them, she assumed, unaware of the attention he had already garnered in the hallway. "Idiota, what are you doing ?" She hissed, suddenly far more alert than before. She stepped towards the door, almost tripping over the gestapo's body as she did so, though quickly halted at the sight of the small posse of officers sprinting past the American, and nigh falling backwards at the ear ringing sound of the confiscated sub machine gun. A lump formed in her throat, and Lena approached the door with a little more caution, slowly edging into the corridor with the briefcase held tightly to her person. She looked down at the first corpse, and then upward, towards the group of dead and dying men and the sprays of crimson which now painted the walls. She was no stranger to cruelties, but she had never been quite so close to a butchering such as this. "Here I was, thinking you were a covert man. I..." She could hear the distant sounds of German exclamations and the approaching beat of boot heels against tile. Every bone in her body begged for her to run, but she knew nothing of the building she was in, and could nigh sense that Winters had other ideas. She looked around her for signs of an exit a stairwell, perhaps, or a window... Turning at the thought, her short heels clicked as she paced quickly towards a high window in the corridor. It was perhaps too short and too high up the wall to climb through, but would serve as a good enough looking point nonetheless. She tucked the briefcase beneath her arm and reached for its sill, levering herself upward by standing on pipework on the skirting and straining to look out of the glass. They were a few floors upward, at least she could not see the floor from her position. She dropped, catching her breath, subduing her sense of panic as best she could. "If you get us out of this, I think I'll buy you a drink. As many rounds as you like. What are you going to do, Mr Winters?"
"If you get us out of this, I think I'll buy you a drink. As many rounds as you like. What are you going to do, Mr Winters?" Now there was an interesting proposal. "Heh, I guess I made the right choice keeping you alive." The Commander mused between quiet breaths. "Not sure, I don't usually plan that far ahead." He ejected the half empty magazine from his submachine gun, allowing the metal box to clatter between his boots as he locked a new one in its place. "I suppose I'll just do what I do best." Richard shot Lena a passing glance, watching as she managed to jump up and look down from the window. By accomplishing such a feat, she only learned what the Commander could have already told her from walking through the front entrance that they were a few levels above the entrance. "There's probably a dozen Gestapo between us and the exit. It will take about three minutes before their reinforcements arrive." He explained, checking his gear a final time before they would make their move. "Stay close and do as I say if you want to make it out alive." With that, the Commander began to run down the hallway, opening the door at the far end that led to the access stairwell. Sweeping the barrel of the machine gun across, he made sure to check his blind spots for any threats before motioning for Lena to follow. "Let's go, hummingbird." The Commander didn't wait for Lena before beginning his descent down the stairs, gun still clasped between his masculine digits. With only a few officers left in the building, they were all most likely holed up in the lobby waiting for them. The plan made sense, after all, there was only one way in and one way out... with time being on the Gestapo's side. The pair descended down several flights of stairs before finally reaching the door to the lobby. As soon as Winters stepped off of the stairs, he held out his palm, signalling for Lena to stop in her tracks. "Stay there." His gruff voice was soon followed by a tense silence. Slowly, one hand reached into his jacket, while the other cautiously made its way towards the doorknob. He knew that as soon as he opened that door, that all hell would break loose. The Commander could feel his heart freeze as a bead of sweat cascaded down the silhouette of his face. Three... two... one. The Commander opened the door, backing away as a hail of gunfire began to pour through the entryway. Clouds of smoke and debris began to fill the small access stairwell as the sound of bullets greeted the pair. Without even waiting for the gunfire to stop, Winters revealed the object in his hand... an American hand grenade that he had stuffed into his coat pocket before entering the building. Pulling the pin, he tossed the grenade into the room, listening for the ear numbing sound of gunfire to give way to panicked curses in the German vernacular. The building shook violently as an explosion sent more dust and debris through the doorway. While any sensible person would have waited for the smoke to settle, the Commander knew that this was his opportunity. Charging inside, the Commander found the surviving Gestapo officers confused and in disarray. Without even a moment's hesitation, he began to unleash a torrent of gunfire upon them, killing the ones still holding their weapons first. Among the fallen officers, one of the men was clinging to his wounded arm, laying on top of a collapsed desk. "Nein! Don't shoot! I surr " Even before the man could finish his sentence, Winters placed the barrel of the submachine gun against the man's head. "You can come in, now." The Commander waited for Lena to step inside, the man underneath him was the one that had ordered Lena to be shot a few hours earlier. "Please! Let me " Before he could finish his sentence, Winters pulled the trigger, an audible click signalling an empty gun. "Oops. One second." The Commander once again ejected the empty magazine, the metal box this time falling into the Gestapo officer's lap. He loaded a fresh magazine in, placed the barrel against the man's head once again, this time receiving the satisfying bang that he had been searching for. Now that the room was silent, Richard spent a moment staring down upon the man he had just killed before turning towards the door. "Let's go. I'm tired of this place." He pressed through the door, leaving the Gestapo headquarters and back onto the street. He would take an immediate right, leading Lena into a nearby alleyway before unceremoniously discarding the submachine gun into the adjacent dumpster. "You probably think I'm not so different from them." Richard spoke as he removed his black, Schutzstaffel jacket, which was now covered in blood and grime. He tossed the jacket and his necktie into the dumpster before turning towards Lena."Go on, say it. I'm a monster, aren't I?"
He had told her to stay close, and so she did. She was no soldier no weapon of war. Her skills lay within words and weedling not gunfights and extractions. She tread upon his shadow as they descended the stairwell, her arms wrapped tightly around the briefcase as if it were her very life's work. She stopped midway through the last flight as he raised his hand to halt her, and her brows dipped, her fingertips tingling with nervous adrenaline as Winters himself seemed apprehensive of whatever might be behind the stairwell door. The intensity of the silence was smothering, and she grit her teeth, unsettled by the absolute lack of movement within the building. Both sides knew where each other were they merely waited for either one to make a mistake. Lena became fidgety, and she scarcely processed the production of a fragmentation grenade in time. The explosion provoked a sharp cry, and the tremors which followed knocked her balance and caused her to stagger back against the staircase. She released one of her arms from the briefcase and reached to steady herself on the handrail, though not before cutting her knee on the metal edge of the stair she perched upon. Her ears rang painfully, and she hissed through her teeth at the stinging of her grazed flesh. Amidst the gunfire and screams, she used the briefcase as a childish shield from both the cacophonous noise and the loose debris which fell from the ceiling. Even when the guns fell silent, and she was given the all clear by Winters, she hesitated, her teeth chewing at her inner cheek as a means of pulling her attention away from her nigh insurmountable stress. She did move, in time, inching around the doorway quietly, digging her fingernails into her palms. The massacre was grisly, and she tried to keep her eyes averted, holding her breath as she approached Winters while carefully maneuvering around the blood which pooled at the floor. He had snuffed the life out of the building so easily as if it were as mere an action as blowing out a candle. Lena's eyes soon fell upon him, however, and her expression fell into a state of sudden indifference, standing a short ways back as the Nazi begged for his life, taunted cruelly by the click of an empty barrel. She scarcely flinched even as his life was finally ended, a feat she quickly scolded herself for. Indeed, it was a grimly satisfying sense of deja vu, though she said nothing on the matter. "Skurwysyn." She hissed under her breath, resisting the urge to kick and spit at the man's body as she passed by it. I told you I had nothing for you. The sky outside had darkened, and her breath hitched. How long had she been in there? Would they still give chase, even having fled so far? Though still on edge, her adrenaline had settled, and everything began to hurt as they dipped into the alleyway. The cut on her knee, the graze on her cheek from the Nazi's palm, and she could even still taste the bitterness of "Go on, say it. I'm a monster, aren't I?" Lena's eyes flicked upwards from the floor, her attention drawn suddenly to Winters and away from herself. She watched as he discarded the SS uniform, as bloody and grimy as it was, and was suddenly conscious of her own attire. Her white blouse had been spattered with another's blood, and clung disgustingly to her own torso. She drew in a breath, pulling her coat around herself to hide it. The question played at her mind, and she found herself almost apologetic towards him. She knew monsters, better than most in fact she could not see it in the man before her, though. Oddly enough, she managed to muster a small smile, as sincerely as she could, given the circumstances. "Don't give yourself so much credit." Her bantering was dry. The briefcase held loosely in the nooks of her fingers, and she was admittedly unnerved by his sudden change in demeanor. "Men do monstrous things, it is true. But you are a war dog. One who is tired of war, albeit." "The gestapo are vermin. Dogs kill vermin, all the time. In my eyes, that does not make you a monster." Her smile faded, and her gaze averted to the ground again. "And I'm alive because of it. It is true they did not intend to kill me so quickly, but..." her words trailed, wary as to not disturb herself by the mere thought of it. Instead, her arm raised, holding out the case by its handle. "You were not the named recipient, but it was aimed for the Resistance, nonetheless. Nothing really went to plan today." Her lip quivered, her raised hand trembled, and her stoic facade started to quietly crumble. The day's gnarly events began to dawn on her, seemingly all at once. She wanted to just leave and forget, but things would not be so simple, given what she knew. "Is it safe to assume that you won't just turn me loose?" She laughed nervously, stifling a sob by briefly covering her mouth with her sleeve. "Then... I suppose I did promise you a drink, didn't I?"
The Commander listened as he gave his little spy the opportunity to speak, who seemed more than willing to offer him some sort of justification for his gruesome actions. Yet, as his ears attentively processed Lena's words, it was clear that his single eyed gaze was wandering to both ends of the alleyway. It was a habit that Winters seldom realized he was participating in, but one that was born out of a long lifetime of necessity. A survival instinct, carefully bred and nurtured until it had become second nature. "Tired?" His lips creased upwards into an inquisitive grin, "That's a lot of assumptions for someone you've only known for a few minutes." Before Winters could fashion more words, he noticed the girl hold out his briefcase by its handle, offering it towards him. "Plans are just like people," the Commander pressed his hand against the extended briefcase, pushing it back towards Lena's chest for this was her burden to bear, "...if you follow them blindly, you're bound to get disappointed more often than not." After hearing the words spoken from his own voice, Winters could have sworn that his tidbit of wisdom sounded much cooler in his own head. "Anyways, your job isn't quite finished yet. You'll be taking this to the Resistance with me." After being captured by the Gestapo, Lena was a liability now. If she were to be captured again, then all of their intelligence could have been gathered for nothing. "Then... I suppose I did promise you a drink, didn't I?" "'As many rounds as you'd like,' were your exact words, if I remembered correctly." His gaze turned back towards the direction they had came, the commotion from the pair's escape quickly rising in severity. A large crowd of people began forming at the entrance as more Gestapo officers were beginning to make sense of the gruesome scene they had found. "Let's go. I know a bar not too far from here." Winters turned towards the opposite end of the alleyway, beckoning for Lena to follow before the military would expand their search to the surrounding city blocks. While the Commander managed to look less conspicuous by ditching his bloodied uniform, a quick look at Lena's disheveled appearance would probably surrender her identity rather quickly. As the pair began to exit the alleyway, Winters immediately noticed a group of German soldiers running in their direction, automatic weapons in tow as they pierced through the crowded streets in search for anything out of the ordinary. Caught off guard and with only a moment to react, the Commander hastily spun about, grabbing his little spy by the collar of her bloodied shirt before pushing her back against the alley wall. The hummingbird was as light as her nickname implied, her small wrists captured by strapping hands before they joined her back against the wall locked in place just above her messy, brunette head. It wasn't long until Lena would find herself pinned between the wall and the bulwark that was the Commander's chest, a single, sapphire eye foreshadowing the action that was about to come. With little hesitation, the Commander cocked his head slightly to the side before forcing his face against Lena's own, lips crashing against one another as he locked her into an unexpected kiss. Winters growled deeply, the vibrations passing between lips as he delivered a rough, bruising kiss upon the little spy's mouth. The German soldiers gave disinterested, passing looks at the couple, Lena's slender form mostly covered by the Commander's larger size. Yet, even as the threat subsided, Winters persisted, his hands still gripping Lena's wrists in a surprising display of passion and dominance, giving her no choice but to obediently lay between his chest and the wall. His tongue invaded between her lips, teasingly lapping and prodding the inside of the spy's mouth as more soft growls emanated from his own throat, the strong reverberations echoing off of their joined tongues. Once he was satisfied, the Commander pulled away, finally giving the ambushed spy a moment of air. "You alright?" His whispered softly, releasing his grip upon Lena's wrists before taking a step back. He almost acted as if nothing had happened, his cold gaze watching Lena carefully before turning away. "We should get moving. They're going to be looking for us now."Perhaps he wasn't much better than the vermin after all...
"Disappointed?" Lena stifled grim laughter, drawing in a long breath as she briefly recalled her abduction. "That's one way of putting it." Her arm fell back to her side as the briefcase was pushed back into her, and this time she did feel an air of disappointment. She didn't want it. She'd had enough. The Nazis had trusted her with far too much the memory banks of the multilingual woman held tomes of grisly knowledge, garnered from her years of service as little more than privileged prisoner. But with the aid of the document's author and an inkling of luck, she was on the run as a fugitive a traitor of the Fatherland, as if it ever held her allegiance in the first place. She was a loose end, and in the shadow of an American, no less. She knew well that the previous ordeal had been a mere taste of what would happen, if she dared to be caught again. "Mhmm, let's go." She mumbled, following in Winters' shadow as he lead her down the alleyway. She smiled briefly upon being reminded of her earlier offer, and glanced briefly over her shoulder. "Well, as many rounds as the change in my pockets can afford." In her folly, she had not thought to retrieve her purse. Her personal documents within, forged as they were, held her name and her previous belonging. The thought of it made her grossly uneasy, though she did not comment on the matter. Lena's eyes had remained upon the floor upon their exit into the streets, though she had barely set a foot outward when she was seized by her collar. She gasped sharply, wincing as he pushed her flatly against the brickwork. His seizing of her wrists caused her fingers to loosen and the briefcase clattered to the concrete, leaving them both in a silence broken only by the approaching sound of footsteps beyond the alley. "Ow, what are you " Her words hitched when her gaze lifted, and she met the intensity of his single eyed glare. She drew a breath at his closeness, smelled the subtleties of leather and gunmetal, and shivered slightly at his direct change in demeanor. She pulled at her arms slightly, quickly understanding that they would not budge, and opened her mouth as if to protest. No words spilled however as his face pressed to her own, her lips quickly sealed by a startling kiss. She hummed gently in surprise, emitting a soft whimper as her stomach flipped and her chest fluttered. She could hear the patrolling officers proceed down the street some ways, so why wasn't he stopping? Her eyes had shut, squeezing tight against the invasion of his tongue, and her muscles quivered involuntarily as her body reacted to the rawness of his assault. His release was abrupt, and she was left aghast against the wall, her lips still parted slightly as he pulled himself away from her. The moments which followed saw her expression devolve into a frown, and she retrieved the briefcase from the floor, comprehending her thoughts as best she could. She was frustrated at his nonchalance, though she found it difficult to be mad, given Winters' previous sparing of her life. Fingers ran through her hair and pulled at her collar, fully aware of the flustered heat at her cheeks. Despite everything, Lena had certainly never been kissed like that. "You..." She mumbled, quickly moving to catch up to him. "You can have that one for free."The streets were deathly quiet, emptied by the commotion of gunfire which had ensued at their former location. The air was becoming cold with time, and Lena hugged her coat around her with herself free arm. Her mind struggled to digress from Winters' recent overstepping, but she found it in her to speak, nonetheless. "Say, this bar... Do they usually cater to folk who look this disgusting? I need a bath." She'd been dragged through trouble, and looked like Hell. It would have perhaps been more acceptable, if the blood had been her own.
"Say, this bar... Do they usually cater to folk who look this disgusting? I need a bath." The Commander stepped forth from the alleyway, waiting for a moment until his spy would follow suit. "If they didn't, then it wouldn't be a bar worth going to." With that, Richard buried a hand into his pocket, unveiling the white carton of cigarettes he had stolen from one of the Gestapo men he had killed. He produced a cigarette from the misappropriated box, placing the butt between the lips that had forced themselves upon the Polish spy just a moment earlier. "Don't worry. We'll get you cleaned up." He remarked finally, flicking the top of his lighter open as he cradled the weak ember underneath his palm. The remainder of their trip was rather uneventful, the Commander keeping a watchful gaze for any wandering German patrols as they made their way through the labyrinth of alleyways and surface streets that connected the city. They moved at a brisk pace, until the dense crowds of the downtown city streets dissipated and silence had prevailed. The longer they walked, the more derelict the urban landscape would become, the homeless hiding away at the entrances of abandoned buildings and between dirty alleyways. At the very least, Lena would no longer look so out of place anymore. Eventually, the pair arrived at a large, multi leveled building that looked like it had seen better days. Upon first glance, one might think the building abandoned as well, if not for the single, neon sign that marked the establishment as open. "Here we are." Winters gave Lena no time to consider her options before he pushed through the door and disappeared into the building. The inside of the establishment was a remarkable contrast to its exterior, the homely and derelict outward appearance betrayed by a high class interior. The lighting was dim, produced by several glass chandeliers that dangled over the high ceiling. Inside, many groups of ostentatiously dressed people sat as well crafted tables. Even in the corner of the bar, one would be quick to spot the black uniforms of SS officers hiding among the bar's patrons. But the presence of German soldiers didn't seem to bother Richard in the slightest, who moved over towards the surprisingly vacant bar. Before Richard could take a seat, the well dressed bartender leaned forward, pointing towards the Commander. "How many times do I have to tell you? No smoking in here." The man groaned, his hand moving towards the black necktie to loosen the knot. He was a younger man, with dark hair and a pair of thick rimmed glasses that sat upon his face. It was quite obvious by his initial reaction that he had a long history with the Commander. Winters removed the cigarette from his lips, flicking it over the counter and into the wastebasket by the bartender's feet. Clearly, he was becoming quite skilled at such a feat. "Look, can you just tell the airheads that I've got their delivery?" The Commander motioned over towards Lena,. "Every time they let you loose, you make a mess." The man turned towards Lena, a stoic expression taking hold of his face. "Your orders were to terminate her, were they not?" He spoke of Lena as if she was just some thing, not a person with a life to be valued. "You know you're going to get in trouble for not following orders again." Without vocalizing a witty retort, the Commander drew out his Welrod pistol, throwing it onto the bar table in front of the man. "There she is. Do me a favor and shoot her for me." The gun was unloaded, but it didn't matter. Winters knew the man wasn't willing to get his own hands dirty. The man glared at the Commander, then at the pistol that was in front of him. "Command ordered you to do it. This isn't my job." "And I outrank you. I'm ordering you to shoot her." There was a tense silence as the man looked at Lena, then at the Commander. "I'm going to go tell them upstairs that you're here." With that, the man disappeared through the door behind the bar and left the pair alone. "Hm, well that was anti climactic." Richard grinned, reaching over the bar to grab a pair of empty glasses and a bottle of scotch. "Drinks are on the house tonight "
Lena shadowed Winters closely the heavy presence of the surrounding SS uniforms made her dreadfully uneasy, ingrained with a nigh lifelong fear of their insignia. However, the more she stared from the corner of her eye, the more... peculiar they seemed. The entire establishment felt strangely fake, and her pondering of it was enough to partly distract her from the dry bantering between Winters and the barkeep. Ah. It was a base. She recalled a bar being mentioned by her contact she hadn't imagined it to be hidden beneath such a classy veil, however. "Can you stop juggling my life around?" She muttered, watching carefully as the other man turned and dismissed himself from view. She wondered what had happened between the two, though the thought was suppressed by her visible irritation at his detached acknowledgment of her. "I'd rather not be terminated by anyone. Not here, at least." Her expression bore a deep frown as she seated herself at the bar, her eyes settling upon the backs of her hands as she rest them on her lap. The tinkering of glasses drew her attention briefly, and she found herself mildly anxious. Alcohol, being prohibited in working camps, was almost completely foreign to her. The feeling was brief, however, as she felt someone's gaze fall upon her from across the room. Lena glanced to the side, holding her breath as she met the deep blue stare of a raven haired woman from across the room. She sat quietly at one of the tables by the far wall, swirling a shallow glass of whiskey in a light grip, and she was staring. She wore a flattering red tea dress, and her eyes were cat like. A wry smirk was playing at her painted lips. Lena looked away, redirecting her attention to Winters with the hopes of distracting herself away with some flavor of conversation. But her gaze dropped unwittingly to his mouth, and she almost burned red at the sudden reminder of his earlier transgression in the alleyway. Her fingers dug into the fabric of her skirt, and again she turned, this time to face the woman from earlier, who was now positioned less than a foot away from Lena's own face. She gasped sharply, catching herself with a flat hand against the bar as to not fall from the stool in her surprise. Her startling was met with a soft, troublesome giggle, as the woman from before had moved to seat herself next to her. Lena gazed with wide eyes she was blindingly attractive, as if she had been plucked straight from a propaganda poster. "Excuse me, Miss, is everything " "Alice." The woman spoke, her voice soft as she propped herself on the bar with her elbow. Her eyes never strayed from the spy, and she seemed to be blatantly ignoring Winters. "And you are Lena Zielinski, our little courier. Still very much alive, though." She was a troublemaker Lena could tell that much. Alice, despite her good intentions, amassed dreadful worry with her continual eavesdropping and weedling into plans. She was of no military value, but alas, few dared scold the General's daughter. She was coddled, sheltered, and clearly bored as a result. "Your face what happened?" A slim hand reached to brush against Lena's grazed cheek, who remained stunned at the apparent lack of boundaries. "Keep it clean, you don't want that to scar. You're very sweet." "I've had worse." Lena spoke bluntly, her nervousness beginning to show. Alice laughed quietly, her eyes briefly drifting to the empty whiskey glass aimed for Lena. "I'm sure. Here, drink this instead. It'll taste less like dirt." Alice slid her own glass in front of Lena, which contained less than a lick of mildly scented whiskey. A moment's hesitation preceded a small sip, and the alcohol prickled at the back of her throat, burning her tongue in a manner which made her raise her wrist to her mouth and almost choke on the stuff. Her brows knitted, unable to quickly fathom why whiskey would ever be anyone's first choice. "Pft, do you not drink?" Alice giggled, dreadfully amused by the girl's disgusted expression, "where have you been all this " her words trailed as her eyes caught a glimpse of Lena's arm. The sleeve of her coat had been slightly raised by her ordeal, and a few small numbers peeked out from beneath it. In all her prying, she hadn't learned of the courier's... background. Lena caught onto Alice's attention quickly, and tugged her sleeve back down. "Well, don't allow these brutes to let you linger like that all day." Her smirk sharpened, and though she paid no heed to Winters, it seemed to be a less than subtle dig sent his way. "I'll bring you a change of clothes a little later." With that, Alice stood, returning to her original seat to collect her bag before disappearing through a windowless side door. Lena was left dumbfounded, and she leaned into the bar, her fingers running slowly through her hair. "Niebiosa powy ej," she breathed, "I'm not usually so precious over personal space, Mr Winters, but... Is everyone like that?"
The Commander flashed his little, Polish spy an almost patronizing smile. "The gun was empty," he explained, reaching over to playfully ruffle Lena's already disheveled head, "I went through so much trouble bringing you home. Which means I'm the only one allowed to hurt you." He poured himself a glass of scotch, leaving Lena to ascertain whether or not his words were a threat or merely spoken in jest. Almost as soon as he had poured himself a glass of scotch, Richard noticed a figure in the corner of his eye. He didn't even need to look up from his glass to smell the hint of perfume strike his nose. It had to be Alice. Richard kept silent as the General's daughter spoke. Indeed, she was a pretty face to look at, but she had always been more trouble than she was worth. The Commander had certainly built up a reputation for being an infamous womanizer, but even he was smart enough to steer well away from Alice whenever possible. He simply waited, enjoying his drink as he listened into their conversation. For some reason, there was a distinct annoyance brewing inside of the Commander as she flirted with Lena, becoming even more fervent when he noticed the nervousness in Lena's voice... her posture. By the time Alice had departed, the Commander had already finished his first drink and was pouring himself a second round. "Does it bother you?" He asked softly, an almost selfish tone taking his voice. Perhaps there lingered the small hint of jealousy, or perhaps Alice's presence simply annoyed him. "Not everyone, though I suppose Alice and I are similar in that regard." He remarked, practically admitting to his rather... touchy tendencies. His eye visibly hovered down to Lena's lips, a noticeable yet still subtle smirk forming upon his own. Without warning, his face began to hover closer to Lena's own, a motion and demeanor that mirrored his questionable action not so long ago. His lips edged closer, his cold gaze watching for hesitation in her movement, any sign of recoil. Yet, before he could complete the deed once again, the bartender returned, carrying a manila folder in his hands. Winters pulled away immediately, straightening his posture as he downed his second glass unceremoniously. "Alright," the man dropped the folder upon the bar top, "The command staff are willing to work with you on this." He turned towards Lena, before back towards the Commander, "They want the entire document deciphered in two days. In return, we'll keep you sheltered, at least until we can arrange a new identity for you." The man placed a set of brass keys down in front of the Polish spy. "You're upstairs in Room 203. You're not allowed to leave your room until we say so, do you understand?" "Hm, we're just like the Gestapo, aren't we?" The Commander retorted, mostly in jest, though there was some oddities about practically arresting their own spy. "The information is sensitive. We have no idea how much she gave up to the Germans. We can't be risking any more mistakes. It won't be permanent. Only until we can get the information safely decoded." Winters glanced towards Lena, "Why don't you go and take that bath you wanted?" He motioned towards the stairwell, "I'll come check up on you in a bit."
"Not everyone, though I suppose Alice and I are similar in that regard." Lena's breath hitched silently, thrown aside by Winters' passive demeanor as his face approached her own once more. It was abundantly clear that Lena's primary reaction to fear and nervousness was to freeze her eyes grew wide, stunned by his offhandedness and disregarding of their surroundings. The bartender's interruption was perfectly timed, and she exhaled a gentle, quivering breath. The whiskey shot still clawed at her throat, and served as a slight distraction. Her attention was pulled by the bartender's words. New identity. Two days. Her hands curled into loose fists upon her lap, and a knitted brow seemed to indicate slight offense at the implication that she may have squealed. "I didn't tell them anything." She muttered under her breath, her eyes averting briefly across the room before flickering back to the keys which tinkered in front of her. The barkeeper was deathly frank, though it was perhaps preferred, though the thought of confinement still jabbed at her like pin pricks. She sighed, her posture beginning to relax slightly in acceptance. "I understand, sir." Nodding once in acknowledgement of Winters' suggestion, Lena stepped from her perch at the bar and headed towards the stairwell, with the accursed case hugged to her person. It was a slow walk, and she counted the doors as she turned each corridor. She passed several of what she could only assume to be members of the resistance along the way, and she kept her gaze low, ignoring the weight of their eyes on the back of her head. Room 203 bore modest furnishing, more than well suited for its current purpose of housing a disheveled spy. The door clicked behind her quietly, and the emptiness of the space felt immediately heavy. She felt secure, yet still eerily unsafe, estranged by the amenities set before her. How long had it been since she'd set foot in such a place? She held the briefcase in her hands, her fingers trembling against the tightness of her grip. Seemingly sickened by its presence, she dropped it to the floor, and kicked it under the bed and out of sight. Two days. Two days, or what? Discarding her coat, she headed immediately for the bathroom. Her sodden, stained blouse peeled away from her pale flesh as she pulled it from her shoulders, casting it along with the rest of her attire to the floor. Green eyes beheld her own form in the mirror she looked terrible. Her face cried exhaustion, and her form had been lightly peppered with bruises and grazes, most of which she could not explain. A very faint red band encircled her neck, afflicted by the Gestapo's belt leather only a few hours before. Though her handling at the hands of the Gestapo had been far from gentle, she hadn't been the one to blitz her way out of the building, and so she found herself dumbfounded at how she'd managed to get quite so beaten up. A bath was, without doubt, the only cure she needed for the time being. "Where do you think you're going?" Alice stopped midway up the stairwell, turning over her shoulder to gaze down at the man who had addressed her. Her expression was perturbed. Inconvenienced. "The girl. Which room is she in? I have a change of clothes for her." The man sighed, not moving an inch from his position against the doorway. "I can't tell you that." "Tsk, is she being kept in quarantine, now?" "Only from you." The man spoke bluntly. "The General wouldn't want you speaking to her." Alice's brows furrowed deeply, her eyes sharp with an alarmingly sudden and deep set sense of irritation. The man did not flinch, and rather refused to meet her glare, unwilling to make the mistake of tangling with her and causing far more trouble than what the situation was worth. Seconds passed, and she sighed sharply, descending down the steps and shoving a small pile of folded clothes into the man's chest. "You take them to her then, Lieutenant." Her tone was laced with venom. "Though I expect she won't be decent, so don't walk in." The man drew in a long breath, and his brows raised after she departed. "Yes, ma'am." Unwilling to seek any help on the matter, cotton sheets had proven to be a good source of dressing for the wound below Lena's knee. She'd become well acquainted with the treatment of her own ailments, given that the Nazi doctors within Poland were dubious, unpredictable and best avoided. At present, she merely hoped that they wouldn't notice the absence of intact spare sheets in the drawers. She had washed her wounds with watered down whiskey and settled into the feeling of overall cleanliness, unsure of just how long she had actually spent in the water. The fatigue in her eyes no longer seemed so intense, her aches had partly subsided, and the dirt and blood had long disappeared from her form. She did, however, ponder the absence of clean clothes, and wrapped herself in a towel. The air was sickly quiet. She toyed with the idea of making a start on the documents, but her mind was still frayed, and she found herself slowly pacing the open floor. Her eyes eventually settled on the door, and she reached idly for the handle, though her hand stopped and hovered for a moment before she could touch it. "You're not allowed to leave your room until we say so, do you understand?" She hesitated. What was she thinking, anyhow? She was hardly in any state of appearance to be wandering the halls in a towel. Just a glance, perhaps. The door creaked painfully as it opened a small ways, and she leaned her head out of the frame to glance both ways down the empty corridor. She could hear the gentle reverberations of music and muttering beneath the floor, and her gaze dropped downward, her expression quickly perplexed by the folded clothes outside of her door. Lena knelt, wincing at the pain in her knee, and brought the clothing to her grip. The fabric was soft, and carried with it the faint scent of a newly familiar perfume. Ah. The door clasped shut again. The woman from before seemed to have given her articles of clothing similar to Lena's own, having given her a high waisted skirt and blouse to dress herself in for the time being. Though the collar dipped a little lower than she might've liked, she was in no position to complain, and she quietly appreciated the gesture nonetheless. She had perched herself upon the edge of the bed, a little downhearted that the elbow length sleeves did not cover the tattoo on her forearm, and she soon fell backwards atop the sheets. Had Lena not been so deathly exhausted, she might've chosen not to sleep, even within the assured safety of the surrounding walls. But, lured by her body's encroaching weakness, her eyes soon closed, and her vision faded to black.
Captain Amelie Cornette Free French Forces 29 F 5'10" A Captain in the exiled Free French Forces, she had been ten years old when her homeland fell to the German invaders. Her mother was killed in a desperate attempt to flee the Nazi occupation and Amelie would later be taken by her estranged father, a pilot in the now Vichy French Airforce. As she grew up in occupied France, the future Captain began harboring an intense hatred for the Germans for what they had done to her mother... her homeland. Though her father attempted to quell her rebellious tendencies, it wasn't long until Amelie was listening to the banned broadcasts of Charles de Gaulle, hoping for an end to the Nazi regime. When she was sixteen, she would flee with a group of French deserters to Algeria, then onto a British ship to be taken back to the United Kingdom. Since then, she has been involved in a variety of spy operations across the European theater, eventually moving with the European exiled governments to America, where she now serves as an analyst for the Resistance. Across the hallway of the second floor moved a single silhouette: slender, with ashen hair and unforgettable pools of azure. She was dressed in the distinct, leather garments of a Luftwaffe Officer's uniform, though, like all German soldiers residing in the barkeep, there was no question where her true loyalties lie. As the faux German Officer strode through the usually quiet halls of the Resistance headquarters, she noticed the commotion that wasn't unusual for their little hideaway: an American lieutenant and Alice, the General's daughter. Their terse exchange echoed down the empty corridor, but by the time Amelie had reached the pair, only Alice remained. "Coucou." The French analyst greeted Alice rather informally, with an almost irritated look stretched upon her face., "Causing trouble again, I see?" Her words were muddled underneath a thick, French accent, English having been her third and most recent language. She looked over towards the Lieutenant, before her wolf like gaze locked back upon the General's daughter. She waited for the Lieutenant to disappear from view before crossing her arms against her chest, her lips poised to prepare a deft lecture for the sheltered heiress. But before she could begin her tirade, Amelie remembered quickly that words seldom had an effect on Alice. After all, it hadn't been the first time someone had tried to put her in her place before. But perhaps if words were not effective, actions would be. Without warning, the French Captain reached outwards, her feminine, yet surprisingly strong hands capturing Alice by the throat before pushing her backwards. In a flash, the General's daughter found herself pinned against the wall, a cold glare watching her like a wolf carefully surveying its prey. "Shhh," she cooed, her free hand placing a finger upon Alice's surprised lips. "Oh l l , the General's pretty, little daughter... always asking too many questions." The Captain shifted her leg forward, pressing more of her weight forward as her leg slid in between Alice's own. "Just because you're the General's daughter doesn't change anything. You're but a lamb in a den of wolves, mon ch ri." A grin creased her lips. "But, I suppose one cannot blame you. It must be rather boring, living in this place with nothing to do." The Captain's lips edged closer, the angle of her neck rotating until her mouth hovered dangerously close to Alice's ear. "Perhaps, if I show you a fun time, the little lamb will learn how to behave." She whispered into Alice's ear, her teeth nipping teasingly at her earlobes. The Commander had stood outside the door for some time, his single eye staring upon the number that hung off of the door. Room 203. A single hand reached upwards, before a knock reverberated off of the door. In the silence that followed, he buried his hands into his pockets, waiting for the door to open. Several moments of silence passed, leaving Winters to ponder whether the door would open at all. He wouldn't blame "It's me." The Commander chimed, "I brought you a little something to eat." There was still no response... and he deduced that Lena had no interest in seeing him. He was prepared to leave when he heard the lock on the door click open, Lena's portrait peering through the crack. "You look nice." He mused, a weak smile taking the edge of his lips. It went without saying that the Commander seldom smiled, perhaps one would say that it was a look that didn't suit him very well. "May I come in?" He waited for the door to open further before stepping inside, turning to the table that was just adjacent the door. He placed down a bag of groceries, basic items that would keep Lena going for the next few days. "An upgrade from a Gestapo prison cell, I hope?" He looked over towards Lena, his gaze immediately catching the tattoo on her forearm. He moved closer, eyes still fixated upon the mark. "Don't be ashamed of it." Winters slowly placed his hand upon Lena's forearm, fingers gently moving across the digits that had cursed her flesh. "We all have our scars."
Clicking footsteps stopped, and she glared for a while. Even Alice's stubborn temper could not block out the defined voice of Amelie a figure she would often see at a distance, poised and well respected and distinctly foreign. Alice's scowl remained, intensified even, and she tutted through her teeth as she resumed her manner and tried to simply walk past the French Captain. "Don't speak to me." Her words were a bitter whisper. She'd find something else to occupy herself with. She had, however, not anticipated Amelie's own intentions, and was struck dumb as she was pinned to the wall by her throat. The woman's strength was surprising, and nothing availed from Alice's writhing beneath the weight of her grip. She stilled as she hushed her, raising her hands to hold the wrist which seized her throat. Amelie's words were taunting, infuriating Alice's anger painted itself as a deep scowl which suited her feminine features surprisingly well. She was seething, offended, yet... one might notice the slightest shred of fear which lay beneath it. "You'll lose everything for this." She breathed, ever naively confident in her father's influence. Her fall back was perhaps misplaced, however, as the General, like the rest of the resistance, was little more than a war criminal in the new world. The man had previously been decorated as Second Lieutenant a title which was shed in favor of General by election of his peers after their numbers began to dwindle. They respected him, but his daughter had been a burden, along with his paranoia that she might stray too far out and into the spider's web. Sheltering and lectures on inconspicuousness only bolstered her promiscuity and rebellious desire. "Get " Her breath hitched, a cold shiver running down her spine at the peculiar feeling of Amelie's breathy words by her ear. Her reaction was so sharp that her knees threatened to buckle, her balance supported by the Frenchwoman's leg between her own. Her face flustered in embarrassment at her unwitting reaction to such a thing. It was unlike Alice to be out of control, and her eyes averted in uncertainty, her frown beginning to waiver. "... Get off me. I swear to God, Captain." The knock at the door roused her into stirring, and Lena awakened slowly, weighed down by the day's exhaustion. She propped herself upward, still settled atop the sheets, and her blurred vision surveyed her surroundings as she recalled where she had ended up. She soon stood, and ran her fingers through her hair, tidying her collar as she paced slowly towards the door. She debated opening it a small sense of anxiousness pulled at her in not knowing who it was, and she seemed to settle in the thought that if they needed her, they'd let themselves in. Her decision was swayed in time by a familiar voice, and she brushed herself down, at the very least trying to conceal the fact that she had blacked out for a good hour or so beforehand. The door creaked, and she peered up through the gap to make sure it was him before allowing the door to swing open fully. Her arms folded, perhaps a little wary of the small bit of skin that showed beneath her open collar. "It is." She glanced around the room briefly, her eyes falling upon the darkening window and then on the paper bag Winters had brought in, acknowledging her own lack of appetite. "But it still feels like a cell, nonetheless." The gentle touch on her forearm brought her attention reeling back, her head lifting upwards so that her eyes might meet the Commander's own, single eyed gaze. A lump formed in her throat, and her brow dipped into a light frown, rendered momentarily silent by his words. She was absolutely ashamed of it. She was ashamed of it, and the things she had done beneath its influence. "Is it right for me to assume that you lost your eye on the front line, somewhere?" She asked, pulling her arm away and taking a few steps back until her knees touched the bed, allowing her to perch at its edge. "They gave me this, after my estate surrendered." She gripped her arm tightly with her other hand, watching as the flesh beneath her fingers turned white. "I've never fought for anything. I've only ever complied. I took one step out of line and look where it got me, right here in " she caught herself in a tangent, holding her breath as a means of staving off her muttering temper and exhaling a long, lulling breath. "Thank you, Mr Winters." She finally looked up from where she sat, unable to recall the last time she had sincerely thanked someone. "For getting me out of there, and not... Not killing me, I suppose."
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" "You'll lose everything for this." The French Captain stifled a chuckle, oh, how naive this girl was. "Then it is good that I have nothing to lose " she purred, the vibrations from her lips tickling the heiress' lovely ear. Indeed, Amelie had lost friends... her family... her homeland. For what was life without these things? Fearlessly, her lips fluttered closer, before planting a kiss upon Alice's cheek. Her words demanded the French Captain to cease immediately, but the spy noticed well her flustered face... the shaking in her legs. "Mm... I think not," she remarked defiantly, the fingers clasped around her throat tightening instead. She hardened her grip, until the heiress' resentment fell into the incoherent melody of gagging. "You've caused enough trouble." Amelie smiled, her breathy whispers singeing into Alice's smooth portrait. The next moments happened so quickly... her fingers leaving Alice's throat and grabbing hard upon the neatly groomed, brunette head. She controlled the heiress with ease, after all, this hadn't been the first time she had kidnapped someone. Before Alice could regain her senses, the French Captain was unlocking the door to her room with a single hand, pushing through the entryway before throwing Alice inside. She tossed Alice down onto her floor, the white carpet underneath softening the blow. The door was closed. Locked. Azure pools turning back towards General Weaver's daughter. "Scream if you'd like, mon ch ri. You know that all of the walls are soundproofed." She raised her hand, before bringing the open palm across Alice's face. "There's much I want to teach you, little lamb. I suggest you pay attention." Anticipating a witty response, another hand struck Alice across the face. She then moved to a nearby desk, pulling out a chair and swinging it in Alice's direction. "Sit." She ordered, waiting for Alice to comply. Yet, before the Heiress could even choose whether she wanted to, the French Captain reached down, plucking her head once more by the hair and pulling her aggressively into her seat. She was certainly much, much stronger than she appeared. In the world that she was from, strength was necessary in order to survive. "The world is a very scary place. You are fortunate to live here. Protected... sheltered. " Amelie revealed a roll of duct tape from her desk, holding Alice's arm down against the armrest as she began to wrap the tape around it. "Many of us die protecting you, keeping you safe... and yet... here you are: causing trouble." As she spoke, she proceeded to tape her arms against both armrests, then her ankles to the chair. With Alice's legs forced apart, Amelie's hand brushed up the bottom of the heiress' dress, her coarse fingers moving up her thigh. "I think it's time for you to show your appreciation, little lamb." A malevolent grin found her lips, her hand moving dangerously close to the sensitive region between her legs. Her fingers prodded at the spot for several moments... teasing... playing, until suddenly the fingers hooked themselves just underneath the cloth, pulling until the sound of ripping fabric could be heard. It wasn't long until Amelie had pulled Alice's tattered undergarment from between her legs, holding them at head level for the heiress. "Hold these for me, Princess." With that, the Captain forced the torn fabric into Alice's mouth, gagging her. "If you drop it, I'll use tape." "Is it right for me to assume that you lost your eye on the front line, somewhere?" The Commander pointed to his eye, "Oh this? No. I fell down the stairs." He lied, a vain attempt to lighten the atmosphere. Unsuccessfully, though the attempt was made. He kept silent as Lena pulled herself away from his grip, settling down upon the side of her bed. He listened as she spoke, her compliance the true tattoo of dishonor. "Your survival is how you fight. That little step out of line... it could potentially be worth far more than anything I've ever done." He knew his words would have little effect on Lena's conscience, "I'm not unlike the Nazis. All I know is how to kill. How to hurt." He bit his lip as he removed his cigarette pack from his pocket. "That's not something to be proud of." He subconsciously decided against the cigarette, closing the top before burying it back into his pocket. "Thank you, Mr Winters." The Commander had been staring at the ground, lost in thought when the words brought his attention back to reality... back to Lena. "Don't." He retorted, stepping closer towards her and once again invading her personal space. He moved until his larger form was all that she could see. "I didn't do it for free." His large hand found Lena's chest, pushing her backwards onto the bed as he followed suit, hovering over her as she fell backwards. As her head hit the soft embrace of her comforter, the Commander leaned just above her, hands just adjacent to her portrait. "You're mine now. Whether you like it or not." He growled, his eye glaring down upon her, "I don't care if you hate me. You belong to me, now. I'll never let anyone touch you again... hurt you again. Not the Germans... not the Resistance." The Commander leaned inwards, his lips pressing themselves upon Lena's neck, his breathy words whispering into her ear. She was his. She was his. She was his. Ever since he had gazed upon her, he wanted her for himself. He was a killer, a man that did not deserve to be love or be loved. Yet, he wanted it anyways, regardless of the cost. He wanted someone to hold, a person who would see the man that was deep inside of him, clawing helplessly to the surface. Perhaps Lena was the last hope for Winters to find what humanity he had left. Or perhaps all he wanted was to rape her, like the monster he truly was.After all, he was no different than the monsters, the Germans who raped and killed for the things that they wanted. For he, too, wanted.
Alice seethed, her power complex stunted at her inability to do anything. She could not speak against the grip on her throat, nor could she move against Amelie's surprising strength. She wished that someone would appear, that someone would notice them, before being dragged away into privacy. It was an undoubtedly humiliating ordeal, and she resented every command she was given, for who would dare issue orders to one such as herself? She glared up from the floor with insurmountable anger there was, oddly enough, no sense of peril whatsoever in her features. The woman had hit her. She had never once been struck, and her gaze grew wide, her cheek warm from the impact. "You " She hissed through her teeth, "I knew they shouldn't have brought you in." She gasped sharply as she was met with another strike, and her own hand reached to press against her now tender flesh. Her other hand curled into a tight ball, and trembled in a cocktail of nerves and anger. "Sit." No. Her defiance was silent, and her eyes remained on the floor, unwilling to entertain any order which came her way. Even as she was forcefully seated, and bound to the chair, there would be only a slight give in her stoic demeanor. Small hints of anxiousness began to well to the surface, though perhaps under the naive fear that Amelie merely intended to torture her by conventional means. Only at the touch of the Captain's fingertips did her walls begin to truly crumble goosebumps prickled at her flesh, and her thighs quivered against her feathery touch. She grit her teeth, trying to push her knees together against her restraints. "Get off me, what do you think y " Her words cut into a wavering whimper, her head turning to break eye contact as Amelie's fingers pressed between her legs. "Fuck you." She cursed quietly, inhaling sharply as her underwear was torn from her person. Her cheeks were reddened, and she no longer maintained eye contact. Despite her promiscuity, despite her flirtations she was perhaps a little more innocent than she made herself out to be. Princess. Her anger seemed to come back in full flow, her teeth sinking tightly into the fabric after it was forced into her mouth. She was furious, and... it suited her portrait well. "I didn't do it for free." In a moment, Lena was a deer in headlights. Wide eyes gazed up at Winters' imposing figure in brief silence, and she exhaled only as his hand pushed the breath out of her chest. Her back hit the sheets and her arms fell above her, staring up at the shadow he cast over her. "What are you saying?" She murmured, shaken by the suddenness of the change of atmosphere, and how quickly his demeanor had altered. "I don't care if you hate me. You belong to me, now. I'll never let anyone touch you again... hurt you again. Not the Germans... not the Resistance." Her vision flickered across his features, trying to comprehend his actions. Her lips parted as she uttered voiceless words, wary of his intent, which soon came crashing down as he pressed his mouth to her neck. "No wait!" She stammered, writhing beneath him in unruly panic. Why? Her hands reached and pushed hard against his chest and her knees rose to try and assist in the effort, though he did not budge. He was much larger than she, and she herself was weakened by exhaustion though she had broken out of her frozen stance, there was little to be achieved. Lena whined softly at his contact, and in a final effort at freeing herself, she turned. She twisted her form in a way which might allow herself to crawl out from beneath him, and clawed hastily to pull herself away. In her blindsided effort, however, she tumbled from the bed and hit the floor in an unceremonious manner. The floor hurt, as expected, and she had knocked a small vase from the end table as she fell. It shattered horribly, but the commotion would likely go unheard, deafened by the Resistance's affinity for security. From her position on the floor, she looked towards the door, and then the window neither of which she would reach in time even if she tried. "Please, Sir " She swallowed, pushing her form up against the wall. "If I've offended you, somehow I I'm sorry."
The Commander didn't struggle as Lena squirmed underneath his strong grip, watching as the the girl managed to somehow turn herself around and writhe free from his embrace. She was scared... and she had every right to be. The man in her presence was not a savior... not a hero... but just another wolf laying claim to his prey. He watched with a frown as Lena panicked, stumbling over herself and falling upon the ground. He didn't flinch as the vase shattered, only stood, watching the frightened girl with an insatiable, primal gaze. "Sir?" He spoke plainly, as if pondering her words. He had been called that many times before, but the way that Lena said it... there was something about it that sounded endearing. "I quite like the sound of that." He mused, stepping closer towards Lena. The Polish spy was indeed pretty. Even in her panicked, frightened state there existed a rather youthful innocence in her emerald gaze. Her eyes were kind, as if they were always searching for the good within someone... even when there was none. Her hair was attractively disheveled, a short head of brunette that complemented her soft portrait well. Most striking, the lips that pleaded for him to stop, that searched for some reason in his madness. He remembered how they felt against his own lips, soft and gentle... the way she whimpered and hummed in surprise. He wanted to feel it once again. "If I've offended you, somehow I I'm sorry." He moved closer, watching as the little spy attempted to merge with the wall behind her. It was the same look she had given him when they first met, when she thought that she was going to die. Once he was within arm's reach, his hand moved downwards, his strong fingers capturing Lena's soft chin. His thumb teased her lips, parting them slightly as he turned her face up towards him. "I should be the one apologizing." He swallowed, the small vestiges of humanity still left within him screaming at him to cease, to stop the horrible thing that he was about to do. But it was far too late to save Lena... to save himself. His finger played among her lips for a few moments longer, before his hand moved slowly downwards. He grasped her by the neck, pulling the defenseless spy from the floor and upright. He moved his hand upwards until she was standing on the very tip of her toes, unable to settle her feet flatly under the command of his strong hand. "I'm going to hurt you... rape you... fuck you." The Commander whispered softly, "You're mine now... do you understand?" He pulled her towards the nearest horizontal surface a desk that once held the now shattered vase. He threw her against it, pressing her down face first against the hard wood with a single hand as his other reached for the buckle of his belt. The belt came off quickly and it wasn't long until he had pulled down the waistband of his pants to reveal his hot length. A moment longer and his hand forced her legs apart... and another he was positioned behind her. "I'm sorry." His words were not without truth, as strange as they may have seemed given his sins. She didn't need to forgive him. Perhaps she shouldn't. His large hand gripped her short brunette locks tightly, his hand pushing aside Lena's undergarments to make room for his sizable length. Without affording Lena a gentle entrance, he slammed into her roughly... most of his length invading her tight womanhood. He pulled her hair backwards, forcing the defenseless Polish girl to arch in painful synchronization at the mercy of his hand. Again he thrust, this time his hot, throbbing length penetrating deeper inside of her. The Commander growled, the feeling of Lena's tight walls pressing against him only encouraging the man further. He was larger than her, giving Lena no choice but to stand on the tips of her toes to meet his waist as he drove himself painfully inside of her. "Fuck." A string of unintelligible curses emanated from his lips, mixed between his low growls. He was just beginning. "Fuck you." The French Captain grinned once again, eyes watching the angered heiress quite attentively. "That... is the plan," she retorted with a low purr, a single eye delivering a coy wink as her hand slunk back down between Alice's parted legs. Her strong, blue gaze stayed locked upon Alice's own as her fingers slowly dissipated underneath the bottom of her dress once again. The fear in Alice's face had subsided, instead replaced with one of anger... of embarrassment. "Ah, did you not like that one?" Her hand extended out, grabbing Alice once more by the neck as she pressed her throat back against the chair. Holding her down so that she could not strike her with her forehead, Amelie's face hovered teasingly closer, "Princess." She repeated once more, watching as Alice's brows furrowed in anger at the word, as if she was flipping a switch on and off. With glares embracing one another, perhaps Alice had forgotten about the hand that carefully massaged her thigh. Her feminine digits decided it was time to remind her, slowly moving between her legs to teasingly touch as her exposed womanhood. "Mm. Seems like you're enjoying this much more than you're letting on." Amelie raised her hand up from between Alice's legs, the visual drippings of her arousal webbed between Amelie's fingers. She held her hand up between them for Alice to see, before parting her lips. Slowly, she licked the small trail of wetness that hovered between her fingers. It was a sweet, almost intoxicating taste. She had been with many women before, but none tasted quite as sweet as her little princess. "Mmm. You taste better than I thought you would." Amelie stepped back reaching into her pocket to reveal a small object a switchblade. With a single flick, she brandished the blade from its hidden holster. "Oh calm down, sweet. I'm not going to hurt you." She rolled her eyes, bringing the knife closer to her new playmate. "But these are definitely in the way," her malevolent grin found her lips once again, the blade of the knife cutting into the fabric of her chest. Once the initial incision had been made, she closed the knife, tossing it onto her bedside before grabbing the fabric with both hands. For a woman of her stature, she was surprisingly strong, the sound of tearing fabric signalling the deed. "That's better, no?" Amelie seductively fell to her knees, eyes still looking up at Alice as she positioned herself between her legs. Her hands placed themselves upon each thigh of her bound legs, her head hovering closer between them. She wanted to taste more of the spoiled princess.
"I should be the one apologizing." Lena's lip trembled beneath his touch, her head initially turning to one side, only to be redirected by the clasping of her chin. She was forced to look at him, and still she failed to comprehend his intentions. She was usually good at picking up on ill hints, at avoiding the wolves but he had offered her no such sign. "I'm going to hurt you... rape you... fuck you." Each word was met by a slight flinch, with Lena unable to find her own voice against the grip on her throat. Her chest rose and fell with every labored breath, and hands clambered at Winters' arm as a means of maintaining what little balance she was left with. Her face tilted up with a pleading gaze eyes looking for any reason why. Dread truly fell awash upon his moving of her towards the desk. She hit the surface with a dull thud, her cheek pressed firmly against the woodwork and her palms laying flat at either side. She choked, whimpered, and tried to push herself upward with her hands. She could feel his form linger behind her, and her hands shook as her thighs were pulled apart. She could feel the air hit her bare flesh, with her skirt now bunched to her waist. "No, no please." Her words were muddled and desperate, sent into disarray by the foreboding sound of a belt buckle and the feeling of her undergarments being pushed aside. "Sir, I'm begging you, I " His forceful entry was met with the brief seizing of Lena's entire form her eyes grew wide and filled with water, and her teeth clenched and grit together tightly. It hurt. The invasion was met by the immediate tightening of her muscles, a reaction which made her feel as though she had been split in two. Her breath held, even as she was lifted upward by her hair, and even as she struggled to maintain her balance with broken shards beneath her raised feet. He moved. Her body convulsed, and her legs briefly gave way, held up for a moment only by the tight grip on her head. Lena's hand slammed over her own mouth, suppressing her held breath as it exhaled in the form of a now muffled, pitched whine. She had poised the fingertips of her other hand upon the desk, supporting a little of her own weight against the Commander's assault, and every movement was met by a stifled, painful cry into her palm. She wanted to speak, to beg him to take it out, but no words managed to surface amidst her body's turmoil. She had avoided such a thing for so long, by means of compliance and small manipulations. She had been threatened with rape more times than she could count, but there had always been an alternative a goal the Nazis had desired in exchange for her well being. But Winters' had no such detectable motive she sensed no punishment in his actions, nor any ulterior directive, only the desire for... this. There was nothing she could possibly barter with. She had fooled herself into trust, having not beheld a friendly faction for many years. Of all the new world's joyless inhabitants, she had not expected to be pushed to the sheets by an ally. Her body shook with hurt. Everything hurt. Anger and embarrassment was a volatile cocktail, especially for one such as Alice. She watched with a wavering glare as Amelie toyed with the wetness of her unwitting arousal the result of her body's inward anticipation. Her fingertips curled in frustration, her nails digging into the chair arms. The drawn switchblade had been met with the slightest waver of panic, her breath briefly hastening even when she was offered the comfort of knowing that it wouldn't be used against flesh, but rather fabric. A muffled whimper emanated against her gag a blunt reaction to the sharp sound of her dress being torn from her figure. Her flesh prickled with goosebumps as it met the open air, her tapered figure almost completely bare, save for only the black lace of her bra. The urge to spit her gag was overwhelming, but she did not wish for tape. If anything, the fabric in her mouth gave her something to sink her teeth into a bit to stifle her temper amidst her torment. Her eyes had averted, fully aware of her current presentation. She was bound naked, and for a woman, no less the blush on her face painted anger. Humiliation. Unwillful excitement. A strange knot of anticipation curled in her abdomen. Her eyes followed Amelie as she lowered to her knees, and her thighs quivered at the gentle feeling of the Captain's breath against her womanhood. Blue eyes flickered briefly to the doorway as she could hear the muffled footsteps and utterances of passersby, beautifully unaware of the scene on the other side. Perhaps, in time, Alice would be thankful for the gag, and the way it quietened her soft moans from those who passed by close enough to hear them.
"Sir, I'm begging you, I " Her pleading was met without mercy, the Commander forcefully thrusting against Lena from behind like a beast ravaging its prey. The hymn of silent sobs were beset behind the Commander's deep growls, his masculine hand clawing deeper into Lena's scalp as his invasive, hot length plunged further into her from behind. Ignorant of her chastity, his length conquered Lena's tight maidenhood inch by painful inch. When it seemed that his erection would travel no further, he retreated, only to thrust with greater vigor and proving her wrong. There was a part of him deep down that wanted to stop, to hold Lena and apologize for the horrible things he was doing to her. But his conscience had surrendered completely to his insatiable, lustful desire to hurt her. He wanted her... and he would have her. It wasn't long until the violent piston had begun, the echo of his pelvis striking her rear echoing off the walls of Lena's new prison. The time between each thrust hastened and it felt as if each one was increasingly harder than the last. The desk rumbled underneath the pressure, shaking violently underneath Lena as the Commander drove himself into her. "You're mine, now," he whispered into Lena's ear between heavier grunts, the feeling of her tightened walls against his hot shaft only encouraging the man to thrust more violently. With a final thrust, the Commander would remove himself from between Lena's legs, pulling her upright and spinning her easily in place. "Mine." He growled once more, giving Lena no chance to collect herself. His hand found her throat once more, his other striking her across the cheek reddening her soft features. He struck her again, this time harder, before moving his hand beneath her. With little effort, he lifted her onto the table, pushing the back of her head against the wall behind her. The desk was quite small, giving Lena very little space to occupy as the Commander positioned himself between her legs once more. The limited space forced Lena to arch her back upwards slightly, forcing her to watch what her once savior was doing to her. His hand still placed upon her neck, he tightened his grip as he thrust into her once again, repeating the same process that had just taken place just moments before. The initial thrust was without mercy, though this time, the sounds of sex intermingled with a grotesque symphony of gagging and choking. He ravaged her once again, his manhood thrusting violently into her as he leaned closer, so that his eye could watch the horror that was in hers. "I'm going to cum inside of you." He loosened his grip just enough so that Lena could breathe, so that she could more accurately process the words that had just left his lips. He knew that she would plead against it, but there was nothing she could do to stave off the inevitable. His pace quickened, his words foreshadowing his cruel intentions. He bit his lip as he pounded against her, his throbbing member threatening to burst inside of her at any moment. He ignored he shrieks... her crying... her pleading. Instead his hands found their way to her waist, his nails clawing at the skin between her skirt and her top so that she would be unable to writhe free from his grip. As Winters rapidly approached the point of no return, he leaned inwards, locking his lips forcefully against Lena in the same way he had back in the alleyway, when she thought better of him. With his tongue pressing deep into her mouth, the Commander thrust a final time inside of her, his erection filling her aching, violated hole with his hot seed. He growled into her mouth at his release, his pent up sexual frustrations finally unleashed upon his victim. She was his now. Completely and utterly.
Time had begun to blur for Lena, though her conscious was struck frequently by Winters' cruel methods of distancing his thrusts. She counted the seconds, though she made many mistakes in doing so, and bore little control over her silent sobbing and the way in which her eyes threatened to roll back into her head. The muscles in her abdomen tightened and her insides swelled against his assault, and if he had continued with his nigh predatory rhythm, she might've succumbed to numbness as a method of coping. But he withdrew suddenly, and she was dragged back to her full feeling self, her thighs trembling at the removal of his length. Was it over? Of course not. She removed her hand to breathe properly just as she was turned around, and a wide, watery gaze bore upwards at her assailant. "Mine." Her lips parted, though her air was restrained quickly, barely mustering a whimper as his palm met her cheek not once but twice. Her re positioning was rough, and she winced at the manhandling of her already sore form. Though she knew what was coming, the Commander's re entry was again met with a stifled whine, his harsh initial thrust pushing hard against her already bruised walls. Held in place by the grip on her throat, she was offered little choice other than to meet the stare of his single eye, still somehow searching for some semblance of humanity within it. Her mouth held open slightly, her head beginning to spin at the deprivation of air, until he dictated otherwise. She reached for something, anything he was closer to her, now, and she gripped at his shirt with both hands, clawing into the fabric so tightly that her own nails began to dig at her palms. "I'm going to cum inside of you." It took a short moment for Lena to process his words in the time she was allowed to breath. Her head shook a little, and her voice finally emerged as a weak and inaudible whimper, beaten and broken down. "N no... You can't." The words that could form were barely audible, shaken by his quickening pace, unable to do anything beyond silently wish everything away. Her body tensed, and her back arced slightly against the tight hold on her hips. Sore eyes closed tight as his mouth slammed against her own, her lips proving too weak a barrier against the assault of his tongue. She hummed, and shook, and sobbed at the heat of his release, which spilled against her ravaged insides. She was a hot, panting mess her face was reddened, her hair tousled, and her chest rose and fell deeply with every breath. Between her legs pooled the eventual leaking of his seed and her own wetness, along with the subtle crimson hint of her own stolen womanhood. She hurt terribly, and was wordless and dry throated from the assault. Strangely, however, she had not let go of Winters' shirt rather, her trembling form moved forwards, her head leaning inward so that her forehead rest against the front of his chest. Perhaps she was clinging to some form of comfort, or perhaps she merely wished to hide her face. Nevertheless, she was defeated a sticky, trembling creature, betrayed by an ally. Why, why did it have to be him?
The silence was unsettling. The Commander could slowly feel his primal lust subsiding, the overwhelming feeling of guilt slowly bubbling to the surface. He attempted to say something... anything, but instead remained silent between labored breaths. It was then that her feminine hands reached outwards, grabbing him by his shirt as she trembled beneath him. He had expected her to push him away, to try to return some of the pain that he had caused her. But instead of attacking him, she leaned solemnly into his chest. What had he done? He was no better than the Germans, who murdered and raped. "I... " His lips parted, wanting to apologize to her, but he knew well that he was undeserving of her forgiveness. He embraced her, wrapping one arm behind her timid form as the other gently stroked the top of her head. "I didn't mean for this..." His words carried guilt, the realization of his deplorable sin chilling his very bones. He had saved Lena from wolves, but had never realized that he was one himself. "Not not like this." He tightened his grip around Lena, fearful of what would happen should he let go. The Commander did not cry, for he had shed his last tears during the war. He had lost so much, not realizing how maddened he had become. Even so, Winters had no excuse for his actions... no salvation for the horrible thing he had done. Now he was the one who desperately wanted to disappear. "I didn't want to hurt you..." his words probably felt like lies, more deception to the woman that he had betrayed. Even the Commander himself was unsure whether or not to believe them, whether or not he could trust himself any longer. He continued to stroke Lena's head, holding her as close as possible to his beating heart. "Lena... I I'm..." His words were interrupted by a loud thud, the sound echoing across the room and from the doorway. The Commander felt his heartbeat cease, for it was a sound that could spell out his doom. "Is everything alright, Ma'am? We just wanted to check up on you," a voice bellowed from beyond the door. All Lena had to do was scream and the Commander's life would be over as he knew it. Perhaps he deserved it no, he certainly did. The Resistance was not kind to deserters and would be even less kind to Winters for what he had done. There were many things he could have done to save his own life. He could have threatened Lena, or answered the door himself. But perhaps... just this once, he could do the right thing. He took a step backwards from the desk, lowering himself so that his head was leveled with hers. He knew what he had to do. There would be no running, no lies, no more disguises. He would allow Lena to tell the truth... and if he was lucky, the Resistance would allow him to leave with his life. "You better answer that," his hand reached outwards, catching Lena by the flank of her cheek. "Don't worry. I don't expect you to lie." He leaned inwards, lips gently pressing themselves against his victim's forehead. With that, he released her, waiting for her to move off of the desk and towards the door. Perhaps, in another life, things could have been different for them... perhaps he could have been the hero that he she longed for... Perhaps...but she could never be his.
Lena's mind had become so trodden by conflicting emotions that she was rendered momentarily vacant, hollowed against the gnawing of hurt and anger. Her grip tightened, her hands trembling with the urge to hit him, to shove him away. But she didn't. Instead, she sunk further into his form, allowing him to touch her, seeking solace in the same man who had forced himself upon her. He was, perhaps, the only source of warmth within reach. She had fallen into him like a moth to flame. "I didn't want to hurt you..." Her teeth grit, slowly settling into the understanding that she had been used as an outlet. A release for his madness. His personality switch was frightening, yet she wanted to hold on to this side of him. She was sore, shaken, and startled sharply at the sudden knock at the door. "Is everything alright, Ma'am? We just wanted to check up on you," It took her a moment to let go of Winters, doing so only as he pulled himself away from her. She made willing eye contact with him, finally, and followed his gaze with a tear stung, tired expression. He was gentle, now she pondered his movements for a while, again silently pleading to know why he had committed to what he had done. There was another, impatient knock at the door. She might've called out to them, had she found the voice to do so, but rather she moved slowly, grimacing as her aching legs slid from the edge of the desk and barely allowed her to stand. Her skirt fell back in place, and she pushed her blouse back into the waistband in a vain effort to tidy herself up a little. Fingers ran through her tousled hair, and she sniffled at the warm feeling of liquid trickling down her inner thigh. She awkwardly adjusted her underwear through her skirt to stave off the leaking, and walked quietly through towards the door. What was she going to do? One hand rest gently upon the doorknob, the other lay flat against the door frame. She looked over her shoulders, briefly, her hesitant eyes glancing towards Winters by the desk, and then back again. What would they think, if she told them? Would they care? They had originally scheduled her death, after all. How many American deaths had she caused? A heavy lump formed in her throat. She turned the handle, and the door creaked open, just by a slither. She could've cried, pleaded, told them everything, but "Sorry, I'd fallen asleep." Her voice was dry from the assault, but could've passed for plain exhaustion. "I'm I'm doing just fine, thank you. I'll... have some pages ready for you by morning, Sir." Lena's form cast a shadow in the narrow opening which shrouded both the desk and the shattered vase from immediate vision. The exchange through the doorway was brief, a small check up on their pseudo prisoner. The door clicked shut again and she lingered there for a while, her head leaning into the woodwork for a while, unable to fathom even her own actions. She turned in time, her arms folded across her aching abdomen and her tired eyes falling to the ceramic shards which scattered across the floor. "Are you leaving?" She asked simply, wondering if he planned to slip away in the quiet. Would he ever regard her again, after this? Somehow, the thought bothered her, and the fact she was bothered left a vile feeling at the back of her throat. Every part of her current state despised him, but... In the last few moments, he had held her in a way no one had ever done before. Her stomach twisted in resentment, nauseated by her own innermost thoughts. He had her completely overpowered.
The Commander said nothing as Lena answered the door. He listened, but was shocked to find that the Polish spy did not seek retribution for the crime he had committed. The exchange was brief, but the silence that would linger after she had shut the door felt like an eternity. It took some time for Lena to speak, but when she did, her words were not ones of anger. Instead, her first words to him were softly melancholic lonely, even. He dared not respond for a moment, for it was a question that even he naught knew the answer to. "Do you want me to?" He remarked, finally, his words characteristically devoid of emotion. Yet, despite his stoic exterior, he was very much afraid of what Lena would have to say. Did she hate him? If so, why did she not say anything to the man at the door? In the silence, Winters searched for something to occupy himself. He knelt down, his leather gloves picking at the many shards that lay strewn at his feet as he waited for her to speak, discarding each fragment into the adjacent wastebasket. By the time he had cleared the floor of the shattered vase, Lena was still there, staring at him with conflicted eyes. Winters stood, staring upon Lena with a cautious gaze. "I can disappear if you would like. You would never have to see me again." He moved slowly towards Lena, his single eye watching the frightened woman with great curiosity. "But you don't want that, do you?" He cooed softly beneath his breath, opening his arms as he approached her. When she was within reach, the Commander moved kindly, his arms slowly wrapping themselves around her form and pulling her into an intimate embrace. "I hurt you, yet you want me to stay." Indeed, the little spy was completely overpowered, dominated by the Commander... her guardian, a monstrous protector. He allowed her to rest her head against his chest, once again stroking the top of her disheveled hair. "It's because you fear being alone... you fear it more than what I can do to you." His words were manipulative but he knew they were true, otherwise Lena would have outed him, casting him away to the fate of justice. She stayed silent because she feared being alone... a fact that the cruel Commander was eager to exploit to his benefit. He removed his arms from Lena, taking a step backwards so that he could gaze into her eyes once again. His hand reached cautiously forward, cupping the side of Lena's cheek between his palm. "This is a scary world we live in. You don't want to be alone... do you?" His words were once again filled with madness... or perhaps, this was simply his truest form. His hand navigated downwards, underneath the crook of her slender chin. "Do you really think the Resistance will let you go once they're done with you? If they don't kill you, then the Gestapo will find you... and they will remember what I did to their friends." He explained, knowing full well the fate that waited for Lena within these next few days. "But I can protect you... I can make it so nobody will ever hurt you again. Except for me." What choice did the poor Polish spy have? Indeed, if he had been a better person, he could have offered to protect her with no catch... no strings attached. But he was not that man. "I suggest you get down on your knees, sweetheart."
"Do you want me to?" She felt sick at her own indecision. Her eyes lifted beneath a tight frown, frozen in the path of his approach as he cooed point blank observations in her direction. Lena could not find the will to argue, for the day had whittled her inward vigor to dust, and her lips only parted slightly in her failure to respond. She was deathly still even as he embraced her amidst the gentle warmth of his hold, her body still quivered from her ordeal, and she stood nigh paralyzed by his sudden switch of demeanor. But she had thrown away her first chance at escaping him, and had instead invited the beast to stay. Her hands reached upward, laying close to his sides and tugging at the fabric of his shirt. Her grip was tight, and her knuckles turned pale with tension, leaning her form into his own in a conflicted display of both anger and insecurity. The mention of the ever looming threat of the resistance's true intentions rendered her blood cold, ultimately soaked up by Winters' costly promise of protection. She did not want to die, and so faced a choice between monsters pillars which would varyingly delay the Gestapo's hunt. She had felt an uneasy chill when he stepped away from her, and leaned ever so slightly into his palm even as she was made to look directly at him. Her pallid, tear stained expression was distant, though her eyes would often flicker, still searching for some semblance of reason within his expression. Purpose. Lena could at the very least perceive his veiled madness it was not unlike the Schutzstaffel, though not quite the same, either. "I suggest you get down on your knees, sweetheart." Her mind was dragged back into the present, and she blinked hard, her breath wavering as she swallowed the lump which had raised in her throat. "... What?" She breathed, her hands lifting to grip at the arm which held her by the chin. "N no. No." She declined his suggestion with a strangely firm stutter, and her head shook as she turned away from his grip. Still, Lena's gaze pleaded with unwillingness, clinging desperately to the slightest bit of resistance she could muster. "Please, Mr Winters sir. I've had enough. You've already taken everything I have." She had been bruised, inside and out, within the walls of what she could only perceive as a glamorized prison cell. What more could he demand at that moment? Her strength had been sapped, and everything hurt. Humiliatingly, she could still feel the evidence of his assault drip down her inner thighs. Lena was in little state to refuse a given order, but she could still reduce herself to begging.
The Commander was indeed mad, for once again he had cast what little humanity remained to the wind, his singular eye watching Lena with a renewed hunger. She was so small compared to him... so pretty and at the same time, so vulnerable. Just watching the helpless fear swell within her innocent irises was enough to bring out the worst in Winters. In his twisted mind, he had already claimed her as his, regardless of the disapproval that would inevitably leave the poor girl's lips. Yet, even as the Commander towered over her, even after he had already violated her, she still pleaded to his humanity. "Please, Mr Winters sir. I've had enough. You've already taken everything I have." "Not everything." A grimace took hold of the Commander's lips before his hand reached outwards with surprising aggression. Before Lena could muster up any resistance or find any words to say, his hands had claimed her brunette head, fingers digging into her tousled locks and giving the poor girl nowhere to run. "Be a good girl for me and I won't hurt you, sweetheart." His hands were rough, but his words were gentle... endearing, even. On the outside, he acted no different from the cruel Schutzstaffel that Lena had been freed from and yet, Lena might be able to see the genuine care that crept behind his soft words and that permeated his lust filled gaze. Without much effort, he pulled Lena along, moving towards her bed before settling himself down upon the edge. He pulled Lena down as he did so, spreading his legs and bringing her between them. Between the Commander's legs, Lena was faced with his hot length, which had once again grown erect once more. The throbbing length towered against her face, the Commander pulling her face closer until her nose brushed against the center of the shaft, the tip reaching upwards to eye level. How Lena managed to fit such a large mass inside of her was nothing short of surprising to the Commander and now he planned to force it down her throat as well. "Open your mouth." His words were gentle, but he would be sure to teach Lena the price of defiance. Several moments passed as he waited, the strong aroma of fresh sex emanating from his still wet length. When the little spy's mouth didn't comply with his request, the Commander dragged her hair backwards, arching his body and neck forwards until his forehead was mere inches away from hers. "Don't make me ask again," his eye glared into Lena's, it was the cold gaze of a man who had taken the lives of many men the gaze of a man who had seen things no person should ever have to see. They were staring at her now, devoid of pity or mercy. Wandering thoughts would be interrupted with a resounding smack, the Commander's palm leaving a reddened mark upon his victim's face. "Would you rather I ravage your other hole instead?" He cooed softly, his hand reaching past her back and downwards ever more, until his hand would reach the waistband of her skirt. He hiked the pleated skirt upwards, unexpectedly, another crack filled the room as his hand delivered a sudden strike to her rear. "I can assure you that would be much less comfortable for you." He smacked her again, this time his hand reddening her other cheek before his fingers trailed down the center, digits plunging against her puckered hole through the fabric of her undergarments. Winters leaned backwards, his face and hand moving away from Lena as he resumed his original position. His hand maintained its grip upon Lena's hair still, bringing her lips back up against his manly length. "Open." He did not like asking twice.
"Be a good girl for me and I won't hurt you, sweetheart." But he was hurting her. Lena's breaths were dry and frantic as she was pulled away from the door, and she stumbled down to her knees as Winters seated himself before her. Her hands grasped at his wrist and she frantically tried to pull away from his grip, her legs pushing outward in her fruitless struggle. His grip on her hair was strong and painful, and her position between his legs allowed for little movement. Lena froze, faced with the sight and scent of his erection, and his frightening demand that she open her mouth. She tried to turn away from it, her jaw clenched tight in panicked defiance. Her closed lips mumbled a low whine, refusing to open her mouth to even utter the word 'no,' and she tried to push her weight away from him. His physical retort was sudden, and she cried out as he pulled her backward, her neck craning as his portrait loomed mere inches from hers. She held her breath, exhaling only as he struck her face, her voice escaping as a startled cry. The assault on her rear caused Lena's hands to fall against Winters' lap to better support herself, her legs trembling against the weight on her knees. Her back arched in response to the invasion of his hand, her eyes widening at his threat, immediately terrified of whatever consequence he had in mind. The thought of it was quick to break her resilience down, and she no longer seemed to clench her teeth. Her eyes peered into his own, cold gaze, and her face flushed red. And, in desperation, she quietly resorted to pleading for his initial intent. "N no. No." She shook her head, her lower lip quivering as she soon understood her situation. "Please, I'm sorry I'll be good." Her own words left a sour taste in her mouth, her fingers gripping into the fabric of his pants as she was pushed back towards his length. Why didn't she cry for help? Moments passed, and Lena hoped to open her mouth all while stifling sobbing breaths. Her lips parted, slowly, hesitantly, as her watery gaze lifted upward to meet his own. Her compliance left her defiled, dirty, and each second felt like an eternity. Still, she hoped to find some semblance of sanity in his gaze. | 37 | [] |
117 | | Left For Dead (Friendly Alien/Game Over) | 'Mom wasn't all that creative with names', Ginger thought while leaning her back against the trunk of some fallen timber. 'It could have been worse, I suppose. The woman could have named me something more absurd like Red or Scarlett. Ginger isn't that bad of a name. After all it's a spice, right? I think it is. Could be something else. I wonder if Earth had any flowers called that? Cinnamon might have been an interesting name. I could really go for cinnamon rolls.'This was just one of the few thoughts racing through the dark haired girl's mind while holding a hand over a large gash in her side. Nothing too deadly. Not if she could find a medi pack and soon, but it wasn't looking that way. It was just as well. Not like she had many prospects waiting for her back at the colony. No husband, no children. She was a lone woman without any ties and only a fragile reason to hang on. This was just as well. Life in the colony hadn't been fun and games. It was a hard living and Ginger was getting tired of it. A lot of work with very little pay off except the knowledge that their research might preserve some hope for the continuation of mankind. That's all that mattered, right? Her father seemed to think so or he wouldn't have brought his young daughter here. Not that she was a kid anymore. No, Ginger Wallace was a twenty seven year old woman with a substantial build. Not that she was huge, but this woman definitely held onto her old Scottish roots.And here she was whimpering over something her father would call a flesh wound. Peeling her hand back from the gash, she hissed in pain. It stung like hell and hurt like a bitch. The man was absolutely inhuman when he had been alive. She only hoped that he was annoying his Maker with all the things he used to tell her. 'Pick yourself up, girl. You're a Wallace! Show some spirit.' There wasn't much along a nurturing side to him. Not after his wife passed away. Smiling softly, she thought of him finally being with her mother. That was a happy thought. The two of them together. As harsh as her father could be... he always had a weakness for his dainty blonde wife. Not that Ginger remembered much about her mother. Just that sweet smile and hair like clouds. It always smelled like... smelled like... god, she couldn't remember. And as Ginger allowed these thoughts to play out, she felt hot tears spilling down her cheeks."Show some spirit", she said through gritted teeth. Her parents deserved better then a whiny kid of a daughter. No, she needed to get up and get moving. It was the only way.Standing at last... she picked up her Remington and machete. Even if they were finally exploring other planets, humans remained remarkably low tech when it came to weapons. Not that people like her needed much more then this. The blade was used to cut through thick flora while she used the shotgun to scare off hostiles. Usually that did the trick. Not this time. They had gotten close enough to rip a hole into the woman's side and her Kevlar top. Great for stopping bullets, but not so terrific against claws. If only her father had shared that much information with the grunting Ginger. Wiping a hand through her dark red brown hair, she sighed. Then again... her father didn't know much about these bastard sons of Earth tigers and elephants. Not that they were actually that. Just they were the closest she could think of to describe them.The beasts were huge, but hardly the most dangerous thing on the planet. While they could tear through a mining station in little time... they were dumb beasts and easy to predict. It was just a spot of bad luck that this particular critter had gotten the drop on her. The more dangerous creatures were the intelligent type. They thought out their attack plans and it was a real chore dealing with some of them. Half the time, Ginger tried her hardest to avoid packs of such beasties.After a while, she felt that the pain wasn't so bad. It was starting to dissipate just enough for her to tread the land a little longer. It would be hours before Ginger reached the next station, but damn if she was going to let herself die this far from home."How's this for spirit, old man?" She snickered softly.Things would be great if she could just cut a clear path to the station, but things rarely went the way you want them to. She should have known that fate had something else in mind for her. Something along the lines of a small scouting party of those same beasties she spoke about. The smart ones that knew how to track and plan. Not much bigger then your small ponies, but still a pain. If only she knew the exact word for these devils. Xeno seemed to fit them fine. Then again... Xeno fit just about anything that was alien to humans.
This world was deadly. Infested with apex predators and covered with hostile enviroments, little else was needed to require the stamp of "uninhabitable planet". The colonists didn't need another top predator to make their lives more harsh then what it needs to be, but these people had little choice then to tolerate what was comming their way. The settlers might have the ambition to tame this world, and make it their own... But there was in all honesty only one master of this planet, and there could only be the toughest predator of them all who could rightfully make this planet his. As it is as of now, there where two outher wordly races on this hellish world.And predators rarely liked competition.He stalked her for two days. At first, he ha the ambition to study her and determine if she would be a worthy trophy. She did qualify for it, but he had strict conditions to meet before he hunted. The female was skilled, but, she was injured. Tradition dictated that he could not take someone else's kill, or have an unfair advantage. She was stumbling under the canopy, and decided he could not have his death on his...Conscience. Instead, he decided to observe her. She was interesting, that was enough to justify his actions. He had a good season as of yet, and there where no laws stating that he couldn't follow a potential trophy out of pure fascination... And a bit of admiration. Having seen the crude ballistic weaponry employed by most humans, he did not think of the humans to be less brave them his kind. He did not share the ideal that the weapons defined a Hunter. It is the ambition and skill of the Hunter that defines him. In this case, it is what definesher. She braved the hars nature, and fought the monsters that lived in it and came out victorious. He could only admire her bravery, facing such beasts when she was a member of the physically weak and generally cowardly 'oomans. His cloaking device hid him, and he continued to stalk her. He was convinced that if anything, she would give him a lasting memmory, a testiment to the bravery and skill of her kind. "Show..." His recorder snapped up a sentence that she uttered in her determination to endure her injury. "Show some spirit. Show. Some. Spirit.Show some spirit." It began as a pure copy that transformed soon into a macabre transformation of her words, now replacing her femenine tone with a gruesome tone of his own.
It was funny, but Ginger could have sworn she heard those exact words echoed on the wind. 'Show some spirit.' The rough voice of her father seemed to taunt her from above. Either that or she was starting to lose her mind. Blood loss could do that, but she didn't think enough had been depleted to cause such delusions. In fact, Ginger felt she had enough steam to trudge onward and make it to that service station or whatever. God, she could barely keep her thoughts together. Just a little longer and she could enjoy a cup of coffee while the doctor had a look at the ragged hole in her side. It wouldn't be the first time she came back like this nor would it be the last. She half wondered if Dr. Marlo would there today. He usually traveled between the different ports set up by the colonies since there were so few surgeons like himself. Hell, he was practically the only one. Or the only one she liked. He was kind of handsome in a sawbones way.'Damn, I need to focus', she thought. 'Can't let myself become too distracted or...'There was a definite crunch of foliage to Ginger's left. Halting in her process, she allowed her brown eyes to drift slightly in search of the reason. So far, she saw nothing, but that didn't mean anything to her. Those critters were dangerous enough when one was healthy. Her bleeding had stopped an hour before. Still, she smelled of it and... there it was again! Gritting her teeth, she gently palmed her Remington while taking a step forward. One, two... something was following her. She could hear the dried leaves crunching under a greater weight. So close that she could also smell it. Warm fur and foul intentions. And then it started to move off to the side. Ginger didn't relax exactly, but she became visibly quieter as she started walking again.'Never trust a beast', she thought. 'It may have found something more interesting then me to track or it's waiting for the right moment'.Well, Ginger had it half right. It did find something more interesting, but it wasn't waiting for the right moment. Instead, it followed a different signature then the woman. Something was drawing it past the bushes and trees until the faint scent oil and musk hit it's delicate senses. Much different from the female. It couldn't see what and that confused the beast. Closing its eyes, the creature breathed deeply and flicked its tongue outward. Something was there. Hidden from its vision. With a low cough like sound, the beast called to it's brethren.
The Hunter crouched low on the thick brance that he was resting on. His large arms rested on his knees as he idly observed the woman at the moment. He gave the local fauna credit for their remarkable stealth... But he was better. He saw them a long time before they came even closer, and he stared right back at them as the lithe animal on the ground sniffed the air in confusion. The red, orange and white heat signature inside his enclosing helmet and distorted sounds gave him everything he needed. He was relieve however when he saw that the beast scowled and growled loudly as their eyes met.He was spotted.The Hunter felt that now he had a legitimate reason to get involved in this. If the predator had focused on the injured woman, he could not interfer. Do not interupt a Hunt. That goes both ways.Now, however, he would. His left hand reached from the massive tree trunk and his hand crunched the bark loudly. He skid down, jumping to branch to branch, and a loud thumping noise was created behind the woman. He was making his way down...A rumbling gurgling growl emminated from some invisible spot up in the trees that sofar, only the locals knew anything about. Previously mentioned predators where antsy about this. Their eyes did not see what they where facing, but they could scent it and 'see' it at the same time. They saw the heat of this strange creature. Two of the dark striped feline esque creatures snarled and spread out. They would not stand by and face some unknown creature, predator or prey, without facing it as such. They woman seemed to be out of harms way... For now.
"Just what in God's good name is going on...", Ginger thought outloud as the ground practically shook with movement. Something was going down and causing such a racket that the female part of her brain virtually screamed for a retreat. For a moment, she nearly moved away with the thought that this was her chance to put some distance between herself and those beasts.'Show some backbone, girl!', she stopped dead in her tracks. Fucking phantom of her father haunted her every thought and just wouldn't let her leave this place without first taking a gander at the ruckus. If only to make sure it wasn't another colonist like herself getting into a bad spot. On a world like this... they had to take care of their own. Even at the cost of their own lives. It was practically law around here.Licking her lips, she moved back into the canopy with every intention of retracing her steps through the woods. It was only when the sound of growling and snapping grew louder that Ginger broke away from her path only to move behind the pack of carnivores. They definitely had something in their sight, but even she couldn't figure it out. Had the creatures lost their minds? They were practically snapping at each other in frustration before leveling their gazes upon something unseen. Yet, she felt a kind of electrical charge in the air. Something was there. Every instinct started shouting warnings even as the first beast aligned himself to leap at the seemingly empty spot.
The Hunter remained invisible. Had he met any other prey, then he would have de activated his cloaking device, but these predators where only slightly hampered by his technology. This made it more interesting. Taking advantage of the weakness of a top predator, and see how they fare without their greatest asset. Fighting and winning without using your best tools was something to respect in his society. After a few seconds of breaking branches and with a crashing descent, his feet made impact with the ground. The predators didn't hesitate, and they attacked. From all sides.The woman could see that the beasts charged at each other, but, there was something that stirred up the fallen leaves. It flickered like a mirage on a hot day, distorting to view... But this was in the shape of a man. Not a man. it was a ghost. The large catlike thing was lifted up with a fierce grab at its chest, and was lifted up. It snarled and franticly dashed with its clawed paws infront of it. Luminescent green wounds erupted from the thin air and an inhumane snarling roar shook the jungle. A loud snap later, and the cat's head was snapped at an unatural angle, and was discarded like a boring toy. The bulk crashed against the nearest tree so fiercly, that the lithe and long body almost snaked around the trunk.The Hunter changed his footing to meet the others. He ignored the woman for now, anticipating that she would not interfere. His massive legs stiffened as he spun on his heels, and he leaned forward towards his two last opponents in a defiant stand against what this planet had to throw at him. Then, a shrill and metallic sound struck out, and a pair of sick blades sprung from the right wrist of this ghost. They gleamed like silver, and the Hunter would feed his blades with the blood of his prey items.
The funny thing about humans is that they rarely do what a Hish expected. Not that many ever learned this lesson. They were merely soft meats after all, right? With no visible claws or teeth to defend themselves with. Oomans had to use their intelligence to create weapons to protect what could be considered a pathetic creature. Ginger wouldn't prove to be any different. From one moment to the next, she moved on pure instinct. It didn't matter that she couldn't get a clear view of the felines opponent. In fact, she was pretty sure this would be the last stand for her. Hell, her mind was already slipping, right? All those sounds and that splatter of phosphor blood hitting the massive trunks around them. She had to be going insane from infection or fever.Lining up her shot, she aimed for one of the larger cats and almost smirked as the gun rocked in her grasp. The slug managed to hit one of the oncoming creatures and knocked it to the ground, but it did little deter the animal from not attacking again. Damn, she hated moving targets. Never was good at them. Biting her lip, she watched the massive creature pick itself up off the ground and level her with a glaring stare. It's lips pulled back from deadly fangs before darting across the fray straight at her. Cocking her weapon again, she stood absolutely still and held her breath as it's pounding paws brought it closer and closer to her. Another shot rang out, but this time with more success. The beast fell back with half it's skull missing and it's tongue lolling out in a morbid display.She stepped over the corpse started loading her Remington as another creature took notice of her. With a shriek of rage, she was caught off guard and her gun knocked out of her grasp. On the ground, Ginger struggled with the muscular form above her, her arms nestled under it's snapping jaws while she reached for the blade strapped to her leg. Usually she wouldn't resort to this particular thing, but desperate measures. It was too large to be nimble and more useful at cutting through vegetation, but for now, she used it to slice the animal's throat open while trying to keep it from chewing her up too badly. Those claws were no picnic either, but the thing was more interested in ripping off her face then tearing into her torso.'Must've been it's mate', she thought with a bark of mad laughter.
The Hunter felt very much interrupted wehn the 'ooman joined the fight. He swung his body fast when his 'last' prety ran past him and pounched the newcommer. As the feline was snarling and snapping at her face, there was a loud thud, a sound of cracking ribs and the predator's howling wail. The invisible fighter kicked the side of the beast and it flew several yards away, rolling on the ground in extreme pain. It grimached constantly without a break at the pain. Judging form the limpness of it's hindlegs, it could have a broken spine. The Hunter ended up standing above the woman, his left side facing her. He took a short moment to look at her. From what he knews about the beauty ideals of ooman society, she was a keeper. The odd thought that he agreed entered his mind, but was just as quickly replaced when he felt a hard impact at his back. A 4th, previously unnoticed predator pounched the Hunter and forced him onto his stomach.The feline was ferocious. It raked his back, which was thankfully mostly protected, but the sick tearing of flesh was hear when it hit a vunerable spot. Alien blood gushed and ran down his flutteringly invisible arms. He let out a deep bellowing roar, but got the wind knocked out of him and the sound of metal grinding against dirt echoed inside of his helmet.
Still laughing, she managed to slide the sharp edge across the animal's throat just as her companion kicked the beast. Blood bloomed from the wound and splattered her face in a warm gush. Peering up at the hazy figure, she still couldn't understand what the hell was going on. It had to be infection. There was someone above her, she could feel it. Hell, she almost felt the weight of his gaze settling upon her before the final beast took him by surprise. Without even thinking, she flipped onto her knees and lunged at the animal, her body straddling it like some morbid steed while fitting her machete under it's chin. What had they called this kind of attack? Some sort of bow tie. Damn, her father had loved using old phrases like that, but this was neither here or now. Jerking her blade upward, she felt the body twist under her own before it finally gave up the fight.Ginger rolled off the limp body and laid next to her comrade. That's what they call each other after a fight, right? Both on the same side. Still, she could feel darkness narrowing her vision. 'Show some spirit, girl', growled a voice from the past. Fighting off her exhaustion, she tried flipping onto her side, her eyes slightly out of focus as she reached for the other figure. Madness. Maybe none of this was real. She still couldn't make out his form, but she could tell it was there. All that warmth and taste of heavy musk. She reached out and placed a hand upon what should have been a shoulder, but could have been his back.All this time... Ginger dismissed the idea that this wasn't a human. Her mind just wouldn't accept the possibility that this could be something else. Something completely different from herself. No matter what sounds were made during the battle, she merely chalked it up to the cats. All those growls and hisses, shrieks and bellows. Inhuman sounds. The rest she figured was a delusion brought on by infection. She had been wounded and lord only knew what kind of alien illnesses inhabited this planet. Although, Ginger was finding it hard to ignore the strange green fluid leaking from him."You... okay?", she managed to pant. | 9 | ['Wallace'] |
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